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MTKI-USAID sertifika restaurante no kafetaria sia prenxe seguransa ai-han ijiene | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste\nVARANDA EKONOMIA MTKI-USAID sertifika restaurante no kafetaria sia prenxe seguransa ai-han ijiene\nMTKI-USAID sertifika restaurante no kafetaria sia prenxe seguransa ai-han ijiene\nReprezentante restaurante no kafetaria balun ne’ebé prinxe kritéria ai-han ijiene simu sertifikadu husi MTKI-USAID, iha CCD, sesta (18/12). Imajen TATOLI/António Gonçalves\nDILI, 18 dezembru 2020 (TATOLI)--Governu liuhosi Ministériu Turizmu, Komérsiu no Indústria (MTKI) no Ajénsia Nasaun Unida ba Dezenvolvimentu Internasionál (USAID) liuhosi programa ‘Tourism for all Project’, atribui sertifikadu ba restaurante no kafetaria sia ne’ebé prenxe ona padraun seguransa ai-han no ijiene.\nMolok serfifika, ekipa MTKI, Ministériu Saúde (MS) no Sekretáriu Estadu Profisionál no Empregu (SEFOPE) ho apoia husi USAID halo inspesaun no avaliasaun hahú fevereiru 2020.\n“Parabéns ba restaurante no kafetaria na’in sira-ne’ebé ohin simu sertifikadu hanaran Dili moos no matak. Ita boot sira sai nu’udar ajente ba saúde no seguransa ba ai-han no ijiene,” Vise-Ministru Saúde, Bonifácio Maucoli dos Reis, hateten iha ámbitu seremónia fahe sertifikadu iha Sentru Konvesaun Dili (CCD, sigla portugés), sesta ne’e.\nEmpreza ne’ebé hetan sertifikasaun hanesan restaurante Agora Food Studio, Burger King Timor Plaza, Black Box, Fátima Coffee, Gloria Jeans Timor Plaza, Restaurante Otél Timor, Restaurante K2C, restaurante no kafetária Moby’s no Rolls & Bowls.\nVise-Ministru Saúde, Bonifácio Maucoli dos Reis, entrega sertifikadu ba reprezentante restorante no kafetaria, iha CCD, sesta (18/12). Imajen TATOLI/António Gonçalves\nBiban ne’e, Vise-Ministru Maucoli hato’o agradesementu ba liña ministeriál no sentidu solidariedade ba apoia husi USAID atu hametin no reforsa polítika no programa Governu ho objetivu atu hadi’a komunidade Timor-Leste nia saúde no moris di’ak.\n“Ha’u espera programa ne’e la konsentra de’it iha sidade kapitál Timor-Leste, maibé hau sujere nu’udar membru Governu husi área saúde, fazeadamente bele habelar ba munisípiu sira hotu iha Timor-Leste laran tomak inklui Rejiaun Administrativa Espesiál Oé-cusse Ambeno (RAEOA) hodi garantia konsumu ai-han iha restaurante no kafetaria iha Timor-Leste laran tomak,” governante ne’e sujere.\nNune’e mós, bele ajuda emprezáriu, asosiasaun ka organizasaun ne’ebé loke restaurante no kafetaria iha munisípiu hodi bele hetan rendimentu hodi sustenta família atubele seguru ba konsumu ai-han ne’ebé fornese.\nIha biban hanesan, Reprezentante USAID Iha Timor-Leste, Farida A, afirma ajénsia ne’e estabelese programa ‘Dili moos no matak’ atu atinje padraun inspesaun no forma ekipa hodi implementa sistema halo inspesaun ba fatin fa’an ai-han iha munisípiu Dili no fó treinamentu ai-han seguru no ijiene.\nUSAID fornese ekipamentu ba koziña iha Sentru Treinamentu Vokasionál Juventude tolu no ajuda estabelese ekipa nu’udar sentru ne’ebé di’ak tebes ba ai-han.\n“Ha’u orgullu ho susesu programa ne’e no ohin serémonia entrega sertifikadu ne’e hatudu etapa importante ba negósiu na’in sira,” nia akresenta.\nNia nota, setór turizmu hanesan indústria importante ba Timor-Leste ho potensialidade oi-oin ne’ebé mak bele fornese oportunidade serbisu, espesialmente ba juventude no proteje nasaun inklui etapa ida hodi ajua nasaun tuir dalan auto-reziliénsia.\nDiretór Nasionál Empreendimentu Atividade no Produtu Turiztíku, Júlio Rebeiro, hateten hahú fevereiru ekipa husi MTKI, SEFOPE no MS inklui USAID halo inspesaun ba restaurante no kafetária ne’ebé prenxe kritéria seguransa ai-han no ijiene hodi bele sertifika.\n“Ita fó sertifikasaun ba kolega sira-nia indústria ne’ebé bele prenxe rekezitu ne’ebé iha ona kondisaun balun, maibé projetu pilotu ne’e mak sei foku ba empreza indústria sia de’it,” nia akresenta.\nLansamentu entrega programa ‘Dili moos no matak’ ho objetivu atu hasa’e padraun seguransa ai-han no seguransa ijiene.\nDili moos no matak\nsertifika restaurante no kafetaria\nPrevious articleConselho de Imprensa atribui Karteira Profisionál ba jornalista na’in-16\nNext articleEstudante rihun 53-resin pasa EN, 1.647 reprovadu | [
"MTKI-USAID sertifika restaurante no kafetaria sia prenxe seguransa ai-han ijiene | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA EKONOMIA MTKI-USAID sertifika restaurante no kafetaria sia prenxe seguransa ai-han ijiene MTKI-USAID sertifika restaurante no kafetaria sia prenxe seguransa ai-han ijiene Reprezentante restaurante no kafetaria balun ne'ebe prinxe kriteria ai-han ijiene simu sertifikadu husi MTKI-USAID, iha CCD, sesta (18/12).",
"Imajen TATOLI/Antonio Goncalves DILI, 18 dezembru 2020 (TATOLI) --Governu liuhosi Ministeriu Turizmu, Komersiu no Industria (MTKI) no Ajensia Nasaun Unida ba Dezenvolvimentu Internasional (USAID) liuhosi programa 'Tourism for all Project', atribui sertifikadu ba restaurante no kafetaria sia ne'ebe prenxe ona padraun seguransa ai-han no ijiene.",
"Molok serfifika, ekipa MTKI, Ministeriu Saude (MS) no Sekretariu Estadu Profisional no Empregu (SEFOPE) ho apoia husi USAID halo inspesaun no avaliasaun hahu fevereiru 2020.",
"\"Parabens ba restaurante no kafetaria na'in sira-ne'ebe ohin simu sertifikadu hanaran Dili moos no matak.",
"Ita boot sira sai nu'udar ajente ba saude no seguransa ba ai-han no ijiene,\" Vise-Ministru Saude, Bonifacio Maucoli dos Reis, hateten iha ambitu seremonia fahe sertifikadu iha Sentru Konvesaun Dili (CCD, sigla portuges), sesta ne'e.",
"Empreza ne'ebe hetan sertifikasaun hanesan restaurante Agora Food Studio, Burger King Timor Plaza, Black Box, Fatima Coffee, Gloria Jeans Timor Plaza, Restaurante Otel Timor, Restaurante K2C, restaurante no kafetaria Moby's no Rolls & Bowls.",
"Vise-Ministru Saude, Bonifacio Maucoli dos Reis, entrega sertifikadu ba reprezentante restorante no kafetaria, iha CCD, sesta (18/12).",
"Imajen TATOLI/Antonio Goncalves Biban ne'e, Vise-Ministru Maucoli hato'o agradesementu ba lina ministerial no sentidu solidariedade ba apoia husi USAID atu hametin no reforsa politika no programa Governu ho objetivu atu hadi'a komunidade Timor-Leste nia saude no moris di'ak.",
"\"Ha'u espera programa ne'e la konsentra de'it iha sidade kapital Timor-Leste, maibe hau sujere nu'udar membru Governu husi area saude, fazeadamente bele habelar ba munisipiu sira hotu iha Timor-Leste laran tomak inklui Rejiaun Administrativa Espesial Oe-cusse Ambeno (RAEOA) hodi garantia konsumu ai-han iha restaurante no kafetaria iha Timor-Leste laran tomak,\" governante ne'e sujere.",
"Nune'e mos, bele ajuda emprezariu, asosiasaun ka organizasaun ne'ebe loke restaurante no kafetaria iha munisipiu hodi bele hetan rendimentu hodi sustenta familia atubele seguru ba konsumu ai-han ne'ebe fornese.",
"Iha biban hanesan, Reprezentante USAID Iha Timor-Leste, Farida A, afirma ajensia ne'e estabelese programa 'Dili moos no matak' atu atinje padraun inspesaun no forma ekipa hodi implementa sistema halo inspesaun ba fatin fa'an ai-han iha munisipiu Dili no fo treinamentu ai-han seguru no ijiene.",
"USAID fornese ekipamentu ba kozina iha Sentru Treinamentu Vokasional Juventude tolu no ajuda estabelese ekipa nu'udar sentru ne'ebe di'ak tebes ba ai-han.",
"\"Ha'u orgullu ho susesu programa ne'e no ohin seremonia entrega sertifikadu ne'e hatudu etapa importante ba negosiu na'in sira,\" nia akresenta.",
"Nia nota, setor turizmu hanesan industria importante ba Timor-Leste ho potensialidade oi-oin ne'ebe mak bele fornese oportunidade serbisu, espesialmente ba juventude no proteje nasaun inklui etapa ida hodi ajua nasaun tuir dalan auto-reziliensia.",
"Diretor Nasional Empreendimentu Atividade no Produtu Turiztiku, Julio Rebeiro, hateten hahu fevereiru ekipa husi MTKI, SEFOPE no MS inklui USAID halo inspesaun ba restaurante no kafetaria ne'ebe prenxe kriteria seguransa ai-han no ijiene hodi bele sertifika.",
"\"Ita fo sertifikasaun ba kolega sira-nia industria ne'ebe bele prenxe rekezitu ne'ebe iha ona kondisaun balun, maibe projetu pilotu ne'e mak sei foku ba empreza industria sia de'it,\" nia akresenta.",
"Lansamentu entrega programa 'Dili moos no matak' ho objetivu atu hasa'e padraun seguransa ai-han no seguransa ijiene.",
"Dili moos no matak sertifika restaurante no kafetaria Previous articleConselho de Imprensa atribui Karteira Profisional ba jornalista na'in-16 Next articleEstudante rihun 53-resin pasa EN, 1.647 reprovadu"
] | [
"MTKI-USAID certifies restaurants and cafeterias as meeting food safety hygiene criteria | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor Leste HOME ECONOMY Some representative of the restaurant sector who meet health, security & sanitation requirements received a certificate from Mtki in CCD on Saturday (18/02)."
"DILI, December 18th (TATOLI) --Government through the Ministry of Tourism and Trade & Industry in cooperation with United Nations Agency for International Development via its 'Tourism For All Project' program has awarded certificates to six restaurants that have met food safety standard."
"After the certification, a team from MTKI (Ministry of Trade and Industry), Ministry Of Health(MS)and State Secretariat for Vocational Education And Employment with support by USAID carried out inspection & evaluation beginning in February 2019."
"\"Congratulations to the restaurant and cafeteria owners who today received a certificate named Dili moos no matak."
"We have become agents of health and food safety, hygiene\", said Vice-Minister for Health Bonifacio Maucoli dos Reis during a certificate distribution ceremony at the Dili Convention Center (CCD), on Saturday."
"Companies that have been certified include Agora Food Studio restaurant, Burger King Timor Plaza; Black Box and Fatima Coffee. Gloria Jeans is a coffee shop located in the centre of Dili with its own café-restaurant called Moby'S Restaurant & Cafeteria (Rolls&Bowl)."
"Deputy Minister of Health, Bonifacio Maucoli dos Reis delivers certificate to restaurant and cafeteria representatives at CCD on Saturday (18/2)."
"In this regard, Deputy Minister Maucoli expressed his gratitude to the ministerial line and sense of solidarity for USAID's support in strengthening government policien programs with a view towards improving Timor-Leste community health & wellbeings."
"\"I hope that the program will not concentrate only in Timor-Leste's capital city, but I suggest as a member of government from health area to gradually extend it into all municipalities throughout East Тимор including Oecusse Ambeno Special Administratives Region (RAEOA) so guarantee food consumption at restaurants and cafeteria across east timorense countryside.\""
"Likewise, it can help entrepreneurs and associations or organization that open restaurants in the municipality to earn an income so they could support their families with safe food."
"In the same vein, USAID Representative in Timor-Leste Farida A. said that her agency has established a 'Dili Limpi' program to achieve inspection standards and formed teams for implementing food safety system at all grocery stores within Dili municipality as well training on safe eating habit"
"USAID provided kitchen equipment to three Youth Vocational Training Centers and helped establish the team as a food-grade centre."
"\"I am proud of the successes achieved by this programme and today's certificate ceremony marks an important milestone for business ownership,\" he added."
"He noted that the tourism sector is an important industry for Timor-Leste with a wide range of potential to provide job opportunities, especially among young people and protecting our country as well. This would be one stage in helped us on this path towards self resilience.\""
"National Director of Entrepreneurship, Activity and Tourism Products Julio Rebeiro said that since February a team from MTKI SEFOPE MS including USAID has inspected restaurants which meet the criteria for food safety in order to certify."
"\"We are giving certification to colleagues in their own industries who can meet the requirements that already have some conditions, but this pilot project will focus on only sieve-industry companies.\" he added."
"Launching delivery of the 'Moist and Clean Dili' programme with aim to raise food safety standards, hygiene security."
"Dili moos no matak certify restaurant and cafeteria Previous articleConselho de Imprensa awards Professional Card to 16 journalist Next53 thousand students pass EN, but there are still some failing."
] |
Stock foos iha Lautém hahú menus | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste\nVARANDA EKONOMIA Stock foos iha Lautém hahú menus\nStock foos iha Lautém hahú menus\nDILI, 17 marsu 2021 (TATOLI)-–Administradór munisípiu Lautém, Domingos Sávio, informa, daudaun stock foos iha munisípiu ne’e hahú menus, tanba ne’e autoridade fasilita kompañia no loja atubele ba sosa iha Dili.\nGovernu liuhosi rezolusaun aplika ona períodu serka sanitária no konfinamentu obrigatóriu, hahú loron 16 marsu to’o 02 abríl iha munisípiu Dili no loron 16 to’o 29 marsu iha munisípiu Baucau no Viqueque, tanba ne’e difikulta movimentu populasaun.\n“Ami iha Lautém hahú menus stock ai-han, espesiálmente foos tanba daudaun negosiante hosi Baucau la tama no ami labele ba Dili, maibé nesesidade sira seluk laiha problema,” Administradór Lautém informa ba Agência TATOLI, via telefónika, kuarta ne’e.\nMaski enferenta situasaun menus foos, maibé folin kontinua normál tuir regra hosi Governu.\nBa kestaun ne’e, autoridade halo ona rejistu ba kompañia sira ne’ebé hakarak ba sosa neseidade Bázika iha Dili hodi bele fasilita movimentu.\n“Ami hahú rejista kompañia hitu ne’ebé hakarak ba sosa nesesidade bázika iha Dili, relasiona ho dokumentu sira no ami manda ba Sala Situasaun Sentru Integradu Jestaun Krize (CIGC, sigla portugés) no bainhira aprova mak ami halo guia de marça atu ba Dili sosa nesesidade bázika,” nia akresenta.\nAleinde ne’e, Administradór mós halo ona pedidu ba Ministériu Koordenadór Asuntu Ekonómiku (MKAE), Ministériu Turizmu, Komérsiu no Indústria (MTKI) atu koopera ho Sentru Lojístika Nasionál (CLN, sigla portugés) atubele halo intervensaun merkadu.\nNotísia relevante: Governu hakarak halo intervesaun merkadu iha munisípiu hotu\nDiresaun Jestaun Merkadu no Turizmu munisípiu Lautém halo observasaun iha merkadu no loja no nota katak stock foos iha munisípiu Lautém sei la to’o ona semana rua.\nEnkuantu, estrada dirasaun Lautém-Baucau taka hela, maibé hanoin atu loke hodi fasilita negosiante nesesidade bázika hosi Baucau bele tama.\n“Ami presiza negosiante fa’an nesesidade bázika hosi Baucau tanba iha fronteira Laiva, tanba ekipa saúde no Polísia iha ne’ebá bele haree no autoriza tama mai fa’an nesesidade bázika,” nia hatutan.\nNotísia relevante: Autoridade munisipál no Polísia Lautém blokeia estrada fronteira ho Baucau-Viqueque\nAntes ne’e, Ministru Koordenadór Asuntu Ekonómiku, Joaquim Amaral, informa, Governu sei halo intervensaun merkadu ba munisípiu hotu liuhosi kooperasaun ho CLN no setór privadu sira.\nPopulasaun munisípiu Lautém hamutuk 71.285 (sensus 2015) no iha postu administrativu lima hanesan Lospalos, Luro, Iliomar, Lautém no Tutuala, ne’ebé fahe ba suku 34 no aldeia 151.\nPrevious articleMAE garante Administradór Covalima foun sei atinje PEDN ho susesu\nNext articleEskola 29 iha Baucau sei implementa ME ho $371.703 | [
"Stock foos iha Lautem hahu menus | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA EKONOMIA Stock foos iha Lautem hahu menus Stock foos iha Lautem hahu menus DILI, 17 marsu 2021 (TATOLI) --Administrador munisipiu Lautem, Domingos Savio, informa, daudaun stock foos iha munisipiu ne'e hahu menus, tanba ne'e autoridade fasilita kompania no loja atubele ba sosa iha Dili.",
"Governu liuhosi rezolusaun aplika ona periodu serka sanitaria no konfinamentu obrigatoriu, hahu loron 16 marsu to'o 02 abril iha munisipiu Dili no loron 16 to'o 29 marsu iha munisipiu Baucau no Viqueque, tanba ne'e difikulta movimentu populasaun.",
"\"Ami iha Lautem hahu menus stock ai-han, espesialmente foos tanba daudaun negosiante hosi Baucau la tama no ami labele ba Dili, maibe nesesidade sira seluk laiha problema,\" Administrador Lautem informa ba Agencia TATOLI, via telefonika, kuarta ne'e.",
"Maski enferenta situasaun menus foos, maibe folin kontinua normal tuir regra hosi Governu.",
"Ba kestaun ne'e, autoridade halo ona rejistu ba kompania sira ne'ebe hakarak ba sosa neseidade Bazika iha Dili hodi bele fasilita movimentu.",
"\"Ami hahu rejista kompania hitu ne'ebe hakarak ba sosa nesesidade bazika iha Dili, relasiona ho dokumentu sira no ami manda ba Sala Situasaun Sentru Integradu Jestaun Krize (CIGC, sigla portuges) no bainhira aprova mak ami halo guia de marca atu ba Dili sosa nesesidade bazika,\" nia akresenta.",
"Aleinde ne'e, Administrador mos halo ona pedidu ba Ministeriu Koordenador Asuntu Ekonomiku (MKAE), Ministeriu Turizmu, Komersiu no Industria (MTKI) atu koopera ho Sentru Lojistika Nasional (CLN, sigla portuges) atubele halo intervensaun merkadu.",
"Notisia relevante: Governu hakarak halo intervesaun merkadu iha munisipiu hotu Diresaun Jestaun Merkadu no Turizmu munisipiu Lautem halo observasaun iha merkadu no loja no nota katak stock foos iha munisipiu Lautem sei la to'o ona semana rua.",
"Enkuantu, estrada dirasaun Lautem-Baucau taka hela, maibe hanoin atu loke hodi fasilita negosiante nesesidade bazika hosi Baucau bele tama.",
"\"Ami presiza negosiante fa'an nesesidade bazika hosi Baucau tanba iha fronteira Laiva, tanba ekipa saude no Polisia iha ne'eba bele haree no autoriza tama mai fa'an nesesidade bazika,\" nia hatutan.",
"Notisia relevante: Autoridade munisipal no Polisia Lautem blokeia estrada fronteira ho Baucau-Viqueque Antes ne'e, Ministru Koordenador Asuntu Ekonomiku, Joaquim Amaral, informa, Governu sei halo intervensaun merkadu ba munisipiu hotu liuhosi kooperasaun ho CLN no setor privadu sira.",
"Populasaun munisipiu Lautem hamutuk 71.285 (sensus 2015) no iha postu administrativu lima hanesan Lospalos, Luro, Iliomar, Lautem no Tutuala, ne'ebe fahe ba suku 34 no aldeia 151.",
"Previous articleMAE garante Administrador Covalima foun sei atinje PEDN ho susesu Next articleEskola 29 iha Baucau sei implementa ME ho $371.703"
] | [
"Stock of food in Lautem begins to decrease Dili, March 17th (TATOLI) --Lautem Municipality Administrator Sunday Savio said that at the moment stock is starting down and therefore authorities are making it easier for companies or stores from other areas than Timor-Leste."
"The government, through a resolution has applied the period of sanitary lockdown and compulsory confinement from March 16 to April2 in Dili municipality (and on February30) as well with those between January4th-March9in Baucau city."
"\"We in Lautem have started to lose food stock, especially grains because now traders from Baucau are not coming and we cannot go Dili. But other necessities is no problem at all\", the Administrator of Lautem told Agência TATOLI via telephone on Tuesday (20/1)."
"Despite the situation of food shortage, prices remained normal according to government rules."
"For this issue, the authorities have registered companies that want to buy basic necessities in Dili so as facilitate movement."
"\"We started registering seven companies that want to buy basic necessities in Dili, related with the documents and we sent them into Sala Situação do Centro Integrado Gestão de Crise (CIGC) [Situation Room of Integrated Centre for crisis management]. When approved then it was made a guideline on how they could go shopping essentials,” he added.”"
"In addition, the Administrator has also requested to Ministry of Coordination for Economic Affairs (MKAE) and Ministerial Tourism Commerce & Industry(MTKI), that they cooperate with National Logistics Centre in order make market intervention."
"Relevant news: The Government wants to do market intervention in all the municipalities Directorate of Market Management and Tourism Lautem Municipality made observations at a number Of shops, notably on Friday."
"Meanwhile, the Lautem-Baucau road is still closed but plans are being made to open it in order for traders of basic necessities from Baucau can enter."
"\"We need traders to sell basic necessities from Baucau because there is a border in Laiva, so that the health team and police can see it. They will authorize them into our area for selling essentials.\""
"Relevant news: Municipal Authority and Lautem Police block the border road with Baucau-Viqueques Previously, Minister Coordinator of Economic Affairs Joaquim Amaral informed that Government will make market intervention for all municipalities through cooperation between NLCs (National Leasing Corporation) & private sector."
"The municipality of Lautem has a population 71,285 (census) and is divided into five administrative posts: Lospalos Luro Iliomar Lautem Tutuala which are further subdivided in the following village groups."
"PreviousMAE assures the new Administrator of Covalima will achieve PEDN successfully Next29 schools in Baucau to implement ME with $371,804"
] |
Bainhira Nia Hasee La Fó Ona Hakmatek\nFONTIL Kria Mídia Advokasia Podcast Hapara Violensia Hasoru Feto ho Labarik - Tersa, 07 Dezembru 2021 13:09\nKomisaun G Husu MEJD Rezolve Professor Kontratadu 957 - Tersa, 07 Dezembru 2021 13:05\nIlustrasaun violensia domestika\nBainhira Nia Hasee La Fó Ona Hakmatek Featured\n11 Maiu 2017\nRAI NAKUKUN ona, situasaun iha area kiik ida iha Tasi Tolu, Dili, hahú nonook, maibé illas (sosok) ida ne’ebé nia hein ladauk to’o. Ho laran susar, matan hateke ba dalan kiik ne’ebé baibain nia baibain liu mai. Kazu hana ema ne’ebé ikus-ikus ne’e mosu hasusar liu tan nia fuan.\nSentimentu tauk ne’ebé book nia hahú lakon bainhira illas ne’ebé nia hein mosu mai husi nakukun laran. La hatudu oin-midar, hakat liu de’it ba uma-laran.\nHo sentimentu ne’ebé kahur-malu, Leopoldina Ribeiro, hasee nia laen, Rosa Rafael.\n“Agora ne’e ema hana-malu barak,” dehan Leopoldina hodi fó hanoin ba nia kaben ne’ebé fila kalan tanba serbisu.\nLa hatene tanba sa, lia-fuan ne’e provoka fali sentimentu emosaun husi Rafael. Ho brutu uitoan, nia dada feen ba li’ur ho intensaun atu husik nia feen iha li’ur de’it.\nAsaun Rafael ne’e provoka Leopoldina nia emosaun no nia foti fatuk hodi tuda Rafael nia kotuk-laran. Reasaun husi Leopoldina ne’e, halo Rafale nervozu liu tan, nia fila mai hodi baku nia feen no tuda nia ulun to’o monu ba rai.\nHo hahalok ne’e, Rafael tenke ba hatan iha Tribunal Distrital Dili (TDD). Nune’e, hafoin liu husi prosesu julgamentu, tribunal deside hodi aplika pena prizaun tinan rua (2) no pena suspensaun ba Rafael no kondena selu taxa $40 ba tribunal. Pena suspensaun ne’e obriga atu kada fulan Rafael tenke aprezenta an iha TDD to’o tinan rua.\nTribunal deside mós atu fó prazu loron 15 ba Rafael ho nia feen atu mai Tribunál hodi husu deskulpa ba públiku.\nMore in this category: « Hein Sosa-nain to’o ‘Fuuk Mutin’ Luta iha Kuran Nia Laran »\n/Bainhira Nia Hasee La Fó Ona Hakmatek\nTotal visitors: 1091284 | [
"Bainhira Nia Hasee La Fo Ona Hakmatek FONTIL Kria Midia Advokasia Podcast Hapara Violensia Hasoru Feto ho Labarik - Tersa, 07 Dezembru 2021 13:09 Komisaun G Husu MEJD Rezolve Professor Kontratadu 957 - Tersa, 07 Dezembru 2021 13:05 Ilustrasaun violensia domestika Bainhira Nia Hasee La Fo Ona Hakmatek Featured 11 Maiu 2017 RAI NAKUKUN ona, situasaun iha area kiik ida iha Tasi Tolu, Dili, hahu nonook, maibe illas (sosok) ida ne'ebe nia hein ladauk to'o.",
"Ho laran susar, matan hateke ba dalan kiik ne'ebe baibain nia baibain liu mai.",
"Kazu hana ema ne'ebe ikus-ikus ne'e mosu hasusar liu tan nia fuan.",
"Sentimentu tauk ne'ebe book nia hahu lakon bainhira illas ne'ebe nia hein mosu mai husi nakukun laran.",
"La hatudu oin-midar, hakat liu de'it ba uma-laran.",
"Ho sentimentu ne'ebe kahur-malu, Leopoldina Ribeiro, hasee nia laen, Rosa Rafael.",
"\"Agora ne'e ema hana-malu barak,\" dehan Leopoldina hodi fo hanoin ba nia kaben ne'ebe fila kalan tanba serbisu.",
"La hatene tanba sa, lia-fuan ne'e provoka fali sentimentu emosaun husi Rafael.",
"Ho brutu uitoan, nia dada feen ba li'ur ho intensaun atu husik nia feen iha li'ur de'it.",
"Asaun Rafael ne'e provoka Leopoldina nia emosaun no nia foti fatuk hodi tuda Rafael nia kotuk-laran.",
"Reasaun husi Leopoldina ne'e, halo Rafale nervozu liu tan, nia fila mai hodi baku nia feen no tuda nia ulun to'o monu ba rai.",
"Ho hahalok ne'e, Rafael tenke ba hatan iha Tribunal Distrital Dili (TDD).",
"Nune'e, hafoin liu husi prosesu julgamentu, tribunal deside hodi aplika pena prizaun tinan rua (2) no pena suspensaun ba Rafael no kondena selu taxa $40 ba tribunal.",
"Pena suspensaun ne'e obriga atu kada fulan Rafael tenke aprezenta an iha TDD to'o tinan rua.",
"Tribunal deside mos atu fo prazu loron 15 ba Rafael ho nia feen atu mai Tribunal hodi husu deskulpa ba publiku.",
"More in this category: \" Hein Sosa-nain to'o 'Fuuk Mutin' Luta iha Kuran Nia Laran \" /Bainhira Nia Hasee La Fo Ona Hakmatek Total visitors: 1091284"
] | [
"When She Hasn't Gived Her Rights FONTIL Kria Midie Advocasia Podcast Hapara Violensia hasoru Feto ho Labarik - Tersa, 07 Dezembro (December)13:24 Commission G Asks MEJD to Resolve Contracted Professor Issues958-Terssa.com/Newsletter_Dili /Frontil Create Media Advocating for the End of Domestic violence when she has not given her rights"
"Sadly, his eyes turned to the small road he used forever."
"The case against the person who had been seen by him stirred up his heart even more."
"The feeling of ill-being that had taken hold on him began to disappear when the island he was waiting for emerged from its depths."
"He did not show any signs of life, only walked around the house."
"With deep feelings of shame, Leopoldina Ribeiro condoled her sister Rosa Rafael."
"\"Now there are a lot of people who hate each other,\" Leopoldina said to remind her husband that he went back home at night for work."
"I don't know why, but the words evoke emotional feelings in Raphael."
"With a little bit of brutality, he takes his wife out with the intention to leave her outside."
"Rafael's action provoked Leopoldina to emotion and she took a stone, which struck him in the back."
"Leopoldina's reaction made Rafale even more nervous, and he returned to hit his wife with a knife in the back of her head until she fell down."
"With this act, Rafael has to answer in the Dili District Court (TDD)."
"Thus, after the trial process was completed and Rafael had been convicted by a court of two (2) years' imprisonment with suspension from serving his sentence in prison."
"The suspended sentence requires Rafael to appear at the TDD every month for two years."
"The court also decided to give Rafael and his wife a 15-day deadline in which they must appear before the Court for an apology."
"More in this category: \" Hei Sosa-nain to'o 'Fuuk Mutin’ Luta iha Kuran Nia Laran\" /Bainhira nia Hasee la Fo Ona Hakmatek Total visitors, 1092356"
] |
Tempotimor (Dili)-Maske governu hasai ona regras ba estadu emerjensia relasiona ho prevensaun Corona Virus Deasses 2019 (Covid-19) maibé realidade iha munisipiu balun regras refere seidauk tau iha pratika.\nUEUMB Rejeita Totál Deklarasaun PAMB\nTempotimor (Dili) – Uniaun Estudante Universitáriu Munisípiu Baucau (UEUMB), rejeita totál deklarasaun husi Prezidente Autoridade Munisípiu Baucau (PAMB), Antonio Guterres ne'ebé deklara katak populasaun Munisípiu Baucau laiha problema ba infraestrutura báziku.\nTuir Portavoz II UEUMB, Gabriela Soares, rejeita tebes ho deklarasaun PAMB ne'ebé deklara informasaun liuhosi média online balu, katak populasaun Munisípiu Baucau kuaze %80 asesu ona ba bee moos.\n"Hanesan estudante Baucau-oan ne'ebé durante ne'e observa dezenvolvimentu liga ba estetementu PAMB nian, ne'e so halo kontente dei't ba PAMB ne'ebé durante ne'e ukun ona Munisípiu Baucau periodu II. Maibé, populasaun nafatin halerik ba infraestrutura báziku sira hanesan estrada, eletrisidade, bee moos, saúde no edukasaun," deklara Gabriela liuhosi konferensia imprensa iha UNTL Sentrál, Kuarta (16/10/19).\nGabriela afirma, PAMB la haree katak iha komunidade barak mak sei lori masa hein atu kuru bee moos. Gabriela fó ezemplu iha Suku Gariuai, komunidade barak mak lalin masa ho gerobak husi Aldeia Bahamori ba kuru bee moos iha Loloria, Suku Gariuai.\nNia hatutan, iha Postu Saúde Venilale laiha karreta Ambulansia atu transfere pasiente ou inan feto sira ne'ebé atu partu, ba Hospitál Referál Baucau.\nIha fatin hanesan, Lazario Ximenes da Costa nu'udar membru UEUMB hateten, relasiona ho informasaun no dadus ne'ebé PAMB hato'o, ida ne'e la tuir realidade no faktus ne'ebé hatudu.\nNia informa, observasaun ne'ebé UEUMB rasik hala'o iha tereinu hatudu katak realidade povu Munisípiu Baucau seidauk atinzi %80 mak asesu ba bee moos.\nNia dehan, haree ba realidade iha munisipiu refere, iha Postu Administrativu Baucau Vila dei't mós tuir observasaun UEUMB, populasaun barak mak seidauk asesu ba bee moos.\n"Ami la sura ninia pursentu. Maibé, faktus no realidade ne'ebé hatudu momoos katak komunidade maioria mak seidauk asesu ba bee moos," esplika Lazario.\nLazario katak, PAMB bele nafatin mantein ho ninia dadus ne'ebé nia hato'o, UEUMB mós nafatin firme iha nia pozisaun, hodi rezita no kontra PAMB nia deklarasaun. | [
"Tempotimor (Dili) -Maske governu hasai ona regras ba estadu emerjensia relasiona ho prevensaun Corona Virus Deasses 2019 (Covid-19) maibe realidade iha munisipiu balun regras refere seidauk tau iha pratika.",
"UEUMB Rejeita Total Deklarasaun PAMB Tempotimor (Dili) - Uniaun Estudante Universitariu Munisipiu Baucau (UEUMB), rejeita total deklarasaun husi Prezidente Autoridade Munisipiu Baucau (PAMB), Antonio Guterres ne'ebe deklara katak populasaun Munisipiu Baucau laiha problema ba infraestrutura baziku.",
"Tuir Portavoz II UEUMB, Gabriela Soares, rejeita tebes ho deklarasaun PAMB ne'ebe deklara informasaun liuhosi media online balu, katak populasaun Munisipiu Baucau kuaze %80 asesu ona ba bee moos.",
"\"Hanesan estudante Baucau-oan ne'ebe durante ne'e observa dezenvolvimentu liga ba estetementu PAMB nian, ne'e so halo kontente dei't ba PAMB ne'ebe durante ne'e ukun ona Munisipiu Baucau periodu II.",
"Maibe, populasaun nafatin halerik ba infraestrutura baziku sira hanesan estrada, eletrisidade, bee moos, saude no edukasaun,\" deklara Gabriela liuhosi konferensia imprensa iha UNTL Sentral, Kuarta (16/10/19).",
"Gabriela afirma, PAMB la haree katak iha komunidade barak mak sei lori masa hein atu kuru bee moos.",
"Gabriela fo ezemplu iha Suku Gariuai, komunidade barak mak lalin masa ho gerobak husi Aldeia Bahamori ba kuru bee moos iha Loloria, Suku Gariuai.",
"Nia hatutan, iha Postu Saude Venilale laiha karreta Ambulansia atu transfere pasiente ou inan feto sira ne'ebe atu partu, ba Hospital Referal Baucau.",
"Iha fatin hanesan, Lazario Ximenes da Costa nu'udar membru UEUMB hateten, relasiona ho informasaun no dadus ne'ebe PAMB hato'o, ida ne'e la tuir realidade no faktus ne'ebe hatudu.",
"Nia informa, observasaun ne'ebe UEUMB rasik hala'o iha tereinu hatudu katak realidade povu Munisipiu Baucau seidauk atinzi %80 mak asesu ba bee moos.",
"Nia dehan, haree ba realidade iha munisipiu refere, iha Postu Administrativu Baucau Vila dei't mos tuir observasaun UEUMB, populasaun barak mak seidauk asesu ba bee moos.",
"\"Ami la sura ninia pursentu.",
"Maibe, faktus no realidade ne'ebe hatudu momoos katak komunidade maioria mak seidauk asesu ba bee moos,\" esplika Lazario.",
"Lazario katak, PAMB bele nafatin mantein ho ninia dadus ne'ebe nia hato'o, UEUMB mos nafatin firme iha nia pozisaun, hodi rezita no kontra PAMB nia deklarasaun."
] | [
"Tempotimor (Dili) -Although the government has issued rules for a state of emergency related to prevention Corona Virus Deasses 2019(Covid-4), but reality in some municipalities these regulations have not been put into practice."
"Tempotimor (Dili) - The University Students Union of Baucau Municipality, rejects the statement by President Antonio Guterres that there is no problem with basic infrastructure in municipalities."
"According to Speaker II UEUMB, Gabriela Soares strongly rejects the statement of PAMB which declares information through some online media that almost 80% population in Baucau Municipality has accessed clean water."
"\"Baucau students who have been observing the development of PAMB's expansion league during this period, are only satisfied with it because in that time they had already ruled Baucau Municipality for a second term."
"However, the population is still in need of basic infrastructure such as roads; electricity and clean water supply. They are also looking for health care services or education,” Gabriela declared during a press conference at UNTL Central on Thursday (16 October)."
"Gabriela says, PAMB does not see that there are many communities who will carry the mass waiting to get clean water."
"Gabriela gave an example in Gariuai Village, where many communities had to ride masses of people with their wheelbarrows from Bahamori village for clean water at Loloria."
"He added that there is no ambulance in the Venilale Health Post to transfer patients or mothers who are due for childbirth, and they must be transported by car."
"On the other hand, Lazario Ximenes da Costa as a member of UEUMB said that in relation to information and data provided by PAMB this is not true."
"He informed that the observations carried out by UEUMB itself on site showed, however 80% of Baucau Municipality's population has not yet reached access to clean water."
"He said, looking at the reality in this municipality and also according to UEUMB's observation of Administrative Post Baucau Vila dei’t many people have not accessed clean water."
"\"We did not exceed its percentage."
"However, the facts and reality clearly show that most communities do not have access to clean water\", explained Lazario."
"Lazario said that while PAMB may still maintain the data it has presented, UEUMB remains firm in its position to recite and oppose Pamb' s statement."
] |
SS Ema Kiak Mak Sai Vitima Liu | STLNEWS\nSS Ema Kiak Mak Sai Vitima Liu\nDILI, STLNEWS.co – Relasiona ho serka sanitaria neebe governu kontinua extende tan, Defensor Direitus Humanus konsidera ema kiak mak sai vitima liu ba konsekuensia implementasaun serka sanitaria nee.\nKestaun nee hatoo husi Defensor Direitus Humanus (DDH), Novelino dos Santos ba STL liu husi Whatsapp, Sesta nee (30/042021).\nTuir nia katak, impaktu husi implementasaun serka sanitaria no konfinamentu obrigatoriu iha, tanba Timor oan barak lakon servisu, lakon rendimentu, lakon estudu tan deit medidas prevensaun Covid-19 no kontinua extende serka sanitaria reforsa liu tan desigualdade, disordem no inserteza sosial.\nKondisaun desigualde, disordem, no inserteza nee laos mesak deit, maibe nuudar rezultadu husi pratika injustu durante governasaun periodu independensia nian, situasaun ida nee fahe liu tan povu maubere namkari ba bebeik no haterus liu tan povu nee no teri netik nia luta ba moris diak no justu.\n“Tuir ami nia haree, ema neebe mate, mesak ho moras komplikadu, idade no malnutrisaun, maibe em jeral, ema-kiak mak sai vitima liu ba Covid-19 nee,” tenik Novelino.\nNia haktuir tan, governante sira sem apoiu ou programa sosial imediatu sira ba ema kiak, ba saude no bem-star ema nian, ba ema ferik-katuas, ema ho malnutrisaun mak bele sai vitima barak liu ba Covid-19 iha Timor.\nIha sorin seluk, Timor oan nain-ida mos konfirmadu oho an tanba kauza hamlaha iha periodu serka sanitaria, primeira vez iha istoria Timor nian durante periodu Covid-19 nee hatudu katak, ema mate tanba hamlaha, maske hahan iha empreza privadu no armajem estadu sei iha no barak tebes.*\nPrevious articleKondutor Transporte Publiku Greve Iha Palasiu Oin\nNext articleProblema Eletrisidade Suspeitu Pozitivu Covid-19 Baku Pesoal Saude | [
"SS Ema Kiak Mak Sai Vitima Liu | STLNEWS SS Ema Kiak Mak Sai Vitima Liu DILI, STLNEWS.co - Relasiona ho serka sanitaria neebe governu kontinua extende tan, Defensor Direitus Humanus konsidera ema kiak mak sai vitima liu ba konsekuensia implementasaun serka sanitaria nee.",
"Kestaun nee hatoo husi Defensor Direitus Humanus (DDH), Novelino dos Santos ba STL liu husi Whatsapp, Sesta nee (30/042021).",
"Tuir nia katak, impaktu husi implementasaun serka sanitaria no konfinamentu obrigatoriu iha, tanba Timor oan barak lakon servisu, lakon rendimentu, lakon estudu tan deit medidas prevensaun Covid-19 no kontinua extende serka sanitaria reforsa liu tan desigualdade, disordem no inserteza sosial.",
"Kondisaun desigualde, disordem, no inserteza nee laos mesak deit, maibe nuudar rezultadu husi pratika injustu durante governasaun periodu independensia nian, situasaun ida nee fahe liu tan povu maubere namkari ba bebeik no haterus liu tan povu nee no teri netik nia luta ba moris diak no justu.",
"\"Tuir ami nia haree, ema neebe mate, mesak ho moras komplikadu, idade no malnutrisaun, maibe em jeral, ema-kiak mak sai vitima liu ba Covid-19 nee,\" tenik Novelino.",
"Nia haktuir tan, governante sira sem apoiu ou programa sosial imediatu sira ba ema kiak, ba saude no bem-star ema nian, ba ema ferik-katuas, ema ho malnutrisaun mak bele sai vitima barak liu ba Covid-19 iha Timor.",
"Iha sorin seluk, Timor oan nain-ida mos konfirmadu oho an tanba kauza hamlaha iha periodu serka sanitaria, primeira vez iha istoria Timor nian durante periodu Covid-19 nee hatudu katak, ema mate tanba hamlaha, maske hahan iha empreza privadu no armajem estadu sei iha no barak tebes.* Previous articleKondutor Transporte Publiku Greve Iha Palasiu Oin Next articleProblema Eletrisidade Suspeitu Pozitivu Covid-19 Baku Pesoal Saude"
] | [
"SS Ema Kiak Mak Sai Vitima Liu Dili, STLNEWS.co - Regarding the government's continuing extension of health curfew and lockdown in Timor-Leste (Indonesia), Human Rights Ombudsman consider that poor people are more likely to be victimized by its consequences than other population groups as a result; he said: \"There is no doubt about this fact.\""
"The question was raised by Human Rights Defender (HRD), Novelino dos Santos to STL via Whatsapp on Saturday, April 30th."
"According to him, the impact of implementing lockdown and compulsory confinement is there because many Timorese have lost their jobs or incomes. They also missed out on education as a result only Covid-19 prevention measured continue extended lock down reinforce inequality further disorder social inclusion ?"
"The conditions of inequality, disorder and insecurity are not only a result but also the outcome from unjust practices during government in independence period. This situation has divided more than ever our poor people who have become increasingly angry with their own struggle for good living as well just one life to live!"
"\"In our view, people who die are mostly complicated diseases and those with old age or malnutrition. In general the poor get more victimized by Covid-19.\""
"He added that the rulers without immediate support or social programmes for poor people, health and welfare of citizens; elderly-invalid population with malnutrition are likely to be more victimized by Covid 19 in Timor."
"On the other hand, one Timorese also committed suicide due to hunger during quarantine period. This is a first time in history that people have died from starvation despite food being available at private companies and state warehouses.* Previous articlePublic Transport Driver Strike In Palasiu Oin Next ArticleSuspected Positive Covid-19 Electricity Problem Hit Health Personnel"
] |
Serka sanitária, profesór 2.593 labele halo estájiu | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste\nVARANDA DILI Serka sanitária, profesór 2.593 labele halo estájiu\nProfesora ida iha Eskola 5 maiu Becora Dili, habai hela livru ne’ebé bokon hafoin inundasaun iha marsu 2020. Imajen/Tatoli.\nDILI, 07 maiu 2021 (TATOLI) – Profesór estajiáriu na’in-2.593 ne’ebé akaba ona sira-nia formasaun bacharalato iha Universidade Nasionál Timor Lorosa’e (UNTL) labele hala’o sira-nia estájiu profisionál tanba enfrenta hela situasaun serka sanitária no konfinamentu domisiliáriu obrigatóriu iha kapitál Dili.\nMinistériu Edukasaun Juventude no Desportu (MEJD) liuhosi Institutu Nasionál Formasaun ba Dosente-sira no profisionál Edukasaun (INFORDEPE, sigla portugés) antes ne’e prepara ona profesór-sira estajiáriu ho formasaun akadémiku atu apoiu iha eskola ensinu báziku sira. Maibé tanba situasaun estadu emerjénsia no serka sanitária atividade sira ne’e tenke adia.\nNotísia Relevante : INFORDEPE seidauk ezekuta OJE 2021\nPrezidente INFORDEPE, Manuel Gomes de Araújo esplika katak, programa estájiu ba profesór-sira ne’e loloos halo iha marsu, tinan ida-ne’e, maibé tanba serka sanitária no agora konfinamentu obrigatóriu buat hotu labele hala’o tanba laiha atividade iha eskola.\n“ita nafatin iha esperansa atu situasaun hanesan ne’e bele hotu lalais atu profesór na’in-2.593 bele hala’o sira nia estájiu,” prezidente INFORDEPE, Manuel Gomes de Araújo hateten ba Agência Tatoli iha ninia servisu fatin INFORDEPE, Dili, sesta ne’e.\nNia afirma katak hosi totál profesór na’in-2.593 ne’ebé prepara atu hala’o estájiu ne’e hosi inísiu iha na’in-2.900. Maibé pratikamente balun mate, balun deziste no balun hili fali profisaun seluk tan ne’e hela de’it 2.593.\nprofesór 2.593 labele halo estájiu profisionál\nPrevious articleSEPS kontinua buka mate-isin na’in-sia\nNext articleIdózus iha Liquiça hamutuk 5.562 | [
"Serka sanitaria, profesor 2.593 labele halo estajiu | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA DILI Serka sanitaria, profesor 2.593 labele halo estajiu Profesora ida iha Eskola 5 maiu Becora Dili, habai hela livru ne'ebe bokon hafoin inundasaun iha marsu 2020.",
"DILI, 07 maiu 2021 (TATOLI) - Profesor estajiariu na'in-2.593 ne'ebe akaba ona sira-nia formasaun bacharalato iha Universidade Nasional Timor Lorosa'e (UNTL) labele hala'o sira-nia estajiu profisional tanba enfrenta hela situasaun serka sanitaria no konfinamentu domisiliariu obrigatoriu iha kapital Dili.",
"Ministeriu Edukasaun Juventude no Desportu (MEJD) liuhosi Institutu Nasional Formasaun ba Dosente-sira no profisional Edukasaun (INFORDEPE, sigla portuges) antes ne'e prepara ona profesor-sira estajiariu ho formasaun akademiku atu apoiu iha eskola ensinu baziku sira.",
"Maibe tanba situasaun estadu emerjensia no serka sanitaria atividade sira ne'e tenke adia.",
"Notisia Relevante: INFORDEPE seidauk ezekuta OJE 2021 Prezidente INFORDEPE, Manuel Gomes de Araujo esplika katak, programa estajiu ba profesor-sira ne'e loloos halo iha marsu, tinan ida-ne'e, maibe tanba serka sanitaria no agora konfinamentu obrigatoriu buat hotu labele hala'o tanba laiha atividade iha eskola. \"ita nafatin iha esperansa atu situasaun hanesan ne'e bele hotu lalais atu profesor na'in-2.593 bele hala'o sira nia estajiu,\" prezidente INFORDEPE, Manuel Gomes de Araujo hateten ba Agencia Tatoli iha ninia servisu fatin INFORDEPE, Dili, sesta ne'e.",
"Nia afirma katak hosi total profesor na'in-2.593 ne'ebe prepara atu hala'o estajiu ne'e hosi inisiu iha na'in-2.900.",
"Maibe pratikamente balun mate, balun deziste no balun hili fali profisaun seluk tan ne'e hela de'it 2.593. profesor 2.593 labele halo estajiu profisional Previous articleSEPS kontinua buka mate-isin na'in-sia Next articleIdozus iha Liquica hamutuk 5.562"
] | [
"Serka sanitaria, profesor 2.593 labele halo estajiu | Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA DILI SERKA SANITARIA: Teachers can't go on internship due to health restrictions In a photo taken in Dili at the Becora School of Education (Dili), there are books that were flooded after flood occurred last March and which have now been removed from their places because they could not be used again as new textbooks for students"
"DILI, May 7th (TATOLI) - A total of a whopping-2.593 trainee professors that have completed their Bachelor' s degree at the National University Timor Lorosae cannot carry out professional internship because they are facing health lockdown and compulsory home quarantine in Dili capital city as well"
"The Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports (MEJD), through the National Institute for Teachers' Training in Portuguese: Instituto Nacional de Formação para Professores e Profissionais da Educação - INFORDEPE) has previously prepared trainee teachers with academic training to support primary schools."
"However, due to the state of emergency and sanitary lockdown situation these activities have had To be postponed."
"INFORDEPE President, Manuel Gomes de Araujo explained that the internship program for teachers should have been held in March this year but due to sanitary lockdown and now compulsory confinement everything could not be carried out because there is no activity at school. \"we still hope such a situation can end soon so 2593 teacher may carrY on their traineeing\", said president of InfordepE (Instituto Nacional para o Desenvolvimento da Educação ProfissionaLida) -Infordepe-Manuel GomezdeAraujo told Agência Tatoli from his office building where he works as director general –in Dili– Saturday night"
"He stated that of the total 2,593 professors who prepare to carry out this internship there were initially only about -1.807 million students from all over Brazil in preparation for their trainee period at universities and higher education institutions (HEI)."
"But practically some died, others gave up and chose other professions so there are only 2.593 left in the field of education: professores (professores). Previous articleSEPS continue searching for missing person Next artikelIdozuz em Liquica totaliza"
] |
“Katuas Ruin La Besi, Raan La Manas” | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste\nVARANDA EDUKASAUN “Katuas Ruin La Besi, Raan La Manas”\n“Katuas Ruin La Besi, Raan La Manas”\nFoto espesiál. Foti husi: dpu.def.br\nDILI (TATOLI)—Observadór Polítika Universidade Nacional Timor Lorosa’e (UNTL), Victor Soares sita proverbiu populár, “Katuas sira ruin la besi, raan la manas” katak ita-nia lider tuan sira sei to’o nia tempu atu deskansa tanba ne’e hanesan foinsa’e, jerasaun foun, ita buka aprende no hatudu nafatin maturidade nu’udar joven hodi kontribui ba paz.\n“Joven sira ne’ebé enkaixa aan iha partidu polítiku sira tenke aprende nafatin, nune’e 2022 mai sira mós bele hola parte hodi sai lider hodi kompete, hatutan nafatin saida mak inan-aman no lideransa sira halo ona,” hateten observadór Victor Soares ba Ajénsia Tatoli, iha salaun CNE (Comissão Nacional das Eleições), Colmera, Díli, Tersa (18/07).\nSura loron atu tama ba eleisaun lejislativa hodi forma sétimu governu konstitusionál, partisipasaun joven sira nian di’ak no hatudu maturidade iha prosesu kampaña eleitorál hodi kontribui maka’as loos ba iha prosesu eleisaun lejislativa.\nSinal ida ne’e hatudu juventude sai hanesan autór prinsipál ba dezenvolvimentu nomós joven hanesan futuru ba nasaun. Entaun, otomatikamente, hanesan timoroan, joven idaidak sente tenke muda nia aan, aprende ho lider tuan sira no tempu to’o jerasaun foun sira atu ka’er, iha ona esperiénsia.\nBainhira joven sira aprende, bele iha esperiénsia jere instituisaun hothotu, tantu publiku nomós privada atu bele la’o di’ak atu bele kontribui ba prosesu dezenvolvimentu iha ita-nia rai laran.\nInvolvimentu juventude iha partidu polítika sira hola parte hodi aprende programa, vizaun no misaun partidu sira nian no ita nota katak joven sira respeita malu tebes tanba aprende ona husi esperiénsia pasada.\nIha tinan 1975 Partidu polítiku eziste maibé antes ne’e uma lisan, Timor-Leste eziste nanis. Nune’e timoroan hotu iha ligasaun fetosá umane. Entaun eleisaun prezidénsiál no kampaña ba eleisaun lejislativa, ita mesak organiza la iha intervensaun husi ONU, ida ne’e kapas tan la’o di’ak.\nSuseso iha eleisaun rua ne’e hatudu ba Timor atu loke pájina foun ba ita-nia rain, hatudu ba ita-nia nasaun viziñu no hatudu ba mundu katak ita mós bele. Ita dezenvolve aan, kria paz no estabilidade hodi kontribui ba dezenvolvimentu nasionál.\nProsesu eleisaun hirak ne’e hotu iha tinan ida ne’e (2017) tinan ida ne’ebé hanesan tinan edukasaun tanba ne’e hanesan juventude, ita kaer valór paz hodi ba oin, ita hadi’a aan di’ak liutan.\nEsperensia hatudu durante eleisaun prezidensiál no kampaña ba eleisaun lejislativa ne’ebé sei monu iha jullu 22 ne’e, situasaun la’o di’ak mezmu iha insidente balun, ida ne’e lisaun di’ak katak joven hahú prepara aan.\nEstudante Universidade Orientál (UNITAL), Estevão Soares hateten katak joven sira barak kumprende ona kona-ba ezisténsia partidu polítiku no prosesu eleitorál. Tanba ida ne’e, partidu polítiku sira ne’ebé eleitu hodi forma parlamentu no governu bele kria kondisaun ba joven sira hodi asegura no kontribui nafatin ba paz no estabilidade,.\n“Sira tenke loke oportunidade ba joven sira hanesan edukasaun naun-formál nomós loke kampu traballu ba sira (joven). Ida ne’e importante tebes,” hateten estudante fakuldade edukasaun departamentu inglés ne’e.\nHodi husu katak iha formasaun sétimu governu konstitusionál ne’e, espera bele kria kondisaun ne’ebé sustentável no kria dezenvolvimentu ne’ebé iha sustentabilidade iha ita-nia rain, ba povu no ba ema hotu.\nHanesan joven, estudante semester lima husi UNITAL ne’e enkoraja mós joven sira seluk katak presiza inklina aan iha atividade sira ne’ebé ho hanoin kreativu no inovativu atu forma ita-nia karakter no transforma ita-nia atitude hodi envolve aan iha paz no dezenvolvimentu.\n“Ita joven hanesan fini ida. Prepara ita-nian, tau ita-nia aan ba futuru liuhusi kria domin no dame ba malu hodi kria estabilidade,,” enkoraja foinsa’e ne’e hodi apela mós ba foinsa’e sira iha Timor-Leste laran tomak.\n“Hatudu nafatin ita-nia komitmentu di’ak, transforma aan hanesan joven no banati tuir hahalok di’ak husi lider sira nune’e ita hametin liutan dame iha uma laran no sosiedade,”enkoraja tan estudante universitáriu husi munisípiu Viqueque ne’e.\nPrevious articleJornalista Tatoli-RTTL Livre Vota iha Kualker Sentru Votasaun\nNext articleGovernu Aprova Ona Polítika Nasionál Desportu | [
"\"Katuas Ruin La Besi, Raan La Manas\" | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA EDUKASAUN \"Katuas Ruin La Besi, Raan La Manas\" \"Katuas Ruin La Besi, Raan La Manas\" Foto espesial.",
"Foti husi: dpu.def.br DILI (TATOLI) - Observador Politika Universidade Nacional Timor Lorosa'e (UNTL), Victor Soares sita proverbiu popular, \"Katuas sira ruin la besi, raan la manas\" katak ita-nia lider tuan sira sei to'o nia tempu atu deskansa tanba ne'e hanesan foinsa'e, jerasaun foun, ita buka aprende no hatudu nafatin maturidade nu'udar joven hodi kontribui ba paz.",
"\"Joven sira ne'ebe enkaixa aan iha partidu politiku sira tenke aprende nafatin, nune'e 2022 mai sira mos bele hola parte hodi sai lider hodi kompete, hatutan nafatin saida mak inan-aman no lideransa sira halo ona,\" hateten observador Victor Soares ba Ajensia Tatoli, iha salaun CNE (Comissao Nacional das Eleicoes), Colmera, Dili, Tersa (18/07).",
"Sura loron atu tama ba eleisaun lejislativa hodi forma setimu governu konstitusional, partisipasaun joven sira nian di'ak no hatudu maturidade iha prosesu kampana eleitoral hodi kontribui maka'as loos ba iha prosesu eleisaun lejislativa.",
"Sinal ida ne'e hatudu juventude sai hanesan autor prinsipal ba dezenvolvimentu nomos joven hanesan futuru ba nasaun.",
"Entaun, otomatikamente, hanesan timoroan, joven idaidak sente tenke muda nia aan, aprende ho lider tuan sira no tempu to'o jerasaun foun sira atu ka'er, iha ona esperiensia.",
"Bainhira joven sira aprende, bele iha esperiensia jere instituisaun hothotu, tantu publiku nomos privada atu bele la'o di'ak atu bele kontribui ba prosesu dezenvolvimentu iha ita-nia rai laran.",
"Involvimentu juventude iha partidu politika sira hola parte hodi aprende programa, vizaun no misaun partidu sira nian no ita nota katak joven sira respeita malu tebes tanba aprende ona husi esperiensia pasada.",
"Iha tinan 1975 Partidu politiku eziste maibe antes ne'e uma lisan, Timor-Leste eziste nanis.",
"Nune'e timoroan hotu iha ligasaun fetosa umane.",
"Entaun eleisaun prezidensial no kampana ba eleisaun lejislativa, ita mesak organiza la iha intervensaun husi ONU, ida ne'e kapas tan la'o di'ak.",
"Suseso iha eleisaun rua ne'e hatudu ba Timor atu loke pajina foun ba ita-nia rain, hatudu ba ita-nia nasaun vizinu no hatudu ba mundu katak ita mos bele.",
"Ita dezenvolve aan, kria paz no estabilidade hodi kontribui ba dezenvolvimentu nasional.",
"Prosesu eleisaun hirak ne'e hotu iha tinan ida ne'e (2017) tinan ida ne'ebe hanesan tinan edukasaun tanba ne'e hanesan juventude, ita kaer valor paz hodi ba oin, ita hadi'a aan di'ak liutan.",
"Esperensia hatudu durante eleisaun prezidensial no kampana ba eleisaun lejislativa ne'ebe sei monu iha jullu 22 ne'e, situasaun la'o di'ak mezmu iha insidente balun, ida ne'e lisaun di'ak katak joven hahu prepara aan.",
"Estudante Universidade Oriental (UNITAL), Estevao Soares hateten katak joven sira barak kumprende ona kona-ba ezistensia partidu politiku no prosesu eleitoral.",
"Tanba ida ne'e, partidu politiku sira ne'ebe eleitu hodi forma parlamentu no governu bele kria kondisaun ba joven sira hodi asegura no kontribui nafatin ba paz no estabilidade,.",
"\"Sira tenke loke oportunidade ba joven sira hanesan edukasaun naun-formal nomos loke kampu traballu ba sira (joven).",
"Ida ne'e importante tebes,\" hateten estudante fakuldade edukasaun departamentu ingles ne'e.",
"Hodi husu katak iha formasaun setimu governu konstitusional ne'e, espera bele kria kondisaun ne'ebe sustentavel no kria dezenvolvimentu ne'ebe iha sustentabilidade iha ita-nia rain, ba povu no ba ema hotu.",
"Hanesan joven, estudante semester lima husi UNITAL ne'e enkoraja mos joven sira seluk katak presiza inklina aan iha atividade sira ne'ebe ho hanoin kreativu no inovativu atu forma ita-nia karakter no transforma ita-nia atitude hodi envolve aan iha paz no dezenvolvimentu.",
"\"Ita joven hanesan fini ida.",
"Prepara ita-nian, tau ita-nia aan ba futuru liuhusi kria domin no dame ba malu hodi kria estabilidade,,\" enkoraja foinsa'e ne'e hodi apela mos ba foinsa'e sira iha Timor-Leste laran tomak.",
"\"Hatudu nafatin ita-nia komitmentu di'ak, transforma aan hanesan joven no banati tuir hahalok di'ak husi lider sira nune'e ita hametin liutan dame iha uma laran no sosiedade,\"enkoraja tan estudante universitariu husi munisipiu Viqueque ne'e.",
"Previous articleJornalista Tatoli-RTTL Livre Vota iha Kualker Sentru Votasaun Next articleGovernu Aprova Ona Politika Nasional Desportu"
] | [
"\"Katuas Ruin La Besi, Raan la Manas\" | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste HOME EDUCATIONAL SERVICE & PROGRAMMES Education and Training Special Photo."
"DILI (TATOLI) - University of Timor-Leste's political observer Victor Soares quoted the popular proverb, \"Katuas sira ruin la iha besi no raan ne’e laiha\" that our old leaders will have their time to rest so as young people and new generation we are looking for learning from them. We must continue showing maturity in this age group with a view towards contributed peace creation; he added:"
"\"Young people who are involved in political parties must continue to learn, so that they can also take part as leaders and compete for 2018. They will be able the follow up of what their parents have done before them\", said observer Victor Soares at Tatoli News Agency's CNE (Comissao Nacional das Eleicoes) meeting room on Tuesday morning(7/3)."
"On the eve of legislative elections to form a seventh constitutional government, young people's participation was good and they showed maturity in their electoral campaigning so that it could make an important contributions towards parliamentary election process."
"This is a sign that youth are becoming the main actors of development and young people as future for our country."
"So, automatically as a Tongan every young person feels that he has to change himself and learn from the old leaders. It is time for our new generation of people who have already experienced it all in their own lifetime; they must take on this responsibility.\""
"When young people learn, they can have the experience of managing all institutions both public and private to run well in order that we may contribute towards development processes within our country."
"The involvement of young people in political parties is a way to learn about the programme, vision and mission. We note that youth have great respect for each other because they know from past experiences what it means when you are involved with your own party or group as an active member!"
"In 1975, a political party existed but before that there was only one language: Timor-Leste."
"In this way, every Taiwanese has a strong human connection."
"So the presidential election and campaign for legislative elections, we organized ourselves without UN intervention. This was able to go well again;"
"The success of these two elections shows Timor to turn a new page for our country, show us neighbours and the world that we can."
"We have developed ourselves, created peace and stability in order to contribute towards national development."
"All of these election processes are in this year (2017) a Year that is the Educational One, so as youths we take up peace value to go forward and improve ourselves."
"Experience has shown that during the presidential election and campaign for legislative elections to be held on July 23, situation was good despite some incidents. This is a positive lesson in which young people have begun preparing themselves; they should not let this happen again.\""
"University Oriental (UNITAL) student Estevao Soares said that many young people have understood about the existence of political parties and electoral process."
"For this reason, the political parties elected to form parliament and government can create conditions for young people in order that they may ensure their contribution towards peace."
"\"They have to open up opportunities for young people such as non-formal education and job creation."
"This is very important,\" said the English Department student."
"Asking that in the formation of this seventh constitutional government, we hope to create sustainable conditions and sustainably develop our country for all people."
"As a young person, the fifth-semester student of UNITAL encouraged other youth that we need to engage in activities with creative and innovative thinking so as forge our character & transform attitudes towards peace&development."
"\"We are young as a tree."
"Prepare ourselves, prepare for the future by creating love and peace among each other to create stability,” encouraged this youth group who also appealed towards young people throughout Timor-Leste."
"\"We must continue to show our commitment, transform us as young people and follow the good example of leaders so that we can strengthen peace within families in society\", encouraged this university student from Viqueque municipality."
"Previous articleJornalista Tatoli-RTTL Livre Vota em Kualker Centro de Votação Next ArticleGoverno Aprova Política Nacional Desportu"
] |
Items filtered by date: Sunday, 03 April 2022\nMonday, 04 April 2022 08:24\nMF Halo Enkontru ho Ekipa Traballu ba Avaliasaun husi F-FDTL\nTempotimor (Dili)-Ministru Finansas (MF), Rui Agostinho Gomes, halo enkontru ho Ekipa Traballu FALINTI-Forsa Defeza Timor-Leste (F-FDTL) hodi ko’alia kona-ba avaliasaun kapasidade Forsas Armadas, atu halo diagnóstiku ba kapasidade organizasaun Forsas Armadas.\nMonday, 04 April 2022 08:22\nTaur: Kandidatu Lú Olo Númeru 2 ba Segunda Volta no Segundu Mandatu\nTempotimor (Ermera)-Prezidente Partidu Libertasaun Popular PLP), Taur Matan Ruak, hakrak povu hili Kandidatu Prezidente Repúblika, Francisco Guterres ‘Lú Olo’, ho númeru sorteiu 2, ne’ebé avansa ba segunda vilta no sei eleitu hanesan PPrezidente Repúblika ba segyndu Mandatu 2022-2027.\nMonday, 04 April 2022 08:17\nEmprezáriu Timoroan Ajuda Kompaña Red Star Hetan Lisensiamentu husi MTKI\nTempotimor (Dili) Operadór Lotária Grand Dragon, Kompaña Red Star husi nasaun Malázia servisu ho Emprezáriu Timoroan prosesu rejistrasaun konsege lisensiamentu husi MInistériu Turizmu Komersiu no Industria (MTK).\nMonday, 04 April 2022 08:12\nAIFAESA Organiza Operasaun Konjuntu Kontrola Sasán no Traballadór\nTempotimor (Dili)-Autoridade Inspesaun no Fiskalizasaun Atividaden Ekonómika, Sanitária no Alimentár (AIFAESA) organiza atividade operasaun konjuntu entre instituisaun Estadu sira hodi kontrola sasán no estatutu traballadór sira.\nSunday, 03 April 2022 19:26\nLideransa Kontinua Egoizmu Kontribui Dezenvolvimentu Hakdasak\nTempotimor (Dili)-Kandidatu Prezidente Repúblika, Angela Freita, atual Prezidente partidu Trabalista Timorense ne’ebé komptete iha eleisaun Primeira Volta, konsidera lideransa sira kontinua egoizmu no divezensia polítika sei kontribui Dezenvoliemntu iha rai laran hakdasak nafatin.\nSunday, 03 April 2022 19:16\nDom Virgílio Husu Sarani Selebra Semana Santa iha Tempu Kampaña\nTempotimor (Dili)-Arkebispu Metropolitana Dili, Dom Virgílio do Carmo da Silva, hakarak sarani hothotu liliu Povu Timor-Leste atu selebra sakralidade semana santa nian iha tempu kampaña ba eleisaun segundu volta nian, tanba ne’e akontese tinan ida dala-1.\nSunday, 03 April 2022 19:05\nLakon iha Primeira Volta, Lú Olo ‘Izmola’ Votu iha Ermera\nTempotimor (Dili)-Kandidatu Prezidente Repúblika (PR) període 2022-2027, Francisco Guterres ‘Lú Olo’, hala'o kampaña loron dahuluk ba eleisaun segundu volta nian iha Postu Administrativu Gleno Munisípiu Ermera, hodi izmola votu, tanba iha primeira volta konsege derota iha munisipiu refere.\nSunday, 03 April 2022 18:59\nSEKOOP Orienta OMM Envolve iha Programa Sesta Bázika\nTempotimor (Díli)-Sekretáriu Estadu Kooperativa (SEKOOP), Elizário Ferreira, orienta membru Organizador Motivadór no Mobilizadór (OMM) atu hola parte iha rekolla baze dadus ba implementasaun programa Sesta Bázika ne'ebé sei reponsabiliza iha Munisípiu ualu.\nSunday, 03 April 2022 15:34\nHorta ‘Gaba-an’ Hasai Líder GAM Ida iha Prizaun Gleno\nTempotimor (Dili)-Kandidatu Prezidente Repúblika (PR) període 2022-2027, José Ramos Horta, gaba-an hasai líder Grupu Arte Marsiál (GAM) balun ne'ebé mak kondenadu husi Tribunál hodi tama kadeia iha prizaun Gleno, bainhira nia sei asume kna’ar Prezidente Repúblika iha tinan 2007-2012.\nSunday, 03 April 2022 15:28\nEstudante Konsidera STAE-CNE Deskrimina Diretu Sidadaun Ezerse Votu\nTempotimor (Dili)-Estudante husi Munisípiu 11 inklui Rejiaun Administrativa Espesiál Oekussi Ambeno (RAEOA) iha Muníspiu Dili, konsidera Sekretariadu Tékniku Administrasaun Eleitorál (STAE) no Komisaun Nasionál ba Eleisaun Sira (CNE) halo deskriminasaun ba sidadaun sira atu ejerse sira-nia direitu votu iha eleisaun primeiru volta. | [
"Items filtered by date: Sunday, 03 April 2022 Monday, 04 April 2022 08:24 MF Halo Enkontru ho Ekipa Traballu ba Avaliasaun husi F-FDTL Tempotimor (Dili) -Ministru Finansas (MF), Rui Agostinho Gomes, halo enkontru ho Ekipa Traballu FALINTI-Forsa Defeza Timor-Leste (F-FDTL) hodi ko'alia kona-ba avaliasaun kapasidade Forsas Armadas, atu halo diagnostiku ba kapasidade organizasaun Forsas Armadas.",
"Monday, 04 April 2022 08:22 Taur: Kandidatu Lu Olo Numeru 2 ba Segunda Volta no Segundu Mandatu Tempotimor (Ermera) -Prezidente Partidu Libertasaun Popular PLP), Taur Matan Ruak, hakrak povu hili Kandidatu Prezidente Republika, Francisco Guterres 'Lu Olo', ho numeru sorteiu 2, ne'ebe avansa ba segunda vilta no sei eleitu hanesan PPrezidente Republika ba segyndu Mandatu 2022-2027.",
"Monday, 04 April 2022 08:17 Emprezariu Timoroan Ajuda Kompana Red Star Hetan Lisensiamentu husi MTKI Tempotimor (Dili) Operador Lotaria Grand Dragon, Kompana Red Star husi nasaun Malazia servisu ho Emprezariu Timoroan prosesu rejistrasaun konsege lisensiamentu husi MInisteriu Turizmu Komersiu no Industria (MTK).",
"Monday, 04 April 2022 08:12 AIFAESA Organiza Operasaun Konjuntu Kontrola Sasan no Traballador Tempotimor (Dili) -Autoridade Inspesaun no Fiskalizasaun Atividaden Ekonomika, Sanitaria no Alimentar (AIFAESA) organiza atividade operasaun konjuntu entre instituisaun Estadu sira hodi kontrola sasan no estatutu traballador sira.",
"Sunday, 03 April 2022 19:26 Lideransa Kontinua Egoizmu Kontribui Dezenvolvimentu Hakdasak Tempotimor (Dili) -Kandidatu Prezidente Republika, Angela Freita, atual Prezidente partidu Trabalista Timorense ne'ebe komptete iha eleisaun Primeira Volta, konsidera lideransa sira kontinua egoizmu no divezensia politika sei kontribui Dezenvoliemntu iha rai laran hakdasak nafatin.",
"Sunday, 03 April 2022 19:16 Dom Virgilio Husu Sarani Selebra Semana Santa iha Tempu Kampana Tempotimor (Dili) -Arkebispu Metropolitana Dili, Dom Virgilio do Carmo da Silva, hakarak sarani hothotu liliu Povu Timor-Leste atu selebra sakralidade semana santa nian iha tempu kampana ba eleisaun segundu volta nian, tanba ne'e akontese tinan ida dala-1.",
"Sunday, 03 April 2022 19:05 Lakon iha Primeira Volta, Lu Olo 'Izmola' Votu iha Ermera Tempotimor (Dili) -Kandidatu Prezidente Republika (PR) periode 2022-2027, Francisco Guterres 'Lu Olo', hala'o kampana loron dahuluk ba eleisaun segundu volta nian iha Postu Administrativu Gleno Munisipiu Ermera, hodi izmola votu, tanba iha primeira volta konsege derota iha munisipiu refere.",
"Sunday, 03 April 2022 18:59 SEKOOP Orienta OMM Envolve iha Programa Sesta Bazika Tempotimor (Dili) -Sekretariu Estadu Kooperativa (SEKOOP), Elizario Ferreira, orienta membru Organizador Motivador no Mobilizador (OMM) atu hola parte iha rekolla baze dadus ba implementasaun programa Sesta Bazika ne'ebe sei reponsabiliza iha Munisipiu ualu.",
"Sunday, 03 April 2022 15:34 Horta 'Gaba-an' Hasai Lider GAM Ida iha Prizaun Gleno Tempotimor (Dili) -Kandidatu Prezidente Republika (PR) periode 2022-2027, Jose Ramos Horta, gaba-an hasai lider Grupu Arte Marsial (GAM) balun ne'ebe mak kondenadu husi Tribunal hodi tama kadeia iha prizaun Gleno, bainhira nia sei asume kna'ar Prezidente Republika iha tinan 2007-2012.",
"Sunday, 03 April 2022 15:28 Estudante Konsidera STAE-CNE Deskrimina Diretu Sidadaun Ezerse Votu Tempotimor (Dili) -Estudante husi Munisipiu 11 inklui Rejiaun Administrativa Espesial Oekussi Ambeno (RAEOA) iha Munispiu Dili, konsidera Sekretariadu Tekniku Administrasaun Eleitoral (STAE) no Komisaun Nasional ba Eleisaun Sira (CNE) halo deskriminasaun ba sidadaun sira atu ejerse sira-nia direitu votu iha eleisaun primeiru volta."
] | [
"Items filtered by date: Sunday, 03 April (Dili) - Minister of Finance Rui Agostinho Gomet held a meeting with the FALINTI-Forsa Defesa Timor Lorosa'e Working Group to discuss on capacity evaluation for Armed Force. The task is intended as an early diagnostical tool that will help identify and assess organization capabilities amongst all armies within their respective regions or territories which are not yet fully equipped at this time; therefore it would be necessary further efforts towards improving these capacities so they can become more effectively capable when deployed into conflict areas.\""
"Tempotimor (Ermera) -President of the People's Liberation Party, Taur Matan Ruak has called on people to vote for President Candidate Francisco Guterres 'Lu Olo’ with draw number 2. He will advance into second round and be elected as PPresidente da República para o segundo Mandato de Governo do Estado Timor-Leste no período compreendido entre os anos a contarem desde abril até dezembro deste ano;"
"Timorese Businessman Helps Red Star Company Get Licensing from MTKI Tempotimor (Dili) Grand Dragon Lottery Operator, Malaysian company red star has worked with a timorense businessperson to complete the registration process and obtain license by Ministry of Tourism Trade & Industry."
"AIFAESA Organizes Joint Operation to Control Commodities and Workers Tempotimor (Dili) -The Authority for the Inspection of Economic, Sanitary & Food Activities organized a joint operation between State agencies in an attempt at controlling commodity imports. The activity was carried out on Monday 04 April with workers from Timor-Leste being inspected as well"
"Tempotimor (Dili) -Presidential Candidate Angela Freita, current President of the Timorese Labour Party which is competing in First Round elections considers that continuing selfishness and political divergences by leaders will contribute to a further deterioration within their country."
"Sunday, 03 April (Dili) - Archbishop Virgilio do Carmo da Silva of Dili urges all Catholics especially the people to celebrate Holy Week during campaign time for second round elections. He said that this is a first in his lifetime and he hoped it would be an opportunity not only on Easter but also at any other occasion such as Christmas or New Year' s Eve when there are many celebrations taking place throughout Timor-Leste because these events occur once every year so they should always take into consideration their sacred importance while preparing themselves well before going out with your voting right now!"
"Tempotimor (Dili) -Presidential Candidate Francisco Guterres 'Lu Olo', for the period 2017-365 years of his presidency in Timor Leste and candidate to be elected as President by a second round election on April. The first day campaign was conducted at Gleno Administrative Post Ermera Municipality where he is aimed towards voters who voted against him after being defeated there during their initial ballot sessions with Lu Ol..."
"SEKOOP Instructions OMM To Be Involved in Sesta Bazika Program Tempotimor (Dili) -The State Secretary for Cooperatives, Elizario Ferreira instructed Organizer Motivator and Mobilizer members to take part of the database compilation process that will be responsible at six municipalities. The program is being implemented by a co-operative group called \"Organisador motivador e mobilizado\" (\"Motivation Organiser & Mover\")."
"Tempotimor (Dili) -Presidential Candidate for the 2017-36 term, Jose Ramos Horta has announced that he will release some of his former Martials Arts Groups leaders who were sentenced by court to jail in Gleno Prison. The decision was made after a meeting between him and Prime Minister Xanana Gusmão on Thursday night when they discussed how their country could be better off with more freedom from violence as it is now under threat because there are many people being held imprisonment at this prison since its establishments have been closed down during last year' s election campaigning period which took place before President José Eduardo dos Santos became president among other things through an unsuccessful coup d’etat attempt against her father Fernando Henrique Cardoso"
"Tempotimor (Dili) -Students from 12 municipalities including the Oekussi Ambeno Special Administrative Region in Dili Municipality, believe that STAE and CNE are discriminating against citizens to exercise their right of vote at first round elections. The students say they have been denied access by both agencies for voter identification as well As a lack or incomplete information on how people can register themselves before being elected into parliamentary seats during this election period which will be held between April-May next year with an estimated total population over one million person"
] |
Traballadór Portu Tibar ‘greve’ hasoru kompañia - GMN TV\nGMN TV Sosiedade Traballadór Portu Tibar ‘greve’ hasoru kompañia\nTraballadór Portu Tibar Kuarta (13/10), halo asaun greve hodi ezije sira-nia direitu indeminizasaun ba kompañia 2WJ Great The Line.\nPortavóz traballadór Portu Tibar, Nicodino da Cruz, hatate, asaun solidariedade ne’ebé sira halo ne’e, hodi ezije kompañia 2WJ Great The Line atu selu sira nia direitu ba indeminizasaun.\n“Ami mai iha ne’e atu fó aspirasaun nu’udar traballadór, tanba ami-nia direitu ne’e sente katak, hanehan hela, direitu ne’e mak indemnizasaun no mós iha iregularidade barak ne’ebé sei iha relasaun ba ami nu’udar traballadór,” dehan Porta-Voz, Nicodino da Cruz, iha fatin asaun greve Portu Tibar.\nJerente Kompañia 2WJ Great The Line, konfirma, direitu ne’ebé traballadór sira husu ba kompañia mak atu selu indemnizasaun, maibé kompañia sei selu tuir lei ne’ebé estabelese ona no bainhira traballadór sira la satisfeitu, dalan ikus mak ba SEFOPE, tamba projetu Portu Tibar ne’e hanesan projetu determinadu.\n“Tanba ita mai ho kontratu determinadu, ita-nia kontratu ne’e hanesan temporariamente atu hetan benefísiu oitoan husi empregadór, maibé ita bazeia ba kontratu determinadu, se nia liu husi tinan tolu ba leten, hakarak ka lakohi ita sei hetan indemnizasaun, maibé husi tinan tolu mai kraik sei la hetan indemnizasaun. Maibe parte kompañia selu nafatin sira-nia annual leave ho sira-nia gaji 13 inklui mos ho sira-nia sertifikadu. Durante kompañia hasai sira, sira-nia direitu ne’e ami fó bazeia ba lei,” esplika Jerente Kompañia 2WJ Great The Line, Sebastião Pereira.\nAsaun ne’ebé traballadór sira halo la hetan rekoñesimentu husi parte Polísia Munisípiu Liquiça, nune’e polísia haruka traballadór sira fila hodi labele perturba movimentu trasporte públiku.GMN\nFONGTIL rekomenda pontu lima ba Governu kona-ba vasina\nAmu Papa sei vizita TL\nALMAMOR hakfodak ho deklarasaun Manuel Vong | [
"Traballador Portu Tibar 'greve' hasoru kompania - GMN TV GMN TV Sosiedade Traballador Portu Tibar 'greve' hasoru kompania Traballador Portu Tibar Kuarta (13/10), halo asaun greve hodi ezije sira-nia direitu indeminizasaun ba kompania 2WJ Great The Line.",
"Portavoz traballador Portu Tibar, Nicodino da Cruz, hatate, asaun solidariedade ne'ebe sira halo ne'e, hodi ezije kompania 2WJ Great The Line atu selu sira nia direitu ba indeminizasaun.",
"\"Ami mai iha ne'e atu fo aspirasaun nu'udar traballador, tanba ami-nia direitu ne'e sente katak, hanehan hela, direitu ne'e mak indemnizasaun no mos iha iregularidade barak ne'ebe sei iha relasaun ba ami nu'udar traballador,\" dehan Porta-Voz, Nicodino da Cruz, iha fatin asaun greve Portu Tibar.",
"Jerente Kompania 2WJ Great The Line, konfirma, direitu ne'ebe traballador sira husu ba kompania mak atu selu indemnizasaun, maibe kompania sei selu tuir lei ne'ebe estabelese ona no bainhira traballador sira la satisfeitu, dalan ikus mak ba SEFOPE, tamba projetu Portu Tibar ne'e hanesan projetu determinadu.",
"\"Tanba ita mai ho kontratu determinadu, ita-nia kontratu ne'e hanesan temporariamente atu hetan benefisiu oitoan husi empregador, maibe ita bazeia ba kontratu determinadu, se nia liu husi tinan tolu ba leten, hakarak ka lakohi ita sei hetan indemnizasaun, maibe husi tinan tolu mai kraik sei la hetan indemnizasaun.",
"Maibe parte kompania selu nafatin sira-nia annual leave ho sira-nia gaji 13 inklui mos ho sira-nia sertifikadu.",
"Durante kompania hasai sira, sira-nia direitu ne'e ami fo bazeia ba lei,\" esplika Jerente Kompania 2WJ Great The Line, Sebastiao Pereira.",
"Asaun ne'ebe traballador sira halo la hetan rekonesimentu husi parte Polisia Munisipiu Liquica, nune'e polisia haruka traballador sira fila hodi labele perturba movimentu trasporte publiku.GMN FONGTIL rekomenda pontu lima ba Governu kona-ba vasina Amu Papa sei vizita TL ALMAMOR hakfodak ho deklarasaun Manuel Vong"
] | [
"Portu Tibar workers 'strike' against company - GMN TV Society On Thursday (October 13th), the workers of Porto de Timor took a strike action to demand their right for compensation from Great The Line."
"Port of Tibar workers' spokesman, Nicodino da Cruz said that the solidarity action they have taken is to demand 2WJ Great The Line company pay their right for compensation."
"\"We have come here to express our aspirations as workers, because we feel that the right is not being respected and there are a lot of irregularities in relation with us workers\", said spokesman Nicodino da Cruz at Portu Tibar's strike site."
"Manager of 2WJ Great The Line Company, confirms that the workers' right is to ask for compensation from their company but they will be paid in accordance with established law and if not satisfied by it then a final remedy can only come through SEFOPE because Tibar Port project has been determined."
"\"Because we come with a fixed-term contract, ours is as if temporarily to get eighth benefit from the employer. But based on this fixing term agreement: If it goes over three years and beyond whether you want or not will be compensated but after that period of time no indemnification shall take place.\""
"However, the company still pays their annual leave with 13 months of salary and certificates."
"During the company's dismissal, their rights are given to them based on law\", explained Sebastiao Pereira. Managing Director of Great The Line Company (2WJ)."
"The actions of the workers were not recognized by Liquica Municipal Police, so police sent them back to avoid disturbing public transport.GMN FONGTIL recommends five points for Government on vaccination Father Pope will visit TL ALMAMOR is in disagreement with Manuel Vong statement"
] |
Tinan 13 aniversariu JN-Diario Jorge Serrano agradese povu tomak – GMN TV | Grupo Média Nacional - Lori Timor ba Mundu - GMN TV | Grupo Média Nacional\nHome » Diarío » Tinan 13 aniversariu JN-Diario Jorge Serrano agradese povu tomak\nPresidente do Conselho da Administração Grupo Média Nacional (GMN), Jorge Manuel de Araújo Serrano, agradese ema hotu nia kontribuisaun hahu husi kolaboradores, leitores, asinantes, anunsiantes, kronista no povu tomak ne’ebe halo Jornal Nacional Diário ohin loron sai jornal ida ne’ebe sai referensia iha Timor-Leste.\nFundador ne’e esplika, Jornal Nacional Diario moris atu kompleta Jornal Nacional Semanario ne’ebe hari’i uluk iha tinan 2003, tanba Jornal Nacional Semanario, jornal ne’ebe semanal, tanba ne’e iha kompetisaun lor-loron hare katak, ladun forte, nune’e lansa tan Jornal Nacional Diario iha loron 7 fulan Marsu tinan 2005, atu kompleta no reforsa Jornal Nacional Semanario.\n“Uluk nanain ha’u agradese ba aman Maromak, Jornal Nacional Diario bele lao durante tinan 13. Ha’u hanoin se Jornal Nacional Diário laiha, GMN mos laiha. Ha’u lahaluha agradese ba kolaboradores hotu, jornalista sira ne’ebe fo kontribuisaun bo’ot ba media emprime ne’e, barak sei iha ne’e, desde inisiu kedas fó fiar ba GMN, balun tinan 10 liu balun tinan 15. Ha’u mos fo agradesimentu bo’ot liu ba asinante sira, leitores sira no ba publiku hotu ne’ebe durante ne’e akompaña Jornal Nacional Diário. Obrigadu wain ba anunsiante sira, sira hotu mak fo iis no forsa ba Jornal Nacional Diário, nune’e ohin Jornal Nacional Diário bele tama ba tinan 13,” dehan Presidente do Conselho da Administração Grupo Media Nacional (GMN), Jorge Manuel de Araújo Serrano ba Jornal Nacional Diário iha nia kna’ar fatin, Grupo Media Nacional (GMN), Bebora, Tersa (6/3).\nBa emprezariu Timoroan ne’e, perkursu ba tinan 13 ne’e laos buat fasil, maibe todan. Tanba nasaun ida hanesan Timor-Leste, merkadu kikoan, ita atu koalia negosiu media ladun favoravel liu-liu ita koalia konaba sustentabilidade.\nLee hotu : Sei kobra US$1.00 ba vizitantes Santuario Ramelau\nTanba ita hotu hatene jornal barak moris to’o ikus mate, grasa Maromak nian, ita sei ezizte to’o ohin loron hodi kompleta Grupo Media Nacional katak, hari’i televizaun, radio, jornal diario no jornal semanario.\n“Durante ne’e halo ona esforsu barak, ha’u agradese ba hotu-hotu nia esforsu, kritikas no sujestaun ne’ebe mai husi publiku, kritika ne’ebe konstrutivu mai ita, importante hodi kontinua buka hadia nafatin loron ba loron,”dehan Jorge Serrano\nTuir nain ba GMN, iha tinan 13 ne’e, importante tebes atu halo mos reflesaun ida no konsolida Grupo Média Nacional, tanba grupo ne’e aumenta ninia responsabilidade ba bebeik, publiku tau matan hela ba ita hodi hare ita nia dezenvolvimentu, kresimentu no progresu, hodi servi informasaun ba publiku ho kredivel, imparsial, la hare ba kor no rasa, relijiaun no partidu.\nJornal Nacional Diário moris ona durante tinan 13, nia halo ona buat balun liu-liu kontribuisaun ba Estadu, sosiadade no povu tomak. Dezafiu lubuk ida mak nia hasoru entermus finanseiru, tanba jornal rua ne’e mai kedas ho kloridu, maibe grasa Maromak nia konsege utrapasa dezafiu hirak ne’e hotu to’o ohin loron.\nTuir planu presidente do conselho da administração GMN, Jorge Serrano, GMN sei lansa tan jornal digital, tanba iha mundu agora iha jornal barak la funsiona ona ho pape ka suratahan.\nNune’e mos atu diminui kustu papel, atu salva guarda ambiente no mos bele fasilita ema asesu jornal lalais liu husi via internet.\n“Ita iha ideia, tanba ita hare ohin loron mundu ne’e, mundu ida ne’ebe dezenvolvidu tebes ho evolusaun modernu liu-liu teknolojia ita prepara ona strutura no mos plataforma atu halo Diario digital.\nLee hotu : MTK JOSÉ AGUSTINHO PROMETE KRIA MEKANISMU DIAK IHA APORTIL\nHare fila fali ba esperiensia passadu, inisiu hari’i jornal ne’ebe moruk tebes, prezidenti consellu GMN dehan, passadu ne’ebe moruk ne’e, sempre sai referensia.\n“Hau sempre dehan bebeik iha reniaun sira katak, hau lakohi sira ne’ebe mai atu terus hanesan uluk, maibe hakarak sira rekuñese katak GMN ne’e hamrik ho sofrimentu no sakrifisiu boot grupu oan ida nian. Espera katak fasilidade sira ne’e hotu-hotu bele uza ho diak tuir nesesidades atu responde mos ba espetativa sira ne’ebe iha,” dehan prezidenti.mra | [
"Tinan 13 aniversariu JN-Diario Jorge Serrano agradese povu tomak - GMN TV | Grupo Media Nacional - Lori Timor ba Mundu - GMN TV | Grupo Media Nacional Home \" Diario \" Tinan 13 aniversariu JN-Diario Jorge Serrano agradese povu tomak Presidente do Conselho da Administracao Grupo Media Nacional (GMN), Jorge Manuel de Araujo Serrano, agradese ema hotu nia kontribuisaun hahu husi kolaboradores, leitores, asinantes, anunsiantes, kronista no povu tomak ne'ebe halo Jornal Nacional Diario ohin loron sai jornal ida ne'ebe sai referensia iha Timor-Leste.",
"Fundador ne'e esplika, Jornal Nacional Diario moris atu kompleta Jornal Nacional Semanario ne'ebe hari'i uluk iha tinan 2003, tanba Jornal Nacional Semanario, jornal ne'ebe semanal, tanba ne'e iha kompetisaun lor-loron hare katak, ladun forte, nune'e lansa tan Jornal Nacional Diario iha loron 7 fulan Marsu tinan 2005, atu kompleta no reforsa Jornal Nacional Semanario.",
"\"Uluk nanain ha'u agradese ba aman Maromak, Jornal Nacional Diario bele lao durante tinan 13.",
"Ha'u hanoin se Jornal Nacional Diario laiha, GMN mos laiha.",
"Ha'u lahaluha agradese ba kolaboradores hotu, jornalista sira ne'ebe fo kontribuisaun bo'ot ba media emprime ne'e, barak sei iha ne'e, desde inisiu kedas fo fiar ba GMN, balun tinan 10 liu balun tinan 15.",
"Ha'u mos fo agradesimentu bo'ot liu ba asinante sira, leitores sira no ba publiku hotu ne'ebe durante ne'e akompana Jornal Nacional Diario.",
"Obrigadu wain ba anunsiante sira, sira hotu mak fo iis no forsa ba Jornal Nacional Diario, nune'e ohin Jornal Nacional Diario bele tama ba tinan 13,\" dehan Presidente do Conselho da Administracao Grupo Media Nacional (GMN), Jorge Manuel de Araujo Serrano ba Jornal Nacional Diario iha nia kna'ar fatin, Grupo Media Nacional (GMN), Bebora, Tersa (6/3).",
"Ba emprezariu Timoroan ne'e, perkursu ba tinan 13 ne'e laos buat fasil, maibe todan.",
"Tanba nasaun ida hanesan Timor-Leste, merkadu kikoan, ita atu koalia negosiu media ladun favoravel liu-liu ita koalia konaba sustentabilidade.",
"Lee hotu: Sei kobra US$1.00 ba vizitantes Santuario Ramelau Tanba ita hotu hatene jornal barak moris to'o ikus mate, grasa Maromak nian, ita sei ezizte to'o ohin loron hodi kompleta Grupo Media Nacional katak, hari'i televizaun, radio, jornal diario no jornal semanario.",
"\"Durante ne'e halo ona esforsu barak, ha'u agradese ba hotu-hotu nia esforsu, kritikas no sujestaun ne'ebe mai husi publiku, kritika ne'ebe konstrutivu mai ita, importante hodi kontinua buka hadia nafatin loron ba loron,\"dehan Jorge Serrano Tuir nain ba GMN, iha tinan 13 ne'e, importante tebes atu halo mos reflesaun ida no konsolida Grupo Media Nacional, tanba grupo ne'e aumenta ninia responsabilidade ba bebeik, publiku tau matan hela ba ita hodi hare ita nia dezenvolvimentu, kresimentu no progresu, hodi servi informasaun ba publiku ho kredivel, imparsial, la hare ba kor no rasa, relijiaun no partidu.",
"Jornal Nacional Diario moris ona durante tinan 13, nia halo ona buat balun liu-liu kontribuisaun ba Estadu, sosiadade no povu tomak.",
"Dezafiu lubuk ida mak nia hasoru entermus finanseiru, tanba jornal rua ne'e mai kedas ho kloridu, maibe grasa Maromak nia konsege utrapasa dezafiu hirak ne'e hotu to'o ohin loron.",
"Tuir planu presidente do conselho da administracao GMN, Jorge Serrano, GMN sei lansa tan jornal digital, tanba iha mundu agora iha jornal barak la funsiona ona ho pape ka suratahan.",
"Nune'e mos atu diminui kustu papel, atu salva guarda ambiente no mos bele fasilita ema asesu jornal lalais liu husi via internet.",
"\"Ita iha ideia, tanba ita hare ohin loron mundu ne'e, mundu ida ne'ebe dezenvolvidu tebes ho evolusaun modernu liu-liu teknolojia ita prepara ona strutura no mos plataforma atu halo Diario digital.",
"Lee hotu: MTK JOSE AGUSTINHO PROMETE KRIA MEKANISMU DIAK IHA APORTIL Hare fila fali ba esperiensia passadu, inisiu hari'i jornal ne'ebe moruk tebes, prezidenti consellu GMN dehan, passadu ne'ebe moruk ne'e, sempre sai referensia.",
"\"Hau sempre dehan bebeik iha reniaun sira katak, hau lakohi sira ne'ebe mai atu terus hanesan uluk, maibe hakarak sira rekunese katak GMN ne'e hamrik ho sofrimentu no sakrifisiu boot grupu oan ida nian.",
"Espera katak fasilidade sira ne'e hotu-hotu bele uza ho diak tuir nesesidades atu responde mos ba espetativa sira ne'ebe iha,\" dehan prezidenti.mra"
] | [
"JN-Diario Jorge Serrano thanks all people - GMN TV | Grupo Media Nacional Home \" Diario\" The President of the Management Board (GMD) Group, George Manuel de Araujo Sierran thanked everyone for their contributions starting from collaborators and readers to subscribers. He also expresses his gratitude towards those who have made Jornal National Daily today a newspaper that is becoming an important reference in Timor Leste: journalists; publishers/advertiser' s staff members as well As everybody on earth!"
"The founder explained that Jornal Nacional Diario was born to complement the originally established in 2013, because as a week-day newspaper with daily competition it seemed not strong enough. Therefore he launched another journal on March of this year (7th), complete and reinforced Journal National Weekly; then added: \"There is no reason why we should be doing so.\""
"\"Today I thank God that Jornal Nacional Diario has been running for 13 years."
"I think that if Jornal Nacional Diario is not there, GMN will be."
"I would like to thank all the collaborators, journalists who have made a great contribution for this newspaper. Many of them are still here and they've been trusting GMN since its inception - some more than 10 years or even over an average period from one year until fifteen-sometimes so much as thirty five!"
"I would also like to thank the subscribers, readers and all of you who have been following Jornal Nacional Diario."
"Thank you very much to the advertisers, they all give strength and energy for Jornal Nacional Diario so that today it can enter its thirteenth year of existence\", said Jorge Manuel de Araujo Serrano (Presidente do Conselha da Administração Grupo Media nacional - GMN) at his office in Bebora on Tuesday."
"For this Timorese entrepreneur, the journey to 13 years is not easy but it's worthwhile."
"Because a country like Timor-Leste, with its small markets is not very favorable for media business especially when it comes to sustainability."
"Because we all know that many newspapers lived until they died, by the grace of God it will continue to this day in order for Grupo Media Nacional (GMN) which has established television and radio services along with a daily news paper."
"\"During this time we have made a lot of efforts, I am grateful for everyone's effort and criticism from the public. It is important to continue seeking improvement every day\", said Jorge Serrano Vice-President at GMN in his 13th year as CEO; it was also very essential that he reflected on what has been done so far by Grupo Media Nacional (GNM), because our group increasingly increase its responsibility: The people are watching us with interest when they look over their shoulders after development or progress which serve information credibly impartially without regarding race/religion nor party politics.\""
"Jornal Nacional Diario has been alive for 13 years, it made some contributions to the state and society."
"He faced a lot of financial challenges, because the two newspapers came out with chloride immediately. But thank God he managed to overcome all these difficulties until today and has been working on his own business since then.\""
"According to the plan of GMN’s board president, Jorge Serrano (left) and his team will launch a new digital newspaper because many paper-based daily news outlet in today' s world are no longer operating."
"This is also to reduce paper costs, protect the environment and facilitate people's faster access via internet."
"\"We have an idea, because we see today the world is very developed with modern evolution especially technology. We've prepared a structure and also platform to make Diario digital.\""
"Read more: MTK JOSE AGUSTINHO PROMETE CREATES DIRECTION MECHANISM IN APORTIL Looking back on past experiences, the beginning of establishing a newspaper that was very difficult for GMN'S board president to accept. He said this hard time has always been referenced in his work as an editor and director-general appointed by Primeiro Ministro José Agostinho da Silva (PT)."
"\"I always say in the meetings that I do not want those who come to suffer as before, but they should acknowledge GMN is filled with a great group of people' s pain and sacrifice."
"It is hoped that all these facilities can be used well according to the needs and also responds in order for expectations,\" said president.mra"
] |
Membru Asembleia Konstituinte: Tenke Hatuur Meza Ho Pensamentu Estadu | ::Diariu Timor Post Online::\nTimor Post (21/08/2020)-Membru Asembleia Konstituinte Sesta (21/08), marka prezensa iha Uma Fukun Parlamentu Nasionál hodi hasoru malu ho atuál Prezidente Parlamentu Nasionál, Aniceto Guterres atu ko’alia kona ba oinsá atu hatuur hikas meza parlamentu ne’ebé deputadu V lejizlativa harahun.\n“Meza ida ne’ebé deputadu sira halo rahun ne’e mak uluk membru Asembleia Konstituinte sira asina konstituisaun iha ninia leten. Deputadu sira haree meza ne’e hanesan material de’it, maibé meza ne’e iha nia simbóliku no sentidu estadu, iha nia filozofia no natureza iha, meza ne’e mak harii nasaun RDTL. Kuandu harahun ona atu hatuur filafali tenke hatuur ho pensamentu estadu no liga mós ba kestaun Kultura nian tanba meza ne’e lulik” afirma Konstituinte hafoin remata vizita ba Parlamentu Nasionál.\nBuras informa matéria ne’ebé sira enkontru ho Aniceto Guterres maka atu hatuur hikas meza ne’ebé harahun hosi deputadu sira foin lalais ne’e.\n“Prezidente Parlamentu Nasionál ajenda ona katak atu hatuur fali meza ne’e iha loron 4 fulan Setembru” hateten buras.\nEntretantu meza no kadeira Prezidente no Vise Prezidente Parlamentu Nasionál rahun iha loron 18-19 fulan Maiu 2020, kauza hosi impase polítika ne’ebé dura besik tinan 4 nia laran.(Jornalista Julio Salinas Soares)\nVisitors today : 1,719\nTotal visitors : 190,058\nTotal page view: 274,946 | [
"Membru Asembleia Konstituinte: Tenke Hatuur Meza Ho Pensamentu Estadu |::Diariu Timor Post Online:: Timor Post (21/08/2020) -Membru Asembleia Konstituinte Sesta (21/08), marka prezensa iha Uma Fukun Parlamentu Nasional hodi hasoru malu ho atual Prezidente Parlamentu Nasional, Aniceto Guterres atu ko'alia kona ba oinsa atu hatuur hikas meza parlamentu ne'ebe deputadu V lejizlativa harahun.",
"\"Meza ida ne'ebe deputadu sira halo rahun ne'e mak uluk membru Asembleia Konstituinte sira asina konstituisaun iha ninia leten.",
"Deputadu sira haree meza ne'e hanesan material de'it, maibe meza ne'e iha nia simboliku no sentidu estadu, iha nia filozofia no natureza iha, meza ne'e mak harii nasaun RDTL.",
"Kuandu harahun ona atu hatuur filafali tenke hatuur ho pensamentu estadu no liga mos ba kestaun Kultura nian tanba meza ne'e lulik\" afirma Konstituinte hafoin remata vizita ba Parlamentu Nasional.",
"Buras informa materia ne'ebe sira enkontru ho Aniceto Guterres maka atu hatuur hikas meza ne'ebe harahun hosi deputadu sira foin lalais ne'e.",
"\"Prezidente Parlamentu Nasional ajenda ona katak atu hatuur fali meza ne'e iha loron 4 fulan Setembru\" hateten buras.",
"Entretantu meza no kadeira Prezidente no Vise Prezidente Parlamentu Nasional rahun iha loron 18-19 fulan Maiu 2020, kauza hosi impase politika ne'ebe dura besik tinan 4 nia laran.",
"(Jornalista Julio Salinas Soares) Visitors today: 1,719 Total visitors: 190,058 Total page view: 274,946"
] | [
"Members of the Constituent Assembly: Have a Table with State Thinking | Timor Post Online (21/08 / 3) -Member Of The Constitutional Assembly On Saturday, Aug.-Day Sixth(August), marked presence in House Lower Parliament to meet current Speaker Aniceto Guterres and talk about how they can quickly set up parliamentary table which MP V legislature has been haunted by his resignation from office"
"\"A table that the deputies have destroyed is one at which members of a former Constituent Assembly signed their constitutions."
"Members viewed the table as merely material, but it has its symbolism and sense of statehood. It is a philosophy that built up Timor-Leste in nature; this was what formed our country RDTL.\""
"When it's time to re-establish, we must do so with the state thinking and also linked on issues of Culture because this is a difficult task\" said Constituinte after finishing his visit at Parliament."
"Buras informed that the objective of their meeting with Aniceto Guterres was to resolve immediately a table issue which had been raised by MPs recently."
"\"The President of the National Parliament has scheduled that this table will be reconvened on September 4th,\" he said."
"The President and Vice-President of the National Parliament were elected on May 18–20, due to a political impasse that had lasted for almost four years."
"(Jornalista Julio Salinas Soares) Visitors today: 1,720 Total visitors - total page view of the site is now at about..."
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SEPS distribui ona apoiu emerjénsia ba família 2.000 iha Dili | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste\nVARANDA DILI SEPS distribui ona apoiu emerjénsia ba família 2.000 iha Dili\nDILI, 16 abríl 2021 (TATOLI)—Sekretária Estadu Protesaun Sivíl (SEPS), distribui ona apoiu emerjénsia ba família hamutuk 2.000 iha Munisípiu Dili, ne’ebé afetadu ba dezastre naturál, iha 04 abríl tinan ne’e.\nNotísia relevante:SEPS transporta apoiu emerjénsia ba Munisípiu lima\n“Ita identifika família hamutuk 8.000-resin iha Dili atu fó apoiu emerjénsia. To’o horisehik, ita fó ona ba família 2.000. Tanba ne’e, agora ita kontinua distribui ba família-sira ne’ebé seidauk hetan,’’ SEPS, Joaquim José Gusmão dos Reis Martins, hateten ba jornalista Agência Tatoli, iha kna’ar fatin Caicoli, Dili, sesta ne’e.\nJoaquim Gusmão garante katak, distribuisaun apoiu emerjénsia sei to’o duni ba família hotu ne’ebé afetadu, iha semana oin.\nSEPS mós rekoñese rekursu limitadu, tanba ne’e labele distribui sasán dala-ida ba suku hotu-hotu, maibé esforsu nafatin hodi bele distribui to’o família hotu.\nKona-bá apoiu ba munisípiu-sira, nia dehan, pontu fokál-sira kontinua fó apoiu no munisípiu-sira ne’ebé sasán estok iha armajén menus, hosi parte nasionál hahú distribui ona sasán hodi bele reforsa stoke.\nSEPS mós estabelese ona sentru operasaun jestaun risku dezastre, hodi halo koordenasaun serbisu-sira ho efikás no efisiénsia, atu bele halo atuasaun emerjénsia iha terenu ho di’ak liu tan.\nIha atuasaun loron dahuluk hafoin dezastre naturál, SEPS foku liu ba primeiru sokoru hodi salva sidadaun-sira liu-liu labarik, inan isin-rua, ferik ho katuas-sira inklui ema vulnerável-sira, evakua ba sentru evakuasaun.\nTuir dadús ofisiál hosi Governu liu hosi SEPS no Ministéiru Administrasaun Estatál (MAE), iha família 25.000-resin mak hetan impaktu hosi dezastre naturál no hela fatin 4.546 mak a’at.\nNune’e mós iha nívél infraetrutura públika-sira, iha estrada hamutuk 22 no ponte 11 mak hetan estragu.\nSEPS rejista mós ema na’in 35 mak lakon vida durante dezastre naturál, hosi númeru ne’e na’in-10 mak seida’uk hetan.\nPrevious articleKompañia 20-resin ajuda hasai sedimentasaun-limpeza iha munisípiu afetadu inundasaun\nNext articleFamília 1.000-resin kontinua hela iha sentru evakuasaun 38 | [
"SEPS distribui ona apoiu emerjensia ba familia 2.000 iha Dili | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA DILI SEPS distribui ona apoiu emerjensia ba familia 2.000 iha Dili DILI, 16 abril 2021 (TATOLI) - Sekretaria Estadu Protesaun Sivil (SEPS), distribui ona apoiu emerjensia ba familia hamutuk 2.000 iha Munisipiu Dili, ne'ebe afetadu ba dezastre natural, iha 04 abril tinan ne'e.",
"Notisia relevante:SEPS transporta apoiu emerjensia ba Munisipiu lima \"Ita identifika familia hamutuk 8.000-resin iha Dili atu fo apoiu emerjensia.",
"To'o horisehik, ita fo ona ba familia 2.000.",
"Tanba ne'e, agora ita kontinua distribui ba familia-sira ne'ebe seidauk hetan, \" SEPS, Joaquim Jose Gusmao dos Reis Martins, hateten ba jornalista Agencia Tatoli, iha kna'ar fatin Caicoli, Dili, sesta ne'e.",
"Joaquim Gusmao garante katak, distribuisaun apoiu emerjensia sei to'o duni ba familia hotu ne'ebe afetadu, iha semana oin.",
"SEPS mos rekonese rekursu limitadu, tanba ne'e labele distribui sasan dala-ida ba suku hotu-hotu, maibe esforsu nafatin hodi bele distribui to'o familia hotu.",
"Kona-ba apoiu ba munisipiu-sira, nia dehan, pontu fokal-sira kontinua fo apoiu no munisipiu-sira ne'ebe sasan estok iha armajen menus, hosi parte nasional hahu distribui ona sasan hodi bele reforsa stoke.",
"SEPS mos estabelese ona sentru operasaun jestaun risku dezastre, hodi halo koordenasaun serbisu-sira ho efikas no efisiensia, atu bele halo atuasaun emerjensia iha terenu ho di'ak liu tan.",
"Iha atuasaun loron dahuluk hafoin dezastre natural, SEPS foku liu ba primeiru sokoru hodi salva sidadaun-sira liu-liu labarik, inan isin-rua, ferik ho katuas-sira inklui ema vulneravel-sira, evakua ba sentru evakuasaun.",
"Tuir dadus ofisial hosi Governu liu hosi SEPS no Ministeiru Administrasaun Estatal (MAE), iha familia 25.000-resin mak hetan impaktu hosi dezastre natural no hela fatin 4.546 mak a'at.",
"Nune'e mos iha nivel infraetrutura publika-sira, iha estrada hamutuk 22 no ponte 11 mak hetan estragu.",
"SEPS rejista mos ema na'in 35 mak lakon vida durante dezastre natural, hosi numeru ne'e na'in-10 mak seida'uk hetan.",
"Previous articleKompania 20-resin ajuda hasai sedimentasaun-limpeza iha munisipiu afetadu inundasaun Next articleFamilia 1.000-resin kontinua hela iha sentru evakuasaun 38"
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"SEPS distributed emergency aid to 2,015 families in Dili | Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA DILI The State Secretariat for Civil Protection (SEps) has already provided relief supplies and food items as part of the national humanitarian assistance packages that it is providing through its National Disaster Management Agency."
"Relevant news:SEPS transports emergency aid to five municipalities \"We have identified more than 8,015 families in Dili for the purpose of providing urgent assistance."
"As of today, it has reached 20.5 million families in the country's rural areas and urban zones"
"Therefore, now we continue distributing to the families that have not received it yet\", SEPS's Joaquim Jose Gusmao dos Reis Martines told Agência Tatoli journalist in Caicoli office building on Saturday."
"Joaquim Gusmao assured that the distribution of emergency aid will reach all affected families in next week."
"SEPS also acknowledges that resources are limited, so it is not possible to distribute one-time supplies for all villagers. However the department still strives towards reaching every family in need with its efforts at this time of year 2014/365"
"Regarding the support for municipalities, he said that focal points continue to provide assistance and those with stocks in short supply have begun receiving supplies from national sources so they can reinforce their stoke."
"SEPS has also established a disaster risk management operation centre, to coordinate work effectively and efficiently in order for emergency action on the ground be better."
"During the first day of operations following a natural disaster, SEPS focused on providing initial assistance to rescue citizens especially children and pregnant women as well os elderly including vulnerable persons."
"According to official data from the Government through SEPS and Ministry of State Administration (MAE), more than 25,016 families were affected by natural disasters. Overall there have been a loss in dwellings for over4378 peoples' homes which are being restored as soon"
"Similarly, at the level of public infrastructure 23 roads were damaged and a total amounted to about $10 million."
"SEPS also registered 35 people who lost their lives during the natural disaster, of which ten were not found."
"Previous articleMore than 20 companies help remove sediment-cleaning in flood affected municipalities Next artikelOver a thousand families remain at the evacuation centres of over three dozen."
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Fó susu hamenus risku komportamental sira no saúde nian iha labarik no adolesente sira - Moris di'ak - Haksolok ho SAPO\nFó susu hamenus risku komportamental sira no saúde nian iha labarik no adolesente sira\nSAPO TL, 23 de juñu de 2016\nKosok-oan sira ne'ebé hemu susubeen inan nian iha fulan neen dahuluk iha sira nia moris hetan benefísiu hosi redusaun ida ba metade ba risku distúrbiu sira entre tinan hotu to'o tinan 11.\nInvestigasaun ida ne'ebé publika iha semana ne'e konklui katak kosok-oan sira ne'ebé hemu de'it susubeen inan nian iha menus 56% hipóteze hodi dezenvolve distúrbiu komportamental sira entre tinan hitu to'o tinan 11.\nEstudu seluk, ne'ebé fó sai iha loron-tersa, relasiona nível matenek no funsional hosi labarik tinan haat ho kualidade hosi estímulu ne'ebé simu hosi aman-inan sira to'o tinan haat.\nEstudu rua, hala'o iha Áfrika-Súl no iha Pakistaun, finansiadu hosi Grand Challenges Canada (GCC), organizmu ida hosi Governu kanadianu ne'ebé promove saúde inan no oan sira nia iha nasaun sira ne'ebé iha dezenvolvimentu.\nPeter Singer, médiku no konselleiru delegadu hosi GCC, afirma iha komunikadu katak "labarik na'in ida entre labarik na'in tolu iha nasaun sira iha dezenvolvimentu labele dezenvolve sira nia potensial tomak" no "estudu sira ne'e hatudu oinsá aman-inan sira bele tulun hodi dezenvolve labarik matenek no sosial sira", haktuir hosi TSF.\nEstudu dahuluk, ne'ebé publika iha revista PLOS Medicine, hala'o ona hosi médika Ruth Bland, ne'ebé tuir ona dezenvolvimentu hosi labarik súl-afrikanu hamutuk 1.500.\nEstudu daruak, publika iha revista The Lancet Global Health hosi médika Aisha Yousafzai, hosi Universidade Aga Khan hosi Karachi, sentra ona iha grupu ida ho labarik hamutuk na'in 1.302 ho tinan haat ne'ebé mai hosi zona rural sira iha Pakistaun.\nFamília sira ne'e uza brinkedu ka utensíliu sira iha uma hodi estimula kapasidade kognitivu no motora hosi labarik sira. Estudu ne'e hakotu katak labarik sira ne'ebé simu "estímulu sensível" to'o tinan haat iha liu posibilidade hodi iha koefisiente intelektual boot.\nEnvolvimentu aman nian afeta labarik nia saúde | [
"Fo susu hamenus risku komportamental sira no saude nian iha labarik no adolesente sira - Moris di'ak - Haksolok ho SAPO Fo susu hamenus risku komportamental sira no saude nian iha labarik no adolesente sira SAPO TL, 23 de junu de 2016 Kosok-oan sira ne'ebe hemu susubeen inan nian iha fulan neen dahuluk iha sira nia moris hetan benefisiu hosi redusaun ida ba metade ba risku disturbiu sira entre tinan hotu to'o tinan 11.",
"Investigasaun ida ne'ebe publika iha semana ne'e konklui katak kosok-oan sira ne'ebe hemu de'it susubeen inan nian iha menus 56% hipoteze hodi dezenvolve disturbiu komportamental sira entre tinan hitu to'o tinan 11.",
"Estudu seluk, ne'ebe fo sai iha loron-tersa, relasiona nivel matenek no funsional hosi labarik tinan haat ho kualidade hosi estimulu ne'ebe simu hosi aman-inan sira to'o tinan haat.",
"Estudu rua, hala'o iha Afrika-Sul no iha Pakistaun, finansiadu hosi Grand Challenges Canada (GCC), organizmu ida hosi Governu kanadianu ne'ebe promove saude inan no oan sira nia iha nasaun sira ne'ebe iha dezenvolvimentu.",
"Peter Singer, mediku no konselleiru delegadu hosi GCC, afirma iha komunikadu katak \"labarik na'in ida entre labarik na'in tolu iha nasaun sira iha dezenvolvimentu labele dezenvolve sira nia potensial tomak\" no \"estudu sira ne'e hatudu oinsa aman-inan sira bele tulun hodi dezenvolve labarik matenek no sosial sira,\" haktuir hosi TSF.",
"Estudu dahuluk, ne'ebe publika iha revista PLOS Medicine, hala'o ona hosi medika Ruth Bland, ne'ebe tuir ona dezenvolvimentu hosi labarik sul-afrikanu hamutuk 1.500.",
"Estudu daruak, publika iha revista The Lancet Global Health hosi medika Aisha Yousafzai, hosi Universidade Aga Khan hosi Karachi, sentra ona iha grupu ida ho labarik hamutuk na'in 1.302 ho tinan haat ne'ebe mai hosi zona rural sira iha Pakistaun.",
"Familia sira ne'e uza brinkedu ka utensiliu sira iha uma hodi estimula kapasidade kognitivu no motora hosi labarik sira.",
"Estudu ne'e hakotu katak labarik sira ne'ebe simu \"estimulu sensivel\" to'o tinan haat iha liu posibilidade hodi iha koefisiente intelektual boot.",
"Envolvimentu aman nian afeta labarik nia saude"
] | [
"Breastfeeding reduces behavioural and health risk in children & adolescents - Living Well, 23 Jun. SAPO breast-fed babies benefit from a half reduction of their behaviour disorder among all ages up to age eleven Baby who is nurtured by her mother during the first six months benefits with an even greater decrease on behavioral problems than those that are not nursed at any time between birth until they're about one year old"
"Research published this week concludes that infants who suck only mother's milk have at least 56% of the chance to develop behavioral disorder between age seven and eleven."
"Another study, published on Tuesday (10/3), correlates the cognitive and functional levels of four-year olds with quality stimuli received from parents up to age five."
"The two studies, conducted in South Africa and Pakistan respectively were fundet by Grand Challenges Canada (GCC), a Canadian government agency that promoted maternal health care for developing countries."
"Peter Singer, a medical doctor and executive counsellor of the GCC stated in his statement that \"about one-in‑three children from developing countries are unable to realize their full potential\" as well “these studies show how parents can help foster intelligent social kids,” TSF quotes him."
"The first study, published in the journal PLOS Medicine was conducted by physician Ruth Bland who followed 1502 South African children's development."
"A second study, published in The Lancet Global Health by physician Dr.Aisha Yousafzai from Aga Khan University of Karachi has focused on a group with 1302 four-year old children who came to Pakistan's rural areas for the first time since it was found out that there is an increased incidence and prevalence among young people at age five than those between six years or more (see figure below)."
"These families use toys or utensils in the home to stimulate cognitive and motor skills of children."
"The study concluded that children who received \"sensitive stimuli\" until the age of four were more likely to have a high IQ."
"The involvement of the father affects a child' s health."
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‘Habemus PM Foun': Primeiru Ministru Dr. Rui Araujo\nPublika iha: 16 Fevereiro 2015\nTimor-Leste iha ona nia Primeiru Ministru foun, doutor mediku Dr. Rui Maria de Araujo, ne’ebe sei lidera membru nain 38 Governu Konstitusional ba Dala 6 Timor-Leste nian to’o iha Eleisaun Lejislativa foun iha 2017.\nMaske membru hosi partidu opozisaun FRETILIN la os pertense ba partidu Koligasaun – CNRT, PD no Frente Mudansa – neebe kompoe Kinto Governu Konstitusional, Primeiru Ministru Araujo hatete governu foun ne’e sei reprezenta unidade nasional.\n“Nudar privilejio ida hamrik iha governu ne’e nia oin, governu ne’ebe ikus fali reprezenta unidade nasional no konsensu politiku,” hateten Primeiru Ministru Araujo liu hosi nota imprensa, semana foin liu, hafoin reuniao ho Prezidente Taur Matan Ruak (TMR), iha Dili.\nDr. Rui Araujo substitui nudar Primeiru Ministru, lider rezistensia istoriku Kay Rala Xanana Gusmão ne’ebe hatama nia surat rezignasaun ba Prezidente TMR atu loke dalan ba jerasaun foun lideransa atu bele lidera nasaun ba oin.\nFRETILIN hateten katak sei la opoe ka impede Dr Rui Araujio atu lidera governu foun ne’ebe kompostu barak liu hosi membru koligasaun nian.\n“Ita nia Maun Bo’ot Xanana rasik mak konvida nia [Dr. Rui Araujo] atu truka nia nudar Primeiru Ministru Timor-Leste tanba nia ema ida kapasidade,” hatete Deputada FRETILIN Josefa Alvares Pereira Soares.\nDeputada Soares hatete Dr. Araujo nudar Primeiru Ministeru sei la reprezenta partidu FRETILIN maibe sei lori nasaun nudar Timoroan ida ne’ebe hakarak kontribui ba dezenvolvimentu nasional nian.\n“Iha FRETILIN nia Kongressu, ami desidi katak sei la impede ema ida atu kontribui ba dezenvolvimentu nasaun nian.”\nKay Rala Xanana Gusmão maske la os ona Primeiru Ministru sei kontinua servi iha governu foun laran nudar Ministro Konselleiru no Ministru Planejamentu no Investimentu Estratejiku.\nDeputada CNRT Virginia Ana Belo hatete katak estrutura tomak CNRT nian apoia Dr Rui Araujo nudar Primeiru Ministru.\n“Ami esplika ba ami nia militantes iha baze liu hosi telefone kona ba desizau; sira komprende no simu,” hateten Deputada Belo.\nNia haktuir katak Gusmao sei nafatin suporta Primeiru Ministru foun durante tranzisaun no atu bele iha transformasaun la lideransa hosi tuan ba jerasaun foun lider sira.\nKomunidade Cesar dos Santos wainhira hetan husu kona ba saida mak hanoin kona ba mudansa Primeiru Ministru no karik nia preokupa ho rezignasaun Gusmao nian no entrega knaar ba membru opozisaun nian FRETILIN, nian hatete katak nia la preokupa ho ida ne’e kontantu ema bele moris hakmatek iha dame nia laran.\n“Ami la koi mak konflitu. Ami hakarak deit moris iha dame nia laran no buka moris,” hatete komunidade dos Santos.\nNia apela ba governu foun atu tau matan ba hadia dalan, no fo asessu ba bee no eletrisidade ba ema hotu tanba ema barak mak seidauk hetan nesidade bazika hirak ne’e.\nTuir dialogo entre membru nain 38 foun Sestu Governu nian, iha loron 11 Fevereiru 2015, prinsipiu prinsipal rua mak destaka: kordenasaun diak iha Governu tomak laran atu tuir objetivu estratejiku iha Planu Dezenvolvimentu Estratejiku 2011-2030 ; no garante hetan rezultadu. | [
"'Habemus PM Foun': Primeiru Ministru Dr. Rui Araujo Publika iha: 16 Fevereiro 2015 Timor-Leste iha ona nia Primeiru Ministru foun, doutor mediku Dr. Rui Maria de Araujo, ne'ebe sei lidera membru nain 38 Governu Konstitusional ba Dala 6 Timor-Leste nian to'o iha Eleisaun Lejislativa foun iha 2017.",
"Maske membru hosi partidu opozisaun FRETILIN la os pertense ba partidu Koligasaun - CNRT, PD no Frente Mudansa - neebe kompoe Kinto Governu Konstitusional, Primeiru Ministru Araujo hatete governu foun ne'e sei reprezenta unidade nasional.",
"\"Nudar privilejio ida hamrik iha governu ne'e nia oin, governu ne'ebe ikus fali reprezenta unidade nasional no konsensu politiku,\" hateten Primeiru Ministru Araujo liu hosi nota imprensa, semana foin liu, hafoin reuniao ho Prezidente Taur Matan Ruak (TMR), iha Dili.",
"Dr. Rui Araujo substitui nudar Primeiru Ministru, lider rezistensia istoriku Kay Rala Xanana Gusmao ne'ebe hatama nia surat rezignasaun ba Prezidente TMR atu loke dalan ba jerasaun foun lideransa atu bele lidera nasaun ba oin.",
"FRETILIN hateten katak sei la opoe ka impede Dr Rui Araujio atu lidera governu foun ne'ebe kompostu barak liu hosi membru koligasaun nian.",
"\"Ita nia Maun Bo'ot Xanana rasik mak konvida nia [Dr. Rui Araujo] atu truka nia nudar Primeiru Ministru Timor-Leste tanba nia ema ida kapasidade,\" hatete Deputada FRETILIN Josefa Alvares Pereira Soares.",
"Deputada Soares hatete Dr. Araujo nudar Primeiru Ministeru sei la reprezenta partidu FRETILIN maibe sei lori nasaun nudar Timoroan ida ne'ebe hakarak kontribui ba dezenvolvimentu nasional nian.",
"\"Iha FRETILIN nia Kongressu, ami desidi katak sei la impede ema ida atu kontribui ba dezenvolvimentu nasaun nian.\"",
"Kay Rala Xanana Gusmao maske la os ona Primeiru Ministru sei kontinua servi iha governu foun laran nudar Ministro Konselleiru no Ministru Planejamentu no Investimentu Estratejiku.",
"Deputada CNRT Virginia Ana Belo hatete katak estrutura tomak CNRT nian apoia Dr Rui Araujo nudar Primeiru Ministru.",
"\"Ami esplika ba ami nia militantes iha baze liu hosi telefone kona ba desizau; sira komprende no simu,\" hateten Deputada Belo.",
"Nia haktuir katak Gusmao sei nafatin suporta Primeiru Ministru foun durante tranzisaun no atu bele iha transformasaun la lideransa hosi tuan ba jerasaun foun lider sira.",
"Komunidade Cesar dos Santos wainhira hetan husu kona ba saida mak hanoin kona ba mudansa Primeiru Ministru no karik nia preokupa ho rezignasaun Gusmao nian no entrega knaar ba membru opozisaun nian FRETILIN, nian hatete katak nia la preokupa ho ida ne'e kontantu ema bele moris hakmatek iha dame nia laran.",
"\"Ami la koi mak konflitu.",
"Ami hakarak deit moris iha dame nia laran no buka moris,\" hatete komunidade dos Santos.",
"Nia apela ba governu foun atu tau matan ba hadia dalan, no fo asessu ba bee no eletrisidade ba ema hotu tanba ema barak mak seidauk hetan nesidade bazika hirak ne'e.",
"Tuir dialogo entre membru nain 38 foun Sestu Governu nian, iha loron 11 Fevereiru 2015, prinsipiu prinsipal rua mak destaka: kordenasaun diak iha Governu tomak laran atu tuir objetivu estratejiku iha Planu Dezenvolvimentu Estratejiku 2011-2030; no garante hetan rezultadu."
] | [
"'Habemus Foun PM': Prime Minister Dr. Rui Araujo Published on 16 February, Timor-Leste now has its new prime minister who will lead the sixth Constitutional Government of a composition from three to nine members until Parliamentary Elections are held in March or April this year and then again by November for another five years (2035)."
"Even though members of the opposition party FRETILIN do not belong to Coalition Party - CNRT, PD and Frente Mudansa – which make up this Constitutional Government. Prime Minister Araujo said that new government will represent national unity"
"\"It is a privilege to be in front of this government, which represents national unity and political consensus\", Prime Minister Araujo said via press release last week after meeting with President Taur Matan Ruak (TMR), at Dili."
"Dr. Rui Araujo replaced as Prime Minister, the historical resistance leader Kay Rala Xanana Gusmao who submitted his letter of resignation to TMR President in order for a new generation leadership can lead our country forwards"
"FRETILIN has stated that it will not oppose or prevent Dr. Rui Araujio from leading a new government composed of more coalition members than the current one, which is now in power since 2016 and was established by an agreement between Fretilin's leaders with Prime Minister José Ramos Horta on July"
"\"Our Maun Bo'ot Xanana himself invited him [Dr. Rui Araujo] to replace his as Prime Minister of Timor-Leste because he is a capable man,\" said FRETILIN MP Josefa Alvares Pereira Soares .\""
"MP Soares said that Dr. Araujo as Prime Minister will not represent the FRETILIN party but he is going to lead Timorese who wants contribute for national development of our country, she added:"
"\"At the Congress of FRETILIN, we decided that no one will be prevented from contributing to our country's development.\""
"Although Kay Rala Xanana Gusmao has not been appointed Prime Minister, he will continue to serve in the new government as a Counsellor and Planner."
"CNRT MP Virginia Ana Belo said that the entire structure of CNRT supports Dr Rui Araujo as Prime Minister."
"\"We explained to our militants on the ground via telephone about their wishes; they understood and accepted,\" said Deputada Belo."
"He said that Gusmao will continue to support the new Prime Minister during transition and so as there can be a transformation of leadership from old generations leaders."
"The community of Cesar dos Santos, when asked what he thinks about the change in Prime Minister and if it is concerned with Gusmao' s resignation to hand over power for opposition member FRETILIN said that they are not worried by this but happy people can live peacefully."
"\"We don't want to have conflict."
"We just want to live in peace and seek our lives,\" said the community of dos Santos."
"He called on the new government to take care of roads, and provide access for all people with water & electricity because many have not received these basic needs."
"According to the dialogue between 38 new members of Sixth Government on February, two main principles emerged: good coordination within government as a whole in pursuing strategic objectives from Strategic Development Plan (SDP) and guarantee results."
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TIMOR AGORA: Taur Matan Ruak: Uniaun hosi opozisaun "la'ós fásil" maibé objetivu maka manán\nTaur Matan Ruak: Uniaun hosi opozisaun "la'ós fásil" maibé objetivu maka manán\nUniaun hosi partidu opozisaun tolu iha Timor-Leste "la'ós fásil", maibé agora iha "objetivu úniku", maka manán eleisaun antesipadu iha loron 12 Maiu, Taur Matan Ruak, númeru daruak hosi koligasaun, hatete ba ajénsia Lusa.\n"Dalan ne'e la'ós fásil maibé ami senti determinadu tebes no ami iha objetivu úniku: manán eleisaun sira, harii Governu ba daualuk", hatete hosi númeru daruak hosi Aliansa Mudansa ba Progresu iha entrevista ida ba Lusa.\nPrezidente hosi Partidu Libertasaun Popular (PLP), Matan Ruak, hamutuk ho Congresso Nacional da Reconstrução Timorense (CNRT), hosi Xanana Gusmão, no mós Kmanek Haburas Unidade Nacional Timor Oan (KHUNTO), hosi José Naimori.\nSira na'in tolu - Xanana ho Matan Ruak, ne'ebé hatais hanesan iha rezisténsia, Naimori ho hatais tradisional - fó kór ba imajen hosi koligasaun ida ne'ebé mosu maioritáriu, iha opozisaun, iha parlamentu, maibé ho partidu sira ne'ebé, seidauk to'o tinan ida, iha hahalok ne'ebé la hanesan kona-ba nasaun nia futuru.\nEvidensia iha problema maka'as sira entre Taur Matan Ruak - ne'ebé kompara ona Xanana Gusmão ho Suharto - no Xanana Gusmão ne'ebé hatán hodi fó fali medalla ne'ebé maka entrega hosi Prezidénsia.\nHafoin tinan barak nia laran ba aproximasaun maka'as entre Xanana Gusmão ho Mari Alkatiri, sekretáriu-jeral Fretilin nian - partidu ne'ebé viabiliza ona Governu minoritáriu CNRT nian iha tinan hirak ikus ne'e, no ne'ebé agora lidera ezekutivu minoritáriu ho PD - situasaun muda ona. Xanana Gusmão agora hamutuk ho Taur.\n"Ami iha relasaun emosional ida, maski iha diferensa sira. No la'ós de'it agora. Maibé respeitu, domin, kariñu entre ami iha nafatin. Ne'e hanesan razaun ida hodi manán funu [hasoru okupasaun indonéziu], tanba bainhira ho dalan seluk ami fahe nasaun", nia esplika.\n"Ami senti determinadu hodi manán. 80% hosi sira ne'ebé maka agora iha kamou ne'e hanesan joven, maibé bainhira ami ko'alia kona-ba luta - ne'ebé sira barak la partisipa -, sira identifika. Ne'e hanesan estraordináriu", nia esplika.\nDezde hahú kampaña, Xanana Gusmão ho Taur Matan Ruak mosu hamutuk iha palku, hodi halo sira nia krítika diretamente ba Fretilin ho Mari Alkatiri.\nTaur Matan Ruak hatete katak buat hotu "iha nia faze sira" no esplika katak hanesan ba dala uluk maka iha "troka" krítika sira ne'e, hodi insisti katak hanesan hosi parte AMP nian hodi hatán ba hahalok sira hosi Fretilin.\n"Tanba Fretilin nega ami nia esforsu. Bainhira ha'u nu'udar Prezidente, Fretilin hatete katak ami la'ós abut sira, sira maka hanesan abut. Hanesan asaun ne'ebé ami la aseita. Sira estraga oituan istória, liuliu hamenus kontribuisaun hosi ema sira", nia hatete.\n"Buat ne'ebé ami halo iha faze dahuluk maka doko oituan sosiedade, hatete katak ami mai hosi ne'ebé, ami iha ne'ebé no ami hakarak ba ne'ebé. Faze daruak maka foka iha saida maka ami hakarak halo iha tinan lima oinmai", nia esplika.\nNia hatete katak halibur programa sira ne'ebé la hanesan entre CNRT ho PLP "la'ós susar".\n"Tanba ha'u la kontra projetu boot sira. Ha'u nunka hatete katak lakohi megaprojetu sira. Ha'u nia pergunta maka tansá maka ita iha osan ba megaprojetu sira no laiha osan ba bee, ba eskola sira, ba estrada rural sira", nia afirma.\n"Ha'u suspende ona orsamentu hodi insisti atu Governu aumenta orsamentu ba edukasaun, agrikultura, saúde, dezenvolvimentu rural, ba área primária sira ne'e. Ami presiza kombina prazu badak, média ho prazu naruk", nia esplika.\nNia hatete aktak ne'e maka hanesan objetivu hosi AMP - avansa ho saida maka halo di'ak maibé hatán ba nesesidade báziku sira hosi populasaun.\nNia hatete katak hakerek História ne'e husik ba historiador sira: "Ami sei ajusta fali buat balun, maibé restu husik ba historiador sira".\nKampaña hala'o to'o loron 09 Maiu. | [
"TIMOR AGORA: Taur Matan Ruak: Uniaun hosi opozisaun \"la'os fasil\" maibe objetivu maka manan Taur Matan Ruak: Uniaun hosi opozisaun \"la'os fasil\" maibe objetivu maka manan Uniaun hosi partidu opozisaun tolu iha Timor-Leste \"la'os fasil,\" maibe agora iha \"objetivu uniku,\" maka manan eleisaun antesipadu iha loron 12 Maiu, Taur Matan Ruak, numeru daruak hosi koligasaun, hatete ba ajensia Lusa.",
"\"Dalan ne'e la'os fasil maibe ami senti determinadu tebes no ami iha objetivu uniku: manan eleisaun sira, harii Governu ba daualuk,\" hatete hosi numeru daruak hosi Aliansa Mudansa ba Progresu iha entrevista ida ba Lusa.",
"Prezidente hosi Partidu Libertasaun Popular (PLP), Matan Ruak, hamutuk ho Congresso Nacional da Reconstrucao Timorense (CNRT), hosi Xanana Gusmao, no mos Kmanek Haburas Unidade Nacional Timor Oan (KHUNTO), hosi Jose Naimori.",
"Sira na'in tolu - Xanana ho Matan Ruak, ne'ebe hatais hanesan iha rezistensia, Naimori ho hatais tradisional - fo kor ba imajen hosi koligasaun ida ne'ebe mosu maioritariu, iha opozisaun, iha parlamentu, maibe ho partidu sira ne'ebe, seidauk to'o tinan ida, iha hahalok ne'ebe la hanesan kona-ba nasaun nia futuru.",
"Evidensia iha problema maka'as sira entre Taur Matan Ruak - ne'ebe kompara ona Xanana Gusmao ho Suharto - no Xanana Gusmao ne'ebe hatan hodi fo fali medalla ne'ebe maka entrega hosi Prezidensia.",
"Hafoin tinan barak nia laran ba aproximasaun maka'as entre Xanana Gusmao ho Mari Alkatiri, sekretariu-jeral Fretilin nian - partidu ne'ebe viabiliza ona Governu minoritariu CNRT nian iha tinan hirak ikus ne'e, no ne'ebe agora lidera ezekutivu minoritariu ho PD - situasaun muda ona.",
"Xanana Gusmao agora hamutuk ho Taur.",
"\"Ami iha relasaun emosional ida, maski iha diferensa sira.",
"No la'os de'it agora.",
"Maibe respeitu, domin, karinu entre ami iha nafatin.",
"Ne'e hanesan razaun ida hodi manan funu [hasoru okupasaun indoneziu], tanba bainhira ho dalan seluk ami fahe nasaun,\" nia esplika.",
"\"Ami senti determinadu hodi manan.",
"80% hosi sira ne'ebe maka agora iha kamou ne'e hanesan joven, maibe bainhira ami ko'alia kona-ba luta - ne'ebe sira barak la partisipa -, sira identifika.",
"Ne'e hanesan estraordinariu,\" nia esplika.",
"Dezde hahu kampana, Xanana Gusmao ho Taur Matan Ruak mosu hamutuk iha palku, hodi halo sira nia kritika diretamente ba Fretilin ho Mari Alkatiri.",
"Taur Matan Ruak hatete katak buat hotu \"iha nia faze sira\" no esplika katak hanesan ba dala uluk maka iha \"troka\" kritika sira ne'e, hodi insisti katak hanesan hosi parte AMP nian hodi hatan ba hahalok sira hosi Fretilin.",
"\"Tanba Fretilin nega ami nia esforsu.",
"Bainhira ha'u nu'udar Prezidente, Fretilin hatete katak ami la'os abut sira, sira maka hanesan abut.",
"Hanesan asaun ne'ebe ami la aseita.",
"Sira estraga oituan istoria, liuliu hamenus kontribuisaun hosi ema sira,\" nia hatete.",
"\"Buat ne'ebe ami halo iha faze dahuluk maka doko oituan sosiedade, hatete katak ami mai hosi ne'ebe, ami iha ne'ebe no ami hakarak ba ne'ebe.",
"Faze daruak maka foka iha saida maka ami hakarak halo iha tinan lima oinmai,\" nia esplika.",
"Nia hatete katak halibur programa sira ne'ebe la hanesan entre CNRT ho PLP \"la'os susar.\"",
"\"Tanba ha'u la kontra projetu boot sira.",
"Ha'u nunka hatete katak lakohi megaprojetu sira.",
"Ha'u nia pergunta maka tansa maka ita iha osan ba megaprojetu sira no laiha osan ba bee, ba eskola sira, ba estrada rural sira,\" nia afirma.",
"\"Ha'u suspende ona orsamentu hodi insisti atu Governu aumenta orsamentu ba edukasaun, agrikultura, saude, dezenvolvimentu rural, ba area primaria sira ne'e.",
"Ami presiza kombina prazu badak, media ho prazu naruk,\" nia esplika.",
"Nia hatete aktak ne'e maka hanesan objetivu hosi AMP - avansa ho saida maka halo di'ak maibe hatan ba nesesidade baziku sira hosi populasaun.",
"Nia hatete katak hakerek Historia ne'e husik ba historiador sira: \"Ami sei ajusta fali buat balun, maibe restu husik ba historiador sira.\"",
"Kampana hala'o to'o loron 09 Maiu."
] | [
"TIMOR AGORA: Taur Matan Ruak says union of opposition \"is not easy\" but goal is to win Union between the three main political parties in Timor-Leste was “not easily achieved,” and now has a single objective, which will be victory at May 12 elections. That’s what second number one coalition leader Tau Mata Nui told Lusa news agency on Monday (May) after meeting with Prime Minister Xanana Gusmao who said that it would take time for all party leaders from both sides as they discussed how best way forward could look like this year' s election results are going towards their final outcomes.”"
"\"It is not an easy path but we feel very determined and have a single goal: to win the elections, form government for two years\", said Aliança Mudança para o Progresso's second number in interview with Lusa."
"The President of the Partido Libertasaun Popular (PLP), Matan Ruak, together with Congresso Nacional da Reconstrucaon Timorense(CNRT) led by Xanana Gusmau and Kmanek Haburas Unidade Nasional Timor Oan KHUNTO headed By Jose Naimori."
"The three of them - Xanana and Matan Ruak, who acted as in the resistance; Naimori with traditional attitudes – gave rise to an image that was created by coalitions which had emerged majority-led from opposition into parliament but were made up for less than one year now."
"There is evidence of a serious problem between Taur Matan Ruak - who has compared Xanana Gusmao to Suharto – and Gusmão, which responded by returning the medal given him from his Presidency."
"After many years of close rapprochement between Xanana Gusmao and Mari Alkatiri, the secretary-general for Fretilin - a party that has made viable minority governments with CNRT in recent times but now lead an executive coalition together With PD – things have changed."
"Xanana Gusmao is now together with Taur."
"\"We have an emotional bond, despite our differences."
"Don't give it to them now."
"But the respect, love and affection between us are still there."
"It was a reason to win the war [against Indonesian occupation], because otherwise we would have divided our country,\" he explained."
"\"We felt determined to win. We were committed, and we won.\""
"80% of those who are now in the camps were young people, but when we talked about struggle - which many did not participate- they identified themselves."
"It's extraordinary,\" he explained."
"Since the beginning of their campaign, Xanana Gusmao and Taur Matan Ruak have appeared together on stage to make direct criticisms against Fretilin with Mari Alkatiri."
"Taur Matan Ruak said that everything was \"in its phases\" and explained, as the first time there had been a 'change' in criticism. He insistes it is an AMP response to Fretilin actions on this issue:"
"\"Fretilin also denies our efforts."
"When I was President, Fretilin said that we were not the abutment; they are just as much a bust."
"As an action that we do not accept."
"They spoil history greatly, especially by reducing the contribution of people,” he said."
"\"What we did in the first phase was to set up a society, saying where you come from and what your status is."
"The second phase focuses on what we want to do in the next five years,\" he explained."
"He said that bringing together the different programmes of CNRP and PLP \"is not difficult.\""
"\"Because I'm not against big projects."
"I have never said that we do not want mega-projects."
"My question is why we have money for megaprojects and no cash to spend on water, schools or rural roadworks?\" he said."
"\"I have suspended the budget to insist that Government increases its funding for education, agriculture and rural development in these areas."
"We need to combine the short, medium and long term,” he explained."
"He said that the bill was as AMP's goal - to move forward with what is done well but responding for basic needs of population."
"He said that he left the writing of his Historia to historians: \"We will adjust some things, but leave it all over again for them.\""
"The campaign runs until May 9th."
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Dadur na’in-40 resin iha Prizaun Gleno re-íntegra ba sosiedade | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste\nVARANDA ERMERA Dadur na’in-40 resin iha Prizaun Gleno re-íntegra ba sosiedade\nDadur na’in-40 resin iha Prizaun Gleno re-íntegra ba sosiedade\nDiretór interinu Prizaun Gleno, Cristiano Salsinha. Imajen Tatoli/Nelson de Sousa\nGLENO, 30 outubru 2020 (TATOLI)-Hosi fulan janeiru to’o outubru, tinan ne’e, Servisu Estabelesimentu Prizionál Gleno, Munisípiu Ermera, re-íntegra dadur na’in-40 resin ba sosiedade hodi hamutuk ho ida-idak nia família.\nDiretór interinu Prizaun Gleno, Cristiano Salsinha, ba Agência Tatoli, ohin, iha Gleno, hateten dadur sira ne’e kumpre ona sira nia devér maioria kondenadu no hetan liberdade kondisionál hosi desizaun Tribunál nian no balun hetan indultu.\nCristiano Salsinha dehan, prizaun hanesan fatin ida atu halo reflesaun no muda ema nia mentalidade hosi hahalok sira pasadu ba futuru.\nOinsá bele muda, tanba ne’e dadur sira durante iha prizaun laran iha atividade lubuk ba sira hala’o hanesan tuir formasaun karpintária, pedreira, soldura, halo artezenatu sira, kustura, kursu lian portugés no vokasionál.\n“Atividade iha formasaun daudaun ne’e mós kontinua la’o loron-loron,” Cristiano Salsinha hateten.\nNia dehan, iha mós formasaun espirituál no tuir planu sei loke mós formasaun ba komputadór.\nAtividade formasaun sira-ne’e iha parseiru balun mak apoiu materiál no Guarda Prizionál sira mak fó formasaun ba dadur sira.\nCristiano Salsinha hatutan, ho atividade sira-ne’e hotu bainhira re-íntegra ba sosiedade sei forma ema ho hanoin ida katak hahalok iha pasadu hanesan ladi’ak nune’e oinsá kontribui di’ak ba dezenvolvimentu iha nasaun.\nDaudaun ne’e, Prizaun Gleno iha dadur na’in-117 kompostu hosi prizaun preventiva na’in-rua no kondenadu-114 hosi ne’e iha sidadaun Indonézia na’in-rua.\nDadur sira ne’e maioria hetan kondenadu ho kazu ne’ebé ho númeru boot hanesan omisídiu, violasaun seksuál, brankamentu kapitais no insestu.\nPrevious articleSaran-an ba mate, soi oan-feto hosi tentativa violasaun seksuál\nNext articleEzerse liberdade no protesaun ba sasin sai preokupasaun iha Sagadate | [
"Dadur na'in-40 resin iha Prizaun Gleno re-integra ba sosiedade | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA ERMERA Dadur na'in-40 resin iha Prizaun Gleno re-integra ba sosiedade Dadur na'in-40 resin iha Prizaun Gleno re-integra ba sosiedade Diretor interinu Prizaun Gleno, Cristiano Salsinha.",
"Imajen Tatoli/Nelson de Sousa GLENO, 30 outubru 2020 (TATOLI) -Hosi fulan janeiru to'o outubru, tinan ne'e, Servisu Estabelesimentu Prizional Gleno, Munisipiu Ermera, re-integra dadur na'in-40 resin ba sosiedade hodi hamutuk ho ida-idak nia familia.",
"Diretor interinu Prizaun Gleno, Cristiano Salsinha, ba Agencia Tatoli, ohin, iha Gleno, hateten dadur sira ne'e kumpre ona sira nia dever maioria kondenadu no hetan liberdade kondisional hosi desizaun Tribunal nian no balun hetan indultu.",
"Cristiano Salsinha dehan, prizaun hanesan fatin ida atu halo reflesaun no muda ema nia mentalidade hosi hahalok sira pasadu ba futuru.",
"Oinsa bele muda, tanba ne'e dadur sira durante iha prizaun laran iha atividade lubuk ba sira hala'o hanesan tuir formasaun karpintaria, pedreira, soldura, halo artezenatu sira, kustura, kursu lian portuges no vokasional.",
"\"Atividade iha formasaun daudaun ne'e mos kontinua la'o loron-loron,\" Cristiano Salsinha hateten.",
"Nia dehan, iha mos formasaun espiritual no tuir planu sei loke mos formasaun ba komputador.",
"Atividade formasaun sira-ne'e iha parseiru balun mak apoiu material no Guarda Prizional sira mak fo formasaun ba dadur sira.",
"Cristiano Salsinha hatutan, ho atividade sira-ne'e hotu bainhira re-integra ba sosiedade sei forma ema ho hanoin ida katak hahalok iha pasadu hanesan ladi'ak nune'e oinsa kontribui di'ak ba dezenvolvimentu iha nasaun.",
"Daudaun ne'e, Prizaun Gleno iha dadur na'in-117 kompostu hosi prizaun preventiva na'in-rua no kondenadu-114 hosi ne'e iha sidadaun Indonezia na'in-rua.",
"Dadur sira ne'e maioria hetan kondenadu ho kazu ne'ebe ho numeru boot hanesan omisidiu, violasaun seksual, brankamentu kapitais no insestu.",
"Previous articleSaran-an ba mate, soi oan-feto hosi tentativa violasaun seksual Next articleEzerse liberdade no protesaun ba sasin sai preokupasaun iha Sagadate"
] | [
"About 40 inmates at Gleno Prison re-integrate to society | ANTARA News Timorese news agency VARANDA HEADLINE Over forty prisoners of the Prision are being reinstated into their societies The Interim Director, Cristiano Salsinha."
"Image Tatoli/Nelson de Sousa GLENO, October 30th (TATOLI) -Between January and November this year the Gleno Prison Service in Ermera Municipality re-integrated more than forty prisoners into society to be together with their families."
"The interim director of Gleno Prison, Cristiano Salsinha told Agência Tatoli today in the prison that these detainees have fulfilled their duties. Most were sentenced and released on parole by a court decision while some received pardons for certain offences which they committed during imprisonment at this facility (see below)."
"Cristiano Salsinha says that prison is a place to reflect and change people’s mindset from past actions for the future."
"Nothing can change, therefore the inmates during their time inside prison have many activities for them to carry out such as following carpentry trainings; stonemasonry and welding classes."
"\"Activity in the training is currently continuing on a daily basis,\" says Cristiano Salsinha."
"He said, there is also spiritual training and according to the plan will open computer education."
"These training activities have some partners who provide material support and Prison Guards are providing the trainers."
"Cristiano Salsinha added that all these activities when re-integrated into society will form people with the idea of past behaviour as bad and thus contribute positively to development in a country."
"Currently, Gleno Prison has a capacity of 120 inmates comprising two pre-trial detainees and one convicted man. Of these there are three Indonesian nationals who have been sentenced to life imprisonment for the crime they committed during their time at prison (see below)."
"The majority of these figures have been convicted on high-profile cases such as homicide, rape and money laundering."
"Previous articleSuicide, saved girl from attempted rape NextExercise of freedom and witness protection become a concern in Sagadate"
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Madalena da Costa, Defisiénsia Ne’ebé La Dependénsia | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste\nVARANDA DILI Madalena da Costa, Defisiénsia Ne’ebé La Dependénsia\nMadalena da Costa, Defisiénsia Ne’ebé La Dependénsia\nMadalena da Costa. imanjen/Osória A.Marques\nDILI, 10 agostu 2019 (TATOLI)–Se ita kontinua moris dependénsia ba ema seluk, ita la kriativu iha moris, no la buka moris ba aan rasik (ukun aan), di’ak liu hola (foti) netik referénsia hosi inan feton defisiénsia Madalena da Costa nia lala’ok moris.\nMaske moris ho kondisaun defisiénsia, maibé inan feton ne’ebé koñesidu ho naran Amada nunka hakarak moris dependénsia ba família no ba ema seluk.\nNia gosta aprende no iha vontade maka’as atu moris hanesan ema ne’ebé bele susesu iha karreira. Tanba ne’e, ba Amada, la iha lia fuan “rende” ba “aprende’.\nSe mak Madalena da Costa?\nMadalena da Costa\nNaran Madalena da Costa. Karik seidauk koñesidu iha ema hotu nia futar matan no tilun. No loos duni, públiku seidauk koñese didi’ak Amada ne’ebé moris ho limitasoens fízika, maibé nunka lakon esperansa ba moris.\nAmada, moris iha Ainaro 10 Abril 1990, nu’udar oan dalimak hosi maun-alin na’in neen (6) ne’ebé Nai haraik hela ba Reinaldo Gonçalves (aman matebian) ho Laurinda da Costa (inan matebian).\nAmada sei ki’ik nia sente moris ne’e la justu no dala ruma fó sala ba nia aan tanba nia moris ho limitasoens fízika. Maibé, bainhira nia idade komesa hakat ba oin hosi tinan ida ba tinan seluk, Amada komesa hatene ona katak, moris ne’e hanesan “grasa” ne’ebé tenke “agradese”.\n“Ha’u boot ona no ha’u hanoin katak ida ne’e Maromak nia planu no ha’u tenke simu realidade ne’ebé mak iha,” hateten Madalena da Costa, bainhira dada lia ho TATOLI iha nia servisu fatin, ONG Ra’es Hadomi Timor Oan (RHTO) iha Taibessi, Dili, foin lalais ne’e.\nOhin, Madalena da Costa, nu’udar ema importante iha RHTO nu’udar Support Officer. Organizasaun ne’ebé Amada haknaar aan ba ne’e haree liu ba asisténsia no advokasia ba nia kolega maluk defisiente sira seluk.\n“Ha’u nia esforsu ne’ebé mak durante ha’u hala’o ne’e sai susesu, maske hetan natoon, maibé ha’u bele dehan katak ha’u susesu no bele hetan fatin ida mesak ona no ha’u mós bele fó kontribuisaun ba maluk sira ne’ebé mak ami hamutuk no bele sai hanesan motivadora ba maluk defisiénsia sira,” Amada tenik.\nAmada, la’ós de’it sofre limitasoens fízika, maibé nia mós moris hanesan oan ki’ak tanba inan-aman mate hotu ona dezde nia sei idade ki’ik. Maun-alin sira seluk, ida-idak haree ninia família uma laran.\nAmada, moris mai hosi inan nia knotak ho kedas kondisaun defisiénsia. Inan ho aman simu ho liman rua kondisaun Amada nian tanba sira iha domin boot ba sira na’in rua nia raan basuk.\nIha tempu sei iha foho, Amada nia nesesidade han-hemu la depende ba ema ida. Nia rasik fila-liman ba rai hamoos to’os, fa’i batar, fase roupa no te’in. Karik bele dehan, servisu saida mak feto maluk sira bele halo, Amada mós bele.\nDala uluk, Amada mai Dili hela ho tiun no tian sira iha tinan 2006. Maibé, loron ba loron Amada sente sai fali hanesan todan (beban) ida ba família sira. Ho nune’e, nia deside sai hosi uma família sira nian atu bele senti moris ne’e nia moruk no midar.\nOhin loron, Amada orgullu ho nia potensialidade bele kolabora no servisu iha RHTO hodi ajuda iha parte administrasaun finansa nian no daudaun ne’e mós fó formasaun ba maluk sira kona ba inkluzivu.\nJornalista : Osória A.Marques\nPrevious articlePR Lú Olo: “Konsulta Populár Atu Konfirma Eroi Sira Nia Mate”\nNext articleKazu Soe Bebé, Veterana ‘Kasihan’ Konsidera Feto Balun Goza Demais Liberdade\nAdministradór Ataúro Agradese ba Estadu Aplika Liberdade Movimentasaun\nArkivu Select Month May 2020 (532) April 2020 (554) March 2020 (718) February 2020 (608) January 2020 (673) December 2019 (451) November 2019 (600) October 2019 (738) September 2019 (684) August 2019 (774) July 2019 (793) June 2019 (397) May 2019 (491) April 2019 (237) March 2019 (231) February 2019 (189) January 2019 (185) December 2018 (125) November 2018 (144) October 2018 (201) September 2018 (222) August 2018 (243) July 2018 (210) June 2018 (172) May 2018 (177) April 2018 (178) March 2018 (195) February 2018 (198) January 2018 (219) December 2017 (147) November 2017 (167) October 2017 (216) September 2017 (216) August 2017 (205) July 2017 (203) June 2017 (273) May 2017 (324) April 2017 (261) March 2017 (161)\nDILI, 25 maiu 2020 (TATOLI) - Sidadaun estranjeiru hamutuk na’in-50 repatria ba sira-nia rai ida-idak ho Aviaun Filipina, Pan Pacific kuaze tuku 14.00 oras... | [
"Madalena da Costa, Defisiensia Ne'ebe La Dependensia | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA DILI Madalena da Costa, Defisiensia Ne'ebe La Dependensia Madalena da Costa, Defisiensia Ne'ebe La Dependensia Madalena da Costa. imanjen/Osoria A.Marques DILI, 10 agostu 2019 (TATOLI) -Se ita kontinua moris dependensia ba ema seluk, ita la kriativu iha moris, no la buka moris ba aan rasik (ukun aan), di'ak liu hola (foti) netik referensia hosi inan feton defisiensia Madalena da Costa nia lala'ok moris.",
"Maske moris ho kondisaun defisiensia, maibe inan feton ne'ebe konesidu ho naran Amada nunka hakarak moris dependensia ba familia no ba ema seluk.",
"Nia gosta aprende no iha vontade maka'as atu moris hanesan ema ne'ebe bele susesu iha karreira.",
"Tanba ne'e, ba Amada, la iha lia fuan \"rende\" ba \"aprende'.",
"Se mak Madalena da Costa?",
"Madalena da Costa Naran Madalena da Costa.",
"Karik seidauk konesidu iha ema hotu nia futar matan no tilun.",
"No loos duni, publiku seidauk konese didi'ak Amada ne'ebe moris ho limitasoens fizika, maibe nunka lakon esperansa ba moris.",
"Amada, moris iha Ainaro 10 Abril 1990, nu'udar oan dalimak hosi maun-alin na'in neen (6) ne'ebe Nai haraik hela ba Reinaldo Goncalves (aman matebian) ho Laurinda da Costa (inan matebian).",
"Amada sei ki'ik nia sente moris ne'e la justu no dala ruma fo sala ba nia aan tanba nia moris ho limitasoens fizika.",
"Maibe, bainhira nia idade komesa hakat ba oin hosi tinan ida ba tinan seluk, Amada komesa hatene ona katak, moris ne'e hanesan \"grasa\" ne'ebe tenke \"agradese.\"",
"\"Ha'u boot ona no ha'u hanoin katak ida ne'e Maromak nia planu no ha'u tenke simu realidade ne'ebe mak iha,\" hateten Madalena da Costa, bainhira dada lia ho TATOLI iha nia servisu fatin, ONG Ra'es Hadomi Timor Oan (RHTO) iha Taibessi, Dili, foin lalais ne'e.",
"Ohin, Madalena da Costa, nu'udar ema importante iha RHTO nu'udar Support Officer.",
"Organizasaun ne'ebe Amada haknaar aan ba ne'e haree liu ba asistensia no advokasia ba nia kolega maluk defisiente sira seluk.",
"\"Ha'u nia esforsu ne'ebe mak durante ha'u hala'o ne'e sai susesu, maske hetan natoon, maibe ha'u bele dehan katak ha'u susesu no bele hetan fatin ida mesak ona no ha'u mos bele fo kontribuisaun ba maluk sira ne'ebe mak ami hamutuk no bele sai hanesan motivadora ba maluk defisiensia sira,\" Amada tenik.",
"Amada, la'os de'it sofre limitasoens fizika, maibe nia mos moris hanesan oan ki'ak tanba inan-aman mate hotu ona dezde nia sei idade ki'ik.",
"Maun-alin sira seluk, ida-idak haree ninia familia uma laran.",
"Amada, moris mai hosi inan nia knotak ho kedas kondisaun defisiensia.",
"Inan ho aman simu ho liman rua kondisaun Amada nian tanba sira iha domin boot ba sira na'in rua nia raan basuk.",
"Iha tempu sei iha foho, Amada nia nesesidade han-hemu la depende ba ema ida.",
"Nia rasik fila-liman ba rai hamoos to'os, fa'i batar, fase roupa no te'in.",
"Karik bele dehan, servisu saida mak feto maluk sira bele halo, Amada mos bele.",
"Dala uluk, Amada mai Dili hela ho tiun no tian sira iha tinan 2006.",
"Maibe, loron ba loron Amada sente sai fali hanesan todan (beban) ida ba familia sira.",
"Ho nune'e, nia deside sai hosi uma familia sira nian atu bele senti moris ne'e nia moruk no midar.",
"Ohin loron, Amada orgullu ho nia potensialidade bele kolabora no servisu iha RHTO hodi ajuda iha parte administrasaun finansa nian no daudaun ne'e mos fo formasaun ba maluk sira kona ba inkluzivu.",
"Jornalista: Osoria A.Marques Previous articlePR Lu Olo: \"Konsulta Popular Atu Konfirma Eroi Sira Nia Mate\" Next articleKazu Soe Bebe, Veterana 'Kasihan' Konsidera Feto Balun Goza Demais Liberdade Administrador Atauro Agradese ba Estadu Aplika Liberdade Movimentasaun Arkivu Select Month May 2020 (532) April 2020 (554) March 2020 (718) February 2020 (608) January 2020 (673) December 2019 (451) November 2019 (600) October 2019 (738) September 2019 (684) August 2019 (774) July 2019 (793) June 2019 (397) May 2019 (491) April 2019 (237) March 2019 (231) February 2019 (189) January 2019 (185) December 2018 (125) November 2018 (144) October 2018 (201) September 2018 (222) August 2018 (243) July 2018 (210) June 2018 (172) May 2018 (177) April 2018 (178) March 2018 (195) February 2018 (198) January 2018 (219) December 2017 (147) November 2017 (167) October 2017 (216) September 2017 (216) August 2017 (205) July 2017 (203) June 2017 (273) May 2017 (324) April 2017 (261) March 2017 (161) DILI, 25 maiu 2020 (TATOLI) - Sidadaun estranjeiru hamutuk na'in-50 repatria ba sira-nia rai ida-idak ho Aviaun Filipina, Pan Pacific kuaze tuku 14.00 oras..."
] | [
"Madalena da Costa, Defisiensia Ne'ebe La Dependensia | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA DILI Madlen Da Costa: Disability That Makes Me Dependent on Other People. imajen/Osoria O’Marques Dili (AFP) – If we continue to live in dependence upon others and are not creative with our lives or looking for a life of oneself then it is better if you take inspiration from the mother who has disabilities as she described her own journey into this world - Madalenda Cota"
"Despite living with disabilities, the mother of three who is associated by her name Amada never wanted to live a life dependent on family and others."
"She enjoys learning and has a strong desire to live as someone who can succeed in her career."
"Therefore, in Amada's case there is no word for \"learn\" or to learn."
"Who is Madalena da Costa?"
"Madalena da Costa Naran. Maddalena of the Coast, 18th century"
"He is not able to see the world through his own eyes, and he has no sense of humor."
"In fact, the public is not well acquainted with Amada who lives in physical limitations but never loses hope for life."
"Amada was born in Ainaro on April 10th, the seventeen-year old daughter of Reinaldo Goncalves (deceased father) and Laurinda da Costa. She is a six brothers who were given by her mother to reincarnate as human being from their birth until she died at age ninety years ago when they had been forced into slavery for more than three decades before returning home with no money or property left behind after that tragic event!"
"Amada is young she feels that life was not fair and sometimes blames herself for living with physical limitations."
"However, as her age began to move forward from one year of life into the next Amada started knowing that this was a \"fat\" thing for which she should be grateful."
"\"I'm grown up and I think that this is God’s plan,\" Madalena da Costa told TATOLI in her office at the NGO Ra´es Hadomi Timor Oan (RHTO) recently."
"Today, Madalena da Costa is an important person in the RHTO as a Support Officer."
"Amada's voluntary organization focuses on assisting and advocating for her fellow disabled colleagues."
"\"My efforts during this time have been successful, although I'm not happy with it. But what can i say is that my success has come from being able to find myself in an independent position and also contributing towards the people we are together as well of becoming motivating for other disabled persons?\" Amada said.\""
"Amada, not only suffers from physical limitations but also lives as a poor child because her parents have all died since she was young."
"The other sisters, each looking at her family in the house."
"Amada, born from her mother's breast with a disability."
"Mother and father accepted Amada's condition with open arms because they had a great love for the blood of their master."
"During her time in the desert, Amada’s food needs were not dependent on anyone."
"She herself went to the fields, cleaned trees and grasses."
"Karik can say, whatever work her fellow women are able to do Amada too."
"The first time Amada came to Dili with her uncles and aunts was in 2016."
"However, day by Day Amada feels like a todan (beban) for her family."
"Thus, he decided to leave his family' s home so that they could feel the bitterness and misery of life."
"Today, Amada is proud of her potential to collaborate and work in RHTO helping with the financial administration part. Currently she also trains people on inclusion issues for other members as well!"
"Previous articlePR Lu Olo: \"Konsulta Popular Atu Konfirma Heroi Sira Nia Mate\" Next ArticleSoe Bebe Case, Veterana 'Kasihan' Considers Feto Balun Goza Demas Liberdade Administrador Atauro Graças ba Estadu Applica Libertade Movimentasaun Arkivu Select Month May 2019 (38) April. March/February /March-April... February(4567), January[…] December [….], November.[……][…..]] October [[…….|October]], September {…) August_July _May{…»"
] |
By Tempo Timor May 30, 2021 2034\nPrezidente Republika (PR) Francisco Guterres Lu Olo hato'o hela mensajem ba povu Timor-Leste kona-ba Covid-19 iha tempu balun ba kotuk. Foto Ofesial\n"Iha mensájen ba Parlamentu Nasionál husu autorizasaun ba deklara estadu emerjénsia dala ida tan tanba Xefe Estadu preokupa tebes ho númeru kazu konfirmadu ho vírus Covid-19 nian sae babeibeik no diariamente afeta ema liu atus ida", dehan PR liuhusi komunikadu imprensa, domingu (30/05).\nTanba ne’e, husu ba sidadaun hothotu kumpri regra hatuur durante estadu emerjénsia.\nHaree ba Timor-Leste iha hela kazu ativu konfirmadu 2666 husi totál 6014 sura hamutuk husi fulan-marsu 2020 no ema na’in-14 mak moras todan ho kauza oioin no mate no iha mos vírus Covid-19 nian.\n"Figura públika ho responsabilidade labele hatete katak sira hadomi povu no preokupa ho moris-di’ak no saúde povu nian maibé la kumpri fali regra bázika ba protesaun hanesan distansiamentu sosial no uza máskara ka la respeita konfinamentu domisiliáriu, ho motivu ne'ebé de'it ka ho hanoin ba sira-nia an de'it", dehan Lú Olo.\nTanba halibur ho populasaun iha fatin públiku lahó máskara no lahó distansiamentu sosiál sei la kontribui atu hapara vírus corona maibé sei loke dalan ba vírus at ne'e e hadaet liután husi ema ba ema.\n"Saída mak populasaun hanoin ba nia obrigasaun atu haktuir konfinamentu domisiliáriu bainhira nia haree figura públika ida halibur ho ema ka la'o ba-mai ho ema atu haksolok-nia an deit?", hatete nia.\nIha ninia mensájen ba Parlamentu Nasionál bainhira husu autorizasaun atu renova estadu emerjénsia hahú husi zero oras, loron 2 fulan-juñu tinan 2021 (kuarta) to’o 23 oras 59 minutus loron 1 fulan-jullu tinan 2021 (kinta), iha territóriu nasionál.(*)\nLast modified on Sunday, 30 May 2021 22:01\n« Komunidade Readodok 471 Sei Simu Vasina iha Semana oin Kazu Rekuperadu Covid-19 Iha Oras 24 Hamutuk 186 » | [
"By Tempo Timor May 30, 2021 2034 Prezidente Republika (PR) Francisco Guterres Lu Olo hato'o hela mensajem ba povu Timor-Leste kona-ba Covid-19 iha tempu balun ba kotuk.",
"Foto Ofesial \"Iha mensajen ba Parlamentu Nasional husu autorizasaun ba deklara estadu emerjensia dala ida tan tanba Xefe Estadu preokupa tebes ho numeru kazu konfirmadu ho virus Covid-19 nian sae babeibeik no diariamente afeta ema liu atus ida,\" dehan PR liuhusi komunikadu imprensa, domingu (30/05).",
"Tanba ne'e, husu ba sidadaun hothotu kumpri regra hatuur durante estadu emerjensia.",
"Haree ba Timor-Leste iha hela kazu ativu konfirmadu 2666 husi total 6014 sura hamutuk husi fulan-marsu 2020 no ema na'in-14 mak moras todan ho kauza oioin no mate no iha mos virus Covid-19 nian.",
"\"Figura publika ho responsabilidade labele hatete katak sira hadomi povu no preokupa ho moris-di'ak no saude povu nian maibe la kumpri fali regra bazika ba protesaun hanesan distansiamentu sosial no uza maskara ka la respeita konfinamentu domisiliariu, ho motivu ne'ebe de'it ka ho hanoin ba sira-nia an de'it,\" dehan Lu Olo.",
"Tanba halibur ho populasaun iha fatin publiku laho maskara no laho distansiamentu sosial sei la kontribui atu hapara virus corona maibe sei loke dalan ba virus at ne'e e hadaet liutan husi ema ba ema.",
"\"Saida mak populasaun hanoin ba nia obrigasaun atu haktuir konfinamentu domisiliariu bainhira nia haree figura publika ida halibur ho ema ka la'o ba-mai ho ema atu haksolok-nia an deit?,\" hatete nia.",
"Iha ninia mensajen ba Parlamentu Nasional bainhira husu autorizasaun atu renova estadu emerjensia hahu husi zero oras, loron 2 fulan-junu tinan 2021 (kuarta) to'o 23 oras 59 minutus loron 1 fulan-jullu tinan 2021 (kinta), iha territoriu nasional. (*) Last modified on Sunday, 30 May 2021 22:01 \" Komunidade Readodok 471 Sei Simu Vasina iha Semana oin Kazu Rekuperadu Covid-19 Iha Oras 24 Hamutuk 186 \""
] | [
"By Tempo Timor May 30,1924 President of the Republic (PR) Francisco Guterres Lu Olo delivered a message to people in East-Timor regarding Covid -"
"\"In a message to the National Parliament, I request authorization for declaring another state of emergency because my head is very concerned about increasing numbers and daily affects more than one thousand people with confirmed cases from Covid-19 virus\", said Prime Minister in his press release on Sunday (30/5)."
