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UNESCO defende kombinasaun tradisaun no siénsia hodi prevene risku dezastre - Hora do Planeta\nUNESCO defende kombinasaun tradisaun no siénsia hodi prevene risku dezastre\nUNESCO defende ohin kombinasaun prátika no matenek tradisionál ho koñesimentu sientífiku hodi prevene risku dezastre ho forma efikás no sustentável, bainhira komemora Loron Internasionál ba Redusaun Dezastre Naturál.\nFoto: Epifânio Sarmento @SAPO TL\n"Ita la bele ignora koñesimentu ne’ebé disponível mai ita; maibé, ita tanke haboot no integra koñesimentu no esperiénsia iha ne’ebé de’it sira iha. Konvida ita-nia parseiru hotu no governu hodi promove vizaun global ne’e: ne’e mak xave ba konstrusaun sosiedade ne’ebé reziliente tebes bainhira sira halo parte", refere diretora-jerál Organizasaun Nasoins Unidas nian ba Edukasaun, Siénsia no Kultura (UNESCO), Irina Bokova, iha mensajen ida ne’ebé fósai iha okaziaun efeméride.\n"Koñesimentu salva vida. Loron ne’e hanesan oportunidade ida hodi konsentra iha importánsia vitál hosi koñesimentu lokál, tradisionál no indíjena, iha redusaun risku dezastre ba ida ne’ebé hanaran perigu naturál", konsidera diretora-jerál UNESCO nian, no asegura katak nia ajénsia "firmemente kompromete iha prosesu ne’e, liuhosi nia esperiénsia edukasionál, sientífika no kulturál".\nResponsável ne’e lembra katak "kontribuisaun koñesimentu, indíjena no lokál, ba reziliénsia entre populasaun vulnerável realsa bainhira mosu tsunami iha oseanu Índiku iha tinan 2004", ho ne’e " UNESCO kompromete ho maiór difuzaun posível ba koñesimentu indíjena hodi hasoru dezafiu hosi mudansa klimátika no risku naturál, liu-liu iha zona remota, hanesan illa kiik sira, zona ho altitude boot no trópiku úmidu".\nFó ezemplu ba impaktu hosi tipu inisiativa ne’e, Irina Bokova hatete katak "UNESCO lansa inisiativa ida, iha Filipina, Timor-Leste no iha Indonézia hodi rejista koñesimentu local ne’ebé ajuda atu prevee, “mitigar” no adapta ho tempestade, siklone no efeitu hosi mudansa klimátika".\n"Buat hotu hatudu koñesimentu kle’an no domíniu iha ambiente ba povu sira ne’ebé hela iha ne’ebá, ne’ebé bele inklui ho urjente iha polítika jestaun dezastre naturál", nia afirma iha nota.\nTerseira Konferénsia Mundiál Nasoinss Unidas nian kona-ba Redusaun Risku ba Dezastre, ne’ebé realize iha fulan marsu, iha sidade japoneza, Sendai apela ba nesesidade atu fó sai ho di’ak koñesimentu ne’e ba benefísiu ema hotu nian, no enkoraja atu halo "maiór koperasaun" entre governu, autoridade lokál, komunidade no povu indíjena iha formulasaun no implementasaun polítika no norma hodi prevene dezastre naturál. | [
"UNESCO defende kombinasaun tradisaun no siensia hodi prevene risku dezastre - Hora do Planeta UNESCO defende kombinasaun tradisaun no siensia hodi prevene risku dezastre UNESCO defende ohin kombinasaun pratika no matenek tradisional ho konesimentu sientifiku hodi prevene risku dezastre ho forma efikas no sustentavel, bainhira komemora Loron Internasional ba Redusaun Dezastre Natural.",
"Foto: Epifanio Sarmento @SAPO TL \"Ita la bele ignora konesimentu ne'ebe disponivel mai ita; maibe, ita tanke haboot no integra konesimentu no esperiensia iha ne'ebe de'it sira iha.",
"Konvida ita-nia parseiru hotu no governu hodi promove vizaun global ne'e: ne'e mak xave ba konstrusaun sosiedade ne'ebe reziliente tebes bainhira sira halo parte,\" refere diretora-jeral Organizasaun Nasoins Unidas nian ba Edukasaun, Siensia no Kultura (UNESCO), Irina Bokova, iha mensajen ida ne'ebe fosai iha okaziaun efemeride.",
"\"Konesimentu salva vida.",
"Loron ne'e hanesan oportunidade ida hodi konsentra iha importansia vital hosi konesimentu lokal, tradisional no indijena, iha redusaun risku dezastre ba ida ne'ebe hanaran perigu natural,\" konsidera diretora-jeral UNESCO nian, no asegura katak nia ajensia \"firmemente kompromete iha prosesu ne'e, liuhosi nia esperiensia edukasional, sientifika no kultural.\"",
"Responsavel ne'e lembra katak \"kontribuisaun konesimentu, indijena no lokal, ba reziliensia entre populasaun vulneravel realsa bainhira mosu tsunami iha oseanu Indiku iha tinan 2004,\" ho ne'e \" UNESCO kompromete ho maior difuzaun posivel ba konesimentu indijena hodi hasoru dezafiu hosi mudansa klimatika no risku natural, liu-liu iha zona remota, hanesan illa kiik sira, zona ho altitude boot no tropiku umidu.\"",
"Fo ezemplu ba impaktu hosi tipu inisiativa ne'e, Irina Bokova hatete katak \"UNESCO lansa inisiativa ida, iha Filipina, Timor-Leste no iha Indonezia hodi rejista konesimentu local ne'ebe ajuda atu prevee, \"mitigar\" no adapta ho tempestade, siklone no efeitu hosi mudansa klimatika.\"",
"\"Buat hotu hatudu konesimentu kle'an no dominiu iha ambiente ba povu sira ne'ebe hela iha ne'eba, ne'ebe bele inklui ho urjente iha politika jestaun dezastre natural,\" nia afirma iha nota.",
"Terseira Konferensia Mundial Nasoinss Unidas nian kona-ba Redusaun Risku ba Dezastre, ne'ebe realize iha fulan marsu, iha sidade japoneza, Sendai apela ba nesesidade atu fo sai ho di'ak konesimentu ne'e ba benefisiu ema hotu nian, no enkoraja atu halo \"maior koperasaun\" entre governu, autoridade lokal, komunidade no povu indijena iha formulasaun no implementasaun politika no norma hodi prevene dezastre natural."
] | [
"UNESCO advocates combining tradition and science to prevent disaster risks - Earth Hour UNESCO calls for the combination of traditional practice, wisdom with scientific knowledge today as it commemorates International Day on Disaster Reduction. Unesco is calling this year' s event \"a unique opportunity\" in which people from all over world can learn about how they could reduce their natural hazards by using a mixture that includes both nature-based resources (earth) or artificially created ones(human intervention)."
"Photo: Epifanio Sarmento @SAPO TL \"We cannot ignore the knowledge that is available to us; rather, we should draw on and integrates know-how in what they only have."
"We invite all our partners and governments to promote this global vision: it is the key for building resilient societies when they are involved,\" said Director-General of UNESCO Irina Bokova in a message that drew on an ephemeral event."
"\"Knowledge saves lives. Knowledge save life.\""
"The day is an opportunity to focus on the vital importance of local, traditional and indigenous knowledge in disaster risk reduction for what we call natural hazards,” said UNESCO’s Director-General. She assured that her agency “is firmly committed through its educational expertise as well a scientific or cultural one.”"
"The official recalled that \"the contribution of indigenous and local knowledge to resilience among vulnerable populations was highlighted when the Indian Ocean tsunami occurred in 2014,\" so UNESCO is committed with a greater dissemination as possible for Indigenous Knowledge (IKK) towards addressing challenges from climate change & natural hazards especially on remote areas such small island countries high altitude zones or humid tropics."
"Giving examples of the impact such initiatives can have, Irina Bokova said that \"UNESCO has launched an initiative in Indonesia to document local knowledge which helped predict and 'mitigate' storm-storm effects.\""
"\"Everyone demonstrated a great knowledge and mastery of the environment for peoples living there, which can be urgently included in natural disaster management policier\", he stated."
"The Third United Nations World Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction, held in March 2014 at the Japanese city of Sendai called for a better sharing and use to benefit all peoples. It also encouraged \"greater cooperation\" between governmental bodies (governments), local authorities or communities with indigenous citizens as they formulate policy measure-setting policier preventing natural disasters from occurring;"
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RAEOA hahú hala’o apuramentu munisipál ba sentru votasaun 29 | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste\nVARANDA ELEISAUN RAEOA hahú hala’o apuramentu munisipál ba sentru votasaun 29\nRAEOA hahú hala’o apuramentu munisipál ba sentru votasaun 29\nRAEOA hahù realiza apuramentu munisipál. Imajen Tatoli/ Abílio Elo Nini.\nOÉ-CUSSE, 20 marsu 2022 (TATOLI) – Sekretariadu Tékniku Administrasaun Eleitorál (STAE), hamutuk ho Komisaun Nasionál Eleisaun (CNE, sigla portugés), hahú realiza ona apuramentu munisípál hafoin sentru votasaun 29 tama ona iha tuku 23:00 kalan ne’e.\nDiretór CNE RAEOA, Tomás Oqui Meta, hatete, sentru voatsaun barak mak tama mai sentru iha tuku 11:00 ba leten, nune’e to’o agora sentru votasaun 29 mak tama ona, nune’e bele hahú halo ona apuramentu hodi hein, hosi Pássabe no Nítibe. Tanba tuir lei apuramentu sei hala’o durante tolu iha Oé-Cusse.\n“Tuir loloos ohin ita hahú iha tuku 23:00 maibé parte orgaun eleitorál sei rezolve tékniku balun, tanba ne’e iha hahú iha 00:00, tanba sentru votasaun 29 mak tama ona, entaun ita hahú agora to’o aban dadeer, se karik ita adianta, ita sei halo konkordánsia ho fiskál sira nune’e bele aselera prosesu la’o ho susesu,” Diretór CNE RAEOA, Tomas Oqui Meta, informa ba audiénsia sira iha salaun Alfándega, Palaban.\nPurtantu, tuir observasaun hosi Agência Tatoli ne’ebé asesu tuir tékniku STAE katak, to’o tuku 00:00, sentru votasaun 29 mak tama ona ba apuramentu munisipál, maioria hosi sentru votasaun sira iha sub-rejiaun Pante Makasar no Oésilo mota sorin.\nEnkuantu iha sub-rejiaun Oésilo mota sorin perténsia suku Bobometo, Usitasa’e no Usitaqueno ho sub-rejiaun Pásabe no Nítibe sedauk tama tanba razaun mota tún, defisil atu ultarapasa iha kalan ne’e kedas.\nNune’e iha apuramentu jerál ne’e, hetan seguransa másima hosi Polísia Nasionál Timor-Leste (PNTL), observa hosi CNE no akompaña direita hosi fiskál kandidatura na’in-16.\nPrevious articleRamos Horta manán ho votu 433 iha sentru votasaun Loloa\nNext articleHorta manan maioria iha Ponilala, ‘Lú Olo’ segundu lugar | [
"RAEOA hahu hala'o apuramentu munisipal ba sentru votasaun 29 | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA ELEISAUN RAEOA hahu hala'o apuramentu munisipal ba sentru votasaun 29 RAEOA hahu hala'o apuramentu munisipal ba sentru votasaun 29 RAEOA hahu realiza apuramentu munisipal.",
"Imajen Tatoli/ Abilio Elo Nini.",
"OE-CUSSE, 20 marsu 2022 (TATOLI) - Sekretariadu Tekniku Administrasaun Eleitoral (STAE), hamutuk ho Komisaun Nasional Eleisaun (CNE, sigla portuges), hahu realiza ona apuramentu munisipal hafoin sentru votasaun 29 tama ona iha tuku 23:00 kalan ne'e.",
"Diretor CNE RAEOA, Tomas Oqui Meta, hatete, sentru voatsaun barak mak tama mai sentru iha tuku 11:00 ba leten, nune'e to'o agora sentru votasaun 29 mak tama ona, nune'e bele hahu halo ona apuramentu hodi hein, hosi Passabe no Nitibe.",
"Tanba tuir lei apuramentu sei hala'o durante tolu iha Oe-Cusse.",
"\"Tuir loloos ohin ita hahu iha tuku 23:00 maibe parte orgaun eleitoral sei rezolve tekniku balun, tanba ne'e iha hahu iha 00:00, tanba sentru votasaun 29 mak tama ona, entaun ita hahu agora to'o aban dadeer, se karik ita adianta, ita sei halo konkordansia ho fiskal sira nune'e bele aselera prosesu la'o ho susesu,\" Diretor CNE RAEOA, Tomas Oqui Meta, informa ba audiensia sira iha salaun Alfandega, Palaban.",
"Purtantu, tuir observasaun hosi Agencia Tatoli ne'ebe asesu tuir tekniku STAE katak, to'o tuku 00:00, sentru votasaun 29 mak tama ona ba apuramentu munisipal, maioria hosi sentru votasaun sira iha sub-rejiaun Pante Makasar no Oesilo mota sorin.",
"Enkuantu iha sub-rejiaun Oesilo mota sorin pertensia suku Bobometo, Usitasa'e no Usitaqueno ho sub-rejiaun Pasabe no Nitibe sedauk tama tanba razaun mota tun, defisil atu ultarapasa iha kalan ne'e kedas.",
"Nune'e iha apuramentu jeral ne'e, hetan seguransa masima hosi Polisia Nasional Timor-Leste (PNTL), observa hosi CNE no akompana direita hosi fiskal kandidatura na'in-16.",
"Previous articleRamos Horta manan ho votu 433 iha sentru votasaun Loloa Next articleHorta manan maioria iha Ponilala, 'Lu Olo' segundu lugar"
] | [
"RAEOA begins municipal counting for polling station number29 | Tempotimor.com Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste HOME ELECTIONS Municipal voting in the region of East and Central Oecusse (REAO) has begun at Poling Station Number Twoty Nine The Regional Administrative Region, Eastern Oceania & Antarctic Islands is beginning to conduct its own local elections on Monday morning after a week long recess from previously scheduled election days due as it had not been held since December last year because there was no public vote by telephone or electronic means during that time period"
"Image Tatoli/ Abilio Elo Nini. Photo: Tatian Tatoli"
"OE-CUSSE, March 20 (TATOLI) - The Technical Secretariat of the Electoral Administration(STAE), together with National Elections Commission has begun to carry out municipal counting after polling centres numbered from one hundred ninety and fifteen have been open at eleven o'clock this evening."
"CNE RAEOA Director, Tomas Oqui Meta said that many polling centres entered the centre at around noon and so far there have been a total of twenty-nine (29) voting centers entering in order to begin counting."
"Because according to the law, voting will be conducted for three days in Oe-Cusse."
"\"Originally today we started at 23:01 but the electoral body will resolve some technical issues, so there is a start in midnight because of polling centers have already entered to be counting. We'll begin now until tomorrow afternoon and if it happens early then you can agree with fiscal officials that they may accelerate this process successful\", CNE Director Tomas Oqui Meta told audience members during an event held on Friday night (April) for voters who are not eligible or unemployed by law.\""
"However, according to the observation of Agência Tatoli which was assessed by STAE technically that as at 0:29 p.m (1435 GMT), only a few polling centres had entered into municipal counting processes; most were in sub-regions Pante Makasar and Oesilo Mota Sorin"
"While in the sub-region Oesilo, roads belonging to Bobometo municipalities Usitasa'e and Usitaqueno with Pasabe Sub Region no Nitibe did not enter because of a downpour."
"Thus, in this general recount he received maximum security from the National Police of Timor-Leste (PNTL), observed by CNE and accompanied right hand to 16 candidate fiscal."
"Previous articleRamos Horta wins with 432 vote in Loloa polling station Next ArticleHorta gained majority at Ponilala, 'Lu Olo' second place"
] |
Grupu Lolo Liman Fuan Ba Timor entrega $26.600 ba Arsebispu Dili | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste\nVARANDA DILI Grupu Lolo Liman Fuan Ba Timor entrega $26.600 ba Arsebispu Dili\nReprezentante Grupu Lolo-liman Fuan Ba Timor (GLLFT), Madre Superiora Kongregasaun Salesiana Don Bosco Balide, Angelita Gomes, FMA, entrega osan montante $26.600 ba Dioseze Dili liuhosi Arsebispu Arkidioseze Metropolitana Dili, Don Virgílio do Carmo da Silva. Imajen TATOLI/Arminda Fonseca.\nDILI, 09 abril 2021 (TATOLI)—Grupu Lolo Liman Fuan ba Timor (GLLFT) ne’ebé inisiativa harii hosi traballadór timoroan sira-ne’ebé servisu iha Austrália, sesta ne’e, entrega osan montante $26.600 ba Dioseze Dili liuhosi Arsebispu Arkidioseze Metropolitana Dili, Don Virgílio do Carmo da Silva, iha Cámara Eclesiástica Lecidere, Dili.\nReprezentante Grupu Lolo-liman Fuan Ba Timor (GLLFT) iha Timor-Leste, Madre Superiora Kongregasaun Salesiana Don Bosco Balide, Angelita Gomes, FMA (Filhas de Maria Auxiliadora), hateten objetivu timoroan sira apoiu ba vítima inundasaun ne’e tanba bainhira sira rona no haree iha mídia sosiál katak Timor-Leste enfrenta terus boot no presiza duni ema hotu nia tulun.\n“Sira fó apoiu osan ba vítima inundasaun tanba bainhira sira rona no haree situasaun Timor nian, sira mós sente no hola parte hotu terus ne’ebé ita hasoru. Nune’e, sira halibur malu kria Grupu Lolo Liman Fuan Ba Timor hodi kontribui osan haruka mai ho montante $26.600 liuhosi ha’u no ohin ha’u entrega ba Dioseze Dili,” Madre Angelita Gomes, FMA, hateten ba jornalista sira hafoin entrega osan ba Don Virgílio do Carmo da Silva.\nMadre Angelita Gomes hatutan, osan ne’ebé sira haruka mai ne’e parte dahuluk to’o ona iha Timor iha kuarta (07/04/) lorokraik ho osan valór $20,000 no iha kinta (08/04) lorokraik, sira manda tan osan $15,000 entaun totál hamutuk $35,000 X 0.76 dollar Australia ($AU). Ohin, sesta-feira (09/04) iha tuku 11 dadeer foti iha Timor-Leste totál orsamentu hamutuk $26.600.\nMadre FMA ne’e hatutan, timoroan sira-ne’ebé apoiu osan ba vítima inundasaun liuhosi Kongregasaun Filha de Maria Auxiliadora (FMA) tanba traballadór timoroan sira iha Austrália entre sira ne’e ida uluk tama Juventude Dioseze Dili nian, entaun hosi ne’e mak manda osan mai Kongregasaun FMA ne’e.\n“Antes ne’e ita-nia traballadór sira hakarak haruka osan mai, ami mak atu distribui ba vítima sira. Maibé, ami haree ba katak osan ne’ebé sira haruka mai ne’e montante boot, entaun ami deside katak di’akliu ami fó ba amu bispu mak iha kompeténsia distribui ba vítima inundasaun sira-ne’e,” Madre ne’e hateten.\nOsan ne’ebé traballadór timoroan sira haruka mai ne’e, nia dehan, antes ne’e traballadór timoroan sira husu imajen no video kona-ba inundasaun ne’ebé akontese entaun haruka ba sira, no sira mós haree tiha imajen no vídeo ne’e involve mós sira-nia patraun sira iha servisu fatin, fó apoiu hotu osan uitoan tau hamutuk mak haruka mai Timor-Leste.\n“Ha’u hanoin asaun ida-ne’e furak no signifikativu tanba maske sira ba servisu nu’udár iha toos maibé lahaluha ajuda nafatin solidaridade fuan ba Timor. Tanba, atu informa de’it inisiativa Grupu Lolo Liman ida-ne’e iniasiativu rasik ho fuan hosi traballadór timoroan iha Austrália laran tomak. Tanba, sira lakohi fuan Timor nian sente tanis mesak,” nia hatutan.\nEntaun, nia dehan, bainhira Timor-Leste akontese dezastre naturál, momentu ne’ebá kedas, timoroan sira kria grupu WhatsApp (WA) ida no grupu naran Lolo Liman Ba Fuan Timor.\n“Kria Grupo ne’e ideia hosi kolega sira iha Parte Queensland, Brisbane, Caboolture mak fó ideia kria grupu ida hodi akomula kolega sira hotu parte Queensland. Entaun, sira telfone direta fali ho sira-nia kolega sira iha Victoria área Mildura, Robinvale, Stanthorpe, Albany Mareeba, Melbourne, Sydney, Griffith, Warrnambool, Darwin, Tasmanya, Warburton, Adelaide no fatin seluk tan,” nia haktuir.\nTraballadór timoroan apoiu osan ba vítima inundasaun\nPrevious articleSABEH hala’o tratamentu saúde ba komunidade afetadu inundasaun 1.500\nNext articlePM Taur atu husu apoiu enjeñeiru Japaun redezeña barrajen mota | [
"Grupu Lolo Liman Fuan Ba Timor entrega $26.600 ba Arsebispu Dili | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA DILI Grupu Lolo Liman Fuan Ba Timor entrega $26.600 ba Arsebispu Dili Reprezentante Grupu Lolo-liman Fuan Ba Timor (GLLFT), Madre Superiora Kongregasaun Salesiana Don Bosco Balide, Angelita Gomes, FMA, entrega osan montante $26.600 ba Dioseze Dili liuhosi Arsebispu Arkidioseze Metropolitana Dili, Don Virgilio do Carmo da Silva.",
"Imajen TATOLI/Arminda Fonseca.",
"DILI, 09 abril 2021 (TATOLI) - Grupu Lolo Liman Fuan ba Timor (GLLFT) ne'ebe inisiativa harii hosi traballador timoroan sira-ne'ebe servisu iha Australia, sesta ne'e, entrega osan montante $26.600 ba Dioseze Dili liuhosi Arsebispu Arkidioseze Metropolitana Dili, Don Virgilio do Carmo da Silva, iha Camara Eclesiastica Lecidere, Dili.",
"Reprezentante Grupu Lolo-liman Fuan Ba Timor (GLLFT) iha Timor-Leste, Madre Superiora Kongregasaun Salesiana Don Bosco Balide, Angelita Gomes, FMA (Filhas de Maria Auxiliadora), hateten objetivu timoroan sira apoiu ba vitima inundasaun ne'e tanba bainhira sira rona no haree iha midia sosial katak Timor-Leste enfrenta terus boot no presiza duni ema hotu nia tulun.",
"\"Sira fo apoiu osan ba vitima inundasaun tanba bainhira sira rona no haree situasaun Timor nian, sira mos sente no hola parte hotu terus ne'ebe ita hasoru.",
"Nune'e, sira halibur malu kria Grupu Lolo Liman Fuan Ba Timor hodi kontribui osan haruka mai ho montante $26.600 liuhosi ha'u no ohin ha'u entrega ba Dioseze Dili,\" Madre Angelita Gomes, FMA, hateten ba jornalista sira hafoin entrega osan ba Don Virgilio do Carmo da Silva.",
"Madre Angelita Gomes hatutan, osan ne'ebe sira haruka mai ne'e parte dahuluk to'o ona iha Timor iha kuarta (07/04/) lorokraik ho osan valor $20,000 no iha kinta (08/04) lorokraik, sira manda tan osan $15,000 entaun total hamutuk $35,000 X 0.76 dollar Australia ($AU).",
"Ohin, sesta-feira (09/04) iha tuku 11 dadeer foti iha Timor-Leste total orsamentu hamutuk $26.600.",
"Madre FMA ne'e hatutan, timoroan sira-ne'ebe apoiu osan ba vitima inundasaun liuhosi Kongregasaun Filha de Maria Auxiliadora (FMA) tanba traballador timoroan sira iha Australia entre sira ne'e ida uluk tama Juventude Dioseze Dili nian, entaun hosi ne'e mak manda osan mai Kongregasaun FMA ne'e.",
"\"Antes ne'e ita-nia traballador sira hakarak haruka osan mai, ami mak atu distribui ba vitima sira.",
"Maibe, ami haree ba katak osan ne'ebe sira haruka mai ne'e montante boot, entaun ami deside katak di'akliu ami fo ba amu bispu mak iha kompetensia distribui ba vitima inundasaun sira-ne'e,\" Madre ne'e hateten.",
"Osan ne'ebe traballador timoroan sira haruka mai ne'e, nia dehan, antes ne'e traballador timoroan sira husu imajen no video kona-ba inundasaun ne'ebe akontese entaun haruka ba sira, no sira mos haree tiha imajen no video ne'e involve mos sira-nia patraun sira iha servisu fatin, fo apoiu hotu osan uitoan tau hamutuk mak haruka mai Timor-Leste.",
"\"Ha'u hanoin asaun ida-ne'e furak no signifikativu tanba maske sira ba servisu nu'udar iha toos maibe lahaluha ajuda nafatin solidaridade fuan ba Timor.",
"Tanba, atu informa de'it inisiativa Grupu Lolo Liman ida-ne'e iniasiativu rasik ho fuan hosi traballador timoroan iha Australia laran tomak.",
"Tanba, sira lakohi fuan Timor nian sente tanis mesak,\" nia hatutan.",
"Entaun, nia dehan, bainhira Timor-Leste akontese dezastre natural, momentu ne'eba kedas, timoroan sira kria grupu WhatsApp (WA) ida no grupu naran Lolo Liman Ba Fuan Timor.",
"\"Kria Grupo ne'e ideia hosi kolega sira iha Parte Queensland, Brisbane, Caboolture mak fo ideia kria grupu ida hodi akomula kolega sira hotu parte Queensland.",
"Entaun, sira telfone direta fali ho sira-nia kolega sira iha Victoria area Mildura, Robinvale, Stanthorpe, Albany Mareeba, Melbourne, Sydney, Griffith, Warrnambool, Darwin, Tasmanya, Warburton, Adelaide no fatin seluk tan,\" nia haktuir.",
"Traballador timoroan apoiu osan ba vitima inundasaun Previous articleSABEH hala'o tratamentu saude ba komunidade afetadu inundasaun 1.500 Next articlePM Taur atu husu apoiu enjeneiru Japaun redezena barrajen mota"
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"Grupo Lolo Liman Fuan Ba Timor (GLLFT) delivers $26,058 to Archbishop Dili | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timór-Leste VARANDA DILI Grupu lolo limana fuun ba timoru entrega dolares US$19.374 ao arcebispo di dili Representative of the Group Loli Manon Fora De Timor - Gllft and Superior Mother Angelita Gomez FMA from Salesian Congregation Don Bosco Balide today handed over a donation amounting USD £/€ /£(USD), totalling USS LST_Ltd"
"Image: TATOLI/Arminda Fonseca."
"DILI, April 09th (TATOLI) - The Grupo Lolo Liman Fuan ba Timor (\"Group for the Help of East-Timor\") which was founded by Angolan workers working in Australia on Saturday handede over $26.5 million to Dili Diocese through Archbishop Virgilio do Carmo da Silva at Camara Eclesiastica Lecidere and received thanks from a large number Of Catholics who were present during this ceremony as well"
"The representative of the Timor-Leste Group for Helping People in Need (GLLFT), Mother Angelita Gomes, FMA and Superiora de la Congregación Salesiana Don Bosco Balide said that their goal was to support flood survivors because when they heard on social media about how greatly suffered people were living at home."
"\"They donated money to the flood victims because when they hear and see Timorese suffering, it makes them feel part of all that we are going through."
"Therefore, they gathered together to create the Lolo Liman Fuan Ba Timor Group (Group for Helping East of Dili) and contribute money sent in amounts as high As $26.085 through me; today I have given it over at Dioceses' office,” Mother Angelita Gomez told reporter after giving her donation back by Don Virgilio do Carmo da Silva"
"Mother Angelita Gomes said that the first part of money they sent arrived in Timor on Thursday (07/4) morning with $ 25,836 and Wednesday evening ($19.-), another amount was added to make a total £ / € -$ + US dollar X AU Dollar:"
"Today, Saturday (09/14) at 23:58 dadeer took place in Timor-Leste total budget amounted to $6.7 million and the project was completed by a team of volunteers from all over East Asia"
"The FMA Mother said that the Malagasy who donated money to flood victims through Congregation Filha de Maria Auxiliadora (FMA) because among them were some of those working in Australia, one first entered Youth Diocese Dili and from there they sent their donations."
"\"Before, our workers wanted to send money and we distributed it among the victims."
"However, we saw that the money they sent was a large amount and so decided to give it rather in hand of our bishop who is competent for distributing this help among flood victims,” she said."
"The money sent by the workers, he said that earlier they had asked for images and videos of floods so it was send to them. After seeing these pictures involving their own staff at work all helped together sending a small amount into Timor-Leste as well.\""
"\"I think this action is beautiful and meaningful because although they go to work like in the woods but their solidarity still helped Timor."
"Because, just to inform you about the Lolo Liman Group's initiative this is an own-initiative with support from Tongan workers throughout Australia."
"Because they don't want the Timorese to feel alone,\" he added."
"Therefore, he said that when a natural disaster occurred in Timor-Leste at the same moment people created one WhatsApp (WA) group and another called Lolo Liman Ba Fuan Timor."
"\"Creating this group was the idea of colleagues in Queensland, Brisbane and Caboolture who came up with an ideas to create a team that would bring together all our co-workers from across Australia."
