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Governu Tenke Esforsu Hadia Kualidade Infraestrutura – STL Online\nGovernu Tenke Esforsu Hadia Kualidade Infraestrutura\nDILI- Maske Governu halo ona planu oin-oin hodi hafurak paisajen sidade Dili nudar kapital nasaun Timor-Leste nian, maibe planu hirak nee la adekuadu tamba komunidade kapital Dili kontinua sai vitima ba projeitu obra neebe maka halo husi kompania sira, tamba nee tinan 2019 governu tenke hadia kualidade obra estrada.\nTuir Resposavel Programa Asia Justise And Rigth (AJAR) Inocencio Xavier katak oras nee governu iha esforsu oin-oin atu halo halo obra Estrada neebe maka kaer husi kompania nasaional balun, maibe obra projetu nee sempre mosu preokupasaun iha publiku.\nIta nia komunidade kontinua preukupa ba obra Estrada no Rainajen neebe maka komapania sira halo tamba ladun fo benefisiu hanesan iha obra estrada, drainajen, no buat hirak seluk nee la fo benefisiu ba komunidade tamba rai rahun kontinua sai preukupasaun,” dehan nia ba STL iha nia knar fatin Farol, Segunda (5/11/2018).\nNia dehan ba projetu obra hirak neebe maka governu halo nee diak ba sidade Dili, oinsa hadia paisajen sidadade Dili nudar kapital Dili ba futuru sai diak, maibe governu tenke iha planu adekuadu, nunee projetu obra neebe maka kompania halo nee labele fo impaktu ba komunidade, no fo garantia ba komunidade nia moris.\nObservador Politiku Univeridade Dili (UNDIL) Francisco Mausoro hateten ba obra neebe maka oras nee lao sempre mosu preokupasaun, tamba obra neebe maka kompania halo ladun iha garantia ba kualidade. Informasaun kompletu iha STL Jornal, edisaun Tersa (6/11/2018). Natalino Costa\nPrevious article Politika UNTL Promove Tetum-Portugues\nNext article 3 Novembru Loron Feto, GMPTL Kongratula Feto TL Ba Dala 43 | [
"Governu Tenke Esforsu Hadia Kualidade Infraestrutura - STL Online Governu Tenke Esforsu Hadia Kualidade Infraestrutura DILI- Maske Governu halo ona planu oin-oin hodi hafurak paisajen sidade Dili nudar kapital nasaun Timor-Leste nian, maibe planu hirak nee la adekuadu tamba komunidade kapital Dili kontinua sai vitima ba projeitu obra neebe maka halo husi kompania sira, tamba nee tinan 2019 governu tenke hadia kualidade obra estrada.",
"Tuir Resposavel Programa Asia Justise And Rigth (AJAR) Inocencio Xavier katak oras nee governu iha esforsu oin-oin atu halo halo obra Estrada neebe maka kaer husi kompania nasaional balun, maibe obra projetu nee sempre mosu preokupasaun iha publiku.",
"Ita nia komunidade kontinua preukupa ba obra Estrada no Rainajen neebe maka komapania sira halo tamba ladun fo benefisiu hanesan iha obra estrada, drainajen, no buat hirak seluk nee la fo benefisiu ba komunidade tamba rai rahun kontinua sai preukupasaun,\" dehan nia ba STL iha nia knar fatin Farol, Segunda (5/11/2018).",
"Nia dehan ba projetu obra hirak neebe maka governu halo nee diak ba sidade Dili, oinsa hadia paisajen sidadade Dili nudar kapital Dili ba futuru sai diak, maibe governu tenke iha planu adekuadu, nunee projetu obra neebe maka kompania halo nee labele fo impaktu ba komunidade, no fo garantia ba komunidade nia moris.",
"Observador Politiku Univeridade Dili (UNDIL) Francisco Mausoro hateten ba obra neebe maka oras nee lao sempre mosu preokupasaun, tamba obra neebe maka kompania halo ladun iha garantia ba kualidade.",
"Informasaun kompletu iha STL Jornal, edisaun Tersa (6/11/2018).",
"Natalino Costa Previous article Politika UNTL Promove Tetum-Portugues Next article 3 Novembru Loron Feto, GMPTL Kongratula Feto TL Ba Dala 43"
] | [
"Dili- Although the Government has made various plans to improve city landscape of Dili as capital, but these are not adequate because community in Capital City continues being victimized by construction projects that have been carried out from companies. Therefore 2019 government must make efforts for improving quality road works and infrastructure - STL Online Governo Tenke Esforços Hadia Qualidade Infraestrutura"
"According to Asia Justice and Right (AJAR) Program Responsible Inocencio Xavier, the government is currently making various efforts in order for some national companies that are carrying out road construction work on this project always raise concerns among public."
"Our community continues to be concerned about the Road and Irrigation works that companies are doing because they do not give benefits like roadworks, drainage or other things which don't benefit our communities since weak soil is a continuing concern,” he told STL at his Farol office on Monday (5/12) ."
"He said that the government works projects are good for Dili city, how to improve landscape of City as capital in future will be better. But Government must have an adequate plan so project work company does not impact on communities and guarantees community life ; he added:"
"University of Dili (UNDIL) Political Observer Francisco Mausoro said that the work currently underway always raises concerns, because works carried out by companies do not have a quality guarantee."
"Complete information in STL Jornal, edition Tersa (6/10) 23:59."
"Natalino Costa Previous article Politika UNTL Promove Tetum-Portugues Next artikel 3 Novembru Loron Feto, GMPTL Kongratulafetu TL Ba Dala"
] |
Funsionáriu 1.400 Komete Irregularidade | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste\nVARANDA DILI Funsionáriu 1.400 Komete Irregularidade\nFunsionáriu 1.400 Komete Irregularidade\nDILI, 11 juñu 2019 (TATOLI)—Dezde Komisaun Funsaun Publiku (KFP) eziste to’o agora, estatístika Funsaun Públika rejista funsionáriu públiku (FP) Timor-Leste hamutuk 1.400 mak komete iha kazu irregularidade.\n“Hahú hosi KFP harii mai to’o agora, funsionáriu hamutuk 1.400 mak involve iha kazu irregularidade,” dehan Komisáriu Funsaun Públika Asuntu Disiplinár, António Freitas bainhira vizita fó solidaridade sosiál ba prizioneiru sira iha prizaun Becora, ohin.\nHosi totál kazu ne’e, nia haktuir, KFP prosesu ona kazu balun, seluk fó xamada atensaun atu hadi’a prestasaun serbisu, balun fó suspesaun no balun demiti hosi funsaun.\nKazu sira ne’e, António hatutan, tuir lei Funsaun Públika hahú rekolla eskrita to’o prosesu fó demisaun. Pur-ezemplu, bainhira komete iha kazu represaun ka kazu normál, tuir lei funsaun públika, fó xamada eskrita hodi funsionáriu ne’e hadi’a nia aan tama serbisu tuir oras no respeita regra serbisu tuir lei.\nNia hatutan, entre kazu 1.400 ne’e, barak rezolve ona no sei iha de’it kazu 400 liu mak KFP sei pendente tanba oknum Funsionáriu Públiku uza patrimóniu Estadu partisipa iha Eleisaun Parlamentár 2017 no ba tuir kampaña la husu lisensa ba irárkia sira.\n“Kazu 400 mak ami sei pendente hela hanesan prosesu partisipa funsionáriu iha eleisaun jerál prezidensiál no parlamentár no eleisaun antesipada,” nia hateten.\nAtu rezolve kazu ne’e, KFP mós koordena inspetór jerál liña ministeriál sira atu alerta ba fusionáriu sira kontinau serbisu no respeita regra serbisu hodi hatudu prestasaun di’ak iha instituisaun Estadu ne’ebé sira serbisu ba.\nKomisáriu António afirma, iha tempu badak, KFP sei tau-matan ba instituisaun Estadu balun ne’ebé sira deskonfia mosu mal prátika tentasaun korrupsaun bele mosu.\n“Iha asaun balun ami sei halo regirozu teb-tebes. Iha instituisaun balun ami deskonfia mal prátika. Ne’e KFP no instituisaun sira seluk ne’ebé serbisu ba governasaun di’ak sei la permiti buat sira ne’e akontese,” nia preokupa.\nNia dehan, KFP sei konvida liña ministeriál sira atu redúz kazu irregularidade liuhosi hadi’a atendimentu serbisu ba públiku tuir planu reforma administrativa instituisaun hotu-hotu hodi hetan governasaun di’ak.\nKomisáriu dehan, kada fulan no tinan KFP mós sempre prodúz relatóriu serbisu aprezenta ba Gabinete Primeiru-Ministru, Parlamentu Nasionál atu suporta serbisu KFP tuir lei.\nAtu selebra loron Funsaun Públika iha 15 jullu ba dala lima (5), António informa, KFP sei konvida Primeiru-Ministru, Taur Matan Ruak, hodi hato’o mensajen alerta ba diretór jerál liña ministeriál no inspetór sira hotu atu iha intendimentu kona-ba irárkia serbisu hodi hadi’a prosesu administrasaun atu evita mal prátika no administrativa.\nEntretantu, KPF rasik haruka ona karta ida ba Polísia Nasionál Timor-Leste (PNTL) atu halo kontrolu mós ba karreta Estadu ne’ebé diretór no oknum funsionáriu no kondutór sira uza ba pasiar iha foho iha tempu feriadu.\n“Tempu to’o ona labele abuza uza viatura Estadu. Zero toleránsia ba hahalok ida ne’e,” nia alerta.\nKFP mós kontinua koordena ho Komisaun Antí Korrupsaun (KAK), Provedór Direitu Umanu no Justisa (PDHJ-sigla portugés), Diresaun Nasionál Patrimóniu Estadu (SNPE) no PNTL atu halo operasaun iha kada semana kontrola patrimóniu Estadu labele uza ba atividade privada.\nPrevious articlePrezidente Repúblika Espresa Sentimentu Gratidaun ba Prinseza Tailándia\nNext articleProsesu Sosa Farda Ba Guarda Prizionál Tama Ona Konkursu | [
"Funsionariu 1.400 Komete Irregularidade | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA DILI Funsionariu 1.400 Komete Irregularidade Funsionariu 1.400 Komete Irregularidade DILI, 11 junu 2019 (TATOLI) - Dezde Komisaun Funsaun Publiku (KFP) eziste to'o agora, estatistika Funsaun Publika rejista funsionariu publiku (FP) Timor-Leste hamutuk 1.400 mak komete iha kazu irregularidade.",
"\"Hahu hosi KFP harii mai to'o agora, funsionariu hamutuk 1.400 mak involve iha kazu irregularidade,\" dehan Komisariu Funsaun Publika Asuntu Disiplinar, Antonio Freitas bainhira vizita fo solidaridade sosial ba prizioneiru sira iha prizaun Becora, ohin.",
"Hosi total kazu ne'e, nia haktuir, KFP prosesu ona kazu balun, seluk fo xamada atensaun atu hadi'a prestasaun serbisu, balun fo suspesaun no balun demiti hosi funsaun.",
"Kazu sira ne'e, Antonio hatutan, tuir lei Funsaun Publika hahu rekolla eskrita to'o prosesu fo demisaun.",
"Pur-ezemplu, bainhira komete iha kazu represaun ka kazu normal, tuir lei funsaun publika, fo xamada eskrita hodi funsionariu ne'e hadi'a nia aan tama serbisu tuir oras no respeita regra serbisu tuir lei.",
"Nia hatutan, entre kazu 1.400 ne'e, barak rezolve ona no sei iha de'it kazu 400 liu mak KFP sei pendente tanba oknum Funsionariu Publiku uza patrimoniu Estadu partisipa iha Eleisaun Parlamentar 2017 no ba tuir kampana la husu lisensa ba irarkia sira.",
"\"Kazu 400 mak ami sei pendente hela hanesan prosesu partisipa funsionariu iha eleisaun jeral prezidensial no parlamentar no eleisaun antesipada,\" nia hateten.",
"Atu rezolve kazu ne'e, KFP mos koordena inspetor jeral lina ministerial sira atu alerta ba fusionariu sira kontinau serbisu no respeita regra serbisu hodi hatudu prestasaun di'ak iha instituisaun Estadu ne'ebe sira serbisu ba.",
"Komisariu Antonio afirma, iha tempu badak, KFP sei tau-matan ba instituisaun Estadu balun ne'ebe sira deskonfia mosu mal pratika tentasaun korrupsaun bele mosu.",
"\"Iha asaun balun ami sei halo regirozu teb-tebes.",
"Iha instituisaun balun ami deskonfia mal pratika.",
"Ne'e KFP no instituisaun sira seluk ne'ebe serbisu ba governasaun di'ak sei la permiti buat sira ne'e akontese,\" nia preokupa.",
"Nia dehan, KFP sei konvida lina ministerial sira atu reduz kazu irregularidade liuhosi hadi'a atendimentu serbisu ba publiku tuir planu reforma administrativa instituisaun hotu-hotu hodi hetan governasaun di'ak.",
"Komisariu dehan, kada fulan no tinan KFP mos sempre produz relatoriu serbisu aprezenta ba Gabinete Primeiru-Ministru, Parlamentu Nasional atu suporta serbisu KFP tuir lei.",
"Atu selebra loron Funsaun Publika iha 15 jullu ba dala lima (5), Antonio informa, KFP sei konvida Primeiru-Ministru, Taur Matan Ruak, hodi hato'o mensajen alerta ba diretor jeral lina ministerial no inspetor sira hotu atu iha intendimentu kona-ba irarkia serbisu hodi hadi'a prosesu administrasaun atu evita mal pratika no administrativa.",
"Entretantu, KPF rasik haruka ona karta ida ba Polisia Nasional Timor-Leste (PNTL) atu halo kontrolu mos ba karreta Estadu ne'ebe diretor no oknum funsionariu no kondutor sira uza ba pasiar iha foho iha tempu feriadu.",
"\"Tempu to'o ona labele abuza uza viatura Estadu.",
"Zero toleransia ba hahalok ida ne'e,\" nia alerta.",
"KFP mos kontinua koordena ho Komisaun Anti Korrupsaun (KAK), Provedor Direitu Umanu no Justisa (PDHJ-sigla portuges), Diresaun Nasional Patrimoniu Estadu (SNPE) no PNTL atu halo operasaun iha kada semana kontrola patrimoniu Estadu labele uza ba atividade privada.",
"Previous articlePrezidente Republika Espresa Sentimentu Gratidaun ba Prinseza Tailandia Next articleProsesu Sosa Farda Ba Guarda Prizional Tama Ona Konkursu"
] | [
"Dili, June 12th (TATOLI) - Since the Public Service Commission's establishment in July of this year and until now there have been more than a thousand Timorese civil servant who committed irregularities. According to statistical data released by public service agency KFP since its founding on May-June last years it has recorded over one hundred cases where officials are involved with illegal activities or conduct that is not appropriate for their function as they serve at an official level within government agencies; including:"
"\"So far from the establishment of KFP, 1.402 officials have been involved in cases that involve irregularities\", said Public Service Commissioner for Disciplinary Affairs Antonio Freitas during a visit to show social solidarity with prisoners at Becora Prison today (Thursday)."
"Of the total number of cases, he said that KFP has processed some; others have issued warnings to improve work performance. Some are under suspicion and a few were dismissed from their posts by CPF or other authorities in accordance with relevant legislation on public service enforcement (CPS)."
"In these cases, Antonio adds that according to the Public Service Act from when written complaint is received until dismissal proceeding."
"For example, when committed in a case of repression or normal cases according to the Civil Service Law is given written call for that official's correction come at work on time and respect working rules as per law."
"He added that among these 1,402 cases many have been resolved and there are only over a hundred more which the KFP is still dealing with because some public servants used State asset to participate in Parliamentary Election of December last year."
"\"We will have 401 cases as the process of participation by officials in general presidential and parliamentary elections,\" he said."
"In order to resolve the case, KFP also coordinated with inspectors general of line ministries in alerting fusionarios that they continue working and respect work rules so as show good performance at their state institutions."
"Commissioner Antonio stated that in the short term, KFP will take a look at some State institutions where they suspect there may be malpractices or temptations to corruption."
"\"In some actions we will make a huge comeback."
"In some institutions we suspect misconduct."
"The KFP and other institutions working for good governance will not allow this to happen,\" he said."
"He said, KFP will invite ministerial lines to reduce cases of irregularities by improving service delivery for the public in accordance with administrative reform plan all institutions so that good governence."
"The Commissioner said, every month and year KFP also always produces a work report presented to the Prime Minister' s Office of National Parliament in supporting its job accordingly."
"To celebrate the fifth anniversary of Public Service Day on July 15, Antonio informed that KFP will invite Prime Minister Taur Matan Ruak to deliver an alert message for all directors general and inspectors at ministries so as they understand their work hierarchy. This would help improve administration process by avoiding malpractice or administrative misconduct.\""
"Meanwhile, KPF itself has sent a letter to the National Police of Timor-Leste (PNTL) requesting that they also check State cars used by directors and other officials for travelling on holiday."
"\"The time has come not to abuse the use of State vehicles."
"Zero tolerance for this kind of behavior,\" he warned."
"The KFP also continues to coordinate with the Anti-Corruption Commission (KAK), Ombudsman for Human Rights and Justice, National Directorate of State Property Management(SNPE)and Police Force in carrying out weekly operations controlling that state property is not used by private activities."
"Previous articlePresidente da República Expressa Sentimento Gratidao a Princesa Thailandia Next artikelProsecução Soza Farda Ba Guarda Prisional Tama Ona Contestu"
] |
By Tempo Timor June 02, 2020 4811\nDeputada CNRT Carmelita Moniz iha plenaria Parlamentu Nasional Foto Suplai\n"Uluk iha 2017 ami la halo asaun ne'ebé ita boot sira halo iha loron 18 no 19 maiu 2020, tanba ami respeita tebes artigu 17 no 22 Rejimentu Parlamentu Nasionál (PN), maibé agora dadauk ha'u haree katak artigu rua ne'e laiha ona efeitu," dehan deputada Carmelita Moniz iha plenária PN, Tersa (02/06).\nNia mós husu ba Prezidente Parlamentu Nasionál (PPN) Aniceto Longunhos Guterres atu kaer metin kadeira ne'ebé nia tuur hanesan prezidente.\n"Ha'u husu ba ita boot, kaer didi'ak fuansaun ida ne'e, kaer didi'ak kadeira ida ne'e, tanba se lae kuandu iha buat ruma vise PPN sei laiha delegasaun kompeténsia husi ita boot tuir rejimentu PN haruka, bele mai konvoka reuniaun no deside buat ida de'it basta plenária aprova," dehan Carmelita\nDeputada ne'e afirma, mezmu tribunal rekursu nia desizaun ba CNRT la tuir K-RDTL.\n"Mezmu desizaun TR nia la tama iha lójika hanoin de'it bele mós liuhusi lójika legál. Tanba desizaun TR tuir ami la tuir konstituisaun RDTL no rejimentu Parlamentu Nasionál (RPN)," dehan Carmelita\nCarmelita mós husu Aniceto atu kaer metin kadeira PPN nian.\n"Dala ida tan ha'u fó hanoin ba ita boot, kaer metin ita boot nia kadeira ne'e, keta halo buat nee akontese fali ba ita boot, iha fali aban bainrua," dehan Carmelita.\nHatán ba deklarasaun ne'e PPN Aniceto Longunhos Guterres katak, "Atu hatete de'it, karik ha'u ilegál iha ne'e, maibé ha'u iha lejitimidade demokrátika dala rua, ha'u iha bankada Fretilin maiória iha PN, 23 asentu, bainhira ha'u kandidata aan iha deputadu na'in 33 mak kandidata ha'u, no hetan 40 votus," dehan Aniceto..\nPPN mós akresenta, CNRT dehan PPN atual ilegál, maibé PPN la hola ba lia.\n"Karik imi dehan ha'u iha ne'e ilegál, maibé ha'u kontente bainhira ita bot sira mai tuur ona iha ne'e, komesa ona hautudu maturidade polítika," dehan PPN.\n« FONGTIL: Governu Bokur, Fahe de’it Kadeira ba Malu Ho Fuan Boot, CNRT ‘Hakneak' ba Bankada Maiória Iha PN » | [
"By Tempo Timor June 02, 2020 4811 Deputada CNRT Carmelita Moniz iha plenaria Parlamentu Nasional Foto Suplai \"Uluk iha 2017 ami la halo asaun ne'ebe ita boot sira halo iha loron 18 no 19 maiu 2020, tanba ami respeita tebes artigu 17 no 22 Rejimentu Parlamentu Nasional (PN), maibe agora dadauk ha'u haree katak artigu rua ne'e laiha ona efeitu,\" dehan deputada Carmelita Moniz iha plenaria PN, Tersa (02/06).",
"Nia mos husu ba Prezidente Parlamentu Nasional (PPN) Aniceto Longunhos Guterres atu kaer metin kadeira ne'ebe nia tuur hanesan prezidente.",
"\"Ha'u husu ba ita boot, kaer didi'ak fuansaun ida ne'e, kaer didi'ak kadeira ida ne'e, tanba se lae kuandu iha buat ruma vise PPN sei laiha delegasaun kompetensia husi ita boot tuir rejimentu PN haruka, bele mai konvoka reuniaun no deside buat ida de'it basta plenaria aprova,\" dehan Carmelita Deputada ne'e afirma, mezmu tribunal rekursu nia desizaun ba CNRT la tuir K-RDTL.",
"\"Mezmu desizaun TR nia la tama iha lojika hanoin de'it bele mos liuhusi lojika legal.",
"Tanba desizaun TR tuir ami la tuir konstituisaun RDTL no rejimentu Parlamentu Nasional (RPN),\" dehan Carmelita Carmelita mos husu Aniceto atu kaer metin kadeira PPN nian.",
"\"Dala ida tan ha'u fo hanoin ba ita boot, kaer metin ita boot nia kadeira ne'e, keta halo buat nee akontese fali ba ita boot, iha fali aban bainrua,\" dehan Carmelita.",
"Hatan ba deklarasaun ne'e PPN Aniceto Longunhos Guterres katak, \"Atu hatete de'it, karik ha'u ilegal iha ne'e, maibe ha'u iha lejitimidade demokratika dala rua, ha'u iha bankada Fretilin maioria iha PN, 23 asentu, bainhira ha'u kandidata aan iha deputadu na'in 33 mak kandidata ha'u, no hetan 40 votus,\" dehan Aniceto..",
"PPN mos akresenta, CNRT dehan PPN atual ilegal, maibe PPN la hola ba lia.",
"\"Karik imi dehan ha'u iha ne'e ilegal, maibe ha'u kontente bainhira ita bot sira mai tuur ona iha ne'e, komesa ona hautudu maturidade politika,\" dehan PPN. \"",
"FONGTIL: Governu Bokur, Fahe de'it Kadeira ba Malu Ho Fuan Boot, CNRT 'Hakneak' ba Bankada Maioria Iha PN \""
] | [
"\"Before in 2017, we did not take the action that our leaders took on May (the)-three and nineteen of this year. We do so because it is very respectful to article(s), numbered from one seventeen through twenty two under Parliamentary Rulebook; but now I see these articles have no effect anymore\", said MP Carmelita Moniz at PN plenary session Tuesday June/June)."
"He also called on the President of National Parliament (PPN), Aniceto Longunhos Guterres, to hold firmly his seat as president."
"\"I ask you, take care of this function and hold the chair properly. Otherwise if there is anything Vice-President will not have any delegation competence from us according to Parliamentary Rules; he can come call a meeting for one thing only as long As Plenum approves it\", said Carmelita Deputada afirmates even though Tribunal de Recurso' s decision on CNRT does NOT comply with K - RDTL .\""
"\"Even though the TR decision does not enter into logical thought alone, it can also pass through legal logik."
"Because the decision of TR according to us does not follow constitution RDTL and rules Parliament National (RPN),\" said Carmelita. She also asked Aniceto securely hold on chair PPN's Chairperson"
"\"Let me remind you once again, hold on to your chair and don'ts let this happen back for us tomorrow morning\", Carmelita said."
"In response to the statement, PPN Aniceto Longunhos Guterres said: \"Just so I can say that even if it is illegal for me here but i have democratic legitimacy twice. If in Fretilin's majority group at Parliament we had 23 members of parliament and when my own candidate was nominated by a member from amongst them there were only three or four who voted on him\" he added..."
"PPN also adds, CNRT says the current PPP is illegal but it does not take part."
"\"If you say that I'm here illegally, but when we get the bots to sit down in this place and start showing political maturity then it is good for me\", PPN said."
"FONGTIL: \"Governo Bokur, Fahe de'it Kadeira ba Malu Ho Fuan Big. CNRT 'Hakneak’ Ba Bankada Maioria Iha PN\" (in Portuguese)."
] |
TIMOR HAU NIAN DOBEN: Governu diskrimina Loron 30 de Agosto\nDILI—Forsa Armada Libertasaun Independensia Timor Leste (FALINTIL) rejiste iha funu kontra okupasaun Indonézia, maibé povu mak determina independénsia total. Tanba ne’e, governu labele diskrimina loron istóriku hirak ne’e.\n“Tuir loloos ita tenke halo festa ida hanesan ho loron 20 Agostu nian. Labele diskrimina ba loron istóriku sira ne’e,” lamenta Diretór Ejekutivu Asia Justice and Right’s (AJAR), José Luis Oliveira ba Timor Post iha nia serbisu fatin Farol-Dili, Segunda (31/08).\nJosé Luis haktuir, iha loron 30 Agostu tinan 1999 timoroan sira, dadersan nakukun de’it hakat ona ba kada sentru votasaun tuir eleisaun hodi determina destinu Timor-Leste atu sai nasaun independente, maibé governu la fó valorizasaun ba loron importante ida ne’e. pior liu festa 30 Agostu 2015 ne’ebé hala’o iha Tasitolu só anima oras balu de’it sidadaun sira iha Dili laran.\n“Loron konsulta popular ne’e la’os loron ba fans artista Ungu nian, maibé loron importante ida ba sidadaun hotu iha rai laran. Li-liu ba sira ne’ebé hela iha área rural. Ha’u lamenta tebes ba komemorasaun loron konsulta popular tinan ida ne’e,” hatete José Luis.\nNia konsidera komemorasaun ba loron importante ne’e ba povu kiik sira malirin tebes. “Festa ne’ebé governu halo ne’e hanesan festa ba elite sira de’it, festa ba pengemar artista Ungu de’it. Agora ema sira ne’ebé iha tinan 16 liuba ba vota ne’e la’os pengemar artista Ungu, maibé povu tomak, tanba ne’e tuir loloos governu tenke halo festa ne’e to’o nivel aldeia hodi bele dignifika loron ne’e rasik,” hatete José Luis.\nEntretantu, iha loron 30 Agostu 2015, kompañia sigaru L.A Lights, sponsoriza artista Pasha Ungu hosi Indonézia mai anima populasaun sira iha Dili laran liuhosi konsertu banda múzika ne’ebé kanta de’it lagu 13 de’it iha horas minutu 30 nia laran, maibé povu maioria, li-liu sira ne’ebé hela iha área remota sira lahetan animasaun.\nKonfirma assuntu ne’e ba Primeiru-Ministru, Rui Maria de Araújo katak governu lakohi halo duni festa bo’ot iha loron 30 Agostu nian, tanba atu poupa osan no husu ba sidadaun ida atu halo reflesaun de’it ba ida-idak nia fuan laran no kabun tomak kona-ba loron konsulta popular ne’e rasik.\nEntretantu Sekretáriu Estadu Komunikasaun Sosial (SEKOMS), Nélio Issac, hatete, loron 30 Agusto mak loron ikus espritu nasionalizmu mate ka moris ukun rasik a’an.\n“Ita lembra fali tempu pasadu tinan 16 liu ba, povu toba la dukur, balun halai ba foho, balun ba iha sentru sira, balun ho kanek tanba de’it partisipa iha votasaun. Tanba ne’e mak ohin loron ita hotu festeza no kontenti iha la’ós atu trizte,” hatete Nélio Isaac bainhira partisipa iha konsertu múzika ne’ebé organiza hosi RTTL Fans Club iha edefísiu RTTL, Kaikoli, Domingu (30/08).\nNélio afirma, ema hotu tenki fo onra ba loron ne’e liu-liu ba sira ne’ebé terus no mate iha momentu ne’eba.\n“Kuandu ita hotu senti importante, senti ne’ebé mai hosi fans club RTTL hodi komemora loron ne’e, sai ezmplu di’ak ida, tanba sira la’ós hein de’it ba Governu mak organiza atividade hodi selebra loron sira ne’e maibé sira hamutuk ho seitór pribadu sira bele organiza atividade balun hanesan agora ne’e hodi komemora loron ne’e. Ho ne’e ha’u agredese ba RTTL fans Club, seitór pribadu sira,” subliña Nélio.\nTuir observasaun Timor Post iha Dili, povu balun ne’ebé asisti direta konsertu ne’e sente kontente, maibé barak maka sente triste tanba governu la fó valor ba loron istóriku ida ne’e.\nEntretantu reprejentante povu iha uma fukun Parlamentu Nasionál (PN) liuhosi deputadu Eládio Faculto de Jesus, hatete, loron 30 fulan Agostu sai hanesan loron importante no afirmasaun ba povu Timor-Leste nian ba-dala ikus hodi determina independensia nasionál.\nIha loron 30 fulan Agostru 1999 liu ba, povu Timor tomak ho espiritu no vontade di’ak hakat ba sentru votasaun hodi fó sira nia votus, no ikus mai rezulta povu no rai ida ne’e hetan nia liberdade total hafoin durante tinan 24 nia laran moris iha situasaun ne’ebé ameasadu.\nMaske loron 30 fulan Agostu 1999 sai hanesan loron determinasaun ba povu no rai ida ne’e nia sofrementu, maibé, kada tinan governu no estadu lahalo komemorasan ba loron ida ne’e hanesan komemorasaun sira seluk.\n“Tuir loloos loron ida ne’e halo selebrasaun, mas depende kapasidade ba organizasaun, kapasidade finanseiru atu organiza ba loron ida ne’e. Maibé sse ema hotu hakarak halo selebrasaun ba loron 30 fulan Agostu ne’e, ha’u hanoin governu tenke tau iha konsiderasaun no iha futuru mai presiza halo selebrasaun ida tuir ezijensia povu nian atu haree katak loron importante ida ne’e loron povu nian,”hatete deputadu Eládio iha PN, Segunda (31/08).\nKomemorasaun ba loron 30 fulan Agostu, tuir deputadu Eládio katak, atu hanoin hikas povu sira ne’ebé maka hakotu sira nia vida hafoin fó sira nia votus inklui mós atu presta omenajen ba herói sira nia luta iha tempu ne’eba.\nMaske durante ne’e, komemorasaun ba loron konsulta popular ne’e ladun la’o, maibé deputadu hosi bankada FRETILIN ne’e husu ba públiku tomak atu labele hamosu prsepsaun ida katak estadu no governu minimiza loron 30 Agostu ne’e.\n“Rai no povu Timor-Leste funu hasoru inimigu durante tinan 24 nia laran, no ninia aktus kulminante ne’e maka determina iha loron 30 fulan Agostu 1999. No loron 30 Agostu ne’e mós hanesan loron re-afirmasaun polítika internasionál nian de’it, tanba iha momentu ne’eba ita halo proklamasaun unilateral seidauk hetan rekoñesementuo internasionál em jerál, tanba ne’e loron 30 fulan Agostu povu Timor-Leste halo afirmasaun liu hosi nia luta, hosi nia terus, hosi nia sofrementu hodi determina iha loron 30 fulan Agostu nu’udar loron independensia nasionál nune’e hetan rekoñesementu juridíku internasionál hosi nasões unidas,”katak Eládio .\nAntes ne’e, deputada Ilda Maria da Cocnceição hosi bankada FRETILIN mós hatete, tinan 16 liu ba kotuk liuliu iha loron 30 fulan Agostu 1999, Timor-oan sira ho antusiasmu maka’as hakat ba sentru votasaun hodi define sira nia futuru determinasaun ba ukun rasik án.\nIlda haktuir, maske iha momentu ne’eba Timor-oan barak maka hetan ameasa, presaun polítika maibé ho aten brani kontinua fó sira nia votus iha sentru votasaun.\n“Polítika maka ita nia auto-determinasaun ba iha urnas votus nian. tanba ne’e ho momentu ida ne’e estadu no governu tenke halo komemorasaun ida ho povu tomak mesmu simples,”hatete deputada Ilda.\nDeputada hosi Komisau F ne’e realsa liutan, iha Orsamentu Jerál Estadu (OJE) 2015 nian, Parlamentu Nasionál aprova pakote ida hodi tau osan ba hodi halo preparasaun ba komemorasaun loron nasionál sira hotu inklui loron konsulta popular nian.\nIlda esplika, loron 30 fulan Agostu hanesan loron nasionál tanba Timor-oan hotu fó nia kontribuisaun, hakarak ka lakohi loron 30 Agostu ne’e loron nasionál, no tenke hanoin mós katak loron ne’e importante tebes ba Timor-Leste.\nNune’e mós tuir deputadu Arão Noe de Jesus hosi bankada CNRT dehan, 30 Agostu hanesan loron ne’ebé importante tebes históriku ba Timor no loron determinativu ida depois prosesu luta naruk durante tinan 24 nia laran.\nPublicada por Kai Buti à(s) 19:58 | [
"TIMOR HAU NIAN DOBEN: Governu diskrimina Loron 30 de Agosto DILI - Forsa Armada Libertasaun Independensia Timor Leste (FALINTIL) rejiste iha funu kontra okupasaun Indonezia, maibe povu mak determina independensia total.",
"Tanba ne'e, governu labele diskrimina loron istoriku hirak ne'e.",
"\"Tuir loloos ita tenke halo festa ida hanesan ho loron 20 Agostu nian.",
"Labele diskrimina ba loron istoriku sira ne'e,\" lamenta Diretor Ejekutivu Asia Justice and Right's (AJAR), Jose Luis Oliveira ba Timor Post iha nia serbisu fatin Farol-Dili, Segunda (31/08).",
"Jose Luis haktuir, iha loron 30 Agostu tinan 1999 timoroan sira, dadersan nakukun de'it hakat ona ba kada sentru votasaun tuir eleisaun hodi determina destinu Timor-Leste atu sai nasaun independente, maibe governu la fo valorizasaun ba loron importante ida ne'e. pior liu festa 30 Agostu 2015 ne'ebe hala'o iha Tasitolu so anima oras balu de'it sidadaun sira iha Dili laran.",
"\"Loron konsulta popular ne'e la'os loron ba fans artista Ungu nian, maibe loron importante ida ba sidadaun hotu iha rai laran.",
"Li-liu ba sira ne'ebe hela iha area rural.",
"Ha'u lamenta tebes ba komemorasaun loron konsulta popular tinan ida ne'e,\" hatete Jose Luis.",
"Nia konsidera komemorasaun ba loron importante ne'e ba povu kiik sira malirin tebes.",
"\"Festa ne'ebe governu halo ne'e hanesan festa ba elite sira de'it, festa ba pengemar artista Ungu de'it.",
"Agora ema sira ne'ebe iha tinan 16 liuba ba vota ne'e la'os pengemar artista Ungu, maibe povu tomak, tanba ne'e tuir loloos governu tenke halo festa ne'e to'o nivel aldeia hodi bele dignifika loron ne'e rasik,\" hatete Jose Luis.",
"Entretantu, iha loron 30 Agostu 2015, kompania sigaru L.A Lights, sponsoriza artista Pasha Ungu hosi Indonezia mai anima populasaun sira iha Dili laran liuhosi konsertu banda muzika ne'ebe kanta de'it lagu 13 de'it iha horas minutu 30 nia laran, maibe povu maioria, li-liu sira ne'ebe hela iha area remota sira lahetan animasaun.",
"Konfirma assuntu ne'e ba Primeiru-Ministru, Rui Maria de Araujo katak governu lakohi halo duni festa bo'ot iha loron 30 Agostu nian, tanba atu poupa osan no husu ba sidadaun ida atu halo reflesaun de'it ba ida-idak nia fuan laran no kabun tomak kona-ba loron konsulta popular ne'e rasik.",
"Entretantu Sekretariu Estadu Komunikasaun Sosial (SEKOMS), Nelio Issac, hatete, loron 30 Agusto mak loron ikus espritu nasionalizmu mate ka moris ukun rasik a'an.",
"\"Ita lembra fali tempu pasadu tinan 16 liu ba, povu toba la dukur, balun halai ba foho, balun ba iha sentru sira, balun ho kanek tanba de'it partisipa iha votasaun.",
"Tanba ne'e mak ohin loron ita hotu festeza no kontenti iha la'os atu trizte,\" hatete Nelio Isaac bainhira partisipa iha konsertu muzika ne'ebe organiza hosi RTTL Fans Club iha edefisiu RTTL, Kaikoli, Domingu (30/08).",
"Nelio afirma, ema hotu tenki fo onra ba loron ne'e liu-liu ba sira ne'ebe terus no mate iha momentu ne'eba.",
"\"Kuandu ita hotu senti importante, senti ne'ebe mai hosi fans club RTTL hodi komemora loron ne'e, sai ezmplu di'ak ida, tanba sira la'os hein de'it ba Governu mak organiza atividade hodi selebra loron sira ne'e maibe sira hamutuk ho seitor pribadu sira bele organiza atividade balun hanesan agora ne'e hodi komemora loron ne'e.",
"Ho ne'e ha'u agredese ba RTTL fans Club, seitor pribadu sira,\" sublina Nelio.",
"Tuir observasaun Timor Post iha Dili, povu balun ne'ebe asisti direta konsertu ne'e sente kontente, maibe barak maka sente triste tanba governu la fo valor ba loron istoriku ida ne'e.",
"Entretantu reprejentante povu iha uma fukun Parlamentu Nasional (PN) liuhosi deputadu Eladio Faculto de Jesus, hatete, loron 30 fulan Agostu sai hanesan loron importante no afirmasaun ba povu Timor-Leste nian ba-dala ikus hodi determina independensia nasional.",
"Iha loron 30 fulan Agostru 1999 liu ba, povu Timor tomak ho espiritu no vontade di'ak hakat ba sentru votasaun hodi fo sira nia votus, no ikus mai rezulta povu no rai ida ne'e hetan nia liberdade total hafoin durante tinan 24 nia laran moris iha situasaun ne'ebe ameasadu.",
"Maske loron 30 fulan Agostu 1999 sai hanesan loron determinasaun ba povu no rai ida ne'e nia sofrementu, maibe, kada tinan governu no estadu lahalo komemorasan ba loron ida ne'e hanesan komemorasaun sira seluk.",
"\"Tuir loloos loron ida ne'e halo selebrasaun, mas depende kapasidade ba organizasaun, kapasidade finanseiru atu organiza ba loron ida ne'e.",
"Maibe sse ema hotu hakarak halo selebrasaun ba loron 30 fulan Agostu ne'e, ha'u hanoin governu tenke tau iha konsiderasaun no iha futuru mai presiza halo selebrasaun ida tuir ezijensia povu nian atu haree katak loron importante ida ne'e loron povu nian,\"hatete deputadu Eladio iha PN, Segunda (31/08).",
"Komemorasaun ba loron 30 fulan Agostu, tuir deputadu Eladio katak, atu hanoin hikas povu sira ne'ebe maka hakotu sira nia vida hafoin fo sira nia votus inklui mos atu presta omenajen ba heroi sira nia luta iha tempu ne'eba.",
"Maske durante ne'e, komemorasaun ba loron konsulta popular ne'e ladun la'o, maibe deputadu hosi bankada FRETILIN ne'e husu ba publiku tomak atu labele hamosu prsepsaun ida katak estadu no governu minimiza loron 30 Agostu ne'e.",
"\"Rai no povu Timor-Leste funu hasoru inimigu durante tinan 24 nia laran, no ninia aktus kulminante ne'e maka determina iha loron 30 fulan Agostu 1999.",
"No loron 30 Agostu ne'e mos hanesan loron re-afirmasaun politika internasional nian de'it, tanba iha momentu ne'eba ita halo proklamasaun unilateral seidauk hetan rekonesementuo internasional em jeral, tanba ne'e loron 30 fulan Agostu povu Timor-Leste halo afirmasaun liu hosi nia luta, hosi nia terus, hosi nia sofrementu hodi determina iha loron 30 fulan Agostu nu'udar loron independensia nasional nune'e hetan rekonesementu juridiku internasional hosi nasoes unidas,\"katak Eladio .",
"Antes ne'e, deputada Ilda Maria da Cocnceicao hosi bankada FRETILIN mos hatete, tinan 16 liu ba kotuk liuliu iha loron 30 fulan Agostu 1999, Timor-oan sira ho antusiasmu maka'as hakat ba sentru votasaun hodi define sira nia futuru determinasaun ba ukun rasik an.",
"Ilda haktuir, maske iha momentu ne'eba Timor-oan barak maka hetan ameasa, presaun politika maibe ho aten brani kontinua fo sira nia votus iha sentru votasaun.",
"\"Politika maka ita nia auto-determinasaun ba iha urnas votus nian. tanba ne'e ho momentu ida ne'e estadu no governu tenke halo komemorasaun ida ho povu tomak mesmu simples,\"hatete deputada Ilda.",
"Deputada hosi Komisau F ne'e realsa liutan, iha Orsamentu Jeral Estadu (OJE) 2015 nian, Parlamentu Nasional aprova pakote ida hodi tau osan ba hodi halo preparasaun ba komemorasaun loron nasional sira hotu inklui loron konsulta popular nian.",
"Ilda esplika, loron 30 fulan Agostu hanesan loron nasional tanba Timor-oan hotu fo nia kontribuisaun, hakarak ka lakohi loron 30 Agostu ne'e loron nasional, no tenke hanoin mos katak loron ne'e importante tebes ba Timor-Leste.",
"Nune'e mos tuir deputadu Arao Noe de Jesus hosi bankada CNRT dehan, 30 Agostu hanesan loron ne'ebe importante tebes historiku ba Timor no loron determinativu ida depois prosesu luta naruk durante tinan 24 nia laran.",
"Publicada por Kai Buti a (s) 19:58"
] | [
"TIMOR HAU NIAN DOBEN: Government Discriminates On August 30th DILI - The Armed Forces for the Liberation of Independence in Timor-Leste (FALINTIL) registered a fight against Indonesian occupy, but it is up to people who determine total independence."
"Therefore, the government cannot discriminate against these historic dates."
"\"We should actually have a celebration like the one on August 20th."
"Do not discriminate on these historic days,\" lamented Asia Justice and Right's (AJAR) Executive Director Jose Luis Oliveira to Timor Post in his office at Farol-Dili Monday 31 August."
"Jose Luis said, on August 30th of the year in which Timor-oan people had already gone to each polling station after an election for determining whether East Тимор would become independent but government did not value this important day. worse still is that celebration held at Tasitolu only animated citizens a few hours inside Dili city and it's worth remembered because we have lost our country from outsiders who are trying their best everyday"
"\"The day of the popular consultation is not just for fans, but it's an important one to all citizens in this country."
"Especially for those who live in rural areas."
"I am very sorry for the commemoration of this year's popular consultation day,\" said Jose Luis."
"He considers the commemoration of this important day to be very special for small people."
"\"The party that the government is holding, it's just a feast for elite people and fans of Ungu artist."
"Now the people who are 16 years old and willing to vote is not a fan of Ungu artists, but everyone. Therefore it should be that government has made this festival up at village level so as dignify day itself\", said Jose Luis"
"Meanwhile, on August 30th of the same year L.A Lights cigarette company sponsored Pasha Ungu from Indonesia to come and cheer up Dili resident with a band concert that sang only thirteen songs in half an hour but did not entertain most people especially those living at remote areas"
"Confirming the matter to Prime Minister, Rui Maria de Araujo that government does not want a big party on August 30th because of saving money and asking citizens only reflect in their own hearts about this day."
"Meanwhile, the State Secretary for Social Communication (SEKOMS), Nelio Issac said that August 30th is when nationalism's spirit will die or live."
"\"We recall the past 16 years, when people stood up and did not vote. Some went to camps or voting centres; some were injured simply because they participated in a ballot.\""
"That's why today we are all celebrating and happy not to be sad,\" said Nelio Isaac when participated in a music concert organized by the RTTL Fans Club on Sunday (30/8)."
"Nelio says that everyone should honor this day especially those who suffered and died at the time."
"\"When we all feel important, the feeling that comes from fans club RTTL to celebrate this day becomes a good example because they do not just wait for government organizing activities but together with private sector can organize some activity like now in order celebrating it."
"With this I am grateful to RTTL fans Club, the private sector\", emphasizes Nelio."
"According to Timor Post's observation in Dili, some people who attended the concert directly felt happy but many were saddened because government did not value this historic day."
"Meanwhile, the people's representative in Parliament (PN) through MP Eladio Faculto de Jesus said that August 30 was an important day and affirmation for Timor-Leste to finally determine national independence."
"On August 30th, the people of Timor with good spirits and will went to vote in a polling station. The result was that this country gained its total freedom after living under threat for more than twenty-four years!"
"Although August 30th of this year became a day for determination on the suffering people and country, every years government or state does not commemorate it like other days."
"\"Originally this day was to be celebrated, but it depends on the organizational capacity and financial ability of organizing for today."
"But if everybody wants to celebrate August 30, I think the government should take into consideration and in future we need a commemoration according people' s needs so that this important day is one of their own\", stated MP Eladio at PN on Monday (Aug.29)."
"The commemoration of August 30, according to MP Eladio is a way for the people who gave up their lives after voting and also as an honour towards those heroes' struggles at that time."
"Although during this time, the commemoration of popular consultation day did not go well but MEP from FRETILIN's group asked all public to avoid creating a perception that state and government minimize August 30."
"\"The people of Timor-Leste fought against the enemy for 24 years, and its culminating act was determined on August 30th."
"August 30th is also a day of international political reaffirmation, because at the time we made unilateral proclamation and did not get any general recognition. That's why on this date Timor-Leste people make their statement through its struggle for independence to be recognized as National Independence Day so that it will have legal recognising by United Nations\", said Eladio da Silva Soares (Presidente do Conselho Nacional de Defesa)."
"Earlier, deputy Ilda Maria da Cocnceicao of the FRETILIN group also said that 16 years ago especially on Aug.30th (August), Timorese people with great enthusiasm went to polling station in order defining their future determination for self-government and independence from Portugal's colonial rule over them as a nation under Portuguese sovereignty until they were finally freed by an independent state at August24(September)."
"Ilda said that, although at the time many Timorese were under threat and political pressure but with patience continued to cast their votes in polling stations."
"\"Politics is our self-determination in the ballot boxes. Therefore, with this moment it's state and government must make a commemoration of all people even simple\", said deputy Ilda .\""
"The deputy from the F Committee further emphasized that, in 2015's General State Budget (GSB), Parliament approved a package to allocate money for preparation of all national holiday commemorations including popular consultations."
"Ilda explained that 30 August is a national day because all Timorese make their contribution, whether they like it or not. It's also important to remember the importance of this date for East-Timor as well:"
"According to MP Arao Noe de Jesus of the CNRT group, August 30 is a very important historical day for Timor and one that will be decisive after long struggles over more than twenty-four years."
"Publicada por Kai Buti a(s) 19:58 Sem comentários"
] |
MPM husu komunidade Beaço kolabora ho ekipa levantamentu dadus ba projetu LNG | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste\nVARANDA HEADLINE MPM husu komunidade Beaço kolabora ho ekipa levantamentu dadus ba projetu LNG\nMPM husu komunidade Beaço kolabora ho ekipa levantamentu dadus ba projetu LNG\nAtividade sensiblizasaun levantamentu rai no propriedade ba projetu LNG Beaço, iha suku Maluro, segunda (20/06). Imajen Tatoli/Vitorino Lopes da Costa\nVIQUEQUE, 20 juñu 2022 (TATOLI)-Ministru Petróleu no Minerál (MPM), Victor da Conceição Soares, husu komunidade Beaço, suku Maluro, postu Viqueque vila, kolabora ho ekipa liña ministeriál sira ne’ebé tun halo levantamentu rai no propriedade ba projetu Likifeitu Naturál Gas (LNG) iha Beaço.\n“Ha’u husu komunidade Beaço kolabora ho ita-nia ekipa liña ministeriál sira ne’ebé tun halo identifikasaun ba levantamentu rai no propriedade ba projetu LNG Beaço. Hahú aban ekipa hahú halo identifikasaun rai durante semana-rua. Tanba ita iha ona kompromisu eleitóral, katak kualker partidu ne’ebé ukun, ita tenki lori riku-soin mai dezenvolve iha Timor-Leste hodi fó benifísiu boot ba timor-oan sira. Aleinde ne’e, dokumentu sira ne’ebé daudaun Governu no parseiru diskute iha nível polítika depende ba preparativu atu garante kadoras mai”, Ministru hateten iha ninia diskursu durante programa sensibilizasaun no mos identifikasaun rai no propriedade iha suku Maluro, segunda ne’e.\nNotísia relevante: Timor-Gap sei halo levantamentu dadus iha zona dezignadu projetu LNG Beaço\nGovernante ne’e dehan, antes ne’e projetu LNG Beaço liu dezáfiu no diskusaun barak to’o hamosu opsaun atu tau iha Beaço ka Natarbora, maibé ikus mai komunidade, xefe suku, veteranu no juventude deklara-an no halo petisaun hasoru Governu, ne’ebé dirije ba MPM katak povu Beaço disponível entrega ninia fatin ba Estadu hodi halo dezenvolvimentu.\n“Ohin ha’u mai iha ne’e la’ós halo diskusaun, tanba diskusaun polítika hotu ona, katak fatin Beaço maka ba LNG. Ita agora halo diskusaun téknika ba ezekusaun polítika ne’ebé ita hotu deside ona, nune’e agora ita sensibiliza rai no propriedade”, nia realsa.\nAutoridade suku Maluro no Timor Gas no Petróleu, Empreza Públika (Timor GAP, E.P) halo ona esforsu hodi forma ekipa task force lokál ida, fasilita tékniku sira hosi liña ministeriál hodi apoiu serbisu mediasaun, nune’e prosesu identifikasaun propriedade sira bele la’o ho susesu.\n“Esperiénsia ida iha Suai no Betano hasoru difikuldade, tanba maluk sira ne’ebé sai benifisiáriu maka sai fali obstákulu. Ha’u hein katak Beaço-oan sira bele serbisu hamutuk ho tékniku sira hodi dezenvolve ita-nia nasaun. Rai buat di’ak ba ita-nia jerasaun sira ne’ebé tuir mai. Bainhira ita agora la halo, jerasaun ne’ebé tuir mai sei sofre”, nia hato’o.\nMinistru konsidera, atu hetan moris di’ak kadoras tenke mai Timor-Leste, nune’e hetan osan hodi rai ba jerasaun sira.\n“Ita hatene katak fundu mina-rai hosi posu úniku komesa menus. Entaun tentativa ne’ebé ministériu halo iha tinan 2020 to’o agora atu mutiplika no diversifika, buka tan posu alternativu sira iha rai-maran no tasi-laran. Nune’e, iha tinan rua ka tolu ita bele hetan posu alternativu hodi bele fó reseita ba ita-nia Estadu hodi sustenta ita-nia futuru”, nia enkoraja.\nNune’e mós, nia husu parte hotu nia kolaborasaun di’ak hamutuk ho autoridade lokál no komunidade, nune’e identifikasaun propridade rai iha Beaço la’o ho di’ak.\nLevantamentu iha rai ektare 574\nPrezidente Timor GAP, E.P, António José Loiola de Sousa, hateten ekipa Timor GAP, E.P no interministeriál sei kontinua halo levantamentu dadus rai no propriedade hamutuk ektare 574 iha suku Maluro, Beaço.\n“Atividade ne’e ita sei fahe ba faze rua, dahuluk sei hala’o loron 22 juñu to’o 05 jullu 2022 no daruak ita sei hala’o iha loron 21 jullu 2022 to’o 03 agostu 2022. Ekipa Timor GAP no interministeriál sei halo publikasaun dadus rai no propriedade iha outubru 2022”, nia dehan.\nObjetivu husi sensibilizasaun ne’e atu fornese mekanizmu servisu kona-ba oinsá atu halo levantamentu dadus rai no propriedade iha Beaço ba ekipa inter-ministeriál sira inklui komunidade Beaço ne’ebé afetadu ba projetu Planta LNG.\nKomunidade Beaço mós sei selebra asina akta deklarasaun ida kona-ba hili fatin/rai foun ba Nova/Knua Beaço, Makaliku no Kailoibere. Rai/fatin foun refere ne’ebé propoin husi komunidade Beaço sei entrega ba Governu hodi halo estudu no analiza tékniku detalladu molok komunidade sira muda ba fatin refere.\nDepoizde sensibilizasaun informasaun, ekipa TIMOR GAP ho inter-ministeriál sei kontinua atividade levantamentu dadus rai no propriedade ± 574 ektares iha Beaço, Suku Maluro.\nMPM liuhosi Timor GAP, E.P, Autoridade Nasionál Petróleu no Minerál (ANPM) no Institutu Petróleu no Jeolojia (IPG, sigla portugés) serbisu hamutuk ho ekipa interministeriál kompostu hosi Ministériu Justisa (MJ), Sekretaria Estadu Terra no Propriedade (SETP), Ministériu Obra Públika (MOP), Ministériu Agrikultura no Peska (MAP), Ministáriu Interiór (MI), Ministériu Planu Ordenamentu (MPO), Ministériu Administrasaun Estatál (MAE), no Sekretaria Estadu Arte no Kultura (SEAK).\nAtividade ne’e partisipa hosi Ministru Justisa Tiago Amaral Sarmento, Vise-Ministru Administrasaun Estat Lino de Jesus Torrezão, Brigaderu FALINTIL-Forsa Defeza Timor-Leste (F-FDTL) Sabika Bessi Kulit, Kolonel F-FDTL Manuel Freitas ‘Mau Buti’, entidade relevante hosi nasionál inklui veteranu no komunidade Beaço.\nKomunikadu imprensa hosi TIMOR GAP, E.P haktuir governu da-haat liuhosi MPM ho TIMOR GAP, E.P halo ona diálogu ho komunidade Beaço iha dezembru 2021 no iha janeiru 2022 komunidade Beaço ho konsiénsia rasik halo akta deklarasaun entrega rai dezignadu ba Governu hodi harii planta LNG.\nSunsibilizasaun levantamentu dadus\nPrevious articleProfesór na’in-45 tuir formasaun matéria Sosiolijia iha Baucau\nNext articleMSZGTL no FBTL realiza torneiu basketeból iha jullu | [
"MPM husu komunidade Beaco kolabora ho ekipa levantamentu dadus ba projetu LNG | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA HEADLINE MPM husu komunidade Beaco kolabora ho ekipa levantamentu dadus ba projetu LNG MPM husu komunidade Beaco kolabora ho ekipa levantamentu dadus ba projetu LNG Atividade sensiblizasaun levantamentu rai no propriedade ba projetu LNG Beaco, iha suku Maluro, segunda (20/06).",
"Imajen Tatoli/Vitorino Lopes da Costa VIQUEQUE, 20 junu 2022 (TATOLI) -Ministru Petroleu no Mineral (MPM), Victor da Conceicao Soares, husu komunidade Beaco, suku Maluro, postu Viqueque vila, kolabora ho ekipa lina ministerial sira ne'ebe tun halo levantamentu rai no propriedade ba projetu Likifeitu Natural Gas (LNG) iha Beaco.",
"\"Ha'u husu komunidade Beaco kolabora ho ita-nia ekipa lina ministerial sira ne'ebe tun halo identifikasaun ba levantamentu rai no propriedade ba projetu LNG Beaco.",
"Hahu aban ekipa hahu halo identifikasaun rai durante semana-rua.",
"Tanba ita iha ona kompromisu eleitoral, katak kualker partidu ne'ebe ukun, ita tenki lori riku-soin mai dezenvolve iha Timor-Leste hodi fo benifisiu boot ba timor-oan sira.",
"Aleinde ne'e, dokumentu sira ne'ebe daudaun Governu no parseiru diskute iha nivel politika depende ba preparativu atu garante kadoras mai,\" Ministru hateten iha ninia diskursu durante programa sensibilizasaun no mos identifikasaun rai no propriedade iha suku Maluro, segunda ne'e.",
"Notisia relevante: Timor-Gap sei halo levantamentu dadus iha zona dezignadu projetu LNG Beaco Governante ne'e dehan, antes ne'e projetu LNG Beaco liu dezafiu no diskusaun barak to'o hamosu opsaun atu tau iha Beaco ka Natarbora, maibe ikus mai komunidade, xefe suku, veteranu no juventude deklara-an no halo petisaun hasoru Governu, ne'ebe dirije ba MPM katak povu Beaco disponivel entrega ninia fatin ba Estadu hodi halo dezenvolvimentu.",
"\"Ohin ha'u mai iha ne'e la'os halo diskusaun, tanba diskusaun politika hotu ona, katak fatin Beaco maka ba LNG.",
"Ita agora halo diskusaun teknika ba ezekusaun politika ne'ebe ita hotu deside ona, nune'e agora ita sensibiliza rai no propriedade,\" nia realsa.",
"Autoridade suku Maluro no Timor Gas no Petroleu, Empreza Publika (Timor GAP, E.P) halo ona esforsu hodi forma ekipa task force lokal ida, fasilita tekniku sira hosi lina ministerial hodi apoiu serbisu mediasaun, nune'e prosesu identifikasaun propriedade sira bele la'o ho susesu.",
"\"Esperiensia ida iha Suai no Betano hasoru difikuldade, tanba maluk sira ne'ebe sai benifisiariu maka sai fali obstakulu.",
"Ha'u hein katak Beaco-oan sira bele serbisu hamutuk ho tekniku sira hodi dezenvolve ita-nia nasaun.",
"Rai buat di'ak ba ita-nia jerasaun sira ne'ebe tuir mai.",
"Bainhira ita agora la halo, jerasaun ne'ebe tuir mai sei sofre,\" nia hato'o.",
"Ministru konsidera, atu hetan moris di'ak kadoras tenke mai Timor-Leste, nune'e hetan osan hodi rai ba jerasaun sira.",
"\"Ita hatene katak fundu mina-rai hosi posu uniku komesa menus.",
"Entaun tentativa ne'ebe ministeriu halo iha tinan 2020 to'o agora atu mutiplika no diversifika, buka tan posu alternativu sira iha rai-maran no tasi-laran.",
"Nune'e, iha tinan rua ka tolu ita bele hetan posu alternativu hodi bele fo reseita ba ita-nia Estadu hodi sustenta ita-nia futuru,\" nia enkoraja.",
"Nune'e mos, nia husu parte hotu nia kolaborasaun di'ak hamutuk ho autoridade lokal no komunidade, nune'e identifikasaun propridade rai iha Beaco la'o ho di'ak.",
"Levantamentu iha rai ektare 574 Prezidente Timor GAP, E.P, Antonio Jose Loiola de Sousa, hateten ekipa Timor GAP, E.P no interministerial sei kontinua halo levantamentu dadus rai no propriedade hamutuk ektare 574 iha suku Maluro, Beaco.",
"\"Atividade ne'e ita sei fahe ba faze rua, dahuluk sei hala'o loron 22 junu to'o 05 jullu 2022 no daruak ita sei hala'o iha loron 21 jullu 2022 to'o 03 agostu 2022.",
"Ekipa Timor GAP no interministerial sei halo publikasaun dadus rai no propriedade iha outubru 2022,\" nia dehan.",
"Objetivu husi sensibilizasaun ne'e atu fornese mekanizmu servisu kona-ba oinsa atu halo levantamentu dadus rai no propriedade iha Beaco ba ekipa inter-ministerial sira inklui komunidade Beaco ne'ebe afetadu ba projetu Planta LNG.",
"Komunidade Beaco mos sei selebra asina akta deklarasaun ida kona-ba hili fatin/rai foun ba Nova/Knua Beaco, Makaliku no Kailoibere.",
"Rai/fatin foun refere ne'ebe propoin husi komunidade Beaco sei entrega ba Governu hodi halo estudu no analiza tekniku detalladu molok komunidade sira muda ba fatin refere.",
"Depoizde sensibilizasaun informasaun, ekipa TIMOR GAP ho inter-ministerial sei kontinua atividade levantamentu dadus rai no propriedade +- 574 ektares iha Beaco, Suku Maluro.",
"MPM liuhosi Timor GAP, E.P, Autoridade Nasional Petroleu no Mineral (ANPM) no Institutu Petroleu no Jeolojia (IPG, sigla portuges) serbisu hamutuk ho ekipa interministerial kompostu hosi Ministeriu Justisa (MJ), Sekretaria Estadu Terra no Propriedade (SETP), Ministeriu Obra Publika (MOP), Ministeriu Agrikultura no Peska (MAP), Ministariu Interior (MI), Ministeriu Planu Ordenamentu (MPO), Ministeriu Administrasaun Estatal (MAE), no Sekretaria Estadu Arte no Kultura (SEAK).",
"Atividade ne'e partisipa hosi Ministru Justisa Tiago Amaral Sarmento, Vise-Ministru Administrasaun Estat Lino de Jesus Torrezao, Brigaderu FALINTIL-Forsa Defeza Timor-Leste (F-FDTL) Sabika Bessi Kulit, Kolonel F-FDTL Manuel Freitas 'Mau Buti', entidade relevante hosi nasional inklui veteranu no komunidade Beaco.",
"Komunikadu imprensa hosi TIMOR GAP, E.P haktuir governu da-haat liuhosi MPM ho TIMOR GAP, E.P halo ona dialogu ho komunidade Beaco iha dezembru 2021 no iha janeiru 2022 komunidade Beaco ho konsiensia rasik halo akta deklarasaun entrega rai dezignadu ba Governu hodi harii planta LNG.",
"Sunsibilizasaun levantamentu dadus Previous articleProfesor na'in-45 tuir formasaun materia Sosiolijia iha Baucau Next articleMSZGTL no FBTL realiza torneiu basketebol iha jullu"
] | [
"MPM asks Beaco community to collaborate with survey team for LNG project | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA HEADLINE The Ministry of Public Works and Transportation (MPT) requests the communities in beaco district, East Timor’ s capital Dili that they cooperate on awareness raising activities regarding Land Survey & Property Mapping Activities relating To an Expansion Project at Maluro Village. This activity was carried out Monday morning(20 June)."
"Image Tatoli/Vitorino Lopes da Costa VIQUEque, June 20th (Agência Fides) - Minister of Petroleum and Mineral Resources Victor Conceicao Soares has asked the community in Beaco village Maluro to cooperate with a ministerial team that is surveying land for an LNG project."
"\"I ask the Beaco community to collaborate with our ministerial line teams that have come down for identification of land and property surveys in connection With The LNG Project."
"Tomorrow, the team will begin to identify land for two weeks."
"Because we already have an electoral commitment, which is that whatever party comes to power in Timor-Leste it must bring wealth and develop the country for greater benefit of all people."
"In addition, the documents that are currently being discussed by Government and partners at a political level depend on preparations to guarantee future land acquisition\", Minister said in his speech during an information programme for identification of lands & properties within Maluro village Monday."
"The governor said, before the Beaco LNG project was a challenge and many discussions to create options for putting it in beacon or Natarbora but finally community members chief of village veteran youth declared themselves against government which led MPM that people available from BEACO surrender their land with state development."
"\"Today I have come here not to discuss, because the political discussion has been done that Beaco is a place for LNG."
"We now have technical discussions for the political implementation of what we all decided, so that is why you are raising awareness about land and property.\""
"The Maluro municipality authorities and Timor Gas e Petroleu, Empreza Pública (Timor GAP) have made efforts to form a local task force team that will facilitate the technical support of ministerial line technicians in mediation work so as successfully conducting property identifications."
"\"An experience in Suai and Betano encountered difficulties, because the people who became beneficiaries turned into obstacles."
"I hope that the Beacons can work together with their technicians to develop our country."
"Give good things to our future generations."
"If we don't do it now, the next generations will suffer.\""
"The minister considers that in order to have a good life, the poor must come from Timor-Leste so they can earn money for their generation."
"\"We know that the oil fund of a single well is dwindling."
"Therefore, the attempts made by this ministry in 2019 and up to now have been multiplied with a view of diversifying oil production through searching for alternative well sites on land or sea."
"Thus, in two or three years we can have an alternative source to provide revenue for our state and sustain the future of this country,” he encouraged."
"He also asked all parties to collaborate with local authorities and communities, so that the identification of land ownership in Beaco could proceed smoothly."
"Timor GAP, E.P President Antonio Jose Loiola de Sousa said that the team of TIMOR-LESTE and interministerial will continue to carry out land surveys on 574 hectares in Maluro village (Beaco)."
"\"This activity we will divide into two phases, the first to be held on June 21st until July.5th of this year and a second one that is scheduled for September from August till October.\""
"The Timor GAP and interministerial team will publish land data in October 2019,\" he said."
"The objective of this awareness-raising is to provide working mechanisms on how land and property survey data in Beaco for interministerial teams including the communities affected by LNG Plant project."
"The Beaco community will also celebrate the signing of a declaration on choosing new seats for Nova/Knua, Makaliku and Kailoibere."
"The new land/houses proposed by the Beaco community will be handed over to Government for a study and technical analysis in detail before communities move into it."
"Following the information awareness campaign, TIMOR GAP and inter-ministerial team will continue with land survey activity of + - 574 hectares in Beaco. Maluro Village"
"MPM through Timor GAP, E.P and the National Petroleum & Mineral Authority (ANPM) work together with an interministerial team composed of: Ministry for Justice; State Secretariat on Land And Property(STP); Public Works Ministeri- ality/Ministrie de Travaux Publiques - MOP), Agriculture&Fisheries Ministerio da Agricultura e Pescas – MAP)."
"The activity was attended by the Minister of Justice Tiago Amaral Sarmento, Vice-Minister for State Administration Lino de Jesus Torrezao; Brigadier General FALINTIL - Timorese Defence Force (F– FDTL) Sabika Bessi Kulit and Colonel Manuel Freitas 'Mau Buti' from TfL."
"A press release from TIMOR GAP, E.P said that the government through MPM and Timor Gap had held a dialogue with Beaco community in December 2019; on January of this year they made their own declaration to hand over land designated for LNG plant construction by self-consciousness (acta de entrega)."
"Previous article45 teachers attend Sociology course in Baucau NextMSZGTL and FBPL hold basketball tournaments on July 27,18-30."
] |
Conselho de Imprensa fó Posse ba Diretór Ezekutivu Foun\nCI Atividade 31 Janeiru 2020\t Hare na'in: 219\nDíli – Kinta-feira (30/1), Conselho de Imprensa de Timor-Leste (CI) fó tomada de posse ba Diretór Ezekutivu (DE) foun, Rigoberto Monteiro, iha salaun enkontru Conselho de Imprensa, Quintal-Boot.\nRigoberto Monteiro, hetan fiar hodi lidera órgaun autónoma ne’e, liuhosi Deliberasaun Conselho de Imprensa nú 3/2020, hodi troka eis Diretora Ezekutiva, Ana Teresa Sequeira, ba períodu tinan rua (2).\nPrezidente Conselho de Imprensa hato’o parabens ba Diretór Ezekutivu, Rigoberto Monteiro ne’ebé hatudu prontidaun no disponibilidade hodi simu kargu refere.\nPrezidente Conselho de Imprensa fiar katak ho koñesimentu no kapasidade ne’ebé iha, sei fó efeitu ne’ebé pozetivu ba funsionamentu ezekutivu CI nian. Alein de koñesimentu, Prezidente CI rekoñese katak Diretór Ezekutivu foun iha kapasidade komunikasaun ho ema hotu-hotu, liu-liu parte ezekutiu nian.\n“Ami na’in lima hola desizaun atu nomeia Sr. Rigoberto Monteiro tanba esperiénsia, koñesimentu no kapasidade ne’ebé nia hatudu ba Conselho de Imprensa durante tinan haat (4) nu’udar asesór ba planu no programa nian,” esplika prezidente CI.\nPrezidente CI hato’o mós ba parseiru sira katak, Conselho de Imprensa komprometidu atu kontinua hametin serbisu ho parseiru sira iha aspetu tolu (3) ne’ebé lei fó hodi dezenvolve kapasidade téknika, kapasidade professional no kapasidade intelektuál ba professional jornalista sira.\nDiretór Ezekutivu, Rigoberto Monteiro hato’o agradese wa’in ba Prezidente Conselho de Imprensa no membru na’in haat (4) ne’ebé fó ona konfiansa ba nia atu asumi kargu ezekutivu nian.\nTuir Rigoberto, kargu ezekutivu ezije reponsabilidade, komitmentu no dedikasaun ida boot liutan, ezije kualidade professional, kapasidade téknika ne’ebé as.\n“Ho esperiénsia ne’ebé ha’u iha, durante tinan haat (4) iha Conselho de Imprensa hanesan asesór ba planu no programasaun, ha’u sei la husik leet konfiansa ne’ebé ita boot na’in lima fó mai ha’u,” dehan Diretór Ezekutivu, Rigoberto Monteiro, iha nia diskursu iha serimónia tomada de pose, kinta-feira ne’e. | [
"Conselho de Imprensa fo Posse ba Diretor Ezekutivu Foun CI Atividade 31 Janeiru 2020 Hare na'in: 219 Dili - Kinta-feira (30/1), Conselho de Imprensa de Timor-Leste (CI) fo tomada de posse ba Diretor Ezekutivu (DE) foun, Rigoberto Monteiro, iha salaun enkontru Conselho de Imprensa, Quintal-Boot.",
"Rigoberto Monteiro, hetan fiar hodi lidera orgaun autonoma ne'e, liuhosi Deliberasaun Conselho de Imprensa nu 3/2020, hodi troka eis Diretora Ezekutiva, Ana Teresa Sequeira, ba periodu tinan rua (2).",
"Prezidente Conselho de Imprensa hato'o parabens ba Diretor Ezekutivu, Rigoberto Monteiro ne'ebe hatudu prontidaun no disponibilidade hodi simu kargu refere.",
"Prezidente Conselho de Imprensa fiar katak ho konesimentu no kapasidade ne'ebe iha, sei fo efeitu ne'ebe pozetivu ba funsionamentu ezekutivu CI nian.",
"Alein de konesimentu, Prezidente CI rekonese katak Diretor Ezekutivu foun iha kapasidade komunikasaun ho ema hotu-hotu, liu-liu parte ezekutiu nian.",
"\"Ami na'in lima hola desizaun atu nomeia Sr. Rigoberto Monteiro tanba esperiensia, konesimentu no kapasidade ne'ebe nia hatudu ba Conselho de Imprensa durante tinan haat (4) nu'udar asesor ba planu no programa nian,\" esplika prezidente CI.",
"Prezidente CI hato'o mos ba parseiru sira katak, Conselho de Imprensa komprometidu atu kontinua hametin serbisu ho parseiru sira iha aspetu tolu (3) ne'ebe lei fo hodi dezenvolve kapasidade teknika, kapasidade professional no kapasidade intelektual ba professional jornalista sira.",
"Diretor Ezekutivu, Rigoberto Monteiro hato'o agradese wa'in ba Prezidente Conselho de Imprensa no membru na'in haat (4) ne'ebe fo ona konfiansa ba nia atu asumi kargu ezekutivu nian.",
"Tuir Rigoberto, kargu ezekutivu ezije reponsabilidade, komitmentu no dedikasaun ida boot liutan, ezije kualidade professional, kapasidade teknika ne'ebe as.",
"\"Ho esperiensia ne'ebe ha'u iha, durante tinan haat (4) iha Conselho de Imprensa hanesan asesor ba planu no programasaun, ha'u sei la husik leet konfiansa ne'ebe ita boot na'in lima fo mai ha'u,\" dehan Diretor Ezekutivu, Rigoberto Monteiro, iha nia diskursu iha serimonia tomada de pose, kinta-feira ne'e."
] | [
"Dili - On Wednesday (30/1), the Timor-Leste Press Council took office of its new Executive Director, Rigoberto Monteiro. The ceremony was held in a meeting room at Conselho de Imprensa’s main building on Quintal Bote and attended by representatives from all media outlet holding their annual press conference to celebrate this important day for journalistic freedom throughout East Тимор – News24"
"Rigoberto Monteiro, was appointed to lead this autonomous body through Deliberation of the Press Council no.3/2019 replacing former Executive Director Ana Teresa Sequeira for two years (4)."
"The President of the Press Council congratulated Executive Director Rigoberto Monteiro for his readiness and availability to take up this position."
"The President of the Press Council is confident that with his knowledge and skills, he will have a positive effect on CI's executive functioning."
"In addition to knowledge, the President of CI acknowledged that a new Executive Director has communication skills with all people and especially executives."
"\"We five decided to appoint Mr. Rigoberto Monteiro because of the experience, knowledge and skills he has demonstrated at Conselho de Imprensa for four (4) years as an advisor on planning & programmes\", explained CI President José Carlos da Silva Pereira"
"The President of the CI also told its partners that, Conselho de Imprensa is committed to continue strengthening collaboration with their partnerships in three (3) aspects provided by law for developing technical capacity and professional intellectual capacities among journalist professionals."
"The Executive Director, Rigoberto Monteiro expressed his gratitude to the President of Conselho de Imprensa and four (4) members who have given him their confidence in taking on an executive position."
"According to Rigoberto, an executive position requires great responsibility and commitment along with dedication. It also calls for professional qualities as well a high level of technical competence in the field that is required by this role.\""
"\"With the experience I have gained during my four (4) years in Conselho de Imprensa as advisor for planning and programming, i will not give up on this confidence that our five great men put into me\", said Executive Director Rigoberto Monteiro at his speech to an inauguration ceremony Wednesday."
] |
Victoria Construction entrega ofisialmente reabilitasaun jináziu Dili ba Governu | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste\nVARANDA DESPORTU Victoria Construction entrega ofisialmente reabilitasaun jináziu Dili ba Governu\nSekertáriu Estadu Jobentude no Desportu (SEJD), Abrão Saldanha simu dokumentus rehabilitasaun Jinasiu Dili husi representante kompania vitoria hafoin finalisa rehabilitasaun, segunda 6/12/2021. Imajen Tatoli/Antonio Goncalves\nDILI, 06 dezembru 2021 (TATOLI)– Kompañia Victoria Construction Unipesoal Lda, segunda ne’e, ofisiálmente entrega ona projetu reabilitasaun Jináziu Dili ka Gedung Matahari Terbit (GMT) ba Governu liuhosi Sekretariu Estadu Juventude no Desportu (SEJD).\nProjetu reabilitasaun ne’e hahú iha tinan 29 outubru 2019 to’o finaliza iha tinan ne’e (2021) tanba afeta hosi pandemia global ho fundu montante $412,595.61. Ho orsamentu ne’e la sufisiente, nune’e kompañia husu tan adisionál $33.000.\nNotísia Relevante: Kompañia Victoria Construction finaliza ona reabilitasaun Jináziu Dili\nKondisaun Jinaziu Dili hafoin kompania victoria finaliza reabilitasaun hodi entrega ba governu, segunda 6/12/2021.Imajen Tatoli/Antonio Gonclves\n“Governu apresia tebes ho esforsu ne’ebé mak kompaña hala’o ho akompañamentu tékniku hosi Ministériu Obra Públiku no Ajénsia Dezenvolvimentu Nasionál (AND), nune’e, kompañia konsege finaliza duni reabilitasaun jináziu Dili ne’e,” Sekretariu Estadu Juventude no Desportu (SEJD), Abrão Saldanha, hateten iha intervensaun seremonia termu entrega, iha jináziu Dili.\nSekretária Estadu ne’e dehan, ho kondisaun jináziu Dili bele fasilita ona atividade desportu hotu iha kapitál nasaun ne’e ho di’ak.\nTuir kontratu, empreza sei iha responsabilidade durante fulan-neen atu halo manutesaun no retensaun bainhira sasán ruma falla.\n“Kuandu liu ona fulan-neen mak ita foin simu totalmente, tanba ne’e pagamentu mós ita husik hela 5% hodi responde ba retensaun ne’ebé mak sei halo,” dehan Abrão.\nNune’e, Governante ne’e apela ba fedarasaun desportivu hotu atu uza fasilidade ho kuidadu hodi hamosu atleta sira ho kapasidade no abilidade di’ak atubele kompete iha internasionál.\nSEJD sei kria regra utilizasaun liuliu halo jestaun ba fasilidade ka jináziu Dili atubele hatama reseita ba Estadu.\nIha biban hanesan, Tékniku Kompañia, Lourenco Oliveira, hateten, maski entrega ofisialmente ona, maibé sei iha responsabilidade durante fulan-neen hodi halo retensaun ka manutesaun.\n“Ami garante fasilidade ne’e iha kualidade ba modalidade sira bele prátika desportu oin-oin iha ne’e,” nia dehan.\nEntretantu, Prezidente Federasaun Volleyball Timor-Leste (FVTL), Inosençio de Araújo da Silva agradese ba Governu no kompañia tanba kria ona kondisaun ne’ebé di’ak ba modalidade desportu sira ho di’ak.\n“Agradese ba Governu ho kompaña bele finaliza ona reabilitasaun ne’e ho kualidade no fó espasu ona mai ami bele hala’o liga Volleyball nian iha ne’e,” nia afirma.\nNotísia Relevante: Kompañia Victoria Construction Sei Reabilita Jináziu Dili\nKompañia Victoria Construction Unipesoal Lda\nPrevious articleEzersísiu Cobra iha Bobonaro orienta forsa familiariza terrenu\nNext articlePN aprova OJE 2022 ba SEII iha espesialidade | [
"Victoria Construction entrega ofisialmente reabilitasaun jinaziu Dili ba Governu | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA DESPORTU Victoria Construction entrega ofisialmente reabilitasaun jinaziu Dili ba Governu Sekertariu Estadu Jobentude no Desportu (SEJD), Abrao Saldanha simu dokumentus rehabilitasaun Jinasiu Dili husi representante kompania vitoria hafoin finalisa rehabilitasaun, segunda 6/12/2021.",
"Imajen Tatoli/Antonio Goncalves DILI, 06 dezembru 2021 (TATOLI) - Kompania Victoria Construction Unipesoal Lda, segunda ne'e, ofisialmente entrega ona projetu reabilitasaun Jinaziu Dili ka Gedung Matahari Terbit (GMT) ba Governu liuhosi Sekretariu Estadu Juventude no Desportu (SEJD).",
"Projetu reabilitasaun ne'e hahu iha tinan 29 outubru 2019 to'o finaliza iha tinan ne'e (2021) tanba afeta hosi pandemia global ho fundu montante $412,595.61.",
"Ho orsamentu ne'e la sufisiente, nune'e kompania husu tan adisional $33.000.",
"Notisia Relevante: Kompania Victoria Construction finaliza ona reabilitasaun Jinaziu Dili Kondisaun Jinaziu Dili hafoin kompania victoria finaliza reabilitasaun hodi entrega ba governu, segunda 6/12/2021.Imajen Tatoli/Antonio Gonclves \"Governu apresia tebes ho esforsu ne'ebe mak kompana hala'o ho akompanamentu tekniku hosi Ministeriu Obra Publiku no Ajensia Dezenvolvimentu Nasional (AND), nune'e, kompania konsege finaliza duni reabilitasaun jinaziu Dili ne'e,\" Sekretariu Estadu Juventude no Desportu (SEJD), Abrao Saldanha, hateten iha intervensaun seremonia termu entrega, iha jinaziu Dili.",
"Sekretaria Estadu ne'e dehan, ho kondisaun jinaziu Dili bele fasilita ona atividade desportu hotu iha kapital nasaun ne'e ho di'ak.",
"Tuir kontratu, empreza sei iha responsabilidade durante fulan-neen atu halo manutesaun no retensaun bainhira sasan ruma falla.",
"\"Kuandu liu ona fulan-neen mak ita foin simu totalmente, tanba ne'e pagamentu mos ita husik hela 5% hodi responde ba retensaun ne'ebe mak sei halo,\" dehan Abrao.",
"Nune'e, Governante ne'e apela ba fedarasaun desportivu hotu atu uza fasilidade ho kuidadu hodi hamosu atleta sira ho kapasidade no abilidade di'ak atubele kompete iha internasional.",
"SEJD sei kria regra utilizasaun liuliu halo jestaun ba fasilidade ka jinaziu Dili atubele hatama reseita ba Estadu.",
"Iha biban hanesan, Tekniku Kompania, Lourenco Oliveira, hateten, maski entrega ofisialmente ona, maibe sei iha responsabilidade durante fulan-neen hodi halo retensaun ka manutesaun.",
"\"Ami garante fasilidade ne'e iha kualidade ba modalidade sira bele pratika desportu oin-oin iha ne'e,\" nia dehan.",
"Entretantu, Prezidente Federasaun Volleyball Timor-Leste (FVTL), Inosencio de Araujo da Silva agradese ba Governu no kompania tanba kria ona kondisaun ne'ebe di'ak ba modalidade desportu sira ho di'ak.",
"\"Agradese ba Governu ho kompana bele finaliza ona reabilitasaun ne'e ho kualidade no fo espasu ona mai ami bele hala'o liga Volleyball nian iha ne'e,\" nia afirma.",
"Notisia Relevante: Kompania Victoria Construction Sei Reabilita Jinaziu Dili Kompania Victoria Construction Unipesoal Lda Previous articleEzersisiu Cobra iha Bobonaro orienta forsa familiariza terrenu Next articlePN aprova OJE 2022 ba SEII iha espesialidade"
] | [
"Victoria Construction officially delivers rehabilitation of Jinasiu Dili to the Government | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA DESPORTU Victory Building Company (VCC) is honoured by State Secretary for Education and Sports, Abrao Saldanha after receiving documents from vitoria company representative following completion work on a new stadium in capital city."
"DILI, December 6th (TATOLI) - Victoria Construction Unipesoal Lda. on Monday officially handed over the rehabilitation project of Jinaziu Dili or Matahari Terbit Building to Government through State Secretariat for Youth and Sports(SEJD)."
"The rehabilitation project began on October 29,10 and will be completed this year (in the coming years) due to global pandemic with a total of $435.6 million in funds allocated for its completion by March/April"
"As this budget is not sufficient, the company asks for an additional $32.5 million to be paid in 1987-’06 and then a new one of about £4 millions will follow soon afterwards (see below)."
"Condition of the Jinaziu Dili after victoria construction company completed rehabilitation to hand it over, Monday 6/12-09.Image Tatoli / Antonio Gonclves \"The government greatly appreciates with efforts that are carried out by Victoria Construction Company under technical support from Ministry for Public Works and National Development Agency (AND), so we were able indeed finishing this project,” State Secretary on Youth & Sports Abrao Saldanha said at a ceremony held during his intervention as he delivered work done upon completion into use today morning.\""
"The Secretary of State said that with the facilities in Dili, all sports activities can be carried out well."
"Under the contract, it will be responsible for nine months to perform maintenance and retention in case of failure."
"\"When it has passed nine months we only receive the full amount, so in payments also leave a 5% to answer for retention that will be made\", said Abrao."
"Therefore, the Governor called on all sports federations to use facilities carefully in order for athletes with good skills and abilities can compete internationally."
"SEJD will create rules of use, especially to manage facilities or property in Dili so that it generates revenue for the State."
"In the same vein, Company Technical Officer Lourenco Oliveira said that although official delivery has already taken place there will be responsibility for nine months to carrying out retention or maintenance."
"\"We guarantee that this facility is of high quality for the different sports to be practiced here,\" he said."
"Meanwhile, the President of Timor-Leste Volleyball Federation (FVTL), Inosencio de Araujo da Silva thanked both government and company for creating good conditions to play these sports."
"\"Thank you to the government and company for completing this rehabilitation with quality, giving us space so we can hold a Volleyball league here\", he said."
"Notisia Relevante: Kompania Victoria Construction Sei Reabilita Jinaziu Dili PreviousCobra exercise in Bobonaro guides force to familiarize with terrain Next articlePN approves 2019 budget for SEID at plenary session"
] |
Rai-nakdoko ho 5,9 ba dala tolu iha loron 11 nian laran iha illa Lombok, iha Indonezia - Notícias SAPO - SAPO Notícias\nRai-nakdoko ho 5,9 ba dala tolu iha loron 11 nian laran iha illa Lombok, iha Indonezia\n09 de Agosto de 2018, 22:34\nRai-nakdoko ho magnitude 5,9 ba dala tolu iha loron 11 nian laran iha illa Lombok, iha Indonezia, informa hosi Serbisu Jeolójiku Estadus Unidus nian (USGS).\nRai-nakdoko ne'e akontese iha norte illa Lombok nian, iha fatin ne'ebé maka akontese rai-nakdoko ho magnitude 6,9 iha loron-domingu ne'e, ne'ebé maka halo ema mate na'in 164 resin, kanek na'in 1.400 no ema rihun na'in 156 mak lakon sira nian hela fatin.\nTuir ajénsia jeolójika indonezia nian, rai-nakdoko ne'e la iha potensial ida atu mosu tsunami.\nRai-nakdoko iha loron-domingu ne'e, ho nian episentru klean metru rihun sanulu, akonstese semana ida hafoin rai-nakdoko ida, ne'ebé iha mós illa turístika Lombok, ne'ebé maka provoka ema mate na'in 17 no kanek na'in 300 resin.\nHafoin rai-nakdoko ho magnitude 6,9, iha loron-domingu ne'e, uma barak hetan estragu. Autoridade sira admiti katak numero ba ema mate sei aumneta tan bainhira ekipa emerjénsia sira kontinua hamos fatin sira hetan destruisaun sira ne'e.\nMorador sira barak maka husik sira nian hela fatin hodi ba hela iha tenda sira ou hela fatin temporariu, iha rai manas tropikal ida ne'ebé maka iha arkipélagu Sudeste Aziátiku iha bai-loron ne'e. Tuir autoridade sira, iha ema balun mak la iha asesu ba ai-han, bee moos no medikamtu sira.\nRai-nakdoko ne'e klasifika tuir magnitude mak hanesan mikro (inferior hosi 2,0), kiik liu (2,0-2,9), kiik (3,0-3,9), lijeiru (4,0-4,9), moderadu (5,0-5,9), forte (6,0-6,9), boot (7,0-7,9), importante (8,0-8,9), esesionál (9,0-9,9) no estremu (liu 10). | [
"Rai-nakdoko ho 5,9 ba dala tolu iha loron 11 nian laran iha illa Lombok, iha Indonezia - Noticias SAPO - SAPO Noticias Rai-nakdoko ho 5,9 ba dala tolu iha loron 11 nian laran iha illa Lombok, iha Indonezia 09 de Agosto de 2018, 22:34 Rai-nakdoko ho magnitude 5,9 ba dala tolu iha loron 11 nian laran iha illa Lombok, iha Indonezia, informa hosi Serbisu Jeolojiku Estadus Unidus nian (USGS).",
"Rai-nakdoko ne'e akontese iha norte illa Lombok nian, iha fatin ne'ebe maka akontese rai-nakdoko ho magnitude 6,9 iha loron-domingu ne'e, ne'ebe maka halo ema mate na'in 164 resin, kanek na'in 1.400 no ema rihun na'in 156 mak lakon sira nian hela fatin.",
"Tuir ajensia jeolojika indonezia nian, rai-nakdoko ne'e la iha potensial ida atu mosu tsunami.",
"Rai-nakdoko iha loron-domingu ne'e, ho nian episentru klean metru rihun sanulu, akonstese semana ida hafoin rai-nakdoko ida, ne'ebe iha mos illa turistika Lombok, ne'ebe maka provoka ema mate na'in 17 no kanek na'in 300 resin.",
"Hafoin rai-nakdoko ho magnitude 6,9, iha loron-domingu ne'e, uma barak hetan estragu.",
"Autoridade sira admiti katak numero ba ema mate sei aumneta tan bainhira ekipa emerjensia sira kontinua hamos fatin sira hetan destruisaun sira ne'e.",
"Morador sira barak maka husik sira nian hela fatin hodi ba hela iha tenda sira ou hela fatin temporariu, iha rai manas tropikal ida ne'ebe maka iha arkipelagu Sudeste Aziatiku iha bai-loron ne'e.",
"Tuir autoridade sira, iha ema balun mak la iha asesu ba ai-han, bee moos no medikamtu sira.",
"Rai-nakdoko ne'e klasifika tuir magnitude mak hanesan mikro (inferior hosi 2,0), kiik liu (2,0-2,9), kiik (3,0-3,9), lijeiru (4,0-4,9), moderadu (5,0-5,9), forte (6,0-6,9), boot (7,0-7,9), importante (8,0-8,9), esesional (9,0-9,9) no estremu (liu 10)."
] | [
"5.9-magnitude earthquake strikes Lombok, Indonesia for the third time in eleven days - News SAPO – The official news portal of South East Asia and Oceania (ASEAN) Northeast Asian region is hit by a three day quakes with magnitudes ranging from moderate to strong on Thursday morning after an intense storm that struck northern Sumatra last week caused heavy rainfall as it swept through this area during its first two weeks since July' s severest thunderstorm at least one year ago which was recorded near Bali island today August"
"The earthquake occurred in the north of Lombok island, where a 6.9-magnitude quakes struck on Sunday that left more than150 people dead and injured over another thousand others while making nearly one million homeless"
"According to the Indonesian Geological Survey, there is no tsunami potential in this area."
"Sunday's earthquake, with its epicenter at 130 kilometer (85 miles) deep in the sea below Lombok island occurred a week after an other quakes that also hit touristic Island of lombong killed about seventeen people and injured more than three hundred."
"Following a 6.9-magnitude earthquake on Sunday, many houses were damaged and several people lost their homes in the area of San Juan de los Lagos city centre after it was struck by an explosion last night (Sunday)."
"Authorities admit that the death toll will rise as emergency teams continue to clear sites of destruction."
"Many residents have left their homes to live in tents or temporary accommodation, on a warm tropical island of the Southeast Asian archipelago."
"According to the authorities, some people lack access for food and clean water."
"The earthquakes are classified by magnitude as micro (below 2.0), very small(1,9-3) or minor/smaller than that of the previous quake; moderately strong and larger in intensity but less severity: mild Earthquakes with a strength between -4 to +5 degrees may be categorized into submagnitudes like lightly intense – low powered– medium powerful"
] |
APFTL halo advokasia tulun polítika Governu mellora setór edukasaun | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste\nVARANDA DILI APFTL halo advokasia tulun polítika Governu mellora setór edukasaun\nPrezidente Alumni Parlamentu Foinsa’e Timor-Leste (APFTL) ho ekipa, segunda ne’e, hala’o audiénsia ho Prezidente Repúblika, José Ramos Horta. Imajen/Mídia PR.\nDILI, 20 juñu 2022 (TATOLI)—Prezidente Alumni Parlamentu Foinsa’e Timor-Leste (APFTL) ho ekipa, segunda ne’e, hala’o audiénsia ho Prezidente Repúblika, José Ramos Horta, iha Palásiu Prezifdensiál Nicolau Lobato, Bairru Pite, Dili.\nPrezidente Alumni Parlamentu Foinsa’e Timor-Leste (APFTL), Jaulino Gomes da Silva, relata ezisténsia APFTL no estudu liu-liu joven sira-nia preferénsia ba setór edukasaun, empregu no partisipasaun síviku liu-liu ligadu ho joven sira-nia preferénsia ba edukasaun liu-liu área estudu ka fakuldade atu foti.\nHo ida-ne’e, nia hatutan, APFTL kontinua halo advokasia tulun polítika Governu liuhosi alokasaun Orsamentu Jerál Estadu (OJE) kada tinan hodi mellora setór edukasaun iha rai-laran.\n“Tan ne’e informa ba Prezidente Repúblika fó kontinidade halo advokasia hodi tulun Governu nia polítika oinsá integra iha programa Governu hodi influensia Orsamentu Jerál Estadu (OJE),” nia hateten ba jornalista sira hafoin ramata enkontru ho Xefe Estadu, José Ramos Horta.\nNia dehan, peskiza ne’e uza métodu kuantitativu diskritivu deskreve situasaun reál Timoir-Leste nian ne’ebé iha respondente na’in-2000 hosi munisípiu 13 inklui Rejiaun Administrativu Espesiál Oé-Cusse Ambeno (RAEOA).\nNune’e, iha dadus 44% joven sira iha ensinu superiór hili la tuir sira-nia preferénsia eskola ne’ebe sira eskola ba no fakuldade sira-ne’ebé sira hili la tuir sira-nia hakarak.\n“Relatóriu ne’e, joven ka estudante ninia preferénsia ba eskola tékniku vokasionál menus liu kompara ho siénsia naturál no sosiá, ne’ebé sira prefere liu foti kursu rua ne’e duké tékniku vokasionál tanba seidauk hatene ninia importánsia,” nia dehan.\nJaulino Gomes hateten, peskiza seluk ne’ebé sira hala’o hela mak kona-ba labarik no adolosente utiliza internet, tanba daudaun ne’e VIII Governu Konstitusionál liuhosi SEKOMS halo kampaña internet saudavél, nune’e hosi peskiza ne’e oinsá ajuda liután polítika ne’e.\n“Iha relatóriu ne’e, hatudu katak iha violénsia online mosu abuzu lubuk ida akontese iha, nune’e ami hanoin daudaun Parlamentu Nasionál elabora hela projetu-lei protesaun labarik no joven iha perigu,” nia dehan.\nNune’e, liuhosi bibán ne’e, PR bele ko’alia ho órgaun soberanu sira seluk hodi bele haree lei ne’ebé diskusaun hela oinsa proteje labarik, adolosente sira utilizasaun internet ne’e.\nIha parte seluk, APFTL relata servisu advokasia ne’ebé daudaun ne’e la’o hela ba asuntu joven sira iha setór produtivu hanesan agrikultura.\nPR konsidera advokasia ne’ebé APFTL hala’o importante tebes ho aprezentasaun dadus oinsá fó ninia kontinuidade, nune’e hodi haree bele tulun ezekutivu ninia polítika foti desizaun iha situasaun rai-laran.\nEnkuantu, durante ne’e APFTL hala’o advokasia hetan asisténsia hosi Sekretáriu Estadu Juventude no Desposrtu (SEJD) no parseiru internasionál UNICEF.\nAPFTL kontinua fó advokasia tulun polítika Governu mellora setór edukasaun\nPrevious articleKargu xefia 25 hosi eskola TEKVOK ameasa rezigna-an hosi GAT\nNext articlePR Horta-Banku Mundiál diskute problema má nutrisaun iha Timor-Leste | [
"APFTL halo advokasia tulun politika Governu mellora setor edukasaun | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA DILI APFTL halo advokasia tulun politika Governu mellora setor edukasaun Prezidente Alumni Parlamentu Foinsa'e Timor-Leste (APFTL) ho ekipa, segunda ne'e, hala'o audiensia ho Prezidente Republika, Jose Ramos Horta.",
"Imajen/Midia PR.",
"DILI, 20 junu 2022 (TATOLI) - Prezidente Alumni Parlamentu Foinsa'e Timor-Leste (APFTL) ho ekipa, segunda ne'e, hala'o audiensia ho Prezidente Republika, Jose Ramos Horta, iha Palasiu Prezifdensial Nicolau Lobato, Bairru Pite, Dili.",
"Prezidente Alumni Parlamentu Foinsa'e Timor-Leste (APFTL), Jaulino Gomes da Silva, relata ezistensia APFTL no estudu liu-liu joven sira-nia preferensia ba setor edukasaun, empregu no partisipasaun siviku liu-liu ligadu ho joven sira-nia preferensia ba edukasaun liu-liu area estudu ka fakuldade atu foti.",
"Ho ida-ne'e, nia hatutan, APFTL kontinua halo advokasia tulun politika Governu liuhosi alokasaun Orsamentu Jeral Estadu (OJE) kada tinan hodi mellora setor edukasaun iha rai-laran.",
"\"Tan ne'e informa ba Prezidente Republika fo kontinidade halo advokasia hodi tulun Governu nia politika oinsa integra iha programa Governu hodi influensia Orsamentu Jeral Estadu (OJE),\" nia hateten ba jornalista sira hafoin ramata enkontru ho Xefe Estadu, Jose Ramos Horta.",
"Nia dehan, peskiza ne'e uza metodu kuantitativu diskritivu deskreve situasaun real Timoir-Leste nian ne'ebe iha respondente na'in-2000 hosi munisipiu 13 inklui Rejiaun Administrativu Espesial Oe-Cusse Ambeno (RAEOA).",
"Nune'e, iha dadus 44% joven sira iha ensinu superior hili la tuir sira-nia preferensia eskola ne'ebe sira eskola ba no fakuldade sira-ne'ebe sira hili la tuir sira-nia hakarak.",
"\"Relatoriu ne'e, joven ka estudante ninia preferensia ba eskola tekniku vokasional menus liu kompara ho siensia natural no sosia, ne'ebe sira prefere liu foti kursu rua ne'e duke tekniku vokasional tanba seidauk hatene ninia importansia,\" nia dehan.",
"Jaulino Gomes hateten, peskiza seluk ne'ebe sira hala'o hela mak kona-ba labarik no adolosente utiliza internet, tanba daudaun ne'e VIII Governu Konstitusional liuhosi SEKOMS halo kampana internet saudavel, nune'e hosi peskiza ne'e oinsa ajuda liutan politika ne'e.",
"\"Iha relatoriu ne'e, hatudu katak iha violensia online mosu abuzu lubuk ida akontese iha, nune'e ami hanoin daudaun Parlamentu Nasional elabora hela projetu-lei protesaun labarik no joven iha perigu,\" nia dehan.",
"Nune'e, liuhosi biban ne'e, PR bele ko'alia ho orgaun soberanu sira seluk hodi bele haree lei ne'ebe diskusaun hela oinsa proteje labarik, adolosente sira utilizasaun internet ne'e.",
"Iha parte seluk, APFTL relata servisu advokasia ne'ebe daudaun ne'e la'o hela ba asuntu joven sira iha setor produtivu hanesan agrikultura.",
"PR konsidera advokasia ne'ebe APFTL hala'o importante tebes ho aprezentasaun dadus oinsa fo ninia kontinuidade, nune'e hodi haree bele tulun ezekutivu ninia politika foti desizaun iha situasaun rai-laran.",
"Enkuantu, durante ne'e APFTL hala'o advokasia hetan asistensia hosi Sekretariu Estadu Juventude no Desposrtu (SEJD) no parseiru internasional UNICEF.",
"APFTL kontinua fo advokasia tulun politika Governu mellora setor edukasaun Previous articleKargu xefia 25 hosi eskola TEKVOK ameasa rezigna-an hosi GAT Next articlePR Horta-Banku Mundial diskute problema ma nutrisaun iha Timor-Leste"
] | [
"APFTL advocates for Government policy to improve education sector | TATOLI Timor-Leste News Agency VARANDA DILI President of the Parliament's Former Students Association (A PF TL) and his team, on Monday held an audience with Jose Ramos Horta."
"Image/Media PR."
"DILI, June 20th - The President of the Alumni Parliament Funding Timor-Leste (APFTL) and his team held an audience with Jose Ramos Horta at Nicolau Lobato Presidential Palace in Dili on Monday."
"The President of Alumni Parliament Funding Timor-Leste (APFTL), Jaulino Gomes da Silva, reported on the existence and work in particular young people' s preferences for education sector employment civic participation especially linked with youth preference to study or college."
"With this, he said that APFTL continues to advocate for the Government' s policy support through annual allocation of State General Budget (GGB) funds in order To improve education sector."
"\"Therefore, I inform the President of Republic that we will continue advocating to help Government's policy on how it can be integrated into government programs and influence State General Budget (GGB),\" he told journalist after meeting with Head Of States Jose Ramos Horta."
"He said, the research uses a quantitative descriptively method to describe real situation of Timor-Leste with 2013 respondents from all municipalities including Special Administrative Region Oecusse Ambeno (RAEOA)."
"Thus, according to the data 43% of young people in higher education do not choose their preferred school and college based on what they want."
"\"This report shows that young people or students prefer vocational technical schools less than natural and social sciences, which they would rather take because of their lack to know about the importance thereof.\""
"Jaulino Gomes said that another research they are carrying out is on children and adolescents using the internet, because at present 8th Constitutional Government through SEKOMS has a healthy Internet campaign. So this study will help to address these issues in terms of policymaking.\""
"\"In this report, it is shown that in online violence there are many abuses occurring. Therefore we think the National Parliament currently elaborates draft laws on protection of children and young people at risk.\""
"Thus, through this meeting the PR can talk with other sovereign bodies to see law that is being discussed how protect children and adolescents use of internet."
"On the other hand, APFTL reported on advocacy work that is currently underway for youth issues in productive sectors such as agriculture."
"The PR considers the advocacy that APFTL carries out very important with data presentation how to give it continuity, so we can help executive his policy decision-making in national situation."
"In the meantime, during this period APFTL carried out advocacy with assistance from State Secretary for Youth and Sports (SEJD) as well international partner UNICEF."
"Previous article25 heads of TEKVOK schools threaten to resign from GAT Next ArticlePR Horta-World Bank discuss nutrition problems in Timor Leste APFTL continue advocacy for political help Government improve education sector"
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CCITL Apoiu BCCF ba Emprezáriu iha TLs Featured\nBy Tempo Timor February 23, 2019 1718\nObjetivu husi enkontru ho membru CCITL hotu atu halo introdusaun kompañia Credit Corporation ne'ebé oferese kréditu ba kompañia sira liu-liu ba kompañia sira ne'ebé mak eziste ona iha Timor.\n“Kona-bá jurus, kada banku iha ninia diferénsia, maibé ami husu ba kliente sira atu husu kuotasaun diretamente ba ami, atu bele hatene prosesu, montante ho jurus ne'e rasik. jurus 15% ne'e rasik, ami la search hamutuk ho kustu sira seluk, maibé ami fó deit, depende ba kompañia sira ne'ebé halo kréditu ne'e nia presiza. Tanba iha ne'e fó kréditu ne'e foka liu ba kompañia ne'ebé sei fó kréditu osan no ekipamentus hanesan kareta”, esplika xefi banku Credit Corporation Finance Ltd Cristopher Duman hafoin remata enkontru ho kámara komérsiu industria Timor Leste, sesta (22/02/2019)\nEntretantu prezidenti kámara komérsiu industria Timor Leste Oscar Lima dehan, Kámara komérsiu nia papel mak oinsá atu fasilita emprezáriu hirak ne'ebé mak sai hanesan parseiru.\n“Sira mai fó ona esklaresimentu kona-bá kréditu, kona-bá lising, ne'e para ema ruma hanesan ekipamentus sira ne'e la presiza hanoin atu lori licase prontu atravéz kréditu husi ne'ebá, lising nia bele selu too tinan tolu, haat ka lima hotu mak nia foin entrega. Hau hanoin ida ne'e balansu di'ak tanba emprezáriu balun sira-nia atividade nee maka'as ona iha Timor”, tenik prezidenti CCITL\n“Kuandu sira hetan kréditu um millioens de dolares, ne'e benefísia ba emprezáriu sira ne'ebé mak hamutuk iha asosiasaun nia laran. Ida ne'e ba ita importante, tanba ida ne'e mak ita tenke buka to'o parseiru barak. Parseiru sira hensan ne'e para atu bele fasilita para hanesan ita-nia ekonomia ne'e mós bele la'o. purke osan ne'e mai namkari, osan sira-nian lalika utiliza lai, sira uza lai osan banku nian durante tinan tolu ka haat, depende kontratu ho banku”, nia komenta *Isac*\nLast modified on Saturday, 23 February 2019 18:06\n« Presu Foos Iha Merkado Normal Emprezariu Lokal Konsidera Governu La Konfia Kompañia Timoroan » | [
"CCITL Apoiu BCCF ba Emprezariu iha TLs Featured By Tempo Timor February 23, 2019 1718 Objetivu husi enkontru ho membru CCITL hotu atu halo introdusaun kompania Credit Corporation ne'ebe oferese kreditu ba kompania sira liu-liu ba kompania sira ne'ebe mak eziste ona iha Timor.",
"\"Kona-ba jurus, kada banku iha ninia diferensia, maibe ami husu ba kliente sira atu husu kuotasaun diretamente ba ami, atu bele hatene prosesu, montante ho jurus ne'e rasik. jurus 15% ne'e rasik, ami la search hamutuk ho kustu sira seluk, maibe ami fo deit, depende ba kompania sira ne'ebe halo kreditu ne'e nia presiza.",
"Tanba iha ne'e fo kreditu ne'e foka liu ba kompania ne'ebe sei fo kreditu osan no ekipamentus hanesan kareta,\" esplika xefi banku Credit Corporation Finance Ltd Cristopher Duman hafoin remata enkontru ho kamara komersiu industria Timor Leste, sesta (22/02/2019) Entretantu prezidenti kamara komersiu industria Timor Leste Oscar Lima dehan, Kamara komersiu nia papel mak oinsa atu fasilita emprezariu hirak ne'ebe mak sai hanesan parseiru.",
"\"Sira mai fo ona esklaresimentu kona-ba kreditu, kona-ba lising, ne'e para ema ruma hanesan ekipamentus sira ne'e la presiza hanoin atu lori licase prontu atravez kreditu husi ne'eba, lising nia bele selu too tinan tolu, haat ka lima hotu mak nia foin entrega.",
"Hau hanoin ida ne'e balansu di'ak tanba emprezariu balun sira-nia atividade nee maka'as ona iha Timor,\" tenik prezidenti CCITL \"Kuandu sira hetan kreditu um millioens de dolares, ne'e benefisia ba emprezariu sira ne'ebe mak hamutuk iha asosiasaun nia laran.",
"Ida ne'e ba ita importante, tanba ida ne'e mak ita tenke buka to'o parseiru barak.",
"Parseiru sira hensan ne'e para atu bele fasilita para hanesan ita-nia ekonomia ne'e mos bele la'o. purke osan ne'e mai namkari, osan sira-nian lalika utiliza lai, sira uza lai osan banku nian durante tinan tolu ka haat, depende kontratu ho banku,\" nia komenta *Isac* Last modified on Saturday, 23 February 2019 18:06 \" Presu Foos Iha Merkado Normal Emprezariu Lokal Konsidera Governu La Konfia Kompania Timoroan \""
] | [
"CCITL Supports BCCF for Entrepreneur in TLS By Tempo Timor February,23rd.19:08 PM The objective of the meeting with all members is to introduce Credit Corporation which offers credit services especially companies that are already existing on East-Timor"
"\"Regarding the fees, each bank has its differences but we ask our clients to request a quote directly from us so that they can know how it works and what is charged. The 15% fee itself does not come with any other costs; this only depend on which companies are issuing credit for their needs.\""
"Because here the credit is focused on companies that will give money and equipment such as cars,\" explains bank chief Credit Corporation Finance Ltd Cristopher Duman after finishing a meeting with Timor-Leste Chamber of Commerce & Industry (TCCI), Saturday(2019/3) Meanwhile President TCCI Oscar Lima said: \"The role Of The CICI Is To Facilitate Those Entrepreneur Who Will Become Partners."
"\"They have come to give clarifications about credit, leasing. This is for some people like these equipment do not need the thought of bringing ready-made licase through a loan from there; they can pay their leases until three or four years after delivery has been completed.\""
"I think this is a good balance because some entrepreneurs' activities are already high in Timor,\" said the president of CCITL \"When they get credit million dollars it benefits all those who have joined our association."
"This is important to us, because this means we need a lot of partners."
"The partners are waiting to facilitate the way our economy can also be run. Because this money comes from us, they don't use their own funds; it is used by banks for three or four years depending on what contract with them has been made.\" *Isac* Last modified: Saturday 23rd February '19 -06 \" Price of Feed in Normal Market Local Businessmen Consider Government Does Not Confide Timorese Company\""
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Premio Nobel Paz 199\nRepúblika Timor-Leste bolu “demokrátika”. Demikrátika ne’e dehan katak harii ho demokrasia no iha hatur iha demokrasia nia leten. Liafun Tétum Demokrasia mai hosi liaufuan portugés “democracia”, no lifua portugés mai hosi lifuan gregu (hosi nasaun Grécia). Liafuan demokrasia, iha parte ka termu rua: “demos”, dehan katak “povu”; no “kratos”, dehan katak “ukun/poder”. Haree ba ninia abut, demokrasia dehan katak ukun/poder povu nian.\nTuir Presidente Estados Unidos da América nian Lincoln, definisaun klásiku demokarsia nian mak: “governu ka ukun mai hosi povu, liu hosi povu, ba povu” (Governo ou poder do povo, pelo povo e para o povo”. Iha sosiedade ida, iha autoridade, i autoridade ne’e hela iha povu no povu nia liman. Povu mak iha direitu atu hili ukun ka poder ne’e, no entrega ka fó ba ema ne’ebé sira hili nanis ona atu ukun. Tanba ne’e, iha demokrasia, soberania povu importante liu. Povu mak soberanu, laós partidu mak soberanu…\nIta hotu hatene katak povu tomak labele ukun diretamente (se lae, hotu hotu manda…hafoin iha rungu-ranga), ne’e duni, povu ukun duni, maibé indiretamente, liu hosi reprezentates ne’ebé sira, iha liberdade laran, hili nanis ona. Bele dehan, povu delega, maibé la fo poder no la lakon poder.\nTanba prinsipiu baziku ida ne’e, Povu mak iha direitu atu hetan PENSAUN VITALICIA, LAÓS NINIA REPREZENTANTE KA NINIA DELEGADU sira. Reprezentante ka Delagadu merese karik atu hetan pensaun tanba feran ulun no serbiu maka’as ba povu, povu mos iha direitu no merese atu hetan pensaun vitalísia, tanba povu mak ukun/ poder nia abut no nia we-matan.\nEma ne’ebé povu hili ona, labele sai poder nia na’in fali. Atu sistema ida ne’e bele la’o, povu no sira nia reprezentate tem ke hala’o beibeik dialogu ho emar ne’ebé hili ona sira. Iha Timor-Leste iha diálogu ka lae? Haree´ba tempu ikus ne’e, Presidente Repúblika deit mak sai suko tama suku halo diálogu…Povu nia reprezentante, ka delegadu sira ne’ebé povu hili, to’o agora, ita la hatene sira ba suku sira atu halo dialogu? Ba duni karik, oitoan deit…dala balu deit…Delegadu ka representante povu nian, ba suku, simu tiha ona keixa, aspirasaun, buat ne’ebé povu presiza, sira diskuti duni? Sira hato’o ba governu?\nUkun iha nasaun ida nia laran (existe), la´ós ba ukun na’in, maibé ba povu ne’ebé hili ukun na’in sira. Iha ne’e demokrasia labele vale (wale) deit interese partidu nian, interese grupu ida nian, maibé, ba povu tomak nia interese, liu liu ba sira ne’ebé kiik, kiak, analfabetu, moris iha foho… Bainhira povu nia reprezentante sira la kumpri ida ne’e, sira nia hahalok hanesan “mercenário”, no sira la merese povu nia konfiansa. Iha eleisaun povu tem ke hili ne’ebé fo-aan duni ba povu tomak atu serbi povu nia diak no interese. Reprezentante iha Uma-Fukun ka Parlamento la korresponde karik povu nia aspiransaun, povu iha soberania atu hili fali ema seluk, no partidu seluk. | [
"Premio Nobel Paz 199 Republika Timor-Leste bolu \"demokratika.\"",
"Demikratika ne'e dehan katak harii ho demokrasia no iha hatur iha demokrasia nia leten.",
"Liafun Tetum Demokrasia mai hosi liaufuan portuges \"democracia,\" no lifua portuges mai hosi lifuan gregu (hosi nasaun Grecia).",
"Liafuan demokrasia, iha parte ka termu rua: \"demos,\" dehan katak \"povu\"; no \"kratos,\" dehan katak \"ukun/poder.\"",
"Haree ba ninia abut, demokrasia dehan katak ukun/poder povu nian.",
"Tuir Presidente Estados Unidos da America nian Lincoln, definisaun klasiku demokarsia nian mak: \"governu ka ukun mai hosi povu, liu hosi povu, ba povu\" (Governo ou poder do povo, pelo povo e para o povo.\"",
"Iha sosiedade ida, iha autoridade, i autoridade ne'e hela iha povu no povu nia liman.",
"Povu mak iha direitu atu hili ukun ka poder ne'e, no entrega ka fo ba ema ne'ebe sira hili nanis ona atu ukun.",
"Tanba ne'e, iha demokrasia, soberania povu importante liu.",
"Povu mak soberanu, laos partidu mak soberanu...",
"Ita hotu hatene katak povu tomak labele ukun diretamente (se lae, hotu hotu manda...hafoin iha rungu-ranga), ne'e duni, povu ukun duni, maibe indiretamente, liu hosi reprezentates ne'ebe sira, iha liberdade laran, hili nanis ona.",
"Bele dehan, povu delega, maibe la fo poder no la lakon poder.",
"Tanba prinsipiu baziku ida ne'e, Povu mak iha direitu atu hetan PENSAUN VITALICIA, LAOS NINIA REPREZENTANTE KA NINIA DELEGADU sira.",
"Reprezentante ka Delagadu merese karik atu hetan pensaun tanba feran ulun no serbiu maka'as ba povu, povu mos iha direitu no merese atu hetan pensaun vitalisia, tanba povu mak ukun/ poder nia abut no nia we-matan.",
"Ema ne'ebe povu hili ona, labele sai poder nia na'in fali.",
"Atu sistema ida ne'e bele la'o, povu no sira nia reprezentate tem ke hala'o beibeik dialogu ho emar ne'ebe hili ona sira.",
"Iha Timor-Leste iha dialogu ka lae?",
"Haree'ba tempu ikus ne'e, Presidente Republika deit mak sai suko tama suku halo dialogu...Povu nia reprezentante, ka delegadu sira ne'ebe povu hili, to'o agora, ita la hatene sira ba suku sira atu halo dialogu?",
"Ba duni karik, oitoan deit...dala balu deit...Delegadu ka representante povu nian, ba suku, simu tiha ona keixa, aspirasaun, buat ne'ebe povu presiza, sira diskuti duni?",
"Sira hato'o ba governu?",
"Ukun iha nasaun ida nia laran (existe), la'os ba ukun na'in, maibe ba povu ne'ebe hili ukun na'in sira.",
"Iha ne'e demokrasia labele vale (wale) deit interese partidu nian, interese grupu ida nian, maibe, ba povu tomak nia interese, liu liu ba sira ne'ebe kiik, kiak, analfabetu, moris iha foho...",
"Bainhira povu nia reprezentante sira la kumpri ida ne'e, sira nia hahalok hanesan \"mercenario,\" no sira la merese povu nia konfiansa.",
"Iha eleisaun povu tem ke hili ne'ebe fo-aan duni ba povu tomak atu serbi povu nia diak no interese.",
"Reprezentante iha Uma-Fukun ka Parlamento la korresponde karik povu nia aspiransaun, povu iha soberania atu hili fali ema seluk, no partidu seluk."
] | [
"Nobel Peace Prize winner 198 Republika Timor-Leste calls it \"democracy.\""
"It says that it is built on democracy and there are roots in the foundation of this."
"Democracy comes from the Portuguese word \"democracia,\" and it is derived in turn of Greek (from Greece)."
"The word democracy, has two parts or terms: \"demos\", meaning the people; and\"kratos.\" which means power."
"From its origins, democracy means the rule/power of people."
"According to United States President Abraham Lincoln, the classical definition of democracy is: \"government or power by and for people\" (Governo ou poder do povo pelo e para o povo)."
"In a society, there is authority and that power lies in the people's hands."
"The people have the right to choose this power, and give it back or hand over in their hands."
"Therefore, in a democracy the sovereignty of people is more important."
"The people are sovereign, not the parties...the party is sober."
"We all know that the whole people cannot govern directly (otherwise, everyone rules...and then in rank and file), so it is true: they do rule but indirectly through representatives who have been elected by them."
"It can be said that the people delegate, but they do not give power or loose it."
"Because of this basic principle, it is the people who are entitled to a LIFETIME PENSION and NOT THEIR REPRESENTATIVES OR DELEGATE."
"If a representative or delegato deserves to receive pension because he has done so much for the people, then they are also entitled and worthy of receiving lifetime retirement benefits. Because it is in them that power comes from/and their will prevails over all other things on this earth.”"
"People who have been elected by the people cannot become their own masters of power."
"In order for this system to work, the people and their representatives must maintain a constant dialogue with those who have elected them."
"Is there a dialogue in Timor-Leste?"
"In recent times, only the President of Republic has gone to villages for dialogue...Do people' s representatives or delegate who have been elected by them so far do not know that they are going into communities and having a dialog?"
"In fact, only eight...only a few times....Delegates or representatives of the people in villages have received complaint and aspirations about what they need. Have these been discussed?"
"Do they report to the government?"
"Rule in a country (exists), not for the rulers, but to people who have elected them."
"In this case, democracy cannot be only for the interests of a party or group but also in favour and benefit to all people - especially those who are smaller than them: poorers; illiterate men living on farmland..."
"When people's representatives fail to comply with this, they act as \"mercenary\" and do not deserve the trust of their voters."
"In an election, the people must elect those who are truly dedicated to all of them and serve their well-being."
"Representatives in the House of Commons or Parliament are not responsible for their people's aspirations, and they have sovereignty to elect another person from other parties."
] |
Rogério Lobato: Operasaun skylight hanesan traisaun ba Nicolau Lobato no luta na’in sira – GMN TV | Grupo Média Nacional - Lori Timor ba Mundu - GMN TV | Grupo Média Nacional\nHome » Politika » Rogério Lobato: Operasaun skylight hanesan traisaun ba Nicolau Lobato no luta na’in sira\nEis komandante FALINTIL, Rogério Lobato, deklara, operasaun skylight mosu tanba Alarico Fernandes hakarak hamutuk ho forsa invazór Indonézia sira hodi halakon tiha luta armada no tanba ne’e tenke oho saudozu Prezidente Nicolau Lobato.\n“Hau foin hatene katak Mari Alkatiri halo “Certificado de Reconhecimento” hodi rekonhese Alarico Fernandes nia traisaun. Tanba ne hau deklara ba ema hotu katak hau la simu i hau kondena”.\n“Xanana, hamutuk ho Ma’Huno, reorganiza FRETILIN no FALINTIL, hodi hatutan luta Prezidente Nicolau Lobato nian no mos kamarada sira nebe mate iha funu hamutuk ho nia no la to’o dalan rohan. Ne istoria luta ita nian. Hahalok nebe abut iha faktus susar atu kontra”, dehan Rogério Lobato ba Jornalista António Veladas iha rai liur foin lalais ne’ebé GMN hetan asesu.\nANTONIO VELADAS (AV): notisia nebe agora naklekar konaba Operasaun Skylight ne grave tebes. Ne’e liu tia ona tinan 42 mak povu Timor Leste foin hatene?\nROGERIO LOBATO (RL): hanesan ita hare, lia los no lia bosok lao hamutuk maibe lakahur malu. Neé hanesan bé no mina. Bele lori tempo naruk maibe lia los sei mosu nafatin.\nIta senti katak tempo naruk ida nune halo ema haluha tena Operasaun Skylight ka lae?\nUluk ema balun hatene maibe ladun koalia ba mai. Tamba ne’e komesa lakon iha ema nia ulun. Maibe teki tekir ema hotu komesa koalia fali tambá hau kondena no dehan ba ema hotu katak hau hakribi no lakohi simu desizaun ida ne’e.\nOinsa mak nune fali ? Bele esplika diak liu ka?\nAlarico Fernandes kole ona atu halo funu iha tempu neba. Nia halo krimi barak. Ida mak nia lori alu baku mate Senhor ida naran Alexander Lemos tanba senhor ne’e toman Alarico Fernandes halo kontaktu subar ho invazores Indonesio sira liu husi radio. Alarico hakfodak, tauk Senhor Alexander atu koalia sai, entaun nia foti alu ida lori baku mate senhor ne’e halo terus boót to’o mate.\nSenhor Alexander Lemos asuwain Povo no rai Timor-Leste nian. Nai Maromak sei tau matan ba ita boot, Senhor Alexandre Lemos. Hau nia kolega CSM no luta ba ukun rasik an nian, rai ida ne’e be ita bot hadomi no simu ita boot nia ruin no ran sei kaman ba ita boot. Adeus to’o loron ne’e be eternidade mak sei halo ita hamutuk fali.\nOperasaun Skylight neé mosu tambá seda?\nMosu tanba Alarico Fernandes hakarak hamutuk ho forsa invasor Indonesia sira hodi halakon tiha Luta Armada no tanba ne’e tenki oho Presidente Nicolau Lobato.\nNeé hahalok ida nebe, ita bele dehan katak “Traisaun Ida Bot Tebes” kontra Nasaun Timor Leste?\nNe’e los kedas no los duni. Ida ne’e ita lalika duvida, ne’e traisaun ida bo´ot liu mak ida ne’e. Alarico Fernandes halo traisaun bot tebes ba ita nia funu, tambá informa ba forsa invasores Indonesia nian fatin nebe Prezidente Nicolau Lobato hela ba, hamutuk ho forsa FALINTIL nebe fo protesaun ba nia. Ita labele haluha katak iha tempo neba nudar Presidente FRETILIN nian, nia mos kaer knar boot nudar Presidente Republica RDTL no Comandante-em-Chefe FALINTIL nian.\nOinsa maka forsa invasores Indonesia sira nian hatene fatin lolos nebe Presidente Nicolau Lobato ho Falintil sira hela ba?\nInvasores Indonesia sira haruka subar ema ispiaun ba hafuhu no mos buka ho helicoptro no ho aviaun. Bainhira sira hetan ona fatin los Prezidente Nicolau Lobato ho forsa FALINTIL sira nia akampament ntaun inimigu uza forsa indonesia rihun ba rihun hamutuk ho Timor Oan traidor sira hodi hale’u no halo serku.\nOinsa maka inimigu sira halo asaltu?\nInimigu invasores sira tuir Prezidente Nicolau Lobato, nebe simu protesaun husi FALINTIL, iha semana rua nia laran. Kombate ikus liu dura horas barak no hola fatin iha Tuto Luro, Manufahi. Inimigo invasor hakarak kaer moris deit hodi bele hamoe nia, no obriga nia atu fo ordem ba ita nia forsa sira atu rende an. Ne’e dalan ida nebe Prezidente Nicolau Lobato nunka bele simu no sei nunka tuir. Bainhira inimigo invasor tiru tohar ona nia ain, nia sai husi serku ladiak ona. Tanba ne nia tiru mate nia án hodi tau iha pratika liafuan nebe nia dehan bebeik bainhira nia sei moris ; “Kilat fuan ikus mak sei fo Vitoria ba Hau”.\nLee hotu : Osan falsu viral iha TL hodi temi naran Xanana, CNRT husu Polísia investiga autór\nNia Mate iha funu laran hanesan aswain ida oin seluk, brani tebes, susar atu hetan ida hanesan.?\nNe los duni. Tuir ain fatin Operasaun Skylight maka iha tempo badak inimigu invasor kaer no oho ulun bot barak FRETILIN nian nebe halo funu atu liberta ita nia rain. Ulun bot sira nebe mate tuir Prezidente Nicolau Lobato maka hanesan tuir mai nee: Vise Presidente Anotinio Duarte Carvarino “Maulear” ho nia Bibere Maria do Ceu “Bilear”, Primeiro Ministro Vicente Reis “Sahe” ho nia Bibere Dulce da Cruz “WeWe”, Chefe Estado Maior FALINTIL nian Comandante Dominggos Ribeiro “Bere Manu Koko”, Primeiru no segundo Comandante Brigada Choque Sebastião Doutel Sarmento “Kakoak” no Guido Soares ho nia Bibere Elga Lobato, Comandante Setor Valente Soares “Maululi” no nune mos kuadros politiku no militar FRETILIN nian bot deit nudar Comandante Rosalino Gouveia Leite ho nia Buibere Lucia Cepeda, Komisariu Lere Vice Presidente FRETILIN nia alin, Hamis Bassarewan ho nia Bibere (senhor Agostinho Tinolina nia alin feto), Manuel Ramalinho da Cruz “Sekar” ho nia bibere “Soimali”, Jose Maria ( Maun husi ex-Mnec Zacarias da Costa), Artur Nascimento, Comandante Cirilo Nunes “Maubrani”, Comandante Gil Ribeiro ho nia Bibere Lili Lobato, Natalino Leitao “Somocho”, Eduardo dos Anjos “Kakuk”, Comandante Hermenigildo Alves , Oscar de Araujo “Manu Kei”, Joaquim Saldanha “Naha Berek”, Helio Pina ho ninia Bibere Norberta Lobato, Cesar Lebre “Maulaka”, Comandante Lino Olocasa ho seluk seluk tan. Ema rihun barak, mane, katuas no joven, labarik no feto, mak mate tambá traisaun boot Alarico Fernandes halo kontra FRETILIN no FALINTIL liu husi Operasaun Skyligth.\nHau nia kaben rasik Maria Filomena Pinto Leite Lobato, hau nia banin mane ho feto Felisberto Gouveia Leite no Alexandrina Pires, hamutuk ho hau nian rian sira, ho mos Senhor Fernando Pedruco no tan parenti seluk, hamutuk ema 17, forsa Batalhaun Linud 100 maka Oho, rega deit ho Metralhadora, iha Fahi Nehan.\nNe rezultadu triste tebes husi Operasaun Skylight nebe dada lilu tinan 1979.\nIha liur, iha Frente Diplomatica, Operasaun Skyligth ne’e mos fo resultado at ruma ka lae?\nIha liur, iha Mocambique, hau maka kaer kodiko militar nebe servisu Krypto FALINTIL nian entrega ba hau iha Quartel-General Taibessi, liu husi comandante Sebastiao Doutel Sarmento “Kakoak” nia liman rasik, molok hau atu sai husi Timor Leste ba Mocambique iha loron 4 Dezembro 1975.\nHau sei esplika iha loron seluk tambá seda maka kilat la toó iha Timor no razaun lolos tambá seda hau dadur iha Angola ho ema nebe denunsia hau ba polisia Angola nian. “Ema nebe la deve buat ida, sei la tauk buat ida”. Hau sei koalia klaru iha tempo tuir mai. Hau la tauk atu koalia lia los tanba lia los mak lori liberdade no dignidade ba ita ema.\nMensajem Operasaun Skylight nian nebe Alarico Fernandes haruka ba rai liur, dirigi ba Mari Alkatiri nudar representante plenipontensiariu FRETILIN nian iha Mocanbique. Molok to’o iha hau nia liman, liu uluk husi ita nia radista iha Darwin, tuir mai liu ba Sidney, mak ita nia belun bot ema Australia naran Denis Frencey (Nia mate tena) mak haruka tutan ba hau. Bainhira too iha hau nia liman, hau hatoo kedas ba Servisu Siguransa Mocambique nian. Bainhira sira Leé, sira hakfodak ho situasaun nebe akontese iha ita nia rai laran. Liu tempo balun, Comité Central Partido FRELIMO nian, liu husi membro Buro Politico Emilio Aramando Guebuza fo hatene iha Katembe katak, hare ba mensagem nebe Alarico Fernandes haruka ne’e sai hánesan evidensia ida atu labele simu tan Mari Alkatiri nudar Interlokutor FRETILIN nian ba Partido FRELIMO no ba Governu Mocambique nian. Iha nia fatin Ramos Horta, Roque Rodrigues, Abilio Araujo ho hau rasik hili Jose Luis Guterres “Lugu” nudar representante foun hodi troka Mari Alkatiri. Sei iha tan “lia moe nebe subar” maibe loron ida hau sei dehan sai ba militante FRETILIN hotu no ba Povo Timor Leste tomak atu hatene.\n“Dura est veritas, sed veritas”. Lia los ne todan, tanba ne’e mak lia los”.\nOperasaun Skylight tesi tomak lideransa Luta Armada Libertasaun Nasional nia ulun. Nee klaru kedas. Maibe kuadros balu nebe dok husi fatin nebe inimigo invasor sira ataka makas iha sorte boot tebes tanba la mate. Sira ne’e maka Xanana Gusmao, Juvenal Inacio, Falu Chai, Solan no Ma’Hunu. Maske numero kiik ona, maibe balu sei mate tan, na’in rua deit mak konsegue moris : Kay Rala Xanana Gusmao no Ma’Hunu Bulerek Karatayano.\nXanana no Ma’Hunu, nudar sobreviventes, tenki halo fali buat ruma?\nSira na’in rua hari fali husi mate restu buat oituan nebe sei hamrik iha FALINTIL no Comite Central Fretilin nian. Xanana, ho apoio Ma’Hunu no ho kuadros medios balun, re-organiza fali FRETILIN no FALINTIL, hodi hatutan fali obra Presidente Nicolau Lobato nian no camarada sira nebe mate iha funu no la funu to’o rohan. Ne’e mak ita nia istoria los, baseia ba buat hotu nebe halo duni. Buat nebe halo no akontese duni susar atu prova oin seluk. Ne’e obra ida ke boot tebes. Ema nebe la hatene agradese ne ema beikten no matan delek.\nMari Alkatiri hanoin katak Comandante Rogerio Lobato apoia comandante Xanana Gusmao bainhira fo sai akuzasaun sira nune?\nMari Alkatiri buka ses an husi asuntu prinsipal, soe rai rahun ba militantes FRETILIN sira nia matan atu labele hare. Nia tenki dehan klrau, laos deit ba militantes FRETILIN sira, maibe ba povo Timor Leste tomak. Nia halo duni traisaun ba memoria Presidente Nicolau Lobato nian ka lae, bianhira nia halo Certificado de Reconhecimento hodi rekonhese traidor Alarico Fernandes tambá husi traisaun nee mak halo lakon no halo mate lideransa tomak ita nia luta nian.\nAlarico Fernandes halo duni traisaun ka lae?\nResposta neé simples tebes: Los ka Lae?\nSecretario Geral buka ses an husi responsabilidade ka?\nNeé klaru. Iha rai selu iha mundo, karik mosu traisaun bot ida nune, ne’e Tribunal de Guerra hari kedas atu julga no kondena ema sira nebe implikadu. Kastigo ba krimi sira hanesan nee bot tebes. Maibe iha Timor Leste buat hotu oin seluk. Timor-Leste rai ida ke fo toleransi bot tebes no nunka lori ba tribunal ema sira nebe halo violasaun, oho no comete krimi oin-oin kontra ita nia povo. Tambá impunidade hodi la julga no kondena kriminosu bot sira mak agora, maski krimi hanesan traisaun bot mosu, ita nia sistema justisa la liga no diak hela.\nMari Alkatiri dehan katak Ita Bot suporta Comandante Xanana?\nMari Alkatiri senti la diak. Bainhira nia relasaun politika uluk diak ho Xanana, bolu tan “compadre” ba Xanana, laiha ema ida, no hau rasik, atu kontra buat ida neé. Hau hare hahalok ida hanesan neé normal iha politika. Maibe hau mos ladun fiar nia hahalok tamba hau hare katak nia “devosaun” ba nia “comapdre” bot demais. Hau hare nia hili duni dalan ida neé hodi bele hetan ukun iha Oecusse. Nufim nia hetan duni ukun ne’e iha Oecusse. Iha Oecusse nia halo konstrusaun obras mesak boot deit no uma luxu mesak karun deit. Maibe agora nia hirus Xanana. Tanba nee nia hakarak ema hotu tenki hirus mos Xanana. Nia mos kala hakarak hau atu hirus malu mos ho Xanana. Mas tambá seda mak hau tenki tuir nia hakarak? Nee hanoin ida ke hau hanaran “Logica de Batata”. Ema nebe ulun fehuk mak bele obriga ema hotu atu tuir arbiru nia hakarak. Uluk Xanana membro Comite Central FRETILIN nian, kontinuador nebe hatutan Presidente Nicolau Lobato nia obra bainhira nia reorganiza FRETILIN, FALINTIL no Resistencia kontra ocupasaun Indonesia nian no lori ita nian rain ba to’o ukun rasik aan. Xanana Presidente Partido CNRT, ne’e responsabilidade ninian tomak. Xanana deit mak hatene. Hau nudar militante FRETILIN sei luta atu hadia FRETILIN, sei hases FRETILIN husi ema at nebe halo foer FRETILIN nia naran no sei serbi FRETILIN to’o mate.\nMari Alkatiri dehan katak ita bot hakarak salva Xanana tanba Xanana desesperado?\nMari Alkatiri nunca hatene sukat nia liafuan, nanal ne’e ruin la iha tebes. Kuandu nia loke nia ibun, nia fakar sai deit lia kroat hanesan venenu. Hau Rogerio maka atu salva Xanana? Salva oinsa no tanba sa? Tuir hau nia fiar katoliku nian, Jesus maka mate iha curz hodi salva fiar nain hotu husi sala (pecado) tambá ne’e Jesus mak hau nia Salvador. Hau sala nain ida atu salva fali ema seluk oinsa? Mari Alkatiri halo konfuzaun tanba nia relijiaun ho hau nian la hanesan.\nKoalia Badak deit, ita bot nia preukupasaun maka seda?\nHau nia preokupasaun mak haka’as an atu re-organiza Fretilin, halo Fretilin ida nebe nakloke ba ema hotu, liu husi militânsia ida nebe halo militante sira hare malu hanesan maun alin, nebe tuir ho laran dalan kritika no auto kritika, tulun militante nebe susar no lideransa partidu nian haluha, abandona no la rekonhese, hakoak ema hotu, orgulho tanba aswain iha funu maibe hakraik an hodi rekonhese nia sala no nia fraqueza. FRETILIN ida nebe defende Konstituisaun RDTL nian, nebe buka ukun tuir dalan legal ho legitimu no bainhira manan sei nakloke atu ukun liu husi koperasaun ida nebe mai duni husi fuan ho forsa politika partidu sira seluk nian. Timor Leste rai ida nebe kiík, ho ema mos oituan tebes kompara ho rai seluk, maibe iha osan ho rekursus rai nian barak hodi bele halo politika desenvolvimento ekonomiku ho sosial ida nebe bele lori benefisiui hanesan ba ema hotu-hotu.\nIta hotu bele hamutuk mos ita la barak nafatin tambá rai nee kiik hela.\nMak ne deit?\nMari Alkatiri lalika hases militante sira nian atensaun ho kampanha bosok nian. Hau, hamutuk ho militante rihun barak nebe lakon ami nia familia tomak, ami hakarak FRETILIN ida nebe oin seluk, FRETILIN Povo nian nebe labele fila an fali hanesan propriedade privadu Mari Alkatiri nian, nia família ho nia grupo kiik oan sira balu nebe mak tuir nia tanba hakarak nafatin status quo.\nMari Alkatiri tenki dehan klaru ba ita hotu: Operasaun Skylight ne’e traisaun bot tebes. Los ka Lae?\nAlarico Fernandes nebe loke Operasaun Skylight halo traisaun bot kontra ita nia luta. Los ka Lae?\nRazaun seda mak lori Mari Alkatiri atu fo “Certificado Reconecimento” ba Alarico Fernandes?\nBainhira Mari Alkatiri assina “Certificado Reconhecimento”, nia halo traisaun kontra memoria Presidente Nicolau Lobato no kontra kuadros boot hotu FRETILIN no FALINTIL nian nebe mate ho Presidente Nicolau Lobato. LOS ka LAE?\nMilitantes hotu FRETILIN nian no Povo Timor-Leste tomak iha direito atu ijiji resposta ida nebe Klrau no Los.\nKona-ba preokupasaun eis Komandante FALINTIL Rogério Lobato nian alin husi saudozu Nicolau Lobato ne’e bainhira GMN tenta konfirma ho Sekretáriu Jeral Partidu FRETILIN, Marí Bin Amude Alkatiri, maibe Alkatiri rasik lakohi fó komentáriu. GMN | [
"Rogerio Lobato: Operasaun skylight hanesan traisaun ba Nicolau Lobato no luta na'in sira - GMN TV | Grupo Media Nacional - Lori Timor ba Mundu - GMN TV | Grupo Media Nacional Home \" Politika \" Rogerio Lobato: Operasaun skylight hanesan traisaun ba Nicolau Lobato no luta na'in sira Eis komandante FALINTIL, Rogerio Lobato, deklara, operasaun skylight mosu tanba Alarico Fernandes hakarak hamutuk ho forsa invazor Indonezia sira hodi halakon tiha luta armada no tanba ne'e tenke oho saudozu Prezidente Nicolau Lobato.",
"\"Hau foin hatene katak Mari Alkatiri halo \"Certificado de Reconhecimento\" hodi rekonhese Alarico Fernandes nia traisaun.",
"Tanba ne hau deklara ba ema hotu katak hau la simu i hau kondena.\"",
"\"Xanana, hamutuk ho Ma'Huno, reorganiza FRETILIN no FALINTIL, hodi hatutan luta Prezidente Nicolau Lobato nian no mos kamarada sira nebe mate iha funu hamutuk ho nia no la to'o dalan rohan.",
"Ne istoria luta ita nian.",
"Hahalok nebe abut iha faktus susar atu kontra,\" dehan Rogerio Lobato ba Jornalista Antonio Veladas iha rai liur foin lalais ne'ebe GMN hetan asesu.",
"ANTONIO VELADAS (AV): notisia nebe agora naklekar konaba Operasaun Skylight ne grave tebes.",
"Ne'e liu tia ona tinan 42 mak povu Timor Leste foin hatene?",
"ROGERIO LOBATO (RL): hanesan ita hare, lia los no lia bosok lao hamutuk maibe lakahur malu.",
"Nee hanesan be no mina.",
"Bele lori tempo naruk maibe lia los sei mosu nafatin.",
"Ita senti katak tempo naruk ida nune halo ema haluha tena Operasaun Skylight ka lae?",
"Uluk ema balun hatene maibe ladun koalia ba mai.",
"Tamba ne'e komesa lakon iha ema nia ulun.",
"Maibe teki tekir ema hotu komesa koalia fali tamba hau kondena no dehan ba ema hotu katak hau hakribi no lakohi simu desizaun ida ne'e.",
"Oinsa mak nune fali ?",
"Bele esplika diak liu ka?",
"Alarico Fernandes kole ona atu halo funu iha tempu neba.",
"Nia halo krimi barak.",
"Ida mak nia lori alu baku mate Senhor ida naran Alexander Lemos tanba senhor ne'e toman Alarico Fernandes halo kontaktu subar ho invazores Indonesio sira liu husi radio.",
"Alarico hakfodak, tauk Senhor Alexander atu koalia sai, entaun nia foti alu ida lori baku mate senhor ne'e halo terus boot to'o mate.",
"Senhor Alexander Lemos asuwain Povo no rai Timor-Leste nian.",
"Nai Maromak sei tau matan ba ita boot, Senhor Alexandre Lemos.",
"Hau nia kolega CSM no luta ba ukun rasik an nian, rai ida ne'e be ita bot hadomi no simu ita boot nia ruin no ran sei kaman ba ita boot.",
"Adeus to'o loron ne'e be eternidade mak sei halo ita hamutuk fali.",
"Operasaun Skylight nee mosu tamba seda?",
"Mosu tanba Alarico Fernandes hakarak hamutuk ho forsa invasor Indonesia sira hodi halakon tiha Luta Armada no tanba ne'e tenki oho Presidente Nicolau Lobato.",
"Nee hahalok ida nebe, ita bele dehan katak \"Traisaun Ida Bot Tebes\" kontra Nasaun Timor Leste?",
"Ne'e los kedas no los duni.",
"Ida ne'e ita lalika duvida, ne'e traisaun ida bo'ot liu mak ida ne'e.",
"Alarico Fernandes halo traisaun bot tebes ba ita nia funu, tamba informa ba forsa invasores Indonesia nian fatin nebe Prezidente Nicolau Lobato hela ba, hamutuk ho forsa FALINTIL nebe fo protesaun ba nia.",
"Ita labele haluha katak iha tempo neba nudar Presidente FRETILIN nian, nia mos kaer knar boot nudar Presidente Republica RDTL no Comandante-em-Chefe FALINTIL nian.",
"Oinsa maka forsa invasores Indonesia sira nian hatene fatin lolos nebe Presidente Nicolau Lobato ho Falintil sira hela ba?",
"Invasores Indonesia sira haruka subar ema ispiaun ba hafuhu no mos buka ho helicoptro no ho aviaun.",
"Bainhira sira hetan ona fatin los Prezidente Nicolau Lobato ho forsa FALINTIL sira nia akampament ntaun inimigu uza forsa indonesia rihun ba rihun hamutuk ho Timor Oan traidor sira hodi hale'u no halo serku.",
"Oinsa maka inimigu sira halo asaltu?",
"Inimigu invasores sira tuir Prezidente Nicolau Lobato, nebe simu protesaun husi FALINTIL, iha semana rua nia laran.",
"Kombate ikus liu dura horas barak no hola fatin iha Tuto Luro, Manufahi.",
"Inimigo invasor hakarak kaer moris deit hodi bele hamoe nia, no obriga nia atu fo ordem ba ita nia forsa sira atu rende an.",
"Ne'e dalan ida nebe Prezidente Nicolau Lobato nunka bele simu no sei nunka tuir.",
"Bainhira inimigo invasor tiru tohar ona nia ain, nia sai husi serku ladiak ona.",
"Tanba ne nia tiru mate nia an hodi tau iha pratika liafuan nebe nia dehan bebeik bainhira nia sei moris; \"Kilat fuan ikus mak sei fo Vitoria ba Hau.\"",
"Lee hotu: Osan falsu viral iha TL hodi temi naran Xanana, CNRT husu Polisia investiga autor Nia Mate iha funu laran hanesan aswain ida oin seluk, brani tebes, susar atu hetan ida hanesan.?",
"Ne los duni.",
"Tuir ain fatin Operasaun Skylight maka iha tempo badak inimigu invasor kaer no oho ulun bot barak FRETILIN nian nebe halo funu atu liberta ita nia rain.",
"Ulun bot sira nebe mate tuir Prezidente Nicolau Lobato maka hanesan tuir mai nee: Vise Presidente Anotinio Duarte Carvarino \"Maulear\" ho nia Bibere Maria do Ceu \"Bilear,\" Primeiro Ministro Vicente Reis \"Sahe\" ho nia Bibere Dulce da Cruz \"WeWe,\" Chefe Estado Maior FALINTIL nian Comandante Dominggos Ribeiro \"Bere Manu Koko,\" Primeiru no segundo Comandante Brigada Choque Sebastiao Doutel Sarmento \"Kakoak\" no Guido Soares ho nia Bibere Elga Lobato, Comandante Setor Valente Soares \"Maululi\" no nune mos kuadros politiku no militar FRETILIN nian bot deit nudar Comandante Rosalino Gouveia Leite ho nia Buibere Lucia Cepeda, Komisariu Lere Vice Presidente FRETILIN nia alin, Hamis Bassarewan ho nia Bibere (senhor Agostinho Tinolina nia alin feto), Manuel Ramalinho da Cruz \"Sekar\" ho nia bibere \"Soimali,\" Jose Maria (Maun husi ex-Mnec Zacarias da Costa), Artur Nascimento, Comandante Cirilo Nunes \"Maubrani,\" Comandante Gil Ribeiro ho nia Bibere Lili Lobato, Natalino Leitao \"Somocho,\" Eduardo dos Anjos \"Kakuk,\" Comandante Hermenigildo Alves , Oscar de Araujo \"Manu Kei,\" Joaquim Saldanha \"Naha Berek,\" Helio Pina ho ninia Bibere Norberta Lobato, Cesar Lebre \"Maulaka,\" Comandante Lino Olocasa ho seluk seluk tan.",
"Ema rihun barak, mane, katuas no joven, labarik no feto, mak mate tamba traisaun boot Alarico Fernandes halo kontra FRETILIN no FALINTIL liu husi Operasaun Skyligth.",
"Hau nia kaben rasik Maria Filomena Pinto Leite Lobato, hau nia banin mane ho feto Felisberto Gouveia Leite no Alexandrina Pires, hamutuk ho hau nian rian sira, ho mos Senhor Fernando Pedruco no tan parenti seluk, hamutuk ema 17, forsa Batalhaun Linud 100 maka Oho, rega deit ho Metralhadora, iha Fahi Nehan.",
"Ne rezultadu triste tebes husi Operasaun Skylight nebe dada lilu tinan 1979.",
"Iha liur, iha Frente Diplomatica, Operasaun Skyligth ne'e mos fo resultado at ruma ka lae?",
"Iha liur, iha Mocambique, hau maka kaer kodiko militar nebe servisu Krypto FALINTIL nian entrega ba hau iha Quartel-General Taibessi, liu husi comandante Sebastiao Doutel Sarmento \"Kakoak\" nia liman rasik, molok hau atu sai husi Timor Leste ba Mocambique iha loron 4 Dezembro 1975.",
"Hau sei esplika iha loron seluk tamba seda maka kilat la too iha Timor no razaun lolos tamba seda hau dadur iha Angola ho ema nebe denunsia hau ba polisia Angola nian.",
"\"Ema nebe la deve buat ida, sei la tauk buat ida.\"",
"Hau sei koalia klaru iha tempo tuir mai.",
"Hau la tauk atu koalia lia los tanba lia los mak lori liberdade no dignidade ba ita ema.",
"Mensajem Operasaun Skylight nian nebe Alarico Fernandes haruka ba rai liur, dirigi ba Mari Alkatiri nudar representante plenipontensiariu FRETILIN nian iha Mocanbique.",
"Molok to'o iha hau nia liman, liu uluk husi ita nia radista iha Darwin, tuir mai liu ba Sidney, mak ita nia belun bot ema Australia naran Denis Frencey (Nia mate tena) mak haruka tutan ba hau.",
"Bainhira too iha hau nia liman, hau hatoo kedas ba Servisu Siguransa Mocambique nian.",
"Bainhira sira Lee, sira hakfodak ho situasaun nebe akontese iha ita nia rai laran.",
"Liu tempo balun, Comite Central Partido FRELIMO nian, liu husi membro Buro Politico Emilio Aramando Guebuza fo hatene iha Katembe katak, hare ba mensagem nebe Alarico Fernandes haruka ne'e sai hanesan evidensia ida atu labele simu tan Mari Alkatiri nudar Interlokutor FRETILIN nian ba Partido FRELIMO no ba Governu Mocambique nian.",
"Iha nia fatin Ramos Horta, Roque Rodrigues, Abilio Araujo ho hau rasik hili Jose Luis Guterres \"Lugu\" nudar representante foun hodi troka Mari Alkatiri.",
"Sei iha tan \"lia moe nebe subar\" maibe loron ida hau sei dehan sai ba militante FRETILIN hotu no ba Povo Timor Leste tomak atu hatene.",
"\"Dura est veritas, sed veritas.\"",
"Lia los ne todan, tanba ne'e mak lia los.\"",
"Operasaun Skylight tesi tomak lideransa Luta Armada Libertasaun Nasional nia ulun.",
"Nee klaru kedas.",
"Maibe kuadros balu nebe dok husi fatin nebe inimigo invasor sira ataka makas iha sorte boot tebes tanba la mate.",
"Sira ne'e maka Xanana Gusmao, Juvenal Inacio, Falu Chai, Solan no Ma'Hunu.",
"Maske numero kiik ona, maibe balu sei mate tan, na'in rua deit mak konsegue moris: Kay Rala Xanana Gusmao no Ma'Hunu Bulerek Karatayano.",
"Xanana no Ma'Hunu, nudar sobreviventes, tenki halo fali buat ruma?",
"Sira na'in rua hari fali husi mate restu buat oituan nebe sei hamrik iha FALINTIL no Comite Central Fretilin nian.",
"Xanana, ho apoio Ma'Hunu no ho kuadros medios balun, re-organiza fali FRETILIN no FALINTIL, hodi hatutan fali obra Presidente Nicolau Lobato nian no camarada sira nebe mate iha funu no la funu to'o rohan.",
"Ne'e mak ita nia istoria los, baseia ba buat hotu nebe halo duni.",
"Buat nebe halo no akontese duni susar atu prova oin seluk.",
"Ne'e obra ida ke boot tebes.",
"Ema nebe la hatene agradese ne ema beikten no matan delek.",
"Mari Alkatiri hanoin katak Comandante Rogerio Lobato apoia comandante Xanana Gusmao bainhira fo sai akuzasaun sira nune?",
"Mari Alkatiri buka ses an husi asuntu prinsipal, soe rai rahun ba militantes FRETILIN sira nia matan atu labele hare.",
"Nia tenki dehan klrau, laos deit ba militantes FRETILIN sira, maibe ba povo Timor Leste tomak.",
"Nia halo duni traisaun ba memoria Presidente Nicolau Lobato nian ka lae, bianhira nia halo Certificado de Reconhecimento hodi rekonhese traidor Alarico Fernandes tamba husi traisaun nee mak halo lakon no halo mate lideransa tomak ita nia luta nian.",
"Alarico Fernandes halo duni traisaun ka lae?",
"Resposta nee simples tebes: Los ka Lae?",
"Secretario Geral buka ses an husi responsabilidade ka?",
"Nee klaru.",
"Iha rai selu iha mundo, karik mosu traisaun bot ida nune, ne'e Tribunal de Guerra hari kedas atu julga no kondena ema sira nebe implikadu.",
"Kastigo ba krimi sira hanesan nee bot tebes.",
"Maibe iha Timor Leste buat hotu oin seluk.",
"Timor-Leste rai ida ke fo toleransi bot tebes no nunka lori ba tribunal ema sira nebe halo violasaun, oho no comete krimi oin-oin kontra ita nia povo.",
"Tamba impunidade hodi la julga no kondena kriminosu bot sira mak agora, maski krimi hanesan traisaun bot mosu, ita nia sistema justisa la liga no diak hela.",
"Mari Alkatiri dehan katak Ita Bot suporta Comandante Xanana?",
"Mari Alkatiri senti la diak.",
"Bainhira nia relasaun politika uluk diak ho Xanana, bolu tan \"compadre\" ba Xanana, laiha ema ida, no hau rasik, atu kontra buat ida nee.",
"Hau hare hahalok ida hanesan nee normal iha politika.",
"Maibe hau mos ladun fiar nia hahalok tamba hau hare katak nia \"devosaun\" ba nia \"comapdre\" bot demais.",
"Hau hare nia hili duni dalan ida nee hodi bele hetan ukun iha Oecusse.",
"Nufim nia hetan duni ukun ne'e iha Oecusse.",
"Iha Oecusse nia halo konstrusaun obras mesak boot deit no uma luxu mesak karun deit.",
"Maibe agora nia hirus Xanana.",
"Tanba nee nia hakarak ema hotu tenki hirus mos Xanana.",
"Nia mos kala hakarak hau atu hirus malu mos ho Xanana.",
"Mas tamba seda mak hau tenki tuir nia hakarak?",
"Nee hanoin ida ke hau hanaran \"Logica de Batata.\"",
"Ema nebe ulun fehuk mak bele obriga ema hotu atu tuir arbiru nia hakarak.",
"Uluk Xanana membro Comite Central FRETILIN nian, kontinuador nebe hatutan Presidente Nicolau Lobato nia obra bainhira nia reorganiza FRETILIN, FALINTIL no Resistencia kontra ocupasaun Indonesia nian no lori ita nian rain ba to'o ukun rasik aan.",
"Xanana Presidente Partido CNRT, ne'e responsabilidade ninian tomak.",
"Xanana deit mak hatene.",
"Hau nudar militante FRETILIN sei luta atu hadia FRETILIN, sei hases FRETILIN husi ema at nebe halo foer FRETILIN nia naran no sei serbi FRETILIN to'o mate.",
"Mari Alkatiri dehan katak ita bot hakarak salva Xanana tanba Xanana desesperado?",
"Mari Alkatiri nunca hatene sukat nia liafuan, nanal ne'e ruin la iha tebes.",
"Kuandu nia loke nia ibun, nia fakar sai deit lia kroat hanesan venenu.",
"Hau Rogerio maka atu salva Xanana?",
"Salva oinsa no tanba sa?",
"Tuir hau nia fiar katoliku nian, Jesus maka mate iha curz hodi salva fiar nain hotu husi sala (pecado) tamba ne'e Jesus mak hau nia Salvador.",
"Hau sala nain ida atu salva fali ema seluk oinsa?",
"Mari Alkatiri halo konfuzaun tanba nia relijiaun ho hau nian la hanesan.",
"Koalia Badak deit, ita bot nia preukupasaun maka seda?",
"Hau nia preokupasaun mak haka'as an atu re-organiza Fretilin, halo Fretilin ida nebe nakloke ba ema hotu, liu husi militansia ida nebe halo militante sira hare malu hanesan maun alin, nebe tuir ho laran dalan kritika no auto kritika, tulun militante nebe susar no lideransa partidu nian haluha, abandona no la rekonhese, hakoak ema hotu, orgulho tanba aswain iha funu maibe hakraik an hodi rekonhese nia sala no nia fraqueza.",
"FRETILIN ida nebe defende Konstituisaun RDTL nian, nebe buka ukun tuir dalan legal ho legitimu no bainhira manan sei nakloke atu ukun liu husi koperasaun ida nebe mai duni husi fuan ho forsa politika partidu sira seluk nian.",
"Timor Leste rai ida nebe kiik, ho ema mos oituan tebes kompara ho rai seluk, maibe iha osan ho rekursus rai nian barak hodi bele halo politika desenvolvimento ekonomiku ho sosial ida nebe bele lori benefisiui hanesan ba ema hotu-hotu.",
"Ita hotu bele hamutuk mos ita la barak nafatin tamba rai nee kiik hela.",
"Mak ne deit?",
"Mari Alkatiri lalika hases militante sira nian atensaun ho kampanha bosok nian.",
"Hau, hamutuk ho militante rihun barak nebe lakon ami nia familia tomak, ami hakarak FRETILIN ida nebe oin seluk, FRETILIN Povo nian nebe labele fila an fali hanesan propriedade privadu Mari Alkatiri nian, nia familia ho nia grupo kiik oan sira balu nebe mak tuir nia tanba hakarak nafatin status quo.",
"Mari Alkatiri tenki dehan klaru ba ita hotu: Operasaun Skylight ne'e traisaun bot tebes.",
"Los ka Lae?",
"Alarico Fernandes nebe loke Operasaun Skylight halo traisaun bot kontra ita nia luta.",
"Los ka Lae?",
"Razaun seda mak lori Mari Alkatiri atu fo \"Certificado Reconecimento\" ba Alarico Fernandes?",
"Bainhira Mari Alkatiri assina \"Certificado Reconhecimento,\" nia halo traisaun kontra memoria Presidente Nicolau Lobato no kontra kuadros boot hotu FRETILIN no FALINTIL nian nebe mate ho Presidente Nicolau Lobato.",
"LOS ka LAE?",
"Militantes hotu FRETILIN nian no Povo Timor-Leste tomak iha direito atu ijiji resposta ida nebe Klrau no Los.",
"Kona-ba preokupasaun eis Komandante FALINTIL Rogerio Lobato nian alin husi saudozu Nicolau Lobato ne'e bainhira GMN tenta konfirma ho Sekretariu Jeral Partidu FRETILIN, Mari Bin Amude Alkatiri, maibe Alkatiri rasik lakohi fo komentariu.",
] | [
"Rogerio Lobato: Operation skylight is a betrayal of Nicolau Lobo and his fighters - GMN TV | Grupo Media Nacional Home \" Politics\" Operação SkyLight was launched because Alarico Fernandes wanted to work with the invading Indonesian forces in an effort for defeating armed struggle, which meant that he had have killed late President Nicolao Lobato. Former FALINTIL commanders declared this as being necessary after they saw how many people were dead during their fight against Indonesia' s invasion force on August15th (20/8)."
"\"I just learned that Mari Alkatiri made a 'Certificado de Reconhecimento' to acknowledge Alarico Fernandes’s betrayal."
"For I declare to all that it is not my will, and condemn myself.\""
"\"Xanana, together with Ma'Huno reorganized FRETILIN and FALINTIL to continue the struggle of President Nicolau Lobato as well a comrades who died in battle alongside him."
"This is the history of our struggle."
"A behavior that is strong in facts and difficult to counter,\" said Rogerio Lobato recently abroad with journalist Antonio Veladas who GMN has access."
"ANTONIO VELADAS (AV): The news that has just appeared about Operation Skylight is very serious."
"It's been 42 years since the East Timorese people first knew about it."
"ROGERIO LOBATO (RL): As we have seen, truth and lies go hand in hands but do not oppose each other."
"It's like be and mine."
"It may take a long time but the truth will come out."
"We feel that a long period of time is enough to make people forget about Operation Skylight, right?"
"Some people know it but don't speak to me."
"This is why it begins to disappear in the head of people."
"But then everyone started talking again because I condemned it and told everybody that i despise this decision."
"What's next?"
"Can you explain it better?"
"Alarico Fernandes had already assembled to fight at that time."
"He committed many crimes."
"One of them was a man named Alexander Lemos, whom he beat to death because Alarico Fernandes had contacted the Indonesian invaders via radio."
"Alarico was shocked, but Mr. Alexander did not want to speak out so he took one of his servants and beat him dead with a knife; the man died in great suffering!"
"Mr. Alexander Lemos wishes the people and land of Timor-Leste well,"
"God will take care of you, Lord Alexandre Lemos."
"My colleague CSM and struggle for independence, this country that we loved is ours to accept its ruin. And blood will flow on us all!"
"Goodbye until this day and eternity will bring us together again."
"Operation Skylight was launched because of the Silk Road?"
"It arose because Alarico Fernandes wanted to join forces with the invading Indonesian troops and defeat Luta Armada, so he was forced by this act of violence against President Nicolau Lobato."
"Is this an act, which we can call a \"great betrayal\" against the nation of East Timor?"
"Ne'e los kedas no duilos."
"There is no doubt about this, it's a greater betrayal than that."
"Alarico Fernandes betrayed our struggle, because he informed the invading forces of Indonesia where President Nicolau Lobato was stayed together with FALINTIL troops who protected him."
"We must not forget that at the time as President of FRETILIN, he also held important positions in both Timor-Leste and FALINTIL."
"How did the invading Indonesian forces know exactly where President Nicolau Lobato and Falintil were?"
"The Indonesian invaders sent spy squads to the island and searched with helicopters, planes."
"Once they had occupied the positions of President Nicolau Lobato and FALINTIL forces, their hostile enemy camp used thousand-and -thousands Indonesian troops together with Timorese traitors to hunt them down."
"What is it that the enemies are attacking?"
"The invading enemies followed President Nicolau Lobato, who was protected by the FALINTILs in two weeks."
"The most recent fighting lasted for many hours and took place in Tuto Luro, Manufahi."
"The invading enemy wants to take him alive only so that he can be defeated, and forced it in order for our forces surrender."
"This is a path that President Nicolau Lobato could never accept and will not follow."
"When the invading enemy had shot him in his foot, he was out of siege."
"Therefore he shot himself to put into practice the words that would be repeated throughout his life; \"The last breath will give me Victory.\""
"Read all: Fake money viral in TL to mention the name of Xanana, CNRT asks Police investigate author His death during war is like another one before it. It's very scary and difficult for someone such a thing?"
"Don't throw them away."
"Instead Operation Skylight was in a short time the invading enemy captured and killed many heads of FRETILIN who fought to liberate our country."
"The men who died after President Nicolau Lobato were as follows: Vice-President Anotinio Duarte Carvarino \"Maulear\" with his wife Maria do Ceu “Bilear,” Prime Minister Vicente Reis ”Sahe” and her husband Dulce da Cruz „We We,“ Chief of Staff FALINTIL Commander Domingos Ribeiro ‘Bere Manu Koko’; First & Second Choque Brigade commanders Sebastiau Doutel Sarmento 'Kakoak' e Guidou Soares com sua mulher Elga Loboato. Sector Comandante Valentem Soares ´ Maululi‘ in addition to the political/military cadre from FRETILIN like Comando Rosalino Gouveias Leites con su mujer Lucia Cepeda (the son) Commissioner Lere Deputy Chairman Fretilin Hamis Bassarwan co seu homem de confiança(Mr Agostinho Tinolina sister), Manuel Ramalinho Da Croix Sekar Con Su esposa Soymali José Mário [brother by ex -Mnec Zacarias Costa], Artur Nascimento comandante Cirilo Nunez Maubrani comandante Gil Ribeiro Co Sua Mulhere Lili Lobato Natallino Leitão Somochão Eduardo dos Anjous Kakuk comando Hermenigildo Alves Oscar De Araujo Man"
"Thousands of people, men and women alike died because Alarico Fernandes's great betrayal against FRETILIN in Operation Skyligth."
"My own wife Maria Filomena Pinto Leite Lobato, my son and daughter Felisberto Gouveia Leite e Alexandrina Pires together with all of our relative 17 men from the Batalhão Linud (Battalion) no."
"This was the sad result of Operation Skylight, which took place in 1978."
"Abroad, on the Diplomatic Front. Has Operation Skylight also produced any results?"
"Abroad, in Mozambique I carried a military code that the Krypto service of FALINTIL handed to me at HQ Taibessi through commander Sebastiao Doutel Sarmento \"Kakoak\"'s own hands before leaving East Timor for Mozambique on 4 December."
"I will explain in another day why the lightning did not come to Timor and what was exactly my reason for being arrested by people who denounced me at Angolan police."
"\"A man who ought not to do this, will never take it.\""
"I will speak clearly at a later time."
"I am not afraid to speak the truth because it brings us freedom and dignity."
"The message of Operation Skylight that Alarico Fernandes sent abroad was addressed to Mari Alkatiri as the plenipotentiary representative for FRETILIN in Mozambique."
"Before it came into my hands, first from our radioman in Darwin and then through Sydney to me by a friend of mine who was an Australian named Denis Frencey (he died shortly after)."
"When it arrived in my hands, I immediately reported to the Mozambican Security Service."
"When they read it, their hearts were filled with joy at the situation in our country."
"Some time ago, the Central Committee of FRELIMO Party through its Political Bureau member Emilio Aramando Guebuza informed Katembe that due to Alarico Fernandes's message it was clear they could no longer accept Mari Alkatiri as a party interlocutor for both Partido Frelimo and Government."
"In his place Ramos Horta, Roque Rodrigues and Abilio Araujo have chosen Jose Luis Guterres \"Lugu\" as the new representative to replace Mari Alkatiri."
"There will be more \"lea moe nebe subar\" but one day I shall tell out to all FRETILIN militants and the whole people of East Timor so that they know."
"\"Dura est veritas, sed veritus.\" - Dure is truth but not true."
"It's not because it is a lie, but the truth.\""
"Operation Skylight tested the entire leadership of Luta Armada de Libertação Nacional."
"It's very clear."
"However, some frames from the places where invading enemies attacked were very lucky not to die."
"These are Xanana Gusmao, Juvenal Inacio Falu Chai Solan and Ma'Hunu."
"Although the numbers are small, but some will die again. Only two survived: Kay Rala Xanana Gusmao and Ma'Hunu Bulerek Karatayano 1975-2036"
"As survivors, do Xanana and Ma'Hunu have to make a difference?"
"The two of them rebuilt from the dead all that remained which would have been lost in FALINTIL and Fretilin's Central Committee."
"Xanana, with the support of Ma'Hunu and some middle cadres re-organized FRETILIN & FALINTIL in order to continue President Nicolau Lobato` s work as well for long."
"This is our true history, based on everything that has actually been done."
"What is done and what has actually happened will be difficult to prove in the future."
"It's a very big work."
"A person who does not know how to thank is a man with no eyes."
"Mari Alkatiri believes that Commander Rogerio Lobato supported commanding officer Xanana Gusmao when he made such accusations."
"Mari Alkatiri is trying to get away from the main issue, soe rai rahun for FRETILIN militants' eyes that they can not see."
"He must say it clearly, not only to FRETILIN militants but for the entire people of East Timor."
"Whether or not he has betrayed the memory of President Nicolau Lobato, if so then it is necessary to issue a Certificado de Reconhecimento (certificate) recognizing Alarico Fernandes as traitor because his treachery caused our struggle’s entire leadership' s loss and death."
"Did Alarico Fernandes actually commit treason?"
"The answer is very simple: Los ka Lae?"
"Is the Secretary-General seeking to free himself from responsibility?"
"It's not clear."
"In any country in the world, if such a treason occurs there is immediately set up Tribunal de Guerra to try and convict those involved."
"The punishment for such crimes is very bad."
"But in East Timor everything is different."
"Timor-Leste is a very tolerant country and never brings to court those who rape, kill or commit other crime against our people."
"Because of the impunity for not trying and convicting bot criminals, even though crime such as treason has occurred our justice system is still uncohesive."
"Mari Alkatiri says that we do not support Comandante Xanana?"
"Mari Alkatiri feels uncomfortable."
"When his political relationship with Xanana was good, he called \"compadre\" to Xanana. There is no one and I myself who would oppose this thing!"
"I see such behavior as normal in politics."
"But I also don't trust his behavior because i think that he is too \"devoted\" to the comapdre."
"I see that he has chosen this way to get power in Oecusse."
"He was the only one to have been given this title in Oecusse."
"In Oecusse he built only large works in a luxury but expensive."
"But now he is the hirus of Xanana."
"Because he wants everyone to be like Xanana."
"She also wanted me to be in a relationship with Xanana."
"But why should I have to follow his will?"
"This is something I call \"Potato Logic.\" That's the idea."
"A white-headed man can compel everyone to follow his arbitrary will."
"Uluk Xanana is a former member of the Central Committee, and he continued President Nicolau Lobato's work when reorganizing FRETILIN (Frente Revolucionária de Timor-Leste Independente), FALINTIL(Forças Armadas Liberadoras do Povo)and resistance against Indonesian occupation to lead our country towards independence."
"Xanana President of CNRT Party, it's my entire responsibility."
"Xanana deit mak know."
"I as a militant of FRETILIN will fight to improve Fretilin, i'll save the party from those who are making fun outof its name and serving it till my death."
"Mari Alkatiri says that we want to save Xanana because he is desperate?"
"Mari Alkatiri never knew how to measure his words, and that's not a bad thing."
"When he opened his mouth, it exhaled only Croatian language like poison."
"Am I Rogerio going to save Xanana?"
"How and why do we save?"
"According to my Catholic faith, Jesus died on the cross for all believers and therefore he is My Savior."
"How am I a sinner to save another?"
"Mari Alkatiri is creating confusion because his religion and mine are not the same."
"Koalia Badak only, our bot’s concern is silk?"
"My concern is to re-organize Fretilin, make it a party that's open for everyone through militantism which makes the members see each other as brother and sister who follow critically their own path of self criticization. Helping those in difficulty when they are ignored by partisan leadership; abandonment or non recognition: hating everybody with pride because we have been struggling but being proud at our mistakenness & frailty!"
"A FRETILIN that defends the Constitution of Timor-Leste, which seeks to rule through legal and legitimate means. When it wint will be opened up for governing by a cooperation from heart with other political forces in this country :"
"Timor-Leste is a small country with very few people compared to other countries, but it has the money and resources of this land in order for us that we can carry out an economical development policy which will bring equal benefits."
"We can all come together but we are still not many because the world is small."
"What's the matter with you?"
"Mari Alkatiri did not distract his militants' attention with a false campaign."
"I, along with the thousands of other members who have lost their entire families to this day want a different FRETILIN. A people' s Fretilin that cannot be reverted back into Mari Alkatiri and his family private property or in those few small groups following him because they still wish for status quo!"
"Mari Alkatiri must make it clear to all of us: Operation Skylight is a great betrayal."
"Los ka Lae? (Lost or Found)"
"Alarico Fernandes who opened Operation Skylight betrayed our struggle."
"Los ka Lae? (Lost or Found)"
"What reasons led Mari Alkatiri to give \"Certificado Reconhecimento\" (certificate of recognition) for Alarico Fernandes?"
"When Mari Alkatiri signed the \"Certificado Reconhecimento,\" he betrayed President Nicolau Lobato's memory and that of all those high-ranking members in FRETILIN or FALINTIL who died with him."
"LOS to LAE?"
"All FRETILIN militants and the entire people of Timor-Leste have a right to expect an answer that is clear, fair."
"Concerning the concerns of former FALINTIL Commander Rogerio Lobato, brother to late Nicolau Lobo this when GMN tried confirm with FRETILIN General Secretary Mari Bin Amude Alkatiri but said he would not comment."
"GMN is the global news network."
] |
CCC sosa ai-oan hosi komunidade hun ida $0,50 centavos | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste\nVARANDA COVALIMA CCC sosa ai-oan hosi komunidade hun ida $0,50 centavos\nCOVALIMA, 23 juñu 2021(TATOLI) – Abitante na’in-37 hosi Suku Lalawa, Postu Administrativu Tilomar, Munisípiu Covalima, sente kontente tanba sira-nia ai-an ne’ebé kuda folin ona tanba Centro Comunidade Covalima (CCC) sosa kada ai-oan ho folin $0.50 centavos.\n“Ami halo pagamentu ba to’os na’in-37 ne’ebé ami sosa sira-nia ai-oan hun 8.000-resin ho osan $4.120,” diretór CCC, Alberto de Jesus Barros, haktuir ba jornalista iha Suku Lalawa, kuarta ne’e.\nCCC husu ba to’os na’in sira atu kontinua koopera no serbisu hamutuk ekipa hosi CCC nune’e bele kontinua kuda ai-oan iha Postu Tilomar.\nPrograma sosa ai-an ne’e nia prosesu hahú kedas iha 2017 no nia implementasaun iha 2019 ne’ebé hetan suporta finanseiru hosi Uniaun Europeia, Oxfam Austrália no Fiends of Suai Covalima no apoiu tékniku hosi fundasaun Xpand\nÁrea implementasaun programa Ho Musan ida (HMI) Rai Matak Covalima iha Postu Administrativu Tolimar, Suku Lalawa iha Aldeia Britis, Halimea, Kota foun no Tula Eduk no Iha Suku Beiseuk, Aldeia Baer, Suku Casabauc iha Aldeia Tabolo .\nObjetivu hosi HMI Rai Matak Covalima atu dezenvolve komunidade nia moris iha área rural liu hosi atividade reflorestasaun iha área degradasaun, kria armazén ba karbonu liu hosi kuda ai-horis.\nTo’os na’in, Juscelino da Silva, hateten, durante ne’e sira kuda ai-mahoni no nia kontente tanba CCC sosa sira-nia ai-horis hodi fó rendimentu ba sira iha tempu pandemia COVID-19.\nAdministradór Munisípiu Covalima, Francisco de Andrade hato’o agradese ba to’os na’in sira no mós ba CCC hodi halo esforsu hodi kuda ai-oan no konserva fatin sira ne’ebé poténsia ba rai monu ho kuda ai-oan halo barak.\n“Ha’u hanoin ai-oan mahoni ne’e tama iha kategoria ho presu ne’ebé as, maibé iha Covalima CCC fahe ai-oan ho gratuita pois ita kuda no sira sosa fali,” Francisco de Andrade hateten.\nTuir planu CCC sei kontinua kuda ai-oan iha Postu Administrativu Fatululik ho Fatimea.\nPrevious articleBNCTL RAEOA halo pagamentu direta ba idozu 200 iha Nitibe\nNext articleAldeia Rai Fila la asesu estrada | [
"CCC sosa ai-oan hosi komunidade hun ida $0,50 centavos | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA COVALIMA CCC sosa ai-oan hosi komunidade hun ida $0,50 centavos COVALIMA, 23 junu 2021 (TATOLI) - Abitante na'in-37 hosi Suku Lalawa, Postu Administrativu Tilomar, Munisipiu Covalima, sente kontente tanba sira-nia ai-an ne'ebe kuda folin ona tanba Centro Comunidade Covalima (CCC) sosa kada ai-oan ho folin $0.50 centavos.",
"\"Ami halo pagamentu ba to'os na'in-37 ne'ebe ami sosa sira-nia ai-oan hun 8.000-resin ho osan $4.120,\" diretor CCC, Alberto de Jesus Barros, haktuir ba jornalista iha Suku Lalawa, kuarta ne'e.",
"CCC husu ba to'os na'in sira atu kontinua koopera no serbisu hamutuk ekipa hosi CCC nune'e bele kontinua kuda ai-oan iha Postu Tilomar.",
"Programa sosa ai-an ne'e nia prosesu hahu kedas iha 2017 no nia implementasaun iha 2019 ne'ebe hetan suporta finanseiru hosi Uniaun Europeia, Oxfam Australia no Fiends of Suai Covalima no apoiu tekniku hosi fundasaun Xpand Area implementasaun programa Ho Musan ida (HMI) Rai Matak Covalima iha Postu Administrativu Tolimar, Suku Lalawa iha Aldeia Britis, Halimea, Kota foun no Tula Eduk no Iha Suku Beiseuk, Aldeia Baer, Suku Casabauc iha Aldeia Tabolo .",
"Objetivu hosi HMI Rai Matak Covalima atu dezenvolve komunidade nia moris iha area rural liu hosi atividade reflorestasaun iha area degradasaun, kria armazen ba karbonu liu hosi kuda ai-horis.",
"To'os na'in, Juscelino da Silva, hateten, durante ne'e sira kuda ai-mahoni no nia kontente tanba CCC sosa sira-nia ai-horis hodi fo rendimentu ba sira iha tempu pandemia COVID-19.",
"Administrador Munisipiu Covalima, Francisco de Andrade hato'o agradese ba to'os na'in sira no mos ba CCC hodi halo esforsu hodi kuda ai-oan no konserva fatin sira ne'ebe potensia ba rai monu ho kuda ai-oan halo barak.",
"\"Ha'u hanoin ai-oan mahoni ne'e tama iha kategoria ho presu ne'ebe as, maibe iha Covalima CCC fahe ai-oan ho gratuita pois ita kuda no sira sosa fali,\" Francisco de Andrade hateten.",
"Tuir planu CCC sei kontinua kuda ai-oan iha Postu Administrativu Fatululik ho Fatimea.",
"Previous articleBNCTL RAEOA halo pagamentu direta ba idozu 200 iha Nitibe Next articleAldeia Rai Fila la asesu estrada"
] | [
"CCC buys trees from community for $0.5 centavos each COVALIMA, June-23rd (Agência Noticiosa de Timor Leste) - The inhabitants of the Lalawa Village at Tilomar Administrative Post Office are pleased that their own plants have already paid off because Centro Comunidade Covalima has bought every plant with a price tag to be set out on it: \"We're very happy and thankful.\""
"\"We made payment to 37 farmers whose trees we bought for more than $4,120 in the amount of over £8.5 thousand\", CCC director Alberto de Jesus Barrot told journalist at Lalawa Village on Tuesday (April)."
"CCC asks forest owners to continue cooperating and working with the team of ccc so that they can keep planting trees in Posto Tilomar."
"The program of buying trees started in 2017 and its implementation was completed by the ends, with financial support from European Union Oxfam Australia & Fiend'S Of Suai Covalima. Technical assistance is provided through XpanD Area Foundation for implementing Ho Musan Ida (HMI) Rai Matak Viqueque Program at Tolimar Administrative Post Office; Lalawa Village Britis village Halimea Kota Baru Tula Eduk Beiseuk Town Baer town Casabauc Township Tabolo"
"The objective of HMI Rai Matak Covalima is to develop the livelihoods in rural areas through reforestation activities on degradated land, creating carbon stockpiles by growing trees."
"Forester Juscelino da Silva said that they have been growing poppy trees and he is pleased because CCC has bought their flowers to provide them with income during the COVID-19 pandemic."
"The Municipal Administrator of Covalima, Francisco de Andrade expressed his thanks to the forest owners and also CCC for their efforts in planting trees. He said that with this work they have been able not only conserve areas where there is a potential land slide but it has made many people happy as well because tree plants will be planted on these sites which are very vulnerable towards landslides"
"\"I think mahoni trees fall into the category with a high price, but in Covalima CCC distribute Mahony Trees for free because we grow and they buy them back\", said Francisco de Andrade."
"According to the plan, CCC will continue planting trees in Fatululik and Fatima administrative posts."
"Previous articleBNCTL RAEOA makes direct payment to the elderly in Nitibe Next artikelAldeia Rai Fila la acces estrada"
] |
RAEOA Ezekuta OJE 2019 Rekruta Profesór Na’in 125 | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste\nVARANDA EDUKASAUN RAEOA Ezekuta OJE 2019 Rekruta Profesór Na’in 125\nRAEOA Ezekuta OJE 2019 Rekruta Profesór Na’in 125\nOE-CUSSE, 16 novembru 2019 (TATOLI)—Autoridade Rejiaun Administrativu Espesiál Oe-Cusse Ambeno (RAEOA), Antonio Bouque Fae, hateten planu rekrutamentu ba profesór na’in 125 iha RAEOA foin mak atinji bazeia ba Orsamentu Jeraál Estadu 2019 nian ne’ebé aloka ba rejiaun refere.\nNia hatutan, prosesu rekrutamentu ba profesór 125 pesoas ne’e atu substitui fali profesór sira seluk ne’ebé mate no reformadu ona. Tan ne’e, liu husi OJE 2019 nian foin mak realiza prosesu rekrutamentu refere ministériu edukasaun loke ba públiku.\n“Ita iha purvolta profesór 40 mak mate no 70 mak reforma ona ne’eduni 2017 profesor 70 ne’e reforma hotu. Agora foin mak ita loke prosesu rekrutamentu dezde 2010 to’o agora,” dehan Antonio Bouque Fae ba jornalista sira iha Salaun Ministériu Edukasaun Rejiaun Oe-Cusse, Santa Rosa, sábadu (16/11/2019)\nProsesu rekrutamentu ne’e, nia esplika, hahú halo iha jullu tinan ida ne’e bazeia ba OJE ne’ebé Governu sentrál transfere iha juñu. Agora prosesu ne’e RAEOA hala’o bazeia ba verifikasaun ba eskola 90 resin inklui eskola privadu hotu ninia nesesidade. Portantu prosesu rekrutamentu ne’e tama ona iha faze avaliasaun eskrita ne’ebé hahú ona iha 14 novembru 2019.\nMaibé, nia informa, parte balun la satisfas ho prosesu rekrutamentu ne’e tanba razaun katak iha indikasaun nepotizmu. Tanba kandidatu balun la pasa iha faze selesaun dokumentu depois bolu hodi mai tuir avaliasaun eskrita ne’e konsidera informasaun ne’e la loos tanba sira hirak ne’e la hatene ninia prosesu.\n“Molok atu halo prosesu rekrutamentu ne’e ami hein karik ema ruma hakarak halo konfirmasaun, ami prontu halo esplikasaun maibé laiha entaun ami hanoin ema komprende ona ninia prosesu ne’e,” nia dehan.\nHusi reklamassun sira ne’ebe mosu, nia dehan, buat hotu liu tiha ona tanba parte edukasaun simu problema husi kada eskola sira ninian liuliu difikuldade kona-ba profesór sira. Tanba ne’e, nia infroma, ministériu rejista kuaze eskola 90 resin presiza tan profesór 170 resin hodi apoiu prosesu ensinu aprendizazen.\nProsesu rekrutamentu ne’e, RAEOA loke ba públiku bazeia ba nesesidade eskola sira nian hanesan iha Palaban, Nitibe, Oesilo, menus liu profesór hahú kedas 2015 to’o agora maibé iha Pante Makasar profesór barak tebes. Tanba ne’e, nia dehan, mak maluk balun la satisfás maibé nu’udar autoridade espera katak buát hotu bele la’o nafatin hodi hetan rezultadu ne’ebé di’ak.\nNotísia relecante:Dezenvolvimentu Oe-Cusse Konsidera Moderna\nPrevious articleXanana “Auzente” Iha Konferénsia AMP Iha Tibar\nNext articleTempu Ona Governu Kria Planu ba Estrada Rurál | [
"RAEOA Ezekuta OJE 2019 Rekruta Profesor Na'in 125 | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA EDUKASAUN RAEOA Ezekuta OJE 2019 Rekruta Profesor Na'in 125 RAEOA Ezekuta OJE 2019 Rekruta Profesor Na'in 125 OE-CUSSE, 16 novembru 2019 (TATOLI) - Autoridade Rejiaun Administrativu Espesial Oe-Cusse Ambeno (RAEOA), Antonio Bouque Fae, hateten planu rekrutamentu ba profesor na'in 125 iha RAEOA foin mak atinji bazeia ba Orsamentu Jeraal Estadu 2019 nian ne'ebe aloka ba rejiaun refere.",
"Nia hatutan, prosesu rekrutamentu ba profesor 125 pesoas ne'e atu substitui fali profesor sira seluk ne'ebe mate no reformadu ona.",
"Tan ne'e, liu husi OJE 2019 nian foin mak realiza prosesu rekrutamentu refere ministeriu edukasaun loke ba publiku.",
"\"Ita iha purvolta profesor 40 mak mate no 70 mak reforma ona ne'eduni 2017 profesor 70 ne'e reforma hotu.",
"Agora foin mak ita loke prosesu rekrutamentu dezde 2010 to'o agora,\" dehan Antonio Bouque Fae ba jornalista sira iha Salaun Ministeriu Edukasaun Rejiaun Oe-Cusse, Santa Rosa, sabadu (16/11/2019) Prosesu rekrutamentu ne'e, nia esplika, hahu halo iha jullu tinan ida ne'e bazeia ba OJE ne'ebe Governu sentral transfere iha junu.",
"Agora prosesu ne'e RAEOA hala'o bazeia ba verifikasaun ba eskola 90 resin inklui eskola privadu hotu ninia nesesidade.",
"Portantu prosesu rekrutamentu ne'e tama ona iha faze avaliasaun eskrita ne'ebe hahu ona iha 14 novembru 2019.",
"Maibe, nia informa, parte balun la satisfas ho prosesu rekrutamentu ne'e tanba razaun katak iha indikasaun nepotizmu.",
"Tanba kandidatu balun la pasa iha faze selesaun dokumentu depois bolu hodi mai tuir avaliasaun eskrita ne'e konsidera informasaun ne'e la loos tanba sira hirak ne'e la hatene ninia prosesu.",
"\"Molok atu halo prosesu rekrutamentu ne'e ami hein karik ema ruma hakarak halo konfirmasaun, ami prontu halo esplikasaun maibe laiha entaun ami hanoin ema komprende ona ninia prosesu ne'e,\" nia dehan.",
"Husi reklamassun sira ne'ebe mosu, nia dehan, buat hotu liu tiha ona tanba parte edukasaun simu problema husi kada eskola sira ninian liuliu difikuldade kona-ba profesor sira.",
"Tanba ne'e, nia infroma, ministeriu rejista kuaze eskola 90 resin presiza tan profesor 170 resin hodi apoiu prosesu ensinu aprendizazen.",
"Prosesu rekrutamentu ne'e, RAEOA loke ba publiku bazeia ba nesesidade eskola sira nian hanesan iha Palaban, Nitibe, Oesilo, menus liu profesor hahu kedas 2015 to'o agora maibe iha Pante Makasar profesor barak tebes.",
"Tanba ne'e, nia dehan, mak maluk balun la satisfas maibe nu'udar autoridade espera katak buat hotu bele la'o nafatin hodi hetan rezultadu ne'ebe di'ak.",
"Notisia relecante:Dezenvolvimentu Oe-Cusse Konsidera Moderna Previous articleXanana \"Auzente\" Iha Konferensia AMP Iha Tibar Next articleTempu Ona Governu Kria Planu ba Estrada Rural"
] | [
"RAEOA Executes Budget Recruitment for Teacher, Recruting a Total of125 | Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste HOME EDUCATION Oecusse Ambeno (OEA) Special Administratives Region Executive Director Antonio Bouque Faé said that the plan to recruit teachers in this special administrative region has just been achieved based on State General budget allocated."
"He added that the recruitment process for these 125 teachers is to replace other professors who have died and retired."
"Therefore, through the 2019 budget only realized recruitment process referred to Ministry of Education opens for public."
"\"We have 40 professors who died and there are also some of them that retired, so in the year to come all these will be reformed."
"We have only now opened the recruitment process since 2015,\" Antonio Bouque Fae told journalists at Oecusse Region Ministry of Education Hall in Santa Rosa on Saturday (Nov.6/9). The new school year will begin from July this years based upon a budget that was transferred by central government last June and which has already been used to fund educational needs for children with disabilities.\""
"Now the process is carried out by RAEOA based on verification of over ninety schools including all private school needs."
"Therefore, the recruitment process has entered into a written evaluation phase which began on 14 November."
"However, he informed that some parties were not satisfied with the recruitment process because there are indications of nepotism."
"Because some candidates did not pass the document selection phase and were then called to attend a written evaluation, this information is considered incorrect because they are unaware of its process."