"Therefore, he urged all citizens to comply with the rules imposed during state of emergency."
"As for Timor-Leste, there are 2659 confirmed active cases out of a total number as at March -14th and the death toll is now up to one person."
"\"Public figures with responsibility cannot say that they love the people and are concerned about their well-being or health but fail to follow basic rules of protection such as social distancings, wearing mask. They can also not respect home quarantine for any other reason than themselves.\""
"Because gathering with people in public places to wear masks and socially distance themselves will not contribute towards stopping the corona virus, but it is opening up a way for this disease that can be spread from person-to -person."
"\"How do people think of their obligation to follow the home quarantine when they see a public figure gathering with others or walkin' around just for fun?,\" he said."
"In his message to the National Parliament when requesting authorization for renewing state of emergency starting from zero hours, June 2nd (Thursday) until one hundred and eleven minutes after midnight on July first in national territories. (*), he said: \"Readodok community will receive vaccines next week; recovered Covid-19 cases within two dozen fourteen hour total is now at a whopping number.\""
] |
Obra Públika Baucau propoin hadi’a estrada rotunda Villa nova-Nagardjo | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste\nVARANDA BAUKAU Obra Públika Baucau propoin hadi’a estrada rotunda Villa nova-Nagardjo\nObra Públika Baucau propoin hadi’a estrada rotunda Villa nova-Nagardjo\nKondisaun estrada dirasaun rotunda merkadu Villa nova to’o Uainiki-Nagardjo, sesta (09/07). Imajen TATOLI/Natalino Belo\nBAUCAU, 09 jullu 2021 (TATOLI)–Diretór Obra Públika munisípiu Baucau, Pedro Alexandre Guterres Pereira, submete proposta hadi’a estrada urbana rejiaun ne’e ba Governu sentrál no husu atu konsidera.\n“Espera sira bele haree dezeñu, analiza, no hatama ba prosesu aprovizionamentu iha tinan ne’e hodi bele hadi’a hosi rotunda Villa nova to’o Nagardjo tamba estrada ne’e halo ona ema mate na’in-rua ona,” Diretór Obra Públika Baucau, informa ba Agência TATOLI, iha ninia knaar fatin, Villa nova, sesta ne’e.\nTuir Dekretu-Lei númeru 3/2016 16 marsu kona-ba Lei estatutu administrasaun munisipál, autoridade munisipál no grupu tékniku interministeriál ba Desentralizasaun Administrativa, mensiona katak estrada urbana sei responsabiliza hosi MOP nasionál.\nNune’e, Obra Públika rejionál submete ona proposta ba Primeiru-Ministru, Taur Matan Ruak, Vise Primeiru-Ministru no Ministru Planu no Ordenamentu, José Maria dos Reis, Ministru Obra Públika, Salvador Eugênio Soares dos Reis Pires.\n“Munisípiu ajuda halo dezeñu no Bill of Quantity (BoQ) hosi rotunda Villa nova, Planalto to’o Nagardjo hamutuk kilómetru 3,5, tanba ne’e dezeñu hotu ona ho estrada nia luan metru 6, trotoar sorin karuk-loos submete ona, maski kilómetru 23 la avansa maibé ida-ne’e tenki konsidera, ho totál orsamentu millaun $1 resin,” nia esplika.\nDaudaun ne’e Obra Públika munisipál koordena hela ho Administradór postu Baucau Villa atu aloka osan hosi fundu Mão de Obra hamutuk $15.000 atu aterru rai mutin provizóriu ba estrada ne’ebé ne’ebé a’at, nune’e labele difikulta movimentu.\n“Ami koko koordena ho sira (Admistradór postu) atu aterru de’it rai mutin, maibé halo esforsu koordena mos ho Diresaun Obra Públika nasionál,” nia hatutan.\nTuir observasaun Agência TATOLI, nota katak kondisaun estrada dirasaun rotunda Villa nova merkadu to’o Uainiki Nagardjo, hetan estragu maka’as, maski sai sentru komérsiál no hanesan fatin movimentasaun transporte públika, iha loja, ospitál, estasaun kombustível, Kuartel Unidade Espesiál Polísia (UEP), no tuir planu futuru sei sai sentru edifísiu públiku.\nBazeia ba dokumentu orsamentál (livru 3) Orsamentu Jerál Estadu (OJE) 2021, aloka ba estrada urbana munisípiu Baucau pur volta millaun $11, ba reabilitasaun estrada ho distánsia kilómentru 23.\nPrevious articleUPMA-MF husu instituisaun Estadu labele troka ema planeamentu ba orsamentu\nNext articlePNTL kontinua hala’o inkéritu ba suspeitu AS | [
"Obra Publika Baucau propoin hadi'a estrada rotunda Villa nova-Nagardjo | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA BAUKAU Obra Publika Baucau propoin hadi'a estrada rotunda Villa nova-Nagardjo Obra Publika Baucau propoin hadi'a estrada rotunda Villa nova-Nagardjo Kondisaun estrada dirasaun rotunda merkadu Villa nova to'o Uainiki-Nagardjo, sesta (09/07).",
"Imajen TATOLI/Natalino Belo BAUCAU, 09 jullu 2021 (TATOLI) -Diretor Obra Publika munisipiu Baucau, Pedro Alexandre Guterres Pereira, submete proposta hadi'a estrada urbana rejiaun ne'e ba Governu sentral no husu atu konsidera.",
"\"Espera sira bele haree dezenu, analiza, no hatama ba prosesu aprovizionamentu iha tinan ne'e hodi bele hadi'a hosi rotunda Villa nova to'o Nagardjo tamba estrada ne'e halo ona ema mate na'in-rua ona,\" Diretor Obra Publika Baucau, informa ba Agencia TATOLI, iha ninia knaar fatin, Villa nova, sesta ne'e.",
"Tuir Dekretu-Lei numeru 3/2016 16 marsu kona-ba Lei estatutu administrasaun munisipal, autoridade munisipal no grupu tekniku interministerial ba Desentralizasaun Administrativa, mensiona katak estrada urbana sei responsabiliza hosi MOP nasional.",
"Nune'e, Obra Publika rejional submete ona proposta ba Primeiru-Ministru, Taur Matan Ruak, Vise Primeiru-Ministru no Ministru Planu no Ordenamentu, Jose Maria dos Reis, Ministru Obra Publika, Salvador Eugenio Soares dos Reis Pires.",
"\"Munisipiu ajuda halo dezenu no Bill of Quantity (BoQ) hosi rotunda Villa nova, Planalto to'o Nagardjo hamutuk kilometru 3,5, tanba ne'e dezenu hotu ona ho estrada nia luan metru 6, trotoar sorin karuk-loos submete ona, maski kilometru 23 la avansa maibe ida-ne'e tenki konsidera, ho total orsamentu millaun $1 resin,\" nia esplika.",
"Daudaun ne'e Obra Publika munisipal koordena hela ho Administrador postu Baucau Villa atu aloka osan hosi fundu Mao de Obra hamutuk $15.000 atu aterru rai mutin provizoriu ba estrada ne'ebe ne'ebe a'at, nune'e labele difikulta movimentu.",
"\"Ami koko koordena ho sira (Admistrador postu) atu aterru de'it rai mutin, maibe halo esforsu koordena mos ho Diresaun Obra Publika nasional,\" nia hatutan.",
"Tuir observasaun Agencia TATOLI, nota katak kondisaun estrada dirasaun rotunda Villa nova merkadu to'o Uainiki Nagardjo, hetan estragu maka'as, maski sai sentru komersial no hanesan fatin movimentasaun transporte publika, iha loja, ospital, estasaun kombustivel, Kuartel Unidade Espesial Polisia (UEP), no tuir planu futuru sei sai sentru edifisiu publiku.",
"Bazeia ba dokumentu orsamental (livru 3) Orsamentu Jeral Estadu (OJE) 2021, aloka ba estrada urbana munisipiu Baucau pur volta millaun $11, ba reabilitasaun estrada ho distansia kilomentru 23.",
"Previous articleUPMA-MF husu instituisaun Estadu labele troka ema planeamentu ba orsamentu Next articlePNTL kontinua hala'o inkeritu ba suspeitu AS"
] | [
"Obra Publika Baucau propoin hadi'a estrada rotunda Villa nova-Nagardjo | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor Leste VARANDA BAUKAU obra publica baucau proposes to improve the round road between Vila Nova market and Uainiki, Saturday (09/12)."
"BAUCAU, July 9th (TATOLI) -Director of Public Works in Baucau municipality Pedro Alexandre Guterres Pereira has submitted a proposal to improve the region's urban road system and asked for consideration."
"\"I hope they can look at the design, analyze it and submit to procurement this year so that we could improve from Villa Nova roundabout until Nagardjo because two people have already died on these roads\", Director of Public Works Baucau informed Agência TATOLI (Agency for News), today."
"According to Decree-Law No. 3/2016 of March, on the statute law for municipal administrations and interministerial technical group Municipal Authorities & Administratives decentralization mentioned that urban road will be responsible by MOP nationally"
"Thus, the regional Public Works Department has submitted proposal to Prime Minister Taur Matan Ruak; Deputy Premier and Planning & Urban Planning minister Jose Maria dos Reis."
"\"The municipality helped make the design and bill of quantity (BoQ) from roundabout Villa Nova, Planalto to Nagardjo totaling 3.5 kilometers; therefore all designs have been completed with road width being six meters wide as well although km24 has not advanced but this must be considered for $1 million in budget\", he explaines"
"At the moment, Municipal Public Works is coordinating with Post Administrator Baucau Villa to allocate money from Mao de Obra fund totaling $15.028 million in order for a temporary mud road be laid on this stretch of highway so that it does not hinder movements and traffic flow between these two areas (Baucau-Villa)."
"\"We coordinate with them (Post Administrators) to land only the mutin soil, but we also make an effort of co-ordinating this process in cooperation and collaboration With National Directorate for Public Works.\""
"According to Agência TATOLI's observation, the condition of road from roundabout Villa nova market towards Uainiki Nagardjo has been heavily damaged despite being a commercial centre and public transportation hub with many stores. The area is also home for hospital-like facilities such as fuel pumping station or UEP (Special Police Unit) barracks; according in future plans it will be used by various government buildings like office building etc..."
"Based on the budgetary document (book 3) General State Budget of Brazil, allocated to urban roads in Baucau municipality around $10 million for rehabilitation with a distance km."
"Previous articleUPMA-MF asks State institutions not to replace people planning for budget Next ArticlePNTL continues conducting investigation on suspected AS"
] |
East Timor Law and Justice Bulletin: Vitima Masacre Bob-Uf Tumin Ejije Harii Museum kompleita ho seguransa\nVitima Masacre Bob-Uf Tumin Ejije Harii Museum kompleita ho seguransa\nSetembru 2010 - Judisial System Monitoring Programme (JSMP) liu husi Unidade Programa Observasaun Parlamentu (POP) iha Quarta feira 25 Agostu 2010 liu bá, hala’ó Fokus Group Diskusaun (FGD) konabá Esbosu Lei Instituisaun Memoria no Esbosu Lei konabá Reparasaun iha fatin Masacre Bob-Uf Tumin, Suco Bobometo, Sub Distrito Oe-silo, Distrito Oe-Cusse.\nLuis de Oliveira Sampaio Direitór JSMP hateten, objetivu husi FGD ne’e atu fahe informasaun no rona direitamente idea ka opiniaun husi vitima vulnerabel sira ne’ebè laos kategoria veteranus ka idozus atu fo sira nia hanoin relasiona ho esbosu lei instituisaun memorial no esbosu lei reparasaun ne’ebé sei fo benefisiu ba sira.\nEnkontru ne’ebè organiza husi JSMP ne’e, hetan entusiasmu makas husi vitima sira. Maske fou-foun xefe suco Bobometo limite atu hili deit ema nain 30 wainhira JSMP to’o iha fatin FGD partisipantes barak liu hamutuk 78 mak hakarak partisipa hodi rona informasaun.\nFokus Group Diskusaun hamosu rekomendasaun lubuk husi vitima no familia vitima sira iha Masacre Bob-Uf Tumin hanesan tuir mai ne’e;\n· Vitima ejije ba Parlamentu Nasional atu tau matan ba ema sira ne’ebè lakon sira nia vida iha tinan 1999 liu-liu iha loron 8 to’o 9 fulan Setembro 1999.\n· Husu ba Parlamentu no Governu atu harii museum kompleita ho monumentu ida iha fatin Masacre hotu-hotu, liu-liu ba Tumin, atu nune bele haloot sasan faktus hanesan Kalsa, Kamiza, Tali, Sintu, Kadeli, vitima sira ne’ebé ema oho no oras ne’e sasan hirak ne’e sei rai deit iha kaixa Supermi.\n· Husu mos ba governu atu rekruta seguransa permanente iha fatin masacre hotu-hotu liu-liu ba Tumin atu nia responsabiliza hamoos no hein monumentu inklui museum ne’ebè atu tau sasan vitima sira nian ne’ebè konsidera hanesan memoria.\n· Husu ba Parlamentu atu hari’i escritoriu nasional ida ne’ebe independente inklui eskritoriu distrital ba vitima hotu-hotu inklui escritoriu ida iha Distrito Oe-Cusse atu nune’e bele implementa direitamente esbosu lei rua ne’e ba sira vitima iha futuru.\n· Vitima sira mos husu ba Parlamentu no Governu wainhira Prezidente Repúblika promulga tiha lei rua ne’e tenke sosializa to’o iha vitima sira iha baze.\n· Vitima Bob-uf ka masacre Tumin rekomenda ba komisaun A Parlamentu Nasional no ba meja plenaria parlamentu atu hahu ona diskute konabà esbosu lei rua refere iha fulan Setembru ka Otobru 2010.\n· Vitima masacre Tumin mos ejije ba estado Indonesia atu kontribui mos fo reparasaun ba vitima sira iha Timor Leste.\n· Konabá justisa vitima Masacre Tumin entrega responsabilidade tomak ba estado Timor Leste no Indonesia atu prosesa autor krime grave sira iha futuru.\nDireitór JSMP hein katak, hosi rekomendasaun ka ejijensia sira ne’ebè vitima Masacre Bob-Uf Tumin hato’o ne’e membru Parlamentu Nasional sira bele konsidera atu akumula sira nia hanoin iha esbosu lei Instituisaun memoria no esbosu lei reparasaun antes aprova hodi responde duni vitima sira nia preukupasaun.\nLuis de Oliveira Sampaio mos reafirma nafatin JSMP nia pozisaun katak tenki iha justisa ba autor krime grave sira maske vitima sira hakarak entrega responsabilidade tomak ba estado Timor Leste ho Indonesia hodi prosesa autor krimes sira.\nAtu hetan infórmasaun kle’an favor kontaktu: Luis de Oliveira Sampaio Direitor Ezekutivu JSMP\nDiresaun e-mail: [email protected] Landline: 3323883\nNote : halo favor ignora JSMP ninia publikasaun (Press Release) iha loron 7 Setembru 2010 kona bá “Vítima Masakre Bob-Uf Tumin Rekomenda atu Parlamentu rona sira nia idea” No konsidera Press ne’ebé ami haruka tuir mai ne’e mak hanesan versaun final. | [
"East Timor Law and Justice Bulletin: Vitima Masacre Bob-Uf Tumin Ejije Harii Museum kompleita ho seguransa Vitima Masacre Bob-Uf Tumin Ejije Harii Museum kompleita ho seguransa Setembru 2010 - Judisial System Monitoring Programme (JSMP) liu husi Unidade Programa Observasaun Parlamentu (POP) iha Quarta feira 25 Agostu 2010 liu ba, hala'o Fokus Group Diskusaun (FGD) konaba Esbosu Lei Instituisaun Memoria no Esbosu Lei konaba Reparasaun iha fatin Masacre Bob-Uf Tumin, Suco Bobometo, Sub Distrito Oe-silo, Distrito Oe-Cusse.",
"Luis de Oliveira Sampaio Direitor JSMP hateten, objetivu husi FGD ne'e atu fahe informasaun no rona direitamente idea ka opiniaun husi vitima vulnerabel sira ne'ebe laos kategoria veteranus ka idozus atu fo sira nia hanoin relasiona ho esbosu lei instituisaun memorial no esbosu lei reparasaun ne'ebe sei fo benefisiu ba sira.",
"Enkontru ne'ebe organiza husi JSMP ne'e, hetan entusiasmu makas husi vitima sira.",
"Maske fou-foun xefe suco Bobometo limite atu hili deit ema nain 30 wainhira JSMP to'o iha fatin FGD partisipantes barak liu hamutuk 78 mak hakarak partisipa hodi rona informasaun.",
"Fokus Group Diskusaun hamosu rekomendasaun lubuk husi vitima no familia vitima sira iha Masacre Bob-Uf Tumin hanesan tuir mai ne'e; * Vitima ejije ba Parlamentu Nasional atu tau matan ba ema sira ne'ebe lakon sira nia vida iha tinan 1999 liu-liu iha loron 8 to'o 9 fulan Setembro 1999. * Husu ba Parlamentu no Governu atu harii museum kompleita ho monumentu ida iha fatin Masacre hotu-hotu, liu-liu ba Tumin, atu nune bele haloot sasan faktus hanesan Kalsa, Kamiza, Tali, Sintu, Kadeli, vitima sira ne'ebe ema oho no oras ne'e sasan hirak ne'e sei rai deit iha kaixa Supermi. * Husu mos ba governu atu rekruta seguransa permanente iha fatin masacre hotu-hotu liu-liu ba Tumin atu nia responsabiliza hamoos no hein monumentu inklui museum ne'ebe atu tau sasan vitima sira nian ne'ebe konsidera hanesan memoria. * Husu ba Parlamentu atu hari'i escritoriu nasional ida ne'ebe independente inklui eskritoriu distrital ba vitima hotu-hotu inklui escritoriu ida iha Distrito Oe-Cusse atu nune'e bele implementa direitamente esbosu lei rua ne'e ba sira vitima iha futuru. * Vitima sira mos husu ba Parlamentu no Governu wainhira Prezidente Republika promulga tiha lei rua ne'e tenke sosializa to'o iha vitima sira iha baze. * Vitima Bob-uf ka masacre Tumin rekomenda ba komisaun A Parlamentu Nasional no ba meja plenaria parlamentu atu hahu ona diskute konaba esbosu lei rua refere iha fulan Setembru ka Otobru 2010. * Vitima masacre Tumin mos ejije ba estado Indonesia atu kontribui mos fo reparasaun ba vitima sira iha Timor Leste. * Konaba justisa vitima Masacre Tumin entrega responsabilidade tomak ba estado Timor Leste no Indonesia atu prosesa autor krime grave sira iha futuru.",
"Direitor JSMP hein katak, hosi rekomendasaun ka ejijensia sira ne'ebe vitima Masacre Bob-Uf Tumin hato'o ne'e membru Parlamentu Nasional sira bele konsidera atu akumula sira nia hanoin iha esbosu lei Instituisaun memoria no esbosu lei reparasaun antes aprova hodi responde duni vitima sira nia preukupasaun.",
"Luis de Oliveira Sampaio mos reafirma nafatin JSMP nia pozisaun katak tenki iha justisa ba autor krime grave sira maske vitima sira hakarak entrega responsabilidade tomak ba estado Timor Leste ho Indonesia hodi prosesa autor krimes sira.",
"Atu hetan informasaun kle'an favor kontaktu: Luis de Oliveira Sampaio Direitor Ezekutivu JSMP Diresaun e-mail: [email protected] Landline: 3323883 Note: halo favor ignora JSMP ninia publikasaun (Press Release) iha loron 7 Setembru 2010 kona ba \"Vitima Masakre Bob-Uf Tumin Rekomenda atu Parlamentu rona sira nia idea\" No konsidera Press ne'ebe ami haruka tuir mai ne'e mak hanesan versaun final."
] | [
"East Timor Law and Justice Bulletin: Victims of Bob-Uf Tumin Ejije Massacre Harii Museum Completed with Security September 2015 - The Judicial System Monitoring Programme (JSMP) through the Parliamentary Observation Program Unit on Wednesday, August.4th held a Focus Group Discussion about Draft Institutional Memory Act in Bobometo Subdistrict Oe Silo District at Bo'u Ufu Tumain Masakre Site to raise public concern over this issue that has been raised by several groups since its establishment as an institution for reconciliation between people who were victimized during their lives or after they had died under tortured conditions from January until October years ago when there was no legal remedy available against those responsible"
"Luis de Oliveira Sampaio, Director of JSMP said that the aim is to share information and hear directly from vulnerable victims who are not veteran or elderly categories their ideas regarding draft memorial institution law as well As reparation bill which will benefit them."
"The meeting, organized by the JSMP was met with great enthusiasm from victims."
"Although the chief of Bobometo limits to select only 30 people when JSMP arrived at FGD site, more than a dozen participants (78 in total) wanted participate and hear information."
"The Focus Group Discussion resulted in a number of recommendations from the victims and their families as follow: * Victim demand that National Parliament pay attention to those who lost life on 8-9 September, especially for Tumin Massacre. • Calling upon parliamentary government establish museum complete with monument at all massacres sites particularly Tummin so they can recover objectives such Kalsa Kamiza Tali Sintu Kadeli which were killed by people but now are buries only under Supermi cages; · Also calling onto Government recruit permanent security forces throughout mass murder site specifically Tumain where it will be responsible cleaning up & keeping memorial including Museum containment items considered memory material pertaining towards these two crime cases (the first one was committed against Bob Uf Tuhin)."
"The Director of JSMP hopes that, from the recommendations or concern which Bob-Uf Tumin Massacre victim has put forward this members can consider to accumulate their thoughts in draft law Institution memory and reparation bill before approved so as effectively addressing those who are concerned."
"Luis de Oliveira Sampaio also reaffirmed JSMP’s position that there must be justice for the perpetrators of serious crime, even though victim' s want to hand over full responsibility on Timor-Leste and Indonesia state in prosecuting those responsible."
"For more information please contact: Luis de Oliveira Sampaio Executive Director of JSMP E-mail address [email protected],org Landline number 3291085 Notes Please ignore the Press Release issued by JSP on September (7th) about \"Bob Uf Tumin Massacre Victim Recommend Parliament to Hear Their Idea\" and consider this press release as a final version!"
] |
Publika iha: 13 Mai 2021\nLee nain: 3188\nDILI (TOP) – Ambeno-oan sira ne’ebé mai buka serbisu no eskola iha Dili durante ne’e hasoru problema oioin, mate ba inundasaun no balun oras ne’e hasoru hela problema hamlaha boot iha kapital nasaun, maibé durante ne’e lahetan atensaun sériu tantu husi governu sentral no autoridade Rejiaun Administrativu Espesial Oe-Kusi Ambeno (RAEOA).\nHo kestaun ne’e, iha loron 29 Abril 2021, Ambeno-oan sira ne’ebé hela iha Dili hato’o pedidu ida ba deputadu sira iha Parlamentu Nasionál, liliu ba bankada CNRT nian, tanba sira hanoin katak bankada FRETILIN oras ne’e sai hela bankada ‘ai-tonka’ ne’ebé tonka hela governu atual to’o remata tinan lima maske viola hela Konstituisaun RDTL.\nAna Paula Sequeira parte liman karuk hasai foto hamutuk ho Meta Bano liman loos./Net.\nTuir pedidu ne’ebé The Oe-Kusi Post (TOP) asesu, Ambeno-oan sira husu ba deputadu sira iha Parlamentu Nasionál atu autoriza movimentu transporte maritima husi Dili ba Ambeno, tanba desde implementasaun serka sanitária iha Dili, aumenta tan inundasaun ne’e halo sira balun mate tiha ona, tanba impkatu husi inundasaun, balun lakon hela fatin, no maioria oras ne’e hasoru hela problema menus ai-han, maibé ladun hetan atensaun tantu husi governu sentral no Autoridade Rejiaun Administrativu Espesial Oe-Kusi Ambeno (RAEOA).\n“Maioria estudante ne’ebé hela iha kost laiha ona osan atu selu kost. Estudante barak maka laiha ona osan atu sosa pulsa hodi asesu ba eskola online. Nesesidade báziku la sufisiente ona ba ami ne’ebé hela iha kapital Dili hodi aguenta durante implementasaun serka sanitaria no. Oekusi-oan ne’ebé buka moris iha Kapital Dili barak maka lakon serbisu nune’e nesesidade lor-loron obriga fila ba RAEOA,” hateten Zecafriado A. Coa liu husi pedidu ida hato’o ba Parlamentu Nasionál ne’ebé asina husi Ambeno-oan nain 216 iha loron 29 Abril liuba.\nAna Paula Sequeira (faru-mutin) ho nia kamarada ida./Net.\nEma nain 2016 ne’e mós konsidera desijaun Prezidente Autoridade ba RAEOA, Arsenio Paixão Bano diskriminativu tebes, tanba bandu Ambeno-oan sira iha Dili kontinua hela metin iha Dili, maibé kada semana sempre permite ema husi Indonézia tama ba Ambeno, no permite mós militante FRETILIN sira husi Dili ba Ambeno.\n“Arsenio Bano hola desizaun diskriminativu hasoru nia povu Oe-Kusi Ambeno ne’ebé hela iha kapital Dili,” afirma Coa.\nNia konta, iha loron 13 Abril 2021, estudante no komunidade atus rua resin deside atu fila ba Oe-Kusi Ambeno, maibé la konsege halo viajen, tanba ró-ahi SUCCESS tula de’it pasajeiru nain 40 tuir lista ne’ebe aprezenta husi Prezidente Autoridade RAEOA, no la fó oportunidade ba komunidade em jeral iha kapital Dili hodi halo viajen ba Oe-Kusi Ambeno.\nTuir fali iha loron 18 Abril, ró ne’e kontinua halo operasaun iha oras tuku 3 lorokraik tuir orariu normal maibé, Arsenio Bano autoriza ró hala’o fali operasaun iha sabadu tuku 03:00 madrugada hodi rezulta estudante no komunidade barak maka toba de’it iha portaun oin portu Dili nian maske estudante no komunidade sira kumpri ona teste swab no hetan ona karta Guia de Marcha husi Centro Integrado Gestão de Crize (SIGC).\n“Iha dia 26 de Abril 2021 Prezidente Autoridade kontaktu direita nia ema hamutuk nain 20 halo viagem ba Oe-Kusi Ambeno, maibé iha ema nain neen (6) maka la kumpri kuarentena obrigatoriu no nain sanulu resin neen (16) seluk kumpri kuarentena. Ida ne’e diskriminativu tebes”.\n“Prezidente Autoridade RAEOA lakohi komunidade Oe-Kusi Ambeno fila ba sira nia hela-fatin, maibé nia rasik autoriza ema husi Atambua-Indonezia hatama sasan liu husi fronteira terrestre Sakato iha loron Kuarta 28 Abril 2021”.\nHatan kona-ba kestaun ne’e, Prezidente Autoridade ba RAEOA, Arsenio Paixão Bano deklara ba públiku tantu via media nasionál no nia konta Facebook privadu, husu ba Ambeno-oan sira iha Dili tenke hela hakmatek, no autoridade sei tun ba Dili iha tempu badak hodi rezolve susar no terus ne’ebé komunidade sira hasoru iha kapital nasaun. Faktu hatudu, to’o oras ne’e seidauk iha ekipa ida husi autoridade RAEOA hodi tun ba Dili.\nRajaun seluk, ne’ebé eis deputadu FRETILIN ne’e aprezenta, tanba fatin kuaretena hodi sula ema iha Oe-Kusi Ambeno la sufisiente, nune’e sempre autoriza komunidade sira viajen husi Dili ba Oe-Kusi Ambeno, maibé ho númeru limitadu. No, mós nia ekipa sira iha Oe-Kusi Ambeno sei simu tan vasina daruak nian hotu maka foin tun mai Dili hodi atende komunidade Ambeno-oan rihun resin ne’ebé durante ne’e hasoru hela problema transporte maritima iha Dili.\n“Sira sei vasina primeiru, segundu maka foin tun. Ha’u la husik ema ba moras iha ne’eba. Ne’ebé ha’u dehan kalma. Ita iha ne’e iha kapasidade ba ema nain 40 de’it,” rezultadu konversa entre Arsenio Bano ho komunidade Ambeno-oan sira iha ne’ebé TOP asesu foin lalais.\nMaske komunidade Ambeno rihun resin durante ne’e hasoru problema barak tebes, hahu husi mate, lakon uma-riku soin, lakon serbisu, hasoru hela dadauk problema hamlaha iha kapital nasaun, maibé Bano nafatin husu ba sira atu kalma de’it hodi kontinua hela iha Dili.\nNia husu komunidade ki’ik sira kalma nafatin iha Dili, maibé iha loron 10 Maiu 2021, nia hakerek karta pedidu ida ba Sentru Integradu Jestaun ba Krize (SIJK) iha Centro Convenção Dili (CCD) hodi autoriza ema lubuk ida tenke halo viajen husi Dili ba Oe-Kusi Ambeno. No, ema sira ne’e, tuir informasaun ne’ebé TOP asesu katak maioria militante FRETILIN sira.\nBano nia karta pedidu ho número referénsia 180 RAEOA e ZEESM ne’ebé hato’o ba SIJK iha loron 10 Maiu ne’e husu atu autoriza ema sira hanesan tuir mai ne’e tenke ba Oe-Kusi Ambeno;\nAna Paula Sequeira da C. Pina\nMira Ambrosia Araújo\nMaria Imaculada Colo\nOctaviano da Conceição\nLuiza da Costa\nEdmundu B. M Corbafo\nImaculada Sufa Colo\nMaria Miquela da Costa\nElisabete Pereira Vitorino\nClara Filomena S.J. do V. Urbano\nCarlota Maria Pui\nFlorentina da Costa\nAna Paula Sequeira (liman loos) ho nia kamarada ida seluk tan./Net.)\nBelarmino Filomeno Abi\nAmelia Santonio S. da Costa\nPaulo Bosco S. da Costa\nOkian S. da Costa\nVirna L. Mesquita, no\nNo ema sira ne’ebé viajen husi Oe-Kusi Ambeno mai Dili maka hanesan;\nJoaninha de Araújo Amaral\nJulio Marcal de Araújo\nAirela Carty Marino\nLeonia da Costa Monteiro\nRogerio Tolentino Belo\nCleofas V. M. de Araújo.\nLista ema sira ne’e halo tiha ona viajen iha loron hirak liuba, maibé ema rihun resin maka oras ne’e kontinua abandona iha Dili.\nSituasaun sira ne'e tantu Covid-19 ho inundasaun ne'ebé akontese iha loron 04 Abril 2021, tuir artista hanesan Abito Gama, Chico Ramelau ho Tarii Lay foin lalais kanta hela múzika ne'ebé halo husi Abeto Araújo ho titulu Bainhira Loos katak dezastre rua ne'e maioria kona maka povu ki'ik sira de'it iha rai-laran.\nPrevious Article Sente abandonadu, Ambeno-oan sira iha Dili okupa edifisiu RAEOA Farol\nNext Article Projetu Cesta Bázika iha Ambeno hamosu problema\nHare dala: 18192\nHare dala: 10941\nHare dala: 10930\nHare dala: 6080 | [
"Publika iha: 13 Mai 2021 Lee nain: 3188 DILI (TOP) - Ambeno-oan sira ne'ebe mai buka serbisu no eskola iha Dili durante ne'e hasoru problema oioin, mate ba inundasaun no balun oras ne'e hasoru hela problema hamlaha boot iha kapital nasaun, maibe durante ne'e lahetan atensaun seriu tantu husi governu sentral no autoridade Rejiaun Administrativu Espesial Oe-Kusi Ambeno (RAEOA).",
"Ho kestaun ne'e, iha loron 29 Abril 2021, Ambeno-oan sira ne'ebe hela iha Dili hato'o pedidu ida ba deputadu sira iha Parlamentu Nasional, liliu ba bankada CNRT nian, tanba sira hanoin katak bankada FRETILIN oras ne'e sai hela bankada 'ai-tonka' ne'ebe tonka hela governu atual to'o remata tinan lima maske viola hela Konstituisaun RDTL.",
"Ana Paula Sequeira parte liman karuk hasai foto hamutuk ho Meta Bano liman loos./Net.",
"Tuir pedidu ne'ebe The Oe-Kusi Post (TOP) asesu, Ambeno-oan sira husu ba deputadu sira iha Parlamentu Nasional atu autoriza movimentu transporte maritima husi Dili ba Ambeno, tanba desde implementasaun serka sanitaria iha Dili, aumenta tan inundasaun ne'e halo sira balun mate tiha ona, tanba impkatu husi inundasaun, balun lakon hela fatin, no maioria oras ne'e hasoru hela problema menus ai-han, maibe ladun hetan atensaun tantu husi governu sentral no Autoridade Rejiaun Administrativu Espesial Oe-Kusi Ambeno (RAEOA).",
"\"Maioria estudante ne'ebe hela iha kost laiha ona osan atu selu kost.",
"Estudante barak maka laiha ona osan atu sosa pulsa hodi asesu ba eskola online.",
"Nesesidade baziku la sufisiente ona ba ami ne'ebe hela iha kapital Dili hodi aguenta durante implementasaun serka sanitaria no.",
"Oekusi-oan ne'ebe buka moris iha Kapital Dili barak maka lakon serbisu nune'e nesesidade lor-loron obriga fila ba RAEOA,\" hateten Zecafriado A. Coa liu husi pedidu ida hato'o ba Parlamentu Nasional ne'ebe asina husi Ambeno-oan nain 216 iha loron 29 Abril liuba.",
"Ana Paula Sequeira (faru-mutin) ho nia kamarada ida./Net.",
"Ema nain 2016 ne'e mos konsidera desijaun Prezidente Autoridade ba RAEOA, Arsenio Paixao Bano diskriminativu tebes, tanba bandu Ambeno-oan sira iha Dili kontinua hela metin iha Dili, maibe kada semana sempre permite ema husi Indonezia tama ba Ambeno, no permite mos militante FRETILIN sira husi Dili ba Ambeno.",
"\"Arsenio Bano hola desizaun diskriminativu hasoru nia povu Oe-Kusi Ambeno ne'ebe hela iha kapital Dili,\" afirma Coa.",
"Nia konta, iha loron 13 Abril 2021, estudante no komunidade atus rua resin deside atu fila ba Oe-Kusi Ambeno, maibe la konsege halo viajen, tanba ro-ahi SUCCESS tula de'it pasajeiru nain 40 tuir lista ne'ebe aprezenta husi Prezidente Autoridade RAEOA, no la fo oportunidade ba komunidade em jeral iha kapital Dili hodi halo viajen ba Oe-Kusi Ambeno.",
"Tuir fali iha loron 18 Abril, ro ne'e kontinua halo operasaun iha oras tuku 3 lorokraik tuir orariu normal maibe, Arsenio Bano autoriza ro hala'o fali operasaun iha sabadu tuku 03:00 madrugada hodi rezulta estudante no komunidade barak maka toba de'it iha portaun oin portu Dili nian maske estudante no komunidade sira kumpri ona teste swab no hetan ona karta Guia de Marcha husi Centro Integrado Gestao de Crize (SIGC).",
"\"Iha dia 26 de Abril 2021 Prezidente Autoridade kontaktu direita nia ema hamutuk nain 20 halo viagem ba Oe-Kusi Ambeno, maibe iha ema nain neen (6) maka la kumpri kuarentena obrigatoriu no nain sanulu resin neen (16) seluk kumpri kuarentena.",
"Ida ne'e diskriminativu tebes.\"",
"\"Prezidente Autoridade RAEOA lakohi komunidade Oe-Kusi Ambeno fila ba sira nia hela-fatin, maibe nia rasik autoriza ema husi Atambua-Indonezia hatama sasan liu husi fronteira terrestre Sakato iha loron Kuarta 28 Abril 2021.\"",
"Hatan kona-ba kestaun ne'e, Prezidente Autoridade ba RAEOA, Arsenio Paixao Bano deklara ba publiku tantu via media nasional no nia konta Facebook privadu, husu ba Ambeno-oan sira iha Dili tenke hela hakmatek, no autoridade sei tun ba Dili iha tempu badak hodi rezolve susar no terus ne'ebe komunidade sira hasoru iha kapital nasaun.",
"Faktu hatudu, to'o oras ne'e seidauk iha ekipa ida husi autoridade RAEOA hodi tun ba Dili.",
"Rajaun seluk, ne'ebe eis deputadu FRETILIN ne'e aprezenta, tanba fatin kuaretena hodi sula ema iha Oe-Kusi Ambeno la sufisiente, nune'e sempre autoriza komunidade sira viajen husi Dili ba Oe-Kusi Ambeno, maibe ho numeru limitadu.",
"No, mos nia ekipa sira iha Oe-Kusi Ambeno sei simu tan vasina daruak nian hotu maka foin tun mai Dili hodi atende komunidade Ambeno-oan rihun resin ne'ebe durante ne'e hasoru hela problema transporte maritima iha Dili.",
"\"Sira sei vasina primeiru, segundu maka foin tun.",
"Ha'u la husik ema ba moras iha ne'eba.",
"Ne'ebe ha'u dehan kalma.",
"Ita iha ne'e iha kapasidade ba ema nain 40 de'it,\" rezultadu konversa entre Arsenio Bano ho komunidade Ambeno-oan sira iha ne'ebe TOP asesu foin lalais.",
"Maske komunidade Ambeno rihun resin durante ne'e hasoru problema barak tebes, hahu husi mate, lakon uma-riku soin, lakon serbisu, hasoru hela dadauk problema hamlaha iha kapital nasaun, maibe Bano nafatin husu ba sira atu kalma de'it hodi kontinua hela iha Dili.",
"Nia husu komunidade ki'ik sira kalma nafatin iha Dili, maibe iha loron 10 Maiu 2021, nia hakerek karta pedidu ida ba Sentru Integradu Jestaun ba Krize (SIJK) iha Centro Convencao Dili (CCD) hodi autoriza ema lubuk ida tenke halo viajen husi Dili ba Oe-Kusi Ambeno.",
"No, ema sira ne'e, tuir informasaun ne'ebe TOP asesu katak maioria militante FRETILIN sira.",
"Bano nia karta pedidu ho numero referensia 180 RAEOA e ZEESM ne'ebe hato'o ba SIJK iha loron 10 Maiu ne'e husu atu autoriza ema sira hanesan tuir mai ne'e tenke ba Oe-Kusi Ambeno; Ana Paula Sequeira da C. Pina Mira Ambrosia Araujo Maria Imaculada Colo Octaviano da Conceicao Luiza da Costa Edmundu B. M Corbafo Imaculada Sufa Colo Maria Miquela da Costa Elisabete Pereira Vitorino Clara Filomena S.J. do V. Urbano Carlota Maria Pui Florentina da Costa Ana Paula Sequeira (liman loos) ho nia kamarada ida seluk tan./Net.)",
"Belarmino Filomeno Abi Amelia Santonio S. da Costa Paulo Bosco S. da Costa Okian S. da Costa Virna L. Mesquita, no No ema sira ne'ebe viajen husi Oe-Kusi Ambeno mai Dili maka hanesan; Joaninha de Araujo Amaral Julio Marcal de Araujo Airela Carty Marino Leonia da Costa Monteiro Rogerio Tolentino Belo Cleofas V. M. de Araujo.",
"Lista ema sira ne'e halo tiha ona viajen iha loron hirak liuba, maibe ema rihun resin maka oras ne'e kontinua abandona iha Dili.",
"Situasaun sira ne'e tantu Covid-19 ho inundasaun ne'ebe akontese iha loron 04 Abril 2021, tuir artista hanesan Abito Gama, Chico Ramelau ho Tarii Lay foin lalais kanta hela muzika ne'ebe halo husi Abeto Araujo ho titulu Bainhira Loos katak dezastre rua ne'e maioria kona maka povu ki'ik sira de'it iha rai-laran.",
"Previous Article Sente abandonadu, Ambeno-oan sira iha Dili okupa edifisiu RAEOA Farol Next Article Projetu Cesta Bazika iha Ambeno hamosu problema Hare dala: 18192 Hare dala: 10941 Hare dala: 10930 Hare dala: 6080"
] | [
"Published on: 13 May,2048 Reads by the readers of Dili (TOP) - People from Oe-Kusi Ambeno who come to look for work and school in Dili have been facing various problems during this period. Some are dying due flood damage while others face a hugely serious hunger problem at present but there is no attention being paid either through central government or authorities within Special Administratives Region Of East Timor – Greater West Ambon(RAEOA)."
"With this issue, on April 29th of the same year Ambeno-oan who live in Dili made a petition to MPs at National Parliament and especially CNRT'S group because they believe that FRETILIN Group is now becoming an 'ai tonka’ party which will continue supporting current government until its five years end despite violating RDTL Constitution."
"Ana Paula Sequeira right-handed takes a photo with Meta Bano left./Net 24"
"According to the petition that The Oe-Kusi Post (TOP) has accessed, Ambeno people are asking members of Parliament in national parliament for authorization maritimes transport movement from Dili and Ambon because since implementations sanitary curfews have been imposed on Timor Leste some died due flood impact. Some lost their homes while most now face food shortage problems but they do not receive attention either by central government or RAEOA Special Administrativa Region Authority"
"\"Most of the students who live in costal areas have no money to pay for their tuition."
"Many students no longer have the money to buy a pulse for accessing online school."
"Basic necessities are not sufficient for us who live in the capital Dili to endure during implementation of sanitary curfew no."
"Many Oekusi-ans who seek to live in the capital Dili have lost their jobs so that daily necessities force them back into RAEOA,\" said Zecafriado A. Coa through a petition submitted by him and his family (216 Ambeno) on April's last day at Parliament House of National Assembly where they were presented with an appeal for resettlement.\""
"Ana Paula Sequeira (faru-mutin) with her friend./Net"
"The people of 2016 also considered the decision by President Arsenio Paixao Bano to dismiss Ambeno-os from Dili, as very discriminatory because he banned them and allowed Indonesians in Ambon every week while allowing FRETILIN militant for Abenomics."
"\"Arsenio Bano has taken a discriminatory decision against his Oe-Kusi Ambeno people who live in the capital of Dili,\" Coa."
"He said that on April 13, two hundred students and members of the community decided to go back into Oe-Kusi Ambeno but could not make their trip because SUCCESS only carried forty passengers as per a list presented by President Autoridade da Região Administrativa Especial de Cabo Delgado (RAEOA), thus leaving no opportunity in Dili' s capital city."
"Subsequently, on April 18th the boat continued to operate at its normal scheduled departure time but Arsenio Bano authorized it again for Saturday morning's operation which resulted in many students and community members only standing outside of Dili port gates even though they had complete driving licence from Centro Integrado Gestao De Crise (SIGC)."
"\"On April 26th, the President of Authority's direct contact group made a trip to Oe-Kusi Ambeno. There were nine (9) people who did not comply with compulsory quarantine and thirty six others that fulfilled their obligations in this regard.\""
"This is very discriminatory.\""
"\"The President of the RAEOA Authority refuses to let Oe-Kusi Ambeno community return home, but he himself authorized people from Atambua – Indonesia bring goods across Sakato land border on Thursday April.28th.\""
"In response to this issue, the President of RAEOA Authority Arsenio Paixao Bano declared publicly both via national media and his private Facebook account that he asked Ambeno's in Dili remain calm. The authorities will come down soon for resolving difficulties faced by these communitieins at their hometown capital as well;"
"The facts show that until now there has not been a team from the RAEOA authorities to Dili."
"Another reason, presented by the former FRETILIN MP is that because there are insufficient quarantine facilities for people to stay at Oe-Kusi Ambeno. Therefore they always authorize communities travelling from Dili and back but with a limited number of persons per community;"
"And, also his teams in Oe-Kusi Ambeno will receive the second dose of all those who have just returned to Dili for attending thousands and again communities from Ambon that during this time had been facing problems with shipping transportation."
"\"They'll have the first shot, then a second one."
"I'm not letting anyone get sick there."
"What I mean is calm."
"We only have capacity for 40 people here,\" the result of a conversation between Arsenio Bano and Ambeno's community in which TOP recently visited."
"Though the thousands of Ambeno people have been facing many problems during this time, from death to losing their homes and jobs. They are also suffered by constant hunger in Dili capital city but Bano still urges them not be discouraged so that they can continue living there as well.\""
"He asked the small communities to remain calm in Dili, but on May 10th of this year he wrote a letter requesting that Integrated Crisis Management Centre (SIJK) at Centro Convencao de Díli(CCD), authorize many people travelling from Oe-Kusi Ambeno."
"And these people, according to the information TOP has accessed are mostly FRETILIN militants."
"In his letter of request with reference number 180, submitted to SIJK on May the following persons were asked for authorization: Ana Paula Sequeira da C. Pina Mira Ambrosia Araujo Maria Imaculada Colo Octaviano Da Conceicao Luiza DA Costa Edmundu B M Corbafo imaculata sufa colo maria miquela das costa Elisabete Pereira Vitorino Clara Filomena SJ do V Urbana Carlota Pui Florentina Anna Paulina (left) and her companion one more/Net)."
"Belarmino Filomeno Abi Amelia Santonio S. da Costa Paulo Bosco Okian Virna L Mesquita, and The persons who traveled from Ambeno to Dili were: Joaninha de Araujo Amaral Julio Marcel Airela Carty Marino Leonia Da Cost Monteiro Rogerio Tolentino Belo Cleofaes V M De Araújo 1945-08/26"
"The list of people had already travelled in the past few days, but thousands are still abandoned at Dili."
"The situations are both Covid-19 and the flood that occurred on April 04th, according to artist like Abito Gama Chico Ramelau Tarii Lay recently singing music made by Abetos Araujo with title When Loose said these two disasters mainly concern only small people in our country."
"Previous Article Sente abandonado, Ambeno-oan sira iha Dili okupa edifisiu RAEOA Farol Next article Project of Basic Food Basket in Ambon causes problems Viewed:18204 Views."
] |
Governu kontinua propoin PR renova EE ba da-sanulu | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste\nVARANDA COVID-19 Governu kontinua propoin PR renova EE ba da-sanulu\nDILI, 20 janeiru 2021 (TATOLI)—Liuhosi reuniaun Konsellu Ministru (KM), Governu delibera atu propoin Prezidente Repúblika (PR), Francisco Guterres ‘Lú Olo’, halo renovasaun Estadu Emerjénsia ba da-sanulu, ho períodu loron-30.\nEE faze da-siak abranje iha territóriu nasionál tomak, hahú vigora hosi tuku 00:00 loron 03 janeiru 2021 no sei termina tuku 23:59 loron 01 fevereiru 2021.\nTuir Ministru Prezidénsia Konsellu Ministru, Fidelis Manuel Leite Magalhães, ezekutivu sira foti fali inisiativa ne’e tanba haree ba mudansa situasaun epidemiolójika no proliferasaun kazu rejistadu kontájiu COVID-19 nian iha nível rejionál no mundiál.\n“Tanba ne’e ita presiza evita risku propagasaun, atu nune’e bele proteje saúde públika no iha kbiit atu hatán ba Sistema Nasionál Saúde. Governu propoin ba Prezidente Repúblika halo renovasaun Estadu Emerjénsia, ne’ebé permite atu suspende direitu sirkulasaun internasionál no fiksasaun rezidénsia no rezisténsia nian,” Ministru Fidelis relata hafoin ramata reuniaun ezekutivu iha Palásiu Governu, kuarta ne’e.\nPortavós Governu ne’e dehan, atu restrinje ema nia dereitu fundamentál hodi kontribui ba medida distansiamentu sosiál no prevene moras COVID-19, lei de’it la to’o tenke halo medida hirak ne’ebé maka só bele halo liuhosi deklarasaun EE.\nBazeia ba dadus hodi Ministériu Saúde (MS), númeru kazu konfirmadu COVID-19 iha Timor-Leste, hahú marsu 2020 to’o agora hamutuk 52, hosi númeru ne’e na’in-47 rekuperadu ona no na’in-lima sei baixa hela iha sala izolamentu.\nEnkuantu, to’o oras ne’e iha Timor-Leste seidauk rejista ema mate tanba COVID-19.\nKazu konfirmadu ne’ebé mosu iha Timór hanesan kazu importadu, maski seidauk rejista transmisaun iha komunidade, maibé Governu liuhosi MS kontinua aplika regra rigór tanba númeru kazu iha nasaun viziñu aumenta ba bebeik.\nTimór Osidentál, Indonézia ne’ebé besik ho pontu entrada terrestre ho Timor-Leste, to’o oras ne’e rejista ona kazu konfirmadu hamutuk 3.152, rekuperadu 1.759 no mate 90.\nPrevious article2021, Governu sei konstrui “Uma Kbiit Laek” 99 iha Aileu\nNext articlePN sei hasai imunidade ba Deputadu António da Conceição | [
"Governu kontinua propoin PR renova EE ba da-sanulu | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA COVID-19 Governu kontinua propoin PR renova EE ba da-sanulu DILI, 20 janeiru 2021 (TATOLI) - Liuhosi reuniaun Konsellu Ministru (KM), Governu delibera atu propoin Prezidente Republika (PR), Francisco Guterres 'Lu Olo', halo renovasaun Estadu Emerjensia ba da-sanulu, ho periodu loron-30.",
"EE faze da-siak abranje iha territoriu nasional tomak, hahu vigora hosi tuku 00:00 loron 03 janeiru 2021 no sei termina tuku 23:59 loron 01 fevereiru 2021.",
"Tuir Ministru Prezidensia Konsellu Ministru, Fidelis Manuel Leite Magalhaes, ezekutivu sira foti fali inisiativa ne'e tanba haree ba mudansa situasaun epidemiolojika no proliferasaun kazu rejistadu kontajiu COVID-19 nian iha nivel rejional no mundial.",
"\"Tanba ne'e ita presiza evita risku propagasaun, atu nune'e bele proteje saude publika no iha kbiit atu hatan ba Sistema Nasional Saude.",
"Governu propoin ba Prezidente Republika halo renovasaun Estadu Emerjensia, ne'ebe permite atu suspende direitu sirkulasaun internasional no fiksasaun rezidensia no rezistensia nian,\" Ministru Fidelis relata hafoin ramata reuniaun ezekutivu iha Palasiu Governu, kuarta ne'e.",
"Portavos Governu ne'e dehan, atu restrinje ema nia dereitu fundamental hodi kontribui ba medida distansiamentu sosial no prevene moras COVID-19, lei de'it la to'o tenke halo medida hirak ne'ebe maka so bele halo liuhosi deklarasaun EE.",
"Bazeia ba dadus hodi Ministeriu Saude (MS), numeru kazu konfirmadu COVID-19 iha Timor-Leste, hahu marsu 2020 to'o agora hamutuk 52, hosi numeru ne'e na'in-47 rekuperadu ona no na'in-lima sei baixa hela iha sala izolamentu.",
"Enkuantu, to'o oras ne'e iha Timor-Leste seidauk rejista ema mate tanba COVID-19.",
"Kazu konfirmadu ne'ebe mosu iha Timor hanesan kazu importadu, maski seidauk rejista transmisaun iha komunidade, maibe Governu liuhosi MS kontinua aplika regra rigor tanba numeru kazu iha nasaun vizinu aumenta ba bebeik.",
"Timor Osidental, Indonezia ne'ebe besik ho pontu entrada terrestre ho Timor-Leste, to'o oras ne'e rejista ona kazu konfirmadu hamutuk 3.152, rekuperadu 1.759 no mate 90.",
"Previous article2021, Governu sei konstrui \"Uma Kbiit Laek\" 99 iha Aileu Next articlePN sei hasai imunidade ba Deputadu Antonio da Conceicao"
] | [
"Government continues to propose PR renew State of Emergency for 30 days | Timor Post Agência Noticiosa de Timór-Leste VARANDA COVID -19 The government still suggesting the President renewal EE by a month Dili, Jan.24th (TimorPost) – Through its meeting on January' s last day in Parliamentary Session this week it decided that they will recommend Francisco Guterres 'Lu Olo’ as president and extend state emergency until December with an extension period upto three months from now through March next year"
"The da-siak phase of the lockdown covers all national territory, starting at midnight on January.3rd and ending by noon (10:59pm) in February;2nd"
"According to Minister of the Presidency, Fidelis Manuel Leite Magalhaes (PMDB), executives took this initiative because they were aware that epidemiological situation had changed and there was a proliferation in cases registered as COVID-19 at regional level."
"\"We therefore need to avoid the risk of spread, so that we can protect public health and have a capacity for response by our National Health System."
"The Government proposes to the President of Republic renew State Emergency, which allows suspending international circulation rights and fixation residence as well resistant people\", Minister Fidelis reported after an executive meeting in government palace on Tuesday."
"The government spokesperson said that in order to restrict the fundamental right of people, which is contributed by social distancing and prevent COVID-19 illnesses. Law alone will not be enough; it must take those steps only possible through an US declaration.\""
"Based on data for the Ministry of Health (MS), number confirmed COVID-19 cases in Timor Leste, since March 2048 to now totals a whopping $53.7 million; from this figure there are currently five people being discharge at isolation room and one person is still undergoing intensive care unit treatment after having been tested positive with an antibody against SARS CoV II virus type A(HCoA)."
"In the meantime, so far in Timor-Leste no person has died due to COVID 19."
"The confirmed cases that have occurred in Timor are imported, although there has not been any record of transmission to the community. But Government through MS continues applying strict rules because number case is increasing steadily from neighboring country 10"
"West Timor, Indonesia's closest land entry point to East Тимор has so far recorded 3152 confirming cases of the virus with a total recovery rate (Rt) in this country being at around -0.9%."
"Previous articleIn 2019, the Government will build \"Uma Kbiit Laek\" in Aileu Next ArticlePN to lift immunity of MP Antonio da Conceicao"
] |
Pratika Kultura No Investimentu Estado Sai Dezafiu Ba Elemina Violénsia Hasoru Feto\nDiretur Executivu Forum NGO Timor-Leste, Daniel Santos do Carmo hateten pratika kultura patriakal no investimentu estado ba empoderamentu ekonomia feto sei menus sai dezafiu bo’ot atu elemina violénsia hasoru feto no labarik feto iha rai laran.\nDiretur Executivu Forum NGO Timor-Leste, Daniel Santos do Carmo hateten pratika kultura patriakal no investimentu estado ba empoderamentu ekonomia feto sei menus.\nNia salienta peskiza demograpia no saúde tinan 2016, hatudu 38% populasaun feto ho idade tinan 14 ate 49 sofre esperensia violensia oioin husi mane sira, liu-liu parseiru intimu sira, ne’e hatudu problema seriu.\n“Ita tenke rekonhese ita nia investimentu setor publiku, liu-liu ba atividade ekonomia sira ne’ebe fo rendimentu no halo feto sira independente intermus ekonomia sei menus, ne’e dezafiu ida. seluk mak ita moris hamutuk kultura patriakal ne’ebe kleur demais, entau kontribui ba sosiedade konsidera feto subordinadu ida ne’e,” nia hateten hafoin partisipa iha dialogu nasional ho tema partisipasaun feto iha vida politika, negosio, knar profesional kontribui ba eleminasaun violensia kontra feto no labarik feto iha salaun CNE Colmera, Dili.\nNia hateten Timor-Leste intermus legislasaun barak asegura protesaun ba feto no labarik sira husi violensia oioin inklui violensia domestika hanesan lei kodigu penal, lei kontra violensia domestika, maibe implementasaun sei hasoru dezafiu no edukasaun konsensializasaun mos menus tanba kazu violensia hasoru feto no labarik feto aumenta a’as.\nIha parte seluk, Presidente Grupo Mulher Parlamentar Timor-Leste (GMPTL), Deputada Lidia Norberta hateten sira nafatin halo esforsu ejiji governu atu hare politika programa no orsamentu ne’ebe sensivile no inklusivu hodi kontribui ba redus violensia hasoru feto iha rai laran.\nNia dehan sira mos simu keixa barak no balun grave tebes hanesan kazu ne’ebe akontese tinan kotuk iha munisipiu Bobonaro, kazu violensia domestika ne’ebe ikus mai akontese omesidiu inan lakon vida no oan iha risku laran.\n“Ami fiar ho ami nia papel ne’ebe iha, ami la nonok deit bainhira hare kazu sira hanesan ne’e. Ho papel ne’ebe iha ami koalia beibeik ho parseiru sira ita hare numeru ne’e bele redus,” nia hateten.\nNia hateten presiza ema hotu nia konsensia no kontribuisaun hodi kombate violensia hasoru feto no labarik sira tanba ne’e tenke reforsa edukasaun sivika moral atu muda ema nia hanoin konaba impaktu violensia ba ema nia moris tomak. | [
"Pratika Kultura No Investimentu Estado Sai Dezafiu Ba Elemina Violensia Hasoru Feto Diretur Executivu Forum NGO Timor-Leste, Daniel Santos do Carmo hateten pratika kultura patriakal no investimentu estado ba empoderamentu ekonomia feto sei menus sai dezafiu bo'ot atu elemina violensia hasoru feto no labarik feto iha rai laran.",
"Diretur Executivu Forum NGO Timor-Leste, Daniel Santos do Carmo hateten pratika kultura patriakal no investimentu estado ba empoderamentu ekonomia feto sei menus.",
"Nia salienta peskiza demograpia no saude tinan 2016, hatudu 38% populasaun feto ho idade tinan 14 ate 49 sofre esperensia violensia oioin husi mane sira, liu-liu parseiru intimu sira, ne'e hatudu problema seriu.",
"\"Ita tenke rekonhese ita nia investimentu setor publiku, liu-liu ba atividade ekonomia sira ne'ebe fo rendimentu no halo feto sira independente intermus ekonomia sei menus, ne'e dezafiu ida. seluk mak ita moris hamutuk kultura patriakal ne'ebe kleur demais, entau kontribui ba sosiedade konsidera feto subordinadu ida ne'e,\" nia hateten hafoin partisipa iha dialogu nasional ho tema partisipasaun feto iha vida politika, negosio, knar profesional kontribui ba eleminasaun violensia kontra feto no labarik feto iha salaun CNE Colmera, Dili.",
"Nia hateten Timor-Leste intermus legislasaun barak asegura protesaun ba feto no labarik sira husi violensia oioin inklui violensia domestika hanesan lei kodigu penal, lei kontra violensia domestika, maibe implementasaun sei hasoru dezafiu no edukasaun konsensializasaun mos menus tanba kazu violensia hasoru feto no labarik feto aumenta a'as.",
"Iha parte seluk, Presidente Grupo Mulher Parlamentar Timor-Leste (GMPTL), Deputada Lidia Norberta hateten sira nafatin halo esforsu ejiji governu atu hare politika programa no orsamentu ne'ebe sensivile no inklusivu hodi kontribui ba redus violensia hasoru feto iha rai laran.",
"Nia dehan sira mos simu keixa barak no balun grave tebes hanesan kazu ne'ebe akontese tinan kotuk iha munisipiu Bobonaro, kazu violensia domestika ne'ebe ikus mai akontese omesidiu inan lakon vida no oan iha risku laran.",
"\"Ami fiar ho ami nia papel ne'ebe iha, ami la nonok deit bainhira hare kazu sira hanesan ne'e.",
"Ho papel ne'ebe iha ami koalia beibeik ho parseiru sira ita hare numeru ne'e bele redus,\" nia hateten.",
"Nia hateten presiza ema hotu nia konsensia no kontribuisaun hodi kombate violensia hasoru feto no labarik sira tanba ne'e tenke reforsa edukasaun sivika moral atu muda ema nia hanoin konaba impaktu violensia ba ema nia moris tomak."
] | [
"Cultural Practices And State Investment Are Challenge To Eliminate Violence Against Women Forum NGO Timor-Leste Executive Director, Daniel Santos do Carmo said that the practice of patriarchal culture and state investment in women' s economic empowerment is becoming a major challenge to eliminate violence against girls."
"The Executive Director of Forum NGO Timor-Leste, Daniel Santos do Carmo says the practices and culture are patriarchal while state investment in women' s economic empowerment is lacking."
"She highlighted the demographic and health survey in 2016, showing that a significant problem is being experienced by women. According to this study of female populations between age fourteen-fourty nine (38%), they have been victimized with various form de violence from men especially their intimate partners;"
"\"We have to recognize our public sector investment, especially in economic activities that provide income and make women independent while the economy is falling. It's a challenge; another thing we live with patriarchal culture which has been too long but contributes towards society considering woman as subordinate\", she said after participating at national dialogue on Women Participation In Political Life Business Professional Work Contributes To The Elimination Of Violence Against Woman And Girl Child held by CNE Colmera Hall (Dili)."
"She said that Timor-Leste has many laws to ensure the protection of women and children from various violence including domestic violations such as criminal code, anti domestic violent act but implementation is facing challenges. Education awareness raising also lacks because cases against female child are increasing rapidly in this country"
"On the other hand, President of Grupo Mulher Parlamentar Timor-Leste (GMPTL), Deputada Lidia Norberta said that they are still making efforts to encourage government policies programme and budget which is sensitive & inclusive in order contribute towards reduction violence against women."
"He said they have also received many complaints and some of them are very serious, such as the case that happened last year in Bobonaro municipality where domestic violence resulted to homicide. The mother lost her life while their child was at risk for harmful effects from this abuse on a young woman who is 15 years old or underage (under age)."
"\"We are confident in our role, we will not be complacent when faced with cases like this."
"With the paper that we have, and with our regular talks to partners in this area it is possible for these numbers can be reduced\", he said."
"She said that everyone's awareness and contribution is needed to combat violence against women, therefore moral civic education must be reinforced in order for people of all ages with different perceptions about the impact on their lives."
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Maijen Lere Rejeita Membru F-FDTL Tiru Malu Ho KRM\nDili, Radio Online, Maijor Jeneral, Falintil Forsa Defeza Timor-Leste (F-FDTL), Lere Anan Timur, rezeita katak membru F-FDTL tiru malu ho grupu Revolusionariu Maubere (KRM) horsehik iha aldeia Selegua, suku Sagadate, administrative Laga, munisipiu Baucau.\nMaijor jeneral hato’o lia hirak ne’e ba jornalista sira, Kuarta 8/04/2015, iha Palasiu Prezidenti, Aitarak-Laran, hafoin hala’o enkontru semanal ho Prezidenti da Republika Taur Matan Ruak.\nMaijor Jeneran hateten komandu operasional TATIKA, hetan informasaun husi membru Konsellu Revolusionariu Maubere, tan ne’e mak akompañia husi parte operasaun konjuntu ba halo kapturasaun no tiru sa’e hodi nune’e membru Mauk Moruk, bele rende maibe sira halai namkari, komandu operasaun konjuntu konsege kaptura ema nain sanolu resin hitu (17).\n“Latiru malu ida maibe ami nia membru sira tiru sa’e deit atu nune’e sira entrega an, maibe sira halai nankari hotu, ami kaptura nain 17”, dehan Lere.\nMaijor Jeneral, Lere Anan Timur, hatutan, opersaun ne’e halo iha tinan 2015 ho objetivu atu hapara organizasaun illegal ne’ebe ejiste iha Timor-Leste, tamba organizasaun hirak ne’e latuir lei ne’ebe regula no vigora iha Timor-Leste.\n“Objetivu husi opersaun ba tinan ida ne’e mak grupo organizasaun illegal sira ne’e”, dehan Lere\nMaijor Jeneral Lere anan Timur, hatutan sidadaun hotu-hotu iha direitu atu harií sira nia organizasaun maibe tenki iha legalidade. | [
"Maijen Lere Rejeita Membru F-FDTL Tiru Malu Ho KRM Dili, Radio Online, Maijor Jeneral, Falintil Forsa Defeza Timor-Leste (F-FDTL), Lere Anan Timur, rezeita katak membru F-FDTL tiru malu ho grupu Revolusionariu Maubere (KRM) horsehik iha aldeia Selegua, suku Sagadate, administrative Laga, munisipiu Baucau.",
"Maijor jeneral hato'o lia hirak ne'e ba jornalista sira, Kuarta 8/04/2015, iha Palasiu Prezidenti, Aitarak-Laran, hafoin hala'o enkontru semanal ho Prezidenti da Republika Taur Matan Ruak.",
"Maijor Jeneran hateten komandu operasional TATIKA, hetan informasaun husi membru Konsellu Revolusionariu Maubere, tan ne'e mak akompania husi parte operasaun konjuntu ba halo kapturasaun no tiru sa'e hodi nune'e membru Mauk Moruk, bele rende maibe sira halai namkari, komandu operasaun konjuntu konsege kaptura ema nain sanolu resin hitu (17).",
"\"Latiru malu ida maibe ami nia membru sira tiru sa'e deit atu nune'e sira entrega an, maibe sira halai nankari hotu, ami kaptura nain 17,\" dehan Lere.",
"Maijor Jeneral, Lere Anan Timur, hatutan, opersaun ne'e halo iha tinan 2015 ho objetivu atu hapara organizasaun illegal ne'ebe ejiste iha Timor-Leste, tamba organizasaun hirak ne'e latuir lei ne'ebe regula no vigora iha Timor-Leste.",
"\"Objetivu husi opersaun ba tinan ida ne'e mak grupo organizasaun illegal sira ne'e,\" dehan Lere Maijor Jeneral Lere anan Timur, hatutan sidadaun hotu-hotu iha direitu atu harii sira nia organizasaun maibe tenki iha legalidade."
] | [
"Maijen Lere Rejects F-FDTL Member Shooting with KRM Dili, Radio Online Major General of the Timorese Defence Force (TDF), Falintil Brigade Commander lera Anan Timur has rejected that a TFD member shot at Maubere Revolutionary Movement group in Selegua village Sagadate commune Laga administrative district Baucau municipality."
"Major-General made these remarks to the press, Thursday 8/04 /215 at President' s Palace in Aitarak Laran after a weekly meeting with Prime Minister Taur Matan Ruak."
"Major General said that the operational command of TATIKA, received information from a Maubere Revolutionary Council member. Therefore they were accompanied by joint operations to make capture and shooting so Mauk Moruk members could surrender but fled Namkari; Joint Operations Command managed 17 people are caught in this case (see below)."
"\"They didn't shoot at each other but our members just shot them up so that they surrendered, and then all of the soldiers fled. We caught 17 people.\""
"Major General Lere Anan Timur said that the operation was carried out in 2015 with a view to dismantle illegal organizations existing on Timor-Leste, because these organisation are not compliant and violate law regulating them."
"\"The objective of this year's operation is to eliminate these illegal organization groups,\" said Lere Major-General Leser anak Timur. He added that all citizens have the right for their own organisation but it must be legally established and operated in accordance with law.\""
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Gostu ne’ebé Taka Neon\nIlustrasaun foto ba feto sira nebe sempre sai vitima husi violensia\nGostu ne’ebé Taka Neon Featured\nNia forsa seidauk rekopera. Isin ne’ebé kolen obriga nia atu latan netik iha kama leten. Nia dada is ho todan koko atu tahan fuan ne’ebé hahú moras. Nia obriga taka-matan koko atu dukur.\nHo nervozu, Ani hahú hadeer no hakarak atu hakat sai. Reasaun ne’e dada Ade nia emosaun. Ho nervozu ne’ebé domina ona fuan, Ade hahú tuku Ani nia kabas no ulun, tebe iha ain no foti susu-been hodi fakar ba Ani nia isin-lolon.\n“Nia (Ade) tuku ha’u, tebe iha ha’u-nia ain no foti susu-been fakar ba ha’u-nia isin,” deklara Ani ne’ebé sai lezada durante prosesu julgamentu iha Tribunal Distrital Dili.\nAni la’os lakohi atu atende Ade nia hakarak, maibé tanba nia sente nia isin sei fraku. Ani foin hahoris sira-nia bebe iha fulan ida liu ba.\nTuir Ani, agresaun fiziku ne’ebé Ade halo ba nia la’os foin dala ida ne’e, maibé bebeik ona. Motivu husi agresaun fiziku ne’e kuaze hanesan, tanba Ani lakohi atu halo relasaun feen-laen ho Ade.\nTuir Artigu154 Kodigu Penal Timor-Leste, asaun ne’ebé Ade halo ne’e nudar asaun Krime Ofensa Integridade Fiziku Simples no Violensia Domestika. Iha artigu ne’e sita katak “Ema ne’ebé mak (halo) maustratus fiziku ka psikiku ba nia konzuje ka ba ema ne’ebé moris hamutuk ho nia hanesan feen ho laen sei hetan pena prizaun tinan 2 to’o tinan 6.\nNúmeru kazu violensia domestika ne’ebé akontese iha Timor-Leste kontinua as maske iha ona esforsu oioin husi governu no entidade sira seluk atu prevene no hamenus.\nTuir dadus husi Programa Sistema Monitorizasaun Judisiariu (Judicial System Monitoring Program-JSMP) iha inisiu tinan ne’e, husi Janeiru to’o Abril, Tribunal Distrital sira halo ona julgamentu ba kazu violensia domestika hamutuk 111.\nTuir Monitorimo Programa ba Violensia-JSMP, Ana Paula Marcal katak kazu violensia domestika ne’ebé julga iha Tribunal Distrital Dili, Baukau, Kovalima, no Oekusse iha fulan 4 nia laran hamutuk kazu 111 ne’ebé fahe ba Tribunal Distrital Dili julga kazu 51, Tribunal Distrital Baukau kazu 29, Tribunal Oekusse kazu 21 no Tribunal Kovalima ho kazu 10.\n“Ita la hatene komunidade sira mak seidauk hadook an husi violensia (domestika) ne’e ka oinsa, tanba violensia domestika la’os akontese ba feen ho laen maibé ba oan nune’e mós ema ne’ebé mak hela hamutuk. Dala-ruma dependensia ekonomika ba malu mós bele hamosu violensia domestika. Durante ne’e husi JSMP nia monitorizasaun iha Tribunál kuaze (kazu violensia domestika entre) feen ho laen,” informa Monitorimo Programa ba Violensia-JSMP, Ana Paula Marcal ba INDEPENDENTE iha nia knar fatin Kolmera.\nHo realidade ne’e, governu no entidade ne’ebé relevante iha serbisu-uma ne’ebé tenke halo. Sira presiza buka maneira oinsa atu bele redus númeru violensia domestika iha Timor-Leste. Hein katak ba oin entidade sira konsege hetan dalan ne’ebé di’ak liu.\nMore in this category: « Grasa husi Difisiensia Hasoru Kalan ho Ran iha Liman »\n/Gostu ne’ebé Taka Neon | [
"Gostu ne'ebe Taka Neon Ilustrasaun foto ba feto sira nebe sempre sai vitima husi violensia Gostu ne'ebe Taka Neon Featured Nia forsa seidauk rekopera.",
"Isin ne'ebe kolen obriga nia atu latan netik iha kama leten.",
"Nia dada is ho todan koko atu tahan fuan ne'ebe hahu moras.",
"Nia obriga taka-matan koko atu dukur.",
"Ho nervozu, Ani hahu hadeer no hakarak atu hakat sai.",
"Reasaun ne'e dada Ade nia emosaun.",
"Ho nervozu ne'ebe domina ona fuan, Ade hahu tuku Ani nia kabas no ulun, tebe iha ain no foti susu-been hodi fakar ba Ani nia isin-lolon.",
"\"Nia (Ade) tuku ha'u, tebe iha ha'u-nia ain no foti susu-been fakar ba ha'u-nia isin,\" deklara Ani ne'ebe sai lezada durante prosesu julgamentu iha Tribunal Distrital Dili.",
"Ani la'os lakohi atu atende Ade nia hakarak, maibe tanba nia sente nia isin sei fraku.",
"Ani foin hahoris sira-nia bebe iha fulan ida liu ba.",
"Tuir Ani, agresaun fiziku ne'ebe Ade halo ba nia la'os foin dala ida ne'e, maibe bebeik ona.",
"Motivu husi agresaun fiziku ne'e kuaze hanesan, tanba Ani lakohi atu halo relasaun feen-laen ho Ade.",
"Tuir Artigu154 Kodigu Penal Timor-Leste, asaun ne'ebe Ade halo ne'e nudar asaun Krime Ofensa Integridade Fiziku Simples no Violensia Domestika.",
"Iha artigu ne'e sita katak \"Ema ne'ebe mak (halo) maustratus fiziku ka psikiku ba nia konzuje ka ba ema ne'ebe moris hamutuk ho nia hanesan feen ho laen sei hetan pena prizaun tinan 2 to'o tinan 6.",
"Numeru kazu violensia domestika ne'ebe akontese iha Timor-Leste kontinua as maske iha ona esforsu oioin husi governu no entidade sira seluk atu prevene no hamenus.",
"Tuir dadus husi Programa Sistema Monitorizasaun Judisiariu (Judicial System Monitoring Program-JSMP) iha inisiu tinan ne'e, husi Janeiru to'o Abril, Tribunal Distrital sira halo ona julgamentu ba kazu violensia domestika hamutuk 111.",
"Tuir Monitorimo Programa ba Violensia-JSMP, Ana Paula Marcal katak kazu violensia domestika ne'ebe julga iha Tribunal Distrital Dili, Baukau, Kovalima, no Oekusse iha fulan 4 nia laran hamutuk kazu 111 ne'ebe fahe ba Tribunal Distrital Dili julga kazu 51, Tribunal Distrital Baukau kazu 29, Tribunal Oekusse kazu 21 no Tribunal Kovalima ho kazu 10.",
"\"Ita la hatene komunidade sira mak seidauk hadook an husi violensia (domestika) ne'e ka oinsa, tanba violensia domestika la'os akontese ba feen ho laen maibe ba oan nune'e mos ema ne'ebe mak hela hamutuk.",
"Dala-ruma dependensia ekonomika ba malu mos bele hamosu violensia domestika.",
"Durante ne'e husi JSMP nia monitorizasaun iha Tribunal kuaze (kazu violensia domestika entre) feen ho laen,\" informa Monitorimo Programa ba Violensia-JSMP, Ana Paula Marcal ba INDEPENDENTE iha nia knar fatin Kolmera.",
"Ho realidade ne'e, governu no entidade ne'ebe relevante iha serbisu-uma ne'ebe tenke halo.",
"Sira presiza buka maneira oinsa atu bele redus numeru violensia domestika iha Timor-Leste.",
"Hein katak ba oin entidade sira konsege hetan dalan ne'ebe di'ak liu.",
"More in this category: \" Grasa husi Difisiensia Hasoru Kalan ho Ran iha Liman \" /Gostu ne'ebe Taka Neon"
] | [
"Gostu ne'abe Taka Neon Illustration photo for women who are always victims of violence. Featured His strength has not recovered yet..."
"A sore throat forced him to lie down on the bed."
"He was covered with a blanket of coconut to hold his sick heart."
"He forced the coconut trees to fall."
"Nervous, Ani begins to haveer and wishes she could get out."
"This reaction gave Ade his emotion."
"With the nervousness that had already taken over his heart, Ade began to hit Ani's head and neck with a knife. He tapped her feet in front of him as he took up some milk from underneath them for use on Annie-Annie’ s breast; it was so sweet!"
"\"He (Ade) kicked me, slapped my feet and took some milk to put it on the body of myself\", declared Ani who was a defendant during trial at Dili District Court."
"Ani was not unwilling to comply with Ade's wishes, but because she felt her body would be weak."
"The couple only gave birth to their first child a month ago."
"According to Ani, Ade's physical aggression against her is not the first time but has been repeated."
"The motive for the physical assault was almost identical, because Ani refused to have extramarital relations with Ade."
"According to Article 154 of the Timor-Leste Penal Code, Ade's action is a simple crime against physical integrity and domestic violence."
"The article states that \"A person who commits physical or psychological abuse of his/her concubine(n)or the one with whom he lives as a spouse shall be punished by imprisonment for 2 to6 years."
"The number of domestic violence cases in Timor-Leste continues to rise despite various efforts by the government and other entities for its prevention or reduction."
"According to data from the Judicial System Monitoring Program (JSMP) earlier this year, between January and April 2013 District Courts had tried a total of about one hundred eleven domestic violence cases."
"According to Monitoring Programme for Violence-JSMP, Ana Paula Marcal said that domestic violence cases tried in the District Court of Dili Baukau Kovalima and Oekusse over 4 months totaled a case which is divided into district court judges Case: Tribunal de Distrito do Díli with matters on trial."
"\"We don't know how the communities have not yet withdrawn from this (domestic) violence or why, because domestic violation does NOT happen to wives and husbands but children as well."
"Sometimes economic interdependence can also lead to domestic violence."
"During the JSMP's monitoring in court almost (case of domestic violence between) wife and husband,\" inform Monitorimo Programa ba Violensia-JS MP Ana Paula Marcal to INDEPENDENTE at her office Kolmera."
"With this reality, the government and relevant entities have a lot of work to do."
"They need to find ways how they can reduce the number of domestic violence in Timor-Leste."
"It is hoped that in the future, these entities will be able to find a better way."
"More in this category: \" Grasa husi Difisiensia Hasoru Kalan ho Ran iha Liman\" /Grass of Disabilities Faced the Road with Blood on Their Fingertips"
] |
Governu La Responsabiliza Sasan Lakon Iha Zona Estasionamentu | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste\nVARANDA DILI Governu La Responsabiliza Sasan Lakon Iha Zona Estasionamentu\nGovernu La Responsabiliza Sasan Lakon Iha Zona Estasionamentu\nDILI, (TATOLI) – Kuandu motor, helem, kareta no sasan ne’ebé lakon iha laran, wainhira estasiona iha fatin estasionamentu urbana, Governu sei la responsabiliza maibé só iha dever atu tau matan no kotrola nafatin hodi labele hamósu aktu sira ne’e.\n“Dekretu lei númeru 3/2017, 22 Marsu, koalia kona-ba rejime zona estasionamentu ho durasaun limitada, iha artigu 13. 3 koalia kona-ba estadu iha responsabilidade atu prepara fatin ba utilizadór veíkulu, maibé la responsabiliza kuandu sasan ruma lakon iha fatin estasionamentu,” Diretóra Nasionál Mobilidade Urbana, Justina de Jesus Amaral ba Ajénsia Tatoli, ohin iha nia servisu fatin Vila-Verde.\nJustina de Jesus esplika, planu ba área pilotu estasionamentu kobre iha munisípiu Dili pertense iha Jardim 5 Maiu nia sorin, Otel Timor nia sorin parte leste, rua 25 Abril halai hosi Banku Mandiri no BNU nia oin, entrepostu nia oin, eis dolok halai to’o iha Kolmera Western Uniaun.\nPolítika estabelese zona estasionamentu ne’e finansia hosi ajénsia dezenvolvimentu nasionál (AND) ho kustu 25 mii atu halo ba fatin parazen veíkulu nian iha Estrada ninin. osan ne’e barak liu uza ba hanesan projetu pintura liña estasionamentu.\nNune’e mós, order sinalétika mak sei tau iha fatin estasionamentu ho eskrita pago (Selu), jeralmente iha veíkulu hotu ne’ebé para oras ida ho presu hanesan, nune’e mós la para to’o oras ida sei selu nafatin oras ida nian.\nKareta lijeiru hanesan pick up, kareta naton, tasi no mikrolet ho selu 25 Cent, kareta pezadu semi reboka no tronto ho pagu 75 Cent, pezadu merkadoria hanesan Bus, truck sei selu 50 Cent enkunatu motorizada sei selu 10 Cent.\nVeíkulu hotu sei kona taxa eseptu kareta ambulansia, bombeirus, PNTL no F-FDTL ne’ebé servisu iha emerjensia nia.\nEnkuantu defisiente mak sei hetan gratuita kuandu sira estasiona iha fatin estasionamentu ne’ebé mak sei lokaliza iha Kolmera no Banku oin.\nJestaun ba estasionamentu sei halo hosi Autoridade Munisipal Dili, maibé Diresaun Nasionál Mobiliade Urbana no diresaun sira seluk sei fo asisténsia tékniku atu ajuda sira atu ofisiál bele halo jestaun iha estasionamentu ho didi’ak.\nJustina de Jesus Amaral husu ba Seguransa estasionamentu nian, tenki servisu ho onestu, maibe antes halo seguransa sei hetan uluk treinamentu hodi nune’e bele garante transparansia iha orsamentu liu-liu orsamentu ba billete ne’ebé seguransa sira hasai iha fatin estasionamentu.\n“Kuandu sira servisu ladi’ak ita sei hasai sira, enkuantu ita sei prepara CCTV hodi bele prepara atu kontrola servisu ofisial estasionamentu,” Justina de Jesus reforsa.\nentertantu politika pilotu estasionamentu ho objetivu atu organiza sidade, eduka komunidade atu bele para kareta no motor tuir fatin no aumenta reseita hosi fatin estasionamentu ba estadu.\nDekretu lei númeru 3/2017\nEstadu Sei La Responsabilidade\nkareta lijeiru hanesan pick up\nkareta pezadu semi reboka no tronto ho pagu 75 Cent\npezadu merkadoria hanesan Bus\nSasan Lakon Iha Zona Estasionamentu\ntasi no mikrolet ho selu 25 Cent\ntruck sei selu 50 Cent enkunatu motorizada sei selu 10 Cent.\nPrevious articleBoxista 88 Harame Eventu Regional Boxing\nNext articlePrograma JENESYS ne’e Oportunidade ba Timoroan | [
"Governu La Responsabiliza Sasan Lakon Iha Zona Estasionamentu | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA DILI Governu La Responsabiliza Sasan Lakon Iha Zona Estasionamentu Governu La Responsabiliza Sasan Lakon Iha Zona Estasionamentu DILI, (TATOLI) - Kuandu motor, helem, kareta no sasan ne'ebe lakon iha laran, wainhira estasiona iha fatin estasionamentu urbana, Governu sei la responsabiliza maibe so iha dever atu tau matan no kotrola nafatin hodi labele hamosu aktu sira ne'e.",
"\"Dekretu lei numeru 3/2017, 22 Marsu, koalia kona-ba rejime zona estasionamentu ho durasaun limitada, iha artigu 13.",
"3 koalia kona-ba estadu iha responsabilidade atu prepara fatin ba utilizador veikulu, maibe la responsabiliza kuandu sasan ruma lakon iha fatin estasionamentu,\" Diretora Nasional Mobilidade Urbana, Justina de Jesus Amaral ba Ajensia Tatoli, ohin iha nia servisu fatin Vila-Verde.",
"Justina de Jesus esplika, planu ba area pilotu estasionamentu kobre iha munisipiu Dili pertense iha Jardim 5 Maiu nia sorin, Otel Timor nia sorin parte leste, rua 25 Abril halai hosi Banku Mandiri no BNU nia oin, entrepostu nia oin, eis dolok halai to'o iha Kolmera Western Uniaun.",
"Politika estabelese zona estasionamentu ne'e finansia hosi ajensia dezenvolvimentu nasional (AND) ho kustu 25 mii atu halo ba fatin parazen veikulu nian iha Estrada ninin. osan ne'e barak liu uza ba hanesan projetu pintura lina estasionamentu.",
"Nune'e mos, order sinaletika mak sei tau iha fatin estasionamentu ho eskrita pago (Selu), jeralmente iha veikulu hotu ne'ebe para oras ida ho presu hanesan, nune'e mos la para to'o oras ida sei selu nafatin oras ida nian.",
"Kareta lijeiru hanesan pick up, kareta naton, tasi no mikrolet ho selu 25 Cent, kareta pezadu semi reboka no tronto ho pagu 75 Cent, pezadu merkadoria hanesan Bus, truck sei selu 50 Cent enkunatu motorizada sei selu 10 Cent.",
"Veikulu hotu sei kona taxa eseptu kareta ambulansia, bombeirus, PNTL no F-FDTL ne'ebe servisu iha emerjensia nia.",
"Enkuantu defisiente mak sei hetan gratuita kuandu sira estasiona iha fatin estasionamentu ne'ebe mak sei lokaliza iha Kolmera no Banku oin.",
"Jestaun ba estasionamentu sei halo hosi Autoridade Munisipal Dili, maibe Diresaun Nasional Mobiliade Urbana no diresaun sira seluk sei fo asistensia tekniku atu ajuda sira atu ofisial bele halo jestaun iha estasionamentu ho didi'ak.",
"Justina de Jesus Amaral husu ba Seguransa estasionamentu nian, tenki servisu ho onestu, maibe antes halo seguransa sei hetan uluk treinamentu hodi nune'e bele garante transparansia iha orsamentu liu-liu orsamentu ba billete ne'ebe seguransa sira hasai iha fatin estasionamentu.",
"\"Kuandu sira servisu ladi'ak ita sei hasai sira, enkuantu ita sei prepara CCTV hodi bele prepara atu kontrola servisu ofisial estasionamentu,\" Justina de Jesus reforsa. entertantu politika pilotu estasionamentu ho objetivu atu organiza sidade, eduka komunidade atu bele para kareta no motor tuir fatin no aumenta reseita hosi fatin estasionamentu ba estadu.",
"Dekretu lei numeru 3/2017 Estadu Sei La Responsabilidade kareta lijeiru hanesan pick up kareta pezadu semi reboka no tronto ho pagu 75 Cent pezadu merkadoria hanesan Bus Sasan Lakon Iha Zona Estasionamentu tasi no mikrolet ho selu 25 Cent truck sei selu 50 Cent enkunatu motorizada sei selu 10 Cent.",
"Previous articleBoxista 88 Harame Eventu Regional Boxing Next articlePrograma JENESYS ne'e Oportunidade ba Timoroan"
] | [
"Government La Responsabiliza Sasan lakon Iha Zona Estasionamentu | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA DILI GovernuLa ResponsibilizeSas Lank iha Parking Zone Governola responsabiliza sasans lanko nia zona estasyonamento Dili, (INTL) - When motorbike or helmet is lost in an urban parking area the government will not be held liable but only has a duty to take care and control so as it does no cause these acts."
"\"Decree-Law No. 3/2017, of March the IInd speaks about a parking zone regime with limited duration in its article XIII.\""
"3 speaks about the state having a responsibility to prepare space for vehicle users, but not responsible if something is lost in parking lots\", National Director of Urban Mobility Justina de Jesus Amaral told Agency Tatoli today at her office Vila-Verde."
"Justina de Jesus explains, the plan for a pilot parking area covers in Dili municipality belonging to Jardim 5 Maiu near Otel Timor east side; Rua do Abril run from Bank Mandiri and BNU front of entreposto."
"The policy establishing the parking zone was funded by National Development Agency (AND) at a cost of 25 thousand to make space for vehicles on Estrada Ninin. This money is mostly used as paint project in line with Parking Zones, which were established under this Policy and are currently being completed within two years from its implementation date"
"Similarly, signage orders will be placed in parking areas with a paid written notice (Selu), generally on all vehicles that park for an hour at the same price and if they do not stop until one hours are still charged."
"Light vehicles such as pick ups, light van and microbuses will be charged 25 Cent; heavy semi-trailers or trucking with a fee of $0.79 per hour (£1). Heavy commercial cars like Buses/Truck shall pay an additional £3 while motorized vehicle fees are calculated on the basis that they have been driven for at least one day in advance to ensure their safety during travelling by roadway transportation through South Africa' s mainland border area:"
"All vehicles will have to pay a fee except for the emergency services, such as fire fighters and police."
"Disabled people will get free parking when they park in the carparks that are located at Kolmera and Banku."
"The management of parking will be done by the Dili Municipal Authority, but Direção Nacional Mobiliade Urbana and other directorates shall provide technical assistance to help them so that officials can manage in properly."
"Justina de Jesus Amaral asked the Parking Security to work honestly, but before doing security they will be trained first so that we can guarantee transparency in budget especially for ticket payments."
"\"When they do not work well we will remove them, but in the meantime We are preparing CCTV so that it can be prepared to control official parking service\", Justina de Jesus emphasizes. Meanwhile pilot park policy with aim of organise city educate community for cars and motorbikes parked by place increase revenues from carpark space on state .\""
"Decree-Law No. 3/2017 The State will not be responsible for light vehicles such as pick ups, heavy semi truck and trolley with a fee of €5 to the amount paid by pedestrians in parking zones; commercial good like Buses that are used only at seaside or microbuses where they pay EUR€4 per day (EUR£6) while motorized cars charge an additional VAT on their use which is currently around Euro8 each year"
"Previous articleBoxer 89 Harame Eventu Regional Boxing Next ArticleJENESYS Program ne'ebé Opportunidade ba Timoroan"
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Governu timoroan aprova transferénsia ho 119 ME ba kofre sira Estadu nian - Notícias SAPO - SAPO Notícias\nPájina aktualizada iha 23:13h, segunda-feira 25 Marsu\nGovernu timoroan aprova transferénsia ho 119 ME ba kofre sira Estadu nian\n11 de Julho de 2018, 20:18\nGovernu timoroan aprova ona, iha loron-kuarta ne'e, iha Konsellu Ministru proposta hosi lei ida hodi husu autorizasaun ba parlamentu ba levantamentu ida hamutuk dolar millaun 140 (euro millaun 110 resin) hosi Fundu Petrolíferu hodi reforsa kofre sira Estadu nian.\nProposta aprezenta hosi visi-ministra Finansa, Sara Brites, iha hanoin hodi rezolve krizi finanseiru ne'ebé maka Estadu hasoru, ho nasaun hala'o duodésimu hahú hosi loron 01 Janeiru no iha de'it dolar millaun 20 maka disponível iha kofre sira.\nMinistru hosi Reforma Lejislativu no Asuntu Parlamentar sira, Fidelis Magalhães, esplika ona ba Lusa katak proposta lei tenki liuhosi parlamentu, tuir determina hosi Lei Fundu Petrolíferu nian, no halo tuir kálkulu sira hosi rejimi duodesimal, ho millaun 70 resin fulan-fulan.\n"Folin ne'e hanesan pedidu autorizasaun estraordináriu ida hodi garanti finansiamentu Estadu nian. Tau hamutuk ho millaun 20 ne'ebé maka disponível iha kofre sira no reseita doméstiku sira [ne'ebé la'ós petrolíferu nian] no fó marjen ba Governu", nia hatete ba Lusa.\n"Nune'e ami sei garanti pagamentu sira ne'ebé maka labele adia. Autorizasaun ne'e hotu bainhira hahú hala'o Orsamentu Jeral foun Estadu nian ba tinan ne'e", nia hatete.\nMinistru timoroan adianta ona katak objetivu maka aprezenta orsamentu ba parlamentu "lalais tebes" hafoin aprezentasaun hosi programa Governu nian - dokumentu ne'ebé tenki to'o iha parlamentu to'o loron 22 Jullu.\nLei hosi Fundu Petrolíferu, fonte prinsipal hosi reseita ba kofre sira Estadu nian, determina katak transferénsia ruma presiza atu Governu aprezenta ba parlamentu relatóriu sira kona-ba kálkulu hosi rendimentu sustentável iha tinan fiskal, nune'e mós sertifikasaun hosi folin ne'e hosi auditor independente ida.\nPrimeiru-ministru, Taur Matan Ruak, anunsia ona iha loron-tersa katak Governu sei aprova medida sira hodi reforsa kofre sira Estadu nian durante fulan-Jullu ho fulan-Agostu.\n"Governu daualuk preokupadu hela ho saláriu sira, vensimentu sira no tusan sira ne'ebé tenki selu. Ha'u garanti ona ba señór Prezidente katak ami sei ko'alia hodi iha osan hodi sustenta mákina Estadu nian ba fulan-Jullu ho fulan-Agostu", hatete hosi governante.\nIha loron-segunda ne'e koligasaun Aliansa Mudansa ba Progresu (AMP), ne'ebé apoia Governu, afirma ona katak Estadu laiha osan sufisiente ba "funsionamentu normal" iha fulan ne'e.\nFrancisco Vasconcelos, deputadu hosi Partidu Libertasaun Popular (PLP), partidu ida ne'ebé maka halo parte iha AMP iha Parlamentu Nasional, indika ona katak kofre Estadu nian "iha de'it osan hamutuk millaun 20 resin dolár norte-amerikanu nian".\n"Estadu presiza osan millaun 80 resin hodi bele garanti nia funsionamentu normal, iha fulan-Jullu ne'e", nia hatete iha sesaun plenáriu. | [
"Governu timoroan aprova transferensia ho 119 ME ba kofre sira Estadu nian - Noticias SAPO - SAPO Noticias Pajina aktualizada iha 23:13h, segunda-feira 25 Marsu Governu timoroan aprova transferensia ho 119 ME ba kofre sira Estadu nian 11 de Julho de 2018, 20:18 Governu timoroan aprova ona, iha loron-kuarta ne'e, iha Konsellu Ministru proposta hosi lei ida hodi husu autorizasaun ba parlamentu ba levantamentu ida hamutuk dolar millaun 140 (euro millaun 110 resin) hosi Fundu Petroliferu hodi reforsa kofre sira Estadu nian.",
"Proposta aprezenta hosi visi-ministra Finansa, Sara Brites, iha hanoin hodi rezolve krizi finanseiru ne'ebe maka Estadu hasoru, ho nasaun hala'o duodesimu hahu hosi loron 01 Janeiru no iha de'it dolar millaun 20 maka disponivel iha kofre sira.",
"Ministru hosi Reforma Lejislativu no Asuntu Parlamentar sira, Fidelis Magalhaes, esplika ona ba Lusa katak proposta lei tenki liuhosi parlamentu, tuir determina hosi Lei Fundu Petroliferu nian, no halo tuir kalkulu sira hosi rejimi duodesimal, ho millaun 70 resin fulan-fulan.",
"\"Folin ne'e hanesan pedidu autorizasaun estraordinariu ida hodi garanti finansiamentu Estadu nian.",
"Tau hamutuk ho millaun 20 ne'ebe maka disponivel iha kofre sira no reseita domestiku sira [ne'ebe la'os petroliferu nian] no fo marjen ba Governu,\" nia hatete ba Lusa.",
"\"Nune'e ami sei garanti pagamentu sira ne'ebe maka labele adia.",
"Autorizasaun ne'e hotu bainhira hahu hala'o Orsamentu Jeral foun Estadu nian ba tinan ne'e,\" nia hatete.",
"Ministru timoroan adianta ona katak objetivu maka aprezenta orsamentu ba parlamentu \"lalais tebes\" hafoin aprezentasaun hosi programa Governu nian - dokumentu ne'ebe tenki to'o iha parlamentu to'o loron 22 Jullu.",
"Lei hosi Fundu Petroliferu, fonte prinsipal hosi reseita ba kofre sira Estadu nian, determina katak transferensia ruma presiza atu Governu aprezenta ba parlamentu relatoriu sira kona-ba kalkulu hosi rendimentu sustentavel iha tinan fiskal, nune'e mos sertifikasaun hosi folin ne'e hosi auditor independente ida.",
"Primeiru-ministru, Taur Matan Ruak, anunsia ona iha loron-tersa katak Governu sei aprova medida sira hodi reforsa kofre sira Estadu nian durante fulan-Jullu ho fulan-Agostu.",
"\"Governu daualuk preokupadu hela ho salariu sira, vensimentu sira no tusan sira ne'ebe tenki selu.",
"Ha'u garanti ona ba senor Prezidente katak ami sei ko'alia hodi iha osan hodi sustenta makina Estadu nian ba fulan-Jullu ho fulan-Agostu,\" hatete hosi governante.",
"Iha loron-segunda ne'e koligasaun Aliansa Mudansa ba Progresu (AMP), ne'ebe apoia Governu, afirma ona katak Estadu laiha osan sufisiente ba \"funsionamentu normal\" iha fulan ne'e.",
"Francisco Vasconcelos, deputadu hosi Partidu Libertasaun Popular (PLP), partidu ida ne'ebe maka halo parte iha AMP iha Parlamentu Nasional, indika ona katak kofre Estadu nian \"iha de'it osan hamutuk millaun 20 resin dolar norte-amerikanu nian.\"",
"\"Estadu presiza osan millaun 80 resin hodi bele garanti nia funsionamentu normal, iha fulan-Jullu ne'e,\" nia hatete iha sesaun plenariu."
] | [
"Portuguese government approves transfer of 140 million euros to the State coffers - Noticias SAPO, News from Portugal and world The portuguese Government has on Wednesday adopted in Council a proposal for law requesting parliamentary authorization with regard towards an amount totalling US$25 billion (€37.6bn) which will be drawn up by Parliament as part Of its efforts at strengthening national finance through reduction In taxation charge-based income Taxpayers are being asked not only how much money they have spent but also what is going into their pockets during this year' s fiscal period"
"The proposal presented by Vice Minister of Finance, Sara Brites is intended to resolve the financial crisis that has hit Brazil since January 1st with only $20 million available."
"Minister of Legislative Reform and Parliamentary Affairs, Fidelis Magalhaes has explained to Lusa that the bill must go through parliament as determined by Petroleum Fund Laws. The calculation is based on a duodecimal system with approximately R$ 70 million per month for each member state in question (see figure below)."
"\"This bill is a request for an extraordinary authorization to guarantee State financing."
"Add to that the 20 million available in coffers and domestic revenues [not oil] which give a margin for government,\" he told Lusa."
"\"Now we will guarantee payments that cannot be delayed."
"The authorization will be given when the new State General Budget for this year begins,\" he said."
"The Taiwanese minister has already announced that the aim is to present Parliament with \"a very short budget\" after submitting its government programme - which must reach parliament by 21 July."
"The Petroleum Fund Act, the main source of revenue for state coffers determined that any transfer require a report by government to parliament on calculations about sustainable return in fiscal year as well certification thereof from an independent auditor."
"Prime Minister Taur Matan Ruak has already announced on Tuesday that the Government will approve measures to reinforce State coffer in July and August."
"\"The third government is preoccupied with salaries, incomes and debts to be paid."
"I have assured Mr. President that we will talk to get the money for sustaining our state machinery in July and August,\" said Governor of Rio Grande do Sul Eduardo Campos (PSDB)."
"On Monday, the Alliance for Change and Progress (AMP) coalition that supported government said it did not have enough money to \"function normally\" this month."
"Francisco Vasconcelos, a MP from the People's Liberation Party (PLP), which is part of AMP in National Parliament has indicated that there are \"only 20 million U.S dollars left.\""
"\"The state needs more than $80 million to ensure its normal functioning by July,\" he said in the plenary session."
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Hahu iha tinan 2000, Nasaun Unidus proklama kada dia 22 de Máiu hanesan Loron Internasionál ba Diversidade Biolójiku (DBI) hodi dezenvolve komprensaun no konsiénsia kona-ba biodiversidade no asuntu global ne’ebé serka variasaun naturais iha espesies, ekosistema no jenétika.\nDezde tinan 2002, kada tinan DBI fó sai nia tema ida, mak hanesan Biodiversidade, Dezenvolvimentu no Redusaun Pubreza (2010), Biodiversidade no Agrikultura (2008) no Biodiversidade: Seguru de Vida ba Ita Na Mundu ne’ebé Mudansa (2005).\nVariedade MAP-SoL nian nunka hanesan hybrida ou GMO, no la depende ba input adisionál hanesan ai-moruk kímiku ne’ebé importa ou adubu ho folin ne’ebé aas\n© Alexia Skok/Seeds of Life\nTema ba tinan 2014 mak Biodiversidade Illa, no kuaze iha ligasaun uitoan ho alvu Seeds of Life nian atu aumenta biodiversidade husi ai-horis prinsipál iha metade husi Illa Timor Leste. Atividade MAP-SoL nian selebra biodiversidade Timor-Leste nian, enkuantu responsabiliza ba habelar variasaun jenétiku husi ai-horis prinsipál. Variedade MAP-SoL nian nunka hanesan hybrida ou GMO, no la depende ba input adisionál hanesan ai-moruk kímiku ne’ebé importa ou adubu ho folin ne’ebé aas.\nBiodiversidade importante tebes iha mantein kualker ekosistema ne’ebé sustentável no bele fahe ba iha dalan rua ne’ebé diferente; konserva moris iha ekosfera atuál, no aumenta variasaun liu husi introdus variedade ai-horis ne’ebé adekuadu, sustentável no halo testu.\nDezde inísiu 2000, MAP-SoL akompaña ona evolusaun natural husi troka jenétiku internasionál Timor Leste nian. MAP-SoL importa, halo peskiza iha estasaun no halo testu iha agrikultór nain 3000 nia to’os antes habarak no habelar variedade ai-horis ne’ebé bele hasa’e produsaun, asegura siguransa ai-han no vida moris familia agrikultór nain 130,000 no komunidade ne’ebé hela iha área rurais.\nBiodiversidade iha Timor-Leste akompaña prosesu natural husi fahe ai-horis ne’ebé akontese iha rejiaun Ázia Pasífiku durante sékulu hirak nia laran. Iha Timor-Leste ne’ebé mayoria komunidade agrikultór hanesan komunidade ne’ebé subsisténsia, iha deit variedade uitoan ne’ebé diferente mak introdus durante periódu tinan 3,500 nia laran. Iha segundu metade sékulu 20, agrikultór Timorense kuaze koko variedade ai-horis ho númeru ne’ebé aumenta makaas ne’ebé haruka mai husi rai sira ne’ebé dok. Espesies ai-horis barak hanesan batar, hare, ai-farina, fehuk midar, forerai, tomate no ai-manas la’os orijinalmente mai husi Timor-Leste maibe introdus husi komersiante, okupante no kolonialízmu sira husi nasaun sira ne’ebé dok.\n© Unknown/Seeds of Life\n© Jessy Betty/Seeds of Life\nVariedade natural sira ne’ebé introdus kuaze koko ona husi agrikultór sira, hili husi agrikultór sira, mantein no haloot husi agrikultór, no fahe entre komunidade sira ne’ebé iha durante sékulu hirak nia laran. MAP-SoL haforte prátika tradisionál ida ne’e liu husi uja peskiza no siénsia hodi simplifika introdusaun no prosesu selesaun no efikasmente hasai tiha variedade hirak ne’ebé deskobre la adekuadu ho kondisaun Timor Leste nian ne’ebé dalabarak extremu em termus de rai lolon, rai, udan been, elevasaun no agrikultór sira-nia prátika.\nMovimentu ai-horis espesies foun mai Timor Leste kuaze limitadu tebes. Por exemplu, agora dadaun kuaze iha deit ai-farina variedade oin 50 mak kuda iha teritóriu laran tomak. Faktus ne’ebé iha, globalmente iha variedade ai-farina kuaze rihun ba rihun, ne’ebé barak mak la existe iha Timor Leste. Exemplu di’ak seluk mak hanesan batar. Variedade batar típu “farina/trigu” ne’ebé kuda iha América hodi halo tortilla no táco seidauk introdus iha Timor Leste.\nFehuk midar sai ona hanesan parte ida husi ai-han Timorense sira-nian durante tinan atus ba atus. No iha deit variasaun fehuk midar uitoan mak existe iha Timor Leste. Fehuk midar foun kór laran laranja ne’ebé foin dadaun ne’e introdus ho naran Hohrae 3 lansa ona husi MAP-SoL iha tinan 2007 no agora ita kuaze haree barak ona iha bikan laran husi komunidade sira iha teritóriu laran tomak. Ida ne’e popular tebes atu kuda no han, nia tahan mos bele han no bele moris iha kondisaun rai oinsa deit. Hohrae 3 hanesan fonte di’ak ba Vitamina A no riku karboidratu kompleksu ne’ebé ajuda kombate malnutrisaun ba labarik sira iha Timor Leste. Variedade ida ne’e mos fó nia rezultadu produsaun kuaze dóbru kompara ho variedade lokál ho tempu kuda ne’ebé metade husi lokál, nune’e fasilita serbisu todan ne’ebé agrikultór sira halo. Fehuk midar kór laran laranja ida ne’e aumenta diversidade iha teritóriu laran, nune’e mos ba saude no bem-star sidadaun sira-nian.\nVariedade forerai foun Utamua iha rezisténsia ba problema kafuak iha tahan. Ida ne’e signifika fó tahan ne’ebé diak iha tempu koileta no bele fó han ba animal. Variedade seluk husi batar ne’ebé lansa husi MAP-SoL mak Sele, ne’ebé iha kain forte halo rezisténsia hasoru anin bo’ot. Rezisténsia ba kain dodok, ne’ebé hanesan problema moras batar ne’ebé dalabarak akontese iha Timor Leste laran tomak.\nMAP-SoL respeita no rekoñese métodu halo to’os tradisionál iha Timor-Leste no serbisu hamutuk ho agrikultór sira hodi mantein biodiversidade no respeita sira-nia ligasaun ho rai no istória. Agrikultór Timorense sempre iha, no sempre hakarak atu kuda variedade husi sira-nia beiala sira, signifika sempre mantein nafatin diversidade ne’ebé iha. Diversidade tradisionál ida ne’e labele regula no hatudu sinál para labele diminui.\nMAP-SoL agora dadaun halo peskiza ba variedade foun oin sia ne’ebé nia objetivu atu halo lansamentu iha tinan 2017 inklui fehuk midar kór laran roxo, variedade koto mean oin rua, variedade foremunggu oin rua, variedade hare oin rua no variedade duhaen oin ida. Variedade koto mean haruka mai husi Rwanda no forte liu, boot liu, produsaun aas liu no moris diak liu variedade ne’ebé baibain uja. Variedade ne’e hili ona ba testu no demonstrasaun iha to’os (OFDTs) iha Timor-Leste depois de introdus husi ambiente ne’ebé hanesan iha África. Se kuandu laiha kooperasaun internasionál no fahe gene, maka Timor-Leste sei laiha asesu ba ai-horis ne’ebé iha potensialidade atu produs iha ne’e.\nInfelizmente, ameasa bo’ot ba biodiversidade iha Timor-Leste mak hanesan introdusaun du’ut husi rai liur, partikularmente du’ut manulai (Chromelaena odorata) ne’ebé introdus liu husi kamoneta militár husi Indonézia nian. Du’ut ida ne’e agora dadaun moris iha rai fuik, ne’ebé du’ut no ai-han fuik sira seluk moris ba, ne’ebé hamenus diversidade husi ai-han fuik ne’ebé komunidade Timorense barak sira konsumi (ne’ebé bele rejolve problema rai hamlaha no mos sabór husi variedade hirak ne’e han gostu). Du’ut ne’ebé ita lakohi no estraga ba diversidade.\nSerbisu makaas husi MAP-SoL komplementa husi projetu paralelu iha komponente peskiza MAP nian, ne’ebé nia objetivu atu konserva gene husi variedade “lokál” liu husi koleksaun variedade ne’ebé baibain uja no garante ho mantein sira-nia pureza jenétiku. | [
"Hahu iha tinan 2000, Nasaun Unidus proklama kada dia 22 de Maiu hanesan Loron Internasional ba Diversidade Biolojiku (DBI) hodi dezenvolve komprensaun no konsiensia kona-ba biodiversidade no asuntu global ne'ebe serka variasaun naturais iha espesies, ekosistema no jenetika.",
"Dezde tinan 2002, kada tinan DBI fo sai nia tema ida, mak hanesan Biodiversidade, Dezenvolvimentu no Redusaun Pubreza (2010), Biodiversidade no Agrikultura (2008) no Biodiversidade: Seguru de Vida ba Ita Na Mundu ne'ebe Mudansa (2005).",
"Variedade MAP-SoL nian nunka hanesan hybrida ou GMO, no la depende ba input adisional hanesan ai-moruk kimiku ne'ebe importa ou adubu ho folin ne'ebe aas (c) Alexia Skok/Seeds of Life Tema ba tinan 2014 mak Biodiversidade Illa, no kuaze iha ligasaun uitoan ho alvu Seeds of Life nian atu aumenta biodiversidade husi ai-horis prinsipal iha metade husi Illa Timor Leste.",
"Atividade MAP-SoL nian selebra biodiversidade Timor-Leste nian, enkuantu responsabiliza ba habelar variasaun jenetiku husi ai-horis prinsipal.",
"Variedade MAP-SoL nian nunka hanesan hybrida ou GMO, no la depende ba input adisional hanesan ai-moruk kimiku ne'ebe importa ou adubu ho folin ne'ebe aas.",
"Biodiversidade importante tebes iha mantein kualker ekosistema ne'ebe sustentavel no bele fahe ba iha dalan rua ne'ebe diferente; konserva moris iha ekosfera atual, no aumenta variasaun liu husi introdus variedade ai-horis ne'ebe adekuadu, sustentavel no halo testu.",
"Dezde inisiu 2000, MAP-SoL akompana ona evolusaun natural husi troka jenetiku internasional Timor Leste nian.",
"MAP-SoL importa, halo peskiza iha estasaun no halo testu iha agrikultor nain 3000 nia to'os antes habarak no habelar variedade ai-horis ne'ebe bele hasa'e produsaun, asegura siguransa ai-han no vida moris familia agrikultor nain 130,000 no komunidade ne'ebe hela iha area rurais.",
"Biodiversidade iha Timor-Leste akompana prosesu natural husi fahe ai-horis ne'ebe akontese iha rejiaun Azia Pasifiku durante sekulu hirak nia laran.",
"Iha Timor-Leste ne'ebe mayoria komunidade agrikultor hanesan komunidade ne'ebe subsistensia, iha deit variedade uitoan ne'ebe diferente mak introdus durante periodu tinan 3,500 nia laran.",
"Iha segundu metade sekulu 20, agrikultor Timorense kuaze koko variedade ai-horis ho numeru ne'ebe aumenta makaas ne'ebe haruka mai husi rai sira ne'ebe dok.",
"Espesies ai-horis barak hanesan batar, hare, ai-farina, fehuk midar, forerai, tomate no ai-manas la'os orijinalmente mai husi Timor-Leste maibe introdus husi komersiante, okupante no kolonializmu sira husi nasaun sira ne'ebe dok. (c) Unknown/Seeds of Life (c) Jessy Betty/Seeds of Life Variedade natural sira ne'ebe introdus kuaze koko ona husi agrikultor sira, hili husi agrikultor sira, mantein no haloot husi agrikultor, no fahe entre komunidade sira ne'ebe iha durante sekulu hirak nia laran.",
"MAP-SoL haforte pratika tradisional ida ne'e liu husi uja peskiza no siensia hodi simplifika introdusaun no prosesu selesaun no efikasmente hasai tiha variedade hirak ne'ebe deskobre la adekuadu ho kondisaun Timor Leste nian ne'ebe dalabarak extremu em termus de rai lolon, rai, udan been, elevasaun no agrikultor sira-nia pratika.",
"Movimentu ai-horis espesies foun mai Timor Leste kuaze limitadu tebes.",
"Por exemplu, agora dadaun kuaze iha deit ai-farina variedade oin 50 mak kuda iha teritoriu laran tomak.",
"Faktus ne'ebe iha, globalmente iha variedade ai-farina kuaze rihun ba rihun, ne'ebe barak mak la existe iha Timor Leste.",
"Exemplu di'ak seluk mak hanesan batar.",
"Variedade batar tipu \"farina/trigu\" ne'ebe kuda iha America hodi halo tortilla no taco seidauk introdus iha Timor Leste.",
"Fehuk midar sai ona hanesan parte ida husi ai-han Timorense sira-nian durante tinan atus ba atus.",
"No iha deit variasaun fehuk midar uitoan mak existe iha Timor Leste.",
"Fehuk midar foun kor laran laranja ne'ebe foin dadaun ne'e introdus ho naran Hohrae 3 lansa ona husi MAP-SoL iha tinan 2007 no agora ita kuaze haree barak ona iha bikan laran husi komunidade sira iha teritoriu laran tomak.",
"Ida ne'e popular tebes atu kuda no han, nia tahan mos bele han no bele moris iha kondisaun rai oinsa deit.",
"Hohrae 3 hanesan fonte di'ak ba Vitamina A no riku karboidratu kompleksu ne'ebe ajuda kombate malnutrisaun ba labarik sira iha Timor Leste.",
"Variedade ida ne'e mos fo nia rezultadu produsaun kuaze dobru kompara ho variedade lokal ho tempu kuda ne'ebe metade husi lokal, nune'e fasilita serbisu todan ne'ebe agrikultor sira halo.",
"Fehuk midar kor laran laranja ida ne'e aumenta diversidade iha teritoriu laran, nune'e mos ba saude no bem-star sidadaun sira-nian.",
"Variedade forerai foun Utamua iha rezistensia ba problema kafuak iha tahan.",
"Ida ne'e signifika fo tahan ne'ebe diak iha tempu koileta no bele fo han ba animal.",
"Variedade seluk husi batar ne'ebe lansa husi MAP-SoL mak Sele, ne'ebe iha kain forte halo rezistensia hasoru anin bo'ot.",
"Rezistensia ba kain dodok, ne'ebe hanesan problema moras batar ne'ebe dalabarak akontese iha Timor Leste laran tomak.",
"MAP-SoL respeita no rekonese metodu halo to'os tradisional iha Timor-Leste no serbisu hamutuk ho agrikultor sira hodi mantein biodiversidade no respeita sira-nia ligasaun ho rai no istoria.",
"Agrikultor Timorense sempre iha, no sempre hakarak atu kuda variedade husi sira-nia beiala sira, signifika sempre mantein nafatin diversidade ne'ebe iha.",
"Diversidade tradisional ida ne'e labele regula no hatudu sinal para labele diminui.",
"MAP-SoL agora dadaun halo peskiza ba variedade foun oin sia ne'ebe nia objetivu atu halo lansamentu iha tinan 2017 inklui fehuk midar kor laran roxo, variedade koto mean oin rua, variedade foremunggu oin rua, variedade hare oin rua no variedade duhaen oin ida.",
"Variedade koto mean haruka mai husi Rwanda no forte liu, boot liu, produsaun aas liu no moris diak liu variedade ne'ebe baibain uja.",
"Variedade ne'e hili ona ba testu no demonstrasaun iha to'os (OFDTs) iha Timor-Leste depois de introdus husi ambiente ne'ebe hanesan iha Africa.",
"Se kuandu laiha kooperasaun internasional no fahe gene, maka Timor-Leste sei laiha asesu ba ai-horis ne'ebe iha potensialidade atu produs iha ne'e.",
"Infelizmente, ameasa bo'ot ba biodiversidade iha Timor-Leste mak hanesan introdusaun du'ut husi rai liur, partikularmente du'ut manulai (Chromelaena odorata) ne'ebe introdus liu husi kamoneta militar husi Indonezia nian.",
"Du'ut ida ne'e agora dadaun moris iha rai fuik, ne'ebe du'ut no ai-han fuik sira seluk moris ba, ne'ebe hamenus diversidade husi ai-han fuik ne'ebe komunidade Timorense barak sira konsumi (ne'ebe bele rejolve problema rai hamlaha no mos sabor husi variedade hirak ne'e han gostu).",
"Du'ut ne'ebe ita lakohi no estraga ba diversidade.",
"Serbisu makaas husi MAP-SoL komplementa husi projetu paralelu iha komponente peskiza MAP nian, ne'ebe nia objetivu atu konserva gene husi variedade \"lokal\" liu husi koleksaun variedade ne'ebe baibain uja no garante ho mantein sira-nia pureza jenetiku."
] | [
"Since 2013, the United Nations has proclaimed May a month as International Biological Diversity Day (IBD) to promote understanding and consciousness of biodiversities in order that people can learn more about them."
"The IDB has chosen a theme for its annual sessions since 2013: Biodiversity, Development and Poverty Reduction (BDRPR) in the year of bio-development. In addition to BRD'S Global Agenda on Sustainable Agriculture that was adopted by all member states at UNFCCC meeting last October; there are also three other themes which have been selected each time from then until now as well - \"Biodiversitity & Agricultural Sustainability\" (\"BioDiversitas e Agricoltura\"), “Secure our Livelihood” (“Assicurando Nossa Vida em Um Mundo Mudante”)"
"MAP-SoL's varieties are never hybrid or GMO, and do not rely on additional input such as imported chemical pesticides (c) Alexia Skok/Seeds of Life The theme for 2014 is Island Biodiversity. There was almost no connection with Seed’ s goal to increase the main vegetable bio diversitty in half Timor East island!"
"MAP-SoL’s activities celebrate the biodiversity of East Timor, while being responsible for maintaining genetic variation in major vegetable crops."
"MAP-SoL's varieties are never hybrid or GMO, and do not rely on additional input such as imported chemical pesticides of high cost fertilizers."
"Biodiversity is essential to maintaining any ecosystem sustainable and can be divided into two different ways; preserving life in the existing ecological sphere, or increasing variation through introducingadequate varieties of plants that are sustainably tested."
"Since the beginning of 2015, MAP-SoL has accompanied East Timor’s natural evolution in international genetic exchange."
"MAP-SoL imports, conducts research at the plantation and tests in 3015 farmer' s orchard before harvesting to provide varieties of crops that can increase yield. This will ensure food security for over a hundred thousand farming families living on rural lands as well As communities who live therein"
"Biodiversity in Timor-Leste accompanies the natural process of plant distribution that has occurred throughout Asia Pacific over centuries."
"In Timor-Leste, where the majority of farming communities are subsistence farmers and only a few different varieties have been introduced over an extended period spanning more than three thousand five hundred years."
"In the second half of 20th century, Timorese farmers almost completely replaced vegetable varieties with rapidly increasing numbers imported from cultivated lands."
"Many vegetable species such as potatoes, wheat and rye flour crops (wheat), beans of the genus Solanum leguminosarum or soya-bean seeds are not originally from Timor Leste but were introduced by traders/occupants / colonialists in developing countries. The natural varieties that have been brought almost entirey into East Asia for centuries had already begun to grow on their own farmland; they've also chosen them themselves with careful consideration over many hundred years before being redistributed amongst existing communities through cultivators who maintained these plants throughout a long time after it was first imported onto this island country"
"MAP-SoL reinforces this traditional practice by using research and science to simplify the introductory selection processes, effectively eliminating varieties that are found inappropriate for East Timor' s often extreme conditions of soil densities (soils), rainfall levels(rainfalls) elevation/altitude as well farmer’ usage."
"The movement of new plant species to East Timor is almost limited."
"For example, at present there are almost only 50 flour varieties grown in the entire country."
"The fact is, globally there are almost thousands of flour varieties and many do not exist in East Timor."
"Another good example is batar."
"Variety of potato type \"flour/trigo\" that is grown in America to make tortilla and taco has not been introduced into East Timor."
"Fehuk midar has been a part of the Timorese diet for centuries."
"There is no variation in the size of beans that exists on East Timor."
"The new orange-colored midar seed which was recently introduced under the name of Hohra 3, has been launched by MAP SoL in year'07 and now we can almost see it on many farms throughout our country."
"It is very popular to grow and eat, it's resistant but can also be used as a food source."
"Hohrae 3 is a good source of Vitamin A and rich in complex carbs that help fight malnutrition for children."
"This variety also yields nearly twice as much compared to the local varieties with half of a growing time, thereby facilitating heavy labour for farmer."
"This orange-coloured berry increases diversity in the area, and therefore contributes to citizens' health & wellbeing."
"The new Utamua forage variety has resistance to the problem of crop rot."
"This means providing better yields at harvest time and being able to feed the animals."
"Another batter variety launched by MAP-SoL is Sele, which has a strong skin that resists high wind."
"Resistance to lichen planus, which is a common problem of disease infection throughout East Timor."
"MAP-SoL respects and recognises the traditional forestry methods in Timor Leste, working with farmer to maintain biodiversity while also honoring their connection of land & history."
"Timorese farmers have always had, and still want to cultivate the variety of their neighbouring countries. This means that they will keep up with this diversity at all times; therefore it is important for them not just one time but twice a year or so in order as well!"
"This traditional diversity cannot be regulated and is signalling that it will not diminish."
"MAP-SoL is currently researching nine new varieties with the aim of launch in 2017, including purple red pepper bean (P. rainbow), two stem cotton variety \"Koto Medium\", one seedling foremunggu varietal (\"Foremungu\"), an apple cultivar and single rooted tomatoes.\""
"The cotton medium variety originates from Rwanda and is stronger, larger in size; yields higher than the commonly used varieties."
"The variety has been selected for forest test and demonstration (OFDTs) in Timor-Leste after being introduced from a similar environment of Africa."
"Without international cooperation and gene sharing, Timor-Leste will have no access to plants that could potentially be produced here."
"Unfortunately, the major threat to biodiversity in Timor-Leste is foreign introductions of odors and odourless plants. The most recent example has been a manuel du'ut (Chromelaena Odorata) introduced by an Indonesian military aircraft from Indonesia into East Asia during 2014/365 years ago"
"This du'ut is now growing in dry soil, which other plants grow on. That reduces the diversity of vegetables consumed by many Timorese communities (which could solve both land hunger and taste problems)."
"Dust is something we don't want and it spoils diversity."
"MAP-SoL's extensive services are complemented by parallel projects in the research component of Map, which aim to preserve genes from \"local\" varieties through commonly used variety collection and ensure maintaining their genetic purity."
] |
Kondisaun udan difikulta mobiliza materiál konstrusaun UKL iha aldeia Sana | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste\nVARANDA HEADLINE Kondisaun udan difikulta mobiliza materiál konstrusaun UKL iha aldeia Sana\nXefe Suku Uaitame, José do Rosário. Imajen TATOLI/Vitorino Lopes da Costa\nVIQUEQUE, 11 Setembru 2021 (TATOLI)—Mobilizasaun materiál konstrusaun Uma Kbiit Laek (UKL) tolu iha aldeia Sana, suku Uaitame postu adiministrativu Uatulari, munisípiu Viqueque, seidauk realiza tanba kondisaun udan difikulta movimentu transporte.\n“Suku seluk ita haree prosesu konstrusaun la’o, maibé ami-nia seidauk la’o tanba distánsia bá Sana dook no agora udan tan, nune’e karreta lori tama materiál mós seidauk. Tanba ne’e maka agora seidauk konstrui,” Xefe suku Uaitame, José do Rosário, informa, ba Agência TATOLI, iha Viqueque, sábadu ne’e.\nTuir líder komunitáriu ne’e, kotasaun ba kontrusaun UKL foti iha fulan-agostu no prepara ona ba kontrusaun inklui kompañia hahú hatama materiál, maibé udan tun halo kondisaun estrada liga ba Sana grave tebes.\nMaibé UKL iha suku balun ne’ebé lokalizadu iha estrada kontinua konstrusaun, maski daudaun ne’e mosu mudansa klimátika ne’ebé akontese iha territóriu inklui munisípiu Viqueque.\nIha fatin seluk, Diretór Programa Nasionál Dezenvolvimentu Suku (PNDS), Estevão de Carvalho, hateten, udan ne’ebé akontese fó duni impaktu ba serbisu kontrusaun UKL, la’ós iha suku Uaitame de’it, maibé iha suku seluk mós seidauk.\n“Problema udan difikula ba karreta asesu ba fatin kontrusaun. Maibé, ita-nia atividade konstrusaun balun la’o, iha suku balun de’it mak labele la’o tanba kondisaun estrada liga ba suku a’at no komunidade sira iha suku agora preokupa ba kolleta hare tanba udan mós afeta ba sira-nia hare. Entaun sira mós seidauk ba tau-matan. Maibé ha’u fiar katak kontrusaun iha Viqueque sei hotu,” nia dehan.\nEnkuantu, progresu konstrusaun UKL iha postu Uatucarbau hosi suku Afaloica no Batata seidauk konstrui, suku Irabin de baixu atinje 60,75%, suku Irabin de Cima 39,29%, suku Loi-Ulu atinje 60,75% no suku Uani uma 60,75%.\n“Progresu Uma Kbiit Laek iha parte Uatucarbau, suku rua mak seidauk konstrui to’o agora, hosi postu haat ne’e la’o, maibé hein semana ohin tékniku PNDS iha baze relata tan mai mak ami fó sai progresu ba públiku,” nia hatutan.\nPrevious articlePPN hala’o reuniaun ho Zacarias Albano iha Lisboa\nNext articleCOVID-19: óbitu rua, detetadu 74 no rekuperadu 222 | [
"Kondisaun udan difikulta mobiliza material konstrusaun UKL iha aldeia Sana | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA HEADLINE Kondisaun udan difikulta mobiliza material konstrusaun UKL iha aldeia Sana Xefe Suku Uaitame, Jose do Rosario.",
"Imajen TATOLI/Vitorino Lopes da Costa VIQUEQUE, 11 Setembru 2021 (TATOLI) - Mobilizasaun material konstrusaun Uma Kbiit Laek (UKL) tolu iha aldeia Sana, suku Uaitame postu adiministrativu Uatulari, munisipiu Viqueque, seidauk realiza tanba kondisaun udan difikulta movimentu transporte.",
"\"Suku seluk ita haree prosesu konstrusaun la'o, maibe ami-nia seidauk la'o tanba distansia ba Sana dook no agora udan tan, nune'e karreta lori tama material mos seidauk.",
"Tanba ne'e maka agora seidauk konstrui,\" Xefe suku Uaitame, Jose do Rosario, informa, ba Agencia TATOLI, iha Viqueque, sabadu ne'e.",
"Tuir lider komunitariu ne'e, kotasaun ba kontrusaun UKL foti iha fulan-agostu no prepara ona ba kontrusaun inklui kompania hahu hatama material, maibe udan tun halo kondisaun estrada liga ba Sana grave tebes.",
"Maibe UKL iha suku balun ne'ebe lokalizadu iha estrada kontinua konstrusaun, maski daudaun ne'e mosu mudansa klimatika ne'ebe akontese iha territoriu inklui munisipiu Viqueque.",
"Iha fatin seluk, Diretor Programa Nasional Dezenvolvimentu Suku (PNDS), Estevao de Carvalho, hateten, udan ne'ebe akontese fo duni impaktu ba serbisu kontrusaun UKL, la'os iha suku Uaitame de'it, maibe iha suku seluk mos seidauk.",
"\"Problema udan difikula ba karreta asesu ba fatin kontrusaun.",
"Maibe, ita-nia atividade konstrusaun balun la'o, iha suku balun de'it mak labele la'o tanba kondisaun estrada liga ba suku a'at no komunidade sira iha suku agora preokupa ba kolleta hare tanba udan mos afeta ba sira-nia hare.",
"Entaun sira mos seidauk ba tau-matan.",
"Maibe ha'u fiar katak kontrusaun iha Viqueque sei hotu,\" nia dehan.",
"Enkuantu, progresu konstrusaun UKL iha postu Uatucarbau hosi suku Afaloica no Batata seidauk konstrui, suku Irabin de baixu atinje 60,75%, suku Irabin de Cima 39,29%, suku Loi-Ulu atinje 60,75% no suku Uani uma 60,75%.",
"\"Progresu Uma Kbiit Laek iha parte Uatucarbau, suku rua mak seidauk konstrui to'o agora, hosi postu haat ne'e la'o, maibe hein semana ohin tekniku PNDS iha baze relata tan mai mak ami fo sai progresu ba publiku,\" nia hatutan.",
"Previous articlePPN hala'o reuniaun ho Zacarias Albano iha Lisboa Next articleCOVID-19: obitu rua, detetadu 74 no rekuperadu 222"
] | [
"Rainy conditions make it difficult to mobilize construction material for UKL in Sana village | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA HEADLINE Rainy circumstances makes the mobilization of building materials a challenge at San’a Village Chief, Jose do Rosario."
"Image TATOLI/Vitorino Lopes da Costa VIQUEque, September.10th (Agência Tatoli) - The mobilization of construction materials for three Uma Kbiit Laek homes in Sana village at Uaitame sub-district Uatulari administrative post office has not been carried out due to the rain conditions that are hindering transportation movement on this day and night"
"\"In other villages we see the construction process is going on, but in our town it has not yet started because of distance to Sana and now there are rainfall so truck bringing material haven't arrived."
"That's why it hasn’t been built yet,\" Uaitame Village Head Jose do Rosario told Agência TATOLI in Viqueque on Saturday."
"According to the community leader, UKL took a construction quote in August and had prepared for building including company started delivering materials but rain made road condition linked with Sana very serious."
"But UKL in some villages located on the road continue construction, although there is currently climate change that occurred territory including municipality of Viqueque."
"Meanwhile, Director of the National Village Development Program (PNDS), Estevao de Carvalho said that rainfall had an impact on UKL construction work not only in Uaitame village but also elsewhere."
"\"The problem of rain makes it difficult to access the construction site by car."
"However, some of our construction activities are going on. Only in a few villages they can't go because the road connecting to them is badly damaged and communities now worry about harvesting their crops as rainfall also affected its yield rates for this year too!"
"But they haven't yet gone to the tau-matan."
"But I am confident that construction in Viqueque will be completed,\" he said."
"Meanwhile, the progress of construction UKL in post-Uatucarbau from Afaloica and Batata villages has not been constructed. Irabin de baixu community reached 60:75%, IRABIN DE CIMA communities reaches a total level (39;28%), Loi Ulu Community is reaching its goal to build home at least one house per person each year by achieving an average building rate for every household that will be built within five years or more after completing this project"
"\"Progress of low-income housing in the part Uatucarbau, two villages have not been constructed so far. Of these four posts are laid out but we wait until this week PNDS technical at base report again and then will give progress to public.\""
"Previous articlePPN held meeting with Zacarias Albano in Lisbon Next ArticleCOVID-19: two deaths, 74 detected and recovers of the disease to reach a record high."
] |
PNTL husu Oecusse-oan lalika tauk ■ Hetan ameasa kesar lalais - GMN TV\nGMN TV Justica e Segurança PNTL husu Oecusse-oan lalika tauk ■ Hetan ameasa kesar lalais\n``Ha´u hateten ba Oecusse-oan sira keta tauk, imi tauk sira bele terror nafatin. Ne´e duni lalika tauk ho sira, sira mós han etu, imi mós han etu, sira mós hemu be, imi mos hemu be, ne´ebé ba ne´ebé de´it la’o ba. Hanesan ha´u fó sai ona, kuandu buat ruma akontese liga lalais urjenti ita mós responde urjenti kedas,``esplika Superintendente Xefe, Pedro Belo, ba GMN Sesta (25/05/18) iha KuarteL PNTL, Caicoli Díli, relasiona ho kazu ema baku labarik minoridade Oecusse-oan sira iha Raikotu.\n``Ita tempu ne´e ami seidauk bele book-an, maibe agora ami halo identifikasaun de´it, tanba iha kazu ne´e akontese Polisía la´os haree ho matan no kaer ho liman,``dehan Pedro Belo.\n``Oras ne´e dadauk intelijen sira mós akompaña hela sira, hanoin dala ruma sira mós bele halai, tanba dala ruma ita demora demais nia mós bele halai. Tanba ne´e mak husu tribunal atu hasai lalais mandadu para ita bele hala’o servisu ida ne´e,``dehan Pedro Belo. | [
"PNTL husu Oecusse-oan lalika tauk # Hetan ameasa kesar lalais - GMN TV GMN TV Justica e Seguranca PNTL husu Oecusse-oan lalika tauk # Hetan ameasa kesar lalais \" Ha'u hateten ba Oecusse-oan sira keta tauk, imi tauk sira bele terror nafatin.",
"Ne'e duni lalika tauk ho sira, sira mos han etu, imi mos han etu, sira mos hemu be, imi mos hemu be, ne'ebe ba ne'ebe de'it la'o ba.",
"Hanesan ha'u fo sai ona, kuandu buat ruma akontese liga lalais urjenti ita mos responde urjenti kedas, \" esplika Superintendente Xefe, Pedro Belo, ba GMN Sesta (25/05/18) iha KuarteL PNTL, Caicoli Dili, relasiona ho kazu ema baku labarik minoridade Oecusse-oan sira iha Raikotu. \"",
"Ita tempu ne'e ami seidauk bele book-an, maibe agora ami halo identifikasaun de'it, tanba iha kazu ne'e akontese Polisia la'os haree ho matan no kaer ho liman, \" dehan Pedro Belo. \"",
"Oras ne'e dadauk intelijen sira mos akompana hela sira, hanoin dala ruma sira mos bele halai, tanba dala ruma ita demora demais nia mos bele halai.",
"Tanba ne'e mak husu tribunal atu hasai lalais mandadu para ita bele hala'o servisu ida ne'e, \" dehan Pedro Belo."
] | [
"\"Police says Oecusse-oan lalika tauk #Hetan ameasa kesar lalais\" I told the people of Ouessant not to be afraid, you are still terror. Police said that they can continue with their terrorist activities and police asked those who were at venues for a quick complaint - GMN TV Justica e Seguranca"
"This is the earth lalika tauk with them, they must eat and you have to do so too. They should not suck or drink anything but what's in your mouth; it will only be good for those who go on alone.\""
"As I have said, when something happens quickly and urgently we respond immediateLY,” Chief Superintendent Pedro Belo explained to GMN on Saturday (25/06) at the PNTL Headquarters in Caicoli Dili regarding a case of people beating Oecusse minority children."
"At the moment, we are not able to book ourselves but now only carry out identification because in this case it happened The police didn't see with their eyes and caught them by hand\", said Pedro Belo."
"Now intelligence is also accompanying them, I think sometimes they can go because we take too much time and then it will."
"That is why we are asking the court to issue a warrant quickly so that it can carry out this work,\" said Pedro Belo."
] |
Timor-Leste koordena ona ho Governu Indonézia kontrola pasajen ilegál | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste\nVARANDA HEADLINE Timor-Leste koordena ona ho Governu Indonézia kontrola pasajen ilegál\nTimor-Leste koordena ona ho Governu Indonézia kontrola pasajen ilegál\nMinistru Prezidnsia Konsellu Ministru, Fidelis Manuel Leite Magalhães. Imajen TATOLI/Francisco Sony\nDILI, 11 agostu 2021 (TATOLI)—Timor-Leste liuhosi Ministériu Negósiu Estranjeiru no Kooperasaun (MNEK) koordena ona ho Governu Indonézia liuhosi Embaixada iha Dili hodi serbisu hamutuk kontrola pasajen ilegál iha pontu entrada sira.\n“Preokupasaun kona-ba fronteira, medida hirak ne’ebé hato’o ona ida-ne’e preokupasaun internasionál hosi Estadu rua. Tanba ne’e parte ita-nia liuhosi Ministériu Negósiu Estranjeiru no Kooperasaun (MNEK) kontaktu ba diplomata Indonéziu liuhosi sira-nia Embaixada hodi hato’o preokupasaun ne’e ba Indonézia,” Ministru Prezidénsia Konsellu Ministru, Fidelis Manuel Leite Magalhães, hateten, iha Palásiu Governu, kuarta ne’e.\nNotísia relevante: Autoridade seguransa Indonézia deporta Timoroan 113 mai TL\nDaudaun ne’e, Timor-Leste luta maka’as kombate surtu COVID-19, liliu variante delta ne’ebé hamate ona ema barak iha nasaun barak ho nia nível kontájiu maka’as liu, tanba ne’e maka ho kooperasaun sira hosi autoridade seguransa rai rua bele evita transmisaun vírus ne’e.\n“Medida atuasaun rai-laran no parte Indonézia, espera bele apoia kontrola liután situasaun no prevene sidadaun liu pasajen ilegál no lori vírus tama no posível iha risku lori variante delta. Tanba ne’e parte rua serbisu hamutuk no Vise-Ministru Interiór no Ministru Defeza antes ne’e halo vizita ba fronteira sira,” nia akresenta.\nKona-ba medida atu reforsa kapasidade interna, tantu iha kontestu defeza no seguransa, Governu halo hela diskusaun atubele hola medida.\nPortavóz Governu ne’e mós husu ba populasaun sira ne’ebé hela iha fronteira atu koopera ho forsa seguransa.\n“Ami-sira hosi fronteira hatene katak tama-sai fronteira ne’e la’ós defisil no tanba ita-nia relasaun iha ne’ebá dalabarak relasaun família ho mota sorin mai iha mota ita-nia, entaun fronteira ne’e iha ku’ak barak. Ho ida-ne’e atu dehan katak sein kooperasaun, ita-nia lia na’in, autoridade lokál no komunidade rasik imposível atu kontrola di’ak liután pasajen ilegál sai no tama mai Timor-Leste,” Fidelis subliña.\nIha segunda (09/08) kalan autoridade seguransa Atambua kaptura timor-oan na’in-113 ne’ebé ultrapasa fronteira ilegalmente.\nkontrola pasajen ilegal\nPrevious articleTIC Timor I.P sei asegura serbisu eletróniku SAMES\nNext articleGovernu revee valór tarifa taxa konsesaun no penalidade Portu Tibar | [
"Timor-Leste koordena ona ho Governu Indonezia kontrola pasajen ilegal | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA HEADLINE Timor-Leste koordena ona ho Governu Indonezia kontrola pasajen ilegal Timor-Leste koordena ona ho Governu Indonezia kontrola pasajen ilegal Ministru Prezidnsia Konsellu Ministru, Fidelis Manuel Leite Magalhaes.",
"Imajen TATOLI/Francisco Sony DILI, 11 agostu 2021 (TATOLI) - Timor-Leste liuhosi Ministeriu Negosiu Estranjeiru no Kooperasaun (MNEK) koordena ona ho Governu Indonezia liuhosi Embaixada iha Dili hodi serbisu hamutuk kontrola pasajen ilegal iha pontu entrada sira.",
"\"Preokupasaun kona-ba fronteira, medida hirak ne'ebe hato'o ona ida-ne'e preokupasaun internasional hosi Estadu rua.",
"Tanba ne'e parte ita-nia liuhosi Ministeriu Negosiu Estranjeiru no Kooperasaun (MNEK) kontaktu ba diplomata Indoneziu liuhosi sira-nia Embaixada hodi hato'o preokupasaun ne'e ba Indonezia,\" Ministru Prezidensia Konsellu Ministru, Fidelis Manuel Leite Magalhaes, hateten, iha Palasiu Governu, kuarta ne'e.",
"Notisia relevante: Autoridade seguransa Indonezia deporta Timoroan 113 mai TL Daudaun ne'e, Timor-Leste luta maka'as kombate surtu COVID-19, liliu variante delta ne'ebe hamate ona ema barak iha nasaun barak ho nia nivel kontajiu maka'as liu, tanba ne'e maka ho kooperasaun sira hosi autoridade seguransa rai rua bele evita transmisaun virus ne'e.",
"\"Medida atuasaun rai-laran no parte Indonezia, espera bele apoia kontrola liutan situasaun no prevene sidadaun liu pasajen ilegal no lori virus tama no posivel iha risku lori variante delta.",
"Tanba ne'e parte rua serbisu hamutuk no Vise-Ministru Interior no Ministru Defeza antes ne'e halo vizita ba fronteira sira,\" nia akresenta.",
"Kona-ba medida atu reforsa kapasidade interna, tantu iha kontestu defeza no seguransa, Governu halo hela diskusaun atubele hola medida.",
"Portavoz Governu ne'e mos husu ba populasaun sira ne'ebe hela iha fronteira atu koopera ho forsa seguransa.",
"\"Ami-sira hosi fronteira hatene katak tama-sai fronteira ne'e la'os defisil no tanba ita-nia relasaun iha ne'eba dalabarak relasaun familia ho mota sorin mai iha mota ita-nia, entaun fronteira ne'e iha ku'ak barak.",
"Ho ida-ne'e atu dehan katak sein kooperasaun, ita-nia lia na'in, autoridade lokal no komunidade rasik imposivel atu kontrola di'ak liutan pasajen ilegal sai no tama mai Timor-Leste,\" Fidelis sublina.",
"Iha segunda (09/08) kalan autoridade seguransa Atambua kaptura timor-oan na'in-113 ne'ebe ultrapasa fronteira ilegalmente. kontrola pasajen ilegal Previous articleTIC Timor I.P sei asegura serbisu eletroniku SAMES Next articleGovernu revee valor tarifa taxa konsesaun no penalidade Portu Tibar"
] | [
"Timor-Leste has coordinated with the Government of Indonesia to control illegal passengers | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timór - Leste VARANDA HEADLINE TIMOR LESTE HAVEN’T COORDINATED WITH THE GOVERNMENT OF INDONESIA TO CONTROL ILLEGAL PASSENGERS Ministro da Presidência do Conselho dos Ministérios, Fidelis Manuel Leite Magalhaes."
"Image TATOLI/Francisco Sony DILI, August.10th (Xinhua) - Timor-Leste through its Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation has coordinated with the Indonesian Government via their Embassy in Dili to work together on controlling illegal passengers at entry points for international travellers who are not registered as citizens or have a valid ID card issued by an authorized official office within Indonesia's border area"
"\"The border concern, the measures that have been raised here are an international issue of both states."
"Therefore, our side through the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation (MNEK) contacted Indonesian diplomats via their embassy to raise this concern with Indonesia\", said Minister Presidency Council minister Fidelis Manuel Leite Magalhaes in Government Palace on Tuesday."
"Currently, Timor-Leste is struggling hard to combat the COVID 19 outbreak. The delta variant has already killed many people in several countries with its highest levels of contagion; therefore it will be possible for cooperation between security authorities from both nations and preventing virus transmission if they cooperate effectiveLY on this issue:"
"\"Measures taken on the ground and in Indonesia, hopefully will support control through situational assessment of citizens who are illegal passengers or carry viruses into their country."
"That's why the two sides are working together and Deputy Minister of Interior, Defence minister have visited border areas before.\" he added."
"With regard to measures aimed at strengthening internal capacities, both in the defence and security context. The Government is currently discussing these issues with a view of adopting appropriate actions for this purpose;"
"The government spokesperson also called on the population living at border to cooperate with security forces."
"\"We from the border know that entering and leaving this frontier is not difficult, because our relationships there are often family relations with motorbike riders coming to bike us. So it has a lot of good stuff on its side.\""
"With this I want to say that without cooperation, it is impossible for our officials and local authorities as well the community itself properly control illegal passengers entering or leaving Timor-Leste,” Fidelis emphasizes."
"Previous articleICT Timor I.P will ensure SAMES electronic work Next ArticleGovernment revises the value of concession fee tariff and penalty Port Tibar On Monday (09/18) night security authorities Atambua captured 235 East-Timorese who crossed border illegally, controlling ilegal passager Prev Post"
] |
SFJJ seidauk realiza teste ba formasaun kandidatu juiz | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste\nVARANDA DILI SFJJ seidauk realiza teste ba formasaun kandidatu juiz\nSFJJ seidauk realiza teste ba formasaun kandidatu juiz\nDiretor Sentru Formasaun Judisial, Antonino Gonçalves. Imajen/Dok. Tatoli\nDILI, 21 maiu 2021 (TATOLI)—Sentru Formasaun Jurídika no Judisíariu (SFJJ), seida’uk bele realiza teste eskrita no orál ba formasaun kandidatu juiz, ne’ebé liu ona selesaun dokumentu, tanba kumprimenta hela regra serka sanitária no konfinamentu domisiliáriu jerál.\n“Prosesu hotu ba majistradu judisiál-nian preparadu ona, hein publika sira-nia naran iha jornál repúblika, atu bele loke ezame eskrita. Maibé, ho situasaun COVID-19 ita seidauk bele realiza. Tanba ne’e, bainhira situasaun hotu la’o di’ak ona ita sei anunsia teste ne’e,’’ Diretór SFJJ, Antonino Gonçalves, hateten ba jornalista Agéncia Tatoli, iha kna’ar fatin, Caicoli, sesta ne’e.\nNotísia relevante:Kandidatu 209 pasa selesaun dokumentu ba vaga formasaun juiz\nVaga ne’ebé SFJJ loke iha faze dahuluk, iha fulan hirak liu-bá kona-bá formasaun atu sai juiz, iha kandidatu hamutuk na’in 209 mak pasa iha selesaun dokumentu.\nSFJJ sei haruka lista kandidatu definitive, hodi publika iha jornál repúblika, hafoin marka loron ba teste eskrita no bainhira pasa sei tuir tan teste orál.\nKona-bá prosesu vaga daruak ne’ebé oras-ne’e daudaun loke hela ba públiku, Antónino Gonçalves hateten, iha ona kandidatu ba formasaun atu sai prokuradór hamutuk na’in 217 no defensór públiku 149 mak hatama ka submete ona sira-nia dokumentu\nVaga ne’e sei kontinua loke ba públiku, no ekipa juri sei deside hodi halo selesaun dokumentu ne’ebé ho rigorozu.\nPrevious articleMOP transfere ona orsamentu millaun $95 ba EDTL no BTL\nNext articleMSSI halo karta pedidu ba SIJK lori apoiu umanitáriu ba Covalima | [
"SFJJ seidauk realiza teste ba formasaun kandidatu juiz | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA DILI SFJJ seidauk realiza teste ba formasaun kandidatu juiz SFJJ seidauk realiza teste ba formasaun kandidatu juiz Diretor Sentru Formasaun Judisial, Antonino Goncalves.",
"Tatoli DILI, 21 maiu 2021 (TATOLI) - Sentru Formasaun Juridika no Judisiariu (SFJJ), seida'uk bele realiza teste eskrita no oral ba formasaun kandidatu juiz, ne'ebe liu ona selesaun dokumentu, tanba kumprimenta hela regra serka sanitaria no konfinamentu domisiliariu jeral.",
"\"Prosesu hotu ba majistradu judisial-nian preparadu ona, hein publika sira-nia naran iha jornal republika, atu bele loke ezame eskrita.",
"Maibe, ho situasaun COVID-19 ita seidauk bele realiza.",
"Tanba ne'e, bainhira situasaun hotu la'o di'ak ona ita sei anunsia teste ne'e, \" Diretor SFJJ, Antonino Goncalves, hateten ba jornalista Agencia Tatoli, iha kna'ar fatin, Caicoli, sesta ne'e.",
"Notisia relevante:Kandidatu 209 pasa selesaun dokumentu ba vaga formasaun juiz Vaga ne'ebe SFJJ loke iha faze dahuluk, iha fulan hirak liu-ba kona-ba formasaun atu sai juiz, iha kandidatu hamutuk na'in 209 mak pasa iha selesaun dokumentu.",
"SFJJ sei haruka lista kandidatu definitive, hodi publika iha jornal republika, hafoin marka loron ba teste eskrita no bainhira pasa sei tuir tan teste oral.",
"Kona-ba prosesu vaga daruak ne'ebe oras-ne'e daudaun loke hela ba publiku, Antonino Goncalves hateten, iha ona kandidatu ba formasaun atu sai prokurador hamutuk na'in 217 no defensor publiku 149 mak hatama ka submete ona sira-nia dokumentu Vaga ne'e sei kontinua loke ba publiku, no ekipa juri sei deside hodi halo selesaun dokumentu ne'ebe ho rigorozu.",
"Previous articleMOP transfere ona orsamentu millaun $95 ba EDTL no BTL Next articleMSSI halo karta pedidu ba SIJK lori apoiu umanitariu ba Covalima"
] | [
"SFJJ has not yet conducted test for candidate judge training | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA DILI The Judicial Training Center Director, Antonino Goncalves."
"DILI, May 21st (TATOLI) - The Legal and Judicial Training Centre cannot conduct written or oral tests for candidate judges who have passed the document selection process because they are still complying with sanitary lockdown rules."
"\"All processes for judicial magistrate have been prepared, waiting to publish their names in the Republic Gazette so that they can open written exams."
"However, with the COVID-19 situation we have not been able to realize."
"Therefore, when everything is going well we will announce the test\", SFJJ Director Antonino Goncalves told Agência Tatoli journalists in Caicoli on Saturday."
"Relevant news: 209 candidates pass document selection for judge training vacancy The vacant position that SFJJ opened in the first phase, over recent months regarding train to become a Judge was filled by an overall number of kandidati na total de n'onze who passed documents."
"SFJJ will send the final list of candidates, to be published in a newspaper after setting dates for written tests and if they pass an oral test."
"Concerning the second round of processes which is currently open to public, Antonino Goncalves said that there are already 217 candidates for training as prosecutors and a total Of Public Defender (OPD) have submitted their documents. The opening will continue with an additional one being made available in July next year; this time it'll be decided by jury members who shall make rigorous selection on all documentation received from applicants before they can enter into work at any stage or place wherever such applications may appear during these two phased recruitment procedure:"
"PreviousMOP has transferred $95 million in budget to EDTL and BTL NextMSSS makes a letter of request for SIJK on humanitarian assistance towards Covalima."
] |
Haksesuk Malu Ho Toos, Maun Alin Hatan Iha Tribunal – STL Online\nHaksesuk Malu Ho Toos, Maun Alin Hatan Iha Tribunal\nDILI – Arguidu PM oan husi arguidu MS no arguidu MS maun husi lezadu DS maibe tamba deit problema toos arguidu no lezadu lori malu ba iha Tribunal hodi tuir julgamentu.\nTuir akuzasaun husi MP katak, 01 Marco 2015 oras 04:00 lokraik, iha Kamea Bekora, arguidu nain rua ho inisial PM no MS. Arguidu ho inisial PM mak arguidu MS nia oan rasik. Momentu neeba arguidu MS haruka nia oan nia fen ba iha toos, hodi silu batar hodi daan atu lezadu DS no arguidu sira mos han.\nTanba nee, lezadu foti katana atu taa arguidu PM, arguidu PM foti ai baku lezadu nia liman too lezadu monu ba iha rai hodi rezulta liman naksalak. Kuandu lezadu monu tiha arguidu MS ba sama tan lezadu nia ain hodi labele hader tan. Ho arguidu nain rua ninia asaun mak halo lezadu ba halo tratamentu iha ospital no durante semana ida mak diak fila fali.\nKonsekunsia husi arguidu sira nia hahalok, Ministeriu Publiku akuza arguidu nain rua komete krimi ofensas korporal neebe mak punidu no previstu iha artigu 151 Kodigu Penal Timor Leste.\nHatan ba akuzasaun nee arguidu PM katak faktus balun los balun la los. Faktus balun neebe la los mak momentu neeba arguidu nain rua la halo agresaun fizika maibe lezadu mak foti katana atu taa no lezadu PM hakfodak mak lezadu monu rasik.\nNo, arguidu mos rekuimhese katak momentu neeba mak sira lere duni toos no lakeru sira iha toos laran tamba lezadu dehan katak arguidu sira la iha diretu ba toos. Tamba, tuir lolos katuas boot mak husik hela ba nia bei oan sira inklui lezadu atu aproveita no kuida toos refere.\nNunee mos, arguidu MS konfesa ba Tribunal katak lezadu DS nee hau nia alin rasik no ami katuas hanesan tamba saida mak tenke ba sama fila fali nia liman hodi estrga nia. Se karik ami mak estraga karik, estraga tiha deit tamba nee ami forsa boot liu nia. No, oras nee dadaun ami diak malu ona no la iha ona problema non lezadu rasik ba hela arguidu nia boot maibe nuudar maun alin tenke vizita malu. Domingos Piedade Freitas\nPrevious article Gropu 90 Hetan Auto Empregu\nNext article Nakdedar Naok Motor, Ema Kaer Toman | [
"Haksesuk Malu Ho Toos, Maun Alin Hatan Iha Tribunal - STL Online Haksesuk Malu Ho Toos, Maun Alin Hatan Iha Tribunal DILI - Arguidu PM oan husi arguidu MS no arguidu MS maun husi lezadu DS maibe tamba deit problema toos arguidu no lezadu lori malu ba iha Tribunal hodi tuir julgamentu.",
"Tuir akuzasaun husi MP katak, 01 Marco 2015 oras 04:00 lokraik, iha Kamea Bekora, arguidu nain rua ho inisial PM no MS. Arguidu ho inisial PM mak arguidu MS nia oan rasik.",
"Momentu neeba arguidu MS haruka nia oan nia fen ba iha toos, hodi silu batar hodi daan atu lezadu DS no arguidu sira mos han.",
"Tanba nee, lezadu foti katana atu taa arguidu PM, arguidu PM foti ai baku lezadu nia liman too lezadu monu ba iha rai hodi rezulta liman naksalak.",
"Kuandu lezadu monu tiha arguidu MS ba sama tan lezadu nia ain hodi labele hader tan.",
"Ho arguidu nain rua ninia asaun mak halo lezadu ba halo tratamentu iha ospital no durante semana ida mak diak fila fali.",
"Konsekunsia husi arguidu sira nia hahalok, Ministeriu Publiku akuza arguidu nain rua komete krimi ofensas korporal neebe mak punidu no previstu iha artigu 151 Kodigu Penal Timor Leste.",
"Hatan ba akuzasaun nee arguidu PM katak faktus balun los balun la los.",
"Faktus balun neebe la los mak momentu neeba arguidu nain rua la halo agresaun fizika maibe lezadu mak foti katana atu taa no lezadu PM hakfodak mak lezadu monu rasik.",
"No, arguidu mos rekuimhese katak momentu neeba mak sira lere duni toos no lakeru sira iha toos laran tamba lezadu dehan katak arguidu sira la iha diretu ba toos.",
"Tamba, tuir lolos katuas boot mak husik hela ba nia bei oan sira inklui lezadu atu aproveita no kuida toos refere.",
"Nunee mos, arguidu MS konfesa ba Tribunal katak lezadu DS nee hau nia alin rasik no ami katuas hanesan tamba saida mak tenke ba sama fila fali nia liman hodi estrga nia.",
"Se karik ami mak estraga karik, estraga tiha deit tamba nee ami forsa boot liu nia.",
"No, oras nee dadaun ami diak malu ona no la iha ona problema non lezadu rasik ba hela arguidu nia boot maibe nuudar maun alin tenke vizita malu.",
"Domingos Piedade Freitas Previous article Gropu 90 Hetan Auto Empregu Next article Nakdedar Naok Motor, Ema Kaer Toman"
] | [
"Haksesuk Malu Ho Toos, Maun Alin hatan Iha Tribunal - STL Online Dili – Defendant PM son of defendant MS and accused DS brother but only because the problem tos defense claimants brought each other in court for trial."
"According to the prosecution, on March 1st at about four o’clock in Kamea Bekora two defendants with initials PM and MS. The accused whose name is written as “PM” was a son of plaintiff MS herself; they were allegedly killed by one another during an encounter that took place around three hours later (04:25 pm)."
"At that moment the defendant MS sent his son's dog to a forest, where he cut down and damaged it so DS could eat."
"Therefore, the victim took a katana to attack accused PM. The defendant beat his hand until he fell on earth and lost one of its teeth as result thereof 10 days later in hospital for surgery"
"When the injured fell down, defendant MS placed herself on victim's feet so that she could not come closer."
"The two defendants' actions caused the injured person to be admitted for treatment in a hospital and during one week he was well back."
"As a consequence of the defendants' actions, Public Prosecutor charged both accused with committing crimes involving corporal offences which are punishable and provided for under article 152(a) Penal Code."
"In response to this accusation the defendant PM stated that some facts are true and others not."
"Some facts are not true at that time the two defendants did no physical aggression but injured took a katana to stand and victim PM hacked lesion fell himself."
"The defendant also acknowledges that at the time they did indeed take out of their lots and lay down them inside because, according to his allegations."
"Thus, according to legend the elderly man left his children including injured person in charge of taking advantage and caring for this forest."
"Likewise, defendant MS confessed to the Court that DS was my own brother and we were elders as well so why should I go back into his hands for him."
"If we had destroyed it, then only because our forces were greater than his."
"No, now we are good together and there is no problem not the injured himself to live with his brother but as a sibling must visit each other."
"Previous article Group of 90 Get Auto Empregu Next Article Nakdedar Naok Motor, Ema Kaer Toman Freitas"
] |
Komisariu Adjuntu Sampaio Sensibiliza Lei MPCC ba Partisipante Kursu Indusaun iha INAP Comoro – Comissão Anti-Corrupção | Komisaun Anti-Korrupsaun\nKomisariu Adjuntu Comissão Anti Corrupção (CAC) ba Servisu Asuntu Prevensaun no Sensibilizasaun, Luis Sampaio Tersa-Feira (26/4) ohin sai oradór iha palestra ba funsionariu foun husi intituisaun Ministériu Saude, Ministériu Defesa no Ministériu Interior hamutuk na’in 132, iha kursu indusaun temin ne’ebé fasilita husi Institutu Nasionál Administrasaun Públiku iha edifisiu INAP Comoro, Dili.\nMateria palestra ne’ebé aprezenta iha eventu ne’e ho tópiku “Prevensaun korrupsaun hodi atinje boa governasaun”.\nKomisariu Adjuntu Sampaio iha eventu ne’e introdus konseitu báziku korrupsaun ba partisipante sira katak, korrupsaun nu’udar krime ne’ebé kontra lei hanesan temi iha lei kódigu penál ho forma sira korrupsaun pásiva, korrupsaun ativa, pekulatu, pekulatu de uzu, abuzu poder, tráfiku influénsia, partisipasaun ekonomia iha negósiu, no subornu.\nIha lei nú 7/2020-MPCC korrupsaun ho forma sira konflitu interrese, korrupsaun iha setór privadu, pekulatu iha setór privadu, fraude iha kontrusaun, pose riqueza injustifikada no brankeamentu kapitál (fase osan).\nKomisariu Adjuntu Sampaio introdus kle’an liu tan katak, korrupsaun tuir lider mundiál sira konsidera nu’udar moras aat ne’ebé impede nasaun atu dezenvolve-an no atinje poténsia sira.\nKorrupsaun nia efeitu destroi totalmente valór sira étika no morál nian nu’udar umanidade. Hanesan Papa Fransisco iha nia diskursu deskreve katak, “korrupsaun nu’udar moras kánkru ne’ebé destroi no ameasa vida sosiedade”.\n“Korrupsaun moras króniku ida ne’ebé afeta ba ema nia valór morál nu’udar umanu ne’e sai dodok. Uluk ita nia bei-ala sira la iha edukasaun aas, maibé valór morál ne’e aas.\nOhin loron edukasaun aas (S1, S2, S3) maibé valór morál iha realidade mukit loos. Iha rai seluk, korruptór sira ema kaer sai iha televizaun no media sosiál sira, nunka sente moe iha públiku, Timor bainhira sosiedade la edukadu sei sai toman aat mós hanesan rai seluk”, katak Adjuntu Sampaio.\nAdjuntu Sampaio esplika katak, tuir akademista sira korrupsaun nu’udar krime ne’ebé ekstra-ordináriu (luar-biasa). Krime estra-ordinariu signifika oho sosiedade ekonomikamente.\nKorruptor sira kontinua moris prosperu iha prezente ba futuru ida rohan laek, no sosiedade ne’ebé kbiit mukit liu kontinua sofre kondisaun sosiál no ekonomiku oioin iha nesesidade bázika lorloron no jerasaun sira mai kontinua halerik.\n“Tuir akademista sira, ne’e krime ekstra-ordinariu, tanba nia konsekuensia ne’e boot hodi afeta ba jerasaun sira iha futuru. Mezmu nune’e asuntu ne’e sei iha diskursu no debate entre peritu sira, seidauk vinkula iha lei”, katak Adjuntu Sampaio.\nAdjuntu Sampaio iha eventu ne’e ko’alia ba partisipante sira nu’udar funsionariu públiku estadu nian atu konsiente-an hodi prevene-an husi krime sira korrupsaun ninian.\nFunsionariu públiku sira nu’udar mákina estadu servisu ho laran moos nune’e kontribui ba governasaun ida moos no justu. Maibé husu atu rona iha tilun tau iha prátika, liu-liu tane aas prinsipiu sira boa governasaun nian hanesan transparante, akuntavel no responsavel. (*)\nPermanent link to this article: https://cac.tl/2022/04/komisariu-adjuntu-sampaio-sensibiliza-lei-mpcc-ba-partisipante-kursu-indusaun-iha-inap-comoro/ | [
"Komisariu Adjuntu Sampaio Sensibiliza Lei MPCC ba Partisipante Kursu Indusaun iha INAP Comoro - Comissao Anti-Corrupcao | Komisaun Anti-Korrupsaun Komisariu Adjuntu Comissao Anti Corrupcao (CAC) ba Servisu Asuntu Prevensaun no Sensibilizasaun, Luis Sampaio Tersa-Feira (26/4) ohin sai orador iha palestra ba funsionariu foun husi intituisaun Ministeriu Saude, Ministeriu Defesa no Ministeriu Interior hamutuk na'in 132, iha kursu indusaun temin ne'ebe fasilita husi Institutu Nasional Administrasaun Publiku iha edifisiu INAP Comoro, Dili.",
"Materia palestra ne'ebe aprezenta iha eventu ne'e ho topiku \"Prevensaun korrupsaun hodi atinje boa governasaun.\"",
"Komisariu Adjuntu Sampaio iha eventu ne'e introdus konseitu baziku korrupsaun ba partisipante sira katak, korrupsaun nu'udar krime ne'ebe kontra lei hanesan temi iha lei kodigu penal ho forma sira korrupsaun pasiva, korrupsaun ativa, pekulatu, pekulatu de uzu, abuzu poder, trafiku influensia, partisipasaun ekonomia iha negosiu, no subornu.",
"Iha lei nu 7/2020-MPCC korrupsaun ho forma sira konflitu interrese, korrupsaun iha setor privadu, pekulatu iha setor privadu, fraude iha kontrusaun, pose riqueza injustifikada no brankeamentu kapital (fase osan).",
"Komisariu Adjuntu Sampaio introdus kle'an liu tan katak, korrupsaun tuir lider mundial sira konsidera nu'udar moras aat ne'ebe impede nasaun atu dezenvolve-an no atinje potensia sira.",
"Korrupsaun nia efeitu destroi totalmente valor sira etika no moral nian nu'udar umanidade.",
"Hanesan Papa Fransisco iha nia diskursu deskreve katak, \"korrupsaun nu'udar moras kankru ne'ebe destroi no ameasa vida sosiedade.\"",
"\"Korrupsaun moras kroniku ida ne'ebe afeta ba ema nia valor moral nu'udar umanu ne'e sai dodok.",
"Uluk ita nia bei-ala sira la iha edukasaun aas, maibe valor moral ne'e aas.",
"Ohin loron edukasaun aas (S1, S2, S3) maibe valor moral iha realidade mukit loos.",
"Iha rai seluk, korruptor sira ema kaer sai iha televizaun no media sosial sira, nunka sente moe iha publiku, Timor bainhira sosiedade la edukadu sei sai toman aat mos hanesan rai seluk,\" katak Adjuntu Sampaio.",
"Adjuntu Sampaio esplika katak, tuir akademista sira korrupsaun nu'udar krime ne'ebe ekstra-ordinariu (luar-biasa).",
"Krime estra-ordinariu signifika oho sosiedade ekonomikamente.",
"Korruptor sira kontinua moris prosperu iha prezente ba futuru ida rohan laek, no sosiedade ne'ebe kbiit mukit liu kontinua sofre kondisaun sosial no ekonomiku oioin iha nesesidade bazika lorloron no jerasaun sira mai kontinua halerik.",
"\"Tuir akademista sira, ne'e krime ekstra-ordinariu, tanba nia konsekuensia ne'e boot hodi afeta ba jerasaun sira iha futuru.",
"Mezmu nune'e asuntu ne'e sei iha diskursu no debate entre peritu sira, seidauk vinkula iha lei,\" katak Adjuntu Sampaio.",
"Adjuntu Sampaio iha eventu ne'e ko'alia ba partisipante sira nu'udar funsionariu publiku estadu nian atu konsiente-an hodi prevene-an husi krime sira korrupsaun ninian.",
"Funsionariu publiku sira nu'udar makina estadu servisu ho laran moos nune'e kontribui ba governasaun ida moos no justu.",
"Maibe husu atu rona iha tilun tau iha pratika, liu-liu tane aas prinsipiu sira boa governasaun nian hanesan transparante, akuntavel no responsavel. (*) Permanent link to this article: https://cac.tl/2022/04/komisariu-adjuntu-sampaio-sensibiliza-lei-mpcc-ba-partisipante-kursu-indusaun-iha-inap-comoro/"
] | [
"Deputy Commissioner Sampaio Raises Awareness of MPCC Law to Participants in Induction Course at INAP Comoro - Anti-Corruption Commission | CAC On Tuesday (26/4) the deputy commissioner for Prevention and Sensitization Affairs, Luis Sampeio today spoke during a lecture on laws that were held by National Institute Of Public Administration. The course was facilitated with support from Ministerial Health Department; Ministry Defence Division & Interior department which included an initial induction training session organized as partof their introduction programme organising this year' s first inductive education seminar conductedin Dili City Office building where they will be introduced into legislations related To anti corruption activities including:"
"The lecture material presented at the event was on \"Prevention of Corruption to Achieve Good Governance.\""
"Deputy Commissioner Sampaio introduced the basic concept of corruption to participants that it is an unlawful crime as mentioned in criminal code law with forms passive bribery, active corrupt dealings embezzlement and misappropriation by use abuse power trafficking influence economic participation business breach."