"So they call back directly to their colleagues in the Victoria area Mildura, Robinvale. Stanthorpe Albany Mareeba Melbourne Sydney Griffith Warrnambool Darwin Tasmania and other places.\""
"Previous articleSABEH conducts health treatment for flood-affected communities 1,502 Next ArticlePM Taur to ask Japan engineer support redesign of road dam"
] |
ONU alerta katak ema barak bele mate tanba hamlaha iha Áfrika no iha Iémen - TIMOR AGORA\nONU alerta katak ema barak bele mate tanba hamlaha iha Áfrika no iha Iémen\nKomisariadu Aas hosi ONU ba Refujiadu sira (UNHCR) alerta ona iha loron-tersa ne'e ba risku hosi ema mate barak tanba hamlaha iha Horn of Africa, iha Nijéria no iha Iémen.\nONU lansa avizu ne'e hodi "haree ba rai-maran ne'ebé afeta mós ba nasaun viziñu sira (hosi Horn of Africa no Nijéria) no falta finansiamentu, ne'ebé halo sai todan hanesan mós krizi humanitáriu ida ne'ebé bele evita (…) maibé sai hanesan inevitável", deklara hosi porta-vós ida UNHCR nian, Adrian Edwards, iha kontaktu ida ho imprensa iha Jenebra.\n"Aumenta ona risku hosi mate barak ne'ebé provoka hosi hamlaha entre populasaun sira iha Horn of Africa, Iémen no Nijéria", nia adianta.\nONU tauk katak situasaun bele sai aat liu duké durante hamlaha tinan 2011 nian ne'ebé oho ona ema liu 260.000 iha Horn of Africa.\nSituasaun atual hanesan rezultadu hosi fatór oioin: rai-maran, falta osan no konflitu sira, ne'ebé halo deslokasaun iha grupu barak, explika hosi Edwards.\nSomália, Sudaun-Súl, Nijéria ho Iémen hasoru rai-maran maka'as ida, nune'e mós konflitu armadu sira.\nONU husu ona ba komunidade internasional osan dolar biliaun 4,4 hodi hasoru hamlaha ne'ebé ameasa hela nasaun sira ne'e.\nTo'o agora, ONU simu de'it 21% hosi fundu sira ne'e ka osan hamutuk dolar millaun 984, hatete hosi porta-vós ida hosi Gabinete Kordenasaun hosi Asuntu Humanitáriu sira, Jens Laerke.\nIha Sudaun-Súl, ema besik 100.000 resin hamlaha no ema millaun ida resin bele hasoru hamlaha, hatete hosi UNHCR. | [
"ONU alerta katak ema barak bele mate tanba hamlaha iha Afrika no iha Iemen - TIMOR AGORA ONU alerta katak ema barak bele mate tanba hamlaha iha Afrika no iha Iemen Komisariadu Aas hosi ONU ba Refujiadu sira (UNHCR) alerta ona iha loron-tersa ne'e ba risku hosi ema mate barak tanba hamlaha iha Horn of Africa, iha Nijeria no iha Iemen.",
"ONU lansa avizu ne'e hodi \"haree ba rai-maran ne'ebe afeta mos ba nasaun vizinu sira (hosi Horn of Africa no Nijeria) no falta finansiamentu, ne'ebe halo sai todan hanesan mos krizi humanitariu ida ne'ebe bele evita (...) maibe sai hanesan inevitavel,\" deklara hosi porta-vos ida UNHCR nian, Adrian Edwards, iha kontaktu ida ho imprensa iha Jenebra.",
"\"Aumenta ona risku hosi mate barak ne'ebe provoka hosi hamlaha entre populasaun sira iha Horn of Africa, Iemen no Nijeria,\" nia adianta.",
"ONU tauk katak situasaun bele sai aat liu duke durante hamlaha tinan 2011 nian ne'ebe oho ona ema liu 260.000 iha Horn of Africa.",
"Situasaun atual hanesan rezultadu hosi fator oioin: rai-maran, falta osan no konflitu sira, ne'ebe halo deslokasaun iha grupu barak, explika hosi Edwards.",
"Somalia, Sudaun-Sul, Nijeria ho Iemen hasoru rai-maran maka'as ida, nune'e mos konflitu armadu sira.",
"ONU husu ona ba komunidade internasional osan dolar biliaun 4,4 hodi hasoru hamlaha ne'ebe ameasa hela nasaun sira ne'e.",
"To'o agora, ONU simu de'it 21% hosi fundu sira ne'e ka osan hamutuk dolar millaun 984, hatete hosi porta-vos ida hosi Gabinete Kordenasaun hosi Asuntu Humanitariu sira, Jens Laerke.",
"Iha Sudaun-Sul, ema besik 100.000 resin hamlaha no ema millaun ida resin bele hasoru hamlaha, hatete hosi UNHCR."
] | [
"UN warns that many people may die from hunger in Africa and Yemen - TIMOR AGORA The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugee (UNHCR) has warned on Tuesday of the risk to a large number who might be dying because starvation, especially those living near border areas."
"The UN issued the warning \"in view of a flood that also affects neighbouring countries (from Horn-of Africa and Nigeria) as well, with lack funding making it both an avoidable (...) but inevitable humanitarian crisis\", UNHCR spokesman Adrian Edwards declared in contact to press representatives at Geneva."
"\"The risk of massive famine deaths among populations in the Horn, Yemen and Nigeria has increased\", he said."
"The UN fears that the situation could be worse than during 2013 famine, which killed more then a million people in Africa' s Horn."
"The current situation is the result of multiple factors: land shortages, a lack Of money and conflicts that have displaced many groups."
"Somalia, South Sudan and Nigeria are facing a massive flood of refugees as well armed conflict."
"The United Nations has called on the international community to provide $4.5 billion in assistance for famine-hit countries, including those affected by droughts and flooding that have already killed more than 10 million people worldwide since September of last year"
"So far, the United Nations has received only 21% of these funds or $984 million in aggregate. Jens Laerke spokesman for OCHA said: \"The UN is not ready to accept that there are no guarantees on how much money will be available.\""
"In South Sudan, nearly 102.5 million people are starving and more than a billion others face the risk of famine according to UNHCR's latest report on food security in Africa (UNFPA)."
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TIMOR HAU NIAN DOBEN: Bancada Opozisaun Kestiaona: “MS Tenki Responsabiliza Inan 307 Halo Abortus”\nBancada Opozisaun Kestiaona: “MS Tenki Responsabiliza Inan 307 Halo Abortus”\nInan 307 ne’ebe mak halo tiha ona abortus iha tinan 2012 liu ba, reprezetante povu iha uma fukun Parlamentu Nasional (PN), husi bancada Opozisaun FRETILIN, husu ba Ministeriu saude (MS) atu toma respornsablidade ba kazu ida ne’e.\nTuir deputada Josefa Pereira, husi bancada FRETILIN katak, inan hamutuk 307 ne’ene halo abortus no 246 ne’ebe koko atu halo abortus, tanba laiha kontrolamentu diak husi MS. “Hau feto, maibe kuandu hau nia feto maluk sira halo buat ida ne’ebe mak la los, ida ne’e hau mos la tolera, ita tenki tau ida ne’e iha kestaun, karik ida ne’e los duni tenki husu responsablidade Minsiteriu saude, nia hanoin ne’e oinsa los ba inan sira hanesan ne’e,” dehan Josefa Pereira ba Jornalista sira Segunda (25/2) iha PN.\nNia esplika, iha tinan 2011 sira nia parte halo ona konferensia nasional kona ba saude reprodutiva no edukasaun seksual, no mos fo ona ba kada Ministeriu kompotente atu implementa edukasaun ida ne’e. Iha lei kodigu penal 141 hateten katak, kuandu ema ida halo abortus ho hakarak rasik, ida ne’e krime. Tanba ne’e, nia hatutan, husu ba MS atu haree distinu inan hamutuk 307 no 246, atu husu sira nia responsablidade ba labarik ne’ebe mak sira halo tiha ona abortus.\nIha sorin seluk, deputadu Estanislau da Silva husi bancada FRETILIN mos hateten katak, kestaun ida ne’e kestaun sensivel iha preokupasaun sosiedade nian, tamba lei RDTL respeitu demais ne’ebe dala barak obriga ema hola desizaun hanesan ne’e.\nNia hatutan, Governu tenki haree problema insestu ne’ebe ohin loron barak tebetebes iha rai ida ne’e, hanesan violensia domestika. “\nHau lakonkorda abortu hanesan metode de planeamentu familiar, maibe formasaun ita nia lei fraku make ma barak monu iha situasaun ida ne’e,” dehan Estanislau.\nEstanislau dehan tan katak, insestu iha Timor Leste sai hanesan problema boot ida, tanba aman mos bele viola nia oan feto no dala barak sempre fo sala deit ba feto.\nPublicada por Kai Buti à(s) 08:48 | [
"TIMOR HAU NIAN DOBEN: Bancada Opozisaun Kestiaona: \"MS Tenki Responsabiliza Inan 307 Halo Abortus\" Bancada Opozisaun Kestiaona: \"MS Tenki Responsabiliza Inan 307 Halo Abortus\" Inan 307 ne'ebe mak halo tiha ona abortus iha tinan 2012 liu ba, reprezetante povu iha uma fukun Parlamentu Nasional (PN), husi bancada Opozisaun FRETILIN, husu ba Ministeriu saude (MS) atu toma respornsablidade ba kazu ida ne'e.",
"Tuir deputada Josefa Pereira, husi bancada FRETILIN katak, inan hamutuk 307 ne'ene halo abortus no 246 ne'ebe koko atu halo abortus, tanba laiha kontrolamentu diak husi MS.",
"\"Hau feto, maibe kuandu hau nia feto maluk sira halo buat ida ne'ebe mak la los, ida ne'e hau mos la tolera, ita tenki tau ida ne'e iha kestaun, karik ida ne'e los duni tenki husu responsablidade Minsiteriu saude, nia hanoin ne'e oinsa los ba inan sira hanesan ne'e,\" dehan Josefa Pereira ba Jornalista sira Segunda (25/2) iha PN.",
"Nia esplika, iha tinan 2011 sira nia parte halo ona konferensia nasional kona ba saude reprodutiva no edukasaun seksual, no mos fo ona ba kada Ministeriu kompotente atu implementa edukasaun ida ne'e.",
"Iha lei kodigu penal 141 hateten katak, kuandu ema ida halo abortus ho hakarak rasik, ida ne'e krime.",
"Tanba ne'e, nia hatutan, husu ba MS atu haree distinu inan hamutuk 307 no 246, atu husu sira nia responsablidade ba labarik ne'ebe mak sira halo tiha ona abortus.",
"Iha sorin seluk, deputadu Estanislau da Silva husi bancada FRETILIN mos hateten katak, kestaun ida ne'e kestaun sensivel iha preokupasaun sosiedade nian, tamba lei RDTL respeitu demais ne'ebe dala barak obriga ema hola desizaun hanesan ne'e.",
"Nia hatutan, Governu tenki haree problema insestu ne'ebe ohin loron barak tebetebes iha rai ida ne'e, hanesan violensia domestika. \"",
"Hau lakonkorda abortu hanesan metode de planeamentu familiar, maibe formasaun ita nia lei fraku make ma barak monu iha situasaun ida ne'e,\" dehan Estanislau.",
"Estanislau dehan tan katak, insestu iha Timor Leste sai hanesan problema boot ida, tanba aman mos bele viola nia oan feto no dala barak sempre fo sala deit ba feto.",
"Publicada por Kai Buti a (s) 08:48"
] | [
"TIMOR HAU NIAN DOBEN: 307 Women Who Have Had Abortion In The Year Past, People's Representative in the Lower House of Parliament (PN), from Opposition Party FRETILIN Bancada Kestiaona \"MS Tenki Responsabiliza Inan298 HaloAbordus\" Asking to take responsibility for this case."
"According to deputy Josefa Pereira, from the FRETILIN bench that 307 mothers have had abortions and there are still other women who want them because of poor control by MS."
"\"I am a woman, but when my fellow women do something that is wrong I cannot tolerate it either. We must put this in question and if the facts are true we should ask for responsibility to be taken by Health Ministry; how does she think about such things happening?\" Josefa Pereira told journalist on Monday (February 25th) at Parliamentary House of Representatives (\"PN\")."
"He explained that in 2013, his department had held a national conference on reproductive health and sexuality education. It has also given each competent Ministry the responsibility to implement this kind of trainings for women' s rights advocates as well"
"In the Criminal Code, Article 142 states that \"when a person performs an abortion of his or her own will it is crime.\""
"Therefore, he said that the MS should look at 307 and a total of other mothers to ask them their responsibility for children who they have had aborted."
"On the other hand, deputy Estanislau da Silva from FRETILIN also said that this issue is a sensitive one in society's concern because RDTL law respect too much which often forces people to take such decision."
"He added that the government must look at incest, which is a very common problem in this country today as domestic violence. \""
"I do not agree with abortion as a method of family planning, but the formation our weak laws make many fall in this situation\", said Estanislau."
"Estanislau also said that incest in East Timor is a big problem, because fathers can rape their daughter and often blame the girl."
"Publicada por Kai Buti a(s) 08:49 Sem comentários"
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Assanami Husu Labele Politiza Artemarsias | Partidu Demokratiku\nAssanami Husu Labele Politiza GAM Buka Votus\nOecusse (10/04/2018) : Prezidente Pártidu Demokrátiku (PD), Mariano Assanami Sabino husu ba Partidu Politiku (ParPol), sira atu labele uja Grupo Arte Marsiais (GAM), hodi buka votus iha Eleisaun Antesipada (EA). Tamba V Governu Konstitusional hasai ona rezolusaun ida ho numeru 16/2013 hodi diside taka total GAM.\nTuir Prezidente PD, la aseita ParPol sira uja GAM hodi buka votus, tamba GAM sasan estadu nian laos sasan pessoal. Tanba ne’e labele politiza sasan, maibe tenke konsiente hodi koalia kona ba programa.\n“Ita la aseita iha kampania ema hatais ropa arte marsias ba kampania. Tanba interese atu hetan votus deit, maibe ba PD laos atu hetan votus maka hamoris fali artemarsiais. PD ne’e Prinsipiu, PD ne’e Anti Diskriminasaun, PD defende Maubere hotu hotu sente rai ne’e ninian nia labele sente diskrimina no labele sente hanesan kriminozu ida iha fali rai ida ne’e,” hatete Prezidente PD Assanami iha nia kampana dahuluk, Munisipiu Oecusse, Tono.\nPD nia Komprimisiu GAM hotu-hotu ne’ebe maka joven sira involve, PD sei hamoris fila fali Artemarsiais. Maibe sei regula no dignifika sira.\n“Ita labele Kolaia iha kampania atu hetan votus, maibe tenke konsiente koalia programa para oinsa ita liberta povu hodi Povu husi kiak no mukit,” nia dehan. | [
"Assanami Husu Labele Politiza Artemarsias | Partidu Demokratiku Assanami Husu Labele Politiza GAM Buka Votus Oecusse (10/04/2018): Prezidente Partidu Demokratiku (PD), Mariano Assanami Sabino husu ba Partidu Politiku (ParPol), sira atu labele uja Grupo Arte Marsiais (GAM), hodi buka votus iha Eleisaun Antesipada (EA).",
"Tamba V Governu Konstitusional hasai ona rezolusaun ida ho numeru 16/2013 hodi diside taka total GAM.",
"Tuir Prezidente PD, la aseita ParPol sira uja GAM hodi buka votus, tamba GAM sasan estadu nian laos sasan pessoal.",
"Tanba ne'e labele politiza sasan, maibe tenke konsiente hodi koalia kona ba programa.",
"\"Ita la aseita iha kampania ema hatais ropa arte marsias ba kampania.",
"Tanba interese atu hetan votus deit, maibe ba PD laos atu hetan votus maka hamoris fali artemarsiais.",
"PD ne'e Prinsipiu, PD ne'e Anti Diskriminasaun, PD defende Maubere hotu hotu sente rai ne'e ninian nia labele sente diskrimina no labele sente hanesan kriminozu ida iha fali rai ida ne'e,\" hatete Prezidente PD Assanami iha nia kampana dahuluk, Munisipiu Oecusse, Tono.",
"PD nia Komprimisiu GAM hotu-hotu ne'ebe maka joven sira involve, PD sei hamoris fila fali Artemarsiais.",
"Maibe sei regula no dignifika sira.",
"\"Ita labele Kolaia iha kampania atu hetan votus, maibe tenke konsiente koalia programa para oinsa ita liberta povu hodi Povu husi kiak no mukit,\" nia dehan."
] | [
"Assanami Asks Not To Politize Artemarsias | Democratic Party (PD) Oecusse, 10 April: The President of the Partido Democrático [Democratic party], Mariano Asami Sabino has asked political parties not to use Grupo Art Marsiais[Martial Arts Group] as a means for seeking vote in early elections."
"Because the Fifth Constitutional Government has issued a resolution number 16/2053 to decide on total closure of GAM."
"According to the President of PD, it is not acceptable that ParPol uses GAM in searching for voters because Gam belonged by state and wasn't personal property."
"It is not possible to politicize the matter, but it must be conscious of speaking about a program."
"\"Ita la aseita iha kampania ema hatais roupa arte marsias ba campanha."
"Because interest is only to get votes, but for the PD not getting voting has been more of a horror than martial arts."
"PD is Principial, it's Anti-Discrimination. It defend all Maubere who feel that they belong to this country and cannot discriminate against them or consider themselves a criminal in their own land\", said President Assanami of the Democratic Party (PD) during his first campaign at Oecusse Municipality Tono on 10th April last year"
"All the PD's Compressios GAM involving young people, will be returned to Artemarsiais."
"But it will regulate and dignify them."
"\"We can't go on campaigning to get votes, but we must be conscious of talking about a program for how the people are liberated from poverty and hardship.\""
] |
Dadus sensu agríkola 2019 presiza atualiza molok publika | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste\nVARANDA EKONOMIA Dadus sensu agríkola 2019 presiza atualiza molok publika\nDILI, 30 setembru 2020 (TATOLI)-Ministériu Agrikultura no Peska (MAP) seidauk publika rezultadu sensu agríkola 2019 tanba dadus balun presiza atualiza.\nMAP lansa sensu agríkola iha 13 agostu 2019 no sensu ne’e ba dahuluk hafoin Timor-Leste ukun-an, maski antes ne’e Ministériu Finansa (MF) realiza ona sensu uma kain.\nMinistru Agrikultura no Peska, Pedro dos Reis, hateten bainhira simu rezultadu hosi Diresaun Jerál Estatistika MF, presiza haree didi’ak dadus balun molok públika relatóriu nune’e bele relata informasaun kompletu.\n“Horiseik (tersa) Diresaun Jerál Estatístika hasoru ha’u hodi ko’alia kona-ba kestaun ne’e, atu fó sai ona rezultadu maibé iha dadus balun maka iha mudansa oituan,” dehan Ministru Pedro dos Reis, iha Palásiu Governu, kuarta ne’e.\nNotísia Relevante: MAP Reajusta Dadus Sensu Agríkola Molok Lansa iha Abríl\nRelatóriu Sensu Agríkola: Porsentu 66 Uma-Kain iha Timor-Leste Halo Atividade Agrikultura\nTuir governante ne’e, dadus ne’ebé iha mudansa maka ba fahi nian, tanba bainhira ramata sensu agríkola 2019 maka iha sirkulasaun moras peste Áfrika (ASF, sigla Inglés).\n“Sensu ramata maka moras fahi nian mosu, entaun dadus sira ne’e labele publika enkuantu númeru ne’e iha mudansa tanba kuandu sensu ne’e ramata fahi barak maka mate tanba moras ne’e,” nia esplika.\nTuir Ministru sei la halo tan sensu foun maibé sei buka maneira atu atualiza dadus ba fahi nian.\nRelasiona ho mudansa dadus, seidauk iha desizaun fiksu atu publika rezultadu sensu agíkola 2019 tanba sei okupadu ho diskusaun ba Orsamentu Jerál Estadu (OJE) 2020 no 2021 nian.\nPrograma ne’e lansa hosi eis Ministru Agrikultura no Peska, Joaquim José Gusmão dos Reis Martins, no programa ne’e finansia ho OJE hamutuk millaun $5.\nSensu ne’e halo ba uma-kain 213.741 hosi totál populasaun Timor-Leste millaun 1,2 no hosi rezultadu preleminár hatudu katak porsentu 66 populasaun maka hala’o atividade agrikultura.\nEnkuantu, haree ba xefe uma-kain reprezenta porsentu 15 maka feto no porsentu 85 mane.\nPrevious articleBani-been sai produtu SEKoop iha Expo Dubai 2021\nNext articleMOP sei esforsu akomoda asesibilidade ba ema ho defisiénsia fízika | [
"Dadus sensu agrikola 2019 presiza atualiza molok publika | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA EKONOMIA Dadus sensu agrikola 2019 presiza atualiza molok publika DILI, 30 setembru 2020 (TATOLI) -Ministeriu Agrikultura no Peska (MAP) seidauk publika rezultadu sensu agrikola 2019 tanba dadus balun presiza atualiza.",
"MAP lansa sensu agrikola iha 13 agostu 2019 no sensu ne'e ba dahuluk hafoin Timor-Leste ukun-an, maski antes ne'e Ministeriu Finansa (MF) realiza ona sensu uma kain.",
"Ministru Agrikultura no Peska, Pedro dos Reis, hateten bainhira simu rezultadu hosi Diresaun Jeral Estatistika MF, presiza haree didi'ak dadus balun molok publika relatoriu nune'e bele relata informasaun kompletu.",
"\"Horiseik (tersa) Diresaun Jeral Estatistika hasoru ha'u hodi ko'alia kona-ba kestaun ne'e, atu fo sai ona rezultadu maibe iha dadus balun maka iha mudansa oituan,\" dehan Ministru Pedro dos Reis, iha Palasiu Governu, kuarta ne'e.",
"Notisia Relevante: MAP Reajusta Dadus Sensu Agrikola Molok Lansa iha Abril Relatoriu Sensu Agrikola: Porsentu 66 Uma-Kain iha Timor-Leste Halo Atividade Agrikultura Tuir governante ne'e, dadus ne'ebe iha mudansa maka ba fahi nian, tanba bainhira ramata sensu agrikola 2019 maka iha sirkulasaun moras peste Afrika (ASF, sigla Ingles).",
"\"Sensu ramata maka moras fahi nian mosu, entaun dadus sira ne'e labele publika enkuantu numeru ne'e iha mudansa tanba kuandu sensu ne'e ramata fahi barak maka mate tanba moras ne'e,\" nia esplika.",
"Tuir Ministru sei la halo tan sensu foun maibe sei buka maneira atu atualiza dadus ba fahi nian.",
"Relasiona ho mudansa dadus, seidauk iha desizaun fiksu atu publika rezultadu sensu agikola 2019 tanba sei okupadu ho diskusaun ba Orsamentu Jeral Estadu (OJE) 2020 no 2021 nian.",
"Programa ne'e lansa hosi eis Ministru Agrikultura no Peska, Joaquim Jose Gusmao dos Reis Martins, no programa ne'e finansia ho OJE hamutuk millaun $5.",
"Sensu ne'e halo ba uma-kain 213.741 hosi total populasaun Timor-Leste millaun 1,2 no hosi rezultadu preleminar hatudu katak porsentu 66 populasaun maka hala'o atividade agrikultura.",
"Enkuantu, haree ba xefe uma-kain reprezenta porsentu 15 maka feto no porsentu 85 mane.",
"Previous articleBani-been sai produtu SEKoop iha Expo Dubai 2021 Next articleMOP sei esforsu akomoda asesibilidade ba ema ho defisiensia fizika"
] | [
"Dadus sensu agrikola 2019 presiza atualiza molok publika | TIMOR HAU Notícias Timor-Leste News Agency VARANDA EKONOMIA The Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries (MAP) has not yet published the results from its Agricultural Census for this year because some data need to be updated."
"MAP launched the agricultural census on August,13th and this is Timor-Leste's first since independence although before that time Ministry of Finance (MF) had already conducted an household Census."
"The Minister of Agriculture and Fisheries, Pedro dos Reis said that when receiving the results from DG Statistics MF it is necessary to look carefully at some data before publishing a report so we can provide complete information."
"\"Horiseik (Tuesday) the Directorate-General of Statistics met me to talk about this issue, in order for us now give out results but there are some data that have changed dramatically\", said Minister Pedro dos Reis at Government Palace on Tuesday."
"Relevant News: MAP Adjusts Agricultural Census Data Before Launch in April Report of the 2019 Agriculture census shows that, according to Gov. Xanana Gusmão' s statement on this issue (see below), there is a change for cattle because African Swine Fever has been circulating since it was released after agriculture census last year and will continue until its completion by end-April"
"\"After the census, cattle disease emerged. Therefore we cannot publish this data and how much of it has changed because when that censo ends a lot more animals die due to these illnesses.\""
"According to the Minister, there will be no new censuses but they are looking for ways of updating cattle data."
"Regarding the data change, there is no fixed decision to publish results of 2019 population and household census because it will be occupied with discussions on General State Budget (GSB) for both years."
"The program was launched by the former Minister of Agriculture and Fisheries, Joaquim Jose Gusmao dos Reis Martins. It is funded with a budget totaling $5 million (US$607 millions)."
"The census was conducted on 213,740 households out of a total population in Timor-Leste amounting to over one million and two hundred thousand people. Preliminary results show that about sixty five per cent are engaged with agriculture or related activities; the remainder is not known for certain as they may be uncertainly determineable by statistical methods (see below)."
"As for heads of household, 15 percent are women and the rest is male."