"\"Instead of doing the recruitment process we waited if someone wanted to make a confirmation, and were ready for an explanations but no one did so I think people have understood this procedure.\""
"From the complaints that came up, he said everything has passed because educational department received problems from each school particularly difficulties regarding teachers."
"Therefore, he informed that the ministry has registered nearly 90 schools requiring an additional teacher to support teaching and learning process."
"The recruitment process, RAEOA opens to the public based on school needs as in Palaban Nitibe Oesilo fewer teachers since beginning of this year until now but there are a lot more teacher at Pante Makasar."
"Therefore, he said that some people are not satisfied but as an authority I hope everything can continue to work and get a good result."
"Related News:Desenvolvimentu Oe-Cusse Konsidera Moderna Previous articleXanana \"Auzente\" Iha Konferensia AMP iha Tibar Next ArticleTime Is Now For Government To Create Plan for Rural Roads"
] |
TIMOR HAU NIAN DOBEN: “Antero Rezeita Involve Iha Konsellu Revolusaun”\nDosente Universidade Nacional Timor Lorosa’e (UNTL), Fakuldade Sosial Politika (FASPOL), Antero Bendito da Silva, rezeita envolve-an iha Konsellu Revolusaun hodi kontra Estadu ida ne’e.\nTuir Antero Bendito da Silva, ninia partisipasaun iha seminariu ne’ebe mak organiza sagrada familia halao iha kampus UNTL, Caicoli Dili foin lalais ne’e hanesan moderador. Dosente UNTL ne’e akresenta katak, razaun seminariu ida ne’e halo iha UNTL Kaikoli, Dili, tanba fatin ida ne’e istoriku no mos Organizasaun Sagrada familia fahe Certifikadu rekoinesimentu ba membru sagrada familia nebe uluk tempo Indonesia mobiliza estudante UNTIM hamutuk ho organizasaun rezistensia sira seluk halo manifestasaun kontra Indonesia.\n“Hau hanoin ita nia servisu informasaun sira ne’e mak fo informasaun la kompletu ba Primeiru Ministru ho ita nia lideransa sira seluk, seminariu ne’ebe mak hala’o iha UNTL, Caicoli, organiza husi organizasaun rezistensia, sagrada familia, ne’ebe kuaze membru FALINTIL antigu sira ne’e barak mak iha laran, inklui Maijor Lere, no sertifikadu ne’e rasik tempo ne’eba mai husi Maijor Lere Anan Timur, nia mak asina sertifikadu ne’e,” esklarese Antero Bendito da Silva ba JN-Diario, Segunda (18/11) iha ninia kna’ar fatin UNTL Kaikoli Dili, relasiona ho informasaun ne’ebe espalha iha publiku katak, nia mak involve iha Konsellu Revolusaun.\nNia hatutan seminariu ne’ebe hala’o iha UNTL ne’e, iha momentu neba mosu kontraversial iha fakuldade rasik, tanba dekanu la aseita maibe vise dekanu aseita tanba razaun katak, ida ne’e lierbdade opiniaun.\n“Ami husi fakuldade husu atu realiza seminariu ne’e iha fatin ne’e, iha momentu ne’eba iha kontraversia iha fakuldade rasik, tanba dekanu la aseita, vise dekanu sira aseita ho razuan katak, ida ne’e liberdade opiniaun, no mos tanba fatin ne’e fatin istoriku, tanba ne’e mak sira husu fatin ne’e ba sira hodi halo seminariu ne’e, maibe opiniaun ne’ebe hasai ne’e laos opiniaun Universidade nian,” Antero da Silva akresenta.\nEis Kordenador Dewan Solidaritas Mahasiswa dan Pelajar Timor-Leste iha tempu rezistensia ne’e haklaken katak, revolusaun ne’e ninia magritu ne’e barak, tanba ida mak doutrina ba Timor ninian luta ba independensia, tanba sa mak FRETILIN ninia ne’e tau nafatin revolusaun, se dehan Revolusaun hotu ona, entaun FRETILIN mos taka ona.\n“UNTL la envolvidu iha asaun ida ne’e, ami nain tolu mak marka prezensa iha seminariu momentu ne’eba husi UNTL, hanesan Armindo Maia, hau rasik (Bendito), no Natalino Gusmao, ami sira ne’e envolve mos nudar membru sagrada familia,” Antero Bendito fundamenta.\nAntero hatutan, ba sosiedade jeral, ka revolusaun mental, maibe tamba Timor foin mak ukun an, ema dehan katak, atu luta ba libertasaun do povu, tanba espiritu rezistensia nian ne’ebe lideransa sira uluk tau hela katak, tenki konserva no haree espiritual luta nian.\n“Iha parte seluk mos ita dehan, revolusaun ne’e la diak, tanba iha kontradisaun iha ita nia opiniaun sira, revolusaun atu hatun estadu hodi troka ba estadu seluk, ida ne’e hau konsidera hanesan politika extra parlamentar ida, tanba agora dadaun ita haree ba iha parlamentu, FRETILIN ho Governu kuaze iha konkordansia iha orsamentu do Estadu, tanba ne’e mak hau respeita opiniaun husi Sr. Mauk Moruk nian, nia atu halo revolusaun ne’e oinsa, hau mos lahatene,” afirma Antero Bendito.\nMaibe dehan nia, UNTL nia hanoin ba revolusaun ne’e, atu dezenvolve nasaun ne’e ba oin, tanba iha Timor Leste (TL) ne’e, violensia mos impoin husi nasaun Indonesia, Australia, Amerika no nasaun sira seluk ne’ebe iha kilat, Timor simu konsekuensia husi violensia ne’e.\nMaibe katak Antero bendito, entre Timor oan kuandu uza violensia, ida ne’e hakat liu ona limitis, tanba ne’e Antero la fiar katak, Mauk Moruk ne’ebe ema rezistensia ida atu halo fali rezistensia armada hodi kontra fali Estadu ne’ebe nia rasik funda.\nAntero Bendito fundamneta katak, konseitu Mauk Moruk nian ba revolusaun ida ne’e, parese nia halo ona konsulta ho ema barak katak, atu nesesita atu halo politika extra parlamentu ruma, maibe UNTL la envolve iha pratikas. | [
"TIMOR HAU NIAN DOBEN: \"Antero Rezeita Involve Iha Konsellu Revolusaun\" Dosente Universidade Nacional Timor Lorosa'e (UNTL), Fakuldade Sosial Politika (FASPOL), Antero Bendito da Silva, rezeita envolve-an iha Konsellu Revolusaun hodi kontra Estadu ida ne'e.",
"Tuir Antero Bendito da Silva, ninia partisipasaun iha seminariu ne'ebe mak organiza sagrada familia halao iha kampus UNTL, Caicoli Dili foin lalais ne'e hanesan moderador.",
"Dosente UNTL ne'e akresenta katak, razaun seminariu ida ne'e halo iha UNTL Kaikoli, Dili, tanba fatin ida ne'e istoriku no mos Organizasaun Sagrada familia fahe Certifikadu rekoinesimentu ba membru sagrada familia nebe uluk tempo Indonesia mobiliza estudante UNTIM hamutuk ho organizasaun rezistensia sira seluk halo manifestasaun kontra Indonesia.",
"\"Hau hanoin ita nia servisu informasaun sira ne'e mak fo informasaun la kompletu ba Primeiru Ministru ho ita nia lideransa sira seluk, seminariu ne'ebe mak hala'o iha UNTL, Caicoli, organiza husi organizasaun rezistensia, sagrada familia, ne'ebe kuaze membru FALINTIL antigu sira ne'e barak mak iha laran, inklui Maijor Lere, no sertifikadu ne'e rasik tempo ne'eba mai husi Maijor Lere Anan Timur, nia mak asina sertifikadu ne'e,\" esklarese Antero Bendito da Silva ba JN-Diario, Segunda (18/11) iha ninia kna'ar fatin UNTL Kaikoli Dili, relasiona ho informasaun ne'ebe espalha iha publiku katak, nia mak involve iha Konsellu Revolusaun.",
"Nia hatutan seminariu ne'ebe hala'o iha UNTL ne'e, iha momentu neba mosu kontraversial iha fakuldade rasik, tanba dekanu la aseita maibe vise dekanu aseita tanba razaun katak, ida ne'e lierbdade opiniaun.",
"\"Ami husi fakuldade husu atu realiza seminariu ne'e iha fatin ne'e, iha momentu ne'eba iha kontraversia iha fakuldade rasik, tanba dekanu la aseita, vise dekanu sira aseita ho razuan katak, ida ne'e liberdade opiniaun, no mos tanba fatin ne'e fatin istoriku, tanba ne'e mak sira husu fatin ne'e ba sira hodi halo seminariu ne'e, maibe opiniaun ne'ebe hasai ne'e laos opiniaun Universidade nian,\" Antero da Silva akresenta.",
"Eis Kordenador Dewan Solidaritas Mahasiswa dan Pelajar Timor-Leste iha tempu rezistensia ne'e haklaken katak, revolusaun ne'e ninia magritu ne'e barak, tanba ida mak doutrina ba Timor ninian luta ba independensia, tanba sa mak FRETILIN ninia ne'e tau nafatin revolusaun, se dehan Revolusaun hotu ona, entaun FRETILIN mos taka ona.",
"\"UNTL la envolvidu iha asaun ida ne'e, ami nain tolu mak marka prezensa iha seminariu momentu ne'eba husi UNTL, hanesan Armindo Maia, hau rasik (Bendito), no Natalino Gusmao, ami sira ne'e envolve mos nudar membru sagrada familia,\" Antero Bendito fundamenta.",
"Antero hatutan, ba sosiedade jeral, ka revolusaun mental, maibe tamba Timor foin mak ukun an, ema dehan katak, atu luta ba libertasaun do povu, tanba espiritu rezistensia nian ne'ebe lideransa sira uluk tau hela katak, tenki konserva no haree espiritual luta nian.",
"\"Iha parte seluk mos ita dehan, revolusaun ne'e la diak, tanba iha kontradisaun iha ita nia opiniaun sira, revolusaun atu hatun estadu hodi troka ba estadu seluk, ida ne'e hau konsidera hanesan politika extra parlamentar ida, tanba agora dadaun ita haree ba iha parlamentu, FRETILIN ho Governu kuaze iha konkordansia iha orsamentu do Estadu, tanba ne'e mak hau respeita opiniaun husi Sr. Mauk Moruk nian, nia atu halo revolusaun ne'e oinsa, hau mos lahatene,\" afirma Antero Bendito.",
"Maibe dehan nia, UNTL nia hanoin ba revolusaun ne'e, atu dezenvolve nasaun ne'e ba oin, tanba iha Timor Leste (TL) ne'e, violensia mos impoin husi nasaun Indonesia, Australia, Amerika no nasaun sira seluk ne'ebe iha kilat, Timor simu konsekuensia husi violensia ne'e.",
"Maibe katak Antero bendito, entre Timor oan kuandu uza violensia, ida ne'e hakat liu ona limitis, tanba ne'e Antero la fiar katak, Mauk Moruk ne'ebe ema rezistensia ida atu halo fali rezistensia armada hodi kontra fali Estadu ne'ebe nia rasik funda.",
"Antero Bendito fundamneta katak, konseitu Mauk Moruk nian ba revolusaun ida ne'e, parese nia halo ona konsulta ho ema barak katak, atu nesesita atu halo politika extra parlamentu ruma, maibe UNTL la envolve iha pratikas."
] | [
"TIMOR HAU NIAN DOBEN: \"Antero Rezeita Involved in the Revolutionary Council\" Professor of Universidade Nacional Timor Lorosa'e (UNTL), Faculty Social and Political Sciences, Anteros Bendito da Silva said that he was involved with a revolutionarian council against this state."
"According to Antero Bendito da Silva, his participation in the seminar organized by sagrada familia held on UNTL campus Caicoli Dili recently as a moderator."
"The UNTL lecturer added that the reason for this seminar being held in Kaikoli, Dili is because it's a historic place and also as Holy Family Organization distributed certificate of recognition to members from holy family who once mobilized UNTIM students together with other resistance organization demonstrating against Indonesia."
"\"I think that our information services are giving incomplete info to the Prime Minister and other leaders, a seminar held at UNTL Caicoli was organized by resistance organization sagrada familia where almost all former FALINTIL members were present including Major Lere. The certificate itself came from Mayor Anan Timur who had also been signing it in those days\", explains Antero Bendito da Silva for JN-Diario on Monday (18/09) during his office visit of Kaikoli Dili University regarding publicly disseminated news about him being involved with Revolutionary Council.\""
"He explained that the seminar held at UNTL, in which moment controversy arose within faculties itself because dean did not accept but vice-deans accepted for reasons of freedom to express opinion."
"\"We from the faculty asked to hold this seminar in that place, at a time when there was controversies within our own department because deans did not accept it and vice-dean's accepted with reasoning of free opinion as well. And also since these places are historical ones so they requested them for their seminaries but what we have said isn’t an opinioon by us.\" Antero da Silva added:"
"Former Coordinator Dewan Solidaritas Mahasiswa dan Pelajar Timor-Leste in the time of resistance declared that, this revolution has many benefits because it is a doctrine for East' s struggle to independence. Why did FRETILIN keep up with its own Revolution? If they say all about Revolusaun (Revolution), then Fretilin will be closed down as well!"
"\"UNTL is not involved in this action, we were three of us who attended the seminary at that time from UNTL: Armindo Maia and myself (Bendito), Natalino Gusmao. We are also members as a sagrada familia\", Antero Ben ditos explains his reasoning for doing so.\""
"Antero said that for the general society, or mental revolution but because Timor has just gained independence people say to struggle and liberate their country from Portuguese rule. Because of this spirit in resistance which was preserved by former leaders they must preserve it as a spiritual fighting force :"
"\"On the other hand, we also say that this revolution is not good because there are contradictions in our views. A Revolution to overthrow a state and replace it with another State; I consider these as extra-parliamentary policien since at present when looking into parliamentary processes you can see how FRETILIN has almost reached agreement on its budget for 2013 so i respect Mr Mauk Moruk' s opinion of what he wantd done during his time here.\""
"But he said, UNTL's thought for this revolution is to develop the country forward because in Timor-Leste (TL), violence was also imposed by countries such as Indonesia and Australia. The United States of America has a weaponry base there so that it can be used against people who are fighting their own cause without fear or prejudice from anybody else on earth.\""
"But Antero bendito, among Timorese when violence is used it has gone beyond the limits. Therefore he does not believe that Mauk Moruk who was a resistance man would make armed opposition against his own founded state again 1975"
"Antero Bendito founds that the concept of Mauk Morok for this revolution, it seems he has consulted with many people to make some extra-parliamentary politics necessary but UNTL is not involved in practice."
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MJ entrega Sertifikadu Organizasoens Artes Marsiais 4 | Ministério da Justiça\nInício » MJ entrega Sertifikadu Organizasoens Artes Marsiais 4\nIha seremonia ne’ebé anima ho atrasaun husi organizasoens Artes Marsiais, Ivo Valente lori Ministra Justisa nia naran hateten, : “Ohin loron importante ba juventude Timór-Leste nian, liu-liu ba grupos artes marsiais ne’ebé maka hatudu sira nia progresu boot ida tamba rejistu nia-an voluntariamente hodi kumpri dever ne’ebé hakerek iha Lei no.5/2005 kona-ba harí asosiasaun.”\nArtes Marsiais hanesan ema hotu hatene katak, ida-idak hó nia prinsipiu fundamentál nebe adopta husi sira nia membru hotu. La’ós deit iha parte desportu nian maibé parte seluk mós juventude iha dever atu kontribui ba dezenvolvimentu Estadu Timór-Leste ida ne’e.\nIha sorin seluk nia mós hateten, : “ Artes Marsiais nudár atividade desportiva ne’ebé ho tékniku oioin ajuda hadia ema nia físiku-mental.”\nArtes Marsiais tuir Vise Ministru Justisa Ivo Valente, “……idaidak iha nia dalan., nune’e hodi di’ak ba sira nia mental no sira nia saúde no di’ak-liu ba kompetisaun iha rai-laran no mós iha rai-liur hodi halo morin TL nia naran.”\nIha parte seluk artes marsiais mós hanorin, normalmente, oinsá membru idaidak iha iha atitude ka hahalok ida di’ak, hanesan iha ajuda malu no respeita malu nia laran, artes marsiais mos iha sira nia knar no devér atu salvaguarda sira nia naran di’ak.\nNune’e tuir Ivo, : “……artes marsiais ejiste la’ós atu estraga malu maibé atu dezenvolve fizikamente, liu-liu, desenvolve juventude sira nudár futuru nasaun nian. “\nVice Ministru relembra mós katak “……dalaruma iha pasadu rona grupu ka individuo balu mak kria konflitus maibé ema sempre fó todan ba artes marsiais. Ne’e la’ós artes marsiais nian maibé membru ka individuo nia sala tamba sira seidauk banati tuir prinsipiu sira ne’ebé mak organizasoens artes marsis ida-idak hanorin.”\nTamba ne’e governu hamosu Lei-foun númeru 10/2008 atu regula tantu iha sentru ka iha klube artes marsiais nian rasik.\nLei ne’e tuir nia objetivu, tenik Ivo, katak : “……atu garante orden públiku, hanesan respeitu ba sidadaun sira nia direitu, liberdade no konfiansa.”\n“Liu husi lansamentu ne’e ha’u husu ba Sentru Klube no Eskola Artes Marsiais nian hotu iha TL atu hola parte iha rejistu ne’ebé tuir-mai iha Diresaun Nasionál Rejistu Notariadu Ministériu Justisa nian, direjenti ba grupu artes marsiais nian mós tenki habelar informasaun ba membru sira konaba lei artes marsiais nian ne’ebé iha ona atu nune’e membru sira bele kompriende hodi tau iha pratika.”\nWainhira rejistu ona la’ós atu garante de’it estabilidade ba komunidade iha TL maibé bainhira rejistadu ona tuir baze legal, katak artes marsiais hetan ona profisionalidade jurídika, nune bele loke dalan ba artes marsiais atu hetan apoiu ruma husi Estadu ka see de’it.\nBele enkamiña legalmente ho dalan ne’ebé mak lejislasaun konaba matéria ida ne’e admite.Nune, sei la difikulta governu atu fó apoiu ruma ba artes marsiais.\nIha sorin seluk Sekretáriu Estadu Juventude Desportu, Miguel Mane Telu haoto’o ninia apresiasaun boot ba Ministériu Justisa, liu-liu Diresaun Nasioál Rejistu Notariadu ne’ebé bele atende prosesu hetan estatutu artes marsiais nian ne’e ho di’ak.\nNia hateten, : “……liu husi programa rejistu artes marsiais ne’e, iha futuru sei hamoos imajen negativu husi komunidade fó ba organizasoens artes marsiais. Tamba ne’e mak lei ne’e mosu atu regula lala’ok organizasoens artes marsiais.”\nSeremonia entrega estatuto no sertifikadu ne’e hala’o simbolikamente deit husi Sr. Vise Ministru justisa, Dr. Ivo Valente, acompaña mós husi Presidenti Funsaun Públika, Sekretáriu Estadu Juventude Desportu no Reprezentante Sekretáriu Jeral Nasoens Unidas nian iha TL.\nSeremonia refere mós hetan partisipasaun husi dirigentes husi organizasoens artes marciais seleuk nebe sei dauk rejistu tuir lei haruka. | [
"MJ entrega Sertifikadu Organizasoens Artes Marsiais 4 | Ministerio da Justica Inicio \" MJ entrega Sertifikadu Organizasoens Artes Marsiais 4 Iha seremonia ne'ebe anima ho atrasaun husi organizasoens Artes Marsiais, Ivo Valente lori Ministra Justisa nia naran hateten,: \"Ohin loron importante ba juventude Timor-Leste nian, liu-liu ba grupos artes marsiais ne'ebe maka hatudu sira nia progresu boot ida tamba rejistu nia-an voluntariamente hodi kumpri dever ne'ebe hakerek iha Lei no.5/2005 kona-ba hari asosiasaun.\"",
"Artes Marsiais hanesan ema hotu hatene katak, ida-idak ho nia prinsipiu fundamental nebe adopta husi sira nia membru hotu.",
"La'os deit iha parte desportu nian maibe parte seluk mos juventude iha dever atu kontribui ba dezenvolvimentu Estadu Timor-Leste ida ne'e.",
"Iha sorin seluk nia mos hateten,: \" Artes Marsiais nudar atividade desportiva ne'ebe ho tekniku oioin ajuda hadia ema nia fisiku-mental.\"",
"Artes Marsiais tuir Vise Ministru Justisa Ivo Valente, ......\"idaidak iha nia dalan., nune'e hodi di'ak ba sira nia mental no sira nia saude no di'ak-liu ba kompetisaun iha rai-laran no mos iha rai-liur hodi halo morin TL nia naran.\"",
"Iha parte seluk artes marsiais mos hanorin, normalmente, oinsa membru idaidak iha iha atitude ka hahalok ida di'ak, hanesan iha ajuda malu no respeita malu nia laran, artes marsiais mos iha sira nia knar no dever atu salvaguarda sira nia naran di'ak.",
"Nune'e tuir Ivo,: ......\"artes marsiais ejiste la'os atu estraga malu maibe atu dezenvolve fizikamente, liu-liu, desenvolve juventude sira nudar futuru nasaun nian. \"",
"Vice Ministru relembra mos katak ......\"dalaruma iha pasadu rona grupu ka individuo balu mak kria konflitus maibe ema sempre fo todan ba artes marsiais.",
"Ne'e la'os artes marsiais nian maibe membru ka individuo nia sala tamba sira seidauk banati tuir prinsipiu sira ne'ebe mak organizasoens artes marsis ida-idak hanorin.\"",
"Tamba ne'e governu hamosu Lei-foun numeru 10/2008 atu regula tantu iha sentru ka iha klube artes marsiais nian rasik.",
"Lei ne'e tuir nia objetivu, tenik Ivo, katak: ......\"atu garante orden publiku, hanesan respeitu ba sidadaun sira nia direitu, liberdade no konfiansa.\"",
"\"Liu husi lansamentu ne'e ha'u husu ba Sentru Klube no Eskola Artes Marsiais nian hotu iha TL atu hola parte iha rejistu ne'ebe tuir-mai iha Diresaun Nasional Rejistu Notariadu Ministeriu Justisa nian, direjenti ba grupu artes marsiais nian mos tenki habelar informasaun ba membru sira konaba lei artes marsiais nian ne'ebe iha ona atu nune'e membru sira bele kompriende hodi tau iha pratika.\"",
"Wainhira rejistu ona la'os atu garante de'it estabilidade ba komunidade iha TL maibe bainhira rejistadu ona tuir baze legal, katak artes marsiais hetan ona profisionalidade juridika, nune bele loke dalan ba artes marsiais atu hetan apoiu ruma husi Estadu ka see de'it.",
"Bele enkamina legalmente ho dalan ne'ebe mak lejislasaun konaba materia ida ne'e admite.Nune, sei la difikulta governu atu fo apoiu ruma ba artes marsiais.",
"Iha sorin seluk Sekretariu Estadu Juventude Desportu, Miguel Mane Telu haoto'o ninia apresiasaun boot ba Ministeriu Justisa, liu-liu Diresaun Nasioal Rejistu Notariadu ne'ebe bele atende prosesu hetan estatutu artes marsiais nian ne'e ho di'ak.",
"Nia hateten,: ......\"liu husi programa rejistu artes marsiais ne'e, iha futuru sei hamoos imajen negativu husi komunidade fo ba organizasoens artes marsiais.",
"Tamba ne'e mak lei ne'e mosu atu regula lala'ok organizasoens artes marsiais.\"",
"Seremonia entrega estatuto no sertifikadu ne'e hala'o simbolikamente deit husi Sr. Vise Ministru justisa, Dr. Ivo Valente, acompana mos husi Presidenti Funsaun Publika, Sekretariu Estadu Juventude Desportu no Reprezentante Sekretariu Jeral Nasoens Unidas nian iha TL.",
"Seremonia refere mos hetan partisipasaun husi dirigentes husi organizasoens artes marciais seleuk nebe sei dauk rejistu tuir lei haruka."
] | [
"MJ delivers Certificate to Martial Arts Organization 4 | Ministério da Justiça Home \" Minister of Justice gives certificate for martials art organization in Timor-Leste\" In a ceremony animated with the attraction by marcial artist organisation, Ivo Valente said: “Today is an important day on behalf Of The Ministry. Today' s young people are showing great progress because they have registered themselves voluntarily and fulfill their obligation under Law No5/2013 concernings establishing associations.”"
"Martial arts as everyone knows, each has its own fundamental principle that is adopted by all of their members."
"Not only in the sporting field but also on other fronts, youth have a duty to contribute towards development of Timor-Leste."
"On the other hand, he also says: \"Martial Arts is a sporting activity that with various techniques helps to improve one' s physical-mental.\""
"Martial arts according to Vice Minister of Justice Ivo Valente, \"...each one in his own way. so it's good for their mental and health especially the competition at home as well abroad that bring glory into our name.\""
"On the other hand martial arts also teach, normally how each member has a good attitude or behaviour such as helping one another and respect for others. Martials Arts members have their own skills to safeguard themselves from bad reputation in society; they are taught that it is not only necessary but even obligatory if you want your name well known amongst people who know about this art of combat!"
"Thus, according to Ivo: \"...martial arts exist not for the purpose of destroying each other but in order physically develop and above all promote their youth as a future nation.\""
"The Vice Minister also recalled that \"...sometimes in the past we heard some groups or individuals create conflict but people always give to martial arts."
"This is not the fault of martial art but rather that members or individuals have failed to adhere in accordance with those principle which are taught by each marcial-arts organization.\""
"Therefore, the government issued Law No. 10/258 to regulate both centers and clubs of martial art themselves in order that they can be recognized as such by national authorities or other bodies with jurisdiction over them (Artes Marciais)."
"The law, according to Ivo's aim: \"...to guarantee public order as well respect for the rights of citizens and their liberties.\""
"\"Before this launch I ask all Martial Arts Clubs and School Center in the country to take part of a registration which will be subsequently conducted at National Directorate for Notary Registry, Ministry Of Justice. The directories are also responsible on providing information about martials arts law so that they can put it into practice.\""
"When registered, not only to guarantee stability for the community in TL but when they are already legally established that martial arts have obtained a juridical professionalism and thus can open up ways of getting some support from state or otherwise."
"It can proceed legally in the way that legislation on this matter admits. Now, it will not be difficult for government to give any support of martial arts"
"On the other hand, State Secretary for Youth and Sports Miguel Mane Telu expressed his great appreciation to Ministry of Justice in particular National Directorate Notarial Register which can handle this process obtaining a status martials arts with good."
"She said, \"...through this martial arts registration program in the future will clean up negative image of community given to Martials Arts organizations."
"That is why this law was created to regulate the conduct of martial arts organizations.\""
"The ceremony to hand over the statute and certificate was symbolically carried out by Mr. Deputy Minister of Justice, Dr Ivo Valente; accompanied also from Presidenti da Função Pública (President for Public Service), State Secretary Youth Sports & Representative Secretariat General United Nations in Timor-Leste"
"The ceremony was also attended by the leaders of selected martial arts organizations that have been registered according to law."
] |
MINISTERIU JUSTISA HALA’O KAMPANHA VASINASAUN KONTRA COVID-19 IHA MUNICIPIO MANATUTU | Ministério da Justiça\nInício » MINISTERIU JUSTISA HALA’O KAMPANHA VASINASAUN KONTRA COVID-19 IHA MUNICIPIO MANATUTU\nMINISTERIU JUSTISA HALA’O KAMPANHA VASINASAUN KONTRA COVID-19 IHA MUNICIPIO MANATUTU\nBarique , 21/10/2021, Sua Execelencia Vice Ministru Justisa, Dr. Jose Edmundo Caetano Hala’o Kampanha Vasinasaun kontra COVID-19 iha Posto Administrativu Natarbora Municipio Manatutu.\nVice ministru halo campanha vasinasaun kontra COVID-19 iha suku barique posto administrativu natarbora municipio Manatutu. Vice hateten vasinasaun ida ne’e hamate populasaun, estado ida laiha hanoin ida que atu hamate nia povu maibe so asegura nia povu, nune’e labele mate tan moras COVID-19. Moras ne’e perigu tebes ba inan aman idade adulto sira tamba ne’e estado iha planu ida tun direitamenta ba iha terrenu para esplika lolos ba komunidade sira. Ho nune’e presiza rona informasaun husi ita nia estado no medico, labele rona boatus, dotor media social sira, labele tauk hakbesik aan ba mediku sira simu vasina aimoruk hasae imunidade, ho ne’e, labele sai vitima ba moras COVID-19.\nHafoin komunidade sira rona tiha Vice Ministru nia esplikasaun, komunidade sira ho laran kontenti simu kedas vasina iha clinika refere. Iha informasaun husi chefe suku Barique hateten komunidade sira hotu2 hakarak mai vasina ne’e maibe iha informasaun falsu sira tama mak komunidade sira trauma ho informasaun konaba vasinasaun ne’e. maibe presenza Vice ministru sira kontenti tebes simu vasinasaun kontra COVID-19 ida ne’e.\nVice Ministru mos ajuda pesoal saude sira fahe kartaun kinur ba komunidade nebe simu ona vasina husi mediku sira. Vice hateten sidadaun Timor oan ba iha nebe deit tenki lori kartaun vasinasaun COVID-19 para fasilita lao livre to’o iha nebe deit. Tan ne’e sidadaun sira tenke vasina para ita kombate Virus Corona iha Timor Leste. | [
"Vice ministru halo campanha vasinasaun kontra COVID-19 iha suku barique posto administrativu natarbora municipio Manatutu.",
"Vice hateten vasinasaun ida ne'e hamate populasaun, estado ida laiha hanoin ida que atu hamate nia povu maibe so asegura nia povu, nune'e labele mate tan moras COVID-19.",
"Moras ne'e perigu tebes ba inan aman idade adulto sira tamba ne'e estado iha planu ida tun direitamenta ba iha terrenu para esplika lolos ba komunidade sira.",
"Ho nune'e presiza rona informasaun husi ita nia estado no medico, labele rona boatus, dotor media social sira, labele tauk hakbesik aan ba mediku sira simu vasina aimoruk hasae imunidade, ho ne'e, labele sai vitima ba moras COVID-19.",
"Hafoin komunidade sira rona tiha Vice Ministru nia esplikasaun, komunidade sira ho laran kontenti simu kedas vasina iha clinika refere.",
"Iha informasaun husi chefe suku Barique hateten komunidade sira hotu2 hakarak mai vasina ne'e maibe iha informasaun falsu sira tama mak komunidade sira trauma ho informasaun konaba vasinasaun ne'e. maibe presenza Vice ministru sira kontenti tebes simu vasinasaun kontra COVID-19 ida ne'e.",
"Vice Ministru mos ajuda pesoal saude sira fahe kartaun kinur ba komunidade nebe simu ona vasina husi mediku sira.",
"Vice hateten sidadaun Timor oan ba iha nebe deit tenki lori kartaun vasinasaun COVID-19 para fasilita lao livre to'o iha nebe deit.",
"Tan ne'e sidadaun sira tenke vasina para ita kombate Virus Corona iha Timor Leste."
] | [
"MINISTRY OF JUSTICE CELEBRATES COVID-19 VACCINATION CAMPAIN IN MANATUTU MUNICIPALITY | Ministerio da Justica Home \" MINISTERY of Justice celebrates the vaccination campaign against coronavirus in Manawatu Municipality Ministry Of justice celebrates vaccine Campaign Against Covid -20 Barique, October.3/4 /7685: His Excellency Dr Jose Edmundo Caetano Vice Minister for Judiciary has held a Vaccination Campaign at Natarbora Administrative Postal Office (Manautu)."
"Vice minister conducted vaccination campaign against COVID-19 in the village of barique administrative post natarbora municipality Manatutu."
"Vice said that this vaccination is killing the population, a state has no idea of trying to murder its people but only insuring their lives so they can not die from COVID-19."
"The disease is particularly dangerous for adult parents so the state has a plan to go directly down on site and explain it in detail."
"Therefore, we need to hear the information from our state and doctors. Don't be afraid of getting vaccinated against COVID-19 by contacting your physician or social media docs who are telling you that they have a vaccine for immunity enhancement so as not being victimized with this disease (COVID)."
"After hearing the Vice Minister’s explanation, members of community were happy to be vaccinated at that clinic."
"There is information from the chief of Barique village that all communities want to come for this vaccination but there are false news coming in which traumatized community with info about vaccine. But presence vice ministers were very pleased receiving COVID-19 immunization it'"
"The Vice Minister also assisted health workers in distributing kinur cards to the community who have been vaccinated by doctors."
"Vice said that Timorese citizens who go anywhere must carry a COVID-19 vaccination card to facilitate free movement."
"Therefore, citizens must be vaccinated to fight the Corona Virus in Timor-Leste."
] |
La'o Hamutuk: LH ba Prezidente TMR: Favor veto Lei Komunikasaun Sosiál\nExmo. Sr. Prezidente ne’ebé ami respeitu,\nIha loron 6 Maiu 2014, Parlamentu Nasionál aprova ona Lei Komunikasaun Sosiál, hafoin besik fulan tolu nia laran Komisaun A halo servisu ba Lei ne’e. La’o Hamutuk partisipa iha audiénsia Parlamentár iha loron 19 Fevreiru, ne’ebé ami esplika ezbosu lei ne’e bele estraga liberdade espresaun no liberdade imprensa.\nTanba Parlamentu Nasionál seidauk hadi’ak frakeza báziku iha lei ne’e, ami hakarak husu ba Prezidente Repúblika atu uza direitu Konstitusional Artigu 88 hodi veto Lei Komunikasaun Sosiál ida ne’e nudár símbolu hodi garante demokrasia no prinsipiu ukun rasik an nian. Lei ne’e sei estraga demokrasia no direitus umanu, esklui ema barak nia direitu ba liberdade espresaun, fó de’it podér ba grupu ida de’it atu fó lisensa ba ema balu no limita ema seluk atu fahe informasaun. Ami konsidera ida ne’e viola Konstituisaun no Konvensaun Internasionál ba Direitu Sivíl no Polítika.\nLiberdade espresaun mak prinsipiu demokrasia nian.\nLiberdade espresaun nudár prinsipiu universal iha nasaun demokrátiku, katak Lei tenke labele limita direitu ema nian atu hetan no fahe informasaun. Prinsipiu ida ne’e garante iha Artigu 40 no Artigu 41 Konstituisaun RDTL no Artigu 19 Konvensaun Internasionál ba Direitu Sivíl no Polítika ne’ebé Timor-Leste ratifika ona. Timor-Leste iha obrigasaun legal atu halo tuir, no lejizlasaun tenke reflete ba prinsipiu fundamental konvensaun sira ne’e.\nArtigu 2(a) hosi proposta lei defini katak “Atividade Jornalistika” mak atividade atu buka, halibur, hili, trata no fahe informasaun ba públiku, hanesan testu, lian ka imajen, liu hosi órgaun komunikasaun sosiál, no Artigu 2(l) defini órgaun media nudár pesoa koletiva, publika ka privada ne’ebé dedika an atividade jornalistika. “Artigu 2(i) defini katak “jornalista” mak ema ne’ebé hala’o profisaun “jornalizmu”. Definisaun hirak ne’e kobre luan liu duke ba jornál, radio no estasaun radio komersiál sira.\nRealidade, ema barak mós hala’o profisaun hodi fahe informasaun ida ne’e, maske sira la’ós jornalista profisionál, hanesan peskizadór, akademia, organizasaun sosiedade sivíl sira, blogger, jornalista freelance, no mós sira seluk. Tanba ne’e, Artigu ida ne’e suporta de’it liberdade hodi fahe informasaun ba de’it profisionál sira ne’ebé hetan ona títulu no mandatu hosi Konsellu Imprensa ne’ebé servisu ba media komersiál ne’ebé rejistu ona no hetan ona lisensa hosi Konsellu Imprensa. Loloos, Konsellu Imprensa labele limita liberdade espresaun ema nian atu fahe informasaun, hanesan Artigu 42, Artigu 43 no Artigu 44 (b, c no d) iha Lei ne’e hateten.\nHanesan mós, Artigu 12 taka ema balu nia direitu ba liberdade espresaun, no la fó direitu ba ema seluk ne’ebé la’ós “sidadaun maioria” atu sai jornalista. Provizaun ne’e limita estudante sira ne’ebé hala’o knar jornalizmu nian, hanesan halo kobertura ba notísia, hakerek jornál parede, ka blogger estudante sira ne’ebé fahe informasaun sira. Ezemplu mak, estudante sira hosi Eskola São Jose (Sanyos) ne’ebé hakerek Suara Timor-Lorosa’e, no kobertura estudante Colegio Saó Miguel (CSM) ne’ebé dala barak iha notísia STL TV nian.\nLa’ós “jornalista” sira de’it mak bele iha Órgaun Media.\nArtigu 13.5 hateten katak ema sira ne’ebé nia kritéria la tuir lei ne’e labele fahe informasaun ba públiku. “Órgaun media” sira hanesan www.aitaraklaran.blogspot.com, Buletin Fongtil, Buletin Haburas, www.laohamutuk.org, www.haktl.org, www.timorhauniadoben.com, www.diakkalae.org, www.economia-tl.blogspot.com, programa televizaun Casa Producão Audiovisual (CPA), relatóriu ONG, Banku Mundial, ONU nian no seluk tan iha direitu fundamental atu fahe informasaun ba públiku.\nLei tenke defende pluralismu ba opiniaun.\nFunsaun prinsipál media mak atu promove hanoin ne’ebé diverse, variasaun ba informasaun, no ajuda povu atu hare informasaun oi-oin, la’ós de’it fó informasaun hosi matan ida de’it. Artigu 3.1(e) fó deskrisaun ba funsaun media atu “promove pás, estabilidade sosiál, harmonia no solidariedade nasionál”, bele uza hodi la enkoraja ema atu fahe pontu de vista seluk. Artigu 4(g) ne’ebé husu katak media atu “defende interese públiku no orden demokrátika” bele mós sai dalan atu fó presaun ba opiniaun ne’ebé diferente. Artigu sira ne’ebé mensiona iha leten ne’e kontráriu ho Artigu 20.1(c) katak devér jornalista sira mak atu “defende pluralismu opiniaun sira, asegura kapasidade espresaun hosi opiniaun ne’ebé diferente, respeitu diversidade kulturál, relijiaun no étniku sidadaun nian”. Ami espera katak pontu de vista sira ne’ebé sei nafatin prevaleze.\nAleinde ne’e, ami preokupa kona-ba Artigu 23 ne’ebé hateten katak sei iha lei seluk atu regula media ne’ebé la buka lukru. Maske ami la hatene saida mak Parlamentu nia planu atu inklui lei ida ne’e, maibé modelu lei daudauk ne’e de’it hamosu ona preokupasaun. Karik Artigu 23 ne’e hakarak atu hateten katak Lei Media ida ne’e la aplika ba media relijiozu sira, komunidade no sira ne’ebé la buka lukru, di’ak liu hateten ho klaru, publikasaun sira ne’e la presiza lisensa hosi Konsellu Imprensa.\nLabele ko’a independénsia media nian.\nÓrgaun komunikasaun sosiál sira tenke tuir Kódigu Étiku Jornalizmu nian, ne’ebé deside hosi jornalista no media ne’ebé sira servisu ba, atu asegura informasaun loloos, diversidade no liberdade imprensa nian. Ami apresia katak servisu jornalista sira voluntariamente ho kometimentu atu tuir prinsipiu sira ne’e.\nNune’e mós, ami preokupa katak Konsellu Imprensa ho autoridade legal, fundus, no nia membru sira ne’ebé hili hosi polítiku na’in sira no media komersiál sira, atu labele iha podér (tuir Artigu 43 no 44) atu prevene ema ruma atu ejerse nia liberdade espresaun. Estadu tenke respeita liberdade jornalista sira atu harii mesak sira nia Konsellu, inklui AJTL no TLPU atu halo regra no mós tau matan ba sira nia membru rasik, maibé labele obriga ema seluk atu tuir sira nia regra.\nLei ne’e haluha istória Timor-Leste.\nTimor-Leste labele haluha nia istória luta ba libertasaun dezde 1974-1999. Ema barak iha rezisténsia sira uza imprensa hanesan meius komunikasaun ida atu fahe informasaun ba defende direitu no dignidade povu rai ida ne’e. Bulletin Seara, Radio Maubere nudár meius komunikasaun ne’ebé Timor-oan sira uza atu liberta Timor-Leste hosi koloniál no okupasaun durante tinan barak nia laran. José Ramos- Horta, Xanana Gusmão, Francisco Borja da Costa no sira seluk uza media sira ne’e atu eduka, informa, no orienta luta ba libertasaun nian, maske sira la hetan títulu husi Governu Portugal ka Indonézia.\nAleinde ne’e, jornalista hosi rai li’ur, inklui Roger East, jornalista sira “Balibo Five”, Sander Thoenes, Agus Mulyawan, Kamal Bamadhaj, Amy Goodman, no Max Stahl halo kontribuisaun boot liu hosi hosi atividade jornalizmu sein fronteira, laiha limitasaun jeografika no livre hosi limitasaun polítika an nian. Sira nia kobertura ne’e ajuda frente diplomátika sira atu halo advokasia ba Timor-Leste nia ukun rasik an, suporta ema seluk hosi rai seluk atu fó solidariedade, ajuda rezisténsia no povu Maubere sira seluk atu komprende saida mak akontese iha Timor, inklui nudár espíritu atu “A Luta Kontinua”.\nJornalista na’in sia ne’ebé temi uluk liu iha leten hosi rai li’ur ne’e, fó ona sira nia moris ba independénsia ba Timor-Leste. Karik sira tenke husu akreditasaun ba iha “Dewan Pers” Indonesia nian, dala ruma Timor-Leste sei nafatin iha Indonézia nia okos to ohin loron. Nune’e mós to ohin loron, media rai-li’ur hala’o knar importante atu mantén mundu nia matan mai Timor-Leste.\nInfelizmente, Lei Imprensa ida ne’e limita atividade jornalista hosi rai li’ur, hanesan Artigu 25 ne’ebé husu media estranjeiru ne’ebé haruka sira nia korespondente mai Timor-Leste tenke hetan akreditasaun hosi Konsellu Imprensa, no Artigu 12 la fó dalan ba ema ne’ebé la’ós sidadaun Timor-Leste atu sai jornalista.\nProposta lei ne’e halo ita hanoin fali ba polítika ne’ebé implementa hosi ditadór sira ne’ebé taka informasaun rai laran nian ba mundu, hamate liberdade espresaun povu nian atu prezerva sira nia podér ukun nian. Ita nia esperiénsia ho rejime Salazar no Suharto tenke halo Timor-Leste hodi hanoin dala rua.\nLiu dékada ida ona Timor-Leste la’o lahó Lei Imprensa ida, no ita la enfrenta problema ho imprensa. Primeira vez Timor-oan sira hetan nia direitu no liberdade atu espresa opiniaun hafoin besik tinan atus lima nia laran moris iha presaun no sensura nia laran.\nLa’ós urjente atu halo lalais lei komunikasaun sosiál, espesialmente, lei ne’ebé fraku sei hamenus ita nia sosiedade ne’ebé avansadu ba uzu media sosiál no media seluk atu fahe hanoin lahó limitasaun. Ami rekoñese katak kapasidade jornalista sira, fó informasaun laloos, no falta esperiénsia dala barak halo ema barak mak la kontente ho artigu sira ne’ebé publika, maibé regulasaun estadu nian la’ós solusaun.\nAtu taka, ami hanoin katak Timor-Leste bele la’o ba liberdade espresaun no imprensa nian ho de’it Konstituisaun RDTL no Konvensaun Internasionál sira ne’ebé RDTL ratifika ona, no mós hosi boa vontade ukun na’in sira, jornalista, na’in ba media no mós hosi sosiedade tomak.\nAmi be saran lia.\nKarta ida ne’e hetan apoiu husi:\nMeagan Weymes, jornalista independente\nRowena McNaughton, jornalista independente\nHusi rai seluk:\nAmi sei aumenta ho grupu tan sei asina. Bele fo naran ba [email protected]. | [
"La'o Hamutuk: LH ba Prezidente TMR: Favor veto Lei Komunikasaun Sosial Exmo.",
"Sr. Prezidente ne'ebe ami respeitu, Iha loron 6 Maiu 2014, Parlamentu Nasional aprova ona Lei Komunikasaun Sosial, hafoin besik fulan tolu nia laran Komisaun A halo servisu ba Lei ne'e.",
"La'o Hamutuk partisipa iha audiensia Parlamentar iha loron 19 Fevreiru, ne'ebe ami esplika ezbosu lei ne'e bele estraga liberdade espresaun no liberdade imprensa.",
"Tanba Parlamentu Nasional seidauk hadi'ak frakeza baziku iha lei ne'e, ami hakarak husu ba Prezidente Republika atu uza direitu Konstitusional Artigu 88 hodi veto Lei Komunikasaun Sosial ida ne'e nudar simbolu hodi garante demokrasia no prinsipiu ukun rasik an nian.",
"Lei ne'e sei estraga demokrasia no direitus umanu, esklui ema barak nia direitu ba liberdade espresaun, fo de'it poder ba grupu ida de'it atu fo lisensa ba ema balu no limita ema seluk atu fahe informasaun.",
"Ami konsidera ida ne'e viola Konstituisaun no Konvensaun Internasional ba Direitu Sivil no Politika.",
"Liberdade espresaun mak prinsipiu demokrasia nian.",
"Liberdade espresaun nudar prinsipiu universal iha nasaun demokratiku, katak Lei tenke labele limita direitu ema nian atu hetan no fahe informasaun.",
"Prinsipiu ida ne'e garante iha Artigu 40 no Artigu 41 Konstituisaun RDTL no Artigu 19 Konvensaun Internasional ba Direitu Sivil no Politika ne'ebe Timor-Leste ratifika ona.",
"Timor-Leste iha obrigasaun legal atu halo tuir, no lejizlasaun tenke reflete ba prinsipiu fundamental konvensaun sira ne'e.",
"Artigu 2 (a) hosi proposta lei defini katak \"Atividade Jornalistika\" mak atividade atu buka, halibur, hili, trata no fahe informasaun ba publiku, hanesan testu, lian ka imajen, liu hosi orgaun komunikasaun sosial, no Artigu 2 (l) defini orgaun media nudar pesoa koletiva, publika ka privada ne'ebe dedika an atividade jornalistika.",
"\"Artigu 2 (i) defini katak \"jornalista\" mak ema ne'ebe hala'o profisaun \"jornalizmu.\"",
"Definisaun hirak ne'e kobre luan liu duke ba jornal, radio no estasaun radio komersial sira.",
"Realidade, ema barak mos hala'o profisaun hodi fahe informasaun ida ne'e, maske sira la'os jornalista profisional, hanesan peskizador, akademia, organizasaun sosiedade sivil sira, blogger, jornalista freelance, no mos sira seluk.",
"Tanba ne'e, Artigu ida ne'e suporta de'it liberdade hodi fahe informasaun ba de'it profisional sira ne'ebe hetan ona titulu no mandatu hosi Konsellu Imprensa ne'ebe servisu ba media komersial ne'ebe rejistu ona no hetan ona lisensa hosi Konsellu Imprensa.",
"Loloos, Konsellu Imprensa labele limita liberdade espresaun ema nian atu fahe informasaun, hanesan Artigu 42, Artigu 43 no Artigu 44 (b, c no d) iha Lei ne'e hateten.",
"Hanesan mos, Artigu 12 taka ema balu nia direitu ba liberdade espresaun, no la fo direitu ba ema seluk ne'ebe la'os \"sidadaun maioria\" atu sai jornalista.",
"Provizaun ne'e limita estudante sira ne'ebe hala'o knar jornalizmu nian, hanesan halo kobertura ba notisia, hakerek jornal parede, ka blogger estudante sira ne'ebe fahe informasaun sira.",
"Ezemplu mak, estudante sira hosi Eskola Sao Jose (Sanyos) ne'ebe hakerek Suara Timor-Lorosa'e, no kobertura estudante Colegio Sao Miguel (CSM) ne'ebe dala barak iha notisia STL TV nian.",
"La'os \"jornalista\" sira de'it mak bele iha Orgaun Media.",
"Artigu 13.5 hateten katak ema sira ne'ebe nia kriteria la tuir lei ne'e labele fahe informasaun ba publiku.",
"\"Orgaun media\" sira hanesan www.aitaraklaran.blogspot.com, Buletin Fongtil, Buletin Haburas, www.laohamutuk.org, www.haktl.org, www.timorhauniadoben.com, www.diakkalae.org, www.economia-tl.blogspot.com, programa televizaun Casa Producao Audiovisual (CPA), relatoriu ONG, Banku Mundial, ONU nian no seluk tan iha direitu fundamental atu fahe informasaun ba publiku.",
"Lei tenke defende pluralismu ba opiniaun.",
"Funsaun prinsipal media mak atu promove hanoin ne'ebe diverse, variasaun ba informasaun, no ajuda povu atu hare informasaun oi-oin, la'os de'it fo informasaun hosi matan ida de'it.",
"Artigu 3.1 (e) fo deskrisaun ba funsaun media atu \"promove pas, estabilidade sosial, harmonia no solidariedade nasional,\" bele uza hodi la enkoraja ema atu fahe pontu de vista seluk.",
"Artigu 4 (g) ne'ebe husu katak media atu \"defende interese publiku no orden demokratika\" bele mos sai dalan atu fo presaun ba opiniaun ne'ebe diferente.",
"Artigu sira ne'ebe mensiona iha leten ne'e kontrariu ho Artigu 20.1 (c) katak dever jornalista sira mak atu \"defende pluralismu opiniaun sira, asegura kapasidade espresaun hosi opiniaun ne'ebe diferente, respeitu diversidade kultural, relijiaun no etniku sidadaun nian.\"",
"Ami espera katak pontu de vista sira ne'ebe sei nafatin prevaleze.",
"Aleinde ne'e, ami preokupa kona-ba Artigu 23 ne'ebe hateten katak sei iha lei seluk atu regula media ne'ebe la buka lukru.",
"Maske ami la hatene saida mak Parlamentu nia planu atu inklui lei ida ne'e, maibe modelu lei daudauk ne'e de'it hamosu ona preokupasaun.",
"Karik Artigu 23 ne'e hakarak atu hateten katak Lei Media ida ne'e la aplika ba media relijiozu sira, komunidade no sira ne'ebe la buka lukru, di'ak liu hateten ho klaru, publikasaun sira ne'e la presiza lisensa hosi Konsellu Imprensa.",
"Labele ko'a independensia media nian.",
"Orgaun komunikasaun sosial sira tenke tuir Kodigu Etiku Jornalizmu nian, ne'ebe deside hosi jornalista no media ne'ebe sira servisu ba, atu asegura informasaun loloos, diversidade no liberdade imprensa nian.",
"Ami apresia katak servisu jornalista sira voluntariamente ho kometimentu atu tuir prinsipiu sira ne'e.",
"Nune'e mos, ami preokupa katak Konsellu Imprensa ho autoridade legal, fundus, no nia membru sira ne'ebe hili hosi politiku na'in sira no media komersial sira, atu labele iha poder (tuir Artigu 43 no 44) atu prevene ema ruma atu ejerse nia liberdade espresaun.",
"Estadu tenke respeita liberdade jornalista sira atu harii mesak sira nia Konsellu, inklui AJTL no TLPU atu halo regra no mos tau matan ba sira nia membru rasik, maibe labele obriga ema seluk atu tuir sira nia regra.",
"Lei ne'e haluha istoria Timor-Leste.",
"Timor-Leste labele haluha nia istoria luta ba libertasaun dezde 1974-1999.",
"Ema barak iha rezistensia sira uza imprensa hanesan meius komunikasaun ida atu fahe informasaun ba defende direitu no dignidade povu rai ida ne'e.",
"Bulletin Seara, Radio Maubere nudar meius komunikasaun ne'ebe Timor-oan sira uza atu liberta Timor-Leste hosi kolonial no okupasaun durante tinan barak nia laran.",
"Jose Ramos- Horta, Xanana Gusmao, Francisco Borja da Costa no sira seluk uza media sira ne'e atu eduka, informa, no orienta luta ba libertasaun nian, maske sira la hetan titulu husi Governu Portugal ka Indonezia.",
"Aleinde ne'e, jornalista hosi rai li'ur, inklui Roger East, jornalista sira \"Balibo Five,\" Sander Thoenes, Agus Mulyawan, Kamal Bamadhaj, Amy Goodman, no Max Stahl halo kontribuisaun boot liu hosi hosi atividade jornalizmu sein fronteira, laiha limitasaun jeografika no livre hosi limitasaun politika an nian.",
"Sira nia kobertura ne'e ajuda frente diplomatika sira atu halo advokasia ba Timor-Leste nia ukun rasik an, suporta ema seluk hosi rai seluk atu fo solidariedade, ajuda rezistensia no povu Maubere sira seluk atu komprende saida mak akontese iha Timor, inklui nudar espiritu atu \"A Luta Kontinua.\"",
"Jornalista na'in sia ne'ebe temi uluk liu iha leten hosi rai li'ur ne'e, fo ona sira nia moris ba independensia ba Timor-Leste.",
"Karik sira tenke husu akreditasaun ba iha \"Dewan Pers\" Indonesia nian, dala ruma Timor-Leste sei nafatin iha Indonezia nia okos to ohin loron.",
"Nune'e mos to ohin loron, media rai-li'ur hala'o knar importante atu manten mundu nia matan mai Timor-Leste.",
"Infelizmente, Lei Imprensa ida ne'e limita atividade jornalista hosi rai li'ur, hanesan Artigu 25 ne'ebe husu media estranjeiru ne'ebe haruka sira nia korespondente mai Timor-Leste tenke hetan akreditasaun hosi Konsellu Imprensa, no Artigu 12 la fo dalan ba ema ne'ebe la'os sidadaun Timor-Leste atu sai jornalista.",
"Proposta lei ne'e halo ita hanoin fali ba politika ne'ebe implementa hosi ditador sira ne'ebe taka informasaun rai laran nian ba mundu, hamate liberdade espresaun povu nian atu prezerva sira nia poder ukun nian.",
"Ita nia esperiensia ho rejime Salazar no Suharto tenke halo Timor-Leste hodi hanoin dala rua.",
"Liu dekada ida ona Timor-Leste la'o laho Lei Imprensa ida, no ita la enfrenta problema ho imprensa.",
"Primeira vez Timor-oan sira hetan nia direitu no liberdade atu espresa opiniaun hafoin besik tinan atus lima nia laran moris iha presaun no sensura nia laran.",
"La'os urjente atu halo lalais lei komunikasaun sosial, espesialmente, lei ne'ebe fraku sei hamenus ita nia sosiedade ne'ebe avansadu ba uzu media sosial no media seluk atu fahe hanoin laho limitasaun.",
"Ami rekonese katak kapasidade jornalista sira, fo informasaun laloos, no falta esperiensia dala barak halo ema barak mak la kontente ho artigu sira ne'ebe publika, maibe regulasaun estadu nian la'os solusaun.",
"Atu taka, ami hanoin katak Timor-Leste bele la'o ba liberdade espresaun no imprensa nian ho de'it Konstituisaun RDTL no Konvensaun Internasional sira ne'ebe RDTL ratifika ona, no mos hosi boa vontade ukun na'in sira, jornalista, na'in ba media no mos hosi sosiedade tomak.",
"Ami be saran lia.",
"Karta ida ne'e hetan apoiu husi: Meagan Weymes, jornalista independente Rowena McNaughton, jornalista independente Husi rai seluk: Ami sei aumenta ho grupu tan sei asina.",
"Bele fo naran ba [email protected]."
] | [
"La'o Hamutuk: LH ba Prezidente TMR (President of the Timor-Leste Parliament): Favor veto Law on Social Communication"
"Mr. President, On May 6th of this year the National Parliament approved a Social Communication Law after almost three months' work by Committee A on that law and it is now in its final stages to be adopted as an Act for implementation at parliamentary level"
"La'o Hamutuk participated in a parliamentary hearing on 19 February, where we explained that the draft law could damage freedom of expression and press."
"Since the National Parliament has not rectified basic weaknesses in this law, We would like to ask President of Republic use his constitutional right under Article87 and veto Social Communications Law as a symbol for guaranteeing democracy."
"The law will undermine democracy and human rights, exclude many people's right to freedom of expression by giving only one group the power for licensing some person-and restricting others from sharing information."
"We consider this to be in violation of the Constitution and International Covenant on Civil & Political Rights."
"Freedom of expression is a democratic principle."
"Freedom of expression is a universal principle in democratic countries, that the law must not limit people's right to receive and impart information."
"This principle is guaranteed in Articles 40 and Article19 of the International Covenant on Civil & Political Rights, which Timor-Leste has ratified."
"Timor-Leste has a legal obligation to comply, and its legislations must reflect the fundamental principles of these convention."
"Article 2 (a) of the draft law defines \"Journalistic activity\" as an activities to seek, gather and select information in textual form or imagery through a media body. And article-1(l), means that any person who is publicly engaged with journalism shall be considered “media”."
"\"Article 2 (i) defines a 'journalist' as any person who pursues the profession of journalism.\""
"These definitions cover more broadly than newspaper, radio and commercial stations."
"The reality is that many people also pursue a profession of sharing this information, even though they are not professional journalists: such as researchers and scholars; civil society organization (CSO) members. blogger-freelancers among others"
"Therefore, this Article only supports the freedom to disseminate information for professionals who have been awarded title and mandate by Press Council working in commercial media that has registered with it."
"However, the Press Council cannot restrict people's freedom of expression to share information as Article 42 and Articles (b), c) & d)."
"Similarly, Article 12 restricts some people's right to freedom of expression and does not give others who are \"non-majority citizens\" the rights required for being a journalist."
"This provision restricts students from engaging in journalistic activities such as news coverage, writing a wall paper or student bloggers who share information."
"Examples include students from Escola Sao Jose (Sanyos) who write for Suara Timor-Lorosa'e, and the student coverage of Colegio São Miguel(CSM), which is frequently featured in STL TV news."
"It is not only \"journalists\" who can be in a Media Organ."
"Article 13.5 states that persons whose criteria do not comply with this law may no longer disclose information to the public;"
"The \"media organs\" such as www.aitaraklaran, Buletin Fongtil and Habura-Tl have a fundamental right to share information with the public; they are also responsible for informing them of what is happenings in their country or region (especially those that affect people who live there)."
"The law must defend pluralism of opinion."
"The main function of the media is to promote diverse thinking, variation in information and help people see different kinds Of Information rather than just one way."
"Article 3.1 (e) describes the function of media to \"promote peace, social stability and national harmony\" may be used not only for encouraging people in sharing different views but also as a means by which they can encourage other opinion-sharing activities or express their own viewpoint on issues that are publicly discussed through broadcasting programs from television stationes;"
"Article 4 (g), which requires the media to \"defend public interest and democratic order\" can also be used as a means of putting pressure on differing opinion."
"The above-mentioned articles are contrary to Article 20.1 (c) which states that it is the duty of journalists \"to defend pluralism in opinion, ensure freedom for different views and respect cultural diversity.\""
"We hope that these points of view will continue to prevail."
"In addition, we are concerned about Article 23 which states that there will be another law to regulate non-profit media."
"Although we do not know what Parliament is planning to include in this law, only the current model has raised concerns."
"If Article 23 is intended to state that this Media Law does not apply for religious, community and non-profit media outlets it would be better if the text was made clearer by stating: \"These publications do NOT require a license from Conselho Imprensa.\""
"The independence of the media should not be undermined."
"Media organizations must adhere to the Code of Ethics for Journalistic Practice, which is agreed by journalist and media that they work with in order To ensure accurate information distribution. diversity & press freedom"
"We appreciate the fact that journalists work voluntarily with a commitment to follow these Principles."
"Similarly, we are concerned that the Press Council with its legal authority and funding as well a membership elected by politicians or commercial media should not have power (according to Articles.43-50) of prevent any person from exercising his/her right for free expression"
"The state must respect the freedom of journalists to set up their own council, including AJTL and TLPU for making rules as well a look out on its members but cannot force others into following them."
"This law forgets the history of Timor-Leste."
"Timor-Leste cannot forget its history of liberation struggle since 1974 to the present day."
"Many people in the resistance uses press as a means of communication to spread information for defending their rights and dignity."
"Bulletin Seara, Radio Maubere were the means of communication that Timorese used to liberate East-Timor from colonialism and occupation for many years."
"Jose Ramos-Horta, Xanana Gusmao and Francisco Borja da Costa among others used these media to educate the peoples of their liberation struggle although they were not granted title by either Portuguese or Indonesian government."
"In addition, journalists from abroad including Roger East and the \"Balibo Five\" Sander Thoenes Agus Mulyawan Kamal Bamadhaj Amy Goodman Max Stahl have made great contributions to journalism without border activities that are free of geographical limitations or political boundaries."
"Their coverage helped the diplomatic front to advocate for Timorese self-determination, support others from other countries in showing solidarity with them and assist resistance groups as well As Maubere peoples understand what was happenin' on their own land. This also formed a spirit of \"The Continuous Struggle.\""
"The nine journalists mentioned above, who were abroad at the time of this article have given their lives for Timor-Leste independence."
"Even though they had to apply for accreditation at the Indonesian \"Dewan Pers\", Timor-Leste remained in Indonesia's sphere of influence until today."
"Even today, foreign media play an important role in keeping the world's eyes on Timor-Leste."
"Unfortunately, this Press Law limits the activity of journalistic from abroad such as Article 25 that require foreign media sending their correspondents to Timor-Leste must obtain accreditation by Conselho de Imprensa and article13 which does not allow people who are no citizens or nationalities becoming reporter."
"This bill reminds us of the policies implemented by dictators who shut down information about their country from outside, killing people' s freedom to express themselves in order for them and other rulers not only preserve power but also maintain it."
"Our experience with the Salazar and Suharto regimes should make Timor-Leste think twice."
"For over a decade, Timor-Leste has been working on the press law and we do not face any problems with it."
"For the first time, Timorese people gained their right and freedom to express opinions after nearly 150 years of living under pressure or censorship."
"There is no urgent need to make social communications law quickly, especially as weak legislation will reduce our advanced societies' use of the media and other means for sharing ideas without limitation."
"We acknowledge that the ability of journalists to provide incorrect information, and lack Of experience often make many people dissatisfied with articles published. But state regulation is not a solution!"
"To conclude, we believe that Timor-Leste can move towards freedom of expression and the press with only its Constitution as well As international conventions which it has ratified. It also depend on good will from rulers owners journalist media ownership in addition to society at large"
"We would have recommended it."
"This letter is supported by: Meagan Weymes, independent journalist Rowena McNaughton (independent) From other countries We will increase with more groups signing."
"You can send your name to [email protected]"
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Sexta-Feira, XII Semana Tempo Comum (ANO A) – Diocese de Dili\nDiocese de Dili > NOTÍCIAS > LETURA DIÁRIA > Sexta-Feira, XII Semana Tempo Comum (ANO A)\nSexta-Feira, XII Semana Tempo Comum (ANO A)\nPosted on: June 25, 2020 by: Departamento Comunicação Diocese Dili\nPrimeira Leitura 2 Rs. 25. 1-12\nIha tinan sia Sedecias nia ukun, iha loron sanulu fulan sanulu nian, Nabucodonosor, liurai Babilónia nian, mai ho nia soldado sira hotu hodi hafunu hasouru Jerusalém. Hôrik tiha iha cidade oin hodi hari uma ronda hadulas cidade. Soldado sira hale’u nafatin Jerusalém to’o Sedecias nia ukun ba tinan sanulu resin ida. Iha loron sia ba fulan háat nian, uainhira iha cidade laran mosu hamlaha boot, povo tomak la iha ona buat ida atu han. Sira loke tiha kuak ida iha kota nia didin. Iha kalan, liurai hamutuk ho funu na’in sira halai sai housi odamatan iha didin rua nia leet, nebé hela besik jardim liurai nian- uainhira caldeu sira hale’u hela cidade- hodi tuir dalan ba Arába. Soldado sira caldeu nian hahu duni tuir liurai hodi kaer nia iha rai tetuk Jericó nian, iha nebé nia funu na’in sira halai namkari, hodi husik hela nia mesak. Nune’e, sira káer tiha liurai, lori nia ba Ribla, iha liurai Babilónia nia oin, no iha nebá sira tesi lia ba nia matan sira, haruka kesi ho korrenti riti nian rua hodi lori nia ba Babilónia.\nIha loron hitu fulan lima nian, katak iha Nabucodonosor, liurai Babilónia nia ukun ba tinan sanulu resin sia nian, tama iha Jerusalém Nabuzardã, ulun guarda no serbisu na’in liurai Babilónia nian. Sunu tiha Na’i nia templo no kadunan liurai nian, sunu tiha hotu uma ema boot no matenek sira iha Jerusalém. Soldado sira caldeu nian, hodi tuir ordem husi ulun guarda nian, hamonu tetuk tiha baki sira nebé hadulas Jerusalém. Nebuzardã rasik, ulun guarda nian, haruka lori hotu povu sira be husik hela tiha uluk iha cidade no mós sira be uluk halai ses housi liurai Babilónia; nune’e mós serbisu na’in sira be uluk hela tiha. Maibé, ulun guarda nian husik hela ema sira balun be kiak liu iha nação atu sira bele kuda to’os uvas nian no to’os selu-seluk.\nSalmo Responsorial Sal. 136(137). 1-6 (R. 6a)\nRefrão : Jerusalém, ha’u haluha karik ó, ha’u nanal sai tós ba!!! Repete-se\nIha Babilónia nia mota ninin ami tur ho tanis,\nHodi hanoin Sião,\nIha ai salgueiro be moris mota nini\nAmi tara ami nia harpa sira. Refrão\nSira be lori ami ba dadur,\nSira be hanehan ami, knananuk ida ksolok nian:\nHananu mai ani knananuk Sião nian”. Refrão\nOinsá ami bele hananu knananuk ida Na’i nian,\nIha rai ema seluk nian?\nHa’u haluha karik ó, Jerusalém,\nHa’u liman lós sai maten tiha. Refrão\nHa’u nanal belit tiha iha ha’u ibun ba,\nHa’u la hanoin hikas ó karik;\nHa’u la tau karik ó, Jerusalém,\nIha skolok hot-hotu nia leten. Refrão\nCristo simu ita nia terus hotu ba nia leten ,\nIha tempo nebá, Jesus tun housi foho mai, ema lubun ua’in mai hamutuk ho nia. Teki-tekil ema moras lepra ida mai tuku tur iha nia oin, nebé dehan ba Nia: “Na’i, Ita hakarak karik, bele fó isin di’ak mai ha’u”. Jesus lolo liman hodi kona nia dehan, “ Ha’u hakarak, ó hetan isin di’ak ba”. Iha oras ne’e kedas, nia moras lepra sai di’ak. Jesus dehan ba nia: “Neon moris ba; Keta hateten ba ema ida, maibé ba hatudu-an ba na’ilulik hodi fó esmola tuir Moisés nia lei, nu’udar sasin ba sira”.\nPrevious PostPR Fó Posse ba Membro Governo Nain 21 Next PostSábado, XII Semana Tempo Comum (ANO A) | [
"Sexta-Feira, XII Semana Tempo Comum (ANO A) - Diocese de Dili Diocese de Dili > NOTICIAS > LETURA DIARIA > Sexta-Feira, XII Semana Tempo Comum (ANO A) Sexta-Feira, XII Semana Tempo Comum (ANO A) Posted on: June 25, 2020 by: Departamento Comunicacao Diocese Dili Primeira Leitura 2 Rs. 25.",
"1-12 Iha tinan sia Sedecias nia ukun, iha loron sanulu fulan sanulu nian, Nabucodonosor, liurai Babilonia nian, mai ho nia soldado sira hotu hodi hafunu hasouru Jerusalem.",
"Horik tiha iha cidade oin hodi hari uma ronda hadulas cidade.",
"Soldado sira hale'u nafatin Jerusalem to'o Sedecias nia ukun ba tinan sanulu resin ida.",
"Iha loron sia ba fulan haat nian, uainhira iha cidade laran mosu hamlaha boot, povo tomak la iha ona buat ida atu han.",
"Sira loke tiha kuak ida iha kota nia didin.",
"Iha kalan, liurai hamutuk ho funu na'in sira halai sai housi odamatan iha didin rua nia leet, nebe hela besik jardim liurai nian- uainhira caldeu sira hale'u hela cidade- hodi tuir dalan ba Araba.",
"Soldado sira caldeu nian hahu duni tuir liurai hodi kaer nia iha rai tetuk Jerico nian, iha nebe nia funu na'in sira halai namkari, hodi husik hela nia mesak.",
"Nune'e, sira kaer tiha liurai, lori nia ba Ribla, iha liurai Babilonia nia oin, no iha neba sira tesi lia ba nia matan sira, haruka kesi ho korrenti riti nian rua hodi lori nia ba Babilonia.",
"Iha loron hitu fulan lima nian, katak iha Nabucodonosor, liurai Babilonia nia ukun ba tinan sanulu resin sia nian, tama iha Jerusalem Nabuzarda, ulun guarda no serbisu na'in liurai Babilonia nian.",
"Sunu tiha Na'i nia templo no kadunan liurai nian, sunu tiha hotu uma ema boot no matenek sira iha Jerusalem.",
"Soldado sira caldeu nian, hodi tuir ordem husi ulun guarda nian, hamonu tetuk tiha baki sira nebe hadulas Jerusalem.",
"Nebuzarda rasik, ulun guarda nian, haruka lori hotu povu sira be husik hela tiha uluk iha cidade no mos sira be uluk halai ses housi liurai Babilonia; nune'e mos serbisu na'in sira be uluk hela tiha.",
"Maibe, ulun guarda nian husik hela ema sira balun be kiak liu iha nacao atu sira bele kuda to'os uvas nian no to'os selu-seluk.",
"Salmo Responsorial Sal.",
"136 (137).",
"1-6 (R. 6a) Refrao: Jerusalem, ha'u haluha karik o, ha'u nanal sai tos ba!!!",
"Repete-se Iha Babilonia nia mota ninin ami tur ho tanis, Hodi hanoin Siao, Iha ai salgueiro be moris mota nini Ami tara ami nia harpa sira.",
"Refrao Sira be lori ami ba dadur, Sira be hanehan ami, knananuk ida ksolok nian: Hananu mai ani knananuk Siao nian.\"",
"Refrao Oinsa ami bele hananu knananuk ida Na'i nian, Iha rai ema seluk nian?",
"Ha'u haluha karik o, Jerusalem, Ha'u liman los sai maten tiha.",
"Refrao Ha'u nanal belit tiha iha ha'u ibun ba, Ha'u la hanoin hikas o karik; Ha'u la tau karik o, Jerusalem, Iha skolok hot-hotu nia leten.",
"Refrao Cristo simu ita nia terus hotu ba nia leten , Iha tempo neba, Jesus tun housi foho mai, ema lubun ua'in mai hamutuk ho nia.",
"Teki-tekil ema moras lepra ida mai tuku tur iha nia oin, nebe dehan ba Nia: \"Na'i, Ita hakarak karik, bele fo isin di'ak mai ha'u.\"",
"Jesus lolo liman hodi kona nia dehan, \" Ha'u hakarak, o hetan isin di'ak ba.\"",
"Iha oras ne'e kedas, nia moras lepra sai di'ak.",
"Jesus dehan ba nia: \"Neon moris ba; Keta hateten ba ema ida, maibe ba hatudu-an ba na'ilulik hodi fo esmola tuir Moises nia lei, nu'udar sasin ba sira.\"",
"Previous PostPR Fo Posse ba Membro Governo Nain 21 Next PostSabado, XII Semana Tempo Comum (ANO A)"
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"Friday 12th Week in Ordinary Time (YEAR A) - Diocese of Dili The diocese > NEWS>DAILY READINGS: Friday, the twelfths week. Posted on June-06/39 by Departamento Comunicacao Diocese de Timor First Readings from Holy Mass Rs... Read More »"
"1 And it came to pass in the ninth year of Zedekiah's reign, that Nebuchadnezzar king Of Babylon and all his host went up against Jerusalem on a thirtieth day."
"He then went to the city front and built a ronda hadulas cidade."
"And they besieged Jerusalem until the thirtieth year of Zedekiah's reign."
"And it came to pass in the fourth month, that there was a great famine throughout all Israel; and they had no bread."
"They opened a well in the middle of his town."
"13 And the king went out by night, he and his men of war with him through a gate that was between two walls near to their garden (for they were besieging it), onward unto an open plain."
"The soldiers of the Chaldeans pursued after him, and caught his army in Jericho' s plain where they had left them alone."
"And they took the king, and brought him up to Riblah unto Babylon; where he was put out of his eyes: then sent men with two chains that carried them into Babel."
"In the fifth month, in that year when Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon reigned for thirty-nine years (that is to say on its seventeenh day), Nabuzara'dah captain Of The Guard came into Jerusalem."
"And he burned the house of Jehovah, and all that belonged to kings; also every palace for nobles in Jerusalem was set on fire."
"The soldiers of the Chaldeans, following a command from their captain and after having broken down all those wall-towers that were surrounding Jerusalem."
"And Nebuzaradan the captain of his guard carried away all that were left in this city, and those who had gone into exile from Babylon; he also took with him a great number."
"However, the chief of guards left some poorer people in Nacao so that they could plant their own vineyard and orchard."
"Responsorial Psalm Ps."
"136 (20))."
"1-6 (R.7a) Refrao: Jerusalem, if I forget thee; my soul shall not be left behind!"
"In the mountains of Babylon we sat with dances, to remember Zion; in a willow tree on this living hill We played our harps."
"Refrao They carry us to the edge, they feed on our backs; a song of joy: Hananu come and sing Zion'."
"Refrao How can we take the LORD's seed in a foreign land?"
"If I forget thee, O Jerusalem; My hand shall be withered."
"Refrao I've bound my neck with a belt, and would not have thought of you if it had been so; but now Jerusalem is above all the schools."
"Refrao Christ took all our sufferings on his shoulders , At that time Jesus came down from the mountains and a great multitude went with him."
"And behold, a leper came and sat down before him. He said to Him: \"Lord if You will you can make me whole.\""
"Jesus stretched out his hand over her and said, \"I want you to be well.\""
"And immediately in that hour he was healed of his leprosy."
"Jesus said to him, \"Go away; tell no one about it. But go and show yourself in front of the Lord's presence for almsgiving as Moses commanded you: this will be a testimony unto them.\""
"Previous PostPR Fo Posse ba Membro Governo Nain 21 Next postSaturday, XII Week in Ordinary Time (YEAR A)"
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Tetun Alkitab 3 Yohanis 1\n☰ 3 Yohanis 1 ◀ ▶\nHakerek dala tolu nosi Yohanis\nYohanis nahuu nakerek\n1 Maluk Gayus mak haꞌu kadomi tebe-tebes. Tabe nosi haꞌu, Yohanis, mak kaliku hutun sarani.✡\n2 Haꞌu kaloon nebee Naꞌi Maromak daka o, nebee o bele moris manek no dame. Nebee o isin diꞌak, no neon moos diꞌak. 3 Mamaluk naꞌin hira mai nasara baa haꞌu naꞌak, o tuir nohuun hanorin loos. Rona nunia, haꞌu neon diꞌak. 4 Haꞌu kakara basuk kalo haꞌu krona, haꞌukaan oa sia moris tuir hanorin loos.\nYohanis tonu Gayus\n5 Maluk mak haꞌu kadomi! Itakaan mamaluk naꞌin hira nalaꞌok Kristus Niakaan serwisu iha okaan leo. Oras sia toꞌo, o simu sia diꞌa-diꞌak hotu tulun sia. Masik o sei la matene dauk sia moos, o maliku sia diꞌa-diꞌak nunia. 6 Oras neꞌe, sia mai nikar tiꞌan. Sia nasara baa hutun sarani iha neꞌe naꞌak, o simu sia modi laran maluak. Haꞌu kusu nebee o tulun bei-beik ema nuꞌu sia nia, tan hahalok nunia nalo Naꞌi Maromak neon diꞌak. 7 Ema nia sia laꞌo nasirin baa nanorin ema nosi Yesus Kristus, mais sia la nusu tatulun sa-saa nosi ema mak la fiar baa Yesus. 8 Ita mak musti tulun sia, tan hodi nunia, ita halaꞌok Naꞌi Maromak Niakaan serwisu bele-bele ho sia.\nYohanis nasalak Diotrefes\n9 Uluk, haꞌu ksolok hakerek baa hutun sarani iha okaan leo. Mais Diotrefes la titu haꞌukaan hakerek, hotu nalo aan nuꞌu ema ulun ida. 10 Kalo haꞌu ktone emi, haꞌu atu kdale loke fore niakaan hahalok aat, tan nia dale nahaat ami no la simu Naꞌi Maromak eman mak mai nalaꞌok serwisu iha emikaan leo. Kaliuk, nia sasuku mamaluk sia iha nia nebee keta simu sia.\nYohanis tonu Demetrius\n11 Maluk mak haꞌu kadomi! O musti maninu baa ema mak nalo lia diꞌak. Keta maninu baa ema mak nalo lia aat. Ema mak nalo lia diꞌak, Naꞌi Maromak eman. Mais ema mak nalo lia aat, lahoos Naꞌi Maromak eman.\n12 Knaninuk nuꞌu Demetrius. Tan nia moris tuir hanorin loos, haꞌu ktonu nia. Ema hotu-hotu moos tonun nia. O naꞌin duꞌuk matene haꞌu kdale neꞌe, tebes.\nYohanis narohan hakerek\n13 Sei noo lia waꞌin tenik mak haꞌu kakara katak baa o, mais haꞌu la koꞌuk kakerek iha neꞌe. 14 Haꞌu kaloon, la kleur ona ita hasoru malu, nebee ita rua bele dale duꞌuk baa malu.\n15 Nunia dei! Mamaluk iha neꞌe sia solok tabe. Tulun matoꞌo haꞌukaan tabe neꞌe baa haꞌukaan mamaluk sia iha nia, tuir siakaan naran ida-idak.\n✡ 1:1 Kristus Klosan Lian 19:29; Roma 16:23; 1 Korintus 1:14 | [
"Tetun Alkitab 3 Yohanis 1 3 Yohanis 1 < > Hakerek dala tolu nosi Yohanis Yohanis nahuu nakerek 1 Maluk Gayus mak hau kadomi tebe-tebes.",
"Tabe nosi hau, Yohanis, mak kaliku hutun sarani. 2 Hau kaloon nebee Nai Maromak daka o, nebee o bele moris manek no dame.",
"Nebee o isin diak, no neon moos diak.",
"3 Mamaluk nain hira mai nasara baa hau naak, o tuir nohuun hanorin loos.",
"Rona nunia, hau neon diak.",
"4 Hau kakara basuk kalo hau krona, haukaan oa sia moris tuir hanorin loos.",
"Yohanis tonu Gayus 5 Maluk mak hau kadomi!",
"Itakaan mamaluk nain hira nalaok Kristus Niakaan serwisu iha okaan leo.",
"Oras sia too, o simu sia dia-diak hotu tulun sia.",
"Masik o sei la matene dauk sia moos, o maliku sia dia-diak nunia.",
"6 Oras nee, sia mai nikar tian.",
"Sia nasara baa hutun sarani iha nee naak, o simu sia modi laran maluak.",
"Hau kusu nebee o tulun bei-beik ema nuu sia nia, tan hahalok nunia nalo Nai Maromak neon diak.",
"7 Ema nia sia lao nasirin baa nanorin ema nosi Yesus Kristus, mais sia la nusu tatulun sa-saa nosi ema mak la fiar baa Yesus.",
"8 Ita mak musti tulun sia, tan hodi nunia, ita halaok Nai Maromak Niakaan serwisu bele-bele ho sia.",
"Yohanis nasalak Diotrefes 9 Uluk, hau ksolok hakerek baa hutun sarani iha okaan leo.",
"Mais Diotrefes la titu haukaan hakerek, hotu nalo aan nuu ema ulun ida.",
"10 Kalo hau ktone emi, hau atu kdale loke fore niakaan hahalok aat, tan nia dale nahaat ami no la simu Nai Maromak eman mak mai nalaok serwisu iha emikaan leo.",
"Kaliuk, nia sasuku mamaluk sia iha nia nebee keta simu sia.",
"Yohanis tonu Demetrius 11 Maluk mak hau kadomi!",
"O musti maninu baa ema mak nalo lia diak.",
"Keta maninu baa ema mak nalo lia aat.",
"Ema mak nalo lia diak, Nai Maromak eman.",
"Mais ema mak nalo lia aat, lahoos Nai Maromak eman.",
"12 Knaninuk nuu Demetrius.",
"Tan nia moris tuir hanorin loos, hau ktonu nia.",
"Ema hotu-hotu moos tonun nia.",
"O nain duuk matene hau kdale nee, tebes.",
"Yohanis narohan hakerek 13 Sei noo lia wain tenik mak hau kakara katak baa o, mais hau la kouk kakerek iha nee.",
"14 Hau kaloon, la kleur ona ita hasoru malu, nebee ita rua bele dale duuk baa malu.",
"15 Nunia dei!",
"Mamaluk iha nee sia solok tabe.",
"Tulun matoo haukaan tabe nee baa haukaan mamaluk sia iha nia, tuir siakaan naran ida-idak. 1:1 Kristus Klosan Lian 19:29; Roma 16:23; 1 Korintus 1:14"
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"Tetun Alkitab 3 John1 < > He wrote three times to the apostles, but he did not write again."
"1 I John am the first and true baptized.2I pray that you may live in peace with God, as he has given to us by his grace;"
"Neither is it good, nor bad. No one can be better than you!"
"3 How many prophets have come before me, who did not follow the right teaching?"
"Ha'u hatan, \"Hai! I am not well.\""
"4 I have a crown over my head, and live according to the right doctrine."
"John 5:1-4 “Maluk mak hau kadomi!”"
"Itakaan mamaluk naok Christ Niakaan serwisu iha okaan leo."
"The time has come, and you will receive your daily help."
"But he will not die in his own house, nor shall any of the angels go out to him."
"6 Oras nee, sia mai nikar tian."
"Sia sukses baa hutun Kristen in nee naak, o simu sia modi dalam maluaks."
"I know that you are always helping people, because your behaviour is not good to God."
"7 And he went out to see men who believed in Jesus Christ, but there were not half a thousand and sixty people that did no faith."
"8 We ought to help them, for by doing so we serve the Lord our God easily."
"9 Last night, I was glad to write unto the righteous believers in Ocaan Leo."
"But Diotrephes did not hesitate to write, and all lost their heads."
"10 If I ktone me, i will open the door of my evil deeds; for he delayed us and did not receive our Lord God who came to serve in his kingdom."
"Kaliuk, his sakum mamaluk sia in her who did not receive him."
"John to Demetrius 12 I have come for you, O Lord!"
"O must maninu baa ema mak nalo lia diak. o musi mananunu baema ma nalo liaka diako"
"Keta maninu baa ema mak nalo lia aat. keta mananunu ba emak ma naloo liaat"
"Man is the source of good words, but God gives them."
"But man does evil, and not God."
"12 Knaninuk nuu Demetrius. knanik nu Demetrios,"
"Because he lived according to the right doctrine, I ktonu nia."
"All the people cleansed him. He was made pure by all men,"
"O nan duuk matene hau kdale nee, tebes."
"13 I will say to thee, Thou shalt drink of this wine; but there is no more in me."
"14 I think it is not long since we have met, so that both of us may come to each other."
"15 Delighted be thou!"
"Mamaluk iha nee sia solok tabe."
"1:29; Romans."
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MANEIRA HAKIAK ADULTO IDA HO SEGURU | Radio Voz\nMANEIRA HAKIAK ADULTO IDA HO SEGURU\n18 Jan, 2021 | TWFT-Tetun | 0 comments\n‘O nia atan nia oan sira sei hela seguru, no sira nia bei oan sira sei hela metin iha o nia oin’ (Salmu 102:28)\nIha momentu neebe o husu ba Inan Aman sira konaba sira nia esperansa ba sira nia oan iha future oin mai, o sei rona konaba liafuan neebe hanesan haksolok, seguru, no fiaran. Buat sira nee hanesan sentimentu ida neebe diak, maibe laos garantia. Maibe tamba saida maka halo ema adulto hanesan nee? Moris iha foho, dook husi sidade neebe konflito? Hariku tempu hanesan viazen no rona musika? Ida neebe loos maka, laiha neem ida husi buat sira nee maka determina haksolok iha loron tuir mai ou iha future.\nHirak nee Laos signifika o labele enkoraja o nia oan sira hodi estuda no sai matenek; iha Inan Aman neebe fo folin ba konesementu nee halo diferente boot. Kualidade importante, oisa deit, laos husi laran, maibe sira husi liur. Doutor psikolojia ida naran Dr.Edward Hallowell hatete katak, para atu sente seguru/hakmatek, o nia oan sira presija desenvolve habilidade rua, maka;\nKapasidade hodi hasoru terus.\nKapasidade hodi hametin haksolok.\nNia hatete, ‘Moris nee nakonu ho desepsaun. Bainhira falha dala ida presija aprende hodi koko, koko, no koko fali atu ema nee bele hetan ida neebe diakliu husi nia kapasidade rasik.’ maibe oinsa o bele hanorin o nia oan sira atu nafatin haksolok iha situasaun susar nia laran? So iha maneira ida deit: halo sira konese ba hun husi haksolok ne rasik. ‘Isaias hateten; hau nia klamar haksolok tamba hau nia Nai. Tamba Nia fo hatais ona hau ho ropa salvasaun ninian.’ (Isaias 61:10)\nDavid hateten, ‘iha Nai nia Presensa nakonu ho haksolok; iha hau nia liman loos iha haksolok neebe rohan laek.’ (Salmu 16:11). Jeremias hateten, ‘O nia liafuan halo hau kontente, no hau nia fuan laran haksolok.’ (Jeremias 15:16) Maromak nunka promote moris ida neebe laiha problema, maibe Nia liafuan dehan, ‘maibe se ita moris tuir Espiritu Santu nia hakrak mak nia halo ita sai ema neebe fo fuan…Haksolok.’ (Galatia 5:22) (HG)\nHahan ba Klamar: *Ex 39-40, *Mat 8:10-17, *Sal 84, *Pro 2:16-19 | [
"MANEIRA HAKIAK ADULTO IDA HO SEGURU | Radio Voz MANEIRA HAKIAK ADULTO IDA HO SEGURU 18 Jan, 2021 | TWFT-Tetun | 0 comments 'O nia atan nia oan sira sei hela seguru, no sira nia bei oan sira sei hela metin iha o nia oin' (Salmu 102:28) Iha momentu neebe o husu ba Inan Aman sira konaba sira nia esperansa ba sira nia oan iha future oin mai, o sei rona konaba liafuan neebe hanesan haksolok, seguru, no fiaran.",
"Buat sira nee hanesan sentimentu ida neebe diak, maibe laos garantia.",
"Maibe tamba saida maka halo ema adulto hanesan nee?",
"Moris iha foho, dook husi sidade neebe konflito?",
"Hariku tempu hanesan viazen no rona musika?",
"Ida neebe loos maka, laiha neem ida husi buat sira nee maka determina haksolok iha loron tuir mai ou iha future.",
"Hirak nee Laos signifika o labele enkoraja o nia oan sira hodi estuda no sai matenek; iha Inan Aman neebe fo folin ba konesementu nee halo diferente boot.",
"Kualidade importante, oisa deit, laos husi laran, maibe sira husi liur.",
"Doutor psikolojia ida naran Dr.Edward Hallowell hatete katak, para atu sente seguru/hakmatek, o nia oan sira presija desenvolve habilidade rua, maka; Kapasidade hodi hasoru terus.",
"Kapasidade hodi hametin haksolok.",
"Nia hatete, 'Moris nee nakonu ho desepsaun.",
"Bainhira falha dala ida presija aprende hodi koko, koko, no koko fali atu ema nee bele hetan ida neebe diakliu husi nia kapasidade rasik.' maibe oinsa o bele hanorin o nia oan sira atu nafatin haksolok iha situasaun susar nia laran?",
"So iha maneira ida deit: halo sira konese ba hun husi haksolok ne rasik.",
"'Isaias hateten; hau nia klamar haksolok tamba hau nia Nai.",
"Tamba Nia fo hatais ona hau ho ropa salvasaun ninian.'",
"(Isaias 61:10) David hateten, 'iha Nai nia Presensa nakonu ho haksolok; iha hau nia liman loos iha haksolok neebe rohan laek.'",
"(Salmu 16:11).",
"Jeremias hateten, 'O nia liafuan halo hau kontente, no hau nia fuan laran haksolok.'",
"(Jeremias 15:16) Maromak nunka promote moris ida neebe laiha problema, maibe Nia liafuan dehan, 'maibe se ita moris tuir Espiritu Santu nia hakrak mak nia halo ita sai ema neebe fo fuan...Haksolok.'",
"(Galatia 5:22) (HG) Hahan ba Klamar: *Ex 39-40, *Mat 8:10-17, *Sal 84, *Pro 2:16-19"
] | [
"HOW TO GO SAFE AS AN ADULTS | Radio Voz How to go safe as an adult Jan,2019| TWF-Tetun - Tetum Bible Translations and Study Resources in English 'The children of your servant will be saved; their offspring shall stand firm before you' (Psal."
"These things are a good feeling, but not guarantees."
"But why do adults act like this? Why are they doing it, and what is the reason for their actions."
"Living in the desert, away from conflict-ridden cities?"
"Do you like time spent as viazen and listening to music?"
"The truth is, none of these things will determine happiness in the next day or future."
"Hirak means not to encourage her children in studying and becoming wise; a mother who values knowledge makes the big difference."
"Important qualities, only they are not internal but external."
"A psychologist named Dr. Edward Hallowell has said that in order to feel safe, his children need two skills: the ability of coping with suffering; and a willingness for self-defense against harmful influences on their lives or others' actions (the “self defence”.)"
"The ability to maintain happiness."
"He said, 'Moris is full of disappointment."
"When you fail once, it is necessary to learn by struggling and striving so that a person can achieve something higher than his or her own capacity.' But how do we teach our children the joy of being happy in difficulty?"
"There is only one way: let them know the joy of their own happiness."
"'Isaiah says; My heart shall rejoice because of my Lord."
"For he hath clothed me with the garments of his salvation.'"
"(Isaiah 61:9) David says, 'In the presence of God I am filled with joy; in my right hand there is great gladness.'"
"(Psalm 16:9) He is the only one who can save us."
"Jeremiah says, 'Your words have made me happy and my heart rejoices.'"
"God never promotes a life without problems, but His Word says: 'But if we live according to the promptings of our Holy Spirit He makes us people who give joy...Happiness.'"
"(HG) Hahan ba Klamar: *Ex 39-40, Matt.8;17 Psl256(h), Prov/Psa /Prw - Bible Study"
] |
MS presija rekursu umanu atu apoia RSETL | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste\nVARANDA COVID-19 MS presija rekursu umanu atu apoia RSETL\nDILI, 25 juñu 2021 (TATOLI)—Ministériu Saúde (MS), liuhosi Diresaun Nasionál Saúde na Família (DNSnF), presija rekursu umanu atu fó apoiu ba sistema Rejistu Saúde Eletrónika Timor-Leste (RSETL), hodi kolleta informasaun kona-bá vasina.\n“Rejistu Saúde Eletrónika Timor-Leste hanesan ita-nia riku-soin ne’ebé timoroan rasik mak jere. Agora, problema dilemátiku ba ami mak sei menus rekursu umanu no ekipamentu,’’ Diretór SnF, Vitór Soares Martins, hateten ba jornalista Agência Tatoli, sesta ne’e.\nNotísia relevante:MS lansa Mobile Application ba rejistu saúde eletrónika\nTuir dadus hosi DNSnF oras-ne’e daudaun, funsionáriu ne’ebé hala’o serbisu ba operasaun sistema RSTL hodi kobre territóriu tomak hamutuk 168.\nHosi númeru ne’e, iha na’in-ne’en mak fó apoiu iha sentru vasinasaun Centro Convenções Dili (CCD) no na’in 20 fó apoiu iha serbisu saúde munisípiu Dili no restu iha sentru saúde-sira iha territóriu tomak, ho kada sentru saúde iha pesoál na’in-rua.\nHo problema ne’ebé maka iha, ohin, DNSnF simu ona funsionáriu kontratadu rejime internatu hosi Diresaun Nasionál Rekursu Umanu hamutuk na’in 54 atu bele reforsa sentru de dadus liu-liu postu vasina-sira iha munisípiu Dili.\nOhin mós DNSnF ho Institutu Nasionál Saúde (INS) fó orientasaun ba vasinadór hamutuk 90 kompsotu hosi parteira no enfermeiru ne’ebé koloka iha sentru saúde lima iha Dili, inklui sentru saúde postu administrativu Ataúro.\nEntretantu, Ministra Saúde (MS), Odete Maria Freitas Belo, lansa Mobile Application ba Rejistu Saúde Eletrónika Timor-Leste (RSETL), iha salaun MS Palásiu sinzas, Caicoli, sesta 30 abríl 2021.\nAplikasaun ba telemóvel ne’e uza hodi ajuda kolleta informasaun kona-bá vasinasaun COVID-19, liuliu atu rekolla ema na’in hira mak vasina ona, se mak seidauk vasina, balansu hosi vasina ne’e hela hira, simu vasina ba dala hira ona, ba doze primeiru ka doze segundu.\nAplikasaun ne’e oferese hosi David Montalvão nu’udár Timor-oan ne’ebé estabelese sistema SnF, no bainhira iha vasinasaun COVID-19, ajuda mós MS hodi oferese gratuitamente.\nRelatóriu kona-bá situasaun epidemiolójika periúdu semana ida, hahú hosi 14 to’o 20 juñu 2021, relasiona ho vasinasaun kontra COVID-19, to’o 19 juñu, populasaun Timor-Leste hamutuk 125.962 simu ona vasina doze dahuluk, ho persentajen 16,7% hosi populasaun TL ne’ebé ho idade 18 ba leten.\nPrevious articleHakotu SS iha Covalima, PNTL agradese ba populasaun\nNext articleMEJD relata progresu infraestrutura edukasaun no rekrutamentu profesór ba PM\nAntonio Nunes June 29, 2021 at 11:46 pm\nHau simu ona Vasinasaun etapa sigundu no halo registrasaun ba via online iha 25/6/2021. maibe to agora Seidauk hetan konfirmasaun ( iha Sistema dehan hein to loron 3 mak hetan konfirmasaun maibe to agora Seidauk simu verifikasaun.\nIta hein to bainhira mak bele rona nia resultadu. | [
"MS presija rekursu umanu atu apoia RSETL | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA COVID-19 MS presija rekursu umanu atu apoia RSETL DILI, 25 junu 2021 (TATOLI) - Ministeriu Saude (MS), liuhosi Diresaun Nasional Saude na Familia (DNSnF), presija rekursu umanu atu fo apoiu ba sistema Rejistu Saude Eletronika Timor-Leste (RSETL), hodi kolleta informasaun kona-ba vasina.",
"\"Rejistu Saude Eletronika Timor-Leste hanesan ita-nia riku-soin ne'ebe timoroan rasik mak jere.",
"Agora, problema dilematiku ba ami mak sei menus rekursu umanu no ekipamentu, \" Diretor SnF, Vitor Soares Martins, hateten ba jornalista Agencia Tatoli, sesta ne'e.",
"Notisia relevante:MS lansa Mobile Application ba rejistu saude eletronika Tuir dadus hosi DNSnF oras-ne'e daudaun, funsionariu ne'ebe hala'o serbisu ba operasaun sistema RSTL hodi kobre territoriu tomak hamutuk 168.",
"Hosi numeru ne'e, iha na'in-ne'en mak fo apoiu iha sentru vasinasaun Centro Convencoes Dili (CCD) no na'in 20 fo apoiu iha serbisu saude munisipiu Dili no restu iha sentru saude-sira iha territoriu tomak, ho kada sentru saude iha pesoal na'in-rua.",
"Ho problema ne'ebe maka iha, ohin, DNSnF simu ona funsionariu kontratadu rejime internatu hosi Diresaun Nasional Rekursu Umanu hamutuk na'in 54 atu bele reforsa sentru de dadus liu-liu postu vasina-sira iha munisipiu Dili.",
"Ohin mos DNSnF ho Institutu Nasional Saude (INS) fo orientasaun ba vasinador hamutuk 90 kompsotu hosi parteira no enfermeiru ne'ebe koloka iha sentru saude lima iha Dili, inklui sentru saude postu administrativu Atauro.",
"Entretantu, Ministra Saude (MS), Odete Maria Freitas Belo, lansa Mobile Application ba Rejistu Saude Eletronika Timor-Leste (RSETL), iha salaun MS Palasiu sinzas, Caicoli, sesta 30 abril 2021.",
"Aplikasaun ba telemovel ne'e uza hodi ajuda kolleta informasaun kona-ba vasinasaun COVID-19, liuliu atu rekolla ema na'in hira mak vasina ona, se mak seidauk vasina, balansu hosi vasina ne'e hela hira, simu vasina ba dala hira ona, ba doze primeiru ka doze segundu.",
"Aplikasaun ne'e oferese hosi David Montalvao nu'udar Timor-oan ne'ebe estabelese sistema SnF, no bainhira iha vasinasaun COVID-19, ajuda mos MS hodi oferese gratuitamente.",
"Relatoriu kona-ba situasaun epidemiolojika periudu semana ida, hahu hosi 14 to'o 20 junu 2021, relasiona ho vasinasaun kontra COVID-19, to'o 19 junu, populasaun Timor-Leste hamutuk 125.962 simu ona vasina doze dahuluk, ho persentajen 16,7% hosi populasaun TL ne'ebe ho idade 18 ba leten.",
"Previous articleHakotu SS iha Covalima, PNTL agradese ba populasaun Next articleMEJD relata progresu infraestrutura edukasaun no rekrutamentu profesor ba PM Antonio Nunes June 29, 2021 at 11:46 pm Hau simu ona Vasinasaun etapa sigundu no halo registrasaun ba via online iha 25/6/2021. maibe to agora Seidauk hetan konfirmasaun (iha Sistema dehan hein to loron 3 mak hetan konfirmasaun maibe to agora Seidauk simu verifikasaun.",
"Ita hein to bainhira mak bele rona nia resultadu."
] | [
"MS needs human resources to support RSETL | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA COVID -19 The Ministry of Health (MS), through the National Directorate for Family and Social Welfare, is looking after people who can provide assistance with a system called “Electronic Registration System on Vaccination” in order that information about vaccinations could be collected."
"\"The Electronic Health Register of Timor-Leste is our wealth, managed by the people."
"Now, the dilemmatic problem for us is that we la have enough human resources and equipment\", SnF Director Vitor Soares Martins told reporter Tatoli on Saturday."
"Relevant news:MS launches Mobile Application for electronic health records According to data from DNSnF, currently there are 168 employees working on the operation of RSTL system covering all territorie."
"Of this number, 10 support the vaccination centre at Centro Convencoes Dili (CCD) and another twenty assist in health work within municipality of Díli. The remainder are working across all districts with two staff per department for each District Health Centre;"
"With this problem, today the DNSnF has received 54 contracted staff from Directorate National Human Resources to reinforce data centers especially vaccination posts in Dili."
"Today, DNSnF and the National Institute of Health (INS) also provided guidance to 90 vaccinators composed by midwives or nurses who are stationing in five health centres across Dili including Atauro."
"Meanwhile, Minister of Health (MS), Odete Maria Freitas Belo launched the Mobile Application for Timor-Leste Electronic health registry at MS Palasiu sinzas hall in Caicoli on Saturday 30 April."
"The mobile application is used to help collect information about COVID-19 vaccination, in particular how many people have been vaccinated and who are not yet immunized; what the balance of vaccines remaining for each person has become?"
"The application was offered by David Montalvao as a Timorese who established the SnF system, and when there is COVID-19 vaccinations also helped MS to offer free of charge."
"Report on the epidemiological situation for one week period, from June 14th to Jun.20 th of this year in relation with COVID-39 vaccinations; as at July: The Timorese population has received first dose vaccine totaling a wholly vaccinated number (576) and an immunized percentage(8)."
"Next articleMEJD reports progress on education infrastructure and recruitment of teachers to PM Antonio Nunet June 29,10:46 pm I have received the second stage vaccination in online registration for July/August. but until now no confirmation (the system says wait three days only then you will receive a verification)."
"We are waiting to hear the results."
] |
Barça hahú tinan ne’e ho derrota hasoru Bilbau ne’ebé manán vantajen (2-1) - SAPO Desportu TL\nAthletic Bilbau, reduz ba jogadór na’in sia, iha ohin aguenta ba'assaltu' finál FC Barcelona nian no ohin iha uma rasik hasoru katalaun, ho 2-1, iha jogu dahuluk oitavu finál Taça do Rei nian.\nIha dezafiu ho polémika arbitrajen nian, ho keixa hosi vizitante sira, valeu ba pragmatismu bascos nian iha tempu dahuluk, ne’ebé konklui vantajen ho 2-0.\nBarcelona, detentór troféu, domina iha tempu dahuluk, ho posse bola 63%, maibé realidade oportunidade di’ak liu ba ekipa Bilbau, ne’ebé sempre halo presaun maka’as, benefisiu ba atitude ne’e ho golu rua lori deit minutu balun .\nIha minutu 25, pase sala ida hosi Iniesta ikus mai monu ba ain-Aduriz, ne’ebé fó ba ninia kompañeiru no tama ona ba área, konklui lanse ne'e ho ulun. Liu deit minutu tolu, presaun motivu passa sala foun ida tan no rekuperasaun Athletic ne’ebé termina ho ‘disparu’ hosi Iñaki Williams ba golu daruak.\nMolok intervalu, Aduriz bele hetan kartaun mean,tanba halo agresaun ba Umtiti, iha minutu 36, no razaun keixa ‘Barça’ nian aumenta tan iha 45+1, bainhira árbitru David Fernández lafó penalidade tanba falta ida ba Neymar.\nIta tempu daruak, livre diretu ida hosi Messi (52), ne’ebé guarda-rede baku sai kona trave, maibé laevita bola tama bola, koloka tan Barcelona iha diskusaun ba rezultadu.\nRaúl Garcia (74) hetan kartaun kinur daruak no husik Athletic Bilbau menus ba na’in 10, iha deit minute haat hafoin André Gomes tama, maski iha minutu 81 Iturraspe badaruak hisik e bascos ho sia.\nIha ‘asfixia’ finál hosi Barcelona, joga iha área adversáriiu, relative ba remate Messi nian kona poste iha 90+4.\nIha 11 janeiru sei joga fila fali parte daruak.\nIha dezafiu seluk parte dahuluk nian, refere ba triunfu iha kuarta-feira hosi Real Madrid,ho 3-0, hasoru Sevilha, finalista iha époka kotuk. | [
"Barca hahu tinan ne'e ho derrota hasoru Bilbau ne'ebe manan vantajen (2-1) - SAPO Desportu TL Athletic Bilbau, reduz ba jogador na'in sia, iha ohin aguenta ba'assaltu' final FC Barcelona nian no ohin iha uma rasik hasoru katalaun, ho 2-1, iha jogu dahuluk oitavu final Taca do Rei nian.",
"Iha dezafiu ho polemika arbitrajen nian, ho keixa hosi vizitante sira, valeu ba pragmatismu bascos nian iha tempu dahuluk, ne'ebe konklui vantajen ho 2-0.",
"Barcelona, detentor trofeu, domina iha tempu dahuluk, ho posse bola 63%, maibe realidade oportunidade di'ak liu ba ekipa Bilbau, ne'ebe sempre halo presaun maka'as, benefisiu ba atitude ne'e ho golu rua lori deit minutu balun .",
"Iha minutu 25, pase sala ida hosi Iniesta ikus mai monu ba ain-Aduriz, ne'ebe fo ba ninia kompaneiru no tama ona ba area, konklui lanse ne'e ho ulun.",
"Liu deit minutu tolu, presaun motivu passa sala foun ida tan no rekuperasaun Athletic ne'ebe termina ho 'disparu' hosi Inaki Williams ba golu daruak.",
"Molok intervalu, Aduriz bele hetan kartaun mean,tanba halo agresaun ba Umtiti, iha minutu 36, no razaun keixa 'Barca' nian aumenta tan iha 45+1, bainhira arbitru David Fernandez lafo penalidade tanba falta ida ba Neymar.",
"Ita tempu daruak, livre diretu ida hosi Messi (52), ne'ebe guarda-rede baku sai kona trave, maibe laevita bola tama bola, koloka tan Barcelona iha diskusaun ba rezultadu.",
"Raul Garcia (74) hetan kartaun kinur daruak no husik Athletic Bilbau menus ba na'in 10, iha deit minute haat hafoin Andre Gomes tama, maski iha minutu 81 Iturraspe badaruak hisik e bascos ho sia.",
"Iha 'asfixia' final hosi Barcelona, joga iha area adversariiu, relative ba remate Messi nian kona poste iha 90+4.",
"Iha 11 janeiru sei joga fila fali parte daruak.",
"Iha dezafiu seluk parte dahuluk nian, refere ba triunfu iha kuarta-feira hosi Real Madrid,ho 3-0, hasoru Sevilha, finalista iha epoka kotuk."
] | [
"Athletic Bilbao, reduced to nine players in the first half of today's final against FC Barcelona and on their own ground with a 2-1 defeat at home from Catalan side Real Sociedad. Barca started this year by losing away (0:3) - SAPO Sport PT Atlético de Madrid won last night’ s second game as they beaten Atletico Madryt for fourth consecutive time during its season opener before going into an unbearable six points deficit after being outscored three times over two games"
"Despite the challenge and controversy of refereeing, with complaints from visitor sides on their side. The Basque pragmatism in first half earned them an advantage that they concluded by taking it back to two-goal lead at midway through second period (2:0)."
"Barcelona, the trophy holder dominated in first half with 63% of possession but it was a real opportunity for Bilbao who were always putting pressure on and benefited from this attitude by scoring two goals within minutes."
"In the 25th minute, a missed pass from Iniesta fell to Aduriz's feet who passed it on his teammate and headed in."
"Only three minutes later, pressure prompted another foul pass and Athletic's recovery that ended with a 'shot from the distance’ by Inaki Williams for their second goal."
"Ahead of halftime, Aduriz could have been shown a yellow card for aggressing Umtiti in the 36th minute and 'Barcelona's reason to complain was further heightened by referee David Fernandez who dismissed Neymar on penalties."
"In the second half, a direct free-kick by Messi (52), whose goalkeeper shot off on crossbar but failed to pass it into target placed Barcelona again in dispute for outcome."
"Raul Garcia (74) got a second yellow card and left Athletic Bilbao short of 10 players, just four minutes after Andre Gomes came in. In the last minute Iturraspe scored his first goal for Atletico with an eagle-eyed shot from close range but it wasn't enough to put them back on their feet at halftime:"
"In the final 'suffocation' of Barcelona, playing in their opponents’ penalty area relative to Messi shooting on post at 90+4."
"On January 12, the second half will be played again."
"In another challenge of the first half, he referred to Tuesday's 3-0 victory by Real Madrid over Sevilla."
] |
By Tempo Timor January 24, 2020 992\nOsan Dollar Amerikanu Foto suplai\nDiretór Ezekutivu Forum Organizasaun Naun Governamentál Timor-Leste (FONGTIL), Daniel dos Santos do Carmo hatete, problema mai husi lider polítiku sira hada'u malu osan mina-rai atu jere.\n“Impase pólitika mai husi malisan rekursu osan mina-rai nian. Sira hada'u malu podér hodi jere osan, ne'e mak hamosu impase no inserteza pólitika,” dehan nia, iha Salaun São Jose Katedral, Kinta (23/1).\nNia afirma, Orsamentu Jerál Estadu (OJE) tinan fiskál 2020 la pasa iha Parlamentu Nasionál, laiha partidu pólitika ida mak hamriik deklara katak, osan la pasa ne'e tanba la tau osan ba problema povu mak vota kontra, maibé argumenta mak membru governu na'in sira (9) ne'ebe la toma pose.\nEsensiál liu husi impase ne'ebé polítiku sira kria sei afeta makaas ba povu nia-vida tanba roda ekonomia paradu totál hodi aumenta númeru dezempregu iha rai laran.\nMaski nune'e, espera nesesidade báziku povu nian labele falta liuliu ai-moruk no eletrisidade.\n« FRETILIN Rejeita EA FRETILIN 'Preokupa' Situasaun Politika Timor » | [
"By Tempo Timor January 24, 2020 992 Osan Dollar Amerikanu Foto suplai Diretor Ezekutivu Forum Organizasaun Naun Governamental Timor-Leste (FONGTIL), Daniel dos Santos do Carmo hatete, problema mai husi lider politiku sira hada'u malu osan mina-rai atu jere.",
"\"Impase politika mai husi malisan rekursu osan mina-rai nian.",
"Sira hada'u malu poder hodi jere osan, ne'e mak hamosu impase no inserteza politika,\" dehan nia, iha Salaun Sao Jose Katedral, Kinta (23/1).",
"Nia afirma, Orsamentu Jeral Estadu (OJE) tinan fiskal 2020 la pasa iha Parlamentu Nasional, laiha partidu politika ida mak hamriik deklara katak, osan la pasa ne'e tanba la tau osan ba problema povu mak vota kontra, maibe argumenta mak membru governu na'in sira (9) ne'ebe la toma pose.",
"Esensial liu husi impase ne'ebe politiku sira kria sei afeta makaas ba povu nia-vida tanba roda ekonomia paradu total hodi aumenta numeru dezempregu iha rai laran.",
"Maski nune'e, espera nesesidade baziku povu nian labele falta liuliu ai-moruk no eletrisidade. \"",
"FRETILIN Rejeita EA FRETILIN 'Preokupa' Situasaun Politika Timor \""
] | [
"By Tempo Timor January 24,198 Osan Dollar Amerikanu Foto suplai The Executive Director of the Forum Non-Governmental Organizations in East Тимор (FONGTIL), Daniel dos Santos do Carmo said that problems come from political leaders sharing oil money to manage."
"\"Political impact comes from the misuse of mineral-rich resources."
"They share power to manage money, which creates a stalemate and political insertion\", he said in the Sao Jose Cathedral Hall on Thursday (23/1)."
"He affirmed that the General State Budget (GSB) for fiscal year 2019 was not passed in Parliament, no political party came forward to declare it because money isn't being put into solving problems of people who voted against. However they argue there are nine government members which have failed on their appointments and will take up office soon afterwards as well.\""
"Essentially, the impasse created by politicians will greatly affect people' s lives because economic wheel is completely stopped increasing unemployment in our country."
"Nevertheless, he hopes that the basic needs of people will not be lacking especially medicine and electricity.\""
"\"FRETILIN Rejects EA'S 'Preoccupation with the Timorese Political Situation\" - FRETILIN."
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Parlamento Nacional de Timor-Leste | Comissões Eventuais e de Inquérito\nPágina Inicial » Comissões Eventuais e de Inquérito\nComissão Eventual sira\nComissão Eventual sira harii atu hala’o serbisu específico ruma no sira sei la continua existe tan bainhira serbisu ne’e remata tiha.\nPlenário maka foti decisão atu harii Comissão Eventual ruma, liuhosi iniciativa husi Bancada Parlamentar ka Deputado sira (mínimo Deputados na’in-10).\nComissão de Inquérito ida nu’udar comissão eventual ida ne’ebé harii especialmente hodi avalia Governo no Administração Pública nia atuação. Avaliação ida-ne’e mak hanaran inquérito parlamentar, ne’ebé bele tau matan ba qualquer matéria ho interesse público ne’ebé relevante hodi hala’o Parlamento Nacional nia knaar. Ba assunto específico ida-idak sei harii Comissão de Inquérito ida.\nHarii Comissão ne’e bele acontece tanba um terço husi Deputados iha efetividade de funções apresenta requerimento ida ba Presidente do Parlamento Nacional. Iha caso hanesan ne’e, comissão parlamentar obrigatoriamente tem que harii duni, Plenário la foti decisão kona-ba ne’e.\nNune’e mós bancada parlamentar sira, Deputado sira husi partido hirak-ne’ebé la constitui iha bancada parlamentar, comissões, no qualquer Deputado individualmente, bele requere atu harii comissão parlamentar de inquérito ida. Iha caso hanesan ne’e, requerimento tem que aprecia iha Plenário, no comissão sei harii se hetan karik aprovação husi maioria absoluta husi Deputados iha efetividade de funções.\nRona tiha Conferência Representantes Bancada Parlamentar sira-nian, compete ba Presidente do Parlamento Nacional atu fixa número membros comissão nian, ho respeito ba princípio proporcionalidade husi Deputado sira-ne’ebé compõe bancadas parlamentares.\nComissão de Inquérito tem que remata ninia serbisu iha loron 60 nia laran, no sei la existe tan liu tiha prazo ne’e.\nAtu garante katak sira hala’o sira-nia knaar, comissões parlamentares de inquérito iha kbiit atu halo investigação hanesan ho autoridades justiça nian, no bele husu apoio husi polícia bainhira precisa. Sira bele convoca qualquer funcionário ka entidade pública hodi fó depoimento, ka husu ba Governo, ba órgão sira Administração Pública nian ka naran entidade privada ruma informações no documentos ne’ebé útil hodi hala’o inquérito.\nBainhira ema la mosu, lakohi fó depoimento no la cumpre ordens legítimas husi comissão parlamentar de inquérito ida ne’ebé hala’o hela nia knaar, ida-ne’e sai hanesan crime de desobediência qualificada, tuir lei penal.\nAtu remata ninia serbisu, Comissão sei hakerek no apresenta relatório ida no declaração de voto husi ninia membros. Hamutuk ho relatório, comissão parlamentar de inquérito bele apresenta projeto de resolução ida ba Plenário nia apreciação.\nRelatório husi Comissão Parlamentar de Inquérito ne’e sei haruka ba Plenário nia apreciação iha debate ne’ebé marca especificamente ba ida-ne’e. Iha debate ne’e, bancada parlamentar ida-idak iha minuto tolu hodi apresenta sira-nia declaração de voto.\nMaibé relatório ne’e sei la hetan votação husi Plenário. Plenário bele vota de’it ba projeto de resolução ne’ebé Comissão apresenta. | [
"Parlamento Nacional de Timor-Leste | Comissoes Eventuais e de Inquerito Pagina Inicial \" Comissoes Eventuais e de Inquerito Comissao Eventual sira Comissao Eventual sira harii atu hala'o serbisu especifico ruma no sira sei la continua existe tan bainhira serbisu ne'e remata tiha.",
"Plenario maka foti decisao atu harii Comissao Eventual ruma, liuhosi iniciativa husi Bancada Parlamentar ka Deputado sira (minimo Deputados na'in-10).",
"Comissao de Inquerito ida nu'udar comissao eventual ida ne'ebe harii especialmente hodi avalia Governo no Administracao Publica nia atuacao.",
"Avaliacao ida-ne'e mak hanaran inquerito parlamentar, ne'ebe bele tau matan ba qualquer materia ho interesse publico ne'ebe relevante hodi hala'o Parlamento Nacional nia knaar.",
"Ba assunto especifico ida-idak sei harii Comissao de Inquerito ida.",
"Harii Comissao ne'e bele acontece tanba um terco husi Deputados iha efetividade de funcoes apresenta requerimento ida ba Presidente do Parlamento Nacional.",
"Iha caso hanesan ne'e, comissao parlamentar obrigatoriamente tem que harii duni, Plenario la foti decisao kona-ba ne'e.",
"Nune'e mos bancada parlamentar sira, Deputado sira husi partido hirak-ne'ebe la constitui iha bancada parlamentar, comissoes, no qualquer Deputado individualmente, bele requere atu harii comissao parlamentar de inquerito ida.",
"Iha caso hanesan ne'e, requerimento tem que aprecia iha Plenario, no comissao sei harii se hetan karik aprovacao husi maioria absoluta husi Deputados iha efetividade de funcoes.",
"Rona tiha Conferencia Representantes Bancada Parlamentar sira-nian, compete ba Presidente do Parlamento Nacional atu fixa numero membros comissao nian, ho respeito ba principio proporcionalidade husi Deputado sira-ne'ebe compoe bancadas parlamentares.",
"Comissao de Inquerito tem que remata ninia serbisu iha loron 60 nia laran, no sei la existe tan liu tiha prazo ne'e.",
"Atu garante katak sira hala'o sira-nia knaar, comissoes parlamentares de inquerito iha kbiit atu halo investigacao hanesan ho autoridades justica nian, no bele husu apoio husi policia bainhira precisa.",
"Sira bele convoca qualquer funcionario ka entidade publica hodi fo depoimento, ka husu ba Governo, ba orgao sira Administracao Publica nian ka naran entidade privada ruma informacoes no documentos ne'ebe util hodi hala'o inquerito.",
"Bainhira ema la mosu, lakohi fo depoimento no la cumpre ordens legitimas husi comissao parlamentar de inquerito ida ne'ebe hala'o hela nia knaar, ida-ne'e sai hanesan crime de desobediencia qualificada, tuir lei penal.",
"Atu remata ninia serbisu, Comissao sei hakerek no apresenta relatorio ida no declaracao de voto husi ninia membros.",
"Hamutuk ho relatorio, comissao parlamentar de inquerito bele apresenta projeto de resolucao ida ba Plenario nia apreciacao.",
"Relatorio husi Comissao Parlamentar de Inquerito ne'e sei haruka ba Plenario nia apreciacao iha debate ne'ebe marca especificamente ba ida-ne'e.",
"Iha debate ne'e, bancada parlamentar ida-idak iha minuto tolu hodi apresenta sira-nia declaracao de voto.",
"Maibe relatorio ne'e sei la hetan votacao husi Plenario.",
"Plenario bele vota de'it ba projeto de resolucao ne'ebe Comissao apresenta."
] | [
"Parlamento Nacional de Timor-Leste | Eventual and Inquiry Commissions Homepage \" Comissoes eventual e inquérito Comissões eventuais As comissions incidental are set up to perform a specific task, but they will cease their existence once the work has been completed."
"The Plenary takes the decision to establish a Contingent Commission, on initiative of Parliament or Members (at least ten)."
"A Commission of Inquiry as an eventual commission specially set up to assess the performances by Government and Public Administration."
"This evaluation is known as a parliamentary inquiry, which may look into any matter of public interest relevant to the functioning and workof Parliament."
"For each specific matter, a Commission of Inquiry shall be set up."
"The establishment of this Commission is possible because a third (1/3) the Members in effect present an application to President do Parlamento Nacional."
"In such a case, the parliamentary committee must be formed by law and Plenum does not take any decision on it."
"Similarly, parliamentary benches and MPs from parties that do not form part of the Parliament' s bench may request a committee to be set up."
"In such a case, the request has to be considered in Plenary and commissions are established if approved by an absolute majority of deputies actively engaged."
"After hearing the Conference of Representatives from Parliamentary Benches, it shall be up to President do Parlamento Nacional (Presidente da Câmara dos Deputados) or Primeiro-Ministro determine how many members a committee will have in accordance with proportionality principle."
"The Commission of Inquiry has to complete its work within 60 days, and shall cease existence after that period."
"To ensure that they carry out their duties, parliamentary commissions of inquiry have the power to conduct investigations on an equal footing with judicial authorities and can call for police support when needed."
"They may summon any public official or entity to give testimony, request from the Government and bodies of Public Administrations as well a private body information that is useful for carrying out an investigation."
"When people do not appear, refuse to testify and fail in complying with legitimate orders of a parliamentary commission that is carry out its duties it become the crime desobediencia calificada under criminal law."
"In order to complete its work, the Commission will write and present a report in explanation of vote by all members."
"Together with the rapporteur, a parliamentary committee of inquiry may submit to consideration in plenaRY an draft resolution."
"The report of the Parliamentary Commission will be submitted to plenary consideration in a debate specifically marked for this purpose."
"In this debate, each parliamentary group has three minutes to present its explanation of vote."
"However, the report will not be voted on in plenary."
"The plenary may only vote on a draft resolution presented by the Commission."
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SEKOMS Hakarak Apoiu Moderniza Rádiu Komunidade | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste\nVARANDA DILI SEKOMS Hakarak Apoiu Moderniza Rádiu Komunidade\nSekretáriu Estadu Komunikasaun Sosiál, Merício Juvinal dos Reis ‘Akara’ dada lia ho mídia nasionál sira hafoin hala’o vizita ba Rádiu Komunidade Comoro, sesta (05/06). Imajen/Mídia-SEKOMS\nDILI, 05 juñu 2020 (TATOLI) – Sekretáriu Estadu Komunikasaun Sosiál, Merício Juvinal dos Reis ‘Akara’ halo vizita kortezia ba Rádiu Komunidade Comoro hodi haree kondisaun, nune’e bele hadi’a divulgasaun informasaun ba komunidade sira.\nTuir governante ne’e, vizita ne’e nu’udar kontinuasaun ba vizita antes ne’e iha Rádiu Komunidade seluk to’o munisípiu, no nia parte nota presiza moderniza sistema rádiu.\n“Ho vizita kortezia ida-ne’e, ha’u reafirma pozisaun Governu nian katak sei apoia Rádiu Komunidade sira hodi dezenvolve sistema analog ba dijitál,” dehan Akara iha Rádiu Komunidade Comoro, sesta ne’e.\nNia konsidera, asuntu ne’e tama ajenda Governu tanba tempu agora hanesan era dijitál maibé rádiu iha Rai-laran atrazadu oituan tanba sei uza sistema analog.\n“Tanba ne’e maka Governu sei apoia no ami hein jestór sira nian planu prioridade, nune’e iha tempu besik Governu atu aprezenta fali Orsamentu Jerál Estadu 2020 ne’ebé bele inklui apoia orsamentu ba Rádiu Komunidade sira,” nia akresenta.\nAkara promete tempu seluk bele mai halo diálogu di’ak liután ho autoridade Suku Comoro rasik, inklui jestór Rádiu Komunidade sira atu deskute kle’an kona-ba dezenvolve Rádiu Komunidade ho di’ak.\n“Oinsá ita hotu bele kolabora disemina informasaun ne’ebé maka kredível, ne’ebé presiza parte hotu nia kontribuisaun hodi kombate hoax no informasaun falsu ne’ebé maka la’o lemo-lemo iha ita-nia komunidade nia le’et ne’ebé halo pániku, hafoin ita-nia komunidade konsume fali lia falsu sira. Ida-ne’e ha’u sei buka tempu hodi halo diálogu kle’an liu tan,” nia subliña.\nIha semana kotuk, Sekretaria Estadu Komunikasaun Sosiál (SEKOMS) lansa rádiu streaming ba estasaun Rádiu Komunidade neen.\n“Ita-nia komunidade la’ós iha Dili de’it maibé iha foho mós bele akompaña Rádiu Komunidade, liuliu ita-nia sidadaun sira iha hanesan Inglatera no Korea bele akompaña ona,” Akara salienta.\nIha fatin hanesan, Jestór Rádiu Komunidade Comoro, Natalino Fernandes Ximenes, apresia vizita ne’e hodi haree situasaun reál ne’ebé maka Rádiu Komunidade Comoro infrenta.\n“Dezafíu boot ne’ebé maka ami infrenta maka edifísiu, tanba iha de’it espasu ki’ik inklui mós fasilidade ne’ebé maka mínimu, nune’e mós tanba iha Dili laran, liuliu liga ba situasaun Estadu Emerjénsia ne’e difkulta tebes tanba limitasaun ba sirkulasaun transporte sira, entaun difísil atu sira ba halo kobertura hodi halo programa sira,” nia dehan.\nRádiu Komunidade Comoro harii iha tinan-2015 no daudaun iha membru voluntáriu na’in-14 maka dedika-an hodi halo servisu iha rádiu ne’e.\nVizita Akara ba Rádiu Komunidade Comoro\nPrevious articleRui Gomes Simu Orientasaun Husi PM Hodi Organiza Ekipa Rekuperasaun Ekonómika\nNext articleIha 2020, MSSI Verifika Dadus Pendente Bolsa da Mãe 13,446 | [
"SEKOMS Hakarak Apoiu Moderniza Radiu Komunidade | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA DILI SEKOMS Hakarak Apoiu Moderniza Radiu Komunidade Sekretariu Estadu Komunikasaun Sosial, Mericio Juvinal dos Reis 'Akara' dada lia ho midia nasional sira hafoin hala'o vizita ba Radiu Komunidade Comoro, sesta (05/06).",
"Imajen/Midia-SEKOMS DILI, 05 junu 2020 (TATOLI) - Sekretariu Estadu Komunikasaun Sosial, Mericio Juvinal dos Reis 'Akara' halo vizita kortezia ba Radiu Komunidade Comoro hodi haree kondisaun, nune'e bele hadi'a divulgasaun informasaun ba komunidade sira.",
"Tuir governante ne'e, vizita ne'e nu'udar kontinuasaun ba vizita antes ne'e iha Radiu Komunidade seluk to'o munisipiu, no nia parte nota presiza moderniza sistema radiu.",
"\"Ho vizita kortezia ida-ne'e, ha'u reafirma pozisaun Governu nian katak sei apoia Radiu Komunidade sira hodi dezenvolve sistema analog ba dijital,\" dehan Akara iha Radiu Komunidade Comoro, sesta ne'e.",
"Nia konsidera, asuntu ne'e tama ajenda Governu tanba tempu agora hanesan era dijital maibe radiu iha Rai-laran atrazadu oituan tanba sei uza sistema analog.",
"\"Tanba ne'e maka Governu sei apoia no ami hein jestor sira nian planu prioridade, nune'e iha tempu besik Governu atu aprezenta fali Orsamentu Jeral Estadu 2020 ne'ebe bele inklui apoia orsamentu ba Radiu Komunidade sira,\" nia akresenta.",
"Akara promete tempu seluk bele mai halo dialogu di'ak liutan ho autoridade Suku Comoro rasik, inklui jestor Radiu Komunidade sira atu deskute kle'an kona-ba dezenvolve Radiu Komunidade ho di'ak.",
"\"Oinsa ita hotu bele kolabora disemina informasaun ne'ebe maka kredivel, ne'ebe presiza parte hotu nia kontribuisaun hodi kombate hoax no informasaun falsu ne'ebe maka la'o lemo-lemo iha ita-nia komunidade nia le'et ne'ebe halo paniku, hafoin ita-nia komunidade konsume fali lia falsu sira.",
"Ida-ne'e ha'u sei buka tempu hodi halo dialogu kle'an liu tan,\" nia sublina.",
"Iha semana kotuk, Sekretaria Estadu Komunikasaun Sosial (SEKOMS) lansa radiu streaming ba estasaun Radiu Komunidade neen.",
"\"Ita-nia komunidade la'os iha Dili de'it maibe iha foho mos bele akompana Radiu Komunidade, liuliu ita-nia sidadaun sira iha hanesan Inglatera no Korea bele akompana ona,\" Akara salienta.",
"Iha fatin hanesan, Jestor Radiu Komunidade Comoro, Natalino Fernandes Ximenes, apresia vizita ne'e hodi haree situasaun real ne'ebe maka Radiu Komunidade Comoro infrenta.",
"\"Dezafiu boot ne'ebe maka ami infrenta maka edifisiu, tanba iha de'it espasu ki'ik inklui mos fasilidade ne'ebe maka minimu, nune'e mos tanba iha Dili laran, liuliu liga ba situasaun Estadu Emerjensia ne'e difkulta tebes tanba limitasaun ba sirkulasaun transporte sira, entaun difisil atu sira ba halo kobertura hodi halo programa sira,\" nia dehan.",
"Radiu Komunidade Comoro harii iha tinan-2015 no daudaun iha membru voluntariu na'in-14 maka dedika-an hodi halo servisu iha radiu ne'e.",
"Vizita Akara ba Radiu Komunidade Comoro Previous articleRui Gomes Simu Orientasaun Husi PM Hodi Organiza Ekipa Rekuperasaun Ekonomika Next articleIha 2020, MSSI Verifika Dadus Pendente Bolsa da Mae 13,446"
] | [
"SEKOMS Wants to Support Modernization of Community Radio | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA DILI Sekoms Wants support for modernizing community radio State Secretary, Mericio Juvinal dos Reis 'Akara' spoke with the national media after visiting Comoro Communities Broadcasting Station on Saturday (5/6)."
"DILI, June 5th (TATOLI) - State Secretary for Social Communication Mericio Juvinal dos Reis 'Akara' paid a courtesy visit to Radio Comunidade Comoro in order To see the conditions so that it can improve information dissemination among communities."
"According to the governor, this visit is a continuation of his previous trips from other community radio stations downtown and he noted that there was an urgent need for modernization."
"\"With this courteous visit, I reaffirm the Government's position that it will support Community Radio to develop analogue systems into digital ones\", Akara said in Comoro Communal radio on Saturday."
"He believes that the issue is on government agenda because we are now in a digital era, but radio broadcasting has been greatly delayed since it will use an analog system."
"\"That is why the Government will support and we are waiting for their managers' priority plan, so that in a short time government to re-present General State Budget 2019 which may include budgetary assistance of Community Radio\", he added."
"Akara promised to come and have a good dialogue with the authorities of Comoro Village themselves, including Community Radio managers in another time. He will discuss key issues on developing community radio properly for them as well.\""
"\"How can we all collaborate in disseminating credible information, which requires the contribution of everybody to combat hoax and false news that are spreading among our communities causing panic afterwards consumed by them."
"I will find time to have a more detailed dialogue,\" he emphasized."
"Last week, the State Secretariat for Social Communications (SEKOMS) launched streaming radio to nearly 10 Community Radio Stations."
"\"Our community is not only in Dili but also on the coast can accompany Community Radio, especially our citizens from places like England and Korea are able to do so now\", Akara emphasizes."
"On the other hand, Radio Community Comoro Manager Natalino Fernandes Ximenes appreciated this visit to see real situation that faces radio community comoros."
"\"The big challenge we faced was the building, because there is only a small space including facilities that are minimal. Also due to Dili's situation especially in connection with State of Emergency it has been very difficult for them as they have had restrictions on transport circulation and so their coverage will be hard.\""
"Comoro Community Radio was founded in 2015 and currently has a dedicated volunteer staff of fourteen members."
"Previous articleRui Gomes Give Orientation From PM To Organize Economic Recovery Team Next artikelIn the Year of MSSI Verify Pending Data Bolsa da Mae’13,450"
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Suku Rote - Wikipedia\nMane no Feto ne'ebe hatais ropa tradisonal husi Suku Rote\nSuku Rote (Ema Rote) mak hanesan papulasaun original ne'ebé hela iha Ilha Rote, maioria Ilha sira ne'e besik ho Ilha Timor (Timor-Leste). Ema Rote rasik mos hela besik Ilha sira ne'ebe besik ho sira nia fatin mak hanesan Ilha Ndao, Ilha Nuse, Ilha Pamana, Ilha Doo, Ilha Heliana, Ilha Landu, Ilha Manuk, no mos iha ilha ki'ik sira seluk. Iha Matenek nain balu dehan katak Ema Rote original husi imigrasaun Ilha Seram ne'ebe iha Maluku.\nLian husi Suku Rote pasparte husi Lian Austronesia, husi Melayu-Polinesia, ne'ebé hafahe an ba dialetu balu tan.\nManeira Ema Rote buka moris liu husi Agrikultura, Hakiak Animal, Peska, menyadap nira, no mos kerajinan lontar. Fatin ne'ebe hetan asesu ba be'e sira halo hodi sai Natar. Resultado husi Agrikultura maioria husi Natar, Batar, no mos fehuk, no ba fali hakiak animal maioria husi Karau, Sapi, Kuda, no mos Manu. Feto sira hus Rote babain hanorin homan hena tradisonal Rote nian nstt.\nSistema familiar husi Rote mak hanesan familia spesifiku (keluarga inti) ka familia luan (keluarga luas), ho nia sentidu patrilineal no adopta sistema kaben eksogami klan. Konjunto husi familia luan hampsu klan ki'ik sira (nggi leo), konjunto husi klan-klan ki'ik sira hamosu klan bo'ot (leo). Lideransa husi klan hanaran manek ka mane leo.\nSuku Rote fiar ba Kriador, hanaran Lamatuan ka Lamatuak. naran sira ne'e simbolu ba Kriador ne'ebe, Regula, no mos fo bensaun, ne'ebe liu husi simbolu krus. Agora dadaun, Suku Rote mos iha ona religiaun hanean Kristaun Protestan, Kristaun Katolik, ka Mulsumano.\nSuku Atoni, Suku Kemak, Suku Belu, Suku Helong, Suku Marae\nMudansa ba dala ikus pájina ne'e nian iha 27 de Dezembru de 2018, 04h14min. | [
"Suku Rote - Wikipedia Mane no Feto ne'ebe hatais ropa tradisonal husi Suku Rote Suku Rote (Ema Rote) mak hanesan papulasaun original ne'ebe hela iha Ilha Rote, maioria Ilha sira ne'e besik ho Ilha Timor (Timor-Leste).",
"Ema Rote rasik mos hela besik Ilha sira ne'ebe besik ho sira nia fatin mak hanesan Ilha Ndao, Ilha Nuse, Ilha Pamana, Ilha Doo, Ilha Heliana, Ilha Landu, Ilha Manuk, no mos iha ilha ki'ik sira seluk.",
"Iha Matenek nain balu dehan katak Ema Rote original husi imigrasaun Ilha Seram ne'ebe iha Maluku.",
"Lian husi Suku Rote pasparte husi Lian Austronesia, husi Melayu-Polinesia, ne'ebe hafahe an ba dialetu balu tan.",
"Maneira Ema Rote buka moris liu husi Agrikultura, Hakiak Animal, Peska, menyadap nira, no mos kerajinan lontar.",
"Fatin ne'ebe hetan asesu ba be'e sira halo hodi sai Natar.",
"Resultado husi Agrikultura maioria husi Natar, Batar, no mos fehuk, no ba fali hakiak animal maioria husi Karau, Sapi, Kuda, no mos Manu.",
"Feto sira hus Rote babain hanorin homan hena tradisonal Rote nian nstt.",
"Sistema familiar husi Rote mak hanesan familia spesifiku (keluarga inti) ka familia luan (keluarga luas), ho nia sentidu patrilineal no adopta sistema kaben eksogami klan.",
"Konjunto husi familia luan hampsu klan ki'ik sira (nggi leo), konjunto husi klan-klan ki'ik sira hamosu klan bo'ot (leo).",
"Lideransa husi klan hanaran manek ka mane leo.",
"Suku Rote fiar ba Kriador, hanaran Lamatuan ka Lamatuak. naran sira ne'e simbolu ba Kriador ne'ebe, Regula, no mos fo bensaun, ne'ebe liu husi simbolu krus.",
"Agora dadaun, Suku Rote mos iha ona religiaun hanean Kristaun Protestan, Kristaun Katolik, ka Mulsumano.",
"Suku Atoni, Suku Kemak, Suku Belu, Suku Helong, Suku Marae Mudansa ba dala ikus pajina ne'e nian iha 27 de Dezembru de 2018, 04h14min."
] | [
"Rote people - Wikipedia Men and women wearing traditional clothes of the Rotte tribe The rottes (Rotte Women) are an original population that lives on Rota Island, most near Timor."
"The Rote people themselves live on the islands near their location such as Ndao Island, Nuse Islands (Nusa), Pamana Isles(Pamanah) Doo isle/island Heliana and Landu-Island Manuk."
"There are some scholars who say that the Rote people were originally immigrant from Seram Island in Maluku."
"The Rote language is part of the Austronesian family, a sub-group within Malayopolynesian languages that includes some other dialects."
"The way the Rote women seek their livelihood through agriculture, animal husbandry and fishing as well crafts."
"Houses with access to the water made them into Natar."
"The result of agriculture mostly Natar, Batak and beans. In turn the animals were mainly cows (beef), cattle(caesar) horse & manuk ;"
"The hus girls of Rote Babain teach the traditional humans how to make henna, etc."
"The family system of the Rote is either a specific (nuclear) or broader familial structure, with its patrilineal sense and adopting an exogamic clan marriage."
"A set of large families forms a small clan (nggi leo), and the sets from these little ones make up big cla'ns."
"The leadership of the clan is not known as mane or male leo."
"The Rote people believe in a Creator, named God or Lord. These names are symbols of the creator who rules and also gives blessings through this cross-symbol giving them power over their lives as they go on living under his rule (see above)."
"Nowadays, the Rote community has a Protestant Christianity as well. There are also Catholics and Muslim people in this village who have their own religious belief system:"
"Suku Atoni, suku Kemak 2018-354679.htm The last time this page was modified on December (July) XXVII(Sunday), and it has been updated to the latest version of July XLVIII/XXV in January XXL"
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Defisiente matan, Leonito da Costa Carmone\nLeo ho Nia Defisiensia Matan Haleu Dili Fa’an Sigaru Featured\nNia hahú fa’an sigaru ho osan $20 husi nia inisiativa rasik tanba nudar ema ho defisiensia matan familia sira sempre halo tratamentu la hanesan. Tanba ne’e, atu la depende ba ema seluk tenki husi nia esforsu rasik.\nLeo halo negosiu kiik ne’e hodi hatudu mós ba Ema ho La Defisiensia katak Ema ho Difesiensia Matan mos bele halo negosio hodi bele sustenta nesesidade moris lorloron nian.\nMaski nunee, Leo nia susar seidauk hotu too iha ne’e. Nia sempre hetan má trata, ema habosok nia, ema hadau nia sigaru no ema sempre hadau nia osan ne’ebé nia hetan husi fa’an sigaru.\nLeo ho idade tinan 37 ne’e konsiente katak fa’an sigaru haleu sidade Dili ne’e risku boot ba nia an nuudar ema ho defisiensia matan, maibé nia la tauk, nia brani hasoru dezafiu sira iha nia moris. Nia hatete, nuudar ema ho defisiensia tenki simu realidade moris ne’e ho esforsu rasik.\n"Ha’u fa’an sigaru ne'e husi ha’u nia hakarak rasik maski ha’u ema ho defisiensia matan no labele haree totalmente maibé ha’u uza de’it feeling hodi fa’an sigaru husi Becora to'o Kolmera," dehan Leo, iha Kaikoli ba jornalista Independente Online ohin.\nMaski ho nia defisiensia matan, maibé nia senti bainhira ema bosok sosa sigaru ho folin $1,25, ema fó de’it osan besi sentavus 0,50. Dala ruma mós ema mai sosa nia sigaru lori $5, osan rahun laiha hateten atu ba troka maibé ema ne’e la selu lori osan halai liu.\n“Sira foti gratuita de’it, ha’u la halo buat ida no labele kesar sira ba polisia tanba ha’u ema ho defisiensia matan ne’ebé la haree rai, pasensia ha’u tenke rende de’it,"nia expresa ho triste.\nNia sublinha, fa’an sigaru ne’e depende ba mentalidade de’it tanba maski defisiensia matan lubuk ida ne’ebé hela iha asrama Timor-Leste Blind Union (TBU), maibé sira la brani hodi halo negosio fa’an sigaru ne’e, tanba rajaun ema la ho defisiensia hakribi.\nTanba ne’e nudar defisiensia matan nia rekomenda ba ema ho la defisiensia hodi labele hanoin lanu no baku malu de’it maibé tenke esforsu an hodi halo negosio atu labele tane liman beibeik ba inan aman sira.\nRekomenda mos ba parte seguransa liu liu polisia hodi asegura ema ho defisiensia oinoin ne’ebé halo negosiu fa’an sasan.\nPNTL tenke atua lalais karik ema ho defisiensia hetan atakasaun ho ema la ho defisiensia hodi responsabiliza nia aktu krime hasoru defisiensia.\nLeo ho status klosan agora dadaun hela iha uma mahon East Timor Blind Union (ETBU) Becora Dili.\nMore in this category: « MS Rezista Kazu Dengue 337 Iha Fulan Rua Defisiensia La’os Bareira ba José Nia Hakat »\n/Leo ho Nia Defisiensia Matan Haleu Dili Fa’an Sigaru | [
"Defisiente matan, Leonito da Costa Carmone Leo ho Nia Defisiensia Matan Haleu Dili Fa'an Sigaru Featured Nia hahu fa'an sigaru ho osan $20 husi nia inisiativa rasik tanba nudar ema ho defisiensia matan familia sira sempre halo tratamentu la hanesan.",
"Tanba ne'e, atu la depende ba ema seluk tenki husi nia esforsu rasik.",
"Leo halo negosiu kiik ne'e hodi hatudu mos ba Ema ho La Defisiensia katak Ema ho Difesiensia Matan mos bele halo negosio hodi bele sustenta nesesidade moris lorloron nian.",
"Maski nunee, Leo nia susar seidauk hotu too iha ne'e.",
"Nia sempre hetan ma trata, ema habosok nia, ema hadau nia sigaru no ema sempre hadau nia osan ne'ebe nia hetan husi fa'an sigaru.",
"Leo ho idade tinan 37 ne'e konsiente katak fa'an sigaru haleu sidade Dili ne'e risku boot ba nia an nuudar ema ho defisiensia matan, maibe nia la tauk, nia brani hasoru dezafiu sira iha nia moris.",
"Nia hatete, nuudar ema ho defisiensia tenki simu realidade moris ne'e ho esforsu rasik.",
"\"Ha'u fa'an sigaru ne'e husi ha'u nia hakarak rasik maski ha'u ema ho defisiensia matan no labele haree totalmente maibe ha'u uza de'it feeling hodi fa'an sigaru husi Becora to'o Kolmera,\" dehan Leo, iha Kaikoli ba jornalista Independente Online ohin.",
"Maski ho nia defisiensia matan, maibe nia senti bainhira ema bosok sosa sigaru ho folin $1,25, ema fo de'it osan besi sentavus 0,50.",
"Dala ruma mos ema mai sosa nia sigaru lori $5, osan rahun laiha hateten atu ba troka maibe ema ne'e la selu lori osan halai liu.",
"\"Sira foti gratuita de'it, ha'u la halo buat ida no labele kesar sira ba polisia tanba ha'u ema ho defisiensia matan ne'ebe la haree rai, pasensia ha'u tenke rende de'it,\"nia expresa ho triste.",
"Nia sublinha, fa'an sigaru ne'e depende ba mentalidade de'it tanba maski defisiensia matan lubuk ida ne'ebe hela iha asrama Timor-Leste Blind Union (TBU), maibe sira la brani hodi halo negosio fa'an sigaru ne'e, tanba rajaun ema la ho defisiensia hakribi.",
"Tanba ne'e nudar defisiensia matan nia rekomenda ba ema ho la defisiensia hodi labele hanoin lanu no baku malu de'it maibe tenke esforsu an hodi halo negosio atu labele tane liman beibeik ba inan aman sira.",
"Rekomenda mos ba parte seguransa liu liu polisia hodi asegura ema ho defisiensia oinoin ne'ebe halo negosiu fa'an sasan.",
"PNTL tenke atua lalais karik ema ho defisiensia hetan atakasaun ho ema la ho defisiensia hodi responsabiliza nia aktu krime hasoru defisiensia.",
"Leo ho status klosan agora dadaun hela iha uma mahon East Timor Blind Union (ETBU) Becora Dili.",
"More in this category: \" MS Rezista Kazu Dengue 337 Iha Fulan Rua Defisiensia La'os Bareira ba Jose Nia Hakat \" /Leo ho Nia Defisiensia Matan Haleu Dili Fa'an Sigaru"
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"Vision impaired, Leonito da Costa Carmone Leo and His Visual Impairment Haleu Dili Selling Cigars Featured He started seling cigarettes for $20 on his own because as a person with visual disabilities families always treated him differently."
"Therefore, not to depend on others must be done by one's own efforts."
"Leo's small business is to show people without disabilities that even those with visual impairments can do a good deal of work and support their daily needs."
"However, Leo's trouble is not over yet."
"He was always treated badly, people mocked him and he had his cigarettes stolen. And the same thing happened to all of her money she made from selling cigars: everyone stole it!"
"The 37-year old Leo is aware that selling cigarettes in Dili City was a great risk for him as an eyed person, but he did not give up and faces the challenges of his life."
"She said that as a person with disabilities, she must accept the reality of life by her own efforts."
"\"I sell these cigarettes out of my own will even though I am a person with visual impairment and can't see completely but i just use feeling to sale cigars from Becora till Kolmera,\" said Leo in Kaikoli for Independente Online journalist today."
"Despite his visual impairment, he felt that when people bought a cigarette for $1.25 they only gave him ½ cents in cash instead of the normal price:"
"Sometimes a person comes to buy his cigarette with $5, he has no money and tells him that they will change it but the man does not pay."
"\"They just took it for free, I did nothing and could not complain to the police because as a visually impaired person who cannot see anything in front of me."
"He emphasized that selling cigarettes depends on mentality only because although many visually impaired people who live in the Timor-Leste Blind Union (TBU) dormitory, but they do not hesitate to make business of cigar sales."
"Therefore, as a visually impaired person he recommends to people with no disability not just think about beating each other but have an effort in doing business so that they don't shake their hands too often."
"We also recommend to the security side, especially police force in order for people with disabilities and those who do business selling goods."
"The police must act quickly if a person with disabilities is attacked by someone without the disabled to hold him responsible for his crime against handicap."
"Leo, who has the status of clown now lives in a mahogany house East Timor Blind Union (ETBU) Becora Dili."
"More in this category: \" MS Resista Kazu Dengue 340 Iha Fulan Rua Defisiensia La'os Barreira ba Jose Nia Hakat\" /Leo ho Sua Deficiensia Matan Haleu Dili Fa’a Sigaru"
] |
By Tempo Timor November 14, 2019 7581\nKomandante PNTL Aileu, Jorge Monteiro Foto screen TVTL\nTuir informasaun, iha Kuarta (6/11), vitima João Xavier (78) ne’ebé hela iha aldeia Sarin, Suku Bandudato, Munisipiu Aileu, ne’ebé afetadu ba estabelesimentu sidade universitariu husu ba pesoal PNTL na’in tolu ne’ebé akompaña prosesu levantamentu dadus, kona-ba karta despaisu husi PM Taur.\nPesoal polisia na’in tolu ne’e la hatan didi’ak, maibé halo fali agresaun fiziku hasoru komunidade ne’e.\n"Ha’u-nia oan feto foin husu de'it karta despaisu husi Primeiru Ministru, polisia lansung basa ha’u dala rua no dada ha’u-nia liman rua ba kotuk hodi soe tuun ba rai, depois ha’u dehan “ne'e krime, nusa buat saida mak la di’ak ne'e mai par ita kolia didi’ak dei't”," informa João Xavier ba jornalista sira hafoin partisipa dialogu ho PM Taur iha salaun administrasaun munisipiu Aileu, Kuarta (14/11/19).\nBa kestaun ne'e, komadante PNTL munisipiu Aileu, Jorge Monteiro husu ba vitima atu lori kazu ne’e ba Ministériu Públiku (MP) bainhira iha evidensia ne’ebé forte.\n"Ha’u konsidera komunidade kestiona membru PNTL baku komunidade ne'e falsu, tanba iha levantamentu dadus ne'e laiha konflitu entre liña ministerial, komunidade no polisia, oinsa mak polisia baku fali komunidade?," dehan Jorge.\nBainhira akontese agresaun fiziku, nia husu ba komunidade sira atu hato’o keixa ba Komando Jeral PNTL hodi loke prosesu.\n"Kuandu akontese ona agresaun fiziku ruma favor ida hato'o ba Komando Jeral PNTL hodi loke prosesu disiplinar, akontese krime bele ba hato'o keixa ba Ministériu Públiku par loke prosesu kriminal," deklara nia.\nMaske nune’e, nia garante katak laiha agresaun fiziku iha terenu tanba ekipa ne’ebé halo atuasaun iha terenu la informa katak mosu kazu agresaun hasoru komunidade.\nLast modified on Friday, 15 November 2019 07:44\nPNTL baku Komunidade Aileu | [
"By Tempo Timor November 14, 2019 7581 Komandante PNTL Aileu, Jorge Monteiro Foto screen TVTL Tuir informasaun, iha Kuarta (6/11), vitima Joao Xavier (78) ne'ebe hela iha aldeia Sarin, Suku Bandudato, Munisipiu Aileu, ne'ebe afetadu ba estabelesimentu sidade universitariu husu ba pesoal PNTL na'in tolu ne'ebe akompana prosesu levantamentu dadus, kona-ba karta despaisu husi PM Taur.",
"Pesoal polisia na'in tolu ne'e la hatan didi'ak, maibe halo fali agresaun fiziku hasoru komunidade ne'e.",
"\"Ha'u-nia oan feto foin husu de'it karta despaisu husi Primeiru Ministru, polisia lansung basa ha'u dala rua no dada ha'u-nia liman rua ba kotuk hodi soe tuun ba rai, depois ha'u dehan \"ne'e krime, nusa buat saida mak la di'ak ne'e mai par ita kolia didi'ak dei't,\"\" informa Joao Xavier ba jornalista sira hafoin partisipa dialogu ho PM Taur iha salaun administrasaun munisipiu Aileu, Kuarta (14/11/19).",
"Ba kestaun ne'e, komadante PNTL munisipiu Aileu, Jorge Monteiro husu ba vitima atu lori kazu ne'e ba Ministeriu Publiku (MP) bainhira iha evidensia ne'ebe forte.",
"\"Ha'u konsidera komunidade kestiona membru PNTL baku komunidade ne'e falsu, tanba iha levantamentu dadus ne'e laiha konflitu entre lina ministerial, komunidade no polisia, oinsa mak polisia baku fali komunidade?,\" dehan Jorge.",
"Bainhira akontese agresaun fiziku, nia husu ba komunidade sira atu hato'o keixa ba Komando Jeral PNTL hodi loke prosesu.",
"\"Kuandu akontese ona agresaun fiziku ruma favor ida hato'o ba Komando Jeral PNTL hodi loke prosesu disiplinar, akontese krime bele ba hato'o keixa ba Ministeriu Publiku par loke prosesu kriminal,\" deklara nia.",
"Maske nune'e, nia garante katak laiha agresaun fiziku iha terenu tanba ekipa ne'ebe halo atuasaun iha terenu la informa katak mosu kazu agresaun hasoru komunidade.",
"Last modified on Friday, 15 November 2019 07:44 PNTL baku Komunidade Aileu"
] | [
"According to information, on Thursday (6/10), victim Joao Xavier(78) who lives in the village of Sarin and is affected by a university city's establishment asked three PNTL personnel accompanying him during data collection process about PM Taur. By Tempo Timor November 23rd - Aileu Police Commander Jorge Monteiro Photo screen TVTL On Wednesday morning after he was taken into custody at his residence for investigation asking police officials if they had received any letter from Prime Minister Xanana Gusmão saying that there were no evidence against them or their family members being involved with illegal activities"
"The three police officers did not respond properly, but continued their physical aggression against the community."
"\"My daughter just asked for a letter of resignation from the Prime Minister, police lancing beat me twice and slammed my hands back to fall down on earth. Then I said 'it's crime; what is wrong with this? We must deal it carefully.'\" Joao Xavier informed journalist after participating at an interview by PM Taur Aileu municipality administration hall Thursday (14/09)."
"On this issue, PNTL Aileu municipality commander Jorge Monteiro asked the victims to bring their case before Public Prosecution (MP) when there is strong evidence."
"\"I consider that the community's questioning of PNTL members beating communities is false, because in this data collection there was no conflict between ministerial line and police. How could a member hit another person?\" Jorge said .\""
"When physical aggression occurs, he asks communities to file a complaint with the General Command of PNTL in order for proceeding be opened."
"\"When a physical assault has occurred, please report it to the General Command of PNTL in order for disciplinary proceedings be instituted. If crime is committed you can file complaint with Public Prosecution Service (MPSP) and commence criminal procedure.\""
"However, he assured that there was no physical assault in the field because teams acting on site did not report any cases of aggression against community members."
"Last modified on Friday, 15 November (Wednesday), at the time of this post: PNTL beats Community Aileu"
] |
Sekretariu Estadu – Ministério da Administração Estatal\nSamuel MendonçaSekretariu Estadu Administrasaun Estatal\nGovernu Konstitusional VI estabelese Sekretáriu Estadu Administrasaun Estatal (SEAE) ne’ebe mak submete iha Ministeriu Administrasaun Estatal. Kargu ne’e Assume hosi Sr. Samuel Mendonça ne’ebé mak hetan tomada de posse iha loron 16 Fevereiro de 2015, Area servisu tuir kompetensia nebe delega husi Ministro da Administrasaun Estatal, mak hanesan servisu Organizasaun Urbana nebe fokus ba Higiene e Orden Publikas, Toponimia no Mobilidade Urbana.\nIha V Governu Konstitusional, ne’ebé simu tomada de posse iha loron 8 Agostu 2012, Sr. Samuel Mendonça assume kargu hanesan Sekretáriu Estadu Dezenvolvimentu Lokál (SEDL), iha Ministeriu Administrasaun Estatal, no fokus iha Programa Nasional Dezenvolvimento Suku (PNDS) no Programa Dezenvolvimentu Integradu Municipiu (PDID).\nSr. Samuel moris iha Maubisse, 24 Dezembru 1965.\nHasai Lisensiatura iha area Siénsia Polítika iha UNTIM (Universitas Timor-Timur) iha tinan 1996. Iha tempu okupasaun Indonezia, servisu hanesan Funsionariu Indonezia iha Municipiu Ainaro hahú iha tinan 1985 to’o 1999. Iha tempu ne’ebá assume kargu hanesan Sub Xefe Governu Lokál iha Ainaro iha tinan 1986 to’o 1987. Hafoin iha tinan 1987 to’o 1989 sai hanesan Xefe Departamentu Governu Lokál, no tinan 1989 to’o 1991 sai hanesan Xefe Departamentu Dezenvolvimentu Governu Lokál iha Ainaro.\nWainhira remata eskola ensino secundaria iha tinan 1984, Sr. Samuel hahú envolve an iha vida polítika, envolve iha membru klandestina iha Região Cruzeiro no Região IV hahú iha tinan 1985 to’o 1999. Iha momentu Timor-Leste halo preparasaun ba referendum iha tinan 1999, kaer responsabilidade hanesan Koordenadór ka porta vos ba Kampañia CNRT iha Posto Administrativu Maubisse, Municipiu Ainaro. Wainhira Timor-Leste hetan Independénsia, servisu hanesan membru Administrasaun Interna CNRT iha tinan 2000 to’o 2002.\nIha tinan 2000 liu husi eleisaun Assembleia Constituinte, Sr. Samuel Mendonça eleitu hanesan Membro Assembleia Constituinte hodi hakerek Lei Inan Timor Leste (Konstituisaun RDTL), hafoin transforma ba Parlamentu Nasional 1ª Legislatura, Sr. Samuel deside sai husi membrus Parlamentu Nasional hodi servisu deit ba Partidu Politika. Depoiz de ne’e sai hanesan Fundador ba Partidu Demokrátiku (PD), assume kargu hanesan Comissario Política PD iha tinan 2001 to’o 2006. Tinan 2006 to’o 2012, liu hosi Kongresu Nasional Daruak Partidu Demokrátiku, eleitu nudar 3a Vice Sekretáriu Geral Partidu Demokrátiku, nune’e mós ejerse kargu nudar Sekrétariu Geral Interino Partidu Demokrátiku durante periodu ne’e. Iha Kongresu Nasional Datoluk Partidu Demokrátiku, re-eleitu hanesan 1a Vice Sekretáriu Geral Partidu Demokrátiku, ba periodu tinan 2012 to’o 2017.\nKompeténsia nebee delega hosi Ministru\nPratika aktos nebe presiza atu asegura gestaun no funsionamento sistema rekolha no tratamento rezíduos sólidos urbanos no manutensaun higiene no salubridade ba fatin públiko sira;\nPratika aktos nebe presiza atu promove kriasaun, manutensaun no konservasaun jardim no fatin públiko sira;\nPratika aktos nebe presiza atu promove medidas konservasaun higiene no ordem públika urbana;\nPratika aktos nebe presiza ba kriasaun registo ida aruamentos ba prinsipais aglomerados populasionais, hanesan mos halo atribuisaun número polícia ba edifísios urbanos konstruídos ona;\nAkompanha no orienta polítika sira kona ba toponímia;\nFormula inisiativas legislativas no propostas regulamentasaun nebe presiza ba kumprimento atribuisoens hosi Direksaun-Geral ba Higiene, Ordem Públika no Toponímia;\nPratika aktos nebe presiza atu asegura organizasaun ba informasaun geográfika no urbanístika disponível;\nReprezenta Ministério Administrasaun Estatal iha kestaun hirak kona ba urbanismo no organizasaun urbana;\nPratika aktos nebe presiza ba kriasaun mekanismos adekuados ba garantia prátikas nebe di’ak no transparênsia hosi prosedimentos kompetênsia servisu iha responsabilidade direkta;\nPropoen, define, akompanha no avalia proposta hirak plano nian, hosi programa no orsamento anual servisu nebe nia iha responsabilidade direkta;\nAprezenta relatórios periódikos hosi aktividades servisu iha nia responsabilidade direkta ba Ministro Administrasaun Estatal;\nHalo despacho ba korespondência no expediente geral hosi servisus nebe nia iha responsabilidade direkta;\nAsina ofísios baibain expediente nebe destina ba órgaun sira, organismos no servisus hosi Ministério, ba entidades públikas nasionais, ba reprezentasoens diplomátikas, reprezentantes no dirigentes hosi agênsias internasionais;\nPratika aktos nebe presiza ba gestaun rekursos humanos no promosaun ba programas formasaun no espesializasaun funsionários servisu nebe nia iha responsabilidade;\nAutoriza realizasaun despeza, inklui ho asina formulários kompromisu pagamento, to’o montante US$ 5,000.00 (dólar amerikano rihun lima) no tuir akordo ho orsamento geral Estado nian nebe vigora;\nDeside kona ba asuntos relasionados ho logístika, ekipamentos no viaturas servisu nian nebe nia iha responsabilidade direkta.\n(liu hosi Despaxu n.º 102/GM-MAE/VI/2015) | [
"Sekretariu Estadu - Ministerio da Administracao Estatal Samuel MendoncaSekretariu Estadu Administrasaun Estatal Governu Konstitusional VI estabelese Sekretariu Estadu Administrasaun Estatal (SEAE) ne'ebe mak submete iha Ministeriu Administrasaun Estatal.",
"Kargu ne'e Assume hosi Sr. Samuel Mendonca ne'ebe mak hetan tomada de posse iha loron 16 Fevereiro de 2015, Area servisu tuir kompetensia nebe delega husi Ministro da Administrasaun Estatal, mak hanesan servisu Organizasaun Urbana nebe fokus ba Higiene e Orden Publikas, Toponimia no Mobilidade Urbana.",
"Iha V Governu Konstitusional, ne'ebe simu tomada de posse iha loron 8 Agostu 2012, Sr. Samuel Mendonca assume kargu hanesan Sekretariu Estadu Dezenvolvimentu Lokal (SEDL), iha Ministeriu Administrasaun Estatal, no fokus iha Programa Nasional Dezenvolvimento Suku (PNDS) no Programa Dezenvolvimentu Integradu Municipiu (PDID).",
"Sr. Samuel moris iha Maubisse, 24 Dezembru 1965.",
"Hasai Lisensiatura iha area Siensia Politika iha UNTIM (Universitas Timor-Timur) iha tinan 1996.",
"Iha tempu okupasaun Indonezia, servisu hanesan Funsionariu Indonezia iha Municipiu Ainaro hahu iha tinan 1985 to'o 1999.",
"Iha tempu ne'eba assume kargu hanesan Sub Xefe Governu Lokal iha Ainaro iha tinan 1986 to'o 1987.",
"Hafoin iha tinan 1987 to'o 1989 sai hanesan Xefe Departamentu Governu Lokal, no tinan 1989 to'o 1991 sai hanesan Xefe Departamentu Dezenvolvimentu Governu Lokal iha Ainaro.",
"Wainhira remata eskola ensino secundaria iha tinan 1984, Sr. Samuel hahu envolve an iha vida politika, envolve iha membru klandestina iha Regiao Cruzeiro no Regiao IV hahu iha tinan 1985 to'o 1999.",
"Iha momentu Timor-Leste halo preparasaun ba referendum iha tinan 1999, kaer responsabilidade hanesan Koordenador ka porta vos ba Kampania CNRT iha Posto Administrativu Maubisse, Municipiu Ainaro.",
"Wainhira Timor-Leste hetan Independensia, servisu hanesan membru Administrasaun Interna CNRT iha tinan 2000 to'o 2002.",
"Iha tinan 2000 liu husi eleisaun Assembleia Constituinte, Sr. Samuel Mendonca eleitu hanesan Membro Assembleia Constituinte hodi hakerek Lei Inan Timor Leste (Konstituisaun RDTL), hafoin transforma ba Parlamentu Nasional 1a Legislatura, Sr. Samuel deside sai husi membrus Parlamentu Nasional hodi servisu deit ba Partidu Politika.",
"Depoiz de ne'e sai hanesan Fundador ba Partidu Demokratiku (PD), assume kargu hanesan Comissario Politica PD iha tinan 2001 to'o 2006.",
"Tinan 2006 to'o 2012, liu hosi Kongresu Nasional Daruak Partidu Demokratiku, eleitu nudar 3a Vice Sekretariu Geral Partidu Demokratiku, nune'e mos ejerse kargu nudar Sekretariu Geral Interino Partidu Demokratiku durante periodu ne'e.",
"Iha Kongresu Nasional Datoluk Partidu Demokratiku, re-eleitu hanesan 1a Vice Sekretariu Geral Partidu Demokratiku, ba periodu tinan 2012 to'o 2017.",
"Kompetensia nebee delega hosi Ministru Pratika aktos nebe presiza atu asegura gestaun no funsionamento sistema rekolha no tratamento reziduos solidos urbanos no manutensaun higiene no salubridade ba fatin publiko sira; Pratika aktos nebe presiza atu promove kriasaun, manutensaun no konservasaun jardim no fatin publiko sira; Pratika aktos nebe presiza atu promove medidas konservasaun higiene no ordem publika urbana; Pratika aktos nebe presiza ba kriasaun registo ida aruamentos ba prinsipais aglomerados populasionais, hanesan mos halo atribuisaun numero policia ba edifisios urbanos konstruidos ona; Akompanha no orienta politika sira kona ba toponimia; Formula inisiativas legislativas no propostas regulamentasaun nebe presiza ba kumprimento atribuisoens hosi Direksaun-Geral ba Higiene, Ordem Publika no Toponimia; Pratika aktos nebe presiza atu asegura organizasaun ba informasaun geografika no urbanistika disponivel; Reprezenta Ministerio Administrasaun Estatal iha kestaun hirak kona ba urbanismo no organizasaun urbana; Pratika aktos nebe presiza ba kriasaun mekanismos adekuados ba garantia pratikas nebe di'ak no transparensia hosi prosedimentos kompetensia servisu iha responsabilidade direkta; Propoen, define, akompanha no avalia proposta hirak plano nian, hosi programa no orsamento anual servisu nebe nia iha responsabilidade direkta; Aprezenta relatorios periodikos hosi aktividades servisu iha nia responsabilidade direkta ba Ministro Administrasaun Estatal; Halo despacho ba korespondencia no expediente geral hosi servisus nebe nia iha responsabilidade direkta; Asina ofisios baibain expediente nebe destina ba orgaun sira, organismos no servisus hosi Ministerio, ba entidades publikas nasionais, ba reprezentasoens diplomatikas, reprezentantes no dirigentes hosi agensias internasionais; Pratika aktos nebe presiza ba gestaun rekursos humanos no promosaun ba programas formasaun no espesializasaun funsionarios servisu nebe nia iha responsabilidade; Autoriza realizasaun despeza, inklui ho asina formularios kompromisu pagamento, to'o montante US$ 5,000.00 (dolar amerikano rihun lima) no tuir akordo ho orsamento geral Estado nian nebe vigora; Deside kona ba asuntos relasionados ho logistika, ekipamentos no viaturas servisu nian nebe nia iha responsabilidade direkta. (liu hosi Despaxu n.o 102/GM-MAE/VI/2015)"
] | [
"State Secretary - Ministry of the Government Administration Samuel MendoncaState Secretariat for state administration The VI Constitutional government established a secretary-general (SEAE) who reports to Ministerials."
"The position was assumed by Mr. Samuel Mendonca who took office on February 16,2035; the area of work according to competence delegated from Minister da Administração Estatal is Urban Organization focusing in Public Hygiene and Order (HPO), Toponymy & Urban Mobility(UM)."
"In the V Constitutional Government, which took office on August 8th of this year Mr. Samuel Mendonca assumed a position as State Secretary for Local Development (SEDL), in Ministry Of Public Administrations and focused his work toward National Village Developement Program(PNDS)and Municipal Integrated Development Programme-PDID)."
"Mr. Samuel was born in Maubisse, on December 24th (1965)."
"He graduated with a Bachelor’s Degree in Political Science from UNTIM (University of Timor-Leste) at the end Of The Year,1986."
"During the Indonesian occupation, he worked as an official in Ainaro Municipality from January to September of that year."
"At that time he assumed the position as Deputy Head of Local Government in Ainaro from 1986 to, and then again until his retirement."
"Afterwards, from 1987 to the end of his life he was heading Local Government Department in Helsinki and then Headed for local government development department at Ainaro Municipality."
"After graduating from secondary school in 1984, Mr. Samuel began to become involved with political life and became a member of the clandestine members' organizations Cruzeiro Region (Região do Crucifixo) & IV Regiaon starting at age nineteen until he was elected as President on March one thousand twenty-five years later; this position held him for four months between January two hundred seventy five - February three Hundred Nineties"
"At the time when Timor-Leste was preparing for a referendum in 1987, he took responsibility as Coordinator or Spokesperson of CNRT Campaign at Posto Administrative Maubisse (Ainaro Municipality)."
"When Timor-Leste gained independence, he served as a member of the CNRT Internal Administration in years from year to day."
"In 2013, Mr. Samuel Mendonca was elected as a Member of the Constituent Assembly to draft Timor-Leste’s Constitution (Constituição da RDTL). After transforming into National Parliament in its first legislature he decided that his only job would be working for political parties and resigned from parliamentary membership after three years at this position"
"He then became a founder of the Democratic Party (PD), assuming position as PD Political Commissary from 2051 to36."
"From 2016 to the end of his term as President, he was elected by a majority vote in November for another four-year period.In January and February that year she held an interim position at Democratic Party Central Committee (DPC) where it is now chaired from her hometown San Jose del Cabo on Sundays afternoon until December when they are replaced with new members who have been chosen during their first two years each time since its establishment;"
"At the Third National Congress of Democratic Party, he was re-elected as 1st Deputy Secretary General for a term from January to December in this year."
"Competencies delegated by the Minister Performs acts necessary to ensure management and operation of urban solid waste collection, treatment system as well hygiene maintenance in public places; Practice actions needed for promoting creation/maintenance or conservation gardening areas (public space); Practises measured action required on preservations health care activities with respect city-wide orderlyness. Exercises act(ies) that are essential towards establishing a register over major population agglomerations including assigning police numbers at existing building sites Accompaniement & guidance policien regardings toponymics Formulates legislative initiativenand regulatory proposalne necessarionto fulfilment mandate from Directorate General Hygienic Public Order And Toponymic Activities: Act which is indissociably associativedwith organizational geographic information available Represent The Ministry Of State Administration In Urban Planning Matters Implementation Action Needful For Creating Mechanism That Guaranteeth Good practice& Transparency Procedures Responsible Direct responsibilitie Proposals define follow up evaluation plans programme annual budget services under his direct authority Present periodic report about work activity within its own area submitted directly ToThe minister responsive"
] |
» FDCH Fahe Informasaun konabá Dotasaun Orsamentu Temporario (DOT) ba Liña Ministeriais\nHome / FDCH Fahe Informasaun konabá Dotasaun Orsamentu Temporario (DOT) ba Liña Ministeriais\nDili, 12/02/2018, Fundo de Desevolvimentu do Capital Humano (FDCH) hala’o enkontru ho Liña Ministeriais (LMs) sira iha salaun enkontru edifísiu FDCH nian. Enkontru ne’ebé lidera direta hosi Sekretáriu Ezekutivu FDCH Sr. Isménio Martins da Silva ne’e ninia objetivu atu fahe informasaun konabá Dotasaun Orsamentu Temporariu (DOT) ba iha pontu fokál hosi liña ministeriais sira.\nEntretantu Sekretáriu Ezekutivu iha ninia introdusaun hatete katak FDCH simu responsabilidade atu jere orsamentu duo-décimo ba programa liña ministeriais nian “orsamentu duo-décimo ne’ebé aloka mai FDCH atu to’o ka la-to’o FDCH tenki jere tuir pakote ne’ebé iha” tan ne’e ema númeru um iha FDCH ne’e aumenta katak orsamentu ne’e sei fó prioridade ba programa ne’ebé sei iha prosesu kontinuasaun nia-laran no bolsa-estudu.\n“orsamentu DOT hanesan nafatin ba programa kontinuidade, signifika laiha problema ho programa bolsa-estudu” dehan Sekretáriu Ezekutivu durante ninia introdusaun atu fó esperansa ka halakon dúvidas balun konabá DOT. Maibé iha parte seluk Sekretáriu Ezekutivu ne’e mós ko’alia bá liña ministeriais liuhosi sira nia, diretór jerál, diretór nasionál no pontu fokál atu kumpre planu ne’ebé FDCH hato’o ona ba sira.\nIha parte seluk, Koordenadór Gabinete Planu, Peskiza, Fiskalizasaun no Verifikasaun (GAPPEFIV) Sr. Filomeno dos Santos hato’o mós ba partisipante sira atu hadi’a estatístika hatama proposta programa mai iha FDCH.\n“Labele husik programa sira ne’e ba hotu iha fim do ano tanba afeita tebe-tebes ba prosesu pagamentu” hatete Koordenadór Gabinete Planu, Peskiza, Fiskalizasaun no Verifikasaun (GAPPEFIV) Sr. Filomeno dos Santos durante ninia aprezentasaun.\nAlende Koordenadór GAPPEFIV, iha biban ida-ne’e mós Koordenadór hotu-hotu hetan oportunidade hato’o ida-idak nia programa ba partisipante sira. tan ne’e la lakon oportunidade mós ba Koordenadór GAGESI (Gabinete do Gestão e Sistema de Informação) Sr. Henrique do Rosário aprezenta mós sistema BMIS ne’ebé kria hosi FDCH ba partisipantes sira.\n“Sistema BIMS ne’e nia ending maka relatóriu” tenik koordenador GAGESI (Gabinete do Gestão e Sistema de Informação) Sr. Henrique do Rosário durante ninia aprezentasaun.\nLiutan Sr. Henrique saliénta katak BIMS ne’e nu’udar sistema ne’ebé fasil ba ita atu halo relatóriu, tantu husi LMs mai iha FDCH ka hosi FDCH ba iha na’i ulun sira.\nIha lidun seluk aprezentasaun ne’e hetan apresiasaun hosi partispantes sira tanba bele ajuda ona LMs sira bainhira halo relatóriu ba iha FDCH. Florindo Napolião hosi SEDPAC kontente ho sistema BMIS ne’e tanba bele ajuda ona liña ministeriais sira atu halo relatóriu.\n“Ha’u sente sistema BIMS ne’ebé FDCH kria ne’e di’ak tebe-tebes tanba ajuda ona ami atu hetan informasaun no halo relatóriu”. Haktuir Sr. Florindo Napolião hosi SEDPAC\nEnkuantu bainhira fo tempu husu no hatán ba partisipante sira, barak mak apresia teb-tebes ho sistema BIMS ne’e, úniku ema ida mak Sr. Luis Ércio husi CAC ne’ebé louva no fó parabens ba esforsu ne’ebé FDCH halo ona atu kria sistema ida-ne’e.\n“Ha’u fó parabéns ba FDCH ne’ebé kria ona sistema database ne’e ho furak tebes” temi pontu fokál ne’e iha durante sesaun husu no hatán. Tenik Sr. Luis Ércio husi CAC\nEnkuantu Sr. Aderito Soares nu’udar Koordenadór GASEPA (Gabinete Sistema Pagamentu) ko’alia ba partisipantes sira katak proposta sira tenki hatama iha premeiru semana para labele defikulta pagament.\n“Agora ne’e la hanesan uluk, ne’ebé husu ba liña ministeriais sira atu hatama proposta labele iha fim do mês” dehan Koordenandor ne’e durante nia aprezentasaun.haktuir Sr. Aderito Soares nuudar Koordenador GASEPA.\nEntretantu Koordenador GAPLO (Gabinete Aprovizionamentu no Lojístiku) Sr. Eusébio Barreto iha ninia aprezentasaun ko’alia liu ba sistema R.I.R. (Receive, Inspection, Return) ba partisipantes sira katak tenki kolabora nafatin ho FDCH atu halo RNI ba sasán sira tama.\n“Husu ba liña ministeriais sira atu kontaktu mai ami bainhira hatama sasán hosi kompañia, para ami bele haruka ekipa ida bá atu halo inspesaun uluk molok ezekusaun”. Haktuir Sr. Eusébio Barreto\nTuir observasaun, enkontru ne’e marka prezensa hosi pontu fokál sira ne’ebé mai hosi 37 Liña Ministeriais hamutuk ema nain 85 konta ho prezensa funsionáriu FDCH nian rasik. Enkontru ne’ebé sita tempu óras 2 ne’e taka direitamente hosi Sekretáriu Ezekutivu FDCH Sr. Isménio Martins da Silva. Bainhira atu taka enkontru refere, Sekretáriu Ezekutivu dala ida-tan fó hanoin nafatin ba pontu fokál sira konabá tempu atu hatama proposta.\n“Fó hanoin nafatin ba liña ministeriais sira hotu atu hatama proposta ka pedidu ruma ne’e sedu ituan selae bele prejudika nia prosesu pagamentu” dehan Sr. Isménio durante taka serimónia. (Ekipa Media FDCH)\nFunsionáriu RTTL, E.P. 30 Termina Formasaun\nTotal Viewer : 1216 Views || Category: Notisia | [
"\" FDCH Fahe Informasaun konaba Dotasaun Orsamentu Temporario (DOT) ba Lina Ministeriais Home / FDCH Fahe Informasaun konaba Dotasaun Orsamentu Temporario (DOT) ba Lina Ministeriais Dili, 12/02/2018, Fundo de Desevolvimentu do Capital Humano (FDCH) hala'o enkontru ho Lina Ministeriais (LMs) sira iha salaun enkontru edifisiu FDCH nian.",
"Enkontru ne'ebe lidera direta hosi Sekretariu Ezekutivu FDCH Sr. Ismenio Martins da Silva ne'e ninia objetivu atu fahe informasaun konaba Dotasaun Orsamentu Temporariu (DOT) ba iha pontu fokal hosi lina ministeriais sira.",
"Entretantu Sekretariu Ezekutivu iha ninia introdusaun hatete katak FDCH simu responsabilidade atu jere orsamentu duo-decimo ba programa lina ministeriais nian \"orsamentu duo-decimo ne'ebe aloka mai FDCH atu to'o ka la-to'o FDCH tenki jere tuir pakote ne'ebe iha\" tan ne'e ema numeru um iha FDCH ne'e aumenta katak orsamentu ne'e sei fo prioridade ba programa ne'ebe sei iha prosesu kontinuasaun nia-laran no bolsa-estudu. \"orsamentu DOT hanesan nafatin ba programa kontinuidade, signifika laiha problema ho programa bolsa-estudu\" dehan Sekretariu Ezekutivu durante ninia introdusaun atu fo esperansa ka halakon duvidas balun konaba DOT.",
"Maibe iha parte seluk Sekretariu Ezekutivu ne'e mos ko'alia ba lina ministeriais liuhosi sira nia, diretor jeral, diretor nasional no pontu fokal atu kumpre planu ne'ebe FDCH hato'o ona ba sira.",
"Iha parte seluk, Koordenador Gabinete Planu, Peskiza, Fiskalizasaun no Verifikasaun (GAPPEFIV) Sr. Filomeno dos Santos hato'o mos ba partisipante sira atu hadi'a estatistika hatama proposta programa mai iha FDCH.",
"\"Labele husik programa sira ne'e ba hotu iha fim do ano tanba afeita tebe-tebes ba prosesu pagamentu\" hatete Koordenador Gabinete Planu, Peskiza, Fiskalizasaun no Verifikasaun (GAPPEFIV) Sr. Filomeno dos Santos durante ninia aprezentasaun.",
"Alende Koordenador GAPPEFIV, iha biban ida-ne'e mos Koordenador hotu-hotu hetan oportunidade hato'o ida-idak nia programa ba partisipante sira. tan ne'e la lakon oportunidade mos ba Koordenador GAGESI (Gabinete do Gestao e Sistema de Informacao) Sr. Henrique do Rosario aprezenta mos sistema BMIS ne'ebe kria hosi FDCH ba partisipantes sira.",
"\"Sistema BIMS ne'e nia ending maka relatoriu\" tenik koordenador GAGESI (Gabinete do Gestao e Sistema de Informacao) Sr. Henrique do Rosario durante ninia aprezentasaun.",
"Liutan Sr. Henrique salienta katak BIMS ne'e nu'udar sistema ne'ebe fasil ba ita atu halo relatoriu, tantu husi LMs mai iha FDCH ka hosi FDCH ba iha na'i ulun sira.",
"Iha lidun seluk aprezentasaun ne'e hetan apresiasaun hosi partispantes sira tanba bele ajuda ona LMs sira bainhira halo relatoriu ba iha FDCH.",
"Florindo Napoliao hosi SEDPAC kontente ho sistema BMIS ne'e tanba bele ajuda ona lina ministeriais sira atu halo relatoriu.",
"\"Ha'u sente sistema BIMS ne'ebe FDCH kria ne'e di'ak tebe-tebes tanba ajuda ona ami atu hetan informasaun no halo relatoriu.\"",
"Haktuir Sr. Florindo Napoliao hosi SEDPAC Enkuantu bainhira fo tempu husu no hatan ba partisipante sira, barak mak apresia teb-tebes ho sistema BIMS ne'e, uniku ema ida mak Sr. Luis Ercio husi CAC ne'ebe louva no fo parabens ba esforsu ne'ebe FDCH halo ona atu kria sistema ida-ne'e.",
"\"Ha'u fo parabens ba FDCH ne'ebe kria ona sistema database ne'e ho furak tebes\" temi pontu fokal ne'e iha durante sesaun husu no hatan.",
"Tenik Sr. Luis Ercio husi CAC Enkuantu Sr. Aderito Soares nu'udar Koordenador GASEPA (Gabinete Sistema Pagamentu) ko'alia ba partisipantes sira katak proposta sira tenki hatama iha premeiru semana para labele defikulta pagament.",
"\"Agora ne'e la hanesan uluk, ne'ebe husu ba lina ministeriais sira atu hatama proposta labele iha fim do mes\" dehan Koordenandor ne'e durante nia aprezentasaun.haktuir Sr. Aderito Soares nuudar Koordenador GASEPA.",
"Entretantu Koordenador GAPLO (Gabinete Aprovizionamentu no Lojistiku) Sr. Eusebio Barreto iha ninia aprezentasaun ko'alia liu ba sistema R.I.R.",
"(Receive, Inspection, Return) ba partisipantes sira katak tenki kolabora nafatin ho FDCH atu halo RNI ba sasan sira tama.",
"\"Husu ba lina ministeriais sira atu kontaktu mai ami bainhira hatama sasan hosi kompania, para ami bele haruka ekipa ida ba atu halo inspesaun uluk molok ezekusaun.\"",
"Haktuir Sr. Eusebio Barreto Tuir observasaun, enkontru ne'e marka prezensa hosi pontu fokal sira ne'ebe mai hosi 37 Lina Ministeriais hamutuk ema nain 85 konta ho prezensa funsionariu FDCH nian rasik.",
"Enkontru ne'ebe sita tempu oras 2 ne'e taka direitamente hosi Sekretariu Ezekutivu FDCH Sr. Ismenio Martins da Silva.",
"Bainhira atu taka enkontru refere, Sekretariu Ezekutivu dala ida-tan fo hanoin nafatin ba pontu fokal sira konaba tempu atu hatama proposta.",
"\"Fo hanoin nafatin ba lina ministeriais sira hotu atu hatama proposta ka pedidu ruma ne'e sedu ituan selae bele prejudika nia prosesu pagamentu\" dehan Sr. Ismenio durante taka serimonia.",
"(Ekipa Media FDCH) Funsionariu RTTL, E.P. 30 Termina Formasaun Total Viewer: 1216 Views || Category: Notisia"
] | [
"\" FDCH Provides Information on Temporary Budget Endowment (DOT) for Ministerial Line Home / Fundo de Desenvolvimento do Capital Humana - FDHC provide information about temporary budget endorsement of ministerial lines Dili, 12/03-547896.htm"
"The meeting, led directly by FDCH Executive Secretary Mr. Ismenio Martins da Silva was held with the aim of sharing information on Temporary Budget Endowment (DOT) to focal points from ministerial lines and departmental office boards in order that they could be better prepared for this new period when it comes up again as an emergency situation arises or if there is any change needed at some level within their respective ministries/departmentals"
"Meanwhile, the Executive Secretary in his introduction said that FDCH assumed responsibility for managing twelve-tenths of budget to line ministerial programs \"the twelfth decimale allocated by DOT will be used or not it is up and running as a package\" therefore this number one person at FSDH added which prioritizes programme continuation processes on its own scholarship. “DOT' s funding remained same with program continuousness meaning no problem has arisen regarding school grant scheme” he told during an introductorial speech about how hopeful they are being given some doubts over their work towards DOTS"
"However, on the other hand this Executive Secretary also spoke to ministerial lines through their directors general and national Director of Focal Point for compliance with plans that FDCH has presented them."
"On the other hand, Coordinator of Office Planing Research Fiscalization and Verification (GAPPEFIV) Mr. Filomeno dos Santos also presented to participants that improve statistics submit program proposal in FDCH 2014-365"
"\"We cannot leave these programs to all at the end of year because they are very affected by payment processes\" said Coordinator Office Plan, Research Fiscalization and Verification (GAPPEFIV) Mr Filomeno dos Santos during his presentation."
"In addition to the Coordinator of GAPPEFIV, in this session also all coordinators had an opportunity for presenting their respective programmes. Therefore there was no missed occasion as well by GAGESI (Gabinete do Gestao e Sistema de Informacaon) Co-ordinator Mr Henrique Do Rosario presented BMIS system created from FDCH participants 2013"
"\"The BIMS system's ending is the report,\" said coordinator GAGESI (Gabinete do Gestao e Sistema de Informação) Mr. Henrique Do Rosario during his presentation of this project in Rio De Janeiro on 10th June last year"
"Mr. Henrique further emphasized that BIMS is an easy system for us to make reports, both from the LM'S in FDCH or by FSDH head of department owners and managerial staff members at all levels:"
"In addition, the presentation was appreciated by participants as it has helped LMs when reporting to FDCH."
"Florindo Napoliao of SEDPAC is satisfied with the BMIS system because it can help ministerial lines to make reports."
"\"I feel the BIMS system that FDCH created is very good because it has helped us to get information and make reports.\""
"Mr. Florindo Napoliao from SEDPAC said that while when given time to ask and answer questions, many of the participants were very appreciative with this BIMS system; only one person was Ms Luis Ercio (CAC) who praised FDCH for its efforts in creating a such an efficient IT management solution:"
"\"I congratulate the FDCH for having created this database system with such great passion,\" said a focal point during question and answer session."
"Mr. Luis Ercio from the CAC En said while Aderito Soares as Coordinator of GASEP (Payment System Office) told participants that proposals must be submitted in first week to avoid difficulties with payment,"
"\"Now it is not like before, which asked the ministerial lines to submit proposals at no later than end of month\" said this Coordinator during his presentation. Mr Aderito Soares as GASEPA'S Co-ordinator acknowledged:"
"Meanwhile, GAPLO (Gabinete Aprovisionamento e Logística) Coordinator Mr. Eusebio Barreto in his presentation spoke more about the RIR system"
"(Receive, Inspection and Return) to the participants that they must continue collaborating with FDCH in order for RNIs of their arrivals."