"In Law No. 7/2019-MPCC corruption with forms of conflicting interest, private sector corrupt conduct and embezzlement in the privatized area; construction fraud (phase I); unjustified possession or ownership for gainful purpose(Phase II)."
"Deputy Commissioner Sampaio introduced more clearly that corruption is considered by world leaders as a disease which prevents countries from developing and reaching their potential."
"The effects of corruption totally destroy the ethical and moral values we as humanity have."
"As Pope Francis described in his speech, \"corruption is a cancer that destroys and threatens the life of society.\""
"\"Corruption is a chronic disease that affects the moral value of people as human being."
"Our ancestors did not have a high education, but their moral values were very good."
"Nowadays higher education (S1, S2) but moral values in reality are very low."
"In other countries, corruptors are caught on television and social media. They never feel tired in public; Timor when the society is not educated will become a bad habit as well like elsewhere,” said Adjunto Sampaio.”"
"Adjunto Sampaio explained that, according to academics corruption is an extraordinary crime."
"Extra-ordinary crime means devastating society economically."
"Corruptors will continue to prosper in the present for a long time, and society's poorer wealthy segment would still suffer from various social-economic conditions of daily basic necessities while future generations are continuing their miserable plight."
"\"According to academics, this is an extraordinary crime because its consequences are so great that they affect future generation."
"Even though this issue will be the subject of discourse and debate among experts, it is not yet bound by law\", said Adjunto Sampaio."
"At the event, Deputy Sampaio spoke to participants as state public officials about becoming aware and preventing themselves from corruption crimes."
"Civil servants, as a state machine work with integrity and thereby contribute to clean governance."
"However, he urged to listen in ear and put it into practice. He stressed the principles of good governance such as transparency; accountability & responsibility (*) Permanent link To this article: https://cac tl/2019-386574 /adjunct commissioner sampaio raises awareness on MPCC law for induction course participants at INAP Comoro"
] |
Estrutura ADA/IPDC Na’in Sanulu Simu Pose | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste\nVARANDA EDUKASAUN Estrutura ADA/IPDC Na’in Sanulu Simu Pose\nEstrutura ADA/IPDC Na’in Sanulu Simu Pose\nEstrutura ADA/IPDC Na’in Sanulu Simu Pose. Imajen: Nelia Fernandes\nDILI, 07 fevereiru 2020 (TATOLI)- Sekretáriu Jerál (Sekjer), Federasaun Desportu Akadémiku Timor-Leste (FDATL), ohin, fó pose ba estrutura Asosiasaun Desportu Akadémiku (ADA) Instituto Professional de Canossa (IPDC) hamutuk na’in 10 ba períodu 2020, ho tema asegura no haburas talentu estudante hodi partisipa ba dezenvolvimentu desportiva Timor-Leste.\nMagnífika Reitora IPDC, Ervinia Martins Brito sente haksolok tanba, tuir nia, ida ne’e okaziaun di’ak, momentu oportunu tebes ba IPDC bele hetan konfiansa ne’e hodi hala’o tomada pose iha loron ohin. Ba sá baibain ita hanoin Ensinu Superiór sira preokupa de’it ba parte akadémiku ninian maibé ita haluha tiha parte importante mós ba desportu ninian.\nTanba ne’e, lori IPDC nia naran, estrutura tomak, estudante sira-nia naran hakarak agradese ba oportunidade ida ne’e para atividade sira ne’ebé, ita sei hala’o liliu ba estrutura foun.\n“Hein katak hothotu bele la’o ho vizaun ida ne’ebé husi estrutura leten sei hatun mai, apar ho serbisu hamutuk bele koopera hamutuk. IPDC hanoin ona ba oin oinsá suporta nafatin atividade sira ne’e,” Magnifiku Reitora IPDC, Ervinia Martins Brito liuhusi diskursu iha serimónia tomada pose ba estrutura asosiasaun desportu akadémiku foun ba tinan akadémiku 2020, iha IPDC, ohin.\n“Ami hein katak hahú oin ba oin, bele serbisu hamutuk kooperasaun di’ak, hamutuk atividade sira ne’ebé la’o di’ak liután, eventu importante sira nasaun ninian para halo estudante hotu bele involve iha laran,” nia akresenta.\nIha fatin hanesan, Sekjer FDATL, Ricardo da Costa Ribeiro, hateten katak desportu ne’e tenke rilex, labele presionadu para depois ita nunka atinji ita-nia Objetivu.\nNune’e, nia esplika, FDATL estabelese husi Universidade Nacional Timor Lorosa’e (UNTL) no ensinu superiór privadu sira inklui IPDC. Tanba sá funda ida ne’e, tanba tinan-tinan kuandu atividade rejionál ita nian iha Timor-Leste kuandu atu partisipa sira, sempre SEJD (Sekretáriu Estadu Juventude no Desportu) sempre delega de’it UNTL mak ba.\nHo razaun ida ne’e, tuir nia, sira tuur hamutuk ho entidade relevante hodi envolve mós ensinu superiór sira seluk iha Timor-Leste.\n“Razaun saida maka tenke harii asosiasaun akadémiku kada instituisaun idaidak tanba priense rekezitu ida atu ba kongresu tenke iha adat, asosiasaun kada universidad e tenke iha para iha asosiasaun nia laran iha modalidade hira, bele iha basket, volley, footsall, tenis meza no seluk. Maibé, tenke iha uluk lai asosiasaun nível universidade ka institutu ne’ebé iha para depois bele ba partisipa kongresu. Objetivu atu halo kompetisaun iha nivel nasionál, nivel rejionál no nivel internasionál”.\nNia dehan, FDATL mós sai ona membru ba ASEAN, Sport Council ba ASEAN ninian no mós sai ona membru ba ASIA. Nune’e kualker atividade desportu iha nível rejionál ita mós partisipa. “Neste momento iha ona planu ida oinsá maka ita bele tama iha CPLP. Programa ne’e ita sei mehi hela maibé iha fulan jullu mai, enkuantu iha atividade jogu entre CPLP ne’ebé Timor-Leste mós sai uma na’in, ita atu aproveita tama mós sai ko’alia aprosimasaun ho sira para depois ita bele sai membru mós ba ida ne’e”.\nHo tomada pose ne’e, nia fiar estrutura ne’ebé pose ne’e bele reprezenta IPDC, ba tur iha federasaun desportu akadémiku para bele halo planu, estratezia di’ak no kontinuidade. “Ita labele husik hela buat ne’ebá, iha universidade estatal nian mak bele domina maibé universidade privada mós iha kapasidade, kualidade, para bele mós asume responsabilidade ne’e”.\nIha biban hanesaan, Prezidente Asosiasaun Desportu Akadémika Canossa hanesan mós Vise-Reitór Asuntu Estudantil, Jaimé da Costa Lobo Soares dehan, ho atividade ekstra-kurrikulár liliu atividade desportiva bele minimiza tensaun no iha tempu hanesan atividade desportiva mós atu hatuur konsiénsia ho maluk sira nian para bele hamosu lasu amizade no fraternidade .\n“Husi parte institutu-nia ami konsidera nafatin atu hatuur atividade desportiva hanesan atividade importante, la’ós atividade desportiva de’it maib, ami iha atividade ida naran kompeténsia siénsia para oinsé asegura sira-nia koñesimentu ou abilidade sira nian iha estudu ne’ebé sira hala’o sira-nia estudu ba”.\nTuir nia, ba futuru tenta serbisu hamutuk ho federasaun, para oinsá buka dalan ba fó formasaun kona-ba profesionalidade hanesan ema atleta ida.\n“Segundu programa, ko’alia kona-ba kapasitasaun, daudaun ne’e IPDC iha treinadór iha arbitu. Maibé, trainadór ho arbitu ida ne’ebé hatudu de’it ne’e. Terseiru ami tenta atu hadi’a ami-nia sistema jogu ami-nia IPDC CUP, parese iha tan volleyball, basketball, xadres, ami tenta atu estabelese tan modalidade hirak ne’e. Futuru ami tenta atu hadi’a kondisaun sira ne’ebé dala ruma presiza atu hadi’a”.\nEntretantu, serimónia tomada pose estrutura Asosiasaun Desportiva Akadémiku IPDC ba períodu 2020, partisipa husi Magnífika Reitora IPDC, Me. Ermina Martins Brito, Sekjer FDATL no estudante sira.\nNotísia relevante:IPDC Entrega Sertifikadu Ba Estudante Kursu Lian Mandarin\nPrevious articlePresiza Muda Pensamentu Komunidade “Han Basta Bosu”\nNext articleCanada Oferese Sertifikadu Ba Formandu 40 Iha IED\nCOVID-19: pasiente rekoperadu husu ema hotu kuidadu saúde\nDILI, 07 juñu 2021 (TATOLI)—Pasiente rekoperadu COVID-19 ho naran Zina Alves, husu ema hotu atu kuidadu saúde tanba virus ne’e iha duni no perigu... | [
"Estrutura ADA/IPDC Na'in Sanulu Simu Pose | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA EDUKASAUN Estrutura ADA/IPDC Na'in Sanulu Simu Pose Estrutura ADA/IPDC Na'in Sanulu Simu Pose Estrutura ADA/IPDC Na'in Sanulu Simu Pose.",
"Imajen: Nelia Fernandes DILI, 07 fevereiru 2020 (TATOLI) - Sekretariu Jeral (Sekjer), Federasaun Desportu Akademiku Timor-Leste (FDATL), ohin, fo pose ba estrutura Asosiasaun Desportu Akademiku (ADA) Instituto Professional de Canossa (IPDC) hamutuk na'in 10 ba periodu 2020, ho tema asegura no haburas talentu estudante hodi partisipa ba dezenvolvimentu desportiva Timor-Leste.",
"Magnifika Reitora IPDC, Ervinia Martins Brito sente haksolok tanba, tuir nia, ida ne'e okaziaun di'ak, momentu oportunu tebes ba IPDC bele hetan konfiansa ne'e hodi hala'o tomada pose iha loron ohin.",
"Ba sa baibain ita hanoin Ensinu Superior sira preokupa de'it ba parte akademiku ninian maibe ita haluha tiha parte importante mos ba desportu ninian.",
"Tanba ne'e, lori IPDC nia naran, estrutura tomak, estudante sira-nia naran hakarak agradese ba oportunidade ida ne'e para atividade sira ne'ebe, ita sei hala'o liliu ba estrutura foun.",
"\"Hein katak hothotu bele la'o ho vizaun ida ne'ebe husi estrutura leten sei hatun mai, apar ho serbisu hamutuk bele koopera hamutuk.",
"IPDC hanoin ona ba oin oinsa suporta nafatin atividade sira ne'e,\" Magnifiku Reitora IPDC, Ervinia Martins Brito liuhusi diskursu iha serimonia tomada pose ba estrutura asosiasaun desportu akademiku foun ba tinan akademiku 2020, iha IPDC, ohin.",
"\"Ami hein katak hahu oin ba oin, bele serbisu hamutuk kooperasaun di'ak, hamutuk atividade sira ne'ebe la'o di'ak liutan, eventu importante sira nasaun ninian para halo estudante hotu bele involve iha laran,\" nia akresenta.",
"Iha fatin hanesan, Sekjer FDATL, Ricardo da Costa Ribeiro, hateten katak desportu ne'e tenke rilex, labele presionadu para depois ita nunka atinji ita-nia Objetivu.",
"Nune'e, nia esplika, FDATL estabelese husi Universidade Nacional Timor Lorosa'e (UNTL) no ensinu superior privadu sira inklui IPDC.",
"Tanba sa funda ida ne'e, tanba tinan-tinan kuandu atividade rejional ita nian iha Timor-Leste kuandu atu partisipa sira, sempre SEJD (Sekretariu Estadu Juventude no Desportu) sempre delega de'it UNTL mak ba.",
"Ho razaun ida ne'e, tuir nia, sira tuur hamutuk ho entidade relevante hodi envolve mos ensinu superior sira seluk iha Timor-Leste.",
"\"Razaun saida maka tenke harii asosiasaun akademiku kada instituisaun idaidak tanba priense rekezitu ida atu ba kongresu tenke iha adat, asosiasaun kada universidad e tenke iha para iha asosiasaun nia laran iha modalidade hira, bele iha basket, volley, footsall, tenis meza no seluk.",
"Maibe, tenke iha uluk lai asosiasaun nivel universidade ka institutu ne'ebe iha para depois bele ba partisipa kongresu.",
"Objetivu atu halo kompetisaun iha nivel nasional, nivel rejional no nivel internasional.\"",
"Nia dehan, FDATL mos sai ona membru ba ASEAN, Sport Council ba ASEAN ninian no mos sai ona membru ba ASIA.",
"Nune'e kualker atividade desportu iha nivel rejional ita mos partisipa.",
"\"Neste momento iha ona planu ida oinsa maka ita bele tama iha CPLP.",
"Programa ne'e ita sei mehi hela maibe iha fulan jullu mai, enkuantu iha atividade jogu entre CPLP ne'ebe Timor-Leste mos sai uma na'in, ita atu aproveita tama mos sai ko'alia aprosimasaun ho sira para depois ita bele sai membru mos ba ida ne'e.\"",
"Ho tomada pose ne'e, nia fiar estrutura ne'ebe pose ne'e bele reprezenta IPDC, ba tur iha federasaun desportu akademiku para bele halo planu, estratezia di'ak no kontinuidade.",
"\"Ita labele husik hela buat ne'eba, iha universidade estatal nian mak bele domina maibe universidade privada mos iha kapasidade, kualidade, para bele mos asume responsabilidade ne'e.\"",
"Iha biban hanesaan, Prezidente Asosiasaun Desportu Akademika Canossa hanesan mos Vise-Reitor Asuntu Estudantil, Jaime da Costa Lobo Soares dehan, ho atividade ekstra-kurrikular liliu atividade desportiva bele minimiza tensaun no iha tempu hanesan atividade desportiva mos atu hatuur konsiensia ho maluk sira nian para bele hamosu lasu amizade no fraternidade .",
"\"Husi parte institutu-nia ami konsidera nafatin atu hatuur atividade desportiva hanesan atividade importante, la'os atividade desportiva de'it maib, ami iha atividade ida naran kompetensia siensia para oinse asegura sira-nia konesimentu ou abilidade sira nian iha estudu ne'ebe sira hala'o sira-nia estudu ba.\"",
"Tuir nia, ba futuru tenta serbisu hamutuk ho federasaun, para oinsa buka dalan ba fo formasaun kona-ba profesionalidade hanesan ema atleta ida.",
"\"Segundu programa, ko'alia kona-ba kapasitasaun, daudaun ne'e IPDC iha treinador iha arbitu.",
"Maibe, trainador ho arbitu ida ne'ebe hatudu de'it ne'e.",
"Terseiru ami tenta atu hadi'a ami-nia sistema jogu ami-nia IPDC CUP, parese iha tan volleyball, basketball, xadres, ami tenta atu estabelese tan modalidade hirak ne'e.",
"Futuru ami tenta atu hadi'a kondisaun sira ne'ebe dala ruma presiza atu hadi'a.\"",
"Entretantu, serimonia tomada pose estrutura Asosiasaun Desportiva Akademiku IPDC ba periodu 2020, partisipa husi Magnifika Reitora IPDC, Me.",
"Ermina Martins Brito, Sekjer FDATL no estudante sira.",
"Notisia relevante:IPDC Entrega Sertifikadu Ba Estudante Kursu Lian Mandarin Previous articlePresiza Muda Pensamentu Komunidade \"Han Basta Bosu\" Next articleCanada Oferese Sertifikadu Ba Formandu 40 Iha IED COVID-19: pasiente rekoperadu husu ema hotu kuidadu saude DILI, 07 junu 2021 (TATOLI) - Pasiente rekoperadu COVID-19 ho naran Zina Alves, husu ema hotu atu kuidadu saude tanba virus ne'e iha duni no perigu..."
] | [
"Estrutura ADA/IPDC Na'in Sanulu Simu Pose | TIMOR HAU NIAN DOBEN VARANDA EDUCAÇÃO Structure of the International Development Association (IDA) and Inter-Agency Programme for Educational Cooperation in East Timor, named as “Na’i São Luís”"
"Image: Nelia Fernandes Dili, February 7th (TATOLI) - The General Secretary of the Timor-Leste Academic Sports Federation today inaugurated a new structure for Academia de Desportos Acadêmicos do Instituto Profissional da Canossa. This is to ensure and foster student talent so that they can participate in sporting development on their own behalf as well with other students from all over East Asia who are also enthusiastic about sports at home or outside country'"
"Magnifika Rector IPDC, Ervinia Martins Brito is delighted because according to her this was a good event and an opportune moment for the winning of confidence in order that she could take office today."
"Why do we usually think that higher education is only concerned with the academic part but forget about an important aspect of sport."
"Therefore, on behalf of IPDC and the entire structure in general want to express our gratitude for this opportunity that we have been given by you."
"\"He said that we can all go with a vision which will come down from the upper structure, but by working together they cooperate."
"IPDC has been thinking about how to continue supporting these activities,\" said the Rector Ervinia Martins Brito during a speech at an inauguration ceremony of new academic sports association structure for 2019-3."
"\"We hope that from now on, we can work together in good cooperation and with activities which are going well alongside important events of the country so all students could be involved therein\", he added."
"Likewise, FDATL Secretary Ricardo da Costa Ribeiro said that the sport should be relaxed and not under pressure so as to never reach our goals."
"Thus, he explained that the FDATL was established by Universidade Nacional Timor Lorosa'e (UNTL) and private higher education institutions including IPDC."
"Why we founded this, because every year when our regional activities in Timor-Leste if they want to participate SEJD (Secretary of State for Youth and Sports) always only delegates UNTL."
"For this reason, according to him they are sitting together with relevant entities in order also involve other higher education institutions of Timor-Leste."
"\"Why should each institution establish an academic association because there is a requirement for the congress that every university has to have its own association and it must be in any sport, such as basketball or volleyball."
"However, you must first have a university-level association or institute that exists in order to participate at the congress."
"The aim is to compete at the national level, regional and international levels.\""
"He said that FDATL has also become a member of ASEAN, the Sport Council for this region and ASIA."
"In addition, we participate in any sporting activity at the regional level."
"\"At the moment there is already a plan on how we can enter into CPLP."
"The program we will be working on but in July, and while there is a game activity between the CPLP which Timor-Leste also hosts. We'll take this opportunity to talk about approximation with them so that afterwards they can become members of it as well.\""
"With this appointment, he believes that the structure which has taken office can represent IPDC to go into academic sports federations in order for them make a good plan and strategy of continuity."
"\"We can't just leave it there, the state university may dominate but private universities also have capacity and quality to take on this responsibility.\""
"On the other hand, President of Canossa Academic Sports Association and Vice-Rector for Student Affairs Jaime da Costa Lobo Soares said that with extracurricular activities especially sporting activity can minimize tensions while also raising awareness among fellow students to create friendship."
"\"From the institute's side we also consider to take sporting activities as an important activity, not just sports only. We have something called science competence for students in order that they can ensure their knowledge or abilities of studies which are being studied.\""
"According to him, in the future he will try and work together with federations on how they can provide training for professionalism as an athlete."
"\"Second program, talking about capacity building; currently IPDC has a trainer in arbitration."
"However, a coach with one referee who only shows this."
"Thirdly, we are trying to improve our game system. Our IPDC CUP appears there is more volleyball and basketball than checkers; so that'd be a good way of establishing these sports as well!"
"In the future we will try to improve conditions that sometimes need improvement.\""
"Meanwhile, the ceremony taking over IPDC Academic Sports Association structure for 2019 was attended by Magnifika Rector ofIP DC."
"Ermina Martins Brito, Sekjer FDATL and the students."
"Relevant News:IPDC Presents Certificate To Students Of Mandarin Language Course Previous articleNeeds Changing Community Thinkings \"Don't Eat Too Much\" Next ArticleCanada Offer Certificate For 40 Trainers In IED COVID-19 recovered patient asks everyone to take care of their health DILI, Jun."
] |
Apokalipse 11 | Bíblia online | New World Translation (1984)\n11 No haʼu simu duʼut-kain ida neʼebé naruk hanesan ai-tonka, no lian ida dehan ba haʼu: “Hamriik no sukat Maromak nia templu no sukat altár no mós sukat sira neʼebé adora iha laran. 2 Maibé kona-ba templu nia pátiu neʼebé iha liʼur, husik deʼit ida-neʼe* no keta sukat, tanba ida-neʼe fó tiha ona ba nasaun sira, no sira sei sama sidade santu ba fulan haatnulu-resin-rua. 3 No haʼu sei haruka haʼu-nia sasin naʼin-rua atu koʼalia nuʼudar profeta durante loron 1.260 hodi hatais hena karón.”* 4 Sira naʼin-rua mak ai-oliveira rua no ahi-oan fatin rua neʼebé hamriik iha Naʼi raiklaran nian nia oin. 5 No se ema hakarak atu estraga sira, ahi sai husi sira-nia ibun no han hotu sira-nia inimigu. Se ema ruma hakarak atu estraga sira, ema neʼe sei mate iha dalan hanesan neʼe. 6 Sira iha kbiit atu taka lalehan hodi udan labele tun durante loron hotu neʼebé sira fó sai Maromak nia liafuan, no sira iha kbiit hodi halo bee sai raan no atu halo aat ba rai ho moras oioin iha tempu naran deʼit neʼebé sira hakarak. 7 No kuandu sira haklaken hotu ona, animál fuik neʼebé sai husi rai-kuak kleʼan sei halo funu ho sira no manán sira no oho sira. 8 No sira-nia mate-isin sei latan deʼit iha dalan luan iha sidade boot neʼebé ema mós hedi sira-nia Naʼi, no Sodoma no Ejitu mak reprezenta sidade neʼe. 9 No povu sira no ema husi suku oioin, lian oioin no nasaun oioin sei hateke ba sira-nia mate-isin ba loron tolu ho balu, no ema sei la husik mate-isin sira-neʼe atu hakoi iha rate. 10 No ema sira neʼebé hela iha rai haksolok no festa tanba profeta rua neʼe nia mate, no sira sei haruka prezente ba malu basá uluk sira hetan terus liuhusi profeta rua neʼe. 11 No depois loron tolu ho balu neʼe liu tiha, Maromak tau fali iis moris nian ba sira, no sira hamriik, no ema neʼebé haree sira sai taʼuk loos. 12 No sira rona lian makaʼas ida husi lalehan dehan ba sira: “Saʼe mai iha neʼe.” No sira saʼe ba lalehan iha kalohan laran no sira-nia inimigu haree sira. 13 No iha oras neʼebá duni mak rai-nakdoko boot mosu, no sidade nia sorin balun* monu; no ema naʼin-7.000 mate tanba rai-nakdoko, no sira seluk sai taʼuk no fó glória ba Maromak iha lalehan. 14 Susar segundu liu tiha ona. Maibé, susar terseiru sei mai lalais. 15 No ba dala hitu, anju ida tan huu ninia trombeta. No iha lian sira neʼebé makaʼas iha lalehan dehan: “Agora ita-nia Maromak no ninia Kristu mak ukun mundu tomak, no nia sei ukun nuʼudar liurai ba nafatin.” 16 No katuas naʼin ruanulu-resin-haat neʼebé tuur iha sira-nia kadunan iha Maromak nia oin, sira hakneʼak ho oin ba rai no adora Maromak 17 hodi dehan: “Ami fó obrigadu ba Ita, Maromak Jeová, Ida neʼebé iha Kbiit Boot Liu Hotu, Ida neʼebé iha ohin no neʼebé iha uluk, tanba Ita hatudu ona kbiit boot no hahú ukun nuʼudar liurai. 18 Maibé nasaun sira sai hirus, no Ita rasik nia hirus toʼo mai, no toʼo ona ba tempu neʼebé hili tiha atu tesi lia ba ema mate sira, no atu fó kolen ba Ita-nia atan profeta sira, nuneʼe mós ba santu sira no sira neʼebé hamtaʼuk Ita-nia naran, ema kiʼik no boot, no atu halakon sira neʼebé estraga rai.” 19 No Maromak nia templu neʼebé iha lalehan loke tiha, no haʼu haree arka husi ninia aliansa iha ninia templu. No iha neʼebá iha rai-lakan nabilan, lian oioin, rai-tarutu, rai-nakdoko, no udan jelu-fatuk nian neʼebé boot.\n^ Apk 11:2 Iha lia-gregu dehan katak, “soe tiha ida-neʼe ba liʼur”.\n^ Apk 11:3 Haree nota-rodapé iha Mt 11:21.\n^ Apk 11:13 Iha lia-gregu dehan katak, “1⁄10”. | [
"Apokalipse 11 | Biblia online | New World Translation (1984) 11 No ha'u simu du'ut-kain ida ne'ebe naruk hanesan ai-tonka, no lian ida dehan ba ha'u: \"Hamriik no sukat Maromak nia templu no sukat altar no mos sukat sira ne'ebe adora iha laran.",
"2 Maibe kona-ba templu nia patiu ne'ebe iha li'ur, husik de'it ida-ne'e* no keta sukat, tanba ida-ne'e fo tiha ona ba nasaun sira, no sira sei sama sidade santu ba fulan haatnulu-resin-rua.",
"3 No ha'u sei haruka ha'u-nia sasin na'in-rua atu ko'alia nu'udar profeta durante loron 1.260 hodi hatais hena karon.\"* 4 Sira na'in-rua mak ai-oliveira rua no ahi-oan fatin rua ne'ebe hamriik iha Na'i raiklaran nian nia oin.",
"5 No se ema hakarak atu estraga sira, ahi sai husi sira-nia ibun no han hotu sira-nia inimigu.",
"Se ema ruma hakarak atu estraga sira, ema ne'e sei mate iha dalan hanesan ne'e.",
"6 Sira iha kbiit atu taka lalehan hodi udan labele tun durante loron hotu ne'ebe sira fo sai Maromak nia liafuan, no sira iha kbiit hodi halo bee sai raan no atu halo aat ba rai ho moras oioin iha tempu naran de'it ne'ebe sira hakarak.",
"7 No kuandu sira haklaken hotu ona, animal fuik ne'ebe sai husi rai-kuak kle'an sei halo funu ho sira no manan sira no oho sira.",
"8 No sira-nia mate-isin sei latan de'it iha dalan luan iha sidade boot ne'ebe ema mos hedi sira-nia Na'i, no Sodoma no Ejitu mak reprezenta sidade ne'e.",
"9 No povu sira no ema husi suku oioin, lian oioin no nasaun oioin sei hateke ba sira-nia mate-isin ba loron tolu ho balu, no ema sei la husik mate-isin sira-ne'e atu hakoi iha rate.",
"10 No ema sira ne'ebe hela iha rai haksolok no festa tanba profeta rua ne'e nia mate, no sira sei haruka prezente ba malu basa uluk sira hetan terus liuhusi profeta rua ne'e.",
"11 No depois loron tolu ho balu ne'e liu tiha, Maromak tau fali iis moris nian ba sira, no sira hamriik, no ema ne'ebe haree sira sai ta'uk loos.",
"12 No sira rona lian maka'as ida husi lalehan dehan ba sira: \"Sa'e mai iha ne'e.\"",
"No sira sa'e ba lalehan iha kalohan laran no sira-nia inimigu haree sira.",
"13 No iha oras ne'eba duni mak rai-nakdoko boot mosu, no sidade nia sorin balun* monu; no ema na'in-7.000 mate tanba rai-nakdoko, no sira seluk sai ta'uk no fo gloria ba Maromak iha lalehan.",
"14 Susar segundu liu tiha ona.",
"Maibe, susar terseiru sei mai lalais.",
"15 No ba dala hitu, anju ida tan huu ninia trombeta.",
"No iha lian sira ne'ebe maka'as iha lalehan dehan: \"Agora ita-nia Maromak no ninia Kristu mak ukun mundu tomak, no nia sei ukun nu'udar liurai ba nafatin.\"",
"16 No katuas na'in ruanulu-resin-haat ne'ebe tuur iha sira-nia kadunan iha Maromak nia oin, sira hakne'ak ho oin ba rai no adora Maromak 17 hodi dehan: \"Ami fo obrigadu ba Ita, Maromak Jeova, Ida ne'ebe iha Kbiit Boot Liu Hotu, Ida ne'ebe iha ohin no ne'ebe iha uluk, tanba Ita hatudu ona kbiit boot no hahu ukun nu'udar liurai.",
"18 Maibe nasaun sira sai hirus, no Ita rasik nia hirus to'o mai, no to'o ona ba tempu ne'ebe hili tiha atu tesi lia ba ema mate sira, no atu fo kolen ba Ita-nia atan profeta sira, nune'e mos ba santu sira no sira ne'ebe hamta'uk Ita-nia naran, ema ki'ik no boot, no atu halakon sira ne'ebe estraga rai.\"",
"19 No Maromak nia templu ne'ebe iha lalehan loke tiha, no ha'u haree arka husi ninia aliansa iha ninia templu.",
"No iha ne'eba iha rai-lakan nabilan, lian oioin, rai-tarutu, rai-nakdoko, no udan jelu-fatuk nian ne'ebe boot. ^ Apk 11:2 Iha lia-gregu dehan katak, \"soe tiha ida-ne'e ba li'ur.\" ^ Apk 11:3 Haree nota-rodape iha Mt 11:21. ^ Apk 11:13 Iha lia-gregu dehan katak, \"1/10.\""
] | [
"Revelation 12 | Bible online New World Translation (NWT) And I was given a measuring stick, long as an oak tree; and there came to my ears the voice of one saying: “Stand up. Measure God'S temple with its altar – those who worship in it!"
"2 But regarding the courtyard outside of*the temple, leave it alone and do not measure; for this has been given to nations. And they will make harmful damages in [a]Holy City[b], which is within its limitations—forty-two months.*"
"3 And I will send my two witnesses, and they shall prophesy for a thousand twenty-sixty days to bring up the honey of their flesh.'* * These are both olive trees that burnt before Yahweh;"
"5 And if any man will destroy them, fire shall go out of their belly and devour all the enemies."
"If anyone wants to destroy them, he will die in the same way."
"6 These have power to shut the heaven, that there be no rain during all those days of their word; and they are in authority over waters for turning them into blood. And whenever it is necessary or time-considering with God' s will: They can also afflict earth by every kind Of disease!"
"7 And when they shall have ended their preaching, the wild beasts that come up out of great waters will make war with them and overcome [them]."
"8 And their dead bodies shall lie in the streets of that great city, which is called Sodom and Egypt: for they passed by before her."
"9 And peoples, and nations of different languages or countries will look on their dead bodies for three days to a few more; but they won't let them be buried in the grave."
"10 And the inhabitants of that land shall rejoice, and be glad over these two prophets: for they have suffered through them."
"12 And after three and a half days God restored the breath of life into them, so that they died; but those who saw their bodies were made asleep."
"12 And they heard a loud voice from heaven saying unto them, Come up hither."
"And they ascended into heaven in the midst of clouds, and their enemies watch."
"13 And in that hour there was a great earthquake, and parts of the city fell down:and seven thousand persons were slain by an Earth-qualification. The remnant also fainted; which gave glory unto God who [is] on heaven.\""
"The 14th second has passed."
"However, a third distress will come soon."
"15 And another angel sounded his trumpet seven times."
"And I heard loud tongues in heaven saying, \"Now our God and his Christ has reigned over the whole world; he will reign as a king forever.\""
"16 And the sixty and one elders, who sit on their seat before God fell down upon themselves with face to earth; they worshipped god."
"18 And the nations were wroth, and thy wrath is come: for it has been time to judge those who are dead; that thou mayest give judgment unto thine servants your prophet-servant'."
"19 And the temple of God in heaven was opened, and I saw within his Temple an ark with His covenant."
"And there were voices of nations, and different tongues; a nation with trumpets. There was also an earthquake that caused heavy rainfalls on the land.\" ^ Ap 10:24-35 The Greek means \"throw it out\" (see note in Mt 9) ↑Ap 8:6–7 See footnote to Mattheos (Mt), apg /mthr /aːˈpʰeɪt̪ˠoʊnʲi̯k̥ūl̝⟩⊗ h₁₃)."
] |
PNTL Hanesan Primeiru Defensor Direitus Umanus - PDHJ - Provedoria dos Direitos Humanos e Justiça\nBy Joana da Cruz On 2 August 2019 In Notísia sira\nComments Off on PNTL Hanesan Primeiru Defensor Direitus Umanus\nPNTL Hanesan Primeiru Defensor Direitus Umanus\nBaucau : Iha loron 30 Jullu 2019, Provedora, Jesuina Maria Ferreira Gomes, MPA akompaña husi Diretora PDHJ-Delasaun Territorail Baucau, Sra. Joanita Silvira da Costa vizita kortejia ba komando Polisia Nasional Timor-Leste (PNTL) Munisipiu Baucau.\nProvedora, Jesuina Maria Ferreira Gomes, MPA hateten, objetivu vizita ne’e, atu partilha informasaun kona-ba koperasaun servisu entre PNTL no PDHJ ne’ebé hametin liu husi asina nota entendimentu ne’ebé realiza ona iha loron 13 Maiu 2019.\nProvedora hatutan tan katak, Polisia Nasional Timor-Leste (PNTL) no Falintil Forsa Defeza Timor-Leste (F-FDTL) hanesan primeiru Defensor Direitus Umanus (DU) iha Timor-Leste, no PDHJ nia knár atu fó apoiu ba iha instituisaun rua ne’e, para bele defende ema nia direitu ho diak.\nIha Konstituisaun RDTL mos hateten katak, instituisaun PNTL nia knár atu halo prevensaun ba krime i nafatin respeitu ba direitus umanus.\n“Hau mai vizita ne’e, atu halakon tiha informasaun ne’ebé mosu iha públiku katak PDHJ sai hanesan inimigo ba PNTL ne’e la los, maibé PDHJ ne’e belun di’ak PNTL nian, sou belun mak bele fó aviza ba belun katak ida ne’e la los, diak liu hadia”, esplika Provedora.\nProvedora informa ba partisipantes sira katak, iha dadus Provedoria nian hatudu katak PNTL Munisipiu Baucau okupa segundu lugar depois Munisipiu Dili kona-ba indikasaun violasaun direitus umanus.\n“Tanba ne’e, hau iha dever moral atu hasoru komandante i liu husi komandante bele orienta nafatin membrus polisia sira tanba ita bo’ot (polisia) sira iha knár importante atu fó protesaun ba komunidade sira hotu, halo prevensaun ba krime, proteje ema ho ema nia sasan no proteje riku soin TL nian”,dehan Provedora.\nProvedora esplika liu tan katak, knár importante PDHJ nian iha 4 mak hanesan halo investigasaun, halo fiskalizasaun no monitorizasaun, halo promosaun no halo mediasaun no konsiliasaun.\nInstituisaun PDHJ konsagra iha KRDTL artigu 27 hateten katak PDHJ hanesan instituisaun independente ne’ebé atu hare kona-ba keixa sira mai husi sidadaun kontra autoridade públikas, e autoridade publikas sira mak hanesan PNTL, F-FDTL, Funsionáriu Públiku, no Quarda Prizionais sira tama hotu iha autoridade publikas.\nIha fatin hanesan, Komandante PNTL Munisipiu Baucau, Hermenegildo Gonçalves da Cruz, apresia no orguilhu tebes ho prezensa husi Sra. Provedora ho nia ekipa iha Komando PNTL Munisipiu Baucau, tanba ho prezensa husi Sra. Provedora bele fahe ita bo’ot sira nia hanoin, fahe ita nia prespetivas ba ami hotu iha ne’e kona-ba servisu Provedoria nian iha Timor –Leste.\nKomandante fó hanoin hikas ba nia membrus sira hotu katak, instituisaun PDHJ konsagra iha Konstituisaun RDTL artigu 27, ne’ebé hanesan mos ita nia Instituisaun PNTL, ne’ebé instituisaun 2 ne’e hanesan instituisaun estadu ne’ebé la ejisti mesak-mesak, maibé ejisti iha konseptu estadu ne’ebé hanesan RDTL.\nHo prezensa husi Sra. Provedora iha fatin ne’e, hodi haklean liu tan atividade MoU ne’ebé asina husi Komando Jeral PNTL ho Provedora iha iha fulan hirak liu ba.\nDepois de enkontru, Provedora, Jesuina Maria Ferreira Gomes, MPA entrega relatoriu anual 2018 PDHJ nian ba Komandante PNTL Munisipiu Baucau, Hermenegildo Gonçalves da Cruz, halo vizita ba kada sesaun polisia nian, no mos vizita fatin sela detensaun polisia Munisipiu Baucau.\nPrevious: PDHJ, CAC, IJE no KFP Disemina Knár ba FP Munisipiu Baucau\nNext: PDHJ Sai Mediador ba Problema Vendedores Ambulantes | [
"PNTL Hanesan Primeiru Defensor Direitus Umanus - PDHJ - Provedoria dos Direitos Humanos e Justica By Joana da Cruz On 2 August 2019 In Notisia sira Comments Off on PNTL Hanesan Primeiru Defensor Direitus Umanus PNTL Hanesan Primeiru Defensor Direitus Umanus Baucau: Iha loron 30 Jullu 2019, Provedora, Jesuina Maria Ferreira Gomes, MPA akompana husi Diretora PDHJ-Delasaun Territorail Baucau, Sra.",
"Joanita Silvira da Costa vizita kortejia ba komando Polisia Nasional Timor-Leste (PNTL) Munisipiu Baucau.",
"Provedora, Jesuina Maria Ferreira Gomes, MPA hateten, objetivu vizita ne'e, atu partilha informasaun kona-ba koperasaun servisu entre PNTL no PDHJ ne'ebe hametin liu husi asina nota entendimentu ne'ebe realiza ona iha loron 13 Maiu 2019.",
"Provedora hatutan tan katak, Polisia Nasional Timor-Leste (PNTL) no Falintil Forsa Defeza Timor-Leste (F-FDTL) hanesan primeiru Defensor Direitus Umanus (DU) iha Timor-Leste, no PDHJ nia knar atu fo apoiu ba iha instituisaun rua ne'e, para bele defende ema nia direitu ho diak.",
"Iha Konstituisaun RDTL mos hateten katak, instituisaun PNTL nia knar atu halo prevensaun ba krime i nafatin respeitu ba direitus umanus.",
"\"Hau mai vizita ne'e, atu halakon tiha informasaun ne'ebe mosu iha publiku katak PDHJ sai hanesan inimigo ba PNTL ne'e la los, maibe PDHJ ne'e belun di'ak PNTL nian, sou belun mak bele fo aviza ba belun katak ida ne'e la los, diak liu hadia,\" esplika Provedora.",
"Provedora informa ba partisipantes sira katak, iha dadus Provedoria nian hatudu katak PNTL Munisipiu Baucau okupa segundu lugar depois Munisipiu Dili kona-ba indikasaun violasaun direitus umanus.",
"\"Tanba ne'e, hau iha dever moral atu hasoru komandante i liu husi komandante bele orienta nafatin membrus polisia sira tanba ita bo'ot (polisia) sira iha knar importante atu fo protesaun ba komunidade sira hotu, halo prevensaun ba krime, proteje ema ho ema nia sasan no proteje riku soin TL nian,\"dehan Provedora.",
"Provedora esplika liu tan katak, knar importante PDHJ nian iha 4 mak hanesan halo investigasaun, halo fiskalizasaun no monitorizasaun, halo promosaun no halo mediasaun no konsiliasaun.",
"Instituisaun PDHJ konsagra iha KRDTL artigu 27 hateten katak PDHJ hanesan instituisaun independente ne'ebe atu hare kona-ba keixa sira mai husi sidadaun kontra autoridade publikas, e autoridade publikas sira mak hanesan PNTL, F-FDTL, Funsionariu Publiku, no Quarda Prizionais sira tama hotu iha autoridade publikas.",
"Iha fatin hanesan, Komandante PNTL Munisipiu Baucau, Hermenegildo Goncalves da Cruz, apresia no orguilhu tebes ho prezensa husi Sra.",
"Provedora ho nia ekipa iha Komando PNTL Munisipiu Baucau, tanba ho prezensa husi Sra.",
"Provedora bele fahe ita bo'ot sira nia hanoin, fahe ita nia prespetivas ba ami hotu iha ne'e kona-ba servisu Provedoria nian iha Timor -Leste.",
"Komandante fo hanoin hikas ba nia membrus sira hotu katak, instituisaun PDHJ konsagra iha Konstituisaun RDTL artigu 27, ne'ebe hanesan mos ita nia Instituisaun PNTL, ne'ebe instituisaun 2 ne'e hanesan instituisaun estadu ne'ebe la ejisti mesak-mesak, maibe ejisti iha konseptu estadu ne'ebe hanesan RDTL.",
"Ho prezensa husi Sra.",
"Provedora iha fatin ne'e, hodi haklean liu tan atividade MoU ne'ebe asina husi Komando Jeral PNTL ho Provedora iha iha fulan hirak liu ba.",
"Depois de enkontru, Provedora, Jesuina Maria Ferreira Gomes, MPA entrega relatoriu anual 2018 PDHJ nian ba Komandante PNTL Munisipiu Baucau, Hermenegildo Goncalves da Cruz, halo vizita ba kada sesaun polisia nian, no mos vizita fatin sela detensaun polisia Munisipiu Baucau.",
"Previous: PDHJ, CAC, IJE no KFP Disemina Knar ba FP Munisipiu Baucau Next: PDHJ Sai Mediador ba Problema Vendedores Ambulantes"
] | [
"By Joana da Cruz On 2 August,19 In News Comments Off on PNTL As Primeiro Defensor Direitus Humanos - PDHJ – Provedoria dos direitos humanos e justiça Police Force as the First Human Rights Ombudsman Baucau: The MPA’S Prosecutor Jesuina Maria Ferreira Gomez was accompanied by Director of Procuratorate-Department for Territorial Development and Justice (PDH J) in Bacau."
"Joanita Silvira da Costa visits a procession to the headquarters of Timor-Leste National Police (PNTL) in Baucau Municipality."
"The MPA's Ombudsman, Jesuina Maria Ferreira Gomet said the purpose of this visit was to share information on working cooperation between PNTL and PDHJ which has been strengthened through signing a memorandum that took place in May 13th."
"The Prosecutor also added that the PNTL (Polisia Nasional Timor-Leste) and Falintil Forsa Defesa Timór Leste, F -FDTL are first Human Rights Ombudsmen in East Тимор. PDHJ is responsible for providing support to these two institutions so as they can defend their rights properly"
"The Constitution of Timor-Leste also states that the Police’s role is to prevent crime and respect human rights."
"\"I have come to this visit, in order that I can dispel the information which has been circulated about PDHJ being an enemy of PNTL. It is not true but it's a good friend and one should inform his friends when something goes wrong so they could correct themselves\", explained Provedora de Justiça (Procuror General)."
"The Ombudsperson informed the participants that, according to her own data showed PNTL Baucau Municipality occupies second place after Dili Municipio regarding indications of human rights violations."
"\"Therefore, I have a moral duty to speak with the commander and through him can continue guiding police members because we (police) has an important role in providing protection for all communities; preventing crimes. Protect people' s property as well protect our wealth of TL\", said Provedora de Direitos Humanos e Justiça da República Portuguesa"
"The Ombudswoman further explained that the PDHJ has 4 important function, namely investigation; supervision and monitoring of human rights violations. promotion as well mediations/consultations are amongst its other activities:"
"The institution of the PDHJ is enshrined in article 27 KRDTL, which states that \"the Prosecutor's Office shall be an independent body to deal with complaint from citizens against public authorities. Public officials such as PNTL (National Police), F-FTL and civil servant or prison guard are all included within this category.\""
"Meanwhile, the PNTL Commander of Baucau Municipality Hermenegildo Goncalves da Cruz expressed his appreciation and great pride at Ms. Soares’ presence in this ceremony as he said:"
"The Ombudsman and her team were present at the Baucau Municipal Police Command, in presence of Ms."
"The Ombudsperson can share her thoughts, sharing our perspective with all of us here about the work that is being done by this Office in Timor-Leste."
"The Commander briefly reminded all its members that the PDHJ institution is enshrined in article 27 of Timor-Leste's Constitution, which also applies to our Police Institution. Both institutions are state agencie not just for justice but as a conceptual framework within an organization like RDTL and it should be recognizing them both at their own terms"
"In the presence of Mrs. Msg,"
"The Ombudsman's visit was to follow up on the MoU signed between PNTL General Command and her in recent months."
"After the meeting, Ombudswoman Jesuina Maria Ferreira Gomez MPA handed over PDHJ'S 2018 annual report to PNTL Baucau Municipality Commander Hermenegildo Goncalves da Cruz. The Commissioner visited each police session and also visiting location of detention cell in Police District (Baucau)."
"Previous: PDHJ, CAC no IJE Disemina Knar ba F-FDTL Munisipiu Baucau Next:Pdhj Sai Mediador Ba Problema Vendedores Ambulantes"
] |
Génesis 4 | Bíblia online | New World Translation\nCaim no Abel (1-16)\nCaim nia jerasaun (17-24)\nSet no ninia oan-mane Enos (25, 26)\n4 Adão halo relasaun seksuál ho nia feen Eva, no Eva sai isin-rua.+ Bainhira nia tuur-ahi oan-mane ida naran Caim,+ nia dehan: “Haʼu tuur-ahi* oan-mane ida tanba Jeová mak ajuda haʼu.” 2 Depois neʼe, nia tuur-ahi oan-mane ida tan naran Abel,+ Caim nia alin. Abel sai bibi-atan, maibé Caim sai toʼos-naʼin. 3 Liutiha tempu balu, Caim lori ai-fuan no modo balu husi toʼos hodi hasaʼe nuʼudar sakrifísiu ba Jeová. 4 Maibé Abel lori bibi-oan primeiru sira,+ inklui mós bibi-oan sira-neʼe nia naʼan bokur. Iha tempu neʼebá Jeová simu Abel no ninia sakrifísiu,+ 5 maibé nia la simu Caim no ninia sakrifísiu. Tan neʼe, Caim sai hirus tebes no triste.* 6 Tuirmai Jeová husu ba Caim: “Tanbasá mak ó sai hirus tebes no triste?* 7 Se ó halo fali buat neʼebé diʼak, haʼu sei simu ó,* loos ka lae? Maibé se ó la fila hodi halo buat diʼak, sala mak hein hela iha odamatan atu ataka, no hakarak tebes atu domina ó. Ó bele luta hasoru hodi manán nia ka lae?” 8 Depois neʼe, Caim dehan ba ninia alin Abel: “Mai ita bá rai-luan.” Bainhira sira iha toʼos laran, Caim ataka ninia alin Abel no oho nia.+ 9 Liutiha neʼe, Jeová dehan ba Caim: “Ó-nia alin Abel iha neʼebé?” Caim hatán: “Haʼu la hatene. Haʼu-nia knaar mak atu hein haʼu-nia alin ka?” 10 Ho ida-neʼe, Maromak dehan: “Tanbasá mak ó halo nuneʼe? Rona bá! Ó-nia alin nia raan hakilar mai haʼu husi rai.+ 11 Agora ó sei hetan malisan, no haʼu sei duni sai ó husi rai neʼe, tanba iha rai neʼe mak ó fakar ó-nia alin nia raan ho ó-nia liman.*+ 12 Kuandu ó fila rai, rai sei la fó ninia rezultadu* ba ó. Ó sei sai nuʼudar ema laʼo-rai no refujiadu iha rai neʼe.” 13 Rona tiha neʼe, Caim dehan ba Jeová: “Kastigu ba haʼu-nia sala neʼe todan liu ba haʼu. 14 Ohin Ita duni sai haʼu husi rai neʼe, no Ita sei la haree tan haʼu. Haʼu sei sai nuʼudar ema laʼo-rai no refujiadu, no ema naran deʼit neʼebé hetan haʼu sei oho duni haʼu.” 15 Entaun, Jeová dehan ba nia: “Tanba razaun neʼe, ema naran deʼit neʼebé oho Caim sei hetan kastigu ba dala hitu.” Ho ida-neʼe, Jeová halo sinál* ida kona-ba Caim atu nuneʼe ema naran deʼit neʼebé hetan nia labele oho nia. 16 Tuirmai Caim sai husi Jeová nia oin no hela iha rai-Nod* neʼebé iha Eden nia sorin parte leste.+ 17 Depois neʼe, Caim halo relasaun seksuál ho ninia feen,+ no nia feen sai isin-rua no tuur-ahi oan-mane ida naran Enoc. Tuirmai nia harii sidade ida no hanaran sidade neʼe tuir ninia oan nia naran Enoc. 18 Depois neʼe, Enoc iha oan-mane ida naran Irad. Irad nia oan-mane mak Meujael, Meujael nia oan-mane mak Metusael, no Metusael nia oan-mane mak Lamec. 19 Lamec kaben ho feto naʼin-rua. Ninia feen primeiru naran Ada, no feen segundu naran Zila. 20 Ada tuur-ahi oan-mane ida naran Jabal. Nia mak beiʼala ba ema hotu neʼebé hela iha tenda no hakiak animál. 21 Ninia alin naran Jubal. Nia mak beiʼala ba ema hotu neʼebé toka arpa no huu flauta. 22 No mós, Zila tuur-ahi oan-mane ida naran Tubal-Caim, neʼebé halo sasán oioin husi riti no besi. Tubal-Caim nia feton mak Naamá. 23 Depois neʼe, Lamec hatoʼo liafuan tuirmai neʼe ba nia feen Ada no Zila: “Rona haʼu-nia lian bá, imi Lamec nia feen sira,See tilun ba haʼu-nia liafuan: Haʼu oho ona mane ida tanba nia hakanek haʼu,Sin, haʼu oho mane joven ida tanba nia baku haʼu. 24 Se ema neʼebé oho Caim tenke hetan kastigu ba dala 7,+Entaun, ema neʼebé oho Lamec tenke hetan kastigu ba dala 77.” 25 Adão halo tan relasaun seksuál ho ninia feen, no nia feen tuur-ahi oan-mane ida. Nia feen hanaran oan neʼe Set,*+ tanba nia dehan: “Maromak fó mai haʼu oan ida tan hodi troka Abel neʼebé Caim oho tiha ona.”+ 26 Kona-ba Set, nia mós iha oan-mane ida, neʼebé nia hanaran Enos.+ Iha tempu neʼebá, ema hahú temi Jeová nia naran.*\n^ Ka “kria ona”.\n^ Ka “oin-buis”.\n^ Ka “foti saʼe ó”.\n^ Ka “duni sai ó husi rai neʼebé loke nia ibun no simu ona ó-nia alin nia raan neʼebé ó fakar ho ó-nia liman”.\n^ Orj., “kbiit”.\n^ Karik neʼe refere ba lei ida neʼebé sai nuʼudar avizu ba ema seluk.\n^ Naran neʼe katak “Rai kastigu nian”.\n^ Naran neʼe katak “Hili ona; Tau ona; Harii ona”.\n^ Ka “ema hahú hafoʼer Jeová nia naran”. | [
"Genesis 4 | Biblia online | New World Translation Caim no Abel (1-16) Caim nia jerasaun (17-24) Set no ninia oan-mane Enos (25, 26) 4 Adao halo relasaun seksual ho nia feen Eva, no Eva sai isin-rua.+ Bainhira nia tuur-ahi oan-mane ida naran Caim,+ nia dehan: \"Ha'u tuur-ahi* oan-mane ida tanba Jeova mak ajuda ha'u.\"",
"2 Depois ne'e, nia tuur-ahi oan-mane ida tan naran Abel,+ Caim nia alin.",
"Abel sai bibi-atan, maibe Caim sai to'os-na'in.",
"3 Liutiha tempu balu, Caim lori ai-fuan no modo balu husi to'os hodi hasa'e nu'udar sakrifisiu ba Jeova.",
"4 Maibe Abel lori bibi-oan primeiru sira,+ inklui mos bibi-oan sira-ne'e nia na'an bokur.",
"Iha tempu ne'eba Jeova simu Abel no ninia sakrifisiu,+ 5 maibe nia la simu Caim no ninia sakrifisiu.",
"Tan ne'e, Caim sai hirus tebes no triste.* 6 Tuirmai Jeova husu ba Caim: \"Tanbasa mak o sai hirus tebes no triste?* 7 Se o halo fali buat ne'ebe di'ak, ha'u sei simu o,* loos ka lae?",
"Maibe se o la fila hodi halo buat di'ak, sala mak hein hela iha odamatan atu ataka, no hakarak tebes atu domina o.",
"O bele luta hasoru hodi manan nia ka lae?\"",
"8 Depois ne'e, Caim dehan ba ninia alin Abel: \"Mai ita ba rai-luan.\"",
"Bainhira sira iha to'os laran, Caim ataka ninia alin Abel no oho nia.+ 9 Liutiha ne'e, Jeova dehan ba Caim: \"O-nia alin Abel iha ne'ebe?\"",
"Caim hatan: \"Ha'u la hatene.",
"Ha'u-nia knaar mak atu hein ha'u-nia alin ka?\"",
"10 Ho ida-ne'e, Maromak dehan: \"Tanbasa mak o halo nune'e?",
"Rona ba!",
"O-nia alin nia raan hakilar mai ha'u husi rai.+ 11 Agora o sei hetan malisan, no ha'u sei duni sai o husi rai ne'e, tanba iha rai ne'e mak o fakar o-nia alin nia raan ho o-nia liman.*+ 12 Kuandu o fila rai, rai sei la fo ninia rezultadu* ba o.",
"O sei sai nu'udar ema la'o-rai no refujiadu iha rai ne'e.\"",
"13 Rona tiha ne'e, Caim dehan ba Jeova: \"Kastigu ba ha'u-nia sala ne'e todan liu ba ha'u.",
"14 Ohin Ita duni sai ha'u husi rai ne'e, no Ita sei la haree tan ha'u.",
"Ha'u sei sai nu'udar ema la'o-rai no refujiadu, no ema naran de'it ne'ebe hetan ha'u sei oho duni ha'u.\"",
"15 Entaun, Jeova dehan ba nia: \"Tanba razaun ne'e, ema naran de'it ne'ebe oho Caim sei hetan kastigu ba dala hitu.\"",
"Ho ida-ne'e, Jeova halo sinal* ida kona-ba Caim atu nune'e ema naran de'it ne'ebe hetan nia labele oho nia.",
"16 Tuirmai Caim sai husi Jeova nia oin no hela iha rai-Nod* ne'ebe iha Eden nia sorin parte leste.+ 17 Depois ne'e, Caim halo relasaun seksual ho ninia feen,+ no nia feen sai isin-rua no tuur-ahi oan-mane ida naran Enoc.",
"Tuirmai nia harii sidade ida no hanaran sidade ne'e tuir ninia oan nia naran Enoc.",
"18 Depois ne'e, Enoc iha oan-mane ida naran Irad.",
"Irad nia oan-mane mak Meujael, Meujael nia oan-mane mak Metusael, no Metusael nia oan-mane mak Lamec.",
"19 Lamec kaben ho feto na'in-rua.",
"Ninia feen primeiru naran Ada, no feen segundu naran Zila.",
"20 Ada tuur-ahi oan-mane ida naran Jabal.",
"Nia mak bei'ala ba ema hotu ne'ebe hela iha tenda no hakiak animal.",
"21 Ninia alin naran Jubal.",
"Nia mak bei'ala ba ema hotu ne'ebe toka arpa no huu flauta.",
"22 No mos, Zila tuur-ahi oan-mane ida naran Tubal-Caim, ne'ebe halo sasan oioin husi riti no besi.",
"Tubal-Caim nia feton mak Naama.",
"23 Depois ne'e, Lamec hato'o liafuan tuirmai ne'e ba nia feen Ada no Zila: \"Rona ha'u-nia lian ba, imi Lamec nia feen sira,See tilun ba ha'u-nia liafuan: Ha'u oho ona mane ida tanba nia hakanek ha'u,Sin, ha'u oho mane joven ida tanba nia baku ha'u.",
"24 Se ema ne'ebe oho Caim tenke hetan kastigu ba dala 7,+Entaun, ema ne'ebe oho Lamec tenke hetan kastigu ba dala 77.\"",
"25 Adao halo tan relasaun seksual ho ninia feen, no nia feen tuur-ahi oan-mane ida.",
"Nia feen hanaran oan ne'e Set,*+ tanba nia dehan: \"Maromak fo mai ha'u oan ida tan hodi troka Abel ne'ebe Caim oho tiha ona.\"+ 26 Kona-ba Set, nia mos iha oan-mane ida, ne'ebe nia hanaran Enos.+ Iha tempu ne'eba, ema hahu temi Jeova nia naran.* ^ Ka \"kria ona.\" ^ Ka \"oin-buis.\" ^ Ka \"foti sa'e o.\" ^ Ka \"duni sai o husi rai ne'ebe loke nia ibun no simu ona o-nia alin nia raan ne'ebe o fakar ho o-nia liman.\" ^ Orj., \"kbiit.\" ^ Karik ne'e refere ba lei ida ne'ebe sai nu'udar avizu ba ema seluk. ^ Naran ne'e katak \"Rai kastigu nian.\" ^ Naran ne'e katak \"Hili ona; Tau ona; Harii ona.\" ^ Ka \"ema hahu hafo'er Jeova nia naran.\""
] | [
"Cain and Abel (1-20) The generations of Kain [Genesis 4] Set, his son Enosh[Gen.35; Gen:67], the first man to conceive a child from Eve+ And Adam knew her with whom he had been married,+ so she became pregnant.+ She bore him an infant boy whose name was called Caim;+ He said “I have given birth* in this way because Jehovah has helped me.”"
"2 After that she bore another son, Abel,+ Cain's brother."
"Abel became a sheep-herder, but Cain was made the owner of forests."
"3 And it came to pass after some time, that Cain brought of the fruits and certain things from a forest for an offering unto Jehovah."
"4 But Abel brought the first-born of beasts,+ including his owner’s bokur."
"At that time Jehovah was pleased with Abel and his offerings,+ 5 but he did not like Cain or the sacrifice of Kain."
"6 And the LORD said unto Cain, Why hast thou become so angry and grieved?* If you do good again I will accept your favor."
"But if you don't return to do good, evil is waiting at the door for an attack and it wants a lot of control."
"Can you fight and defeat him?\""
"8 And Cain spake unto Abel his brother, saying: Let us go into the wilderness."
"When they were in the forest, Cain attacked his brother Abel and killed him.+ 9 Then Jehovah said to Kain: “Where is your sister+?"
"And Cain answered and said, I know not: for the LORD God hath made me."
"Is it my job to wait for the day I die?\""
"10 And God said, Why hast thou done this thing?"
"Look at that!"
"Your brother’s blood has been spit out to me from the ground.+21 Now you will be afflicted, and I am certainly going off with your hands because of this land. You have brought up on it his own hand in charge for bringing him down.*"
"I shall be a stranger and an alien in the land.\""
"13 And Cain said unto the LORD when he heard it, My iniquity is too grievous for me: let my punishment be heavier than mine."
"14 Behold, this day thou wilt take me away from the earth; and shalt not see my face any more."
"I will be a fugitive and an outlaw, And whosoever is my name shall kill me.\""
"15 And the LORD said unto him, For this cause shall it be vengeed sevenfold upon every man that slayeth Cain."
"With this, the LORD put a sign* on Cain so that no one would kill him."
"16 And Cain went out from the presence of Jehovah, and dwelt in a land called Nod* which is eastward beside Eden.+"
"And he built a city, and called the name of that town after his son's names."
"18 And Enoch begat a son, and his name was Irad."
"The sons of Irad were Mehuhail, the Son-of -Mehuel was Mathushael and Lamech."
"19 And Lamech took two wives."
"His first wife's name was Adah, and his second woman ' s Name Zilla."
"20 And Ada bore a son, and his name was Jabal."
"He is the guardian of all who dwell in tents and keep beasts."
"21 And the name of his son was Jubal."
"He was the leader of all who played harp and flute."
"21 And Zilla bore a son, whose name was Tubal-Cain; he made all manner of work in wood and iron."
"The daughter of Tubal-Cain was Naama; and the wife Ofra."
"23 And Lamech spake unto Adah and to Zillah his wives, saying: Hear now my voice; ye women of lamec. Behold the fingers upon mine ear! I have slain a man because he hath hated me"
"24 If the man who killed Cain must be punished seven times,+then he that slew Lamech shall also have to suffer punishment, even threescore and sixty-seventimes.”"
"25 And Adam knew his wife again, and she bare him a daughter."
"And his wife named him Seth,*+ because she said: “Marom has given me another offspring instead of Abel whom Cain killed.”+ 26 As for Set he also bore a son and called the name Enosh.+ At that time people began to invoke Jehovah’s Name.* ^ Or \"created.\"^ or\"woman-bird.\"\"or\",come up!\"~Or 'go out from this earth which opened its womb so you could take your own brother' s blood with yourself.'\""
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PM husu emprezáriu haketak negósiu-polítika hodi ajuda rezolve situasaun susar | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste\nVARANDA DILI PM husu emprezáriu haketak negósiu-polítika hodi ajuda rezolve situasaun susar\nDILI, 06 abríl 2021 (TATOLI)—Udan ho intensidade boot iha oras barak nia laran provoka inundasaun, iha domingu (04/04), lori impaktu boot kuaze iha munisípiu hotu, liuliu kapitál Dili ne’ebé hetan impaktu maka’as tanba infraestrutura públika no privada barak mak a’at grave.\nBa kestaun ne’e, Primeiru-Ministru (PM), Taur Matan Ruak, hamutuk ho entidade relevante halo observasaun direta ba infraestutura hanesan ponte no estrada iha Dili ne’ebé hetan estragu hosi dizastre naturál.\nXefe Governu nota katak entidade hotu presiza serbisu hamutuk atubele rekupera fali situasaun tanba fatin barak presiza hadi’a, tanba ne’e husu mós kolaborasaun emprezáriu sira liu-liu ba hirak ne’ebé durante ne’e partisipa iha projetu infraestrutura.\n“Ha’u apela ba sira (emprezáriu) atu hatene haketak negósiu no polítika hodi ajuda malu ho Estadu hodi rezolve situasaun susar nia laran ne’e,” Xefe Governu hateten hafoin observa direita estragu infraestutura estrada no ponte, iha Bekusi, Dili, tersa ne’e.\nXefe Ezekutivu mós orienta ona Vise Primeiru-Ministru no Ministru Planu Ordenamentu, José Reis no Ministru Obra Públika, Salvador Eugênio Soares dos Reis Pires atu halo indetifikasaun emprezáriu sira ne’ebé la ajuda ajuda nasaun, maibé halo fali polítika.\n“Ita ajuda ita-nia povu atu halo dezenvolvimentu no nasaun ita la presiza halo polítika, nune’e emprezáriu sira tenke ajuda iha momentu ne’ebé Estadu no Governu presiza atu labele afeta ba ita-nia inan-aman sira,” PM Taur apela.\nPM Taur hato’o kestaun ne’e tanba foin daudaun iha situasaun emerjénsia iha sábadu no domingu ne’e iha emprezáriu barak taka telefone bainhira Governu presiza sira-nia apoia.\nNotísia relevante: MPO-MOP husu emprezáriu mobiliza ekipamentu pezadu normaliza impaktu dezastre naturál\nXefe Governu husu emprezáriu sira atu apoiu hasai no tula sedimentasaun sira iha mota hodi labele fó risku ba komunidade.\n“Aproveita oportunidade ida-ne’e, husu ba emprezáriu timor-oan atu sira atubele ajuda halo normalizasaun ba ponte no estrada sira,” nia akresenta.\nPM konsidera, situasaun ne’e presiza mobiliza kbiit hamutuk hodi regulariza mota liuhosi limpreza jerál, tanba Governu kontinua esforsu ho rekursu ne’ebé iha atu fó asisténsia ba sidadaun afetadu sira.\nAleinde ne’e, PM Taur dehan presiza Bee Timor-Leste (BTL) no Eletrisidade de Timor-Leste (EDTL) kontinua hadi’a kanalizasaun bee-moos no eletrisidade atu nune’e komunidade bele asesu lalais.\n“Ita haree daudaun ne’e Institutu Jestaun Ekipamentu (IGE, sigla portugés) hahú esforsu maka’as hodi hasai sedimentasaun iha mota laran, estrada, edifísiu públiku inklui populasaun nia uma atubele normaliza,” nia subliña.\nPrevious articleRaul Lemos apoiu nesesidade bázika ba komunidade afetadu dezastre naturál\nNext articlePM fó instrusaun autoridade identifika grupu lansa informasaun boatu Tsunami | [
"PM husu emprezariu haketak negosiu-politika hodi ajuda rezolve situasaun susar | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA DILI PM husu emprezariu haketak negosiu-politika hodi ajuda rezolve situasaun susar DILI, 06 abril 2021 (TATOLI) - Udan ho intensidade boot iha oras barak nia laran provoka inundasaun, iha domingu (04/04), lori impaktu boot kuaze iha munisipiu hotu, liuliu kapital Dili ne'ebe hetan impaktu maka'as tanba infraestrutura publika no privada barak mak a'at grave.",
"Ba kestaun ne'e, Primeiru-Ministru (PM), Taur Matan Ruak, hamutuk ho entidade relevante halo observasaun direta ba infraestutura hanesan ponte no estrada iha Dili ne'ebe hetan estragu hosi dizastre natural.",
"Xefe Governu nota katak entidade hotu presiza serbisu hamutuk atubele rekupera fali situasaun tanba fatin barak presiza hadi'a, tanba ne'e husu mos kolaborasaun emprezariu sira liu-liu ba hirak ne'ebe durante ne'e partisipa iha projetu infraestrutura.",
"\"Ha'u apela ba sira (emprezariu) atu hatene haketak negosiu no politika hodi ajuda malu ho Estadu hodi rezolve situasaun susar nia laran ne'e,\" Xefe Governu hateten hafoin observa direita estragu infraestutura estrada no ponte, iha Bekusi, Dili, tersa ne'e.",
"Xefe Ezekutivu mos orienta ona Vise Primeiru-Ministru no Ministru Planu Ordenamentu, Jose Reis no Ministru Obra Publika, Salvador Eugenio Soares dos Reis Pires atu halo indetifikasaun emprezariu sira ne'ebe la ajuda ajuda nasaun, maibe halo fali politika.",
"\"Ita ajuda ita-nia povu atu halo dezenvolvimentu no nasaun ita la presiza halo politika, nune'e emprezariu sira tenke ajuda iha momentu ne'ebe Estadu no Governu presiza atu labele afeta ba ita-nia inan-aman sira,\" PM Taur apela.",
"PM Taur hato'o kestaun ne'e tanba foin daudaun iha situasaun emerjensia iha sabadu no domingu ne'e iha emprezariu barak taka telefone bainhira Governu presiza sira-nia apoia.",
"Notisia relevante: MPO-MOP husu emprezariu mobiliza ekipamentu pezadu normaliza impaktu dezastre natural Xefe Governu husu emprezariu sira atu apoiu hasai no tula sedimentasaun sira iha mota hodi labele fo risku ba komunidade.",
"\"Aproveita oportunidade ida-ne'e, husu ba emprezariu timor-oan atu sira atubele ajuda halo normalizasaun ba ponte no estrada sira,\" nia akresenta.",
"PM konsidera, situasaun ne'e presiza mobiliza kbiit hamutuk hodi regulariza mota liuhosi limpreza jeral, tanba Governu kontinua esforsu ho rekursu ne'ebe iha atu fo asistensia ba sidadaun afetadu sira.",
"Aleinde ne'e, PM Taur dehan presiza Bee Timor-Leste (BTL) no Eletrisidade de Timor-Leste (EDTL) kontinua hadi'a kanalizasaun bee-moos no eletrisidade atu nune'e komunidade bele asesu lalais.",
"\"Ita haree daudaun ne'e Institutu Jestaun Ekipamentu (IGE, sigla portuges) hahu esforsu maka'as hodi hasai sedimentasaun iha mota laran, estrada, edifisiu publiku inklui populasaun nia uma atubele normaliza,\" nia sublina.",
"Previous articleRaul Lemos apoiu nesesidade bazika ba komunidade afetadu dezastre natural Next articlePM fo instrusaun autoridade identifika grupu lansa informasaun boatu Tsunami"
] | [
"Prime Minister urges entrepreneurs to engage in business and politics, helping resolve difficult situation | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA DILI PM calls on enterprisers for political involvement as a way of solvings the troubled state Dili (AP) - Heavy rainfall over several hours cause flood damage almost all district. The capital city has been severely affected by this because many public or private infrastructure is seriously destroye..."
"On this issue, Prime Minister (PM), Taur Matan Ruak together with relevant entities made direct observation to infrastructure such as bridges and road in Dili that were damaged by the natural disaster."
"The Head of Government noted that all entities need to work together in order for the situation again recover because many places require improvement, so he also asked entrepreneurs' collaboration especially those who during this time participate on infrastructure projects."
"\"I appeal to them (entrepreneurs) that they should know how the business and politics work together, so as help each other in this difficult situation with our state\", said Prime Minister Xanana Gusmão after observing damaged road infrastructure at Bekusi."
"The Chief Executive has also instructed the Deputy Prime Minister and Planner, Jose Reis; as well a Public Works minister Salvador Eugenio Soares dos reis Pires to identify those entrepreneur who do not help their country but turn it into politics."
"\"We help our people to make development and the country we do not need politics, so entrepreneurs should assist at a time when State or Government needs it in order for us parents of these children are affected\", PM Taur appeal."
"PM Taur raised the issue because recently in an emergency situation on Saturday and Sunday many entrepreneurs dropped their phone when Government needed them."
"Relevant news: MPO-MOP asks entrepreneurs to mobilize heavy equipment normalize the impact of natural disaster The Head Of Government asked businessmen and women for assistance in removing sedimentation from roadways so that they do not pose a risk."
"\"I take this opportunity to ask Timorese entrepreneurs so that they can help normalize the bridge and road,\" he added."
"The Prime Minister considers that the situation needs to be mobilized together in order To regularize road through general cleanup, because Government continue efforts with resources available for assistance of citizens affected."
"In addition, PM Taur said that it is necessary for Bee Timor-Leste (BTL) and Eletrisidade de Timór Leste(EDTL), to continue improving the water sewer networks so communities can access them quickly."
"\"We are seeing that the Institute of Equipment Management (IGE, Portuguese acronym) has begun to make great efforts in order for sedimentation on roads and public buildings including residential houses be removed so it can normalize\", he stresses."
"Previous articleRaul Lemos supports basic needs of communities affected by natural disaster Next ArticlePM gives instructions to authorities identify group that spread information about Tsunami"
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Governu aprova kriasaun liña kréditu - GMN TV\nGMN TV Politika Governu aprova kriasaun liña kréditu\nAtu fasilita finansiamentu, ba Empreza Míkro ka Empreza ki’ik no Medio, Governu aprova dekretu Lei kriasaun liña kréditu.\nLiu iha reuniaun Konsellu Ministru (KM) semana ne’e, iha Palásiu Governu Díli, Ministru Turízmu Komérsiu no indústria (MTCI), José Lucas do Carmo da Silva, aprezenta projetu dekretu lei ida kona-ba kriasaun liña kréditu ba fasilidade garantia kréditu suave.\nHafoin rona aprezentasaun, Governu deside no aprova kedas, projetu dekretu lei ne’e, tanba bele fasilita, no apoiu ba kapasitasaun ba empreza míkro no médiu sira iha rai laran.\n“Ohin Konsellu Ministru mós aprova dekretu lei ida, kona ba kriasaun liña kreditu fasilidade garantia kréditu suave, ida ne’e atu fó apoiu kapitalizasaun no fasilita asesu finansiamentu ba empreza micro ka empreza ki’ik no medio sira, no ninia fokus sei foka liu ba iha emprendedorizmu sosiál no inovazaun iha setór komersiu turismu no industria”. Hateten Ministru Prezidensia Konsellu Ministru, Fidelis Manúel Leite Magalhaes (MPKM), iha Palasiu Governu Díli, semana ne’e.\nAntes ne’e, ministériu Turízmu komérsiu no indústria (MTCI) no Banku nasionál Comérsiu Timór leste (BNCTL) realiza semináriu, atu sosializa kréditu suave, ne’ebé ho funan pursentu 3, ba kada tinan.\nEnkuantu atu asesu ba kréditu suave ne’e, tenki iha negósiu rasik, iha área produtivu sira, hanesan agrikultura, turízmu, pekuária, peska, indústria no komérsiu, no mós hetan lisensa husi servisu rejistu verifikasaun emprezárial (SERVE).Ags | [
"Governu aprova kriasaun lina kreditu - GMN TV GMN TV Politika Governu aprova kriasaun lina kreditu Atu fasilita finansiamentu, ba Empreza Mikro ka Empreza ki'ik no Medio, Governu aprova dekretu Lei kriasaun lina kreditu.",
"Liu iha reuniaun Konsellu Ministru (KM) semana ne'e, iha Palasiu Governu Dili, Ministru Turizmu Komersiu no industria (MTCI), Jose Lucas do Carmo da Silva, aprezenta projetu dekretu lei ida kona-ba kriasaun lina kreditu ba fasilidade garantia kreditu suave.",
"Hafoin rona aprezentasaun, Governu deside no aprova kedas, projetu dekretu lei ne'e, tanba bele fasilita, no apoiu ba kapasitasaun ba empreza mikro no mediu sira iha rai laran.",
"\"Ohin Konsellu Ministru mos aprova dekretu lei ida, kona ba kriasaun lina kreditu fasilidade garantia kreditu suave, ida ne'e atu fo apoiu kapitalizasaun no fasilita asesu finansiamentu ba empreza micro ka empreza ki'ik no medio sira, no ninia fokus sei foka liu ba iha emprendedorizmu sosial no inovazaun iha setor komersiu turismu no industria.\"",
"Hateten Ministru Prezidensia Konsellu Ministru, Fidelis Manuel Leite Magalhaes (MPKM), iha Palasiu Governu Dili, semana ne'e.",
"Antes ne'e, ministeriu Turizmu komersiu no industria (MTCI) no Banku nasional Comersiu Timor leste (BNCTL) realiza seminariu, atu sosializa kreditu suave, ne'ebe ho funan pursentu 3, ba kada tinan.",
"Enkuantu atu asesu ba kreditu suave ne'e, tenki iha negosiu rasik, iha area produtivu sira, hanesan agrikultura, turizmu, pekuaria, peska, industria no komersiu, no mos hetan lisensa husi servisu rejistu verifikasaun emprezarial (SERVE).Ags"
] | [
"The Government approves the creation of a credit line - GMN TV Politics In order to facilitate financing for micro, small and medium-sized enterprise (SME) businesses in Portugal."
"During the Council of Ministers (CM) meeting this week, in Dili Government Palace. The Tourism Trade and Industry minister Jose Lucas do Carmo da Silva presented a draft decree-law on creating credit line for soft loan guarantee facility"
"After hearing the presentation, Government decided and immediately approved this draft decree-law because it will facilitate capacity building for micro enterprises in Portugal."
"\"Today the Council of Ministers also approved a decree-law, on creation credit line facility guaranteed soft loan to support capitalization and facilitate access financing for micro enterprises or small businesses. Its focus will be more concentrated in social entrepreneurship & innovation sector trade tourism industry.\""
"Minister of the Presidency, Fidelis Manuel Leite Magalhaes (MPKM), at Dili Government Palace this week."
"Earlier this month, the Ministry of Tourism Commerce and Industry (MTCI) ho Banku Nasional Comersii Timor-Leste(BNCTL), held a seminar to promote soft credit with an annual interest rate from three percent."
"In order to access the soft credit, you must have your own business in productive areas such as agriculture and tourism. You also need a license from SERVE (Registro Verificação Empresarial)."
] |
INSS Halo Ona Pagamentu Da 5 Ba Benefisiariu 8.632 | STLNEWS\nINSS Halo Ona Pagamentu Da 5 Ba Benefisiariu 8.632\nPrezidente Institutu Nasional Seguransa Sosial, Lounginho Armando. (Foto: STL/Natalina Lopes)\nDILI, STLNEWS.co – Institutu Nasional Seguransa Sosial (INSS) halo ona pagamentu da-5 ba benefisiariu sira neebe mak ativa iha empreza, benefisiariu fakultativu, nomos despensa kontributivu sira nee hamutuk 8.632.\n“Benefisiariu neebe mak hetan ona pagamentu, tantu traballador neebe mak ativa iha empreza nomos ba fakultativu, i traballador neebe mak hetan despensa kontributivu nee hamutuk US$ 8.632 mak hetan ona pagamentu ba sira nia konta,” lia hirak nee hato’o husi Prezidente Institutu Nasional Seguransa Sosial (INSS) Lounguinhos Armando ba STL iha nia knaar fatin Caicoli, Kinta nee (09/09/2021).\nNia dehan, INSS halo ona pagamentu ba faze da-5 ona, ikus liu halo pagamentu iha loron 12 fulan kotuk (Agostu).\nNia haktuir, total neebe mak seguransa sosial halo ona pagamentu mak hanesan, traballador neebe ativu iha empreza nee hamutuk 5.666 ho nia osan total três miloens cento quarenta seis mil, cento sessenta seis (US$ 3.146,166). Depois ba fultativu nee inklui mos motorista no kios kiik sira nee hotu hamutuk mil trezentos sessenta quatro ho osan nee duzentos cinquenta um mil, quinhentos e nove ($251.509,) nomos apoiu ba despensa kontributivu nian ba benefisiariu sira nee hamutuk mil seiscentos e dois (US$ 602), nee ho orsamentu hamutuk duzentos sessenta e quatro mil cento noventa cinco (US$ 264.195).\nNia akresenta, depois ajuda i apoiu ba empreza sira nee iha rua, ida eletrisidade nee hamutuk 203 empreza ho nia orsamentu hamutuk US$ 275.235, no apoiu ba renda no alugar sira nee ba empreza hamutuk 137, empreza ho nia osan nee US$ 136.633 neebe total mak seguransa sosial selu ona ba traballador no empregador sira tantu liu husi subsidiu nee hamutuk US$ 473.640.\nTuir sira nia predisaun katak, to’o iha fulan Dezembru tinan nee, bele ezekuta ka gastus to’o vinte seis miloens, i setenta e cinco mil quinhentos cinquenta e um dolar.\nIha biban nee Diretor nee dehan, empreza neebe mak institutu nasional seguransa sosial seidauk halo pagamentu nee sei iha hela faze verifikasaun.\n“Empreza sira neebe maka institutu nasional seguransa sosial seidauk halo pagamentu nee tama iha faze verifikasaun, no ami verifika nee tuir ema neebe mak hatama uluk, ami labele verifika uluk dokumentus sira neebe mak hatama ikus nee lae,” katak nia.\nNia dehan, dokumentus neebe mak hatama iha INSS nee, iha dokumentus sira nee iha failansu ruma, sira sempre kontaktu ho empreza ka traballador sira, tanba nee bainhira sira simu dokumentus sempre fo hanoin katak, labele haluha numeru telefone, i numeru kontaktu refere labele muda durante prosesu verifikasaun. Hodi nunee para karik iha failansu ruma institutu bele kontaktu ba sira.*\nPrevious articleTraballador Timoroan 300 Halai Husi Sistema\nNext articleTabaku Ilegal Tama, Tanba Lina Servisu La Metin | [
"INSS Halo Ona Pagamentu Da 5 Ba Benefisiariu 8.632 | STLNEWS INSS Halo Ona Pagamentu Da 5 Ba Benefisiariu 8.632 Prezidente Institutu Nasional Seguransa Sosial, Lounginho Armando.",
"(Foto: STL/Natalina Lopes) DILI, STLNEWS.co - Institutu Nasional Seguransa Sosial (INSS) halo ona pagamentu da-5 ba benefisiariu sira neebe mak ativa iha empreza, benefisiariu fakultativu, nomos despensa kontributivu sira nee hamutuk 8.632.",
"\"Benefisiariu neebe mak hetan ona pagamentu, tantu traballador neebe mak ativa iha empreza nomos ba fakultativu, i traballador neebe mak hetan despensa kontributivu nee hamutuk US$ 8.632 mak hetan ona pagamentu ba sira nia konta,\" lia hirak nee hato'o husi Prezidente Institutu Nasional Seguransa Sosial (INSS) Lounguinhos Armando ba STL iha nia knaar fatin Caicoli, Kinta nee (09/09/2021).",
"Nia dehan, INSS halo ona pagamentu ba faze da-5 ona, ikus liu halo pagamentu iha loron 12 fulan kotuk (Agostu).",
"Nia haktuir, total neebe mak seguransa sosial halo ona pagamentu mak hanesan, traballador neebe ativu iha empreza nee hamutuk 5.666 ho nia osan total tres miloens cento quarenta seis mil, cento sessenta seis (US$ 3.146,166).",
"Depois ba fultativu nee inklui mos motorista no kios kiik sira nee hotu hamutuk mil trezentos sessenta quatro ho osan nee duzentos cinquenta um mil, quinhentos e nove ($251.509,) nomos apoiu ba despensa kontributivu nian ba benefisiariu sira nee hamutuk mil seiscentos e dois (US$ 602), nee ho orsamentu hamutuk duzentos sessenta e quatro mil cento noventa cinco (US$ 264.195).",
"Nia akresenta, depois ajuda i apoiu ba empreza sira nee iha rua, ida eletrisidade nee hamutuk 203 empreza ho nia orsamentu hamutuk US$ 275.235, no apoiu ba renda no alugar sira nee ba empreza hamutuk 137, empreza ho nia osan nee US$ 136.633 neebe total mak seguransa sosial selu ona ba traballador no empregador sira tantu liu husi subsidiu nee hamutuk US$ 473.640.",
"Tuir sira nia predisaun katak, to'o iha fulan Dezembru tinan nee, bele ezekuta ka gastus to'o vinte seis miloens, i setenta e cinco mil quinhentos cinquenta e um dolar.",
"Iha biban nee Diretor nee dehan, empreza neebe mak institutu nasional seguransa sosial seidauk halo pagamentu nee sei iha hela faze verifikasaun.",
"\"Empreza sira neebe maka institutu nasional seguransa sosial seidauk halo pagamentu nee tama iha faze verifikasaun, no ami verifika nee tuir ema neebe mak hatama uluk, ami labele verifika uluk dokumentus sira neebe mak hatama ikus nee lae,\" katak nia.",
"Nia dehan, dokumentus neebe mak hatama iha INSS nee, iha dokumentus sira nee iha failansu ruma, sira sempre kontaktu ho empreza ka traballador sira, tanba nee bainhira sira simu dokumentus sempre fo hanoin katak, labele haluha numeru telefone, i numeru kontaktu refere labele muda durante prosesu verifikasaun.",
"Hodi nunee para karik iha failansu ruma institutu bele kontaktu ba sira.* Previous articleTraballador Timoroan 300 Halai Husi Sistema Next articleTabaku Ilegal Tama, Tanba Lina Servisu La Metin"
] | [
"INSS Makes 5th Payment To Beneficiaries Of The National Social Security System (INSSE) | STLNEWS President of the Instituto Nacional Segurança Sosial, Lounginho Armando."
"(Photo: STL/Natalina Lopes) DILI,StlNEWS.co - The National Institute of Social Security has made the fifth payment to 8632 beneficiaries who are active in enterprise and optional contributory benefits for a total amount that is $150 million ($497m)."
"\"Beneficiaries who have received payments, both workers active in the enterprises and those on voluntary leave of absence total US$ 8.632 has been paid into their account\", said National Institute for Social Security (INSS) President Lounguinhos Armando to STL at his office Caicoli this Wednesday(09/15)."
"He said that INSS has already made payments for phase 5, most recently on the last day of August (12th)."
"According to him, the total amount that social security has paid is for 5.670 active workers in this company with their money three million one hundred and sixty-six thousand (US$314982)."
"After the fultative includes all drivers and small kiosks a total of one thousand three hundred sixty-four with money two Hundred Fifteen Thousend, Five Cent Nine ($251. 09), as well support for contributory expenses to beneficiarie amounted in this case is $ US$ Sixhundred And Two (US£637) which has an overall budget that was £ One Million Four Hours Twenty Three Dollar Eightcent Thirty Seven dollars (+€48)."
"He added, after the aid and support for enterprises are two ones: one is electricity to all of these companies with its budget totals US$275.136; another helping rent or rental assistance has been provided in this case by an entirely new company which was funded through social security funds (US $480k) that have paid out both workers' benefits via subsidization as well like employers’ allowances at their expense upto now so far it will be worth more than USD9 million"
"According to their prediction, by December of this year they will have spent twenty-six million seventy five thousand fifteen hundred and one dollars."
"In addition, the Director said that companies which have not made payments to National Institute of Social Security will be in a verification phase."
"\"Companies that have not been paid by the national social security institute are in a verification phase, and we will check according to who submitted them first. We can't do this with documents sent later on.\""
"He said, the documents that are submitted to INSS have some failures in them. They always contact with companies or workers so when they receive their documentation it is important not forgetting your phone number and you cannot change this telephone during verification processes; he added: “These numbers can’t be changed.”"
"So that if there is any failure the institute can contact them.* Previous article301 Timorese Workers Leave The System Next ArticleIlegal Tobacco Enters, Because Service Line Does Not Mean"
] |
Suku 15 iha Manufahi seidauk asesu eletrisidade | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste\nVARANDA EKONOMIA Suku 15 iha Manufahi seidauk asesu eletrisidade\nSuku 15 iha Manufahi seidauk asesu eletrisidade\nTraballadór EDTL halo instalasaun eletrisidade iha área Comoro, kinta (04/03). Imajen TATOLI/António Gonçalves\nDILI, 03 outubru 2021 (TATOLI)–Administradór munisípiu Manufahi, Arantes Isaac Sarmento, informa, daudaun ne’e iha suku 15 iha Manufahi ne’e mak seidauk asesu ba liña eletrisidade.\n“Iha munisípiu Manufahi iha suku hamutuk 29, maibé suku 15 maka seidauk asesu ba eletrisidade,” Autoridade munisipál ne’e dehan ba Agência TATOLI, foin lalais ne’e, iha Hotel Timor.\nAntes ne’e, Eletricidade de Timor-Leste, Empreza Públika (EDTL, E.P) loke konkursu eletrifikasaun nasionál hamutuk pakote 30 iha suku 33, hosi totál suku 76 iha territóriu nasionál ne’ebé seidauk asesu, ne’ebé inklui mós ho munisípiu Manufahi hanesan suku Tateker to’o Weberek Alas, aldeia Daor, Dalun no Tutuluro, suku Daisua to’o Gruto, suku Aitemua, Mindelo no Turiscai, suku Bernama to’o suku Liurai. Munisípiu Ainaro hanesan iha suku Raibere to’o Soru-kraik.\nNotísia relevante: EDTL, E.P deside re-anunsia konkursu instala eletrisidade pakote 30\nNia dehan, tuir loloos prosesu instalasaun ba liña eletrisidade hahú iha tinan antes ne’e maibé tanba orsamentu xumba, halo prosesu sai paradu maibé daudaun prosesu konkursu la’o hela.\n“Daudaun tékniku EDTL iha munisípiu halo ona identifikasaun ba suku sira hodi hahú faze konkursu. Suku tolu hanesan Tutuluro, Aitemua no Midelo daudaun iha faze asina kontratu ho kompañia hodi hahú implementa obra,” nia akresenta.\nAleinde ne’e, Autoridade Manufahi preokupa ho kondisaun estrada iha tempu udan.\n“Ekipa Ministériu Obra Públika halo ona levantamentu ba suku sira ne’ebé nia estrada ho kondisaun a’at iha tempu udan no halo ona dezeñu detalladu ho Bill of Quantity (BoQ), tanba ne’e ha’u hanoin tempu badak sei hahú prosesu konkursu mós ba ida-ne’e,” nia akresenta.\nKona-ba bee-moos, tuir Autoridade munisipál ne’e, komunidade 75% iha rejiaun ne’e mak asesu ona.\nNotísia relevante: 79% populasaun Manufahi asesu bee-moos ho sufisiente\n“Suku lima iha postu Alas mak seidauk asesu ba bee-moos maibé suku tolu seluk kuaze asesu ona bee-moos. Hanesan mós Fatuberliu, iha suku balun hanesan suku Fahi-nehan mak seidauk asesu bee-moos, inklui postu Turiskai ne’ebé iha suku 11, iha suku haat maka seidauk asesu bee-moos,” nia akresenta.\nPrevious articleSEKoop husu CU Suri-Nahak hatudu kompromisu no votade dezenvolve kooperativa\nNext articleGovernu planeia tau vítima inundasaun iha alojamentu temporáriu | [
"Suku 15 iha Manufahi seidauk asesu eletrisidade | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA EKONOMIA Suku 15 iha Manufahi seidauk asesu eletrisidade Suku 15 iha Manufahi seidauk asesu eletrisidade Traballador EDTL halo instalasaun eletrisidade iha area Comoro, kinta (04/03).",
"Imajen TATOLI/Antonio Goncalves DILI, 03 outubru 2021 (TATOLI) -Administrador munisipiu Manufahi, Arantes Isaac Sarmento, informa, daudaun ne'e iha suku 15 iha Manufahi ne'e mak seidauk asesu ba lina eletrisidade.",
"\"Iha munisipiu Manufahi iha suku hamutuk 29, maibe suku 15 maka seidauk asesu ba eletrisidade,\" Autoridade munisipal ne'e dehan ba Agencia TATOLI, foin lalais ne'e, iha Hotel Timor.",
"Antes ne'e, Eletricidade de Timor-Leste, Empreza Publika (EDTL, E.P) loke konkursu eletrifikasaun nasional hamutuk pakote 30 iha suku 33, hosi total suku 76 iha territoriu nasional ne'ebe seidauk asesu, ne'ebe inklui mos ho munisipiu Manufahi hanesan suku Tateker to'o Weberek Alas, aldeia Daor, Dalun no Tutuluro, suku Daisua to'o Gruto, suku Aitemua, Mindelo no Turiscai, suku Bernama to'o suku Liurai.",
"Munisipiu Ainaro hanesan iha suku Raibere to'o Soru-kraik.",
"Notisia relevante: EDTL, E.P deside re-anunsia konkursu instala eletrisidade pakote 30 Nia dehan, tuir loloos prosesu instalasaun ba lina eletrisidade hahu iha tinan antes ne'e maibe tanba orsamentu xumba, halo prosesu sai paradu maibe daudaun prosesu konkursu la'o hela.",
"\"Daudaun tekniku EDTL iha munisipiu halo ona identifikasaun ba suku sira hodi hahu faze konkursu.",
"Suku tolu hanesan Tutuluro, Aitemua no Midelo daudaun iha faze asina kontratu ho kompania hodi hahu implementa obra,\" nia akresenta.",
"Aleinde ne'e, Autoridade Manufahi preokupa ho kondisaun estrada iha tempu udan.",
"\"Ekipa Ministeriu Obra Publika halo ona levantamentu ba suku sira ne'ebe nia estrada ho kondisaun a'at iha tempu udan no halo ona dezenu detalladu ho Bill of Quantity (BoQ), tanba ne'e ha'u hanoin tempu badak sei hahu prosesu konkursu mos ba ida-ne'e,\" nia akresenta.",
"Kona-ba bee-moos, tuir Autoridade munisipal ne'e, komunidade 75% iha rejiaun ne'e mak asesu ona.",
"Notisia relevante: 79% populasaun Manufahi asesu bee-moos ho sufisiente \"Suku lima iha postu Alas mak seidauk asesu ba bee-moos maibe suku tolu seluk kuaze asesu ona bee-moos.",
"Hanesan mos Fatuberliu, iha suku balun hanesan suku Fahi-nehan mak seidauk asesu bee-moos, inklui postu Turiskai ne'ebe iha suku 11, iha suku haat maka seidauk asesu bee-moos,\" nia akresenta.",
"Previous articleSEKoop husu CU Suri-Nahak hatudu kompromisu no votade dezenvolve kooperativa Next articleGovernu planeia tau vitima inundasaun iha alojamentu temporariu"
] | [
"Suku 15 iha Manufahi seidauk asesu eletrisidade | Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA EKONOMIA sukus in the area of Comoro, on Tuesday (04/3). EDTL workers installed electricity at a power plant."
"DILI, 03 October (AFP) -The administrator of the municipality Manufahi Arantes Isaac Sarmento said that there are currently fifteen villages in this district which do not have access to electricity lines."
"\"There are 29 villages in the municipality of Manufahi, but there is no access to electricity at least for fifteen,” said this local authority official recently."
"Earlier, Eletricidade de Timor-Leste (EDTL) opened a national electrification tender for 30 packages in the following district: Tateker to Weberek Ala'i; Daor village and Dalun/Tutuluro area of Manufahi municipality. Daisua from Gruto until Aitemua Village with Mindelo /Turiscai neighborhood as well Bernama township up Liuray Township is not yet accessible by public electricity supply system because it has been closed since December last year after an unsuccessful attempt was made on its own power grid installation project which had cost more than US$15 million"
"The municipality of Ainaro is similar in the Raibere village to Soru-kraik."
"Relevant news: EDTL, EP decides to re-announce tender for installation of electricity package 30 He said that the process should have begun in a year before but because budget was low it stalled and now is underway."
"\"EDTL's technical team in the municipality has already identified communities to begin a competition phase."
"Three villages such as Tutuluro, Aitemua and Midelo are currently in the phase of signing contract with a company to begin implementing work,” he added."
"In addition, the Manufahi authorities are concerned about road conditions in rain season."
"\"The Ministry of Public Works team has made a survey to the villages whose road is in bad condition during rain and have already done detailed design with Bill Of Quantity (BoQ), so I think soon we will start tender process for this,\" he added."
"Regarding sanitation, according to the municipal authority 75% of communities in this region have been assessed."
"Relevant news: 79% of the population in Manufahi have sufficient access to water \"Five villages at Ala'a post are not yet connected but three other communities almost already do."
"As in Fatuberliu, some villages such as Fahi-nehan have not access to water and sanitation. Turiskai post has 10 communities but four of them do no longer receive drinkingwater.\""
"Previous articleSEKoop asks CU Suri-Nahak to show commitment and vote for developing cooperative Next ArticleGovernments plan on putting flood victims in temporary shelter"
] |
Setembro 2018 - Hora do Planeta\nSientista sira kria plástiku ne'ebé maka naben iha tasi no la husik rezidu\nSientista sira kombina hidrolize laos enzimátika, ne'ebé naben iha bee no prosesu sira biodegradável hodi dezenvolve material foun.\nSientista xinéz sira dezenvolve plástiku ida ne'ebé maka naben, iha tasi, no la husik rezidu, atu nune'e bele luta kontra poluisaun oseanu sira, informa ajénsia notisia ofisial xineza Xinhua.\nDekompozisaun material ne'e, kompostu hosi poliéster, iha tasi, bele demora entre loron balun to fulan balun, orijina molékulas kiik ne'ebé la kauza poluisaun, tuir Wang Gexia, engeñeru Institutu Tekniku Fízika no Kímika Akademia Xineza Siênsia, sita hosi Xinhua.\n"Durante tempu barak, ema sira preokupa ho kontaminasaun plástiku nian iha rai. Poluisaun tasi iha de'it atensaun hosi ema sira iha tinan sira ikus ne'e, ho notisia sira konabá animal mariñu sira ne'ebé mate", afirma.\nSientista sira kombina hidrólise laos enzimátika, nabem iha bee no prosesu biodegradavel hodi dezenvolve material foun ne'e.\nPlástiku hamutuk tonelada millaun ualu resin\nPlástiku hamutuk tonelada millaun ualu resin soe iha oseanu sira tinan-tinan no iha preokupasaun ne'ebé sae daudaun ho konsekuénsia ne'ebé kontamina hosi produtu ne'ebé mai hosi petróleu ba saude ita ema nian no meiu ambiente.\nMaski esforsu resiklajen sira, parte barak hosi plástiku permanese tinan atus resin iha meiu ambiente. tanba ne'e, sientista sira kontinua buka forma ne'ebé di'ak hodi halakon.\nPlástiku sira ne'e domina rezidu sira ne'ebé hetan iha Mediterániu, barak liu hosi Turkia no España, no afeta Portugal ne'ebé maka 72% lixu tasi nian maka plástiku, alerta organizasaun ambientalista internasional WWF.\nAmbientalista sira alerta katak Mediterániu "iha perigu atu transforma iha armadilla plátika ida, nível rekord poluisaun ne'ebé kauza hosi mikroplástiku sira, ne'ebé ameasa espésie mariña sira no mós saude ita ema nian".\nMais de oito milhões de toneladas de plásticos | [
"Setembro 2018 - Hora do Planeta Sientista sira kria plastiku ne'ebe maka naben iha tasi no la husik rezidu Sientista sira kombina hidrolize laos enzimatika, ne'ebe naben iha bee no prosesu sira biodegradavel hodi dezenvolve material foun.",
"Sientista xinez sira dezenvolve plastiku ida ne'ebe maka naben, iha tasi, no la husik rezidu, atu nune'e bele luta kontra poluisaun oseanu sira, informa ajensia notisia ofisial xineza Xinhua.",
"Dekompozisaun material ne'e, kompostu hosi poliester, iha tasi, bele demora entre loron balun to fulan balun, orijina molekulas kiik ne'ebe la kauza poluisaun, tuir Wang Gexia, engeneru Institutu Tekniku Fizika no Kimika Akademia Xineza Siensia, sita hosi Xinhua.",
"\"Durante tempu barak, ema sira preokupa ho kontaminasaun plastiku nian iha rai.",
"Poluisaun tasi iha de'it atensaun hosi ema sira iha tinan sira ikus ne'e, ho notisia sira konaba animal marinu sira ne'ebe mate,\" afirma.",
"Sientista sira kombina hidrolise laos enzimatika, nabem iha bee no prosesu biodegradavel hodi dezenvolve material foun ne'e.",
"Plastiku hamutuk tonelada millaun ualu resin Plastiku hamutuk tonelada millaun ualu resin soe iha oseanu sira tinan-tinan no iha preokupasaun ne'ebe sae daudaun ho konsekuensia ne'ebe kontamina hosi produtu ne'ebe mai hosi petroleu ba saude ita ema nian no meiu ambiente.",
"Maski esforsu resiklajen sira, parte barak hosi plastiku permanese tinan atus resin iha meiu ambiente. tanba ne'e, sientista sira kontinua buka forma ne'ebe di'ak hodi halakon.",
"Plastiku sira ne'e domina rezidu sira ne'ebe hetan iha Mediteraniu, barak liu hosi Turkia no Espana, no afeta Portugal ne'ebe maka 72% lixu tasi nian maka plastiku, alerta organizasaun ambientalista internasional WWF.",
"Ambientalista sira alerta katak Mediteraniu \"iha perigu atu transforma iha armadilla platika ida, nivel rekord poluisaun ne'ebe kauza hosi mikroplastiku sira, ne'ebe ameasa espesie marina sira no mos saude ita ema nian.\"",
"Mais de oito milhoes de toneladas de plasticos"
] | [
"September 2018 - Planet Hour Scientists create plastics that are sea-worthy and leave no residue. The researchers combine nonenzymatic, water based hydrolysis with biodegradable processes to develop new materials for the first time in their work on oceanic recycling of polyethylene (PE)."
"Chinese scientists have developed a plastic that can survive in the sea and leave no residues, to help fight ocean pollution."
"The decomposition of the material, composed by polyesters in seawater can take from a few days to several months and originate small molecule that do not cause pollution according Wang Gexia an engineer at Technical Institute for Physical & Chemical Sciences Chinese Academy Of Science quoted Xinhua."
"\"For a long time, people have been concerned about plastic contamination of the soil."
"Marine pollution has only come to the attention of people in recent years, with news reports about dead marine animals,” he says."
"Scientists combined non-enzymatic, water based hydrolysis and biodegradable processes to develop the new material."
"Over 10 million tonnes of plastics end up in the ocean every year and there is growing concern about how contaminating oil-derived products can affect human health, as well As our environment."
"Despite recycling efforts, many plastics remain in the environment for thousand of years. Scientists therefore continue to look at ways that they can be disposed more efficiently and effectively than ever before!"
"These plastics dominate the waste found in Mediterranean seas, especially from Turkey and Spain. They affect Portugal where 72% of marine litter is made up by these materials according to an international environmentalist organization WWF warning that this situation will worsen further over time"
"Environmentalists warn that the Mediterranean \"is in danger of turning into a plastic armadilla, with record-high levels Of pollution caused by microplastics threatenings marine species and also our human health.\""
"More than eight million tons of plastics."
] |
Troka esperiénsia téknika-tátika operasaun hanesan ezersísiu dalan ba dame | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste\nVARANDA BAUKAU Troka esperiénsia téknika-tátika operasaun hanesan ezersísiu dalan ba dame\nTroka esperiénsia téknika-tátika operasaun hanesan ezersísiu dalan ba dame\nForsa F-FDTL no EUA foto hamutuk hafoin abertura ezersísiu konjunta dalan ba dame iha komponente terrestre Baucau, Segunda (26/07). Imajen TATOLI/Natalino Belo\nBAUCAU, 26 jullu 2021 (TATOLI)–Xefe Estadu Maiór FALINTIL-Forsa Defeza Timor-Leste (F-FDTL), Brigadeiru Jenerál Calisto Santos ‘Coliati’, konsidera atu halo ezersísiu dalan ba dame maka forsa nasaun rua presiza troka esperiénsia.\n“Troka esperiénsia ne’e iha área téknika no tátika operasaun, tanba ne’e atu halo defensiva no ofensiva, maka ita-nia forsa rasik sei aprende hosi forsa Estadu Unidu Amérika (EUA) no sira mós aprende hosi F-FDTL nia esperiénsia, oinsá mak halo defeza no atake,” Brigadeiru Jenerál Calisto hateten iha komponente terrestre, Lanud Baucau, segunda ne’e.\nNune’e, forsa país rua halo ezersísiu konjuntu dalan ba dame, ne’ebé foin atu realiza ba dahuluk no sei iha treinamentu iha munisípiu Baucau, hahú loron 26 jullu to’o 06 augusto 2021.\nAtividade ne’e lidera hosi Forsa Armada Pasífiku, Komandu Enjeñaria 412 no Forsa Ezersísiu Rezerva EUA, Kolonel Santacroceno no hosi F-FDTL lideradu hosi Kapitaun Infantaria, Nogéra Laranzinha.\nBiban ne’e Brigadeiru Jenerál Calisto esplika, objetivu prinsipál dahuluk mak atu treina F-FDTL hamutuk ho forsa amerikanu iha área mapamentu, nune’e bele halo navigasaun uza mapa atu halo operasaun iha terrenu no seluk iha área saúde, atu treina forsa sira kona-ba primeiru sukoru iha área kombate.\n“Karik iha situasaun funu, oinsá mak militár sira bele fó apoia ba militár sira ne’ebé kanek no sira ne’ebé karik mate iha funu laran,” nia akresenta.\nColiati nota mós katak, mundu ohin loron, laiha Estadu ida mak hamrik independente, Estadu ida kiik presiza ida boot, nune’e mós Estadu boot presiza kiik, nune’e hamutuk bele harii páz no estabilidade iha regionál no mundu.\n“Ida-ne’e mak objetivu ne’ebé nasaun sira ohin loron buka atu halo ezersísiu hamutuk,” nia subliña.\nPrevious articleUpdate COVID-19: Kazu detetadu foun 11\nNext articleDNJSRN submete ona pedidu manutensaun ba mákina fargo iha munisípiu haat | [
"Troka esperiensia teknika-tatika operasaun hanesan ezersisiu dalan ba dame | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA BAUKAU Troka esperiensia teknika-tatika operasaun hanesan ezersisiu dalan ba dame Troka esperiensia teknika-tatika operasaun hanesan ezersisiu dalan ba dame Forsa F-FDTL no EUA foto hamutuk hafoin abertura ezersisiu konjunta dalan ba dame iha komponente terrestre Baucau, Segunda (26/07).",
"Imajen TATOLI/Natalino Belo BAUCAU, 26 jullu 2021 (TATOLI) -Xefe Estadu Maior FALINTIL-Forsa Defeza Timor-Leste (F-FDTL), Brigadeiru Jeneral Calisto Santos 'Coliati', konsidera atu halo ezersisiu dalan ba dame maka forsa nasaun rua presiza troka esperiensia.",
"\"Troka esperiensia ne'e iha area teknika no tatika operasaun, tanba ne'e atu halo defensiva no ofensiva, maka ita-nia forsa rasik sei aprende hosi forsa Estadu Unidu Amerika (EUA) no sira mos aprende hosi F-FDTL nia esperiensia, oinsa mak halo defeza no atake,\" Brigadeiru Jeneral Calisto hateten iha komponente terrestre, Lanud Baucau, segunda ne'e.",
"Nune'e, forsa pais rua halo ezersisiu konjuntu dalan ba dame, ne'ebe foin atu realiza ba dahuluk no sei iha treinamentu iha munisipiu Baucau, hahu loron 26 jullu to'o 06 augusto 2021.",
"Atividade ne'e lidera hosi Forsa Armada Pasifiku, Komandu Enjenaria 412 no Forsa Ezersisiu Rezerva EUA, Kolonel Santacroceno no hosi F-FDTL lideradu hosi Kapitaun Infantaria, Nogera Laranzinha.",
"Biban ne'e Brigadeiru Jeneral Calisto esplika, objetivu prinsipal dahuluk mak atu treina F-FDTL hamutuk ho forsa amerikanu iha area mapamentu, nune'e bele halo navigasaun uza mapa atu halo operasaun iha terrenu no seluk iha area saude, atu treina forsa sira kona-ba primeiru sukoru iha area kombate.",
"\"Karik iha situasaun funu, oinsa mak militar sira bele fo apoia ba militar sira ne'ebe kanek no sira ne'ebe karik mate iha funu laran,\" nia akresenta.",
"Coliati nota mos katak, mundu ohin loron, laiha Estadu ida mak hamrik independente, Estadu ida kiik presiza ida boot, nune'e mos Estadu boot presiza kiik, nune'e hamutuk bele harii paz no estabilidade iha regional no mundu.",
"\"Ida-ne'e mak objetivu ne'ebe nasaun sira ohin loron buka atu halo ezersisiu hamutuk,\" nia sublina.",
"Previous articleUpdate COVID-19: Kazu detetadu foun 11 Next articleDNJSRN submete ona pedidu manutensaun ba makina fargo iha munisipiu haat"
] | [
"Exchanging technical and tactical operation experience as an exercise on the way to peace | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA BAUKAU Exchange of Technical & Tactical Operation Experiences As An Exercise On The Way To Peace FFTLF Force And US Photo Together After Openings Of Joint Ground Component Path Forpeace In Baucau, Monday (26/07)."
"BAUCAU, July 26th (Agência Tatoli) - Chief of Staff FALINTIL-Força Defesa Timor Leste(FDTL), Brigadier General Calisto Santos 'Coliati' considers that in order to carry out the exercise Path for Peace two countries’ forces need exchange experience."
"\"The exchange of experience is in the technical area and tactical operations, therefore to do defensively or offensive our own force will learn from United States forces (USA) as well they also teach us F-FDTL's expertise on how we can defend against attack\", Brigadier General Calisto said at ground component Lanud Baucau Monday."
"Thus, the forces of both countries conducted joint exercise Path to Peace which will be carried out for first time and training in Baucau municipality from July 26th until August."
"The activity was led by the Pacific Armed Forces, 412th Engineering Command and US Reserve Exercise Group Colonel Santacroceno; F-FDTL under Infantry Captain Nogera Laranzinha."
"Brigadier-General Calisto explained that the first main objective is to train FFDTL together with American forces in mapping, so they can navigate using maps for field operations and secondly healthcare training on combat area emergency response."
"\"If there is a situation of war, how can the military provide support to wounded soldiers and those who have died in combat?\" he added."
"Coliati also notes that, in the world today no single state is independent. A smaller State needs a larger one and thus big States need little ones so together they can build peace & stability both regionally as well As globallity"
"\"This is the goal that nations are seeking today to exercise together,\" he emphasized."
"Previous articleUpdate COVID-19: 2 new cases detected Next ArticleDNJSRN has submitted maintenance requests for farming machines in four counties."
] |
MOKATIL rekomenda Governu investe iha área produtivu iha tinan oin | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste\nVARANDA EKONOMIA MOKATIL rekomenda Governu investe iha área produtivu iha tinan oin\nMOKATIL rekomenda Governu investe iha área produtivu iha tinan oin\nDILI, 12 jullu 2021 (TATOLI)–Prezidente Movimentu Kamponéz Timor-Leste (MOKATIL), Hélio Dias Silva, rekomenda ba Governu, iha elaborasaun programa ba Orsamentu Jerál Estadu (OJE) 2022, tau prioridade no investe maka’as iha setór produtivu atu muda povu nia moris.\n“Ita haree votu barak liu atu kontribui ba kualkér ukun, mai hosi povu agrikultór no ita haree maioria populasaun moris ho vida agrikultura, tanba ne’e husu elaborasaun Orsamentu Jerál Estadu 2022 tenke tau orsamentu ka investe iha área potensialidade hanesan agrikultura, turizmu, pekuária no peska,” Prezidente MOKATIL hateten ba Agência TATOLI, iha ninia knaar fatin, Farol, segunda ne’e.\nNia nota katak, seguransa ai-han relasiona ho situasaun ne’ebé ema hotu asesu ba fíziku, sosiál no ekonomia, ne’ebé halo asesu ba ai-han la sufisiente, seguru no laiha nutrisaun ne’ebé korresponde ba nesesidade povu ne’ebé saudável.\nNune’e, MOKATIL sujere atu haree konseitu dezenvolvimentu ekonómiku, liuliu koseitu seguransa-ai-han ne’ebé durante ne’e tanba Governu garante, maibé prezia avalia tanba la korresponde ona ho situasaun iha Timor-Leste.\n“Ami sente konseitu seguransa ai-han ne’e la korresponde ona situasaun, entaun tempu to’o ona atu Governu investe iha setór potensiál hanesan agrikultura, maibé ho konseitu soberania ba ai-han,” nia rekomenda.\nKonseitu soberania ai-han, tuir nia hanesan to’os-na’in ka agrikultór mak tenke sai na’in hodi prepara fini, kuda, halo manutensaun, kolleta, hafoin halo prosesamentu to’o merkadu.\nAtu proteje konseitu soberania ai-han, nia husu Governu presiza kria lei atu proteje to’os-na’in sira hosi prepara fini to’o kolleta.\n“Ita haree tempu to’o to’os-na’in mak tenke sai na’in ba ninia produsaun, ita hakarak hahú produsaun hosi baze to’o merkadu, povu mak tenke envolve. Tanba durante ne’e ita observa katak laiha lei ida mak proteje to’os-na’in sira,” nia hatutan.\nMOKATIL iha membru kamponéz iha terrítoriu nasionál hamutuk 98.623 ho Komité Baze hamutuk 1.236, ne’ebé kada Komité Baze lidera xefe família 50 inklui kada Unidade Baze lidera hosi xefe família hamutuk 20.\nHosi totál membru ne’e, foku ba vida agrikultór hanesan natar, to’os, pekuária no kuda maek, kafé, Baunila ne’ebé eziste iha terrítoriu nasionál.\nEntretantu, Governu liuhosi Semináriu Nasionál Jornada Orsamentál foin lalais hahú define tetu OJE 2022 posibilidade fixa ho biliaun $1,5, ho programa neen hanesan dezenvovlimentu kapitál umanu (edukasaun, formasaun profisionál no saúde), abitasaun no inkluzaun sosiál, setór produtivu siura hanean agrikultura, turizmu,ambiente no konetividade, dezenvolvimentu setór privadu no kooperativa, dezenvolvimentu no governasaun.\nPrevious articleSosiedade sivíl realiza atividade konsultasaun da-toluk UPR\nNext articleUma-kain 499 iha Laulara seidauk asesu eletrisidade | [
"MOKATIL rekomenda Governu investe iha area produtivu iha tinan oin | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA EKONOMIA MOKATIL rekomenda Governu investe iha area produtivu iha tinan oin MOKATIL rekomenda Governu investe iha area produtivu iha tinan oin DILI, 12 jullu 2021 (TATOLI) -Prezidente Movimentu Kamponez Timor-Leste (MOKATIL), Helio Dias Silva, rekomenda ba Governu, iha elaborasaun programa ba Orsamentu Jeral Estadu (OJE) 2022, tau prioridade no investe maka'as iha setor produtivu atu muda povu nia moris.",
"\"Ita haree votu barak liu atu kontribui ba kualker ukun, mai hosi povu agrikultor no ita haree maioria populasaun moris ho vida agrikultura, tanba ne'e husu elaborasaun Orsamentu Jeral Estadu 2022 tenke tau orsamentu ka investe iha area potensialidade hanesan agrikultura, turizmu, pekuaria no peska,\" Prezidente MOKATIL hateten ba Agencia TATOLI, iha ninia knaar fatin, Farol, segunda ne'e.",
"Nia nota katak, seguransa ai-han relasiona ho situasaun ne'ebe ema hotu asesu ba fiziku, sosial no ekonomia, ne'ebe halo asesu ba ai-han la sufisiente, seguru no laiha nutrisaun ne'ebe korresponde ba nesesidade povu ne'ebe saudavel.",
"Nune'e, MOKATIL sujere atu haree konseitu dezenvolvimentu ekonomiku, liuliu koseitu seguransa-ai-han ne'ebe durante ne'e tanba Governu garante, maibe prezia avalia tanba la korresponde ona ho situasaun iha Timor-Leste.",
"\"Ami sente konseitu seguransa ai-han ne'e la korresponde ona situasaun, entaun tempu to'o ona atu Governu investe iha setor potensial hanesan agrikultura, maibe ho konseitu soberania ba ai-han,\" nia rekomenda.",
"Konseitu soberania ai-han, tuir nia hanesan to'os-na'in ka agrikultor mak tenke sai na'in hodi prepara fini, kuda, halo manutensaun, kolleta, hafoin halo prosesamentu to'o merkadu.",
"Atu proteje konseitu soberania ai-han, nia husu Governu presiza kria lei atu proteje to'os-na'in sira hosi prepara fini to'o kolleta.",
"\"Ita haree tempu to'o to'os-na'in mak tenke sai na'in ba ninia produsaun, ita hakarak hahu produsaun hosi baze to'o merkadu, povu mak tenke envolve.",
"Tanba durante ne'e ita observa katak laiha lei ida mak proteje to'os-na'in sira,\" nia hatutan.",
"MOKATIL iha membru kamponez iha territoriu nasional hamutuk 98.623 ho Komite Baze hamutuk 1.236, ne'ebe kada Komite Baze lidera xefe familia 50 inklui kada Unidade Baze lidera hosi xefe familia hamutuk 20.",
"Hosi total membru ne'e, foku ba vida agrikultor hanesan natar, to'os, pekuaria no kuda maek, kafe, Baunila ne'ebe eziste iha territoriu nasional.",
"Entretantu, Governu liuhosi Seminariu Nasional Jornada Orsamental foin lalais hahu define tetu OJE 2022 posibilidade fixa ho biliaun $1,5, ho programa neen hanesan dezenvovlimentu kapital umanu (edukasaun, formasaun profisional no saude), abitasaun no inkluzaun sosial, setor produtivu siura hanean agrikultura, turizmu,ambiente no konetividade, dezenvolvimentu setor privadu no kooperativa, dezenvolvimentu no governasaun.",
"Previous articleSosiedade sivil realiza atividade konsultasaun da-toluk UPR Next articleUma-kain 499 iha Laulara seidauk asesu eletrisidade"
] | [
"MOKATIL recommends Government to invest in productive areas next year | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA EKONOMIA Mokatil suggest the government invested on production area for coming years MOKATEL advise that investment is needed Dili, Jullu12th July (Ansa) - President of Movimento Kampanez Timór Leste(Mokatila), Helio Diaz Silva has called upon all parties involved with developing a programme and budget plan from now until December."
"\"We see more votes to contribute for any government, coming from the farmer people and we saw a majority of population living with agricultural life. Therefore it is requested that elaboration General State Budget-2019 should allocate budget or invest in potential areas such as agriculture tourism livestock farming fishing\", President MOKATIL told Agência Anotim at his office Farole on Monday.\""
"He noted that food security relates to the physical, social and economic situation of all people who have insufficient access or lack safe nutrition for a healthy population."
"Therefore, MOKATIL suggests to look at the concept of economic development and especially food security which has been guaranteed by Government but is not being evaluated because it does no longer correspond with situation in Timor-Leste."
"\"We feel that the concept of food security is not appropriate for this situation, so it's high time government invested in a potential sector such as agriculture but with an approach based on sovereignty over our own agricultural resources.\""
"According to him, the concept of food sovereignty is that farmers should be in charge: preparing soil for cultivation and harvesting; growing their crops as well."
"In order to protect the concept of food sovereignty, he asked that governments create legislation which would safeguard landowners from seed preparations through harvesting."
"\"We are looking at the time when farmers must become owners of their produce, we want to start production from grassroot and market level. People have been involved in this process.\""
"Because during this time we have observed that there is no law to protect the forest owners,\" he added."
"MOKATIL has 98,623 campesino members in the national territories with a total of1.405 Base Committees (BC), each led by head-of family and also every Basic Unit leaded from one to twenty household leaders respectively;"
"Of the total membership, focus on agricultural life such as gardening and forestry; livestock farms with sugarcane cultivation. Coffee plantations are found in national territories of Brazil including Bahia (Brazil)."
"Meanwhile, the Government through National Seminar Jornada Orsamental recently began to define budget 2019-36 with a fixed possibility of $4.5 trillion and nine programs such as human capital development (education; professional training & health), Housing&social inclusion: productive sectors except agriculture tourism environment/connectivity private Sector Development cooperative governance"
"Previous articleCivil society conducts consultation activity for the third time in UPR Next Article498 families at Laulara do not have electricity"
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Investimentu Ba Barajen Bee Importante Hasa’e Produsaun Agrikultura Iha TL\nDiretor Executivu Organizasaun Hametin Agrikultura Sustentabel Timor-Leste (HASATIL), Gil Boavida hateten governu tenke hanoin ona atu halo investimentu ba barajen bee kanaliza ba irigasaun sira atu agrikultor sira halao servisu kurtivu hodi hasa’e produsaun rai laran.\nNia salienta, Timor-Leste rai produtivu no populasaun maioria agrikultor, maibe tinan 22 independensia seidauk hetan soberania alimentar tanba governu seidauk iha planu politika ne’ebe diak hodi konserva bee hodi kanaliza ba irigasaun sira atu agrikultor sira halao servisu kuletivu.\n“Hau hanoin presiza reve fila fali politika sira no hadia hadia politika ne’ebe bele motiva ita nia produtor sira. No fo ona prioridade halo investimentu industria prosesamentu produtu lokal sira hanesan foos sai fali variedade produtu oioin, nune’e mos aifarina no seluk tan hodi kontribui ba redus produtu sira importa husi rai liur,” nia hateten iha servisu fatin Farol, Dili.\nNia dehan, iha era globalizasaun ne’e teknologia avansadu barak ne’ebe bele ajuda ema hodi halo servisu sira ne’e ho diak no efetivu tanba ne’e importante vontade politika atu halao servisu.\nIha oportunidade ne’e, nia husu ba governu atu koloka ekipamentu pesadu iha irigasaun bo’ot lima iha munisipio Viqueque, Manatutu, Covalima, Bobonaro, no Oecusse atu bele halo manutensaun regular tanba tempu udan sempre akontese segimentasaun nakonu iha kanal irigasaun.\nNia hatutan, sosiedade sivil nia papel servisu hamutuk ho komunidade sira iha baze tuir kapasidade ne’ebe iha, maibe dala barak sira laiha kapasidade atu responde ba preokupasaun agrikultor sira nian liga ho irigasaun.\nEntretantu, Membru Parlamentu Nasional, Deputado Mariano Asanami Sabino hateten soberania alimentar laos deit irigasaun, maibe presiza iha barajen atu konserva bee hodi kanaliza ba irigasaun tanba atu hasa’e produsaun importante mak tenke iha bee.\nNia dehan, bainhira governu fo apoia maximu ba agrikultor sira produsaun hare sa’e 120 mil toneladas no batar 140 mil toneladas, maibe tempu apoia sira ne’e la maximu halo produsaun mos menus makas.\n“Ita bele hare iha parte Seisal munisipio Baucau nian, ne’ebe uluk ita selebrasaun kolheita iha ne’eba, maibe ohin ita kuandu liu iha ne’eba hare rai maran laiha natar ida. No iha fatin barak natar lalao entaun ami rekomenda atu iha kontinuidade ba sosa produtu laos deit tinan ne’e, maibe tinan oin tenke iha nafatin hodi motiva povu hasa’e produsaun,” nia hateten.\nNia dehan, governu presiza iha konseitu ida ne’ebe diak atu fasilita extensionista, tratorista no ajente pekuaria sira ne’ebe halao servisu iha baze hodi hasa’e produsaun alimentar. No Centru Logistika Nasional nia estruktura tenke to’o ona iha suku no harii ona armajen sira atu bele sosa produtu lokal no distribui hikas ba merkadu. | [
"Investimentu Ba Barajen Bee Importante Hasa'e Produsaun Agrikultura Iha TL Diretor Executivu Organizasaun Hametin Agrikultura Sustentabel Timor-Leste (HASATIL), Gil Boavida hateten governu tenke hanoin ona atu halo investimentu ba barajen bee kanaliza ba irigasaun sira atu agrikultor sira halao servisu kurtivu hodi hasa'e produsaun rai laran.",
"Nia salienta, Timor-Leste rai produtivu no populasaun maioria agrikultor, maibe tinan 22 independensia seidauk hetan soberania alimentar tanba governu seidauk iha planu politika ne'ebe diak hodi konserva bee hodi kanaliza ba irigasaun sira atu agrikultor sira halao servisu kuletivu.",
"\"Hau hanoin presiza reve fila fali politika sira no hadia hadia politika ne'ebe bele motiva ita nia produtor sira.",
"No fo ona prioridade halo investimentu industria prosesamentu produtu lokal sira hanesan foos sai fali variedade produtu oioin, nune'e mos aifarina no seluk tan hodi kontribui ba redus produtu sira importa husi rai liur,\" nia hateten iha servisu fatin Farol, Dili.",
"Nia dehan, iha era globalizasaun ne'e teknologia avansadu barak ne'ebe bele ajuda ema hodi halo servisu sira ne'e ho diak no efetivu tanba ne'e importante vontade politika atu halao servisu.",
"Iha oportunidade ne'e, nia husu ba governu atu koloka ekipamentu pesadu iha irigasaun bo'ot lima iha munisipio Viqueque, Manatutu, Covalima, Bobonaro, no Oecusse atu bele halo manutensaun regular tanba tempu udan sempre akontese segimentasaun nakonu iha kanal irigasaun.",
"Nia hatutan, sosiedade sivil nia papel servisu hamutuk ho komunidade sira iha baze tuir kapasidade ne'ebe iha, maibe dala barak sira laiha kapasidade atu responde ba preokupasaun agrikultor sira nian liga ho irigasaun.",
"Entretantu, Membru Parlamentu Nasional, Deputado Mariano Asanami Sabino hateten soberania alimentar laos deit irigasaun, maibe presiza iha barajen atu konserva bee hodi kanaliza ba irigasaun tanba atu hasa'e produsaun importante mak tenke iha bee.",
"Nia dehan, bainhira governu fo apoia maximu ba agrikultor sira produsaun hare sa'e 120 mil toneladas no batar 140 mil toneladas, maibe tempu apoia sira ne'e la maximu halo produsaun mos menus makas.",
"\"Ita bele hare iha parte Seisal munisipio Baucau nian, ne'ebe uluk ita selebrasaun kolheita iha ne'eba, maibe ohin ita kuandu liu iha ne'eba hare rai maran laiha natar ida.",
"No iha fatin barak natar lalao entaun ami rekomenda atu iha kontinuidade ba sosa produtu laos deit tinan ne'e, maibe tinan oin tenke iha nafatin hodi motiva povu hasa'e produsaun,\" nia hateten.",
"Nia dehan, governu presiza iha konseitu ida ne'ebe diak atu fasilita extensionista, tratorista no ajente pekuaria sira ne'ebe halao servisu iha baze hodi hasa'e produsaun alimentar.",
"No Centru Logistika Nasional nia estruktura tenke to'o ona iha suku no harii ona armajen sira atu bele sosa produtu lokal no distribui hikas ba merkadu."
] | [
"Investment in Water Dams Important to Raise Agricultural Production In Timor-Leste The Executive Director of Hametin Agrikultura Sustentabel TL (HASATIL), Gil Boavida, says the government should consider investing into drainage dam for irrigation so that agriculture workers can carry out their work and raise production."
"He emphasized that Timor-Leste has productive land and the majority of its population is farmers, but 20 years after independence it had not achieved food sovereignty because there was no good policy plan to conserves water for canalization into irrigation systems so as farm workers could carry out their harvest work."
"\"I think we need to review our policies and improve the policy that can motivate us."
"We have also given priority to investing in the processing industry of local products such as flour, which has become a wide variety product and so on. This will help reduce imports from overseas countries\", he said at his Farol office (Dili)."
"He said, in the era of globalization there are many advanced technologies that can help people to do these jobs better and more effectively so it is important political will for carrying out work."
"On this occasion, he asked the government to place heavy equipment in five irrigation bo'ot municipalities of Viqueque (Vikeque), Manatuto(Manatutu) and Oecusse so that they can carry out regular maintenance because during rainy seasons there is always a congestion on these channel."
"He added that the role of civil society is to work with communities on a capacity-based basis, but often they are not capable in responding irrigation related concerns from farmer."
"Meanwhile, Member of the National Parliament Mariano Asanami Sabino said that food sovereignty is not just about irrigation but also needs dams to conserve water and channel it into agriculture because in order for important crops are grown there must be sufficient supply."
"He said that when the government gave maximum support to farmers, harvest rose by 120 thousand tons and came down at about a hundred-fourty. But while they did not receive this maximum amount of assistance their yield was also significantly lower than before; he added: \"There is no reason why we should be worried.\""
"\"We can see in the Seisal part of Baucau municipality, where we used to celebrate harvests there but today when you go over here it is dry land with no vegetation."
"And there are many places where the land is not fertile, so we recommend continuity in purchasing products. Not only this year but also next years must be continued to motivate people's production increase.\""
"He said the government needs a good concept to facilitate extensionists, tractor operators and livestock agents working at grassroot level in order for food production."
"The structure of the National Logistics Centre has to be in village and have storehouse built so that they can buy local products, distribute them quickly on market."
] |
O NIA FEEN HATENE O HADOMI NIA? (4) | Radio Voz\nO NIA FEEN HATENE O HADOMI NIA? (4)\n11 Mar, 2021 | TWFT-Tetun | 0 comments\n‘Nia hadomi sira to’o remata,‘ Joao 13:1\nMai ita hare hamutuk oin-sa Jesus hadominia desiplu sira no oin-sa o tenki hadomi o nia fen.\nNia nunka para hadomi sira. Biblia hatete mai ita katak Jesus ‘hadomi Nia desiplu sira durante Nia haklaken Lia Los iha mundo… no oin-sa Nia hadomi sira to’o remata.’ Hanoin hikas fali onia juramentu kaben nian? ‘Iha diak, Iha aat….\nIha riku, iha kiak, iha moras no isin diak, to’o iis kotu mak sei hafahe ita’? Bainhira o senti katak milagre nee laiha ona ba o nia uma-kain no o laiha domin ba o nia parseiro, reza nune: ‘Aman, hau nia domin ba hau nia feen agora nee menus ba bebeik.\nHau hatene Aman nia lia-fuan hatete katak domin nebe diak mak pasensia, laran diak, laran haraik aan, hahalok mamar, la hare deit ba an, la hirus lalais, no sei la rai odio seluk nia sala (Hare iha 1 Korintu 13:4-5). Hau konfesa katak hau rai odio no iha pasensia itoan deit ho hau nia pareiro nia falta tomak. Perdua hau nia espiritu ne’ebé la maduru. Hau husu Aman tama borus hau laran no hau nia domin ba hau nia feen. Ajuda hau atu husik odio no halo ami nia uma-kain nudar modelu Ita hadomi kongresaun no entrega Ita nia-an tomak.\nServisu iha ami nia laran, Nai, atu ami prontu ho laran halo tuir Nai nia hakarak (Hare Filipi 2:13). Kura no hafoun fali ami nia relasaun ba Nai nia gloria. Lori ami bainhira ami lao tuir dalan ne’ebé harii iha Ita nia Lia-fuan hodi hamoris no hadia domin ne’ebé lakon: hanoin fila fali buat barak ne’ebé ami halo hamutuk, arepende ami-nia failansu hotu, no hamoris fila fali ami nia ahi domin uluk ita harii fofoun (Hare Apokalipse 2:5). So Ita-boot deit mak bele muda ema nia laran, no agora hau entrega hau nia laran no emosaun tomak ba Nai. “Lori hau fila fali, no ho laran hau sei fila, tanba Ita-Boot mak Nai, hau nia Maromak.” (Jeremias 31:18) Hau hasae orasaun iha Jesus nia naran, Amém.’\nHahanEspíritu □ 1 Tesalónika 1-5 □ Mat 22: 15-22 □ Salmo 135 □ Provérbios7:21-23 | [
"(4) 11 Mar, 2021 | TWFT-Tetun | 0 comments 'Nia hadomi sira to'o remata,' Joao 13:1 Mai ita hare hamutuk oin-sa Jesus hadominia desiplu sira no oin-sa o tenki hadomi o nia fen.",
"Nia nunka para hadomi sira.",
"Biblia hatete mai ita katak Jesus 'hadomi Nia desiplu sira durante Nia haklaken Lia Los iha mundo... no oin-sa Nia hadomi sira to'o remata.'",
"Hanoin hikas fali onia juramentu kaben nian?",
"'Iha diak, Iha aat....",
"Iha riku, iha kiak, iha moras no isin diak, to'o iis kotu mak sei hafahe ita'?",
"Bainhira o senti katak milagre nee laiha ona ba o nia uma-kain no o laiha domin ba o nia parseiro, reza nune: 'Aman, hau nia domin ba hau nia feen agora nee menus ba bebeik.",
"Hau hatene Aman nia lia-fuan hatete katak domin nebe diak mak pasensia, laran diak, laran haraik aan, hahalok mamar, la hare deit ba an, la hirus lalais, no sei la rai odio seluk nia sala (Hare iha 1 Korintu 13:4-5).",
"Hau konfesa katak hau rai odio no iha pasensia itoan deit ho hau nia pareiro nia falta tomak.",
"Perdua hau nia espiritu ne'ebe la maduru.",
"Hau husu Aman tama borus hau laran no hau nia domin ba hau nia feen.",
"Ajuda hau atu husik odio no halo ami nia uma-kain nudar modelu Ita hadomi kongresaun no entrega Ita nia-an tomak.",
"Servisu iha ami nia laran, Nai, atu ami prontu ho laran halo tuir Nai nia hakarak (Hare Filipi 2:13).",
"Kura no hafoun fali ami nia relasaun ba Nai nia gloria.",
"Lori ami bainhira ami lao tuir dalan ne'ebe harii iha Ita nia Lia-fuan hodi hamoris no hadia domin ne'ebe lakon: hanoin fila fali buat barak ne'ebe ami halo hamutuk, arepende ami-nia failansu hotu, no hamoris fila fali ami nia ahi domin uluk ita harii fofoun (Hare Apokalipse 2:5).",
"So Ita-boot deit mak bele muda ema nia laran, no agora hau entrega hau nia laran no emosaun tomak ba Nai.",
"\"Lori hau fila fali, no ho laran hau sei fila, tanba Ita-Boot mak Nai, hau nia Maromak.\"",
"(Jeremias 31:18) Hau hasae orasaun iha Jesus nia naran, Amem.'",
"HahanEspiritu # 1 Tesalonika 1-5 # Mat 22: 15-22 # Salmo 135 # Proverbios7:21-23"
] | [
"(4) 12 Mar,.03 | Tetun-TWFT| No Comments 'He Loved Them Unto the End' John’s Gospel of Jesus Christ – Part One: Let us look together at how He will dominate His Disciples and what it means to love one another as a family!"
"He never stopped loving them."
"The Bible tells us that Jesus 'loved His disciples while He preached the Good News in this world...and from then on, he lived with them to its end.'"
"Will we break our marriage oath?"
"'Some good, some bad....'"
"In rich, in poor and sick or well-being will we be served until the end of time?"
"When you feel that the miracle is no longer for your household and love toward a spouse, pray this: 'Father my loving-kindness towards wife now decreases."
"I know the Father’s word says that good love is forbearance, kindness and generosity; it has no selfishness or lust. It will not hate another person (see also First Corinthians13:4-5)."
"I confess that my heart is full of hatred and only have a timid patience with all the lacklessness in which he has left me."
"Perish this immature spirit."
"I ask Father to come into my heart and put all of My love on her."
"Help me to leave hatred behind and make our home a model. You love the congresses, you give yourself entirely for them!"
"Minister in us, O Lord; that we may be ready to do the will of God (see Philippians 2:13)."
"Heal and join us together for the glory of our Lord."
"Lead us as we walk the path set out in Your Word to rekindle and restore lost love: remembering all that has been done together, regretting our failures; stirring up again a fire of faith (see Revelation2.5)."
"Only you can change the heart of a man, and now I am giving my whole soul to God."
"\"Let me return, and I will turn with my heart; for you are the LORD My God.\""
"(Jeremiah 31:20) I pray in the name of Jesus, Amen.'"
"HahanEspiritu # 1 Thessalonians2:5-6# Mat.30,47–89 (# Psalms)"
] |
UPF halo apreensaun ba ró ilegál tolu | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste\nVARANDA SEGURANSA UPF halo apreensaun ba ró ilegál tolu\nUPF halo operasaun iha liña fronteira terrestre. Imajen Tatoli/Dok\nDILI, 01 outubru 2020 (TATOLI)- Hahú hosi janeiru to’o setembru 2020, Unidade Patrullamentu Fronteira (UPF) halo operasaun iha fronteira terrestre no tasi konsege halo apreensaun ba ró ilegál tolu, inklui mina ilegál litru 24,401, ho tua alkóliku litru 375 no masin-midar karon 105.\nNotísia Relevante : Komandu PNTL selebra aniversáriu UPF ba dala-XVII\nUPF halo apreensaun sasán ilegál hosi negosiante Timor-oan inklui Indonéziu sira balun bainhira hala’o tranzasaun ilegál durante periodu implementasaun Estadu emerjénsia dahuluk to’o agora.\nSegundu Komandante Jerál Polísia Nasional Timor-Leste (PNTL), Komisáriu Mateus Fernandes, hato’o parabéns ba progresu servisu ne’ebé UPF hatudu iha ninia misaun patrullamentu no vijilánsia iha fronteira territoriál sira.\n“Parabéns iha UPF nia asaun patrullamentu deteta no prende mós ró ahi tolu (3) ho kombustivel litru 24,401, no tua alkóliku litru 375 no masin-midar saku 105, kilat rakitan ida (1),” informa Komandante Mateus Fernandes, iha selebrasaun aniversáriu UPF ba dala-XVII (30 setembru 2003 – 30 setembru 2020), iha Komandu UPF, Batugade, Bobonaro.\nKomisáriu Mateus alerta ba UPF kontinua kria nafatin koordenasaun no kooperasaun ho parte entidade sira hotu, espesialmente ho F-FDTL kontrola movimentu ema no sasán sira iha fronteira territoriál, ho koordenasaun no kooperasaun ho Servisu Migrasaun no Autoridade Aduaneira ka Alfándega.\n“UPF presiza mantein disiplina ne’ebé rigorozu vontade sente bolu ne’ebé firme hodi asume responsabilidade ne’e no hametin liután relasaun amizade no instituisaun integradu iha fronteira tantu internal no external,” nia apela.\nNia hatutan, servisu UPF atu aplika lei sira relasiona ho tráfiku umanu, tráfiku droga ilegál, tráfiku kilat no atividade kriminál organizadu sira seluk. Fó seguransa iha aeroportu hodi hala’o patrulla hale’u pista, terminál no aeroportu ho kooperasaun hamutuk ho parte interesada sira seluk no knaar lejítimu sira seluk, tuir nia misaun.\nKomandu PNTL rekoñese, servisu barak maka UPF halo ona, maibé sei enfrenta mós dezafiu variavel iha oin sai nu’udar servisu boot ba PNTL no Ministériu Interiór atu kontinua tau konsiderasaun hodi investe iha rekursu no apoia ekipamentu hodi hadi’a kondisaun lori UPF sai polísia profisionál, neutru no iha kualkér servisu.\nKomandu PNTL mós agradese durante ne’e UPF hamutuk ho Komandu F-FDTL, Komandu PNTL Bobonaro, Covalima, Oe-Cusse no UEP halo operasaun konjunta konsege detein Timor-oan 390 ne’ebé halo viajen ilegál liuhosi fronteira terrestre no tasi.\nIha fatin hanesan, Komandante UPF, Superintendente João Sancho Pires, apela ba membru na’in-363, kompostu hosi feto na’in-16, mane na’in-347 atu hala’o nafatin sira-nia servisu iha fronteira terrestre, Bobonaro, Covalima, Oe-Cusse no aeroportu Dili.\nDurante periodu Estadu emerjénsia dahuluk to’o agora, UPF rejista abitante sira ne’ebé halo viajen ho dalan legál liu fronteira terrestre hamutuk 1.323.\nUPF mós rejista abitante sira ne’ebé tama liuhosi dalan ilegál hamutuk 176 inklui mos membru Grupu Organizasaun Persaudaraan Setia Hati Terate (PSHT) hamutuk na’in-222.\nEma sira ne’ebé UPF detein kumpre tiha kuarentena loron 14 no PNTL Bobonaro sei ba foti hodi halo prosesu investigasaun ba sira hodi aprezenta ba Ministériu Públiku.\nKomandante João rekoñese grupu GAM PSHT halo viajen ilegál maka’as, tanba fronteira terrestre no tasi luan susar ba UPF atu deteta sira-nia paradeiru iha tempu kalan no loron.\nPrevious articleAprezentasaun proposta OJE 2020 datoluk, Xefe Governu husu PN konsidera\nNext articleEstadu tenke halo polítika hodi responde ba “Ema ho Defisiénsia Sira” | [
"UPF halo apreensaun ba ro ilegal tolu | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA SEGURANSA UPF halo apreensaun ba ro ilegal tolu UPF halo operasaun iha lina fronteira terrestre.",
"Imajen Tatoli/Dok DILI, 01 outubru 2020 (TATOLI) - Hahu hosi janeiru to'o setembru 2020, Unidade Patrullamentu Fronteira (UPF) halo operasaun iha fronteira terrestre no tasi konsege halo apreensaun ba ro ilegal tolu, inklui mina ilegal litru 24,401, ho tua alkoliku litru 375 no masin-midar karon 105.",
"Notisia Relevante: Komandu PNTL selebra aniversariu UPF ba dala-XVII UPF halo apreensaun sasan ilegal hosi negosiante Timor-oan inklui Indoneziu sira balun bainhira hala'o tranzasaun ilegal durante periodu implementasaun Estadu emerjensia dahuluk to'o agora.",
"Segundu Komandante Jeral Polisia Nasional Timor-Leste (PNTL), Komisariu Mateus Fernandes, hato'o parabens ba progresu servisu ne'ebe UPF hatudu iha ninia misaun patrullamentu no vijilansia iha fronteira territorial sira.",
"\"Parabens iha UPF nia asaun patrullamentu deteta no prende mos ro ahi tolu (3) ho kombustivel litru 24,401, no tua alkoliku litru 375 no masin-midar saku 105, kilat rakitan ida (1),\" informa Komandante Mateus Fernandes, iha selebrasaun aniversariu UPF ba dala-XVII (30 setembru 2003 - 30 setembru 2020), iha Komandu UPF, Batugade, Bobonaro.",
"Komisariu Mateus alerta ba UPF kontinua kria nafatin koordenasaun no kooperasaun ho parte entidade sira hotu, espesialmente ho F-FDTL kontrola movimentu ema no sasan sira iha fronteira territorial, ho koordenasaun no kooperasaun ho Servisu Migrasaun no Autoridade Aduaneira ka Alfandega.",
"\"UPF presiza mantein disiplina ne'ebe rigorozu vontade sente bolu ne'ebe firme hodi asume responsabilidade ne'e no hametin liutan relasaun amizade no instituisaun integradu iha fronteira tantu internal no external,\" nia apela.",
"Nia hatutan, servisu UPF atu aplika lei sira relasiona ho trafiku umanu, trafiku droga ilegal, trafiku kilat no atividade kriminal organizadu sira seluk.",
"Fo seguransa iha aeroportu hodi hala'o patrulla hale'u pista, terminal no aeroportu ho kooperasaun hamutuk ho parte interesada sira seluk no knaar lejitimu sira seluk, tuir nia misaun.",
"Komandu PNTL rekonese, servisu barak maka UPF halo ona, maibe sei enfrenta mos dezafiu variavel iha oin sai nu'udar servisu boot ba PNTL no Ministeriu Interior atu kontinua tau konsiderasaun hodi investe iha rekursu no apoia ekipamentu hodi hadi'a kondisaun lori UPF sai polisia profisional, neutru no iha kualker servisu.",
"Komandu PNTL mos agradese durante ne'e UPF hamutuk ho Komandu F-FDTL, Komandu PNTL Bobonaro, Covalima, Oe-Cusse no UEP halo operasaun konjunta konsege detein Timor-oan 390 ne'ebe halo viajen ilegal liuhosi fronteira terrestre no tasi.",
"Iha fatin hanesan, Komandante UPF, Superintendente Joao Sancho Pires, apela ba membru na'in-363, kompostu hosi feto na'in-16, mane na'in-347 atu hala'o nafatin sira-nia servisu iha fronteira terrestre, Bobonaro, Covalima, Oe-Cusse no aeroportu Dili.",
"Durante periodu Estadu emerjensia dahuluk to'o agora, UPF rejista abitante sira ne'ebe halo viajen ho dalan legal liu fronteira terrestre hamutuk 1.323.",
"UPF mos rejista abitante sira ne'ebe tama liuhosi dalan ilegal hamutuk 176 inklui mos membru Grupu Organizasaun Persaudaraan Setia Hati Terate (PSHT) hamutuk na'in-222.",
"Ema sira ne'ebe UPF detein kumpre tiha kuarentena loron 14 no PNTL Bobonaro sei ba foti hodi halo prosesu investigasaun ba sira hodi aprezenta ba Ministeriu Publiku.",
"Komandante Joao rekonese grupu GAM PSHT halo viajen ilegal maka'as, tanba fronteira terrestre no tasi luan susar ba UPF atu deteta sira-nia paradeiru iha tempu kalan no loron.",
"Previous articleAprezentasaun proposta OJE 2020 datoluk, Xefe Governu husu PN konsidera Next articleEstadu tenke halo politika hodi responde ba \"Ema ho Defisiensia Sira\""
] | [
"UPF seized three illegal boats | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA SEGURANSA The police of the National Police Force (PNTL) have carried out an operation in a land border line."
"DILI, October 1st (Xinhua) - From January to September of this year the Border Patrol Unit has operated at both land and sea borders. It successfully seizure three illegal boats with a total weighted cargo amounting in excessive quantities including: illicit mines worth €240 million; alcoholic beverage water value driving up £375m/€698million or equivalent by current exchange rate"
"Relevant News: PNTL Command Celebrates UPF's 17th Anniversary The Police Force seized illegal items from Timorese traders including some Indonesian when carrying out illicit transaction during the period of implementation to date."
"Deputy Commander General of the National Police (PNTL), Commissioner Mateus Fernandes, congratulated UPF on its progress in patrol and vigilance missions at territorial borders."
"\"Congratulations on the UPF's patrol action that also detected and seized three (3) fireboats with 24,501 liter of fuel oil in them as well a bottled alcoholic beverage containing an additional litre for each boat. The same was carried out by Commander Mateus Fernandes during his participation at celebrating its seventeenth Anniversary from Sept-Three - September Thirty – Three Hundred And Fiftieth Yearly Celebrate(Sept–Thirty), which took place today October Twenty Onest [September thirties] to November twenties,” said Chief Matthew Fernandez while speaking before attendees present when he addresse their questions about this event held last week August ten through July nineteen;"
"Commissioner Mateus warned that the UPF continues to establish coordination and cooperation with all parties, especially F-FDTL controlling movement of people & good at territorial border. Coordinating in this regard is also necessary for migration services or custom authorities (Autoridade Aduaneira)."
"\"The UPF needs to maintain a strict discipline and strong will-power in order for it, as an integrated institution at both the internal & external borders of Brazil."
"He added that the UPF works to enforce laws related with human trafficking, illicit drug-trafficking and other organized criminal activities."
"Provide security at the airport by carrying out patrols along runways, terminals and in cooperation with other stakeholder to perform legitimate duties as per its mission."
"The PNTL Command acknowledges that the UPF has already done a lot of work, but will also face varying challenges in future. It is therefore important for both Police and Interior Ministry to continue considering investing resources into support equipment so as To improve conditions leading up upf becoming professional police force neutral at all times 24/7"
"The PNTL Command also thanks UPF together with the F-FDTL command, Bobonaro Police Comandos in Covalima and Oecusse police station during a joint operation that detained 390 Timorese who were travelling illegally through land border."
"Meanwhile, UPF Commander Superintendent Joao Sancho Pires appealed to the 362 members of his force (15 women and a total numbering about three hundred fourty-seven men) that they continue their work at land border points such as Bobonaro City in northern Mozambique; Colima Province."
"During the first state of emergency period until now, UPF has registered a total number inhabitants who travelled legally across land borders amounting to an estimated $1.32 billion (US$450 million)."
"The UPF also registered 176 inhabitants who had come through illegal routes, including a group of members from the Persaudaraan Setia Hati Terate (PSHT) Organization Group."
"The people detained by the UPF have been in quarantine for 14 days and will be picked up to carry out an investigation process on them before being presented at Public Prosecutor's Office."
"Commander Joao acknowledged that the GAM PSHT group travels illegally on a large scale, because wide land and sea border makes it difficult for UPF to detect their whereabouts day or night."
"Previous articlePresentation of proposed third 2019 budget, Prime Minister asks Parliament to consider NextThe State must make policies in response for \"People with Disabilities\"."
] |
Nasoins Unidas (ONU) iha Timor-Leste, konsiste husi ajénsia 15, ida-idak ho programa no projetu, ne'ebé hotu-hotu atu ajuda ba Governu Timor-Leste, hadi'a povu nia moris.\nNasoins Unidas nian mak hahú hafoin Funu Mundiál Daruak no envolve iha Timor-Leste dezde tinan 1960.\nAjuda Timor-Leste nia independénsia no demokrasia. Iha tinan 2012, muda husi misaun dame ba hadi'a prosperidade liu hosi dezenvolvimentu.\nONU ho ninia Koordenadór Rezidente, Sr. Roy Trivedy, reprezentante dezignada ba sekretáriu jerál ONU nian ba Timor-Leste no responsável ba koordenasaun ba atividade dezenvolvimentu iha paíz ne'e.\nHo sistema Koordenadór Rezidente, ajénsia ONU hotu-hotu mai hamutuk ho Governu Timor-Leste no parseiru dezenvolvimentu sira seluk atu apoia hetan prioridade sira ba dezenvolvimentu nasionál Timor-Leste nian.\nRoy Trivedy serbisu liu tina tolu nulu iha area dezenvolvimentu internasionál. Antes nia serbisu iha Departamentu ba Dezenvolvimentu Internasionál, Reinu Unidu durante tinan 13 ho papél oin-oin iha Reinu Unidu, Áfrika no Ásia.\nNia sai funsionariu públika Reinu Unidu nian hafoin tinan 20 servisu ho ONG inklui Oxfam no Save The Children iha Reinu Unidu, Mosambike, India no Malawi. Nia estudu iha Institutu ba Estudu Dezenvolvimentu, hafoin kompleta lisensiatura iha lei iha Universidade Sheffield, Reinu Unidu. | [
"Nasoins Unidas (ONU) iha Timor-Leste, konsiste husi ajensia 15, ida-idak ho programa no projetu, ne'ebe hotu-hotu atu ajuda ba Governu Timor-Leste, hadi'a povu nia moris.",
"Nasoins Unidas nian mak hahu hafoin Funu Mundial Daruak no envolve iha Timor-Leste dezde tinan 1960.",
"Ajuda Timor-Leste nia independensia no demokrasia.",
"Iha tinan 2012, muda husi misaun dame ba hadi'a prosperidade liu hosi dezenvolvimentu.",
"ONU ho ninia Koordenador Rezidente, Sr. Roy Trivedy, reprezentante dezignada ba sekretariu jeral ONU nian ba Timor-Leste no responsavel ba koordenasaun ba atividade dezenvolvimentu iha paiz ne'e.",
"Ho sistema Koordenador Rezidente, ajensia ONU hotu-hotu mai hamutuk ho Governu Timor-Leste no parseiru dezenvolvimentu sira seluk atu apoia hetan prioridade sira ba dezenvolvimentu nasional Timor-Leste nian.",
"Roy Trivedy serbisu liu tina tolu nulu iha area dezenvolvimentu internasional.",
"Antes nia serbisu iha Departamentu ba Dezenvolvimentu Internasional, Reinu Unidu durante tinan 13 ho papel oin-oin iha Reinu Unidu, Afrika no Asia.",
"Nia sai funsionariu publika Reinu Unidu nian hafoin tinan 20 servisu ho ONG inklui Oxfam no Save The Children iha Reinu Unidu, Mosambike, India no Malawi.",
"Nia estudu iha Institutu ba Estudu Dezenvolvimentu, hafoin kompleta lisensiatura iha lei iha Universidade Sheffield, Reinu Unidu."
] | [
"The United Nations (UN) in Timor-Leste consists of 15 agencies, each with its own programme and projects that all aim to help the Government improve life for people."
"The United Nations began after World War II and has been involved in East Timor since the 1960s."
"Help Timor-Leste’s independence and democracy."
"In 2013, the mission shifted from a peacekeeping to an economic development focus."
"The UN with its Resident Coordinator, Mr. Roy Trivedy as the Secretary-General's designated representative for Timor East and responsible to coordinate development activities in that country;"
"With the Resident Coordinator system, all UN agencies come together with Timor-Leste’s Government and other development partners to support achievement of priorities for national growth in East Тимор."
"Roy Trivedy has worked for more than three decades in the area of international development."
"Prior to that, he worked in the Department for International Development (DFID), UK during 13 years with a variety of roles across Britain and Africa."
"She became a UK civil servant after 20 years of work with NGOs including Oxfam and Save The Children in the United Kingdom, Mozambique (where she was an assistant director), India & Malawi."
"He studied at the Institute for Development Studies, after completing a bachelor's degree in law from Sheffield University."
] |
TIMOR AGORA: Politizasaun hosi relijiaun iha Indonézia hamosu kesar barak ba blasfémia\nPolitizasaun hosi relijiaun iha Indonézia hamosu kesar barak ba blasfémia\nAumentu hosi politizasaun relijiaun nian iha Indonézia no kombate ba diskursu sira ódiu nian hanesan fatór prinsipal ne'ebé kontribui hodi aumenta maka'as iha númeru hosi kesar sira iha kazu sira blasfémia nian, haktuir hosi organizasaun ida ne'ebé ho sede iha Jakarta.\nVisi-prezidente hosi Institutu Setara hosi Demokrasia no Paz, Bogar Tigor Naipospos, hatete iha loron-kinta ne'e ba jornalista sira katak iha tinan liubá númeru hosi kesar sira kona-ba blasfémia aumenta maka'as ba 25, kompara ho tinan 2017 ne'ebé iha de'it kesar sia.\n"Uzu relijiaun ne'e hanesan dalan ida iha polítika hanesan fatór prinsipal", nia hatete hodi refere katak durante tinan barak nia laran, no dezde lei blasfémia nian hahú hala'o iha tinan 1965, maka rejista de'it kazu ida ka rua.\n"Bainhira propaganda [iha liña étniku sira ho relijiozu sira] kontinua no politizasaun hosi relijiaun uza ona hosi partidu polítiku konkorente sira, ita haree saida maka ita hanaran jerasaun denunsiante, ho akuzasaun sira blasfémia nian, hodi halakon sira nia oponente polítiku", nia hatete.\nEntre kazu sira ne'ebé sériu liu, destaka kazu Meliana nian, feto budista ida ne'ebé iha fulan-Agostu tinan liubá hetan julgamentu no kondena ba kadeia fulan 18 iha Medan, norte Sumatra nian, tanba kesar katak lian hosi altifalante sira, hosi meskita ida, hanesan aas tebes.\nHodi hatán ba nia deklarasaun sira, grupu islámiku lokal sira ataka ona nia uma no tempu budista oioin.\nEsplikasaun hosi Naipopos, ne'ebé haktuir hosi empreza indonéziu, katak uzu ne'ebé laloos hosi lei blasfémia nian maka kontribui ba aumentu hosi kesar sira.\nNe'e tau hamutuk ho Lei Eletróniku tinan 2016 nian ne'ebé bandu divulgasaun hosi diskursu ódiu nian hasoru grupu étniku sira, relijiaun sira ho rasa sira, no ne'ebé "iha mós papel importante ida hodi provoka akuzasaun sira blasfémia nian", nia hatutan.\n"Lei rua ne'e baibain uza hodi kastigu ema sira seluk", nia hatutan.\nKazu ida ne'ebé kontribui ona ba aumentu ne'e maka kazu hosi eis-governador kristaun Jakarta, Basuki Tjahaja Purnama, ne'ebé koñesidu liu ho naran Ahok, ne'ebé hafoin protestu sira hsoi ema millaun resin, hetan kondenasaun kadeia tinan rua tanba blasfémia.\nNia kondenasaun, ne'ebé hetan protestu maka'as hosi grupu sira direitu ema nian, konsidera hanesan pontu virajen ida iha kestaun kona-ba toleránsia relijiozu iha Indonézia.\nAhok hetan kondenasaun hafoin komentáriu sira ne'ebé nia halo durante kampaña ba nia re-eleisaun, maibé hetan ona falsifikasaun, hodi sujere katak nia halo insultu ida hasoru Koraun no la'ós ba líder relijiozu konservador sira ne'ebé maka haktuir livru. | [
"TIMOR AGORA: Politizasaun hosi relijiaun iha Indonezia hamosu kesar barak ba blasfemia Politizasaun hosi relijiaun iha Indonezia hamosu kesar barak ba blasfemia Aumentu hosi politizasaun relijiaun nian iha Indonezia no kombate ba diskursu sira odiu nian hanesan fator prinsipal ne'ebe kontribui hodi aumenta maka'as iha numeru hosi kesar sira iha kazu sira blasfemia nian, haktuir hosi organizasaun ida ne'ebe ho sede iha Jakarta.",
"Visi-prezidente hosi Institutu Setara hosi Demokrasia no Paz, Bogar Tigor Naipospos, hatete iha loron-kinta ne'e ba jornalista sira katak iha tinan liuba numeru hosi kesar sira kona-ba blasfemia aumenta maka'as ba 25, kompara ho tinan 2017 ne'ebe iha de'it kesar sia.",
"\"Uzu relijiaun ne'e hanesan dalan ida iha politika hanesan fator prinsipal,\" nia hatete hodi refere katak durante tinan barak nia laran, no dezde lei blasfemia nian hahu hala'o iha tinan 1965, maka rejista de'it kazu ida ka rua.",
"\"Bainhira propaganda [iha lina etniku sira ho relijiozu sira] kontinua no politizasaun hosi relijiaun uza ona hosi partidu politiku konkorente sira, ita haree saida maka ita hanaran jerasaun denunsiante, ho akuzasaun sira blasfemia nian, hodi halakon sira nia oponente politiku,\" nia hatete.",
"Entre kazu sira ne'ebe seriu liu, destaka kazu Meliana nian, feto budista ida ne'ebe iha fulan-Agostu tinan liuba hetan julgamentu no kondena ba kadeia fulan 18 iha Medan, norte Sumatra nian, tanba kesar katak lian hosi altifalante sira, hosi meskita ida, hanesan aas tebes.",
"Hodi hatan ba nia deklarasaun sira, grupu islamiku lokal sira ataka ona nia uma no tempu budista oioin.",
"Esplikasaun hosi Naipopos, ne'ebe haktuir hosi empreza indoneziu, katak uzu ne'ebe laloos hosi lei blasfemia nian maka kontribui ba aumentu hosi kesar sira.",
"Ne'e tau hamutuk ho Lei Eletroniku tinan 2016 nian ne'ebe bandu divulgasaun hosi diskursu odiu nian hasoru grupu etniku sira, relijiaun sira ho rasa sira, no ne'ebe \"iha mos papel importante ida hodi provoka akuzasaun sira blasfemia nian,\" nia hatutan.",
"\"Lei rua ne'e baibain uza hodi kastigu ema sira seluk,\" nia hatutan.",
"Kazu ida ne'ebe kontribui ona ba aumentu ne'e maka kazu hosi eis-governador kristaun Jakarta, Basuki Tjahaja Purnama, ne'ebe konesidu liu ho naran Ahok, ne'ebe hafoin protestu sira hsoi ema millaun resin, hetan kondenasaun kadeia tinan rua tanba blasfemia.",
"Nia kondenasaun, ne'ebe hetan protestu maka'as hosi grupu sira direitu ema nian, konsidera hanesan pontu virajen ida iha kestaun kona-ba toleransia relijiozu iha Indonezia.",
"Ahok hetan kondenasaun hafoin komentariu sira ne'ebe nia halo durante kampana ba nia re-eleisaun, maibe hetan ona falsifikasaun, hodi sujere katak nia halo insultu ida hasoru Koraun no la'os ba lider relijiozu konservador sira ne'ebe maka haktuir livru."
] | [
"TIMOR AGORA: Politicization of religion in Indonesia leads to high blasphemy cases Increasing politicisation and the fight against hate speech are major factors contributing towards a sharp rise on blame claim numbers for religious offences, according an organization based at Jakarta."
"The Vice-President of the Foreign Institute for Democracy and Peace, Bogar Tigor Naipospas told journalists on Friday that in 2018 there was a sharp increase to nine blasphemy cases compared with just twenty five last year."
"\"The use of religion as a means in politics is an important factor,\" he said. He pointed out that over the years and since blasphemy laws were introduced back to 1965 only one or two cases have been reported on this issue:"
"\"While [ethnic and religious] propaganda continues, the politicization of religion has been used by competing political parties to create what we call a whistleblower generation with blasphemy accusations against their own opponent in politics\", he said."
"Among the more serious cases, one that stands out is Meliana's case. She was a Buddhist woman who in August last year went on trial and received an imprisonment sentence of up to sixteen months for her complaint about loudspeakers at mosques being too noisy; she had been arrested by police after this incident but could not be released until July because there were no other reasonable excuses available or evidence sufficiently convincing it would have caused such harmful consequences as sexual abuse with children under age three years old (see above)."
"In response to her statements, local Islamic groups have attacked both his home and various Buddhist shrines."
"The explanation of Naipopos, quoted by the Indonesian company as saying that abusive use and misused blasphemy law has contributed to an increase in cases."
"This is coupled with the 2016 Electronic Communications Act, which prohibits dissemination of hate speech against ethnic groups and religions or races. The law \"also plays an important role in provoking blasphemy accusations\", he added:"
"\"These two laws are usually used to punish other people,\" he added."
"One case that has contributed to this rise is the one of former Christian Jakarta governor Basuki Tjahaja Purnama, better known as Ahok who after protests involving millions was sentenced for blasphemy."
"His conviction, which has been heavily protested by human rights groups is seen as a turning point in the issue of religious tolerance within Indonesia."
"Ahok was condemned after comments he made during his re-election campaign, but the statements were falsified to suggest that it is an insult against Koran and not conservative religious leaders who follow this book."