"Previous articleBani-been becomes SEKoop product at Expo Dubai 2019 NextMOP will strive to accommodate accessibility for people with physical disabilities"
] |
SEPFOPE TIMOR-LESTE: "Vizaun Nakfilak ba Realidade" SEPFOPE Suporta Kompanha Start Product iha Area Resiklazem\n"Vizaun Nakfilak ba Realidade" SEPFOPE Suporta Kompanha Start Product iha Area Resiklazem\nOras - ne’e iha Timor Leste mosu Kompanha ho Naran Start Product Unipessoal Lda. Ne’ebe hahú hala’o atividade resiklazem ba garrafas Aqua plástiku mámuk ne’ebe kuaze namkari iha fatin barak iha Sidade Dili. Atividade resiklazem ne’e hetan suporta husi Sekretaria Estadu ba Polítika Formasaun Professional no Empregu (SEPFOPE) liu husi Departamentu Auto-Empregu. Garrafas mámuk husi bé Aqua ne’ebe ema barak konsidera la iha ona valor, maibe ba Sentru resiklajem Start Product ne’ebe situada iha Manleuana valoriza sasán ne’ebe konsideradu lixu hodi halo produsaun ba kadeira, basía bé, bikan, buli, meja gayung no sst. Atu hatene liu tan prosesu atividades resiklajem iha sentru ne’e, Media Sepfope konsege hetan informasaun husi Diretor Kompanha Start Product, José Deolindo Ximenes hafoin dada lia lubuk ida iha Eskritoriu provizoriu Sepfope, Obrigado Barak, Segunda (03/01/2014).\nTuir Diretor ne’e nia observasaun, atualmente Aqua bé iha Dili laran hamutuk 2670 kg ou 2 tonelada 670 kg; husi númeru ida ne’e hetan garrafas Aqua mámuk hamutuk 1 tonelada 670 kg ne’ebe konsume iha loron ida nia laran deit. José Deolindo akresenta mos katak, husi tinan 2001 to’o 2009 kalkulasaun orsamentu grosseiramente ne’ebe bele hetan husi lixu Tibar mak hamutuk 12.000.000USD, kalkulsaun montante osan ne’e ba deit típu plástiku ida seidauk inklui tipu variasaun plástiku ne’ebe hamutuk 155 (Atus Ida Lima Nulu Resin-Lima).\nNúmeru trabalhadores ne’ebe servisu iha sentru resiklajem Manleuana hahú husi inagurasaun sentru iha Dezembru 2013 hamutuk 70 (Hitu Nulu), no to’o ohin loron númeru ne’e aumenta ona to’o 88 (Ualu Nulu Resin-Ualu). Husi trabalhadores sira ne’e fahe ba fatin rua: sira ne’ebe servisu iha area separasaun ba garrafas Aqua plástiku hamutuk 24 pessoas; 6 pessoas enkaregadu iha area operasaun ba mákina resiklajem. Além de ne’e, iha mos estudante universitária na’in rua ne’ebe provisoriamente hala’o prátika ba semana ida tomak iha sentru ne’e no hetan mos konhesementu teorítiku husi director kompanha loron ida kada semana.\nHusi 88 (Ualu Nulu Resin-Ualu) trabalhadores ne’ebe servisu iha parte separasaun ba Aqua plástika, iha mane hamutuk 16 (Sanu Resin-Nen) no feto 72 (Hitu Nulu Resin-Rua). Trabalhador sira ne’e sei hetan targetu servisu ba fulan 6 (Ne’en), no wainhira treinadu ona sei passa ba parte tanki jeral ne’ebe sei enkaregadu ba servisu mistura kímika.\nDurante prosesu resiklajem sei produz matérias-primas polyester ne’ebe sei fa’an ba nasaun rua hanesan Cina no Indonezia. Razaun fa’an matérias sira ne’e tuir José Deolindo, atu bele hetan fundu ne’ebe sei uza hodi hola tán mâkina resiklazem ne’ebe nesesaria, sekarik iha futuru Governu ajuda tán mâkina, ita sei utiliza matérias-primas hodi produz sasán ne’ebe ita hakarak, no ita mos sei limita fa’an ba rai liur.\nDiretor kompanha lokal ne’e akresenta tan katak, sekarik iha fulan Junhu mak sentru hetan tán mâkina resiklazem ba plástiku ho tipu PP (hanesan kadeira masa ne’ebe át, Aqua matan…etc), sentru sei halo produsaun ba kadeira, basia, bikan, buli bé, meja, gayung no sst. Liu husi produsaun ne’e, ita mos bele hamenus ona importasaun sasán hirak ne’e husi liur no produsaun sei ho kualiade ne’ebe diak no ita bele tau ona marka ‘Made in Timor Leste’.\nServisu Trabalhadores iha Atividade Resiklazem\nOras servisu ba trabalhadores hahú husi 008.00 to’o 17.00; no durante hala’o servisu, trabalhadores sira equipadu ho ekipamentu servisu hanesan: maskra taka ínus, luvas, sapatu, fardas, tudik no sabaun antibacteria.\nBa trabalhadores sira ne’ebe halo servisu iha parte separasaun ba plástiku presisa uza maskra taka ínus ne’ebe diferente ho maskra bain-bain ho razaun maskra ne’e bele asegura diak liu ba buat ráhun kímika ne’ebe fo impaktu negativa ba saúde. Luvaz ne’ebe mak utiliza ho nia funsaun atu evita husi tudik nia króat no evita kontaminasaun kímika wainhira hetan kanek. Tempu uza luvas ba semana ida depois mak bele fase. Targetu uza luvas ba durasaun fulan ne’en deit, hafoin bele troka ho luvas foun. Farda ne’ebe uza em forma de kalsa no fáru, farad ne’e tama ba kategoria anti noda no bele uza to’o semana ida depois mak bele fáse. Durasaun ba utilizasaun farda ba tinan ida. Sapatu ne’ebe uza ho kualidade anti bé, anti olio, anti choque electrico no anti mánas.\nTrabalhadores ne’ebe enkaregadu ba servisu iha tanki jeral mos utilza ekipamentu hanesan hirak ne’ebe servisu iha area separasaun, iha deit deferente oituan ba ekipamentu maskra no fardas. Maskra ne’ebe mak uza tenke maskra espesial ho funsaun evita kontaminasaun súar kímika ne’ebe bele resulta ba moras hanesan kânkru, tan ne’e presisa foti distância metru ida husi súar ne’ebe sai. Prohibidu mos ba trabalhadores sira ne’e atu fuma no labele atende kualker banhaka ne’ebe mai. Fardas ne’ebe trabalhadores tanki jeral uza tenke anti bé tamba iha prosesu servisu, sira presisa tama ba tanki laran atu tuir detalhadamente prosesu servisu mâkina ba resiklazem. Trabalhadores sira mos uza mina nú hodi kose ba ain ho objektivu evita kontaminasaun aimoruk kímika.\nEsperiensia husi Diretor Kompanha Start Product Unipessoal, Lda.\nDiretor Kompanha Start Product Unipessoal Lda, José Deolindo Ximenes iha esperiensia lubuk ida iha area produsaun husi atividade resiklazem. Iha sasán oin-oin ne’ebe diretor konsege produz ona iha tempu passadu mak hanesan produsaun sigaru iha 2012; produsaun ba sapatu ho kualidade oin-oin liu-liu sapatu militar no mós sapatu sivil ho tipu diferente. Além produsaun sira ne’e, José Deolindo mos iha kapasidade atu produz Mi Goreng no Indo milk husi trigu; halo mos produsaun ba tapete/karpet ho kôres oin-oin; produz biogas husi foer natureza hanesan dút, ai-dodók no sst. Produsaun seluk tán mak hanesan utilize suratahan HVS restu hodi produz lapis; produsan ba makanan ringan hanesan pudding, aifarina, forai modelu kacang garuda.\nJosé mos iha konhesementu no kapasidade atu produz material konstrusaun husi prosesu resiklazem hanesan, produz paralón, saklar lampu, paralón distribusaun bé, paralón ba instalasaun eletresidade, envólucro ba fios eletresidade no sst.\nIha tinan 1997 to’o 1998, durante tinan rua nia laran, José hahú servisu iha Kompanha Sibaduyung, Bandung-Indonesia. Iha fatin ne’e José komesa halo produsaun ba iha area military product hodi halo produsaun ba sapatu militar (double cap no molding).\nHahú Janeiru to’o Junhu 1999, José hala’o atividade iha Kompanha Seran Banteng – Indonesia, hodi halo produsaun ba sapatu ho marka oin-oin. No hahú Julhu ho tinan ne’ebe hanesan, José fila híkas mai Timor Leste relasiona ho situasaun pólitika indeterminadu iha fatin ne’eba.\nJosé fila ba Indonesia iha 2001 no kontinua hasa’e nia kapasidade iha area produsaun ba sapatu, fardas no seluk-seluk tan iha kompanha ida iha Bogor. Depois de tinan balun, iha 2007 to’o 2008 atual diretor kompanha resiklazem ne’e hahú pasu foun iha Inglatera, hodi servisu iha kompanha ida iha nasaun refere. Iha ne’eba nia aprende halo produsaun ba cerâmica/keramik husi vidrus. Durante iha Europa, José konsege hala’o viajem ba país vizinhu hodi enrikeja liu tan konhesementu ne’ebe iha.\nIha 2009 to’o 2011, José hahú kna’ar iha Bogor – Indonesia hodi loke nia fábrika rasik ho naran ‘buffalo’, iha fábrika ne’e, nia halo produsaun ba sinelus, pasta, kadeira xofa no fardas ba militares. Iha momentu ne’eba nia koalia ho Embaixada TL atu bele fasilita nia ba fali Inglaterra maibe to’o ikus la konsege no ikus mai iha 2012 hafoin rona informsaun, Amo Bispo Diocese Baucau, Don Basilio do Nascimento bolu kedas José atu fila mai Timor Leste hodi bele hahú obras foun iha ne’e. haree ba númeru desempregu ne’ebe hahú sa’e, Amo Bispo ho Sr. José hahú hamosu ideas oin-oin oinsa atu bele loke empregu iha area Baucau. Parte husi inisiativa ne’ebe atu foti mak hanesan halo Baucau Bé bot ba produsan Aqua hému ho kalkulasaun orsamentu ne’ebe ki’ik mais ou menus presisa 430.000USD; parte seluk, atu halo mos produsan ba Indo Milk tuir formula ne’ebe hetan husi Portugal.\nIkus mai, inisiativa rua ne’e seidauk bele realiza, tan ne’e Don Basilio hamosu fali inisiativa atu halo resiklazem ba garrafas Aqua plástiku ne’ebe komesa namkari hanesan lixu. Realizasaun ba kolekta Aqua mámuk komesa halo iha 2012. Liu husi konversasaun Don Basilio no Sekretariu Estadu ba Polítika Formasaun Professional no Empregu, Ilidio da Costa Ximenes nakfilak vizaun ne’e sai realidade, ohin loron existe ona sentru resiklazem ba plástiku iha Manleuana ne’ebe opera husi Kompanha Lokal Start Product Unipessoal; Lda. ne’ebe hetan suporta husi SEPFOPE.\nDezafiu Relasiona ho Espalhamentu Lixu Plástiku\nLixu plástiku ne’ebe namkari iha sidade laran, tuir José Deolindo nia vizaun bele sai mos hanesan kampu de servisu liu-liu ba ema hirak ne’ebe limitadu iha edukasaun no la konsege halo kompetisaun ho ema graduadu ou hirak ne’ebe iha konhesementu edukativu kle’an ba area espesífika. Além de loke kampu de servisu, diretor ne’e hatutan, sei fornese mos treinamentu atu hasa’e skill no kapasidade hodi bele transforma lixu ba sasán ne’ebe iha valor.\nAtualmente maioria populasaun seidauk mentalizadu diak atu konsidera lixu nudar sasán foer ne’ebe bele transforma ba ekipamentu ne’ebe iha valor. Ema barak mak sei sente moe atu hala’o servisu koleksaun ba garrafas Aqua plástiku ne’ebe mámuk.\nRelasiona ho koleksaun Aqua plástiku mámuk, kompanha husu ba komunidade atu halibur hamutuk no bele fa’an fali ba parte kompanha ho pressu ne’ebe determinadu hanesan tuir mai: kategoria plástiku pet (hanesan Aqua mámuk) sei hetan pressu 20 Céntimus ba kilo ida; plástiku ho modelu Pp (hanesan kadeira masa aát, Aqua matan..) sei faán 15 Céntimus ba kilo ida no masa plástiku tipu Pc (hanesan Aqua Galung bot) sei hetan 25 Céntimus ba kilo ida.\nDiretor ne’e mos hato’o sujestaun atu kada ministériu iha nia lixu fatin própriu no labele mistura ho lixu públiku ne’ebe monta iha lojas, merkadu no fatin públiku sira seluk ho razaun bele halo kontrolu regular ne’ebe efisiente no fásil.\nLixu ba popók labarik nian mos presisa iha fatin própriu ne’ebe metin no labele kahór ho lixu públiku atu bele evita alakansamentu husi animal hanesan ásu, fáhi ne’ebe bele lekar pópok iha fatin públiku. Pópok no kotak nasi bungkus tuir diretor ne’e bele tama mos ba prosesu resiklazem hodi produz bolaun.\nIha parte seluk, lixu hospital mos presisa fatin ne’ebe espesial no labele káhor hamutuk lixu públiku e presisa mos transporte própriu atu tula lixu hospital no tenke tuir canalizasaun própria ba eleminasaun resíduos.\nHaree ba nesesidade ekipamentu ne’ebe limitadu hanesan mákina resiklazem, parte kompanha sujere nafatin suporta husi parte Governu, liu-liu husi SEPFOPE atu vizaun ne’ebe nafilak ona ba realidade kontinua nafatin nia regularidade ba asuntu resiklazem lixu garrafas Aqua plástiku iha Timor Leste.\nHakerek Nain: Clelio Alves/sepfope.gov.tl\nPublika husi barnezco aumenta 3:45 PM | [
"SEPFOPE TIMOR-LESTE: \"Vizaun Nakfilak ba Realidade\" SEPFOPE Suporta Kompanha Start Product iha Area Resiklazem \"Vizaun Nakfilak ba Realidade\" SEPFOPE Suporta Kompanha Start Product iha Area Resiklazem Oras - ne'e iha Timor Leste mosu Kompanha ho Naran Start Product Unipessoal Lda.",
"Ne'ebe hahu hala'o atividade resiklazem ba garrafas Aqua plastiku mamuk ne'ebe kuaze namkari iha fatin barak iha Sidade Dili.",
"Atividade resiklazem ne'e hetan suporta husi Sekretaria Estadu ba Politika Formasaun Professional no Empregu (SEPFOPE) liu husi Departamentu Auto-Empregu.",
"Garrafas mamuk husi be Aqua ne'ebe ema barak konsidera la iha ona valor, maibe ba Sentru resiklajem Start Product ne'ebe situada iha Manleuana valoriza sasan ne'ebe konsideradu lixu hodi halo produsaun ba kadeira, basia be, bikan, buli, meja gayung no sst.",
"Atu hatene liu tan prosesu atividades resiklajem iha sentru ne'e, Media Sepfope konsege hetan informasaun husi Diretor Kompanha Start Product, Jose Deolindo Ximenes hafoin dada lia lubuk ida iha Eskritoriu provizoriu Sepfope, Obrigado Barak, Segunda (03/01/2014).",
"Tuir Diretor ne'e nia observasaun, atualmente Aqua be iha Dili laran hamutuk 2670 kg ou 2 tonelada 670 kg; husi numeru ida ne'e hetan garrafas Aqua mamuk hamutuk 1 tonelada 670 kg ne'ebe konsume iha loron ida nia laran deit.",
"Jose Deolindo akresenta mos katak, husi tinan 2001 to'o 2009 kalkulasaun orsamentu grosseiramente ne'ebe bele hetan husi lixu Tibar mak hamutuk 12.000.000USD, kalkulsaun montante osan ne'e ba deit tipu plastiku ida seidauk inklui tipu variasaun plastiku ne'ebe hamutuk 155 (Atus Ida Lima Nulu Resin-Lima).",
"Numeru trabalhadores ne'ebe servisu iha sentru resiklajem Manleuana hahu husi inagurasaun sentru iha Dezembru 2013 hamutuk 70 (Hitu Nulu), no to'o ohin loron numeru ne'e aumenta ona to'o 88 (Ualu Nulu Resin-Ualu).",
"Husi trabalhadores sira ne'e fahe ba fatin rua: sira ne'ebe servisu iha area separasaun ba garrafas Aqua plastiku hamutuk 24 pessoas; 6 pessoas enkaregadu iha area operasaun ba makina resiklajem.",
"Alem de ne'e, iha mos estudante universitaria na'in rua ne'ebe provisoriamente hala'o pratika ba semana ida tomak iha sentru ne'e no hetan mos konhesementu teoritiku husi director kompanha loron ida kada semana.",
"Husi 88 (Ualu Nulu Resin-Ualu) trabalhadores ne'ebe servisu iha parte separasaun ba Aqua plastika, iha mane hamutuk 16 (Sanu Resin-Nen) no feto 72 (Hitu Nulu Resin-Rua).",
"Trabalhador sira ne'e sei hetan targetu servisu ba fulan 6 (Ne'en), no wainhira treinadu ona sei passa ba parte tanki jeral ne'ebe sei enkaregadu ba servisu mistura kimika.",
"Durante prosesu resiklajem sei produz materias-primas polyester ne'ebe sei fa'an ba nasaun rua hanesan Cina no Indonezia.",
"Razaun fa'an materias sira ne'e tuir Jose Deolindo, atu bele hetan fundu ne'ebe sei uza hodi hola tan makina resiklazem ne'ebe nesesaria, sekarik iha futuru Governu ajuda tan makina, ita sei utiliza materias-primas hodi produz sasan ne'ebe ita hakarak, no ita mos sei limita fa'an ba rai liur.",
"Diretor kompanha lokal ne'e akresenta tan katak, sekarik iha fulan Junhu mak sentru hetan tan makina resiklazem ba plastiku ho tipu PP (hanesan kadeira masa ne'ebe at, Aqua matan...etc), sentru sei halo produsaun ba kadeira, basia, bikan, buli be, meja, gayung no sst.",
"Liu husi produsaun ne'e, ita mos bele hamenus ona importasaun sasan hirak ne'e husi liur no produsaun sei ho kualiade ne'ebe diak no ita bele tau ona marka 'Made in Timor Leste'.",
"Servisu Trabalhadores iha Atividade Resiklazem Oras servisu ba trabalhadores hahu husi 008.00 to'o 17.00; no durante hala'o servisu, trabalhadores sira equipadu ho ekipamentu servisu hanesan: maskra taka inus, luvas, sapatu, fardas, tudik no sabaun antibacteria.",
"Ba trabalhadores sira ne'ebe halo servisu iha parte separasaun ba plastiku presisa uza maskra taka inus ne'ebe diferente ho maskra bain-bain ho razaun maskra ne'e bele asegura diak liu ba buat rahun kimika ne'ebe fo impaktu negativa ba saude.",
"Luvaz ne'ebe mak utiliza ho nia funsaun atu evita husi tudik nia kroat no evita kontaminasaun kimika wainhira hetan kanek.",
"Tempu uza luvas ba semana ida depois mak bele fase.",
"Targetu uza luvas ba durasaun fulan ne'en deit, hafoin bele troka ho luvas foun.",
"Farda ne'ebe uza em forma de kalsa no faru, farad ne'e tama ba kategoria anti noda no bele uza to'o semana ida depois mak bele fase.",
"Durasaun ba utilizasaun farda ba tinan ida.",
"Sapatu ne'ebe uza ho kualidade anti be, anti olio, anti choque electrico no anti manas.",
"Trabalhadores ne'ebe enkaregadu ba servisu iha tanki jeral mos utilza ekipamentu hanesan hirak ne'ebe servisu iha area separasaun, iha deit deferente oituan ba ekipamentu maskra no fardas.",
"Maskra ne'ebe mak uza tenke maskra espesial ho funsaun evita kontaminasaun suar kimika ne'ebe bele resulta ba moras hanesan kankru, tan ne'e presisa foti distancia metru ida husi suar ne'ebe sai.",
"Prohibidu mos ba trabalhadores sira ne'e atu fuma no labele atende kualker banhaka ne'ebe mai.",
"Fardas ne'ebe trabalhadores tanki jeral uza tenke anti be tamba iha prosesu servisu, sira presisa tama ba tanki laran atu tuir detalhadamente prosesu servisu makina ba resiklazem.",
"Trabalhadores sira mos uza mina nu hodi kose ba ain ho objektivu evita kontaminasaun aimoruk kimika.",
"Esperiensia husi Diretor Kompanha Start Product Unipessoal, Lda.",
"Diretor Kompanha Start Product Unipessoal Lda, Jose Deolindo Ximenes iha esperiensia lubuk ida iha area produsaun husi atividade resiklazem.",
"Iha sasan oin-oin ne'ebe diretor konsege produz ona iha tempu passadu mak hanesan produsaun sigaru iha 2012; produsaun ba sapatu ho kualidade oin-oin liu-liu sapatu militar no mos sapatu sivil ho tipu diferente.",
"Alem produsaun sira ne'e, Jose Deolindo mos iha kapasidade atu produz Mi Goreng no Indo milk husi trigu; halo mos produsaun ba tapete/karpet ho kores oin-oin; produz biogas husi foer natureza hanesan dut, ai-dodok no sst.",
"Produsaun seluk tan mak hanesan utilize suratahan HVS restu hodi produz lapis; produsan ba makanan ringan hanesan pudding, aifarina, forai modelu kacang garuda.",
"Jose mos iha konhesementu no kapasidade atu produz material konstrusaun husi prosesu resiklazem hanesan, produz paralon, saklar lampu, paralon distribusaun be, paralon ba instalasaun eletresidade, envolucro ba fios eletresidade no sst.",
"Iha tinan 1997 to'o 1998, durante tinan rua nia laran, Jose hahu servisu iha Kompanha Sibaduyung, Bandung-Indonesia.",
"Iha fatin ne'e Jose komesa halo produsaun ba iha area military product hodi halo produsaun ba sapatu militar (double cap no molding).",
"Hahu Janeiru to'o Junhu 1999, Jose hala'o atividade iha Kompanha Seran Banteng - Indonesia, hodi halo produsaun ba sapatu ho marka oin-oin.",
"No hahu Julhu ho tinan ne'ebe hanesan, Jose fila hikas mai Timor Leste relasiona ho situasaun politika indeterminadu iha fatin ne'eba.",
"Jose fila ba Indonesia iha 2001 no kontinua hasa'e nia kapasidade iha area produsaun ba sapatu, fardas no seluk-seluk tan iha kompanha ida iha Bogor.",
"Depois de tinan balun, iha 2007 to'o 2008 atual diretor kompanha resiklazem ne'e hahu pasu foun iha Inglatera, hodi servisu iha kompanha ida iha nasaun refere.",
"Iha ne'eba nia aprende halo produsaun ba ceramica/keramik husi vidrus.",
"Durante iha Europa, Jose konsege hala'o viajem ba pais vizinhu hodi enrikeja liu tan konhesementu ne'ebe iha.",
"Iha 2009 to'o 2011, Jose hahu kna'ar iha Bogor - Indonesia hodi loke nia fabrika rasik ho naran 'buffalo', iha fabrika ne'e, nia halo produsaun ba sinelus, pasta, kadeira xofa no fardas ba militares.",
"Iha momentu ne'eba nia koalia ho Embaixada TL atu bele fasilita nia ba fali Inglaterra maibe to'o ikus la konsege no ikus mai iha 2012 hafoin rona informsaun, Amo Bispo Diocese Baucau, Don Basilio do Nascimento bolu kedas Jose atu fila mai Timor Leste hodi bele hahu obras foun iha ne'e. haree ba numeru desempregu ne'ebe hahu sa'e, Amo Bispo ho Sr. Jose hahu hamosu ideas oin-oin oinsa atu bele loke empregu iha area Baucau.",
"Parte husi inisiativa ne'ebe atu foti mak hanesan halo Baucau Be bot ba produsan Aqua hemu ho kalkulasaun orsamentu ne'ebe ki'ik mais ou menus presisa 430.000USD; parte seluk, atu halo mos produsan ba Indo Milk tuir formula ne'ebe hetan husi Portugal.",
"Ikus mai, inisiativa rua ne'e seidauk bele realiza, tan ne'e Don Basilio hamosu fali inisiativa atu halo resiklazem ba garrafas Aqua plastiku ne'ebe komesa namkari hanesan lixu.",
"Realizasaun ba kolekta Aqua mamuk komesa halo iha 2012.",
"Liu husi konversasaun Don Basilio no Sekretariu Estadu ba Politika Formasaun Professional no Empregu, Ilidio da Costa Ximenes nakfilak vizaun ne'e sai realidade, ohin loron existe ona sentru resiklazem ba plastiku iha Manleuana ne'ebe opera husi Kompanha Lokal Start Product Unipessoal; Lda. ne'ebe hetan suporta husi SEPFOPE.",
"Dezafiu Relasiona ho Espalhamentu Lixu Plastiku Lixu plastiku ne'ebe namkari iha sidade laran, tuir Jose Deolindo nia vizaun bele sai mos hanesan kampu de servisu liu-liu ba ema hirak ne'ebe limitadu iha edukasaun no la konsege halo kompetisaun ho ema graduadu ou hirak ne'ebe iha konhesementu edukativu kle'an ba area espesifika.",
"Alem de loke kampu de servisu, diretor ne'e hatutan, sei fornese mos treinamentu atu hasa'e skill no kapasidade hodi bele transforma lixu ba sasan ne'ebe iha valor.",
"Atualmente maioria populasaun seidauk mentalizadu diak atu konsidera lixu nudar sasan foer ne'ebe bele transforma ba ekipamentu ne'ebe iha valor.",
"Ema barak mak sei sente moe atu hala'o servisu koleksaun ba garrafas Aqua plastiku ne'ebe mamuk.",
"Relasiona ho koleksaun Aqua plastiku mamuk, kompanha husu ba komunidade atu halibur hamutuk no bele fa'an fali ba parte kompanha ho pressu ne'ebe determinadu hanesan tuir mai: kategoria plastiku pet (hanesan Aqua mamuk) sei hetan pressu 20 Centimus ba kilo ida; plastiku ho modelu Pp (hanesan kadeira masa aat, Aqua matan..) sei faan 15 Centimus ba kilo ida no masa plastiku tipu Pc (hanesan Aqua Galung bot) sei hetan 25 Centimus ba kilo ida.",
"Diretor ne'e mos hato'o sujestaun atu kada ministeriu iha nia lixu fatin propriu no labele mistura ho lixu publiku ne'ebe monta iha lojas, merkadu no fatin publiku sira seluk ho razaun bele halo kontrolu regular ne'ebe efisiente no fasil.",
"Lixu ba popok labarik nian mos presisa iha fatin propriu ne'ebe metin no labele kahor ho lixu publiku atu bele evita alakansamentu husi animal hanesan asu, fahi ne'ebe bele lekar popok iha fatin publiku.",
"Popok no kotak nasi bungkus tuir diretor ne'e bele tama mos ba prosesu resiklazem hodi produz bolaun.",
"Iha parte seluk, lixu hospital mos presisa fatin ne'ebe espesial no labele kahor hamutuk lixu publiku e presisa mos transporte propriu atu tula lixu hospital no tenke tuir canalizasaun propria ba eleminasaun residuos.",
"Haree ba nesesidade ekipamentu ne'ebe limitadu hanesan makina resiklazem, parte kompanha sujere nafatin suporta husi parte Governu, liu-liu husi SEPFOPE atu vizaun ne'ebe nafilak ona ba realidade kontinua nafatin nia regularidade ba asuntu resiklazem lixu garrafas Aqua plastiku iha Timor Leste.",
"Hakerek Nain: Clelio Alves/sepfope.gov.tl Publika husi barnezco aumenta 3:45 PM"
] | [
"SEPFOPE TIMOR-LESTE: \"Visão Nakfilak ba Realidade\" Sepfope Supports Start Product Company in the Area of recycling Now - ne'e, a company with name start product unipersonal lda. has emerged from Timor Leste and it is called “Start Products Unipersonal Ltda.”"
"It has begun to carry out recycling activities for Aqua bottles plastic mamut that almost namkari in many places of Dili City."
"The recycling activities are supported by the Secretariat of State for Vocational Training and Employment Policy (SEPFOPE) through its Self-Employed Persons Department."
"Aqua bottles are considered by many people to have no value, but for the Start Product recycling centre located in Manleuana it is worthwhile things that were thought of as garbage and made into chairs."
"In order to know more about the recycling activities at this centre, Media Sepfope managed in getting information from Start Product Company's Director Jose Deolindo Ximenes after giving a number of speeches on Monday (03/12) during an event called \"Obrigado Barak\" held by SEPFOPE Provisional Office."
"According to the Director's observation, currently Aqua be in Dili is 2670 kg or two tons of six hundred and seventy kilogram; from this number there are bottled aqua mamuk amounting one ton five thousand pound which consume within a day only."
"Jose Deolindo also adds that from 2013 to the year of roughly estimated budget which can be obtained by Tibar garbage amounted USD, this calculation is for only one type plastic does not include types variations in Plastic numbering as many (Atus One Five Zero Resin-Five)."
"The number of workers working at the Manleuana recycling centre since its inauguration in December 2013 is now up to a whopping seventy (Hitu Nulu), and today this figure has risen as high, with over eighty-eight employees."
"The workers are divided into two groups: 24 people work in the separation area for plastic Aqua bottles; and six person working on recycling machines."
"In addition, there are two university students who provisionally carry out an internship for a whole week at the centre and receive theoretical knowledge from company director one day each month."
"Of the 87 (Ualu Nulu Resin-Oulu) workers working in Aqua plastics separation, there are a total of sixteen men and seventy two women."
"These workers will be given a 6-month (Ne'en) job target, and once trained they are transferred to the general tank part which is in charge of chemical mixing work."
"During the recycling process, polyester raw materials will be produced that are sold to two countries such as China and Indonesia."
"According to Jose Deolindo, the reason for selling these materials is in order of obtaining funds which will be used by us as we buy more recycling machines that are necessary. In future if government helps with machinery and equipment then our raw material can produce what products you want so limit sales abroad too!"
"The director of the local company added that, if in June center will get a recycling machine for plastics with PP type (including chairs which are made from solid matter Aqua mata...etc), centre would produce chair base tables and umbrella etc."
"Through this production, we can also reduce the importation of these goods from abroad and produce with better quality. We will be able to put 'Made in Timor-Leste' mark on them as well!"
"The working hours for the workers are from 08.35 am to17 pm; and during their work, they will be equipped with all necessary equipment such as: masks covering inus (mouth), gloves/shoes /uniform-clothing(suit) etcetera"
"For workers who work in the plastic separation part need to use a different nose mask than normal facemasks with reason that these can better protect against harmful chemical substances which have negative impact on health."
"The gloves used have the function of preventing from tucking his croat and avoid chemical contamination when injured."
"Use the gloves for a week and then you can use them again."
"Target uses the gloves for a month, after which they can be replaced with new ones."
"The uniform is worn in the form of kalsa and faru, this farad falls into anti-stain category so it can not be used until a week later."
"2013. \"Use of the U-shaped face mask\"."
"Shoes that are worn with quality anti be, oil-resistant and electric shock."
"Workers in charge of work at the general tanks also use equipment similar to those working on separation areas, with only a deferential eighth for mask and uniform."
"The mask must be a special one with the function of preventing contamination by chemical sweat that can result in diseases such as cancer, therefore it is necessary to keep at least 1 meter distance from emitted perspiration."
"These workers are also prohibited from smoking and cannot attend any banhaka that comes."
"The uniforms worn by the general tank workers must be anti-bacterial because in their work process, they need to enter into a tanking facility and follow detailed machine recycling procedure."
"Workers also use bare mines to sew on themselves with the aim of avoiding contamination by chemical drugs."
"The experience of the Director Start Product Unipessoal, Lda."
"Director of Start Product Unipessoal Lda., Jose Deolindo Ximenes has extensive experience in the production area from recycling activities and he is also an expert on waste management systems for industrial applications as well"
"Among the various items that he has managed to produce in recent years are cigar production (2013); footwear of different quality, especially military shoes and also civilian boots."
"In addition to these productions, Jose Deolindo is also capable of producing Mi Goreng and Indo milk from wheat; produce carpet in various colors. He can make biogas using natural fuels such as coconut oil or sugarcane etc..."
"Other productions include utilize HVS paper residues to produce pencil; products for snacks such as pudding, aifarina and model kacang garuda."
"Jose also has the knowledge and ability to produce building materials from recycling process such as, producing paralons for light switches or water distribution systems. Paralons are used in electrical installation; envelope of electric wires etc..."
"In 1987, he started working for the Sibaduyung Company in Bandung-Indonesia. He worked there two years until his retirement as an engineer at a company that was located nearby (Sibadung)."
"In this place Jose began producing in the military product area to produce army shoes (double cap and molding)."
"From January to June 1987, Jose worked at the Seran Banteng Company - Indonesia where he produced shoes for various brands."
"In early July of the same year, Jose returned to East Timor in connection with an uncertain political situation."
"Jose returned to Indonesia in 2013 and continued his capacity building for the production of shoes, uniforms etc. at a company located on Bogor Island (Indonesia)."
"After a few years, in 2013 the current director of this recycling company began to take new steps into England. He worked for an English-speaking firm from which he retired with his wife and two children at age sixteen (in January)."
"There he learned how to produce ceramics/ceramik from glass."
"During his time in Europe, José travelled to neighbouring countries and enriched himself with knowledge."
"In 2013, he opened his own factory called 'buffalo' in Bogor - Indonesia. At the same time Jose started producing sinelus (a type of paper), pastas and uniform for military personnel as well a number other products such As sofa chairs & armchair"
"At that time he talked with the Embassy of Timor-Leste to facilitate his return back into England, but until 2013 it was not possible and then again in October after receiving information from Bishop Basilio do Nascimento who is also Diocesan Archbishop for Baucau (Baucau), Don Jose immediately called him home so they could start new works here. Considering how high unemployment rate has been rising at this point on East Timor's border area between Australia/New Zealand & Indonesia /Indonesia - Malaysia as a result Mr José started thinking about different ideas which would help create work opportunities within their own district or region where there are many unemployed people like them!"
"Part of the initiatives to be taken is like making Baucau Be bot for producing Aqua hemu with a budget calculation that more or less requires 430,152USD; part otherwise also make production in Indo Milk according formula obtained from Portugal."
"As a result, these two initiatives have not been realized yet. Therefore Don Basilio has created an initiative to recycle the plastic Aqua bottles that are becoming garbage as they start diminishing in quantity and appearing more unsightly than before!"
"Realisation of the Aqua Mammuk collection began in 2013."
"Through a conversation between Don Basilio and the Secretary of State for Vocational Training Policy, Ilidio da Costa Ximenes made this vision come true. Today there is already an existing plastic recycling centre in Manleuana operated by Local Company Start Product Unipessoals; Lda with support from SEPFOPE (Secretaria de Estado para Políticas Profissionais e Emprego)."
"The plastic waste that accumulates in the city, according to Jose Deolindo's vision can also become a field of employment especially for those who are limited with education and unable competing against graduated people or others having greater knowledge about specific areas."
"In addition to opening work camps, the director said that they will also provide training in order for people with skills and capacities of transforming waste into valuable good."
"At present, most of the population is not mentally prepared to consider waste as a commodity that can be transformed into valuable equipment."
"Many people will be tired of collecting plastic Aqua bottles that are falling apart."
"Regarding the collection of Aqua plastic waste, company is asking community to gather and sell it back for a price that will be determined in accordance with: pet category (like aqua mamuk) gets 20 centimus per kilo; Pp model(such like chair trash or water bottle etc.), are sold at $15/kilo while PC type recycled materials ($36 /kg)."
"The director also suggested that each ministry should have its own garbage dump and not mix it with the public trash in shops, markets or other places so as to make regular control more easy."
"Children's diaper litter also needs to be disposed of in a proper and secure place, not along with public garbage. This is done so that animals such as dog or cow can leave their dirty clothes on the street without being caught up by police; they may even get infected if left untreated at home for several days before leaving them out into open air where it could cause serious health problems (especially cancer)."
"Rice bags and rice wrappers, according to the director can also be recycled in order for them of producing bolaun."
"On the other hand, hospital waste also requires a special place and cannot be put together with public garbage. It needs proper transport to carry it away from there in order for its disposal through appropriate sewerage systems;"
"Given the limited need for equipment such as recycling machines, company suggests support from government and particularly SEPFOPE so that this vision which has already become reality can continue its regularity on plastic aqua bottle waste in Timor-Leste."
"Author: Clelio Alves/sepfope.gov,tl Published by barnezco aumenta 3-45 PM"
] |
Thursday, 20 August 2020 12:37\nLere Husu Governu Harii Uma Ba Veteranu\nTempotimor (Dili) - Xefe Estadu FALINTIL-FDTL, Majór Jenerál Lere Anan Timur, rekomenda ba governu atu tinan-tinan iha orsamentu ketak ba veteranu sira, inklui halo uma dignu ba sira.\nMensajen ne'e Jenerál Lere hato'o bainhira halo diskursu iha Selebrasaun loron FALINTIL ba dala XL ne'ebé realiza, iha Kuartél Jerál, FALINTIL-FDTL, Fatuhada, Dili, Kinta (20/8).\n"Ami fó rekomendasaun ba governu atu loron 20 de Agostu sai loron nasionál, atu Estadu no Governu halo lei atu garante veteranu sira-nia futuru, oan no be oan sira hetan direitu no regalia, tanba aman-inan sira-nia kontribuisaun boot ba libertasaun nasionál," dehan Lere.\nNia husu ba governu atu harii uma ne'ebé dignu ba veteranu sira liuhusi alokasaun orsamentu kada tinan, nune'e hanesan parte dignifika luta veteranu nian durante okupasaun kolonializmu.\n"Tinan-tinan iha orsamentu estadu, iha nafatin fundu harii veteranu sira-nia uma ka fatin ne'ebé dignu," dehan Lere.\nNia hatutan, durante selebrasaun loron FALINTIL liuhusi Tour FALINTIL hasoru malu mós ho luta na’in sira, haree mós kondisaun moris veteranu sira moris terus no susar. (*)\nFahe Malu Xanana-Ruak-Lú Olo Maka ‘Impede Dezenvolvimentu’\nTempotimor (Dili) - Xefe Estadu Maiór Jenerál FALINTIL-FDTL, Majór Jenerál Lere Anan Timur, konsidera dezenvolvimentu iha rai laran la la’o tanba veteranu luta na’in sira fahe malu iha tempu prosesu konstrusaun nasaun nian. | [
"Thursday, 20 August 2020 12:37 Lere Husu Governu Harii Uma Ba Veteranu Tempotimor (Dili) - Xefe Estadu FALINTIL-FDTL, Major Jeneral Lere Anan Timur, rekomenda ba governu atu tinan-tinan iha orsamentu ketak ba veteranu sira, inklui halo uma dignu ba sira.",
"Mensajen ne'e Jeneral Lere hato'o bainhira halo diskursu iha Selebrasaun loron FALINTIL ba dala XL ne'ebe realiza, iha Kuartel Jeral, FALINTIL-FDTL, Fatuhada, Dili, Kinta (20/8).",
"\"Ami fo rekomendasaun ba governu atu loron 20 de Agostu sai loron nasional, atu Estadu no Governu halo lei atu garante veteranu sira-nia futuru, oan no be oan sira hetan direitu no regalia, tanba aman-inan sira-nia kontribuisaun boot ba libertasaun nasional,\" dehan Lere.",
"Nia husu ba governu atu harii uma ne'ebe dignu ba veteranu sira liuhusi alokasaun orsamentu kada tinan, nune'e hanesan parte dignifika luta veteranu nian durante okupasaun kolonializmu.",
"\"Tinan-tinan iha orsamentu estadu, iha nafatin fundu harii veteranu sira-nia uma ka fatin ne'ebe dignu,\" dehan Lere.",
"Nia hatutan, durante selebrasaun loron FALINTIL liuhusi Tour FALINTIL hasoru malu mos ho luta na'in sira, haree mos kondisaun moris veteranu sira moris terus no susar. (*) Fahe Malu Xanana-Ruak-Lu Olo Maka 'Impede Dezenvolvimentu' Tempotimor (Dili) - Xefe Estadu Maior Jeneral FALINTIL-FDTL, Major Jeneral Lere Anan Timur, konsidera dezenvolvimentu iha rai laran la la'o tanba veteranu luta na'in sira fahe malu iha tempu prosesu konstrusaun nasaun nian."