"\"We ask the ministerial lines to contact us when they receive goods from companies, so that we can send a team there and do an inspection before execution.\""
"Mr. Eusebio Barreto said that, according to his observations the meeting marked with presence of focal points from 37 Ministerial Lines totaling a number in attendance for FDCH staff members as well (85 people)."
"The two-hour meeting was closed directly by FDCH Executive Secretary Mr. Ismenio Martins da Silva, who also presented the results of his work in 2015 and proposedanew strategy for future development efforts at this important event to be held next year as well!"
"At the closing of this meeting, The Executive Secretary once again reminded all focal points about when to submit their proposals."
"\"Remind all ministerial lines to submit any proposal or request before the end of this term, otherwise it may prejudice its payment process\" Mr. Ismenio said during closing ceremony .\""
"(Ekipa Media FDCH) RTTL Employee, E.P 30 Termina Formasaun Total Viewer:1248 Views || Category; News"
] |
FORSA Armada ba Libertasaun Nasionál (FALINTIL) sai nu’udar parte importante ida iha istoria Timor Leste. Liu husi sira-nia luta no…\nIHA LORON ne’ebá ho brani tomak ne’ebé iha no konsensia ba luta naruk ne’ebé sei mai, Francisco Xavier do Amaral…\nBainhira Feto sai “Mane liu Mane”\nSEE mak dehan feto fraku (lemah)? Laiha kbiit atu hasoru mane ka so bele tanis no manya de’it? Se ita-boot…\nKALAN ne’e, kalan 12 Novembru. Hanesan tinan kotuk no tinan kotuk tan ba, sai ona kultura karik, lilin kiik sira…\nDadeer ne’e, lilin ho aifunan kór oioin hatuur tutuir malu ho liña rua iha Igreja oin. Ema lubuk ida forma…\nTersa, 31 Outubru 2017 10:30 Written by Martinha Gusmão\nBESI kabuar hadulas nia liman-fukun rua hanesan kelu ne’ebé tutan ba malu. Nia hakruk entre matan hirak ne’ebé fihir nia ho hirus. Matan balun ne’ebé hateke nia ho simpatia no seluk ne’ebé soe-matan ho siníku.\nKuarta, 25 Outubru 2017 11:17 Written by INDEPENDENTE\nSexta, 20 Outubru 2017 09:10 Written by Tomé Amado | [
"FORSA Armada ba Libertasaun Nasional (FALINTIL) sai nu'udar parte importante ida iha istoria Timor Leste.",
"Liu husi sira-nia luta no...",
"IHA LORON ne'eba ho brani tomak ne'ebe iha no konsensia ba luta naruk ne'ebe sei mai, Francisco Xavier do Amaral...",
"Bainhira Feto sai \"Mane liu Mane\" SEE mak dehan feto fraku (lemah)?",
"Laiha kbiit atu hasoru mane ka so bele tanis no manya de'it?",
"Se ita-boot...",
"KALAN ne'e, kalan 12 Novembru.",
"Hanesan tinan kotuk no tinan kotuk tan ba, sai ona kultura karik, lilin kiik sira...",
"Dadeer ne'e, lilin ho aifunan kor oioin hatuur tutuir malu ho lina rua iha Igreja oin.",
"Ema lubuk ida forma...",
"Tersa, 31 Outubru 2017 10:30 Written by Martinha Gusmao BESI kabuar hadulas nia liman-fukun rua hanesan kelu ne'ebe tutan ba malu.",
"Nia hakruk entre matan hirak ne'ebe fihir nia ho hirus.",
"Matan balun ne'ebe hateke nia ho simpatia no seluk ne'ebe soe-matan ho siniku.",
"Kuarta, 25 Outubru 2017 11:17 Written by INDEPENDENTE Sexta, 20 Outubru 2017 09:10 Written by Tome Amado"
] | [
"The National Liberation Armed Forces (FALINTIL) has become an important part of the East Timorese history."
"Through their own struggles and..."
"ON THAT DAY, with all his strength and consciousness for the long struggle ahead Francisco Xavier do Amaral..."
"When Feto becomes \"Mane liu Mane\" YOU say female fraku (weak)?"
"Do you have no power to face men or can only tans and males?"
"If it-boot..."
"This evening, November 12th."
"As in years past and future, it has become a culture of small candles...the little ones."
"On this day, candles and various choir lights will be set in two lines at the front of our church."
"A lot of people formed..."
"Tuesday, 31 October (20:48) Written by Martinha Gusmao BESI kabuar said his two hands were like a pair of shoes that are tightly tied to each other."
"He frowned between the eyes of those who gazed at him with curiosity."
"Some eyes looked at him with sympathy and others glanced cynically."
"Thursday, 25 October (Wednesday), the day after Independence Day is celebrated in Brazil. Written by Tome Amado on Friday:"
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La'o Hamutuk: Timor Post: Tamba Sa TL Tenki Deve\nTamba ne’e, La’o Hamutuk hare katak, importante tebes ba povo Timor-Leste tomak hodi hatene saida mak impaktu husi osan husi rai liur ba nia rai rasik no futuru ba sira nia jerasaun aban bain-rua nian. Governu Timor-Leste rasik tenke esplika ba nia povo rasik kona-ba razaun Governu hodi halao deve osan husi rai liur, oinsa Timor-Leste bele selu fila fali funan no osan inan husi deve ne’e iha futuru, no mos osan ida ne’ebe no husi ne’ebe mak atu uja hodi selu ba deve, tamba Timor-Leste rasik laiha fontes rendimentu seluk. Timor Leste hanesan nasaun ida ne’ebe depende makaas ba reseita minarai no Lei Fundu Minarai rasik, Artigo 20, hateten katak labele uza Fundu Minarai hanesan garantia ba deve.\nTamba ne’e iha loron 15 Abril 2010, oras tuku 09.00, La’o Hamutuk sei organiza enkontru publiku ida ho topiku “Tamba sa Timor-Leste tenke deve?/why should Timor-Leste go into debt?” iha Auditorium Liceu FKIP-UNTL. Orador iha enkontru publku ida ne’e mak Sra. Kristin Sundell, peritu ba impaktu deve nian iha nasaun terseiru mundu, Reprezentante husi Ministeriu Finansa, Rev. Fransisco Vasconcelhos, Presidente KKFP (Konseilu Konsultativu Fundu Petrolifeiru), no Sr. Juvinal Dias husi La’o Hamutuk.\nObjetivu husi enkontru publiku ida ne’e mak atu fahe informasaun kona-ba saida mak impaktu deve osan husi rai liur ba Timor-Leste iha futuru no atu hatene razaun estadu Timor-Leste atu ba deve, inklui mos atu fahe komparasaun esperiensia deve husi nasaun sira seluk nian.\nLa’o Hamutuk nudar organizasaun naun govermental ida ne’ebe halo monitorizasaun no fo análiza ba prosesu dezenvolvimentu Timor-Leste nian ho hanoin atu evita malisan rekursu, luta ba justisa ekonomia-sosial, promove soberania aihan Agrikultura, igualidade, justisa, boa-governasaun no nasaun ne’ebe demokratiku. No La’o Hamutuk disemina informasaun sira ne’e liu husi Buletin, Programa Radio, Enkontru Publiku no website (www.laohamutuk.org).\nAnonymous 15 April, 2011 18:15\nita nia governo tenque halo plano diak ida para labele usa demais riquesa naturais nebe mak importante ba futuru nacao nian, ida dalan barak para bele desenvolve ita nia ekonomia ,principalmente governo temque halo nia plania mento diak ba iha aria recurso Humanos nia , nao quer dizer manda ema sai deit mai eskola boot iha liur mas tenque hare mos campo do trabalho b ba estudante sira nebe mak acaba nia estudo, governo tenque controla produto nacional, negocio kiik ka boot tenque dikelole oleh pemerintah,hapara produto estrangeiro tama ilegalmente iha rai laran nebe mak mai halo ita nia produto lakon kolidade ho mercado hamate ita nia produto rai laran , sekarik envistemen estrageiro hakarak tama investe iha rai laran mai ho buat boot laos fali hanesan fan sasan ho restaurante tamba ida ne ita mos bele halo, estrangeiro ho investimento boot estado tenque , join 50 persen nia saham para masa kontrak hotu or ita nia ema pronto para cervisu mesak ita mak kaer mesak saham ne.bainhira buat hotu estado mak tangani povo ita sei hetan moris igualidade iha rai laran . agora ne buat hotu kiik boot ema privade mak kaer , nebe persaingan barak diak liu husik estado mak kaer hotu para ita hein ba cervisu deit .\nAnonymous 17 April, 2011 17:32\niha nacao ida nia laran para atu bele moris estabilidade diak tenque iha sector 3 mais importante 1,council ho varias deparmento em toda a destrito tarefa do council controlar populacao,representa pulacao e criar campo do trabalho , formar professionalismo, controlar fiscalizacao distrital. 2,inland revenew nebe trata numero contribuicao do desconto taxa trabalhador nacional, bonos familiar,beneficio ba crianca.husi numero de contribuicao ita bele hetan ema nia profil identitas, historia do trabalho passado e presente facilmente.3 job center. nebe iha departamento ho nia funcionamento barak. sector 3 ne tenque halai hamutuk em todo o destrito,ne fo vantagem diak iha area recursus hamenus hamenos soremento do populacao.ida idak moris iha nia destrito, la precisa halai concentraliza hotu iha dili.bainhira ita bo hamutuk iha fatin ida cemburu social ho concorencia ne barak e problema mos barak .\nAnonymous 09 September, 2011 20:15\nhatene katak ita nia rekursu naturais sei hotu, entaun hatene ba oinsa atu uza fundu minarai ida nee ho diak atu bele foo vantagen ba povo timor leste iha longa prazu nia laran, maibe ita sei lahalo buat ida, sekarik ema hakarak debe ita kualia tan saida, maibe hau hatene ema nebe`e tuur iha fatin aas liu santo sira ne`e mos hatene... sira mos hadomi leste mais keta egoita demais he,,, hahahhhaha | [
"La'o Hamutuk: Timor Post: Tamba Sa TL Tenki Deve Tamba ne'e, La'o Hamutuk hare katak, importante tebes ba povo Timor-Leste tomak hodi hatene saida mak impaktu husi osan husi rai liur ba nia rai rasik no futuru ba sira nia jerasaun aban bain-rua nian.",
"Governu Timor-Leste rasik tenke esplika ba nia povo rasik kona-ba razaun Governu hodi halao deve osan husi rai liur, oinsa Timor-Leste bele selu fila fali funan no osan inan husi deve ne'e iha futuru, no mos osan ida ne'ebe no husi ne'ebe mak atu uja hodi selu ba deve, tamba Timor-Leste rasik laiha fontes rendimentu seluk.",
"Timor Leste hanesan nasaun ida ne'ebe depende makaas ba reseita minarai no Lei Fundu Minarai rasik, Artigo 20, hateten katak labele uza Fundu Minarai hanesan garantia ba deve.",
"Tamba ne'e iha loron 15 Abril 2010, oras tuku 09.00, La'o Hamutuk sei organiza enkontru publiku ida ho topiku \"Tamba sa Timor-Leste tenke deve?/why should Timor-Leste go into debt?\" iha Auditorium Liceu FKIP-UNTL.",
"Orador iha enkontru publku ida ne'e mak Sra.",
"Kristin Sundell, peritu ba impaktu deve nian iha nasaun terseiru mundu, Reprezentante husi Ministeriu Finansa, Rev. Fransisco Vasconcelhos, Presidente KKFP (Konseilu Konsultativu Fundu Petrolifeiru), no Sr. Juvinal Dias husi La'o Hamutuk.",
"Objetivu husi enkontru publiku ida ne'e mak atu fahe informasaun kona-ba saida mak impaktu deve osan husi rai liur ba Timor-Leste iha futuru no atu hatene razaun estadu Timor-Leste atu ba deve, inklui mos atu fahe komparasaun esperiensia deve husi nasaun sira seluk nian.",
"La'o Hamutuk nudar organizasaun naun govermental ida ne'ebe halo monitorizasaun no fo analiza ba prosesu dezenvolvimentu Timor-Leste nian ho hanoin atu evita malisan rekursu, luta ba justisa ekonomia-sosial, promove soberania aihan Agrikultura, igualidade, justisa, boa-governasaun no nasaun ne'ebe demokratiku.",
"No La'o Hamutuk disemina informasaun sira ne'e liu husi Buletin, Programa Radio, Enkontru Publiku no website (www.laohamutuk.org).",
"Anonymous 15 April, 2011 18:15 ita nia governo tenque halo plano diak ida para labele usa demais riquesa naturais nebe mak importante ba futuru nacao nian, ida dalan barak para bele desenvolve ita nia ekonomia ,principalmente governo temque halo nia plania mento diak ba iha aria recurso Humanos nia , nao quer dizer manda ema sai deit mai eskola boot iha liur mas tenque hare mos campo do trabalho b ba estudante sira nebe mak acaba nia estudo, governo tenque controla produto nacional, negocio kiik ka boot tenque dikelole oleh pemerintah,hapara produto estrangeiro tama ilegalmente iha rai laran nebe mak mai halo ita nia produto lakon kolidade ho mercado hamate ita nia produto rai laran , sekarik envistemen estrageiro hakarak tama investe iha rai laran mai ho buat boot laos fali hanesan fan sasan ho restaurante tamba ida ne ita mos bele halo, estrangeiro ho investimento boot estado tenque , join 50 persen nia saham para masa kontrak hotu or ita nia ema pronto para cervisu mesak ita mak kaer mesak saham ne.bainhira buat hotu estado mak tangani povo ita sei hetan moris igualidade iha rai laran . agora ne buat hotu kiik boot ema privade mak kaer , nebe persaingan barak diak liu husik estado mak kaer hotu para ita hein ba cervisu deit .",
"Anonymous 17 April, 2011 17:32 iha nacao ida nia laran para atu bele moris estabilidade diak tenque iha sector 3 mais importante 1,council ho varias deparmento em toda a destrito tarefa do council controlar populacao,representa pulacao e criar campo do trabalho , formar professionalismo, controlar fiscalizacao distrital.",
"2,inland revenew nebe trata numero contribuicao do desconto taxa trabalhador nacional, bonos familiar,beneficio ba crianca.husi numero de contribuicao ita bele hetan ema nia profil identitas, historia do trabalho passado e presente facilmente.3 job center. nebe iha departamento ho nia funcionamento barak. sector 3 ne tenque halai hamutuk em todo o destrito,ne fo vantagem diak iha area recursus hamenus hamenos soremento do populacao.ida idak moris iha nia destrito, la precisa halai concentraliza hotu iha dili.bainhira ita bo hamutuk iha fatin ida cemburu social ho concorencia ne barak e problema mos barak .",
"Anonymous 09 September, 2011 20:15 hatene katak ita nia rekursu naturais sei hotu, entaun hatene ba oinsa atu uza fundu minarai ida nee ho diak atu bele foo vantagen ba povo timor leste iha longa prazu nia laran, maibe ita sei lahalo buat ida, sekarik ema hakarak debe ita kualia tan saida, maibe hau hatene ema nebe'e tuur iha fatin aas liu santo sira ne'e mos hatene... sira mos hadomi leste mais keta egoita demais he,,, hahahhhaha"
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"Therefore, La'o Hamutuk believes that it is very important for the entire Timor-Leste people to know what impact foreign money has on their own country and future of both generation."
"The Government of Timor-Leste itself must explain to its own people about the reasons for debt from abroad, how it will be able in future repay both interest and principal on this debts as well that money which is going into paying off these loans because there are no other sources."
"Timor-Leste is a country that depends heavily on mineral revenues and the Mineral Fund Act itself, Article 20 states it cannot be used as collateral for debt."
"Therefore, on April 15th (09:36) La'o Hamutuk will organize a public meeting with the topic \"Tamba sa Timor-Leste tenke deve?/why should Timór Leste go into debt?\" at Auditorium Liceu of FKIPP."
"The speaker at this public meeting is Mrs. Msgr Diane O'Brien, the President of Canada and Minister for International Cooperation"
"Kristin Sundell, an expert on the impact of debt in third world countries; Representative from Ministry for Finances (MFF); Rev. Fransisco Vasconcelhos President KKFP(Council Advisory Council Petroleum Fund) and Mr Juvinal Diaz La'o Hamutuk"
"The objective of this public meeting is to share information about the impact that foreign debt will have on Timor-Leste's future, and also know why it should be indebted. It was a good opportunity for us as well: we shared comparisons with other countries regarding their experience from borrowing money outside our own country;"
"La'o Hamutuk is a non-governmental organization that monitors and analyzes the development process in Timor Leste with an eye to avoiding resource misuse, fight for economic/social justice; promote food sovereignty agriculture equality Justice good governance democratic state."
"La'o Hamutuk disseminates this information through its newsletter, radio programme and public meeting as well the website (http://www.laohammuk-org)."
"Our government must make a good plan not to use too much natural wealth that is important for the future of our nation, one way many ways can develop your economy. mainly Government should do its planning well in human resources area does NOT mean send people out only school big overseas but also look at campo de trabalho b students who have completed their studies The gouvernement has control national product small or large businesses need be controlled by governemnt For foreign products come into illegal country which will cause us lose competitiveness and market kill you homemade produce Unless envistemen estrangeiro wants enter investing domestically comes with great things rather than like fan stuff restaurant because this we may as it could state tenque major investment Foreigners join all shareholding per cent his stock contractor if everything State takes care People We Will Get Equality Life In Country Now Everything Small Big Private Person Kaar All That Much Competition Is Better Let Us Wait To Cervisu Only"
"in a nation to live good stability there must be 3 most important sectors:1,council with several department throughout the district.the task of council is controlling population representing people and create work field form professionalism monitor distrital supervision"
"2,inland revenew that deals with the contribution number of national worker tax discounts family bonuses child benefit.with this contribution we can get a person' s profile identity history past and present easily job center where there are many department functioning sector three has to run together in all district it is good for resource area reduced less soremento do população if you live on his or her district not need concentrate everything at Dili when one place social cemburu concorencia ne lot problem too much time will be needed"
"Anonymous 09 September,12:45 am know that our natural resources will be exhausted so we have to use this mineral fund well in order for the people of east timors long term advantages. but it is not about anything unless somebody want debt us and what more they can do...but I understand those sitting at highest places also are aware....they love East Timor too just don't get egotistical hahahhhaha"
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Quinta-Feira, V Semana tempo Quaresma – Diocese de Dili\nDiocese de Dili > NOTÍCIAS > LETURA DIÁRIA > Quinta-Feira, V Semana tempo Quaresma\nQuinta-Feira, V Semana tempo Quaresma\nPrimeira Leitura Gen. 17. 3-9\nLia housi Livro Genesis\nIha loron hirak neba, Abraão monu taka oin ba rai. Hafoin Maromak lia tun ba nia nune’e: “Ne’e Ha’u Nia moruk ho ó: ó sei sai povo wa’in sira aman. Ó nia naran la’os teni Abrão; maibe Abraão mak ó nia naran, tan Ha’u sei halo ó sai nação barak sira nia aman. Ha’u sei halo ó bei-oan sira sura la bele; povo sira nia hun ba ó; housi ó sei sai liurai sira. Ha’u sei halo moruk ho ó ho ó nia bei-oan sira, housi derasaan ba derasaan. Moruk ne’e sei metin nafatin atu Ha’u sai ó nia Maromak no mós ó nia bei-oan sira nia Maromak, sira nebe tuir ó. Ha’u sei fó ba ó, hafoin, ba ó nia bei-oan sira mós, rai nebe ó tur hanesan ema la’o rai, rai Canaã tomak, atu sai ó nian nafatin. Ha’u mak sai Maromak ema hot-hotu nian”. Maromak lia tun teni ba Abraão: “Ó sei moris tuir Ha’u nia moruk, ó ho ó nia bei oan sira, housi derasan ba derasan”.\nSalmo Responsorial Sal. 104(105). 4-5, 6-7, 8-9 (R. 8a)\nRefrão : Na’i hanoin nafatin Nia lia moruk!!! Repete-se\nHanoin Na’i, hanoin Nia biit,\nBuka nafatin Nia futar oin.\nHanoin kmanek sira be Nia halo ona,\nNinia buat foun di’ak sira,\nNo liafuan sira housi Nia futar ibun. Refrão\nImi, bei-oan sira housi Abraão, Nia atan,\nImi, be Nia doben Jacob nia oan sira,\nNia liafuan mak lei iha rai-klaran tomak. Refrão\nNa’i hanoin nia lia moruk,\nLiafuan be Nia hakotu ba derasaan rihun ba rihun,\nMoruk be Nia halo ona ho Abraão,\nJuramento be Nia halo ona ho Isaac. Refrão\nRefrão : Hahi ba Ita, Jesus Cristo, Liurai glória rohan laek nian!!! Repete-se\nOhin imi rona karik Na’i nia lia, keta taka imi fuan. Refrão\nIha tempo neba, Jesus lia tun ba judeu sira nune’e: “Tebes, tebes duni, Ha’u dehan ba imi: ema se halo tuir Ha’u nia liafuan, nia sei la mate. Judeu sira hatan ba Nia: “Oras ne’e ami hare katak demónio iha duni ó laran. Abraão mate tiha ona; profeta sira mós hanesan, maibe ó fali dehan: ‘ema se halo tuir ha’u nia liafuan, nia sei la mate’. Ó kala boot liu fali ami aman Abraão nebe mate tiha ona? Profeta sira mós mate ona? Ó hakarak sai sé lós?” Jesus dehan teni ba sira: “Ha’u hahi karik Ha’u-An rasik, Ha’u nia hahi ne’e la folin buat ida. Ha’u Aman mak hahi Ha’u, Nia be imi hateten: ‘Nia ami nia Na’i Maromak!’ Maibe imi la hatene Nia. Ha’u mak hatene Nia. Ha’u dehan karik Ha’u la hatene Nia, Ha’u mos bosok-ten hanesan imi. Maibe Ha’u hatene Nia. Ha’u halo tuir Nia liafuan. Abraão, imi aman, haksolok hodi hanoin atu haré Ha’u nia loron; lós duni, nia haré ona loron ne’e hodi haksolok”. Judeu sira hateten ba Nia: “ Ó seida’uk iha tinan limanulu, ó haré ona Abraão?” Jesus hatan ba sira: “Tebes, tebes duni, Ha’u dehan ba imi; molok Abraão mosu, Ha’u iha”. Nune’e sira káer fatuk atu tuda Nia. Maibe Jesus helik-An tiha hodi sai housi templo.\nPrevious PostQuarta-Feira, V Semana tempo Quaresma Next PostD. VIRGILIO COMPLETA TINAN 2 SAGRAÇÃO BISPO NIAN | [
"Quinta-Feira, V Semana tempo Quaresma - Diocese de Dili Diocese de Dili > NOTICIAS > LETURA DIARIA > Quinta-Feira, V Semana tempo Quaresma Quinta-Feira, V Semana tempo Quaresma Primeira Leitura Gen. 17.",
"3-9 Lia housi Livro Genesis Iha loron hirak neba, Abraao monu taka oin ba rai.",
"Hafoin Maromak lia tun ba nia nune'e: \"Ne'e Ha'u Nia moruk ho o: o sei sai povo wa'in sira aman.",
"O nia naran la'os teni Abrao; maibe Abraao mak o nia naran, tan Ha'u sei halo o sai nacao barak sira nia aman.",
"Ha'u sei halo o bei-oan sira sura la bele; povo sira nia hun ba o; housi o sei sai liurai sira.",
"Ha'u sei halo moruk ho o ho o nia bei-oan sira, housi derasaan ba derasaan.",
"Moruk ne'e sei metin nafatin atu Ha'u sai o nia Maromak no mos o nia bei-oan sira nia Maromak, sira nebe tuir o.",
"Ha'u sei fo ba o, hafoin, ba o nia bei-oan sira mos, rai nebe o tur hanesan ema la'o rai, rai Canaa tomak, atu sai o nian nafatin.",
"Ha'u mak sai Maromak ema hot-hotu nian.\"",
"Maromak lia tun teni ba Abraao: \"O sei moris tuir Ha'u nia moruk, o ho o nia bei oan sira, housi derasan ba derasan.\"",
"Salmo Responsorial Sal.",
"104 (105).",
"4-5, 6-7, 8-9 (R. 8a) Refrao: Na'i hanoin nafatin Nia lia moruk!!!",
"Repete-se Hanoin Na'i, hanoin Nia biit, Buka nafatin Nia futar oin.",
"Hanoin kmanek sira be Nia halo ona, Ninia buat foun di'ak sira, No liafuan sira housi Nia futar ibun.",
"Refrao Imi, bei-oan sira housi Abraao, Nia atan, Imi, be Nia doben Jacob nia oan sira, Nia liafuan mak lei iha rai-klaran tomak.",
"Refrao Na'i hanoin nia lia moruk, Liafuan be Nia hakotu ba derasaan rihun ba rihun, Moruk be Nia halo ona ho Abraao, Juramento be Nia halo ona ho Isaac.",
"Refrao Refrao: Hahi ba Ita, Jesus Cristo, Liurai gloria rohan laek nian!!!",
"Repete-se Ohin imi rona karik Na'i nia lia, keta taka imi fuan.",
"Refrao Iha tempo neba, Jesus lia tun ba judeu sira nune'e: \"Tebes, tebes duni, Ha'u dehan ba imi: ema se halo tuir Ha'u nia liafuan, nia sei la mate.",
"Judeu sira hatan ba Nia: \"Oras ne'e ami hare katak demonio iha duni o laran.",
"Abraao mate tiha ona; profeta sira mos hanesan, maibe o fali dehan: 'ema se halo tuir ha'u nia liafuan, nia sei la mate'.",
"O kala boot liu fali ami aman Abraao nebe mate tiha ona?",
"Profeta sira mos mate ona?",
"O hakarak sai se los?\"",
"Jesus dehan teni ba sira: \"Ha'u hahi karik Ha'u-An rasik, Ha'u nia hahi ne'e la folin buat ida.",
"Ha'u Aman mak hahi Ha'u, Nia be imi hateten: 'Nia ami nia Na'i Maromak!'",
"Maibe imi la hatene Nia.",
"Ha'u mak hatene Nia.",
"Ha'u dehan karik Ha'u la hatene Nia, Ha'u mos bosok-ten hanesan imi.",
"Maibe Ha'u hatene Nia.",
"Ha'u halo tuir Nia liafuan.",
"Abraao, imi aman, haksolok hodi hanoin atu hare Ha'u nia loron; los duni, nia hare ona loron ne'e hodi haksolok.\"",
"Judeu sira hateten ba Nia: \" O seida'uk iha tinan limanulu, o hare ona Abraao?\"",
"Jesus hatan ba sira: \"Tebes, tebes duni, Ha'u dehan ba imi; molok Abraao mosu, Ha'u iha.\"",
"Nune'e sira kaer fatuk atu tuda Nia.",
"Maibe Jesus helik-An tiha hodi sai housi templo.",
"Previous PostQuarta-Feira, V Semana tempo Quaresma Next PostD.",
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"Thursday, 5th Week in Lent - Diocese of Dili Diocese di Timor Leste > NOTÍCIAS> DAILY READINGS: First Reading from Gen.17 | Daily reading for the first Sunday after Easter"
"3 And it came to pass in those days, that Abraham fell on his face."
"And God said to him, \"This is my covenant with you: You shall be a people of theirs."
"17:20 Therefore thy name shall not be called Abraham, but thou shalt have the title of Abram; for I will make you a father to many nations."
"And I will make the children of Benjamin to lament; and they shall rush unto you: from your midst kings are come forth."
"And I will make thee and thy offspring a plague, from age to generation."
"And I will be his God, and the god of your descendants who follow you."
"And I will give thee, and to thy seed after you: for thou art a sojourner in this land; all Canaan shall be your possession."
"I am the God of all men.\""
"God said to Abraham, \"You shall live by my law; you and your descendants from generations.\""
"Responsorial Psalm Ps."
"104 (2). pp. 95–86, and pgs:"
"Psalm 8:4-5,6a Refrain (R.) \"I will remember the Lord's word!\""
"Remember the LORD, remember His voice; seek his footsteps."
"Remember his great works, His new good deeds and the words of Him that speaks."
"Ye sons of Abraham his servant, and ye children Of Jacob His saint: in all the plain is read their word."
"The Lord has remembered his promise, the word that he made to thousands of millions: His pledge unto Abraham and an oath which He swore in Isaac."
"Refrao: Hail to thee, O Jesus Christ! Freer of heavenly glory!!!"
"Repete-se Ohin if ye hear the word of Jehovah, do not shut your hearts."
"Jesus therefore said to the Jews, Verily verily I say unto you: If any man keep my word in his heart and believe on him that sent me into this world; he shall not die."
"The Jews answered him, \"Now we know that you have a demon in yourselves."
"Abraham is dead, and the prophets also; but he says again: 'If any man keep my word He shall not taste of death.'"
"Is he greater than our father Abraham, who is dead?"
"Were the prophets killed? Did they die before Jesus Christ, or did all of them go to hell and be buried with him in heaven."
"Do you want to go out?\""
"Jesus said to them, \"If I loved myself my love would be of no value."
"My Father loveth me, of whom ye say: He is our Lord and God."
"But you do not know him. You haven't known Him, yet!"
"I know him."
"If I did not know him, then as you are liars so would also be me."
"But I know him. And he is my Son, whom you have loved.\""
"I have kept His word. He has given me the power to do what he says,"
"Abraham your father rejoiced that he would see my day; and indeed, He has seen this Day."
"The Jews therefore said unto him, Art thou not thirty years old? hast you seen Abraham?\""
"Jesus said unto them, Verily verily I say to you: Before Abraham was born am i."
"So they took up stones to strike him."
"But Jesus turned back and went out of the temple."
"Previous PostWednesday, 5th Week in Lent Next postD."
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AMP impede PR ba Indonezia\tFeatured\nWednesday, 24 October 2018 00:38\nIha parlamentu nasional tersa feira (23/10/2018) ne’e deputadu/a husi bankada governu AMP ne’ebé kompostu husi Partidu Libertasaun Popular (PLP), Partidu Congresu Nasionál ReconstruçãoTimorense (CNRT) no Partidu Kmanek Haburas Unidad\ne Nasionál Timor Oan (KHUNTO) vota kontra dala ida tán viazem prezidente da republika ba indonezia hodi partisipa iha Bali Forum.\nPedidu viazem prezidente da repúblika Francisco Guterres “Lu-Olo” ba Indonézia ne’ebé bankada do governu kansela mak “As sentimento à deslocação de sua Exelência o Presidente da Republica à República da Indonesia de 28 de outubro a 1 de novembro”.\nRezultadu votus husi deputadu sira bankada neen iha parlamentu nasional totál votus afavór sanulu-resin-sia, kontra tolunulu-resin-ida abstensaun zero. Husi rezultadu votasaun ne’e deputadu bankada opozisaun Fretilin PD sente triste ho desizaun politika ne’ebé la’o iha parlamentu nasional.\nDeputadu bankada opozisaun PD Adriano do Nascimento espresa, “Ita halo kanselamentu ba viazem Prezidente da Republika nia dala tolu tui-tuir malu, eh ema ne’ebé númeru um (nú. 10 iha Timor Leste). Maibé orgaun soberanu hanesan prezidente PN viazem ba liu ho livre/avontade”.\nReprezenta povu ne’e komenta, desizaun sira ne’ebé iha parlamentu ne’e\nladún di’ak ba povu no nasaun ida ne’e, tanba ita kria hela ábitu (sistema) ne’ebé sei lori komplikadu ba jerasaun foun sira tuir mai.\nEntertantu deputadu bankada Fretilin Antoninho Bianco mós halo deklarasaun de votus katak, “sentimentu odiu ba Fretilin no lidé istóriku ha’u foin sente agora. Ema ne’ebé odiu Xefi Estadu iha rai ida ne’e foin akontese eh iha mundu tomak foin akontese iha Timor”. (Oli)\nLast modified on Monday, 29 October 2018 11:17\nBerta ho Alkatiri troka hanoin ba seguransa sosial\nEstatistika hahu fó treinamentu molok halo sensus agrikultura\nMore in this category: « AMP impede PR ba Indonezia Lu Olo Prontu VIZITA ROMA Posibilidade AMP Vota Contra » | [
"AMP impede PR ba Indonezia Featured Wednesday, 24 October 2018 00:38 Iha parlamentu nasional tersa feira (23/10/2018) ne'e deputadu/a husi bankada governu AMP ne'ebe kompostu husi Partidu Libertasaun Popular (PLP), Partidu Congresu Nasional ReconstrucaoTimorense (CNRT) no Partidu Kmanek Haburas Unidad e Nasional Timor Oan (KHUNTO) vota kontra dala ida tan viazem prezidente da republika ba indonezia hodi partisipa iha Bali Forum.",
"Pedidu viazem prezidente da republika Francisco Guterres \"Lu-Olo\" ba Indonezia ne'ebe bankada do governu kansela mak \"As sentimento a deslocacao de sua Exelencia o Presidente da Republica a Republica da Indonesia de 28 de outubro a 1 de novembro.\"",
"Rezultadu votus husi deputadu sira bankada neen iha parlamentu nasional total votus afavor sanulu-resin-sia, kontra tolunulu-resin-ida abstensaun zero.",
"Husi rezultadu votasaun ne'e deputadu bankada opozisaun Fretilin PD sente triste ho desizaun politika ne'ebe la'o iha parlamentu nasional.",
"Deputadu bankada opozisaun PD Adriano do Nascimento espresa, \"Ita halo kanselamentu ba viazem Prezidente da Republika nia dala tolu tui-tuir malu, eh ema ne'ebe numeru um (nu.",
"10 iha Timor Leste).",
"Maibe orgaun soberanu hanesan prezidente PN viazem ba liu ho livre/avontade.\"",
"Reprezenta povu ne'e komenta, desizaun sira ne'ebe iha parlamentu ne'e ladun di'ak ba povu no nasaun ida ne'e, tanba ita kria hela abitu (sistema) ne'ebe sei lori komplikadu ba jerasaun foun sira tuir mai.",
"Entertantu deputadu bankada Fretilin Antoninho Bianco mos halo deklarasaun de votus katak, \"sentimentu odiu ba Fretilin no lide istoriku ha'u foin sente agora.",
"Ema ne'ebe odiu Xefi Estadu iha rai ida ne'e foin akontese eh iha mundu tomak foin akontese iha Timor.\"",
"(Oli) Last modified on Monday, 29 October 2018 11:17 Berta ho Alkatiri troka hanoin ba seguransa sosial Estatistika hahu fo treinamentu molok halo sensus agrikultura More in this category: \" AMP impede PR ba Indonezia Lu Olo Prontu VIZITA ROMA Posibilidade AMP Vota Contra \""
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"AMP impede PR to Indonesia Featured Wednesday, October24th.10:38PM In the national parliament on Tuesday (October) this MP/a from government group of APC which is composed by Partido Libertasaun Popular(PLP), Partidu Congresu Nasional ReconstrucaoTimorense-CNRT and Parti Kmanek Haburas Unidade e Nacional Timor Oan -KHUNTO voted against once again President da República visiting indonesia for participation in Bali Forum"
"The request for the trip of President Francisco Guterres \"Lu-Olo\" to Indonesia, which was cancelled by government cabinet is: “The sentiments regarding his Excellency' s visit as president and Prime Minister (of Portugal) from October 28th – November1st.”"
"The result of the votes by all nine group members in national parliament was a total 109-in favour, against thirteen and one abstentions."
"From the outcome of this vote, MEPs from opposition party Fretilin PD feel sad with political decision that is going on in national parliament."
"Opposition MP Adriano do Nascimento expressed, \"We have cancel the trip of President da República for three times to visit each other and he is number one (no."
"10 in East Timor)."
"But a sovereign body such as the president of Parliament can go on with his/her free will.\""
"The representative of the people commented that decisions in this parliament are not good for our country and its citizens, because we're creating an habit (system) which will bring complications to future generation."
"Meanwhile, Fretilin party MP Antoninho Bianco also made a vote declaration saying that \"the feeling of hatred for FRETILIN and the historical lide I have just felt."
"People who hate the Head of State in this country have never happened before, and it has not been seen anywhere else.\""
"(Oli) Last modified on Monday, 29 October-01:57 PM Berta and Alkatiri exchange views about social security Statistics begin training before conducting the agriculture census More in this category \" AMP prevent PR to Indonesia Lu Olo Ready VIZITA ROMA Possibility of Voting Against it\""
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Governu aprezenta segmentasaun Fundu Petrolíferu ba Parlamentu Nasionál | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste\nVARANDA EKONOMIA Governu aprezenta segmentasaun Fundu Petrolíferu ba Parlamentu Nasionál\nDILI, 05 outubru 2021 (TATOLI)–Governu liuhosi Ministru Finansa, Rui Augusto Gomes, tersa ne’e aprezenta segmentasaun Fundu Petrolíferu (FP) ba Parlamentu Nasionál.\nRui Augusto Gomes aprezenta segmentasaun Fundu Petrolíferu ne’e ho tópiku haat kompostu hosi enkuadramentu fiskál orijinál no estratéjia investimentu, dezáfiu sira, segmentasaun Fundu hodi jere risku investimentu no materiál suplementár.\nEnkuadramentu fiskál orijinál no estratéjia investimentu\nMinistru Finansa, Rui Gomes esplika enkuadramentu fiskál orijinál no estratéjia investimentu liuhosi enkuadramentu fundu permanente ho objetivu rua, ida finánsia despeza Governu, rua halo poupansa ba jerasaun future sira.\nNune’e mós haktuir abordajen rendimentu permanente, levantamentu limita ba de’it retornu reál esperadu ka sei hetan hosi investimentu. RSE maka 3% entaun estratéjia investimentu permanente ho alokasaun 40% iha asaun (equities) opta hodi hetan retornu reál 3%.\nModelu ida-ne’e prezerva valór reál hosi SWF no fó perfil levantamentu hanesan uniforme hodi fó benefísiu ba jerasaun atuál no futuru sira. Nune’e, sei rezulta iha futuru ida sustentável ba tempu naruk nomoos ekidade interjenerasionál.\nTimor-Leste hasoru dezáfiu tanba levantamentu fundu minarai iha orsamentu kada tinan fiskál aas-liu Rendimentu Sustentável Estimadu (RSE). Levantamentu aas-liu RSE kada tinan dezde 2009, ho médiu 5% hosi rikusoin minarai (petroleum wealth) no 8% hosi fundu.\nGovernante ne’e haktuir, médiu levantamentu dezde 2009 maka millaun $984 no biliaun $1,032 iha tinan 5 kotuk nia laran, no levantamentu entre 2018-2020 kiik ka tún tanba iha situasaun polítiku no aplikasaun rejime duodesimál.\nNune’e mós levantamentu aprovadu ba 2021 mak aas-liu ona (kompara ho tinan sira seluk) intermu rikusoin minarai.\nTanba ne’e retornu investimentu esperadu sei ki’ik ka tún tanba retornu realizadu besik ho objetivu retornu reál 3%. Dezde inísiu, retornu investimentu mak 4.94% p.a (por ano) ka 2.86% p.a hafoin hasai tiha inflasaun Estadu Unida Amérika (EUA) nian.\nMaibé, retornu esperadu agora ki’ik ka tún tanba taxa de juro globál ne’ebé kiik loos. Konforme konsultór independente ida, retornu esperadu nominál ba tinan 10 tuir mai hosi alokasaun 35% iha asaun maka 2.5% de’it. Iha kazu ida-ne’e, RSE loloos maka 0.5% ka millaun 95 hosi fundu biliaun $19.\nNia fó-sai katak, reseita minarai tún no besik atu hotu ona tanba reseita hosi mina gás piku iha 2012 no reseita minarai iha futuru maizumenus millaun $200.\n“Previzaun ida-ne’e la inklui Greater Sunrise ka kampu potensiál sira seluk. Kondisaun atuál halo potensiál hirak-ne’e nia momentu (timing) no valór inserteza,” nia akresenta.\nMaibé, nia dehan, fundu sa’e iha tempu reseita minarai aas tanba reseita minarai mak taka diferensa entre levantamentu no retornu investimentu nune’e fundu kontinua sa’e. Ne’e kauza hosi balansu fundu planaltu ka tetuk dezde reseita tún maka’as iha tinan 2014-2015. Valór fundu sa’e iha tinan 2019 no 2020 fefleta levantamentu ki’ik no retornu investimentu aas (liu médiu).\nMinistru Rui Gomes halo previzaun katak, fundu projetadu sei tún iha tinan sira tuir mai ne’e tanba reseita minarai iha futuru ki’ik (presu mina no produsaun tún), retornu invesimentu ne’ebé inserteza no levantamentu boot ka aas, hamosu dúvida kona-bá fundu nia sustentabilidade ba tempu naruk.\n“Balansu fundu sei tún tanba levantamentu boot liu retornu investimentu aumenta ho reseita minarai. Nune’e, presiza iha mudansa estratéjia investimentu hodi jere risku iha Fundu Petrolíferu nia investimentu,” nia dehan.\nSegmentasaun fundu hodi jere risku investimentu\nMinistru Finansa argumenta, atu jere risku ne’e tenke liuhosi asaun ne’ebé presiza orizonte tempu ida naruk, katak asaun iha posibilidade aas atu hetan lakon ka perda iha investimentu ho orizonte badak.\nTanba ne’e presiza orizonte naruk atubele fiar-aan (konfiante) atu hetan retornu aas hosi asaun.\n“Hahú 2010, fundu nia alokasaun iha asaun determinadu ho presumsaun katak fundu iha orizonte ida naruk loos. Maibé, estratéjia ida-ne’e presiza halo revizaun ona tanba iha espetasaun ba investimentu boot ka aas no fundu nia finalidade,” nia hateten.\nNia fó ezemplu hosi sekuénsia ba risku, katak sekuénsia ka orden hosi retornu sei la afeta ba valór finál hosi rikusoin (wealth) enkuantu laiha fluxu kaixa sai levantamentu. Maibé sekuénsia hosi retornu ne’e importante iha períodu la’ós-kumulasaun (decumulation).\nIha situasaun aat liu bainhira akontese merkadu asaun monu ka krize iha inísiu. Fa’an asaun iha tempu krize hodi finánsia levantamentu sei realiza (xave) lakon hirak-ne’e, nune’e habadak fundu nia moris.\n“Sekuénsia ba risku bele jere ho hamenus risku no kaer de’it karteira likidu, ativu sira ho risku kiik hodi finánsia levantamentu esperadu,” nia hateten.\nNia fundamenta, materiál suplementár liuhosi enkuadramentu atuál presiza muda tanba enkuadramentu orijinál la serve ona nune’e enkuadramentu foun enkoraza planeamentu fiskál ba periódu tinan tolu nian.\n“Fundu nia balansu sei tún. Fundu sei hotu anaunser (a não ser) iha mudansa iha polítika fiskál ka iha reseita minarai boot ka signifikante. Reseita aumenta iha 2019 no 2020 ne’e sorte di’ak hetan retornu aas nomoos limitasaun temporária iha levantamentu, tanba ne’e risku investimentu tenke hamenus imediatamente,” nia esplika.\nAtu fó solusaun entaun kada portafóliu tenke iha objetivu klaru nune’e enkuadramentu ho dinámiku no ajusta ho projesaun levantamentu foun sira iha tinan fiskál tuir mai.\nAsaun ne’ebé atu fó retornu esperadu aas maibé ho risku ne’ebé aas mós tanba asaun (equity) fó retornu esperadu aas liu duké títulu (bond), maibé ho risku mós aas liu.\nNia haktuir, retornu investimentu fundu petrolíferu liuhosi volatilidade nia retornu sa’e tanba pezu asaun aumenta ne’ebé atinje 40% iha 2014 maibé fundu petrolíferu benefísia hosi retornu asaun ne’ebé di’ak ka aas iha 2019 no 2020.\n“Médiu hosi rendimentu ka retornu investimentu kada tinan dezde 2015 maka millaun $956,” nia hateten.\nMaske nune’e, Bankada Congresso Nacional de Reconstrução de Timorense (CNRT), Deputada Maria Fernanda lay, hateten Governu tenke informa loloos segmentasaun fundu ne’e ba Parlamentu Nasionál.\n“Se iha 2011 ita la diversifika fundu petrolíferu entaun ita-nia osan lato’o hanesan ministru temi biliaun $19 ne’e,” Eis Prezidente Komisaun C (Finansa Públika) ne’e hateten.\nPrevious articleSPTL husu Governu fó tratamentu dignu ba profesór\nNext articleMinistru Fidelis enkoraja komunidade Holsa simu Vasina kontra Covid-19 | [
"Governu aprezenta segmentasaun Fundu Petroliferu ba Parlamentu Nasional | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA EKONOMIA Governu aprezenta segmentasaun Fundu Petroliferu ba Parlamentu Nasional DILI, 05 outubru 2021 (TATOLI) -Governu liuhosi Ministru Finansa, Rui Augusto Gomes, tersa ne'e aprezenta segmentasaun Fundu Petroliferu (FP) ba Parlamentu Nasional.",
"Rui Augusto Gomes aprezenta segmentasaun Fundu Petroliferu ne'e ho topiku haat kompostu hosi enkuadramentu fiskal orijinal no estratejia investimentu, dezafiu sira, segmentasaun Fundu hodi jere risku investimentu no material suplementar.",
"Enkuadramentu fiskal orijinal no estratejia investimentu Ministru Finansa, Rui Gomes esplika enkuadramentu fiskal orijinal no estratejia investimentu liuhosi enkuadramentu fundu permanente ho objetivu rua, ida finansia despeza Governu, rua halo poupansa ba jerasaun future sira.",
"Nune'e mos haktuir abordajen rendimentu permanente, levantamentu limita ba de'it retornu real esperadu ka sei hetan hosi investimentu.",
"RSE maka 3% entaun estratejia investimentu permanente ho alokasaun 40% iha asaun (equities) opta hodi hetan retornu real 3%.",
"Modelu ida-ne'e prezerva valor real hosi SWF no fo perfil levantamentu hanesan uniforme hodi fo benefisiu ba jerasaun atual no futuru sira.",
"Nune'e, sei rezulta iha futuru ida sustentavel ba tempu naruk nomoos ekidade interjenerasional.",
"Timor-Leste hasoru dezafiu tanba levantamentu fundu minarai iha orsamentu kada tinan fiskal aas-liu Rendimentu Sustentavel Estimadu (RSE).",
"Levantamentu aas-liu RSE kada tinan dezde 2009, ho mediu 5% hosi rikusoin minarai (petroleum wealth) no 8% hosi fundu.",
"Governante ne'e haktuir, mediu levantamentu dezde 2009 maka millaun $984 no biliaun $1,032 iha tinan 5 kotuk nia laran, no levantamentu entre 2018-2020 kiik ka tun tanba iha situasaun politiku no aplikasaun rejime duodesimal.",
"Nune'e mos levantamentu aprovadu ba 2021 mak aas-liu ona (kompara ho tinan sira seluk) intermu rikusoin minarai.",
"Tanba ne'e retornu investimentu esperadu sei ki'ik ka tun tanba retornu realizadu besik ho objetivu retornu real 3%.",
"Dezde inisiu, retornu investimentu mak 4.94% p.a (por ano) ka 2.86% p.a hafoin hasai tiha inflasaun Estadu Unida Amerika (EUA) nian.",
"Maibe, retornu esperadu agora ki'ik ka tun tanba taxa de juro global ne'ebe kiik loos.",
"Konforme konsultor independente ida, retornu esperadu nominal ba tinan 10 tuir mai hosi alokasaun 35% iha asaun maka 2.5% de'it.",
"Iha kazu ida-ne'e, RSE loloos maka 0.5% ka millaun 95 hosi fundu biliaun $19.",
"Nia fo-sai katak, reseita minarai tun no besik atu hotu ona tanba reseita hosi mina gas piku iha 2012 no reseita minarai iha futuru maizumenus millaun $200.",
"\"Previzaun ida-ne'e la inklui Greater Sunrise ka kampu potensial sira seluk.",
"Kondisaun atual halo potensial hirak-ne'e nia momentu (timing) no valor inserteza,\" nia akresenta.",
"Maibe, nia dehan, fundu sa'e iha tempu reseita minarai aas tanba reseita minarai mak taka diferensa entre levantamentu no retornu investimentu nune'e fundu kontinua sa'e.",
"Ne'e kauza hosi balansu fundu planaltu ka tetuk dezde reseita tun maka'as iha tinan 2014-2015.",
"Valor fundu sa'e iha tinan 2019 no 2020 fefleta levantamentu ki'ik no retornu investimentu aas (liu mediu).",
"Ministru Rui Gomes halo previzaun katak, fundu projetadu sei tun iha tinan sira tuir mai ne'e tanba reseita minarai iha futuru ki'ik (presu mina no produsaun tun), retornu invesimentu ne'ebe inserteza no levantamentu boot ka aas, hamosu duvida kona-ba fundu nia sustentabilidade ba tempu naruk.",
"\"Balansu fundu sei tun tanba levantamentu boot liu retornu investimentu aumenta ho reseita minarai.",
"Nune'e, presiza iha mudansa estratejia investimentu hodi jere risku iha Fundu Petroliferu nia investimentu,\" nia dehan.",
"Segmentasaun fundu hodi jere risku investimentu Ministru Finansa argumenta, atu jere risku ne'e tenke liuhosi asaun ne'ebe presiza orizonte tempu ida naruk, katak asaun iha posibilidade aas atu hetan lakon ka perda iha investimentu ho orizonte badak.",
"Tanba ne'e presiza orizonte naruk atubele fiar-aan (konfiante) atu hetan retornu aas hosi asaun.",
"\"Hahu 2010, fundu nia alokasaun iha asaun determinadu ho presumsaun katak fundu iha orizonte ida naruk loos.",
"Maibe, estratejia ida-ne'e presiza halo revizaun ona tanba iha espetasaun ba investimentu boot ka aas no fundu nia finalidade,\" nia hateten.",
"Nia fo ezemplu hosi sekuensia ba risku, katak sekuensia ka orden hosi retornu sei la afeta ba valor final hosi rikusoin (wealth) enkuantu laiha fluxu kaixa sai levantamentu.",
"Maibe sekuensia hosi retornu ne'e importante iha periodu la'os-kumulasaun (decumulation).",
"Iha situasaun aat liu bainhira akontese merkadu asaun monu ka krize iha inisiu.",
"Fa'an asaun iha tempu krize hodi finansia levantamentu sei realiza (xave) lakon hirak-ne'e, nune'e habadak fundu nia moris.",
"\"Sekuensia ba risku bele jere ho hamenus risku no kaer de'it karteira likidu, ativu sira ho risku kiik hodi finansia levantamentu esperadu,\" nia hateten.",
"Nia fundamenta, material suplementar liuhosi enkuadramentu atual presiza muda tanba enkuadramentu orijinal la serve ona nune'e enkuadramentu foun enkoraza planeamentu fiskal ba periodu tinan tolu nian.",
"\"Fundu nia balansu sei tun.",
"Fundu sei hotu anaunser (a nao ser) iha mudansa iha politika fiskal ka iha reseita minarai boot ka signifikante.",
"Reseita aumenta iha 2019 no 2020 ne'e sorte di'ak hetan retornu aas nomoos limitasaun temporaria iha levantamentu, tanba ne'e risku investimentu tenke hamenus imediatamente,\" nia esplika.",
"Atu fo solusaun entaun kada portafoliu tenke iha objetivu klaru nune'e enkuadramentu ho dinamiku no ajusta ho projesaun levantamentu foun sira iha tinan fiskal tuir mai.",
"Asaun ne'ebe atu fo retornu esperadu aas maibe ho risku ne'ebe aas mos tanba asaun (equity) fo retornu esperadu aas liu duke titulu (bond), maibe ho risku mos aas liu.",
"Nia haktuir, retornu investimentu fundu petroliferu liuhosi volatilidade nia retornu sa'e tanba pezu asaun aumenta ne'ebe atinje 40% iha 2014 maibe fundu petroliferu benefisia hosi retornu asaun ne'ebe di'ak ka aas iha 2019 no 2020.",
"\"Mediu hosi rendimentu ka retornu investimentu kada tinan dezde 2015 maka millaun $956,\" nia hateten.",
"Maske nune'e, Bankada Congresso Nacional de Reconstrucao de Timorense (CNRT), Deputada Maria Fernanda lay, hateten Governu tenke informa loloos segmentasaun fundu ne'e ba Parlamentu Nasional.",
"\"Se iha 2011 ita la diversifika fundu petroliferu entaun ita-nia osan lato'o hanesan ministru temi biliaun $19 ne'e,\" Eis Prezidente Komisaun C (Finansa Publika) ne'e hateten.",
"Previous articleSPTL husu Governu fo tratamentu dignu ba profesor Next articleMinistru Fidelis enkoraja komunidade Holsa simu Vasina kontra Covid-19"
] | [
"Government presents segmentation of Petroleum Fund to National Parliament | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA EKONOMIA The government presented the Petroliferu fund' s (PF) Segmentation Plan for national parliament Dili, October.05th - Through Finance Minister Rui Augusto Gomet on Tuesday this month has submitted a proposal regarding PF Segmentalization Program and its implementation plans in relation with sectoral priorities that are being addressed by PM Taur Matan Ruak as he is headin’ his cabinet meeting today at Primeira Casa do Parlamento Nacional(PN)."
"Rui Augusto Gomes presented the segmentation of this Petroleum Fund with four themes composed by original fiscal framework and investment strategy, challenges to be met in its implementation; fund' s Segmentation for managing risk on investing as well a supplementary material."
"The Minister of Finance, Rui Gomes explained the original fiscal framework and investment strategy through a permanent fund with two objective: one to finance government spending while saving for future generation."
"Similarly, in accordance with the permanent return approach (PER), raising is limited to only real expected or obtainable revenue from investment."
"CSR is 3%, so a permanent investment strategy with an allocation of about the same amount in equities would opt to achieve real returns at around three percent."
"This model preserves the real value of SWFs and provides a uniform survey profile to benefit current as well As future generation."
"Thus, it will result in a long-term sustainable future and intergenerational equity."
"Timor-Leste faces a challenge because the raising of mineral funds in each fiscal year' s budget is above Estimated Sustainable Return (ESR)."
"CSR has been raising the highest annually since 2019, averaging about five percent of petroleum and eighteen percentage points from funds."
"The governor said that the average collection since 2019 was $3.5 billion and over five years, it has been up to US$864 million; in addition he noted a decline of collected amounts between year-end reporting period (between January - June) due both political situation as well with application from December until March for two months each time because they are not being used by government agencies or other entities which have their own accountability system at all times:"
"Also, the approved survey for 2019 is much higher (comparing to other years) than that of mineral resources."
"Therefore, the expected return on investment will be low or decline because realized yields are close to a targeted real-time profit rate of about three percent."
"Since its inception, the return on investment has been 4.95% p/a (per annum) or a net of US inflation rate adjusted toward it is currently at about -20%."
"However, expected returns are now low or falling due to the real global interest rate."
"According to an independent consultant, the nominal expected return over a ten-year period from allocating only one third of your assets in stock is just about $2.5%."
"In this case, the actual CSR would be 0.5% or $96 million of a total fund sized at about US$18 billion (USD)"
"He said that mineral revenues are falling and nearing a standstill because oil & gas peak in 2013, with future mining incomes estimated at about $45 billion."
"\"This forecast does not include Greater Sunrise or other potential fields."
"The current conditions make the timing and value of these potentials inseparable,\" he added."
"However, he said that the funds are rising at a time of high mineral revenues because mine incomes cover up for difference between raise and return on investment so they continue to grow."
"This is due to a flat or fat fund balance since revenue fell sharply in 2014-5."
"The fund's rising value in 2019 and for the year to come will be characterized by low raises, high (rather than medium) return on investment."
"Minister Rui Gomes predicted that the projected fund would decrease in coming years because of low future mineral revenues (falling oil prices and production), return on inserted investment, large or high withdrawals raising doubts about its long-term sustainability."
"\"Fund balance sheets will decline as larger withdrawals increase return on investment with mineral revenues."
"Therefore, a change in investment strategy is needed to manage the risk of Petroleum Fund's investing activities.\""
"Fund segmentation to manage investment risk The Minister of Finance argues that, in order for the managing such a Risk must be through actions requiring long-term horizons. That is action with high probability on loss or losses from shorter term investing Horizontes de Investimento"
"Therefore, a long-term horizon is needed to be confident in achieving high returns on investment."
"\"Since 2015, the fund's allocation in share is determined with an assumption that it has a fairly long horizon."
"However, this strategy needs to be revised because there are expectations for large or high investments and the purpose of funds\", he said."
"He gave an example of a sequence for risk, that the order or succession in which returns occur will not affect your final wealth as long there is no cash flow from raising."
"But the sequence of returns is important in non-decumulation period."
"The situation is worse when a stock market crash or crisis occurs in the beginning."
"Selling shares during a crisis to finance the raise will realize (jave) these losses, thereby destroying his fund."
"\"Sequence to risk can be managed by reducing the level of exposure and keeping only liquid, low-risk assets in portfolio for funding anticipated raises.\""
"He argues that supplementary material through the current framework needs to be changed because of its inadequacy, so a new one encourages fiscal planning for three years."
"\"The fund's balance sheet will be tuned."
"The Fund will all anaunser (or not be) a change in fiscal policy or major, significant mineral revenues."
"Revenue increases in 2019 and the good fortune of having high return on investment, but also temporary limitations to raising revenue from this sector. Therefore it is necessary immediately reduce risk.\""
"In order to provide solutions, each portfolio must have clear objectives so that it can be framed with dynamism and adjusts itself accordingly."
"Stocks are expected to give a high return but with higher risk because equity gives an increased expectation of yield than bond, yet is also more risky."
"According to him, the return on investment of oil funds through volatility increased because their equity weighting reached 40% in a year as late-21st century but they benefited from good or higher shares' yield for both years."
"\"The average yield or return on investment each year since 2015 has been $96 million,\" he said."
"However, the Congresso Nacional de Reconstrucaon do Timorense (CNRT) Group's deputy Maria Fernanda Lay said that government should correctly inform Parliament of this fund segmentation."
"\"If we do not diversify the oil fund in 2013, then our money isn't going to be enough as a minister said it was worth $5 billion.\" The former Chairman of Commission C (Public Finance) says."
"Previous articleSPTL asks the Government to treat teachers with dignity Next ArticleMinister Fidelis encourages Holsa community get Covid-19 vaccine"
] |
DNTSR-DNTT la tolera motorista-pasajeiru fuma-sigaru iha karreta laran | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste\nVARANDA DILI DNTSR-DNTT la tolera motorista-pasajeiru fuma-sigaru iha karreta laran\nDILI, 17 juñu 2021 (TATOLI)—Komandu Jerál, Polisia Nasionál Timor-Leste (PNTL), orienta ona Diresaun Nasionál Tránzitu no Seguransa Rodoviária (DNTSR), atu koordena ho Diresaun Nasionál Transporte no Terrestre (DNTT), hodi reativa operasaun no la tolera motorista ho pasajeirus ne’ebé fuma-sigarru iha karreta laran inklui fatin públiku.\nPortavóz Komandu Jerál PNTL, Superintendente Xefe, Arnaldo de Araújo rekoñese implemententasaun regra kontrolu no bandu fuma-sigarru ne’ebé lansa ona iha tinan 2020 serbisu ne’e paradu, tanba PNTL no Ministériu Saúde foka ba kombate COVID-19.\nNotísia relevante:Governu hakotu konfinamentu domisiliáriu no autoriza hikas movimentu transporte públiku\n“Regra bandu motorista no pasajerus-sira fuma-sigarru iha karreta laran, ita lansa tiha ona. Tanba ne’e, ita sei reativa fila-fali operasaun, hodi aviza nafatin ba motorista-sira atu kumpre regra ne’e. Se mak la kumpre ita sei fó sansaun tuir lei,” Arnaldo de Araújo hateten ba jornalista-sira iha Komandu Jerál PNTL, Caicoli, kinta ne’e.\nNia dehan, parte DNTSR-DNTT sei halo kontrolu ho rigór ba motorista-sira, bainhira detekta kontra regra ne’e maka sei halo apreensaun hodi fó tikete atu selu infrasaun.\nKona-bá ajenda operasaun, PNTL sei koordena ho ekipa Ministériu Saúde no Organizasaun Naun Govermentál (ONG), atu kontinua sosializa regra ba komunidade kona-bá efetu hosi fuma-sigarru iha fatin públiku.\nGovernu Timor-Leste prodús ona rejime kontrolu tabaku ho númeru 14/2009 ne’ebé la’ós de’it vale ba vendedór-sira, maibé mós ba fumadór.\nRejime ne’e ko’alia mós oinsá fumadór-sira tenke komporta tuir rejime jurídiku-ne’e, bainhira atu fuma karik tenke haree didi’ak fatin, labele fuma iha fatin públiku, liuliu bainhira sa’e transporte públiku.\nGovernu liuhosi reuniaun Konsellu Ministru (KM) iha kuarta (16/06) deside hakotu konfinamentu domisiliáriu jerál iha munisípiu Dili, maibé renova hikas Serka Sanitária, nune’e bele fó fleksibilidade ba movimentu transporte públiku.\nPrevious articleAutoridade RAEOA prepara kuarentena ba Atoni-oan hosi Dili\nNext articleXefe suku Kaibada prioritiza hadi’a irrigasaun no estrada rurál | [
"DNTSR-DNTT la tolera motorista-pasajeiru fuma-sigaru iha karreta laran | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA DILI DNTSR-DNTT la tolera motorista-pasajeiru fuma-sigaru iha karreta laran DILI, 17 junu 2021 (TATOLI) - Komandu Jeral, Polisia Nasional Timor-Leste (PNTL), orienta ona Diresaun Nasional Tranzitu no Seguransa Rodoviaria (DNTSR), atu koordena ho Diresaun Nasional Transporte no Terrestre (DNTT), hodi reativa operasaun no la tolera motorista ho pasajeirus ne'ebe fuma-sigarru iha karreta laran inklui fatin publiku.",
"Portavoz Komandu Jeral PNTL, Superintendente Xefe, Arnaldo de Araujo rekonese implemententasaun regra kontrolu no bandu fuma-sigarru ne'ebe lansa ona iha tinan 2020 serbisu ne'e paradu, tanba PNTL no Ministeriu Saude foka ba kombate COVID-19.",
"Notisia relevante:Governu hakotu konfinamentu domisiliariu no autoriza hikas movimentu transporte publiku \"Regra bandu motorista no pasajerus-sira fuma-sigarru iha karreta laran, ita lansa tiha ona.",
"Tanba ne'e, ita sei reativa fila-fali operasaun, hodi aviza nafatin ba motorista-sira atu kumpre regra ne'e.",
"Se mak la kumpre ita sei fo sansaun tuir lei,\" Arnaldo de Araujo hateten ba jornalista-sira iha Komandu Jeral PNTL, Caicoli, kinta ne'e.",
"Nia dehan, parte DNTSR-DNTT sei halo kontrolu ho rigor ba motorista-sira, bainhira detekta kontra regra ne'e maka sei halo apreensaun hodi fo tikete atu selu infrasaun.",
"Kona-ba ajenda operasaun, PNTL sei koordena ho ekipa Ministeriu Saude no Organizasaun Naun Govermental (ONG), atu kontinua sosializa regra ba komunidade kona-ba efetu hosi fuma-sigarru iha fatin publiku.",
"Governu Timor-Leste produs ona rejime kontrolu tabaku ho numeru 14/2009 ne'ebe la'os de'it vale ba vendedor-sira, maibe mos ba fumador.",
"Rejime ne'e ko'alia mos oinsa fumador-sira tenke komporta tuir rejime juridiku-ne'e, bainhira atu fuma karik tenke haree didi'ak fatin, labele fuma iha fatin publiku, liuliu bainhira sa'e transporte publiku.",
"Governu liuhosi reuniaun Konsellu Ministru (KM) iha kuarta (16/06) deside hakotu konfinamentu domisiliariu jeral iha munisipiu Dili, maibe renova hikas Serka Sanitaria, nune'e bele fo fleksibilidade ba movimentu transporte publiku.",
"Previous articleAutoridade RAEOA prepara kuarentena ba Atoni-oan hosi Dili Next articleXefe suku Kaibada prioritiza hadi'a irrigasaun no estrada rural"
] | [
"DNTSR-DNTT la tolera motorista -pasajeiru fuma sigarú iha karreta | Agência Noticiosa de Timor Lorosa'e VARANDA DILI The General Command of the National Police (PNTL) has instructed Diresaun Nasional Tranzitu no Seguransa Rodoviaria, or \"National Directorate for Transit and Road Safety\" in coordination with Direction Nacional Transportes e Terrestre (\"Directorate on Land transportation\") that they must reactivated operations. They will not tolerate drivers who smoke cigarettes inside cars including public places as well; there is also a prohibited area where passengers can have their own tobacco products at any time during operational hours when travelling by road.\""
"PNTL General Command Spokesman, Chief Superintendent Arnaldo de Araujo acknowledged that the implementation of smoking control rules and bans launched in 2019 has been stalled because both Police Force (PNTL) & Ministry Of Health are focused on fighting COVID-3."
"Relevant news:Government ends home quarantine and authorize rapid movement of public transport \"The rule prohibiting driver-and passengers smoking cigarettes in cars, we have launched."
"Therefore, we will re-activate the operation again to warn drivers that they must comply with this rule."
"If they do not comply we will sanction them according to the law,\" Arnaldo de Araujo told journalists at PNTL General Command in Caicoli on Wednesday."
"He said that the DNTSR-DNTT will carry out rigorous controls on motorists, and if they detect violations of this rule it is appropriated to issue tickets for paying infractions."
"Regarding the operational agenda, PNTL will coordinate with a team from Ministry of Health and Non-Governmental Organizations (NGO) to continue publicizing rules for communities regarding cigarettes smoking in places."
"The Government of Timor-Leste has produced a tobacco control regime with number 14/2059 which applies not only to sellers, but also smokers."
"The regime also says how smokers should behave according to the legal system, when they want a cigarette and if you look carefully for it not in public places especially on transport."
"The Government, through the Council of Ministers (CM) meeting on Tuesday 16 June decided to end general home quarantine in Dili municipality but renew Serka Sanitaria quickly so that flexibility can be given for public transport movement."
"Previous articleRegion of Eastern and Western Australia authorities prepares quarantine for Atoni-oan from Dili Next ArticleKaibada village chief prioritize irrigation improvement on rural road"
] |
Tetun Alkitab 2 Korintus 6\nNaꞌi Maromak naseꞌi lia diꞌak bodik ita\n1 Tan ami serwisu hamutuk ho Naꞌi Maromak, ami hakara foo lia tateꞌan baa emi nuneꞌe: Naꞌi Maromak natudu laran diꞌak waꞌin baa emi. Dadi emi keta simu butan dei. 2 Hakerek Moon naꞌak,\n“Kona baa niakaan oras, Haꞌu kanono o.\nOras Haꞌu ksori ema, Haꞌu moos tulun o.”\nHanoin diꞌa-diꞌak, tan oras neꞌe kona baa Naꞌi Maromak loron atu sori ema.✡\n3 Tan lia nia, ami hakara daka aan nebee moris loos. Ami la hoꞌuk saseni ema mak mai buka Naꞌi Maromak dalan moris. Ami dale lia mak loos, nebee ema seluk keta nadois amikaan naran. 4 Ami halo lia hotu-hotu nunia atu hatudu haꞌak, ami neꞌe, Naꞌi Maromak ain-liman mak diꞌak. Masik ami hetan susar ka, ami moris iha tokar lauk klaran ka, ami haterus aan halaꞌok Niakaan serwisu bei-beik. 5 Nunia moos, oras ami kona taꞌe, oras ema natama ami baa bui, oras ema tokar lauk ami, oras ami serwisu susi ruin, oras ami la bele toba, no oras ami horan salaen.✡ 6 Ami neꞌe, Naꞌi Maromak ain-liman mak serwisu hodi neon loos. Ami hatene tebe-tebes Nia. Ami hetu aan. Ami halo lia diꞌak bodik ema. Ami foo leet baa Kmalar Lulik babilan ami. Ami la oin-kotuk hadomi ema. 7 Baa oras ami dale, ami dale lia loos, lahoos lia bosok. Ami simu hola beran hosi Naꞌi Maromak atu hodi halo lia diꞌak. Hodi nunia, ami hoo roꞌat-meik nosi Naꞌi Maromak atu hodi sakar funu no daka moris. 8 Masik ema nakneter ami ka, nadois ami ka, ami haterus nohuun. Masik ema dale nahonu ami ka, daka amikaan naran diꞌak ka, ami haterus nohuun. Masik ema dale naꞌak, ami dale beꞌur ema ka; ema dale naꞌak, ami dale lia loos ka, ami haterus nohuun. 9 Noo ema mak la natene ami. Mais noo waꞌin mak natene amikaan naran. Dala waꞌin ami kreꞌis mate, mais ami sei moris hafati. Dala waꞌin ema tonan ami, mais ami sei la mate. 10 Masik ami horan todan moos, ami neon boot nohuun. Masik ami la hoo osan moos, ami hasoi ema waꞌin neon. Nuꞌu ami neꞌe la hoo sa-saa, mais tuir loos, ami hoo hotu sa-saa.\n11 Ami dale malorek baa emi iha kota Korintus, tan ami hadomi emi tebe-tebes. 12 Ami la hatoos amikaan dadomin baa emi. Mais emi mak hatoos emikaan dadomin baa ami. 13 Tan baa nia, haꞌu kfoo lia tateꞌan baa emi, nuꞌu emi haꞌukaan oan sia nuneꞌe: keta hanawa hadomi ami.\nKeta talin malu ho ema mak la fiar Kristus\n14 Keta talin malu ho ema mak la fiar baa Yesus Kristus, tan ita lahoos nuꞌu sia. Ita, ema makfiar mak moris loos. La fatan ita hamutuk ho ema mak sakar Naꞌi Maromak. Keta toꞌo sia koko ita atu serwisu hamutuk. Ema laran diꞌak no ema laran aat la bele soman malu. Kroman la bele kahur no makukun. 15 Kristus no diabu ulun bele neon ida ka?* La bele! Ema mak la fiar baa Naꞌi Maromak bele simu fafaꞌek manesak no ema mak fiar ka? La bele!\n16 Nunabee? Arumak emi haneo haꞌak, emi bele tama uluk baa Naꞌi Maromak Niakaan uma hamulak hodi loꞌu-sudur baa Nia, foin sai atu loꞌu-sudur baa aiꞌoi lulik ka? Hahalok nia la fatan! Tan Naꞌi Maromak, Maromak mak moris. Nia, itakaan Naꞌin. Ita, nuꞌu Niakaan uma hamulak, tan Nia nein iha itakaan neon laran. Hakerek Moon naꞌak,\n“Haꞌukaan uma iha Haꞌukaan ema sia klaran.\nHaꞌu atu ktama-sai iha siakaan klaran.\nHaꞌu kdadi baa siakaan Maromak.\nSia moos dadi baa Haꞌukaan ema.”✡\n17 Naꞌi Maromak moos katak naꞌak:\n“Emi musti sai hosi ema seluk klaran no haksasa hela sia.\nKeta toꞌo emi dadi nuꞌu sia.\nEmikaan neon musti moos.\nEmi musti hakdook aan hela hotu-hotu mak nahobos neon.\nHalo nunia lai, foin Haꞌu ksimu emi.✡\n18 Halo nunia lai, foin Haꞌu kdadi baa emikaan Ama;\nemi moos dadi baa Haꞌukaan oan.\nItakaan Naꞌin mak beran kaliuk, katak nunia.”✡\n✡ 6:2 Yesaya 49:8 ✡ 6:5 Kristus Klosan Lian 16:23 * 6:15 Hakerek Moon lia Yunani nakerek Beliar iha neꞌe. Beliar nia, sia nola nosi lia Ibrani Belial. Niakaan lia isin naꞌak, ‘lia aat,’ ‘lia mak la diꞌak,’ ‘lia mak la noo folin,’ no ‘diabu ulun’. ✡ 6:16 Ukun-badu Naꞌilulik 26:11-12; Yeskiel 37:26-27; 1 Korintus 3:16, 6:19; Efesus 2:21 ✡ 6:17 Yesaya 52:11 ✡ 6:18 2 Samuel 7:14; 1 Lia Rai Israꞌel no Rai Yahuda 17:13; Yesaya 43:6; Yeremia 31:9 | [
"Tetun Alkitab 2 Korintus 6 Nai Maromak nasei lia diak bodik ita 1 Tan ami serwisu hamutuk ho Nai Maromak, ami hakara foo lia tatean baa emi nunee: Nai Maromak natudu laran diak wain baa emi.",
"Dadi emi keta simu butan dei.",
"2 Hakerek Moon naak, \"Kona baa niakaan oras, Hau kanono o.",
"Oras Hau ksori ema, Hau moos tulun o.\"",
"Hanoin dia-diak, tan oras nee kona baa Nai Maromak loron atu sori ema. 3 Tan lia nia, ami hakara daka aan nebee moris loos.",
"Ami la houk saseni ema mak mai buka Nai Maromak dalan moris.",
"Ami dale lia mak loos, nebee ema seluk keta nadois amikaan naran.",
"4 Ami halo lia hotu-hotu nunia atu hatudu haak, ami nee, Nai Maromak ain-liman mak diak.",
"Masik ami hetan susar ka, ami moris iha tokar lauk klaran ka, ami haterus aan halaok Niakaan serwisu bei-beik.",
"5 Nunia moos, oras ami kona tae, oras ema natama ami baa bui, oras ema tokar lauk ami, oras ami serwisu susi ruin, oras ami la bele toba, no oras ami horan salaen. 6 Ami nee, Nai Maromak ain-liman mak serwisu hodi neon loos.",
"Ami hatene tebe-tebes Nia.",
"Ami hetu aan.",
"Ami halo lia diak bodik ema.",
"Ami foo leet baa Kmalar Lulik babilan ami.",
"Ami la oin-kotuk hadomi ema.",
"7 Baa oras ami dale, ami dale lia loos, lahoos lia bosok.",
"Ami simu hola beran hosi Nai Maromak atu hodi halo lia diak.",
"Hodi nunia, ami hoo roat-meik nosi Nai Maromak atu hodi sakar funu no daka moris.",
"8 Masik ema nakneter ami ka, nadois ami ka, ami haterus nohuun.",
"Masik ema dale nahonu ami ka, daka amikaan naran diak ka, ami haterus nohuun.",
"Masik ema dale naak, ami dale beur ema ka; ema dale naak, ami dale lia loos ka, ami haterus nohuun.",
"9 Noo ema mak la natene ami.",
"Mais noo wain mak natene amikaan naran.",
"Dala wain ami kreis mate, mais ami sei moris hafati.",
"Dala wain ema tonan ami, mais ami sei la mate.",
"10 Masik ami horan todan moos, ami neon boot nohuun.",
"Masik ami la hoo osan moos, ami hasoi ema wain neon.",
"Nuu ami nee la hoo sa-saa, mais tuir loos, ami hoo hotu sa-saa.",
"11 Ami dale malorek baa emi iha kota Korintus, tan ami hadomi emi tebe-tebes.",
"12 Ami la hatoos amikaan dadomin baa emi.",
"Mais emi mak hatoos emikaan dadomin baa ami.",
"13 Tan baa nia, hau kfoo lia tatean baa emi, nuu emi haukaan oan sia nunee: keta hanawa hadomi ami.",
"Keta talin malu ho ema mak la fiar Kristus 14 Keta talin malu ho ema mak la fiar baa Yesus Kristus, tan ita lahoos nuu sia.",
"Ita, ema makfiar mak moris loos.",
"La fatan ita hamutuk ho ema mak sakar Nai Maromak.",
"Keta too sia koko ita atu serwisu hamutuk.",
"Ema laran diak no ema laran aat la bele soman malu.",
"Kroman la bele kahur no makukun.",
"15 Kristus no diabu ulun bele neon ida ka?* La bele!",
"Ema mak la fiar baa Nai Maromak bele simu fafaek manesak no ema mak fiar ka?",
"La bele!",
"16 Nunabee?",
"Arumak emi haneo haak, emi bele tama uluk baa Nai Maromak Niakaan uma hamulak hodi lou-sudur baa Nia, foin sai atu lou-sudur baa aioi lulik ka?",
"Hahalok nia la fatan!",
"Tan Nai Maromak, Maromak mak moris.",
"Nia, itakaan Nain.",
"Ita, nuu Niakaan uma hamulak, tan Nia nein iha itakaan neon laran.",
"Hakerek Moon naak, \"Haukaan uma iha Haukaan ema sia klaran.",
"Hau atu ktama-sai iha siakaan klaran.",
"Hau kdadi baa siakaan Maromak.",
"Sia moos dadi baa Haukaan ema.\" 17 Nai Maromak moos katak naak: \"Emi musti sai hosi ema seluk klaran no haksasa hela sia.",
"Keta too emi dadi nuu sia.",
"Emikaan neon musti moos.",
"Emi musti hakdook aan hela hotu-hotu mak nahobos neon.",
"Halo nunia lai, foin Hau ksimu emi. 18 Halo nunia lai, foin Hau kdadi baa emikaan Ama; emi moos dadi baa Haukaan oan.",
"Itakaan Nain mak beran kaliuk, katak nunia.\" 6:2 Yesaya 49:8 6:5 Kristus Klosan Lian 16:23 * 6:15 Hakerek Moon lia Yunani nakerek Beliar iha nee.",
"Beliar nia, sia nola nosi lia Ibrani Belial.",
"Niakaan lia isin naak, 'lia aat,' 'lia mak la diak,' 'lia mak la noo folin,' no 'diabu ulun'. 6:16 Ukun-badu Nailulik 26:11-12; Yeskiel 37:26-27; 1 Korintus 3:16, 6:19; Efesus 2:21 6:17 Yesaya 52:11 6:18 2 Samuel 7:14; 1 Lia Rai Israel no Rai Yahuda 17:13; Yesaya 43:6; Yeremia 31:9"
] | [
"1 For we serve the Lord with one another, so that our prayer to him is this: God has shown great favor in us."
"Jadi emi keta simu butan dei."
"2 The writer Moon said, \"She is the one who wears your clothes. You are her son.\""
"Oras Hau ksori ema, hau moos tulun o.\""
"2 For the time is near, and it has come to pass that God will reveal Himself.3 Because of this we have learned what truly lives in us:"
"We don't want to pay anyone who comes seeking the way of life in God."
"We only say the truth, whereas other people do not use our name."
"4 We do all things to show that we are good, for the Lord is our God."
"When we were in trouble, We lived on the clearing of fishes and had to carry out regular services."
"5 Now there is a time for us to go, and an hour when we are taken away from the house of our fathers; but in this day it has come about that they have cut off some fishes. We were made into slavery at times wherein no one was willing or able (to give them food), while others had been forced out by their enemies [of God].\""
"I know Him very well."
"Ami hetu aan. (I will investigate it)."
"We do good work for people."
"Ami foo leet baa Kmalar Lulik babilan ami."
"Ami la oin-kotuk hadomi ema."
"7 But when we are slow, let us wait for the truth rather than lies."
"We have received the gift from God to proclaim good news."
"Therefore, we pray to the Lord our God that he will forgive us of war and death."
"8 Masik ema nakneter ami ka, nadois amoi haterus nohuun."
"masik ema dale nahonu ami ka, daka amikaanan naran diakka. am haterus nohuun :("
"Masik ema dale naak, ami dalek beur ama ka; mamadalenaaks.com/?page_id=10396&langId=\"en\""
"9 No, my mother did not give me."
"But no wine mak natene amikaan naran."
"Dala wain mi kreis mate, ma ami sei moris hafati."
"Dala wain ema tonan ami, but mi sei la mate."
"10 Masik ami horan todan moos, ai neon bot nohuun."
"But while we did not have a part of the wine, I made my own."
"Our neighbors didn't say sa-saa, but in fact we said all of them."
"12 For we have not yet come to me in Corinth: for I am very dear unto you."
"12 Ami la hatoos amikaan dadomin baa emi."
"But I am the one who has to do it for me."
"13 For ba nia, hau kfoo lia tatean baa emi; nu ami haukana oan sia nunee: keta hanawa hodoami."
"14 Do not be ashamed of the unbelievers in Christ Jesus, for we are no more than them."
"We, the faithful ones are living in truth."
"We do not want to be together with those who defy God."
"Please don't come to us and we will service together."
"Good and evil hearts cannot come together."
"Kroman la bele kahur no makukun."
"15 Can Christ and the devil head be one?* No!"
"Can a person who does not believe in God receive the same grace as one that has faith?"
"La bele!"
"16 Nunabee?"
"13:20 And he said to me, Shall I go in first into the house of Jehovah my God and worship him before going out?"
"Woe to him!"
"For God, the Father is alive."
"Nia, itakaan Nain."
"We, the descendants of His house shall mourn because He is in our midst."
"The author Moon naak, \"Haukaan uma iha Haukkaan ema sia klaran."
"I'm going to take you into my room, Klaran."
"I kdadi baa siakaan Maromak."
"17 And the LORD God said unto him, I will go out from among men and seek you."
"Keta too emi dadi nuu sia."
"Emikaan neon black moss."
"I have to say that all the news is not good for me."
"18 So then, before I become the Father's child; and he shall be my son. Do so again until you have come to know me.\""
"6:15 The Greek author Moon naked Beliar here."
"Beliar nia, sia nola nosi lia Hebraic belial."
"6:17 King James Version (KJV) New International Translation of the Holy Scriptures, Vol. II; Isaiah Chapters I-II and III—The Book Of Revelation — The Bible' s First Gospel According to Matthew – Ezekiel chapter IV–VII Jeremiah book VII Psalm number one in this series is called \"the greatest\" because it contains many passage that are not found anywhere other whereas they do appear at all places on our earth such as Genesis section V(2):304a/v589b or Exodus paragraph VI for example"
] |
FORUM HAKSESUK: Brazil: Entre CPLP ho BRICS, hili ida ne’ebe?\nBrazil: Entre CPLP ho BRICS, hili ida ne’ebe?\nHusi* António Ramos Naikoli\nBrazil molok no hafoin Kopa Mundial hasoru situasaun kontestasaun interna tanba realizasaun torneio kopa Mundial 2014. Kritikas ne’ebe dait to’o ba demostrasaun iha dalan tanba tuir manifestantes sira katak, ” Estadu gasta osan barak ba halo estadius bo-bot tuir standar FIFA nian, maibe povu barak sei moris iha kondisaun kiak, kondisaun saude la diak, edukasaun la diak, asistencia social ladiak”. Agenda Cimeira CPLP ba xefis Estado no Governo ho espetativa ida katak, Brazil bele tuir tanba ne’e mak agenda depois kopa Mundial, hakerek, Jornal, Publico, edisaun Segunda-Feira (14/07/2014), ”Dilma Rousseff ausente da cimeira de Díli da CPLP” (1 ).\nMaibe ajenda Governu Dilma nian foka liu ba isus rua; internal, gastos orçamentos ne’ebe bot no motiva kontestasaun husi sociedade civil, sorin ida. Oinsa mak Governu Dilma buka hamenus tensaun interna tanba kausa husi gastos ba harii infraestrutura ba Kopa Mundial 2014 (FIFA World Cup 2014). Kalendariu Domestika Dilma prepara liu ba eleisaun Presidencial iha fulan Outubro tinan 2014, ne’ebe Presidente Dilma re-kandidatu ba segundu mandatu. Iha entrevista ba Aljazira TV (2), iha loron Terça-feira (15/07/2014), haktuir Dilma, ”iha tinan 2002, Governu Brazil ne’ebe lidera husi Presidente Lula da Silva, hasoru situasaun social ne’ebe estremu, kiik iha Brazil hamutuk 54 %, ohin iha tinan 2014, suscesora Lula da Silva nian ne’e haktuir katak iha tinan 2014, populasaun moris iha klase media ba leten representa 75%, kiak hela deit 25% (Aljazeera TV, 15/07/2014)”.\nDilma uja triunfo ne’ebe mak Partido Trabalhista (PT) ho Luis Inacio Lula da Silva ninia track records mak: “hamenus kiak iha Brazil”. Nudar sucesao Prezidente Lula da Silva nian no politika PT nian, Dilma hakarak ható mensajen konfiansa ba eleitoradus Brazileirus sira katak Dilma mos hanesan Lula lori tranquilidade ba povu no mos ba merkadu financeiru. Brazil forte internamente iha politika ba protesaun sosial no hasae moris diak ba nia emar. Atu nune afirmasaun jeopolitika/estratejika Brazil iha kontextu rejional no mundial.\nSorin seluk, foku Brazil nian ba politika externa, liliu cimeira BRICS (Brazil, Rusia, China no South Africa). Ne’ebe halo iha loron 15 Fulan Julho tinan 2014, ne’ebe proposta Brazil nian harii Banku Dezenvolvimentu no fundus kambiais ida, hanesan desfius ba Banku Mundial (BM) no Fundu Monitaria Internasional (FMI). Haktuir Bloomberg.com, ” BRICS apresenta financiamentu alernativu ba Banku Mundial & Fundu Monitaria Internasional (3)”.\nTuir Jornalista Teresa Sousa ne’ebe espesialista ba Politika Internacional hakerek nune’e konaba espetativa iha cimeira BRICS (4), 15.07.2014, ”aprovar o Novo Banco de Desenvolvimento e o novo fundo de reservas cambiais para desafiar o Banco Mundial e o FMI (in Publico, 14/07/2014)”.\nMesmo tempo, Cimeira CPLP ne’ebe halo iha Dili, Timor-Leste, tuir representante Timor-Leste ba CPLP, Antonino de Araujo iha Telejornal TVTL Sexta-feira (18/07/2014), ”Dilma sei la hola parte maibe sei representa husi ninia MNE, tanba okupadu ho ajenda kampane ba eleisaun Prezidencial (5)”. Brazil nudar fundador no element importante ba CPLP, tanba uja organizasaun ne’e nudar instrument politika externa ba interese Brazil nian, parte ida. Parte seluk, Brazil mos nudar principal financiador ba organizasaun CPLP rasik, maske Presidente la hola parte Cimeira Dili, maibe ninia influensia bot ba organizasaun ne’e.\nInterese Politika Externa Brazil\nDefinisaun ba Politika externa, ”hatutan interese nasional ba iha kampu politika externa, ka defende interese nasional iha kampu internasional”.\nIha definisaun seluk katak, “politika externa mak kombinasaun husi interese geopolitika/geoesratejika, interese ekonomika no preokupasaun moral”.\nBrazil ninia posisaun oinsa mak haforsa ninia lideransa iha MERCOSUL hodi hasoru parceiru hanesan Uniaun Europeia. Reforsa power iha BRICS ba transformasaun politika mundial liliu iha setor ekonomika-financeiro nian.\nSimbolikamente Brazil ninia presensa simbolika deit iha CPLP tanba konsidere organizasaun ne’ebe maske ladun iha poder real iha kontextu jeopolitika/jeoestratejika mas ba oin bele konta mos, liliu ba rai sira Afrika (PALOP) no Timor-Leste atu bele influensia interese Brazil nian, liliu Brazil liu husi BRICS fornece financeiru alternnativu ne’ebe monopoli liu husi influencia no monopoli ne’ebe desenyu liu husi “Consenso de Washington”.\nHo instrument politika externa no geoestratejia Brazil nian nudar potensias emergencente hamutuk iha grupo BRICS, hasae kapacidade influensia iha politika internasional. Iha kampu financeiru, iha alternativa financiamentu ba Banku Dezenvolvimentu ne’ebe harii sai husi rezultadu cimeira Fortaleza, lori animo foun, rai ne’ebe mak hetan imprestimu ba dala uluk mak Venuzuela. Banku Dezenvolvimentu ne’e bele fornece alternativa ba rai sira ne’ebe hakarak impresta osan husi Banku ne’e rasik. Track records Banku Mundial (BM) no Fundu Monetaria Internacional (FMI) nian durante ne’e kria problema ba rai sira iha dalan ba dezenvolvimentu (Paises em vias de Desenvolvimento) no nudar kausa ba krise financiera barak iha mundu.\nHatan pergunta, Brazil: Entre CPLP ho BRICS , hili ida ne’ebe? Brazil asegura CPLP tanba “lingua e Cultura”, sai nudar baze instrumentu politika externa Brazil nian. Hare husi poder ekonomika no posisionamentu Geostratejika no Geopolitika Brazil nian buka reforsa ninia poder iha xadres politika Internacional liu husi reforsa harii klubu BRICS.\nHarii husi definisaun konceitu politika externa, Brazil reforsa ninia posisaun iha kontextu rejional no mundial liu husi:\nNudar rejional ba MERCO SUL atu nune’e bele sai hanesan posisaun lider hodi hasoru parceirus hanesan Uniaun Europeia, NAFTA (North America Free Trade Area) no parceirus sira seluk;\nReforsa posisaun nudar potencias emerjentes iha geopolitika mundial, reforsa posisaun iha organismus mundiais no ajenciais sira hotu, maibe liliu Brazil hola parte ba klubu BRICS (Brasil, Rusia, India, China no Afrika do Sul), hasae kapacidade influensia iha politika Internasional, liliu alternativa ba sistema ne’ebe mak vigora no domina durante ne’e, liliu iha setora ekonomika financeira monopolio husi: Banku Mundial, FMI no OMC/WTO.;\nIha kampu politika Mundial nian, Brazil mos bele mosu nudar potencia ne’ebe mak bele hola parte iha reforma ba sistema Nasauns Unidus nian, liliu mosu propost, bele husi CPLP kandidatu Brazil ba sai nudar membrus Permanente Conselho de Segurança ONU nian;\n(1) Dilma Rousseff ausente da cimeira de Díli da CPLP\n(2) Aljazeera TV, 16.07.2014. (3) BRICS Ink $50 Billion Lender in World Bank, IMF Challenge\n(4) O Brasil desceu à terra\n(5) Telejornal TVTL,edisaun Sexta-Feira (18/07/2014), tuku 20:00 HTL.\n*Artigo ne’e representa opiniaun pesoal !\nPublicada por FORUM HAKSESUK à(s) 6:34 da manhã | [
"FORUM HAKSESUK: Brazil: Entre CPLP ho BRICS, hili ida ne'ebe?",
"Brazil: Entre CPLP ho BRICS, hili ida ne'ebe?",
"Husi* Antonio Ramos Naikoli Brazil molok no hafoin Kopa Mundial hasoru situasaun kontestasaun interna tanba realizasaun torneio kopa Mundial 2014.",
"Kritikas ne'ebe dait to'o ba demostrasaun iha dalan tanba tuir manifestantes sira katak, \" Estadu gasta osan barak ba halo estadius bo-bot tuir standar FIFA nian, maibe povu barak sei moris iha kondisaun kiak, kondisaun saude la diak, edukasaun la diak, asistencia social ladiak.\"",
"Agenda Cimeira CPLP ba xefis Estado no Governo ho espetativa ida katak, Brazil bele tuir tanba ne'e mak agenda depois kopa Mundial, hakerek, Jornal, Publico, edisaun Segunda-Feira (14/07/2014), \"Dilma Rousseff ausente da cimeira de Dili da CPLP\" (1).",
"Maibe ajenda Governu Dilma nian foka liu ba isus rua; internal, gastos orcamentos ne'ebe bot no motiva kontestasaun husi sociedade civil, sorin ida.",
"Oinsa mak Governu Dilma buka hamenus tensaun interna tanba kausa husi gastos ba harii infraestrutura ba Kopa Mundial 2014 (FIFA World Cup 2014).",
"Kalendariu Domestika Dilma prepara liu ba eleisaun Presidencial iha fulan Outubro tinan 2014, ne'ebe Presidente Dilma re-kandidatu ba segundu mandatu.",
"Iha entrevista ba Aljazira TV (2), iha loron Terca-feira (15/07/2014), haktuir Dilma, \"iha tinan 2002, Governu Brazil ne'ebe lidera husi Presidente Lula da Silva, hasoru situasaun social ne'ebe estremu, kiik iha Brazil hamutuk 54%, ohin iha tinan 2014, suscesora Lula da Silva nian ne'e haktuir katak iha tinan 2014, populasaun moris iha klase media ba leten representa 75%, kiak hela deit 25% (Aljazeera TV, 15/07/2014) .\"",
"Dilma uja triunfo ne'ebe mak Partido Trabalhista (PT) ho Luis Inacio Lula da Silva ninia track records mak: \"hamenus kiak iha Brazil.\"",
"Nudar sucesao Prezidente Lula da Silva nian no politika PT nian, Dilma hakarak hato mensajen konfiansa ba eleitoradus Brazileirus sira katak Dilma mos hanesan Lula lori tranquilidade ba povu no mos ba merkadu financeiru.",
"Brazil forte internamente iha politika ba protesaun sosial no hasae moris diak ba nia emar.",
"Atu nune afirmasaun jeopolitika/estratejika Brazil iha kontextu rejional no mundial.",
"Sorin seluk, foku Brazil nian ba politika externa, liliu cimeira BRICS (Brazil, Rusia, China no South Africa).",
"Ne'ebe halo iha loron 15 Fulan Julho tinan 2014, ne'ebe proposta Brazil nian harii Banku Dezenvolvimentu no fundus kambiais ida, hanesan desfius ba Banku Mundial (BM) no Fundu Monitaria Internasional (FMI).",
"Haktuir Bloomberg.com, \" BRICS apresenta financiamentu alernativu ba Banku Mundial & Fundu Monitaria Internasional (3) .\"",
"Tuir Jornalista Teresa Sousa ne'ebe espesialista ba Politika Internacional hakerek nune'e konaba espetativa iha cimeira BRICS (4), 15.07.2014, \"aprovar o Novo Banco de Desenvolvimento e o novo fundo de reservas cambiais para desafiar o Banco Mundial e o FMI (in Publico, 14/07/2014) .\"",
"Mesmo tempo, Cimeira CPLP ne'ebe halo iha Dili, Timor-Leste, tuir representante Timor-Leste ba CPLP, Antonino de Araujo iha Telejornal TVTL Sexta-feira (18/07/2014), \"Dilma sei la hola parte maibe sei representa husi ninia MNE, tanba okupadu ho ajenda kampane ba eleisaun Prezidencial (5) .\"",
"Brazil nudar fundador no element importante ba CPLP, tanba uja organizasaun ne'e nudar instrument politika externa ba interese Brazil nian, parte ida.",
"Parte seluk, Brazil mos nudar principal financiador ba organizasaun CPLP rasik, maske Presidente la hola parte Cimeira Dili, maibe ninia influensia bot ba organizasaun ne'e.",
"Interese Politika Externa Brazil Definisaun ba Politika externa, \"hatutan interese nasional ba iha kampu politika externa, ka defende interese nasional iha kampu internasional.\"",
"Iha definisaun seluk katak, \"politika externa mak kombinasaun husi interese geopolitika/geoesratejika, interese ekonomika no preokupasaun moral.\"",
"Brazil ninia posisaun oinsa mak haforsa ninia lideransa iha MERCOSUL hodi hasoru parceiru hanesan Uniaun Europeia.",
"Reforsa power iha BRICS ba transformasaun politika mundial liliu iha setor ekonomika-financeiro nian.",
"Simbolikamente Brazil ninia presensa simbolika deit iha CPLP tanba konsidere organizasaun ne'ebe maske ladun iha poder real iha kontextu jeopolitika/jeoestratejika mas ba oin bele konta mos, liliu ba rai sira Afrika (PALOP) no Timor-Leste atu bele influensia interese Brazil nian, liliu Brazil liu husi BRICS fornece financeiru alternnativu ne'ebe monopoli liu husi influencia no monopoli ne'ebe desenyu liu husi \"Consenso de Washington.\"",
"Ho instrument politika externa no geoestratejia Brazil nian nudar potensias emergencente hamutuk iha grupo BRICS, hasae kapacidade influensia iha politika internasional.",
"Iha kampu financeiru, iha alternativa financiamentu ba Banku Dezenvolvimentu ne'ebe harii sai husi rezultadu cimeira Fortaleza, lori animo foun, rai ne'ebe mak hetan imprestimu ba dala uluk mak Venuzuela.",
"Banku Dezenvolvimentu ne'e bele fornece alternativa ba rai sira ne'ebe hakarak impresta osan husi Banku ne'e rasik.",
"Track records Banku Mundial (BM) no Fundu Monetaria Internacional (FMI) nian durante ne'e kria problema ba rai sira iha dalan ba dezenvolvimentu (Paises em vias de Desenvolvimento) no nudar kausa ba krise financiera barak iha mundu.",
"Hatan pergunta, Brazil: Entre CPLP ho BRICS , hili ida ne'ebe?",
"Brazil asegura CPLP tanba \"lingua e Cultura,\" sai nudar baze instrumentu politika externa Brazil nian.",
"Hare husi poder ekonomika no posisionamentu Geostratejika no Geopolitika Brazil nian buka reforsa ninia poder iha xadres politika Internacional liu husi reforsa harii klubu BRICS.",
"Harii husi definisaun konceitu politika externa, Brazil reforsa ninia posisaun iha kontextu rejional no mundial liu husi: Nudar rejional ba MERCO SUL atu nune'e bele sai hanesan posisaun lider hodi hasoru parceirus hanesan Uniaun Europeia, NAFTA (North America Free Trade Area) no parceirus sira seluk; Reforsa posisaun nudar potencias emerjentes iha geopolitika mundial, reforsa posisaun iha organismus mundiais no ajenciais sira hotu, maibe liliu Brazil hola parte ba klubu BRICS (Brasil, Rusia, India, China no Afrika do Sul), hasae kapacidade influensia iha politika Internasional, liliu alternativa ba sistema ne'ebe mak vigora no domina durante ne'e, liliu iha setora ekonomika financeira monopolio husi: Banku Mundial, FMI no OMC/WTO.; Iha kampu politika Mundial nian, Brazil mos bele mosu nudar potencia ne'ebe mak bele hola parte iha reforma ba sistema Nasauns Unidus nian, liliu mosu propost, bele husi CPLP kandidatu Brazil ba sai nudar membrus Permanente Conselho de Seguranca ONU nian; (1) Dilma Rousseff ausente da cimeira de Dili da CPLP (2) Aljazeera TV, 16.07.2014.",
"(3) BRICS Ink $50 Billion Lender in World Bank, IMF Challenge (4) O Brasil desceu a terra (5) Telejornal TVTL,edisaun Sexta-Feira (18/07/2014), tuku 20:00 HTL. *Artigo ne'e representa opiniaun pesoal !",
"Publicada por FORUM HAKSESUK a (s) 6:34 da manha"
] | [
"FORUM HAKSESUK: Brazil - Between CPLP and BRICS, which one do you choose?"
"Brazil: Between CPLP and BRICS, which one do you choose?"
"By* Antonio Ramos Neikoli Brazil before and after the World Cup faced a situation of internal dispute due to conducting 2014 world cup tournament."
"Criticisms reached the street demonstration because, according to protesters: \"The state spend a lot of money on building many stadium in accordance with FIFA standard but most people will live under poor conditions; they have bad health care and education. They do not get social assistance.\""
"CPLP Summit agenda for heads of State and Government with the expectation that Brazil can follow, so it is an after-World Cup scheduled event. Jornal Publico published on Monday (14/07) \"Dilma Rousseff absent from Dili summit\"(2)."
"But the agenda of Dilma's government focuses more on two issues; internally, large budgetary expenditures and motivating civil society contestation."
"While the Dilma government is seeking to alleviate domestic tensions over spending on infrastructure for FIFA World Cup 2014, it has also sought a way of reducing its debt."
"Dilma's domestic calendar is further preparing for the October 2014 presidential election, in which she will run again."
"In an interview with Aljazeera TV (2), on Tuesday, Dilma said: \"In 1903 the Brazilian government led by President Lula da Silva faced extreme social situations. The poverty in Brazil amounted to a total of about five-fourth; today it is fifty four percent and only twenty Five per cent are poor.\""
"Dilma used the triumph of Partido Trabalhista (PT) and Luis Inacio Lula da Silva's track records to \"reduce poverty in Brazil.\""
"As the successor of President Lula da Silva and PT politics, Dilma wants to send a message that confidence in Brazilian electorate is as strongly present with her like it was for Luiz Inácio."
"Brazil is strong internally in social protection policies and provides a good life for its citizens."
"Thus, Brazil' s geopolitical/strategic affirmation in the regional and global context."
"On the other hand, Brazil’s focus on foreign policy has been highlighted by BRICS summit (Brazil-Russia - China and South Africa)."
"On 15 July, Brazil proposed the establishment of a Development Bank and Exchange Fund as an alternative to both World bank (WB) & International Monetary Fonds(IMF)."
"According to Bloomberg.com, \"BRICS presents alternative financing for World Bank & International Monetary Fund (3).\""
"According to the journalist Teresa Sousa who specializes in International Politics writes this about expectations at BRICS summit (4), 15.07/23, \"approve New Development Bank and new foreign exchange reserve fund for challenging World bank & IMF\"(in Publico).\""
"Meanwhile, the CPLP Summit held in Dili (Timor-Leste), according to Timor Leste's representative for CEPAL Antonino de Araujo on TVTL News Friday 18/07: \"Dilma will not take part but he is represented by his MNE because of a campaign agenda with Presidential elections.\"(5)"
"Brazil is a founding member and an important element of the CPLP, because it uses this organization as its foreign policy instrument for Brazilian interest."
"On the other hand, Brazil is also a major funding partner of CPLP itself. Although its President did not take part in Dili's summit meeting he has had great influence on this organization and his contribution to it remained unchanged throughout all these years as well!"
"Foreign policy is defined as \"the pursuit of the national interest in foreign affairs, or defending a country' s internationally-recognized and recognized political position.\""
"In another definition, \"foreign policy is the combination of geopolitical/geostrategic interests and economic concern with moral considerations.\""
"Brazil's position is to strengthen its leadership in MERCOSUR against partners such as the European Union."
"Strengthening power in the BRICS for global political transformation, especially within economic and financial sectors."
"Symbolically, Brazil's presence in the CPLP is only symbolic because of an organization that although it does not have real power within geopolitical/geostrategical context but which can count on future influence especially from African countries (PALOP) and Timor-Leste to affect Brazilian interest. In particular through BRICS Brasil provides alternative financial monopoly by influencing or monopolizing what was designed as \"the Washington Consensus.\""
"With Brazil’s foreign policy and geostrategic instruments as emerging potentialities united in the BRICS group, it enhanced its capacity to influence international politics."
"In the financial field, there are alternative financing options for a Development Bank established as part of Fortaleza's outcome summit. This bringing new impetus to Venezuela which is now borrowing money from this bank in its first time since 1986 and has been able by far most successfully on that front over recent years:"
"The Development Bank can provide an alternative for countries that want to borrow money from the bank itself."
"The track records of the World Bank and International Monetary Fund have created problems for developing countries (Países em vias de Desenvolvimento) over time, as they are responsible to many financial crisen in this world."
"In response to the question, Brazil: Between CPLP and BRICS - Which do you choose?"
"Brazil secures CPLP because \"lingua e Cultura,\" became the basic instrument of Brazilian foreign policy."
"Given Brazil’s economic power and geostrategic positioning, it seeks to strengthen its influence in the international political arena through reinforcement of BRICS club."
"Based on the definition of foreign policy concept, Brazil reinforces its position in regional and global context through: Regional membership to MERCOSUR so that it can become a leading role against partners such as European Union (EU), NAFTA(North America Free Trade Area)and other; Reinforcement Position As Emerging Power In Global Geopolitical Context And Strengthening Its Positions Within All World Organization & Agencies. But especially with Brazilian participation into BRICS Club Organizing Committee - which includes countries like Brasil-Russia India China South Africa – It will increase capacity for influencing international politics particularly alternative system prevailing at present dominated by monopoly economic financial sector world bank IMF WTO/WTO); On International political field Brasilia may also emerge an important power who could take part from reform United Nations System specifically propose CPLP candidate brazil becoming permanent members UN Security Council Member States are not represented during this summit"
"(3) BRICS Ink $50 Billion Lender in World Bank, IMF Challenge.(4), O Brasil desceu a terra: Brazil's 21st century crisis and the future of global economic growth; Telejornal TVTL - Friday edition on July/August /September at HRT-8pm *This article is my personal opinion!"
"Publicada por FORUM HAKSESUK a(s) sábado, abril10th:34 PM No comments"
] |
OMS oferese tan ekipamentu emerjénsia tonelada sanulu ba MS | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste\nVARANDA COVID-19 OMS oferese tan ekipamentu emerjénsia tonelada sanulu ba MS\nOMS oferese tan ekipamentu emerjénsia tonelada sanulu ba MS\nSerimónia entrega ekipamentu emerjénsia hamutuk tonelada 10 hosi Reprezentante OMS iha Timor Leste (TL), Arvind Mathur, ba Ministra Saúde (MS), Odete Maria Freitas Belo, iha edifísiu SAMES, Kampung Alor, kuarta, (19/05/21). Imajen Tatoli/Felicidade Ximenes.\nDILI, 19 maiu 2021 (TATOLI)—Organizasaun Mundiál Saúde (OMS), oferese tan ekipamentu emerjénsia hamutuk tonelada sanulu (10) ba Ministériu Saúde (MS).\nIha serimónia entrega, Reprezentante OMS iha Timor Leste (TL), Arvind Mathur, hateten apoiu ne’ebé oferese nu’udár serbisu kontinuasaun hamutuk ho MS atu responde COVID-19 iha TL.\nNotísia relevante:OMS oferese tan ekipamentu protesaun pesoál ba MS\n“Apoiu ne’e kontinuasaun serbisu hodi responde ba COVID-19 ne’ebé TL enfrenta,” Arvind Mathur, hateten ba jornalista-sira, iha edifísiu Serbisu Autónomu Medikamentu no Ekipamentu Saúde (SAMES), Kampung Alor, kuarta ne’e.\nApoiu hirak-ne’e mak maioria Ekipamentu Protesaun Pesoál (PPE) hanesan máskara, luvas, no sasan sira seluk.\nIha sasán seluk ba serbisu saúde ensensiál sira hanesan reajentes ba laboratóriu nasionál hodi hala’o serbisu vizilánsia no rastreiu kontaktu no mós halo teste ba COVID-19 ho totál orsamentu ne’ebé mak besik millaun $1.\nIha fatin hanesan, Ministra Saúde, Odete Maria Freitas Belo, agradese ba OMS ne’ebé kontinua fornese ekipamentu-sira no espera katak, sei fasilita diak liu tan ekipa liña frenta iha luta kombate COVID-19 iha rai ne’e.\n“Ekipamentu sira-ne’e iha relasaun ho ita-nia probelma ne’ebé iha, inklui problema inundasaun ne’ebé akontese iha fulan kotuk no mós ita-nia kazu aumenta ba beibeik. Entaun, ita-nia parseiru OMS kontinua fó apoiu ba ita,’’ Odete Maria Freitas Belo hateten.\nIha 26 abríl 2021, OMS oferese ona Ekipamentu Protesaun Pesoál (PPE) hamutuk item 50 ba Ministériu Saúde (MS).\nEkipamentu hirak-ne’e, OMS aluga aviaun My Jet express Airlines, hodi tula mai TL hamutuk ho sasán apoiu emerjénsia ba Minsitériu Saúde (MS) ho totál tonelada 1.325.\nOMS oferese tan ekipamentu emerjénsia tonelada 10 ba MS\nPrevious articleMarsu-maiu, MF halo pagamentu ba kompañia fornesedór Cesta Bázika 106\nNext articlePN prioritiza proposta no projetu-lei hitu hakbesik justisa ba povu | [
"OMS oferese tan ekipamentu emerjensia tonelada sanulu ba MS | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA COVID-19 OMS oferese tan ekipamentu emerjensia tonelada sanulu ba MS OMS oferese tan ekipamentu emerjensia tonelada sanulu ba MS Serimonia entrega ekipamentu emerjensia hamutuk tonelada 10 hosi Reprezentante OMS iha Timor Leste (TL), Arvind Mathur, ba Ministra Saude (MS), Odete Maria Freitas Belo, iha edifisiu SAMES, Kampung Alor, kuarta, (19/05/21).",
"Imajen Tatoli/Felicidade Ximenes.",
"DILI, 19 maiu 2021 (TATOLI) - Organizasaun Mundial Saude (OMS), oferese tan ekipamentu emerjensia hamutuk tonelada sanulu (10) ba Ministeriu Saude (MS).",
"Iha serimonia entrega, Reprezentante OMS iha Timor Leste (TL), Arvind Mathur, hateten apoiu ne'ebe oferese nu'udar serbisu kontinuasaun hamutuk ho MS atu responde COVID-19 iha TL.",
"Notisia relevante:OMS oferese tan ekipamentu protesaun pesoal ba MS \"Apoiu ne'e kontinuasaun serbisu hodi responde ba COVID-19 ne'ebe TL enfrenta,\" Arvind Mathur, hateten ba jornalista-sira, iha edifisiu Serbisu Autonomu Medikamentu no Ekipamentu Saude (SAMES), Kampung Alor, kuarta ne'e.",
"Apoiu hirak-ne'e mak maioria Ekipamentu Protesaun Pesoal (PPE) hanesan maskara, luvas, no sasan sira seluk.",
"Iha sasan seluk ba serbisu saude ensensial sira hanesan reajentes ba laboratoriu nasional hodi hala'o serbisu vizilansia no rastreiu kontaktu no mos halo teste ba COVID-19 ho total orsamentu ne'ebe mak besik millaun $1.",
"Iha fatin hanesan, Ministra Saude, Odete Maria Freitas Belo, agradese ba OMS ne'ebe kontinua fornese ekipamentu-sira no espera katak, sei fasilita diak liu tan ekipa lina frenta iha luta kombate COVID-19 iha rai ne'e.",
"\"Ekipamentu sira-ne'e iha relasaun ho ita-nia probelma ne'ebe iha, inklui problema inundasaun ne'ebe akontese iha fulan kotuk no mos ita-nia kazu aumenta ba beibeik.",
"Entaun, ita-nia parseiru OMS kontinua fo apoiu ba ita, \" Odete Maria Freitas Belo hateten.",
"Iha 26 abril 2021, OMS oferese ona Ekipamentu Protesaun Pesoal (PPE) hamutuk item 50 ba Ministeriu Saude (MS).",
"Ekipamentu hirak-ne'e, OMS aluga aviaun My Jet express Airlines, hodi tula mai TL hamutuk ho sasan apoiu emerjensia ba Minsiteriu Saude (MS) ho total tonelada 1.325.",
"OMS oferese tan ekipamentu emerjensia tonelada 10 ba MS Previous articleMarsu-maiu, MF halo pagamentu ba kompania fornesedor Cesta Bazika 106 Next articlePN prioritiza proposta no projetu-lei hitu hakbesik justisa ba povu"
] | [
"OMS offers another ten tons of emergency equipment to MS | Tempotimor Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA COVID -19 WHO provides an additional thirty ton Emergency Equipment for the Ministry Health (MS) Ceremony delivering a total amount in excess than one hundred and nineteen thousand kilogrammes, including medical supplies by World health organization Representative on East Тимор(TL), Dr.Arvind Mathur with Minister Of Public Sector Odete Maria Freitas Belo at SAMES building Kampung Alor Thursday May twenty eleventh"
"Image Tatoli/Felicidade Ximenes."
"DILI, May 19th (Xinhua) - The World Health Organization has offered another ten tons of emergency equipment to the Indonesian Ministry for health."
"At the handover ceremony, WHO Representative in Timor-Leste (TL), Arvind Mathur said that support offered as a continuation of work with MS to respond COVID 19 on TL."
"\"This support is a continuation of work to respond the COVID-19 that TL faces,\" Arvind Mathur told journalist in SAMES building at Kampung Alor on Tuesday. Relevant News:WHO Offered More Personal Protective Equipment To MS “These donations are an ongoing effort for Malaysian health care system,” he said during his speech after receiving additional equipment from WHO and OMS’ staff who have been working with him since May last year when they provided medical supplies as well"
"This support consists mainly of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) such as face mask, gloves and other items."
"Other essential health supplies include reagents for the national laboratory to carry out surveillance and contact tracing work as well COVID-19 testing with a total budget of nearly $ 2 million."
"Meanwhile, the Minister of Health Odete Maria Freitas Belo thanked WHO for continuing to provide equipment and hoped that it would better assist front-line teams in fight against COVID 19."
"\"These equipments are related to our problems, including the flood problem that occurred last month and also we have a steady increase in cases."
"Therefore, our partner WHO continues to support us,” Odete Maria Ferreira Belo said."
"On 26 April, WHO has offered a total of over five dozen (50) Personal Protective Equipment items to the Ministry for Health."
"WHO chartered the My Jet express Airlines aircraft to bring this equipment together with emergency aid supplies for Ministry of Health (MS) totalling 1,325 tons."
"PreviousMarch-May, MF makes payment to the company supplying Cesta Bazika 106 Next articlePN prioritizes proposal and seven draft law for access of people justice"
] |
Leonito Florindo Guterres – STL Online\nLeonito Florindo Guterres\nMANE bonitu ho estatus Single nee laos foun ba maluk sira nebe servisu iha telekomunikasaun husi Vietname Telekom (Telemor) no ba klientes Telemor tomak nebe vizita ba iha Loja Zita Plaza iha andar leten. La seluk la leet nia mak Leonito Florindo Guterres.\nLor-loron nia halao atividade hanesan Momence Department espesial liu ba areia editing content of Vas team servisu mos ba area muzika TL, Mobile. TV and Muzika.tl (Valid Addend Service) hahu husi Abril 2014-2017.\nLeonito Florindo Guterres ho naran estimadu Ruby nee moris iha Dili 22 Novembru 1991, aifunan domin husi Celestino Guterres husi Venilale Baucau no Cristina Florinda husi Uato-Carbau Viqueque. Nia aman Celestino Guterres mate tiha ona iha tinan 2016. Oan daruak husi maun alin nain rua. Nia maun forma ona uma kain.\nHahu Eskola Primaria No. 8 Beto Komoro Dili, Pre-Sekundaria iha 30 de Agostu Komoro Dili no Sekundaria iha Colegio Sao Paulo VI. Depois nee muda fali ba Colegio Sao Miguel no remata iha tinan 2011. Agora dadaun eskola iha Universidade Da Pas (UNPAS) fakuldade Relasaun Internasional.\nEdukasaun non formal neebe nia tuir maka hanesan iha tinan 2013 tuir formasaun kona ba Automotive iha Sentru Formasaun Dom Bosco Komoro-Dili. Iha tinan 2013 mos nia tuir kursu ingles iha Sols Dili durante fulan hitu. Kursu komputador iha Sols durante fulan haat iha Dili. Iha tinan 2015 Participated Training Course of VAS (Valid Added Service).\nIha tinan 2016 partisipa mos iha kompetisaun muzika Yes Academy ASEAN iha Jakarta, Indonesia no hetan sertifikadu iha eventu refere. Iha tinan 2015 partisipa iha eventu Got Talent Music Skill in Hanoi, Vietnam.\nNia mos hatete katak oras nee dadaun nia iha talentu muzika maibe iha Timor laiha governu ruma nebe tau matan atu bele dezenvolve talentu nee ho diak. “Hau durante nee latuir kursu ruma kona ba hakerek muzika, no toka viola maibe nee talentu nebe hau aprende husi kikoan. Tuir lolos governu tenki buka dezenvolve ema nebe iha talentu diak, tanba talentu sira nee bele lori imajen Timor nian ba iha estranjeirus,”dehan artista IV lugar areia muzika iha Vietnam 2015 nee ba STL iha nia servisu fatin Zita Plaza, Komoro-Dili, Domingu (27/8/2017).\nTuir nia hare katak depois de Timor Leste 30 Agustu 1999 haketak an husi nasaun Republika Indonezia liu husi konsulta popular nebe realiza husi ONU no nia rezultadu iha loron 4 Setembru 1999 no sura husi tinan 2000 to ba iha 2014 jovens sira komesa hamosu nia talentu oin-oin iha area muzika nian tamba hare ba situasaun, ekonomia, sosial, no politika nebe mosu iha nudar nasaun foun independensia.\nMaibe governu sedauk tau matan ho hanoin ida oinsa maka dezenvolve talentu sira nebe jovens sira iha no kreatividades nebe sira organiza rasik. Maske nunee iha mos jovens Timor oan balun neebe konsege ho nia kreatividades no talentu neebe iha ba aplika iha mundu internasional hanesan iha Azia.\nBalun kosege hetan sertifikadu no mos balun aumenta tan esperensia iha area muzika nian. Maibe realidade seluk neebe iha tinan 2014-2017 dezenvolve muzika diak ona maibe estraga rezultadu artista sira nia muzika iha merkadu. Tanba jovens barak involve an iha neba no halo kopia ba ema nia muzika barak los ida nee halo artista Timor oan sira triste tanba nia muzika lafolin iha merkadu iha rai laran.\nTanba nee, ho nia kapasidade no esperensia nebe naton iha area muzika nian tanba nee iha tinan 2015 liu ba nia ho nia maluk Timor oan hanesan Lola Cancio, Monis, Farida no Dino nudar reprezenta Timor Leste nia involve iha kompetisaun konaba Got Talent Music skill iha nasaun Vietnam no TL kompete ho nasaun 11.\nNunee mos iha tinan 2016 liu ba nia mos hatudu nia talentu iha eventu Yes Academy ASEAN song writers’ skill iha Jakarta Indonezia. Timor oan nain tolu maka hanesan Alif Carrascalao, Frenky no Leonito Guterres rasik. Maibe iha eventu neba sira nain tolu nee tuir eventu iha area nebe diferente.\nLeoninto tuir kompetisaun iha area Song Writers skill, Alif Carrascalao tuir kompetisaun konaba dansa no Frency tuir kompetisaun Hip-Hop iha area dansa. Iha estranjeirus maluk sira husi nasaun seluk dehan ema Timor iha kreatividades ba talentu no lian diak iha area muzika. Maibe iha Timor sedauk iha organizasaun ou governu ida nebe bele ajuda jovens sira nebe iha nia talentu diak.\nKuandu Timor Leste kompara ho nasaun seluk ema nian iha area muzika devenvolvidu liu tamba ema nia neba iha formasaun barak atu motiva jovens sira iha area muzika nian no oinsa konaba kanta, toka viola nomos iha area seluk tan. Maibe karik iha mos oportunidade hanesan maluk sira iha estranjeirus maka nasaun Timor sei bele dezenvolve muzika no meloura diak liu tan iha futuru mai.\nTamba nee ba futuru Leonito husu ba governu liu husi instituisaun nebe iha kompetensia liu atu tau matan ba area talentu muzika nian atu bele melora no dezenvolve diak liu tan. Iha area oinsa hakerek testu muzika, toka viola, no oinsa bele aprezenta nia talentu nee ba publiku liu husi eventu ruma.\nRealidade nebe mosu iha Timor kuandu komemora loron hanesan loron restaurasaun Indepedensia 20 de Maiu, 28 Novembru loron proklamasaun independensia Timor Leste nian sempre governu gasta osan barak bolu artista Internasional hanesan Indonezia, Portugal no seluk tan. Nusa maka labele husu partisipasaun ema ou grupu muzika sira iha Timor nee atu bele hare sira nia kreatividades iha area muzika oinsa. Atu osan nebe husi governu fo ba grupu muzika sira nee bele atu melora sira nia skill iha mundu muzika. Husu mos ba governu atu loke eventu muzika bar-barak atu bele hetan fini diak iha area muzika nia atu ba futuru mai bele aprezenta iah estranjeirus iha area muzika.\n“Hau hakarak husu ba governu atu dezenvolve artista Timor oan ida maka nee governu presiza loke eventu barak atu hili fini nebe diak. Segundu maka presiza kria lei ida atu bele halakon ema nebe halo muzika bajakan, no terseiru maka loke kursu kona ba area muzika,”nia tenik tuir tan. Justinho Manuel da Costa\nPrevious article Fidelis: TMR Laprtisipa Tanba Iha Servisu Seluk\nNext article STL Realiza Jogu Amizade Ba Loron Konsulta Pupular | [
"Leonito Florindo Guterres - STL Online Leonito Florindo Guterres MANE bonitu ho estatus Single nee laos foun ba maluk sira nebe servisu iha telekomunikasaun husi Vietname Telekom (Telemor) no ba klientes Telemor tomak nebe vizita ba iha Loja Zita Plaza iha andar leten.",
"La seluk la leet nia mak Leonito Florindo Guterres.",
"Lor-loron nia halao atividade hanesan Momence Department espesial liu ba areia editing content of Vas team servisu mos ba area muzika TL, Mobile.",
"TV and Muzika.tl (Valid Addend Service) hahu husi Abril 2014-2017.",
"Leonito Florindo Guterres ho naran estimadu Ruby nee moris iha Dili 22 Novembru 1991, aifunan domin husi Celestino Guterres husi Venilale Baucau no Cristina Florinda husi Uato-Carbau Viqueque.",
"Nia aman Celestino Guterres mate tiha ona iha tinan 2016.",
"Oan daruak husi maun alin nain rua.",
"Nia maun forma ona uma kain.",
"Hahu Eskola Primaria No. 8 Beto Komoro Dili, Pre-Sekundaria iha 30 de Agostu Komoro Dili no Sekundaria iha Colegio Sao Paulo VI.",
"Depois nee muda fali ba Colegio Sao Miguel no remata iha tinan 2011.",
"Agora dadaun eskola iha Universidade Da Pas (UNPAS) fakuldade Relasaun Internasional.",
"Edukasaun non formal neebe nia tuir maka hanesan iha tinan 2013 tuir formasaun kona ba Automotive iha Sentru Formasaun Dom Bosco Komoro-Dili.",
"Iha tinan 2013 mos nia tuir kursu ingles iha Sols Dili durante fulan hitu.",
"Kursu komputador iha Sols durante fulan haat iha Dili.",
"Iha tinan 2015 Participated Training Course of VAS (Valid Added Service).",
"Iha tinan 2016 partisipa mos iha kompetisaun muzika Yes Academy ASEAN iha Jakarta, Indonesia no hetan sertifikadu iha eventu refere.",
"Iha tinan 2015 partisipa iha eventu Got Talent Music Skill in Hanoi, Vietnam.",
"Nia mos hatete katak oras nee dadaun nia iha talentu muzika maibe iha Timor laiha governu ruma nebe tau matan atu bele dezenvolve talentu nee ho diak.",
"\"Hau durante nee latuir kursu ruma kona ba hakerek muzika, no toka viola maibe nee talentu nebe hau aprende husi kikoan.",
"Tuir lolos governu tenki buka dezenvolve ema nebe iha talentu diak, tanba talentu sira nee bele lori imajen Timor nian ba iha estranjeirus,\"dehan artista IV lugar areia muzika iha Vietnam 2015 nee ba STL iha nia servisu fatin Zita Plaza, Komoro-Dili, Domingu (27/8/2017).",
"Tuir nia hare katak depois de Timor Leste 30 Agustu 1999 haketak an husi nasaun Republika Indonezia liu husi konsulta popular nebe realiza husi ONU no nia rezultadu iha loron 4 Setembru 1999 no sura husi tinan 2000 to ba iha 2014 jovens sira komesa hamosu nia talentu oin-oin iha area muzika nian tamba hare ba situasaun, ekonomia, sosial, no politika nebe mosu iha nudar nasaun foun independensia.",
"Maibe governu sedauk tau matan ho hanoin ida oinsa maka dezenvolve talentu sira nebe jovens sira iha no kreatividades nebe sira organiza rasik.",
"Maske nunee iha mos jovens Timor oan balun neebe konsege ho nia kreatividades no talentu neebe iha ba aplika iha mundu internasional hanesan iha Azia.",
"Balun kosege hetan sertifikadu no mos balun aumenta tan esperensia iha area muzika nian.",
"Maibe realidade seluk neebe iha tinan 2014-2017 dezenvolve muzika diak ona maibe estraga rezultadu artista sira nia muzika iha merkadu.",
"Tanba jovens barak involve an iha neba no halo kopia ba ema nia muzika barak los ida nee halo artista Timor oan sira triste tanba nia muzika lafolin iha merkadu iha rai laran.",
"Tanba nee, ho nia kapasidade no esperensia nebe naton iha area muzika nian tanba nee iha tinan 2015 liu ba nia ho nia maluk Timor oan hanesan Lola Cancio, Monis, Farida no Dino nudar reprezenta Timor Leste nia involve iha kompetisaun konaba Got Talent Music skill iha nasaun Vietnam no TL kompete ho nasaun 11.",
"Nunee mos iha tinan 2016 liu ba nia mos hatudu nia talentu iha eventu Yes Academy ASEAN song writers' skill iha Jakarta Indonezia.",
"Timor oan nain tolu maka hanesan Alif Carrascalao, Frenky no Leonito Guterres rasik.",
"Maibe iha eventu neba sira nain tolu nee tuir eventu iha area nebe diferente.",
"Leoninto tuir kompetisaun iha area Song Writers skill, Alif Carrascalao tuir kompetisaun konaba dansa no Frency tuir kompetisaun Hip-Hop iha area dansa.",
"Iha estranjeirus maluk sira husi nasaun seluk dehan ema Timor iha kreatividades ba talentu no lian diak iha area muzika.",
"Maibe iha Timor sedauk iha organizasaun ou governu ida nebe bele ajuda jovens sira nebe iha nia talentu diak.",
"Kuandu Timor Leste kompara ho nasaun seluk ema nian iha area muzika devenvolvidu liu tamba ema nia neba iha formasaun barak atu motiva jovens sira iha area muzika nian no oinsa konaba kanta, toka viola nomos iha area seluk tan.",
"Maibe karik iha mos oportunidade hanesan maluk sira iha estranjeirus maka nasaun Timor sei bele dezenvolve muzika no meloura diak liu tan iha futuru mai.",
"Tamba nee ba futuru Leonito husu ba governu liu husi instituisaun nebe iha kompetensia liu atu tau matan ba area talentu muzika nian atu bele melora no dezenvolve diak liu tan.",
"Iha area oinsa hakerek testu muzika, toka viola, no oinsa bele aprezenta nia talentu nee ba publiku liu husi eventu ruma.",
"Realidade nebe mosu iha Timor kuandu komemora loron hanesan loron restaurasaun Indepedensia 20 de Maiu, 28 Novembru loron proklamasaun independensia Timor Leste nian sempre governu gasta osan barak bolu artista Internasional hanesan Indonezia, Portugal no seluk tan.",
"Nusa maka labele husu partisipasaun ema ou grupu muzika sira iha Timor nee atu bele hare sira nia kreatividades iha area muzika oinsa.",
"Atu osan nebe husi governu fo ba grupu muzika sira nee bele atu melora sira nia skill iha mundu muzika.",
"Husu mos ba governu atu loke eventu muzika bar-barak atu bele hetan fini diak iha area muzika nia atu ba futuru mai bele aprezenta iah estranjeirus iha area muzika.",
"\"Hau hakarak husu ba governu atu dezenvolve artista Timor oan ida maka nee governu presiza loke eventu barak atu hili fini nebe diak.",
"Segundu maka presiza kria lei ida atu bele halakon ema nebe halo muzika bajakan, no terseiru maka loke kursu kona ba area muzika,\"nia tenik tuir tan.",
"Justinho Manuel da Costa Previous article Fidelis: TMR Laprtisipa Tanba Iha Servisu Seluk Next article STL Realiza Jogu Amizade Ba Loron Konsulta Pupular"
] | [
"Leonito Florindo Guterres - STL Online The beautiful man with the Single status is not new to those who work in telecommunications from Vietname Telekom (Telemor) and for all Telemo customers that visit Loja Zita Plaza on top floor."
"The other one is Leonito Florindo Guterres, whose name I don't know."
"Every day he carries out activities as Momence Department especially for the area editing content of Vas team also works in TL music, Mobile."
"TV and Muzika.tl (Valid Addend Service) started in April 2014-3rd quarter of the year"
"Leonito Florindo Guterres, known as Ruby was born in Dili on November 21st of the year. She is a daughter from Celestino and Cristina Rodrigues who are married to each other since December last years at Uato-Carbau (Victoria)."
"His father, Celestino Guterres died in 2016."
"The second son of two siblings."
"His father has formed a house."
"Hahu Primary School No. 8 Beto Komoro Dili, Pre-Secondary at August the30th in Comoros and Secondary school Colegio Sao Paulo VI (Dili)."
"He then moved back to Colegio Sao Miguel and finished his education in the year of1987."
"Currently she is studying at the University of Pas (UNPAS) Faculty for International Relations."
"His non-formal education began in 2013 when he attended an Automotive training course at the Dom Bosco Formation Center Komoro – Dili."
"In 2013 she also attended an English course at Sols Dili for seven months."
"Computer course at Sols for four months in Dili."
"In 2015 Participated Training Course of VAS (Valid Added Service)."
"In 2016, she also participated in the Yes Academy ASEAN music competition held at Jakarta and received a certificate from that event."
"In 2015, she participated in the Got Talent Music Skill event held at Hanoi City Hall."
"He also said that at the moment he has a musical talent but in Timor there is no government which takes care to develop this talento well."
"\"I have taken some courses on music writing, and playing the viola but this is a talent that I learned from Kikoan."
"According to me, the government should try and develop people who have good talents because they can take Timorese image abroad\", said artist IV place areia music in Vietnam 2015 this STL at his workplace Zita Plaza Komoro-Dili on Sunday (8/49)."
"According to him, after East Timor became independent from the Republic of Indonesia on August 30th.1975 through a popular consultation conducted by UN and its outcome was announced in September (4)286-a year later young people started developing their talents within music due with situation economical social political that emerged as new country independence"
"However, the government has not looked at how to develop young people’s talent and creativity by organizing them themselves."
"However, there are also some young Timorese who have managed to apply their creativity and talents in the international world such as Asia."
"Some of the students obtained certificates and some also gained more experience in music."
"However, another reality in 2014-3 is that the music industry has developed well but artists’ performance on marketplace have been spoiled."
"Because a lot of young people are involved there and make copies to many other musicians, this makes Timorese artist sad because their songs have been dropped in the market."
"Therefore, with his ability and experience in the music field that is why it was for him to represent Timor-Leste alongside Lola Cancio as well Monis Farida e Dino. In this way he participated on Got Talent Music Skills competition where they competed against other talented artist from Vietnam & TL amongst a total of12 countries!"
"Also in 2016 she showed her talent at the Yes Academy ASEAN song writers' skill event, Jakarta Indonesia."
"The three Timorese are Alif Carrascalao, Frenky and Leonito Guterres himself."
"But in the event, all three of them are following events at different locations."
"Leoninto competed in the Song Writers skill area, Alif Carrascalão took part on dance and Frency participated Hip-Hop competition."
"There are foreigners from other countries who say that Timorese people have creativity for talent and good language in the area of music."
"But in Timor there is no organization or government that can help young people with their talents."
"When Timor-Leste compares with other countries people in the area of music are more developed because there is a lot training to motivate youngsters into this field and how about singing, playing violin etc."
"But if there is also the opportunity as our fellows abroad that Timor will be able to develop music and melody better in future."
"Therefore, in the future Leonito asks that government through institutions with more competence to take care of music talent area so it can improve and develop better."
"In the area of how to write music lyrics, play violin and present his talents through events."
"The reality that occurs in Timor when commemorating days such as Independence Restoration Day May 20, November the day of independence proclamation East Тимор always government spend a lot money to call international artist like Indonesia and Portugal."
"Nusa cannot ask for the participation of people or music groups in Timor to see how their creativities can be used."
"So that the money given by government to music groups can improve their skills in musical world."
"He also urged the government to open many music events so that they can get a better end in his musical area, and for future presentation of foreigners."
"\"I would like to ask the government for developing Timorese artists, so that they can open many events and choose a better future."
"Secondly, we need to create a law that can ban people who make illegal music and third of all is the opening up courses in this area,” he continued."
"Justinho Manuel da Costa Previous article Fidelis: TMR Laprtisipa Tanba Iha Servisu Seluk Next artikel STL Realiza Jogo Amizade Ba Loron Konsulta Popula"
] |
Dili- iha insiu fulan Dezembru Polisia nasional Timor-leste (PNTL) rejista kazu insidente hasmutuk hitu (7) no asidente trafiku tolu(3)\nPorta Voz PNTL Superintendente Xefe Arnaldo de Araujo hateten durante inisiu fulan Dezembru PNTL rejista kazu insidente hamutuk 7 ne’ebe rejulta ema nain ida (1) mate tanba monu husi ai, Nia hato’o asuntu ne’e liu husi komferensia emprensa iha Sentru Formasaun Polisia Komoro Dili, Kinta (11/12).\nNia haktuirtan alende ne’e rejistamos kazu asaltu cineza iha Baucau, Ahi han uma, tentativa sexual hasoru minoridade iha munisipiu Cova Lima no kazu seluktan, Alende ne’e PNTL mos rejista Asidente trafiku hamutuk tolu (3), nain ida mate no rua kanek kmaan, asidente ne’e akontese tanba fator humanu kondus motor ho kondisaun lanu no la kontrola velosidade.\nLiu husi Komferensia emprensa ne’e Porta Voz PNTL husu ba sidadaun hotu-hotu liliu ba joven sira labele hemu tua iha dalan publiku hodi halo perturbasaun no Nafatin bandu sunu foguete/ só bele sunu iha 31 kalan hodi simu tinan foun.\nFo hanoin mos winhira iha tempu udan kuidadu uza Telefone tanba bele iha koneksaun ho dejatre railakan nune’e mos wainhira lori kareta ho motorizada labele preokupa ho telephone tanba bele hetan asidente. Nune’e mos inan-aman sira atu kontrola oan sira iha tempu udan bo’ot tun labele ba halimar be’e iha Estrada publiku tamba bele fó ameasa ba ita/Desastre. Media PNTL\nKomandu PNTL Realiza Kolokiu Nasional Ba PAM | [
"Dili- iha insiu fulan Dezembru Polisia nasional Timor-leste (PNTL) rejista kazu insidente hasmutuk hitu (7) no asidente trafiku tolu (3) Porta Voz PNTL Superintendente Xefe Arnaldo de Araujo hateten durante inisiu fulan Dezembru PNTL rejista kazu insidente hamutuk 7 ne'ebe rejulta ema nain ida (1) mate tanba monu husi ai, Nia hato'o asuntu ne'e liu husi komferensia emprensa iha Sentru Formasaun Polisia Komoro Dili, Kinta (11/12).",
"Nia haktuirtan alende ne'e rejistamos kazu asaltu cineza iha Baucau, Ahi han uma, tentativa sexual hasoru minoridade iha munisipiu Cova Lima no kazu seluktan, Alende ne'e PNTL mos rejista Asidente trafiku hamutuk tolu (3), nain ida mate no rua kanek kmaan, asidente ne'e akontese tanba fator humanu kondus motor ho kondisaun lanu no la kontrola velosidade.",
"Liu husi Komferensia emprensa ne'e Porta Voz PNTL husu ba sidadaun hotu-hotu liliu ba joven sira labele hemu tua iha dalan publiku hodi halo perturbasaun no Nafatin bandu sunu foguete/ so bele sunu iha 31 kalan hodi simu tinan foun.",
"Fo hanoin mos winhira iha tempu udan kuidadu uza Telefone tanba bele iha koneksaun ho dejatre railakan nune'e mos wainhira lori kareta ho motorizada labele preokupa ho telephone tanba bele hetan asidente.",
"Nune'e mos inan-aman sira atu kontrola oan sira iha tempu udan bo'ot tun labele ba halimar be'e iha Estrada publiku tamba bele fo ameasa ba ita/Desastre.",
"Media PNTL Komandu PNTL Realiza Kolokiu Nasional Ba PAM"
] | [
"Dili- In early December, the Timorese National Police (PNTL) registered seven cases of homicide and three traffic accidents. PNTL Spokesperson Superintendente Arnaldo de Araujo said that during this period 7 people died because they fell from an tree in a roadside incident which was caused by falling trees on their way to work or school; he spoke about it at his annual press conference held Wednesday evening(12/09)."
"He said that in addition we registered cases of Chinese assault on Baucau, burning a house to the ground and sexual attempts against minority people at Cova Lima municipality among other. The Police also record three (3) traffic accident where one person died while two others were seriously wounded; this occurred because human factors drove their motorbike with poor condition without speed controlling it properlity"
"Through this conference, the Police spokesperson asked all citizens especially young people not to burn fire in public places and make disturbances. Nafatin also banned burning rockets/ only can be used on night of November31st for New Year' s Eve celebrations"
"Remind also when in the rain carefully use telephone because there can be connection with a broken deck and so while driving motorized car do not worry about phone as you may get an accident."
"Also parents to control their children in the heavy rain do not fall into water on public roads because it can be a threat/disaster."
"Media PNTL Polisia Nasional Timor-Leste (PNTL) Command Holds National Symposium For WFP"
] |
Muda Kedas Sistema Pagamentu Susbsídiu ba Ferik-Katuas – ::Timor Post Online::\nHome » Nasionál » Muda Kedas Sistema Pagamentu Susbsídiu ba Ferik-Katuas\n23 dezembro 2020 27 abril 2021 by Timor Post-638 views\nTimor Post (23/12/2020)—Prezidente Partidu Demokrátiku (PD), Mariano Assanami Sabino husu ba Banco Nacional Comerçio Timor Leste (BNCTL) atu muda kedas sistema pagamentu subsídiu ba ferik-katuas sira tanba sistema ne’ebé dadauk uza fraku tebes.\nAssanami husu ba mídia sira atu fó solidariedade ba akontesimentu katuas ida mate no husu atu BNCTL tenke prepara karreta movel atu halo pagamentu besik ba ferik no katuas sira.\n“Mídia hotu-hotu tenke fó solidáriu ba ita nia aman ne’e, i husu para tenke hadi’a sistema, BNCTL tenke iha karreta movel atu halo pagamentu,” Assanami subliña ba Jornalista sira hafoin rona katuas ida ho naran Agostinho Moniz mate hafoin sena malu ba simu osan iha BNCTL.\nAssanami dehan, BNCTL ne’e banku governu nian, tanba ne’e tenke kompleta fasilidade hotu atu serví povu ho di’ak liu.\n“Ita defende filozofia ba ferik-katuas sira mak, too ona 60 anos, sira sai eroi ba nasaun tanba sira konsege hakiak i konsege kuidadu bebe oan ida sai joven no sai lider, tanba ne’e mak orgullu ba sira i fó rekoñesimentu nu’udar eroi mak ita fó terseira idade,” Assanami afirma.\nEntretantu Agostinho Moniz hakotu iis loron 22/12/2020.\n“Nia monu iha sexta-feira ne’e, antri iha banku sira lori ba iha ospital maka mate,” Xefe Suku Mascarenhas, Postu Administrativu Vera Kruz, Munisípiu Dili, Rui Ilídio de Araújo haktuir ba Timor Post via telefone.\nTuir Xefe Suku, fator dahuluk Agostinho nia mate tanba idade. “Nia iha oan no beioan,” Xefe Suku hatete.\nMaske nune’e, Xefe Suku kestiona meius sira halo pagamentu ba benefisiáriu sira.\n“Iha Vera Kruz ba simu idozu ho bolsa da mãe, problema mak ida ne’e,” Xefe Suku kestiona hodi haktuir, iha Vera Kruz, tanba mosu ona problema katuas-ferik sira sena malu maka muda fali pagamentu husi banku ba iha postu administrasaun.\nVídeo amador ne’ebé sai viral iha rede sosial hatudu ferik ho katuas sira sena malu maka’as tebes iha BNCTL. Vídeo ne’e hatudu seguransa sira dudu malu ho ferik-katuas sira hodi mantein orden servisu, maibé ferik katuas sira kontinua obriga tama no balu haksoit husi lutu.\nObservasaun haktuir pagamentu subsídiu ba ferik katuas iha timor laran hamosu preokupasaun husi benefisiáriu sira tanba to’o loron ne’ebé sira ba simu subsídiu ne’e tenke la’o dook. Balun la’o husi suku ida ba simu iha suku seluk no pior liu maka ferik-katuas balun nia kondisaun saúde no fízikamente labele la’o ona, mós obrigadu oan no beioan sira dudu ho kadeira roda, karrosa ho meius transporte seluk ba fatin ne’ebé pesoal sira halo pagamentu. (cao)\nPrevious post Hafoin husu CNRT Prepara-an, Xanana Orienta Trasa Mapeamentu Polítika no Hakat ba KN\nNext post TL Rejista hikas Ema Na’in-9 Pozetivu COVID-19, Ministra Odete Preokupa Movimentu iha Festa Natal no Tinan Foun\nPLP Laiha Preferénsia ba Forma Governu Foun no EA, Alkatiri: Taur Mak Vítima\nFRETILIN Reafirma Pozisaun La Sai Ai-tonka No Deklara Harii Governu Foun só ho Aliansa Foun\nXanana husu Lú Olo Marka hikas Diskusaun ba Konteudu husi Nia Karta\nCNRT Kumpri K-RDTL Artigu 74, Maibé Hotu-hotu Tenke ho Vontade no Fuan Moos\nLú Olo halo ‘Mapa Diálogu’ no Esperansa sira Hakotu Impase Polítika\nCNRT ho KHUNTO nia Pozisaun Hanesan kona-ba Destinu AMP | [
"Muda Kedas Sistema Pagamentu Susbsidiu ba Ferik-Katuas -::Timor Post Online:: Home \" Nasional \" Muda Kedas Sistema Pagamentu Susbsidiu ba Ferik-Katuas 23 dezembro 2020 27 abril 2021 by Timor Post-638 views Timor Post (23/12/2020) - Prezidente Partidu Demokratiku (PD), Mariano Assanami Sabino husu ba Banco Nacional Comercio Timor Leste (BNCTL) atu muda kedas sistema pagamentu subsidiu ba ferik-katuas sira tanba sistema ne'ebe dadauk uza fraku tebes.",
"Assanami husu ba midia sira atu fo solidariedade ba akontesimentu katuas ida mate no husu atu BNCTL tenke prepara karreta movel atu halo pagamentu besik ba ferik no katuas sira.",
"\"Midia hotu-hotu tenke fo solidariu ba ita nia aman ne'e, i husu para tenke hadi'a sistema, BNCTL tenke iha karreta movel atu halo pagamentu,\" Assanami sublina ba Jornalista sira hafoin rona katuas ida ho naran Agostinho Moniz mate hafoin sena malu ba simu osan iha BNCTL.",
"Assanami dehan, BNCTL ne'e banku governu nian, tanba ne'e tenke kompleta fasilidade hotu atu servi povu ho di'ak liu.",
"\"Ita defende filozofia ba ferik-katuas sira mak, too ona 60 anos, sira sai eroi ba nasaun tanba sira konsege hakiak i konsege kuidadu bebe oan ida sai joven no sai lider, tanba ne'e mak orgullu ba sira i fo rekonesimentu nu'udar eroi mak ita fo terseira idade,\" Assanami afirma.",
"Entretantu Agostinho Moniz hakotu iis loron 22/12/2020.",
"\"Nia monu iha sexta-feira ne'e, antri iha banku sira lori ba iha ospital maka mate,\" Xefe Suku Mascarenhas, Postu Administrativu Vera Kruz, Munisipiu Dili, Rui Ilidio de Araujo haktuir ba Timor Post via telefone.",
"Tuir Xefe Suku, fator dahuluk Agostinho nia mate tanba idade.",
"\"Nia iha oan no beioan,\" Xefe Suku hatete.",
"Maske nune'e, Xefe Suku kestiona meius sira halo pagamentu ba benefisiariu sira.",
"\"Iha Vera Kruz ba simu idozu ho bolsa da mae, problema mak ida ne'e,\" Xefe Suku kestiona hodi haktuir, iha Vera Kruz, tanba mosu ona problema katuas-ferik sira sena malu maka muda fali pagamentu husi banku ba iha postu administrasaun.",
"Video amador ne'ebe sai viral iha rede sosial hatudu ferik ho katuas sira sena malu maka'as tebes iha BNCTL.",
"Video ne'e hatudu seguransa sira dudu malu ho ferik-katuas sira hodi mantein orden servisu, maibe ferik katuas sira kontinua obriga tama no balu haksoit husi lutu.",
"Observasaun haktuir pagamentu subsidiu ba ferik katuas iha timor laran hamosu preokupasaun husi benefisiariu sira tanba to'o loron ne'ebe sira ba simu subsidiu ne'e tenke la'o dook.",
"Balun la'o husi suku ida ba simu iha suku seluk no pior liu maka ferik-katuas balun nia kondisaun saude no fizikamente labele la'o ona, mos obrigadu oan no beioan sira dudu ho kadeira roda, karrosa ho meius transporte seluk ba fatin ne'ebe pesoal sira halo pagamentu. (cao) Previous post Hafoin husu CNRT Prepara-an, Xanana Orienta Trasa Mapeamentu Politika no Hakat ba KN Next post TL Rejista hikas Ema Na'in-9 Pozetivu COVID-19, Ministra Odete Preokupa Movimentu iha Festa Natal no Tinan Foun PLP Laiha Preferensia ba Forma Governu Foun no EA, Alkatiri: Taur Mak Vitima FRETILIN Reafirma Pozisaun La Sai Ai-tonka No Deklara Harii Governu Foun so ho Aliansa Foun Xanana husu Lu Olo Marka hikas Diskusaun ba Konteudu husi Nia Karta CNRT Kumpri K-RDTL Artigu 74, Maibe Hotu-hotu Tenke ho Vontade no Fuan Moos Lu Olo halo 'Mapa Dialogu' no Esperansa sira Hakotu Impase Politika CNRT ho KHUNTO nia Pozisaun Hanesan kona-ba Destinu AMP"
] | [
"Muda Kedas Sistema Pagamento Subbsidiu ba Ferik-Katuas 23 dezembro,10:59 PM - Timor Post Online (TimorPost.com) – Democratic Party President Mariano Assanami Sabino has called on the National Commercial Bank of East Тимор to immediately change subsidies payment system for farmers because it is very weak and inadequate; he said that this would be a major step towards enhancing agriculture productivity by reducing land use costs as well..."
"Assanami asked the media to show solidarity with an elderly person who died and requested that BNCTL should prepare mobile carts for near payment of children or senior citizens."
"\"All the media must show solidarity with our father, and ask for a system to be improved. BNCTL should have mobile carts in place so that it can make payment\", Assanami said after hearing an elderly man named Agostinho Moniz died following his refusal of receiving money at its branches.\""
"Assanami said, BNCTL is a government bank and therefore must complete all facilities to serve the people better."
"\"We defend the philosophy for our elderly children that, at 60 years of age they become heroes to their country because it was possible and successful in nursing a baby child into being younger than he is now. That's why we are proud about them as well.\" Assanami says:"
"Agostinho Moniz passed away on 20 December, at the age of just twenty-two."
"\"He fell this Friday, they waited in the banks and took him to hospital where he died\", Chief of Mascarenhas Village at Vera Kruz Post Office (Dili Municipality), Rui Ilidio de Araujo told TimorPost via phone."
"According to the village chief, Agostinho's death was primarily due of age."
"\"He has no children,\" said the chief."
"However, the village chief questioned how they made payments to beneficiaries."
"\"In Vera Kruz to receive the elderly with bolsa da mãe, this is a problem\", questioned Chief of Village and said that in vera kruze because there has been problems old people who are not paying each other they have moved payment from banks into administration posts."
"An amateur video that went viral on social networks shows children and elderly people having a great deal of fun at BNCTL."
"The video shows security guards fighting with the elderly children to maintain order, but they are forced in and some of them shout from their bed."
"Observations show that the payment of subsidies to older children in Timor-Leste has caused concerns among beneficiarie because until they receive their subsidy, it must go through a long process."
"Previous post After Asking CNRT to Prepare, Xanana Orients Political Mapping Route and Goes To KN Next Post TL Registered Hikas Nine COVID-19 Positive People; Minister Odete Concern Movement In Christmas And New Year'S Eve PLP Has No Preference For Forming a Government Without EA & Alkatiri: Taur Is the Victim of FRETILIN Reaffirm Position Not Out Of The House But Declaring Having Only with A new Alliance Lu Olo Ask lu olo Mark Discussing on Content from His Letter CNRT Complies K RDTL Article 74 but Everything Must Be Done in Willand Hope End political Impasse Fretilin Call for 'Map Dialogue’ Like that position between CNT/KHUNTO about Destiny AMP"
] |
Uma-kain ualu kontinua okupa areadór EBS Bidau Akadiruhun | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste\nVARANDA DILI Uma-kain ualu kontinua okupa areadór EBS Bidau Akadiruhun\nDiretór Eskola EBC Bidau Akadiruhun, Mateus Pinto Tilman. Imajen: Tomé Amado\nDILI, 04 agostu 2020 (TATOLI)-Família uma-kain ualu to’o oras ne’e sei kontinua okupa areadór Eskola Ensinu Báziku Sentrál Akadiruhun tanba Governu seidauk hasai desizaun hodi muda sai ba okupante sira husi fatin ne’ebá.\nDiretór Eskola, Mateus Tilman, hateten Governu liuhosi Ministériu Edukasaun Juventude no Desportu tenki foti ona desizaun para muda sai komunidade hirak ne’e tanba durante ne’e difikulta prosesu aprendizajen estudante sira-nian.\nTuir nia lorloron estudante sira tenki hamoos fo’er ne’ebé maka komunidade so’e arbiru iha área eskola nian no pior liután mak fo’er ema nian.\n“Ha’u-nia estudante sira mai eskola atu estuda la’ós atu mai hamoos fali ema seluk nia fo’ér, hanesan popok ne’ebé nakonu ho labarik nia fo’er ne’ebé animal dada to’o varanda eskola nian,”katak nia ba Tatoli, iha salaun Ensinu Báziku Filiál númeriu 01 Nularan Bairo dos Grilhos.\nNia parte laiha kbi’it atu hasai komunidade hirak ne’e ho obrigatóriumente tanba laiha kompotensia.\n“Ami ejize nafatin ba Ministériu Edukasaun liuhusi Diretór Servisu Edukasaun Munisípiu Dili atu toma medida ba kestaun ne’e tanba prezensa família sira ne’e prejudika tebes prosesu ensinu aprendijazen ba labarik sira,”nia hateten.\nHatan ba preokupasaun ne’e, Diretór Servisu Edukasaun Munisípiu Dili, Duarte Bragansa, hateten atu muda sai komunidade hirak ne’e MEJD presiza osan hamutuk $ 4.000 atu fasilita Ministériu hodi transporte okupante hirak ne’e nia sasán ba fatin foun.\n“Ita laiha ona problema ho Diresaun Terras no Propriedade, sira hein de’it parte Ministériu Edukasaun kuandu hatan ona sira prontu maibé Ministériu Edukasaun seidauk iha osan entaun ami ki’ik iha baze atu halo saida,”katak nia.\nPrevious articleKazu droga, MP alega pena prizaun tinan-15 ba arguidu JGB\nNext articlePasiente pozitivu COVID-19 foun izola ona iha Vera Cruz | [
"Uma-kain ualu kontinua okupa areador EBS Bidau Akadiruhun | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA DILI Uma-kain ualu kontinua okupa areador EBS Bidau Akadiruhun Diretor Eskola EBC Bidau Akadiruhun, Mateus Pinto Tilman.",
"Imajen: Tome Amado DILI, 04 agostu 2020 (TATOLI) -Familia uma-kain ualu to'o oras ne'e sei kontinua okupa areador Eskola Ensinu Baziku Sentral Akadiruhun tanba Governu seidauk hasai desizaun hodi muda sai ba okupante sira husi fatin ne'eba.",
"Diretor Eskola, Mateus Tilman, hateten Governu liuhosi Ministeriu Edukasaun Juventude no Desportu tenki foti ona desizaun para muda sai komunidade hirak ne'e tanba durante ne'e difikulta prosesu aprendizajen estudante sira-nian.",
"Tuir nia lorloron estudante sira tenki hamoos fo'er ne'ebe maka komunidade so'e arbiru iha area eskola nian no pior liutan mak fo'er ema nian.",
"\"Ha'u-nia estudante sira mai eskola atu estuda la'os atu mai hamoos fali ema seluk nia fo'er, hanesan popok ne'ebe nakonu ho labarik nia fo'er ne'ebe animal dada to'o varanda eskola nian,\"katak nia ba Tatoli, iha salaun Ensinu Baziku Filial numeriu 01 Nularan Bairo dos Grilhos.",
"Nia parte laiha kbi'it atu hasai komunidade hirak ne'e ho obrigatoriumente tanba laiha kompotensia.",
"\"Ami ejize nafatin ba Ministeriu Edukasaun liuhusi Diretor Servisu Edukasaun Munisipiu Dili atu toma medida ba kestaun ne'e tanba prezensa familia sira ne'e prejudika tebes prosesu ensinu aprendijazen ba labarik sira,\"nia hateten.",
"Hatan ba preokupasaun ne'e, Diretor Servisu Edukasaun Munisipiu Dili, Duarte Bragansa, hateten atu muda sai komunidade hirak ne'e MEJD presiza osan hamutuk $ 4.000 atu fasilita Ministeriu hodi transporte okupante hirak ne'e nia sasan ba fatin foun.",
"\"Ita laiha ona problema ho Diresaun Terras no Propriedade, sira hein de'it parte Ministeriu Edukasaun kuandu hatan ona sira prontu maibe Ministeriu Edukasaun seidauk iha osan entaun ami ki'ik iha baze atu halo saida,\"katak nia.",
"Previous articleKazu droga, MP alega pena prizaun tinan-15 ba arguidu JGB Next articlePasiente pozitivu COVID-19 foun izola ona iha Vera Cruz"
] | [
"Seven families continue to occupy EBS Bidau Akadiruhun aerator | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA DILI The seven households who are still in the airer of EBZ Bidu’a Kaderuhuun, said Mateus Pinto Tilman."
"Image: Tome Amado DILI, August 4th (TATOLI) -The seven-family family to this moment will continue occupying the air conditioner of Akadiruhun Central Primary School because Government has not made a decision on moving out occupants from that place."
"School Director, Mateus Tilman said that the Government through Ministry of Education Youth and Sports should have taken a decision to move these communities because during this time it hinders students' learning process."
"According to him, every day the students must clean up fo'er that is burned by community in school area and worst of all people’s."
"\"My students come to school for studying, not cleaning up someone else's trash like the popok filled with kids’ waste that animals have left on our balcony\", she told Tatoli in Ensino Básico Filial numerou01 Nularan Bairo dos Grilhos."
"He said that he had no power to evict these communities with an obligatory force because there was a lack of competence."
"\"We also urge the Ministry of Education through Dili Municipality's Director for School Services to take action on this issue because families are very harmful in teaching and learning processes,\" she said."
"Responding to this concern, Director of Dili Municipal Education Service Duarte Bragansa said that in order for MEJD move these communities out it needs $4.01 million so as the Ministry can transport occupants' belongings from their current residence and into a new place where they will have accessibility through public roads or buses which are available at all times during school hours (from noon until midnight)."
"\"We have no problem with the Directorate of Lands and Property, they are just waiting for Ministry Of Education when we answered them that it is ready but education ministry has not got money so there's little base to do what\", he said."
"Previous articleDrug case, MP alleges 15-year prison sentence for defendant JGB Next artikelNew COVID -20 positive patient has been isolated in Vera Cruz"
] |
TEMPO SEMANAL: Tempo Semanal Edisaun 129\nTempo Semanal Edisaun 129\nForsa ONU Kria Instabilidade No Viola Direitus Humanus Iha TL\nMembru GNR tortura membru PNTL\nPNTL Agente: Gastao Peidade depois GNR baku nia\nIha Sesta-feira (06/03/09) madruguada, GNR halo kapturasaun no torturasaun hasoru Timor oan balun wainhira membru GNR balun involve baku malu ho jovens sira. Vitima sira ne'e timor oan balun inklui mos membru PNTL nain rua ida husi CSP no ida seluk husi parte Financas PNTL mos populasaun civil ida. GNR ninia atetude dala barak diak hodi fo treinamentu ba membru PNTL sira maibe dala ruma sei hametin liu tan violencia iha nasaun ne'e. Prezenca GNR iha nasaun ne'e tan Estadu TL ninia pedidu mai hodi ajuda Governu TL hakotu violencia maibe iha tempu pas GNR sira halo provokasaun ho atetude "overacting, halai kareta ho velocidade as, tun sasurut ema hanesan trator no trata ema hanesan animal mos kreia problemas iha bar mos fatin seluk-seluk tan," dehan joven ida ne'ebe mos testamunia ba insidenti iha bar Casa minha nian ne'e.\nMembru PNTL, Ajente Gastao Piedade ne'ebe servisu iha parte Financas PNTL kaptura hamutuk ho membru PNTL ida husi CSP ho mos ema civil ida lori ba simu kastigu iha kuartel GNR Kaikoli Dili. "Ha'u nia matan kanek no ha'u nia liman sira hetan kanek hotu, tan hetan torturasoens husi membrus GNR. Tan ba iha momentu ne'eba sira lori ha'u ba iha sira nia kompaund, depois halo torturasaun ba ha'u sem iha investigasaun ruma," Gastao informa ba Jornal Tempo Semanal iha semana kotuk. Tuir lei ne'ebe vigora iha Rai Timor Leste ne'e membru seguranca internasional sira so halo atuasaun deit nune'e duni depois detain\ntiha ema ida GNR sira ne'e tenki lori suspeitu ba sela detensaun PNTL ninian. Problemas segundu maka tuir lolos GNR sira ne'e, "la iha direitu halo kapturasaun ba ha'u," ida wainhira sira la uza farda. Bar hanesan fatin divertimentu ba ker GNR, PNTL no publiku bele ba iha\nfatin ne'eba maibe laos atu ba mete Problemas. "Iha momentu ne'eba sira halo problema bo'ot."\nWainhira jovens sira ne'ebe halo problemas ho sira halai hotu ona entaun sira mai fali ami hodi koalia mai ami katak atu halo kapturasaun mai ami maibe ha'u dehan lae tan ha'u membru PNTL tan ne'e o labele halo kapturasaun ba ha'u." Iha momentu ne'eba vitima ne'ebe ninia matan kuana hetan suku wain ne'e sei hatudu ninia identidade kompletu dehan nia PNTL maibe GNR sira ne'e sei hasai lia at ba nia hodi tolok instituisaun PNTL.\nGNR sira halo kapturasaun obrigatoriu ba Agente PNTL ne'e iha besik luron besik tasi ibun, hotel Casa minha nia oin mais ou menus tuku tolu dader hodi lori nia ba kompoun GNR kaikoli. "Sira la lori ha'u ba detensaun PNTL distritu Dili maibe lori ha'u ba sira nia kompoun hodi\nhalo torturasaun ba ha'u durante tres oras nia laran tan ne'e maka UNPOL mai tula ha'u lori ba fatin detensaun distritu Dili." Torturasaun ne'ebe maka membru PNTL ne'e simu husi GNR sira maka, "tun ho ba komesa tres oras madruguada to'o fila fali seis oras madruaguada depois de ida tun sira la husu ha'u maibe sira tuku ha'u, baku ha'u depois tiha ha'u nia liman no sira haruka ha'u tur ba rai maka sira ho grupu nain walu ka sira hanesan ne'e maka mai baku lisuk ha'u no ida maka konsege tebe kona ha'u nia matan fukun ne'e no hetan suku postura lima. Sira baku tiha hanesan ne'e la to'o sira sei ba foti tan tudik ida hodi koso ba ha'u nia ran ne'ebe fakar ba rai ne'e depois sira dehan ne'e sai ba evidencia."\nHo matan kanek no bubu Gastao sei fo lembra ba Guarda Nasional Republikana portuges sira ne'e katak, "Timor Leste laos ona iha 450 anus pasado maibe Timor agora, Timor intelektual. Timor ne'ebe hatene prosesu wituan labele atu viola fila fali buat ne'e. Nia rejeita lalaok manipulativu GNR ne'ebe buka razaun falsu hasoru nian. "Ha'u nia laran moras teb-tebes," nia hateten. Wainhira nia tenta husu atu hatene ninia sala maibe laos lia fuan maka hatan maibe tan\nnia koalia demais entaun GNR sira kesi metin ninia liman. Nia kanek ran sai barak ona maibe laos hetan tratamentu ba ninia kanek mas GNR, "bolu duni doutor ida, mai atu halo tratamentu mai hau, mas laos mai halo tratamentu maibe mai fo, baku tan ha'u. Mai foti be, be aqua\nne'e, masa ida hodi baku tan ha'u, ida ne'e maka realidade," Gastao haktuir. Iha Domingo tuku nen dader maka UNPOL sira lori Gastao ba detein iha fatin detensaun PNTL ninia kaikoli no ikus mai lori ba Tribunal hodi halo primeira interogatoriu ne'ebe ninia rezultadu la\nhetan sala ida iha nia kona ba problema entre jovens ho GNR iha Bar Casa Minha Dili.\nGastao ne'ebe hetan liberdade total ne'e senti sala laek no sai vitima torturasoens husi Forca GNR lakohi admite atu ema seluk sai vitima ba GNR ninia atuasaun kleuk ne'e hateten ba jornal Tempo Semanal katak nia, " pronto halo keixa tan ba ida ne'e viola leis ho konstituisaun" nasaun Timor Leste. Hanesan Timor oan ida ne'ebe hetan liman fatin husi GNR nia dehan, "atuasaun GNR ne'ebe la professional. Ba ha'u membru PNTL sira halo tiha ona hanesan ne'e entaqun ba\ncidadaun civil ne'ebe la kompriende lei," nia promete hodi hatan ba prokurador ninia iniciativa hodi halo investigasaun ba membru GNR sira ne'ebe deskonfia komete krime torturasaun ne'e hodi lori ba meja verde nia oin.\nNia realsa katak nia sei atetude GNR ba ema ne'ebe kompriende lei hanesan ne'e entaun forca da pas ONU nian ne'e sei halo at liu tan ba populsaun iha dili laran tan maioria problema akontese iha capital nasaun foun ne'ebe foin sai husi violencia 2006. "GNR ninia hahalok balun diak maibe sira ninia hahalok hanesan ne'e viola karta ONU kona ba deklarasaun direitu ema nian no wainhira lalaok ne'e sei kontinua nafatin ba ema seluk maka GNR sei la hetan fatin iha populasaun Timor Leste nia fuan laran nune'e duni sei mosu problemas entree ma Timor\noan hasoru sira."\nEstadu Timor Leste liu husi ninia Presidenti da Republika iha fulan kotuk husu ona ba ONU Nova Yorke atu extende tan prezenca ONU nian iha nasaun ne'e.\n"Ha'u hein katak ne'e GNR sei estuda husi sira nia esperiencia hodi tau an iha fatin. Se lae sira sei la hetan respeitu husi populasaun Timor Leste," dehan Maria dos santos joven feto ida iha Lecidere Dili ba Jornal ne'e.\nFesta Karnaval GNR Festeiza Tortura Marcio\nIha loron sanolu resin hat antes (21/02/09) akontese uluk ona hahalok violasaun direitus ema nian husi membru GNR balun hasoru cidadaun Brasileiru ida. Iha loron ne'eba populasaun Dili wain maka ba festeiza loron karnaval ninia.\nEma lubun bo'ot ne'e mai husi nasaun ho kultura oi-oin no fatin lahanesan iha Dili laran. Ema wain tun ba Estrada sira la tau importancia udan ne'ebe habokon cidade ne'e maibe halo malirin ulun ho fuan ema hirak ne'e, hodi kanta, troka hakilar, danca no bidu husi pantai kelapa mai to'o Palaciu do Governu. PM Xanana nune'e mos Ministru Turismu no Industria Gill Alves apela ba pas no aktividade Karnaval ne'e hodi anima populasaun ne'ebe dala barak moris ho presaun\nviolencia. Maibe buat ne'ebe PM Xanana koalia lavale ba GNR sira mak halo seguranca hela ba eventu ne'e. Loron mos subar dadaun ninia matan mai rai loro sa'e no nakfila an ba kalan wainhira iha palaciu oin Populasaun kontenti ho festa Karnaval maibe GNR sira festa torturasaun ba cidadaun brasil nian. Marcio Gutenberg Figueirido de Araujo professor ne'ebe desde 2005 mai iha nasaun ne'e hodi ajuda hanorin ema timor oan sira kona ba lian tetun ninia destinu nakukun hanesan kalan ne'ebe monu dadaun mai rai.\n"Membru GNR sira kaer ha'u no kesi liman ba kotuk maka tuku ha'u ho violentu tebe-tebes," dehan professor kmanek ne'ebe moris iha Nordeste Paraiba Brasil ne'eba. Insidenti ida ne'e mosu mais ou menus tuku 19.00 ka 19.30 otl.Poblemas "torturasaun brutal" ne'e mosu tan ba hare ninia kaben ne'ebe tenta ajuda staf Embaisada Brasil nian ida. Hafoin de GNR husik Staf Embaisada Brasil ne'e lao liu ba diresaun portaun akait ninian no GNR kaer ninia kaben nia kapas wainhira nia fen fila oin ba GNR ne'e buti nia fen ninia kakorok depois GNR sira ne'e\nhateten ba ninia kaben katak, "o labele hanorin ha'u kona ba ha'u nia servisu."\nWainhira Marcio haree GNR buti nia fen ninia kakorok maka nia mos decide dudu sai GNR nia liman husi nia kaben ninia kakorok. "Oficiais GNR mai barak liu tan no kaer ha'u ho kesi ha'u nia liman ba kotuk no halo ha'u hakneak ho ain tur depois oficiais ida seluk tuku kona ha'u nia inus no basa ha'u nia hasan no sira seluk tuku no tebe dala barak iha ha'u nia isin lolon, liman mos ain." Ho soku Marcio nia inus ran no halo nia oin mesak haris ho ran. Hafoin de torturasaun iha Palacio nia oin GNR sira tula nia ba kareta hodi lori ba Kuartel GNR iha Kaikoli hodi hamo'os ran iha ninia futar oin.\nHusi fatin ne'eba sira transfer Marcio ba kuartel PNTL distrital dili hodi halo teste ba alcohol no ninia rezultadu hemu alcohol wituan liu la lanu maibe durante tempu tomak ninia liman aljemadu ba kotuk ate muda nia ba uma ba uma servisu UN nia ida maka oficiais UNPOL ida hasai ninia tali borgol. "Sira trata ha'u hanesan ema kriminozu ida."\n"Ha'u hanoin oficiais GNR sira la hetan preparasaun didiak para hela iha Timor Leste tan ba sira nu'udar forca da pas laos forca de guera." "Sira hanaran an hanesan forca da pas maibe sira trata ema at hanesan animal ou pior liu tan animal." Tuir Marcio katak, "ate animais sira mos merese dignidade tan ba kuandu tuku no tebe animal mos viola sira nia direitu." Profesor portuges ne'e ejiji investigasaun ba kazu ne'e no "ha'u hakarak hetan justica.\n"Wainhira jornal ne'e dada lia ho Marcio ninia liman ho ain sei kanek fresku nafatin hela. "Sira gosta brani atake ema hodi grupu no baku ema hafoin liman futu ba kotuk tan ne'e ha'u dehan sira halo torturasaun barbarik fisikamente hasoru ha'u."Marcio dehan, "nia presiza denuncia tan ba abuzu sira hanesan ne'e foin kazu ida husi kazu sira seluk ne'ebe labele hatene tan ema lakohi fo sai." Entaun tuir nia apelu ba ema hotu katak, "kualker de abuzu poder policial seja denuncia." Nia kategoria lalaok GNR ne'e ladiak maske balun kmanek nune'e presiza atu fo sai ba publiku hodi halo koreksaun ba Forca ne'ebe tun foun-foun iha Dili Oan Timor sira simu hanesan liurai bo'ot. "Buat ne'e hanesan akto kovarde ida tan ba ha'u la halo defeza, labele kontra no nu'udar ema ida maka labele bok an tan ona. Lalaok ne'e kontra direitus ema nian."Hafoin de governu TL ho brasil ninian estabelece akordu internasional ida Marcio husik rai natal mai horik iha TL hodi sai mentor ba profesores oan rai ne'e ninian mos tempu ruma nia ba ajuda iha UNTL. Durante reside iha TL nia la iha esperiencia at ruma maibe kontenti hela deit. "Ha'u iha belun barak ema oan Timor maka ha'u hatene tan ba ha'u hakarak dedika an ba hanorin estudantes no profesores Timor oan sira.""Esperiencia diak mai ha'u durante hela iha ne'e tan importante mai ha'u hatene nasaun foun nune'e tenta atu tulun mos tenta hanorin."\nMane ne'ebe rai ida ho belun bo'ot TL saudoso Sergio Viera de Melho, triste ho atetude GNR no peokupa tebes katak situasaun ne'e hodi dale katak, "sira sei halo at liu ba ema Timor oan sira seluk tan ba mai ha'u deit sira halo ona hanesan ne'e sa tan ba ema Timor oan baibain\nGovernu Simpatia ho Vitama GNR haluha PNTL\nTuir nota de imprensa ne'ebe jornal ne'e simu husi Gabinete Primeiru Ministru hatudu katak governu Timor Leste hatudu ninia solidaridade ba GNR nain hat ne'ebe kanek maibe la kestiona nem wituan kona ba atuasaun GNR ne'ebe viola direitus ema Timor oan balun ninian .\n"Governu Timor Leste, atraves ninia vice-Primeiro-ministro Jose Luis Guterres, lamenta ho incidenti ne'ebe vitimou elementus GNR nain hat. Hanesan problema, ne'ebe akontese iha sexta Feira kotuk (06/03), iha restaurante ida iha avenida de Portugal, parte marginal husi\nKapital Timorense," hakerek iha nota ba imprensa Governu nian ne'e.Liu tan Vice PM ne'e mos rekuinese papel importante ne'ebe desempena husi GNR no sira nia misaun hodi hametin seguranca ba Povu Timor Leste. Tuir Governu katak incidenti ne'e trata hanesan aktu ida izoladu ne'ebe la refleta sentimentu no postura povu timor oan ninian perante\nservisu mak prestado husi GNR.\nJose Luis Guterres fo hanoin fali katak situasaun aktul iha normalidade ba povu Timor Leste. Antes remata liu husi nota ba imprensa ne'eba vice uluk liu husi Primeiru Ministru ne'e fo hatene\nsai katak kestaun akontecimentu 06/03 iha hela prosesu buka hatene tuir nia laran no promete katak sira ne'e sala sei kastigu. "UNPOL ho PNTL sira sei investiga akontecimentu no sema hirak ne'ebe kulpado sei punido tuir akordo iha leis ho normas iha pais demokratiku ne'e."\nHafoin de intervista ho Vice I PM ne'e iha semana kotuk jornal Tempo Semanal hatudu foto membru PNTL ne'ebe ligadura taka hela ninia matan mak sei bubu no metan kuana halo ema numeru rua iha Governu AMP ne'e hakfodak ho kondisaun Gastao Piedade ninian.\n"At liu hanesan ne'e ga?" dehan vice PM ba jornal ne'e. Akontesementu nee mosu atraves forsa ida nebe mai ho misaun Nasoens Unidas no forsa ida ke mai husi nasaun nebe amigu teb-tebes ho Timor Leste, nee duni, esforsu diak liu guvernu bele halo hodi hetan relatoriu ida ke diak antes informa ba publiku nasional no internasional. Insidentes nee tuir Vise Primeiru Ministru katak, hanesan insidente ijoladu nebe laos akontese bebeik. "hau sente katak insidente nee laos\npaten ka akontese bebeik hanesan mos iha nasaun seluk. Maibe importante ba ita maka orgaun kompetente tenki halo investigasaun ho seriu para ita bele hatene loloos lia loos nee iha nebe.\nTuir joven ne'ebe marka mos prezenca iha bar Casa minha ninia iha kalan akontecimentu nia hateten katak ladun justu kuandu Governu hola pozisaun sedu hanesan ne'e. "Mai ha'u ne'ebe haree akontecimentu iha kalan ne'eba lolos ne'e GNR tenki hatudu sira nia profesionalismu laos\nmai provoka uluk situasaun.\nTan ne'e husu Governu atu ejiji investigasaun profundu ba kazu ne'e, " afirma Lino (naran kode). Nia mos husu GNR atu responsabiliza sira nia atuasaun hasoru Timor oan sira ne'e. "Se karik hetan evidencia GNR komete violencia kontra Timor oan hirak ne'e Governu Timor Leste bele kastigu ka la'e?" Wainhira jornal ne'e tenta hetan konfirmasaun husi parte GNR iha sexta kotuk la konsege tan ba tuir komandante GNR ne'ebe simu jornalista Tempo Semanal hateten katak nia ema foun ne'ebe la hatene buat ida. "Ha'u foin mai la hatene kazu ne'e."Jornal ne'e mos tenta ona husu klarifikasaun ba parte UNPOL maibe relasaun publika husi UNMIT husu jornal ne'e rai hela deit perguntas I ate noticia ne'e hatun seidauk simu resposta husi UNMIT.\nGovernu TL husu ajuda ba nasaun belun ex kolinial Portugal, Australia, Nova zealandia ho Malaisya hafoin mosu violencia iha 2006. Nune'e Portugal haruka hikas GNR laos ho bandeira ONU mai nasaun ne'e ajuda hapara violencia.\nGNR tun ikus liu iha Baucau ne'ebe kuaze metade husi membru governu tempu ne'eba ba simu no liu dalan Baucau Dili populasaun hamri'ik lina hodi simu sira nua salvador. Iha fulan ruma liu tiha GNR submete an iha bandeira ONU nian (ts)\nPosted by TEMPO SEMANAL at 20:12\nTempo Semanal Edisaun 132\nTempo Semanal Edisaun 131\nTempo Semanal Edisaun 130\nPacific Freedom Forum Petitions Against "Unconsti...\nTempo Semanal Edisaun 128\nEast Timor journalist faces jail time: ABC TV 7:30...\nDefamation Case against Tempo Semanal: Lao Hamutuk...\nTetun of ETAN release on Tempo Semanal defamation ...\nTempo Semanal Edisaun Internet: Breaking News- ANG...\nEnglish Translation: Tempo Semanal, Ed 127 (2.3.09...\nTempo Semanal Edisaun 127: ME Defende Familia Hodi... | [
"TEMPO SEMANAL: Tempo Semanal Edisaun 129 Tempo Semanal Edisaun 129 Forsa ONU Kria Instabilidade No Viola Direitus Humanus Iha TL Membru GNR tortura membru PNTL PNTL Agente: Gastao Peidade depois GNR baku nia Iha Sesta-feira (06/03/09) madruguada, GNR halo kapturasaun no torturasaun hasoru Timor oan balun wainhira membru GNR balun involve baku malu ho jovens sira.",
"Vitima sira ne'e timor oan balun inklui mos membru PNTL nain rua ida husi CSP no ida seluk husi parte Financas PNTL mos populasaun civil ida.",
"GNR ninia atetude dala barak diak hodi fo treinamentu ba membru PNTL sira maibe dala ruma sei hametin liu tan violencia iha nasaun ne'e.",
"Prezenca GNR iha nasaun ne'e tan Estadu TL ninia pedidu mai hodi ajuda Governu TL hakotu violencia maibe iha tempu pas GNR sira halo provokasaun ho atetude \"overacting, halai kareta ho velocidade as, tun sasurut ema hanesan trator no trata ema hanesan animal mos kreia problemas iha bar mos fatin seluk-seluk tan,\" dehan joven ida ne'ebe mos testamunia ba insidenti iha bar Casa minha nian ne'e.",
"Membru PNTL, Ajente Gastao Piedade ne'ebe servisu iha parte Financas PNTL kaptura hamutuk ho membru PNTL ida husi CSP ho mos ema civil ida lori ba simu kastigu iha kuartel GNR Kaikoli Dili.",
"\"Ha'u nia matan kanek no ha'u nia liman sira hetan kanek hotu, tan hetan torturasoens husi membrus GNR.",
"Tan ba iha momentu ne'eba sira lori ha'u ba iha sira nia kompaund, depois halo torturasaun ba ha'u sem iha investigasaun ruma,\" Gastao informa ba Jornal Tempo Semanal iha semana kotuk.",
"Tuir lei ne'ebe vigora iha Rai Timor Leste ne'e membru seguranca internasional sira so halo atuasaun deit nune'e duni depois detain tiha ema ida GNR sira ne'e tenki lori suspeitu ba sela detensaun PNTL ninian.",
"Problemas segundu maka tuir lolos GNR sira ne'e, \"la iha direitu halo kapturasaun ba ha'u,\" ida wainhira sira la uza farda.",
"Bar hanesan fatin divertimentu ba ker GNR, PNTL no publiku bele ba iha fatin ne'eba maibe laos atu ba mete Problemas.",
"\"Iha momentu ne'eba sira halo problema bo'ot.\"",
"Wainhira jovens sira ne'ebe halo problemas ho sira halai hotu ona entaun sira mai fali ami hodi koalia mai ami katak atu halo kapturasaun mai ami maibe ha'u dehan lae tan ha'u membru PNTL tan ne'e o labele halo kapturasaun ba ha'u.\"",
"Iha momentu ne'eba vitima ne'ebe ninia matan kuana hetan suku wain ne'e sei hatudu ninia identidade kompletu dehan nia PNTL maibe GNR sira ne'e sei hasai lia at ba nia hodi tolok instituisaun PNTL.",
"GNR sira halo kapturasaun obrigatoriu ba Agente PNTL ne'e iha besik luron besik tasi ibun, hotel Casa minha nia oin mais ou menus tuku tolu dader hodi lori nia ba kompoun GNR kaikoli.",
"\"Sira la lori ha'u ba detensaun PNTL distritu Dili maibe lori ha'u ba sira nia kompoun hodi halo torturasaun ba ha'u durante tres oras nia laran tan ne'e maka UNPOL mai tula ha'u lori ba fatin detensaun distritu Dili.\"",
"Torturasaun ne'ebe maka membru PNTL ne'e simu husi GNR sira maka, \"tun ho ba komesa tres oras madruguada to'o fila fali seis oras madruaguada depois de ida tun sira la husu ha'u maibe sira tuku ha'u, baku ha'u depois tiha ha'u nia liman no sira haruka ha'u tur ba rai maka sira ho grupu nain walu ka sira hanesan ne'e maka mai baku lisuk ha'u no ida maka konsege tebe kona ha'u nia matan fukun ne'e no hetan suku postura lima.",
"Sira baku tiha hanesan ne'e la to'o sira sei ba foti tan tudik ida hodi koso ba ha'u nia ran ne'ebe fakar ba rai ne'e depois sira dehan ne'e sai ba evidencia.\"",
"Ho matan kanek no bubu Gastao sei fo lembra ba Guarda Nasional Republikana portuges sira ne'e katak, \"Timor Leste laos ona iha 450 anus pasado maibe Timor agora, Timor intelektual.",
"Timor ne'ebe hatene prosesu wituan labele atu viola fila fali buat ne'e.",
"Nia rejeita lalaok manipulativu GNR ne'ebe buka razaun falsu hasoru nian.",
"\"Ha'u nia laran moras teb-tebes,\" nia hateten.",
"Wainhira nia tenta husu atu hatene ninia sala maibe laos lia fuan maka hatan maibe tan nia koalia demais entaun GNR sira kesi metin ninia liman.",
"Nia kanek ran sai barak ona maibe laos hetan tratamentu ba ninia kanek mas GNR, \"bolu duni doutor ida, mai atu halo tratamentu mai hau, mas laos mai halo tratamentu maibe mai fo, baku tan ha'u.",
"Mai foti be, be aqua ne'e, masa ida hodi baku tan ha'u, ida ne'e maka realidade,\" Gastao haktuir.",
"Iha Domingo tuku nen dader maka UNPOL sira lori Gastao ba detein iha fatin detensaun PNTL ninia kaikoli no ikus mai lori ba Tribunal hodi halo primeira interogatoriu ne'ebe ninia rezultadu la hetan sala ida iha nia kona ba problema entre jovens ho GNR iha Bar Casa Minha Dili.",
"Gastao ne'ebe hetan liberdade total ne'e senti sala laek no sai vitima torturasoens husi Forca GNR lakohi admite atu ema seluk sai vitima ba GNR ninia atuasaun kleuk ne'e hateten ba jornal Tempo Semanal katak nia, \" pronto halo keixa tan ba ida ne'e viola leis ho konstituisaun\" nasaun Timor Leste.",
"Hanesan Timor oan ida ne'ebe hetan liman fatin husi GNR nia dehan, \"atuasaun GNR ne'ebe la professional.",
"Ba ha'u membru PNTL sira halo tiha ona hanesan ne'e entaqun ba cidadaun civil ne'ebe la kompriende lei,\" nia promete hodi hatan ba prokurador ninia iniciativa hodi halo investigasaun ba membru GNR sira ne'ebe deskonfia komete krime torturasaun ne'e hodi lori ba meja verde nia oin.",
"Nia realsa katak nia sei atetude GNR ba ema ne'ebe kompriende lei hanesan ne'e entaun forca da pas ONU nian ne'e sei halo at liu tan ba populsaun iha dili laran tan maioria problema akontese iha capital nasaun foun ne'ebe foin sai husi violencia 2006.",
"\"GNR ninia hahalok balun diak maibe sira ninia hahalok hanesan ne'e viola karta ONU kona ba deklarasaun direitu ema nian no wainhira lalaok ne'e sei kontinua nafatin ba ema seluk maka GNR sei la hetan fatin iha populasaun Timor Leste nia fuan laran nune'e duni sei mosu problemas entree ma Timor oan hasoru sira.\"",
"Estadu Timor Leste liu husi ninia Presidenti da Republika iha fulan kotuk husu ona ba ONU Nova Yorke atu extende tan prezenca ONU nian iha nasaun ne'e.",
"\"Ha'u hein katak ne'e GNR sei estuda husi sira nia esperiencia hodi tau an iha fatin.",
"Se lae sira sei la hetan respeitu husi populasaun Timor Leste,\" dehan Maria dos santos joven feto ida iha Lecidere Dili ba Jornal ne'e.",
"Festa Karnaval GNR Festeiza Tortura Marcio Iha loron sanolu resin hat antes (21/02/09) akontese uluk ona hahalok violasaun direitus ema nian husi membru GNR balun hasoru cidadaun Brasileiru ida.",
"Iha loron ne'eba populasaun Dili wain maka ba festeiza loron karnaval ninia.",
"Ema lubun bo'ot ne'e mai husi nasaun ho kultura oi-oin no fatin lahanesan iha Dili laran.",
"Ema wain tun ba Estrada sira la tau importancia udan ne'ebe habokon cidade ne'e maibe halo malirin ulun ho fuan ema hirak ne'e, hodi kanta, troka hakilar, danca no bidu husi pantai kelapa mai to'o Palaciu do Governu.",
"PM Xanana nune'e mos Ministru Turismu no Industria Gill Alves apela ba pas no aktividade Karnaval ne'e hodi anima populasaun ne'ebe dala barak moris ho presaun violencia.",
"Maibe buat ne'ebe PM Xanana koalia lavale ba GNR sira mak halo seguranca hela ba eventu ne'e.",
"Loron mos subar dadaun ninia matan mai rai loro sa'e no nakfila an ba kalan wainhira iha palaciu oin Populasaun kontenti ho festa Karnaval maibe GNR sira festa torturasaun ba cidadaun brasil nian.",
"Marcio Gutenberg Figueirido de Araujo professor ne'ebe desde 2005 mai iha nasaun ne'e hodi ajuda hanorin ema timor oan sira kona ba lian tetun ninia destinu nakukun hanesan kalan ne'ebe monu dadaun mai rai.",
"\"Membru GNR sira kaer ha'u no kesi liman ba kotuk maka tuku ha'u ho violentu tebe-tebes,\" dehan professor kmanek ne'ebe moris iha Nordeste Paraiba Brasil ne'eba.",
"Insidenti ida ne'e mosu mais ou menus tuku 19.00 ka 19.30 otl.Poblemas \"torturasaun brutal\" ne'e mosu tan ba hare ninia kaben ne'ebe tenta ajuda staf Embaisada Brasil nian ida.",
"Hafoin de GNR husik Staf Embaisada Brasil ne'e lao liu ba diresaun portaun akait ninian no GNR kaer ninia kaben nia kapas wainhira nia fen fila oin ba GNR ne'e buti nia fen ninia kakorok depois GNR sira ne'e hateten ba ninia kaben katak, \"o labele hanorin ha'u kona ba ha'u nia servisu.\"",
"Wainhira Marcio haree GNR buti nia fen ninia kakorok maka nia mos decide dudu sai GNR nia liman husi nia kaben ninia kakorok.",
"\"Oficiais GNR mai barak liu tan no kaer ha'u ho kesi ha'u nia liman ba kotuk no halo ha'u hakneak ho ain tur depois oficiais ida seluk tuku kona ha'u nia inus no basa ha'u nia hasan no sira seluk tuku no tebe dala barak iha ha'u nia isin lolon, liman mos ain.\"",
"Ho soku Marcio nia inus ran no halo nia oin mesak haris ho ran.",
"Hafoin de torturasaun iha Palacio nia oin GNR sira tula nia ba kareta hodi lori ba Kuartel GNR iha Kaikoli hodi hamo'os ran iha ninia futar oin.",
"Husi fatin ne'eba sira transfer Marcio ba kuartel PNTL distrital dili hodi halo teste ba alcohol no ninia rezultadu hemu alcohol wituan liu la lanu maibe durante tempu tomak ninia liman aljemadu ba kotuk ate muda nia ba uma ba uma servisu UN nia ida maka oficiais UNPOL ida hasai ninia tali borgol.",
"\"Sira trata ha'u hanesan ema kriminozu ida.\"",
"\"Ha'u hanoin oficiais GNR sira la hetan preparasaun didiak para hela iha Timor Leste tan ba sira nu'udar forca da pas laos forca de guera.\"",
"\"Sira hanaran an hanesan forca da pas maibe sira trata ema at hanesan animal ou pior liu tan animal.\"",
"Tuir Marcio katak, \"ate animais sira mos merese dignidade tan ba kuandu tuku no tebe animal mos viola sira nia direitu.\"",
"Profesor portuges ne'e ejiji investigasaun ba kazu ne'e no \"ha'u hakarak hetan justica.",
"\"Wainhira jornal ne'e dada lia ho Marcio ninia liman ho ain sei kanek fresku nafatin hela.",
"\"Sira gosta brani atake ema hodi grupu no baku ema hafoin liman futu ba kotuk tan ne'e ha'u dehan sira halo torturasaun barbarik fisikamente hasoru ha'u.\"Marcio dehan, \"nia presiza denuncia tan ba abuzu sira hanesan ne'e foin kazu ida husi kazu sira seluk ne'ebe labele hatene tan ema lakohi fo sai.\"",
"Entaun tuir nia apelu ba ema hotu katak, \"kualker de abuzu poder policial seja denuncia.\"",
"Nia kategoria lalaok GNR ne'e ladiak maske balun kmanek nune'e presiza atu fo sai ba publiku hodi halo koreksaun ba Forca ne'ebe tun foun-foun iha Dili Oan Timor sira simu hanesan liurai bo'ot.",
"\"Buat ne'e hanesan akto kovarde ida tan ba ha'u la halo defeza, labele kontra no nu'udar ema ida maka labele bok an tan ona.",
"Lalaok ne'e kontra direitus ema nian.\"Hafoin de governu TL ho brasil ninian estabelece akordu internasional ida Marcio husik rai natal mai horik iha TL hodi sai mentor ba profesores oan rai ne'e ninian mos tempu ruma nia ba ajuda iha UNTL.",
"Durante reside iha TL nia la iha esperiencia at ruma maibe kontenti hela deit.",
"\"Ha'u iha belun barak ema oan Timor maka ha'u hatene tan ba ha'u hakarak dedika an ba hanorin estudantes no profesores Timor oan sira.\"\"Esperiencia diak mai ha'u durante hela iha ne'e tan importante mai ha'u hatene nasaun foun nune'e tenta atu tulun mos tenta hanorin.\"",
"Mane ne'ebe rai ida ho belun bo'ot TL saudoso Sergio Viera de Melho, triste ho atetude GNR no peokupa tebes katak situasaun ne'e hodi dale katak, \"sira sei halo at liu ba ema Timor oan sira seluk tan ba mai ha'u deit sira halo ona hanesan ne'e sa tan ba ema Timor oan baibain Governu Simpatia ho Vitama GNR haluha PNTL Tuir nota de imprensa ne'ebe jornal ne'e simu husi Gabinete Primeiru Ministru hatudu katak governu Timor Leste hatudu ninia solidaridade ba GNR nain hat ne'ebe kanek maibe la kestiona nem wituan kona ba atuasaun GNR ne'ebe viola direitus ema Timor oan balun ninian .",
"\"Governu Timor Leste, atraves ninia vice-Primeiro-ministro Jose Luis Guterres, lamenta ho incidenti ne'ebe vitimou elementus GNR nain hat.",
"Hanesan problema, ne'ebe akontese iha sexta Feira kotuk (06/03), iha restaurante ida iha avenida de Portugal, parte marginal husi Kapital Timorense,\" hakerek iha nota ba imprensa Governu nian ne'e.Liu tan Vice PM ne'e mos rekuinese papel importante ne'ebe desempena husi GNR no sira nia misaun hodi hametin seguranca ba Povu Timor Leste.",
"Tuir Governu katak incidenti ne'e trata hanesan aktu ida izoladu ne'ebe la refleta sentimentu no postura povu timor oan ninian perante servisu mak prestado husi GNR.",
"Jose Luis Guterres fo hanoin fali katak situasaun aktul iha normalidade ba povu Timor Leste.",
"Antes remata liu husi nota ba imprensa ne'eba vice uluk liu husi Primeiru Ministru ne'e fo hatene sai katak kestaun akontecimentu 06/03 iha hela prosesu buka hatene tuir nia laran no promete katak sira ne'e sala sei kastigu.",
"\"UNPOL ho PNTL sira sei investiga akontecimentu no sema hirak ne'ebe kulpado sei punido tuir akordo iha leis ho normas iha pais demokratiku ne'e.\"",
"Hafoin de intervista ho Vice I PM ne'e iha semana kotuk jornal Tempo Semanal hatudu foto membru PNTL ne'ebe ligadura taka hela ninia matan mak sei bubu no metan kuana halo ema numeru rua iha Governu AMP ne'e hakfodak ho kondisaun Gastao Piedade ninian.",
"\"At liu hanesan ne'e ga?\" dehan vice PM ba jornal ne'e.",
"Akontesementu nee mosu atraves forsa ida nebe mai ho misaun Nasoens Unidas no forsa ida ke mai husi nasaun nebe amigu teb-tebes ho Timor Leste, nee duni, esforsu diak liu guvernu bele halo hodi hetan relatoriu ida ke diak antes informa ba publiku nasional no internasional.",
"Insidentes nee tuir Vise Primeiru Ministru katak, hanesan insidente ijoladu nebe laos akontese bebeik. \"hau sente katak insidente nee laos paten ka akontese bebeik hanesan mos iha nasaun seluk.",
"Maibe importante ba ita maka orgaun kompetente tenki halo investigasaun ho seriu para ita bele hatene loloos lia loos nee iha nebe.",
"Tuir joven ne'ebe marka mos prezenca iha bar Casa minha ninia iha kalan akontecimentu nia hateten katak ladun justu kuandu Governu hola pozisaun sedu hanesan ne'e.",
"\"Mai ha'u ne'ebe haree akontecimentu iha kalan ne'eba lolos ne'e GNR tenki hatudu sira nia profesionalismu laos mai provoka uluk situasaun.",
"Tan ne'e husu Governu atu ejiji investigasaun profundu ba kazu ne'e, \" afirma Lino (naran kode).",
"Nia mos husu GNR atu responsabiliza sira nia atuasaun hasoru Timor oan sira ne'e.",
"\"Se karik hetan evidencia GNR komete violencia kontra Timor oan hirak ne'e Governu Timor Leste bele kastigu ka la'e?\"",
"Wainhira jornal ne'e tenta hetan konfirmasaun husi parte GNR iha sexta kotuk la konsege tan ba tuir komandante GNR ne'ebe simu jornalista Tempo Semanal hateten katak nia ema foun ne'ebe la hatene buat ida.",
"\"Ha'u foin mai la hatene kazu ne'e.\"Jornal ne'e mos tenta ona husu klarifikasaun ba parte UNPOL maibe relasaun publika husi UNMIT husu jornal ne'e rai hela deit perguntas I ate noticia ne'e hatun seidauk simu resposta husi UNMIT.",
"Governu TL husu ajuda ba nasaun belun ex kolinial Portugal, Australia, Nova zealandia ho Malaisya hafoin mosu violencia iha 2006.",
"Nune'e Portugal haruka hikas GNR laos ho bandeira ONU mai nasaun ne'e ajuda hapara violencia.",
"GNR tun ikus liu iha Baucau ne'ebe kuaze metade husi membru governu tempu ne'eba ba simu no liu dalan Baucau Dili populasaun hamri'ik lina hodi simu sira nua salvador.",
"Iha fulan ruma liu tiha GNR submete an iha bandeira ONU nian (ts) Posted by TEMPO SEMANAL at 20:12 Tempo Semanal Edisaun 132 Tempo Semanal Edisaun 131 Tempo Semanal Edisaun 130 Pacific Freedom Forum Petitions Against \"Unconsti...",
"Tempo Semanal Edisaun 128 East Timor journalist faces jail time: ABC TV 7:30...",
"Defamation Case against Tempo Semanal: Lao Hamutuk...",
"Tetun of ETAN release on Tempo Semanal defamation ...",
"Tempo Semanal Edisaun Internet: Breaking News- ANG...",
"English Translation: Tempo Semanal, Ed 127 (2.3.09...",
"Tempo Semanal Edisaun 127: ME Defende Familia Hodi..."