] |
Hahú aban, ró-ahi KMP Tranship II subtitui Nakroma no Success | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste\nVARANDA HEADLINE Hahú aban, ró-ahi KMP Tranship II subtitui Nakroma no Success\nHahú aban, ró-ahi KMP Tranship II subtitui Nakroma no Success\nDILI, 24 maiu 2021 (TATOLI)—Ministru Transporte no Komunikasaun (MTK), José Agustinho da Silva, informa, iha tersa (25/05) ró-ahi ho naran KMP Tranship II, hosi Surabaya, Indonézia sei to’o iha Dili hodi subtitui ró-ahi Berlin Nakroma no Success.\n“Ró-ahi Berlin Nakroma avaria desde tinan 2020 to’o agora seidauk hadi’a ho razaun situasaun COVID-19, no ró-ahi Success sei ba halo manutensaun durante fulan-tolu iha Indonézia tanba desde halo operasaun iha Dili durante tinan-tolu seidauk halo manutensaun,” Ministru José Agustinho, relata hafoin ramata reuniaun ho Primeiru-Ministru, Taur Matan Ruak, iha Rezidénsia Farol, segunda ne’e.\nTuir governante ne’e, Governu presiza foti lalais desizaun hodi iha alternativa ba konetividade via marítima tanba servisu ne’e labele paradu.\n“Kondisaun reál hatudu katak ró-ahi ne’ebé Governu kontrata avaria desde tinan kotuk, tanba ne’e presiza halo manutensaun, entaun iha situasaun ida-ne’e Governu laiha opsaun atu asegura movimentu marítima. Klaru katak iha situasaun Estadu Emerjénsia no Serka Sanitária, limita movimentu pasajeiru maski iha kazu esensiál balun bele fasilita maibé tenke iha koordenasaun,” nia akresenta.\nMinistru dehan, MTK liuhosi Diresaun Nasionál Transporte Marítima buka solusaun atu asegura konetividade marítima, hodi asegura transporta nesesidade bázika, kombustível no konstrusaun ba populasaun Oé-cusse no Ataúro.\n“Populasaun rai rua ne’e tenke aseguradu nafatin, entaun Governu iha kontestu ida-ne’e tenke iha opsaun atu asegura konetividade marítima hosi Dili ba rai rua ne’e,” nia hatutan.\nRo-ahi KMP Tranship II temporáriamente sei opera entre Dili-Oé-cusse no Dili-Ataúro hodi hein ro-ahi Belin Nakroma no Success ne’ebé iha prosesu manutensaun.\nGovernu liuhosi MTK halo ona kontratu ho kompañia Atralata Estrategi hosi Indonézia hodi bele opera ró-ahi KMP Tranship II iha Timor-Leste.\nBainhira atraka iha Portu Dili, KMP Tranship II sei submete ba protokolu saúde ligadu ho COVID-19, inklui pesoál sira ne’ebé iha ró laran sei submete ba regra ne’ebé Governu impoin.\nRó-ahi ne’e kontrata tuir prosedimentu hotu no prienxe hotu kritéria sira ne’ebé estabelese.\nTransit II Gresik\nPrevious articleSEPS apoiu ai-han ba vítima dezastre naturál iha Manleuana\nNext articleMembru PNTL baku Octavio Thal submete ba investigasaun | [
"Hahu aban, ro-ahi KMP Tranship II subtitui Nakroma no Success | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA HEADLINE Hahu aban, ro-ahi KMP Tranship II subtitui Nakroma no Success Hahu aban, ro-ahi KMP Tranship II subtitui Nakroma no Success DILI, 24 maiu 2021 (TATOLI) - Ministru Transporte no Komunikasaun (MTK), Jose Agustinho da Silva, informa, iha tersa (25/05) ro-ahi ho naran KMP Tranship II, hosi Surabaya, Indonezia sei to'o iha Dili hodi subtitui ro-ahi Berlin Nakroma no Success.",
"\"Ro-ahi Berlin Nakroma avaria desde tinan 2020 to'o agora seidauk hadi'a ho razaun situasaun COVID-19, no ro-ahi Success sei ba halo manutensaun durante fulan-tolu iha Indonezia tanba desde halo operasaun iha Dili durante tinan-tolu seidauk halo manutensaun,\" Ministru Jose Agustinho, relata hafoin ramata reuniaun ho Primeiru-Ministru, Taur Matan Ruak, iha Rezidensia Farol, segunda ne'e.",
"Tuir governante ne'e, Governu presiza foti lalais desizaun hodi iha alternativa ba konetividade via maritima tanba servisu ne'e labele paradu.",
"\"Kondisaun real hatudu katak ro-ahi ne'ebe Governu kontrata avaria desde tinan kotuk, tanba ne'e presiza halo manutensaun, entaun iha situasaun ida-ne'e Governu laiha opsaun atu asegura movimentu maritima.",
"Klaru katak iha situasaun Estadu Emerjensia no Serka Sanitaria, limita movimentu pasajeiru maski iha kazu esensial balun bele fasilita maibe tenke iha koordenasaun,\" nia akresenta.",
"Ministru dehan, MTK liuhosi Diresaun Nasional Transporte Maritima buka solusaun atu asegura konetividade maritima, hodi asegura transporta nesesidade bazika, kombustivel no konstrusaun ba populasaun Oe-cusse no Atauro.",
"\"Populasaun rai rua ne'e tenke aseguradu nafatin, entaun Governu iha kontestu ida-ne'e tenke iha opsaun atu asegura konetividade maritima hosi Dili ba rai rua ne'e,\" nia hatutan.",
"Ro-ahi KMP Tranship II temporariamente sei opera entre Dili-Oe-cusse no Dili-Atauro hodi hein ro-ahi Belin Nakroma no Success ne'ebe iha prosesu manutensaun.",
"Governu liuhosi MTK halo ona kontratu ho kompania Atralata Estrategi hosi Indonezia hodi bele opera ro-ahi KMP Tranship II iha Timor-Leste.",
"Bainhira atraka iha Portu Dili, KMP Tranship II sei submete ba protokolu saude ligadu ho COVID-19, inklui pesoal sira ne'ebe iha ro laran sei submete ba regra ne'ebe Governu impoin.",
"Ro-ahi ne'e kontrata tuir prosedimentu hotu no prienxe hotu kriteria sira ne'ebe estabelese.",
"Transit II Gresik Previous articleSEPS apoiu ai-han ba vitima dezastre natural iha Manleuana Next articleMembru PNTL baku Octavio Thal submete ba investigasaun"
] | [
"Tomorrow, KMP Tranship II Substitutes Nakroma and Success | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA HEADLINE Today the train will replace Berlin’s nakrom & success Train today subsequently substituted by a second one. Dili (AP) - Minister of Transportation And Communications Jose Agustinho da Silva said that on Tuesday morning it was scheduled to arrive in Port Vila from Surabaya for an interchange with its German counterpart Berlim Nakrom&Success which is currently under construction at East Java Railway Station as well..."
"\"The train Berlin Nakroma has been broken down since the year of,2019 until now and it is not being repaired due to COVID-3 situation. The Success will be going for maintenance during three months in Indonesia because after having operated from Dili over a period that lasts more than two years there haven't had any service\", Minister Jose Agustinho said following his meeting with Prime minister Taur Matan Ruak at Farol Residence on Monday (February)."
"According to the governor, government needs a quick decision on an alternative for maritime connectivity because this work cannot be stopped."
"\"The real condition shows that the railroads which were contracted by Government have been broken down since last year, so they need to be maintaining. In this situation there is no option for government in order ensure maritime movement.\""
"It is clear that in the situation of State Emergency and Sanitary War, limiting passenger movement although some essential cases can be facilitated but there must have been coordination\", he adds."
"The Minister said that MTK, through the National Directorate of Maritime Transport is looking for solutions to ensure marine connectivity and transporting basic necessities such as fuel or construction materials."
"\"The populations of the two countries must still be secured, so in this context Government should have an option to ensure maritime connectivity from Dili for both nations.\""
"The KMP Tranship II train will temporarily operate between Dili-Oecusse and Didili - Atauro to await the Belin Nakroma & Success railways which are undergoing maintenance."
"The government through MTK has signed a contract with the company Atralata Estrategi of Indonesia to operate KMP Tranship II in Timor-Leste."
"When docked at the Port of Dili, KMP Tranship II will be subjected to health protocols related with COVID-19. The personnel on board are also bound by government rules and guidelines for their own safety as they arrive in port or depart from it (see below)."
"The train was contracted in accordance with all procedures and met the established criteria."
"Previous articleSEPS donates food to victim of natural disaster in Manleuana Next Police officer who beat Octavio Thal submitted for investigation"
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By Tempo Timor July 09, 2021 510\nSEKoop, Elizário Ferreira, hato'o hela diskursu iha asembleia jerál CU-RADIFU Ainaru, iha Salaun enkontru Postu Administrativu Ainaru Villa, Sexta (09/07). Foto Tempo Timor\nDeklarasaun ne’ebé fó sai husi SEKoop Elizário, bainhira partisipa iha Asembleia jerál CU-RADIFU nian ba dalima ne'ebé realiza iha salaun sorumutuk Postu Administrativu Ainaru Villa, Munisípiu Ainaru.\n“Prezensa sekretáriu estadu ninian ne'e atu motiva dirijente sira, kooperante sira atu nune'e sira bele motivadu liután atubele organiza, mobiliza ema atu aumenta barak tan iha kooperativa e atu nune'e bele aumenta sira-nia kapitál kooperativa nian”, dehan, Elizário Ferreira, iha Ainaro, sesta (09/07).\nIha vida kooperativa, asembleia jerál hanesan mós instrumentu ida aas liu hodi halo avaliasaun ba dezempeñu servisu husi estrutura no membru sira ne'ebé hala'o ona durante tinan ida nian.\n“Prezensa iha ne'e atu reforsa liután sira, e hanesan aktu rekuñesimentu ida ba sira-nia atividade kooperativa nian durante tinan ida. Tanba hanesan kooperativista ida atu motiva sira kona-ba frakeza no dezafiu ne'ebé sira enfrenta inklui projeta saida mak sira bele atinje iha futuru”, afirma nia.\nTanba opulasaun iha Munisípiu Ainaru, kuaze rihun-60-resin, maibé partisipasaun komunidade nian iha kooperativa sira sei mínimu.\nHo ida ne’e, ba futuru joven sira sei hola parte iha kooperativa RADIFU, atu akompaña no mobiliza populasaun sira liuhusi fahe informasaun hodi ema hotu bele envolve-an iha kooperativa ho kuantidade boot.\n“Sé ita kompara populasaun Ainaru ne'ebé iha 66 mill, mais agora membru kooperativa seidauk atinje mill, ne'e parte ida dezafiu, maibé oportunidade oinsá mak ema kooperativa sira bele servisu atinje membru ne'ebé mak barak, tanba kooperativa ne'e ema dehan “base member” katak membru sira mak sai baze ba dezenvolvimentu kooperativa nian”, hatete nia.\nNune’e mós Prezidente CU-RADIFU, Américo Lopes hatete, sira-nia parte komprome sei hadi’a rekomendasaun ne'ebé hato'o husi SEKoop hodi bele dezenvolve kooperativa la’o ba oin.\n“Ho rekomendasaun husi SEKoop, ida ne'e mak ami esforsu hela, rekomendasaun ne'ebé mak ohin sekretáriu estadu fó ne'e ami esforsu hadi'a fali fallansu ne'ebé mal iha atubele mellora di'ak liután iha ami-nia CU-RADIFU nian”, promete nia.\nEntretantu, iha asembleia jerál ba CU RADIFU ba dalima ne'e, estrutura sira aprezenta programa no planu ba kurtu prazu, médiu prazu, no longu prazu, inklui aprezenta mós exelente (di'ak liu) ne'ebé durante tinan 2018 to'o 2020 nian ba membru sira. (*)\nAumenta Kapitál Finanseira\n« CU-RADIFU Ajuda Vitórino Hari'i Loja no Apotik Zumaina SEKoop ho Kompaña Ensera Distribuisaun Sesta Bázika Iha Ainaru » | [
"By Tempo Timor July 09, 2021 510 SEKoop, Elizario Ferreira, hato'o hela diskursu iha asembleia jeral CU-RADIFU Ainaru, iha Salaun enkontru Postu Administrativu Ainaru Villa, Sexta (09/07).",
"Foto Tempo Timor Deklarasaun ne'ebe fo sai husi SEKoop Elizario, bainhira partisipa iha Asembleia jeral CU-RADIFU nian ba dalima ne'ebe realiza iha salaun sorumutuk Postu Administrativu Ainaru Villa, Munisipiu Ainaru.",
"\"Prezensa sekretariu estadu ninian ne'e atu motiva dirijente sira, kooperante sira atu nune'e sira bele motivadu liutan atubele organiza, mobiliza ema atu aumenta barak tan iha kooperativa e atu nune'e bele aumenta sira-nia kapital kooperativa nian,\" dehan, Elizario Ferreira, iha Ainaro, sesta (09/07).",
"Iha vida kooperativa, asembleia jeral hanesan mos instrumentu ida aas liu hodi halo avaliasaun ba dezempenu servisu husi estrutura no membru sira ne'ebe hala'o ona durante tinan ida nian.",
"\"Prezensa iha ne'e atu reforsa liutan sira, e hanesan aktu rekunesimentu ida ba sira-nia atividade kooperativa nian durante tinan ida.",
"Tanba hanesan kooperativista ida atu motiva sira kona-ba frakeza no dezafiu ne'ebe sira enfrenta inklui projeta saida mak sira bele atinje iha futuru,\" afirma nia.",
"Tanba opulasaun iha Munisipiu Ainaru, kuaze rihun-60-resin, maibe partisipasaun komunidade nian iha kooperativa sira sei minimu.",
"Ho ida ne'e, ba futuru joven sira sei hola parte iha kooperativa RADIFU, atu akompana no mobiliza populasaun sira liuhusi fahe informasaun hodi ema hotu bele envolve-an iha kooperativa ho kuantidade boot.",
"\"Se ita kompara populasaun Ainaru ne'ebe iha 66 mill, mais agora membru kooperativa seidauk atinje mill, ne'e parte ida dezafiu, maibe oportunidade oinsa mak ema kooperativa sira bele servisu atinje membru ne'ebe mak barak, tanba kooperativa ne'e ema dehan \"base member\" katak membru sira mak sai baze ba dezenvolvimentu kooperativa nian,\" hatete nia.",
"Nune'e mos Prezidente CU-RADIFU, Americo Lopes hatete, sira-nia parte komprome sei hadi'a rekomendasaun ne'ebe hato'o husi SEKoop hodi bele dezenvolve kooperativa la'o ba oin.",
"\"Ho rekomendasaun husi SEKoop, ida ne'e mak ami esforsu hela, rekomendasaun ne'ebe mak ohin sekretariu estadu fo ne'e ami esforsu hadi'a fali fallansu ne'ebe mal iha atubele mellora di'ak liutan iha ami-nia CU-RADIFU nian,\" promete nia.",
"Entretantu, iha asembleia jeral ba CU RADIFU ba dalima ne'e, estrutura sira aprezenta programa no planu ba kurtu prazu, mediu prazu, no longu prazu, inklui aprezenta mos exelente (di'ak liu) ne'ebe durante tinan 2018 to'o 2020 nian ba membru sira. (*) Aumenta Kapital Finanseira \" CU-RADIFU Ajuda Vitorino Hari'i Loja no Apotik Zumaina SEKoop ho Kompana Ensera Distribuisaun Sesta Bazika Iha Ainaru \""
] | [
"By Tempo Timor July 09,157 SEKoop President Elizario Ferreira delivers a speech at the general assembly of CU-RADIFU Ainaru in meeting room from Post Administrative Villa (Ainaru), on Friday."
"Photo Tempo Timor Declaration by SEKoop Elizario, when participating in the General Assembly of CU-RADIFU for 2nd time held at meeting room Ainaru Villa Administrative Post Office."
"\"The presence of this secretary is to motivate the leaders, cooperative members so that they can be further encouraged and organized. They will mobilize people in order for more persons into cooperatives which would increase their own capital\", said Elizario Ferreira on Saturday (09/7)."
"In cooperative life, the general assembly also serves as a higher instrument for assessing performance of work by structure and members during one year."
"\"The presence here is to reinforce them, and as an act of recognition for their cooperative activities over a year."
"Because as a co-operative member, it is important to motivate them about the weaknesses and challenges they face including projecting what can be achieved in future.\""
"Because the population in Ainaru Municipality is almost 60 thousand, but community participation into cooperatives will be minimal."
"With this, in the future young people will be part of RADIFU cooperative to accompany and mobilize populations by sharing information so that everyone can get involved with cooperatives."
"\"If we compare the population of Ainaru, which has 65 thousand people but now cooperative members have not reached a mill. This is part challenge and opportunity for how they can work to reach many more memberships because in cooperatives there are so-called 'base Member' who become base on development.\""
"Likewise, CU-RADIFU President Americo Lopes said that his party is committed to improving the recommendations made by SEcoop in order for cooperative development go forward."
"\"With the recommendation of SEKoop, this is what we are trying to do. The suggestion that today's Secretary-of State gave us was an attempt at improving those flaws in order for our CU - RADFU operating well again\", he promised.\""
"Meanwhile, in the general assembly of CU RADIFU on Sunday this week (20/1), its structures presented their short-term and medium term plans to members. They also showed them what they have done well during 3 years from now until June or July next year (\"best\") (*) Increase Financial Capital \"CU RADFU help Vitorino build a shop & pharmacy Zumaina SEKoop with company Ensera Distribuição Sesta Básica In Ainaru\""
] |
Reeleitu: Lú Olo sei hametin relasaun instituisionál ho órgaun soberania seluk | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste\nVARANDA BAUCAU Reeleitu: Lú Olo sei hametin relasaun instituisionál ho órgaun soberania seluk\nReeleitu: Lú Olo sei hametin relasaun instituisionál ho órgaun soberania seluk\nKandidatu Prezidente Repúblika, Francisco Guterres Lú Olo, hala’o kampaña dala-neen (6) iha Sentru Konvensaun Baucau. Imajen Tatoli/Anito Soares.\nBAUCAU, 07 abríl 2022 (TATOLI)—Kandidatu Prezidente Repúblika periódu 2022-2027 ho númeru sorteiu rua (2), Francisco Guterres ‘Lú Olo’, kinta ne’e hala’o atividade kampaña ba loron daneen ho tipu diálogu ho militante no apoiante sira iha Sentru Konvensaun Baucau.\nKandidatu ne’e hato’o kompromisu polítiku katak, bainhira reeleitu sai Xefe Estadu ba mandatu daruak mak sei hametin liu tán relasaun instituisional ho órgaun soberania sira seluk hodi servi Estadu, tanba PR sei garante pás no estabilidade no funsionamentu instituisaun Estadu.\n“PR mós hanesan titulár órgaun soberania boot tebes iha ita-nia rain no atu hetan lejimitidade hosi povu liuhosi eleisaun ne’ebé livre demokrátivu. Tanba ne’e, sai sasukat eleisaun kada tinan lima hili Xefe Estadu ho loloos halo exersisu podér polítiku liuhosi konstituisaun bainhira tenke relasaun di’ak ho órgaun soberania seluk hanesan Parlamentu Nasionál, Governu no Tribunál sira atu ida-idak iha kna’ar hodi kompleta Estadu servi povu,” Lú Olo hateten.\nPR mós iha relasaun instituisional hodi ko’alia ho ezekutivu atu implementa programa importante ba nesesidade povu, no relasaun Prezidente Repúblika importante ho Governu ne’ebé iha influénsia majistratura hodi haree iha área ne’ebé afeta ba povu nia moris hanesan edukasaun, saúde no bainhira iha munisípiu Baucau hasoru problema bele hato’o ba Primeiru Ministru hodi hadi’a.\nBibán ne’e, Lú Olo kongratula Baucau-oan sira iha eleisaun primeira volta ne’e Munisípiu Baucau bele manán ho votu barak liu ho kandidatu sira seluk no eleisaun primeira ronda, ne’ebé rezulta kandidatu na’in-rua hetan mais votadu hodi compete fali iha segunda ronda.\n“Ha’u fiar iha eleisaun segundu volta konfirma vitória ba Baucau-oan sira,” nia dehan.\nIha konstituisaun repúblika artigu 74 (definisaun) iha alínea 1 hateten Prezidente Repúblika maka Xefe-Estadu, símbolu no garantia independénsia nasionál no unidade Estadu nian, no instituisaun demokrátika sira-nia funsionamentu regular; no iha alínea 2 hateten Prezidente Repúblika maka Komandante aas liu forsa armada nian.\nNune’e mós, iha konstituisaun artigu 76 (eleisaun) iha alínea 1 haktuir atu sai Prezidente Repúblika, sei hili tuir sufrájiu universál, livre, diretu, sekretu no ida-idak.\nAlínea 2 hateten, eleisaun Prezidente Repúblika nian banati tuir sistema manán ho votu barakliu hosi votu hotu-hotu ne’ebé válidu, la sura votu ne’ebé la valid.\nAlínea 3 ne’e dehan, bainhira kandidatu sira hetan votu hanesan, sei hala’o fali eleisaun dala ida tan, liutiha loron tolunulu husi loron votasaun ida foin liubá kotuk.\nIkus liu, alínea 4 katak iha eleisaun daruak, kandidatu na’in-rua ne’ebé hetan liu votu no la hasai sira-nia kandidatura mak bele tuir.\nEnkuantu, tuir rezultadu apuramentu munisípiu Baucau ba eleisaun prezidensiál primeira volta kandidatu Lú Olo manán iha munisípiu Baucau ho votu 27.463 (40,15%) hosi totál eleitór na’in-71.137, no kandidatu Prezidente Repúblika José Ramos Horta, hetan votu ho totál 15,898 (23,25%).\nKampana iha Sentru Konvensaun Baucau\nKandidatu Prezidente Republika Francisco Guterres Lu Olo\nPrevious articleMAP RAEOA identifika kondisaun tratór molok halo leilaun\nNext articleForsa konjunta finaliza ona konstrusaun armazein aeroportu Baucau | [
"Reeleitu: Lu Olo sei hametin relasaun instituisional ho orgaun soberania seluk | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA BAUCAU Reeleitu: Lu Olo sei hametin relasaun instituisional ho orgaun soberania seluk Reeleitu: Lu Olo sei hametin relasaun instituisional ho orgaun soberania seluk Kandidatu Prezidente Republika, Francisco Guterres Lu Olo, hala'o kampana dala-neen (6) iha Sentru Konvensaun Baucau.",
"Imajen Tatoli/Anito Soares.",
"BAUCAU, 07 abril 2022 (TATOLI) - Kandidatu Prezidente Republika periodu 2022-2027 ho numeru sorteiu rua (2), Francisco Guterres 'Lu Olo', kinta ne'e hala'o atividade kampana ba loron daneen ho tipu dialogu ho militante no apoiante sira iha Sentru Konvensaun Baucau.",
"Kandidatu ne'e hato'o kompromisu politiku katak, bainhira reeleitu sai Xefe Estadu ba mandatu daruak mak sei hametin liu tan relasaun instituisional ho orgaun soberania sira seluk hodi servi Estadu, tanba PR sei garante pas no estabilidade no funsionamentu instituisaun Estadu.",
"\"PR mos hanesan titular orgaun soberania boot tebes iha ita-nia rain no atu hetan lejimitidade hosi povu liuhosi eleisaun ne'ebe livre demokrativu.",
"Tanba ne'e, sai sasukat eleisaun kada tinan lima hili Xefe Estadu ho loloos halo exersisu poder politiku liuhosi konstituisaun bainhira tenke relasaun di'ak ho orgaun soberania seluk hanesan Parlamentu Nasional, Governu no Tribunal sira atu ida-idak iha kna'ar hodi kompleta Estadu servi povu,\" Lu Olo hateten.",
"PR mos iha relasaun instituisional hodi ko'alia ho ezekutivu atu implementa programa importante ba nesesidade povu, no relasaun Prezidente Republika importante ho Governu ne'ebe iha influensia majistratura hodi haree iha area ne'ebe afeta ba povu nia moris hanesan edukasaun, saude no bainhira iha munisipiu Baucau hasoru problema bele hato'o ba Primeiru Ministru hodi hadi'a.",
"Biban ne'e, Lu Olo kongratula Baucau-oan sira iha eleisaun primeira volta ne'e Munisipiu Baucau bele manan ho votu barak liu ho kandidatu sira seluk no eleisaun primeira ronda, ne'ebe rezulta kandidatu na'in-rua hetan mais votadu hodi compete fali iha segunda ronda.",
"\"Ha'u fiar iha eleisaun segundu volta konfirma vitoria ba Baucau-oan sira,\" nia dehan.",
"Iha konstituisaun republika artigu 74 (definisaun) iha alinea 1 hateten Prezidente Republika maka Xefe-Estadu, simbolu no garantia independensia nasional no unidade Estadu nian, no instituisaun demokratika sira-nia funsionamentu regular; no iha alinea 2 hateten Prezidente Republika maka Komandante aas liu forsa armada nian.",
"Nune'e mos, iha konstituisaun artigu 76 (eleisaun) iha alinea 1 haktuir atu sai Prezidente Republika, sei hili tuir sufrajiu universal, livre, diretu, sekretu no ida-idak.",
"Alinea 2 hateten, eleisaun Prezidente Republika nian banati tuir sistema manan ho votu barakliu hosi votu hotu-hotu ne'ebe validu, la sura votu ne'ebe la valid.",
"Alinea 3 ne'e dehan, bainhira kandidatu sira hetan votu hanesan, sei hala'o fali eleisaun dala ida tan, liutiha loron tolunulu husi loron votasaun ida foin liuba kotuk.",
"Ikus liu, alinea 4 katak iha eleisaun daruak, kandidatu na'in-rua ne'ebe hetan liu votu no la hasai sira-nia kandidatura mak bele tuir.",
"Enkuantu, tuir rezultadu apuramentu munisipiu Baucau ba eleisaun prezidensial primeira volta kandidatu Lu Olo manan iha munisipiu Baucau ho votu 27.463 (40,15%) hosi total eleitor na'in-71.137, no kandidatu Prezidente Republika Jose Ramos Horta, hetan votu ho total 15,898 (23,25%).",
"Kampana iha Sentru Konvensaun Baucau Kandidatu Prezidente Republika Francisco Guterres Lu Olo Previous articleMAP RAEOA identifika kondisaun trator molok halo leilaun Next articleForsa konjunta finaliza ona konstrusaun armazein aeroportu Baucau"
] | [
"Re-elected: Lu Olo will strengthen institutional relationship with other sovereign organs | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor -Leste VARANDA BAUCAU REELECTED LU OLOU WILL STRENCH INSTITUTIONAL RELATIONS TO OTHER SOUVERN ORGANISM Selection campaign for President of the Republic candidate, Francisco Guterres LULU OLO was held at Baucau Convention Centre."
"Image: Tatoli/Anito Soares."
"BAUCAU, April 7th (TATOLI) - The candidate for the presidency of Timor-Leste in a period from February to March with draw number two(2), Francisco Guterres 'Lu Olo' on Wednesday held campaign activities at Baucau Convention Centre."
"The candidate made a political commitment that if he was re-elected Head of State for the second term, it would further strengthen institutional relations with other sovereign organs in order to serve his country because PR will guarantee peace and stability as well As functioning state institutions."
"\"The PR is also the holder of a very large sovereign organ in our country and to gain legitimacy from people through free democratic elections."
"Therefore, it becomes a matter of election every five years to elect the Head Of State who should exercise political power through constitution when he has good relations with other sovereign organ such as National Parliament and Government so that each one in his role can complete state serving people."
"The PR also has an institutional relationship to talk with the executive in order for them implement important programs that meet people's needs, and a President of Republic is very closely connected by his influence on government officials so he can look into areas affecting their lives such as education or health. When there are problems at Baucau municipality they may be referred towards Prime Minister To improve things upwards"
"In addition, Lu Olo congratulated the people of Baucau in this first round election that Municipality Bacau won with more votes than other candidate and elections at a time when two nominees received most voting to compete again."
"\"I am confident that the second round of elections will confirm victory for Baucau's people,\" he said."
"Article 74 (Definition) of the Constitution states in paragraph one that “The President is Head Of State, symbol and guarantor For national independence And unity OF THE STATE AND FOR REGULAR FUNCTIONING AFTER THIS”; while article two stipulates: “…the president shall be Commander-in Chief…of all armed forces.”"
"Similarly, Article 76 (election) of the Constitution states in paragraph one that to be elected President by universal suffrage free and direct secret ballot."
"Paragraph 2 states that the election of President shall be divided according to a system in which winner is one who has received most votes from all valid ballots, excluding invalid voting."
"Paragraph 3 states that, if candidates receive the same number of ballots a re-election shall be held within thirteen days from last voting day."
"Finally, paragraph 4 states that in the second round of voting only those two candidates who have received more than one-third vote and do not retire their candidacy may be elected."
"Meanwhile, according to the results of Baucau municipality for presidential election first round candidate Lu Olo won in Bacau with 27.463 votes (50%) out from a total voter base-198; and President Jose Ramos Horta received an overall scored by his opponent José Eduardo dos Santos who was elected as Vice Prime Minister after losing against former vice prime minister João Lourenço on June -"
"Previous articleMAP RAEOA identifies condition of traktors before auction Next ArticleJoint Force has completed construction for Baucau airport warehouse Bacau Convention Center President Candidate Francisco Guterres Lu Olo"
] |
AMRT Komemora 30 Agostu ho Konkursu Puízia | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste\nVARANDA EDUKASAUN AMRT Komemora 30 Agostu ho Konkursu Puízia\nAMRT Komemora 30 Agostu ho Konkursu Puízia\nDILI, (TATOLI) – Arkivu no Múzeu Rezisténsia Timor-Leste (AMRT) organiza konkursu aprezentasaun puízia rezisténsia ba eskola sekundáriu sira iha kapitál Díli hodi komemora aniversáriu ba 18 konsulta populár 30 agostu.\nXefe Departamentu Arkivu no Muzeolojia, Moises de Jesus informa, AMRT selebra loron importante sira hamutuk ho estudante sira nune’e atrai sira hodi manan espíritu nasionalizmu no iha hanoin, hatene rekoñese no valoriza luta rezisténsia nian.\n“Ita hotu presiza hatene katak luta sira ne’e la’ós fásil maibé liuhusi fakar ruin no ran, mate hodi alkansa objetivu ukun rasik aan”, hateten Moises de Jesus ba profisionál komunikasaun sosiál sira iha salaun AMRT, Dili, ohin.\nTan ne’e, AMRT selebra serimónia ida ne’e hodi atrai estudante eh joven sira hodi koñese di’ak liutan istória no AMRT hodi manan espíritu nasionalizmu no patriotizmu.\nMoises mós informa AMRT realiza konkursu ne’e ho orsamentu rasik ne’ebé mai husi estadu no koopera ho eskola sekundária sira iha Dili, públiku no privadu.\nEskola sira ne’e mak São Pedro Komoro-Dili, eskola 12 Novembru, eskola Paulo VI, eskola Canossa no seluk tan.\n“Iha inísiu ami hakarak konvida sanulu maibé depois tan eskola balun iha atividade eskolár ne’ebé sira halo mós iha eskola hodi selebra mós loron ida ne’e entaun iha de’it eskola balun mai mai”, esplika nia.\nNia akresenta tan, estudante sira ne’ebé sai manan na’in iha konkursu puízia ne’e, AMRT la’ós fó osan maibé sei fó de’it livru istória Timor-Leste no literature sira nu’udar prezente.\n“Ita la iha prémiu osan. Ita labele bolu ema, atria ema ho osan. Atividade ne’e ita fó prezente hanesan livru de’it”, informa.\nAMRT ne’e hahú horseik no termina ohin, tersa (29/8).\nKonkorente ida Ana Monica do Rego hateten kontente ho atividade ne’e tanba liuhusi konkursu ida ne’e nia bele hatudu nia talentu.\n“Ha’u mós kontente tanba matéria literatura ne’ebé aprende iha eskola ha’u bele aprezenta”, apresia estudante Santa Madalena de Canossa ne’e.\nEntretantu tuir observasaun Ajénsia Tatoli, alende halo aprezentasaun puízia husi konkorente sira, partisipante sira mós fó oportunidade hodi halo aprezentasaun literária nomós knananuk Timor-Leste nian inklui seluk tan.\nArkivu no Múzeu Rezisténsia Timor-Leste (AMRT)\nKonsulta populár 30 agostu.\nPrevious articleNegosiasaun FM, Hernani : Ha’u lakohi halo Espekulasaun\nNext articleCanossa Sai Vensedór ba Konkursu Puízia\nMate Isin Médika Amita Thampa Halo Kremasaun iha Hera\nAban, PD Realiza Konferénsia Nasionál\nArkivu Select Month February 2020 (434) January 2020 (673) December 2019 (451) November 2019 (600) October 2019 (738) September 2019 (684) August 2019 (774) July 2019 (793) June 2019 (397) May 2019 (491) April 2019 (237) March 2019 (231) February 2019 (189) January 2019 (185) December 2018 (125) November 2018 (144) October 2018 (201) September 2018 (222) August 2018 (243) July 2018 (210) June 2018 (172) May 2018 (177) April 2018 (178) March 2018 (195) February 2018 (198) January 2018 (219) December 2017 (147) November 2017 (167) October 2017 (216) September 2017 (216) August 2017 (205) July 2017 (203) June 2017 (273) May 2017 (324) April 2017 (261) March 2017 (161)\nKomunidade Lore II Kontinua Halerik ba Estrada\nLAUTÉM, 18 fevereiru 2020 (TATOLI) - Xefe Suku Lore II, Postu Administrativu Lospalos, Munisípiu Lautém, Armando de Jesus, hateten suku ne’e potensiál iha agrikultura...\nSAS Sei Esforsu Dada Kanu Bee-Moos ba Komunidade\nDILI, 13 fevereiru 2020 (TATOLI)-Servisu Água no Saneamentu (SAS), Munisípiu Dili iha tinan 2020 ne’e sei esforsu atu dada kanu bee moos ba komunidade...\nGovernu Seidauk Simu Proposta Kontratu Advogadu ba Kazál Timoroan\nDILI, 13 fevereiru 2020 (TATOLI)--To'o oras ne'e, Governu seidauk simu proposta husi kualkér instituisaun inklui Ministériu Públiku (MP), kona-ba atu kontratu advogadu timoroan hodi... | [
"AMRT Komemora 30 Agostu ho Konkursu Puizia | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA EDUKASAUN AMRT Komemora 30 Agostu ho Konkursu Puizia AMRT Komemora 30 Agostu ho Konkursu Puizia DILI, (TATOLI) - Arkivu no Muzeu Rezistensia Timor-Leste (AMRT) organiza konkursu aprezentasaun puizia rezistensia ba eskola sekundariu sira iha kapital Dili hodi komemora aniversariu ba 18 konsulta popular 30 agostu.",
"Xefe Departamentu Arkivu no Muzeolojia, Moises de Jesus informa, AMRT selebra loron importante sira hamutuk ho estudante sira nune'e atrai sira hodi manan espiritu nasionalizmu no iha hanoin, hatene rekonese no valoriza luta rezistensia nian.",
"\"Ita hotu presiza hatene katak luta sira ne'e la'os fasil maibe liuhusi fakar ruin no ran, mate hodi alkansa objetivu ukun rasik aan,\" hateten Moises de Jesus ba profisional komunikasaun sosial sira iha salaun AMRT, Dili, ohin.",
"Tan ne'e, AMRT selebra serimonia ida ne'e hodi atrai estudante eh joven sira hodi konese di'ak liutan istoria no AMRT hodi manan espiritu nasionalizmu no patriotizmu.",
"Moises mos informa AMRT realiza konkursu ne'e ho orsamentu rasik ne'ebe mai husi estadu no koopera ho eskola sekundaria sira iha Dili, publiku no privadu.",
"Eskola sira ne'e mak Sao Pedro Komoro-Dili, eskola 12 Novembru, eskola Paulo VI, eskola Canossa no seluk tan.",
"\"Iha inisiu ami hakarak konvida sanulu maibe depois tan eskola balun iha atividade eskolar ne'ebe sira halo mos iha eskola hodi selebra mos loron ida ne'e entaun iha de'it eskola balun mai mai,\" esplika nia.",
"Nia akresenta tan, estudante sira ne'ebe sai manan na'in iha konkursu puizia ne'e, AMRT la'os fo osan maibe sei fo de'it livru istoria Timor-Leste no literature sira nu'udar prezente.",
"\"Ita la iha premiu osan.",
"Ita labele bolu ema, atria ema ho osan.",
"Atividade ne'e ita fo prezente hanesan livru de'it,\" informa.",
"AMRT ne'e hahu horseik no termina ohin, tersa (29/8).",
"Konkorente ida Ana Monica do Rego hateten kontente ho atividade ne'e tanba liuhusi konkursu ida ne'e nia bele hatudu nia talentu.",
"\"Ha'u mos kontente tanba materia literatura ne'ebe aprende iha eskola ha'u bele aprezenta,\" apresia estudante Santa Madalena de Canossa ne'e.",
"Entretantu tuir observasaun Ajensia Tatoli, alende halo aprezentasaun puizia husi konkorente sira, partisipante sira mos fo oportunidade hodi halo aprezentasaun literaria nomos knananuk Timor-Leste nian inklui seluk tan.",
"Arkivu no Muzeu Rezistensia Timor-Leste (AMRT) Konsulta popular 30 agostu.",
"Previous articleNegosiasaun FM, Hernani: Ha'u lakohi halo Espekulasaun Next articleCanossa Sai Vensedor ba Konkursu Puizia Mate Isin Medika Amita Thampa Halo Kremasaun iha Hera Aban, PD Realiza Konferensia Nasional Arkivu Select Month February 2020 (434) January 2020 (673) December 2019 (451) November 2019 (600) October 2019 (738) September 2019 (684) August 2019 (774) July 2019 (793) June 2019 (397) May 2019 (491) April 2019 (237) March 2019 (231) February 2019 (189) January 2019 (185) December 2018 (125) November 2018 (144) October 2018 (201) September 2018 (222) August 2018 (243) July 2018 (210) June 2018 (172) May 2018 (177) April 2018 (178) March 2018 (195) February 2018 (198) January 2018 (219) December 2017 (147) November 2017 (167) October 2017 (216) September 2017 (216) August 2017 (205) July 2017 (203) June 2017 (273) May 2017 (324) April 2017 (261) March 2017 (161) Komunidade Lore II Kontinua Halerik ba Estrada LAUTEM, 18 fevereiru 2020 (TATOLI) - Xefe Suku Lore II, Postu Administrativu Lospalos, Munisipiu Lautem, Armando de Jesus, hateten suku ne'e potensial iha agrikultura...",
"SAS Sei Esforsu Dada Kanu Bee-Moos ba Komunidade DILI, 13 fevereiru 2020 (TATOLI) -Servisu Agua no Saneamentu (SAS), Munisipiu Dili iha tinan 2020 ne'e sei esforsu atu dada kanu bee moos ba komunidade...",
"Governu Seidauk Simu Proposta Kontratu Advogadu ba Kazal Timoroan DILI, 13 fevereiru 2020 (TATOLI) --To'o oras ne'e, Governu seidauk simu proposta husi kualker instituisaun inklui Ministeriu Publiku (MP), kona-ba atu kontratu advogadu timoroan hodi..."
] | [
"AMRT Celebrates August 30th with Puizia Contest Dili, (Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste) - The Archives and Museum of the Resistance in East Тимор has organized a competition for secondary schools to present their pupils’ works on resistance. This contest is being held as an event commemorating this year's Anniversary at which we are celebrating that it was just one month ago from when our country had its first popular consultation: \"18 years after\" – or more exactly “August”– there were only about three thousand people who voted against independence by voters registering before October last week; they said nobody would be allowed anywhere other than where he/she resides today!"
"The Head of the Archives and Museology Department, Moises de Jesus informs that AMRT celebrated important days together with students so as to attract them into a nationalist spirit in order for their mindset is recognizing & valuating resistance struggle."
"\"We all need to know that these struggles are not easy but through shed blood, death and suffering we will achieve our goal of self-determination\", Moises de Jesus told social communication professionals in the AMRT hall today."
"Therefore, AMRT celebrates this ceremony in order to attract students and young people so that they can learn more about the history of Amtrak."
"Moises also informed that AMRT conducted the competition with its own budget, which came from state funds and cooperated to secondary schools of Dili both publics & private."
"These schools are Sao Pedro Komoro-Dili, 12 November Schools and Paul VI school. Canossa is one of them among others..."
"\"Initially we wanted to invite 10 but then some schools had school activities that they also did in the classrooms so only a few of them came,\" she explained."
"He also added that AMRT will not give money to the students who win in this competition, but only books on Timor-Leste's history and literature as a present."
"\"We have no money prizes. We don't give any cash awards,\" he said in an interview with the BBC Radio 1 radio station on Sunday morning (20 January)."
"You can't call people, you attract them with money."
"This activity we present as a book only,\" he informs."
"The AMRT started earlier this morning and ends today, Tuesday (29/8)."
"One of the contestants, Ana Monica do Rego said she was happy with this activity because through it he could show his talent."
"\"I'm also happy because I can present the literature subject that was taught in school,\" said Santa Madalena de Canossa student."
"Meanwhile, according to the observation of Tatoli News Agency (AJ), in addition from making presentations by their competitors they also gave participants an opportunity for literary and Timor-Leste knowledge presentation among others."
"Arquivo no Museu Resistencia Timor-Leste (AMRT) Popular consultation on 30 August."
"Previous articleFM Negotiations, Hernani: I Don't Want to Speculate Next ArticleCanossa Wins Puizia Contests for Medical Amita Thampa Cremations Tomorrow Morning; PD Hold National Conference Archive Select Month February 2019 (435) January"
"Dili, February 13th (TATOLI) -Dili Municipal Water and Sanitation Service will strive to provide clean drinking water for the community in this year of..."
"Government Does Not Submit Proposal for Contracting Timorese Lawyer Dili, February 13th (TATOLI) --To date the government has not received proposal from any institution including Public Prosecutor's Office to contract a..."
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Orsamentu $33.000 Sei Koresponde Ba Prezervasaun Uma-Lulik | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste\nVARANDA NASIONÁL Orsamentu $33.000 Sei Koresponde Ba Prezervasaun Uma-Lulik\nOrsamentu $33.000 Sei Koresponde Ba Prezervasaun Uma-Lulik\nImajen dok. Diretór Jerál Arte no Kultura, Manuel Ximenes Smith\nDILI, 19 juñu 2019 (TATOLI)—Diretór Jerál Arte no Kultura hateten, durante tinan 2015 governu la fó apoiu ba komunidade ne’ebé hato’o proposta atu hadi’a uma-lulik sira no fasilita ba prosesu inaugurasaun ba uma-lulik sira ne’ebé komunidade halo rekonstrusaun ka halo konstrusaun.\nAgora Governu fó fali apoiu liuhusi orsamentu Tranferénsia Públika ne’ebé agora dadaun orsamentu sentraliza iha Diresaun Jerál. Orsamentu Trasferénsia Públika iha Sekretaria Estadu Arte no Kultura tinan ida ne’e hamutuk $42.000 de’it. Entaun, halo transferénsia ba halo manutensaun ba edifísiu hamutuk $8.000 resin para halo instalasaun ba sala reuniaun nian.\n“Orsamentu Transferénsia Públika ne’ebé hela $33.000 resin ne’e mak atu koresponde ba proposta uma-lulik no mós proposta hosi grupu kulturál sira ne’ebé iha ekipa ida mak sei halo avaliasaun. Halo avaliasaun ida ne’e, ita haree kritériu ne’e boot tebes. Se ita fó ba grupu kulturál sira, sira tenke hatama dokumentu ne’ebé hetan rejistu iha Serbisu Rejistu no Verifikasaun Emprezariál (SERVE) no notariadu katak sira-nia organizasaun ne’e naun-lukrutivu,” dehan Diretór Jerál Arte no Kultura, Manuel Ximenes Smith, ba Agência TATOLI liuhusi entrevista iha nia kna’ar fatin, Avenida de Portugal, Dili, kuarta ne’e.\nKona-ba Grupu Kulturál, tuir nia, grupu kulturál sira hotu hela iha Dili laran entaun fásil halo inspesaun ba sira-nia fatin no haree sira-nia dokumentu sira. Agora falta proposta ba uma-lulik sira ne’e mak ekipa ida sei tuun iha sira-nia fatin katak sira halo duni uma-lulik ka lae. Se iha provas katak sira halo duni uma-lulik, Governu prontu fasilita no fó apoiu.\n“Kona-ba uma-lulik ne’ebé atu hetan apoiu ne’e, sira tenke uza materiál prima ka materiál ne’ebé tradisionál. Se uza fali kakuluk taka ho zingo (kalen) no simentadu, entaun apoiu ne’e inválidu ba sira. Hakarak ka lakohi, Governu tenke prezerva no promove valór kulturál orijinál ne’ebé beiala sira husik hela mai ita,” nia dehan.\nTanba bazeia orsamentu Transferénsia Publiku ne’ebé hela $33.000 resin de’it, Smith haktuir, Governu sei fó apoiu kada uma-lulik ida ho montante osan $2000. Ida ne’e, Governu fasilita tanba uma-lulik ne’e tenke mai hosi na’in rasik mak hadi’a, kompozisaun entre fetosá-umane. Governu fasilita de’it no Governu la fó osan tomak atu hadi’a uma-lulik ida tomak.\nTanbasá mak governu prezerva uma-lulik, nia hatán, tanba Governu haree uma-lulik ne’e idéntiku ho karáter ema Timor ninian. Tanba fatin ne’ebé sira tau fiar, fatin ne’ebé sira hetan moris ba, fatin ne’ebé sira hetan espíritu, fatin ne’ebé sira hetan saúde, fatin ne’ebé bele fó iis no beran ba sira liga ba sira-nia oan sira-nia estudu no sira-nia moris agrikultura nian.\n“Kestaun prezervasaun ka kestaun salva guarda ne’e, Governu haree oinsá komunidade nia fiar liga ba uma-lulik. Tanba uma-lulik mak sai nu’udar sira-nia fiar tradisionál. Entaun fiar ida ne’e mak Governu proteje no prezerva,” nia esplika.\nPrevious articleAitana Sasurut Kablaki FC Hosi Kablaki Tutun\nNext articleGovernu Sei Utiliza Eis Muzeu Comoro Sai Sentru Kulturál | [
"Orsamentu $33.000 Sei Koresponde Ba Prezervasaun Uma-Lulik | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA NASIONAL Orsamentu $33.000 Sei Koresponde Ba Prezervasaun Uma-Lulik Orsamentu $33.000 Sei Koresponde Ba Prezervasaun Uma-Lulik Imajen dok.",
"Diretor Jeral Arte no Kultura, Manuel Ximenes Smith DILI, 19 junu 2019 (TATOLI) - Diretor Jeral Arte no Kultura hateten, durante tinan 2015 governu la fo apoiu ba komunidade ne'ebe hato'o proposta atu hadi'a uma-lulik sira no fasilita ba prosesu inaugurasaun ba uma-lulik sira ne'ebe komunidade halo rekonstrusaun ka halo konstrusaun.",
"Agora Governu fo fali apoiu liuhusi orsamentu Tranferensia Publika ne'ebe agora dadaun orsamentu sentraliza iha Diresaun Jeral.",
"Orsamentu Trasferensia Publika iha Sekretaria Estadu Arte no Kultura tinan ida ne'e hamutuk $42.000 de'it.",
"Entaun, halo transferensia ba halo manutensaun ba edifisiu hamutuk $8.000 resin para halo instalasaun ba sala reuniaun nian.",
"\"Orsamentu Transferensia Publika ne'ebe hela $33.000 resin ne'e mak atu koresponde ba proposta uma-lulik no mos proposta hosi grupu kultural sira ne'ebe iha ekipa ida mak sei halo avaliasaun.",
"Halo avaliasaun ida ne'e, ita haree kriteriu ne'e boot tebes.",
"Se ita fo ba grupu kultural sira, sira tenke hatama dokumentu ne'ebe hetan rejistu iha Serbisu Rejistu no Verifikasaun Emprezarial (SERVE) no notariadu katak sira-nia organizasaun ne'e naun-lukrutivu,\" dehan Diretor Jeral Arte no Kultura, Manuel Ximenes Smith, ba Agencia TATOLI liuhusi entrevista iha nia kna'ar fatin, Avenida de Portugal, Dili, kuarta ne'e.",
"Kona-ba Grupu Kultural, tuir nia, grupu kultural sira hotu hela iha Dili laran entaun fasil halo inspesaun ba sira-nia fatin no haree sira-nia dokumentu sira.",
"Agora falta proposta ba uma-lulik sira ne'e mak ekipa ida sei tuun iha sira-nia fatin katak sira halo duni uma-lulik ka lae.",
"Se iha provas katak sira halo duni uma-lulik, Governu prontu fasilita no fo apoiu.",
"\"Kona-ba uma-lulik ne'ebe atu hetan apoiu ne'e, sira tenke uza material prima ka material ne'ebe tradisional.",
"Se uza fali kakuluk taka ho zingo (kalen) no simentadu, entaun apoiu ne'e invalidu ba sira.",
"Hakarak ka lakohi, Governu tenke prezerva no promove valor kultural orijinal ne'ebe beiala sira husik hela mai ita,\" nia dehan.",
"Tanba bazeia orsamentu Transferensia Publiku ne'ebe hela $33.000 resin de'it, Smith haktuir, Governu sei fo apoiu kada uma-lulik ida ho montante osan $2000.",
"Ida ne'e, Governu fasilita tanba uma-lulik ne'e tenke mai hosi na'in rasik mak hadi'a, kompozisaun entre fetosa-umane.",
"Governu fasilita de'it no Governu la fo osan tomak atu hadi'a uma-lulik ida tomak.",
"Tanbasa mak governu prezerva uma-lulik, nia hatan, tanba Governu haree uma-lulik ne'e identiku ho karater ema Timor ninian.",
"Tanba fatin ne'ebe sira tau fiar, fatin ne'ebe sira hetan moris ba, fatin ne'ebe sira hetan espiritu, fatin ne'ebe sira hetan saude, fatin ne'ebe bele fo iis no beran ba sira liga ba sira-nia oan sira-nia estudu no sira-nia moris agrikultura nian.",
"\"Kestaun prezervasaun ka kestaun salva guarda ne'e, Governu haree oinsa komunidade nia fiar liga ba uma-lulik.",
"Tanba uma-lulik mak sai nu'udar sira-nia fiar tradisional.",
"Entaun fiar ida ne'e mak Governu proteje no prezerva,\" nia esplika.",
"Previous articleAitana Sasurut Kablaki FC Hosi Kablaki Tutun Next articleGovernu Sei Utiliza Eis Muzeu Comoro Sai Sentru Kultural"
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"Budget $32,056 Will Be Allocated For Preserving Timorese Homes | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timór-Leste HOME NEWS BUDGET €19.874 To Support The Conservation Of Our Household Economy EUR€ (EUR)"
"Dili, June 19th (TATOLI) - General Director of Arts and Culture Manuel Ximenes Smith said that during the year in which he was heading up his ministry government did not provide support to communities who made proposals for improvings on their homes or facilitated inauguration processes."
"Now the Government is giving back support through Public Transfer budget, which now centralizes in Directorate General."
"The Public Transfer Budget in the State Secretariat of Arts and Culture this year amounts to only $42,015."
"Therefore, a building maintenance transfer of over $8.0 thousand was made to install the meeting room and make it suitable for use as an office space in 1976-2543 (A)."
"\"The Public Transfer Budget of more than $32,015 will be used to cover the proposals from homeowners and cultural groups. A team has been appointed for this evaluation.\""
"In doing this evaluation, we see that the criterion is very high."
"If we give it to cultural groups, they must submit documents registered with the Serviço de Registro e Verificação Emprezarial (SERVE) and notary public that their organization is not-for–profit,” said Director General of Arts & Culture Manuel Ximenes Smith in an interview for Agência TATOLI at his office on Tuesday."
"Regarding Cultural Groups, according to him all cultural groups live in Dili so it is easy for us inspecting their premises and looking at the documents."
"Now we need to make a proposal for these houses and then there will be an inspection team that is going down in their place, whether or not they are doing the house."
"If there is proof that they did indeed build a home, the Government will be ready to facilitate and support them."
"\"Regarding the small houses to be supported, they must use raw materials or traditional material."
"If you use a zinc (kaln) and cemented covering, then the support is invalid for them."
"Like it or not, the government must preserve and promote original cultural values that our ancestors have left us.\""
"Based on the Public Transfers budget, which is only over $32.5 million in 1986-'07 (about US$4 billion), Smith said that each household would receive a support of about USD£/GBP £ /€ €"
"This, the Government facilitates because this small house must come from its owner's own to improve composition between female-man."
"The government only facilitates and the Government does not give all of its money to repair this whole house."
"Why does the government preserve traditional homes, he replied because it sees them as identical to Timorese character."
"Because the place they trust in, where their lives are founded on and from which spirits come to them. The places that provide health for these people; those who can give food or water – all of this is tied up with children' s education as well a farming life lived by such families!"
"\"In terms of preservation or safeguarding, the Government is looking at how community faith relates to home-lulik."
"Because home-lulik became their traditional faith."
"So it is this faith that the government protects and preserves,\" he explained."
"Previous articleAitana Sasurut Kablaki FC Hosi Kabalak Tutun Next ArticleGovernment Will Use Former Comoro Museum As Cultural Center"
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PR Taur Prontu Kopera ho V Governu Konstitusional – Radio Liberdade Dili – FM 95.8 Mhz\nRadio, online – Prezidenti da Republika (PR) Taur Matan Ruak depois fo nia direitu hodi ba vota iha sentru votasaun Metiaut, Sabadu (7/7) dehan katak, partido ne’ebe mak manan hodi forma V governu konstitusional Prezidenti da Republika prontu kopera hodi hadia povu nia moris.\nTuir Taur katak, V governu konstituisional ne’ebe Prezidenti da Republika hein maka governu ida ne’ebe iha kredibilidade no la lakon tempu atu hodi kombate pobreza no hametin seguransa demokrasia iha TL. Ida ne’e mak prezidenti hein.\nBa partido ida ne’ebe manan hodi forma governu, Prezidenti da Republika prontu atu kopera. TMR hein V governu iha kredibilidade no presta servisu diak liu ba povu ho nasaun ne’e.\nPR Taur mos espera katak, modelu governu ne’ebe atu forma wainhira sei la ses husi pais demokratiku sira adopta no aseita hanesan regra sidadaun sira hotu tenki simu.\nBa PR Taur partido ne’ebe mak manan sei buka rezolve povu nia moris. Ne’ebe ba PR Taur sei koopera ho partido ne’ebe mak forma governu tuir regras paiz demokratiku.\nTMR fo agradese ba povu tomak ne’ebe tuir kampaina parlamentar foin dadauk ho sivismu no laran tomak ho sira nia partisipasaun atu bele haburas demokrasia.\nTMR la haluha fo parabens ba partidu politikus sira ne’ebe kompete iha eleisaun parlamentar ida ne’e dignidade.\n“Ohin loron ne’ebe povu tomak vota, vota tuir sira nia konsensia. Tuir sira nia vontade atu ejersisiuu sira nia direitu ba hili partidu ida ne’ebe deit atu ukun ita nia rai iha tinan lima mai oin,” TMR akresenta.\nPR Taur mos dehan, povu agora dadaun hein matoridade partidu politikus sira, liu-liu lider politikus sira nian ita nia tempu la iha hanesan uluk. Tempu agora la iha para lakon, tempu agora para hamutuk, tempu agora para hatudu ba mundu no povu Timor hakarak lori nasaun ba oin hodi kombate kiak no mukit.\nKomesa orsida kalan no aban ita hatene prosesu ne lao oinsa partidu ne’ebe deit mak manan, ita povu Timor mak manan. Prosesu demokrasia Timor nian mak manan, ita hotu fo liman ba malu servisu hamutuk. Partidu ida ne’ebe mak manan para lori nasaun ne’e ba oin hodi fo dignidade Timor oan sira nian.\nEleisaun parlamentar ida ne ita hotu determinadu atu hakat liu formasaun governu foun, V governu konstitusional ne’ebe ita hotu perparadu para ita simu iha semana hira mai.\nPartidu ne’ebe deit manan konta apoiu ho Prezidenti da Republika nian, Prezidenti mai ho misaun ida determinadu los, atu fila Timor lorosae sai fatin ne’ebe diak ba Timor oan hotu-hotu, hadau nia moris ho dignidade ne’ebe nia merese tamba ho nia terus ne’ebe nia fo ba ninia nasaun iha pasadu.\nBispo Ricardo Husu Governu Foun Hadomi Povu | [
"PR Taur Prontu Kopera ho V Governu Konstitusional - Radio Liberdade Dili - FM 95.8 Mhz Radio, online - Prezidenti da Republika (PR) Taur Matan Ruak depois fo nia direitu hodi ba vota iha sentru votasaun Metiaut, Sabadu (7/7) dehan katak, partido ne'ebe mak manan hodi forma V governu konstitusional Prezidenti da Republika prontu kopera hodi hadia povu nia moris.",
"Tuir Taur katak, V governu konstituisional ne'ebe Prezidenti da Republika hein maka governu ida ne'ebe iha kredibilidade no la lakon tempu atu hodi kombate pobreza no hametin seguransa demokrasia iha TL.",
"Ida ne'e mak prezidenti hein.",
"Ba partido ida ne'ebe manan hodi forma governu, Prezidenti da Republika prontu atu kopera.",
"TMR hein V governu iha kredibilidade no presta servisu diak liu ba povu ho nasaun ne'e.",
"PR Taur mos espera katak, modelu governu ne'ebe atu forma wainhira sei la ses husi pais demokratiku sira adopta no aseita hanesan regra sidadaun sira hotu tenki simu.",
"Ba PR Taur partido ne'ebe mak manan sei buka rezolve povu nia moris.",
"Ne'ebe ba PR Taur sei koopera ho partido ne'ebe mak forma governu tuir regras paiz demokratiku.",
"TMR fo agradese ba povu tomak ne'ebe tuir kampaina parlamentar foin dadauk ho sivismu no laran tomak ho sira nia partisipasaun atu bele haburas demokrasia.",
"TMR la haluha fo parabens ba partidu politikus sira ne'ebe kompete iha eleisaun parlamentar ida ne'e dignidade.",
"\"Ohin loron ne'ebe povu tomak vota, vota tuir sira nia konsensia.",
"Tuir sira nia vontade atu ejersisiuu sira nia direitu ba hili partidu ida ne'ebe deit atu ukun ita nia rai iha tinan lima mai oin,\" TMR akresenta.",
"PR Taur mos dehan, povu agora dadaun hein matoridade partidu politikus sira, liu-liu lider politikus sira nian ita nia tempu la iha hanesan uluk.",
"Tempu agora la iha para lakon, tempu agora para hamutuk, tempu agora para hatudu ba mundu no povu Timor hakarak lori nasaun ba oin hodi kombate kiak no mukit.",
"Komesa orsida kalan no aban ita hatene prosesu ne lao oinsa partidu ne'ebe deit mak manan, ita povu Timor mak manan.",
"Prosesu demokrasia Timor nian mak manan, ita hotu fo liman ba malu servisu hamutuk.",
"Partidu ida ne'ebe mak manan para lori nasaun ne'e ba oin hodi fo dignidade Timor oan sira nian.",
"Eleisaun parlamentar ida ne ita hotu determinadu atu hakat liu formasaun governu foun, V governu konstitusional ne'ebe ita hotu perparadu para ita simu iha semana hira mai.",
"Partidu ne'ebe deit manan konta apoiu ho Prezidenti da Republika nian, Prezidenti mai ho misaun ida determinadu los, atu fila Timor lorosae sai fatin ne'ebe diak ba Timor oan hotu-hotu, hadau nia moris ho dignidade ne'ebe nia merese tamba ho nia terus ne'ebe nia fo ba ninia nasaun iha pasadu.",
"Bispo Ricardo Husu Governu Foun Hadomi Povu"
] | [
"PR Taur Ready to Cooperate with V Constitutional Government - Radio Liberdade Dili – FM 95.8 Mhz radio, online President of the Republic (PR) Tau Matan Ruak after voting at Metiaut polling station on Saturday said that parties who won elections and form a fifth government are ready for cooperation in order To improve people's lives"
"According to Taur, the fifth constitutional government that President da República expects is one with credibility and will not waste time in fighting poverty or strengthening democratic security."
"Ida ne'e mak president hein. ida nee maka presidente hen ?"
"For a party that wins to form government, the President of Republic is ready for cooperation."
"TMR hopes that the fifth government will have credibility and provide better service to people in this country."
"PM Taur also hopes that the model of government to be formed when it is not free from democratic countries adopt and accept as a rule all citizens should receive."
"For Prime Minister Taur, the party that wins will seek to solve people' s problems."
"Which means that PR Taur will cooperate with the parties forming government according to democratic rules."
"TMR would like to thank all the people who followed this recent parliamentary campaign with civility and wholeheartedness, for their participation in fostering democracy."
"TMR does not forget to congratulate the political parties that compete in this parliamentary election."
"\"Today is the day when all of us vote, and we will be voting according to our consciences."
"It is their will to exercise the right of choice and choose a single party that can govern our country for five years,\" TMR added."
"PM Taur also said, the people are now waiting for maturity of political parties and especially politicians leaders. Our time is not as old like before!"
"The time is now not to be wasted, it’s the moment of standing together. It't a good thing for Timorese people and we must show them that they want our country going forward in fight against poverty & misery!"
"We know the process is going on how only a party that wins, we Timorese people will be victorious."
"The Timorese democratic process is winning, we all give each other our hands and work together."
"A party that wins will take the country forward and give dignity to Timorese people."
"We are all determined to move forward with the formation of a new government, this fifth constitutional one that we will be preparing for in coming weeks."
"The only party that won counted on the support of President da República, who came with a very determined mission to return Timor-Leste as an ideal place for all peoples in this country. To live their lives and have dignity which they deserve because it was through suffering he gave his nation its past life!"
"Bishop Ricardo Husu Governo Foun Hadomi Povo"
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FM Kosedera Seguransa Maritima Iha Situasaun Frazil – Radio Liberdade Dili – FM 95.8 Mhz\nRadio, online – Fundasaun Mahein (FM) hanesan NGO ida ne’ebe halo monitorizasaun, peskiza no halo advokasia ba seitro Seguransa no Defeza. FM kosedera durante uku-an seguransa maritima sei iha situasaun frazil. Peskizador FM iha area Seguransa Maritima João Almeida liu husi konfrensia da emprensa iha edifisiu FM, Balidi, Dili Kuarta(21/09).\nTuir FM nia peskiza seguransa maritima iha sistema kontrola sei fraku, tamba autoridade maritima hanesan PNTL ho komponente F-FDTL Naval seidauk iha kapasidade no ekipamentus, rekursu humanus ne’ebe naton atu halo seguransa.\n“To’o agroa sidauk iha lina fronteira arina timor leste nian ho nasaun seluk hanesan Indonezia no Australia tamba ne’e sei fo konfusaun ba autoridade maritima TL nina la fo seguransa diak,” João afirma.\nJoão hatutan, iha relatoriu ne’e mos deskobre konsekuensia husi kontrolu fraku ba zona maritima TL ba peskador illegal, kontra bandu, transportasaun droga no mos estragos ba ambiente marina nian durante ne’e akontese iha zona maritima TL. Seguransa ladun diak sei bele hamosu trafiku kilat.\nNia salienta liu tan katak, FM nia lian ne’e mos deklara katak, to’o sidauk iha lei kona ba asegura vida autoridade marina nian ne’ebe servisu iha tasi laran konsekuensia husi ida ne’e sei resulta asidente ruma karik,bele mate saugati deit tamba sidauk iha markasaun husi Ministeriu Turizmu ho Sekertariu estado peskas no akuarium nian kona ba areas turizmu no peska iha tasi.\nHo problemas mak deskobre, FM rekomenda ba governu ho autoridade maritime. Governu presisa halo estudu klean saida mak sai hanesan ameasa iha tasi TL no saida mak governu prezisa halo intervensaun urjenti. Governu TL no Indonezia prezisa estabelese linhateral entre TL no Indonezia inklui patrolha konjunta iha fronteira TL no Indonezia hodi asegura seguransa iha lina fronteira husi aktividad peska ilegal, kontra bandu, droga no kilat.\nBa oin, governu presisa kria lei ne’ebe difini estatutu ba elementu ne’ebe intrega iha autoridade nasional maritima nian tamba servisu tasi nian ameasa bo’ot tebes ba sira nia vida.\nEntretantu Diretor FM Nelson Belo reforsa, asidente ne’ebe akontese iha tasi Timor numeiru as liu mak peska illegal. FM deskobre iha ninia relatoriu katak, trafiku kilat okupa seti por sento ne’e tuir buat ne’ebe unidade nasional maritima hetan.\nNelson hatutan, tuir polisia unidade maritima hetan mak kilat manu laos kilat bo’ot maibe FM iha deskonfia katak movimentu illegal ne’ebe barak liu iha mos indikasaun katak kilat seluk iha .\n“Ami rasik labele hateten katak kilat ne’e iha duni tamba ne’e tenki liu husi investigasaun no peskiza ne’ebe klean atu nune’e bele hatene no justifika,”nia komenta.\nTaka ba konferensia ne’e João hateten, seguransa maritima TL hanesan setor ida importante hodi kontrola riku soin iha tasi laran no kontrola ema ilegal sira mai naok ikan iha tasi Timor. Seguransa maritima iha sistema siguransa nasional, zona ekonomia eksklusiva no nia direitu iha zona maritima ne’ebe soberanu nasaun TL. Maibe tuir FM atu satan netik seguransa seguru ba publiku no seguransa ba trafiku iha tasi laran sai obstaklu iha dekada hirak ne’e nian.\nIOM Apoiu Ekipamentu Informatiku no Kameoneta 2 ba MSS | [
"FM Kosedera Seguransa Maritima Iha Situasaun Frazil - Radio Liberdade Dili - FM 95.8 Mhz Radio, online - Fundasaun Mahein (FM) hanesan NGO ida ne'ebe halo monitorizasaun, peskiza no halo advokasia ba seitro Seguransa no Defeza.",
"FM kosedera durante uku-an seguransa maritima sei iha situasaun frazil.",
"Peskizador FM iha area Seguransa Maritima Joao Almeida liu husi konfrensia da emprensa iha edifisiu FM, Balidi, Dili Kuarta (21/09).",
"Tuir FM nia peskiza seguransa maritima iha sistema kontrola sei fraku, tamba autoridade maritima hanesan PNTL ho komponente F-FDTL Naval seidauk iha kapasidade no ekipamentus, rekursu humanus ne'ebe naton atu halo seguransa.",
"\"To'o agroa sidauk iha lina fronteira arina timor leste nian ho nasaun seluk hanesan Indonezia no Australia tamba ne'e sei fo konfusaun ba autoridade maritima TL nina la fo seguransa diak,\" Joao afirma.",
"Joao hatutan, iha relatoriu ne'e mos deskobre konsekuensia husi kontrolu fraku ba zona maritima TL ba peskador illegal, kontra bandu, transportasaun droga no mos estragos ba ambiente marina nian durante ne'e akontese iha zona maritima TL.",
"Seguransa ladun diak sei bele hamosu trafiku kilat.",
"Nia salienta liu tan katak, FM nia lian ne'e mos deklara katak, to'o sidauk iha lei kona ba asegura vida autoridade marina nian ne'ebe servisu iha tasi laran konsekuensia husi ida ne'e sei resulta asidente ruma karik,bele mate saugati deit tamba sidauk iha markasaun husi Ministeriu Turizmu ho Sekertariu estado peskas no akuarium nian kona ba areas turizmu no peska iha tasi.",
"Ho problemas mak deskobre, FM rekomenda ba governu ho autoridade maritime.",
"Governu presisa halo estudu klean saida mak sai hanesan ameasa iha tasi TL no saida mak governu prezisa halo intervensaun urjenti.",
"Governu TL no Indonezia prezisa estabelese linhateral entre TL no Indonezia inklui patrolha konjunta iha fronteira TL no Indonezia hodi asegura seguransa iha lina fronteira husi aktividad peska ilegal, kontra bandu, droga no kilat.",
"Ba oin, governu presisa kria lei ne'ebe difini estatutu ba elementu ne'ebe intrega iha autoridade nasional maritima nian tamba servisu tasi nian ameasa bo'ot tebes ba sira nia vida.",
"Entretantu Diretor FM Nelson Belo reforsa, asidente ne'ebe akontese iha tasi Timor numeiru as liu mak peska illegal.",
"FM deskobre iha ninia relatoriu katak, trafiku kilat okupa seti por sento ne'e tuir buat ne'ebe unidade nasional maritima hetan.",
"Nelson hatutan, tuir polisia unidade maritima hetan mak kilat manu laos kilat bo'ot maibe FM iha deskonfia katak movimentu illegal ne'ebe barak liu iha mos indikasaun katak kilat seluk iha .",
"\"Ami rasik labele hateten katak kilat ne'e iha duni tamba ne'e tenki liu husi investigasaun no peskiza ne'ebe klean atu nune'e bele hatene no justifika,\"nia komenta.",
"Taka ba konferensia ne'e Joao hateten, seguransa maritima TL hanesan setor ida importante hodi kontrola riku soin iha tasi laran no kontrola ema ilegal sira mai naok ikan iha tasi Timor.",
"Seguransa maritima iha sistema siguransa nasional, zona ekonomia eksklusiva no nia direitu iha zona maritima ne'ebe soberanu nasaun TL.",
"Maibe tuir FM atu satan netik seguransa seguru ba publiku no seguransa ba trafiku iha tasi laran sai obstaklu iha dekada hirak ne'e nian.",
"IOM Apoiu Ekipamentu Informatiku no Kameoneta 2 ba MSS"
] | [
"FM Kosedera Seguransa Maritima Iha Situasaun Frazil - Radio Liberdade Dili, online – Fundação Mahein (FM) is an NGO that monitors and advocates for the Security & Defence sector."
"FM kosedera during the week-end maritime security will be in a fragile situation."
"FM researcher in the area of maritime security Joao Almeida during an entrepreneurship conference at Fm building, Balidi Dili Thursday (21/09)."
"According to FM's research maritime security in the control system is weak, because marine authorities such as PNTL and F-FDTL Naval component do not have sufficient capacity or human resources."
"\"To'o now, there is no clear line in the east Timorese border with other countries such as Indonesia and Australia so it will cause confusion to TL maritime authorities that they do not provide adequate security\", João affirms."
"Joao said that the report also discovered consequences of weak control over TL's maritime zone for illegal fishermen, against smuggling and drug transportation as well damage to marine environment during this time occurred in Timor-Leste."
"Insufficient security can lead to lightning traffic."
"He further emphasized that the FM's statement also declared, in absence of a law on life insurance for maritime authorities working at sea consequences will result from any accident may die because there is no marking by Ministry Tourism and State Secretary Fisheries & Aquarium about tourism areas or fishing."
"With the problems discovered, FM recommends to government and maritime authorities."
"The government needs to carry out a clear study of what is threatening the sea in Timor-Leste and where it requires urgent intervention."
"The Governments of TL and Indonesia need to establish lineateral relations between the two countries, including joint border patrols on both sides in order for security at their frontier lines from illegal fishing activities as well against smuggling drug trafficking."
"In the future, government needs to create a law that defines status for elements who are part of national maritime authorities because sea work is very threatening their lives."
"Meanwhile, FM Director Nelson Belo emphasizes that the accidents in Timor Sea are more likely to be caused by illegal fishing."
"FM discovered in its report that the traffic light occupied set by cent is according to what national maritime unit obtained."
"Nelson said, according to the police maritime unit found handguns not big gun but FM suspected that illegal movement is more there are also indications of other bullet. .\""
"\"We ourselves can't say that the lightning really exists so it has to go through a clear investigation and research in order for us,\" she commented."
"At the closing of this conference, Joao said that maritime security in Timor-Leste is an important sector for controlling sea wealth and illegal people coming to fish on our islands."
"Maritime security includes the national safety system, exclusive economic zone and its rights in maritimes zones that are sovereign of a country."
"However, according to FM the need for safeguarding public safety and security of maritime traffic has been an obstacle in recent decades."
"IOM Supports IT Equipment and 2 Camions for MSS"
] |
Lere Lamenta Komunidade Baku Membru PNTL no F- FDTL | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste\nVARANDA DEFEZA Lere Lamenta Komunidade Baku Membru PNTL no F- FDTL\nLere Lamenta Komunidade Baku Membru PNTL no F- FDTL\nDILI, 06 janeiru 2020 (TATOLI) – Xefe Estadu Maiór Jenerál FALINTIL-Forsa Defeza Timor-Leste (F-FDTL) Major Jenerál Lere Anan Timur, preokupa no lamenta tebes ho atitude juventude sira balun ne’ebé tula liman ba membru F-FDTL ho PNTL sira.\n“Ha’u hanoin komunidade, liuliu joven sira ne’ebé mak baku seguransa sira hanesan membru PNTL no F-FDTL konsidera la iha moral,” afirma Lere Anan Timur, ba jornalista sira, bainhira partisipa avaliasaun servisu PNTL no F-FDTL nian hamutuk ho Ministru Ministériu Defeza no Ministru Interiór interinu, Filomeno da Paixão de Jesus, iha salaun Xanana Gusmão, Ministériu Finansa, Ai-tarak Laran, segunda (06/01/2020).\nLere esplika, tuir loloos komunidade tenke respeita membru PNTL no F-FDTL sira, tanba sira hala’o servisu Estadu nian hanesan halo seguransa iha kualkér momentu, atu povu hot-hotu hakmatek hodi hala’o atividade diária hanesan bain-bain.\nMaske nune’e, nia parte mós apela ba iha parte seguransa sira, liuliu forsa atu koloka ninia-an hanesan instituisaun nia ema iha sirkunstánsia hot-hotu hanesan la bele lanu iha fatin públiku, labele sadik ema arbiru de’it no seluk-seluk tan.\n“Agora, se ita nia populasaun seguransa di’ak liu lalika baku, se lae to’o momentu komandante ne’ebé mak bulak dalaruma haruka imi baku malu, tanba iha Timor ema ida la tahan forsa maske la lori kilat,” tenik Lere Anan Timur.\nPrevious articleFeriadu Natál no Tinan Foun Afeta ba Manutensaun Ró Nakroma\nNext articleGovernu ho PNTL, F-FDTL Avalia Servisu 2019\nMaria January 6, 2020 at 7:56 pm\nEma baku tanba força mós balu laiha moral. Hodi halo tuir sira nia gosto, tanba sira iha poder militar.\nMaibe lolos ne força mak sai lutu ba nação laos atu Baku comunidade tuir sira nia gosto.\nForça FDTL PNTL Barak ba laiha profissionalismo.\nMaibe hau hakarak hatete katak Ema barak Mak matenek Liu Sira maibe Como sira iha opportunity sira uja Ida ne hodi manfaatkan sira Nia an halo tuir sira nia gosto.\nMaria January 6, 2020 at 8:01 pm\nForça ema Baku né normal, sira halo sala ema Baku né normal.\nHanesan mós comunidade halo sala força Baku, né mós normal.\nLabele dehan força ema Baku nebe mundo né atu naben tia Ka tasi atu sae.\nSira mos ema hanesan ho comunidade nebe halo sala simu nia consequências.\nForça Barak mak abuso de poder tuir lei hatete katak laiha Ema Ida isnulta Ema seluk tuir Nia gosto. Maibe lae dalabarak força uja poder ida né hodi insulta ema seluk tuir Nia hakarak.\nIda ne los ka sala.. | [
"Lere Lamenta Komunidade Baku Membru PNTL no F- FDTL | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA DEFEZA Lere Lamenta Komunidade Baku Membru PNTL no F- FDTL Lere Lamenta Komunidade Baku Membru PNTL no F- FDTL DILI, 06 janeiru 2020 (TATOLI) - Xefe Estadu Maior Jeneral FALINTIL-Forsa Defeza Timor-Leste (F-FDTL) Major Jeneral Lere Anan Timur, preokupa no lamenta tebes ho atitude juventude sira balun ne'ebe tula liman ba membru F-FDTL ho PNTL sira.",
"\"Ha'u hanoin komunidade, liuliu joven sira ne'ebe mak baku seguransa sira hanesan membru PNTL no F-FDTL konsidera la iha moral,\" afirma Lere Anan Timur, ba jornalista sira, bainhira partisipa avaliasaun servisu PNTL no F-FDTL nian hamutuk ho Ministru Ministeriu Defeza no Ministru Interior interinu, Filomeno da Paixao de Jesus, iha salaun Xanana Gusmao, Ministeriu Finansa, Ai-tarak Laran, segunda (06/01/2020).",
"Lere esplika, tuir loloos komunidade tenke respeita membru PNTL no F-FDTL sira, tanba sira hala'o servisu Estadu nian hanesan halo seguransa iha kualker momentu, atu povu hot-hotu hakmatek hodi hala'o atividade diaria hanesan bain-bain.",
"Maske nune'e, nia parte mos apela ba iha parte seguransa sira, liuliu forsa atu koloka ninia-an hanesan instituisaun nia ema iha sirkunstansia hot-hotu hanesan la bele lanu iha fatin publiku, labele sadik ema arbiru de'it no seluk-seluk tan.",
"\"Agora, se ita nia populasaun seguransa di'ak liu lalika baku, se lae to'o momentu komandante ne'ebe mak bulak dalaruma haruka imi baku malu, tanba iha Timor ema ida la tahan forsa maske la lori kilat,\" tenik Lere Anan Timur.",
"Previous articleFeriadu Natal no Tinan Foun Afeta ba Manutensaun Ro Nakroma Next articleGovernu ho PNTL, F-FDTL Avalia Servisu 2019 Maria January 6, 2020 at 7:56 pm Ema baku tanba forca mos balu laiha moral.",
"Hodi halo tuir sira nia gosto, tanba sira iha poder militar.",
"Maibe lolos ne forca mak sai lutu ba nacao laos atu Baku comunidade tuir sira nia gosto.",
"Forca FDTL PNTL Barak ba laiha profissionalismo.",
"Maibe hau hakarak hatete katak Ema barak Mak matenek Liu Sira maibe Como sira iha opportunity sira uja Ida ne hodi manfaatkan sira Nia an halo tuir sira nia gosto.",
"Maria January 6, 2020 at 8:01 pm Forca ema Baku ne normal, sira halo sala ema Baku ne normal.",
"Hanesan mos comunidade halo sala forca Baku, ne mos normal.",
"Labele dehan forca ema Baku nebe mundo ne atu naben tia Ka tasi atu sae.",
"Sira mos ema hanesan ho comunidade nebe halo sala simu nia consequencias.",
"Forca Barak mak abuso de poder tuir lei hatete katak laiha Ema Ida isnulta Ema seluk tuir Nia gosto.",
"Maibe lae dalabarak forca uja poder ida ne hodi insulta ema seluk tuir Nia hakarak.",
"Ida ne los ka sala.."
] | [
"Lere Lamenta Komunidade Baku Membru PNTL no F-FDTL | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor Leste VARANDA DEFESA LERE LAMENTS COMMUNITY BAKU MEMBER POLICE AND FORCES OF THE DEFENCE of the Defence Forces (FALINTIL) Major General, is concerned and deeply regretted by some young people who took their hands on members from both police forces."
"\"I think the community, especially young people who attack security personnel as members of PNTL and F-FDTL are considered unmoral\", said Lere Anan Timur to journalists when he participated in an evaluation meeting on police work with Defence Minister Filomeno da Paixao de Jesus at Xanana Gusmão Hall. The event took place Monday (06/12) during a press conference held by Deputy Prime Ministry Secretary for Security Affairs João Paulo Fernandes after visiting Timor Leste from 3rd January until December last year.\""
"Lere explained that the community should respect members of PNTL and F-FDTL, because they carry out State duties such as providing security at any time so all people can enjoy their daily activities."
"However, he also appealed to the security forces in particular that they place themselves as members of their institution under all circumstances such a not being allowed on public places and no arbitrary detention etc."
"\"Now, if our population is better secured they will not beat each other. Otherwise the commanders who are in power sometimes order you to kill one another because nobody can hold force on Timor even though he doesn't carry a weapon.\""
"Previous articleChristmas Holidays and New Year Affect Nakroma Ship Maintenance Next artikelGovernment with PNTL, F-FDTL Evaluate Service 2019 Maria January (6) February(7):58 pm People are beaten because some forces have no moral."
"By doing as they please, because of their military power."
"But the force is not to make a community according their taste, but rather they are going for it."
"F-FDTL force PNTL Barak ba no professionalism."
"But I want to say that many people are wiser than them but as they have the opportunity, They take it and use It for their own benefit."
"Maria January 6,2019 at (8:35 pm) Forca Baku people are normal. They make mistakes and they're not the best of them but for me it is a good thing that there were some positive changes in their lives!"
"As a community, we do the fork in Baku. It's not normal!"
"Don't say forca people Baku that the world ne to naben tia Ka seas atu sae."
"They are also people like the community who do wrong and suffer its consequences."
"Forca Barak is abuse of power under the law that says no one can exonerate another to his liking."
"But oftentimes the force uses this power to insult others at His will."
"Ida don't let ka sala ."
] |
DNER planeia elabora kurríkulu ba ensinu sekundáriu | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste\nVARANDA DILI DNER planeia elabora kurríkulu ba ensinu sekundáriu\nDNER planeia elabora kurríkulu ba ensinu sekundáriu\nDILI, 28 janeiru 2021 (TATOLI)—Ministériu Edukasaun Juventude no Desportu (MEJD), liu hosi Diresaun Nasionál Ensinu Rekorrente (DNER), planeia atu elabora tan kurríkulu Ensinu Sekundáriu iha diresaun ne’e, tanba oras ne’e daudaun iha de’it mak ensinu báziku primeiru, segundu no teriseiru síklu.\nDiretór nasionál DNER, José Artúr Viana hateten, planu elaborasaun ne’e tanba diresaun ne’e nia haree katak, iha Timoroan barak ne’ebé abandona ensinu sekundáriu, nune’e ho integrasaun iha kurríkulu ne’e sei fasilita hodi bele hetan diploma ensinu sekundáriu no bele asesu ba ensinu superiór.\nNotísia Relevante: 2016-2020 Ensinu Rekorrente atribui diploma bázika ba estudante 816\n“Foin lalais ita nia estudante abandonadu lubuk ida husi nível ensinu báziku, terseiru síklu inklui membru PNTL no F-FDTL balun, hakarak mai tuir ezame ekivalénsia iha ensinu rekorrente hodi hetan diploma ensinu sekundáriu, nune’e bele tama ba universidade no mós atu hetan formasaun diviza,” José Artúr Viana hateten ba jornalista Agência Tatoli iha nia serbisu fatin Vila Verde, kinta (28/01).\nTanba DNER laiha ezame ekivalénsia, entaun seidauk bele simu Timoroan hirak ne’e, nune’e diresaun iha ona planu atu elabora kurríkulu ba ida ne’e.\n“DNER foin mak iha de’it eskola ekivalénsia ba estudante abandonadu ensinu báziku segundu no terseiru síklu. Tanba ne’e, DNER labele fasilita estudante abandonadu atu hetan diploma ensinu sekundáriu,” nia subliña.\nNia hatutan, elaborasaun kurríkulu ba ensinu sekundáriu tenki halo duni atu iha futuru bele ajuda estudante sira asesu ba unversidade.\nAtu elabora kurríkulu ne’e, nia hateten, tenki hetan apoiu tékniku no matenek hosi espesialista sira, maibé DNER hasoru difikuldade ho orsamentu.\n“Ne’e duni, bainhira iha tinan ne’e mak la konsege elabora, sei tau ba 2022,” nia dehan.\nDirasaun Nasional Ensino Rekorenti\nELabora Kurrikulu ba Ensinu Sekundariu\nelobra kurikulum ba ensino sekundariu\nJosé Artur Viana\nMinistériu Edukasaun Juventude no Desportu\nPrevious articleSeremónia fúnebre, família konsidera Saudozu ‘Guntur’ hanesan patrimóniu\nNext articleKonstrusaun estrada ligasaun Baucau-Viqueque atinje ona 25% | [
"DNER planeia elabora kurrikulu ba ensinu sekundariu | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA DILI DNER planeia elabora kurrikulu ba ensinu sekundariu DNER planeia elabora kurrikulu ba ensinu sekundariu DILI, 28 janeiru 2021 (TATOLI) - Ministeriu Edukasaun Juventude no Desportu (MEJD), liu hosi Diresaun Nasional Ensinu Rekorrente (DNER), planeia atu elabora tan kurrikulu Ensinu Sekundariu iha diresaun ne'e, tanba oras ne'e daudaun iha de'it mak ensinu baziku primeiru, segundu no teriseiru siklu.",
"Diretor nasional DNER, Jose Artur Viana hateten, planu elaborasaun ne'e tanba diresaun ne'e nia haree katak, iha Timoroan barak ne'ebe abandona ensinu sekundariu, nune'e ho integrasaun iha kurrikulu ne'e sei fasilita hodi bele hetan diploma ensinu sekundariu no bele asesu ba ensinu superior.",
"Notisia Relevante: 2016-2020 Ensinu Rekorrente atribui diploma bazika ba estudante 816 \"Foin lalais ita nia estudante abandonadu lubuk ida husi nivel ensinu baziku, terseiru siklu inklui membru PNTL no F-FDTL balun, hakarak mai tuir ezame ekivalensia iha ensinu rekorrente hodi hetan diploma ensinu sekundariu, nune'e bele tama ba universidade no mos atu hetan formasaun diviza,\" Jose Artur Viana hateten ba jornalista Agencia Tatoli iha nia serbisu fatin Vila Verde, kinta (28/01).",
"Tanba DNER laiha ezame ekivalensia, entaun seidauk bele simu Timoroan hirak ne'e, nune'e diresaun iha ona planu atu elabora kurrikulu ba ida ne'e.",
"\"DNER foin mak iha de'it eskola ekivalensia ba estudante abandonadu ensinu baziku segundu no terseiru siklu.",
"Tanba ne'e, DNER labele fasilita estudante abandonadu atu hetan diploma ensinu sekundariu,\" nia sublina.",
"Nia hatutan, elaborasaun kurrikulu ba ensinu sekundariu tenki halo duni atu iha futuru bele ajuda estudante sira asesu ba unversidade.",
"Atu elabora kurrikulu ne'e, nia hateten, tenki hetan apoiu tekniku no matenek hosi espesialista sira, maibe DNER hasoru difikuldade ho orsamentu.",
"\"Ne'e duni, bainhira iha tinan ne'e mak la konsege elabora, sei tau ba 2022,\" nia dehan.",
"Dirasaun Nasional Ensino Rekorenti ELabora Kurrikulu ba Ensinu Sekundariu elobra kurikulum ba ensino sekundariu Jose Artur Viana Ministeriu Edukasaun Juventude no Desportu Previous articleSeremonia funebre, familia konsidera Saudozu 'Guntur' hanesan patrimoniu Next articleKonstrusaun estrada ligasaun Baucau-Viqueque atinje ona 25%"
] | [
"DNER plans to develop secondary education curriculum Dili, January 28th (TATOLI) - The Ministry of Education Youth and Sports(MEJD), through the National Directorate for Recurring Teaching/Diresaun Nasional Ensinu Rekorder-DDNRE or “National Direction on Continuing Secondary Schools” (“DNERS”) is planning a new high school curricula in this direction because at present there are only basic primary schools."
"National Director of DNER, Jose Artur Viana said that the plan was developed because he believes there are many Timorese who drop out from secondary school. With integration into this curriculum it will be easier to obtain a diploma and access higher education in other countries as well.\""
"\"Recently, many of our abandoned students from the basic education level and third cycle including some PNTL (Portuguese Police Force) members want to take equivalence exams in recurring schooling so they can get a secondary diploma. This will enable them not only for university but also receive specialization training\", Jose Artur Viana told journalist Agência Tatoli at his workplace Vila Verde on Tuesday 28 January.\""
"Because DNER does not have an equivalence exam, it is unable to accept these Timorese students. Therefore the direction has plans for developing a curriculum on this subject as well;"
"\"DNER only has school equivalencies for dropout students in the second and third cycles of primary education."
"Therefore, DNER cannot facilitate abandoned students to obtain a secondary education diploma\", he emphasizes."
"He added that the elaboration of a curriculum for secondary education must be done properly so as to help students access university in future."
"In order to elaborate the curriculum, he said it was necessary for DNER's staff of specialist experts and technical support but they faced difficulties with budget."
"\"Therefore, if we are not able to elaborate this year it will be postponed until 2019 or even later.\""
"Previous articleFuneral ceremony, family considers 'Guntur' as a heritage Next ArticleConstruction of road linking Baucau-Viqueques has reached 25% Jose Artur Viana Ministry Education Youth and Sports National Directorate for Recurrent Teaching develop curriculum in secondary education"
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PNTL Prepara Proposta Altera Lei Kódigu Estrada | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste\nVARANDA DILI PNTL Prepara Proposta Altera Lei Kódigu Estrada\nPNTL Prepara Proposta Altera Lei Kódigu Estrada\nEkipa Konjunta Polísia Nasionál Timor-Leste (PNTL), Diresaun Nasionál Transporte no Terrestre (DNTT), Diresaun Nasional Patrimóniu Estadu (DNPE) no Komisaun Anti Korrupsaun (CAC) hala’o apreensaun ba karreta estadu sia (9) iha Ministériu Edukasaun Vila-Verde Dili ne’ebé ninia mákina no kadeira tuur fatin ema sobu hotu ona. Imajen/Eugénio Pereira\nDILI, 19 marsu 2020 (TATOLI) – Komandante Jerál Polísia Nasionál Timor-Leste (PNTL), Komisáriu Faustino da Costa, informa, Komandu PNTL prepara ona proposta atu altera lei kódigu estrada hodi fó podér ba Polísia Unidade Tránzitu atu kontrola motorista sira ne’ebé lori transporte públiku ka estadu nian bainhira soke rahun sasán ka patrimóniu estadu iha estrada públiku tenke selu multa ba estadu.\nMaski la sita númeru lei kódigu estrada ne’ebé presiza atu revee, maibé Komisáriu Faustino da Costa, afirma tan katak, presiza aumenta-tan artigu balun hodi haforsa lei ne’e atu fó kompeténsia ba PNTL halo kontrolu sasán patrimóniu estadu bainhira ema ruma soke estraga tenke hetan sansaun.\nKomisáriu Faustino da Costa dehan, durante ne’e Komandu PNTL sempre simu relatóriu husi Departamentu Tránzitu PNTL kada munisípiu rejista númeru asidente tráfegu envolve lori karreta no motór estadu soke rahun no karreta privadu ou públiku balun soke estragu sasán estadu nian hanesan, riin eletrisidade iha estrada ninin, trotoar no paving inklui moru edifísiu estadu nian, maibé laiha sansaun.\n“Problema sira ne’e hotu maka ami agora prepara hela proposta alterasaun lei kódigu estrada. Porezemplu, ita haree kuandu sidadaun ida soke tiha riin eletrisidade ida monu tun, ne’e vítima iha ka lae. Dala-balun, ita dehan, ne’e asidente úniku laiha vítima, maibé bainhira ita haree didi’ak sasán sira ne’e bainhira mak estadu buka fali osan para atu sosa fali hodi troka ida aat ne’e,” afirma Afonso da Costa, ba jornalista, ohin, iha Kuartél Jerál PNTL, Caicoli, Dili.\nKomandante ne’e hatutan, dala-ruma motorista balun malandru ho karreta soke monu tiha sinais tránzitu iha estrada monu tiha ba rai, sira kontinua halai husik hela sasán sira ne’e.\n“Agora sei ita monta sinais tránzitu sira ne’e atu asegura ema hothotu nia-vida iha estrada. Se ita ba sobu tiha, estadu maka lakon. Tanba ne’e Komandu propoin se maka estraga sasán patrimóniu estadu ne’e nia tenke selu,” Faustino afirma tan.\nIha Dili laran, Komisáriu Faustino tenik, dala barak ema soke monu besi riin iha Ponte CPLP, riin eletrisidade no moru Jardin Saudozu Prezidente Nicolau Lobato, Comoro, maibé autór sira la-responsabiliza atu hadi’a hikas sasán estadu hirak ne’e.\nAntes ne’e, Pontu Vokál Ekipa Konjunta husi Patrimóniu Estadu, Cipriano do Rosario Pereira dehan, dala barak funsionáriu públiku sira bainhira lori karreta estadu soke estraga tiha sasán estadu sira la responsabiliza.\nNia dehan, problema ida ne’e rasik, ekipa operasaun konjunta, Diresaun Nasionál Transporte Terrestre (DNTT), Diresaun Nasionál Patrimóniu Estadu (DNPE) no Komisaun Anti Korrupsaun (CAC), Komisaun Funsaun Públika (CFP) no Polísia Nasionál Timor-Leste (PNTL) diskute ona sei aprezenta problema hirak ne’e ba membru governu sira para buka solusaun.\nCipriano rekoñese dala-ruma funsionáriu públika balun lori tiha karreta estadu uza ba interese privadu, depois iha dalan mosu asidente soke aat tiha, sira halo fali proposta falsu aprezenta ba liña ministériu maka tenke hasai osan hodi hadi’a sasán estadu.\nPrevious articleSasán Estragu Tanba Dezastre Naturál Ekivale Ba Osan Hamutuk Millaun $20\nNext articleSemana Oin, PN Debate Proposta Alterasaun Lei Orsamentu no Jestaun Finanseira | [
"PNTL Prepara Proposta Altera Lei Kodigu Estrada | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA DILI PNTL Prepara Proposta Altera Lei Kodigu Estrada PNTL Prepara Proposta Altera Lei Kodigu Estrada Ekipa Konjunta Polisia Nasional Timor-Leste (PNTL), Diresaun Nasional Transporte no Terrestre (DNTT), Diresaun Nasional Patrimoniu Estadu (DNPE) no Komisaun Anti Korrupsaun (CAC) hala'o apreensaun ba karreta estadu sia (9) iha Ministeriu Edukasaun Vila-Verde Dili ne'ebe ninia makina no kadeira tuur fatin ema sobu hotu ona.",
"Imajen/Eugenio Pereira DILI, 19 marsu 2020 (TATOLI) - Komandante Jeral Polisia Nasional Timor-Leste (PNTL), Komisariu Faustino da Costa, informa, Komandu PNTL prepara ona proposta atu altera lei kodigu estrada hodi fo poder ba Polisia Unidade Tranzitu atu kontrola motorista sira ne'ebe lori transporte publiku ka estadu nian bainhira soke rahun sasan ka patrimoniu estadu iha estrada publiku tenke selu multa ba estadu.",
"Maski la sita numeru lei kodigu estrada ne'ebe presiza atu revee, maibe Komisariu Faustino da Costa, afirma tan katak, presiza aumenta-tan artigu balun hodi haforsa lei ne'e atu fo kompetensia ba PNTL halo kontrolu sasan patrimoniu estadu bainhira ema ruma soke estraga tenke hetan sansaun.",
"Komisariu Faustino da Costa dehan, durante ne'e Komandu PNTL sempre simu relatoriu husi Departamentu Tranzitu PNTL kada munisipiu rejista numeru asidente trafegu envolve lori karreta no motor estadu soke rahun no karreta privadu ou publiku balun soke estragu sasan estadu nian hanesan, riin eletrisidade iha estrada ninin, trotoar no paving inklui moru edifisiu estadu nian, maibe laiha sansaun.",
"\"Problema sira ne'e hotu maka ami agora prepara hela proposta alterasaun lei kodigu estrada.",
"Porezemplu, ita haree kuandu sidadaun ida soke tiha riin eletrisidade ida monu tun, ne'e vitima iha ka lae.",
"Dala-balun, ita dehan, ne'e asidente uniku laiha vitima, maibe bainhira ita haree didi'ak sasan sira ne'e bainhira mak estadu buka fali osan para atu sosa fali hodi troka ida aat ne'e,\" afirma Afonso da Costa, ba jornalista, ohin, iha Kuartel Jeral PNTL, Caicoli, Dili.",
"Komandante ne'e hatutan, dala-ruma motorista balun malandru ho karreta soke monu tiha sinais tranzitu iha estrada monu tiha ba rai, sira kontinua halai husik hela sasan sira ne'e.",
"\"Agora sei ita monta sinais tranzitu sira ne'e atu asegura ema hothotu nia-vida iha estrada.",
"Se ita ba sobu tiha, estadu maka lakon.",
"Tanba ne'e Komandu propoin se maka estraga sasan patrimoniu estadu ne'e nia tenke selu,\" Faustino afirma tan.",
"Iha Dili laran, Komisariu Faustino tenik, dala barak ema soke monu besi riin iha Ponte CPLP, riin eletrisidade no moru Jardin Saudozu Prezidente Nicolau Lobato, Comoro, maibe autor sira la-responsabiliza atu hadi'a hikas sasan estadu hirak ne'e.",
"Antes ne'e, Pontu Vokal Ekipa Konjunta husi Patrimoniu Estadu, Cipriano do Rosario Pereira dehan, dala barak funsionariu publiku sira bainhira lori karreta estadu soke estraga tiha sasan estadu sira la responsabiliza.",
"Nia dehan, problema ida ne'e rasik, ekipa operasaun konjunta, Diresaun Nasional Transporte Terrestre (DNTT), Diresaun Nasional Patrimoniu Estadu (DNPE) no Komisaun Anti Korrupsaun (CAC), Komisaun Funsaun Publika (CFP) no Polisia Nasional Timor-Leste (PNTL) diskute ona sei aprezenta problema hirak ne'e ba membru governu sira para buka solusaun.",
"Cipriano rekonese dala-ruma funsionariu publika balun lori tiha karreta estadu uza ba interese privadu, depois iha dalan mosu asidente soke aat tiha, sira halo fali proposta falsu aprezenta ba lina ministeriu maka tenke hasai osan hodi hadi'a sasan estadu.",
"Previous articleSasan Estragu Tanba Dezastre Natural Ekivale Ba Osan Hamutuk Millaun $20 Next articleSemana Oin, PN Debate Proposta Alterasaun Lei Orsamentu no Jestaun Finanseira"
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"PNTL Prepares Proposal to Amend Road Code Law | TATOLI News Agency of Timor-Leste VARANDA DILI Joint Team from the National Police (PNTL), Directorate General for Transportation and Land Management, State Property Administration Departments in Dili have seized nine state cars at Ministry Of Education Vila Verde which had been destroyed. The car engine was damaged as well with all seat chairs also being demolished by people who were not authorised on their behalf; therefore they are no longer validly used or license plate numbering has already gone missing since its seizure is a matter that needs further investigation!"
"DILI, March 19th (TATOLI) - The Commander General of the National Police Timor-Leste(PNTL), Commissioner Faustino da Costa informed that PNTL has prepared a proposal to modify road traffic laws so as give power for Transit Unit police unit control over public or state transportation. If they accidentally damage property on highway it will be fined by State and driver must pay fine if he/she is found guilty at any point during their driving time without paying penalties accordingly.\""
"Although he did not mention the number of road code laws that need to be revised, Commissioner Faustino da Costa said there is a necessity for some articles being added in order strengthen this legislation and give competence on police control over state property when someone does damage it must receive sanctions."
"Commissioner Faustino da Costa said, during this time the PNTL Command always receives report from Police Transit Department each municipality registered a number of traffic accident involving carrying cars and motor state damaged car or some private public cause State property such as electricity lines on road sidewalk paving including water to buildings but no sanction."
"\"All these problems we are now preparing a proposal for amending the road code law."
"However, we see that if a citizen has turned off the electricity and then an electrical wiring is falling down on him or her there will be no victims."
"Sometimes, we say that this is a unique accident with no victims but when you look closely at these things the state will find money to buy them back and replace those damaged ones\", Afonso da Costa told journalist today in PNTL Headquarters Caicoli."
"The commander said that sometimes some reckless drivers with cars hit traffic sign on the road and fell to earth, they continue driving leaving these things."
"\"Now we will install these transit signs to secure the lives of all people on our road."
"If we destroy it, the state will be lost."
"Therefore, the Command proposes that if someone damaged state property he should pay for it,” Faustino said."
"In Dili, Commissioner Faustino said that many times people have fallen from the CPLP Bridge and damaged electricity lines in Jardin Saudozu Presidente Nicolau Lobato (Comoro), but authors do not take responsibility to repair these state property."
"Earlier, Joint Team Point Vocal of State Heritage Cipriano do Rosario Pereira said that many times public officials when driving state cars damaged things belonging to the country they are not responsible."
"He said, this problem itself has been discussed by the joint operating team of National Directorate for Terrestrial Transportation (DNTT), State Property Direction and Anti-Corruption Commission. The Public Function Committee(CFP)and Timorese Police have already presented these problems to government members in order that they can find a solution on their own behalf.\""
"Cipriano acknowledged that sometimes some public officials take the state car used for private interests, then on a road accident and badly broken they make another false proposal to be submitted in line of ministry must spend money repairing State property."
"Previous articleProperty Damage Due to Natural Disaster Equivales To Total $20 Million Next ArticleNext Week, Parliament Debates Proposal for Amendment of the Budget and Financial Management Law"
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East Timor Law and Justice Bulletin: Parlamentu Nasionál Aprova Orsamentu Retifikativu 2016 ho Unanimidade: JSMP enkoraza partidu opozisaun atu la-lakon nia papél kontrolu iha kultura demokrasia iha Timor-Leste\nParlamentu Nasionál Aprova Orsamentu Retifikativu 2016 ho Unanimidade: JSMP enkoraza partidu opozisaun atu la-lakon nia papél kontrolu iha kultura demokrasia iha Timor-Leste\nPROGRAMA MONITORIZASAUN SISTEMA JUDISIAL\nParlamentu Nasionál Aprova Orsamentu Retifikativu 2016 ho Unanimidade:\nJSMP enkoraza partidu opozisaun atu la-lakon nia papél kontrolu iha kultura demokrasia iha Timor-Leste\nIha 13 Jullu 2016, liuhusi reuniaun Plenária Extraordinária Parlamentu Nasionál, deputadu sira dala ida tan aprova orsamentu retifikativu ho unanimidade (lian ida deit). Aprovasaun unanimidade ne’e hala’o liuhosi diskusaun no votasaun iha espesialidade nomós votasaun finál globál ba Proposta Lei Nú 41/III (4.ª) - Primeira Alterasaun ba Orsamentu Jerál Estadu 2016.\nPlenaria debate ba jeneralidade no espesialidade hala’o hosi 12 to’o 13 Jullu 2016. Durante diskusaun,deputadu sira afirma katak orsamentu ne’ebé Governu propoin pertinente no tanba ne’e Parlamentu tenki aprova.\n“Primeiraves depoisde ukun rasik-an, JSMP observa orsamentu retifikativu ne’ebé ho montante bo’ot, maibe orsamentu ne’e pasa ho votasaun unanimidade. Ne’e supreza ida, ita nia vida demokrasia, tanba partidu opozisaun sira lakon sira nia papel kontrolu iha kultura demokrasia. JSMP enkoraja partidu opozisaun atu la bele lakon nia papél iha kultura demokrasia iha Parlamentu Nasionál” dehan Luis de Oliveira Sampaio, Diretór Ezekutivu JSMP\nTotál orasamentu ne’ebé Governu propoin iha proposta alterasaun iha orsamentu retifikativu USD$ 390,7 ba fundu infrastrutura ho kategoria kapitál dezenvolvimentu nian. Orsamentu ne’e kobre ba projetu bo’ot 4 mak hanesan projetu Portu Tibar, drainazen Dili laran, projetu Supply Base Suai-Beasu (projeitu Tasi Mane) no pagamentu ba divídas governu nian ba projetu emerjénsia tomak. Ho aumentu orsamentu jerál estadu USD 391 millaun ne’e, bainhira soma hamutuk, totál dezpesa Estadu ba 2016 USD$1.952,9.\nDurante diskusaun, deputadu sira mós subliña preokupasaun barak ne’ebé governu persiza hadi’a. Preokupasaun hirak ne’e mak hanesan jestaun sistema administrasaun públika, efetividade ba kontrolu ezekusaun orsamentu hodi hasa’e rendimentu ba povu, no kria Komisaun Eventuál ida iha Parlamentu hodi halo akompañamentu ba pagamentu likidasaun dívidas sira ne’ebé Governu iha no propoin ona iha orsamentu ne’e. Prosesu ne’e atu garantia kualidade ezekusaun orsamentu hosi ejizénsia povu nian ba obra hirak emerjénsia nian ne’e.\nJSMP husu ba VI Governu Konstitusionál atu asegura antinjementu ba objetivu sira tuir planu dezenvolvimentu nasionál ne’ebé parlamentu apvora ona iha iha tinan 2011 iha IV Governu Konstitusionál ba interese hadi’a povu nia moris, Governu tenke asegura ezekusaun ida-ne’ebé regorozu.\nJSMP espera katak Komisaun Eventuál Parlamentu Nasionál ba fiskalizasaun no akompañamentu ba prosesu apuramentu pagamentu dívidas estadu nian bele asigura efetividade no efikasia iha setór públiku ho nune’e bele asegura dezenvolvimentu sustentável. Liu-liu atu asegura katak iha balansu entre despeza estadu no reseitas. | [
"East Timor Law and Justice Bulletin: Parlamentu Nasional Aprova Orsamentu Retifikativu 2016 ho Unanimidade: JSMP enkoraza partidu opozisaun atu la-lakon nia papel kontrolu iha kultura demokrasia iha Timor-Leste Parlamentu Nasional Aprova Orsamentu Retifikativu 2016 ho Unanimidade: JSMP enkoraza partidu opozisaun atu la-lakon nia papel kontrolu iha kultura demokrasia iha Timor-Leste PROGRAMA MONITORIZASAUN SISTEMA JUDISIAL Parlamentu Nasional Aprova Orsamentu Retifikativu 2016 ho Unanimidade: JSMP enkoraza partidu opozisaun atu la-lakon nia papel kontrolu iha kultura demokrasia iha Timor-Leste Iha 13 Jullu 2016, liuhusi reuniaun Plenaria Extraordinaria Parlamentu Nasional, deputadu sira dala ida tan aprova orsamentu retifikativu ho unanimidade (lian ida deit).",
"Aprovasaun unanimidade ne'e hala'o liuhosi diskusaun no votasaun iha espesialidade nomos votasaun final global ba Proposta Lei Nu 41/III (4.a) - Primeira Alterasaun ba Orsamentu Jeral Estadu 2016.",
"Plenaria debate ba jeneralidade no espesialidade hala'o hosi 12 to'o 13 Jullu 2016.",
"Durante diskusaun,deputadu sira afirma katak orsamentu ne'ebe Governu propoin pertinente no tanba ne'e Parlamentu tenki aprova.",
"\"Primeiraves depoisde ukun rasik-an, JSMP observa orsamentu retifikativu ne'ebe ho montante bo'ot, maibe orsamentu ne'e pasa ho votasaun unanimidade.",
"Ne'e supreza ida, ita nia vida demokrasia, tanba partidu opozisaun sira lakon sira nia papel kontrolu iha kultura demokrasia.",
"JSMP enkoraja partidu opozisaun atu la bele lakon nia papel iha kultura demokrasia iha Parlamentu Nasional\" dehan Luis de Oliveira Sampaio, Diretor Ezekutivu JSMP Total orasamentu ne'ebe Governu propoin iha proposta alterasaun iha orsamentu retifikativu USD$ 390,7 ba fundu infrastrutura ho kategoria kapital dezenvolvimentu nian.",
"Orsamentu ne'e kobre ba projetu bo'ot 4 mak hanesan projetu Portu Tibar, drainazen Dili laran, projetu Supply Base Suai-Beasu (projeitu Tasi Mane) no pagamentu ba dividas governu nian ba projetu emerjensia tomak.",
"Ho aumentu orsamentu jeral estadu USD 391 millaun ne'e, bainhira soma hamutuk, total dezpesa Estadu ba 2016 USD$1.952,9.",
"Durante diskusaun, deputadu sira mos sublina preokupasaun barak ne'ebe governu persiza hadi'a.",
"Preokupasaun hirak ne'e mak hanesan jestaun sistema administrasaun publika, efetividade ba kontrolu ezekusaun orsamentu hodi hasa'e rendimentu ba povu, no kria Komisaun Eventual ida iha Parlamentu hodi halo akompanamentu ba pagamentu likidasaun dividas sira ne'ebe Governu iha no propoin ona iha orsamentu ne'e.",
"Prosesu ne'e atu garantia kualidade ezekusaun orsamentu hosi ejizensia povu nian ba obra hirak emerjensia nian ne'e.",
"JSMP husu ba VI Governu Konstitusional atu asegura antinjementu ba objetivu sira tuir planu dezenvolvimentu nasional ne'ebe parlamentu apvora ona iha iha tinan 2011 iha IV Governu Konstitusional ba interese hadi'a povu nia moris, Governu tenke asegura ezekusaun ida-ne'ebe regorozu.",
"JSMP espera katak Komisaun Eventual Parlamentu Nasional ba fiskalizasaun no akompanamentu ba prosesu apuramentu pagamentu dividas estadu nian bele asigura efetividade no efikasia iha setor publiku ho nune'e bele asegura dezenvolvimentu sustentavel.",
"Liu-liu atu asegura katak iha balansu entre despeza estadu no reseitas."
] | [
"East Timor Law and Justice Bulletin: National Parliament Unanimously Passes Amending Budget 2016, JSMP Encourages Opposition Party to Play its Controlling Role in Culture of Democracy on the Island The Legislative Assembly approved amendment budget unanimous vote. Judicial System Monitoring Programme (JMS) was launched by Prime Minister Taur Matan Ruak as an integral part for monitoring justice system performance at national level through judicial review programme that is being carried out annually under his presidency with support from all parties involved including opposition political party members who have been active during this period or are currently engaged within their respective areas... Read More »"
"This unanimous approval was achieved through discussion and vote in plenary session, as well the final global voting on Bill No. 41/III (3a) - First Amendment to General State Budget of Brazil for The Year Of Finances"
"The plenary debate for the general and full sessions took place from 12 to July."
"During the debate, MPs affirmed that budget proposed by government is relevant and therefore Parliament must approve."
"\"The first time after independence, JSMP observed an amending budget with a large amount of money but this was passed by unanimous vote."
"This is a surprise to our democratic life, because the opposition parties have lost their controlling role in democracy's culture."
"JSMP encourages opposition parties not to lose their role in the democratic culture of National Parliament\" said Luis de Oliveira Sampaio, Executive Director for JSP The total budget proposed by Government on amendment proposal is USD$ 390.7 million allocated under infrastructure funds and capital development category"
"The budget covers 4 major projects such as the Tibar Port project, drainage in Dili city centre and Suai-Beasu Supply Base (Tasi Mane) Projects. It also includes payment of government debts for all emergency funds projected to be spent on these four larger infrastructure works:"
"With this USD 391 million increase in the state's general budget, when added together total State expenditure for US$20.5 billion will be $4768 per capita (USD)."
"During the discussion, MPs also highlighted many of their concern that need to be addresses by government."
"These concerns include the management of public administration system, effectiveness in controlling budget implementation to increase income for people and creation a Contingency Committee within Parliament that will accompany payment liquidation debts which have been proposed by government."
"The process is to guarantee the quality of budget execution from public approval for these emergency works."
"The JSMP calls on the VI Constitutional Government to ensure compliance with national development goals approved by Parliament in 2013. In order for this plan, which was adopted during its fourth term of office and is aimed at improving people' s lives it must be fully implementeded as soon a possible;"
"JSMP hopes that the Eventual National Parliamentary Committee for Auditing and Accompanying State Debt Payment Process will ensure effectiveness in public sector so as to assure sustainable development."
"In particular, to ensure that there is a balance between government spending and revenues."
] |
MNEK kontinua buka dalan repatria bolseiru timor-oan iha Cuba | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste\nVARANDA EDUKASAUN MNEK kontinua buka dalan repatria bolseiru timor-oan iha Cuba\nMNEK kontinua buka dalan repatria bolseiru timor-oan iha Cuba\nDILI, 23 marsu 2021 (TATOLI)—Ministériu Negósiu Estrajeiru no Kooperasaun (MNEK) kontinua buka dalan hodi repatria bolseiru médiku espesialista timor-oan iha Cuba, ne’ebé termina ona sira-nia estudu.\n“Ami sei kordena Ministeriu Ensinu Superiór hodi bele haree, tanba sira-nia eskola hotu ona,” Ministra Adaljiza dehan iha Aeroportu Internasionál Prezidente Nicolau Lobato, Comoro, Dili, tersa ne’e.\nTuir governante ne’e, loloos bolseiru sira fila ona, maibé iha kestaun balun maka halo sira la konsege fila.\n“Iha fallansu tékniku balun, maibé ami esforsu nafatin atu buka solusaun, nune’e bele rezolve sira-nia problema no bele fila lalais,” nia akresenta.\nNotísia relevante: Bolseiru médiku espesialista Timoroan iha Cuba lamenta esklui viajen voo dala-rua\nTuir nia, bolseiru sira iha Cuba ho kondisaun di’ak tanba daudaun sira iha osan liu hosi bolsa estudu ne’ebé hetan, hodi uza sustenta nesesidade loron-loron.\nBolseiru hirak ne’e hamutuk na’in-23, ne’ebé hala’o estudu iha espesialidade no hosi númeru ne’e, iha na’in-17 finaliza ona estudu dezde dezembru 2020 no na’in-15 mak simu ona diploma no hein atu fila.\nBolseiru na’in-15, kompostu hosi espesialista kardiolojía na’in-tolu, terapia intensiva na’in-haat, nefrolojía na’in-tolu, neurolojía na’in-ida, endokrinolojía na’in-rua no imajenolojía na’in-rua.\nPrevious articleHerkules Nova Zelándia transporta ekipamentu protesaun COVID-19 mai Dili\nNext articleCIGC-Embaixadór Indonézia diskute mekanizmu kombate movimentu ilegál iha fronteira | [
"MNEK kontinua buka dalan repatria bolseiru timor-oan iha Cuba | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA EDUKASAUN MNEK kontinua buka dalan repatria bolseiru timor-oan iha Cuba MNEK kontinua buka dalan repatria bolseiru timor-oan iha Cuba DILI, 23 marsu 2021 (TATOLI) - Ministeriu Negosiu Estrajeiru no Kooperasaun (MNEK) kontinua buka dalan hodi repatria bolseiru mediku espesialista timor-oan iha Cuba, ne'ebe termina ona sira-nia estudu.",
"\"Ami sei kordena Ministeriu Ensinu Superior hodi bele haree, tanba sira-nia eskola hotu ona,\" Ministra Adaljiza dehan iha Aeroportu Internasional Prezidente Nicolau Lobato, Comoro, Dili, tersa ne'e.",
"Tuir governante ne'e, loloos bolseiru sira fila ona, maibe iha kestaun balun maka halo sira la konsege fila.",
"\"Iha fallansu tekniku balun, maibe ami esforsu nafatin atu buka solusaun, nune'e bele rezolve sira-nia problema no bele fila lalais,\" nia akresenta.",
"Notisia relevante: Bolseiru mediku espesialista Timoroan iha Cuba lamenta esklui viajen voo dala-rua Tuir nia, bolseiru sira iha Cuba ho kondisaun di'ak tanba daudaun sira iha osan liu hosi bolsa estudu ne'ebe hetan, hodi uza sustenta nesesidade loron-loron.",
"Bolseiru hirak ne'e hamutuk na'in-23, ne'ebe hala'o estudu iha espesialidade no hosi numeru ne'e, iha na'in-17 finaliza ona estudu dezde dezembru 2020 no na'in-15 mak simu ona diploma no hein atu fila.",
"Bolseiru na'in-15, kompostu hosi espesialista kardiolojia na'in-tolu, terapia intensiva na'in-haat, nefrolojia na'in-tolu, neurolojia na'in-ida, endokrinolojia na'in-rua no imajenolojia na'in-rua.",
"Previous articleHerkules Nova Zelandia transporta ekipamentu protesaun COVID-19 mai Dili Next articleCIGC-Embaixador Indonezia diskute mekanizmu kombate movimentu ilegal iha fronteira"
] | [
"MNEK continues to seek ways of repatriating Timorese fellowship holders in Cuba | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de TIMOR-LESTE HOME EDUCATION The Ministry for Foreign Affairs and Cooperation (MNEC) is continuing its searches towards the return from their studies, which have already been completed."
"\"We will coordinate with the Ministry of Higher Education so that we can see, because their schools have all been closed down already\", Minister Adaljiza said at Presidente Nicolau Lobato International Airport in Comoro on Tuesday."
"According to the governor, they should have returned but there were some problems that prevent them from doing so."
"\"There have been some technical failures, but we are still trying to find a solution so that they can solve their problems and return quickly.\""
"Relevant news: Timorese medical specialist scholarship holder in Cuba regrets excluding double flight trip According to him, the students are well off because they now have more money than their study grant and can use it for daily necessities."
"These scholarship holders are 23, studying in full-time and of this number there have been seventeen who completed their studies since December.15 students received a diploma but were waiting to return home from the university after completion"
"The 15 fellows, composed of three cardiology experts; six intensive care professionals and two nephrology specialist."
"Previous articleHercules New Zealand transports COVID-19 protection equipment to Dili Next ArticleCIGC and Indonesian Ambassador discuss mechanism for combating illegal movement at the border"
] |
Oportunidade No Dezafiu Dezenvolvimentu Futeból Iha Timor-Leste - Desportu.XYZ\nOportunidade No Dezafiu Dezenvolvimentu Futeból Iha Timor-Leste\nin Futbol, Opiniaun\nDesportu futebol moderno hahu Desenvolve iha Século XIX. Inicialmente hahu ho futebol folk football (sepakbola rakyat) nebe maka halao iha territorio inglaterra tomak tanttu iha áreas urbanans nomos rurais sein iha padrão ka regras ruma nebe maka bele regularija actividades desporto ne.\nRegras ba Futebol ne hahu diskuti iha escolas privada sira iha ingglaterra hanesan Winchester, Charterhouse, no Eton no kontinua realiza jogo sira to tinan 1843 Universidade Cambridge consege kria padrão ida nebe maka considerado hanesan regras no fim hodi fo naran Cambridge rules.\nIha jornada futebol, Inglaterra iha nia papel importate tebes iha Desportu Futebol Mundial. Ita hatene katak desde tinan 1850 trabalhadores sira iha inglaterra (Reino Unido), iha tempo nebe maka sira folga servisu hanesan iha loron sábado, sira passa tempo barak liu hodi asisti futebol.\nIda ne considerado hanesan cultura ida nebe maka mais popular no conhesido tebes tamba iha adeptos sira nebe maka sempre barak iha stádio hodi asisti jogo.\nComeça iha século XX história hatudu katak desenvolvimento futebol desenvolvido mais rápidamente. Situasaun ida ne’e maka bolu atensaun ba mundo, liu-liu país sira nebe maka gosta desportu futebol hodi hare ona impotancia husi organização ida hodi bele tau matan no organiza futebol mundial.\nTamba ne maka, iha tinan 1904 País sira hanesan Belgia, Denmark, França, Holanda, Spanyol, Swedia, dan Swiss disidi hodi forma Federation Internationale de Football Association ou conhesido ho naran FIFA. Depois de FIFA existe ona maka, foin hamosu inovações para futebol mais conhesido iha Mundo to agora no agora dadaun iha equipa nasional futebol 209 maka afilia ka sai hanesan membro ba FIFA.\nTimor-Leste nudar País foun ida, nebe maka foin Ukun Rasik’an ho idade XIX, iha Regiao Sudueste Asiático. Mesmo que considerado nasaun foun, maibe Timor-Leste nunka haksumik nia’an iha mundo nia matan, Timor-Leste sempre hatudu nia’an ba Mundo iha qualquer modalidade desportu nebe maka iha inclui futebol. Timor-Leste mos considerado hanesan País ida nebe maka maioria populasaun gosta futebol, tanto iha areas rurais nomos areas urbana. Depois de Timor-Leste restaura tiha nia Ukun Rasik’an iha 2020 no iha dia 1 de Junho de 2002 forma kedan Federação de Futebol de Timor-Leste (FFTL), iha tinan hanesan FFTL rejistu sai membro ba AFC (Asian Football Confederation), Iha tinan 2004 rejisto sai membro ba AFF (Asean Football Federation) no iha 2005 FFTL rejista sai membro FIFA ninian.\nTimor-Leste hahu partisipa iha jogos futebol mundial iha Março 2003 iha kualifikasaun copa da Asia nebe realiza iha China, iha 2004.\nIta hare katak, depois de Timor-Leste hahu partisipa Jogos iha Nivel Internasional, público Timor-Leste hare katak iha ona naroman foun ida nebe maka sei lori no promove Timor-Leste ba mundo Intermasional.\nMaibe na realidade ita hare katak komesa 2004-20014, ita nia futebol lao hakdasak tanto iha Nivel nasional nomos Muncipio sira.\nSituasaun ne, afeta tebes ba Timor-Leste nia partisipasaun iha liga Mundial sira nebe maka organija husi AFC, AFF no FIFA tamba Timor-Leste sempre reforça husi jogadór naturalizasaun sira nabee maka maioria mai husi nasaun Brazil hanesan Patrick Fabiano, Rodrigo Silva, Thiago Cunha so seluk tan.\nIda ne hatudu katak, ita nia desenvolvimento futebol rai laran la lao no implica ba recrutamento jogador Timor Oan sira nebe maka iha talento ka skil atu bele contribui ba selesaun nasional Timor-Leste. situasaun ida ne’e, bolu ona atensaun ba FFTL no Governo hanesan SEJD atu hare ba oin, oinsa maka reativa ita nia liga nasional no Municipio sira hodi bele hetan fini jogador Timor Oan nebe maka bele ona hodi futebol Timor-Leste ba oin.\nIta halo investimento bot ba rai laran, hapara jogador naturalizasaun sira nebe maka manan osan bot, maibe la fo rejultadu ida significante mai povo Timor-Leste. Alende ne, aloca mos orsamento ba Assosiação Municipio 13 nebe maka hari ona, atu sira bele organija jogos iha nivel municipio sira, atu nune ita abele garantia sustentabilidade ba jogadores Timor Oan sira.\nHahu husi 2015-2020 ho prejensa Liga Futebol Amadora (LFA), ita hare katak futebol Timor-Leste iha mudança ida significante tebes. Partisipasaun clubo sira iha liga máximo tebes, hahu husi 1a Divisão, 2a Divisão, no 3a Divisão, Jogador sira iha salario cada fulan, Clubo sira mos halo contrato ba jogador estranzeiros sira, Clubo sira mos esforsu halo cooperasaun ho companhia sira nasional no internasional hodi hetan apoiu ba garantia sustentabilidade Clubo nian.\nPasu importante ida husi Liga Futebol Amadora hahu husi época 1to época da 4 maka hodi LALENOK UNITED ba partisipa iha AFC CUP 2020. Iha tinan 5 ikus ne, ita hare katak wainhira Timor-Leste ba partisipa iha jogos Internasionais sira, ita hare jogador naturalizasaun la iha, maioria jogador Timor Oan hotu deit.\nIda ne, maka ita presija mantem no kontinua lao hodi promove futebol Timor-Leste ho jogador Timor Oan sira ho esperança katak Timor-Leste loron ida sei sai manan nain iha Jogos Internasionais sira tantu iha Nivel Asia nomos Mundial.\nDesenvolve Futebol Timor-Leste, Liga Futebol Amadora laos hamrik mesak maibe hetan apoiu máximo husi FFTL no SEJD rasik, tamba ne maka husu ba instituisaun tolu ne atu hare mos ba frakejas sira nebe maka durante ita hasoru hela:\n1. Menus Recurso Humano\nHase kuantidade no kualidade ba Treinador nasional sira, equipa arbitragen, Ofisial Clubo sira, atu nune bele organiza Clubo no garantia kualidade competisaun tanto iha nivel nasional nomos Internasional\nMaioria Municipio sira seidauk iha infrastrutura ida ke diak hodi bele ajuda futebol iha municipio sira bele lao. Municipio balun iha ona Condisões hanesan Ermera, Baucau no Bobonaro presija tau matan atu nune oinfrastrutura sira ne bele utilija ba tempo naruk. Kestaun seluk mos ba futuro Governo tenki prepara mos dormitorio ba jogador sira iha sub-15, sub-19, sub-23 no selesaun nasional\nFo nafatin esperança ba Governo no FFTL atu bula dalan oinsa maka bele tulun Clubo sira bele iha vontade hodi partisipa actividade futebol nebe maka lao iha ita nia rai laran no garantia mos future jogador sira nian\n4. Alimentasaun ba Jogador sira\nFo atensaun ba Clubo sira atu garantia alimentasaun ba Jogador sira hodi nune bele garantia sira nia nia condisões física diak hodi bele halao jogo. Husu mos ba Governo atu tau matan alimentasaun ba jogador sira husi sub-15, sub-19, sub-23 no selesaun nasional.\nSitausaun sira ne hotu, ita labele rejolve dala ida deit, maibe ita presija foca ona atensaun ba kestaun sira hanesan ne, atu nune bele tau iha plano actividades sira. Hare sira nebe maka nescesita tebes preija rejolve kedan, sira nebe maka importante maibe la urgenti presija tau ba iha prioridades sira médio ho longo prajo nian.\n“Mai ita hamutuk dezenvolve futeból iha ita nia rai doben Timor-Leste”\nHakerek na’in [email protected] No.tlp +67077470374 | [
"Oportunidade No Dezafiu Dezenvolvimentu Futebol Iha Timor-Leste - Desportu.XYZ Oportunidade No Dezafiu Dezenvolvimentu Futebol Iha Timor-Leste in Futbol, Opiniaun Desportu futebol moderno hahu Desenvolve iha Seculo XIX.",
"Inicialmente hahu ho futebol folk football (sepakbola rakyat) nebe maka halao iha territorio inglaterra tomak tanttu iha areas urbanans nomos rurais sein iha padrao ka regras ruma nebe maka bele regularija actividades desporto ne.",
"Regras ba Futebol ne hahu diskuti iha escolas privada sira iha ingglaterra hanesan Winchester, Charterhouse, no Eton no kontinua realiza jogo sira to tinan 1843 Universidade Cambridge consege kria padrao ida nebe maka considerado hanesan regras no fim hodi fo naran Cambridge rules.",
"Iha jornada futebol, Inglaterra iha nia papel importate tebes iha Desportu Futebol Mundial.",
"Ita hatene katak desde tinan 1850 trabalhadores sira iha inglaterra (Reino Unido), iha tempo nebe maka sira folga servisu hanesan iha loron sabado, sira passa tempo barak liu hodi asisti futebol.",
"Ida ne considerado hanesan cultura ida nebe maka mais popular no conhesido tebes tamba iha adeptos sira nebe maka sempre barak iha stadio hodi asisti jogo.",
"Comeca iha seculo XX historia hatudu katak desenvolvimento futebol desenvolvido mais rapidamente.",
"Situasaun ida ne'e maka bolu atensaun ba mundo, liu-liu pais sira nebe maka gosta desportu futebol hodi hare ona impotancia husi organizacao ida hodi bele tau matan no organiza futebol mundial.",
"Tamba ne maka, iha tinan 1904 Pais sira hanesan Belgia, Denmark, Franca, Holanda, Spanyol, Swedia, dan Swiss disidi hodi forma Federation Internationale de Football Association ou conhesido ho naran FIFA.",
"Depois de FIFA existe ona maka, foin hamosu inovacoes para futebol mais conhesido iha Mundo to agora no agora dadaun iha equipa nasional futebol 209 maka afilia ka sai hanesan membro ba FIFA.",
"Timor-Leste nudar Pais foun ida, nebe maka foin Ukun Rasik'an ho idade XIX, iha Regiao Sudueste Asiatico.",
"Mesmo que considerado nasaun foun, maibe Timor-Leste nunka haksumik nia'an iha mundo nia matan, Timor-Leste sempre hatudu nia'an ba Mundo iha qualquer modalidade desportu nebe maka iha inclui futebol.",
"Timor-Leste mos considerado hanesan Pais ida nebe maka maioria populasaun gosta futebol, tanto iha areas rurais nomos areas urbana.",
"Depois de Timor-Leste restaura tiha nia Ukun Rasik'an iha 2020 no iha dia 1 de Junho de 2002 forma kedan Federacao de Futebol de Timor-Leste (FFTL), iha tinan hanesan FFTL rejistu sai membro ba AFC (Asian Football Confederation), Iha tinan 2004 rejisto sai membro ba AFF (Asean Football Federation) no iha 2005 FFTL rejista sai membro FIFA ninian.",
"Timor-Leste hahu partisipa iha jogos futebol mundial iha Marco 2003 iha kualifikasaun copa da Asia nebe realiza iha China, iha 2004.",
"Ita hare katak, depois de Timor-Leste hahu partisipa Jogos iha Nivel Internasional, publico Timor-Leste hare katak iha ona naroman foun ida nebe maka sei lori no promove Timor-Leste ba mundo Intermasional.",
"Maibe na realidade ita hare katak komesa 2004-20014, ita nia futebol lao hakdasak tanto iha Nivel nasional nomos Muncipio sira.",
"Situasaun ne, afeta tebes ba Timor-Leste nia partisipasaun iha liga Mundial sira nebe maka organija husi AFC, AFF no FIFA tamba Timor-Leste sempre reforca husi jogador naturalizasaun sira nabee maka maioria mai husi nasaun Brazil hanesan Patrick Fabiano, Rodrigo Silva, Thiago Cunha so seluk tan.",
"Ida ne hatudu katak, ita nia desenvolvimento futebol rai laran la lao no implica ba recrutamento jogador Timor Oan sira nebe maka iha talento ka skil atu bele contribui ba selesaun nasional Timor-Leste. situasaun ida ne'e, bolu ona atensaun ba FFTL no Governo hanesan SEJD atu hare ba oin, oinsa maka reativa ita nia liga nasional no Municipio sira hodi bele hetan fini jogador Timor Oan nebe maka bele ona hodi futebol Timor-Leste ba oin.",
"Ita halo investimento bot ba rai laran, hapara jogador naturalizasaun sira nebe maka manan osan bot, maibe la fo rejultadu ida significante mai povo Timor-Leste.",
"Alende ne, aloca mos orsamento ba Assosiacao Municipio 13 nebe maka hari ona, atu sira bele organija jogos iha nivel municipio sira, atu nune ita abele garantia sustentabilidade ba jogadores Timor Oan sira.",
"Hahu husi 2015-2020 ho prejensa Liga Futebol Amadora (LFA), ita hare katak futebol Timor-Leste iha mudanca ida significante tebes.",
"Partisipasaun clubo sira iha liga maximo tebes, hahu husi 1a Divisao, 2a Divisao, no 3a Divisao, Jogador sira iha salario cada fulan, Clubo sira mos halo contrato ba jogador estranzeiros sira, Clubo sira mos esforsu halo cooperasaun ho companhia sira nasional no internasional hodi hetan apoiu ba garantia sustentabilidade Clubo nian.",
"Pasu importante ida husi Liga Futebol Amadora hahu husi epoca 1to epoca da 4 maka hodi LALENOK UNITED ba partisipa iha AFC CUP 2020.",
"Iha tinan 5 ikus ne, ita hare katak wainhira Timor-Leste ba partisipa iha jogos Internasionais sira, ita hare jogador naturalizasaun la iha, maioria jogador Timor Oan hotu deit.",
"Ida ne, maka ita presija mantem no kontinua lao hodi promove futebol Timor-Leste ho jogador Timor Oan sira ho esperanca katak Timor-Leste loron ida sei sai manan nain iha Jogos Internasionais sira tantu iha Nivel Asia nomos Mundial.",
"Desenvolve Futebol Timor-Leste, Liga Futebol Amadora laos hamrik mesak maibe hetan apoiu maximo husi FFTL no SEJD rasik, tamba ne maka husu ba instituisaun tolu ne atu hare mos ba frakejas sira nebe maka durante ita hasoru hela: 1.",
"Menus Recurso Humano Hase kuantidade no kualidade ba Treinador nasional sira, equipa arbitragen, Ofisial Clubo sira, atu nune bele organiza Clubo no garantia kualidade competisaun tanto iha nivel nasional nomos Internasional Maioria Municipio sira seidauk iha infrastrutura ida ke diak hodi bele ajuda futebol iha municipio sira bele lao.",
"Municipio balun iha ona Condisoes hanesan Ermera, Baucau no Bobonaro presija tau matan atu nune oinfrastrutura sira ne bele utilija ba tempo naruk.",
"Kestaun seluk mos ba futuro Governo tenki prepara mos dormitorio ba jogador sira iha sub-15, sub-19, sub-23 no selesaun nasional Fo nafatin esperanca ba Governo no FFTL atu bula dalan oinsa maka bele tulun Clubo sira bele iha vontade hodi partisipa actividade futebol nebe maka lao iha ita nia rai laran no garantia mos future jogador sira nian 4.",
"Alimentasaun ba Jogador sira Fo atensaun ba Clubo sira atu garantia alimentasaun ba Jogador sira hodi nune bele garantia sira nia nia condisoes fisica diak hodi bele halao jogo.",
"Husu mos ba Governo atu tau matan alimentasaun ba jogador sira husi sub-15, sub-19, sub-23 no selesaun nasional.",
"Sitausaun sira ne hotu, ita labele rejolve dala ida deit, maibe ita presija foca ona atensaun ba kestaun sira hanesan ne, atu nune bele tau iha plano actividades sira.",
"Hare sira nebe maka nescesita tebes preija rejolve kedan, sira nebe maka importante maibe la urgenti presija tau ba iha prioridades sira medio ho longo prajo nian.",
"\"Mai ita hamutuk dezenvolve futebol iha ita nia rai doben Timor-Leste\" Hakerek na'in [email protected] No.tlp +67077470374"
] | [
"Oportunidade No Dezafiu Dezenvolvimentu Futebol Iha Timor-Leste - Desportu.XYZ in Futbol, Opiniaun The modern football sport began to develop during the 19th century and has continued until today with a number of changes that have been made since then:"
"Initially, it started as folk football which was played throughout England in urban and rural areas without any standards or rules to regulate the sport."
"The rules of football began to be discussed in private schools throughout England such as Winchester, Charterhouse and Eton. They continued playing until 1843 when the University Of Cambridge was able To establish a standard that would eventually become known by its name: \"Cambridge Rules\"."
"In the world of football, England has a very important role to play in World Football."
"We know that since the 1850s workers in England (United Kingdom), at times when they were off work like on Saturday, spent more time watching football."
"It is considered to be one of the most popular and well-known cultures because there are fans who always come in large numbers at a stadium."
"Beginning in the 20th century history shows that football development developed more rapidly."
"This situation has drawn the attention of many countries, especially those that enjoy football as a sport. They have seen how impotent one organization is to oversee and organise worldwide soccer events in this time period; it's not even possible for an international organisation like FIFA or UEFA (the European Football Association)."
"As a result, in 1904 the countries of Belgian Denmark France Netherlands Spain Sweden and Switzerland decided to form Fédération Internationale de Football Association or known as FIFA."
"After FIFA existed, it was only then that innovations were made for football to become more well-known in the world and now there are 209 national soccer teams affiliate or becoming members of Fifa."
"Timor-Leste is a young country, the only surviving remains of an early 19th century Portuguese Empire in Southeast Asia."
"Even though it is considered a new country, Timor-Leste has never made its name in the world's eyes. It always showed itself to all of us at any sport that exist including football and basketball which have been played for over 20 years now with great success by young people from every corner Of The World!"
"Timor-Leste is also considered as a country where the majority of population enjoys football, both in rural and urban areas."
"After Timor-Leste restored its sovereignty in 2017 and on June the first day of that year, it was renamed as Federação de Futebol do Leste (FFTL), which registered to become a member at AFC(Asian Football Confederation)in this same month. In July they also became an officially accrediting body for ASEAN football federation with registration number AF345689/AAFJFZVGQYXWXXHXXXVII; since then there has been no change or restructure within their organizational structures but only some changes have occurred over time:"
"Timor-Leste made its debut in the World Cup at Marco 2013, as a qualifier for Asia's Championship to be held by China."
"We see that, after Timor-Leste began to participate in Games at an International Level the public of this country saw a new image which will bring and promote East Timor into international world."
"But in reality we see that starting from 2014, our football has gone downhill both at the national level and municipalities."
"The situation has greatly affected Timor-Leste’s participation in the World Cup league organizing by AFC,AFF and FIFA because of naturalization players who have always reinforced our national team but most are from Brazil such as Patrick Fabiano. Rodrigo Silva Thiago Cunha among others"
"This shows that our domestic football development is not working and implies the recruitment of Timorese players who have talent or skills to contribute for national team. The situation has called attention on FFTL, Government as SEJD look ahead how can reactivate their National Leagues in Municipalities so they could get some young player from East-Timor which will be able play soccer at home with them forward"
"We have made a lot of investments in the country, stopped naturalization players who are making lots more money but did not give any significant return to Timor-Leste people."
"In addition, budget has been allocated to the Association of 13 Municipalities that have already established themselves so they can organize games at municipality level. This way we will be guaranteed sustainability for Timorese players as well!"
"Since 2015-3 with the presence of Liga Futebol Amadora (LFA), we can see that Timorese football is undergoing a very significant change."
"The participation of clubs in the league is very high, starting from 1st Division and going upwards. Player are paid monthly salaries; they also sign contract with foreign players for a season or two each year to ensure their sustainability by co-operating both national as well international companies that provide financial support on an annual basis"
"An important step of Liga Futebol Amadora starting from season 1 to the fourth was for LALENOK UNITED participation in AFC CUP."
"In the last 5 years, we have seen that when Timor-Leste participates in international games there are no naturalization players. Most of them were all East Тимориан (Timorians)."
"This is what we need to maintain and continue working on promoting Timor-Leste football with the players of East Тимор, hoping that one day they will be winners in international games both at Asian level as well."
"To develop Timor-Leste Football, Liga Futebol Amadora is not alone but has the maximum support of FFTL and SEJD itself. That’s why we ask these three institutions to also look at our shortcoming that have been encountered over time:"
"Menus Human Resource Increase the quantity and quality of national coaches, refereeing teams or club officials in order to organize Clubs that can guarantee high-quality competition both at a National level as well As International Most municipalities do not have adequate infrastructure for football."
"Some municipalities already have conditions such as Ermera, Baucau and Bobonaro need to take care so that these infrastructures can be used for a long time."
"Another issue for the future is that Government should also prepare dormitory to players in U-15, Under 23 and national team Give hopes on government & FFTL as they work out ways how can help Club will have a willingness of participating football activities which are taking place within our country guaranteeing their player' s Future."
"Attention should be paid to the Clubs in order for them and their players, which are required by law or otherwise as a result of playing at an international level."
"He also urged the Government to take care of nutrition for players from U-15, Under 23 and national teams."
"We cannot solve all these situations at once, but we need to focus our attention on such issues so that they can be included in the activities plan."
"Look at the ones that are most urgently needed to be solved, and those important but not immediate need a place in your medium-to long term priorities."
"\"Let us together develop football in our beautiful land Timor-Leste\" Author na'in [email protected] No.Tlp +670 3124589"
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Papel Muzeu mak atu arkiva faktus historiku Timor-Leste\nMembru Parlamentu Nasional (PN), Joaquin Amaral husi bankada Fretilin hateten papel museu nian mak atu rai arkiva faktus historiku Timor-leste (TL) nian husi jerasaun ba jerasaun.\n“Atu arkiva faktus historiku, faktus evidensia sira ne’ebe mak iha relasaun ho ita nia historia atu nune’e jerasaun foun mai bele sai testamunha,” hateten Deputadu Joaquin Amaral, semana kotuk iha PN.\nTuir nia ,iha museu nia laran iha dokumentus o- oin mak bele koalia kona-ba historia Timor ninian liu-liu istoria funu durante tinan 24 nia laran.\nDili: estudantes sira hahu tama escola tuir fali aprendizajem\nHafoin pasa ferias durante semana tolu, estudante sira husi ensino primaria to’o sekundaria iha capital Dili, hahu tama hikas eskola iha 22 Agustu 2011 inklui mos estudante sira husi ensino primaria Farol.\n“Ohin ami halo limpeza deit tanba foin tama e eskola mos foer los,”informa estudante Nelia Ximenes.\nNelia konta, durante feriadu alende ajuda inan-aman iha uma mos halo vizita ba family sira iha distritu.\nSPTL: La’os abandona maibe ladun ativu iha formasaun\nAutor: Ponciano Correia, TDW (Est.)\nTuir Sekretariu Jeral Sindikatu Profesores Timor-leste (SPTL) Francisco Fernandes katak laiha profesores ida mak abandona formasaun maibe sira ladun ativu deit tanba balun antes ne’e tuir ona formasaun hanesan.\n“Hau hanoin laiha profesores ida mak abandona fomrasaun, maibe sira ne’ebe la partisipa mak sira ne’ebe antes ne’e sai ona formador e sira kontinua duni maibe ho kontiudu ne’ebe hanesan e sira sente laiha mudansa,entaun sira para tiha,”hateten Sekjer SPTL, Francisco Fernandes,semana kotuk iha Motael Dili.\nProfessores abandona formasaun, hein desizaun hosi Konselhu Ministrus\nPublika iha: 02 Setembro 2011\nPorta voz Sindikatu Profesores Timor-leste (SPTL), Agostino Soares hateten durante Konsellu Ministru (KM) seidauk fo sai rezultadu kona-ba implementasaun rejime de careera, maka profesores sira se la kontinua formasaun to’o hetan solusaun.\n“Kazu ne’e aprezenta ona ba iha Konsellu Ministru e Vise Ministru haruka ona mensajen ba ami katak iha ona rezultadu positivu maibé ne’e hanesan informal verbal de’it,” hateten Agostinho Soares , semana kotuk iha eskola Sekundaria 4 de Setembru Unamet Balide, Dili.\nTuir nia, sira sei fila fali ba tuir fromasaun bainhira Ministériu Edukasaun fo sai ona rezultadu husi Konsellu Ministru.\nGrupu Estudante ESHANA la’o ain husi Alas mai Dili\nJoni Ximenes: maske defisil maibé haka’as aan sai pintor\nEstudante EP. Farol sei kanta muzika ‘17 Agustus’ iha HUT RI\nEskola balun realiza izame la tuir kalendariu ME nian\nFundasaun Lia los ameasa lori Ministru Edukasaun ba Tribunal, Cancio : “ Hau prontu hatan “ | [
"Papel Muzeu mak atu arkiva faktus historiku Timor-Leste Membru Parlamentu Nasional (PN), Joaquin Amaral husi bankada Fretilin hateten papel museu nian mak atu rai arkiva faktus historiku Timor-leste (TL) nian husi jerasaun ba jerasaun.",
"\"Atu arkiva faktus historiku, faktus evidensia sira ne'ebe mak iha relasaun ho ita nia historia atu nune'e jerasaun foun mai bele sai testamunha,\" hateten Deputadu Joaquin Amaral, semana kotuk iha PN.",
"Tuir nia ,iha museu nia laran iha dokumentus o- oin mak bele koalia kona-ba historia Timor ninian liu-liu istoria funu durante tinan 24 nia laran.",
"Dili: estudantes sira hahu tama escola tuir fali aprendizajem Hafoin pasa ferias durante semana tolu, estudante sira husi ensino primaria to'o sekundaria iha capital Dili, hahu tama hikas eskola iha 22 Agustu 2011 inklui mos estudante sira husi ensino primaria Farol.",
"\"Ohin ami halo limpeza deit tanba foin tama e eskola mos foer los,\"informa estudante Nelia Ximenes.",
"Nelia konta, durante feriadu alende ajuda inan-aman iha uma mos halo vizita ba family sira iha distritu.",
"SPTL: La'os abandona maibe ladun ativu iha formasaun Autor: Ponciano Correia, TDW (Est.)",
"Tuir Sekretariu Jeral Sindikatu Profesores Timor-leste (SPTL) Francisco Fernandes katak laiha profesores ida mak abandona formasaun maibe sira ladun ativu deit tanba balun antes ne'e tuir ona formasaun hanesan.",
"\"Hau hanoin laiha profesores ida mak abandona fomrasaun, maibe sira ne'ebe la partisipa mak sira ne'ebe antes ne'e sai ona formador e sira kontinua duni maibe ho kontiudu ne'ebe hanesan e sira sente laiha mudansa,entaun sira para tiha,\"hateten Sekjer SPTL, Francisco Fernandes,semana kotuk iha Motael Dili.",
"Professores abandona formasaun, hein desizaun hosi Konselhu Ministrus Publika iha: 02 Setembro 2011 Porta voz Sindikatu Profesores Timor-leste (SPTL), Agostino Soares hateten durante Konsellu Ministru (KM) seidauk fo sai rezultadu kona-ba implementasaun rejime de careera, maka profesores sira se la kontinua formasaun to'o hetan solusaun.",
"\"Kazu ne'e aprezenta ona ba iha Konsellu Ministru e Vise Ministru haruka ona mensajen ba ami katak iha ona rezultadu positivu maibe ne'e hanesan informal verbal de'it,\" hateten Agostinho Soares , semana kotuk iha eskola Sekundaria 4 de Setembru Unamet Balide, Dili.",
"Tuir nia, sira sei fila fali ba tuir fromasaun bainhira Ministeriu Edukasaun fo sai ona rezultadu husi Konsellu Ministru.",
"Grupu Estudante ESHANA la'o ain husi Alas mai Dili Joni Ximenes: maske defisil maibe haka'as aan sai pintor Estudante EP.",
"Farol sei kanta muzika '17 Agustus' iha HUT RI Eskola balun realiza izame la tuir kalendariu ME nian Fundasaun Lia los ameasa lori Ministru Edukasaun ba Tribunal, Cancio: \" Hau prontu hatan \""
] | [
"The role of the museum is to archive Timor-Leste’s historical fact Member, Joaquin Amaral from Fretilin said that it has a great responsibility as an institution in keeping and preserving history. He added: “The museu should be used for this purpose.”"
"\"To archive historical facts, the evidence that has to do with our history so new generation can be witnesses\", said MP Joaquin Amaral last week in PN."
"According to him, in the museum there are various documents that can talk about Timorese history especially of war during 24 years."
"Dili: students return to school after learning break After three weeks of holidays, primary and secondary schools in the capital city began reopening on August 21st including Farol Primary School."
"\"Today we just cleaned because the school was newly open,\" says student Nelia Ximenes."
"Nelia says that during the holidays, in addition to helping her parents at home she also visited family members across district."
"SPTL: Not abandoned but not active in training Authors Ponciano Correia, TDW (Est.)"
"According to the Secretary General of Timor-Leste Teachers' Union (SPTL), Francisco Fernandes, no one has abandoned training but they are not active because some have already taken similar course."
"\"I don't think that any professors have abandoned the training, but those who do not participate are people before they became trainers and continue to work as such with a similar content. They feel there is no change so then stop doing it\", said SPTL Secretary Francisco Fernandes last week at Motael Dili in Timor-Leste 2017"
"Teachers abandon training, waiting for decision from Council of Minister on: 02 September (1) The Spokesperson to the Timor-Leste Professor'S Union Agostino Soares said that while a result has not been reached by council regarding implementation and career regime in East Тимор teachers will stop their education until they find solutions."
"\"The case has been presented to the Council of Ministers and Vice-Minister sent us a message that there is already positive result but it was only informal verbal,\" said Agostinho Soares . Last week at Secondary school September Fourth Unamet Balide in Dili.\""
"According to him, they will return for the next session when Education Ministry has given outcome of Council Ministers."
"Student group ESHANA la'o ain from Alas to Dili Joni Ximenes: despite the difficulty, he has made his way as an EP student painter."
"Farol will sing the music '17 Agustus' at RI HUT Some schools conduct exams not according to ME calendar Foundation Lia los threatens bringing Minister of Education for Tribunal, Cancio: \" I am ready answer\""
] |
By Tempo Timor September 16, 2020 1562\nMinistru Transporte no Komunikasaun (MTK) José Agostinho da Silva ko'alia ba jornalista sira kona-ba futuru Aeroportu rejionál iha Timor-Leste. Kuarta (16/9). Foto Tempo Timor\nAeroportu ne'ebé konstrui ona maka Aeroportu Komandante Em Chefe das FALINTIL, Kay Rala Xanana Gusmão-Suai, Rota do Sândalo-Oekusi no karik iha futuru iha mós aeroportu rejionál sira seluk.\nMinistru Transporte no Komunikasaun (MTK), José Agustinho, bainhira iha posibilidade bele hadi'a fali aeroportu, nune'e bele fasilita movimentu aviaun iha doméstika ninian. Ida ne'e hanesan mós fonte rendimentu iha aeroportu ida nia laran, kuandu movimentu ne'e la'o di'ak fonte reseita ne'e barak bele rekolla ba kofre Estadu.\n"Governu iha planu oinsá atu hadi'a kondisaun aeroportu sira no karik iha futuru sei iha mós aeroportu rejionál, nune'e bele fasilita movimentu aviaun iha doméstika ninian", dehan José, hafoin reuniaun Konsellu Ministru, iha Palásiu Governu, Kuarta (16/09).\nNia heteten, bainhira Aeroportu Dili no sira seluk iha difikuldade bele fasilita aviaun ne'e landing. Situasaun sira hanesan ne'e akontese iha pasadu bainhira iha aviaun boot ne'ebé mak labele akomoda aeroportu internasiónal Nicolau Lobato, entaun bele ba landing iha ne'ebá.\n"Ita-nia aeroportu iha Dili ninia kondisaun pista ne'e iha kilometru 1.8, tantu ida ne'e se karik aviaun ho kapasidade boot sira ne'ebé tun ne'e risku", tenik nia.\nJosé hatutan, antesipa buat sira ne'e labele akontese, entaun infrastrutura aeroportu sira ne'e tenke tau atensaun. Kona-ba aeroportu Baukau nian, Ministériu Transporte no Komunikasaun (MTK) hamutuk ho ministériu relevante sira halo ona reuniaun dala 3 hodi halo preparativus hodi konkretiza planu ne'e.\n"Modelu no tipu ne'e oinsá ne'e tékniku sira mak regula no planu ne'e la'o hela, orsamentu seidauk prevé", dehan nia.(*)\n« Dada Kadoras, Governu 'Hakruuk' Ba Politika Xanana MAPKomS Husu KI Labele 'Halimar' Lei » | [
"By Tempo Timor September 16, 2020 1562 Ministru Transporte no Komunikasaun (MTK) Jose Agostinho da Silva ko'alia ba jornalista sira kona-ba futuru Aeroportu rejional iha Timor-Leste.",
"Kuarta (16/9).",
"Foto Tempo Timor Aeroportu ne'ebe konstrui ona maka Aeroportu Komandante Em Chefe das FALINTIL, Kay Rala Xanana Gusmao-Suai, Rota do Sandalo-Oekusi no karik iha futuru iha mos aeroportu rejional sira seluk.",
"Ministru Transporte no Komunikasaun (MTK), Jose Agustinho, bainhira iha posibilidade bele hadi'a fali aeroportu, nune'e bele fasilita movimentu aviaun iha domestika ninian.",
"Ida ne'e hanesan mos fonte rendimentu iha aeroportu ida nia laran, kuandu movimentu ne'e la'o di'ak fonte reseita ne'e barak bele rekolla ba kofre Estadu.",
"\"Governu iha planu oinsa atu hadi'a kondisaun aeroportu sira no karik iha futuru sei iha mos aeroportu rejional, nune'e bele fasilita movimentu aviaun iha domestika ninian,\" dehan Jose, hafoin reuniaun Konsellu Ministru, iha Palasiu Governu, Kuarta (16/09).",
"Nia heteten, bainhira Aeroportu Dili no sira seluk iha difikuldade bele fasilita aviaun ne'e landing.",
"Situasaun sira hanesan ne'e akontese iha pasadu bainhira iha aviaun boot ne'ebe mak labele akomoda aeroportu internasional Nicolau Lobato, entaun bele ba landing iha ne'eba.",
"\"Ita-nia aeroportu iha Dili ninia kondisaun pista ne'e iha kilometru 1.8, tantu ida ne'e se karik aviaun ho kapasidade boot sira ne'ebe tun ne'e risku,\" tenik nia.",
"Jose hatutan, antesipa buat sira ne'e labele akontese, entaun infrastrutura aeroportu sira ne'e tenke tau atensaun.",
"Kona-ba aeroportu Baukau nian, Ministeriu Transporte no Komunikasaun (MTK) hamutuk ho ministeriu relevante sira halo ona reuniaun dala 3 hodi halo preparativus hodi konkretiza planu ne'e.",
"\"Modelu no tipu ne'e oinsa ne'e tekniku sira mak regula no planu ne'e la'o hela, orsamentu seidauk preve,\" dehan nia. (*) \" Dada Kadoras, Governu 'Hakruuk' Ba Politika Xanana MAPKomS Husu KI Labele 'Halimar' Lei \""
] | [
"By Tempo Timor September 16,.2039 Minister of Transport and Communications (MTK) Jose Agostinho da Silva spoke to journalists about the future regional airport in East-Timor on Thursday morning at a press conference held by MTK'S office for information technology services"
"Fourth (16/9)."
"The airports that have already been built are Aeroportu Komandante Em Chefe das FALINTIL, Kay Rala Xanana Gusmao-Suai Airport and Rota do Sandalos Oekusisi. In the future there will be other regional aeroportus as well in Timor Leste :"
"Minister of Transport and Communications (MTK), Jose Agustinho, said that if there is a possibility to improve the airport in order for domestic aircraft movements."
"This is also a source of revenue in an airport, when the movement goes well this sources much income can be collected for state coffers."
"\"The government has plans to improve the conditions of airports and if in future there will also be a regional Airport, so that it can facilitate aircraft movement within its domestic territory\", said Jose after Council meeting at Government Palace on Thursday (16/09)."
"He noted that when Dili Airport and others are in difficulty, they can facilitate the aircraft's landing."
"Such situations have occurred in the past when large aircraft that cannot accommodate Nicolau Lobato International Airport, so they can land there."
"\"Our airport in Dili has a runway of 1.8 kilometers, so if large-capacity aircraft are going to land there is risk.\""
"Jose said that he anticipates these things can not happen, so the infrastructure of those airports must pay attention."
"Regarding Baukau airport, the Ministry of Transport and Communications (MTK) together with relevant ministries have held 3 meetings to make preparations for concretizing this plan."
"\"The model and type of how it's technicians regulate the plan is in progress, budget has not been provided for.\" (*)\" Dada Kadoras: Government 'Hakruuk’ To Xanana Politics MAPKomS Ask KI Not to ‘Halymar‘ Law."
] |
Oxfam lansa peskiza rua impaktu COVID-19 | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste\nVARANDA EKONOMIA Oxfam lansa peskiza rua impaktu COVID-19\nFeto iha setór agrikultura. Imajen/Oxfam\nDILI, 11 setembru 2020 (TATOLI)-Organizasaun Naun Govermentál (ONG), Oxfam ho kolaborasaun parseiru sira, lansa peskiza impaktu COVID-19 ba feto iha setór agrikultura no ba setór informál iha Timor-Leste.\nMinistru Turizmu, Komérsiu no Indústria, José Lucas do Carmo da Silva, apresia ho peskiza ne’e tanba bele tulun ezekutivu sira foti desizaun.\n“Sira halo serbisu di’ak no esensiál tebes, tanba peskiza sempre mai ho evidénsia. Evidénsia ne’ebé sira hetan importante tanba bele tulun Governu hodi bele foti medida ruma,” dehan Ministru, sesta ne’e, iha suai room, Timor Plaza.\nReprezentante Oxfam iha Timor-Leste, Salina Hanjan, hateten ONG ne’e asina ona kontratu ho Governu Austrália liuhosi programa ‘Governasaun ba Dezenvolvimentu’ (GfD, sigla inglés) no hetan fundu $15.000 hodi halo peskiza rua ne’e.\nProjetu hanaran ‘Dalan di’ak ba Governasaun’, nia objetivu maka hakarak influénsia polítika públiku sira hodi foti medida.\n“Durante ne’e ami uza fundu hosi Austrália hamutuk $15.000 hodi halo peskiza. Oxfam iha kompromisu apoiu Timor-Leste hodi kontinua demonstra situasaun dezenvolvimentu no importánsia partisipasaun feto,” dehan Salina Hanjan.\nBa peskiza ne’e, Oxfam kolabora hamutuk ho Mata Dalan Institute (MDI), Universidade Nasional Timor-Leste (UNTL), Instituisaun ba Estudu Dame Konflitu no Sosiál no Profesór Brett Inder hosi Universidade Monas.\nAtividade ne’e halo durante fulan-ida resin, hahú juñu to’o agostu 2020 no halo iha munisípiu neen hanesan, Baucau, Lautem, Ermera, Aileu, Covalima no Rejiaun Espesiál Oé-cusse Ambeno (RAEOA).\nReprezentante Oxfam ne’e konsidera estudu ne’e importante tebes ba dezenvolvimentu ekonomia konduzivu no sustentável.\n“Haree ba estatístika hatudu katak porsentu 70 populasaun maka depende maka’as ba setór agrikultura hodi hetan rendimentu. Enkuantu ema nu’udar fa’an na’in iha merkadu porsentu 75 to’o 85 maka feto, ne’e bazeia ba relatóriu hosi TOMAK iha 2018,” nia informa.\nAleinde ne’e, porsentu 60 populasaun halo servisu iha agrikultura subsisténsia iha Timor-Leste no feto sira reprezenta 45 nu’udar agrikultór subsisténsia iha Timor-Leste.\nIha setór informál, ema 145.000 maka servisu iha negósiu hanesan fa’an iha kios, vendedór iha dalan, no iha merkadu, enkuantu ema 360.000 servisu iha setór transporte hanesan lori taxi, bus, no mikrolet.\n“Iha uma-kain porsentu balun maka ninia rendimentu prinsipál maihosi atividade negósiu maibé ita haree no analiza fali ba alokasaun orsamentu iha tinan 10 nia-laran Governu investe maka’as liu ba estrutura nível boot hanesan petroleu,” nia observa.\nReprezentante Oxfam ne’e nota katak bainhira tama krize pandemia COVID-19 no situasaun polítika sai difísil liután ba setór informál no feto sira iha agrikultura.\n“Iha setór informál, liuliu sira ne’ebé loke negósiu ki’ik ho rendimentu mínimu, laiha preprarasaun di’ak hodi hasoru situasaun COVID-19,” nia akresenta.\nTanba ne’e, durante pandemia globál, feto sira iha setór agrikultura hanesan inan feto faluk dalaruma hasoru difikuldade rendimentu hodi apoiu sira-nia família tanba susar atu asesu ba merkadu.\nNune’e mós, feto ho defisiénsia balun ladun asesu ba edukasaun, servisu saúde, asesu bee no saneamentu báziku.\nFeto iha agrikultura\nPrevious articleRenan Selak nia espíritu sei moris ba nafatin\nNext articlePN presta omenajen ikus ba saudozu Renan Selak | [
"Oxfam lansa peskiza rua impaktu COVID-19 | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA EKONOMIA Oxfam lansa peskiza rua impaktu COVID-19 Feto iha setor agrikultura.",
"Imajen/Oxfam DILI, 11 setembru 2020 (TATOLI) -Organizasaun Naun Govermental (ONG), Oxfam ho kolaborasaun parseiru sira, lansa peskiza impaktu COVID-19 ba feto iha setor agrikultura no ba setor informal iha Timor-Leste.",
"Ministru Turizmu, Komersiu no Industria, Jose Lucas do Carmo da Silva, apresia ho peskiza ne'e tanba bele tulun ezekutivu sira foti desizaun.",
"\"Sira halo serbisu di'ak no esensial tebes, tanba peskiza sempre mai ho evidensia.",
"Evidensia ne'ebe sira hetan importante tanba bele tulun Governu hodi bele foti medida ruma,\" dehan Ministru, sesta ne'e, iha suai room, Timor Plaza.",
"Reprezentante Oxfam iha Timor-Leste, Salina Hanjan, hateten ONG ne'e asina ona kontratu ho Governu Australia liuhosi programa 'Governasaun ba Dezenvolvimentu' (GfD, sigla ingles) no hetan fundu $15.000 hodi halo peskiza rua ne'e.",
"Projetu hanaran 'Dalan di'ak ba Governasaun', nia objetivu maka hakarak influensia politika publiku sira hodi foti medida.",
"\"Durante ne'e ami uza fundu hosi Australia hamutuk $15.000 hodi halo peskiza.",
"Oxfam iha kompromisu apoiu Timor-Leste hodi kontinua demonstra situasaun dezenvolvimentu no importansia partisipasaun feto,\" dehan Salina Hanjan.",
"Ba peskiza ne'e, Oxfam kolabora hamutuk ho Mata Dalan Institute (MDI), Universidade Nasional Timor-Leste (UNTL), Instituisaun ba Estudu Dame Konflitu no Sosial no Profesor Brett Inder hosi Universidade Monas.",
"Atividade ne'e halo durante fulan-ida resin, hahu junu to'o agostu 2020 no halo iha munisipiu neen hanesan, Baucau, Lautem, Ermera, Aileu, Covalima no Rejiaun Espesial Oe-cusse Ambeno (RAEOA).",
"Reprezentante Oxfam ne'e konsidera estudu ne'e importante tebes ba dezenvolvimentu ekonomia konduzivu no sustentavel.",
"\"Haree ba estatistika hatudu katak porsentu 70 populasaun maka depende maka'as ba setor agrikultura hodi hetan rendimentu.",
"Enkuantu ema nu'udar fa'an na'in iha merkadu porsentu 75 to'o 85 maka feto, ne'e bazeia ba relatoriu hosi TOMAK iha 2018,\" nia informa.",
"Aleinde ne'e, porsentu 60 populasaun halo servisu iha agrikultura subsistensia iha Timor-Leste no feto sira reprezenta 45 nu'udar agrikultor subsistensia iha Timor-Leste.",
"Iha setor informal, ema 145.000 maka servisu iha negosiu hanesan fa'an iha kios, vendedor iha dalan, no iha merkadu, enkuantu ema 360.000 servisu iha setor transporte hanesan lori taxi, bus, no mikrolet.",
"\"Iha uma-kain porsentu balun maka ninia rendimentu prinsipal maihosi atividade negosiu maibe ita haree no analiza fali ba alokasaun orsamentu iha tinan 10 nia-laran Governu investe maka'as liu ba estrutura nivel boot hanesan petroleu,\" nia observa.",
"Reprezentante Oxfam ne'e nota katak bainhira tama krize pandemia COVID-19 no situasaun politika sai difisil liutan ba setor informal no feto sira iha agrikultura.",
"\"Iha setor informal, liuliu sira ne'ebe loke negosiu ki'ik ho rendimentu minimu, laiha preprarasaun di'ak hodi hasoru situasaun COVID-19,\" nia akresenta.",
"Tanba ne'e, durante pandemia global, feto sira iha setor agrikultura hanesan inan feto faluk dalaruma hasoru difikuldade rendimentu hodi apoiu sira-nia familia tanba susar atu asesu ba merkadu.",
"Nune'e mos, feto ho defisiensia balun ladun asesu ba edukasaun, servisu saude, asesu bee no saneamentu baziku.",
"Feto iha agrikultura Previous articleRenan Selak nia espiritu sei moris ba nafatin Next articlePN presta omenajen ikus ba saudozu Renan Selak"
] | [
"Oxfam launches two research studies on COVID-19 impact | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor Lorosa’e Home Economy Women in the Agricultural Sector."
"Image/Oxfam DILI, September 10th (Xinhua) - Oxfame and its partners have launched a research on the impact of COVID-29 in Timor Leste. The study will examine how women are affected by this pandemic as they work for companies that provide services to rural communities or whose jobs depend heavily upon agriculture; whether these sectors were fully integrated into economic activity during Covid?"
"Minister of Tourism, Commerce and Industry Jose Lucas do Carmo da Silva appreciates the research because it can help executive decision-makers."
"\"You're doing a very good and essential job, because research always comes with evidence."
"The evidence they obtain is important because it can help the Government to take some measures,\" said Minister on Saturday in a sui room at Timor Plaza."
"Oxfam's representative in Timor-Leste, Salina Hanjan said that the NGO has signed a contract with Australia through its Government for Development (GfD) programme and received $15.02 million to carry out both researches:"
"The project, called 'A Path to Good Governance' aims at influencing public policy decisions."
"\"During this time, we used funding from Australia totaling $15.02 million to carry out the research.\""
"Oxfam is committed to support Timor-Leste in continuing demonstrating the development situation and importance of women's participation,\" said Salina Hanjan."
"For the research, Oxfam collaborated with Mata Dalan Institute (MDI), Universidade Nasional Timor-Leste(UNTL) and Professor Brett Inder of Monas University."
"The activities were carried out over a period of more than one month, from June to August 2019 and in six municipalities: Baucau (Baucau), Lautem(Lautem) Ermera Aileo Coimbra Covilhã Oe-cusse Ambeno Special Region."
"The Oxfam representative considered the study very important for a conducive and sustainable economic development."
"\"Statistics show that 70 percent of the population depend heavily on agriculture for their income."
"And while 75-80 per cent of the people who sell in markets are women, this is based on a report by TOMAK (the Ministry for Rural Development and Agricultural Reform),\" he said."
"In addition, 60 percent of the population is employed in subsistence agriculture and women account for about a quarter (45%) among Timor-Leste's underprivileged farm workers."
"In the informal sector, 145.0 thousand people are employed in businesses such as kiosk sellers and street vendors at market places; while another three hundred sixty-thousend work for transportation companies like taxi cab driver' s or bus/mikrolet rider 'S"
"\"In some percentage of households, their main income comes from business activity but if we look and analyze back to the budget allocation over 10 years government is investing more in large-scale structure like oil,” he observed."
"The Oxfam representative noted that with the COVID-19 pandemic crisis and political situation becoming more difficult for informal sectors, women in agriculture are also facing challenges."
"\"In the informal sector, especially those who open small businesses with minimum incomes are not well prepared to face COVID-19 situation\", he added."
"Therefore, during the global pandemic women in agricultural sector as single mothers often face income difficulties to support their families because of market access."
"Similarly, some women with disabilities lack access to education and health care services as well a basic water supply."