] | [
"Thursday, 20 August (Dili) - FALINTIL-FDTL Head of State Major General Lere Anan Timur has recommended that the government provide annual budget for veterans and build decent homes. He said he would like to see a more consistent approach in this area as well: “We are looking at building houses every year.”"
"The message was delivered by General Lere when he made a speech at the XLth Celebration of FALINTIL Day, held on Thursday (20/8) in F-FDTL Headquarters Fatuhada."
"\"We recommend to the government that August 20 be declared a national day, and for both State & Government legislation guarantee veterans' future. Children should have their rights as well because parents made such great contributions in liberating our country.\" said Lere"
"He called on the government to build decent housing for veterans through annual budget allocation, thereby being a dignified part of their struggle during colonial occupation."
"\"Every year in the state budget, there is still a fund to build veterans' homes or places that are decent\", Lere said."
"He said that during the celebration of FALINTIL Day through Tour Falintil also met with fighters, and saw living conditions suffering from veteran. Tempotimor (Dili) - Chief General Staff FARC-FDTL Major Gen Lere Anan Timur believed development in Timor Leste is not going well because Veteran Fighters split up while building a nation' s processes for independence; he added: \"We are proud to be amongst those who have made this country prosperous.\""
] |
OPERASAUN KONJUNTA: Habelun ka Hatauk? – Fundasaun Mahein\nOPERASAUN KONJUNTA: Habelun ka Hatauk?\nMay 16, 2014May 16, 2014 | fundasaunmaheinfundasaunmahein | 2 Comments | 14:37\nPostu Operasaun Lalulai Sub Distritu Laga\nIha inisiu tinan ida ne’e, Estadu Timor-Leste hasai rezolusaun importante rua maka rezolusaun Nú. 05/3/2014 husi Parlamentu Nasional no Rezolusaun Nú. 08/2014 husi Konsellu Ministru ho intensaun atu halo atuasaun ba grupu Konsellu Revolusaun Maubere – KRM no Conselho Popular Defeza Repúblika Demokratika Timor-Leste – CPD-RDTL liu husi operasaun hanaran “Operasaun 66” no “Operasaun Habelun”.\nRelasiona ho Komandu Operasaun Konjunta(KOK) husi Polisia Nasional Timor-Leste – PNTL no FALINTIL-Forsa Defeza Timor-Leste – F-FDTL, iha semana primeiru fulan Maiu ekipa Fundasaun Mahein halo monitorizasaun ba fatin operasaun sira hanesan Sub Distritu Laga, Baguia no Quilecai deskobre katak membru F-FDTL no PNTL nia atuasaun durante operasaun halo membru CPD-RDTL, KRM inklui komunidade bai-bain senti la seguru.\nPrezensa forsa F-FDTL ho PNTL lori mos traumatiku, komunidade sira tauk wainhira elementu ruma husi F-FDTL no PNTL liu iha sira nia uma oin ka iha sira nia bairu no ema oin foun ruma tama iha sira nia suku. Komunidade sira lamenta tebes prezensa F-FDTL ho PNTL konsidera hanesan sira kriminozu ka traidor ba nasaun tanba ne’e hatun forsa polisia no militar hodi halo mal-tratamentu hasoru sira.\nIha parte seluk agresaun fiziku hasoru Sekretariu CPD-RDTL sede Namkari iha Baguia-Oso-huna, Juliao dos Reis ne’ebé to’o ohin loron trauma no la’o ladiak tanba hetan torturasaun husi membru F-FDTL no PNTL ne’ebé involve iha operasaun konjunta wainhira halo kapturasaun nia iha loron 16 Marsu, iha nia uma Oso-Huna. Nune’e mos membru F-FDTL no PNTL halo agresaun fiziku ba Sekretariu Zona Sub-Rejiaun Katikarso, Suku Lelalai, Sub Distritu Quilecai Adelino Soares ne’ebé to’o ohin loron la’o ladiak.\nFundasaun Mahein nia monitorizasaun hare’e mos katak prezensa KOK halo komunidade senti moris ameasadu hanesan preoukupasaun husi Assosiacao Veteranus husi Uatocarbau, Baguia, Viqueque no Lakluta ne’ebé hatama keixa ba Ministeriu Públiku relasiona ho prezensa KOK ne’ebé halo tratamentu ladiak. Tanba konsidera atuasaun F-FDTL no PNTL ne’e la’os ezekuta rezolusaun atu reintegra komunidade maibe halo agresaun fiziku relasiona ho problema privadu ne’ebé durante ne’e iha entre sira.\nMaibe, situasaun komunidade sira ne’e la hetan atensaun husi orgaun Estadu sira hanesan Parlamentu Nasional nu’udar orgaun fiskalizador. Tuir lolos Parlamentu Nasional nu’udar reprezentante povu hahu ona fiskaliza ba lala’ok operasaun konjunta ne’ebé to’o ohin loron sai preoukupasaun públiku relasiona ho ema sivil barak maka sai vitima husi operasaun refere. Realidade to’o ohin loron Parlamentu Nasional kontinua subar-an husi komunidade no taka tilun no halo finzi la rona komunidade nia halerik no situasaun siguransa ne’ebé sira hasoru dadaun ne’e.\nNune’e mos Provedoria Diretus Humanus no Justisa – PDHJ ne’ebé nu’udar instituisaun Estadu hodi tau matan no bale/tane asuntu diretus umanus la foti kazu ida hasoru hahalok membru operasaun konjunta ne’ebé halo violasaun diretus umanus durante ne’e. Maibe nonok deit no halo an sai hanesan pro-Governu ninia polítika no Parlamentu Nasional ne’ebé hasai rezolusaun hodi hamosu operasaun.Aktu apatizmu komesa ataka instituisaun PDHJ hodi hadook an husi komunidade no sai fali adovokasia ba diretu Governu no PN hodi hamosu rezolusaun.\nTuir Fundasaun Mahein nia hanoin katak atu sala ka los, ilegal ka la ilegal organizasaun KRM no CPD-RDTL ne’e sei define iha koridor juridiku nian maibe nu’udar sidadaun membru husi organizasaun rua ne’e iha diretu Konstitusional hodi hetan tratamentu ne’ebé diak nu’udar sidadaun. Liu-liu tratamentu husi orgaun Estadu hanesan Parlamentu Nasional no instituisaun PDHJ.\nHo ida ne’e, Fundasaun Mahein rekomenda ba Parlamentu Nasional no PDHJ atu halo monitorizasaun no fiskaliza ba sitausaun atual ne’ebé komunidade infrenta iha baze relasiona ho operasaun konjunta atu nune’e bele rona preoukupasaun komunidade sira kona-bá operasaun konjunta ne’ebé halo sira sai vitima no senti moris ladun seguru.\nKomunidade sira, liu-liu vitima sira ne’ebé nu’udar membru CPD-RDTL no KRM ejize atu prosesu sira nia kazu ba iha tribunal atu nune’e bele hetan justisa no lia los, labele halo kapturasan, detein no halo agresaun fiziku deit depoi husik fali maibe tenki lori sira ba iha dalan justisa wainhira konsidera sira nia movimentu ne’e kontra Estadu no nasaun.\n2 thoughts on “OPERASAUN KONJUNTA: Habelun ka Hatauk?”\nMarch 24, 2015 at 05:44\nami hein dt prosesu nbe lao nee..\nBento Cruz says:\nHanesan juventude/sidadaun1 hakarak hato’o obrigado wain ba Fundasaun Mahein tanba fo ona hanoin/idea nebe diak ba iha PN no PDHJ. Espera katak orgaun importante rua nee bele simu idea nebe FM hato’o ba nee atu bele halo monitorizasaun ba iha komunidade sira nebe hetan torturasaun/agresaun fiziku husi operasaun nebe KOK hala’o ne’e para que povo inocente sira labele sai fali vitima no sofre fali husi operasaun refere.\nNo husu ba lideransa sira hotu labele hatoman’an hodi halo politika para subar imi nian sala I depois bosok povo inocente sira, maibe tenke sai lideransa nebe justu hodi serve povo ho hahalok nebe justu mos.\nEma hotu hatene katak wainhira lideransa ruma atu kaer kargu nebe boot sira sempre hato’o sira nian promesa ho juramentu, neduni husu ba boot sira “labele haluha fali juramentu nebe imi halo nee”, se’lae RAI NAIN Timor mak\nhatene deit ona. GBU\nPrevious Previous post: Asidenti Trafiku no Nia Kauza\nNext Next post: Reforma UNO: Feto iha Seitor Seguransa\nProgresu no Dezafiu Dezenvolvimentu Forsa NAVAL F-FDTL “Prespetiva Forsa 2020”Progresu no Dezafiu Dezenvolvimentu Forsa NAVAL F-FDTL “Prespetiva Forsa 2020”\nFundasaun Mahein (FM), 29 Juñu 2016 Komunikadu Imprensa Progresu no Dezafiu Dezenvolvimentu Forsa NAVAL F-FDTL “Prespetiva Forsa 2020” Liu husi Mahein Nia Hanoin Nú 12 (Versaun Tetum.pdf) kona-bá Planu inisiu | [
"OPERASAUN KONJUNTA: Habelun ka Hatauk? - Fundasaun Mahein OPERASAUN KONJUNTA: Habelun ka Hatauk?",
"May 16, 2014May 16, 2014 | fundasaunmaheinfundasaunmahein | 2 Comments | 14:37 Postu Operasaun Lalulai Sub Distritu Laga Iha inisiu tinan ida ne'e, Estadu Timor-Leste hasai rezolusaun importante rua maka rezolusaun Nu.",
"05/3/2014 husi Parlamentu Nasional no Rezolusaun Nu.",
"08/2014 husi Konsellu Ministru ho intensaun atu halo atuasaun ba grupu Konsellu Revolusaun Maubere - KRM no Conselho Popular Defeza Republika Demokratika Timor-Leste - CPD-RDTL liu husi operasaun hanaran \"Operasaun 66\" no \"Operasaun Habelun.\"",
"Relasiona ho Komandu Operasaun Konjunta (KOK) husi Polisia Nasional Timor-Leste - PNTL no FALINTIL-Forsa Defeza Timor-Leste - F-FDTL, iha semana primeiru fulan Maiu ekipa Fundasaun Mahein halo monitorizasaun ba fatin operasaun sira hanesan Sub Distritu Laga, Baguia no Quilecai deskobre katak membru F-FDTL no PNTL nia atuasaun durante operasaun halo membru CPD-RDTL, KRM inklui komunidade bai-bain senti la seguru.",
"Prezensa forsa F-FDTL ho PNTL lori mos traumatiku, komunidade sira tauk wainhira elementu ruma husi F-FDTL no PNTL liu iha sira nia uma oin ka iha sira nia bairu no ema oin foun ruma tama iha sira nia suku.",
"Komunidade sira lamenta tebes prezensa F-FDTL ho PNTL konsidera hanesan sira kriminozu ka traidor ba nasaun tanba ne'e hatun forsa polisia no militar hodi halo mal-tratamentu hasoru sira.",
"Iha parte seluk agresaun fiziku hasoru Sekretariu CPD-RDTL sede Namkari iha Baguia-Oso-huna, Juliao dos Reis ne'ebe to'o ohin loron trauma no la'o ladiak tanba hetan torturasaun husi membru F-FDTL no PNTL ne'ebe involve iha operasaun konjunta wainhira halo kapturasaun nia iha loron 16 Marsu, iha nia uma Oso-Huna.",
"Nune'e mos membru F-FDTL no PNTL halo agresaun fiziku ba Sekretariu Zona Sub-Rejiaun Katikarso, Suku Lelalai, Sub Distritu Quilecai Adelino Soares ne'ebe to'o ohin loron la'o ladiak.",
"Fundasaun Mahein nia monitorizasaun hare'e mos katak prezensa KOK halo komunidade senti moris ameasadu hanesan preoukupasaun husi Assosiacao Veteranus husi Uatocarbau, Baguia, Viqueque no Lakluta ne'ebe hatama keixa ba Ministeriu Publiku relasiona ho prezensa KOK ne'ebe halo tratamentu ladiak.",
"Tanba konsidera atuasaun F-FDTL no PNTL ne'e la'os ezekuta rezolusaun atu reintegra komunidade maibe halo agresaun fiziku relasiona ho problema privadu ne'ebe durante ne'e iha entre sira.",
"Maibe, situasaun komunidade sira ne'e la hetan atensaun husi orgaun Estadu sira hanesan Parlamentu Nasional nu'udar orgaun fiskalizador.",
"Tuir lolos Parlamentu Nasional nu'udar reprezentante povu hahu ona fiskaliza ba lala'ok operasaun konjunta ne'ebe to'o ohin loron sai preoukupasaun publiku relasiona ho ema sivil barak maka sai vitima husi operasaun refere.",
"Realidade to'o ohin loron Parlamentu Nasional kontinua subar-an husi komunidade no taka tilun no halo finzi la rona komunidade nia halerik no situasaun siguransa ne'ebe sira hasoru dadaun ne'e.",
"Nune'e mos Provedoria Diretus Humanus no Justisa - PDHJ ne'ebe nu'udar instituisaun Estadu hodi tau matan no bale/tane asuntu diretus umanus la foti kazu ida hasoru hahalok membru operasaun konjunta ne'ebe halo violasaun diretus umanus durante ne'e.",
"Maibe nonok deit no halo an sai hanesan pro-Governu ninia politika no Parlamentu Nasional ne'ebe hasai rezolusaun hodi hamosu operasaun.Aktu apatizmu komesa ataka instituisaun PDHJ hodi hadook an husi komunidade no sai fali adovokasia ba diretu Governu no PN hodi hamosu rezolusaun.",
"Tuir Fundasaun Mahein nia hanoin katak atu sala ka los, ilegal ka la ilegal organizasaun KRM no CPD-RDTL ne'e sei define iha koridor juridiku nian maibe nu'udar sidadaun membru husi organizasaun rua ne'e iha diretu Konstitusional hodi hetan tratamentu ne'ebe diak nu'udar sidadaun.",
"Liu-liu tratamentu husi orgaun Estadu hanesan Parlamentu Nasional no instituisaun PDHJ.",
"Ho ida ne'e, Fundasaun Mahein rekomenda ba Parlamentu Nasional no PDHJ atu halo monitorizasaun no fiskaliza ba sitausaun atual ne'ebe komunidade infrenta iha baze relasiona ho operasaun konjunta atu nune'e bele rona preoukupasaun komunidade sira kona-ba operasaun konjunta ne'ebe halo sira sai vitima no senti moris ladun seguru.",
"Komunidade sira, liu-liu vitima sira ne'ebe nu'udar membru CPD-RDTL no KRM ejize atu prosesu sira nia kazu ba iha tribunal atu nune'e bele hetan justisa no lia los, labele halo kapturasan, detein no halo agresaun fiziku deit depoi husik fali maibe tenki lori sira ba iha dalan justisa wainhira konsidera sira nia movimentu ne'e kontra Estadu no nasaun.",
"2 thoughts on \"OPERASAUN KONJUNTA: Habelun ka Hatauk?\"",
"March 24, 2015 at 05:44 ami hein dt prosesu nbe lao nee..",
"Bento Cruz says: Hanesan juventude/sidadaun1 hakarak hato'o obrigado wain ba Fundasaun Mahein tanba fo ona hanoin/idea nebe diak ba iha PN no PDHJ.",
"Espera katak orgaun importante rua nee bele simu idea nebe FM hato'o ba nee atu bele halo monitorizasaun ba iha komunidade sira nebe hetan torturasaun/agresaun fiziku husi operasaun nebe KOK hala'o ne'e para que povo inocente sira labele sai fali vitima no sofre fali husi operasaun refere.",
"No husu ba lideransa sira hotu labele hatoman'an hodi halo politika para subar imi nian sala I depois bosok povo inocente sira, maibe tenke sai lideransa nebe justu hodi serve povo ho hahalok nebe justu mos.",
"Ema hotu hatene katak wainhira lideransa ruma atu kaer kargu nebe boot sira sempre hato'o sira nian promesa ho juramentu, neduni husu ba boot sira \"labele haluha fali juramentu nebe imi halo nee,\" se'lae RAI NAIN Timor mak hatene deit ona.",
"GBU Previous Previous post: Asidenti Trafiku no Nia Kauza Next Next post: Reforma UNO: Feto iha Seitor Seguransa Progresu no Dezafiu Dezenvolvimentu Forsa NAVAL F-FDTL \"Prespetiva Forsa 2020\"Progresu no Dezafiu Dezenvolvimentu Forsa NAVAL F-FDTL \"Prespetiva Forsa 2020\" Fundasaun Mahein (FM), 29 Junu 2016 Komunikadu Imprensa Progresu no Dezafiu Dezenvolvimentu Forsa NAVAL F-FDTL \"Prespetiva Forsa 2020\" Liu husi Mahein Nia Hanoin Nu 12 (Versaun Tetum.pdf) kona-ba Planu inisiu"
] | [
"OPERASAUN KONJUNTA: Habelun ka Hatauk? - Fundasaun Mahein JOINT OPERATING UNIT (JOUNT)"
"May 16,.2034May (5) | fundasaunmaheinfundação-maihin| No Comments at Posto Operacional Lalulai Sub Distritu Laga At the beginning of this year Timor Leste State issued two important resolutions which are Resolution N°"
"05/3,1984 of the National Parliament and Resolution No."
"The Government of Timor-Leste issued Decree No. 08/214 with the intention to take action against groups Conselho Revolusaun Maubere - KRM and Consejo Popular de Defensa Republika Demokratika Timór Leste – CPD through operations called \"Operation67\" (operations numbered from Operations Number Sixty Seven) or “Operacao Habelun.”"
"Regarding the Joint Operations Command (KOK) of PNTL and FALINTIL-Forsa Defesa Timor Leste - F–FDTL, in May 2017 a team from Fundação Mahein monitored operations sites such as Sub District Laga – Baguia e Quilecai. They discovered that actions taken by members Of The Federal Police Force & National Security Service during operation had made CPD—RTL member KRM including local communities feel unsafe"
"The presence of F-FDTL and PNTL forces is also traumatizing, communities are frightened whenever an element from the Force passes by their house or neighborhood. Some newcomers enter into a village where they have lived for many years without ever seeing them in person beforehand; this can lead to violence between people who live there with each other as well"
"The communities deeply regret the presence of F-FDTL and PNTL, considering them as criminals or traitors to their country. Therefore they degraded police forces in order illtreatment against these people;"
"On the other hand, there was a physical assault against CPD-RDTL headquarters Namkari Secretary in Baguia Osohuna Juliao dos Reis who is still traumatized and suffering from torture by members of FDFTL/PNTL involved with joint operation to capture him on March 16 at his home."
"Likewise, members of the F-FDTL and PNTL physically assaulted Zone Secretary Adelino Soares from Subregion Katikarso in Lelalai Village (Subdistrict Quilecai), which has not been resolved to date."
"Mahein Foundation's monitoring also found that the presence of KOK made communities feel their lives threatened, a concern raised by Association Veteranus from Uatocarbau and Baguia who filed complaint with Public Prosecutor in relation to this lack-of treatment."
"Because they consider that the actions of F-FDTL and PNTL are not implementing resolutions to reintegrate communities but physically aggressive in connection with private problems between them."
"However, the situation of these communities has not received any attention from State bodies such as National Parliament in its capacity to supervise."
"According to him, the National Parliament as a representative of people has begun auditing on conducted joint operations which until today have been public concern in relation with many civilians who were victimized by such operation."
"The reality to this day is that the National Parliament continues being overwhelmed by communities and closing its mouth, pretending it doesn't hear their voice in terms of security situation they are facing."
"Similarly, the Procuradoria Diretus Humanus no Justisa - PDHJ which is a State institution to monitor and handle human rights issues has not taken up any case against members of joint operation who committed violations during this period."
"However, they ignored and presented themselves as pro-Government policies of the National Parliament which passed a resolution to initiate an operation. Apathy began attacking PDHJ institutions so that it would be remove from community support but turned into advocacy for direct Government action against PN with respect operative actions by issuance resolutions"
"According to Mahein's Foundation, whether it is wrong or right and illegal the KRM organization will be defined in a legal corridor but as citizens members of these two organisation they have constitutional rights for good treatment."
"Especially the treatment of state organs such as National Parliament and PDHJ."
"With this in mind, Mahein Foundation recommends to the National Parliament and PDHJ that they carry out monitoring of current situation faced by communities on a grassroot level regarding joint operations so as hearing their concern about these actions which have made them victimized."
"The communities, especially the victims who are members of CPD-RDTL and KRM demand that their cases be brought to court so they can get justice. In truth it is not enough for them only being arrested or detained after leaving but must take these people into judicial custody when considering this movement against State & country initiative!"
"2 thoughts on \"JOINT OPERATION: Habelun ka Hatauk?\""
"March 24,1509:38 am ami hein dt proses nbe lao nee."
"Bento Cruz says: As a youth/citizen1 I would like to thank the Mahein Foundation for giving us good ideas and suggestions on how we can improve our work in Parliament."
"It is hoped that these two important bodies will accept the idea FM has put forward to them so they can monitor in communities who have been subjected of torture/physical aggression by KOK operations, for innocent people do not become victim and suffer again from this operation."
"And I ask all leaders not to come together and make politics for your own sakes, then lie the innocent people but be a just leader serving them with righteous behavior."
"Everyone knows that when leaders take up high office they always make their promise and swear an oath, so asking the great ones \"may you forget your pledge\" if not only RAI NAIN Timor is aware of it."
"GBU Previous Next post: Traffic Accidents and Their Causes FollowingNext Post UNO Reform Feminism in the Security Sector F-FDTL NAVAL Force Development Progresse & Challenge \"Perspective Forsa2016\" Fundasaun Mahein (FM), June,3rd Press Release on Initial Plan of Fortalecimento da Marinha de Timor Leste “Prespetiva FORSA”"
] |
By Tempo Timor August 18, 2020 467\nEmbaixadór Republika Populár Xina Xiao Jianguo ko'alia hela ho jornalista sira iha tempu balun liubá. Foto Tempo Timor\nEmbaixadór Xina iha TL, Xiao Jiangou hatete, governu Xina prontu hamriik iha TL nia kotuk hodi halo prevensaun ba pandemia Covid-19 iha Timor-Leste.\nNia hatete, antes ne'e ho kooperasaun nasaun rua hodi halo servisu lubuk ida, liuliu kooperasaun iha área prevensaun ba moras Covid-19 nia liuhusi distribuisaun materiál prevensaun sira hanesan maskra no seluk tan.\n"Ami husi Xina nafatin iha kometimentu atu kombate Covid-19 iha Timor-Leste", hatete Embaixadór Xina, Xiao Jiangou, ba jornalista sira hafoin ensera enkontru ho Vise-PM no MSSI, Armanda Berta dos Santos, iha Kaikoli, Segunda (17/08).\nNia hatutan, pandemia Covid-19 sai nu’udár problema mundiál ne'ebé nasaun tomak enfrenta, tanba ne'e maka Xina nafatin sai hanesan suporte ba TL hodi servisu hamutuk ba prevensaun Covid-19.\nNia dehan, governu TL no Xina iha kooperasaun ne'ebé di'ak iha kombate Covid-19, tanba atu kombate Covid-19 presiza iha servisu hamutuk no mós iha kooperasaun internasionál nian.\n"Timor-Leste hanesan nasaun ne'ebé ki'ikoan, tanba ne'e Xina nafatin hamriik iha Timor-Leste nia sorin hodi haree ba problema mundiál ne'ebé oras ne'e mundu enfrenta," dehan nia.\nEmbaixadór mós informa, enkontru ne'ebé sira hala'o ko’alia mós kona-ba atu estabelese solidariedade ida ne'ebé di'ak liután, nasaun rua tenke hametin nafatin kooperasaun ba malu. (*)\nLast modified on Tuesday, 18 August 2020 07:49\nEmbaixador Xiao Jiangua\n« Kada Tinan, Deputadu Ida Simu $5,400 ba “Toba iha Otel” 15 Setembru, PR Lú Olo sei Loke Hikas PN » | [
"By Tempo Timor August 18, 2020 467 Embaixador Republika Popular Xina Xiao Jianguo ko'alia hela ho jornalista sira iha tempu balun liuba.",
"Foto Tempo Timor Embaixador Xina iha TL, Xiao Jiangou hatete, governu Xina prontu hamriik iha TL nia kotuk hodi halo prevensaun ba pandemia Covid-19 iha Timor-Leste.",
"Nia hatete, antes ne'e ho kooperasaun nasaun rua hodi halo servisu lubuk ida, liuliu kooperasaun iha area prevensaun ba moras Covid-19 nia liuhusi distribuisaun material prevensaun sira hanesan maskra no seluk tan.",
"\"Ami husi Xina nafatin iha kometimentu atu kombate Covid-19 iha Timor-Leste,\" hatete Embaixador Xina, Xiao Jiangou, ba jornalista sira hafoin ensera enkontru ho Vise-PM no MSSI, Armanda Berta dos Santos, iha Kaikoli, Segunda (17/08).",
"Nia hatutan, pandemia Covid-19 sai nu'udar problema mundial ne'ebe nasaun tomak enfrenta, tanba ne'e maka Xina nafatin sai hanesan suporte ba TL hodi servisu hamutuk ba prevensaun Covid-19.",
"Nia dehan, governu TL no Xina iha kooperasaun ne'ebe di'ak iha kombate Covid-19, tanba atu kombate Covid-19 presiza iha servisu hamutuk no mos iha kooperasaun internasional nian.",
"\"Timor-Leste hanesan nasaun ne'ebe ki'ikoan, tanba ne'e Xina nafatin hamriik iha Timor-Leste nia sorin hodi haree ba problema mundial ne'ebe oras ne'e mundu enfrenta,\" dehan nia.",
"Embaixador mos informa, enkontru ne'ebe sira hala'o ko'alia mos kona-ba atu estabelese solidariedade ida ne'ebe di'ak liutan, nasaun rua tenke hametin nafatin kooperasaun ba malu. (*) Last modified on Tuesday, 18 August 2020 07:49 Embaixador Xiao Jiangua \" Kada Tinan, Deputadu Ida Simu $5,400 ba \"Toba iha Otel\" 15 Setembru, PR Lu Olo sei Loke Hikas PN \""
] | [
"By Tempo Timor August 18,.20467 Ambassador Xiao Jianguo of the People's Republic Of China is speaking with journalist a few minutes ago in Taipei City (Taiwan)."
"Foto Tempo Timor The Chinese Ambassador to the TL, Xiao Jiangou said that China's government is ready and will stand behind it in preventing a Covid-19 pandemic."
"He said that previously the two countries had worked together to do a lot of work, especially cooperation in prevention against Covid-19 through distributions for preventative materials such as mask and other."
"\"We from China remain committed to fighting Covid-19 in Timor Leste,\" Chinese Ambassador Xiao Jiangou told journalists after meeting with Vice PM and MSSI Armanda Berta dos Santos at Kaikoli on Monday (August 20)."
"He added that the Covid-19 pandemic has become a global problem facing all of our countries, which is why China continues to support Timor Leste in working together for prevention."
"He said, the governments of TL and China have a good cooperation in fighting Covid-19 because to combat it needs collaboration as well international cooperative."