] | [
"TEMPO SEMANAL: Tempo Semanal Edição 129 Time Weekly Edition, Issue No.305 UN Force Creates Instability and Violates Human Rights in Timor-Leste GNR Member Tortures PNTL Police Officer On Saturday (6 March) at midnight the National Guard caught up with a group of young people who were beating each other during an arrest by police for torturing them to death while some members engaged into fight between themselves as they attacked youth groups on their way back home from school"
"Some of the victims are Timorese, including two members from PNTL - one is a CSP member and another an officer in charge with financial matters."
"The GNR's attitude is often good to train the members of PNTL but sometimes it will reinforce violence in this country."
"The presence of the GNR in this country is due to a request from TL State, which came for helping Timorese Government end violence but at that time they provoked with their behaviour \"overacting and driving cars over speeds. They ran after people like tractor-trailers treat them as animals also created problems within bar or other places\", said one young man who was witnessing an incident on Casa Minha' s premises"
"Police member, Agent Gastao Piedade who works in the Finances section of PNTL was captured together with a policeman from CSP and also one civilian taken to receive punishment at GNR Kaikoli Dili barracks."
"\"My eyes were hurt and my hands all wounded, as a result of torture by GNR members."
"Because at that moment they took me to their compound, and then tortured Me without any investigation,” Gastao told Jornal Tempo Semanal last week."
"According to the law in force on East Timor, members of international security forces only act as a result after arresting someone GNR must take suspects into PNTL detention cell."
"The second problem is that according to the GNR, \"they have no right of arrest me\", even when they are not wearing uniforms."
"Bars are a place of entertainment for the GNR, PNTL and public can go there but not to put problems."
"\"At that point they were creating a lot of trouble.\""
"When the young people who had problems with them were all gone, they came back to us and told me that we should be arrested but I said no because as a member of PNTL you can't take him.\""
"At that moment the victim whose eye was damaged will show his full identity to PNTL but these GNR officers are giving him a hard word and defaming her."
"The GNR made a compulsory capture of the PNTL Agent in nearby beach, just outside Hotel Casa minha more or less three hours before to take him into Kaikoli's compound."
"\"They didn't take me to the Dili district detention centre of PNTL but they took Me into their compound and tortured My for three hours, so UNPOL came in there."
"The torture that this member of the PNTL received from GNR was, \"going and starting for three hours madruguada to return again six hour madruaguada after one down they did not ask me but he struck my hand then beat him on his hands so sent them back I'm a group eight or something like it came banged lisuk i. One managed tapping in her eye fukun got five positions suku.\""
"They beat me like that and then they're going to take another tuck of my blood, which I have shed on the ground. Then it will come out as evidence.\""
"With wounded eyes, Gastao will remind the Portuguese Republican National Guard that \"East Timor was not 450 years ago but it is now intellectual East-Timor."
"Timor, which knows the process well will not violate it again."
"He rejected the manipulative practices of GNR, which sought false excuses against him."
"\"I'm very sick,\" he said."
"When he tried to ask for his fault but it was not the words that answered him, because they spoke too much so GNR severely cut off her hand."
"He was severely wounded but did not receive treatment for his wounds, and GNR said: \"They wanted a doctor to come treat me. But they didn't do so; instead of that the police beat up my body again.\""
"I'm going to take a be, an aqua or some mass and lick me again. That is the reality.\""
"On Sunday afternoon at 12:30 UNPOL took Gastao to the detention centre of PNTL's Kaikoli and finally brought him before a court for his first interrogation, which did not find any error in what he said about problems between young people with GNR on Bar Casa Minhas Dili."
"Gastao, who has been granted total freedom feels guilty and is a victim of torture by the GNR Force. He refuses to admit that other people are being abused in this way as he tells Tempo Semanal newspaper: \"I'm ready for another complaint because it violates Timor-Leste constitutional law.\""
"As a Timorese who had been replaced by the GNR, he said: \"The actions of this government are not professional."
"For me, the members of PNTL have already done this to civilian citizens who do not understand laws\", he promised in response on a prosecutor' s initiative for an investigation into those GNR personnel allegedly committing torture crime and bringing them before justice."
"He emphasized that he will beat GNR for people who understand the law like this, so UN peacekeeping forces are going to do more harm than good in Dili's population because most problems occurred on new capital of country which has just emerged from 2016 violence."
"\"The GNR has some good behavior but their behaviour is in violation of the UN charter on human rights and if this practice continues for others, then there will not have been a place to them among East Timorese people so that problems with local population against these person would arise.\""
"The State of Timor-Leste, through its President last month asked the United Nations in New York to extend a UN presence."
"\"I hope that the GNR will learn from their experience and put themselves in place."
"Otherwise they will not be respected by the population of East Timor,\" Maria dos santos a young woman in Lecidere Dili told Jornal ne'e."
"Eleven and a half days earlier (21/09), human rights violations by members of the GNR had already been committed against one Brazilian citizen."
"On this day, the people of Dili go to celebrate their carnival."
"This large group of people comes from countries with different cultures and places in Dili."
"People came to the streets without paying any attention of rain that was falling on this city but they made it a joy for these people, singing and dancing from kelapa beaches up until government palace."
"PM Xanana and Tourism & Industry Minister Gill Alves appealed to the people for peace, calmness in this Carnival activity that will encourage a population which often lives under pressure of violence."
"But what Prime Minister Xanana said was wrong for the GNR who were providing security to this event."
"The day is also rising his eyes to the sky and he looks up at night when in front of a palace People are happy with Carnival party but GNR torture parties for Brazilian citizens."
"Marcio Gutenberg Figueirido de Araujo, a professor who has been in the country since 2015 to help teach Timorese people about Tetum's fate is like night falling on earth."
"\"Members of the GNR seized me and placed their hands on my back before beating Me with extreme violence,\" said Kmanek professor who lives in Nordeste Paraiba Brazil."
"The incident occurred at about 19.30 or around the same time as her husband was trying to help a Brazilian Embassy staff member, which led him into \"brutal torture\"."
"After GNR let the Brazilian Embassy Staff go toward a small gate, and when she returned her husband's cap was caught by them. They then struck his neck with their knives after which they told him that \"you can not teach me about my job.\""
"When Marcio saw GNR busting his wife's neck he also decided to pull out the hand of her husband."
"\"More GNR officers came and caught me with my hand behind the back of mine, made myself sit upside down. Then another official hit on your buttocks to hurt you in a way that I couldn't even breathe.\""
"He sucked Marcio's nose blood and left his feet bare, covered in the bleeding."
"After torture in front of the Palacio, GNR officers took him by car to Kaikoli and bloodied his buttocks."
"From there they transferred Marcio to the Dili district police headquarters for an alcohol test and his result showed that he had taken no more than 0.15 mg/l of alkohol but during all this time her hands were strapped behind him until she moved them home, where a UN officer removed their handcuffs from Marci' s body in front on it was written:"
"\"They treated me like a criminal.\""
"\"I don't think the GNR officers were properly prepared to stay in East Timor because they are a peacekeeping force, not an army.\""
"\"They call themselves peacekeepers but they treat people like animals or worse still.\""
"According to Marcio, \"even animals deserve dignity because when they are beaten and struck the animal also violates their rights.\""
"The Portuguese professor refused an investigation into the case and said, \"I want justice."
"\"When this newspaper spoke with Marcio his hands and feet were still freshly hurt."
"\"They liked to attack people in groups and beat them with their hands behind the back so I said they would torture me physically barbarously.\" Marcio says, “I need more reports of abuse such as this is just one case among many that cannot come out because nobody want't tell.”"
"He then appealed to all people that \"any abuse of police power be denounced.\""
"He said that the GNR's behavior was not good, although some were bad and therefore needed to be publicized in order for corrections on Force which had just arrived at Dili. Timorese people accepted it as their king of them all.\""
"\"It was another cowardly act for me not to defend myself, I couldn't resist and as a person that can no longer be bogged down."
"The game is against human rights.\"After the government of TL and Brazil established an international agreement, Marcio left his homeland to come back in Timor-Leste as a mentor for professors from this country. He also spent some time at UNTL helping them out with their studies\"."
"During his residence in TL he had no experience at all but was satisfied."
"\"I have many Timorese friends whom I know so that i want to dedicate myself in teaching the students and teachers of this country.\"\"The good experiences from my stay here are very important for me because it is a new land, therefore try helping out as well.\""
"The man who is a countryman and close friend of TL late Sergio Viera de Melho, sad with the attitude GNR's very concerned that this situation to delays said: \"they will do more harm for other Timorese people than me only they have done like it so because normal timorense Government Sympathy Vitama NGR Forget PNTL According press release received by newspaper from Office Prime Minister shows government showed its solidarity towards four wounded GNRS but did not question even in any way about actions which violate rights some East-Timorese."
"\"The Government of Timor-Leste, through its Deputy Prime Minister Jose Luis Guterres deplores the incidents that have claimed four GNR elements' lives."
"As the problem, which occurred last Friday (06/13), in a restaurant on Avenida de Portugal - marginal part of Timorese Capital\", reads government press release. Furthermore Vice PM also acknowledged important role played by GNR and their mission to strengthen security for East-Timor People 24 hours per day"
"According to the Government, this incident is treated as an isolated act that does not reflect Timorese people's sentiment and attitude towards GNR services."
"Jose Luis Guterres reminded that the current situation is normal for East Timorese people."
"Before concluding through a press release, the former Deputy Prime Minister informed that 06/13 incident is still being investigated and promised those who are guilty will be punished."
"\"UNPOL and PNTL will investigate the incidents, as those guilty are to be punished accordingly in accordance with legislation of this democratic country.\""
"After interviewing the Vice I PM last week, Tempo Semanal newspaper showed a photo of an PNTL member with his eyes covered in bandages. The second person to be on AMP's government was pleased by Gastao Piedade’ s condition and said that he would not want him back as Prime Minister until after elections were held next year (2018)."
"\"Is that more like this?\" the vice PM told a newspaper."
"This satisfaction comes through a force that came with the United Nations mission and one from countries which are very friendly to East Timor, therefore better efforts can be made by governments in order for reporting on this matter before inform national public."
"According to the Deputy Prime Minister, these incidents are isolated and not frequent. \"I feel that this isn't a common or regular occurrence as it has been in other countries too.\""
"But it is important for us that the competent organs should carry out a serious investigation so we can know exactly where this truth lies."
"According to the young man who was also present at his bar Casa minha on that night, he said it is not fair when government takes such a stance."
"\"As a witness to the events that night, I believe GNR should show their professionalism and not come provoke first."
"Therefore, we ask the Government to conduct a thorough investigation into this case,” says Lino (codename)."
"He also asked the GNR to hold them accountable for their actions against these Timorese."
"\"If there is evidence that the GNR committed violence against these Timorese, couldn't it be punished by East-Timor government?\""
"When the newspaper tried to get confirmation from GNR last Friday, it was unable. The commander of that force who met Tempo Semanal's reporter said he is a newcomers and does not know anything about this matter at all : \"I have no idea what happened in Lisbon.\""
"The newspaper also tried to ask for clarification from UNPOL but the public relations department of UNIMIT asked that it only leave questions and until this news is published has not received any responses."
"The government of the country asked for help from its former colonial neighbours Portugal, Australia and New Zealand after violence erupted in 2016."
"Therefore, Portugal sent GNR troops not under the UN flag to help stop violence."
"The GNR finally arrived in Baucau where almost half of the government members at that time were to receive them and through Bacau Dili a crowded population was waiting for their arrival."
"A few months after the GNR submitted itself to UN flag (ts) Posted by TEMPO SEMANAL at 20:13 Tempo Semanal Edição... Pacific Freedom Forum Petitions Against \"Unconstitutionality\" of Constitutional Laws"
"Tempo Semanal Edisaun 128 East Timor journalist faces jail time: ABC TV..."
"Defamation Case against Tempo Semanal: Lao Hamutuk..."
"Tetun of ETAN release on Tempo Semanal defamation ..."
"Tempo Semanal Edisaun Internet: Breaking News- ANG..."
"Portuguese Translation: Tempo Semanal, Ed 127 (3.09..."
"Tempo Semanal Edisaun 127: ME Defende Família Hodi..."
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Joventude Nain 46 Hetan Formasaun Estabelese Biopori Iha Sidade Laran\nPublika iha: 08 Outubro 2021\nDiretora Sentru Edukasaun no Informasaun Ambiental, iha Sekretaria Estado Ambiente (SEA), Aménica Machado Fernandes hateten joventude brigade ambiental nain 46 hetan formasaun konaba tekniku estabelese biopori iha sidade laran hodi prevene inundasaun.\nNia dehan joven sira ne’e prepara sai formador atu fo formasaun ba komunidade sira konaba biopori tanba governu iha programa movimentu bioporio miliaun ida atu bele kontribui redus no prevene inundasaun iha sidade laran.\n“Ita hatene iha Indonesia sira implementa biopori atu redus no prevene inundasaun iah sidade laran, ita nian ate agora seidauk iha instituisaun ida ne’ebe implementa biopori ne’e tanba ne’e ita hanoin joven sira ne’e hatene halo trava kadalak no trasu iha foho leten iha sidade presiza infiltra bee ba rai okos, entau trava kadalak, trasu no biopori ne’e komponente interliadu,” nia hateten iha servisu fatin Acait, Dili.\nNia hateten biopori ne’e meus ida ne’ebe simples tebes, maibe benefisiu bo’ot tanba bele infiltra udan bee ba rai okos no halo jestaun ba lixu organiku atu sai fali adubu organiku.\nNia informa oficialmente governu seidauk introdus biopori iha rai laran, maibe iha familia balun ne’ebe estabelese ona mekanismu ida ne’e hodi infiltra udan bee no halo jestaun ba lixu organiku tanba fulan tolu bele koileta adubu hodi kuda fali ai oan seluk.\nIha parte seluk, partisipante Ferdiana Moniz hateten orgulho hola parte iha movimentu brigade ambiental hodi kontribui ba dezenvolvimentu nasaun nian, liu-liu setor ambiental ne’ebe sai problema seriu iha rai laran.\n“Hanesan joventude ami tenke sakrifika aan halo buat ruma kontribui ba dezenvolvimentu nasaun. Hanoin sira ne’e motiva ami hatudu ba joven sira seluk katak ita mak ai rin ba nasaun ida ne’e no dezenvolvimentu ne’ebe lao iha rai laran depende ba ita joven sira nia kreatividade,” nia hateten.\nNia dehan pesoalemte aprende buat barak foun durante halao atividade iha treinu no kontinua fo eduksaun ba komunidade sira no hamutuk halao asaun protesaun ba ambiente. | [
"Joventude Nain 46 Hetan Formasaun Estabelese Biopori Iha Sidade Laran Publika iha: 08 Outubro 2021 Diretora Sentru Edukasaun no Informasaun Ambiental, iha Sekretaria Estado Ambiente (SEA), Amenica Machado Fernandes hateten joventude brigade ambiental nain 46 hetan formasaun konaba tekniku estabelese biopori iha sidade laran hodi prevene inundasaun.",
"Nia dehan joven sira ne'e prepara sai formador atu fo formasaun ba komunidade sira konaba biopori tanba governu iha programa movimentu bioporio miliaun ida atu bele kontribui redus no prevene inundasaun iha sidade laran.",
"\"Ita hatene iha Indonesia sira implementa biopori atu redus no prevene inundasaun iah sidade laran, ita nian ate agora seidauk iha instituisaun ida ne'ebe implementa biopori ne'e tanba ne'e ita hanoin joven sira ne'e hatene halo trava kadalak no trasu iha foho leten iha sidade presiza infiltra bee ba rai okos, entau trava kadalak, trasu no biopori ne'e komponente interliadu,\" nia hateten iha servisu fatin Acait, Dili.",
"Nia hateten biopori ne'e meus ida ne'ebe simples tebes, maibe benefisiu bo'ot tanba bele infiltra udan bee ba rai okos no halo jestaun ba lixu organiku atu sai fali adubu organiku.",
"Nia informa oficialmente governu seidauk introdus biopori iha rai laran, maibe iha familia balun ne'ebe estabelese ona mekanismu ida ne'e hodi infiltra udan bee no halo jestaun ba lixu organiku tanba fulan tolu bele koileta adubu hodi kuda fali ai oan seluk.",
"Iha parte seluk, partisipante Ferdiana Moniz hateten orgulho hola parte iha movimentu brigade ambiental hodi kontribui ba dezenvolvimentu nasaun nian, liu-liu setor ambiental ne'ebe sai problema seriu iha rai laran.",
"\"Hanesan joventude ami tenke sakrifika aan halo buat ruma kontribui ba dezenvolvimentu nasaun.",
"Hanoin sira ne'e motiva ami hatudu ba joven sira seluk katak ita mak ai rin ba nasaun ida ne'e no dezenvolvimentu ne'ebe lao iha rai laran depende ba ita joven sira nia kreatividade,\" nia hateten.",
"Nia dehan pesoalemte aprende buat barak foun durante halao atividade iha treinu no kontinua fo eduksaun ba komunidade sira no hamutuk halao asaun protesaun ba ambiente."
] | [
"46 Young People Get Training on Establishing Bioporis in the City Outside Public Area at: October,08th of Octobre.21 The Director for Environmental Education and Information Center (Centro de Educação e Informação Ambietal), from Secretariado do Estado para o Ambiente(SEA) Amenica Machado Fernandes said that a group with young people received training about techniques to establish bioparies inside city areas so as prevent flood damage"
"He said the young people are prepared to become trainers and provide training for communities on biopori because government has a program of one-million movements in biopolio that can contribute reduce flood prevention within cities."
"\"We know that in Indonesia they implement biopori to reduce and prevent floods inside the city, but we haven't had an institution so far which has applied this system. We therefore think these young people can make a drainage dam or irrigation channel on lowland slopes of cities where water must be filtered into surrounding land; thur it is necessary for rainwater from those river systems (drainage canal) as well with biofuel plants are interconnective component\", he said at his office located within Acaits facility near Dili City Center"
"He said that the biopori is a very simple method, but it has great benefits because rainwater can infiltrate into dry soil and organic waste management to become compost."
"He officially informed that the government has not yet introduced biopori domestically, but some families have already established this mechanism to filter rainwater and manage organic waste because after three months they can harvest manure for planting other trees."
"On the other hand, participant Ferdiana Moniz said she was proud to be a part of environmental brigade movement in order contribute for country's development especially with regard environment sector which has become serious problem at home."
"\"Because of our youth, we had to sacrifice usself in order contribute something for the country's development."
"Their thoughts motivated us to show other young people that we are the roots of this country and development in our nation depend on creativity amongst youth,\" he said."
"He said the personnel learned a lot of new things during their activities in training and continue to educate communities, together carrying out environmental protection actions."
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SEKOMS-FHT diskute programa kombate hoax-promove internet saudavel | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste\nVARANDA DILI SEKOMS-FHT diskute programa kombate hoax-promove internet saudavel\nSEKOMS-FHT diskute programa kombate hoax-promove internet saudavel\nDILI, 19 novembru 2021 (TATOLI)—Diretór Ezekutivu Fundasaun Hadomi Timor (FHT), Abrão Monteiro hateten, sesta ne’e FHT hala’o enkontru ho Sekretáriu Estadu Komunikasaun Sosiál, Merício Juvinal dos Reis “AKARA”, hodi ko’alia kona-ba atividade kontinuasaun hanesan Programa Naroman ba Suku, Kombate HOAX no Promove Internet Saudavel, inklui apoia Estabelesimentu Podcast.\n“Iha programa Naroman ba Suku, oinsa ami-nia ekipa bele enkaixa programa ruma iha programa Naroman ba Suku, ohin ami diskute ida-ne’e no hetan solusaun. Nune’e, Sekretáriu Estadu Komunikasaun Sosiál orienta ona ekipa hosi SEKOMS no Fundasaun Hadomi Timor atu prepara ona buat balun hodi bele konkretiza duni programa Naroman ba Suku,” Abrão Monteiro hateten ba Agência Tatoli, hafoin hala’o enkontru ho Sekretáriu Estadu Komunikasaun Sosiál, Merício Juvinal dos Reis “AKARA”, sesta ne’e.\nHosi enkontru ne’e, Fundasaun Hadomi Timor hakarak atu enkaixa programa rua iha laran hanesan formasaun ba utilizasaun meiu téknolojia iha suku no mós kria sistema jestaun suku nian ne’ebé hosi Fundasaun hakarak oferese ba suku liuhosi SEKOMS ba Programa Naroman ba Suku.\nAleinde ne’e, iha enkontru ne’e mós ko’alia kona-ba Internet Saudavél no oinsá atu bele kombate HOAX iha Timor-Leste.\n“Ami mós iha hanoin, ita prezisa muda estratéjia ruma tanba ami akompaña durante ne’e SEKOMS sempre halo kampaña no iha inísiativu boot atu bele kombate HOAX, maibé ami haree katak ita presiza mós muda estratéjia balun. Tanba ne’e, ohin ami diskute no ami hakarak mós oinsá atu kontribui matadalan ka prodús video ruma ne’ebé ho nia konteudu pozitivu, atu nune’e bele fó mós informasaun di’ak ba katégoria ita ema-nian, liu-liu oinsá informasaun ne’e kria matadalan ka prodús vídeo ne’e ba i estudante, funsionáriu no inan-aman sira bele iha koñesimentu atu bele kontrola nia oan sira,” nia dehan.\nHo ne’e, Sekretáriu Estadu Komunikasaun Sosiál (SEKOMS), Merício dos Reis “AKARA” husu ba Fundasaun Hadomi Timor atu bele partisipa ativu ba iha kampaña internet saudavel no oinsá atu kombate HOAX.\nAleinde ne’e, Sekretária Estadu Komunikasaun Sosiál (SEKOMS) no Fundasaun Hadomi Timor mós ko’alia kona-ba Estabelesimentu Podcast ne’ebé hosi Fundasaun Hadomi Timor rasik ho inisiava kria no husu ba SEKOMS atu bele apoia Fundasaun Hadomi Timor ba Estabelesimentu Podcast.\nTanba, ho estabelesimentu podcast ne’e bele uza hanesan mídia ne’ebé di’ak hodi bele ba halo kampaña internet saudavel hodi bele kombate HOAX. Aleinde ne’e bele utiliza ba promove joven kreativu sira no joven sira-ne’ebé durante ne’e susesu ona iha parte ruma, tanba liuhosi podcast ne’e bele bolu no konvense sira, atu sira bele fó informasaun ba nia maluk joven sira atu banati tuir.\n“Tanba, ita haree katak dadaun ne’e teknologia podcast ne’e mais ativu no detallu liu bainhira ita hakarak espresa saida mak ita-nia hakarak atu fó sai. Tanba dala barak ita utiliza mídia hanesan televizasaun sira lad’uun fó oportunidade barak ba ita-nia joven sira atu bele kontribui ideia no espresa sira-nia kapasidade ruma iha ne’ebá,” nia dehan.\nNune’e, intensaun atu estabelese podcast ne’e hodi SEKOMS mós bele monitór no bele utiliza sai hanesan meiu komunikasaun ne’ebé efetivu liu ba kampaña sira nomós oinsa atu fó koñesimentu ba joven sira, liuliu ba utiliza meiu téknolojia.\nFundasaun Hadomi Timor\nPrograma Naroman Suku\nPrevious articleTo’o outubru, INCT ezekuta ona OJE 2021 $34.000\nNext articleTraballu infantil aumenta, MSSI husu PN aselera lei protesaun labarik | [
"SEKOMS-FHT diskute programa kombate hoax-promove internet saudavel | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA DILI SEKOMS-FHT diskute programa kombate hoax-promove internet saudavel SEKOMS-FHT diskute programa kombate hoax-promove internet saudavel DILI, 19 novembru 2021 (TATOLI) - Diretor Ezekutivu Fundasaun Hadomi Timor (FHT), Abrao Monteiro hateten, sesta ne'e FHT hala'o enkontru ho Sekretariu Estadu Komunikasaun Sosial, Mericio Juvinal dos Reis \"AKARA,\" hodi ko'alia kona-ba atividade kontinuasaun hanesan Programa Naroman ba Suku, Kombate HOAX no Promove Internet Saudavel, inklui apoia Estabelesimentu Podcast.",
"\"Iha programa Naroman ba Suku, oinsa ami-nia ekipa bele enkaixa programa ruma iha programa Naroman ba Suku, ohin ami diskute ida-ne'e no hetan solusaun.",
"Nune'e, Sekretariu Estadu Komunikasaun Sosial orienta ona ekipa hosi SEKOMS no Fundasaun Hadomi Timor atu prepara ona buat balun hodi bele konkretiza duni programa Naroman ba Suku,\" Abrao Monteiro hateten ba Agencia Tatoli, hafoin hala'o enkontru ho Sekretariu Estadu Komunikasaun Sosial, Mericio Juvinal dos Reis \"AKARA,\" sesta ne'e.",
"Hosi enkontru ne'e, Fundasaun Hadomi Timor hakarak atu enkaixa programa rua iha laran hanesan formasaun ba utilizasaun meiu teknolojia iha suku no mos kria sistema jestaun suku nian ne'ebe hosi Fundasaun hakarak oferese ba suku liuhosi SEKOMS ba Programa Naroman ba Suku.",
"Aleinde ne'e, iha enkontru ne'e mos ko'alia kona-ba Internet Saudavel no oinsa atu bele kombate HOAX iha Timor-Leste.",
"\"Ami mos iha hanoin, ita prezisa muda estratejia ruma tanba ami akompana durante ne'e SEKOMS sempre halo kampana no iha inisiativu boot atu bele kombate HOAX, maibe ami haree katak ita presiza mos muda estratejia balun.",
"Tanba ne'e, ohin ami diskute no ami hakarak mos oinsa atu kontribui matadalan ka produs video ruma ne'ebe ho nia konteudu pozitivu, atu nune'e bele fo mos informasaun di'ak ba kategoria ita ema-nian, liu-liu oinsa informasaun ne'e kria matadalan ka produs video ne'e ba i estudante, funsionariu no inan-aman sira bele iha konesimentu atu bele kontrola nia oan sira,\" nia dehan.",
"Ho ne'e, Sekretariu Estadu Komunikasaun Sosial (SEKOMS), Mericio dos Reis \"AKARA\" husu ba Fundasaun Hadomi Timor atu bele partisipa ativu ba iha kampana internet saudavel no oinsa atu kombate HOAX.",
"Aleinde ne'e, Sekretaria Estadu Komunikasaun Sosial (SEKOMS) no Fundasaun Hadomi Timor mos ko'alia kona-ba Estabelesimentu Podcast ne'ebe hosi Fundasaun Hadomi Timor rasik ho inisiava kria no husu ba SEKOMS atu bele apoia Fundasaun Hadomi Timor ba Estabelesimentu Podcast.",
"Tanba, ho estabelesimentu podcast ne'e bele uza hanesan midia ne'ebe di'ak hodi bele ba halo kampana internet saudavel hodi bele kombate HOAX.",
"Aleinde ne'e bele utiliza ba promove joven kreativu sira no joven sira-ne'ebe durante ne'e susesu ona iha parte ruma, tanba liuhosi podcast ne'e bele bolu no konvense sira, atu sira bele fo informasaun ba nia maluk joven sira atu banati tuir.",
"\"Tanba, ita haree katak dadaun ne'e teknologia podcast ne'e mais ativu no detallu liu bainhira ita hakarak espresa saida mak ita-nia hakarak atu fo sai.",
"Tanba dala barak ita utiliza midia hanesan televizasaun sira lad'uun fo oportunidade barak ba ita-nia joven sira atu bele kontribui ideia no espresa sira-nia kapasidade ruma iha ne'eba,\" nia dehan.",
"Nune'e, intensaun atu estabelese podcast ne'e hodi SEKOMS mos bele monitor no bele utiliza sai hanesan meiu komunikasaun ne'ebe efetivu liu ba kampana sira nomos oinsa atu fo konesimentu ba joven sira, liuliu ba utiliza meiu teknolojia.",
"Fundasaun Hadomi Timor Programa Naroman Suku Previous articleTo'o outubru, INCT ezekuta ona OJE 2021 $34.000 Next articleTraballu infantil aumenta, MSSI husu PN aselera lei protesaun labarik"
] | [
"SEKOMS-FHT discusses program to combat hoax and promote healthy internet | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor -Leste VARANDA DILI Sekoms Fht talks about the programme of fighting against fake news, promoting a healthier Internet SEKOMS Fakudade Hadomi Timór (FTH), Executive Director Abrao Monteiro said that on Saturday it held meeting with State Secretary for Social Communication Mericio Juvinal dos Reis \"AKARA\" in order To speak regardling continuation activities such as Program Naroman ba Suku or Combat HOAX."
"\"In the Naroman ba Suku program, how our team can insert some programs into a narmonba suku programme? Today we discussed this and found solutions."
"Therefore, the State Secretary for Social Communications has instructed a team from SEKOMS and Hadomi Timor Foundation to prepare some things so that we can really concretely implement Naroman program in communities,” Abrao Monteiro told Agência Tatoli after meeting with Mericio Juvinal dos Reis “AKARA” on Saturday."
"From this meeting, Hadomi Timor Foundation wants to incorporate two programs as training for the use of technology in communities and also create a community management system that Fundação wishes offer through SEKOMS' Program Naroman ba Suku."
"In addition, the meeting also discussed Healthy Internet and how to combat HOAX in Timor-Leste."
"\"We also think, we need to change some strategy because during our accompaniment SEKOMS always campaigns and there are great initiatives in order To combat HOAX. But I see that you have a few changes of the Strategy too.\""
"Therefore, today we discuss and also want to contribute guidelines or produce some video with its positive contents so that it can give good information for our category of people. Especially how this info create a guidance line/video product in order student-worker parents have the knowledge they need on controlling their children.\""
"With this, the State Secretary for Social Communication (SEKOMS), Mericio dos Reis \"AKARA\" asked Hadomi Timor Foundation to actively participate in a healthy internet campaign and fight HOAX."
"In addition, the State Secretariat for Social Communication (SEKOMS) and Hadomi Timor Foundation also talked about Establishing a Podcast which was created by Fundação hadovi timor with its own initiative. The two bodies asked SEKOM to support Fundationhadimi timor in establishment of podcasts"
"Because, with the establishment of this podcast it can be used as a good media to carry out healthy internet campaigns and fight HOAX."
"In addition, it can be used to promote creative young people and those who have been successful in some way during this time. Through the podcast you could call them up so that they would give information for their fellow youths as well;"
"\"Because, we see that now podcast technology is more active and detailed when it comes to expressing what you want."
"Because often we use media like television and it gives a lot of opportunities for our young people to contribute ideas, express their skills there.\""
"Thus, the intention to establish this podcast so that SEKOMS can also monitor and be used as a more effective means of communication for campaigning in how we give knowledge on young people especially about using technology."
"Previous articleUntil October, INCT has executed 2019 budget of $34k Next ArticleChild labour increases: MSSI asks Parliament to accelerate child protection law"
] |
Izame Dahuluk, Estudante Sira La'o Ain, Tanba Mikrolete Paradu - Dili Post\nHome/EDUKASAUN/Izame Dahuluk, Estudante Sira La’o Ain, Tanba Mikrolete Paradu\ndilipost April 26, 2022\tEDUKASAUN Leave a comment 215 Views\nDILI Post-Relasiona ho folin Kombustivel sa’e mikrolete sira hahu husi 01 to’o 012 halo asaun greve hodi la halo operasaun.\nAsaun greve ne’ebe mak kondotures sira halo tanba, to’o oras ne’e hosi parte Dirasaun Nasional Transporte Trestre (DNTT) seidauk hasae tarefa ba pasajeirus sira.\nTanba ne’e, ho asaun greve ne’e fo impaktu ba estudante ensino baziku no sekundaria sira ne’ebe dadaun ne’e hala’o hela izame. Tanba, obrigadu tenke la’o ain ba eskola.\nEstudante UNTL hosi Fakuldade Sensia Sosiais, Rofinu Borges lamenta ho asaun refere, tanba ho asaun ne’e fo implikasaun ba estudante sira, liliu estudante ensino baziku no sekundaria sira tanba dadaun ne’e sira hasoru hela izame dahuluk.\n“Agora mikrolete sira la halai hanesan ne’e bele fo impaktu bo’ot tebes ba iha estudante sira bainhira sira atu ba tuir aprendizazen, liu-liu ba ita nia alin Estudante sira husi Ensino basiku no Sekundariu ne’ebe dadaun ne’e halao Hela ezame dahuluk nian”, dehan Nia iha bainhira la’o ain iha Tasitolu (26/04).\nNia haktuir, asaun ne’e fo impaktu bo’ot tebes ba estudante sira tanba eskola ne’ebe ho distansia dook, sira labele ba tuir exame periodu dahuluk nian.\nTan ne’e, Nia husu ba governu atu bele resolve lalais problema refere, tanba selae ninia impkatu ba estudante sira.\n“Ami husu ba governu atu bele resolve problema ida ne’e, se la’e fo impaktu tebes ba estudante sira atu hala’o atividade loron nian”, nia relata.\nEnkuantu tuir nia, kondutores sira labele fo sala ba esudante sira tanba ne’e la’os problema estudante nian, maibe ne’e problema guverno nian.\n“Ha’u hanoin la’os problema ba estudante nian, maibe ne’e problma Governu nian, tanba ne’e kondutor sira tenke ezizi ba governu, labele ezizi ba estudante, tanba estudante forsa lato’o hanesan povu aileba nia oan”, tenik Nia.\nNia hatutan, Estudante sira tenke selu tuir regra ne’ebe mak husi parte DNTT fo sai, maibe kondutor sira labele hasa’e folin mikrolete tuir sira nia hakarak.\n“Ami nu’udar estudante kumpri tuir regra ne’ebe mak DNTT fo sai, ami labele halo tuir imi nia hakarak,se raque husi parte DNTT mak fo sai katak, kada estudante tenke selu osan ho $25 centavos ne’e ami bele kumpri, maske ami povu aileba nia oan ami bele kumpri ho ida ne’e”, tenik nia.\nTuir Nia, ba kestaun folin mina sa’e ne’e tanba problema mundial, tanba ne’e kondutor sira tenke ezizi ba iha governu, tanba saida mak mina folin sa’e, labele mai ezizi fali Estudante atu selu tuir imi nia hakarak.\nEntretantu Estudante husi Eskola Novel da Paz Juvensio Leite Magahaes sente triste tanba mikrolete la halo operasaun.\n“Ha’u sente difikuldade tebes, bainhira iha tuku 6:00 ha’u sai estrada ibun hodi hein bemo, maibe oras Lao ba dadaun, entaun bemo la halai, ho obrigatoriu atu tuir exame, ha’u ho de’it taxi husi Tasi tolu ba iha eskola Novel da paz selu $ 4 dolar”, lamenta Nia.\nTanba ne’e, Ezije ba governu atu tolera lalais folin Kombustivel Sa’e, tanba Estudante barak mak tuir hela exame.\n“Bainhira bemo la halai ami tristi tebes, no fo impaktu ba ami atu tuir exame periodu dahuluk nian”, tenik nia.\nEnkuantu exame periodu dahuluk nian hahu iha loron segunda 25 Abril tinan ne’e.\nObservasaun Diariu ne’e nota katak, mikrrolete 010 to’o 011, halai ba mai la tula pasajeiru, ho razaun tanba mina folin sa’e, nune’e estudante lubuk la ba eskola no funsionáriu barak mak la ba servisu.\nNune’e, mikrolete husi 010 to’o 011 dadaun paradu no konsentra hamutuk iha termina tasi Tolu hodi Hein desizaun husi Governu Hasa’e ona folin mikrolete nian (nicky)\nTags Estudante Sira La'o Ain Izame Dahuluk\nPrevious Mikrolete Dirasaun Komoro Paradu, Adalberto Lamenta DNTT Halo Diskriminasaun\nNext Citilink Sei Voo Hikas Iha Fulan Maiu | [
"Izame Dahuluk, Estudante Sira La'o Ain, Tanba Mikrolete Paradu - Dili Post Home/EDUKASAUN/Izame Dahuluk, Estudante Sira La'o Ain, Tanba Mikrolete Paradu dilipost April 26, 2022 EDUKASAUN Leave a comment 215 Views DILI Post-Relasiona ho folin Kombustivel sa'e mikrolete sira hahu husi 01 to'o 012 halo asaun greve hodi la halo operasaun.",
"Asaun greve ne'ebe mak kondotures sira halo tanba, to'o oras ne'e hosi parte Dirasaun Nasional Transporte Trestre (DNTT) seidauk hasae tarefa ba pasajeirus sira.",
"Tanba ne'e, ho asaun greve ne'e fo impaktu ba estudante ensino baziku no sekundaria sira ne'ebe dadaun ne'e hala'o hela izame.",
"Tanba, obrigadu tenke la'o ain ba eskola.",
"Estudante UNTL hosi Fakuldade Sensia Sosiais, Rofinu Borges lamenta ho asaun refere, tanba ho asaun ne'e fo implikasaun ba estudante sira, liliu estudante ensino baziku no sekundaria sira tanba dadaun ne'e sira hasoru hela izame dahuluk.",
"\"Agora mikrolete sira la halai hanesan ne'e bele fo impaktu bo'ot tebes ba iha estudante sira bainhira sira atu ba tuir aprendizazen, liu-liu ba ita nia alin Estudante sira husi Ensino basiku no Sekundariu ne'ebe dadaun ne'e halao Hela ezame dahuluk nian,\" dehan Nia iha bainhira la'o ain iha Tasitolu (26/04).",
"Nia haktuir, asaun ne'e fo impaktu bo'ot tebes ba estudante sira tanba eskola ne'ebe ho distansia dook, sira labele ba tuir exame periodu dahuluk nian.",
"Tan ne'e, Nia husu ba governu atu bele resolve lalais problema refere, tanba selae ninia impkatu ba estudante sira.",
"\"Ami husu ba governu atu bele resolve problema ida ne'e, se la'e fo impaktu tebes ba estudante sira atu hala'o atividade loron nian,\" nia relata.",
"Enkuantu tuir nia, kondutores sira labele fo sala ba esudante sira tanba ne'e la'os problema estudante nian, maibe ne'e problema guverno nian.",
"\"Ha'u hanoin la'os problema ba estudante nian, maibe ne'e problma Governu nian, tanba ne'e kondutor sira tenke ezizi ba governu, labele ezizi ba estudante, tanba estudante forsa lato'o hanesan povu aileba nia oan,\" tenik Nia.",
"Nia hatutan, Estudante sira tenke selu tuir regra ne'ebe mak husi parte DNTT fo sai, maibe kondutor sira labele hasa'e folin mikrolete tuir sira nia hakarak.",
"\"Ami nu'udar estudante kumpri tuir regra ne'ebe mak DNTT fo sai, ami labele halo tuir imi nia hakarak,se raque husi parte DNTT mak fo sai katak, kada estudante tenke selu osan ho $25 centavos ne'e ami bele kumpri, maske ami povu aileba nia oan ami bele kumpri ho ida ne'e,\" tenik nia.",
"Tuir Nia, ba kestaun folin mina sa'e ne'e tanba problema mundial, tanba ne'e kondutor sira tenke ezizi ba iha governu, tanba saida mak mina folin sa'e, labele mai ezizi fali Estudante atu selu tuir imi nia hakarak.",
"Entretantu Estudante husi Eskola Novel da Paz Juvensio Leite Magahaes sente triste tanba mikrolete la halo operasaun.",
"\"Ha'u sente difikuldade tebes, bainhira iha tuku 6:00 ha'u sai estrada ibun hodi hein bemo, maibe oras Lao ba dadaun, entaun bemo la halai, ho obrigatoriu atu tuir exame, ha'u ho de'it taxi husi Tasi tolu ba iha eskola Novel da paz selu $ 4 dolar,\" lamenta Nia.",
"Tanba ne'e, Ezije ba governu atu tolera lalais folin Kombustivel Sa'e, tanba Estudante barak mak tuir hela exame.",
"\"Bainhira bemo la halai ami tristi tebes, no fo impaktu ba ami atu tuir exame periodu dahuluk nian,\" tenik nia.",
"Enkuantu exame periodu dahuluk nian hahu iha loron segunda 25 Abril tinan ne'e.",
"Observasaun Diariu ne'e nota katak, mikrrolete 010 to'o 011, halai ba mai la tula pasajeiru, ho razaun tanba mina folin sa'e, nune'e estudante lubuk la ba eskola no funsionariu barak mak la ba servisu.",
"Nune'e, mikrolete husi 010 to'o 011 dadaun paradu no konsentra hamutuk iha termina tasi Tolu hodi Hein desizaun husi Governu Hasa'e ona folin mikrolete nian (nicky) Tags Estudante Sira La'o Ain Izame Dahuluk Previous Mikrolete Dirasaun Komoro Paradu, Adalberto Lamenta DNTT Halo Diskriminasaun Next Citilink Sei Voo Hikas Iha Fulan Maiu"
] | [
"Dili Post Home/EDUKASAUN, Edukasaun Nasional (Edukasi), News & Media / EDUKASAON Leave a comment 215 Views DILI POST-Related to the rise in fuel prices microlets have been on strike from January until February. They are not going out of their offices since Monday morning and will continue working till Friday night as they protest against higher petrol price hike that is being imposed by government for this year' s first time ever after it was announced last week"
"The strike action by the conductors is because, up to now from part of Dirasaun Nasional Transporte Trestre (DNTT) has not assigned a task for passengers."
"Therefore, the strike action has an impact on primary and secondary school students who are currently taking their exams."
"Because, obrigado must go to school."
"Rofinu Borges, a UNTL student from the Faculty of Social Sciences regrets this action because it has implications for students especially those in primary and secondary education as they are currently facing their first exam."
"\"Now that the microletters are not running like this can have a huge impact on students when they go to school, especially for our brother Students from primary and secondary schools who currently hold their first examination\", she said while walking in Tuesday (26/04)."
"He said that the action had a great impact on students because schools with short distances, they can not attend exam of first period."
"Therefore, he asked the government to resolve this problem quickly because of its impact on students."
"\"We are asking the government to solve this problem, otherwise it will have a huge impact on students' daytime activities.\""
"However, according to him the drivers cannot blame students because it is not a student problem but rather an issue of government."
"\"I don't think it is a problem for the students, but this issue belongs to government. Conducters should demand from Government rather than student forces because they are not like children of poor people.\""
"He added that students must pay according to the rules issued by DNTT, but drivers cannot raise microlet prices at their will."
"\"We as students comply with the rules that DNTT gives out, we can not do according to your wishes. If raque from part of DNST is telling us each student must pay $25 cents this will be fulfilled by ourselves even though it'll affect people and their children.\""
"According to him, on the issue of fuel price rise is because a world problem. Therefore drivers should demand in government why oil prices are going up and not come again asking students that they pay according your wishes!"
"Meanwhile, Juvensio Leite Magahaes from Escola Novel da Paz feels sad because the microphone is not working."
"\"I felt great difficulty, when at 6:01 am I left the road to wait for bemo but time was running out so he didn't come and with compulsory exams on me all that i had is a taxi from Tasi Três (Three River) into Novel da Paz school paying $4 dollars\", she lamented."
"Therefore, we call on the government to quickly tolerate fuel price rise because many students are attending exams."
"\"When the bemo didn't go we were very sad, and it had an impact on us to attend our first period exams.\""
"As for the first-period exams, they will begin on Monday 25 April this year."
"The Observação Diaria notes that microbuses 012 to the number of passenger, are not taking any passengers because fuel prices have risen. Many students and employees were unemployed as a result; therefore many people did no school or work at all during this period.\""
"Thus, microlets from 012 to the end of May are currently stopped and concentrate together in Tase Tolu terminal waiting for a decision by Government Has Raised The Price Of Microlet (nicky) Tags Estudante Sira La'o Ain Izame Dahuluk Previous Mikrolete Dirasaun Komoro Paradu. Next Citilink Sei Voar Hikas Em Fulan Maio"
] |
PCM propoin millaun $5 iha proposta OJE 2021 | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste\nVARANDA EKONOMIA PCM propoin millaun $5 iha proposta OJE 2021\nPCM propoin millaun $5 iha proposta OJE 2021\nDILI, 09 novembru 2020 (TATOLI)—Prezidénsia Konsellu Ministru (PCM-sigla portugés) lideradu Fidelis Manuel Leite Magalhães, propoin $5,022,647 ba tinan fiskál 2021.\nMontante orsamentu ne’e koloka ba saláriu no vensimentu $521,840, bens (sasán) no servisu $ 4,400,807 no kapitál minór $ 100,000,\nMinistru Prezidénsia Konsellu Ministru, Fidelis Manuel Leite Magalhães justifika ona montante orsamentu ne’e ba Komisaun A (Justisa no Konstitusionál) liuhosi audiénsia públika.\nPCM-nu’udar departamentu sentrál Governu nian ho misaun presta apoia ba Konsellu Ministru no ba Primeiru-Ministru, promove koordenasaun interministeriál Governu nian.\nMedida pinsipál setoriál hosi PCM ba 2021 mak kuida komunikasaun institusionál Governu nian, informa ba sosiedade sivíl kona-na atividade governamentál, promove sidadania, asegura monitorizasaun no halo akompañamentu ba entidade públika ne’ebé tutela iha PCM.\nPCM mós kontinua prioritiza divulgasaun atos ofisiál no fornesimentu produtu, servisu ba setór públiku no privadu liuhosi Imprensa Nasionál Timor-Leste (INTL-sigla portugés).\n“PCM Apoia elaborasaun projetu inovasaun administrativa ba Governu Eletróniku (eGovernment) no halo tradusaun kona-ba desizaun judisiál no dokumentu divulgasaun lei no halo konsulta públika. PCM halo konsentrasaun hotu-hotu ba atribuisaun matéria reforma lejizlativa, prosesu lejizlativu no reforma administrativa,” refere planu medida prinsipál setoriál hosi PCM ne’ebé previstu iha livru planu asaun anuál.\nPCM sei reforsa boa governasaun no jestaun institusionál o servisu tutela sira, promove nesesária parséria no kapasita rekursu umanu.\nIha tinan 2020, PCM aprezenta estimativa forsa traballu serka 74 pesoa, 12 kargu dirasaun xefia inklui funsionáriu na’in-8 nomeasaun polítika, bazea ba Dekretu-Lei 27/2016) no 13 ajente administrasaun públika atuál.\nEntretantu Prezidente Komisaun A (Justisa no Konstitusionál), Deputadu Joaquim dos Santos, informa durante audiénsia ne’e ko’alia kona-ba despeza OJE 2020 nian ho montante millaun $3-resin maibé iha 2021 PCM nia osan sa’e ba millaun $5-resin.\n“Diferensa entre 2020 no 2021 ne’e 30% aumenta. Razaun sira aumenta ne’e tanba iha mudansa sistema. Uluk ita-nia sistema orsamentu kada estrutura orágika Governu nian depois mak projeta ba atividade sira mibé orsamentu 2021 ne’e aloka kada programa depois mak aloka ba dirasaun sira,” Prezidente Komisaun A informa ba jornalista sira, iha Parlamentu Nasionál, segunda ne’e.\nPrevious articleTimoroan iha diaspora husu Governu kontinua tau matan ba sira\nNext articleUNICEF fó apresiasaun ba Governu Timor-Leste | [
"PCM propoin millaun $5 iha proposta OJE 2021 | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA EKONOMIA PCM propoin millaun $5 iha proposta OJE 2021 PCM propoin millaun $5 iha proposta OJE 2021 DILI, 09 novembru 2020 (TATOLI) - Prezidensia Konsellu Ministru (PCM-sigla portuges) lideradu Fidelis Manuel Leite Magalhaes, propoin $5,022,647 ba tinan fiskal 2021.",
"Montante orsamentu ne'e koloka ba salariu no vensimentu $521,840, bens (sasan) no servisu $ 4,400,807 no kapital minor $ 100,000, Ministru Prezidensia Konsellu Ministru, Fidelis Manuel Leite Magalhaes justifika ona montante orsamentu ne'e ba Komisaun A (Justisa no Konstitusional) liuhosi audiensia publika.",
"PCM-nu'udar departamentu sentral Governu nian ho misaun presta apoia ba Konsellu Ministru no ba Primeiru-Ministru, promove koordenasaun interministerial Governu nian.",
"Medida pinsipal setorial hosi PCM ba 2021 mak kuida komunikasaun institusional Governu nian, informa ba sosiedade sivil kona-na atividade governamental, promove sidadania, asegura monitorizasaun no halo akompanamentu ba entidade publika ne'ebe tutela iha PCM.",
"PCM mos kontinua prioritiza divulgasaun atos ofisial no fornesimentu produtu, servisu ba setor publiku no privadu liuhosi Imprensa Nasional Timor-Leste (INTL-sigla portuges).",
"\"PCM Apoia elaborasaun projetu inovasaun administrativa ba Governu Eletroniku (eGovernment) no halo tradusaun kona-ba desizaun judisial no dokumentu divulgasaun lei no halo konsulta publika.",
"PCM halo konsentrasaun hotu-hotu ba atribuisaun materia reforma lejizlativa, prosesu lejizlativu no reforma administrativa,\" refere planu medida prinsipal setorial hosi PCM ne'ebe previstu iha livru planu asaun anual.",
"PCM sei reforsa boa governasaun no jestaun institusional o servisu tutela sira, promove nesesaria parseria no kapasita rekursu umanu.",
"Iha tinan 2020, PCM aprezenta estimativa forsa traballu serka 74 pesoa, 12 kargu dirasaun xefia inklui funsionariu na'in-8 nomeasaun politika, bazea ba Dekretu-Lei 27/2016) no 13 ajente administrasaun publika atual.",
"Entretantu Prezidente Komisaun A (Justisa no Konstitusional), Deputadu Joaquim dos Santos, informa durante audiensia ne'e ko'alia kona-ba despeza OJE 2020 nian ho montante millaun $3-resin maibe iha 2021 PCM nia osan sa'e ba millaun $5-resin.",
"\"Diferensa entre 2020 no 2021 ne'e 30% aumenta.",
"Razaun sira aumenta ne'e tanba iha mudansa sistema.",
"Uluk ita-nia sistema orsamentu kada estrutura oragika Governu nian depois mak projeta ba atividade sira mibe orsamentu 2021 ne'e aloka kada programa depois mak aloka ba dirasaun sira,\" Prezidente Komisaun A informa ba jornalista sira, iha Parlamentu Nasional, segunda ne'e.",
"Previous articleTimoroan iha diaspora husu Governu kontinua tau matan ba sira Next articleUNICEF fo apresiasaun ba Governu Timor-Leste"
] | [
"PCM proposes $5 million in 2019 budget proposal | Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA EKONOMIA The Presidency of the Council (PC) led by Fidelis Manuel Leite Magalhaes, is proposing to add a total amount for taxation and social security costs ($4.8 billion), which will be included as part from its annual financial statement on November"
"The amount of the budget allocated to salaries and wages $521,840 goods (good) & services ($ 3.97 million), minor capital$6-million; Minister Presidency Council minister Fidelis Manuel Leite MagalhaES justified this sum in Commission A through a public hearing on Thursday night at Parliament' s Justice Committee"
"PCM-as a central government department with the mission to provide support for Council of Ministers and Prime minister, promote interministerial coordination in Government."
"The main sectoral measures of the PCM for 2019 are to take care about government institutionals communication, inform civil society on Government activities and promote citizenship. They also ensure monitoring as well accompanying public entities that oversee their work in accordance with PCM'S guidelines"
"PCM also continues to prioritize the dissemination of official acts and supplying products, services for both public-and private sector through Imprensa Nasional Timor Leste (INTL)."
"\"PCM supports the preparation of administrative innovation projects for eGovernment and translates judicial rulings, law disclosure documents as well public consultations."
"The PCM concentrates all its efforts on the assignment of legislative reform matters, legislation process and administrative reformation,” states main sectoral measures plan for 2015-36 envisaged in annual action plans book."
"The MCP will strengthen good governance and institutional management of the services that protect them, promote necessary partnerships with other agencies as well As enable human resources."
"In 2016, the PCM presented an estimate of a workforce consisting from: (a) seventy-four persons; and b), twelve head directorate position(ies); including eleven politically nominated officials based on Decree Law No."
"Meanwhile, the Chair of Committee A (Justice and Constitutional Affairs), MP Joaquim dos Santos informed during this hearing that they talked about expenditures for 2019 budget amounting to over $3 million but PCM's money will increase by more than US$5."
"\"Differences between 2019 and the year before are up by more than a third."
"The reasons for this increase are due to a system change."
"In the past, our system of budgeting was based on each government organizational structure and then projects were made for activities. The 2031 Budget is allocated to every program after which it's distributed among directorates.\" Chairman Commission A informed journalist at Parliament Monday that he would not be making any announcements about this issue until next week when a meeting will take place with all committee members before being announced by Prime Minister Rui Maria de Araújo (PSDB)."
"Previous articleDiaspora Timorese ask Government to continue caring for them Next artikelUNICEF applauds the government of East Тимор"
] |
CNE sei estabelese sentru edukasaun sivika • Presiza hadia edefisiu STAE – GMN TV | Grupo Média Nacional - Lori Timor ba Mundu - GMN TV | Grupo Média Nacional\nHome » Politika » CNE sei estabelese sentru edukasaun sivika • Presiza hadia edefisiu STAE\nComissaun Nasional ba Eleisoens (CNE) sei estebele sentru edukasaun sivika, atu eduka eleitores sira intende kona-ba prosedimentu eleisaun, aktus, kadeiras (persentajen), lei no seluk-seluk tan.\nDau-daun ne’e ekipa tekniku CNE nian hala’o hela estudu komparativu iha Korea do Sul, atu oinsa mak bele estabelese sentru edukasaun ida ho efisensia no efikasia.\n“Ita nia eleitor bele kunese didiak politika, antes eleisaun, durante eleisaun apos eleisaun, bele intende didiak, kona-ba lei sira ne’ebe oras ne’e regularize, kompetensias orgaun soberanu bainhira mak bele dehan eleisaun bele akontese,” informa Prezidente CNE, Alcino de Araújo Barris, ba JNDiario iha nia servisu fatin, Dili, Sesta (25/5/2018).\nAlcino Barris esplika, eleisaun akotese ninia prosedimentu ne’e la’o oinsa durante prosediementu ne’e s ida mak presiza konsiderasaun loke tenke hare husi konstituisaun RDTL, lei eleisoens ba parpol, lei ba resensiamentu autoridade lokalno seluk-seluk tan.\nPresiza hadia edifisiu STAE\nDiretor Jeral Servisu Tekniku Administrasaun Eleitoral (STAE), Acilino Manuel Branco, husu ba VIII Governu atu hadia edifisiu STAE husi Munisipiu Covalima, Manufahi, Ermera, Oecusse inklui edifisiu sentral STAE nian ne’ebe komesa a’at dau-daun ona.\n“Ita tenke asegura baze dedaus, tanba ne’e kondisaun edefisiu tenke seguru no diak. nune’e, aban-bainrua 2022-2023, ita iha kondisaun diak para organiza eleisaun jeral,” informa Diretor Jeral STAE Acilino Manuel Branco.\nNia hateten, wainhira STAE iha ona imprimi rasik, maka uma STAE nian tenke hadia, tanba makina imprimi ho kapasidade boot bele estraga total edefisiu sentral STAE nian ne’ebe komesa lahuk ona.\n“Ami mos halo ona koordenasaun husi parte Ministerio justisa liu husi Terras no Propriedades atu identifika rai hodi bele harii konstrusaun edefisiu foun STAE nian,” hateten Acilino Branco. ety\nLee hotu : Xanana: TL-Austrália hakotu disputa FM bele sai ezemplu ba nasaun seluk | [
"CNE sei estabelese sentru edukasaun sivika * Presiza hadia edefisiu STAE - GMN TV | Grupo Media Nacional - Lori Timor ba Mundu - GMN TV | Grupo Media Nacional Home \" Politika \" CNE sei estabelese sentru edukasaun sivika * Presiza hadia edefisiu STAE Comissaun Nasional ba Eleisoens (CNE) sei estebele sentru edukasaun sivika, atu eduka eleitores sira intende kona-ba prosedimentu eleisaun, aktus, kadeiras (persentajen), lei no seluk-seluk tan.",
"Dau-daun ne'e ekipa tekniku CNE nian hala'o hela estudu komparativu iha Korea do Sul, atu oinsa mak bele estabelese sentru edukasaun ida ho efisensia no efikasia.",
"\"Ita nia eleitor bele kunese didiak politika, antes eleisaun, durante eleisaun apos eleisaun, bele intende didiak, kona-ba lei sira ne'ebe oras ne'e regularize, kompetensias orgaun soberanu bainhira mak bele dehan eleisaun bele akontese,\" informa Prezidente CNE, Alcino de Araujo Barris, ba JNDiario iha nia servisu fatin, Dili, Sesta (25/5/2018).",
"Alcino Barris esplika, eleisaun akotese ninia prosedimentu ne'e la'o oinsa durante prosediementu ne'e s ida mak presiza konsiderasaun loke tenke hare husi konstituisaun RDTL, lei eleisoens ba parpol, lei ba resensiamentu autoridade lokalno seluk-seluk tan.",
"Presiza hadia edifisiu STAE Diretor Jeral Servisu Tekniku Administrasaun Eleitoral (STAE), Acilino Manuel Branco, husu ba VIII Governu atu hadia edifisiu STAE husi Munisipiu Covalima, Manufahi, Ermera, Oecusse inklui edifisiu sentral STAE nian ne'ebe komesa a'at dau-daun ona.",
"\"Ita tenke asegura baze dedaus, tanba ne'e kondisaun edefisiu tenke seguru no diak. nune'e, aban-bainrua 2022-2023, ita iha kondisaun diak para organiza eleisaun jeral,\" informa Diretor Jeral STAE Acilino Manuel Branco.",
"Nia hateten, wainhira STAE iha ona imprimi rasik, maka uma STAE nian tenke hadia, tanba makina imprimi ho kapasidade boot bele estraga total edefisiu sentral STAE nian ne'ebe komesa lahuk ona.",
"\"Ami mos halo ona koordenasaun husi parte Ministerio justisa liu husi Terras no Propriedades atu identifika rai hodi bele harii konstrusaun edefisiu foun STAE nian,\" hateten Acilino Branco. ety Lee hotu: Xanana: TL-Australia hakotu disputa FM bele sai ezemplu ba nasaun seluk"
] | [
"CNE will establish civic education center * Needs to repair STAE building - GMN TV | Grupo Media Nacional Home \" Politics\" The National Electoral Commission (CNA) is going into setting up a centre of civil Education, in order for the electorate understand about election procedure and act. seat(percentage), law etc..."
"The CNE's technical team is currently conducting a comparative study in South Korea to establish an efficient and effective educational centre."
"\"Our electors can understand the politics, before elections and during them. They will be able to get an understanding of what law is currently being regulated by this sovereign body when we say that a election may take place\", said CNE President Alcino de Araujo Barries at his office in Dili on Saturday (May 25th)."
"Alcino Barris explained, the election approaches its procedure is not how during this proceeding s one needs to consider openly must be seen from constitution of RDTL law eleisoens for parpol local authority census etc."
"The General Director of the Technical Service for Electoral Administration (STAE), Acilino Manuel Branco, asked that Government VIII to repair STAES buildings in municipalities like Covalima and Manufahi including central building which is already damaged."
"\"We have to secure the base of voters, therefore building conditions must be safe and good. Thus tomorrow-beginning February (2019) we will get a better condition for organizing general elections\", said Director General STAE Acilino Manuel Branco.\""
"He said that when STAE has its own printing press, the building of STAE must be repaired because a large-capacity printer could destroy all central buildings in STEE which are starting to run out."
"\"We have also coordinated with the Ministry of Justice through Terras e Propriedades to identify land so that we can build a new STAE headquarters,\" said Acilino Branco. ety Read all: Xanana says TL-Australia end FM dispute could be an example for other countries"
] |
SEII-ONU Avalia Programa Spotlight\nSEII, Maria Jose da Fonseca hamutuk ho ekipa ONU iha Timor-Leste.foto: Independente/Camilio de Sousa\nSEII-ONU Avalia Programa Spotlight Featured\nDILI: Sekretaria Estado Igualidade no Inkluzaun (SEII) hamutuk ho Organizasaun Nasaun Unidas (ONU) ho parseiru sira halo avaliasaun ba programa Spotlight nian ne’ebé hala’o ona iha tinan 2019.\nSpotlight nudar programa ONU nian liu hosi UN Women iha Timor-Leste ne’ebé foka liu ba asitensia Violasaun Bazeia ba Jeneru liu-liu Violensia Domestika ne’ebé hasoru feto no labarik Feto sira.\nTuir Sekretaria Estadu Igualidade no Inkluzaun (SEII), Maria José da Fonseca de Jesus Monteiru hatete, program Spotlight ne’e programa UN Women nian ne’ebé antes ne’e hala’o ona iha tinan 2019.\nNune’e ohin loron 02 fulan fevereiru tinan 2021, UN Women konvida nia nuudar parseiro hodi avalia programa prinsipal ne’ebé hala’o ona iha Munisipu alvo tolu mak hanesan, Bobonaro, Ermera no Vikeke.\nNia hatutan, programa prinsipal ne’ebé durante ne’e hala’o ona iha Munisipiu tolu, ladun lao ho efikasia no efisiensi tanba nasaun Timor-Leste aplika Estadu Emergencia relasiona ho Covid-19.\n“ Programa Spotlight ne’e husi UN Women nian iha Timor-Leste ne’ebé atu haree no kombate numeru violensia Bazeia ba Jeneru liu-liu Violasaun Domestika hasoru labarik feto no Feto sira ne’ebé nafatin as iha Timor -Leste,” dehan nia iha Salaun Maubara Timor Plaza ba Jornalista Online INDEPENDENTE ohin.\nNia akresenta, programa ida ne’e lao tanba UN Women ho parseiru sira servisu hamutuk ho governu Timor- Leste, liu-liu ba Ministeriu sira ne’ebé trata asunto sosial no asuntu feto nian, hanesan, SEII, MSSI.\nNo mós Sosiedade Sivil sira ne’ebé durante ne’e servisu no tau matan hodi fó asistensia direitu feto sira hanesan Rede Feto, Fokupers, Acbit.\nNia informa, Programa Spotlight ne’e konsege para iha fulan hirak nia laran tanba Timor-Leste implementa Estadu Emergensia, maibé aktividade nafatin lao atraves liu husi mensajen iha media online, Tv no media Imprime sira atu nafatin hatutan informasaun ba publika hodi hapara no reduz ona violasaun kontra labarik feto no Feto Sira iha Timor-Leste.\nEntretantu, iha fatin hanesan Country Manager Nasaun Unidas (ONU) nian iha Timor-Leste Roy Travedy hatete, programa Spotlight lao tanba hetan finanseiru husi Uniaun Europeia ho osan miliaun $ 10.8 dollar amerikanu, ne’ebé fó doasaun direitamente ba UN Women hodi implementa programa ne’e, maski programa ne’e UN Women nian maibé nia la servisu mesak.\nNia hatutan, implementador ba programa Spotlight ida ne’e UN Women mak responsabiliza maibé servisu hamutuk ho SEII no relatario hotu sei intrega ba SEII,\n“ SEII mak nuudar sumbriña ba UN Women iha Timor-Leste inklu parseiro sira seluk ne’ebé tau matan ba direitu feto no labarik feto mak hanesan, Rede Feto, Acbit, Fokupers no organizasaun seluk ne’ebé foka ba diretu Violensia hasoru feto no labarik feto sira durante ne’e,” nia dehan.\nNia informa, Seidauk bele publika numeru benifisiariu ne’ebé benefisia ona ba programa Spotlight ne’e tanba sei iha faze rekollamentu dadus.\nRead 460 times Last modified on Kuarta, 03 Fevereiru 2021 16:56\nMore in this category: « Maria, Feto Ne’ebé Brani no Susesu Husi Imprestimu Estranjeiru Na’in Lima Positivu Covid-19 »\n/SEII-ONU Avalia Programa Spotlight | [
"SEII-ONU Avalia Programa Spotlight SEII, Maria Jose da Fonseca hamutuk ho ekipa ONU iha Timor-Leste.foto: Independente/Camilio de Sousa SEII-ONU Avalia Programa Spotlight Featured DILI: Sekretaria Estado Igualidade no Inkluzaun (SEII) hamutuk ho Organizasaun Nasaun Unidas (ONU) ho parseiru sira halo avaliasaun ba programa Spotlight nian ne'ebe hala'o ona iha tinan 2019.",
"Spotlight nudar programa ONU nian liu hosi UN Women iha Timor-Leste ne'ebe foka liu ba asitensia Violasaun Bazeia ba Jeneru liu-liu Violensia Domestika ne'ebe hasoru feto no labarik Feto sira.",
"Tuir Sekretaria Estadu Igualidade no Inkluzaun (SEII), Maria Jose da Fonseca de Jesus Monteiru hatete, program Spotlight ne'e programa UN Women nian ne'ebe antes ne'e hala'o ona iha tinan 2019.",
"Nune'e ohin loron 02 fulan fevereiru tinan 2021, UN Women konvida nia nuudar parseiro hodi avalia programa prinsipal ne'ebe hala'o ona iha Munisipu alvo tolu mak hanesan, Bobonaro, Ermera no Vikeke.",
"Nia hatutan, programa prinsipal ne'ebe durante ne'e hala'o ona iha Munisipiu tolu, ladun lao ho efikasia no efisiensi tanba nasaun Timor-Leste aplika Estadu Emergencia relasiona ho Covid-19. \"",
"Programa Spotlight ne'e husi UN Women nian iha Timor-Leste ne'ebe atu haree no kombate numeru violensia Bazeia ba Jeneru liu-liu Violasaun Domestika hasoru labarik feto no Feto sira ne'ebe nafatin as iha Timor -Leste,\" dehan nia iha Salaun Maubara Timor Plaza ba Jornalista Online INDEPENDENTE ohin.",
"Nia akresenta, programa ida ne'e lao tanba UN Women ho parseiru sira servisu hamutuk ho governu Timor- Leste, liu-liu ba Ministeriu sira ne'ebe trata asunto sosial no asuntu feto nian, hanesan, SEII, MSSI.",
"No mos Sosiedade Sivil sira ne'ebe durante ne'e servisu no tau matan hodi fo asistensia direitu feto sira hanesan Rede Feto, Fokupers, Acbit.",
"Nia informa, Programa Spotlight ne'e konsege para iha fulan hirak nia laran tanba Timor-Leste implementa Estadu Emergensia, maibe aktividade nafatin lao atraves liu husi mensajen iha media online, Tv no media Imprime sira atu nafatin hatutan informasaun ba publika hodi hapara no reduz ona violasaun kontra labarik feto no Feto Sira iha Timor-Leste.",
"Entretantu, iha fatin hanesan Country Manager Nasaun Unidas (ONU) nian iha Timor-Leste Roy Travedy hatete, programa Spotlight lao tanba hetan finanseiru husi Uniaun Europeia ho osan miliaun $ 10.8 dollar amerikanu, ne'ebe fo doasaun direitamente ba UN Women hodi implementa programa ne'e, maski programa ne'e UN Women nian maibe nia la servisu mesak.",
"Nia hatutan, implementador ba programa Spotlight ida ne'e UN Women mak responsabiliza maibe servisu hamutuk ho SEII no relatario hotu sei intrega ba SEII, \" SEII mak nuudar sumbrina ba UN Women iha Timor-Leste inklu parseiro sira seluk ne'ebe tau matan ba direitu feto no labarik feto mak hanesan, Rede Feto, Acbit, Fokupers no organizasaun seluk ne'ebe foka ba diretu Violensia hasoru feto no labarik feto sira durante ne'e,\" nia dehan.",
"Nia informa, Seidauk bele publika numeru benifisiariu ne'ebe benefisia ona ba programa Spotlight ne'e tanba sei iha faze rekollamentu dadus.",
"Read 460 times Last modified on Kuarta, 03 Fevereiru 2021 16:56 More in this category: \" Maria, Feto Ne'ebe Brani no Susesu Husi Imprestimu Estranjeiru Na'in Lima Positivu Covid-19 \" /SEII-ONU Avalia Programa Spotlight"
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"SEII-UN Evaluates Spotlight Program SEII, Maria Jose da Fonseca with UN team in Timor Leste.photo: Independente/Camilio de Sousa Seisi evaluates the spot light program Dili – The State Secretariat for Equality and Inclusion (Sei), together With United Nations Organizations(United Nation)and partners have carried out an evaluation of seis' programme that has been conducted since its launching last year"
"Spotlight is a UN programme through the United Nations Women in Timor-Leste that focuses on assisting Gender Based Rape especially Domestic Violence against women and girls."
"According to the State Secretariat for Equality and Inclusion (SEII), Maria Jose da Fonseca de Jesus Monteiro, Spotlight is a UN Women program that was previously carried out in 2019."
"Thus, on February 2nd of this year UN Women invited him as a partner to evaluate the main programme that has been implemented in three target municipalities: Bobonaro Ermera and Vikeke."
"He added that the main programmes which have been implemented in three municipalities during this period, are not working with effectiveness and efficiency because Timor-Leste has applied a State of Emergency related to Covid 19. \""
"The Spotlight programme is of UN Women in Timor-Leste to look at and combat the number Gender Based Violence especially Domestic Rape against girls who are still a lot there,\" she told Jornalista Online INDEPENDENTE today."
"She added that this programme is being carried out because UN Women and its partners are working with the Government of Timor-Leste, particularly in ministries dealing to social affairs or women' s issues such as SEII (Secretariado da Igualdade e Inclusão Social), MSSI."
"And also the civil society organizations that have worked and cared for women rights, such as Rede Feto (Women Network), Fokupers or Acbit."
"She said that the Spotlight Program was stopped for a few months because Timor-Leste implemented State of Emergency, but activities continue through messaging in online media and print to keep spreading information amongst public so as stop violations against girls."
"Meanwhile, United Nations (UN) Country Manager in Timor-Leste Roy Travedy said that the Spotlight programme is being implemented because it has received funding from European Union with $10.8 million US dollars which donated directly to UN Women for implementation of this program although even though its own project but does not work on his or her behalf; he added: \"There are many people who have been involved and helping us achieve our goals.\""
"She added that the implementation of Spotlight programme is UN Women's responsibility but work in cooperation with SEII and all reporting will be submitted to it, \"SEA I serve as an umbrella for United Nations women at Timor-Leste including other partners who take care about female rights like Rede Feto Acbit Fokupers etc. which focus on direct Violence against Female during this period.\""
"He said he could not publish the number of beneficiaries who have benefited from Spotlight because it is still in data collection phase."
"Read 103 times Last modified on Thursday, February (29th)-4:56 PM More in this category. \" Maria's Story of Success and Life After Five Foreign Lenders Tested Positive for Covid\" /UN Office Evaluates Spotlight Program"
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Manufahi - Timor Leste: Railos: Lu Olo Nega Alkatiri ho Regeiro\nLIQUIÇA – Komandante grupo sekreta Fretilin, Vicente da conceicao alias Railos hatete, se Prezidenti Fretilin Francisco Guterres Lu Olo nega harii milisa 2006, signifika nega Mari Alkatiri no Rogerio Lobato.\n“Se Lu Olo hateten, Fretilin husi grupo radikal maputo seidauk forma milisia, nee nia nega ona Mari Alkatiri ho Rogerio Lobato. Sira bele dehan laos ema timor oan no sira laos ema fretilin,” Railos hatete lia hirak nee Jurnalista, Kuarta (9/5), iha Liquiça.\nNia la refere ba fretilin no akuza, maibe ba liderasa Fretilin nian nebee hakarak fahe povu no oho ho fahe kilat. Railos haree karakter lider Fretilin agora sei opta idelojia marsista no komunista nian mak hakarak hametin nafatin sira nia kadeira ba ukun tinan 50 ka 100 nian.\nRailos konsidera aan hanesan milisia nebee mai husi Fretilin. Misaun nebee sira hetan hanesan milisa 99 nian, tanba atu oho nia nia maluk timor oan sira nebee iha diferensia politika ho governu Fretilin.\nNia nunka hanoin atu akuza organizasaun ka partidu Fretilin mak fahe kilat. Basaa nia konese Fretilin nebee i saudoso Nicolau Lobato harii, laos atu oho povu, maibe liberta povu nasaun nee husi kolonial..\n“Hau hakarak klarifika tan katak, Lu Olo rasik laos Fretilin, tanba nia ema APODETI. Nia hakarak konta historia kona ba Fretilin nia la halo kompleta, tanba nia ema fatin seluk,” hatete Railos.\nNia husu Lu Olo atu buka hatene milisia Fretilin nee husi Alkatiri, tanba milisia nebee Rogerio forma hetan autorizasaun husi Alkatiri nudar Primeiru Ministru iha tempu neba. “ Se laos Fretilin, liu-liu grupo Maputo nee mak forma milisia sira nee entaun se tan. Keta Xanana, Ramos Horta no povu timor mak admiti ida nee ou militar indonesia mak sei iha nee,” nia komenta. Fretilin nudar partidu historiku, katak Railos tenke eduka ema no hatudu aan hanesan partidu nebee iha maturidade politika tuir nia vijaun nebee hakarak liberta povu nasaun nee husi kiak no mukit.nis\nPosted by Timor-Leste de Manufahi at 10:33 | [
"Manufahi - Timor Leste: Railos: Lu Olo Nega Alkatiri ho Regeiro LIQUICA - Komandante grupo sekreta Fretilin, Vicente da conceicao alias Railos hatete, se Prezidenti Fretilin Francisco Guterres Lu Olo nega harii milisa 2006, signifika nega Mari Alkatiri no Rogerio Lobato.",
"\"Se Lu Olo hateten, Fretilin husi grupo radikal maputo seidauk forma milisia, nee nia nega ona Mari Alkatiri ho Rogerio Lobato.",
"Sira bele dehan laos ema timor oan no sira laos ema fretilin,\" Railos hatete lia hirak nee Jurnalista, Kuarta (9/5), iha Liquica.",
"Nia la refere ba fretilin no akuza, maibe ba liderasa Fretilin nian nebee hakarak fahe povu no oho ho fahe kilat.",
"Railos haree karakter lider Fretilin agora sei opta idelojia marsista no komunista nian mak hakarak hametin nafatin sira nia kadeira ba ukun tinan 50 ka 100 nian.",
"Railos konsidera aan hanesan milisia nebee mai husi Fretilin.",
"Misaun nebee sira hetan hanesan milisa 99 nian, tanba atu oho nia nia maluk timor oan sira nebee iha diferensia politika ho governu Fretilin.",
"Nia nunka hanoin atu akuza organizasaun ka partidu Fretilin mak fahe kilat.",
"Basaa nia konese Fretilin nebee i saudoso Nicolau Lobato harii, laos atu oho povu, maibe liberta povu nasaun nee husi kolonial..",
"\"Hau hakarak klarifika tan katak, Lu Olo rasik laos Fretilin, tanba nia ema APODETI.",
"Nia hakarak konta historia kona ba Fretilin nia la halo kompleta, tanba nia ema fatin seluk,\" hatete Railos.",
"Nia husu Lu Olo atu buka hatene milisia Fretilin nee husi Alkatiri, tanba milisia nebee Rogerio forma hetan autorizasaun husi Alkatiri nudar Primeiru Ministru iha tempu neba. \"",
"Se laos Fretilin, liu-liu grupo Maputo nee mak forma milisia sira nee entaun se tan.",
"Keta Xanana, Ramos Horta no povu timor mak admiti ida nee ou militar indonesia mak sei iha nee,\" nia komenta.",
"Fretilin nudar partidu historiku, katak Railos tenke eduka ema no hatudu aan hanesan partidu nebee iha maturidade politika tuir nia vijaun nebee hakarak liberta povu nasaun nee husi kiak no mukit.nis Posted by Timor-Leste de Manufahi at 10:33"
] | [
"Manufahi - Timor-Leste: Railos, Lu Olo Denies Alkatiri and Regeiro LIQUICA – Fretilin’s secret group commander Vicente da Conceicao alias “Railo” said that if President of FRETILIN Francisco Guterres ‘Lú Oló' denies having created the militia in 2016 it means he is denying Mari Xanana Gusmão."
"\"If Lu Olo says that Fretilin from the Maputo radical group has not formed a militia, he is denying Mari Alkatiri and Rogerio Lobatos."
"They can say that they are not Timorese and it isn't Fretilin,\" Railos told Jurnalista on Thursday (9/5), in Liquica."
"He did not refer to the fretilins and accusations, but rather on Fretilin's leadership who want divide people with gun."
"Railos sees the character of Fretilin leaders now opting for Marxist and communist ideology who want to secure their seats in power over a fifty or hundred years."
"Railos considers himself as a militia coming from Fretilin."
"The mission they were given as the militia of 98, was to kill his fellow Timorese who had political differences with Fretilin government."
"He never thought of accusing the organization or party Fretilin to distribute guns."
"Bassa knows that Fretilin which the late Nicolau Lobato founded, was not to kill people but liberate this country from colonialism..."
"\"I would like to clarify that Lu Olo himself is not from Fretilin, because he's an APODETI member."
"He wants to tell the history of Fretilin that he hasn't completed, because his people are elsewhere\", said Railos."
"He asked Lu Olo to find out whether the militia of Fretilin was formed by Alkatiri, because \"the milicia that Rogerio had created received authorization from Alkitiri as Prime Minister at this time.\""
"If it is not Fretilin, especially the Maputo group that forms these militias then so be."
"Keta Xanana, Ramos Horta and the Timorese people must admit this or Indonesian military will be in there,” he said."
"Fretilin as a historic party, said Railos must educate people and show himself to be politically mature according his vision that wants the liberation of this country from poverty.nis Posted by Timor-Leste de Manufahi at 10:32 AM No comments"
] |
TIMOR HAU NIAN DOBEN: Xanana Autoriza Taka Portaun “Veteranu Ho Seguransa Sivil Raut Malu”\nXanana Autoriza Taka Portaun “Veteranu Ho Seguransa Sivil Raut Malu”\nPrimeiru Ministru Kay Rala Xanana Gusmao Autoriza seguransa sivil taka portaun ba sedeit mak hakarak hasoru nia, seim liu husi portokolu palacio governu nian.\nDesizaun PM Xanana nian ne’e halo veteranu lubuk ida ne’ebe kompostu husi Prezidenti Organizasaun Combatentes Rezistensia Nasional (OCRN) tenki deskute malu ho seguransa sivil sira tanba la autoriza veteranu hirak ne’e tama hasoru Primeiru Ministru xanana.\nAkontesementu iha Palcio Governu ne’e halo ema barak paniku tanba mosu dezentendementu entre veteranus no seguransa sivil sira.\nKronolojia ba akontesementu ne’e akontese maizumenus tuku 10:15 otl bainhira grupu veteranus ne’e ba hein iha palacio governu hodi hasoru PM xanana.\nBainhira seguransa Palacio sira haree veteranus hirak ne’e hein sira hakbesik hodi husu katak, se hakarak hasoru PM Xanana entaun tenki liu husi administrasaun (Protokolo) Palacio Governu.\nMaibe grupu veteranu hirak ne’e lakohi liu husi protokolu sira hakarak hasoru rasik. Ho ida ne’e seguransa sira husu atu veteranus hirak ne’e fila, se la’e duni deit, tanba PM xanana mak autoriza ema labele tama arbiru hasoru nia.\n“Primeiru Ministru dehan semak halo funu liu hau mos labele husik tama lai,” haktuir seguransa. Maibe grupu veteranu ne’ebe lidera husi Prezidenti OCRN Afonso Ranjel ne’e la simu lia fuan ’duni’ ne’ebe hateten husi seguransa sira.\n“Ami hamrik koalia maibe sira haruka ami dehan ba tuir prosedura, maibe ida seluk ne’e duni fali ami, ne’e mak ahu dehan, la’e,” dehan Afonso. Afonso ne’ebe nu’udar Prezidenti OCRN ne’e hatutan tan katak, ne’e la simu lia fuan duni, maske nia hakarak entrega dokumentus veteranus balun no hato’o nia preokupasaun ba PM Xanana.\n“Dehan duni hau ne’e, hau miliasia mak imi (seguransa) duni hau,” haktuir nia. Nune’e mos pesoal seguransa la simu lia fuan milisia, pesoal seguransa isra mos nervozo hodi deskute malu ho Prezidenti OCRN ne’e ho lia fuan maka’as, tanba sira mos senti katak sira laos milisia mak halo segurans aiha palacio governu.\n“Ami mos laos milisia mak halo seguransa iha ne’e, ami kumpri deit orden, tama tenki tuir regra ne’ebe iha, se ami fo tama deit ami mak sala nafatin,” dehan pesoal seguransa palacio governu.\nHatan jornalista kona ba, nusa mak la ba hasoru Sekretariu Estadu Antigus Kombatentes Luta Libertasaun nasional (SEAKLN) ne’ebe mak responsabliza veteranus. Afonso dehan, nia hakarak hasoru PM xanana tanba PM xanana mak autoriza veteranu sira organiza an atu fo apoiu ba governu ho Prezidenti. | [
"TIMOR HAU NIAN DOBEN: Xanana Autoriza Taka Portaun \"Veteranu Ho Seguransa Sivil Raut Malu\" Xanana Autoriza Taka Portaun \"Veteranu Ho Seguransa Sivil Raut Malu\" Primeiru Ministru Kay Rala Xanana Gusmao Autoriza seguransa sivil taka portaun ba sedeit mak hakarak hasoru nia, seim liu husi portokolu palacio governu nian.",
"Desizaun PM Xanana nian ne'e halo veteranu lubuk ida ne'ebe kompostu husi Prezidenti Organizasaun Combatentes Rezistensia Nasional (OCRN) tenki deskute malu ho seguransa sivil sira tanba la autoriza veteranu hirak ne'e tama hasoru Primeiru Ministru xanana.",
"Akontesementu iha Palcio Governu ne'e halo ema barak paniku tanba mosu dezentendementu entre veteranus no seguransa sivil sira.",
"Kronolojia ba akontesementu ne'e akontese maizumenus tuku 10:15 otl bainhira grupu veteranus ne'e ba hein iha palacio governu hodi hasoru PM xanana.",
"Bainhira seguransa Palacio sira haree veteranus hirak ne'e hein sira hakbesik hodi husu katak, se hakarak hasoru PM Xanana entaun tenki liu husi administrasaun (Protokolo) Palacio Governu.",
"Maibe grupu veteranu hirak ne'e lakohi liu husi protokolu sira hakarak hasoru rasik.",
"Ho ida ne'e seguransa sira husu atu veteranus hirak ne'e fila, se la'e duni deit, tanba PM xanana mak autoriza ema labele tama arbiru hasoru nia.",
"\"Primeiru Ministru dehan semak halo funu liu hau mos labele husik tama lai,\" haktuir seguransa.",
"Maibe grupu veteranu ne'ebe lidera husi Prezidenti OCRN Afonso Ranjel ne'e la simu lia fuan 'duni' ne'ebe hateten husi seguransa sira.",
"\"Ami hamrik koalia maibe sira haruka ami dehan ba tuir prosedura, maibe ida seluk ne'e duni fali ami, ne'e mak ahu dehan, la'e,\" dehan Afonso.",
"Afonso ne'ebe nu'udar Prezidenti OCRN ne'e hatutan tan katak, ne'e la simu lia fuan duni, maske nia hakarak entrega dokumentus veteranus balun no hato'o nia preokupasaun ba PM Xanana.",
"\"Dehan duni hau ne'e, hau miliasia mak imi (seguransa) duni hau,\" haktuir nia.",
"Nune'e mos pesoal seguransa la simu lia fuan milisia, pesoal seguransa isra mos nervozo hodi deskute malu ho Prezidenti OCRN ne'e ho lia fuan maka'as, tanba sira mos senti katak sira laos milisia mak halo segurans aiha palacio governu.",
"\"Ami mos laos milisia mak halo seguransa iha ne'e, ami kumpri deit orden, tama tenki tuir regra ne'ebe iha, se ami fo tama deit ami mak sala nafatin,\" dehan pesoal seguransa palacio governu.",
"Hatan jornalista kona ba, nusa mak la ba hasoru Sekretariu Estadu Antigus Kombatentes Luta Libertasaun nasional (SEAKLN) ne'ebe mak responsabliza veteranus.",
"Afonso dehan, nia hakarak hasoru PM xanana tanba PM xanana mak autoriza veteranu sira organiza an atu fo apoiu ba governu ho Prezidenti."
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"TIMOR HAU NIAN DOBEN: Xanana Authorizes Civil Security To Close Gate \"Veteranu Ho Seguransa Sivil Raut Malu\" Prime Minister Kay Rala Gusmão authorized civil security to close the gates for anyone who wanted him, including from outside of government palace."
"Prime Minister Xanana’s decision meant that a large number of veteran, including the President and Vice-President from Organização Combatentes Rezistensia Nasional (OCRN), had to deal with civilian security because they were not authorized by PM Xanana."
"The meeting in the Government Palace caused many people to panic because of a misunderstanding between veteran and civil security."
"The incident occurred at about 10:35 a.m when the group of veterans were waiting in government palace to meet PM Xanana, who was attending an event with his family and friends on Sunday night (24/7)."
"When the Palace security saw these veterans waiting for them to approach, they asked that if you want a meeting with Prime Minister Xanana then it must be through administration (Protocol) Palacio Governo."
"However, these veterans' groups do not want to go beyond the protocol they would like themselves."
"With this the security forces asked that these veterans return, otherwise it is true because PM Xanana authorized people not to go into arbiru against him."
"\"The Prime Minister said that if I had fought too hard, he would not let me in anymore.\""
"However, the veterans group led by OCRN President Afonso Ranjel did not accept any 'good' words from security forces."
"\"We didn't talk but they sent us to follow the procedure, and this is different from what we were told. That was why I said no.\""
"Afonso, who is the President of OCRN said that he did not accept his word but wanted to hand over some veterans' documents and expressed concern with PM Xanana."
"\"I'm not going to do this, I am just a milisia and it is my (seguransa) duty\", he said."
"The security personnel were also nervous and discussed with the President of OCRN in a very angry tone, because they felt that it was not militia who provided safety at government palace."
"\"We are not the militia who keeps security here, we only follow order. We must enter according to existing rules and if you just let us in it'll be our fault again.\""
"In response to a journalist's question, why did he not go against the Secretariat of State for Veteran Combatants in National Liberation Struggle (SEAKLN), which is responsible on veteran issues."
"Afonso said, he wanted to meet with PM Xanana because the Prime Minister has authorized veterans organize themselves in support of government and President."
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Ministru Justisa indefere diretamente kandidatu Partidu Os Verdes | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste\nVARANDA HEADLINE Ministru Justisa indefere diretamente kandidatu Partidu Os Verdes\nMinistru Justisa indefere diretamente kandidatu Partidu Os Verdes\nDILI, 16 jullu 2021 (TATOLI)—Ministru Justisa (MJ), Manuel Cárceres da Costa, indefere diretamente ba kandidatu partidu polítiku Os Verdes de Timor tanba seidauk kumpre notifikasaun hosi Tribunál Rekursu (TR) kona-ba rekizitu inskrisaun.\nNotísia Relevantes: Partidu OS Verdes ho Fitun la prenxe rekizitu\nDiretór Jerál Servisu Rejistu no Notariadu hosi Ministériu Justisa, Crisogno da Costa Neto, haktuir kandidatu partidu polítiku foun haat (4) kompostu Partidu Timor Forte (PATIFOR), Os Verdes de Timor, Fitun no Partidu Dezenvolvimentu Sosiál (PDS) halo inkrisaun iha fulan-dezembru 2020, nune’e Ministériu Justisa enkamiña ba Tribunál Rekursu (TR).\nMaibé iha fulan-janeiru 2021, Tribunál Rekursu hato’o notifikasaun indefere kandidatu partidu haat ne’e tanba seidauk prenxe Lei Partidu Polítiku númeru 2/2016, 3 fevereiru.\n“Indefere diritamente ne’e ba kandidatu partidu Os Vesdes ne’e ho razaun seidauk halo-tuir notifikasaun Tribunál Rekursu nian,” Crisogno da Costa Neto, informa ba jornalista sira, iha nia kna’ar-fatin, Bebora, sesta ne’e.\nTribunál Rekursu halo indeferimentu tanba kandidatu partidu balun emblema laloos, númeru apoiante hosi munisípiu seidauk to’o, balun lista asinatura ho ema apoiante ne’ebé hanehan liman la separa maibé tau hamutuk de’it no balun estatutu laloos.\nNia subliña, kandidatu partidu haat ne’e sira-nia apoiante liu rihun rua-nulu (20.000-resin) ho dokumentu kartaun eleitorál apoiante nian maibé la komprova ho apoiante sira-nia identifikasaun sivíl.\nHafoin Tribunál Rekursu indefere inkrisaun kandidatu partidu foun haat ne’e, Os Verdes de Timor mak halo fali re-inkrisaun ba notariadu maibé nafatin la kumpre notifikasaun hosi Tribunál Rekursu, nune’e Ministru Justisa, Manuel Cárceres da Costa indefere diretamente.\nMinistru Justisa indefere diretamente re-inskrisaun kandidatu partidu Os Verdes de Timor iha loron 11 juñu 2021 no akordaun Tribunál Rekursu nian sai iha loron 01 jullu 2021.\nEzemplu, nia dehan, se partidu polítiku rekolla kartaun eleitorál to’o rihun 20 tuir lei partidu polítiku maibé tenke komprova ho númeru identifikasaun sivíl.\n“Númeru identifikasaun sivíl mak Billete Identidade (BI) mak seidauk iha karik, bele sédula pesoál, bele pasaporte, bele sertidaun moris (Sertidaun RDTL). Se ne’e mós laiha, entaun sertidaun batizmu mós di’ak. Se ida-ne’e laiha tán, entaun sertidaun kazamentu mós di’ak. Ida-ne’e kandidatu partidu foun la prenxe inklui Os Verdes de Timor,” nia haktuir.\nKandidatu partidu foun seluk hanesan PATIFOR, Fitun no Partidu Dezenvolvimentu Sosiál (PDS) ne’e hafoin Tribunál Rekursu indefere no to’o agora seidauk halo re-inskrisaun.\n“Parese sira haree Os Verdes indefere diretamente hosi Ministru Justisa entaun sira la mai to’o agora tanba sira tenke prenxe notifikasaun hosi Tribunál Rekursu nian. Tanba, partidu ida atu hetan personalidade iha Tribunál Rekursu, entaun Tribunál Rekursu notifika tenke halo-tuir,” nia fó hanoin.\nHafoin Ministru Justisa indefere, kandidatu partidu Os Verdes halo rekursu ba Tribunál Rekursu nune’e akordaun sai iha loron 01 jullu 2021 hatudu katak desizaun Ministru Justisa, Manuel Cárceres da Costa nian loos, entaun kandidatu partidu Os Verdes de Timor tenke halo rekolla fali apoiante idak-idak sira-nia identifikasaun sivíl.\nDiretór Crisogno fó-sai katak, kandidatu partidu foun haat inklui Os Verdes de Timor sei iha tempu tanba eleisaun parlamentár sei dook.\nIha kandidatu partidu foun seluk hanesan ASDT, Aliansa Nasionál Demokrátika (AND) husu ona informasaun ba dirasaun nasionál maibé seidauk formalmente atu halo inskrisaun.\n“Ha’u fó hanoin ba kandidatu partidu polítiku sira esforsa kumpre Lei Partidu Polítiku númeru 2/2016, 3 fevereiru nian, nune’e bele harii partidu foun,” nia dehan.\nLei partidu polítiku, lei númeru 2/2016, 3 fevereiru, primeira alterasaun ba lei númeru 3/2004 14 abríl, Ministériu Justisa, liuhosi Diresaun Jerál Servisu Rejistu Notariadu ninia kna’ar mak atu halo autentikasaun ba dokumentu pedidu inskrisaun partidu foun sira.\nEzemplu, partidu ida iha apoiante 20.000, mai ho kartaun eleitorál parte Notáriu autentika hodi tau karimbu bainhira identifika kartaun ruma iha duplikasaun no partidu sira ninia apoiante iha kada munisípiu la to’o 1.000, ida-ne’e sei rekomenda de’it ba Tribunál Rekursu (TR) mak sei deside.\nMinistru Justisa indefere direitamente kandidatu partidu Os Verdes\nPrevious articleDioseze Dili entrega dokumentu ba MESSK molok loke universidade katólika\nNext articleCNC selebra aniversáriu ba dala-IV\nSamuel de Deus July 16, 2021 at 8:19 pm | [
"Ministru Justisa indefere diretamente kandidatu Partidu Os Verdes | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA HEADLINE Ministru Justisa indefere diretamente kandidatu Partidu Os Verdes Ministru Justisa indefere diretamente kandidatu Partidu Os Verdes DILI, 16 jullu 2021 (TATOLI) - Ministru Justisa (MJ), Manuel Carceres da Costa, indefere diretamente ba kandidatu partidu politiku Os Verdes de Timor tanba seidauk kumpre notifikasaun hosi Tribunal Rekursu (TR) kona-ba rekizitu inskrisaun.",
"Notisia Relevantes: Partidu OS Verdes ho Fitun la prenxe rekizitu Diretor Jeral Servisu Rejistu no Notariadu hosi Ministeriu Justisa, Crisogno da Costa Neto, haktuir kandidatu partidu politiku foun haat (4) kompostu Partidu Timor Forte (PATIFOR), Os Verdes de Timor, Fitun no Partidu Dezenvolvimentu Sosial (PDS) halo inkrisaun iha fulan-dezembru 2020, nune'e Ministeriu Justisa enkamina ba Tribunal Rekursu (TR).",
"Maibe iha fulan-janeiru 2021, Tribunal Rekursu hato'o notifikasaun indefere kandidatu partidu haat ne'e tanba seidauk prenxe Lei Partidu Politiku numeru 2/2016, 3 fevereiru.",
"\"Indefere diritamente ne'e ba kandidatu partidu Os Vesdes ne'e ho razaun seidauk halo-tuir notifikasaun Tribunal Rekursu nian,\" Crisogno da Costa Neto, informa ba jornalista sira, iha nia kna'ar-fatin, Bebora, sesta ne'e.",
"Tribunal Rekursu halo indeferimentu tanba kandidatu partidu balun emblema laloos, numeru apoiante hosi munisipiu seidauk to'o, balun lista asinatura ho ema apoiante ne'ebe hanehan liman la separa maibe tau hamutuk de'it no balun estatutu laloos.",
"Nia sublina, kandidatu partidu haat ne'e sira-nia apoiante liu rihun rua-nulu (20.000-resin) ho dokumentu kartaun eleitoral apoiante nian maibe la komprova ho apoiante sira-nia identifikasaun sivil.",
"Hafoin Tribunal Rekursu indefere inkrisaun kandidatu partidu foun haat ne'e, Os Verdes de Timor mak halo fali re-inkrisaun ba notariadu maibe nafatin la kumpre notifikasaun hosi Tribunal Rekursu, nune'e Ministru Justisa, Manuel Carceres da Costa indefere diretamente.",
"Ministru Justisa indefere diretamente re-inskrisaun kandidatu partidu Os Verdes de Timor iha loron 11 junu 2021 no akordaun Tribunal Rekursu nian sai iha loron 01 jullu 2021.",
"Ezemplu, nia dehan, se partidu politiku rekolla kartaun eleitoral to'o rihun 20 tuir lei partidu politiku maibe tenke komprova ho numeru identifikasaun sivil.",
"\"Numeru identifikasaun sivil mak Billete Identidade (BI) mak seidauk iha karik, bele sedula pesoal, bele pasaporte, bele sertidaun moris (Sertidaun RDTL).",
"Se ne'e mos laiha, entaun sertidaun batizmu mos di'ak.",
"Se ida-ne'e laiha tan, entaun sertidaun kazamentu mos di'ak.",
"Ida-ne'e kandidatu partidu foun la prenxe inklui Os Verdes de Timor,\" nia haktuir.",
"Kandidatu partidu foun seluk hanesan PATIFOR, Fitun no Partidu Dezenvolvimentu Sosial (PDS) ne'e hafoin Tribunal Rekursu indefere no to'o agora seidauk halo re-inskrisaun.",
"\"Parese sira haree Os Verdes indefere diretamente hosi Ministru Justisa entaun sira la mai to'o agora tanba sira tenke prenxe notifikasaun hosi Tribunal Rekursu nian.",
"Tanba, partidu ida atu hetan personalidade iha Tribunal Rekursu, entaun Tribunal Rekursu notifika tenke halo-tuir,\" nia fo hanoin.",
"Hafoin Ministru Justisa indefere, kandidatu partidu Os Verdes halo rekursu ba Tribunal Rekursu nune'e akordaun sai iha loron 01 jullu 2021 hatudu katak desizaun Ministru Justisa, Manuel Carceres da Costa nian loos, entaun kandidatu partidu Os Verdes de Timor tenke halo rekolla fali apoiante idak-idak sira-nia identifikasaun sivil.",
"Diretor Crisogno fo-sai katak, kandidatu partidu foun haat inklui Os Verdes de Timor sei iha tempu tanba eleisaun parlamentar sei dook.",
"Iha kandidatu partidu foun seluk hanesan ASDT, Aliansa Nasional Demokratika (AND) husu ona informasaun ba dirasaun nasional maibe seidauk formalmente atu halo inskrisaun.",
"\"Ha'u fo hanoin ba kandidatu partidu politiku sira esforsa kumpre Lei Partidu Politiku numeru 2/2016, 3 fevereiru nian, nune'e bele harii partidu foun,\" nia dehan.",
"Lei partidu politiku, lei numeru 2/2016, 3 fevereiru, primeira alterasaun ba lei numeru 3/2004 14 abril, Ministeriu Justisa, liuhosi Diresaun Jeral Servisu Rejistu Notariadu ninia kna'ar mak atu halo autentikasaun ba dokumentu pedidu inskrisaun partidu foun sira.",
"Ezemplu, partidu ida iha apoiante 20.000, mai ho kartaun eleitoral parte Notariu autentika hodi tau karimbu bainhira identifika kartaun ruma iha duplikasaun no partidu sira ninia apoiante iha kada munisipiu la to'o 1.000, ida-ne'e sei rekomenda de'it ba Tribunal Rekursu (TR) mak sei deside.",
"Ministru Justisa indefere direitamente kandidatu partidu Os Verdes Previous articleDioseze Dili entrega dokumentu ba MESSK molok loke universidade katolika Next articleCNC selebra aniversariu ba dala-IV Samuel de Deus July 16, 2021 at 8:19 pm"
] | [
"Minister of Justice directs candidate Os Verde de Timor party | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa do TL VARANDA HEADLINE Ministry indirect directly the Candidate for Partido os Verts Ministro da Justiça indirectly nominees candidato partido dos verdos DILI, July-16th (Agencia notice) - The minister Of justice Manuel Carceret Da Costa has decided to notify a political parties’ registration requirements."
"Relevant News: The OS Verdes and Fitun parties do not meet the registration requirements According to Crisogno da Costa Neto, Director General of Registry Service at Ministry for Justice (MJ), four new political party candidate-parties composed by Partido Timor Forte(PATIFOR) Os Verts de Timór/The Green Party in East Тимор; Partido Desenvolvimento Social e Fitun have submitted their entries on December 2019."
"However, in January 2019 the Court of Appeal submitted a notification deferring these four party candidates because they had not complied with Political Parties Law No."
"\"It referred it directly to the candidate of Os Vesdes party on grounds that notification from Court Of Appeal has not been made,\" Crisogno da Costa Neto informed journalist at his home office Bebora this Saturday."
"The Court of Appeal rejected the deferral because some party candidates had false emblems, insufficient numbers from municipalities supporting them and their list with signature by supporter that did not separate hands but were just put together."
"He emphasized that the four party candidates had more than two thousand and twenty (20,198) supporter with supporting voter card documents but not proofed by their civil identification."
"After the Court of Appeal rejected inscriptions from these four new parties, Os Verts de Timor re-registered at a notary but still failed to comply with Tribunal Recurs' notice. Therefore Justice Minister Manuel Carcerees da Costa directly dismissed them as not eligible for registration by 2017 elections and thereby excluded their candidate list on that date (see below)."
"The Minister of Justice directly deferred the re-registration candidate party Os Verdes do Timor on June 12th, and court decision came out in July."
"For example, he said that if a political party collects up to 20 thousand voter cards under the Political Parties Act but must prove this with civil identification numbers."
"\"A civil identification number is a Billete Identidade (BI) if you do not have one, such as your passport or life certificate."
"If there is no such thing, then a baptismal certificate may be good."
"If this is not the case, then a marriage certificate must be issued."
"This new party candidate does not include Os Verdes de Timor,\" he said."
"Other new party candidates such as PATIFOR, Fitun and the Social Development Party (PDS) were rejected after a decision by Tribunal de Recurso that they had not yet re-registered."
"\"They saw that Os Verdes did not defer directly from the Minister of Justice, so they haven't come until now because there is a notification to be received by them."
"Because, a party to obtain personality in the Court of Appeal therefore Tribunal de Recurso notifies must make-tuir."
"After the Justice Minister rejected, Os Verdes party candidate appealed to Court of Appeal and an agreement was reached on July 1st in which it is stated that a decision by Justica minister Manuel Carcere da Costa has been correct. Therefore os Verts de Timor must collect back their civil identification cards from each supporter who vote for them at all elections until they are eligible as presidentials or parliamentary election contestants (see below)."
"Director Crisogno said that the four new party candidates including Os Verde de Timor will have time because parliamentary elections are coming up."
"In other new party candidates such as ASDT, Aliansa Nasional Demokratika (AND) has requested information from the national leadership but not yet formally register."
"\"I remind the candidates of political parties to strive for compliance with Law on Political Parties number 2/16, February.3 so that they can form a new party.\""
"Political Party Law, law number 2/16 of February the first amendment to Act No.3 /04 April The Ministry Of Justice through its Directorate General Registry Service and Notaries is responsible for authentifying documents requested by new political parties registrations in accordance with this legislation:"
"For example, if a party with 20 thousand supporters comes to the notary public and has an electoral card that is genuine in order for him/her (or her) notify them of any duplicate voter cards. If there are fewer than one hundred supporters per municipality then this will only be recommended by our parties' representatives before they decide on it through their appeal court(TR)."
"Previous articleDiocese of Dili submits documents to MESSK before opening Catholic University Next artikelCNC celebrated the 4th anniversary for Samuel de Deus, says Justice Minister July-16/2037 at9:58 pm"
] |
GLENO----Insitusaun bankaria sira ne’ebe oras ne’e halo investimentu iha Timor-Leste hanesan banku estranjeiru tolu no banku nasional komersiu prontu loke odamatan ba setór privadu sira hodi bele halo kreditu no aplika jurus ne’ebe ki’ik.\nDeklarasaun ne’e fó sai bainhira institusaun bankaria sira hanesan Banku Mandiri, Banku ANZ, Banco Nacional Ultramarino Portugal (BNU) no mos Banku Nasional Komersiu (BNCTL) hasoru malu ho setór privadu sira iha Munisipiu Ermera, tersa (16/02) semana kotuk. Tuir vise Presidente BNCTL, Sergio Esperito Santo hateten katak banku nasional komersiu prontu fó kreditu ba setór privadu sira iha rai laran. Durante ne’e BNCTL fó ona kreditu ba emprezariu sira iha rai laran iha area oioin hanesan empreza ki’ik, kreditu ba projetu, kreditu ba investimentu no mos kreditu seluk.\n“BNCTL iha produtu barak tanba produtu iha kreditu ba empreza pequena, kreditu ba projetu no kreditu ba investimentu no mos produtu depozitu. Ami mos laos iha ne’e deit maibe ami mos iha programa idea kona ba futuru labarik nian sira durante ne’e,” dehan Sergio bainhira hasoru malu ho emprezariu Ermera. Nia afirma katak hahu husi estabelesimentu BNCTL to’o iha fulan janeiru tinan ne’e BNCTL fasilita ona kreditu hamutuk $44 milloens no depositu hamutuk M$75 milloens.\n“Ita halo komparasaun iha tinan kotuk to’o tinan ida ne’e kreditu haksoit makas to’o 60% tanba to’o iha fulan Janeiru ami konsege fo ona kreditu ba emprezariu sira hahu negosiu ki’ik to’o boot hamutuk quorenta e quatro milhões to’o iha fulan Janeiru tinan 2016”, dehan Sergio. Nia informa katak to’o oras ne’e sai dezafiu ba BNCTL atu bele fo kreditu sai hanesan jaminan maibe lei rai kontinua sai problema boot.\nTan ne’e nia husu ba iha CCI-TL atu bele koordena ho Ministru Koordenador Asusntu Ekonomia hodi bele halo karta rekomendasaun ruma kona-ba kreditu tanba to’o oras ne’e laiha lei rai hodi sai garantia ba banku rasik. Iha biban ne’e mos reprezentante Banku ANZ, Joao Ferreira mos hateten katak banku ANZ mos iha komitmentu atu bele fasilita kreditu ba setór privadu tanba durante ne’e banku ANZ fasilita ona kreditu ba emprezariu sira hodi halo investimentu iha Timor-Leste.\nTuir nia katak banku ANZ nia prezensa iha Timor-Leste ho objetivu atu oinsa bele apoiu dezenvolvimentu pais ne’e ba oin. “ANZ mai ho objetivu atu dezenvolve Timor tan ne’e iha 2009 fó kreditu la to’o três milhões maibe iha tinan 2010 ami komesa hasa’e kreditu maibe ho kreteria ne’ebe rigorozu tebes, ita konsege hasa’e kreditu ba timoroan sira hodi bele halo dezenvolvimentu Timor Leste to’o cento vinte milhões,” afirma Joao.\nNia dehan kreditu ne’ebe mak ANZ oferese ba emprezariu sira iha rai laran hodi halo atividade negosiu sira liu-liu sira ne’ebé halo importasaun sasan mai iha Timor-Leste no mos atividade negosiu sira seluk tan. “Kreditu ba setór privadu sira mak ita haree katak ró sira ne’ebé mak oras ne’e para barak iha Timor-Leste hanesan importasaun foos, sasan kontrusaun, no mos simentu,” informa nia.\nNia mos husu ba setór privadu sira katak ANZ prontu fasilita kreditu oin–oin maibe importante mak tenke iha kontratu projetu, nomos tenke loke konta bankaria iha banku atu nune’e bele sai garantia ba banku hodi nune’e iha futuru labele mosu problema. “Ami ANZ iha kreditu oin-oin mak hanesan implementasaun projetu husi governu, mega projetu, Mega projetu nomos Investimentu maibe ami nia rekomendasaun mak ne’e hakarak atu halo negosiu presiza koopera ho banku no tenke iha kartaun kontratu no tenke tau osan iha banku hodi bele sai jaminan ba banku hodi bele fó kreditu tanba ami lakohi sai fali vitima,” hateten nia.\nIha biban ne’e mos Asisten Vice Presidente Banku Mandiri Tommy E.S Utomo hateten katak Banku Mandiri nia prezensa iha setór privadu nia leet laos atu halo kompetisaun (persaingan) maibe oinsa mak bele ajuda setór privadu liu husi kreditu ki’ik hodi fasilita setór privadu nia negosiu lao ba oin. Tuir nia katak maske oras ne’e Banku Mandiri seidauk iha nia ramu iha munisipiu maibe iha fulan Fevereiru sei establese nia brankless banking iha munisipiu sira.\nTommy dehan sai konfiasa entre banku no setór privadu mak importante tenke tuir 5C nudar save entre banku no setór privadu. Save 5C ne’e mak hanesan capital iha banku, colateral, capasity, caracter nomos seluk tan. Nia mos husu ba setór privadu sira bainhira atu sai konfiasa ba banku hodi fasilita kreditu importante tenke iha konta bankaria nomos depositu tenke lancar. (BT) | [
"GLENO----Insitusaun bankaria sira ne'ebe oras ne'e halo investimentu iha Timor-Leste hanesan banku estranjeiru tolu no banku nasional komersiu prontu loke odamatan ba setor privadu sira hodi bele halo kreditu no aplika jurus ne'ebe ki'ik.",
"Deklarasaun ne'e fo sai bainhira institusaun bankaria sira hanesan Banku Mandiri, Banku ANZ, Banco Nacional Ultramarino Portugal (BNU) no mos Banku Nasional Komersiu (BNCTL) hasoru malu ho setor privadu sira iha Munisipiu Ermera, tersa (16/02) semana kotuk.",
"Tuir vise Presidente BNCTL, Sergio Esperito Santo hateten katak banku nasional komersiu prontu fo kreditu ba setor privadu sira iha rai laran.",
"Durante ne'e BNCTL fo ona kreditu ba emprezariu sira iha rai laran iha area oioin hanesan empreza ki'ik, kreditu ba projetu, kreditu ba investimentu no mos kreditu seluk.",
"\"BNCTL iha produtu barak tanba produtu iha kreditu ba empreza pequena, kreditu ba projetu no kreditu ba investimentu no mos produtu depozitu.",
"Ami mos laos iha ne'e deit maibe ami mos iha programa idea kona ba futuru labarik nian sira durante ne'e,\" dehan Sergio bainhira hasoru malu ho emprezariu Ermera.",
"Nia afirma katak hahu husi estabelesimentu BNCTL to'o iha fulan janeiru tinan ne'e BNCTL fasilita ona kreditu hamutuk $44 milloens no depositu hamutuk M$75 milloens.",
"\"Ita halo komparasaun iha tinan kotuk to'o tinan ida ne'e kreditu haksoit makas to'o 60% tanba to'o iha fulan Janeiru ami konsege fo ona kreditu ba emprezariu sira hahu negosiu ki'ik to'o boot hamutuk quorenta e quatro milhoes to'o iha fulan Janeiru tinan 2016,\" dehan Sergio.",
"Nia informa katak to'o oras ne'e sai dezafiu ba BNCTL atu bele fo kreditu sai hanesan jaminan maibe lei rai kontinua sai problema boot.",
"Tan ne'e nia husu ba iha CCI-TL atu bele koordena ho Ministru Koordenador Asusntu Ekonomia hodi bele halo karta rekomendasaun ruma kona-ba kreditu tanba to'o oras ne'e laiha lei rai hodi sai garantia ba banku rasik.",
"Iha biban ne'e mos reprezentante Banku ANZ, Joao Ferreira mos hateten katak banku ANZ mos iha komitmentu atu bele fasilita kreditu ba setor privadu tanba durante ne'e banku ANZ fasilita ona kreditu ba emprezariu sira hodi halo investimentu iha Timor-Leste.",
"Tuir nia katak banku ANZ nia prezensa iha Timor-Leste ho objetivu atu oinsa bele apoiu dezenvolvimentu pais ne'e ba oin.",
"\"ANZ mai ho objetivu atu dezenvolve Timor tan ne'e iha 2009 fo kreditu la to'o tres milhoes maibe iha tinan 2010 ami komesa hasa'e kreditu maibe ho kreteria ne'ebe rigorozu tebes, ita konsege hasa'e kreditu ba timoroan sira hodi bele halo dezenvolvimentu Timor Leste to'o cento vinte milhoes,\" afirma Joao.",
"Nia dehan kreditu ne'ebe mak ANZ oferese ba emprezariu sira iha rai laran hodi halo atividade negosiu sira liu-liu sira ne'ebe halo importasaun sasan mai iha Timor-Leste no mos atividade negosiu sira seluk tan.",
"\"Kreditu ba setor privadu sira mak ita haree katak ro sira ne'ebe mak oras ne'e para barak iha Timor-Leste hanesan importasaun foos, sasan kontrusaun, no mos simentu,\" informa nia.",
"Nia mos husu ba setor privadu sira katak ANZ prontu fasilita kreditu oin-oin maibe importante mak tenke iha kontratu projetu, nomos tenke loke konta bankaria iha banku atu nune'e bele sai garantia ba banku hodi nune'e iha futuru labele mosu problema.",
"\"Ami ANZ iha kreditu oin-oin mak hanesan implementasaun projetu husi governu, mega projetu, Mega projetu nomos Investimentu maibe ami nia rekomendasaun mak ne'e hakarak atu halo negosiu presiza koopera ho banku no tenke iha kartaun kontratu no tenke tau osan iha banku hodi bele sai jaminan ba banku hodi bele fo kreditu tanba ami lakohi sai fali vitima,\" hateten nia.",
"Iha biban ne'e mos Asisten Vice Presidente Banku Mandiri Tommy E.S Utomo hateten katak Banku Mandiri nia prezensa iha setor privadu nia leet laos atu halo kompetisaun (persaingan) maibe oinsa mak bele ajuda setor privadu liu husi kreditu ki'ik hodi fasilita setor privadu nia negosiu lao ba oin.",
"Tuir nia katak maske oras ne'e Banku Mandiri seidauk iha nia ramu iha munisipiu maibe iha fulan Fevereiru sei establese nia brankless banking iha munisipiu sira.",
"Tommy dehan sai konfiasa entre banku no setor privadu mak importante tenke tuir 5C nudar save entre banku no setor privadu.",
"Save 5C ne'e mak hanesan capital iha banku, colateral, capasity, caracter nomos seluk tan.",
"Nia mos husu ba setor privadu sira bainhira atu sai konfiasa ba banku hodi fasilita kreditu importante tenke iha konta bankaria nomos depositu tenke lancar.",
] | [
"GLENO----Banking institutions that are currently investing in Timor-Leste, such as three foreign banks and the National Commercial Bank (BNC), have opened their doors to private sector companies so they can lend money at lower rates."
"The statement was made when banking institutions such as Banku Mandiri, ANZ bank and Banco Nacional Ultramarino Portugal (BNU) met with the private sector in Ermera Municipality on Tuesday last week."
"According to Vice President of BNCTL, Sergio Esperito Santo said that the national commercial bank is ready for crediting private sectors in our country."
"During this period, BNCTL has provided credit to entrepreneurs in the country for various areas such as small enterprises and project loans."
"\"BNCTL has many products because the product portfolio includes small business credit, project and investment loans as well deposits."
"We are not only here but we also have a program of ideas about the future for children during this time,\" said Sergio when meeting with entrepreneur Ermera."
"He affirmed that since the establishment of BNCTL until January this year, it has facilitated credits totalling $45 million and deposites amounting to M$70."
"\"We have made a comparison between last year and this one, credit has increased by almost 60% because in January we managed to provide loans for entrepreneurs starting small-to large businesses totaling fifty four million dollars until the end of Jan.21st\", Sergio said.\""
"He informed that until now it has been a challenge for BNCTL to be able secure credit as collateral but land law continues being the big problem."
"Therefore, he asked CCI-TL to coordinate with the Minister Coordinador Asusntu Economy in order that they can make a letter of recommendation regarding credit because so far there is no land law as guarantee for banks."
"At the same time, ANZ Bank representative Joao Ferreira said that bank is also committed to facilitate credit for private sector because during this period of money has been provided by entrepreneurs and investor in Timor-Leste."
"According to him, the ANZ Bank's presence in Timor-Leste is aimed at supporting development of this country."
"\"ANZ came with the aim of developing Timor-Leste, so in 2019 we gave credit not up to three million dollars but then from this year onwards and through very rigorous criteria it has been possible for us that is now raising our loan amounts. We have managed raised these loans by one hundred twenty thousand dollar per month which will allow East Тимор' s development\", Joao says.\""
"He said that the credits offered by ANZ to entrepreneur in Timor-Leste for doing business activities, especially those who import products and other businesses."
"\"In terms of credit to the private sector, we see that many ships are currently stationed in Timor-Leste for imports such as grain and construction materials."
"He also asked the private sector that ANZ is ready to facilitate various loans but it's important you have a project contract, and must open bank account in order so can be guaranteed by banking for future problems do not occur."
"\"We ANZ have various credits such as the implementation of government projects, mega project and Mega Project Investment but our recommendation is that if you want to do business it needs cooperating with bank must be in a contract card. You need money at your banking so can serve guarantee for Banking Credit because we don't like being victimized again.\""
"In the same vein, Mandiri Bank Assistant Vice President Tommy E.S Utomo said that bank's presence in private sector is not to compete but rather helping out through small lending and facilitating business development of its customers as a result thereof :"
"According to him, although Bank Mandiri has not yet established its branches in the municipalities but will establish brankless banking there by February."
"Tommy says it is important to build trust between banks and the private sector, so follow 5C as a safeguard."
"The 5Cs are: capital in the bank, collateral and capabilities."
"He also asked the private sector when it comes to trusting banks, in order for important loans and credit facilities must be made available through a banking account or deposit."
"(BT) 2014-365"
] |
Ró Haksolok la mai TL, CNRT ezije MP investiga Mari Alkatiri – GMN TV | Grupo Média Nacional - Lori Timor ba Mundu - GMN TV | Grupo Média Nacional\nHome » Politic » Ró Haksolok la mai TL, CNRT ezije MP investiga Mari Alkatiri\nBankada Congresso Nacional Reconstrução Timorense (CNRT) ezije ba Ministériu Públiku (PM) atu halo investigasaun ba Autoridade Rejiaun Administrativa Espesiál Oe-Cusse Ambeno no Zona Espesiál Ekonomia Sosiál Merkadu (ZEESM), ne’ebé lidera husi Marí Alkatiri, iha tempu ne’eba, tanba Estadu gasta ona osan USD tokon 10 resin, maibé to’o ohin loron Ró Haksolok seidauk bele mai Timor-Leste, maske iha tinan kotuk Marí Alkatiri bolu ona Bispu Dom Carlos Filipe Ximenes Belo no Madre Guilhermina Marçal sai hanesan inan-sarani ba ró ne’e, halo ona lansamentu Ró Haksolok iha Portugál.\nNune’e, deputadu bankada CNRT, Ricardo Batista, liu husi konferénsia imprensa iha Parlamentu Nasionál (PN), Kuarta (25/11/2020) husu ba MP atu avansa eskándalu akizisaun Ró Haksolok ba tribunál, tanba deskonfia iha indísiu krime barak iha prosesu refere.\nCNRT mós la konkorda atu VIII Governu ida ne’e atu tau tan osan iha OJE tinan 2021 ho montante USD tokon 16,9, hodi hadi’a ró refere.\n“Bankada CNRT la konkorda ho desizaun husi Governu de faktu inkonstitusionál nian atu hasa’i tán povu nia osan USD tokon 16,9, hodi selu Ferry Haksolok ne’ebé oras ne’e ferujen tiha ona, inklui konstrusaun Pontoens atu ró atraka”.\n“Bankada CNRT husu ba MP atu halo servisu imparsiál no aplika doutrina katak ema hotu hanesan iha lei nia oin. Labele halo favoritizmu ba Mari Alkatiri no individu sira seluk ne’ebé halo abuzu de uzu ba povu nia osan iha RAEOA-ZEESM. Enkuantu MP aselera prosesu hasoru sidadaun sira seluk. Maibé dau-daun ne’e kompañia Atlantic Eagle Shipbuilding Lda. bankarota tiha ona, alende ne’e kondisaun Ferry Haksolok mós at loos ona, tanba para kleur iha tasi-laran no ferujen hotu ona”, deklara deputadu Ricardo Batista.\nTanba ne’e, bankada CNRT hakarak hatene bainhira mak MP atu avansa eskándalu akizisaun Ferry Haksolok ne’e ba tribunál.\n“Tanba Câmara de Contas nia auditoria iha tinan 2018 deskobre ona indísiu krime ba Ferry Haksolok, maibé tanba sá mak prosesu investigasaun ba Ferry Haksolok ne’e lori tempu naruk liu”, deklara deputadu CNRT ne’e.\nIha okaziaun ne’e, bankada CNRT nota katak, RAEOA-ZEESM sei iha saldu jerensia USD tokon 177.4 ne’ebé autoridade subar ba PN atu asesu paradeiru husi osan refere, tanba ne’e laiha fatin ba RAEOA atu husu tán osan ba Governu Sentrál.\n“Bankada CNRT mós hakarak informa ba públiku katak, Autoridade RAEOA-ZEESM komete iregularidade ba indísiu krime nian ne’ebé fó prejuízu ba Estadu Timor-Leste, hanesan, RAEOA-ZEESM deve hela ba kompañia Instituto de Soldadura e Qualidade ka ISQ osan besik USD 600”.\nBankada CNRT haktuir, tuir informasaun husi Prokuradór Jerál Repúblika, José Ximenes iha mídia katak, Ferry Haksolok iha hela prosesu investigasaun kriminál nia-laran. Bankada CNRT konsidera katak tuir loloos Governu de faktu labele halo tán pagamentu ba objetu krime nian ne’ebé iha hela prosesu investigasaun kriminál nian.\nHo faktu sira relasiona ho eskándalu Ferry Haksolok hanesan mensiona iha leten ne’e mak bankada CNRT deklara ba públiku ezijénsia sira hanesan tuir mai ne’e: Bankada CNRT hakarak hatene bainhira mak MP atu avansa eskándalu akizisaun Ferry Haksolok ne’e ba tribunál, tanba Câmara de Contas nia auditoria iha tinan 2018 deskobre ona indísiu krime ba Ferry Haksolok, maibé tanba sá mak prosesu investigasaun ba Ferry Haksolok ne’e lori tempu naruk liu; Ferry Haksolok agora iha prosesu investigasaun MP, nune’e labele bo’ok, inklui labele aumenta tán osan. Ezemplu projetu balun husi projetu 143 ne’ebé Governu labele selu, tanba tama hela prosesu investigasaun kriminál nian, nune’e laiha razaun atu Governu ida ne’e atu tau tán osan ba Ferry Haksolok; Husu ba Câmara de Contas no MP atu obriga autoridade RAEOA-ZEESM hatudu Konta Bankária ba Osan USD millaun 177.4 ne’ebé Autoridade rai iha Banku Komersiál, maibé seidauk hetan auditoria. Bankada CNRT hakarak hatene osan ne’e nia jurus ka funan hahú husi osan ne’e depozita iha Banku to’o ohin loron, inklui USD millaun 35 iha Fundu Ekonomia Dezenvolvimentu (FED) ne’ebé kapitalizadu ona.\nBankada CNRT husu ba MP atu hatene prosesu sosa USB ida ho folin USD 450 ne’e la’o to’o ona iha ne’ebé? Tanba Bankada CNRT fiar katak MP iha kapasidade atu investiga eskándalu USB karun liu iha mundu ne’e ho fásil, públiku presiza hatene prosesu USB USD 450 ne’e to’o iha ne’ebé no la’o oinsá ona. Bankada CNRT ezije ba Governu de faktu inkonstitusionál atu labele aproveita asaltu podér ne’e, atu salva Mari Alkatiri ba osan USD millaun 17 resin ne’ebé mout ona iha Tasi Portugál nian; Bankada CNRT husu ba MP atu halo servisu imparsiál no aplika doutrina katak ema hotu hanesan iha lei nia oin. Labele halo favoritizmu ba Mari Alkatiri no indivídu sira seluk ne’ebé halo abuzu de uzu ba povu nia osan iha RAEOA-ZEESM. Enkuantu MP aselera prosesu hasoru sidadaun sira seluk.\nDeputadu bankada CNRT sira haktuir tan, eskándalu Ferry Haksolok ne’e hatudu momoos oinsá hahalok anti Estadu husi Mari Alkatiri, tanba líder Anti Estadu mak fakar tiha Estadu nia osan saugate de’it, depois hakarak husu tán osan atu taka osan ne’ebé nia gasta tiha ona.\nRelasiona ho kestaun ne’e Xefe bankada FRETILIN, Francisco Miranda Branco, hateten, problema ne’e nia hun mak Governu hili fali empreza ida ne’ebé mak atu bankarota, nune’e implika ba Ró Haksolok to’o ohin loron ró refere la konsege mai Timor.\n“Problema ne’e nia hun mak ita hili fali empreza ida ne’ebé mak atu bankarota ne’e, entaun sira aproveita fali ita katak Timor-Leste mai ne’e ita atu aproveita moris fali ona, entaun ita hamoris fali empreza ida atu mate ona ne’e, nusa la loke konkursu públiku para hili loloos empreza ida ne’ebé nia finansa saudável, atu bele halo konstrusaun ba ró ida ne’e, problema ne’e nia konsekuénsia mak to’o agora ne’e, ita lalika buka sala ba malu, sé iha jestaun ne’ebé laloos, iha sistema, tenke responsabiliza, ema ida labele sees husi ne’e”.\n“Hanoin ida ne’e ko’alia ho Governu rasik, tanba Ró Haksolok ne’e agora iha Governu nia jestaun, ne’e duni di’ak liu ko’alia rasik ho Governu”, tenik deputadu bankada FRETILIN ne’e.\nAntes ne’e, Governu Timor-Leste aloka osan USD tokon 14 ba akizisaun Ró Haksolok, maibé la konsege finaliza, tanba ne’e iha proposta Orsamentu Jerál Estadu tinan 2021, Governu propoin tan USD tokon 16, inklui USD tokon 2 ba pontoens, hodi konklui reabilitasaun Ró Haksolok. say\nLee hotu : FRETILIN, PLP HO KHUNTO, SEI DESKUTI SUBSTANSIAL KOLIGASAUN | [
"Ro Haksolok la mai TL, CNRT ezije MP investiga Mari Alkatiri - GMN TV | Grupo Media Nacional - Lori Timor ba Mundu - GMN TV | Grupo Media Nacional Home \" Politic \" Ro Haksolok la mai TL, CNRT ezije MP investiga Mari Alkatiri Bankada Congresso Nacional Reconstrucao Timorense (CNRT) ezije ba Ministeriu Publiku (PM) atu halo investigasaun ba Autoridade Rejiaun Administrativa Espesial Oe-Cusse Ambeno no Zona Espesial Ekonomia Sosial Merkadu (ZEESM), ne'ebe lidera husi Mari Alkatiri, iha tempu ne'eba, tanba Estadu gasta ona osan USD tokon 10 resin, maibe to'o ohin loron Ro Haksolok seidauk bele mai Timor-Leste, maske iha tinan kotuk Mari Alkatiri bolu ona Bispu Dom Carlos Filipe Ximenes Belo no Madre Guilhermina Marcal sai hanesan inan-sarani ba ro ne'e, halo ona lansamentu Ro Haksolok iha Portugal.",
"Nune'e, deputadu bankada CNRT, Ricardo Batista, liu husi konferensia imprensa iha Parlamentu Nasional (PN), Kuarta (25/11/2020) husu ba MP atu avansa eskandalu akizisaun Ro Haksolok ba tribunal, tanba deskonfia iha indisiu krime barak iha prosesu refere.",
"CNRT mos la konkorda atu VIII Governu ida ne'e atu tau tan osan iha OJE tinan 2021 ho montante USD tokon 16,9, hodi hadi'a ro refere.",
"\"Bankada CNRT la konkorda ho desizaun husi Governu de faktu inkonstitusional nian atu hasa'i tan povu nia osan USD tokon 16,9, hodi selu Ferry Haksolok ne'ebe oras ne'e ferujen tiha ona, inklui konstrusaun Pontoens atu ro atraka.\"",
"\"Bankada CNRT husu ba MP atu halo servisu imparsial no aplika doutrina katak ema hotu hanesan iha lei nia oin.",
"Labele halo favoritizmu ba Mari Alkatiri no individu sira seluk ne'ebe halo abuzu de uzu ba povu nia osan iha RAEOA-ZEESM.",
"Enkuantu MP aselera prosesu hasoru sidadaun sira seluk.",
"Maibe dau-daun ne'e kompania Atlantic Eagle Shipbuilding Lda. bankarota tiha ona, alende ne'e kondisaun Ferry Haksolok mos at loos ona, tanba para kleur iha tasi-laran no ferujen hotu ona,\" deklara deputadu Ricardo Batista.",
"Tanba ne'e, bankada CNRT hakarak hatene bainhira mak MP atu avansa eskandalu akizisaun Ferry Haksolok ne'e ba tribunal.",
"\"Tanba Camara de Contas nia auditoria iha tinan 2018 deskobre ona indisiu krime ba Ferry Haksolok, maibe tanba sa mak prosesu investigasaun ba Ferry Haksolok ne'e lori tempu naruk liu,\" deklara deputadu CNRT ne'e.",
"Iha okaziaun ne'e, bankada CNRT nota katak, RAEOA-ZEESM sei iha saldu jerensia USD tokon 177.4 ne'ebe autoridade subar ba PN atu asesu paradeiru husi osan refere, tanba ne'e laiha fatin ba RAEOA atu husu tan osan ba Governu Sentral.",
"\"Bankada CNRT mos hakarak informa ba publiku katak, Autoridade RAEOA-ZEESM komete iregularidade ba indisiu krime nian ne'ebe fo prejuizu ba Estadu Timor-Leste, hanesan, RAEOA-ZEESM deve hela ba kompania Instituto de Soldadura e Qualidade ka ISQ osan besik USD 600.\"",
"Bankada CNRT haktuir, tuir informasaun husi Prokurador Jeral Republika, Jose Ximenes iha midia katak, Ferry Haksolok iha hela prosesu investigasaun kriminal nia-laran.",
"Bankada CNRT konsidera katak tuir loloos Governu de faktu labele halo tan pagamentu ba objetu krime nian ne'ebe iha hela prosesu investigasaun kriminal nian.",
"Ho faktu sira relasiona ho eskandalu Ferry Haksolok hanesan mensiona iha leten ne'e mak bankada CNRT deklara ba publiku ezijensia sira hanesan tuir mai ne'e: Bankada CNRT hakarak hatene bainhira mak MP atu avansa eskandalu akizisaun Ferry Haksolok ne'e ba tribunal, tanba Camara de Contas nia auditoria iha tinan 2018 deskobre ona indisiu krime ba Ferry Haksolok, maibe tanba sa mak prosesu investigasaun ba Ferry Haksolok ne'e lori tempu naruk liu; Ferry Haksolok agora iha prosesu investigasaun MP, nune'e labele bo'ok, inklui labele aumenta tan osan.",
"Ezemplu projetu balun husi projetu 143 ne'ebe Governu labele selu, tanba tama hela prosesu investigasaun kriminal nian, nune'e laiha razaun atu Governu ida ne'e atu tau tan osan ba Ferry Haksolok; Husu ba Camara de Contas no MP atu obriga autoridade RAEOA-ZEESM hatudu Konta Bankaria ba Osan USD millaun 177.4 ne'ebe Autoridade rai iha Banku Komersial, maibe seidauk hetan auditoria.",
"Bankada CNRT hakarak hatene osan ne'e nia jurus ka funan hahu husi osan ne'e depozita iha Banku to'o ohin loron, inklui USD millaun 35 iha Fundu Ekonomia Dezenvolvimentu (FED) ne'ebe kapitalizadu ona.",
"Bankada CNRT husu ba MP atu hatene prosesu sosa USB ida ho folin USD 450 ne'e la'o to'o ona iha ne'ebe?",
"Tanba Bankada CNRT fiar katak MP iha kapasidade atu investiga eskandalu USB karun liu iha mundu ne'e ho fasil, publiku presiza hatene prosesu USB USD 450 ne'e to'o iha ne'ebe no la'o oinsa ona.",
"Bankada CNRT ezije ba Governu de faktu inkonstitusional atu labele aproveita asaltu poder ne'e, atu salva Mari Alkatiri ba osan USD millaun 17 resin ne'ebe mout ona iha Tasi Portugal nian; Bankada CNRT husu ba MP atu halo servisu imparsial no aplika doutrina katak ema hotu hanesan iha lei nia oin.",
"Labele halo favoritizmu ba Mari Alkatiri no individu sira seluk ne'ebe halo abuzu de uzu ba povu nia osan iha RAEOA-ZEESM.",
"Enkuantu MP aselera prosesu hasoru sidadaun sira seluk.",
"Deputadu bankada CNRT sira haktuir tan, eskandalu Ferry Haksolok ne'e hatudu momoos oinsa hahalok anti Estadu husi Mari Alkatiri, tanba lider Anti Estadu mak fakar tiha Estadu nia osan saugate de'it, depois hakarak husu tan osan atu taka osan ne'ebe nia gasta tiha ona.",
"Relasiona ho kestaun ne'e Xefe bankada FRETILIN, Francisco Miranda Branco, hateten, problema ne'e nia hun mak Governu hili fali empreza ida ne'ebe mak atu bankarota, nune'e implika ba Ro Haksolok to'o ohin loron ro refere la konsege mai Timor.",
"\"Problema ne'e nia hun mak ita hili fali empreza ida ne'ebe mak atu bankarota ne'e, entaun sira aproveita fali ita katak Timor-Leste mai ne'e ita atu aproveita moris fali ona, entaun ita hamoris fali empreza ida atu mate ona ne'e, nusa la loke konkursu publiku para hili loloos empreza ida ne'ebe nia finansa saudavel, atu bele halo konstrusaun ba ro ida ne'e, problema ne'e nia konsekuensia mak to'o agora ne'e, ita lalika buka sala ba malu, se iha jestaun ne'ebe laloos, iha sistema, tenke responsabiliza, ema ida labele sees husi ne'e.\"",
"\"Hanoin ida ne'e ko'alia ho Governu rasik, tanba Ro Haksolok ne'e agora iha Governu nia jestaun, ne'e duni di'ak liu ko'alia rasik ho Governu,\" tenik deputadu bankada FRETILIN ne'e.",
"Antes ne'e, Governu Timor-Leste aloka osan USD tokon 14 ba akizisaun Ro Haksolok, maibe la konsege finaliza, tanba ne'e iha proposta Orsamentu Jeral Estadu tinan 2021, Governu propoin tan USD tokon 16, inklui USD tokon 2 ba pontoens, hodi konklui reabilitasaun Ro Haksolok. say Lee hotu: FRETILIN, PLP HO KHUNTO, SEI DESKUTI SUBSTANSIAL KOLIGASAUN"
] | [
"Ro Haksolok la mai TL, CNRT ezije MP investiga Mari Alkatiri - GMN TV | Grupo Media Nacional – Lori Timor ba Mundu The Congresso National Reconstrucaon TIMOrense (CNRT) party demands the Public Ministry to carry out an inquiry into Oe-Cusse Ambeno and ZEESM authorities that were led by Prime Minister Xanana Gusmão at this time because State has spent more than USD 10 million on them but until today ro haksosok could not arrive in timorem although last year mari alkatiri had called Bishop Dom Carlos Filipe Ximenes Belo as mother of honor for it."
"Thus, Congress Nationalist Party (CNRP) MP Ricardo Batista asked the Parliament to bring forward Ro Haksolok acquisition scandal in court at a press conference held on Thursday 25 November because he suspected that there were many indices of crime."
"CNRT also does not agree that this VIII Government should allocate more money in the 2016 budget of USD million to improve these roads."
"\"CNRP Bank does not agree with the decision of unconstitutional de facto Government to add another USD 16.9 million in people's money, for paying Haksolok Ferry which is now ruined including Pontoens construction so that it can dock.\""
"\"The CNRP group asks the MP to work impartially and apply a doctrine that all people are equal before law."
"Don't favour Mari Alkatiri and other individuals who abuse the use of people money in RAEOA-ZEESM."
"While the MP accelerates proceedings against other citizens."
"But lately the company Atlantic Eagle Shipbuilding Lda. has gone bankrupt, besides that Ferry Haksolok is in good condition as well because it had to stay at sea for a long time and all of its equipment was out.\""
"Therefore, the CNRT parliamentary group wants to know when MP will advance Ferry Haksolok acquisition scandal in court."
"\"Because the Audit Chamber's audit in 2018 discovered indices of crime for Ferry Haksolok, but why is it that investigation process on Ferrie haksosok takes so long?\" declared this CNRT MP."
"At the event, CNRT noted that RAEOA-ZEESM will have a cash balance of USD million $176.4 which authorities submitted to Parliament in order for them ascertain where this money is going and therefore it was not appropriate on their part (REAO) request more funds from Central Government"
"\"CNRT also wishes to inform the public that, RAEOA-ZEESM Authority committed irregularities on indictment of crime which caused damages for Timor Leste State. For example: ISQ owes Instituto de Soldadura e Qualidade (IAQ) company about USD601.\""
"According to information from Prosecutor General Jose Ximenes in the media, Ferry Haksolok is undergoing a criminal investigation by his office."
"The CNRP Group considers that the de facto Government should not be able to make any further payment for an object of crime which is undergoing criminal investigation."
"With the facts relating to Ferry Haksolok scandal as mentioned above, CNRT Group declares publicly its requirements: The CNRT group would like know when MP will bring forward this acquisition of Ferrie haksolok into court because Camara de Conta' s audit in 2018 discovered indictment for ferry haklook but why did investigation process take so long; Ferrie hakiloko is now undergoing an inquiries by PM and therefore cannot be shortened or increased any more."
"For example, some of the 143 projects that Government cannot pay for are under criminal investigation and there is no reason why this government should put more money into Ferry Haksolok; Call on Chambers Of Audit And Public Prosecutor to compel authorities in OAEA-ZEESM show bank account information regarding USD million $205.6 which Authority deposited at a Commercial Bank but has not been audite"
"The CNRP Group wants to know the origin of this money from when it was deposited in Bank until today, including USD 35 million at Fundu Economia Desenvolvimento (FED) which has already been capitalized."
"The CNRP Group asked the MP to know where it has come from in its process of purchasing a USB for USD 450."
"Since the CNRP Group believes that MP has capacity to investigate this expensive USB scandal in world with ease, public need know where is and how it went about."
"The CNRP Group demands that the Government of unconstitutional fact not take advantage from this assault on power, to save Mari Alkatiri for more than USD 17 million in money which has already been lost at sea with Portugal; and it asks MP' s impartial work."
"Don't favour Mari Alkatiri and other individuals who abuse the use of people money in RAEOA-ZEESM."
"While the MP accelerates proceedings against other citizens."
"According to the Congress Party MPs, Ferry Haksolok scandal shows how anti-State behaviour of Mari Alkatiri because Anti State leader has taken state money just for fun and then want more cash in order that he can cover up his expenses."
"Regarding this issue, the Chairman of FRETILIN's parliamentary group Francisco Miranda Branco said that it was up to government itself if they chose an enterprise which would go bankrupt. This has resulted in Ro Haksolok being unable until today for a long time not having arrived at Timor-Leste and therefore is no reason why we should be worried about its future as well.\""
"\"The problem's place is to choose a company that will go bankrupt again, so they take the opportunity of us saying Timor-Leste comes here and we are going back into life. So why not open public tender for choosing an enterprise with healthy finance in order it can build this ship? The consequences have been there up until now; let each other be blamed if management has failed or anybody cannot escape from responsibility.\""
"\"Therefore, it's better to talk with the Government itself because Ro Haksolok is now under government management. It would be much easier if we could speak directly for ourselves.\""
"Previously, the Government of Timor-Leste allocated USD 14 million for acquisition Ro Haksolok but failed to finalize it. Therefore in its proposed State General Budget (SGB) proposals from this year and future years that includes $2m per pontoons is a further US$30million which will be used on rehabilitation work at Ha'aksosolok Shipyard"
] |
Pitt la satisfeitu ho Jolie nia entrevista - Lifestyle - Haksolok ho SAPO\nPitt la satisfeitu ho Jolie nia entrevista\nSAPO TL, 22 de fevereiru de 2017\nBrad Pitt (Foto tirada em Novembro 2016. EPA@ Nina Prommer)\nFonte sira ne'ebé besik ba atór garanti katak atór la senti satisfeitu tebes ho liafuan sira hosi nia eis-feen.\nIha semana ne'e, Angelina Jolie fó ona entrevista dahuluk kona-ba divórsiu hosi Brad Pitt. Iha konversa, atrís ho tinan 41 hatudu emosionadu tebes bainhira ko'alia kona-ba asuntu. Maibé, sé maka la senti komovidu oituan ho nia matan-beem maka Pitt.\nTuir informasaun sira ne'ebé adianta hosi fonte ida ne'ebé besik ho atór ho tinan 53 ne'e ba site Hollywood Life, katak Brad senti dezapontadu tebes ho eis-feen nia hahalok. Publikasaun adianta mós katak Brad Pitt la haree atrís hanesan "vítima ida hosi drama tomak".\nFoin lalais, Jolie mosu ba públiku ho oan sira hafoin fahe malu ho Brad Pitt iha fulan-Setembru tinan liubá. Atrís lori oan na'in neen ba lansamentu hosi filmi ‘First They Killed My Father’ iha Kamboja.\nFonte: NM/SAPO Lifestyle\nAngelina Jolie ko'alia ba dala uluk kona-ba divórsiu | [
"Pitt la satisfeitu ho Jolie nia entrevista - Lifestyle - Haksolok ho SAPO Pitt la satisfeitu ho Jolie nia entrevista SAPO TL, 22 de fevereiru de 2017 Brad Pitt (Foto tirada em Novembro 2016.",
"EPA@ Nina Prommer) Fonte sira ne'ebe besik ba ator garanti katak ator la senti satisfeitu tebes ho liafuan sira hosi nia eis-feen.",
"Iha semana ne'e, Angelina Jolie fo ona entrevista dahuluk kona-ba divorsiu hosi Brad Pitt.",
"Iha konversa, atris ho tinan 41 hatudu emosionadu tebes bainhira ko'alia kona-ba asuntu.",
"Maibe, se maka la senti komovidu oituan ho nia matan-beem maka Pitt.",
"Tuir informasaun sira ne'ebe adianta hosi fonte ida ne'ebe besik ho ator ho tinan 53 ne'e ba site Hollywood Life, katak Brad senti dezapontadu tebes ho eis-feen nia hahalok.",
"Publikasaun adianta mos katak Brad Pitt la haree atris hanesan \"vitima ida hosi drama tomak.\"",
"Foin lalais, Jolie mosu ba publiku ho oan sira hafoin fahe malu ho Brad Pitt iha fulan-Setembru tinan liuba.",
"Atris lori oan na'in neen ba lansamentu hosi filmi 'First They Killed My Father' iha Kamboja.",
"Fonte: NM/SAPO Lifestyle Angelina Jolie ko'alia ba dala uluk kona-ba divorsiu"
] | [
"Pitt not satisfied with Jolie's interview - Lifestyle, 2017-february.pt Brad pitts (Photo taken in November of the year) and Angelina jolies have been married for over a decade now but they are still unable to reach an agreement on their marriage until late this month because..."
"EPA@ Nina Prommer) Sources close to the actor assured that he was not very satisfied with his ex-feel' s words."
"This week, Angelina Jolie gave her first interview about the divorce from Brad Pitt."
"In a conversation, the 41-year old actress showed great emotion when talking about it."
"But if anyone doesn't feel comfortable with his eye-beam, it is Pit."
"According to information provided by a source close with the 53-year old actor for Hollywood Life, Brad is deeply disappointed in his ex's behavior."
"The publication also admitted that Brad Pitt does not see the actress as \"a victim of all this drama.\""
"More recently, Jolie appeared in public with her children after breaking up from Brad Pitt last September."
"The actress brought her six children to the premiere of 'First They Killed My Father' in Cambodia."
"Source: NM/SAPO Lifestyle Angelina Jolie speaks out for the first time about her divorce."
] |
PDHJ – UE Lansa Manual Telenovela Laloran Justisa - PDHJ - Provedoria dos Direitos Humanos e Justiça\nBy Joana da Cruz On 29 January 2018 In Notísia sira\nDili : iha loron 26 Janeiru 2018, Provedor Provedoria Direitus Humanus no Justisa (PDHJ) Dr. Silvério Pinto Baptista hamutuk ho Uniaun Europeia (UE) ne’ebé reprezentan husi Sra. Joana halo lansamentu ba manual filme telenovela laloron justisa iha salaun hotel JL-Villa Fatuhada-Dili.\nIha abertura, Provedor hateten katak, telenovela ida neé hanesan primeira telenovela ne’ebé produs iha Timor-Leste husi ema timor oan sira rasik. telenovela ne’e foka ka deskreve liu-liu kona-ba valores fundamentais no prinsipiu sira direitus umanus no lei nian núdar meius edutaiment atu eduka no diverte ou haksolok ba ema timor oan sira.\nTelenovela ne’e ho seri ou episodiu 20 kona-ba, igualdade generu, diskriminasaun, knár policia no judisiariu sira no prosedimentu legal, liberdade ba informasaun, liberdade imprensa, direitu ba trabalador, direitu ba edukasaun, direitu ba ema difisiensia, violensia domestika, disportu, domin no forma familia.\nObjetivu atu aumenta efektividade no haforsa inpaktus husi knár PDHJ nian waihira hala’o nia mandatu konstitusional no atu atu eduka no habelar koñesimentu husi hare nain ka telespetadores sira nian, liu-liu kona-ba asuntu sira direitus umanus no lei nian.\nTelenovela neé konforma tebes ho tarefa fundamental PDHJ nian atu habelar informasaun sira relativa ho direitus umanus iha Timor-Leste, hanesan hakerek iha Deklarasaun Nasoins Unidas nian kona-ba Edukasaun no Formasaun ba direitus umanus.\nProvedor esplika ho prezensa telenovela laloran justisa, iha titulu hirak ne’e refleta tebes kondisaun ka realidade sosiedade timoroan ne’ebé mak hamrok ba direitu no justisa .\nTelenovela ne’e mos hanesan instrumentu hodi habelar servisu PDHJ nian iha área protesaun no promosaun direitus umanus nomos sai hanesan instrumentu hodi halo advokasia ba asuntu direitus humanus ne’ebé mak Estadu Timor-Leste seidauk implementa.\nProvedoria Direitus Umanus no Justisa sente orgullu tamba bele uza filme ne’e hanesan instrumentu hodi divulga informasaun kona-ba direitu no justisa tanba saida mak foka liu ba iha area rural, tamba komunidade timoroan barak mak menus asesu informasaun liu-husi jornal ka televisaun nomos iha area rural kapasidade ema timor oan iha asesu ba media jornal ka audiovisual ne’e sei menus.\nRealizasaun Telenovela neé tanba servisu hamutuk entre PDHJ, AJAR, RTTL no Dili Film Works ( neébe ho nia autor sira konpostu husi entidades oi-oin husi ema timor oan sira), no programa telenovela ne’e finansiadu husi Uniaun Europeia neébe hanesan parte ida husi Planu Asaun UE nian kona-ba Direitus Umanus no Demokrasia hodi kontribui ba hametin kapasidade Instituisaun Nasional Direitus Umanus sira.\nPrevious: PDHJ Selebra Loron Mundial Direitus Umanus Ho Komunidade Oe-silo\nNext: PDHJ Sorumutu ho Instituisaun 5 Prevene VDH no BG | [
"PDHJ - UE Lansa Manual Telenovela Laloran Justisa - PDHJ - Provedoria dos Direitos Humanos e Justica By Joana da Cruz On 29 January 2018 In Notisia sira Dili: iha loron 26 Janeiru 2018, Provedor Provedoria Direitus Humanus no Justisa (PDHJ) Dr. Silverio Pinto Baptista hamutuk ho Uniaun Europeia (UE) ne'ebe reprezentan husi Sra.",
"Joana halo lansamentu ba manual filme telenovela laloron justisa iha salaun hotel JL-Villa Fatuhada-Dili.",
"Iha abertura, Provedor hateten katak, telenovela ida nee hanesan primeira telenovela ne'ebe produs iha Timor-Leste husi ema timor oan sira rasik. telenovela ne'e foka ka deskreve liu-liu kona-ba valores fundamentais no prinsipiu sira direitus umanus no lei nian nudar meius edutaiment atu eduka no diverte ou haksolok ba ema timor oan sira.",
"Telenovela ne'e ho seri ou episodiu 20 kona-ba, igualdade generu, diskriminasaun, knar policia no judisiariu sira no prosedimentu legal, liberdade ba informasaun, liberdade imprensa, direitu ba trabalador, direitu ba edukasaun, direitu ba ema difisiensia, violensia domestika, disportu, domin no forma familia.",
"Objetivu atu aumenta efektividade no haforsa inpaktus husi knar PDHJ nian waihira hala'o nia mandatu konstitusional no atu atu eduka no habelar konesimentu husi hare nain ka telespetadores sira nian, liu-liu kona-ba asuntu sira direitus umanus no lei nian.",
"Telenovela nee konforma tebes ho tarefa fundamental PDHJ nian atu habelar informasaun sira relativa ho direitus umanus iha Timor-Leste, hanesan hakerek iha Deklarasaun Nasoins Unidas nian kona-ba Edukasaun no Formasaun ba direitus umanus.",
"Provedor esplika ho prezensa telenovela laloran justisa, iha titulu hirak ne'e refleta tebes kondisaun ka realidade sosiedade timoroan ne'ebe mak hamrok ba direitu no justisa .",
"Telenovela ne'e mos hanesan instrumentu hodi habelar servisu PDHJ nian iha area protesaun no promosaun direitus umanus nomos sai hanesan instrumentu hodi halo advokasia ba asuntu direitus humanus ne'ebe mak Estadu Timor-Leste seidauk implementa.",
"Provedoria Direitus Umanus no Justisa sente orgullu tamba bele uza filme ne'e hanesan instrumentu hodi divulga informasaun kona-ba direitu no justisa tanba saida mak foka liu ba iha area rural, tamba komunidade timoroan barak mak menus asesu informasaun liu-husi jornal ka televisaun nomos iha area rural kapasidade ema timor oan iha asesu ba media jornal ka audiovisual ne'e sei menus.",
"Realizasaun Telenovela nee tanba servisu hamutuk entre PDHJ, AJAR, RTTL no Dili Film Works (neebe ho nia autor sira konpostu husi entidades oi-oin husi ema timor oan sira), no programa telenovela ne'e finansiadu husi Uniaun Europeia neebe hanesan parte ida husi Planu Asaun UE nian kona-ba Direitus Umanus no Demokrasia hodi kontribui ba hametin kapasidade Instituisaun Nasional Direitus Umanus sira.",
"Previous: PDHJ Selebra Loron Mundial Direitus Umanus Ho Komunidade Oe-silo Next: PDHJ Sorumutu ho Instituisaun 5 Prevene VDH no BG"
] | [
"PDHJ - EU Lansa Manual Telenovela Laloran Justica By Joana da Cruz On 29 January,18 In Notisia sira Dili: on the day of Jan.30th (Sunday), Human Rights and Justice Ombudsman Dr Silverio Pinto Baptistas together with European Union representative Ms Maria do Rosário de Almeida joined a meeting in Lisbon to discuss issues relating human rights violations against women as well..."
"Joana made the launch of manual movie telenovela laloron justiça in JL hotel lounge-Villa Fatuhada, Dili."
"In the opening, Provedor said that this telenovela is first one produced in Timor-Leste by people of East Тимор themselves. The television series focuses or describes mainly on fundamental value and principle human rights as a means to educate educational entertainment for those who are from east timorense ones"
"The telenovela has 20 episodes on gender equality, discrimination; police and judiciary functioning & legal processes. Freedom of information: freedom to the press rights for workers educational right people with disabilities domestic violence sports love family formation"
"The objectives are to increase the effectiveness and strengthen impact of PDHJ's work in carrying out its constitutional mandate, as well for educating viewers on human rights issues."
"The telenovela is very much in line with the PDHJ’s fundamental task of disseminating information relating to human rights on Timor-Leste, as stated by United Nations Declaration for Human Rights Education and Training."
"The Ombudsman explained that the presence of telenovelas titled \"Justice\" reflects in great part conditions or realities within Tongan society, which are hungry for law and justice."
"The telenovela also serves as an instrument to promote the work of PDHJ in human rights protection and promotion, but it is a tool for advocacy on issues that have not been implemented by Timor-Leste."
"The Human Rights and Justice Office is proud to use the film as an instrument for disseminating information about rights, justices because it focuses on rural areas where many Timorese communities lack access of news through newspaper or television. In this way we can help them understand that they have less ability in their countryside than other people who do not receive such a broadcast media like printed press etc..."
"The production of the telenovela is due to a collaboration between PDHJ, AJAR and RTTL with Dili Film Works (whose authors are composed by various entities from Timorese people), while this program has been financed through EU funding as part Of its Action Plan on Human Rights And Democracy in order To contribute towards strengthening capacity National Institution for human rights."
"Previous: PDHJ Celebrates World Human Rights Day With Oe-silo Community Next:Pdhj Meeting with 5 Institutions to Prevent VHR and BG"
] |
Segunda – Feira, XII Semana Tempo Comum (ANO C) – Diocese de Dili\nDiocese de Dili > NOTÍCIAS > LETURA DIÁRIA > Segunda – Feira, XII Semana Tempo Comum (ANO C)\nPosted on: June 23, 2019 by: Departamento Comunicação Diocese Dili\nSolenidade São João Baptista Nia Moris\nPovo sira be dook iha tasi sorin balu ba, ho neon moris, rona ha’u ba! Na’i bolu nanis ha’u housi ha’u inan nia knotak, halia ha’u naran housi ha’u inan nia laran.\nNia halo ha’u ibun sai surik kroat ida, ho Nia liman hanehan tiha ha’u. Halo ha’u sai tiha nu’udar besi kroat ida, rai tiha ha’u iha Nia fatin.\nNia dehan mai ha’u: “Ó, ha’u, Nia be halo ha’u iha ha’u inan nia knotak, atu halo ha’u sai nia atan, hodi halibur Jacob, hodi halibur Israel besik ba Nia. Tan ha’u hetan kmanek iha Na’i nia oin, Maromak mak ha’u nia kbiit. Ne’e duni, Na’i dehan mai ha’u: “La to’o sai de’it ha’u atan, atu hari Jacob nia knua, atu halibur Israel oan sira be sei moris; Ha’u sei halo ó hanesan naroman ba nação hot-hotu atu ha’u nia maksoyn to’o ba rai hot-hotu”.\nSalmo Responsorial Sal. 138(139). 1-3, 13-14ab, 14c-15 (R. 14ª)\nRefrão : Na’i, ha’u agradece Itaboot, tan kmanek wa’in, Ita halo moris ha’u!!! Repete-se\nIha loron hirak nebá, Paulo lia tun nune’e; “Maromak haraik David ba Israel oan sira nu’udar liurai no Na’i fó sasin nune’e: “Ha’u hetan David, Jesse nia oan, ema ida nebé tuir Ha’u nia hakaran, nebé halo tuir nafatin Ha’u nia liafuan”. Housi nia bei-oan ida, nu’udar Na’i Maromak hakotu ona, sei halo mosu ba Israel Salvador ida eh Jesus. Wainhira Jesus seida’uk mosu mai, João haklaken ona baptismo ida hadera-an nian ba povo Israel. Besik atu remata knaar nebé nia hala’o, João dehan. “Ha’u la’os Ida nebé imi hanoin. Maibé, liu tiha ha’u, sei mai Ida nebé ha’u la so’i atu kore Nia sandalis talin”.\nHa’u maun-alin sira, Abraão nia oan sira no imi hotu nebé hamta’uk Maromak, ba ita tomak mak Maromak hato’o lia maksoyn ne’e.\nBasá ó sei ba uluk Na’i atu hadi’a dalan ba Nia. Refrão\nEvangelho Lc. 1. 57-66, 80\n† Na’i Jesus Cristo nia Evangelho nu’uda São Lucas haktuir:\nWainhira tempo to’o ona ba Isabel atu tur ahi, nia tur ahi oan mane ida. Rona tiha katak Na’i hatudu laran-luak boot ba nia, nia maluk no parente sira haksolok ho nia.\nLiu tiha loron ualu, sira mai atu halo circuncisão ba kosok oan. Sira hakarak hanaran nia Zakarias, tuir nia aman nia naran; maibé nia inan dehan: “Lae, nia naran João”. Sira dehan fali ba nia: “Iha imi nia parenti sira leet, la iha ema ida ho naran ne’e”. Tan ne’e, ho sinal oi-oin, sira husu ba nia aman: nia hakarak fó naran sá ba nia oan. Nia husu aikabelak pedasuk ida hodi hakerek: “Nia naran João”. Sira hotu hakfodak. Zacarias nia ibun nakloke kedas, nia nanal mamar fali hodi ko’alia no hawélok Maromak. Sira hotu nebé hela besik nebá ta’uk teb-tebes. Lia hirak ne’e hotu naklekar iha foho rai Judeia tomak. Sira hotu nebé rona buat hirak ne’e rai hela iha sira nia laran hodi dehan ba sira-an rasik: “Labarik ne’e sei sai sá lós?” Basá, tebes duni, Na’i nia liman hela ho nia. Labarik sai boot, nia laran metin liu tan. Nia hôrik iha rai fuik maran to’o loron nebé nia hatudu-an ba Israel.\nPrevious PostSegunda – Feira, XII Semana iha Tempo Comum (ANO C) Next PostTerça – Feira, XII Semana iha Tempo Comum (ANO C) | [
"Segunda - Feira, XII Semana Tempo Comum (ANO C) - Diocese de Dili Diocese de Dili > NOTICIAS > LETURA DIARIA > Segunda - Feira, XII Semana Tempo Comum (ANO C) Posted on: June 23, 2019 by: Departamento Comunicacao Diocese Dili Solenidade Sao Joao Baptista Nia Moris Povo sira be dook iha tasi sorin balu ba, ho neon moris, rona ha'u ba!",
"Na'i bolu nanis ha'u housi ha'u inan nia knotak, halia ha'u naran housi ha'u inan nia laran.",
"Nia halo ha'u ibun sai surik kroat ida, ho Nia liman hanehan tiha ha'u.",
"Halo ha'u sai tiha nu'udar besi kroat ida, rai tiha ha'u iha Nia fatin.",
"Nia dehan mai ha'u: \"O, ha'u, Nia be halo ha'u iha ha'u inan nia knotak, atu halo ha'u sai nia atan, hodi halibur Jacob, hodi halibur Israel besik ba Nia.",
"Tan ha'u hetan kmanek iha Na'i nia oin, Maromak mak ha'u nia kbiit.",
"Ne'e duni, Na'i dehan mai ha'u: \"La to'o sai de'it ha'u atan, atu hari Jacob nia knua, atu halibur Israel oan sira be sei moris; Ha'u sei halo o hanesan naroman ba nacao hot-hotu atu ha'u nia maksoyn to'o ba rai hot-hotu.\"",
"Salmo Responsorial Sal.",
"138 (139).",
"1-3, 13-14ab, 14c-15 (R. 14a) Refrao: Na'i, ha'u agradece Itaboot, tan kmanek wa'in, Ita halo moris ha'u!!!",
"Repete-se Iha loron hirak neba, Paulo lia tun nune'e; \"Maromak haraik David ba Israel oan sira nu'udar liurai no Na'i fo sasin nune'e: \"Ha'u hetan David, Jesse nia oan, ema ida nebe tuir Ha'u nia hakaran, nebe halo tuir nafatin Ha'u nia liafuan.\"",
"Housi nia bei-oan ida, nu'udar Na'i Maromak hakotu ona, sei halo mosu ba Israel Salvador ida eh Jesus.",
"Wainhira Jesus seida'uk mosu mai, Joao haklaken ona baptismo ida hadera-an nian ba povo Israel.",
"Besik atu remata knaar nebe nia hala'o, Joao dehan.",
"\"Ha'u la'os Ida nebe imi hanoin.",
"Maibe, liu tiha ha'u, sei mai Ida nebe ha'u la so'i atu kore Nia sandalis talin.\"",
"Ha'u maun-alin sira, Abraao nia oan sira no imi hotu nebe hamta'uk Maromak, ba ita tomak mak Maromak hato'o lia maksoyn ne'e.",
"Basa o sei ba uluk Na'i atu hadi'a dalan ba Nia.",
"Refrao Evangelho Lc.",
"57-66, 80 + Na'i Jesus Cristo nia Evangelho nu'uda Sao Lucas haktuir: Wainhira tempo to'o ona ba Isabel atu tur ahi, nia tur ahi oan mane ida.",
"Rona tiha katak Na'i hatudu laran-luak boot ba nia, nia maluk no parente sira haksolok ho nia.",
"Liu tiha loron ualu, sira mai atu halo circuncisao ba kosok oan.",
"Sira hakarak hanaran nia Zakarias, tuir nia aman nia naran; maibe nia inan dehan: \"Lae, nia naran Joao.\"",
"Sira dehan fali ba nia: \"Iha imi nia parenti sira leet, la iha ema ida ho naran ne'e.\"",
"Tan ne'e, ho sinal oi-oin, sira husu ba nia aman: nia hakarak fo naran sa ba nia oan.",
"Nia husu aikabelak pedasuk ida hodi hakerek: \"Nia naran Joao.\"",
"Sira hotu hakfodak.",
"Zacarias nia ibun nakloke kedas, nia nanal mamar fali hodi ko'alia no hawelok Maromak.",
"Sira hotu nebe hela besik neba ta'uk teb-tebes.",
"Lia hirak ne'e hotu naklekar iha foho rai Judeia tomak.",
"Sira hotu nebe rona buat hirak ne'e rai hela iha sira nia laran hodi dehan ba sira-an rasik: \"Labarik ne'e sei sai sa los?\"",
"Basa, tebes duni, Na'i nia liman hela ho nia.",
"Labarik sai boot, nia laran metin liu tan.",
"Nia horik iha rai fuik maran to'o loron nebe nia hatudu-an ba Israel.",
"Previous PostSegunda - Feira, XII Semana iha Tempo Comum (ANO C) Next PostTerca - Feira, XII Semana iha Tempo Comum (ANO C)"
] | [
"Monday 12th in Ordinary Time (YEAR C) - Diocese of Dili The diocese > NEWS & PUBLICATIONS / DAILY READINGs Posted on: June.06,39 by Department Comunicacao Diocesis Solemnity Of St John the Baptist' S Life People who dook at sea sorin balu ba ho neon moris rona ha’u!"
"The LORD called me from my mother's womb, He made mine name known out of the belly."
"He made my breast like a crook, and with His hand he took hold of me."
"He made me like an iron cross, and set my feet in His place."
"And he said unto me, O I that was formed in my mother's womb! to be his servant; To gather Jacob together: and Israel shall come into the midst of him."
"For I have found comfort in the presence of Yahweh; God is my strength."
"Therefore the LORD said to me: It is not enough that my servant has gone out, To establish a house for Jacob and gather together those who live of Israel; I will make you as an example in all nations That My mercy may be spread throughout every land."
"Responsorial Psalm Ps."
"138 (20))."
"Psalm 14 (R.) Refrao: Na'i, I give thanks to thee for kmanek wa’in that thou hast made me alive!!!"
"In those days Paul said, \"The Lord has given David as king over the children of Israel. The LORD also testified to him by saying: 'I have found a man in my way who will keep all that I say; he isDavid sonof Jesse'.\""
"And of his offspring, whom the Lord God has decreed to be slain by fire; he will raise up a Savior for Israel: Jesus."
"When Jesus did not appear, John had already preached to the people of Israel a baptism forgiveness."
"\"I'm ready to finish the job I am doing,\" Joao said."
"\"I'm not the one you think I am."
"But after me cometh one, whose sandals I have not loosed.\""
"1 Brothers and sisters, descendants of Abraham—and anyone among you who has the love for God! The good news is to us all."
"For the LORD will go before him to prepare his way."
"Refrao Gospel of Luke."
"1. Amendment of the Constitution"
"Luke 1:57-60 + The Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ according to St. Lucas says, \"When Elizabeth's time was come for birth she bore a son.\""
"When her relatives and friends heard that the Lord had shown great mercy toward him, they rejoiced with them."
"On the eighth day they came to circumcise him."
"They wanted to call him Zechariah, after his father's name. His mother said: \"Not so; but he shall be called John.\""
"And they said to her, \"There is no one in your kindred called by this name.\""
"And they asked his father by signs, what he would have the child to be called."
"And he asked for a piece of paper and wrote, \"His name is John.\""
"They all laughed."
"And immediately his womb opened, and he began to suck again."
"All the people who lived nearby were very angry."
"And all these things were spoken throughout the whole land of Judea."
"And all who heard it were amazed, saying within themselves: \"What is this going to be?\""
"For the hand of Yahweh was with him, and he did great things."
"And the child grew up, and his heart became stronger."
"And he walked in dry land until the day of his appearing to Israel."
"Previous PostWednesday 12th in Ordinary Time (YEAR C) Next postTues day of the twelfths week, common time."
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Segunda Feira, XVIII Semana Tempo Comum – Diocese de Dili\nDiocese de Dili > NOTÍCIAS > LETURA DIÁRIA > Segunda Feira, XVIII Semana Tempo Comum\nSegunda Feira, XVIII Semana Tempo Comum\nPrimeira Leitura Nm. 11, 4b-15\nIha loron hirak neba, Israel oan sira hateten nune’e: “Se mak sei fo na’an mai ita atu han? Ita hanoin hetan fila fali ikan nebe ita han ‘de graça’ de’it iha rai Egipto; pepino, pateka, lis no lis-asu la susar ba ita! Oras ne’e, ita susar ba buat hotu! La iha buat ida iha ne’e! Iha de’it mak maná!” Maná ne’e hanesan coentru musan eh atu hare hanesan goma-ai-ben. Povo ida-idak sai atu hili; hafoin, dulas rahun eh fai rahun; tuir mai te’in hodi halo bolo. Midar hanesan dosi be halo ho mina. Kalan, wainhira maha-wen monu iha acampamento, monu mos maná. Moisés rona povo tanis, ida-idak iha nia família, iha odamatan tenda nian. Maromak Nia castigo boot tebes, halo Moisés neon sala. Nune’e, Moisés hasa’e lia ba Na’i, dehan: “Tan sa Ita halo terus Ita atan? Tan sa Ita la hare hodi tau povo ne’e iha ha’u liman? Povo ne’e ha’u mak kou’us? Ha’u mak halo moris povo ne’e atu Ita Boot halia mai ha’u: ‘Kele nia didiak, hanesan inan hakiak ida kele kosok-oan ida, to’o iha rai nebe Ha’u hakotu nanis ona ho jurameneto, ba nia bei-ala sira?’ Ha’u sei ba hetan na’an iha nebe atu fo ba povo ne’e hotu? Tan sira mai tanis iha ha’u oin hodi dehan mai ha’u: ‘Fo na’an mai ami atu han’. Ha’u mesak sei la bele halo buat ida ba povo ne’e: ne’e todan tebes mai ha’u. Ita hakarak fo todan ne’e mai ha’u karik, ne’e sa, diak liu halo ha’u mate tiha; ha’u monu karik ba Ita matan, halo, atu ha’u la hare tan terus ne’e”.\nSalmo Responsorial Sal. 81, 12-17\nRefrão : Haksolok iha Maromak, Nia ita tulun. Repete-se\nHa’u Nia povo la rona Ha’u lian, Israel la halo tuir Ha’u Nia lia fuan; tan ne’e Ha’u saran sira ba sira fuan tos, husik sira tuir sira nia hakaran. Refrão\nOh! Ha’u Nia povo rona karik Ha’u, Israel tuir karik Ha’u dalan: sira nia funu baluk sira sei hakru’uk ba sira, Ha’u Nia liman sei mai hasouru sira funu baluk sira. Refrão\nEma sira nebe la hatene Na’i sei hahi nia, nia moris sei tuba rai metin nafatin; Ha’u sei fo han nia ho aihan diak nian, Ha’u sei fo hemu nia ho wani-wen foho nian. Refrão\nEma la moris de’it ho aihan, maibe ho liafuan\nsira nebe sai housi Maromak futar ibun. Refrão\nIha tempo neba, rona tiha katak ema óho ona João Baptista, Jesus sa’e mesak ba ró, ida hodi ba mesak iha rai fuik maran: maibé hatene tiha ne’e, ema lubun boot husik cidade hodi la’o tuir buka Nia. Tun housi ró hodi hare ema barak ne’e, Nia hanoin teb-tebes sira, hodi fo isin diak ba sira nebe moras. Loraik daudaun ona, escolante sira hakbesik ba Nia hodi dehan: “Fatin ne’e rai fuik, no kalan besik ona; haruka ema sira ne’e ba ona, atu sira bele sosa ai-han iha knua sira”. Nune’e Jesus dehan ba sira: “Sira lalika ba; imi rasik fo han sira ba.” Sira hatan ba Nia: “Ami iha de’it pão fuan lima no ikan rua.” Lori sira mai,” Nia dehan. Hafoin Nia haruka ema lubun boot tur iha du’ut leten, Nia kaer pão fuan lima no ikan rua ne’e, foti matan ba Lalehan hodi fo bensa. Tuir mai Nia silu pão sira ne’e hodi fob a escolante sira; hafoin sira fahe ba ema lubun boot. Sira hotu han to’o bosu; baluk sira nebe resin, sira tau ba luhu sanulu resin rua nakonu! Ema sira nebe han hamutuk mane rihun lima, la sura feto no labarik sira.\nPrevious PostInan Ida Hatudu Nia Preucupação Laos ho Nia Interesse Maibé ho Oan Nia Interesse Next PostTerça Feira, XVIII Semana Tempo Comum | [
"Segunda Feira, XVIII Semana Tempo Comum - Diocese de Dili Diocese de Dili > NOTICIAS > LETURA DIARIA > Segunda Feira, XVIII Semana Tempo Comum Segunda Feira, XVIII Semana Tempo Comum Primeira Leitura Nm.",
"11, 4b-15 Iha loron hirak neba, Israel oan sira hateten nune'e: \"Se mak sei fo na'an mai ita atu han?",
"Ita hanoin hetan fila fali ikan nebe ita han 'de graca' de'it iha rai Egipto; pepino, pateka, lis no lis-asu la susar ba ita!",
"Oras ne'e, ita susar ba buat hotu!",
"La iha buat ida iha ne'e!",
"Iha de'it mak mana!\"",
"Mana ne'e hanesan coentru musan eh atu hare hanesan goma-ai-ben.",
"Povo ida-idak sai atu hili; hafoin, dulas rahun eh fai rahun; tuir mai te'in hodi halo bolo.",
"Midar hanesan dosi be halo ho mina.",
"Kalan, wainhira maha-wen monu iha acampamento, monu mos mana.",
"Moises rona povo tanis, ida-idak iha nia familia, iha odamatan tenda nian.",
"Maromak Nia castigo boot tebes, halo Moises neon sala.",
"Nune'e, Moises hasa'e lia ba Na'i, dehan: \"Tan sa Ita halo terus Ita atan?",
"Tan sa Ita la hare hodi tau povo ne'e iha ha'u liman?",
"Povo ne'e ha'u mak kou'us?",
"Ha'u mak halo moris povo ne'e atu Ita Boot halia mai ha'u: 'Kele nia didiak, hanesan inan hakiak ida kele kosok-oan ida, to'o iha rai nebe Ha'u hakotu nanis ona ho jurameneto, ba nia bei-ala sira?'",
"Ha'u sei ba hetan na'an iha nebe atu fo ba povo ne'e hotu?",
"Tan sira mai tanis iha ha'u oin hodi dehan mai ha'u: 'Fo na'an mai ami atu han'.",
"Ha'u mesak sei la bele halo buat ida ba povo ne'e: ne'e todan tebes mai ha'u.",
"Ita hakarak fo todan ne'e mai ha'u karik, ne'e sa, diak liu halo ha'u mate tiha; ha'u monu karik ba Ita matan, halo, atu ha'u la hare tan terus ne'e.\"",
"Salmo Responsorial Sal.",
"81, 12-17 Refrao: Haksolok iha Maromak, Nia ita tulun.",
"Repete-se Ha'u Nia povo la rona Ha'u lian, Israel la halo tuir Ha'u Nia lia fuan; tan ne'e Ha'u saran sira ba sira fuan tos, husik sira tuir sira nia hakaran.",
"Refrao Oh!",
"Ha'u Nia povo rona karik Ha'u, Israel tuir karik Ha'u dalan: sira nia funu baluk sira sei hakru'uk ba sira, Ha'u Nia liman sei mai hasouru sira funu baluk sira.",
"Refrao Ema sira nebe la hatene Na'i sei hahi nia, nia moris sei tuba rai metin nafatin; Ha'u sei fo han nia ho aihan diak nian, Ha'u sei fo hemu nia ho wani-wen foho nian.",
"Refrao Ema la moris de'it ho aihan, maibe ho liafuan sira nebe sai housi Maromak futar ibun.",
"Refrao Iha tempo neba, rona tiha katak ema oho ona Joao Baptista, Jesus sa'e mesak ba ro, ida hodi ba mesak iha rai fuik maran: maibe hatene tiha ne'e, ema lubun boot husik cidade hodi la'o tuir buka Nia.",
"Tun housi ro hodi hare ema barak ne'e, Nia hanoin teb-tebes sira, hodi fo isin diak ba sira nebe moras.",
"Loraik daudaun ona, escolante sira hakbesik ba Nia hodi dehan: \"Fatin ne'e rai fuik, no kalan besik ona; haruka ema sira ne'e ba ona, atu sira bele sosa ai-han iha knua sira.\"",
"Nune'e Jesus dehan ba sira: \"Sira lalika ba; imi rasik fo han sira ba.\"",
"Sira hatan ba Nia: \"Ami iha de'it pao fuan lima no ikan rua.\"",
"Lori sira mai,\" Nia dehan.",
"Hafoin Nia haruka ema lubun boot tur iha du'ut leten, Nia kaer pao fuan lima no ikan rua ne'e, foti matan ba Lalehan hodi fo bensa.",
"Tuir mai Nia silu pao sira ne'e hodi fob a escolante sira; hafoin sira fahe ba ema lubun boot.",
"Sira hotu han to'o bosu; baluk sira nebe resin, sira tau ba luhu sanulu resin rua nakonu!",
"Ema sira nebe han hamutuk mane rihun lima, la sura feto no labarik sira.",
"Previous PostInan Ida Hatudu Nia Preucupacao Laos ho Nia Interesse Maibe ho Oan Nia Interesse Next PostTerca Feira, XVIII Semana Tempo Comum"
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"Monday 18th Week in Ordinary Time - Diocese of Dili The diocese > NEWS> DAILY READINGS: Daily Readings for the week beginning on Tuesday, October23rd (Wednesday) and continuing until Sunday December5."
"15 And it came to pass in those days, that the children of Israel said: Who shall bring us bread for food?"
"We recall the fish we ate 'de grace' in Egypt; cucumbers, pateka (a type of potato) and lisses are not difficult for us!"
"Now, we're in difficulty for everything!"
"There is nothing here!"
"There's only one man!\""
"It's like the center of a mushroom and to look at it as goma-ai ben."
"Each people went out to elect; then, the rahun was dulled and made a new one."
"Midar is a dough made with oil."
"Kalan, when maha-wen falls in the encampment he also drops mana."
"And Moses heard the people speak, every man by his fathers' houses at a door of their tent."
"God's punishment was so great, that Moses did not sin."
"And Moses spake unto the LORD, saying: Why hast thou done so ill to thy servant?"
"And why didst thou not see, to deliver this people into my hand?"
"Is this my people? I'm not alone."
"I have made this people alive, that thou shouldest bring them unto me: shall they be good as an angry mother is to her child in the land which i swore for their fathers?"
"Where shall I find water to give unto all this people?"
"For they have come to me, saying unto thee: Give us bread that we may eat."
"I am not able to do anything for this people, because it is too much."
"If you want to give me this pain, it's better that I die; if i fall before your eyes do not let my suffering be seen anymore.\""
"Responsorial Psalm Ps."