"Feto iha agrikultura Previous articleRenan Selak’s spirit will live forever Next ArticlePN pays final tribute to the late Renam Selaks"
] |
Robert Nia Blog: PR halao tratamento iha Australia\nPR halao tratamento iha Australia\nPresidente Republica halao tratamento iha Australia tamba hetan tiru durante tiru teio ida akontese iha residensia PR Metiaut Segunda feira dader. PR hetan tiru iha nia kabun no liman sorin hateten PM Xanana Gusmao iha konferensia Imprenssa iha Palacio do Guverno segunda feira nee. Nudar Xanana Alfredo Reinado ho nia grupo mak asalto residensia PR. Alfredo Reinado rasik hamutuk ho nia eskolto ida mate kedas iha fatin akontesimento tiro teiro nee.\nIha visita ida ba Maliana hodi Inagura centro Saude foun Maliana Iha Sabado nee ema deskonesidu mos bloqeia estrada ba viagem Ramos Horta nian. FSI hola medidas hodi tula PR ho helikoptru mai Dili.\nRadio Timor Leste nia noticia segunda feira nee fosai Primeiro Ministro Xanana Gusmao afirma katak, kanek nebe Presidente da Republika nebe hetan iha parte Liman sorin no kabun tamba tiru husi Alfredo Reinado Alves ho nia grupo. Casu ne’e akontese tuku Nen liu minutu Sanulu Resin Lima dadersan iha rezidencia Presidente nia iha Metiaut Dili wainhira Presidente nebe halo hela eserzicio dader fila ba nia recidencia tamba rona kilat tarutu, iha nebe Alfredo Reinado ho nia grupo nebe ba ho kareta Rua no kompleto ho armas halao ataqe iha presidente nia residencia.\nXanana Gusmao afirma katak, Presidente nebe halo ona operasun durante oras Rua nia laran oras ne’e nia kondisaun hahu estavel maibe sei iha amnestia geral tamba ne’e seidauk bele koalia. Presidente da Republika iha Tuku Tolu lorokraik ne’e, desloka ona ba Australia ho Aviao Militar FSI nia hodi kontinua nia tratamento. Xanana Gusmao konsidera, ataque nebe refere planeada tamba petisionarius sira halo ataque hasoru Primeiro Ministro encunato Grupo Alfredo Reinado halo ataque hasoru Presidente, iha loron nebe hanesan.\nNoticia seluk RTL nebe relasiona mos katak Estado grave atentado :\nEstado Timor Leste konsidera akontese nebe mosu hanesan grave atendato ba estado de Direito Demokratiku. Tamba asaun tiru nebé grupo armado halo laos hasoru indivudo maibe hasoru Presidente da Republika no Primeiro Ministro.Primeiro Ministro - Xanana Gusmão deklara questaun ne’e liu husi mensagem estado Segunda-feira ne’e. Xanana Gusmao hateten, ba oin estado sei la premite husi grupo oi-oin inklui grupo armado nebe tenta hamonu estado no estado mos sei hasai medidas atu redus sidadaun nia movimento tamba estado iha responsabilidade atu fo garantia siguransa ba povo tomak. Xanana Gusmao reforsa katak, governo sei koordena ho orgaun soberano seluk atu bele foti medida hasoru atentado ne’e. Ho akontesemnto ne’e Chefe governo husu ba populasaun atu tur hakmatek liu-liu iha tempo kalan, hodi cumpre ordem no atuasaun nebe parte siguransa halo. Xanana Gusmao sublinha katak, maske estado hetan ataque cobarde, estado sei continua kontrola situasaun. Tuir Xanana Gusmao, atu liberdade ho direitu bele ezerce ho diak estado iha loron hirak tuir mai sei esforsu atu resolve problema grupo armado nebe iha hodi husu nafatin kontribuasaun husi povo tomak.\nRoley 2 bln\nAraska liu pa\nEma desconesidu tiru PR Ramos Horta\nBeleza Lagoa Bikontidi Hato Udo Sub Distric\nReinado's last call to wife\nFourth operation for Ramos-Horta | [
"Robert Nia Blog: PR halao tratamento iha Australia PR halao tratamento iha Australia Presidente Republica halao tratamento iha Australia tamba hetan tiru durante tiru teio ida akontese iha residensia PR Metiaut Segunda feira dader.",
"PR hetan tiru iha nia kabun no liman sorin hateten PM Xanana Gusmao iha konferensia Imprenssa iha Palacio do Guverno segunda feira nee.",
"Nudar Xanana Alfredo Reinado ho nia grupo mak asalto residensia PR.",
"Alfredo Reinado rasik hamutuk ho nia eskolto ida mate kedas iha fatin akontesimento tiro teiro nee.",
"Iha visita ida ba Maliana hodi Inagura centro Saude foun Maliana Iha Sabado nee ema deskonesidu mos bloqeia estrada ba viagem Ramos Horta nian.",
"FSI hola medidas hodi tula PR ho helikoptru mai Dili.",
"Radio Timor Leste nia noticia segunda feira nee fosai Primeiro Ministro Xanana Gusmao afirma katak, kanek nebe Presidente da Republika nebe hetan iha parte Liman sorin no kabun tamba tiru husi Alfredo Reinado Alves ho nia grupo.",
"Casu ne'e akontese tuku Nen liu minutu Sanulu Resin Lima dadersan iha rezidencia Presidente nia iha Metiaut Dili wainhira Presidente nebe halo hela eserzicio dader fila ba nia recidencia tamba rona kilat tarutu, iha nebe Alfredo Reinado ho nia grupo nebe ba ho kareta Rua no kompleto ho armas halao ataqe iha presidente nia residencia.",
"Xanana Gusmao afirma katak, Presidente nebe halo ona operasun durante oras Rua nia laran oras ne'e nia kondisaun hahu estavel maibe sei iha amnestia geral tamba ne'e seidauk bele koalia.",
"Presidente da Republika iha Tuku Tolu lorokraik ne'e, desloka ona ba Australia ho Aviao Militar FSI nia hodi kontinua nia tratamento.",
"Xanana Gusmao konsidera, ataque nebe refere planeada tamba petisionarius sira halo ataque hasoru Primeiro Ministro encunato Grupo Alfredo Reinado halo ataque hasoru Presidente, iha loron nebe hanesan.",
"Noticia seluk RTL nebe relasiona mos katak Estado grave atentado: Estado Timor Leste konsidera akontese nebe mosu hanesan grave atendato ba estado de Direito Demokratiku.",
"Tamba asaun tiru nebe grupo armado halo laos hasoru indivudo maibe hasoru Presidente da Republika no Primeiro Ministro.Primeiro Ministro - Xanana Gusmao deklara questaun ne'e liu husi mensagem estado Segunda-feira ne'e.",
"Xanana Gusmao hateten, ba oin estado sei la premite husi grupo oi-oin inklui grupo armado nebe tenta hamonu estado no estado mos sei hasai medidas atu redus sidadaun nia movimento tamba estado iha responsabilidade atu fo garantia siguransa ba povo tomak.",
"Xanana Gusmao reforsa katak, governo sei koordena ho orgaun soberano seluk atu bele foti medida hasoru atentado ne'e.",
"Ho akontesemnto ne'e Chefe governo husu ba populasaun atu tur hakmatek liu-liu iha tempo kalan, hodi cumpre ordem no atuasaun nebe parte siguransa halo.",
"Xanana Gusmao sublinha katak, maske estado hetan ataque cobarde, estado sei continua kontrola situasaun.",
"Tuir Xanana Gusmao, atu liberdade ho direitu bele ezerce ho diak estado iha loron hirak tuir mai sei esforsu atu resolve problema grupo armado nebe iha hodi husu nafatin kontribuasaun husi povo tomak.",
"Roley 2 bln Araska liu pa Ema desconesidu tiru PR Ramos Horta Beleza Lagoa Bikontidi Hato Udo Sub Distric Reinado's last call to wife Fourth operation for Ramos-Horta"
] | [
"Robert Nia Blog: PR takes treatment in Australia President of the Republic is undergoing medical care at an Australian hospital after being shot during a shootout that occurred Monday night near Prime Minister Metiaut's residence."
"The PR was shot in his chest and left arm, PM Xanana Gusmao said at a press conference held Monday."
"Nudar Xanana Alfredo Reinado and his group stormed the President’s residence."
"Alfredo Reinado himself and one of his escorts died immediately at the scene."
"There was a visit to Maliana for the inauguration of new health centre in Maliana. On Saturday, unknown persons also blocked Ramos Horta' s roadway during his trip there and he had no chance at any time afterwards on Monday night when they were arresting him by security forces as well!"
"FSI has made arrangements to take PR by helicopter back into Dili."
"Radio Timor Leste's news on Monday claimed that Prime Minister Xanana Gusmao stated the President of Republic was wounded in his left eye and neck by Alfredo Reinado Alves with a group."
"The case occurred at 9:35 a.m in the President's residence on Metiaut Dili when he was doing his exercise to return home after hear gunshots, where Alfredo Reinado and its group who went by car with full weaponry carried out an attack into presidential Residence"
"Xanana Gusmao stated that the President, who had undergone an operation during hours in hospital is now stable but there will be a general amnesty so he cannot speak."
"The President of the Republic, in his third visit to Australia this afternoon on a FSI military aircraft for further treatment."
"Xanana Gusmao believes that the attack in question was planned because petitionaries had already targeted Prime Minister Encunato and Grupo Alfredo Reinado, whose presidential campaign began on 20 January."
"Another RTL news report also related that State grave atentado: The state of Timor-Leste considers the occurrence as a serious attack on democratic rule."
"Because the shooting action that armed group did was not against individuals, but instead towards President of Republic and Prime Minister.Prime minister - Xanana Gusmao declared this issue through a state message on Monday 10th June"
"Xanana Gusmao said, in the future state will not be influenced by various groups including armed group that try to threaten State and states also take measures for reducing citizen movement because it is responsibility of States guarantee security."
"Xanana Gusmao stressed that the government will coordinate with other sovereign bodies to take measures against this attack."
"With this incident, the Head of Government urged people to remain vigilant especially at night time in order that they may comply with security measures."
"Xanana Gusmao emphasizes that, even though the state has been cowardly attacked by a group of terrorists and is under threat from outside forces."
"According to Xanana Gusmao, so that freedom and rights can be exercised with good state in the coming days will strive for solving problems of armed groups there asking also contribution from all people."
"Roley 2 bln Araska liu pa Ema desconesidu tiru PR Ramos Horta Beleza Lagoa Bikontidi Hato Udo Sub Distric Reinados last call to wife Fourth operation for Marcos-Horta"
] |
Emblema partidu CNRT ho nia Presidente Xanana Gusmao\nCNRT, Partidu Maioria ne’ebé Sente Aan Minoria Featured\nIha eleisaun antesipada 2017, partidu CNRT hetan kadeira 22, Partidu Libertasaun Popular (PLP) kadeira ualu (8), no KHUNTO kadeira lima (5), deside hodi forma bloku ida ne’ebé hanaran AMP.\nBloku ne’e hetan fiar husi Prezidente Repúblika Francisco Guterres Lu Olo hodi forma governu no ikus mai governu AMP mós moris.\nMaibé problema hahú mosu bainhira PR Lu Olo deside hodi pendente membru governu na’in sia (9), na’in hitu (7) husi númeru ne’e mai husi partidu CNRT, ne’ebé automatikamente la simu pose iha 22 Juñu 2018.\nHo realidade ne’e, partidu CNRT ne’ebé iha kadeira barak liu kompara ho partidu rua seluk sente aan sai minoria.\n“Ami-nia ema na’in hitu (7) la hetan pose ne’e fó impaktu mai partidu tanba ami-nia ema iha governu laiha ona, tanba dehan kandidatu membru governu (husi CNRT) sira ne’e komete irregularidade”, dehan Prezidente Bankada CNRT Duarte Nunes iha Parlamentu Nasionál, Segunda (29/04).\nDuarte hatete, durante ne’e ema barak akuza partidu CNRT nia ema mesak korruptu to’o Xefe Estadu mós la fó pose ba membru CNRT ne’ebé kandidata aan ba membru governu.\nBainhira akuza ema ida dehan koruptu, Duarte dehan, tenke hatudu faktus, labele koli’a de’it.\n“Durante tinan 10 CNRT nia membru governu see-see mak na’ok ona saida, no CNRT nia kuadru na’in hira mak tama ona komarka?,” nia husu.\nKarik, tuir nia, durante ne’e ema balun la gosta CNRT tanba ne’e maske CNRT halo buat di’ak maibé sira dehan la di’ak.\n“Maun boot Xanana Gusmão koali’a katak partidu CNRT sakrifika aan (mengorbankan diri) ne’e tanba durante ne’e ema sempre akuza hela de’it partidu hodi igrnora tiha saida mak durante ne’e CNRT halo, maibé realidade povu komesa sente benefisiu husi dezenvolvimentu ne’ebé durante ne’e la’o,” katak nia.\nMolok ne’e, Prezidente Partidu CNRT, Kay Rala Xanana Gusmão orienta ba partidu CNRT atu realiza kongresu estraordinaria iha tempu badak hodi define sira-nia estratejia politika ba futuru.\nDeklarasaun husi Xanana ne’e relasiona ho partidu CNRT ne’ebé sente sai ‘vitima’ iha prosesu politika estadu Timor Leste iha impase politika no mós akuzadu nu’udar partidu korruptór.\nLiu husi aniversariu partidu ba dala 12, Xanana deklara, Partidu CNRT sakrifika aan iha formasaun AMP. Tanba ne’e, husu ba kuadru no militante hotu-hotu atu debate didi’ak kona-ba futuru partidu nian.\n“Partidu bele simu mengorbankan diri, ha’u sente katak imi mós sente buat ida ne’e, no imi mós lakohi buat ida ne’e,” dehan nia,liuhusi mensajen gravadu ba selebrasaun aniversariu partidu ba dala 12, iha Sede CNRT, Bairru Grilos, Sábadu (27/4).\nHaree ba situasaunpolitika rai laran, Prezidente CNRT oriente kuadru partidu nian atu halo kongresu estraorinariu ida iha kualker tempu hodi hasai desisaun estratjika balun ba futuru CNRT nian.\nNia husu ba kuadru no militante sira atu analiza kona-ba etika politika, manobra no intereseoioin inklui propaganda politika ne’ebé mosu dadaun ona. Hodi ba komprende ema ne’ebé kaer responsabilidade nia hanoin no hahalok politiku ne’ebé malorek hela.\nNia dehan,lisaun boot ne’e la hanesan esperesia boot ida ba partidu CNRT hodi la konsege hanoin klean no la buka sukat didi’ak saida mak bele akontese ba CNRT.\nMore in this category: « Deputadu husu Entrega KIP ba MP no KAK\tParadeiru Arguidu Autór Droga La Klaru »\n/CNRT, Partidu Maioria ne’ebé Sente Aan Minoria | [
"Emblema partidu CNRT ho nia Presidente Xanana Gusmao CNRT, Partidu Maioria ne'ebe Sente Aan Minoria Featured Iha eleisaun antesipada 2017, partidu CNRT hetan kadeira 22, Partidu Libertasaun Popular (PLP) kadeira ualu (8), no KHUNTO kadeira lima (5), deside hodi forma bloku ida ne'ebe hanaran AMP.",
"Bloku ne'e hetan fiar husi Prezidente Republika Francisco Guterres Lu Olo hodi forma governu no ikus mai governu AMP mos moris.",
"Maibe problema hahu mosu bainhira PR Lu Olo deside hodi pendente membru governu na'in sia (9), na'in hitu (7) husi numeru ne'e mai husi partidu CNRT, ne'ebe automatikamente la simu pose iha 22 Junu 2018.",
"Ho realidade ne'e, partidu CNRT ne'ebe iha kadeira barak liu kompara ho partidu rua seluk sente aan sai minoria.",
"\"Ami-nia ema na'in hitu (7) la hetan pose ne'e fo impaktu mai partidu tanba ami-nia ema iha governu laiha ona, tanba dehan kandidatu membru governu (husi CNRT) sira ne'e komete irregularidade,\" dehan Prezidente Bankada CNRT Duarte Nunes iha Parlamentu Nasional, Segunda (29/04).",
"Duarte hatete, durante ne'e ema barak akuza partidu CNRT nia ema mesak korruptu to'o Xefe Estadu mos la fo pose ba membru CNRT ne'ebe kandidata aan ba membru governu.",
"Bainhira akuza ema ida dehan koruptu, Duarte dehan, tenke hatudu faktus, labele koli'a de'it.",
"\"Durante tinan 10 CNRT nia membru governu see-see mak na'ok ona saida, no CNRT nia kuadru na'in hira mak tama ona komarka?,\" nia husu.",
"Karik, tuir nia, durante ne'e ema balun la gosta CNRT tanba ne'e maske CNRT halo buat di'ak maibe sira dehan la di'ak.",
"\"Maun boot Xanana Gusmao koali'a katak partidu CNRT sakrifika aan (mengorbankan diri) ne'e tanba durante ne'e ema sempre akuza hela de'it partidu hodi igrnora tiha saida mak durante ne'e CNRT halo, maibe realidade povu komesa sente benefisiu husi dezenvolvimentu ne'ebe durante ne'e la'o,\" katak nia.",
"Molok ne'e, Prezidente Partidu CNRT, Kay Rala Xanana Gusmao orienta ba partidu CNRT atu realiza kongresu estraordinaria iha tempu badak hodi define sira-nia estratejia politika ba futuru.",
"Deklarasaun husi Xanana ne'e relasiona ho partidu CNRT ne'ebe sente sai 'vitima' iha prosesu politika estadu Timor Leste iha impase politika no mos akuzadu nu'udar partidu korruptor.",
"Liu husi aniversariu partidu ba dala 12, Xanana deklara, Partidu CNRT sakrifika aan iha formasaun AMP.",
"Tanba ne'e, husu ba kuadru no militante hotu-hotu atu debate didi'ak kona-ba futuru partidu nian.",
"\"Partidu bele simu mengorbankan diri, ha'u sente katak imi mos sente buat ida ne'e, no imi mos lakohi buat ida ne'e,\" dehan nia,liuhusi mensajen gravadu ba selebrasaun aniversariu partidu ba dala 12, iha Sede CNRT, Bairru Grilos, Sabadu (27/4).",
"Haree ba situasaunpolitika rai laran, Prezidente CNRT oriente kuadru partidu nian atu halo kongresu estraorinariu ida iha kualker tempu hodi hasai desisaun estratjika balun ba futuru CNRT nian.",
"Nia husu ba kuadru no militante sira atu analiza kona-ba etika politika, manobra no intereseoioin inklui propaganda politika ne'ebe mosu dadaun ona.",
"Hodi ba komprende ema ne'ebe kaer responsabilidade nia hanoin no hahalok politiku ne'ebe malorek hela.",
"Nia dehan,lisaun boot ne'e la hanesan esperesia boot ida ba partidu CNRT hodi la konsege hanoin klean no la buka sukat didi'ak saida mak bele akontese ba CNRT.",
"More in this category: \" Deputadu husu Entrega KIP ba MP no KAK Paradeiru Arguidu Autor Droga La Klaru \" /CNRT, Partidu Maioria ne'ebe Sente Aan Minoria"
] | [
"Featured In the early elections of November, CNRT won twenty-two seats in parliament. The People Liberation Party (PLP) got five chairs and KHDNTO had just one chair; they decided to form a bloc called AMP which is now known as Prime Minister Xanana Gusmao' s Movement for Democratic Change or MPDCA)."
"The bloc was given confidence by President Francisco Guterres Lu Olo to form a government and eventually the AMP Government came into being."
"However, the problem began to arise when PR Lu Olo decided that nine (9) members of his cabinet would be suspended from office. Seven(7), including one member who was a candidate for Prime Minister in 2016 and then re-elected as President by Congress Nationalist Party’s party leaders on June/July; they did not take their seat automatically until after taking up those posts at parliamentary elections held next month:"
"With this reality, the CNRT party which has more seats than other two parties feel in a minority."
"\"The fact that our seven (7) people did not take office has an impact on the party because there are no more of us in government, as it is said those candidates who were members [of CNRT] have committed irregularities\", Congress National Democratic Party Group Chairman Duarte Nunet told Parliament Monday."
"Duarte said, during this time many people accused the CNRP party's members of being corrupt to such an extent that even Head Of State did not give their seat for a member who was candidated by himself."
"When accusing someone of being corrupt, Duarte says he must show the facts and not just talk."
"\"What have CNRP government members done for 10 years, and how many of the party's cadre has entered politics?\" he asked."
"Karik, according to him during this time some people do not like CNRP because even though the CNP does good things but they say it isn't."
"\"The great Xanana Gusmao coalition said that the CNRT party sacrificed itself because during this time people always accused only of ignoring what CNRT has done, but in reality our country is beginning to feel benefits from developments which have been taking place over these years\", he added."
"Before that, the President of CNRT Party Kay Rala Xanana Gusmao directed to CNRT party hold an extraordinary congress in a short time so as define their own political strategy for future."
"Xanana's statement is related to the CNRT party, which feel as a 'victim’ in Timor-Leste political process and accused of being corrupt."
"During the party’s twelfth anniversary, Xanana declared that CNRP sacrificed itself in AMP formation."
"Therefore, he called on all cadres and members to debate carefully about the future of his party."
"\"The party can accept mengorbankan diri, I feel that you also felt this thing and do not want it to happen\", he said in a recorded message for the celebration of his 12th birthday at CNRT Headquarters."
"In view of the domestic political situation, CNRP President oriented party cadre to hold an extraordinary congress at any time in order for some strategic decisions regarding future activities."
"He asked the cadres and militant to analyze about political ethics, maneuvers of interest including propaganda that are emerging."
"In order to understand the thinking and political behaviour of those who bear responsibility, it is necessary that we first have a clear understanding."
"He said that the great lesson was not a big hope for CNRP because it failed to think clearly and look carefully at what could happen."
"More in this category: \" Deputada pede Entrega KIP ba MP no KAK Pareiru Arguido Autor Droga La Klaru\" /CNRT, Partido Maioria ne'ebe Sente Aan Minoria"
] |
FORUM HAKSESUK: Se maka joga iha Alfredo nia kotuk?\nSe maka joga iha Alfredo nia kotuk?\nIha espekulasaun barak konaba:se maka joga iha Major Alfredo sira nia kotuk?\nUluk foin hahu krise politika militar dehan Alfredo ne´e Australia nia ema,neduni sira tau atu hatun PM Mari Alkatiri tamba Australia la gosta MA.\nWaihira Alkatiri tun ona husi PM,balun dehan fali katak Alfredo ne´e Xanana nia ema,neduni espekula katak Xanana maka haruka Alfredo halo ataka hodi kria instabilidade hafoin hatun Eis-PM MA.\nIkus mai Xanana haruka Força Internacional (FI) ba ataka Alfredo ho nia grupo iha Same,operasaun ne´e dura ona semana ida,iha mos folin karu,tamba iha membros Alfredo nian nain 5 maka mate.\nIkus mai mosu fali espekulasaun balun katak "Grupo Fretilin Radikal Maputo maka joga iha episodio ikus ne´e,tansaida?". Tuir Bonaventura Xavier,nia hakerek iha STl(10/03/2007) katak "Siapa yg senang dengan ketangkapnua Alfredo", turi Bonaventura Xavier,katak GFRM tamba Alfredo ne´e sira,ibaratnya kirikil dalam sepatu,se Alfredo la mate no la ker tama kadeia,bele sai hanesan hambatan ida ba FRM ninia interesse,tamba sira labele lao ba mai halo kampanye.\nProblemas laos Alfredo deit,maibe problemas grupos sira seluk mos hamutuk ho Alfredo:Peticionaris,Leandro Izaac,Susas,mantan PNTL/UIR sira no populasaun balun husi distrito 10 ne´e hamutuk ho Alfredo.\nIha ne´e mosu tan lian litik ida maka ne´e: Porblemas peticionarios nian buka resolve ona?\nProblema fahe kilat ba civil ninia processo ne´e lao to´o nebé ,autores moral no intelektual krise politika militar ne´e barak maka livre hela no halo politika aktiva nafatin.\nProblemas PNTL nain 10 mate no 30 resin kanek iha krise militar nian (25/5/2006),problema sunu familia ida mate iha uma laran iha krise nia laran,problemas sira ne´e hotu se maka responsabiliza no mosu iha Governo MA nian,iha nebe´e justisa nia aktuasaun hasoru MA? MA nia kasu arquiva tiha,Prokurador jeral halo no foti maka kasu Alfredo,ida ne´e maka mosu problemas,laos atu hakotu problemas.\nHare lolos kasu Alfredo +Peticionarius,no sst. ne problema bot,labele miniza no angkap enten ehh sira ne´e la vale buat ida. Uluk mosu peticionariu ulun sira dehan ne´e buat kiik ida sa.Mosu Alfredo dehan tan:" Ne Major oan ida sa,ka ne´e Tenente oan ida sa".\nIta hotu hein atu problema ne´e be hetan dalan diak no labele halo terus no susar tan povo kiik ne´e.\nAlfredo ho nia grupo oras ne´e iha nebe´e los,ita la hatene «incognita»,se Alfredo mesak deit nusa maka la kaer ona, se nia la hetan tulun husi populasaun?Tamba FI internacional husi Australia ne hetan reforsu husi SAS(unidade elites)nebe´e tuir especialista politika militar konsidere nudar «melhor»iha mundo.\nIta hein kasu Alfredo nian bele hakotu lian abut sira seluk nebe mosu ona:husi peticionarios maka hun to´o dait ba nia sanak hanesan sira seluk.\nPublicada por FORUM HAKSESUK à(s) 4:47 da tarde | [
"FORUM HAKSESUK: Se maka joga iha Alfredo nia kotuk?",
"Se maka joga iha Alfredo nia kotuk?",
"Iha espekulasaun barak konaba:se maka joga iha Major Alfredo sira nia kotuk?",
"Uluk foin hahu krise politika militar dehan Alfredo ne'e Australia nia ema,neduni sira tau atu hatun PM Mari Alkatiri tamba Australia la gosta MA.",
"Waihira Alkatiri tun ona husi PM,balun dehan fali katak Alfredo ne'e Xanana nia ema,neduni espekula katak Xanana maka haruka Alfredo halo ataka hodi kria instabilidade hafoin hatun Eis-PM MA.",
"Ikus mai Xanana haruka Forca Internacional (FI) ba ataka Alfredo ho nia grupo iha Same,operasaun ne'e dura ona semana ida,iha mos folin karu,tamba iha membros Alfredo nian nain 5 maka mate.",
"Ikus mai mosu fali espekulasaun balun katak \"Grupo Fretilin Radikal Maputo maka joga iha episodio ikus ne'e,tansaida?.\"",
"Tuir Bonaventura Xavier,nia hakerek iha STl (10/03/2007) katak \"Siapa yg senang dengan ketangkapnua Alfredo,\" turi Bonaventura Xavier,katak GFRM tamba Alfredo ne'e sira,ibaratnya kirikil dalam sepatu,se Alfredo la mate no la ker tama kadeia,bele sai hanesan hambatan ida ba FRM ninia interesse,tamba sira labele lao ba mai halo kampanye.",
"Problemas laos Alfredo deit,maibe problemas grupos sira seluk mos hamutuk ho Alfredo:Peticionaris,Leandro Izaac,Susas,mantan PNTL/UIR sira no populasaun balun husi distrito 10 ne'e hamutuk ho Alfredo.",
"Iha ne'e mosu tan lian litik ida maka ne'e: Porblemas peticionarios nian buka resolve ona?",
"Problema fahe kilat ba civil ninia processo ne'e lao to'o nebe ,autores moral no intelektual krise politika militar ne'e barak maka livre hela no halo politika aktiva nafatin.",
"Problemas PNTL nain 10 mate no 30 resin kanek iha krise militar nian (25/5/2006),problema sunu familia ida mate iha uma laran iha krise nia laran,problemas sira ne'e hotu se maka responsabiliza no mosu iha Governo MA nian,iha nebe'e justisa nia aktuasaun hasoru MA?",
"MA nia kasu arquiva tiha,Prokurador jeral halo no foti maka kasu Alfredo,ida ne'e maka mosu problemas,laos atu hakotu problemas.",
"Hare lolos kasu Alfredo +Peticionarius,no sst. ne problema bot,labele miniza no angkap enten ehh sira ne'e la vale buat ida.",
"Uluk mosu peticionariu ulun sira dehan ne'e buat kiik ida sa.Mosu Alfredo dehan tan:\" Ne Major oan ida sa,ka ne'e Tenente oan ida sa.\"",
"Ita hotu hein atu problema ne'e be hetan dalan diak no labele halo terus no susar tan povo kiik ne'e.",
"Alfredo ho nia grupo oras ne'e iha nebe'e los,ita la hatene \"incognita,\"se Alfredo mesak deit nusa maka la kaer ona, se nia la hetan tulun husi populasaun?Tamba FI internacional husi Australia ne hetan reforsu husi SAS (unidade elites) nebe'e tuir especialista politika militar konsidere nudar \"melhor\"iha mundo.",
"Ita hein kasu Alfredo nian bele hakotu lian abut sira seluk nebe mosu ona:husi peticionarios maka hun to'o dait ba nia sanak hanesan sira seluk.",
"Publicada por FORUM HAKSESUK a (s) 4:47 da tarde"
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"FORUM HAKSESUK: Who is playing behind Alfredo?"
"Who is playing in Alfredo's back?"
"There has been much speculation as to who is playing behind the Major Alfredos?"
"Just before the political and military crisis began, they said that Alfredo was an Australian man. Therefore their plan is to remove PM Mari Alkatiri because Australia does not like him as a Prime Minister of Mozambique (MA)."
"Waihira Alkatiri has fallen from PM,balun says again that Alfredo is Xanana's man so it speculation the Xanana sent Alfred to attack in order create unstability after overthrowing former-PM MA."
"Then Xanana sent the International Force (IF) to attack Alfredo and his group in Same,the operation lasted a week but was expensive as 5 of Alfred's members were killed."
"Some speculations have emerged that \"Grupo Fretilin Radikal Maputo played a role in the recent episode, why?\"."
"According to Bonaventura Xavier, he wrote in STl (10/3 257) that \"Siapa yg senang dengan ketangkapnua Alfredo\", said the FRM because they are like a spike on their shoes. If Alfred does not die or go into prison it may become an obstacle for his interests so as no one can come and campaign against him!"
"Problems are not only Alfredo, but problems of other groups also together with Alfred: Peticionaris Leandro Izaac Susas and others like the PNTL/UIR as well some people from district 10 alongside him."
"There is a question that arises: Have the problems of petitioners been resolved?"
"The problem of distributing weapons to civilians its process has gone so far that, the moral and intellectual authorities in this military-political crisis many are still free."
"The problems of the 10 dead and more than thirty injured PNTL officers in military crisis (25/3-6), problem burning a family to death inside their house during this crise, who is responsible for all these issues that arise within MA'S Government? Where are justice actions against them??"
"After MA's case was filed, the Attorney General made and took Alfredo as his victim. This is how problems arose not to solve them but rather for their purpose of solving it!"
"I have seen the case of Alfredo + Peticionarius,no sst. ne problema bot labele miniza no angkap ente ehh sira's not worth anything one!"
"The petitioners' head said it was a small thing.Mosu Alfredo added: \"It is the son of Major or Lieutenant.\""
"We all hope that this problem will be solved and not cause more suffering to the people."
"Where Alfredo and his group are now, we don't know \"incognita\", if it is only Alfred why he has not been caught? If the population didnt help him. The international FI from Australia was also reinforced by SAS (elite units) which according to military policy specialists considered as being one of\"the best\"."
"We hope that Alfredo's case will put an end to the other rumours which have been raised: The petitionarios are just as stupid and uneducated."
"Publicada por FORUM HAKSESUK a(s) sábado, abril de10 @"
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Joao Mariano Saldanha: 2014\nTinan 15 Referendum 30 Augustu 1999:\nHadi'a Administrasaun Eleitoral ho Hamosu Prosperidade\nAtu Too Objetivu Self Determination\nFundador, Timor Institute of Development Studies,\n30 Augustu 2014, ita selebra tinan sanulu resin lima referendum Timor Lorosae. Besik 79% Timor oan sira nebe vota, hili atu hafahe an hosi Indonesia ho sai nasaun independenti. Resultadu prosesu eleitoral nebe administra hosi Nasaun Unida (United Nations) née hamosu oportunidade politiku foun ida ba Timor oan sira atu komesa prosesu hari nasaun foun. Ohin loron Timor Lorosae sai nasaun soberanu ho naran Ofisial Republica Democratica de Timor-Leste (RDTL) koinesidu ho naran Portugues Timor-Leste.\nReferendum née hamosu mos episodiu politiku importante ida ba Timor oan tomak. Sira desidi sira nia destinu politiku rasik (self determination) liu hosi kaixa eleitoral iha fatin sira namkari iha Timor laran tomak ho mos iha mundu tomak. Née mak esensi desidi destinu rasik tuir vontade popular.\nIha kontestu nasional nebe demokratiku, desidi destinu rasik liu hosi prosesu eleitoral nebe fair, mos (clean), ho segredu, dok hosi intimidasaun, money politics (sosa votu ho osan ka material), ho nauk votu hosi partidu ida tau fali ba partidu seluk. Katak eleisaun née reflete duni povu nia preferensia ba se se deit (partidu ka individu) maka atu kaer poder. La os eleisaun nebe manipuladu. Prosesu eleisaun iha nasaun RDTL nebe demokratiku sei lao regular too rohan laek. Tanba née se iha eleisaun dahuluk sira nebe lalos, tenki iha esforsu nasional tomak atu hadia nafatin sistema née atu eleisaun sira tuir mai diak liu ho resultadu nebe reflete duni povu nia hakarak tuir konseitu self determination.\nIha kontestu nasaun demokratiku, ita husu relevansia self determination née saida? Relevansia maka povu hili nia lider sira tuir konviksaun rasik tanba sira fiar katak hosi eleisaun sei hamosu lider sira nebe sei servisu makaas atu hadia sira nia moris (prosperidade). Tanba née, esensia self determination maka iha eleisaun regular justu (fair), mos, ho segredu atu hili nai ulun sira atu ajuda hadia sira nia moris (prosperidade) ho halakon kiak.\nArtigu ida née diskuti fator eleitoral hanesan instrumentu atu hamosu prosperidade ba povu Timor-Leste hanesan reflesaun ida ba komemorasaun loron istoriku 30 Augustu 1999 mesmu ke Estadu Timor-Leste la fo importansia bot ba loron ida née kompara ho loron selu-seluk. Ita sei taka artigu née ho suggestaun ba reforma iha birokrasia liliu orsamentu estadu atu kontrola destinu dezenvolvimentu nasional ho objetivu hamosu prosperidade ba povu Timor-Leste.\nEleisaun hanesan instrumentu prosesu self determination\nHosi 1999 too 2014, Timor-Leste halao tiha ona eleisaun dala hitu, ne mak Eleisaun Assembleia Konstituente (2001) nebe nakfilak an deit ba Parlamentu Nasional (legislatura dahuluk), Eleisaun Presidenti (2002, 2007, ho 2012), Eleisaun Suku, ho Eleisaun Parlamentar (2007 ho 2012). Determinante eleisaun nasional sira née mak Eleisaun Parlamentar tanba hosi resultadu Eleisaun Parlamentar maka hahoris Governu atu ukun hodi halao programa ba prosperidade povu nia. Eleisaun Presidensial mesmu ke importante, Presidente iha regime semi-presidensial Timor-Leste sai hanesan simbolu nasional ho garante estabilidade ho soberania nasional deit. La iha kompetensia atu halu programa hadia povu nia moris. Eleisaun ba Xefi Suku sira mos importante, maibe atu hili deit lider komunitariu ho kbit limitadu tanba la iha orsamentu rasik liliu reseita suku rasik.\nTempu too ona ba estadu Timor-Leste tetu atu halibur hotu Timor oan sira nebe sai sidadaun ho hakarak sai sidadaun atu tuir eleisaun geral. Too tinan 2012, Timor oan sira nebe tuir eleisaun dala hitu née mak Timor oan sira nebe hela iha Timor laran deit. Maibe sira nebe hela iha liur hanesan Australia, Indonesia, Portugal, Macau, ho rai seluk tan la tuir tanba razaun logistika ho politika. Logistika tanba dehan atu organiza sei han tempu ho orsamentu la too. Maibe fator rua née la os argumentu forte tanba eleisaun regular lolos iha tempo naton atu organiza iha rai laran ho iha liur. Orsamentu mos la os problema tanba estadu Timor-Leste iha osan too ho restu atu involve Timor oan sira iha diaspora partisipa iha eleisaun liliu eleisaun Presidensial ho Eleisaun Parlamentar. Eleisaun Suku la presiza tanba la iha duni suku iha liur mas se hakarak ita mos bele forma komunidade oi oin iha rai liur atu hili sira nia lider lokal sira.\nFator politika maka dominante karik tanba Timor oan sira iha rai liur liliu sira nebe hela iha Indonesia sei vota problematiku liu. Balu keta lakohi tan vota tanba iha opsaun politika seluk ho Lei Indonesia nia nebe la fo dalam ba dupla nasionalidade. Maibe ita bele koko tanba ohin loron deslokasaun Timor oan sira nebe hela iha Timor ba Indonesia mos bot ho sira nebe hela iha Indonesia mai Timor mos bot. La os deit komunidade sira, maibe relasaun bilateral entre Timor ho Indonesia ohin loron diak tebe-tebes iha governu SBY nian ho mos Governu dahuluk sira hanesan Gus Dur ho Megawati Soekarnoputri. Ita mos bele dehan iha Governu Jokowi ninia mos, relasaun Timor-Leste ho Indonesia sei diak nafatin ho sei forti liu tan. Ohin loron, estudante Timor oan iha Indonesia barak liu duke tempu okupasaun Indonesia ho Indonesia sira nebe servisu iha Timor mos barak, menus TNI ho POLRI. Tanba née, tempu too ona atu fo mos oportunidade ba Timor oan sira nebe hela iha rai liur inklui mos sira iha Indonesia atu partisipa iha eleisaun iha Timor-Leste nia bainhira sira hanesan sidadaun Timor nia.\nAdministrasaun eleitoral tenki rigorozu liu tan. Mesmu ita nia prosesu hetan rekoinesimentu diak hosi rai liur maibe ita hare didiak sei iha aspetu barak mak impata prosesu hamosu eleisaun ida nebe reflete duni self determination née. Eleisaun 2012 husik hela impresaun barak. Iha alegasaun money politics, kaixa votu nebe fila hikas ba iha publiku (la os segredu) atu influensia ema nia votu (pela menus iha Kuluhun, Dili) ho fatin barak tan iha Timor laran tomak tanba razaun sosa votu ka money politics, STAE nebe iha Ministeriu Estatal nia okos nebe hamosu deskonfiansa imparsial ka benefisia ba partidu nebe iha poder, liliu raut votu hosi partidu ida ka rua ka liu nia tau fali ba partidu seluk. Deskonfiansa née bot liu tan bainhira Diretor Geral STAE sai Membru Governu nebe forma depois de eleisaun ramata. Tanba née presiza prosesu eleitoral, administrasaun eleitoral, ho monitorizasaun eleitoral nebe rigorozu liu tan atu hamenus money politics, intimidasaun, ho manipulasaun votu nia. Komisaun Nasional Eleisaun (CNE) halao duni nia knar atu kria kondisaun imparsial ho reforsa tan hosi observador nasional ho internasional sira. Maibe prosesu observasaun sira née la borus ho deskonfiansa parsialidade prosesu eleitoral née mosu nafatin liliu ba STAE.\nIta mos presiza kria kondisaun atu partisipante prosesu eleitoral liliu iha Eleisaun Parlamentar sai hanesan (same level playing field) atu hamosu Parlamentu ho Governu foun nebe reflete duni self determination povu Timor-Leste nia. Aspetu sira née inklui uza birokrasia, media estadu, liliu orsamentu estadu ba benefisia partidu sira nebe iha poder ka iha Parlamentu Nasional deit. CNE iha eleisaun liu ba proibi katak la iha fasilidade estadu inklui kareta uza ba kampaine. Maibe depois de eleisaun ita hatene katak iha ema balu mak uza fasilidade estadu ba duni kampaine eleitoral. Media estadu, liliu TVTL durante kampaine fo duni oportunidade ba partidu ka koligasaun partidu hotu maibe kobertura ba partidu kiik sira liliu sira nebe la representa iha Parlamentu Nasional antes kampaine difisil tebes. Konvite ba sira sempre dehan ema la iha ho tempu la iha mas ba partidu sira nebe iha poder tempu ho ema iha hela deit. Tanba nee kobertura laos tempo eleisaun eleisaun deit mas sira nia konsolidasaun mos hetan nafatin kobertura kompara ho partidu sira nebe la iha representasaun iha Parlamentu Nasional.\nPergunta bot liu mak kriteria orsamentu estadu ba partidu politika sira. Iha Eleisaun Presidensial ho Eleisaun Parlamentar iha subsidiu ba kandidatu sira (Eleisaun Presidensial) ho ba partidu politika ka koligasaun partidu politika sira (Eleisaun Parlamentar) maibe kriteria la klaru ho número ida nebe kiik tebes. Nunee la fo benefisia ba kontestante politika sira atu kompete lolos. Barak mak dehan liliu iha Eleisaun Parlamentar 2012 katak partidu balu simu tiha osan depois la halu kampaine. Barak mak hari partidu atu hetan subsidiu osan Estadu nia deit la os atu kompete duni iha eleisaun. Se iha evidensia hanesan née, partidu ka koligasaun partidu née mak tenki hetan kastigu la os partidu hotu hetan kastigu. Partidu sira nebe hari ho objetivu atu hetan subsidiu osan Estadu deit tenki hetan sansaun tanba hahalok ida née mos halu parte korupsaun tanba uza sala osan Estadu nia ba interese privadu. Tanba née CNE ho STAE presiza fiskaliza didiak prosesu eleitoral atu hahalok korupsaun sira hanesan née lori ba tribunal atu hetan julgamentu. La os kastigu partidu/koligasaun partidu hotu ho subsidiu nebe minimu.\nBainhira ita hare ba iha subvensaun ba partidu sira nebe iha Parlamentu Nasional número née bot tebes ho sae ba bebeik. Iha Orsamentu Estadu 2013, subvensaun née hamutuk tokon nen ($6 juta). Née signifika katak kadeira ida iha Parlamentu Nasional vale ba $92,308. Bainhira Partidu ida iha Parlamentu Nasional iha Deputadu nain sanulu deit, subvensaun ba partidu ida née besik dollar juta ida (ka $923,080) ba tinan ida deit. Tinan 2014, subvensaun née sae ba iha dolar tokon 15 ($15 juta) signifika katak kadeira ida sei vale ba $230,769 (dolar rihun atus rua tolunulu resin). Imagina took partidu ida ho kadeira 30 hanesan CNRT nia subvensaun sei besik tokon hitu ($7 juta ka $6,923,076) ba tinan ida deit (2014). Ita husu ba ita nian aan, kriteria saida maka uza atu fo subvensaun ida nebe makas tebes hanesan née? Desizaun sira née halu tanba deit sira mak iha poder atu halu desizaun. Ita hatene ho komprende katak partidu sira iha Parlamentu Nasional tenki hetan subvensaun tinan-tinan. Maibe subvensaun ida ho número esesivu hanesan née la os ona subvensaun tuir nesesidade maibe atu haforti sira nia an ho hamate partidu sira seluk, liliu sira nebe la iha representasaun iha Parlamentu Nasional. Hare tuir resultadu Eleisaun Parlamentar 2012, Partidu sira nebe la tama iha Parlamentu Nasional ninia votu hamutuk besik 22% total votante (besik 100,000 votu). Ida née mos ho ona manipulasaun oi-oin iha prosesu kontagem votu, liliu iha STAE. Se bele loke fali kaixa votus, ita sei hatene lolos. Ida née atu hatene deit hodi hadia prosesu eleitoral aban bainrua. La os atu influensia fali governasaun agora tanba Eleisaun 2017 besik ona.\nIta fila fali ba iha subvensaun ba partidu sira iha Parlamentu Nasional tenki iha kriteria klaru atu labele hamosu kondisaun sira nebe ita temi iha leten née ka kria kondisaun imbalansu (not the same level playing field) ba partidu ho koligasaun partidu sira. Perigu ida ba esesaun alokasaun orsamentu subvensaun hanesan née atu hamate partidu barak nebe kontraria espiritu Konstitutisaun RDTL nebe fo mahon ba iha multipartidarismu ho demokrasia representasaun proporsional.\nProsperidade Hanesan Objetivu Self Determination\nHamosu prosperidade ka moris diak povu nia hanesan objetivu eternal nasaun demokratiku sira hotu. Nasaun demokratiku hotu buka halu formula oi oin atu kaptura preferensia povu nia liu hosi desain, administrasaun, ho monitorizasuan eleisaun nebe diak atu hamosu resultadu ho lider sira nebe iha komitment, kompetensia, ho dedikasaun ba moris diak povu nia. Tanba née maka moris diak ka prosperidade sai hanesan objetivu prinsipal nasaun demokratiku sira hotu iha mundu tomak.\nTimor-Leste nia eleisaun dala hitu née produs ona resultadu lider sira dominante hosi resistensia. Ida née hanesan faktu real ida ke nasaun foin hari sira tenki simu ho hakuak. Se la iha resistensia la iha nasaun. Adagium ida née universal ba nasaun nebe deit tanba istoria tenki konta, tenki valoriza, ho tenki rekompensa. Tanba née, todan (bobot) hanoin moris diak iha kampaine eleitoral hanesan programa atu hadia povu nia moris seidauk hetan proporsaun naton hodi hili lider sira. Situasaun euforia sai hosi nakukun, sofrimentu, ho atualizasaun an dominante iha prosesu eleitoral iha eleisaun sira liu ba née. Maibe hosi tempu ba tempu, moris nasaun demokratiku nia elementu moris diak (prosperidade) sei hetan proporsaun neneik mas bebeik, ho sai bot iha eleisaun demokratiku sira nebe sei tuir mai. Hosi resultadu Eleisaun Parlamentar 2007 nebe hamosu lider Parlamentu ho Governu nebe dominante hosi resistensia. Karik ida née tanba, Timor-Leste sei atravesa hela krizi politika militar 2006 nebe konsege resolve iha governasaun nebe mosu hosi Eleisaun 2007. Mesmu ke iha difikuldade oi-oin ho polarizasaun nebe makas (Governu versus Opozisaun), Governu Koligasaun tempu neba konsege duni resolve residual Krizi 2006. Istoria sei hakerek bot iha pagina ukun an Timor-Leste nia.\nMaibe hosi Governu Koligasaun resultadu Eleisaun 2007, hamosu mos inisiativa foun Ida mak naran Planu Estrategiku Dezenvolvimentu (PED) 2011 - 2030 ho objetivu atu transforma Timor-Leste ba nasaun ida ho rendimentu mediu aas (upper middle income country) ho povu nebe la iha kiak, eskola hotu, isin diak (saudavel) hotu, instituisaun sira forti, infrastrutura diak, produtividade agrikultura aas, ho setor privadu buras atu kontribui ba loke servisu, industrializasaun, ho diversifikasaun rendimentu la os minarai. Hanoin sira née reflete hanoin ema barak nia, liliu governu nebe iha poder ho ninia asesor sira, inklui mos populasaun iha territoriu tomak, itelektual sira, veteranu, ho mos opozisaun.\nPED 2011 - 2030 fo insentivu ho stimulasaun bot ba moris diak (prosperidade) povu Timor-Leste nia. Ita hein katak Governu sira nebe tuir mai, liliu resultadu Eleisaun 2012 bele implementa mehi diak PED liu hosi formasaun Governu kiik maibe kompetenti atu halu agenda maktodan ba realiza mehi ema barak nia mesmu ke resultadu eleitoral tinan neba, besik 22% votante la hili sira (tanba hili partidu sira neb la hetan asentu iha Parlamentu Nasional) ho 30% sai opozisaun iha Parlamentu Nasional. Ema hotu hein, resultadu governu Eleisaun 2012 ho número partidu koligasaun tolu deit dominante hosi partidu ida sei hamosu kompozisaun Governu ida ke forti, kompetenti, ho fokus atu implementa ideal sira PED nia. Tanba lideransa Governu, Parlamentu ho aliansa resultadu Eleisaun 2012 atu hanesan Governu ho Parlamentu anterior maibe ho número koligasaun partidaria kiik (partidu tolu) kompara dahuluk (partidu lima).\nMaibe governasaun ida nebe sai mai naksalak los, númeru Governu bot (55), frakturadu, inkompetenti ho esepsaun Membru Governu balu, ho la iha fokus. Governu lakon tempu barak ba kordenasaun ho supervizaun nebe hamosu deit frustasaun. Karik kordenasaun ho supervizaun la biban, Membru Governu balu komesa halu azineira oi oin ho eskandalu sira nebe mosu naba naba hanesan distrasaun bot ida ba governasaun. Mesmu ke servisu balu diak liliu iha nivel internasional hanesan g7+ ho lideransa CPLP, progresu dezenvolvimentu domestiku lao kudeik hela depois de tinan rua governasaun. At liu tan, asesor ema hosi liliu hosi Pasifiku komesa halimar atu destabiliza sistema ekonomia (liliu estimasaun GDP) aproveita membru governu balu nebe la fokus mesmu ke kaer portfolio estrategiku asuntu domestiku nia maibe lao barak liu iha liur.\nHo situasaun sira née, agenda reforma birokrasia atu sai kompetenti ho base ba meritu, desentralizasun, reforma orsamentu estadu atu efisienti, reforma legislasaun atu promove komersiu, industria ho turismu, hadia konektividade liu hosi infrastrutura dalan, telekomunikasun (fiber optics), hasae kapasidade rekursu humanu hosi edukasaun ho saude, ho hasae produtividade agrikultura ho promove Timor-Leste atu partisipa iha global value chain namlele hotu.\nIkus mai, Xefi Governu desidi atu resigna aan. Depois de diskusaun barak mesmu ke intensaun née la halao, maibe rekoinesimentu katak governasaun lao kudeik mosu nafatin. Ikus liu iha intensaun atu halu remodelasaun deit ba estrutura governu ida ke bot, inkompetenti (ho esepsaun membru balu), ho la iha fokus. Nune bele reset fali fokus ho energia governasaun ida nee. Maibe tempu lao dadauk ona. Oportunidade maka tinan balu 2014 nebe hela née, maibe bainhira hein too tinan oin (2015) maka ema hotu nia atensaun sei fo ba Eleisaun 2017.\nPlanu, Planu, ho Planu\nSaida mak ema hotu hakarak ho Governasaun resultadu Eleisaun 2012 maka remodelasaun. Ne hanesan solusaun temporaria ida. Maibe problema nasional dezenvolvimentu Timor-Leste nia hun maka oinsa traduz mehi sira iha PED 2011 - 2030 ba programa tinan lima-lima, tinan ida-ida ho liga ho orsamentu Estadu tina-tinan. Realidade hatudu katak esforsu PED 2011 - 2030 lao ketak. Halu programa Governu tinan lima nia exercisio ketak ho la liga didiak ba iha PED. Nunes mos planu asaun annual ezersisiu ketak ida tan. Maibe ita nia matan tomak hare ba iha halu orsamentu tinan-tinan. Tanba hosi née valor dolar determina kedas ho reward ba ema sira halu planu mos konkretu duke gasta tempu koalia konaba planu asaun anual, planu governu sa tan PED.\nTanba née bainhira ita hakarak halu remodelasaun ho reset esforsu Governu ida née nia, tenki tau prioridade dahuluk ba planu, prioridade daruak ba planu ho prioridade datolu ba planu.\nNunee importante tebes atu hamosu agensia planeamentu ida nebe fokus ba iha kria ambienti servisu Estadu nia tuir planu. Ita iha rekursu osan barak, ema mesmu ke la barak mas too se ita mobiliza didiak, ho tempu mos iha atu halu reforma sira née. Agensia planeamentu ekonomiku ho nivel ministerial ho suporta politika makas bele kria fundasaun diak ba planeamentu nasional. Tanba ita nia servisu hirak iha tempu barak ba kotuk fokus mak ba orsamentu, orsamentu, orsamentu ho orsamentu. Maibe la iha tempu barak atu dedika iha planu nebe sinkronizadu ho koerenti, atu bele monitor resultadu dezenvolvimentu. Agensia Dezenvolvimentu Nasional (ADN) nebe ita kria hanesan embrio ba Ministeriu Planeamentu née sai fali implementador ida hodi ba buka tuir projetu atu sobu. La os fokus ba iha hadia kualidade planeamentu projetu ho kordenasaun Ministeriu tekniku sira liliu Ministeriu Finansa.\nPrioridade ida tan iha reforma birokrasia nia mak reforma estrutura orsamentu estadu. Estrutura orsamentu estadu Timor-Leste nia eransa (warisan) UNTAET nia nebe nia sura mak item sira (line item budgeting), la os hare ba iha programa (program budgeting). Estrutura Orsamentu Estadu agora nebe halu klasifikasaun ba iha kategoria hat (salariu vensimentu, bens servisu, transferensia publika, kapital ho dezenvolvimentu) simples tebes tanba ita bele aloka osan tuir kategoria hat née. Fasil atu aloka osan, fasil atu hatun ka hasae osan, fasil atu ezekuta osan. Maibe item sira née la hatudu ninia ligasaun ho objetivu orsamentu nia, hanesan aloka osan atu hasae kresimentu ekonomiku persentagem hira, loke servisu hira, iha setor ida nebe, hamenus kiak hira, ho objetivu too ona ka seidauk. Frakesa ida tan mak kategoria tolu dahuluk (salariu vensimentu, bens servisu, ho transferensia publika), ita temi rekurenti hotu bainhira servisu balu iha laran neba lolos ba dezenvolvimentu nia. Nebe tinatinan ita aumenta osan mos, ita hare ba iha rekurenti mak sae makas bainhira osan balu ba iha dezenvolvimentu nia.\nFoin dadauk iha orsamentu 2014 née mak komesa iha hanoin atu muda maibe mudansa kiik oan deit. Presiza mudansa substantivu atu dudu prosesu dezenvolvimentu née programatiku ho planeadu. Iha estrutura orsamentu Estadu line item budgeting née, so despesa fisika hanesan ponte, estrada, uma ho portu aeroportu mak dehan kapital ho dezenvolvimentu bainhira servisu seluk hanesan rekruta tan ema atu halu servisu ba tinan ida deit mos lolos tama ba kategoria dezenvolvimentu. Maibe ita hatama ba iha rekorenti (rutin) bainhira servisu née halao tinan ida deit para ona. Fo subsidiu ba ema ruma iha tinan ida deit lolos mos halu parte dezenvolvimentu maibe dehan katak née parte transferensia publika, nebe despesa née rekorenti mesmu ke tinan oin née despesa née la iha ona. Frakesa ida tan line item budgeting née mak virement (muda orsamentu tun sae) atu hadau ezekuta lalais. Se lae tinan oin alokasaun orsamentu tun ona. Nebe muda orsamentu hosi item ida (ke importante) ba item seluk (nebe la importante) tanba lei orsamentu fo dalan. Naran katak bele ezekuta hotu tinan ida née nia laran ho tinan seluk husu tan. Se bele hasae barak liu tan. Tanba née dala barak too tinan fiskal ramata, ita hare ezkusaun 100% mas resultadu ita la hetan barak tanba ita muda tun muda sae tiha ona. Virement née bele halao too 20% orsamentu orsamentu Estadu nia, naran katak keta book salariu vensimentu ho kapital ho dezenvolvimentu tuir Lei No. 9/2009 konaba Orsamentu ho Gestao Finanseira. Tanba moras virement née ho kahur orsamentu dezenvolvimentu, rekorenti ho kapital née halakon tiha ligasaun ba iha objetivu nebe atu atingi. Iha diskusaun konaba Orsamentu Estadu nia ida, Diretor Geral ida hamrik ho ran nakali hatete, "Ami nia orsamentu née imi tetak rahu-rahun tiha, agora imi husu ba ami konaba objetivu programa too ka lae, ami hare oinsa?" Ema hotu hateke ba malu, maibe koitadu sala la os Ministeriu Finansa nia maibe estrutura orsamentu line item budgeting eransa UNTAET née mak sala. Tanba née presiza reforma orsamentu estadu.\nIta bele komprende tanba sa mak UNTAET adopta orsamentu line item budgeting née, tanba osan hosi doador. Doador sira husu atu ezekuta lalais hanesan kondisaun atu hetan tan ajuda. Maibe tempu too ona pratika ida née ita muda atu kontrola diak liu destinu dezenvolvimentu nasional Timor-Leste nia atu too mehi sira iha PED 2011 - 2030 nia.\nMuda oinsa? Muda ba Program Budgeting ka orsamentu nebe orienta ba programa duke orsamentu line item budgeting nebe hamosu destinu nasaun nian maka inefisiensia, korupsaun, ho resultadu minimu. Program budgeting née atu ita halu orsamentu orienta ba programa. Defini lolos objetivu performansia espesifiku hodi aloka orsamentu ba. Programa sira labele habit malu (tumpang tindih) hosi Ministeriu ida ba Ministeriu seluk ka diresaun ida ho diresaun seluk. Nune mos ita minimiza duplikasaun sira nebe ita hare barak la halimar, la os deit iha orsamentu maibe mos iha disain estrutura Governu nia ho birokrasia Timor-Leste durante tinan hirak née. Program budgeting née, presiza planu forti hodi kordena entre Ministeriu sira ho distritu sira atu hamosu programa ho resultadu ida ke defini tiha ona ba benefisiu ema barak nia.\nMesmu ke komplikadu liu line item budgeting, tempu too ona ba Timor-Leste atu halao reforma orsamentu Estadu nia hodi benefisia ba ema barak, loke servisu, hamenus desikilibriu regional, hamenus korupsaun, hasae rendimentu ho industrializa lalais Timor-Leste. Mehi Timor-Leste atu sai tuir Singapura sei la too bainhira ita sei uza line item budgeting nebe determina ita nia destinu ba inefisiensia ho korupsaun tanba dudu deit atu ezekuta lalais hodi hetan tan fali aloksaun osan foun mesmu ke resultadu despesa bot hirak née minimu tebes.\nImplikasaun hosi Program Badgeting née maka restrutura Governu, reestrutura birokrasia, ho hametin planeamentu hodi responde ba programa sira nebe hadia povu nia moris. Hamenus programa sira nebe la iha objetivu konkretu, habit malu, ho hamosu deit korupsaun. Tinan-tinan ita halu evaluasaun konaba programa sira née ho hadia mesmu ke programa balu tenki husik tanba nesesidade nasional la os ona hanesan iha momentu ita hamosu programa ida née.\nIkus liu, hanoin hirak née atu kontribui ba hadia situasaun Timor-Leste nia liliu maneja didiak prosesu eleitoral, ekonomia liliu orsamentu atu too ba iha moris diak (prosperidade) povu nia. Nune ita bele realiza mehi self determination tuir espiritu espresaun popular referendum nia.\nParabens ba Povu Timor-Leste ba loron istoriku ho loron self determination, 30 Augustu 2014.\nPosted by Joao Mariano Saldanha at 5:17 PM 1 comment:\nObervasaun Eleisaun Parlamentar 2012:\nPartidu Programa atu Promove Moris Diak Povu\nEleisaun Parlamentar 2012 sei domina hosi figura istoriku ho figura istoriku nebe reflete hosi votu bot ba CNRT ho FRETILIN. Fenomena eleitoral ne'e sei kontinua ba aban bainrua ka oinsa? Partidu istoriku FRETILIN hanesan hatete tiha ona katak eleitoradu stavel tiha ona iha 30% tuir rezultadu Eleisaun Parlamentar 2007 ho 2012. CNRT barak mak dehan depende ba figura istoriku. Bainhira figura istoriku sai hosi palku politiku tanba idade iha posibilidade katak votu CNRT sei tun. Maibe seidauk iha evidensia atu konfirma predisaun ida ne'e. Karik esperiensia PSD ho ASDT bele informa buat ruma ba ita. Bainhira fundador Mario Carrascalao la os ona Presidenti PSD, votu ba PSD tun ho la konsege liu barreira 3% iha 2012 kompara ho Eleisaun 2007 nebe PSD hetan kadeira 6. Nunee mos ASDT, bainhira sei lidera hosi nia fundador Avo Xavier hetan kadeira 5 iha Eleisaun 2007 mas bainhira Avo Xavier mate, ASDT la hetan kadeira iha Parlamentu Nasional iha 2012 mesmu ke hetan suporta hosi Eis-Presidenti da Republica Jose Ramos-Horta ho nia familia. Pergunta bot maka ne'e, sera ke partidu sira nebe la iha figura istoriku ho la iha istoria bele sobrevive iha kontestu politiku Timor-Leste aban bainrua?\nHakerek ida ne'e analiza situasaun ida ne'e ho hatoo hanoin ruma oinsa sustenta demokrasia ba oin ho promove partidu baseia ba programa atu promove paz ho moris diak (prosperidade) povu Timor-Leste. Iha kontestu ne'e ita sei diskuti Planu Estrategiku Dezenvolvimentu (PED) ho programa Partidu Republikanu ruma nebe hetan eskrutiniu publiku nia iha Eleisaun Parlamentar 2012.\nEstrada Ba Los Mai Los\nPrograma partidu seidauk hetan atensaun hosi povu Timor-Leste. Tanba ne'e eskrutiniu (scrutiny) publiku ba programa partidu nia minimu liu. Amo Bispo Basilio mak husu esplikasaun konaba Estrada Ba Los Mai Los Partidu Republikanu (PR) nia iha TVTL 22 Juinu 2012. Mas bainhira autor telefone atu esplika programa nee, Bispo Basilio la foti. Nunee mos haruka mensagem esplika programa nee mos Amo Basilio la responde. Tanba ne'e ita dehan katak eskrutiniu ba programa partidu la seriu. Bispo Basilio hakarak hare estrada Dili - Aileu nebe 17 km sai pilotu ba Programa Estrada Ba Los Mai Los. Nunee mos nia husu programa ne'e aplika ba estrada Subao ne'e oinsa? Iha 23 Juinu uza kampaine iha Atsabe, hau klarifika programa ne'e mas TVTL la fo sai didiak. Realidade estrada iha Timor-Leste ne'e kleuk tun sae hela mesmu rai tetuk (Manatutu - Laleia) at liu tan iha foho lolon sira. Tanba sa? Estrada sira nebe uluk kee ho liman deit iha tempu Japones ho Portugues la hetan ajustamentu iha tempu Indonesia. Estrada ne'e dada ba hetan fatuk bot ida fo volta, hetan foho kiik ida fo volta mos, at liu tan iha foho lolon fo volta hanesan supermi (Balibar, Same, ho fatin seluk tan). Estrada sira ne'e la dura, kualidade mos at, ho oho ema mos barak ona tamba asidenti barak. Kruz hira mak iha estrada ninin sira iha Timor laran ne'e? Amo Bispo Basilio bele konta deit hosi Baucau mai iha Dili. Ida ne'e seidauk konta ho kareta hira mak baku fila ho at.\nResposta didiak ba Amo Basilio nia pergunta maka ne'e. Iha proposta nebe ami prepara ba Programa MCC Amerika iha 2009, atu halu ajustamentu ba estrada hotu hodi minimiza volta sira nebe la presiza ne'e. La os atu halu auto estrada nebe seidauk tempu. Ba Aileu agora presiza oras ida resin. Se iha dalan, balun kabem bot (muta) bele to'o oras rua. Ita bele hamenus tempu hodi reajusta dalan Dili - Aileu. Duke liu hosi Dare ho Balibar, ita oiu hosi fali Komoro mota ibun sae ba Konching ho halu ponte liu mota. Depois dada los ba Aileu. Nunee hosi Dili ba Aileu tempu bele hamenus ba minutu 45 duke agora oras ida resin, kareta barak maka baku fila, kareta barak mak xoke malu, ho ema mate ho kanek hira tina tinan. Oinsa estrada ba los mai los iha Subao? Ita dada ponte liu tasi laran hosi Subao kiik ba iha inur antes tama Obratu (Manatutu). Duke liu hosi foho lolon ho Beheda nebe kareta bele xoke malu, monu, ho ema mate ho kanek tina tinan. Iha 2009, hau lori Amerikanu sira nebe servisu ba MCC hosi Washington, DC, Amerika ba Subao ho hatete ba sira atu dada ponte hosi Subao kiik liu tasi laran ba iha inur antes Obratu. Sira nia resposta bele mas karu. Tim MCC Timor-Leste mos fo hanoin konaba halu ponte hosi tasi laran hosi Dair, Maubara ba iha Loes.\nAmi dehan ba sira katak ida ne'e sei fasilita ema desloka lais liu, hamenus ema mate, ho mos iha valor turistiku. Povu Timor-Leste sei apresia tebes obra ida nee. Tanba sae kareta hare tasi ho foho lolon. Nunee mos halu ponte ne'e sei fo mos insentivu atu dada los estrada Dili-Baucau sei hamenus tempu. Nunee mos sei fo hanoin atu reabilita Aeroportu Baucau hodi uza ba servisu internasional. Duke agora husik hela deit. Estrada Komoro -Konching - Aileu mos ami halu survey hamutuk konsultan Frances ida nebe ajuda prepara proposta Timor-Leste nia ba MCC ho Administrador Distritu Dili momentu neba Ruben de Carvalho. Konaba Fatu Ahi nebe halu kareta monu bebeik desde tempu Portugues to'o ukun an ita bele halu tunnel (terowongan). Sekretariu Estadu Virgilio Smith (Kranik) mos uluk monu iha neba, sorti nia vida naruk be la mate deit. Peritu estrada Indianu, K Mandal nebe ami kontratu ajuda halu proposta ba MCC dehan tunnel Fatu Ahi sei gasta osan tokon $40 (juta). Tanba ne'e la os tempu kampaine mak koalia programa sira ne'e maibe iha tiha ona programa antes. Tempu kampaine apresenta fali deit ba povu se hetan fiar karik ita bele realiza programa sira ne'e neneik mas bebeik. Infelizmente seidauk mas Partidu Republikanu sei koalia nafatin atu programa sira ne'e bele realiza aban bainrua.\nEleisaun sira ba kotuk iha Timor-Leste, eleitoradu seidauk hare ba programa politiku partidu sira nia. La iha NGO, grupu professional ho komunidade sira husu esplikasaun konaba programa partidu politiku nia. Nunee mos la iha esforsu atu rona esplikasaun hosi partidu bainhira partidu politiku responde ba eskrutiniu hosi publiku. Klimatika ida ne'e presiza hadia ho atitude sira ne'e sai desafiu ba partidu politiku sira.\nKualidade kampaine ho kualidade governasaun determina hosi kualidade programa ho kualidade lideransa partidu nia nebe liu ona eskrutiniu eleitoradu iha eleisaun parlamentar. Tanba nee partidu ka koligasaun partidu presiza fo sai programa antes (jauh jauh hari) para eleitoradu hetan asesu ho halu eskrutiniu. Partidu ho koligasaun partidu 21 nebe partisipa iha Eleisaun Parlamentar 2012, CNRT ho PR deit maka publika sai Programa 2012 - 2017 antes tama ba kampaine eleitoral. Kontestante seluk kampaine to'o klaran ona mak fo sai programa.\nDesafiu bot ba partidu hotu, inklui mos PR nebe autor lidera maka oinsa atu dudu programa ba oin atu sai isu sentral kampaine eleitoral. Partidu kiik sira tenki halakon lia anin (stereotype) katak hari partidu atu buka subsidiu governu. Tanba ne'e, pertinenti tebes reforma lei partidu politiku, lei eleitoral, ho lei sira seluk nebe relevante atu limita numeru partidu ho loke dalan ba partidu ho programa diak. Apetite (kan) ba politika makas iha Timor-Leste nebe hatudu hosi partidu barak. Ida ne'e, hatete mai ita katak partidu bot ka kiik sira nebe iha ona seidauk responde ba iha mehi nebe Timor oan barak nia. Tanba ne'e, mosu partidu tan atu kompete to'o iha mehi neba mesmu ke posibilidade atu hetan suporta publiku kiik ka remotu.\nDesafiu ida tan maka oinsa atrai ema kompetenti ho kapasidade finansial nebe stabil ona atu fokus ba halao politika hodi hadia povu nia moris, la os halao politika atu buka moris. Ho situasaun Timor-Leste nebe foin sai hosi konflitu liliu ninia demokrasia nebe sei nurak presiza tempu atu to'o iha neba. Maibe la iha razaun atu hein tempu oportunu maka loke partidu baseia ba programa. Agora bele komesa ona ho neneik sei ba to'o iha neba.\nBa Partidu Republikanu, maluk barak mak hatete atu para deit ka ba hamutuk ho partidu seluk, liliu stereotype nebe hatete lideransa PR autonomista ho isu negativu sira seluk tan. Ideia sira ne'e diak ho stereotype asasina karakter tenki enfrenta. La os buka diak deit ka buka aman (safe) deit. Povu Timor-Leste presiza partidu ho programa diak atu dinamiza vida politika ho muda povu Timor-Leste ba moris diak bainhira hetan fiar povu nia. Bainhira harii PR, fundador sira hakarak partidu nee baseia ba programa. La os hari partidu atu sai bot ka atu buka osan sai riku. Ita respeita partidu istoriku ho figura istoriku sira maibe ita hakarak atu lori Timor-Leste ba paz ho moris diak (prosperidade). Ida nee mak vizaun ho misaun PR nia. PR moris atu intervem iha debate konaba asuntu bot nasaun nia nebe relevante ho vizaun ho misaun partidu nia ne'e. Tanba ne'e, mesmu ke seidauk hetan konfiansa povu nia, PR kontinua halao misaun importante ida ne'e. Ita hatene katak rekoinesimentu ho apoiu povu nia la os instant (mendadak) mas sei lori tempu. Tanba ne'e, lideransa PR tenki iha komitmen ho koragem atu kompete baseia ba programa mesmu ke situasaun politika seidauk favorese. Ita fiar katak situasuan politika ida ne'e sei muda mesmu ke naruk. Mas bainhira muda, povu iha ona alternativu. Tanba ne'e mak Partidu Republikanu oferese alternativu nebe baseia ba programa hanesan dudu lian Tetun sai lian ofisial no. 1, reajusta ho revolusiona estrada Timor-Leste ba los mai los atu sai abut ba dezenvolvimentu Timor-Leste, dezenvolve industria ho komersiu atu diversifika ekonomia Timor-Leste ho loke servisu ho hasae rendimentu nasaun nia. Ita lalika nakdedar (silau) ho partidu bot sira nebe baseia ba istoria ho figura istoriku mesmu ke ita respeita nafatin sira. Tanba ne'e Partidu Republikanu simu desafiu sira ne'e ho laran luak. Partidu tenki hakiak hosi kiik mak bot, la os bot kedas nebe artifisial ho bele monu lalais liliu bainhira fundador mate.\nPlanu Estrategiku Dezenvolvimentu\nDesafiu nasional Timor-Leste tinan lima mai ne'e mak ema kiak sei barak, uza orsamentu estadu la efisienti, infrastrutura dalan ho be mos nebe at, asesu ba edukasaun ho saude minimu, investimentu (domestiku ho estrangeiru) minimu, ho dependensia kuase total (95%) ba iha reseita minarai. Tanba ne'e, bainhira partidu sira nebe hetan fiar povu nia buka resolve problema sira ne'e, partidu sira nebe la tama iha Parlamentu Nasional hanesan Partidu Republikanu fo alternativu. Ita presiza kordena atu hamosu alternativu ba partidu iha governu ka ba partidu iha opozisaun. Votu 21% (96,000) nebe eleitoradu fo ba partidu sira nebe la tama Parlamentu Nasional labele husik atu monu ba rai deit.\nIha kontestu ida ne'e mak mai ita hare Planu Estrategiku Dezenvolvimentu (PED) nebe governu foun mai atu implementa. PED iha objetivu atu transforma Timor-Leste ba nasaun ida ho rendimentu mediu altu (upper middle income country), populasaun nebe edukadu, saudavel, ho seguru iha tinan ruanulu nia laran. Nunee mos dezenvolvimentu infrastrutura (estrada, be mos, portu, aeroportu, ho telekomunikasaun), ho dezenvolvimentu sector produtivu (agrikultura, minarai ho gas, ho turismo). Dezenvolvimentu setor sira ne'e halao ho aliserse quadru instituisaun nebe efektivu ho base makroekonomika ida nebe forti (PED 2011 - 2030, 2011).\nVizaun tinan 20 PED ne'e diak ona maibe presiza tradusaun ho implementasaun tinan lima-lima nia nebe klaru. Ida ne'e mak desafiu bot ba implmentasaun PED tanba hare hosi esperiensia tinan lima liu ba, ligasaun planu tinan lima ho planu anual seidauk paz. Nunee mos ligasaun prioridade tina-tinan ho alokasaun orsamentu ho esforsu nasional nebe la kondiz ho prioridade sira ne'e. Desafiu ida ne'e presiza responde ho kompetensia iha area planeamentu ho implementasaun nebe efisienti ho kompetenti. Tanba hakarak implementa PED ne'e, governu nebe sei forma hosi Koligasaun Partidu CNRT, PD ho FRENTI Mudansa presiza koloka ema kompetenti atu komesa implementa PED iha tinan lima mai ne'e atu baseia esforsu, prioridade, ho alokasaun orsamentu nebe responde ba iha nesesidade tinan lima mai ne'e. Ho GDP per kapita $830 tuir Konta Nasional foun (National Account 2011), iha posibilidade katak rendimentu mediu aas Timor-Leste nia bele realiza antes de 2030 tanba PED planeia ho GDP per kapita $620 nebe kiik liu. Se partidu tolu ne'e bele asegura estabilidade politika liu hosi servisu diak ho opozisaun ho instituisaun sobeanu estadu sira diak, rekursu humanu kompetenti bele mobiliza hotu atu servisu hamutuk realiza mehi nasaun tuir PED ne'e. Koligasaun foun ne'e se konsege dada rekursu humanu kompetenti Timor oan hotu nebe kompromete atu servisu makas atu atingi PED sem hare ba iha kor politika sei iha vantagem makas tebes atu to'o lalais ba mehi ida ne'e. Apontamentu politiku nebe kompetenti kombina ho apontamentu tekniku nebe la sala sei iha oportunidade atu realiza mehi PED.\nAMP tinan liu ba hari ho fragmentasaun iha koligasaun nia laran kompara ho koligasaun foun nebe sei forma tanba partidu mais votadu CNRT maka lidera ho kadeira iha Parlamentu Nasional nebe bot kompara ho formasaun AMP iha 2007. Tanba ne'e rekrutamentu membru governu, CNRT sei dikte barak kompara ho formasaun iha 2007 nebe membru koligasaun buka kaer pasta ministeriu sira nebe importante ho kritiku mas ho kapasidade teknika nebe limitadu. Ita hein oportunidade ida ne'e, CNRT sei uza didiak atu mobiliza rekursu humanu sira hotu hosi koligasaun, partidu sira nebe la tama parlamentu, ho independenti sira.\nTinan lima mai, area kritiku maka uza orsamentu estadu nebe efisienti atu treina ema, hari infrastrutura liliu estrada, reforma institusional atu hari base ekonomia, sosial ho politika nebe forti. Nunee bainhira ramata mandatu, kondisaun oportunu ona ba iha investimentu privadu suli mai Timor-Leste. Nunee neneik ita ses an hosi dependensia makas ba osan minarai ho gas. Iha area orsamentu estadu, seidauk iha efisiensia, liliu orsamentu kapital nebe mark up cost barak liu. Orsamentu rekorenti mos sei kuak barak nebe kontribui ba iha inefisiensia orsamentu estadu nebe bot. Presiza siklu orsamentu rua ka tolu atu reforma inefisiensia ida ne'e ho muda osan sira nebe hosi rekorenti inefisienti ba orsamentu kapital mas efisienti atu hadia infrastrutura, eskola,mklinika etc. Nunee ita bele hamenus kiak ka mukit nebe barak, desikilibriu sidade ho foho, ho fahe rezultadu dezenvolvimentu Timor-Leste nia ba ema barak duke ba ema oituan deit iha sidade ka grupu ba deit.\nPosted by Joao Mariano Saldanha at 5:12 PM 1 comment:\nPozisaun Makroekonomiku ho Orsamentu Estadu\nTimor-Leste nia kondisaun makroekonomika tonka ho reseita minarai duranti tinan lima liu ba. Mos iha posibilidade situasaun ne'e kontinua iha tinan lima mai ne'e. Poblema makroekonomiku sira maka oinsa hasae moris (kresimentu) ekonomia, kontrola inflasaun, loke kampu servisu (lapangan kerja) ba ema hotu, promove estabilidade balansa pagamentu (balance of payments), ho promove igualdade (equity) dezenvovimentu entre grupu sira (kiak ho riku) ho entre regiaun (sidade ho foho). Atu resolve problema makrorkonomiku sira ne'e depende ba iha despesa estadu nebe foti hosi Fundu Minarai. Ida ne'e desafiu bot makroekonomia nia nebe mos sai aliserse ida Planu Estrategiku Dezenvolvimentu (PED la os PEDN) 2011 - 2030 nia. Tinan lima mai iha oportunidade diak atu resolve problema makroeknomiku sira ne'e liliu promove kresimentu ekonomiku sustentavel, hatun inflasaun, loke servisu barak, ho diversifika reseita estadu liu hosi dezenvolvimentu industria ho komersiu atu labele depende deit ba minarai, ho dezenvolvimentu integradu iha area rural atu promove inkluzaun ho hamenus desikilibriu ekonomiku entre grupu hi entre regiaun.\nHakerek ida ne'e diskuti aspetu makroekonomiku sira ne'e iha kontestu implementasaun PED 2011 - 2030.\nKresimentu ekonomiku tinan lima ikus ne'e iha media (rata-rata) digitu rua nebe depende ba iha despeza estadu ho atividade ekonomika (industria ho komersiu) nebe kait makas ho despesa estadu nia. Maibe atu sustenta kresimentu digitu rua ne'e tinan lima mai sei iha difikuldade tanba atividade ekonomiku la kait diretu ho orsamentu estadu hanesan fabrika, hotel, ho servisu sira seluk sei minimu liu iha Timor-Leste atu fo impaktu signifikativu kresimentu ekonomiku. Share setor publiku iha ekonomia (GDP real) Timor-Leste bot tebes ho sae tinan tinan. Iha 2010, share setor publiku 40%, sae hosi 30% iha 2002. Bainhira setor industria ho servisu (services) tun fali hosi 35% ba iha 33% iha mos periudu hanesan (Livru 1 Orsamentu Estadu 2012:23).\nIndustria ho servisu ninia kontribuisaun ba ekonomia sei reflete nivel dezenvolvimentu nebe nasaun nia. Bainhira industria ho servisu ninia kontribuisaun iha GDP bot (liu 50%) katak nasaun ne'e avansa ona tanba hun rendimentu ho kampu servisu maioria mai ona hosi setor Ida nee, la os ona mai hosi despesa estadu. Hanesan nasaun agraria atu aranka ba industrializasaun, Industria agribisnis hanesan pasu importante ida ba Timor-Leste molok atu tama ba faze industria transformadora hanesan otomotivu (kareta), roupa, ho seluk tan nebe presiza skill diak ho kapital nebe bot. Nunee mos turismu presiza hetan atensaun bot iha tinan lima mai atu hasae rendimentu atu hamutuk ho industria ho komersiu hodi sustenta kresimentu ekonomiku digitu rua iha tempu PED nia laran.\nDezenvolvimentu industria, komersiu ho turismu presiza hetan insentivu hosi reforma rai liu hosi sertifikasaun nebe halao dadauk, dudu setor bankariu atu fo kreditu ba setor agribisnis, industria transformadora, ho turismu. Sertifikasuan rai nebe hahu tiha ona presiza agresivu liu tan tinan hirak nebe mai. Nunee mos Banco Nacional Comercial de Timor-Leste (BNCTL) nebe governu nia banku presiza hasae tan ninia kapital ho rekursu humanu atu bele kanaliza kreditu bot liu tan ba setor sira temi iha leten ne'e. Kreditu la fo fila (non performing loans) BNCTL nia kiik kompara ho banku sira seluk iha Timor-Leste. Ida ne'e hatudu kapasidade diak banku estadu ne'e.\nIha sorin seluk, respeita kontratu nebe suporta ho sistema judisial nebe forti sai fator importante atu fo incentivu ba industria, komersiu, ho turismu buras iha Timor-Leste. Investimentu domestiku ka estrangeiru sei la bot bainhira contract enforcement (penegakkan kontrak) sei fraku. Nunee mos registu kompainia sei sai nafatin desafiu bot atu dada investmentu mai iha Timor-Leste. Ita presiza loron barak atu regista kompainia ida iha Timor-Leste tanba rekezitu oi-oin ho atendimentu la diak ba investor potensial sira.\nTanba ne'e mak ranking Timor-Leste iha Relatoriu Banku Mudial, Doing Business sei besik 170 hosi nasaun 185 nebe relatoriu ne'e kobre. Tanba ne'e tinan lima mai oin iha oportunidade diak atu halu reforma sira nebe Timor-Leste nia skor seidauk diak. Tenki iha target atu Ranking Timor-Leste bele sae hosi besik 170 ba iha 100. Sertifikasaun rai, hadia sistema judisial atu fo garantia ba kontratu, ho registu kompainia foun hanesan fator kritiku sira atu hasae investimentu domestiku ho liur mai ihanTimor-Leste. Nunee, iha tempu la kleur tan industria ho komersiu bele sai aliserse ba iha kresimentu ekonomia digitu rua ho to'o lalais mehi Timor-Leste atu sai nasaun ho rendimentu mediu aas tuir target SDP nia.\nInflasaun ho produsaun foos\nPotensia agrikultura bot tebes tanba potensia natar nebe besik 75,000 ha, foin 45,000 ha deit mak halai. Nunee mos produtividade hare ha ida Timor-Leste nia kiik kompara ho nasaun seluk iha ita nia regiaun. Tanba ne'e, se ekstensifikasaun ho intensifikasaun agrikultura lao los, produsaun agrikultura sei kontribui makas ba dezenvolvimentu ekonomia nasaun nia tanba hasae produsaun hasae kresimentu ekonomiku, rendimentu, ho loke servisu ba ema barak. Rezolve problema agrikultura sei resolve mos problema makroeknomiku balu hanesan hamenus inflasaun iha Timor-Leste. Populasaun nasaun ne'e barak mak han foos maibe produsaun domestiku foos la to'o 70% nesesidade konsumu nasional. Tanba ne'e mak obriga governu importa foos ho kuantidade bot hosi nasaun seluk ho folin aas nebe fo todan ba balansu pagamentu Timor-Leste. Importasaun ho folin aas kontribui mos ba hasae inflasaun iha rai laran liliu bainhira folin minarai sae ho kustu transport mos aas.\nBainhira ita hare ba iha komponenti Consumer Price Index (CPI), inflasaun iha Timor-Leste sae tanba folin aihan, transporte, ho hatais. Nunee bainhira hasae produsaun hare/foos sei bele hamenus inflasaun iha Timor-Leste tanba hamenus importasaun foos nebe folin aas nebe hatodan tan ho folin minarai ho kustu transporte nebe sae.\nEstudu ida konaba inflasaun iha Timor-Leste nebe halao hosi Ministeriu Finansa hetan katak folin minarai, depresiasaun dollar Amerikanu, ho despesa governu hanesan fator importante tolu nebe hasae inflasaun iha Timor-Leste. Folin minarai nebe sae hasae kustu transporte ho fo impaktu ba iha folin foos nia. Rezultante sasan sira nia folin sae nee mak inflasaun mos sae iha Timor-Leste. Nunee ita bele hare katak hasae produsaun foos la os deit kontribui ba iha resolve problema hamlaha iha Timor-Leste maibe mos resolve problema makronomia balu hanesan hamenus inflasaun ho hasae kresimentu ekonomiku.\nEfisiensia Orsamentu Estadu\nOrsamentu estadu liu hosi reseita minarai ho gas mak agora sai makina kresimentu ekonomiku Timor-Leste nia. Ita hein katak la kleur tan, makina kresimentu ekonomiku bele muda hosi orsamentu estadu ba setor agrikultura ho agribisnis antes de tama ba iha industria ho komersiu diskuti iha leten ne'e. Maibe ba tinan lima mai, knar orsamentu estadu sei bot atu sustenta kresimentu ekonomiku digitu rua. Tanba ne'e importante tebes atu promove efisiensia orsamentu estadu ho aloka orsamentu tuir prioridade sira nebe defini iha PED. Inefisiensia sira ne'e mosu tanba sistema orsamentu sei kuak barak nebe kontribui mos ba iha korupsaun. Analogu diak maka mota, irigasaun, ho natar. Bainhira irigasaun ida kuak tun sae, maka be nebe sai hosi mota mesmu ke bot sei too natar oituan deit tanba bee suli sai barak husi kuak irigasaun barak. Tamba ne'e atu hakarak be too natar barak tenki taka kuak sira nee.\nIha orsamentu estadu ita tenki taka sistema nia kuak, liliu orsamentu kapital. Nunee bele trava osan barak tanba sistema loke dalan ba ema nauk. Publikasaun kustu unitariu nebe los nebe orgaun estadu sira hotu refere ba bainhira halu orsamentu kapital (projetu) bele hamenus inefisiensia orsamentu makas tebes. Oras ne'e dadauk, sasan bele hanesan maibe agensia estadu sira tau folin la hanesan mesmu ke hosi vendor (penjual) ida deit. Tuir ne'e tenki iha eskrutiniu (review rigorozu) ba iha valor projetu sira nebe prepara hosi Ministeriu ka agensia Estadu sira. Atu to'o iha faze ida ne'e, presiza siklu orsamentu rua ka tolu. Maibe tenki komesa ona iha inisiu governasaun agora para ita bele salva orsamentu estadu barak nebe kuak bele liu 50%. Presizq reforma orsamentu kapital lalais hodi salva osan estadu nia ho hamenus tendensia korupsaun nebe la os tanba ema naokten maibe tanba sistema maka dudu ema halu korupsaun. Nunee agensia anti-korupsaun sira hanesan KAK ho Prokuradoria Geral bele halao sira nia servisu diak liu tan, julga duni ema naokten sira duke julga sala ema tanba sistema mak la diak. Ida ne'e mos bele kontribui ba iha resolve problema makroekonomia balu hanesan promove efisiensia iha uza rekursu finanseiru nasional.\nPosted by Joao Mariano Saldanha at 5:10 PM No comments:\nPosted by Joao Mariano Saldanha at 5:07 PM 1 comment: | [
"Joao Mariano Saldanha: 2014 Tinan 15 Referendum 30 Augustu 1999: Hadi'a Administrasaun Eleitoral ho Hamosu Prosperidade Atu Too Objetivu Self Determination Fundador, Timor Institute of Development Studies, 30 Augustu 2014, ita selebra tinan sanulu resin lima referendum Timor Lorosae.",
"Besik 79% Timor oan sira nebe vota, hili atu hafahe an hosi Indonesia ho sai nasaun independenti.",
"Resultadu prosesu eleitoral nebe administra hosi Nasaun Unida (United Nations) nee hamosu oportunidade politiku foun ida ba Timor oan sira atu komesa prosesu hari nasaun foun.",
"Ohin loron Timor Lorosae sai nasaun soberanu ho naran Ofisial Republica Democratica de Timor-Leste (RDTL) koinesidu ho naran Portugues Timor-Leste.",
"Referendum nee hamosu mos episodiu politiku importante ida ba Timor oan tomak.",
"Sira desidi sira nia destinu politiku rasik (self determination) liu hosi kaixa eleitoral iha fatin sira namkari iha Timor laran tomak ho mos iha mundu tomak.",
"Nee mak esensi desidi destinu rasik tuir vontade popular.",
"Iha kontestu nasional nebe demokratiku, desidi destinu rasik liu hosi prosesu eleitoral nebe fair, mos (clean), ho segredu, dok hosi intimidasaun, money politics (sosa votu ho osan ka material), ho nauk votu hosi partidu ida tau fali ba partidu seluk.",
"Katak eleisaun nee reflete duni povu nia preferensia ba se se deit (partidu ka individu) maka atu kaer poder.",
"La os eleisaun nebe manipuladu.",
"Prosesu eleisaun iha nasaun RDTL nebe demokratiku sei lao regular too rohan laek.",
"Tanba nee se iha eleisaun dahuluk sira nebe lalos, tenki iha esforsu nasional tomak atu hadia nafatin sistema nee atu eleisaun sira tuir mai diak liu ho resultadu nebe reflete duni povu nia hakarak tuir konseitu self determination.",
"Iha kontestu nasaun demokratiku, ita husu relevansia self determination nee saida?",
"Relevansia maka povu hili nia lider sira tuir konviksaun rasik tanba sira fiar katak hosi eleisaun sei hamosu lider sira nebe sei servisu makaas atu hadia sira nia moris (prosperidade).",
"Tanba nee, esensia self determination maka iha eleisaun regular justu (fair), mos, ho segredu atu hili nai ulun sira atu ajuda hadia sira nia moris (prosperidade) ho halakon kiak.",
"Artigu ida nee diskuti fator eleitoral hanesan instrumentu atu hamosu prosperidade ba povu Timor-Leste hanesan reflesaun ida ba komemorasaun loron istoriku 30 Augustu 1999 mesmu ke Estadu Timor-Leste la fo importansia bot ba loron ida nee kompara ho loron selu-seluk.",
"Ita sei taka artigu nee ho suggestaun ba reforma iha birokrasia liliu orsamentu estadu atu kontrola destinu dezenvolvimentu nasional ho objetivu hamosu prosperidade ba povu Timor-Leste.",
"Eleisaun hanesan instrumentu prosesu self determination Hosi 1999 too 2014, Timor-Leste halao tiha ona eleisaun dala hitu, ne mak Eleisaun Assembleia Konstituente (2001) nebe nakfilak an deit ba Parlamentu Nasional (legislatura dahuluk), Eleisaun Presidenti (2002, 2007, ho 2012), Eleisaun Suku, ho Eleisaun Parlamentar (2007 ho 2012).",
"Determinante eleisaun nasional sira nee mak Eleisaun Parlamentar tanba hosi resultadu Eleisaun Parlamentar maka hahoris Governu atu ukun hodi halao programa ba prosperidade povu nia.",
"Eleisaun Presidensial mesmu ke importante, Presidente iha regime semi-presidensial Timor-Leste sai hanesan simbolu nasional ho garante estabilidade ho soberania nasional deit.",
"La iha kompetensia atu halu programa hadia povu nia moris.",
"Eleisaun ba Xefi Suku sira mos importante, maibe atu hili deit lider komunitariu ho kbit limitadu tanba la iha orsamentu rasik liliu reseita suku rasik.",
"Tempu too ona ba estadu Timor-Leste tetu atu halibur hotu Timor oan sira nebe sai sidadaun ho hakarak sai sidadaun atu tuir eleisaun geral.",
"Too tinan 2012, Timor oan sira nebe tuir eleisaun dala hitu nee mak Timor oan sira nebe hela iha Timor laran deit.",
"Maibe sira nebe hela iha liur hanesan Australia, Indonesia, Portugal, Macau, ho rai seluk tan la tuir tanba razaun logistika ho politika.",
"Logistika tanba dehan atu organiza sei han tempu ho orsamentu la too.",
"Maibe fator rua nee la os argumentu forte tanba eleisaun regular lolos iha tempo naton atu organiza iha rai laran ho iha liur.",
"Orsamentu mos la os problema tanba estadu Timor-Leste iha osan too ho restu atu involve Timor oan sira iha diaspora partisipa iha eleisaun liliu eleisaun Presidensial ho Eleisaun Parlamentar.",
"Eleisaun Suku la presiza tanba la iha duni suku iha liur mas se hakarak ita mos bele forma komunidade oi oin iha rai liur atu hili sira nia lider lokal sira.",
"Fator politika maka dominante karik tanba Timor oan sira iha rai liur liliu sira nebe hela iha Indonesia sei vota problematiku liu.",
"Balu keta lakohi tan vota tanba iha opsaun politika seluk ho Lei Indonesia nia nebe la fo dalam ba dupla nasionalidade.",
"Maibe ita bele koko tanba ohin loron deslokasaun Timor oan sira nebe hela iha Timor ba Indonesia mos bot ho sira nebe hela iha Indonesia mai Timor mos bot.",
"La os deit komunidade sira, maibe relasaun bilateral entre Timor ho Indonesia ohin loron diak tebe-tebes iha governu SBY nian ho mos Governu dahuluk sira hanesan Gus Dur ho Megawati Soekarnoputri.",
"Ita mos bele dehan iha Governu Jokowi ninia mos, relasaun Timor-Leste ho Indonesia sei diak nafatin ho sei forti liu tan.",
"Ohin loron, estudante Timor oan iha Indonesia barak liu duke tempu okupasaun Indonesia ho Indonesia sira nebe servisu iha Timor mos barak, menus TNI ho POLRI.",
"Tanba nee, tempu too ona atu fo mos oportunidade ba Timor oan sira nebe hela iha rai liur inklui mos sira iha Indonesia atu partisipa iha eleisaun iha Timor-Leste nia bainhira sira hanesan sidadaun Timor nia.",
"Administrasaun eleitoral tenki rigorozu liu tan.",
"Mesmu ita nia prosesu hetan rekoinesimentu diak hosi rai liur maibe ita hare didiak sei iha aspetu barak mak impata prosesu hamosu eleisaun ida nebe reflete duni self determination nee.",
"Eleisaun 2012 husik hela impresaun barak.",
"Iha alegasaun money politics, kaixa votu nebe fila hikas ba iha publiku (la os segredu) atu influensia ema nia votu (pela menus iha Kuluhun, Dili) ho fatin barak tan iha Timor laran tomak tanba razaun sosa votu ka money politics, STAE nebe iha Ministeriu Estatal nia okos nebe hamosu deskonfiansa imparsial ka benefisia ba partidu nebe iha poder, liliu raut votu hosi partidu ida ka rua ka liu nia tau fali ba partidu seluk.",
"Deskonfiansa nee bot liu tan bainhira Diretor Geral STAE sai Membru Governu nebe forma depois de eleisaun ramata.",
"Tanba nee presiza prosesu eleitoral, administrasaun eleitoral, ho monitorizasaun eleitoral nebe rigorozu liu tan atu hamenus money politics, intimidasaun, ho manipulasaun votu nia.",
"Komisaun Nasional Eleisaun (CNE) halao duni nia knar atu kria kondisaun imparsial ho reforsa tan hosi observador nasional ho internasional sira.",
"Maibe prosesu observasaun sira nee la borus ho deskonfiansa parsialidade prosesu eleitoral nee mosu nafatin liliu ba STAE.",
"Ita mos presiza kria kondisaun atu partisipante prosesu eleitoral liliu iha Eleisaun Parlamentar sai hanesan (same level playing field) atu hamosu Parlamentu ho Governu foun nebe reflete duni self determination povu Timor-Leste nia.",
"Aspetu sira nee inklui uza birokrasia, media estadu, liliu orsamentu estadu ba benefisia partidu sira nebe iha poder ka iha Parlamentu Nasional deit.",
"CNE iha eleisaun liu ba proibi katak la iha fasilidade estadu inklui kareta uza ba kampaine.",
"Maibe depois de eleisaun ita hatene katak iha ema balu mak uza fasilidade estadu ba duni kampaine eleitoral.",
"Media estadu, liliu TVTL durante kampaine fo duni oportunidade ba partidu ka koligasaun partidu hotu maibe kobertura ba partidu kiik sira liliu sira nebe la representa iha Parlamentu Nasional antes kampaine difisil tebes.",
"Konvite ba sira sempre dehan ema la iha ho tempu la iha mas ba partidu sira nebe iha poder tempu ho ema iha hela deit.",
"Tanba nee kobertura laos tempo eleisaun eleisaun deit mas sira nia konsolidasaun mos hetan nafatin kobertura kompara ho partidu sira nebe la iha representasaun iha Parlamentu Nasional.",
"Pergunta bot liu mak kriteria orsamentu estadu ba partidu politika sira.",
"Iha Eleisaun Presidensial ho Eleisaun Parlamentar iha subsidiu ba kandidatu sira (Eleisaun Presidensial) ho ba partidu politika ka koligasaun partidu politika sira (Eleisaun Parlamentar) maibe kriteria la klaru ho numero ida nebe kiik tebes.",
"Nunee la fo benefisia ba kontestante politika sira atu kompete lolos.",
"Barak mak dehan liliu iha Eleisaun Parlamentar 2012 katak partidu balu simu tiha osan depois la halu kampaine.",
"Barak mak hari partidu atu hetan subsidiu osan Estadu nia deit la os atu kompete duni iha eleisaun.",
"Se iha evidensia hanesan nee, partidu ka koligasaun partidu nee mak tenki hetan kastigu la os partidu hotu hetan kastigu.",
"Partidu sira nebe hari ho objetivu atu hetan subsidiu osan Estadu deit tenki hetan sansaun tanba hahalok ida nee mos halu parte korupsaun tanba uza sala osan Estadu nia ba interese privadu.",
"Tanba nee CNE ho STAE presiza fiskaliza didiak prosesu eleitoral atu hahalok korupsaun sira hanesan nee lori ba tribunal atu hetan julgamentu.",
"La os kastigu partidu/koligasaun partidu hotu ho subsidiu nebe minimu.",
"Bainhira ita hare ba iha subvensaun ba partidu sira nebe iha Parlamentu Nasional numero nee bot tebes ho sae ba bebeik.",
"Iha Orsamentu Estadu 2013, subvensaun nee hamutuk tokon nen ($6 juta).",
"Nee signifika katak kadeira ida iha Parlamentu Nasional vale ba $92,308.",
"Bainhira Partidu ida iha Parlamentu Nasional iha Deputadu nain sanulu deit, subvensaun ba partidu ida nee besik dollar juta ida (ka $923,080) ba tinan ida deit.",
"Tinan 2014, subvensaun nee sae ba iha dolar tokon 15 ($15 juta) signifika katak kadeira ida sei vale ba $230,769 (dolar rihun atus rua tolunulu resin).",
"Imagina took partidu ida ho kadeira 30 hanesan CNRT nia subvensaun sei besik tokon hitu ($7 juta ka $6,923,076) ba tinan ida deit (2014).",
"Ita husu ba ita nian aan, kriteria saida maka uza atu fo subvensaun ida nebe makas tebes hanesan nee?",
"Desizaun sira nee halu tanba deit sira mak iha poder atu halu desizaun.",
"Ita hatene ho komprende katak partidu sira iha Parlamentu Nasional tenki hetan subvensaun tinan-tinan.",
"Maibe subvensaun ida ho numero esesivu hanesan nee la os ona subvensaun tuir nesesidade maibe atu haforti sira nia an ho hamate partidu sira seluk, liliu sira nebe la iha representasaun iha Parlamentu Nasional.",
"Hare tuir resultadu Eleisaun Parlamentar 2012, Partidu sira nebe la tama iha Parlamentu Nasional ninia votu hamutuk besik 22% total votante (besik 100,000 votu).",
"Ida nee mos ho ona manipulasaun oi-oin iha prosesu kontagem votu, liliu iha STAE.",
"Se bele loke fali kaixa votus, ita sei hatene lolos.",
"Ida nee atu hatene deit hodi hadia prosesu eleitoral aban bainrua.",
"La os atu influensia fali governasaun agora tanba Eleisaun 2017 besik ona.",
"Ita fila fali ba iha subvensaun ba partidu sira iha Parlamentu Nasional tenki iha kriteria klaru atu labele hamosu kondisaun sira nebe ita temi iha leten nee ka kria kondisaun imbalansu (not the same level playing field) ba partidu ho koligasaun partidu sira.",
"Perigu ida ba esesaun alokasaun orsamentu subvensaun hanesan nee atu hamate partidu barak nebe kontraria espiritu Konstitutisaun RDTL nebe fo mahon ba iha multipartidarismu ho demokrasia representasaun proporsional.",
"Prosperidade Hanesan Objetivu Self Determination Hamosu prosperidade ka moris diak povu nia hanesan objetivu eternal nasaun demokratiku sira hotu.",
"Nasaun demokratiku hotu buka halu formula oi oin atu kaptura preferensia povu nia liu hosi desain, administrasaun, ho monitorizasuan eleisaun nebe diak atu hamosu resultadu ho lider sira nebe iha komitment, kompetensia, ho dedikasaun ba moris diak povu nia.",
"Tanba nee maka moris diak ka prosperidade sai hanesan objetivu prinsipal nasaun demokratiku sira hotu iha mundu tomak.",
"Timor-Leste nia eleisaun dala hitu nee produs ona resultadu lider sira dominante hosi resistensia.",
"Ida nee hanesan faktu real ida ke nasaun foin hari sira tenki simu ho hakuak.",
"Se la iha resistensia la iha nasaun.",
"Adagium ida nee universal ba nasaun nebe deit tanba istoria tenki konta, tenki valoriza, ho tenki rekompensa.",
"Tanba nee, todan (bobot) hanoin moris diak iha kampaine eleitoral hanesan programa atu hadia povu nia moris seidauk hetan proporsaun naton hodi hili lider sira.",
"Situasaun euforia sai hosi nakukun, sofrimentu, ho atualizasaun an dominante iha prosesu eleitoral iha eleisaun sira liu ba nee.",
"Maibe hosi tempu ba tempu, moris nasaun demokratiku nia elementu moris diak (prosperidade) sei hetan proporsaun neneik mas bebeik, ho sai bot iha eleisaun demokratiku sira nebe sei tuir mai.",
"Hosi resultadu Eleisaun Parlamentar 2007 nebe hamosu lider Parlamentu ho Governu nebe dominante hosi resistensia.",
"Karik ida nee tanba, Timor-Leste sei atravesa hela krizi politika militar 2006 nebe konsege resolve iha governasaun nebe mosu hosi Eleisaun 2007.",
"Mesmu ke iha difikuldade oi-oin ho polarizasaun nebe makas (Governu versus Opozisaun), Governu Koligasaun tempu neba konsege duni resolve residual Krizi 2006.",
"Istoria sei hakerek bot iha pagina ukun an Timor-Leste nia.",
"Maibe hosi Governu Koligasaun resultadu Eleisaun 2007, hamosu mos inisiativa foun Ida mak naran Planu Estrategiku Dezenvolvimentu (PED) 2011 - 2030 ho objetivu atu transforma Timor-Leste ba nasaun ida ho rendimentu mediu aas (upper middle income country) ho povu nebe la iha kiak, eskola hotu, isin diak (saudavel) hotu, instituisaun sira forti, infrastrutura diak, produtividade agrikultura aas, ho setor privadu buras atu kontribui ba loke servisu, industrializasaun, ho diversifikasaun rendimentu la os minarai.",
"Hanoin sira nee reflete hanoin ema barak nia, liliu governu nebe iha poder ho ninia asesor sira, inklui mos populasaun iha territoriu tomak, itelektual sira, veteranu, ho mos opozisaun.",
"PED 2011 - 2030 fo insentivu ho stimulasaun bot ba moris diak (prosperidade) povu Timor-Leste nia.",
"Ita hein katak Governu sira nebe tuir mai, liliu resultadu Eleisaun 2012 bele implementa mehi diak PED liu hosi formasaun Governu kiik maibe kompetenti atu halu agenda maktodan ba realiza mehi ema barak nia mesmu ke resultadu eleitoral tinan neba, besik 22% votante la hili sira (tanba hili partidu sira neb la hetan asentu iha Parlamentu Nasional) ho 30% sai opozisaun iha Parlamentu Nasional.",
"Ema hotu hein, resultadu governu Eleisaun 2012 ho numero partidu koligasaun tolu deit dominante hosi partidu ida sei hamosu kompozisaun Governu ida ke forti, kompetenti, ho fokus atu implementa ideal sira PED nia.",
"Tanba lideransa Governu, Parlamentu ho aliansa resultadu Eleisaun 2012 atu hanesan Governu ho Parlamentu anterior maibe ho numero koligasaun partidaria kiik (partidu tolu) kompara dahuluk (partidu lima).",
"Maibe governasaun ida nebe sai mai naksalak los, numeru Governu bot (55), frakturadu, inkompetenti ho esepsaun Membru Governu balu, ho la iha fokus.",
"Governu lakon tempu barak ba kordenasaun ho supervizaun nebe hamosu deit frustasaun.",
"Karik kordenasaun ho supervizaun la biban, Membru Governu balu komesa halu azineira oi oin ho eskandalu sira nebe mosu naba naba hanesan distrasaun bot ida ba governasaun.",
"Mesmu ke servisu balu diak liliu iha nivel internasional hanesan g7+ ho lideransa CPLP, progresu dezenvolvimentu domestiku lao kudeik hela depois de tinan rua governasaun.",
"At liu tan, asesor ema hosi liliu hosi Pasifiku komesa halimar atu destabiliza sistema ekonomia (liliu estimasaun GDP) aproveita membru governu balu nebe la fokus mesmu ke kaer portfolio estrategiku asuntu domestiku nia maibe lao barak liu iha liur.",
"Ho situasaun sira nee, agenda reforma birokrasia atu sai kompetenti ho base ba meritu, desentralizasun, reforma orsamentu estadu atu efisienti, reforma legislasaun atu promove komersiu, industria ho turismu, hadia konektividade liu hosi infrastrutura dalan, telekomunikasun (fiber optics), hasae kapasidade rekursu humanu hosi edukasaun ho saude, ho hasae produtividade agrikultura ho promove Timor-Leste atu partisipa iha global value chain namlele hotu.",
"Ikus mai, Xefi Governu desidi atu resigna aan.",
"Depois de diskusaun barak mesmu ke intensaun nee la halao, maibe rekoinesimentu katak governasaun lao kudeik mosu nafatin.",
"Ikus liu iha intensaun atu halu remodelasaun deit ba estrutura governu ida ke bot, inkompetenti (ho esepsaun membru balu), ho la iha fokus.",
"Nune bele reset fali fokus ho energia governasaun ida nee.",
"Maibe tempu lao dadauk ona.",
"Oportunidade maka tinan balu 2014 nebe hela nee, maibe bainhira hein too tinan oin (2015) maka ema hotu nia atensaun sei fo ba Eleisaun 2017.",
"Planu, Planu, ho Planu Saida mak ema hotu hakarak ho Governasaun resultadu Eleisaun 2012 maka remodelasaun.",
"Ne hanesan solusaun temporaria ida.",
"Maibe problema nasional dezenvolvimentu Timor-Leste nia hun maka oinsa traduz mehi sira iha PED 2011 - 2030 ba programa tinan lima-lima, tinan ida-ida ho liga ho orsamentu Estadu tina-tinan.",
"Realidade hatudu katak esforsu PED 2011 - 2030 lao ketak.",
"Halu programa Governu tinan lima nia exercisio ketak ho la liga didiak ba iha PED.",
"Nunes mos planu asaun annual ezersisiu ketak ida tan.",
"Maibe ita nia matan tomak hare ba iha halu orsamentu tinan-tinan.",
"Tanba hosi nee valor dolar determina kedas ho reward ba ema sira halu planu mos konkretu duke gasta tempu koalia konaba planu asaun anual, planu governu sa tan PED.",
"Tanba nee bainhira ita hakarak halu remodelasaun ho reset esforsu Governu ida nee nia, tenki tau prioridade dahuluk ba planu, prioridade daruak ba planu ho prioridade datolu ba planu.",
"Nunee importante tebes atu hamosu agensia planeamentu ida nebe fokus ba iha kria ambienti servisu Estadu nia tuir planu.",
"Ita iha rekursu osan barak, ema mesmu ke la barak mas too se ita mobiliza didiak, ho tempu mos iha atu halu reforma sira nee.",
"Agensia planeamentu ekonomiku ho nivel ministerial ho suporta politika makas bele kria fundasaun diak ba planeamentu nasional.",
"Tanba ita nia servisu hirak iha tempu barak ba kotuk fokus mak ba orsamentu, orsamentu, orsamentu ho orsamentu.",
"Maibe la iha tempu barak atu dedika iha planu nebe sinkronizadu ho koerenti, atu bele monitor resultadu dezenvolvimentu.",
"Agensia Dezenvolvimentu Nasional (ADN) nebe ita kria hanesan embrio ba Ministeriu Planeamentu nee sai fali implementador ida hodi ba buka tuir projetu atu sobu.",
"La os fokus ba iha hadia kualidade planeamentu projetu ho kordenasaun Ministeriu tekniku sira liliu Ministeriu Finansa.",
"Prioridade ida tan iha reforma birokrasia nia mak reforma estrutura orsamentu estadu.",
"Estrutura orsamentu estadu Timor-Leste nia eransa (warisan) UNTAET nia nebe nia sura mak item sira (line item budgeting), la os hare ba iha programa (program budgeting).",
"Estrutura Orsamentu Estadu agora nebe halu klasifikasaun ba iha kategoria hat (salariu vensimentu, bens servisu, transferensia publika, kapital ho dezenvolvimentu) simples tebes tanba ita bele aloka osan tuir kategoria hat nee.",
"Fasil atu aloka osan, fasil atu hatun ka hasae osan, fasil atu ezekuta osan.",
"Maibe item sira nee la hatudu ninia ligasaun ho objetivu orsamentu nia, hanesan aloka osan atu hasae kresimentu ekonomiku persentagem hira, loke servisu hira, iha setor ida nebe, hamenus kiak hira, ho objetivu too ona ka seidauk.",
"Frakesa ida tan mak kategoria tolu dahuluk (salariu vensimentu, bens servisu, ho transferensia publika), ita temi rekurenti hotu bainhira servisu balu iha laran neba lolos ba dezenvolvimentu nia.",
"Nebe tinatinan ita aumenta osan mos, ita hare ba iha rekurenti mak sae makas bainhira osan balu ba iha dezenvolvimentu nia.",
"Foin dadauk iha orsamentu 2014 nee mak komesa iha hanoin atu muda maibe mudansa kiik oan deit.",
"Presiza mudansa substantivu atu dudu prosesu dezenvolvimentu nee programatiku ho planeadu.",
"Iha estrutura orsamentu Estadu line item budgeting nee, so despesa fisika hanesan ponte, estrada, uma ho portu aeroportu mak dehan kapital ho dezenvolvimentu bainhira servisu seluk hanesan rekruta tan ema atu halu servisu ba tinan ida deit mos lolos tama ba kategoria dezenvolvimentu.",
"Maibe ita hatama ba iha rekorenti (rutin) bainhira servisu nee halao tinan ida deit para ona.",
"Fo subsidiu ba ema ruma iha tinan ida deit lolos mos halu parte dezenvolvimentu maibe dehan katak nee parte transferensia publika, nebe despesa nee rekorenti mesmu ke tinan oin nee despesa nee la iha ona.",
"Frakesa ida tan line item budgeting nee mak virement (muda orsamentu tun sae) atu hadau ezekuta lalais.",
"Se lae tinan oin alokasaun orsamentu tun ona.",
"Nebe muda orsamentu hosi item ida (ke importante) ba item seluk (nebe la importante) tanba lei orsamentu fo dalan.",
"Naran katak bele ezekuta hotu tinan ida nee nia laran ho tinan seluk husu tan.",
"Se bele hasae barak liu tan.",
"Tanba nee dala barak too tinan fiskal ramata, ita hare ezkusaun 100% mas resultadu ita la hetan barak tanba ita muda tun muda sae tiha ona.",
"Virement nee bele halao too 20% orsamentu orsamentu Estadu nia, naran katak keta book salariu vensimentu ho kapital ho dezenvolvimentu tuir Lei No. 9/2009 konaba Orsamentu ho Gestao Finanseira.",
"Tanba moras virement nee ho kahur orsamentu dezenvolvimentu, rekorenti ho kapital nee halakon tiha ligasaun ba iha objetivu nebe atu atingi.",
"Iha diskusaun konaba Orsamentu Estadu nia ida, Diretor Geral ida hamrik ho ran nakali hatete, \"Ami nia orsamentu nee imi tetak rahu-rahun tiha, agora imi husu ba ami konaba objetivu programa too ka lae, ami hare oinsa?\"",
"Ema hotu hateke ba malu, maibe koitadu sala la os Ministeriu Finansa nia maibe estrutura orsamentu line item budgeting eransa UNTAET nee mak sala.",
"Tanba nee presiza reforma orsamentu estadu.",
"Ita bele komprende tanba sa mak UNTAET adopta orsamentu line item budgeting nee, tanba osan hosi doador.",
"Doador sira husu atu ezekuta lalais hanesan kondisaun atu hetan tan ajuda.",
"Maibe tempu too ona pratika ida nee ita muda atu kontrola diak liu destinu dezenvolvimentu nasional Timor-Leste nia atu too mehi sira iha PED 2011 - 2030 nia.",
"Muda oinsa?",
"Muda ba Program Budgeting ka orsamentu nebe orienta ba programa duke orsamentu line item budgeting nebe hamosu destinu nasaun nian maka inefisiensia, korupsaun, ho resultadu minimu.",
"Program budgeting nee atu ita halu orsamentu orienta ba programa.",
"Defini lolos objetivu performansia espesifiku hodi aloka orsamentu ba.",
"Programa sira labele habit malu (tumpang tindih) hosi Ministeriu ida ba Ministeriu seluk ka diresaun ida ho diresaun seluk.",
"Nune mos ita minimiza duplikasaun sira nebe ita hare barak la halimar, la os deit iha orsamentu maibe mos iha disain estrutura Governu nia ho birokrasia Timor-Leste durante tinan hirak nee.",
"Program budgeting nee, presiza planu forti hodi kordena entre Ministeriu sira ho distritu sira atu hamosu programa ho resultadu ida ke defini tiha ona ba benefisiu ema barak nia.",
"Mesmu ke komplikadu liu line item budgeting, tempu too ona ba Timor-Leste atu halao reforma orsamentu Estadu nia hodi benefisia ba ema barak, loke servisu, hamenus desikilibriu regional, hamenus korupsaun, hasae rendimentu ho industrializa lalais Timor-Leste.",
"Mehi Timor-Leste atu sai tuir Singapura sei la too bainhira ita sei uza line item budgeting nebe determina ita nia destinu ba inefisiensia ho korupsaun tanba dudu deit atu ezekuta lalais hodi hetan tan fali aloksaun osan foun mesmu ke resultadu despesa bot hirak nee minimu tebes.",
"Implikasaun hosi Program Badgeting nee maka restrutura Governu, reestrutura birokrasia, ho hametin planeamentu hodi responde ba programa sira nebe hadia povu nia moris.",
"Hamenus programa sira nebe la iha objetivu konkretu, habit malu, ho hamosu deit korupsaun.",
"Tinan-tinan ita halu evaluasaun konaba programa sira nee ho hadia mesmu ke programa balu tenki husik tanba nesesidade nasional la os ona hanesan iha momentu ita hamosu programa ida nee.",
"Ikus liu, hanoin hirak nee atu kontribui ba hadia situasaun Timor-Leste nia liliu maneja didiak prosesu eleitoral, ekonomia liliu orsamentu atu too ba iha moris diak (prosperidade) povu nia.",
"Nune ita bele realiza mehi self determination tuir espiritu espresaun popular referendum nia.",
"Parabens ba Povu Timor-Leste ba loron istoriku ho loron self determination, 30 Augustu 2014.",
"Posted by Joao Mariano Saldanha at 5:17 PM 1 comment: Obervasaun Eleisaun Parlamentar 2012: Partidu Programa atu Promove Moris Diak Povu Eleisaun Parlamentar 2012 sei domina hosi figura istoriku ho figura istoriku nebe reflete hosi votu bot ba CNRT ho FRETILIN.",
"Fenomena eleitoral ne'e sei kontinua ba aban bainrua ka oinsa?",
"Partidu istoriku FRETILIN hanesan hatete tiha ona katak eleitoradu stavel tiha ona iha 30% tuir rezultadu Eleisaun Parlamentar 2007 ho 2012.",
"CNRT barak mak dehan depende ba figura istoriku.",
"Bainhira figura istoriku sai hosi palku politiku tanba idade iha posibilidade katak votu CNRT sei tun.",
"Maibe seidauk iha evidensia atu konfirma predisaun ida ne'e.",
"Karik esperiensia PSD ho ASDT bele informa buat ruma ba ita.",
"Bainhira fundador Mario Carrascalao la os ona Presidenti PSD, votu ba PSD tun ho la konsege liu barreira 3% iha 2012 kompara ho Eleisaun 2007 nebe PSD hetan kadeira 6.",
"Nunee mos ASDT, bainhira sei lidera hosi nia fundador Avo Xavier hetan kadeira 5 iha Eleisaun 2007 mas bainhira Avo Xavier mate, ASDT la hetan kadeira iha Parlamentu Nasional iha 2012 mesmu ke hetan suporta hosi Eis-Presidenti da Republica Jose Ramos-Horta ho nia familia.",
"Pergunta bot maka ne'e, sera ke partidu sira nebe la iha figura istoriku ho la iha istoria bele sobrevive iha kontestu politiku Timor-Leste aban bainrua?",
"Hakerek ida ne'e analiza situasaun ida ne'e ho hatoo hanoin ruma oinsa sustenta demokrasia ba oin ho promove partidu baseia ba programa atu promove paz ho moris diak (prosperidade) povu Timor-Leste.",
"Iha kontestu ne'e ita sei diskuti Planu Estrategiku Dezenvolvimentu (PED) ho programa Partidu Republikanu ruma nebe hetan eskrutiniu publiku nia iha Eleisaun Parlamentar 2012.",
"Estrada Ba Los Mai Los Programa partidu seidauk hetan atensaun hosi povu Timor-Leste.",
"Tanba ne'e eskrutiniu (scrutiny) publiku ba programa partidu nia minimu liu.",
"Amo Bispo Basilio mak husu esplikasaun konaba Estrada Ba Los Mai Los Partidu Republikanu (PR) nia iha TVTL 22 Juinu 2012.",
"Mas bainhira autor telefone atu esplika programa nee, Bispo Basilio la foti.",
"Nunee mos haruka mensagem esplika programa nee mos Amo Basilio la responde.",
"Tanba ne'e ita dehan katak eskrutiniu ba programa partidu la seriu.",
"Bispo Basilio hakarak hare estrada Dili - Aileu nebe 17 km sai pilotu ba Programa Estrada Ba Los Mai Los.",
"Nunee mos nia husu programa ne'e aplika ba estrada Subao ne'e oinsa?",
"Iha 23 Juinu uza kampaine iha Atsabe, hau klarifika programa ne'e mas TVTL la fo sai didiak.",
"Realidade estrada iha Timor-Leste ne'e kleuk tun sae hela mesmu rai tetuk (Manatutu - Laleia) at liu tan iha foho lolon sira.",
"Tanba sa?",
"Estrada sira nebe uluk kee ho liman deit iha tempu Japones ho Portugues la hetan ajustamentu iha tempu Indonesia.",
"Estrada ne'e dada ba hetan fatuk bot ida fo volta, hetan foho kiik ida fo volta mos, at liu tan iha foho lolon fo volta hanesan supermi (Balibar, Same, ho fatin seluk tan).",
"Estrada sira ne'e la dura, kualidade mos at, ho oho ema mos barak ona tamba asidenti barak.",
"Kruz hira mak iha estrada ninin sira iha Timor laran ne'e?",
"Amo Bispo Basilio bele konta deit hosi Baucau mai iha Dili.",
"Ida ne'e seidauk konta ho kareta hira mak baku fila ho at.",
"Resposta didiak ba Amo Basilio nia pergunta maka ne'e.",
"Iha proposta nebe ami prepara ba Programa MCC Amerika iha 2009, atu halu ajustamentu ba estrada hotu hodi minimiza volta sira nebe la presiza ne'e.",
"La os atu halu auto estrada nebe seidauk tempu.",
"Ba Aileu agora presiza oras ida resin.",
"Se iha dalan, balun kabem bot (muta) bele to'o oras rua.",
"Ita bele hamenus tempu hodi reajusta dalan Dili - Aileu.",
"Duke liu hosi Dare ho Balibar, ita oiu hosi fali Komoro mota ibun sae ba Konching ho halu ponte liu mota.",
"Depois dada los ba Aileu.",
"Nunee hosi Dili ba Aileu tempu bele hamenus ba minutu 45 duke agora oras ida resin, kareta barak maka baku fila, kareta barak mak xoke malu, ho ema mate ho kanek hira tina tinan.",
"Oinsa estrada ba los mai los iha Subao?",
"Ita dada ponte liu tasi laran hosi Subao kiik ba iha inur antes tama Obratu (Manatutu).",
"Duke liu hosi foho lolon ho Beheda nebe kareta bele xoke malu, monu, ho ema mate ho kanek tina tinan.",
"Iha 2009, hau lori Amerikanu sira nebe servisu ba MCC hosi Washington, DC, Amerika ba Subao ho hatete ba sira atu dada ponte hosi Subao kiik liu tasi laran ba iha inur antes Obratu.",
"Sira nia resposta bele mas karu.",
"Tim MCC Timor-Leste mos fo hanoin konaba halu ponte hosi tasi laran hosi Dair, Maubara ba iha Loes.",
"Ami dehan ba sira katak ida ne'e sei fasilita ema desloka lais liu, hamenus ema mate, ho mos iha valor turistiku.",
"Povu Timor-Leste sei apresia tebes obra ida nee.",
"Tanba sae kareta hare tasi ho foho lolon.",
"Nunee mos halu ponte ne'e sei fo mos insentivu atu dada los estrada Dili-Baucau sei hamenus tempu.",
"Nunee mos sei fo hanoin atu reabilita Aeroportu Baucau hodi uza ba servisu internasional.",
"Duke agora husik hela deit.",
"Estrada Komoro -Konching - Aileu mos ami halu survey hamutuk konsultan Frances ida nebe ajuda prepara proposta Timor-Leste nia ba MCC ho Administrador Distritu Dili momentu neba Ruben de Carvalho.",
"Konaba Fatu Ahi nebe halu kareta monu bebeik desde tempu Portugues to'o ukun an ita bele halu tunnel (terowongan).",
"Sekretariu Estadu Virgilio Smith (Kranik) mos uluk monu iha neba, sorti nia vida naruk be la mate deit.",
"Peritu estrada Indianu, K Mandal nebe ami kontratu ajuda halu proposta ba MCC dehan tunnel Fatu Ahi sei gasta osan tokon $40 (juta).",
"Tanba ne'e la os tempu kampaine mak koalia programa sira ne'e maibe iha tiha ona programa antes.",
"Tempu kampaine apresenta fali deit ba povu se hetan fiar karik ita bele realiza programa sira ne'e neneik mas bebeik.",
"Infelizmente seidauk mas Partidu Republikanu sei koalia nafatin atu programa sira ne'e bele realiza aban bainrua.",
"Eleisaun sira ba kotuk iha Timor-Leste, eleitoradu seidauk hare ba programa politiku partidu sira nia.",
"La iha NGO, grupu professional ho komunidade sira husu esplikasaun konaba programa partidu politiku nia.",
"Nunee mos la iha esforsu atu rona esplikasaun hosi partidu bainhira partidu politiku responde ba eskrutiniu hosi publiku.",
"Klimatika ida ne'e presiza hadia ho atitude sira ne'e sai desafiu ba partidu politiku sira.",
"Kualidade kampaine ho kualidade governasaun determina hosi kualidade programa ho kualidade lideransa partidu nia nebe liu ona eskrutiniu eleitoradu iha eleisaun parlamentar.",
"Tanba nee partidu ka koligasaun partidu presiza fo sai programa antes (jauh jauh hari) para eleitoradu hetan asesu ho halu eskrutiniu.",
"Partidu ho koligasaun partidu 21 nebe partisipa iha Eleisaun Parlamentar 2012, CNRT ho PR deit maka publika sai Programa 2012 - 2017 antes tama ba kampaine eleitoral.",
"Kontestante seluk kampaine to'o klaran ona mak fo sai programa.",
"Desafiu bot ba partidu hotu, inklui mos PR nebe autor lidera maka oinsa atu dudu programa ba oin atu sai isu sentral kampaine eleitoral.",
"Partidu kiik sira tenki halakon lia anin (stereotype) katak hari partidu atu buka subsidiu governu.",
"Tanba ne'e, pertinenti tebes reforma lei partidu politiku, lei eleitoral, ho lei sira seluk nebe relevante atu limita numeru partidu ho loke dalan ba partidu ho programa diak.",
"Apetite (kan) ba politika makas iha Timor-Leste nebe hatudu hosi partidu barak.",
"Ida ne'e, hatete mai ita katak partidu bot ka kiik sira nebe iha ona seidauk responde ba iha mehi nebe Timor oan barak nia.",
"Tanba ne'e, mosu partidu tan atu kompete to'o iha mehi neba mesmu ke posibilidade atu hetan suporta publiku kiik ka remotu.",
"Desafiu ida tan maka oinsa atrai ema kompetenti ho kapasidade finansial nebe stabil ona atu fokus ba halao politika hodi hadia povu nia moris, la os halao politika atu buka moris.",
"Ho situasaun Timor-Leste nebe foin sai hosi konflitu liliu ninia demokrasia nebe sei nurak presiza tempu atu to'o iha neba.",
"Maibe la iha razaun atu hein tempu oportunu maka loke partidu baseia ba programa.",
"Agora bele komesa ona ho neneik sei ba to'o iha neba.",
"Ba Partidu Republikanu, maluk barak mak hatete atu para deit ka ba hamutuk ho partidu seluk, liliu stereotype nebe hatete lideransa PR autonomista ho isu negativu sira seluk tan.",
"Ideia sira ne'e diak ho stereotype asasina karakter tenki enfrenta.",
"La os buka diak deit ka buka aman (safe) deit.",
"Povu Timor-Leste presiza partidu ho programa diak atu dinamiza vida politika ho muda povu Timor-Leste ba moris diak bainhira hetan fiar povu nia.",
"Bainhira harii PR, fundador sira hakarak partidu nee baseia ba programa.",
"La os hari partidu atu sai bot ka atu buka osan sai riku.",
"Ita respeita partidu istoriku ho figura istoriku sira maibe ita hakarak atu lori Timor-Leste ba paz ho moris diak (prosperidade).",
"Ida nee mak vizaun ho misaun PR nia.",
"PR moris atu intervem iha debate konaba asuntu bot nasaun nia nebe relevante ho vizaun ho misaun partidu nia ne'e.",
"Tanba ne'e, mesmu ke seidauk hetan konfiansa povu nia, PR kontinua halao misaun importante ida ne'e.",
"Ita hatene katak rekoinesimentu ho apoiu povu nia la os instant (mendadak) mas sei lori tempu.",
"Tanba ne'e, lideransa PR tenki iha komitmen ho koragem atu kompete baseia ba programa mesmu ke situasaun politika seidauk favorese.",
"Ita fiar katak situasuan politika ida ne'e sei muda mesmu ke naruk.",
"Mas bainhira muda, povu iha ona alternativu.",
"Tanba ne'e mak Partidu Republikanu oferese alternativu nebe baseia ba programa hanesan dudu lian Tetun sai lian ofisial no.",
"1, reajusta ho revolusiona estrada Timor-Leste ba los mai los atu sai abut ba dezenvolvimentu Timor-Leste, dezenvolve industria ho komersiu atu diversifika ekonomia Timor-Leste ho loke servisu ho hasae rendimentu nasaun nia.",
"Ita lalika nakdedar (silau) ho partidu bot sira nebe baseia ba istoria ho figura istoriku mesmu ke ita respeita nafatin sira.",
"Tanba ne'e Partidu Republikanu simu desafiu sira ne'e ho laran luak.",
"Partidu tenki hakiak hosi kiik mak bot, la os bot kedas nebe artifisial ho bele monu lalais liliu bainhira fundador mate.",
"Planu Estrategiku Dezenvolvimentu Desafiu nasional Timor-Leste tinan lima mai ne'e mak ema kiak sei barak, uza orsamentu estadu la efisienti, infrastrutura dalan ho be mos nebe at, asesu ba edukasaun ho saude minimu, investimentu (domestiku ho estrangeiru) minimu, ho dependensia kuase total (95%) ba iha reseita minarai.",
"Tanba ne'e, bainhira partidu sira nebe hetan fiar povu nia buka resolve problema sira ne'e, partidu sira nebe la tama iha Parlamentu Nasional hanesan Partidu Republikanu fo alternativu.",
"Ita presiza kordena atu hamosu alternativu ba partidu iha governu ka ba partidu iha opozisaun.",
"Votu 21% (96,000) nebe eleitoradu fo ba partidu sira nebe la tama Parlamentu Nasional labele husik atu monu ba rai deit.",
"Iha kontestu ida ne'e mak mai ita hare Planu Estrategiku Dezenvolvimentu (PED) nebe governu foun mai atu implementa.",
"PED iha objetivu atu transforma Timor-Leste ba nasaun ida ho rendimentu mediu altu (upper middle income country), populasaun nebe edukadu, saudavel, ho seguru iha tinan ruanulu nia laran.",
"Nunee mos dezenvolvimentu infrastrutura (estrada, be mos, portu, aeroportu, ho telekomunikasaun), ho dezenvolvimentu sector produtivu (agrikultura, minarai ho gas, ho turismo).",
"Dezenvolvimentu setor sira ne'e halao ho aliserse quadru instituisaun nebe efektivu ho base makroekonomika ida nebe forti (PED 2011 - 2030, 2011).",
"Vizaun tinan 20 PED ne'e diak ona maibe presiza tradusaun ho implementasaun tinan lima-lima nia nebe klaru.",
"Ida ne'e mak desafiu bot ba implmentasaun PED tanba hare hosi esperiensia tinan lima liu ba, ligasaun planu tinan lima ho planu anual seidauk paz.",
"Nunee mos ligasaun prioridade tina-tinan ho alokasaun orsamentu ho esforsu nasional nebe la kondiz ho prioridade sira ne'e.",
"Desafiu ida ne'e presiza responde ho kompetensia iha area planeamentu ho implementasaun nebe efisienti ho kompetenti.",
"Tanba hakarak implementa PED ne'e, governu nebe sei forma hosi Koligasaun Partidu CNRT, PD ho FRENTI Mudansa presiza koloka ema kompetenti atu komesa implementa PED iha tinan lima mai ne'e atu baseia esforsu, prioridade, ho alokasaun orsamentu nebe responde ba iha nesesidade tinan lima mai ne'e.",
"Ho GDP per kapita $830 tuir Konta Nasional foun (National Account 2011), iha posibilidade katak rendimentu mediu aas Timor-Leste nia bele realiza antes de 2030 tanba PED planeia ho GDP per kapita $620 nebe kiik liu.",
"Se partidu tolu ne'e bele asegura estabilidade politika liu hosi servisu diak ho opozisaun ho instituisaun sobeanu estadu sira diak, rekursu humanu kompetenti bele mobiliza hotu atu servisu hamutuk realiza mehi nasaun tuir PED ne'e.",
"Koligasaun foun ne'e se konsege dada rekursu humanu kompetenti Timor oan hotu nebe kompromete atu servisu makas atu atingi PED sem hare ba iha kor politika sei iha vantagem makas tebes atu to'o lalais ba mehi ida ne'e.",
"Apontamentu politiku nebe kompetenti kombina ho apontamentu tekniku nebe la sala sei iha oportunidade atu realiza mehi PED.",
"AMP tinan liu ba hari ho fragmentasaun iha koligasaun nia laran kompara ho koligasaun foun nebe sei forma tanba partidu mais votadu CNRT maka lidera ho kadeira iha Parlamentu Nasional nebe bot kompara ho formasaun AMP iha 2007.",
"Tanba ne'e rekrutamentu membru governu, CNRT sei dikte barak kompara ho formasaun iha 2007 nebe membru koligasaun buka kaer pasta ministeriu sira nebe importante ho kritiku mas ho kapasidade teknika nebe limitadu.",
"Ita hein oportunidade ida ne'e, CNRT sei uza didiak atu mobiliza rekursu humanu sira hotu hosi koligasaun, partidu sira nebe la tama parlamentu, ho independenti sira.",
"Tinan lima mai, area kritiku maka uza orsamentu estadu nebe efisienti atu treina ema, hari infrastrutura liliu estrada, reforma institusional atu hari base ekonomia, sosial ho politika nebe forti.",
"Nunee bainhira ramata mandatu, kondisaun oportunu ona ba iha investimentu privadu suli mai Timor-Leste.",
"Nunee neneik ita ses an hosi dependensia makas ba osan minarai ho gas.",
"Iha area orsamentu estadu, seidauk iha efisiensia, liliu orsamentu kapital nebe mark up cost barak liu.",
"Orsamentu rekorenti mos sei kuak barak nebe kontribui ba iha inefisiensia orsamentu estadu nebe bot.",
"Presiza siklu orsamentu rua ka tolu atu reforma inefisiensia ida ne'e ho muda osan sira nebe hosi rekorenti inefisienti ba orsamentu kapital mas efisienti atu hadia infrastrutura, eskola,mklinika etc.",
"Nunee ita bele hamenus kiak ka mukit nebe barak, desikilibriu sidade ho foho, ho fahe rezultadu dezenvolvimentu Timor-Leste nia ba ema barak duke ba ema oituan deit iha sidade ka grupu ba deit.",
"Posted by Joao Mariano Saldanha at 5:12 PM 1 comment: Pozisaun Makroekonomiku ho Orsamentu Estadu Timor-Leste nia kondisaun makroekonomika tonka ho reseita minarai duranti tinan lima liu ba.",
"Mos iha posibilidade situasaun ne'e kontinua iha tinan lima mai ne'e.",
"Poblema makroekonomiku sira maka oinsa hasae moris (kresimentu) ekonomia, kontrola inflasaun, loke kampu servisu (lapangan kerja) ba ema hotu, promove estabilidade balansa pagamentu (balance of payments), ho promove igualdade (equity) dezenvovimentu entre grupu sira (kiak ho riku) ho entre regiaun (sidade ho foho).",
"Atu resolve problema makrorkonomiku sira ne'e depende ba iha despesa estadu nebe foti hosi Fundu Minarai.",
"Ida ne'e desafiu bot makroekonomia nia nebe mos sai aliserse ida Planu Estrategiku Dezenvolvimentu (PED la os PEDN) 2011 - 2030 nia.",
"Tinan lima mai iha oportunidade diak atu resolve problema makroeknomiku sira ne'e liliu promove kresimentu ekonomiku sustentavel, hatun inflasaun, loke servisu barak, ho diversifika reseita estadu liu hosi dezenvolvimentu industria ho komersiu atu labele depende deit ba minarai, ho dezenvolvimentu integradu iha area rural atu promove inkluzaun ho hamenus desikilibriu ekonomiku entre grupu hi entre regiaun.",
"Hakerek ida ne'e diskuti aspetu makroekonomiku sira ne'e iha kontestu implementasaun PED 2011 - 2030.",
"Kresimentu ekonomiku tinan lima ikus ne'e iha media (rata-rata) digitu rua nebe depende ba iha despeza estadu ho atividade ekonomika (industria ho komersiu) nebe kait makas ho despesa estadu nia.",
"Maibe atu sustenta kresimentu digitu rua ne'e tinan lima mai sei iha difikuldade tanba atividade ekonomiku la kait diretu ho orsamentu estadu hanesan fabrika, hotel, ho servisu sira seluk sei minimu liu iha Timor-Leste atu fo impaktu signifikativu kresimentu ekonomiku.",
"Share setor publiku iha ekonomia (GDP real) Timor-Leste bot tebes ho sae tinan tinan.",
"Iha 2010, share setor publiku 40%, sae hosi 30% iha 2002.",
"Bainhira setor industria ho servisu (services) tun fali hosi 35% ba iha 33% iha mos periudu hanesan (Livru 1 Orsamentu Estadu 2012:23).",
"Industria ho servisu ninia kontribuisaun ba ekonomia sei reflete nivel dezenvolvimentu nebe nasaun nia.",
"Bainhira industria ho servisu ninia kontribuisaun iha GDP bot (liu 50%) katak nasaun ne'e avansa ona tanba hun rendimentu ho kampu servisu maioria mai ona hosi setor Ida nee, la os ona mai hosi despesa estadu.",
"Hanesan nasaun agraria atu aranka ba industrializasaun, Industria agribisnis hanesan pasu importante ida ba Timor-Leste molok atu tama ba faze industria transformadora hanesan otomotivu (kareta), roupa, ho seluk tan nebe presiza skill diak ho kapital nebe bot.",
"Nunee mos turismu presiza hetan atensaun bot iha tinan lima mai atu hasae rendimentu atu hamutuk ho industria ho komersiu hodi sustenta kresimentu ekonomiku digitu rua iha tempu PED nia laran.",
"Dezenvolvimentu industria, komersiu ho turismu presiza hetan insentivu hosi reforma rai liu hosi sertifikasaun nebe halao dadauk, dudu setor bankariu atu fo kreditu ba setor agribisnis, industria transformadora, ho turismu.",
"Sertifikasuan rai nebe hahu tiha ona presiza agresivu liu tan tinan hirak nebe mai.",
"Nunee mos Banco Nacional Comercial de Timor-Leste (BNCTL) nebe governu nia banku presiza hasae tan ninia kapital ho rekursu humanu atu bele kanaliza kreditu bot liu tan ba setor sira temi iha leten ne'e.",
"Kreditu la fo fila (non performing loans) BNCTL nia kiik kompara ho banku sira seluk iha Timor-Leste.",
"Ida ne'e hatudu kapasidade diak banku estadu ne'e.",
"Iha sorin seluk, respeita kontratu nebe suporta ho sistema judisial nebe forti sai fator importante atu fo incentivu ba industria, komersiu, ho turismu buras iha Timor-Leste.",
"Investimentu domestiku ka estrangeiru sei la bot bainhira contract enforcement (penegakkan kontrak) sei fraku.",
"Nunee mos registu kompainia sei sai nafatin desafiu bot atu dada investmentu mai iha Timor-Leste.",
"Ita presiza loron barak atu regista kompainia ida iha Timor-Leste tanba rekezitu oi-oin ho atendimentu la diak ba investor potensial sira.",
"Tanba ne'e mak ranking Timor-Leste iha Relatoriu Banku Mudial, Doing Business sei besik 170 hosi nasaun 185 nebe relatoriu ne'e kobre.",
"Tanba ne'e tinan lima mai oin iha oportunidade diak atu halu reforma sira nebe Timor-Leste nia skor seidauk diak.",
"Tenki iha target atu Ranking Timor-Leste bele sae hosi besik 170 ba iha 100.",
"Sertifikasaun rai, hadia sistema judisial atu fo garantia ba kontratu, ho registu kompainia foun hanesan fator kritiku sira atu hasae investimentu domestiku ho liur mai ihanTimor-Leste.",
"Nunee, iha tempu la kleur tan industria ho komersiu bele sai aliserse ba iha kresimentu ekonomia digitu rua ho to'o lalais mehi Timor-Leste atu sai nasaun ho rendimentu mediu aas tuir target SDP nia.",
"Inflasaun ho produsaun foos Potensia agrikultura bot tebes tanba potensia natar nebe besik 75,000 ha, foin 45,000 ha deit mak halai.",
"Nunee mos produtividade hare ha ida Timor-Leste nia kiik kompara ho nasaun seluk iha ita nia regiaun.",
"Tanba ne'e, se ekstensifikasaun ho intensifikasaun agrikultura lao los, produsaun agrikultura sei kontribui makas ba dezenvolvimentu ekonomia nasaun nia tanba hasae produsaun hasae kresimentu ekonomiku, rendimentu, ho loke servisu ba ema barak.",
"Rezolve problema agrikultura sei resolve mos problema makroeknomiku balu hanesan hamenus inflasaun iha Timor-Leste.",
"Populasaun nasaun ne'e barak mak han foos maibe produsaun domestiku foos la to'o 70% nesesidade konsumu nasional.",
"Tanba ne'e mak obriga governu importa foos ho kuantidade bot hosi nasaun seluk ho folin aas nebe fo todan ba balansu pagamentu Timor-Leste.",
"Importasaun ho folin aas kontribui mos ba hasae inflasaun iha rai laran liliu bainhira folin minarai sae ho kustu transport mos aas.",
"Bainhira ita hare ba iha komponenti Consumer Price Index (CPI), inflasaun iha Timor-Leste sae tanba folin aihan, transporte, ho hatais.",
"Nunee bainhira hasae produsaun hare/foos sei bele hamenus inflasaun iha Timor-Leste tanba hamenus importasaun foos nebe folin aas nebe hatodan tan ho folin minarai ho kustu transporte nebe sae.",
"Estudu ida konaba inflasaun iha Timor-Leste nebe halao hosi Ministeriu Finansa hetan katak folin minarai, depresiasaun dollar Amerikanu, ho despesa governu hanesan fator importante tolu nebe hasae inflasaun iha Timor-Leste.",
"Folin minarai nebe sae hasae kustu transporte ho fo impaktu ba iha folin foos nia.",
"Rezultante sasan sira nia folin sae nee mak inflasaun mos sae iha Timor-Leste.",
"Nunee ita bele hare katak hasae produsaun foos la os deit kontribui ba iha resolve problema hamlaha iha Timor-Leste maibe mos resolve problema makronomia balu hanesan hamenus inflasaun ho hasae kresimentu ekonomiku.",
"Efisiensia Orsamentu Estadu Orsamentu estadu liu hosi reseita minarai ho gas mak agora sai makina kresimentu ekonomiku Timor-Leste nia.",
"Ita hein katak la kleur tan, makina kresimentu ekonomiku bele muda hosi orsamentu estadu ba setor agrikultura ho agribisnis antes de tama ba iha industria ho komersiu diskuti iha leten ne'e.",
"Maibe ba tinan lima mai, knar orsamentu estadu sei bot atu sustenta kresimentu ekonomiku digitu rua.",
"Tanba ne'e importante tebes atu promove efisiensia orsamentu estadu ho aloka orsamentu tuir prioridade sira nebe defini iha PED.",
"Inefisiensia sira ne'e mosu tanba sistema orsamentu sei kuak barak nebe kontribui mos ba iha korupsaun.",
"Analogu diak maka mota, irigasaun, ho natar.",
"Bainhira irigasaun ida kuak tun sae, maka be nebe sai hosi mota mesmu ke bot sei too natar oituan deit tanba bee suli sai barak husi kuak irigasaun barak.",
"Tamba ne'e atu hakarak be too natar barak tenki taka kuak sira nee.",
"Iha orsamentu estadu ita tenki taka sistema nia kuak, liliu orsamentu kapital.",
"Nunee bele trava osan barak tanba sistema loke dalan ba ema nauk.",
"Publikasaun kustu unitariu nebe los nebe orgaun estadu sira hotu refere ba bainhira halu orsamentu kapital (projetu) bele hamenus inefisiensia orsamentu makas tebes.",
"Oras ne'e dadauk, sasan bele hanesan maibe agensia estadu sira tau folin la hanesan mesmu ke hosi vendor (penjual) ida deit.",
"Tuir ne'e tenki iha eskrutiniu (review rigorozu) ba iha valor projetu sira nebe prepara hosi Ministeriu ka agensia Estadu sira.",
"Atu to'o iha faze ida ne'e, presiza siklu orsamentu rua ka tolu.",
"Maibe tenki komesa ona iha inisiu governasaun agora para ita bele salva orsamentu estadu barak nebe kuak bele liu 50%.",
"Presizq reforma orsamentu kapital lalais hodi salva osan estadu nia ho hamenus tendensia korupsaun nebe la os tanba ema naokten maibe tanba sistema maka dudu ema halu korupsaun.",
"Nunee agensia anti-korupsaun sira hanesan KAK ho Prokuradoria Geral bele halao sira nia servisu diak liu tan, julga duni ema naokten sira duke julga sala ema tanba sistema mak la diak.",
"Ida ne'e mos bele kontribui ba iha resolve problema makroekonomia balu hanesan promove efisiensia iha uza rekursu finanseiru nasional.",
"Posted by Joao Mariano Saldanha at 5:10 PM No comments: Posted by Joao Mariano Saldanha at 5:07 PM 1 comment:"
] | [
"Joao Mariano Saldanha: 2014 Fifteenth Anniversary of the Referendum on August, The Founder's Timor Institute for Development Studies (TIDS) celebrated its fiftieth aniversary in this year."
"Nearly 79% of the Timorese who voted, chose to separate from Indonesia and become an independent country."
"The outcome of the United Nations-administered electoral process has created a new political opportunity for Timorese to begin building their country."
"Today, Timor-Leste is a sovereign country with the official name of República Democrática de Timór Leste (RDTL) combined to Portuguese names as East Тимор."
"The referendum also led to an important political episode for Timor-Leste as a whole."
"They are deciding their own political destiny (self-determination) through the ballot boxes in voting stations throughout Timor and also all over The world."
"This is the essence of deciding their own destiny according to popular will."
"In a more democratic national context, decide your own destiny through an electoral process that is fair (clean), with secrecy and free from intimidation or money politics."
"This is because the election reflects people' s preference for who (party or individual) will take power."
"There is no manipulated selection."
"The electoral process in the democratic Timor-Leste will proceed regularly and thorough."
"Therefore, if the first elections were wrong then a national effort must be made to improve this system so that subsequent election results are better and reflect people's wishes in accordance with self-determination."
"In the context of a democratic state, we ask what is self-determination’s relevance?"
"What matters is that people choose their leaders on the basis of conviction, because they believe elections will produce those who work hard to improve (prosperity) for them."
"Therefore, the essence of self-determination is in regular fair elections and also with a secret to elect leaders who will help improve their lives (prosperity) by eradicating poverty."
"This article discusses the electoral factor as an instrument to create prosperity for Timor-Leste’s people in a reflection on commemoration of historic day 30 August, even though East Тимор does not give much importance compared with other days."
"We will close this article with suggestions for reform in the bureaucracy especially state budget to control national development destiny aiming at creating prosperities of Timor-Leste people."
"Elections as an instrument in the process of self-determination From 1987 to now, Timor Leste has held seven elections: Constituent Assembly (205), which led only for National Parliament(first legislature); Presidential electione/President' s electorate; Local council and parliamentary electoral system."
"The determining national elections are the Parliamentary Elections because of their results, which enable a Government to govern and carry out its programme for people' s prosperities."
"While the presidential election is important, in Timor-Leste’s semipresidentialist regime he has become a national symbol guaranteeing stability and only National sovereignty."
"There is no competence to develop programs for improving people’s lives."
"Elections for Village Chief are also important, but to elect only community leaders with limited kbit because they do not have their own budget or revenue."
"The time has come for the state of Timor-Leste to consider gathering together all those who have become citizens and want it, in order that they can take part at general elections."
"Until 2014, the Timorese who participated in this seventh election were only those living inside of their own country."
"However, those living abroad such as Australia and Indonesia did not follow for logistical or political reasons."
"Logistics because he said organizing would take time and the budget was not enough."
"However, these two factors are not strong arguments because regular elections usually take a long time to organize at home and overseas."
"The budget is also not a problem because the state of Timor-Leste has enough money and remains to involve people in their diaspora participate at elections, especially presidential election with parliamentary Election."
"Village elections are not necessary because there is no village abroad but if we want to, you can also form communities outside of the country in order for their local leaders be elected."
"Political factors may be dominant because Timorese abroad, especially those living in Indonesia will vote more problematically."
"I don't want to vote again because there is another political option and Indonesian law does not allow dual nationality."
"But we can do it because today the displacement of Timorese who live in Indonesia to East and those living on West is also a lot."
"Not only the communities, but bilateral relations between Timor and Indonesia today are very good in SBY's government as well with first-time Government such Gus Dur to Megawati Soekarnoputri."
"We can also say that under the Jokowi government, relations between Timor-Leste and Indonesia will continue to improve."
"Today, there are more Timorese students in Indonesia than during the Indonesian occupation. The number of people who work for Indonesic government is also much higher and less TNI or POLRI personnel serves on East-Timor as well"
"Therefore, it is high time to give Timorese living abroad including those in Indonesia the opportunity of participating as citizens and voters at elections held within their own country."
"The electoral administration needs to be more rigorous."
"Even though our process has received good recognition from abroad, we see that there will be many aspects of the resulting election which really reflects self-determination."
"The 2014 election left many impressions."
"In the allegations of money politics, voting boxes that were quickly made public (not secret) to influence people's vote(at least in Kuluhun and Dili), with many other places throughout Timor for reason or buy-votes/money political STAE which is under State Ministry control create impartial distrust as well benefiting parties who are at power. This means one party can turn over a lot more than 10% from their own ballot into another Party"
"The mistrust is even greater when the Director General of STAE becomes a member in government that form after elections are over."
"This requires a more rigorous electoral process, election administration and elections monitoring to reduce money politics. intimidation of voter participation in the country' s 2015 presidential poll"
"The National Electoral Commission (CNE) has done its job to create impartial conditions with the further reinforcement of national and international observers."
"However, the observation process has not been smooth and mistrust of partiality in electoral proceedings still arises especially with STAE."
"We also need to create the conditions for participants in electoral process, especially Parliamentary Elections are on a same level playing field (equality of opportunity) so that we can bring about parliament and new government which truly reflect self-determination Timorese people."
"Aspects include the use of bureaucracy, state media and especially State budget to benefit only those parties in power or national parliament."
"The CNE in the past elections has prohibited no state facilities including cars used for campaigning."
"But after the election we know that some people used state facilities to actually campaign."
"State media, especially TVTL during the campaign gave opportunities to all parties or coalitions but coverage of smaller political groups such as those not represented in National Parliament was very difficult before election."
"Invitation to them always say people do not have the time but for parties in power is only a matter of times with those who are there."
"Because the coverage is not only during elections but their consolidation also gets a lot of attention compared to parties that have no representation in National Parliament."
"The biggest question is the criteria of state budget for political parties."
"In the Presidential and Parliamentary elections there are subsidies for candidates (Presidential Election) as well to political parties or coalitions of party members, but with vague criteria."
"This does not benefit the political contenders to compete properly."
"Barak said that in the 2013 Parliamentary Elections some parties received money after they had not campaigned."
"Barak formed the party to get subsidies from state money alone rather than actually compete in elections."
"If there is such evidence, only the party or coalition of parties should be punished and not all."
"Parties that are formed with the sole purpose of receiving subsidized state money should be sanctioned because this is also part and parcel corrupt by misusing State funds for private interests."
"Therefore, CNE and STAE need to monitor the electoral process carefully so that such corrupt acts are brought before court for trial."
"Do not punish all parties/coalitions with a minimum subsidy."
"When we look at the subsidies to parties that are in National Parliament, this number is very high and it continues rising."
"In the 2013 State Budget, this subsidy amounted to $6 million."
"This means that a seat in the National Parliament is worth $92,308."
"When a Party in the National Parliament has only 10 MPs, subsidy to that party is nearly one million dollars (or $923.8k) per year just for this single reason:"
"In 2014, the subsidy rose to $5 million ($6.38 billion) meaning that one chair would be worth about US$79 (a hundred and ninety-nine dollars)."
"Imagine that a party with 30 seats like the CNRP would receive nearly seven million dollars ($7m or $6,924k) in subsidy for one year only (15)."
"We ask ourselves, what criteria are used to grant such a severe subsidy?"
"These decisions are made because only they have the power to make them."
"We know and understand that parties in the National Parliament must receive an annual subsidy."
"However, such an excessive number of subsidies does not increase the subsidy as needed but to strengthen themselves by killing other parties especially those that have no representation in National Parliament."
"According to the results of Parliamentary Elections 2013, parties that did not enter into its national parliament voted for nearly a half million voters (about one hundred thousand)."
"This has also led to various manipulations in the vote counting process, especially at STAE."
"If you can reopen the voting box, we will know."
"This is to be known only in order for the electoral process of tomorrow morning."
"We do not want to influence government again now that the 2017 elections are approaching."
"Returning to the subsidy for parties in National Parliament, there must be clear criteria so as not a result of what we have mentioned above or create an unequal level playing field between political groups and coalitions."
"One danger of such a budget allocation subsidy is to kill many parties which contradicts the spirit in Timor-Leste Constitution that provides for multipartyism with proportional representation democracy."
"Prosperity as an Objective of Self Determination Promoting the prosperity or well-being for one's people is a perpetual goal in all democratic nations."
"All democratic nations seek and formulate ways to capture the preferences of their people through better design, administration or monitoring elections that produce results with leaders who are committed in a competent way."
"That is why good living or prosperity has become the primary goal of all democratic nations around this world."
"Timor-Leste’s seventh election has produced results that have the leaders of resistance dominating."
"This is a real fact that the newly formed nations must accept with gratitude."
"Without resistance, there is no country."
"This adage is universal to all nations because history must be told, it has a value and its reward."
"Therefore, the idea of good living in electoral campaigns as a program to improve people' s lives has not been properly represented when electing leaders."
"The euphoric situation emerged from anxiety, suffering and self-actualization that dominated the electoral process in recent elections."
"But over time, the element of good living (prosperity) in a democratic nation will gain increasingly decreasing proportions and become more prominent at subsequent elections."
"From the result of Parliamentary Election 2017 which produced a leader in parliament with government dominated by resistance."
"This may be because, Timor-Leste is going through a military political crisis in 2016 which was resolved by the government that emerges from elections of July."
"Despite various difficulties and severe polarization (Government versus Opposition), the Coalition Government of that time succeeded in resolving residual issues from Krizi."
"History will be written on the pages of Timor-Leste's independence."
"However, the Coalition Government resulting from 2017 elections also created a new plan called Strategic Development Plan (PED) for Timor-Leste to transform it into an upper middle income country with no people living in poverty; all children are enrolled at school and have good health. The goal of this is that strong institutions will be built up as well infrastructures would improve high productivity on farmland while there was rich private sector which could contribute towards job generation industrialization diversification non mineral revenues etc..."
"These thoughts reflect the views of many people, especially those in power and their advisors but also including population across territory as well. Intellectual groups like intellektualists or veteran' s movement are represented along with opposition parties too"
"The PED (2013-4) provides incentives and stimulus for the good living of Timorese people."
"We hope that the next governments, especially after 2013 elections will be able to implement good wishes of PDE through formation a small but competent Government which can carry out an ambitious agenda for realizing many people' s desire. The electoral results from last year showed nearly two-thirds voters did not elect them (and also voted parties who failed in national parliament) with three fourths going into opposition within National Parliament and one fifth left behind by political party groups such as CDU/CSU or Sozialdemokratische Partei Deutschland(SPD)."
"Everyone expects that the resulting government of Election 2013 with only three coalition parties dominated by one party will lead to a composition Government which is strong, competent and focused on implementating its ideal."
"Since the leadership of Government, Parliament and alliance resulted in Election 2013 to be as government with previous parliament but smaller number party coalition (three parties) compared first time(party five)."
"But the government that came out was a real disaster, 54-member Government fractured and incompetent with some exceptions of certain members without any focus."
"Governments are wasting a lot of time on coordination and supervision that only lead to frustrations."
"Without coordination and oversight, some members of the government begin to get caught up in scandals that emerge as a distraction from governance."
"Despite some good work especially at the international level such as g7+ with CPLP leadership, domestic development progress is slow after two years of government."
"Furthermore, Pacific-based advisers have begun to fear destabilizing the economic system (estimated GDP value) by taking advantage of some government members who are not focused on carrying out their strategic portfolios for domestic affair but rather travelling more."
"With these circumstances, the reform agenda of bureaucracy to become competent on a merit-based basis; decentralization and budgetary efficiencies for state administration. Reforming legislation in order To promote trade industry tourism improvings connectivity through road infrastructure telecommunication (fiber optics) human resource capacity building education health increase productivity agriculture promoting Timor Leste participate into global value chain is all that matters now!"
"As a result, the Chief of Government decided to resign."
"After many discussions, even though the intention was not to carry out this project but recognition that good governance is going well still emerged."
"Ultimately, there is an intention to make a mere reshuffle of the government structure which has been bad and incompetent (with some exceptions), with no focus."
"So we can reset our focus with the energy of this government."
"But time is passing by. Time has passed, and we are now in the middle of a new era!"
"Opportunity is some of the years 2014 that remains, but if we wait until next year (3) everybody' s attention will be on Election in July."
"Plans, plans and more plan What everyone want with the Government resulting from Election 2013 is remodelling."
"This is a temporary solution."
"However, the national development problem of Timor-Leste is how to translate PED's ambitions for a five year program linked with an annual State budget."
"Reality shows that the efforts of PED (2013-) are not working."
"The government's five-year programme is not linked to the PED. It has been a very difficult exercise for it, especially in terms of budgetary control and fiscal policy development (PDD)."
"Nunes also plans an annual action exercise, the Ketak Day."
"But all of our eyes are on the annual budget."
"Because the dollar value is determined by reward for people and concrete plans instead of spending time talking about annual action plan, government planning or PED."
"Because if we want to rebuild and restart the efforts of this Government, it must put first priority on planning; second-priority for planning with third prioritet in plans."
"It is therefore important to create a planning agency that focuses on creating the state’s working environment as planned."
"We have a lot of resources, money and people but if we mobilize properly there will be enough time to carry out these reforms."
"Ministerial-level economic planning agencies with strong policy support can create a solid foundation for national Planning."
"Because our work in the past has been focused on budgets, and then again."
"But there is not much time to devote in a plan that synchronizes with coherent, so you can monitor development results."
"The National Development Agency (ADN) that we created as an embryo for the Ministry of Planning has turned into a implementer to look after projects and tear them down."
"There is no focus on improving the quality of project planning with coordination from technical ministries especially Ministry for Finance."
"Another priority in bureaucracy reform is the restructuring of state budgets."
"The structure of the Timor-Leste state budget is a successor to UNTAET's line item, rather than program (programme) Budgeting."
"The current structure of the State Budget, which has a classification into four categories (wages and salaries; goods & services. public transfer: capital development) is very simple because we can allocate money according to these three groups"
"It is easy to allocate money, it's easily reduced or increased and executed."
"However, these items do not show their connection with the budget objectives such as how much money is allocated to increase economic growth by which percentage of GDP; what jobs are created in a sector that reduces poverty and whether this goal has been achieved."
"Another weakness is the first three categories (wages and salaries, goods services & public transfer), which are all recurring while some of them work for its development."
"When we increase the budget, it also means that recurring expenses are going to rise when some of them go into development."
"In the 2014 budget there was some thought of changing but only a small change."
"Substantive change is needed to make the development process programmatic and planned."
"In the State budget line item structure, only physical expenditures such as bridges and road construction are called capital development while other services like recruiting new people to work for a year or so also often fall into this category."
"But we take it to a recurrent (routine) when the work is performed only one year has stopped."
"Give somebody a subsidy in one year and they will have the development part but say that it is public transfers, where expenditure recurs even if next years there are no expenses."
"Another weakness in line item budgeting is the virement to speed up execution."
"Otherwise, the next year's budget allocation will be changed."
"The budget is being moved from one (important) item to another, less important because the Budget Act allows it."
"The promise is that it can be executed all this year and the next one ask again."
"If you can do more."
"Because many times by the end of a fiscal year, we see 102% excuses but as results you don't get much because your change has already gone out."
"This transfer can be made up to 20% of the State budget, namely not book salary income and capital development according Law No.9/13 on Budgets & Financial Management (Lei nº86-A de Orçamento e Gestão Financeira)."
"Because the transfer disease is associated with a lack of development budgets, recurrent and capital expenses have lost their link to objectives."
"During a discussion of the State Budget, one Director-General with blood on his face said: \"You have just ruined our budget. Now you are asking us whether we achieved what was plannet for; how do We see it?\""
"Everyone looked at each other, but it was not the Ministry of Finance's fault. The budget line item structure for UNTAET s expenses is wrong!"
"This is because we need to reform the state budget."
"We can understand why UNTAET adopted line item budgeting, because it is money from donors."
"Donors are calling for swift implementation as a condition of receiving further assistance."
"But it is time we changed this practice in order to better control the destiny of Timor-Leste's national development and achieve its goal for PED2013."
"How do I change?"
"Move to Program Budgeting or program-oriented budgets rather than line item budgeting that has led the country’ s destiny into inefficiency, corruption and minimal results."
"Program budgeting is to have a program-oriented financial plan."
"Define specific performance objectives in order to allocate budget."
"Programmes cannot overlap from one ministry to another or between departmental directorates."
"In the same way, we minimize duplication that is often seen not only in budgets but also when designing government structure and Timorese bureaucracy over these years."
"Program budgeting requires a strong plan to coordinate between ministries and district levels in order for programs with defined results, which benefit the greater number of people."
"Even though it is more complicated than line item budgeting, the time has come for Timor-Leste to carry out reforms of its state’ s financial system in order that many people will benefit from them. This would create jobs and reduce regional inequality as well a decrease corruption increase income by rapidly industrializing timorean economy"
"Timor-Leste’s desire to follow Singapore will not be enough if we continue using line item budgeting which is destined for inefficiency and corruption because of the urge only towards quick execution so as a new money allocation even when these spending bot results are minimal."
"The implication of Program Badgeting is to restructure government, bureaucracy and strengthen planning in order for programs that improve people’s lives."
"Hate programs that have no concrete goals, are mutually exclusive and only lead to corruption."
"Each year we evaluate these programs and make improvements, even if some of them have to be dropped because the national needs are not as important today."
"Finally, these ideas should contribute to improving the situation in Timor-Leste such as proper management of electoral processes and economy including budgets so that people can live a good life (prosperity)."
"Thus we can realize our desire for self-determination in the spirit of popular expression through a referendum."
"Congratulations to the people of East Timor on their historic day and self-determination, August 30th."
"Posted by Joao Mariano Saldanha at 5:17 PM No comments on Observation of the Parliamentary Elections in Malaysia, November and December The parliamentarian elections will be dominated with historical figure which reflected a lot vote for CNRT & FRETILIN."
"This electoral phenomenon will continue for two days or how?"
"The historic party FRETILIN has already stated that the electorate is stable at around a percentage of about three-quarters, according to results from Parliamentary Elections in both years."
"Many CNRP members say that they depend on historical figures."
"When historical figures leave the political scene because of age, there is a possibility that CNRP vote will fall."
"However, there is no evidence to confirm this prediction."
"Maybe the experience of PSD with ASDT can tell us something."
"With founder Mario Carrascalao no longer President of the PSD, voting for it fell and failed to cross 3% in a year compared with its sixth seat at elections held on October."
"Similarly, ASDT when led by its founder Avo Xavier won 5 seats in the Election of2017 but after his death it did not get a chair at National Parliament even though support from former President Jose Ramos-Horta and family."
"The big question is, can parties without historical figures and history survive in the future political context of Timor-Leste?"
"The author analyzes this situation and proposes some ideas on how to sustain democracy in the future by promoting parties based upon a program that promote peace with good living (prosperity) of Timor-Leste people."
"In this context, we will discuss the Strategic Development Plan (PED) and some Republican Party programs that received public scrutiny in 2013 General Election."
"Estrada Ba Los Mai Os The party’s programme has not received the attention of Timorese people."
"Therefore, public scrutiny of the party's programme is minimal."
"Bishop Basilio asked for an explanation about the Estrada Ba Los Mai Os project of Republican Party (PR) on TVTL 2013."
"But when the author called to explain this program, Bishop Basilio did not answer."
"He also sent a message explaining the program and Amo Basilio replied."
"This is why we say that scrutiny of the party programmes are not serious."
"Bishop Basilio wants to see the 17 km Dili - Aileu road as a pilot for Estrada Ba Los Mai Lo Program."
"He also asked how the program would be applied to Subao road."
"On June 23, I used the campaign in Atsabe to clarify this program but TVTL did not give it a chance."
"The reality of the road in Timor-Leste is that it's still going down even though there are thick (Manatutu - Laleia) soils on top."
"The roads that were previously built by hand only in Japanese and Portuguese times have not been adjusted during Indonesian time."
"The road is given to get a cliff turn, got one small rocks turning also at the top of which are turned like supermi (Balibar Same and other places)."
"The roads are not durable, the quality is bad and many people have died due to accident."
"How many crossings are there on these roads in Timor-Leste?"
"Bishop Basilio can only count from Baucau to Dili. Our Reverend Archbishop Basil couldn’t tell us the exact time of his arrival in our city, but he was there at least 10 days before we arrived here!"
"This does not include the number of cars that were hit back and forth."
"The right answer to the question of Amo Basilio is this."
"There is a proposal that we prepared for the MCC America Program in 2019, to make adjustments on all roads and minimize these unnecessary turn-off."
"We do not want to build an auto road that hasn't been built in time."
"To Aileu it now takes more than an hour."
"If there is a road, some of them can be caved in for up to two hours."
"We can reduce the time to readjust Dili - Aileu road."
"Passing through Dare and Balibar, we take the Komoro road back up to Konching with a bridge over it."
"After given them ba Aileu. Ba Aileu afterwards"
"So from Dili to Aileu the time would be reduced by 45 minutes compared with now over an hour, many cars were colliding back and forth. Many vehicles crashed into each other in accidents that killed or injured a number of people every year!"
"What is the road from and to Subao?"
"We build a bridge over the sea from Subao to inner part of Obratu (Manatutu)."
"Passing through the cliffs and hills where cars could shake, fall down with dead or wounded on their back."
"In 2019, I took Americans who worked for MCC from Washington DC to Subao and told them that they should build a small sea-bridge over the river before Obratu."
"Their answer may be more expensive."
"The MCC Timor-Leste team also suggested the construction of a sea bridge from Dair, Maubara to Loes."
"We told them that this would facilitate the displacement of people more easily, reduce fatalities and also have tourist value."
"The people of Timor-Leste will greatly appreciate this work."