"\"Timor-Leste is a small country, so China will continue to stand by Timor Leste in dealing with the global problems that this world faces at present.\""
"The ambassador also informed that the meeting they held was about establishing a good solidarity, and both countries should continue to strengthen cooperation. (*) Last modified on Tuesday 18 August (UTC+07:49). Ambassador Xiao Jiangua \"Every Year A Member Of Parliament Spends $5326 For Hotel Smoking\" President Lu Olo Will Hike National Assembly Budget On September's Final Day"
] |
Konsiliasaun entre Repúblika Demokrátika Timor-Leste no Komunidade Austrália « Governu Timor-Leste\nSegunda-feira, 23 setembru 2019 | 8:41\nKonsiliasaun entre Repúblika Demokrátika Timor-Leste no Komunidade Austrália\nKUALA LUMPUR, LORON 25 FULAN-FEVEREIRU TINAN 2018\nKomisaun Konsiliasaun remata ona ninia envolvimentu ho Timor-Leste no Austrália kona-ba dalan ba dezenvolvimentu kampu gás sira Greater Sunrise nian iha sesaun ikus konsiliasaun nian\nKomisaun Konsiliasaun hala’o ninia sorumutuk ikus husi sorumutuk hirak ne’ebé hala’o durante semana ne’ebé hahú iha loron 19 fulan-fevereiru tinan 2018, iha Kuala Lumpur, ho Repúblika Demokrátika Timor-Leste (“Timor-Leste”) no Komunidade Austrália (“Austrália”), nune’e mós ho Joint Venture Greater Sunrise nian. Tuir planu asaun ne’ebé maihusi Akordu Pakote Abranjente loron 30 fulan-agostu tinan 2017 nian entre Timor-Leste no Austrália, Komisaun Konsiliasaun ne’e aprezenta ona ninia konkluzaun sira ba governu rua ho objetivu atu fornese subsídiu sira atu foti desizaun ida kona-ba dezenvolvimentu husi rekursu ne’ebé fahe entre parte rua ne’e. Sorumutuk sira ne’e halo parte ba diálogu ida ne’ebé estruturadu iha ámbitu konsiliasaun entre Timor-Leste no Austrália, ne’ebé Komisaun Konsiliasaun ida maka dirije tuir Konvensaun ONU nian kona-ba Lei Tasi nian no hetan apoiu husi Tribunál Permanente Arbitrajen (“TPA”) nian.\nAsinatura ba Tratadu kona-ba Ketan-Tasik\nTuir planu asaun ne’ebé maihusi Akordu Pakote Abranjente loron 30 fulan-agostu tinan 2017 nian entre Timor-Leste no Austrália, Komisaun Konsiliasaun ne’e aprezenta ona ninia konkluzaun sira ba governu rua ho objetivu atu fornese subsídiu sira atu foti desizaun ida kona-ba dezenvolvimentu husi rekursu ne’ebé fahe entre parte rua ne’e. Sorumutuk sira ne’e halo parte ba diálogu ida ne’ebé estruturadu iha ámbitu konsiliasaun entre Timor-Leste no Austrália, ne’ebé Komisaun Konsiliasaun ida maka dirije tuir Konvensaun ONU nian kona-ba Lei Tasi nian no hetan apoiu husi Tribunál Permanente Arbitrajen (“TPA”) nian.\nDurante prosesu konsiliasaun nian, Parte sira to’o ona iha akordu ida kona-ba tratadu ne’ebé fiksa ona ketan-tasik entre parte sira ne’e iha Tasi Timor no ko’alia kona-ba estatutu jurídika kampu gás Greater Sunrise nian, kona-ba harii Rejime Espesiál ida ba Greater Sunrise no kona-ba dalan ida ba dezenvolvimentu rekursu nian. Tratadu ne’e mós estabelese eskema fahe reseita nian sira entre governu Timor-Leste ho Austrália, ne’ebé reseita upstream aloka ba Parte idak-idak sei la hanesan depende ba benefísiu husi downstream nian relasiona ho konseitu dezenvolvimentu ne’ebé la hanesan ba kampu gáz Greater Sunrise nian.\nHafoin remata sira-nia prosedimentu doméstiku sira rasik, governu rua ne’e konkorda atu hasoru malu iha tuku 17:00, iha loron 6 fulan-marsu tinan 2018, iha Nova Iorke, atu asina Tratadu foun kona-ba Ketan-Tasik sira. Sekretáriu-Jerál Nasoins Unidas nian, Exelentísimu Señór António Guterres, ho laran-di’ak hakarak atu serimónia asinatura nian ne’e hala’o iha kuartel-jenerál Nasoins Unidas nian no sai sasin ba asinatura husi tratadu ne’e, hamutuk ho Prezidente Komisaun Konsiliasaun nian, Exelentísimu Embaixadór Peter Taksøe-Jensen.\nHakat hirak tuirmai\nKomisaun daudaun ne’e nian sei hala’o serbisu atu finaliza relatóriu kona-ba prosesu ne’e, ne’ebé sei entrega ba Sekretáriu-Jeral Nasoins Unidas nian tuir hateten iha Aneksu V Konvensaun ne’e nian. Relatóriu ne’e sei publika iha fulan-abríl tinan 2018 nia klaran.\nKontestu husi Prosesu Konsiliasaun nian\nKomisaun Konsiliasaun nian, harii iha loron 25 fulan-juñu tinan 2016, nu’udar estabelese ona iha aneksu V Konvensaun ne’e nian, kompostu husi membru lima, ne’ebé prezide husi Exelentísimu Embaixadór Peter Taksøe-Jensen (Dinamarka). Sira seluk ne’ebé hola parte ba ekipa ne’e maka Dra. Rosalie Balkin (Austrália), Juiz Abdul G.Koroma (Serra Leao), Profesór Donald McRae (Kanadá no Zelándia Foun) no Juiz Rüdiger Wolfrum (Alemaña). Tuir akordu husi Parte sira, Tribunál Permanente Arbitrajen nian sei fó apoiu administrativu durante Konsiliasaun ne’e.\nKonsiliasaun ne’e hahú iha loron 11 fulan-abríl tinan 2016, liuhusi “Notifikasaun kona-ba Instituisaun Konsiliasaun nian, tuir Seksaun 2 husi Aneksu V Konvensaun nian” ne’ebé Timor-Leste haruka ba Austrália.\nIha loron 2 fulan maiu tinan 2016, Austrália submete ona “Resposta husi Austrália ba Notifikasaun Konsiliasaun nian”\nIha loron 28 fulan-jullu tinan 2016, Komisaun Konsiliasaun hala’o sorumutuk prosesuál ida ho Parte sira, iha Palásiu Pás, iha Haia, iha Olanda.\nIha loron 29, 30 no 31 fulan-agostu, Komisaun ne’e hala’o Sesaun Abertura Konsiliasaun nian no Audiénsia kona-ba Kompeténsia, iha Palásiu Pás nian, iha Haia, iha Olanda.\nIha loron 19 fulan-setembru tinan 2016, Komisaun fó-sai “Dezisaun kona-ba Kompeténsia”, hodi deside katak Konsiliasaun ne’e iha kontinuidade.\nHusi loron 10 to’o loron 13 fulan-outubru tinan 2016, Komisaun hala’o sorumutuk ho Parte sira iha Singapura.\nIha loron 9 fulan-janeiru tinan 2017, Ministru Negόsius Estranjeirus Timor-Leste nian no Ministru Negόsius Estranjeirus Austrália nian, hamutuk ho Komisaun, fó-sai Deklarasaun Trilaterál Konjunta ida kona-ba terminasaun ba Tratadu ba Aranjus Balu iha Tasi Timor [CMATS].\nHusi loron 16 to’o 20 fulan-janeiru tinan 2017, Komisaun ne’e hasoru-malu ho Parte sira iha Singapura.\nHusi loron 27 to’o 31 fulan-marsu tinan 2017, Komisaun ne’e hasoru-malu ho Parte sira iha Washington, D.C.\nHusi loron 5 to’o 9 fulan-juñu tinan 2017, Komisaun ne’e hasoru-malu ho Parte sira ne’e iha Kompeñaga.\nHusi loron 24 to’o 28 fulan-jullu tinan 2017, Komisaun ne’e hasoru-malu ho Parte sira iha Singapura.\nHusi loron 28 fulan-agostu to’o loron 1 fulan-setembru tinan 2017, Komisaun ne’e hasoru-malu ho Parte sira ne’e iha Kopeñaga.\nIha loron 30 fulan-agostu tinan 2017, Parte sira hetan Akordu kona-ba Pakote Abrajente ida kona-ba elementu sentrál sira husi delimitasaun ketan-tasik sira entre nasaun rua ne’e iha Tasi Timor (“Akordu kona-ba loron 30 fulan-agostu nian”). Aleinde ketan sira, Akordu kona-ba Pakote Abrajente ne’e ko’alia mós kona-ba estatutu jurídiku kampu gás Greater Sunrise nian, estabelesimentu Rejime Espesiál ida ba Greater Sunrise, dalan ida ba dezenvolvimentu rekursu nian no fahe reseita ne’ebé hetan.\nIha loron 13 fulan-outubru tinan 2017, hafoin sorumutuk iha Haia, Parte sira ne’e hetan akordu ida kona-ba testu integrál husi projetu tratadu nian ida, tuir sa’ida maka antesipa tiha ona iha akordu loron 30 fulan-agostu nian. Tratadu ida-ne’e delimita ketan-tasik (fronteira marítima) entre nasaun rua ne’e iha Tasi Timor no ko’alia kona-ba estatutu jurídiku kampu gás Greater Sunrise nian, estabelesimentu Rejime Espesiál ida ba Greater Sunrise, dalan ida ba dezenvolvimentu rekursu no fahe reseita ne’ebé hetan.\nIha loron 18 fulan-novembru tinan 2017, Komisaun ne’e hasoru-malu ho Parte sira ho Joint Venture iha Singapura.\nEntre loron 12 no 14 fulan-dezembru tinan 2017, Komisaun ne’e hasoru-malu ho Parte sira no ho Joint Venture iha Singapura.\nHusi loron 29 fulan-janeiru to’o loron 2 fulan-fevereiru tinan 2018, Komisaun ne’e hasoru malu ho Parte sira no ho Joint Venture iha Sydney.\nHusi loron 19 to’o 23 fulan-fevereiru tinan 2018, Komisaun ne’e hala’o sesaun finál negosiasaun nian ho Parte sira no ho Joint Venture iha Kuala Lumpur.\nAtu hatene informasaun barak liután kona-ba konsiliasaun ne’e bele haree iha www.pca-cpa.org/en/cases/132/, ne’ebé inklui testu kompletu kona-ba Desizaun Komisaun ne’e nian kona-ba Kompeténsia, gravasaun no transkrisaun husi Sesaun Maklokek (Sesaun Abertura), aprezentasaun husi Parte sira, nota imprensa sira uluk nian no Deklarasaun Trilaterál Konjunta sira.\nKontestu Tribunál Permanente Arbitrajen nian\nTribunál Permanente Arbitrajen maka organizasaun intergovernamentál ida ne’ebé harii iha tinan 1899 husi Konvensaun Haia kona-ba Solusaun Pasífika ba Konflitu Internasionál nian sira. TPA, kompostu husi Parte Kontratante 121 no ninia sede lokaliza iha Palásiu Pás nian, iha Haia, iha Olanda. TPA fasilita arbitrajen, konsiliasaun, investigasaun kona-ba faktu sira no métodu sira seluk atu rezolve konflitu sira, entre Estadu oioin, entidade Estadu nian sira, organizasaun intergovernamentál no parte privada sira. Departamentu Internasionál (International Burreau) TPA nian daudaun ne’e administra hela kazu 4 kona-ba disputa entre Estadu sira, kazu arbitrajen 87 ne’ebé envolve investidór ida ho Estadu ida, no kazu 49 ne’ebé maihusi kontratu ne’ebé envolve Estadu ida ka entidade públika seluk ida. Atu hatene informasaun liután kona-ba TPA bele haree iha www.pca-cpa.org.\nKontaktu: Tribunál Permanente Arbitrajem | [
"Konsiliasaun entre Republika Demokratika Timor-Leste no Komunidade Australia \" Governu Timor-Leste Segunda-feira, 23 setembru 2019 | 8:41 Konsiliasaun entre Republika Demokratika Timor-Leste no Komunidade Australia KUALA LUMPUR, LORON 25 FULAN-FEVEREIRU TINAN 2018 Komisaun Konsiliasaun remata ona ninia envolvimentu ho Timor-Leste no Australia kona-ba dalan ba dezenvolvimentu kampu gas sira Greater Sunrise nian iha sesaun ikus konsiliasaun nian Komisaun Konsiliasaun hala'o ninia sorumutuk ikus husi sorumutuk hirak ne'ebe hala'o durante semana ne'ebe hahu iha loron 19 fulan-fevereiru tinan 2018, iha Kuala Lumpur, ho Republika Demokratika Timor-Leste (\"Timor-Leste\") no Komunidade Australia (\"Australia\"), nune'e mos ho Joint Venture Greater Sunrise nian.",
"Tuir planu asaun ne'ebe maihusi Akordu Pakote Abranjente loron 30 fulan-agostu tinan 2017 nian entre Timor-Leste no Australia, Komisaun Konsiliasaun ne'e aprezenta ona ninia konkluzaun sira ba governu rua ho objetivu atu fornese subsidiu sira atu foti desizaun ida kona-ba dezenvolvimentu husi rekursu ne'ebe fahe entre parte rua ne'e.",
"Sorumutuk sira ne'e halo parte ba dialogu ida ne'ebe estruturadu iha ambitu konsiliasaun entre Timor-Leste no Australia, ne'ebe Komisaun Konsiliasaun ida maka dirije tuir Konvensaun ONU nian kona-ba Lei Tasi nian no hetan apoiu husi Tribunal Permanente Arbitrajen (\"TPA\") nian.",
"Asinatura ba Tratadu kona-ba Ketan-Tasik Tuir planu asaun ne'ebe maihusi Akordu Pakote Abranjente loron 30 fulan-agostu tinan 2017 nian entre Timor-Leste no Australia, Komisaun Konsiliasaun ne'e aprezenta ona ninia konkluzaun sira ba governu rua ho objetivu atu fornese subsidiu sira atu foti desizaun ida kona-ba dezenvolvimentu husi rekursu ne'ebe fahe entre parte rua ne'e.",
"Sorumutuk sira ne'e halo parte ba dialogu ida ne'ebe estruturadu iha ambitu konsiliasaun entre Timor-Leste no Australia, ne'ebe Komisaun Konsiliasaun ida maka dirije tuir Konvensaun ONU nian kona-ba Lei Tasi nian no hetan apoiu husi Tribunal Permanente Arbitrajen (\"TPA\") nian.",
"Durante prosesu konsiliasaun nian, Parte sira to'o ona iha akordu ida kona-ba tratadu ne'ebe fiksa ona ketan-tasik entre parte sira ne'e iha Tasi Timor no ko'alia kona-ba estatutu juridika kampu gas Greater Sunrise nian, kona-ba harii Rejime Espesial ida ba Greater Sunrise no kona-ba dalan ida ba dezenvolvimentu rekursu nian.",
"Tratadu ne'e mos estabelese eskema fahe reseita nian sira entre governu Timor-Leste ho Australia, ne'ebe reseita upstream aloka ba Parte idak-idak sei la hanesan depende ba benefisiu husi downstream nian relasiona ho konseitu dezenvolvimentu ne'ebe la hanesan ba kampu gaz Greater Sunrise nian.",
"Hafoin remata sira-nia prosedimentu domestiku sira rasik, governu rua ne'e konkorda atu hasoru malu iha tuku 17:00, iha loron 6 fulan-marsu tinan 2018, iha Nova Iorke, atu asina Tratadu foun kona-ba Ketan-Tasik sira.",
"Sekretariu-Jeral Nasoins Unidas nian, Exelentisimu Senor Antonio Guterres, ho laran-di'ak hakarak atu serimonia asinatura nian ne'e hala'o iha kuartel-jeneral Nasoins Unidas nian no sai sasin ba asinatura husi tratadu ne'e, hamutuk ho Prezidente Komisaun Konsiliasaun nian, Exelentisimu Embaixador Peter Taksoe-Jensen.",
"Hakat hirak tuirmai Komisaun daudaun ne'e nian sei hala'o serbisu atu finaliza relatoriu kona-ba prosesu ne'e, ne'ebe sei entrega ba Sekretariu-Jeral Nasoins Unidas nian tuir hateten iha Aneksu V Konvensaun ne'e nian.",
"Relatoriu ne'e sei publika iha fulan-abril tinan 2018 nia klaran.",
"Kontestu husi Prosesu Konsiliasaun nian Komisaun Konsiliasaun nian, harii iha loron 25 fulan-junu tinan 2016, nu'udar estabelese ona iha aneksu V Konvensaun ne'e nian, kompostu husi membru lima, ne'ebe prezide husi Exelentisimu Embaixador Peter Taksoe-Jensen (Dinamarka).",
"Sira seluk ne'ebe hola parte ba ekipa ne'e maka Dra.",
"Rosalie Balkin (Australia), Juiz Abdul G.Koroma (Serra Leao), Profesor Donald McRae (Kanada no Zelandia Foun) no Juiz Rudiger Wolfrum (Alemana).",
"Tuir akordu husi Parte sira, Tribunal Permanente Arbitrajen nian sei fo apoiu administrativu durante Konsiliasaun ne'e.",
"Konsiliasaun ne'e hahu iha loron 11 fulan-abril tinan 2016, liuhusi \"Notifikasaun kona-ba Instituisaun Konsiliasaun nian, tuir Seksaun 2 husi Aneksu V Konvensaun nian\" ne'ebe Timor-Leste haruka ba Australia.",
"Iha loron 2 fulan maiu tinan 2016, Australia submete ona \"Resposta husi Australia ba Notifikasaun Konsiliasaun nian\" Iha loron 28 fulan-jullu tinan 2016, Komisaun Konsiliasaun hala'o sorumutuk prosesual ida ho Parte sira, iha Palasiu Pas, iha Haia, iha Olanda.",
"Iha loron 29, 30 no 31 fulan-agostu, Komisaun ne'e hala'o Sesaun Abertura Konsiliasaun nian no Audiensia kona-ba Kompetensia, iha Palasiu Pas nian, iha Haia, iha Olanda.",
"Iha loron 19 fulan-setembru tinan 2016, Komisaun fo-sai \"Dezisaun kona-ba Kompetensia,\" hodi deside katak Konsiliasaun ne'e iha kontinuidade.",
"Husi loron 10 to'o loron 13 fulan-outubru tinan 2016, Komisaun hala'o sorumutuk ho Parte sira iha Singapura.",
"Iha loron 9 fulan-janeiru tinan 2017, Ministru Negosius Estranjeirus Timor-Leste nian no Ministru Negosius Estranjeirus Australia nian, hamutuk ho Komisaun, fo-sai Deklarasaun Trilateral Konjunta ida kona-ba terminasaun ba Tratadu ba Aranjus Balu iha Tasi Timor [CMATS].",
"Husi loron 16 to'o 20 fulan-janeiru tinan 2017, Komisaun ne'e hasoru-malu ho Parte sira iha Singapura.",
"Husi loron 27 to'o 31 fulan-marsu tinan 2017, Komisaun ne'e hasoru-malu ho Parte sira iha Washington, D.C. Husi loron 5 to'o 9 fulan-junu tinan 2017, Komisaun ne'e hasoru-malu ho Parte sira ne'e iha Kompenaga.",
"Husi loron 24 to'o 28 fulan-jullu tinan 2017, Komisaun ne'e hasoru-malu ho Parte sira iha Singapura.",
"Husi loron 28 fulan-agostu to'o loron 1 fulan-setembru tinan 2017, Komisaun ne'e hasoru-malu ho Parte sira ne'e iha Kopenaga.",
"Iha loron 30 fulan-agostu tinan 2017, Parte sira hetan Akordu kona-ba Pakote Abrajente ida kona-ba elementu sentral sira husi delimitasaun ketan-tasik sira entre nasaun rua ne'e iha Tasi Timor (\"Akordu kona-ba loron 30 fulan-agostu nian\").",
"Aleinde ketan sira, Akordu kona-ba Pakote Abrajente ne'e ko'alia mos kona-ba estatutu juridiku kampu gas Greater Sunrise nian, estabelesimentu Rejime Espesial ida ba Greater Sunrise, dalan ida ba dezenvolvimentu rekursu nian no fahe reseita ne'ebe hetan.",
"Iha loron 13 fulan-outubru tinan 2017, hafoin sorumutuk iha Haia, Parte sira ne'e hetan akordu ida kona-ba testu integral husi projetu tratadu nian ida, tuir sa'ida maka antesipa tiha ona iha akordu loron 30 fulan-agostu nian.",
"Tratadu ida-ne'e delimita ketan-tasik (fronteira maritima) entre nasaun rua ne'e iha Tasi Timor no ko'alia kona-ba estatutu juridiku kampu gas Greater Sunrise nian, estabelesimentu Rejime Espesial ida ba Greater Sunrise, dalan ida ba dezenvolvimentu rekursu no fahe reseita ne'ebe hetan.",
"Iha loron 18 fulan-novembru tinan 2017, Komisaun ne'e hasoru-malu ho Parte sira ho Joint Venture iha Singapura.",
"Entre loron 12 no 14 fulan-dezembru tinan 2017, Komisaun ne'e hasoru-malu ho Parte sira no ho Joint Venture iha Singapura.",
"Husi loron 29 fulan-janeiru to'o loron 2 fulan-fevereiru tinan 2018, Komisaun ne'e hasoru malu ho Parte sira no ho Joint Venture iha Sydney.",
"Husi loron 19 to'o 23 fulan-fevereiru tinan 2018, Komisaun ne'e hala'o sesaun final negosiasaun nian ho Parte sira no ho Joint Venture iha Kuala Lumpur.",
"Atu hatene informasaun barak liutan kona-ba konsiliasaun ne'e bele haree iha www.pca-cpa.org/en/cases/132/, ne'ebe inklui testu kompletu kona-ba Desizaun Komisaun ne'e nian kona-ba Kompetensia, gravasaun no transkrisaun husi Sesaun Maklokek (Sesaun Abertura), aprezentasaun husi Parte sira, nota imprensa sira uluk nian no Deklarasaun Trilateral Konjunta sira.",
"Kontestu Tribunal Permanente Arbitrajen nian Tribunal Permanente Arbitrajen maka organizasaun intergovernamental ida ne'ebe harii iha tinan 1899 husi Konvensaun Haia kona-ba Solusaun Pasifika ba Konflitu Internasional nian sira.",
"TPA, kompostu husi Parte Kontratante 121 no ninia sede lokaliza iha Palasiu Pas nian, iha Haia, iha Olanda.",
"TPA fasilita arbitrajen, konsiliasaun, investigasaun kona-ba faktu sira no metodu sira seluk atu rezolve konflitu sira, entre Estadu oioin, entidade Estadu nian sira, organizasaun intergovernamental no parte privada sira.",
"Departamentu Internasional (International Burreau) TPA nian daudaun ne'e administra hela kazu 4 kona-ba disputa entre Estadu sira, kazu arbitrajen 87 ne'ebe envolve investidor ida ho Estadu ida, no kazu 49 ne'ebe maihusi kontratu ne'ebe envolve Estadu ida ka entidade publika seluk ida.",
"Atu hatene informasaun liutan kona-ba TPA bele haree iha www.pca-cpa.org.",
"Kontaktu: Tribunal Permanente Arbitrajem"
] | [
"Consultations between the Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste and Australian Community \"Government Of East Тимор Monday, September 23rd -10:45 PM Consulting Commission concludes its engagements with both countries on ways to develop Greater Sunrise gas fields in final consultation session The Advisory Committee held their last meeting from a series that took place during week beginning February."
"According to the action plan enshrined in Timor-Leste and Australia's Comprehensive Package Agreement dated August,30th of this year. The Consultative Commission has presented its conclusion for both government with a view towards providing subsidies so that they can take decision on development from shared resources between them two parties"
"These meetings are part of a structured dialogue in the context for consultations between Timor-Leste and Australia, which is conducted by an Advisory Commission under UN Convention on The Law OfThe Sea (UNCLOS) with support from Permanent Court For Arbitration (\"PCA\")."
"Pursuant to the action plan enshrined in Timor-Leste and Australia's Comprehensive Package Agreement dated August,30th of this year. The Consultative Commission has presented its conclusion for both government with a view on providing subsidies so that they can take decision regarding development from shared resources between them two parties as well;"
"These meetings are part of a structured dialogue in the context for consultations between Timor-Leste and Australia, which is conducted by an Advisory Commission under UN Convention on The Law OfThe Sea (UNCLOS) with support from Permanent Court For Arbitration (\"PCA\")."
"During the consultation process, parties have reached an agreement on a treaty that sets out their common interests in Timor Sea and discussed legal status of Greater Sunrise gas field; establishing Special Regime for Greater sunrises (SRSG) as well to develop its resources."
"The treaty also establishes a revenue-sharing scheme between the Timorese and Australian governments, whereby upstream income allocated to each Party will differ depending on downstrom benefits in relation with different development concept of Greater Sunrise gas field."
"Having completed their own domestic procedures, the two Government agree to meet at 5 p.m in New York City on March 6 2018 for signing a new Treaty concerning Lake Kettle and its tributaries (the “Treaty”)."
"The Secretary-General of the United Nations, His Excellency Mr. Antonio Guterres has expressed his sincere wish that this signing ceremony be held at UN headquarters and witness to a treaties signature together with President Peter Taksoes Jensen (Sweden), Chairman for Consultation Commission on Nuclear Weapon Restriction in Africa"
"The next steps of the Commission's work will be to finalize its report on this process, which is submitted in accordance with Annex V.102(a) and (b)(ii), as amended by Article 354-A/6897 from that date;"
"The report will be published in April 2018."
"The Consultative Commission was established on 25 June, as set out in Annex V to the Convention. It is composed of five members and chaires by His Excellency Ambassador Peter Taksoe-Jensen (Denmark)."
"The other members of the team are Drs. Aditya Kumar, PhD and Sreedhar Sharma (Physiotherapy)."
"Rosalie Balkin (Australia), Judge Abdul G. Koroma(Sierra Leone) Professor Donald McRae, Foun New Zealand and Justice Rudiger Wolfrum from Germany)."
"As agreed by the Parties, administrative support will be provided during this Consultation from a Permanent Court of Arbitration."
"The consultations began on 12 April, through the \"Notification concerning Institution of Consultation pursuant to Section II in Annex V\" sent by Timor-Leste."
"On 2 May, Australia submitted an \"Australian Response to the Notification of Consultations\".On July (1) and August(3), a procedural meeting was held with all Parties at Peace Palace in The Hague."
"On 29,30 and August the Commission held its Opening Session of Consultations & Hearings on Competition at Palais de la Paix in The Hague."
"On 19 September, the Commission issued a \"Decision on Competence\" in which it decided that there was continuity to this consultation."
"From 10-23 October, the Commission held a meeting with Parties in Singapore."
"On 9 January, the Foreign Ministers of Timor-Leste and Australia issued a Joint Trilateral Declaration concerning termination by both sides (the Commission) on their respective territories. The Treaty for Maritime Arrangements in Indonesia' s East Sea [CMATS] was terminated with effect from that date until its renoval as an international treaties agreement between two countries to resolve disputed territorial water areas within these regions.[10][24],[35]”"
"From 16-20 January, the Committee met with Parties in Singapore. The meetings were held on two days:"
"From March 27-31, the Commission met with Parties in Washington D.C from June (5) to July(9), and then again at Compenaga on August/September of that year for a second meeting which was also held online through video conferences between February–March;"
"From 24-17 July, the Committee met with Parties in Singapore."
"From 28 August to the first of September, this Committee met with these Parties in Copenhagen."
"On 30 August, the Parties reached an Agreement on a Comprehensive Packet of Central Elements for Delimitation between The Two Countries in Timor Sea (the \"Agreement\") which is to be implemented by both sides."
"In addition to these issues, the Agreement on this Comprehensive Package also deals with legal status of Greater Sunrise gas fields; establishment a Special Regime for Greater sunrises (SRSG) and an approach towards resource development."
"On 13 October, following a meeting in The Hague the Parties reached agreement on an integral text of draft treaty as anticipated by their Agreement from August."
"This treaty delineates the maritime boundary between both countries in The Timor Sea and addresses legal status of Greater Sunrise gas field, establishment a Special Regime for Greater sunrisre (GSR), resource development pathway as well As sharing revenus generated."
"On 18 November, the Commission met with Parties and Joint Venture in Singapore."
"Between 12 and, on the occasion of its meetings with Parties in Singapore from December to January."
"From 29 January to the end of February, this Committee met with Parties and Joint Venture in Sydney."
"From February 19-23, the Commission held its final session of negotiations with both Parties and Joint Venture in Kuala Lumpur."
"Further information on the conciliation can be found at www.pca-cpa,org/cases132 which includes a full text of this Commission' s Competence Decision and recording & transcript from its Opening Session (Maklokek session), Parties presentations as well As earlier press release And Joint Trilateral Declaration"
"The Permanent Court of Arbitration (PCA) is an intergovernmental organization established in 1897 by the Hague Convention on Pacific Settlement for International Disputes, which was ratified and enters into force today."
"The ICJ, composed of 120 Contracting Parties and its headquarters located at the Palais des Paix in Hague (Netherlands)."
"The ICJ facilitates arbitration, counselling and fact-finding as well other methods of resolving disputes between States or State entities; intergovernmental organizations (IGO) with private parties."
"The International Bureau of the ICJ is currently administering 4 cases concerning inter-State disputes, a total Of arbitration case in which an investor and State are involved."
"For more information on the TPA, please visit www.pca-cpa"
"Contact: Tribunal Permanente de Arbitrajem"
] |
Xanana Fiar AMP Sei Hetan Vitória iha EA\nXanana halo kampanye iha eleisaun jeral 2017\nXanana Fiar AMP Sei Hetan Vitória iha EA Featured\nDILI: Prezidente Partidu CNRT Xanana Gusmão dehan fiar aan Aliansa Mudansa ba Progresu (AMP) sei hetan Vitória iha eleisaun antesipada ne’ebé realiza iha loron 12 fulan-Maiu tinan ne’e.\nMaibé, Xanana dehan, atu hetan Vitoria iha EA nia husu ba Kuadru Polítika Partidu Tolu CNRT, PLP ho KHUNTO iha AMP atu esforsu aan no servisu makaas iha baze mak bele hetan Vitória.\nDurante fulan sia, Prezidente CNRT Xanana Gusmão iha rai li'ur hodi fó konfiansa boot ba Prezidente PLP Taur Matan Ruak no Sekjen CNRT Francisco Kalbuady ho Konselleiru KHUNTO Naimori mak lider Prosesu Polítika iha rai laran\nNia dehan, nu’udar Partidu Politiku husu ba Populasaun, maibé povu mak deside hakarak fó fiar ka lae depende povu.\n“Ita hamutuk ona ho KHUNTO, PLP no CNRT ita hotu tenke hamutuk servisu makaas atu hetan vitória,” Dehan Xanana Iha Sede CNRT Bairru Gruillus- Dili, Domingu (11/3).\nLider Másimu AMP ne’e husu ba kuadru polítiku CNRT, PLP no KHUNTO atu aprende sala hirak ne’ebé halo durante no hodi servisu makaas hodi hasoru eleisaun Antesipada.\nIha períodu ne’e, nia husu AMP tenke servisu makaas hodi tane aas interese povu nian. Bainhira partidu tolu ne’e la’o hamutuk la’ós atu asalta podér, maibé prosesu tuir dalan Demokrasia.\nMaibé, Xanana rekoñese durante CNRT ukun tinan 10 laiha rezultadu di’ak, nune’e iha eleisaun 2017 votus partidu nian menus. Bainhira la esforsa aan servisu too baze sei la hetan vitória iha Prosesu polítika tuir mai.\nMore in this category: « Parpol 13 Foti ona Formuláriu Kandidatura PD Deside La’o Mesak Hasoru EA »\n/Xanana Fiar AMP Sei Hetan Vitória iha EA | [
"Xanana Fiar AMP Sei Hetan Vitoria iha EA Xanana halo kampanye iha eleisaun jeral 2017 Xanana Fiar AMP Sei Hetan Vitoria iha EA Featured DILI: Prezidente Partidu CNRT Xanana Gusmao dehan fiar aan Aliansa Mudansa ba Progresu (AMP) sei hetan Vitoria iha eleisaun antesipada ne'ebe realiza iha loron 12 fulan-Maiu tinan ne'e.",
"Maibe, Xanana dehan, atu hetan Vitoria iha EA nia husu ba Kuadru Politika Partidu Tolu CNRT, PLP ho KHUNTO iha AMP atu esforsu aan no servisu makaas iha baze mak bele hetan Vitoria.",
"Durante fulan sia, Prezidente CNRT Xanana Gusmao iha rai li'ur hodi fo konfiansa boot ba Prezidente PLP Taur Matan Ruak no Sekjen CNRT Francisco Kalbuady ho Konselleiru KHUNTO Naimori mak lider Prosesu Politika iha rai laran Nia dehan, nu'udar Partidu Politiku husu ba Populasaun, maibe povu mak deside hakarak fo fiar ka lae depende povu.",
"\"Ita hamutuk ona ho KHUNTO, PLP no CNRT ita hotu tenke hamutuk servisu makaas atu hetan vitoria,\" Dehan Xanana Iha Sede CNRT Bairru Gruillus- Dili, Domingu (11/3).",
"Lider Masimu AMP ne'e husu ba kuadru politiku CNRT, PLP no KHUNTO atu aprende sala hirak ne'ebe halo durante no hodi servisu makaas hodi hasoru eleisaun Antesipada.",
"Iha periodu ne'e, nia husu AMP tenke servisu makaas hodi tane aas interese povu nian.",
"Bainhira partidu tolu ne'e la'o hamutuk la'os atu asalta poder, maibe prosesu tuir dalan Demokrasia.",
"Maibe, Xanana rekonese durante CNRT ukun tinan 10 laiha rezultadu di'ak, nune'e iha eleisaun 2017 votus partidu nian menus.",
"Bainhira la esforsa aan servisu too baze sei la hetan vitoria iha Prosesu politika tuir mai.",
"More in this category: \" Parpol 13 Foti ona Formulariu Kandidatura PD Deside La'o Mesak Hasoru EA \" /Xanana Fiar AMP Sei Hetan Vitoria iha EA"
] | [
"Xanana Confirmed AMP Will Win in EA Featured DILI: President of the CNRT Party (Congress for National Reconciliation and Development) Gusmão says he is confident that Aliansa Mudansa ba Progresu will win victory at early elections held on May,12 this year."
"However, Xanana said that in order to achieve victory on the EA he asked for a political framework of three parties: CNRT (Conservative Party), PLP and KHUNTO within AMP. To do their best work at grassroots level is what will ensure success with this new coalition government"
"During nine months, CNRP President Xanana Gusmao has been abroad to give great confidence in PLP Chairman Taur Matan Ruak and the Secretary of Congress Francisco Kalbuady with Councillor Naimori as leaders for political processes at home. He said that while he is asked by his party's members if they want him or her on this position it will depend upon them who decide whether their trust should be put into PM Nnamdi Azikiwe (former Prime Minister)."