"Psalm 81:2-7 Rejoice in God, who helpeth us."
"Again my people will not hearken unto mine voice, neither doth Israel walk in the ways of My heart: therefore I have given them into their own hands; they go after themselves."
"Refrao Oh! (refraction)"
"My people shall hearken unto me, and Israel walk in my ways: their enemies will rejoice over them; I am with the enemy."
"He that knoweth not the LORD shall be loved, and his life will endure for ever: I have fed him with good fruits; he hath been nourished by meat of wild animals."
"A man does not live by food alone, but at the word of God that comes out from his mouth."
"At that time, when Jesus heard they had killed John the Baptist he got into a boat and went away by himself on dry land. When people knew about this it happened so much of them left their towns to follow him in search for his presence;"
"When he came out of the boat and saw a great crowd, his heart was moved with compassion for them. He healed those who were sick;"
"And when it was already morning, his disciples came to him and said: The house is empty; let the people go away so that they may buy food in their marketplace."
"But Jesus said to them, \"Do not let him go; give you themselves food.\""
"They said to him, \"We have nothing but five breadsticks and two fish.\""
"Bring them here,\" He said. And he went out and brought the children back to his father's house with him"
"And when he had sent the elders to sit on a high place, and having taken in his hand five loaves of bread with two fishes therein; looking up into heaven blessed them."
"Then he broke the loaves and gave them to his disciples, who divided it among themselves."
"They all ate until they were empty; the remaining pieces of bread, which had been left over from their meals and drinks for sixty-two people."
"All those who ate were five thousand men, not counting women and children."
"Previous PostA Man Shows His Preoccupation Not with his own Interest But With the One'S Next postWednesday, 18th Week in Ordinary Time"
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TEMPO SEMANAL: Komunidade Ermera Husu Taka Jogus Pihlweb\nTempo Semanal - Dili, 26/10/2012\n“Kualkér Jogus Iha Distritu Ermera Sei La Tolera. Tanba Kria Ona Tara Bandu”\nTUIR- Amu Parókia Ermera Lorenso hateten, igreja iha responsabilidade morál. Tanba, Komisaun Organizadora Tara Bandu Servisu hamutuk ho Igreja Atu hare Asuntu tara Bandu. Parte igreja iha obrigasaun atu tau matan ba sarani hotu-hotu. Hare ba e ema ne'ebé Kontra lei Tara Bandu iha terenu. Kompeténsia Polisia mak kontrola Tara Bandu hodi hala'o Motorizasaun iha baze.\nKopia Passaporte Country Director Phil web\nMazy ne'ebe uza vistu turista mak servisu iha nasaun ne'e\nmaibe SEPFOPE, PNTL Imigrasaun, MNEC husi parte Konsular\nlabele foti medidas ruma tan ba tuir informasaun katak\nlider CNRT ida ho naran Germano iha socio mais ou\nmenus 30% iha komapnia ne'e ninian laran nune'e\nduni duvidas atu bele halo tuir tara bandu iha ermera\nAmu Parókia Ermera mós husu ba komunidade sira ne'ebé hahú fa'an kupon husi jogu Pihlweb iha Gleno sei la tolera sira tama tanba kria ona tara bandu. “Too agora ha'u seidauk rona informasaun husi seguransa. Tanba, durante ne’e igreja luta makas hodi la bele loke tan kualkér jogus iha distritu Ermera tenke taka. Maibé, Jogu balu hahú loke ona. Ha'u presiza halo koordenasaun ho seguransa Tara Bandu nia bele identifika sira loke duni jogu ne'e ka lae.? Karik,iha duni sira tenke foti medida no ha'u rasik sei tun diretamente hodi taka jogu hirak ne’e,”tenik Amu Parókia ba Jornál Tempo Semanál liu husi via telefone.\nNune’e mós vice Presidente Komisaun Organizadora Tara Bandu Distritu Ermera kaer kargu mós hanesan xefe suku Gilimea, Pedro Madeira esplika kona ba tara Bandu iha distritu Ermera hahú iha fulan Fevereiru 2012-2016 hetan legalidade husi governu no igreja ne'ebé mak loke abertura Tara Bandu tempu ne'ebá husi Presidente Ramos Horta no Bispu Dioseze Dili.\n“Iha tara bandu ne’e, kria lei oan ne'ebé define mós iha tara bandu hanesan relasaun ema ho natureza. Ne’e duni, kualkér jogu la bele loke iha distritu Ermera no Redús mós kostume. La'ós halakon, maibé redús povu nia mukit. Maski povu servisu nu’udar traballadór. Maibé, ita hakarak sira han hanesan liu rai” dehan vice Presidente Tara Bandu ba Jornal Tempo Semanal iha knaar fatin, distritu Ermera.\nVice Presidente Tara Bandu hato'o mós informa katak, jogu Pihlweb ne'ebé ema estranjeiru fa’an iha Distritu Ermera liu husi kios.. “Ami sei foti medida no sei buka evidénsia hodi taka jogu ne’e. Tanba, fulan ualu ona la iha tan jogu. Maibé, derrepente jogu Pihlweb mosu hodi kontra lei tara bandu” esplika nia ho hirus.\nNia dehan, tuir informasaun Jogu ne’e komesa buras. Maibé, seidauk halo observasaun diretamente ba iha baze liuliu seguransa Tara Bandu identifika dunik sei koordena ho PNTL foti medida ida hodi taka no fó sansaun tuir lei Tara Bandu no sei la tolera ba ema ne'ebé mak hakarak kontra lei Tara Bandu.\nObjetivu komunidade distritu Ermera lakohi atu loke kualkér jogu iha fatin ne’e. Tanba, komunidade barak la rai osan. Ne’e duni, kualkér jogu tenke taka tanba povu Ermera barak moris ho Agrikultura presiza rai osan.\nKestaun ne’e, hato'o mós husi komandante PNTL Distritu Ermera, Arnaldo Araújo hateten, jogu Pihlweb ne'ebé komunidade Gleno fa’an iha Distritu Ermera. Tanba Kompañia na'in Pihlweb diretamente hato’o rekoinesementu ba PNTL hafoin Pihlweb loke no sira mós hetan akreditasaun husi Ministériu Turizmu.\nTara Bandu iha lei balun ko'alia kona ba la bele loke kualkér jogu hanesan mós rezolusaun Primeiru Ministru hatún iha tinan kotuk liu husi konsellu Ministru katak, Bandu ba jogu bola gulin kuru-kuru la bele loke tanba bele afeta ba estabilidade.\nAgora Jogu Pihlweb ne'ebé eziste iha Distritu Ermera, “ ami la iha kompeténsia atu taka. Tanba, sira halo rekonesementu. Maibé, oinsá jogu ne’e bele taka agora dependénsia makas husi komunidade sira nia partisipa ba jogu ne’e karik sira nia partisipasaun la iha konserteza jogu sei taka de'it.\nKarik, komunidade balun kestiona kona ba jogus ne’e, relasiona ho Tara Bandu kualkér jogu la bele loke. Maibé jogu ne’e modernu no hetan lisensa husi órgaun kompetente.\nHare ba jogus Pihlweb ne'ebé komesa hetan reasaun husi parte igreja no Komisaun Tara Bandu inklui mós komunidade distritu iha Gleno. Tuir administradór Distritu Ermera Vitorino da Costa hateten, jogus Pihlweb ne'ebé tama iha Distritu Ermera hanesan modelu SDB ho folin dolar ida komunidade Gleno balu fa’an.\nMaibé, komunidade sira too agora hato’o informasaun kona ba Jogu ne'ebé loke seidauk hato'o mai no jogus Pihlweb mós too agora seidauk halo rekonesementu ba autoridade lokál. Tuir informasaun sira halo rekonesementu ba de’it iha parte PNTL Gleno.\n“ Ha'u seidauk bele dehan, Jogus ne’e, ilegál ka ou legál. ? Tanba, seidauk hatene loloos ninia Tipu Jogu oinsá ? Kona ba jogu Pihlweb depende ba komunidade sira atu la bele sosa no hadook an husi jogus ne’e” tenik administradór ba Jornál Tempo Semanal iha kna'ar fatin foin lalais.\nKestaun ne’e , sai mós preokupasaun ba komunidade Sub-distritu Railako Pedro da Costa Ladún kontente ho jugus ne'ebé mak hahú iha Ermera. Ne’e duni presiza komisaun organizadora liuliu husi seguransa Tara Bandu tenke tun ba baze taka jogus refere no fó sansaun ba sira ne'ebé fa’an Pihlweb.\nTanba distritu Ermera kria Tara Bandu la bele iha tan jogu ne'ebé tama iha Distritu Ermera. Karik Komisaun Organizadora iha tempu badak nia laran la taka jogu ne’e sei afeta ba ema barak. Tanba komunidade balu hahú la rai osan no hanoin de'it atu sosa Pihlweb.(**)\nPosted by TEMPO SEMANAL at 00:21 | [
"TEMPO SEMANAL: Komunidade Ermera Husu Taka Jogus Pihlweb Tempo Semanal - Dili, 26/10/2012 \"Kualker Jogus Iha Distritu Ermera Sei La Tolera.",
"Tanba Kria Ona Tara Bandu\" TUIR- Amu Parokia Ermera Lorenso hateten, igreja iha responsabilidade moral.",
"Tanba, Komisaun Organizadora Tara Bandu Servisu hamutuk ho Igreja Atu hare Asuntu tara Bandu.",
"Parte igreja iha obrigasaun atu tau matan ba sarani hotu-hotu.",
"Hare ba e ema ne'ebe Kontra lei Tara Bandu iha terenu.",
"Kompetensia Polisia mak kontrola Tara Bandu hodi hala'o Motorizasaun iha baze.",
"Kopia Passaporte Country Director Phil web Mazy ne'ebe uza vistu turista mak servisu iha nasaun ne'e maibe SEPFOPE, PNTL Imigrasaun, MNEC husi parte Konsular labele foti medidas ruma tan ba tuir informasaun katak lider CNRT ida ho naran Germano iha socio mais ou menus 30% iha komapnia ne'e ninian laran nune'e duni duvidas atu bele halo tuir tara bandu iha ermera Amu Parokia Ermera mos husu ba komunidade sira ne'ebe hahu fa'an kupon husi jogu Pihlweb iha Gleno sei la tolera sira tama tanba kria ona tara bandu.",
"\"Too agora ha'u seidauk rona informasaun husi seguransa.",
"Tanba, durante ne'e igreja luta makas hodi la bele loke tan kualker jogus iha distritu Ermera tenke taka.",
"Maibe, Jogu balu hahu loke ona.",
"Ha'u presiza halo koordenasaun ho seguransa Tara Bandu nia bele identifika sira loke duni jogu ne'e ka lae.?",
"Karik,iha duni sira tenke foti medida no ha'u rasik sei tun diretamente hodi taka jogu hirak ne'e,\"tenik Amu Parokia ba Jornal Tempo Semanal liu husi via telefone.",
"Nune'e mos vice Presidente Komisaun Organizadora Tara Bandu Distritu Ermera kaer kargu mos hanesan xefe suku Gilimea, Pedro Madeira esplika kona ba tara Bandu iha distritu Ermera hahu iha fulan Fevereiru 2012-2016 hetan legalidade husi governu no igreja ne'ebe mak loke abertura Tara Bandu tempu ne'eba husi Presidente Ramos Horta no Bispu Dioseze Dili.",
"\"Iha tara bandu ne'e, kria lei oan ne'ebe define mos iha tara bandu hanesan relasaun ema ho natureza.",
"Ne'e duni, kualker jogu la bele loke iha distritu Ermera no Redus mos kostume.",
"La'os halakon, maibe redus povu nia mukit.",
"Maski povu servisu nu'udar traballador.",
"Maibe, ita hakarak sira han hanesan liu rai\" dehan vice Presidente Tara Bandu ba Jornal Tempo Semanal iha knaar fatin, distritu Ermera.",
"Vice Presidente Tara Bandu hato'o mos informa katak, jogu Pihlweb ne'ebe ema estranjeiru fa'an iha Distritu Ermera liu husi kios..",
"\"Ami sei foti medida no sei buka evidensia hodi taka jogu ne'e.",
"Tanba, fulan ualu ona la iha tan jogu.",
"Maibe, derrepente jogu Pihlweb mosu hodi kontra lei tara bandu\" esplika nia ho hirus.",
"Nia dehan, tuir informasaun Jogu ne'e komesa buras.",
"Maibe, seidauk halo observasaun diretamente ba iha baze liuliu seguransa Tara Bandu identifika dunik sei koordena ho PNTL foti medida ida hodi taka no fo sansaun tuir lei Tara Bandu no sei la tolera ba ema ne'ebe mak hakarak kontra lei Tara Bandu.",
"Objetivu komunidade distritu Ermera lakohi atu loke kualker jogu iha fatin ne'e.",
"Tanba, komunidade barak la rai osan.",
"Ne'e duni, kualker jogu tenke taka tanba povu Ermera barak moris ho Agrikultura presiza rai osan.",
"Kestaun ne'e, hato'o mos husi komandante PNTL Distritu Ermera, Arnaldo Araujo hateten, jogu Pihlweb ne'ebe komunidade Gleno fa'an iha Distritu Ermera.",
"Tanba Kompania na'in Pihlweb diretamente hato'o rekoinesementu ba PNTL hafoin Pihlweb loke no sira mos hetan akreditasaun husi Ministeriu Turizmu.",
"Tara Bandu iha lei balun ko'alia kona ba la bele loke kualker jogu hanesan mos rezolusaun Primeiru Ministru hatun iha tinan kotuk liu husi konsellu Ministru katak, Bandu ba jogu bola gulin kuru-kuru la bele loke tanba bele afeta ba estabilidade.",
"Agora Jogu Pihlweb ne'ebe eziste iha Distritu Ermera, \" ami la iha kompetensia atu taka.",
"Tanba, sira halo rekonesementu.",
"Maibe, oinsa jogu ne'e bele taka agora dependensia makas husi komunidade sira nia partisipa ba jogu ne'e karik sira nia partisipasaun la iha konserteza jogu sei taka de'it.",
"Karik, komunidade balun kestiona kona ba jogus ne'e, relasiona ho Tara Bandu kualker jogu la bele loke.",
"Maibe jogu ne'e modernu no hetan lisensa husi orgaun kompetente.",
"Hare ba jogus Pihlweb ne'ebe komesa hetan reasaun husi parte igreja no Komisaun Tara Bandu inklui mos komunidade distritu iha Gleno.",
"Tuir administrador Distritu Ermera Vitorino da Costa hateten, jogus Pihlweb ne'ebe tama iha Distritu Ermera hanesan modelu SDB ho folin dolar ida komunidade Gleno balu fa'an.",
"Maibe, komunidade sira too agora hato'o informasaun kona ba Jogu ne'ebe loke seidauk hato'o mai no jogus Pihlweb mos too agora seidauk halo rekonesementu ba autoridade lokal.",
"Tuir informasaun sira halo rekonesementu ba de'it iha parte PNTL Gleno. \"",
"Ha'u seidauk bele dehan, Jogus ne'e, ilegal ka ou legal. ?",
"Tanba, seidauk hatene loloos ninia Tipu Jogu oinsa ?",
"Kona ba jogu Pihlweb depende ba komunidade sira atu la bele sosa no hadook an husi jogus ne'e\" tenik administrador ba Jornal Tempo Semanal iha kna'ar fatin foin lalais.",
"Kestaun ne'e , sai mos preokupasaun ba komunidade Sub-distritu Railako Pedro da Costa Ladun kontente ho jugus ne'ebe mak hahu iha Ermera.",
"Ne'e duni presiza komisaun organizadora liuliu husi seguransa Tara Bandu tenke tun ba baze taka jogus refere no fo sansaun ba sira ne'ebe fa'an Pihlweb.",
"Tanba distritu Ermera kria Tara Bandu la bele iha tan jogu ne'ebe tama iha Distritu Ermera.",
"Karik Komisaun Organizadora iha tempu badak nia laran la taka jogu ne'e sei afeta ba ema barak.",
"Tanba komunidade balu hahu la rai osan no hanoin de'it atu sosa Pihlweb. (**) Posted by TEMPO SEMANAL at 00:21"
] | [
"TEMPO SEMANAL: Ermera Community Calls For Jogus Pihlweb To Be Closed Tempo Semanal - Dili, 26/10 / \"Kualker Games In The District Of ermara Will Not Tolerate."
"Because it has created a land band\" TUIR- Ermera Parish priest Lorenso says the church is morally responsible."
"Because, the Organizing Committee Tara Bandu Service together with Church To see tara band matters."
"The church is obliged to take care of all the faithful."
"Look at the people who are against Tara Banu law on this ground."
"The police are responsible for controlling the Tara Bandu to carry out motorization at base."
"Country Director Phil web Mazy who uses a tourist visa is working in the country but SEPFOPE, PNTL Immigration and MNEC from Consular side can not take any further measure because of information that CNRT leader named Germano has more or less 30% shareholding within this company so doubts to follow tara ban on Ermera Father Parish also asked communities which have started selling coupon for Pihlweb game at Glenos will no tolerate them as they created Tara Ban."
"\"So far I have not heard any information from the security."
"Because, during this time the church struggled so hard that it could not open any games in Ermera district."
"However, some games have already begun to open."
"I need to coordinate with Tara Bandu's security so that he can identify if they are actually opening the game.?"
"If there is, they must take measures and I myself will go down directly to close these games\", said the parish priest via telephone."
"Likewise, Vice President of the Tara Bandu Organizing Committee Ermera District also carried out as chief Gilimea village. Pedro Madeira explained about tara bands in district ermara started from February-2016 to get legalization by government and church that open opening at this time through president Ramos Horta Bishop Diocese Dili Tarra Bandem was inaugurated with a ceremony held on Tuesday evening (February) during which he received an award for his work:"
"\"In this forbidden land, a new law was created which also defined the relationship between man and nature."
"Therefore, any game can not be opened in the district of Ermera and Redus also costume."
"It is not a destruction, but rather the reduction of people's suffering."
"Even though the people served as workers."
"But, we want them to eat as much of the land\" said Vice President Tara Bandu for Jornal Tempo Semanal at his office in Ermera district."
"Vice President Tara Bandu also informed that the Pihlweb game which is being sold by foreigners through kiosks, has been discovered at Ermera District."
"\"We will take action and seek evidence to close the game."
"Because there have been no games for eight months now."
"But suddenly the Pihlweb game emerged against law and ban,\" he explained with enthusiasm."
"He said, according to the information The game is starting."
"However, no direct observation has been made at the base especially security Tara Bandu identified that will coordinate with PNTL take a measure to close and sanction according To The Law Of Tarra Banda. And we won't tolerate anyone who wants against law of tarr band 2014"
"The objective of the Ermera district community is not to open any games at this site."
"Because, many communities do not raise money."
"However, any game must be closed because many people of Ermera live on agriculture and need land money."
"The issue was also raised by the Ermera District Police Commander, Arnaldo Araujo who said that Pihlweb games sold in Gleno community were illegal."
"Because the company owner Pihlweb directly expressed his appreciation to PNTL after they open and received accreditations from Ministry of Tourism."
"There are some laws in Tara Bandu that prohibit the opening of any games, and a resolution passed by Prime Minister last year through Council Of Ministries states: “The ban on gold ball game cannot be opened because it may affect stability."
"Now Jogu Pihlweb which exists in the District of Ermera, \"we have no competence to close."
"Because, they did a reconnaissance."
"However, how the game can be closed now depends heavily on communities' participation in it. If they do not have a concerted attitude toward its closure then this will just happen and that is what we are going through here today.\""
"In addition, some community members questioned the game's existence in relation to Tara Bandu any games cannot open."
"However, the game is modern and licensed by competent bodies."
"In view of the Pihlweb games that have begun to get a reaction from churches and Tara Banu Committee including district community in Gleno."
"According to Ermera District administrator Vitorino da Costa, the Pihlweb game that entered in ermara district is a model of SDB with price one dollar per piece Gleno community ba'an."
"However, the communities have not yet reported information about Open Games and Pihlweb games has so far failed to acknowledge local authorities."
"According to the information they did reconnaissance only on part of PNTL Gleno. \""
"I'm not yet able to say whether the game is illegal or legal."
"Because, you do not know exactly its type of game how?"
"Regarding the Pihlweb game, it depends on communities not to buy and abandon this games\" said administrator for Jornal Tempo Semanal in kna'ar place recently."
"This issue, is also a concern for the community of Railako Sub-district Pedro da Costa Ladun satisfied with jugus that has begun in Ermera."
"It is therefore necessary that the organizing committee, especially of Tara Bandu security must go to base close games and sanction those who sell Pihlweb."
"Since the Ermera District created Tara Bandu there can no longer be any games that come into this district."
"If the Organizing Committee does not close this game in a short time, it will affect many people."
"Because some communities have started to raise no money and only think of buying Pihlweb. (**) Posted by TEMPO SEMANAL at 01:25"
] |
Ezerse liberdade no protesaun ba sasin sai preokupasaun iha Sagadate | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste\nVARANDA JUSTISA Ezerse liberdade no protesaun ba sasin sai preokupasaun iha Sagadate\nDILI, 30 outubru 2020 (TATOLI)- Organizasaun Naun Governamentál hosi Programa Monitorizasaun Sistema Judisiál (JSMP-sigla inglés), foin lalais ne’e, realiza formasaun kona-ba demokrasia, knaar órgaun soberanu sira nian, partisipasaun públiku iha prosesu halo lei no asesu ba justisa formal ba estrutura Suku Sagadate, Postu Administrativu Laga, Munisípiu Baucau.\nNotísia Relevante : Implementa lei protesaun ba testemuña, JSMP prefere kria kondisaun adekuadu\nPartisipante hosi treinamentu ne’e kompostu husi xefe aldeia, pesoál apoiu suku (PAS), lia-na’in suku no xefe suku rasik ho totál partisipante hamutuk ema na’in-15 ne’ebé mai hosi Aldeia Abuti, Selegua, Samagata, Ia Sula, One Bu’u, Serebui, Ulakuti no Be Liawali.\nObjetivu hosi treinamentu ne’e mak habelar informasaun no hasa’e koñesimentu membru estrutura suku sira kona-ba demokrasia, knaar órgaun soberanu sira nian, partisipasaun públiku iha prosesu halo lei no asesu ba justisa formál.\n“Treinamentu kona-ba asuntu demokrasia no justisa formál ba iha estrutura suku sira importante tebes tanba liuhosi treinamentu ka formasaun sira hanesan ne’e bele hasa’e sira-nia koñesimentu, nune’e sira bele hala’o sira nia kna’ar ho di’ak liután,’’ Diretora Ezekutiva JSMP, Ana Paula Marçal, hateten liuhosi nota komunikadu JMSP nian ne’ebé Agência Tatoli asesu, ohin.\nIha sesaun kona-ba demokrasia, kestaun prinsipál sira ne’ebé partisipante sira foti mak relasiona ho liberdade iha Estadu direitu demokrátiku no idade menus hosi tinan 17 la iha direitu polítiku atu tuir eleisaun maske demokrasia fó liberdade ba ema hotu-hotu.\nHatán ba preokupasaun ne’e, JSMP esplika kona-ba espasu, liberdade no limitasaun direitu sira ne’ebé konsagra ona iha konstituisaun no lei sira.\nKona-ba idade, JSMP esplika katak konstituisaun no lei sira atribui direitu ne’e ba sidadaun sira ne’ebé atinje ona idade adultu ne’ebé iha ona kapasidade atu bele hili.\nIha sesaun daruak kona-ba asesu ba justisa formál, partisipante sira preokupa ho seguransa ba sira nia-an bainhira sira hato’o keixa tanba sira sempre hetan ameasa hosi suspeitu sira to’o baku-malu no oho-malu.\nHatán ba ida ne’e, JSMP rekoñese katak preokupasaun ba situasaun ida-ne’e akontese iha fatin hotu, nune’e Governu liuhosi instituisaun polísia harii ona Unidade Ofisiál Polísia Suku (OPS) hodi prevene no rezolve krime sira hanesan ne’e.\nAleinde ne’e, bainhira hetan ameasa, JSMP sujere halo keixa ba polísia tanba ameasa ne’e nu’udar krime ida.\nXefe Suku Sagadate, Aureliano de Jesus, iha ninia abertura no mós enserramentu ba treinamentu ne’e agradese ba JSMP ne’ebé fasilita ona treinamentu importante ne’e, no liuhosi treinamentu ne’e, aumenta sira-nia koñesimentu kona-ba demokrasia no sistema justisa formál nian.\nTreinamentu ne’e realiza tanba hetan apoiu finanseiru hosi Governu liuhosi Gabinete Apoiu Fundu Sosiedade Sivíl.\nPrevious articleDadur na’in-40 resin iha Prizaun Gleno re-íntegra ba sosiedade\nNext articlePDHJ apoia nesesidade báziku ba prizioneira iha Prizaun Gleno | [
"Ezerse liberdade no protesaun ba sasin sai preokupasaun iha Sagadate | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA JUSTISA Ezerse liberdade no protesaun ba sasin sai preokupasaun iha Sagadate DILI, 30 outubru 2020 (TATOLI) - Organizasaun Naun Governamental hosi Programa Monitorizasaun Sistema Judisial (JSMP-sigla ingles), foin lalais ne'e, realiza formasaun kona-ba demokrasia, knaar orgaun soberanu sira nian, partisipasaun publiku iha prosesu halo lei no asesu ba justisa formal ba estrutura Suku Sagadate, Postu Administrativu Laga, Munisipiu Baucau.",
"Notisia Relevante: Implementa lei protesaun ba testemuna, JSMP prefere kria kondisaun adekuadu Partisipante hosi treinamentu ne'e kompostu husi xefe aldeia, pesoal apoiu suku (PAS), lia-na'in suku no xefe suku rasik ho total partisipante hamutuk ema na'in-15 ne'ebe mai hosi Aldeia Abuti, Selegua, Samagata, Ia Sula, One Bu'u, Serebui, Ulakuti no Be Liawali.",
"Objetivu hosi treinamentu ne'e mak habelar informasaun no hasa'e konesimentu membru estrutura suku sira kona-ba demokrasia, knaar orgaun soberanu sira nian, partisipasaun publiku iha prosesu halo lei no asesu ba justisa formal.",
"\"Treinamentu kona-ba asuntu demokrasia no justisa formal ba iha estrutura suku sira importante tebes tanba liuhosi treinamentu ka formasaun sira hanesan ne'e bele hasa'e sira-nia konesimentu, nune'e sira bele hala'o sira nia kna'ar ho di'ak liutan, \" Diretora Ezekutiva JSMP, Ana Paula Marcal, hateten liuhosi nota komunikadu JMSP nian ne'ebe Agencia Tatoli asesu, ohin.",
"Iha sesaun kona-ba demokrasia, kestaun prinsipal sira ne'ebe partisipante sira foti mak relasiona ho liberdade iha Estadu direitu demokratiku no idade menus hosi tinan 17 la iha direitu politiku atu tuir eleisaun maske demokrasia fo liberdade ba ema hotu-hotu.",
"Hatan ba preokupasaun ne'e, JSMP esplika kona-ba espasu, liberdade no limitasaun direitu sira ne'ebe konsagra ona iha konstituisaun no lei sira.",
"Kona-ba idade, JSMP esplika katak konstituisaun no lei sira atribui direitu ne'e ba sidadaun sira ne'ebe atinje ona idade adultu ne'ebe iha ona kapasidade atu bele hili.",
"Iha sesaun daruak kona-ba asesu ba justisa formal, partisipante sira preokupa ho seguransa ba sira nia-an bainhira sira hato'o keixa tanba sira sempre hetan ameasa hosi suspeitu sira to'o baku-malu no oho-malu.",
"Hatan ba ida ne'e, JSMP rekonese katak preokupasaun ba situasaun ida-ne'e akontese iha fatin hotu, nune'e Governu liuhosi instituisaun polisia harii ona Unidade Ofisial Polisia Suku (OPS) hodi prevene no rezolve krime sira hanesan ne'e.",
"Aleinde ne'e, bainhira hetan ameasa, JSMP sujere halo keixa ba polisia tanba ameasa ne'e nu'udar krime ida.",
"Xefe Suku Sagadate, Aureliano de Jesus, iha ninia abertura no mos enserramentu ba treinamentu ne'e agradese ba JSMP ne'ebe fasilita ona treinamentu importante ne'e, no liuhosi treinamentu ne'e, aumenta sira-nia konesimentu kona-ba demokrasia no sistema justisa formal nian.",
"Treinamentu ne'e realiza tanba hetan apoiu finanseiru hosi Governu liuhosi Gabinete Apoiu Fundu Sosiedade Sivil.",
"Previous articleDadur na'in-40 resin iha Prizaun Gleno re-integra ba sosiedade Next articlePDHJ apoia nesesidade baziku ba prizioneira iha Prizaun Gleno"
] | [
"Witness freedom and protection become concern in Sagadate | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA JUSTIÇA The Non Governmental Organization of the Judiciary System Monitoring Program (JSMP), recently conducted training on democracy, sovereign bodies' role. Public participation to law making processes as well accessibility for formal justice structured by a community called \"Sagadate\", Laga Administrative Post Office Municipality Bacau District"
"Participants of the training consisting from village chief, community support staff (PAS), parish priests and church leaders themselves with a total participants number 15 people who come to Abuti Village Selegua Samagata Ia Sula One Bu'u Serebui Ulakuti Be Liawali. The workshop was organized by JSMP in cooperation between JMJ/JSPM-Aldeia de São José dos Pinhais - APJP for youth development projects on gender equality among women at all levels including local governmental level as well"
"The aim of the training is to provide information and raise knowledge among members in municipal structures about democracy, functioning sovereign bodies; public participation on law-making processes as well accessibility for formal justice."
"\"Training on issues of democracy and formal justice for the municipal structures is very important because through training or formation such as this can increase their knowledge, so that they may carry out its work with good results\", Executive Director JSMP Ana Paula Marcal said in a JMSP communiqué note which Agência Tatoli accessed today."
"In the session on democracy, main issues raised by participants were related to freedom in a democratic state and that persons under 17 years of age do not have political rights or vote even though democracies give all people their liberty."
"In response to these concerns, JSMP explained about the scope of freedom and limitations on rights enshrines in constitutional law."
"Regarding age, JSMP explained that the constitution and laws grant this right to citizens who have reached adulthood in a manner capable of voting."
"In the second session on access to formal justice, participants were concerned about their own safety when they file complaints because suspected offenders always threaten them with beating and killing."
"In response to this, JSMP acknowledged that concern about the situation occurs everywhere and therefore Government through police institutions has established Official Community Police Unit (OPS) in order preventing such crime."
"In addition, when threatened JSMP suggests reporting to the police as a criminal offence."
"Sagadate Village Chief Aureliano de Jesus, in his opening and closing remarks of the training thanked JSMP for facilitating this important course which increased their knowledge about democracy as well a formal justice system."
"The training was carried out because it received financial support from the Government through Gabinete Apoiu Fundo Sociedade Civil."
"Previous articleMore than 40 prisoners in Gleno Prison re-integrate into society Next artikelPDHJ supports basic needs of female detainees at the Prision."
] |
Komunidade Muapitine husu tratór atu suporta atividade agrikultór | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste\nVARANDA EKONOMIA Komunidade Muapitine husu tratór atu suporta atividade agrikultór\nKomunidade Muapitine husu tratór atu suporta atividade agrikultór\nDILI, 13 novembru 2020 (TATOLI)—Komunidade suku Muapitine, Amelio Ximenes Garcia ‘Maualsi’ husu Ministériu Agrikultura no Peska (MAP) atu apoia tratór nune’e bele ajuda komunidade halo atividade agrikultór ho di’ak.\n“Ami-nia agrikutór presiza tratór atubele suporta atividade,” Amelio Ximenes hateten liuhosi diálogu komunitária iha ámbitu vizita Sekretáriu Estadu Komunikasaun Sosiál, Merício Juvinal dos Reis ‘Akara’, sesta ne’e, iha suku Muapetine, postu administrativa Lospalos, munisípiu Lautém.\nNia nota katak tratór iha suku, iha munisípiu seluk barak maibé iha suku ne’e kuaze laiha.\n“Governu presiza buka meus oinsá tratór bele mai, ami presiza tratór rua,” nia akresenta.\nTanba ne’e, nia espera preokupasaun ne’e Sekretaria Estadu Komunikasaun Sosiál (SEKOMS) bele hato’o ba ministériu relevante atubele rezolve.\n“Ami presiza apoiu husi Estadu, ami-nia nesesidade agora maka tratór tanba ami ho liman de’it sei la la’o. Atividade agrikultór iha nasaun seluk la’o ho susesu tanba ekipamentu ne’e barak,” nia hatutan.\nIha biban ne’e Sekretáriu Estadu Akara kompromete sei hato’o kestaun ne’e ba ministériu relevante atu tau atensaun.\n“Ha’u sei ko’alia ho ha’u-nia tékniku sira atu komunika Ministériu Agrikultura no Peska,” nia dehan.\nAntes ne’e, Diretór Servisu Munisipál Agrikultura Lautém, Edmundo da Costa, informa daudaun iha munisípiu ne’e iha tratór boot hamutuk 40, maibé 28 maka a’at no 12 mak sei halo operasaun.\nNia dehan, iha nível munisípiu hasoru difikuldade tanba jestaun ba manutensaun ekipamentu agríkola sentraliza iha nasionál no atu hadi’a tenke halo proposta.\nIha tinan 2007 no 2008, MAP implementa programa sosa tratór hodi halo intensifikasaun no reabilitasaun ba fasilidade agrikultura hodi atende kestaun seguransa ai-han.\nDaudaun iha 400 resin tratór maka iha, maibé tratór sira ne’e kuaze kondisaun a’at tanba tratór hirak ne’e dezde 2008.\nAntes ne’e, Primeiru-Ministru, Taur Matan Ruak, orienta MAP atu hala’o leilaun ba tratór sira no konsege halo leilaun tratór hamutuk 56 maibé ema foin sosa rua.\nTratór ba agrikultór\nPrevious articleKomunidade husu MS koloka parteira iha suku Muapitine\nNext articleANAAA propoin $426.865 ba OJE 2021 | [
"Komunidade Muapitine husu trator atu suporta atividade agrikultor | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA EKONOMIA Komunidade Muapitine husu trator atu suporta atividade agrikultor Komunidade Muapitine husu trator atu suporta atividade agrikultor DILI, 13 novembru 2020 (TATOLI) - Komunidade suku Muapitine, Amelio Ximenes Garcia 'Maualsi' husu Ministeriu Agrikultura no Peska (MAP) atu apoia trator nune'e bele ajuda komunidade halo atividade agrikultor ho di'ak.",
"\"Ami-nia agrikutor presiza trator atubele suporta atividade,\" Amelio Ximenes hateten liuhosi dialogu komunitaria iha ambitu vizita Sekretariu Estadu Komunikasaun Sosial, Mericio Juvinal dos Reis 'Akara', sesta ne'e, iha suku Muapetine, postu administrativa Lospalos, munisipiu Lautem.",
"Nia nota katak trator iha suku, iha munisipiu seluk barak maibe iha suku ne'e kuaze laiha.",
"\"Governu presiza buka meus oinsa trator bele mai, ami presiza trator rua,\" nia akresenta.",
"Tanba ne'e, nia espera preokupasaun ne'e Sekretaria Estadu Komunikasaun Sosial (SEKOMS) bele hato'o ba ministeriu relevante atubele rezolve.",
"\"Ami presiza apoiu husi Estadu, ami-nia nesesidade agora maka trator tanba ami ho liman de'it sei la la'o.",
"Atividade agrikultor iha nasaun seluk la'o ho susesu tanba ekipamentu ne'e barak,\" nia hatutan.",
"Iha biban ne'e Sekretariu Estadu Akara kompromete sei hato'o kestaun ne'e ba ministeriu relevante atu tau atensaun.",
"\"Ha'u sei ko'alia ho ha'u-nia tekniku sira atu komunika Ministeriu Agrikultura no Peska,\" nia dehan.",
"Antes ne'e, Diretor Servisu Munisipal Agrikultura Lautem, Edmundo da Costa, informa daudaun iha munisipiu ne'e iha trator boot hamutuk 40, maibe 28 maka a'at no 12 mak sei halo operasaun.",
"Nia dehan, iha nivel munisipiu hasoru difikuldade tanba jestaun ba manutensaun ekipamentu agrikola sentraliza iha nasional no atu hadi'a tenke halo proposta.",
"Iha tinan 2007 no 2008, MAP implementa programa sosa trator hodi halo intensifikasaun no reabilitasaun ba fasilidade agrikultura hodi atende kestaun seguransa ai-han.",
"Daudaun iha 400 resin trator maka iha, maibe trator sira ne'e kuaze kondisaun a'at tanba trator hirak ne'e dezde 2008.",
"Antes ne'e, Primeiru-Ministru, Taur Matan Ruak, orienta MAP atu hala'o leilaun ba trator sira no konsege halo leilaun trator hamutuk 56 maibe ema foin sosa rua.",
"Trator ba agrikultor Previous articleKomunidade husu MS koloka parteira iha suku Muapitine Next articleANAAA propoin $426.865 ba OJE 2021"
] | [
"Muapitine community asks for tractor to support agriculture activity | TIMOR HAU Notícias Timor-Leste News Agency VARANDA EKONOMIA MUAPITINE COMMUNITY ASKS FOR TRACTOR TO SUPPORT AGRICULTURAL ACTIVITIES DILI, Nov.13 (TATOLI) - Community member Amelio Ximenes Garcia 'Maualsi' from the village of Moapitine has asked Ministry Of Agriculture and Fisheries(MAP), that it should provide them with a traktor so they can do their farming activities better than before in this difficult time when food prices are falling rapidly due on demand by local people who have no other means but only through exportation"
"\"Our farmers need tractor to support their activities,\" Amelio Ximenes said during a community dialogue in the context of State Secretary for Social Communications Mericio Juvinal dos Reis 'Akara' visit on Saturday at Muapetine village."
"He noted that tractors in the village, there are many other municipalities but almost none of them."
"\"The government needs to find out how tractors can come, we need two of them.\""
"Therefore, he hopes that the State Secretariat for Social Communication (SEKOMS) can refer this concern to relevant ministries in order it be resolved."
"\"We need support from the state, our needs now are tractors because we can't do it with just hands."
"Agricultural activities in other countries are going well because there is a lot of equipment,\" he added."
"In this regard, Secretary of State Akara committed to raise the issue with relevant ministries for their attention."
"\"I will speak with my technicians to communicate the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries,\" he said."
"Earlier, Director of the Municipal Agriculture Service Lautem Edmundo da Costa informed that there are currently 40 large-scale farming machines available for use by municipality but only a few (28) will be operational."
"He said, at the municipal level there are difficulties because management for maintenance of agricultural equipment is centralized nationally and to improve it must be proposed."
"In 2013, the Ministry of Agriculture and Food Security implemented a programme to buy new farm equipment for intensive agriculture in order that farmers could improve their productivity."
"Currently there are about 401 of these, but they have been in very poor condition since the last inspection was carried out on them."
"Earlier, Prime Minister Taur Matan Ruak had instructed MAP to auction tractors and it managed in doing so with a total of five hundred sixty-five (56) but only two were bought."
"Previous articleCommunity asks MS to place midwife in Muapitine village Next artikelANAAA proposes $426,850 for Budget 13."
] |
2 Ba sé?\nLivru Haklaken | Janeiru 2011\nLEE IHA Albanés Alemaun Alur Amáriku Armenu Armenu (oeste) Aymara Bashkir Basque Bassa (Kamaroins) Batak (Toba) Bicol Bislama Búlgaru Chavacano Chichewa Chin (Hakha) Chitonga Chitonga (Malavi) Chitumbuka Chokwe Chol Chuukese Cibemba Cinyanja Dangme Dinamarkés Ebraiku Efik Emberá (Catío) Emberá (Chami) Eslovaku Eslovenu Españól Estonianu Fante Faroese Fijianu Finlandés Fransés Ga Galician Galés Gregu Groenlandés Guarani Gujarati Gun Hiligaynon Hindi Hiri Motu Huastec (San Luis Potosi) Hunsrik Iban Ibanag Igbo Iloko Indonézia Inglés Isoko Italianu Izlandés Japonés Jeorjianu Kabuverdianu Kachin Kalanga (Botsuana) Kamba Kambojanu Katalaun Kekchi Khakass Kikongo Kikuyu Kiluba Kirghiz Kirundi Kisonge Kongo Koreanu Krio Krioulu Haití Krioulu Seixeles Kroata Laosianu Letaun Lhukonzo Lingala Lituanu Low German Luganda Lunda Luo Língua liman Amerikana Língua liman Angola Língua liman Arjentina Língua liman Austrália Língua liman Brazíl Língua liman Ekuadór Língua liman Eslovákia Língua liman Española Língua liman Guatemala Língua liman Indonézia Língua liman Italianu Língua liman Japonés Língua liman Kolómbia Língua liman Koreia Língua liman Méxiku Língua liman Nikarágua Língua liman Onduras Língua liman Perú Língua liman Rúsia Língua liman Venezuela Língua liman Xile Malaiu Malayalam Malgaxe Maltés Mam Mambwe-Lungu Mapudungun Mari Marxarés Masedóniu Maya Mbunda Mixtec (Guerrero) Mizo Mongól Moore Myanmar Nahuatl (Guerrero) Nahuatl (Huasteca) Ndebele Noruegés Nzema Náuatle (Sentrál) Okpe Olandés Oromo Ossetian Otetela Palauanu Pangasinan Papiamentu (Kurasau) Persa Polaku Pomeranian Ponapeanu Portugés (Brazil) Portugés (Portugál) Punjabi Quechua (Ancash) Quechua (Ayacucho) Quechua (Bolivia) Quechua (Cuzco) Quichua (Chimborazo) Quichua (Imbabura) Rarotongan Romani vlax (Rúsia) Romenu Ronga Runyankore Rusu Samoanu Sango Sepedi Sepulana Setswana Sezotu (Lezotu) Shona Silozi Singalés Sueku Swahili Swahili (Kongu) Sérviu (Siríliku) Tagalog Tahitian Tailandés Tajiki Talian Tamil Tandroy Tarascan Tatar Telugu Tetun Dili Ticuna Tigrinya Tiv Tojolabal Tonganés Totonac Tshiluba Tsonga Turku Tuvaluanu Twi Tzeltal Tzotzil Tâmil (romano) Uighur (Cyrillic) Uigur (Árabe) Ukranianu Umbundu Urdu Urhobo Uruund Uzbeke Valensianu Venda Vietnamita Wallisian Wolaita Xeku Xhosa Xinés Kantonés (tradisionál) Xinés Mandarín (simples) Xinés Mandarín (tradisionál) Xinés kantonés (simples) Yapese Zapoteka (Lachiguiri) Zulu Árabe Úngaru\nEMA barak hanoin katak orasaun hotu-hotu bá fatin ida deʼit. Ita mós hanoin hanesan neʼe ka lae? Ema barak hatán: “Sin.” Liuliu ema neʼebé fiar katak diʼak atu relijiaun oioin kahur malu apoia ideia neʼe. Maibé, ideia neʼe loos ka lae?\nBíblia hanorin katak tuir loloos ema barak halo orasaun, maibé laʼós ba Maromak neʼebé loos. Iha tempu Bíblia, ema barak toman atu halo orasaun ba buat lulik, hanesan estátua sira. Maibé, Maromak fó sai beibeik katak nia odi hahalok neʼe. Porezemplu, kona-ba estátua Bíblia hatete: “Sira iha tilun, maibé sira la bele rona.” (Salmo [Mazmur] 115:4-6) Sin, halo orasaun ba maromak neʼebé la bele rona mak saugati deʼit, loos ka lae?\nIstória ida husi Bíblia mós hatudu ho klaru kona-ba neʼe. Maromak nia profeta ida neʼebé loos, naran Elias, koʼalia hasoru profeta sira neʼebé adora sira-nia maromak naran Baal. Nia haruka sira atu harohan ba sira-nia maromak, no nia rasik sei harohan ba ninian. Elias hatete katak Maromak neʼebé loos sei hatán ba ninia atan nia orasaun, maibé maromak neʼebé falsu sei la halo ida-neʼe. Profeta sira husi Baal simu Elias nia liafuan neʼe no sira halo orasaun makaʼas ba sira-nia maromak ba tempu kleur, toʼo sira hakilar ho lian makaʼas, maibé buat ida la akontese. Bíblia hatete katak: “La iha ida mak hatán, no la iha ida mak fó atensaun.” (1 Reis [1 Raja-Raja] 18:29) Maibé, saida mak akontese kuandu Elias halo orasaun?\nDepois Elias halo orasaun, ninia Maromak hatán kedas hodi haruka ahi tun husi lalehan no han hotu sakrifísiu neʼebé Elias hasaʼe. Tansá mak ida-neʼe akontese? Elias nia orasaun neʼebé hakerek iha 1 Reis 18:36, 37 hatudu buat importante ida. Elias temi Maromak nia naran Jeová. Maski orasaun neʼe badak tebes, iha liafuan maizumenus 30 deʼit iha lia orijinál, lia-ebraiku, maibé Elias temi dala tolu Maromak nia naran.\nEma Kanaan nia maromak naran Baal iha arti “naʼin” ka “naʼi”, maski sira iha maromak oioin tuir sira-nia área, maibé sira bolu maromak sira-neʼe hotu ho naran Baal. Maibé, naran Jeová mak úniku tanba nia mak Maromak neʼebé aas liu iha rai no iha lalehan. Maromak fó-hatene ba nia povu: “Haʼu mak Jeová. Neʼe mak haʼu-nia naran; no haʼu la fó haʼu-nia glória ba buat seluk.”—Isaías (Yesaya) 42:8.\nElias nia orasaun no Baal nia profeta sira-nia orasaun bá Maromak neʼebé hanesan ka lae? Ema neʼebé adora Baal halo hahalok aat oioin iha sira-nia adorasaun hanesan halo sala-foʼer no mós sira tau ema iha ahi laran nuʼudar sakrifísiu. Maibé, Maromak Jeová hanorin nia povu, ema Israel, atu adora nia iha dalan neʼebé moos, no ida-neʼe proteje sira husi hahalok aat no foʼer. Entaun, hanoin toʼok kona-ba ai-knanoik neʼe: Se Ita haruka karta ba kolega ida neʼebé Ita respeitu tebes hodi hakerek ninia naran iha envelope, Ita nunka hanoin katak Ita-nia karta sei toʼo ba ema seluk neʼebé halo hahalok aat tebes, loos ka lae?\nKuandu Ita halo orasaun ba Maromak Jeová, Ita halo orasaun ba ita-nia Kriadór, ita-nia Aman. * Profeta Isaías hatete iha ninia orasaun: “Ita, oh, Jeová, mak ami-nia Aman.” (Isaías [Yesaya] 63:16) Jesus mós fó-hatene ba ninia dixípulu sira: “Haʼu saʼe ba haʼu-nia Aman no imi-nia Aman; ba haʼu-nia Maromak no imi-nia Maromak.” (Joao 20:17) Sin, Maromak Jeová mak Jesus nia Aman. Jesus halo orasaun ba Maromak Jeová no nia hanorin ninia dixípulu sira atu halo hanesan.—Mateus 6:9.\nEntaun, Bíblia hanorin ita atu halo orasaun ba Jesus, ba Maria, ba santu santa sira, ka ba anju sira ka lae? Lae, Bíblia hatete katak ita tenke halo orasaun ba Maromak Jeová deʼit. Hanoin toʼok tansá mak ita tenke halo ida-neʼe. Primeiru, orasaun mak parte husi ita-nia adorasaun, no Bíblia hatete katak ita tenke adora Jeová, Maromak loos ida deʼit. (Mateus 4:10) Segundu, Bíblia hatete katak Maromak Jeová deʼit mak Ida neʼebé “rona orasaun”. (Salmo [Mazmur] 65:2) Maski Maromak Jeová fó knaar oioin ba ninia kriatura sira, maibé nia nunka fó ninia knaar ba ninia kriatura ida atu rona ba ema nia orasaun. Maromak Jeová promete katak nia rasik sei rona ba ita ida-idak nia orasaun.\nNuneʼe, se Ita hakarak Maromak rona Ita-nia orasaun, diʼak atu hanoin Bíblia nia konsellu ida-neʼe: “Ema hotu-hotu neʼebé bolu Naʼi [Jeová] nia naran sei hetan maksoin.” (Apostolu 2:21) Maibé Maromak Jeová rona ba orasaun hotu-hotu ka lae? Ka, atu Maromak Jeová rona ita-nia orasaun, ita presiza halo buat seluk tan ka lae?\n^ par. 9 Ema balu halo tuir kostume neʼebé bandu atu labele temi Maromak nia naran iha situasaun naran deʼit, inklui mós iha orasaun. Maibé, iha Bíblia iha lia orijinál, Maromak nia naran mosu maizumenus dala 7.000, no Maromak Jeová nia atan sira dala barak temi naran neʼe iha sira-nia orasaun no knananuk sira.\n[Dezeñu iha pájina 5]\nElias nia liafuan ba Baal nia profeta sira hatudu katak laʼós orasaun hotu bá fatin neʼebé hanesan\nFahe Fahe 2 Ba sé?\nw11 1/1 p. 4-5\nINFORMASAUN IHA OIN 1 Tansá mak ita halo orasaun?\nINFORMASAUN IHA OIN 2 Ba sé?\nINFORMASAUN IHA OIN 3 Oinsá?\nINFORMASAUN IHA OIN 4 Kona-ba saida deʼit?\nINFORMASAUN IHA OIN 5 Bainhira no iha neʼebé?\nINFORMASAUN IHA OIN 6 Bele ajuda ita ka lae?\nINFORMASAUN IHA OIN 7 Maromak rona no hatán ka lae?\nOINSÁ ATU FAMÍLIA MORIS KONTENTE Koʼalia ba Ita-nia oan kona-ba buat seksuál nian\nHaʼu tenke sai membru ba relijiaun ida ka lae?\nOinsá mak anju sira book ita-nia moris?\nMaromak halo duni “buat barak neʼebé boot” oinsá mak haʼu hatene kona-ba neʼe?\nHANORIN ITA-NIA OAN Ukun neʼebé sei lori bensaun ba mundu tomak\nHalo viajen toʼo mundu nia rohan\nOinsá mak ita bele kontrola hanoin neʼebé halo Ita laran-tun?\nMaromak neʼebé “rona orasaun”\nTestu Opsaun kona-ba download publikasaun LIVRU HAKLAKEN Janeiru 2011\nFahe Fahe LIVRU HAKLAKEN Janeiru 2011\nLIVRU HAKLAKEN Janeiru 2011 | [
"2 Ba se?",
"Livru Haklaken | Janeiru 2011 LEE IHA Albanes Alemaun Alur Amariku Armenu Armenu (oeste) Aymara Bashkir Basque Bassa (Kamaroins) Batak (Toba) Bicol Bislama Bulgaru Chavacano Chichewa Chin (Hakha) Chitonga Chitonga (Malavi) Chitumbuka Chokwe Chol Chuukese Cibemba Cinyanja Dangme Dinamarkes Ebraiku Efik Embera (Catio) Embera (Chami) Eslovaku Eslovenu Espanol Estonianu Fante Faroese Fijianu Finlandes Franses Ga Galician Gales Gregu Groenlandes Guarani Gujarati Gun Hiligaynon Hindi Hiri Motu Huastec (San Luis Potosi) Hunsrik Iban Ibanag Igbo Iloko Indonezia Ingles Isoko Italianu Izlandes Japones Jeorjianu Kabuverdianu Kachin Kalanga (Botsuana) Kamba Kambojanu Katalaun Kekchi Khakass Kikongo Kikuyu Kiluba Kirghiz Kirundi Kisonge Kongo Koreanu Krio Krioulu Haiti Krioulu Seixeles Kroata Laosianu Letaun Lhukonzo Lingala Lituanu Low German Luganda Lunda Luo Lingua liman Amerikana Lingua liman Angola Lingua liman Arjentina Lingua liman Australia Lingua liman Brazil Lingua liman Ekuador Lingua liman Eslovakia Lingua liman Espanola Lingua liman Guatemala Lingua liman Indonezia Lingua liman Italianu Lingua liman Japones Lingua liman Kolombia Lingua liman Koreia Lingua liman Mexiku Lingua liman Nikaragua Lingua liman Onduras Lingua liman Peru Lingua liman Rusia Lingua liman Venezuela Lingua liman Xile Malaiu Malayalam Malgaxe Maltes Mam Mambwe-Lungu Mapudungun Mari Marxares Masedoniu Maya Mbunda Mixtec (Guerrero) Mizo Mongol Moore Myanmar Nahuatl (Guerrero) Nahuatl (Huasteca) Ndebele Norueges Nzema Nauatle (Sentral) Okpe Olandes Oromo Ossetian Otetela Palauanu Pangasinan Papiamentu (Kurasau) Persa Polaku Pomeranian Ponapeanu Portuges (Brazil) Portuges (Portugal) Punjabi Quechua (Ancash) Quechua (Ayacucho) Quechua (Bolivia) Quechua (Cuzco) Quichua (Chimborazo) Quichua (Imbabura) Rarotongan Romani vlax (Rusia) Romenu Ronga Runyankore Rusu Samoanu Sango Sepedi Sepulana Setswana Sezotu (Lezotu) Shona Silozi Singales Sueku Swahili Swahili (Kongu) Serviu (Siriliku) Tagalog Tahitian Tailandes Tajiki Talian Tamil Tandroy Tarascan Tatar Telugu Tetun Dili Ticuna Tigrinya Tiv Tojolabal Tonganes Totonac Tshiluba Tsonga Turku Tuvaluanu Twi Tzeltal Tzotzil Tamil (romano) Uighur (Cyrillic) Uigur (Arabe) Ukranianu Umbundu Urdu Urhobo Uruund Uzbeke Valensianu Venda Vietnamita Wallisian Wolaita Xeku Xhosa Xines Kantones (tradisional) Xines Mandarin (simples) Xines Mandarin (tradisional) Xines kantones (simples) Yapese Zapoteka (Lachiguiri) Zulu Arabe Ungaru EMA barak hanoin katak orasaun hotu-hotu ba fatin ida de'it.",
"Ita mos hanoin hanesan ne'e ka lae?",
"Ema barak hatan: \"Sin.\"",
"Liuliu ema ne'ebe fiar katak di'ak atu relijiaun oioin kahur malu apoia ideia ne'e.",
"Maibe, ideia ne'e loos ka lae?",
"Biblia hanorin katak tuir loloos ema barak halo orasaun, maibe la'os ba Maromak ne'ebe loos.",
"Iha tempu Biblia, ema barak toman atu halo orasaun ba buat lulik, hanesan estatua sira.",
"Maibe, Maromak fo sai beibeik katak nia odi hahalok ne'e.",
"Porezemplu, kona-ba estatua Biblia hatete: \"Sira iha tilun, maibe sira la bele rona.\"",
"(Salmo [Mazmur] 115:4-6) Sin, halo orasaun ba maromak ne'ebe la bele rona mak saugati de'it, loos ka lae?",
"Istoria ida husi Biblia mos hatudu ho klaru kona-ba ne'e.",
"Maromak nia profeta ida ne'ebe loos, naran Elias, ko'alia hasoru profeta sira ne'ebe adora sira-nia maromak naran Baal.",
"Nia haruka sira atu harohan ba sira-nia maromak, no nia rasik sei harohan ba ninian.",
"Elias hatete katak Maromak ne'ebe loos sei hatan ba ninia atan nia orasaun, maibe maromak ne'ebe falsu sei la halo ida-ne'e.",
"Profeta sira husi Baal simu Elias nia liafuan ne'e no sira halo orasaun maka'as ba sira-nia maromak ba tempu kleur, to'o sira hakilar ho lian maka'as, maibe buat ida la akontese.",
"Biblia hatete katak: \"La iha ida mak hatan, no la iha ida mak fo atensaun.\"",
"(1 Reis [1 Raja-Raja] 18:29) Maibe, saida mak akontese kuandu Elias halo orasaun?",
"Depois Elias halo orasaun, ninia Maromak hatan kedas hodi haruka ahi tun husi lalehan no han hotu sakrifisiu ne'ebe Elias hasa'e.",
"Tansa mak ida-ne'e akontese?",
"Elias nia orasaun ne'ebe hakerek iha 1 Reis 18:36, 37 hatudu buat importante ida.",
"Elias temi Maromak nia naran Jeova.",
"Maski orasaun ne'e badak tebes, iha liafuan maizumenus 30 de'it iha lia orijinal, lia-ebraiku, maibe Elias temi dala tolu Maromak nia naran.",
"Ema Kanaan nia maromak naran Baal iha arti \"na'in\" ka \"na'i,\" maski sira iha maromak oioin tuir sira-nia area, maibe sira bolu maromak sira-ne'e hotu ho naran Baal.",
"Maibe, naran Jeova mak uniku tanba nia mak Maromak ne'ebe aas liu iha rai no iha lalehan.",
"Maromak fo-hatene ba nia povu: \"Ha'u mak Jeova.",
"Ne'e mak ha'u-nia naran; no ha'u la fo ha'u-nia gloria ba buat seluk.\" - Isaias (Yesaya) 42:8.",
"Elias nia orasaun no Baal nia profeta sira-nia orasaun ba Maromak ne'ebe hanesan ka lae?",
"Ema ne'ebe adora Baal halo hahalok aat oioin iha sira-nia adorasaun hanesan halo sala-fo'er no mos sira tau ema iha ahi laran nu'udar sakrifisiu.",
"Maibe, Maromak Jeova hanorin nia povu, ema Israel, atu adora nia iha dalan ne'ebe moos, no ida-ne'e proteje sira husi hahalok aat no fo'er.",
"Entaun, hanoin to'ok kona-ba ai-knanoik ne'e: Se Ita haruka karta ba kolega ida ne'ebe Ita respeitu tebes hodi hakerek ninia naran iha envelope, Ita nunka hanoin katak Ita-nia karta sei to'o ba ema seluk ne'ebe halo hahalok aat tebes, loos ka lae?",
"Kuandu Ita halo orasaun ba Maromak Jeova, Ita halo orasaun ba ita-nia Kriador, ita-nia Aman. * Profeta Isaias hatete iha ninia orasaun: \"Ita, oh, Jeova, mak ami-nia Aman.\"",
"(Isaias [Yesaya] 63:16) Jesus mos fo-hatene ba ninia dixipulu sira: \"Ha'u sa'e ba ha'u-nia Aman no imi-nia Aman; ba ha'u-nia Maromak no imi-nia Maromak.\"",
"(Joao 20:17) Sin, Maromak Jeova mak Jesus nia Aman.",
"Jesus halo orasaun ba Maromak Jeova no nia hanorin ninia dixipulu sira atu halo hanesan. - Mateus 6:9.",
"Entaun, Biblia hanorin ita atu halo orasaun ba Jesus, ba Maria, ba santu santa sira, ka ba anju sira ka lae?",
"Lae, Biblia hatete katak ita tenke halo orasaun ba Maromak Jeova de'it.",
"Hanoin to'ok tansa mak ita tenke halo ida-ne'e.",
"Primeiru, orasaun mak parte husi ita-nia adorasaun, no Biblia hatete katak ita tenke adora Jeova, Maromak loos ida de'it.",
"(Mateus 4:10) Segundu, Biblia hatete katak Maromak Jeova de'it mak Ida ne'ebe \"rona orasaun.\"",
"(Salmo [Mazmur] 65:2) Maski Maromak Jeova fo knaar oioin ba ninia kriatura sira, maibe nia nunka fo ninia knaar ba ninia kriatura ida atu rona ba ema nia orasaun.",
"Maromak Jeova promete katak nia rasik sei rona ba ita ida-idak nia orasaun.",
"Nune'e, se Ita hakarak Maromak rona Ita-nia orasaun, di'ak atu hanoin Biblia nia konsellu ida-ne'e: \"Ema hotu-hotu ne'ebe bolu Na'i [Jeova] nia naran sei hetan maksoin.\"",
"(Apostolu 2:21) Maibe Maromak Jeova rona ba orasaun hotu-hotu ka lae?",
"Ka, atu Maromak Jeova rona ita-nia orasaun, ita presiza halo buat seluk tan ka lae? ^ par.",
"9 Ema balu halo tuir kostume ne'ebe bandu atu labele temi Maromak nia naran iha situasaun naran de'it, inklui mos iha orasaun.",
"Maibe, iha Biblia iha lia orijinal, Maromak nia naran mosu maizumenus dala 7.000, no Maromak Jeova nia atan sira dala barak temi naran ne'e iha sira-nia orasaun no knananuk sira.",
"[Dezenu iha pajina 5] Elias nia liafuan ba Baal nia profeta sira hatudu katak la'os orasaun hotu ba fatin ne'ebe hanesan Fahe Fahe 2 Ba se? w11 1/1 p.",
"4-5 INFORMASAUN IHA OIN 1 Tansa mak ita halo orasaun?",
"INFORMASAUN IHA OIN 4 Kona-ba saida de'it?",
"INFORMASAUN IHA OIN 5 Bainhira no iha ne'ebe?",
"INFORMASAUN IHA OIN 6 Bele ajuda ita ka lae?",
"INFORMASAUN IHA OIN 7 Maromak rona no hatan ka lae?",
"OINSA ATU FAMILIA MORIS KONTENTE Ko'alia ba Ita-nia oan kona-ba buat seksual nian Ha'u tenke sai membru ba relijiaun ida ka lae?",
"Oinsa mak anju sira book ita-nia moris?",
"Maromak halo duni \"buat barak ne'ebe boot\" oinsa mak ha'u hatene kona-ba ne'e?",
"HANORIN ITA-NIA OAN Ukun ne'ebe sei lori bensaun ba mundu tomak Halo viajen to'o mundu nia rohan Oinsa mak ita bele kontrola hanoin ne'ebe halo Ita laran-tun?",
"Maromak ne'ebe \"rona orasaun\" Testu Opsaun kona-ba download publikasaun LIVRU HAKLAKEN Janeiru 2011 Fahe Fahe LIVRU HAKLAKEN Janeiru 2011 LIVRU HAKLAKEN Janeiru 2011"
] | [
"2 Didn't you?"
"LE IHA Albanian Alur Amharic Arabic Armenian Azerbaijani Basque Bassa (Cameroon) Bengali Bicol Bislama Bulgarian Catalan Cebuano Chichewa Chinese Cantonese(Simplified), Chin Mandarin, Simple & Contemporary): All the prayers are in one place. I believe that all of them have been written by a person who has learned to read and write their own language from an early age until today's day; but they were never translated into any other languages except for English or French! But there is no reason why we should be afraid when it comes down on ourselves: We can only think about what God says through Jesus Christ because he was born as human being..."
"Do we think the same way?"
"Many answered, \"Sin.\" And many of them said to him:"
"He urged believers that it is good for different religions to support each other."
"But is this idea true?"
"The Bible teaches that many people actually pray, but not to the true God."
"In biblical times, it was common for people to pray in front of sacred objects such as statues."
"But God has repeatedly shown that He hates such practices."
"However, about the statue it says: \"They have ears but they cannot hear.\""
"(Psalm [Maz.] 125:4-6) Rather, praying to the deaf is only good for you if they can't hear; right?"
"The Bible's story of Moses and Aaron is a clear example."
"There was a true prophet of God, Elijah. He spoke to the Prophets who worshipped their idols called Baal:"
"He sent them to pray for their souls, and he himself will ask the Lord."
"Elijah said that the true God would answer his servant's prayer, but false deities will not."
"The prophets of Baal took Elijah' s word and prayed aloud to their devil for a long time, until they hoarse with loude voice; but nothing happened."
"The Bible says: \"There is no one to answer, and there are none who pay attention.\""
"(1 Kings 20:34) But what happened when Elijah prayed? What did he say to the angels and how they responded in response."
"And Elijah prayed, and the LORD immediately heard him; for fire came down from heaven to devour all that Elias had offered."
"Why is this happening?"
"Elijah's prayer recorded in 1 Kings (King-James Version) is a very important point."
"Elijah called the name of God, Jehovah. And he said to him:"
"Though the prayer is very short, with only 30 words in its original Hebrew language (which was not translated into English), Elijah mentions God' s name three times."
"The Canaanites called their idols Baal, meaning \"lord\" or “master,” although they had different gods according to the area in which it was worshipped."
"But Jehovah's name is unique because He Is the Most High God in heaven and on earth."
"God made his people know, \"I am the LORD."
"That is my name; and I will not give mine glory to any other.\" - Isaiah 42:8."
"Isn't the prayer of Elijah to God and that made by Baal’s Prophets identical?"
"The worshippers of Baal committed many evil deeds in their service, such as committing adultery and sacrificing people to the fire."
"However, Jehovah God taught his people Israel to worship him in a clean way and this protected them from evil practices."
"So, think about the parable: If you send a letter to your colleague who is very respected by writing his name on an envelope. You never thought that it would end up with someone else doing something bad for him or her; right?"
"When you pray to Jehovah God, youre asking for our Creator and Father. * The prophet Isaiah said in his Prayer: \"You are my father.\""
"(Isaiah 63:15) Jesus also told his disciples, \"I am ascending to my Father and your father; My God And you're god.\""
"(John 20:17) Rather, Jehovah God is Jesus’ Father. He was born of the Virgin Mary and grew up in Jerusalem with his mother Mariama"
"Jesus prayed to Jehovah God, and he taught his disciples the same.—Matthew 6:9."
"So does the Bible teach us to pray for Jesus, Mary or any of our saints? Or do we need angels as a means in order that God will hear and answer your request."
"No, the Bible says that we should pray only to Jehovah God."
"Let's think about why we have to do this."
"First, prayer is a part of our worship and the Bible says that we are to adore Jehovah God."
"(Matthew 4:10) Second, the Bible says that only Jehovah God is one who \"answers prayers.\""
"(Psalm 65:2) Although Jehovah God assigns various duties to his creatures, he never gives the task of listening and answering prayers."
"Jehovah God promises that he himself will hear each of our prayers."
"So if you want God to hear your prayers, it's a good idea that we remember this Bible advice: \"Everyone who calls on the Lord [Jehovah] will be saved.\""
"(Acts 2:19) But does Jehovah God hear all prayers? Does he listen to every one of us when we ask him for help and guidance in our daily lives, or do you have any questions about this particular person?’"
"Or, do we need to make some other commitments in order for Jehovah God To hear our prayers? ^ par."
"9 Some people follow a custom that prohibits them from mentioning God's name only in nominal context, including prayer."
"However, in the original Bible God's name appear at least 7012 times and is frequently mentioned by Jehovah god-servant people as part of their prayers."
"[Image on page 5] Elijah's words to Baal’S prophet indicate that not all prayers are for places like Phahe-phah.2 To whom? w10 pg37"
"FOLLOW-UP INFORMATION 4 About what exactly?"
"FUTURE INFORMATION 5 When and where?"
"INFORMATION ON STEP 6 Can you help us?"
"INFORMATION ON THE 7TH FACE Does God hear and answer?"
"HOW DOES YOUR FAMILY LIVE HAPPED Talking to your children about sexuality Do I need a membership in any religion?"
"What do angels book our lives?"
"God did \"many great things\" how do I know about it?"
"HONOR YOURSELF A gift that will bless the whole world Travel to all corners of this earth How can we control our thoughts?"
"The God Who \"Responds to Prayer\" Text Options for downloading the publication THE STUDY GUIDE January-February,2013 Download PDF Version"
] |
Quarta – Feira, IV Semana Tempo Advento (ANO B) – Diocese de Dili\nDiocese de Dili > NOTÍCIAS > LETURA DIÁRIA > Quarta – Feira, IV Semana Tempo Advento (ANO B)\nQuarta – Feira, IV Semana Tempo Advento (ANO B)\nLia housi Profecia Malaquias nian:\nNa’i Maromak lia tun nune’e: “Ha’u sei haruka Ha’u nia manuain, atu hadi’a dalan iha Ha’u oin. Teki-tekir sei tama iha Nia templo Na’i nebé ami hein ho laran manas, anjo moruk nian nebé imi hanoin tebes. Nia mak mai nebá, Na’i hot-hotu nian lia tun. Maibé sé lós bele tahan loron nebé Nia hi’it-An mai? Bele hamriik metin wainhira Nia mosu mai? Nia hanesan ahi ema tuku besi nian, hanesan mós lixivia ema fase hena sira nian.\nNia sei tur atu halo nauen hodi hamos. Nia sei hamos Levi nia oan sira, sei tisi sira didiak lós hanesan ema tisi osa mean no mutin. Nune’e sira bele hasa’e ba Na’i Maromak buat-karan ida di’ak liu tebes duni. Hafoin, Judá no Jerusalem nia buat-karan sei haksolok Na’i, hanesan houri uluk, hanesan iha tinan uluk liu nian. Ha’u sei haruka ba imi profeta Elias, molok Na’i nia loron to’o, loron ne’e boot no maka’as liu. Nia sei halo aman no oan sira fó laran ba malu atu Ha’u la bele hakanek rain ho malisan”.\nSalmo Responsorial Sal. 24(25). 4bc-5ab, 8, 9, 10, 14 (R. Lc. 2l. 28)\nRefrão : Foti imi ulun ba, imi maksoyn besik daudaun!!! Repete-se\nNa’i bolu ba besik liu Nia graça,\nLiurai povo hotu nian, fatuk inan Kreda nian, hi’it-An\nmai soi ema be Ita halo housi rai rahun. Refrão\nIha tempo nebá, loron to’o ona atu Isabel tur-ahi oan mane ida. Nia maluk no parente sira hatene katak Na’i hatudu laran-luak boot tebes ba nia. Sira mós haksolok ho lia ne’e.\nLiu tiha loron ualu, sira mai halo circuncisão ba kiikoan no hakarak hanaran nia ho nia aman nia naran Zacarias. Maibé nia inan hatan dehan: “La bele! Sei hanaran nia João”. Sira dehan ba nia: “Maibé la iha 0 nia parente ida ho naran ne’e”.\nSira housi Sinal husu ba nia aman oinsá lós nia hakarak hanaran kiikoan. Aman husu aikabelak ida hodi hatan ho hakerek; “Nia naran mak João”. Ema hotu hakfodak. Nia ibun nakloke kedas, nia nanal mós mamar, hahu ko’alia hawélok Maromak. Nia maluk sira hotu hamta’uk wa’in. Hafoin iha Judeia foho leten sira tomak, ema haktuir buat hirak ne’e hotu. Sira be rona ema haktuir buat hirak ne’e, rai didiak iha sira laran hodi hateten; “Kiikoan ne’e sei sai sé lós?”. Tebes duni, Na’i futar liman hamahan nia.\nPrevious PostTerça-Feira, IV Semana Tempo Advento (ANO B) Next PostMensagem Natal 2020 | [
"Quarta - Feira, IV Semana Tempo Advento (ANO B) - Diocese de Dili Diocese de Dili > NOTICIAS > LETURA DIARIA > Quarta - Feira, IV Semana Tempo Advento (ANO B) Quarta - Feira, IV Semana Tempo Advento (ANO B) Lia housi Profecia Malaquias nian: Na'i Maromak lia tun nune'e: \"Ha'u sei haruka Ha'u nia manuain, atu hadi'a dalan iha Ha'u oin.",
"Teki-tekir sei tama iha Nia templo Na'i nebe ami hein ho laran manas, anjo moruk nian nebe imi hanoin tebes.",
"Nia mak mai neba, Na'i hot-hotu nian lia tun.",
"Maibe se los bele tahan loron nebe Nia hi'it-An mai?",
"Bele hamriik metin wainhira Nia mosu mai?",
"Nia hanesan ahi ema tuku besi nian, hanesan mos lixivia ema fase hena sira nian.",
"Nia sei tur atu halo nauen hodi hamos.",
"Nia sei hamos Levi nia oan sira, sei tisi sira didiak los hanesan ema tisi osa mean no mutin.",
"Nune'e sira bele hasa'e ba Na'i Maromak buat-karan ida di'ak liu tebes duni.",
"Hafoin, Juda no Jerusalem nia buat-karan sei haksolok Na'i, hanesan houri uluk, hanesan iha tinan uluk liu nian.",
"Ha'u sei haruka ba imi profeta Elias, molok Na'i nia loron to'o, loron ne'e boot no maka'as liu.",
"Nia sei halo aman no oan sira fo laran ba malu atu Ha'u la bele hakanek rain ho malisan.\"",
"Salmo Responsorial Sal.",
"24 (25).",
"4bc-5ab, 8, 9, 10, 14 (R. Lc.",
"28) Refrao: Foti imi ulun ba, imi maksoyn besik daudaun!!!",
"Repete-se Na'i bolu ba besik liu Nia graca, Liurai povo hotu nian, fatuk inan Kreda nian, hi'it-An mai soi ema be Ita halo housi rai rahun.",
"Refrao Iha tempo neba, loron to'o ona atu Isabel tur-ahi oan mane ida.",
"Nia maluk no parente sira hatene katak Na'i hatudu laran-luak boot tebes ba nia.",
"Sira mos haksolok ho lia ne'e.",
"Liu tiha loron ualu, sira mai halo circuncisao ba kiikoan no hakarak hanaran nia ho nia aman nia naran Zacarias.",
"Maibe nia inan hatan dehan: \"La bele!",
"Sei hanaran nia Joao.\"",
"Sira dehan ba nia: \"Maibe la iha 0 nia parente ida ho naran ne'e.\"",
"Sira housi Sinal husu ba nia aman oinsa los nia hakarak hanaran kiikoan.",
"Aman husu aikabelak ida hodi hatan ho hakerek; \"Nia naran mak Joao.\"",
"Ema hotu hakfodak.",
"Nia ibun nakloke kedas, nia nanal mos mamar, hahu ko'alia hawelok Maromak.",
"Nia maluk sira hotu hamta'uk wa'in.",
"Hafoin iha Judeia foho leten sira tomak, ema haktuir buat hirak ne'e hotu.",
"Sira be rona ema haktuir buat hirak ne'e, rai didiak iha sira laran hodi hateten; \"Kiikoan ne'e sei sai se los?.\"",
"Tebes duni, Na'i futar liman hamahan nia.",
"Previous PostTerca-Feira, IV Semana Tempo Advento (ANO B) Next PostMensagem Natal 2020"
] | [
"Wednesday, 4th Week in Advent (YEAR B) - Diocese of Dili Catholic News Service > NEWS> DAILY READINGS from the prophecy by Malachi: The Lord said to me this way; \"Behold I will send my angel and he shall prepare a path before Me."
"The angel of the Lord, whom we have longed for with eager anticipation will enter into his temple."
"It is he who comes, the word of God to all."
"But can they bear the day of His resurrection?"
"Will you stand firm when He appears? Can we hold fast to Him at His coming."
"He is like the fire of an ironsmith, and as bleach for a waxmaker."
"He will rise to do nauen for hamos."
"And he shall cleanse the sons of Levi, and weave them as a man weaves wool."
"So they can offer to the Lord a very good offering of meat."
"Then shall Judah and Jerusalem rejoice in the LORD, as they did at first; for it is like old times."
"Behold, I will send unto you Elijah the prophet before that day of Jehovah cometh; it shall be great and exceedingly exalted."
"He will make fathers and children have mercy on each other so that I can not insult the country with malice.\""
"Responsorial Psalm Ps."
"24 (19). pp. 30–56, and pgs:"
"4bc-5ab,10 (R. Lc)."
"2l. of water, then add the remaining ingredients and mix until smooth"
"28) Refrao: Turn your heads away, for you are near to die!!!"
"Repeat, the Lord has called near his grace; King of all peoples and mother-stone in Crete! Bring forth your creation from dry earth."
"Now the days were fulfilled for Elizabeth to bear a son, and she conceived."
"And his brethren and relatives heard that the Lord had shown great mercy to him."
"They also rejoiced at the word."
"And it came to pass on the eighth day, that they went and circumcised his child: which were going unto call him Zechariah after His father's name."
"But his mother answered and said, \"No; it is not possible."
"You shall call his name John.\""
"They said to him, \"But there is no one in his family who has this name.\""
"They from Sinal asked his father how he really wanted to name Kiikoan."
"My father asked for a pen and wrote, \"His name is João.\""
"She's a good lady."
"And immediately his womb opened, and he began to breastfeed."
"All of his friends were delighted."
"And it came to pass, that in all the country of Judaea they declared these things."
"And when they heard these things, there was a great confusion within them; saying: \"What shall this be?\""
"And the Lord lifted up his hand toward him."
"Previous PostTuesday, 4th Week in Advent (YEAR B) Next postChristmas Message for the Year of Our Lord"
] |
By Tempo Timor January 18, 2020 2807\nXefe Bankada CNRT, Duarte Nunes Foto Suplai\nTempotimor (Dili)-Partidu ho votus barak liu iha bloku Aliansa Mudansa ba Progresu (AMP), CNRT, sente sai vitima ba impase politika ne’ebé akontese iha Timor Leste. Ho nune’e, maioria deputadu husi Bankada CNRT iha Parlamentu Nasionál (PN) deside hodi la apoiu proposta OJE 2020.\nHanesan públiku hatene, iha votasaun jeneralidade ba OJE 2020, deputadu na’in 13 a favor, deputadu na’in 15 kontra, no deputadu na’in 25 abstensaun. Signifika proposta OJE 2020 iha jeneralidade la pasa.\nPrezidente Bankada CNRT iha PN, Duarte Nunes hatete, durante ne’e CNRT sente sofre iha situasaun empase politika ne'ebé lao.\n"Ami hetan persegisaun durante tinan 2," dehan Duarte iha Parlamentu Nasional Dili, Sesta (17/01).\nTuir CNRT, iha inkonsistensia iha programa governu nian, tanba hatudu intensaun atu la tau konsiderasaun ba programa AMP ne’ebé promesa on aba povu.\n"Ami haree situasaun ne'e triste. Ami deputadu CNRT uza dereitu atu vota tuir konsensia," dehan Duarte.\nIha fatin hanesan, maske proposta OJE 2020 la pasa, maibé Bankada PLP iha komitementu nafatin hodi apoiu goveru AMP ne’ebé lidera husi Primeiru Ministru Taur Matan Ruak.\n"Apoiu ba VIII governu konstitusional tanba alokasaun OJE 2020 ba seitor importante haat relasiona ho povu nia nesesidade,” dehan deputadu PLP Noé da Silva.\nTan ne’e, nia dehan, bankada PLP iha PN afirma ninia votus konfiansa ba governu no ba OJE 2020.\nBankada KHUNTO, liu husi deputadu Antonio Nobel husu ba governu AMP atu hadia prestasaun serbisu iha seitór saúde, infraestrutura, bee-moos no saneamentu, dezenvolve ekonomia, agrikultura, turizmu no petroleum.\nDeputadu Bankada PUDD Antonio Benevides husu ba PM Taur atu hadia komunikasaun di’ak iha AMP no ho membru governu sira.\n"Ha’u hato'o ba Primeiru Ministru atu halo komunisaun di’ak ho AMP sira, tanba laiha unidade, povu kontinua terus,” nia sujere.\nBankada opozisaun, FRETILIN, ne’ebé vota kontra OJE 2020 fó razaun katak, sira vota kontra tanba porsentajen OJE 2019 ne’ebé haksoit derrepente hodi hamosu dúvidas.\nPrezidente Bankada FRETILIN, Aniceto Guterres, kestiona mós promesa governu AMP atu kria kampu serbisu rihun 60.\n“Bankada FRETILIN iha esperansa estrutura proposta OJE (2020) hafoin retira atu iha mudansa ba pro povu maibé realidade OJE 2020 foun (la) pro-povu. Ami triste ho proposta OJE," deklara Aniceto.\nTuir Aniceto, proposta OJE 2020 la tau importansia ba povu nia nesesidade baziku.\n"Laiha investementu iha área edukasaun, saude, sgrikutura," dehan Aniceito.\nBa kestaun hirak ne’e, PM Taur deklara, governu sempre rona no tau konsiderasaun ba rekomendasaun husi deputadu sira.\n"Se deputadu sira hakarak ba rrsamentu duadesimu, ha’u-nia governu prontu simu konsekuensia," deklara PM Taur.\nLast modified on Sunday, 19 January 2020 00:21\n« AMP Nakfera Lei OJE 2020 La pasa Rezultadu Votasaun OJE 2020: Lealdade Ba Lider Partidu La'ós Estadu » | [
"By Tempo Timor January 18, 2020 2807 Xefe Bankada CNRT, Duarte Nunes Foto Suplai Tempotimor (Dili) -Partidu ho votus barak liu iha bloku Aliansa Mudansa ba Progresu (AMP), CNRT, sente sai vitima ba impase politika ne'ebe akontese iha Timor Leste.",
"Ho nune'e, maioria deputadu husi Bankada CNRT iha Parlamentu Nasional (PN) deside hodi la apoiu proposta OJE 2020.",
"Hanesan publiku hatene, iha votasaun jeneralidade ba OJE 2020, deputadu na'in 13 a favor, deputadu na'in 15 kontra, no deputadu na'in 25 abstensaun.",
"Signifika proposta OJE 2020 iha jeneralidade la pasa.",
"Prezidente Bankada CNRT iha PN, Duarte Nunes hatete, durante ne'e CNRT sente sofre iha situasaun empase politika ne'ebe lao.",
"\"Ami hetan persegisaun durante tinan 2,\" dehan Duarte iha Parlamentu Nasional Dili, Sesta (17/01).",
"Tuir CNRT, iha inkonsistensia iha programa governu nian, tanba hatudu intensaun atu la tau konsiderasaun ba programa AMP ne'ebe promesa on aba povu.",
"\"Ami haree situasaun ne'e triste.",
"Ami deputadu CNRT uza dereitu atu vota tuir konsensia,\" dehan Duarte.",
"Iha fatin hanesan, maske proposta OJE 2020 la pasa, maibe Bankada PLP iha komitementu nafatin hodi apoiu goveru AMP ne'ebe lidera husi Primeiru Ministru Taur Matan Ruak.",
"\"Apoiu ba VIII governu konstitusional tanba alokasaun OJE 2020 ba seitor importante haat relasiona ho povu nia nesesidade,\" dehan deputadu PLP Noe da Silva.",
"Tan ne'e, nia dehan, bankada PLP iha PN afirma ninia votus konfiansa ba governu no ba OJE 2020.",
"Bankada KHUNTO, liu husi deputadu Antonio Nobel husu ba governu AMP atu hadia prestasaun serbisu iha seitor saude, infraestrutura, bee-moos no saneamentu, dezenvolve ekonomia, agrikultura, turizmu no petroleum.",
"Deputadu Bankada PUDD Antonio Benevides husu ba PM Taur atu hadia komunikasaun di'ak iha AMP no ho membru governu sira.",
"\"Ha'u hato'o ba Primeiru Ministru atu halo komunisaun di'ak ho AMP sira, tanba laiha unidade, povu kontinua terus,\" nia sujere.",
"Bankada opozisaun, FRETILIN, ne'ebe vota kontra OJE 2020 fo razaun katak, sira vota kontra tanba porsentajen OJE 2019 ne'ebe haksoit derrepente hodi hamosu duvidas.",
"Prezidente Bankada FRETILIN, Aniceto Guterres, kestiona mos promesa governu AMP atu kria kampu serbisu rihun 60.",
"\"Bankada FRETILIN iha esperansa estrutura proposta OJE (2020) hafoin retira atu iha mudansa ba pro povu maibe realidade OJE 2020 foun (la) pro-povu.",
"Ami triste ho proposta OJE,\" deklara Aniceto.",
"Tuir Aniceto, proposta OJE 2020 la tau importansia ba povu nia nesesidade baziku.",
"\"Laiha investementu iha area edukasaun, saude, sgrikutura,\" dehan Aniceito.",
"Ba kestaun hirak ne'e, PM Taur deklara, governu sempre rona no tau konsiderasaun ba rekomendasaun husi deputadu sira.",
"\"Se deputadu sira hakarak ba rrsamentu duadesimu, ha'u-nia governu prontu simu konsekuensia,\" deklara PM Taur.",
"Last modified on Sunday, 19 January 2020 00:21 \" AMP Nakfera Lei OJE 2020 La pasa Rezultadu Votasaun OJE 2020: Lealdade Ba Lider Partidu La'os Estadu \""
] | [
"Tempotimor (Dili) -The party with the most votes in AMP'S bloc, CNRT feel victimized by Timor-Leste political impasse. The opposition Party of National Unity and Progressive Movement(CNRT), which has been a leader since 2017 is now facing difficulties as it faced an uncertainty over its future after losing all three parliamentary elections last year to Alianza Mudansa ba Avansu (\"Alliance for Change\" or \"AMP\")."
"Thus, the majority of members from CNRT Group in Parliament (PN) decided not to support 2019 budget proposal."
"As the public knows, in a general vote on Budget 2019-34 there were three MPS for and one against."
"This means that the 2019 budget proposal was not passed by a majority."
"Duarte Nunes, the CNRP Group Chairman in Parliament said that during this period of political impasse his party felt suffering."
"\"We have been persecuted for two years,\" Duarte said in the Dili National Parliament on Saturday (17/02)."
"According to CNRP, there is inconsistency in the government's programme because it shows an intention not of taking into consideration AMP program which promised good things for people."
"\"We see this situation as sad. It's not good for us,\" he said in a statement to the BBC on Thursday morning.\""
"We CNRT MPs used our right to vote by conscience,\" said Duarte."
"Similarly, although the proposed 2019 budget was not passed by parliamentary committees in May and June of this year (see below), PLP remained committed to supporting AMP government led By Prime Minister Taur Matan Ruak."
"\"We support the VIII constitutional government because of its allocation in 2019 budget to four important sectors related with people' s needs,\" said PLP MP Noe da Silva."
"Therefore, he said the PLP group in Parliament affirms its vote of confidence to government and budget 2019."
"The KHUNTO group, through MP Antonio Nobel asks the AMP government to improve performance in health care sectors and infrastructure; water supply & sanitation. To develop economy of agriculture tourism petroleum etc"
"PUDD Group MP Antonio Benevides asked PM Taur to improve communication within AMP and with members of the government."
"\"I urge the Prime Minister to make good communion with AMP, because without unity people will continue suffering.\" he suggested."
"The opposition group, FRETILIN which voted against the 2019 budget said that they were voting because of a sudden increase in percentages."
"FRETILIN Party Chair Aniceto Guterres also questioned the AMP government’s promise to create 60,157 jobs."
"\"FRETILIN's bank hoped that the structure of 2019 budget proposal would be pro-people after it was revoked, but in reality this new Budget is not."
"I'm sad to have proposed an OJE,\" declares Aniceto."
"According to Aniceto, the proposed 2019 budget does not take into account people’s basic needs."
"\"There is no investment in the area of education, health care and infrastructures\", says Aniceito."
"On these issues, PM Taur declares that the government always listens and takes into consideration recommendations from MP."
"\"If MPs want a twelfth recall, my government is ready to accept the consequences\", declared PM Taur."
"Last modified on Sunday, 19 January. \" AMP Nakfera Lei BJ20 La passa Resultado Votamento AO JF: Lealdade Ba Lider PartiduLa'os Estadu\""
] |
TEMPO SEMANAL: Trafiku Kusa Ponte Komoro, PNTL Habai iha Alkatraun Manas, UNPOL Sulan Aan Iha Karreta AC\nTrafiku Kusa Ponte Komoro, PNTL Habai iha Alkatraun Manas, UNPOL Sulan Aan Iha Karreta AC\nTempo Semanal-Dili, 28.02.2011\nMikrolet ho koor mutin ida hetaan dezastre iha entrada ponte Komoro husi diresaun kapital Dili ba oeste sakrifika maka'as husi parte lafatik ba to'o igreija ai mutin no dalan tun fali ba pantai kelapa besik eskola STIE ninian.\nFalta prezensa polisia nasional Timor Leste liu-liu husi parte Polisia trafiku ninian hamosu problema tafiku iha area ne'ebe hanesan ba dala rua iha fulan Fevereiru ninia laran.\nAkontesimentu ida ne'e hahu mais ou menus besik tuku rua loron kraik no movimentu tafiku hahu normal fali loloos liu tuku sanulu resin loron kraik.\nTuir observasaun Karreta ne'ebe mai husi diresaun aeroportu ho cidade tranka malu iha ponte leten no lori oras balun ninian laran maka PNTL to'o hodi atura trafiku ne'e fila ba normal. "Tan ba problema ne'e maka komandante distritu Dili daudaun ne'e hirus hela komanadante polisia Trafiku Dili ninian," dehan fontes Tempo Semanal ne'ebe besik liu ba komandante PNTL Pedro Belo.\nLa'os tranporte roda haat de'it maka labele la'o maibe motor mos sofre boot iha loron manas nia okos tan ba la konsege atu ses hodi liu ponte refere.\nIha distritu ne'ebe ninia seguransa sei iha responsabilidade UNPOL ninian ne'e mosu trafiku fila-fila ona maibe iha akontesimentu sira ne'e susar atu haree Polisia internasional sira la sai husi sira nia karreta mutin ho marka sinal UNPOL hodi husi membru PNTL ninia oan sira habai aan iha aspal nia manas leten.\nUNPOL sira tuur iha sira nia karreta laran la liga rai no hetook aat liu tan sira hirus fali jornalista ne'ebe koko atu hasai sira nia filme.\nPonte komoro uniku ligasaun entre kapital ho parte oeste cidade ninian ne'e, iha lina ida fasilita transporte ba cidade no ida seluk sai ba diresaun aero porte ninian.\nHo medidas dalan ne'ebe klot maibe Komunidade kapital agora fakar osan wain ba sosa karreta hodi aumenta trafiku maka'as, nune'e tuir sofer taxista ida ne'ebe sofre mos trafiku ohin loron ne'e ninian dehan la kleur de'it numeru trafiku iha Dili sei aumenta barak liu maka'as tan ba lakleur de'it ema barak sei sosa karreta segundu mau husi Singapora ho Japaun hafoin hetan subsidiu no pensaun ba veteranus ninian. (TS).\nPosted by TEMPO SEMANAL at 00:15\nLabels: Dili trafik PNTL Habai Aan UNPOL Sulan Aan iha Karreta AC | [
"TEMPO SEMANAL: Trafiku Kusa Ponte Komoro, PNTL Habai iha Alkatraun Manas, UNPOL Sulan Aan Iha Karreta AC Trafiku Kusa Ponte Komoro, PNTL Habai iha Alkatraun Manas, UNPOL Sulan Aan Iha Karreta AC Tempo Semanal-Dili, 28.02.2011 Mikrolet ho koor mutin ida hetaan dezastre iha entrada ponte Komoro husi diresaun kapital Dili ba oeste sakrifika maka'as husi parte lafatik ba to'o igreija ai mutin no dalan tun fali ba pantai kelapa besik eskola STIE ninian.",
"Falta prezensa polisia nasional Timor Leste liu-liu husi parte Polisia trafiku ninian hamosu problema tafiku iha area ne'ebe hanesan ba dala rua iha fulan Fevereiru ninia laran.",
"Akontesimentu ida ne'e hahu mais ou menus besik tuku rua loron kraik no movimentu tafiku hahu normal fali loloos liu tuku sanulu resin loron kraik.",
"Tuir observasaun Karreta ne'ebe mai husi diresaun aeroportu ho cidade tranka malu iha ponte leten no lori oras balun ninian laran maka PNTL to'o hodi atura trafiku ne'e fila ba normal.",
"\"Tan ba problema ne'e maka komandante distritu Dili daudaun ne'e hirus hela komanadante polisia Trafiku Dili ninian,\" dehan fontes Tempo Semanal ne'ebe besik liu ba komandante PNTL Pedro Belo.",
"La'os tranporte roda haat de'it maka labele la'o maibe motor mos sofre boot iha loron manas nia okos tan ba la konsege atu ses hodi liu ponte refere.",
"Iha distritu ne'ebe ninia seguransa sei iha responsabilidade UNPOL ninian ne'e mosu trafiku fila-fila ona maibe iha akontesimentu sira ne'e susar atu haree Polisia internasional sira la sai husi sira nia karreta mutin ho marka sinal UNPOL hodi husi membru PNTL ninia oan sira habai aan iha aspal nia manas leten.",
"UNPOL sira tuur iha sira nia karreta laran la liga rai no hetook aat liu tan sira hirus fali jornalista ne'ebe koko atu hasai sira nia filme.",
"Ponte komoro uniku ligasaun entre kapital ho parte oeste cidade ninian ne'e, iha lina ida fasilita transporte ba cidade no ida seluk sai ba diresaun aero porte ninian.",
"Ho medidas dalan ne'ebe klot maibe Komunidade kapital agora fakar osan wain ba sosa karreta hodi aumenta trafiku maka'as, nune'e tuir sofer taxista ida ne'ebe sofre mos trafiku ohin loron ne'e ninian dehan la kleur de'it numeru trafiku iha Dili sei aumenta barak liu maka'as tan ba lakleur de'it ema barak sei sosa karreta segundu mau husi Singapora ho Japaun hafoin hetan subsidiu no pensaun ba veteranus ninian.",
"Posted by TEMPO SEMANAL at 00:15 Labels: Dili trafik PNTL Habai Aan UNPOL Sulan Aan iha Karreta AC"
] | [
"TEMPO SEMANAL: Traffic Closes Komoro Bridge, PNTL Fire in Manaus Police Station and UNPOL Shoot Away In AC Car Tempo Semanal-Dili 28.03"
"The lack of presence by the national police, especially traffic officers in Timor-Leste has caused a problem for road users on two occasion during February."
"The incident began about two o'clock in the afternoon and traffic returned to normal around 1:30 p.m, with a total of approximately one hundred taxis being deployed for repair work on both sides at this time as well!"
"According to observations, a car coming from the direction of airport and city blocked each other on bridge below for several hours before PNTL arrived in order stop traffic."
"\"Because of this problem, the Dili district commander is currently hiring a traffic police officer to take over from him\", said Tempo Semanal's sources closest with PNTL Commanding Officer Pedro Belo."
"It is not only four-wheeled vehicles that are unable to move but motors also suffer greatly on hot days because they cannot cross the bridge."
"In the districts where UNPOL will be responsible for security, traffic has been increasing but during these events it is difficult to see international policemen not getting out of their small cars with a marked sign from Unpol and allowing children who are members in PNTL (National Police Force) throw themselves on asphalt."
"The UNPOLs were sitting in their cars uncovered and even worse, they attacked the journalist who was trying to take off his film."
"The Komoro Bridge is the only link between capital and western part of this city, with one line facilitating transportation into town while another exiting in direction to airport."
"With the road measures that are not good but capital community now spend a lot of money to buy cars and increase high traffic, so according one taxi driver who also suffered from today' s Traffic said soon enough number in Dili will be increased much more rapidly because very quickly many people would purchase second-hand car after Singapore or Japan subsidy for veteran pension."
"(TS). ."
"Posted by TEMPO SEMANAL at 01:25 Labels, Dili trafik PNTL Habai Aan UNPOL Sula a An iha Karreta AC"
] |
Publiku hakarak hatene Eis Administrador Dili nia kazu\n11 Setembru 2013\nRadio, online - Kazu Eis Admistrador Distritu Dili, Ruben Bras de Carvalho ne’ebé faktus iha Tribunal Distrital Dili iha tinan 2011 dehan katak, Ruben Bras halo duni pratika korupsaun. Ho ida ne’e publiku husu ba Tribunal atu fo sai ba publiku no Ruben Bras ninia paradeiru iha nebe los.\nDiretor Judicial System Monitoring Programme (JSMP), Luis de Oliveira Sampaio dehan, kazu Ruben Bras ne’e tribunal kondena tina tolu fulan nen, maibe ba tribunal rekursu hasai fulan nen, tanba nia selu indiminizasaun ka selu ba estado. Kazu ne’e akontese iha tinan 2011 .\n“Pena prijaun ba tinan tolu ne’e laos nia ba komarka iha prijaun maibe nia livre iha liur tanba, iha ita nia kodiku penal ne’e estabele katak, pena ne’ebe la as liu tinan tolu, nia livre iha liur maibe nia la halo serbisu sira seluk. Estatuta mos kondenado nafatin,”dehan Luis Sampaio.\nIha parte seluk Diretor interinu Assosiasaun HAK Manuel Monteiro dehan, tanba saida mak kazu Ruben Bras nian presiza tebes Tribunal fo sai lolos ba publiku no publiku iha direitu atu hatene justisa iha nasaun ne’e lao oinsa.\n“Husu tribunal atu fo sai lalais nia desijaun ikus ba publiku tanba publiku agora dadaun hein hela nia desijaun ikus. See tribunal la fo sai lalais, mak ne’e , publiku kestiona katak justisa iha Timor ne’e ba ema balun deit,”komenta Manuel. | [
"Publiku hakarak hatene Eis Administrador Dili nia kazu 11 Setembru 2013 Radio, online - Kazu Eis Admistrador Distritu Dili, Ruben Bras de Carvalho ne'ebe faktus iha Tribunal Distrital Dili iha tinan 2011 dehan katak, Ruben Bras halo duni pratika korupsaun.",
"Ho ida ne'e publiku husu ba Tribunal atu fo sai ba publiku no Ruben Bras ninia paradeiru iha nebe los.",
"Diretor Judicial System Monitoring Programme (JSMP), Luis de Oliveira Sampaio dehan, kazu Ruben Bras ne'e tribunal kondena tina tolu fulan nen, maibe ba tribunal rekursu hasai fulan nen, tanba nia selu indiminizasaun ka selu ba estado.",
"Kazu ne'e akontese iha tinan 2011 .",
"\"Pena prijaun ba tinan tolu ne'e laos nia ba komarka iha prijaun maibe nia livre iha liur tanba, iha ita nia kodiku penal ne'e estabele katak, pena ne'ebe la as liu tinan tolu, nia livre iha liur maibe nia la halo serbisu sira seluk.",
"Estatuta mos kondenado nafatin,\"dehan Luis Sampaio.",
"Iha parte seluk Diretor interinu Assosiasaun HAK Manuel Monteiro dehan, tanba saida mak kazu Ruben Bras nian presiza tebes Tribunal fo sai lolos ba publiku no publiku iha direitu atu hatene justisa iha nasaun ne'e lao oinsa.",
"\"Husu tribunal atu fo sai lalais nia desijaun ikus ba publiku tanba publiku agora dadaun hein hela nia desijaun ikus.",
"See tribunal la fo sai lalais, mak ne'e , publiku kestiona katak justisa iha Timor ne'e ba ema balun deit,\"komenta Manuel."
] | [
"The public wants to know the case of former Dili District Administrator 12 September, online - Case against ex-Dili district administrator Ruben Bras de Carvalho which was brought before a court in December last year says that he did practice corruption."
"With this, the public is asking that court to give out Ruben Bras's true whereabouts."
"Judicial Director of the System Monitoring Programme (JSMP), Luis de Oliveira Sampaio, said that in Ruben Bras's case a court sentenced him to three months imprisonment but on appeal he was released from jail because his defendant paid for indimination or served time."
"The case occurred in 2013, and the court ruled that it was not a crime."
"\"The three-year prison sentence is not for him to go into the community but he's free abroad because, in our penal code it establishes that if his penalty exceeds 3 years of imprisonment and you are released from jail without doing any other work."
"Statute is still condemned,\" said Luis Sampaio."
"On the other hand, Interim Director of HAK Association Manuel Monteiro said that why Ruben Bras's case is so urgently needed to be revealed by court and public has a right for knowing how justice in this country works."
"\"I urge the court to give its final decision promptly as it is currently awaited by a large number of people."
"If the tribunal does not give it quickly, then public question that justice in Timor is for a few people only\", Manuel comments."
] |
Relatóriu OJE seidauk rekolla hotu ■Aban diskute jeneralidade - GMN TV\nGMN TV Politika Relatóriu OJE seidauk rekolla hotu ■Aban diskute jeneralidade\nKomisaun C Parlamentu Nasionál (PN) seidauk rekolla hotu relatóriu pareser kona-ba audiénsia públiku ba Orsamentu Jeral Estadu (OJE) 2018 entre Governu ho komisaun espesializada permanente 7 ne’ebé hala’o durante loron 6 husi loron 14 to’o 21 fulan Agostu ne’e.\nTanba ne’e, ajenda atu diskute Orsamentu Jeral Estadu (OJE) 2018 iha faze jeneralidade ne’ebé tuir planu sei diskute durante loron rua ne’e, posibilidade sei hahú iha Tersa loron 28 fulan ne’e.\nTuir ajenda ne’ebé planeia husi Parlamentu, diskusaun OJE iha jeneralidade atu hahú iha Segunda, loron 27 fulan ne’e.\nRelasiona ho rekollamentu relatóriu ne’e, jornalista sira tenta konfirma ho Prezidente komisaun C, Fernanda Lay, maibe nia parte lakoi atu fó komenatriu barak, tanba okupadu hela rekolla relatóriu husi komisaun sira seluk hodi prepara atu aprezenta ba plenária hodi diskute.\n“Ami agora okupadu hela, hein hela komisaun sira atu entrega relatóriu mai, tanba ne’e, imi (jornalista) sira hein de’it to’o iha Prezidente mak fó informasaun,”dehan deputada Fernanda Lay iha PN, Sesta (24/08/2018).\nAlende ne’e, Prezidente Komisaun A asuntu Justisa no Konstitusional, Carmelita Caetano Moniz relata ona, nia parte ho nia membru komisaun entrega ona relatóriu pareser ba komisaun C hodi aprezenta ba meja plenaria, hafoin halo votasaun ho unanimidade iha komisaun A rasik.\nAntes ne’e, Prezidente Parlamentu Nasionál (PPN), Arão Noe de Jesus da Costa Amaral, informa, ajenda loloos prepara ona atu halo diskusaun OJE iha jeneralidade mak Segunda semana ne’e, bainhira komisaun C rekolla hotu no aprezenta ona relatóriu pareser ba plenaria.\nMaibe nia dehan, se iha Segunda dader mak komisaun C konsege konklui nia relatóriu, posibilidade plenária hahú iha parte lorokraik, maibe karik lakonsege nafatin, ajenda adía ba hahú fali iha loron Tersa semana ne’e.\nTuir planu ajenda, Parlamentu Nasionál sei halo diskusaun ba Orsamentu Jeral Estadu iha jeneralidade durante loron 2, no iha espesialidade duarnte 5, hafoin tama iha faze final global hodi halo votasaun no sei entrega ba Prezidente Repúblika, Francisco Guterres Lú Olo’’ atu promulga ka veta tuir kompetensia ne’ebé hatúr iha konstituisaun RDTL.Say | [
"Relatoriu OJE seidauk rekolla hotu #Aban diskute jeneralidade - GMN TV GMN TV Politika Relatoriu OJE seidauk rekolla hotu #Aban diskute jeneralidade Komisaun C Parlamentu Nasional (PN) seidauk rekolla hotu relatoriu pareser kona-ba audiensia publiku ba Orsamentu Jeral Estadu (OJE) 2018 entre Governu ho komisaun espesializada permanente 7 ne'ebe hala'o durante loron 6 husi loron 14 to'o 21 fulan Agostu ne'e.",
"Tanba ne'e, ajenda atu diskute Orsamentu Jeral Estadu (OJE) 2018 iha faze jeneralidade ne'ebe tuir planu sei diskute durante loron rua ne'e, posibilidade sei hahu iha Tersa loron 28 fulan ne'e.",
"Tuir ajenda ne'ebe planeia husi Parlamentu, diskusaun OJE iha jeneralidade atu hahu iha Segunda, loron 27 fulan ne'e.",
"Relasiona ho rekollamentu relatoriu ne'e, jornalista sira tenta konfirma ho Prezidente komisaun C, Fernanda Lay, maibe nia parte lakoi atu fo komenatriu barak, tanba okupadu hela rekolla relatoriu husi komisaun sira seluk hodi prepara atu aprezenta ba plenaria hodi diskute.",
"\"Ami agora okupadu hela, hein hela komisaun sira atu entrega relatoriu mai, tanba ne'e, imi (jornalista) sira hein de'it to'o iha Prezidente mak fo informasaun,\"dehan deputada Fernanda Lay iha PN, Sesta (24/08/2018).",
"Alende ne'e, Prezidente Komisaun A asuntu Justisa no Konstitusional, Carmelita Caetano Moniz relata ona, nia parte ho nia membru komisaun entrega ona relatoriu pareser ba komisaun C hodi aprezenta ba meja plenaria, hafoin halo votasaun ho unanimidade iha komisaun A rasik.",
"Antes ne'e, Prezidente Parlamentu Nasional (PPN), Arao Noe de Jesus da Costa Amaral, informa, ajenda loloos prepara ona atu halo diskusaun OJE iha jeneralidade mak Segunda semana ne'e, bainhira komisaun C rekolla hotu no aprezenta ona relatoriu pareser ba plenaria.",
"Maibe nia dehan, se iha Segunda dader mak komisaun C konsege konklui nia relatoriu, posibilidade plenaria hahu iha parte lorokraik, maibe karik lakonsege nafatin, ajenda adia ba hahu fali iha loron Tersa semana ne'e.",
"Tuir planu ajenda, Parlamentu Nasional sei halo diskusaun ba Orsamentu Jeral Estadu iha jeneralidade durante loron 2, no iha espesialidade duarnte 5, hafoin tama iha faze final global hodi halo votasaun no sei entrega ba Prezidente Republika, Francisco Guterres Lu Olo \" atu promulga ka veta tuir kompetensia ne'ebe hatur iha konstituisaun RDTL.Say"
] | [
"#Aban diskute jeneralidade - GMN TV Politika The National Parliament (PN) has not collected all the reports regarding public hearing for General State Budget 2018 between Government and specialised permanent committee number seven, which took place during six days from Aug."
"Therefore, the agenda is to discuss General State Budget (GSB) 2018 in general phase which accordingly will be debated during these two days and possibly begin on Tuesday this month."
"According to the agenda planned by Parliament, discussions on budget in plenary are due for Monday 27th."
"Regarding the report's withdrawal, journalist’ s tried to confirm with Committee C Chair Fernanda Lay but she refused much comment as he was busy collecting other committee rapportes in order for them be presented at plenary session."
"\"We are now busy, waiting for the commissions to deliver their report. Therefore you (journalist) just wait until President gives us information\", said deputy Fernanda Lay in Parliament on Saturday 24 August"
"In addition, the Chairperson of Committee A on Justice and Constitutional Affairs Carmelita Caetano Moniz reported that her party with its members had submitted a report to committee C for presentation in plenary after unanimous votes were taken by commission."
"Earlier, President of the National Parliament (PPN), Arao Noe de Jesus da Costa Amaral informed that actual agenda has been prepared for discussions on budget at plenary this Monday after committee C collected all documents and submitted its opinion report to plenary."
"However, he said that if on Monday Commission C succeeds in concluding its report it is possible for the plenary to begin tomorrow morning. If this still does not work out then we will postpone our agenda and start again Tuesday of next week.\""
"According to the agenda, Parliament will discuss General State Budget in general session for 2 days and plenary meetings over five after entering into final global phase of voting. The bill is then handed down \"to President Francisco Guterres Lu Olo\" so that he can promulgate or veta it accordingly with his power as set out by RDTL constitution.\""
] |
PD Hakarak Hakohak FRETILIN-CNRT – STL Online\nDILI – Partidu Demokratiku hakarak hakohak Partidu CNRT ho FRETILIN, hodi forma governu grande inkluzaun, iha governu da-9, maibe karik partidu rua nee lakohi labele fo sala ba PD.\nPrezidente Partidu Demokratiku, Mariano Assanami Sabino hatete, PD hatoo proposta ba PR no mos hatoo ba Partidu Politiku (Parpol) sira, tanba nee mak loke dialogu ho Parpol sira no PR. PD sempre aposta ba dialogu nasional hanesan dalan ida atu ema hotu bele koalia ba malu, maski iha opozisaun ka governu koalia ba malu liga ba interese nasional.\nAssanami dehan, PD nia proposta ba PR husu atu hakarak grande inkluzaun, nunee involve Parpol boot 2 hanesan CNRT, FRETILIN no Parpol hotu hodi inklui mos lider sira hotu, maibe se ida nee Parpol sira lakohi PD hein, Parpol se mak bolu PD sira prontu hamriik iha sorin.\nAmi fo hatene ona ba Parpol, hanesan FRETILIN ho CNRT hakarak hakohak sira forma governu grande inkluzaun, maibe depende ba parpol sira atu tetu, karik mai ho proposta foun, PD prontu kontribui atu asegura, neebe karik proposta se deit mak husu, ami tenke hamriik ho ida, maibe laos PD nia sala ou kulpa, hatete Assanami ba Jornalista sira, iha nia Rezidensia Ai-Mutin, Dili, Kuarta (19/02/2020).\nEnkuantu isu viral iha midia sosial katak, PD atu forma governu ho CNRT, KHUNTO no partidu kiik forma governu, maibe mos PD atu ho FRETILIN ho sira seluk forma governu mais PD lahili ida, PD hakarak hili hotu 2 nee, tanba dalan mekanizmu forma governu foun tuir konstituisaun legal atu hakotu impase.\nPR atu foti desizaun ba ida neebe, se PR atu fo gozu livre Parpol buka malu, ka PR fo tan tempu ba AMP, ou fo ba segundu mais votadu hanesan FRETILIN. Tanba nee sira labele hili atu ho si A ka, si B forma governu,” hatete Assanami.\nNia dehan, sira halo ida nee tanba impase husi 2017 fo impaktu sosial, impaktu politika boot ba rai ida nee. Tanba nee agora povu lakon konfiansa ba dezenvolvimentu rai ida nee. Laos nee deit maibe oinsa atu instituisaun demokratiku ida nebe mak funsiona ho diak, aposta ba dezenvolvimentu sidadania atu Timor oan hotu sai numeru 1.\nPrezidente partidu PD nee hatete, PD hakarak iha grande inkluzaun ida neebe governu bele lidera husi FRETILIN, ka CNRT ou bele mos PLP, se labele, bele mos maun Ramos ou ema independente, ou bele mos iha konsensus fo jerasaun foun sira husi Parpol seluk.\nMaibe too agora Parpol sira seidauk hanoin atu haree ida nee, partidu sira balu hatete labele ho CNRT, labele ho FRETILIN labele ho PLP atu lao. PD atu dehan karik nee mak akontese, grande inkluzaun entre partidu boot 2 CNRT, FRETILIN bolu ho PD, sira 2 lakohi maibe PD prontu atu oferese aan. Ida nee tanba bezeia ba sira nia esperensia PD kleur hamutuk ho maun Xanana no mos hamutuk ho FRETILIN, inklui besik ho maun Taur.\nHo dialogu entre Parpol sira nee mak ikus mai Parpol sira karik labele hotu, mak iha CNRT hanoin atu avansa ho PD, ka FRETILIN hanoin atu ho PD, ami PD prontu servi nasaun laiha rezerva, ami lahili sira 2 nee maibe atu dehan katak ho se deit ami prontu harii governasaun foun, maibe agora dadaun PR mak determina, tenik nia.\nEis Ministru Agrikultura no Peska iha governu da-5 nee sekunda, PD prontu sakrifika aan, tanba PD asume responsabilidade ona durante nee, PD nia totalidade atu sakrifika aan nee dala barak ona. Tanba sira prinsipiu ukun hanesan hahu agora risku barak, mazemu iha lei sira ideal, atu halo tuir, maibe hanesan situasaun post konflitu dala ruma mos la ideal.\nNia afirma, kuaze Parpol hotu sira hatoo ona hanoin, maibe Parpol balu seidauk responde, balu responde katak laaseita, maibe sira fo hanoin atu bele hakotu impase, i impase nee atu dazafia ema hotu.\nNia esplika tan katak, ema barak lakomprende PD nia prinsipiu koalia buat oin-oin ba PD nia leten, maibe ema iha kuadru PD hatene prinsipiu PD nia totalidade interese estadu no nasaun nian. “Moto katak ba o Timor maubere oan ami prontu servi”.\nAssanami konta, iha momentu sira lao ho FRETILIN, sira hatene atu monu, maibe sira lahusik estadu ida laiha governu, maibe depois lao mai too sira ba fali opozisaun PD fahe no sempre afavor ba buat neebe diak ba rai ida nee hanesan projetu tasi mane, fronteira.\nTanba nee nia dehan, hein deit interpretasaun husi PR, maibe karik atu ba gozu livre depende Parpol neebe hakarak ho PD, tanba PD hatete ona katak ho FRETILIN deklara aliadu lakohi kotu amizade ho FRETILIN.\nPrezidente Partidu Demokratiku nee haktuir tan katak, ho maun Xanana husi CNRT, sira sempre prontu, mezmu sakrifika PD, tanba bainhira CNRT hamriik sira fera PD fahe ba rua. Neebe PD foti risku ba responsabilidade, laarepende depois hamriik ho FRETILIN mezmu kadeira lakon\nHo istoria sira neebe mak ami hasoru, hanesan lisaun atu PD hamrik hanesan Parpol amuneta sira nia maduru, hatete Prezidente PD nee.\nIha parte seluk Adjuntu Sekretariu Jeral Partidu FRETILIN Jose Reis antes nee hatete, Fretilin nia pozisaun lakohi sai blokeia, trava solusaun ba impase, tanba ida nee sira sempre hatete katak FRETILIN iha estratejia ida, depois de retiru iha Viqueque sira nia estratejia servisu ba iha 2023, maibe saida mak akontese iha dia 17 Janeiru 2020. Depois problema mosu iha uma laran, governu monu, tanba nee FRETILIN haree hanesan problema boot, asume mos hanesan mos responsabilidade FRETILIN lakohi sakrifika 1.2 millaun de pesoas nia vida neebe lao,tanba deit interese partidu, tanba nee mak FRETILIN hakarak buka solusaun, tanba importante ba vida populasaun no estadu.\nNia afirma, FRETILIN lakohi kontribui ba blokeia impase, maibe atu fo kontribuisaun ba buka solusaun ba impase. Tanba nee ohin dader PD ho Fretilin mos sira fo hanoin oinsa atu ultrapasa situasaun. Enkuantu agora dadaun ho PLP sira mai iha nee atu buka solusaun ba oin.\nNia afirma tan katak, sira sei iha enkontru dala hira tan ba oin, para atu bele tau hamutuk hanoin oinsa atu bele buka solusaun, tanba nee fiar katak ho komunikasaun sira nee tenke hetan solusaun atu rezolve, impase.\nPozisaun FRETILIN lakohi ba EA, iha mos razaun rua hanesan lakohi atu hametin kultura EA, tanba rai nee depende liu ba OJE, maibe nafatin ba EA nee problema boot ba estadu, tanba nee mak justu no demokratiklu liu labele iha EA, katak Jose Reis.\nTuir nia, deadline enkontru entre Parpol sira nee, agora dadaun , sira preokupa mos maibe sira hanoin katak tempu badak Parpol sira bele halo relatoriu ba PR katak solusaun iha ona.\nEntretantu jornalista koko konfirma ho partidu CNRT iha sede CNRT,Bairrus Grillus, Dili, maibe Sekretariu Jeral Partidu ho Prezidente Partidu CNRT laiha fatin. Rep : Guilhermina Franco / Jeniche da Costa\nPrevious article Preokupa Lina Fronteira\nNext article PD Halakon Kareta Governu\n30 mins ago11:14\n40 mins ago11:04\nSTL Online 30 mins ago | [
"PD Hakarak Hakohak FRETILIN-CNRT - STL Online DILI - Partidu Demokratiku hakarak hakohak Partidu CNRT ho FRETILIN, hodi forma governu grande inkluzaun, iha governu da-9, maibe karik partidu rua nee lakohi labele fo sala ba PD.",
"Prezidente Partidu Demokratiku, Mariano Assanami Sabino hatete, PD hatoo proposta ba PR no mos hatoo ba Partidu Politiku (Parpol) sira, tanba nee mak loke dialogu ho Parpol sira no PR.",
"PD sempre aposta ba dialogu nasional hanesan dalan ida atu ema hotu bele koalia ba malu, maski iha opozisaun ka governu koalia ba malu liga ba interese nasional.",
"Assanami dehan, PD nia proposta ba PR husu atu hakarak grande inkluzaun, nunee involve Parpol boot 2 hanesan CNRT, FRETILIN no Parpol hotu hodi inklui mos lider sira hotu, maibe se ida nee Parpol sira lakohi PD hein, Parpol se mak bolu PD sira prontu hamriik iha sorin.",
"Ami fo hatene ona ba Parpol, hanesan FRETILIN ho CNRT hakarak hakohak sira forma governu grande inkluzaun, maibe depende ba parpol sira atu tetu, karik mai ho proposta foun, PD prontu kontribui atu asegura, neebe karik proposta se deit mak husu, ami tenke hamriik ho ida, maibe laos PD nia sala ou kulpa, hatete Assanami ba Jornalista sira, iha nia Rezidensia Ai-Mutin, Dili, Kuarta (19/02/2020).",
"Enkuantu isu viral iha midia sosial katak, PD atu forma governu ho CNRT, KHUNTO no partidu kiik forma governu, maibe mos PD atu ho FRETILIN ho sira seluk forma governu mais PD lahili ida, PD hakarak hili hotu 2 nee, tanba dalan mekanizmu forma governu foun tuir konstituisaun legal atu hakotu impase.",
"PR atu foti desizaun ba ida neebe, se PR atu fo gozu livre Parpol buka malu, ka PR fo tan tempu ba AMP, ou fo ba segundu mais votadu hanesan FRETILIN.",
"Tanba nee sira labele hili atu ho si A ka, si B forma governu,\" hatete Assanami.",
"Nia dehan, sira halo ida nee tanba impase husi 2017 fo impaktu sosial, impaktu politika boot ba rai ida nee.",
"Tanba nee agora povu lakon konfiansa ba dezenvolvimentu rai ida nee.",
"Laos nee deit maibe oinsa atu instituisaun demokratiku ida nebe mak funsiona ho diak, aposta ba dezenvolvimentu sidadania atu Timor oan hotu sai numeru 1.",
"Prezidente partidu PD nee hatete, PD hakarak iha grande inkluzaun ida neebe governu bele lidera husi FRETILIN, ka CNRT ou bele mos PLP, se labele, bele mos maun Ramos ou ema independente, ou bele mos iha konsensus fo jerasaun foun sira husi Parpol seluk.",
"Maibe too agora Parpol sira seidauk hanoin atu haree ida nee, partidu sira balu hatete labele ho CNRT, labele ho FRETILIN labele ho PLP atu lao.",
"PD atu dehan karik nee mak akontese, grande inkluzaun entre partidu boot 2 CNRT, FRETILIN bolu ho PD, sira 2 lakohi maibe PD prontu atu oferese aan.",
"Ida nee tanba bezeia ba sira nia esperensia PD kleur hamutuk ho maun Xanana no mos hamutuk ho FRETILIN, inklui besik ho maun Taur.",
"Ho dialogu entre Parpol sira nee mak ikus mai Parpol sira karik labele hotu, mak iha CNRT hanoin atu avansa ho PD, ka FRETILIN hanoin atu ho PD, ami PD prontu servi nasaun laiha rezerva, ami lahili sira 2 nee maibe atu dehan katak ho se deit ami prontu harii governasaun foun, maibe agora dadaun PR mak determina, tenik nia.",
"Eis Ministru Agrikultura no Peska iha governu da-5 nee sekunda, PD prontu sakrifika aan, tanba PD asume responsabilidade ona durante nee, PD nia totalidade atu sakrifika aan nee dala barak ona.",
"Tanba sira prinsipiu ukun hanesan hahu agora risku barak, mazemu iha lei sira ideal, atu halo tuir, maibe hanesan situasaun post konflitu dala ruma mos la ideal.",
"Nia afirma, kuaze Parpol hotu sira hatoo ona hanoin, maibe Parpol balu seidauk responde, balu responde katak laaseita, maibe sira fo hanoin atu bele hakotu impase, i impase nee atu dazafia ema hotu.",
"Nia esplika tan katak, ema barak lakomprende PD nia prinsipiu koalia buat oin-oin ba PD nia leten, maibe ema iha kuadru PD hatene prinsipiu PD nia totalidade interese estadu no nasaun nian.",
"\"Moto katak ba o Timor maubere oan ami prontu servi.\"",
"Assanami konta, iha momentu sira lao ho FRETILIN, sira hatene atu monu, maibe sira lahusik estadu ida laiha governu, maibe depois lao mai too sira ba fali opozisaun PD fahe no sempre afavor ba buat neebe diak ba rai ida nee hanesan projetu tasi mane, fronteira.",
"Tanba nee nia dehan, hein deit interpretasaun husi PR, maibe karik atu ba gozu livre depende Parpol neebe hakarak ho PD, tanba PD hatete ona katak ho FRETILIN deklara aliadu lakohi kotu amizade ho FRETILIN.",
"Prezidente Partidu Demokratiku nee haktuir tan katak, ho maun Xanana husi CNRT, sira sempre prontu, mezmu sakrifika PD, tanba bainhira CNRT hamriik sira fera PD fahe ba rua.",
"Neebe PD foti risku ba responsabilidade, laarepende depois hamriik ho FRETILIN mezmu kadeira lakon Ho istoria sira neebe mak ami hasoru, hanesan lisaun atu PD hamrik hanesan Parpol amuneta sira nia maduru, hatete Prezidente PD nee.",
"Iha parte seluk Adjuntu Sekretariu Jeral Partidu FRETILIN Jose Reis antes nee hatete, Fretilin nia pozisaun lakohi sai blokeia, trava solusaun ba impase, tanba ida nee sira sempre hatete katak FRETILIN iha estratejia ida, depois de retiru iha Viqueque sira nia estratejia servisu ba iha 2023, maibe saida mak akontese iha dia 17 Janeiru 2020.",
"Depois problema mosu iha uma laran, governu monu, tanba nee FRETILIN haree hanesan problema boot, asume mos hanesan mos responsabilidade FRETILIN lakohi sakrifika 1.2 millaun de pesoas nia vida neebe lao,tanba deit interese partidu, tanba nee mak FRETILIN hakarak buka solusaun, tanba importante ba vida populasaun no estadu.",
"Nia afirma, FRETILIN lakohi kontribui ba blokeia impase, maibe atu fo kontribuisaun ba buka solusaun ba impase.",
"Tanba nee ohin dader PD ho Fretilin mos sira fo hanoin oinsa atu ultrapasa situasaun.",
"Enkuantu agora dadaun ho PLP sira mai iha nee atu buka solusaun ba oin.",
"Nia afirma tan katak, sira sei iha enkontru dala hira tan ba oin, para atu bele tau hamutuk hanoin oinsa atu bele buka solusaun, tanba nee fiar katak ho komunikasaun sira nee tenke hetan solusaun atu rezolve, impase.",
"Pozisaun FRETILIN lakohi ba EA, iha mos razaun rua hanesan lakohi atu hametin kultura EA, tanba rai nee depende liu ba OJE, maibe nafatin ba EA nee problema boot ba estadu, tanba nee mak justu no demokratiklu liu labele iha EA, katak Jose Reis.",
"Tuir nia, deadline enkontru entre Parpol sira nee, agora dadaun , sira preokupa mos maibe sira hanoin katak tempu badak Parpol sira bele halo relatoriu ba PR katak solusaun iha ona.",
"Entretantu jornalista koko konfirma ho partidu CNRT iha sede CNRT,Bairrus Grillus, Dili, maibe Sekretariu Jeral Partidu ho Prezidente Partidu CNRT laiha fatin.",
"Rep: Guilhermina Franco / Jeniche da Costa Previous article Preokupa Lina Fronteira Next article PD Halakon Kareta Governu 30 mins ago11:14 40 mins ago11:04 STL Online 30 mins ago"
] | [
"The Democratic Party wants to form a coalition with the CNRT and FRETILIN, in order that they can create an inclusive government. However if both parties do not agree then PD cannot be blamed for this failure of their efforts as it is one party only which has no other option than joining together on its own initiative without any political pressure from outside countries or international organization (NGO)."
"The President of the Democratic Party, Mariano Assanami Sabino said that PD submitted proposals to PR and also presented them for Political Parties (Parpol), which is why it opened dialogue with ParPol."
"The PD has always been committed to national dialogue as a way for everyone, whether in the opposition or governments talk with each other on issues of nation interest."
"Assanami said, PD’s proposal to PR asks for greater inclusion and therefore involve the 2 big parties like CNRT (Congress of Nationalist Workers Party), FRETILIN(Free Democratic Front)and Parpol all in order also include leaders. But if this is not what they want then wait until Pd; whoever calls them will be ready on their side!"
"We have informed the parties, such as FRETILIN and CNRT want to form a large inclusive government but it is up for them if they come with new proposals. The PD will contribute towards securing that there are only one requested; we must agree on this however not by our fault or guilt,” Assanami told journalist at his Ai-Mutin residence Thursday (19/02)."
"And while the viral issue in social media is that, PD to form a government with CNRP and KHUNTO as smaller parties make up Government but also DP wants FRETILIN together for one larger PNG. The PND would like all of these two because it means mechanism formation new cabinet according constitutional law will end impasse"
"The PR will have to make a decision, if the President wants free use of Parpol seeking each other or give more time for AMP and then go with second most voted party like FRETILIN."
"Because they can't choose whether to form government with either A or B,\" Assanami said."
"He said, they did this because the impasse of 2017 had a great social and political impact on our country."
"Because now the people have lost confidence in development of this country."
"It is not just Laos but how to have a democratic institution that works well, bet on the development of citizenship so all Timorese are number 1."
"The president of the PD party said that, “PD wants to have a large inclusive government which can be led by FRETILIN or CNRP and maybe PLP. If not then there may also exist Mr Ramos’ position as an independent person; otherwise we will need consensus for new generation from different parties.”"
"But so far the political parties have not thought to look at this, some of them say no with CNRP or FRETILIN nor PLP."
"PD wants to say that if this happen, great inclusion between the 2 big parties CNRP and FRETILIN will call for a coalition with DP. Both of them do not like it but they are ready as well!"
"This is due to the need for their PD experiences long together with brother Xanana and also alongside FRETILIN, including closely involving Brother Taur."
"With the dialogue between these parties, it will result that if they can not all go forward with PD or FRETILIN we are ready to serve our country without reserves. We have no reservations about them 2 but for us is a matter of saying whoever comes in and how much time he takes before building new government.”"
"Former Minister of Agriculture and Fisheries in the 5th government said, PD is ready to sacrifice itself because it has assumed responsibility during this period. The whole party was willing for many times already that they would make such a sacrificial gesture against their own peoples' interest"
"Because the principles of governance as they begin now are very risky, there may be ideal rules to comply with but in a post-conflict situation sometimes not."
"He said that almost all the parties had expressed their views, but some of them have not responded yet. Some replieds they do it no longer and suggests a way to end this impasse in order for everybody else can challenge him or her on his/her own behalf:"
"He also explained that many people do not understand the PD's principle of speaking different things to its members, but those within it know their total interest in state and country."
"\"Moto katak ba o Timor maubere oan ami prontu servi.\""
"Assanami says, at the time they worked with FRETILIN and knew that it would fall down. They did not create a state without government but afterwards went to opposition again PD divided them into two sides which always favoured good things for this country such as projects like coastal roads or border project etc..."
"Therefore he said, just wait for the interpretation of PR but if to go freely depends Parpol want with PD because Pd has already declared that FRETILIN and ally do not break friendship."
"The President of the Democratic Party also said that, with brother Xanana from CNRP they are always ready even to sacrifice PD because when CNRT comes together it will split DP into two."
"The PD took the risk of responsibility, not regretting after joining with FRETILIN even though they lost their seats. Our history is a lesson for us to learn that when we join as Parpol it will prove our maturity,” said this President from DP Party 2015-3"
"On the other hand, Deputy Secretary General of FRETILIN Party Jose Reis previously said that Fretilin’s position is not to block a solution for this impasse because they have always stated their strategy after retreating in Viqueque and working on it until 2013. But what happened was just as we know today (January)?"
"After problems arose in the house, government collapsed. Therefore FRETILIN saw it as big problem and assumes responsibility too; Fretilin does not want to sacrifice 120 million people' s lives for party interest only so that is why they are looking at solutions because of their importance on population life & state development"
"He affirmed that FRETILIN would not contribute to blocking the impasse, but rather make its contribution in finding solutions."
"Therefore today PD and Fretilin also give ideas on how to overcome the situation."
"But now that the PLP has come in, we are looking for a solution."
"He also affirmed that they will have meetings several times in the future, so as to put together ideas on how we can find solutions. That is why he believed with their communication there should be found solution for resolving this impasse and impairment of relations between both countries"
"The position of FRETILIN is not to EA, there are also two reasons as a refusal for strengthening the culture AE because country depend more on budget but still be an EU it' s big problem in state. Therefore just and democraticly we can’t have AA says Jose Reis"
"According to him, the deadline of meeting between Parpols is now they are also concerned but think that in a short time can make report on PR."
"Meanwhile, journalists tried to confirm with the CNRT party at CNRT headquarters in Bairrus Grillus district of Dili but there was no room for Party General Secretary and President."
"Rep: Guilhermina Franco / Jeniche da Costa Previous article Preokupa Lina Fronteira Next artikel PD Halakon Kareta Governu 30 mins ago12.45pm STL Online"
] |
Karta Redasaun Neon Metin, Jornalista Oki Bosok Publik\nAto "Lekinawa" da Costa\nLee nain: 1181\nDala uluk hakarak hatete katak saida mak Raimundus Oki hosi The Oecusse Post fahe iha media sosial kona ba Neon Metin ne’e LA LOS no BOSOK.\nNeon Metin nia video "Lian Sasin Hosi Topu Honis" ne’e los no bazeia ba faktu. Neon Metin halo tuir prosedur sira jurnalistik nian no hetan konsentementu hosi vitima hodi grava no publika video ne’ebe Neon Metin fo sai. Neon Metin iha komitmentu katak justisa tenke justu duni ba vitima sira iha Topu Honis, no Oki Post la gosta ida ne’e.\nOki Post uza InVID plugin/addons ba browser internet nian no InVID nia serbisu laos atu deteta konteiudu publikasaun video nian. InVID nia metodu operasaun neé kompara video neébe atu verifika neé ho video seluk nebe disponivel iha InVID nia database browser internet, verifika fatin no data akontesimentu, depois maka hatete se video neé pertense duni ka kona-duni ba notisia neé ka lae.\nLa iha dalan ba InVID hodi hatete video Neon Metin nia original ka lae, no la iha petunjuk ruma iha InVID laran mak bele lori utilizador sira to’o iha konkluzaun katak video ida original ka la original.\nVideo Neon Metin nian upload iha Youtube, laos iha InVID. Neon Metin la hetan notifikasaun ruma hosi Youtube kona ba video ne’ebe Neon Metin upload.\nNeon Metin iha pesoal IT mak familiar ho software InVID nian no hatene ho didiak katak InVID la iha kapasidade atu to’o ba konkluzaun hanesan Raimundus Oki Post fo sai.\nPesoal IT Neon Metin nian haree iha metadata, iha segmen ida naran IOD (Initial Object Descriptor ne’e hatete FALSE. Ida ne’e esplika katak wainhira InVID check video ne'e, InVID hare'e uluk informasaun inisial ne'ebe bele uza atu deskreve video ne'e. InVID la hetan, nia hatete 'false'. Nune'e mos, wainhira InVID lao ba too parte kona-ba Licence, nia check se materia ne'e atu uza hikas ka kopi fali ne'e presiza lisensa ka lae. Iha ne'eba hatete la presiza, maka nia hatete Licenced Content = False. Rua ne’e hotu laos fo konkluzaun katak video Neon Metin nian ne’e falsu.\nIOD ho Licenced Content, so deskreve deit informasaun metadata ne'ebe InVID hetan iha file video ne'e. Sira ne'e laos kona-ba los ka falsu. Primeiru, IOD: pessoal IT Neon Metin nian la inklui duni IOD, tamba iha nesesidade atu manten konfidensialidade identidade vitima ne'ebe halo entrevista. Kona-ba Lisencing, ne'e mos, Neon Metin la rekere Licencing atu repost video ne'e. Tamba ne'e maka rua ne'e hotu ninia informasaun ne'e hatete 'false'.\nSaida maka InVID bele halo, nia check se video ne'e publika uluk ona iha relasaun ho notisia seluk, maka nia konklui katak publikasaun ida ikus ne'e, ho titulu seluk no kona-ba buat seluk, ne'e maka falsu. Exemplu, ahi han uma iha rai ida iha tinan 2018, depois ema uza video husi 2018 ne'e atu halo notisia falsu katak autor ida sunu uma, iha tinan 2021, InVID sei hatete katak video ne'e pertense ba akontesimentu ahi han uma iha 2018, no laos iha 2021. Maka ema konklui katak video no notisia 2021 ho titulu ema sunu uma ne'e falso ka hoax. Atu check ida nee ne'e maka InVID fera video ne'e ba frame lubuk ida, depois nia check iha internet se frame ida ne'e mosu ona iha publikasaun ruma uluk ka lae? Ne’e tanba InVID serbisu ho database mak nia iha database hosi browser sira. Tamba ne'e, se video ne'e falsu, se oki check liu husi InVID, nia tenki hatudu video ne'e mai husi ne'ebe.\nNeon Metin konsidera saida mak Raimundus Oki halo ne’e black campaign maibe ho kualidade infantil nian. IT Neon Metin prontu atu ajuda Raimundus Oki atu komprende diak liu tan buat tekniku relasiona ho IT, atu iha loron seluk lalika hakerek arbiru no fahe informasaun arbiru, informasaun falsu, no informasaun bosok.\nRedasaun The Oe-Kusi Post (TOP) públika tan karta ne'e hodi públiku tomak bele asesu, tanba karta ne'e refere ba video ne'ebé TOP públika iha kanal YouTube.\nKarta husi redasaun NEON METIN bele mós asesu iha ne'e: Karta Redasaun Neon Metin, Jornalista Oki Bosok Publik\nArtigu tuir-mai Kombate informasaun falsu presija jornalista forte | [
"Karta Redasaun Neon Metin, Jornalista Oki Bosok Publik Ato \"Lekinawa\" da Costa Lee nain: 1181 Dala uluk hakarak hatete katak saida mak Raimundus Oki hosi The Oecusse Post fahe iha media sosial kona ba Neon Metin ne'e LA LOS no BOSOK.",
"Neon Metin nia video \"Lian Sasin Hosi Topu Honis\" ne'e los no bazeia ba faktu.",
"Neon Metin halo tuir prosedur sira jurnalistik nian no hetan konsentementu hosi vitima hodi grava no publika video ne'ebe Neon Metin fo sai.",
"Neon Metin iha komitmentu katak justisa tenke justu duni ba vitima sira iha Topu Honis, no Oki Post la gosta ida ne'e.",
"Oki Post uza InVID plugin/addons ba browser internet nian no InVID nia serbisu laos atu deteta konteiudu publikasaun video nian.",
"InVID nia metodu operasaun nee kompara video neebe atu verifika nee ho video seluk nebe disponivel iha InVID nia database browser internet, verifika fatin no data akontesimentu, depois maka hatete se video nee pertense duni ka kona-duni ba notisia nee ka lae.",
"La iha dalan ba InVID hodi hatete video Neon Metin nia original ka lae, no la iha petunjuk ruma iha InVID laran mak bele lori utilizador sira to'o iha konkluzaun katak video ida original ka la original.",
"Video Neon Metin nian upload iha Youtube, laos iha InVID.",
"Neon Metin la hetan notifikasaun ruma hosi Youtube kona ba video ne'ebe Neon Metin upload.",
"Neon Metin iha pesoal IT mak familiar ho software InVID nian no hatene ho didiak katak InVID la iha kapasidade atu to'o ba konkluzaun hanesan Raimundus Oki Post fo sai.",
"Pesoal IT Neon Metin nian haree iha metadata, iha segmen ida naran IOD (Initial Object Descriptor ne'e hatete FALSE.",
"Ida ne'e esplika katak wainhira InVID check video ne'e, InVID hare'e uluk informasaun inisial ne'ebe bele uza atu deskreve video ne'e.",
"InVID la hetan, nia hatete 'false'.",
"Nune'e mos, wainhira InVID lao ba too parte kona-ba Licence, nia check se materia ne'e atu uza hikas ka kopi fali ne'e presiza lisensa ka lae.",
"Iha ne'eba hatete la presiza, maka nia hatete Licenced Content = False.",
"Rua ne'e hotu laos fo konkluzaun katak video Neon Metin nian ne'e falsu.",
"IOD ho Licenced Content, so deskreve deit informasaun metadata ne'ebe InVID hetan iha file video ne'e.",
"Sira ne'e laos kona-ba los ka falsu.",
"Primeiru, IOD: pessoal IT Neon Metin nian la inklui duni IOD, tamba iha nesesidade atu manten konfidensialidade identidade vitima ne'ebe halo entrevista.",
"Kona-ba Lisencing, ne'e mos, Neon Metin la rekere Licencing atu repost video ne'e.",
"Tamba ne'e maka rua ne'e hotu ninia informasaun ne'e hatete 'false'.",
"Saida maka InVID bele halo, nia check se video ne'e publika uluk ona iha relasaun ho notisia seluk, maka nia konklui katak publikasaun ida ikus ne'e, ho titulu seluk no kona-ba buat seluk, ne'e maka falsu.",
"Exemplu, ahi han uma iha rai ida iha tinan 2018, depois ema uza video husi 2018 ne'e atu halo notisia falsu katak autor ida sunu uma, iha tinan 2021, InVID sei hatete katak video ne'e pertense ba akontesimentu ahi han uma iha 2018, no laos iha 2021.",
"Maka ema konklui katak video no notisia 2021 ho titulu ema sunu uma ne'e falso ka hoax.",
"Atu check ida nee ne'e maka InVID fera video ne'e ba frame lubuk ida, depois nia check iha internet se frame ida ne'e mosu ona iha publikasaun ruma uluk ka lae?",
"Ne'e tanba InVID serbisu ho database mak nia iha database hosi browser sira.",
"Tamba ne'e, se video ne'e falsu, se oki check liu husi InVID, nia tenki hatudu video ne'e mai husi ne'ebe.",
"Neon Metin konsidera saida mak Raimundus Oki halo ne'e black campaign maibe ho kualidade infantil nian.",
"IT Neon Metin prontu atu ajuda Raimundus Oki atu komprende diak liu tan buat tekniku relasiona ho IT, atu iha loron seluk lalika hakerek arbiru no fahe informasaun arbiru, informasaun falsu, no informasaun bosok.",
"Redasaun The Oe-Kusi Post (TOP) publika tan karta ne'e hodi publiku tomak bele asesu, tanba karta ne'e refere ba video ne'ebe TOP publika iha kanal YouTube.",
"Karta husi redasaun NEON METIN bele mos asesu iha ne'e: Karta Redasaun Neon Metin, Jornalista Oki Bosok Publik Artigu tuir-mai Kombate informasaun falsu presija jornalista forte"
] | [
"Letter from the Editor of Neon Metin, Journalist Oki Bosok Public Act \"Lekinawa\" da Costa Read by: 1203 Firstly I want to say that what Raimundus Okee'oky and The oecusse Post share on social media about this is LALOS AND BOSOK."
"Neon Metin's video \"Lian Sasin Hosi Topu Honis\" is true and based on fact."
"Neon Metin has followed journalistic procedures and obtained the consent of victim to record & publish video that was provided by them."
"Neon Metin is committed to justice for the victims of Topu Honis, and Oki Post does not like this."
"Oki Post uses InVID plug-ins/addons for the internet browser and it is not intended to detect video content."
"InVID’s operating method compare the video to be verified with other videos available in its database, check for location and date of occurrence then decide whether or not it is actually part from a news story."
"There is no way for InVID to say whether Neon Metin's video was original, and there are also not any indication within the system that could lead users into a conclusion about its genuineness."
"Neon Metin's video is uploaded on Youtube, not InVID. It wasn’t in INVID but at YouTube!"
"Neon Metin has not received any notification from Youtube regarding the video that was uploaded."
"Neon Metin has IT personnel who are familiar with InVID's software and know very well that invid is not capable of reaching the same conclusion as Raimundo Oki Post."
"Neon Metin's IT staff looked in the metadata, and there was a segment called IOD (Initial Object Descriptor) that said FALSE."
"This explains that when InVID check the video, it first looks at initial information which can be used to describe this."
"InVID could not be found, it says 'false'."
"Similarly, when InVID goes to the Licence section it checks whether or not a license is required for reuse of material."
"There it says not necessary, so he said Licenced Content = False."
"All of this does not lead to the conclusion that Neon Metin's video is fake."
"IOD and Licenced Content, only describe the metadata information that InVID has found in this video file."
"They are not about right or wrong."
"First, IOD: Neon Metin's IT staff does not actually include the IDO because of a need to maintain confidentiality about who is interviewing."
"Regarding Lisencing, Neon Metin la requested any licensing to repost the video."
"That's why both of these information is said to be 'false."
"What InVID can do is check if the video has been published before in connection with other news, and then conclude that this recent publication under a different title about something else was fake."
"For example, a house was burned down in 2018 and then someone used the video from that year to make false news about an author setting fire. InVID would say this is for events of home firing occurred during those years (instead) but not when they were happening now:"
"Therefore, we conclude that the video and news 2019 with title \"They burned my house\" is fake or hoax."
"To check this, InVID splits the video into several frames and then it will look on internet to see if that frame has appeared in a previous publication."
"This is because InVID works with databases that are in the browser' s own."
"Therefore, if the video is fake and you want to check it through InVID then he must show where this was taken from."
"Neon Metin considers that what Raimundo Oki is doing to be a black campaign but with the qualities of an infant."
"IT Neon Metin is ready to help Raimundus Oki better understand the technical things related with it, so that in future he will not write and share false information."
"The Oe-Kusi Post (TOP) publishes this letter for the public to view, because it refers a video that TOP posted on its YouTube channel."
"The letter from the NEON METIN editorial staff can also be accessed here: Letter From Neon Metin, Journalist Oki Bosok Publik Next article Fighting false information needs strong journalists"
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Vasina sei salva ema nia vida husi COVID-19 | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste\nVARANDA COVID-19 Vasina sei salva ema nia vida husi COVID-19\nVasina sei salva ema nia vida husi COVID-19\nVise Primeiru Ministru no mós Ministru Planu no Ordernamentu, José Maria dos Reis halo hela esplika ba Komunidade Beto Tasi Dili hodi simu vasina.Imajen/Tatoli Arminda Fonseca.\nDILI, 04 outubru 2021 (TATOLI)-Vise Primeiru Ministru no mós Ministru Planu no Ordernamentu, José Maria dos Reis, husu ba komunidade sira iha aldeia Beto Tasi Suku Madohi Postu Administrativu Don Aleixo atu simu vasina hodi hasa’e imunidade ema-nian ba prevensaun COVID-19.\nJosé Maria dos Reis hato’o pedidu ne’e bainhira halo abertura kona-ba kampaña vasina loron 10 ne’ebé hala’o iha Aldeia Beto Tasi, segunda ne’e.\n“Ha’u atu hateten katak laiha Governu ida mak atu oho nia povu, tanba ne’e husu ba komunidade hotu-hotu partisipa vasina tanba vasina importante tebes ba ita atu hametin ita-nia isin loloon hodi kombate moras COVID-19, bainhira ita simu ona vasina sai hanesan lutu ba ita-nia aan rasik, hodi kontra COVID-19 iha ita-nia Rai,” Governante ne’e hateten.\nProvizoriamente, nia dehan to’o oras ne’e mundu seidauk deskobre ai-moruk hodi kura COVID-19 maibé iha de’it maka vasina atu hasa’e imunidade ema-nian ba prevene transmisaun moras corona.\nDurante ne’e populasaun barak maka la kontribui hodi simu vasina tanba sei fiar boatus ne’ebé espalla iha públiku nia leet dehan vasina la seguru bae ma nia saúde no oho ema nia vida.\nIha fatin hanesan Diretora Saúde Munisípiu Dili, Agostinha Segurado relata totál populasaun Dili hamutuk 213.800 maka tama iha kategoria atu simu vasina no husi númeru ne’e ema na’in 168.288 ho pursentajen 78.9(%) maka simu ona vasina doze dahuluk no doze daruak pursentu 68.8.\n“Ohin aumenta tan porsentu hanoin munisípiu Dili presiza tan 18% atu kompleta 80% mak hela ema na’in 47.00 bele atinje 80%,” nia hateten.\nNune’e mós komunidade Marcolino Soares hateten prontu simu vasina tanba konvensidu ho informasaun ne’ebé maka sensibiliza husi Governu no parte saúde durante kampaña vasina ne’ebé aprezenta husi Governu no mós parte saúde nian.\n“Ohin ha’u foin rona informasaun loloos hosi ita-nia membru, ha’u simu vasina sente baibain hela, tanba ne’e ho liafuan ne’ebé ohin ha’u rona, ha’u sei hatutan ba família nune’e hotu-hotu bele partisipa simu vasina,” nia hateten.\nPrevious articleMembru F-FDTL na’in 30 termina formasaun seguransa protesaun autoridade\nNext articleMPM urgullu ho partisipasaun komunidade Baucau ba vasina | [
"Vasina sei salva ema nia vida husi COVID-19 | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA COVID-19 Vasina sei salva ema nia vida husi COVID-19 Vasina sei salva ema nia vida husi COVID-19 Vise Primeiru Ministru no mos Ministru Planu no Ordernamentu, Jose Maria dos Reis halo hela esplika ba Komunidade Beto Tasi Dili hodi simu vasina.Imajen/Tatoli Arminda Fonseca.",
"DILI, 04 outubru 2021 (TATOLI) -Vise Primeiru Ministru no mos Ministru Planu no Ordernamentu, Jose Maria dos Reis, husu ba komunidade sira iha aldeia Beto Tasi Suku Madohi Postu Administrativu Don Aleixo atu simu vasina hodi hasa'e imunidade ema-nian ba prevensaun COVID-19.",
"Jose Maria dos Reis hato'o pedidu ne'e bainhira halo abertura kona-ba kampana vasina loron 10 ne'ebe hala'o iha Aldeia Beto Tasi, segunda ne'e.",
"\"Ha'u atu hateten katak laiha Governu ida mak atu oho nia povu, tanba ne'e husu ba komunidade hotu-hotu partisipa vasina tanba vasina importante tebes ba ita atu hametin ita-nia isin loloon hodi kombate moras COVID-19, bainhira ita simu ona vasina sai hanesan lutu ba ita-nia aan rasik, hodi kontra COVID-19 iha ita-nia Rai,\" Governante ne'e hateten.",
"Provizoriamente, nia dehan to'o oras ne'e mundu seidauk deskobre ai-moruk hodi kura COVID-19 maibe iha de'it maka vasina atu hasa'e imunidade ema-nian ba prevene transmisaun moras corona.",
"Durante ne'e populasaun barak maka la kontribui hodi simu vasina tanba sei fiar boatus ne'ebe espalla iha publiku nia leet dehan vasina la seguru bae ma nia saude no oho ema nia vida.",
"Iha fatin hanesan Diretora Saude Munisipiu Dili, Agostinha Segurado relata total populasaun Dili hamutuk 213.800 maka tama iha kategoria atu simu vasina no husi numeru ne'e ema na'in 168.288 ho pursentajen 78.9 (%) maka simu ona vasina doze dahuluk no doze daruak pursentu 68.8.",
"\"Ohin aumenta tan porsentu hanoin munisipiu Dili presiza tan 18% atu kompleta 80% mak hela ema na'in 47.00 bele atinje 80%,\" nia hateten.",
"Nune'e mos komunidade Marcolino Soares hateten prontu simu vasina tanba konvensidu ho informasaun ne'ebe maka sensibiliza husi Governu no parte saude durante kampana vasina ne'ebe aprezenta husi Governu no mos parte saude nian.",
"\"Ohin ha'u foin rona informasaun loloos hosi ita-nia membru, ha'u simu vasina sente baibain hela, tanba ne'e ho liafuan ne'ebe ohin ha'u rona, ha'u sei hatutan ba familia nune'e hotu-hotu bele partisipa simu vasina,\" nia hateten.",
"Previous articleMembru F-FDTL na'in 30 termina formasaun seguransa protesaun autoridade Next articleMPM urgullu ho partisipasaun komunidade Baucau ba vasina"
] | [
"Vaccine will save people’s lives from COVID-19 | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor -Leste VARANDA Covid –20 Vasina sei salva ema nia vida husi Coronavirus (COVID) vaccine Will Save People'S Lived From the Pandemic of Corona Virus Vice Prime Minister and Planning & Planning minister Jose Maria dos Reis explaining to Beto Tasi Dili Community how they can get vaccinated. Image/Tatoli Arminda Fonseca"
"DILI, 04 October (Xinhua) - Deputy Prime Minister and also the Ministry of Planning Jose Maria dos Reis asked communities in Beto Tasi village Madohi Village Administrative Post Don Aleixo to get vaccinated for COVID-19 prevention."
"Jose Maria dos Reis made the request when opening a 10-day vaccination campaign in Beto Tasi Village, on Monday."
"\"I want to say that no government is going on killing its people, so I ask all communities participate in the vaccination because vaccines are very important for us and strengthen our whole body against COVID-19. Once we have received a shot it will be like an outbreak of illnesses which can affect everyone else around you.\""
"Provisionally, he said that so far the world has not discovered a cure for COVID-19 but there is only one vaccine to increase human immunity and prevent transmission of corona disease."
"During this time, many people did not contribute to the vaccination because they believed boatus that was spreading among public saying vaccines are unsafe but their health and kill life."
"Dili Municipal Health Director, Agostinha Segurado reported that the total population of 213.8 thousand people is eligible to be vaccinated and from this number there are already a whopping (79%) or more than one million persons having received their first dose as well As second doses which represented an overall percentage rate involving all citizens with age over sixty-five years old:"
"\"Today the percentage increases again, I think Dili municipality needs another 18% to complete our goal of reaching a full coverage rate. There are still only about fourty-seven thousand people who can reach that target.\""
"Also the community Marcolino Soares said ready to take vaccine because convinced by information that is sensitized from government and health department during vaccination campaign presented in Government."
"\"Today I have heard the real information from our members, i'm getting vaccinated and it feels normal. So with this message that today is coming to me ill will pass on all my family so everyone can participate in being vaccined.\""
"Previous30 F-FDTL members complete security and authority protection training NextMPM urges the participation of Baucau community in vaccinations"
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Implementasaun Merenda Eskolár Iha Baucau Hasoru Problema | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste\nVARANDA BAUKAU Implementasaun Merenda Eskolár Iha Baucau Hasoru Problema\nImplementasaun Merenda Eskolár Iha Baucau Hasoru Problema\nBAUCAU, 24 setembru 2019 (TATOLI)—Diretór Edukasaun Munisípiu Baucau, Januario Natalino José Amaral, informa implementasaun merenda eskolár iha Munisípiu Baucau hasoru problema tanba implementasaun tinan kotuk tuir loron efetivu maibé iha tinan ida ne’e implementasaun merenda eskolár tuir fali périodu.\nAgora ne’e, nia haktuir, problema ida mak alokasaun orsamentu ba merenda eskolár ne’e ki’ik liu. Ho razaun ne’e mak sira implementa merenda eskolár ba iha périodi rua atu nune’e estudante sira bele sente ninia implementasaun iha segundu périodu.\n“Iha primeiru périodu, ita hotu hatene Orsamentu Jerál do Estadu (OJE) nia aprovasaun tarde entaun ami implementa ne’e iha segundu périodu ne’ebé ami implementa iha Maiu no Juñu. Terseiru périodu, ami implementa iha Setembru nia laran hahú iha loron 1 Setembru tinan ne’e,” dehan Diretór Edukasaun Munisípiu Baucau, Januario Natalino José Amaral, ba Ajénsia TATOLI liuhusi entrevista iha nia knaar fatin, Baucau Vila Nova, tersa (24/09/2019).\nNia hatutan, agora daudaun merenda eskolár la’o hela ho ninia menu husi Ministériu Edukasaun prepara maibé iha Baucau implementasaun merenda eskolár la’o tuir menu ne’ebé ita prepara. Maibé, nia infroma, iha área rurál la’o tuir menu normál hanesan buat ne’ebé iha sira uza maibé laiha ona sira uza menu alternativu.\n“Maibé eskola ne’ebé ha’u haree di’ak tebes, loron ida sira la han naan sira rai hamutuk osan depois sira sosa bibi oho labarik sira han. Ne’e ha’u haree rasik ho matan. Merenda eskolár ne’e la’o di’ak tanba kontrolu husi eskola no inan-aman sira,” nia hateten.\nMaske nune’e, nia dehan, Ministériu Edukasaun iha Munisípiu Baucau hasoru obstakulu barak hanesan agora iha politíka desentralizasaun administrativa entaun programa balun mak mai direta iha Autoridade Munisípiu no programa balun sei sentraliza iha Ministériu Edukasaun nia liman.\nNia informa, programa ne’ebé hala’o iha munisípiu sira mak merenda eskolár, subsídiu eskolár, edukasaun pre-eskolár ho alfabetizasaun. Programa haat ne’e mak fó kompeténsia ba lider edukasaun munisipál atu hala’o maibé buat seluk ne’e iha Ministériu Edukasaun nia liman hanesan ba Ensinu Sekundáriu Jerál, Eskola Tékniku Vokasionál, Kurríkulu, Formasaun Profesór, no buat balun sei iha Ministériu Edukasaun nia liman.\n“Entaun, ami iha ne’e serbisu hanesan patraun rua. Patraun ida Estatál, patraun ida Ministériu Edukasaun, entaun halo ami kobre rekursu umanu limitadu tebes. Maibé, politikamente ami ne’e loloos iha munisípiu ona. Loron ida ami lakon obediénsia ba Ministériu Edukasaun tanba buat ida laiha kesi ami,” diretór edukasaun munisípiu Baucau ne’e esplika.\nAgora daudaun, tuir nia, avalisaun dezempeñu mós iha autoridade munisípiu nia liman, mapa pesoál no orsamentu mós ba hotu autoridade munisípiu nia tutela. Agora, polítika Ministériu Edukasaun ninia ne’e oinsá mak grupu interministeriál ne’e serbisu makaas hodi haree akordu atendimentu interministeriál para oinsá bele hadi’a ba oin atu serbisu la’o ho di’ak.\nPrevious articleMembru PNTL 324 Komete Irregularidade\nNext articlePNTL Sei Buka Tuir Suspeitu Kazu Ai-Mutin | [
"Implementasaun Merenda Eskolar Iha Baucau Hasoru Problema | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA BAUKAU Implementasaun Merenda Eskolar Iha Baucau Hasoru Problema Implementasaun Merenda Eskolar Iha Baucau Hasoru Problema BAUCAU, 24 setembru 2019 (TATOLI) - Diretor Edukasaun Munisipiu Baucau, Januario Natalino Jose Amaral, informa implementasaun merenda eskolar iha Munisipiu Baucau hasoru problema tanba implementasaun tinan kotuk tuir loron efetivu maibe iha tinan ida ne'e implementasaun merenda eskolar tuir fali periodu.",
"Agora ne'e, nia haktuir, problema ida mak alokasaun orsamentu ba merenda eskolar ne'e ki'ik liu.",
"Ho razaun ne'e mak sira implementa merenda eskolar ba iha periodi rua atu nune'e estudante sira bele sente ninia implementasaun iha segundu periodu.",
"\"Iha primeiru periodu, ita hotu hatene Orsamentu Jeral do Estadu (OJE) nia aprovasaun tarde entaun ami implementa ne'e iha segundu periodu ne'ebe ami implementa iha Maiu no Junu.",
"Terseiru periodu, ami implementa iha Setembru nia laran hahu iha loron 1 Setembru tinan ne'e,\" dehan Diretor Edukasaun Munisipiu Baucau, Januario Natalino Jose Amaral, ba Ajensia TATOLI liuhusi entrevista iha nia knaar fatin, Baucau Vila Nova, tersa (24/09/2019).",
"Nia hatutan, agora daudaun merenda eskolar la'o hela ho ninia menu husi Ministeriu Edukasaun prepara maibe iha Baucau implementasaun merenda eskolar la'o tuir menu ne'ebe ita prepara.",
"Maibe, nia infroma, iha area rural la'o tuir menu normal hanesan buat ne'ebe iha sira uza maibe laiha ona sira uza menu alternativu.",
"\"Maibe eskola ne'ebe ha'u haree di'ak tebes, loron ida sira la han naan sira rai hamutuk osan depois sira sosa bibi oho labarik sira han.",
"Ne'e ha'u haree rasik ho matan.",
"Merenda eskolar ne'e la'o di'ak tanba kontrolu husi eskola no inan-aman sira,\" nia hateten.",
"Maske nune'e, nia dehan, Ministeriu Edukasaun iha Munisipiu Baucau hasoru obstakulu barak hanesan agora iha politika desentralizasaun administrativa entaun programa balun mak mai direta iha Autoridade Munisipiu no programa balun sei sentraliza iha Ministeriu Edukasaun nia liman.",
"Nia informa, programa ne'ebe hala'o iha munisipiu sira mak merenda eskolar, subsidiu eskolar, edukasaun pre-eskolar ho alfabetizasaun.",
"Programa haat ne'e mak fo kompetensia ba lider edukasaun munisipal atu hala'o maibe buat seluk ne'e iha Ministeriu Edukasaun nia liman hanesan ba Ensinu Sekundariu Jeral, Eskola Tekniku Vokasional, Kurrikulu, Formasaun Profesor, no buat balun sei iha Ministeriu Edukasaun nia liman.",
"\"Entaun, ami iha ne'e serbisu hanesan patraun rua.",
"Patraun ida Estatal, patraun ida Ministeriu Edukasaun, entaun halo ami kobre rekursu umanu limitadu tebes.",
"Maibe, politikamente ami ne'e loloos iha munisipiu ona.",
"Loron ida ami lakon obediensia ba Ministeriu Edukasaun tanba buat ida laiha kesi ami,\" diretor edukasaun munisipiu Baucau ne'e esplika.",
"Agora daudaun, tuir nia, avalisaun dezempenu mos iha autoridade munisipiu nia liman, mapa pesoal no orsamentu mos ba hotu autoridade munisipiu nia tutela.",
"Agora, politika Ministeriu Edukasaun ninia ne'e oinsa mak grupu interministerial ne'e serbisu makaas hodi haree akordu atendimentu interministerial para oinsa bele hadi'a ba oin atu serbisu la'o ho di'ak.",
"Previous articleMembru PNTL 324 Komete Irregularidade Next articlePNTL Sei Buka Tuir Suspeitu Kazu Ai-Mutin"
] | [
"Implementation of School Lunch in Baucau Has Faced Problems BAUCAU, September 24th (Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste) - The Director for Education at the Municipality Bacau Januaryo Natalino Jose Amaral said that implementation school lunch is facing problems because last year it was implemented according to effective date but this time after a period."
"Now, he said one problem is that the budget allocation for school meals has been reduced."
"For this reason, they implemented school snacks in two periods so that students can feel its implementation during the second term."
"\"In the first period, we all knew that General State Budget (GSB) was approved late so it's been implementing in a second time which is between May and June."
"The third period, we will implement in September beginning on 1st of this year\", said the Director Educational Baucau Municipality Januario Natalino Jose Amara to Ajensia Tempo Timor through an interview at his workplace Bacau Vila Nova."
"He added that, at the moment school meals are running with its menu prepared by Ministry of Education but in Baucau implementation is going according to our preparations."
"However, he said that in rural areas they follow the normal menu as what was used but no longer use alternative menus."
"\"But the school that I saw was very good, one day they didn't eat any food and raised money then bought chickens to feed their children."
"I have seen it with my own eyes."
"The school lunch is going well because of the control by schools and parents,\" he said."
"However, he said that the Ministry of Education in Baucau Municipality faces many obstacles as now with administrative decentralization policy so some programs are going directly to municipal authority and other program will be centralized into hand."
"He informed that the programs being carried out by municipalities are school meals, subsidies for schools and pre-school education with literacy."
"These four programmes give competence to the municipal education leaders, but other things are in hand of MTE such as General Secondary Education (GSE), Vocational Technical School(VTS) and Teacher Training."
"\"So, we're here working as two cops."
"We have one State Patrol, and the Ministry of Education patrols so we cover a very limited human resource."
"However, politically we are actually in the municipality."
"One day we lost our obedience to the Ministry of Education because nothing was going on with us,\" explains this education director from Baucau municipality."
"At present, according to him performance evaluation is also in the hands of municipal authorities and personal maps are made available as well."
"Now, the Ministry of Education's own policy is how this interministerial group works hard to look at an agreement on service delivery between ministries so that it can improve further in order for work going well."
"Previous324 PNTL Members Commit Irregularities Next articlePNTL Will Search For Suspected In Riot Case"
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By Tempo Timor November 19, 2021 195\nPrezidente Repúblika (PR), Francisco Guterres 'Lú Olo' ho nia Espoza Cidalia Lopes Nobre Mouzino Guterres tau hela ai-funan hodi fó omenajen ba erói sira iha Jardin Ossuáriu Ainaro, kinta (18/11). Foto Suplay\n"Prezidente Repúblika ho ninia komitiva tomak mai iha ne'e para hodi momeriza nafatin sira iha sakrifisiu boot ida", dehan PR Lú Olo hafoin fó homenajen ba herói no martires iha Jardin Ossuáriu Ainaro, kinta (18/11).\nBa erói sira ne'ebé rihun 3 nia retus mortais iha Ossuáriu, hodi fó sira-nia sasin hodi fó sira-nia sakrifisiu boot ida, sira-nia vida tomak hamutuk ho maluk Timor-Leste tomak nia laran hodi liberta rai no fó liberdade independénsia.\n"Mate restu ne'ebé nafatin rai iha ne'e, ida ne'e Hovernu ninia kompeténsia, klaru ke to'o iha nia tempu, ha'u fiar katak fatin ne'ebé prepara ona ba sira sei haloot sira iha sira-nia fatin", esplika Lú Olo.\nTanba sira sempre halo parte istória iha Timor-Leste nia luta ba libertasaun nasionál nian.\nEnkuantu urnas lolos ne'ebé rai iha Jardin erói Ossuáriu Ainaro hamutuk 2.596 no hasai tiha 4 hela 2.592. (*)\n« EBF Darenafa Uza Postu Siska no Sede Suku Realiza Ezame Fundasaun Patria Eleva Feto Poténsial ba Lideransa Transformativa » | [
"By Tempo Timor November 19, 2021 195 Prezidente Republika (PR), Francisco Guterres 'Lu Olo' ho nia Espoza Cidalia Lopes Nobre Mouzino Guterres tau hela ai-funan hodi fo omenajen ba eroi sira iha Jardin Ossuariu Ainaro, kinta (18/11).",
"Foto Suplay \"Prezidente Republika ho ninia komitiva tomak mai iha ne'e para hodi momeriza nafatin sira iha sakrifisiu boot ida,\" dehan PR Lu Olo hafoin fo homenajen ba heroi no martires iha Jardin Ossuariu Ainaro, kinta (18/11).",
"Ba eroi sira ne'ebe rihun 3 nia retus mortais iha Ossuariu, hodi fo sira-nia sasin hodi fo sira-nia sakrifisiu boot ida, sira-nia vida tomak hamutuk ho maluk Timor-Leste tomak nia laran hodi liberta rai no fo liberdade independensia.",
"\"Mate restu ne'ebe nafatin rai iha ne'e, ida ne'e Hovernu ninia kompetensia, klaru ke to'o iha nia tempu, ha'u fiar katak fatin ne'ebe prepara ona ba sira sei haloot sira iha sira-nia fatin,\" esplika Lu Olo.",
"Tanba sira sempre halo parte istoria iha Timor-Leste nia luta ba libertasaun nasional nian.",
"Enkuantu urnas lolos ne'ebe rai iha Jardin eroi Ossuariu Ainaro hamutuk 2.596 no hasai tiha 4 hela 2.592. (*) \" EBF Darenafa Uza Postu Siska no Sede Suku Realiza Ezame Fundasaun Patria Eleva Feto Potensial ba Lideransa Transformativa \""
] | [
"By Tempo Timor November 19,.2037 The President of the Republic (PR), Francisco Guterres 'Lu Olo' and his wife Cidalia Lopes Nobre Mouzino Gusmão are laying a tree to pay tribute for heroes in Jardin Ossuariu Ainaro on Tuesday(November)"
"\"The President of the Republic and his entire committee came here to remember them in a great sacrifice,\" said PR Lu Olo after paying homage for heroes & martyrs at Jardin Ossuariu Ainaro on Tuesday (18/09)."
"To the heroes whose three thousand mortal remains are buried in Ossuario, to give their testimony and make a great sacrifice of themselves all lives together with every Timorese fellow man for liberating our land."
"\"To kill the remains that are still there, this is a competence of Government. Of course in due time I am confident they will be killed at their place because it has been prepared for them\", explained Lu Olo.\""
"Because they have always been part of the history in Timor-Leste's struggle for national liberation."
"In addition, 2.596 ballot boxes were deposited in the Ossuariu Ainaro Hero Garden and only four of them have been removed (all together there are a total amounts to be retained). (*) \"EBF Darenafa Usa Posto Siska e Sede Suku Realiza Ezame Fundação Patria Eleva Feto Potencial ba Lideransa Transformativa\""
] |
Timor-Leste Research - Metodu\nServisu peskiza ne’ebé hala’o ona iha Timor-Leste uza métodu oioin depende ba servisu ne’ebé mak hala’o. dadus sira ne’ebé prodús liuhosi métodu hirak ne’e, inklui kestionáriu sira, iha tendénsia atu hetan tratamentu kualitativu iha ami-nia análize tanba ami-nia servisu namka’it ho sosiolojia, polítika no antropolojia. Tuirfalimai deskrisaun badak ida kona-ba métodu prinsipál balu ne’ebé uza tiha ona durante projetu peskiza diferente sira. Kestionáriu no levantamentu konjuntu\nApezarde sira-nia limitasaun balu, levantamentu barak mak hala’o ona iha Timor-Leste. Hanesan parte ba projetu luan sira seluk no hamutuk ho métodu seluseluk, ami haloke katak levantamentu sira fornese informasaun bázika no mós baze ida di’ak hodi hahú projetu sira. Dala ruma uza levantamentu diferente iha altura diferente durante projetu nia lala’ok. Porezemplu, ba projetu Komprende Komunidade ami uza kestionáriu tolu hamutuk. Kestionáriu inisiál ida hala’o ho indivíduu sira no inklui pergunta sira namka’it ho ema sira-nia entendimentu kona-ba komunidade. Besik projetu nia rohan, kestionáriu badak rua tan hala’o ba uma ida-idak, ida relasiona ho agrikultura no ida seluk relasiona ho ema nia persesaun kona-ba polítika nasionál nia prosesu sira. Tanba nivel ki’ik alfabetizasaun nian no mós tanba ema ladún hatene forma investigasaun sira-ne’e, baibain pesoál sira mak hala’o kestionáriu sira-ne’e hodi husu pergunta ida-idak envezde fahe kestionáriu sira ba ema atu prenxe rasik. Entrevista semi-estruturada ho alvu espesífiku\nMétodu ida-ne’e envolve fó mákina-retratu ba ema ida no husu sira atu hasai fotografia balu ba fatin ka sasán ne’ebé importante ba sira ho relasaun ba tema ida (porezemplu, sira-nia komunidade). Prosesu ida-ne’e tuirfali ho entrevista semi-estruturada ida ne’ebé fó dalan atu ko’alia kona-ba fotografia sira-ne’e. Métodu ida-ne’e uza tanba nia bele halosu koñesimentu lokál no relasaun subjetiva sira, no dala barak loke dalan atu diskute asuntu sira (inklui fatin sira) ne’ebé peskizadór labele hetan asesu ba ka la hatene. Mapeamentu ba Komunidade no Movimentu Community Mapping and Movement Flows\nMapeamentu temporál no espasiál—ne’e katak atu buka hatene sé mak halo saida, bainhira no iha-ne’ebé. Maski métodu sira-ne’e sei dezenvolve hela, to’o oras daudaun sei uza nafatin mapeamentu, inklui vista aérea ba uma sira, sistema GPS, kronómetru, no mós mapa sira dezeña ho liman no roda-sukat (trundle wheel). Métodu sira-ne’e loke posibilidade sira ne’ebé exitante hanesan atu hetan sentidu ida kona-ba diferensa jéneru nian iha relasaun temporal no espasiál sira. Rekolla ba Dadus liuhosi Observasaun Ne’e téknika importante ida ne’ebé mak kuaze sempre uza iha Timor-Leste, hosi observasaun ba atividade sira loroloron nian to’o partisipa iha eventu polítiku no kulturál sira. Dala barak métodu ida-ne’e hafó pontudepartida ida ba liña investigasaun nian, tanba observasaun mesak de’it ladún bele fó esplikasaun ba buat barak no fasil atu sai espasu mamuk ida ba peskizadór atu hakonu ho nia prekonseitu hotu-hotu. Análize ba Dokumentu\nDala barak iha dokumentasaun uitoan de’it kona-ba komunidade espesífiku sira ne’ebé ami hala’o servisu ba, mezmu iha kazu Dili nian. Maibé, liuhosi buka tuir materiál sira ne’ebé hakerek ho lia-Inglés, lia-Tetun, lia-Indonézia no lia-Portugés, ami konsege halibur hamutuk nivel informasaun balu ne’ebé ajuda ami-nia peskiza. Tuir dalan ne’e, ami sempre haree ba mapa no dadus sensu nian, no mós relatóriu kona-ba projetu dezenvolvimentu lokál sira, ho deskrisaun antropolójika sira. Copyright © 2011, Globalism Research Centre. All rights reserved. | [
"Timor-Leste Research - Metodu Servisu peskiza ne'ebe hala'o ona iha Timor-Leste uza metodu oioin depende ba servisu ne'ebe mak hala'o. dadus sira ne'ebe produs liuhosi metodu hirak ne'e, inklui kestionariu sira, iha tendensia atu hetan tratamentu kualitativu iha ami-nia analize tanba ami-nia servisu namka'it ho sosiolojia, politika no antropolojia.",
"Tuirfalimai deskrisaun badak ida kona-ba metodu prinsipal balu ne'ebe uza tiha ona durante projetu peskiza diferente sira.",
"Kestionariu no levantamentu konjuntu Apezarde sira-nia limitasaun balu, levantamentu barak mak hala'o ona iha Timor-Leste.",
"Hanesan parte ba projetu luan sira seluk no hamutuk ho metodu seluseluk, ami haloke katak levantamentu sira fornese informasaun bazika no mos baze ida di'ak hodi hahu projetu sira.",
"Dala ruma uza levantamentu diferente iha altura diferente durante projetu nia lala'ok.",
"Porezemplu, ba projetu Komprende Komunidade ami uza kestionariu tolu hamutuk.",
"Kestionariu inisial ida hala'o ho individuu sira no inklui pergunta sira namka'it ho ema sira-nia entendimentu kona-ba komunidade.",
"Besik projetu nia rohan, kestionariu badak rua tan hala'o ba uma ida-idak, ida relasiona ho agrikultura no ida seluk relasiona ho ema nia persesaun kona-ba politika nasional nia prosesu sira.",
"Tanba nivel ki'ik alfabetizasaun nian no mos tanba ema ladun hatene forma investigasaun sira-ne'e, baibain pesoal sira mak hala'o kestionariu sira-ne'e hodi husu pergunta ida-idak envezde fahe kestionariu sira ba ema atu prenxe rasik.",
"Entrevista semi-estruturada ho alvu espesifiku Metodu ida-ne'e envolve fo makina-retratu ba ema ida no husu sira atu hasai fotografia balu ba fatin ka sasan ne'ebe importante ba sira ho relasaun ba tema ida (porezemplu, sira-nia komunidade).",
"Prosesu ida-ne'e tuirfali ho entrevista semi-estruturada ida ne'ebe fo dalan atu ko'alia kona-ba fotografia sira-ne'e.",
"Metodu ida-ne'e uza tanba nia bele halosu konesimentu lokal no relasaun subjetiva sira, no dala barak loke dalan atu diskute asuntu sira (inklui fatin sira) ne'ebe peskizador labele hetan asesu ba ka la hatene.",
"Mapeamentu ba Komunidade no Movimentu Community Mapping and Movement Flows Mapeamentu temporal no espasial - ne'e katak atu buka hatene se mak halo saida, bainhira no iha-ne'ebe.",
"Maski metodu sira-ne'e sei dezenvolve hela, to'o oras daudaun sei uza nafatin mapeamentu, inklui vista aerea ba uma sira, sistema GPS, kronometru, no mos mapa sira dezena ho liman no roda-sukat (trundle wheel).",
"Metodu sira-ne'e loke posibilidade sira ne'ebe exitante hanesan atu hetan sentidu ida kona-ba diferensa jeneru nian iha relasaun temporal no espasial sira.",
"Rekolla ba Dadus liuhosi Observasaun Ne'e teknika importante ida ne'ebe mak kuaze sempre uza iha Timor-Leste, hosi observasaun ba atividade sira loroloron nian to'o partisipa iha eventu politiku no kultural sira.",
"Dala barak metodu ida-ne'e hafo pontudepartida ida ba lina investigasaun nian, tanba observasaun mesak de'it ladun bele fo esplikasaun ba buat barak no fasil atu sai espasu mamuk ida ba peskizador atu hakonu ho nia prekonseitu hotu-hotu.",
"Analize ba Dokumentu Dala barak iha dokumentasaun uitoan de'it kona-ba komunidade espesifiku sira ne'ebe ami hala'o servisu ba, mezmu iha kazu Dili nian.",
"Maibe, liuhosi buka tuir material sira ne'ebe hakerek ho lia-Ingles, lia-Tetun, lia-Indonezia no lia-Portuges, ami konsege halibur hamutuk nivel informasaun balu ne'ebe ajuda ami-nia peskiza.",
"Tuir dalan ne'e, ami sempre haree ba mapa no dadus sensu nian, no mos relatoriu kona-ba projetu dezenvolvimentu lokal sira, ho deskrisaun antropolojika sira.",
"Copyright (c) 2011, Globalism Research Centre.",
"All rights reserved."
] | [
"The research carried out in Timor-Leste has used different methods depending on the work being done. Data produced through these methodologies, including questionnaires tend to be qualitatively treated for our analysis because we are very closely involved with sociology and politics as well anthropology; therefore it is important that data from all of them may not have been obtained by any other way than using statistical techniques or interviewing people whose information was collecte..."
"Below is a brief description of some main methods that have been used during different research projects."
"Questionnaires and joint surveys Apesar of some limitations, many researches have been carried out in Timor-Leste."
"As part of other larger projects and in conjunction with the above-mentioned methodology, we have found that surveys provide basic information as well a good basis for project start."
"Sometimes different surveys are used at various times during the project."
"However, for the Understanding Community project we used three questionnaires together."
"An initial questionnaire is conducted with individuals and includes questions specific to the people' s understanding of their community."
"During the project, two more short questionnaires were conducted for each household; one related to agriculture and another concerning people's perception of national policy processes."
"Because of low literacy levels and a lack in knowledge about the forms used for such research, questionnaires are usually conducted by individual people asking questions one at once rather than distributing them to respondents."
"This method involves giving people a portrait camera and asking them to take some photos of places or things that are important in their life, related with one theme (for example: the community)."
"This process is followed by a semi-structured interview that provides an opportunity to talk about the photographs."
"This method is used because it can enhance local knowledge and subjective relationships, often opening the way to discuss issues (including places) that researchers cannot access or know."
"Community Mapping and Movement Flows Time-space mapper - that is, seeing who's doing what when where."
"Although these methods are still being developed, to date the most commonly used mapping techniques include aerial views of houses and buildings in their natural locations; GPS systems (Global Positioning System); chronometer measurement."
"These methods open up exciting possibilities such as gaining a sense of gender difference in temporal and spatial relationships."
"This is an important technique that has been used almost always in Timor-Leste, from observing everyday activities to participating at political and cultural events."
"Often this method provides a starting point for the line of investigation, because observations on their own cannot explain many things and are easy to turn into an empty space in which researchers can settle with all his or her prejudices."
"Often there is very little documentation about the specific communities we work for, even in Dili's case. We have to look at this and see if it can be used as a basis of further investigation on our own community or other local authorities that are working with us..."
"However, by searching through materials written in English and Tetum as well As Indonesian And Portuguese we were able to gather some levels of information that helped our research."
"Along the way, we always looked at maps and census data as well reporting on local development projects with anthropological description."
"Copyright (c) 2013, Globalism Research Centre."
"Copyright © 2017 All rights reserved."
] |
Konfirmadu negativu, profisional saúde 19 fila ba uma - GMN TV\nGMN TV Saude e Educação Konfirmadu negativu, profisional saúde 19 fila ba uma\nPorta Voz Sentru Integradu Jestaun Krize (SIJK), doútor Sergio Lobo, deklara, professionais Saúde nain 19 sai ona husi sentru kuarentena hafoin simu rezultadu teste ne’ebé konfirmadu negativu ba COVID-19.\n“Profesionais saúde iha kuarantena hamutuk 59 maibé 19 teste dala rua tutuir malu negativu ona ne’ebé agora sei hela nain 40 mak iha kuarentena,” dehan, Sergio Lobo, liu husi Konferensia ba Imprensa iha Centro Convenções Díli, Domingo (03/05/2020).\nProfessionais ne’ebé durante ne’e hala'o kuarentena mai husi sentru kuarentena sira hanesan Hotel Novu Orizonte, Hotel Timor, Hotel Vila verde, Hotel Maloa, Hotel SK no Hotel D’City.\nSergio esplik, ema sira hotu ne’ebé kompleta ona kuarentena no sai ona, sira konfirmadu katak laiha infesaun no hetan ona sertifikadu husi médiku no Diretór Sentru Saude Munisipal ba sira ne’ebé iha Munisípiu, no husi Diretora Nasional Kontrolu Moras.\nTuir dadus ne’ebé fó sai husi Sentru Integradu Jestaun Krize iha loron 3 fulan ne’e sidadaun ne’ebé sei kontinua kumpri prosesu kuarentena hamutuk 316 kompostu husi Auto Kuarentena Munisipiu hamutuk 61, Kuarentena Munisipiu 41 no Kuarentena Dili hamutuk 214.\nEma ne’ebé kumpri ona kuarentena hodi fila ba uma hamutuk 1898 ne’ebé kompostu husi kapital Dili hamutuk 1476 no Munisipiu sira seluk hamutuk 401.Ida | [
"Konfirmadu negativu, profisional saude 19 fila ba uma - GMN TV GMN TV Saude e Educacao Konfirmadu negativu, profisional saude 19 fila ba uma Porta Voz Sentru Integradu Jestaun Krize (SIJK), doutor Sergio Lobo, deklara, professionais Saude nain 19 sai ona husi sentru kuarentena hafoin simu rezultadu teste ne'ebe konfirmadu negativu ba COVID-19.",
"\"Profesionais saude iha kuarantena hamutuk 59 maibe 19 teste dala rua tutuir malu negativu ona ne'ebe agora sei hela nain 40 mak iha kuarentena,\" dehan, Sergio Lobo, liu husi Konferensia ba Imprensa iha Centro Convencoes Dili, Domingo (03/05/2020).",
"Professionais ne'ebe durante ne'e hala'o kuarentena mai husi sentru kuarentena sira hanesan Hotel Novu Orizonte, Hotel Timor, Hotel Vila verde, Hotel Maloa, Hotel SK no Hotel D'City.",
"Sergio esplik, ema sira hotu ne'ebe kompleta ona kuarentena no sai ona, sira konfirmadu katak laiha infesaun no hetan ona sertifikadu husi mediku no Diretor Sentru Saude Munisipal ba sira ne'ebe iha Munisipiu, no husi Diretora Nasional Kontrolu Moras.",
"Tuir dadus ne'ebe fo sai husi Sentru Integradu Jestaun Krize iha loron 3 fulan ne'e sidadaun ne'ebe sei kontinua kumpri prosesu kuarentena hamutuk 316 kompostu husi Auto Kuarentena Munisipiu hamutuk 61, Kuarentena Munisipiu 41 no Kuarentena Dili hamutuk 214.",
"Ema ne'ebe kumpri ona kuarentena hodi fila ba uma hamutuk 1898 ne'ebe kompostu husi kapital Dili hamutuk 1476 no Munisipiu sira seluk hamutuk 401.Ida"
] | [
"Confirmado negativo, profissionais saude fila ba casa - GMN TV Health and Education 19 health professionals have been released from the quarantine center after receiving confirmed negative test results for COVID-20. The spokesperson of Integrated Crisis Management Center (SIJK), Dr Sergio Lobo declares that nineteen medical workers are now free to go home following their positive testing result on coronavirus infection"
"\"There are 59 health professionals in quarantine, but the results of two tests have been negative and now there will be another forty people who must stay under confinement\", said Sergio Lobo during a press conference at Dili Convention Centre on Sunday (03/12)."
"The professionals who were quarantined during the period came from quarantaine centres such as Hotel Novu Orizonte, Timor hotel Vila verde and Maloa hotels."
"Sergio explains that all those who have completed the quarantine and left, they confirmed no infection with a certificate from their doctor or Director of Municipal Health Center for people living within this municipality."