"Because you can ride a car and see the sea with its cliffs."
"Also, the bridge will be an incentive for Dili-Baucau roads to reduce travel time."
"He will also consider rehabilitating Baucau Airport to use it for international services."
"Duke now leaves the house alone."
"The Komoro -Konching-Aileu road we also surveyed with a French consultant who helps prepare Timor Leste' s proposal to the MCC and Dili District Administrator at that time Ruben de Carvalho."
"Konaba Fatu Ahi, which has been underway since Portuguese times until the 19th century and through it we can find a tunnel (terowongan)."
"Secretary of State Virgilio Smith (Kranik) had also fallen there before, so his long life was not just dead."
"The Indian road expert, K Mandal whom we hired to help with the proposal for MCC said that Fatu Ahi tunnel would cost $40 million."
"This is why it's not the time of campaign to talk about these programs but there have been programmed before."
"During the campaign, we will present ourselves to people if they have confidence in us and can carry out these programs."
"Unfortunately not yet but the Republican Party will continue to talk so that these programs can be realized tomorrow morning."
"In recent elections in Timor-Leste, the electorate has not looked at party political programmes."
"There are no NGOs, professional groups and communities that ask for explanations about their political party' s programme."
"Likewise, there is no effort to hear the party’s explanation when political parties are answering public scrutiny."
"This climate needs to be improved and these attitudes are challenging for political parties."
"The quality of campaigns and governance is determined by the program’ s qualities, as well a party leadership that has passed electoral scrutiny in parliamentary elections."
"Therefore, a party or coalition of parties needs to release its programme beforehand (much earlier) so that the electorate can have access and scrutiny."
"The 21-party coalition that participated in the Parliamentary Elections, only CNRP and PR published their Program of Action for period from January to December before entering into electoral campaign."
"Other contestants campaign until cleared up to be shown in the program."
"The big challenge for all parties, including the PR that he leads is how to push ahead with its programme and become central issues of electoral campaign."
"Smaller parties need to break the stereotype that they form a party in search of government subsidies."
"Therefore, it is very pertinent to reform the law of political parties and electoral legislation as well other relevant legal provisions in order for limiting party number by opening up a way towards good program."
"The appetite (kan) for politics is enormous in Timor-Leste, as shown by the many parties."
"This tells us that the existing smaller parties have not responded to many Timorese's aspirations."
"Therefore, new parties emerge to compete until May 2017 even with the possibility of getting little or remote public support."
"Another challenge is how to attract competent people with stable financial capacities who will focus on doing politics for the betterment of their citizens, not just do it as a way out."
"With Timor-Leste just emerging from conflict and with its democracy still in the early stages, it will take time to get there."
"But there is no reason to wait for the right moment in time before opening a party based on its programme."
"Now you can start and never stop going there."
"For the Republican Party, many people say to just stop or join with another party. This is because of stereotypes that describe PR leadership as autonomistic and other negative issues are being raised against them in this country by some groups who believe they have a better chance than others on political power versus their own citizenship rights etc..."
"These are good ideas with stereotype murder character must face."
"La os buka diak deit ka Buka aman (safe) doar."
"The people of Timor-Leste need parties with a good program to energize political life and change the population into better lives when they win their trust."
"When the PR was formed, its founders wanted it to be based on a program."
"Don't make a party to become rich or get money."
"We respect historical parties and historic figures but we want to lead Timor-Leste towards peace with prosperity."
"This is the vision and mission of PR."
"The PR is born to intervene in debates on issues that are relevant for the country and reflect its vision."
"Therefore, even though he has not won the people's confidence yet PR continue to carry out this important mission."
"We know that the recognition and support of our people is not instant (mendadak) but will take time."
"Therefore, PR leadership must have the commitment and courage to compete based on a program even if political situation is not favourable."
"We are confident that this political situation will change even to the worse."
"But when things change, the people have an alternative."
"That is why the Republican Party offers an alternative based on a program of making Tetun official language."
"1, Re-adjust and revolutionize East Timor’s road network to become a pillar for the development of Eastern Тимор; develop industry with trade in order To diversify east timorense economy by creating jobs And raising income."
"We cannot agree with bot parties that are based on history and historical figures even if we respect them."
"That is why the Republican Party has taken up these challenges with heart and soul."
"The party should be founded from the bottom up, not as an artificial one that can collapse quickly especially when a leader dies."
"Timor-Leste's national challenges for the next five years are high poverty rates, inefficient use of state budget resources and infrastructure such as water supply systems; access to educational facilities with minimal health care services. Minimum investment (domestic or foreign), almost total dependence on mineral revenues - over a quarter million dollars per year"
"Therefore, when the parties that have gained people's confidence try to solve these problems; those who are not in Parliament such as Republican Party provide an alternative."
"We need to coordinate our efforts in order for an alternative party, whether it is the government or opposition parties."
"The 21% (96,054) votes the electorate gave to parties that did not enter into National Parliament cannot be let go."
"It is in this context that we look at the Strategic Development Plan (PED) which a new government has come to implement."
"The PED aims to transform Timor-Leste into an upper middle income country with a population that is educated, healthy and safe within the next ninety years."
"Also infrastructure development (roads, waterways and seaport) with telecommunication), the productive sector' s developing of agriculture mineral gas tourism)."
"The development of these sectors is being carried out on the basis Of an effective institutional framework with a strong macroeconomic base (PED 2013 -45,79)."
"The 20-year vision of the SDG is good but needs to be translated into a clear five year implementation plan."
"This is a big challenge for the implementation of PED because, in view to experiences from last five years there has been no link between Five-Year Plan and Annual Planning."
"Similarly, the link between annual priorities and budgetary allocations with national efforts that are not conditioned by these prioritetes."
"This challenge requires a competent response in the area of planning and implementation that is both efficiently effective."
"In order to implement this PED, the government that will be created by Coalition of CNRT Party and PD with FRENTI Mudansa needs competent people who can start implementating it in five years' time. This is necessary for basing efforts on priorities as well budget allocations which respond towards future requirements over a period from now until next year or so!"
"With a GDP per capita of $830 according to the new Konta Nasional (National Account 251), there is possibility that Timor-Leste can achieve upper middle income by early in The year, since PED plans with less than US$647."
"If these three parties can ensure political stability through good work with the opposition and sovereign state institutions, competent human resources will be mobilized to collaborate in realizing country's ambitions under this PED."
"If the new coalition manages to bring together all Timorese competent human resources who are committed and working hard for achieving PED regardless of their political background, it will have a huge benefit in reaching this goal."
"Competent political direction combined with sound technical guidance will have the opportunity to realize PED goals."
"AMP was formed years ago with fragmentation within the coalition compared to a new one that will form because CNRP, which won more votes than any other party in Malaysian politics is leading and has fewer members of Parliament as it did when they were founded."
"Therefore, the recruitment of cabinet members will dictate much compared to 2017 when coalition member seeks important ministerial posts with critical but limited technical skills."
"We look forward to this opportunity, and CNRT will make good use of it by mobilizing all human resources from the coalition parties that have not entered parliament as well As independents."
"Over the next five years, critical areas will be efficient use of state budget to train people; building infrastructure such as roads and institutional reform for a stronger economic social political base."
"At the end of his mandate, there was an appropriate environment for private investment to come into Timor-Leste."
"Thus, we can free ourselves from the heavy dependence on oil and gas revenues."
"In the area of state budgets, there is still no efficiency in particular capital spending which mark up cost a lot."
"The recurring budget will also suffer from many shortfalls that contribute to the inefficiencies of other state funds."
"It takes two or three budget cycles to reform this inefficiency by shifting money from the recurring, ineffective spending into more eficient capital expenditure for improvement of infrastructure such as schools and clinics."
"In this way we can reduce poverty, de-escalate the gap between city and countryside by sharing Timor Leste's development results among many people rather than just a few in cities or groups."
"Posted by Joao Mariano Saldanha at 5:12 PM No comments on Macroeconomic Position and State Budget Timor-Leste’s macro economic position is related to the mineral revenue during last five years."
"There is no possibility that this situation will continue in the next five years."
"Macroeconomic issues are how to boost economic growth, control inflation and create jobs for all people. They also promote balance of payments stability by promoting equity in development between groups (rich & poor) as well among regions(city&rural)."
"To solve these macroeconomic problems depends on state spending taken from the Mineral Fund."
"This is a challenge for the macroeconomic policy which has also been reflected in Strategic Development Plan (SDP) 2013-45."
"The next five years are a good opportunity to solve these macroeconomic problems, including promoting sustainable economic growth; reducing inflation and creating high-quality jobs. Diversifying state revenues through industrial development will reduce dependence on minerals while integrated rural areas' developpement would promote inclusion by narrowing the gap between different groups of people in each region.\""
"The author discusses these macroeconomic aspects in the context of implementation PED2015 -36."
"The economic growth of the last five years has averaged double digits, depending on state expenditure and an economy (industry & commerce) that is closely linked to government spend."
"However, to sustain this two-digit growth in the next five years will be difficult because economic activities not directly linked with state budgets such as factories and hotels are minimally needed for Timor Leste' s economy."
"The public sector share in the economy (real GDP) of Timor-Leste is very large, with year on years growth."
"In 2013, public sector share was up to about a third of GDP (45%), compared with just over half in the previous year."
"While the industry and services sectors fell from 35% to only about a third of that in this same period (Book I State Budget,2014:7)."
"The contribution of industry and services to the economy will reflect a country's level Of development."
"When industry and services contribute more than 50% of GDP, a country is considered advanced because most incomes are generated by this sector (and not from government expenditure)."
"As an agricultural country that is about to industrialize, the agribusiness industry was a major step for Timor-Leste before entering into manufacturing industries such as automotive (cars), clothing and others which require good skill with adequate capital."
"Tourism also needs to be given a lot of attention in the next five years if revenues are expected, along with industry and trades for sustaining two-digit economic growth over time."
"The development of industry, commerce and tourism needs to be stimulated by land reform through ongoing certifications; the banking sector must provide credit for agribusinesses. manufacturing industries with touristic activities are also needed in this area"
"The country certification that has already begun needs to be more aggressive in the coming years."
"Similarly, Banco Nacional Comercial de Timor-Leste (BNCTL) which is the government bank needs to increase its capital and human resources in order for it can channel more credit into sectors mentioned above."
"BNCTL’s non-performing loans are low compared to other bank in Timor Leste."
"This demonstrates the strong capacity of this state bank."
"On the other hand, respect for contracts supported by a strong judicial system is an important factor to provide incentives in Timor-Leste' s industry and commerce."
"Domestic or foreign investment will not be attracted if contract enforcement is weak."
"Similarly, company registration will continue to be a big challenge for investment in Timor-Leste."
"It takes many days to register a company in Timor-Leste because of various requirements and poor service for potential investors."
"That is why Timor-Leste's ranking in the World Bank Doing Business Report will be close to 170 out of all countries that this report covers."
"Therefore, the next five years are a good opportunity to roll back reforms that Timor-Leste has not done well."
"There must be a target for Timor-Leste’s ranking to rise from nearly 170 in the World Bank Ranking, up into around top ten."
"Land certification, improvement of the judicial system to guarantee contracts and new company registration are critical factors in increasing domestic as well As foreign investment into Timor-Leste."
"Thus, in the near future industry and commerce can become a catalyst for two-digit economic growth with Timor Leste' s rapid goal of becoming an upper middle income country according to its SDP target."
"The agricultural potential is huge because of the natural land capacity, which amounts to nearly75.0 thousand hectares (214 million acres), only about fourty-five hundred and fiftieth have been used up yet!"
"Similarly, Timor-Leste’s productivity is low compared to other countries in our region."
"Therefore, if agricultural extensiveness and intensification is implemented properly in the country's agriculture production will contribute great to its economic development because increased output increase economic growth."
"Solving the agricultural problem will also resolve some macroeconomic problems such as reducing inflation in Timor-Leste."
"The country's population is largely grain-eating, but domestic wheat production does not meet 70% of national consumption needs."
"That is why the government has to import large quantities of grain from other countries at high prices, which affects Timor-Leste' s balance Of Payment."
"High-priced imports also contribute to domestic inflation, especially when the price of minerals rises and transport costs are high."
"When we look at the Consumer Price Index (CPI) component, inflation in Timor-Leste is driven by food prices and transport costs."
"Thus, when the harvest of wheat/grain is increased it will reduce inflation in Timor-Leste by reducing imports from high priced grain which add up to mineral prices and rising transport costs."
"A study on inflation in Timor-Leste carried out by the Ministry of Finance found that mineral prices, depreciated US dollar and government expenditure were three important factors driving up inflations."
"Rising oil prices raise transportation costs, which has an impact on the price of grain."
"The resulting rise in the price of goods has led to inflation also going up."
"Thus, we can see that increasing grain production not only contributes to solving the problem of famine in Timor-Leste but also solves some macroeconomic problems such as reducing inflation and raising economic growth."
"Efficiency of State Budget The state budget, rather than mineral and gas revenues is now Timor-Leste’s engine for economic growth."
"It is expected that not long after, the engine of economic growth will shift from state budget to agriculture and agribusiness sectors before moving into industry & trade discussed above."
"But for the next five years, state budgetary resources will be insufficient to sustain double-digit economic growth."
"Therefore, it is very important to promote the efficiency of state budgets by allocating funds in accordance with priorities defined within PED."
"These inefficiencies are due to the lack of a well-functioning budgetary system, which also contributes towards corruption."
"Good analogues are power, irrigation and water."
"When an irrigation well drops, the water that comes out of a pump even if it is not enough will dry up very quickly because there's too much flowing from one or more larger fountain."
"Therefore, if you want to have a lot of water in your gardens then it is necessary that the drainage hole be closed."
"In the state budget we have to close systemic gaps, especially in capital spending."
"This can save a lot of money because the system opens up to people."
"The publication of accurate unit costs to which all state bodies refer when drafting capital (project) budgets can greatly reduce the inefficiency."
"Nowadays, goods can be the same but state agencies charge different prices even from one vendor."
"There must then be a rigorous review of the values in projects prepared by ministries or state agencie."
"To reach this stage, two or three budget cycles are required."
"But we have to start at the beginning of this government now so that you can save many state budgets which are in a bad condition and may exceed 50%."
"Need to reform the capital budget quickly in order save state money by reducing corruption which is not because people don't pay attention but rather, it was a system that kept them from corrupting."
"In this way, anti-corruption agencies such as the CAC and Prosecutor General's Office can do their work better. They will judge people who are not corrupt rather than judging them wrong because of a system that is badly built up!"
"This can also contribute to solving some macroeconomic problems such as promoting efficiency in the use of national financial resources."
"Posted by Joao Mariano Saldanha at 5:10 PM No comments on this post. Links to This Post"
] |
Belun-Kordenador Distritu Belun AINARO-CD 04 de Novembru 2013 | Vaga Servisu Iha Timor-Leste\nBelun-Kordenador Distritu Belun AINARO-CD 04 de Novembru 2013\nVaga Serbisu Kordenador Distritu Belun AINARO\nBelun, organizasaun nasionál ida hari’i iha tinan 2004 atu partisipa iha prosesu dezenvolve no hari’i nasaun Timor-Leste. Belun nia vizaun Sosiedade Timor-Leste iha kbi’it kreativu no kritiku hodi hametin dame bá dezenvolvimentu”. Atu alkansa vizaun ida ne’e Belun halo nia misaun “Serbi Sosiedade no Prevene Konflitu ho Integridade no Inovativu”.\nBelun buka hela belun nain ida (1) ho Nasionalidade Timorese hodi bele hala’o servisu nu’udar Kordenador Distritu (KD) Belun iha Ainaro. Sei servisu ba iha Programa Atensaun no Responde Sedu (AtReS) hamutuk ho Monitors-Parseria Belun.\nDurasaun Programa : Fulan 6 ( ita sei hetan servisu probatoriu iha fulan tolu ninian laran hafoin iha posiblidade ba extensaun)\nKna’ar no Responsablidade\nR1. : Servisu hamutuk ho ekipa Maneja Programa AtReS ba hala’o implementasaun Programa\nHalo monitorizasaun ba situasaun sosial, politika, ekonomika no dezenvolvimentu oioin ne’ébe mak akontese iha distritu no hare’e impaktu hodi buka hatene ninia kauza no dokumenta ho di’ak.\nPrepara atividades regulamentu iha fulan-fulan ( relatoriu semanal/fulan, relatoriu gastus, Base de dadus, planu mensal, relatoriu enkontru, no sst);\nIha komitementu halo komunikasaun nakloke ba ekipa tomak bele uza meius komunikasaun liu husi email no telemovel;\nApoiu no kompleta malu entre ekipa AtReS ba hala’o implementasaun programa iha base no hatan ba nesesidades hotu bainhira deit;\nKD sei servisu iha ofisiu nasionál iha loron 5 tuir nesesidades orgnaizasaun Belun.\nR1. : Servisu hamutuk no fahe informasaun ho monitor no stakeholders sira iha nivel Distritu no sub Distritu ba halo monitorizasaun kona-ba insidentes violensia no mudansa ba situasaun:\nKoordena ho Administrador sub Distritu ou organizasaun seluk ruma ne’ébe oferese fatin ba Belun hodi fasilita eskritoriu iha distritu ba hala’o servisu tuir Planu;\nIdentifika monitor iha sub Distritu ne’ébe refere, sekarik monitor balun resigna án ou loke tan sub distritu foun ba programa AtReS;\nOrganiza enkontru hodi sosializa AtReS no relatoriu trimestral, peskiza tuir tempu ne’ébé determina ba stakeholder/ajensia relevante iha distritu (inklui prepara ajenda enkontru, distribui konvite, hakerek relatoriu no fasilita enkontru).\nKontaktu monitor hodi hetan informasaun kona-ba situasaun atual no informasaun kona-ba insidente no verifika informasaun insidente no visita monitor bele halo diskusaun mais ou menus 30 minutus ho monitor kona-ba verifika relatoriu insidente no situasaun;\nSimu relatoriu insidente no situasaun husi monitor kada semana-semana no fulan. KD garante katak informasaun ne’e los ona la presiza halo verifikasaun (karik seidauk, di’ak liu verifika kedas antes KD atu lori ba ofisiu Nasionál Dili);\nIssue konflitu emerjensia hanesan grupu asaltu malu, inklui ho armas funu nian (kilat) no dezastre naturais informa lalais/urjentemente ba ekipa Manajer iha nasionál hodi halo aksaun ruma;\nFo assistensia regularmente ba monitor kona-ba issu balun ne’ébe presiza follow up iha nivel Subdistritu;\nFahe informasaun ba stakeholders sira kona-ba insidente no situasaun atual ne’ébe akontese;\nKD mos bele halo monitorizasaun ba insidente violensia no situasaun, bainhira monitor la-hatene bele fahe informasaun ba monitors;\nAkompañamentu maximu ba monitor hodi tulun no kompleta malu bainhira hala’o servisu (hanesan monitors presiza ajuda fasilita transporte ba foti informasaun iha suku ne’ébe distansia do’ok hodi apoiu );\nHaklaru informasaun ne’ébe simu hodi transfere ba peskiza no espesialista ba Policy Brief hodi desemvolve politika. Nomos prepara referensia atu suporta hakerek sumariu Policy Brief no relatoriu seluk tuir nesesidades;\nHatama Base de dadus husi relatoriu insidente no situasaun kada semana rua no haruka mai ofisiu nasionál iha Dili (bele uja transfere ho USB/ Laptop/ Email). Labele hein to’o fin de fulan iha Belun Nasionál;\nHalo planu no relatoriu narativu nomos orsamentu iha fin de fulan, hodi relata ba iha Program Manager tuir tempo ne’ébe determina ona;\nSave file iha laptop, dokumentus Belun no hard copy hodi relata ba iha Program Manager;\nViajem ba iha nivel aldeia no suku fulan-fulan hodi hatene rasik kona-ba situasaun no insidente ne’ébe akontese;\nHala’o media monitorizasaun ba televisaun, radio nomos fahe informasaun entre ekipa AtReS karik hetan rona / hetan issue konflitu importante ruma.\nR3. : Suporta no serbisu hamutuk rede prevensaun konflitu iha nivel SubDistritu hodi hala’o aksaun resposta sedu ba situasaun konflitu ne’ébé akontese iha nivel oi-oin:\nHalao diskusaun ho stakeholder oi-oin iha nivel Sub distrito ba estabelese Rede ba prevensaun no Responde Konflitu ( RPRK);\nFasilita enkontru RPRK ba fahe relatoriu Trimestral, Policy Brief ( peskiza) stakeholder oinsa RPRK bele hala’o planu aksaun posiblidade iha nivel oi-oin;\nHalao koordenasaun no komunikasaun bebeik no regularmente hodi fahe informasaun hodi haforsa existensia RPRK nia papel no responsablidade;\nBainhira simu proposta planu aksaun husi RPRK, KD halo kedas diskusaun no garante katak informasaun kompletu ona. Bele hato’o ba Programa Manager hodi halo diskusaun ikus ba proposta ne’ébe refere no bele hetan aprovasaun husi ekipa maneja AtReS;\nFasilita planu aksaun husi RPRK iha SubDistrito no kria enkontru regular tuir planu RPRK nian;\nFollow up relatoriu planu aksaun hodi hatama ba Belun no oinsa aksaun ba oin husi RPRK nian:\nAkompaña no monitorizasaun ba implementasaun planu aksaun husi RPRK;\nKompleta informasaun iha dokumentus Belun hanesan profile, no lista stakeholder no sst;\nApoiu fo treinamentu ba monitor sira iha sub distritu/ Distritu;\nDistribui relatoriu ba monitors no identifika stakeholders (Governu, Ajensia Dezemvolvimentu) kada fulan hat no maneija hodi fahe ba stakeholder;\nFasilita no partisipa treinamentu rezulusaun konflitu no treinamentu oi-oin ne’ébe sei organiza husi ekipa Programa AtReS;\nSuporta RPRK hodi hetan fundus kiik husi organizasaun oi-oin iha rai laran;\nHalo akordu servisu hamutuk entre Belun ho RPRK no hetan feedback husi Ekipa Manajementu iha programa AtReS antes implementa fundus kiik;\nEstabelese ligasaun no kria lista konatakto geral ba stakeholders ne’ébe iziste, no mos Rede Prevensaun Konflitu (RPRK) iha sub distritu;\nR4: Sai representantes Belun iha nivel distritu hodi halao koordenasaun no servisu hamutuk ho stakeholders oi-oin hodi reforsa ba atividades /Programa Belun ne’ébe implementa:\nPartisipa ativu iha enkontru no atividade treinamentu, workshop internal Belun;\nManeija informasaun ho ativu husi ajensia desemvolvimentu iha base, liu husi Belun ninia Database nasionál ho fula-fulan no tuir nesesidades fo mai Belun;\nHalo koordenasaun ba proposta no implementasaun tulun osan ki’ik;\nPartisipa ba revizaun hodi fo impact ba inisiativu iha nivel regional;\nResponsablidade seluk ne’ébé sei determina husi Ekipa Manajementu Belun ba nesesidades ne’ébe importante;\nKontinua koperasaun ho parceirus Belun durante lao ho Belun husi fundus ki’ik.\nMai husi no hela metin iha distritu Ainaro no viajen ba mai Dili sei tuir nesesidades programa.\nBadinas no abilidade serbisu iha ekipa.\nMatenek hare’e relatoriu ho lian Tetun no di’ak liu mos iha inglesh\nMatenek ba rezolve problema liga ba iha area (no rezulusaun no prevensaun konflitu).\nProntu atu servisu ho ekipa nomos halo komunikasaun nakloke ho feto no mane sira.\nEsperiénsia ho kapasidade ba lidera programa ho ekipa.\nKapasidade iha lian Tetun di’ak no Ingles.\nKbiit atu uza MS Acces, office, Excel no email.\nIha karta kondusaun ba motor.\nAkaba universitariu/diploma ho departementu dezenvolvimentu komunitariu ka kursu relevante.\nEsperiénsia serbisu NGOs ba dezenvolvimentu komunidade iha tinan 3 ou liu.\nKoñesimentu hakerek, analiza iha nivel ás.\nKoñesimentu iha area rezulusaun no transformasaun konflitu.\nEsperiensia di’ak ba hakerek relatoriu iha lianTetun (tuir ortografia tetun), no abilidae koa’lia no hakerek iha lian english (tuir espetativa programa nian).\nKoñesementu igualdade jenéru.\nMaluk sira ne’ebé interese, favor hatama CV no dokumentus relevante seluk mai edifisiu Belun-Farol, Dili antes tuku 5.30 lokraik iha dia, 04 de Novembru 2013. No mós ba kandidatu ne’ebé liu seleksaun dokumentus deit mak sei kontaktu. Atu hatene diak liu tan informasaun ba vaga ne’e, bele kontaktu ba nomeru telemovel 7733-6665 ou email [email protected] .\nBELUN, Vaga DIli, Vaga Servisu Iha Timor Leste\n← ILO- Chief Technical Adviser -CD 31 October 2013\nHealth Alliance International-Re-Advertising for Monitoring and Evaluation Officer-CD Wednesday November 13th , 2013. → | [
"Belun-Kordenador Distritu Belun AINARO-CD 04 de Novembru 2013 | Vaga Servisu Iha Timor-Leste Belun-Kordenador Distritu Belun AINARO-CD 04 de Novembru 2013 Vaga Serbisu Kordenador Distritu Belun AINARO Belun, organizasaun nasional ida hari'i iha tinan 2004 atu partisipa iha prosesu dezenvolve no hari'i nasaun Timor-Leste.",
"Belun nia vizaun Sosiedade Timor-Leste iha kbi'it kreativu no kritiku hodi hametin dame ba dezenvolvimentu.\"",
"Atu alkansa vizaun ida ne'e Belun halo nia misaun \"Serbi Sosiedade no Prevene Konflitu ho Integridade no Inovativu.\"",
"Belun buka hela belun nain ida (1) ho Nasionalidade Timorese hodi bele hala'o servisu nu'udar Kordenador Distritu (KD) Belun iha Ainaro.",
"Sei servisu ba iha Programa Atensaun no Responde Sedu (AtReS) hamutuk ho Monitors-Parseria Belun.",
"Durasaun Programa: Fulan 6 (ita sei hetan servisu probatoriu iha fulan tolu ninian laran hafoin iha posiblidade ba extensaun) Kna'ar no Responsablidade R1.: Servisu hamutuk ho ekipa Maneja Programa AtReS ba hala'o implementasaun Programa Halo monitorizasaun ba situasaun sosial, politika, ekonomika no dezenvolvimentu oioin ne'ebe mak akontese iha distritu no hare'e impaktu hodi buka hatene ninia kauza no dokumenta ho di'ak.",
"Prepara atividades regulamentu iha fulan-fulan (relatoriu semanal/fulan, relatoriu gastus, Base de dadus, planu mensal, relatoriu enkontru, no sst); Iha komitementu halo komunikasaun nakloke ba ekipa tomak bele uza meius komunikasaun liu husi email no telemovel; Apoiu no kompleta malu entre ekipa AtReS ba hala'o implementasaun programa iha base no hatan ba nesesidades hotu bainhira deit; KD sei servisu iha ofisiu nasional iha loron 5 tuir nesesidades orgnaizasaun Belun.",
"R1.: Servisu hamutuk no fahe informasaun ho monitor no stakeholders sira iha nivel Distritu no sub Distritu ba halo monitorizasaun kona-ba insidentes violensia no mudansa ba situasaun: Koordena ho Administrador sub Distritu ou organizasaun seluk ruma ne'ebe oferese fatin ba Belun hodi fasilita eskritoriu iha distritu ba hala'o servisu tuir Planu; Identifika monitor iha sub Distritu ne'ebe refere, sekarik monitor balun resigna an ou loke tan sub distritu foun ba programa AtReS; Organiza enkontru hodi sosializa AtReS no relatoriu trimestral, peskiza tuir tempu ne'ebe determina ba stakeholder/ajensia relevante iha distritu (inklui prepara ajenda enkontru, distribui konvite, hakerek relatoriu no fasilita enkontru).",
"Kontaktu monitor hodi hetan informasaun kona-ba situasaun atual no informasaun kona-ba insidente no verifika informasaun insidente no visita monitor bele halo diskusaun mais ou menus 30 minutus ho monitor kona-ba verifika relatoriu insidente no situasaun; Simu relatoriu insidente no situasaun husi monitor kada semana-semana no fulan.",
"KD garante katak informasaun ne'e los ona la presiza halo verifikasaun (karik seidauk, di'ak liu verifika kedas antes KD atu lori ba ofisiu Nasional Dili); Issue konflitu emerjensia hanesan grupu asaltu malu, inklui ho armas funu nian (kilat) no dezastre naturais informa lalais/urjentemente ba ekipa Manajer iha nasional hodi halo aksaun ruma; Fo assistensia regularmente ba monitor kona-ba issu balun ne'ebe presiza follow up iha nivel Subdistritu; Fahe informasaun ba stakeholders sira kona-ba insidente no situasaun atual ne'ebe akontese; KD mos bele halo monitorizasaun ba insidente violensia no situasaun, bainhira monitor la-hatene bele fahe informasaun ba monitors; Akompanamentu maximu ba monitor hodi tulun no kompleta malu bainhira hala'o servisu (hanesan monitors presiza ajuda fasilita transporte ba foti informasaun iha suku ne'ebe distansia do'ok hodi apoiu); Haklaru informasaun ne'ebe simu hodi transfere ba peskiza no espesialista ba Policy Brief hodi desemvolve politika.",
"Nomos prepara referensia atu suporta hakerek sumariu Policy Brief no relatoriu seluk tuir nesesidades; Hatama Base de dadus husi relatoriu insidente no situasaun kada semana rua no haruka mai ofisiu nasional iha Dili (bele uja transfere ho USB/ Laptop/ Email).",
"Labele hein to'o fin de fulan iha Belun Nasional; Halo planu no relatoriu narativu nomos orsamentu iha fin de fulan, hodi relata ba iha Program Manager tuir tempo ne'ebe determina ona; Save file iha laptop, dokumentus Belun no hard copy hodi relata ba iha Program Manager; Viajem ba iha nivel aldeia no suku fulan-fulan hodi hatene rasik kona-ba situasaun no insidente ne'ebe akontese; Hala'o media monitorizasaun ba televisaun, radio nomos fahe informasaun entre ekipa AtReS karik hetan rona / hetan issue konflitu importante ruma.",
"R3.: Suporta no serbisu hamutuk rede prevensaun konflitu iha nivel SubDistritu hodi hala'o aksaun resposta sedu ba situasaun konflitu ne'ebe akontese iha nivel oi-oin: Halao diskusaun ho stakeholder oi-oin iha nivel Sub distrito ba estabelese Rede ba prevensaun no Responde Konflitu (RPRK); Fasilita enkontru RPRK ba fahe relatoriu Trimestral, Policy Brief (peskiza) stakeholder oinsa RPRK bele hala'o planu aksaun posiblidade iha nivel oi-oin; Halao koordenasaun no komunikasaun bebeik no regularmente hodi fahe informasaun hodi haforsa existensia RPRK nia papel no responsablidade; Bainhira simu proposta planu aksaun husi RPRK, KD halo kedas diskusaun no garante katak informasaun kompletu ona.",
"Bele hato'o ba Programa Manager hodi halo diskusaun ikus ba proposta ne'ebe refere no bele hetan aprovasaun husi ekipa maneja AtReS; Fasilita planu aksaun husi RPRK iha SubDistrito no kria enkontru regular tuir planu RPRK nian; Follow up relatoriu planu aksaun hodi hatama ba Belun no oinsa aksaun ba oin husi RPRK nian: Akompana no monitorizasaun ba implementasaun planu aksaun husi RPRK; Kompleta informasaun iha dokumentus Belun hanesan profile, no lista stakeholder no sst; Apoiu fo treinamentu ba monitor sira iha sub distritu/ Distritu; Distribui relatoriu ba monitors no identifika stakeholders (Governu, Ajensia Dezemvolvimentu) kada fulan hat no maneija hodi fahe ba stakeholder; Fasilita no partisipa treinamentu rezulusaun konflitu no treinamentu oi-oin ne'ebe sei organiza husi ekipa Programa AtReS; Suporta RPRK hodi hetan fundus kiik husi organizasaun oi-oin iha rai laran; Halo akordu servisu hamutuk entre Belun ho RPRK no hetan feedback husi Ekipa Manajementu iha programa AtReS antes implementa fundus kiik; Estabelese ligasaun no kria lista konatakto geral ba stakeholders ne'ebe iziste, no mos Rede Prevensaun Konflitu (RPRK) iha sub distritu; R4: Sai representantes Belun iha nivel distritu hodi halao koordenasaun no servisu hamutuk ho stakeholders oi-oin hodi reforsa ba atividades /Programa Belun ne'ebe implementa: Partisipa ativu iha enkontru no atividade treinamentu, workshop internal Belun; Maneija informasaun ho ativu husi ajensia desemvolvimentu iha base, liu husi Belun ninia Database nasional ho fula-fulan no tuir nesesidades fo mai Belun; Halo koordenasaun ba proposta no implementasaun tulun osan ki'ik; Partisipa ba revizaun hodi fo impact ba inisiativu iha nivel regional; Responsablidade seluk ne'ebe sei determina husi Ekipa Manajementu Belun ba nesesidades ne'ebe importante; Kontinua koperasaun ho parceirus Belun durante lao ho Belun husi fundus ki'ik.",
"Mai husi no hela metin iha distritu Ainaro no viajen ba mai Dili sei tuir nesesidades programa.",
"Badinas no abilidade serbisu iha ekipa.",
"Matenek hare'e relatoriu ho lian Tetun no di'ak liu mos iha inglesh Matenek ba rezolve problema liga ba iha area (no rezulusaun no prevensaun konflitu).",
"Prontu atu servisu ho ekipa nomos halo komunikasaun nakloke ho feto no mane sira.",
"Esperiensia ho kapasidade ba lidera programa ho ekipa.",
"Kapasidade iha lian Tetun di'ak no Ingles.",
"Kbiit atu uza MS Acces, office, Excel no email.",
"Iha karta kondusaun ba motor.",
"Akaba universitariu/diploma ho departementu dezenvolvimentu komunitariu ka kursu relevante.",
"Esperiensia serbisu NGOs ba dezenvolvimentu komunidade iha tinan 3 ou liu.",
"Konesimentu hakerek, analiza iha nivel as.",
"Konesimentu iha area rezulusaun no transformasaun konflitu.",
"Esperiensia di'ak ba hakerek relatoriu iha lianTetun (tuir ortografia tetun), no abilidae koa'lia no hakerek iha lian english (tuir espetativa programa nian).",
"Konesementu igualdade jeneru.",
"Maluk sira ne'ebe interese, favor hatama CV no dokumentus relevante seluk mai edifisiu Belun-Farol, Dili antes tuku 5.30 lokraik iha dia, 04 de Novembru 2013.",
"No mos ba kandidatu ne'ebe liu seleksaun dokumentus deit mak sei kontaktu.",
"Atu hatene diak liu tan informasaun ba vaga ne'e, bele kontaktu ba nomeru telemovel 7733-6665 ou email [email protected] .",
"BELUN, Vaga DIli, Vaga Servisu Iha Timor Leste - ILO- Chief Technical Adviser -CD 31 October 2013 Health Alliance International-Re-Advertising for Monitoring and Evaluation Officer-CD Wednesday November 13th , 2013. -"
] | [
"Belun-Cordenador Distritu Belein AINARO - CD November,04th of Novemreiro de13 | Vaga Serviço Em Timor Leste (Serviços em Português) Belum is a national organization founded in the year '25 to participate on developing and building up our country."
"Belun's vision Timor-Leste society has the creative and critical capacity to strengthen peace for development.\""
"To achieve this vision, Belun has set its mission as \"Serving Society and Preventing Conflict with Integrity & Innovation.\""
"Belun is looking for one (1) Timorese national to work as a District Coordinator in Ainaro."
"He will be working in the Attention and Response Sedu (AtReS) Program together with Monitors-Parseria Belun."
"Duration of the Program: 6 months (you will be given a probationary period within three month after which there is possibility for extension) Tasks and Responsibilities R1. Service together with AtReS program management team to carrying out programme implementation Monitor various social, political economical development situation that occurred in district monitor its impact find their causes document them well"
"Prepare monthly regulation activities (week/month reports, expenses and budgeting records; database of the project activity database. Month plan for work schedule etc); Have a commitment to open communication with all team members through email or mobile phone support between AtReS teams in carrying out program implementation at base level as well respond on any needs whenever they arise: KD will be working from national office 5 days per week according Belun organizational requirements"
"A1.: Work together and share information with monitors/stakeholder at District or Sub-District level to conduct monitoring on incident of violence, change in situation; Coordinate the work by sub district administrator(es) (or other organization that provides venue for Belun), so they can have their own office within a given area as per Plan Identify supervisors from each respective underdivision if some superintendent resigned themselves / open new one Under Division For AtReS program Organize meeting To promote The Program And quarterly reporting research according timetable determined stake holder agencie In your department"
"Contact monitor to get information about current situation and incident reports, verify the occurrence of events; visiting monitoring may have a discussion with more or less than 30 minutes on check-incident/situation. Share weekly / monthy incidency & event status from Monitor"
"KD guarantees that the information is correct and does not need to be verified (if it hasn't, then better check immediately before bringing them back); Issues of emergency conflict such as group assault including with weapon(kilats) or natural disaster report quickly/urgent for action by national management team; Provide regular assistance on some issues requiring follow up at Sub-districts level. Inform stakeholder about occurred incident & current situation Monitor can also monitor violent events&situations if they are unaware but should share their knowledge between monitoring teams Maximum support in order help each other during work performance when performed missions: The most important task being facilitate transportation from remote village into nearby township where there would have been a problem)."
"We prepare references to support the writing of Policy Brief summaries and other reporting as needed; Download database from incident/situational rapport every two weeks, send it back in Dili national office (can be transferred with USB / Laptop or Email)."
"Don't wait until the end of month in National Belun; Make plans and narrative reports as well budget at year-end, to be reported on Program Manager accordingly determined timeframe Save files into laptop computer with documentation from national beluns hard copy for Reporting program manager Travel every Month To Village Level And Town level For First Hand Information About Situation & Incident Happened Carry out media monitoring TV/radio broadcasting sharing information between AtReS team if there is any important conflict issue."
"A3.: Support and collaborate with the conflict prevention network at Sub-District level to carry out seamless response action in situations of multilevel disputes; Conduct discussion on establishing a Network for Conflicts Prevention & Response (NCPPR) among various stakeholder, facilitate meeting between NPCR members so as share quarterly reporting policy brief(research), how NPCR can implement possible actions plans across multiple levels conduct frequent coordination/communication sharing information strengthening existing role&responsibility when receiving proposal from NSRP about an Action Plan KD immediate discuss this issue ensured that all details are completed"
"Please refer to the Program Manager for final discussion of proposals and approval by AtReS management team; Facilitate RPRK action plan in SubDistrict, establish regular meeting as per Plano de Ação do Programa RPK. Follow up reporting on Action plans submitted from Belun with further actions: Accompany & monitor implementation Of The Actiopnation Programme Completing information into documentations such As profile documents And stakeholder list etc Support training monitoring at district/sub-distrits Distribute monthly fourth quarter Reportings To Monitorers Identifying Stake Holders (Government Development Agency) Managing them For sharing With Stake Holders facilitates conflict outcomes Training organized By Team Management In program before implement small funds Establishes links& create general contact List among existing stakes hollers including Conflicto Prevencion Network(CPN).R4 Become representative belon District level coordinated cooperating activities / programs that are being carried Out active participations Meeting activity trainning workshop internal programme through national database which is followed down according needs provided Belou Coordinator Proposal execution Small Fund assistance Participate review impact regional levels Other responsibilities determined"
"Travelling from and residing in Ainaro district to Dili will be according the program requirements."
"Ability to work in a team."
"Matenek looks at reports in Tetun and preferably also English. He/she will solve problems related to the area (not conflict resolution or prevention)."
"Ready to work in a team and have open communication with women as well."
"Experience and ability to lead programs with a team."
"Ability to speak fluent Tetun and English."
"Ability to use MS Access, Office and Excel. E-mail skills are also required"
"I have a driving licence for motor vehicles."
"University degree/diploma with a community development department or relevant course."
"Experience working with NGOs for community development in 3 years or more."
"Knowledge of writing, analysis at as level."
"Knowledge in the area of conflict outcome and transformation."
"Good experience writing reports in Tetum language (according to the tetun orthography), and abilities for co-writing, including English written skills."
"Awareness of gender equality."
"Interested candidates should send their CV and other relevant documents to Belun-Farol building, Dili before 5.30 pm on the day of November (4th)"
"Only candidates who pass the document selection will be contacted."
"To know more about this vacancy, you can contact the telephone number 7632-5014 or email meta.belun@gmail"
"BELUN, Vaga DIli - ILO- Chief Technical Adviser (CD) Wednesday November13th. Health Alliance International – Readvertising for Monitoring and Evaluation Officers in Timor Leste"
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Oinsá atu fó kmaan ba sira neʼebé triste\nKarik Ita-nia belun ida triste hela tanba ninia família mate. Maibé tanba la hatene oinsá atu fó kmaan ba nia, Ita seidauk halo buat ida no la hatete buat ida ba nia. Entaun, mai ita buka-hatene saida deʼit mak ita bele halo ba ita-nia belun neʼebé triste hela.\nDala barak, buat neʼebé importante liu ba ema neʼebé triste mak iha ema ruma neʼebé hamaluk nia no hatete: “Haʼu mós sente triste ho ida-neʼe.” Baibain, hodi hakoʼak nia ka kaer ninia liman deʼit mós bele hatudu katak ita hanoin ema neʼe. Se nia hakarak koʼalia, rona ho didiʼak. Ita mós bele halo buat ruma atu halo ninia serbisu kmaan fali, hanesan teʼin, tau matan ba labarik sira, ka ajuda prepara iha mate-uma. Baibain, hahalok hanesan neʼe diʼak liu duké liafuan furak.\nLiutiha tempu balu, ita mós bele koko atu koʼalia hamutuk kona-ba ema neʼebé mate ona, liuliu kona-ba esperiénsia diʼak. Porezemplu, feto-faluk ida naran Pam neʼebé ninia laʼen Ian mate tinan neen liubá, hatete: “Dala ruma ema konta kona-ba buat diʼak neʼebé Ian halo ona, hanesan istória balu neʼebé haʼu seidauk hatene, no ida-neʼe halo haʼu-nia laran kontente.”\nTuir peskiza sira, buat ida neʼebé triste mak bainhira ema ida mate, ninia família simu ajuda barak ba semana balu, maibé lakleur, sira-nia kolega sai okupadu ho buat seluk no husik sira mesak. Tan neʼe, hakaʼas an atu sempre kontaktu ita-nia kolega neʼebé triste hela tanba lakon sira-nia família. * Sira sei hafolin ita-nia laran-diʼak no neʼe sei ajuda sira atu sente kmaan fali.\nHanoin toʼok kona-ba feto joven ida iha rai-Japaun, naran Kaori. Ninia biin mate, no fulan 15 liu tiha, ninia inan mós mate, no ida-neʼe halo Kaori laran-tun tebes. Maibé nia hetan ajuda husi kolega sira. Porezemplu, Ritsuko, neʼebé idade boot liu Kaori, hakbesik no fó sai katak nia hakarak sai belun diʼak ida ba Kaori. Kaori dehan: “Foufoun, haʼu la kontente. Haʼu lakohi ema ida atu troka haʼu-nia inan nia fatin, no haʼu hanoin katak sei la iha ema ida neʼebé mak bele sai hanesan haʼu-nia inan rasik. Maibé neineik-neineik haʼu sente toman ho Amá Ritsuko, tanba nia sempre hatudu hahalok diʼak. Semana-semana, ami haklaken hamutuk no bá reuniaun hamutuk. Nia bolu haʼu atu koʼalia halimar, lori hahán mai haʼu, no hakerek karta beibeik. Ninia laran-diʼak neʼe halo haʼu kontente.”\nLiutiha tinan 12 husi tempu neʼebé Kaori nia inan mate, agora Kaori ho ninia laʼen uza sira-nia tempu tomak iha serbisu haklaken. Kaori hatete: “Amá Ritsuko nafatin tau matan mai haʼu. Bainhira haʼu fila fali ba haʼu-nia rai, haʼu sempre vizita nia no fó anima ba malu.”\nEzemplu ida tan mak feto Testemuña ba Jeová ida iha rai-Xipre, naran Poli. Ninia laʼen, Sozos, mak ema neʼebé laran-diʼak no ezemplu diʼak nuʼudar katuas kongregasaun ida hodi kontente ajuda oan-kiak no feto-faluk sira. (Tiago 1:27) Maibé Sozos mate ho tinan 53 tanba tumór iha ninia kakutak. Poli hatete: “Haʼu lakon ona haʼu-nia kaben neʼebé hamaluk haʼu durante tinan 33.”\nIta bele halo buat barak atu fó kmaan ba ita-nia belun neʼebé triste hela\nDepois neʼe, Poli ho ninia oan-ikun neʼebé tinan 15, naran Daniel, muda ba rai-Kanadá, no iha neʼebá mós sira hahú ransu ho maluk Testemuña ba Jeová sira. Poli hatete: “Haʼu-nia maluk foun sira la hatene kona-ba ami-nia moris uluk no susar neʼebé ami hasoru. Maibé sira hakbesik mai ami, no fó kmaan mai ami liuhusi liafuan no hahalok. Liuliu, haʼu hafolin tebes sira-nia ajuda ba haʼu-nia oan-mane neʼebé presiza aman ida! Katuas sira iha kongregasaun buka dalan oioin atu hakbesik ba Daniel. Liuliu, katuas ida sempre bolu Daniel atu halimar, pasiar ka joga bola hamutuk.” Neʼe ajuda tebes Poli no Daniel atu halaʼo moris ho kontente.\nLiafuan sira-neʼe hatudu katak ita bele halo buat barak atu ajuda no fó kmaan ba ita-nia belun neʼebé triste hela tanba sira-nia família mate. No Bíblia mós fó esperansa kona-ba futuru atu bele ajuda ita sente kmaan fali.\n^ par. 6 Ema balu tau marka iha kalendáriu ba loron neʼebé sira-nia belun nia família mate atu bele ajuda fó kmaan ba sira.\nBíblia nia esperansa sei sai realidade ka lae? | [
"Oinsa atu fo kmaan ba sira ne'ebe triste Karik Ita-nia belun ida triste hela tanba ninia familia mate.",
"Maibe tanba la hatene oinsa atu fo kmaan ba nia, Ita seidauk halo buat ida no la hatete buat ida ba nia.",
"Entaun, mai ita buka-hatene saida de'it mak ita bele halo ba ita-nia belun ne'ebe triste hela.",
"Dala barak, buat ne'ebe importante liu ba ema ne'ebe triste mak iha ema ruma ne'ebe hamaluk nia no hatete: \"Ha'u mos sente triste ho ida-ne'e.\"",
"Baibain, hodi hako'ak nia ka kaer ninia liman de'it mos bele hatudu katak ita hanoin ema ne'e.",
"Se nia hakarak ko'alia, rona ho didi'ak.",
"Ita mos bele halo buat ruma atu halo ninia serbisu kmaan fali, hanesan te'in, tau matan ba labarik sira, ka ajuda prepara iha mate-uma.",
"Baibain, hahalok hanesan ne'e di'ak liu duke liafuan furak.",
"Liutiha tempu balu, ita mos bele koko atu ko'alia hamutuk kona-ba ema ne'ebe mate ona, liuliu kona-ba esperiensia di'ak.",
"Porezemplu, feto-faluk ida naran Pam ne'ebe ninia la'en Ian mate tinan neen liuba, hatete: \"Dala ruma ema konta kona-ba buat di'ak ne'ebe Ian halo ona, hanesan istoria balu ne'ebe ha'u seidauk hatene, no ida-ne'e halo ha'u-nia laran kontente.\"",
"Tuir peskiza sira, buat ida ne'ebe triste mak bainhira ema ida mate, ninia familia simu ajuda barak ba semana balu, maibe lakleur, sira-nia kolega sai okupadu ho buat seluk no husik sira mesak.",
"Tan ne'e, haka'as an atu sempre kontaktu ita-nia kolega ne'ebe triste hela tanba lakon sira-nia familia. * Sira sei hafolin ita-nia laran-di'ak no ne'e sei ajuda sira atu sente kmaan fali.",
"Hanoin to'ok kona-ba feto joven ida iha rai-Japaun, naran Kaori.",
"Ninia biin mate, no fulan 15 liu tiha, ninia inan mos mate, no ida-ne'e halo Kaori laran-tun tebes.",
"Maibe nia hetan ajuda husi kolega sira.",
"Porezemplu, Ritsuko, ne'ebe idade boot liu Kaori, hakbesik no fo sai katak nia hakarak sai belun di'ak ida ba Kaori.",
"Kaori dehan: \"Foufoun, ha'u la kontente.",
"Ha'u lakohi ema ida atu troka ha'u-nia inan nia fatin, no ha'u hanoin katak sei la iha ema ida ne'ebe mak bele sai hanesan ha'u-nia inan rasik.",
"Maibe neineik-neineik ha'u sente toman ho Ama Ritsuko, tanba nia sempre hatudu hahalok di'ak.",
"Semana-semana, ami haklaken hamutuk no ba reuniaun hamutuk.",
"Nia bolu ha'u atu ko'alia halimar, lori hahan mai ha'u, no hakerek karta beibeik.",
"Ninia laran-di'ak ne'e halo ha'u kontente.\"",
"Liutiha tinan 12 husi tempu ne'ebe Kaori nia inan mate, agora Kaori ho ninia la'en uza sira-nia tempu tomak iha serbisu haklaken.",
"Kaori hatete: \"Ama Ritsuko nafatin tau matan mai ha'u.",
"Bainhira ha'u fila fali ba ha'u-nia rai, ha'u sempre vizita nia no fo anima ba malu.\"",
"Ezemplu ida tan mak feto Testemuna ba Jeova ida iha rai-Xipre, naran Poli.",
"Ninia la'en, Sozos, mak ema ne'ebe laran-di'ak no ezemplu di'ak nu'udar katuas kongregasaun ida hodi kontente ajuda oan-kiak no feto-faluk sira.",
"(Tiago 1:27) Maibe Sozos mate ho tinan 53 tanba tumor iha ninia kakutak.",
"Poli hatete: \"Ha'u lakon ona ha'u-nia kaben ne'ebe hamaluk ha'u durante tinan 33.\"",
"Ita bele halo buat barak atu fo kmaan ba ita-nia belun ne'ebe triste hela Depois ne'e, Poli ho ninia oan-ikun ne'ebe tinan 15, naran Daniel, muda ba rai-Kanada, no iha ne'eba mos sira hahu ransu ho maluk Testemuna ba Jeova sira.",
"Poli hatete: \"Ha'u-nia maluk foun sira la hatene kona-ba ami-nia moris uluk no susar ne'ebe ami hasoru.",
"Maibe sira hakbesik mai ami, no fo kmaan mai ami liuhusi liafuan no hahalok.",
"Liuliu, ha'u hafolin tebes sira-nia ajuda ba ha'u-nia oan-mane ne'ebe presiza aman ida!",
"Katuas sira iha kongregasaun buka dalan oioin atu hakbesik ba Daniel.",
"Liuliu, katuas ida sempre bolu Daniel atu halimar, pasiar ka joga bola hamutuk.\"",
"Ne'e ajuda tebes Poli no Daniel atu hala'o moris ho kontente.",
"Liafuan sira-ne'e hatudu katak ita bele halo buat barak atu ajuda no fo kmaan ba ita-nia belun ne'ebe triste hela tanba sira-nia familia mate.",
"No Biblia mos fo esperansa kona-ba futuru atu bele ajuda ita sente kmaan fali. ^ par.",
"6 Ema balu tau marka iha kalendariu ba loron ne'ebe sira-nia belun nia familia mate atu bele ajuda fo kmaan ba sira.",
"Biblia nia esperansa sei sai realidade ka lae?"
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"How to give prayers for those who are sad If your neighbor is saddened because his family has died."
"But because you do not know how to give him a sign, You haven't done anything and said nothing."
"So, let's find out what we can do for our neighbor who is sad."
"Oftentimes, the most important thing for a person who is sad to have someone around him or her and say: \"I'm sorry about this too.\""
"But just by cuddling or holding his hand can also show that we are thinking of him."
"If he wants to speak, listen carefully."
"We can also do something to make her work easier, such as helping out with cleaning up the house or babysitting children."
"But such deeds are better than good words."
"After some time, we may also want to talk about the people who have passed away and especially their good experiences."
"However, a young woman named Pam whose husband Ian died six years ago said: \"Sometimes people tell me about the good things that Ian has already done like some stories which i haven't heard of before and it makes my heart feel happy.\""
"According to research, one of the sad things about death is that when a person dies his or her family receives much help for weeks but soon their colleagues get busy with other stuff and leave them."
"Therefore, make sure to always contact our colleagues who are grieving for the loss of their family. * They will remember your sympathy and it'll help them feel better once again!"
"Think about a young woman in Japan named Kaori."
"Her grandfather died, and 15 months later her mother also passed away. Kaori was deeply saddened by this loss of a family member that she had always wanted to be close with in the future: his father's death caused great pain for him as he grew up without any parenting experience at all; it left an unforgettable impression on them both.\""
"But he got help from his colleagues."
"However, Ritsuko who is older than Kaori approaches and tells her that she wants to be a good friend of his."
"Kaori says: \"Foufoun, I'm not satisfied."
"I don't want anyone to replace my mother, and i think that there will be no one who can become like her."
"But little by small I got used to Mother Ritsuko, because she always behaved well."
"Every week, we preach together and go to meetings."
"He called me to talk with him, brought food and wrote letters."
"His kindness makes me happy.\""
"Twelve years after Kaori's mother died, she and her brother now spend all their time in preaching."
"Kaori said: \"Mother Ritsuko kept looking after me. She was always there for my needs, and I'm so grateful to her.\""
"When I come back to my own country, always visit it and encourage each other.\""
"Another example is that of a Jehovah’s Witnesses woman in Cyprus named Poly."
"His son, Sozos was a compassionate man and an example as the elders of one congregation who were happy to help poor children or women in need."
"(James 1:27) But Sozos died at the age of fifty-three from a tumor in his neck."
"Paulie said: \"I have lost my husband who has been with me for 32 years.\""
"There are many things we can do to give our mourning neighbors comfort. Later, Poly and her 15-year old brother Daniel moved into Canada where they met fellow Jehovah'S Witnesses who were also in the same situation as them:"
"Paul said, \"My new friends do not know about our past lives and the hardships we have faced."
"But they came to us, and gave a sign unto ourselves by word or deed."
"Liuliu, I really appreciate your help for my son who needs a father!"
"The elders in the congregation sought various ways to approach Daniel."
"Liuliu, an old man always called Daniel to chill out or go for a walk and play ball together.\""
"This helps Poli and Daniel to live a happy life."
"These words show that we can do a lot to help and give comforts for our neighbor who is grieving the loss of their family."
"The Bible also gives hope about the future to help us feel better. ^ par 2"
"6 Some people mark on their calendars the days when a neighbour' s family members died so that they can help to give them prayers."
"Will the hopes of this Bible come true?"
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FM nia Observasaun iha Segunda Ronde Eleisaun Prezidensial 2022 no nia Implikasaun ba Seguransa no Demokrasia – Fundasaun Mahein\nMay 13, 2022May 13, 2022 | adminadmin | 0 Comment | 16:25\nFontes Foto: Tatoli\nFundasaun Mahein (FM) nu’udar organizasaun naun-governmental nasionál halo observasaun durante eleisaun prezidensiál 2022. Iha dia 19 Abril 2022, povu Timor-Leste partisipa iha eleisaun prezidensial ba segunda ronde, no rezultadu hatudu Dr José Ramos Horta maka manan votus barak liu (62%), kompara ho Prezidente atuál Francisco Guterres ”Lú-Olo” ne’ebé simu besik 38%. FM hala’o duni observasaun sira iha sentru votasaun oi-oin, inklui sentru votasaun sira iha kapital Dili no mos iha area rural. Husi observasaun ne’ebé ami hala’o durante loron votasaun, laiha konflitu vertikal entre lideransa sira no sira simu rezultadu ho haksolok no dignu. Orgaun eleitoral estadu sira mos servisu diak tebes iha sistema administrasaun eleisaun nian. Maibé, FM observa problema balun ne’ebé akontese liga ho prosesu eleitoral iha faze kampaña, preparasaun no votasaun ninian. Artigu ida ne’e sumariza FM nia observasaun durante periodu eleisaun prezidensial ba segunda ronde, no diskute implikasaun balun ba seguransa no demokrasia iha Timor-Leste.\nDurante prosesu kampaña ba segunda ronde nian, FM observa katak iha duni irregularidade oi-oin. Pur ezemplu iha dia 8 Abril 2022 wainhira Dr. José Ramos Horta halo kampaña iha Postu Administrativu Atsabe, Munisípiu Ermera, Comição Nacional das Elições (CNE) hare’e katak kanditatu Horta viola Lei Eleitoral tanba halo kampaña liu oras ofisiál kampaña nian. Tuir Lei Eleitoral kampaña hahu tuku 08:00 dader to’o tuku 18:30, maibe momentu ne’ebá iha Atsabe Dr. Horta halo “mini kampaña” até tuku 20:00 kalan. Iha parte seluk maka militante balun hatudu hahalok aat ba ekipa eleitoral nian, hanesan akontese iha RAEOA-ZEEMS (Oecusse), iha ne’ebá loron 7 Abril ekipa susesu partidu FRETILIN duni ekipa CNE. No mós iha kampaña eleitoral iha Munisipiu Covalima kontinua labarik kiik oan sira partisipa iha kampaña entre kandidatu PR Dr. Jose Ramos Horta no Dr. Francisco Guterres “Lú-Olo”, maske lei la autoriza atu labarik sira hola parte durante kampaña eleitorais.\nMolok tama ba iha preparasaun ba vota nian maka, iha difikuldade seluk ne’eb’e FM anota maka staff servisu sistema administrasaun eleisaun nian hanesan Brigada, CNE, Sekretariado Tékniku Administrasaun Eleitoral (STAE), no observador nasional sira toba deit iha lona kemping nia laran iha loron 18 Abril iha Munisipiu Manufahi, Sentru Votasaun Lesuhati, Suco Holarua, Posto Administrativu Same. Sira dehan toba fatin diak laiha, tanba ne’e sira toba iha kemping laran deit ona. Aleinde problema toba fatin la iha, iha sentru votasaun refere membru PNTL ida deit maka hein halo vijilansia.\nIha prosesu votasaun nian FM observa iha duni indikasaun ba krime nian hanesan grupu balun tenta kria instabilidade, hanesan akontense iha sentru votasaun Esokla Primaria No. 2 iha Suku Bidau Santana, Dili, iha tuku 9 kalan loron 19 Abril. Bainhira staf husi STAE sura hela boletin votu sira, iha grupu joven balu hemu tua lanu hodi tebe odamatan Eskola Primaria No. 2 nian. Maibé iha kalan ne’e membru PNTL nain rua husi eskuadra Kristu Rei kaer no lori joven balun ba sela durante 72 oras, no PNTL kontinua halo investigasaun. Informasaun seluk maka FM rekolla husi staff CNE iha Gleno maka sira hetan tuda husi movimentu individu ou grupu balun iha parte Humboe tuku 11:45 kalan, loron 19 Abril, no mos grupu deskoñesidu balun halo ataka ba staff CNE ida iha Sentru Votasaun Hera. Kazu seluk iha RAEOA-ZEEMS parte Nitibe sei iha hela prosesu investigasaun tanba membru komunidade ida ninia uma maka ahi han hafoin rona rezultadu eleisaun final.\nSeguransa iha eleisaun sai fatór determinante iha prosesu ba konstrusaun paz no demokrasia, liu-liu rezultadu prosesu eleitoral tenke válidu no ema hotu tenke simu. Maibé, FM observa militante balun la satisfas ho rezultadu eleisaun nian hanesan akontese iha munisipiu Viqueque, suku Makadiki. Iha ne’eba hafoin prosesu votasaun remata iha loron 19 Abril, iha grupu balun tenta halo perturbasaun, barullu no baralla iha prosesu kontagen nian iha sentru votasaun Munisipiu Viqueque, no PNTL detein kedas sidadaun nain rua ne’ebé tenta impede kontajen votus.\nAleinde problema seguransa durante prosesu eleitoral, FM mós preokupa tanba fator balun sai bareria ba ema atu partisipa ho másimu iha eleisaun. Ida mak fasilidade ba ema defisiente nafatin limitadu liu-liu ba ema ho defisénsia matan tanba fasilidade Braille iha kartaun votus seidauk iha, signifika ema ho defisénsia matan presiza ema seluk atu vota. Fundasaun Mahein hakarak dada atensaun ba Artigu 47 Konstituisaun RDTL: 1. Sidadaun ne’ebé iha tinan 17 iha direitu atu vota no hetan eleitu 2. Implementa direitu atu hili ne’e direitu privadu no ne’e obrigasaun ba sidadaun hotu-hotu.\nIha segunda ronde ba eleisaun prezidensial, votantes barak mak konsege halao ninian direitu siviku, maibe sidadaun barak mos la konsege vota tamba sira ne’ebé vota iha munisipiu liu-liu zona remotas labele ba vota ho razaun problema transporte, kondisaun ekonomia, no problema finanseiru. Maske Governu no partidu balun kria ona kondisaun no fasilidade hanesan transporte trek no bus, maibé to’o deit iha Munisipiu nia Kapital la to’o ba postu-administrativu, suku no aldeia sira. Prosesu rejistrasaun mos komplikadu demais ne’ebé desmotiva ema barak, no mós orgaun eleitorais la fo prioridade ba ema hamutuk nain 90 resin ne’ebé agora hela iha prizaun, ema balun ne’ebé moras todan hela iha hospital, no ema balun ne’ebé konsidera “moras mental”, no mos estudantes sira ne’ebé hela iha Dili labele ba vota tanba distansia no tempu. Kestaun ne’e mos implika ba seguransa no demokrasia iha Timor-Leste tanba hafraku povu nia respeitu ba instituisaun estadu no estadu direitu demokratiku.\nIha aspeitu seguransa nian FM observa PNTL mós hasoru dezafiu oi-oin hanesan rekursus ne’ebé menus, laiha liña komunikasaun, difikuldade ba asesu iha transporte, no ekipamentus, ne’ebé sai esensial ba PNTL durante iha komisiu politiku to’o votasaun nian. FM hare’e katak maske deslokasaun PNTL preparadu ba iha sentru votasaun 1,191 no estasaun votu, lao ho kalma no hakmatek to’o ohin loron, maibé iha lakunas ne’ebé fó implikasaun ba seguransa eleisaun nian. Pur ezemplu seguransa iha sentru votasaun balun hanesan iha kosta sul nian (Munisipiu Manufahi) destaka membru OPS ida deit ba iha kada sentru votasaun sira. Irregularidade ne’ebé parte seguransa hala’o maka PNTL balun la mantein distansia 25 metrus husi sentru votasaun hanesan iha sentru Votasaun Fohorem, Tilomar no Wetaba Salele inklui mós iha fatin sira seluk.\nBazeia ba observasaun hirak ne’e, FM fó rekomendasaun tuir mai ba Timor-Leste nia autoridade eleitoral no desizaun na’in sira hodi prevene problema sira ne’e akontese tan iha futuru:\nAutoridade eleitoral sira tenke kria kondisaun ida ne’ebé diak liu no realistiku hodi hasa’e taxa partisipasaun iha teritoriu laran tomak hodi nune’e haforsa sistema demokrasia iha Timor-Leste. Infelizmente, husi total votante nain 859,692, so ema nain 664,106 mak vota iha primeira ronde, no taxa partisipasaun tuun iha segunda ronde to’o iha ema nain 649,389. Kauza sira ne’e FM haree maka problema transporte, problema finanseiru no ekonomia, distansia ne’ebé dook, tempu la iha, no prosesu rejistu komplikadu demais. Tanba ne’e, presiza simplifika no fasilita prosesu rejistrasaun, hanesan uza kira sistema online (internet) ne’ebé simples no ema bele uza hodi muda sira nia sentru votasaun ba fatin ne’ebé besik. Ida ne’e bele evita problema transporte, tempu, distansia no finanseiru, no garante taxa partisipasaun másimu.\nFundasaun Mahein mós rekomenda atu instituisaun seguransa estadu halo kontrolu másimu hodi evita konflitu ne’ebé akontese hanesan durante kampaña, hanesan asaltu balun ne’ebé komete husi militante sira inklui gravasaun ameasa ne’ebé viral iha públiku nia le’et. Ema ne’ebé mak komete ameasa ne’e tenke submete ba sansaun tuir Kódigu Penál Timor-Leste nian, nune’e FM husu PNTL atu halo investigasaun másimu ba kazu refere.\nGovernu tenke hakbiit fasilidade ba PNTL sira hanesan transporte, rede komunikasaun, no atrebutu esensiál sira seluk. Nunee bainhira iha indikasaun krime ou movimentu individu ou grupu balun ne’ebe mak tenta kria instabilidade iha periodu Eleisaun Presidensial tuir mai, PTNL bele response lalais ho efetivu. Nune’e PNTL nia atuasaun bele promove paz, unidade, amizade, haburas demokrasia, hodi asegura estabilidade, seguransa no dezenvolvimentu nasional.\nFundasaun Mahein mós rekomenda atu kria kondisaun ida ne’ebé viabel no realistiku ba prizioneiru sira, ema ho difisiente matan, ema ho moras mental, no mós ema sira ne’ebé moras todan iha Ospitál Nasionál to’o sentru saude iha munisipiu to’o area remotas.\nFM husu atu instituisaun seguransa tenke aplika lei ho igual ba sidadaun hotu iha tempu kampaña eleitoral, no asegura katak PNTL investiga violasaun hotu-hotu ne’ebé akontese.\nPrevious Previous post: Propaganda Kilat Ilegal Iha Tempu Eleisaun No Politizasaun Seguransa Estadu | [
"FM nia Observasaun iha Segunda Ronde Eleisaun Prezidensial 2022 no nia Implikasaun ba Seguransa no Demokrasia - Fundasaun Mahein May 13, 2022May 13, 2022 | adminadmin | 0 Comment | 16:25 Fontes Foto: Tatoli Fundasaun Mahein (FM) nu'udar organizasaun naun-governmental nasional halo observasaun durante eleisaun prezidensial 2022.",
"Iha dia 19 Abril 2022, povu Timor-Leste partisipa iha eleisaun prezidensial ba segunda ronde, no rezultadu hatudu Dr Jose Ramos Horta maka manan votus barak liu (62%), kompara ho Prezidente atual Francisco Guterres \"Lu-Olo\" ne'ebe simu besik 38%.",
"FM hala'o duni observasaun sira iha sentru votasaun oi-oin, inklui sentru votasaun sira iha kapital Dili no mos iha area rural.",
"Husi observasaun ne'ebe ami hala'o durante loron votasaun, laiha konflitu vertikal entre lideransa sira no sira simu rezultadu ho haksolok no dignu.",
"Orgaun eleitoral estadu sira mos servisu diak tebes iha sistema administrasaun eleisaun nian.",
"Maibe, FM observa problema balun ne'ebe akontese liga ho prosesu eleitoral iha faze kampana, preparasaun no votasaun ninian.",
"Artigu ida ne'e sumariza FM nia observasaun durante periodu eleisaun prezidensial ba segunda ronde, no diskute implikasaun balun ba seguransa no demokrasia iha Timor-Leste.",
"Durante prosesu kampana ba segunda ronde nian, FM observa katak iha duni irregularidade oi-oin.",
"Pur ezemplu iha dia 8 Abril 2022 wainhira Dr. Jose Ramos Horta halo kampana iha Postu Administrativu Atsabe, Munisipiu Ermera, Comicao Nacional das Elicoes (CNE) hare'e katak kanditatu Horta viola Lei Eleitoral tanba halo kampana liu oras ofisial kampana nian.",
"Tuir Lei Eleitoral kampana hahu tuku 08:00 dader to'o tuku 18:30, maibe momentu ne'eba iha Atsabe Dr. Horta halo \"mini kampana\" ate tuku 20:00 kalan.",
"Iha parte seluk maka militante balun hatudu hahalok aat ba ekipa eleitoral nian, hanesan akontese iha RAEOA-ZEEMS (Oecusse), iha ne'eba loron 7 Abril ekipa susesu partidu FRETILIN duni ekipa CNE.",
"No mos iha kampana eleitoral iha Munisipiu Covalima kontinua labarik kiik oan sira partisipa iha kampana entre kandidatu PR Dr. Jose Ramos Horta no Dr. Francisco Guterres \"Lu-Olo,\" maske lei la autoriza atu labarik sira hola parte durante kampana eleitorais.",
"Molok tama ba iha preparasaun ba vota nian maka, iha difikuldade seluk ne'eb'e FM anota maka staff servisu sistema administrasaun eleisaun nian hanesan Brigada, CNE, Sekretariado Tekniku Administrasaun Eleitoral (STAE), no observador nasional sira toba deit iha lona kemping nia laran iha loron 18 Abril iha Munisipiu Manufahi, Sentru Votasaun Lesuhati, Suco Holarua, Posto Administrativu Same.",
"Sira dehan toba fatin diak laiha, tanba ne'e sira toba iha kemping laran deit ona.",
"Aleinde problema toba fatin la iha, iha sentru votasaun refere membru PNTL ida deit maka hein halo vijilansia.",
"Iha prosesu votasaun nian FM observa iha duni indikasaun ba krime nian hanesan grupu balun tenta kria instabilidade, hanesan akontense iha sentru votasaun Esokla Primaria No. 2 iha Suku Bidau Santana, Dili, iha tuku 9 kalan loron 19 Abril.",
"Bainhira staf husi STAE sura hela boletin votu sira, iha grupu joven balu hemu tua lanu hodi tebe odamatan Eskola Primaria No. 2 nian.",
"Maibe iha kalan ne'e membru PNTL nain rua husi eskuadra Kristu Rei kaer no lori joven balun ba sela durante 72 oras, no PNTL kontinua halo investigasaun.",
"Informasaun seluk maka FM rekolla husi staff CNE iha Gleno maka sira hetan tuda husi movimentu individu ou grupu balun iha parte Humboe tuku 11:45 kalan, loron 19 Abril, no mos grupu deskonesidu balun halo ataka ba staff CNE ida iha Sentru Votasaun Hera.",
"Kazu seluk iha RAEOA-ZEEMS parte Nitibe sei iha hela prosesu investigasaun tanba membru komunidade ida ninia uma maka ahi han hafoin rona rezultadu eleisaun final.",
"Seguransa iha eleisaun sai fator determinante iha prosesu ba konstrusaun paz no demokrasia, liu-liu rezultadu prosesu eleitoral tenke validu no ema hotu tenke simu.",
"Maibe, FM observa militante balun la satisfas ho rezultadu eleisaun nian hanesan akontese iha munisipiu Viqueque, suku Makadiki.",
"Iha ne'eba hafoin prosesu votasaun remata iha loron 19 Abril, iha grupu balun tenta halo perturbasaun, barullu no baralla iha prosesu kontagen nian iha sentru votasaun Munisipiu Viqueque, no PNTL detein kedas sidadaun nain rua ne'ebe tenta impede kontajen votus.",
"Aleinde problema seguransa durante prosesu eleitoral, FM mos preokupa tanba fator balun sai bareria ba ema atu partisipa ho masimu iha eleisaun.",
"Ida mak fasilidade ba ema defisiente nafatin limitadu liu-liu ba ema ho defisensia matan tanba fasilidade Braille iha kartaun votus seidauk iha, signifika ema ho defisensia matan presiza ema seluk atu vota.",
"Fundasaun Mahein hakarak dada atensaun ba Artigu 47 Konstituisaun RDTL: 1.",
"Sidadaun ne'ebe iha tinan 17 iha direitu atu vota no hetan eleitu 2.",
"Implementa direitu atu hili ne'e direitu privadu no ne'e obrigasaun ba sidadaun hotu-hotu.",
"Iha segunda ronde ba eleisaun prezidensial, votantes barak mak konsege halao ninian direitu siviku, maibe sidadaun barak mos la konsege vota tamba sira ne'ebe vota iha munisipiu liu-liu zona remotas labele ba vota ho razaun problema transporte, kondisaun ekonomia, no problema finanseiru.",
"Maske Governu no partidu balun kria ona kondisaun no fasilidade hanesan transporte trek no bus, maibe to'o deit iha Munisipiu nia Kapital la to'o ba postu-administrativu, suku no aldeia sira.",
"Prosesu rejistrasaun mos komplikadu demais ne'ebe desmotiva ema barak, no mos orgaun eleitorais la fo prioridade ba ema hamutuk nain 90 resin ne'ebe agora hela iha prizaun, ema balun ne'ebe moras todan hela iha hospital, no ema balun ne'ebe konsidera \"moras mental,\" no mos estudantes sira ne'ebe hela iha Dili labele ba vota tanba distansia no tempu.",
"Kestaun ne'e mos implika ba seguransa no demokrasia iha Timor-Leste tanba hafraku povu nia respeitu ba instituisaun estadu no estadu direitu demokratiku.",
"Iha aspeitu seguransa nian FM observa PNTL mos hasoru dezafiu oi-oin hanesan rekursus ne'ebe menus, laiha lina komunikasaun, difikuldade ba asesu iha transporte, no ekipamentus, ne'ebe sai esensial ba PNTL durante iha komisiu politiku to'o votasaun nian.",
"FM hare'e katak maske deslokasaun PNTL preparadu ba iha sentru votasaun 1,191 no estasaun votu, lao ho kalma no hakmatek to'o ohin loron, maibe iha lakunas ne'ebe fo implikasaun ba seguransa eleisaun nian.",
"Pur ezemplu seguransa iha sentru votasaun balun hanesan iha kosta sul nian (Munisipiu Manufahi) destaka membru OPS ida deit ba iha kada sentru votasaun sira.",
"Irregularidade ne'ebe parte seguransa hala'o maka PNTL balun la mantein distansia 25 metrus husi sentru votasaun hanesan iha sentru Votasaun Fohorem, Tilomar no Wetaba Salele inklui mos iha fatin sira seluk.",
"Bazeia ba observasaun hirak ne'e, FM fo rekomendasaun tuir mai ba Timor-Leste nia autoridade eleitoral no desizaun na'in sira hodi prevene problema sira ne'e akontese tan iha futuru: Autoridade eleitoral sira tenke kria kondisaun ida ne'ebe diak liu no realistiku hodi hasa'e taxa partisipasaun iha teritoriu laran tomak hodi nune'e haforsa sistema demokrasia iha Timor-Leste.",
"Infelizmente, husi total votante nain 859,692, so ema nain 664,106 mak vota iha primeira ronde, no taxa partisipasaun tuun iha segunda ronde to'o iha ema nain 649,389.",
"Kauza sira ne'e FM haree maka problema transporte, problema finanseiru no ekonomia, distansia ne'ebe dook, tempu la iha, no prosesu rejistu komplikadu demais.",
"Tanba ne'e, presiza simplifika no fasilita prosesu rejistrasaun, hanesan uza kira sistema online (internet) ne'ebe simples no ema bele uza hodi muda sira nia sentru votasaun ba fatin ne'ebe besik.",
"Ida ne'e bele evita problema transporte, tempu, distansia no finanseiru, no garante taxa partisipasaun masimu.",
"Fundasaun Mahein mos rekomenda atu instituisaun seguransa estadu halo kontrolu masimu hodi evita konflitu ne'ebe akontese hanesan durante kampana, hanesan asaltu balun ne'ebe komete husi militante sira inklui gravasaun ameasa ne'ebe viral iha publiku nia le'et.",
"Ema ne'ebe mak komete ameasa ne'e tenke submete ba sansaun tuir Kodigu Penal Timor-Leste nian, nune'e FM husu PNTL atu halo investigasaun masimu ba kazu refere.",
"Governu tenke hakbiit fasilidade ba PNTL sira hanesan transporte, rede komunikasaun, no atrebutu esensial sira seluk.",
"Nunee bainhira iha indikasaun krime ou movimentu individu ou grupu balun ne'ebe mak tenta kria instabilidade iha periodu Eleisaun Presidensial tuir mai, PTNL bele response lalais ho efetivu.",
"Nune'e PNTL nia atuasaun bele promove paz, unidade, amizade, haburas demokrasia, hodi asegura estabilidade, seguransa no dezenvolvimentu nasional.",
"Fundasaun Mahein mos rekomenda atu kria kondisaun ida ne'ebe viabel no realistiku ba prizioneiru sira, ema ho difisiente matan, ema ho moras mental, no mos ema sira ne'ebe moras todan iha Ospital Nasional to'o sentru saude iha munisipiu to'o area remotas.",
"FM husu atu instituisaun seguransa tenke aplika lei ho igual ba sidadaun hotu iha tempu kampana eleitoral, no asegura katak PNTL investiga violasaun hotu-hotu ne'ebe akontese.",
"Previous Previous post: Propaganda Kilat Ilegal Iha Tempu Eleisaun No Politizasaun Seguransa Estadu"
] | [
"FM's Observations in the Second Round of 2018 Presidential Election and its Implication for Security & Democracy - Mahein Foundation May,3rdMay | adminadmin| No Comments\\tFons Foto: Tatoli The Mahein Fundation (FM) as a national non-governmental organization conducted observations during presidential elections."
"On 19 April, the Timorese people took part in a second round of presidential elections. The result showed that Dr Jose Ramos Horta won more votes (62%), compared to current President Francisco Guterres \"Lu-Olo\" who received nearly"
"FM did conduct observations at various polling stations, including those in the capital Dili and also rural areas."
"From our observations during polling day, there was no vertical conflict between the leaders and they received their outcome with happiness."
"The state electoral bodies also work very well in the election administration system."
"However, the FM noted some problems that occurred in connection with electoral processes during campaigning and preparation for elections."
"This article summarizes FM' s observations during the period of presidential elections to second round, and discusses some implication for security & democracy in Timor-Leste."
"During the second round campaign process, FM observed that there were indeed various irregularities."
"For example, on April 8th of this year when Dr. Jose Ramos Horta was campaigning in the Administrative Post Atsabe (Ermera Municipality), CNE found that candidate Horta had violated Electoral Law by running his election over official time limits for voter registration and eligibility to vote at all times except during public holiday days or after closing hours as stated under Article I-102(3)(a)"
"According to the Electoral Law, campaigning began at 08:15 am and lasted until about six o'clock afternoon. At that time in Atabe Dr Horta was doing a \"mini-campaign\" till nine pm on Saturday night (29th of October)."
"On the other hand, some militants have shown bad behaviour to electoral teams as happened in RAEOA-ZEEMS (Oecusse), where on April.7th a successful team of FRETILIN party was attacked by CNE staff members and killed two people who were involved with their campaigning activities at an election site near Oecussé city center"
"And also in the electoral campaigns of Covalima Municipality, young children continued to participate between PR candidate Dr. Jose Ramos Horta and Mr Francisco Guterres \"Lu-Olo\", although law does not authorize that they take part during election campagnei 2018"
"Before entering into the preparations for voting, another difficulty that FM noted was staff working in electoral administration system such as Brigade CNE Technical Secretariat of Electoral Administration (STAE), and national observers only stayed inside a canvas camping on April 18th at Manufahi Municipality Lesuhati Polling Station Holarua Township Same Administratives Post."
"They said there was no good place to wash, so they only bathed inside the camp."
"In addition to the lack of toilet space, only one member was waiting at that polling station."
"During the voting process, FM observed that there were indeed indications of crime as some groups tried to create unrest. This was a case at Esokla Primaria No2 polling station on Bidau Santana Village (Dili), which occurred around nine o'clock night April19th"
"While STAE staff were displaying the ballot papers, a group of young people burst into violence and knocked on Primary School No.2' s door to take out their vote cards from its polling booth in front at about one o’clock local time (10:45am)."
"However, that night two members of the PNTL from Kristu Rei squadron caught and took some young people to a cell for 72 hours. The investigation is still ongoing by Police Forces (PNTL)."
"Further information collected by FM from CNE staff in Gleno was that they were attacking individuals or groups of people at Humboe area around 23:45 p.m on April,19th and some unknown group also made an assault against a person working for the National Electoral Commission (CEN) who worked with hera polling station"
"Another case in RAEOA-ZEEMS part of Nitibe is still under investigation because a community member’s house was burned after hearing the final election results."
"Security during elections is a decisive factor in the process of building peace and democracy, especially since electoral results must be valid for all."
"However, FM observed that some militants were not satisfied with the election results as happened in Viqueque municipality and Makadiki village."
"There, after the voting process ended on April 19th some groups attempted to cause disturbance and noise during vote counting at a polling station in Viqueque Municipality. The PNTL immediately arrests two citizens who were seeking an obstacle for ballot-countings; they are being held by police as suspectes of having been involved with fraudulent election campaign activities or other illegal acts that may have led them into jail time (see above)."
"In addition to security problems during the electoral process, FM is also concerned that some factors have become a barrier for people participating at maximum in elections."
"One is that facilities for people with disabilities are still limited, especially to those who have visual impairments because Braille facility in the voting cards does not exist yet. This means a person having vision problems will need someone else's help when he or she vote"
"The Mahein Foundation would like to draw your attention on Article 47 of the Constitution:"
"Citizens over the age of 17 are entitled to vote and be elected."
"Implementing the right to choose is a private rights and an obligation of all citizens."
"In the second round of presidential elections, many voters were able to exercise their civic rights but a large number did not vote because those who had been in municipalities especially remote areas couldn't go out for reasons such as transportation problems and financial difficulties."
"Although the government and some parties have created conditions for facilities such as trek transportation, buses etc. but only in Municipal Capital it is not enough to reach administrative post-offices or township/village level administration centres;"
"The registration process is also too complicated to motivate many people, and the electoral bodies do not give priority for more than 90 persons who are currently in jail; some of whom have been hospitalized as seriously sick or considered \"mentally disabled\"; students living at Dili can't vote because they live so far away."
"This issue also has implications for security and democracy in Timor-Leste because it undermines the people' s respect of state institutions, democratic rights states."
"In the security aspect, FM observed that PNTL also faces various challenges such as lack of resources and communication lines; difficulty in accessing transportation facilities or equipment which is essential for their work during political commission meeting to voting."
"FM considers that although the deployment of PNTL prepared for 1,092 polling centres and voting station has been conducted calmly to date there are gap-hole in security which have implications on elections."
"For example, security at some polling stations such as on the south coast (Municipality of Manufahi) detach only one OPS member to each voting station."
"Irregularities committed by the security forces were that some PNTL officers did not maintain a 25-metre distance from polling centres, such as in Fohorem voting centre and Tilomar wetaba Salele among other places."
"Based on these observations, FM makes the following recommendations to Timor-Leste's electoral authorities and decision makers in order for such problems not be repeated: The Electoral Authority should create better conditions that are realistic with a view of raising voter turnout throughout its national territories so as strengthen democracy."
"Unfortunately, out of a total 859.602 voters registered for the first round there were only about1/3 (74%) who voted in this election and turnout dropped to just under one percent during that second run-off with an average participation rate at around -%(~)"
"The FM sees these causes as transportation problems, financial and economical difficulties; the distances are too long or there is not enough time to complete registration process."
"Therefore, it is necessary to simplify and facilitate the registration process by using a simple online system (internet) that people can use for moving their polling stations closer."
"This can avoid transport, time and distance problems as well financial issues. It also guarantees maximum participation rates for the participants in this event!"
"The Mahein Foundation also recommends that state security agencies exercise maximum control to avoid conflict as it occurred during the campaign, with some assaults committed by militant and threatening videotapes going viral in public."
"Those who commit such threats must be subject to sanctions under the Timor-Leste Penal Code, therefore FM asked PNTL (Police of National Defence) for a full investigation into this case."
"The Government must strengthen facilities for the PNTL such as transportation, communications network and other essential resources."
"Thus, when there is an indication of crime or movement some individual and group who are trying to create unrest during the following Presidential Election period PTNL can respond quickly with effectiveness."
"Thus, the action of PNTL can promote peace and unity. friendship; foster democracy in order to ensure stability security national development .\""
"The Mahein Foundation also recommends creating viable and realistic conditions for prisoners, people with visual impairments or mental illnesses as well the acutely sick in National Hospital to health centres of municipalities until remote areas."
"FM calls on the security institutions to apply laws equally for all citizens during electoral campaign, and ensure that PNTL investigates any violations occurring."
"Previous Next post: Illegal Flash Propaganda During Elections and the Politicization of State Security"
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BTL, E.P kontrata empreza Wetodo fornese bee-moos ba komunidade Soibada | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste\nVARANDA HEADLINE BTL, E.P kontrata empreza Wetodo fornese bee-moos ba komunidade Soibada\nBTL, E.P kontrata empreza Wetodo fornese bee-moos ba komunidade Soibada\nPrezidente Konsellu Administrasaun BTL, E.P, Carlos Peloi dos Reis, asina akordu ho Diretór empreza Wetodo Unipesoal Lda, Mário dos Reis, hosi halo melloramentu sistema bee-moos iha postu administrativu Soibada, iha salaun Caicoli, sesta (03/06). Imajen/BTL\nDILI, 03 juñu 2022 (TATOLI)—Bee Timor-Leste, Empreza Públika (BTL, E.P), sesta ne’e, asina kontratu ho empreza Wetodo unipesoal, Lda, ne’ebé sei halo parseria ho empreza Talisahe Unip, Lda, hodi halo melloramentu ba sistema bee-moos iha postu adminitrativu Soibada, munisípiu Manatuto.\n“Ohin ita kontratu empreza Wetodo atu ba oin bele halo melloramentu sistema bee-moos hodi distribui ba ita-nia komunidade iha Soibada, tanba komunidade iha área ne’ebá tinan naruk la asesu bee-moos,” Prezidente Konsellu Administrasaun BTL, E.P, Carlos Peloi, hateten, iha salaun Caicoli.\nNia dehan, empreza Wetodo ne’ebé ohin asina kontratu sei implementa projetu ho durasaun fulan-neen, hahú juñu no ramata iha 01 dezembru 2022.\n“Ohin ita asina ona, hein ita fó orientasaun nune’e sira bele halo serbisu ho lalais. Projetu ne’e rasik realiza ho orsamentu hamutuk $772.944,46,” nia akresenta.\nNotísia relevante: BTL mellora sistema abastesimentu bee no saneamentu hodi rekolla reseita\nIha fatin hanesan, Diretór empreza Wetodo, Mário dos Reis Amaral, hateten, hanesan empreza ne’ebé hetan fiar, komprometidu ba oin sei serbisu másimu nune’e bele ramata tuir tempu ne’ebé determina ona.\n“Ami prontu realiza projetu tuir tempu iha kontratu, katak dezembru ne’e ita-nia komunidade tenke asesu ona bee-moos,” nia dehan.\nNune’e mós, Administradór postu administrativu Soibada, Luis Gongaza da Silva, agradese ba VIII Governu, liuhosi BTL, E.P bele oferese ona projetu sistema melloramentu bee-moos ba komunidade Soibada.\n“Ami-nia komunidade tinan naruk halerik ba bee-moos,” nia tenik.\nSistema melloramentu bee-moos kobre kuaze distánsia kilómetru 25,6, ne’ebé suku haat mak sei sai benefisiáriu hanesan Samoro, Manlala, Leohat, no fatumaquerec, ho benefisiáriu ba projetu ne’e hamutuk uma-kain 280 ho totál populasaun 1.680.\nMelloramentu sistema bee-moos\nPrevious articleDapur merenda eskolár iha EBF Mabil-Oa la seguru\nNext articleMerkadu Taibesi menus bee-moos | [
"BTL, E.P kontrata empreza Wetodo fornese bee-moos ba komunidade Soibada | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA HEADLINE BTL, E.P kontrata empreza Wetodo fornese bee-moos ba komunidade Soibada BTL, E.P kontrata empreza Wetodo fornese bee-moos ba komunidade Soibada Prezidente Konsellu Administrasaun BTL, E.P, Carlos Peloi dos Reis, asina akordu ho Diretor empreza Wetodo Unipesoal Lda, Mario dos Reis, hosi halo melloramentu sistema bee-moos iha postu administrativu Soibada, iha salaun Caicoli, sesta (03/06).",
"Imajen/BTL DILI, 03 junu 2022 (TATOLI) - Bee Timor-Leste, Empreza Publika (BTL, E.P), sesta ne'e, asina kontratu ho empreza Wetodo unipesoal, Lda, ne'ebe sei halo parseria ho empreza Talisahe Unip, Lda, hodi halo melloramentu ba sistema bee-moos iha postu adminitrativu Soibada, munisipiu Manatuto.",
"\"Ohin ita kontratu empreza Wetodo atu ba oin bele halo melloramentu sistema bee-moos hodi distribui ba ita-nia komunidade iha Soibada, tanba komunidade iha area ne'eba tinan naruk la asesu bee-moos,\" Prezidente Konsellu Administrasaun BTL, E.P, Carlos Peloi, hateten, iha salaun Caicoli.",
"Nia dehan, empreza Wetodo ne'ebe ohin asina kontratu sei implementa projetu ho durasaun fulan-neen, hahu junu no ramata iha 01 dezembru 2022.",
"\"Ohin ita asina ona, hein ita fo orientasaun nune'e sira bele halo serbisu ho lalais.",
"Projetu ne'e rasik realiza ho orsamentu hamutuk $772.944,46,\" nia akresenta.",
"Notisia relevante: BTL mellora sistema abastesimentu bee no saneamentu hodi rekolla reseita Iha fatin hanesan, Diretor empreza Wetodo, Mario dos Reis Amaral, hateten, hanesan empreza ne'ebe hetan fiar, komprometidu ba oin sei serbisu masimu nune'e bele ramata tuir tempu ne'ebe determina ona.",
"\"Ami prontu realiza projetu tuir tempu iha kontratu, katak dezembru ne'e ita-nia komunidade tenke asesu ona bee-moos,\" nia dehan.",
"Nune'e mos, Administrador postu administrativu Soibada, Luis Gongaza da Silva, agradese ba VIII Governu, liuhosi BTL, E.P bele oferese ona projetu sistema melloramentu bee-moos ba komunidade Soibada.",
"\"Ami-nia komunidade tinan naruk halerik ba bee-moos,\" nia tenik.",
"Sistema melloramentu bee-moos kobre kuaze distansia kilometru 25,6, ne'ebe suku haat mak sei sai benefisiariu hanesan Samoro, Manlala, Leohat, no fatumaquerec, ho benefisiariu ba projetu ne'e hamutuk uma-kain 280 ho total populasaun 1.680.",
"Melloramentu sistema bee-moos Previous articleDapur merenda eskolar iha EBF Mabil-Oa la seguru Next articleMerkadu Taibesi menus bee-moos"
] | [
"BTL, E.P contracts company Wetodo to provide water for Soibada community | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA HEADLINE The President of the Board Of Directores (BoD) and Chief Executive Officer(CEO), Carlos Peloí dos Reis on Saturday agreed with Mr Mario Dos reis from wetodo Unipesoal Lda that they would improve a system in administrative post called soibadá at Caicoli hall during an event held there this week which was organized by CDL/BTP as partof their efforts towards achieving sustainable development through sustainability management systems"
"DILI, June 03th (TATOLI) - The Public Water Company of Timor-Leste (\"BTL\", E.P), on Saturday this month signs a contract with the company Wetodo unipesoal Lda which will be partnering to Talisahe Unip Ltda for improvement in water supply system at Soibada administrative post office within Manatuto municipality"
"\"Today we have contracted the company Wetodo so that in future it can make improvements to water system and distribute our own community of Soibada, because communities there for many years did not access drinking-water\", said Carlos Peloí (BTL Board President) at Caicoli Hall."
"He said that the Wetodo company which signed today's contract will implement a nine-month project, starting in June and ending on December1st of this year."
"\"Today we have signed, waiting for us to give guidance so that they can do their work quickly."
"The project itself was realized with a total budget of $762,943.50,” he adds"
"Relevant news: BTL improves water supply and sanitation system to raise revenue Meanwhile, Wetodo company director Mario dos Reis Amaral said that as a trusted firm he is committed in the future will work hard so it can be completed by time."
"\"We are ready to carry out the project on time in accordance with our contract, which states that by December this year we must have assessed water quality for all of these communities.\""
"Likewise, Soibada administrative post administrator Luis Gongaza da Silva thanked the VIII Government through BTL E.P for being able to offer a water system improvement project in this community of soibadas 2015-3"
"\"Our community has long been in need of sanitation,\" he said."
"The water improvement system covers almost 25.6 kilometers, which will benefit four municipalities as Samoro Manlala Leohat and fatumaquerec with the beneficiaries of this project totaling a household for each family is about $108 in an area where there are more than two thousand people living under poor conditions"
"Previous articleSchool snack kitchen in EBF Mabil-Oa is not safe NextTaibesi market has less water than expected"
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Ba programa hakbiit ekonomia feto ne�e, iha trimestre datoluk tinan 2015 ne�e SEM hala�o formasaun kona-ba �Jestaun Neg�siu no Kontabilidade� durante loron haat, hah� husi loron 17 to�o loron 20 fulan Agostu tinan 2015. Atividade ne�e hala�o iha salaun Sentro Treinamentu Jo�o Paulo II, Comoro, Dili.\nPartisipante ba formasaun ne�e mak hamutuk ema na�in 43 ne�eb� ema na�in 11 husi grupu feto sira benefisi�riu husi Fundu Transfer�nsi P�blika SEM nian no 32 husi kompa�a sira.\nAbertura ba atividade ne�e halo husi Diretora Jer�l SEM Sra. Maria Jos� Sanches. Durante loron haat ne�e, partisipante sira sei simu formasaun kona-ba t�piku oi-oin relevante ho objetivu atu aumenta sira-nia kapasidade kona-ba jestaun neg�siu no kontabilidade. Prezidente BNCTL (Banco Nacional Comercio Timor-Leste) Sr. Brigido de Sousa esplika kona-ba prosesu kr�ditu ka li�a kr�ditu. Presidente (interino) Aj�nsia Espesializada Investimentu (AEI) Sr. Arcanjo da Silva sei esplika pol�tika governu kona-ba investimentu no programa husi AEI. Diret�r Ezekutivu SERVE Sr. Florencio Sanches hato�o introdusaun kona-ba mandatu no atividade husi SERVE. Diret�r Ezekutivu husi Instituto de Apoio ao Desenvolvimentu Empresarial (IADE) Sr. Hernani Viterbo Soares hato�o t�piku kona-ba �cash flow� ka osan tama no osan sai no �balance sheet�.\nPartisipante sira m�s sei simu t�piku sira seluk ne�eb� relevante ho sira-nia atividade, hanesan kona-ba legalidade empreza, oinsa hah� investimentu iha Timor-Leste, jestaun ezekusaun orsamentu, no seluk-seluk tan, ne�eb� prepara husi IADE.\nAtividade formasaun Jestaun Neg�siu no Kontabilidade ne�e hala�o dala rua ona husi Departamentu Apoiu no Promosaun Sosiu-Ekon�mika Feto SEM kolobora ho IADE.\nHits ohin loron : 147\nHits : 288034 | [
"Ba programa hakbiit ekonomia feto nee, iha trimestre datoluk tinan 2015 nee SEM halao formasaun kona-ba Jestaun Negsiu no Kontabilidade durante loron haat, hah husi loron 17 too loron 20 fulan Agostu tinan 2015.",
"Atividade nee halao iha salaun Sentro Treinamentu Joo Paulo II, Comoro, Dili.",
"Partisipante ba formasaun nee mak hamutuk ema nain 43 neeb ema nain 11 husi grupu feto sira benefisiriu husi Fundu Transfernsi Pblika SEM nian no 32 husi kompaa sira.",
"Abertura ba atividade nee halo husi Diretora Jerl SEM Sra.",
"Maria Jos Sanches.",
"Durante loron haat nee, partisipante sira sei simu formasaun kona-ba tpiku oi-oin relevante ho objetivu atu aumenta sira-nia kapasidade kona-ba jestaun negsiu no kontabilidade.",
"Prezidente BNCTL (Banco Nacional Comercio Timor-Leste) Sr. Brigido de Sousa esplika kona-ba prosesu krditu ka lia krditu.",
"Presidente (interino) Ajnsia Espesializada Investimentu (AEI) Sr. Arcanjo da Silva sei esplika poltika governu kona-ba investimentu no programa husi AEI.",
"Diretr Ezekutivu SERVE Sr. Florencio Sanches hatoo introdusaun kona-ba mandatu no atividade husi SERVE.",
"Diretr Ezekutivu husi Instituto de Apoio ao Desenvolvimentu Empresarial (IADE) Sr. Hernani Viterbo Soares hatoo tpiku kona-ba cash flow ka osan tama no osan sai no balance sheet.",
"Partisipante sira ms sei simu tpiku sira seluk neeb relevante ho sira-nia atividade, hanesan kona-ba legalidade empreza, oinsa hah investimentu iha Timor-Leste, jestaun ezekusaun orsamentu, no seluk-seluk tan, neeb prepara husi IADE.",
"Atividade formasaun Jestaun Negsiu no Kontabilidade nee halao dala rua ona husi Departamentu Apoiu no Promosaun Sosiu-Ekonmika Feto SEM kolobora ho IADE.",
"Hits ohin loron: 147 Hits: 288034"
] | [
"In the third quarter of 2015, SEM conducted a four-day training on Business Management and Accounting for women economic empowerment programmes from August."
"The activity was held in the hall of Centro Treinamento João Paulo II, Comoro District (Dili)."
"The training was attended by 43 participants, including eleven from women’s groups benefiting under SEM Public Transfer Fund and thirty-two companies."
"The activity was opened by Director Jerl SEM Ms."
"Maria Jos Sanches."
"During the four days, participants will receive training on various relevant topics with a view to increasing their skills in business management and accounting."
"President of BNCTL (Banco Nacional Comercio Timor-Leste) Mr. Brigido de Sousa explained about the credit process or lia kreditu , which means \"credit\"."
"Mr. Arcanjo da Silva, President (interim) of the Specialized Investment Agency will explain government policies on investment and AEI programs to participants in this event at 10:45 am CET"
"SERVE Executive Director Mr. Florencio Sanches gave an introduction on the mandate and activities of Serve, providing a brief overview about its work in Brazil"
"Mr. Hernani Viterbo Soares, Executive Director of the Instituto de Apoio ao Desenvolvimento Empresarial (IADE), presented a topic on cash flow or money in and out from balance sheets 10 years ago to present it today:"
"Participants will also receive other topics relevant to their activities, such as on the legality of enterprises and how they can invest in Timor-Leste. Budget execution management is one more issue that IADE prepared for participants at this event 2014/5"
"The Business Management and Accounting training activity has been carried out twice by the Department of Social-Economic Promotion Feto SEM in collaboration with IADE."
"Hits Today: 147 hits today, total hit count of the day is now at -289035"
] |
Di Maria sai reforsu PSG - SAPO Desportu TL\nDi Maria sai reforsu PSG\nJogadór ne’ebé aprezenta formalmente iha konferénsia imprensa iha loron-Kinta.\nFutebolista internasionál arjentinu Ángel di María asina ona kontratu horisehik kontratu ba tinan haat ho Paris Saint-Germain, fó sai klube I divizaun franseza iha ninia sítiu ofisiál internet.\n“Ha’u sente orgullu no vontade maka’as atu hatais kore Paris Saint-Germain. Ha’u mai hodi konkista kompetisaun hothotu iha Fransa no ha’u iha mehi atu manán Liga Kampeaun”, afirma jogadór arjentinu, karik bele sosa ho folin euro millaun 63, fó sai imprensa franseza.\nEstremu, ne’ebé ho tinan 27, forma aan iha arjentinu hosi Rosario Central, molok atu kontrata hosi Benfica, ne’ebé hala’o jogu durante tinan tolu, hosi 2007 to’o 2010, konkista kampeonatu portugés no tasa rua 'águias' nian hosi Liga sira.\nIha tinan 2010, Real Madrid seluk besik euro millaun 25 ba ‘encarnados’ nune’e bele hetan atleta, ne’ebé reprezenta ‘merengues’ durante tinan haat, hodi manán Liga española ida, tasa rua, Supertasa ida no mós Liga Kampeaun iha tinan 2013/14.\nHafoin manán Liga Kampeaun, internasionál arjentinu transfere ba Manchester United ho folin besik millaun 75. Tanba ne’e, hafoin hala’o jogu 32, transfere ba klube kapitál franseza nian.\nÁngel di María, ne’ebé sai ema daruak ne’ebé boot iha transferénsia hosi klube parisiense, hafoin dezembolsadu millaun 64 hodi kontrata internasionál uruguaiu Edinson Cavani, ne’ebé sei aprezenta ohin no karik sei hala’o ninia jogu dahuluk iha loron-Domingu hasoru recém-promovido Ajaccio. | [
"Di Maria sai reforsu PSG - SAPO Desportu TL Di Maria sai reforsu PSG Jogador ne'ebe aprezenta formalmente iha konferensia imprensa iha loron-Kinta.",
"Futebolista internasional arjentinu Angel di Maria asina ona kontratu horisehik kontratu ba tinan haat ho Paris Saint-Germain, fo sai klube I divizaun franseza iha ninia sitiu ofisial internet.",
"\"Ha'u sente orgullu no vontade maka'as atu hatais kore Paris Saint-Germain.",
"Ha'u mai hodi konkista kompetisaun hothotu iha Fransa no ha'u iha mehi atu manan Liga Kampeaun,\" afirma jogador arjentinu, karik bele sosa ho folin euro millaun 63, fo sai imprensa franseza.",
"Estremu, ne'ebe ho tinan 27, forma aan iha arjentinu hosi Rosario Central, molok atu kontrata hosi Benfica, ne'ebe hala'o jogu durante tinan tolu, hosi 2007 to'o 2010, konkista kampeonatu portuges no tasa rua 'aguias' nian hosi Liga sira.",
"Iha tinan 2010, Real Madrid seluk besik euro millaun 25 ba 'encarnados' nune'e bele hetan atleta, ne'ebe reprezenta 'merengues' durante tinan haat, hodi manan Liga espanola ida, tasa rua, Supertasa ida no mos Liga Kampeaun iha tinan 2013/14.",
"Hafoin manan Liga Kampeaun, internasional arjentinu transfere ba Manchester United ho folin besik millaun 75.",
"Tanba ne'e, hafoin hala'o jogu 32, transfere ba klube kapital franseza nian.",
"Angel di Maria, ne'ebe sai ema daruak ne'ebe boot iha transferensia hosi klube parisiense, hafoin dezembolsadu millaun 64 hodi kontrata internasional uruguaiu Edinson Cavani, ne'ebe sei aprezenta ohin no karik sei hala'o ninia jogu dahuluk iha loron-Domingu hasoru recem-promovido Ajaccio."
] | [
"Di Maria joins PSG - SAPO Desportu TL The player was formally presented at a press conference on Thursday."
"Argentine international footballer Angel di Maria has signed a four-year contract with the French Premier League club Paris Saint -Germain, according to its official website."
"\"I feel proud and very eager to play for Paris Saint-Germain."
"I came here to win all the competitions in France and my ambition is winning a Champions League,\" said Messi who would have been willing for €63 million if he could be bought by PSG."
"The 27-year old extremo trained in Argentina at Rosario Central before signing with Benfica, where he played for three years from the year of his arrival to that time (from January until December), and won two Portuguese championships as well."
"In 2013, Real Madrid paid the 'encarnados' nearly €45 million to acquire a player who represented them for four years and won one Spanish League titles (La Liga), two Cup Winners’ Trophy winner of LaLiga Supercopa de España championship in Spain."
"After winning the Champions League, Argentina’s international transferred to Manchester United for nearly €75 million."
"After playing 32 matches, he was transferred to the French capital club."
"Angel di Maria, who has become the second-biggest transfer figure for Paris club after paying 64 million euros to sign Uruguayan international Edinson Cavani will be presented today and should make his debut on Sunday against recent promoter Ajaccio."
] |
OJE ba PR millaun US$3.5, Barak liu ba viajen estranjeiru – GMN TV | Grupo Média Nacional - Lori Timor ba Mundu - GMN TV | Grupo Média Nacional\nHome » Sosiedade » OJE ba PR millaun US$3.5, Barak liu ba viajen estranjeiru\nParlamentu Nasional (PN) aprova ona orsamentu ba Prezidénsia Repúblika ho montante millaun tolu pontu lima liu, ho votus a favor 55, kontra 0 no abstensaun 9.\nAntes atu aprova propsota orsamentu ba Prezidensia da Repúblika, deputadu proponente sira aprezenta proposta Prezidénsia Repúblika nian ne’ebé husu Parlamentu Nasional, atu aumenta osan ba viajen Prezidenti Repúblika nia ba estranjeiru.\nDeputada proponente Carmelita Moniz, husi bankada CNRT hateten, orsamentu Prezidenti Repúblika ne’e, fahe ba kategória tolu mak hanesan saláriu e vensimentu, bens e servisu no kapital menor.\nTanba ne’e sira aprezenta proposta hodi husu ba Governu atu ko’a osan husi fundu infra-estrutura, hodi aumenta ba Prezidénsia da Repúblika, tanba tuir proponente sira nia haree katak, durante fulan hat nia laran ne’e, orsamentu infra-estrutura ne’e, difisil ba Governu atu ezekuta hotu.\n“Husi kategoria tolu ne’e, orsamentu alokadu mak, salariu no bensimentu, atu halo pagamentu ba oras extra-motorista sira. Orsamentu bo’ot liu ba benservisu, ne’ebé alokadu ba viajen lokal no viajen estranjeiru,” katak Carmelita iha plenária PN, Sesta (01/09).\nNia esplika, viajen estranjeiru ne’ebé mak Prezidenti Repúblika atu halo iha fulan hat ne’e nia laran mak, Prezidenti Repúblika husu osan US$ 927 mill, atu halo viazen ba Nova Iorque iha fulan Setembru nia laran, no Prezidenti Repúblika sei ba vizita Australia durante loron tolu iha fulan Outubru, Prezidenti Repúblika husu US$ 100 mill, Prezidenti Repúblika mós sei partisipa iha Bali Forum ne’ebé sei akontese iha loron 29 to’o 30 Outubru, Prezidenti Repúblika husu orsamentu US$ 100 mill.\n“Prezidenti Repúblika mós sei ba Vatikanu iha fulan Novembru, Prezidenti Repúblika husu US$ 200 mill, no Prezidenti Repúblika sei vizita Maroco iha fulan Desembru, Prezidenti Repúblika husu orsamentu US$ 150 mill. Nomós osan ne’ebé foin dadauk Prezidensia Repúblika sosa tiha vileti atu ba Portugal no Caboverde, maibé to’o ikus Parlamentu Nasional kansela, entaun ita tenki selu fali vileti sira ne’ebé Prezidensia Repúblika boking tiha ona US$ 150 mill, ” relata Carmelita.\nLee hotu : Ema deskoñesidu estraga estatua Nain-Feto iha Parókia Bekora\nPrezidenti Komisaun A ne’e afirma, osan restu Prezidensia Repúblika nian ne’e, sei sosa ekipamentus eskritória, agua no seluk tan ba servisu Prezidensia Repúblika nian.\nAlende ne’e, proponente Adriano do Nascimento, husi bankada PD, mós esklarese, Prezidenti husu osan barak liu kona ba viajen estranjeiru, hodi reprezenta Estadu Timor Leste ba rai liur.\n“Ita hotu hatene katak, papel Prezidenti Repúblika kuandu sai ba liur, lori nasaun nia naran. Tanba ida ne’e mak ha’u hanoin katak, importante tebes atu deputadu sira konsidera, tanba nasaun hirak ne’ebé Prezidenti Repúblika atu ba vizita ne’e, importante tebes. Australia hanesan ita hotu hatene, vizita ida ne’e importante, tanba ita iha prosesu negosiasaun fronteira marítima, no vizita Vatikanu mós importante, tanba Timor Leste ne’e, maioria Khatolika, no ba Indonesia mós, Forum ida ne’e importante tebes. Sei osan ne’e ita la aprova, signifika katak, Prezidenti Repúblika labele reprezenta Estadu hodi ajuda hametin liu tan diplomasia polítika iha rai liur,” relata Adriano.\nNia afirma, foin lalais ne’e, Prezidenti Repúblika labele halo vizita ba Portugal no Caboverde, tanba dinámika polítika ne’ebé la’o iha Parlamentu Nasional.\nAdriano esklarese, vizita Prezidenti Repúblika nian iha rai laran mós importante tebes, atu Prezidenti Repúblika bele fó esperansa no motivasaun para povu nafatin hola parte ativu iha prosesu dezenvolvimentu rai laran.\nAlende ne’e, deputada Virgina Ana Belo husi bankada CNRT, husu ba proponente sira atu esplika, li-liu kona ba orsamentu Prezidenti Repúblika nian ba rai liur.\n“Ha’u husu esplikasaun detailladu oituan, ba iha Nova Iorque ne’e, US$ 220 mill. Ida ne’e ema nain hira mak atu ba, no ba loron hira, nune’e mós ba iha Bali forum ne’ebé loron ida de’it han kedas US$ 100 mill,” katak Ana Belo.\nLee hotu : Sidadaun Timor servisu iha rai-liur iha direitu simu subsídiu\nHatan kona ba ezijensia proponente sira nian ne’e, Ministru Estadu Prezidensia Konsellu Ministru, Agio Pereira hatete, Governu konkorda ho proposta proponente sira nian atu aumenta osan ba Prezidensia Repúblika, maibé la aseita atu hasai osan husi fundu infra-estrutura, tanba fundu ne’e atu benefisia projetu sira ne’ebé halo tiha ona maibé seidauk selu, no projetu sira ne’ebé agora dadauk la’o hela.\n“Sei laiha solusaun seluk karik, ita bele uza, maibé ha’u rekomenda, inves ita hasai husi fundu infra-estrutura, fundu ida ne’ebé Parlamentu Nasional rasik mak kria atu kaer projetu sira ne’ebé impaktu direita ba povu nia moris. Projetu barak mak la’o hela de’it, hanesan agua no saneamentu, planu mestre ba estudu ba bee nian, estudu mós hala’o tiha ona atu halo melloramentu ba Hospital Nasional Guido Valadares, Hospital Baucau, konstrusaun edifisiu engeneria nian iha Hera, konstrusaun edifisiu politekniku iha Suai no Lospalos, no academia peskas iha Manatuto no projetu barak tan,” katak Agio Perreira.\nNia afirma, Governu konkorda tiha ona atu hasai milaun US$ 74 husi renbolsa ba kompañia KITAN, husi osan ne’e, milaun US$ 54 atribui ba Orsamentu Jeral Estadu, entaun bele hasai osan husi ne’e ba aumentu Prezidensia Repúblika nian.\nNune’e mós, Primeiru Ministru, Taur Matan Ruak dehan, orsamentu ba viajen Prezidenti Repúblika nian ne’e, Governu konkorda atu aumenta.\n“Ha’u hanoin ita aprova uluk proposta orsamentu Prezidenti Repúblika nian, depois mak ita haree, osan ne’e ita atu foti husi ne’ebé,” katak PM Taur.\nAlende ne’e, Prezidenti Parlamentu Nasional, Arão Noe mós esplika, osan aumentu ba Prezidensia Repúblika ne’e, alende hasai husi milaun US$ 74 ne’e, sei hasai mós husi proposta balun ne’ebé husu atu hamenus osan.\n“Ida ne’e signifika katak, ita la bok husi fundu infra-estrutura,” afirma Arão Noe.\nMaske iha diferente idea kona ba esplikasaun Governu nian kona ba orsamentu atu aumenta ba Prezidensia Repúblika nian, tanba proponente sira la konkorda atu foti osan husi renbolsa kompañia KITAN nian, maibé proposta Orsamentu ba Prezidensia Repúblika hetan ona aprovasaun husi Parlamentu Nasional ho votu afavor 55, kontra 0 abstensaun 9.cos | [
"OJE ba PR millaun US$3.5, Barak liu ba viajen estranjeiru - GMN TV | Grupo Media Nacional - Lori Timor ba Mundu - GMN TV | Grupo Media Nacional Home \" Sosiedade \" OJE ba PR millaun US$3.5, Barak liu ba viajen estranjeiru Parlamentu Nasional (PN) aprova ona orsamentu ba Prezidensia Republika ho montante millaun tolu pontu lima liu, ho votus a favor 55, kontra 0 no abstensaun 9.",
"Antes atu aprova propsota orsamentu ba Prezidensia da Republika, deputadu proponente sira aprezenta proposta Prezidensia Republika nian ne'ebe husu Parlamentu Nasional, atu aumenta osan ba viajen Prezidenti Republika nia ba estranjeiru.",
"Deputada proponente Carmelita Moniz, husi bankada CNRT hateten, orsamentu Prezidenti Republika ne'e, fahe ba kategoria tolu mak hanesan salariu e vensimentu, bens e servisu no kapital menor.",
"Tanba ne'e sira aprezenta proposta hodi husu ba Governu atu ko'a osan husi fundu infra-estrutura, hodi aumenta ba Prezidensia da Republika, tanba tuir proponente sira nia haree katak, durante fulan hat nia laran ne'e, orsamentu infra-estrutura ne'e, difisil ba Governu atu ezekuta hotu.",
"\"Husi kategoria tolu ne'e, orsamentu alokadu mak, salariu no bensimentu, atu halo pagamentu ba oras extra-motorista sira.",
"Orsamentu bo'ot liu ba benservisu, ne'ebe alokadu ba viajen lokal no viajen estranjeiru,\" katak Carmelita iha plenaria PN, Sesta (01/09).",
"Nia esplika, viajen estranjeiru ne'ebe mak Prezidenti Republika atu halo iha fulan hat ne'e nia laran mak, Prezidenti Republika husu osan US$ 927 mill, atu halo viazen ba Nova Iorque iha fulan Setembru nia laran, no Prezidenti Republika sei ba vizita Australia durante loron tolu iha fulan Outubru, Prezidenti Republika husu US$ 100 mill, Prezidenti Republika mos sei partisipa iha Bali Forum ne'ebe sei akontese iha loron 29 to'o 30 Outubru, Prezidenti Republika husu orsamentu US$ 100 mill.",
"\"Prezidenti Republika mos sei ba Vatikanu iha fulan Novembru, Prezidenti Republika husu US$ 200 mill, no Prezidenti Republika sei vizita Maroco iha fulan Desembru, Prezidenti Republika husu orsamentu US$ 150 mill.",
"Nomos osan ne'ebe foin dadauk Prezidensia Republika sosa tiha vileti atu ba Portugal no Caboverde, maibe to'o ikus Parlamentu Nasional kansela, entaun ita tenki selu fali vileti sira ne'ebe Prezidensia Republika boking tiha ona US$ 150 mill, \" relata Carmelita.",
"Lee hotu: Ema deskonesidu estraga estatua Nain-Feto iha Parokia Bekora Prezidenti Komisaun A ne'e afirma, osan restu Prezidensia Republika nian ne'e, sei sosa ekipamentus eskritoria, agua no seluk tan ba servisu Prezidensia Republika nian.",
"Alende ne'e, proponente Adriano do Nascimento, husi bankada PD, mos esklarese, Prezidenti husu osan barak liu kona ba viajen estranjeiru, hodi reprezenta Estadu Timor Leste ba rai liur.",
"\"Ita hotu hatene katak, papel Prezidenti Republika kuandu sai ba liur, lori nasaun nia naran.",
"Tanba ida ne'e mak ha'u hanoin katak, importante tebes atu deputadu sira konsidera, tanba nasaun hirak ne'ebe Prezidenti Republika atu ba vizita ne'e, importante tebes.",
"Australia hanesan ita hotu hatene, vizita ida ne'e importante, tanba ita iha prosesu negosiasaun fronteira maritima, no vizita Vatikanu mos importante, tanba Timor Leste ne'e, maioria Khatolika, no ba Indonesia mos, Forum ida ne'e importante tebes.",
"Sei osan ne'e ita la aprova, signifika katak, Prezidenti Republika labele reprezenta Estadu hodi ajuda hametin liu tan diplomasia politika iha rai liur,\" relata Adriano.",
"Nia afirma, foin lalais ne'e, Prezidenti Republika labele halo vizita ba Portugal no Caboverde, tanba dinamika politika ne'ebe la'o iha Parlamentu Nasional.",
"Adriano esklarese, vizita Prezidenti Republika nian iha rai laran mos importante tebes, atu Prezidenti Republika bele fo esperansa no motivasaun para povu nafatin hola parte ativu iha prosesu dezenvolvimentu rai laran.",
"Alende ne'e, deputada Virgina Ana Belo husi bankada CNRT, husu ba proponente sira atu esplika, li-liu kona ba orsamentu Prezidenti Republika nian ba rai liur.",
"\"Ha'u husu esplikasaun detailladu oituan, ba iha Nova Iorque ne'e, US$ 220 mill.",
"Ida ne'e ema nain hira mak atu ba, no ba loron hira, nune'e mos ba iha Bali forum ne'ebe loron ida de'it han kedas US$ 100 mill,\" katak Ana Belo.",
"Lee hotu: Sidadaun Timor servisu iha rai-liur iha direitu simu subsidiu Hatan kona ba ezijensia proponente sira nian ne'e, Ministru Estadu Prezidensia Konsellu Ministru, Agio Pereira hatete, Governu konkorda ho proposta proponente sira nian atu aumenta osan ba Prezidensia Republika, maibe la aseita atu hasai osan husi fundu infra-estrutura, tanba fundu ne'e atu benefisia projetu sira ne'ebe halo tiha ona maibe seidauk selu, no projetu sira ne'ebe agora dadauk la'o hela.",
"\"Sei laiha solusaun seluk karik, ita bele uza, maibe ha'u rekomenda, inves ita hasai husi fundu infra-estrutura, fundu ida ne'ebe Parlamentu Nasional rasik mak kria atu kaer projetu sira ne'ebe impaktu direita ba povu nia moris.",
"Projetu barak mak la'o hela de'it, hanesan agua no saneamentu, planu mestre ba estudu ba bee nian, estudu mos hala'o tiha ona atu halo melloramentu ba Hospital Nasional Guido Valadares, Hospital Baucau, konstrusaun edifisiu engeneria nian iha Hera, konstrusaun edifisiu politekniku iha Suai no Lospalos, no academia peskas iha Manatuto no projetu barak tan,\" katak Agio Perreira.",
"Nia afirma, Governu konkorda tiha ona atu hasai milaun US$ 74 husi renbolsa ba kompania KITAN, husi osan ne'e, milaun US$ 54 atribui ba Orsamentu Jeral Estadu, entaun bele hasai osan husi ne'e ba aumentu Prezidensia Republika nian.",
"Nune'e mos, Primeiru Ministru, Taur Matan Ruak dehan, orsamentu ba viajen Prezidenti Republika nian ne'e, Governu konkorda atu aumenta.",
"\"Ha'u hanoin ita aprova uluk proposta orsamentu Prezidenti Republika nian, depois mak ita haree, osan ne'e ita atu foti husi ne'ebe,\" katak PM Taur.",
"Alende ne'e, Prezidenti Parlamentu Nasional, Arao Noe mos esplika, osan aumentu ba Prezidensia Republika ne'e, alende hasai husi milaun US$ 74 ne'e, sei hasai mos husi proposta balun ne'ebe husu atu hamenus osan.",
"\"Ida ne'e signifika katak, ita la bok husi fundu infra-estrutura,\" afirma Arao Noe.",
"Maske iha diferente idea kona ba esplikasaun Governu nian kona ba orsamentu atu aumenta ba Prezidensia Republika nian, tanba proponente sira la konkorda atu foti osan husi renbolsa kompania KITAN nian, maibe proposta Orsamentu ba Prezidensia Republika hetan ona aprovasaun husi Parlamentu Nasional ho votu afavor 55, kontra 0 abstensaun 9.cos"
] | [
"OJE para PR milhões US$3.5, Barak mais ba viagens e estrangeiras - GMN TV | Grupo Media Nacional Home \" Sociedade\" The National Parliament (PN) has approved the budget for Presidency of Republic with an amount three million points five more than in previous sessions by a vote to favour it at one-fifth and abstain from voting on its own behalf when there were only nine opposition members present during this sitting;"
"Prior to approving the budget proposal for Presidency of Republic, proponents presented a Proposal from President's Office that asked National Parliament (NPC) increase money spent on travel by president overseas."
"Deputy proponent Carmelita Moniz, of the CNRT party said that this President's budget is divided into three categories such as salary and income tax (salaries e rendamentos), good & services taxes(taxas de benes y serviços)and minor capital."
"Therefore, they presented a proposal to ask the Government for money from infrastructure funds in order that it could be increased by Presidencia da República because according their proponents he saw during this six month period of time infrastructural budgets are hard on government execution."
"\"Of these three categories, the budget allocated is for salaries and benefits to pay drivers' overtime."
"The budget is bigger for services, which are allocated to local travel and foreign trips\", said Carmelita in the plenary of PN on Saturday (01/9)."
"He explained, the foreign trips that President da República will make in these six months are: The president of republic asks for US$ 927 million to go abroad and visit New York City during September; he is going on three-day tour through Australia by October. For this purpose his request was USD $105mn (USD £86)."
"\"The President of the Republic will also be visiting Vatican City in November, and he is asking for US$ 150 million. The president wants to see Morocco on December; therefore we need a budget that would cover this trip.\""
"But the money that was recently received by Presidency of Republic bought villas to Portugal and Cabo Verde, but until then National Parliament cancelled it so we have repayment for all those Villa which had been booking US$ 150 mill\", report Carmelita."
"Read all: Unknown person damages statue of Our Lady in Bekora Parish The Chairman, Committee A stated that the remaining money will be used to buy office equipment and water for Presidency."
"In addition, proponent Adriano do Nascimento from the PD parliamentary group also clarified that President of Timor-Leste is asking for more money to travel abroad and represent East Тимор overseas."
"\"We all know that the role of President when he goes abroad is to carry his country's name."
"Because of this, I think it is very important for the members to consider because those countries that are visiting by President da República have a great importance."
"Australia as we all know, this visit is important because of the maritime boundary negotiations process and also a trip to Vatican City. Because East Timor has Catholic majority in its population but for Indonesia too it's an extremely significant forum!"
"We will not approve this money, which means that the President of Republic cannot represent State to help strengthen political diplomacy abroad\", Adriano said."
"He affirmed that recently, the President of Republic could not visit Portugal and Cabo Verde due to political dynamics in National Parliament."
"Adriano clarified that the visit of President da República to his country is also very important, in order for him and other officials from Brazil’s government can give hope & motivation so people continue taking an active part into development processes."
"In addition, deputy Virgina Ana Belo of the CNRT group asked proponents to explain in particular about President's budget for overseas trip."
"\"I asked for a very detailed explanation, because in New York this is $20 million."
"It's how many people are going, and for what days. So it is the Bali forum that only one day has taken US$ 102 million\", said Ana Belo"
"In response to the proponent's request, Minister of State for Presidency and Council on Foreign Affairs Agio Pereira said that his Government agreed with their proposal in order To increase money allotted For Presidential Office but did not accept taking funds from Infrastructure Fund because this fund will benefit projects which have already been done yet are still unpaid as well As those currently underway."
"\"If there is no other solution, we can use it. But I recommend that instead of using the infrastructural fund which was created by Parliament itself to carry out projects with a direct impact on people's lives..."
"Many projects are still underway, such as water and sanitation; master plans for studies on the management of wastewater. Studies have also been carried out to improve Guido Valadares National Hospital (HGV) in Baucau hospital: engineering building construction at Hera polytechnics buildings constructed between Suai & Lospaloes fisheries academy built among many other things.\""
"He stated that the government has agrees to take out US$ 74 million from its grant for KITAN company, of which $53.26 millions are allocated in General State Budget and can be used as an increase on Presidency' s budget; he said there is no reason why this amount should not go into a special fund called \"Presidential Fund\"."
"Similarly, Prime Minister Taur Matan Ruak said that the Government agreed to increase budget for travel of President da República."
"\"I think we first approve the President's budget proposal, and then see where to get this money from\", said PM Taur."
"In addition, President of the National Parliament Arao Noe also explained that money increased for Presidency is not only removed from US$ 74 million but will be eliminated by some proposals to reduce funds."
"\"This means that we are not taking advantage of the infrastructure fund,\" says Arao Noe."
"Although there are different ideas about the Government’s explanation of how to increase budget for Presidency, because proponents did not agree on taking money from KITAN company grant. The proposed Budget has been approved by National Parliament with 56 vote in favour and no abstentions (9)."
] |
TEMPO SEMANAL: AMP Habokur Emprezariu Hodi Tulun Fretilin\nPosted by TEMPO SEMANAL at 19:54\nLabels: arsenio bano, Emprezariu Fretilin, malam dana\nIta labele kahur sasan nebe la hanesan.\n1. Governo AMP fo projektu ba Emprejarius. tamba emprejarius hanesan parseirus ba dezenvolvimentu.\n2. FRETILIN hanesan organizasaun partidaria ida presiza fundus atu bele moris. No FRETILIN iha nia nia militantes no simpatizantes nebe mai husi sektor oi-oin hanesan, kuadrus, estudantes, joventudes, membru governu, membru parlamentu, emprejarius, no seluk tan.\nEntaun: iha Item nebe emprejariu sira hatoo ba Governu nunka mais hakerek tan ba katak ITEM IDA NEE ATU SUPORTA BA PARTIDU OPOZISAUN KA PARTIDU NEBE UKUN.\nMaibe wainhira FRETILIN konvida nia militantes no simpatizantes sira nia tulun entaun Domingos Maubere da Silva hanesan Direktur ba Empreza ida iha direitu no dever atu fo tulun.\nGovernu iha dever atu fo ba Emprejariu sira saida mak emprejariu sira nia direitu no emprejariu sira tenki halo saida mak sira nia dever. maibe saida mak sai ona ema ida nia direitu entaun konforme ema nee hakarak uza ba saida deit..!!!\nMaibe prosesu ida Governu fo projektu ba emprejariu sira nee mak la'o la los entaun sai ona kestaun no Membru parlamentu hotu la'os opozisaun deit mak iha dever atu kritika ka expresa sira nia hanoin, ka kansela, tamba Osan nee Povu Timor Leste nia osan, laos I ka II ka III ka IV Governu nia osan. | [
"TEMPO SEMANAL: AMP Habokur Emprezariu Hodi Tulun Fretilin Posted by TEMPO SEMANAL at 19:54 Labels: arsenio bano, Emprezariu Fretilin, malam dana Ita labele kahur sasan nebe la hanesan.",
"Governo AMP fo projektu ba Emprejarius. tamba emprejarius hanesan parseirus ba dezenvolvimentu.",
"FRETILIN hanesan organizasaun partidaria ida presiza fundus atu bele moris.",
"No FRETILIN iha nia nia militantes no simpatizantes nebe mai husi sektor oi-oin hanesan, kuadrus, estudantes, joventudes, membru governu, membru parlamentu, emprejarius, no seluk tan.",
"Entaun: iha Item nebe emprejariu sira hatoo ba Governu nunka mais hakerek tan ba katak ITEM IDA NEE ATU SUPORTA BA PARTIDU OPOZISAUN KA PARTIDU NEBE UKUN.",
"Maibe wainhira FRETILIN konvida nia militantes no simpatizantes sira nia tulun entaun Domingos Maubere da Silva hanesan Direktur ba Empreza ida iha direitu no dever atu fo tulun.",
"Governu iha dever atu fo ba Emprejariu sira saida mak emprejariu sira nia direitu no emprejariu sira tenki halo saida mak sira nia dever. maibe saida mak sai ona ema ida nia direitu entaun konforme ema nee hakarak uza ba saida deit..!!!",
"Maibe prosesu ida Governu fo projektu ba emprejariu sira nee mak la'o la los entaun sai ona kestaun no Membru parlamentu hotu la'os opozisaun deit mak iha dever atu kritika ka expresa sira nia hanoin, ka kansela, tamba Osan nee Povu Timor Leste nia osan, laos I ka II ka III ka IV Governu nia osan."
] | [
"Posted by TEMPO SEMANAL at 19:54 Labels. arsenio bano, Emprezariu Fretilin (Fretilin Businessmen), malam dana It is not possible to kahur different things in the same way!"
"1. Amendment of the Constitution"
"The AMP Government gives projects to entrepreneurs. because the businessmen are partners for development ,"
"2. The purpose of the contract"
"FRETILIN as a party organization needs funds in order to survive."
"In FRETILIN there are its militants and sympathizers who come from various sector, such as cadred workers of the governmental system (quadro), students/young people(juventudes) members."
"So: in the items that employers submit to government, they never write anymore about this item we support an opposition party or a right-wing Party."
"However, when FRETILIN invited its militants and sympathizers to help out then as a Director of an Enterprise Domingo de Maubere da Silva had the right but also was obliged."
"The government has a duty to give the employers what is their right as an entrepreneur and they must do whatever it's his/her duties. but that which become one of man’ s rights then accordingly he or she can use for anything else...!!!"
"However, a process of the Government giving projects to entrepreneurs is not going well so it has become an issue and all Member Of Parliament -not only opposition- have their duty in criticizing or expressing its opinion on this matter. Because these funds are East Timorese people' s money; they were never given by Ior II Or III OR IV GOVERNMENTS"
] |
Eletrisidade mate la afeta ba funsionamentu HNGV | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste\nVARANDA SAÚDE Eletrisidade mate la afeta ba funsionamentu HNGV\nEletrisidade mate la afeta ba funsionamentu HNGV\nDILI, 16 setembru 2020 (TATOLI)-Diretór Servisu Apoiu Diagnóstiku no Terapiótiku Ospitál Nasionál Guido Valadares (HNGV-sigla portugés), Mendes Pinto, hateten HNGV iha jeradór boot tolu hodi apoiu servisu instituisaun nian ba atende pasiente sira bainhira eletrisidade mate.\n“Eletrisidade mate oras haat ka lima ne’e ita bele aguenta maibé labele ba loron ida ka rua tanba mina mak susar tebes tanba HNGV iha jerador boot 1 Mega Watt para atende hotu HNGV laran no uza eletrisidade nia kapasidade barak liu entaun tenki uza jerador boot,” dehan nia iha HNGV, kuarta ne’e.\nNotísia Relevante :HNGV Presiza Ahi Lakan Oras 24\nNia esplika jeradór hirak ne’e atu asegura de’it funsionamentu servisu liliu iha Banku de Sangue, Laboratóriu Nasionál, Radiolojia, ICU, sala operasaun no sala fase ran.\n”Banku de Sangue mak ahi mate ran sira aat hotu, Laboratóriu halo teste ran ne’e uza mákina no Radiolojia uza eletrisidade atu hasai raiu-x hasai USG,” nia hateten.\nHusi parte sala ICU nian pasiente balun uza ventiladór, sala operasaun uza mákina hodi halo operasaun, no sala fase ran mós hanesan presiza enerjia eletrisidade.\n“Fatin sira ne’e ita asegura ho jeradór bainhira eletriisdade mate,” tenik tan.\nNotísia Relevante :HNGV iha Ona Progresu Durante Tinan 17\nDiretór Servisu Apoiu Diagnóstiku no Terapiótiku\nPrevious articleSEA konvida komunidade proteje kamada ozóniu liuhosi uza ekipamentu amigável\nNext articleTimor Resources hatama pedidu ba Governu autoriza tékniku mai Timor-Leste | [
"Eletrisidade mate la afeta ba funsionamentu HNGV | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA SAUDE Eletrisidade mate la afeta ba funsionamentu HNGV Eletrisidade mate la afeta ba funsionamentu HNGV DILI, 16 setembru 2020 (TATOLI) -Diretor Servisu Apoiu Diagnostiku no Terapiotiku Ospital Nasional Guido Valadares (HNGV-sigla portuges), Mendes Pinto, hateten HNGV iha jerador boot tolu hodi apoiu servisu instituisaun nian ba atende pasiente sira bainhira eletrisidade mate.",
"\"Eletrisidade mate oras haat ka lima ne'e ita bele aguenta maibe labele ba loron ida ka rua tanba mina mak susar tebes tanba HNGV iha jerador boot 1 Mega Watt para atende hotu HNGV laran no uza eletrisidade nia kapasidade barak liu entaun tenki uza jerador boot,\" dehan nia iha HNGV, kuarta ne'e.",
"Notisia Relevante:HNGV Presiza Ahi Lakan Oras 24 Nia esplika jerador hirak ne'e atu asegura de'it funsionamentu servisu liliu iha Banku de Sangue, Laboratoriu Nasional, Radiolojia, ICU, sala operasaun no sala fase ran.",
"\"Banku de Sangue mak ahi mate ran sira aat hotu, Laboratoriu halo teste ran ne'e uza makina no Radiolojia uza eletrisidade atu hasai raiu-x hasai USG,\" nia hateten.",
"Husi parte sala ICU nian pasiente balun uza ventilador, sala operasaun uza makina hodi halo operasaun, no sala fase ran mos hanesan presiza enerjia eletrisidade.",
"\"Fatin sira ne'e ita asegura ho jerador bainhira eletriisdade mate,\" tenik tan.",
"Notisia Relevante:HNGV iha Ona Progresu Durante Tinan 17 Diretor Servisu Apoiu Diagnostiku no Terapiotiku Previous articleSEA konvida komunidade proteje kamada ozoniu liuhosi uza ekipamentu amigavel Next articleTimor Resources hatama pedidu ba Governu autoriza tekniku mai Timor-Leste"
] | [
"Power outage does not affect HNGV operation | Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA HEADLINE Electricity failure doesn’t impact on the functioning of National Guido Valadares Hospital (NHV) Dili, Sept.16th - The Director for Diagnostic and Therapeutic Support Services at NHGVS Mendes Pinto said that there are three large generator systems in place to support hospital operations when electricity is cut off during a power shutdown or an emergency situation like this one which can be caused by electrical problems such as water leakages from drainage system etc..."
"\"Electricity down for four or five hours we can withstand but not one to two days because oil is very difficult as HNGV has a large generator of Mega Watts in order that all the patients inside and use more electricity capacity so you must be using big generating,\" he said at HNGV on Tuesday."
"He explained that these generators are only to ensure the functioning of services especially in Blood Bank, National Laboratorium (NLL), Radiology Department(RDD) ICU and Operating Room."
"\"Blood banks burn all the bad blood, laboratories test it using machines and Radiology use electricity to make x-ray or USG\", he said."
"In the ICU, some patients are on ventilators; in an operation room there is a machine to perform operations and blood transfusions also require electricity."
"\"These houses we secure with generators if the electricity goes out,\" he added."
"Related News:HNGV Has Made Progress During the Past Seventeen years – Director of Diagnostic and Therapeutic Support Services Previous articleSEA invited community to protect ozone layer through environmentally friendly equipment Next ArticleTimor Resources requested Government authorization for technical team visiting Timor-Leste"
] |
FONGTIL ezije KAK prosesa lalais kazu ro HAKSOLOK\nSonia de Jesus Fernandes\nLee nain: 1046\nDILI (TOP) — Diretor ezekutivu Forum Organizasaun Naun Govermental Timor-Leste (FONGTIL), Daniel dos Santos Carmo ezijé ba Komisaun Anti Korupsaun (KAK) atu halo prosesu investigasaun ba prosesu konstrusaun ro ferry HAKSOLOK ne’ebé nia prosesu pagamentu remata tiha ona iha tinan 2017 maibé, to’o oras ne’e seidauk to’o mai hela de’it Timor-Leste.\n“Ami nia prezensa iha ne’e, atu husu ba KAK atu halo investigasaun ba prosesu tomak ba konstrusaun ro Haksolok nian. Tanba ro HAKSOLOK iha Timor ona karik, agora ita sei la diskuti malu kona-ba aluga ro ne’e,” hateten Daniel dos Santos Carmo ba jornalista sira iha edifisiu KAK Farol, Dili Tersa 08 Juñu 2021.\n“Preokupasaun FONGTIL nian ne’ebé maka ohin hasoru malu ho KAK,” nia afirma.\nNia hatutan, antes ne’e mós FONGTIL hato’o ona karta ba KAK kona-ba prosesu aluga ro foun ne’ebé troka ro Berlin Nakroma.\n“Ami atu follow up iha ami nia karta ami hakerek ba KAK kona ba prosesu aluga ro’o ne’ebé atu subtitui ró Nakroma ne’ebé tuir deklarasaun ami nian katak iha deskonfia katak prosesu aluga ne’e la liu prosedur normal ne’ebé babain iha”.\nDiretor ne’e sei lembra antes ne’e, Parlamentu Nasionál aprova tiha ona osan hamutuk millaun $14 hodi finaliza prosesu konstrusaun ro HAKSOLOK ne’e, no Prezidente Autoridade ba RAEOA, Arsenio Paixão Bano deklara ona katak, bainhira ro ne’e la mai, nia duni maka sei responsabiliza.\n“Ami mai atu fó informasaun ba KAK katak, ninia prosesu ro ne’e to’o ona iha ne’ebé, iha dalan mai ona ka halo oinsa, tanba ita kompara ita konstroi ro HAKSOLOK kuaze han osan millaun $24 ka 26 maibé to’o agora seidauk mai”.\nIha loron Kuarta 02 Dezembru 2020, Primeiru Ministru Taur Matan Ruak hateten, bainhira ró HAKSOLOK la mai to’o Timor-Leste, Prezidente Autoridade ba Rejiaun Administrativu Espesial Oe-Kusi Ambeno (RAEOA), Arsenio Paixão Bano mak sei ba hatan iha Tribunal no kuandu hetan kondenasaun, nia mak sei ba tama prijaun iha Bekora, Dili.\n"Maske Prezidente RAEOA Arsenio Paixão Bano hatene katak ró HAKSOLOK ne'e la mai, Arsenio mak ba Bekora," hateten PM Taur iha sesaun debate OJE 2021 iha Parlamentu Nasionál (PN), Kuarta 2 Dezembru 2020.\nNia hatutan, antes ne’e Bano maka hatete nia prontu assume risku sira hotu, no promete sei lori prosesu konstrusaun ba ró ne’e to’o remata.\n"Ha'u hatene di'ak, ita hotu basa liman, a’at ne'e Bano mesak ba hatan iha Tribunál," hateten PM Taur.\nMaske ró HAKSOLOK durante tinan tolu ona seidauk to’o mai Timor-Leste, maibé Primeiru Ministru atual Prezidente Partidu Libertasaun Popular (PLP) ne’e katak tanba saida maka tenke tau tan osan?\n"Bainhira ita gasta osan ne'e, kompañia ne'ebé halo ita nia ró ba fali nasaun falensia," nia argumenta.\nNia aprezenta opsaun 4 kona-ba oinsa bele rezolve ró HAKSOLOK.\nOpsaun dahuluk maka husik Timor-Leste lakon nia osan saugati de’it (refere ba pagamentu inisial ne’ebé halo tiha ona husi Mari Alkatiri iha tinan 2017).\nDaruak, foti tiha ró HAKSOLOK ba fali kompañia seluk para hadia.\nDatolu, ró HAKSOLOK halo tiha besi aat, faan tiha, dalaruma nia presu ne'e ho montante osan miliaun $15 karik?\nDahat, tenke buka negosia dalan seluk halo oinsa maka kompañia ne'e kapitaliza kompaña ida ne'e ho kompaña sira seluk ne'ebé iha interese para bele hadia, maibé atu halo negosiasaun ida ne'e tenke tau osan.\n"Naturalmente responsabilidade tomak iha Prezidente Autoridade RAEOA nia liman no Prezidente RAEOA Arsenio nia husu osan, nia hatene katak nia iha risku más tambem nia iha risku nia husu porque nia hatene dalan ba ita rekoopera," PM Taur esplika.\nNia rekoñese katak, saida maka Mari Alkatiri ba ró HAKSOLOK ne’e la fasil, no bainhira nia sai José Luis Guterres ‘Lugu’ maka ba fali, Lugu dehan governu sentral bele foti fali tanba nia la responsabiliza ida ne'e no nia lakohi responsabiliza saida maka Alkatiri halo.\n"Durante fulan ida fulan rua, ami tenta buka dalan hotu-hotu haree opsaun sira hotu para hasai desizaun husik para ita lakon dei’t nia justifikasaun la'os ita maka sala, kompañia maka bankrupt tiha, kompañia ne'e maka ba tiha fali falensia," nia esplika.\nMaibé, Estadu Timor-Leste mós lakon nafatin osan kuaje milliaun Euro 13 resin ne’ebé Sekretáriu Jeral partidu FRETILIN, Mari Alkatiri selu tiha ona, no desijaun selu ne’e fó prejuizu maka’as ba Estadu, tanba durante tinan 3 ona ró ne’e seidauk mai hela de’it.\nEntretantu, antes ne'e bankada parlamentar CNRT iha Parlamentu Nasionál kontinua kontra politika no desijaun “governu defaktu” ne’ebé “tonka” husi partidu FRETILIN hasai tan povu nia osan hamutuk miliaun $16,9 hodi finaliza konstrusaun Ferry HAKSOLOK inklui konstrusaun ba ponte kais atu ró ne’e bele atraka.\nNotisia relevante: CNRT kontra “governu defaktu” aumenta osan ba ferry HAKSOLOK\n“Bankada CNRT nota katak RAEOA-ZEESM sei iha saldu jerensia Miliaun $177.4 de dolares ne’ebé autoridade subar ba Parlamentu Nasionál atu asesu paradeiru husi osan ida ne’e. Tanba-ne’e mak laiha fatin ba RAEOA atu husu tán osan ba Governu Sentral,” hateten Prezidente bankada CNRT, Duarte Nunes liu husi konferénsia ba imprensa iha salaun bankada CNRT iha Parlamentu Nasionál, Dili, Kuarta 25 Novembru 2020.\n“Tuir informasaun husi Prokuradór Jerál Repúblika Dr. Jose Ximenes iha mídia katak ferry Haksolok iha hela prosesu investigasaun kriminál nia laran. Bankada CNRT konsidera katak tuir loloos Governu de Faktu labele halo tán pagamentu ba objetu krime nian ne’ebé iha hela prosesu investigasaun kriminál nian”.\nGovernu sentral delega ona kompetensia ba Prezidente Autoridade ba Rejiaun Administrativu Espesial Oe-Kusi Ambeno (RAEOA), Arsenio Paixão Bano hodi rezolve assuntu ne’e, no Bano durante ne’e sempre deklara katak RAEOA iha nia estratejia rasik atu oinsa bele lori Ferry HAKSOLOK mai Timor-Leste. Infelizmente, bainhira jornalista sira kontinua husu pergunta ne’e ba Bano, nia staff protokolu ida interompe kedas pegunta ne’e no hasai tan lia-fuan atu duni sai sira husi áreador aeroportu rota do sandalo ne’ebé ikus-ikus ne’e uja ba fatin resepsaun maka barak liu.\n“Bankada CNRT konsidera laiha serteza ka garantia ba Timor-Leste katak hafoin Governu de Faktu Inkonstitusionál injeta tán osan hamutuk Millaun $16,9 de dolares iha proposta OJE 2021, atu nune’e bele lori ferry Haksolok mai iha Timor-Leste. Maibé dadaun ne’e kompañia Atlantic Eagle Shipbuilding Lda. bankarrota tiha ona, aleinde ne’e kondisaun ferry Haksolok mós a’at loos ona tanba para kleur iha tasi laran no ferrujen hotu ona,” esplika deputadu Duarte Nunes.\n“Bankada CNRT hakarak hatene bainhira maka Ministériu Públiku atu avansa eskándalu akizisaun ferry Haksolok ne’e ba Tribunal, tanba Câmara de Contas nia auditária iha 2018 deskobre ona indísiu krime ba ferry Haksolok, maibé tanbasá mak prosesu investigasaun ba ferry Haksolok ne’e lori tempu naruk liu”.\nCNRT konsidera Ferry Haksolok agora iha prosesu investigasaun Ministériu Públiku nune’e labele bo’ok, inklui labele aumeta tán osan. Ezemplu projetu balun husi projetu 143 ne’ebé Governu labele selu tanba tama hela prosesu investigasaun kriminál nian, nune’e laiha razaun atu Governu ida ne’e atu tau tán osan ba ferry Haksolok.\n“Husu ba Câmara de Contas no Ministériu Públiku atu obriga autoridade RAEOA-ZEESM hatudu Konta Bankária ba Osan Miliaun $177.4 de dolares ne’ebé Autoridade rai iha Banku Komersiál maibé seidauk hetan auditória. Bankada CNRT hakarak hatene osan ne’e nia jurus ka funan hahú husi osan ne’e depozita iha Banku to’o ohin loron, inklui Miliaun $35 de dolares iha Fundu Ekonomia Dezenvolvimentu (FED) ne’ebé kapitalizadu ona”.\n“Bankada CNRT ezije ba Governu de Faktu Inkonstitusionál atu labele aproveita Asaltu Podér ne’e atu salva Dr. Mari Alkatiri ba osan Miliaun $17 de dolares resin ne’ebé mout ona iha Tasi Portugál nian”.\n“Osan Miliaun $17 ne’ebé Mari Alkatiri selu tiha ba Atlantic Eagle Shipbuilding Lda ne’e lakon saugati de’it no estadu tenke hasai tan Povu nia osan hodi taka osan ne’ebé Mari Alkatiri ho nia belun sira fahe tiha ona ba malu”.\nMari Alkatiri ho nia ekipa sira lansa ro HAKSOLOK iha Portugal iha loron 26 Maiu 2017, infelizmente to'o ohin loron ro ne'e seidauk to'o mai Timor-Leste. Credit Media ZEESM-TL.\nIha tempu ne’eba Mari Alkatiri selu tiha ona osan hamutuk Euro miliaun 13 resin ba kompañia Portuguesa Atlanticeagle Shipbuilding, maibé tuir informasaun ne’ebé iha katak kompañia ne’e deve hela kompañia rua seluk ne’ebé ikus mai lori malu ba Tribunal hodi kauza sira prende tiha Ferry HAKSOLOK, no husu ba governu Timor-Leste tenke selu tan miliaun $16,9 mak ró ne’e foin bele mai Timor-Leste.\nPrevious Article Xanana felisita padre João Felgueiras, SJ ne’ebé selebra loron moris kompleta 100 ona\nNext Article KHUNTO seidauk prepara nia kandidatura ba kompete iha eleisaun prezidensial\nHare dala: 6071 | [
"FONGTIL ezije KAK prosesa lalais kazu ro HAKSOLOK Sonia de Jesus Fernandes Lee nain: 1046 DILI (TOP) - Diretor ezekutivu Forum Organizasaun Naun Govermental Timor-Leste (FONGTIL), Daniel dos Santos Carmo ezije ba Komisaun Anti Korupsaun (KAK) atu halo prosesu investigasaun ba prosesu konstrusaun ro ferry HAKSOLOK ne'ebe nia prosesu pagamentu remata tiha ona iha tinan 2017 maibe, to'o oras ne'e seidauk to'o mai hela de'it Timor-Leste.",
"\"Ami nia prezensa iha ne'e, atu husu ba KAK atu halo investigasaun ba prosesu tomak ba konstrusaun ro Haksolok nian.",
"Tanba ro HAKSOLOK iha Timor ona karik, agora ita sei la diskuti malu kona-ba aluga ro ne'e,\" hateten Daniel dos Santos Carmo ba jornalista sira iha edifisiu KAK Farol, Dili Tersa 08 Junu 2021.",
"\"Preokupasaun FONGTIL nian ne'ebe maka ohin hasoru malu ho KAK,\" nia afirma.",
"Nia hatutan, antes ne'e mos FONGTIL hato'o ona karta ba KAK kona-ba prosesu aluga ro foun ne'ebe troka ro Berlin Nakroma.",
"\"Ami atu follow up iha ami nia karta ami hakerek ba KAK kona ba prosesu aluga ro'o ne'ebe atu subtitui ro Nakroma ne'ebe tuir deklarasaun ami nian katak iha deskonfia katak prosesu aluga ne'e la liu prosedur normal ne'ebe babain iha.\"",
"Diretor ne'e sei lembra antes ne'e, Parlamentu Nasional aprova tiha ona osan hamutuk millaun $14 hodi finaliza prosesu konstrusaun ro HAKSOLOK ne'e, no Prezidente Autoridade ba RAEOA, Arsenio Paixao Bano deklara ona katak, bainhira ro ne'e la mai, nia duni maka sei responsabiliza.",
"\"Ami mai atu fo informasaun ba KAK katak, ninia prosesu ro ne'e to'o ona iha ne'ebe, iha dalan mai ona ka halo oinsa, tanba ita kompara ita konstroi ro HAKSOLOK kuaze han osan millaun $24 ka 26 maibe to'o agora seidauk mai.\"",
"Iha loron Kuarta 02 Dezembru 2020, Primeiru Ministru Taur Matan Ruak hateten, bainhira ro HAKSOLOK la mai to'o Timor-Leste, Prezidente Autoridade ba Rejiaun Administrativu Espesial Oe-Kusi Ambeno (RAEOA), Arsenio Paixao Bano mak sei ba hatan iha Tribunal no kuandu hetan kondenasaun, nia mak sei ba tama prijaun iha Bekora, Dili.",
"\"Maske Prezidente RAEOA Arsenio Paixao Bano hatene katak ro HAKSOLOK ne'e la mai, Arsenio mak ba Bekora,\" hateten PM Taur iha sesaun debate OJE 2021 iha Parlamentu Nasional (PN), Kuarta 2 Dezembru 2020.",
"Nia hatutan, antes ne'e Bano maka hatete nia prontu assume risku sira hotu, no promete sei lori prosesu konstrusaun ba ro ne'e to'o remata.",
"\"Ha'u hatene di'ak, ita hotu basa liman, a'at ne'e Bano mesak ba hatan iha Tribunal,\" hateten PM Taur.",
"Maske ro HAKSOLOK durante tinan tolu ona seidauk to'o mai Timor-Leste, maibe Primeiru Ministru atual Prezidente Partidu Libertasaun Popular (PLP) ne'e katak tanba saida maka tenke tau tan osan?",
"\"Bainhira ita gasta osan ne'e, kompania ne'ebe halo ita nia ro ba fali nasaun falensia,\" nia argumenta.",
"Nia aprezenta opsaun 4 kona-ba oinsa bele rezolve ro HAKSOLOK.",
"Opsaun dahuluk maka husik Timor-Leste lakon nia osan saugati de'it (refere ba pagamentu inisial ne'ebe halo tiha ona husi Mari Alkatiri iha tinan 2017).",
"Daruak, foti tiha ro HAKSOLOK ba fali kompania seluk para hadia.",
"Datolu, ro HAKSOLOK halo tiha besi aat, faan tiha, dalaruma nia presu ne'e ho montante osan miliaun $15 karik?",
"Dahat, tenke buka negosia dalan seluk halo oinsa maka kompania ne'e kapitaliza kompana ida ne'e ho kompana sira seluk ne'ebe iha interese para bele hadia, maibe atu halo negosiasaun ida ne'e tenke tau osan.",
"\"Naturalmente responsabilidade tomak iha Prezidente Autoridade RAEOA nia liman no Prezidente RAEOA Arsenio nia husu osan, nia hatene katak nia iha risku mas tambem nia iha risku nia husu porque nia hatene dalan ba ita rekoopera,\" PM Taur esplika.",
"Nia rekonese katak, saida maka Mari Alkatiri ba ro HAKSOLOK ne'e la fasil, no bainhira nia sai Jose Luis Guterres 'Lugu' maka ba fali, Lugu dehan governu sentral bele foti fali tanba nia la responsabiliza ida ne'e no nia lakohi responsabiliza saida maka Alkatiri halo.",
"\"Durante fulan ida fulan rua, ami tenta buka dalan hotu-hotu haree opsaun sira hotu para hasai desizaun husik para ita lakon dei't nia justifikasaun la'os ita maka sala, kompania maka bankrupt tiha, kompania ne'e maka ba tiha fali falensia,\" nia esplika.",
"Maibe, Estadu Timor-Leste mos lakon nafatin osan kuaje milliaun Euro 13 resin ne'ebe Sekretariu Jeral partidu FRETILIN, Mari Alkatiri selu tiha ona, no desijaun selu ne'e fo prejuizu maka'as ba Estadu, tanba durante tinan 3 ona ro ne'e seidauk mai hela de'it.",
"Entretantu, antes ne'e bankada parlamentar CNRT iha Parlamentu Nasional kontinua kontra politika no desijaun \"governu defaktu\" ne'ebe \"tonka\" husi partidu FRETILIN hasai tan povu nia osan hamutuk miliaun $16,9 hodi finaliza konstrusaun Ferry HAKSOLOK inklui konstrusaun ba ponte kais atu ro ne'e bele atraka.",
"Notisia relevante: CNRT kontra \"governu defaktu\" aumenta osan ba ferry HAKSOLOK \"Bankada CNRT nota katak RAEOA-ZEESM sei iha saldu jerensia Miliaun $177.4 de dolares ne'ebe autoridade subar ba Parlamentu Nasional atu asesu paradeiru husi osan ida ne'e.",
"Tanba-ne'e mak laiha fatin ba RAEOA atu husu tan osan ba Governu Sentral,\" hateten Prezidente bankada CNRT, Duarte Nunes liu husi konferensia ba imprensa iha salaun bankada CNRT iha Parlamentu Nasional, Dili, Kuarta 25 Novembru 2020.",
"\"Tuir informasaun husi Prokurador Jeral Republika Dr. Jose Ximenes iha midia katak ferry Haksolok iha hela prosesu investigasaun kriminal nia laran.",
"Bankada CNRT konsidera katak tuir loloos Governu de Faktu labele halo tan pagamentu ba objetu krime nian ne'ebe iha hela prosesu investigasaun kriminal nian.\"",
"Governu sentral delega ona kompetensia ba Prezidente Autoridade ba Rejiaun Administrativu Espesial Oe-Kusi Ambeno (RAEOA), Arsenio Paixao Bano hodi rezolve assuntu ne'e, no Bano durante ne'e sempre deklara katak RAEOA iha nia estratejia rasik atu oinsa bele lori Ferry HAKSOLOK mai Timor-Leste.",
"Infelizmente, bainhira jornalista sira kontinua husu pergunta ne'e ba Bano, nia staff protokolu ida interompe kedas pegunta ne'e no hasai tan lia-fuan atu duni sai sira husi areador aeroportu rota do sandalo ne'ebe ikus-ikus ne'e uja ba fatin resepsaun maka barak liu.",
"\"Bankada CNRT konsidera laiha serteza ka garantia ba Timor-Leste katak hafoin Governu de Faktu Inkonstitusional injeta tan osan hamutuk Millaun $16,9 de dolares iha proposta OJE 2021, atu nune'e bele lori ferry Haksolok mai iha Timor-Leste.",
"Maibe dadaun ne'e kompania Atlantic Eagle Shipbuilding Lda. bankarrota tiha ona, aleinde ne'e kondisaun ferry Haksolok mos a'at loos ona tanba para kleur iha tasi laran no ferrujen hotu ona,\" esplika deputadu Duarte Nunes.",
"\"Bankada CNRT hakarak hatene bainhira maka Ministeriu Publiku atu avansa eskandalu akizisaun ferry Haksolok ne'e ba Tribunal, tanba Camara de Contas nia auditaria iha 2018 deskobre ona indisiu krime ba ferry Haksolok, maibe tanbasa mak prosesu investigasaun ba ferry Haksolok ne'e lori tempu naruk liu.\"",
"CNRT konsidera Ferry Haksolok agora iha prosesu investigasaun Ministeriu Publiku nune'e labele bo'ok, inklui labele aumeta tan osan.",
"Ezemplu projetu balun husi projetu 143 ne'ebe Governu labele selu tanba tama hela prosesu investigasaun kriminal nian, nune'e laiha razaun atu Governu ida ne'e atu tau tan osan ba ferry Haksolok.",
"\"Husu ba Camara de Contas no Ministeriu Publiku atu obriga autoridade RAEOA-ZEESM hatudu Konta Bankaria ba Osan Miliaun $177.4 de dolares ne'ebe Autoridade rai iha Banku Komersial maibe seidauk hetan auditoria.",
"Bankada CNRT hakarak hatene osan ne'e nia jurus ka funan hahu husi osan ne'e depozita iha Banku to'o ohin loron, inklui Miliaun $35 de dolares iha Fundu Ekonomia Dezenvolvimentu (FED) ne'ebe kapitalizadu ona.\"",
"\"Bankada CNRT ezije ba Governu de Faktu Inkonstitusional atu labele aproveita Asaltu Poder ne'e atu salva Dr. Mari Alkatiri ba osan Miliaun $17 de dolares resin ne'ebe mout ona iha Tasi Portugal nian.\"",
"\"Osan Miliaun $17 ne'ebe Mari Alkatiri selu tiha ba Atlantic Eagle Shipbuilding Lda ne'e lakon saugati de'it no estadu tenke hasai tan Povu nia osan hodi taka osan ne'ebe Mari Alkatiri ho nia belun sira fahe tiha ona ba malu.\"",
"Mari Alkatiri ho nia ekipa sira lansa ro HAKSOLOK iha Portugal iha loron 26 Maiu 2017, infelizmente to'o ohin loron ro ne'e seidauk to'o mai Timor-Leste.",
"Credit Media ZEESM-TL.",
"Iha tempu ne'eba Mari Alkatiri selu tiha ona osan hamutuk Euro miliaun 13 resin ba kompania Portuguesa Atlanticeagle Shipbuilding, maibe tuir informasaun ne'ebe iha katak kompania ne'e deve hela kompania rua seluk ne'ebe ikus mai lori malu ba Tribunal hodi kauza sira prende tiha Ferry HAKSOLOK, no husu ba governu Timor-Leste tenke selu tan miliaun $16,9 mak ro ne'e foin bele mai Timor-Leste.",
"Previous Article Xanana felisita padre Joao Felgueiras, SJ ne'ebe selebra loron moris kompleta 100 ona Next Article KHUNTO seidauk prepara nia kandidatura ba kompete iha eleisaun prezidensial Hare dala: 6071"
] | [
"Sonia de Jesus Fernandes Reads: 1046 DILI (TOP) - The Executive Director of Forum Non-Governmental Organization Timor Leste, Daniel dos Santos Carmo has demanded that the Anti Corruption Commission investigate about construction process for a ferry boat called “HAKSOLOK” whose payment procedure was complete in January last year but so far it is not yet arrive to our country."
"\"Our presence here is to ask the CPC for an investigation into all of Haksolok's construction process."
"Because if the HAKSOLOK ship is already in Timor, now we will not discuss with each other about renting this vessel,” Daniel dos Santos Carmo told journalists at KAK Farol building on Tuesday June.08/21"
"\"This is the concern of FONGTIL, which has met with KAK today\", he said."
"He added that FONGTIL had previously submitted a letter to the CPC regarding leasing of new ships replacings Berlin Nakroma."
"\"We will follow up on our letter we wrote to the CPC regarding leasing of a vessel that would replace Nakroma, which was based upon an statement by us saying there are suspicions this process did not go through normal procedures.\""
"The director recalled that before, the National Parliament had approved $14 million to complete construction of HAKSOLOK's ship and President Arsenio Paixao Bano has stated he will be held responsible if it does not arrive."
"\"We have come to inform the CPC that its process for this ship has already reached where it is, and whether or how we are on our way there. We compare with HAKSOLOK's construction which took almost $24 million of money but so far not yet arrived.\""
"On Wednesday, December 2nd of this year Prime Minister Taur Matan Ruak said that if the boat does not arrive in Timor-Leste then President Arsenio Paixao Bano will go to court and when convicted he is going into prison at Bekora."
"\"Although the President of RAEOA Arsenio Paixao Bano knew that ro Ha'aksolok was not coming, he went to Bekora\", said PM Taur in a session debate Budget for The Year (2019) at Parliament on Thursday December."
"He added that previously the Prime Minister had said he was ready to take all risks, and promised it would carry out construction of this ship until its completion."
"\"I know well, we all laid our hands down and I'm sure that the Prime Minister will be held accountable in court\", PM Taur said."
"Although the HAKSOLOK ship hasn't arrived in Timor-Leste for three years now, Prime Minister and President of Peoples Liberation Party (PLP) said why should he put more money into it?"
"\"When we spend this money, the company that makes our ships return to a bankrupt country\", he argues."
"He presented 4 options on how to resolve the ro Hassolok."
"The first option would be to let Timor-Leste lose its money just for the sake of it (referring in this case, as far back into 2017), an initial payment already made by Mari Alkatiri."
"Secondly, the HAKSOLOK ship was taken over by another company for repairs."
"Thirdly, the HAKSOLOK ship has been scrapped and sold at a price of about $15 million."
"In addition, it is necessary to negotiate other ways of how the company can capitalize this business with others that have an interest in improving. But doing so will cost money and therefore requires a lot more time than you would expect from any one else who has already invested some cash into your own enterprise or project for which they are not interested at all!"
"\"Naturally, all responsibility is in the hands of RAEOA Authority President and Arsenio asked for money. He knew that he was at risk but also knowing how to cooperate with us.\" PM Taur explained:"
"He acknowledged that what Mari Alkatiri took to HAKSOLOK was not easy, and when he left Jose Luis Guterres 'Lugu' went back. Lugo said the central government could take it again because she did NOT hold this responsible for herself nor would they be held accountable in any way by whatever Alkitiri has done or is doing now!"
"\"For a month or two, we tried to find all the ways of looking at every option for making decisions that let us lose just because it was not our fault. The company had gone bankrupt and then went into default again.\""
"However, the State of Timor-Leste has also lost almost 13 million Euros that were already paid by Secretary General Mari Alkatiri. The decision to pay this amount is a huge loss for it because over three years since its arrival there was no sign or evidence about any ship coming back from China and remaining on land in Portu Vila until now!"
"Meanwhile, previously the CNRP parliamentary group in National Parliament continued against policy and decision of \"defacto government\" which is being directed by FRETILIN party to take away people's money totaling $16.9 million for completion construction Ferry Hassolok including building a kais Bridge so that it can dock rover"
"Relevant news: CNRT against \"defacto government\" increases money for ferry HAKSOLOK “CNRT'S bank note that the OAEC-ZEESM will have a balance of $176.4 million which authorities submitted to National Parliament in an attempt at assessing where this cash is going.”"
"Therefore, there is no room for RAEOA to ask more money from the Central Government\", said CNRT Party Chair Duarte Nunes during a press conference in CNRT party hall at National Parliament building on Thursday November (25) of this year."
"\"According to information from Prosecutor General of the Republic Dr. Jose Ximenes in media that Haksolok ferry is undergoings criminal investigation processes,\" he said at a press conference on Thursday 15th June.\""
"The CNRP Group considers that the Government of Fact should not be able to make any further payment for an object-of -crime which is undergoing criminal investigation.\""
"The central government has delegated competence to the President of Authority for Oe-Kusi Ambeno (RAEOA), Arsenio Paixao Bano, in resolving this matter. During his tenure as Governor he always declares that RAEA have their own strategy on how they can bring a ferry company like Haksolok Ferry into Timor Leste and is also responsible over all matters related with transportation from East Dili Airport through West Limpopo Provinces or other port cities within South Africa' s border area which are not under its jurisdiction;"
"Unfortunately, when the journalists continued to ask this question of Bano a protocol staff member immediately interrupted them and made another plea for their removal from airport air conditioner rota do sandalo which is used by most receptionists."
"\"CNRT Banking considers there is no certainty or guarantee for Timor-Leste that after the Government of Unconstitutional De facto injected another $16.9 million dollars into its proposed 2043 budget, so as to bring Haksolok ferry here on East Timor.\""
"But now the company Atlantic Eagle Shipbuilding Lda. has gone bankrupt, in addition to that Haksolok ferry condition is also very bad because for a long time at sea and all rust already\", explains MP Duarte Nunees .\""
"\"CNRT wants to know when the Public Prosecutor will bring forward Haksolok ferry acquisition scandal in court, because Camara de Conta' s audit of 2018 discovered indictment for Hakkoloka Ferry. But why is it that investigation process takes so long?\""
"CNRT considers Ferry Haksolok is now in the process of investigation by Public Ministry so can not be bogged down, including no more money."
"For example, some of the 143 projects that Government cannot pay for because they are under criminal investigation there is no reason why this government should put more money into Haksolok ferry."
"\"Urge the Chamber of Auditors and Public Prosecutor's Office to compel RAEOA-ZEESM authorities show bank account for $174.5 million that Authority deposited in a Commercial Bank but has not been auditing,\" he said at an interview with Radio Free Asia (RFA)."