"\"We have joined forces with KHUNTO, PLP and CNRT we must all work hard together to achieve victory.\" Dehan Xanana At CNRT Headquarters Bairru Gruillus- Dili on Sunday (10/3)."
"The AMP leader called on the political cadre of CNRT, PLP and KHUNTO to learn from their mistakes made during this period. They must work hard against early elections in order for them not be overwhelmed by such a situation as they are facing today.\""
"During this period, he urged AMP to work hard in order for the interests of its people."
"When the three parties go together it is not to take power, but rather a process of Democracy."
"However, Xanana acknowledged that during the 10 years of CNRT's rule there were no good results and so in this election party vote was less."
"Unless the grassroots work is made to a greater extent, there will be no victory in subsequent political processes."
"More in this category: \" Parpol 13 Have Filled Out Candidate Forms, PD Decides to Meet with EA Alone\" /Xanana Confident AMP Will Win at the Election Commission"
] |
Estudante finalista Viqueque na’in-3.583 partisipa ezame nasionál ohin | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste\nVARANDA EDUKASAUN Estudante finalista Viqueque na’in-3.583 partisipa ezame nasionál ohin\nEstudante finalista Viqueque na’in-3.583 partisipa ezame nasionál ohin\nVIQUEQUE, 13 dezembru 2021 (TATOLI)—Estudante finalista Viqueque hamutuk na’in-3.583, iha segunda ne’e, partisipa iha abertura ezame nasionál.\n“Ohin abertura realiza iha Eskola Sekundáriu 04 Setembru Viqueque, ne’ebé sei finaliza iha sesta ne’e no kontinua lori ba nasionál hodi halo korresaun,” Diretór Servisu Edukasaun munisipál, Emídio Amaral, hateten ba Agência TATOLI, iha Eskola 04 Setembru, Viqueque villa, segunda ne’e.\nTuir dadus estudante finalista ne’ebé partisipa ezame nasionál hosi Ensinu Báziku Sentrál 2.077, Ensinu Sekundáriu Jerál 1.445 no Eskola Tékniku Vokasionál hamutuk na’in-61.\n“Ezame ohin ne’e ita haree buat hotu la’o di’ak, estudante sira mós kumpre regra ezame nasionál,” nia akresenta.\nAbertura ezame nasionál iha nível munisípiu Viqueque, iha Eskola Sekundáriu 04 Setembru, hahú tuku 8:00 dadeer no daudaun estudante sira sei kontinua prienxe pontu ezame.\nIha kada aula prienxe estudante na’in-20, tuur distánsia no kada aula ida iha vizilante profesór na’in-rua no iha ezame nasionál ne’e hetan akompaña kuríkulu nasionál hosi Ministériu Edukasaun Juventude no Desportu (MEJD).\nEnkuantu, estudante Sekundáriu Eskola 04 Setembru, kandidatu ba ezame nasonál hosi estudante siénsia teknolojia hamutuk na’in-181 no siénsia sosiál na’in-124, ho totál estudante hamutuk na’in-305.\nPrevious articleLíder istóriku sei simu sinza Max Stahl loron 15 dezembru\nNext articleSáude Munisípiu Manufahi uza edifisiu polo UNTL hodi rai aimoruk | [
"Estudante finalista Viqueque na'in-3.583 partisipa ezame nasional ohin | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA EDUKASAUN Estudante finalista Viqueque na'in-3.583 partisipa ezame nasional ohin Estudante finalista Viqueque na'in-3.583 partisipa ezame nasional ohin VIQUEQUE, 13 dezembru 2021 (TATOLI) - Estudante finalista Viqueque hamutuk na'in-3.583, iha segunda ne'e, partisipa iha abertura ezame nasional.",
"\"Ohin abertura realiza iha Eskola Sekundariu 04 Setembru Viqueque, ne'ebe sei finaliza iha sesta ne'e no kontinua lori ba nasional hodi halo korresaun,\" Diretor Servisu Edukasaun munisipal, Emidio Amaral, hateten ba Agencia TATOLI, iha Eskola 04 Setembru, Viqueque villa, segunda ne'e.",
"Tuir dadus estudante finalista ne'ebe partisipa ezame nasional hosi Ensinu Baziku Sentral 2.077, Ensinu Sekundariu Jeral 1.445 no Eskola Tekniku Vokasional hamutuk na'in-61.",
"\"Ezame ohin ne'e ita haree buat hotu la'o di'ak, estudante sira mos kumpre regra ezame nasional,\" nia akresenta.",
"Abertura ezame nasional iha nivel munisipiu Viqueque, iha Eskola Sekundariu 04 Setembru, hahu tuku 8:00 dadeer no daudaun estudante sira sei kontinua prienxe pontu ezame.",
"Iha kada aula prienxe estudante na'in-20, tuur distansia no kada aula ida iha vizilante profesor na'in-rua no iha ezame nasional ne'e hetan akompana kurikulu nasional hosi Ministeriu Edukasaun Juventude no Desportu (MEJD).",
"Enkuantu, estudante Sekundariu Eskola 04 Setembru, kandidatu ba ezame nasonal hosi estudante siensia teknolojia hamutuk na'in-181 no siensia sosial na'in-124, ho total estudante hamutuk na'in-305.",
"Previous articleLider istoriku sei simu sinza Max Stahl loron 15 dezembru Next articleSaude Munisipiu Manufahi uza edifisiu polo UNTL hodi rai aimoruk"
] | [
"Finalist students of Viqueque participate in national exam today | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste HOME EDUCATION Estudante finalista Covalima na'in -3.582 partisipa ezame nasional ohin Student finalista Baucau Na’i –10,647 participare hoje Examen Nacional VIQUEque (AFP) — Students from the districts that have not yet completed their preparation for this year National High School and Secondary school entrance examinations took part on Monday to attend a ceremony at which they were presente d..."
"\"Today the opening took place at Escola Secundariu 04 Setembru Viqueque, which will be completed on Saturday and continue to take it nationally for correction\", Director of Municipal Education Service Emidio Amaral told Agência Tatoli in School Sept."
"According to the data, there were 2078 finalist students who took part in national examinations from Central Basic Education (Educação Básica), General Secondary Schools and Technical Vocational schools."
"\"Today's exam we see everything is going well, the students also comply with national examination rules\", he added."
"Opening of the national examination at municipality level in Viqueque, Secondary School 04th September started from dadeer and now students will continue to fill exam points."
"Each classroom is filled with 20 students, seating distances are maintained and each room has two supervising teachers. The national exam follow the National Curriculum of Ministry for Education Youth & Sports (MEJD)."
"Meanwhile, the students of Secondary School 04 September were candidates for national exam by science and technology student na'a-182."
"Previous articleHistoric leader will receive Max Stahl’s sinza on December 15 Next ArticleHealth Manufahi Municipality use UNTL campus building to store medicine"
] |
LIA MURAK-LIA MIDAR-LIA MATAK MALIRIN: AFORISMA DIARIA [16-4-2007]\n[Foin han hotu loromanas nian iha OB, no ha'u aranka mai liu TT Akait ne'e atu 'update' ha'u-nia blog sira.\nHa'u-nia oin halai oituan....\nIha fim semana liuba, ha'u halo hotu barak liu hamutuk ho familia iha uma hodi deskansa. Ha'u-nia planu atu servisu--halo tradusaun ba relatoriu Ekipa Sertifikasaun Eleitoral nian mos la realiza tanba ha'u-nia vontade atu servisu ladun iha.\nIha Sabadu, 14-4 lorokraik ha'u,Amor no Apai sai ba pasiar ho kareta Vitara metan. Iha Lesidere, beseik Hotel Turismo nia oin, ami nain tolu para kareta hodi apresia paizajen tasi ibun Dili maka furak. Antes ne'e ami ba hatun Bati iha Audian. Ha'u hakerek nota diaria ho lian Ingles deit, toka ho muzika Brazil nian--album Beleza Tropical. Udan subiska oituan ne'e duni ami la konsege la'o halimar iha tasi ibun.\nIha Domingu, 15-4 lorokraik ami ba Delta, Noi sira. Hasou Mae sira iha ne'eba.\nKalan mehi lubuk ida. Mehi ida maka ne'e: Ema hodi fatuk atu baku ha'u iha dalan ninin ida.\n*) Sai inan-aman ba ita-nia oan sira ne'e nu'udar responsabilidade boot. Labarik sira-nia dezenvolvimentu depende ba ita inan-aman sira. Bainhira sira hetan susesu iha moris, ita inan-aman sira haksolok, maibe sira hetan susar, ita mos laran susar. [Oras ne'e ha'u iha oan mane oan ida. Oinsa loos maka ha'u bele eduka nia to'o ema boot atu sai ema ida?] | [
"LIA MURAK-LIA MIDAR-LIA MATAK MALIRIN: AFORISMA DIARIA [16-4-2007] [Foin han hotu loromanas nian iha OB, no ha'u aranka mai liu TT Akait ne'e atu 'update' ha'u-nia blog sira.",
"Ha'u-nia oin halai oituan....",
"Iha fim semana liuba, ha'u halo hotu barak liu hamutuk ho familia iha uma hodi deskansa.",
"Ha'u-nia planu atu servisu--halo tradusaun ba relatoriu Ekipa Sertifikasaun Eleitoral nian mos la realiza tanba ha'u-nia vontade atu servisu ladun iha.",
"Iha Sabadu, 14-4 lorokraik ha'u,Amor no Apai sai ba pasiar ho kareta Vitara metan.",
"Iha Lesidere, beseik Hotel Turismo nia oin, ami nain tolu para kareta hodi apresia paizajen tasi ibun Dili maka furak.",
"Antes ne'e ami ba hatun Bati iha Audian.",
"Ha'u hakerek nota diaria ho lian Ingles deit, toka ho muzika Brazil nian--album Beleza Tropical.",
"Udan subiska oituan ne'e duni ami la konsege la'o halimar iha tasi ibun.",
"Iha Domingu, 15-4 lorokraik ami ba Delta, Noi sira.",
"Hasou Mae sira iha ne'eba.",
"Kalan mehi lubuk ida.",
"Mehi ida maka ne'e: Ema hodi fatuk atu baku ha'u iha dalan ninin ida. *) Sai inan-aman ba ita-nia oan sira ne'e nu'udar responsabilidade boot.",
"Labarik sira-nia dezenvolvimentu depende ba ita inan-aman sira.",
"Bainhira sira hetan susesu iha moris, ita inan-aman sira haksolok, maibe sira hetan susar, ita mos laran susar.",
"[Oras ne'e ha'u iha oan mane oan ida.",
"Oinsa loos maka ha'u bele eduka nia to'o ema boot atu sai ema ida?]"
] | [
"LIA MURAK-LIA MIDAR - LIAH MATAK MALIRIN: AFORISMA DIARIA [16/4 /2057] I've been eating all day in the OB, and now i want to go through TT Akait this one for 'updates on my blog."
"Ha'u-nia oin halai oituan.... ha... my feet are like that."
"Last weekend, I did a lot of things with my family at home to relax."
"My plans to work -- translating the reports of Electoral Certification Team also failed because I was not willing."
"On Saturday, April 14th in the morning me and my Dad went to a beach with our Vitara."
"In Lesidere, near the Hotel Turismo we stopped our car to enjoy a beautiful view of Dili’s seaside."
"Prior to that, we've been seeing Bati in Audian."
"I wrote diary notes in English only, playing Brazilian music -- the album Beleza Tropical."
"The water was so cold that we couldn't walk in the sea."
"On Sunday, April 15-20 we went to Delta for the first time."
"Hasou Mae's are there."
"Kalan mehi lubuk ida."
"One wish is: A man will stone me to beat in the street. *) Being parents for our children are a great responsibility, and we must take it with all of us!"
"The development of children depends on us parents."
"When they succeed in life, we parents rejoice; but when their lives are troubled by hardships and tribulations."
"[Now I have a son, one male."
"How can I educate him to grow up and become a man?]"
] |
SECoop husu Asosiasaun Naroman nakfilak aan ba kooperativa | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste\nVARANDA EKONOMIA SECoop husu Asosiasaun Naroman nakfilak aan ba kooperativa\nSECoop husu Asosiasaun Naroman nakfilak aan ba kooperativa\nPrezidente Assosiasaun Naroman tara tais ba SECoop, Elizario Feereira, binhira hala’o vizita ba Asosiasaun Naroman iha Suku Fahedebu, Postu Administrativu Bazartete, Munisipiu Liquiça. Imajen/Mídia SECoop.\nLIQUIÇA, 12 dezembru 2020 (TATOLI)—Sekretariu Estadu Kooperativa (SECoop, sigla portugés), Elizario Ferreira, husu Asosiasaun Naroman nakfilak aan sai koooperativa nune’e bele iha sustentabilidade finanseira no kontribui hodi eleva sira-nia ekonómia sai di’ak liután.\n“Ha’u husu ba iha grupu Asosiasaun Naroman atu nakfilak-aan sai kooperativa nune’e bele iha susutentabilidade finaseira. Nune’e, bele benefísia sira no ba populasaun mós oinsá eleva sira-nia ekonómia,” dehan Sekretariu Estadu Kooperativa, Elizario Ferreira, ba jornalista sira hafoin halo diálogu ho Asosiasaun Naroman iha suku Fahilebu, Postu Administrativu Bazartete, Munisipiu Liquiça, sábadu ne’e.\nElizario Ferreira hatutan, ba oin Sekretáriu Estadu Kooperativa sei esforsu hodi fó formasaun ba Asosiasaun Naroman nune’e bele sai hanesan kooperativa ida iha futuru.\n“Sira-nia inisiativa ne’e di’ak. Sira presiza hetan atensaun oinsá sira sai kooperativa hodi kria kondisaun atu bele dezenvolve di’ak liután sira-nia atividade ba ita-nia populasaun. Ami sei fasilita formasaun ba sira hodi sai kooperativa ne’ebé bele sustentavél iha estabilidade finanseira iha sira-nia kooperativa rasik,” nia hateten.\nIha fatin hanesan, Prezidente Grupu Asosiasaun Naroman, Martinho dos Santos, hateten atividade ne’ebé mak Asosiasaun Naroman halo mak produsaun batar no fini ba batar.\n“Ami nia asosiasaun ne’e harii iha 2015. Durante ne’e ami produs batar no fini hodi faan ba kompañia. Osan sira-ne’ebé ami iha, ami rai hamutuk no fó impresta ba ami-nia membru sira no komunidade sira, nune’e sira hadia sira-nia moris. Ida ne’e mak ami halo iha suku ne’e,” Prezidente Grupu Asosiasaun Naroman, Martinho dos Santos hateten.\nNia hatutan, batar sira ne’ebé sira prodús bainhira faan karik sira tenke konsulta malu ho membru sira seluk iha asosiasaun ne’e. Tanba, nia haktuir, batar ne’ebé sira prodús ne’e, tinan ida bele atinji tonelada 20 no tinan ida ne’e sira iha tonelada 12 no faan kilo ida $1.50.\nNia dehan, osan ne’ebé maka Asosiasaun Naroman rai mak daudaun ne’e iha montante rihun $40 no osan ne’e rasik fó fali ba membru no komunidade sira iha suku laran impresta hodi sustenta sira-nia moris.\nEntertantu, nia informa, membru definitivu ba Asosiasaun Naroman ne’e agora iha ema na’in-27 no agora daudaun sira halibur membru to’o ema na’in-150 ona.\nPrevious articlePN aprova proposta OJE 2021 iha finál globál\nNext articleBankada CNRT prefere millaun $14 ba RAEOA sosa ró foun | [
"SECoop husu Asosiasaun Naroman nakfilak aan ba kooperativa | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA EKONOMIA SECoop husu Asosiasaun Naroman nakfilak aan ba kooperativa SECoop husu Asosiasaun Naroman nakfilak aan ba kooperativa Prezidente Assosiasaun Naroman tara tais ba SECoop, Elizario Feereira, binhira hala'o vizita ba Asosiasaun Naroman iha Suku Fahedebu, Postu Administrativu Bazartete, Munisipiu Liquica.",
"Imajen/Midia SECoop.",
"LIQUICA, 12 dezembru 2020 (TATOLI) - Sekretariu Estadu Kooperativa (SECoop, sigla portuges), Elizario Ferreira, husu Asosiasaun Naroman nakfilak aan sai koooperativa nune'e bele iha sustentabilidade finanseira no kontribui hodi eleva sira-nia ekonomia sai di'ak liutan.",
"\"Ha'u husu ba iha grupu Asosiasaun Naroman atu nakfilak-aan sai kooperativa nune'e bele iha susutentabilidade finaseira.",
"Nune'e, bele benefisia sira no ba populasaun mos oinsa eleva sira-nia ekonomia,\" dehan Sekretariu Estadu Kooperativa, Elizario Ferreira, ba jornalista sira hafoin halo dialogu ho Asosiasaun Naroman iha suku Fahilebu, Postu Administrativu Bazartete, Munisipiu Liquica, sabadu ne'e.",
"Elizario Ferreira hatutan, ba oin Sekretariu Estadu Kooperativa sei esforsu hodi fo formasaun ba Asosiasaun Naroman nune'e bele sai hanesan kooperativa ida iha futuru.",
"\"Sira-nia inisiativa ne'e di'ak.",
"Sira presiza hetan atensaun oinsa sira sai kooperativa hodi kria kondisaun atu bele dezenvolve di'ak liutan sira-nia atividade ba ita-nia populasaun.",
"Ami sei fasilita formasaun ba sira hodi sai kooperativa ne'ebe bele sustentavel iha estabilidade finanseira iha sira-nia kooperativa rasik,\" nia hateten.",
"Iha fatin hanesan, Prezidente Grupu Asosiasaun Naroman, Martinho dos Santos, hateten atividade ne'ebe mak Asosiasaun Naroman halo mak produsaun batar no fini ba batar.",
"\"Ami nia asosiasaun ne'e harii iha 2015.",
"Durante ne'e ami produs batar no fini hodi faan ba kompania.",
"Osan sira-ne'ebe ami iha, ami rai hamutuk no fo impresta ba ami-nia membru sira no komunidade sira, nune'e sira hadia sira-nia moris.",
"Ida ne'e mak ami halo iha suku ne'e,\" Prezidente Grupu Asosiasaun Naroman, Martinho dos Santos hateten.",
"Nia hatutan, batar sira ne'ebe sira produs bainhira faan karik sira tenke konsulta malu ho membru sira seluk iha asosiasaun ne'e.",
"Tanba, nia haktuir, batar ne'ebe sira produs ne'e, tinan ida bele atinji tonelada 20 no tinan ida ne'e sira iha tonelada 12 no faan kilo ida $1.50.",
"Nia dehan, osan ne'ebe maka Asosiasaun Naroman rai mak daudaun ne'e iha montante rihun $40 no osan ne'e rasik fo fali ba membru no komunidade sira iha suku laran impresta hodi sustenta sira-nia moris.",
"Entertantu, nia informa, membru definitivu ba Asosiasaun Naroman ne'e agora iha ema na'in-27 no agora daudaun sira halibur membru to'o ema na'in-150 ona.",
"Previous articlePN aprova proposta OJE 2021 iha final global Next articleBankada CNRT prefere millaun $14 ba RAEOA sosa ro foun"
] | [
"SECoop asks Association of Rural People to focus on cooperative | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste HOME ECONOMY Secoops asks the National Cooperation for Agriculture (SECOOP) association, President Elizario Feereira after visiting a rural community in Fahedebu Village at Bazartete Administrative Post Office Liquica Municipality."
"Image/Media SECoop."
"LIQUICA, December 12th (TATOLI) - The State Secretary for Cooperatives and Trade Union Affairs of the Portuguese Republic(SECoop), Elizario Ferreira has asked Naroman Association to become a co-operative so that they can have financial sustainability in order contribute towards raising their own economy."
"\"I have asked the group of Portuguese Associations to become a cooperative so that they can be financially sustainable."
"Thus, it can benefit them and the population as well in order to raise their economy\", said State Secretary of Cooperative Affairs Elizario Ferreira after having a dialogue with Naroman Association on Saturday at Fahilebu village."
"Elizario Ferreira said that in the future, Cooperative State Secretary will strive to provide training for National Associations so they can become a co-operative."
"\"Their initiative is a good one. It's not an easy thing to do.\""
"They need attention to how they can become cooperatives and create the conditions for a good development of their activities in our population."
"We will facilitate training for them so that they can become co-operatives which are sustainable and have financial stability in their own cooperatives,\" he said."
"Meanwhile, the President of Grupo Associação Naroman (Natural Association Group), Martinho dos Santos said that activities carried out by NAROM are potato and fertilizer production."
"\"Our association was founded in 2015."
"During this time, we produced unfinished batar to sell for the company."
"With the money we have, We pool and lend to our members in their communities so that they can improve themselves."
"That's what we are doing in the village,\" said Martinho dos Santos (President of Grupo Associação Naroman)."
"He added that if they are going to sell the beans produced by them, it is necessary for their members of association consult with each other."
"Because, he said that the beef they produce can reach 20 tonnes a year and this time it is about twelve tons selling for $1.5 per kilo of meat.\""
"He said, the money that is currently held by Naroman Association amounts to $40 thousand and this same cash has been given back for members of communities in rural areas as loans so they can sustain their lives."
"However, he informed that the definitive membership of Naroman Association now has 27 people and currently they have gathered members to about150."
"Previous articlePN approves proposed 2019 budget at global final Next artikelCNRP bank prefers $3.5 billion for the OAEC to buy new ship"
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TIMOR HAU NIAN DOBEN: Merkadu Taibessi: Governu Promete Sei Oferese Kondisaun dignu\nMerkadu Taibessi: Governu Promete Sei Oferese Kondisaun dignu\nTimor Post - 29 Jullu 2014\nDíli - Ministeriu Komersiu Industria no Ambiente (MKIA) liu husi Sekretáriu Estado Comercio Ricardo Nheu, husu ba vendedor iha merkadu Taibessi ne´ebé sei fa´an sasan iha rai atu labele laran triste tanba Governu sei prepara kondisaun di´ak no sei fo tratamentu ne´ebé hanesan, maibé tuir faze.\n"Oras ne´e sei tur iha rai e sei fa´an nia sasan iha rau li-liu sira hosi parte kraik ne´e, i ida ne´e sei tama faze segundu nian, tanba ne´e husu vendedor sira pasiensia oituan hodi hein," hatán Ricardo Nheu, ba Timor Post iha Centro Konvensaun Díli, Sesta (25/7).\nNia esplika konstrusaun ba faze segundu nian mós oras ne´e hala´o hela tanba ne´e bainhira ramata vendedores sira sei fa´an ho kondisaun dignu.\nHatan kona ba nia modelu nia dehan Konstrusaun segundu faze ne´e diferente ho primeira fase.\nIha fatin hanesan Vice Ministru Abel Larisina, reforsa liu tan katak, governu liu hosi MKIA prontu atu kapasita nafatin emprezarius li-liu emprezarius mikro pequenas no cooperativas liu hosi treinamentu, atu nune´e bele hala´o negosiu di´ak.\nNia promete mós sei ajuda atu trata lisensa hosi SERVE mós ba negosiante sira. (cos)\nPublicada por Kai Buti à(s) 15:50 | [
"TIMOR HAU NIAN DOBEN: Merkadu Taibessi: Governu Promete Sei Oferese Kondisaun dignu Merkadu Taibessi: Governu Promete Sei Oferese Kondisaun dignu Timor Post - 29 Jullu 2014 Dili - Ministeriu Komersiu Industria no Ambiente (MKIA) liu husi Sekretariu Estado Comercio Ricardo Nheu, husu ba vendedor iha merkadu Taibessi ne'ebe sei fa'an sasan iha rai atu labele laran triste tanba Governu sei prepara kondisaun di'ak no sei fo tratamentu ne'ebe hanesan, maibe tuir faze.",
"\"Oras ne'e sei tur iha rai e sei fa'an nia sasan iha rau li-liu sira hosi parte kraik ne'e, i ida ne'e sei tama faze segundu nian, tanba ne'e husu vendedor sira pasiensia oituan hodi hein,\" hatan Ricardo Nheu, ba Timor Post iha Centro Konvensaun Dili, Sesta (25/7).",
"Nia esplika konstrusaun ba faze segundu nian mos oras ne'e hala'o hela tanba ne'e bainhira ramata vendedores sira sei fa'an ho kondisaun dignu.",
"Hatan kona ba nia modelu nia dehan Konstrusaun segundu faze ne'e diferente ho primeira fase.",
"Iha fatin hanesan Vice Ministru Abel Larisina, reforsa liu tan katak, governu liu hosi MKIA prontu atu kapasita nafatin emprezarius li-liu emprezarius mikro pequenas no cooperativas liu hosi treinamentu, atu nune'e bele hala'o negosiu di'ak.",
"Nia promete mos sei ajuda atu trata lisensa hosi SERVE mos ba negosiante sira. (cos) Publicada por Kai Buti a (s) 15:50"
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"TIMOR HAU NIAN DOBEN: Timor Post - July 29,14 Dili – The Ministry of Trade and Industry (MKIA) through State Secretary for Business Ricardo Nehu has asked the vendors in Taibessi market who will be selling their good on land not to feel sad because Government is preparing a better environment. They are going with similar treatment but by phase; they have been told that there'll only take some time before things get back into normal conditions again after several months or even years if it takes longer than previously estimated at least one year from now until all items can return home without any difficulty!"
"\"Now he will be standing on the ground and selling his stuff in a few streets of this small part, which is going into its second phase. So I am asking all salespeople to wait with patience\", Ricardo Nheu told Timor Post at Dili Convention Centre Saturday (25/7)."
"He explained that the construction of phase two is also underway, so when it's finished sellers will be able to sell in decent conditions."
"In response to his model, he said that the second phase of construction is different from its first."
"Vice Minister Abel Larisina said that the government through MKIA is ready to continue training entrepreneurs, especially micro-small enterprises and cooperatives so they can do good business."