"According to data released by the Integrated Crisis Management Centre on 3rd of this month, citizens who will continue complying with quarantine procedures totalled in number: Auto Quarantine Municipalities (61), Municipial Quarterly Care Facilities(40) and Dili Quartier Hospitality Complexes for Total Number Of Personnel"
"The total number of people who have completed the quarantine to return home is 1,897. This includes Dili (capital) with a combined counting amounts in this case as well for all other municipalities together:"
] |
Sentru ProEma Produs Estudante Na’in-37 Iha Area Gastronomia\nDÍLI----Diretora Sentru Proema Simone Barbosa de Assis hatete prosessu fó formasaun to’o ohin loron graduasaun ne’e, tuir formasaun fulan neen (6) no ba hala’o estajiu iha munisipiu semana rua. “Ami ohin fó graduasaun ba ami nia estudadnte na’in-37 mak tuir kursu gastronomia no nutrisaun iha ami nia organizsaun proema, estudante sira ne’e sira hotu feto foin sa’e no tuir kursu durante fulan neen, no estajiu semana rua iha Munisipiu, oinsa ami hadia parte nutrisaun iha uma laran, no iha komunidade nia laran,”dehan diretora Sentru Proema Simone Barbosa de Assis ba Jornalista BT iha Hotel Luz Klarita, Sexta (18/12).\nDiretora ne’e kontete programa ne’ebé mak apoiu husi embaixador Nova Zelandia atu fó edukasaun profisionál ba feto foinsae sira. “Ami kontente tebes tanba prograna ida ne’e atu fó edukasaun profisionál ba sira, ami simu suporta husi Embaixador Nova Zelandia, husi sira nia programa ai-han di’ak ba moris di’ak,” tenik nia. Nia Informa, Graduasuan sira ne’e iha area Gastronomia Hotelaria maibe sira dezenvolve oinsa servisu iha komunidade laran, dezenvolvimentu komunitaria iha Area Nutrisaun, iha munisipiu Baucau, Vikeke, Manufahi, Díli ho Manatutu.\nSentru Proema programa projetu Ai-han di’ak ba iha komunidade nia ne’e apoiu husi embaixador Nova Zelandia, programa ne’e nia Objetivu atu hanoin feto foin sae sira atu aproveita produtu lokál, bele uza produtu lokál iha komunidade atu hadia nutrisaun uma laran.\nHusi inisiu tinan 2018-2020 Sentru Proema produs ona juventude sira feto no mane hamutuk na’in-220, maioria idade 16-24, tanba projetu Proema ba vistu ba feto foinsa’e, husi na’in-220 ne’e maoria hetan ona servisu no na’in-9 ba servisu ona iha Portugal iha tinan 2019. Iha fatin hanesan Embaixador Nova Zelandia Philip Hewitt, fó Parabens ba graduadu sira ne’ebé mak remata ona nia formasaun iha Area Gastronomia iha Sentru Proema.\n“Ha’u nia votus parabens ba graduante sira, no ekipa husi Proema tomak, ha’u sente orgullu tebes ho buat ne’ebé mak sira halo susesu ona ho imi nia servisu maka’as mak ohin loron susessu ona,” dehan Emabaixador Nova Zelandia Philip Hewitt. Embaixador Nova Zelandia husu ba Graduasaun sira, susessu ne’e imi lori ba aban bainrua no ba futuru imi nian, no labele influensia iha opsaun barak maibe imi sei troka no to’o iha imi nia distinu.\nReprezentante Graduasaun Guida Sousa fó nia agradesimentu ba formador sira hotu ne’ebé mak fasilita sira to’o ohin loron simu ona Gradusaun iha Area Hotelaria. “Ha’u agradese ba Proema nudar Organizasaun ne’ebé empodera ba iha programa Mulher no adolsente, programa ne’e kapaas atu lori ami atu hateke ba oin katak futuru la remata ohin maibe futuru sei naruk,” Hatete Guida Sousa iha nia agradesimentu.\nNia informa, liu husi Proema halo ami nia konhesementu klean kona-ba area Gastronnomia, Proema lori ami atu oinsa bele ba future kompete ba iha nasaun sira seluk, ida ne’e ami prepara-a’an ba kampu traballu ba futuru nian. Depois de Agradesiemntu partisipante sira husi Inan Aman, embaixador Nova Zelandia, Reprezentante Ministeriu Turizmu Komersiu Industria (MTKI) no ajensia sira hotu fahe Serfikadu ba graduasaun sira. (BT) | [
"Sentru ProEma Produs Estudante Na'in-37 Iha Area Gastronomia DILI----Diretora Sentru Proema Simone Barbosa de Assis hatete prosessu fo formasaun to'o ohin loron graduasaun ne'e, tuir formasaun fulan neen (6) no ba hala'o estajiu iha munisipiu semana rua.",
"\"Ami ohin fo graduasaun ba ami nia estudadnte na'in-37 mak tuir kursu gastronomia no nutrisaun iha ami nia organizsaun proema, estudante sira ne'e sira hotu feto foin sa'e no tuir kursu durante fulan neen, no estajiu semana rua iha Munisipiu, oinsa ami hadia parte nutrisaun iha uma laran, no iha komunidade nia laran,\"dehan diretora Sentru Proema Simone Barbosa de Assis ba Jornalista BT iha Hotel Luz Klarita, Sexta (18/12).",
"Diretora ne'e kontete programa ne'ebe mak apoiu husi embaixador Nova Zelandia atu fo edukasaun profisional ba feto foinsae sira.",
"\"Ami kontente tebes tanba prograna ida ne'e atu fo edukasaun profisional ba sira, ami simu suporta husi Embaixador Nova Zelandia, husi sira nia programa ai-han di'ak ba moris di'ak,\" tenik nia.",
"Nia Informa, Graduasuan sira ne'e iha area Gastronomia Hotelaria maibe sira dezenvolve oinsa servisu iha komunidade laran, dezenvolvimentu komunitaria iha Area Nutrisaun, iha munisipiu Baucau, Vikeke, Manufahi, Dili ho Manatutu.",
"Sentru Proema programa projetu Ai-han di'ak ba iha komunidade nia ne'e apoiu husi embaixador Nova Zelandia, programa ne'e nia Objetivu atu hanoin feto foin sae sira atu aproveita produtu lokal, bele uza produtu lokal iha komunidade atu hadia nutrisaun uma laran.",
"Husi inisiu tinan 2018-2020 Sentru Proema produs ona juventude sira feto no mane hamutuk na'in-220, maioria idade 16-24, tanba projetu Proema ba vistu ba feto foinsa'e, husi na'in-220 ne'e maoria hetan ona servisu no na'in-9 ba servisu ona iha Portugal iha tinan 2019.",
"Iha fatin hanesan Embaixador Nova Zelandia Philip Hewitt, fo Parabens ba graduadu sira ne'ebe mak remata ona nia formasaun iha Area Gastronomia iha Sentru Proema.",
"\"Ha'u nia votus parabens ba graduante sira, no ekipa husi Proema tomak, ha'u sente orgullu tebes ho buat ne'ebe mak sira halo susesu ona ho imi nia servisu maka'as mak ohin loron susessu ona,\" dehan Emabaixador Nova Zelandia Philip Hewitt.",
"Embaixador Nova Zelandia husu ba Graduasaun sira, susessu ne'e imi lori ba aban bainrua no ba futuru imi nian, no labele influensia iha opsaun barak maibe imi sei troka no to'o iha imi nia distinu.",
"Reprezentante Graduasaun Guida Sousa fo nia agradesimentu ba formador sira hotu ne'ebe mak fasilita sira to'o ohin loron simu ona Gradusaun iha Area Hotelaria.",
"\"Ha'u agradese ba Proema nudar Organizasaun ne'ebe empodera ba iha programa Mulher no adolsente, programa ne'e kapaas atu lori ami atu hateke ba oin katak futuru la remata ohin maibe futuru sei naruk,\" Hatete Guida Sousa iha nia agradesimentu.",
"Nia informa, liu husi Proema halo ami nia konhesementu klean kona-ba area Gastronnomia, Proema lori ami atu oinsa bele ba future kompete ba iha nasaun sira seluk, ida ne'e ami prepara-a'an ba kampu traballu ba futuru nian.",
"Depois de Agradesiemntu partisipante sira husi Inan Aman, embaixador Nova Zelandia, Reprezentante Ministeriu Turizmu Komersiu Industria (MTKI) no ajensia sira hotu fahe Serfikadu ba graduasaun sira.",
] | [
"DILI----Proema Center Produces 37 Students In Gastronomy Area Dili---Director of Proem Centre Simone Barbosa de Assis said the training process to date is graduation, following six (6) months' formation and conducting internship in municipality for two weeks."
"\"Today we are graduating our 37 students who have taken a course in gastronomy and nutrition at the Proema organization, these girls were all young women. They attended this six-month program with two weeks of internships on how to improve food safety within homes or communities\", said Simone Barbosa de Assit Center Director for BT Reporter during an event held by Hotel Luz Klarita last Friday (18 December)."
"The directory includes a program supported by the New Zealand ambassador to provide vocational education for young women."
"\"We are very pleased because this prograna is to provide professional education for them, we have the support of New Zealand's ambassador from their Good Food For A Better Life program."
"He informed, the graduates are from Gastronomy and Hospitality but they have developed how to work within communities. Community development is focused on nutrition areas of Baucau city (Baucau), Vikeke City(Vikeque) Manufahi Town/Dili ho Manatuto town /Manautu)."
"The Proema Center's Good Food for the Community project is supported by a New Zealand ambassador, and aims to encourage young women in communities where local produce can be used as food sources. This will improve nutrition at home through healthy eating habit-building activities that are tailor made accordingly"
"Since the beginning of 2018-3, Proema Centre has produced a total number Of young women and men in all - at least – from about to be around. The majority are between ages: From this project on visa for youths (Proem) most have found work; nine will start working with us as soon As possible!"
"New Zealand Ambassador Philip Hewitt congratulated the graduates who have completed their training in Gastronomy at Proema Centre. The newly-appointed ambassador also welcomet all of them to join his team and continue with a successful career as professionals within this field, he said"
"\"My congratulations to the graduates, and all of Proema' s staff. I am very proud that what they have achieved with your hard work is now a success.\" said New Zealand Ambassador Philip Hewitt"
"The Ambassador of New Zealand asked the Graduates, this success you carry for your own tomorrow and future. You can't influence many choices but will change them to get there that is what it takes!"
"Graduation Representative Guida Sousas thanked all the trainers who have facilitated them to this day, having graduated in Hotel Area."
"\"I am grateful to Proema as an empowering organization for the Women and Adolescents program, this programme is capable of taking us forward that our future does not end today but it will last a long time.\" Hatete Guida Sousa in her thanks."
"He said, through Proema we have gained a clear understanding of the area Gastronomia. The project has led us to be able in future compete with other countries and this is what prepares ourselves for employment opportunities that will come later on!"
"After thanksgiving the participants were presented with certificates by Inan Aman, New Zealand ambassador and representatives from Ministry of Tourism Commerce Industry (MTKI) as well all agencie."
"(BT) 2014-365"
] |
Pequinho: Governu Faila Implementa Rekomendasaun CRC\nAsesu dala: 1197\nAktivista direitus humanus, João Soares R. Pequinho, konsidera governu Timor –Leste faila implementa rekomendasaun Committee on the Rights of the Child (CRC) kona ba direitu labarik iha rai laran, intermus legislasaun no asistensia social.\nNia dehan, iha 2007 estado Timor –Leste hato’o relatorio inisiu ba CRC iha Jenebra, hamutuk 48 rekomendasaun jeral iha setor hotu, ne’ebe hanesan matadalan ba governu hodi dezenvolve politika kona ba situasaun labarik iha rai laran.\n“Iha setor justisa mamuk intermus legislasaun, setor edukasaun kontinua menus fasilidade, infrastruktura, profesores, enkuantu iha setor saude malnutrisaun kontinua as, mortalidade infantil as,” Aktivista Direitus Humanus, Pequinho kestiona, iha Tower Fatuhada, Dili.\nNia hatutan, CRC rekomenda ba estadu TL atu hare lalais lacunas sira iha legilasaun sira, kria lei espesifiku ne’ebe fo protesaun ba labarik sira, hanesan lei kodigu labarik, lei justisa juvenile no prepara autoridade judicial ba asuntu labarik.\nAktivista ne’e mos prekupa ho estatutu Komisaun Nasional Direitu Labarik (KNDL) ne’ebe to’o oras ne’e governu seidauk difini lolos,hodi fo impaktu ba servisu KNDL nian fo protesaun ba labarik, intervensaun governu liga ho orsamentu jeral do estado.\n“Ministerio Justisa seidauk defini estatutu autonom, entaun labele halo investigasaun ba kazu violasaun ne’ebe involve profesores no labele halo intervensaun ba ministerio sira liga ba orsamentu,” nia preokupa.\nEntretantu Koordenador Programa Protesaun Labarik Forum Tau Matan, Honorio Almeida konkorda katak governu faila responde ba preokupasaun sira ne’ebe committee hato’o.\n“Governu laiha seriedade ba asuntu labarik, tanba tinan lima ona lei justisa juvenil no kodigu labarik seidauk, labarik kontinua tur iha rai tuir prosesu aprendizajen, malnutrisaun nafatin as, no trabalho infantil,” nia dehan.\nIha parte seluk, Vise Ministru Justisa, Ivo Valente rekonese, katak governu seidauk hakonu direitu labarik sira 100%, maibe konsege halo ona buat balun ne’ebe sei iha prosesu nia laran.\nNudar membru CRC, nia dehan, governu iha komitmentu no obrigasaun atu hare preokupasoens hirak ne’ebe committee hato’o hodi responde ba situasaun labarik sira iha rai laran.\n“Lei justisa juvenil no kodigu labarik iha ona Parlamentu Nasional, hein diskute no aprova no governu mos iha ona planu atu harii sentru detensaun ba labarik sira ne’ebe konflitu ho lei konstrusaun hahu tinan oin,” Vise Ministru Valente dehan. | [
"Pequinho: Governu Faila Implementa Rekomendasaun CRC Asesu dala: 1197 Aktivista direitus humanus, Joao Soares R. Pequinho, konsidera governu Timor -Leste faila implementa rekomendasaun Committee on the Rights of the Child (CRC) kona ba direitu labarik iha rai laran, intermus legislasaun no asistensia social.",
"Nia dehan, iha 2007 estado Timor -Leste hato'o relatorio inisiu ba CRC iha Jenebra, hamutuk 48 rekomendasaun jeral iha setor hotu, ne'ebe hanesan matadalan ba governu hodi dezenvolve politika kona ba situasaun labarik iha rai laran.",
"\"Iha setor justisa mamuk intermus legislasaun, setor edukasaun kontinua menus fasilidade, infrastruktura, profesores, enkuantu iha setor saude malnutrisaun kontinua as, mortalidade infantil as,\" Aktivista Direitus Humanus, Pequinho kestiona, iha Tower Fatuhada, Dili.",
"Nia hatutan, CRC rekomenda ba estadu TL atu hare lalais lacunas sira iha legilasaun sira, kria lei espesifiku ne'ebe fo protesaun ba labarik sira, hanesan lei kodigu labarik, lei justisa juvenile no prepara autoridade judicial ba asuntu labarik.",
"Aktivista ne'e mos prekupa ho estatutu Komisaun Nasional Direitu Labarik (KNDL) ne'ebe to'o oras ne'e governu seidauk difini lolos,hodi fo impaktu ba servisu KNDL nian fo protesaun ba labarik, intervensaun governu liga ho orsamentu jeral do estado.",
"\"Ministerio Justisa seidauk defini estatutu autonom, entaun labele halo investigasaun ba kazu violasaun ne'ebe involve profesores no labele halo intervensaun ba ministerio sira liga ba orsamentu,\" nia preokupa.",
"Entretantu Koordenador Programa Protesaun Labarik Forum Tau Matan, Honorio Almeida konkorda katak governu faila responde ba preokupasaun sira ne'ebe committee hato'o.",
"\"Governu laiha seriedade ba asuntu labarik, tanba tinan lima ona lei justisa juvenil no kodigu labarik seidauk, labarik kontinua tur iha rai tuir prosesu aprendizajen, malnutrisaun nafatin as, no trabalho infantil,\" nia dehan.",
"Iha parte seluk, Vise Ministru Justisa, Ivo Valente rekonese, katak governu seidauk hakonu direitu labarik sira 100%, maibe konsege halo ona buat balun ne'ebe sei iha prosesu nia laran.",
"Nudar membru CRC, nia dehan, governu iha komitmentu no obrigasaun atu hare preokupasoens hirak ne'ebe committee hato'o hodi responde ba situasaun labarik sira iha rai laran.",
"\"Lei justisa juvenil no kodigu labarik iha ona Parlamentu Nasional, hein diskute no aprova no governu mos iha ona planu atu harii sentru detensaun ba labarik sira ne'ebe konflitu ho lei konstrusaun hahu tinan oin,\" Vise Ministru Valente dehan."
] | [
"Pequinho: Government Failure to Implement CRC Recommendations Human rights activist, Joao Soares R.Pequinho considers that the government of Timor-Leste has failed in implementing recommendation made by Committee on The Rights Of Child (CCR) regardings children' s right at home through legislation and social assistance programs 2013/657"
"He said that in 2017 the state of Timor-Leste submitted an initial report to CRC at Geneva, containing a total amounts forty -eight general recommendations across all sector. These are guidelines on how government should develop policier regardings children' s situation within its country and they serve as guidance towards further action by Government with respect"
"\"In the justice sector, legislation is inadequate; education continues to lack facilities and infrastructure as well. There are fewer teachers than ever before while malnutritions remain high with child mortality rising.\" Human Rights Activist Pequinho questioned this at Tower Fatuhada (Dili)."
"He added that the CRC recommended to TL state urgently address gaps in legislation, create specific law which provide protection for children such as a child code and juvenile justice Law. Prepare judicial authority on matters of minor ones"
"The activist is also concerned about the status of National Commission on Children's Rights (KNDL) which to date has not been defined by government, impacting its work in child protection. Government intervention linked with general state budgetary issues will have an adverse effect upon KNLD activities and therefore it would be a problem for children who are protected under this law.\""
"\"The Ministry of Justice has not defined an autonomous statute, so it cannot investigate violation cases involving teachers and can't make intervention to ministries related with the budget.\" he is concerned."
"Meanwhile, the Child Protection Program Coordinator of Forum Tau Matan Honorio Almeida agrees that government has failed to respond on issues raised by committee."
"\"The government is not serious about children's issues, because for five years there has been no juvenile justice law and a child code. Children continue to sit on the ground while they are learning; malnutrition persists as it always does with labor.\""
"On the other hand, Deputy Minister of Justice Ivo Valente acknowledged that government has not secure children's rights to a full extent. However he said some things have been done which are still in progress and others will be implemented later on this year or next one-two years from now"
"As a member of the CRC, he said that his government has an obligation and commitment to addressing concerns raised by this committee in order for it To respond effectively."
"\"The juvenile justice law and the children's code are already in Parliament, waiting to be discussed for approval. The government also has plans on building a detention centre with construction legislation starting next year.\""
] |
Xefe Estadu Agradese Kandidatu Ualu - TIMOR AGORA\nXefe Estadu Agradese Kandidatu Ualu\nDILI, (ANTIL) – Prezidenti Repúblika, Taur Matan Ruak agradese ba povu no kandidatu na’in ualu tanba, sira nia sivizmu no sira nia komportamentu ne’ebé di’ak durante kampaña eleisaun prezidensiál.\n“Ohin loron ita hotu vota ho konsiénsia ba kandidatu prezidenti na’in 8 ne’e ida ne’ebé maka tau matan ba nasaun iha periodu ida tuir mai ne’e. Ha’u hein katak buat hotu la’o di’ak nune’e rezultadu ne’e bele sai di’ak ba ita nia povu no Nasaun”, Taur hato’o kestaun ne’e iha Eskola Báziku Metiaut, Postu Administrativu Kristu Rei, Dili, Segunda ne’e, hafoin ezerse ninia direitu votu.\nMaske nune’e, nia suspira bainhira jornaista husu kona-ba posibilidade primeira ronda de’it ou segunda ronda. “Uluk ha’u nia tempu ne’e hakarak loos ba primeira volta maibé akontese fali segunda volta. Tanba ne’e maka agora ne’e ha’u kuidadu (hati-hati) loos”, nia informa.\nXefe Estadu husu ba ema hotu atu simu rezultadu eleisaun. Tuir nia katak jogadór ne’ebé di’ak no klubu ne’ebé profisionál, sei hatene manán no hatene lakon. Katak, ida ne’ebé maka manán, ita hotu manán no Timor manán. (Jornalista: Xisto Freitas - Editora: Rita Almeida)\nFoto: Prezidente Repúblika, Taur Matan Ruak ho ninia espoza, Isabel da Costa Ferreira, ezerse direitu votu iha Eskola Báziku Metiaut, Dili. Foto ANTIL/Egas Cristovâo. | [
"Xefe Estadu Agradese Kandidatu Ualu - TIMOR AGORA Xefe Estadu Agradese Kandidatu Ualu DILI, (ANTIL) - Prezidenti Republika, Taur Matan Ruak agradese ba povu no kandidatu na'in ualu tanba, sira nia sivizmu no sira nia komportamentu ne'ebe di'ak durante kampana eleisaun prezidensial.",
"\"Ohin loron ita hotu vota ho konsiensia ba kandidatu prezidenti na'in 8 ne'e ida ne'ebe maka tau matan ba nasaun iha periodu ida tuir mai ne'e.",
"Ha'u hein katak buat hotu la'o di'ak nune'e rezultadu ne'e bele sai di'ak ba ita nia povu no Nasaun,\" Taur hato'o kestaun ne'e iha Eskola Baziku Metiaut, Postu Administrativu Kristu Rei, Dili, Segunda ne'e, hafoin ezerse ninia direitu votu.",
"Maske nune'e, nia suspira bainhira jornaista husu kona-ba posibilidade primeira ronda de'it ou segunda ronda.",
"\"Uluk ha'u nia tempu ne'e hakarak loos ba primeira volta maibe akontese fali segunda volta.",
"Tanba ne'e maka agora ne'e ha'u kuidadu (hati-hati) loos,\" nia informa.",
"Xefe Estadu husu ba ema hotu atu simu rezultadu eleisaun.",
"Tuir nia katak jogador ne'ebe di'ak no klubu ne'ebe profisional, sei hatene manan no hatene lakon.",
"Katak, ida ne'ebe maka manan, ita hotu manan no Timor manan.",
"(Jornalista: Xisto Freitas - Editora: Rita Almeida) Foto: Prezidente Republika, Taur Matan Ruak ho ninia espoza, Isabel da Costa Ferreira, ezerse direitu votu iha Eskola Baziku Metiaut, Dili.",
"Foto ANTIL/Egas Cristovao."
] | [
"DILI, (ANTIL) - President of the Republic Taur Matan Ruak thanked people and six candidates for their civic behaviour during presidential election campaign. He said that he is grateful to all those who have participated in his presidency as a civil servant but also because they were very good at conducting themselves well throughout this electoral process which has been so difficult since 2017 when..."
"\"Today we all vote with conscience for these eight presidential candidates who will take care of the country in a period to come."
"I hope that everything will go well so the result can be good for our people and Nation,\" Taur said at Metiaut Primary School in Christ Rei Administrative Post Office on Monday after exercising his right to vote."
"However, he sighs when journalists ask him about the possibility of a first round only or second."
"\"I've always wanted to be right in the first lap, but it just happened again."
"That's why now I am taking care,\" he said."
"The Head of State calls on everyone to accept the election results."
"According to him, a good player in the professional club will know how not only win but also lose."
"In other words, the one who wins is a winner for all of us and Timor."
"(Journalist: Xisto Freitas - Editora, Rita Almeida) Photo of President Taur Matan Ruak and his wife Isabel da Costa Ferreira exercise their right to vote at the Metiaut Primary School in Dili."
"Photo ANTIL/Egas Cristovao."
] |
Aplimentec Foundation: Liquica Presisa Reboisaun ba Ambiente\nLiquica Presisa Reboisaun ba Ambiente\nCoordenador Projetu ba Agricultura no Ambiente Aplimentec, Sr. Paulino Alves hateten katak, Distritu Liquica presisa tebes atensaun hosi Governo no elementu sosiade tomak, liu-liu iha sustanibilidade ba ambiente. Tuir nia, hare ba tinan 7 nia laran ona, ambiente Liquica hetan estraga makaas. Estraga sira ne'e akontense tamba povo taa ai no sunu rai iha tempu bai-loron. Nune'e bainhira iha tempu udan, halo rai monu no kria erosaun makaas iha area foho leten.\nSr. Paulino mos hatutan katak, erosaun halo ai barak mak monu no tohar, estraga dalan, no halo rai-ten iha foho leten la favoravel tan. Nune'e tuir nia observasaun, iha tinan 5 mai tan, distritu Liquica la'os infrenta erosaun ou ambiete aat deit, maibe hasoru mos krise ba be mos. "Ho aktividade ne'ebe estraga ambiente agora sei fo impaktu makas ba be matan sira iha foho leten. Tamba ai laiha, no be-matan iha fo leten mos labele conserva-an. Se nune'e, povo Liquica sei hasoru krise ba konsume be mos iha tinan hirak tuir mai", Sr. Paulino reafirma.\nNune'e, iha programa Aplimentec nian agora, tau ona reboisaun no hadia fali ambiente ne'ebe mak aat hanesan prioridade ba Apliementec hahu hosi tinan 2008 ba oin. Iha tinan ne'e nia laran, Aplimentec sei desenvolve proposta ida atu implemente reboisaun iha suco haat iha distrito Liquica hanesan Dato, Loidahar, Hatuquesi no Lukulai. Proposta ne'e sei involve comunidade atu partisipa hodi hadia sira ambiente rasik. Objetivu hosi proposta atu prevene buat hirak ne'ebe sai perigu ba ambiente distritu Liquica iha tinan hirak sei mai, nune'e mos atu eduka komunidade oin-sa atu bele konserva no fo sustanibilidade ba florestal ho ambiente (j/g). | [
"Aplimentec Foundation: Liquica Presisa Reboisaun ba Ambiente Liquica Presisa Reboisaun ba Ambiente Coordenador Projetu ba Agricultura no Ambiente Aplimentec, Sr. Paulino Alves hateten katak, Distritu Liquica presisa tebes atensaun hosi Governo no elementu sosiade tomak, liu-liu iha sustanibilidade ba ambiente.",
"Tuir nia, hare ba tinan 7 nia laran ona, ambiente Liquica hetan estraga makaas.",
"Estraga sira ne'e akontense tamba povo taa ai no sunu rai iha tempu bai-loron.",
"Nune'e bainhira iha tempu udan, halo rai monu no kria erosaun makaas iha area foho leten.",
"Sr. Paulino mos hatutan katak, erosaun halo ai barak mak monu no tohar, estraga dalan, no halo rai-ten iha foho leten la favoravel tan.",
"Nune'e tuir nia observasaun, iha tinan 5 mai tan, distritu Liquica la'os infrenta erosaun ou ambiete aat deit, maibe hasoru mos krise ba be mos.",
"\"Ho aktividade ne'ebe estraga ambiente agora sei fo impaktu makas ba be matan sira iha foho leten.",
"Tamba ai laiha, no be-matan iha fo leten mos labele conserva-an.",
"Se nune'e, povo Liquica sei hasoru krise ba konsume be mos iha tinan hirak tuir mai,\" Sr. Paulino reafirma.",
"Nune'e, iha programa Aplimentec nian agora, tau ona reboisaun no hadia fali ambiente ne'ebe mak aat hanesan prioridade ba Apliementec hahu hosi tinan 2008 ba oin.",
"Iha tinan ne'e nia laran, Aplimentec sei desenvolve proposta ida atu implemente reboisaun iha suco haat iha distrito Liquica hanesan Dato, Loidahar, Hatuquesi no Lukulai.",
"Proposta ne'e sei involve comunidade atu partisipa hodi hadia sira ambiente rasik.",
"Objetivu hosi proposta atu prevene buat hirak ne'ebe sai perigu ba ambiente distritu Liquica iha tinan hirak sei mai, nune'e mos atu eduka komunidade oin-sa atu bele konserva no fo sustanibilidade ba florestal ho ambiente (j/g)."
] | [
"Aplimentec Foundation: Liquica Needs Reforestation for the Environment Mr. Paulino Alves, Project Coordinator of Agriculture and Environmental Development at APLIMENTEC said that in order to achieve sustainability on a sustainable basis it is necessary both governmental as well As social attention from all elements within society towards this district which needs re-afflorescence especially with regarding environmental issues 10/25"
"According to him, over the past 7 years Liquica's environment has been severely damaged."
"These disasters occurred because the people cut trees and burned their land on a daily basis."
"When the rain falls, it causes landslides and creates high levels of erosion in lower-lying areas."
"Mr. Paulino also added that erosion causes many trees to fall and burn, damages roadways in the area as well; soil conditions are not favourable at low altitudes because of this process"
"According to his observation, in the next 5 years Liquica district is not only facing erosion or poor environment but also a water crisis."
"\"With environmentally damaging activities now will have a serious impact on the fish in our southern waters."
"Because there is no tree, and be-matan in the fo leten can not conserve."
"Otherwise, the people of Liquica will face a crisis in consumption and also for years to come\", Mr. Paulino reaffirms .\""
"Thus, in the Aplimentec program now reforestation and restoration of degraded environment has been set as a priority for Applimetec starting from 2018 onwards."
"During this year, Aplimentec will develop a proposal to implement reforestation in four villages of the Liquica district as Dato Loidahar Hatuquesi and Lukulai."
"The proposal will involve communities to participate in improving their own environment."
"The objective of the proposal is to prevent things that will be dangerous for Liquica district's environment in coming years, as well and educate community leaders so they can conserve forestry with sustainability."
] |
Water Aid-Governu Haforsa Sustentabilidade Bee no Saneamentu\nJUser: :_load: Não foi possível carregar usuário com ID: 428\nDILI: Organizasaun internasionál Water Aid servisu hamutuk ho governu Timor Leste (TL) hodi haforsa sustentabilidade bee no saneamentu.\nOrganizasaun internasionál ne’ebé servisu iha ne’e dezde tinan 2005 servisu ho komunidade no governu lokál kona ba saneamentu no ijiene iha komunidade, parseria ho ONG nasionál sira.\n“Ami suporta governu hodi atinje objetivu hodi fo servisu ba Timor oan hotu to’o tinan 2030,” dehan reprezentante Water Aid Alex Krambly ba jornalista sira iha otél Timor horisehik.\nNune’e mos kontinua ba futuru atu sufisiente ho kualidade diak tanba agora impaktu husi mudansa klimátika, populasaun aumenta, impaktu ba rekursu bee no servisu saneamentu.\nIha fatin hanesan, Diretór Interinu diresaun Nasionál mudansa Klimátika (MCIA) Luis Belo rekoñese NGO internasionál ida ne’e nia programa implementasaun ba suply bee ba populasaun ne'ebé hela iha área rurál no mós kona ba saneamentu.\n“Polítika MCIA agora daudaun halo hela draft, seidauk finaliza. Ami labele hatete katak ne’e dokumentu ida ne’ebé válidu tanba seidauk aprova, maibé ita iha polítika diak oinsá integra programa mudansa klimátika ba setór hotu,”dehan Luis ba jornalista sira iha otél Timor horisehik.\nDraft polítika mudansa klimátika nian sei iha diskusaun nia laran hodi bele akumula ema hotu nia hanoin no opiniaun iha polítika ne’e nia laran para polítika ne’e sai dokumentu legál ida, ema hotu satisfás.\nDezenvolvimentu ne'ebé halo, sustentavel la'ós halo ohin aban aat ona, maibé tenke dura ba tinan naruk hodi bele poupa orsamentu estadu no fasilita populasaun ba moris diak no ambiente ekilíbriu.\nNune’e mos Diretór Nasionál Jestaun Rekursu de Água Gustavo da Cruz hatete, saneamentu nudar fatór determinante iha afetasaun ba mudansa klimátika. Tanba ne’e fahe informasaun ba parseiru sira oinsá tau atensaun iha setór bee iha aliterasaun klimátika ne’ebé akontese.\n“Bainhira udan been menus, afeta ba rezerva bee. Kuandu tasi sa'e, afeta ba kontamina bee rai okos ne’ebé iha,” dehan Gustavo.\nMore in this category: « Auto Estrada Suai Impede Komunidade Buka Moris Water Aid-Governu Haforsa Sustentabilidade Bee no Saneamentu »\n/Water Aid-Governu Haforsa Sustentabilidade Bee no Saneamentu | [
"Water Aid-Governu Haforsa Sustentabilidade Bee no Saneamentu JUser::_load: Nao foi possivel carregar usuario com ID: 428 DILI: Organizasaun internasional Water Aid servisu hamutuk ho governu Timor Leste (TL) hodi haforsa sustentabilidade bee no saneamentu.",
"Organizasaun internasional ne'ebe servisu iha ne'e dezde tinan 2005 servisu ho komunidade no governu lokal kona ba saneamentu no ijiene iha komunidade, parseria ho ONG nasional sira.",
"\"Ami suporta governu hodi atinje objetivu hodi fo servisu ba Timor oan hotu to'o tinan 2030,\" dehan reprezentante Water Aid Alex Krambly ba jornalista sira iha otel Timor horisehik.",
"Nune'e mos kontinua ba futuru atu sufisiente ho kualidade diak tanba agora impaktu husi mudansa klimatika, populasaun aumenta, impaktu ba rekursu bee no servisu saneamentu.",
"Iha fatin hanesan, Diretor Interinu diresaun Nasional mudansa Klimatika (MCIA) Luis Belo rekonese NGO internasional ida ne'e nia programa implementasaun ba suply bee ba populasaun ne'ebe hela iha area rural no mos kona ba saneamentu.",
"\"Politika MCIA agora daudaun halo hela draft, seidauk finaliza.",
"Ami labele hatete katak ne'e dokumentu ida ne'ebe validu tanba seidauk aprova, maibe ita iha politika diak oinsa integra programa mudansa klimatika ba setor hotu,\"dehan Luis ba jornalista sira iha otel Timor horisehik.",
"Draft politika mudansa klimatika nian sei iha diskusaun nia laran hodi bele akumula ema hotu nia hanoin no opiniaun iha politika ne'e nia laran para politika ne'e sai dokumentu legal ida, ema hotu satisfas.",
"Dezenvolvimentu ne'ebe halo, sustentavel la'os halo ohin aban aat ona, maibe tenke dura ba tinan naruk hodi bele poupa orsamentu estadu no fasilita populasaun ba moris diak no ambiente ekilibriu.",
"Nune'e mos Diretor Nasional Jestaun Rekursu de Agua Gustavo da Cruz hatete, saneamentu nudar fator determinante iha afetasaun ba mudansa klimatika.",
"Tanba ne'e fahe informasaun ba parseiru sira oinsa tau atensaun iha setor bee iha aliterasaun klimatika ne'ebe akontese.",
"\"Bainhira udan been menus, afeta ba rezerva bee.",
"Kuandu tasi sa'e, afeta ba kontamina bee rai okos ne'ebe iha,\" dehan Gustavo.",
"More in this category: \" Auto Estrada Suai Impede Komunidade Buka Moris Water Aid-Governu Haforsa Sustentabilidade Bee no Saneamentu \" /Water Aid-Governu Haforsa Sustentabilidade Bee no Saneamentu"
] | [
"Water Aid-Government Strengthens Sustainability of Beef and Sanitation JUser::_load, 428 Dili - The international water aids organization is working together with the Timor Leste (TL) government to strengthen sustained beer production in sanitation."
"The international organizations that have been working there since 2015 work with communities and local government on sanitation, hygiene in the community."
"\"We support the government in achieving its goal of providing jobs for all Timorese by 2031,\" Water Aid representative Alex Krambly told reporters at Hotel Timur on Thursday."
"The same will continue in the future to be sufficient with good quality because now impact of climate change, population increases and effects on water resources."
"Meanwhile, Interim Director of the National Climate Change Agency (MCIA) Luis Belo acknowledged this international NGO's implementation programme for water supply to population living in rural areas and sanitation."
"\"The MCIA policy is currently in draft, not finalized."
"We cannot say that this is a valid document because it has not been approved, but we have good policies on how to integrate the climate change program into all sector\" Luis told journalist in Timor Hotel today."
"The draft climate change policy will be under discussion in order to accumulate everyone's thoughts and opinion into this Policy so that it become a legal document, satisfying everybody."
"Sustainable development is not something that can be done today or tomorrow, but it must last for many years in order to save the state budget and facilitate a good life with an equilibrated environment."
"Likewise, National Director of Water Resource Management Gustavo da Cruz said that sanitation is a determining factor in the impact on climate change."
"Therefore, it shares information with partners on how to pay attention in the water sector during climate change."
"\"When there is less rain, it affects water reserve."
"When the sea level rises, it affects and contaminates all of this freshwater there is,” Gustavo said."
"More in this category: \" Auto Estrada Suai Impede Comunidade Buka Moris Water Aid-Government Strengthens Bee Sustainability and Sanitation\" /Water aids - Government strengthens bee sustainedness & sanitation"
] |
Eis Jornalista GMN Ejije Direitu Indemnizasaun | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste\nVARANDA DILI Eis Jornalista GMN Ejije Direitu Indemnizasaun\nDILI, 10 dezembru 2019 (TATOLI)-Eis Jornalista Grupu Mídia Nasionál (GMN) na’in tolu maka Julito Ximenes, Carmelita Isaac no Evaristo Mariz ne’ebé foin lalais hetan demisaun husu ba kompaña atu selu indimnizasaun tanba kontribui ona servisu ba instituisaun ne’e durante tinan barak.\nEjijensia ne’e hato’o hosi Eis Jornalista Julito Ximenes bainhira partisipa prosesu mediasaun ne’ebé halo tersa ohin, entre Sekretáriu Estadu Formasaun Profesionál no Empregu (SEFOPE), Na’in ba Kompaña GMN ne’ebé reprezenta hosi Diretór Informasaun, Francedes Suni ho Jornalista Na’in tolu iha salaun SEFOPE Caicoli.\nNotísia Relevante:Jornalista Nain Tolu Keixa GMN Ba SEFOPE\n“Ami hakarak buat ne’ebé merese duni ba ami. Tanba ne’e parte GMN sei ba akumula faktus hotu kona ba loron férias Nasionál ka over-time,”dehan Jornalista, Julito Ximenes, ba TATOLI ohin.\nDurante prosesu mediasaun la’o parte tolu konkorda sei kontinua halo mediasaun ikus iha loron 20 fulan-dezembru 2019 tanba kompaña sei verifika dadus kona-ba loron feriadu no overtime sira molok halo indeminizasaun.\nNotísia Relevante:SEFOPE Notifika Ona Diretór GMN Ba Kazu Jornalista Nain Tolu\n“Durante períodu servisu ha’u ho Carmelita Isaac kuaze tinan 5 ona no kolega Evaristo Mariz servisu tinan rua-resin, ami na’in tolu servisu iha ne’ebá,” Eis jornalista ne’e hatutan.\nTuir nia katak bainhira kompaña la selu indiminizasaun maka eis jornalista GMN na’in tolu ne’e sei lori kazu refere ba prosesa tuir dalan justisa.\n“Ami ejije no husu ami-nia direitu loloos,tanba sira (GMN) ohin dehan prontu fó overtime no loron férias nian maibé hira no seidauk hatete nia númeru osan,”nia esplika.\nIha tempu hanesan Jornalista TATOLI koko halo entrevista ho Diretór Informasaun GMN, Francedes Suni maibé rezeita fó komentáriu.\nPrevious articleSidadaun Porsentu 60 Seidauk Selu Arrendamentu ba Estadu\nNext articleJuventude FRETILIN Halo Marcha da Paz husi CCF to’o Lecidere | [
"Eis Jornalista GMN Ejije Direitu Indemnizasaun | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA DILI Eis Jornalista GMN Ejije Direitu Indemnizasaun DILI, 10 dezembru 2019 (TATOLI) -Eis Jornalista Grupu Midia Nasional (GMN) na'in tolu maka Julito Ximenes, Carmelita Isaac no Evaristo Mariz ne'ebe foin lalais hetan demisaun husu ba kompana atu selu indimnizasaun tanba kontribui ona servisu ba instituisaun ne'e durante tinan barak.",
"Ejijensia ne'e hato'o hosi Eis Jornalista Julito Ximenes bainhira partisipa prosesu mediasaun ne'ebe halo tersa ohin, entre Sekretariu Estadu Formasaun Profesional no Empregu (SEFOPE), Na'in ba Kompana GMN ne'ebe reprezenta hosi Diretor Informasaun, Francedes Suni ho Jornalista Na'in tolu iha salaun SEFOPE Caicoli.",
"Notisia Relevante:Jornalista Nain Tolu Keixa GMN Ba SEFOPE \"Ami hakarak buat ne'ebe merese duni ba ami.",
"Tanba ne'e parte GMN sei ba akumula faktus hotu kona ba loron ferias Nasional ka over-time,\"dehan Jornalista, Julito Ximenes, ba TATOLI ohin.",
"Durante prosesu mediasaun la'o parte tolu konkorda sei kontinua halo mediasaun ikus iha loron 20 fulan-dezembru 2019 tanba kompana sei verifika dadus kona-ba loron feriadu no overtime sira molok halo indeminizasaun.",
"Notisia Relevante:SEFOPE Notifika Ona Diretor GMN Ba Kazu Jornalista Nain Tolu \"Durante periodu servisu ha'u ho Carmelita Isaac kuaze tinan 5 ona no kolega Evaristo Mariz servisu tinan rua-resin, ami na'in tolu servisu iha ne'eba,\" Eis jornalista ne'e hatutan.",
"Tuir nia katak bainhira kompana la selu indiminizasaun maka eis jornalista GMN na'in tolu ne'e sei lori kazu refere ba prosesa tuir dalan justisa.",
"\"Ami ejije no husu ami-nia direitu loloos,tanba sira (GMN) ohin dehan prontu fo overtime no loron ferias nian maibe hira no seidauk hatete nia numeru osan,\"nia esplika.",
"Iha tempu hanesan Jornalista TATOLI koko halo entrevista ho Diretor Informasaun GMN, Francedes Suni maibe rezeita fo komentariu.",
"Previous articleSidadaun Porsentu 60 Seidauk Selu Arrendamentu ba Estadu Next articleJuventude FRETILIN Halo Marcha da Paz husi CCF to'o Lecidere"
] | [
"Dili, December 10th (TATOLI) - Three former journalists of the Grupo Midia Nasional(GMN), Julito Ximenes and Carmelita Isaac who were recently dismissed from their jobs have asked that compensation be paid to them because they had contributed services for this institution over many years. The company has not yet responded in a written statement on how it will pay these three ex-journalistes as well with an explanation about why he or she was denial by his/her employer' s decision against him / her during several months before being fireds after having been unemployed at GNM since January last year when there is no news reporting anywhere other than Timor Post’ STL"
"This request was made by former journalist Julito Ximenes during a mediation process held on Tuesday between the State Secretary for Vocational Training and Employment (SEFOPE), owner of GMN company represented in this case, Francedes Suni - Director Information – with three other Journalists at Sefope Caicoli."
"Relevant News: Three Journalists Call GMN For SEFOPE \"We want what we deserve."
"Therefore, GMN's part will accumulate all the fact about national holiday or overtime\", said journalist Julito Ximenes to TATOLI today."
"During the mediation process, three parties agreed to continue with final médiations on December (20) because company will verify data regarding holidays and overtime before making compensatory payment."
"Relevant News:SEFOPE Notifies GMN Director About Case Of Three Journalists \"During the period of work I and Carmelita Isaac have worked for almost 5 years now, my colleague Evaristo Mariz has been working there more than two. We are three people who were employed in this company.\""
"According to him, if the company does not pay indemnification these three former GMN journalists will take this case for prosecution through justice."
"\"We demand and ask for our rightful rights, so they (GMN) today say ready to give overtime on the holidays but how many of them have not yet said their money amount\", she explained."
"At the same time, Agência TATOLI journalists did an interview with GMN Information Director Francedes Suni but he refused to comment."
"Previous article60 Percent of Citizens Don't Pay Rent to the State Next artikelFRETILIN Youth Make Marcha da Paz from CCF until Lecidere"
] |
Kampaña nasionál “Kultura Forte-Nasaun Metin” atu prezerva kultura orijinál | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste\nVARANDA COVALIMA Kampaña nasionál “Kultura Forte-Nasaun Metin” atu prezerva kultura orijinál\nKampaña nasionál “Kultura Forte-Nasaun Metin” atu prezerva kultura orijinál\nFoinsa'e Covalima dansa kultura Simu bainaka sira. Foto TATOLI: Rafy Belo.\nCOVALIMA, 28 dezembru 2021 (TATOLI)—Governu liuhosi Sekretària Estadu Arte no Kultura (SEAK), tersa ne’e, realiza kampaña nasionàl “Kultura Forte-Nasaun Metin” atu prezerva kultura orijinál iha Covalima.\n“Ita hatene, ohin loron, iha aldeia no suku mai iha munisípiu, ita la hanesan iha tempu Indonézia ho mala-mutin nia tempu. Ita nia kultura, likurai no tebe sira orijinál loloos mai husi avó no katuas sira, Ohin loron, komesa redús no atu lakon ba beibeik ona, entaun objetivu hosi kampaña ne’e atu prezerva kultura orijinál Timor-Leste nian ba nafatin,” Reprezentante Adminitradór Munisípiu Covalima, Francisco Mendonça, hatetetn liuhosi nia diskursu bainhira partisipa iha kampaña nasionàl kultura, iha salaun Uma Feto, Covalima.\nLia-na’in sira iha munisípiu Covalima partisipa iha atividade kampaña nasionàl “Kultura Forte-Nasaun Metin” iha Covalima. Imajen Tatoli /Celestina Teles.\nNia hateten, VIII Governu Kontituisionàl realiza kampaña nasionàl “Kultura Forte-Nasaun Metin” ida-ne’e, atu fó hanoin ba estudante no profesór sira iha kada eskola sempre hatudu kreatividade hodi hatudu dansa moderna ne’ebé tau sees tiha dansa tradisionál ne’ebé bei’ala sira husik hela.\n“Governu preokupa hosi munisípiu sempre organiza atividade hanesan ne’e, no ohin grupu lubuk ida mai iha ne’e, sei prátika ita-nia tebe antiga no likurai sira atu prezerva no iha nafatin kontinuidade ba ita-nia jerasaun sira atu labele lakon,” nia informa.\nHo eventu kampaña nasionàl ne’e atu salva kultura orijinàl Covalima nian labele lakon, se lae ho influénsia dansa moderna liu-liu dansa ne’ebè la’ó orijinàl Timor ni’an hamihis ona kultura orijinàl Timor-Leste nian.\n“Ema hosi Indonézia, hanesan hosi Betun (Atambua-Kupang) dahur tuir muzika, ita (timor-oan) lori mai hakarak halo tuir sai tebe-tebe ne’ebé ohin loron buras, atu hamate ita-nia kultura orijinál,” nia dehan.\nBazea ba kultura orijinàl bei’ala sira dahur la’ós tuir múzika maibé dahur ho lian hananu de’it no baku likurai, maibé agora komunidade animadu dahur no tebe tuir múzika nia lian.\nTanba ne’e, nia rekomenda atu kontinua realiza atividade kampaña Nasionàl ne’e hodi hamosu kompetisaun, nune’e atu relembre kultura orijinàl labele halakon influénsia hosi dansa moderna sira hodi hamihis no hamate Timor-Leste nia kultura orijinál.\nPrezidente Komisaun G Parlamentu Nasionàl, António Verdial, agradese Governu liuhosi Sekretária Estadu Arte no Kultura (SEAK) realiza kampaña ansionál hodi fanu populasaun sira-nia konsiénsia atu prezerva Timor-Leste nia kultura loloos.\n“Ha’u hato’o agradese no ha’u sei apoiu Sekretária Estadu Arte no Kultura hodi tau matan ba rai Covalima, espesiál postu administrativu hitu (7). Tanba uluk ha’u sei servisu iha ne’e, iha Maucatar seidauk sai postu administrativu,” nia reforsa.\nAgora Maucatar sai postu administrativu ne’e bainhira simu vizita hosi líder Nasionàl Kay Rala Xanana Gusmão hodi hato’o ba Governu, to’o ikus deside Maucatar sai postu administrative iha Covalima.\n“Ita hato’o agradese ba líder Nasionàl Kay Rala Xanana Gusmão, bainhira hakat mai Covalima hodi hato’o ba Governu mak to’o ikus Maucatar sai postu administrative,” nia dehan.\nIha serimónia kampaña nasionàl ne’e hetan partisipasaun másimu lia-na’in sira hosi postu administrativu sira iha munisípiu Covalima hodi halo diskusaun ba kultura Cova-Lima no hatudu dansa orijinàl kultura Covalima nian.\nKampanya Nasional Kultura Forte-Nasaun Metin\nSekretaria Estadu Arte no Kultura\nPrevious articleTDD aplika prizaun preventiva ba arguidu komete omisídiu hasoru nia oan-hakiak\nNext articleCNC, I.P lansa Muzeu Memoriál iha Viqueque | [
"Kampana nasional \"Kultura Forte-Nasaun Metin\" atu prezerva kultura orijinal | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA COVALIMA Kampana nasional \"Kultura Forte-Nasaun Metin\" atu prezerva kultura orijinal Kampana nasional \"Kultura Forte-Nasaun Metin\" atu prezerva kultura orijinal Foinsa'e Covalima dansa kultura Simu bainaka sira.",
"Foto TATOLI: Rafy Belo.",
"COVALIMA, 28 dezembru 2021 (TATOLI) - Governu liuhosi Sekretaria Estadu Arte no Kultura (SEAK), tersa ne'e, realiza kampana nasional \"Kultura Forte-Nasaun Metin\" atu prezerva kultura orijinal iha Covalima.",
"\"Ita hatene, ohin loron, iha aldeia no suku mai iha munisipiu, ita la hanesan iha tempu Indonezia ho mala-mutin nia tempu.",
"Ita nia kultura, likurai no tebe sira orijinal loloos mai husi avo no katuas sira, Ohin loron, komesa redus no atu lakon ba beibeik ona, entaun objetivu hosi kampana ne'e atu prezerva kultura orijinal Timor-Leste nian ba nafatin,\" Reprezentante Adminitrador Munisipiu Covalima, Francisco Mendonca, hatetetn liuhosi nia diskursu bainhira partisipa iha kampana nasional kultura, iha salaun Uma Feto, Covalima.",
"Lia-na'in sira iha munisipiu Covalima partisipa iha atividade kampana nasional \"Kultura Forte-Nasaun Metin\" iha Covalima.",
"Imajen Tatoli /Celestina Teles.",
"Nia hateten, VIII Governu Kontituisional realiza kampana nasional \"Kultura Forte-Nasaun Metin\" ida-ne'e, atu fo hanoin ba estudante no profesor sira iha kada eskola sempre hatudu kreatividade hodi hatudu dansa moderna ne'ebe tau sees tiha dansa tradisional ne'ebe bei'ala sira husik hela.",
"\"Governu preokupa hosi munisipiu sempre organiza atividade hanesan ne'e, no ohin grupu lubuk ida mai iha ne'e, sei pratika ita-nia tebe antiga no likurai sira atu prezerva no iha nafatin kontinuidade ba ita-nia jerasaun sira atu labele lakon,\" nia informa.",
"Ho eventu kampana nasional ne'e atu salva kultura orijinal Covalima nian labele lakon, se lae ho influensia dansa moderna liu-liu dansa ne'ebe la'o orijinal Timor ni'an hamihis ona kultura orijinal Timor-Leste nian.",
"\"Ema hosi Indonezia, hanesan hosi Betun (Atambua-Kupang) dahur tuir muzika, ita (timor-oan) lori mai hakarak halo tuir sai tebe-tebe ne'ebe ohin loron buras, atu hamate ita-nia kultura orijinal,\" nia dehan.",
"Bazea ba kultura orijinal bei'ala sira dahur la'os tuir muzika maibe dahur ho lian hananu de'it no baku likurai, maibe agora komunidade animadu dahur no tebe tuir muzika nia lian.",
"Tanba ne'e, nia rekomenda atu kontinua realiza atividade kampana Nasional ne'e hodi hamosu kompetisaun, nune'e atu relembre kultura orijinal labele halakon influensia hosi dansa moderna sira hodi hamihis no hamate Timor-Leste nia kultura orijinal.",
"Prezidente Komisaun G Parlamentu Nasional, Antonio Verdial, agradese Governu liuhosi Sekretaria Estadu Arte no Kultura (SEAK) realiza kampana ansional hodi fanu populasaun sira-nia konsiensia atu prezerva Timor-Leste nia kultura loloos.",
"\"Ha'u hato'o agradese no ha'u sei apoiu Sekretaria Estadu Arte no Kultura hodi tau matan ba rai Covalima, espesial postu administrativu hitu (7).",
"Tanba uluk ha'u sei servisu iha ne'e, iha Maucatar seidauk sai postu administrativu,\" nia reforsa.",
"Agora Maucatar sai postu administrativu ne'e bainhira simu vizita hosi lider Nasional Kay Rala Xanana Gusmao hodi hato'o ba Governu, to'o ikus deside Maucatar sai postu administrative iha Covalima.",
"\"Ita hato'o agradese ba lider Nasional Kay Rala Xanana Gusmao, bainhira hakat mai Covalima hodi hato'o ba Governu mak to'o ikus Maucatar sai postu administrative,\" nia dehan.",
"Iha serimonia kampana nasional ne'e hetan partisipasaun masimu lia-na'in sira hosi postu administrativu sira iha munisipiu Covalima hodi halo diskusaun ba kultura Cova-Lima no hatudu dansa orijinal kultura Covalima nian.",
"Kampanya Nasional Kultura Forte-Nasaun Metin Sekretaria Estadu Arte no Kultura Previous articleTDD aplika prizaun preventiva ba arguidu komete omisidiu hasoru nia oan-hakiak Next articleCNC, I.P lansa Muzeu Memorial iha Viqueque"
] | [
"National campaign \"Kultura Forte-Nasaun Metin\" to preserve original culture | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor -Leste VARANDA COVALIMA Nacional Campaign “Fortress Nation Culture” To Preserve Original Cultural Kampana nasional ”Fortresses of the nation, cultural preservation”, Foinsa'e Covalima dance Simu bainaka."
"Photo: Rafy Belo. Foto TATOLI/Rafy Bela"
"COVALIMA, December 28th (TATOLI) - The Government through the State Secretariat for Arts and Culture on Tuesday launched a national campaign \"Kultura Forte-Nasaun Metin\" to preserve original culture in Covalima."
"\"We know, today in the villages and township to municipality we are not like during Indonesian times with mala-mutin' s time."
"Our original culture, traditional costumes and dance originated from our grandparents. Nowadays they are becoming less popular so the aim of this campaign is to preserve Timor-Leste' s cultural heritage forever.\" Representative Administrator Municipality Coimbra Francisco Mendonca said in his speech when participating at national Culture Campaign held on 20th November (Sunday) during Uma Feto Hall meeting room"
"Leaders in the municipality of Covalima participated at a national campaign activity \"Kultura Forte-Nasaun Metin\" (Culture for Fortified Nation) here."
"Image Tatoli/Celestina Teles."
"He said that the VIII Constitutional Government is carrying out this national campaign \"Culture of a Strong Nation\", to remind students and teachers in each school always show creativity by presenting modern dances which preserve traditional dance bequeathed from past generations."
"\"The municipality's government is always concerned about organizing activities like this, and today a lot of groups have come here to practice our ancient tebes (dance) in order that we can preserve them for the future generation so they will not be lost.\""
"With this national campaign event to save the original culture of Covalima not be lost, otherwise with modern dance influence especially dances that are performed in Timor-Leste's has destroying East Тимор."
"\"People from Indonesia, like the people of Betun (Atambua-Kupang) who love music and we bring them here want to make it into a beat that is popular today in order for our own original cultures not exist anymore\", he said."
"Based on the original culture of Bei'ala people, they dahur not according to music but with only a humming and beating likurai language. But now animated communities are dancing alongside their own musical sounds as well!"
"Therefore, he recommended to continue carrying out the activities of this National campaign in order for competitions be created so as remind people that original culture cannot undergo influence from modern dances which would degrade and kill Timor-Leste' s original cultural."
"Chairman of Parliament’s Committee G, Antonio Verdial thanked the Government through State Secretariat for Arts and Culture (SEAK) to carry out an annual campaign in order To raise awareness amongst people about preserving Timorese culture."
"\"I express my thanks and I will support the State Secretariat for Arts & Culture to take care of Covalima, especially seven (7) administrative posts."
"Because before I would work here, in Maucatar has not become an administrative post\", he reinforces."
"Now Maucatar becomes the administrative post after receiving a visit from National leader Kay Rala Xanana Gusmao to submit it for consideration by Government, until finally decided that maucatar be an administration in Covalima."
"\"We express our gratitude to the National Leader Kay Rala Xanana Gusmao, when he came here in Covalima and presented it for consideration by government until finally Maucatar became an administrative post.\""
"The national campaign ceremony was attended by a large number of officials from administrative posts in the municipality to discuss Cova-Lima culture and show original dances."
"Kampanya Nasional Kultura Forte-Nasaun Metin Secretaria de Estado Arte e Cultura Previous articleTDD applies preventive imprisonment to defendant who committed homicide against his children Next ArticleCNC, I.P launch Memorial Museum in Viqueque"
] |
MESSK sei loke kursu doutoramentu UNTL iha tinan 2023 | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste\nVARANDA EDUKASAUN MESSK sei loke kursu doutoramentu UNTL iha tinan 2023\nMESSK sei loke kursu doutoramentu UNTL iha tinan 2023\nMinistru Ensinu Superiór Siénsia no Kultura, Longuinhos dos Santos, akompaña ho Sekretáriu Estadu Komunikasaun Sosiál, Merício Juvinal dos Reis ‘Akara’, hala'o atividade ‘Meet the Press’ hodi relata ajintimentu VIII Governu Konstitusionál, iha salaun PCM, Palásiu Governu, kuarta (13/04). Imajen TATOLI/Francisco Sony\nDILI, 13 abril 2022 (TATOLI)–Ministériu Ensinu Superiór Siénsia no Kultura (MESSK) iha ona planu iha tinan 2023 sei estabelese kursu doutoramentu iha Universidade Nasionál Timor-Lorosa’e (UNTL) hodi fó oportunidade ba dosente sira.\n“Agora esforsu sira ne’ebé tenke halo mak hahú serbisu hamutuk ho Komunidade País ho Lian Portugés (CPLP) hanesan Portugal atubele haree liután preparasaun hodi aselera prosesu. Ministériu hamutuk ho UNTL halo koordenasaun no hein tinan oin bele implementa,” Ministru Ensinu Superiór Siénsia no Kultura, Longuinhos dos Santos, relata iha ámbitu ‘Meet the Press, iha salaun Prezidénsia Konsellu Ministru (PCM, sigla portugés), Palásiu Governu, kuarta ne’e.\nNotísia relevante: MESSK sei halo observasaun ba pedidu loke kursu doutoramentu DIT\nTuir governante ne’e, bainhira kursu doutoramentu loke ona, dosente hosi instituisaun superiór privadu no públiku iha posibilidade boot tebes asesu ba kursu ne’e.\nTanba ne’e, programa prioridade MESSK ne’e sei hatama iha planu orsamentu jerál tinan 2023, nune’e bainhira iha aprezentasaun planu anuál bele konvense Parlamentu Nasionál hodi aprova.\nAleinde ne’e, Dili Institute of Technology (DIT) antes ne’e submete proposta ba ministériu kona-ba planu estabelese kursu doutoramentu.\n“Ita presiza halo avaliasaun no observasaun uluk ba sira-nia preparasaun, saida maka DIT prepara hodi dudu sira hakarak loke kursu doutoramentu iha sira-nia Instituisaun. Ha’u haruka ona ekipa halo avaliasaun, maibé prosesu ne’e ha’u seidauk simu ninia rezultadu,” Ministru informa.\ntinan oin 2023\nPrevious articleTelekomcel entrega mákina fumigasaun unidade rua ba MS\nNext articleMESSK no FDCH prosesa hela bolsa estudu ba dosente 56 | [
"MESSK sei loke kursu doutoramentu UNTL iha tinan 2023 | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA EDUKASAUN MESSK sei loke kursu doutoramentu UNTL iha tinan 2023 MESSK sei loke kursu doutoramentu UNTL iha tinan 2023 Ministru Ensinu Superior Siensia no Kultura, Longuinhos dos Santos, akompana ho Sekretariu Estadu Komunikasaun Sosial, Mericio Juvinal dos Reis 'Akara', hala'o atividade 'Meet the Press' hodi relata ajintimentu VIII Governu Konstitusional, iha salaun PCM, Palasiu Governu, kuarta (13/04).",
"Imajen TATOLI/Francisco Sony DILI, 13 abril 2022 (TATOLI) -Ministeriu Ensinu Superior Siensia no Kultura (MESSK) iha ona planu iha tinan 2023 sei estabelese kursu doutoramentu iha Universidade Nasional Timor-Lorosa'e (UNTL) hodi fo oportunidade ba dosente sira.",
"\"Agora esforsu sira ne'ebe tenke halo mak hahu serbisu hamutuk ho Komunidade Pais ho Lian Portuges (CPLP) hanesan Portugal atubele haree liutan preparasaun hodi aselera prosesu.",
"Ministeriu hamutuk ho UNTL halo koordenasaun no hein tinan oin bele implementa,\" Ministru Ensinu Superior Siensia no Kultura, Longuinhos dos Santos, relata iha ambitu 'Meet the Press, iha salaun Prezidensia Konsellu Ministru (PCM, sigla portuges), Palasiu Governu, kuarta ne'e.",
"Notisia relevante: MESSK sei halo observasaun ba pedidu loke kursu doutoramentu DIT Tuir governante ne'e, bainhira kursu doutoramentu loke ona, dosente hosi instituisaun superior privadu no publiku iha posibilidade boot tebes asesu ba kursu ne'e.",
"Tanba ne'e, programa prioridade MESSK ne'e sei hatama iha planu orsamentu jeral tinan 2023, nune'e bainhira iha aprezentasaun planu anual bele konvense Parlamentu Nasional hodi aprova.",
"Aleinde ne'e, Dili Institute of Technology (DIT) antes ne'e submete proposta ba ministeriu kona-ba planu estabelese kursu doutoramentu.",
"\"Ita presiza halo avaliasaun no observasaun uluk ba sira-nia preparasaun, saida maka DIT prepara hodi dudu sira hakarak loke kursu doutoramentu iha sira-nia Instituisaun.",
"Ha'u haruka ona ekipa halo avaliasaun, maibe prosesu ne'e ha'u seidauk simu ninia rezultadu,\" Ministru informa. tinan oin 2023 Previous articleTelekomcel entrega makina fumigasaun unidade rua ba MS Next articleMESSK no FDCH prosesa hela bolsa estudu ba dosente 56"
] | [
"MESSK will open UNTL doctoral course in 2019 | Timor Post Agência Noticiosa de Timór-Leste HOME EDUCATION Minister of Higher Education, Science and Culture Longuinhos dos Santos accompanied by State Secretary for Social Communication Mericio Juvinals Reis 'Akara' held a Meet the Press event to report on meetings with members Of The Eighth Constituent Government at PCM Hall (Government Palace), Thursday April."
"DILI, April 13th - The Ministry of Higher Education Science and Culture (MESSK) has plans to establish a doctoral course at the National University Timor-Leste in order for faculty members with PhD degree opportunities."
"\"The efforts that must now be made are to start working with the Community of Portuguese-speaking Countries (CPLP) such as Portugal so we can look at preparations and accelerate this process."
"The Ministry together with UNTL coordinated and hope next year to be implemented,\" Minister of Higher Education Science & Culture Longuinhos dos Santos reported in the context 'MeetthePress' at Presidency Council Room (PCM), Government Palace on Tuesday."
"Relevant news: MESSK will make observations on the request to open a doctoral course at DIT According this governor, once PhD programs have been launched teachers from private and public higher education institutions are very likely accessing these programmes."
"Therefore, the priority programme of MESSK will be included in 2013 general budget plan so that when there is an annual presentation can convince Parliament to approve."
"In addition, Dili Institute of Technology (DIT) previously submitted a proposal to the ministry regarding plans for establishing doctoral courses."
"\"We need to make an assessment and observation first of their preparations, what DIT is preparing for them so that they can open doctoral courses in its own Institution."
"I have sent a team to do an evaluation, but the process has not yet been completed. Next year 2019 Previous articleTelekomcel delivers two unit fumigation machine for MS nextMESSK and FDCH are processing scholarship request of teachers' board"
] |
HAK ho parseiru apoia umanitária ba estudante iha “kost” | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste\nVARANDA DILI HAK ho parseiru apoia umanitária ba estudante iha “kost”\nHAK ho parseiru apoia umanitária ba estudante iha “kost”\nDILI, 20 marsu 2021 (TATOLI)- Iha ámbitu implementasaun serka sanitaria no konfinamentu domisiliáriu lori nia impaktu sosiál ba komunidade sira, liuliu estudante sira ne’ebé mai hosi munisípiu no aluga uma ka kost iha kapitál Dili.\nEstudante sira maioria mai hosi munisípiu hela iha kost no balun hela ho família alias tiun ka tian ho maun sira, maibé hirak ne’ebé la iha família iha Dili tenke aluga uma ka kost. Ironia tebes. Iha serka sanitaria ne’e, sira labele ona sai hosi Dili ba sira-nia munisípiu atu foti bukae ai-han ka osan tanba ne’e prejudika sira-nia nesesidade báziku, inklui prejudika sira atu hetan osan seluk kost.\nHaree ba situasaun inkrivel ne’e, Asosiasaun HAK hamutuk ho nia parseiru sira hanesan TAPSA, KSI, PERMATIL, MDI, AJAR, ACbit, JSMP, Grupu Estudo de Direito, RDDU, indivíduu no ativista sira, hola inisiativa umanidade halo asaun karitativa hodi apoiu nesesidade báziku tuir ne’ebé kbiit ba estudante sira ne’ebé aluga uma ka kost iha Dili laran.\nDiretór Ezekutivu Asosiasaun Direitu Umanu (HAK), Sisto dos Santos hateten, apoiu umanitária ne’ebé sira halo laiha intensaun seluk, maibé nu’udár sentimentu solidariedade ba estudante sira iha situasaun krusiál hanesan ne’e.\n“Kontribui solidariamente ne’ebé ami halo hosi aspetu umanu nian, tanba situasaun difisil hanesan ne’e ita la taka matan ba ita-nia alin estudante sira ne’ebé mak terus ba ai-han, tanba sira mak futuru nasaun nian, entaun ida ne’e fanu ita-nia solidariedade, maibé tanba la’ós projetu,” Sisto dos Santos, esklarese ba Agência Tatoli, iha nia knaar fatin, Faról, Dili, sesta (19/03).\nNia dehan, haree ba situasaun sira ne’e HAk ho nia parseiru no membru sira foti inisiativa ne’ebé mak imediatamente no urjentemente halo asaun solidariedade liuhosi apoiu umanitária.\nBainhira, Asosiasaun HAK ho parseiru rona estudante barak mak hela iha uma kost no hahán laiha balu loron tomak la han, no balun dependente de’it ba viziñu no balu to’o fa’an sira-nia telefone atu hetan hahán aguenta moris, ne’e situasaun ida krusiál tebes no presiza duni apoia malu.\nNia informa apoiu umanitária ne’ebé sira halo hahú iha kuarta to’o kinta (17-18/03), ba lista provizóriu estudante hamutuk 253 no sei kontinua asaun solidariedade ne’e ba estudante sira ne’ebé presiza duni.\nSasán nesesidade sira ne’ebé HAK ho nia parseiru apoia ba estudante sira hela iha kost mak hanesan foos, mina no supermie sedaap.\nHAK fó apoiu umanitária\nPrevious articleErmera rejistu kazu dengue 33 no na’in-10 evakua mai HNGV\nNext articleTraballadór China Harbour 154 tama Dili liuhosi Aeroportu Prezidente Nicolau Lobato | [
"HAK ho parseiru apoia umanitaria ba estudante iha \"kost\" | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA DILI HAK ho parseiru apoia umanitaria ba estudante iha \"kost\" HAK ho parseiru apoia umanitaria ba estudante iha \"kost\" DILI, 20 marsu 2021 (TATOLI) - Iha ambitu implementasaun serka sanitaria no konfinamentu domisiliariu lori nia impaktu sosial ba komunidade sira, liuliu estudante sira ne'ebe mai hosi munisipiu no aluga uma ka kost iha kapital Dili.",
"Estudante sira maioria mai hosi munisipiu hela iha kost no balun hela ho familia alias tiun ka tian ho maun sira, maibe hirak ne'ebe la iha familia iha Dili tenke aluga uma ka kost.",
"Ironia tebes.",
"Iha serka sanitaria ne'e, sira labele ona sai hosi Dili ba sira-nia munisipiu atu foti bukae ai-han ka osan tanba ne'e prejudika sira-nia nesesidade baziku, inklui prejudika sira atu hetan osan seluk kost.",
"Haree ba situasaun inkrivel ne'e, Asosiasaun HAK hamutuk ho nia parseiru sira hanesan TAPSA, KSI, PERMATIL, MDI, AJAR, ACbit, JSMP, Grupu Estudo de Direito, RDDU, individuu no ativista sira, hola inisiativa umanidade halo asaun karitativa hodi apoiu nesesidade baziku tuir ne'ebe kbiit ba estudante sira ne'ebe aluga uma ka kost iha Dili laran.",
"Diretor Ezekutivu Asosiasaun Direitu Umanu (HAK), Sisto dos Santos hateten, apoiu umanitaria ne'ebe sira halo laiha intensaun seluk, maibe nu'udar sentimentu solidariedade ba estudante sira iha situasaun krusial hanesan ne'e.",
"\"Kontribui solidariamente ne'ebe ami halo hosi aspetu umanu nian, tanba situasaun difisil hanesan ne'e ita la taka matan ba ita-nia alin estudante sira ne'ebe mak terus ba ai-han, tanba sira mak futuru nasaun nian, entaun ida ne'e fanu ita-nia solidariedade, maibe tanba la'os projetu,\" Sisto dos Santos, esklarese ba Agencia Tatoli, iha nia knaar fatin, Farol, Dili, sesta (19/03).",
"Nia dehan, haree ba situasaun sira ne'e HAk ho nia parseiru no membru sira foti inisiativa ne'ebe mak imediatamente no urjentemente halo asaun solidariedade liuhosi apoiu umanitaria.",
"Bainhira, Asosiasaun HAK ho parseiru rona estudante barak mak hela iha uma kost no hahan laiha balu loron tomak la han, no balun dependente de'it ba vizinu no balu to'o fa'an sira-nia telefone atu hetan hahan aguenta moris, ne'e situasaun ida krusial tebes no presiza duni apoia malu.",
"Nia informa apoiu umanitaria ne'ebe sira halo hahu iha kuarta to'o kinta (17-18/03), ba lista provizoriu estudante hamutuk 253 no sei kontinua asaun solidariedade ne'e ba estudante sira ne'ebe presiza duni.",
"Sasan nesesidade sira ne'ebe HAK ho nia parseiru apoia ba estudante sira hela iha kost mak hanesan foos, mina no supermie sedaap.",
"HAK fo apoiu umanitaria Previous articleErmera rejistu kazu dengue 33 no na'in-10 evakua mai HNGV Next articleTraballador China Harbour 154 tama Dili liuhosi Aeroportu Prezidente Nicolau Lobato"
] | [
"HAK and partners provide humanitarian support to students in \"kost\" | Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA DILI The implementation of the sanitary curfew, which has brought its social impact on communities especially for those who come from other districts or rent a house/cost home at Dili capital city."
"Most of the students come from municipalities living in coastal areas and some live with relatives, but those who do not have any family must rent a house or flat."
"Very ironic."
"During the lockdown, they can no longer leave Dili to their municipalities for food or money so it affects them in terms of basic needs and other income."
"In view of this incredible situation, the HAK Association together with its partners such as TAPSA. KSI PERMATIL MDI AJAR ACbit JSMP Law Study Group and individuals took an humanitarian charitable action to support basic necessities for students who rent a house or flat within Dili area accordingly their means"
"The Executive Director of the Human Rights Association (HAK), Sisto dos Santos, said that their humanitarian aid had no other intention than to show solidarity with students in this crucial situation."
"\"Contributing in solidarity that we do from the human aspect, because this difficult situation as it is not to turn a blind eye on our fellow students who are suffering food shortage. Because they're future of country and therefore inspire us for more solidarity but also since these projects aren ' t necessary\", Sisto dos Santos explained Agência Tatoli at his offices Farol Dili Saturday (19/03)."
"He said, in view of these situations HA and its partners have taken the initiative to immediately carry out urgent action through humanitarian aid."
"When the HAK Association and its partners heard that many students are living in boarding houses without food, some of them have not eaten all day long. Some depend on neighbors to get their meals while others even sell themselves out for money so they can survive; this was a very critical situation which required mutual support from both sides!"
"He informed that the humanitarian aid they provided began on Tuesday and Wednesday (17-03/28), to provisional list of students totaling 456, with this solidarity action continuation for those who really need it."
"The basic necessities that HAK and its partners are supporting for the students who live in camps include food, oil & supermie sedaap."
"PreviousErmera registers 34 dengue cases and ten evacuated to the National Hospital of Grand Dili Next articleChina Harbour workers arrived in Timor-Leste via President Nicolau Lobato Airport"
] |
RAEOA propoin millaun $127 inklui millaun $14 finaliza Ró Haksolok | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste\nVARANDA EKONOMIA RAEOA propoin millaun $127 inklui millaun $14 finaliza Ró Haksolok\nRAEOA propoin millaun $127 inklui millaun $14 finaliza Ró Haksolok\nPrezidente Autoridade Rejiaun Administrativa Espesiál Oé-Cusse Ambeno (RAEOA), Arsénio Paixão Bano. Imajen Tatoli/António Gonçalves\nDILI, 10 novembru (TATOLI)—Rejiaun Administrativa Espesiál Oé-Cusse Ambeno (RAEOA), lideradu Arsénio Paixão Bano, propoin millaun $127 iha Orsamentu Jerál Estadu (OJE) 2021 inklui previstu millaun $14 hodi finaliza konstrusaun Ró Haksolok.\n“Iha tinan 2021 ne’e, foku ba setór sosiál, COVID-19 hanesan ameasa ba dezenvolvimentu hodi asegora povu Oé-Cusse rihun 85 ne’e seguru inklui harii kuarentena iha fronteira iha Sakato, Oesilo, Pasabe no Citrana. Prioridade seluk mós kona-ba problema bee-moos, progresu projetu sira-ne’ebé la’o ona no nesesidade bázika sira,” Arsénio Paixão Bano, esplika liuhosi audiénsia públika iha Parlamentu Nasionál, tersa ne’e.\nDespeza ba kategoria saláriu vensimentu hamutuk $11,072,049 hodi asegura saláriu no oras estraordináriu ba funsionáriu hamutuk ema na’in-2,475 ne’ebé dezagrega iha gabinete prezidente autoridade, adjunta prezidente autoridade hodi reforsa institusionál, adjuntu prezidente autoridade ba asuntu sosiál no sekretária rejionál na’in-hitu (7) iha RAEOA no ZEESM.\nIha bens servisu ne’e prevee liña rúbrika manutensaun no kombustível maioria koloka orsamentu boot iha reponsabilidade prezidente autoridade nia gabinete, atu haree liu ba kombustível ba EDTL Inur Sakato, iha mós relasiona ho ekipamentu pezadu sira-ne’ebé hala’o hela atividades iha Oé-Cusse.\nIha bens servisu ne’e sita liña rúbrika formasaun profesionál no semináriu hodi atende formasaun ba joven iha Oecusse, formasaun profesionál ba funsionáriu RAEOA no ZEESM-TL, kursu profesionál iha nasaun Portugál inklui kursu ingles no portugés.\nIha kategoria bens servisu ne’e hamosu liña rúbrika asisténsia téknika hodi asegura saláriu ba asesór na’in-28, konsultór nasionál sira no tékniku profesionál sira seluk no liña rúbrika servisu operasionál hodi asegura kustu servisu operasionál ba nesesidade sekretáriu rejionál na’in-hitu (7).\nEntretantu, kapitál minór hamutuk $2,360,470.00 ba tinan 2021 atu asegura kondisaun bázika ba Gabinete Prezidente Autoridade no Gabinete Sekretária rejionál sira ba sosa karreta ambulánsia, kareta tanki bee-moos, karreta operasionáll, komputador/laptop, printer, mákina fotokopia, mobiliáriu, AC no seluk tan.\nPurtantu kapitál dezenvolvimentu hamutuk $85,506,102 ba 2021, hosi montante refere, RAEOA no ZEESM-TL prevee orsamentu $56,262,790 hosi likides própriu no Governu Sentrál sei aloka montante $29,243,312 mai hosi fundu petrolíferu hodi finánsia no asegura obras sira-ne’ebé la’o hela nomoos ba obra foun tuir prioridade VIII Governu Konstitusionál nian.\nFundu espesial dezenvolvimentu\nIha livru 3C (RAEOA-ZEESM) prevee mós rúbrika keta-ketak ida ho naran Fundu Espesiál Dezenvolvimentu (FED) ho montante $14,000,000.00 ba ezekuta hodi finaliza konstrusaun Ró Haksolok.\n“Ho nune’e bele fó retornu finanseiru mai iha RAEOA no ZEESM-TL. Orsamentu ba FED ho valór millaun $14 engloba ona iha kategória kapital dezenvolvimentu,” dokumentu orsamentál previstu iha livru 3C (RAEOA-ZEESM), ne’ebé asina hosi Ministra Finansa Interina, Sara Lobo Brites.\nPrevious articleTaxa mortalidade inan minoridade sai problema afeta ba asuntu juventude\nNext articleJoven tenke sai solusaun ba problema\nBeny November 11, 2020 at 7:01 am\nPresija haree didiak…orsamentu ba RAEOA nian tanba Rubrika tenki tau atensaun dudiak…ro haksolok nee, sei hasai tan 14 miloens nee,,laiha lojika….husu governu Central tenki haree didiak ida nee | [
"RAEOA propoin millaun $127 inklui millaun $14 finaliza Ro Haksolok | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA EKONOMIA RAEOA propoin millaun $127 inklui millaun $14 finaliza Ro Haksolok RAEOA propoin millaun $127 inklui millaun $14 finaliza Ro Haksolok Prezidente Autoridade Rejiaun Administrativa Espesial Oe-Cusse Ambeno (RAEOA), Arsenio Paixao Bano.",
"Imajen Tatoli/Antonio Goncalves DILI, 10 novembru (TATOLI) - Rejiaun Administrativa Espesial Oe-Cusse Ambeno (RAEOA), lideradu Arsenio Paixao Bano, propoin millaun $127 iha Orsamentu Jeral Estadu (OJE) 2021 inklui previstu millaun $14 hodi finaliza konstrusaun Ro Haksolok.",
"\"Iha tinan 2021 ne'e, foku ba setor sosial, COVID-19 hanesan ameasa ba dezenvolvimentu hodi asegora povu Oe-Cusse rihun 85 ne'e seguru inklui harii kuarentena iha fronteira iha Sakato, Oesilo, Pasabe no Citrana.",
"Prioridade seluk mos kona-ba problema bee-moos, progresu projetu sira-ne'ebe la'o ona no nesesidade bazika sira,\" Arsenio Paixao Bano, esplika liuhosi audiensia publika iha Parlamentu Nasional, tersa ne'e.",
"Despeza ba kategoria salariu vensimentu hamutuk $11,072,049 hodi asegura salariu no oras estraordinariu ba funsionariu hamutuk ema na'in-2,475 ne'ebe dezagrega iha gabinete prezidente autoridade, adjunta prezidente autoridade hodi reforsa institusional, adjuntu prezidente autoridade ba asuntu sosial no sekretaria rejional na'in-hitu (7) iha RAEOA no ZEESM.",
"Iha bens servisu ne'e prevee lina rubrika manutensaun no kombustivel maioria koloka orsamentu boot iha reponsabilidade prezidente autoridade nia gabinete, atu haree liu ba kombustivel ba EDTL Inur Sakato, iha mos relasiona ho ekipamentu pezadu sira-ne'ebe hala'o hela atividades iha Oe-Cusse.",
"Iha bens servisu ne'e sita lina rubrika formasaun profesional no seminariu hodi atende formasaun ba joven iha Oecusse, formasaun profesional ba funsionariu RAEOA no ZEESM-TL, kursu profesional iha nasaun Portugal inklui kursu ingles no portuges.",
"Iha kategoria bens servisu ne'e hamosu lina rubrika asistensia teknika hodi asegura salariu ba asesor na'in-28, konsultor nasional sira no tekniku profesional sira seluk no lina rubrika servisu operasional hodi asegura kustu servisu operasional ba nesesidade sekretariu rejional na'in-hitu (7).",
"Entretantu, kapital minor hamutuk $2,360,470.00 ba tinan 2021 atu asegura kondisaun bazika ba Gabinete Prezidente Autoridade no Gabinete Sekretaria rejional sira ba sosa karreta ambulansia, kareta tanki bee-moos, karreta operasionall, komputador/laptop, printer, makina fotokopia, mobiliariu, AC no seluk tan.",
"Purtantu kapital dezenvolvimentu hamutuk $85,506,102 ba 2021, hosi montante refere, RAEOA no ZEESM-TL prevee orsamentu $56,262,790 hosi likides propriu no Governu Sentral sei aloka montante $29,243,312 mai hosi fundu petroliferu hodi finansia no asegura obras sira-ne'ebe la'o hela nomoos ba obra foun tuir prioridade VIII Governu Konstitusional nian.",
"Fundu espesial dezenvolvimentu Iha livru 3C (RAEOA-ZEESM) prevee mos rubrika keta-ketak ida ho naran Fundu Espesial Dezenvolvimentu (FED) ho montante $14,000,000.00 ba ezekuta hodi finaliza konstrusaun Ro Haksolok.",
"\"Ho nune'e bele fo retornu finanseiru mai iha RAEOA no ZEESM-TL.",
"Orsamentu ba FED ho valor millaun $14 engloba ona iha kategoria kapital dezenvolvimentu,\" dokumentu orsamental previstu iha livru 3C (RAEOA-ZEESM), ne'ebe asina hosi Ministra Finansa Interina, Sara Lobo Brites.",
"Previous articleTaxa mortalidade inan minoridade sai problema afeta ba asuntu juventude Next articleJoven tenke sai solusaun ba problema Beny November 11, 2020 at 7:01 am Presija haree didiak...orsamentu ba RAEOA nian tanba Rubrika tenki tau atensaun dudiak...ro haksolok nee, sei hasai tan 14 miloens nee,,laiha lojika....husu governu Central tenki haree didiak ida nee"
] | [
"RAEOA proposes $127 million including finalization of Ro Haksolok | TIMOR HEADLINE ECONOMIC NEWS Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste (ANTL) The President, Arsenio Paixao Bano. Oecusse Ambeno Special Administratives Region Authority Chairman: “We are pleased to announce that we have approved the budget for this year and will continue working on it in future”"
"Image Tatoli/Antonio Goncalves DILI, November 10 (TATOLI) - The Oe-Cusse Ambeno Special Administratives Region of the Portuguese Republic proposes $2.5 billion in its General State Budget for this year including a planned amount to complete construction on Ro Haksolok and other infrastructure projects that will be implemented by it within three years from now as well"
"\"In 2019, focus on the social sector. COVID-3 is a threat to development and we must ensure that Oecusse's people are safe including establishing quarantine facilities at Sakato border in Saco (Oesilo), Pasabe no Citrana.\""
"Other priorities concerning the water problem, progress of projects that are already underway and basic needs\", Arsenio Paixao Bano explained during a public hearing in National Parliament on Tuesday."
"Expenditure in the salary and income category amounted to $12,073.958 for ensuring salaries of 46 employee (including overtime) who are divided into office president authorities; vice-president authority institutional strengthening department: deputy President Authority Social Affairs Office regional secretariats at OAEA & ZEESM"
"In the goods and services, this line provides for maintenance headings. The majority places a large budget in responsibility of president' s office to look over fuel supplying EDTL (Electric Power Company) Inur Sakato; there is also related with heavy equipment that are carrying out activities on Oe-Cusse 2014/5"
"The service item lists vocational training and seminar to attend youth in Oecusse, professional education for officials of the Region Administrative Specialization Area (RAEOA) no ZEESM-TL. Professional course at Portugal including English/Portuguese Course"
"In the category of goods and services, there is a technical assistance line to ensure salaries for 28 advisers (NCC) national consultants(NCT), other professional engineer/technicians; an operational service lines which will cover costs related with operations required by seven regional secretaries."
"Meanwhile, minor capital amounts to $2.36047 million for the year 1985 and will be used in order that basic conditions are ensured at both Office of President Authority & Regional Secretariat office with ambulance cars; water tank vehicles (water pump), operational carriage equipment such as computer/laptop printer photocopiers furniture AC etc"
"The development capital amounts to $85,061.2 million for the year 34 of this budgetary period; from that total sum intended by both ZEESM-TL and OAROA is estimated at a costing level as low or equivalent with its own liquidity ($79) billion while Central Government will allocate an additional US$ (€), which would be used on existing works underway but also new projects according priority VIII Constitutional government' s policy"
"Special Development Fund In book 3C (RAEOA-ZEESM) also provides for a special heading named the Especial Desenvolvimento Fondo ($EDF), with an amount of $14.0 million, to be spent on completion and construction work in Ro Haksolok railway station"
"\"Thus, financial return can come to RAEOA and ZEESM-TL."
"The budget for the FED of $14 million has been included in development capital category,\" according to a document provided by book 3C (RAEOA-ZEESM), which was also subscribed and approved on behalf from Acting Minister Sara Lobo Brites."
"Previous articleRate of maternal mortality among minority becomes a problem affecting youth affair Next artikelYoung people must be the solution to problems in RAEOA Benys November,10th at7:24 am Presija look carefully...the budget for OAEC because Rubrika should pay close attention....ro haksolok this year will take out another $35 million."
] |
By Tempo Timor May 06, 2022 145\nTraballadór Timoroan na’in-87 ne’ebé pprepara atu aranka ba servisu iha Korea Súl. Foto Tempo Timor\n“Objetivu loron ohin importante tebes, tanba ne'e konvida traballdór sira marka prezensa iha ne'e hetan akompaña husi Sua Eselénsia Primeiru Ministru, Taur Matan Ruak hodi asiste no fó hanoin ba ita-boot sira bainhira atu ba servisu iha Kórea Súl. Tanba ne'e, responsabilidade ita hothotu nian tantu família no Governu”, informa Diretór Diresaun Nasionál Empregu Exterior, Filomeno Soares, iha Ótel Timor Logde, sesta (06/05).\nPreparasaun dadus traballadór sira hamutuk na'in-93 Pesóal maibé tanba traballadór balun hasoru problema família no finanseiru. Nune’e traballadór sira ne'ebé mak aranka ba Kórea Súl hamutuk na'in-87 Pesóal, kompostu husi feto na'in-2 no Mane na'in-85 ne'ebe sei destaka iha área fábrika no peskas.\nOrsamentu ne'ebé mak aloka ba transporte atu ba Kórea Súl ne'e responsabiliza husi família no traballadór sira.\nMaibé programa sira ne'e realiza tanba Governu investe iha Programa formasaun lian Kórea hodi prepara joven sira ba servisu iha Korea.\nNune'e, Programa Mobility Laboral hahú iha tinan 2009 hodi haruka traballadór sira ba servisu iha Kórea Súl. Traballadór ne'ebe servisu iha Kórea Súl husi tinan 2009 are agora hamutuk rihun 4404.\nSekretáriu Estadu Formasaun Profesionál no Empregu (SEFOPE), Alarico do Rosario hatete, atividade despedida ita halo ba traballadór hamutuk na'in-87 ne'ebé sei ba servisu iha nasaun Kórea Súl.\nNune'e, SEFOPE konvida família traballadór sira-nian atu asina akordu entre família ho Governu nian bainhira traballadór sira ba servisu iha nasaun Kórea Súl sei lori Timor nia naran tanba ne'e, tenke ho disiplina, kumpri regra no labele halai ses husi sistema.\n“Traballadór sira sei ba servisu iha Kórea Súl tanba ne'e, ami konvida Sua Exelensia atu fó hanoin ba ita-nia traballadór sira kona-ba servisu no saida mak terus iha ema nia rai atu sei hanesan bukae ida bainhira servisu iha ema nia rai”, dehan Alarico.\nAtividade ne'e, partisipa husi Primeiru Ministru (PM), Taur Matan Ruak, ekipa Embaixada Kórea Súl iha Timor-Leste no Ajensia Air Timor. (*)\nTraballadór Korea Súl\nEmbaixada Korea dos Sul\n« MOP Enkontru ho Embaixadór Austrália Hametin Kooperasaun iha Área Infraestrutura Taur Husu Traballadór Sira Adapta Tuir Disiplina iha Nasaun Korea »\nVise-MAE Inaugura Sentru Komunitária Husi PMOHA iha Aileu | [
"By Tempo Timor May 06, 2022 145 Traballador Timoroan na'in-87 ne'ebe pprepara atu aranka ba servisu iha Korea Sul.",
"Foto Tempo Timor \"Objetivu loron ohin importante tebes, tanba ne'e konvida traballdor sira marka prezensa iha ne'e hetan akompana husi Sua Eselensia Primeiru Ministru, Taur Matan Ruak hodi asiste no fo hanoin ba ita-boot sira bainhira atu ba servisu iha Korea Sul.",
"Tanba ne'e, responsabilidade ita hothotu nian tantu familia no Governu,\" informa Diretor Diresaun Nasional Empregu Exterior, Filomeno Soares, iha Otel Timor Logde, sesta (06/05).",
"Preparasaun dadus traballador sira hamutuk na'in-93 Pesoal maibe tanba traballador balun hasoru problema familia no finanseiru.",
"Nune'e traballador sira ne'ebe mak aranka ba Korea Sul hamutuk na'in-87 Pesoal, kompostu husi feto na'in-2 no Mane na'in-85 ne'ebe sei destaka iha area fabrika no peskas.",
"Orsamentu ne'ebe mak aloka ba transporte atu ba Korea Sul ne'e responsabiliza husi familia no traballador sira.",
"Maibe programa sira ne'e realiza tanba Governu investe iha Programa formasaun lian Korea hodi prepara joven sira ba servisu iha Korea.",
"Nune'e, Programa Mobility Laboral hahu iha tinan 2009 hodi haruka traballador sira ba servisu iha Korea Sul.",
"Traballador ne'ebe servisu iha Korea Sul husi tinan 2009 are agora hamutuk rihun 4404.",
"Sekretariu Estadu Formasaun Profesional no Empregu (SEFOPE), Alarico do Rosario hatete, atividade despedida ita halo ba traballador hamutuk na'in-87 ne'ebe sei ba servisu iha nasaun Korea Sul.",
"Nune'e, SEFOPE konvida familia traballador sira-nian atu asina akordu entre familia ho Governu nian bainhira traballador sira ba servisu iha nasaun Korea Sul sei lori Timor nia naran tanba ne'e, tenke ho disiplina, kumpri regra no labele halai ses husi sistema.",
"\"Traballador sira sei ba servisu iha Korea Sul tanba ne'e, ami konvida Sua Exelensia atu fo hanoin ba ita-nia traballador sira kona-ba servisu no saida mak terus iha ema nia rai atu sei hanesan bukae ida bainhira servisu iha ema nia rai,\" dehan Alarico.",
"Atividade ne'e, partisipa husi Primeiru Ministru (PM), Taur Matan Ruak, ekipa Embaixada Korea Sul iha Timor-Leste no Ajensia Air Timor. (*) Traballador Korea Sul Embaixada Korea dos Sul \" MOP Enkontru ho Embaixador Australia Hametin Kooperasaun iha Area Infraestrutura Taur Husu Traballador Sira Adapta Tuir Disiplina iha Nasaun Korea \" Vise-MAE Inaugura Sentru Komunitaria Husi PMOHA iha Aileu"
] | [
"By Tempo Timor May 06,14587 East-Timorese workers prepared to go for work in South Korea."
"Foto Tempo Timor \"Today's objective is very important, therefore I invite the workers to mark their presence here accompanied by His Excellency Prime Minister Taur Matan Ruak in order that he may assist and give advice for us when we are going on a job trip into South Korea."
"Therefore, it is the responsibility of us all both family and Government\", informs Director National Direction for Foreign Employment Filomeno Soares in Timor Logde Hotel on Saturday (06/15)."
"Preparation of data on workers totaling 93 personnel but because some employees faced family and financial problems."
"Thus, the workers who are going to South Korea total 87 Personnel composed of two women and one man. They will work in factories or fisheries areas for a period from six months upwards (2015-3)."
"The budget for transportation to South Korea is borne by the families and workers."
"However, these programs are being carried out because the Government invests in Korean Language Training Program to prepare young people for work within Korea."
"Thus, the Labor Mobility Program began in 2015 to send workers for work abroad."
"The total number of workers working in South Korea since 2015 is now approximately one million and four hundred thousand."
"The State Secretary for Vocational Training and Employment (SEFOPE), Alarico do Rosario, said that the dismissals were made to 87 workers who will be working in South Korea."
"Thus, SEFOPE invited the workers' families to sign an agreement between their family and Government when they go for work in South Korea that will carry Timor-Leste name. Therefore it is necessary discipline must be maintained by complying with rules not escaping from system; there are no excuses of any kind which can prevent this process being successfully carried out.\""
"\"Workers will go to work in South Korea so we invite His Excellency for a reminder of our workers about the job and what it is like suffering on their own land, that they can feel as an entrepreneur when working at home\", said Alarico."
"The activity was attended by Prime Minister (PM), Taur Matan Ruak, South Korean Embassy team in Timor-Leste and Air Timór Agency. (*) Workers from the Embassies of Korea do Sul \"MOP Encounter with Ambassador Australia Strengthen Cooperation on Infrastructure Area\" “Taur Urges Employees to Adapt According To Discipline In Nação Coreana” Vice MAE Inaugurates PMOHA Community Center at Aileu"
] |
Diskursu Mestre Ceremonia Içar Bandeira 02 Julho 2018. | Timor-Leste Ministry of Finance\nHome » Anúnsiu » Diskursu Mestre Ceremonia Içar Bandeira 02 Julho 2018. Imprime pájina\nDISKURSU MESTRE CEREMONIA IÇAR DA BANDEIRA\n02 Julho 2018.\nMónica Rangel da Cruz, Diretora Geral da Autoridade Tributária.\nUluk nana’in permite hau hodi reprezenta SE Sra. Vice Ministra e Ministra em exercisio hodi lidera no sai Mestre da Ceremonia ba ceremonia içar da bandeira ohin loron segunda feira dia 02 de Julho 2018 hanesan mos primeira Icar Bandeira VIII( oitavo Governo).\nHau nia respeito ba Sr. Presidente ANPM, Vice ANPM no ekipa, Diretores Gerais, Diretoris Nacionais, Chefe Gabinete, Coordenadores, Chefe Unidade, etc…no funcionários sira hotu,,,\nBom dia ba ita bo’ot sira hotu…….\nHakarak hato’o parabéns ba ekipa Içar Bandeira ba Autoridade Tributaria, agradese mos ba Sr. Valente nebe durante ne’e ho pasiensia hodi suporata nafatin preparasaun ba ceremonia Içar da Bandeira. Hau fiar katak sei iha kaderizasaun husi Sr. Valente ba ema seluk hodi halo preparasaun ba içar da bandeira iha futuru.\nHakarak mos agradese ba logostica ba preparasaun ceremonia içar ba bandeira ohin nian.\nHau mos hakarak agradese purfundu ba sentidu de pertence no fidelidade ita hotu nian ba estadu no nasaun hodi respeita nafatin regras no simbolu nacionais sira hanesan ezemplu konkreta nebe agora dadauk ita halao hela ceremonia içar da bandeira.\nHusu ba Chefia sira hotu atu bele controla nafatin liu liu asesor nacionais nebe nunka participa iha seremonia içar bandeira, husu atu bele partisipa mos tamba, içar bandeira ne’e kada fulan ida dala ida. Husu atu tau nafatin conciencia no sentido nasionalismu.\nIha biban ida ne’e hakarak transmite hela…. ..Sekuencia hosi aktividade chave balun katak Governo sei aprova Lei Organica VIII Governo, tuir fali Programa Governo no OGE 2018. Iha tinan ida ne’e sei prepara mos OGE 2019. Ne’e duni papel Ministério Finanças iha faze ida krusial atu guia Ministério hotu iha tempu badak nia laran hodi prepara orcamento rua (2). DG Finanças do Estado sei halo exercisio bo’ot ba assuntu refere.\nNe’e duni iha biban ida ne’e hau lori SE Vice Ministra no Ministra em exsercisio nia naran husu ita hotu fo apoio ba malu, disciplina iha horario, ida-idak halao nia servisu ho responsabilidade, tenque iha solidaridade institucional atu prontu nafatin fo suporta ba linha ministeriais / LM sira wainhira sira presiza Ministério Finanças nia tulun liu-liu iha espiritu atu servi ba ita nia cidadaun sira.\nAtu konklui husu ba funcionários hotu atu buka kumpri nafatin dever funcionários Público nebe consagra ona iha Lei Funsaun Públika.\nHusu nafatin ho conciencia tomak hodi kumpri regras em vigor.\nIha biban ida ne’e hakarak hato’o “PARABENS no BEMVINDO” ba SE Primerio Ministro VIII Governo no Membro do Governo sira hotu.\nIkus liu hakarak mos avisa ba ita hotu katak iha lorokraik 17:00 horas, kuandu hatun bandeira Nasional ita hotu tenque hamrik hakmatek iha fatin to’o bandeira hatun hotu e depois mak foin bele la’o.\nObrigado wa’in e bom trabalho ba ita hotu. | [
"Diskursu Mestre Ceremonia Icar Bandeira 02 Julho 2018. | Timor-Leste Ministry of Finance Home \" Anunsiu \" Diskursu Mestre Ceremonia Icar Bandeira 02 Julho 2018.",
"Monica Rangel da Cruz, Diretora Geral da Autoridade Tributaria.",
"Uluk nana'in permite hau hodi reprezenta SE Sra.",
"Vice Ministra e Ministra em exercisio hodi lidera no sai Mestre da Ceremonia ba ceremonia icar da bandeira ohin loron segunda feira dia 02 de Julho 2018 hanesan mos primeira Icar Bandeira VIII (oitavo Governo).",
"Hau nia respeito ba Sr. Presidente ANPM, Vice ANPM no ekipa, Diretores Gerais, Diretoris Nacionais, Chefe Gabinete, Coordenadores, Chefe Unidade, etc...no funcionarios sira hotu,,, Bom dia ba ita bo'ot sira hotu.......",
"Hakarak hato'o parabens ba ekipa Icar Bandeira ba Autoridade Tributaria, agradese mos ba Sr. Valente nebe durante ne'e ho pasiensia hodi suporata nafatin preparasaun ba ceremonia Icar da Bandeira.",
"Hau fiar katak sei iha kaderizasaun husi Sr. Valente ba ema seluk hodi halo preparasaun ba icar da bandeira iha futuru.",
"Hakarak mos agradese ba logostica ba preparasaun ceremonia icar ba bandeira ohin nian.",
"Hau mos hakarak agradese purfundu ba sentidu de pertence no fidelidade ita hotu nian ba estadu no nasaun hodi respeita nafatin regras no simbolu nacionais sira hanesan ezemplu konkreta nebe agora dadauk ita halao hela ceremonia icar da bandeira.",
"Husu ba Chefia sira hotu atu bele controla nafatin liu liu asesor nacionais nebe nunka participa iha seremonia icar bandeira, husu atu bele partisipa mos tamba, icar bandeira ne'e kada fulan ida dala ida.",
"Husu atu tau nafatin conciencia no sentido nasionalismu.",
"Iha biban ida ne'e hakarak transmite hela.... ..Sekuencia hosi aktividade chave balun katak Governo sei aprova Lei Organica VIII Governo, tuir fali Programa Governo no OGE 2018.",
"Iha tinan ida ne'e sei prepara mos OGE 2019.",
"Ne'e duni papel Ministerio Financas iha faze ida krusial atu guia Ministerio hotu iha tempu badak nia laran hodi prepara orcamento rua (2).",
"DG Financas do Estado sei halo exercisio bo'ot ba assuntu refere.",
"Ne'e duni iha biban ida ne'e hau lori SE Vice Ministra no Ministra em exsercisio nia naran husu ita hotu fo apoio ba malu, disciplina iha horario, ida-idak halao nia servisu ho responsabilidade, tenque iha solidaridade institucional atu prontu nafatin fo suporta ba linha ministeriais / LM sira wainhira sira presiza Ministerio Financas nia tulun liu-liu iha espiritu atu servi ba ita nia cidadaun sira.",
"Atu konklui husu ba funcionarios hotu atu buka kumpri nafatin dever funcionarios Publico nebe consagra ona iha Lei Funsaun Publika.",
"Husu nafatin ho conciencia tomak hodi kumpri regras em vigor.",
"Iha biban ida ne'e hakarak hato'o \"PARABENS no BEMVINDO\" ba SE Primerio Ministro VIII Governo no Membro do Governo sira hotu.",
"Ikus liu hakarak mos avisa ba ita hotu katak iha lorokraik 17:00 horas, kuandu hatun bandeira Nasional ita hotu tenque hamrik hakmatek iha fatin to'o bandeira hatun hotu e depois mak foin bele la'o.",
"Obrigado wa'in e bom trabalho ba ita hotu."
] | [
"Diskursu Mestre Ceremonia Icar Bandeira 02 Julho. | Timor-Leste Ministry of Finance Home \" Anunsiu\" Diskursu Master Cerimonial Carrying the Flag on July,1st"
"Imprime pagina DISKURSU MESTRE CEREMONIA ICAR DA BANDEIRA July,2nd of the year."
"Monica Rangel da Cruz, Director-General of the Tax Authority (Autoridade Tributária)."
"Uluk nana'in permit hau hodi representa SE Sra."
"Vice Minister and minister in office to lead as Master of Ceremony for the flag raising ceremony today on Monday, July 2nd. This is also first time that Flag Raises VIII (eighth Government)."
"My respects to Mr. President ANPM, Vice-President and team of the National Association for Marine Fisheries (ANMP), Director General' s Office in Rio de Janeiro; national directorship: Chief Executive Officer(CEO); Coordinator/Controller Unit Head etc...to all staff members....Good morning everyone......."
"I would like to congratulate the team of Bandeira Carrying at Tax Authority, and thank Mr. Valente who during this time with patience supported preparations for Ceremony Flag Carriage 2017-"
"I am confident that there will be some caderization by Mr. Valente to others in order for him/her prepare the icar da bandeira (flag raising) at a later date ,"
"I would also like to thank the logistics team for preparing today' s flag-raiser ceremony."
"I would also like to express my deep gratitude for the sense of belonging and loyalty that we all show towards our state, country in respected national symbols as a concrete example is today' s flag raising ceremony."
"He urged all Chiefs to continue controlling especially the national advisers who have never participated in a flag raising ceremony, asking them that they can also take part because it is raised once every month."
"Calls for awareness and sense of nationalism."
"In this regard, I would like to convey.... .The sequence of some key activities is that the Government will approve Organic Law VIII Governance followed by Program Governo no OGE (Government and Economic Development Plan) for The Year"
"This year will also prepare the OGE 2019."
"That is why the role of Finance Ministry in a crucial phase to guide all ministries within short time for preparing orcamento two (2)."
"DG State Finances will do a great deal of exercise in this regard."
"Therefore, on behalf of the SE Vice-Minister and Minister in Exercise I ask that we all support each other; discipline ourselves with regard to schedules. Each one should carry out his/her work responsibly so as there is an institutional solidarity which will keep us ready whenever they need assistance from Ministry Finance especially for serving their citizens' needs!"
"To conclude, I ask all civil servants to continue fulfilling the duties of public officials enshrined in Public Service Law."
"I urge you to comply with the rules in force."
"In this connection, we would like to extend our \"PARABENS and WELCOME\" for SE Primeiro Ministro VIII Governo e todos os Membros do governo."
"Finally, I would like to warn you all that in the morning at 5:30 pm when we raise our national flags everybody must stay there until it is raised and then they can go."
"Thank you wa'in and good work ba ita hotu."
] |
Papa apela ba kristaun no musulmanu sira hodi "unidu nafatin" iha orasaun - TIMOR AGORA\nPapa apela ba kristaun no musulmanu sira hodi "unidu nafatin" iha orasaun\nIha loron-segunda ne'e, papa Francisco defende ona "importánsia" hosi ema kristaun sira no ema musulmanu sira hodi "unidu nafatin" iha orasaun, ba sekuénsia hosi atake ida hasoru meskita ida iha Quebeque (Kanadá), ne'ebé halo ema na'in neen mate no ema oioin hetan kanek.\nPapa halo apelu ne'e iha ámbitu hosi enkontru ida ne'ebé nia mantén ho kardeal kanadianu no arsebispu Quebeque nian, Gérald Cyprien LaCroix, ne'ebé ho koinsidénsia halo vizita iha Roma no fila lalais kedas ba nia nasaun, informa ona hosi Vatikanu liuhosi komunikadu ida.\nSekretáriu Estadu Vatikanu nian, Pietro Parolin, haruka ona Lacroix hodi papa nia naran, telegrama ida ne'ebé Francisco "kondena maka'as asaun foun violénsia nian ne'ebé hamosu terus maka'as".\nIha fatin seluk, Konsellu Pontífise ba Diálogu Inter-Relijiozu hatudu ona liuhosi komunikadu ida nia "tristeza no indignasaun tanba atentadu aat ne'ebé halo hasoru ema fiar-na'in musulmanu sira ne'ebé halibur iha orasaun iha fatin kultu ida iha Quebeque".\n"Ho asaun insesatu ida viola ona ema moris nia lulik no respeitu ba komunidade ida iha orasaun no ba fatin kultu ida ne'ebé halibur komunidade", hatutan hosi Konsellu, ne'ebé transmiti nia solidariedade maka'as ba ema musulmanu kanadianu sira ne'ebé hanesan vítima hosi asaun "violénsia aat ne'e".\nSAPO TL ho Lusa - Foto@ Nicolas Bouvy /EPA | [
"Papa apela ba kristaun no musulmanu sira hodi \"unidu nafatin\" iha orasaun - TIMOR AGORA Papa apela ba kristaun no musulmanu sira hodi \"unidu nafatin\" iha orasaun Iha loron-segunda ne'e, papa Francisco defende ona \"importansia\" hosi ema kristaun sira no ema musulmanu sira hodi \"unidu nafatin\" iha orasaun, ba sekuensia hosi atake ida hasoru meskita ida iha Quebeque (Kanada), ne'ebe halo ema na'in neen mate no ema oioin hetan kanek.",
"Papa halo apelu ne'e iha ambitu hosi enkontru ida ne'ebe nia manten ho kardeal kanadianu no arsebispu Quebeque nian, Gerald Cyprien LaCroix, ne'ebe ho koinsidensia halo vizita iha Roma no fila lalais kedas ba nia nasaun, informa ona hosi Vatikanu liuhosi komunikadu ida.",
"Sekretariu Estadu Vatikanu nian, Pietro Parolin, haruka ona Lacroix hodi papa nia naran, telegrama ida ne'ebe Francisco \"kondena maka'as asaun foun violensia nian ne'ebe hamosu terus maka'as.\"",
"Iha fatin seluk, Konsellu Pontifise ba Dialogu Inter-Relijiozu hatudu ona liuhosi komunikadu ida nia \"tristeza no indignasaun tanba atentadu aat ne'ebe halo hasoru ema fiar-na'in musulmanu sira ne'ebe halibur iha orasaun iha fatin kultu ida iha Quebeque.\"",
"\"Ho asaun insesatu ida viola ona ema moris nia lulik no respeitu ba komunidade ida iha orasaun no ba fatin kultu ida ne'ebe halibur komunidade,\" hatutan hosi Konsellu, ne'ebe transmiti nia solidariedade maka'as ba ema musulmanu kanadianu sira ne'ebe hanesan vitima hosi asaun \"violensia aat ne'e.\"",
"SAPO TL ho Lusa - Foto@ Nicolas Bouvy /EPA"
] | [
"Pope calls on Christians and Muslim to \"stay united\" in prayer - TIMOR AGORA The pope urges the christianity of both sides, especially those who are living amidst religious conflict. On Monday 15th October at his homily during Holy Week celebration for Christ'S Resurrection (Christmas Eve), he called upon all believers that they should remain unified after six people were killed by an attacked mosque near Quebec City last week which left several others wounded as well"
"The Pope made his appeal in the context of a meeting he held with Canadian Cardinal and Archbishop Gerald Cyprien LaCroix, who coincidentally visited Rome before returning to Canada shortly afterwards."
"Vatican Secretary of State Pietro Parolin has sent to Lacroix, on behalf the pope's own person a telegram in which Francis \"strongly condemned these new acts Of violence that have caused great suffering.\""
"Meanwhile, the Pontifical Council for Interreligious Dialogue has expressed in a communiqué its \"sadness and indignation at this abhorrent attack on Muslim faithful gathering to prayer within one of Quebec's religious buildings.\""
"\"With such an inhumane act, the dignity of human life has been violated and respect for a prayer community as well to place where worship is gathered by communities\", said The Council. It expresses its deepest sympathy with Canadian Muslims who are victimized through this “evil violence.”"
"SAPO TL ho Lusa - Foto@ Nicolas Bouvy /EPA"
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Kazu Ritabou, PNTL Bobonaro kontinua halibur evidénsia | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste\nVARANDA BOBONARU Kazu Ritabou, PNTL Bobonaro kontinua halibur evidénsia\nBOBONARO, 15 juñu 2021 (TATOLI)—Komandu Polísia Nasionál Timor Leste (PNTL), munisípiu Bobonaro kontinua halibur dadus hosi sasin-sira, atu kompleta investigasaun hodi bele identifika autór-prinsipál ba kazu baku Custódio de Fátima Pascoal iha aldeia Samelaun, suku Ritabou, postu administrativu Maliana, munisípiu Bobonaro, iha 07 juñu 2021.\nKomandante PNTL munisípiu Bobonaro, Superintendente António Mau-Luta, hateten hafoin akontesimentu, polísia identifika kedan ema balun, no halo ona investigasaun, maibé ekipa investigasaun sei kontinua halibur tán informasaun no evidénsia, atu bele reforsa investigasaun no fortifika evidénsia, nune’e prosesu bele la’o di’ak liu tán.\n“Prosesu investigasaun la’o hela no besik konklui ona. Ami mós husu hela informasaun hosi parte hotu-hotu, atu prosesu ne’e bele la’o ho di’ak, nune’e ita bele aprezenta ba Ministériu Públiku,” Superintendente António Mau-Luta, hateten ba jornalista Agência Tatoli, iha Komandu PNTL Bobonaro, tersa ne’e.\nTuir planu, iha tempu badak Komandu munisípiu Bobonaro, sei hato’o relatóriu ba Komandu Jerál PNTL, nune’e aprezenta ba Munistériu Públiku hodi bele kontinua prosesu to’o julgamentu.\n“Ita fiar katak, kazu ne’e to’o ikus ninia rezultadu sei di’ak no ita sei aprezenta ba MP iha tempu badak,” Komandante ne’e subliña.\nKronolojia akontesimentu, iha 07 juñu 2021, madrugada tuku 1:30 otl, matebian Custódio de Fátima Pascoal ba hemu tua hamutuk ho nia kolega-sira iha aldeia Samelaun, suku Ritabou, derrepente grupu deskoñesidu ataka matebian no baku nia ulun uza besi-baku to’o monu ba rai ho kondisaun grave.\nHafoin akontesimentu, família transporta kedan vítima ba Hospitál Referál Maliana (HRM), hodi halo tratamentu saúde no kontinua transporta ba Ospitál Nasionál Guido Valadare (HNGV sígla portugés) ho elikópteru, maibé la konsege salva, tanba sofre kanek Grave no hakotu-iis iha sesta (11/06).\nIha domingu (13/06), família akompaña hosi membru PNTL no Forsa Defeza Timor-Leste (F-FDTL), transporta ba rai moris fatin iha suku Ritabou, no hetan asaltu hosi grupu deskoñesidu, hodi harahun uma, sasán, animal inklui hakanek joven nai’in-ida.\nMatebian Custódio António de Fátima Pascoal, nu’udár oan daruak hosi maun-alin na’in-tolu, aman naran Arlindo de Fátima Pascoal ‘Abe-magun’ ho inan Esperança Serafina Braga.\nMatebian hakotu-iis ho idade 21, no iha segunda (14/06), família halo’ot ona besik nia hela fatin iha suku Ritabou.\nPNTL Bobonaro kontinua halibur evidénsia\nPrevious articleSerka sanitária, kazu 2.577 pendente iha Ministériu Públiku\nNext articleESJ 5 de maiu utiliza fundu konsesaun $2.000 ba limpeza | [
"Kazu Ritabou, PNTL Bobonaro kontinua halibur evidensia | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA BOBONARU Kazu Ritabou, PNTL Bobonaro kontinua halibur evidensia BOBONARO, 15 junu 2021 (TATOLI) - Komandu Polisia Nasional Timor Leste (PNTL), munisipiu Bobonaro kontinua halibur dadus hosi sasin-sira, atu kompleta investigasaun hodi bele identifika autor-prinsipal ba kazu baku Custodio de Fatima Pascoal iha aldeia Samelaun, suku Ritabou, postu administrativu Maliana, munisipiu Bobonaro, iha 07 junu 2021.",
"Komandante PNTL munisipiu Bobonaro, Superintendente Antonio Mau-Luta, hateten hafoin akontesimentu, polisia identifika kedan ema balun, no halo ona investigasaun, maibe ekipa investigasaun sei kontinua halibur tan informasaun no evidensia, atu bele reforsa investigasaun no fortifika evidensia, nune'e prosesu bele la'o di'ak liu tan.",
"\"Prosesu investigasaun la'o hela no besik konklui ona.",
"Ami mos husu hela informasaun hosi parte hotu-hotu, atu prosesu ne'e bele la'o ho di'ak, nune'e ita bele aprezenta ba Ministeriu Publiku,\" Superintendente Antonio Mau-Luta, hateten ba jornalista Agencia Tatoli, iha Komandu PNTL Bobonaro, tersa ne'e.",
"Tuir planu, iha tempu badak Komandu munisipiu Bobonaro, sei hato'o relatoriu ba Komandu Jeral PNTL, nune'e aprezenta ba Munisteriu Publiku hodi bele kontinua prosesu to'o julgamentu.",
"\"Ita fiar katak, kazu ne'e to'o ikus ninia rezultadu sei di'ak no ita sei aprezenta ba MP iha tempu badak,\" Komandante ne'e sublina.",
"Kronolojia akontesimentu, iha 07 junu 2021, madrugada tuku 1:30 otl, matebian Custodio de Fatima Pascoal ba hemu tua hamutuk ho nia kolega-sira iha aldeia Samelaun, suku Ritabou, derrepente grupu deskonesidu ataka matebian no baku nia ulun uza besi-baku to'o monu ba rai ho kondisaun grave.",
"Hafoin akontesimentu, familia transporta kedan vitima ba Hospital Referal Maliana (HRM), hodi halo tratamentu saude no kontinua transporta ba Ospital Nasional Guido Valadare (HNGV sigla portuges) ho elikopteru, maibe la konsege salva, tanba sofre kanek Grave no hakotu-iis iha sesta (11/06).",
"Iha domingu (13/06), familia akompana hosi membru PNTL no Forsa Defeza Timor-Leste (F-FDTL), transporta ba rai moris fatin iha suku Ritabou, no hetan asaltu hosi grupu deskonesidu, hodi harahun uma, sasan, animal inklui hakanek joven nai'in-ida.",
"Matebian Custodio Antonio de Fatima Pascoal, nu'udar oan daruak hosi maun-alin na'in-tolu, aman naran Arlindo de Fatima Pascoal 'Abe-magun' ho inan Esperanca Serafina Braga.",
"Matebian hakotu-iis ho idade 21, no iha segunda (14/06), familia halo'ot ona besik nia hela fatin iha suku Ritabou.",
"PNTL Bobonaro kontinua halibur evidensia Previous articleSerka sanitaria, kazu 2.577 pendente iha Ministeriu Publiku Next articleESJ 5 de maiu utiliza fundu konsesaun $2.000 ba limpeza"
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"BOBONARO, June 15th (Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste) - The National Police Command of Bobonaro continues to collect evidence from witnesses in order for it To complete the investigation and identify a principal perpetrator on case against Custodio Fatima Pascoal at Samelaun village Ritabou commune Maliana administrative post municipality Bogonarro. This incident took place during his visit with family members who were travelling home after attending an event organized by PNTL/PDTL community services office that was held there as part Of their annual celebrations regardless if they are or not involved In this crime which has been reportedly carried out between May – July last year"
"The Police Chief of Bobonaro, Superintendent Antonio Mau-Luta said after the incident that police identified some suspects and have investigated but will continue to gather more information in order for their work on this case."
"\"The investigation process is ongoing and nearly concluded."
"We are also asking for information from all parties, so that the process can run smoothly and we may submit it to Public Prosecutor's Office\", Superintendent Antonio Mau-Luta told reporter Agencia Tatoli at Bobonaro Police Command on Tuesday."
"According to the plan, in a short time Bobonaro Municipal Command will submit its reports and findings on this matter for consideration by PNTL General Comando (Command of National Police) so that it can proceed with trial."
"\"We are confident that the case will have a positive outcome and we shall present it to MP in due course,\" he said."
"Chronology of events, on June 07th at the early morning hours (1:35 a.m), Custodio de Fatima Pascoal was going to fire with his colleagues in Samelaun village Ritabou commune when suddenly an unknown group attacked him and beat her head using iron rods until she fell down seriouslity injuries"
"After the incident, family transported victim to Malian Referral Hospital (HRM) for medical treatment and continued transportation by helicopters until Ospital Nacional Guido Valadare. However he was not able be rescued because of his serious injuries which led him into death on Saturday 10/6)."
"On Sunday (13/06), the family accompanied by members of PNTL and Timor-Leste Defence Forces, was transported to their home in Ritabou village where they were assaulting an unknown group who robbed them from household items."
"Custodio Antonio de Fatima Pascoal was the second of three children born to Arlindo De Fátima 'Abe-magun' and Esperanca Serafina Braga."
"The deceased passed away at the age of 21, and on Monday (06/4), his family had gathered nearby in Ritabou village."
"Previous articleSerka sanitaria, caso 2.576 pendente no Ministério Público NextESJ utiliza fundo concessão $10 mil para limpeza – ESJ News"
] |
OJE 2021, ANAAA foin ezekuta 12% | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste\nVARANDA DILI OJE 2021, ANAAA foin ezekuta 12%\nOJE 2021, ANAAA foin ezekuta 12%\nDILI, 08 maiu 2021 (TATOLI) – Ajénsia Nasionál Akreditasaun no Avaliasaun Akadémiku (ANAAA), tinan ida ne’e, hetan alokasaun orsamentu jerál estadu (OJE) 2021 $426,865. Hosi totál orsamentu ne’e, ANAAA foin ezekuta 12% ekivalente ho rihun $50-resin ba kategoria saláriu funsionáriu ANAAA nian, reuniaun membru Konsellu Diretivu ANAAA nian, internet, telefone no jornál.\nDiretór ANAAA, Edmundo da Silva Viegas, informa ezekusaun foin atinje 12% iha primeiru trimestre ne’e sei hanesan mós iha segundu trimestre. Maibé tama ba terseiru trimestre, ANAAA garante katak ezekusaun sei sa’e maka’as tanba planu programa ANAAA nian ba akreditasaun no re-akreditasaun sei hahú iha periodu ida-ne’e.\n“Terseiru trimestre ne’e ami tenke aselera duni ninia ezekusaun tanba ita simu ona lista kursu 34 no prepara hela sira no Instituisaun Ensinu Superiór Públiku no Privadu (IESPP) ualu (8) ne’ebé atu hetan avaliasaun. Planu sira-ne’e ami sei realiza iha juñu-jullu, tinan ne’e,” diretór Edmundo Viegas, hateten ba jornalista iha nia servisu fatin, Edifísiu ANAAA iha Dili, sesta ne’e.\nEdmundo afirma katak programa prioritáriu ne’ebé ANAAA pretende atu realiza iha 2021 maka akreditasaun ba kursu sira ne’ebé mak seidauk hetan akreditasaun iha Instituisaun Ensinu Superiór akreditadu 14 no re-akreditasaun ba IIESPP ualu ne’ebé hetan akreditasaun ikus iha 2015.\n“Ami halo ona kontaktu ho IESPP sira hahú iha janeiru kotuk no ami hetan ona kursu 34, kursu bacharalato no lisensiatura hamutuk 25 no post-graduasaun no mestradu hamutuk sia atu tuir akreditasaun”.\nNia afirma katak ba prosesu re-akreditasaun, ANAAA sei foku ba IESPP ualu ne’ebé hetan akreditasaun ikus iha 2015 ne’ebé tuir loloos atu hetan fali re-akreditasaun iha tinan kotuk, maibé tanba ANAAA ninia orsamentu la to’o inklui mós situasaun rai laran hasoru hela pandemia COVID-19 entaun ANAAA adia ba tinan ida ne’e.\nNia informa katak IESPP ualu atu hetan re-akreditasaun iha tinan ida ne’e maka Universidade Nasional Timor Lorosa’e (UNTL), Universidade da Paz (UNPAZ), Dili Institute of Technology (DIT), Institute of Business (IOB), Institutu Siénsia Relijiaun (ICR), Institutu Superiór Cristal (ISC) no Institutu Formasaun Profesór (ICFP) Baucau.\nAjénsia Nasionál Akreditasaun no Avaliasaun Akadémiku (ANAAA)\nPrevious articlePNTL kontinua kontrola bairru risku ba konflitu iha Dili\nNext articleEstudante EBF Aiturilaran seidauk foti rezumu matéria | [
"OJE 2021, ANAAA foin ezekuta 12% | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA DILI OJE 2021, ANAAA foin ezekuta 12% OJE 2021, ANAAA foin ezekuta 12% DILI, 08 maiu 2021 (TATOLI) - Ajensia Nasional Akreditasaun no Avaliasaun Akademiku (ANAAA), tinan ida ne'e, hetan alokasaun orsamentu jeral estadu (OJE) 2021 $426,865.",
"Hosi total orsamentu ne'e, ANAAA foin ezekuta 12% ekivalente ho rihun $50-resin ba kategoria salariu funsionariu ANAAA nian, reuniaun membru Konsellu Diretivu ANAAA nian, internet, telefone no jornal.",
"Diretor ANAAA, Edmundo da Silva Viegas, informa ezekusaun foin atinje 12% iha primeiru trimestre ne'e sei hanesan mos iha segundu trimestre.",
"Maibe tama ba terseiru trimestre, ANAAA garante katak ezekusaun sei sa'e maka'as tanba planu programa ANAAA nian ba akreditasaun no re-akreditasaun sei hahu iha periodu ida-ne'e.",
"\"Terseiru trimestre ne'e ami tenke aselera duni ninia ezekusaun tanba ita simu ona lista kursu 34 no prepara hela sira no Instituisaun Ensinu Superior Publiku no Privadu (IESPP) ualu (8) ne'ebe atu hetan avaliasaun.",
"Planu sira-ne'e ami sei realiza iha junu-jullu, tinan ne'e,\" diretor Edmundo Viegas, hateten ba jornalista iha nia servisu fatin, Edifisiu ANAAA iha Dili, sesta ne'e.",
"Edmundo afirma katak programa prioritariu ne'ebe ANAAA pretende atu realiza iha 2021 maka akreditasaun ba kursu sira ne'ebe mak seidauk hetan akreditasaun iha Instituisaun Ensinu Superior akreditadu 14 no re-akreditasaun ba IIESPP ualu ne'ebe hetan akreditasaun ikus iha 2015.",
"\"Ami halo ona kontaktu ho IESPP sira hahu iha janeiru kotuk no ami hetan ona kursu 34, kursu bacharalato no lisensiatura hamutuk 25 no post-graduasaun no mestradu hamutuk sia atu tuir akreditasaun.\"",
"Nia afirma katak ba prosesu re-akreditasaun, ANAAA sei foku ba IESPP ualu ne'ebe hetan akreditasaun ikus iha 2015 ne'ebe tuir loloos atu hetan fali re-akreditasaun iha tinan kotuk, maibe tanba ANAAA ninia orsamentu la to'o inklui mos situasaun rai laran hasoru hela pandemia COVID-19 entaun ANAAA adia ba tinan ida ne'e.",
"Nia informa katak IESPP ualu atu hetan re-akreditasaun iha tinan ida ne'e maka Universidade Nasional Timor Lorosa'e (UNTL), Universidade da Paz (UNPAZ), Dili Institute of Technology (DIT), Institute of Business (IOB), Institutu Siensia Relijiaun (ICR), Institutu Superior Cristal (ISC) no Institutu Formasaun Profesor (ICFP) Baucau.",
"Ajensia Nasional Akreditasaun no Avaliasaun Akademiku (ANAAA) Previous articlePNTL kontinua kontrola bairru risku ba konflitu iha Dili Next articleEstudante EBF Aiturilaran seidauk foti rezumu materia"
] | [
"2019, ANAAA just executed $3.5 million of state budget | TIMOR HAU Notícias Timor-Leste News Agency VARANDA DILI National Accreditation and Academic Evaluation Authority (ANAAA), this year received a general State Budget allocation ($468k) for its work in the field to ensure that it achieved an adequate level on academic excellence at all levels from basic education through higher learning;"
"Of the total budget, ANAAA has only spent 12%, equivalent to more than $50 thousand for salaries of its staff members; meetings with board member and directorate representative."
"Director of ANAAA, Edmundo da Silva Viegas informed that the implementation reached only 12% this first quarter and will be similar for second."
"However, in the third quarter ANAAA assures that implementation will rise significantly as its program plan for accreditation and re-accreditation is due to begin during this period."
"\"This third quarter, we have to accelerate its implementation because it has received the list of 34 courses and is preparing them for evaluation. Eight (8) public or private higher education institutions will be evaluated.\""
"We will realize these plans in June-July of this year,\" director Edmundo Viegas told journalists at his office building ANAAA on Saturday."
"Edmundo stated that the priority programmes ANAAA intends to implement in 2019 are accreditation of unackredited coursework at fourteen higher education institutions and re-accréditations for seven IIESPP which received their latest assessment last year."
"\"We have been in contact with IESPPs since last January and we already got the accreditation for a total of nine post-graduate, master' s degree course."
"He affirmed that for the re-accreditation process, ANAAA will focus on IESPP seven who were last acknowledged in2015 which should have been reconfirmed this past year but because of an inaccurate budget including domestic situation against still COVID -."
"He informed that the seven IESPPs to be re-accredited this year are Universidade Nacional Timor Lorosa'e (UNTL), Universidad da Paz, Dili Institute of Technology and Instituto de Formação Professoral Baucau."
"National Agency for Accreditation and Academic Evaluation (ANAAA) Previous articlePNTL continues to control neighbourhood at risk of conflict in Dili NextEBF Aiturilaran students have not taken the summary material"
] |
ORGÁNIKA PROVEDORIA DOS DIREITOS HUMANOS E JUSTIÇA NIAN - PDHJ - Provedoria dos Direitos Humanos e Justiça\n2 Soberania no konstitusionalidade\n6 Objetivu Estadu nian\n7 Sufrájiu universál no multipartidarizmu\n8 Relasaun internasionál\n9 Simu direitu internasionál\n11 Fó valór ba rezisténsia\n12 Estadu no relijiaun sira\n13 Lian ofisiál no lian nasionál sira\n14 Símbolu nasionál sira\n15 Bandeira Nasionál\nDIREITU, DEVÉR, LIBERDADE NO GARANTIA FUNDAMENTÁL SIRA\nTÍTULU I PRINSÍPIU JERÁL SIRA\n16 Universalidade no igualdade\n17 Igualdade ba feto no mane\n18 Protesaun ba labarik-oan sira\n19 Klosan sira\n20 Ferik no katuas sira\n21 Sidadaun ne’ebé iha defisiénsia\n22 Timór-oan sira iha tasi-balu\n23 Interpretasaun kona-ba direitu fundamentál sira\n24 Lei restritivu sira\n25 Estadu exesaun nian\n26 Asesu ba tribunál\n27 Provedór Direitus Umanus no Justisa nian\n28 Direitu ba rezisténsia no defende an rasik\nDIREITU, LIBERDADE NO GARANTIA IDA-IDAK NIAN\n29 Direitu ba moris\n30 Direitu ba liberdade, seguransa no integridade ema idaidak nian\n31 Hala’o lei krime nian\n32 Limite bá kastigu no ba medida seguransa nian\n33 Habeas Corpus\n34 Garantia ba prosesu krime nian\n35 Extradisaun no expulsaun\n36 Direitu ba onra no privasidade\n37 Labele viola uma hela-fatin no korrespondénsia\n38 Protesaun ba informasaun ema idaidak nian\n39 Família, kazamentu no maternidade\n40 Liberdade ko’alia no informasaun nian\n41 Liberdade imprensa no komunikasaun sosiál nian\n42 Liberdade reuniaun no manifestasaun nian\n43 Liberdade asosiasaun nian\n44 Liberdade sirkulasaun nian\n45 Liberdade konxiénsia, relijiaun no kultura nian\n46 Direitu ba partisipasaun iha polítika\n47 Direitu sufrájiu nian\n48 Direitu petisaun nian\n49 Defeza soberania nian\nDIREITU NO DEVÉR EKONÓMIKU, SOSIÁL NO KULTURÁL\n50 Direitu ba servisu\n51 Direitu ba greve no bandu lock-out\n52 Liberdade sindikál\n53 Direitu konsumidór sira-nian\n54 Direitu ba Propriedade privadu\n55 Obrigasaun kontribuinte nian\n56 Seguransa no tulun sosiál\n58 Uma hela-fatin\n59 Edukasaun no kultura\n60 Propriedade intelektuál\nPARTE III ORGANIZASAUN PODÉR POLÍTIKU NIAN\n62 Titularidade no ezersísiu podér polítiku nian\n63 Sidadaun sira-nia partisipasaun polítika\n64 Prinsípiu renovasaun nian\n67 Órgaun soberania nian sira\n69 Prinsípiu kona-ba haketak podér sira\n70 Partidu polítiku sira no direitu opozisaun nian\n71 Organizasaun administrativa\n72 Podér lokál\n73 Publisidade atu-ofisiál sira-nian\nTÍTULU II PREZIDENTE-REPÚBLIKA\nESTATUTU, ELEISAUN NO NOMEASAUN\n77 Simu knaar no juramentu\n79 Responsabilidade ba krime no obrigasaun kona-ba konstituisaun\n81 Renúnsia husi mandatu\n82 Mate, renúnsia ka inkapasidade permanente\n83 Kazu exesionál sira\n84 Substituisaun no interinidade\nKAPÍTILU II KOMPETÉNSIA\n85 Kompeténsia rasik\n86 Kompeténsia kona-ba órgaun sira seluk\n87 Kompeténsia iha relasaun internasionál\n88 Promulgasaun no vetu\n89 Asaun Prezidente interinu nian\nKAPÍTULU III KONSELLU-ESTADU\n91 Kompeténsia, organizasaun no funsionamentu Konsellu-Estadu\nKAPÍTULU I ESTATUTU NO ELEISAUN\n93 Eleisaun no kompozisaun\nKAPÍTULU II KOMPETÉNSIA\n95 Kompeténsia Parlamentu Nasionál nian\n96 Autorizasaun lejislativu\n97 Inisiativa lei nian\n98 Parlamentu nia apresiasaun kona-ba lejislasaun\nKAPÍTULU III ORGANIZASAUN NO FUNSIONAMENTU\n101 Partisipasaun husi membru Governu nian\nKAPÍTULU IV KOMISAUN PERMANENTE\n102 Komisaun Permanente\nTÍTULU IV GOVERNU\nKAPÍTULU I DEFINISAUN NO ESTRUTURA\nKAPÍTULU II FORMASAUN NO RESPONSABILIDADE\n107 Responsabilidade Governu nian\n108 Programa Governu nian\n109 Apresiasaun ba programa Governu nian\n110 Husu votu konfiansa\n111 Mosaun sensura nian\n112 Demisaun Governu nian\n113 Responsabilidade kriminál husi Membru-Governu sira\n114 Imunidade Membru-Governu\nKAPÍTULU III KOMPETÉNSIA\n115 Kompeténsia Governu nian\n116 Kompeténsia Konsellu-Ministru nian\n117 Kompeténsia Membru Governu nian\nTÍTULU V TRIBUNÁL SIRA\nTRIBUNÁL SIRA NO MAJISTRATURA JUDISIÁL\n118 Knaar jurisdisionál\n120 Haree ba hahalok ne’ebé latuir Lei-Inan\n121 Juís sira\n123 Kategoria tribunál sira-nian\n124 Tribunál Supremu Justisa nian\n125 Hala’o knaar no kompozisaun\n126 Kompeténsia konstituisaun no eleisaun nian\n128 Konsellu Superiór Majistratura Judisiál nian\n129 Tribunál Superiór Administrativu, Fiskál no Konta nian\n130 Tribunál militár sira\n131 Audiénsia tribunál sira-nian\nKAPÍTULU II MINISTÉRIU PÚBLIKU\n132 Knaar no estatutu\n133 Prokuradoria-Jerál Repúblika nian\n134 Konsellu Superiór Ministériu Públiku nian\nKAPÍTULU III ADVOKASIA\n135 Advogadu sira\n136 Garantia kona-ba hala’o advokasia\nTÍTULU VI ADMINISTRASAUN PÚBLIKA\n137 Administrasaun Públika nia Prinsípiu Jerál sira\nORGANIZASAUN EKONOMIA NO FINANSA NIAN\nTÍTULU I PRINSÍPIU JERÁL\n138 Organizasaun ekonomia nian\n139 Rekursu naturál sira\nSISTEMA FINANSA NO FISKÁL NIAN\n142 Sistema finansa nian\n143 Banku Sentrál\n144 Sistema fiskál nian\n145 Orsamentu Jerál Estadu nian\nDEFEZA NO SEGURANSA NASAUN NIAN\n146 Forsa Armada sira\n147 Polísia no forsa seguransa sira\n148 Konsellu Superiór Defeza no Seguransa nian\nGARANTIA NO REVIZAUN LEI-INAN NIAN\nTÍTULU I GARANTIA LEI-INAN NIAN\n149 Fiskalizasaun preventivu kona-ba lala’ok Lei-Inan nian\n150 Fiskalizasaun abstraktu kona-ba lala’ok Lei-Inan nian\n151 Latuir Lei-Inan tan omisaun\n152 Fiskalizasaun konkretu dalan Lei-Inan ninian\n153 Lia-kakotun Tribunál Supremu Justisa nian\nTÍTULU II REVIZAUN LEI-INAN NIAN\n154 Inisiativa no tempu halo revizaun nian\n155 Aprovasaun no promulgasaun\n156 Limite materiál iha revizaun Lei-Inan nian\n157 Limite sirkunstansiál revizaun nian\nLIAFUAN IKUS NO TEMPU-LEET NIAN\n158 Tratadu, akordu no aliansa\n159 Lian serbisu nian\n160 Krime bo’ot\n161 Hasai riku-soin latuir lei\n163 Organizasaun Judisiál iha Tempu-leet\n164 Kompeténsia Tempu-leet Tribunál Supremu Justisa nian\n165 Direitu uluk nian\n166 Inu nasionál\n167 Transformasaun Asembleia Konstituinte nian\n168 Governu Tempu-leet Darua\n169 Eleisaun prezidensiál 2002 ninian\n170 Lei-Inan tama iha vigór\nTimór-Leste nia independénsia iha loron 28 fulan Novembru 1975, ne’ebé Frente Revolusionáriu Timór-Leste Independente (FRETILIN) mak proklama, sei hetan rekoñesimentu internasionál iha loron 20 fulan Maiu tinan 2002, wainhira povu timoroan hetan libertasaun hosi kolonializmu no okupasaun ilegál ba Pátria Maubere hosi poténsia raiseluk.\nElaborasaun no adosaun Konstituisaun Repúblika Demokrátika Timór-Leste nian, mak tutun-a’as rezisténsia sekulár povu timoroan nian ne’ebé sai maka’as liu horik invazaun loron 7 fulan Dezembru tinan 1975.\nFunu hasoru funu-maluk, hahú ho FRETILIN nia lideransa, ne’ebé loke dalan luan tan ba partisipasaun polítika, hodi hamoris Konsellu Nasionál Rezisténsia Maubere (CNRM) iha tinan 1987, tuir mai Konsellu Nasionál Rezisténsia Timorense (CNRT) iha tinan 1998.\nRezisténsia hala’o iha frente oin tolu.\nFrente armada ne’ebé Forsas Armadas Libertasaun Nasionál Timor-Leste (FALINTÍL) hala’o ho barani tebes hodi hasa’e asaun históriku ida.\nAsaun hosi frente klandestina, ne’ebé hala’o hodi matenek iha funu-maluk sira-nia leet, ne’ebé feto no mane rihun barak fó sira-nia moris, liuliu klosan sira-ne’ebé hala’o funu ho sira- nia moris atu bele hetan liberdade no independénsia.\nFrente diplomátika, ne’ebé hala’o iha mundu raiklaran, loke dalan ba libertasaun totál.\nIha nia parte kulturál no umanu, Uma-Kreda Katólika iha Timór-Leste la para simu ho dignidade povu tomak nia terus, hodi tau an iha povu nia leet hodi defende sira-nia direitu kdasar.\nKonstituisaun ida-ne’e reprezenta, ikusliu, omenajen ida, povu fó ho laran tomak ba Pátria nia martir hotu-hotu.\nNune’e, Deputadu hotu Asembleia Konstituinte nian, wainhira povu hili tiha nu’udar sira-nia reprezentate lejítimu iha loron 30 fulan Agostu tinan 2001,\nHodi tuba metin ba referendu loron 30 fulan Agostu tinan 1999 ninian, ne’ebé la’o iha Organizasaun Nasoens Unidas nia matan-okos, konfirma povu nia hakarak rasik ba independénsia;\nHo neon-metin duni katak iha nesesidade atu harii kultura demokrátika institusionál ida rasik Estadu Direitu ninian, iha ne’ebé ema sei respeitu Konstituisaun, lei no instituisaun ne’ebé povu rasik mak hili;\nHodi interpreta povu Timór-Leste nia sentimentu kle’an, nia aspirasaun no nia fé ba Maromak;\nHateten hikas ho solenidade nia determinasaun atu halo funu hasoru forma oin-oin tirania nian, opresaun, dominasaun no kaketak sosiál, kulturál ka tuir relijiaun, atu defende independénsia nasionál, respeita no fó garantia ba direitus umanus, no ema sidadaun sira-nia direitu fundamentál, atu kaer metin prinsípiu haketak podér iha Estadu nia organizasaun no harii demokrasia sanak-barak nia regra prinsipál sira, hodi buka harii nasaun ida-ne’ebé justu no buras, hodi mós foti sosiedade ida-ne’ebé hakiak ema atu fó neon-laran ba malu nu’udar maun- alin.\nAsembleia Konstituinte halibur iha sesaun plenáriu iha loron 22 fulan Marsu tinan 2002, aprova no dekreta Lei-Inan Replúblika Demokrátika Timór-Leste nian ne’ebé tuirmai ne’e:\nPRINSÍPIU FUNDAMENTÁL SIRA\nArtigu 1.o (Repúblika)\nRepúblika Demokrátika Timór-Leste katak Estadu ida-ne’ebé demokrátiku, soberanu, ukun-an no ida-mesak, harii hosi povu nia hakarak no iha respeitu ba dignidade ema moris idaidak nian.\nLoron 28 fulan Novembru tinan 1975 maka loron Proklamasaun Independénsia Repúblika Demokrátika Timór-Leste nian.\n(Soberania no konstitusionalidade)\n1. Soberania haktuur metin iha povu , ne’ebé hala’o soberania ne’e tuir Lei-Inan haruka.\n2 Estadu hakruuk ba Lei-Inan no lei-oan sira.\n3 Lei-oan sira no hahalok seluk tan hosi Estadu no kbiit autoridade lokál sira-nian foin sai válidu wainhira sira la’o tuir duni Lei-Inan haruka.\n4 Estadu rekoñese no valoriza norma no lisan rai-Timór nian ne’ebé la’ós kontra Lei-Inan no mós lejizlasaun seluk tan ne’ebé ko’alia kona-ba direitu ne’ebé mai husi lisan no toman.\nArtigu 3.o (Sidadania)\nIha Repúblika Demokrátika Timór-Leste nia laran iha sidadania nanis no sidadania husun.\nSidadaun nanis Timór-Leste nian maka ema ne’ebé moris nanis iha rai nasionál laran:\na) oan sira-ne’ebé aman ka inan moris iha Timór-Leste;\nb) oan sira-ne’ebé inan-aman laiha, nasionalidade eh rai moris-fatin lahatene;\nc) oan sira-ne’ebé aman ka inan ema raiseluk, ne’ebé idade liu ona tinan sanulu resin hitu, no sira rasik hili sai timoroan;\n3. Sidadaun nanis Timór-Leste nian mós sira-ne’ebé, biar moris iha rai-liur, sira-nia aman ka inan, timoroan.\n4. Lei-oan mak sei regula kona-ba akizisaun, lakon no hetan filafali sidadania, nune’e mós sidadaun sira-nia rejistu no prova.\nArtigu 4.o (Rai)\nRai Repúblika Demókratika Timór-Leste nian halo parte rai-foho nia luan no naruk no kle’an zona tasi nian no kalohan-laran tuka-ba rai-ketan nasionál sira, ne’ebé tuir liak-tuan tama hotu iha klees loro-sa’en tasi-le’un Timór nian, rai-le’un Oe-Kusi Ambenu, tasi-le’un Atauru no tasi-le’un Jaku.\nLei-oan sei hametin no hatuur kona-ba luan no rohan we rai-laran nian, zona ekonómiku eskluzivu (haketak tasi mutin no metan) no Timór-Leste nia direitu iha zona tatutan no plataforma kontinentál.\nEstadu la taka matan ba Timór-oan nia rai rohan ida eh ba direitu soberania ne’ebé nia hala’o, hodi lahalo aat ba ratifikasaun kona-ba rai-ketan.\nArtigu 5.o (Desentralizasaun)\nEstadu respeita, iha nia organizasaun rai-laran nian, kona-ba PRINSÍPIU atu fahe kbiit Administrasaun Públika nian.\nLei-oan maka hatuur no hametin karakterístika eskalaun oin-oin rai-laran nian, no mós kompeténsia administrativu órgaun sira-ne’e nian.\nOe-Kussi Ambenu no Atauro, sira hetan tratamentu administrativu no ekonómiku espesiál.\nArtigu 6.o (Objectivu Estadu nian)\nEstadu nia objetivu fundamentál sira maka ne’e:\na) Defende no garante nasaun nia soberania;\nb) Garante no promove sidadaun sira-nia direitu no liberdade fundamentál, no respeitu ba Estadu nia prinsípiu kona-ba direitu demokrátiku;\nc) Defende no garante demokrasia polítika no partisipasaun populasaun nian kona-ba rezolusaun problema nasionál sira;\nd) Garante dezenvolvimentu ba ekonomia, ba progresu siénsia no téknika;\ne) Harii sosiedade ida-ne’ebé hatuur iha justisa sosiál, hodi hakiak sidadaun sira-nia moris di’ak ba isin no ba klamar;\nf) Proteje didi’ak meiu-ambiente no boli nafatin riku-soin rai nian;\ng) Hakatak no haloko povu timoroan nia personalidade no nia liman-rohan kulturál.\nh) Harii no haburas relasaun di’ak no harosan (kooperasaun) ho povu no ho estadu hotu- hotu;\ni) Promove dezenvolvimentu ida-ne’ebé nakait kabeer ba setór oioin no rejiaun sira, no mós fahe loloos produtu nasionál nian;\nj) Hamoris, promove no garante biban no leet ne’ebé hanesan ba ema feto no mane.\n(Sufrájiu universál no multipartidarizmu)\nPovu hala’o nia kbiit polítiku liu hosi sufrájiu universál livre, diretu, sekretu no periódiku, no liu husi forma seluk tan ne’ebé hakerek ona iha Lei-Inan.\nEstadu fó valór ba partidu polítiku sira-nia kontribuisaun atu povu hakatak-sai nia hakark rasik tuir organizasaun, no ba sidadaun nia partisipasaun demokrátiku iha hahalok ukun nian iha nasaun laran.\nArtigu 8.o (Relasaun internasionál)\nRepúblika Demokrátika Timór-Leste hala’o relasaun internasionál hosi prinsípiu independénsia nasionál, kona-ba ema hotu nia direitu, povu nia hili rasik atu ukun an, soberania permanente povu nian kona-ba nia riku-soin no rekursu naturál sira, kona-ba protesaun ema hotu-hotu nian, direitu kona-ba respeitu malu ba idaidak nia soberania, integridade rai-laran nian no igualdade entre Estadu sira no labele halo interferénsia iha Estadu idaidak nia lia rai-laran nian.\nRepúblika Demokrátika Timór-Leste halo relasaun di’ak no harosan ho povu hotu-hotu, atu hakotu lia didi’ak kona-ba konflitu sira, hatún kilat jerál, simultáneu no kontroladu, harii sistema seguransa koletivu no hakiak orden ekonómiku internasionál foun ida atu bele kaer metin dame no justisa iha povu hotu-hotu nia relasaun ba malu.\nRepúblika Demokrátika Timór-Leste hala’o relasaun privilejiadu ida ho nasaun hirak ne’ebé ko’alia lian ofisiál portugés.\n4. Repúblika Demokrátika Timór-Leste hala’o nafatin nia relasaun babelun espesiál no ho harosan ho nasaun viziñu sira no ho nasaun hirak ne’ebé iha rejiaun laran.\n(Simu Direitu Internasionál)\nOrden jurídika Timór nian adopta PRINSÍPIU sira direitu internasionál jerál nian eh hotu- hotu nian.\nNorma sira-ne’ebé mai iha konvensaun, tratadu no akordu internasionál sira-nia laran vigora iha orden lei railaran nian, wainhira hetan aprovasaun, ratifikasaun eh adezaun hosi órgaun kompetente idaidak no wainhira publika tiha ona iha jornál ofisiál.\nNorma sira-ne’e sei la iha folin, sira latuir karik konvensaun no akordu internasionál sira- ne’ebé lei Timór nian simu tiha ona.\nArtigu 10.o (Solidariedade)\nRepúblika Demokrátika Timór-Leste mós solidáriu ho povu hotu-hotu ne’ebé luta ba libertasaun nasionál.\nRepúblika Demokrátika Timór-Leste fó azilu polítiku, tuir lei haruka, ba ema raiseluk sira- ne’ebé persigidu tanba sira-nia luta ba libertasaun nasionál no sosiál, defeza ba direitus umanus, demokrasia no dame.\n(Fó valór ba Rezisténsia)\nRepúblika Demokrátika Timór-Leste rekoñese no fó valór ba povu Maubere nia rezisténsia tinan atus ba atus hasoru dominasaun hosi railiur no mós ba sira hotu ne’ebé fó kontribuisaun hodi luta ba independénsia nasionál.\nEstadu rekoñese no valoriza Uma-Kreda Katólika nia partisipasaun iha prosesu ba libertasaun nasionál Timór-Leste nian.\nEstadu asegura protesaun espesiál ba mutiladu funu nian, oan-kiak no mós sira seluk tan ne’ebé fó-an tomak ba luta independénsia no soberania nasionál nian, no proteje mós sira hotu ne’ebé partisipa ona iha Rezisténsia hodi hasoru okupasaun hosi raiseluk, tuir lei haruka.\nLei maka define kona-ba mekanizmu atu fó omenajen ba asuwa’in nasionál sira.\nArtigu 12.o (Estadu no relijiaun sira)\nEstadu rekoñese no respeita fiar oin-oin, ne’ebé sira-nia organizasaun iha liberdade atu hala’o atividade relijiozu sira, ne’ebé buka halo tuir nafatin Lei-Inan no lei- oan sira.\nEstadu hala’o knaar hamutuk ho instituisaun fiar relijiaun oin-oin, ne’ebé hakarak serbí ba povu Timór-Leste nia di’ak.\n(Lian ofisiál no nasionál)\nRepúblika Demokrátika Timór-Leste nia lian ofisiál maka Tetun no Portugés.\nEstadu valoriza no dezenvolve Tetun no lian nasionál sira seluk.\nArtigu 14.o (Símbolu nasionál sira)\nSímbolu Repúblika Demokrátika Timór-Leste nian maka bandeira, emblema no inu nasionál.\nLei-oan maka aprova emblema no inu nasionál.\nArtigu 15.o (Bandeira nasionál)\nBandeira nasionál nia forma maka retangulár no triángulu izóseles rua hosi hun hanesan, ne’ebé tetek malu, ida metan nia aas ho baluk-tolu ida (1/3) hosi komprimentu ne’ebé hatetek iha kór kinur nia leten no nia aas hanesan ho komprimentu sorin balu bandeira nian. Iha triángulu kór metan nia klaran iha fitun mutin no sanak lima nu’udar naroman ne’ebé hatudu dalan. Fitun-mutin nia sanak ida fila ba bandeira nia parte leten hosi liman karuk. Parte balun hosi bandeira nian iha kór mean.\nKór hirak ne’e reprezenta:\nKinur – kolonializmu nia ain-fatin\nMetan – nakukun ne’ebé presiza halakon\nMean – funu ba libertasaun nasionál\nMutin – dame.\nArtigu 16.o (Universalidade no igualdade)\nSidadaun hotu-hotu hanesan iha lei nia oin, no mós iha direitu no obrigasaun hanesan.\nLabele halo diskriminasaun ba ema ida tanba nia kulit, nia rasa, nia estadu sivíl, nia seksu, orijen étniku, nia lian, pozisaun sosiál eh ekonómiku, hanoin polítiku ka ideolojia, relijiaun, instrusaun eh nia kondisaun fízika eh mentál.\nArtigu 17.o (Igualdade ba feto no mane)\nFeto no mane iha direitu no obrigasaun hanesan iha moris família, kulturál, sosiál, ekonómiku no polítiku nia laran.\nArtigu 18.o (Protesaun ba labarik-oan sira)\n1. Labarik sira iha direitu ba protesaun espesiál husi família, komunidade, no mós estadu, liu- liu hasoru hahalok hotu hanesan la tau-matan, diskriminasaun, violénsia, opresaun, abuzu seksuál no explorasaun.\nLabarik sira hetan direitu hotu-hotu ne’ebé mundu rekoñese, hanesan direitu sira-ne’ebé hakerek ona iha konvensaun internasionál, ne’ebé estadu aprova no simu ona ka ratifika filafila.\nLabarik hotu-hotu ne’ebé moris iha kazamentu nia laran ka lae, iha direitu hanesan kona-ba protesaun sosiál.\nArtigu 19.o (Klosan sira)\nEstadu foti no fó barani ba klosan no feto-raan sira, atu sira bele hako’ak metin unidade nasionál, bele harii fali, tuba no haburas nasaun ne’e.\nEstadu sei halo buat hotu-hotu ne’ebé nia bele, atu tulun edukasaun, saúde, formasaun profisionál ba klosan sira.\nArtigu 20.o (Katuas no Ferik sira)\nSidadaun sira-ne’ebé ferik no katuas (terseira idade), iha direitu ba protesaun espesiál hosi Estadu.\nPolítika ba ema ferik no katuas sira-ne’ebé terseira idade, sei loke leet ba sira-nia partisipasaun iha moris sosiál, ekonómiku, kulturál, atu nune’e bele moris ho dignidade iha komunidade nia laran.\n(Sidadaun ne’ebé iha defisiénsia)\nSidadaun ne’ebé iha defisiénsia fíziku eh mentál iha direitu no mós obrigasaun hanesan sidadaun sira seluk, maibé sira sei la hala’o knaar hirak ne’ebé sira labele hala’o tanba de’it sira-nia defisiénsia.\nEstadu, wainhira bele, promove protesaun ba sidadaun sira-ne’ebé iha defisiénsia, tuir lei haruka.\n(Timór-oan sira iha tasi-balu)\nSidadaun sira-ne’ebé hela eh tuur iha rai tasi-balu iha protesaun hosi Estadu kona-ba sira-nia direitu, no sei hakruuk ba obrigasaun ne’ebé la’ós inkompativel ho sira-nia auzénsia husi railaran.\n(Interpretasaun kona-ba direitu fundamentál sira)\nDireitu fundamentál sira-ne’ebé konsagra iha Lei-Inan la hasai direitu selu-seluk ne’ebé temi iha lei no tenke interpreta sira tuir Deklarasaun Universál Direitus Umanus nian.\nArtigu 24.O (Lei restritivu sira )\nLimitasaun ba direitu, liberdade no garantia sei halo de’it tuir lei-oan atu bele fó protesaun ba direitu no interese konstitusionál ne’ebé hakerek iha Lei-Inan.\n2.Lei restritivu sira kona-ba direitu, liberdade no garantia sei iha duni karakter jerál no abstratu, labele habadak extensaun no nia asuntu prinsipál iha Lei-Inan nia laran, no labele iha efeitu ba kotuk.\nArtigu 25.O (Estadu esesaun nian)\nLei de’it maka bele hapara direitu, liberdade no garantia fundamentál wainhira iha estadu serku eh estadu emerjénsia nia laran, tuir Lei-Inan haruka.\nBele de’it deklara estadu serku eh emerjénsia nian wainhira iha kazu agresaun eh ameasa hosi forsa rai-seluk ne’ebé atu tama dadauk ona, wainhira perturbasaun boot ka ameasa atu sobu orden konstitusionál demokrátiku eh dezorden públiku.\nWainhira fó-sai ona deklarasaun estadu serku eh emerjénsia nian sei hapara mós direitu, liberdade no garantia hirak ne’ebé mai iha espesifikasaun laran.\nWainhira presiza tebes duni, labele hanaruk suspensaun liu loron tolunulu nia laran, maibé la halo impedimentu atu hafoun hikas suspensaun ho tempu ne’ebé hanesan.\nDeklarasaun estadu serku nian labele afeta direitu ba moris, integridade fíziku, sidadania, no labele halo retroatividade ba lei penál, direitu ba defeza ne’ebé iha ona prosesu krime nia laran no liberdade konxiénsia no relijiaun nian, ho direitu atu lasimu tortura, sai atan, tratamentu kruél, la’ós umanu eh degradante, no iha garantia atu la hetan diskriminasaun.\nAutoridade sira iha obrigasaun atu harii hikas fali normalidade Lei-Inan nian, iha tempu badak nia laran.\nArtigu 26.O (Asesu ba tribunál sira)\nEma hotu-hotu iha direitu atu bá tribunál hodi defende sira-nia direitu no interese sira-ne’ebé lei fó protesaun ba.\nLabele nega justisa ba ema ida, tanba de’it nia la iha kbiit osan nian.\n(Provedór Direitus Umanus no Justisa ninian)\nProvedór Direitus Umanus no Justisa nian, nu’udar órgaun independente ida-ne’ebé iha knaar atu haree no buka hatán sidadaun sira-nia problema hasoru podér públiku, hodi haree loloos hahalok sira-ne’e tuir duni lei, no halo prevensaun no hahú prosesu tomak hodi haburas fali justisa.\nSidadaun sira bele hato’o sira-nia kesar ba Provedór Direitus Umanus no Justisa nian kona- ba podér públiku sira-nia hahalok eh omisaun, biar la iha kbiit atu hakotu-lia, nia bele hato’o lia-menon ba órgaun kompetente sira.\n. Maioria absoluta hosi Parlamentu Nasionál maka hili Provedór Direitus Umanus no Justisa nian atu hala’o knaar iha tinan haat nia laran.\nKnaar Provedór Direitus Umanus no Justisa ninian ne’e independente hosi\n“meiu kbiit administrativu no jurisdisionál nian” ne’ebé hakerek nanis iha Lei-Inan no lei- oan sira.\n5 .Órgaun sira no ema administrasaun ninian iha obrigasaun atu kolabora ho Provedór Direitus Umanus no Justisa nian.\n(Direitu ba Rezisténsia no defende an rasik)\nSidadaun hotu-hotu iha direitu atu la simu no reziste hasoru orden ne’ebé la tuir lei eh ne’ebé ofende nia direitu, liberdade no garantia fundamentál sira.\nEma hotu-hotu iha garantia kona-ba direitu atu defende nia an rasik, tuir lei haruka.\nArtigu 29.O (Direitu ba moris)\nLabele viola ema ida nia vida.\nEstadu rekoñese no garante direitu ba vida.\nIha Repúblika Demokrátika Timór-Leste la iha kastigu nu’udar mate-kotu.\n(Direitu ba liberdade, seguransa no integridade ema idaidak nian)\nEma hotu-hotu iha direitu ba liberdade, seguransa no integridade ba nia an rasik.\nLabele kaer ka dadur ema ida, wainhira hahalok ne’e la tuir dalan ne’ebé hakerek tiha ona iha lei ne’ebé hala’o daudaun nia laran, tenki hato’o beibeik detensaun eh dadur ema ne’e nian ba juís ne’ebé iha kbiit atu haree iha prazu legál nia laran.\nEma hotu ne’ebe lakon nia liberdade tenke simu kedas informasaun loloos no momoos kona- ba razaun tan sá nia dadur eh tama iha kadeia no mós nia direitu saida, no hetan lisensa atu ko’alia rasik ho advogadu eh hosi nia maluk eh ema ida-ne’ebé nia laran-metin ba.\nEma ida labele hetan tratamentu aat, ne’ebé la’ós umanu eh degradante.\nArtigu 31.O (Hala’o lei krime nian)\nLabele lori ema ida bá julgamentu wainhira lei-oan la haruka.\nLaiha ema ida mak bele hetan julgamentu no kondenadu kona-ba hahalok ruma ne’ebé seidauk kualifika loloos iha lei nu’udar krime iha momentu ne’ebé nia halo, labele mós hetan terus hodi medida seguransa nian ne’ebé la hatete nanis momoos iha lei ruma liubá kotuk.\nLabele fó uluk pena eh medida seguransa nian ba ema ida iha momentu nia halo krime, wainhira hahalok ne’e ladauk hakerek iha lei.\nLa iha ema ida mak bele hetan julgamentu no kondenadu liu dala-ida kona-ba krime ida de’it.\n5. Lei penál labele aplika hahú hosi tempu kotuk ba mak-salak ida, bele de’it wainhira lei-foun ne’e benefisia fali ema salah na’in ne’e.\n6. Ba ema ne’ebé de’it maka kondenadu maibé latuir justisa, nia iha direitu ba indeminizasaun ne’ebé justu, tuir lei haruka.\n(Limitasaun ba kastigu no medida seguransa nian)\n1. Iha Repúblika Demokrátika Timór-Leste la iha prizaun perpétua, la iha mós pena no medida seguransa nian ho durasaun rohan-laek eh ladauk define loloos.\n2. Iha kazu ruma ne’ebé bele lori susar ruma hanesan anomalia psíkika, bele hanaruk medida seguransa tuir desizaun judisiál.\nLabele tula-fali responsabilidade penál ba ema seluk.\nMaksalak ne’ebé hetan-ona pena eh medida seguransa hakloot nia liberdade, bele hetan nafatin nia direitu fundamentál, menus buat hirak ne’ebé nakait ba kondenasaun no kona-ba ezijénsia prosesu ne’e nian.\nArtigu 33.o (Habeas corpus)\nEma idaidak ho nia liberdade rasik iha direitu atu hetan providénsia husi\nHabeas Corpus maka dalan klaran (interposto), tuir lei haruka, ba an rasik eh hosi ema seluk ruma ne’ebé iha direitu sivíl tomak.\nJuís de’it maka hakotu-lia atu ema bele hetan habeas corpus iha loron ualu nia laran, wainhira nia rona razaun husi sorin rua hotu.\n(Garantia ba prosesu krime nian)\nAkuzadu hotu-hotu sei nu’udar inosente nafatin to’o wainhira juís hakotu-lia judisiál katak nia sala duni.\nAkuzadu iha direitu atu hili nia defensór atu tau matan ba nia iha hahalok hotu-hotu iha prosesu laran, no lei mak sei hakotu kona-ba kazu ruma ne’ebé defensór tenke iha oin.\nEma hotu-hotu iha direitu atu rona no atu defende nia an iha prosesu krime nia laran.\nProva hotu-hotu la iha folin no la iha efeitu wainhira hetan hosi tortura, obriga husi ema seluk, hahalok aat ba integridade fízika eh morál no intromisaun abuzivu iha vida partikulár no iha uma hela-fatin, korrespondénsia eh iha forma seluk komunikasaun nian.\nArtigu 35.o (Estradisaun no espulsaun)\nExtradisaun bele hala’o de’it ho desizaun judisiál.\nLabele iha extradisaun tanba motivu polítiku.\nLabele iha extradisaun tan krime ida, wainhira estadu ne’ebé husu extradisaun bele fó kastigu mate-kotu ka kastigu to’o mate, eh wainhira, iha tada-nanis katak atu iha tortura eh tratamentu aat no degradante ba ema be atu hetan extradisaun.\nSidadaun timoroan hotu-hotu labele hetan soe-sai eh duni-sai tiha husi rai-laran nasionál.\n(Direitu ba onra no privasidade)\nEma idaidak iha direitu ba onra, ba naran di’ak no ba reputasaun no direitu atu defende an rasik no la fó-sai ninia moris partikulár iha uma-kain laran.\n(Labele viola uma no korrespondénsia)\nLabele viola uma tuur-fatin, korréspondénsia no mós meiu komunikasaun seluk ne’ebé partikulár, hela de’it ba kazu hirak ne’ebé hateten ona iha lei kona-ba lia prosesu krime nian.\nAtu tama karik iha ema ruma nia uma tuur-fatin, latuir uma na’in nia hakarak, bele halo de’it ho ordem hakerek hosi autoridade judisiál ne’ebé iha kbiit, tuir kazu no forma ne’ebé hakerek ona iha lei.\nAtu tama karik iha ema ruma nia uma tuur-fatin iha kalan, latuir uma na’in nia hakarak, ida ne’e labele duni halo, bele de’it wainhira iha ameasa bo’ot ba ema nia moris, nia isin, ba ema ne’ebé iha uma ne’e nia laran.\n(Protesaun ba informasaun ema idaidak ninian)\nSidadaun hotu-hotu iha direitu atu bele hetan dadus informatizadu kona-ba sira-nia an rasik eh ne’ebé hatama ona iha rejistu mekanográfiku no manuál kona-ba sira-nia an, bele husu atu halo retifikasaun no atualizasaun ruma ba informasaun hirak ne’e no iha mós direitu atu buka hatene informasaun hirak ne’e nia finalidade.\nLei maka define loloos konseitu kona-ba informasaun ema idaidak ninian no kondisaun atu trata didi’ak informasaun ne’e.\nBandu tebetebes halo tratamentu informatizadu kona-ba vida partikulár, konviksaun polítika no filozofia nian, relijiaun, no filiasaun iha partidu polítiku eh sindikatu no orijen étnika wainhira la iha lisensa husi dadus ne’e nia na’in.\n(Família, kazamentu no maternidade)\nEstadu proteje uma-kain nu’udar baze selulár iha sosiedade no nu’udar kondisaun ne’ebé di’ak ba ema idaidak hodi dezenvolve an.\nEma hotu-hotu iha direitu atu harii no moris iha uma-kain.\nKazamentu hatuur iha ema feto no mane sira-nia hakarak rasik no iha sira na’in rua nia direitu hanesan, tuir lei haruka.\nSoin di’ak no tau matan duni ba maternidade, fiar metin katak feto hotu-hotu hetan protesaun espesiál wainhira hetan isin-rua no wainhira hahoris liutiha, no ba feto traballadora hotu-hotu iha direitu ba feriadu iha tempu adekuadu ida nia laran, molok hahoris eh hahoris liutiha, hodi la lakon retribuisaun no regalia, ruma tuir lei haruka.\n(Liberdade ko’alia no informasaun ninian )\nEma hotu-hotu iha direitu ba liberdade ko’alia nian no direitu atu hetan informasaun ruma, no tan informasaun loloos nian.\nLiberdade ko’alia no informasaun ninian labele hetan limitasaun hosi sensura ruma.\nLei maka sei regula direitu no liberdade ne’ebé temi-sai iha artigu ida-ne’e, ho baze iha imperativu kona-ba respeitu ba Lei-Inan no respeitu ba ema idaidak nia dignidade.\n(Liberdade imprensa no komunikasaun sosiál ninian)\nIha garantia ba liberdade imprensa nian no ba meius seluk tan kona-ba komunikasaun sosiál.\nHalo parte liberdade imprensa nian, liberdade ko’alia nian no hamoris/hakiak jornalista sira, asesu ba fontes kona-ba informasaun, liberdade editoriál, protesaun ba independénsia no ba segredu profisionál no mós direitu atu halo jornál, publikasaun ninian no meius difuzaun selu-seluk tan.\nLabele permite monopóliu kona-ba meiu komunikasaun sosiál sira.\nEstadu hametin liberdade no independénsia ba órgaun públiku kona-ba komunikasaun sosiál, husi podér polítiku no podér ekonómiku.\nEstadu hametin ezisténsia ba servisu públiku ida ba rádiu no televizaun, ne’ebé sente livre, haree mós ba objetivu seluk, hanesan protesaun no divulgasaun kona-ba kultura no tradisaun Repúblika Demokrátika Timór-Leste nian, no fó garantia ba ema ida-idak atu hateten nia hanoin rasik.\nEstasaun emisora ba radiufuzaun no rádiu televizaun nian bele hala’o de’it ho lisensa tuir lei haruka.\n(Liberdade reuniaun no manifestasaun nian)\nIha garantia liberdade ba ema hotu-hotu ne’ebé hakarak halo reuniaun iha pás no la kaer kro’at, no sira lalika husu uluk autorizasaun.\nRekoñese ema hotu-hotu nia direitu ba manifestasaun, tuir lei haruka.\nArtigu 43.o (Liberdade asosiasaun nian)\nEma hotu-hotu hetan liberdade ba asosiasaun, ho hanoin ida ne’ebé la hala’o violénsia no halo tuir lei haruka.\nEma ida la obrigadu halo parte asosiasaun ida eh hela metin ho asosiasaun ne’e kontra nia hakaran rasik.\nIha bandu ba asosiasaun ne’ebé ho kro’at, asosiasaun militár eh paramilitár no organizasaun sira-ne’ebé hakarak defende hanoin eh hatoo hahalok ho karater rasista ka hasoru ema railiur eh haburas terrorizmu.\n(Liberdade sirkulasaun nian)\nSidadaun hotu-hotu iha direitu atu bá-mai no hetan nia hela-fatin iha Territóriu Nasionál nia laran.\nSidadaun hotu-hotu iha garantia ba direitu atu emigra livre de’it , nune’e mós iha direitu atu filafali mai nia rain.\n(Liberdade konxiénsia, relijaun no kultu ninian )\nEma hotu tenki iha liberdade ba konxiénsia, relijiaun no ba kultu, nune’e konfisaun relijiozu sira haketak ho Estadu.\nLabele halo ta’uk no labele diskrimina (hatún) ema ida tanba nia konviksaun relijioza.\nIha garantia ba objesaun tuir konxiénsia, tuir lei haruka.\nIha garantia ba liberdade atu hanorin relijiaun ne’ebé de’it, maibé iha relijiaun ida-idak nia laran.\n(Direitu ba partisipasaun iha polítika)\nSidadaun hotu-hotu iha direitu atu partisipa, hosi nia rasik eh liu hosi reprezentante ne’ebé hili tiha ona tuir demokrasia, ba vida polítika no ba asuntu públiku nian iha rai laran.\nSidadaun hotu-hotu iha direitu atu halo no partisipa iha partidu polítiku sira.\nKonstituisaun no organizasaun ba partidu polítiku sira lei maka regula.\nArtigu 47.o (Direitu sufrájiu nian)\n1. Sidadaun hotu-hotu ho tinan sanulu-resin-hitu ba leten, iha direitu atu hili no ema hili nia.\n2. Hala’o direito sufrájiu ne’e katak kona-ba ema ida-idak, no hanesan devér síviku ida.\nArtigu 48.o (Direitu petisaun nian)\nArtigu 49.o (Defesa soberania nian)\nSidadaun hotu-hotu iha direitu no devér atu kontribui ba defeza independénsia, soberania no integridade territóriu nasaun nian.\nServisu militár halo tuir lei haruka.\nDIREITU NO DEVÉR EKONÓMIKU, SOSIÁL NO KULTURA NIAN\nArtigu 50.o (Direitu ba servisu)\nSidadaun hotu-hotu, feto ka mane, iha direitu no devér atu halo servisu no livre atu hili nia profisaun.\nTraballadór sira iha direitu ba seguransa no hetan mós husi servisu fatin ba selu-kole, deskansu no mós férias.\nLabele hasai ema serbisu na’in sira wainhira la iha kauza justa (loloos) eh tan de’it motivu polítiku, relijozu ka idiolójiku.\nProibidu obriga ema serbisu, maibé ne’e la halakon buat ne’ebé maka iha lejizlasaun kona- ba ezekusaun kastigu nian.\nEstadu haburas kriasaun (hakiak) kooperativa ba produsaun no fó tane ba empreza família nian nu’udar fatin atu hetan serbisu.\n(Direitu ba greve, no bandu lock-out)\nTraballadór sira iha direitu atu halo greve, wainhira sira hala’o greve karik sei halo tuir lei haruka.\nLei define kondisaun atu halo greve, hanesan hala’o knaar balu ne’ebé presiza ba seguransa no manutensaun ekipamentus ho instalasaun, no mós servisu mínimu ne’ebé tenke hala’o duni tanba sosiedade nia presiza.\n3. Labele halo lock-out.\nArtigu 52.o (Liberdade sindikál)\nTraballadór iha direitu atu forma sindikatu no mós asosiasaun profisionál hodi bele defende nia direitu no nia interese.\nLiberdade sindikál fahe ba liberdade halo nia konstituisaun, tau naran, organizasaun, no mós regulamentu internu.\nSindikatu no asosiasaun sindikál sira-ne’e independente hosi estadu no patraun sira.\n(Direitu konsumidór sira-nian)\nKonsumidór sira iha direitu atu simu sasán no servisu ne’ebé maka iha kualidade, no mós atu hatene informasaun loos, kona-ba sasán sira-ne’e atu proteje sira-nia saúde, seguransa no mós interese ekonómiku hanesan mós atu bele hadi’a buat ne’ebé aat.\nLei maka regula publisidade, bandu publisidade hirak ne’ebé buka taka, hasees no, habosok.\n(Direitu ba propriedade privadu)\nEma hotu-hotu iha direitu ba propriedade privada, no bele fó ba ema seluk wainhira sei moris no mós wainhira mate, tuir lei nia lalao’k.\nLabele uza propriedade privada hodi estraga fali nia funsaun sosiál.\nAtu hetan eh hasai ema ida nia propriedade privada hodi halo ba uzu públiku, tenke selu indeminizasaun loloos ba sidadaun, tuir lei haruka.\nEma sidadaun nasionál de’it maka bele iha direitu ba propriedade privada sidadaun nian.\nArtigu 55.o (Obrigasaun kontribuinte nian)\nSidadaun hotu-hotu ne’ebé iha prova katak iha rendimentu iha obrigasaun atu selu ba reseita públiku, tuir lei haruka.\nArtigu 56.o (Seguransa no tulun sosiál nian)\nSidadaun hotu-hotu iha direitu ba seguransa no asisténsia sosiál, tuir lei haruka.\nEstadu hola medida sira tuir nia kbiit nasionál nian, hodi halo organizasaun ho nia sistema ida ba seguransa sosiál.\nEstadu apoia no fiskaliza, tuir lei, ba serbisu no funsaun instituisaun solidariedade sosiál nian, no seluk tan ne’ebé nu’udar interese públiku la buka lukru /funan.\nArtigu 57.o (Saúde)\nEstadu hatene katak ema hotu iha direitu ba saúde, asisténsia médika sanitária, no mós devér atu defende no promove direitu ne’e..\nEstadu hala’o no harii serbisu nasionál saúde universál ba ema hotu-hotu, tuir nia kbiit, gratuitu/la selu, tuir lei haruka.\nServisu saúde nasionál tenke iha fatin barak, labele hamutuk de’it iha fatin ida, atu ema hotu-hotu bele halo parte.\nArtigu 58.o (Hela-fatin )\nEma hotu iha direitu ba nia an, nia família atu iha uma ida ho nia dimensaun no kondisaun di’ak, moos no konfortu atu bele iha intimidade ba ema idaidak no privasidade familiár.\nArtigu 59.o (Edukasaun no kultura)\nEstadu rekoñese no garante sidadaun hotu nia direitu ba edukasaun no kultura, nune’e mós harii sistema ensinu báziku universál, obrigatóriu no wainhira bele, saugati, tuir lei haruka.\nEma hotu iha direitu hanesan, ba oportunidade atu eskola no ba formasaun serbisu/profisaun nian.\nEstadu rekoñese no fiskaliza eskola partikulár no kooperativu sira.\nEstadu tenki garante ba sidadaun hotu-hotu, tuir sira-nia kapasidade, atu bele hetan eskola boot kona-ba investigasaun sientífika no hamoris/haburas arte.\nEma hotu iha direitu atu goza no harii kultura hanesan nia obrigasaun atu haburas, defende no mós fó valór ba patrimóniu kulturál.\nArtigu 60.o (Propriedade intelektuál)\nEstadu garante no fó protesaun ba hamoris, produsaun no hala’o filaliman ho obra literáriu, sientífiku no artístiku ninian, no mós fó protesaun ba direitu autór sira-nian.\nArtigu 61.o (Meiu-ambiente)\nEma hotu-hotu iha direitu atu moris iha ambiente ema moris nian ne’ebé moos, nabelun-di’ak hó natureza, no iha obrigasaun atu proteje no halo di’ak ba jerasaun loron ikus nian.\nEstadu rekoñese katak iha nesesidade atu tau matan didi’ak no fó valór ba ita-nia rain nia riku-soin.\nEstadu tenki fó-sai buat ne’ebé mak sei halo atu defende natureza maibé sei hodi hala’o mós nia ekonomia.\n( Titularidade no ezersísiu podér polítiku nian)\nPodér polítiku iha povu nia liman, ne’ebé sei hala’o tuir Lei-Inan haruka.