"The CNRP Group wants to know the value of this money from when it was deposited in Bank until today, including $35 million dollars that have been capitalized into Fundu Economia Desenvolvimento (FED)."
"\"CNRT Banking demands that the Government of Unconstitutional Facts do not take advantage from this Assault on Power to save Dr. Mari Alkatiri for over $17 Million dollars which have already been drowned in Portuguese water.\""
"\"The $17 million that Mari Alkatiri paid to Atlantic Eagle Shipbuilding Lda is just lost and the state must take more money from people's pockets in order for it not be shared between them.\""
"Mari Alkatiri and his team launched the HAKSOLOK boat in Portugal on May,26th of this year. Unfortunately to date it has not arrived at Timor-Leste yet!"
"Credit Media ZEESM-TL."
"At that time Mari Alkatiri had already paid a total of Euro 13 million to the Portuguese company Atlanticeagle Shipbuilding, but there is information which indicates it owes two other companies. The latter brought each others into court for their cases and arrested Ferry Haksolok asking Timor-Leste's government pay another $20m before they can ship this vessel back home in order not be detained by police or prosecutors who would have been forced out on them if he was still living at his countryside with no money left behind after all these years spent under house confinement!"
"Previous Article Xanana congratulates Padre Joao Felgueiras, SJ who celebrated his 105th birthday Next article MPs of the Democratic Party (KHUNTO) have not yet decided on their candidacy for presidential election."
] |
MS fahe pakote ijiene 680 ba vitima inséndiu Comoro | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste\nVARANDA HEADLINE MS fahe pakote ijiene 680 ba vitima inséndiu Comoro\nMinsitériu Saúde, sábadu ne’e fahe pakote saúde ijiene pesoál hamutuk 680 ba vitima afetadu insendiu Comoro. Imajen Tatoli/Felicidade Ximenes.\nDILI, 31 jullu 2021 (TATOLI)—Minsitériu Saúde, sábadu ne’e fahe pakote saúde ijiene pesoál hamutuk 680 ba vitima afetadu insendiu Comoro ne’ebé apoiu hosi parseiru Plan Internationál hanesan sabaun, pepsodente, sampho, máskara no seluk tan.\nMinsitra Saúde Odete Maria Freitas Belo hateten, iha loron 29 madrugada ahi han komunidade lubuk nia uma iha eis merkadu Comoro entaun Ministériu Saúde nia papel atu haree ba iha ema sira-ne’ebé mak vulneravel liu-liu ba labarik sira, inan isin-rua no katuas-ferik sira.\nNotísia Relevante: Vítima Inséndiu Comoro Agradese Tratamentu Saúde Gratuita\n“Ami mai ne’e, ami la lori hahan maibé oinsá mak ami fó asisténsia saúde ba sira. Ita hotu hakarak sira-nia kondisaun saúde di’ak nafatinm atu nune’e sira bele moris ho kondisaun ne’ebé mak seguru,’’ Odete Maria Freitas Belo hateten ba jornalista sira iha aldeia 03, suku Fatuhada Postu Adminsitrativu Dom Aleixo, Dili.\nAleinde ne’e, ekipa saúde mós kontinua fó tratamentu jerál liu-liu vasina sira la’ós ba vasina COVID-19 de’it maibé vasina rutina ba inan isin-rua no ba labarik kiik sira-ne’ebé mak foin moris.\nTanba, nia dehan, agora daudaun tama ona iha fulan agostu entaun ekipa saúde nia atividade rutina fó aimoruk lumbringa ba labarik idade tinan lima (5) mai kraik inklui mós fó vitamina A ba labarik sira.\nXefe Aldeia husu fó apoiu moskiteiru\nIha fatin hanesan, Xefe Aldeia 03, Suku Fatuhada, Zeferino Bras, husu ba Ministéiru Saúde (MS) atu fó apoiu hodi fahe moskiteiru ba vítima inséndiu Comoro tanba kada uma kain família barak no labarik ki’ik-oan barak.\n“Tuir dadus katak labarik ki’ik-oan hosi tinan liman mai kraik iha 300-resin no inan isin-rua hamutuk 15, tanba ne’e ami husu ajuda ba Ministériu Saúde liu-liu apoiu moskiteiru para oferese ba iha uma kain sira. Tanba kada uma kain tenke hetan tolu ka haat, nune’e sira labele kona moras dengue no moras sira seluk,” Zeferino Bras, informa ba jornalista sira iha eis merkadu Comoro, sábadu ne’e.\nTanba, antes ne’e Ministériu Saúde fó ona moskiteiru ba uma kain ida hetan ida entaun ida-ne’e seidauk sufiesiente, tanba kada família iha oan barak.\n“Se sira hetan de’it moskiteiru ida sira-nia oan no familia balun labele asesu hotu. Ida-ne’e mak ha’u relata ba Ministériu Saúde bele ajuda no mós ministériu ne’e,” nia dehan.\nHatán ba preokupasaun ne’e, Ministra Saúde Odete Maria Freitas Belo hateten ekipa saúde distribui ona maibé xefe aldeia husu nafatin entaun bele hetan tan adisionál ruma.\n“Ita distribui horisehik maibé ita mós seidauk hatene iha uma kain ida ema na’in hira entaun ida ne’e mak ita tenki haree fila-fali tanba ita iha moskiteiru importante mak dadus mai fila-fali atu sira bele halo diskusaun no distribuisaun,’’ nia hateten.\nMS fahe pakote ijene hamutuk 680 ba vitima inséndiu iha eis merkadu Comoro\nPrevious articleGrupu produsaun agríkola Fatuberliu husu SEKoop apoia tratór\nNext articleCOVID-19: pozitivu 154, rekoperadu 41 no ativu 983 | [
"MS fahe pakote ijiene 680 ba vitima insendiu Comoro | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA HEADLINE MS fahe pakote ijiene 680 ba vitima insendiu Comoro Minsiteriu Saude, sabadu ne'e fahe pakote saude ijiene pesoal hamutuk 680 ba vitima afetadu insendiu Comoro.",
"Imajen Tatoli/Felicidade Ximenes.",
"DILI, 31 jullu 2021 (TATOLI) - Minsiteriu Saude, sabadu ne'e fahe pakote saude ijiene pesoal hamutuk 680 ba vitima afetadu insendiu Comoro ne'ebe apoiu hosi parseiru Plan International hanesan sabaun, pepsodente, sampho, maskara no seluk tan.",
"Minsitra Saude Odete Maria Freitas Belo hateten, iha loron 29 madrugada ahi han komunidade lubuk nia uma iha eis merkadu Comoro entaun Ministeriu Saude nia papel atu haree ba iha ema sira-ne'ebe mak vulneravel liu-liu ba labarik sira, inan isin-rua no katuas-ferik sira.",
"Notisia Relevante: Vitima Insendiu Comoro Agradese Tratamentu Saude Gratuita \"Ami mai ne'e, ami la lori hahan maibe oinsa mak ami fo asistensia saude ba sira.",
"Ita hotu hakarak sira-nia kondisaun saude di'ak nafatinm atu nune'e sira bele moris ho kondisaun ne'ebe mak seguru, \" Odete Maria Freitas Belo hateten ba jornalista sira iha aldeia 03, suku Fatuhada Postu Adminsitrativu Dom Aleixo, Dili.",
"Aleinde ne'e, ekipa saude mos kontinua fo tratamentu jeral liu-liu vasina sira la'os ba vasina COVID-19 de'it maibe vasina rutina ba inan isin-rua no ba labarik kiik sira-ne'ebe mak foin moris.",
"Tanba, nia dehan, agora daudaun tama ona iha fulan agostu entaun ekipa saude nia atividade rutina fo aimoruk lumbringa ba labarik idade tinan lima (5) mai kraik inklui mos fo vitamina A ba labarik sira.",
"Xefe Aldeia husu fo apoiu moskiteiru Iha fatin hanesan, Xefe Aldeia 03, Suku Fatuhada, Zeferino Bras, husu ba Ministeiru Saude (MS) atu fo apoiu hodi fahe moskiteiru ba vitima insendiu Comoro tanba kada uma kain familia barak no labarik ki'ik-oan barak.",
"\"Tuir dadus katak labarik ki'ik-oan hosi tinan liman mai kraik iha 300-resin no inan isin-rua hamutuk 15, tanba ne'e ami husu ajuda ba Ministeriu Saude liu-liu apoiu moskiteiru para oferese ba iha uma kain sira.",
"Tanba kada uma kain tenke hetan tolu ka haat, nune'e sira labele kona moras dengue no moras sira seluk,\" Zeferino Bras, informa ba jornalista sira iha eis merkadu Comoro, sabadu ne'e.",
"Tanba, antes ne'e Ministeriu Saude fo ona moskiteiru ba uma kain ida hetan ida entaun ida-ne'e seidauk sufiesiente, tanba kada familia iha oan barak.",
"\"Se sira hetan de'it moskiteiru ida sira-nia oan no familia balun labele asesu hotu.",
"Ida-ne'e mak ha'u relata ba Ministeriu Saude bele ajuda no mos ministeriu ne'e,\" nia dehan.",
"Hatan ba preokupasaun ne'e, Ministra Saude Odete Maria Freitas Belo hateten ekipa saude distribui ona maibe xefe aldeia husu nafatin entaun bele hetan tan adisional ruma.",
"\"Ita distribui horisehik maibe ita mos seidauk hatene iha uma kain ida ema na'in hira entaun ida ne'e mak ita tenki haree fila-fali tanba ita iha moskiteiru importante mak dadus mai fila-fali atu sira bele halo diskusaun no distribuisaun, \" nia hateten.",
"MS fahe pakote ijene hamutuk 680 ba vitima insendiu iha eis merkadu Comoro Previous articleGrupu produsaun agrikola Fatuberliu husu SEKoop apoia trator Next articleCOVID-19: pozitivu 154, rekoperadu 41 no ativu 983"
] | [
"MS distributes 680 hygiene kits to Comoro fire victims | Tempotimor Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA HEADLINE MSS Distribute Hygienic Packaging for Victim of Fire in the District Ministry, on Saturday this month divided out a total amount by health personal sanitation package."
"Image Tatoli/Felicidade Ximenes."
"DILI, July 31st (Xinhua) - The Ministry of Health on Saturday handed out a total amount to the Comoro fire victims supporting by partner Plan International as soap and other items."
"Minister of Health Odete Maria Freitas Belo said, on the early morning 29th a fire burned many houses in former Comoro market so that is why it was necessary for health ministry to look after those who are vulnerable especially children and pregnant women."
"Relevant News: Comoro Fire Victims Thank Free Health Care \"We come here, we do not bring food but how to give them health care."
"We all want their health to be good so that they can live in a safe environment,\" Odete Maria Freitas Belo told journalist at village 03 of Fatuhada sub-district Dom Aleixo Administrative Post Office."
"In addition, the health team also continues to provide general treatment including vaccination not only for COVID-19 but routine immunization of pregnant women and newborn infants."
"Because, he said that now it is August so the health team's routine activity gives lumbringa medicine to children aged five (5) years and younger including vitamin A for kids."
"In the same way, Zeferino Bras (Chief of Village 03 in Fatuhada), asked Ministry for Health to provide support and distribute mosquito nets among Comoro fire victim. He said that there are many families with children living on each house floor because every household has a large family number as well"
"\"According to the data, there are more than 301 children under one year old and a total of fifteen pregnant women. That is why we have asked for help from Health Ministry in particular mosquito nets that can be offered at home.\""
"Because each household must have three or four, so they do not suffer from dengue and other diseases\", Zeferino Bras told journalist in the former Comoro market on Saturday."
"Because, previously the Ministry of Health had given mosquito nets to each household so this is not sufficient because every family has many children."
"\"If they only get one mosquito net, some of their children and families will not be able to access it all."
"This is what I've reported to the Ministry of Health can help and also this ministry,\" he said."
"Responding to this concern, Minister of Health Odete Maria Freitas Belo said health team has distributed but the village chief still asks so we can get some additional."
"\"We distributed today, but we do not know how many people own a house so this is something that must be reviewed again because it's important for us to have the data back in order they can make discussion and distribution\", he said."
"Previous articleFatuberliu Agricultural Production Group asks SEKoop to support tractor Next artikelCOVID-19: positive cases increase, recoveries rise by more than a third"
] |
Inundasaun iha Kosta Súl Estraga Irrigasaun Boot Haat Inklui Natar | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste\nVARANDA EKONOMIA Inundasaun iha Kosta Súl Estraga Irrigasaun Boot Haat Inklui Natar\nDILI, 03 juñu 2020 (TATOLI) – Relasiona ho udan boot iha loron 22 maiu iha Parte Kosta Súl no Leste to’o provoka inundasaun, povu agrikultór sira hetan impaktu tanba irrigasaun no natar hetan estragu, tanba ne’e Governu liuhosi Ministériu Agrikultura no Peska (MAP) buka hela meiu hodi rezolve problema hirak ne’e.\nDiretora Jerál MAP, Odete Maria do Ceu Guterres, infoma dadus ne’ebé diresaun nasionál simu konfirma iha kanál irrigasaun boot haat mak hetan estragu tanba mota sobu inklui natar.\n“Dezastre naturál estraga kanál boot haat hanesan iha irrigasaun Larisula Manufahi, Karau-ulun, Webaba no Suai Kasa nian, inklui irrigasaun kiik oan sira seluk tan,” deklara Diretór Jerál MAP ba Agência Tatoli, kuarta ne’e.\nKanál irrigasaun boot iha área Larisula foin mak halo iha tinan kotuk ne’ebé iha poténsia ektare 700, maibé agora kuda hela hare kuaze ektare 400.\n“Hare sira ne’e seidauk to’o Susu-ben, maibé akontese dezastre naturál iha área irrigasaun iha Larisula 01 nian, ne’ebé kuaze metru 15 mak hetan estragu totál, tanba ne’e daudaun bee sei suli hela ba natar kuaze ektare 400,” tenik Odete Maria.\nEnkuantu irrigasaun Webaba parte Suai Loro nian, natar hamutuk ektare 230 mak mota sobu maibé sei bele salva ho razaun seidauk to’o hare Susu-ben (kabuki) no seidauk tama hare Tasak.\nTuir Diretora Odete katak iha irrigasaun Webaba hare ektare 13 maka hetan estragu totál.\n“Hare sira ne’e ko’a hotu ona no seidauk lori ba fatin atu dulas, udan to’o mai no mota lori hotu kedas. Restu di’ak hela, tanba hare barak foin kuda no nia buras hela maski udan boot maibé sei bele salva. Ezemplu hanesan irrigasaun Maliana no Zumalai sira maski mota tama maibé la konsege sobu estragu hare-oan sira,” nia akresenta.\nNune’e MAP sei foti alternativu hodi rezolve.\n“Tanba laiha osan MAP haruka de’it ekipamentu hanesan eskavatór neen hodi ajuda povu sira ke’e bee dalan, nune’e bele halo normalizasaun ba bee no haruka buka tan kontainer balun hodi ense rai-henek hodi taka bee dalan husi mota ninin ne’ebé amaesa ba povu nia natar,” nia realsa.\nDirijente ne’e rekoñese, maski tempu agora labele halo konstrusaun maibé buka meiu atu rezolve, inklui medida seluk maka MAP sei haruka kontentór haat hodi ense rai-henek nakonu hodi satan bee hodi labele suli tama ba natar-laran ho kuantidade barak.\nInundasaun estraga irrigasaun\nPrevious articleMAE Husu Entidade Hotu Kolabora hodi Garante ba Distribuisaun Pagamentu\nNext articleXefe Suku Lahane Orientál Halo Deklarasaun Koletiva ba Benefisiáriu Sira | [
"Inundasaun iha Kosta Sul Estraga Irrigasaun Boot Haat Inklui Natar | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA EKONOMIA Inundasaun iha Kosta Sul Estraga Irrigasaun Boot Haat Inklui Natar DILI, 03 junu 2020 (TATOLI) - Relasiona ho udan boot iha loron 22 maiu iha Parte Kosta Sul no Leste to'o provoka inundasaun, povu agrikultor sira hetan impaktu tanba irrigasaun no natar hetan estragu, tanba ne'e Governu liuhosi Ministeriu Agrikultura no Peska (MAP) buka hela meiu hodi rezolve problema hirak ne'e.",
"Diretora Jeral MAP, Odete Maria do Ceu Guterres, infoma dadus ne'ebe diresaun nasional simu konfirma iha kanal irrigasaun boot haat mak hetan estragu tanba mota sobu inklui natar.",
"\"Dezastre natural estraga kanal boot haat hanesan iha irrigasaun Larisula Manufahi, Karau-ulun, Webaba no Suai Kasa nian, inklui irrigasaun kiik oan sira seluk tan,\" deklara Diretor Jeral MAP ba Agencia Tatoli, kuarta ne'e.",
"Kanal irrigasaun boot iha area Larisula foin mak halo iha tinan kotuk ne'ebe iha potensia ektare 700, maibe agora kuda hela hare kuaze ektare 400.",
"\"Hare sira ne'e seidauk to'o Susu-ben, maibe akontese dezastre natural iha area irrigasaun iha Larisula 01 nian, ne'ebe kuaze metru 15 mak hetan estragu total, tanba ne'e daudaun bee sei suli hela ba natar kuaze ektare 400,\" tenik Odete Maria.",
"Enkuantu irrigasaun Webaba parte Suai Loro nian, natar hamutuk ektare 230 mak mota sobu maibe sei bele salva ho razaun seidauk to'o hare Susu-ben (kabuki) no seidauk tama hare Tasak.",
"Tuir Diretora Odete katak iha irrigasaun Webaba hare ektare 13 maka hetan estragu total.",
"\"Hare sira ne'e ko'a hotu ona no seidauk lori ba fatin atu dulas, udan to'o mai no mota lori hotu kedas.",
"Restu di'ak hela, tanba hare barak foin kuda no nia buras hela maski udan boot maibe sei bele salva.",
"Ezemplu hanesan irrigasaun Maliana no Zumalai sira maski mota tama maibe la konsege sobu estragu hare-oan sira,\" nia akresenta.",
"Nune'e MAP sei foti alternativu hodi rezolve.",
"\"Tanba laiha osan MAP haruka de'it ekipamentu hanesan eskavator neen hodi ajuda povu sira ke'e bee dalan, nune'e bele halo normalizasaun ba bee no haruka buka tan kontainer balun hodi ense rai-henek hodi taka bee dalan husi mota ninin ne'ebe amaesa ba povu nia natar,\" nia realsa.",
"Dirijente ne'e rekonese, maski tempu agora labele halo konstrusaun maibe buka meiu atu rezolve, inklui medida seluk maka MAP sei haruka kontentor haat hodi ense rai-henek nakonu hodi satan bee hodi labele suli tama ba natar-laran ho kuantidade barak.",
"Inundasaun estraga irrigasaun Previous articleMAE Husu Entidade Hotu Kolabora hodi Garante ba Distribuisaun Pagamentu Next articleXefe Suku Lahane Oriental Halo Deklarasaun Koletiva ba Benefisiariu Sira"
] | [
"Inundation in South Coast Destroys Irrigation System, Including Natar | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA EKONOMIA Flood at the Southern coast destroyed large amount of water to cause flood Dili (AP) - Relacionado with heavy rainfall on May.21st and June3rd that has already resulting into flooded areas along East &South Costan't farmers have been impactated because their systems for irrigating land were damageda; therefore Government through Ministry Agricultura e Pesca(MAP), is looking out ways how they can resolve these problems!"
"Director General of MAP, Odete Maria do Ceu Guterres said that the data received by its national directorate confirmed four large irrigation channels were damaged because a dam collapset including natar."
"\"Natural disaster damaged four large irrigation channels like in Larisula Manufahi, Karau-ulun Webaba and Suai Kasa as well other smaller one\", declared MAP Director General to Tatoli Agency on Tuesday."
"The large irrigation canal in the Larisula area was only built last year and has a potential of about seven hundred hectares, but now almost four thousand are being cultivated."
"\"These trees have not yet reached Susu-ben, but a natural disaster occurred in the irrigation area of Larisula O1 which has been totally damaged by almost fifteen meters. Therefore water is now pouring into nearly four hundred hectares' land\", Odete Maria said.\""
"While the Webaba irrigation system is part of Suai Loro, a total land area (230 hectares) has been destroyed but can be saved because it's not yet time to harvest Susu-ben and Tasak."
"According to Director Odete, in the Webaba irrigation system there were total damages on a land area of thirteen hectares."
"\"These trees have been all cut and not taken to a place for harvesting, the rain has come in. The motorcycles took them away immediately.\""
"The rest is still good, because many crops have just been planted and they are burning despite heavy rains but will be save."
"Examples are the Malina and Zumalai irrigation systems, where although there were floods they did not destroy forest damage,” he added."
"Therefore MAP will take an alternative to solve it."
"\"Because there is no money, MAP only sent equipment such as excavators to help the people clear water from roads so that they can normalize their access and send some more container for digging up dirt in order of closing down a river which threatens our countryside.\""
"The leader acknowledged that although the time is not right now to build but find ways of solving, including other measures MAP will send four container for ensequencing land-hewn fillet so as water does no flow into nature in large quantities."
"PreviousMAE Calls on Hotu Entities to Collaborate in Guaranteeing Payment Distribution Next articleChef of Lahane Oriental Village Make Collective Declaration for Beneficiaries"
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Bankada Opozisaun Submete Projetu Lei Rua | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste\nVARANDA DILI Bankada Opozisaun Submete Projetu Lei Rua\nBankada Opozisaun Submete Projetu Lei Rua\nDeputadu sira hosi bloku opozisaun informa ba jornalista sira katak submete projetu lei rua ba Parlamentu Nasional. Foto Egas Cristovao\nDILI, (TATOLI) – Bankada opozisaun iha Parlamentu Nasionál hanesan Kongresu Nasionál Rekonstrusaun Timor (CNRT-sigla portugés), Partidu Libertasaun Populár (PLP), Kmanek Haburas Unidade Nasionál Timor Oan (KHUNTO) prepara ona projetu lei rua hanesan rejime jurídiku ba responsabilidade penál ho krime korupsaun iha setór privadu no rejime responsabilidade penál ba titulár sira ba kargu polítiku nian.\n“Ami Aliansa Maioria Parlamentár (AMP) lori ona projetu lei ida kona-ba rejime jurídiku ba responsabilidade penál ba krime korupsaun iha setór privadu liuhosi Sekretariadu Prezidente Parlamentu Nasionál no iha tempu badak ami sei submete tan rejime responsabilidade penál ba titulár sira ba kargu polítiku nian”, haktuir portavós AMP, Fidelis Magalhães, liuhosi konferénsia imprensa iha sala bankada CNRT, segunda (15/1).\nProjetu lei ne’e AMP prepara atu fó responsabilidade penál ba krime korupsaun hirak akontese ou mosu iha setór privadu no seluk fali mak rejime ida kona-ba responsabilidade penál ba ema hirak ne’ebé okupa kargu polítiku.\nDeputadu PLP ne’e hatutan se setór privadu involve korupsaun, lei ne’e sei regula hanesan fó subornu ka selu ba servisu hirak devia sira hetan ona hosi Estadu sira bele protejidu hosi lei, nun’e fó punisaun bainhira setór provadu sira koko eh involve iha korupsaun atu hetan favór hosi ajente Estadu.\nTuir nia ema ne’ebé kaer kargu públiku no polítiku tenke halo servisu tuir dalan, tanba nia mós iha responsabilidade kuandu la halo tuir bele hetan ameasa hosi kódigu penál Timor-Leste nian.\nEnkuantu, durante tinan barak públiku husu kona-ba lei anti korupsaun maibé sei pendente, entaun iha IV lejislatura ami prontu komplementa di’ak liután hodi hatama fali projetu lei hirak ne’ebé pendente.\nNune’e iha buat haat ne’ebé kodigu penál la iha mak brankamentu kapitál, krime korupsaun ativa ho prejuizu komérsiu internasionál no krime fraude konstrusaun, enkuantu ho prejuizu komérsiu internasionál tanba Timor-Leste iha investimentu no komérsiu internasionál.\nKrime fraude konstrusaun, normalmente hakilar katak konstrusaun la iha kualidade no projetu la iha kualidade, entaun tenke tau iha ne’eba katak konstrusaun ne’ebé la iha kualidade konsidera krime, abandona konstrusaun krime.\nKrime korupsaun pasiva iha setór privadu, normalmente ema temi korupsaun sempre temi governu liuhosi ministru, diretor maibé ema la hanoin katak setór privadu komete hela korupsaun, sira halo subornu.\nKrime korupsaun ativa no setór privadu, ida fo ida simu, entaun konsideradu hanesan krime.\nResponsabilidade kriminál ba kargu polítiku, krime agravante ne’e baluk tolu (1/3) maibé ba membru governu eh parlamentu agrava tan baluk haat (1/4) no ema lakohi halo nia dever mós konsidera krime, traisaun ba patria mós nia pena tinan 15 to’o 25, nune’e mós ezekuasaun orsamentu ne’ebé la tuir dalan konsidera krime hotu.\nEntretantu, lei ne’e iha tinan hirak liu ba, so komisaun A la konsege debate lei maibé dadaun ne’e AMP hadia kompleta liu tan hosi projetu lei ne’ebé uluk deputadu sira hatama.\nInisiativa hirak ne’e hamósu konjuntura polítika foun hatudu vontade no dinamizmu hodi kontra korupsaun iha Timor-Leste no labele hamosu abuzu poder no tenke liuhosi regra ka koridor ne’ebé deifinidu ba kargu titulár sira.\nAMP Submete Projetu Lei Rua\nPrevious articleJape Group Sei Harii Tan CBD Andar 16\nNext articleESTV-GTI Hetan Tulun Profesór hosi KOIKA | [
"Bankada Opozisaun Submete Projetu Lei Rua | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA DILI Bankada Opozisaun Submete Projetu Lei Rua Bankada Opozisaun Submete Projetu Lei Rua Deputadu sira hosi bloku opozisaun informa ba jornalista sira katak submete projetu lei rua ba Parlamentu Nasional.",
"Foto Egas Cristovao DILI, (TATOLI) - Bankada opozisaun iha Parlamentu Nasional hanesan Kongresu Nasional Rekonstrusaun Timor (CNRT-sigla portuges), Partidu Libertasaun Popular (PLP), Kmanek Haburas Unidade Nasional Timor Oan (KHUNTO) prepara ona projetu lei rua hanesan rejime juridiku ba responsabilidade penal ho krime korupsaun iha setor privadu no rejime responsabilidade penal ba titular sira ba kargu politiku nian.",
"\"Ami Aliansa Maioria Parlamentar (AMP) lori ona projetu lei ida kona-ba rejime juridiku ba responsabilidade penal ba krime korupsaun iha setor privadu liuhosi Sekretariadu Prezidente Parlamentu Nasional no iha tempu badak ami sei submete tan rejime responsabilidade penal ba titular sira ba kargu politiku nian,\" haktuir portavos AMP, Fidelis Magalhaes, liuhosi konferensia imprensa iha sala bankada CNRT, segunda (15/1).",
"Projetu lei ne'e AMP prepara atu fo responsabilidade penal ba krime korupsaun hirak akontese ou mosu iha setor privadu no seluk fali mak rejime ida kona-ba responsabilidade penal ba ema hirak ne'ebe okupa kargu politiku.",
"Deputadu PLP ne'e hatutan se setor privadu involve korupsaun, lei ne'e sei regula hanesan fo subornu ka selu ba servisu hirak devia sira hetan ona hosi Estadu sira bele protejidu hosi lei, nun'e fo punisaun bainhira setor provadu sira koko eh involve iha korupsaun atu hetan favor hosi ajente Estadu.",
"Tuir nia ema ne'ebe kaer kargu publiku no politiku tenke halo servisu tuir dalan, tanba nia mos iha responsabilidade kuandu la halo tuir bele hetan ameasa hosi kodigu penal Timor-Leste nian.",
"Enkuantu, durante tinan barak publiku husu kona-ba lei anti korupsaun maibe sei pendente, entaun iha IV lejislatura ami prontu komplementa di'ak liutan hodi hatama fali projetu lei hirak ne'ebe pendente.",
"Nune'e iha buat haat ne'ebe kodigu penal la iha mak brankamentu kapital, krime korupsaun ativa ho prejuizu komersiu internasional no krime fraude konstrusaun, enkuantu ho prejuizu komersiu internasional tanba Timor-Leste iha investimentu no komersiu internasional.",
"Krime fraude konstrusaun, normalmente hakilar katak konstrusaun la iha kualidade no projetu la iha kualidade, entaun tenke tau iha ne'eba katak konstrusaun ne'ebe la iha kualidade konsidera krime, abandona konstrusaun krime.",
"Krime korupsaun pasiva iha setor privadu, normalmente ema temi korupsaun sempre temi governu liuhosi ministru, diretor maibe ema la hanoin katak setor privadu komete hela korupsaun, sira halo subornu.",
"Krime korupsaun ativa no setor privadu, ida fo ida simu, entaun konsideradu hanesan krime.",
"Responsabilidade kriminal ba kargu politiku, krime agravante ne'e baluk tolu (1/3) maibe ba membru governu eh parlamentu agrava tan baluk haat (1/4) no ema lakohi halo nia dever mos konsidera krime, traisaun ba patria mos nia pena tinan 15 to'o 25, nune'e mos ezekuasaun orsamentu ne'ebe la tuir dalan konsidera krime hotu.",
"Entretantu, lei ne'e iha tinan hirak liu ba, so komisaun A la konsege debate lei maibe dadaun ne'e AMP hadia kompleta liu tan hosi projetu lei ne'ebe uluk deputadu sira hatama.",
"Inisiativa hirak ne'e hamosu konjuntura politika foun hatudu vontade no dinamizmu hodi kontra korupsaun iha Timor-Leste no labele hamosu abuzu poder no tenke liuhosi regra ka koridor ne'ebe deifinidu ba kargu titular sira.",
"AMP Submete Projetu Lei Rua Previous articleJape Group Sei Harii Tan CBD Andar 16 Next articleESTV-GTI Hetan Tulun Profesor hosi KOIKA"
] | [
"Opposition Block Submits Draft Street Law | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA DILI The opposition bloc members informed the press that they have submitted two draft street law to Parliament."
"Foto Egas Cristovao DILI, (Agência TATOLI) - Opposition groups in the National Parliament such as Kongresu Nasional Rekonstruksaun Timor-Leste(CNRT), Partido Libertação Popular/People's Liberation Party and Kmanek Habura’a Unidade Nacional Timór Oan have prepared two draft law projects: one on a legal regime for criminal liability with corruption offences within private sector; another concerning penal responsibility of political office holders."
"\"We, the Alliance of Parliamentary Majority (AMP), have already submitted a draft law on legal regime for criminal liability in corruption crimes within private sector through Secretariate President National Assembly and shortly we will submit another one regarding penal responsibility to holders political office\", said AMP spokesman Fidelis Magalhaes during press conference at CNRT House Monday."
"With this bill, AMP is preparing to establish criminal liability for corruption offences that occur or arise in the private sector and a regime on penal responsibility of those who hold political office."
"The PLP deputy said that if the private sector is involved in corruption, this law will regulate such things as giving bribes or paying for services they should have received from State can be protected by legislation. It does not punish when proven corrupt to get favors of state agents are engaged with a criminal activity and therefore become victimized under these rules.\""
"According to him, people who hold public and political office must work accordingly because they also have a responsibility if not complying can be threatened by the Timor-Leste penal code."
"However, for many years the public has asked about anti-corruption laws but they are still pending. Therefore in this fourth legislature we will be ready to complement them and bring back those draft bill that have been left unresolved during our previous legislative period;"
"Thus, there are four things that the criminal code does not have: money laundering; active corruption crime with prejudice to international trade and construction fraud offence. With regard injurious for International Trade because Timor-Leste has investment or foreign commerce"
"The crime of construction fraud, normally refers to the fact that building is not quality and project lacks in-quality so it must be stated therein which underqualified buildings are considered a criminal act."
"Passive corruption crime in the private sector, normally people talk about corrupt always mention government through ministers and director but they don'ts think that it is a criminal act of bribery."
"The crime of active bribery in the private sector, one gives to another receives and is therefore considered a criminal."
"Criminal responsibility for political office, aggravated crime is three (1/3) but a member of government and parliament aggravates four times more than one third. Failure to do his duty also considered as criminal liability; treason against the homeland was punishable by 25 years' imprisonment or fines upto $40 million in cash penalties if committed before January-December - this includes all budget execution that does not follow rules which are deemed an entirely different kind Of Crime"
"In the meantime, this law was in a few years ago only committee A could not debate it but now AMP has improved more completely than draft bills previously submitted by members."
"These initiatives have created a new political conjuncture showing the will and dynamism to combat corruption in Timor-Leste, not allow abuse of power but only through rules or corridors defined for those who hold office."
"Previous articleJape Group Will Build CBD Building of Sixteen Floors Next ArticleESTV-GTI Hires Professor from KOIKA to Help with Studying in Brazil"
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Akizisaun foos faze dahuluk tonelada 6.000 atraka iha Portu Dili | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste\nVARANDA COVID-19 Akizisaun foos faze dahuluk tonelada 6.000 atraka iha Portu Dili\nGovernu hamutuk ho entidade relevate sira akompaña foos importadu hosi Vietname, ne’ebé atraka ona iha Portu Dili, kinta (13/08). Imajen/MKAE\nDILI, 13 agostu 2020 (TATOLI)–Akizisaun foos faze dahuluk hosi Vietname tonelada 6.000 atraka ona iha Portu Dili ho ró MV. MY HUNG.\nPrezidente Sentru Lojíztika Nasionál (CLN, sigla portugés), Agusto Junior Trindade, informa akizasaun foos hosi Vietname ho kuantidade hamutuk tonelada 30.000, maibé ohin foin to’o balun.\nGovernu Timor-Leste halo akizisaun foos ho kustu millaun $15, tama iha pakote sosiu-ekonómiku hodi rezerva iha situasaun emerjénsia no garante stock nasionál ba fulan-tolu atubele kompensa bainhira foos menus durante surtu COVID-19.\n“Governu sosa foos hosi nasaun Repúblika Sosialita Vietname hamutuk tonelada 30.000. Horiseik ró lori foos tenelada 6.000 to’o iha Portu Dili tuku 11:00 dader, enkuantu tonelada 24.000 sei iha dalan no sei to’o iha Dili iha tempu badak nia-laran,” informa Prezidente CLN, ba Agência Tatoli, via telefónika, kinta ne’e.\nNotísia Relevante: KM Delega Kompeténsia ba CLN Selebra Kontratu ho Vietname Sosa Foos Tonelada 30.000\nGovernu antes ne’e fó kompeténsia ba CLN hodi selebra akordu akizisaun foos ho Governu Vietname.\nDirijente ne’e dehan, foos tonelada 12.500 sei to’o tán iha loron 21 agostu no iha 30 agostu sei to’o tonelada 11.500.\nNia haktuir, ohin parte Governu loke ofisialmente segel foos ne’e rasik no sei hatún foos hosi ró hodi lori ba armajen CLN.\nMembru Governu ne’ebé sai sasin ba foos ne’ebé atraka iha portu ne’e maka Ministru Turizmu, Komérsiu no Indústria, José Lucas do Carmo da Silva, Ministru Koordenadór Asuntu Ekonómiku, Joaquim Amaral, no Ministru Transporte no Komunikassaun, José Agustinho da Silva.\nPartisipa mós hosi reprezentante Banku Nasionál Komérsiu Timor-Leste (BNCTL, sigla portugés), Programa Ai-han Mundiál (WFP, sigla inglés), Autoridade Inspesaun Fiskalizasaun Atividade Ekonomia Sanitária (AIFAESA), no Polísia.\nHafoin observa foos, Ministru Joaquim, dehan ohin Governu mai sai sasin ba foos ne’ebé sosa hosi Vietname iha tempu krize pandemia COVID-19.\n“Iha momentu ne’ebá, nasaun hotu defísil atu fa’an foos, maibé ho esforsu ne’ebé Governu iha konsege halo negosiasaun ho Governu Vietname atu sosa foos importasaun atubele asegura ita-nia stock nasionál,” subliña governante ne’e.\nFoos importasaun ne’e sei fa’an ho presu baratu ba komunidade ho objetivu atu normaliza presu iha merkadu.\nFoos sei transporta ba armajen CLN iha Tibar\nPrezidente CLN, Agusto Junior, informa kona-ba hatún foos hosi ró ba armajen CLN iha Tibar, sei halo kontratu ho kompañia lokál sira hodi tula.\n“Agora ami sei diskute termu kontratu, orsida iha konkordánsia ona mak foin bele transporta,” nia akresenta.\nCLN mós koopera ho AIFAESA hodi halo inspesaun no foti sampel foos atu hatene kualidade foos importadu, molok lori ba armajen.\nIha sorin seluk, Prezidente Autoridade Portuáriu Timor-Leste (APORTIL), Flávio Cardoso Neves, hateten ró ne’ebé tula foos akizisaun hosi Vietname to’o ona iha Portu Dili horiseik no ró rua sei tuirmai iha tempu badak.\n“Ohin Ministru tolu hetan akompañamentu mós hosi APORTIL no Alfándega hodi halo abertura ba distribuisaun foos. APORTIL preparadu atubele koordena nafatin, nune’e bainhira foos ne’e mai bele fasilita foos hosi Portu Dili trasporta to’o armajen CLN rasik,” nia haktuir.\nEkipa ne’ebé envolve atu halo kontrolu ba foos maka APORTIL, Alfándega, imigrasaun, kuarentena no saúde atu fó garantia ba ema ne’ebé lori foos tama mai oinsá atubele halo dizinfekta.\n“Ró tama, iha ekipa saúde destaka iha klínika saúde Portu Dili nian, sira maka haree ba ema no sasán ne’ebé tama hodi bele prevene moras COVID-19,” nia akresenta.\nAutoridade portuáriu ne’e haktuir, bainhira ró atraka iha Portu Dili, ema sira ne’ebé maihosi Vietname iha de’it ró laran.\n“Ita la autoriza sira atu sai mai li’ur. Sira iha ró laran de’it tanba ita mós labele halo kontaktu ho sira. Ita iha ajénsia ne’ebé Governu kontrata atu toma konta hatún foos sira hosi ró laran mai iha rai maran,” nia subliña.\nPrevious articleKompetisaun grupu korál, estasaun Bucoli sai primeiru lugar\nNext articleEBF Lelaus Dare laiha bee moos | [
"Akizisaun foos faze dahuluk tonelada 6.000 atraka iha Portu Dili | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA COVID-19 Akizisaun foos faze dahuluk tonelada 6.000 atraka iha Portu Dili Governu hamutuk ho entidade relevate sira akompana foos importadu hosi Vietname, ne'ebe atraka ona iha Portu Dili, kinta (13/08).",
"Imajen/MKAE DILI, 13 agostu 2020 (TATOLI) -Akizisaun foos faze dahuluk hosi Vietname tonelada 6.000 atraka ona iha Portu Dili ho ro MV.",
"Prezidente Sentru Lojiztika Nasional (CLN, sigla portuges), Agusto Junior Trindade, informa akizasaun foos hosi Vietname ho kuantidade hamutuk tonelada 30.000, maibe ohin foin to'o balun.",
"Governu Timor-Leste halo akizisaun foos ho kustu millaun $15, tama iha pakote sosiu-ekonomiku hodi rezerva iha situasaun emerjensia no garante stock nasional ba fulan-tolu atubele kompensa bainhira foos menus durante surtu COVID-19.",
"\"Governu sosa foos hosi nasaun Republika Sosialita Vietname hamutuk tonelada 30.000.",
"Horiseik ro lori foos tenelada 6.000 to'o iha Portu Dili tuku 11:00 dader, enkuantu tonelada 24.000 sei iha dalan no sei to'o iha Dili iha tempu badak nia-laran,\" informa Prezidente CLN, ba Agencia Tatoli, via telefonika, kinta ne'e.",
"Notisia Relevante: KM Delega Kompetensia ba CLN Selebra Kontratu ho Vietname Sosa Foos Tonelada 30.000 Governu antes ne'e fo kompetensia ba CLN hodi selebra akordu akizisaun foos ho Governu Vietname.",
"Dirijente ne'e dehan, foos tonelada 12.500 sei to'o tan iha loron 21 agostu no iha 30 agostu sei to'o tonelada 11.500.",
"Nia haktuir, ohin parte Governu loke ofisialmente segel foos ne'e rasik no sei hatun foos hosi ro hodi lori ba armajen CLN.",
"Membru Governu ne'ebe sai sasin ba foos ne'ebe atraka iha portu ne'e maka Ministru Turizmu, Komersiu no Industria, Jose Lucas do Carmo da Silva, Ministru Koordenador Asuntu Ekonomiku, Joaquim Amaral, no Ministru Transporte no Komunikassaun, Jose Agustinho da Silva.",
"Partisipa mos hosi reprezentante Banku Nasional Komersiu Timor-Leste (BNCTL, sigla portuges), Programa Ai-han Mundial (WFP, sigla ingles), Autoridade Inspesaun Fiskalizasaun Atividade Ekonomia Sanitaria (AIFAESA), no Polisia.",
"Hafoin observa foos, Ministru Joaquim, dehan ohin Governu mai sai sasin ba foos ne'ebe sosa hosi Vietname iha tempu krize pandemia COVID-19.",
"\"Iha momentu ne'eba, nasaun hotu defisil atu fa'an foos, maibe ho esforsu ne'ebe Governu iha konsege halo negosiasaun ho Governu Vietname atu sosa foos importasaun atubele asegura ita-nia stock nasional,\" sublina governante ne'e.",
"Foos importasaun ne'e sei fa'an ho presu baratu ba komunidade ho objetivu atu normaliza presu iha merkadu.",
"Foos sei transporta ba armajen CLN iha Tibar Prezidente CLN, Agusto Junior, informa kona-ba hatun foos hosi ro ba armajen CLN iha Tibar, sei halo kontratu ho kompania lokal sira hodi tula.",
"\"Agora ami sei diskute termu kontratu, orsida iha konkordansia ona mak foin bele transporta,\" nia akresenta.",
"CLN mos koopera ho AIFAESA hodi halo inspesaun no foti sampel foos atu hatene kualidade foos importadu, molok lori ba armajen.",
"Iha sorin seluk, Prezidente Autoridade Portuariu Timor-Leste (APORTIL), Flavio Cardoso Neves, hateten ro ne'ebe tula foos akizisaun hosi Vietname to'o ona iha Portu Dili horiseik no ro rua sei tuirmai iha tempu badak.",
"\"Ohin Ministru tolu hetan akompanamentu mos hosi APORTIL no Alfandega hodi halo abertura ba distribuisaun foos.",
"APORTIL preparadu atubele koordena nafatin, nune'e bainhira foos ne'e mai bele fasilita foos hosi Portu Dili trasporta to'o armajen CLN rasik,\" nia haktuir.",
"Ekipa ne'ebe envolve atu halo kontrolu ba foos maka APORTIL, Alfandega, imigrasaun, kuarentena no saude atu fo garantia ba ema ne'ebe lori foos tama mai oinsa atubele halo dizinfekta.",
"\"Ro tama, iha ekipa saude destaka iha klinika saude Portu Dili nian, sira maka haree ba ema no sasan ne'ebe tama hodi bele prevene moras COVID-19,\" nia akresenta.",
"Autoridade portuariu ne'e haktuir, bainhira ro atraka iha Portu Dili, ema sira ne'ebe maihosi Vietname iha de'it ro laran.",
"\"Ita la autoriza sira atu sai mai li'ur.",
"Sira iha ro laran de'it tanba ita mos labele halo kontaktu ho sira.",
"Ita iha ajensia ne'ebe Governu kontrata atu toma konta hatun foos sira hosi ro laran mai iha rai maran,\" nia sublina.",
"Previous articleKompetisaun grupu koral, estasaun Bucoli sai primeiru lugar Next articleEBF Lelaus Dare laiha bee moos"
] | [
"First phase of 6,012 tonnes feed acquisition docked at Port Dili | ANTARA News Timor-Leste NEWS COVID/COVID AGENCY The Government together with relevant entities accompanied the imported food from Vietnam that has already been dock in port on Tuesday (August) and will be delivering it as a package."
"Image/MKAE DILI, August 13th (Xinhua) - The first phase of the procurement from Vietnam has already docked at Port Dili with a ship MV."
"MY HUNG. My Hunger"
"The President of the National Logistics Center (CLN), Agusto Junior Trindade, informed about a 30 thousand-tonne procurement from Vietnam but only some have arrived today."
"The Government of Timor-Leste has purchased feed at a cost equal to $15 million, as part the socioeconomic package for emergency reserve and guarantees three months national stock in case there is food shortage during COVID."
"\"The government purchases 30,125 tons of grain from the Socialist Republic Of Vietnam."
"On Monday morning, the ship carrying 6.015 tons of grain arrived at Dili Port by about noon on Thursday and another container with a total weight that is estimates to be around two thousand four hundred (24) ton will also reach our port soon afterwards,” CLN President informed Agência Tatoli via telephone last week’ s evening"
"Relevant News: KM Delegates Competence to CLN Signs Contract with Vietnam For 30,125 Ton Feed The Government previously delegated competence for the conclusion of a feed procurement agreement between CM and Viet Nam."
"He said that another 12,509 tons of feed will arrive on August the second day and a further shipment with an additional quantity to be delivered by Aug."
"He said that today the Government will officially unseal this food itself and it won't be removed from ships to CLN warehouse."
"Government members who witnessed the ships docking at this port were Minister of Tourism, Commerce and Industry Jose Lucas Do Carmo da Silva; Economic Affairs Co-ordinator Joaquim Amaral. Transportation & Communications minister José Agustinho Da Silveira"
"Representatives of Banku Nasional Komersiu Timor-Leste (BNCTL), World Food Programme, Health Economic Activities Fiscal Inspection Authority and the Police also participated."
"After observing the feed, Minister Joaquim said that today Government came to witness food purchased from Vietnam during COVID-19 pandemic crisis."
"\"At that time, every country had difficulty selling grains but with the efforts of our government we managed to negotiate a deal for importing wheat from Vietnam in order secure national stock."
"The imported feed will be sold at a low price to the community with an objective of normalizing market prices."
"CLN President, Agusto Junior informed about the delivery of food from ship to a warehouse at Tibar. He said that local companies will be contracted for transporting it there and they are also planning on selling feedstuff directly by boat or airlift into their own storage facilities nearby (Cln)."
"\"Now we will discuss the terms of contract, or if there is a concordance then only transport can be done.\""
"CLN also cooperates with AIFAESA to carry out inspections and take samples of imported feed in order for the quality control before it is stored."
"Meanwhile, the President of Timor-Leste Port Authority (APORTIL), Flavio Cardoso Neves said that a ship carrying acquired grain from Vietnam has arrived at Dili's port this morning and two more will follow shortly."
"\"Today, the three Ministers were also accompanied by APORTIL and Customes to open up food distribution."
"APORTIL is prepared to continue coordinating, so that when the food arrives it can facilitate transportation from Port of Dili until CLN own storage facilities,” he said."
"The team involved in controlling the feed is APORTIL, Customs and Immigration Department of Brazil (Aportil), Quarantine Office for Food Importation to guarantee that people carrying food can be disinfected."
"\"Road in, there is a health team deployed at the Dili Port Health Clinic. They look after people and goods entering to prevent COVID-19 disease\", he added .\""
"According to the port authorities, when ships dock in Port of Dili only people from Vietnam are on board."
"\"We do not authorize them to go abroad."
"They are only on board because we can't contact them."
"We have an agency that the government has contracted to take care of transporting food from sea into land,\" he emphasizes."
"Previous articleChoir group competition, Bucoli station takes first place NextEBF Lelaus Dare has no clean water"
] |
Sistema jurídiku no judisiáriu timoroan la adekuadu ba realidade nasaun nian - PM - TIMOR AGORA\nSistema jurídiku no judisiáriu timoroan la adekuadu ba realidade nasaun nian - PM\nSistema jurídiku no judisiáriu Timor-Leste nian la adekuadu ba realidade nasaun nian, fraku ba kapasidade hodi hatán ba dezafiu atual sira no iha falta iha avaliasaun ba juís no majistradu sira, hatete hosi primeiru-ministru ba Lusa.\nRui Maria de Araújo hatete ba Lusa katak ne'e hanesan avaliasaun preliminar sira hosi Komisaun Reforma Judisial ne'ebé Governu harii hodi analiza área justisa timoroan ne'ebé kompleksu, iha prosesu ida ne'ebé kolabora hela hosi instituisaun akadémiku portugeza balun.\n"Tuir dalan jenériku identifika ona sistema jurídiku no judisiáriu ne'ebé la adekuadu ba realidade timoroan nian. Ho baze ne'e maka ita tenki haree ho forma objetivu no realista ba reforma nesesáriu sira hodi adekua ho di'ak ba realidade ne'e", explika iha deklarasaun sira ba Lusa iha Díli.\nAtrazu iha rezolusaun hosi kazu sira, kastigu sira ne'ebé la loos, prosesu oioin kontra eis-membru sira Governu nian, falta majistradu no operador judisial sira seluk no falta ema barak, tékniku sira no material sira hamosu preokupasaun iha sosiedade timoroan kona-ba área judisial.\nProblema lian portugeza, falta iha nível juís sira iha Tribunal Rekursu, kapasidade ne'ebé la sufisiente hosi forsa sira investigasaun nian no uzu maka'as hosi prizaun preventicu hanesan medida koasaun, hanesan problema sira seluk ne'ebé iha.\nRui Araújo fó hanesan ezemplu problema sira kona-ba orden jurídiku timoroan nian sei kontempla lejislasaun indonéziu - hosi tempu okupasaun iha nasaun -, lejislasaun aprovadu hosi administrasaun tranzitóriu ONU nian (to'o restaurasaun independénsia nian) no lejislasaun hosi Estadu soberanu (hafoin tinan 2002).\n"Aplikasaun hamosu konfuzaun barak. Ema barak hatete katak dalabarak sistema judisiáriu ladún iha kapasidade hodi hatán ba dezafiu sira justisa nian iha nasaun, maibé ami tenki haree ba situasaun ne'e", nia hatete.\nReforma ne'ebé hala'o daudaun sei analiza oinsá kódigu sivil, penal ho prosesu penal sira no sei analiza aspetu sira hanesan funsionamentu hosi instituisaun judisial sira, justisa kostumeiru, lejislasaun komersial, no aspetu sira seluk no oinsá bele kapasita di'ak no adekua ba rekursu ema nia iha área.\n"Kapasitasaun hosi rekursu ema sira nian tenki konsistente ho adekuasaun hosi sistema no setór nian. Hanesan pontu importante ba reflesaun, komisaun identifika hela área sira ne'e, hamutuk ho operador sira justisa nian rasik", hatete hosi governante.\n"Ne'e reflete maturidade ruma, hodi hadook subjetivizmu ida-idak nian, haree ba problema judisial no judisiáriu ho forma objetivu liu hodi haree oinsá bele rezolve problema sira ne'e", nia hatete.\nBainhira hatán kona-ba persepsaun entre alegadu barak abuzu poder hosi majistradu sira ka situasaun sira ne'ebé karik iha kastigu maka'as ka iha interese maka'as hanesan ezemplu iha aplikasaun ba medida koasaun nian, Rui Araújo konsidera mós katak tenki haree fali formasaun.\n"Hosi hanoin prátiku iha falta balun iha ‘check sand balances’ hosi operador sira justisa nian iha nasaun. Ami hotu hatene katak falta juís inspetor sira iha sistema judisial hodi bele halo avaliasaun regular ida no sistemátiku hosi serbisu juís sira kareira nian", nia afirma.\n"Ne'e iha konsekuénsia ba falta progresaun iha kareira hosi juís sira nian rasik maibé mós iha ligasaun ho persepsaun hosi falta kualidade iha justisa. Sistema sira ne'e tomak maka tenki hetan revizaun", nia konsidera. | [
"Sistema juridiku no judisiariu timoroan la adekuadu ba realidade nasaun nian - PM - TIMOR AGORA Sistema juridiku no judisiariu timoroan la adekuadu ba realidade nasaun nian - PM Sistema juridiku no judisiariu Timor-Leste nian la adekuadu ba realidade nasaun nian, fraku ba kapasidade hodi hatan ba dezafiu atual sira no iha falta iha avaliasaun ba juis no majistradu sira, hatete hosi primeiru-ministru ba Lusa.",
"Rui Maria de Araujo hatete ba Lusa katak ne'e hanesan avaliasaun preliminar sira hosi Komisaun Reforma Judisial ne'ebe Governu harii hodi analiza area justisa timoroan ne'ebe kompleksu, iha prosesu ida ne'ebe kolabora hela hosi instituisaun akademiku portugeza balun.",
"\"Tuir dalan jeneriku identifika ona sistema juridiku no judisiariu ne'ebe la adekuadu ba realidade timoroan nian.",
"Ho baze ne'e maka ita tenki haree ho forma objetivu no realista ba reforma nesesariu sira hodi adekua ho di'ak ba realidade ne'e,\" explika iha deklarasaun sira ba Lusa iha Dili.",
"Atrazu iha rezolusaun hosi kazu sira, kastigu sira ne'ebe la loos, prosesu oioin kontra eis-membru sira Governu nian, falta majistradu no operador judisial sira seluk no falta ema barak, tekniku sira no material sira hamosu preokupasaun iha sosiedade timoroan kona-ba area judisial.",
"Problema lian portugeza, falta iha nivel juis sira iha Tribunal Rekursu, kapasidade ne'ebe la sufisiente hosi forsa sira investigasaun nian no uzu maka'as hosi prizaun preventicu hanesan medida koasaun, hanesan problema sira seluk ne'ebe iha.",
"Rui Araujo fo hanesan ezemplu problema sira kona-ba orden juridiku timoroan nian sei kontempla lejislasaun indoneziu - hosi tempu okupasaun iha nasaun -, lejislasaun aprovadu hosi administrasaun tranzitoriu ONU nian (to'o restaurasaun independensia nian) no lejislasaun hosi Estadu soberanu (hafoin tinan 2002).",
"\"Aplikasaun hamosu konfuzaun barak.",
"Ema barak hatete katak dalabarak sistema judisiariu ladun iha kapasidade hodi hatan ba dezafiu sira justisa nian iha nasaun, maibe ami tenki haree ba situasaun ne'e,\" nia hatete.",
"Reforma ne'ebe hala'o daudaun sei analiza oinsa kodigu sivil, penal ho prosesu penal sira no sei analiza aspetu sira hanesan funsionamentu hosi instituisaun judisial sira, justisa kostumeiru, lejislasaun komersial, no aspetu sira seluk no oinsa bele kapasita di'ak no adekua ba rekursu ema nia iha area.",
"\"Kapasitasaun hosi rekursu ema sira nian tenki konsistente ho adekuasaun hosi sistema no setor nian.",
"Hanesan pontu importante ba reflesaun, komisaun identifika hela area sira ne'e, hamutuk ho operador sira justisa nian rasik,\" hatete hosi governante.",
"\"Ne'e reflete maturidade ruma, hodi hadook subjetivizmu ida-idak nian, haree ba problema judisial no judisiariu ho forma objetivu liu hodi haree oinsa bele rezolve problema sira ne'e,\" nia hatete.",
"Bainhira hatan kona-ba persepsaun entre alegadu barak abuzu poder hosi majistradu sira ka situasaun sira ne'ebe karik iha kastigu maka'as ka iha interese maka'as hanesan ezemplu iha aplikasaun ba medida koasaun nian, Rui Araujo konsidera mos katak tenki haree fali formasaun.",
"\"Hosi hanoin pratiku iha falta balun iha 'check sand balances' hosi operador sira justisa nian iha nasaun.",
"Ami hotu hatene katak falta juis inspetor sira iha sistema judisial hodi bele halo avaliasaun regular ida no sistematiku hosi serbisu juis sira kareira nian,\" nia afirma.",
"\"Ne'e iha konsekuensia ba falta progresaun iha kareira hosi juis sira nian rasik maibe mos iha ligasaun ho persepsaun hosi falta kualidade iha justisa.",
"Sistema sira ne'e tomak maka tenki hetan revizaun,\" nia konsidera."
] | [
"The legal and judicial system of Timor-Leste is inadequate to the realities, weak for its ability at responding today’s challenges. There are also lacks on evaluation processes that have been implemented with respect towards judge & magistratial staff,” said Prime Minister Xanana Gusmão during a press conference held by Lusa News Agency (Agência Notícia)."
"Rui Maria de Araujo told Lusa that these are the preliminary evaluations of a Judicial Reform Commission set up by his government to analyze complex areas in Tongan justice, with collaboration from some Portuguese academic institutions."
"\"In a generic way, we have identified the legal and judicial system as inadequate to Taiwanese reality."
"On this basis, we must look in an objective and realistic way at the necessary reforms to adequately address these realities\", explained he during a statement for Lusa from Dili."
"Delays in the resolution of cases, unjust punishments and various proceeding against former members Of Government as well a shortage In magistrates And other Judicial operator rs. As also lack OF many people Technicians & materials have caused concern within Tongan society regarding The judicial area"
"Portuguese language problems, a lack of qualified judges in the Appeals Court and an unsufficient capacity among investigative forces are some other issues that have been raised."
"Rui Araujo gave as an example the problems regarding Portuguese legal order which will consider Indonesian legislation - from time of occupation in country-, laws adopted by UN transitional administration (until restoration to independence) and sovereign state' s legislative system."
"\"The application has caused a lot of confusion."
"Many people say that the judicial system is often incapable of addressing justice challenges within a country, but we have to look at this situation.\""
"The ongoing reform will analyse how the civil, criminal codes and penal procedures work together. It shall also analyze aspects such as judicial institutions' operational functionality; customary justice system: commercial legislation etcetera to ensure adequate capacity building of human resources in this area"
"\"Capacity building of human resources must be consistent with the adequacy and systemic sector."
"As an important point of reflection, the commission is identifying these areas together with justice operators themselves\", said Governor."
"\"It reflects a certain maturity, to put away the subjectivity of each one and look at judicial problems in more objective ways so as not only solve them but also see how they can be solved\", he said."
"When answering about the perception among many alleged abuse of power by judges or situation where there are high penalties and/or interest as an example in application to coercive measure, Rui Araujo also considered that training should be reviewed."
"\"In practice there is a certain lack of 'check sand balances' by the justice operator in this country."
"We all know that there is a lack of judges-inspectors in the judicial system to carry out regular and systematic evaluation on career magistrates' work,\" he said."
"\"This has consequences for the lack of career progression by judges themselves but is also linked to a perception that justice does not have quality."
"All these systems need to be reviewed,\" he said."
] |
Tersa, 24 Setembru 2019 08:00\nBabo Rejeita Hili Família\nDILI: Ministru Negósiu Estranjeiru no Kooperasaun (MNEK), Dionísio Babo Soares, rejeita hili família sai Sekretáriu Jerál TL ba ASEAN.\nTersa, 21 Fevereiru 2017 10:03\nBabo Entrega Kazu Emília Pires ba PM Rui\nDIILI: Kazu Eis Ministra Finansas Emília Pires ne'ebé too agora seidauk koopera ho justisa, Ministru Estadu Koordenadór Asuntu Administrasaun Estadu no Justisa, Dionísio Babo Soares, entrega fali responsabilidade ba Primeiru Ministru.\nNu’udar ministru ne'ebé tutela ba área justisa nian, Dionísio laiha liafuan atu ko'alia. Kazu ne’e entrega fali ba iha Primeiru Ministru mak atu responde.\n“Ha'u labele ko'alia hodi hotu governu nia naran, maibé pozisaun governu nian ne’e só Primeiru Ministru mak bele fó komentáriu ba kestaun sira hanesan ne’e,” dehan nia, iha Hotel Beach Garden Praia Kokeiro, Sesta (17/2).\nGovernante ne’e dehan, kona-ba Emília Pires ne’e kestaun judisiáriu tanba sei iha hela prosesu. Tanba ne’e tenke respeita no labele halo fali komentáriu ne'ebé bele prejudika fila-fali ka halo intervensaun ba iha prosesu judisiáriu.\nTanba ema barak mak fó komentáriu, maibé la relevante no buat hotu trata tuir kanál judisiáriu, importante mak timoroan hotu tenke koopera ho justisa.\n“Ita husu ba Mana Emília para bele koopera ho justisa hodi hetan rezultadu ida ne'ebé aseitavel tuir lei para ita bele responsabiliza,” tenik nia.\nPJR Aprezenta Rekursu\nRelasiona ho kazu Eis Ministra Finansas (MF), Emília Pires, aleinde Advogadu Emília Pires nian aprezenta rekursu hodi defende, Ministériu Públiku mós halo rekursu hodi aumenta pena.\n“Ninia advogadu aprezenta ona ninia rekursu, ami mós aprezenta ninia rekursu, ida ne’e mak ha'u bele fó hatene,” dehan Prokuradór Jerál Repúblika (PJR), José da Costa Ximenes, iha Palasiu Prezidente Ai-Tarak Laran, horisehik.\nNia dehan, hein Tribunál Rekursu mak sei deside, tanba estatutu proibidu ne’e para atu ko'alia detalla kona-ba kazu ne’e. Tanba, antes desizaun sai ema sira ne’e sai prejuizu inosente. | [
"Tersa, 24 Setembru 2019 08:00 Babo Rejeita Hili Familia DILI: Ministru Negosiu Estranjeiru no Kooperasaun (MNEK), Dionisio Babo Soares, rejeita hili familia sai Sekretariu Jeral TL ba ASEAN.",
"Tersa, 21 Fevereiru 2017 10:03 Babo Entrega Kazu Emilia Pires ba PM Rui DIILI: Kazu Eis Ministra Finansas Emilia Pires ne'ebe too agora seidauk koopera ho justisa, Ministru Estadu Koordenador Asuntu Administrasaun Estadu no Justisa, Dionisio Babo Soares, entrega fali responsabilidade ba Primeiru Ministru.",
"Nu'udar ministru ne'ebe tutela ba area justisa nian, Dionisio laiha liafuan atu ko'alia.",
"Kazu ne'e entrega fali ba iha Primeiru Ministru mak atu responde.",
"\"Ha'u labele ko'alia hodi hotu governu nia naran, maibe pozisaun governu nian ne'e so Primeiru Ministru mak bele fo komentariu ba kestaun sira hanesan ne'e,\" dehan nia, iha Hotel Beach Garden Praia Kokeiro, Sesta (17/2).",
"Governante ne'e dehan, kona-ba Emilia Pires ne'e kestaun judisiariu tanba sei iha hela prosesu.",
"Tanba ne'e tenke respeita no labele halo fali komentariu ne'ebe bele prejudika fila-fali ka halo intervensaun ba iha prosesu judisiariu.",
"Tanba ema barak mak fo komentariu, maibe la relevante no buat hotu trata tuir kanal judisiariu, importante mak timoroan hotu tenke koopera ho justisa.",
"\"Ita husu ba Mana Emilia para bele koopera ho justisa hodi hetan rezultadu ida ne'ebe aseitavel tuir lei para ita bele responsabiliza,\" tenik nia.",
"PJR Aprezenta Rekursu Relasiona ho kazu Eis Ministra Finansas (MF), Emilia Pires, aleinde Advogadu Emilia Pires nian aprezenta rekursu hodi defende, Ministeriu Publiku mos halo rekursu hodi aumenta pena.",
"\"Ninia advogadu aprezenta ona ninia rekursu, ami mos aprezenta ninia rekursu, ida ne'e mak ha'u bele fo hatene,\" dehan Prokurador Jeral Republika (PJR), Jose da Costa Ximenes, iha Palasiu Prezidente Ai-Tarak Laran, horisehik.",
"Nia dehan, hein Tribunal Rekursu mak sei deside, tanba estatutu proibidu ne'e para atu ko'alia detalla kona-ba kazu ne'e.",
"Tanba, antes desizaun sai ema sira ne'e sai prejuizu inosente."
] | [
"Tuesday, September 24th (Xinhua) — Foreign Affairs and Cooperation Minister Dionisio Babo Soares has rejected the suggestion that his family should be chosen as TL’s Secretary General to ASEAN."
"Tuesday, February 21st (AFP) - Minister of State and Coordinator for the Administration Affairs in Justice Dionisio Babo Soares has handed over responsibility to PM Rui DIILI: Former Finance minister Emilia Pires' case which so far did not cooperate with justice is now under investigation. The matter was transferred back into Prime Ministry by his predecessor Diogo de Almeida Diaz-Carvalho on Monday afternoon at a meeting held between him as well As President da República José Eduardo dos Santos"
"As the minister in charge of justice, Dionisio had no words to say."
"The case was submitted back to the Prime Minister, who answered."
"\"I cannot speak on behalf of all the government, but it is a position that only Prime Minister can make comments about such issues\", he said at Hotel Beach Garden Praia Kokeiro Saturday (17/2)."
"The governor said that the issue of Emilia Pires is a judicial matter because there will be an ongoing process."
"Therefore, it must be respected and no further comments that may prejudice or interfere with the judicial process."
"Because many people make comments, but they are irrelevant and everything is dealt with through the judicial channel. It’s important that all of us in Timor-Leste cooperate to justice be carried out efficiently!"
"\"We are asking Mana Emilia to cooperate with the justice system so that we can get a result which is acceptable under law and hold her accountably,\" she said."
"PJR Presents Appeal Regarding the case of Former Minister for Finance (MF), Emilia Pirees, in addition to Lawyer Emilie Pierre submitted an appeal on her behalf. The Public Prosecutor' s Office also filed a petition requesting increased sentence"
"\"Her lawyer has filed his appeal, we have also submitted its application and I can inform you of this,” said the Prosecutor General (PJR), Jose da Costa Ximenes at President's Palace Ai-Tarak Laran on Monday."
"He said that he would wait for the Court of Appeal to decide, because this prohibited statute prevents him from discussing details about his case."
"Because, before the decision is made these people are innocently prejudiced."
] |
Don Virgílio husu sarani sira akompaña polítika ho maturidade | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste\nVARANDA HEADLINE Don Virgílio husu sarani sira akompaña polítika ho maturidade\nArsebispu Arkidioseze Metropolitana Dili, Don Virgílio do Carmo da Silva, SDB. Imajen Tatoli/Dok.\nDILI, 30 marsu 2021 (TATOLI)—Arsebispu Arkidioseze Metropolitana Dili, Don Virgílio do Carmo da Silva, hateten daudaun ne’e iha situasaun serka santária nia laran ne’e husu nafatin ba sarani sira atu akompaña situasaun polítika rai-laran ho maturidade molok foti desizaun.\n“Uluk nanain iha situasaun ida-ne’e konvida ita sarani, aumezmu tempu povu Timor atu haree ho maturidade ida, la’os hodi emosaun mak hasoru realidade polítika ida-ne’e. Tanba ne’e, ba sarani sira atu akompaña situasaun polítiku iha rai laran ne’e ho ita-nia maturidade katak koko atu komprende akompaña didi’ak nune’e ita bele komprende molok foti desizaun no reaasaun sira liuliu liga ho establidade,” Don Vigílio do Carmo da Silva hateten ba jornalista sira hafoin hato’o mensajen paskua nian iha Câmara Eclasiástica, Lecidere, Dili, tersa ne’e.\nDon Virgílio hateten, iha situasaun ne’e liga ho pendémia COVID-19 no liga ba espíritu paskua ninian, ida-ne’e mós konvida ema hotu-hotu atu haree iha situasaun hirak ne’e hotu oinsá buka buat ne’ebé loloos.\n“Iha tempu paskua ninian ne’e, lia-loos mak importante tanba ita uza ita-nia maturidade akompaña situasaun sira-ne’e ho naroman paskua nian. Bele lori duni esperansa katak atu tau ikus ba ida-ne’e, ema bele hatene naroman no nakukun hotu hosi situasaun polítika sira-ne’e,” nia dehan.\nIha situasaun ne’e, nia dehan, sei kria tensaun entre ema maibé la’ós ho tensaun bele rezolve maibé nu’udár sarani liafuan sira-ne’ebé la kona malu ne’e koko nafatin moris iha ambiente ida-ne’ebé dame no domin nia laran.\n“Iha espíritu ida-ne’e ninian, husu ba sarani sira hotu, ita mós tenke reza akompaña nafatin iha tempu kuarezma no semana santa ida-ne’e. Ita reza, nune’e buat hotu loke liután ita-nia polítiku-na’in sira-nia neon no laran atu hatene to’o rohan povu hotu bele hetan naroman ida, tanba naroman mak halo ema hotu sai hakmatek,” nia hateten.\nTanba ne’e, Don Virgílio husu ba sarani sira liuliu iha tempu paskua no semana santa ida-ne’e, ajuda malu ho orasaun la’ós ba hakamatek COVID-19 ninian de’it maibé mós ba situasaun polítiku iha rai-laran nia hakmatek.\nIha serka sanitaria nia laran ne’e, Don Virgílio husu Governu atu oinsá moras COVID-19 ne’e labele da’et no lahamate ema maibé Governu mós tenke kria mekanizmu ruma oinsá povu labele mate ba hamlaha.\n“Ha’u hanoin ida-ne’e ezersísiu ida-ne’ebé ita-nia nai-ulun sira tenke fera ulun duni atu bele kria situasaun hakmatek. Tanba, fatór ida ne’ebé kontribui ba ita-nia desobidiénsia ida mak kabun ne’e. Tanba bainhira kabun hamlaha ne’e bele obriga ema halo buat ne’ebé sira hakarak,” nia dehan.\nPrevious articleEDTL-Timor GAP selebra akordu fornese kombustível iha sentrál elétrika Betano\nNext articleCOVID-19: sasin hosi pasiente rekoperadu | [
"Don Virgilio husu sarani sira akompana politika ho maturidade | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA HEADLINE Don Virgilio husu sarani sira akompana politika ho maturidade Arsebispu Arkidioseze Metropolitana Dili, Don Virgilio do Carmo da Silva, SDB.",
"Imajen Tatoli/Dok.",
"DILI, 30 marsu 2021 (TATOLI) - Arsebispu Arkidioseze Metropolitana Dili, Don Virgilio do Carmo da Silva, hateten daudaun ne'e iha situasaun serka santaria nia laran ne'e husu nafatin ba sarani sira atu akompana situasaun politika rai-laran ho maturidade molok foti desizaun.",
"\"Uluk nanain iha situasaun ida-ne'e konvida ita sarani, aumezmu tempu povu Timor atu haree ho maturidade ida, la'os hodi emosaun mak hasoru realidade politika ida-ne'e.",
"Tanba ne'e, ba sarani sira atu akompana situasaun politiku iha rai laran ne'e ho ita-nia maturidade katak koko atu komprende akompana didi'ak nune'e ita bele komprende molok foti desizaun no reaasaun sira liuliu liga ho establidade,\" Don Vigilio do Carmo da Silva hateten ba jornalista sira hafoin hato'o mensajen paskua nian iha Camara Eclasiastica, Lecidere, Dili, tersa ne'e.",
"Don Virgilio hateten, iha situasaun ne'e liga ho pendemia COVID-19 no liga ba espiritu paskua ninian, ida-ne'e mos konvida ema hotu-hotu atu haree iha situasaun hirak ne'e hotu oinsa buka buat ne'ebe loloos.",
"\"Iha tempu paskua ninian ne'e, lia-loos mak importante tanba ita uza ita-nia maturidade akompana situasaun sira-ne'e ho naroman paskua nian.",
"Bele lori duni esperansa katak atu tau ikus ba ida-ne'e, ema bele hatene naroman no nakukun hotu hosi situasaun politika sira-ne'e,\" nia dehan.",
"Iha situasaun ne'e, nia dehan, sei kria tensaun entre ema maibe la'os ho tensaun bele rezolve maibe nu'udar sarani liafuan sira-ne'ebe la kona malu ne'e koko nafatin moris iha ambiente ida-ne'ebe dame no domin nia laran.",
"\"Iha espiritu ida-ne'e ninian, husu ba sarani sira hotu, ita mos tenke reza akompana nafatin iha tempu kuarezma no semana santa ida-ne'e.",
"Ita reza, nune'e buat hotu loke liutan ita-nia politiku-na'in sira-nia neon no laran atu hatene to'o rohan povu hotu bele hetan naroman ida, tanba naroman mak halo ema hotu sai hakmatek,\" nia hateten.",
"Tanba ne'e, Don Virgilio husu ba sarani sira liuliu iha tempu paskua no semana santa ida-ne'e, ajuda malu ho orasaun la'os ba hakamatek COVID-19 ninian de'it maibe mos ba situasaun politiku iha rai-laran nia hakmatek.",
"Iha serka sanitaria nia laran ne'e, Don Virgilio husu Governu atu oinsa moras COVID-19 ne'e labele da'et no lahamate ema maibe Governu mos tenke kria mekanizmu ruma oinsa povu labele mate ba hamlaha.",
"\"Ha'u hanoin ida-ne'e ezersisiu ida-ne'ebe ita-nia nai-ulun sira tenke fera ulun duni atu bele kria situasaun hakmatek.",
"Tanba, fator ida ne'ebe kontribui ba ita-nia desobidiensia ida mak kabun ne'e.",
"Tanba bainhira kabun hamlaha ne'e bele obriga ema halo buat ne'ebe sira hakarak,\" nia dehan.",
"Previous articleEDTL-Timor GAP selebra akordu fornese kombustivel iha sentral eletrika Betano Next articleCOVID-19: sasin hosi pasiente rekoperadu"
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"Don Virgilio urges faithful to accompany politics with maturity | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA HEADLINE Dom Virgilio asks the parishioners of Dili Metropolitan Archidiocese, Archbishop don Virginio do Carmo da Silva SDB."
"Image Tatoli/Doc."
"DILI, March 30th - Archbishop Virgilio do Carmo da Silva of Dili Metropolitan Archidiocese said that while the country is currently under a lockdown he asks his faithful to accompany political situation with maturity before making decisions."
"\"The present situation invites us, the people of Timor to look at this political reality with maturity and not emotionally."
"Therefore, for the faithful to accompany political situation in this country with our own maturity that we understand it thoroughly so as not take decisions and react especially linked by establishment\", Don Vigilio do Carmo da Silva told journalist after delivering his Easter message at Camara Eclasiastica Lecidere Dili on Tuesday."
"Don Virgilio said that in this situation linked to the COVID-19 pandemic and related with Easter spirit, it also invites all of us into looking at these circumstance how we can look for what is right."
"\"In this Easter time, the truth is important because we use our maturity to accompany these situations with Paschal love."
"It can really bring hope that to end this, people will know the truth and all of these political situations are wrong.\""
"In this situation, he said it will create tension between people but not with the pressure can solve. But as a Catholic these words that do no relate to each other should still live in an environment of peace and love within her own hearts!"
"\"In this spirit, I ask all the faithful that we also pray to accompany him in Lent and Holy Week."
"We pray, so that everything opens up through the eyes and heart of our politician-names to know how far all people can get a normality because norm makes everyone happy.\" he said."
"Therefore, Don Virgilio asks the faithful especially during Easter and this Holy Week to help each other with prayers not only for COVID-19's end but also in view of our political situation."
"During the sanitary lockdown, Don Virgilio asked Government to ensure that COVID-19 does not spread and kill people but also government must create some mechanisms so as no one dies of hunger."
"\"I think this is an exercise that our leaders have to take seriously in order for us, as a result of which we can create the right situation."
"Because, one of the factors that contributes to our disobedience is this kabun."
"Because when hunger strikes, it can force people to do what they want,” he said."
"PreviousEDTL-Timor GAP signs agreement to supply fuel at Betano power plant Next articleCOVID 19: testimony of recovered patients"
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Xipre - Howling Pixel\nXipre (iha gregu: Κυπριακή Δημοκρατία, iha turku: Kıbrıs Cumhuriyeti, iha inglés: Republic of Cyprus) maka rai Ázia nian.\nBéljika (iha olandés: België, fransés: Belgique, alemaun: Belgien) maka rai Europa nian.\nEslovénia (iha eslovenu: Slovenija) maka rai Europa nian.\nEstónia (iha estóniu: Eesti) maka rai Europa nian.\nLetónia (iha letaun: Latvija) maka rai Europa nian.\nLuxemburgu (iha alemaun: Luxemburg, iha fransés: Luxembourg, luxemburgés: Lëtzebuerg) maka rai Europa nian.\nSuisa (iha sueku: Sverige) maka rai Europa nian.\nTurkia maka rai Ázia no Europa nian.\nUngria maka rai Europa nian.\nÁustria (iha alemaun: Österreich) maka rai Europa nian. | [
"Xipre - Howling Pixel Xipre (iha gregu: Kupriake Demokratia, iha turku: Kibris Cumhuriyeti, iha ingles: Republic of Cyprus) maka rai Azia nian.",
"Beljika (iha olandes: Belgie, franses: Belgique, alemaun: Belgien) maka rai Europa nian.",
"Eslovenia (iha eslovenu: Slovenija) maka rai Europa nian.",
"Estonia (iha estoniu: Eesti) maka rai Europa nian.",
"Letonia (iha letaun: Latvija) maka rai Europa nian.",
"Luxemburgu (iha alemaun: Luxemburg, iha franses: Luxembourg, luxemburges: Letzebuerg) maka rai Europa nian.",
"Suisa (iha sueku: Sverige) maka rai Europa nian.",
"Turkia maka rai Azia no Europa nian.",
"Ungria maka rai Europa nian.",
"Austria (iha alemaun: Osterreich) maka rai Europa nian."
] | [
"Cyprus (Greek: Κύπρος, Kupriake Demokratia; Turkish Kibris Cumhuriyeti) is a country in Asia. The island of the same name lies on its northern coast and has been an independent state since 1974 when it was annexed to Turkey by Ottoman Turks under Mustafa Kemal Atatürk' s rule as part Of Turkic-Cyprus Union.[2]"
"Belgium (Dutch: België; French, officially la République belge) is a country in Europe."
"Slovenia (Slovene: Slovenija) is a country in Europe."
"Estonia (formerly Estonian: Eesti) is a country in Europe."
"Latvia (Latvian: Latvija) is a country in Europe."
"Luxembourg (German: Luxemburg, French and German-speaking parts of the country also called Letzebuerg) is a state in Europe."
"Switzerland (Swedish: Sverige) is a country in Europe."
"Turkey is a country at the crossroads of Asia and Europe."
"Hungary is the land of Europe."
"Austria (German: Osterreich) is a country in Europe."
] |
Xanana: Estadu ladún tau matan ba ferik-katuas sira – GMN TV | Grupo Média Nacional - Lori Timor ba Mundu - GMN TV | Grupo Média Nacional\nHome » Sosiedade » Xanana: Estadu ladún tau matan ba ferik-katuas sira\nLíder nasionál Kay Rala Xanana Gusmão, hatete, Estadu ladún tau matan ba ferik ho katuas sira, maske balun simu osan subvensaun idozu husi Governu. Tanba tuir Xanana, ferik no katuas sira mak sai hanesan eroi ba luta libertasaun nasionál.\n“Tanba tuir ami na’in rua avó Horta haree katak Estadu ladún tau matan (ferik no katuas sira) balu kala simu osan idozu, maibé la’ós hotu-hotu. Todan ne’ebé lori iha tinan 24 funu nia laran barak sei lori hela, antes atu ba liu ne’e mak ami halo hela movimentu síviku ida atu husu ba Estadu hodi tau matan ferik ho katuas sira, tanba imi mak liberta ita-nia rai, ita la duni inimigu, la duni ho kilat, imi mak duni ho pregu, pregu ne’e signifika ruin ne’ebé mate iha ita-nia sorin husik de’it, ruin sira ne’e mak duni sai inimigu. Tanba ne’e ami promete ami sei book hodi Estadu tau matan ba imi iha tempu ikus ona imi moris hamutuk ho ami”, hateten Xanana iha Sábadu (24-10-2020), banhira ho eis Prezidente Repúblika, José Ramos Horta, halo asaun karidade iha suku Laikore, postu administrativu Laclo, munisípiu Manatuto.\nXanana dehan, sei halo nafatin movimentu síviku liu husi asaun karidade ne’ebé dau-daun ne’e halo, atu husu ba Estadu hodi tau matan ba ferik ho katuas sira, tanba ferik no katuas sira mak liberta Timor-Leste husi okupasaun invazór sira, la’ós ho kilat.\n“Ne’e duni ho respeitu tomak ba imi, avó Horta ho ha’u mai to’o iha ne’e atu hakru’uk ba imi. Tanba imi mak liberta ita-nia rai ho imi-nia terus tinan 24 nia laran imi simu terus hotu-hotu mas imi la reziste”, deha líder nasionál ne’e.\nSasan nesesidade bázika ne’ebé mak líder nasionál rua ne’e fahe mak hanesan foos, mina no seluk tan ba katuas no ferik sira iha suku Laikore ne’ebé apoia husi emprezáriu Laclo-oan.\nEntrentantu, laureadu nobel ba paz, José Ramos Horta, agradese ba populasaun suku Laikore, tanba simu ona nia ho eis komandante FALINTIL, Kay Rala Xanana Gusmão.\n“Ho difikuldade ne’ebé maka imi iha, iha tempu ida ne’e ami hatene Timor-Leste tomak ekonomia ladun la’o. Tanba razaun barak, la’ós de’it tamba COVID-19 no razaun seluk tan hotu-hotu setor privadu iha difikuldade oi-oin. Maibé imi halo esforsu para simu avó Xanana no ha’u rasik iha ne’e”, dehan Horta.\nHusu joven sira estuda dezenvolve TL\nNune’e mós líder nasionál, Kay Rala Xanana Gusmão, husu joven sira atu estuda maka’as hodi valoriza ferik no katuas sira-nia luta ba ukun rasik-an no dezelvolve Timor-Leste iha futuru.\nEis komandante em xefe FALINTIL, Kay Rala Xanana Gusmão, hatete, estabilidade nasaun nian iha joven sira-nia liman, tanba joven sira sei garante Timor-Leste nian iha futuru, la’ós ema seluk. Tanba ne’e, pioneiru ba organizasaun G7+ Xanana Gusmão, husu joven sira atu labele baku malu hodi hatun ferik no katuas sira ne’ebé uluk luta ba ukun-an nia dignidade.\n“Joven sira, liu-liu sira ne’ebé mai husi universidade sira, imi tenke estuda maka’as.Tuir avó feto no mane sira nia dalan, la’ós imi atu sa’e fali foho. Tanba imi barak moris iha ukun-an nia laran, imi hanoin katak agora mak imi terus, imi la terus ida, kompara ho ferik no katuas sira. Ne’e duni eforsa-an ba, tanba sira no ami hotu atu ba ona. Sé mak atu kaer rai ida ne’e? imi mak sei kaer. Imi mak sei kore husi mukit ho kiak. Labele hanoin katak agora ne’e tenke rezolve problema hotu-hotu, imi prepara-an atu fó valor ba terus tinan 24 nia laran ferik ho katuas sira halo”, líder nasionál ne’e iha Laikore, postu administrativu Laclo, munisípiu Manatuto.\nXanana husu mós ba joven sira atu tau iha ulun katak futuru nasaun nian iha sira-nia liman no joven sira mak sei rezolve problema ne’ebé maka oras ne’e nasaun hasoru. Líder nasionál iha esperansa katak, ho joven ne’ebé matenek sei lori mudansa ba nasaun iha futuru.\n“Ne’e duni labele haluha imi atu valoriza sira nia sakrifísiu esforsu-an loro-loron, feto la’ós ba pinta ibun tun-sa’e no mane sira ba tesik arbiru de’it. Problema sim, iha, maibé problema ida agora sei la to’o ba problema ne’ebé ferik ho katuas sira simu iha funu nia laran. Katuas sira dehan, kotuk soe ba kotuk haree ba oin, maibé imi labele dehan kotuk so’e ba kotuk. Tanba husi pasadu terus ferik no katuas sira nian ne’e mak ohin loron imi hatais hanesan ne’e”, dehan líder nasionál ne’e.\nIha vizita ba suku Laikore ne’e ekipa Xanana fahe mós sasan desportu sira hanesan farda futebol, bola ba juventude sira iha suku haat, iha postu adminisrtativu Laclo. oct\nLee hotu : Vizita ba GMN TV, MAPKS: Ekipamentu mesak modernu\nPM: Tama legál seidauk hadaet COVID-19\nDNAS sei rezolve beemoos iha área remotas\nPR Lú Olo apresia ho povu Lautém\nKoordenadór eskola Ensinu Báziku Filial (EBF)... | [
"Xanana: Estadu ladun tau matan ba ferik-katuas sira - GMN TV | Grupo Media Nacional - Lori Timor ba Mundu - GMN TV | Grupo Media Nacional Home \" Sosiedade \" Xanana: Estadu ladun tau matan ba ferik-katuas sira Lider nasional Kay Rala Xanana Gusmao, hatete, Estadu ladun tau matan ba ferik ho katuas sira, maske balun simu osan subvensaun idozu husi Governu.",
"Tanba tuir Xanana, ferik no katuas sira mak sai hanesan eroi ba luta libertasaun nasional.",
"\"Tanba tuir ami na'in rua avo Horta haree katak Estadu ladun tau matan (ferik no katuas sira) balu kala simu osan idozu, maibe la'os hotu-hotu.",
"Todan ne'ebe lori iha tinan 24 funu nia laran barak sei lori hela, antes atu ba liu ne'e mak ami halo hela movimentu siviku ida atu husu ba Estadu hodi tau matan ferik ho katuas sira, tanba imi mak liberta ita-nia rai, ita la duni inimigu, la duni ho kilat, imi mak duni ho pregu, pregu ne'e signifika ruin ne'ebe mate iha ita-nia sorin husik de'it, ruin sira ne'e mak duni sai inimigu.",
"Tanba ne'e ami promete ami sei book hodi Estadu tau matan ba imi iha tempu ikus ona imi moris hamutuk ho ami,\" hateten Xanana iha Sabadu (24-10-2020), banhira ho eis Prezidente Republika, Jose Ramos Horta, halo asaun karidade iha suku Laikore, postu administrativu Laclo, munisipiu Manatuto.",
"Xanana dehan, sei halo nafatin movimentu siviku liu husi asaun karidade ne'ebe dau-daun ne'e halo, atu husu ba Estadu hodi tau matan ba ferik ho katuas sira, tanba ferik no katuas sira mak liberta Timor-Leste husi okupasaun invazor sira, la'os ho kilat.",
"\"Ne'e duni ho respeitu tomak ba imi, avo Horta ho ha'u mai to'o iha ne'e atu hakru'uk ba imi.",
"Tanba imi mak liberta ita-nia rai ho imi-nia terus tinan 24 nia laran imi simu terus hotu-hotu mas imi la reziste,\" deha lider nasional ne'e.",
"Sasan nesesidade bazika ne'ebe mak lider nasional rua ne'e fahe mak hanesan foos, mina no seluk tan ba katuas no ferik sira iha suku Laikore ne'ebe apoia husi emprezariu Laclo-oan.",
"Entrentantu, laureadu nobel ba paz, Jose Ramos Horta, agradese ba populasaun suku Laikore, tanba simu ona nia ho eis komandante FALINTIL, Kay Rala Xanana Gusmao.",
"\"Ho difikuldade ne'ebe maka imi iha, iha tempu ida ne'e ami hatene Timor-Leste tomak ekonomia ladun la'o.",
"Tanba razaun barak, la'os de'it tamba COVID-19 no razaun seluk tan hotu-hotu setor privadu iha difikuldade oi-oin.",
"Maibe imi halo esforsu para simu avo Xanana no ha'u rasik iha ne'e,\" dehan Horta.",
"Husu joven sira estuda dezenvolve TL Nune'e mos lider nasional, Kay Rala Xanana Gusmao, husu joven sira atu estuda maka'as hodi valoriza ferik no katuas sira-nia luta ba ukun rasik-an no dezelvolve Timor-Leste iha futuru.",
"Eis komandante em xefe FALINTIL, Kay Rala Xanana Gusmao, hatete, estabilidade nasaun nian iha joven sira-nia liman, tanba joven sira sei garante Timor-Leste nian iha futuru, la'os ema seluk.",
"Tanba ne'e, pioneiru ba organizasaun G7+ Xanana Gusmao, husu joven sira atu labele baku malu hodi hatun ferik no katuas sira ne'ebe uluk luta ba ukun-an nia dignidade.",
"\"Joven sira, liu-liu sira ne'ebe mai husi universidade sira, imi tenke estuda maka'as.Tuir avo feto no mane sira nia dalan, la'os imi atu sa'e fali foho.",
"Tanba imi barak moris iha ukun-an nia laran, imi hanoin katak agora mak imi terus, imi la terus ida, kompara ho ferik no katuas sira.",
"Ne'e duni eforsa-an ba, tanba sira no ami hotu atu ba ona.",
"Se mak atu kaer rai ida ne'e? imi mak sei kaer.",
"Imi mak sei kore husi mukit ho kiak.",
"Labele hanoin katak agora ne'e tenke rezolve problema hotu-hotu, imi prepara-an atu fo valor ba terus tinan 24 nia laran ferik ho katuas sira halo,\" lider nasional ne'e iha Laikore, postu administrativu Laclo, munisipiu Manatuto.",
"Xanana husu mos ba joven sira atu tau iha ulun katak futuru nasaun nian iha sira-nia liman no joven sira mak sei rezolve problema ne'ebe maka oras ne'e nasaun hasoru.",
"Lider nasional iha esperansa katak, ho joven ne'ebe matenek sei lori mudansa ba nasaun iha futuru.",
"\"Ne'e duni labele haluha imi atu valoriza sira nia sakrifisiu esforsu-an loro-loron, feto la'os ba pinta ibun tun-sa'e no mane sira ba tesik arbiru de'it.",
"Problema sim, iha, maibe problema ida agora sei la to'o ba problema ne'ebe ferik ho katuas sira simu iha funu nia laran.",
"Katuas sira dehan, kotuk soe ba kotuk haree ba oin, maibe imi labele dehan kotuk so'e ba kotuk.",
"Tanba husi pasadu terus ferik no katuas sira nian ne'e mak ohin loron imi hatais hanesan ne'e,\" dehan lider nasional ne'e.",
"Iha vizita ba suku Laikore ne'e ekipa Xanana fahe mos sasan desportu sira hanesan farda futebol, bola ba juventude sira iha suku haat, iha postu adminisrtativu Laclo. oct Lee hotu: Vizita ba GMN TV, MAPKS: Ekipamentu mesak modernu PM: Tama legal seidauk hadaet COVID-19 DNAS sei rezolve beemoos iha area remotas PR Lu Olo apresia ho povu Lautem Koordenador eskola Ensinu Baziku Filial (EBF)..."
] | [
"Xanana: The State should not take care of children and the elderly - GMN TV | Grupo Media Nacional Home \"Society\" National Leader Kay Rala Gusmão, said that although some people receive old-age subsidy money from governments they are still being neglected by state."
"Because according to Xanana, the children and elderly are heroes of national liberation struggle."
"\"Because according to us two, Grandpa Horta saw that the State should not take care (of children and elderly people) some might receive old age money but it isn't all."
"Many of the losses we have suffered in 24 years will still be felt, before going on this is what I am doing a civic movement to ask that State look after our children and elderly people because you are liberating your land. We're not an enemy with guns; it was actually nailing them off - nailing means leaving ruin dead by us-these ruins become enemies!"
"Therefore, we promise that the State will take care of you in your later years when it is time to live together with us,” Xanana said on Saturday (24-10) after he and former President Jose Ramos Horta carried out a charity action at Laikore Village."
"Xanana said, he will continue to make a civic movement through the charity action that this dam-daun has done in order for him and his brothers asking state care of children & elderly people because it was they who liberated Timor Leste from invading occupation not with weapon."
"\"So with all respect for you, grandfather Horta and I have come here to bow down before your heads."
"Because you have liberated our land with your suffering for 24 years, and all of this has been done to us but we did not resist."
"The two national leaders distributed food, oil and other basic necessities to the elderly people in Laikore village who are supported by Laclo-oan entrepreneurs."
"Meanwhile, Nobel Peace Prize laureate Jose Ramos Horta thanked the inhabitants of Laikore village for welcoming him and former FALINTIL commander Kay Rala Xanana Gusmao."
"\"With the difficulties you have, at this time we know that Timor-Leste's economy is not going well."
"For many reasons, not just because of COVID-19 and all the other things that are happening around us today."
"But you made an effort to welcome grandfather Xanana and myself here,\" Horta said."
"Likewise, national leader Kay Rala Xanana Gusmao urged young people to study hard in order that they can appreciate the struggle of their fathers and grandfather for independence as well. He also called on them not only now but at a later age when Timor-Leste will have its own state or government"
"Former FALINTIL Commanding-in -Chief, Kay Rala Xanana Gusmao said that the stability of our country is in young people's hands because they will guarantee Timor Leste future and no one else."
"Therefore, pioneer of the G7+ organization Xanana Gusmao urged young people not to beat each other in order for children and elders who once fought their dignity."
"\"Young people, especially those who come from universities you have to study hard. Follow the way of your grandmothers and great-grandfathers; it is not uphill for us.\""
"Because many of you live in the kingdom, and think that now they are suffering. You have no pain compared to children or elderly people!"
"So, we were forced to go because they and all of us are going."
"Who is to inherit this land? You are the ones who will take it."
"You will escape from misery and poverty."
"Do not think that now you have to solve all the problems, prepare yourself for value of suffering during these last twenty-four years made by your children and elders\", said this national leader in Laikore administrative post Laclo municipality."
"Xanana also urged young people to remember that the country's future is in their hands and it will be they who solve all of these problems."
"The national leader hoped that with the bright young people, he would bring change to his country in future."
"\"So don't forget to value their daily sacrifices and efforts, women are not just about painting the head up-down or men being teased."
"Yes, there are problems but one problem now will not be enough for the children and elderly who have suffered in this war."
"The old men say, back to the rear look forward but you can't tell your behind so on."
"It is because of the past suffering that children and elderly people are today you look like this,\" said national leader."
"In the visit to Laikore village, Xanana's team also distributed sports items such as football uniform and ball for youth in four communities at Laclo administrative post. oct Read more: Visiting GMN TV MAPKS - Modern private equipment PM says legal entry has not been restrict COVID-19 DNAS will solve water problems of remote areas PR Lu Olo appreciated by people Lautem Coordinator school Ensinu Baziku Filial (EBF)..."
] |
Estudante sira iha Xina\nEstudante iha Wuhan Tau Esperansa ba Governu Featured\nBolseiru timoroan, Mozanquinho Fernandes, ne’ebé estuda iha Universidade Wuhan University Of Technology hateten, agora daudaun sira izola-aan nafatin iha sira-nia rezidénsia tanba seidauk iha autorizasaun atu halo movimentu.\nTanba ne’e, maka sira hein hela desizaun governu nian atu evakua sira husi fatin ne’e. “Governu Timor Leste planu ona atu evakua ami, maibé la hatene loos bainhira no ami espera katak iha tempu badak ami bele sai lalais husi fatin ne’e”, dehan nia, ba Jornál INDEPENDENTE, horisehik.\nNia hateten, to’o agora transportasaun sei hetan blokeiu nafatin labele halo movimentu, eseptu iha kazu emerjénsia maka karreta privadu bele la’o.\n“Ami agora férias hela to’o fulan Fevereiru klaran, maibé eskola anúnsiu ona katak sei estensaun férias ba eskola” dehan nia.\nNia informa, sira hamutuk na’in 19 maibé estudante bolseiru iha nasaun Xina tomak kuaze 200. Tanba ne’e, sira hili atu evakua ba sidade ne’ebé dook husi sidade Wuhan, maibé aeroportu sira sei taka hotu. Tanba ne’e, hein desizaun husi governu Timor-Leste maka sira bele la’o tuir.\nMozanquinho hateten, Governu Xina liuhusi eskola sira maka agora daudaun kuida sira fó ai-han ba sira. Tanba ne’e, hahán mós sufisiente hela maibé sira nafatin iha kuartu laran hodi hein prosesu evakuasaun.\nNia mós informa katak data ikus ne'ebé update iha dia 02 Fevereiru katak ema mate hamutuk 304 rekupera 406 konfirma kazu 14.489 no sai suspeitu kazu 19.544 Governu Tenke Buka Meiu Entretantu, Deputadu Parlamentu Nasionál (PN) husu ba governu liuhusi Ministériu Negósiu Estranjeiru no Kooperasaun (MNEK) atu buka meiu ida hodi lori sidadaun Timor ne’ebé hela iha Xina. Deputadu Bankada FRETILIN, David Dias Ximenes ‘Mandati’, kestiona estudante sira iha ne’ebá nunka sai no hahán menus ona.\n“Ita haree nusa mak bele proposiona lojístika ba sira. Ha’u-nia haree ita tau de'it ita nia-aan, ita mak iha ne’ebá ita halo nusa? Ita nia família iha ne’e halo nusa,” nia dehan, iha Parlamentu Nasionál, horisehik.\nTuir nia, governu kuandu ko’alia lais liu kona-ba halo nusa atu hasai sira husi ne’ebá, ema seluk ninia preokupa sira hasai tiha ona, agora estudante sira hela iha ne’ebá seidauk.\n“Ita nian iha kadeia laran. Ha'u la hatene, agora daudauk ita ko’alia nivel preventiva ne’e ipotétiku, realidade vítima iha ona, izola ona sidade balun, ita nia ema labele sai ona,” nia kestiona.\nDavid husu nasaun seluk nia ema hotu-hotu tula hotu ona iha Xina, maibé timoroan iha ne’ebé to’o agora seidauk hasai husi fatin ne’e.\n“Ha'u nia hanoin konsentra ita nia atendimentu ho atensaun tomak hasai ita nia ema iha ne’ebá. Tenke hasai alin sira iha ne’ebá uluk, sé ida ne’e la hasai, sei ezije malu hela labarik sira ne’e sai mai tiha ona mak foin ko’alia,” Tenik nia.\nNia haktuir, karik sira mai tiha mak virus da’et ona pasiénsia purke tarde toma medida, ema seluk nian halo ona. Iha fatin hanesan, Deputadu Bankada FRETILIN, Antoninho Bianco hateten, iha komunikadu xina nian informa ema sei la mai Timor-Leste.\n“Ita bele preokupa ida ne’e halo nusa embaixadór Timor-Leste ho adidu sira iha ne’ebá liga ho sira oinsá mak bele tau matan ba timoroan sira iha ne’ebá. Hahán ne’e halo nusa? Karik hahán laiha karik halo nusa? Ha'u la fiar katak sira husik timoroan mate iha fatin ne’ebá (Wuhen),” nia hatete.\nTan ne’e, embaixadór no adidu sira oinsá relasaun servisu ho governu situasaun agora Timor-Leste na iha nivel hotu-hotu atu asegura.\nTimor-Leste seidauk iha aviaun atu foti lalika hanoin buat oioin deit, laiha kapasidade lalika husu ba ministru.\n“Preokupasaun atu haruka foti ka la foti tau osan oinsá mak sira iha ne’ebá bele sustenta hahán, seluk governu xina oinsá mak suporta sidadaun Timor-Leste sira ne’e kuandu moras sira tenke buka rezolve halo nusa,” nia subliña.\nHataan ba kestaun ne’e, Ministru Negósiu Estranjeiru Kooperasaun (MNEK) hateten, governu tenta buka meiu halo nusa mak bele haruka timoroan iha sidade Wuhan.\n“Ami tenta hela halo nusa mak aproveita sira nia transporte aéreu bainhira ba lalin sira-nia ema, bele inklui mós ita nia estudante 17ne’e.\nHoribainhira ami hetan ona resposta pozitivu husi ministru ida husi Portugál nian atu ba foti sira nia ema no tula mós ita nia ema, maibé to’o oras ne’e buat ne’e iha ámbitu europeia nian, país europeu balun la konkorda la fó resposta, burokrasia iha Hubei iha xina ne’e makaas tebes atu husik ita nia estudante sira ne’e sai,” nia dehan.\nNia haktuir, agora daudaun estudante sira mantein nafatin hela iha ne’ebá, maibé esforsu governu nian kontinua la’o.\n“Ita nia inisiativa haruka ita nia aviaun mesak ka aluga. Tanba governu aprova ona orsamentu uitoan bele foti sira,” nia informa.\nMaibé, Timor-Leste tenke iha fasilidade ne’ebé di'ak para to’o mai tenke sira iha fatin observasaun ida pelumenus loron 14 nia laran antes husik ba komunidade.\nMore in this category: « Osan Fundu Petroleu Sa’e Ba Billaun $17,69 Vizita Xina Fulan Neen Izola Liubá, HNGV Izola Bebé Ida »\n/Estudante iha Wuhan Tau Esperansa ba Governu | [
"Estudante sira iha Xina Estudante iha Wuhan Tau Esperansa ba Governu Featured Bolseiru timoroan, Mozanquinho Fernandes, ne'ebe estuda iha Universidade Wuhan University Of Technology hateten, agora daudaun sira izola-aan nafatin iha sira-nia rezidensia tanba seidauk iha autorizasaun atu halo movimentu.",
"Tanba ne'e, maka sira hein hela desizaun governu nian atu evakua sira husi fatin ne'e.",
"\"Governu Timor Leste planu ona atu evakua ami, maibe la hatene loos bainhira no ami espera katak iha tempu badak ami bele sai lalais husi fatin ne'e,\" dehan nia, ba Jornal INDEPENDENTE, horisehik.",
"Nia hateten, to'o agora transportasaun sei hetan blokeiu nafatin labele halo movimentu, eseptu iha kazu emerjensia maka karreta privadu bele la'o.",
"\"Ami agora ferias hela to'o fulan Fevereiru klaran, maibe eskola anunsiu ona katak sei estensaun ferias ba eskola\" dehan nia.",
"Nia informa, sira hamutuk na'in 19 maibe estudante bolseiru iha nasaun Xina tomak kuaze 200.",
"Tanba ne'e, sira hili atu evakua ba sidade ne'ebe dook husi sidade Wuhan, maibe aeroportu sira sei taka hotu.",
"Tanba ne'e, hein desizaun husi governu Timor-Leste maka sira bele la'o tuir.",
"Mozanquinho hateten, Governu Xina liuhusi eskola sira maka agora daudaun kuida sira fo ai-han ba sira.",
"Tanba ne'e, hahan mos sufisiente hela maibe sira nafatin iha kuartu laran hodi hein prosesu evakuasaun.",
"Nia mos informa katak data ikus ne'ebe update iha dia 02 Fevereiru katak ema mate hamutuk 304 rekupera 406 konfirma kazu 14.489 no sai suspeitu kazu 19.544 Governu Tenke Buka Meiu Entretantu, Deputadu Parlamentu Nasional (PN) husu ba governu liuhusi Ministeriu Negosiu Estranjeiru no Kooperasaun (MNEK) atu buka meiu ida hodi lori sidadaun Timor ne'ebe hela iha Xina.",
"Deputadu Bankada FRETILIN, David Dias Ximenes 'Mandati', kestiona estudante sira iha ne'eba nunka sai no hahan menus ona.",
"\"Ita haree nusa mak bele proposiona lojistika ba sira.",
"Ha'u-nia haree ita tau de'it ita nia-aan, ita mak iha ne'eba ita halo nusa?",
"Ita nia familia iha ne'e halo nusa,\" nia dehan, iha Parlamentu Nasional, horisehik.",
"Tuir nia, governu kuandu ko'alia lais liu kona-ba halo nusa atu hasai sira husi ne'eba, ema seluk ninia preokupa sira hasai tiha ona, agora estudante sira hela iha ne'eba seidauk.",
"\"Ita nian iha kadeia laran.",
"Ha'u la hatene, agora daudauk ita ko'alia nivel preventiva ne'e ipotetiku, realidade vitima iha ona, izola ona sidade balun, ita nia ema labele sai ona,\" nia kestiona.",
"David husu nasaun seluk nia ema hotu-hotu tula hotu ona iha Xina, maibe timoroan iha ne'ebe to'o agora seidauk hasai husi fatin ne'e.",
"\"Ha'u nia hanoin konsentra ita nia atendimentu ho atensaun tomak hasai ita nia ema iha ne'eba.",
"Tenke hasai alin sira iha ne'eba uluk, se ida ne'e la hasai, sei ezije malu hela labarik sira ne'e sai mai tiha ona mak foin ko'alia,\" Tenik nia.",
"Nia haktuir, karik sira mai tiha mak virus da'et ona pasiensia purke tarde toma medida, ema seluk nian halo ona.",
"Iha fatin hanesan, Deputadu Bankada FRETILIN, Antoninho Bianco hateten, iha komunikadu xina nian informa ema sei la mai Timor-Leste.",
"\"Ita bele preokupa ida ne'e halo nusa embaixador Timor-Leste ho adidu sira iha ne'eba liga ho sira oinsa mak bele tau matan ba timoroan sira iha ne'eba.",
"Hahan ne'e halo nusa?",
"Karik hahan laiha karik halo nusa?",
"Ha'u la fiar katak sira husik timoroan mate iha fatin ne'eba (Wuhen),\" nia hatete.",
"Tan ne'e, embaixador no adidu sira oinsa relasaun servisu ho governu situasaun agora Timor-Leste na iha nivel hotu-hotu atu asegura.",
"Timor-Leste seidauk iha aviaun atu foti lalika hanoin buat oioin deit, laiha kapasidade lalika husu ba ministru.",
"\"Preokupasaun atu haruka foti ka la foti tau osan oinsa mak sira iha ne'eba bele sustenta hahan, seluk governu xina oinsa mak suporta sidadaun Timor-Leste sira ne'e kuandu moras sira tenke buka rezolve halo nusa,\" nia sublina.",
"Hataan ba kestaun ne'e, Ministru Negosiu Estranjeiru Kooperasaun (MNEK) hateten, governu tenta buka meiu halo nusa mak bele haruka timoroan iha sidade Wuhan.",
"\"Ami tenta hela halo nusa mak aproveita sira nia transporte aereu bainhira ba lalin sira-nia ema, bele inklui mos ita nia estudante 17ne'e.",
"Horibainhira ami hetan ona resposta pozitivu husi ministru ida husi Portugal nian atu ba foti sira nia ema no tula mos ita nia ema, maibe to'o oras ne'e buat ne'e iha ambitu europeia nian, pais europeu balun la konkorda la fo resposta, burokrasia iha Hubei iha xina ne'e makaas tebes atu husik ita nia estudante sira ne'e sai,\" nia dehan.",
"Nia haktuir, agora daudaun estudante sira mantein nafatin hela iha ne'eba, maibe esforsu governu nian kontinua la'o.",
"\"Ita nia inisiativa haruka ita nia aviaun mesak ka aluga.",
"Tanba governu aprova ona orsamentu uitoan bele foti sira,\" nia informa.",
"Maibe, Timor-Leste tenke iha fasilidade ne'ebe di'ak para to'o mai tenke sira iha fatin observasaun ida pelumenus loron 14 nia laran antes husik ba komunidade.",
"More in this category: \" Osan Fundu Petroleu Sa'e Ba Billaun $17,69 Vizita Xina Fulan Neen Izola Liuba, HNGV Izola Bebe Ida \" /Estudante iha Wuhan Tau Esperansa ba Governu"
] | [
"Students in China Wuhan students give hope to government Featured Mozanquinho Fernandes, a fellow at the University of Technology (Wuhan), said that he and his family are still isolated because they haven't received permission for travel."
"Therefore, they are waiting for the government's decision to evacuate them from this place."
"\"The Government of Timor-Leste has planned to evacuate us, but we don't know exactly when and hope that in the near future it will be possible for our peoples quickly leave this place\", he told Jornal Independente today."
"He said, until now transportation will be blocked still cannot move except in emergency case private car can go."
"\"We now have holidays until February 1st, but the school has announced that it will extend our vacation to schools\", she said."
"He informed, they are 19 but scholarship students all over China nearly two hundred."
"Therefore, they chose to evacuate into cities farther away from the city of Wuhan but all airports will be closed."
"Therefore, they are waiting for the decision of Timor-Leste's government to be followed."
"Mozanquinho said that the Chinese government through schools is now taking care of them and providing food."
"Therefore, food is still sufficient but they remain in the quarters to await evacuation process."
"He also informed that the latest data updated on February 2, is a total of death cases recovered from COVID-19:304; Confirmed Cases (CCR) -567 and Suspicious Casus(SCCS):8. The Government Has to Find A Way To Bring Timorese Citizen Living In China Back Home Meanwhile Parliamentary Member has asked government through Ministry for Foreign Affairs & Cooperation [MNEK]to find ways as well so they can bring back their citizens living out there"
"FRETILIN MP David Dias Ximenes 'Mandati', questioned the students in there never go out and have no food."
"\"Let's see how we can propose logistical solutions to them."
"I see we just put ourselves out there, what are you doing?"
"What does our family do here,\" he said in the National Parliament today."
"According to him, when the government talks more openly about how they can get them out of there others' concern has been removed and now students are not."
"\"It's our inner prison."
"I don't know, at the moment we are talking about a hypothetical preventive level. The reality is that there have been victims and some cities were isolated so our people can no longer leave.\""
"David asked that all the people from other countries have been taken away in China, but there are some Angolans who so far has not evacuated."
"\"I think we should concentrate our care with all attention on getting out of there."
"We have to get the children out of there first, if this is not removed we will be demanding each other and when these kids are gone then they can talk.\""
"He said that if they came after the virus had run out of patience because it was too late to take measures, others would have done so."
"In the same vein, FRETILIN Group MP Antoninho Bianco said that in a Chinese communiqué it was stated people would not come to Timor-Leste."
"\"We can be concerned about how the Timorese ambassador and his associates there are connected with them in order to take care of our people."
"How does this happen?"
"Karik hahan laiha karik halo nusa? - How do you eat when there is no food"
"I can't believe that they let Haitians die there (in Wuhan),\" he said."
"Therefore, ambassadors and attachés how working relationship with government situation now Timor-Leste at all levels to ensure."
"Timor-Leste does not have an airplane to take lalika think about different things, no capacity ask the minister."
"\"The concern is whether to send or not money, how they can sustain their food and the Chinese government's support for Timorese citizens when these illnesses must be solved. How do we deal with them?\" he stressed"
"In response to this issue, the Minister of Foreign Trade and Cooperation (MNEK) said that his government is looking for ways how it can send Taiwanese people back in Wuhan city."
"\"We're trying to find a way of making the most out from their air transportation when they are travelling with people, including our 17 students."
"We have already received a positive response from one of the ministers in Portugal to take their people and also our students, but so far this is within European scope. Some countries do not agree or give an answer; bureaucracy at Hubei China are too high for letting these student go out.\""
"He said that at the moment, students are still staying there but government efforts continue."
"\"It was our initiative to send or lease a plane."
"Because the government has approved a small budget to take them,\" he informs."
"However, Timor-Leste must have a good facility for them to arrive and they should be in an observation site at least 14 days before releasing the community."
"More in this category: \" Osan Fundu Petroleu Sa'e Ba Billaun $17,69 Vizita China Fulan Neen Izola Liuba. HNGV isola Bebe Ida\" /Students In Wuhan Give Hope To The Government"
] |
SIJK Rejista Kazu Foun-39 Inklui Na’in-2 Detekta Husi Ermera\nDÍLI----Bazeia ba nota komunikadu Imprensa husi Sentru Integradu Jestaun ba Krize (SIJK) ne’ebé reafirma husi Ofisial Koordenador Forsa-Tarefa ba Prevensaun no Mitigasaun Surtu Covid-19 iha Timor-Leste, Dr. Rui Maria de Araújo haktuir katak Ohin kazu hamutuk 39 tanba SIJK detekta tan kazu positivu foun-2 husi Munisipiu Ermera ne’ebe mak halo viajen husi Dili ba Letefoho, iha dia 26 de Marsu.\n“Kazu foun ohin aumenta na’in-39 tanba SIJK Ohin deteta kazu pozitivu 2 iha Munisipiu Ermera, Kazu rekuperadu na’in-3 no Total kazu ativu hamutuk na’in-451,” Bazeia ba nota komunikadu Imprensa SIJK, Kinta (01/04).\nNune’e, Husi total kazu foun ohin, mane na’in-20, feto na’in-19, Sintomátiku na’in-4, Asintomátiku na’in-35 tanba Evolusaun Surtu Covid-19 Iha Munisipiu Dili Ohin, kazu foun na’in-37. Nune’e, kazu detetadu ka pozitivu iha Munisipiu Dili husi dia 7 de Marsu 2021, to’o ohin, 1 de Abril de 2021, hamutuk hotu 493. Ho baze ba informasaun ne’ebé ekipa konjunta saúde nian rekolle, foku/cluster kazu pozitivu iha Dili.\nHo nune’e, iha Munisipiu Dili, sei iha cluster 48 mak sei nafatin hatudu atividade hada’et tutan virus SARS-CoV-2, husi ema ida ba ema seluk, liu-liu iha Suku Madohi, Bebobuk, Fatuhada, Komoro, Bairro-Pité, Motael, Kulu-Hun, Lahane Oriental, Bekora. Nomos Kazu pozitivu na'in-2 ne’e halo viajem husi Dili ba Letefoho, iha dia 26 de Marsu. Iha Dili, sira hela iha aldeia Golgota, Suku Komoro. Ekipa konjunta saúde sei buka-tuir hela kontaktu-besik sira hotu,” Nota KI.\nAlende Husi horiseik mai ohin hamutuk hotu LNS halo 1228 testes PCR, inklui 137 testes ba ema ne’ebé halo pedidu atu hetan autorizasaun esepsionál hodi sai husi serka sanitária iha Munisipiu Dili. Portantu, Total pedidu autorizasaun esepsionál atu sai husi serka sanitaria iha Munisipiu Dili, horiseik dia 31 de Marsu, hamutuk hotu 118. Sekretariadu SIJK responde hotu kedas, maibé 32 pedidus la prienxe kriteriu tuir Rezolusaun Governu.\nInforma mós ba públiku katak Kazu grave-1 ho moderadu na'in-3 iha fatin Izolamentu Vera-Cruz, kontinua hetan atensaun husi ekipa medika, Sira nia kondisaun estável. Aproveita mós informa katak, maski atividade prevensaun no mitigasaun ba surtu Covid-19 iha Munisipiu Dili konsentra-liu iha Postu Administrativu Dom Aleixo, Vera-Cruz, Nain Feto ho Krsitu Rei.\nIha Postu Administrativu Metinaru ho Ataúro, nafatin hala’o atividade vijilánsia sentinela ho rastreiru aleatóriu ba grupu de risku. Husi 1 de Marsu to’o 31 de Marsu 2021, Postu Administrativu Metinaru rekolle 78 amostras ba teste PCR, no Postu Administrativu Ataúro rekolle 306 amostras. Rezultadu husi Postu Administrativu rua ne’e negativu hotu kedas.\nNafatin apela ba komunidade iha fatin ne’ebé maluk sira rekuperadu sira hela bá, favor labele tauk, labela halo diskriminsaun ba sira, tamba sira ne’ebé sai husi fatin izolamentu, ekipa saúde sira sertifika ona katak sira laiha ona risku atu hada’et-tutan virus ba ema seluk. Apela ba populasaun Timor-Leste tomak, liu-liu iha Munisipiu Dili, Baukau ho Vikeke atu nafatin hakmatek, lalika sé tilun ba lia-anin ka rumores, pratíka nafatin medida sira ne’ebé ita hotu hatene ona.\n“Uza maskra, fase liman beibeik ho sabaun ka dezinfetante ruma, evita kose liman ba matan, inus ho ibun, wainhira kumprimenta malu, lapresiza ka’er liman, bensa-liman, rei-malu ka haku’ak malu; evita halibur malu barak, hamri’ik ka tur do’ok husi ema seluk, mínimu metru ida ho balun,” A nota informasaun KI SIJK nian. (BT) | [
"SIJK Rejista Kazu Foun-39 Inklui Na'in-2 Detekta Husi Ermera DILI----Bazeia ba nota komunikadu Imprensa husi Sentru Integradu Jestaun ba Krize (SIJK) ne'ebe reafirma husi Ofisial Koordenador Forsa-Tarefa ba Prevensaun no Mitigasaun Surtu Covid-19 iha Timor-Leste, Dr. Rui Maria de Araujo haktuir katak Ohin kazu hamutuk 39 tanba SIJK detekta tan kazu positivu foun-2 husi Munisipiu Ermera ne'ebe mak halo viajen husi Dili ba Letefoho, iha dia 26 de Marsu.",
"\"Kazu foun ohin aumenta na'in-39 tanba SIJK Ohin deteta kazu pozitivu 2 iha Munisipiu Ermera, Kazu rekuperadu na'in-3 no Total kazu ativu hamutuk na'in-451,\" Bazeia ba nota komunikadu Imprensa SIJK, Kinta (01/04).",
"Nune'e, Husi total kazu foun ohin, mane na'in-20, feto na'in-19, Sintomatiku na'in-4, Asintomatiku na'in-35 tanba Evolusaun Surtu Covid-19 Iha Munisipiu Dili Ohin, kazu foun na'in-37.",
"Nune'e, kazu detetadu ka pozitivu iha Munisipiu Dili husi dia 7 de Marsu 2021, to'o ohin, 1 de Abril de 2021, hamutuk hotu 493.",
"Ho baze ba informasaun ne'ebe ekipa konjunta saude nian rekolle, foku/cluster kazu pozitivu iha Dili.",
"Ho nune'e, iha Munisipiu Dili, sei iha cluster 48 mak sei nafatin hatudu atividade hada'et tutan virus SARS-CoV-2, husi ema ida ba ema seluk, liu-liu iha Suku Madohi, Bebobuk, Fatuhada, Komoro, Bairro-Pite, Motael, Kulu-Hun, Lahane Oriental, Bekora.",
"Nomos Kazu pozitivu na'in-2 ne'e halo viajem husi Dili ba Letefoho, iha dia 26 de Marsu.",
"Iha Dili, sira hela iha aldeia Golgota, Suku Komoro.",
"Ekipa konjunta saude sei buka-tuir hela kontaktu-besik sira hotu,\" Nota KI.",
"Alende Husi horiseik mai ohin hamutuk hotu LNS halo 1228 testes PCR, inklui 137 testes ba ema ne'ebe halo pedidu atu hetan autorizasaun esepsional hodi sai husi serka sanitaria iha Munisipiu Dili.",
"Portantu, Total pedidu autorizasaun esepsional atu sai husi serka sanitaria iha Munisipiu Dili, horiseik dia 31 de Marsu, hamutuk hotu 118.",
"Sekretariadu SIJK responde hotu kedas, maibe 32 pedidus la prienxe kriteriu tuir Rezolusaun Governu.",
"Informa mos ba publiku katak Kazu grave-1 ho moderadu na'in-3 iha fatin Izolamentu Vera-Cruz, kontinua hetan atensaun husi ekipa medika, Sira nia kondisaun estavel.",
"Aproveita mos informa katak, maski atividade prevensaun no mitigasaun ba surtu Covid-19 iha Munisipiu Dili konsentra-liu iha Postu Administrativu Dom Aleixo, Vera-Cruz, Nain Feto ho Krsitu Rei.",
"Iha Postu Administrativu Metinaru ho Atauro, nafatin hala'o atividade vijilansia sentinela ho rastreiru aleatoriu ba grupu de risku.",
"Husi 1 de Marsu to'o 31 de Marsu 2021, Postu Administrativu Metinaru rekolle 78 amostras ba teste PCR, no Postu Administrativu Atauro rekolle 306 amostras.",
"Rezultadu husi Postu Administrativu rua ne'e negativu hotu kedas.",
"Nafatin apela ba komunidade iha fatin ne'ebe maluk sira rekuperadu sira hela ba, favor labele tauk, labela halo diskriminsaun ba sira, tamba sira ne'ebe sai husi fatin izolamentu, ekipa saude sira sertifika ona katak sira laiha ona risku atu hada'et-tutan virus ba ema seluk.",
"Apela ba populasaun Timor-Leste tomak, liu-liu iha Munisipiu Dili, Baukau ho Vikeke atu nafatin hakmatek, lalika se tilun ba lia-anin ka rumores, pratika nafatin medida sira ne'ebe ita hotu hatene ona.",
"\"Uza maskra, fase liman beibeik ho sabaun ka dezinfetante ruma, evita kose liman ba matan, inus ho ibun, wainhira kumprimenta malu, lapresiza ka'er liman, bensa-liman, rei-malu ka haku'ak malu; evita halibur malu barak, hamri'ik ka tur do'ok husi ema seluk, minimu metru ida ho balun,\" A nota informasaun KI SIJK nian.",
] | [
"SIJK Registers 39 New Case, Including Two Detected from Ermera DILI----Based on a press release by the Integrated Crisis Management Centre (SI JK) which was reaffirmed in Timor-Leste' s Task Force for Prevention and Mitigation of Covid -18 Outbreak Coordinator Officer Dr. Rui Maria de Araujo said that today cases totalled to three hundred nine because Sijk detecting two new positive case were found at Letefoho Municipality who had been travelling between Dili City with their family back home last March26th"
"\"The new cases today increased by 39 because SIJK detected two positives in Ermera Municipality, three recoveries and the total number of active patients is now at-451\", according to a press release issued on Wednesday (02/6)."
"Thus, out of the total new cases today 20 are males and19 women. Symptomatic patients:4; Asymptometic people-35 due to Evolution in Outbreak Covid -"
"Thus, the total number of cases detected or positive in Dili Municipality from 7 March to today (1 April) is now at a record high: all together there have been more than four hundred and ninety three."
"Based on information collected by the joint health team, a focus/cluster of positive cases in Dili."
"Thus, in Dili Municipality there are 48 cluster that continue to show activity of spreading the SARS-CoV2 virus from one person on another. These include: Madohi Township; Bebobuk and Fatuhada Village (within a radius between them), Komoro village with an active case count at around two thousand cases per day"
"Nomos The two positive cases travelled from Dili to Letefoho on 26 March."
"In Dili, they live in the village of Golgota (Komoro), Komoro Township."
"Joint health teams are tracking all contacts,\" KI notes."
"In addition, from the afternoon to today LNS has carried out 1230 PCR tests in total including a further test for people who have applied and requested an exceptional authorization of leaving Dili Municipality."
"Therefore, the total requested exceptional authorizations to exit from sanitary curfew in Dili Municipality as of March 31st afternoon is now a whopping number."
"The SIJK Secretariat replied to all of them immediately, but 32 petitioners did not meet the criteria as per Government Resolution."
"It also informs the public that 1 severe case with a moderately serious condition is in Vera-Cruz Isolation Centre, continue to receive attention from medical team. Their state of health has remained unchanged and they are all well on their way back home after being isolated for more than two weeks by family members who were not contacting them beforehand (see below)."
"He also took the opportunity to inform that, although prevention and mitigation activities for Covid-19 outbreak in Dili Municipality are concentrated mainly at Post Administrative Dom Aleixo Vera Cruz Nain Feto Krsitu Rei."
"In the administrative post offices of Metinaru and Atauro, sentinel surveillance activities are still being carried out with random screening for risk groups."
"From March 1 to the end of April, Metinaru Administrative Post collected a total number (78) samples for PCR testing and Atauro administrative post took in an overall quantity(306)."
"The results of the two administrative posts were all negative immediately."
"Nafatin appealed to the communities in which recovering people live, please do not disregard or discriminate against them because when they come out of isolation facilities health teams have certified that there is no longer any risk for their contagion."
"I appeal to the entire population of Timor-Leste, especially in Dili Municipality and Baukau/Vikeke municipalities that they remain vigilant. They should not be influenced by rumors or rumours but must continue practicing all known precautions as we know them well now!"
"\"Wear a mask, wash your hands frequently with soap or some disinfectant; avoid touching the eyes and nose when compressing each other. Don't use hand sanitizers to clean up their faces after washing them in cold water as they may be infected by viruses like influenza A (H1N2), flu-like illness that causes respiratory tract disease of people who are not vaccinated.\""
"(BT) 2014-365"
] |
Tamba Mudansa Sistema, Xefe Suku Nia Osan Tama Tarde - TIMOR AGORA\nTamba Mudansa Sistema, Xefe Suku Nia Osan Tama Tarde\nBAUCAU - Xefe suku nia orsamentu tama tarde tamba governu sentral halo mudansa ba sistema. Tamba nee, Administrador Postu Baucau Vilha Francisco Ximenes husu xefe suku sira iha Postu Baucau Vilha presiza hein.\nXefe suku eleitu, sira povu mak hili. Agora suku sira sedauk iha orsamentu. I governu lataka matan. Bazea Lei Numeru 09, xefe suku hotu oras nee dadaun submete ona ba Ministeiru Estatal nia okos. Mudansa sistema nee sei lori tempu no prosesu neebe kleur uit oan. Muda sistema husi desentralizasaun ba fali sistema desentralizasaun ba munisipiu. I ba Munisipiu Baucau simu ona nia knar iha dia 26 de Otobru 2016, hateten Francisco Ximenes ba STL iha ninia servisu fatin, Vilha Antiga Baucau, Segunda (27/3/2017).\nProblema ida seluk, nia dehan, xefe suku balu foun no iha xefe suku balu latroka. Sistema online iha munisipiu mos ladun diak. Tamba nee mak, mudansa sistema laos husi suku sira iha Baucau deit maibe Timor laran tomak. Sistema Desentralijasaun muda fali ba sistema deskonsentralijasaun. Tamba nee maka administrado postu ba to suku mos sei halo mudansa.\nLos duni katak xefe suku nia osan intensive tama tarde tamba deit muda sistema tuan ba sistema foun tamba iha xefe suku foin maka eleitu no iha mos xefe suku tuan re-eleitu filafali ida nee maka muda sistema sira nee. Problema nee laos iha Baucau deit maibe iha Timor laran tomak tamba nee husu atu kumprende oituan,”nia dehan.\nXefe Suku Bahu Manuel Francisco Rodrigues Gusmao mos reforsa tan katak osan nebe xefe suku sira simu laos hanaran salariu. Maibe osa nee hanaran osan intensive ba xefe suku sira nebe fulan ida $ 140 maibe simu iha fulan tolu dala ida. Konaba iha lia nain, delegada, delegadu, sefe juventude sira lahetan osan intensive.\nMaibe kuandu iha inkontru regular nebe presija prejensa konselus sukus nian ida nee hare deit ba sira nia prejensa. Maibe konaba farda no trasportes ba xefe suku sira ate agora sedauk iha maibe presija tempu atu governu aprova.\nAmi tur hamutuk ona ho administrador postu no prejidente autoridade munisipiu katak lia nain, delegada, delegadu, nee lahetan osan intensive. Maibe karik halao inkontru regular ba suku nian maka sira foin hetan osan prejensa nian,”nia kualia tan.\nXefe Suku Tirilolo Ricardo Evaristo Belo reforsa tan katak, los duni konaba osan intensivu ba xefe sukus sira durante nee ami sedauk hetan. Maibe iha 20016 liu baa mi fulan tolu ami hetan ona ami nia osan intensivu. Lahatene ho rajaun saida tuir lolos Lei No. 03/2009 xefe sukus hotu fulan tolu hetan ona osan intensivu fulan ida $ 165.\nIha tinan 2017 agora rona dehan katak osan nee tun fali ona ba $ 140 lahatene rajaun saida sedauk esplika klaru husi administrador postu sira. Tinan kotuk osan nee $ 140 aumenta tan osan seluk hamutuk $ 165. Tamba nee maka husu ba administrador postu atu bolu ami tur hamutuk kualia rajaun saida maka sedauk hetan.\nKonaba osan intensive ba delegadu delegada nian dehan iha ona maibe simu fulan neen dala ida maibe realidade nebe iha sira sedauk hetan osan. Sira mos hein hela bainhira maka atu bele realija buat nebe sira promote ba delegadu delegada suku sira agora. Est-4 | [
"Tamba Mudansa Sistema, Xefe Suku Nia Osan Tama Tarde - TIMOR AGORA Tamba Mudansa Sistema, Xefe Suku Nia Osan Tama Tarde BAUCAU - Xefe suku nia orsamentu tama tarde tamba governu sentral halo mudansa ba sistema.",
"Tamba nee, Administrador Postu Baucau Vilha Francisco Ximenes husu xefe suku sira iha Postu Baucau Vilha presiza hein.",
"Xefe suku eleitu, sira povu mak hili.",
"Agora suku sira sedauk iha orsamentu.",
"I governu lataka matan.",
"Bazea Lei Numeru 09, xefe suku hotu oras nee dadaun submete ona ba Ministeiru Estatal nia okos.",
"Mudansa sistema nee sei lori tempu no prosesu neebe kleur uit oan.",
"Muda sistema husi desentralizasaun ba fali sistema desentralizasaun ba munisipiu.",
"I ba Munisipiu Baucau simu ona nia knar iha dia 26 de Otobru 2016, hateten Francisco Ximenes ba STL iha ninia servisu fatin, Vilha Antiga Baucau, Segunda (27/3/2017).",
"Problema ida seluk, nia dehan, xefe suku balu foun no iha xefe suku balu latroka.",
"Sistema online iha munisipiu mos ladun diak.",
"Tamba nee mak, mudansa sistema laos husi suku sira iha Baucau deit maibe Timor laran tomak.",
"Sistema Desentralijasaun muda fali ba sistema deskonsentralijasaun.",
"Tamba nee maka administrado postu ba to suku mos sei halo mudansa.",
"Los duni katak xefe suku nia osan intensive tama tarde tamba deit muda sistema tuan ba sistema foun tamba iha xefe suku foin maka eleitu no iha mos xefe suku tuan re-eleitu filafali ida nee maka muda sistema sira nee.",
"Problema nee laos iha Baucau deit maibe iha Timor laran tomak tamba nee husu atu kumprende oituan,\"nia dehan.",
"Xefe Suku Bahu Manuel Francisco Rodrigues Gusmao mos reforsa tan katak osan nebe xefe suku sira simu laos hanaran salariu.",
"Maibe osa nee hanaran osan intensive ba xefe suku sira nebe fulan ida $ 140 maibe simu iha fulan tolu dala ida.",
"Konaba iha lia nain, delegada, delegadu, sefe juventude sira lahetan osan intensive.",
"Maibe kuandu iha inkontru regular nebe presija prejensa konselus sukus nian ida nee hare deit ba sira nia prejensa.",
"Maibe konaba farda no trasportes ba xefe suku sira ate agora sedauk iha maibe presija tempu atu governu aprova.",
"Ami tur hamutuk ona ho administrador postu no prejidente autoridade munisipiu katak lia nain, delegada, delegadu, nee lahetan osan intensive.",
"Maibe karik halao inkontru regular ba suku nian maka sira foin hetan osan prejensa nian,\"nia kualia tan.",
"Xefe Suku Tirilolo Ricardo Evaristo Belo reforsa tan katak, los duni konaba osan intensivu ba xefe sukus sira durante nee ami sedauk hetan.",
"Maibe iha 20016 liu baa mi fulan tolu ami hetan ona ami nia osan intensivu.",
"Lahatene ho rajaun saida tuir lolos Lei No. 03/2009 xefe sukus hotu fulan tolu hetan ona osan intensivu fulan ida $ 165.",
"Iha tinan 2017 agora rona dehan katak osan nee tun fali ona ba $ 140 lahatene rajaun saida sedauk esplika klaru husi administrador postu sira.",
"Tinan kotuk osan nee $ 140 aumenta tan osan seluk hamutuk $ 165.",
"Tamba nee maka husu ba administrador postu atu bolu ami tur hamutuk kualia rajaun saida maka sedauk hetan.",
"Konaba osan intensive ba delegadu delegada nian dehan iha ona maibe simu fulan neen dala ida maibe realidade nebe iha sira sedauk hetan osan.",
"Sira mos hein hela bainhira maka atu bele realija buat nebe sira promote ba delegadu delegada suku sira agora.",
] | [
"Because of System Change, Chiefs' Money Come Later - TIMOR AGORA Due to system change. The budget for the chief is delayed BAUCAU-The central government has made changes in its financial management systems and this means that some village leaders are getting their money late because they have not received them before or even after a month since it was issued (see below)."
"Therefore, Post Baucau Vilha Administrator Francisco Ximenes asked the village chiefs in post Bacau Vila to wait."
"The elected village chiefs are chosen by the people."
"Now the villages have no budget."
"And the government lataka matan."
"Based on Law No. 09, all village chiefs are now submitted to the State Ministry of Justice and Human Rights (Ministério da Justiça e Direitos Humanos)."
"This system change will take time and a process that is not easy."
"Change the decentralization system to a municipality-based one."
"And for the Municipality of Baucau, he took office on October 26th. Francisco Ximenes told STL at his workplace in Vilha Antiga (Baucau Old Town), Monday March(3/17)."
"Another problem, he said was that some village chiefs were new and there are still others who have not yet been appointed."
"Online system in municipality mos ladun diak."
"Therefore, the change in system is not only affecting communities of Baucau but all over Timor-Leste."
"The decentralization system shifts to the Deconcentration System."
"Therefore, post to village administrators will also make changes."
"It is true that the chief’s intensive money came late because of only changing old system to new one since there are elected headmen and re-elect older leaders. this change in systems was done for a long time ago, but now it has been changed again!"
"The problem is not only in Baucau but throughout Timor-Leste, so we need to understand this very well,” he said."
"Chief of Bahu Tribe Manuel Francisco Rodrigues Gusmao also emphasized that the money received by chiefs is not a salary."
"But this is called intensive money for the village chiefs who receive $140 a month but only get it once every three months."
"Konaba has a town hall, delegates and youth leaders who don't spend money intensive."
"However, when there are regular meetings that require the presence of a sukuus councillor this is based only on their attendance."
"However, the uniforms and transportation for chief of village officials have not been approved yet but it will take some time before government approval."
"We have met with the post administrator and president of municipal authorities to say that town hall, delegate representatives are not intensively using money."
"But if they had regular meetings in the village, then it would be possible for them to get their presence money,” he added."
"Tirilolo Village Head Ricardo Evaristo Belo stresses that, it is true about the intensive money for village chiefs during this time we did not get."
"But in 2016 three months ago we had already received our intensive money."
"According to the reasons given in Law No. 03/259, all chief of sucus for three months have already received intensive monthly payment $164 per person and year ($78)."
"In 2017 now we hear that the money has dropped to $34.95 for which reason is not explained clearly by post administrators, but it was a lot less than in previous years and there are no sign of any improvement on this issue"
"Last year this amount was $140, which added up to another total of$ 265."
"Therefore we asked the post administrator to call us together and find out what reasons were given."
"Regarding the intensive money for delegates, he said they already have it but receive six months of payments every month. The reality is that there are no funds available to them at all and their staff members do not get paid in any way as a result!"
"They are also waiting to see when they can realize what the delegates of their villages have been promoting."
"Est-4: 2013."
] |
Joventude Tenke Muda Mentalidade Hodi Hadia Moris - TIMOR AGORA\nJoventude Tenke Muda Mentalidade Hodi Hadia Moris\nDILI - Joventude Timor Leste (TL) agora barak maka sei la hetan serbisu, tanba nee joventude sira hahu agora tenke muda sira nia mentalidade, hodi kompete ho traballador estranjeiru sira atu serbisu hodi muda sira nia moris.\nLia hirak nee hatoo husi Ekonomista Alvaro da Costa Soares, ba STL iha nia knar fatin Liceu, Dili, sesta (17/03/2017).\nAmi durante nee hare governu produs ona joventude barak, liu husi formasaun ho kualifikadu, maibe seidauk bele kompete ho traballador estranjeiru, tanba sira nia mentalidade la preparadu, tanba nee ami husu ba joventude tomak hakarak hadia moris, tenke muda mentalidade para ba futuru bele hadia ida-idak nia moris,”hateten Alvaro.\nNia mos aumenta tan katak, mentalidade joven sira nian nee importante tebes atu halo kompetisaun iha kampu maibe, dala ruma mentalidade Timor oan nian seidauk diak tan nee impaktu mos ba sira atu halo servisu iha trenu, tan nee sira husu tenke kria eskola vokasional atu nunee bele produs ema neebe ho eskil diak, bele partesipa iha dezenvolvimentu nia laran.\nTuir Vice Ministru Obras Publiku Transporte e Komunikasaun, Inacio Moreira antes nee hateten, kada tinan SEPFOPE kria formasaun ba ema rihun ba rihun liu-liu iha area konstrusaun sira nee no balun hatudu duni sira nia kapasidade maibe, iha balun tenke muda mos sira nia mentalidade de servisu atu nunee bele kompete iha merkadu traballo. Joao Anibal | [
"Joventude Tenke Muda Mentalidade Hodi Hadia Moris - TIMOR AGORA Joventude Tenke Muda Mentalidade Hodi Hadia Moris DILI - Joventude Timor Leste (TL) agora barak maka sei la hetan serbisu, tanba nee joventude sira hahu agora tenke muda sira nia mentalidade, hodi kompete ho traballador estranjeiru sira atu serbisu hodi muda sira nia moris.",
"Lia hirak nee hatoo husi Ekonomista Alvaro da Costa Soares, ba STL iha nia knar fatin Liceu, Dili, sesta (17/03/2017).",
"Ami durante nee hare governu produs ona joventude barak, liu husi formasaun ho kualifikadu, maibe seidauk bele kompete ho traballador estranjeiru, tanba sira nia mentalidade la preparadu, tanba nee ami husu ba joventude tomak hakarak hadia moris, tenke muda mentalidade para ba futuru bele hadia ida-idak nia moris,\"hateten Alvaro.",
"Nia mos aumenta tan katak, mentalidade joven sira nian nee importante tebes atu halo kompetisaun iha kampu maibe, dala ruma mentalidade Timor oan nian seidauk diak tan nee impaktu mos ba sira atu halo servisu iha trenu, tan nee sira husu tenke kria eskola vokasional atu nunee bele produs ema neebe ho eskil diak, bele partesipa iha dezenvolvimentu nia laran.",
"Tuir Vice Ministru Obras Publiku Transporte e Komunikasaun, Inacio Moreira antes nee hateten, kada tinan SEPFOPE kria formasaun ba ema rihun ba rihun liu-liu iha area konstrusaun sira nee no balun hatudu duni sira nia kapasidade maibe, iha balun tenke muda mos sira nia mentalidade de servisu atu nunee bele kompete iha merkadu traballo.",
"Joao Anibal"
] | [
"TIMOR AGORA - Timor-Leste (TL) youth are now facing a lot of joblessness, so they have to start changing their mentality and compete with foreign workers for work. This is the only way that young people can change themselves from being unemployed into having jobs in an equally competitive marketplace where there will be more opportunities than ever before!"
"These were the words of Economist Alvaro da Costa Soares, to STL at his office in Liceu (Dili), on Saturday 17 March."
"We have seen that the government has produced a lot of young people, through training and qualifications but they cannot yet compete with foreign workers because their mentality is not prepared. That's why we ask all youth who want to improve life must change mentality so as in future each one can better his or her own lives\", Alvaro said"
"He also added that, the mentality of young people is very important to compete in field but sometimes Timorese's mentality are not good so it has an impact on them working at train. Therefore they asked for a vocational school which can produce skilled workers who will be able participate into development processes and develop their skills as well"
"According to Vice Minister of Public Works, Transport and Communication Inacio Moreira said earlier that every year SEPFOPE creates training for thousand on hundred people especially in the construction area. Some have shown their ability but some also need a change from work mentality so they can compete at job market"
"Joao Anibal"
] |
TEMPO SEMANAL: Timor-Leste “super-mi” em vez de sarjana-“super -me” efeitu poÍItika eskluzaun versu polítika inkluzaun ho desafiu pseudo intelektual! (análogia linguístika dikotomika)\nTimor-Leste “super-mi” em vez de sarjana-“super -me” efeitu poÍItika eskluzaun versu polítika inkluzaun ho desafiu pseudo intelektual! (análogia linguístika dikotomika)\nHUSI Fredeico NUNO Jerónimo Boavida - FRENUJEBOV\nImportante ka la’e intelektualidade iha jestaun administrasaun konseitu “maciço” abstraktu hodi hatan ba interpretasaun no implementasaun teórika Linguazem Polítika (Termu Polítiku Aplikadu ka “Political Argot”)?\nHau iha parte ida konkorda, de serteza absoluta, ho Teknokrata Timorense konyesidu to’o ohin loron desde inisíu Estadu RDTL ho Plataforma Primeiru Guvernu ETA nian; nebe nia (hau la kohi sita direitamente ninia naran) ezize atu – “Timor-Lesteoan sira la presiza ona ho Formasaun intelektual iha área Sosiál, Letradu, Polítika, Psikolojia, Teolojia, Kultura, Istória, ka Siensia hirak mak haliis liu ba teoria apenas!” Los! Basá Timor-Leste presiza mak ema atu surbisu no hanorin atu hala’o serbisu! Iha ne’e; hau hatutan tan ninia hanoin katak – “Diak liu mak produz Injinyeiru iha área saida dit mak sempre sei nafatin útil ba dezenvolvimentu Timor-Leste nian iha era ukun-an!”\nIha parte seluk mós, hau sente katak importante mós atu utiliza sira hirak mak formadu tiha ona iha área apenas teórika nian; basá númeru maioria mak formadu iha tempu invazaun foti duni estudus ho ramo sosiál no polítika! Iha ne’e hau la kria hela inveza sosiál entre formadu letradu no formadu iha parte injenyaria nian! La’e! Basá ba Timor-Leste; formadu sira mós sei útil ba nafatin desde ke sei eziste Soberania ida nudar Estadu Indepente! Formadu iha ramu rua importante hotu!\nTuir, loloos atu dehan katak Polítiku sira formadu tiha ona iha tempu invazaun RI nian mak ninia Leitura Polítika luan liu fali; basá formadu iha konteistu multi-sósiu-kulturál! Hodi dehan katak para alein de aprende sisiénsia teórika; au mezmu tempu, aprende mós kultura, lian, relijiaun, konvivénsia sosiál; apaar ho “Dossiers” Polítiku ka asuntu Polítiku Mundial (“Dunia Dalam Berita”)! Ka asuntu polítiku.\nHau foti kestaun simples: Temi “Dunia Dalam Berita” liafuan ida ke simples no “To The Point!” “Mundu iha Notísia nia laran!”; loos ka lae? Maibé oinsá mak ita atu dehan no kompriende Mundu Iha Notísias Nia Laran se “Dunia Dalam Berita ne’e Programa Transmisaun/Broadcasting TVRI nian ida mak okupa dit espasu no minutu ruma iha kalan tuku 20.00 WIB (Waktu Indonésia bagian Barat)? Ida ne’e atu transmite katak hatene Mundu Liu husi Notisiaria nebé mak tranzmite iha “Dunia Dalam Berita” dala barak liu asuntu polémiku, koflituoza no tendensioza mesak asuntu Mediu-Oriente nian (Israel-Palestina; Emirat-Arab, Iraun, Iraque, Afganistaun, Pakistaun no India; mak dala barak sai “Hot News!”no “Headline”!; no NATO no EU dala rumat; Maibé haree neneik no didiak mak ita sei hetan katak sei involve “Kuda-Tali Rebo-Rebo” mosu husi Uniaun Europeia, Inglaterra no França, AS-Nato, no ikus dada ba ONU mak sei inklui hotu Mundu tomak!\nIta rona no akompanya to’o enjoa ka mal-vontade atu asiste bebeik basá asuntu la seluk la leet mak kona ba konflitu; terorizmu, figura la seluk la leet mak konyesidu tiha ona ho polítiku no Lideransa konyesida sira dit; área no kampu problemátiku no polémiku destake mak nafatin hela dit! Konsékuensia la seluk la leet mak kanek, moras, hamlaha, Dezlokamentu Esternu/Refujiadu no IDP no regresu no repatriasaun. Maibé atu dehan saida ba Mundu? Atu kompriende Oinsá? Iha ka la’e destinu Timor-Leste nian; indiretamente kobre tiha ona iha pesas informasaun mak politizadu internasionalmente? Ita koko kompriende; mundu hatene duni paíz ida-idak ninia problema ka lae? Iha parte ida ne’e mak ita hasoru dezafiu enorme; atu dehan katak la’os dit ona interese paíz em konflitu mak sai “Polítical Dossiers” maibé Paíz tantu la iha konflitu kruzamentu katak la’os ona entre nasaun maibé karik internu Estadu ho Opozisaun; Krensa ho Dezenvolvimentu; Anti-Sivilizasaun versu Sivilizasaun Umanidade; Kontra-Bandu ka ilegalidade hasoru Legalidade; Rendimentu Nasionál Per Kápita versu Linya Krítika Pobreza: “abaixu Linha Pobreza ka paralela eh acima Linha Pobreza?” Moras Ka “Procurado” ou “Maldiçoado?” “Elogiado” ka “Boneka/Wayang-Kulit?” Oinsá mak ita atu koko kompriende no bele buka alimenta hikas ita nia povu no buka mediasaun ida ke satisfatória no adekuada?\nKestaun mós simples tebe-tebes no mundo sempre tau foku de atensaun iha “Elo do Mundo” ka iha Fukun mundo nian katak iha Rai mak Tutan Mundo Orientál ho Osidentál mak Médio-Oriente. No simples mós atu Kompara ho Timor-Lete tanba konflito mosu iha nebá kompriende dit nudar rai mak ho tradisaun sosio-ekonómiku-Polítiku kuaze idéntiku ho Sude-Este-Aziátiku nian no liu-liu Timor-Leste nian mak aprosima matéria polítika no geopolítiku em sentidu geografia (haree ba dimensaun klimátika, aspektu efera terreste ho ninia karakterístika atmósférika; haree ba mapa-terrestre mak sempre pur natureza iha nanis tendénsia konflitu bio-fízio-kímiku pur/em si!) no polítika mak sempre iha hafahe ba parte rua pro no kontra (la’o geopolítka em sentidu geografia halo zona froneterisia hamutuk ho média-oriente; lae!).\nAgora problema mak interpretasaun hasoru Linguazem-Polítika-Aplikada? Problema uluk nanain Kruzamentu Tradisaun, Kultura no Sivilizasaun rua: Osidentál no Orientál! Tradisaun no Kultura Orientál sei koalia hodi simu malu ho Sivilizasaun Osidentál em sentidu ita Oriente sempre tau reliziaun nudar tradisaun no kultura; entretantu Osidentál hare nudar fenomena ida iha Sósio-Polítiku no konsidera nudar Sivilizasaun. Kestaun seluk mak Ita Ázia iha multi-sekularizmu maibé úniku Demokrasia-Unanimidade iha Espíritu ka Ánimu mak sempre patriotizmu no Nasionalizmu; enkuantu osidentál haburas Independénsia Sosializmu vested Dimokrasia Liberál seidauk adora Liberal (hodi hahii nudar Liberalizmu)! Buat seluk tan mak Osidentál Koalia Lia oin-oin maibé kompriende malu basá aktualmente kaer iha raiz linguístika rua dit: Anglosaxóniku no Neo-Latinu; ita Aziátiku Koalia Lian barak ho rohan Sansekerta, Árabe, Anglosaxóniku no Neo-Latin! Iha ne’e inderetamente matéria polítika tranzmite tiha ona sentidu – “Hatene Mundu Liu Husi Notísia!” no favorese liu mai ita ema Aziátiku! Agora la’os ona problema Osidentál-Orientál maibé problem Asimilasaun Sinkretizmu hodi tutan no kaer hamutuk diferensiasaun vested Adaptasaun GLobalizasaun Modernizmu! De faktu ita husu hikas ba mundu: Agora dadaun mundu iha nebé? Hau seidauk toka ka temi kona ba Xina; Japaun, Korei, Taiwan no Tipe no mós hau la temi Rusia dauk; iha ne’e la’os atu dehan diskriminaliza ka haketak Xina maibé asuntu mak refere haree ba Separasaun Globo-Terrestre iha tuir esfera – Polu Norte no Polu Sul, Tuir Oeste no Este/Leste mak asuntu monu-klaran iha justa-pozisaun iha linya ekuatorial! Karik iha Polu Norte: Sempre Rai-Malirin Liu no ema la hetan influensia pur/em si husi temperatura atmósfera klimátika natural konstranje ka hamosu reasaun ho tensaun/sistema nervozu emosionál umana hafoin raan-nakali lalais no gosta kedas mosu hirus ho atuasaun fíziku repentinu/derepentemente no ímpetu (impetuozu/Maka’as no derepente) maibé atu dehan dit karik ida ne’e mak mundu katak atu sukat mundu hakat nafatin ka sei paradu ou pelu kontráriu em vez de “Epoque” maibé totalmente muda diresaun kontra-relójiu sai anti-dezenvolvimentu-umanidade ka dezenvolve-an ba oin!\nIta temi Parte rua-rua la hanesan maibé iha parte ruma hanesan; ita sita parte balun no parte seluk ita la refere; ho ida ne’e ita hahú lee sasan iha vizaun no Análize-matrix-Prizma-Dimensionál ba Matéria, Asuntu, “Dossiers”, Kazu Polémiku, Konflituozu no Problemátiku ho sentidu mak sempre Dikotómiku katak temi liafuan ida hamosu sentidu rua; atu dehan koalia duni ba asutu mak ne’e duni “Ad Hoc” no refere hikas ba asuntu seluk mak ita obzerva ho reseiu mak “sobrecair” ka monu-hikas mai ita ho ninia rohan retrospektivisidade no introspektividade katak fila hikas mai ita no mai ita an-rasik!\nAsuntu iha ne’e ita bele refere ba kontéudu: Konflitu; Petróleo no Gaz; Determinasaun; Krensa no Ideolojia; maibé keta haluha Sujeitu Polítiku! Konyese uluk istória, konyese ninia tradisaun, Kultura, relijiaun, rasa, lian no nasaun (etnisidade) mak foin ita identifika ho loloos mak sai figura polítika; entaun ita apaar ona ho “Political Dossiers!”; no hatene mós matéria trata kona ba negósiu ka objektu polítiku saida loos; iha nebé no kona loos ba se? Karik simples dit atu husu tuir jornalizmu ninia hahaan: “Se; Saida; Horibainhira, Iha Nebé no Oinsa?” Hafoin de hatene mak ita korela ka halo “Komparasaun Analógika” ida kona ba Asuntu ho karakter mak hanesan hodi bele matan-moris-neon-nain halo mediasaun ba problema nasionál no hasai informasaun ba sai hahaan publiku!\nHau foti kestaun simples: Kazu Syria! Karik diak liu ema Izlaun/Maumetanu/Muslumanu Polítiku ida mak halo komentáriu no hato’o obzervasaun tanba polítiku ida ne’e ninia hahaan kedas iha orden relizioza no Konvivénsia interasaun sosiál tuir tradisaun no kultura musulumana; entau pode ser ke, obzervador polítiku ida ne’e bele fó hanoin hikas mai ita seluk mak leigu ka profanu/sekular iha relijiaun musulumana. Problema mak sempre buat polítika koalia buat rua: Diak bele tranzmite sentidu La Diak! A’At bele fo signifikadu Diak! No Diak bele nafatin Diak no A’at bele a’at nafatin agora depende ba “Memorandum Of Understanding” (“Nota De Entendimento”) atu refere ba asuntu problemátiku no “Dossiers” katak define nomenklatura no Linguazem Polítika Aplikada Restrita; mós determina “Saseluk” ka “Espelyu Polítiku” no Xave Polítiku ho ninia Ponteiru de kompasaun hodi hatudu diresaun. Se karik ita foti kazu Syria mak ita la hatene orijin no natureza asuntu, la konyese figura no la tama iha plata-forma polítika ninian mak ita sei la kompriende ninia finalidade no objektivu.\nHanesan mós iha Timor-Leste ita foti kestaun “Timor-Gap”; ita hamosu Área Destakementu no ita iha foku ba “On Shore”no “Off Shore”; sim ita koalia kona ba Tasi-Mina no Gaz; maibé ita bele tranzmite sentidu seluk karik asuntu hamosu no hamate raiva no rankor masa katak sujeitu em kautela iha ninia estadia no sai husi ninia ambiente/ambitu; no refere ba konflitu katak se mak insitador/provokante no se mak sei sai vítima; iha ne’e foin mak parte Defesa no seguransa nian. Iha parte seluk karik ita haree kona ba kapasidade posibilidade: karik ema mak ita refere ba sujeitu/individu Obzervadu em vez de Objektu Obzervadu Determinadu; karik sei bele manan iha konkorénsia ka akomula masa; konkista militante no simpatizante; ka poténsia elojiada no sei bele iha inflénsia sosiál. Mós ita bele refere kona ba Arma-Artifisiál (“Home-Gun-Made”) no Armamentu elektróniku (“arma de infra lasser”/”Lasser Infra-weapon ka Dhrone”) mak ho puder tantu infra lasser no májiku mak ko’a-raan no fura-kakutak ka supa ruin-dolen? Buat seluk mós atu ita transmite informasaun husi asuntu “Polítika Timor-Gap” nian mak Karik projektu Obras públikas nian mak refere em vez de koalia Latinizada maibé “Arabinisasi” katak fura Posu bele karik halai ba taka-koak estrada nian mak grave liu ka refere fali ba projetu mini “Dua/Tiga Dolar”, iha ne’e depende ba se no iha ne’bé no mós se mak uma-nain no se mak benefisiáriu no se mak resipiente: Uma nain koalia kona ba Industria Mina no Gaz involve JPDA (“Joint Petróleum Development-Area”) no DA (“Designated Authority”; maibé sira iha natar-laran fali preokupa ho kilat-rai hodi duni laho; sira seluk iha Asgor hala’o Projektu Taka-Koak mak Obras Públikas sira nia preokupasaun; Seluk fali preokupa ho atu prepara Kuadru no projeita ba Lideransa; depende ba interpretasaun. Balun fali bele interpreta “Polítika Timor-Gap”, JPDA no DA nian; karik ba motorista no makinista sira bele kompriende kona ba uza Kareta Estadu, Sa’e Kareta privadu: Pajero no Prado (mak komún liu iha Timor-Leste); ka sa’e bus, mikroleet ka taxi no ikus mai halai fali ba luxuriozu, jual-mahal, negósiu fixu, komersiante ambulante, obralan no karik rohan iha “moderen” no “kolot”. Afinál “Plata-Forma Polítika Nasionál” nian huun ida dit, maibé naksanak tuir interpretasaun, aplikasaun no implementasaun.\nPresizamente ho opiniaun iha paragrafu ida leten ne’e mak ita hakarak atu dehan katak; karik diak liu mak ita iha Sarjana barak no “Sarjana-Super-Me!” katak (nia no nia-an rasik bele ukun ninia-an no ikus mai hamutuk ho Timor-Lesteoan tomak bele hatene ukun hamutuk rai ida ne’e duke ita iha Sarjana mak ema hotu hakarak tabele ba; maibé nia la konsege ukun ninia-an rasik no oinsá tan atu hili nia hodi ba tuur sai nudar reprezentante hodi ukun hamutuk. Sarjana ho kultura luan, iha esperiensia vida sosiál (duke sulan-an no taka-an atu dehan katak foin mak mai husi Rai liur Amérika, Inglaterra ka USA); maibé sarjana mak hatene konvíviu ho sosiedade no kompriende linguazem iha interasaun soisiál atu la hamosu interpretasaun tuir dit teoria estimulus ho respons mak tuir loloos só efikaz no efektivu ba espésie animál nian; pur izemplu sample teori Skinner mak fó haan Asu Pablov tuir oráriu no oras ema nian; Asu Pablov sei matabixu dit iha tuku 07.00 dader; hafoin haan fali iha oras almosu no sei janta iha seia tuku 19.00; no ida ne’e insentiva tuir estimulus ho respons mak aplika ba animál ida ne’e ikus mai efektivu; karik ba ema mak rasionál; nia bele rekuza no greve ka la nesesariamente hala’o vida regular no monotonu wainhira nia kompriende katak situasaun no kondisaun mós kontribui ba ninia movimentu no nia iha posibilidade mós atu aplika teoria relatividade situasionál hodi responde ba estimulus-respons mak dezafia nia iha moris sosiedade nian.\nIta mós kompriende katak para alein de implementasaun iha vida prátika Polítika Nasionál mak sai Plataforma nudar Ordem; maibé dala ruma mós ita haree iha montazem falsa barak mak sai dezafiu: tau izemplu ita sulan tiha ema nia feen ka lain no ita aplika fila fali teoria estimulus-respons mak hanesan ita husik sai lain ka feen ninia feton/naan rasik, subrinya/subrinyu rasik no sira seluk mak iha relasaun parénteska hodi hein oinsa “respons” ba “bihaviorizmu”/komportamentu nudar reasaun ba ita nia teoria; ka ita apudera tiha ema nia feen/lain no ita hatudu ka kria estimulus-respons ba kolega no maluk sira ita mak lain/feen no hein hodi haree oinsa maluk sira nia respons/reasaun; no ikus mai ita monu mós ba aplikasaun Politika Enganadora mak bele sulan fali ita nia-an tanba aplikasaun teoria iróinika hasoru buat ida mak paradoxal ka paradox no impaktu ba ita nia Estadu no Nasaun tomak hodi harii Sidade rumu ba Ruina!\nHau; wainhira lee “Statement” Presidente Barak Obama nian dirije ba Presidente Aganistaun mak publika iha STL Fulan Setembru 2011 tinan liu ba hafoin de satelite ida monu iha Kalifórnia no Barak Obama dehan – “Hau husu Diskulpa ba Presidente Afganistaun nian ba asaun sira hotu no sei la halo atake ba itaboot sira nia ‘Sasasan Sagradu”...!” No mai hau kompriende ho Lia “Babilonia nian ka Árabe nian” “Statement ida ne’e atu dehan katak husu diskulpa antisipatória basá ‘sasan sagradu’ karik katak ida nebé mak tuir lolos la’os tabuu ita halo tabuu no ita halo sasan públika sai segredu ba ita nia povu no ba ita nia estadu mak hanesan meius elektrónikus – telefone, internete, televizaun no vídeo mak sempre proibidu iha Afganistaun molok konflitu no sei nafatin tabuu mak mundu liu husi nia matan no tilun/USA husu diskulpa antisipatória hodi halo karik atake; mundu seluk sei la hakfodak no pániku... ida ne’e interpretasaun dit basá ba Malae Inglés sira kostume mós temi “She” em vez de “He” ba mane no vise-versa ka “May Baby” em Vez de “My Dad!”; tan motivu kultura no konvivénsia mak ita tenke, hakarak ka la’e, haruka ita nia oan ba eskola iha rai bara-barak hodi bele iha futuru mak ema ho variedade kultura mai ita nia rain ita kompriende no hatene oinsa atu hatudu tratamentu mak konviniente.\nNo ikus liu keta haluha no keta foti ba Lia tansa mak hau temi em vez “Sarjana Supermi” maibé “Sarjana Super-Me” no tansa mós mak hau temi “Timor-Leste Supermi”; ida ne’e la fó sentidu katak cetakan Indonézia nian no la’os espargeti nian; maibé hau atu dehan katak ita nia Polítika Nasionál no mós Asuntu Polítiku Internasionál nian “Bem Feito” tiha ona kuaze liu tinan atus-ida mak ninia produtu aktualmente ita aplika no uzufruir; ida ne’e hatudu iha livru hotu-hotu atu kona ba livru istória, geografia, agrobiznis, geologia, polítika, sosiál, doutrina mak kona ba Timor-Leste sempre falun intensaun mak prosesu dezenvolvimentu no sivilizasaun ba Timor-Lesteoan sira no ita haree oras ne’e dadaun ita nia polítiku sira maioria kuaze hanesan resipiente (bikan) hodi tau supermi (hahaan feitu/fabrikadu tiha ona) no ita Timor-Lesteoan hotu hamutuk haan hahaan Polítika internasionál nian maibé ita inosentemente no inkonsientemente transforma Timor-Leste sai Supermi no nafatin nega ka rekuza; mak hanesan: ita uza sistema elektronika de sensura no detektivu maibé ita nega no sei dehan tan “ema hafuhu ita”; ita nia HP mak ita transmite segredu ba malu iha portal kontroladu iha Satelite mak sei “Satelite Palapa”; ita balun kompriende iha sistema infra-sauna no “dhrone” maibé ita taka informasaun ba sira seluk mak sei nakukun no ita iha liu tendénsia hakarak atu sulan no sei hakarak fila hikas ba Polítika “Feudalista” mak hakarak apudera tomak no sai kapitalista ba sira seluk sei inosente no laek konyesimentu.\nOinsa Timor-Leste ida mak rai boot liu dala hat-nulu (40 X) Singapura no liu dala hat (4) Brunei Daru-salam ne’e ho populasaun kiik liu ka minimu liu dala 7 (-7) kompara ho Singapura no Brunei Darusalam mak dezenvolvidu ona; hau hanoin falta dit mak kompriensaun mútua no unidade atu lori rai ida ne’e hamutuk ba oin. Até Lá!\nFrederico NUNO Jerónimo Boavida (Frenujebov)\nPosted by TEMPO SEMANAL at 14:53\nLabels: Frederico boavida, Sarjana Super-me | [
"TEMPO SEMANAL: Timor-Leste \"super-mi\" em vez de sarjana-\"super -me\" efeitu poIItika eskluzaun versu politika inkluzaun ho desafiu pseudo intelektual! (analogia linguistika dikotomika) Timor-Leste \"super-mi\" em vez de sarjana-\"super -me\" efeitu poIItika eskluzaun versu politika inkluzaun ho desafiu pseudo intelektual! (analogia linguistika dikotomika) HUSI Fredeico NUNO Jeronimo Boavida - FRENUJEBOV Importante ka la'e intelektualidade iha jestaun administrasaun konseitu \"macico\" abstraktu hodi hatan ba interpretasaun no implementasaun teorika Linguazem Politika (Termu Politiku Aplikadu ka \"Political Argot\")?",
"Hau iha parte ida konkorda, de serteza absoluta, ho Teknokrata Timorense konyesidu to'o ohin loron desde inisiu Estadu RDTL ho Plataforma Primeiru Guvernu ETA nian; nebe nia (hau la kohi sita direitamente ninia naran) ezize atu - \"Timor-Lesteoan sira la presiza ona ho Formasaun intelektual iha area Sosial, Letradu, Politika, Psikolojia, Teolojia, Kultura, Istoria, ka Siensia hirak mak haliis liu ba teoria apenas!\"",
"Basa Timor-Leste presiza mak ema atu surbisu no hanorin atu hala'o serbisu!",
"Iha ne'e; hau hatutan tan ninia hanoin katak - \"Diak liu mak produz Injinyeiru iha area saida dit mak sempre sei nafatin util ba dezenvolvimentu Timor-Leste nian iha era ukun-an!\"",
"Iha parte seluk mos, hau sente katak importante mos atu utiliza sira hirak mak formadu tiha ona iha area apenas teorika nian; basa numeru maioria mak formadu iha tempu invazaun foti duni estudus ho ramo sosial no politika!",
"Iha ne'e hau la kria hela inveza sosial entre formadu letradu no formadu iha parte injenyaria nian!",
"Basa ba Timor-Leste; formadu sira mos sei util ba nafatin desde ke sei eziste Soberania ida nudar Estadu Indepente!",
"Formadu iha ramu rua importante hotu!",
"Tuir, loloos atu dehan katak Politiku sira formadu tiha ona iha tempu invazaun RI nian mak ninia Leitura Politika luan liu fali; basa formadu iha konteistu multi-sosiu-kultural!",
"Hodi dehan katak para alein de aprende sisiensia teorika; au mezmu tempu, aprende mos kultura, lian, relijiaun, konvivensia sosial; apaar ho \"Dossiers\" Politiku ka asuntu Politiku Mundial (\"Dunia Dalam Berita\")!",
"Ka asuntu politiku.",
"Hau foti kestaun simples: Temi \"Dunia Dalam Berita\" liafuan ida ke simples no \"To The Point!\"",
"\"Mundu iha Notisia nia laran!\"; loos ka lae?",
"Maibe oinsa mak ita atu dehan no kompriende Mundu Iha Notisias Nia Laran se \"Dunia Dalam Berita ne'e Programa Transmisaun/Broadcasting TVRI nian ida mak okupa dit espasu no minutu ruma iha kalan tuku 20.00 WIB (Waktu Indonesia bagian Barat)?",
"Ida ne'e atu transmite katak hatene Mundu Liu husi Notisiaria nebe mak tranzmite iha \"Dunia Dalam Berita\" dala barak liu asuntu polemiku, koflituoza no tendensioza mesak asuntu Mediu-Oriente nian (Israel-Palestina; Emirat-Arab, Iraun, Iraque, Afganistaun, Pakistaun no India; mak dala barak sai \"Hot News!\"no \"Headline\"!; no NATO no EU dala rumat; Maibe haree neneik no didiak mak ita sei hetan katak sei involve \"Kuda-Tali Rebo-Rebo\" mosu husi Uniaun Europeia, Inglaterra no Franca, AS-Nato, no ikus dada ba ONU mak sei inklui hotu Mundu tomak!",
"Ita rona no akompanya to'o enjoa ka mal-vontade atu asiste bebeik basa asuntu la seluk la leet mak kona ba konflitu; terorizmu, figura la seluk la leet mak konyesidu tiha ona ho politiku no Lideransa konyesida sira dit; area no kampu problematiku no polemiku destake mak nafatin hela dit!",
"Konsekuensia la seluk la leet mak kanek, moras, hamlaha, Dezlokamentu Esternu/Refujiadu no IDP no regresu no repatriasaun.",
"Maibe atu dehan saida ba Mundu?",
"Atu kompriende Oinsa?",
"Iha ka la'e destinu Timor-Leste nian; indiretamente kobre tiha ona iha pesas informasaun mak politizadu internasionalmente?",
"Ita koko kompriende; mundu hatene duni paiz ida-idak ninia problema ka lae?",
"Iha parte ida ne'e mak ita hasoru dezafiu enorme; atu dehan katak la'os dit ona interese paiz em konflitu mak sai \"Political Dossiers\" maibe Paiz tantu la iha konflitu kruzamentu katak la'os ona entre nasaun maibe karik internu Estadu ho Opozisaun; Krensa ho Dezenvolvimentu; Anti-Sivilizasaun versu Sivilizasaun Umanidade; Kontra-Bandu ka ilegalidade hasoru Legalidade; Rendimentu Nasional Per Kapita versu Linya Kritika Pobreza: \"abaixu Linha Pobreza ka paralela eh acima Linha Pobreza?\"",
"Moras Ka \"Procurado\" ou \"Maldicoado?\"",
"\"Elogiado\" ka \"Boneka/Wayang-Kulit?\"",
"Oinsa mak ita atu koko kompriende no bele buka alimenta hikas ita nia povu no buka mediasaun ida ke satisfatoria no adekuada?",
"Kestaun mos simples tebe-tebes no mundo sempre tau foku de atensaun iha \"Elo do Mundo\" ka iha Fukun mundo nian katak iha Rai mak Tutan Mundo Oriental ho Osidental mak Medio-Oriente.",
"No simples mos atu Kompara ho Timor-Lete tanba konflito mosu iha neba kompriende dit nudar rai mak ho tradisaun sosio-ekonomiku-Politiku kuaze identiku ho Sude-Este-Aziatiku nian no liu-liu Timor-Leste nian mak aprosima materia politika no geopolitiku em sentidu geografia (haree ba dimensaun klimatika, aspektu efera terreste ho ninia karakteristika atmosferika; haree ba mapa-terrestre mak sempre pur natureza iha nanis tendensia konflitu bio-fizio-kimiku pur/em si!) no politika mak sempre iha hafahe ba parte rua pro no kontra (la'o geopolitka em sentidu geografia halo zona froneterisia hamutuk ho media-oriente; lae!).",
"Agora problema mak interpretasaun hasoru Linguazem-Politika-Aplikada?",
"Problema uluk nanain Kruzamentu Tradisaun, Kultura no Sivilizasaun rua: Osidental no Oriental!",
"Tradisaun no Kultura Oriental sei koalia hodi simu malu ho Sivilizasaun Osidental em sentidu ita Oriente sempre tau reliziaun nudar tradisaun no kultura; entretantu Osidental hare nudar fenomena ida iha Sosio-Politiku no konsidera nudar Sivilizasaun.",
"Kestaun seluk mak Ita Azia iha multi-sekularizmu maibe uniku Demokrasia-Unanimidade iha Espiritu ka Animu mak sempre patriotizmu no Nasionalizmu; enkuantu osidental haburas Independensia Sosializmu vested Dimokrasia Liberal seidauk adora Liberal (hodi hahii nudar Liberalizmu)!",
"Buat seluk tan mak Osidental Koalia Lia oin-oin maibe kompriende malu basa aktualmente kaer iha raiz linguistika rua dit: Anglosaxoniku no Neo-Latinu; ita Aziatiku Koalia Lian barak ho rohan Sansekerta, Arabe, Anglosaxoniku no Neo-Latin!",
"Iha ne'e inderetamente materia politika tranzmite tiha ona sentidu - \"Hatene Mundu Liu Husi Notisia!\" no favorese liu mai ita ema Aziatiku!",
"Agora la'os ona problema Osidental-Oriental maibe problem Asimilasaun Sinkretizmu hodi tutan no kaer hamutuk diferensiasaun vested Adaptasaun GLobalizasaun Modernizmu!",
"De faktu ita husu hikas ba mundu: Agora dadaun mundu iha nebe?",
"Hau seidauk toka ka temi kona ba Xina; Japaun, Korei, Taiwan no Tipe no mos hau la temi Rusia dauk; iha ne'e la'os atu dehan diskriminaliza ka haketak Xina maibe asuntu mak refere haree ba Separasaun Globo-Terrestre iha tuir esfera - Polu Norte no Polu Sul, Tuir Oeste no Este/Leste mak asuntu monu-klaran iha justa-pozisaun iha linya ekuatorial!",
"Karik iha Polu Norte: Sempre Rai-Malirin Liu no ema la hetan influensia pur/em si husi temperatura atmosfera klimatika natural konstranje ka hamosu reasaun ho tensaun/sistema nervozu emosional umana hafoin raan-nakali lalais no gosta kedas mosu hirus ho atuasaun fiziku repentinu/derepentemente no impetu (impetuozu/Maka'as no derepente) maibe atu dehan dit karik ida ne'e mak mundu katak atu sukat mundu hakat nafatin ka sei paradu ou pelu kontrariu em vez de \"Epoque\" maibe totalmente muda diresaun kontra-relojiu sai anti-dezenvolvimentu-umanidade ka dezenvolve-an ba oin!",
"Ita temi Parte rua-rua la hanesan maibe iha parte ruma hanesan; ita sita parte balun no parte seluk ita la refere; ho ida ne'e ita hahu lee sasan iha vizaun no Analize-matrix-Prizma-Dimensional ba Materia, Asuntu, \"Dossiers,\" Kazu Polemiku, Konflituozu no Problematiku ho sentidu mak sempre Dikotomiku katak temi liafuan ida hamosu sentidu rua; atu dehan koalia duni ba asutu mak ne'e duni \"Ad Hoc\" no refere hikas ba asuntu seluk mak ita obzerva ho reseiu mak \"sobrecair\" ka monu-hikas mai ita ho ninia rohan retrospektivisidade no introspektividade katak fila hikas mai ita no mai ita an-rasik!",
"Asuntu iha ne'e ita bele refere ba konteudu: Konflitu; Petroleo no Gaz; Determinasaun; Krensa no Ideolojia; maibe keta haluha Sujeitu Politiku!",
"Konyese uluk istoria, konyese ninia tradisaun, Kultura, relijiaun, rasa, lian no nasaun (etnisidade) mak foin ita identifika ho loloos mak sai figura politika; entaun ita apaar ona ho \"Political Dossiers!\"; no hatene mos materia trata kona ba negosiu ka objektu politiku saida loos; iha nebe no kona loos ba se?",
"Karik simples dit atu husu tuir jornalizmu ninia hahaan: \"Se; Saida; Horibainhira, Iha Nebe no Oinsa?\"",
"Hafoin de hatene mak ita korela ka halo \"Komparasaun Analogika\" ida kona ba Asuntu ho karakter mak hanesan hodi bele matan-moris-neon-nain halo mediasaun ba problema nasional no hasai informasaun ba sai hahaan publiku!",
"Hau foti kestaun simples: Kazu Syria!",
"Karik diak liu ema Izlaun/Maumetanu/Muslumanu Politiku ida mak halo komentariu no hato'o obzervasaun tanba politiku ida ne'e ninia hahaan kedas iha orden relizioza no Konvivensia interasaun sosial tuir tradisaun no kultura musulumana; entau pode ser ke, obzervador politiku ida ne'e bele fo hanoin hikas mai ita seluk mak leigu ka profanu/sekular iha relijiaun musulumana.",
"Problema mak sempre buat politika koalia buat rua: Diak bele tranzmite sentidu La Diak!",
"A'At bele fo signifikadu Diak!",
"No Diak bele nafatin Diak no A'at bele a'at nafatin agora depende ba \"Memorandum Of Understanding\" (\"Nota De Entendimento\") atu refere ba asuntu problematiku no \"Dossiers\" katak define nomenklatura no Linguazem Politika Aplikada Restrita; mos determina \"Saseluk\" ka \"Espelyu Politiku\" no Xave Politiku ho ninia Ponteiru de kompasaun hodi hatudu diresaun.",
"Se karik ita foti kazu Syria mak ita la hatene orijin no natureza asuntu, la konyese figura no la tama iha plata-forma politika ninian mak ita sei la kompriende ninia finalidade no objektivu.",
"Hanesan mos iha Timor-Leste ita foti kestaun \"Timor-Gap\"; ita hamosu Area Destakementu no ita iha foku ba \"On Shore\"no \"Off Shore\"; sim ita koalia kona ba Tasi-Mina no Gaz; maibe ita bele tranzmite sentidu seluk karik asuntu hamosu no hamate raiva no rankor masa katak sujeitu em kautela iha ninia estadia no sai husi ninia ambiente/ambitu; no refere ba konflitu katak se mak insitador/provokante no se mak sei sai vitima; iha ne'e foin mak parte Defesa no seguransa nian.",
"Iha parte seluk karik ita haree kona ba kapasidade posibilidade: karik ema mak ita refere ba sujeitu/individu Obzervadu em vez de Objektu Obzervadu Determinadu; karik sei bele manan iha konkorensia ka akomula masa; konkista militante no simpatizante; ka potensia elojiada no sei bele iha inflensia sosial.",
"Mos ita bele refere kona ba Arma-Artifisial (\"Home-Gun-Made\") no Armamentu elektroniku (\"arma de infra lasser\"/\"Lasser Infra-weapon ka Dhrone\") mak ho puder tantu infra lasser no majiku mak ko'a-raan no fura-kakutak ka supa ruin-dolen?",
"Buat seluk mos atu ita transmite informasaun husi asuntu \"Politika Timor-Gap\" nian mak Karik projektu Obras publikas nian mak refere em vez de koalia Latinizada maibe \"Arabinisasi\" katak fura Posu bele karik halai ba taka-koak estrada nian mak grave liu ka refere fali ba projetu mini \"Dua/Tiga Dolar,\" iha ne'e depende ba se no iha ne'be no mos se mak uma-nain no se mak benefisiariu no se mak resipiente: Uma nain koalia kona ba Industria Mina no Gaz involve JPDA (\"Joint Petroleum Development-Area\") no DA (\"Designated Authority\"; maibe sira iha natar-laran fali preokupa ho kilat-rai hodi duni laho; sira seluk iha Asgor hala'o Projektu Taka-Koak mak Obras Publikas sira nia preokupasaun; Seluk fali preokupa ho atu prepara Kuadru no projeita ba Lideransa; depende ba interpretasaun.",
"Balun fali bele interpreta \"Politika Timor-Gap,\" JPDA no DA nian; karik ba motorista no makinista sira bele kompriende kona ba uza Kareta Estadu, Sa'e Kareta privadu: Pajero no Prado (mak komun liu iha Timor-Leste); ka sa'e bus, mikroleet ka taxi no ikus mai halai fali ba luxuriozu, jual-mahal, negosiu fixu, komersiante ambulante, obralan no karik rohan iha \"moderen\" no \"kolot.\"",
"Afinal \"Plata-Forma Politika Nasional\" nian huun ida dit, maibe naksanak tuir interpretasaun, aplikasaun no implementasaun.",
"Presizamente ho opiniaun iha paragrafu ida leten ne'e mak ita hakarak atu dehan katak; karik diak liu mak ita iha Sarjana barak no \"Sarjana-Super-Me!\" katak (nia no nia-an rasik bele ukun ninia-an no ikus mai hamutuk ho Timor-Lesteoan tomak bele hatene ukun hamutuk rai ida ne'e duke ita iha Sarjana mak ema hotu hakarak tabele ba; maibe nia la konsege ukun ninia-an rasik no oinsa tan atu hili nia hodi ba tuur sai nudar reprezentante hodi ukun hamutuk.",
"Sarjana ho kultura luan, iha esperiensia vida sosial (duke sulan-an no taka-an atu dehan katak foin mak mai husi Rai liur Amerika, Inglaterra ka USA); maibe sarjana mak hatene konviviu ho sosiedade no kompriende linguazem iha interasaun soisial atu la hamosu interpretasaun tuir dit teoria estimulus ho respons mak tuir loloos so efikaz no efektivu ba espesie animal nian; pur izemplu sample teori Skinner mak fo haan Asu Pablov tuir orariu no oras ema nian; Asu Pablov sei matabixu dit iha tuku 07.00 dader; hafoin haan fali iha oras almosu no sei janta iha seia tuku 19.00; no ida ne'e insentiva tuir estimulus ho respons mak aplika ba animal ida ne'e ikus mai efektivu; karik ba ema mak rasional; nia bele rekuza no greve ka la nesesariamente hala'o vida regular no monotonu wainhira nia kompriende katak situasaun no kondisaun mos kontribui ba ninia movimentu no nia iha posibilidade mos atu aplika teoria relatividade situasional hodi responde ba estimulus-respons mak dezafia nia iha moris sosiedade nian.",
"Ita mos kompriende katak para alein de implementasaun iha vida pratika Politika Nasional mak sai Plataforma nudar Ordem; maibe dala ruma mos ita haree iha montazem falsa barak mak sai dezafiu: tau izemplu ita sulan tiha ema nia feen ka lain no ita aplika fila fali teoria estimulus-respons mak hanesan ita husik sai lain ka feen ninia feton/naan rasik, subrinya/subrinyu rasik no sira seluk mak iha relasaun parenteska hodi hein oinsa \"respons\" ba \"bihaviorizmu\"/komportamentu nudar reasaun ba ita nia teoria; ka ita apudera tiha ema nia feen/lain no ita hatudu ka kria estimulus-respons ba kolega no maluk sira ita mak lain/feen no hein hodi haree oinsa maluk sira nia respons/reasaun; no ikus mai ita monu mos ba aplikasaun Politika Enganadora mak bele sulan fali ita nia-an tanba aplikasaun teoria iroinika hasoru buat ida mak paradoxal ka paradox no impaktu ba ita nia Estadu no Nasaun tomak hodi harii Sidade rumu ba Ruina!",
"Hau; wainhira lee \"Statement\" Presidente Barak Obama nian dirije ba Presidente Aganistaun mak publika iha STL Fulan Setembru 2011 tinan liu ba hafoin de satelite ida monu iha Kalifornia no Barak Obama dehan - \"Hau husu Diskulpa ba Presidente Afganistaun nian ba asaun sira hotu no sei la halo atake ba itaboot sira nia 'Sasasan Sagradu...\"!\"",
"No mai hau kompriende ho Lia \"Babilonia nian ka Arabe nian\" \"Statement ida ne'e atu dehan katak husu diskulpa antisipatoria basa 'sasan sagradu' karik katak ida nebe mak tuir lolos la'os tabuu ita halo tabuu no ita halo sasan publika sai segredu ba ita nia povu no ba ita nia estadu mak hanesan meius elektronikus - telefone, internete, televizaun no video mak sempre proibidu iha Afganistaun molok konflitu no sei nafatin tabuu mak mundu liu husi nia matan no tilun/USA husu diskulpa antisipatoria hodi halo karik atake; mundu seluk sei la hakfodak no paniku... ida ne'e interpretasaun dit basa ba Malae Ingles sira kostume mos temi \"She\" em vez de \"He\" ba mane no vise-versa ka \"May Baby\" em Vez de \"My Dad!\"; tan motivu kultura no konvivensia mak ita tenke, hakarak ka la'e, haruka ita nia oan ba eskola iha rai bara-barak hodi bele iha futuru mak ema ho variedade kultura mai ita nia rain ita kompriende no hatene oinsa atu hatudu tratamentu mak konviniente.",
"No ikus liu keta haluha no keta foti ba Lia tansa mak hau temi em vez \"Sarjana Supermi\" maibe \"Sarjana Super-Me\" no tansa mos mak hau temi \"Timor-Leste Supermi\"; ida ne'e la fo sentidu katak cetakan Indonezia nian no la'os espargeti nian; maibe hau atu dehan katak ita nia Politika Nasional no mos Asuntu Politiku Internasional nian \"Bem Feito\" tiha ona kuaze liu tinan atus-ida mak ninia produtu aktualmente ita aplika no uzufruir; ida ne'e hatudu iha livru hotu-hotu atu kona ba livru istoria, geografia, agrobiznis, geologia, politika, sosial, doutrina mak kona ba Timor-Leste sempre falun intensaun mak prosesu dezenvolvimentu no sivilizasaun ba Timor-Lesteoan sira no ita haree oras ne'e dadaun ita nia politiku sira maioria kuaze hanesan resipiente (bikan) hodi tau supermi (hahaan feitu/fabrikadu tiha ona) no ita Timor-Lesteoan hotu hamutuk haan hahaan Politika internasional nian maibe ita inosentemente no inkonsientemente transforma Timor-Leste sai Supermi no nafatin nega ka rekuza; mak hanesan: ita uza sistema elektronika de sensura no detektivu maibe ita nega no sei dehan tan \"ema hafuhu ita\"; ita nia HP mak ita transmite segredu ba malu iha portal kontroladu iha Satelite mak sei \"Satelite Palapa\"; ita balun kompriende iha sistema infra-sauna no \"dhrone\" maibe ita taka informasaun ba sira seluk mak sei nakukun no ita iha liu tendensia hakarak atu sulan no sei hakarak fila hikas ba Politika \"Feudalista\" mak hakarak apudera tomak no sai kapitalista ba sira seluk sei inosente no laek konyesimentu.",
"Oinsa Timor-Leste ida mak rai boot liu dala hat-nulu (40 X) Singapura no liu dala hat (4) Brunei Daru-salam ne'e ho populasaun kiik liu ka minimu liu dala 7 (-7) kompara ho Singapura no Brunei Darusalam mak dezenvolvidu ona; hau hanoin falta dit mak kompriensaun mutua no unidade atu lori rai ida ne'e hamutuk ba oin.",
"Ate La!",
"Frederico NUNO Jeronimo Boavida (Frenujebov) Posted by TEMPO SEMANAL at 14:53 Labels: Frederico boavida, Sarjana Super-me"
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"WEEKLY TEMPO: Timor-Leste \"super -me\" instead of sarjana – the effect political exclusion versus inclusion with pseudo intellectual challenge! (dichotomous linguistic analogy) HUSI Fredeico NUNO Jeronimo Boavida FRENUJEBOV Important or not intellectuality in management administration abstract concept “macico” to answer for theoretical interpretation and implementations Linguazem Politika?"