"He also promised to help the traders get their licenses from SERVE. (cos) Publicada por Kai Buti a 15:49"
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Apóstolu 7 | Bíblia online | New World Translation (1984)\n7 Maibé amlulik boot hatete: “Buat sira-neʼe loos ka lae?” 2 Nia dehan: “Maun-alin no aman sira, rona haʼu bá. Maromak glória nian mosu ba ita-nia beiʼala Abraão kuandu nia hela iha Mesopotámia, antes nia muda hodi hela iha Haran. 3 Maromak dehan ba nia: ‘Sai husi ó-nia rai no husi ó-nia família sira no laʼo ba rai neʼebé haʼu sei hatudu ba ó.’ 4 Tuirmai, nia laʼo sai husi ema Kaldeia nia rai no hela iha Haran. No husi neʼebá, kuandu nia aman mate ona, Maromak haruka nia atu muda hodi hela iha rai neʼebé agora imi hela daudaun. 5 Maibé Maromak la fó ba nia liman-rohan ida iha rai neʼe, rai rohan ida* mós lae; maibé Maromak promete atu fó rai neʼe ba nia atu sai ninian, no ba ninia bei-oan sira depois nia, maski nia seidauk iha oan. 6 Liután neʼe, Maromak fó-hatene ba nia katak ninia bei-oan sira sei hela nuʼudar ema estranjeiru iha rai seluk no ema iha rai neʼe sei halo sira nuʼudar atan no sei haterus sira ba tinan 400. 7 ‘No haʼu sei tesi lia ba nasaun neʼebé halo sira sai atan’, Maromak dehan, ‘no depois neʼe sira sei sai husi rai neʼebá no sira sei halo serbisu santu ba haʼu iha fatin neʼe.’ 8 “Maromak mós fó aliansa sirkunsizaun nian ba Abraão; no nuneʼe nia sai aman ba Isaac no nia fó sirkunsizaun ba Isaac iha loron ualu, no Isaac sai aman ba Jacob, no Jacob sai aman ba família nia ulun sanulu-resin-rua. 9 No família nia ulun sira-neʼe sai laran-moras ba José no faʼan nia ba ema Ejitu. Maibé Maromak hamutuk ho nia, 10 no salva nia husi nia terus hotu, no Maromak fó matenek ba nia no halo Faraun,* liurai Ejitu, haree nia ho diʼak. No Faraun foti nia atu tau matan ba rai-Ejitu no ba liurai nia uma tomak. 11 Tuirmai, rai-hamlaha mosu iha rai-Ejitu no Kanaán, no ida-neʼe hamosu terus boot, no ita-nia beiʼala sira mós la hetan ai-han. 12 Maibé Jacob rona katak iha ai-han iha rai-Ejitu. Entaun, ba dala primeiru nia haruka ita-nia beiʼala sira atu bá neʼebá. 13 No kuandu sira bá Ejitu ba dala segundu, José fó sai nia an ba ninia maun-alin sira, no Liurai Ejitu nian komesa hatene kona-ba José nia família. 14 Entaun, José haruka mensajen no bolu ninia aman Jacob no ninia família hotu husi fatin neʼebá, sira hamutuk ema* naʼin hitunulu-resin-lima. 15 Nuneʼe Jacob laʼo tun ba Ejitu no nia mate iha neʼebá; nuneʼe mós ho ita-nia beiʼala sira. 16 No ema lori sira-nia ruin ba Sikém no tau iha rate neʼebé Abraão sosa ona husi Hamor nia oan sira iha Sikém ho folin osan-mutin balu. 17 “Nuʼudar tempu besik toʼo ona atu kumpre Maromak nia promete neʼebé fó sai ona ba Abraão, povu sai barak no aumenta liután iha Ejitu. 18 No tuirmai, liurai Ejitu nian seluk mosu no nia la hatene José. 19 Liurai neʼe halo aat hasoru ita-nia beiʼala sira no obriga aman sira atu husik sira-nia oan kiʼik, atu nuneʼe sira labele moris. 20 Iha tempu sira-neʼe mak Moisés moris, no nia bonitu tebes. No ninia família rasik mak tau matan ba nia iha ninia aman nia uma ba fulan tolu. 21 Maibé kuandu ninia inan-aman tenke husik nia, Liurai Ejitu nia oan-feto foti nia no hakiak nia nuʼudar oan rasik. 22 Tan neʼe, Moisés simu hanorin kona-ba Ejitu nia matenek hotu. No tuir loloos, nia koʼalia ho kbiit no halo hahalok boot sira. 23 “No kuandu nia tinan haatnulu ona, nia hanoin atu bá haree ninia maun-alin sira, katak Izraél nia oan sira-nia situasaun. 24 No kuandu nia haree ema Ejitu ida halo aat ba ema Izraél ida, nia defende ninia maluk no selu fali hahalok aat neʼe hodi baku mate ema Ejitu neʼe. 25 Nia hanoin katak ninia maun-alin sira bele komprende katak Maromak fó ona salvasaun ba sira liuhusi nia liman, maibé sira la komprende ida-neʼe. 26 No loron tuirmai nia mosu ba sira no nia haree ema naʼin-rua baku malu. Nia koko atu hapara sira no dehan: ‘Imi naʼin-rua mak maun-alin, entaun tansá mak imi baku malu?’ 27 Maibé, ida neʼebé baku nia maluk dudu sees Moisés hodi dehan: ‘Sé mak foti ó nuʼudar ukun-naʼin no tesi-lia naʼin ba ami? 28 Ó hakarak atu oho haʼu hanesan ó oho ema Ejitu neʼe horisehik ka?’ 29 Rona tiha ida-neʼe, Moisés halai no hela nuʼudar ema estranjeiru iha rai-Midian, no iha neʼebá mak nia sai aman ba oan-mane naʼin-rua. 30 “Kuandu tinan haatnulu liu tiha, anju ida mosu ba nia liuhusi ai-hun* neʼebé lakan iha rai-fuik iha Foho Sinai. 31 No bainhira Moisés haree ida-neʼe, nia hakfodak. Maibé nuʼudar nia hakbesik atu haree didiʼak, nia rona Jeová nia lian, dehan: 32 ‘Haʼu mak ó-nia beiʼala sira-nia Maromak, Abraão nia Maromak, Isaac nia Maromak, no Jacob nia Maromak.’ Tanba Moisés nakdedar tebes, nia la brani tan atu haree. 33 Jeová hatete ba nia: ‘Hasai tiha sandálias husi ó-nia ain, tanba fatin neʼebé ó hamriik mak santu. 34 Haʼu haree tiha ona terus neʼebé haʼu-nia povu iha Ejitu hasoru, no haʼu rona tiha ona sira-nia tanis no haʼu tun ona atu salva sira. Neʼe duni, mai, no haʼu sei haruka ó ba Ejitu.’ 35 Moisés neʼe mak ida neʼebé sira nega ona hodi dehan: ‘Sé mak foti ó nuʼudar ukun-naʼin no tesi-lia naʼin ba ami?’, maibé liuhusi anju neʼebé mosu ba Moisés iha ai-hun neʼebé lakan, Maromak haruka nia nuʼudar ukun-naʼin no ida neʼebé fó salvasaun. 36 Mane neʼe mak lori sira sai, no halo milagre no sinál sira iha Ejitu, iha Tasi Mean, no iha rai-fuik ba tinan haatnulu. 37 “Moisés neʼe rasik mak dehan ba Izraél nia oan sira: ‘Maromak sei hili profeta ida hanesan haʼu husi imi-nia leet.’ 38 Moisés mak ida neʼebé hamutuk ho povu Izraél iha rai-fuik, no nia mak hamutuk ho anju neʼebé koʼalia ho nia iha Foho Sinai, no nia koʼalia ho ita-nia beiʼala sira. Nia simu mensajen moris nian husi Maromak atu hatoʼo ba imi. 39 Ita-nia beiʼala sira lakohi atu halo tuir nia, maibé sira fila kotuk ba nia, no iha sira-nia laran, sira hakarak atu fila fali ba Ejitu. 40 No sira dehan ba Aarão: ‘Halo ba ami maromak sira hodi laʼo iha ami-nia oin. Tanba Moisés neʼe, ida neʼebé lori ami sai husi Ejitu, ami la hatene saida mak mosu ona ba nia.’ 41 Entaun, iha loron sira neʼebá, sira halo karau-oan ida no hasaʼe prezente ba estátua neʼe no sira haksolok ho serbisu neʼebé sira halo ona ho sira-nia liman. 42 Nuneʼe Maromak fila kotuk ba sira no husik sira atu adora tropa lalehan nian, hanesan hakerek nanis ona iha livru profeta sira-nian: ‘Oh umakain Izraél nian, durante tinan haatnulu nia laran iha rai-fuik, imi hasaʼe animál neʼebé imi oho no prezente oioin, maibé ida-neʼe laʼós ba haʼu, loos ka lae? 43 Maibé, imi lori fali tenda maromak Moluk* nian no fitun husi maromak Refan, katak sira-nia ilas neʼebé imi halo hodi adora. Tan neʼe, haʼu sei soe imi dook liu fali Babilónia.’ 44 “Ita-nia beiʼala sira iha tenda sasin nian iha rai-fuik. Maromak hatete ba Moisés atu halo ida-neʼe no sira halo tuir ezemplu neʼebé Maromak hatudu ona ba Moisés. 45 No ita-nia beiʼala nia oan sira no mós Josué foti tenda neʼe no lori hodi tama ba nasaun sira seluk nia rai. No Maromak hasai tiha nasaun sira-neʼe tanba ita-nia beiʼala sira. No tenda hela iha rai neʼe toʼo David nia tempu. 46 David monu loos ba Maromak nia laran, no nia husu lisensa atu halo uma ida ba Jacob nia Maromak. 47 Maski nuneʼe, Salomão mak harii uma ba nia. 48 Maibé, Ida neʼebé Aas Liu Hotu la hela iha uma neʼebé ema nia liman mak halo; hanesan profeta hatete nanis ona: 49 ‘Lalehan mak haʼu-nia kadunan, no rai mak haʼu-nia ain-fatin. Uma saida mak imi sei harii ba haʼu? Jeová dehan. Ka iha neʼebé mak imi sei harii hela-fatin ba haʼu atu hela? 50 Laʼós ho haʼu-nia liman mak haʼu halo buat sira-neʼe hotu?’ 51 “Imi ema ulun-toos, imi taka imi-nia tilun no laran,* imi sempre kontra espíritu santu; hanesan imi-nia beiʼala sira halo, imi mós halo nuneʼe. 52 Profeta ida neʼebé mak imi-nia beiʼala sira la haterus? Sin, sira oho ema sira neʼebé fó-hatene nanis katak ema loos ida sei mai. No foin lalais neʼe imi entrega ema loos neʼe ba inimigu sira hodi oho. 53 Imi simu ona Ukun-Fuan neʼebé anju sira hatoʼo, maibé imi la halo tuir ida-neʼe.” 54 Rona tiha liafuan sira-neʼe, sira sai hirus tebes no ruun nehan hasoru nia. 55 Maibé Estevão, nakonu ho espíritu santu, hateke ba lalehan no haree Maromak nia glória no Jesus hamriik iha Maromak nia liman sorin loos, 56 no nia dehan: “Haʼu haree lalehan nakloke no Oan-Mane husi ema hamriik iha Maromak nia liman sorin loos.” 57 Ho ida-neʼe sira hakilar makaʼas tebes no taka sira-nia tilun no sira hotu ataka nia. 58 No soe tiha nia ba sidade nia liʼur, sira hahú tuda fatuk ba nia. No sasin sira tau sira-nia unuk iha mane joven ida nia ain, no mane neʼe nia naran mak Saul. 59 Nuʼudar sira tuda nia, nia dehan: “Naʼi Jesus, simu haʼu-nia moris* bá.” 60 Tuirmai, hakneʼak tiha, nia hakilar ho lian makaʼas: “Jeová, keta fó kastigu ba sira kona-ba sala neʼe.” Depois koʼalia tiha ida-neʼe nia mate.*\n^ Aps 7:5 Iha lia-gregu dehan katak, “rai neʼebé luan hanesan ain-fatin”.\n^ Aps 7:10 Ida-neʼe mak títulu neʼebé fó ba liurai sira iha Ejitu.\n^ Aps 7:14 Lia-gregu, psiké. Haree Apéndise 7A.\n^ Aps 7:30 Neʼe mak ai-hun neʼebé iha tarak.\n^ Aps 7:43 Neʼe mak ema Amon nia maromak.\n^ Aps 7:51 Ka, “imi-nia laran no tilun la hetan sirkunsizaun”.\n^ Aps 7:59 Lia-gregu, pneuma. Haree Apéndise 7B.\n^ Aps 7:60 Iha lia-gregu dehan katak, “toba”. | [
"Apostolu 7 | Biblia online | New World Translation (1984) 7 Maibe amlulik boot hatete: \"Buat sira-ne'e loos ka lae?\"",
"2 Nia dehan: \"Maun-alin no aman sira, rona ha'u ba.",
"Maromak gloria nian mosu ba ita-nia bei'ala Abraao kuandu nia hela iha Mesopotamia, antes nia muda hodi hela iha Haran.",
"3 Maromak dehan ba nia: 'Sai husi o-nia rai no husi o-nia familia sira no la'o ba rai ne'ebe ha'u sei hatudu ba o.'",
"4 Tuirmai, nia la'o sai husi ema Kaldeia nia rai no hela iha Haran.",
"No husi ne'eba, kuandu nia aman mate ona, Maromak haruka nia atu muda hodi hela iha rai ne'ebe agora imi hela daudaun.",
"5 Maibe Maromak la fo ba nia liman-rohan ida iha rai ne'e, rai rohan ida* mos lae; maibe Maromak promete atu fo rai ne'e ba nia atu sai ninian, no ba ninia bei-oan sira depois nia, maski nia seidauk iha oan.",
"6 Liutan ne'e, Maromak fo-hatene ba nia katak ninia bei-oan sira sei hela nu'udar ema estranjeiru iha rai seluk no ema iha rai ne'e sei halo sira nu'udar atan no sei haterus sira ba tinan 400.",
"7 'No ha'u sei tesi lia ba nasaun ne'ebe halo sira sai atan', Maromak dehan, 'no depois ne'e sira sei sai husi rai ne'eba no sira sei halo serbisu santu ba ha'u iha fatin ne'e.'",
"8 \"Maromak mos fo aliansa sirkunsizaun nian ba Abraao; no nune'e nia sai aman ba Isaac no nia fo sirkunsizaun ba Isaac iha loron ualu, no Isaac sai aman ba Jacob, no Jacob sai aman ba familia nia ulun sanulu-resin-rua.",
"9 No familia nia ulun sira-ne'e sai laran-moras ba Jose no fa'an nia ba ema Ejitu.",
"Maibe Maromak hamutuk ho nia, 10 no salva nia husi nia terus hotu, no Maromak fo matenek ba nia no halo Faraun,* liurai Ejitu, haree nia ho di'ak.",
"No Faraun foti nia atu tau matan ba rai-Ejitu no ba liurai nia uma tomak.",
"11 Tuirmai, rai-hamlaha mosu iha rai-Ejitu no Kanaan, no ida-ne'e hamosu terus boot, no ita-nia bei'ala sira mos la hetan ai-han.",
"12 Maibe Jacob rona katak iha ai-han iha rai-Ejitu.",
"Entaun, ba dala primeiru nia haruka ita-nia bei'ala sira atu ba ne'eba.",
"13 No kuandu sira ba Ejitu ba dala segundu, Jose fo sai nia an ba ninia maun-alin sira, no Liurai Ejitu nian komesa hatene kona-ba Jose nia familia.",
"14 Entaun, Jose haruka mensajen no bolu ninia aman Jacob no ninia familia hotu husi fatin ne'eba, sira hamutuk ema* na'in hitunulu-resin-lima.",
"15 Nune'e Jacob la'o tun ba Ejitu no nia mate iha ne'eba; nune'e mos ho ita-nia bei'ala sira.",
"16 No ema lori sira-nia ruin ba Sikem no tau iha rate ne'ebe Abraao sosa ona husi Hamor nia oan sira iha Sikem ho folin osan-mutin balu.",
"17 \"Nu'udar tempu besik to'o ona atu kumpre Maromak nia promete ne'ebe fo sai ona ba Abraao, povu sai barak no aumenta liutan iha Ejitu.",
"18 No tuirmai, liurai Ejitu nian seluk mosu no nia la hatene Jose.",
"19 Liurai ne'e halo aat hasoru ita-nia bei'ala sira no obriga aman sira atu husik sira-nia oan ki'ik, atu nune'e sira labele moris.",
"20 Iha tempu sira-ne'e mak Moises moris, no nia bonitu tebes.",
"No ninia familia rasik mak tau matan ba nia iha ninia aman nia uma ba fulan tolu.",
"21 Maibe kuandu ninia inan-aman tenke husik nia, Liurai Ejitu nia oan-feto foti nia no hakiak nia nu'udar oan rasik.",
"22 Tan ne'e, Moises simu hanorin kona-ba Ejitu nia matenek hotu.",
"No tuir loloos, nia ko'alia ho kbiit no halo hahalok boot sira.",
"23 \"No kuandu nia tinan haatnulu ona, nia hanoin atu ba haree ninia maun-alin sira, katak Izrael nia oan sira-nia situasaun.",
"24 No kuandu nia haree ema Ejitu ida halo aat ba ema Izrael ida, nia defende ninia maluk no selu fali hahalok aat ne'e hodi baku mate ema Ejitu ne'e.",
"25 Nia hanoin katak ninia maun-alin sira bele komprende katak Maromak fo ona salvasaun ba sira liuhusi nia liman, maibe sira la komprende ida-ne'e.",
"26 No loron tuirmai nia mosu ba sira no nia haree ema na'in-rua baku malu.",
"Nia koko atu hapara sira no dehan: 'Imi na'in-rua mak maun-alin, entaun tansa mak imi baku malu?'",
"27 Maibe, ida ne'ebe baku nia maluk dudu sees Moises hodi dehan: 'Se mak foti o nu'udar ukun-na'in no tesi-lia na'in ba ami?",
"28 O hakarak atu oho ha'u hanesan o oho ema Ejitu ne'e horisehik ka?'",
"29 Rona tiha ida-ne'e, Moises halai no hela nu'udar ema estranjeiru iha rai-Midian, no iha ne'eba mak nia sai aman ba oan-mane na'in-rua.",
"30 \"Kuandu tinan haatnulu liu tiha, anju ida mosu ba nia liuhusi ai-hun* ne'ebe lakan iha rai-fuik iha Foho Sinai.",
"31 No bainhira Moises haree ida-ne'e, nia hakfodak.",
"Maibe nu'udar nia hakbesik atu haree didi'ak, nia rona Jeova nia lian, dehan: 32 'Ha'u mak o-nia bei'ala sira-nia Maromak, Abraao nia Maromak, Isaac nia Maromak, no Jacob nia Maromak.'",
"Tanba Moises nakdedar tebes, nia la brani tan atu haree.",
"33 Jeova hatete ba nia: 'Hasai tiha sandalias husi o-nia ain, tanba fatin ne'ebe o hamriik mak santu.",
"34 Ha'u haree tiha ona terus ne'ebe ha'u-nia povu iha Ejitu hasoru, no ha'u rona tiha ona sira-nia tanis no ha'u tun ona atu salva sira.",
"Ne'e duni, mai, no ha'u sei haruka o ba Ejitu.'",
"35 Moises ne'e mak ida ne'ebe sira nega ona hodi dehan: 'Se mak foti o nu'udar ukun-na'in no tesi-lia na'in ba ami?', maibe liuhusi anju ne'ebe mosu ba Moises iha ai-hun ne'ebe lakan, Maromak haruka nia nu'udar ukun-na'in no ida ne'ebe fo salvasaun.",
"36 Mane ne'e mak lori sira sai, no halo milagre no sinal sira iha Ejitu, iha Tasi Mean, no iha rai-fuik ba tinan haatnulu.",
"37 \"Moises ne'e rasik mak dehan ba Izrael nia oan sira: 'Maromak sei hili profeta ida hanesan ha'u husi imi-nia leet.'",
"38 Moises mak ida ne'ebe hamutuk ho povu Izrael iha rai-fuik, no nia mak hamutuk ho anju ne'ebe ko'alia ho nia iha Foho Sinai, no nia ko'alia ho ita-nia bei'ala sira.",
"Nia simu mensajen moris nian husi Maromak atu hato'o ba imi.",
"39 Ita-nia bei'ala sira lakohi atu halo tuir nia, maibe sira fila kotuk ba nia, no iha sira-nia laran, sira hakarak atu fila fali ba Ejitu.",
"40 No sira dehan ba Aarao: 'Halo ba ami maromak sira hodi la'o iha ami-nia oin.",
"Tanba Moises ne'e, ida ne'ebe lori ami sai husi Ejitu, ami la hatene saida mak mosu ona ba nia.'",
"41 Entaun, iha loron sira ne'eba, sira halo karau-oan ida no hasa'e prezente ba estatua ne'e no sira haksolok ho serbisu ne'ebe sira halo ona ho sira-nia liman.",
"42 Nune'e Maromak fila kotuk ba sira no husik sira atu adora tropa lalehan nian, hanesan hakerek nanis ona iha livru profeta sira-nian: 'Oh umakain Izrael nian, durante tinan haatnulu nia laran iha rai-fuik, imi hasa'e animal ne'ebe imi oho no prezente oioin, maibe ida-ne'e la'os ba ha'u, loos ka lae?",
"43 Maibe, imi lori fali tenda maromak Moluk* nian no fitun husi maromak Refan, katak sira-nia ilas ne'ebe imi halo hodi adora.",
"Tan ne'e, ha'u sei soe imi dook liu fali Babilonia.'",
"44 \"Ita-nia bei'ala sira iha tenda sasin nian iha rai-fuik.",
"Maromak hatete ba Moises atu halo ida-ne'e no sira halo tuir ezemplu ne'ebe Maromak hatudu ona ba Moises.",
"45 No ita-nia bei'ala nia oan sira no mos Josue foti tenda ne'e no lori hodi tama ba nasaun sira seluk nia rai.",
"No Maromak hasai tiha nasaun sira-ne'e tanba ita-nia bei'ala sira.",
"No tenda hela iha rai ne'e to'o David nia tempu.",
"46 David monu loos ba Maromak nia laran, no nia husu lisensa atu halo uma ida ba Jacob nia Maromak.",
"47 Maski nune'e, Salomao mak harii uma ba nia.",
"48 Maibe, Ida ne'ebe Aas Liu Hotu la hela iha uma ne'ebe ema nia liman mak halo; hanesan profeta hatete nanis ona: 49 'Lalehan mak ha'u-nia kadunan, no rai mak ha'u-nia ain-fatin.",
"Uma saida mak imi sei harii ba ha'u?",
"Jeova dehan.",
"Ka iha ne'ebe mak imi sei harii hela-fatin ba ha'u atu hela?",
"50 La'os ho ha'u-nia liman mak ha'u halo buat sira-ne'e hotu?'",
"51 \"Imi ema ulun-toos, imi taka imi-nia tilun no laran,* imi sempre kontra espiritu santu; hanesan imi-nia bei'ala sira halo, imi mos halo nune'e.",
"52 Profeta ida ne'ebe mak imi-nia bei'ala sira la haterus?",
"Sin, sira oho ema sira ne'ebe fo-hatene nanis katak ema loos ida sei mai.",
"No foin lalais ne'e imi entrega ema loos ne'e ba inimigu sira hodi oho.",
"53 Imi simu ona Ukun-Fuan ne'ebe anju sira hato'o, maibe imi la halo tuir ida-ne'e.\"",
"54 Rona tiha liafuan sira-ne'e, sira sai hirus tebes no ruun nehan hasoru nia.",
"55 Maibe Estevao, nakonu ho espiritu santu, hateke ba lalehan no haree Maromak nia gloria no Jesus hamriik iha Maromak nia liman sorin loos, 56 no nia dehan: \"Ha'u haree lalehan nakloke no Oan-Mane husi ema hamriik iha Maromak nia liman sorin loos.\"",
"57 Ho ida-ne'e sira hakilar maka'as tebes no taka sira-nia tilun no sira hotu ataka nia.",
"58 No soe tiha nia ba sidade nia li'ur, sira hahu tuda fatuk ba nia.",
"No sasin sira tau sira-nia unuk iha mane joven ida nia ain, no mane ne'e nia naran mak Saul.",
"59 Nu'udar sira tuda nia, nia dehan: \"Na'i Jesus, simu ha'u-nia moris* ba.\"",
"60 Tuirmai, hakne'ak tiha, nia hakilar ho lian maka'as: \"Jeova, keta fo kastigu ba sira kona-ba sala ne'e.\"",
"Depois ko'alia tiha ida-ne'e nia mate.* ^ Aps 7:5 Iha lia-gregu dehan katak, \"rai ne'ebe luan hanesan ain-fatin.\" ^ Aps 7:10 Ida-ne'e mak titulu ne'ebe fo ba liurai sira iha Ejitu. ^ Aps 7:14 Lia-gregu, psike.",
"Haree Apendise 7A. ^ Aps 7:30 Ne'e mak ai-hun ne'ebe iha tarak. ^ Aps 7:43 Ne'e mak ema Amon nia maromak. ^ Aps 7:51 Ka, \"imi-nia laran no tilun la hetan sirkunsizaun.\" ^ Aps 7:59 Lia-gregu, pneuma.",
"Haree Apendise 7B. ^ Aps 7:60 Iha lia-gregu dehan katak, \"toba.\""
] | [
"Acts 7 | Bible online - New World Translation (1984) But a great crowd said, \"Are these things true?\""
"2 And he said, \"Men and brethren of my fathers' house; listen to me."
"The God of glory appeared to our ancestor Abraham while he was in Mesopotamia, before his sojourning and dwelling at Haran."
"3 And God said unto him, Get thee out of thy country and from thini kindreds into a land which I will shew you."
"4 And he went out of the land, and dwelt in Haran."
"And from thence, after his father's death God sent him to sojourn in this land wherein ye now dwell."
"5 And God gave him not a hand in the land, neither even an expanse of it: but he promised to give unto his possession and that for His seed after Him; though He had no child."
"6 And God told him that his offspring would be strangers in a foreign land, and the natives of it will make them slaves to themselves; they shall afflict their people for four hundred years."
"7 'And I will take my word from the nation to whom they have been slaves,' said God. \"Afterwards however you shall come out of it and serve me in this place.\""
"8 And he gave him the covenant of circumcision; and so Abraham begat Isaac, who was circoncised on his seventh day. Then Jacob became father to two hundred heads in their families:"
"9 And the heads of their father' s houses had compassion on Joseph, and sold him to Egyptians."
"10 And God delivered him out of all his distresses, and gave Him wisdom; He made Pharaoh* king over Egypt to look well on Joseph."
"And Pharaoh took him to oversee the land of Egypt and all his house."
"12 And there was a famine in the land of Egypt and Canaan, with great affliction; neither did our fathers find food."
"12 And Jacob heard that there was grain in the land of Egypt."
"So, for the first time he sent our brothers to go there."
"13 And it came to pass, when they were come down a second time into Egypt; that Joseph made himself known unto his brethren: and the kings ofEgypt heard concerning Josef' family."
"14 Then Joseph sent and called for his father Jacob, with all the people of Israel who were there: seventy-five persons."
"15 And Jacob went down into Egypt, and there he died; so did our fathers."
"16 And they carried their remains to Shechem, and laid them in the field which Abraham had bought for a price of silver from Hamor' son."
"17 Now as the time drew near of God's promise, which he had sworn unto Abraham; then multiplied and increased in Egypt a people."
"18 And there arose another king of Egypt, which knew not Joseph. He was the sons' father: and he called his name Naphtali;"
"19 And the king afflicted our neighbours, and forced their father to leave behind his young children that they might not die."
"20 In these days Moses died, and he was a man of great beauty."
"And his own family nurtured him in her father's house for three months."
"21 But when they had forsaken him, the daughter of Egypt's king took and nourished his father as her own son."
"23 And Moses was taught in all the wisdom of Egypt, and he went out from there."
"And indeed, he spoke with power and did great works."
"23 \"And when he was forty years old, it came into his heart to visit His brethren and see how the children of Israel were."
"24 And when he saw an Egyptian do wrong to a man of Israel, and defended his neighbour; then returned the evil that was done unto him by striking down with one hand on them."
"25 Now he thought that his brethren would understand how God by him was delivering them: but they understood not."
"26 And the next day he came to them, and saw two men beating one another."
"He tried to stop them and said, 'You are brothers; why do you beat each other?'"
"27 But he that smote his neighbour asked Moses, saying: Who hath made thee to be ruler and judge over us?"
"28 Do you want to kill me, as the Egyptians were killed today?'"
"29 And when Moses heard this, he departed and sojourned in the land of Midian; where they begat him two sons."
"30 And it came to pass at the end of forty years, that an angel appeared unto him through a bush in this wilderness."
"31 And when Moses saw it, he stood still."
"31 And when he drew near to see, the voice of Jehovah came unto him saying: I am thy God and thine fathers' GOD; Abraham’S GOOD AND ISACAH ‘ s GOTHER & JACOB S GIFT."
"Because Moses was very angry, he refused to look."
"32 And the LORD said unto him, Take away thy sandals from off thine feet: for holy is that place whereon thou standest."
"34 I have surely seen the affliction of my people who are in Egypt, and heard their crying; therefore am i come down to deliver them."
"Now therefore come, and I will send thee into Egypt."
"35 This is he whom they denied, saying: Who hath made thee to be ruler and judge over us? but God sent him as a leader of salvation by his angel which appeared unto Moses in that bush."
"36 This man brought them out, working wonders and miracles in the land of Egypt; at sea by forty years."
"37 This same Moses said to the children of Israel, 'A prophet like me shall be raised up for you from among yourselves.'"
"38 This is the one who met with Israel in Egypt, and spoke to him both at Sinai Desert as he talked also for our generations."
"He received the message of life from God to give it unto you."
"39 And our brethren refused to go with him, but turned back from behind and desired in their hearts that they might return into Egypt."
"40 And they said unto Aaron, Let our beasts go before us."
"For this Moses, who brought us up out of the land Of Egypt we do not know what has become to him.'"
"41 Therefore in those days they made a chariot, and offered gifts to the image of God; And rejoiced over all that their hands had wrought."
"42 And God turned away, and gave them up to worship the host of heaven; as it is written in The Book Of Prophets: For forty years you have offered sacrifices & gift-offerings on a dry land. But was this not me?"
"43 But ye have carried away the tents of Moloch*, and your idols from Rephaim; their images that you made to worship them."
"Therefore, I will make you worse than Babylon.'"
"43 And Moses said unto Aaron, Our brethren shall be in the tabernacle of witness on high."
"God told Moses to do this, and they did it after the pattern that He had shown him."
"45 And the children of our kindred took it, and carried [it] up with Joshua into all nations."
"And God put them out of the midst thereof for our fathers' sake."
"But there was no dwelling in the land until David's time."
"46 And David fell deeply in the heart of God, and asked that he might build a house for Jacob's god."
"47 And yet Solomon built him an house, and he made it holy."
"48 But the Most High dwelleth not in houses made with hands: as it is written by a prophet, saying;"
"What house will you build for me?"
"Yahweh says. Jehovah saith:"
"Or where will you build a house for me to dwell in?"
"50 Have I not made all these things with my own hands?'"
"51 Ye men of heads, ye that cover your fingertips and bosom* you always oppose the Holy Spirit; as also thy brethren did so do thou."
"52 Who is the prophet that your fellows have not hated?"
"Rather, they killed the men who preached that a true man was coming."
"And now you have handed over the righteous man to your enemies, so that they may kill him."
"53 For ye have received the Good News by angels, and did not keep it."
"54 And when they heard these words, their hearts were filled with wrath and anger against him."
"54 But he, being filled with the Holy Ghost and looking up to heaven saw God's glory. He also seen Jesus standing on his right hand; so that when they looked at him in wonderation of their eyes it seemed as if there were a light coming out from within them:"
"57 And when they heard this, and sneezed with a loud voice; then stopped their fingers in his face."
"58 And they drove him out of the city, and began to stone Him."
"And the witnesses laid their hands on a young man, whose name was Saul."
"59 And as they smote him, he said: Lord Jesus take my soul."
"60 And he stooped down, and groaned with a loud voice: \"Lord do not punish them for this iniquity.\""
"And when he had spoken these things, the king died.* ^ Acts 7:5 In Greek it means \"the river that is wide as a womb.\" *Acts10 This title was given to Egyptian rulers."
"^ Acts 7:30 This is the grass that bears herbs. ↑ Actas, Chapter VII; Appendix A (1986) pg245-pgsnf See also Appendixes to this chapter and appropriately referenced sources for more information on these words in English translation of Greek text from The New American Standard Bible - see Appendages I–IV – Pneuma/Pneumatism"
"^ Acts 7:60 In Greek it says, \"toba.\" See Appendix B."
] |
Governu mantein tipu vasina AstraZeneca | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste\nVARANDA COVID-19 Governu mantein tipu vasina AstraZeneca\nGovernu mantein tipu vasina AstraZeneca\nDILI, 17 marsu 2021 (TATOLI)—Primeiru-Ministru (PM), Taur Matan Ruak, hasoru Prezidente Repúblika (PR), Francisco Guterres ‘Lú Olo’ hodi informa situasaun atuál país no preparasaun vasina kontra COVID-19.\nXefe Governu rekoñese, durante ne’e mosu preokupasaun barak iha públiku, maibé Governu deside mantein tipu vasina ne’e tanba halo ona konsulta ho Organizasaun Mundiál Saúde (OMS) no entidade relevante.\n“Internasionálmente rekoñesidu maka Organizasaun Mundiál Saúde, seidauk hateten katak vasina AstraZeneca ne’e ladi’ak, tanba ne’e Governu sei mantein nafatin hodi avansa ho vasina ne’e,” PM Taur relata hafoin ramata reuniaun ho Xefe Estadu iha Palásiu Prezidensiál, Bairro Pité, kuarta ne’e.\nNotísia relevante: OMS rekomenda tipu vasina AstraZeneca ba Timor-Leste\nXefe Ezekutivu nota katak nasaun barak realiza ona vasina, tanba úniku ho vasina de’it maka bele halo prevensaun di’ak liu ba vírus, tanba ne’e maka Governu daudaun ne’e halo hela preparasaun atu realiza vasina.\n“Informa ba Prezidente Repúblika kona-ba prepasaun vasina, iha pais balun vasinasaun la’o ona, maibé ita-nia nasaun seidauk halo, klaru Governu halo esforsu para ita mós hetan vasina. Kampaña sensibilizasaun Ministériu Saúde hahú tiha ona, kuandu vasina to’o bele realiza ona,” nia akresenta.\nPrevious articleGovernu dezafia administradór foun atu dezenvolve Covalima\nNext articleGovernu rekolla dadus molok apoia umanitária ba estudante iha kost | [
"Governu mantein tipu vasina AstraZeneca | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA COVID-19 Governu mantein tipu vasina AstraZeneca Governu mantein tipu vasina AstraZeneca DILI, 17 marsu 2021 (TATOLI) - Primeiru-Ministru (PM), Taur Matan Ruak, hasoru Prezidente Republika (PR), Francisco Guterres 'Lu Olo' hodi informa situasaun atual pais no preparasaun vasina kontra COVID-19.",
"Xefe Governu rekonese, durante ne'e mosu preokupasaun barak iha publiku, maibe Governu deside mantein tipu vasina ne'e tanba halo ona konsulta ho Organizasaun Mundial Saude (OMS) no entidade relevante.",
"\"Internasionalmente rekonesidu maka Organizasaun Mundial Saude, seidauk hateten katak vasina AstraZeneca ne'e ladi'ak, tanba ne'e Governu sei mantein nafatin hodi avansa ho vasina ne'e,\" PM Taur relata hafoin ramata reuniaun ho Xefe Estadu iha Palasiu Prezidensial, Bairro Pite, kuarta ne'e.",
"Notisia relevante: OMS rekomenda tipu vasina AstraZeneca ba Timor-Leste Xefe Ezekutivu nota katak nasaun barak realiza ona vasina, tanba uniku ho vasina de'it maka bele halo prevensaun di'ak liu ba virus, tanba ne'e maka Governu daudaun ne'e halo hela preparasaun atu realiza vasina.",
"\"Informa ba Prezidente Republika kona-ba prepasaun vasina, iha pais balun vasinasaun la'o ona, maibe ita-nia nasaun seidauk halo, klaru Governu halo esforsu para ita mos hetan vasina.",
"Kampana sensibilizasaun Ministeriu Saude hahu tiha ona, kuandu vasina to'o bele realiza ona,\" nia akresenta.",
"Previous articleGovernu dezafia administrador foun atu dezenvolve Covalima Next articleGovernu rekolla dadus molok apoia umanitaria ba estudante iha kost"
] | [
"Government maintains type of AstraZeneca vaccine | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA COVID -19 Governo mantein tipu vasina Astrazeneca Governu mantenen tipo vacina Sputnik Dili, March (AFP) – Prime Minister Taur Matan Ruak met with President Francisco Guterres 'Lu Olo' to inform him about the current situation in his country and preparations for vaccination against Covid."