\n(Partisipasaun polítiku sidadaun sira-nian)\nPartisipasaun diretu no ativu hosi feto no mane sira iha moris polítika nian mak nu’udar kondisaun no instrumentu fundamentál sistema demokrátiku ninian.\n2. Lei halo promosaun kona-ba igualdade direitu síviku no polítiku nian no la diskrimina kona-ba seksu iha asesu ba kargu polítiku nian.\nArtigu 64.o (Prinsípiu renovasaun nian)\nE m a i d a l a b e l e k a e r k a r g u p o l í t i k u i d a i h a m o r i s t o m a k , e h l a i h a rohan.\nArtigu 65.o (Eleisaun sira)\nÓrgaun eleitu soberania nian ho podér lokál sei hili tuir eleisaun, hosi eleisaun universál, livre, diretu, sekretu ema ida votu ida, no periódiku.\nResenseamentu eleitorál ne’e obrigatóriu, ofisiál no ida de’it no universál no sei atualiza iha eleisaun ida-idak.\nKampaña eleitorál hala’o tuir PRINSÍPIU hirak tuirmai ne’e:\nb) Oportunidade no tratamentu hanesan ba kandidatura hotu-hotu;\nc) Imparsialidade na’in ulun boot públiku sira-nian kona-ba kandidatura;\nKonversaun votu nian iha mandatu hala’o tuir sistema reprezentasaun proporsionál.\nProsesu eleitorál sei regula tuir lei.\nÓrgaun independente maka sei tau matan ba resenseamentu no eleisaun sira. Lei maka estabelese orgaun ne’e nia kompeténsia, kompozisaun, organizasaun no nia knaar.\nArtigu 66.o (Referendu)\n1. Sidadaun sira-ne’ebé tau-naran iha territóriu nasionál, bele fó sira-nia votu iha referendu kona-ba asuntu ne’ebé importante ba interesse nasaun nian.\n2. Prezidente-Repúblika mak sei konvoka referendu, tuir proposta baluk-tolu ida (1/3) hosi Deputadu sira no hetan aprovasaun hosi maioria baluk-tolu rua (2/3) membru Parlamentu Nasionál nian, ka tuir proposta ne’ebé mai hosi Governu.\nTuir Lei-Inan labele hala’o referendu kona-ba sasán kompeténsia eskluzivu ba Parlamentu Nasionál, Governu ka Tribunál nian.\nReferendu so iha efeitu vinkulativu wainhira númeru votante sira boot liu baluk-rua ida (1/2) eleitór sira-ne’ebé naran iha resenseamentu.\nLei maka sei define prosesu referendu nian.\nArtigu 67.o (Órgaun soberania nian)\nÓrgaun soberania sira maka Prezidente-Repúblika, Parlamentu Nasionál, Governu no Tribunál sira.\nArtigu 68.o (Inkompatibilidade)\nTitularidade kona-ba knaar Prezidente-Repúblika, Prezidente Parlamentu Nasionál, Prezidente Tribunál Supremu Justisa, Prezidente Tribunál Superior Administrativu, Fiskál no Kontas ninian, Prokuradór-Jerál Repúblika no membru Governu sei inkompativel ba- malu.\nLei mak sei define inkompatibilidade seluk tan.\n(Prinsípiu kona-ba haketak podér sira)\n(Partidu polítiku sira no direitu opozisaun nian)\n1. Partidu polítiku sira partisipa iha órgaun kbiit polítiku nian tuir sira-nia reprezentatividade demokrátiku, bazeadu iha eleisaun universál no diretu.\n2. Iha rekoñesimentu ba partidu polítiku sira-nia direitu atu hala’o opozisaun demokrasia, nune’e mós direitu atu simu informasaun, regulár no diretu, kona-ba lala’ok asuntu prinsipál interese nasaun ninian.\nArtigu 71.o (Organizasaun administrativa)\nGovernu sentrál tenke iha reprezentasaun hosi nível eskalaun administrativu oin-oin iha rai- laran.\nOe-Kussi Ambenu sei hala’o nia knaar tuir polítika administrativa ho rejime ekonómiku espesiál.\nAtaúro sei iha estatutu ekonómiku rasik;\nOrganizasaun polítika-administrativa rai Repúblika Demokrátika Timór-Leste nian sei define tuir lei.\nArtigu 72.o (Podér lokál)\n1. Sei harii kbiit lokál ho ema ne’ebé koletivu iha rai-laran ne’ebé iha órgaun reprezentativu, ho knaar atu organiza partisipasaun sidadaun ida-idak nian kona-ba solusaun problema rasik iha sira-nia komunidade no atu promove dezenvolvimentu lokál, no la afeta partisipasaun Estadu nian.\n2. Organizasaun, kompeténsia, funsionamentu no kompozisaun órgaun kbiit lokál nian sei define tuir lei.\nArtigu 73.o (Publisidade aktu sira nian)\nSei publika iha jornál ofisiál atu-ofisiál normativu sira-ne’ebé fó-sai hosi órgaun soberania nian.\nLa sai ba públiku karik atu-ofisiál normativu sira nu’udar hateten ona iha númeru ida liubá kotuk ka atu-ofisiál seluk tan be jenériku, husi órgaun soberania no kbiit lokál nian, ne’e katak atu-ofisiál sira-ne’e la soi kbiit jurídiku.\nLei mak determina kona-ba forma publisidade atu-ofisiál sira seluk nian, no konsekuénsia sá loos wainhira sira la iha.\nKAPÍTULU I ESTATUTU, ELEISAUN NO NOMEASAUN\nArtigu 74.o (Definisaun)\nPrezidente-Repúblika maka Xefe-Estadu, símbulu no garantia independénsia nasionál no unidade Estadu nian, no instituisaun demokrátika sira-nia funsionamentu regulár .\nPrezidente-Repúblika maka Komandante A’asliu Forsas Armadas nian.\nArtigu 75.o (Elejibilidade)\nBele tuir kandidatura ba Prezidente Repúblika sidadaun timoroan sira-ne’ebé, iha ilas hotu tuirmai ne’e:\na) Sidadaun nanis;\nb) Iha tinan mínimu 35;\nc) Ho kapasidade di’ak;\nd) Ne’ebé hetan proposta husi sidadaun hili-na’in mínimu nain rihun lima.\nPrezidente-Repúblika kaer mandatu too tinan lima nia laran no ninia knaar remata wainhira Prezidente foun simu pose.\nPrezidente-Repúblika nia mandatu bele hetan renovasaun dala-ida de’it.\nArtigu 76.o (Eleisaun)\nAtu sai Prezidente-Repúblika, sei hili tuir sufrájiu universál, livre, diretu, sekretu no ida- idak.\nEleisaun Prezidente-Repúblika nian banati tuir sistema manán ho votu barakliu husi votu hotu-hotu ne’ebé válidu, la sura votu ne’ebé la válidu.\nWainhira kandidatu sira hetan votu hanesan, sei hala’o fali eleisaun dala ida tan, liutiha loron tolunulu husi loron votasaun ida foin liubá kotuk.\nIha eleisaun darua, kandidatu na’in rua ne’ebé hetan liu votu no la hasai sira-nia kandidatura mak bele tuir.\n(Simu knaar no juramentu)\n1. Prezidente-Repúblika sei simu investidura husi Prezidente Parlamentu Nasionál nian no simu pose, tuir serimónia públika, iha Deputadu no reprezentante órgaun-soberania sira seluk ninia oin.\nPrezidente foun sei simu pose iha loron ikus Prezidente-Repúblika tuan ninia mandatu, eh Prezidente nia tuur-fatin mamuk hela karik, Prezidente foun sei simu pose iha loron ualu liutiha loron publikasaun rezultadu eleisaun nian.\nIha atu-ofisiál investidura, Prezidente-Repúblika sei halo juramentu tuirmai ne’e:\n“Ha’u jura ba Maromak, ba Povu no ba ha’u-nia onra katak ha’u sei halo tuir loloos knaar ne’ebé ha’u simu, halo tuir no haruka halo tuir Lei-Inan no lei-oan sira no fó ha’u-nia kbiit no kapasidade tomak atu tuba-netik no hametin ukun an rasik no unidade nasaun nian.”\nArtigu 78.o (Inkompatibilidade)\nPrezidente-Repúblika labele iha kargu polítiku seluk eh knaar públiku iha nivel nasionál no mós, iha kazu seluk, hala’o knaar privadu.\n(Hatán ba krime no obrigasaun ba konstituisaun )\nPrezidente-Repúblika sei iha imunidade wainhira hala’o ninia knaar.\nPrezidente Repúblika sei hatán ba Tribunál Supremu Justisa nian, kona-ba krime ne’ebé akontese wainhira hala’o nia knaar, no mós violasaun momoos no boot kona-ba nia obrigasaun Konstitusionál\nSei hahú prosesu ne’e iha Parlamentu Nasionál tuir proposta husi baluk-lima ida (1/5) ho deliberasaun aprovadu tuir maioria baluk-tolu rua (2/3) husi Deputadu hotu-hotu.\nPlenáriu Tribunál Supremu Justisa nian mak sei fó-sai sentensa iha prazu másimu loron 30 nia laran.\nKondenasaun ne’e katak Prezidente nia knaar remata ona no mós labele eleitu fali tan.\n6. Krime balu ne’ebé la kona-ba hala’o knaar nian, Prezidente-Repúblika sei hatán mós iha Tribunál Supremu Justisa nian, ne’ebé iha kazu kondenasaun sei hetan hanesan hakotu Prezidente nian knaar wainhira nia hetan kondenasaun tama\nArtigu 80.o (Auzénsia)\nPrezidente-Repúblika labele sai husi territóriu nasionál se la iha konsentimentu Parlamentu Nasionál nian eh, Parlamentu la halibur karik, tenki hetan konsentimentu husi Komisaun Permanente.\nLa kumpre regra iha no.1 hanesa determina iha artigu ne’e karik, nia sei bele lakon ninia kargu, tuir lei haruka iha artigu nia regra uluk ba.\nWainhira atu halo viajen partikulár, ho durasaun lato’o loron sanulu resin lima, la presiza husu lisensa ba Parlamentu Nasionál, maibé, Prezidente-Repúblika tenke hato’o koñesimentu ba Parlamentu Nasionál.\nArtigu 81.o (Renúnsia ba mandatu)\nPrezidente-Repúblika bele haruka mensajen ba Parlamentu Nasionál atu renunsia husi nia mandatu.\nRenúnsia ne’e sei sai efetivu wainhira Parlamentu Nasionál simu ona koñesimentu liu husi mensajen, maski ikusmai mak foin fó-sai iha jornál ofisiál.\nWainhira Prezidente-Republika renunsia ninia kargu, nia labele kandidatu fali iha eleisaun oinmai, nune’e mós iha tinan lima nia laran tuir kedas ninia renúnsia.\n(Mate, renúnsia ka inkapasidade permanente)\nPrezidente-Repúblika mate, renunsia ka iha inkapasidade permanente karik, Prezidente Parlamentu Nasionál nian mak sei hala’o daudauk ninia knaar tomak, wainhira simu tiha pose iha Deputadu no representante órgaun soberania seluk tan sira-nia oin, sei\nsimu nia investidura husi Prezidente Parlamentu Nasionál nian ne’ebé sei kaer dadauk kargu ne’e.\nTribunál Supremu Justisa nian maka sei deklara inkapasidade permanente no nia mak sei verifika Prezidente-Repúblika nia mate ka lakon kargu.\nEleisaun ba Prezidente-Repúblika foun tan mate, renúnsia, inkapasidade permanente tenke halo iha loron sianulu nia laran liutiha, verifikasaun ka deklarasaun.\nSei foti fali Prezidente-Repúblika ida ho mandatu foun.\nPrezidente eleitu lakohi simu karik kargu, mate tiha ka hetan inkapasidade permanente, lia-banati artigu ida ne’e nian sei aplika tan fali.\nArtigu 83.o (Kazu exesionál sira)\nTan mate, renúnsia ka inkapasidade permanente ne’ebé akontese iha situasaun exesionál hanesan funu eh emerjénsia naruk, eh hetan susar kona-ba orden téknika eh materiál, ne’ebé define tuir lei, no labele hala’o eleisaun Prezidente-Repúblika tuir sufrájiu universál hanesan iha Artigu 76, Parlamentu Nasionál nian maka sei hili ida husi sira-nia leet atu sai nu’udar Prezidente, liu tiha loron 90 tuirmai nia laran.\nIha kazu temi tiha ona iha númeru ida liubá ne’e, Prezidente-Repúblika eleitu sei kumpre de’it tempu ne’ebé falta ba mandatu atu hotu, hafoin nia bele kandidata an ba eleisaun ida be tuirmai.\nArtigu 84.o (Substituisaun no interinidade)\nWainhira iha impedimentu temporáriu ba Prezidente-Repúblika, Prezidente Parlamentu Nasionál mak sei hala’o ninia knaar eh, ida-ne’e labele karik, ninia substitutu.\nMandatu nu’udar Deputadu husi Prezidente Parlamentu Nasionál ka ninia substitutu ninian , sei suspende kedas iha tempu ne’ebé Prezidente hala’o, nu’udar substituisaun ka kaer daudauk, Prezidente-Repúblika nia knaar.\nWainhira nu’udar Prezidente-Repúblika, substitutu ka interinu, Deputadu nia knaar sei emaseluk mak kaer, halotuir rejimentu Parlementu Nasionál nian.\nArtigu 85.o (Kompeténsia rasik)\nPrezidente-Repúblika de’it mak sei hala’o knaar hirak ne’e:\na) Promulga diploma legislativu no haruka publika rezolusaun husi Parlamentu Nasionál ne’ebé aprova akordu no ratifika tratadu konvensaun internasionál sira;\nb) Hala’o kompeténsia kona-ba knaar Komandante Supremu Forsas Armadas nian;\nc) Hala’o direitu veto kona-ba diploma lejislativu nian, iha prazu loron 30 nia laran hahú husi loron simu nian;\nd) Foti no fó pose ba Primeiru Ministru ne’ebé partidu eh aliansa partidu sira ho maioria parlamentár sei foti, wainhira rona partidu polítiku sira-ne’ebé iha Parlamentu Nasionál;\ne) Husu Tribunál Supremu Justisa nian kona-ba apresiasaun preventiva no ba fiskalizasaun abstratu konstitusionalidade norma sira-nian, no mós haree inkonstitusionalidade tan omisaun;\nf) Hato’o ba referendu problema boot interese nasionál nian, tuir termu sira iha Artigu 66;\ng) Deklara estadu serku nian ka estadu emerjénsia, tuir Parlamentu Nasionál haruka, wainhira rona tiha ona Konsellu-Estadu, Governu no Konsellu Superiór Defeza no Seguransa nian;\nh) Deklara funu ka halo dame, tuir proposta Governu nian, wainhira rona tiha ona Konsellu-Estadu, Governu no Konsellu Superiór Defeza no Seguransa nian, tuir Parlamentu Nasionál haruka;\ni) Rona tuir Governu, atu fó perdaun ka hamenus kastigu;\nj) Konfere, tuir lei, títulu onorífiku, kondekorasaun no mós distinsaun.\n(Kompeténsia kona-ba órgaun sira seluk)\nPrezidente-Repúblika nia knaar kona-ba órgaun seluk:\na) Prezide Konsellu Superiór Defeza no Seguransa;\nb) Prezide Konsellu-Estadu;\nc) Marka, tuir lei, loron eleisaun ba Prezidente-Repúblika no ba Parlamentu Nasionál;\nd) Halo konvokasaun extraordinária Parlamentu Nasionál nian, wainhira iha razaun boot kona-ba interese nasionál;\ne) Fó-sai lia-tatoli ba Parlamentu Nasionál no ba nasaun;\nf) Hakotu Parlamentu Nasionál, iha kazu krize boot institusionál nian ne’ebé labele iha formasaun governu ka aprovasaun Orsamentu Jerál Estadu nian, iha tempu naruk liu loron neen-nulu, wainhira rona tiha ona partidu polítiku sira-ne’ebé hetan kadeira iha Parlementu Nasionál, no rona Konsellu-Estadu, iha tempu ne’ebé laiha kdasar jurídiku atu hala’o disolusaun , tenke haree tuir regra iha Artigu 100;\ng) Hatún Governu no exonera Primeiru-Ministru nian, wainhira Parlamentu Nasionál la simu nia programa dala rua tutuir malu;\nh) Foti, fó pose no hasai membru Governu nian, tuir proposta Primeiru-Ministru nian, iha termu no. 2 Artigu 105;\ni) Foti membru rua ba Konsellu Superiór Defeza no Seguransa nian;\nj) Foti Prezidente Tribunál Supremu Justisa no fó pose ba Prezidente Tribunál Superiór Administrativu, Fiskál no Kontas nian.\nk) Foti Prokuradór-Jerál Repúblika nian hodi hala’o knaar iha tinan ha’at nia laran;\nl) Foti no hasai Adjuntu Prokuradór-Jerál Repúblika nian sira tuir termu sira No.6. Artigu 133 nian.\nm) Tuir proposta Governu nian, Xefe Estadu Maiór Jenerál Forsa Armada, Vise-Xefe Estadu Maiór Jenerál Forsa Armada no Xefe Estadu Maior Forsa Armada nian, rona tuir, iha kazu ikusmai ne’e, Xefe Estadu Maiór Jenerál Forsa Armada nian;\nn) Foti membru lima ba Konsellu-Estadu;\no) Foti membru ida ba Konsellu Superiór Majistratura Judisiál no mós Konsellu Superiór Ministériu Públiku nian.\n(Kompeténsia kona-ba relasaun internasionál)\nPrezidente-Repúblika de’it mak iha domíniu kona-ba relasaun internasionál sira:\na) Deklara funu, wainhira iha ka atu iha agresaun, halo dame, tuir proposta Governu nian, rona tiha Konsellu Superiór Defeza no Seguransa nian, no wainhira Parlamentu Nasionál eh ninia Komisaun Permanente fó autorizasaun;\nb) Foti no hasai embaixadór, reprezentante permanente no enviadu extraordináriu sira, tuir proposta Governu nian;\nc) Simu karta kredensiál no simu akreditasaun hosi reprezentante diplomátiku raiseluk sira-nian;\nd) Hamutuk ho Governu, sei hala’o prosesu kontratu hotu-hotu atu hetan akordu internasionál iha área defeza no seguransa nian;\nArtigu 88.o (Promulgasaun no Vetu)\nIha prazu loron haatnulu nia laran sura husi simu diploma naran ida Governu nian atu promulga, Prezidente-Repúblika bele promulga eh uza ninia direitu vetu, hodi hakerek ba Governu fó-hatene nia vetu katak sá.\n(Asaun Prezidente Interinu nian)\nPrezidente-Repúblika interinu labele hala’o atu-ofisiál fó-sai iha alínea f), g), h), i), j), k), l), m) no n) iha artigu 86.\nArtigu 90.o (Konsellu-Estadu)\nKonsellu-Estadu mak órgaun konsulta polítiku Prezidente-Repúblika, ne’ebé nia rasik prezide.\nHalo parte Konsellu-Estadu mak:\na) Ex-Prezidente-Repúblika sira-ne’ebé la’ós destituídu;\nb) Prezidente Parlamentu Nasionál nian;\nd) Sidadaun lima ne’ebé Parlamentu Nasionál hili ho harmonia tuir prinsípiu reprezentasaun proporsionál, ba períodu tuir durasaun lejizlatura nian, ne’ebé la’ós membru hosi órgaun soberania nian;\ne) Sidadaun lima ne’ebé Prezidente-Repúblika mak foti, ne’ebé la’ós membru hosi órgaun soberania nian, ba períodu ne’ebé hanesan ho durasaun tempu ukun Prezidente-Repúblika nian,.\n(Kompeténsia, organizasaun no funsionamentu Konsellu-Estadu nian)\nd) Fó-sai kona-ba kazu seluk tan ne’ebé iha Lei-Inan no, iha jerál, hato’o konsellu ba Prezidente-Repúblika wainhira nia hala’o ninia knaar, no wainhira nia husu karik.\nTÍTULU III PARLAMENTU NASIONÁL KAPÍTULU I\nESTATUTU NO ELEISAUN\nArtigu 92.o (Definisaun)\nParlamentu Nasionál mak órgaun soberania Repúblika Timór-Leste nian ne’ebé reprezenta ema Timór-oan tomak, iha kbiit atu halo lei, atu fiskaliza no atu halo desizaun polítika.\nArtigu 93.o (Eleisaun no kompozisaun)\nParlamentu Nasionál sei iha membru/deputadu na’in 52 iha nia mínimu no iha nia máximu membru/deputadu na’in 65.\nLei mak sei regula kona-ba regra sira-ne’ebé aplika ba eleisaun, kondisaun ba elijibilidade, kandidatura no lala’ok eleisaun nian.\nDeputadu Parlamentu Nasionál nian iha mandatu ba tinan lima.\nArtigu 94.o (Imunidade)\nDeputadu sira la hatán ba lia sivíl, lia kriminál eh lia dixiplinár tan sira-nia votu no sira-nia hanoin wainhira hala’o daudaun knaar;\nImunidade parlamentár nian bele hasai tiha tuir buat ne’ebé hakerek iha Parlamentu Nasionál nia Rejimentu.\n(Kompeténsia Parlamentu Nasionál nian)\nKompete ba Parlamentu Nasionál halo lei kona-ba asuntu báziku sira polítika interna ho externa nasaun nian.\nParlamentu Nasionál de’it mak halo lejizlasaun kona-ba:\na) Rai-ketan RDTL nian, tuir artigu no. 4;\nb) Limite bee tasi laran Timór nian no mós zona ekonómiku eskluziva ho tan direitu Timór-Leste nian ba zona tatutan no plataforma kontinentál;\nc) Símbolu Nasionál sira, tuir no.2 Artigu 14;\ne) Direitu, liberdade no garantia sira;\nf) Estadu no kapasidade ema nian, direitu família nian no mós jerasaun ne’ebé sei mai;\ng) Fafahek territoriál;\nh) Lei eleisaun nian no mós Rejime Referendu nian;\ni) Partidu no mós asosiasaun polítika sira.\nj) Deputadu sira nia Estatutu;\nk) Titulár sira-nia Estatutu iha Estadu nia organizasaun;\nl) Baze sistema hanorin nian;\nm) Baze sistema seguransa sosiál no mós saúde nian;\nn) Suspensaun garantia konstitusionál nian no mós deklarasaun estadu serku ho tan estadu emerjénsia nian;\no) Defeza no Seguransa nia Regra;\np) Regra Fiskál;\nq) Rejime orsamentu nian.\nParlamentu Nationál sei halo mós:\na) Ratifika nomeasaun Prezidente do Tribunál Supremu Justisa ninian no mós eleisaun Prezidente Tribunál Superiór Administrativu, Fiskál no Kontas nian;\nb) Delibera kona-ba relatóriu knaar Governu nian;\nc) Hili membru ida ba Konsellu Superiór Majistratura Judisiál nian no mós ba Konsellu Superiór Ministériu Públiku nian;\nd) Delibera kona-ba Planu no Orsamentu Estadu nian no mós relatóriu kona-ba orsamentu ne’e;\ne) Fiskaliza oinsá Estadu hala’o orsamentu nasionál;\nf) Aprova no mós fó-sai akordu no ratifika tratadu no konvensaun internasionál sira;\ng) Fó amnistia;\nh) Fó autorizasaun ba Prezidente-Republika atu hala’o vizita Estadu nian;\ni) Aprova revizaun ba Lei-Inan hosi maioria baluk-tolu rua (2/3) Deputadu sira;\nj) Autoriza no konfirma deklarasaun ba estadu serku no estadu emerjénsia nian;\nk) Halo proposta ba Prezidente-Repúblika atu halo referendu kona-ba asuntu sira ne’ebé iha interese nasionál;\na) Foti nia Prezidente no membru sira seluk ba Meza;\nb) Foti membru na’in lima ba Konsellu-Estadu;\nc) Elabora no aprova nia Rejimentu;\nd) Forma Komisaun Permanente ida no harii komisaun parlamentár seluk-seluk;\nArtigu 96.o (Autorizasaun legislativu)\nParlamentu Nasionál bele autoriza Governu atu halo lejizlasaun ba sasán sira tuirmai ne’e:\na) Definisaun krime nian, kastigu, medida seguransa nian, no mós nia presupostu;\nb) Definisaun prosesu sivíl no krime nian;\nc) Organizasaun judisiáriu nian no estatutu majistradu nian;\nd) Rejime jerál funsaun públiku nian, no estatutu funsionáriu sira no mós Estadu nia responsabilidade;\ne) Baze jerál organizasaun nian no administrasaun públiku;\nf) Sistema monetáriu;\ng) Sistema finansa no banku nian;\nh) Definisaun ba baze polítiku ida ba defeza meiu-ambiente nian no dezenvolvimentu sustentavel;\ni) Rejime tomak rádiu-difuzaun, televizaun no komunikasaun oin hotu-hotu ba masa sira;\nj) Servizu militar ou sivil\nk) Rejime geral requisizaun nian no fo fila hosi utilidade publika\nl) Dalan no hahalok intervensaun nian, fo fila, nasionalizasaun no privatizasaun hosi meius produsaun nian no rai tuir razaun interesse publiku nian, nune’e mos kriterius fixasaun nian, iha ba kasus indemnizasaun nian.\nLei autorizasaun lejizlativu nian tenke hateten-sai objetivu, sentidu, extensaun no durasaun ba autorizasaun, ne’ebé bele prorroga.\nLei autorizasaun lejizlasaun nian labele uza liu dala ida, no remata ho demisaun Governu nian, ho termu lejizlatura nian ka ho disolusaun Parlamentu Nasionál nian.\nArtigu 97.o (Inisiativa lei nian)\nKaran hahú lei nian pertense ba:\na) Deputadu sira;\nb) Bankada Parlamentár sira;\nLabele aprezenta projetu no proposta lei nian ka alterasaun ne’ebé, iha tinan ekonómiku ne’ebé la’o daudaun, foti sa’e despeza no hatún reseita Estadu nian ne’ebé mai iha Orsamentu ka iha Orsamentu Ratifikativu sira.\nProjetu no Proposta lei ne’ebé sesaun lejizlativu ida la simu, sei bele sisi nafatin iha sesaun ne’e nia laran.\nProjetu no Proposta lei sira, ne’ebé la vota ba, bele halo fali iha sesaun lejizlativu ida tuirmai, la’e de’it wainhira termu lejislatura mak la hatán..\nProposta lei nian remata ho Governu nia demisaun.\n(Parlamentu haree ba atu-ofisiál lejizlativu sira)\nGovernu nia Diploma lejizlativu sira, salvu hirak ne’ebé aprovadu wainhira nia hala’o hela knaar kompeténsia lejizlativu eskluziva, bele hato’o ba Parlamentu Nasionál atu haree, kona-ba vijénsia ka halo alterasaun, wainhira Deputadu baluk-lima ida (1/5) husu iha loron tolunulu liutiha publikasaun, hasai tiha tempu suspensaun funsionamentu Parlamentu Nasionál nian.\nParlamentu Nasionál sei bele suspende, tomak ka balu de’it, vijénsia diploma lejizlativu, to’o nia apresiasaun.\nSuspensaun ne’e kotu wainhira liutiha reuniaun plenária sanulu, maske Parlamentu Nasionál ladauk apresia diploma ne’e.\nAprova tiha karik atu hakotu nia vijénsia, diploma ne’e hotu iha loron ne’ebé rezolusaun nia publikasaun sai iha jornál ofisiál no labele halo tan publikasaun wainhira sesaun legislativa ida-ne’e sei hala’o hela.\nWainhira husu tiha atu haree, Parlamentu Nasionál seidauk karik hateten-sai kona-ba ida-ne’e; ka, wainhira halo tiha ona deliberasaun atu hatama emenda sira, maka seidauk\nkarik vota ba lei ne’e to’o sesaun lejizlativu remata, liutiha reuniaun plenária sanulu resin lima, prosesu ne’e sei la vale ona.\nArtigu 99.o (Lejizlatura)\nLejizlatura kompriende sesaun lejizlativu lima no sesaun lejizlativu ida-idak iha durasaun tinan ida nian.\nPeriodu normál funsionamentu Parlamentu Nasionál, Rejimentu mak define.\nParlamentu Nasionál halibur tuir konvokasaun Prezidente nian.\nParlamentu Nasionál halibur iha sesaun extraordináriu wainhira de’it Komisaun Permanente deside katak nune’e, ne’ebé Deputadu baluk-tolu ida (‘/3) maka husu ka Prezidente-Repúblika maka husu atu trata kona-ba lia espesífiku ruma.\nWainhira hetan disolusaun karik, Parlamentu Nasionál ne’ebé foin hili hahú lejizlatura foun, ho dada tan nia durasaun ba tempu ne’ebé presiza atu kompleta períodu ida-ne’ebé korrespondente ba sesaun lejizlativu ne’ebé hala’o daudaun to’o loron eleisaun nian.\nArtigu 100.o (Disolusaun)\nParlamentu Nasionál labele hetan disolusaun iha fulan neen nia laran, liutiha eleisaun ne’ebé hili nia, ka iha semestre ba dala ikus mandatu Prezidente Repúblika nian, ka durante vijénsia estadu serku ka estadu emerjénsia nian, tan la iha kdasar jurídiku atu halo disolusaun.\nDisolusaun Parlamentu Nasionál nian la hamate mandatu Deputadu sira-nian to’o Parlamentu nia reuniaun dalauluk, liutiha eleisaun subsekuente sira.\n(Partisipasaun husi Governu nia membru sira)\nGovernu nia membru sira iha direitu atu mosu iha reuniaun plenária sira Parlamentu Nasionál nian no bele hato’o sira-nia lianfuan, tuir Rejimentu nia dalan.\nSei iha sesaun atu Deputadu sira husu-litik Governu, tuir lala’ok rejimentu nian.\nParlamentu Nasionál ka nia komisaun sira bele husu Governu nia membru sira atu partisipa iha sira-nia serbisu.\nArtigu 102.o (Komisaun Permanente)\nKomisaun Permanente halo la’o serbisu nafatin iha períodu ne’ebé Parlamentu Nasionál para hela, iha intervalu sesaun no mós iha kazu seluk-seluk previstu iha Konstituisaun.\nKomisaun Permanente nia ulun-boot mak Prezidente Parlamentu Nasionál nian hariik husi Vise-Prezidente sira no partidu sira-nia Deputadu, tuir fahe-baluk reprezentasaun nian iha Parlamentu.\nKompete ba Komisaun Permanente, buat hirak tuirmai ne’e :\na) Akompaña serbisu sira Governu nian no mós administrasaun nian;\nb) Koordena serbisu sira Komisaun Nasionál nian;\nc) Promove konvokasaun Parlamentu Nasionál nian;\nd) Prepara no organiza Parlamentu Nasionál nia sesaun sira;\ne) Autoriza deslokasaun Prezidente-Repúblika iha rai-laran;\nf) Diriji Parlamentu Nasionál nia relasaun ho parlamentu no instituisaun análoga sira iha raiseluk;\ng) Autoriza deklarasaun estadu serku nian no estadu emerjénsia nian.\nTÍTULU IV GOVERNU KAPÍTULU I\nDEFINISAUN NO ESTRUTURA\nArtigu 103.o (Definisaun)\nGovernu, órgaun soberanu ida-ne’ebé iha responsabilidade atu hala’o no ezekuta polítiku jerál nasaun nian no mós órgaun superiór Administrasaun Públika nian.\nHalo parte Governu mak Primeiru-Ministru, Ministru sira no Sekretáriu-Estadu sira.\nBele mós tama iha Governu mak Vise-Primeiru-Ministru ida ka liután, no Vise-Ministru sira\nNúmeru ba dezignasaun no mós atribuisaun ministériu no Sekretária-Estadu nian sira Governu nia diploma lejizlativu mak sei define.\nArtigu 105.o (Konsellu Ministru sira-nian)\nKonsellu-Ministru sei hariik hosi Primeiru-Ministru, Vise Primeiru-Ministru se iha, no Ministru sira.\nPrimeiru-Ministru mak sei prezide no konvoka Konsellu-Ministru.\nWainhira hetan konvite atu partisipa iha reuniaun Konsellu-Ministru nian, la iha direitu ba votu mak Vise-Ministru sira, wainhira tama iha estrutura, no mós Sekretáriu-Estadu sira.\nKAPÍTULU II FORMASUAN NO RESPONSABILIDADE\nArtigu 106.o (Nomeasaun)\nPrimeiru-Ministru hili hosi partidu ida ne’ebé iha votu barakliu ka hosi aliansa partidu sira-ne’ebé iha nia ema barak iha Parlamentu no iha nomeasaun hosi Prezidente- Repúblika, wainhira rona tiha partidu polítiku sira ne’ebé iha reprezentante sira iha Parlamentu Nasionál.\nMembru Governu siraseluk, Prezidente-Repúblika mak sei hili liu husi Xefe-Ministru nia proposta.\nArtigu 107.o (Governu nia Responsabilidade)\nGovernu hatán ba Prezidente-Repúblika no ba Parlamentu Nasionál kona-ba kondisaun no ezekusaun polítiku interna no externa tuir Lei-Inan no mós lei oan.\nArtigu 108.o (Governu nian Programa)\nWainhira Governu nomiadu ona, nia sei halo nia programa hodi hatudu nia objetivu no knaar oioin ne’ebé nia hakarak hala’o, medida ne’ebé atu uza no orientasaun polítika prinsipal sira-ne’ebé nia hakarak tuir iha domíniu atividade governu nian.\nPrimeiru-Ministru hato’o programa governu nian ne’ebé Konsellu-Ministru aprova tiha ona ba Parlamentu Nasionál atu apresia iha prazu la liu loron tolunulu, sura husi loron ne’ebé Governu hahú nia funsaun.\n(Apresiasaun ba Governu nia Programa)\nPrograma Governu nian sei hato’o ba Parlamentu Nasionál atu hetan apresiasaun, no Parlamentu la funsionál karik, tenki konvida ka konvoka sira ba asuntu ida-ne’e.\nDebate programa Governu nian labele liu loron lima, no to’o remata, grupu ida-idak iha Parlamentu bele husu atu lasimu, eh Governu bele husu votu konfiansa ida.\nAtu lasimu programa Governu nian, tenke iha apoiu mai husi maioria deputadu husi sira- ne’ebé sei hala’o hela knaar.\nArtigu 110.o (Husu votu konfiansa)\nGovernu bele husu ba Parlamentu Nasionál halo aprovasaun ba votu konfiansa ida kona-ba deklarasaun polítika jerál nian eh ba asuntu seluk importante ba interese nasionál.\nArtigu 111.o (Mosaun sensura nian)\nHo inisiativa baluk-haat ida ¼ deputadu ne’ebé sei hala’o hela knaar, Parlamentu Nasionál bele halo votu sensura ida ba Governu, kona-ba nia programa eh buat seluk ne’ebé relevante ba interese nasionál.\nMosaun sensura la hetan apoiu karik, sira-ne’ebé asina mosaun ne’e labele aprezenta fali mosaun seluk, iha sesaun ne’ebé la’o daudaun.\nArtigu 112.o (Demisaun Governu nian)\nGovernu nia knaar remata, wainhira:\na) Hahú lejizlasaun foun;\nb) Wainhira Prezidente-Repúblika simu pedidu demisaun hosi Primeiru-Ministru\nc) Wainhira Primeiru-Ministru mate ka hetan susar ba nia isin lolon;\nd) Parlamentu Nasionál la simu programa Governu nian dala-rua tuituir malu;\ne) Parlamentu Nasionál la simu aprovasaun ba votu konfiansa;\nf) Aprovasaun mosaun sensura nian hosi maioria absoluta tomak deputadu ne’ebé sei hala’o knaar nu’udar efetivu.\nPrezidente-Repúblika sei bele hatán ba Parlamentu Nasionál wainhira tuir kazu sira ne’ebé fó-sai iha númeru uluk no wainhira hatudu katak tenke kaer metin instituisaun demokrátiku sira-nia lala’ok, bainhira rona tiha ona Konsellu-Estadu.\n(Governu nia membru hatán kona-ba krime )\nWainhira membru Governu ida akuzadu loloos ba krime, ne’ebé bele simu kastigu iha kadeia boot liu tinan rua nian, tenke para hala’o servisu atu bele foti prosesu.\nKrime ne’ebé simu kastigu iha kadeia to’o de’it tinan rua, Parlamentu Nasionál mak sei tesi kona-ba membru Governu ne’e bele para nia knaar karik, ka lae.\n(Imunidade ba membru Governu nian)\nMembru Governu ida labele detidu ka dadur wainhira Parlamentu Nasionál seidauk fó lisensa, bele de’it wainhira nia halo krime ne’ebé bele simu kastigu ida ho limite másimu boot liu tinan rua ka ema kaer rasik ho liman.\nArtigu 115.o (Governu nia kompeténsia )\nGovernu nia knaar maka:\na) Define no hala’o polítika jerál nasaun nian, wainhira hetan tiha aprovasaun hosi Parlamentu Nasionál;\nb) Garante ba sidadaun sira-nia direitu no liberdade fundamentál;\nc) Hametin orden públiku no disiplina sosiál;\nd) Prepara Planu no Orsamentu Jerál Estadu nian hodi hala’o wainhira hetan tiha aprovasaun hosi Parlamentu Nasionál;\ne) Halo regulamentu ba knaar ekonomia no mós setór sosiál sira;\nf) Prepara, negosia tratadu no akordu, selebra, aprova, adere, no fó-sai akordu internasionál sira-ne’ebé la’ós Parlamentu Nasionál eh Prezidente-Repúblika nia kompeténsia;\ng) Define no hala’o polítika interna nasaun nian;\nh) Hametin RDTL nia reprezentasaun iha relasaun internasionál sira;\ni) Dirije setór sosiál no ekonomia sira Estadu nian;\nj) Dirije polítika serbisu no seguransa sosiál nian;\nk) Fó garantia defeza no hametin riku-soin públiku nian no mós riku-soin Estadu nian;\nl) Dirije no koordena knaar Ministériu sira-nian no instituisaun siraseluk ne’ebé iha Konsellu-Ministru nia okos;\nm) Haburas dezenvolvimentu setór kooperativu no mós fó tulun ba produsaun família nian;\nn) Fó tulun ba inisiativa ekonómiku privadu;\no) Hala’o knaar no mós hola medida ne’ebé presiza ba dezenvolvimentu ekonomia- sosiál no ba nesesidade komunidade timoroan sira-nian;\np) Hala’o knaar siraseluk ne’ebé Lei-Inan eh lei oan haruka;\nTama mós ba Governu nia knaar ho órgaun siraseluk;\na) Hato’o proposta lei nian no rezolusaun ba Parlamentu Nasionál;\nb) Hato’o ba Prezidente-Repúblika proposta deklarasaun kona-ba halo funu no harii dame;\nc) Hato’o ba Prezidente-Repúblika proposta deklarasaun Estadu iha serku eh iha emerjénsia nian;\nd) Hato’o ba Prezidente-Repúblika proposta atu hala’o referendu, ba asuntu sira- ne’ebé iha relevánsia ba interese nasionál;\ne) Hato’o ba Prezidente-Repúblika proposta atu foti embaixadór, reprezentante permanente no enviadu extraordináriu sira;\nGovernu de’it mak iha kompeténsia lejizlativu ba matéria sira-ne’ebé kona-ba nia organizasaun rasik no nia lala’ok, no mós administrasaun diretu no indiretu Estadu nian.\n(Kompeténsia Konsellu-Ministru sira ninian)\nKonsellu-Ministru nia knaar mak:\na) Fó-sai hahalok jerál polítika Governu nian no mós oinsá atu hala’o polítika ne’e;\nb) Delibera kona-ba uzu votu konfiansa ida ba Parlamentu Nasionál;\nc) Aprova proposta lei no mós rezolusaun sira;\nd) Aprova diploma lejizlativu sira, no mós akordu internasionál sira-ne’ebé la liu husi Parlamentu Nasionál;\ne) Aprova lei governu nian ne’ebé kona-ba aumentu no hamenus reseita ka despeza públiku sira-nian;\nf) Aprova planu sira.\nArtigu 117.o (Kompeténsia membru Governu ninian)\nPrimeiru-Ministru nia knaar mak:\na) Xefe ba Governu;\nb) Prezide Konsellu-Ministru nian;\nc) Dirije no orienta polítika jerál governu nian no mós koordena Ministru sira-nia knaar, maibé labele prejudika ida-idak nia responsabilidade ba departamentu governu sira-nian;\nd) Hato’o ba Prezidente-Repúblika kona-ba asuntu sira polítiku interna no externa Governu nian;\ne) Hala’o funsaun seluk-seluk ne’ebé Lei-Inan no lei-oan hato’o;\nMinistru sira-nia knaar mak:\na) Hala’o polítika sira-ne’ebé kona-ba sira-nia ministériu sira;\nb) Hametin relasaun Governu no órgaun Estadu sira iha ministériu idaidak nian.\nDiploma lejizlativu Governu nian, Primeiru-Ministru mak sei asina no mós Ministru sira mak iha kbiit atu hala’o kona-ba asuntu ne’e.\nTÍTULU V TRIBUNÁL SIRA KAPÍTULU I\nArtigu 118.o (Knaar jurisdisionál)\nTribunál sira maka órgaun soberania ho kompeténsia atu hala’o justisa hodi povu nia naran.\nWainhira hala’o nia knaar, tribunál sira iha direitu atu serbisu hamutuk ho autoridade sira seluk.\nDesizaun ne’ebé tribunál sira fó ona tenke halo tuir duni no soi kbiit aas liu desizaun autoridade siraseluk nian.\nArtigu 119.o (Independénsia)\nTribunál sira independente no sira sei halo tuir de’it Lei-Inan no lei-oan sira haruka.\n(Haree ba hahalok ne’ebé la tuir Lei-Inan)\nTribunál sira labele halo ukun ka norma ne’ebé kontra Lei-Inan eh PRINSÍPIU sira-ne’ebé konsagra iha nia laran.\nArtigu 121.o (Juís sira)\nKnaar jurisdisionál ne’e juís sira-nian de’it, ne’ebé simu knaar tuir lei haruka.\nWainhira hala’o sira-nia knaar, juís sira independente no sira bele halo tuir de’it buat ne’ebé iha Lei-Inan, lei-oan no mós tuir sira-nia konxiénsia.\nLabele hasai, hapara, muda, fó reforma eh hatún juís sira, wainhira lei la haruka.\nAtu garante nia independénsia, juís sira labele lori responsabilidade kona-ba desizaun no lia ne’ebé sira hakotu, salvu iha kazu sira-ne’ebé hakerek iha lei.\nLei regula organizasaun judisiáriu no mós estatutu majistradu judisiál sira-nian.\nArtigu 122.o (Eskluzividade)\nJuís sira labele halo serbisu públiku eh partikulár seluk-seluk, maibé bele de’it hala’o knaar kona-ba hanorin nian eh investigasaun sientífika kona-ba lei, tuir lei haruka.\nArtigu 123.o (Kategoria tribunál sira-nian)\nRepúblika Demokrátika Timór-Leste iha tribunál hirak ne’e:\na) Tribunál Supremu Justisa nian ho tribunál judisiál siraseluk;\nb) Tribunál Superiór Administrativu, Fiskál no Kontas no tribunál administrativu odan hahúk nian;\nc) Tribunál militár sira-nian.\nProibidu iha tribunál exesaun sira, no sei la iha tribunál espesiál atu tesi-lia kona-ba kategoria krime balu-balun.\nBele iha tribunál marítimu no arbitráriu sira.\nLei mak determina tribunál sira-nia konstituisaun, organizasaun no sira-nia knaar, nu’udar hakerek tiha ona iha númeru sira liubá ne’e.\nLei bele institusionaliza instrumentu no forma kompozisaun ne’ebé la’ós konflitu jurisdisionál nian.\n(Tribunál Supremu Justisa nian)\nTribunál Supremu Justisa nian mak órgaun boot liu iha órgaun ierarkia tribunál judisiál hotu-hotu ninian, no mós fó garantia atu aplika lei oin ida de’it ho jurisdisaun iha nasaun tomak nia laran.\nKompete mós ba Tribunál Supremu Justisa nian atu administra justisa ba buat ne’ebé kona- ba lia jurídiku-konstitusionál no eleitorál.\nPrezidente-Repúblika mak foti Prezidente Tribunál Supremu Justisa nian, ne’ebé hetan hili hosi juís sira iha Tribunál Supremu Justisa nian, ba tinan haat nia laran.\nArtigu 125.o (Knaar no kompozisaun)\nTribunál Supremu Justisa nian hala’o:\na) Iha seksaun sira, hanesan tribunál odan hahúk nian, iha kazu hirak ne’ebé tuir lei haruka;\nb) Iha plenáriu, hanesan tribunál segundu no instánsia ida de’it, iha kazu sira-ne’ebé hakerek loloos ona iha lei.\nHalo parte Tribunál Supremu Justisa nian, juís karreira nian, Majistradu Ministériu Públiku nian eh jurista sira-ne’ebé iha naran boot, iha númeru ne’ebé lei mak sei determina, nune’e:\na) Ida, Parlamentu Nasionál mak hili;\nb) Siraseluk Konsellu Superiór Majistratura Judisiál nian mak hili.\n(Kompeténsia konstituisaun no eleisaun nian)\nKompete ba Tribunál Supremu Justisa nian, iha área lia jurídiku-konstitusionál nian:\na) Apresia no deklara lala’ok latuir Lei-Inan no latuir Lei-oan atu-ofisiál lejizlativu sira no norma sira órgaun Estadu ninian;\nb) Haree uluk lala’ok Lei-Inan no Lei-oan nian kona-ba diploma lejislativu no referendum nian.\nc) Haree kona-ba lala’ok latuir Lei-Inan tan omisaun;\nd) Deside, iha sede rekursu nian, kona-ba dezaplikasaun norma sira-ne’ebé tribunál instánsia sira haree hanesan latuir Lei-Inan;\ne) Haree legalidade kona-ba konstituisaun partidu polítiku sira-nian no\nsira-nia koligasaun, no haruka halo sira-nia rejistu eh hamate sira tuir Lei- Inan no lei-oan sira haruka.\nf) Hala’o kompeténsia seluk-seluk ne’ebé Lei-Inan no lei-oan sira hato’o.\nKona loloos ba eleisaun sira, kompete ba Tribunál Supremu Justisa nian:\na) Haree ba kondisaun legál ne’ebé tenke iha atu hala’o kandidatura Prezidente-Repúblika nian;\nb) Tesi-lia atu ema ida la sadik tan kona-ba regularidade no validade lala’ok prosesu eleitorál nian, tuir lei ne’e haruka;\nc) Fó validade no fó-sai rezultadu prosesu eleitorál nian.\nBele de’it sai-nu’udar membru Tribunál Supremu Justisa nian ema ne’ebé juís karreira nian, majistradu Ministériu-Públiku nian, jurista sira-ne’ebé iha naran boot ne’ebé sidadaun railaran.\nLa’ós de’it kondisaun hirak iha númeru liubá, lei sei bele hatudu tan seluk.\n(Konsellu Superiór Majistratura Judisiál nian)\nKonsellu Superiór Majistratura Judisiál nian, órgaun jestaun no dixiplina ida majistradu judisiál sira-nian, ne’ebé iha kompeténsia atu foti, hatún, muda no foti-sa’e juís sira.\nJuís Prezidente Tribunál Supremu Justisa nian mak preside Konsellu Superiór Majistratura Judisiál, ne’ebé halo parte vogál sira tuirmai ne’e:\na) Ida, Prezidente-Repúblika mak hili;\nb) Ida, Parlamentu Nasionál mak foti;\nc) Ida, Governu mak hili;\nd) Ida, Majistradu Judisiál mak hili husi sira leet.\nLei maka regula Konsellu Superiór Majistratura Judisiál nia kompeténsia, organizasaun no nia knaar.\n(Tribunál Superiór Administrativu, Fiskál no Kontas nian)\nTribunál Superiór Administrativu, Fiskál no Kontas nian, órgaun boot liu iha ierarkia tribunál administrativu, fiskál no kontas sira, lahalo aat ba kompeténsia Tribunál Supremu Justisa nian .\nJuís sira maka foti Prezidente Tribunál Superiór Administrativu, Fiskál no Kontas ninian hosi nia leet atu hala’o mandatu ida iha tinan haat nia laran.\nKompete ba Tribunál Supremu Administrativu, Fiskál no Kontas nian, nu’udar instánsia mesak ida, halo fiskalizasaun kona-ba legalidade despeza públika no julgamentu kona- ba Estadu nia kontas.\nKompete ba Tribunál Superiór Administrativu, Fiskál no Kontas no mós ba tribunál administrativu no fiskál primeiru instánsia sira atu:\na) Tesi lia ba hahalok hotu ne’ebé iha konflitu laran, ne’ebé mosu hosi relasaun jurídiku administrativu no fiskál sira;\nb) Tesi lia kesar-sadik ne’ebé sadik-hasoru desizaun sira-ne’ebé mai hosi órgaun sira Estadu nian no nia ajente sira;\nc) Hala’o kompeténsia siraseluk hotu ne’ebé lei hato’o.\n(Tribunál Militár sira)\nKompete ba tribunál militár sira tesi-lia sira-ne’ebé kona-ba krime ho natureza militár nian.\nLei mak determina kompeténsia, organizasaun, kompozisaun no knaar tribunál militár sira-nian.\nArtigu 131.o (Audiénsia Tribunál sira-nian)\nAudiénsia tribunál sira-ne’e nian, públiku, selae tan tribunál mak deside kontráriu, iha despaxu ho kdasar, atu salva ema nia dignidade morál públiku no seguransa nasionál eh atu garante nia lala’ok normál.\nArtigu 132.o (Knaar no estatutu)\nMinistériu-Públiku reprezenta Estadu, hala’o asaun penál, hametin defeza ba labarik sira, ema ne’ebé laiha, no inkapasitadu sira, defende legalidade demokrátiku no promove banati tuir lei.\nMinistériu-Públiku nu’udar majistratura ida-ne’ebé hariik ho dala-dalas, ne’ebé iha Prokuradór-Jerál Repúblika nia okos.\nWainhira hala’o nia knaar, majistradu Ministériu-Públiku nian hakruuk ba ksukat legalidade, objetividade, izensaun, no obediénsia ba banati no orden ne’ebé hakerek nanis iha lei.\nMinistériu-Públiku goza nia estatutu rasik, nune’e nia ajente sira labele hetan transférensia, suspensaun, apozentasaun eh demisaun bele de’it hetan wainhira hakerek nanis iha lei.\nNomeasaun, kolokasaun, transferénsia no promosaun ajente Ministériu-Públiku\nsira-nian no ezersísiu asaun dixiplinár sira kompete ba Prokuradoria-Jerál Repúblika nian.\nArtigu 133.o (Prokuradoria-Jerál Repúblika nian)\nProkuradoria-Jerál Repúblika nian ne’e órgaun boot liu iha Ministériu Públiku, lei mak define nia kompozisaun no kompeténsia.\nProkuradór-Jerál Repúblika nian mak kaer ukun Prokuradoria-Jerál Repúblika nian, ne’ebé bele troka wainhira nia la iha no hetan impedimentu ruma tuir lei.\nPrezidente-Repúblika mak hatudu Prokuradór-Jerál Repúblika nian ba mandatu tinan ha’at, nu’udar lei hatete.\nProkuradór-Jerál Repúblika nian hatán ba Xefe-Estadu no halolon informasaun tinan-tinan ba Parlamentu Nasionál.\nProkuradór-Jerál Repúblika nian tenke husu ba Tribunál Supremu Justisa nian atu fó-sai deklarasaun kona-ba lala’ok latuir konstituisaun ne’ebé soi kbiit obrigatóriu tomak, wainhira norma ruma hetan julgamentu nu’udar latuir konstituisaun iha kazu konkretu tolu.\nMaktulun Prokuradór-Jerál Repúblika nian sira hetan nomeasaun, demisaun no ezonerasaun husi Prezidente- Repúblika wainhira rona tiha Konsellu Superiór Ministériu Públiku nian.\n(Konsellu Superiór Ministériu Públiku nian)\nKonsellu Superiór Ministériu Públiku ne’e órgaun ida-ne’ebé halo parte integrante ho Prokuradoria-Jerál Repúblika ninian.\nProkuradór-Jerál Repúblika prezide Konsellu Superiór Ministériu Públiku nian no nia kompozisaun ho vogál hanesan tuirmai ne’e:\na) Ida, Prezidente-Repúblika mak hatudu\nb) Ida, Parlamentu Nasionál mak hili;\nc) Ida, Governu mak hatudu;\nd) Ida, sei hili hosi majistradu Ministériu Públiku sira nia leet.\nLei mak regula Konsellu Superiór Ministériu Públiku nia kompeténsia, organizasaun no funsionamentu.\nArtigu 135.o (Advogadu sira)\nEzersísiu asisténsia jurídiku no judisiáriu ne’e interese sosiál nian, tan ne’e advogadu no defensór sira tenke hala’o sira-nia knaar tuir PRINSÍPIU ida-ne’e.\nAdvogadu no defensór sira-nia funsaun prinsipál maka fó kontribuisaun ba administrasaun Justisa nian ida be di’ak no salvaguarda sidadaun sira-nia direitu no interesse lejítimu.\nLei maka regula ezersísiu ADVOKASIA.\n(Garantia kona-ba hala’o advokasia)\nEstadu tenke fó garantia, iha lei nia mahon, ba dokumentu sira-nia inviolabilidade ne’ebé iha relasaun ho ezersísiu profisaun advogadu sira-nian, nu’udar labele halo revista, prende, rejistu no badinas judisiál seluk, wainhira Majistradu judisiál kompetente, no se bele, advogadu na’in rasik, laiha oin.\nAdvogadu sira iha direitu atu halo komunikasaun pesoál no ho garantia konfidensialidade ho sira-nia kliente, liu-liu wainhira kliente sira-ne’e detidu ka dadur hela iha fatin sivíl ka militár sira.\nTITULO VI ADMINISTRASAUN PÚBLIKU\n(Prinsípiu Jerál Administrasaun Públiku ninian)\nAdministrasaun Públiku haree ba prosekusaun interese públiku nian, ne’e mak respeitu ba interese lejítimu sidadaun no instituisaun konstitusionál sira-nian.\nAdministrasaun Públiku nia estrutura iha dalan ida atu sees husi birokratizasaun, buka dada besik populasaun sira-nia serbisu no kaer metin interese partisipasaun nian iha nia jestaun efetivu.\nLei harii administradu sira-nia direitu no garantia, liu-liu hasoru hahalok sira-ne’ebé viola sira-nia direitu no interese lejítimu.\nORGANIZASAUN EKONÓMIKU NO FINANSA NIAN TÍTULU I\nPRINSÍPIU JERÁL SIRA\nArtigu 138.o (Organizasaun ekonómiku)\nArtigu 139.o (Rekursu naturál sira)\nRekursu rai leten nian, rai okos nian, bee territoriál, plataforma kontinentál no zona ekonómiku eskluzivu, ne’ebé importante ba ekonomia, ne’e Estadu nia propriedade ne’ebé tenke utiliza iha forma loloos no hanesan de’it ba ema hotu-hotu, tuir interese nasionál.\nKondisaun atu aproveita rekursu naturál sira-ne’ebé ko’alia iha númeru uluk tenke sai nu’udar rezerva finanseira obrigatóriu, tuir lei.\nAproveitamentu rekursu naturál sira tenke haree didi’ak mós ba ekilíbriu ekolójiku no sees husi destruisaun ba ekosistema sira.\nArtigu 140.o (Investimentu)\nEstadu tenke promove investimentu nasionál sira no harii kondisaun atu buka hetan investimentu estranjeiru sira, maibé hola konta ba interese nasionál sira, tuir lei haruka.\nArtigu 141.o (Rai)\nArtigu 142.o (Sistema Finansa nian)\nLei mak halo sistema finansa nia estrutura atu bele garante formasaun, kaptasaun no seguransa poupansas sira, no mós aplikasaun meiu finanseiru sira-ne’ebé presiza ba dezenvolvimentu ekonómiku no sosiál.\nArtigu 143.o (Banku Sentrál)\nEstadu tenke harii banku sentrál nasionál ida ko-responsavel ba definisaun no ezekusaun polítika monetáriu no finanseiru.\nLei mak define funsaun no relasaun entre banku sentrál, Parlamentu Nasionál no Governu, bainhira salvaguarda autonomia jestaun instituisaun finansa nian.\nBanku sentrál iha kompeténsia eskluzivu atu halo no fó-sai moeda nasionál.\nArtigu 144.o (Sistema Fiskal)\nEstadu tenke harii sistema fiskál ida-ne’ebe fó satisfasaun ba nesesidade finanseira sira no mós kontribui ba fafahek loloos riku-soin nian no hosi rendimentu nasionál sira.\nLei mak hamosu impostu no taxa, ne’ebé estabelese nia insidénsia, benefísiu fiskál sira no kontribuinte sira-nia garantia.\nArtigu 145.o (Orsamentu Jerál Estadu nian)\nGovernu mak halo Orsamentu Jerál Estadu nian, no Parlamentu Nasionál mak sei fó aprovasaun.\nLei Orsamentu nian tenke prevé, ho baze iha efisiénsia no efikásia, diskriminasaun reseita no despeza nian, no mós, sees husi dotasaun no fundu sekretu sira.\nEzekusaun Orsamentu sei iha fiskalizasaun hosi Tribunál Superiór Administrativu Fiskál no Kontas no mós hosi Parlamentu Nasionál.\nDEFESA NO SEGURANSA NASAUN NIAN\nArtigu 146.o (Forsa Armada sira)\nForsa Armada Timór-Leste nian, FALINTIL-FDTL, ne’ebé sidadaun nasionál de’it maka halo parte, ne’e mak responsavel ba defeza militár Repúblika Demokrátika Timór-Leste nian no nia organizasaun nu’udar ida mesak ba territóriu nasionál tomak.\nFALINTIL-FDTL garante independénsia nasionál, integridade territoriál, liberdade no populasaun nia seguransa hasoru agresaun ruma ka ameasa externa, ho respeitu ba orden konstitusionál.\nFALINTIL-FDTL labele iha partidu polítiku no rona de’it ba órgaun soberanu kompetente sira, tuir Lei-Inan no lei, no sira labele halo intervensaun polítiku naran ida.\n(Polísia no forsa seguransa sira)\nPolísia sei defende legalidade demokrátiku no garante sidadaun sira-nia seguransa internu, maibé sira labele iha partidu polítiku.\nPrevensaun kriminál tenke hala’o ho respeitu ba direitus umanus.\nLei maka sei harii rejime ba polísia no mós forsa seguransa seluk.\n(Konsellu Superiór Defeza no Seguransa nian)\nKonsellu Superiór Defeza no Seguransa nian mak nu’udar Prezidente-Repúblika nia órgaun konsultivu kona-ba asuntu defeza no soberania nian.\nPrezidente-Repúblika maka prezide Konsellu Superiór Defeza no Seguransa nian, ne’ebé tenke hatama ema sivíl no militár sira, maibé ema sivíl maka iha reprezentasaun barak liu.\nLei maka define Konsellu Superiór Defeza no Seguransa nia kompozisaun, organizasaun no nia knaar.\nGARANTIA NO REVIZAUN LEI-INAN NIAN TÍTULU I\nGARANTIA LEI-INAN NIAN\n(Fiskalizasaun preventivu dalan Lei-Inan nian)\nPrezidente-Repúblika bele husu ba Tribunál Supremu Justisa nian atu halo apresiasaun preventivu kona-ba konstitusionalidade ba naran diploma ida-ne’ebé nia simu atu halo promulgasaun.\nApresiasaun preventivu ba konstitusionalidade bele husu iha prazu loron ruanulu nia laran, sura hosi loron ne’ebé simu diploma, maibé Tribunál Supremu Justisa nian tenke fó-sai iha prazu loron ruanulu resin lima, ne’ebé Prezidente-Repúblika bele habadak tanba urjénsia.\nIha kazu ne’ebé la tuir Lei-Inan, Prezidente-Repúblika haruka kópia sentensa nian ba Governu eh ba Parlamentu Nasionál, hodi husu atu halo foun fali diploma tuir desizaun Tribunál Supremu Justisa nian.\nHo adaptasaun didi’ak tuir Artigu 88, Lei hatán hakat-sa’e vetu tan inkonstitusionalidade, vetu hasoru Parlamentu Nasionál nia diploma, ne’ebé instituisaun ne’e haruka atu hetan promulgasaun.\n(Fiskalizasaun abstratu dalan Lei-Inan nian)\nEma sira tuirmai ne’e bele husu deklarasaun inkonstitusionalidade nian:\nc) Prokuradór-Jerál Repúblika nian, ho baze iha dezaplikasaun husi tribunál sira iha kazu konkretu tolu iha norma ne’ebé hetan julgamentu nu’udar latuir konstituisaun;\ne) Persentajen baluk-lima ida (1/5) husi númeru Deputadu sira-nian;\nf) Provedór Direitus Umanus no Justisa nian.\n(Latuir Lei-Inan tan omisaun)\nPrezidente-Repúblika, Prokuradór-Jerál Repúblika nian no Provedór Direitus Umanus no Justisa nian, sira bele hato’o liu ba Tribunál Supremu Justisa nian atu verifika took medida lejislativu ne’ebé latuir Lei-Inan, atu bele konkretiza loloos norma sira Lei-Inan nian.\n(Fiskalizasaun konkreta dalan Lei-Inan ninian)\nTribunál Supremu Justisa nian mak nu’udar sadik-fatin, hasoru desizaun husi tribunál sira:\na) Hodi lakohi hala’o norma ruma ho fundamentu katak latuir Lei-Inan;\nb) Tan hala’o norma ne’ebé latuir Lei-Inan, foin mak hatene wainhira iha tiha prosesu laran.\nSadik lia tuir alinea b), hosi numeru liubá ne’e, bele de’it mosu husi ema ne’ebé foti-lia kona-ba lala’ok latuir Lei-Inan.\nLei maka regula kona-ba oinsá atu simu lia kesar-sadik sira.\n(Lia-hakotun Tribunál Supremu Justisa nian)\nLia-kotun husi Tribunál Supremu Justisa nian, sei la taka dalan ba kesar-sadik no sei publika hotu kedas iha jornál ofisiál, soi forsa obrigatóriu jerál iha prosesu ba fiskalizasaun abstratu no konkretu, wainhira hato’o lian kona-ba lala’ok latuir Lei-Inan haruka.\n(Inisiativa no tempu halo Revizaun nian)\nDeputadu no Bankada Parlamentár sira maka halo inisiativa revizaun nian ba Lei- Inan.\nParlamentu Nasionál bele halo revizaun Lei-Inan liutiha tinan neen sura hosi data publikasaun ida ikusliu kona-ba lei revizaun nian.\nPrazu tinan neen atu halo revizaun ba dalauluk ba Lei-Inan ida-ne’e nian, sei konta hosi loron ne’ebé Lei-Inan tama iha vigór.\nParlamentu Nasionál, lalika haree ba prazu tempu nian, bele asume kbiit atu halo revizaun Lei-Inan, wainhira Deputadu barak liu baluk-lima haat (4/5) ne’ebé hala’o sira-nia knaar mak hakarak.\nProposta ruma kona-ba hala’o revizaun ba Lei-Inan tenke hatama ona iha Parlamentu Nasionál iha loron atus ida ruanulu nia laran, molok atu hahú haksesuk.\nAtu hato’o projetu ruma ba Revizaun Lei-Inan, nu’udar hateten ona iha númeru hirak liubá, eh seluk-seluk tan, sei bele hato’o duni iha prazu loron 30 nia laran.\nArtigu 155.o (Aprovasaun no promulgasaun)\nAtu hafila buat ruma ba Lei-Inan, tenki hetan apovasaun hosi marioria baluk-tolu rua (2/3) hosi Deputado sira-ne’ebé hala’o hela sira-nia knaar.\nTestu Lei-Inan ida-ne’ebé foun sei publika hamutuk ho Lei revizaun nian.\nPrezidente-Repúblika labele rekuza atu promulga lei revizaun nian.\n(Limite Materiál sira ba Revizaun )\nLei kona-ba hala’o revizaun ba Lei-Inan tenke respeita:\na) Independénsia nasionál no Estadu nia unidade;\nb) Sidadaun sira-nia direitu, liberdade no garantia;\nc) Forma republikana governu nian;\nd) Kfahek kbiit nian;\ne) Tribunál sira-nia independénsia;\nf) Multipartidarizmu no direitu atu hala’o opozisaun tuir demokrasia;\ng) Sufrájiu livre, universál, diretu, sekretu, no periódiku kona-ba órgaun soberanu sira, nune’e mós ba sistema reprezentasaun proporsionál nian;\nh) Prinsípiu ba deskonsentrasaun no desentralizasaun administrasaun nian;\ni) Bandeira Nasionál;\nj) Data proklamasaun independénsia nasionál nian;\nAsuntu sira iha alinea c), no i) bele iha revizaun husi referendu nasionál, tuir lei haruka.\n(Limite sirkunstansiál revizaun nian)\n(Tratadu, akordu no aliansa sira)\nKonfirmasaun, adezaun no ratifikasaun konvensaun, tratadu, akordu eh aliansa bilaterál eh multilaterál sira, órgaun kompetente ida-idak mak sei deside kazu ba kazu, molok Lei-Inan tama iha vigór.\nRepúblika Demokrátika Timór-Leste nian la kesi-metin ho tratadu ruma, akordu ka aliansa, ne’ebé hakotu molok Lei-Inan tama iha vigór, ne’ebé la iha konfirmasaun ka la ratifikadu ka la iha adezaun, tuir lei númeru 1.\nRepúblika Demokrátika Timór-Leste nian la hatene hahalok ruma ka kontratu kona-ba rekursu naturál sira-ne’ebé hateten tiha ona iha númeru 1 artigu 139 ne’ebé hakotu ka pratika molok Lei-Inan tama iha vigór ne’ebé la iha konfirmasaun hosi órgaun ne’ebé iha kompeténsia.\nArtigu 159.o (Lian serbisu nian)\nLian indonéziu no inglés nu’udar lian serbisu nian, ne’ebé uza iha administrasaun públiku hamutuk ho lian ofisiál sira, bainhira presiza.\nArtigu 160.o (Krime boot sira)\nHahalok sira-ne’ebé halo husi loron 25 Abríl tinan 1974 to’o loron 31 Dezembru tinan 1999, ne’ebé bele konsidera nu’udar krime hasoru umanidade, jenosídiu ka funu nian, nia prosedimentu kriminál tenke hala’o iha tribunál nasionál ka internasionál sira.\n(Hasai riku-soin latuir lei)\nHasai riku-soin móveis ka imóveis latuir lei, ne’ebé halo molok Lei-Inan ne’e tama iha vigór, sei haree tuir nu’udar krime no tenke hakotu tuir Lei-Inan no lei-oan haruka.\nArtigu 162.o (Rekonsiliasaun)\nKompete ba Komisaun Simu, Lia-Loos no Rekonsiliasaun nian hala’o knaar ne’ebé UNTAET nia Regulamentu No. 2001/10 fó ba nia.\nBainhira presiza, Parlamentu Nasionál bele halo fali difinisaun ba kompeténsia, mandatu no objetivu sira Komisaun ne’e ninian.\nInstánsia judisiál koletivu ne’ebé iha Timór-Leste, ne’ebé juís nasionál no internasionál sira integra, ho kompeténsia atu halo julgamentu ba krime boot sira ne’ebé ema halo husi 1 Janeiru to’o 25 Outubru 1999 hala’o nafatin ba tempu ne’ebé presiza duni atu remata prosesu sira-ne’ebé halo hela investigasaun ba.\nArtigu 163.o (Organizasaun Judisiál iha Tempu-leet)\nOrganizasaun judisiáriu ne’ebé iha Timór Leste laran bainhira Lei-Inan ne’e tama iha vigór sei la’o nafatin to’o wainhira sistema judisiáriu foun harii no hahú nia knaar.\n(Kompeténsia Tempu-leet Tribunál Supremu Justisa nian)\nWainhira Tribunál Supremu Justisa nian hahú tiha ona nia knaar maibé seidauk harii tribunál hirak ne’ebé temi sai iha Artigu 129, Tribunál Supremu Justisa nian ho tribunál judisiária sira maka sei kaer kompeténsia ne’e.\nTo’o loron ne’ebé Tribunál Supremu Justisa nian harii no hala’o ona nia knaar, Instánsia Judisiál Boot liu iha organizasaun judisiál ne’ebé iha Timór-Leste laran maka sei hala’o podér sira-ne’ebé Lei-Inan fó ba tribunál ne’e.\nArtigu 165.o (Direitu uluk nian)\nLei no regulamentu sira-ne’ebé hala’o hela iha Timór-Leste sei aplika nafatin, bainhira sira la iha alterasaun ka revogasaun ba sasán hotu-hotu ne’ebé la hasoru Lei-Inan no prinsípiu sira- ne’ebé konsigna iha nia laran.\nArtigu 166o (Inu Nasionál)\nWainhira lei-oan seidauk aprova inu nasionál tuir Artigu 14, númeru 2, iha serimónia nasionál sei hananu melodia “Pátria, Pátria, Timor-Leste a Nossa Nação”.\nArtigu 167.o (Transformasaun Asembleia Konstituinte nian)\nAsembleia Konstituinte fila-an ba Parlamentu Nasionál bainhira Repúblika nia Lei- Inan tama iha vigór.\nParlamentu Nasionál iha Deputadu na’in ualunulu resin ualu, iha de’it mandatu dala uluk ne’e nia laran.\nPrezidente Asembleia Konstituinte hala’o nafatin nia knaar to’o Parlamentu Nasionál hala’o eleisaun ba nia Prezidente, tuir Lei-Inan haruka.\nArtigu 168.o Governu Tempu-leet ba rua\nTuir UNTAET nia regulamentu 2001/28, governu nomeadu sei hala’o nia knaar to’o governu konstitusionál ba dalauluk simu pose hosi Prezidente-Repúblika, tuir Lei-Inan haruka.\n(Eleisaun prezidensiál 2002 ninian)\nPrezidente-Repúblika ida-ne’ebé hili tuir UNTAET nia Regulamentu No. 2002/01, sei kaer kompeténsia no halo tuir mandatu ne’ebé mai iha Lei-Inan.\n(Lei-Inan tama iha vigór)\nRepúblika Demokrátika Timór-Leste nia Lei-Inan tama iha vigór iha loron 20 fulan Maiu tinan 2002.\nPrevious: LIA MENON HUSI PROVEDOR BA LORON FETO IHA DIA 8 DE MARÇO 2013\nNext: ORGÁNIKA PROVEDORIA DOS DIREITOS HUMANOS E JUSTIÇA NIAN | [
"ORGANIKA PROVEDORIA DOS DIREITOS HUMANOS E JUSTICA NIAN - PDHJ - Provedoria dos Direitos Humanos e Justica 2 Soberania no konstitusionalidade 6 Objetivu Estadu nian 7 Sufrajiu universal no multipartidarizmu 8 Relasaun internasional 9 Simu direitu internasional 11 Fo valor ba rezistensia 12 Estadu no relijiaun sira 13 Lian ofisial no lian nasional sira 14 Simbolu nasional sira 15 Bandeira Nasional DIREITU, DEVER, LIBERDADE NO GARANTIA FUNDAMENTAL SIRA TITULU I PRINSIPIU JERAL SIRA 16 Universalidade no igualdade 17 Igualdade ba feto no mane 18 Protesaun ba labarik-oan sira 19 Klosan sira 20 Ferik no katuas sira 21 Sidadaun ne'ebe iha defisiensia 22 Timor-oan sira iha tasi-balu 23 Interpretasaun kona-ba direitu fundamental sira 24 Lei restritivu sira 25 Estadu exesaun nian 26 Asesu ba tribunal 27 Provedor Direitus Umanus no Justisa nian 28 Direitu ba rezistensia no defende an rasik DIREITU, LIBERDADE NO GARANTIA IDA-IDAK NIAN 29 Direitu ba moris 30 Direitu ba liberdade, seguransa no integridade ema idaidak nian 31 Hala'o lei krime nian 32 Limite ba kastigu no ba medida seguransa nian 33 Habeas Corpus 34 Garantia ba prosesu krime nian 35 Extradisaun no expulsaun 36 Direitu ba onra no privasidade 37 Labele viola uma hela-fatin no korrespondensia 38 Protesaun ba informasaun ema idaidak nian 39 Familia, kazamentu no maternidade 40 Liberdade ko'alia no informasaun nian 41 Liberdade imprensa no komunikasaun sosial nian 42 Liberdade reuniaun no manifestasaun nian 43 Liberdade asosiasaun nian 44 Liberdade sirkulasaun nian 45 Liberdade konxiensia, relijiaun no kultura nian 46 Direitu ba partisipasaun iha politika 47 Direitu sufrajiu nian 48 Direitu petisaun nian 49 Defeza soberania nian DIREITU NO DEVER EKONOMIKU, SOSIAL NO KULTURAL 50 Direitu ba servisu 51 Direitu ba greve no bandu lock-out 52 Liberdade sindikal 53 Direitu konsumidor sira-nian 54 Direitu ba Propriedade privadu 55 Obrigasaun kontribuinte nian 56 Seguransa no tulun sosial 58 Uma hela-fatin 59 Edukasaun no kultura 60 Propriedade intelektual PARTE III ORGANIZASAUN PODER POLITIKU NIAN 62 Titularidade no ezersisiu poder politiku nian 63 Sidadaun sira-nia partisipasaun politika 64 Prinsipiu renovasaun nian 67 Orgaun soberania nian sira 69 Prinsipiu kona-ba haketak poder sira 70 Partidu politiku sira no direitu opozisaun nian 71 Organizasaun administrativa 72 Poder lokal 73 Publisidade atu-ofisial sira-nian TITULU II PREZIDENTE-REPUBLIKA ESTATUTU, ELEISAUN NO NOMEASAUN 77 Simu knaar no juramentu 79 Responsabilidade ba krime no obrigasaun kona-ba konstituisaun 81 Renunsia husi mandatu 82 Mate, renunsia ka inkapasidade permanente 83 Kazu exesional sira 84 Substituisaun no interinidade KAPITILU II KOMPETENSIA 85 Kompetensia rasik 86 Kompetensia kona-ba orgaun sira seluk 87 Kompetensia iha relasaun internasional 88 Promulgasaun no vetu 89 Asaun Prezidente interinu nian KAPITULU III KONSELLU-ESTADU 91 Kompetensia, organizasaun no funsionamentu Konsellu-Estadu KAPITULU I ESTATUTU NO ELEISAUN 93 Eleisaun no kompozisaun KAPITULU II KOMPETENSIA 95 Kompetensia Parlamentu Nasional nian 96 Autorizasaun lejislativu 97 Inisiativa lei nian 98 Parlamentu nia apresiasaun kona-ba lejislasaun KAPITULU III ORGANIZASAUN NO FUNSIONAMENTU 101 Partisipasaun husi membru Governu nian KAPITULU IV KOMISAUN PERMANENTE 102 Komisaun Permanente TITULU IV GOVERNU KAPITULU I DEFINISAUN NO ESTRUTURA KAPITULU II FORMASAUN NO RESPONSABILIDADE 107 Responsabilidade Governu nian 108 Programa Governu nian 109 Apresiasaun ba programa Governu nian 110 Husu votu konfiansa 111 Mosaun sensura nian 112 Demisaun Governu nian 113 Responsabilidade kriminal husi Membru-Governu sira 114 Imunidade Membru-Governu KAPITULU III KOMPETENSIA 115 Kompetensia Governu nian 116 Kompetensia Konsellu-Ministru nian 117 Kompetensia Membru Governu nian TITULU V TRIBUNAL SIRA TRIBUNAL SIRA NO MAJISTRATURA JUDISIAL 118 Knaar jurisdisional 120 Haree ba hahalok ne'ebe latuir Lei-Inan 121 Juis sira 123 Kategoria tribunal sira-nian 124 Tribunal Supremu Justisa nian 125 Hala'o knaar no kompozisaun 126 Kompetensia konstituisaun no eleisaun nian 128 Konsellu Superior Majistratura Judisial nian 129 Tribunal Superior Administrativu, Fiskal no Konta nian 130 Tribunal militar sira 131 Audiensia tribunal sira-nian KAPITULU II MINISTERIU PUBLIKU 132 Knaar no estatutu 133 Prokuradoria-Jeral Republika nian 134 Konsellu Superior Ministeriu Publiku nian KAPITULU III ADVOKASIA 135 Advogadu sira 136 Garantia kona-ba hala'o advokasia TITULU VI ADMINISTRASAUN PUBLIKA 137 Administrasaun Publika nia Prinsipiu Jeral sira ORGANIZASAUN EKONOMIA NO FINANSA NIAN TITULU I PRINSIPIU JERAL 138 Organizasaun ekonomia nian 139 Rekursu natural sira SISTEMA FINANSA NO FISKAL NIAN 142 Sistema finansa nian 143 Banku Sentral 144 Sistema fiskal nian 145 Orsamentu Jeral Estadu nian DEFEZA NO SEGURANSA NASAUN NIAN 146 Forsa Armada sira 147 Polisia no forsa seguransa sira 148 Konsellu Superior Defeza no Seguransa nian GARANTIA NO REVIZAUN LEI-INAN NIAN TITULU I GARANTIA LEI-INAN NIAN 149 Fiskalizasaun preventivu kona-ba lala'ok Lei-Inan nian 150 Fiskalizasaun abstraktu kona-ba lala'ok Lei-Inan nian 151 Latuir Lei-Inan tan omisaun 152 Fiskalizasaun konkretu dalan Lei-Inan ninian 153 Lia-kakotun Tribunal Supremu Justisa nian TITULU II REVIZAUN LEI-INAN NIAN 154 Inisiativa no tempu halo revizaun nian 155 Aprovasaun no promulgasaun 156 Limite material iha revizaun Lei-Inan nian 157 Limite sirkunstansial revizaun nian LIAFUAN IKUS NO TEMPU-LEET NIAN 158 Tratadu, akordu no aliansa 159 Lian serbisu nian 160 Krime bo'ot 161 Hasai riku-soin latuir lei 163 Organizasaun Judisial iha Tempu-leet 164 Kompetensia Tempu-leet Tribunal Supremu Justisa nian 165 Direitu uluk nian 166 Inu nasional 167 Transformasaun Asembleia Konstituinte nian 168 Governu Tempu-leet Darua 169 Eleisaun prezidensial 2002 ninian 170 Lei-Inan tama iha vigor Timor-Leste nia independensia iha loron 28 fulan Novembru 1975, ne'ebe Frente Revolusionariu Timor-Leste Independente (FRETILIN) mak proklama, sei hetan rekonesimentu internasional iha loron 20 fulan Maiu tinan 2002, wainhira povu timoroan hetan libertasaun hosi kolonializmu no okupasaun ilegal ba Patria Maubere hosi potensia raiseluk.",
"Elaborasaun no adosaun Konstituisaun Republika Demokratika Timor-Leste nian, mak tutun-a'as rezistensia sekular povu timoroan nian ne'ebe sai maka'as liu horik invazaun loron 7 fulan Dezembru tinan 1975.",
"Funu hasoru funu-maluk, hahu ho FRETILIN nia lideransa, ne'ebe loke dalan luan tan ba partisipasaun politika, hodi hamoris Konsellu Nasional Rezistensia Maubere (CNRM) iha tinan 1987, tuir mai Konsellu Nasional Rezistensia Timorense (CNRT) iha tinan 1998.",
"Rezistensia hala'o iha frente oin tolu.",
"Frente armada ne'ebe Forsas Armadas Libertasaun Nasional Timor-Leste (FALINTIL) hala'o ho barani tebes hodi hasa'e asaun historiku ida.",
"Asaun hosi frente klandestina, ne'ebe hala'o hodi matenek iha funu-maluk sira-nia leet, ne'ebe feto no mane rihun barak fo sira-nia moris, liuliu klosan sira-ne'ebe hala'o funu ho sira- nia moris atu bele hetan liberdade no independensia.",
"Frente diplomatika, ne'ebe hala'o iha mundu raiklaran, loke dalan ba libertasaun total.",
"Iha nia parte kultural no umanu, Uma-Kreda Katolika iha Timor-Leste la para simu ho dignidade povu tomak nia terus, hodi tau an iha povu nia leet hodi defende sira-nia direitu kdasar.",
"Konstituisaun ida-ne'e reprezenta, ikusliu, omenajen ida, povu fo ho laran tomak ba Patria nia martir hotu-hotu.",
"Nune'e, Deputadu hotu Asembleia Konstituinte nian, wainhira povu hili tiha nu'udar sira-nia reprezentate lejitimu iha loron 30 fulan Agostu tinan 2001, Hodi tuba metin ba referendu loron 30 fulan Agostu tinan 1999 ninian, ne'ebe la'o iha Organizasaun Nasoens Unidas nia matan-okos, konfirma povu nia hakarak rasik ba independensia; Ho neon-metin duni katak iha nesesidade atu harii kultura demokratika institusional ida rasik Estadu Direitu ninian, iha ne'ebe ema sei respeitu Konstituisaun, lei no instituisaun ne'ebe povu rasik mak hili; Hodi interpreta povu Timor-Leste nia sentimentu kle'an, nia aspirasaun no nia fe ba Maromak; Hateten hikas ho solenidade nia determinasaun atu halo funu hasoru forma oin-oin tirania nian, opresaun, dominasaun no kaketak sosial, kultural ka tuir relijiaun, atu defende independensia nasional, respeita no fo garantia ba direitus umanus, no ema sidadaun sira-nia direitu fundamental, atu kaer metin prinsipiu haketak poder iha Estadu nia organizasaun no harii demokrasia sanak-barak nia regra prinsipal sira, hodi buka harii nasaun ida-ne'ebe justu no buras, hodi mos foti sosiedade ida-ne'ebe hakiak ema atu fo neon-laran ba malu nu'udar maun- alin.",
"Asembleia Konstituinte halibur iha sesaun plenariu iha loron 22 fulan Marsu tinan 2002, aprova no dekreta Lei-Inan Replublika Demokratika Timor-Leste nian ne'ebe tuirmai ne'e: PRINSIPIU FUNDAMENTAL SIRA Artigu 1.o (Republika) Republika Demokratika Timor-Leste katak Estadu ida-ne'ebe demokratiku, soberanu, ukun-an no ida-mesak, harii hosi povu nia hakarak no iha respeitu ba dignidade ema moris idaidak nian.",
"Loron 28 fulan Novembru tinan 1975 maka loron Proklamasaun Independensia Republika Demokratika Timor-Leste nian.",
"(Soberania no konstitusionalidade) 1.",
"Soberania haktuur metin iha povu , ne'ebe hala'o soberania ne'e tuir Lei-Inan haruka.",
"2 Estadu hakruuk ba Lei-Inan no lei-oan sira.",
"3 Lei-oan sira no hahalok seluk tan hosi Estadu no kbiit autoridade lokal sira-nian foin sai validu wainhira sira la'o tuir duni Lei-Inan haruka.",
"4 Estadu rekonese no valoriza norma no lisan rai-Timor nian ne'ebe la'os kontra Lei-Inan no mos lejizlasaun seluk tan ne'ebe ko'alia kona-ba direitu ne'ebe mai husi lisan no toman.",
"Artigu 3.o (Sidadania) Iha Republika Demokratika Timor-Leste nia laran iha sidadania nanis no sidadania husun.",
"Sidadaun nanis Timor-Leste nian maka ema ne'ebe moris nanis iha rai nasional laran: a) oan sira-ne'ebe aman ka inan moris iha Timor-Leste; b) oan sira-ne'ebe inan-aman laiha, nasionalidade eh rai moris-fatin lahatene; c) oan sira-ne'ebe aman ka inan ema raiseluk, ne'ebe idade liu ona tinan sanulu resin hitu, no sira rasik hili sai timoroan; 3.",
"Sidadaun nanis Timor-Leste nian mos sira-ne'ebe, biar moris iha rai-liur, sira-nia aman ka inan, timoroan.",
"Lei-oan mak sei regula kona-ba akizisaun, lakon no hetan filafali sidadania, nune'e mos sidadaun sira-nia rejistu no prova.",
"Artigu 4.o (Rai) Rai Republika Demokratika Timor-Leste nian halo parte rai-foho nia luan no naruk no kle'an zona tasi nian no kalohan-laran tuka-ba rai-ketan nasional sira, ne'ebe tuir liak-tuan tama hotu iha klees loro-sa'en tasi-le'un Timor nian, rai-le'un Oe-Kusi Ambenu, tasi-le'un Atauru no tasi-le'un Jaku.",
"Lei-oan sei hametin no hatuur kona-ba luan no rohan we rai-laran nian, zona ekonomiku eskluzivu (haketak tasi mutin no metan) no Timor-Leste nia direitu iha zona tatutan no plataforma kontinental.",
"Estadu la taka matan ba Timor-oan nia rai rohan ida eh ba direitu soberania ne'ebe nia hala'o, hodi lahalo aat ba ratifikasaun kona-ba rai-ketan.",
"Artigu 5.o (Desentralizasaun) Estadu respeita, iha nia organizasaun rai-laran nian, kona-ba PRINSIPIU atu fahe kbiit Administrasaun Publika nian.",
"Lei-oan maka hatuur no hametin karakteristika eskalaun oin-oin rai-laran nian, no mos kompetensia administrativu orgaun sira-ne'e nian.",
"Oe-Kussi Ambenu no Atauro, sira hetan tratamentu administrativu no ekonomiku espesial.",
"Artigu 6.o (Objectivu Estadu nian) Estadu nia objetivu fundamental sira maka ne'e: a) Defende no garante nasaun nia soberania; b) Garante no promove sidadaun sira-nia direitu no liberdade fundamental, no respeitu ba Estadu nia prinsipiu kona-ba direitu demokratiku; c) Defende no garante demokrasia politika no partisipasaun populasaun nian kona-ba rezolusaun problema nasional sira; d) Garante dezenvolvimentu ba ekonomia, ba progresu siensia no teknika; e) Harii sosiedade ida-ne'ebe hatuur iha justisa sosial, hodi hakiak sidadaun sira-nia moris di'ak ba isin no ba klamar; f) Proteje didi'ak meiu-ambiente no boli nafatin riku-soin rai nian; g) Hakatak no haloko povu timoroan nia personalidade no nia liman-rohan kultural. h) Harii no haburas relasaun di'ak no harosan (kooperasaun) ho povu no ho estadu hotu- hotu; i) Promove dezenvolvimentu ida-ne'ebe nakait kabeer ba setor oioin no rejiaun sira, no mos fahe loloos produtu nasional nian; j) Hamoris, promove no garante biban no leet ne'ebe hanesan ba ema feto no mane.",
"(Sufrajiu universal no multipartidarizmu) Povu hala'o nia kbiit politiku liu hosi sufrajiu universal livre, diretu, sekretu no periodiku, no liu husi forma seluk tan ne'ebe hakerek ona iha Lei-Inan.",
"Estadu fo valor ba partidu politiku sira-nia kontribuisaun atu povu hakatak-sai nia hakark rasik tuir organizasaun, no ba sidadaun nia partisipasaun demokratiku iha hahalok ukun nian iha nasaun laran.",
"Artigu 8.o (Relasaun internasional) Republika Demokratika Timor-Leste hala'o relasaun internasional hosi prinsipiu independensia nasional, kona-ba ema hotu nia direitu, povu nia hili rasik atu ukun an, soberania permanente povu nian kona-ba nia riku-soin no rekursu natural sira, kona-ba protesaun ema hotu-hotu nian, direitu kona-ba respeitu malu ba idaidak nia soberania, integridade rai-laran nian no igualdade entre Estadu sira no labele halo interferensia iha Estadu idaidak nia lia rai-laran nian.",
"Republika Demokratika Timor-Leste halo relasaun di'ak no harosan ho povu hotu-hotu, atu hakotu lia didi'ak kona-ba konflitu sira, hatun kilat jeral, simultaneu no kontroladu, harii sistema seguransa koletivu no hakiak orden ekonomiku internasional foun ida atu bele kaer metin dame no justisa iha povu hotu-hotu nia relasaun ba malu.",
"Republika Demokratika Timor-Leste hala'o relasaun privilejiadu ida ho nasaun hirak ne'ebe ko'alia lian ofisial portuges.",
"Republika Demokratika Timor-Leste hala'o nafatin nia relasaun babelun espesial no ho harosan ho nasaun vizinu sira no ho nasaun hirak ne'ebe iha rejiaun laran.",
"(Simu Direitu Internasional) Orden juridika Timor nian adopta PRINSIPIU sira direitu internasional jeral nian eh hotu- hotu nian.",
"Norma sira-ne'ebe mai iha konvensaun, tratadu no akordu internasional sira-nia laran vigora iha orden lei railaran nian, wainhira hetan aprovasaun, ratifikasaun eh adezaun hosi orgaun kompetente idaidak no wainhira publika tiha ona iha jornal ofisial.",
"Norma sira-ne'e sei la iha folin, sira latuir karik konvensaun no akordu internasional sira- ne'ebe lei Timor nian simu tiha ona.",
"Artigu 10.o (Solidariedade) Republika Demokratika Timor-Leste mos solidariu ho povu hotu-hotu ne'ebe luta ba libertasaun nasional.",
"Republika Demokratika Timor-Leste fo azilu politiku, tuir lei haruka, ba ema raiseluk sira- ne'ebe persigidu tanba sira-nia luta ba libertasaun nasional no sosial, defeza ba direitus umanus, demokrasia no dame.",
"(Fo valor ba Rezistensia) Republika Demokratika Timor-Leste rekonese no fo valor ba povu Maubere nia rezistensia tinan atus ba atus hasoru dominasaun hosi railiur no mos ba sira hotu ne'ebe fo kontribuisaun hodi luta ba independensia nasional.",
"Estadu rekonese no valoriza Uma-Kreda Katolika nia partisipasaun iha prosesu ba libertasaun nasional Timor-Leste nian.",
"Estadu asegura protesaun espesial ba mutiladu funu nian, oan-kiak no mos sira seluk tan ne'ebe fo-an tomak ba luta independensia no soberania nasional nian, no proteje mos sira hotu ne'ebe partisipa ona iha Rezistensia hodi hasoru okupasaun hosi raiseluk, tuir lei haruka.",
"Lei maka define kona-ba mekanizmu atu fo omenajen ba asuwa'in nasional sira.",
"Artigu 12.o (Estadu no relijiaun sira) Estadu rekonese no respeita fiar oin-oin, ne'ebe sira-nia organizasaun iha liberdade atu hala'o atividade relijiozu sira, ne'ebe buka halo tuir nafatin Lei-Inan no lei- oan sira.",
"Estadu hala'o knaar hamutuk ho instituisaun fiar relijiaun oin-oin, ne'ebe hakarak serbi ba povu Timor-Leste nia di'ak.",
"(Lian ofisial no nasional) Republika Demokratika Timor-Leste nia lian ofisial maka Tetun no Portuges.",
"Estadu valoriza no dezenvolve Tetun no lian nasional sira seluk.",
"Artigu 14.o (Simbolu nasional sira) Simbolu Republika Demokratika Timor-Leste nian maka bandeira, emblema no inu nasional.",
"Lei-oan maka aprova emblema no inu nasional.",
"Artigu 15.o (Bandeira nasional) Bandeira nasional nia forma maka retangular no triangulu izoseles rua hosi hun hanesan, ne'ebe tetek malu, ida metan nia aas ho baluk-tolu ida (1/3) hosi komprimentu ne'ebe hatetek iha kor kinur nia leten no nia aas hanesan ho komprimentu sorin balu bandeira nian.",
"Iha triangulu kor metan nia klaran iha fitun mutin no sanak lima nu'udar naroman ne'ebe hatudu dalan.",
"Fitun-mutin nia sanak ida fila ba bandeira nia parte leten hosi liman karuk.",
"Parte balun hosi bandeira nian iha kor mean.",
"Kor hirak ne'e reprezenta: Kinur - kolonializmu nia ain-fatin Metan - nakukun ne'ebe presiza halakon Mean - funu ba libertasaun nasional Mutin - dame.",
"Artigu 16.o (Universalidade no igualdade) Sidadaun hotu-hotu hanesan iha lei nia oin, no mos iha direitu no obrigasaun hanesan.",
"Labele halo diskriminasaun ba ema ida tanba nia kulit, nia rasa, nia estadu sivil, nia seksu, orijen etniku, nia lian, pozisaun sosial eh ekonomiku, hanoin politiku ka ideolojia, relijiaun, instrusaun eh nia kondisaun fizika eh mental.",
"Artigu 17.o (Igualdade ba feto no mane) Feto no mane iha direitu no obrigasaun hanesan iha moris familia, kultural, sosial, ekonomiku no politiku nia laran.",
"Artigu 18.o (Protesaun ba labarik-oan sira) 1.",
"Labarik sira iha direitu ba protesaun espesial husi familia, komunidade, no mos estadu, liu- liu hasoru hahalok hotu hanesan la tau-matan, diskriminasaun, violensia, opresaun, abuzu seksual no explorasaun.",
"Labarik sira hetan direitu hotu-hotu ne'ebe mundu rekonese, hanesan direitu sira-ne'ebe hakerek ona iha konvensaun internasional, ne'ebe estadu aprova no simu ona ka ratifika filafila.",
"Labarik hotu-hotu ne'ebe moris iha kazamentu nia laran ka lae, iha direitu hanesan kona-ba protesaun sosial.",
"Artigu 19.o (Klosan sira) Estadu foti no fo barani ba klosan no feto-raan sira, atu sira bele hako'ak metin unidade nasional, bele harii fali, tuba no haburas nasaun ne'e.",
"Estadu sei halo buat hotu-hotu ne'ebe nia bele, atu tulun edukasaun, saude, formasaun profisional ba klosan sira.",
"Artigu 20.o (Katuas no Ferik sira) Sidadaun sira-ne'ebe ferik no katuas (terseira idade), iha direitu ba protesaun espesial hosi Estadu.",
"Politika ba ema ferik no katuas sira-ne'ebe terseira idade, sei loke leet ba sira-nia partisipasaun iha moris sosial, ekonomiku, kultural, atu nune'e bele moris ho dignidade iha komunidade nia laran.",
"(Sidadaun ne'ebe iha defisiensia) Sidadaun ne'ebe iha defisiensia fiziku eh mental iha direitu no mos obrigasaun hanesan sidadaun sira seluk, maibe sira sei la hala'o knaar hirak ne'ebe sira labele hala'o tanba de'it sira-nia defisiensia.",
"Estadu, wainhira bele, promove protesaun ba sidadaun sira-ne'ebe iha defisiensia, tuir lei haruka.",
"(Timor-oan sira iha tasi-balu) Sidadaun sira-ne'ebe hela eh tuur iha rai tasi-balu iha protesaun hosi Estadu kona-ba sira-nia direitu, no sei hakruuk ba obrigasaun ne'ebe la'os inkompativel ho sira-nia auzensia husi railaran.",
"(Interpretasaun kona-ba direitu fundamental sira) Direitu fundamental sira-ne'ebe konsagra iha Lei-Inan la hasai direitu selu-seluk ne'ebe temi iha lei no tenke interpreta sira tuir Deklarasaun Universal Direitus Umanus nian.",
"Artigu 24.O (Lei restritivu sira) Limitasaun ba direitu, liberdade no garantia sei halo de'it tuir lei-oan atu bele fo protesaun ba direitu no interese konstitusional ne'ebe hakerek iha Lei-Inan.",
"2.Lei restritivu sira kona-ba direitu, liberdade no garantia sei iha duni karakter jeral no abstratu, labele habadak extensaun no nia asuntu prinsipal iha Lei-Inan nia laran, no labele iha efeitu ba kotuk.",
"Artigu 25.O (Estadu esesaun nian) Lei de'it maka bele hapara direitu, liberdade no garantia fundamental wainhira iha estadu serku eh estadu emerjensia nia laran, tuir Lei-Inan haruka.",
"Bele de'it deklara estadu serku eh emerjensia nian wainhira iha kazu agresaun eh ameasa hosi forsa rai-seluk ne'ebe atu tama dadauk ona, wainhira perturbasaun boot ka ameasa atu sobu orden konstitusional demokratiku eh dezorden publiku.",
"Wainhira fo-sai ona deklarasaun estadu serku eh emerjensia nian sei hapara mos direitu, liberdade no garantia hirak ne'ebe mai iha espesifikasaun laran.",
"Wainhira presiza tebes duni, labele hanaruk suspensaun liu loron tolunulu nia laran, maibe la halo impedimentu atu hafoun hikas suspensaun ho tempu ne'ebe hanesan.",
"Deklarasaun estadu serku nian labele afeta direitu ba moris, integridade fiziku, sidadania, no labele halo retroatividade ba lei penal, direitu ba defeza ne'ebe iha ona prosesu krime nia laran no liberdade konxiensia no relijiaun nian, ho direitu atu lasimu tortura, sai atan, tratamentu kruel, la'os umanu eh degradante, no iha garantia atu la hetan diskriminasaun.",
"Autoridade sira iha obrigasaun atu harii hikas fali normalidade Lei-Inan nian, iha tempu badak nia laran.",
"Artigu 26.O (Asesu ba tribunal sira) Ema hotu-hotu iha direitu atu ba tribunal hodi defende sira-nia direitu no interese sira-ne'ebe lei fo protesaun ba.",
"Labele nega justisa ba ema ida, tanba de'it nia la iha kbiit osan nian.",
"(Provedor Direitus Umanus no Justisa ninian) Provedor Direitus Umanus no Justisa nian, nu'udar orgaun independente ida-ne'ebe iha knaar atu haree no buka hatan sidadaun sira-nia problema hasoru poder publiku, hodi haree loloos hahalok sira-ne'e tuir duni lei, no halo prevensaun no hahu prosesu tomak hodi haburas fali justisa.",
"Sidadaun sira bele hato'o sira-nia kesar ba Provedor Direitus Umanus no Justisa nian kona- ba poder publiku sira-nia hahalok eh omisaun, biar la iha kbiit atu hakotu-lia, nia bele hato'o lia-menon ba orgaun kompetente sira. .",
"Maioria absoluta hosi Parlamentu Nasional maka hili Provedor Direitus Umanus no Justisa nian atu hala'o knaar iha tinan haat nia laran.",
"Knaar Provedor Direitus Umanus no Justisa ninian ne'e independente hosi \"meiu kbiit administrativu no jurisdisional nian\" ne'ebe hakerek nanis iha Lei-Inan no lei- oan sira.",
"5 .Orgaun sira no ema administrasaun ninian iha obrigasaun atu kolabora ho Provedor Direitus Umanus no Justisa nian.",
"(Direitu ba Rezistensia no defende an rasik) Sidadaun hotu-hotu iha direitu atu la simu no reziste hasoru orden ne'ebe la tuir lei eh ne'ebe ofende nia direitu, liberdade no garantia fundamental sira.",
"Ema hotu-hotu iha garantia kona-ba direitu atu defende nia an rasik, tuir lei haruka.",
"Artigu 29.O (Direitu ba moris) Labele viola ema ida nia vida.",
"Estadu rekonese no garante direitu ba vida.",
"Iha Republika Demokratika Timor-Leste la iha kastigu nu'udar mate-kotu.",
"(Direitu ba liberdade, seguransa no integridade ema idaidak nian) Ema hotu-hotu iha direitu ba liberdade, seguransa no integridade ba nia an rasik.",
"Labele kaer ka dadur ema ida, wainhira hahalok ne'e la tuir dalan ne'ebe hakerek tiha ona iha lei ne'ebe hala'o daudaun nia laran, tenki hato'o beibeik detensaun eh dadur ema ne'e nian ba juis ne'ebe iha kbiit atu haree iha prazu legal nia laran.",
"Ema hotu ne'ebe lakon nia liberdade tenke simu kedas informasaun loloos no momoos kona- ba razaun tan sa nia dadur eh tama iha kadeia no mos nia direitu saida, no hetan lisensa atu ko'alia rasik ho advogadu eh hosi nia maluk eh ema ida-ne'ebe nia laran-metin ba.",
"Ema ida labele hetan tratamentu aat, ne'ebe la'os umanu eh degradante.",
"Artigu 31.O (Hala'o lei krime nian) Labele lori ema ida ba julgamentu wainhira lei-oan la haruka.",
"Laiha ema ida mak bele hetan julgamentu no kondenadu kona-ba hahalok ruma ne'ebe seidauk kualifika loloos iha lei nu'udar krime iha momentu ne'ebe nia halo, labele mos hetan terus hodi medida seguransa nian ne'ebe la hatete nanis momoos iha lei ruma liuba kotuk.",
"Labele fo uluk pena eh medida seguransa nian ba ema ida iha momentu nia halo krime, wainhira hahalok ne'e ladauk hakerek iha lei.",
"La iha ema ida mak bele hetan julgamentu no kondenadu liu dala-ida kona-ba krime ida de'it.",
"Lei penal labele aplika hahu hosi tempu kotuk ba mak-salak ida, bele de'it wainhira lei-foun ne'e benefisia fali ema salah na'in ne'e.",
"Ba ema ne'ebe de'it maka kondenadu maibe latuir justisa, nia iha direitu ba indeminizasaun ne'ebe justu, tuir lei haruka.",
"(Limitasaun ba kastigu no medida seguransa nian) 1.",
"Iha Republika Demokratika Timor-Leste la iha prizaun perpetua, la iha mos pena no medida seguransa nian ho durasaun rohan-laek eh ladauk define loloos.",
"Iha kazu ruma ne'ebe bele lori susar ruma hanesan anomalia psikika, bele hanaruk medida seguransa tuir desizaun judisial.",
"Labele tula-fali responsabilidade penal ba ema seluk.",
"Maksalak ne'ebe hetan-ona pena eh medida seguransa hakloot nia liberdade, bele hetan nafatin nia direitu fundamental, menus buat hirak ne'ebe nakait ba kondenasaun no kona-ba ezijensia prosesu ne'e nian.",
"Artigu 33.o (Habeas corpus) Ema idaidak ho nia liberdade rasik iha direitu atu hetan providensia husi Habeas Corpus maka dalan klaran (interposto), tuir lei haruka, ba an rasik eh hosi ema seluk ruma ne'ebe iha direitu sivil tomak.",
"Juis de'it maka hakotu-lia atu ema bele hetan habeas corpus iha loron ualu nia laran, wainhira nia rona razaun husi sorin rua hotu.",
"(Garantia ba prosesu krime nian) Akuzadu hotu-hotu sei nu'udar inosente nafatin to'o wainhira juis hakotu-lia judisial katak nia sala duni.",
"Akuzadu iha direitu atu hili nia defensor atu tau matan ba nia iha hahalok hotu-hotu iha prosesu laran, no lei mak sei hakotu kona-ba kazu ruma ne'ebe defensor tenke iha oin.",
"Ema hotu-hotu iha direitu atu rona no atu defende nia an iha prosesu krime nia laran.",
"Prova hotu-hotu la iha folin no la iha efeitu wainhira hetan hosi tortura, obriga husi ema seluk, hahalok aat ba integridade fizika eh moral no intromisaun abuzivu iha vida partikular no iha uma hela-fatin, korrespondensia eh iha forma seluk komunikasaun nian.",
"Artigu 35.o (Estradisaun no espulsaun) Extradisaun bele hala'o de'it ho desizaun judisial.",
"Labele iha extradisaun tanba motivu politiku.",
"Labele iha extradisaun tan krime ida, wainhira estadu ne'ebe husu extradisaun bele fo kastigu mate-kotu ka kastigu to'o mate, eh wainhira, iha tada-nanis katak atu iha tortura eh tratamentu aat no degradante ba ema be atu hetan extradisaun.",
"Sidadaun timoroan hotu-hotu labele hetan soe-sai eh duni-sai tiha husi rai-laran nasional.",
"(Direitu ba onra no privasidade) Ema idaidak iha direitu ba onra, ba naran di'ak no ba reputasaun no direitu atu defende an rasik no la fo-sai ninia moris partikular iha uma-kain laran.",
"(Labele viola uma no korrespondensia) Labele viola uma tuur-fatin, korrespondensia no mos meiu komunikasaun seluk ne'ebe partikular, hela de'it ba kazu hirak ne'ebe hateten ona iha lei kona-ba lia prosesu krime nian.",
"Atu tama karik iha ema ruma nia uma tuur-fatin, latuir uma na'in nia hakarak, bele halo de'it ho ordem hakerek hosi autoridade judisial ne'ebe iha kbiit, tuir kazu no forma ne'ebe hakerek ona iha lei.",
"Atu tama karik iha ema ruma nia uma tuur-fatin iha kalan, latuir uma na'in nia hakarak, ida ne'e labele duni halo, bele de'it wainhira iha ameasa bo'ot ba ema nia moris, nia isin, ba ema ne'ebe iha uma ne'e nia laran.",
"(Protesaun ba informasaun ema idaidak ninian) Sidadaun hotu-hotu iha direitu atu bele hetan dadus informatizadu kona-ba sira-nia an rasik eh ne'ebe hatama ona iha rejistu mekanografiku no manual kona-ba sira-nia an, bele husu atu halo retifikasaun no atualizasaun ruma ba informasaun hirak ne'e no iha mos direitu atu buka hatene informasaun hirak ne'e nia finalidade.",
"Lei maka define loloos konseitu kona-ba informasaun ema idaidak ninian no kondisaun atu trata didi'ak informasaun ne'e.",
"Bandu tebetebes halo tratamentu informatizadu kona-ba vida partikular, konviksaun politika no filozofia nian, relijiaun, no filiasaun iha partidu politiku eh sindikatu no orijen etnika wainhira la iha lisensa husi dadus ne'e nia na'in.",
"(Familia, kazamentu no maternidade) Estadu proteje uma-kain nu'udar baze selular iha sosiedade no nu'udar kondisaun ne'ebe di'ak ba ema idaidak hodi dezenvolve an.",
"Ema hotu-hotu iha direitu atu harii no moris iha uma-kain.",
"Kazamentu hatuur iha ema feto no mane sira-nia hakarak rasik no iha sira na'in rua nia direitu hanesan, tuir lei haruka.",
"Soin di'ak no tau matan duni ba maternidade, fiar metin katak feto hotu-hotu hetan protesaun espesial wainhira hetan isin-rua no wainhira hahoris liutiha, no ba feto traballadora hotu-hotu iha direitu ba feriadu iha tempu adekuadu ida nia laran, molok hahoris eh hahoris liutiha, hodi la lakon retribuisaun no regalia, ruma tuir lei haruka.",
"(Liberdade ko'alia no informasaun ninian) Ema hotu-hotu iha direitu ba liberdade ko'alia nian no direitu atu hetan informasaun ruma, no tan informasaun loloos nian.",
"Liberdade ko'alia no informasaun ninian labele hetan limitasaun hosi sensura ruma.",
"Lei maka sei regula direitu no liberdade ne'ebe temi-sai iha artigu ida-ne'e, ho baze iha imperativu kona-ba respeitu ba Lei-Inan no respeitu ba ema idaidak nia dignidade.",
"(Liberdade imprensa no komunikasaun sosial ninian) Iha garantia ba liberdade imprensa nian no ba meius seluk tan kona-ba komunikasaun sosial.",
"Halo parte liberdade imprensa nian, liberdade ko'alia nian no hamoris/hakiak jornalista sira, asesu ba fontes kona-ba informasaun, liberdade editorial, protesaun ba independensia no ba segredu profisional no mos direitu atu halo jornal, publikasaun ninian no meius difuzaun selu-seluk tan.",
"Labele permite monopoliu kona-ba meiu komunikasaun sosial sira.",
"Estadu hametin liberdade no independensia ba orgaun publiku kona-ba komunikasaun sosial, husi poder politiku no poder ekonomiku.",
"Estadu hametin ezistensia ba servisu publiku ida ba radiu no televizaun, ne'ebe sente livre, haree mos ba objetivu seluk, hanesan protesaun no divulgasaun kona-ba kultura no tradisaun Republika Demokratika Timor-Leste nian, no fo garantia ba ema ida-idak atu hateten nia hanoin rasik.",
"Estasaun emisora ba radiufuzaun no radiu televizaun nian bele hala'o de'it ho lisensa tuir lei haruka.",
"(Liberdade reuniaun no manifestasaun nian) Iha garantia liberdade ba ema hotu-hotu ne'ebe hakarak halo reuniaun iha pas no la kaer kro'at, no sira lalika husu uluk autorizasaun.",
"Rekonese ema hotu-hotu nia direitu ba manifestasaun, tuir lei haruka.",
"Artigu 43.o (Liberdade asosiasaun nian) Ema hotu-hotu hetan liberdade ba asosiasaun, ho hanoin ida ne'ebe la hala'o violensia no halo tuir lei haruka.",
"Ema ida la obrigadu halo parte asosiasaun ida eh hela metin ho asosiasaun ne'e kontra nia hakaran rasik.",
"Iha bandu ba asosiasaun ne'ebe ho kro'at, asosiasaun militar eh paramilitar no organizasaun sira-ne'ebe hakarak defende hanoin eh hatoo hahalok ho karater rasista ka hasoru ema railiur eh haburas terrorizmu.",
"(Liberdade sirkulasaun nian) Sidadaun hotu-hotu iha direitu atu ba-mai no hetan nia hela-fatin iha Territoriu Nasional nia laran.",
"Sidadaun hotu-hotu iha garantia ba direitu atu emigra livre de'it , nune'e mos iha direitu atu filafali mai nia rain.",
"(Liberdade konxiensia, relijaun no kultu ninian) Ema hotu tenki iha liberdade ba konxiensia, relijiaun no ba kultu, nune'e konfisaun relijiozu sira haketak ho Estadu.",
"Labele halo ta'uk no labele diskrimina (hatun) ema ida tanba nia konviksaun relijioza.",
"Iha garantia ba objesaun tuir konxiensia, tuir lei haruka.",
"Iha garantia ba liberdade atu hanorin relijiaun ne'ebe de'it, maibe iha relijiaun ida-idak nia laran.",
"(Direitu ba partisipasaun iha politika) Sidadaun hotu-hotu iha direitu atu partisipa, hosi nia rasik eh liu hosi reprezentante ne'ebe hili tiha ona tuir demokrasia, ba vida politika no ba asuntu publiku nian iha rai laran.",
"Sidadaun hotu-hotu iha direitu atu halo no partisipa iha partidu politiku sira.",
"Konstituisaun no organizasaun ba partidu politiku sira lei maka regula.",
"Artigu 47.o (Direitu sufrajiu nian) 1.",
"Sidadaun hotu-hotu ho tinan sanulu-resin-hitu ba leten, iha direitu atu hili no ema hili nia.",
"Hala'o direito sufrajiu ne'e katak kona-ba ema ida-idak, no hanesan dever siviku ida.",
"Artigu 48.o (Direitu petisaun nian) Artigu 49.o (Defesa soberania nian) Sidadaun hotu-hotu iha direitu no dever atu kontribui ba defeza independensia, soberania no integridade territoriu nasaun nian.",
"Servisu militar halo tuir lei haruka.",
"DIREITU NO DEVER EKONOMIKU, SOSIAL NO KULTURA NIAN Artigu 50.o (Direitu ba servisu) Sidadaun hotu-hotu, feto ka mane, iha direitu no dever atu halo servisu no livre atu hili nia profisaun.",
"Traballador sira iha direitu ba seguransa no hetan mos husi servisu fatin ba selu-kole, deskansu no mos ferias.",
"Labele hasai ema serbisu na'in sira wainhira la iha kauza justa (loloos) eh tan de'it motivu politiku, relijozu ka idiolojiku.",
"Proibidu obriga ema serbisu, maibe ne'e la halakon buat ne'ebe maka iha lejizlasaun kona- ba ezekusaun kastigu nian.",
"Estadu haburas kriasaun (hakiak) kooperativa ba produsaun no fo tane ba empreza familia nian nu'udar fatin atu hetan serbisu.",
"(Direitu ba greve, no bandu lock-out) Traballador sira iha direitu atu halo greve, wainhira sira hala'o greve karik sei halo tuir lei haruka.",
"Lei define kondisaun atu halo greve, hanesan hala'o knaar balu ne'ebe presiza ba seguransa no manutensaun ekipamentus ho instalasaun, no mos servisu minimu ne'ebe tenke hala'o duni tanba sosiedade nia presiza.",
"Labele halo lock-out.",
"Artigu 52.o (Liberdade sindikal) Traballador iha direitu atu forma sindikatu no mos asosiasaun profisional hodi bele defende nia direitu no nia interese.",
"Liberdade sindikal fahe ba liberdade halo nia konstituisaun, tau naran, organizasaun, no mos regulamentu internu.",
"Sindikatu no asosiasaun sindikal sira-ne'e independente hosi estadu no patraun sira.",
"(Direitu konsumidor sira-nian) Konsumidor sira iha direitu atu simu sasan no servisu ne'ebe maka iha kualidade, no mos atu hatene informasaun loos, kona-ba sasan sira-ne'e atu proteje sira-nia saude, seguransa no mos interese ekonomiku hanesan mos atu bele hadi'a buat ne'ebe aat.",
"Lei maka regula publisidade, bandu publisidade hirak ne'ebe buka taka, hasees no, habosok.",
"(Direitu ba propriedade privadu) Ema hotu-hotu iha direitu ba propriedade privada, no bele fo ba ema seluk wainhira sei moris no mos wainhira mate, tuir lei nia lalao'k.",
"Labele uza propriedade privada hodi estraga fali nia funsaun sosial.",
"Atu hetan eh hasai ema ida nia propriedade privada hodi halo ba uzu publiku, tenke selu indeminizasaun loloos ba sidadaun, tuir lei haruka.",
"Ema sidadaun nasional de'it maka bele iha direitu ba propriedade privada sidadaun nian.",
"Artigu 55.o (Obrigasaun kontribuinte nian) Sidadaun hotu-hotu ne'ebe iha prova katak iha rendimentu iha obrigasaun atu selu ba reseita publiku, tuir lei haruka.",
"Artigu 56.o (Seguransa no tulun sosial nian) Sidadaun hotu-hotu iha direitu ba seguransa no asistensia sosial, tuir lei haruka.",
"Estadu hola medida sira tuir nia kbiit nasional nian, hodi halo organizasaun ho nia sistema ida ba seguransa sosial.",
"Estadu apoia no fiskaliza, tuir lei, ba serbisu no funsaun instituisaun solidariedade sosial nian, no seluk tan ne'ebe nu'udar interese publiku la buka lukru /funan.",
"Artigu 57.o (Saude) Estadu hatene katak ema hotu iha direitu ba saude, asistensia medika sanitaria, no mos dever atu defende no promove direitu ne'e..",
"Estadu hala'o no harii serbisu nasional saude universal ba ema hotu-hotu, tuir nia kbiit, gratuitu/la selu, tuir lei haruka.",
"Servisu saude nasional tenke iha fatin barak, labele hamutuk de'it iha fatin ida, atu ema hotu-hotu bele halo parte.",
"Artigu 58.o (Hela-fatin) Ema hotu iha direitu ba nia an, nia familia atu iha uma ida ho nia dimensaun no kondisaun di'ak, moos no konfortu atu bele iha intimidade ba ema idaidak no privasidade familiar.",
"Artigu 59.o (Edukasaun no kultura) Estadu rekonese no garante sidadaun hotu nia direitu ba edukasaun no kultura, nune'e mos harii sistema ensinu baziku universal, obrigatoriu no wainhira bele, saugati, tuir lei haruka.",
"Ema hotu iha direitu hanesan, ba oportunidade atu eskola no ba formasaun serbisu/profisaun nian.",
"Estadu rekonese no fiskaliza eskola partikular no kooperativu sira.",
"Estadu tenki garante ba sidadaun hotu-hotu, tuir sira-nia kapasidade, atu bele hetan eskola boot kona-ba investigasaun sientifika no hamoris/haburas arte.",
"Ema hotu iha direitu atu goza no harii kultura hanesan nia obrigasaun atu haburas, defende no mos fo valor ba patrimoniu kultural.",
"Artigu 60.o (Propriedade intelektual) Estadu garante no fo protesaun ba hamoris, produsaun no hala'o filaliman ho obra literariu, sientifiku no artistiku ninian, no mos fo protesaun ba direitu autor sira-nian.",
"Artigu 61.o (Meiu-ambiente) Ema hotu-hotu iha direitu atu moris iha ambiente ema moris nian ne'ebe moos, nabelun-di'ak ho natureza, no iha obrigasaun atu proteje no halo di'ak ba jerasaun loron ikus nian.",
"Estadu rekonese katak iha nesesidade atu tau matan didi'ak no fo valor ba ita-nia rain nia riku-soin.",
"Estadu tenki fo-sai buat ne'ebe mak sei halo atu defende natureza maibe sei hodi hala'o mos nia ekonomia.",
"(Titularidade no ezersisiu poder politiku nian) Poder politiku iha povu nia liman, ne'ebe sei hala'o tuir Lei-Inan haruka.",
"(Partisipasaun politiku sidadaun sira-nian) Partisipasaun diretu no ativu hosi feto no mane sira iha moris politika nian mak nu'udar kondisaun no instrumentu fundamental sistema demokratiku ninian.",
"Lei halo promosaun kona-ba igualdade direitu siviku no politiku nian no la diskrimina kona-ba seksu iha asesu ba kargu politiku nian.",
"Artigu 64.o (Prinsipiu renovasaun nian) E m a i d a l a b e l e k a e r k a r g u p o l i t i k u i d a i h a m o r i s t o m a k , e h l a i h a rohan.",
"Artigu 65.o (Eleisaun sira) Orgaun eleitu soberania nian ho poder lokal sei hili tuir eleisaun, hosi eleisaun universal, livre, diretu, sekretu ema ida votu ida, no periodiku.",
"Resenseamentu eleitoral ne'e obrigatoriu, ofisial no ida de'it no universal no sei atualiza iha eleisaun ida-idak.",
"Kampana eleitoral hala'o tuir PRINSIPIU hirak tuirmai ne'e: b) Oportunidade no tratamentu hanesan ba kandidatura hotu-hotu; c) Imparsialidade na'in ulun boot publiku sira-nian kona-ba kandidatura; Konversaun votu nian iha mandatu hala'o tuir sistema reprezentasaun proporsional.",
"Prosesu eleitoral sei regula tuir lei.",
"Orgaun independente maka sei tau matan ba resenseamentu no eleisaun sira.",
"Lei maka estabelese orgaun ne'e nia kompetensia, kompozisaun, organizasaun no nia knaar.",
"Artigu 66.o (Referendu) 1.",
"Sidadaun sira-ne'ebe tau-naran iha territoriu nasional, bele fo sira-nia votu iha referendu kona-ba asuntu ne'ebe importante ba interesse nasaun nian.",
"Prezidente-Republika mak sei konvoka referendu, tuir proposta baluk-tolu ida (1/3) hosi Deputadu sira no hetan aprovasaun hosi maioria baluk-tolu rua (2/3) membru Parlamentu Nasional nian, ka tuir proposta ne'ebe mai hosi Governu.",
"Tuir Lei-Inan labele hala'o referendu kona-ba sasan kompetensia eskluzivu ba Parlamentu Nasional, Governu ka Tribunal nian.",
"Referendu so iha efeitu vinkulativu wainhira numeru votante sira boot liu baluk-rua ida (1/2) eleitor sira-ne'ebe naran iha resenseamentu.",
"Lei maka sei define prosesu referendu nian.",
"Artigu 67.o (Orgaun soberania nian) Orgaun soberania sira maka Prezidente-Republika, Parlamentu Nasional, Governu no Tribunal sira.",
"Artigu 68.o (Inkompatibilidade) Titularidade kona-ba knaar Prezidente-Republika, Prezidente Parlamentu Nasional, Prezidente Tribunal Supremu Justisa, Prezidente Tribunal Superior Administrativu, Fiskal no Kontas ninian, Prokurador-Jeral Republika no membru Governu sei inkompativel ba- malu.",
"Lei mak sei define inkompatibilidade seluk tan.",
"(Prinsipiu kona-ba haketak poder sira) (Partidu politiku sira no direitu opozisaun nian) 1.",
"Partidu politiku sira partisipa iha orgaun kbiit politiku nian tuir sira-nia reprezentatividade demokratiku, bazeadu iha eleisaun universal no diretu.",
"Iha rekonesimentu ba partidu politiku sira-nia direitu atu hala'o opozisaun demokrasia, nune'e mos direitu atu simu informasaun, regular no diretu, kona-ba lala'ok asuntu prinsipal interese nasaun ninian.",
"Artigu 71.o (Organizasaun administrativa) Governu sentral tenke iha reprezentasaun hosi nivel eskalaun administrativu oin-oin iha rai- laran.",
"Oe-Kussi Ambenu sei hala'o nia knaar tuir politika administrativa ho rejime ekonomiku espesial.",
"Atauro sei iha estatutu ekonomiku rasik; Organizasaun politika-administrativa rai Republika Demokratika Timor-Leste nian sei define tuir lei.",
"Artigu 72.o (Poder lokal) 1.",
"Sei harii kbiit lokal ho ema ne'ebe koletivu iha rai-laran ne'ebe iha orgaun reprezentativu, ho knaar atu organiza partisipasaun sidadaun ida-idak nian kona-ba solusaun problema rasik iha sira-nia komunidade no atu promove dezenvolvimentu lokal, no la afeta partisipasaun Estadu nian.",
"Organizasaun, kompetensia, funsionamentu no kompozisaun orgaun kbiit lokal nian sei define tuir lei.",
"Artigu 73.o (Publisidade aktu sira nian) Sei publika iha jornal ofisial atu-ofisial normativu sira-ne'ebe fo-sai hosi orgaun soberania nian.",
"La sai ba publiku karik atu-ofisial normativu sira nu'udar hateten ona iha numeru ida liuba kotuk ka atu-ofisial seluk tan be jeneriku, husi orgaun soberania no kbiit lokal nian, ne'e katak atu-ofisial sira-ne'e la soi kbiit juridiku.",
"Lei mak determina kona-ba forma publisidade atu-ofisial sira seluk nian, no konsekuensia sa loos wainhira sira la iha.",
"KAPITULU I ESTATUTU, ELEISAUN NO NOMEASAUN Artigu 74.o (Definisaun) Prezidente-Republika maka Xefe-Estadu, simbulu no garantia independensia nasional no unidade Estadu nian, no instituisaun demokratika sira-nia funsionamentu regular .",
"Prezidente-Republika maka Komandante A'asliu Forsas Armadas nian.",
"Artigu 75.o (Elejibilidade) Bele tuir kandidatura ba Prezidente Republika sidadaun timoroan sira-ne'ebe, iha ilas hotu tuirmai ne'e: a) Sidadaun nanis; b) Iha tinan minimu 35; c) Ho kapasidade di'ak; d) Ne'ebe hetan proposta husi sidadaun hili-na'in minimu nain rihun lima.",
"Prezidente-Republika kaer mandatu too tinan lima nia laran no ninia knaar remata wainhira Prezidente foun simu pose.",
"Prezidente-Republika nia mandatu bele hetan renovasaun dala-ida de'it.",
"Artigu 76.o (Eleisaun) Atu sai Prezidente-Republika, sei hili tuir sufrajiu universal, livre, diretu, sekretu no ida- idak.",
"Eleisaun Prezidente-Republika nian banati tuir sistema manan ho votu barakliu husi votu hotu-hotu ne'ebe validu, la sura votu ne'ebe la validu.",
"Wainhira kandidatu sira hetan votu hanesan, sei hala'o fali eleisaun dala ida tan, liutiha loron tolunulu husi loron votasaun ida foin liuba kotuk.",
"Iha eleisaun darua, kandidatu na'in rua ne'ebe hetan liu votu no la hasai sira-nia kandidatura mak bele tuir.",
"(Simu knaar no juramentu) 1.",
"Prezidente-Republika sei simu investidura husi Prezidente Parlamentu Nasional nian no simu pose, tuir serimonia publika, iha Deputadu no reprezentante orgaun-soberania sira seluk ninia oin.",
"Prezidente foun sei simu pose iha loron ikus Prezidente-Republika tuan ninia mandatu, eh Prezidente nia tuur-fatin mamuk hela karik, Prezidente foun sei simu pose iha loron ualu liutiha loron publikasaun rezultadu eleisaun nian.",
"Iha atu-ofisial investidura, Prezidente-Republika sei halo juramentu tuirmai ne'e: \"Ha'u jura ba Maromak, ba Povu no ba ha'u-nia onra katak ha'u sei halo tuir loloos knaar ne'ebe ha'u simu, halo tuir no haruka halo tuir Lei-Inan no lei-oan sira no fo ha'u-nia kbiit no kapasidade tomak atu tuba-netik no hametin ukun an rasik no unidade nasaun nian.\"",
"Artigu 78.o (Inkompatibilidade) Prezidente-Republika labele iha kargu politiku seluk eh knaar publiku iha nivel nasional no mos, iha kazu seluk, hala'o knaar privadu.",
"(Hatan ba krime no obrigasaun ba konstituisaun) Prezidente-Republika sei iha imunidade wainhira hala'o ninia knaar.",
"Prezidente Republika sei hatan ba Tribunal Supremu Justisa nian, kona-ba krime ne'ebe akontese wainhira hala'o nia knaar, no mos violasaun momoos no boot kona-ba nia obrigasaun Konstitusional Sei hahu prosesu ne'e iha Parlamentu Nasional tuir proposta husi baluk-lima ida (1/5) ho deliberasaun aprovadu tuir maioria baluk-tolu rua (2/3) husi Deputadu hotu-hotu.",
"Plenariu Tribunal Supremu Justisa nian mak sei fo-sai sentensa iha prazu masimu loron 30 nia laran.",
"Kondenasaun ne'e katak Prezidente nia knaar remata ona no mos labele eleitu fali tan.",
"Krime balu ne'ebe la kona-ba hala'o knaar nian, Prezidente-Republika sei hatan mos iha Tribunal Supremu Justisa nian, ne'ebe iha kazu kondenasaun sei hetan hanesan hakotu Prezidente nian knaar wainhira nia hetan kondenasaun tama Artigu 80.o (Auzensia) Prezidente-Republika labele sai husi territoriu nasional se la iha konsentimentu Parlamentu Nasional nian eh, Parlamentu la halibur karik, tenki hetan konsentimentu husi Komisaun Permanente.",
"La kumpre regra iha no.1 hanesa determina iha artigu ne'e karik, nia sei bele lakon ninia kargu, tuir lei haruka iha artigu nia regra uluk ba.",
"Wainhira atu halo viajen partikular, ho durasaun lato'o loron sanulu resin lima, la presiza husu lisensa ba Parlamentu Nasional, maibe, Prezidente-Republika tenke hato'o konesimentu ba Parlamentu Nasional.",
"Artigu 81.o (Renunsia ba mandatu) Prezidente-Republika bele haruka mensajen ba Parlamentu Nasional atu renunsia husi nia mandatu.",
"Renunsia ne'e sei sai efetivu wainhira Parlamentu Nasional simu ona konesimentu liu husi mensajen, maski ikusmai mak foin fo-sai iha jornal ofisial.",
"Wainhira Prezidente-Republika renunsia ninia kargu, nia labele kandidatu fali iha eleisaun oinmai, nune'e mos iha tinan lima nia laran tuir kedas ninia renunsia.",
"(Mate, renunsia ka inkapasidade permanente) Prezidente-Republika mate, renunsia ka iha inkapasidade permanente karik, Prezidente Parlamentu Nasional nian mak sei hala'o daudauk ninia knaar tomak, wainhira simu tiha pose iha Deputadu no representante orgaun soberania seluk tan sira-nia oin, sei simu nia investidura husi Prezidente Parlamentu Nasional nian ne'ebe sei kaer dadauk kargu ne'e.",
"Tribunal Supremu Justisa nian maka sei deklara inkapasidade permanente no nia mak sei verifika Prezidente-Republika nia mate ka lakon kargu.",
"Eleisaun ba Prezidente-Republika foun tan mate, renunsia, inkapasidade permanente tenke halo iha loron sianulu nia laran liutiha, verifikasaun ka deklarasaun.",
"Sei foti fali Prezidente-Republika ida ho mandatu foun.",
"Prezidente eleitu lakohi simu karik kargu, mate tiha ka hetan inkapasidade permanente, lia-banati artigu ida ne'e nian sei aplika tan fali.",
"Artigu 83.o (Kazu exesional sira) Tan mate, renunsia ka inkapasidade permanente ne'ebe akontese iha situasaun exesional hanesan funu eh emerjensia naruk, eh hetan susar kona-ba orden teknika eh material, ne'ebe define tuir lei, no labele hala'o eleisaun Prezidente-Republika tuir sufrajiu universal hanesan iha Artigu 76, Parlamentu Nasional nian maka sei hili ida husi sira-nia leet atu sai nu'udar Prezidente, liu tiha loron 90 tuirmai nia laran.",
"Iha kazu temi tiha ona iha numeru ida liuba ne'e, Prezidente-Republika eleitu sei kumpre de'it tempu ne'ebe falta ba mandatu atu hotu, hafoin nia bele kandidata an ba eleisaun ida be tuirmai.",
"Artigu 84.o (Substituisaun no interinidade) Wainhira iha impedimentu temporariu ba Prezidente-Republika, Prezidente Parlamentu Nasional mak sei hala'o ninia knaar eh, ida-ne'e labele karik, ninia substitutu.",
"Mandatu nu'udar Deputadu husi Prezidente Parlamentu Nasional ka ninia substitutu ninian , sei suspende kedas iha tempu ne'ebe Prezidente hala'o, nu'udar substituisaun ka kaer daudauk, Prezidente-Republika nia knaar.",
"Wainhira nu'udar Prezidente-Republika, substitutu ka interinu, Deputadu nia knaar sei emaseluk mak kaer, halotuir rejimentu Parlementu Nasional nian.",
"Artigu 85.o (Kompetensia rasik) Prezidente-Republika de'it mak sei hala'o knaar hirak ne'e: a) Promulga diploma legislativu no haruka publika rezolusaun husi Parlamentu Nasional ne'ebe aprova akordu no ratifika tratadu konvensaun internasional sira; b) Hala'o kompetensia kona-ba knaar Komandante Supremu Forsas Armadas nian; c) Hala'o direitu veto kona-ba diploma lejislativu nian, iha prazu loron 30 nia laran hahu husi loron simu nian; d) Foti no fo pose ba Primeiru Ministru ne'ebe partidu eh aliansa partidu sira ho maioria parlamentar sei foti, wainhira rona partidu politiku sira-ne'ebe iha Parlamentu Nasional; e) Husu Tribunal Supremu Justisa nian kona-ba apresiasaun preventiva no ba fiskalizasaun abstratu konstitusionalidade norma sira-nian, no mos haree inkonstitusionalidade tan omisaun; f) Hato'o ba referendu problema boot interese nasional nian, tuir termu sira iha Artigu 66; g) Deklara estadu serku nian ka estadu emerjensia, tuir Parlamentu Nasional haruka, wainhira rona tiha ona Konsellu-Estadu, Governu no Konsellu Superior Defeza no Seguransa nian; h) Deklara funu ka halo dame, tuir proposta Governu nian, wainhira rona tiha ona Konsellu-Estadu, Governu no Konsellu Superior Defeza no Seguransa nian, tuir Parlamentu Nasional haruka; i) Rona tuir Governu, atu fo perdaun ka hamenus kastigu; j) Konfere, tuir lei, titulu onorifiku, kondekorasaun no mos distinsaun.",
"(Kompetensia kona-ba orgaun sira seluk) Prezidente-Republika nia knaar kona-ba orgaun seluk: a) Prezide Konsellu Superior Defeza no Seguransa; b) Prezide Konsellu-Estadu; c) Marka, tuir lei, loron eleisaun ba Prezidente-Republika no ba Parlamentu Nasional; d) Halo konvokasaun extraordinaria Parlamentu Nasional nian, wainhira iha razaun boot kona-ba interese nasional; e) Fo-sai lia-tatoli ba Parlamentu Nasional no ba nasaun; f) Hakotu Parlamentu Nasional, iha kazu krize boot institusional nian ne'ebe labele iha formasaun governu ka aprovasaun Orsamentu Jeral Estadu nian, iha tempu naruk liu loron neen-nulu, wainhira rona tiha ona partidu politiku sira-ne'ebe hetan kadeira iha Parlementu Nasional, no rona Konsellu-Estadu, iha tempu ne'ebe laiha kdasar juridiku atu hala'o disolusaun , tenke haree tuir regra iha Artigu 100; g) Hatun Governu no exonera Primeiru-Ministru nian, wainhira Parlamentu Nasional la simu nia programa dala rua tutuir malu; h) Foti, fo pose no hasai membru Governu nian, tuir proposta Primeiru-Ministru nian, iha termu no.",
"2 Artigu 105; i) Foti membru rua ba Konsellu Superior Defeza no Seguransa nian; j) Foti Prezidente Tribunal Supremu Justisa no fo pose ba Prezidente Tribunal Superior Administrativu, Fiskal no Kontas nian. k) Foti Prokurador-Jeral Republika nian hodi hala'o knaar iha tinan ha'at nia laran; l) Foti no hasai Adjuntu Prokurador-Jeral Republika nian sira tuir termu sira No.6.",
"Artigu 133 nian. m) Tuir proposta Governu nian, Xefe Estadu Maior Jeneral Forsa Armada, Vise-Xefe Estadu Maior Jeneral Forsa Armada no Xefe Estadu Maior Forsa Armada nian, rona tuir, iha kazu ikusmai ne'e, Xefe Estadu Maior Jeneral Forsa Armada nian; n) Foti membru lima ba Konsellu-Estadu; o) Foti membru ida ba Konsellu Superior Majistratura Judisial no mos Konsellu Superior Ministeriu Publiku nian.",
"(Kompetensia kona-ba relasaun internasional) Prezidente-Republika de'it mak iha dominiu kona-ba relasaun internasional sira: a) Deklara funu, wainhira iha ka atu iha agresaun, halo dame, tuir proposta Governu nian, rona tiha Konsellu Superior Defeza no Seguransa nian, no wainhira Parlamentu Nasional eh ninia Komisaun Permanente fo autorizasaun; b) Foti no hasai embaixador, reprezentante permanente no enviadu extraordinariu sira, tuir proposta Governu nian; c) Simu karta kredensial no simu akreditasaun hosi reprezentante diplomatiku raiseluk sira-nian; d) Hamutuk ho Governu, sei hala'o prosesu kontratu hotu-hotu atu hetan akordu internasional iha area defeza no seguransa nian; Artigu 88.o (Promulgasaun no Vetu) Iha prazu loron haatnulu nia laran sura husi simu diploma naran ida Governu nian atu promulga, Prezidente-Republika bele promulga eh uza ninia direitu vetu, hodi hakerek ba Governu fo-hatene nia vetu katak sa.",
"(Asaun Prezidente Interinu nian) Prezidente-Republika interinu labele hala'o atu-ofisial fo-sai iha alinea f), g), h), i), j), k), l), m) no n) iha artigu 86.",
"Artigu 90.o (Konsellu-Estadu) Konsellu-Estadu mak orgaun konsulta politiku Prezidente-Republika, ne'ebe nia rasik prezide.",
"Halo parte Konsellu-Estadu mak: a) Ex-Prezidente-Republika sira-ne'ebe la'os destituidu; b) Prezidente Parlamentu Nasional nian; d) Sidadaun lima ne'ebe Parlamentu Nasional hili ho harmonia tuir prinsipiu reprezentasaun proporsional, ba periodu tuir durasaun lejizlatura nian, ne'ebe la'os membru hosi orgaun soberania nian; e) Sidadaun lima ne'ebe Prezidente-Republika mak foti, ne'ebe la'os membru hosi orgaun soberania nian, ba periodu ne'ebe hanesan ho durasaun tempu ukun Prezidente-Republika nian,.",
"(Kompetensia, organizasaun no funsionamentu Konsellu-Estadu nian) d) Fo-sai kona-ba kazu seluk tan ne'ebe iha Lei-Inan no, iha jeral, hato'o konsellu ba Prezidente-Republika wainhira nia hala'o ninia knaar, no wainhira nia husu karik.",
"TITULU III PARLAMENTU NASIONAL KAPITULU I ESTATUTU NO ELEISAUN Artigu 92.o (Definisaun) Parlamentu Nasional mak orgaun soberania Republika Timor-Leste nian ne'ebe reprezenta ema Timor-oan tomak, iha kbiit atu halo lei, atu fiskaliza no atu halo desizaun politika.",
"Artigu 93.o (Eleisaun no kompozisaun) Parlamentu Nasional sei iha membru/deputadu na'in 52 iha nia minimu no iha nia maximu membru/deputadu na'in 65.",
"Lei mak sei regula kona-ba regra sira-ne'ebe aplika ba eleisaun, kondisaun ba elijibilidade, kandidatura no lala'ok eleisaun nian.",
"Deputadu Parlamentu Nasional nian iha mandatu ba tinan lima.",
"Artigu 94.o (Imunidade) Deputadu sira la hatan ba lia sivil, lia kriminal eh lia dixiplinar tan sira-nia votu no sira-nia hanoin wainhira hala'o daudaun knaar; Imunidade parlamentar nian bele hasai tiha tuir buat ne'ebe hakerek iha Parlamentu Nasional nia Rejimentu.",
"(Kompetensia Parlamentu Nasional nian) Kompete ba Parlamentu Nasional halo lei kona-ba asuntu baziku sira politika interna ho externa nasaun nian.",
"Parlamentu Nasional de'it mak halo lejizlasaun kona-ba: a) Rai-ketan RDTL nian, tuir artigu no.",
"4; b) Limite bee tasi laran Timor nian no mos zona ekonomiku eskluziva ho tan direitu Timor-Leste nian ba zona tatutan no plataforma kontinental; c) Simbolu Nasional sira, tuir no.2 Artigu 14; e) Direitu, liberdade no garantia sira; f) Estadu no kapasidade ema nian, direitu familia nian no mos jerasaun ne'ebe sei mai; g) Fafahek territorial; h) Lei eleisaun nian no mos Rejime Referendu nian; i) Partidu no mos asosiasaun politika sira. j) Deputadu sira nia Estatutu; k) Titular sira-nia Estatutu iha Estadu nia organizasaun; l) Baze sistema hanorin nian; m) Baze sistema seguransa sosial no mos saude nian; n) Suspensaun garantia konstitusional nian no mos deklarasaun estadu serku ho tan estadu emerjensia nian; o) Defeza no Seguransa nia Regra; p) Regra Fiskal; q) Rejime orsamentu nian.",
"Parlamentu National sei halo mos: a) Ratifika nomeasaun Prezidente do Tribunal Supremu Justisa ninian no mos eleisaun Prezidente Tribunal Superior Administrativu, Fiskal no Kontas nian; b) Delibera kona-ba relatoriu knaar Governu nian; c) Hili membru ida ba Konsellu Superior Majistratura Judisial nian no mos ba Konsellu Superior Ministeriu Publiku nian; d) Delibera kona-ba Planu no Orsamentu Estadu nian no mos relatoriu kona-ba orsamentu ne'e; e) Fiskaliza oinsa Estadu hala'o orsamentu nasional; f) Aprova no mos fo-sai akordu no ratifika tratadu no konvensaun internasional sira; g) Fo amnistia; h) Fo autorizasaun ba Prezidente-Republika atu hala'o vizita Estadu nian; i) Aprova revizaun ba Lei-Inan hosi maioria baluk-tolu rua (2/3) Deputadu sira; j) Autoriza no konfirma deklarasaun ba estadu serku no estadu emerjensia nian; k) Halo proposta ba Prezidente-Republika atu halo referendu kona-ba asuntu sira ne'ebe iha interese nasional; a) Foti nia Prezidente no membru sira seluk ba Meza; b) Foti membru na'in lima ba Konsellu-Estadu; c) Elabora no aprova nia Rejimentu; d) Forma Komisaun Permanente ida no harii komisaun parlamentar seluk-seluk; Artigu 96.o (Autorizasaun legislativu) Parlamentu Nasional bele autoriza Governu atu halo lejizlasaun ba sasan sira tuirmai ne'e: a) Definisaun krime nian, kastigu, medida seguransa nian, no mos nia presupostu; b) Definisaun prosesu sivil no krime nian; c) Organizasaun judisiariu nian no estatutu majistradu nian; d) Rejime jeral funsaun publiku nian, no estatutu funsionariu sira no mos Estadu nia responsabilidade; e) Baze jeral organizasaun nian no administrasaun publiku; f) Sistema monetariu; g) Sistema finansa no banku nian; h) Definisaun ba baze politiku ida ba defeza meiu-ambiente nian no dezenvolvimentu sustentavel; i) Rejime tomak radiu-difuzaun, televizaun no komunikasaun oin hotu-hotu ba masa sira; j) Servizu militar ou sivil k) Rejime geral requisizaun nian no fo fila hosi utilidade publika l) Dalan no hahalok intervensaun nian, fo fila, nasionalizasaun no privatizasaun hosi meius produsaun nian no rai tuir razaun interesse publiku nian, nune'e mos kriterius fixasaun nian, iha ba kasus indemnizasaun nian.",
"Lei autorizasaun lejizlativu nian tenke hateten-sai objetivu, sentidu, extensaun no durasaun ba autorizasaun, ne'ebe bele prorroga.",
"Lei autorizasaun lejizlasaun nian labele uza liu dala ida, no remata ho demisaun Governu nian, ho termu lejizlatura nian ka ho disolusaun Parlamentu Nasional nian.",
"Artigu 97.o (Inisiativa lei nian) Karan hahu lei nian pertense ba: a) Deputadu sira; b) Bankada Parlamentar sira; Labele aprezenta projetu no proposta lei nian ka alterasaun ne'ebe, iha tinan ekonomiku ne'ebe la'o daudaun, foti sa'e despeza no hatun reseita Estadu nian ne'ebe mai iha Orsamentu ka iha Orsamentu Ratifikativu sira.",
"Projetu no Proposta lei ne'ebe sesaun lejizlativu ida la simu, sei bele sisi nafatin iha sesaun ne'e nia laran.",
"Projetu no Proposta lei sira, ne'ebe la vota ba, bele halo fali iha sesaun lejizlativu ida tuirmai, la'e de'it wainhira termu lejislatura mak la hatan..",
"Proposta lei nian remata ho Governu nia demisaun.",
"(Parlamentu haree ba atu-ofisial lejizlativu sira) Governu nia Diploma lejizlativu sira, salvu hirak ne'ebe aprovadu wainhira nia hala'o hela knaar kompetensia lejizlativu eskluziva, bele hato'o ba Parlamentu Nasional atu haree, kona-ba vijensia ka halo alterasaun, wainhira Deputadu baluk-lima ida (1/5) husu iha loron tolunulu liutiha publikasaun, hasai tiha tempu suspensaun funsionamentu Parlamentu Nasional nian.",
"Parlamentu Nasional sei bele suspende, tomak ka balu de'it, vijensia diploma lejizlativu, to'o nia apresiasaun.",
"Suspensaun ne'e kotu wainhira liutiha reuniaun plenaria sanulu, maske Parlamentu Nasional ladauk apresia diploma ne'e.",
"Aprova tiha karik atu hakotu nia vijensia, diploma ne'e hotu iha loron ne'ebe rezolusaun nia publikasaun sai iha jornal ofisial no labele halo tan publikasaun wainhira sesaun legislativa ida-ne'e sei hala'o hela.",
"Wainhira husu tiha atu haree, Parlamentu Nasional seidauk karik hateten-sai kona-ba ida-ne'e; ka, wainhira halo tiha ona deliberasaun atu hatama emenda sira, maka seidauk karik vota ba lei ne'e to'o sesaun lejizlativu remata, liutiha reuniaun plenaria sanulu resin lima, prosesu ne'e sei la vale ona.",
"Artigu 99.o (Lejizlatura) Lejizlatura kompriende sesaun lejizlativu lima no sesaun lejizlativu ida-idak iha durasaun tinan ida nian.",
"Periodu normal funsionamentu Parlamentu Nasional, Rejimentu mak define.",
"Parlamentu Nasional halibur tuir konvokasaun Prezidente nian.",
"Parlamentu Nasional halibur iha sesaun extraordinariu wainhira de'it Komisaun Permanente deside katak nune'e, ne'ebe Deputadu baluk-tolu ida ('/3) maka husu ka Prezidente-Republika maka husu atu trata kona-ba lia espesifiku ruma.",
"Wainhira hetan disolusaun karik, Parlamentu Nasional ne'ebe foin hili hahu lejizlatura foun, ho dada tan nia durasaun ba tempu ne'ebe presiza atu kompleta periodu ida-ne'ebe korrespondente ba sesaun lejizlativu ne'ebe hala'o daudaun to'o loron eleisaun nian.",
"Artigu 100.o (Disolusaun) Parlamentu Nasional labele hetan disolusaun iha fulan neen nia laran, liutiha eleisaun ne'ebe hili nia, ka iha semestre ba dala ikus mandatu Prezidente Republika nian, ka durante vijensia estadu serku ka estadu emerjensia nian, tan la iha kdasar juridiku atu halo disolusaun.",
"Disolusaun Parlamentu Nasional nian la hamate mandatu Deputadu sira-nian to'o Parlamentu nia reuniaun dalauluk, liutiha eleisaun subsekuente sira.",
"(Partisipasaun husi Governu nia membru sira) Governu nia membru sira iha direitu atu mosu iha reuniaun plenaria sira Parlamentu Nasional nian no bele hato'o sira-nia lianfuan, tuir Rejimentu nia dalan.",
"Sei iha sesaun atu Deputadu sira husu-litik Governu, tuir lala'ok rejimentu nian.",
"Parlamentu Nasional ka nia komisaun sira bele husu Governu nia membru sira atu partisipa iha sira-nia serbisu.",
"Artigu 102.o (Komisaun Permanente) Komisaun Permanente halo la'o serbisu nafatin iha periodu ne'ebe Parlamentu Nasional para hela, iha intervalu sesaun no mos iha kazu seluk-seluk previstu iha Konstituisaun.",
"Komisaun Permanente nia ulun-boot mak Prezidente Parlamentu Nasional nian hariik husi Vise-Prezidente sira no partidu sira-nia Deputadu, tuir fahe-baluk reprezentasaun nian iha Parlamentu.",
"Kompete ba Komisaun Permanente, buat hirak tuirmai ne'e: a) Akompana serbisu sira Governu nian no mos administrasaun nian; b) Koordena serbisu sira Komisaun Nasional nian; c) Promove konvokasaun Parlamentu Nasional nian; d) Prepara no organiza Parlamentu Nasional nia sesaun sira; e) Autoriza deslokasaun Prezidente-Republika iha rai-laran; f) Diriji Parlamentu Nasional nia relasaun ho parlamentu no instituisaun analoga sira iha raiseluk; g) Autoriza deklarasaun estadu serku nian no estadu emerjensia nian.",
"TITULU IV GOVERNU KAPITULU I DEFINISAUN NO ESTRUTURA Artigu 103.o (Definisaun) Governu, orgaun soberanu ida-ne'ebe iha responsabilidade atu hala'o no ezekuta politiku jeral nasaun nian no mos orgaun superior Administrasaun Publika nian.",
"Halo parte Governu mak Primeiru-Ministru, Ministru sira no Sekretariu-Estadu sira.",
"Bele mos tama iha Governu mak Vise-Primeiru-Ministru ida ka liutan, no Vise-Ministru sira Numeru ba dezignasaun no mos atribuisaun ministeriu no Sekretaria-Estadu nian sira Governu nia diploma lejizlativu mak sei define.",
"Artigu 105.o (Konsellu Ministru sira-nian) Konsellu-Ministru sei hariik hosi Primeiru-Ministru, Vise Primeiru-Ministru se iha, no Ministru sira.",
"Primeiru-Ministru mak sei prezide no konvoka Konsellu-Ministru.",
"Wainhira hetan konvite atu partisipa iha reuniaun Konsellu-Ministru nian, la iha direitu ba votu mak Vise-Ministru sira, wainhira tama iha estrutura, no mos Sekretariu-Estadu sira.",
"KAPITULU II FORMASUAN NO RESPONSABILIDADE Artigu 106.o (Nomeasaun) Primeiru-Ministru hili hosi partidu ida ne'ebe iha votu barakliu ka hosi aliansa partidu sira-ne'ebe iha nia ema barak iha Parlamentu no iha nomeasaun hosi Prezidente- Republika, wainhira rona tiha partidu politiku sira ne'ebe iha reprezentante sira iha Parlamentu Nasional.",
"Membru Governu siraseluk, Prezidente-Republika mak sei hili liu husi Xefe-Ministru nia proposta.",
"Artigu 107.o (Governu nia Responsabilidade) Governu hatan ba Prezidente-Republika no ba Parlamentu Nasional kona-ba kondisaun no ezekusaun politiku interna no externa tuir Lei-Inan no mos lei oan.",
"Artigu 108.o (Governu nian Programa) Wainhira Governu nomiadu ona, nia sei halo nia programa hodi hatudu nia objetivu no knaar oioin ne'ebe nia hakarak hala'o, medida ne'ebe atu uza no orientasaun politika prinsipal sira-ne'ebe nia hakarak tuir iha dominiu atividade governu nian.",
"Primeiru-Ministru hato'o programa governu nian ne'ebe Konsellu-Ministru aprova tiha ona ba Parlamentu Nasional atu apresia iha prazu la liu loron tolunulu, sura husi loron ne'ebe Governu hahu nia funsaun.",
"(Apresiasaun ba Governu nia Programa) Programa Governu nian sei hato'o ba Parlamentu Nasional atu hetan apresiasaun, no Parlamentu la funsional karik, tenki konvida ka konvoka sira ba asuntu ida-ne'e.",
"Debate programa Governu nian labele liu loron lima, no to'o remata, grupu ida-idak iha Parlamentu bele husu atu lasimu, eh Governu bele husu votu konfiansa ida.",
"Atu lasimu programa Governu nian, tenke iha apoiu mai husi maioria deputadu husi sira- ne'ebe sei hala'o hela knaar.",
"Artigu 110.o (Husu votu konfiansa) Governu bele husu ba Parlamentu Nasional halo aprovasaun ba votu konfiansa ida kona-ba deklarasaun politika jeral nian eh ba asuntu seluk importante ba interese nasional.",
"Artigu 111.o (Mosaun sensura nian) Ho inisiativa baluk-haat ida 1/4 deputadu ne'ebe sei hala'o hela knaar, Parlamentu Nasional bele halo votu sensura ida ba Governu, kona-ba nia programa eh buat seluk ne'ebe relevante ba interese nasional.",
"Mosaun sensura la hetan apoiu karik, sira-ne'ebe asina mosaun ne'e labele aprezenta fali mosaun seluk, iha sesaun ne'ebe la'o daudaun.",
"Artigu 112.o (Demisaun Governu nian) Governu nia knaar remata, wainhira: a) Hahu lejizlasaun foun; b) Wainhira Prezidente-Republika simu pedidu demisaun hosi Primeiru-Ministru c) Wainhira Primeiru-Ministru mate ka hetan susar ba nia isin lolon; d) Parlamentu Nasional la simu programa Governu nian dala-rua tuituir malu; e) Parlamentu Nasional la simu aprovasaun ba votu konfiansa; f) Aprovasaun mosaun sensura nian hosi maioria absoluta tomak deputadu ne'ebe sei hala'o knaar nu'udar efetivu.",
"Prezidente-Republika sei bele hatan ba Parlamentu Nasional wainhira tuir kazu sira ne'ebe fo-sai iha numeru uluk no wainhira hatudu katak tenke kaer metin instituisaun demokratiku sira-nia lala'ok, bainhira rona tiha ona Konsellu-Estadu.",
"(Governu nia membru hatan kona-ba krime) Wainhira membru Governu ida akuzadu loloos ba krime, ne'ebe bele simu kastigu iha kadeia boot liu tinan rua nian, tenke para hala'o servisu atu bele foti prosesu.",
"Krime ne'ebe simu kastigu iha kadeia to'o de'it tinan rua, Parlamentu Nasional mak sei tesi kona-ba membru Governu ne'e bele para nia knaar karik, ka lae.",
"(Imunidade ba membru Governu nian) Membru Governu ida labele detidu ka dadur wainhira Parlamentu Nasional seidauk fo lisensa, bele de'it wainhira nia halo krime ne'ebe bele simu kastigu ida ho limite masimu boot liu tinan rua ka ema kaer rasik ho liman.",
"Artigu 115.o (Governu nia kompetensia) Governu nia knaar maka: a) Define no hala'o politika jeral nasaun nian, wainhira hetan tiha aprovasaun hosi Parlamentu Nasional; b) Garante ba sidadaun sira-nia direitu no liberdade fundamental; c) Hametin orden publiku no disiplina sosial; d) Prepara Planu no Orsamentu Jeral Estadu nian hodi hala'o wainhira hetan tiha aprovasaun hosi Parlamentu Nasional; e) Halo regulamentu ba knaar ekonomia no mos setor sosial sira; f) Prepara, negosia tratadu no akordu, selebra, aprova, adere, no fo-sai akordu internasional sira-ne'ebe la'os Parlamentu Nasional eh Prezidente-Republika nia kompetensia; g) Define no hala'o politika interna nasaun nian; h) Hametin RDTL nia reprezentasaun iha relasaun internasional sira; i) Dirije setor sosial no ekonomia sira Estadu nian; j) Dirije politika serbisu no seguransa sosial nian; k) Fo garantia defeza no hametin riku-soin publiku nian no mos riku-soin Estadu nian; l) Dirije no koordena knaar Ministeriu sira-nian no instituisaun siraseluk ne'ebe iha Konsellu-Ministru nia okos; m) Haburas dezenvolvimentu setor kooperativu no mos fo tulun ba produsaun familia nian; n) Fo tulun ba inisiativa ekonomiku privadu; o) Hala'o knaar no mos hola medida ne'ebe presiza ba dezenvolvimentu ekonomia- sosial no ba nesesidade komunidade timoroan sira-nian; p) Hala'o knaar siraseluk ne'ebe Lei-Inan eh lei oan haruka; Tama mos ba Governu nia knaar ho orgaun siraseluk; a) Hato'o proposta lei nian no rezolusaun ba Parlamentu Nasional; b) Hato'o ba Prezidente-Republika proposta deklarasaun kona-ba halo funu no harii dame; c) Hato'o ba Prezidente-Republika proposta deklarasaun Estadu iha serku eh iha emerjensia nian; d) Hato'o ba Prezidente-Republika proposta atu hala'o referendu, ba asuntu sira- ne'ebe iha relevansia ba interese nasional; e) Hato'o ba Prezidente-Republika proposta atu foti embaixador, reprezentante permanente no enviadu extraordinariu sira; Governu de'it mak iha kompetensia lejizlativu ba materia sira-ne'ebe kona-ba nia organizasaun rasik no nia lala'ok, no mos administrasaun diretu no indiretu Estadu nian.",
"(Kompetensia Konsellu-Ministru sira ninian) Konsellu-Ministru nia knaar mak: a) Fo-sai hahalok jeral politika Governu nian no mos oinsa atu hala'o politika ne'e; b) Delibera kona-ba uzu votu konfiansa ida ba Parlamentu Nasional; c) Aprova proposta lei no mos rezolusaun sira; d) Aprova diploma lejizlativu sira, no mos akordu internasional sira-ne'ebe la liu husi Parlamentu Nasional; e) Aprova lei governu nian ne'ebe kona-ba aumentu no hamenus reseita ka despeza publiku sira-nian; f) Aprova planu sira.",
"Artigu 117.o (Kompetensia membru Governu ninian) Primeiru-Ministru nia knaar mak: a) Xefe ba Governu; b) Prezide Konsellu-Ministru nian; c) Dirije no orienta politika jeral governu nian no mos koordena Ministru sira-nia knaar, maibe labele prejudika ida-idak nia responsabilidade ba departamentu governu sira-nian; d) Hato'o ba Prezidente-Republika kona-ba asuntu sira politiku interna no externa Governu nian; e) Hala'o funsaun seluk-seluk ne'ebe Lei-Inan no lei-oan hato'o; Ministru sira-nia knaar mak: a) Hala'o politika sira-ne'ebe kona-ba sira-nia ministeriu sira; b) Hametin relasaun Governu no orgaun Estadu sira iha ministeriu idaidak nian.",
"Diploma lejizlativu Governu nian, Primeiru-Ministru mak sei asina no mos Ministru sira mak iha kbiit atu hala'o kona-ba asuntu ne'e.",
"TITULU V TRIBUNAL SIRA KAPITULU I Artigu 118.o (Knaar jurisdisional) Tribunal sira maka orgaun soberania ho kompetensia atu hala'o justisa hodi povu nia naran.",
"Wainhira hala'o nia knaar, tribunal sira iha direitu atu serbisu hamutuk ho autoridade sira seluk.",
"Desizaun ne'ebe tribunal sira fo ona tenke halo tuir duni no soi kbiit aas liu desizaun autoridade siraseluk nian.",
"Artigu 119.o (Independensia) Tribunal sira independente no sira sei halo tuir de'it Lei-Inan no lei-oan sira haruka.",
"(Haree ba hahalok ne'ebe la tuir Lei-Inan) Tribunal sira labele halo ukun ka norma ne'ebe kontra Lei-Inan eh PRINSIPIU sira-ne'ebe konsagra iha nia laran.",
"Artigu 121.o (Juis sira) Knaar jurisdisional ne'e juis sira-nian de'it, ne'ebe simu knaar tuir lei haruka.",
"Wainhira hala'o sira-nia knaar, juis sira independente no sira bele halo tuir de'it buat ne'ebe iha Lei-Inan, lei-oan no mos tuir sira-nia konxiensia.",
"Labele hasai, hapara, muda, fo reforma eh hatun juis sira, wainhira lei la haruka.",
"Atu garante nia independensia, juis sira labele lori responsabilidade kona-ba desizaun no lia ne'ebe sira hakotu, salvu iha kazu sira-ne'ebe hakerek iha lei.",
"Lei regula organizasaun judisiariu no mos estatutu majistradu judisial sira-nian.",
"Artigu 122.o (Eskluzividade) Juis sira labele halo serbisu publiku eh partikular seluk-seluk, maibe bele de'it hala'o knaar kona-ba hanorin nian eh investigasaun sientifika kona-ba lei, tuir lei haruka.",
"Artigu 123.o (Kategoria tribunal sira-nian) Republika Demokratika Timor-Leste iha tribunal hirak ne'e: a) Tribunal Supremu Justisa nian ho tribunal judisial siraseluk; b) Tribunal Superior Administrativu, Fiskal no Kontas no tribunal administrativu odan hahuk nian; c) Tribunal militar sira-nian.",
"Proibidu iha tribunal exesaun sira, no sei la iha tribunal espesial atu tesi-lia kona-ba kategoria krime balu-balun.",
"Bele iha tribunal maritimu no arbitrariu sira.",
"Lei mak determina tribunal sira-nia konstituisaun, organizasaun no sira-nia knaar, nu'udar hakerek tiha ona iha numeru sira liuba ne'e.",
"Lei bele institusionaliza instrumentu no forma kompozisaun ne'ebe la'os konflitu jurisdisional nian.",
"(Tribunal Supremu Justisa nian) Tribunal Supremu Justisa nian mak orgaun boot liu iha orgaun ierarkia tribunal judisial hotu-hotu ninian, no mos fo garantia atu aplika lei oin ida de'it ho jurisdisaun iha nasaun tomak nia laran.",
"Kompete mos ba Tribunal Supremu Justisa nian atu administra justisa ba buat ne'ebe kona- ba lia juridiku-konstitusional no eleitoral.",
"Prezidente-Republika mak foti Prezidente Tribunal Supremu Justisa nian, ne'ebe hetan hili hosi juis sira iha Tribunal Supremu Justisa nian, ba tinan haat nia laran.",
"Artigu 125.o (Knaar no kompozisaun) Tribunal Supremu Justisa nian hala'o: a) Iha seksaun sira, hanesan tribunal odan hahuk nian, iha kazu hirak ne'ebe tuir lei haruka; b) Iha plenariu, hanesan tribunal segundu no instansia ida de'it, iha kazu sira-ne'ebe hakerek loloos ona iha lei.",
"Halo parte Tribunal Supremu Justisa nian, juis karreira nian, Majistradu Ministeriu Publiku nian eh jurista sira-ne'ebe iha naran boot, iha numeru ne'ebe lei mak sei determina, nune'e: a) Ida, Parlamentu Nasional mak hili; b) Siraseluk Konsellu Superior Majistratura Judisial nian mak hili.",
"(Kompetensia konstituisaun no eleisaun nian) Kompete ba Tribunal Supremu Justisa nian, iha area lia juridiku-konstitusional nian: a) Apresia no deklara lala'ok latuir Lei-Inan no latuir Lei-oan atu-ofisial lejizlativu sira no norma sira orgaun Estadu ninian; b) Haree uluk lala'ok Lei-Inan no Lei-oan nian kona-ba diploma lejislativu no referendum nian. c) Haree kona-ba lala'ok latuir Lei-Inan tan omisaun; d) Deside, iha sede rekursu nian, kona-ba dezaplikasaun norma sira-ne'ebe tribunal instansia sira haree hanesan latuir Lei-Inan; e) Haree legalidade kona-ba konstituisaun partidu politiku sira-nian no sira-nia koligasaun, no haruka halo sira-nia rejistu eh hamate sira tuir Lei- Inan no lei-oan sira haruka. f) Hala'o kompetensia seluk-seluk ne'ebe Lei-Inan no lei-oan sira hato'o.",
"Kona loloos ba eleisaun sira, kompete ba Tribunal Supremu Justisa nian: a) Haree ba kondisaun legal ne'ebe tenke iha atu hala'o kandidatura Prezidente-Republika nian; b) Tesi-lia atu ema ida la sadik tan kona-ba regularidade no validade lala'ok prosesu eleitoral nian, tuir lei ne'e haruka; c) Fo validade no fo-sai rezultadu prosesu eleitoral nian.",
"Bele de'it sai-nu'udar membru Tribunal Supremu Justisa nian ema ne'ebe juis karreira nian, majistradu Ministeriu-Publiku nian, jurista sira-ne'ebe iha naran boot ne'ebe sidadaun railaran.",
"La'os de'it kondisaun hirak iha numeru liuba, lei sei bele hatudu tan seluk.",
"(Konsellu Superior Majistratura Judisial nian) Konsellu Superior Majistratura Judisial nian, orgaun jestaun no dixiplina ida majistradu judisial sira-nian, ne'ebe iha kompetensia atu foti, hatun, muda no foti-sa'e juis sira.",
"Juis Prezidente Tribunal Supremu Justisa nian mak preside Konsellu Superior Majistratura Judisial, ne'ebe halo parte vogal sira tuirmai ne'e: a) Ida, Prezidente-Republika mak hili; b) Ida, Parlamentu Nasional mak foti; c) Ida, Governu mak hili; d) Ida, Majistradu Judisial mak hili husi sira leet.",
"Lei maka regula Konsellu Superior Majistratura Judisial nia kompetensia, organizasaun no nia knaar.",
"(Tribunal Superior Administrativu, Fiskal no Kontas nian) Tribunal Superior Administrativu, Fiskal no Kontas nian, orgaun boot liu iha ierarkia tribunal administrativu, fiskal no kontas sira, lahalo aat ba kompetensia Tribunal Supremu Justisa nian .",
"Juis sira maka foti Prezidente Tribunal Superior Administrativu, Fiskal no Kontas ninian hosi nia leet atu hala'o mandatu ida iha tinan haat nia laran.",
"Kompete ba Tribunal Supremu Administrativu, Fiskal no Kontas nian, nu'udar instansia mesak ida, halo fiskalizasaun kona-ba legalidade despeza publika no julgamentu kona- ba Estadu nia kontas.",
"Kompete ba Tribunal Superior Administrativu, Fiskal no Kontas no mos ba tribunal administrativu no fiskal primeiru instansia sira atu: a) Tesi lia ba hahalok hotu ne'ebe iha konflitu laran, ne'ebe mosu hosi relasaun juridiku administrativu no fiskal sira; b) Tesi lia kesar-sadik ne'ebe sadik-hasoru desizaun sira-ne'ebe mai hosi orgaun sira Estadu nian no nia ajente sira; c) Hala'o kompetensia siraseluk hotu ne'ebe lei hato'o.",
"(Tribunal Militar sira) Kompete ba tribunal militar sira tesi-lia sira-ne'ebe kona-ba krime ho natureza militar nian.",
"Lei mak determina kompetensia, organizasaun, kompozisaun no knaar tribunal militar sira-nian.",
"Artigu 131.o (Audiensia Tribunal sira-nian) Audiensia tribunal sira-ne'e nian, publiku, selae tan tribunal mak deside kontrariu, iha despaxu ho kdasar, atu salva ema nia dignidade moral publiku no seguransa nasional eh atu garante nia lala'ok normal.",
"Artigu 132.o (Knaar no estatutu) Ministeriu-Publiku reprezenta Estadu, hala'o asaun penal, hametin defeza ba labarik sira, ema ne'ebe laiha, no inkapasitadu sira, defende legalidade demokratiku no promove banati tuir lei.",
"Ministeriu-Publiku nu'udar majistratura ida-ne'ebe hariik ho dala-dalas, ne'ebe iha Prokurador-Jeral Republika nia okos.",
"Wainhira hala'o nia knaar, majistradu Ministeriu-Publiku nian hakruuk ba ksukat legalidade, objetividade, izensaun, no obediensia ba banati no orden ne'ebe hakerek nanis iha lei.",
"Ministeriu-Publiku goza nia estatutu rasik, nune'e nia ajente sira labele hetan transferensia, suspensaun, apozentasaun eh demisaun bele de'it hetan wainhira hakerek nanis iha lei.",
"Nomeasaun, kolokasaun, transferensia no promosaun ajente Ministeriu-Publiku sira-nian no ezersisiu asaun dixiplinar sira kompete ba Prokuradoria-Jeral Republika nian.",
"Artigu 133.o (Prokuradoria-Jeral Republika nian) Prokuradoria-Jeral Republika nian ne'e orgaun boot liu iha Ministeriu Publiku, lei mak define nia kompozisaun no kompetensia.",
"Prokurador-Jeral Republika nian mak kaer ukun Prokuradoria-Jeral Republika nian, ne'ebe bele troka wainhira nia la iha no hetan impedimentu ruma tuir lei.",
"Prezidente-Republika mak hatudu Prokurador-Jeral Republika nian ba mandatu tinan ha'at, nu'udar lei hatete.",
"Prokurador-Jeral Republika nian hatan ba Xefe-Estadu no halolon informasaun tinan-tinan ba Parlamentu Nasional.",
"Prokurador-Jeral Republika nian tenke husu ba Tribunal Supremu Justisa nian atu fo-sai deklarasaun kona-ba lala'ok latuir konstituisaun ne'ebe soi kbiit obrigatoriu tomak, wainhira norma ruma hetan julgamentu nu'udar latuir konstituisaun iha kazu konkretu tolu.",
"Maktulun Prokurador-Jeral Republika nian sira hetan nomeasaun, demisaun no ezonerasaun husi Prezidente- Republika wainhira rona tiha Konsellu Superior Ministeriu Publiku nian.",
"(Konsellu Superior Ministeriu Publiku nian) Konsellu Superior Ministeriu Publiku ne'e orgaun ida-ne'ebe halo parte integrante ho Prokuradoria-Jeral Republika ninian.",
"Prokurador-Jeral Republika prezide Konsellu Superior Ministeriu Publiku nian no nia kompozisaun ho vogal hanesan tuirmai ne'e: a) Ida, Prezidente-Republika mak hatudu b) Ida, Parlamentu Nasional mak hili; c) Ida, Governu mak hatudu; d) Ida, sei hili hosi majistradu Ministeriu Publiku sira nia leet.",
"Lei mak regula Konsellu Superior Ministeriu Publiku nia kompetensia, organizasaun no funsionamentu.",
"Artigu 135.o (Advogadu sira) Ezersisiu asistensia juridiku no judisiariu ne'e interese sosial nian, tan ne'e advogadu no defensor sira tenke hala'o sira-nia knaar tuir PRINSIPIU ida-ne'e.",
"Advogadu no defensor sira-nia funsaun prinsipal maka fo kontribuisaun ba administrasaun Justisa nian ida be di'ak no salvaguarda sidadaun sira-nia direitu no interesse lejitimu.",
"Lei maka regula ezersisiu ADVOKASIA.",
"(Garantia kona-ba hala'o advokasia) Estadu tenke fo garantia, iha lei nia mahon, ba dokumentu sira-nia inviolabilidade ne'ebe iha relasaun ho ezersisiu profisaun advogadu sira-nian, nu'udar labele halo revista, prende, rejistu no badinas judisial seluk, wainhira Majistradu judisial kompetente, no se bele, advogadu na'in rasik, laiha oin.",
"Advogadu sira iha direitu atu halo komunikasaun pesoal no ho garantia konfidensialidade ho sira-nia kliente, liu-liu wainhira kliente sira-ne'e detidu ka dadur hela iha fatin sivil ka militar sira.",
"TITULO VI ADMINISTRASAUN PUBLIKU (Prinsipiu Jeral Administrasaun Publiku ninian) Administrasaun Publiku haree ba prosekusaun interese publiku nian, ne'e mak respeitu ba interese lejitimu sidadaun no instituisaun konstitusional sira-nian.",
"Administrasaun Publiku nia estrutura iha dalan ida atu sees husi birokratizasaun, buka dada besik populasaun sira-nia serbisu no kaer metin interese partisipasaun nian iha nia jestaun efetivu.",
"Lei harii administradu sira-nia direitu no garantia, liu-liu hasoru hahalok sira-ne'ebe viola sira-nia direitu no interese lejitimu.",
"ORGANIZASAUN EKONOMIKU NO FINANSA NIAN TITULU I PRINSIPIU JERAL SIRA Artigu 138.o (Organizasaun ekonomiku) Artigu 139.o (Rekursu natural sira) Rekursu rai leten nian, rai okos nian, bee territorial, plataforma kontinental no zona ekonomiku eskluzivu, ne'ebe importante ba ekonomia, ne'e Estadu nia propriedade ne'ebe tenke utiliza iha forma loloos no hanesan de'it ba ema hotu-hotu, tuir interese nasional.",
"Kondisaun atu aproveita rekursu natural sira-ne'ebe ko'alia iha numeru uluk tenke sai nu'udar rezerva finanseira obrigatoriu, tuir lei.",
"Aproveitamentu rekursu natural sira tenke haree didi'ak mos ba ekilibriu ekolojiku no sees husi destruisaun ba ekosistema sira.",
"Artigu 140.o (Investimentu) Estadu tenke promove investimentu nasional sira no harii kondisaun atu buka hetan investimentu estranjeiru sira, maibe hola konta ba interese nasional sira, tuir lei haruka.",
"Artigu 141.o (Rai) Artigu 142.o (Sistema Finansa nian) Lei mak halo sistema finansa nia estrutura atu bele garante formasaun, kaptasaun no seguransa poupansas sira, no mos aplikasaun meiu finanseiru sira-ne'ebe presiza ba dezenvolvimentu ekonomiku no sosial.",
"Artigu 143.o (Banku Sentral) Estadu tenke harii banku sentral nasional ida ko-responsavel ba definisaun no ezekusaun politika monetariu no finanseiru.",
"Lei mak define funsaun no relasaun entre banku sentral, Parlamentu Nasional no Governu, bainhira salvaguarda autonomia jestaun instituisaun finansa nian.",
"Banku sentral iha kompetensia eskluzivu atu halo no fo-sai moeda nasional.",
"Artigu 144.o (Sistema Fiskal) Estadu tenke harii sistema fiskal ida-ne'ebe fo satisfasaun ba nesesidade finanseira sira no mos kontribui ba fafahek loloos riku-soin nian no hosi rendimentu nasional sira.",
"Lei mak hamosu impostu no taxa, ne'ebe estabelese nia insidensia, benefisiu fiskal sira no kontribuinte sira-nia garantia.",
"Artigu 145.o (Orsamentu Jeral Estadu nian) Governu mak halo Orsamentu Jeral Estadu nian, no Parlamentu Nasional mak sei fo aprovasaun.",
"Lei Orsamentu nian tenke preve, ho baze iha efisiensia no efikasia, diskriminasaun reseita no despeza nian, no mos, sees husi dotasaun no fundu sekretu sira.",
"Ezekusaun Orsamentu sei iha fiskalizasaun hosi Tribunal Superior Administrativu Fiskal no Kontas no mos hosi Parlamentu Nasional.",
"DEFESA NO SEGURANSA NASAUN NIAN Artigu 146.o (Forsa Armada sira) Forsa Armada Timor-Leste nian, FALINTIL-FDTL, ne'ebe sidadaun nasional de'it maka halo parte, ne'e mak responsavel ba defeza militar Republika Demokratika Timor-Leste nian no nia organizasaun nu'udar ida mesak ba territoriu nasional tomak.",
"FALINTIL-FDTL garante independensia nasional, integridade territorial, liberdade no populasaun nia seguransa hasoru agresaun ruma ka ameasa externa, ho respeitu ba orden konstitusional.",
"FALINTIL-FDTL labele iha partidu politiku no rona de'it ba orgaun soberanu kompetente sira, tuir Lei-Inan no lei, no sira labele halo intervensaun politiku naran ida.",
"(Polisia no forsa seguransa sira) Polisia sei defende legalidade demokratiku no garante sidadaun sira-nia seguransa internu, maibe sira labele iha partidu politiku.",
"Prevensaun kriminal tenke hala'o ho respeitu ba direitus umanus.",
"Lei maka sei harii rejime ba polisia no mos forsa seguransa seluk.",
"(Konsellu Superior Defeza no Seguransa nian) Konsellu Superior Defeza no Seguransa nian mak nu'udar Prezidente-Republika nia orgaun konsultivu kona-ba asuntu defeza no soberania nian.",
"Prezidente-Republika maka prezide Konsellu Superior Defeza no Seguransa nian, ne'ebe tenke hatama ema sivil no militar sira, maibe ema sivil maka iha reprezentasaun barak liu.",
"Lei maka define Konsellu Superior Defeza no Seguransa nia kompozisaun, organizasaun no nia knaar.",
"GARANTIA NO REVIZAUN LEI-INAN NIAN TITULU I GARANTIA LEI-INAN NIAN (Fiskalizasaun preventivu dalan Lei-Inan nian) Prezidente-Republika bele husu ba Tribunal Supremu Justisa nian atu halo apresiasaun preventivu kona-ba konstitusionalidade ba naran diploma ida-ne'ebe nia simu atu halo promulgasaun.",
"Apresiasaun preventivu ba konstitusionalidade bele husu iha prazu loron ruanulu nia laran, sura hosi loron ne'ebe simu diploma, maibe Tribunal Supremu Justisa nian tenke fo-sai iha prazu loron ruanulu resin lima, ne'ebe Prezidente-Republika bele habadak tanba urjensia.",
"Iha kazu ne'ebe la tuir Lei-Inan, Prezidente-Republika haruka kopia sentensa nian ba Governu eh ba Parlamentu Nasional, hodi husu atu halo foun fali diploma tuir desizaun Tribunal Supremu Justisa nian.",
"Ho adaptasaun didi'ak tuir Artigu 88, Lei hatan hakat-sa'e vetu tan inkonstitusionalidade, vetu hasoru Parlamentu Nasional nia diploma, ne'ebe instituisaun ne'e haruka atu hetan promulgasaun.",
"(Fiskalizasaun abstratu dalan Lei-Inan nian) Ema sira tuirmai ne'e bele husu deklarasaun inkonstitusionalidade nian: c) Prokurador-Jeral Republika nian, ho baze iha dezaplikasaun husi tribunal sira iha kazu konkretu tolu iha norma ne'ebe hetan julgamentu nu'udar latuir konstituisaun; e) Persentajen baluk-lima ida (1/5) husi numeru Deputadu sira-nian; f) Provedor Direitus Umanus no Justisa nian.",
"(Latuir Lei-Inan tan omisaun) Prezidente-Republika, Prokurador-Jeral Republika nian no Provedor Direitus Umanus no Justisa nian, sira bele hato'o liu ba Tribunal Supremu Justisa nian atu verifika took medida lejislativu ne'ebe latuir Lei-Inan, atu bele konkretiza loloos norma sira Lei-Inan nian.",
"(Fiskalizasaun konkreta dalan Lei-Inan ninian) Tribunal Supremu Justisa nian mak nu'udar sadik-fatin, hasoru desizaun husi tribunal sira: a) Hodi lakohi hala'o norma ruma ho fundamentu katak latuir Lei-Inan; b) Tan hala'o norma ne'ebe latuir Lei-Inan, foin mak hatene wainhira iha tiha prosesu laran.",
"Sadik lia tuir alinea b), hosi numeru liuba ne'e, bele de'it mosu husi ema ne'ebe foti-lia kona-ba lala'ok latuir Lei-Inan.",
"Lei maka regula kona-ba oinsa atu simu lia kesar-sadik sira.",
"(Lia-hakotun Tribunal Supremu Justisa nian) Lia-kotun husi Tribunal Supremu Justisa nian, sei la taka dalan ba kesar-sadik no sei publika hotu kedas iha jornal ofisial, soi forsa obrigatoriu jeral iha prosesu ba fiskalizasaun abstratu no konkretu, wainhira hato'o lian kona-ba lala'ok latuir Lei-Inan haruka.",
"(Inisiativa no tempu halo Revizaun nian) Deputadu no Bankada Parlamentar sira maka halo inisiativa revizaun nian ba Lei- Inan.",
"Parlamentu Nasional bele halo revizaun Lei-Inan liutiha tinan neen sura hosi data publikasaun ida ikusliu kona-ba lei revizaun nian.",
"Prazu tinan neen atu halo revizaun ba dalauluk ba Lei-Inan ida-ne'e nian, sei konta hosi loron ne'ebe Lei-Inan tama iha vigor.",
"Parlamentu Nasional, lalika haree ba prazu tempu nian, bele asume kbiit atu halo revizaun Lei-Inan, wainhira Deputadu barak liu baluk-lima haat (4/5) ne'ebe hala'o sira-nia knaar mak hakarak.",
"Proposta ruma kona-ba hala'o revizaun ba Lei-Inan tenke hatama ona iha Parlamentu Nasional iha loron atus ida ruanulu nia laran, molok atu hahu haksesuk.",
"Atu hato'o projetu ruma ba Revizaun Lei-Inan, nu'udar hateten ona iha numeru hirak liuba, eh seluk-seluk tan, sei bele hato'o duni iha prazu loron 30 nia laran.",
"Artigu 155.o (Aprovasaun no promulgasaun) Atu hafila buat ruma ba Lei-Inan, tenki hetan apovasaun hosi marioria baluk-tolu rua (2/3) hosi Deputado sira-ne'ebe hala'o hela sira-nia knaar.",
"Testu Lei-Inan ida-ne'ebe foun sei publika hamutuk ho Lei revizaun nian.",
"Prezidente-Republika labele rekuza atu promulga lei revizaun nian.",
"(Limite Material sira ba Revizaun) Lei kona-ba hala'o revizaun ba Lei-Inan tenke respeita: a) Independensia nasional no Estadu nia unidade; b) Sidadaun sira-nia direitu, liberdade no garantia; c) Forma republikana governu nian; d) Kfahek kbiit nian; e) Tribunal sira-nia independensia; f) Multipartidarizmu no direitu atu hala'o opozisaun tuir demokrasia; g) Sufrajiu livre, universal, diretu, sekretu, no periodiku kona-ba orgaun soberanu sira, nune'e mos ba sistema reprezentasaun proporsional nian; h) Prinsipiu ba deskonsentrasaun no desentralizasaun administrasaun nian; i) Bandeira Nasional; j) Data proklamasaun independensia nasional nian; Asuntu sira iha alinea c), no i) bele iha revizaun husi referendu nasional, tuir lei haruka.",
"(Limite sirkunstansial revizaun nian) (Tratadu, akordu no aliansa sira) Konfirmasaun, adezaun no ratifikasaun konvensaun, tratadu, akordu eh aliansa bilateral eh multilateral sira, orgaun kompetente ida-idak mak sei deside kazu ba kazu, molok Lei-Inan tama iha vigor.",
"Republika Demokratika Timor-Leste nian la kesi-metin ho tratadu ruma, akordu ka aliansa, ne'ebe hakotu molok Lei-Inan tama iha vigor, ne'ebe la iha konfirmasaun ka la ratifikadu ka la iha adezaun, tuir lei numeru 1.",
"Republika Demokratika Timor-Leste nian la hatene hahalok ruma ka kontratu kona-ba rekursu natural sira-ne'ebe hateten tiha ona iha numeru 1 artigu 139 ne'ebe hakotu ka pratika molok Lei-Inan tama iha vigor ne'ebe la iha konfirmasaun hosi orgaun ne'ebe iha kompetensia.",
"Artigu 159.o (Lian serbisu nian) Lian indoneziu no ingles nu'udar lian serbisu nian, ne'ebe uza iha administrasaun publiku hamutuk ho lian ofisial sira, bainhira presiza.",
"Artigu 160.o (Krime boot sira) Hahalok sira-ne'ebe halo husi loron 25 Abril tinan 1974 to'o loron 31 Dezembru tinan 1999, ne'ebe bele konsidera nu'udar krime hasoru umanidade, jenosidiu ka funu nian, nia prosedimentu kriminal tenke hala'o iha tribunal nasional ka internasional sira.",
"(Hasai riku-soin latuir lei) Hasai riku-soin moveis ka imoveis latuir lei, ne'ebe halo molok Lei-Inan ne'e tama iha vigor, sei haree tuir nu'udar krime no tenke hakotu tuir Lei-Inan no lei-oan haruka.",
"Artigu 162.o (Rekonsiliasaun) Kompete ba Komisaun Simu, Lia-Loos no Rekonsiliasaun nian hala'o knaar ne'ebe UNTAET nia Regulamentu No. 2001/10 fo ba nia.",
"Bainhira presiza, Parlamentu Nasional bele halo fali difinisaun ba kompetensia, mandatu no objetivu sira Komisaun ne'e ninian.",
"Instansia judisial koletivu ne'ebe iha Timor-Leste, ne'ebe juis nasional no internasional sira integra, ho kompetensia atu halo julgamentu ba krime boot sira ne'ebe ema halo husi 1 Janeiru to'o 25 Outubru 1999 hala'o nafatin ba tempu ne'ebe presiza duni atu remata prosesu sira-ne'ebe halo hela investigasaun ba.",
"Artigu 163.o (Organizasaun Judisial iha Tempu-leet) Organizasaun judisiariu ne'ebe iha Timor Leste laran bainhira Lei-Inan ne'e tama iha vigor sei la'o nafatin to'o wainhira sistema judisiariu foun harii no hahu nia knaar.",
"(Kompetensia Tempu-leet Tribunal Supremu Justisa nian) Wainhira Tribunal Supremu Justisa nian hahu tiha ona nia knaar maibe seidauk harii tribunal hirak ne'ebe temi sai iha Artigu 129, Tribunal Supremu Justisa nian ho tribunal judisiaria sira maka sei kaer kompetensia ne'e.",
"To'o loron ne'ebe Tribunal Supremu Justisa nian harii no hala'o ona nia knaar, Instansia Judisial Boot liu iha organizasaun judisial ne'ebe iha Timor-Leste laran maka sei hala'o poder sira-ne'ebe Lei-Inan fo ba tribunal ne'e.",
"Artigu 165.o (Direitu uluk nian) Lei no regulamentu sira-ne'ebe hala'o hela iha Timor-Leste sei aplika nafatin, bainhira sira la iha alterasaun ka revogasaun ba sasan hotu-hotu ne'ebe la hasoru Lei-Inan no prinsipiu sira- ne'ebe konsigna iha nia laran.",
"Artigu 166o (Inu Nasional) Wainhira lei-oan seidauk aprova inu nasional tuir Artigu 14, numeru 2, iha serimonia nasional sei hananu melodia \"Patria, Patria, Timor-Leste a Nossa Nacao.\"",
"Artigu 167.o (Transformasaun Asembleia Konstituinte nian) Asembleia Konstituinte fila-an ba Parlamentu Nasional bainhira Republika nia Lei- Inan tama iha vigor.",
"Parlamentu Nasional iha Deputadu na'in ualunulu resin ualu, iha de'it mandatu dala uluk ne'e nia laran.",
"Prezidente Asembleia Konstituinte hala'o nafatin nia knaar to'o Parlamentu Nasional hala'o eleisaun ba nia Prezidente, tuir Lei-Inan haruka.",
"Artigu 168.o Governu Tempu-leet ba rua Tuir UNTAET nia regulamentu 2001/28, governu nomeadu sei hala'o nia knaar to'o governu konstitusional ba dalauluk simu pose hosi Prezidente-Republika, tuir Lei-Inan haruka.",
"(Eleisaun prezidensial 2002 ninian) Prezidente-Republika ida-ne'ebe hili tuir UNTAET nia Regulamentu No. 2002/01, sei kaer kompetensia no halo tuir mandatu ne'ebe mai iha Lei-Inan.",
"(Lei-Inan tama iha vigor) Republika Demokratika Timor-Leste nia Lei-Inan tama iha vigor iha loron 20 fulan Maiu tinan 2002.",
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TIMOR HAU NIAN DOBEN: “Membru Governu Laiha Planu, Ezekusaun OJE Foin 19%”\nEzekusaun Orsamentu Jeral (OJE) ba trimestre da ruak foin mak atinji porsentu sanolu resin sia (19%) ka tokon U$309 husi total U$ 1,7 biliaun, numeru ne’e hatudu katak membru governu sira laiha planu implementasaun programa servisu nian.\nDiretor Ezekutivu organizasaun naun Govermental (ONG) Luta Hamutuk, Mericio Akara hateten, OJE ne’ebe membru Governu foin ezekuta to’o 19%, tanba laiha eskala prioridade ne’ebe diak.\nTuir nia, maske iha membru Governu balun ezekuta to’o porsentu tolu nolu (30%), nee duni hatudu katak, kualidade ejekusaun OJE ne’e menus no kapasidade ezekusaun sei problema.\n“Sira (membru Governu) vizita ba rai liur mak barak liu no sira la dun fokus ba servisu iha rai laran, ladun koordena diak ho diretor sira hodi kordena ba karik oinsa ezekusaun lao,” Hateten Mericio, iha nia servisu fatin, Farol-Dili (16/10).\nAleinde ajenda viazen membru governu ba rai liur ne’ebe barak, Miss komunikasaun no diferensa ideas mos impede ejekusaun OJE. “Tanba partidu ketak-ketak, entaun ida-idak ho ninia interese, ladunu fo orientasaun klaru ba ezekusaun,” tenik nia.\nPlanu kada Ministeriu no sekretariu estadu halo ona antes, maibe tanba presaun servisu la diak hodi impede ejekusaun OJE, sira mak halo planu, entaun tenki iha eskala perioridade atu ezekuta uluk ida ne’ebe, tanba sira mos dala ruma konfuzaun atu implementa uluk ida ne’ebe.\nNia fo ezemplu Ministeriu Komersiu Industria no Ambiente (MKIA), planu perioridade mak ida ne’ebe, prioridade ba politika Povu Kuda Governu Sosa ka problema merkadu sira iha Dili laran ka kooperativa produtu lokal no investimentu industria kiik.\nRelasiona ho ejekusaun OJE ne’ebe la dun diak, Tuir Mericio, sei hamosu impaktu direita no indereita hanesan projeitu ida la konsege remata bele afeita ba orsamentu ne’ebe la konsege ezekuta no benefisiariu sira la hetan buat ruma.\nAntes ne’e, Prezidenti Komisaun C Parlamentu Nasional, Virgilio Marcal konsidera membru Governu sira laiha kapasidade ba ejekusaun OJE ba segundu trimestre 2013, tanba, iha relatoriu ezekusaun OJE ba trimestre da ruak foin atinji 19%. | [
"TIMOR HAU NIAN DOBEN: \"Membru Governu Laiha Planu, Ezekusaun OJE Foin 19%\" Ezekusaun Orsamentu Jeral (OJE) ba trimestre da ruak foin mak atinji porsentu sanolu resin sia (19%) ka tokon U$309 husi total U$ 1,7 biliaun, numeru ne'e hatudu katak membru governu sira laiha planu implementasaun programa servisu nian.",
"Diretor Ezekutivu organizasaun naun Govermental (ONG) Luta Hamutuk, Mericio Akara hateten, OJE ne'ebe membru Governu foin ezekuta to'o 19%, tanba laiha eskala prioridade ne'ebe diak.",
"Tuir nia, maske iha membru Governu balun ezekuta to'o porsentu tolu nolu (30%), nee duni hatudu katak, kualidade ejekusaun OJE ne'e menus no kapasidade ezekusaun sei problema.",
"\"Sira (membru Governu) vizita ba rai liur mak barak liu no sira la dun fokus ba servisu iha rai laran, ladun koordena diak ho diretor sira hodi kordena ba karik oinsa ezekusaun lao,\" Hateten Mericio, iha nia servisu fatin, Farol-Dili (16/10).",
"Aleinde ajenda viazen membru governu ba rai liur ne'ebe barak, Miss komunikasaun no diferensa ideas mos impede ejekusaun OJE.",
"\"Tanba partidu ketak-ketak, entaun ida-idak ho ninia interese, ladunu fo orientasaun klaru ba ezekusaun,\" tenik nia.",
"Planu kada Ministeriu no sekretariu estadu halo ona antes, maibe tanba presaun servisu la diak hodi impede ejekusaun OJE, sira mak halo planu, entaun tenki iha eskala perioridade atu ezekuta uluk ida ne'ebe, tanba sira mos dala ruma konfuzaun atu implementa uluk ida ne'ebe.",
"Nia fo ezemplu Ministeriu Komersiu Industria no Ambiente (MKIA), planu perioridade mak ida ne'ebe, prioridade ba politika Povu Kuda Governu Sosa ka problema merkadu sira iha Dili laran ka kooperativa produtu lokal no investimentu industria kiik.",
"Relasiona ho ejekusaun OJE ne'ebe la dun diak, Tuir Mericio, sei hamosu impaktu direita no indereita hanesan projeitu ida la konsege remata bele afeita ba orsamentu ne'ebe la konsege ezekuta no benefisiariu sira la hetan buat ruma.",
"Antes ne'e, Prezidenti Komisaun C Parlamentu Nasional, Virgilio Marcal konsidera membru Governu sira laiha kapasidade ba ejekusaun OJE ba segundu trimestre 2013, tanba, iha relatoriu ezekusaun OJE ba trimestre da ruak foin atinji 19%."
] | [
"TIMOR HAU NIAN DOBEN: \"Government Members Do Not Have Plan, Budget Execution Is 19%\" The General budget (GOB) expenditure for the first quarter of this year has only reached one hundred and nine percent or U$308 million from a total US $2.5 billion; that figure shows government members do not have any plan to implement their work programme"
"The Executive Director of the non-governmental organization (NGO) Luta Hamutuk, Mericio Akara said that government members have only implemented 19% because there is no good priority scale."
"According to him, although some members of the Government executed as many 30 percent (three-zero per cent), this shows that there is less quality in budget implementation and more problems with capacity."
"\"They (government members) are visiting abroad more often and they do not focus on work at home, there is no good coordination with the directors to ensure that execution goes smoothly\", Mericio said in his office. Farol-Dili(16/09)."
"In addition to the agenda of government members' numerous trips abroad, miscommunication and difference in ideas also prevented budget execution."
"\"Without a party-based system, where each has its own interests and gives clear guidance on how to execute the budget\", he said."
"Each Ministry and State Secretariat had already made plans before, but because of the poor work pressure to prevent budget execution they were planning themselves. Therefore there must be a scale for priority in order that one is carried out first or another; sometimes it's confusing which plan should have been implemented as well"
"He gave as an example the Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Environment (MKIA), a priority plan which is one that has been given prior attention to Povu Kuda Government Sosa's policy or market problems in Dili city centre."
"Regarding the poor execution of budget, according to Mericio it will cause direct and indirect impacts as a project that is not completed can affect an unexecuted amount in which beneficiaries do nothing."
"Earlier, the President of Parliament Committee C Virgilio Marcal considered that government members la had capacity to execute budget for second quarter 2013 because in his report on Budget implementation only reached a percentage rate (percentage) as high and low."