"I in part agree, of absolute certainty with the Timorese Technocrats coinciding to this day from early State RDTL and Platform First Government ETA; which he (I do not quote directly his name) claimed - \"Timor-Lestens no longer need intellectual formation on social field literacy politics psychology Theology culture history or science that is more than just theory!\""
"Let's go!"
"Because Timor-Leste needs people to supervise and teach them how they can do their job!"
"Here; I continue his thought that - \"It is better to produce Engineers in any area which will always remain useful for the development of Timor-Leste during its independence era!\""
"On the other hand, I feel that it is also important to use those who have already been trained in purely theoretical areas; since most of them were formed during invasion did take social and political studies!"
"Here I am not creating a social distinction between literacy and engineering education!"
"Based on Timor-Leste; the trainees will also be useful for as long there is a sovereignty of an Independent State!"
"Formed in all two important branches!"
"Furthermore, it would be correct to say that the politicians formed at time of invasion by RI had a broader political reading; they were based on multi-sociocultural context!"
"This means that in addition to learning theoretical science; or at the same time, learn about cultures and languages as well. Learn religion of different countries with their social convention! And also \"Dossiers\" Political World Politics (\"Dunia Dalam Berita\")!\""
"It's a political matter."
"I took a simple problem: Temi \"Dunia Dalam Berita\" (The World In The News) has one word that's very easy to say and it is, “To the Point!”"
"\"The world is in the news!\"; right?"
"But how can we say and understand Dunia Dalam Berita if \"Dunia dalam berita\" is a TVRI broadcast program that occupies some space at 20.35 WIB (West Indonesian Time)?"
"This is to convey that know the World Through News which transmits in \"Dunia Dalam Berita\" often controversial, conflictual and tendentious matters especially Middle East (Israel-Palestine; United Arab Emirates -Iran Iraq Afghanistan Pakistan India) issues are frequently being a hot news!and Headline!! NATO & EU occasionally rummaging. But looking closer we will find it involve “Kuda Tali Rebo” emerging from European Union UK France USA –NATO UNDEFINEDLY UN WILL INCLUDED THE WHOLE WORLDS!!!"
"We hear and are accompanied until we get sick or unwilling to attend again because other issues, not least those of conflict; terrorism - another important figure that has been co-existing with politicians & leadership in the past few decades. Outstanding problematical areas still remain!"
"Other immediate consequences are injury, diseases and famine. External Displacement/Refugees & IDP as well returning to homeland or repatriation is also an inevitable result of the conflict in Syria"
"But what to tell the world?"
"Do you understand Oinsa?"
"Is there or not the destiny of Timor-Leste; has it been indirectly covered in heavy international politicized information?"
"We will understand; does the world really know each country's problem?"
"In this part we face a huge challenge; to say that it is not the interests of countries in conflict which become \"Political Dossiers\" but rather, there are cross-conflicts between States and Opposition. Belief versus Development Anti Civilization vs Humanity civilisation Counter Trafficking or illegalities against Legalism National Income Per Capita VS Poverty Critic Line: Is It Lower The Poor' s line Or Parallel To And Above That?"
"Moras Ka “Wanted” or \"Cursed?\""
"\"Elogiado\" ka “Boneka/Wayang-Kulit?”"
"What can we do to understand and seek the welfare of our people, seeking a satisfactory mediation that is adequate?"
"The question is also very simple and the world always focuses attention on \"Elo do Mundo\" or in Fukun of World that there's Earth, all East-World with Western being Middle Orient."
"And it is not easy to compare with Timor-Leste because the conflicts that arise there, as a country of almost identical socioeconomic and political tradition than Southeast Asia in general or East Тимор specifically approach both geographical (regarding climatic dimensions; aspects on Earth' s sphere including its atmospheric characteristic) geopoliticals matter. Looking at map - earth always has pure nature but no tendency for biophysicochemical/biogeochemistry!), politics have two sides: pro & contra(not only GeoPolitics which makes border areas closer together like Middle Eastern countries)."
"Now the problem of interpretation against Applied-Political Language?"
"The problem of the crossroads between two tradition, culture and civilization: Western or Eastern!"
"Eastern Tradition and Culture will speak to accept each other with Western Civilization in the sense that we East always see religion as traditions or culture; while West sees it a phenomenon of Socio-Politics, considered civilisation."
"Another point is that our Asia has multi-secularism but only Democracy - Unanimity in Spirit or Soul always means Patriotic and Nationalist; while Western fostering Independence Socialisme vested Liberal Democracies have not worshipped the liberal (and therefore called it Liberalism)!"
"Another thing is that Western Coalition Languages are very diverse but mutually comprehensible languages currently carrying two distinct linguistic root: Anglo-Saxon and Neo Latin!; our Asian coalescing language has a wide range of Sanskrit, Arabic."
"Here, indirectly political matter has transmitted the meaning - \"Hear The World Better Than News!\" and favored us Asians!"
"It is now not a West-East problem but the issue of Assimilation Syncretism in order to hold and bring together vested differentiation Adapting Globalization Modernity!"
"In fact, we ask the world: Where is it now?"
"I haven't touched on China; Japan, Korea and Taiwan are not in the list. Russia is also out of my mind! It was never meant to discriminate against or dismiss Chinese but it refers more than anything else about separation between Earth-Globe by way Of Sphere - North Pole & South Pol/Southwest And East /East being a clear matter at just right position along equatorial line!!"
"Like at the North Pole: Always Earth-Nearer and man is not influenced purely/em si by temperature atmosphere natural climate strange or causes reaction with tension / human emotional nervous system after bloody fast, like immediate appearance of excitement sudden physical action depending on impetus (impetuous) but to tell me if this world that measures it will continue moving still standing backward instead \"Epoque\" But completely change direction counterclockwise become antidevelopment - humanities develop forward!"
"We refer to the two Parts as different but in some parts identical; we quote certain part and other not mentioned, with this one begin reading things from a vision of Analysis-Matrix Prism Dimensional Matter \"Dossiers\" Case Polemic Conflict Problem With meaning is always Dichotomous that it calls for an expression which gives rise 2 meanings. To say talk about ad hoc or Ad Hoc matters will be just like saying you're talking on your own subject matter! And quickly reference another issue what are observed by us retreat overflowing into our backyard retrospectiveness & introspectively return hikers come again at once"
"Subjects here we can refer to the content: Conflict; Oil and Gas. Determination, Belief & Ideology! But don'ts forget about Political subject!!"
"If we first know history, its traditions and culture; if it is only through the identification of a nation (ethnicity), religion or race that one can truly identify himself as political figure then there are \"Political Dossiers!\". We also have to understand what business matters in politics: where they happen? who does them concern!"
"Perhaps it would be simple enough to ask in the journalism way: \"If; What? When, Is There Heaven or Hell?\""
"Once we know how to correlate or make an \"Analogic Comparison\" on matters of the same character so that neon-eyes can mediate national problems and extract information for public attention!"
"I will take a simple issue: the case of Syria!"
"Perhaps it would be better for an Islamist/Muslim politician to make comments and observations because a Muslim political observer has his roots in the religious order of social interaction according with Islamic tradition; he may also give some hints about whether we are laymen or secularists within this religion."
"The problem is always that politics speaks two things: Diak can transmit the sense of La Diak!"
"A'At can be Diak meaning!"
"The Diak and A'at can now rely on the \"Memorandum Of Understanding\" to reference problematic issues, while Dossiers define nomenclature in strict applied political language; they also determine a Saseluk or Political Mirror (Politics mirror) as well an Policy Key with its compassionate pointer for guidance."
"If we take the case of Syria and do not know its origins, nature or figure in this political platform then it will be impossible for us to understand what is their purpose."
"As in Timor-Leste we take the issue of \"Timor Gap\"; We create Area Detachment and focus on On Shore to Off shore; yes, it is about Sea Mining & Gas but can convey another meaning if this caused a mass anger that subjects are cautious when staying outside their environment/ambit. And referring conflict who was inciter / provocator or victimized here' s part for defense&security"
"On the other hand, if we look at possibility capacity: whether a person is referred to as an Observed subject/individual rather than Determinated Object; will it win in competition or accumulate masses of militant and sympathetic conquerors? Will its potential be praiseworthy."
"We can also refer to Artificial-Weapons (\"Homemade Gun\") and Electronic Armament (or \"Infra lasser wearing\"/“Laser Infraweaving or Drone”) that have infra laser power as well, but they are more dangerous than the traditional ones."
"Another thing to convey information from the subject of \"Politika Timor-Gap\" is that Karik project Public Works refers instead Latinized but speak Arabization, which means a hole Posu can if it goes into road blocking more serious or reference mini projects as well “Two/Tiga Dolar,” here depending on who and where they are home owners & beneficiaries: Home Owners talk about Mining And Gas Industry involve JPDA (\"Joint Petroleum Development Area\")and DA (“Designated Authority”);but in land rather concerned with lightning strike so do; others at Asgor carry out Project Blockage was their concern for public works."
"It is difficult to interpret the \"Timor-Leste Policy,\" of JPDA and DA; if drivers can understand about using State Buses or private buses: Pajero & Prado (the most common in Timor Leste); get on a bus/microbus /taxi then go back for luxurious living with high prices."
"After all, the \"National Political Platform\" is a good one but it has problems with its interpretation and application."
"It is precisely with the opinion in this paragraph that we want to say; it would be better if there were many Sarjana and \"Super-Me\" said (he himself could rule his own country, eventually together all Timorese people can know how they should govern our land than us. We have a sarjan who everyone wishes for but he was not able of ruling himself so why do you elect her as your representative?)."
"A scholar with a broad culture, experienced in social life (you can't say that you have just come from America or England); but he knows how to coexist and understand the language of interaction so as not creating an interpretation according stimulus-response theory which is actually only effective for animal species; however Skinner theorie sample fed dog Pablov at human time: Dog will wake up 7am tomorrow afternoon then eat again during lunchtime before having dinner by sevenpm. This incentive based on stimulator/responsor applies this animals it turn out successfully if people are rational they may refused strike off their regular monotonous lifestyle when understanding situational conditions also influence his movement therefore apply theoretical relativity about what causes them difficulties within society"
"We also understand that apart from the implementation in practical life, National Politics becomes a Platform as Order; but sometimes we see many false montages becoming challenging: take for example you have thrown out your wife or husband and then apply stimulus-responses theory like leaving his/her own wives their son(ess), grandmother (granddaughter) etc. to wait how they \"react\" on behaviorism /behavior being reaction of our theorie! Or if one has approached someone' s spouse & exhibited an incentive response towards colleagues who are not friends with us watching them respond? And finally there is application deceptive politics which can lead back because ironic applied theoretical against something paradoxical impact upon all State&Nation building City run down into Ruin!!"
"I; when reading President Barack Obama's \"Statement\" to the Afghan president published in STL September 2013, a year ago after satellite crashed over California and Barak Obama said - “I Apologize To The Presidential of Afghanistan For All His Action And Will Not Attack On Their 'Holy Object...\"!”"
"And I understand with the phrase \"Babylonian or Arab\" that this statement is to say an anticipatory apology based on 'sacred things' if what we follow really are not taboos, but tabu and public matters for our people as a secret of state like electronic media - telephones internet television video were always banned in Afghanistan before conflict was started. The world through its eyes will never panic... it has been interpretated accordingly by Malay English custom also mentioning “She” rather than ‘He’ towards men (and vice-versa)or ”May Baby“ instead Of „My Dad!“; because culture reason should send children into schools across many countries so they can be treates convinientemente!"
"And finally, do not forget and take to heart why I say instead of \"Sarjana Supermi\" but rather 'Super-Me'; this doesn’t mean that it is an Indonesian printer no spaghetti one. But what i want you know about our National Policy as well the International Political Affairs are “Well Made” since almost a thousand years ago which we currently apply in Timor Leste: all books on history geography agrobusiness geologia politics social doctrine have always failed with their intentions being development processes & civilizational progress towards East Тимор people so at present most political leaders seem like recipients (recipient) where they put supermis(made/fabricated misses already made). We together eat up international policy yet unconsciously transforming east timors into ‘supermies‘ or even denying them by saying ”the man who haunts us”; using electronic censorship systems& detectives while denied giving secret information each other through controlleds portal via satellite will be called Satellite Palapa – some understand infrared system + drones however closely keeping away from others can cause harmful effects therefore having more tendency backward"
"Although Timor-Leste is 40 times larger than Singapore and four (1/2) more sized that Brunei Darussalam, with a population of less or at least sevenfold smaller compared to both the developed countries; I think we lack mutual understanding as well unity in taking this country forward together."
"Ate La!"
"Frederico NUNO Jeronimo Boavida (Frenujebov) Posted by TEMPO SEMANAL at 14:53 Labels, Sarjana Super-me."
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Agus Hadau Monisa Husi Alice | STLNEWS\nAgus Hadau Monisa Husi Alice\nDILI-Arguidu Agustinho do Rosario ho lejada Alice Pinto tenke ba hatan iha tribunal, tanba deit atu defende ida-idak nia direitu nudar inan ho aman ba osan mean Monisa Maria de Rozario Pinto, nebe nai maromak haraik ba sira. Tanba deit problema hirus malu, arguido lori halai menor nebe ho idade tinan 2 husi nia inan ate agora.\nLiu husi audensia julgamentu testamunha Regina Pinto nudar inan husi lejada hatete, oras nee nia beioan Monisa Maria de Rozario Pinto iha nia avo sira iha Baucau. Tanba nia aman mak lori halai ba, tanba Agustinho nee halo problema ho nia fen nomos banin sira.\nNudar inan, Alice sempre hanoin nemak nia halo visita hodi ba hare nia oan feto iha Baucau. Maibe bainhira to iha Buacau Alice ba hare nia oan, familia husi nia aman nian lori nia oan subar tiha husi nia inan. Arguido lori nia oan sai husi uma Dili, tinan rua nia laran ona. Momentu nia lori halai nee MOnisa sei tinan rua.\nTestamunha Angelina Pinto nudar alin feto husi lejada hatete, agora dadauk Monisa hela ho nia avo feto husi nia aman nian iha Baucau. Agustinho lori halai ba Baucau tanba sira nain rua historia malu. Depois lori ba tiha, nia inan ba hare tuir nia oan nee maibe familia husi mane nian lori sai tiha. Informasaun kompletu iha STL Jornal no STL Web, edisaun Sabado (25/1/2014). Domingas Gomes\nPrevious articleLakohi Foer, Joventude Komesa Hases Aan Husi Toos-Natar, Xanana: “ Ita krize Jerasaun Foun Servisu Todan”\nNext articleAluga Roo Kiik Ba Povu Oecusse, Fretilin Konsidera Governu Laiha Kapasidade\nantonio belo January 27, 2014 At 06:59\ndomin halo ita gostu maibe domin mos halo ita triste, domin halo ita kontente maibe halo mo’os ita tanis. diak liu lori tempu mak hola malu duke sedu halo ita triste no fahe malu.\nSancho Belito Fernandes Pereira February 14, 2014 At 05:48\nIta tenki kritika atu hare problema ruma..dala parak ema hare iha parte sorin deit no la hare iha parte seluk..problema baku balu tamba la respeita malu,la koordena malu,tamba osan ne’e problema do Edukasaun da konsensializasaun.nuune ema hotu tenki uza konsiensia nebe’e mak kritika immoralmente molok atu foti desijaun ruma..nee importante.. | [
"Agus Hadau Monisa Husi Alice | STLNEWS Agus Hadau Monisa Husi Alice DILI-Arguidu Agustinho do Rosario ho lejada Alice Pinto tenke ba hatan iha tribunal, tanba deit atu defende ida-idak nia direitu nudar inan ho aman ba osan mean Monisa Maria de Rozario Pinto, nebe nai maromak haraik ba sira.",
"Tanba deit problema hirus malu, arguido lori halai menor nebe ho idade tinan 2 husi nia inan ate agora.",
"Liu husi audensia julgamentu testamunha Regina Pinto nudar inan husi lejada hatete, oras nee nia beioan Monisa Maria de Rozario Pinto iha nia avo sira iha Baucau.",
"Tanba nia aman mak lori halai ba, tanba Agustinho nee halo problema ho nia fen nomos banin sira.",
"Nudar inan, Alice sempre hanoin nemak nia halo visita hodi ba hare nia oan feto iha Baucau.",
"Maibe bainhira to iha Buacau Alice ba hare nia oan, familia husi nia aman nian lori nia oan subar tiha husi nia inan.",
"Arguido lori nia oan sai husi uma Dili, tinan rua nia laran ona.",
"Momentu nia lori halai nee MOnisa sei tinan rua.",
"Testamunha Angelina Pinto nudar alin feto husi lejada hatete, agora dadauk Monisa hela ho nia avo feto husi nia aman nian iha Baucau.",
"Agustinho lori halai ba Baucau tanba sira nain rua historia malu.",
"Depois lori ba tiha, nia inan ba hare tuir nia oan nee maibe familia husi mane nian lori sai tiha.",
"Informasaun kompletu iha STL Jornal no STL Web, edisaun Sabado (25/1/2014).",
"Domingas Gomes Previous articleLakohi Foer, Joventude Komesa Hases Aan Husi Toos-Natar, Xanana: \" Ita krize Jerasaun Foun Servisu Todan\" Next articleAluga Roo Kiik Ba Povu Oecusse, Fretilin Konsidera Governu Laiha Kapasidade antonio belo January 27, 2014 At 06:59 domin halo ita gostu maibe domin mos halo ita triste, domin halo ita kontente maibe halo mo'os ita tanis. diak liu lori tempu mak hola malu duke sedu halo ita triste no fahe malu.",
"Sancho Belito Fernandes Pereira February 14, 2014 At 05:48 Ita tenki kritika atu hare problema ruma..dala parak ema hare iha parte sorin deit no la hare iha parte seluk..problema baku balu tamba la respeita malu,la koordena malu,tamba osan ne'e problema do Edukasaun da konsensializasaun.nuune ema hotu tenki uza konsiensia nebe'e mak kritika immoralmente molok atu foti desijaun ruma..nee importante.."
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"Dili-Arguidu Agustinho do Rosario and lejada Alice Pinto have to go in court, simply because of defending each other's rights as parents for the money Monisa Maria de Rozario Pinto has given them. The judge said that they are not guilty but only responsible if there is a reasonable doubt about their rightful claim on this property which was owned by her father since 2013 when she died from cancer at age nineteen years old (Augusto)."
"Only because of a problem with the defendant, he took away his 2-year old daughter from her mother."
"Through the trial hearing witness Regina Pinto as mother of lejada said, now her nephew Monisa Maria de Rozario Pino with his grandparents in Baucau."
"Because his father took him to the hospital, because Agustinho was having problems with her husband and children."
"As a mother, Alice always remembers when she visited to see her daughter in Baucau."
"But when Alice arrived in Buacau to see her son, the family of his father took him away from their mother."
"The defendant took his child out of the house in Dili, two years ago."
"At the time she brought this blanket, MOnisa was two years old."
"Witness Angelina Pinto, a sister of the victim said that Monisa is now living with her grandmother by his father' s side in Baucau."
"Agustinho brought his family to Baucau because the two of them had a history with each other."
"When he returned, his mother went to look after her son but the man's family left."
"Full information in STL Jornal and on the website, Saturday edition (25/1) ."
"Domingas Gomes Previous articleLakohi Foer, Joventude Komesa Hases Aan Husi Toos-Natar. Xanana: \"Ita krize Jerasaun Foun Servisu todan\" Next ArticleAluga Roo Kiik Ba Povu Oecusse; Fretilin Konsidera Governu Laha Kapasidade antonio belo January 27 (Thursday) at the time it makes us happy but also sad because of that we are content and there is no better way than by spending sometime with each other rather then having a long day together which will make you both sick or divide yourselves!"
"Sancho Belito Fernandes Pereira February 14,2038 At:5.67 We must be critical to see a problem...sometimes people only look at one side and not the other....problems are bad because they do NOT respect eachother or coordinate with others but money is an issue of educational consciousness raising.....now everybody should use that conscience which criticize immorally before making any decision......it' s important......."
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Juventude Ladún iha “Ánimu” Aprende Istória Luta | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste\nVARANDA EDUKASAUN Juventude Ladún iha “Ánimu” Aprende Istória Luta\nJuventude Ladún iha “Ánimu” Aprende Istória Luta\nPovu Covalima, tau ai-funan no sunu lilin iha Monumentu Masakre Igreja Suai, nu'udar parte importante ida husi istoria negra Timor nian hodi soi ukun rasik aan. Imajen/Eugénio Pereira\nDILI, 19 agostu 2019 (TATOLI)—Juventude otas foun Timor nian ladún iha ‘ánimu’ atu aprende no buka hatene luta rezisténsia Timor-Leste nian husi 1975-1999.\nFaktu istóriku iha Muzeu Rezisténsia. Imajen/dok.TATOLI\nMuzeu Rezisténsia ne’ebé estabelese husi Estadu hodi prezerva istória luta Timor nian ho nia dokumentu oi-oin, maibé tuir Alvaro Rosario Vasconcelhos nu’udar diretór Unidade Edukativu no Kultura, katak, dezde Muzeu Rezisténsia estabelese to’o agora ema estranjeiru “malae” mak iha ‘ánimu’ vizita, halo peskiza no buka hatene istória luta Timor nian. Maibé ba juventude rasik pasivu tebes no kuaze ladún vizita Muzeu Rezisténsia.\nMuzeu Rezisténsia ne’ebé kolokadu entre Liseu ho Jináziu (GMT-sigla Indonézia) prezerva dokumentu no foto, inklui material sira ne’ebé Timoroan utiliza ba halo rezisténsia ne’ebé fahe ba Frente Armada, Frente Diplomátiku no Frente Klandestina nian. Ne’ebé bele sai hanesan lembransa ba jerasaun otas foun atu hatene no koñese didi’ak natureza luta Timor nian.\n“Ha’u hanoin vizitante TL falta interese ba istória TL, istória timor nian iha muzeu dezde husi tinan 1975 too 1999,” hateten Alvaro Rosario Vasconcelhos, ba ajénsia TATOLI iha Otél Ramelau, Dili, foin lalais.\nNia dehan, lider rezisténsia sira, kompostu husi Komandante Ein-Xefe FALINTIL, Kay Rala Xanana Gusmão, mai to’o lideransa sira Frente Diplomátiku hanesan José Manuel Ramos-Horta, Mari Alkatiri, no figura potensiál sira Frente Klandestina sira nia dokumentu barak mak ria iha Muzeu ne’e atu bele sai hanesan istória kmanek ba jerasaun foun sira. Maibé, realidade jerasaun foun sira susar tebes atu ba buka hatene no aprende istória hirak ne’e iha Muzeu Rezisténsia.\nKarik tanba tenke selu kustu, Alvaro Rosario Vasconcelhos, hateten, ne’e la’ós razaun tanba kustu mós la boot ida. Ezemplu, ba estudante ida kobra de’it $0.25 no ba vizitante la’ós estudante $1.00. Maibé ba estudante ne’ebé lori rekomendasaun husi eskola sei la kobra ka gratuita.\nPrevious articleAtu Sosa Bus, MTK Prevee Orsamentu Millaun $2\nNext articleWARTSILA Halo Manutensaun iha Sentrál Elétrika Hera no Betanu\nDILI, 29 jullu 2020 (TATOLI)--Xefe Estadu Maiór Jenerál FALINTIL-Forsa Defeza Timor-Leste (F-FDTL), Majór Jenerál Lere Anan Timur, hateten ró rua ne’ebé Austrália atu oferese ba Timor-Leste ne'e,...\nHNGV Sei Rekruta Tan Pesoál Saúde\nDILI, 29 jullu 2020 (TATOLI)-Dirijente Sira iha Ospitál Nasionál Guido Valadares(HNGV-sigla portugés)Dili, iha ona planu sei rekruta tan pesoál saúde sira hodi reforsa servisu...\nMPM konsidera Lei Kódigu Mineiru sei benefisia ekonomia rai-laran\nDILI, 30 jullu 2020 (TATOLI)-Parlamentu Nasionál (PN) liuhosi sesaun plenária iha kinta ne’e aprova ho unanimidade Projetu-Lei nú 4/V(1a) Kódigu Mineiru. Projetu-Lei Kódigu Mineiru kompostu... | [
"Juventude Ladun iha \"Animu\" Aprende Istoria Luta | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA EDUKASAUN Juventude Ladun iha \"Animu\" Aprende Istoria Luta Juventude Ladun iha \"Animu\" Aprende Istoria Luta Povu Covalima, tau ai-funan no sunu lilin iha Monumentu Masakre Igreja Suai, nu'udar parte importante ida husi istoria negra Timor nian hodi soi ukun rasik aan.",
"Imajen/Eugenio Pereira DILI, 19 agostu 2019 (TATOLI) - Juventude otas foun Timor nian ladun iha 'animu' atu aprende no buka hatene luta rezistensia Timor-Leste nian husi 1975-1999.",
"Faktu istoriku iha Muzeu Rezistensia.",
"Imajen/dok.TATOLI Muzeu Rezistensia ne'ebe estabelese husi Estadu hodi prezerva istoria luta Timor nian ho nia dokumentu oi-oin, maibe tuir Alvaro Rosario Vasconcelhos nu'udar diretor Unidade Edukativu no Kultura, katak, dezde Muzeu Rezistensia estabelese to'o agora ema estranjeiru \"malae\" mak iha 'animu' vizita, halo peskiza no buka hatene istoria luta Timor nian.",
"Maibe ba juventude rasik pasivu tebes no kuaze ladun vizita Muzeu Rezistensia.",
"Muzeu Rezistensia ne'ebe kolokadu entre Liseu ho Jinaziu (GMT-sigla Indonezia) prezerva dokumentu no foto, inklui material sira ne'ebe Timoroan utiliza ba halo rezistensia ne'ebe fahe ba Frente Armada, Frente Diplomatiku no Frente Klandestina nian.",
"Ne'ebe bele sai hanesan lembransa ba jerasaun otas foun atu hatene no konese didi'ak natureza luta Timor nian.",
"\"Ha'u hanoin vizitante TL falta interese ba istoria TL, istoria timor nian iha muzeu dezde husi tinan 1975 too 1999,\" hateten Alvaro Rosario Vasconcelhos, ba ajensia TATOLI iha Otel Ramelau, Dili, foin lalais.",
"Nia dehan, lider rezistensia sira, kompostu husi Komandante Ein-Xefe FALINTIL, Kay Rala Xanana Gusmao, mai to'o lideransa sira Frente Diplomatiku hanesan Jose Manuel Ramos-Horta, Mari Alkatiri, no figura potensial sira Frente Klandestina sira nia dokumentu barak mak ria iha Muzeu ne'e atu bele sai hanesan istoria kmanek ba jerasaun foun sira.",
"Maibe, realidade jerasaun foun sira susar tebes atu ba buka hatene no aprende istoria hirak ne'e iha Muzeu Rezistensia.",
"Karik tanba tenke selu kustu, Alvaro Rosario Vasconcelhos, hateten, ne'e la'os razaun tanba kustu mos la boot ida.",
"Ezemplu, ba estudante ida kobra de'it $0.25 no ba vizitante la'os estudante $1.00.",
"Maibe ba estudante ne'ebe lori rekomendasaun husi eskola sei la kobra ka gratuita.",
"Previous articleAtu Sosa Bus, MTK Prevee Orsamentu Millaun $2 Next articleWARTSILA Halo Manutensaun iha Sentral Eletrika Hera no Betanu DILI, 29 jullu 2020 (TATOLI) --Xefe Estadu Maior Jeneral FALINTIL-Forsa Defeza Timor-Leste (F-FDTL), Major Jeneral Lere Anan Timur, hateten ro rua ne'ebe Australia atu oferese ba Timor-Leste ne'e,...",
"HNGV Sei Rekruta Tan Pesoal Saude DILI, 29 jullu 2020 (TATOLI) -Dirijente Sira iha Ospital Nasional Guido Valadares (HNGV-sigla portuges) Dili, iha ona planu sei rekruta tan pesoal saude sira hodi reforsa servisu...",
"MPM konsidera Lei Kodigu Mineiru sei benefisia ekonomia rai-laran DILI, 30 jullu 2020 (TATOLI) -Parlamentu Nasional (PN) liuhosi sesaun plenaria iha kinta ne'e aprova ho unanimidade Projetu-Lei nu 4/V (1a) Kodigu Mineiru.",
"Projetu-Lei Kodigu Mineiru kompostu..."
] | [
"Youth in \"Animu\" Learn History of Struggle | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste HOME EDUCATION Young People In the “Anim” Learning The Story Of Fighting young people, laid flowers and burned candles at Monument to Massacre Suai Church as an important part from black history for independence."
"Image/Eugenio Pereira DILI, August 19th (TATOLI) - Timor-Leste's new generation of youth lacks the 'ambition’ to learn and seek out information about East Тимор resistance struggle from a time when it was under occupation by Indonesia in late nineteen century."
"Historical facts are in the Resistance Museum."
"The Resistance Museum was established by the State to preserve Timorese struggle history with its various documents, but according Alvaro Rosario Vasconcelhos as director of Education and Culture Unit said that since Museo da Resistência's establishment until now only foreigners \"malae\" have been visiting it for research purpose."
"But for the youth themselves it is very passive and almost no one visits Resistance Museum."
"The Resistance Museum located between Liseu and Jinaziu (GMT-Indonesian acronym) preserves documents, photographs including materials used by Timorese to make resistance divided into the Armed Front; Diplomatic Frente or Clandestine Fronte."
"This can be a reminder to the new generation of Timorese that they should know and understand thoroughly about this struggle."
"\"I think Timorese visitors lack interest in the history of TL, and that's why we haven’t been showing it to them since 1975 until now,” Alvaro Rosario Vasconcelhos told AFP at Hotel Ramelau recently."
"He said that the resistance leaders, composed of Commander-in -Chief FALINTIL Kay Rala Xanana Gusmao to Diplomatic Front leaderships such as Jose Manuel Ramos Horta and Mari Alkatiri. Many documents from potential Clandestine Frente figure are kept in this Museum so it can become a memorable history for new generation"
"However, the reality is that it's very difficult for new generation to go and learn about these stories in Resistance Museum."
"Alvaro Rosario Vasconcelhos, says that it is not because of the cost. The costs are also low and therefore this will be a reason for them to stay in Brazil as long they have no other choices.\""
"For example, a student is charged only $0.25 and non-student visitors are charging 1 dollar per visitor (USD)."
"However, students who bring a school recommendation will not be charged or free."
"Previous articleMTK Allocates $2 Million to Repair Buses Next ArticleWARTSILA Maintenance Hera and Betanu Power Stations DILI, July 30th (TATOLI) --Chief of General Staff FALINTIL-Forsa Defesa Timor Leste(F - FDTL), Maj. Gen Lere Anan Timur said the two boats that Australia is offering..."
"HNGV Will Recruit More Health Care Personnel DILI, July.29th (Xinhua) - The management of Ospital Nasional Guido Valadares in Dili has already made plans to recall more health care personnel..."
"MPM considers Mining Code Law will benefit domestic economy DILI, July 30th (TATOLI) – The National Parliament unanimously approved Bill No.4/V(1a), the Mineral code during its plenary session on Wednesday night in which it also voted to enact a new mining legislation for Timor-Leste’ economic development and sustainable use of mineral resources as well..."
"Draft Mining Code Bill consisting of..."
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Mosu deklarasaun inserteza ba subsídiu pursentu 60 husi MSSI - GMN TV\nGMN TV Sosiedade Mosu deklarasaun inserteza ba subsídiu pursentu 60 husi MSSI\nMosu deklarasaun inserteza ba subsídiu pursentu 60 ba traballadór no empreza halo husi Ministériu Solidariedade Sosial no Inkluzaun (MSSI), nune’e implika ba traballador balun to’o oras ne’e seidauk simu osan refere.\nHafoin retiru VIII Governu, Sexta (26-06), GMN tenta konfirma promesa governu nian konaba subsídiu % 60 ba traballadór no empreza, ba Vise Ministra Solidariedade Sosial no Inkluzaun (MSSI), Signi Verdial, maibe governante ne’e hateten, subsídiu refere oras ne’e dadauk sei iha hela faze verifikasaun dadus.\nEnkuantu tuir informasaun ne’ebé GMN hetan husi traballadór estranjeiru balun iha empreza privadu balun hateten, nia simu duni transferensia pagamentu subsídiu estraordináriu ho montante total hanesan ho porsentu 60 husi nia saláriu mensal ba fulan tolu iha fulan ne’e nia laran. Entretantu, traballadór Timor-oan sira to’o oras ne’e seidauk simu pursentu 60 refere.\n“Konaba pursentu 60 ne’e oras ne’e dadauk Institutu Seguransa Sosial sei verifika hela dadus. Balun kompletu ona no balun seidauk. Ha’u laiha data até agora parece aban (sábadu) presiza klarifikasaun husi Prezidente Instituto Seguransa Sosial. Ita boot sira rona ha’u foin fila husi retiru ha’u seidauk iha informasaun husi Prezidente Institutu Seguransa Sosial”, esplika.\nAntes ne’e Prezidente Instituto Seguransa Sosial, Longuinhos Armando, hateten, iha semana ne’e traballadór hotu sei simu subsídiu porsentu 60 husi nia saláriu mensal ba fulan tolu nian.Oct | [
"Mosu deklarasaun inserteza ba subsidiu pursentu 60 husi MSSI - GMN TV GMN TV Sosiedade Mosu deklarasaun inserteza ba subsidiu pursentu 60 husi MSSI Mosu deklarasaun inserteza ba subsidiu pursentu 60 ba traballador no empreza halo husi Ministeriu Solidariedade Sosial no Inkluzaun (MSSI), nune'e implika ba traballador balun to'o oras ne'e seidauk simu osan refere.",
"Hafoin retiru VIII Governu, Sexta (26-06), GMN tenta konfirma promesa governu nian konaba subsidiu % 60 ba traballador no empreza, ba Vise Ministra Solidariedade Sosial no Inkluzaun (MSSI), Signi Verdial, maibe governante ne'e hateten, subsidiu refere oras ne'e dadauk sei iha hela faze verifikasaun dadus.",
"Enkuantu tuir informasaun ne'ebe GMN hetan husi traballador estranjeiru balun iha empreza privadu balun hateten, nia simu duni transferensia pagamentu subsidiu estraordinariu ho montante total hanesan ho porsentu 60 husi nia salariu mensal ba fulan tolu iha fulan ne'e nia laran.",
"Entretantu, traballador Timor-oan sira to'o oras ne'e seidauk simu pursentu 60 refere.",
"\"Konaba pursentu 60 ne'e oras ne'e dadauk Institutu Seguransa Sosial sei verifika hela dadus.",
"Balun kompletu ona no balun seidauk.",
"Ha'u laiha data ate agora parece aban (sabadu) presiza klarifikasaun husi Prezidente Instituto Seguransa Sosial.",
"Ita boot sira rona ha'u foin fila husi retiru ha'u seidauk iha informasaun husi Prezidente Institutu Seguransa Sosial,\" esplika.",
"Antes ne'e Prezidente Instituto Seguransa Sosial, Longuinhos Armando, hateten, iha semana ne'e traballador hotu sei simu subsidiu porsentu 60 husi nia salariu mensal ba fulan tolu nian.Oct"
] | [
"60 percent of the MSSI's insertion subsidy is declared by Ministry for Social Solidarity and Inclusion (MSS), which means that some workers have not yet received this money. The declaration was issued on Monday, March12th in response to a request from an employer who had already made it clear they would be receiving such subsidies as well - GMN TV"
"After the VIII Government retreat, Friday (26-07), GMN tried to confirm government's promise about 5% subsidy for workers and enterprises with Vice Minister of Social Solidarity & Inclusion Signi Verdial. But he said that this subsidie is still in data verification phase at present; it will be announced soon afterwards by MSSI on Monday morning or Tuesday evening accordingly"
"However, according to the information that GMN obtained from some foreign workers in a few private companies said he did receive transfer payment of extraordinary subsidies with total amount equals at least as much or more than sixty percent his monthly salary for three months during this Month."
"Meanwhile, Timorese workers have not yet received the 60 percent."
"\"About 60 percent of these are currently being verified by the Social Security Institute."
"Balls have been completed and some are not yet."
"I have no date until now it seems tomorrow (Saturday) needs clarification from the President of Instituto Segurança Social."
"You guys have heard that I've just come back from retirement, and there is no information on my behalf by the President of Social Security Institute.\""
"Earlier, the President of Social Security Institute Longuinhos Armando said that this week all workers will receive a 60 percent subsidy on their monthly salary for three months.Oct"
] |
Jornalista sira bele vota iha kualkér sentru votasaun | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste\nVARANDA DILI Jornalista sira bele vota iha kualkér sentru votasaun\nDILI, 05 fevereiru 2022 (TATOLI) – Diretór Jerál Sekretariadu Tékniku Administrasaun Eleitorál (STAE), Acilino Branco, fó-sai katak, lei fó dalan ba profisionál órgaun komunikasaun sosiál ka jornalista sira bele vota iha kualkér sentru votasaun iha eleisaun prezidensiál.\n“Atu fasilita jornalista sira halo kobertura iha prosesu eleitorál ida ne’e prevee kedas iha lei no mós dekretu Governu ne’ebé fó dalan mídia públiku no privadu atu halo kobertura prosesu tomak hahú hosi inisíu Prezidente Repúblika dekreta kaléndáriu ba to’o iha rezultadu eleisaun. Nune’e lei fó dalan ba jornalista bele vota de’it iha fatin ne’ebé mak sira hala’o kna’ar hanesan jornalista iha kualkér sentru votasaun iha territóriu nasionál, la presiza ba vota iha fatin rejistu tuir kartaun eleitorál,’’ Diretór Jerál STAE informa ba Agéncia Tatoli iha kna’ar-fatin, Caicoli, sábadu ne’e.\nNia esplika, prosesu ka mekanizmu akreditasaun instituisaun mídia idak-idak bele haruka pedidu liuhosi Konsellu Imprensa (KI) hafoin KI haruka ba iha STAE antes loron 10 eleisaun, ne’ebé aprezenta ho fotográfia, kartaun eleitorál nune’e STAE sei emite akreditasaun.\nAkreditasaun ne’e ho baze ba lei no dekretu Governu númeru 9/2022, 14 janeiru, alterasaun dahuluk hosi dekretu Governu númeru 10/2017, 27 fevereiru, ne’ebé aprova prosedimentu tékniku ba realizasaun atividade kobertura jornalístika iha eleisaun prezidensiál.\n“Dekretu ne’e iha artigu hamutuk 12 iha ne’eba regulariza prosesu akreditasaun ba iha profisional mídia orgaun komunikasaun sosiál sira ho mós direitu asesu iha lokál kobertura sira no devér,” nia fundamenta.\nNia dehan, ida-ne’e la viola tanba regula iha lei no STAE bainhira administra prosesu ne’e nunka aplika prosesu sira sees hosi lei no dekretu Governu.\nTanba ne’e, STAE halo komunikasaun ho Konsellu Imprensa hodi bele realiza prosesu akreditasaun hodi fasilita jornalista sira iha periódu eleisaun prezidensiál.\nIha parte seluk, Diretór Jerál STAE, Acilino Branco, fó-sai katak, sentru votasaun paralelu ne’ebé realiza iha Dili sei la autoriza jornalista sira atu ezerse direitu votu tanba votasaun paralelu sei ba de’it situasaun nesesáriu ba komunidade, funsionáriu públiku, estudante no sidadaun ho kondisaun moras.\njornalista bele vota iha sentru votasaun ne’ebé de’it\nPrevious articlePasiente sira bele vota iha kuarentena no izolamentu\nNext articleSTAE verifika ona kandidatu PR na’in-ualu, na’in-haat sei iha prosesu verifikasaun | [
"Jornalista sira bele vota iha kualker sentru votasaun | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA DILI Jornalista sira bele vota iha kualker sentru votasaun DILI, 05 fevereiru 2022 (TATOLI) - Diretor Jeral Sekretariadu Tekniku Administrasaun Eleitoral (STAE), Acilino Branco, fo-sai katak, lei fo dalan ba profisional orgaun komunikasaun sosial ka jornalista sira bele vota iha kualker sentru votasaun iha eleisaun prezidensial.",
"\"Atu fasilita jornalista sira halo kobertura iha prosesu eleitoral ida ne'e prevee kedas iha lei no mos dekretu Governu ne'ebe fo dalan midia publiku no privadu atu halo kobertura prosesu tomak hahu hosi inisiu Prezidente Republika dekreta kalendariu ba to'o iha rezultadu eleisaun.",
"Nune'e lei fo dalan ba jornalista bele vota de'it iha fatin ne'ebe mak sira hala'o kna'ar hanesan jornalista iha kualker sentru votasaun iha territoriu nasional, la presiza ba vota iha fatin rejistu tuir kartaun eleitoral, \" Diretor Jeral STAE informa ba Agencia Tatoli iha kna'ar-fatin, Caicoli, sabadu ne'e.",
"Nia esplika, prosesu ka mekanizmu akreditasaun instituisaun midia idak-idak bele haruka pedidu liuhosi Konsellu Imprensa (KI) hafoin KI haruka ba iha STAE antes loron 10 eleisaun, ne'ebe aprezenta ho fotografia, kartaun eleitoral nune'e STAE sei emite akreditasaun.",
"Akreditasaun ne'e ho baze ba lei no dekretu Governu numeru 9/2022, 14 janeiru, alterasaun dahuluk hosi dekretu Governu numeru 10/2017, 27 fevereiru, ne'ebe aprova prosedimentu tekniku ba realizasaun atividade kobertura jornalistika iha eleisaun prezidensial.",
"\"Dekretu ne'e iha artigu hamutuk 12 iha ne'eba regulariza prosesu akreditasaun ba iha profisional midia orgaun komunikasaun sosial sira ho mos direitu asesu iha lokal kobertura sira no dever,\" nia fundamenta.",
"Nia dehan, ida-ne'e la viola tanba regula iha lei no STAE bainhira administra prosesu ne'e nunka aplika prosesu sira sees hosi lei no dekretu Governu.",
"Tanba ne'e, STAE halo komunikasaun ho Konsellu Imprensa hodi bele realiza prosesu akreditasaun hodi fasilita jornalista sira iha periodu eleisaun prezidensial.",
"Iha parte seluk, Diretor Jeral STAE, Acilino Branco, fo-sai katak, sentru votasaun paralelu ne'ebe realiza iha Dili sei la autoriza jornalista sira atu ezerse direitu votu tanba votasaun paralelu sei ba de'it situasaun nesesariu ba komunidade, funsionariu publiku, estudante no sidadaun ho kondisaun moras. jornalista bele vota iha sentru votasaun ne'ebe de'it Previous articlePasiente sira bele vota iha kuarentena no izolamentu Next articleSTAE verifika ona kandidatu PR na'in-ualu, na'in-haat sei iha prosesu verifikasaun"
] | [
"Journalists can vote in any polling station | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA DILI Journalism professionals may be allowed to cast their ballots at whatever voting centre Dili, February (05) - The Director General of the Technical Secretariat for Electoral Administration(STAE), Acilino Branco has said that law will allow media and journalistic professional bodies’ members or themselves as a result could put up with an election."
"\"In order to facilitate journalists' coverage of the electoral process, there is a provision in law and government decrees that allows public or private media for covering this entire procedure from when President da República declared calendar until election results were announced."
"Thus, the law allows journalist to vote only in places where they carry out their work as a reporter at any polling station on national soil. They do not need for voting place registered according electoral card\", STAE Director General inform Agência Tatoli from Caicoli this Saturday (15/06)."
"He explained that the process or mechanism of accreditation for any media institution can send a request through Press Council (KI) after KI sent to STAE before election day 10, which is presented with photographs and voter card so Stae will issue an akkreditacja."
"The accreditation is based on the law and Government Decree No. 9/2017, of February (first amendment) which approves technical procedures for conducting journalistic coverage activities in presidential elections;"
"\"This decree has a total of 12 articles in which it regulates the accreditation process for media professionals and social communications bodies with access rights to coverage premises,\" he explained."
"He said, this does not violate because it is regulated by law and STAE when administering the process never applies procedures other than those laid down in legislation or government decreed."
"Therefore, STAE has communicated with the Council of Press in order to carry out accreditation processes so as facilitate journalists' participation during this period."
"On the other hand, General Director of STAE Acilino Branco stated that parallel polling stations held in Dili will not authorize journalists to exercise their voting right because paralell vote is only for community members and public employee. students or citizens with illnesses can be used at those points Previous articlePatients may cast a ballot while under quarantine Next ArticleSTAe verified seven PR candidate' s names; nine are still being checked"
] |
TIMOR GAP nia resposta ba Fernando da Silva | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste\nVARANDA OPINIAUN TIMOR GAP nia resposta ba Fernando da Silva\nKonseitu ba potensiál sira. Imajen TIMOR GAP, E.P\nTIMOR GAP nia resposta ba Fernando da Silva nia artigu kona bá “TIMOR GAP ho mehi ba terminál regaseifikasaun LNG”\nTIMOR GAP, E.P. konsiente katak artigu ne’ebé públika husi www.tatoli.tl ho títulu “Timor-Leste ho mehi ba terminál regaseifikasaun LNG ne’ebé hakerek husi sr. Fernando da Silva ne’e relasiona ho Komunikadu Imprensa husi Timor GAP E.P nian ne’ebé públika iha loron 31 marsu 2021. Tanba ne’e depois lee no analiza konteúdu husi artigu ne’e, Timor GAP deside hatun resposta no klarifikasaun balun ho objetivu fó esplikasaun uitoan relasiona ho projetu estudu ba portu importasaun ba LNG nomos responde no klarifika ba pontu sira ne’ebé aprezenta husi hakerek na’in.\nTimor GAP, E.P hakarak re-itera dala ida tan objetivu prinsipál ba estudu viabilidade ne’e rasik hanesan públika ona iha Komunikadu Impresa iha loron 31 marsu 2021 katak halo estudu viabilidade ho objetivu hanesan:\nIdentifika potensiál merkadu ne’ebé atu importa LNG mai Timor-Leste;\nIdentifika fatin ne’ebé potensiál atu implementa terminál ba LNG no halo avaliasaun ba fatin\nDezenvolve konseitu dezeñu ba terminál LNG no fasilidade regasification;\nModelu estudu ba distribuisaun naturál gás ba planta eletrisidade tolu ne’e;\nDezenvolve kustu kapitál no operasaun ba terminál importasaun no distribuisaun LNG;\nDezenvolve planu kustu ba fasilidade.\nEstudu Vialidade hanesan pasu dahuluk ne’ebé kompañia mina no gás normalmente hala’o atu bele justifika ba projetu foun ida antes implementa. Ideia no program kona ba LNG regaseifikasaun mosu tanba haree ba kondisaun no realidade iha Timor-Leste ne’ebé la’o ona durante tinan sia laran ho utilizasaun Oleo Gazóleu ba Jeradór sira iha Planta Hera no Betanu no ikus mai Planta Inur Sakato iha Oekusi ne’ebé hatudu ho momos katak Governu hasai Orsamentu ne’ebé boot pur-volta tokon $100 ba sosa Kombustível no ne’e sei fó impaktu ba meiu ambiente. Ho razaun ne’e Governu liuhusi Ministériu Petróleo no Minerais, TIMOR GAP, E.P aprezenta planu no programa prioridade ne’ebé inklui mós projetu estudu ba LNG Import terminál ne’ebé iha ona diskusaun konjuntu ho EDTL iha Ministériu Obras Públika ne’ebé mós iha planu atu halo estudu ba konversaun jeradór sira ne’ebé iha planta EDTL Hera no Betanu. Prezidente Autoridade RAEOA (Rejiaun Administrativu Espesiál de Oekusi Ambenu) mos hato’o ona ninia apoiu ba planu konversaun iha sentrál Inur Sakato.\nRelasaun ho Sr. Fernando nia artigu kona bá “Estudu Viabilidade LNG Import Terminál iha Timor-Leste, TIMOR GAP hakarak atu responde hanesan tuir mai ne’e:\n1. Informasaun bázika kona ba Estudu Viabilidade LNG Import Terminál.\nEnerjia Eletrisidade nasionál Timor-Leste hetan fornesementu husi planta tolu mak hanesan Hera, Betanu no Inur Sakato Oekusi ne’ebé lokaliza iha parte Súl no Norte Timor-Leste. Planta Hera no Betanu instala iha tinan 2011 no utiliza jeradór Wartsila 18v46 ne’ebé daudaun ne’e uza Gazóleu ka Light Fuel Oil. Kapasidade husi planta Hera no Betanu mak 119 MW (Jeradór 7) no 136 MW (Jeradór 8). Planta Inur Sakato ne’ebé instala iha tinan 2015 ho kapasidade 17 MW (Jeradór 4) ho tipu jeradór Wartsila 34DF daudaun ne’e uza mos Gazóleu ka Light Fuel Oil. Jeradór Wartsila iha kapabilidade atu halo konversaun ba gás naturál. Konversaun kombustível husi Gazóleu ba Gás Naturál sei halo redusaun ne’ebé signifikativu ba kustu fornesimentu kombustível no mós emisaun gás. Redusaun ba despeza importasaun kombustível atu mellora impaktu ambientál hatudu kazu ida konvinsente (compelling case) atu ezamina investimentu nesesáriu ba konversaun kombustível. Kapasidade agregadu husi planta tolu ne hamutuk 272 MW sei presiza naturál gás hamutuk 53 MMSCFD (million standard cubic feet per day) ne’ebé ekuivalente ho 0.37 MTPA (Millions tonnes per annum) iha forma LNG. Nune’e konsidera relativamente kapasidade ne’ebé kiik no klasifikadu hanesan dezenvolvimentu fasilidade LNG eskala kiik ou Small Scale LNG (SSLNG). TIMOR GAP iha intensaun atu hala’o estudu viabilidade inisiu atu halo selesaun ba fatin (site selection) no mós atu define konseitu dezenvolvimentu.\nHusi estudu viabilidade sei hatudu konseitu oi-oin ba importasaun LNG nian, inklui, mas la limita de’it ba arendamentu FSRU eskala kiik maibé mós bele importa LNG ISO Tank liu husi barku ka ro kiik. Objetivu husi estudu ne’e halo selesaun ba konseitu ne’ebé hili infraestrutura mínima no kapitál investimentu ne’ebé kiik ne’ebé fó solusaun atu minimiza kustu fornesimentu kombustível ba Planta EDTL. Nune’e mós, objetivu importante seluk maka estabelese konseitu dezeñu ne’ebé bele favorese atu re-utiliza bainhira fornese naturál gás iha forma LNG ka CNG (Compressed Naturál Gás) husi futuru dezenvolvimentu Kampu greater Sunrise ka husi fonte kampu up-stream seluk.\nDistribuisaun gás liu husi sistema pipeline sei la viavel nune’e LNG ka CNG sei distribui ba planta tolu ne’e ho barku ka ró kiik. Nune’e LNG Import Terminál ne’e bele re-konfigura atu simu LNG ISO Tanks ka CNG husi Beaço.\n2.TIMOR GAP nia klarifikasaun ba Sr. Fernando nia afirmasaun ne’ebé laloos (misconception statement)\nResponde ba Sr. Fernando ninian artigu em jeral TIMOR GAP hakarak hatete Sr. Fernando hakerek la konsege intende ou falla atu kompriende konseitu (misconception) no objetivus husi estudu ne’ebé’e públika husi TIMOR GAP, E.P. iha ninian Komunikadu Imprensa. Ho nune’e mak resulta Sr. Fernando kahur sasan la tuir normas/padraun iha prosesu ligasaun ba LNG, regasifikasaun, no enerjia ne’ebé mak sei prodús husi sentrál eletrika (power plant).\nResposta espesífiku husi TIMOR GAP ba komentáriu ida pur ida husi Sr. Fernando mak hanesan tuir mai ne’e:\nFernando nia komentáriu:\n“Hariii planta TLNG ba Greater Sunrise sei taka dalan ba viabilidade Projetu/Planta Regasifikasaun, ou ho hanoin seluk, harii uluk terminál regasifikasaun sei la favorese TLNG. Razaun Prinsípiu mak finansiamentu, Timor-Leste difisil atu konstrui planta boot rua ne’e iha tempu ne’ebé hanesan iha Terenu Timor karik laiha terseira parte konfiante ida mak bele halo investimentu iha Timor. Hanoin kona-ba investimentu husi terseira parte, realistiku liu, kuandu tékniku sira buka dalan atu prioritiza investimentu konstrusaun TLNG.\nHariii TLNG, Timor-Leste iha feed gás mai husi Greater Sunrise, no gás ne’ebé mai iha Planta LNG ne’e rasik bele dezeña inlet point (Receiving Point) iha TLNG ou Outlet Point husi kadoras tasi laran atu konstrui ligasaun direta; ida ba TLNG no ida seluk direta ba sentru elétrika hirak ne’ebé bele utiliza gás. Métodu ida ne’e prátiku (best practice), testadu no utiliza iha LNG Planta balun. Tanba ne’e mak hakerek na’in konsidera, se hariii regasifikasaun atu fornese de’it gás ba sentru elétrika iha Timor, aprosimasaun ida ne’e irrelevante tanba planta TLNG de’it sufisiente ona.”\nTIMOR GAP nia resposta:\nIha hanoin 2 ne’ebé la loos iha artigu ne’e mak hanesan:\nIha artigu ne’e hakerek na’in sita katak konsidera planta regasifikasaun atu harii iha rai maran ne’ebé konserteza sei harii fasilidade ne’ebé signifikativu boot. Konseitu ne’e laloos, tanba objetivu husi estudu ne’e mak ezamina fasilidade/infraestrutura mínimu inklui (fasilidade Ró Namlele/Barekasa) Floating Storage Regasification Unit (FSRU) ne’ebé bele liu husi halo kontratu ou utiliza LNG ISO-Tank no instala ekipamentu evaporadór kiik iha kada planta sentrál elétrika. Ami hakarak harii infraestrutura mínimu ne’e signifika katak kapitál investimentu kiik maibé bele fó benefísiu ekonómiku atu redús kustu ba kombustível.\nIha artigu hakerek na’in mós dehan fasilidade importasaun ba LNG la relevante bainhira planta TLNG hariii iha futuru. Ne’e Laloos tanba fasilidade importasaun ba LNG sei relevante tebes tanba bele re-konfigura (re-purposed) atu bele simu CNG ou LNG ISO-tank husi Planta LNG Beaço nomos bele simu CNG diretamente husi fasilidade dezenvolvimentu Offshore Timor-Leste nian. Hakarak atu hateten de’it katak instalasaun ba kadoras iha rai maran atu distribui Gás husi TLNG Beaço ba sentrál elétrika tolu iha Timor la viavel tanba kuantidade enerjia (gás) ne’ebé konsumu kiik.\nKonsiderasaun seluk mak hariii regasifikasaun, husi terminál ne’e rasik sei transporte naturál gás ba sentru elétrika ou konsumidór sira liuhusi kadoras; mode transporte ne’ebé dalabarak uza no mais seguru iha terminál regasifikasaun barak. Ho koñesimentu sentru elétrika ida iha Hera, ida seluk iha Betanu no seluk fali iha Oekusi sei lori ba dalan investimentu konstrusaun kadoras haleu Timor. Kadoras sae foho, tun foho, hakur mota no nani tasi (Karik).\nMeiu transporte seluk ne’ebé mos bele konsidera mak uza komboiu naturál gás (LNG rail tanker); dala ida tan, komboiu haleu Timor ho risku esplozaun? Uza truck naturál gás ba transporte, meiu ida ne’ebé la dun rekomendadu haree husi Jeografia Timor no presiza halo avaliasaun klean husi aspeitu saúde no seguransa tanba bele rezulta mos esplozaun.\nHo razaun sira ne’ebé aprezenta ne’e mak estudu refere sei halo ezaminasaun ho komparasaun husi ninian risku nomos viabilidade ba moda transportasaun ne’ebé uza atu distribui gás. Iha faze agora ami antesipa katak moda ne’ebé viavel liu mak moda transportasaun marítima hanesan via ró Barekasa (Small shuttle barges) atu transporta gás ba Oekusi, ou entre Hera ka Betanu depende ba fatin ne’ebé sei hariii fasilidade LNG import terminál.\nHo hanoin katak terminál regasifikasaun iha nia dependénsia boot ba feed gás LNG; avaliasaun razoavel mak konsiderasaun ba planta LNG hirak ne’ebé lokalizada besik Timor-Leste. Planta LNG balun ne’ebé bele konsidera nia feed gás ba terminál regasifikasaun iha Timor mak Darwin LNG, Ichtys LNG Project, Wheatstone LNG Project (8.9 MTPA), Gorgon LNG Project (5.2 MTPA) no Freeport LNG Project (4.64 MTPA) ne’ebé lokalizada iha Austrália…………………………………………………………… ”\nKona ba artigu ne’ebé relasiona ho feed gás ne’ebé mós mensiona hanesan planta LNG Darwin, Iththys, Wheatstone, Gorgon, ecertera ecetera ne’ebé lokaliza iha Austrália. TIMOR GAP hakarak hateten iha estudu ami mós sei ezamina merkadu husi parte fornesedór sira inklui ró barekasa kiik sira ne’ebé tula Gás. Ita la bele taka matan katak iha Indonézia hanesan Badak LNG, Bontang Kalimantan, LNG Tangguh nomos Singapura sira fornese Gás nomos ró sira ne’ebé hanesan natoon no kiik hosi transporta gás ba sentru elétrika no indústria sira seluk. Nomos, estudu merkadu nian sei ezamina fonte ba LNG ISO tanks ba transportasaun liuhusi ró barekasa.\nKonsidera deskrisaun ne’ebé hato’o iha artigu ida ne’e, hakerek na’in dala ida tan reitera desizaun ba estudu viabilidade tenke mai ho avaliasaun prelimináriu profundu ne’ebé razoavel no deliberasaun husi ipóteze tékniku no komersiál ne’ebé alkansavel.\nHirak ne’e inklui maibé la limita de’it ba avaliasaun detallu tékniku operasionál planta regasifikasaun, funsionamentu planta, rekursu naturál ne’ebé Timor- Leste iha ligadu ho Kampu Prodúsaun gás partikularmente negosiasaun Greater Sunrise, feed gás (LNG) no ezisténsia merkadu/long term contract arrangement.\nHakerek na’in mós hateten iha ninian artigu katak estudu viabilidade presiza bazeia ba estudu prelimináriu balun liu liu hipotesa tékniku nomos komersiál. Inklui mensiona sobre rekursu naturais liu-liu gás ne’ebé sei prodús husi Kampu Greater Sunrise. Hakarak atu hateten de’it katak Estudu viabilidade ne’ebé atu halo kompostu husi estudu Pre/Viabilidade (Pre-feasibility and feasibility study) ne’ebé halo ho konsiderasaun no adopta pratika indústria resente ba dezenvolvimentu importasaun LNG ho eskala kiik iha rejiaun nomos konsidera infraestrutura permanente liu husi halo kontratu ho FSRU ka fasilidade ne’ebé hanesan. .\nTIMOR GAP, E.P. agradese tebes se karik Sr. Fernando bele fundamenta no profunda artikulasaun ne’e liu husi aprezentasaun dadus tékniku no komersiál ne’ebé substantivu.\nPresiza mós hanoin katak jeografikamente, transporte naturál gás mai husi lokalizasaun planta ba sentru elétrika tolu ne’e la prátiku. Ho Nune’e, intensaun atu fornese gás ba sentru elétrika tolu, favoravel liu mak hariii TLNG no kontinua ativu ho atividade esplorasaun iha rai maran ba mina no gás matan ne’ebé bele prodús iha futuru.\nIha estudu ne mós sei konsidera funsionamentu atu halo re-konfigura (Re- Purposed) atu bele simu produtu husi Rekursu Naturál ne’ebé iha Timor-Leste inklui husi TLNG Beaço.\nIkus liu, TIMOR GAP, E.P. agradese, respeitu, tau aas onestidade intelektuál, no disponivel atu bele halo diskusaun tékniku, estratéjiku ho Sr. Fernando da Silva, ne’ebée bazeia ba dadus konkretu, esperiénsia, padraun indústria no best practice atu bele klarifika, no fahe koñesimentu ba malun atu nune’e bele hakle’an TIMOR GAP, E.P. nia papél hanesan entidade estatál iha TL, atu nune’e bele otimiza dezenvolvimentu ba rekursu mina no gás hanesan konkretizasaun ba defende soberania rikusoin povu no RDTL nian.\nObrigado Barak. Remata.\nTIMOR GAP, E.P.\nFrancelino Boavida – Managing Director\nPrevious articleVítima dezastre naturál apresia ba apoiu umanitáriu hosi Prezidente Repúblika\nNext articleAntónio “Kalohan” ba ona hatán Tribunál | [
"TIMOR GAP nia resposta ba Fernando da Silva | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA OPINIAUN TIMOR GAP nia resposta ba Fernando da Silva Konseitu ba potensial sira.",
"Imajen TIMOR GAP, E.P TIMOR GAP nia resposta ba Fernando da Silva nia artigu kona ba \"TIMOR GAP ho mehi ba terminal regaseifikasaun LNG\" TIMOR GAP, E.P. konsiente katak artigu ne'ebe publika husi www.tatoli.tl ho titulu \"Timor-Leste ho mehi ba terminal regaseifikasaun LNG ne'ebe hakerek husi sr.",
"Fernando da Silva ne'e relasiona ho Komunikadu Imprensa husi Timor GAP E.P nian ne'ebe publika iha loron 31 marsu 2021.",
"Tanba ne'e depois lee no analiza konteudu husi artigu ne'e, Timor GAP deside hatun resposta no klarifikasaun balun ho objetivu fo esplikasaun uitoan relasiona ho projetu estudu ba portu importasaun ba LNG nomos responde no klarifika ba pontu sira ne'ebe aprezenta husi hakerek na'in.",
"Timor GAP, E.P hakarak re-itera dala ida tan objetivu prinsipal ba estudu viabilidade ne'e rasik hanesan publika ona iha Komunikadu Impresa iha loron 31 marsu 2021 katak halo estudu viabilidade ho objetivu hanesan: Identifika potensial merkadu ne'ebe atu importa LNG mai Timor-Leste; Identifika fatin ne'ebe potensial atu implementa terminal ba LNG no halo avaliasaun ba fatin Dezenvolve konseitu dezenu ba terminal LNG no fasilidade regasification; Modelu estudu ba distribuisaun natural gas ba planta eletrisidade tolu ne'e; Dezenvolve kustu kapital no operasaun ba terminal importasaun no distribuisaun LNG; Dezenvolve planu kustu ba fasilidade.",
"Estudu Vialidade hanesan pasu dahuluk ne'ebe kompania mina no gas normalmente hala'o atu bele justifika ba projetu foun ida antes implementa.",
"Ideia no program kona ba LNG regaseifikasaun mosu tanba haree ba kondisaun no realidade iha Timor-Leste ne'ebe la'o ona durante tinan sia laran ho utilizasaun Oleo Gazoleu ba Jerador sira iha Planta Hera no Betanu no ikus mai Planta Inur Sakato iha Oekusi ne'ebe hatudu ho momos katak Governu hasai Orsamentu ne'ebe boot pur-volta tokon $100 ba sosa Kombustivel no ne'e sei fo impaktu ba meiu ambiente.",
"Ho razaun ne'e Governu liuhusi Ministeriu Petroleo no Minerais, TIMOR GAP, E.P aprezenta planu no programa prioridade ne'ebe inklui mos projetu estudu ba LNG Import terminal ne'ebe iha ona diskusaun konjuntu ho EDTL iha Ministeriu Obras Publika ne'ebe mos iha planu atu halo estudu ba konversaun jerador sira ne'ebe iha planta EDTL Hera no Betanu.",
"Prezidente Autoridade RAEOA (Rejiaun Administrativu Espesial de Oekusi Ambenu) mos hato'o ona ninia apoiu ba planu konversaun iha sentral Inur Sakato.",
"Relasaun ho Sr. Fernando nia artigu kona ba \"Estudu Viabilidade LNG Import Terminal iha Timor-Leste, TIMOR GAP hakarak atu responde hanesan tuir mai ne'e: 1.",
"Informasaun bazika kona ba Estudu Viabilidade LNG Import Terminal.",
"Enerjia Eletrisidade nasional Timor-Leste hetan fornesementu husi planta tolu mak hanesan Hera, Betanu no Inur Sakato Oekusi ne'ebe lokaliza iha parte Sul no Norte Timor-Leste.",
"Planta Hera no Betanu instala iha tinan 2011 no utiliza jerador Wartsila 18v46 ne'ebe daudaun ne'e uza Gazoleu ka Light Fuel Oil.",
"Kapasidade husi planta Hera no Betanu mak 119 MW (Jerador 7) no 136 MW (Jerador 8).",
"Planta Inur Sakato ne'ebe instala iha tinan 2015 ho kapasidade 17 MW (Jerador 4) ho tipu jerador Wartsila 34DF daudaun ne'e uza mos Gazoleu ka Light Fuel Oil.",
"Jerador Wartsila iha kapabilidade atu halo konversaun ba gas natural.",
"Konversaun kombustivel husi Gazoleu ba Gas Natural sei halo redusaun ne'ebe signifikativu ba kustu fornesimentu kombustivel no mos emisaun gas.",
"Redusaun ba despeza importasaun kombustivel atu mellora impaktu ambiental hatudu kazu ida konvinsente (compelling case) atu ezamina investimentu nesesariu ba konversaun kombustivel.",
"Kapasidade agregadu husi planta tolu ne hamutuk 272 MW sei presiza natural gas hamutuk 53 MMSCFD (million standard cubic feet per day) ne'ebe ekuivalente ho 0.37 MTPA (Millions tonnes per annum) iha forma LNG.",
"Nune'e konsidera relativamente kapasidade ne'ebe kiik no klasifikadu hanesan dezenvolvimentu fasilidade LNG eskala kiik ou Small Scale LNG (SSLNG).",
"TIMOR GAP iha intensaun atu hala'o estudu viabilidade inisiu atu halo selesaun ba fatin (site selection) no mos atu define konseitu dezenvolvimentu.",
"Husi estudu viabilidade sei hatudu konseitu oi-oin ba importasaun LNG nian, inklui, mas la limita de'it ba arendamentu FSRU eskala kiik maibe mos bele importa LNG ISO Tank liu husi barku ka ro kiik.",
"Objetivu husi estudu ne'e halo selesaun ba konseitu ne'ebe hili infraestrutura minima no kapital investimentu ne'ebe kiik ne'ebe fo solusaun atu minimiza kustu fornesimentu kombustivel ba Planta EDTL.",
"Nune'e mos, objetivu importante seluk maka estabelese konseitu dezenu ne'ebe bele favorese atu re-utiliza bainhira fornese natural gas iha forma LNG ka CNG (Compressed Natural Gas) husi futuru dezenvolvimentu Kampu greater Sunrise ka husi fonte kampu up-stream seluk.",
"Distribuisaun gas liu husi sistema pipeline sei la viavel nune'e LNG ka CNG sei distribui ba planta tolu ne'e ho barku ka ro kiik.",
"Nune'e LNG Import Terminal ne'e bele re-konfigura atu simu LNG ISO Tanks ka CNG husi Beaco.",
"2.TIMOR GAP nia klarifikasaun ba Sr. Fernando nia afirmasaun ne'ebe laloos (misconception statement) Responde ba Sr. Fernando ninian artigu em jeral TIMOR GAP hakarak hatete Sr. Fernando hakerek la konsege intende ou falla atu kompriende konseitu (misconception) no objetivus husi estudu ne'ebe'e publika husi TIMOR GAP, E.P. iha ninian Komunikadu Imprensa.",
"Ho nune'e mak resulta Sr. Fernando kahur sasan la tuir normas/padraun iha prosesu ligasaun ba LNG, regasifikasaun, no enerjia ne'ebe mak sei produs husi sentral eletrika (power plant).",
"Resposta espesifiku husi TIMOR GAP ba komentariu ida pur ida husi Sr. Fernando mak hanesan tuir mai ne'e: Fernando nia komentariu: \"Hariii planta TLNG ba Greater Sunrise sei taka dalan ba viabilidade Projetu/Planta Regasifikasaun, ou ho hanoin seluk, harii uluk terminal regasifikasaun sei la favorese TLNG.",
"Razaun Prinsipiu mak finansiamentu, Timor-Leste difisil atu konstrui planta boot rua ne'e iha tempu ne'ebe hanesan iha Terenu Timor karik laiha terseira parte konfiante ida mak bele halo investimentu iha Timor.",
"Hanoin kona-ba investimentu husi terseira parte, realistiku liu, kuandu tekniku sira buka dalan atu prioritiza investimentu konstrusaun TLNG.",
"Hariii TLNG, Timor-Leste iha feed gas mai husi Greater Sunrise, no gas ne'ebe mai iha Planta LNG ne'e rasik bele dezena inlet point (Receiving Point) iha TLNG ou Outlet Point husi kadoras tasi laran atu konstrui ligasaun direta; ida ba TLNG no ida seluk direta ba sentru eletrika hirak ne'ebe bele utiliza gas.",
"Metodu ida ne'e pratiku (best practice), testadu no utiliza iha LNG Planta balun.",
"Tanba ne'e mak hakerek na'in konsidera, se hariii regasifikasaun atu fornese de'it gas ba sentru eletrika iha Timor, aprosimasaun ida ne'e irrelevante tanba planta TLNG de'it sufisiente ona.\"",
"TIMOR GAP nia resposta: Iha hanoin 2 ne'ebe la loos iha artigu ne'e mak hanesan: Iha artigu ne'e hakerek na'in sita katak konsidera planta regasifikasaun atu harii iha rai maran ne'ebe konserteza sei harii fasilidade ne'ebe signifikativu boot.",
"Konseitu ne'e laloos, tanba objetivu husi estudu ne'e mak ezamina fasilidade/infraestrutura minimu inklui (fasilidade Ro Namlele/Barekasa) Floating Storage Regasification Unit (FSRU) ne'ebe bele liu husi halo kontratu ou utiliza LNG ISO-Tank no instala ekipamentu evaporador kiik iha kada planta sentral eletrika.",
"Ami hakarak harii infraestrutura minimu ne'e signifika katak kapital investimentu kiik maibe bele fo benefisiu ekonomiku atu redus kustu ba kombustivel.",
"Iha artigu hakerek na'in mos dehan fasilidade importasaun ba LNG la relevante bainhira planta TLNG hariii iha futuru.",
"Ne'e Laloos tanba fasilidade importasaun ba LNG sei relevante tebes tanba bele re-konfigura (re-purposed) atu bele simu CNG ou LNG ISO-tank husi Planta LNG Beaco nomos bele simu CNG diretamente husi fasilidade dezenvolvimentu Offshore Timor-Leste nian.",
"Hakarak atu hateten de'it katak instalasaun ba kadoras iha rai maran atu distribui Gas husi TLNG Beaco ba sentral eletrika tolu iha Timor la viavel tanba kuantidade enerjia (gas) ne'ebe konsumu kiik.",
"Konsiderasaun seluk mak hariii regasifikasaun, husi terminal ne'e rasik sei transporte natural gas ba sentru eletrika ou konsumidor sira liuhusi kadoras; mode transporte ne'ebe dalabarak uza no mais seguru iha terminal regasifikasaun barak.",
"Ho konesimentu sentru eletrika ida iha Hera, ida seluk iha Betanu no seluk fali iha Oekusi sei lori ba dalan investimentu konstrusaun kadoras haleu Timor.",
"Kadoras sae foho, tun foho, hakur mota no nani tasi (Karik).",
"Meiu transporte seluk ne'ebe mos bele konsidera mak uza komboiu natural gas (LNG rail tanker); dala ida tan, komboiu haleu Timor ho risku esplozaun?",
"Uza truck natural gas ba transporte, meiu ida ne'ebe la dun rekomendadu haree husi Jeografia Timor no presiza halo avaliasaun klean husi aspeitu saude no seguransa tanba bele rezulta mos esplozaun.",
"Ho razaun sira ne'ebe aprezenta ne'e mak estudu refere sei halo ezaminasaun ho komparasaun husi ninian risku nomos viabilidade ba moda transportasaun ne'ebe uza atu distribui gas.",
"Iha faze agora ami antesipa katak moda ne'ebe viavel liu mak moda transportasaun maritima hanesan via ro Barekasa (Small shuttle barges) atu transporta gas ba Oekusi, ou entre Hera ka Betanu depende ba fatin ne'ebe sei hariii fasilidade LNG import terminal.",
"Ho hanoin katak terminal regasifikasaun iha nia dependensia boot ba feed gas LNG; avaliasaun razoavel mak konsiderasaun ba planta LNG hirak ne'ebe lokalizada besik Timor-Leste.",
"Planta LNG balun ne'ebe bele konsidera nia feed gas ba terminal regasifikasaun iha Timor mak Darwin LNG, Ichtys LNG Project, Wheatstone LNG Project (8.9 MTPA), Gorgon LNG Project (5.2 MTPA) no Freeport LNG Project (4.64 MTPA) ne'ebe lokalizada iha Australia..................................................................... \"",
"Kona ba artigu ne'ebe relasiona ho feed gas ne'ebe mos mensiona hanesan planta LNG Darwin, Iththys, Wheatstone, Gorgon, ecertera ecetera ne'ebe lokaliza iha Australia.",
"TIMOR GAP hakarak hateten iha estudu ami mos sei ezamina merkadu husi parte fornesedor sira inklui ro barekasa kiik sira ne'ebe tula Gas.",
"Ita la bele taka matan katak iha Indonezia hanesan Badak LNG, Bontang Kalimantan, LNG Tangguh nomos Singapura sira fornese Gas nomos ro sira ne'ebe hanesan natoon no kiik hosi transporta gas ba sentru eletrika no industria sira seluk.",
"Nomos, estudu merkadu nian sei ezamina fonte ba LNG ISO tanks ba transportasaun liuhusi ro barekasa.",
"Konsidera deskrisaun ne'ebe hato'o iha artigu ida ne'e, hakerek na'in dala ida tan reitera desizaun ba estudu viabilidade tenke mai ho avaliasaun preliminariu profundu ne'ebe razoavel no deliberasaun husi ipoteze tekniku no komersial ne'ebe alkansavel.",
"Hirak ne'e inklui maibe la limita de'it ba avaliasaun detallu tekniku operasional planta regasifikasaun, funsionamentu planta, rekursu natural ne'ebe Timor- Leste iha ligadu ho Kampu Produsaun gas partikularmente negosiasaun Greater Sunrise, feed gas (LNG) no ezistensia merkadu/long term contract arrangement.",
"Hakerek na'in mos hateten iha ninian artigu katak estudu viabilidade presiza bazeia ba estudu preliminariu balun liu liu hipotesa tekniku nomos komersial.",
"Inklui mensiona sobre rekursu naturais liu-liu gas ne'ebe sei produs husi Kampu Greater Sunrise.",
"Hakarak atu hateten de'it katak Estudu viabilidade ne'ebe atu halo kompostu husi estudu Pre/Viabilidade (Pre-feasibility and feasibility study) ne'ebe halo ho konsiderasaun no adopta pratika industria resente ba dezenvolvimentu importasaun LNG ho eskala kiik iha rejiaun nomos konsidera infraestrutura permanente liu husi halo kontratu ho FSRU ka fasilidade ne'ebe hanesan. .",
"TIMOR GAP, E.P. agradese tebes se karik Sr. Fernando bele fundamenta no profunda artikulasaun ne'e liu husi aprezentasaun dadus tekniku no komersial ne'ebe substantivu.",
"Presiza mos hanoin katak jeografikamente, transporte natural gas mai husi lokalizasaun planta ba sentru eletrika tolu ne'e la pratiku.",
"Ho Nune'e, intensaun atu fornese gas ba sentru eletrika tolu, favoravel liu mak hariii TLNG no kontinua ativu ho atividade esplorasaun iha rai maran ba mina no gas matan ne'ebe bele produs iha futuru.",
"Iha estudu ne mos sei konsidera funsionamentu atu halo re-konfigura (Re- Purposed) atu bele simu produtu husi Rekursu Natural ne'ebe iha Timor-Leste inklui husi TLNG Beaco.",
"Ikus liu, TIMOR GAP, E.P. agradese, respeitu, tau aas onestidade intelektual, no disponivel atu bele halo diskusaun tekniku, estratejiku ho Sr. Fernando da Silva, ne'ebee bazeia ba dadus konkretu, esperiensia, padraun industria no best practice atu bele klarifika, no fahe konesimentu ba malun atu nune'e bele hakle'an TIMOR GAP, E.P. nia papel hanesan entidade estatal iha TL, atu nune'e bele otimiza dezenvolvimentu ba rekursu mina no gas hanesan konkretizasaun ba defende soberania rikusoin povu no RDTL nian.",
"Obrigado Barak.",
"TIMOR GAP, E.P. Francelino Boavida - Managing Director Previous articleVitima dezastre natural apresia ba apoiu umanitariu hosi Prezidente Republika Next articleAntonio \"Kalohan\" ba ona hatan Tribunal"
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"TIMOR GAP, E.P is aware that the article published by www ATUALIZAÇÃO with title \"Timor-Leste ho mehi ba terminal regaseificação LNG\" (East Timor's desire for a regasification Terminal of Natural Gas) which was written from Mr Fernando da Silva has been deleted and will not be posted again on our website until we have received your reply to this question in writing or emailed you an enquiry regarding it as well.\""
"Fernando da Silva is referring to the Press Release from Timor GAP E.P published on March 31,2049 (UTC+8)."
"Therefore, after reading and analyzing the content of this article Timor GAP decided to provide some answers with a view in providing an explanation related on LNG import port study project as well responding or clarifying points presented by author."
"Timor GAP, E.P would like to reiterate once again the main objective of this feasibility study itself as published in its Company Press Release on March 31st (20) that it is conducting a Feasability Study with such goals: Identify potential market for import LNG into East-Timor; Identify and assess possible sites where one could implement anLng terminalDevelop design concept from which develop natural gas distribution model at three power plants Develop capital cost/operational costs by using data collected during project implementation Deliver information about operational risk analysis based upon current knowledge"
"A feasibility study is the first step that oil and gas companies typically take to justify a new project before implementing it."
"The idea and program on LNG regasification arose from the conditions in Timor-Leste which have been underway for nine years with use of Diesel Oil to power generators at Hera Plant, Betanu plant as well As Inur Sakato plants (Oekusi) showing clearly that Government spending around $10 million per year towards buying Fuel will impact environment."
"For this reason, the Government through its Ministry of Petroleum and Minerals has presented a priority plan that includes study projects for LNG import terminal which have already been jointly discussed with EDTL at MOP. The project also plans to conduct studies on generator conversion in Hera-Betanu power plants (EDL)."
"The President of the RAEOA Authority (Special Administrative Region Oecussi Ambenu) has also expressed his support for a conversion plan at Inur Sakato power plant."
"Regarding Mr. Fernando's article on \"Feasibility Study of LNG Import Terminal in Timor-Leste\", TIMOR GAP would like to reply as follow: 1)"
"Basic information on the Feasibility Study of LNG Import Terminal."
"Timor-Leste's national electricity is supplied by three power plants, Hera and Inur Sakato Oekusi which are located in the south of East Тимор."
"The Hera and Betanu plants were installed in 2013 using Wartsila generators that currently use Diesel or Light Fuel Oil."
"The capacity of the Hera and Betanu plants is 136 MW (Generator No.8) respectively, while that for Generators Number Seven will be up to a total output amounting in at least $20 billion per year"
"The Inur Sakato plant installed in 2015 with a capacity of, approximately (generator number four) and generator type Wartsila-34DF currently also uses Diesel or Light Fuel Oil."
"Jerador Wartsila has the capacity to convert into natural gas."
"The fuel conversion from diesel to natural gas will make a significant reduction in the cost of supplying and also reduce emissions."
"The reduction in fuel import expenditure to improve environmental impacts present a compelling case for considering the necessary investment into conversion."
"The aggregate capacity of the three plants, which amounts to 271 MW will require natural gas in an estimated quantity as high As MMSCFD (million standard cubic feet per day) equivalent To MTPA(Millions tons Per Annum)."
"Thus, it is considered to be a relatively small capacity and classified as Small Scale LNG (SSLng) facility development."
"TIMOR GAP intends to carry out an initial feasibility study for site selection and also define the development concept."
"The feasibility study will demonstrate various concepts for LNG import, including but not limited to the leasing of small-scale FSRU’S as well a possibility in order that ISO Tanked lng can be imported via ship or boat."
"The objective of this study is to select a concept that chooses minimal infrastructure and low capital investment, which provides solutions for minimizing the cost from fuel supply."
"Similarly, another important objective is to establish design concepts that will favor re-use when supplying natural gas in the form of LNG or Cng (Compressed Natural Gas) from future Greater Sunrise Camp development and other upstream field sources."
"Gas distribution through the pipeline system will not be feasible so LNG or Cng would have to go by ships and small boats."
"Thus, the LNG Import Terminal can be re-configured to receive either ISO Tank or Cng from Beaco."
"2.TIMOR GAP's clarification to Mr Fernando ' s misconception statement Responding the general article by Mgr Ferdinando TIMOR-Gap wishes that it be stated, as a matter of fact and truthfulness: The author does not understand or fail in understanding (misunderstand) any conceptual/objective / objectives related with this study which was published on Timor Gap Press Release noted above;"
"As a result, Mr. Fernando carried out irregularities in the process of connecting to LNG regasification and energy that will be produced by power plant (power station)."
"The specific response from TIMOR GAP to Mr. Fernando's comment is as follow: \"Building a TLNG plant for Greater Sunrise will block the way of viability Project/Regasification Plant, or in other words building first re-gassing terminal would not be favourable TOTLng.\""
"In principle, the reason is financing. Timor-Leste would find it difficult to build these two large plants at a similar time on its own territory if there was no trusted third party that could invest in East Тимор and make investments here as well;"
"Thinking about third-party investment is more realistic as technicians look for ways to prioritize TLNG construction."
"Build TLNG, Timor-Leste has a feed gas coming from Greater Sunrise and the gases that come into this Lng plant itself can design an inlet point (Receiving Point) at either TLN or Outlets points of offshore to build direct connections; one for TPNL while another is directly connected with those power plants which could use it."
"This method is best practice, tested and used in some LNG plants."
"Therefore, the author considers that if regasification is built only to supply gas for power plants in Timor-Leste this approximation would be irrelevant because TLNG alone will suffice.\""
"TIMOR GAP's response: There are 2 ideas that is not correct in this article as follow. In the Article, author quoted considering regasification plant to be built on land which will certainly build a significant facility of great significance"
"The concept is unrealistic, as the aim of this study was to examine minimum facilities/infrastructure including (Ro Namlele / Barekasa facility) Floating Storage Regasification Unit(FSRU), which could be through contracting or using LNG ISO-Tank and install small evaporator equipment at each power plant."
"We want to build a minimum infrastructure, which means that the capital investment is small but can give economic benefits in reducing fuel costs."
"In the article, authors also point out that LNG import facilities are irrelevant when a future TLng plant is built."
"This is especially important because the LNG import facility will be very relevant as it can re-purposed to receive Cng or ISO tanks from Beaco'S plant and also directly received by Timor Leste Offshore Development Facility."
"I would just like to say that the offshore pipeline installation for distributing gas from TLNG Beaco into three power stations in Timor is not viable because of low energy (gas) consumption."
"Another consideration is the construction of regasification, from which terminal itself will transport natural gas to power stations or consumers through pipelines; a mode that has been commonly used and safer in many Regassing Terminal."
"With the knowledge of one power plant in Hera, another at Betanu and a third on Oekusi will lead to investment construction cadoras all over Timor."
"Kadoras sae foho, tun Fohos. Hakur mota no nani tasi (Karik)."
"Another means of transport that could also be considered is the LNG rail tanker; once again, a convoy to Timor with an explosion risk?"
"The use of natural gas trucks for transportation is not recommended given the geography and needs to be clearly assessed from a health-safety perspective as it may result in explosions."
"For the reasons presented above, this study will examine and compare risk-benefit comparisons of different modes for transporting gas."
"At this stage, we anticipate that the most viable mode of transportation would be maritime such as small shuttle barges to carry gas from Barekasa or between Hera and Betanu depending on where LNG import terminal facilities will take place."
"Given that the regasification terminal is heavily dependent on LNG gas feed; a reasonable evaluation would be to consider those near Timor-Leste."
"Some LNG plants that could be considered as feed gas to the regasification terminal in Timor are Darwin, Ichtys and Wheatstone project (8.9 MTPA), Gorgon Projects(5 2 MTAP)and Freeport projects located all within Australia............................"
"As for the article related to feed gas, it also mentions Darwin LNG plants and Iththys plant in Australia."
"TIMOR GAP would like to say that in the study we will also examine markets from suppliers including small container ship which carry gas."
"We cannot ignore the fact that in Indonesia such as Badak LNG, Bontang Kalimantan and Singapore supply gas to power stations or other industries."
"However, a market study will examine the source of LNG ISO tanks for transport by sea."
"Considering the descriptions given in this article, we once again reiterate that decision to conduct a feasibility study must come from an extensive and reasonable preliminary evaluation of technically achievable commercial assumptions."
"This scope includes but is not limited to the assessment of technical operational details for regasification plants, plant functioning and Timor-Leste's natural resources linked with Gas Production Camp particularly negotiations on Greater Sunrise feed gas (LNG) market existence/long term contract arrangement."
"The authors also state in this article that a feasibility study needs to be based on some preliminary studies rather than technical and commercial hypothesis."
"Includes mention of natural resources especially gas which will be produced by the Greater Sunrise Camp."
"I would just like to say that the feasibility study consists of a Pre-feasability and Feasible Study, which takes into consideration recent industry practice for small scale LNG import development in this region as well considering permanent infrastructure through contract with FSRU or similar facilities."
"TIMOR GAP, E.P would be very grateful if Mr Fernando could substantiate and in-depth articulation through the presentation of technical data that are commercially significant ones which will provide a basis for further discussions on this issue with Timor Leste' s governmental authorities"
"It must also be borne in mind that geographically, transporting natural gas from the plant locations to these three power plants is impractical."
"Thus, with the intention to supply gas for three power stations it is more favourable that TLNG be built and continue active onshore exploration activities of potentially producible oil & natural Gas in future."
"The study will also consider re-purposed operations to receive the products of Timor's natural resources, including TLNG Beaco."
"Finally, TIMOR GAP expresses its gratitude and respect for Mr. Fernando da Silva's intellectual honesty in the technical strategic discussion with him based on concrete data experience industry standard best practice to clarify our role as a state entity of Timor-Leste so that we can optimize development from mineral resources into energy sources which is an important step towards defending sovereignity over natural resource reserved by people & DRT!"
"Thank you Barak.Thanks,Barak!"
"It's over."
"TIMOR GAP, E.P Francelino Boavida - Managing Director Previous articleNatural disaster victims appreciate humanitarian assistance from President of the Republic Next artikelAntonio \"Kalohan\" has been brought to court"
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Movimentu Pro Komisaun Anti Korupsaun: December 2010\n(Hanoin ruma ba komemora loron Internasional Anti-Korrupsaun iha Timor-Leste)\nHusi: José António J. Neves, Comisariu Adjuntu EKP\nTinan ne’e Timor-Leste komemora ba dala-uluk loron Internasional Anti-Korrupsaun, 9 Dezembru iha tinan 2010. KAK hetan fiar husi orgaun Estadu Timor-Leste nian tomak atu lidera komemorasaun nee. Maibe ita nia sociedade seidauk hatene didiak kona ba loron ida ne’e. Ne’e duni ami hakarak koalia oitoan kona ba loron nee molok tama ba asuntu seluk iha topiku ida nee.\nIha loron 31 fulan-Outubru tinan 2003 ONU hasai Rezolusaun 58/4 nebé hamoris Konvensaun ONU nian kontra Korrupsaun, estabelese UNODC nudar sekretariadu ba asuntu ida ne’e no determina loron 9 fulan-Dezembru nudar loron internasional anti-korrupsaun. Iha fulan-Dezembru 2005 Konvensaun ne’e hahu vigora. Konvensaun ne’e nudar instrumentu legál internasional ne’ebé obriga paíz iha mundu atu fó atensaun makas ba kombate korrupsaun iha ida-idak nia nasaun no husu nasaun hotu-hotu atu kontra korrupsaun nudar komunidade ida.\nToo fulan-Setembru 2010 iha paíz 145 mak ratifika ona Konvensaun ne’e, inklui Timor-Leste. Timor-Leste ratifika Konvensaun ne’e ho Rezolusaun Parlamentu No.25/2008, loron 10 fulan-Dezembru. Paíz ne’ebé ratifika kesi-an legál no moralmente ba Konvensaun ne’e hodi estabelese polítika, legislasaun, regulamentu no programas ba kombate no prevene korrupsaun inklui fó sentidu ba komemorasaun loron internasional anti-korrupsaun nudar loron kampaña publika ida.\nKOMEMORASAUN LORON ANTI-KORRUPSAUN IHA TIMOR-LESTE\nEma barak mak hatudu preokupasaun no koalia kona-ba korrupsaun iha Timor-Leste no iha espetativa makas katak tenki kombate duni korrupsaun iha Timor-Leste. Oras ne’e públiku tula hela espetativa ne’e ba KAK nia kabas atu atua lalais, atu prosesa lalais ema ruma ba tribunal ona. Maibe wanhira hare ho klean ba kompleksidade problema korrupsaun ho nia fórmas no fatór kondisionante oioin ita tenki rekoñese no bolu atensaun katak papel kombate korrupsaun tula iha sidadaun hotu-hotu nia kabas. KAK hamriik iha oin tuir kna’ar ne’ebé Estadu fó ba nia, maibe presiza nafatin kooperasaun husi sidadaun hotu-hotu.\nIta nia sociedade hatudu preokupasaun makas ba problema korrupsaun iha Timor-Leste. Ita hotu-hotu tenki konkorda katak se problema ne’e husik hela deit sei sai dezastre nacional ba Timor-Leste. Korrupsaun laos krime simples maibe, krime nebé iha karakter organizasional, utiliza meius teknolozia, ho dimensaun transversal no transnasional. Katak, krime nebé husi ema ba ema, intensional no utiliza meius oioin, koordenadu ka organizadu, sanak tama iha setór oioin ho rede nebé hakat liu fronteira nasional. Krime ne’e iha potencia ba sobuintegridade Povu no Estadu Timor-Leste. Katak, desvaloriza normas étika, valor sosial no legais ne’ebé vigora universalmente no mós iha Timor-Leste.\nPovu no Estadu Timor-Leste forma nia dignidade no integridade ho valor no norma lubuk ida nebe mai husi nia kultura, nia fiar no institusionaliza iha Konstituisaun RDTL. Se korrupsaun invade ita hodi sobu no hatun dignidade no integridade povu no estadu Timor-Leste, entaun korrupsaun inimigu povu no estadu nian. Se mentalidade korruptu moris ona iha servidores estadu nian, fila-liman-nain sira ruma, ka se deit, entaun tenki iha medidas ruma ba sira. Ne’e duni estadu iha razaun no obrigasaun atu hamoris instrumentu legál fórmal hodi fóti medidas ba maluk ruma ne’ebé tau-an sala iha prosesu konstrusaun estadu no dezenvolvimentu povu nia moris diak.\nNudar cidadaun diak nebe responsável lato’o, se ita preokupa deit maibe la hatudu asaun prevene no kombate korrupsaun iha ita nia moris lorloron. Iha komemorasaun loron Internasional Anti-Korrupsaun ba tinan ida ne’e ami fó tema “Hau halo saida ba prevene no kombate korrupsaun iha Timor-Leste”. Liu husi eventu ne’e ami hakarak ida-idak afirma nia kompromisu no integridade nudar sidadaun diak ne’ebé hakarak kombate duni korrupsaun iha Timor-Leste.\nEventu ne’e komemora iha loron importante tolu nia klaran ne’ebé iha relevansia makas no fó sentidu liu tan ba ita nia papél kombate no prevene korrupsaun iha Timor-Leste. Loron 7 fulan-Dezembru, loron ita komemora herois nebe mate tan invazaun husi poténsia militar externa. Sira mate ba kauza nobre Timor-Leste nia soberania, nia dignidade no direitu nudar povu ba hetan independénsia. Loron 8 fulan-Dezembru loron Imaculada Conceição, Padroeira Timor-Leste nian ne’ebé iha tinan 1987 to’o 1988 perigrina haleu Timor-Leste tomak hamutuk ho povu sira iha vila, iha área rural, iha fóho ka ai-laran hamulak no halerik husu atu restaura fila fali ita nia soberania, ita nia dignidade no ita nia direitu nudar povu. Loron 10 fulan-Dezembru loron Direitus Umanus. Loron ita komemora elementus fundamental ne’ebé fo sentidu ba itadignidade nudar ema, ne’ebé ita ratifika no konsagra mós iha Konstituisaun RDTL, iha polítika no sistema funsionamentu estadu Timor-Leste. Komemorasaun loron 9 fulan-Dezembru ne’e ba Timor-Leste hetan sentidu espesial ho asaun no espresaun históriku hirak ne’e, ne’ebé laos mósu sein objetivu no hotu sein sentidu no impaktu ba povu Timor-Leste nia moris.\nKORRUPSAUN IHA TIMOR-LESTE\nEma komenta no argumenta katak korrupsaun iha Timor-Leste hahu husi prezensa Indonesia iha “Timor-Timur”. Iha tempu neba prátika ida ne’e mosu iha nivel hotu-hotu no halo ema monu ba opsaun boot rua; halo parte konsientemente ka hadok-an. Iha mos opsaun kiik ida nebe hakarak kontra maibe kbiit la too, ikus mai monu ba opsaun rua ne’e ida. Husi tinan 2000 mai problema korrupsaun sai preokupasaun boot ba bebeik no ema barak tan mak koalia no haksesuk. Agora ita hasoru opsaun tolu maibe iha ambiente socio-politiku nebe oinseluk: monu ba pratika korrupsaun konsientemente ka inkonsientemente, pasivu deit ka la importa no kontra pratika korrupsaun. Opsaun tolu nee foin hatudu deit ita nia persepsaun jeral maibe seidauk hatudu loloos sé mak sé iha opsaun ida ne’ebe.\nRejime Indonesia la iha ona Timor-Leste. “Timor-Timur” sai ona Timor-Leste, husi “Provinsi ke-27” ba Repúblika Demokratika Timor-Leste. Ita halo mudansa kualitativa ida ba estatutu social no politiku ida as liu ida uluk nebe halo ita orgullu tebes nudar povu. Estadu Independente ida ho naran República Democrática de Timor-Leste. Estado de Direito Democrático nebé harii ho valor no norma sira nebé sai mata-dalan ba ema hotu-hotu nebé hamahon-an iha Estadu ne’e nia laran.\nSe iha nafatin hahalok korruptu iha Estadu ne’e nia laran, entaun ita korrompe dadaun integridade Estado de Direito Democrático ida ne’e. Laiha razaun atu hare ba realidade negativa iha tempu uluk hodi justifika hahalok korrupsaun iha tempu agora. Ema balu bele dehan “ ne’e mentalidade nebé susar ka kleur mak lakon”. Iha parte ida lo’os se ema nebé iha mentalidade ne’e la hakas-an hodi muda toman at ne’e. Se ema ne’e la valoriza valores no norma nebe halo nasaun ne’e moris, se ema ne’e la hare ona povu tomak nia moris diak nudar produtu independencia ba tempu naruk. Mentalidade nebe ladiak mos bele muda wainhira ema nee hakarak muda duni.\nSe lalika hare deit ba tempu uluk, entaun faktor saida tan mak ita tenki hare? Bele faktor barak maibe agora ita foti lai faktor rua: ida mak mentalidade, ida seluk mak lalaok moris. Mentalidade mos produtu husi kondisaun ida nebé ita bele dehan korrupsaun primeira instansia. Katak, ema ne’e estraga uluk nia konsiencia moral ka la respeita ona nia konsiencia moral nudar ema no nudar cidadaun Timor-Leste. Korrupsaun iha instansia ida nee lori ema ba ambisaun negativa nebe boot atu hariku-an liu husi dalan saida deit; lori ema ba halo kontrabalansu negativu katak, kontra hahalok negativu ho hahalok negativu, tanba laiha ona pasiensia atu mantein nafatin iha dalan nebe diak; lori ema ba sai oportunista la kontrola-an (deskontroladu), katak aproveita oportunidade hotu-hotu hodi hatudu ka goza nia ganansia.\nPola hidup ka lalaok moris ita Timor nian balu nebe ita klaim katak ita nia kultura favorece korrupsaun mosu. Pratika konsumerismu no rebo-rebo iha serimonia, halo festa ho dansa iha serimonia oioin inklui cerimonia relijioza, prátika kultural balu nebe materialistiku. Se ita la tau atensaun ba pratika hirak ne’e, ita kria nafatin kondisaun ba korrupsaun atu akontece maibe ita hakilar nafatin katak korrupsaun halo povu kiak, naok povu nia osan, halo dezenvolvimentu la lao no seluk-seluk tan. Korrupsaun laos hahalok ida mosu derrepente maibe rezultadu husi procesu ida.\nHo kondisaun hanesan refere iha leten ne’e ita la hatene loloos sé mak sé iha opsaun ida nebe. Maluk sira nebé le ka rona informasaun hirak nee tama iha opsaun ida nebé. Ema barak hakilar kona ba korrupsaun maibe ho objetivu la hanesan. Korruptor ida mos hakilar kona ba korrupsaun wanhira oportunidade ba nia atu haknauk subar-subar osan ka sasan estadu nian monu fali ba korruptor ka ema seluk ida; nia hakas-an ona maibe seidauk konsege deit, katak iha ona intensaun maibe oportunidade mak seidauk to’o. Diferensa mihis tebtebes entre sira nebe ho karakter hanesan nee. Ema balu koalia no kritika ema seluk halo korrupsaun tanba nia hasoru ema nebe koalia hela kona ba asuntu nee, maibe nia la senti buat ida ka nia senti buat ida la kona nia. Iha mos ema seluk nebe preokupa tebes no hakas-an halo buat ruma kontra prátika korrupsaun iha Timor-Leste.\nIta nia sociedade nee koalia makas kona ba korrupsaun boot nebé preciza kombate liu husi dalan represivu ho lei, investiga, akuza, lori ba tribunal no kastigu. Ne’e lo’os no preciza duni dalan ida neé. Maibe korrupsaun boot ne’e la mosu derrepente deit se la hahu husi buat kiik no simples. Ita labele kombate korrupsaun ka krime sira seluk ho hatauk ema ho lei deit, maibe halo ema iha vontade ka hakarak rasik atu kumpri lei no kumpri nia konsiencia moral. Ita fiar katak iha Timor-Leste sei iha ema barak mak hakarak kumpri lei no nia konsiencia moral, maibe balun la iha vontade ida nee. Tanba ne’e edukasaun kona ba valores, etika hodi promove vida civika iha sociedade halo parte integrante servisu kombate no prevene korrupsaun.\nKOMISAUN ANTI-KORRUPSAUN IHA TIMOR-LESTE (Lei no.8/2009)\n) Natureza no Misaun\nKomisaun Anti-Korrupsaun ne´e pesoa koletiva ida ne’ebé iha direitu públiku, haknaar ho personalidade jurídika, ho independénsia téknika no autonomia administrativa no finanseira.Komisaun nu’udar órgaun polisia kriminál espesializada, ne’ebé independente, halo intervensaun tenke tuir deit kritériu legalidade no objetividade ne’ebé lei haruka no atua ho diresaun hosi autoridade judisiária kompetente tuir lei haruka.\nKomisaun ninia misaun mak halo asaun prevensaun no investigasaun kriminál ba krime korrupsaun nian iha fórma oioin, pekulatu, abuzu podér, tráfiku influénsia no partisipasaun ekonómika iha negósiu, hanesan defini ona iha lejislasaun penál nian.\n1. Iha matéria prevensaun kriminál, Komisaun iha kompeténsia atu:\na) Halibur (rekolla) no analiza infórmasaun hirak ne´ebé kait ho kauza sira, no prevensaun korrupsaun nian;\nb) Halo asaun sira kona-ba sensibilizasaun hodi limita lalaok korrupsaun nian, motiva ema sira atu kuidadu (prekausaun) ka hamenus (redús) hahalok no situasaun hirak ne´ebé lori (fasilita) ema ba hamósu hahalok kriminozu sira;\nc) Fó hanoin (akonsella) kualkér instituisaun ka entidade públika kona-ba oinsa prevene no funu hasoru hahalok korrupsaun nian.\n2. Iha matéria investigasaun kriminál, Komisaun iha kompeténsia atu halao knaar ne’ebé lei fó ba órgaun polísia kriminál, mak hanesan:\na) Halo inkéritu ka prátika hahalok inkéritu ne´ebé delega ona hosi Ministériu Públiku;\nb) Halibur notísia krime nian;\nc) Deskobre ema sira-ne´ebé responsável ba prátika krime;\nd) Buka hatene loloos (averigua) indísiu ka notísia faktu nian ne´ebé bele konstitui krime;\ne) Halo identifikasaun no kaer (halo detensaun) ema sira;\nf) Halo notífikasaun hirak ne´ebé presiza, hosi nia rasik ka hamutuk ho autoridade polisiál seluk;\ng) Halao interrogatóriu iha ámbitu investigasaun nian no hahalok instrutóriu seluk ne’ebé presiza para halao atribuisaun sira ne’ebé simu;\nh) Buka no revista sasan;\ni) Tahan sasan no dokumentu sira;\nj) Halo vijilánsia;\nk) Rona no halo gravasaun ba ema koalia ka komunika malu liu hosi telefóne, ho autorizasaun judisiál;\nl) Halo ezame ba livru, dokumentu, rejistu, arkivu sira no elementu seluk ne’ebé relasiona duni ho sasan sira ne’ebé sai objetu investigasaun nian, nune’e mós kualkér vestíjiu infrasaun nian;\nm) Husu hanoin matenek nain sira (proceder a pericias), sukat no halibur amóstra sira ba ezame laboratóriu nian;\nn) Promove selajen iha kualkér instalasaun.\n3. Iha matéria investigasaun kriminál nian, Komisaun mós bele husu ba Ministériu Públiku atu fóti medida kautelár ruma, tuir lezislasaun prosesuál penál nian, hanesan temi tuir mai ne’e:\na) Atu haruka halo konjelamentu ba konta bankária hirak ne´ebé iha indísiu fórte ne’ebé hatudu proveitu hirak mai hosi krime ne’ebé prevé tiha ona iha artigu 4.º;\nb) Haruka atu la bele uza sasan (ativu) saida deit ne’ebé iha ema ruma nia liman, tahan ona (kustódia) ka sasan ne’ebé iha ema ruma taumatan hela.\n4. Wainhira halao funsaun hirak temi tiha ona, Komisaun tenke fó prioridade aas liu ba investiga kazu korrupsaun hirak ne´ebé boot ka komplesu liu.\n5. Komisaun bele kaer mós rezime espesiál hirak ne´ebé prevé ona iha Dekretu-Lei nú. 4/2006, loron 1 fulan-Marsu nian , no nú. 2/2007, loron 8 fulan-Marsu nian.\n6. Komisaun nia atuasaun hirak ne’ebé la hetan uluk mandatu hosi autoridade judisiáriu kompetente, ba kazu no tuir lei haruka, tenke hetan validasaun hosi autoridade judisiária kompetente iha prazu másimu oras 72 nia laran, tuir pena nulidade (se lae la vale tuir lei).\n7. Validasaun tenke husu lalais kedas hosi Ministériu Públiku.\na) Korrupsaun pasiva ba hahalok ne´ebé la tuir lei (ilísitu), tuir termu artigu 292.º Kódigu Penál nian, funsionáriu ida-ne´ebé nia rasik, ka liu hosi ema seluk, ho ninia konsentimentu (hakarak rasik) ka ratifikasaun, husu ka simu, ba nia rasik ka ba ema datoluk, maske nia la merese, vantajen patrimoniál ka la´ós patrimoniál, ka ninia promesa, atu halo buat ruma ka husik hela deit ne´ebé la tuir nia devér kargu nian, maske mósu molok hahusuk (solisitasaun) ka aseitasaun;\nb) Korrupsaun pasiva ba hahalok lísitu mak, tuir termu artigu 293.º hosi Kódigu Penál nian, funsionáriu ida-ne´ebé nia rasik, ka liu hosi ema seluk, ho ninia hakarak rasik ka ratifikasaun, husu ka simu, ba nia rasik ka ba ema datoluk, maske nia la merese, vantajen patrimoniál ka la´ós patrimoniál, ka ninia promesa, atu halo buat ruma ka husik hela deit ne´ebé la kontraria ho devér kargu nian, maske molok hahusuk (solisitasaun) ka aseitasaun; no funsionáriu ne´ebé nia rasik ka liu hosi ema seluk, ho ninia konsentimentu (hakarak rasik) ka ratifikasaun, husu ka simu, ba nia rasik ka ba ema datoluk, maske nia la merese, vantajen patrimoniál ka la´ós patrimoniál hosi ema ne´ebé ba nia iha ona, iha hela ka sei iha hakarak makas atu depende ba funsaun públika sira ne’ebé nia halao;\nc) Korrupsaun ativa mak, tuir termu artigu 294.º Kódigu Penál nian, ema ida-ne´ebé nia rasik, ka liu hosi ema seluk no ninia konsentimentu ka ratifikasaun, fó ka promete ba funsionáriu ka ba ema seluk ho ninia konsentimentu, vantajen patrimoniál ka la´ós patrimoniál ba funsionáriu ne’ebé la merese, ho intensaun hanesan hatudu tiha ona iha artigu 292.º ka iha artigu 293.º Kódigu Penál nian;\nd) Pekulatu, tuir hakerek iha artigu 295.º Kódigu Penál nian, funsionáriu ida-ne´ebé la ho lejitimidade (la tuir lei) fóti ba nia diak rasik ka ema seluk, osan ka sasán ne´ebé bele muda (móvel), públiku ka partikulár ne´ebé entrega ba nia, iha ninia liman, ka nia bele hetan asesu ba tanba ninia funsaun sira;\ne) Hana’in an hodi uza (pekulatu uzu), tuir hakerek iha artigu 296.º Kódigu Penál nian, funsionáriu ida-ne´ebé uza ka hosik ema seluk uza ho finalidade hirak ne’ebé la loloos, kareta sira ka sasán móvel sira-ne´ebé ho valór boot (signifikativu), ne´ebé entrega ona ba nia, iha ninia liman ka nia bele hetan asesu ba sasán hirak ne´e tanba razaun ninia funsaun sira, hodi fó ba nia rasik ka ema datoluk, benefísiu ne´ebé la tuir lei (la lajítimu) ka hasusar ema ruma;\nf) Abuzu Podér mak, tuir artigu 297.º Kódigu Penál nian, funsionáriu ida-ne´ebé abuza podér sira ka viola devér hirak ne´ebé kait ho ninia funsaun sira, ho intensaun hodi hetan ba nia rasik ka ba ema datoluk, benefísu ne´ebé la tuir lei (la lejítimu) ka hasusar ema seluk;\ng) Partisipasaun Ekonómika iha negósiu, iha artigu 299.º Kódigu Penál nian, funsionáriu ne´ebé, tanba razaun halao knaar públiku tenke intervein iha kontratu ka operasaun seluk ka aktividade, no aproveita kondisasun ida ne’e, hodi hetan ba nia ka ba ema datoluk, diretamente ka liu hosi ema seluk, vantajen patrimonial, ka, liu hosi dalan seluk ruma, partisipasaun ekonómika ne’ebé la tuir dalan loloos, ho nune’e hasusar interese públiku sira ne’ebé mak nia tenke administra, fiskaliza no defende ka halao duni;\nh) Ajente Públiku, tuir artigu 302.º Kódigu Penál nian, funsionáriu sivil, ajente administrativu, membru fórsa sivíl no polisiál sira nian, nune’e mós ema sira ne´ebé inklui ona iha alinea d), e) no f) no iha nú. 2.º artigu ne´ebé refere ona;\ni) Pessoa, ema ida mesak (singulár) ka koletivu (inklui banku sira no instituisaun finanseira sira seluk), no kona-ba ema koletiva ida katak, inklui ninia diretór, administradór no responsável sira;\nj) Instalasaun sira inklui sasan hirak iha uma laran, iha liur no buat hirak ne’ebé tau iha neba ka hatutan ba uma ne’e (anexus);\nk) Móvel sira inklui, karreta, roo, aviaun/sasemok, no kontentór sira.\nTuir lei ida nee Komissaun iha papel boot rua: prevenssaun no investigasaun. Area rua ne’e importante hotu. Informasaun nebe hakerek antes sub-topiku ida nee koalia kona ba prevensaun liu husi edukasaun no konsientizasaun públiku. Poder investigasaun area ida komplexu no sensitivu nebe ejize kapacidade oioin husi investigador sira. Area nebé iha risku bo’ot. Entaun preciza mos publiku nia kompriensaun no kooperasaun atu garante atividade investigasaun lao tuir kbiit nebe lei haruka.\nRiku soi estadu nian namkari no akumuladu hela iha povu nia le’et no iha orgaun estadu sira. Iha neba iha sasan, iha poder no iha oportunidade. Poder sempre relasiona ho buat ruma hanesan sasan, osan, decizaun politika ka relasaun no iha neba bele halo ema monu ba materialista no sai ganansiozu. Sistema kontrolu no balansu ba poder iha atu halo ida-idak tau-an iha nia fatin ho funsaun nebe atribui ba nia.\nIha sektor privadu akumulasaun sasan, osan no poder namkari iha kompañia sira, iha ajensias produtores bens no servisu (barang dan jasa), ajensias distribudores produtus komersiais, bens no servisu. Povu dala barak sai vitima ba korrupsaun no bele mos sai autor wainhira nia halo parte iha rede ema sira nebe pratika korrupsaun. Ignoransia povu nian bele sai potencia ba manipulasaun nebe ikus mai sai vitima ba korrupsaun. Ne’e duni tenki neon moris no matan moris, hakbiit-an ho forsa moral no hotu-hotu iha papel importante ba prevene no kombate korrupsaun iha Timor-Leste.\nPosted by Movimento Pro KAK TL at 8:54 PM No comments: | [
"Movimentu Pro Komisaun Anti Korupsaun: December 2010 (Hanoin ruma ba komemora loron Internasional Anti-Korrupsaun iha Timor-Leste) Husi: Jose Antonio J. Neves, Comisariu Adjuntu EKP Tinan ne'e Timor-Leste komemora ba dala-uluk loron Internasional Anti-Korrupsaun, 9 Dezembru iha tinan 2010.",
"KAK hetan fiar husi orgaun Estadu Timor-Leste nian tomak atu lidera komemorasaun nee.",
"Maibe ita nia sociedade seidauk hatene didiak kona ba loron ida ne'e.",
"Ne'e duni ami hakarak koalia oitoan kona ba loron nee molok tama ba asuntu seluk iha topiku ida nee.",
"Iha loron 31 fulan-Outubru tinan 2003 ONU hasai Rezolusaun 58/4 nebe hamoris Konvensaun ONU nian kontra Korrupsaun, estabelese UNODC nudar sekretariadu ba asuntu ida ne'e no determina loron 9 fulan-Dezembru nudar loron internasional anti-korrupsaun.",
"Iha fulan-Dezembru 2005 Konvensaun ne'e hahu vigora.",
"Konvensaun ne'e nudar instrumentu legal internasional ne'ebe obriga paiz iha mundu atu fo atensaun makas ba kombate korrupsaun iha ida-idak nia nasaun no husu nasaun hotu-hotu atu kontra korrupsaun nudar komunidade ida.",
"Too fulan-Setembru 2010 iha paiz 145 mak ratifika ona Konvensaun ne'e, inklui Timor-Leste.",
"Timor-Leste ratifika Konvensaun ne'e ho Rezolusaun Parlamentu No.25/2008, loron 10 fulan-Dezembru.",
"Paiz ne'ebe ratifika kesi-an legal no moralmente ba Konvensaun ne'e hodi estabelese politika, legislasaun, regulamentu no programas ba kombate no prevene korrupsaun inklui fo sentidu ba komemorasaun loron internasional anti-korrupsaun nudar loron kampana publika ida.",
"KOMEMORASAUN LORON ANTI-KORRUPSAUN IHA TIMOR-LESTE Ema barak mak hatudu preokupasaun no koalia kona-ba korrupsaun iha Timor-Leste no iha espetativa makas katak tenki kombate duni korrupsaun iha Timor-Leste.",
"Oras ne'e publiku tula hela espetativa ne'e ba KAK nia kabas atu atua lalais, atu prosesa lalais ema ruma ba tribunal ona.",
"Maibe wanhira hare ho klean ba kompleksidade problema korrupsaun ho nia formas no fator kondisionante oioin ita tenki rekonese no bolu atensaun katak papel kombate korrupsaun tula iha sidadaun hotu-hotu nia kabas.",
"KAK hamriik iha oin tuir kna'ar ne'ebe Estadu fo ba nia, maibe presiza nafatin kooperasaun husi sidadaun hotu-hotu.",
"Ita nia sociedade hatudu preokupasaun makas ba problema korrupsaun iha Timor-Leste.",
"Ita hotu-hotu tenki konkorda katak se problema ne'e husik hela deit sei sai dezastre nacional ba Timor-Leste.",
"Korrupsaun laos krime simples maibe, krime nebe iha karakter organizasional, utiliza meius teknolozia, ho dimensaun transversal no transnasional.",
"Katak, krime nebe husi ema ba ema, intensional no utiliza meius oioin, koordenadu ka organizadu, sanak tama iha setor oioin ho rede nebe hakat liu fronteira nasional.",
"Krime ne'e iha potencia ba sobuintegridade Povu no Estadu Timor-Leste.",
"Katak, desvaloriza normas etika, valor sosial no legais ne'ebe vigora universalmente no mos iha Timor-Leste.",
"Povu no Estadu Timor-Leste forma nia dignidade no integridade ho valor no norma lubuk ida nebe mai husi nia kultura, nia fiar no institusionaliza iha Konstituisaun RDTL.",
"Se korrupsaun invade ita hodi sobu no hatun dignidade no integridade povu no estadu Timor-Leste, entaun korrupsaun inimigu povu no estadu nian.",
"Se mentalidade korruptu moris ona iha servidores estadu nian, fila-liman-nain sira ruma, ka se deit, entaun tenki iha medidas ruma ba sira.",
"Ne'e duni estadu iha razaun no obrigasaun atu hamoris instrumentu legal formal hodi foti medidas ba maluk ruma ne'ebe tau-an sala iha prosesu konstrusaun estadu no dezenvolvimentu povu nia moris diak.",
"Nudar cidadaun diak nebe responsavel lato'o, se ita preokupa deit maibe la hatudu asaun prevene no kombate korrupsaun iha ita nia moris lorloron.",
"Iha komemorasaun loron Internasional Anti-Korrupsaun ba tinan ida ne'e ami fo tema \"Hau halo saida ba prevene no kombate korrupsaun iha Timor-Leste.\"",
"Liu husi eventu ne'e ami hakarak ida-idak afirma nia kompromisu no integridade nudar sidadaun diak ne'ebe hakarak kombate duni korrupsaun iha Timor-Leste.",
"Eventu ne'e komemora iha loron importante tolu nia klaran ne'ebe iha relevansia makas no fo sentidu liu tan ba ita nia papel kombate no prevene korrupsaun iha Timor-Leste.",
"Loron 7 fulan-Dezembru, loron ita komemora herois nebe mate tan invazaun husi potensia militar externa.",
"Sira mate ba kauza nobre Timor-Leste nia soberania, nia dignidade no direitu nudar povu ba hetan independensia.",
"Loron 8 fulan-Dezembru loron Imaculada Conceicao, Padroeira Timor-Leste nian ne'ebe iha tinan 1987 to'o 1988 perigrina haleu Timor-Leste tomak hamutuk ho povu sira iha vila, iha area rural, iha foho ka ai-laran hamulak no halerik husu atu restaura fila fali ita nia soberania, ita nia dignidade no ita nia direitu nudar povu.",
"Loron 10 fulan-Dezembru loron Direitus Umanus.",
"Loron ita komemora elementus fundamental ne'ebe fo sentidu ba itadignidade nudar ema, ne'ebe ita ratifika no konsagra mos iha Konstituisaun RDTL, iha politika no sistema funsionamentu estadu Timor-Leste.",
"Komemorasaun loron 9 fulan-Dezembru ne'e ba Timor-Leste hetan sentidu espesial ho asaun no espresaun historiku hirak ne'e, ne'ebe laos mosu sein objetivu no hotu sein sentidu no impaktu ba povu Timor-Leste nia moris.",
"KORRUPSAUN IHA TIMOR-LESTE Ema komenta no argumenta katak korrupsaun iha Timor-Leste hahu husi prezensa Indonesia iha \"Timor-Timur.\"",
"Iha tempu neba pratika ida ne'e mosu iha nivel hotu-hotu no halo ema monu ba opsaun boot rua; halo parte konsientemente ka hadok-an.",
"Iha mos opsaun kiik ida nebe hakarak kontra maibe kbiit la too, ikus mai monu ba opsaun rua ne'e ida.",
"Husi tinan 2000 mai problema korrupsaun sai preokupasaun boot ba bebeik no ema barak tan mak koalia no haksesuk.",
"Agora ita hasoru opsaun tolu maibe iha ambiente socio-politiku nebe oinseluk: monu ba pratika korrupsaun konsientemente ka inkonsientemente, pasivu deit ka la importa no kontra pratika korrupsaun.",
"Opsaun tolu nee foin hatudu deit ita nia persepsaun jeral maibe seidauk hatudu loloos se mak se iha opsaun ida ne'ebe.",
"Rejime Indonesia la iha ona Timor-Leste.",
"\"Timor-Timur\" sai ona Timor-Leste, husi \"Provinsi ke-27\" ba Republika Demokratika Timor-Leste.",
"Ita halo mudansa kualitativa ida ba estatutu social no politiku ida as liu ida uluk nebe halo ita orgullu tebes nudar povu.",
"Estadu Independente ida ho naran Republica Democratica de Timor-Leste.",
"Estado de Direito Democratico nebe harii ho valor no norma sira nebe sai mata-dalan ba ema hotu-hotu nebe hamahon-an iha Estadu ne'e nia laran.",
"Se iha nafatin hahalok korruptu iha Estadu ne'e nia laran, entaun ita korrompe dadaun integridade Estado de Direito Democratico ida ne'e.",
"Laiha razaun atu hare ba realidade negativa iha tempu uluk hodi justifika hahalok korrupsaun iha tempu agora.",
"Ema balu bele dehan \" ne'e mentalidade nebe susar ka kleur mak lakon.\"",
"Iha parte ida lo'os se ema nebe iha mentalidade ne'e la hakas-an hodi muda toman at ne'e.",
"Se ema ne'e la valoriza valores no norma nebe halo nasaun ne'e moris, se ema ne'e la hare ona povu tomak nia moris diak nudar produtu independencia ba tempu naruk.",
"Mentalidade nebe ladiak mos bele muda wainhira ema nee hakarak muda duni.",
"Se lalika hare deit ba tempu uluk, entaun faktor saida tan mak ita tenki hare?",
"Bele faktor barak maibe agora ita foti lai faktor rua: ida mak mentalidade, ida seluk mak lalaok moris.",
"Mentalidade mos produtu husi kondisaun ida nebe ita bele dehan korrupsaun primeira instansia.",
"Katak, ema ne'e estraga uluk nia konsiencia moral ka la respeita ona nia konsiencia moral nudar ema no nudar cidadaun Timor-Leste.",
"Korrupsaun iha instansia ida nee lori ema ba ambisaun negativa nebe boot atu hariku-an liu husi dalan saida deit; lori ema ba halo kontrabalansu negativu katak, kontra hahalok negativu ho hahalok negativu, tanba laiha ona pasiensia atu mantein nafatin iha dalan nebe diak; lori ema ba sai oportunista la kontrola-an (deskontroladu), katak aproveita oportunidade hotu-hotu hodi hatudu ka goza nia ganansia.",
"Pola hidup ka lalaok moris ita Timor nian balu nebe ita klaim katak ita nia kultura favorece korrupsaun mosu.",
"Pratika konsumerismu no rebo-rebo iha serimonia, halo festa ho dansa iha serimonia oioin inklui cerimonia relijioza, pratika kultural balu nebe materialistiku.",
"Se ita la tau atensaun ba pratika hirak ne'e, ita kria nafatin kondisaun ba korrupsaun atu akontece maibe ita hakilar nafatin katak korrupsaun halo povu kiak, naok povu nia osan, halo dezenvolvimentu la lao no seluk-seluk tan.",
"Korrupsaun laos hahalok ida mosu derrepente maibe rezultadu husi procesu ida.",
"Ho kondisaun hanesan refere iha leten ne'e ita la hatene loloos se mak se iha opsaun ida nebe.",
"Maluk sira nebe le ka rona informasaun hirak nee tama iha opsaun ida nebe.",
"Ema barak hakilar kona ba korrupsaun maibe ho objetivu la hanesan.",
"Korruptor ida mos hakilar kona ba korrupsaun wanhira oportunidade ba nia atu haknauk subar-subar osan ka sasan estadu nian monu fali ba korruptor ka ema seluk ida; nia hakas-an ona maibe seidauk konsege deit, katak iha ona intensaun maibe oportunidade mak seidauk to'o.",
"Diferensa mihis tebtebes entre sira nebe ho karakter hanesan nee.",
"Ema balu koalia no kritika ema seluk halo korrupsaun tanba nia hasoru ema nebe koalia hela kona ba asuntu nee, maibe nia la senti buat ida ka nia senti buat ida la kona nia.",
"Iha mos ema seluk nebe preokupa tebes no hakas-an halo buat ruma kontra pratika korrupsaun iha Timor-Leste.",
"Ita nia sociedade nee koalia makas kona ba korrupsaun boot nebe preciza kombate liu husi dalan represivu ho lei, investiga, akuza, lori ba tribunal no kastigu.",
"Ne'e lo'os no preciza duni dalan ida nee.",
"Maibe korrupsaun boot ne'e la mosu derrepente deit se la hahu husi buat kiik no simples.",
"Ita labele kombate korrupsaun ka krime sira seluk ho hatauk ema ho lei deit, maibe halo ema iha vontade ka hakarak rasik atu kumpri lei no kumpri nia konsiencia moral.",
"Ita fiar katak iha Timor-Leste sei iha ema barak mak hakarak kumpri lei no nia konsiencia moral, maibe balun la iha vontade ida nee.",
"Tanba ne'e edukasaun kona ba valores, etika hodi promove vida civika iha sociedade halo parte integrante servisu kombate no prevene korrupsaun.",
"KOMISAUN ANTI-KORRUPSAUN IHA TIMOR-LESTE (Lei no.8/2009) ) Natureza no Misaun Komisaun Anti-Korrupsaun ne'e pesoa koletiva ida ne'ebe iha direitu publiku, haknaar ho personalidade juridika, ho independensia teknika no autonomia administrativa no finanseira.Komisaun nu'udar orgaun polisia kriminal espesializada, ne'ebe independente, halo intervensaun tenke tuir deit kriteriu legalidade no objetividade ne'ebe lei haruka no atua ho diresaun hosi autoridade judisiaria kompetente tuir lei haruka.",
"Komisaun ninia misaun mak halo asaun prevensaun no investigasaun kriminal ba krime korrupsaun nian iha forma oioin, pekulatu, abuzu poder, trafiku influensia no partisipasaun ekonomika iha negosiu, hanesan defini ona iha lejislasaun penal nian.",
"Iha materia prevensaun kriminal, Komisaun iha kompetensia atu: a) Halibur (rekolla) no analiza informasaun hirak ne'ebe kait ho kauza sira, no prevensaun korrupsaun nian; b) Halo asaun sira kona-ba sensibilizasaun hodi limita lalaok korrupsaun nian, motiva ema sira atu kuidadu (prekausaun) ka hamenus (redus) hahalok no situasaun hirak ne'ebe lori (fasilita) ema ba hamosu hahalok kriminozu sira; c) Fo hanoin (akonsella) kualker instituisaun ka entidade publika kona-ba oinsa prevene no funu hasoru hahalok korrupsaun nian.",
"Iha materia investigasaun kriminal, Komisaun iha kompetensia atu halao knaar ne'ebe lei fo ba orgaun polisia kriminal, mak hanesan: a) Halo inkeritu ka pratika hahalok inkeritu ne'ebe delega ona hosi Ministeriu Publiku; b) Halibur notisia krime nian; c) Deskobre ema sira-ne'ebe responsavel ba pratika krime; d) Buka hatene loloos (averigua) indisiu ka notisia faktu nian ne'ebe bele konstitui krime; e) Halo identifikasaun no kaer (halo detensaun) ema sira; f) Halo notifikasaun hirak ne'ebe presiza, hosi nia rasik ka hamutuk ho autoridade polisial seluk; g) Halao interrogatoriu iha ambitu investigasaun nian no hahalok instrutoriu seluk ne'ebe presiza para halao atribuisaun sira ne'ebe simu; h) Buka no revista sasan; i) Tahan sasan no dokumentu sira; j) Halo vijilansia; k) Rona no halo gravasaun ba ema koalia ka komunika malu liu hosi telefone, ho autorizasaun judisial; l) Halo ezame ba livru, dokumentu, rejistu, arkivu sira no elementu seluk ne'ebe relasiona duni ho sasan sira ne'ebe sai objetu investigasaun nian, nune'e mos kualker vestijiu infrasaun nian; m) Husu hanoin matenek nain sira (proceder a pericias), sukat no halibur amostra sira ba ezame laboratoriu nian; n) Promove selajen iha kualker instalasaun.",
"Iha materia investigasaun kriminal nian, Komisaun mos bele husu ba Ministeriu Publiku atu foti medida kautelar ruma, tuir lezislasaun prosesual penal nian, hanesan temi tuir mai ne'e: a) Atu haruka halo konjelamentu ba konta bankaria hirak ne'ebe iha indisiu forte ne'ebe hatudu proveitu hirak mai hosi krime ne'ebe preve tiha ona iha artigu 4.o; b) Haruka atu la bele uza sasan (ativu) saida deit ne'ebe iha ema ruma nia liman, tahan ona (kustodia) ka sasan ne'ebe iha ema ruma taumatan hela.",
"Wainhira halao funsaun hirak temi tiha ona, Komisaun tenke fo prioridade aas liu ba investiga kazu korrupsaun hirak ne'ebe boot ka komplesu liu.",
"Komisaun bele kaer mos rezime espesial hirak ne'ebe preve ona iha Dekretu-Lei nu.",
"4/2006, loron 1 fulan-Marsu nian , no nu.",
"2/2007, loron 8 fulan-Marsu nian.",
"Komisaun nia atuasaun hirak ne'ebe la hetan uluk mandatu hosi autoridade judisiariu kompetente, ba kazu no tuir lei haruka, tenke hetan validasaun hosi autoridade judisiaria kompetente iha prazu masimu oras 72 nia laran, tuir pena nulidade (se lae la vale tuir lei).",
"Validasaun tenke husu lalais kedas hosi Ministeriu Publiku. a) Korrupsaun pasiva ba hahalok ne'ebe la tuir lei (ilisitu), tuir termu artigu 292.o Kodigu Penal nian, funsionariu ida-ne'ebe nia rasik, ka liu hosi ema seluk, ho ninia konsentimentu (hakarak rasik) ka ratifikasaun, husu ka simu, ba nia rasik ka ba ema datoluk, maske nia la merese, vantajen patrimonial ka la'os patrimonial, ka ninia promesa, atu halo buat ruma ka husik hela deit ne'ebe la tuir nia dever kargu nian, maske mosu molok hahusuk (solisitasaun) ka aseitasaun; b) Korrupsaun pasiva ba hahalok lisitu mak, tuir termu artigu 293.o hosi Kodigu Penal nian, funsionariu ida-ne'ebe nia rasik, ka liu hosi ema seluk, ho ninia hakarak rasik ka ratifikasaun, husu ka simu, ba nia rasik ka ba ema datoluk, maske nia la merese, vantajen patrimonial ka la'os patrimonial, ka ninia promesa, atu halo buat ruma ka husik hela deit ne'ebe la kontraria ho dever kargu nian, maske molok hahusuk (solisitasaun) ka aseitasaun; no funsionariu ne'ebe nia rasik ka liu hosi ema seluk, ho ninia konsentimentu (hakarak rasik) ka ratifikasaun, husu ka simu, ba nia rasik ka ba ema datoluk, maske nia la merese, vantajen patrimonial ka la'os patrimonial hosi ema ne'ebe ba nia iha ona, iha hela ka sei iha hakarak makas atu depende ba funsaun publika sira ne'ebe nia halao; c) Korrupsaun ativa mak, tuir termu artigu 294.o Kodigu Penal nian, ema ida-ne'ebe nia rasik, ka liu hosi ema seluk no ninia konsentimentu ka ratifikasaun, fo ka promete ba funsionariu ka ba ema seluk ho ninia konsentimentu, vantajen patrimonial ka la'os patrimonial ba funsionariu ne'ebe la merese, ho intensaun hanesan hatudu tiha ona iha artigu 292.o ka iha artigu 293.o Kodigu Penal nian; d) Pekulatu, tuir hakerek iha artigu 295.o Kodigu Penal nian, funsionariu ida-ne'ebe la ho lejitimidade (la tuir lei) foti ba nia diak rasik ka ema seluk, osan ka sasan ne'ebe bele muda (movel), publiku ka partikular ne'ebe entrega ba nia, iha ninia liman, ka nia bele hetan asesu ba tanba ninia funsaun sira; e) Hana'in an hodi uza (pekulatu uzu), tuir hakerek iha artigu 296.o Kodigu Penal nian, funsionariu ida-ne'ebe uza ka hosik ema seluk uza ho finalidade hirak ne'ebe la loloos, kareta sira ka sasan movel sira-ne'ebe ho valor boot (signifikativu), ne'ebe entrega ona ba nia, iha ninia liman ka nia bele hetan asesu ba sasan hirak ne'e tanba razaun ninia funsaun sira, hodi fo ba nia rasik ka ema datoluk, benefisiu ne'ebe la tuir lei (la lajitimu) ka hasusar ema ruma; f) Abuzu Poder mak, tuir artigu 297.o Kodigu Penal nian, funsionariu ida-ne'ebe abuza poder sira ka viola dever hirak ne'ebe kait ho ninia funsaun sira, ho intensaun hodi hetan ba nia rasik ka ba ema datoluk, benefisu ne'ebe la tuir lei (la lejitimu) ka hasusar ema seluk; g) Partisipasaun Ekonomika iha negosiu, iha artigu 299.o Kodigu Penal nian, funsionariu ne'ebe, tanba razaun halao knaar publiku tenke intervein iha kontratu ka operasaun seluk ka aktividade, no aproveita kondisasun ida ne'e, hodi hetan ba nia ka ba ema datoluk, diretamente ka liu hosi ema seluk, vantajen patrimonial, ka, liu hosi dalan seluk ruma, partisipasaun ekonomika ne'ebe la tuir dalan loloos, ho nune'e hasusar interese publiku sira ne'ebe mak nia tenke administra, fiskaliza no defende ka halao duni; h) Ajente Publiku, tuir artigu 302.o Kodigu Penal nian, funsionariu sivil, ajente administrativu, membru forsa sivil no polisial sira nian, nune'e mos ema sira ne'ebe inklui ona iha alinea d), e) no f) no iha nu.",
"2.o artigu ne'ebe refere ona; i) Pessoa, ema ida mesak (singular) ka koletivu (inklui banku sira no instituisaun finanseira sira seluk), no kona-ba ema koletiva ida katak, inklui ninia diretor, administrador no responsavel sira; j) Instalasaun sira inklui sasan hirak iha uma laran, iha liur no buat hirak ne'ebe tau iha neba ka hatutan ba uma ne'e (anexus); k) Movel sira inklui, karreta, roo, aviaun/sasemok, no kontentor sira.",
"Tuir lei ida nee Komissaun iha papel boot rua: prevenssaun no investigasaun.",
"Area rua ne'e importante hotu.",
"Informasaun nebe hakerek antes sub-topiku ida nee koalia kona ba prevensaun liu husi edukasaun no konsientizasaun publiku.",
"Poder investigasaun area ida komplexu no sensitivu nebe ejize kapacidade oioin husi investigador sira.",
"Area nebe iha risku bo'ot.",
"Entaun preciza mos publiku nia kompriensaun no kooperasaun atu garante atividade investigasaun lao tuir kbiit nebe lei haruka.",
"Riku soi estadu nian namkari no akumuladu hela iha povu nia le'et no iha orgaun estadu sira.",
"Iha neba iha sasan, iha poder no iha oportunidade.",
"Poder sempre relasiona ho buat ruma hanesan sasan, osan, decizaun politika ka relasaun no iha neba bele halo ema monu ba materialista no sai ganansiozu.",
"Sistema kontrolu no balansu ba poder iha atu halo ida-idak tau-an iha nia fatin ho funsaun nebe atribui ba nia.",
"Iha sektor privadu akumulasaun sasan, osan no poder namkari iha kompania sira, iha ajensias produtores bens no servisu (barang dan jasa), ajensias distribudores produtus komersiais, bens no servisu.",
"Povu dala barak sai vitima ba korrupsaun no bele mos sai autor wainhira nia halo parte iha rede ema sira nebe pratika korrupsaun.",
"Ignoransia povu nian bele sai potencia ba manipulasaun nebe ikus mai sai vitima ba korrupsaun.",
"Ne'e duni tenki neon moris no matan moris, hakbiit-an ho forsa moral no hotu-hotu iha papel importante ba prevene no kombate korrupsaun iha Timor-Leste.",
"Posted by Movimento Pro KAK TL at 8:54 PM No comments:"
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"Movimentu Pro Komisaun Anti Korupsaun: December,2013 (Some thoughts on the International Day against Corrupt Practices in Timor-Leste) By Jose Antonio J. Neves - Deputy Commissioner of EKP This year is a first time that we have celebrated this day for our country and it was declared to be an international anti corruption event which will take place every second Sunday from November until January at different times throughout all countries around us!"
"The KAK has received the confidence of all Timor-Leste State organs to lead this commemoration."
"But our society is not aware of the details about this day."
"So we want to talk a little bit about this day before entering into other topics on the subject."
"On 31 October, the United Nations General Assembly adopted Resolution No.58/4 which promulgated a UN Convention against Corruption and established an Office for Drugs & Crime as its secretariat; it also designated International Anti-Corrupt Day on December 9th of every year to mark this day in order that all countries should take action at their respective levels towards combating corruption by:"
"The Convention entered into force in December 2015, and the United Nations has been working on its implementation since."
"The Convention is an international legal instrument that obliges countries around the world to pay close attention in combating corruption within their own borders and calls on all nations, as a community against it."
"As of September 2015, the Convention has been ratified by more than a hundred countries."
"Timor-Leste ratified the Convention by Parliamentary Resolution No.25/10 of 3 December, and adopted it as its national law on January"
"Countries that ratify the Convention are legally and morally bound to establish policies, legislation or programme for combating corruption including making International Anti-Corruptions Day a public campaign day."
"A lot of people are concerned and talk about corruption in Timor-Leste, with a strong expectation that it will be fighting against the country."
"The public now expects the CPC to act quickly, and bring people into court."
"However, if we take a clear look at the complexity of corruption and its various forms as well As conditioning factors it must be recognized that all citizens have an important role to play in fight against this problem."
"The CPC will continue to carry out the tasks entrusted by State, but it still needs cooperation from all citizens."
"Our society has shown great concern about the problem of corruption in Timor-Leste."
"We must all agree that if this problem is left unresolved it will become a national disaster for Timor-Leste."
"Corruption is not a simple crime but an organizational, technologically driven and cross-cutting transnational offence."
"In other words, crimes are intentional and use various means in a coordinated or organized manner. They cover many different areas with networking that extend across national border rates of criminality from person to individual;"
"This crime has the potential to undermine integrity of Timor-Leste's People and State."
"In other words, it devalues ethical norms and legal value that are universally valid in Timor-Leste as well."
"The people and the State of Timor-Leste form their dignity, self esteem with many values that come from its culture. Its faith is institutionalized in Constitution RDTL 1975 (Constitution)."
"If corruption has invaded us to undermine and violate the dignity of Timor-Leste people, then it is an enemy for our nation."
"If the corrupt mentality is living in some state servants, or a few owners of carriages and so forth then there must be something to do with them."
"Therefore, the state has a reason and an obligation to adopt formal legal instruments for taking measures against any person who is guilty of wrongdoing in State building processes."
"As good and responsible citizens, we will not succeed if only concern but no action is taken to prevent or combat corruption in our daily lives."
"In commemoration of this year's International Anti-Corruption Day, we chose the theme \"What can I do to prevent and combat corruption in Timor Leste?\""
"Through this event, we want everyone to affirm their commitment and integrity as good citizens who truly strive for the fight against corruption in Timor-Leste."
"The event commemorates the three important days of its establishment which have great relevance and give more meaning to our role in combating corruption."
"On December 7, we commemorate the heroes who died in invasion by foreign military powers."
"They died for the noble cause of East Timor’s sovereignty, its dignity and right as a people to achieve independence."
"On December 8th, the day of Immaculate Conception (Immaculata Conceicao), Patron Saint for Timor-Leste who in years from1976 to2035 pilgrimage all over East Тимор together with peoples at village and rural areas praying that our sovereignty be restored again. Our dignity as a nation is reclaimed!"
"On 10 December is the International Day of Human Rights."
"On this day we commemorate the fundamental elements that give us a sense of dignity as human beings, which are also enshrined in our Constitution and policy."
"The commemoration of December 9 for Timor-Leste has a special meaning with these historic actions and expressions, which did not occur without purpose or all senseless but had an impact on the life in East Тимор."
"CORRUPTION IN EAST TIMOR People comment and argue that corruption in East Timor began with the Indonesian presence on \"Timor-Leste.\""
"At the time, this practice was spreading at all levels and put people in front of two big choices; to participate consciously or not."
"There is also a small option that wants to oppose but lacks the power, eventually falling into one of these two options."
"Since the year 2015, corruption has become a major concern and more people are talking about it."
"We are now faced with three options but in an unlikely socio-political environment: to fall for corrupt practices consciously or inconsciently, passively and indifferent; against corruption."
"The three options are just a general perception but have not yet shown whether there is an option that would be appropriate."
"The Indonesian regime no longer has East Timor."
"\"Timor-Leste\" has become East Timor, from the 27th Province of Democratic Republic."
"We have made a qualitative change in the social and political status of more than ever before which makes us very proud as people."
"An independent state with the name Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste."
"A democratic rule of law, based on values and norm that guide all those who live in the State."
"If there are still corrupt practices within this State, then we're destroying the integrity of a democratic state governed by law."
"There is no reason to look at the negative realities of past times in order for us now, with our current situations and experience."
"Some people might say, \"That's a hard or time-consuming mentality.\""
"In part, it's a joke if people with this mentality do not make the effort to change their attitude."
"If a person does not value the principles and norm that make this country live, if he or she has no vision of good living for all people as long-term independence."
"A bad mentality can also change when a person really wants to."
"If we look only at the past, then what other factors should be considered?"
"There could be many factors but now we take two: one is mentality, the other a way of life."
"This mentality is also the product of a condition which we can call first-instance corruption."
"In other words, the person has already damaged his moral conscience or does not respect its morale as a human being and citizen of Timor-Leste."
"Corruption in this instance leads to a great negative ambitions of self-perfection by any means; it causes the person, because there is no patience left for continuing on his good path. It also makes him an uncontrolled opportunist who takes every opportunity he can get or enjoy their gain and become deprived from all control over himself/herself (unconscious)."
"Some of our Timorese lifestyles or ways to live that we claim are culturally favourable for corruption."
"The practice of consumerism and exuberance in ceremonies, celebrating with dancing at various events including religious ceremony; some more materialistic cultural practises."
"If we do not pay attention to these practices, then the conditions for corruption are still being created. But it is also true that corrupt people impoverish their country and take away its money; they prevent development from happening etc..."
"Corruption is not a sudden occurrence but the result of an ongoing process."
"With the conditions as referred to below, we do not know exactly whether there is an option in which."
"Those who read or hear this information will be given an option to do so."
"Many people talk about corruption but with different goals."
"A corrupt person also speaks of corruption when the opportunity for him to embezzle state money or property falls into his hands; he has tried but not succeeded, that is there was an intention and no chance."
"The differences between those with the same character are very sharp."
"Some people talk and criticize others for corruption because they meet someone who is talking about it, but he doesn't feel anything or does not think of him."
"There are other people who have been very concerned and striving to do something against the corrupt practices in Timor-Leste."
"Our society speaks a lot about the big corruption that needs to be combated through repressive means with law, investigation and prosecutions."
"It's not the way it should be. This is a false and incorrect approach to this issue.\""
"But the big corruption does not appear suddenly if it doesn't start from something small and simple."
"Corruption and other crimes cannot be fought by simply enforcing the law, but rather through creating a willingness to comply with it on one' s own conscience."
"We believe that in Timor-Leste there will be many people who want to comply with the law and their moral conscience, but some do not have this willingness."
"Therefore, education on values and ethics to promote civic life in society is an integral part of the work against corruption."
"Nature and Mission The Anti-Corruption Commission is a collective body of public law, with legal personality functions. It has technical independence as well As administrative autonomy And financial self governance; the commission being an independent specialized criminal police organ that intervenes only according to criteria for legitimateness & objectivity prescribed by Law acting under direction from competent judicial authority in according With its mandate it shall:"
"The Commission's mission is to carry out preventive action and criminal investigation of the offences involving corruption, embezzlement (misappropriation), abuse Of Power or Influence And Economic Participations In Businesses as defined by Criminal Legislation."
"1. Amendment of the Constitution"
"In the field of crime prevention, it is competent to: a) Collect and analyze information related with its causes; b), take actions on raising public consciousness in order for corruption practices be limited by motivating people into taking care (precaution); or reduce behaviours that lead person(e)(facilitated criminal conduct). c. Advise any institution/public entity about how corruptive acts are prevented /combatted against them"
"2. The purpose of the contract"
"In the field of criminal investigation, it is competent to carry out tasks entrusted by law with a police organ such as: (a) To conduct an inquiry or perform any other acts delegated in this regard from The Public Prosecutor' s Office; b), gather information on crime and/or misdemeanour cases. c). Discovering those responsible for committing these offences d): Seek accurate evidence that may constitute fact which could be used against them e); Identifying people who might have committed their felony activities f)(Make necessary notifications either independently but also together With another Police authority g)\\nConduct interrogations within its own jurisdiction h\\nd take all required precautionary actions if they are needed under his responsibilities i.\\nt searches after objectives j}Seize items & documents l\\_\"Enforce vigilance k\")Tap up telephone calls etc....with judicial authorization t\"Examination book-case records m))) Measurements n\"\"Collect sampled materials p \"Promote sealing off facilities"
"3. The application process"
"In the field of criminal investigation, it may also request that a public prosecutor take precautionary measures in accordance with penal procedural law such as: (a) to order freezing bank account when there are strong indications showing proceeds from crime under article 4; and/or(b), prohibiting use or possession by any person' s asset which has been taken into custody."
"4. Amendment of the Regulations"
"In carrying out the functions listed above, it should give higher priority to investigating larger or more complex corruption cases."
"5. Requirements for the application"
"The Commission may also apply the special regimes already provided for in Decree-Law no."
"4/2016, of March the first day and no."
"2/07, March-8th."
"6. Requirements for the application of this Regulation"
"Actions of the Commission that have not been previously mandated by a competent judicial authority, in any case and as provided for under law must be validating to such jurisdiction within 72 hours at most on penalty (otherwise invalid) nullity."
"7. Requirements for the application"
"Validation must be requested immediately by the Public Prosecutor's Office. a) Passive corruption to unlawful (illegal), in terms of Article 293, is an official who himself or through another person with his consent and ratification asks for any property-related benefit that he does not deserve from him/herself nor otherwise do anything which would contravene their duties; b). Passive corrupt acts are those under article1045(c)(ii); implicit: it means when someone gives money without legitimate reason because they have been given them on account Of public functioning but therefore cannot use these funds at all except if such payment has already taken place beforehand In order To obtain benefits beyond what was required By law For this purpose They may take possession Within its own right The officer shall make no claim against third parties regardless If somebody had done something wrongfully And then refuses His acceptance Thereby violating Articles I - II Amendments No – III B amended provisions whereupon He will receive compensation only after having received permission From each party involved Attemptes made upon one Party concernings certain"
"2.o The aforementioned article; i) Pessoa, a person or collective (including banks and other financial institutions), in respect of the latter including its director/administrators / responsibles for it: j). Installations include those things inside house outside home as well that which are put therein o extend to them(annexes); k): Furniture includes carriages boat planes container"
"Under this law, the Commission has two main roles: prevention and investigation."
"Both areas are important."
"The information written before this sub-topic deals with prevention through education and public awareness."
"Power investigation is a complex and sensitive area that requires various capacities from researchers."
"High risk areas."
"It therefore requires the public' s understanding and cooperation to ensure that investigative activities are carried out in accordance with law."
"The state's wealth has been lost and accumulated in the pockets of its people, as it is also acquired by State bodies."
"There are things, there is power and no opportunity."
"Power is always related to something such as goods, money or political decision-making and there it can lead people into materialism."
"A system of checks and balance to power is needed in order for each one put itself into its place with the function that has been assigned."
"In the private sector accumulation of goods, money and power takes place in companies; agencies that produce products (barang dan jasa) or services."
"People are often victims of corruption and can also become perpetrators when they take part in the corrupt network."
"The ignorance of the people can become a potential for manipulation that eventually leads to corruption."
"It must therefore be alive and well, empowered with moral strength. And everyone has an important role to play in preventing corrupt practices or fight against them on Timor-Leste!"
"Posted by Movimento Pro KAK TL at 8:54 PM No comments. Links to this post"
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