] |
Tratadu CMATS no Fronteira Maritima\nInformasaun kona-ba Tratadu entre Australia no Timor-Leste ba CMATS(Certain Maritime Arrangements in the Timor Sea/\nAranjamentu Maritima balu iha Tasi Timor)\nAtualiza 24 Abril 2014\nEventu iha 2013\nTimor-Leste buka arbitrajen atu invalida CMATS\nEspionajen, protesta no hahu audiensia\nEventu iha 2014\nGovernu Australian nia deklarasaun no relatóriu\nDokumentu legal no dokumentu sira seluk\nKliik ba mapa ida atu hare ho boot. Mapa ida iha leten hatudu direitu maritima Timor-Leste, no ida iha okos hatudu kompromete CMATS kona-ba fahe rikusoin.\nTratadu CMATS asina ona hosi Ministru Negósiu Estranjeiru Alexander Downer no Jose Ramos-Horta iha Sydney iha 12 Janeiru 2006, asiste hosi Primeiru Ministru John Howard no Mari Alkatiri, hanesan hatudu iha imajen iha liman karuk.\nDurante 2013, Governu Timor-Leste husu atu invalida tratadu ne’e, tanba Australia tau aparellu gravasaun nian iha sala enkontru Primeiru Ministru Timor-Leste durante halo negosiasaun; hare iha okos atu hatene detallu liu.\nTimor-Leste ratifika CMATS no International Unitisation Agreement/Akordu Unitizasaun Internasionál (IUA) iha loron ketak-ketak ba Kampu Sunrise no Troubadour iha 20 Fevreiru 2007, publika rezolusaun Parlamentár iha 8 Marsu iha Jornal da Republika (Portuges).\nIha 7 Fevreiru 2007, Governu Australia lori tratadu ne’e ba iha sira nia meja Parlamentu, no Komisaun Permanente Konjunta kona-ba Tratadu sira hahú inkéritu ida. Sira konvida atu hatama submisaun molok 16 Marsu. Hare iha okos. Maske CMATS vigora tiha ona, Komisaun Permanente Konjunta ne’e kontinua sira nia inkéritu no publika sira nia relatóriu iha Juñu 2007.\nIha 22 Fevreiru 2007, Ministru Negósiu Estranjeiru Alexander Downer haruka karta ida ba Komisaun Permanente Konjunta ba Tratadu sira Parlamentár nian hodi uza sira nia prosesu “dispensa ba interese nasionál” atu hadalan tratadu ne’e vigora lahó periodu hein Parlamentár nian. Hafoin loron ne’e, nia anunsia katak ida ne’e vigora tiha ona.\nIha pakote CMATS, produtu hosi negosiasaun tinan walu nian ne’e, iha vantajen no dezvantajen ba nasaun rua ne’e. Konklui katak, Timor-Leste aumenta nia parte hosi reseita petróleu (Upstream revenues) hosi 18% ba 50% rezultadu hodi simu Australia nia soberania ba area leste no oeste hosi JPDA, ratifika IUA no konkorda atu la foti kestaun ba fronteira maritima durante tinan 50 nia laran. Iha tempu ne’ebá, La’o Hamutuk sente (pajina 10) katak la justu ba Timor-Leste. Ami kontinua fiar katak Timor-Leste iha direitu ba maritima no rekursu tasi okos tomak iha Zone Eskluzivu Ekonómiku hanesan hatudu ho liña kinur iha mapa iha liman karuk (hare okos atu hetan analiza no komentáriu adisionál.)\nTestu Tratadu CMATS no ligasaun sira (Ingles)\nPajina web testu Tratadu ne’ebé ho ligasaun no mapa (Bele print hosi PDF) (Portuges)\nAnexu I: Prosedimentu sukat (Assessment procedure)\nAnexu II: Liña ne’ebé refere iha Artigu 8 (Line referred to in article 8)\nKarta ba Timor-Leste (PDF)\nKarta ba Australia (PDF)\nMaske sira ne’ebé asina no mós kampaña sira espera katak CMATS no IUA sei loke dalan atu eksploita Greater Sunrise (ka Ingles), maibé planu dezenvolvimentu báziku ba projetu ne’e seidauk finaliza bainhira 2012 remata, ho Timor-Leste hakarak dada kadoras ba planta LNG iha Beacu, kosta súl Timor-Leste, no Konsorsiu Sunrise (lidera hosi Woodside, ho Shell, ConocoPhillips no Osaka Gas) prefere planta LNG namlele iha tasi leten.\nArtigu 12.2(a) CMATS nian hateten katak “karik planu dezenvolvimentu ba Area Unidade nian seidauk aprova….durante tinan neen nia laran hafoin loron vigora Tratadu ida ne’e [katak 23 Fevreiru 2013]…Parte ida bele notifika hodi husu atu termina Tratadu ne’e, iha kazu ne’e Tratadu ne’e [maske klauza balu] sei bele mate fulan tolu hafoin notifikasaun ne’e hato’o.” Tanba loron mai ona, diskusaun mosu hosi provabilidade no konsekuénsia bainhira halo terminasaun, no La'o Hamutuk sei kontinua atu atualiza ami nia pájina kona-ba Greater Sunrise (mós iha Ingles) ho dezenvolvimentu atuál nian.\nIha 27 Dezembru 2012, Timor-Leste ofsialmente ratifika Konvensaun ONU kona-ba Lei Tasi nian (UNCLOS), no iha 8 Janeiru 2013, nasaun ne’e formalmente sai membru ba 165 hodi sai parte UNCLOS. Iha loron ne’ebé hanesan, Timor-Leste sai tiha parte hosi Konvensaun Vienna kona-ba Lei Tratadu nian, ne’ebe nasaun ne’e ratifika iha 2004.\nIha fin de Janeiru 2013, ofisiais Timor-Leste nian fó sinál katak sira atu hili opsaun hodi termina CMATS, hanesan kobertura iha headlines media lokál sira hatudu iha liman karuk iha 28 Janeiru. Ministru Petróleu Alfredo Pires klarifika ninia hanoin iha loron balu hafoin ne’e, indika katak parte ida hosi Australia ka Timor-Leste bele sai hosi CMATS hafoin 23 Fevreiru, maibé hanesan nia hatene mós, parte ida hosi nasaun rua ne’e seidauk deside atu halo ida ne’e.\nIha 7 Fevreiru, Senadór sira Australia nian husu ba Ministru Negósiu Estranjeiru Bob Carr karik iha hanoin ruma ka lae hosi Australia atu fó notifikasaun atu termina CMATS no karik Australia prepara atu negosia fronteira maritime ho Timor-Leste. Nia responde “Timor-Leste no Australia livremente tama ba CMATS iha 2007. Australia sei respeita tratadu. Ita ekspeta Timor-Leste atu halo hanesan mos.” Ami la komprende komentáriu Ministru nian, tanba atu uza Artigu 12.2 CMATS kona-ba terminasaun la hatudu katak la respeita tratadu ona, duke Australia ne’ebé uza sira nia direitu legal (karik la’ós moral) atu sai hosi prosesu rezolusaun ba disputa fronteira nian hosi UNCLOS no ICJ (International Court of Justice) iha Marsu 2002.\nIha 11 Fevreiru, La’o Hamutuk publika artigu ida iha jornál lokál sira kona-ba Terminasaun Tratadu CMATS no nia implikasaun ba Timor-Leste, no ami halo entrevista ho Radio Australia iha 13 Fevreiru. Iha kobertura media barak kona-ba asuntu ne’e iha parte Tasi Timor ne’ebé mak la akurat ka la kompletu, nune’e ami fó briefing ba jornalista lokál sira iha 21 Fevreiru (PowerPoint ka PDF) no sei organiza enkontru públiku ida kona-ba asuntu ne’e iha semana ne’ebé atu tuir. Entre asuntu hirak ne’e ne’ebé hare ba susar atu komprende mak hanesan tuir mai:\nIha ne’ebá seidauk iha fronteira iha Tasi Timor entre Australia no Timor-Leste hodi nune’e sira atu sai. Soberania Timor-Leste durante tinan 12 nia laran ona, Australia nunka konkorda atu defini fronteira maritima. Akordu tolu ne’ebé asina to ohin loron kona-ba jestaun dezenvolvimentu petróleu no jestaun reseita. Ema barak iha Timor-Leste no iha fatin seluk sente katak nasaun ida ne’e nia luta ba independénsia seidauk kompletu to fronteira loloos rai ne’e nian defini ona (ne’ebé involve asuntu barak liu tan duke oil petróleu no gas). Realidade, Australia kontinua atu okupa territóriu maritime ne’ebé loloos sai parte ba Timor-Leste tuir determinasaun fronteira ho justu no legal – sira kontinua halo kontrola ilegál ba territóriu ne’ebé sira halo durante okupasaun ilegál Indonesia nian ba rai Timor-Leste.\nKlausa CMATS nian fó dalan atu halo terminasaun unilateral karik planu dezenvolvimentu Sunrise seidauk hetan aprovasaun hosi reguladór Timor-Leste no Australia depois 23 Fevreiru 2013. Planu dezenvolvimentu nudár analiza enjineria no komersiál ne’ebé detallu. Kompleksu liu duke konkorda konseitu báziku ba fatin atu halo likifasaun gas nian.\nIha ligasaun ne’ebé kompleksu entre Tratadu Tasi Timor (ka Ingles) (TTT asina iha 2002, ratifika iha 2003), Akordu Unitizasaun Internasionál ba Sunrise (IUA, asina iha 2003. Ratifika iha 2007) no Tratadu CMATS (asina iha 2006, ratifika iha 2007). Atu habadak, Timor-Leste presiza TTT iha 2002 nune’e Bayu Undan bele la’o ba oin, maibé Australia lakohi atu ratifika TTT too Timor-Leste asina IUA iha 2003 – ne’ebé Senadór Bob Brown bolu “blackmail/pemerasan.” Timor-Leste lakohi ratifika IUA, ne’ebé asina iha presaun nia okos. Iha kompromisu CMATS nian hafoin tinan hat, Timor-Leste ratifika IUA no konkorda atu taka ibun ba diskusaun fronteira hodi hetan reseita upstream Sunrise nian 50%.\nKontratu Greater Sunrise entre Woodside (hamutuk nia parseria konsorsiu) ho Governu Timor-Leste no Australia asina iha 2003 (hodi troka kontratu ho Australia no Indonézia durante okupasaun ilegál Indonesia). Tratadu CMATS asina iha 2006 no vigora iha 23 Fevreiru 2007. Terminasaun CMATS sei la afeta ba kontratu ne’ebé asina iha tinan lima liu ba. Infelizmente kontratu hirak ne’e segredu hela, maibé ami komprende katak kontratu sira ne’e sei vigora maizumenus to 2037, anaunsérke kampaña haat no governu rua konkorda atu halo alterasaun. Maske terminasaun CMATS sei bele sai konsiderasaun ida ba analiza risku projetu nian no prospek futuru, Artigu 27.3 IUA hateten katak termu kontraktual ba kampaña sira “sei kontinua tuir termu ekivalente ba fatin sira ne’e tuir [IUA]” maske karik deside ona fronteira maritima permanente.\nKarik Timor-Leste ka Australia deside atu ejerse sira nia direitu tuir artigu 12 CMATS hodi termina tratadu iha kualkér tempu hafoin 23 Fevreiru, prosesu atu estabelese fronteira maritime bele hahu dala ida tan. Tratadu CMATS sei automatikamente sei fila vigora (restora fahe reseita 50-50 hosi Sunrise) karik no bainhira produsaun Sunrise hahú iha futuru.\nTuir lei tratadu internasionál, asinador rua ba tratadu bilateral ida bele sempre deside atu kansela ka modifika tratadu. Ho lian seluk, karik Australia pronto atu diskute fronteira maritima iha kualkér tempu dezde 2006, governu rua sei konkorda atu kansela regulamentu taka ibun nian. Maske TTT no IUA iha artigu espesífiku hateten katak sira “bele altera ka termina iha kualkér tempu liu hosi hakerek akordu entre governu sira," hanesan hateten iha Konvensaun Vienna kona-ba Lei Tratadu sira.\nAmi espera katak Australia prontu atu halo negosiasaun ne’ebé justu ho nia viziñu, lahó aplika regulasaun atu taka ibun hodi proibidu diskusaun tópiku partikulár. No ami espera katak Australia iha kometimentu duni hodi tuir direitu demokrátiku – permite tribunal ka arbitrasaun atu harii fronteira bainhira laiha negosiasaun ne’ebé justu (bazeia ba luan, riku-soin, podér no esperiénsia hosi parte sira). Lei eziste atu proteje sira be kbiit laek hosi sira ne’ebé iha kbiit no atu asegura ema hotu-hotu nia direitu báziku. Iha ka lae treinadór sira ba “Direitu Demokrátiku” no assessor sira ne’ebé AusAID selu hodi servisu iha Dili presiza atu forma kapasidade iha Canberra?\nMinistru Rekursu Naturais Australia Martin Ferguson vizita Timor-Leste iha Fevereiru 2013; hafoin fulan ida tuir mai iha remodelasaun governu nian, eis ezekutivu Woodside nian Gary Gray troka nia. Iha fulan balu hafoin ne’e, Partidu Traballista lakon iha eleisaun no governu foun kaer podér iha Australia.\nMinistru Australia nian Rekursu no Enerjia Martin Ferguson vizita ona ba Dili iha loron 21-22 Fevreiru, atu hasoru Ministru Petróleu no Rekursu Minerais Alfredo Pires no sira seluk. Vizita ida ne'e, no posibilidade atu termina CMATS lalais, provoka kobertura sala iha media Australia no Timor-Leste nian. Hanesan ezemplu, Timor Leste removes Australian company from gas project, East Timor Risks All in Oil Dispute, Woodside gas deal could redraw Australia-East Timor borders.\nHafoin sira nia enkontru, Ministru na’in rua ne’e rejeita atu fó informasaun espesífiku ba públiku, maske Alfredo Pires hateten katak Timor-Leste sei deside hela atu fó notifikasaun ka lae ba terminasaun CMATS. Nia esplika katak Ministru Negósiu Estranjeiru nasaun rua ne’e sei apropriadu atu partisipa iha diskusaun sira hanesan ne’e, tanba Tratadu CMATS ne’e asina hosi Ministru Negósiu Jose Ramos-Horta no Alexander Downer iha 2006. Pires mós hateten sai katak Timor-Leste mós preokupa hela ba durasaun naruk Tratadu nian, no konsidera hela opsaun balu, no iha parte seluk Ferguson hateten katak diskusaun sira hanesan ne’e sei kontinua no Australia kontinua hodi hakarak servisu ho Timor-Leste no indústria petróleu atu fó vantajen ba dezenvolvimentu Timor-Leste nian.\nNo mós iha 21 Fevreiru, La'o Hamutuk ko’alia ho jornalista lokál sira atu koko hadi’ak liu tan kobertura CMATS iha TL. Bele hetan ami nia aprezentasaun iha English ka Tetum, ka hanesan PDF (English ka Tetum). Imi bele uza gráfiku, maibé tenke husi lisensa antes no fó kréditu ba La'o Hamutuk. Ami bele fornese arkivu ho rezolusaun di’ak liu.\nGovernu Timor-Leste kontinua respeita nia kontratu ho Konsorsiu Sunrise nian, ne’ebé sei dura maizumenus ba tinan 13 tan, no mós atividade sira ne’ebé hare nudár parte hosi upstream nian, no husik kadoras no mós atividade downstream nian loke ba diskusaun. Governu mós prontu atu respeita tratadu tomak ne’ebé sira ratifika ona, inklui IUA no Tratadu Tasi Timor, no sempre foti preokupasaun nafatin ho Governu Australia. Daudauk ne’e, Dili ho Canberra halo hela diskusaun kona-ba Tratadu CMATS, maibé seidauk fó sai notifikasaun formal hodi termina tratadu ne’e, hanesan La’o Hamutuk nia audiensia ho Radio Australia. Hafoin loron hirak tuir mai, Governu Timor-Leste fó sai komunikadu imprensa ida atu fó konfirmasaun ba status quo.\nIha 28 Fevereiru, jornál The Australian publika opiniaun ida ne’ebé hakerek hosi Tom Clarke, ema ida ne’ebé organiza Kampaña ba Justisa ba Tasi Timor (TSJC) iha 2005, ho títulu Australia holding back East Timor- Australia dudu Timor-Leste ba kotuk. Clarke konklui “Buat ida de’it mak taka hela Timor-Leste ho ba buat ne’ebé loloos legalmente sai sira nia direitu mak Governu Australia. Australia tenke hakotu sira nia kaan-teen no oferese atu halo negosiasaun ho vontade di’ak ho Timor-Leste. Fronteira maritima ida ne’ebé permanente, sei fornese liu tan serteza ekonómiku ba nasaun rua ne’e no ba kompañia sira hodi buka atu esploita rekursu gas no petróleu. Maibé, buat importante liu mak, deside fronteira maritima tuir lei internasionál mak buat loloos ne’ebé mak tenke halo. Nee sei halo kompleta no determina luta naruk Timor oan sira nian hodi sai nasaun ida ne’ebé independente no soberania ho fronteira maritima ne’ebé kompletu.”\nEditorial prinsipal iha revista Petroleum Economist iha Marsu 2013, ho nia títulu Going for Broke – Iha dalan atu ba kiak – diskute oinsá reseita petróleu falla atu hadi’ak ita nia povu nia moris. Publikasaun ne’e husu Primeiru Ministru Xanana Gusmão atu “sai pragmatiku [ba projetu Tasi Mane] no foka liu hodi oinsá asegura Sunrise ne’e dezenvolve no nia reseita sira ne’e bele uza atu hadi’ak dezenvolvimentu ekonomia naun petrolíferu ne’ebé sustentável no ba tempu naruk. Karik dezenvolvimentu naun petrolíferu ne’e labele akontese, difisil atu evita konkluzaun ida katak estadu failladu hein hela Timor-Leste.”\nIha 28 Marsu, The Global Mail publika artigu komprensivu ida hosi Hamish McDonald kona-ba istória petróleu entre Timor-Leste no Australia, inklui Sunrise: It’s Tiny, Poor, And Very Possibly Not Going To Take It Anymore – Nia Ki’ik, Kiak, No Posivel Liu Atu La Ba Hodi Foti Tan.\nIha 23 Abril, Governu Timor-Leste formalmente notifika ba Australia katak nia ezerse nia direitu ba arbitrajen tuir Anexu B Tratadu Tasi Timor, hodi hateten katak CMATS la válid tanba Australia hala’o espionajen iha 2004 no la halo negosiasaun ba tratadu ho vontade di’ak. Maski notifikasaun ne’e la fó ba públiku, Timor-Leste akuza Australia tau aparellu hodi grava otél sira iha Australia no eskritóriu Governu Dili nian bainhira negosiador Timor-Leste diskute hela sira nia estratéjia. Timor-Leste hili eis juis Tribunal Supremu Inglaterra nian Lawrence Collins nudár sira nia reprezentante iha painél arbitrajen ba ema na’in tolu nian. Australia sei hili sira nian, reprezentante na’in rua ne’e sei hili panelista terseiru nian. Nomeasaun ba painél sei han fulan neen. No arbitrador sira sei iha fulan neen atu fó sai sira nia desizaun bazeia ba votu maioria. Governu Australia no media (mós ho audio) fó sai notifikasaun iha 3 Maiu. Iha 6 Maiu, Ministru Petróleu Timor-Leste Alfredo Pires (mós iha audio) esplika nia razaun, no jornál negosiante sira fó sai reasaun kompañia sira nian.\nAdvogadu Australianu Padre Frank Brennan, ema ida ne’ebé suporta kleur Timor-Leste, vizita Dili no hakerek Time to draw the line between Australia and Timor-Leste – Tempu ona atu marka liña entre Australia no Timor-Leste -- iha 13 Maiu. Kontroversu mosu iha fatin oi-oin hanesan Interfax Natural Gas Daily(servisu notísia Rúsia nian), Clayton Utz insights, The Strategist (ASPI) no Vancouver Sun iha Canada. Iha 23 Maiu, Radio ABC halo entrevista ba Ministru Petróleu Timor-Leste Alfredo Pires no Ministru Rekursu Australia nian Gary Gray. Iha 26 Maiu, Ministru Alfredo Pires informa ba media lokál katak Timor-Leste prepara hela atu lori Australia ba tribunal internasionál ida iha Abril 2014, bainhira prosesu arbitrajen ba CMATS finaliza ona. Iha loron balu tuir mai, Primeiru Ministru Xanana Gusmão klarifika katak Timor-Leste sei hein resposta hosi Australia molok lori asaun ba tribunal.\nIha Maiu 29, The Australian publika Aussie spies accused of bugging Timor cabinet – Intelijénsia Australianu sira hetan akuza katak sira tau aparellu gravasaun nian iha gabinete --Timor ho informasaun adisionál kona-ba reklamasaun kontra Australia, ho komentáriu hosi Ministru Petróleu Timor-Leste Alfredo Pires, Timor-Leste nia advogadu Bernard Collaery, eis Ministru Negósiu Estranjeiru Alexander Downer no sira seluk tan. ABC News fó sai katak Ministru Negósiu Estranjeiru Australia nian Bob Carr insiste katak nasaun rua ne’e nudár belun di’ak, maski nia lakohi atu fó komentáriu kona-ba espesífiku iha kazu ne’e. Loron tuir mai, Radio Australia fó sai komentáriu foun liu tan hosi parte rua ne’e.\nIha 4 Juñu, Governu Timor-Leste fó sai deklarasaun ida katak “relasaun tomak entre nasaun rua ne’e la’o no sei kontinua ba unidade ida ne’ebé kle’an, hakbelun ba malu, no respeita ba malu.” Iha loron tuir mai, ofisiais Australia nian sira konfirma katak sira seidauk hatán ba Timor-Leste nia pedidu ba arbitrasaun. Media sira kontinua atu tuir kontroversu, ho artigu iha The Economist no Australian Financial Review, no mós barak iha Independente no jornál seluk Timor-Leste nian. Iha 19 Juñu, Australia responde, no hili profesór direitu ida hosi Michael Reisman, Michael Reisman nudár sira nia arbitrador, (hare relatóriu iha Channel News Asia). Troka Primeiru Ministru foun iha semana balu oin mai sei la signifikante muda polítika fronteira maritima Australia nian, no eleisaun iha Setembru hare ba sei la fó mudansa di’ak. Iha 5 Jullu, portavós opozisaun Australia nian Julie Bishop vizita Timor-Leste, hatudu ninia ignoransia kona-ba tratadu CMATS.\nIha Outubru, membru painél hosi Timor-Leste no Australia hili Tullio Treves, ne’ebé moris iha Arjentina, eis juis iha Tribunal Internasionál ba Lei Tasi nian no Profesór iha Universidade Milan, Italia nudár membru terseiru ba iha painél arbitrajen nian, no nia sei sai Prezidente ba painél ne’e. Australia aseita selesaun no proposta regra ba prosedimentu nian. Jurista na’in tolu ne’ebé diferente ne’e iha fulan neen hahú hosi sira nia hasoru malu ba dala uluk nian hodi fó sai sira nia desizaun ida, ne’ebé ekspeta atu akontese iha segundu trimestral 2014 nian. Painél rona ona argumentu primeiru iha 5 Dezembru iha Den Hague, Olanda. Hakat ida iha okos ne’e atu hetan eventu tuir mai kona-ba prosesu ida ne’e.\nMolok eleisaun Australia nian, nia Parlamentu hahú inkéritu ida (bele hetan submisaun 77 iha ne’e) kona-ba relasaun Australia nian ho Timor-Leste. Submisaun hosi La'o Hamutuk, Kampaña ba Justisa ba Tasi Timor (TSJC), Robert King, Damien Kingsbury no sira seluk husu Australia atu respeita soberania Timor-Leste kona-ba fronteira maritima. Hanoin diferente hato’o hosi Prokurador Jerál Australia no Ministeriu Rekursu, Don Rothwell hosi ANU, no kompañia petróleu na’in lima. Iha audiensia iha 21 Maiu, Membru Parlamentu Australia nian no testemuña ne’ebé sira hili ona troka idea ba malu no la fó informasaun loloos kona-ba asuntu fronteira, maibé perspetiva di’ak tebes hato’o hosi Joanne Wallis hosi ANU iha audiensia iha loron tuir mai: “...to’o fronteira maritima entre Timor-Leste no Australia deside ona no esploitasaun rekursu iha Tasi Timor ne’e iha konkordansia tuir dalan satisfasaun ne’ebé fó benefísiu ba malu, entaun sei iha relasaun ida ne’ebé nafatin la’o ba bei-beik....[D]alan di’ak liu ba Australia atu hadi’a sira nia relasaun ho Timor-Leste mak atu tuir lei internasionál ne’ebé tau ona iha Konvensaun ONU nian ba Lei Tasi nian no atu refere ba kestaun fronteira maritima ba tribunal internasionál ida, prefere liu ba Tribunal Internasionál ba Justisa. Komité labele haluha katak esploitasaun rekursu iha Tasi Timor ne’e buat sentrál tebes ba Governu Timor-Leste nia planu estratéjiku dezenvolvimentu, ka komité labele haluha kona-ba nivel hirus hosi Timor-Leste nian hodi preokupa ba aproximasaun Australia nian ba rekursu hirak ne’e. Australia ne’e nasaun ida ne’ebé riku liu ho estandarte moris ne’ebé as iha mundu. Timor-Leste nafatin sai nasaun ne’ebé kiak liu iha mundu ho 37% nia populasaun sei moris iha liña pobreza global. Ha’u husu ba komisaun atu konsidera hodi hatán nia obrigasaun legal no moral ba Timor-Leste bainhira ita-boot sira prepara ita-boot sira nia relatóriu. Bainhira de’it atu halo ida ne’e, nune’e ita sei iha relasaun ida ne’ebé livre, justu no hakbelun loloos nian ho ita nia viziñu ida ne’ebé besik liu ita.” Iha audiensia seluk iha 24 Juñu, Canberra Friends of Dili koko atu fó sai asuntu fronteira, maibé Membru Parlamentu sira la interese. Ho mudansa iha Governu Australia nian, inkéritu ne’e liu prazu ona, maibé posivel atu bele halo tan.\nOilex, kompañia esplorasaun hosi Australia ne’ebé nudár operadór ba Kontratu Fahe Produsaun (PSC) JPDA 06-103 iha Area Konjunta ba Dezenvolvimentu Petróleu, kaer 10% asoens iha sira nia konsorsiu ho kompañia lima seluk (bele hare detallu iha ne’e). PSC ne’ebé asina iha Novembru 2006 husu ba kompañia sira atu fura posu teste neen durante tinan hitu oin mai, maibé to ohin loron sira fura de’it posu rua ne’ebé maran no Oilex hetan husu no simu estensaun balu. Iha 12 Jullu 2013, Oilex husu ba ANP atu termina kontratu ida ne’e tanba sira laiha serteza kona-ba impaktu hosi disputa fronteira maritima ne’ebé la’o hela ohin loron. Hanesan esplika hosi Energy News, Oilex iha ona hanoin antes atu sai hosi kontratu ida ne’e tanba razaun seluk, maibé “Kapitál privadu la presiza de’it jeolojia, sira presiza serteza hosi parte Governu no ami la hanoin katak tratadu sei halo PSC bele lakon de’it buat ne’ebé loos.” Fulan ida tuir mai, Timor-Leste responde ida ne’e liu hosi komunikadu imprensa. Iha Outubru, Timor-Leste nia Ministru sira ko’alia iha jornál lokál kona-ba Oilex nia pedidu atu sai hosi kontratu ne’e, maibé sira hateten karik bainhira Oilex sai duni, entaun kompañia barak mak sei haksoit mai atu hetan oportunidade.\nBainhira Timor-Leste selebra nia aniversáriu ba Proklamasaun Independénsia nian ba dala 38 iha 28 Novembru, iha diskusaun barak kona-ba Australia no Estadus Unidus ne’ebé sub-subar tau aparellu hodi grava no rona nasaun sira seluk, inklui Timor-Leste no Indonesia. Ministru Estadu Agio Pereira loke fali debate públiku kona-ba fronteira maritima ho entrevista iha radio Australia ( (audio no transkrip) no televizaun (video no transkrip). Organizasaun báze Australia nian Kampaña ba Justisa ba Tasi Timor (TSJC) mós husu ba Australia atu estabelese fronteira ho Timor-Leste, maski eis Ministru Negósiu Estranjeiru Australia nian Alexander Downer hatún esforsu Timor-Leste nian hodi promove nia interese nasionál (audio), hanesan Tom Clarke hosi TSJC husu Australia atu Heed law of the sea and set a fair Timor border -- Tau matan ba lei tasi nian no deside fronteira Timor ida ne’ebé justu -- iha Age. World Socialist Web Site hakerek eventu barak hosi prosesu ne’e iha kontestu.\nAumenta insultu ba kanek ne’ebé iha ona\nIha 3 Dezembru, media Australia nian fó relatóriu katak ASIO (órgaun intelijénsia no seguransa Australia nian) tama ba iha Bernard Collaery nia uma iha Canberra, nia nudár advogadu ida ne’ebé reprezenta Timor-Leste iha kazu arbitrajen CMATS. Ajente Australia nian mós prende no buka ema Australia ne’ebé fó sai informasaun kona-ba espionajen, ne’ebé iha planu atu fó evidénsia ba Timor-Leste iha Tribunal. Clinton Fernandes, ema ne’ebé suporta Timor-Leste, eis ofisiais militár Australia nian, hakerek katak Dealing fairly with East Timor is not charity, but justice -- Halo justu ba Timor-Leste la’ós karidade, maibé justisa”. Loron tuir mai hatudu artigu barak tan kona-ba Governu Australia nia asaun (Tempo Semanal, Guardian, Sydney Morning Herald, Radio Australia), inklui pergunta sira hosi partidu Traballista no Verde no justifikasaun hosi Primeiru Ministru Tony Abbott no Prokurador Jerál George Brandis (deklarasaun ministerial no komunikadu imprensa). Primeiru Ministru Timor-Leste arrepende ho asaun “kontra-produtivu no la kooperativu” hosi governu Australia, no Ambassador Timor-Leste ba Australia Abel Guterres “dezapontadu loloos” hanesan fó sai iha ABC Lateline.\n“ABC nia "Fact Check" uza fonte Australia nia atu konklui katak saida mak intelijénsia Australia sira halo ne’e lejítimu tanba “funsaun ida hosi ASIS nian mak envolve iha espionajen iha relasaun ho negosiasaun entre Australia ho nasaun seluk atu proteje interese ekonómiku Austrália nian” no tanba Austrália pasa ona lei ida atu fó dalan ba nia servisu intelijénsia sira atu hala’o atividade ne’ebé sei sai asaun krime bainhira hala’o hosi ema sivíl. Justifikasaun rasik hosi estadu nian hanesan ne’e mak lejítima hahalok krime sira iha mundu, hosi asasinasaun aviaun drone ba prizaun Guantanamo ba Solusaun Final Nazi ba okupasaun Indonézia nian mai Timor-Leste. Jornál The Australian mós lakon perspetiva, hodi halo editorial ne’ebé afavor ba hahalok nauk Timor-Leste hodi promove Australia nia interese polítika no ekonómiku. Debate iha Parlamentu Australia hatudu hanoin ne’ebé oi-oin.\nMaski nune’e, hanesan Padre no advogadu Australianu Frank Brennan esplika, asaltu ne’ebé halo “atu hatudu ba Timor se loos mak padraun.” Maski Clinton Fernandes defende lejitimasaun asaltu nudár protesaun ba ajente intelijénsia Australia nian (audio), Kolumnis Brisbane Times, John Birmingham lamenta katak eis ofisiais ASIS ne’ebé fó sai informasaun kona-ba Australia nia espiaun ba Timor-Leste iha 2004 hanesan karik sei hetan sentensa ne’ebé la justu. Advogadu Bernard Collaery, ne’ebé nia eskritóriu hetan asaltu, esplika katak ema ne’ebé fó sai informasaun ne’e koko atu servisu tuir kanál barak maibé laiha rezultadu, maski Inspetor Jerál ba Intelijénsia nian hateten nia la hatene buat ida kona-ba asuntu ne’e, la’ós surpreza boot tanba nia gabinete iha kobertura limitadu.\nLiu metade dúzia jornalista Australia kontaktu La’o Hamutuk iha 4 Dezembru. Ami esplika katak istória naruk ba Australia nia hahalok hodi nauk Timor-Leste nia petróleu hahú kedas ho deskobrimentu Woodside nian iha kampu Sunrise iha 1974, ne’ebé enkoraja Australia atu suporta invazaun Indonézia iha 1975. Australia nia kaan-teen ba riku soin iha tasi okos ba territóriu ne’ebé ilegalmente sira okupa hodi hadalan Canberra no Jakarta hodi asina Tratadu Timor Gap iha Timor oan rihun atus nia isin no ruin nia leten. Dezde 2002, Australia lakohi atu rekoñese Timor-Leste nia soberania hodi estabelese fronteira maritima ida ne’ebé legalmente válidu ne’ebé demonstra sira nia hakarak atu kontinua hetan lukru hosi fronteira maritima ne’ebé faz parte hosi okupasaun ilegál indonézia nian. Atu fó sai istória ida ne’e no kontinuasaun ba hahalok nauk 40% petróleu no gas Timor-Leste, espionajen ne’ebé foin akontese daudauk ne’e hanesan atu halakon realidade sira ne’e, hanesan Charles Scheiner husi La'o Hamutuk esplika iha Radio Nasionál ABC (audio).\nIha 5 Dezembru iha artigu barak inklui artigu rua hosi eis assessor ba Timor-Leste Paul Cleary, kona-ba istória no mehi ba Timor-Leste nia gas. Tanba audiensia inísiu ba arbitrajen hahú iha Den Hague, ne’e hatudu katak Timor-Leste iha testemuña na’in hat ne’ebé fó sai informasaun ne’e, no hateten sira nia naran ba Australia iha semana rua liu ba. Artigu barak mak hakerek kona-ba luta ne’ebé atu mai ida ne’e (World Today, Lateline, Herald Sun). Hafoin loron enkontru nian, radio ABC entrevista Embaixadór Timor-Leste Joaquim Fonseca.\nIha loron Kinta-Feira, 5 Dezembru, grupu ativista Timor-oan ida hala’o demonstrasaun pasifiku ida iha estrada sorin iha Embaixada Australia nian iha Dili nia oin. Sira nia deklarasaun hateten katak Movimentu Kontra Okupasaun Tasi Timor sei kontinua atu protesta to Australia troka nia polítika. Kliik iha foto ruma atu haboot imajen.\nDemonstrasaun ne’e totálmente pasífiku, asiste hosi PNTL na’in hat ne’ebé kontrola hodi separa manifestante sira ho trafiku. Maizumenus oras ida tan, “Task Force” PNTL nian too no imediatamente tiru ho gas matan nian hodi hafahe manifestante sira, sira la ko’alia ho ema ida. Notísia prinsipál no artigu iha Diáriu Nasionál hakerek polísia ne’ebé uza forsa ne’ebé maka’as maski laiha provokasaun hosi manifestante sira. Infelizmente, korespondénte Timor-oan ida ba AFP hakerek ho falsu katak manifestante sira tuda fatuk ba iha embaixada, media Australia no media barak iha mundu hatutan no hakarak propaganda ida nee. Ofisiál altu no komandu PNTL hateten ba La’o Hamutuk no ikus mai hateten ba media katak demonstrasaun ida ne’e totálmente Pasífiku. Iha Sesta Feira dadeer ami husu ba AFP atu fó sai korresaun, no sira halo revizaun ba sira nia artigu oras 11 hafoin ida ne’e, maibé iha artigu barak mak la halo revizaun nafatin iha internet maizumenus liu rihun ida. Sekretáriu Estadu ba Seguransa Fransisco Guterres hateten ba ABC katak “polísia la presiza uza forsa, espesialmente gas matan nian,” (audio), maski jornalista la fiar nia deklarasaun katak sira la uza gas matan, hodi sita iha jornál Diáriu nian iha leten. Programa radio SBS hosi Australia (audio) mensiona halo reportajen falsu kona-ba tuda fatuk nian, maibé hateten sai saida mak objetivu hosi demonstrasaun ida ne’e. La’o Hamutuk hakerek blogue ida kona-ba Presumption of Violence – Halo asumsaun ba violénsia -- ne’ebé ema publika tutan tan iha fatin-fatin.\nAleinde ba reportajen falsu kona-ba tuda fatuk, iha media Australia nian balu mak halo kle’an sira nia koñesimentu. Iha editorial ida iha Melbourne Age halo konkluzaun katak “Karik Australia eksploita buat sira ne’ebé laiha balansu atu hetan podér ba komérsiu nian, no hala’o ida ne’e liu husi espionajen, entaun ita tenke moe tebes.” Karta balu no kolum sira ne’ebé hakerek hosi Donald Anton iha Age (versaun naruk) no hosi Richard Ackland (iha Sydney Morning Herald) inklui istória antesedénsia no foti sai duvida ba Australia nia hahalok, no Michael Leach foka sai katak imajen demokrátiku Australia nian rasik estraga hosi asaun hirak ne’ebé akontese ba Tasi Timor. Iha parte ativista nian, Shirley Shackleton fó atensaun katak Bernard Collaery nia “espíritu justisa no dignidade” sei la fasil atu intimida. iha parte seluk akadémiku Australia nian ida Sarah Heathcote “esplika” katak espionajen ne’e normal, entaun karik tribunal lalika invalida CMATS.\nIha Sesta-feira, maizumenus ema na’in 100 halibur malu iha Movimentu Kontra Okupasaun Tasi Timor iha demonstrasaun pasífika segundu nian iha Embaixada nia oin hosi tuku 2.30 to 5.30 loraik, ho kooperasaun tomak hosi polísia. Reprezentante na’in rua hosi grupu ne’e konvida atu tama ba embaixada laran atu fó sira nia deklarasaun ba Ambassador Miles Armitage, ne’ebé hateten ba sira katak nia respeita sira nia direitu atu halo manifestasaun no sei kontinua atu komunika sira nia preokupasaun ho Canberra. Maski demonstrasaun ida ne’e hetan kobertura hosi Televizaun Timor-Leste no Tempo Semanal, maibé largamente ignora loloos hosi media internasionál, karik tanba parte hotu-hotu la’o ho pasífika no iha responsabilidade. Crikey no Lusa/Sapo nia video fó sai notísia ida ne’e.\nDemonstrasaun ba dala tolu hala’o iha Sábadu, iha loron aniversáriu ba dala 38 invazaun Indonézia mai Timor-Leste, ne’ebé hetan suporta hosi Australia. Bainhira Xanana fila hosi nia viajen iha rai li’ur, radio lokál entrevista nia. Segunda Feira tuir mai, Sydney Morning Herald fo sai katak Timor-Leste hatene se mak halo espionajen iha 2004 no sira hala’o ida ne’e faz parte hosi atividade servisu doasaun nian (ajudu).\nSegunda loraik iha demonstrasaun ida ne’ebé boot liu, maizumenus ema na’in 200, inklui labarik barak.\nIha Segunda-Feira, 10 Dezembru, Timor-Leste husu ba ASIO atu fó fila material tomak ne’ebé sira foti hosi eskritóriu Bernard Collaery nian. Eis Prezidente Jose Ramos-Horta aumenta nia lian ba sira ne’ebé kondena ba asaun Australian, hanesan Ministru Petróleu Alfredo Pires halo ona (audio Ingles). Governu Australia atualiza sira nia avizu viajen nian, apelu ba sira ne’ebé hakarak vizita Timor atu “ezerse kauza grau altu nian iha Timor-Leste tanba situasaun seguransa ne’ebé la serteza. Situasaun bele at liu tan lahó apelu. ... Ita-boot sira tenke evita manifestasaun sira, marsa iha dalan ka hasees an hosi ema barak ne’ebé halibur malu tanba sira bele halo violénsia.” Hanesan sani na’in sira iha website hatene hela, katak laiha demonstrasaun violentu ida mak akontese iha Timor-Leste ba tinan barak nia laran.\nProtesta iha loron ne’ebá, Loron Internasionál ba Direitus Umanus nian, mak ida ne’ebé boot liu, fó sai deklarasaun. Tanba demonstrasaun lor-loron nian la kontinua, maizumenus husi ne’e, ami fahe foto balu hosi ne’e. Kliik atu hare imajen ho boot.\nMelbourne Age bolu espiaun Australia sira hanesan traballadór doasaun nian ne’ebé “laiha folin,” no hahalok hamoe-an ne’e ema barak hatene ona lemo-lemo. Ba ezemplu, Kolumnis Inglaterra/Kanadá Gwynne Dyer nia artigu Australia nia espionajen ba Timor-Leste ne’e halo moe-an liu atu fó sai ne’ebé publika ona lemo-lemo, iha parte seluk Mong Palatino nia hanoin iha The Diplomat fó istória báziku nian. Josephites Australia nian publika iha sira nia komunikadu “Turmoil on the Timor Sea”-- konfuzaun iha Tasi Timor -- hodi esplika oinsá ema Australia sira bele komunika ho sira nia reprezentante ne’ebé sira hili atu suporta direitu Timor-Leste nian.\nMaizumenus estudante no ativista Timor oan na’in 40 durante dadeer tomak iha loron 13 Dezembru halo diskusaun ba asuntu legal, istória no estratéjia ne’ebé detallu kona-ba disputa fronteira maritima. Ita-boot sira bele download iha PowerPoint ne’ebé La’o Hamutuk hatudu ba sira (mós iha PDF). Sira mós halo demonstrasaun pasífika seluk iha embaixada nia oin iha loron 20 Dezembru.\nIha 17 Dezembru, Timor-Leste lori Australia ba iha Tribunal Internasionál ba Justisa-ICJ (TL nia aplikasaun no medida ba pedidu, komunikadu imprensa Tribunal nian, mensajen tribunal ba Australia, lojistiku; no mós AAP), husu atu fó fila dokumentu sira ne’ebé ASIO ba asalta iha eskritóriu avogadu Bernard Collaery nian semana tolu liu ba., no Tom Allard hosi SMH esplika asuntu legal sira. Hanesan ita hatene ona, eis Ministru Negósiu Estranjeiru Downer defensivu. Tribunal hala’o audiensia ba kazu iha loron 20-22 Janeiru 2014, hanesan predisaun ida iha entrevista Radio ABC ho Ambassador Timor-Leste Joaquim Fonseca ho Juvinal Dias hosi La’o Hamutuk (audio 2MB). Hare iha okos atu hare nia kontinuasaun.\nIha 28 Dezembru, Kirsty Sword-Gusmão, Primeiru Ministru Timor-Leste nia fen ne’ebé hosi Australia, hakerek ninia “laran sa’e” ba Australia nia “hahalok ne’ebé sai inimigu ba povu hosi rai ne’ebé ha’u adota nudár ha’u rain.” Iha loron ne’ebé hanesan, Sydney Morning Herald fó sai detallu adisionál kona-ba asaltu iha eskritóriu advogadu Collaery nian iha semana balu liu ba, inklui analiza ida ba istória no motivasaun hosi rai rua ne’e.\nLa’o Hamutuk hakerek submisaun ida ba Parlamentu Australia nian iha Marsu liu ba, ami hakerek katak “ami la bele komprende tanba sá nasaun demokrátiku ida hanesan Australia, ne’ebé respeita direitus umanus no estadu direitu demokrátiku ba nia sidadaun sira, lakohi atu aplika prinsípiu sira ne’e ba nia viziñu iha nia parte norte ne’e. Keta Australia ta’uk liu atu deside fronteira ida ne’ebé justu, nune’e ita boot sira hakarak atu bosok de’it duke sai sidadaun internasionál ida ne’ebé di’ak? Tanba sá ita-boot sira kontinua atu esploita vantajen ne’ebé ita-boot sira hetan durante okupasaun Indonézia ne’ebé halo moe-an no nakonu ho ran ba ami nia rai? ... Australia tenke foti dalan legalmente no ho respeita ba malu liu hosi halo negosiasaun ida ne’ebé mai ho vontade di’ak no bainhira hala’o prosesu rezolusaun ba disputa ba ami nia fronteira maritima.” Maski iha teatru eskándalu foin lalais ne’e halo ami duvida ho ami nia argumentu ne’e, maibé atensaun foun bele ajuda atu hatán ba pergunta ne’ebé ami husu ba ne’e.\nFó hanoin fali ba ema Australia sira kona-ba sira nia Governu ne’ebé kleur ona ho direitu ne’ebé falsu hodi hamriik iha Tasi Timor tanba de’it sira nia governu nia memo ne’ebé tuan ona liu tinan 25, atualmente (barak liu) loke sira nia segredu no taka dalan ba sira nia razaun atu labele define fronteira maritima (hare pájina ba imajen nian iha liman loos ka hare dokumentu kompletu). SMH fó sai kona-ba Australia ne’ebé fraku liu atu nakloke, no Paul Cleary hakerek operasaun atu tau aparellu iha 2004 iha The Australian. Iha 10 Janeiru, SMH esplora motivasaun posivel ba asaun Australia nian daudauk ne’e.\nBainhira audiensia iha Tribunal Internasionál ba Justisa (ICJ) besik ona, (hare ba parágrafu hat ikus ne’e ba kazu rejistu nian), komentador Michael Sainsbury, Matthew Happold, the Financial Times, Kate Mitchell/Dapo Akande no David Robie fó sai informasaun báziku nian, no Governu Timor-Leste fó sai komunikadu ida. Tom Clarke hosi Kampaña Justisa ba Tasi Timor hosi Australia hetan entrevista hosi televizaun ABC.\nMolok audiensia, ICJ simu resposta narativu hosi Australia, no mós pakote dokumentu balu hosi Timor-Leste no Australia (20MB). Dokumentu ne'e inklui karta interesante no email barak entre parte hotu, no mós testu lei ne’ebé Australia fiar relevante.\nFoto: (liman karuk) Advogadu Bernard Collaery no Ministru Negósiu Estranjeiru Jose Luis Guterres iha audiensia primeiru ICJ nian iha Den Hague\n(liman loos) Advogadu Timor-Leste Sir Elihu Lauterpacht, Ministru Negósiu Estranjeiru José Luis Guterres no Ambassador Joaquim Fonseca.\nAdvogadu Timor-Leste aprezenta sira nia argumentu (oras rua ho video, transkrip) katak Australia envolve iha hahalok ida ne’ebé “nunka mais akontese, la edukadu no labele atu esplika” hodi asalta eskritóriu Bernard Collaery, hodi husu atu fó fila material sira ne’e ka tenke taka hodi ema ida labele lee (Maski Prokurador Jerál Australia nian promete katak sira sei la lee dokumentu sira ne’e (deklarasaun). Media barak mak fó kobertura ba audiensia ne’e, inklui ABC, Guardian, Global Mail no Sydney Morning Herald. Hanesan tuir oráriu tribunal nian, Australia responde iha loron 21 Janeiru (video, transkrip, SMH, Guardian, Australian), Timor-Leste halo rezumu iha dadeer 22 Janeiru (video, transkrip, ABC) no Australia iha meiudia loron hanesan (video, transkrip, Australian, SMH). Tribunal hateten sai sira nia pedidu no sei deside loron atu halo desizaun iha futuru. The Guardian hakerek asuntu importante kona-ba kazu ne’e, The Australian fó korajen ba advogadu Australia nian, no eis Ministru Negósiu Estranjeiru Alexander Downer (hetan resposta hosi Andy Alcock) no Senadór Lee Rhiannon hosi Partidu Verde publika hanoin ne’ebé la hanesan ba kontestu istória kazu nian. (Iha Fevereiru nia rohan, Australia hili Downer nudár sira nia Komisáriu Altu (Embaixador) ba Reinu Unidus.\nIha Janeiru 28, ICJ fó sai Orden ida (tuir fali mai ho komunikadu imprensa ida) hodi rejeita pedidu Australia nian atu suspende prosesu ba kazu ne’e to kazu arbitrajen remata. Orden ne’e aseita pedidu Timor-Leste nian atu mantén kazu ne’e la’o ba oin no halo oráriu ida ba Timor-Leste atu hatama argumentu narativu iha 28 Abril no husu ba Australia atu hatán iha loron 28 Jullu, ho prosesu tuir mai sei tuir tan. Tribunal sei deside pedidu Timor-Leste nian ba medida provisional iha 3 Marsu, hanesan Kampaña ba Justisa ba Tasi Timor iha Australia hateten sai.\nBainhira jornal Australia nian preokupa ba grafiti-pintura iha parede iha sira nia embaixada iha Dili, Senadór Scott Ludlum hosi Partidu Verde, ezije faktus husi Prokurador Jerál no xefe ASIO nian ba informasaun kona-ba asaltu iha eskritóriu Collaery (video iha YouTube parte 1, parte 2).\nIha 3 Marsu, Tribunal Internasionál ba Justisa fó sai sira nia Orden preliminaria (rezumu, komunikadu imprensa) ba medida provisional nian, aseita reklamasaun barak hosi pedidu Timor-Leste nian maibé la husu ba Australia hodi fó fila material sira ne’ebé sira prende. Juiz na’in 12 hosi na’in 16 fó orden katak:\nAustralia tenke garante katak konteúdu hosi material ne’ebé sira prende ne’e labele uza iha kualkér dalan ka kualkér tempu hosi ema ka grupu ruma atu hatún Timor-Leste to kazu ohin loron ne’e finaliza\nAustralia tenke falun dokumentu sira no dadus eletróniku ka kualkér kópia ne’ebé sira prende to’o desizaun Tribunal tuir mai;\nJuiz Cancado-Trindade (Brazil) konkorda ho Orden maibé nia hakerek opiniaun ketak hodi rekomenda katak Australia atu fó fila material sira ne’ebé sira prende ba ICJ atu seguru liu tan. Juiz Keith (NZ), Greenwood (Reinu Unidus), Donoghue (Estadus Unidus) no Callinan (Australia) hakerek opiniaun ne’ebé la aseita, no sujere katak tenke fó fiar ka fleksibilidade liu tan ba Australia kona-ba material sira ne’ebé sira prende.\nJuiz na’in 15 (la inklui juiz ad hoc Ian Callinan ne’ebé hili hosi Australia) fó orden katak:\nAustralia hodi labele halo interferénsia iha kualkér meius ba komunikasaun entre Timor-Leste ho nia ekipa advogadu ne’ebé iha relasaun ho Arbitrasaun tuir Tratadu Tasi Timor 20 Maiu 2002 ne’ebé pendente hela entre Timor-Leste no Australia, ho kualkér negosiasaun bilateral iha futuru hodi preokupa ba delimitasaun maritima, ka ho kualkér prosedimentu seluk ne’ebé iha relasaun entre Estadu rua ne’e, inklui kazu prezente ne’ebé hato’o iha Tribunal.\nDesizaun ne’e provisional no iha relasaun de’it ba pedidu Timor-Leste nian ba “medida urjénsia,” no “laiha dalan ba prejulgar” ba desizaun final ne’ebé sei foti maizumenus liu fulan neen tan. Nudár dalan atu bele simu malu, diplomatikamente desizaun ne’ebé hetan apresiasaun hosi Governu Australia, Governu Timor-Leste no Kampaña Justisa ba Tasi Timor. Media Australia sira hahú fó sai informasaun ne’ebé prefere liu ba sira nia nasaun (artigu AAP nian iha 7 News inisiálmente fó títulu “Australia wins UN court fight”-Australia manán iha Tribunal ONU- maibé ikus mai sira muda ba “Aust to keep docs but not spy on Timor: ICJ”- Australia atu rai hela dokumentu maibé labele halo espionajen ba Timor: ICJ). Radio Nasionál ABC halo entrevista ho Clinton Fernandes (audio) ne’ebé tau desizaun ne’e iha nia kontestu loloos. SMH bolu rezultadu ida ne’e nudár “derrota boot” ba Prokurador Jerál Brandis, iha parte seluk ABC no Guardian mós fó objetivu ne’ebé razoavel, hanesan mós ba kobertura barak iha loron balu tuir mai, inklui Stop Spying On Timor, Court Tells Australia – Hapara halo Espionajen ba Timor-Leste, Tribunal Hateten ba Australia- (New Matilda hosi Tom Clarke hosi TSJC, mós iha versaun naruk nian), ICJ orders Australia to stop spying on East Timor (SBS)-ICJ fó orden ba Australia atu hapara espionajen ba Timor; mós iha entrevista audio ho Ambassador Joaquim Fonseca no Tom Clarke), Timor Leste’s request for provisional measures: ICJ orders materials seized by Australia sealed until further notice - Pedidu Timor-Leste ba medida provisional: ICJ fó orden atu matéria sira ne’ebé Australia prende tenke falun to iha instrusaun tuir mai (Matthew Happold iha blogue EJIL), Australia ordered by The Hague to stop spying on Timor-Leste – Australia hetan orden hosi Hague atu hapara espionajen ba Timor-Leste (UK Telegraph) (versaun naruk liu), Xanana Gusmão: Ita Manan Ona Australia (Suara Timor Lorosa'e) no UN Rules against Australia in Favour of East Timor – Desizaun ONU kontra Australia a favor ba Timor-Leste -- (International Business Times), no mós iha Vietnam no mundu tomak.\nHafoin halo reflesaun ba semana ida, advogadu feto na’in rua hosi Washington hakerek analiza: Can the ICJ Avoid Saying Something on the Merits About Spying in Timor-Leste vs. Australia? -- Bele ka lae ICJ atu hateten méritu balu kona-ba espionajen iha Timor-Leste verso Australia? (Ashley Deeks) no artigu balu tan iha Susan Simpson nia blogue, inklui How Australia Overplayed Its Hand in the Timor Sea - Oinsá Australia halo luan sira nia okupasaun iha Tasi Timor no mós The Historical Context of Australia's Political and Legal Strategy in the Timor Sea - Kontestu istória hosi estratéjia polítika no legal Austrália nian iha Tasi Timor, no mós Timeline of Events leading up to TL's ICJ Claim - Kalendariu ba Eventu lori sai klaim TL nian iha ICJ. Ba buat ida ne’ebé kómiku liu mak ne’ebé presiza nota mak, Eis Senadór Australia Bill O'Chee ne’ebé akuza Timor-Leste halo espionajen kontra Australia ne’ebé ho di’ak hetan rejeita hosi Binoy Kampmark. Iha parte legal nian, kompañia legal Steptoe & Johnson analiza implikasaun hosi desizaun ICJ nian ba kazu seluk ba arbitrasaun estadu no investidór sira, no iha parte seluk Clinton Fernandes sujere katak negosiasaun ho vontade di’ak nudár xave atu labele iha disputa entre nasaun rua ne’e.\nKazu arbitrajen CMATS hala’o iha Den Hague (hare iha leten ba nia istória). Iha 18 Fevereiru 2014, Timor-Leste aprezenta nia argumentu no evidénsia substantive primeiru. Australia sei fó resposta iha 19 Maiu, no ronde segundu ba Timor-Leste atu fó dokumentu (18 July) no Australia (18 Agostu) sei fó informasaun báziku ba audiensia hosi 27 Setembru to’o 2 Outubru molok painél sira fó sai desizaun. Iha 23 Fevereiru, Radio Nasionál ABC nia Background Briefin-g fó sai dokumentáriu ho minutu 40 (transkrip, audio, pájina web) hodi ezamina espionajen durante 2004-2005. Iha programa, peritu direitu ANU Donald Anton (bele download nia artigu ASIL) esplika katak “karik alegasaun ba tau aparellu gravasaun sub-subar ne’e prova duni, Australia iha pozisaun ne’ebé klaru ona nudár nasaun primeiru ho tratadu ida ne’ebé nia rasik negosia deklara sai inválidu tanba ho nia hahalok fraude/joga fo’er”.\nIha 17 Marsu, Televizaun ABC nia programa Four Corners fó sai a dokumentáriu ida “Drawing the Line” – Marka Lina- iha asuntu hirak ne’e (transkrip), hanesan hateten iha prevista ida ne’e kona-ba governu Australia ne’ebé besik liu ba kompañia petróleu sira. ABC promove programa ida ne'e ho ameasa husi Canberra kontra Timor-Leste, bazeia ba Timor-Leste nia memo internal haklekar sai, ikus mai fahe husi Timor-Sea Justice Campaign. Ofisiais balun husi Timor-Leste halo sala bainhira sira kritika Australia haruka mensagem ida ne'e liu media, maski jurnalista husi ABC aprende informasaun ne'e hafoin Governu Timor-Leste hetan komunikasaun.\nTo ohin loron Timor-Leste selu besik tokon $20 ba kustu advogadu sira ba kazu ida ne’e (inklui tokon $5.8 iha Marsu 2014), no despeza nee sei kontinua. Tokon $11.8 gasta ona iha 2013 liu fali tokon $10 ne’ebé orsamentu ba servisu legal nian iha tinan 2013, no despeza iha 2014 sei besik atu serteza katak liu tokon $10 iha alokasaun. Portal Aprovizionamentu iha de’it informasaun uitoan kona-ba tokon $2.3 iha kontratu ne’ebé ajudika ba Bernard Collaery dezde 2010 (inklui rihun $289 iha Novembru liu ba) no kontratu ho tokon $1.5 asina iha fulan ne’ebé hanesan ho DLA Piper Australia, maibé kontratu sira seluk seidauk iha Portal. Aleinde ba kustu legal nian, Timor-Leste gasta montante barak ba viajen, konsultan sira, no tempu ofisiál governu nian, maibé laiha informasaun sufisiente ida ne’ebé ita bele hetan.\nSusan Simpson kria Google Earth Bookmark ne’ebé iha valor duni no hakerek artigu ida (orijinál iha online) hodi hatudu oinsá akordu barak ne’e marka ona liña iha Tasi Timor dezde tinan 42 liu ba, laho deside fronteira maritima ida ne’ebé permanente.\nIha 19 Marsu, peskizadór Prezidensia Guteriano Neves publika Istória badak no Estatuta Tasi Timor ho hanoin atu aumenta media no públiku nia hatene kona-ba informasaun báziku ba asuntu ne’e. Jornál Independente tau nia artigu iha pájina primeiru, no iha pájina seluk tau artigu kona-ba polítiku na’in Timor-oan sira ne’ebé kondena maka’as ba reportajen ABC nian iha semana kotuk kona-ba Australia nia avizu diplomátika nian.\nIha Tempu hanesan, Primeiru Ministru Xanana Gusmão fó palestra iha Jakarta International Defense Dialogue. Nia hateten ba distintu sira iha asembleia ne’e, inklui sira ne’ebé mai hosi Australia: “Maski nune’e, atu iha kooperasaun [ba seguransa maritima] ne’ebé onestu no sériu, ne’e importante tebes atu iha determina ita nia fronteira maritima entre nasaun sira, tuir lei internasionál, iha dalan ne’ebé klaru laho mai ho kualkér razaun seluk.\n“Ne’e ofensivu tebetebes atu hare oinsá nasaun balu, tanba sira nasaun boot, riku liu ka iha arma militár boot, sempre sai ida ne’ebé la justu ba sira nia viziñu sira, partikulármente bainhira nia viziñu sira ne’e ki’ik no kiak.\n“Lei Internasionál sempre involve, iha desizaun sira ne’ebé halo iha relasaun ba nasaun seluk. Maibé lei internasionál simplesmente hatún ka haluha tiha, bainhira lei ida ne’e atu asegura benefísiu ekonomia boot sira atu selu prinsípiu hosi polítiku justu no valor universal ba direitu iguál no obrigasaun entre povu no nasaun.”\nIha 20 Marsu, Kampaña ba Justisa ba Tasi Timor observa aniversáriu ba tinan 12 bainhira Australia dada an hosi prosesu legal ba fronteira maritima nian, hanesan reportajem husi SBS radio. Loron sanolu tuir mai, Kampana publika memo Timor-Leste ne'ebe haklekar sai kona-ba ameasa Australia nian.\nRevista online Australia ba direitus umanu nian Right Now foin dadauk ne'e publika sai artigu balu ne'ebe relevante, inklui Timor's Oil (Tom Clark), Bugged: Espionage in East Timor (Sayomi Ariyawansa), Walking Together: Australia’s Chequered History in Timor-Leste (Leona Hameed & Charles Scheiner), Having it Both Ways: Australia's Conflicted Position in the Timor Sea (Sarita Ryan), no Cutting the Gordian Knot - Solving the East Timor v Australia Dispute (Clinton Fernandes).\nIha Abril, Sydney Morning Herald sita advogadu ba Timor-Leste ne'ebe hateten katak karta ida iha Janeiru hosi Australia ba Timor-Leste atu suporta ConocoPhillips ba disputa taxa Bayu-Undan hodi halo ligasaun kazu taxa nian ho prosesu arbitrajen CMATS nian ne'ebe lao dadauk ne'e, forsa pedidu Timor-Lete nian ba arbitrajen tuir Tratadu Tasi Timor.\nHafoin semana rua, painel arbitrajem iha kazu CMATS hatete ba Australia katak sira tenke fo lisensa ba sasin eis-ASIS atu fo evidensia ba sira nia prosesu. Australia kansela ninia pasaporte tiha ona, hanesan esforsu atu prevene nia bele fo ninia testemunha. Karik teknologia bele loke dalan seluk.\nKomentáriu no Analiza (foun liu mak uluk). Liga iha ne'e atu hetan komentariu iha Ingles.\nKomentáriu ne’ebé foun liu ka iha lian Ingles liga husi testu iha leten.\nIstória badak no Estatuta Tasi Timor husi Guteriano Neves, 19 Marsu 2014\nPrograma Radio Igualdade husi La'o Hamutuk kona ba Tratadu CMATS (audio, 7MB) (Jan 2014)\nAustralia tenke respeita soberania Timor-Leste ho fronteira lina klaran aprezentasaun ba ativista sira (5MB PowerPoint ka 2MB PDF), 13 Dez. 2013\nLH nia aprezentasaun kona-ba Tratadu CMATS ba jornalista sira (Tetum: 4MB PowerPoint ka 2MB PDF), 21 Fev. 2013\nTerminasaun Tratadu CMATS no nia implikasaun ba Timor-Leste husi LH iha jornal lokal, (11 Fev. 2013)\nPájina índise kona-ba Projetu Petróleu no Gas Greater Sunrise depois 2010 (mos English)\nAnaliza osan hira mak Australia nauk hosi Timor-Leste liu hosi kampu petróleu Laminaria-Corallina (Fevereiru 2014)\nFaktu LH: Fronteira Marítima Tasi Timór: Seidauk resolve! Agustu 2009\nLivru LH LNG Sunrise iha Timor-Leste: Mehi, Realidade no Obstákulu sira (mos English ka Bahasa Indonesia), Fevreiru 2008\nArtigu Buletin LH kona-ba ratifikasaun CMATS, Junu 2007 (Bahasa Indonesia)\nSubmisaun La'o Hamutuk ba Parlamentu Australia (Ingles), 16 Marsu 2007\nKomisaun publika relatóriu ida no submisaun hitu kona-ba CMATS, inklui hosi (hotu Ingles)\nRobert King (istória naruk dezde negosiasaun 1960s)\nClinton Fernandes no Scott Burchill\nSubmisaun tomak bele download hosi http://www.aph.gov.au/house/committee/jsct/6_7_february2007/subs.htm.\nKomisaun fó sai Relatóriu #85 iha Juñu 2007. CMATS chapter ka Introdusaun (Ingles).\nNow you CMATS, now you don't. Hosi Dr. Mark Byrne, UNIYA iha New Matilda, 5 Marsu 2007\nKarta La'o Hamutuk ba Parlamentu Timor-Leste kona-ba Tratadu CMATS, 14 Fevreiru 2007\nEnkontru públiku La'o Hamutuk kona-ba Tratadu CMATS, (Bahasa Indonesia) 18 Janeiru 2007\nLa'o Hamutuk nia analiza komprensivu iha Bulletin istória no signifikasaun hosi Tratadu CMATS, (Bahasa Indonesia) Abril 2006\nDeklarasaun La'o Hamutuk kona-ba Tratadu CMATS, Janeiru 2006\nKarta La'o Hamutuk ba Parlamentu RDTL kona-ba Tratadu CMATS, Marsu 2006\nETAN/U.S. statement on CMATS Treaty, Janeiru 2006\nTimor Sea Justice Campaign (Australia) release on Treaty, Janeiru 2006\nPergunta no Hatán Tratadu CMATS (Ingles) husi Jeffrey J. Smith, Janeiru 2006 (PDF)\nMatéria Governu no Parlamentu Australia (kronolojia, hotu Ingles)\nAustralia notifika órgaun sira ba tratadu nian iha Marsu 2002 katak Australia sai ona hosi mekanizmu legal atu rezolve disputa fronteira maritima (komunikadu imprensa):\nUN Convention on Law of the Sea: Deklarasaun, Analiza ba Interese Nasional\nInternational Court of Justice: Deklarasaun, Analiza ba Interese Nasional\nAustralia nia Analiza ba Interese Nasional kona-ba Timor Sea Treaty no kona-ba Exchange of Notes (June 2002)\nAustralia nia Analiza ba Interese Nasional kona-ba Sunrise International Unitization Agreement (Marsu 2003)\nAustralia nia Analiza ba Interese Nasional kona-ba CMATS (Fevreiru 2007) (PDF)\nTratadu no informasaun ne’ebe iha relasaun iha website ofisial Governu Australia nian\nParliamentary media release kona-ba enquerido ba CMATS (8 Fevreiru 2007)\nTranskrip (Hansard) of first and second readings of CMATS iha Parlamentu Australia (14 Fevreiru 2007)\nKarta husi Alexander Downer ba Parlamentu nia Komisaun kona-ba Tratadu atu halo "National Interest Exemption" (22 Fevreiru 2007)\nKomunikadu imprensa fo hatene katak Tratadu CMATS no IUA mai en vigor ona (23 Fevreiru 2007)\nTranskrip audiensia Komisaun Parlamentu kona-ba Tradadu sira (26 Fevreiru 2007)\nTranskrip (Hansard) debate kona-ba CMATS iha Parlamentu Australia (28 Fevreiru 2007)\nTranskrip (Hansard) debate kona-ba CMATS iha Senadu Australia (22 Marsu 2007)\nCMATS capitulu husi relatorio Parlamentu Australia nia Komisaun kona-ba Tratadu sira, Marsu 2007 (hare leten ba sumisaun sira)\nDokumentu legal no dokumentu sira seluk (kronolojia)\nTratadu Tasi Timor (Portuguese) (Ingles) (asina no vigora iha retroativu ba May 2002)\nLei Zona Maritima Timor-Leste (Setembru 2002)\nAkordu Unitizasaun Internasionál ba Sunrise (Ingles) (asina iha Marsu 2003, vigora iha Fevreiru 2007) (mós Portuguese)\nTratadu CMATS (Ingles) (asina iha Janeiru 2006, vigora iha Fevreiru 2007) (Bele print ho PDF) (mós Portuges)\nUnited Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea halo iha Montego Bay iha loron 10 Dezembru 1982 (asinaturas)\nVienna Convention on the Law of Treaties (23 Maiu 1969)\nLiga ba índise artigu sira iha website kona-ba petróleu no gas natural | [
"Tratadu CMATS no Fronteira Maritima Informasaun kona-ba Tratadu entre Australia no Timor-Leste ba CMATS (Certain Maritime Arrangements in the Timor Sea/ Aranjamentu Maritima balu iha Tasi Timor) Atualiza 24 Abril 2014 Eventu iha 2013 Timor-Leste buka arbitrajen atu invalida CMATS Espionajen, protesta no hahu audiensia Eventu iha 2014 Governu Australian nia deklarasaun no relatoriu Dokumentu legal no dokumentu sira seluk Kliik ba mapa ida atu hare ho boot.",
"Mapa ida iha leten hatudu direitu maritima Timor-Leste, no ida iha okos hatudu kompromete CMATS kona-ba fahe rikusoin.",
"Tratadu CMATS asina ona hosi Ministru Negosiu Estranjeiru Alexander Downer no Jose Ramos-Horta iha Sydney iha 12 Janeiru 2006, asiste hosi Primeiru Ministru John Howard no Mari Alkatiri, hanesan hatudu iha imajen iha liman karuk.",
"Durante 2013, Governu Timor-Leste husu atu invalida tratadu ne'e, tanba Australia tau aparellu gravasaun nian iha sala enkontru Primeiru Ministru Timor-Leste durante halo negosiasaun; hare iha okos atu hatene detallu liu.",
"Timor-Leste ratifika CMATS no International Unitisation Agreement/Akordu Unitizasaun Internasional (IUA) iha loron ketak-ketak ba Kampu Sunrise no Troubadour iha 20 Fevreiru 2007, publika rezolusaun Parlamentar iha 8 Marsu iha Jornal da Republika (Portuges).",
"Iha 7 Fevreiru 2007, Governu Australia lori tratadu ne'e ba iha sira nia meja Parlamentu, no Komisaun Permanente Konjunta kona-ba Tratadu sira hahu inkeritu ida.",
"Sira konvida atu hatama submisaun molok 16 Marsu.",
"Hare iha okos.",
"Maske CMATS vigora tiha ona, Komisaun Permanente Konjunta ne'e kontinua sira nia inkeritu no publika sira nia relatoriu iha Junu 2007.",
"Iha 22 Fevreiru 2007, Ministru Negosiu Estranjeiru Alexander Downer haruka karta ida ba Komisaun Permanente Konjunta ba Tratadu sira Parlamentar nian hodi uza sira nia prosesu \"dispensa ba interese nasional\" atu hadalan tratadu ne'e vigora laho periodu hein Parlamentar nian.",
"Hafoin loron ne'e, nia anunsia katak ida ne'e vigora tiha ona.",
"Iha pakote CMATS, produtu hosi negosiasaun tinan walu nian ne'e, iha vantajen no dezvantajen ba nasaun rua ne'e.",
"Konklui katak, Timor-Leste aumenta nia parte hosi reseita petroleu (Upstream revenues) hosi 18% ba 50% rezultadu hodi simu Australia nia soberania ba area leste no oeste hosi JPDA, ratifika IUA no konkorda atu la foti kestaun ba fronteira maritima durante tinan 50 nia laran.",
"Iha tempu ne'eba, La'o Hamutuk sente (pajina 10) katak la justu ba Timor-Leste.",
"Ami kontinua fiar katak Timor-Leste iha direitu ba maritima no rekursu tasi okos tomak iha Zone Eskluzivu Ekonomiku hanesan hatudu ho lina kinur iha mapa iha liman karuk (hare okos atu hetan analiza no komentariu adisional.)",
"Testu Tratadu CMATS no ligasaun sira (Ingles) Pajina web testu Tratadu ne'ebe ho ligasaun no mapa (Bele print hosi PDF) (Portuges) Anexu I: Prosedimentu sukat (Assessment procedure) Anexu II: Lina ne'ebe refere iha Artigu 8 (Line referred to in article 8) Karta ba Timor-Leste (PDF) Karta ba Australia (PDF) Maske sira ne'ebe asina no mos kampana sira espera katak CMATS no IUA sei loke dalan atu eksploita Greater Sunrise (ka Ingles), maibe planu dezenvolvimentu baziku ba projetu ne'e seidauk finaliza bainhira 2012 remata, ho Timor-Leste hakarak dada kadoras ba planta LNG iha Beacu, kosta sul Timor-Leste, no Konsorsiu Sunrise (lidera hosi Woodside, ho Shell, ConocoPhillips no Osaka Gas) prefere planta LNG namlele iha tasi leten.",
"Artigu 12.2 (a) CMATS nian hateten katak \"karik planu dezenvolvimentu ba Area Unidade nian seidauk aprova....durante tinan neen nia laran hafoin loron vigora Tratadu ida ne'e [katak 23 Fevreiru 2013]...Parte ida bele notifika hodi husu atu termina Tratadu ne'e, iha kazu ne'e Tratadu ne'e [maske klauza balu] sei bele mate fulan tolu hafoin notifikasaun ne'e hato'o.\"",
"Tanba loron mai ona, diskusaun mosu hosi provabilidade no konsekuensia bainhira halo terminasaun, no La'o Hamutuk sei kontinua atu atualiza ami nia pajina kona-ba Greater Sunrise (mos iha Ingles) ho dezenvolvimentu atual nian.",
"Iha 27 Dezembru 2012, Timor-Leste ofsialmente ratifika Konvensaun ONU kona-ba Lei Tasi nian (UNCLOS), no iha 8 Janeiru 2013, nasaun ne'e formalmente sai membru ba 165 hodi sai parte UNCLOS.",
"Iha loron ne'ebe hanesan, Timor-Leste sai tiha parte hosi Konvensaun Vienna kona-ba Lei Tratadu nian, ne'ebe nasaun ne'e ratifika iha 2004.",
"Iha fin de Janeiru 2013, ofisiais Timor-Leste nian fo sinal katak sira atu hili opsaun hodi termina CMATS, hanesan kobertura iha headlines media lokal sira hatudu iha liman karuk iha 28 Janeiru.",
"Ministru Petroleu Alfredo Pires klarifika ninia hanoin iha loron balu hafoin ne'e, indika katak parte ida hosi Australia ka Timor-Leste bele sai hosi CMATS hafoin 23 Fevreiru, maibe hanesan nia hatene mos, parte ida hosi nasaun rua ne'e seidauk deside atu halo ida ne'e.",
"Iha 7 Fevreiru, Senador sira Australia nian husu ba Ministru Negosiu Estranjeiru Bob Carr karik iha hanoin ruma ka lae hosi Australia atu fo notifikasaun atu termina CMATS no karik Australia prepara atu negosia fronteira maritime ho Timor-Leste.",
"Nia responde \"Timor-Leste no Australia livremente tama ba CMATS iha 2007.",
"Australia sei respeita tratadu.",
"Ita ekspeta Timor-Leste atu halo hanesan mos.\"",
"Ami la komprende komentariu Ministru nian, tanba atu uza Artigu 12.2 CMATS kona-ba terminasaun la hatudu katak la respeita tratadu ona, duke Australia ne'ebe uza sira nia direitu legal (karik la'os moral) atu sai hosi prosesu rezolusaun ba disputa fronteira nian hosi UNCLOS no ICJ (International Court of Justice) iha Marsu 2002.",
"Iha 11 Fevreiru, La'o Hamutuk publika artigu ida iha jornal lokal sira kona-ba Terminasaun Tratadu CMATS no nia implikasaun ba Timor-Leste, no ami halo entrevista ho Radio Australia iha 13 Fevreiru.",
"Iha kobertura media barak kona-ba asuntu ne'e iha parte Tasi Timor ne'ebe mak la akurat ka la kompletu, nune'e ami fo briefing ba jornalista lokal sira iha 21 Fevreiru (PowerPoint ka PDF) no sei organiza enkontru publiku ida kona-ba asuntu ne'e iha semana ne'ebe atu tuir.",
"Entre asuntu hirak ne'e ne'ebe hare ba susar atu komprende mak hanesan tuir mai: Iha ne'eba seidauk iha fronteira iha Tasi Timor entre Australia no Timor-Leste hodi nune'e sira atu sai.",
"Soberania Timor-Leste durante tinan 12 nia laran ona, Australia nunka konkorda atu defini fronteira maritima.",
"Akordu tolu ne'ebe asina to ohin loron kona-ba jestaun dezenvolvimentu petroleu no jestaun reseita.",
"Ema barak iha Timor-Leste no iha fatin seluk sente katak nasaun ida ne'e nia luta ba independensia seidauk kompletu to fronteira loloos rai ne'e nian defini ona (ne'ebe involve asuntu barak liu tan duke oil petroleu no gas).",
"Realidade, Australia kontinua atu okupa territoriu maritime ne'ebe loloos sai parte ba Timor-Leste tuir determinasaun fronteira ho justu no legal - sira kontinua halo kontrola ilegal ba territoriu ne'ebe sira halo durante okupasaun ilegal Indonesia nian ba rai Timor-Leste.",
"Klausa CMATS nian fo dalan atu halo terminasaun unilateral karik planu dezenvolvimentu Sunrise seidauk hetan aprovasaun hosi regulador Timor-Leste no Australia depois 23 Fevreiru 2013.",
"Planu dezenvolvimentu nudar analiza enjineria no komersial ne'ebe detallu.",
"Kompleksu liu duke konkorda konseitu baziku ba fatin atu halo likifasaun gas nian.",
"Iha ligasaun ne'ebe kompleksu entre Tratadu Tasi Timor (ka Ingles) (TTT asina iha 2002, ratifika iha 2003), Akordu Unitizasaun Internasional ba Sunrise (IUA, asina iha 2003.",
"Ratifika iha 2007) no Tratadu CMATS (asina iha 2006, ratifika iha 2007).",
"Atu habadak, Timor-Leste presiza TTT iha 2002 nune'e Bayu Undan bele la'o ba oin, maibe Australia lakohi atu ratifika TTT too Timor-Leste asina IUA iha 2003 - ne'ebe Senador Bob Brown bolu \"blackmail/pemerasan.\"",
"Timor-Leste lakohi ratifika IUA, ne'ebe asina iha presaun nia okos.",
"Iha kompromisu CMATS nian hafoin tinan hat, Timor-Leste ratifika IUA no konkorda atu taka ibun ba diskusaun fronteira hodi hetan reseita upstream Sunrise nian 50%.",
"Kontratu Greater Sunrise entre Woodside (hamutuk nia parseria konsorsiu) ho Governu Timor-Leste no Australia asina iha 2003 (hodi troka kontratu ho Australia no Indonezia durante okupasaun ilegal Indonesia).",
"Tratadu CMATS asina iha 2006 no vigora iha 23 Fevreiru 2007.",
"Terminasaun CMATS sei la afeta ba kontratu ne'ebe asina iha tinan lima liu ba.",
"Infelizmente kontratu hirak ne'e segredu hela, maibe ami komprende katak kontratu sira ne'e sei vigora maizumenus to 2037, anaunserke kampana haat no governu rua konkorda atu halo alterasaun.",
"Maske terminasaun CMATS sei bele sai konsiderasaun ida ba analiza risku projetu nian no prospek futuru, Artigu 27.3 IUA hateten katak termu kontraktual ba kampana sira \"sei kontinua tuir termu ekivalente ba fatin sira ne'e tuir [IUA]\" maske karik deside ona fronteira maritima permanente.",
"Karik Timor-Leste ka Australia deside atu ejerse sira nia direitu tuir artigu 12 CMATS hodi termina tratadu iha kualker tempu hafoin 23 Fevreiru, prosesu atu estabelese fronteira maritime bele hahu dala ida tan.",
"Tratadu CMATS sei automatikamente sei fila vigora (restora fahe reseita 50-50 hosi Sunrise) karik no bainhira produsaun Sunrise hahu iha futuru.",
"Tuir lei tratadu internasional, asinador rua ba tratadu bilateral ida bele sempre deside atu kansela ka modifika tratadu.",
"Ho lian seluk, karik Australia pronto atu diskute fronteira maritima iha kualker tempu dezde 2006, governu rua sei konkorda atu kansela regulamentu taka ibun nian.",
"Maske TTT no IUA iha artigu espesifiku hateten katak sira \"bele altera ka termina iha kualker tempu liu hosi hakerek akordu entre governu sira,\" hanesan hateten iha Konvensaun Vienna kona-ba Lei Tratadu sira.",
"Ami espera katak Australia prontu atu halo negosiasaun ne'ebe justu ho nia vizinu, laho aplika regulasaun atu taka ibun hodi proibidu diskusaun topiku partikular.",
"No ami espera katak Australia iha kometimentu duni hodi tuir direitu demokratiku - permite tribunal ka arbitrasaun atu harii fronteira bainhira laiha negosiasaun ne'ebe justu (bazeia ba luan, riku-soin, poder no esperiensia hosi parte sira).",
"Lei eziste atu proteje sira be kbiit laek hosi sira ne'ebe iha kbiit no atu asegura ema hotu-hotu nia direitu baziku.",
"Iha ka lae treinador sira ba \"Direitu Demokratiku\" no assessor sira ne'ebe AusAID selu hodi servisu iha Dili presiza atu forma kapasidade iha Canberra?",
"Ministru Rekursu Naturais Australia Martin Ferguson vizita Timor-Leste iha Fevereiru 2013; hafoin fulan ida tuir mai iha remodelasaun governu nian, eis ezekutivu Woodside nian Gary Gray troka nia.",
"Iha fulan balu hafoin ne'e, Partidu Traballista lakon iha eleisaun no governu foun kaer poder iha Australia.",
"Ministru Australia nian Rekursu no Enerjia Martin Ferguson vizita ona ba Dili iha loron 21-22 Fevreiru, atu hasoru Ministru Petroleu no Rekursu Minerais Alfredo Pires no sira seluk.",
"Vizita ida ne'e, no posibilidade atu termina CMATS lalais, provoka kobertura sala iha media Australia no Timor-Leste nian.",
"Hanesan ezemplu, Timor Leste removes Australian company from gas project, East Timor Risks All in Oil Dispute, Woodside gas deal could redraw Australia-East Timor borders.",
"Hafoin sira nia enkontru, Ministru na'in rua ne'e rejeita atu fo informasaun espesifiku ba publiku, maske Alfredo Pires hateten katak Timor-Leste sei deside hela atu fo notifikasaun ka lae ba terminasaun CMATS.",
"Nia esplika katak Ministru Negosiu Estranjeiru nasaun rua ne'e sei apropriadu atu partisipa iha diskusaun sira hanesan ne'e, tanba Tratadu CMATS ne'e asina hosi Ministru Negosiu Jose Ramos-Horta no Alexander Downer iha 2006.",
"Pires mos hateten sai katak Timor-Leste mos preokupa hela ba durasaun naruk Tratadu nian, no konsidera hela opsaun balu, no iha parte seluk Ferguson hateten katak diskusaun sira hanesan ne'e sei kontinua no Australia kontinua hodi hakarak servisu ho Timor-Leste no industria petroleu atu fo vantajen ba dezenvolvimentu Timor-Leste nian.",
"No mos iha 21 Fevreiru, La'o Hamutuk ko'alia ho jornalista lokal sira atu koko hadi'ak liu tan kobertura CMATS iha TL.",
"Bele hetan ami nia aprezentasaun iha English ka Tetum, ka hanesan PDF (English ka Tetum).",
"Imi bele uza grafiku, maibe tenke husi lisensa antes no fo kreditu ba La'o Hamutuk.",
"Ami bele fornese arkivu ho rezolusaun di'ak liu.",
"Governu Timor-Leste kontinua respeita nia kontratu ho Konsorsiu Sunrise nian, ne'ebe sei dura maizumenus ba tinan 13 tan, no mos atividade sira ne'ebe hare nudar parte hosi upstream nian, no husik kadoras no mos atividade downstream nian loke ba diskusaun.",
"Governu mos prontu atu respeita tratadu tomak ne'ebe sira ratifika ona, inklui IUA no Tratadu Tasi Timor, no sempre foti preokupasaun nafatin ho Governu Australia.",
"Daudauk ne'e, Dili ho Canberra halo hela diskusaun kona-ba Tratadu CMATS, maibe seidauk fo sai notifikasaun formal hodi termina tratadu ne'e, hanesan La'o Hamutuk nia audiensia ho Radio Australia.",
"Hafoin loron hirak tuir mai, Governu Timor-Leste fo sai komunikadu imprensa ida atu fo konfirmasaun ba status quo.",
"Iha 28 Fevereiru, jornal The Australian publika opiniaun ida ne'ebe hakerek hosi Tom Clarke, ema ida ne'ebe organiza Kampana ba Justisa ba Tasi Timor (TSJC) iha 2005, ho titulu Australia holding back East Timor- Australia dudu Timor-Leste ba kotuk.",
"Clarke konklui \"Buat ida de'it mak taka hela Timor-Leste ho ba buat ne'ebe loloos legalmente sai sira nia direitu mak Governu Australia.",
"Australia tenke hakotu sira nia kaan-teen no oferese atu halo negosiasaun ho vontade di'ak ho Timor-Leste.",
"Fronteira maritima ida ne'ebe permanente, sei fornese liu tan serteza ekonomiku ba nasaun rua ne'e no ba kompania sira hodi buka atu esploita rekursu gas no petroleu.",
"Maibe, buat importante liu mak, deside fronteira maritima tuir lei internasional mak buat loloos ne'ebe mak tenke halo.",
"Nee sei halo kompleta no determina luta naruk Timor oan sira nian hodi sai nasaun ida ne'ebe independente no soberania ho fronteira maritima ne'ebe kompletu.\"",
"Editorial prinsipal iha revista Petroleum Economist iha Marsu 2013, ho nia titulu Going for Broke - Iha dalan atu ba kiak - diskute oinsa reseita petroleu falla atu hadi'ak ita nia povu nia moris.",
"Publikasaun ne'e husu Primeiru Ministru Xanana Gusmao atu \"sai pragmatiku [ba projetu Tasi Mane] no foka liu hodi oinsa asegura Sunrise ne'e dezenvolve no nia reseita sira ne'e bele uza atu hadi'ak dezenvolvimentu ekonomia naun petroliferu ne'ebe sustentavel no ba tempu naruk.",
"Karik dezenvolvimentu naun petroliferu ne'e labele akontese, difisil atu evita konkluzaun ida katak estadu failladu hein hela Timor-Leste.\"",
"Iha 28 Marsu, The Global Mail publika artigu komprensivu ida hosi Hamish McDonald kona-ba istoria petroleu entre Timor-Leste no Australia, inklui Sunrise: It's Tiny, Poor, And Very Possibly Not Going To Take It Anymore - Nia Ki'ik, Kiak, No Posivel Liu Atu La Ba Hodi Foti Tan.",
"Iha 23 Abril, Governu Timor-Leste formalmente notifika ba Australia katak nia ezerse nia direitu ba arbitrajen tuir Anexu B Tratadu Tasi Timor, hodi hateten katak CMATS la valid tanba Australia hala'o espionajen iha 2004 no la halo negosiasaun ba tratadu ho vontade di'ak.",
"Maski notifikasaun ne'e la fo ba publiku, Timor-Leste akuza Australia tau aparellu hodi grava otel sira iha Australia no eskritoriu Governu Dili nian bainhira negosiador Timor-Leste diskute hela sira nia estratejia.",
"Timor-Leste hili eis juis Tribunal Supremu Inglaterra nian Lawrence Collins nudar sira nia reprezentante iha painel arbitrajen ba ema na'in tolu nian.",
"Australia sei hili sira nian, reprezentante na'in rua ne'e sei hili panelista terseiru nian.",
"Nomeasaun ba painel sei han fulan neen.",
"No arbitrador sira sei iha fulan neen atu fo sai sira nia desizaun bazeia ba votu maioria.",
"Governu Australia no media (mos ho audio) fo sai notifikasaun iha 3 Maiu.",
"Iha 6 Maiu, Ministru Petroleu Timor-Leste Alfredo Pires (mos iha audio) esplika nia razaun, no jornal negosiante sira fo sai reasaun kompania sira nian.",
"Advogadu Australianu Padre Frank Brennan, ema ida ne'ebe suporta kleur Timor-Leste, vizita Dili no hakerek Time to draw the line between Australia and Timor-Leste - Tempu ona atu marka lina entre Australia no Timor-Leste -- iha 13 Maiu.",
"Kontroversu mosu iha fatin oi-oin hanesan Interfax Natural Gas Daily (servisu notisia Rusia nian), Clayton Utz insights, The Strategist (ASPI) no Vancouver Sun iha Canada.",
"Iha 23 Maiu, Radio ABC halo entrevista ba Ministru Petroleu Timor-Leste Alfredo Pires no Ministru Rekursu Australia nian Gary Gray.",
"Iha 26 Maiu, Ministru Alfredo Pires informa ba media lokal katak Timor-Leste prepara hela atu lori Australia ba tribunal internasional ida iha Abril 2014, bainhira prosesu arbitrajen ba CMATS finaliza ona.",
"Iha loron balu tuir mai, Primeiru Ministru Xanana Gusmao klarifika katak Timor-Leste sei hein resposta hosi Australia molok lori asaun ba tribunal.",
"Iha Maiu 29, The Australian publika Aussie spies accused of bugging Timor cabinet - Intelijensia Australianu sira hetan akuza katak sira tau aparellu gravasaun nian iha gabinete --Timor ho informasaun adisional kona-ba reklamasaun kontra Australia, ho komentariu hosi Ministru Petroleu Timor-Leste Alfredo Pires, Timor-Leste nia advogadu Bernard Collaery, eis Ministru Negosiu Estranjeiru Alexander Downer no sira seluk tan.",
"ABC News fo sai katak Ministru Negosiu Estranjeiru Australia nian Bob Carr insiste katak nasaun rua ne'e nudar belun di'ak, maski nia lakohi atu fo komentariu kona-ba espesifiku iha kazu ne'e.",
"Loron tuir mai, Radio Australia fo sai komentariu foun liu tan hosi parte rua ne'e.",
"Iha 4 Junu, Governu Timor-Leste fo sai deklarasaun ida katak \"relasaun tomak entre nasaun rua ne'e la'o no sei kontinua ba unidade ida ne'ebe kle'an, hakbelun ba malu, no respeita ba malu.\"",
"Iha loron tuir mai, ofisiais Australia nian sira konfirma katak sira seidauk hatan ba Timor-Leste nia pedidu ba arbitrasaun.",
"Media sira kontinua atu tuir kontroversu, ho artigu iha The Economist no Australian Financial Review, no mos barak iha Independente no jornal seluk Timor-Leste nian.",
"Iha 19 Junu, Australia responde, no hili profesor direitu ida hosi Michael Reisman, Michael Reisman nudar sira nia arbitrador, (hare relatoriu iha Channel News Asia).",
"Troka Primeiru Ministru foun iha semana balu oin mai sei la signifikante muda politika fronteira maritima Australia nian, no eleisaun iha Setembru hare ba sei la fo mudansa di'ak.",
"Iha 5 Jullu, portavos opozisaun Australia nian Julie Bishop vizita Timor-Leste, hatudu ninia ignoransia kona-ba tratadu CMATS.",
"Iha Outubru, membru painel hosi Timor-Leste no Australia hili Tullio Treves, ne'ebe moris iha Arjentina, eis juis iha Tribunal Internasional ba Lei Tasi nian no Profesor iha Universidade Milan, Italia nudar membru terseiru ba iha painel arbitrajen nian, no nia sei sai Prezidente ba painel ne'e.",
"Australia aseita selesaun no proposta regra ba prosedimentu nian.",
"Jurista na'in tolu ne'ebe diferente ne'e iha fulan neen hahu hosi sira nia hasoru malu ba dala uluk nian hodi fo sai sira nia desizaun ida, ne'ebe ekspeta atu akontese iha segundu trimestral 2014 nian.",
"Painel rona ona argumentu primeiru iha 5 Dezembru iha Den Hague, Olanda.",
"Hakat ida iha okos ne'e atu hetan eventu tuir mai kona-ba prosesu ida ne'e.",
"Molok eleisaun Australia nian, nia Parlamentu hahu inkeritu ida (bele hetan submisaun 77 iha ne'e) kona-ba relasaun Australia nian ho Timor-Leste.",
"Submisaun hosi La'o Hamutuk, Kampana ba Justisa ba Tasi Timor (TSJC), Robert King, Damien Kingsbury no sira seluk husu Australia atu respeita soberania Timor-Leste kona-ba fronteira maritima.",
"Hanoin diferente hato'o hosi Prokurador Jeral Australia no Ministeriu Rekursu, Don Rothwell hosi ANU, no kompania petroleu na'in lima.",
"Iha audiensia iha 21 Maiu, Membru Parlamentu Australia nian no testemuna ne'ebe sira hili ona troka idea ba malu no la fo informasaun loloos kona-ba asuntu fronteira, maibe perspetiva di'ak tebes hato'o hosi Joanne Wallis hosi ANU iha audiensia iha loron tuir mai: ...\"to'o fronteira maritima entre Timor-Leste no Australia deside ona no esploitasaun rekursu iha Tasi Timor ne'e iha konkordansia tuir dalan satisfasaun ne'ebe fo benefisiu ba malu, entaun sei iha relasaun ida ne'ebe nafatin la'o ba bei-beik....[D]alan di'ak liu ba Australia atu hadi'a sira nia relasaun ho Timor-Leste mak atu tuir lei internasional ne'ebe tau ona iha Konvensaun ONU nian ba Lei Tasi nian no atu refere ba kestaun fronteira maritima ba tribunal internasional ida, prefere liu ba Tribunal Internasional ba Justisa.",
"Komite labele haluha katak esploitasaun rekursu iha Tasi Timor ne'e buat sentral tebes ba Governu Timor-Leste nia planu estratejiku dezenvolvimentu, ka komite labele haluha kona-ba nivel hirus hosi Timor-Leste nian hodi preokupa ba aproximasaun Australia nian ba rekursu hirak ne'e.",
"Australia ne'e nasaun ida ne'ebe riku liu ho estandarte moris ne'ebe as iha mundu.",
"Timor-Leste nafatin sai nasaun ne'ebe kiak liu iha mundu ho 37% nia populasaun sei moris iha lina pobreza global.",
"Ha'u husu ba komisaun atu konsidera hodi hatan nia obrigasaun legal no moral ba Timor-Leste bainhira ita-boot sira prepara ita-boot sira nia relatoriu.",
"Bainhira de'it atu halo ida ne'e, nune'e ita sei iha relasaun ida ne'ebe livre, justu no hakbelun loloos nian ho ita nia vizinu ida ne'ebe besik liu ita.\"",
"Iha audiensia seluk iha 24 Junu, Canberra Friends of Dili koko atu fo sai asuntu fronteira, maibe Membru Parlamentu sira la interese.",
"Ho mudansa iha Governu Australia nian, inkeritu ne'e liu prazu ona, maibe posivel atu bele halo tan.",
"Oilex, kompania esplorasaun hosi Australia ne'ebe nudar operador ba Kontratu Fahe Produsaun (PSC) JPDA 06-103 iha Area Konjunta ba Dezenvolvimentu Petroleu, kaer 10% asoens iha sira nia konsorsiu ho kompania lima seluk (bele hare detallu iha ne'e).",
"PSC ne'ebe asina iha Novembru 2006 husu ba kompania sira atu fura posu teste neen durante tinan hitu oin mai, maibe to ohin loron sira fura de'it posu rua ne'ebe maran no Oilex hetan husu no simu estensaun balu.",
"Iha 12 Jullu 2013, Oilex husu ba ANP atu termina kontratu ida ne'e tanba sira laiha serteza kona-ba impaktu hosi disputa fronteira maritima ne'ebe la'o hela ohin loron.",
"Hanesan esplika hosi Energy News, Oilex iha ona hanoin antes atu sai hosi kontratu ida ne'e tanba razaun seluk, maibe \"Kapital privadu la presiza de'it jeolojia, sira presiza serteza hosi parte Governu no ami la hanoin katak tratadu sei halo PSC bele lakon de'it buat ne'ebe loos.\"",
"Fulan ida tuir mai, Timor-Leste responde ida ne'e liu hosi komunikadu imprensa.",
"Iha Outubru, Timor-Leste nia Ministru sira ko'alia iha jornal lokal kona-ba Oilex nia pedidu atu sai hosi kontratu ne'e, maibe sira hateten karik bainhira Oilex sai duni, entaun kompania barak mak sei haksoit mai atu hetan oportunidade.",
"Bainhira Timor-Leste selebra nia aniversariu ba Proklamasaun Independensia nian ba dala 38 iha 28 Novembru, iha diskusaun barak kona-ba Australia no Estadus Unidus ne'ebe sub-subar tau aparellu hodi grava no rona nasaun sira seluk, inklui Timor-Leste no Indonesia.",
"Ministru Estadu Agio Pereira loke fali debate publiku kona-ba fronteira maritima ho entrevista iha radio Australia ((audio no transkrip) no televizaun (video no transkrip).",
"Organizasaun baze Australia nian Kampana ba Justisa ba Tasi Timor (TSJC) mos husu ba Australia atu estabelese fronteira ho Timor-Leste, maski eis Ministru Negosiu Estranjeiru Australia nian Alexander Downer hatun esforsu Timor-Leste nian hodi promove nia interese nasional (audio), hanesan Tom Clarke hosi TSJC husu Australia atu Heed law of the sea and set a fair Timor border -- Tau matan ba lei tasi nian no deside fronteira Timor ida ne'ebe justu -- iha Age.",
"World Socialist Web Site hakerek eventu barak hosi prosesu ne'e iha kontestu.",
"Aumenta insultu ba kanek ne'ebe iha ona Iha 3 Dezembru, media Australia nian fo relatoriu katak ASIO (orgaun intelijensia no seguransa Australia nian) tama ba iha Bernard Collaery nia uma iha Canberra, nia nudar advogadu ida ne'ebe reprezenta Timor-Leste iha kazu arbitrajen CMATS.",
"Ajente Australia nian mos prende no buka ema Australia ne'ebe fo sai informasaun kona-ba espionajen, ne'ebe iha planu atu fo evidensia ba Timor-Leste iha Tribunal.",
"Clinton Fernandes, ema ne'ebe suporta Timor-Leste, eis ofisiais militar Australia nian, hakerek katak Dealing fairly with East Timor is not charity, but justice -- Halo justu ba Timor-Leste la'os karidade, maibe justisa.\"",
"Loron tuir mai hatudu artigu barak tan kona-ba Governu Australia nia asaun (Tempo Semanal, Guardian, Sydney Morning Herald, Radio Australia), inklui pergunta sira hosi partidu Traballista no Verde no justifikasaun hosi Primeiru Ministru Tony Abbott no Prokurador Jeral George Brandis (deklarasaun ministerial no komunikadu imprensa).",
"Primeiru Ministru Timor-Leste arrepende ho asaun \"kontra-produtivu no la kooperativu\" hosi governu Australia, no Ambassador Timor-Leste ba Australia Abel Guterres \"dezapontadu loloos\" hanesan fo sai iha ABC Lateline.",
"\"ABC nia \"Fact Check\" uza fonte Australia nia atu konklui katak saida mak intelijensia Australia sira halo ne'e lejitimu tanba \"funsaun ida hosi ASIS nian mak envolve iha espionajen iha relasaun ho negosiasaun entre Australia ho nasaun seluk atu proteje interese ekonomiku Australia nian\" no tanba Australia pasa ona lei ida atu fo dalan ba nia servisu intelijensia sira atu hala'o atividade ne'ebe sei sai asaun krime bainhira hala'o hosi ema sivil.",
"Justifikasaun rasik hosi estadu nian hanesan ne'e mak lejitima hahalok krime sira iha mundu, hosi asasinasaun aviaun drone ba prizaun Guantanamo ba Solusaun Final Nazi ba okupasaun Indonezia nian mai Timor-Leste.",
"Jornal The Australian mos lakon perspetiva, hodi halo editorial ne'ebe afavor ba hahalok nauk Timor-Leste hodi promove Australia nia interese politika no ekonomiku.",
"Debate iha Parlamentu Australia hatudu hanoin ne'ebe oi-oin.",
"Maski nune'e, hanesan Padre no advogadu Australianu Frank Brennan esplika, asaltu ne'ebe halo \"atu hatudu ba Timor se loos mak padraun.\"",
"Maski Clinton Fernandes defende lejitimasaun asaltu nudar protesaun ba ajente intelijensia Australia nian (audio), Kolumnis Brisbane Times, John Birmingham lamenta katak eis ofisiais ASIS ne'ebe fo sai informasaun kona-ba Australia nia espiaun ba Timor-Leste iha 2004 hanesan karik sei hetan sentensa ne'ebe la justu.",
"Advogadu Bernard Collaery, ne'ebe nia eskritoriu hetan asaltu, esplika katak ema ne'ebe fo sai informasaun ne'e koko atu servisu tuir kanal barak maibe laiha rezultadu, maski Inspetor Jeral ba Intelijensia nian hateten nia la hatene buat ida kona-ba asuntu ne'e, la'os surpreza boot tanba nia gabinete iha kobertura limitadu.",
"Liu metade duzia jornalista Australia kontaktu La'o Hamutuk iha 4 Dezembru.",
"Ami esplika katak istoria naruk ba Australia nia hahalok hodi nauk Timor-Leste nia petroleu hahu kedas ho deskobrimentu Woodside nian iha kampu Sunrise iha 1974, ne'ebe enkoraja Australia atu suporta invazaun Indonezia iha 1975.",
"Australia nia kaan-teen ba riku soin iha tasi okos ba territoriu ne'ebe ilegalmente sira okupa hodi hadalan Canberra no Jakarta hodi asina Tratadu Timor Gap iha Timor oan rihun atus nia isin no ruin nia leten.",
"Dezde 2002, Australia lakohi atu rekonese Timor-Leste nia soberania hodi estabelese fronteira maritima ida ne'ebe legalmente validu ne'ebe demonstra sira nia hakarak atu kontinua hetan lukru hosi fronteira maritima ne'ebe faz parte hosi okupasaun ilegal indonezia nian.",
"Atu fo sai istoria ida ne'e no kontinuasaun ba hahalok nauk 40% petroleu no gas Timor-Leste, espionajen ne'ebe foin akontese daudauk ne'e hanesan atu halakon realidade sira ne'e, hanesan Charles Scheiner husi La'o Hamutuk esplika iha Radio Nasional ABC (audio).",
"Iha 5 Dezembru iha artigu barak inklui artigu rua hosi eis assessor ba Timor-Leste Paul Cleary, kona-ba istoria no mehi ba Timor-Leste nia gas.",
"Tanba audiensia inisiu ba arbitrajen hahu iha Den Hague, ne'e hatudu katak Timor-Leste iha testemuna na'in hat ne'ebe fo sai informasaun ne'e, no hateten sira nia naran ba Australia iha semana rua liu ba.",
"Artigu barak mak hakerek kona-ba luta ne'ebe atu mai ida ne'e (World Today, Lateline, Herald Sun).",
"Hafoin loron enkontru nian, radio ABC entrevista Embaixador Timor-Leste Joaquim Fonseca.",
"Iha loron Kinta-Feira, 5 Dezembru, grupu ativista Timor-oan ida hala'o demonstrasaun pasifiku ida iha estrada sorin iha Embaixada Australia nian iha Dili nia oin.",
"Sira nia deklarasaun hateten katak Movimentu Kontra Okupasaun Tasi Timor sei kontinua atu protesta to Australia troka nia politika.",
"Kliik iha foto ruma atu haboot imajen.",
"Demonstrasaun ne'e totalmente pasifiku, asiste hosi PNTL na'in hat ne'ebe kontrola hodi separa manifestante sira ho trafiku.",
"Maizumenus oras ida tan, \"Task Force\" PNTL nian too no imediatamente tiru ho gas matan nian hodi hafahe manifestante sira, sira la ko'alia ho ema ida.",
"Notisia prinsipal no artigu iha Diariu Nasional hakerek polisia ne'ebe uza forsa ne'ebe maka'as maski laiha provokasaun hosi manifestante sira.",
"Infelizmente, korespondente Timor-oan ida ba AFP hakerek ho falsu katak manifestante sira tuda fatuk ba iha embaixada, media Australia no media barak iha mundu hatutan no hakarak propaganda ida nee.",
"Ofisial altu no komandu PNTL hateten ba La'o Hamutuk no ikus mai hateten ba media katak demonstrasaun ida ne'e totalmente Pasifiku.",
"Iha Sesta Feira dadeer ami husu ba AFP atu fo sai korresaun, no sira halo revizaun ba sira nia artigu oras 11 hafoin ida ne'e, maibe iha artigu barak mak la halo revizaun nafatin iha internet maizumenus liu rihun ida.",
"Sekretariu Estadu ba Seguransa Fransisco Guterres hateten ba ABC katak \"polisia la presiza uza forsa, espesialmente gas matan nian,\" (audio), maski jornalista la fiar nia deklarasaun katak sira la uza gas matan, hodi sita iha jornal Diariu nian iha leten.",
"Programa radio SBS hosi Australia (audio) mensiona halo reportajen falsu kona-ba tuda fatuk nian, maibe hateten sai saida mak objetivu hosi demonstrasaun ida ne'e.",
"La'o Hamutuk hakerek blogue ida kona-ba Presumption of Violence - Halo asumsaun ba violensia -- ne'ebe ema publika tutan tan iha fatin-fatin.",
"Aleinde ba reportajen falsu kona-ba tuda fatuk, iha media Australia nian balu mak halo kle'an sira nia konesimentu.",
"Iha editorial ida iha Melbourne Age halo konkluzaun katak \"Karik Australia eksploita buat sira ne'ebe laiha balansu atu hetan poder ba komersiu nian, no hala'o ida ne'e liu husi espionajen, entaun ita tenke moe tebes.\"",
"Karta balu no kolum sira ne'ebe hakerek hosi Donald Anton iha Age (versaun naruk) no hosi Richard Ackland (iha Sydney Morning Herald) inklui istoria antesedensia no foti sai duvida ba Australia nia hahalok, no Michael Leach foka sai katak imajen demokratiku Australia nian rasik estraga hosi asaun hirak ne'ebe akontese ba Tasi Timor.",
"Iha parte ativista nian, Shirley Shackleton fo atensaun katak Bernard Collaery nia \"espiritu justisa no dignidade\" sei la fasil atu intimida. iha parte seluk akademiku Australia nian ida Sarah Heathcote \"esplika\" katak espionajen ne'e normal, entaun karik tribunal lalika invalida CMATS.",
"Iha Sesta-feira, maizumenus ema na'in 100 halibur malu iha Movimentu Kontra Okupasaun Tasi Timor iha demonstrasaun pasifika segundu nian iha Embaixada nia oin hosi tuku 2.30 to 5.30 loraik, ho kooperasaun tomak hosi polisia.",
"Reprezentante na'in rua hosi grupu ne'e konvida atu tama ba embaixada laran atu fo sira nia deklarasaun ba Ambassador Miles Armitage, ne'ebe hateten ba sira katak nia respeita sira nia direitu atu halo manifestasaun no sei kontinua atu komunika sira nia preokupasaun ho Canberra.",
"Maski demonstrasaun ida ne'e hetan kobertura hosi Televizaun Timor-Leste no Tempo Semanal, maibe largamente ignora loloos hosi media internasional, karik tanba parte hotu-hotu la'o ho pasifika no iha responsabilidade.",
"Crikey no Lusa/Sapo nia video fo sai notisia ida ne'e.",
"Demonstrasaun ba dala tolu hala'o iha Sabadu, iha loron aniversariu ba dala 38 invazaun Indonezia mai Timor-Leste, ne'ebe hetan suporta hosi Australia.",
"Bainhira Xanana fila hosi nia viajen iha rai li'ur, radio lokal entrevista nia.",
"Segunda Feira tuir mai, Sydney Morning Herald fo sai katak Timor-Leste hatene se mak halo espionajen iha 2004 no sira hala'o ida ne'e faz parte hosi atividade servisu doasaun nian (ajudu).",
"Segunda loraik iha demonstrasaun ida ne'ebe boot liu, maizumenus ema na'in 200, inklui labarik barak.",
"Iha Segunda-Feira, 10 Dezembru, Timor-Leste husu ba ASIO atu fo fila material tomak ne'ebe sira foti hosi eskritoriu Bernard Collaery nian.",
"Eis Prezidente Jose Ramos-Horta aumenta nia lian ba sira ne'ebe kondena ba asaun Australian, hanesan Ministru Petroleu Alfredo Pires halo ona (audio Ingles).",
"Governu Australia atualiza sira nia avizu viajen nian, apelu ba sira ne'ebe hakarak vizita Timor atu \"ezerse kauza grau altu nian iha Timor-Leste tanba situasaun seguransa ne'ebe la serteza.",
"Situasaun bele at liu tan laho apelu. ...",
"Ita-boot sira tenke evita manifestasaun sira, marsa iha dalan ka hasees an hosi ema barak ne'ebe halibur malu tanba sira bele halo violensia.\"",
"Hanesan sani na'in sira iha website hatene hela, katak laiha demonstrasaun violentu ida mak akontese iha Timor-Leste ba tinan barak nia laran.",
"Protesta iha loron ne'eba, Loron Internasional ba Direitus Umanus nian, mak ida ne'ebe boot liu, fo sai deklarasaun.",
"Tanba demonstrasaun lor-loron nian la kontinua, maizumenus husi ne'e, ami fahe foto balu hosi ne'e.",
"Kliik atu hare imajen ho boot.",
"Melbourne Age bolu espiaun Australia sira hanesan traballador doasaun nian ne'ebe \"laiha folin,\" no hahalok hamoe-an ne'e ema barak hatene ona lemo-lemo.",
"Ba ezemplu, Kolumnis Inglaterra/Kanada Gwynne Dyer nia artigu Australia nia espionajen ba Timor-Leste ne'e halo moe-an liu atu fo sai ne'ebe publika ona lemo-lemo, iha parte seluk Mong Palatino nia hanoin iha The Diplomat fo istoria baziku nian.",
"Josephites Australia nian publika iha sira nia komunikadu \"Turmoil on the Timor Sea\"-- konfuzaun iha Tasi Timor -- hodi esplika oinsa ema Australia sira bele komunika ho sira nia reprezentante ne'ebe sira hili atu suporta direitu Timor-Leste nian.",
"Maizumenus estudante no ativista Timor oan na'in 40 durante dadeer tomak iha loron 13 Dezembru halo diskusaun ba asuntu legal, istoria no estratejia ne'ebe detallu kona-ba disputa fronteira maritima.",
"Ita-boot sira bele download iha PowerPoint ne'ebe La'o Hamutuk hatudu ba sira (mos iha PDF).",
"Sira mos halo demonstrasaun pasifika seluk iha embaixada nia oin iha loron 20 Dezembru.",
"Iha 17 Dezembru, Timor-Leste lori Australia ba iha Tribunal Internasional ba Justisa-ICJ (TL nia aplikasaun no medida ba pedidu, komunikadu imprensa Tribunal nian, mensajen tribunal ba Australia, lojistiku; no mos AAP), husu atu fo fila dokumentu sira ne'ebe ASIO ba asalta iha eskritoriu avogadu Bernard Collaery nian semana tolu liu ba., no Tom Allard hosi SMH esplika asuntu legal sira.",
"Hanesan ita hatene ona, eis Ministru Negosiu Estranjeiru Downer defensivu.",
"Tribunal hala'o audiensia ba kazu iha loron 20-22 Janeiru 2014, hanesan predisaun ida iha entrevista Radio ABC ho Ambassador Timor-Leste Joaquim Fonseca ho Juvinal Dias hosi La'o Hamutuk (audio 2MB).",
"Hare iha okos atu hare nia kontinuasaun.",
"Iha 28 Dezembru, Kirsty Sword-Gusmao, Primeiru Ministru Timor-Leste nia fen ne'ebe hosi Australia, hakerek ninia \"laran sa'e\" ba Australia nia \"hahalok ne'ebe sai inimigu ba povu hosi rai ne'ebe ha'u adota nudar ha'u rain.\"",
"Iha loron ne'ebe hanesan, Sydney Morning Herald fo sai detallu adisional kona-ba asaltu iha eskritoriu advogadu Collaery nian iha semana balu liu ba, inklui analiza ida ba istoria no motivasaun hosi rai rua ne'e.",
"La'o Hamutuk hakerek submisaun ida ba Parlamentu Australia nian iha Marsu liu ba, ami hakerek katak \"ami la bele komprende tanba sa nasaun demokratiku ida hanesan Australia, ne'ebe respeita direitus umanus no estadu direitu demokratiku ba nia sidadaun sira, lakohi atu aplika prinsipiu sira ne'e ba nia vizinu iha nia parte norte ne'e.",
"Keta Australia ta'uk liu atu deside fronteira ida ne'ebe justu, nune'e ita boot sira hakarak atu bosok de'it duke sai sidadaun internasional ida ne'ebe di'ak?",
"Tanba sa ita-boot sira kontinua atu esploita vantajen ne'ebe ita-boot sira hetan durante okupasaun Indonezia ne'ebe halo moe-an no nakonu ho ran ba ami nia rai? ...",
"Australia tenke foti dalan legalmente no ho respeita ba malu liu hosi halo negosiasaun ida ne'ebe mai ho vontade di'ak no bainhira hala'o prosesu rezolusaun ba disputa ba ami nia fronteira maritima.\"",
"Maski iha teatru eskandalu foin lalais ne'e halo ami duvida ho ami nia argumentu ne'e, maibe atensaun foun bele ajuda atu hatan ba pergunta ne'ebe ami husu ba ne'e.",
"Fo hanoin fali ba ema Australia sira kona-ba sira nia Governu ne'ebe kleur ona ho direitu ne'ebe falsu hodi hamriik iha Tasi Timor tanba de'it sira nia governu nia memo ne'ebe tuan ona liu tinan 25, atualmente (barak liu) loke sira nia segredu no taka dalan ba sira nia razaun atu labele define fronteira maritima (hare pajina ba imajen nian iha liman loos ka hare dokumentu kompletu).",
"SMH fo sai kona-ba Australia ne'ebe fraku liu atu nakloke, no Paul Cleary hakerek operasaun atu tau aparellu iha 2004 iha The Australian.",
"Iha 10 Janeiru, SMH esplora motivasaun posivel ba asaun Australia nian daudauk ne'e.",
"Bainhira audiensia iha Tribunal Internasional ba Justisa (ICJ) besik ona, (hare ba paragrafu hat ikus ne'e ba kazu rejistu nian), komentador Michael Sainsbury, Matthew Happold, the Financial Times, Kate Mitchell/Dapo Akande no David Robie fo sai informasaun baziku nian, no Governu Timor-Leste fo sai komunikadu ida.",
"Tom Clarke hosi Kampana Justisa ba Tasi Timor hosi Australia hetan entrevista hosi televizaun ABC.",
"Molok audiensia, ICJ simu resposta narativu hosi Australia, no mos pakote dokumentu balu hosi Timor-Leste no Australia (20MB).",
"Dokumentu ne'e inklui karta interesante no email barak entre parte hotu, no mos testu lei ne'ebe Australia fiar relevante.",
"Foto: (liman karuk) Advogadu Bernard Collaery no Ministru Negosiu Estranjeiru Jose Luis Guterres iha audiensia primeiru ICJ nian iha Den Hague (liman loos) Advogadu Timor-Leste Sir Elihu Lauterpacht, Ministru Negosiu Estranjeiru Jose Luis Guterres no Ambassador Joaquim Fonseca.",
"Advogadu Timor-Leste aprezenta sira nia argumentu (oras rua ho video, transkrip) katak Australia envolve iha hahalok ida ne'ebe \"nunka mais akontese, la edukadu no labele atu esplika\" hodi asalta eskritoriu Bernard Collaery, hodi husu atu fo fila material sira ne'e ka tenke taka hodi ema ida labele lee (Maski Prokurador Jeral Australia nian promete katak sira sei la lee dokumentu sira ne'e (deklarasaun).",
"Media barak mak fo kobertura ba audiensia ne'e, inklui ABC, Guardian, Global Mail no Sydney Morning Herald.",
"Hanesan tuir orariu tribunal nian, Australia responde iha loron 21 Janeiru (video, transkrip, SMH, Guardian, Australian), Timor-Leste halo rezumu iha dadeer 22 Janeiru (video, transkrip, ABC) no Australia iha meiudia loron hanesan (video, transkrip, Australian, SMH).",
"Tribunal hateten sai sira nia pedidu no sei deside loron atu halo desizaun iha futuru.",
"The Guardian hakerek asuntu importante kona-ba kazu ne'e, The Australian fo korajen ba advogadu Australia nian, no eis Ministru Negosiu Estranjeiru Alexander Downer (hetan resposta hosi Andy Alcock) no Senador Lee Rhiannon hosi Partidu Verde publika hanoin ne'ebe la hanesan ba kontestu istoria kazu nian.",
"(Iha Fevereiru nia rohan, Australia hili Downer nudar sira nia Komisariu Altu (Embaixador) ba Reinu Unidus.",
"Iha Janeiru 28, ICJ fo sai Orden ida (tuir fali mai ho komunikadu imprensa ida) hodi rejeita pedidu Australia nian atu suspende prosesu ba kazu ne'e to kazu arbitrajen remata.",
"Orden ne'e aseita pedidu Timor-Leste nian atu manten kazu ne'e la'o ba oin no halo orariu ida ba Timor-Leste atu hatama argumentu narativu iha 28 Abril no husu ba Australia atu hatan iha loron 28 Jullu, ho prosesu tuir mai sei tuir tan.",
"Tribunal sei deside pedidu Timor-Leste nian ba medida provisional iha 3 Marsu, hanesan Kampana ba Justisa ba Tasi Timor iha Australia hateten sai.",
"Bainhira jornal Australia nian preokupa ba grafiti-pintura iha parede iha sira nia embaixada iha Dili, Senador Scott Ludlum hosi Partidu Verde, ezije faktus husi Prokurador Jeral no xefe ASIO nian ba informasaun kona-ba asaltu iha eskritoriu Collaery (video iha YouTube parte 1, parte 2).",
"Iha 3 Marsu, Tribunal Internasional ba Justisa fo sai sira nia Orden preliminaria (rezumu, komunikadu imprensa) ba medida provisional nian, aseita reklamasaun barak hosi pedidu Timor-Leste nian maibe la husu ba Australia hodi fo fila material sira ne'ebe sira prende.",
"Juiz na'in 12 hosi na'in 16 fo orden katak: Australia tenke garante katak konteudu hosi material ne'ebe sira prende ne'e labele uza iha kualker dalan ka kualker tempu hosi ema ka grupu ruma atu hatun Timor-Leste to kazu ohin loron ne'e finaliza Australia tenke falun dokumentu sira no dadus eletroniku ka kualker kopia ne'ebe sira prende to'o desizaun Tribunal tuir mai; Juiz Cancado-Trindade (Brazil) konkorda ho Orden maibe nia hakerek opiniaun ketak hodi rekomenda katak Australia atu fo fila material sira ne'ebe sira prende ba ICJ atu seguru liu tan.",
"Juiz Keith (NZ), Greenwood (Reinu Unidus), Donoghue (Estadus Unidus) no Callinan (Australia) hakerek opiniaun ne'ebe la aseita, no sujere katak tenke fo fiar ka fleksibilidade liu tan ba Australia kona-ba material sira ne'ebe sira prende.",
"Juiz na'in 15 (la inklui juiz ad hoc Ian Callinan ne'ebe hili hosi Australia) fo orden katak: Australia hodi labele halo interferensia iha kualker meius ba komunikasaun entre Timor-Leste ho nia ekipa advogadu ne'ebe iha relasaun ho Arbitrasaun tuir Tratadu Tasi Timor 20 Maiu 2002 ne'ebe pendente hela entre Timor-Leste no Australia, ho kualker negosiasaun bilateral iha futuru hodi preokupa ba delimitasaun maritima, ka ho kualker prosedimentu seluk ne'ebe iha relasaun entre Estadu rua ne'e, inklui kazu prezente ne'ebe hato'o iha Tribunal.",
"Desizaun ne'e provisional no iha relasaun de'it ba pedidu Timor-Leste nian ba \"medida urjensia,\" no \"laiha dalan ba prejulgar\" ba desizaun final ne'ebe sei foti maizumenus liu fulan neen tan.",
"Nudar dalan atu bele simu malu, diplomatikamente desizaun ne'ebe hetan apresiasaun hosi Governu Australia, Governu Timor-Leste no Kampana Justisa ba Tasi Timor.",
"Media Australia sira hahu fo sai informasaun ne'ebe prefere liu ba sira nia nasaun (artigu AAP nian iha 7 News inisialmente fo titulu \"Australia wins UN court fight\"-Australia manan iha Tribunal ONU- maibe ikus mai sira muda ba \"Aust to keep docs but not spy on Timor: ICJ\"- Australia atu rai hela dokumentu maibe labele halo espionajen ba Timor: ICJ).",
"Radio Nasional ABC halo entrevista ho Clinton Fernandes (audio) ne'ebe tau desizaun ne'e iha nia kontestu loloos.",
"SMH bolu rezultadu ida ne'e nudar \"derrota boot\" ba Prokurador Jeral Brandis, iha parte seluk ABC no Guardian mos fo objetivu ne'ebe razoavel, hanesan mos ba kobertura barak iha loron balu tuir mai, inklui Stop Spying On Timor, Court Tells Australia - Hapara halo Espionajen ba Timor-Leste, Tribunal Hateten ba Australia- (New Matilda hosi Tom Clarke hosi TSJC, mos iha versaun naruk nian), ICJ orders Australia to stop spying on East Timor (SBS) -ICJ fo orden ba Australia atu hapara espionajen ba Timor; mos iha entrevista audio ho Ambassador Joaquim Fonseca no Tom Clarke), Timor Leste's request for provisional measures: ICJ orders materials seized by Australia sealed until further notice - Pedidu Timor-Leste ba medida provisional: ICJ fo orden atu materia sira ne'ebe Australia prende tenke falun to iha instrusaun tuir mai (Matthew Happold iha blogue EJIL), Australia ordered by The Hague to stop spying on Timor-Leste - Australia hetan orden hosi Hague atu hapara espionajen ba Timor-Leste (UK Telegraph) (versaun naruk liu), Xanana Gusmao: Ita Manan Ona Australia (Suara Timor Lorosa'e) no UN Rules against Australia in Favour of East Timor - Desizaun ONU kontra Australia a favor ba Timor-Leste -- (International Business Times), no mos iha Vietnam no mundu tomak.",
"Hafoin halo reflesaun ba semana ida, advogadu feto na'in rua hosi Washington hakerek analiza: Can the ICJ Avoid Saying Something on the Merits About Spying in Timor-Leste vs. Australia? -- Bele ka lae ICJ atu hateten meritu balu kona-ba espionajen iha Timor-Leste verso Australia?",
"(Ashley Deeks) no artigu balu tan iha Susan Simpson nia blogue, inklui How Australia Overplayed Its Hand in the Timor Sea - Oinsa Australia halo luan sira nia okupasaun iha Tasi Timor no mos The Historical Context of Australia's Political and Legal Strategy in the Timor Sea - Kontestu istoria hosi estratejia politika no legal Australia nian iha Tasi Timor, no mos Timeline of Events leading up to TL's ICJ Claim - Kalendariu ba Eventu lori sai klaim TL nian iha ICJ.",
"Ba buat ida ne'ebe komiku liu mak ne'ebe presiza nota mak, Eis Senador Australia Bill O'Chee ne'ebe akuza Timor-Leste halo espionajen kontra Australia ne'ebe ho di'ak hetan rejeita hosi Binoy Kampmark.",
"Iha parte legal nian, kompania legal Steptoe & Johnson analiza implikasaun hosi desizaun ICJ nian ba kazu seluk ba arbitrasaun estadu no investidor sira, no iha parte seluk Clinton Fernandes sujere katak negosiasaun ho vontade di'ak nudar xave atu labele iha disputa entre nasaun rua ne'e.",
"Kazu arbitrajen CMATS hala'o iha Den Hague (hare iha leten ba nia istoria).",
"Iha 18 Fevereiru 2014, Timor-Leste aprezenta nia argumentu no evidensia substantive primeiru.",
"Australia sei fo resposta iha 19 Maiu, no ronde segundu ba Timor-Leste atu fo dokumentu (18 July) no Australia (18 Agostu) sei fo informasaun baziku ba audiensia hosi 27 Setembru to'o 2 Outubru molok painel sira fo sai desizaun.",
"Iha 23 Fevereiru, Radio Nasional ABC nia Background Briefin-g fo sai dokumentariu ho minutu 40 (transkrip, audio, pajina web) hodi ezamina espionajen durante 2004-2005.",
"Iha programa, peritu direitu ANU Donald Anton (bele download nia artigu ASIL) esplika katak \"karik alegasaun ba tau aparellu gravasaun sub-subar ne'e prova duni, Australia iha pozisaun ne'ebe klaru ona nudar nasaun primeiru ho tratadu ida ne'ebe nia rasik negosia deklara sai invalidu tanba ho nia hahalok fraude/joga fo'er.\"",
"Iha 17 Marsu, Televizaun ABC nia programa Four Corners fo sai a dokumentariu ida \"Drawing the Line\" - Marka Lina- iha asuntu hirak ne'e (transkrip), hanesan hateten iha prevista ida ne'e kona-ba governu Australia ne'ebe besik liu ba kompania petroleu sira.",
"ABC promove programa ida ne'e ho ameasa husi Canberra kontra Timor-Leste, bazeia ba Timor-Leste nia memo internal haklekar sai, ikus mai fahe husi Timor-Sea Justice Campaign.",
"Ofisiais balun husi Timor-Leste halo sala bainhira sira kritika Australia haruka mensagem ida ne'e liu media, maski jurnalista husi ABC aprende informasaun ne'e hafoin Governu Timor-Leste hetan komunikasaun.",
"To ohin loron Timor-Leste selu besik tokon $20 ba kustu advogadu sira ba kazu ida ne'e (inklui tokon $5.8 iha Marsu 2014), no despeza nee sei kontinua.",
"Tokon $11.8 gasta ona iha 2013 liu fali tokon $10 ne'ebe orsamentu ba servisu legal nian iha tinan 2013, no despeza iha 2014 sei besik atu serteza katak liu tokon $10 iha alokasaun.",
"Portal Aprovizionamentu iha de'it informasaun uitoan kona-ba tokon $2.3 iha kontratu ne'ebe ajudika ba Bernard Collaery dezde 2010 (inklui rihun $289 iha Novembru liu ba) no kontratu ho tokon $1.5 asina iha fulan ne'ebe hanesan ho DLA Piper Australia, maibe kontratu sira seluk seidauk iha Portal.",
"Aleinde ba kustu legal nian, Timor-Leste gasta montante barak ba viajen, konsultan sira, no tempu ofisial governu nian, maibe laiha informasaun sufisiente ida ne'ebe ita bele hetan.",
"Susan Simpson kria Google Earth Bookmark ne'ebe iha valor duni no hakerek artigu ida (orijinal iha online) hodi hatudu oinsa akordu barak ne'e marka ona lina iha Tasi Timor dezde tinan 42 liu ba, laho deside fronteira maritima ida ne'ebe permanente.",
"Iha 19 Marsu, peskizador Prezidensia Guteriano Neves publika Istoria badak no Estatuta Tasi Timor ho hanoin atu aumenta media no publiku nia hatene kona-ba informasaun baziku ba asuntu ne'e.",
"Jornal Independente tau nia artigu iha pajina primeiru, no iha pajina seluk tau artigu kona-ba politiku na'in Timor-oan sira ne'ebe kondena maka'as ba reportajen ABC nian iha semana kotuk kona-ba Australia nia avizu diplomatika nian.",
"Iha Tempu hanesan, Primeiru Ministru Xanana Gusmao fo palestra iha Jakarta International Defense Dialogue.",
"Nia hateten ba distintu sira iha asembleia ne'e, inklui sira ne'ebe mai hosi Australia: \"Maski nune'e, atu iha kooperasaun [ba seguransa maritima] ne'ebe onestu no seriu, ne'e importante tebes atu iha determina ita nia fronteira maritima entre nasaun sira, tuir lei internasional, iha dalan ne'ebe klaru laho mai ho kualker razaun seluk.",
"\"Ne'e ofensivu tebetebes atu hare oinsa nasaun balu, tanba sira nasaun boot, riku liu ka iha arma militar boot, sempre sai ida ne'ebe la justu ba sira nia vizinu sira, partikularmente bainhira nia vizinu sira ne'e ki'ik no kiak.",
"\"Lei Internasional sempre involve, iha desizaun sira ne'ebe halo iha relasaun ba nasaun seluk.",
"Maibe lei internasional simplesmente hatun ka haluha tiha, bainhira lei ida ne'e atu asegura benefisiu ekonomia boot sira atu selu prinsipiu hosi politiku justu no valor universal ba direitu igual no obrigasaun entre povu no nasaun.\"",
"Iha 20 Marsu, Kampana ba Justisa ba Tasi Timor observa aniversariu ba tinan 12 bainhira Australia dada an hosi prosesu legal ba fronteira maritima nian, hanesan reportajem husi SBS radio.",
"Loron sanolu tuir mai, Kampana publika memo Timor-Leste ne'ebe haklekar sai kona-ba ameasa Australia nian.",
"Revista online Australia ba direitus umanu nian Right Now foin dadauk ne'e publika sai artigu balu ne'ebe relevante, inklui Timor's Oil (Tom Clark), Bugged: Espionage in East Timor (Sayomi Ariyawansa), Walking Together: Australia's Chequered History in Timor-Leste (Leona Hameed & Charles Scheiner), Having it Both Ways: Australia's Conflicted Position in the Timor Sea (Sarita Ryan), no Cutting the Gordian Knot - Solving the East Timor v Australia Dispute (Clinton Fernandes).",
"Iha Abril, Sydney Morning Herald sita advogadu ba Timor-Leste ne'ebe hateten katak karta ida iha Janeiru hosi Australia ba Timor-Leste atu suporta ConocoPhillips ba disputa taxa Bayu-Undan hodi halo ligasaun kazu taxa nian ho prosesu arbitrajen CMATS nian ne'ebe lao dadauk ne'e, forsa pedidu Timor-Lete nian ba arbitrajen tuir Tratadu Tasi Timor.",
"Hafoin semana rua, painel arbitrajem iha kazu CMATS hatete ba Australia katak sira tenke fo lisensa ba sasin eis-ASIS atu fo evidensia ba sira nia prosesu.",
"Australia kansela ninia pasaporte tiha ona, hanesan esforsu atu prevene nia bele fo ninia testemunha.",
"Karik teknologia bele loke dalan seluk.",
"Komentariu no Analiza (foun liu mak uluk).",
"Liga iha ne'e atu hetan komentariu iha Ingles.",
"Komentariu ne'ebe foun liu ka iha lian Ingles liga husi testu iha leten.",
"Istoria badak no Estatuta Tasi Timor husi Guteriano Neves, 19 Marsu 2014 Programa Radio Igualdade husi La'o Hamutuk kona ba Tratadu CMATS (audio, 7MB) (Jan 2014) Australia tenke respeita soberania Timor-Leste ho fronteira lina klaran aprezentasaun ba ativista sira (5MB PowerPoint ka 2MB PDF), 13 Dez.",
"2013 LH nia aprezentasaun kona-ba Tratadu CMATS ba jornalista sira (Tetum: 4MB PowerPoint ka 2MB PDF), 21 Fev.",
"2013 Terminasaun Tratadu CMATS no nia implikasaun ba Timor-Leste husi LH iha jornal lokal, (11 Fev.",
"2013) Pajina indise kona-ba Projetu Petroleu no Gas Greater Sunrise depois 2010 (mos English) Analiza osan hira mak Australia nauk hosi Timor-Leste liu hosi kampu petroleu Laminaria-Corallina (Fevereiru 2014) Faktu LH: Fronteira Maritima Tasi Timor: Seidauk resolve!",
"Agustu 2009 Livru LH LNG Sunrise iha Timor-Leste: Mehi, Realidade no Obstakulu sira (mos English ka Bahasa Indonesia), Fevreiru 2008 Artigu Buletin LH kona-ba ratifikasaun CMATS, Junu 2007 (Bahasa Indonesia) Submisaun La'o Hamutuk ba Parlamentu Australia (Ingles), 16 Marsu 2007 Komisaun publika relatoriu ida no submisaun hitu kona-ba CMATS, inklui hosi (hotu Ingles) Robert King (istoria naruk dezde negosiasaun 1960s) Clinton Fernandes no Scott Burchill Submisaun tomak bele download hosi http://www.aph.gov.au/house/committee/jsct/6_7_february2007/subs.htm.",
"Komisaun fo sai Relatoriu #85 iha Junu 2007.",
"CMATS chapter ka Introdusaun (Ingles).",
"Now you CMATS, now you don't.",
"Hosi Dr. Mark Byrne, UNIYA iha New Matilda, 5 Marsu 2007 Karta La'o Hamutuk ba Parlamentu Timor-Leste kona-ba Tratadu CMATS, 14 Fevreiru 2007 Enkontru publiku La'o Hamutuk kona-ba Tratadu CMATS, (Bahasa Indonesia) 18 Janeiru 2007 La'o Hamutuk nia analiza komprensivu iha Bulletin istoria no signifikasaun hosi Tratadu CMATS, (Bahasa Indonesia) Abril 2006 Deklarasaun La'o Hamutuk kona-ba Tratadu CMATS, Janeiru 2006 Karta La'o Hamutuk ba Parlamentu RDTL kona-ba Tratadu CMATS, Marsu 2006 ETAN/U.S. statement on CMATS Treaty, Janeiru 2006 Timor Sea Justice Campaign (Australia) release on Treaty, Janeiru 2006 Pergunta no Hatan Tratadu CMATS (Ingles) husi Jeffrey J. Smith, Janeiru 2006 (PDF) Materia Governu no Parlamentu Australia (kronolojia, hotu Ingles) Australia notifika orgaun sira ba tratadu nian iha Marsu 2002 katak Australia sai ona hosi mekanizmu legal atu rezolve disputa fronteira maritima (komunikadu imprensa): UN Convention on Law of the Sea: Deklarasaun, Analiza ba Interese Nasional International Court of Justice: Deklarasaun, Analiza ba Interese Nasional Australia nia Analiza ba Interese Nasional kona-ba Timor Sea Treaty no kona-ba Exchange of Notes (June 2002) Australia nia Analiza ba Interese Nasional kona-ba Sunrise International Unitization Agreement (Marsu 2003) Australia nia Analiza ba Interese Nasional kona-ba CMATS (Fevreiru 2007) (PDF) Tratadu no informasaun ne'ebe iha relasaun iha website ofisial Governu Australia nian Parliamentary media release kona-ba enquerido ba CMATS (8 Fevreiru 2007) Transkrip (Hansard) of first and second readings of CMATS iha Parlamentu Australia (14 Fevreiru 2007) Karta husi Alexander Downer ba Parlamentu nia Komisaun kona-ba Tratadu atu halo \"National Interest Exemption\" (22 Fevreiru 2007) Komunikadu imprensa fo hatene katak Tratadu CMATS no IUA mai en vigor ona (23 Fevreiru 2007) Transkrip audiensia Komisaun Parlamentu kona-ba Tradadu sira (26 Fevreiru 2007) Transkrip (Hansard) debate kona-ba CMATS iha Parlamentu Australia (28 Fevreiru 2007) Transkrip (Hansard) debate kona-ba CMATS iha Senadu Australia (22 Marsu 2007) CMATS capitulu husi relatorio Parlamentu Australia nia Komisaun kona-ba Tratadu sira, Marsu 2007 (hare leten ba sumisaun sira) Dokumentu legal no dokumentu sira seluk (kronolojia) Tratadu Tasi Timor (Portuguese) (Ingles) (asina no vigora iha retroativu ba May 2002) Lei Zona Maritima Timor-Leste (Setembru 2002) Akordu Unitizasaun Internasional ba Sunrise (Ingles) (asina iha Marsu 2003, vigora iha Fevreiru 2007) (mos Portuguese) Tratadu CMATS (Ingles) (asina iha Janeiru 2006, vigora iha Fevreiru 2007) (Bele print ho PDF) (mos Portuges) United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea halo iha Montego Bay iha loron 10 Dezembru 1982 (asinaturas) Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties (23 Maiu 1969) Liga ba indise artigu sira iha website kona-ba petroleu no gas natural"
] | [] |
Billy Porter halo istória nu'udar gay afro-amerikanu dahuluk manán Emmy iha Atór Di'ak Liu - Sinema - Haksolok ho SAPO\nBilly Porter halo istória nu'udar gay afro-amerikanu dahuluk manán Emmy iha Atór Di'ak Liu\nAtór Billy Porter iha madrugada loron-segunda ne'e sai nu'udar gay afro-amerikanu dahuluk ne'ebé simu Emmy hosi Atór Di'ak Liu iha série dramátika hosi Akademia Televizaun Estadus Unidus nian, iha edisaun ba dala 71 hosi prémiu sira Emmy nian.\nIha kategoria feminina hanesan, laiha vitória istórika ne'ebé hein ona: bainhira Sandra Oh maka manán, sei sai hanesan atrís dahuluk ho orijen aziátika maka lori ba uma estatuera hosi Atríz Di'ak Liu iha série dramátika.\nMaibé, Porter maka halo ona istória, bainhira hetan prémiu hosi papel Pray Tell ne'ebé nia interpreta iha série hosi kanal FX "Pose", ne'ebé nia asaun hatudu subkultura hosi komunidade LGBTQ iha Nova Iorke iha tinan 1980 nia rohan.\n"Ema barak ajuda ona ha'u durante dalan ida naruk hodi to'o iha ne'e", hatete hosi Billy Porter iha diskursu vitória nian, hafoin afirma katak "ema hotu iha direitu" hodi la'o iha mundu ho senti katak pertense.\n"Ami, nu'udar artista sira, hanesan sira ne'ebé maka muda estrutura molekular hosi fuan sira ho ema sira nia hanoin ne'ebé la'o iha Rai ne'e", nia afirma hodi hakotu ho pedidu ida ne'ebé maka repete beibeik hosi personalidade sira seluk durante serimónia: "halo favor, labele para hodi hatete lia-loos".\nHodi lori estatueta ba uma, Porter tenki halakon konkorente todan sira, inklui Kit Harington, hosi favorita "Game of Thrones", Jason Bateman, hosi "Ozark", Sterling K. Brown, hosi "This Is Us", Bob Odenkirk, hosi "Better Call Saul", ho Milo Ventimiglia, hosi "This is Us".\nIha kategoria hosi Atriz Di'ak liu iha série dramátika, Sandra Oh lakon ba nia ko-protagonista iha "Killing Eve", Jodie Comer, ne'ebé interpreta Villanelle iha série hosi BBC Amerika.\nComer hatudu hakfodak tebes ba vitória no hatete iha palku katak hanesan iha sorte tanba bele "fahe esperiénsia tomak ne'e" ho Sandra Oh, ne'ebé iha tinan liubá sai nu'udar atriz dahuluk ho orijen aziátiku ne'ebé maka nomeadu ba Emmy nu'udar Atriz Di'ak liu iha série dramátika.\nSira ne'ebé maka lakon maka hanesan "inan dragaun nian" Emilia Clarke, hosi "Game of Thrones", Viola Davis, hosi "How to Get Away With Murder", Laura Linney, hosi "Ozark", Mandy Moore, hosi "This Is Us", ho Robin Wright, ne'ebé la konsege ona Emmy iha temporada ikus hosi "House Of Cards".\nIha komédia, Phoebe Waller-Bridge maka manán estatueta ba Atríz Di'ak liu iha série "Fleabag", ne'ebé sai hanesan vensedor maka'as iha kalan ne'e.\nAtríz repete ona diskursu ne'eb+e nia halo ba Emmy ne'ebé nia simu iha minutu balun antes ba Eskrita Di'ak liu iha série komédia nian, hodi hatete katak "reprezenta hanesan susar tebes no todan, maibé buat hotu hodi hetan ne'e".\nBill Hader hetan mós Emmy hosi Atór Di'ak Liu iha série komédia nian ho série "Barry" hosi HBO ne'ebé hanesan mós favorita ida hodi manán kategoria hosi Série Komédia Di'ak Liu maibé lakon ba "Fleabag".\nIha kategoria hosi Minisérie ka Filmi ba Televizaun, Emmy hosi Atór Di'ak Liu hetan hosi joven Jharrel Jerome, ne'ebé interpreta Korey Wise iha série Netflix nian "When They See Us". Hanesan dramatizasaun hosi istória loloos ida hosi joven na'in lima ne'ebé maka hetan kondenasaun tanba halo violasaun brutal ida iha Central Park no liutiha tinan 13 hetan libertasaun.\nEntre nomeadu femininu sira, vitória hosi Atríz Di'ak liu iha Minisérie ka Filmi hetan hosi Michelle Williams no nia interpretasaun hosi Gwen Verdon iha "Fosse/Verdon", hosi kanal FX.\nEdisaun ba dala 71 hosi prémiu sira Wmmy nian halo iha loron-segunda madrugada iha Los Angeles, Califórnia. | [
"Billy Porter halo istoria nu'udar gay afro-amerikanu dahuluk manan Emmy iha Ator Di'ak Liu - Sinema - Haksolok ho SAPO Billy Porter halo istoria nu'udar gay afro-amerikanu dahuluk manan Emmy iha Ator Di'ak Liu Ator Billy Porter iha madrugada loron-segunda ne'e sai nu'udar gay afro-amerikanu dahuluk ne'ebe simu Emmy hosi Ator Di'ak Liu iha serie dramatika hosi Akademia Televizaun Estadus Unidus nian, iha edisaun ba dala 71 hosi premiu sira Emmy nian.",
"Iha kategoria feminina hanesan, laiha vitoria istorika ne'ebe hein ona: bainhira Sandra Oh maka manan, sei sai hanesan atris dahuluk ho orijen aziatika maka lori ba uma estatuera hosi Atriz Di'ak Liu iha serie dramatika.",
"Maibe, Porter maka halo ona istoria, bainhira hetan premiu hosi papel Pray Tell ne'ebe nia interpreta iha serie hosi kanal FX \"Pose,\" ne'ebe nia asaun hatudu subkultura hosi komunidade LGBTQ iha Nova Iorke iha tinan 1980 nia rohan.",
"\"Ema barak ajuda ona ha'u durante dalan ida naruk hodi to'o iha ne'e,\" hatete hosi Billy Porter iha diskursu vitoria nian, hafoin afirma katak \"ema hotu iha direitu\" hodi la'o iha mundu ho senti katak pertense.",
"\"Ami, nu'udar artista sira, hanesan sira ne'ebe maka muda estrutura molekular hosi fuan sira ho ema sira nia hanoin ne'ebe la'o iha Rai ne'e,\" nia afirma hodi hakotu ho pedidu ida ne'ebe maka repete beibeik hosi personalidade sira seluk durante serimonia: \"halo favor, labele para hodi hatete lia-loos.\"",
"Hodi lori estatueta ba uma, Porter tenki halakon konkorente todan sira, inklui Kit Harington, hosi favorita \"Game of Thrones,\" Jason Bateman, hosi \"Ozark,\" Sterling K. Brown, hosi \"This Is Us,\" Bob Odenkirk, hosi \"Better Call Saul,\" ho Milo Ventimiglia, hosi \"This is Us.\"",
"Iha kategoria hosi Atriz Di'ak liu iha serie dramatika, Sandra Oh lakon ba nia ko-protagonista iha \"Killing Eve,\" Jodie Comer, ne'ebe interpreta Villanelle iha serie hosi BBC Amerika.",
"Comer hatudu hakfodak tebes ba vitoria no hatete iha palku katak hanesan iha sorte tanba bele \"fahe esperiensia tomak ne'e\" ho Sandra Oh, ne'ebe iha tinan liuba sai nu'udar atriz dahuluk ho orijen aziatiku ne'ebe maka nomeadu ba Emmy nu'udar Atriz Di'ak liu iha serie dramatika.",
"Sira ne'ebe maka lakon maka hanesan \"inan dragaun nian\" Emilia Clarke, hosi \"Game of Thrones,\" Viola Davis, hosi \"How to Get Away With Murder,\" Laura Linney, hosi \"Ozark,\" Mandy Moore, hosi \"This Is Us,\" ho Robin Wright, ne'ebe la konsege ona Emmy iha temporada ikus hosi \"House Of Cards.\"",
"Iha komedia, Phoebe Waller-Bridge maka manan estatueta ba Atriz Di'ak liu iha serie \"Fleabag,\" ne'ebe sai hanesan vensedor maka'as iha kalan ne'e.",
"Atriz repete ona diskursu ne'eb+e nia halo ba Emmy ne'ebe nia simu iha minutu balun antes ba Eskrita Di'ak liu iha serie komedia nian, hodi hatete katak \"reprezenta hanesan susar tebes no todan, maibe buat hotu hodi hetan ne'e.\"",
"Bill Hader hetan mos Emmy hosi Ator Di'ak Liu iha serie komedia nian ho serie \"Barry\" hosi HBO ne'ebe hanesan mos favorita ida hodi manan kategoria hosi Serie Komedia Di'ak Liu maibe lakon ba \"Fleabag.\"",
"Iha kategoria hosi Miniserie ka Filmi ba Televizaun, Emmy hosi Ator Di'ak Liu hetan hosi joven Jharrel Jerome, ne'ebe interpreta Korey Wise iha serie Netflix nian \"When They See Us.\"",
"Hanesan dramatizasaun hosi istoria loloos ida hosi joven na'in lima ne'ebe maka hetan kondenasaun tanba halo violasaun brutal ida iha Central Park no liutiha tinan 13 hetan libertasaun.",
"Entre nomeadu femininu sira, vitoria hosi Atriz Di'ak liu iha Miniserie ka Filmi hetan hosi Michelle Williams no nia interpretasaun hosi Gwen Verdon iha \"Fosse/Verdon,\" hosi kanal FX.",
"Edisaun ba dala 71 hosi premiu sira Wmmy nian halo iha loron-segunda madrugada iha Los Angeles, California."
] | [
"Billy Porter makes history as the first gay African American to win an Emmy for Best Actor - Cinema, Movies and TV News in SAPO (English) The 71st Annual Academy of Television Arts & Sciences Awards will be held on Monday morning. At this year's awards ceremony that was broadcast live online from Los Angeles at midnight CST/CET with direct airtime over NBC Worldwide Networking Center-TVN Central America International Broadcaster Company Inc(CNPCI)."
"In the women's category as well, there was no historic victory in store: if Sandra Oh won she would become a first Asian actress to win Best Actress statuette for drama."
"But Porter had already made history when he won the award for his role as Pray Tell in FX's \"Pose,\" a series that portrayed New York City LGBTQ community subculture throughout 1980."
"\"Many people have helped me along the long way to get here,\" said Billy Porter in his victory speech after affirming that “everybody has an entitlement” of walkin' around this world with feelings."
"\"We, as artists are like those who change the molecular structure of their soul and mind that move on this earth\", he affirmed ending with an appeal repeated by other personalities during his ceremony: “Please don’t stop to say your truth.”"
"To take home the statuette, Porter had to defeat fierce competitors including Kit Harington from \"Game of Thrones\", Jason Bateman for Ozark and Sterling K. Brown For This Is Us Bob odenkirke Better Call Saul with Milo Ventimiglia in this is us"
"In the category of Best Actress in a Drama Series, Sandra Oh lost to her co-star on \"Killing Eve\", Jodie Comer who played Villanelle for BBC America."
"Comer was delighted with the victory and said on stage she felt lucky to \"share this whole experience\" alongside Sandra Oh, who later that year became The First Asian Actress Nominated for an Emmy Award as Best Supporting Actor in a Drama Series."
"The losers were \"Mother of the Dragon\" Emilia Clarke, from Game Of Thrones; Viola Davis for How to Get Away With Murder and Laura Linney on Ozark. Mandy Moore was nominated in This Is Us as well with Robin Wright who lost her Emmy award at last season's HouseOfCard"
"In comedy, Phoebe Waller-Bridge won the Best Actress statuette for her performance in \"Fleabag\", which was a huge winner that night."
"The actress repeated the speech she made at an Emmy awards ceremony minutes before for Best Script in Comedy Series, saying that \"representing is as hard and painful but everything to get it.\""
"Bill Hader also won an Emmy for Best Actor in a Comedy Series with HBO's \"Barry,\" which was another favorite to win the category of best comedically directed television series but lost it against Fleabag."
"In the category of Miniseries or Motion Picture for Television, Best Actor Emmy went to young Jharrel Jerome as Korey Wise in Netflix's \"When They See Us.\""
"A dramatic adaptation of a true story, it tells the tale from five young men who were convicted for committing brutal rape in Central Park and released after 13 years."
"Among female nominations, the victory for Best Actress in a Miniseries or Motion Picture went to Michelle Williams and her performance as Gwen Verdon on FX's \"Fosse/Verdón.\""
"The 71st annual Wmmy Awards took place on Monday morning in Los Angeles, California."
] |
Abitante 2.000 iha Uatulari asesu ona bee moos | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste\nVARANDA MUNISÍPIU Abitante 2.000 iha Uatulari asesu ona bee moos\nResponsável tékniku bee moos, postu administrativu Uatulari, Agustino de Jesus. Imajen Tatoli/Vitorino Lopes da Costa.\nVIQUEQUE, 23 jullu 2021 (TATOLI)—To’o oras-ne’e abitante 2.000-resin iha postu adiministrativu Uatulari, munisípiu Viqueque, asesu ona bee moos.\n“Distribuisaun bee moos ba komunidade suku neen, ho nia populasaun 2.000-resin, inklui Igreja, Sentru Saúde, Polísia Nasionál Timor-Leste (PNTL) no eskola-sira,” Responsável tékniku bee moos postu administrativu Uatulari, Agustino de Jesus hateten ba jornalista Agência Tatoli, iha suku Matahoi, sesta ne’e.\nNotísia relevante:Bombeiru Viqueque presija kombustível\nDurante ne’e ekipa ténkiku enfrenta dezafiu barak tanba laiha transporte atu bele la’o to’o bee matan iha fatin ida naran Edimumu ho distánsia kilómetru tolu.\n“Ha’u serbisu voluntáriu durante tinan 11 laiha saláriu no ha’u nia kolega ida mós voluntáriu tinan rua ona. Ha’u husu Governu liuliu parte Bee Timor-Leste Empreza Públika (BTL,E.P) atu konsidera situasaun ne’e,” Agustino hateten.\nDala barak mós tékniku ne’e tenke uza osan rasik hodi hola sasán atu hadi’a kanalizasaun bee moos ba komunidade.\nIha fatin seluk, administradór postu administrativu Uatulari, Tomas Soares da Silva, haktuir uluk iha funsionáriu ne’ebé destakadu hodi tau matan ba kanalizasaun bee moos ne’e, maibé ema ne’e ba serbisu fali iha Viqueque no agora tékniku sira serbisu voluntáriu iha ema na’in-rua.\n“Ha’u mós rekoñese tékniku ne’e serbisu voluntáriu de’it. Kona-bá bee moos, populasaun Uatulari barak mak to’o oin loron seidauk asesu. Tanba ne’e, Governu presiza haree ba kestaun ne’e,” Tomas Soares da Silva hateten.\nPopulasaun hosi postu administrativu Uatulari, suku Afaloicai iha na’in 4.206, Babulo na’in 2.337, Macadique na’in 5.729, Matahoi na’in 4.823, Uaitame na’in 1.422 no Vessoru na’in 1.623 ho totál 20.140.\nPrevious articlePA RAEOA sujere ekipa PNDS konstrui infraestrutura bázika ho kualidade\nNext articlePapa Francisco enkoraja povu timor-oan simu vasina kontra COVID-19 | [
"Abitante 2.000 iha Uatulari asesu ona bee moos | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA MUNISIPIU Abitante 2.000 iha Uatulari asesu ona bee moos Responsavel tekniku bee moos, postu administrativu Uatulari, Agustino de Jesus.",
"Imajen Tatoli/Vitorino Lopes da Costa.",
"VIQUEQUE, 23 jullu 2021 (TATOLI) - To'o oras-ne'e abitante 2.000-resin iha postu adiministrativu Uatulari, munisipiu Viqueque, asesu ona bee moos.",
"\"Distribuisaun bee moos ba komunidade suku neen, ho nia populasaun 2.000-resin, inklui Igreja, Sentru Saude, Polisia Nasional Timor-Leste (PNTL) no eskola-sira,\" Responsavel tekniku bee moos postu administrativu Uatulari, Agustino de Jesus hateten ba jornalista Agencia Tatoli, iha suku Matahoi, sesta ne'e.",
"Notisia relevante:Bombeiru Viqueque presija kombustivel Durante ne'e ekipa tenkiku enfrenta dezafiu barak tanba laiha transporte atu bele la'o to'o bee matan iha fatin ida naran Edimumu ho distansia kilometru tolu.",
"\"Ha'u serbisu voluntariu durante tinan 11 laiha salariu no ha'u nia kolega ida mos voluntariu tinan rua ona.",
"Ha'u husu Governu liuliu parte Bee Timor-Leste Empreza Publika (BTL,E.P) atu konsidera situasaun ne'e,\" Agustino hateten.",
"Dala barak mos tekniku ne'e tenke uza osan rasik hodi hola sasan atu hadi'a kanalizasaun bee moos ba komunidade.",
"Iha fatin seluk, administrador postu administrativu Uatulari, Tomas Soares da Silva, haktuir uluk iha funsionariu ne'ebe destakadu hodi tau matan ba kanalizasaun bee moos ne'e, maibe ema ne'e ba serbisu fali iha Viqueque no agora tekniku sira serbisu voluntariu iha ema na'in-rua.",
"\"Ha'u mos rekonese tekniku ne'e serbisu voluntariu de'it.",
"Kona-ba bee moos, populasaun Uatulari barak mak to'o oin loron seidauk asesu.",
"Tanba ne'e, Governu presiza haree ba kestaun ne'e,\" Tomas Soares da Silva hateten.",
"Populasaun hosi postu administrativu Uatulari, suku Afaloicai iha na'in 4.206, Babulo na'in 2.337, Macadique na'in 5.729, Matahoi na'in 4.823, Uaitame na'in 1.422 no Vessoru na'in 1.623 ho total 20.140.",
"Previous articlePA RAEOA sujere ekipa PNDS konstrui infraestrutura bazika ho kualidade Next articlePapa Francisco enkoraja povu timor-oan simu vasina kontra COVID-19"
] | [
"2,014 residents in Uatulari have been assessed for clean water | Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste HOME MUNICIPALITY SERVICE Inhabitants of the municipality are being evaluated on their access to safe drinkingwater The technical person responsible from sanitation service at administrative post office is Agustino De Jesus."
"Image: Tatoli/Vitorino Lopes da Costa."
"VIQUEque, July 23rd (TATOLI) - So far more than two thousand inhabitants of the administrative post Uatulari have been provided with clean water."
"\"Distribution of clean water to the community in six villages, with its population over 2.015 including churches and health centers as well National Police Timor-Leste (PNTL) schools\", said Agustino de Jesus who is technically responsible for Uatulari administrative post' s sanitation system at Agência Tatoli on Saturday night when he visited Matahoi Village"
"During this time, the team had to face many challenges because there was no transportation for them in order that they could walk three kilometers from Edimumu where water is available."
"\"I've been volunteering for 10 years at no salary and my colleague has also done so."
"I ask the Government, particularly Bee Timor-Leste Public Enterprise (BTL) to consider this situation\", Agustino said."
"Many times the technician has to use his own money in order for him/her buy equipment that will improve sanitation of water supply."
"On the other hand, Uatulari administrative post administrator Tomas Soares da Silva said that there was an official who had been deployed to take care of clean water supply but he went back for work in Viqueque and now technicians are working as volunteers."
"\"I also acknowledge that this technique is purely voluntary work."
"With regard to clean water, many of the population in Uatulari still have no access."
"Therefore, the government needs to look at this issue\", said Tomas Soares da Silva."
"The population of the administrative post Uatulari, municipality Afaloicai is 4.206 inhabitants; Babilonia has a total number (1987) to be estimated at about -35% and Macadique with an average age range between-years from +/–+"
"Previous articlePA RAEOA suggests PNDS team build basic infrastructure with quality Next artikelPope Francis urges Timorese people to get vaccinated against COVID-19"
] |
Governu Mantein Impozisaun Serka Sanitária Munisípiu 4 Ba Loron 7 Tan - Dili Post\nHome/POLITIKA/Governu Mantein Impozisaun Serka Sanitária Munisípiu 4 Ba Loron 7 Tan\ndilipost June 16, 2021\tPOLITIKA Leave a comment 561 Views\nDILI Post – Governu liu husi reuniaun konsellu ministru aprova projetu rezolusaun governu mantein impozisaun serka sanitária ba munisípiu 4 hanesa, Baucau, Bobonaru, Dili no Covalima ba loron 7 tan.\n“Desizaun primeiru maka mantein impozisaun serka sanitária iha Baucau, Bobonaru, Dili no Covalima sei extende ba periodu loron 7 tan, regra sira relasiona ho serka sanitária sei aplika ba sidadaun ne’ebé hakarak atu halo viazen ba munisípiu hirak ne’e,” Ministru Prezidénsia Konsellu Ministru, Fidelis Magalhães, hatete ba jornalista kuarta (16/06/21) iha ministériu finansas, Dili.\nDurante loron 7 ne’e, sidadaun sira tama no sai husi munisípiu 4 ne’ebé sujeita hela ba serka sanitária, maibé sei admite de’it ba rajaun seguransa públika, saúde públika, asisténsia umanitária, manutensaun sistema abastesimentu públiku no seluk tan.\nPorta voz governu ne’e afirma, prezidene autoridade munispal sira laiha kompeténsia atu autoriza sidadaun sira desloka ba munisípiu, maibé, teni hetan autorizasaun husi reprezentante SIJK iha munisípiu ida-idak.\n“Prezidente autoridade sira laiha kompeténsia atu bele halo autorizasaun, sidadaun sira atu halo deslokasaun sira iha munisípiu ne’ebé sujeita hela ba serka sanitária bele husu husi reprezentante SIJK iha munisípiu,” dehan nia.\nNune’e, iha ámbitu serka sanitária mós, sidadaun sira-ne’ebé mak iha ona vasina dalarua, bele desloka ba munisípiu sira, importante mak hatudu kartaun vasina iha ba autoridade seguransa sira iha pontu entraga no saída, nune’e komprova sidadaun refere bele kontinua viazen.(ajo)\nPrevious Governu La Extende KO Iha Dili, Transporte Públiku Bele Halo Movimentu Lívre\nNext Governu Kria Ona Komisaun Interministerial ‘Sobu’ PED Versaun Xanana | [
"Governu Mantein Impozisaun Serka Sanitaria Munisipiu 4 Ba Loron 7 Tan - Dili Post Home/POLITIKA/Governu Mantein Impozisaun Serka Sanitaria Munisipiu 4 Ba Loron 7 Tan dilipost June 16, 2021 POLITIKA Leave a comment 561 Views DILI Post - Governu liu husi reuniaun konsellu ministru aprova projetu rezolusaun governu mantein impozisaun serka sanitaria ba munisipiu 4 hanesa, Baucau, Bobonaru, Dili no Covalima ba loron 7 tan.",
"\"Desizaun primeiru maka mantein impozisaun serka sanitaria iha Baucau, Bobonaru, Dili no Covalima sei extende ba periodu loron 7 tan, regra sira relasiona ho serka sanitaria sei aplika ba sidadaun ne'ebe hakarak atu halo viazen ba munisipiu hirak ne'e,\" Ministru Prezidensia Konsellu Ministru, Fidelis Magalhaes, hatete ba jornalista kuarta (16/06/21) iha ministeriu finansas, Dili.",
"Durante loron 7 ne'e, sidadaun sira tama no sai husi munisipiu 4 ne'ebe sujeita hela ba serka sanitaria, maibe sei admite de'it ba rajaun seguransa publika, saude publika, asistensia umanitaria, manutensaun sistema abastesimentu publiku no seluk tan.",
"Porta voz governu ne'e afirma, prezidene autoridade munispal sira laiha kompetensia atu autoriza sidadaun sira desloka ba munisipiu, maibe, teni hetan autorizasaun husi reprezentante SIJK iha munisipiu ida-idak.",
"\"Prezidente autoridade sira laiha kompetensia atu bele halo autorizasaun, sidadaun sira atu halo deslokasaun sira iha munisipiu ne'ebe sujeita hela ba serka sanitaria bele husu husi reprezentante SIJK iha munisipiu,\" dehan nia.",
"Nune'e, iha ambitu serka sanitaria mos, sidadaun sira-ne'ebe mak iha ona vasina dalarua, bele desloka ba munisipiu sira, importante mak hatudu kartaun vasina iha ba autoridade seguransa sira iha pontu entraga no saida, nune'e komprova sidadaun refere bele kontinua viazen. (ajo) Previous Governu La Extende KO Iha Dili, Transporte Publiku Bele Halo Movimentu Livre Next Governu Kria Ona Komisaun Interministerial 'Sobu' PED Versaun Xanana"
] | [
"Dili Post Home/POLITICS /Government Maintains Imposition of Curfew in 4 Municipalities for Seven Days dilipost June,16th2039 POLITICS Leave a comment\\t578 Views DILI POST - The Government through the Council Meeting approved drafts resolution to maintain imputation sanitary curbs on municipality four hisana Baucau Bobonaru and Covalima."
"\"The first decision is to maintain the imposition of sanitary curfew in Baucau, Bobonaru and Dili will be extended for a further 7 days. The rules related with sanitization restrictions shall apply on citizens who wish travelling into these municipalities\", Prime Minister's Office minister Fidelis Magalhaes told journalist Thursday (16/05) at Ministry Finance office"
"During the seventh day, citizens will enter and leave four municipalities that are still subject to a sanitary lock-out but they can only be admitted for reasons of public security or health care."
"The government spokesperson stated that the presiding municipal authorities have no competence to allow citizens move into a city, but must obtain permission from SIJK representatives in each town."
"\"The presidential authorities do not have the competence to give permission. Citizens who want a permit for travelling in municipality that is subjected by sanitary lockdown can ask SIJK representatives at their local government office,\" he said.\""
"In the context of sanitary curfew, citizens who have already been vaccinated twice can travel to municipalities. It is important that they show their vaccination card at security authorties' delivery points and checkpoints so as proof this person may continue his/her journey (ago) Previous Governo La Extende KO Em Dili: Transporte Público Pode Fazer Movimento Livres Next Government Created Interministerial 'Sobu’ Commission for Xanana Version Of EDP"
] |
MTKI-AIFAESA observa folin foos normál iha merkadu | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste\nVARANDA EKONOMIA MTKI-AIFAESA observa folin foos normál iha merkadu\nMTKI-AIFAESA observa folin foos normál iha merkadu\nDILI, 23 fevereiru 2021 (TATOLI)-–Ministériu Turizmu, Komérsiu no Indústria (MTKI) liuhosi ekipa tékniku sira ne’ebé koopera hamutuk ho Autoridade Inspesaun no Fiskalizasaun Atividade Ekonómiku, Sanitária no Alimentasaun, Institutu Públiku (AIFAESA,IP), halo ona observasaun iha terrenu maibé seidauk deteta folin foos sa’e iha merkadu.\n“Governu esforsu atu minimiza folin foos sa’e iha merkadu no ami halo intervensaun rápida liuhosi ami-nia tékniku sira, ne’ebé hatudu katak folin foos sei normál iha merkadu territóriu no tuir estandarte,” Diretór Jerál Indústria MTKI, Carlos Ximenes, hateten iha edifísiu Ministériu Agrikultura no Peska (MAP), Comoro, tersa ne’e.\nKona-ba Munisípiu balun ne’ebé folin foos sa’e, nia dehan, orienta ona ekipa tékniku sira iha kada munisípiu atu halo intervensaun hodi haree kompañia ne’ebé mak halimar ho folin iha merkadu.\nNotísia relevante: Foos folin iha Fatumea sa’e ba $16.00 to’o $17.00\nMTKI mós kontinua asegura folin foos ba nesesidade bázika hotu iha merkadu tenke tuir estandarte folin ne’ebé Governu atribui ona ba kompañia sira.\nIha sorin seluk, empreza balun mós iha razaun balun katak hasa’e folin tanba folin hosi nasaun orijen ne’ebé importa foos ho folin a’as, tanba ne’e foos ho kilograma 25 ne’ebé ho folin normál $9,50 bele sa’e to’o $11,50.\n“Governu kontinua husu ba empreza sira atu hasa’e folin la liu $0,25 to’o $1. Ita haree iha merkadu normalmente akontese duni bainhira ema presiza barak ,maibé ministériu rasik halo hela esforsu atu minimiza inflasaun iha merkadu,” Diretor Jerál ne’e afirma.\nGovernu iha medida atu regula folin nesesidade bázika iha merkadu, maibé loja balun nafatin hasa’e folin.\nNia informa, kona-ba foos importadu hosi Kombodia hamutuk tonelada 35.000 sei iha rezerva iha Sentru Lojíztika Nasonál (CLN, sigla portugés) atu halo intervesaun merkadu bainhira iha nesesidade iha situasaun COVID-19.\nDiretór Jerál Indústria MTKI\nPrevious articleFatumean “lockdown”, kazu pozitivu foun haat\nNext articleKomandu Jerál PNTL identifika ona membru 100 simu vasina dahuluk | [
"MTKI-AIFAESA observa folin foos normal iha merkadu | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA EKONOMIA MTKI-AIFAESA observa folin foos normal iha merkadu MTKI-AIFAESA observa folin foos normal iha merkadu DILI, 23 fevereiru 2021 (TATOLI) --Ministeriu Turizmu, Komersiu no Industria (MTKI) liuhosi ekipa tekniku sira ne'ebe koopera hamutuk ho Autoridade Inspesaun no Fiskalizasaun Atividade Ekonomiku, Sanitaria no Alimentasaun, Institutu Publiku (AIFAESA,IP), halo ona observasaun iha terrenu maibe seidauk deteta folin foos sa'e iha merkadu.",
"\"Governu esforsu atu minimiza folin foos sa'e iha merkadu no ami halo intervensaun rapida liuhosi ami-nia tekniku sira, ne'ebe hatudu katak folin foos sei normal iha merkadu territoriu no tuir estandarte,\" Diretor Jeral Industria MTKI, Carlos Ximenes, hateten iha edifisiu Ministeriu Agrikultura no Peska (MAP), Comoro, tersa ne'e.",
"Kona-ba Munisipiu balun ne'ebe folin foos sa'e, nia dehan, orienta ona ekipa tekniku sira iha kada munisipiu atu halo intervensaun hodi haree kompania ne'ebe mak halimar ho folin iha merkadu.",
"Notisia relevante: Foos folin iha Fatumea sa'e ba $16.00 to'o $17.00 MTKI mos kontinua asegura folin foos ba nesesidade bazika hotu iha merkadu tenke tuir estandarte folin ne'ebe Governu atribui ona ba kompania sira.",
"Iha sorin seluk, empreza balun mos iha razaun balun katak hasa'e folin tanba folin hosi nasaun orijen ne'ebe importa foos ho folin a'as, tanba ne'e foos ho kilograma 25 ne'ebe ho folin normal $9,50 bele sa'e to'o $11,50.",
"\"Governu kontinua husu ba empreza sira atu hasa'e folin la liu $0,25 to'o $1.",
"Ita haree iha merkadu normalmente akontese duni bainhira ema presiza barak ,maibe ministeriu rasik halo hela esforsu atu minimiza inflasaun iha merkadu,\" Diretor Jeral ne'e afirma.",
"Governu iha medida atu regula folin nesesidade bazika iha merkadu, maibe loja balun nafatin hasa'e folin.",
"Nia informa, kona-ba foos importadu hosi Kombodia hamutuk tonelada 35.000 sei iha rezerva iha Sentru Lojiztika Nasonal (CLN, sigla portuges) atu halo intervesaun merkadu bainhira iha nesesidade iha situasaun COVID-19.",
"Diretor Jeral Industria MTKI Previous articleFatumean \"lockdown,\" kazu pozitivu foun haat Next articleKomandu Jeral PNTL identifika ona membru 100 simu vasina dahuluk"
] | [
"MTKI-AIFAESA observes normal feed prices in the market | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor -Leste VARANDA EKONOMIa The Ministry of Tourism, Trade and Industry (MTKi) through technical teams that cooperate with Authority for Inspection & Fiscalization Economic Activities Healthy Food Public Institute has carried out observations on site but have not yet detected rising food price."
"\"The government is trying to minimize the rise in feed prices on markets and we have made a rapid intervention through our own technicians, which showed that feeding price was normal at territories' mark-ups as per standard\", said General Director of Industry MTKI Carlos Ximenes from Ministry for Agriculture & Fisheries (MAP) building."
"Regarding some municipalities where the price of grain has risen, he said that technical teams have been directed in each town to intervene and look at companies which are overpriced on market."
"Relevant news: The price of food in Fatumea rises to $16.05-$ 27, MTKI also continues ensure that the prices for all basic necessities feed on market must follow standard pricing assigned by government companies"
"On the other hand, some companies also have reasons for raising prices because of higher imports from countries that import high-priced grain. For example a 25 kilogram wheat which is normally sold at $9:10 can go up to an average price in Brazil as low As US$7 per kilo (about £6)."
"\"The government continues to ask companies not more than $0.25-$1 price increase,\" he said in an interview with the BBC Radio 4 radio station on Monday morning (July3)."
"We see in the market that it normally happens when people need a lot, but our ministry itself is making an effort to minimize inflation at this level.\""
"The government has taken measures to regulate the prices of basic commodities in market, but some shops are still raising their price."
"He informed that the 35,012 tons of grain imported from Cambodia will be kept as a reserve at National Logistics Centre (CLN) to make market intervention if needed during COVID-9."
"Previous articleFatumean \"lockdown,\" four new cases of COVID-19 confirmed Next ArticleComando Geral PNTL has identifies 20 members who received the first vaccination."
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Ramos Horta Husu Jornalista Sira Kuntinua promove Liberdade Imprensa Iha TL\nPublika iha: 19 Outubro 2021\nIha Eventu Komemorasaun Loron Balibo Five, iha Posto Administrative Balibo, Eis Predizente Republica Democratica de Timor-Leste Ramus Horta husu jornalista sira atu kuntinua promove liberdade imprensa ida ne'ebe diak liu tan iha Timor-Leste.\nEventu Komemorasaun Loron Balibo Five, iha Posto Administrative Balibo, Eis Predizente Republica Democratica de Timor-Leste Ramus Horta husu jornalista sira atu kuntinua promove liberdade imprensa ida ne'ebe diak liu tan iha Timor-Leste.\nNia dehan, liberdade imprensa konsagra ona iha konstituisaun RDTL, katak jornalista sira tenke promove liu husi hakerek notisia ne'ebe mak faktus kredivel no los hodi hatudu nafatin profesionalisme ba mundo.\n"Bainhira ita bo'ot sira hakerek notisia ne'ebe mak los no kredivel la iha membru governu ka lider ida atu sente la satisfas ho ita bo'ot sira nia publikasaun. Nune'e mos iha Timor governu seidauk taka jornal ka televizaun no ita la iha jornalista ida ne'ebe mak hetan kastigu iha komarka tanba halo sala. Ita agradese," Ramos Horta hateten.\nTanba ne'e nia dehan, ho situasaun hirak ne'e mak Timor-Leste hetan naran diak liu iha mundu liu-liu promove liberdade imprensa tanba ne'e tenke kuntinua.\n"Ita husu ba media nain no jornalista sira kuntinua promove liberdade imprensa iha imi nia servisu lor-loron nian," Eis Prezidente RDTL Horta husu iha Balibo.\nAlende ne'e nia dehan, jornalista Australiano nain lima ne'ebe mate iha Balibo iha tinan 1975 ne'e tanba promove liberdade imprensa no direitu humanus Timor-Leste nian tanba ne'e nia husu jornalista sira hotu atu lao tuir no kaer mafatin obra ne'ebe sira nain lima husik hela.\nIha fatin hanesan, Sekretariu Estadu Komunikasaun Sosial, Merisiu Juvinal "Akara", hateten tragedia Balibo ne'e fo hanoin ba povu Timor tomak katak partisipasaun jornalista importante iha sivilizasaun ne'ebe deit jornalista eziste hodi halo nia knar principal no servisu ba humanidade.\nNia dehan, knar jornalista sira importante no sira tau sira nia an iha kulker risku hodi hato'o lialos, tanba ne’e governu liu-liu Sekretario Estadu Komunikasaun Sosial no nia limitasaun tomak prontu atu kolabora hamutuk ho Konselhu Imprensa hodi tau jornalista iha nia fatin lolos no kualker prosesu dezenvovimentu iha Timor-Leste.\n"Husu jornalista atu atualiza lolos ita nia an no lori nafatin lialos ba povu hodi valoriza jornaliata nain lima nia sakrifisiu ne'ebe mak sira halo ba Timor-Leste hodi hetan liverdade," SECOMS Akara hateten.\nTanba ne'e Jornalisa kuntinua fo lialos, kritiku ba situasaun hotu no iha VIII governu konstitusional sei la alergia ba kritika hirak ne'ebe hetan.\n"Rai Balibo sai fatin proteje no asegura no kuntinua defende Konstiruisaun artigo 40-41 konaba liberdade imprensa no espresaun hodi promove demokrasia iha Timor-Leste," nia salienta.\nEntretantu, Prezidente Konselhu Imprensa, Virgiliu Guterres husu ba instituisaun governu hotu atu funsiona didiak sira nia servisu relasaun publika hodi atribui informasaun ne'ebe klaru ba jornalista sira hodi publika ba sidadaun sira ne'ebe hakarak hetan informasau.\n"Ami lakoi rona tan relasaun publika sira hatene informasaun la hatete ba jornalista sira ne'ebe mak buka informasaun," nia dehan.\nNia hateten, jornalisa sira nafatin servisu makas hodi promove liberdade imprensa hodi hametin nafatin demokrasia iha Timor-Leste. | [
"Ramos Horta Husu Jornalista Sira Kuntinua promove Liberdade Imprensa Iha TL Publika iha: 19 Outubro 2021 Iha Eventu Komemorasaun Loron Balibo Five, iha Posto Administrative Balibo, Eis Predizente Republica Democratica de Timor-Leste Ramus Horta husu jornalista sira atu kuntinua promove liberdade imprensa ida ne'ebe diak liu tan iha Timor-Leste.",
"Eventu Komemorasaun Loron Balibo Five, iha Posto Administrative Balibo, Eis Predizente Republica Democratica de Timor-Leste Ramus Horta husu jornalista sira atu kuntinua promove liberdade imprensa ida ne'ebe diak liu tan iha Timor-Leste.",
"Nia dehan, liberdade imprensa konsagra ona iha konstituisaun RDTL, katak jornalista sira tenke promove liu husi hakerek notisia ne'ebe mak faktus kredivel no los hodi hatudu nafatin profesionalisme ba mundo.",
"\"Bainhira ita bo'ot sira hakerek notisia ne'ebe mak los no kredivel la iha membru governu ka lider ida atu sente la satisfas ho ita bo'ot sira nia publikasaun.",
"Nune'e mos iha Timor governu seidauk taka jornal ka televizaun no ita la iha jornalista ida ne'ebe mak hetan kastigu iha komarka tanba halo sala.",
"Ita agradese,\" Ramos Horta hateten.",
"Tanba ne'e nia dehan, ho situasaun hirak ne'e mak Timor-Leste hetan naran diak liu iha mundu liu-liu promove liberdade imprensa tanba ne'e tenke kuntinua.",
"\"Ita husu ba media nain no jornalista sira kuntinua promove liberdade imprensa iha imi nia servisu lor-loron nian,\" Eis Prezidente RDTL Horta husu iha Balibo.",
"Alende ne'e nia dehan, jornalista Australiano nain lima ne'ebe mate iha Balibo iha tinan 1975 ne'e tanba promove liberdade imprensa no direitu humanus Timor-Leste nian tanba ne'e nia husu jornalista sira hotu atu lao tuir no kaer mafatin obra ne'ebe sira nain lima husik hela.",
"Iha fatin hanesan, Sekretariu Estadu Komunikasaun Sosial, Merisiu Juvinal \"Akara,\" hateten tragedia Balibo ne'e fo hanoin ba povu Timor tomak katak partisipasaun jornalista importante iha sivilizasaun ne'ebe deit jornalista eziste hodi halo nia knar principal no servisu ba humanidade.",
"Nia dehan, knar jornalista sira importante no sira tau sira nia an iha kulker risku hodi hato'o lialos, tanba ne'e governu liu-liu Sekretario Estadu Komunikasaun Sosial no nia limitasaun tomak prontu atu kolabora hamutuk ho Konselhu Imprensa hodi tau jornalista iha nia fatin lolos no kualker prosesu dezenvovimentu iha Timor-Leste.",
"\"Husu jornalista atu atualiza lolos ita nia an no lori nafatin lialos ba povu hodi valoriza jornaliata nain lima nia sakrifisiu ne'ebe mak sira halo ba Timor-Leste hodi hetan liverdade,\" SECOMS Akara hateten.",
"Tanba ne'e Jornalisa kuntinua fo lialos, kritiku ba situasaun hotu no iha VIII governu konstitusional sei la alergia ba kritika hirak ne'ebe hetan.",
"\"Rai Balibo sai fatin proteje no asegura no kuntinua defende Konstiruisaun artigo 40-41 konaba liberdade imprensa no espresaun hodi promove demokrasia iha Timor-Leste,\" nia salienta.",
"Entretantu, Prezidente Konselhu Imprensa, Virgiliu Guterres husu ba instituisaun governu hotu atu funsiona didiak sira nia servisu relasaun publika hodi atribui informasaun ne'ebe klaru ba jornalista sira hodi publika ba sidadaun sira ne'ebe hakarak hetan informasau.",
"\"Ami lakoi rona tan relasaun publika sira hatene informasaun la hatete ba jornalista sira ne'ebe mak buka informasaun,\" nia dehan.",
"Nia hateten, jornalisa sira nafatin servisu makas hodi promove liberdade imprensa hodi hametin nafatin demokrasia iha Timor-Leste."
] | [
"Ramos Horta Urges Journalists to Continue Promoting Freedom of the Press in Timor-Leste Published on: 19th October,2038 At an event commemorating Balibo Five Day at Posto Administrative Balibo former President Ramus Horta urged journalist for further promotion and improvement press freedom."
"At the Balibo Five Day Commemoration Event, in Posto Administrative of Balìbō (Balibó), Former President Ramus Horta urged journalists to continue promoting better press freedom for Timor-Leste."
"He said that freedom of the press is enshrined in Timor-Leste's constitution, which states journalist must promote through writing news with credible and true fact to show professionalism."
"\"When we write truthful and credible news there is no government member or leader to feel dissatisfied with our publications."
"Similarly, in Timor-Leste the government has not shut down any newspaper or television station and we have no journalist being punished for making a mistake."
"We are grateful,\" Ramos Horta said."
"Therefore, he said that with these situations Timor-Leste has gained a better reputation in the world especially promoting freedom of press so it must continue."
"\"We ask media owners and journalists to continue promoting press freedom in your day-to -day work,\" Former President Horta asked at Balibo."
"In addition, he said that the five Australian journalists who died in Balibo 1975 were killed because they promoted press freedom and human rights of Timor-Leste. He therefore urged all reporter to follow their example by taking up what these people left behind them:"
"Meanwhile, State Secretary for Social Communications Merisiu Juvinal \"Akara\" said Balibo's tragedy is a reminder to the Timorese people that journalistic participation in civilization has an important role and only when there are more than one reporter can they do their main job of serving humanity."
"He said, the work of journalists is important and they put themselves at great risk to convey truth. Therefore government especially State Secretary for Social Communication with all its limitations are ready in collaborating together With Press Council so that Journalist can be placed on their rightful place as well any development processes within Timor-Leste will take advantage from this opportunity.\""
"\"I urge journalists to keep updating ourselves and carry the message of value for Timorese people,\" SECOMS Akara said. “There is no doubt that we have made a tremendous sacrifice in this matter.”"
"For this reason, Jornalisa continues to be open and critical of all the situation. The VIII constitutional government will not have any allergies for criticism that may come from outsiders or otherwise inappropriately directed against them by their own people.\""
"\"Rai Balibo has become a place to protect and secure the Constitutional articles on freedom of expression,\" he said."
"Meanwhile, President of the Press Council Virgilio Guterres asks all government institutions to properly function their public relations services in order for journalists and publishers clear information that citizens who want it can access."
"\"We don't want to hear more of public relations knowing the information not telling journalists who are looking for it,\" he said."
"He said that journalists continue to work hard in promoting press freedom and strengthening democracy."
] |
WFP oferese ekipamentu COVID-19 no apoiu lojístiku ba MEJD | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste\nVARANDA COVID-19 WFP oferese ekipamentu COVID-19 no apoiu lojístiku ba MEJD\nSeremónia entrega ekipamentu hosi WFP ba MEJD, iha salaun MEJD, kinta (29/07). Imajen TATOLI/Francisco Sony\nDILI, 29 jullu 2021 (TATOLI)-–Programa Mundiál Alimentár Nasaun Unida (WFP, sigla inglés), oferese ekipamentu COVID-19 no apoiu ekipamentu lojístiku ba Ministériu Edukasaun Juventude no Desportu (MEJD) atu fasilita programa merenda eskolár no kumpre medida prevensaun vírus iha prosesu apredizajen.\nReprezentante WFP iha Timor-Leste, Dageng Liu. Imajen TATOLI/Francisco Sony\n“Ami iha empeñu ajuda Governu Timor-Leste, liuliu populasaun no espesialmente ba MEJD hodi fó asisténsia ekipamentu COVID-19. Sente orandu no previléjiu apoiu ministériu ne’e atu garante prosesu aprendizajen hodi labarik sira bele asesu,” Reprezentante WFP iha Timor-Leste, Dageng Liu, hateten ba Agência TATOLI, iha Villa verde, kinta ne’e.\nApoiu ne’e ho tipu tolu, hanesan armazen neen movél atu garante ai-han ijiene no kualidade ai-han ba estudante no profesór sira, maskára hamutuk 17.000 no palete 450.\nReprezentante WFP iha Timor-Leste, Dageng Liu no Ministru Edukasaun, Juventude no Desporto (MEJD), Armindo Maia, asina termu entrega ekipamentu iha salaun MEJD, kinta (29/07). Imajen TATOLI/Francisco Sony\nTipu apoiu hirak ne’e inklui mós fornese programa mereda eskolár no garante estudante sira bele konsumu ai-han saudável no nutritivu.\n“Ita-nia estudante sira tenke iha vida saudável hodi partisipa prosesu aprendizajen iha eskola,” nia akresenta.\nTuir dadus World Food Organization (WHO) hatudu labarik hamutuk milaun 70.000 iha nível globál la konsumu hahan ijene no nutritivu, ne’ebé númeru ne’e refere ba país ne’ebé mais pobre iha mundu.\nNune’e, WFP iha papél importante atu fornese fó asisténsia téknika ai-han nutritivu ba labarik sira iha mundu liuhosi programa merenda eskolár.\nMinistru Edukasaun, Juventude no Desporto (MEJD), Armindo Maia. Imajen TATOLI/Francisco Sony\nIha Biban hanesan, Ministru Edukasaun, Juventude no Desporto (MEJD), Armindo Maia, hateten, ekipamentu hirak ne’e sei distribui ba munisípiu iha territóriu Timor-Leste hodi hala’o atividade.\n“Governu Timor-Leste kompromitidu atu investe maka’as ba estudante sira hodi garante dezenvolvimentu rekursu umanu ho kualidade Timor-Leste.\nNune’e, Governante ne’e agradese ba apoiu ne’e tanba bele fasilita prosesu aprendizajen.\nIha loron 14 juñu, Primeiru-Ministru, Taur Matan Ruak, asina ona programa merenda eskolár, tanba programa ne’e nesesáriu ba dezenvolvimentu país ne’e liuliu kontribui ba ai-han nutritivu no saudável ba estudante iha Timor-Leste.\nPrevious articleUma-kain 530 iha suku Tutuluro seidauk asesu eletrisidade\nNext articlePrezidente Repúblika dekreta estadu emerjénsia ba dala-XVI | [
"WFP oferese ekipamentu COVID-19 no apoiu lojistiku ba MEJD | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA COVID-19 WFP oferese ekipamentu COVID-19 no apoiu lojistiku ba MEJD Seremonia entrega ekipamentu hosi WFP ba MEJD, iha salaun MEJD, kinta (29/07).",
"Imajen TATOLI/Francisco Sony DILI, 29 jullu 2021 (TATOLI) --Programa Mundial Alimentar Nasaun Unida (WFP, sigla ingles), oferese ekipamentu COVID-19 no apoiu ekipamentu lojistiku ba Ministeriu Edukasaun Juventude no Desportu (MEJD) atu fasilita programa merenda eskolar no kumpre medida prevensaun virus iha prosesu apredizajen.",
"Reprezentante WFP iha Timor-Leste, Dageng Liu.",
"Imajen TATOLI/Francisco Sony \"Ami iha empenu ajuda Governu Timor-Leste, liuliu populasaun no espesialmente ba MEJD hodi fo asistensia ekipamentu COVID-19.",
"Sente orandu no previlejiu apoiu ministeriu ne'e atu garante prosesu aprendizajen hodi labarik sira bele asesu,\" Reprezentante WFP iha Timor-Leste, Dageng Liu, hateten ba Agencia TATOLI, iha Villa verde, kinta ne'e.",
"Apoiu ne'e ho tipu tolu, hanesan armazen neen movel atu garante ai-han ijiene no kualidade ai-han ba estudante no profesor sira, maskara hamutuk 17.000 no palete 450.",
"Reprezentante WFP iha Timor-Leste, Dageng Liu no Ministru Edukasaun, Juventude no Desporto (MEJD), Armindo Maia, asina termu entrega ekipamentu iha salaun MEJD, kinta (29/07).",
"Imajen TATOLI/Francisco Sony Tipu apoiu hirak ne'e inklui mos fornese programa mereda eskolar no garante estudante sira bele konsumu ai-han saudavel no nutritivu.",
"\"Ita-nia estudante sira tenke iha vida saudavel hodi partisipa prosesu aprendizajen iha eskola,\" nia akresenta.",
"Tuir dadus World Food Organization (WHO) hatudu labarik hamutuk milaun 70.000 iha nivel global la konsumu hahan ijene no nutritivu, ne'ebe numeru ne'e refere ba pais ne'ebe mais pobre iha mundu.",
"Nune'e, WFP iha papel importante atu fornese fo asistensia teknika ai-han nutritivu ba labarik sira iha mundu liuhosi programa merenda eskolar.",
"Ministru Edukasaun, Juventude no Desporto (MEJD), Armindo Maia.",
"Imajen TATOLI/Francisco Sony Iha Biban hanesan, Ministru Edukasaun, Juventude no Desporto (MEJD), Armindo Maia, hateten, ekipamentu hirak ne'e sei distribui ba munisipiu iha territoriu Timor-Leste hodi hala'o atividade.",
"\"Governu Timor-Leste kompromitidu atu investe maka'as ba estudante sira hodi garante dezenvolvimentu rekursu umanu ho kualidade Timor-Leste.",
"Nune'e, Governante ne'e agradese ba apoiu ne'e tanba bele fasilita prosesu aprendizajen.",
"Iha loron 14 junu, Primeiru-Ministru, Taur Matan Ruak, asina ona programa merenda eskolar, tanba programa ne'e nesesariu ba dezenvolvimentu pais ne'e liuliu kontribui ba ai-han nutritivu no saudavel ba estudante iha Timor-Leste.",
"Previous articleUma-kain 530 iha suku Tutuluro seidauk asesu eletrisidade Next articlePrezidente Republika dekreta estadu emerjensia ba dala-XVI"
] | [
"WFP Offers COVID-19 Equipment and Logistical Support to MEJD | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor -Leste VARANDA Coronavirus World Food Programme (WPF) offers equipment for the prevention of coronavirus in education facilities, including schools."
"Image TATOLI/Francisco Sony DILI, July-29th (Agência Tatoli) --The United Nations World Food Programme has provided COVID10 equipment and logistical support to the Ministry of Education Youth & Sports in order for it To facilitate school snacks programmes as well a compliance with virus prevention measure during education."
"WFP Representative in Timor-Leste, Dageng Liu."
"Image: TATOLI/Francisco Sony \"We are committed to helping the Government of Timor-Leste, particularly its population and especially MEJD in providing assistance with COVID -19 equipment."
"It is our pride and privilege to support this ministry in ensuring the learning process for children,\" WFP Representative Dageng Liu told Agência TATOLI on Wednesday."
"The support consists of three types, such as six mobile storage units to ensure hygienic and quality food for students & professorial staff; 17.025 face mask (mask) packaging boxes with a total capacity from one thousand two hundred ninety-five upto four million square meters"
"WFP Representative in Timor-Leste, Dageng Liu and the Minister of Education Youth & Sports (MEJD), Armindo Maia signed a delivery agreement for equipment at MEJD on Tuesday."
"Imagen TATOLI/Francisco Sony This type of support also includes providing school meal program and ensuring that students can consume healthy, nutritious food."
"\"Our students must have a healthy lifestyle in order to participate at school,\" he added."
"According to the World Food Organization (WHO), 70 million children globally do not consume healthy and nutritious food, which is a figure that applies in some of world's poorest countries."
"Thus, WFP has an important role to play in providing nutritious food technical assistance for children around the world through school snack programs."
"Minister of Education, Youth and Sport (MEJD), Armindo Maia."
"At the same time, Minister of Education Youth and Sports (MEJD), Armindo Maia said that these equipments will be distributed to municipalities in Timor-Leste territory for carrying out activities."
"\"The Government of Timor-Leste is committed to investing heavily in its students so that it can ensure the development and quality human resource resources for all."
"Thus, the Governor thanked for this support because it can facilitate learning process."
"On June 14, Prime Minister Taur Matan Ruak has already approved the school meal program because it is necessary for development of this country especially contributing to nutritious and healthy foodstuff in Timor-Leste."
"Previous article530 households in Tutuluro have not access to electricity Next artikelPresident of the Republic decrees state-of emergency for 16th time"
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