"The Head of Government acknowledged that there were many concerns among the public during this period, but he said his government had decided to keep it because they consulted with World Health Organization (WHO) and other relevant bodies."
"\"Internationally recognized is the World Health Organization, has not stated that AstraZeneca vaccines are bad. Therefore Government will continue to move forward with this vaccination\", PM Taur reported after meeting Head of State at Presidential Palace in Bairro Pite on Tuesday 15th March (20/3)."
"Relevant news: WHO recommends AstraZeneca vaccine for Timor-Leste The Chief Executive notes that many countries have already carried out vaccination, because only with the Vaccine alone can be better prevention of viruses. That is why Government are currently preparing to carry on vaccinating people in this country 2018/3"
"\"Information to the President of Republic regarding vaccination preparation, in some countries vaccine is already going on but our country has not yet done it. Clearly Government makes efforts for us also get vaccinated.\""
"The Ministry of Health awareness campaign has already begun, when the vaccine is ready it can be carried out.\" he added."
"Previous ArticleGovernment challenges new administrator to develop Covalima Next articleGovernement collects data before humanitarian support for students on the coast"
] |
Munisípiu Ermera husu CI fó formasaun maneira entrevista iha mídia\nPublika iha: 29 Setembro 2017\nSekretáriu Administrasaun Munisípiu Ermera, Danilio Osorio Babo husu ba CI atu kria programa importante iha área formasaun nian, liuliu fó formasaun ba lider Munisípiu sira oinsá maneira entrevista iha mídia. Danilio Osorio Babo hato’o rekomendasaun ne’e wainhira halo abertura ba Sosializasaun lei Komunikasaun Sosiál no Regulamentu Conselho de Imprensa nian, iha salaun Administrasaun Munisípiu Ermera, Quarta – Feira, 27/09/2017.\nRazaun husu CI fó formasaun ba lider Munisípiu sira atu nune’e lider sira fó sai informasaun ba públiku liu husi mídia ho kualidade no labele defama fali ema seluk.\n“Ami iha munisípiu presiza liuliu formasaun kona-ba maneira entrevista ho mídia sira hodi nune’e publikasaun ne’ebé fó sai ba públiku ho kualidade, “presta Danilio.\nIha oportunidade ne’e mós Sekretáriu Administrasaun Munisípiu Ermera ne’e enkoraja jornalista Ermera oan sira ba oin presiza kria bulletin munisipál atu nune’e dudu prosesu dezenvolvimentu iha munisípiu di’ak liután. Bulletin ne’e atu kobre asuntu ne’ebé ajente estadu iha Munisípiu sira hala’o.\nDanilio mós husu ba mídia sira bainhira atu publika notísia ne’ebé di’ak presiza halo check in recheck. Husu mós ba mídia lokal sira mós tenke hatene lei komunikasaun sosiál no regulamentu sira Conselho de Imprensa nian, atu nune’e mídia hotu servisu la’o iha corridor ida de’it.\n“Hau hein ho Sosializasaun lei komunikasaun sosiál no regulamentu sira atu jornalista iha munisípiu no públiku bele intende ho di’ak, ”dehan Danilio Osorio Babo.\nAntes ne’e, Konselleiru CI, Francisco Simões Belo iha ninia diskursu hatete, CI hari tuir lei númeru 5/2014, ninia natureza independente ho ninia membru nain 5. CI iha ninia Kompeténsia ne’ebé lei fó dalan importante mak promove no asegura Liberdade imprensa no Liberdade espresaun, ne’ebé garante iha Konstituisaun RDTL iha artigu 40 no 41.\nKo’alia kona-ba-ba étika jornalizmu no profesionálismu. CI ninia ejistensia hodi kontrolu informasaun ne’ebe atu publika iha mídia tenke loloos ho faktus. CI ninia Kompeténsia seluk mak aprova no superviziona meus komunikasaun sosiál no jornalista sira atu kumpri code étika, kapasita jornalista sira inklui mós advokasia ba jornalista no públiku bainhira mosu problema ho informasaun ne’ebé publika.\nIha fulan Novembru tinan ne’e, CI liu husi ninia Kompeténsia sei atribui karteira professional ba jornalista sira ne’ebé hala’o sira nia knaar tinan lima ba leten. Objetivu karteira professional atu fasilita diak liután jornalista sira hodi hala’o sira nia knaar iha públiku ho responsabilidade.\n“See jornalista ida bainhira deside ba iha vida polítiku CI sei dada fila ninia karteira professional nu’udar jornalista, tanba prinsípiu iha mídia jornalista labele halo pratika polítika, “dehan Konselleiru CI, Francisco Simões Belo.\nPrezidente Assosiasaun Feto Munisípiu Ermera, Maria Exposto hatete, ho sosiálizasaun lei Komunikasaun Sosiál no regulamentu sira ne’e importante tebes ba públiku espesial ba feto tanba feto barak la asesu ba informasaun.\nMaria Exposto hanesan mos Prezidente Board ONG Caucus Feto iha Politika, husu ba CI atu enkoraza mídia sira foti asuntu jenéru hodi sai balansu iha publikasaun sira iha prosesu dezenvolvimentu nasionál.\nIha fatin hanesan, korrespondente RTTL-EP Michaela do Santos hatete, ho sosiálizasaun lei Komunikasaun sosiál no regulamentu sira husi CI ne’e importante, laos deit ba jornalista sira maibe importante mos ba komunidade ou publiku sira bele hatene knaar no dever jornalista nian nomos publiku, liliu kona-ba informasaun sira ne’ebe fo sai ba publiku.\nKona-ba karteira professional ba jornalista, Korespondente ne’e apresia tebes ho esforsu CI ninia hodi valoriza jornalista sira servisu hanesan kareira professional ida.\n“Ho karteira professional ne’e atu motiva jornalista sira halo sira nia servisu ho responsabilidade liutan,”Michaela akresenta.\nDurante sosiálizasaun, Diretór Diresaun Apoiu Jurídiku no Liberdade Imprensa (DAJLI), Olderiku da Kosta esplika kona-ba lala’ok lei komunikasaun sosiál, entretantu afisiál DAJLI, Antonito Baptista esplika kona-ba regulamentu sira ne’ebé CI aprova ona.\nDepois remata esplikasaun regulamentu sira, iha sesaun diskusaun mosu lamentasaun balun katak mídia dala barak hato’o informasaun la tuir saida mak fontes koalia. Alende ne’e sira lamenta mídia públiku asuntu barak kobre de’it iha kapitál Díli no la halo kobertura to’o ba munisípiu, postu administrativu, suku no área rural.\nPartisipa iha Sosiálizasaun ne’e, Segundu Komandante Polísia Munisípiu Ermera Superintendente Assistente, Raimundo de Araujo, Xefe suku sira, Jornalista husi Rádiu Komunidade no representante sira seluk hamutuk ema 30 resin. CI | [
"Munisipiu Ermera husu CI fo formasaun maneira entrevista iha midia Publika iha: 29 Setembro 2017 Sekretariu Administrasaun Munisipiu Ermera, Danilio Osorio Babo husu ba CI atu kria programa importante iha area formasaun nian, liuliu fo formasaun ba lider Munisipiu sira oinsa maneira entrevista iha midia.",
"Danilio Osorio Babo hato'o rekomendasaun ne'e wainhira halo abertura ba Sosializasaun lei Komunikasaun Sosial no Regulamentu Conselho de Imprensa nian, iha salaun Administrasaun Munisipiu Ermera, Quarta - Feira, 27/09/2017.",
"Razaun husu CI fo formasaun ba lider Munisipiu sira atu nune'e lider sira fo sai informasaun ba publiku liu husi midia ho kualidade no labele defama fali ema seluk.",
"\"Ami iha munisipiu presiza liuliu formasaun kona-ba maneira entrevista ho midia sira hodi nune'e publikasaun ne'ebe fo sai ba publiku ho kualidade, \"presta Danilio.",
"Iha oportunidade ne'e mos Sekretariu Administrasaun Munisipiu Ermera ne'e enkoraja jornalista Ermera oan sira ba oin presiza kria bulletin munisipal atu nune'e dudu prosesu dezenvolvimentu iha munisipiu di'ak liutan.",
"Bulletin ne'e atu kobre asuntu ne'ebe ajente estadu iha Munisipiu sira hala'o.",
"Danilio mos husu ba midia sira bainhira atu publika notisia ne'ebe di'ak presiza halo check in recheck.",
"Husu mos ba midia lokal sira mos tenke hatene lei komunikasaun sosial no regulamentu sira Conselho de Imprensa nian, atu nune'e midia hotu servisu la'o iha corridor ida de'it.",
"\"Hau hein ho Sosializasaun lei komunikasaun sosial no regulamentu sira atu jornalista iha munisipiu no publiku bele intende ho di'ak, \"dehan Danilio Osorio Babo.",
"Antes ne'e, Konselleiru CI, Francisco Simoes Belo iha ninia diskursu hatete, CI hari tuir lei numeru 5/2014, ninia natureza independente ho ninia membru nain 5.",
"CI iha ninia Kompetensia ne'ebe lei fo dalan importante mak promove no asegura Liberdade imprensa no Liberdade espresaun, ne'ebe garante iha Konstituisaun RDTL iha artigu 40 no 41.",
"Ko'alia kona-ba-ba etika jornalizmu no profesionalismu.",
"CI ninia ejistensia hodi kontrolu informasaun ne'ebe atu publika iha midia tenke loloos ho faktus.",
"CI ninia Kompetensia seluk mak aprova no superviziona meus komunikasaun sosial no jornalista sira atu kumpri code etika, kapasita jornalista sira inklui mos advokasia ba jornalista no publiku bainhira mosu problema ho informasaun ne'ebe publika.",
"Iha fulan Novembru tinan ne'e, CI liu husi ninia Kompetensia sei atribui karteira professional ba jornalista sira ne'ebe hala'o sira nia knaar tinan lima ba leten.",
"Objetivu karteira professional atu fasilita diak liutan jornalista sira hodi hala'o sira nia knaar iha publiku ho responsabilidade.",
"\"See jornalista ida bainhira deside ba iha vida politiku CI sei dada fila ninia karteira professional nu'udar jornalista, tanba prinsipiu iha midia jornalista labele halo pratika politika, \"dehan Konselleiru CI, Francisco Simoes Belo.",
"Prezidente Assosiasaun Feto Munisipiu Ermera, Maria Exposto hatete, ho sosializasaun lei Komunikasaun Sosial no regulamentu sira ne'e importante tebes ba publiku espesial ba feto tanba feto barak la asesu ba informasaun.",
"Maria Exposto hanesan mos Prezidente Board ONG Caucus Feto iha Politika, husu ba CI atu enkoraza midia sira foti asuntu jeneru hodi sai balansu iha publikasaun sira iha prosesu dezenvolvimentu nasional.",
"Iha fatin hanesan, korrespondente RTTL-EP Michaela do Santos hatete, ho sosializasaun lei Komunikasaun sosial no regulamentu sira husi CI ne'e importante, laos deit ba jornalista sira maibe importante mos ba komunidade ou publiku sira bele hatene knaar no dever jornalista nian nomos publiku, liliu kona-ba informasaun sira ne'ebe fo sai ba publiku.",
"Kona-ba karteira professional ba jornalista, Korespondente ne'e apresia tebes ho esforsu CI ninia hodi valoriza jornalista sira servisu hanesan kareira professional ida.",
"\"Ho karteira professional ne'e atu motiva jornalista sira halo sira nia servisu ho responsabilidade liutan,\"Michaela akresenta.",
"Durante sosializasaun, Diretor Diresaun Apoiu Juridiku no Liberdade Imprensa (DAJLI), Olderiku da Kosta esplika kona-ba lala'ok lei komunikasaun sosial, entretantu afisial DAJLI, Antonito Baptista esplika kona-ba regulamentu sira ne'ebe CI aprova ona.",
"Depois remata esplikasaun regulamentu sira, iha sesaun diskusaun mosu lamentasaun balun katak midia dala barak hato'o informasaun la tuir saida mak fontes koalia.",
"Alende ne'e sira lamenta midia publiku asuntu barak kobre de'it iha kapital Dili no la halo kobertura to'o ba munisipiu, postu administrativu, suku no area rural.",
"Partisipa iha Sosializasaun ne'e, Segundu Komandante Polisia Munisipiu Ermera Superintendente Assistente, Raimundo de Araujo, Xefe suku sira, Jornalista husi Radiu Komunidade no representante sira seluk hamutuk ema 30 resin.",
] | [
"Municipality of Ermera asks CI to provide training on interviewing in the public media at: 29 September,17 The Secretary for Administrative Affairs and Public Relations (Secretariado de Administração e Relações Institucionais), Danilio Osorio Babo requested that IC create an important programme within this area."
"Danilio Osorio Babo made this recommendation when he opened the Publicization of Social Communication Law and Press Council Regulations, in Ermera Municipal Administration Hall on Wednesday 27/09."
"The reason CI is asking for training of Municipality leaders so that they can provide information to the public through quality media and not defame others."
"\"We in the municipality especially need training on how to interview with media so that publications given out are of quality,\" says Danilio."
"On this occasion, the Secretary of Administration for Ermera Municipality encouraged journalists from Herma to create a municipal bulletin in order that they can continue with their development processes."
"The bulletin is to cover the activities of state agents in municipalities."
"Danilio also asked the media when to publish good news they need a check in recheck."
"He also urged the local media to be familiar with social communications law and regulation of Conselho de Imprensa, so that all medias work in one corridor."
"\"I hope with the Socialization of social communications law and regulation so that journalist in municipality as well public can understand it,\" said Danilio Osorio Babo."
"Earlier, CI Councillor Francisco Simoes Belo in his speech said that the IC was established by law number 5/2014 and its independent nature with five members."
"The CI has its own competence, which the law provides an important way to promote and ensure Freedom of Press & Free Expression guaranteed in articles 40-136."
"Talk about the ethics of journalism and professionality."
"The CI exists to check that information published in the media is accurate and factual."
"The CI's other competences are to approve and oversee social communication measure, ensure compliance with journalistic codes of ethics; empowering the press including advocacy for mediators when problems arise in relation on information published."
"In November of this year, the CI through its Competence Committee will award a professional portfolio to journalists who have carried out their work for five years or more."
"The objective of the professional portfolio is to better facilitate journalists in carrying out their public duties responsibly."
"\"If a journalist decides to go into political life, CI will give back his professional portfolio as journalism because the principle in media is that reporter can not practice politics\", said Councillor Francisco Simoes Belo."
"The President of the Ermera Municipality Women's Association, Maria Exposto said that publicizing social communication law and regulation is very important for women in particular because many have no access to information."
"Maria Exposto, who is also the Board President of NGO Caucus Feto em Política (Women in Politics), asked CI to encourage media outlets that take gender issues into account and balance their publications with national development processes."
"Likewise, RTTL-EP correspondent Michaela do Santos said that with the dissemination of social communications law and CI regulation it is important not only for journalist but also to community or public knowing job duties as well. Especially about information given out in a way which can be used by people who have no knowledge on this subject"
"Regarding the professional portfolio for journalists, this Correspondent appreciated CI' s efforts to value journalism as a career."
"\"With this professional portfolio to motivate journalists do their work with responsibility,\" Michaela add."
"During the information session, Director of Legal Support and Press Freedom (DAJLI), Olderiku da Kosta explained about how to follow social communications law while Dajli official Antonito Baptista described regulation that CI has approve."
"After the explanation of regulations, in a discussion session there were some laments that media often report information not according to what sources say."
"In addition, they lamented that public media only covered many issues in the capital Dili and did not cover municipality levels or administrative posts."
"Participated in the Socialization, Deputy Commissioner of Ermera Municipal Police Assistant Superintendent Raimundo de Araujo; village heads and journalist from Community Radio."
"CIs are the most commonly used in implantation."
] |
Estadu Apoiu Ona Orsamentu Hodi Konstrui Hela Fatin Ba FALINTIL Reformadu Nain 15\nXefe Estadu Maior FALINTIL-Forsa Defesa Timor-Leste (F-FDTL), Tenente Jeneral Lere Anan Timur hateten FALINTIL ne'ebe reforma ne'e Estadu tenki fo duni apoiu hodi kria kondisaun diak ba sira.\n"Ita nia estadu fo ona apoiu ba FALINTIL reformadu sira hamutuk 15 kada ema hetan $40,000 hodi konstrui hela fatin no hadia sira nia moris iha vida sivil," Tenente Jeneral Lere hateten.\nNia dehan, iha veteranu FALINTIL nain 35 mak luta durante 24 anos no fila mai kuntinua servisu iha instituisaun F-FDTL.\n"Husi FALINTIL Veteranu 35 ne'e iha nain 15 mak hetan ona reforma hodi fila ba vida sivil no oras ne'e dadaun hela FALINTIL veteran hamutuk nain 20 mak sei kuntinua servisu iha instituisaun F-FDTL maibe idade mos tama ona ba reforma," nia informa.\nTanba ne'e nia hateten, sira ne'ebe mak mate ona, estadu fo apoiu ba nia sobrevivente sira no kria kondisaun diak duni ba sira liu husi konstrui hela fatin no buat seluk tan.\n"Estadu tenke tau matan ba ami nune'e mos kria kondisaun diak ba ami nia oan sira nia futuru nune'e bele sai diak no prospero hodi hatutan ami nia historia ba nafatin," nia salienta.\nMaibe nia dehan estadu no governu ida ne'e nia preokupasaun bo'ot laos deit ba FALINTL veteranu sira, maibe ba mos oan kiak no kbit laek sira tanba apoiu ne'e mak estadu fo ona maski oituan maibe nafatin agradese.\nEntretantu Prezidente Konselhu Veteranus, Vidal de Jesus Riak Kleman, hateten orsamentu $40,000 ne'e apoiu kada veteranu hetan nia direitu hodi konstrui uma nune'e hadia sira nia moris iha vida sivil nian.\n"Veteranu ne'ebe sai benefisiariu hamutuk 60, ne'e inkliu mos ho FALINTIL veteranu nain 15 ne'ebe mak foin reforma lalais no sira seluk ne'e luta durante 24 anos iha ai-laran," Riak Kleman dehan.\nTanba ne'e nia dehan, uma ne'e mak hetan apoiu orsamentu $40,000 husi governu oras ne'e dadaun balun finaliza ona kontrusaun no intrega ona ba veteranu benefisiariu sira no balun konstrusaun seidauk hotu no hein katak sei finaliza iha tempu badak nune'e sira bele utiliza ona. | [
"Estadu Apoiu Ona Orsamentu Hodi Konstrui Hela Fatin Ba FALINTIL Reformadu Nain 15 Xefe Estadu Maior FALINTIL-Forsa Defesa Timor-Leste (F-FDTL), Tenente Jeneral Lere Anan Timur hateten FALINTIL ne'ebe reforma ne'e Estadu tenki fo duni apoiu hodi kria kondisaun diak ba sira.",
"\"Ita nia estadu fo ona apoiu ba FALINTIL reformadu sira hamutuk 15 kada ema hetan $40,000 hodi konstrui hela fatin no hadia sira nia moris iha vida sivil,\" Tenente Jeneral Lere hateten.",
"Nia dehan, iha veteranu FALINTIL nain 35 mak luta durante 24 anos no fila mai kuntinua servisu iha instituisaun F-FDTL.",
"\"Husi FALINTIL Veteranu 35 ne'e iha nain 15 mak hetan ona reforma hodi fila ba vida sivil no oras ne'e dadaun hela FALINTIL veteran hamutuk nain 20 mak sei kuntinua servisu iha instituisaun F-FDTL maibe idade mos tama ona ba reforma,\" nia informa.",
"Tanba ne'e nia hateten, sira ne'ebe mak mate ona, estadu fo apoiu ba nia sobrevivente sira no kria kondisaun diak duni ba sira liu husi konstrui hela fatin no buat seluk tan.",
"\"Estadu tenke tau matan ba ami nune'e mos kria kondisaun diak ba ami nia oan sira nia futuru nune'e bele sai diak no prospero hodi hatutan ami nia historia ba nafatin,\" nia salienta.",
"Maibe nia dehan estadu no governu ida ne'e nia preokupasaun bo'ot laos deit ba FALINTL veteranu sira, maibe ba mos oan kiak no kbit laek sira tanba apoiu ne'e mak estadu fo ona maski oituan maibe nafatin agradese.",
"Entretantu Prezidente Konselhu Veteranus, Vidal de Jesus Riak Kleman, hateten orsamentu $40,000 ne'e apoiu kada veteranu hetan nia direitu hodi konstrui uma nune'e hadia sira nia moris iha vida sivil nian.",
"\"Veteranu ne'ebe sai benefisiariu hamutuk 60, ne'e inkliu mos ho FALINTIL veteranu nain 15 ne'ebe mak foin reforma lalais no sira seluk ne'e luta durante 24 anos iha ai-laran,\" Riak Kleman dehan.",
"Tanba ne'e nia dehan, uma ne'e mak hetan apoiu orsamentu $40,000 husi governu oras ne'e dadaun balun finaliza ona kontrusaun no intrega ona ba veteranu benefisiariu sira no balun konstrusaun seidauk hotu no hein katak sei finaliza iha tempu badak nune'e sira bele utiliza ona."
] | [
"State Supports Funding To Build Home For Fifteen Retired FALINTIL Soldiers The Chief of Staff, Lieutenant General Lere Anan Timur said that the state should support a reformed and well-equipped military force."
"\"Our state has provided support to 15 retired FALINTIL members, each receiving $40-thousand for building homes and improving their lives in civilian life\", Lieutenant General Lere said."
"He said that there are 35 FALINTIL veterans who fought for the past two decades and have returned to continue their service in F-FDTL."
"\"Of the 35 FALINTIL Veterans, there are fifteen who have been retired to returned civilian life and at this time a total of twenty veteran F-FDTL members will continue working in that institution but their age has also passed for retreat\", he said."
"Therefore, he said that those who have died the state supports its survivors and create better conditions for them through building housing facilities."
"\"The state must take care of us and also create good conditions for the future, so that our children can be well-off in order to continue with their history.\""
"However, he said that the state and this government are very concerned not only about FALINTL veterans but also their poor children because it is a support which has already been given to them."
"Meanwhile, the President of Veterans Council Vidal de Jesus Riak Kleman said that this $40.5 million budget will support each veteran to obtain his right for building a home and thur improve their lives in civilia life 12"
"\"The 60 veterans who have become beneficiaries, this also includes the FALINTIL'S old soldiers that recently retired and those other people fighting for more than a decade in front of their families\", Riak Kleman said."
"Therefore, he said that the house was supported by a budget of $ 40.2 million from government at this time some have completed construction and delivers to veteran beneficiaries while others are not yet ready for completion so they can use it soon as well.\""
] |
TIMOR HAU NIAN DOBEN: “KAK Prontu Investiga MDS no MAP”\nJornal Independente - Kinta-feira, 06 Dezembru 2012\nKomisaun Anti Korupsaun (KAK) pronto atu halo prosesu investigasaun ba Ministeriu Defeza Seguransa (MDS) no Ministeriu Agrikultura ne’ebe viola lei aprovizionamentu tuir relatoriu deloitte hateten.\nAuditor internasional Deloite deskobre Ministeriu Agrikultura Peskas ho Ministeriu Defeza Seguransa viola lei aprovizionamentu tanba projeitu bot sira ne’ebe Ministeriu rua ne’e halo ho sistema single source durante tinan 2009-2011 nian.\n“KAK iha ona agenda investigasaun,” dehan Komisariu Komisaun Anti Korupsaun Aderito de Jesus Soares iha Timor Plaza (Kuarta/12). Komisariu KAK ne’e dehan, nia parte rekoila ona informasaun kona ba relatoriu Deloite ne’ebe deskonfia Ministeriu Defeza Seguransa no Ministeriu Agrikultura Peskas viola lei aprovizionamentu ba orsamentu jestaun finanseiru.\nMaski nune’e, komisariu Aderito lakoi publika ajenda investigasaun tanba, ne’e segredu justica. Iha fatin hanesan, Prezidenti Partidu opozisaun FRETILIN Francisco Guterres Lu-Olo eziji ba Prokuradori Jeral da Republika (PJR) no Komisaun Anti Korupsaun (KAK) atu investiga Primeiru Ministru Xanana Gusmao nuudar Ministru defeza Seguransa no Ministra Financas Emilia Pires, relasiona ho relatoriu Deloite ne’ebe sita erru barak iha Governu laran.\nEntertantu deskonfia Ministra Emilia Pires fo projeitu ba nia kaben tuir media nasional balun fo sai foin lalais ne’e.\nTuir Lu-Olo dehan, iha momentu ida hanesan ne’e PJR ho KAK tenki halo asaun hodi hetan lia los. “ITa hatene kazu sira ne’e hotu, hau hanoin Ministeriu Publiku ho KAK halo ona investigasaun para se mak halo sasan sala hanesan ne’e, se mak halo korupsaun, nia tenki ba iha Tribuna,” dehan Lu-Olo iha Timor Plaza (05/12).\nLu-Olo dehan, maske lei Anti korupsaun seidauk iha, ba KAK atu aforsa instituisaun ne’e maibe iha kodiku penal TL hodi bele investiga se deit mak deskonfia involve iha aktu korupsaun. Lu-Olo dehan tan, iha membru governu balun ne’ebe foin mak assume kargu riku derepenti. Eis Prezidenti Parlamentu nasional ne’e dehan, orgaun sira seluk hanesan parklamentu Nasional ho PDHJ mos tenki ativu hala’o sira nia knaar bainhira iha informasaun ne’ebe sai iha publiku kona ba membru Governu ruma pratika KKN.\nPublicada por Kai Buti à(s) 13:26 | [
"TIMOR HAU NIAN DOBEN: \"KAK Prontu Investiga MDS no MAP\" Jornal Independente - Kinta-feira, 06 Dezembru 2012 Komisaun Anti Korupsaun (KAK) pronto atu halo prosesu investigasaun ba Ministeriu Defeza Seguransa (MDS) no Ministeriu Agrikultura ne'ebe viola lei aprovizionamentu tuir relatoriu deloitte hateten.",
"Auditor internasional Deloite deskobre Ministeriu Agrikultura Peskas ho Ministeriu Defeza Seguransa viola lei aprovizionamentu tanba projeitu bot sira ne'ebe Ministeriu rua ne'e halo ho sistema single source durante tinan 2009-2011 nian.",
"\"KAK iha ona agenda investigasaun,\" dehan Komisariu Komisaun Anti Korupsaun Aderito de Jesus Soares iha Timor Plaza (Kuarta/12).",
"Komisariu KAK ne'e dehan, nia parte rekoila ona informasaun kona ba relatoriu Deloite ne'ebe deskonfia Ministeriu Defeza Seguransa no Ministeriu Agrikultura Peskas viola lei aprovizionamentu ba orsamentu jestaun finanseiru.",
"Maski nune'e, komisariu Aderito lakoi publika ajenda investigasaun tanba, ne'e segredu justica.",
"Iha fatin hanesan, Prezidenti Partidu opozisaun FRETILIN Francisco Guterres Lu-Olo eziji ba Prokuradori Jeral da Republika (PJR) no Komisaun Anti Korupsaun (KAK) atu investiga Primeiru Ministru Xanana Gusmao nuudar Ministru defeza Seguransa no Ministra Financas Emilia Pires, relasiona ho relatoriu Deloite ne'ebe sita erru barak iha Governu laran.",
"Entertantu deskonfia Ministra Emilia Pires fo projeitu ba nia kaben tuir media nasional balun fo sai foin lalais ne'e.",
"Tuir Lu-Olo dehan, iha momentu ida hanesan ne'e PJR ho KAK tenki halo asaun hodi hetan lia los.",
"\"ITa hatene kazu sira ne'e hotu, hau hanoin Ministeriu Publiku ho KAK halo ona investigasaun para se mak halo sasan sala hanesan ne'e, se mak halo korupsaun, nia tenki ba iha Tribuna,\" dehan Lu-Olo iha Timor Plaza (05/12).",
"Lu-Olo dehan, maske lei Anti korupsaun seidauk iha, ba KAK atu aforsa instituisaun ne'e maibe iha kodiku penal TL hodi bele investiga se deit mak deskonfia involve iha aktu korupsaun.",
"Lu-Olo dehan tan, iha membru governu balun ne'ebe foin mak assume kargu riku derepenti.",
"Eis Prezidenti Parlamentu nasional ne'e dehan, orgaun sira seluk hanesan parklamentu Nasional ho PDHJ mos tenki ativu hala'o sira nia knaar bainhira iha informasaun ne'ebe sai iha publiku kona ba membru Governu ruma pratika KKN.",
"Publicada por Kai Buti a (s) 13:26"
] | [
"TIMOR HAU NIAN DOBEN: \"KAK Ready to Investigate MDS and MAP\" Jornal Independente - Quinta-feira, 06 Dezembro (Thursday), December the Anti Corruption Commission is ready for investigations into Ministry of Defence Security(MDS)and Agriculture which violated procurement law according deloitte rapporteur says."
"The international auditor Deloitte discovered that the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry (MAPF) as well a defence security ministry violated procurement laws because they carried out their projects with single source systems during 2019-4."
"\"The Anti-Corruption Commission has an investigative agenda,\" said the commissioner Aderito de Jesus Soares in Timor Plaza (Thursday/12)."
"The Commissioner of the CAF said, his side has gathered information about Deloite's report that suspect Ministry de Defensa Segurança and Agriculture Fisheries violated procurement law for budget financial management."
"However, Commissioner Aderito refused to publish the agenda of his investigation because it is a judicial secret."
"Meanwhile, President of the opposition party FRETILIN Francisco Guterres Lu-Olo has demanded that Prokuradoria Geral da Republica (PJR) and Anti Corruption Commission investigate Prime Minister Xanana Gusmao as Defence Security ministers in connection with a report by The Financial Times which cited many error within government."
"Meanwhile, Minister Emilia Pires is suspected of giving the project to her husband as some national media reported recently."
"According to Lu-Olo, at a moment like this the PJR and CPC must take action in order for truth be told."
"\"We know all these cases, I think the Public Ministry and KAK have investigated so that if anyone does something wrong like this one or commits corruption he should go to Tribuna\", Lu-Olo said in Timor Plaza (05/12)."
"Lu-Olo said, although there is not yet an Anti Corruption Law for the KAK to strengthen this institution but in TL's Penal Code it can investigate if only suspected of being involved with corruption."
"Lu-Olo also said that there are some government members who have just assumed rich positions and regret it."
"The former President of the National Parliament said, other bodies such as national police and PDHJ should also be active in carrying out their duties when there is information that comes to public about government members or practices KKN."
"Publicada por Kai Buti a(s) 13:26 da tarde"
] |
Treinamentu ba sentru juvenil ladún másimu | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste\nVARANDA DESPORTU Treinamentu ba sentru juvenil ladún másimu\nTreinamentu ba sentru juvenil ladún másimu\nJogadór sentru juvenil. Imajen Tatoli/Hortencio Sanches\nDILI, 15 dezembru 2020 (TATOLI) – Treinadór sentru juvenil, Gaspar Pinto, hateten ninia parte kontinua hasoru difikuldade iha ekipamentu hanesan farda no bola.\n“Labarik sira hosi sentru juveníl nian hamutuk na’in-48, kada loron, ami treinu iha kampu Federasaun Futeból Timor-Leste (FFTL) nian, maibé ami sempre hasoru difikuldade ba farda, bola no kampu dalaruma ami hadau malu ho selesaun sira seluk entaun ami treinu la másimu”, Gaspar hateten ba Agência Tatoli, ohin, iha Kampu FFTL, Dili.\nNia dehan, jogadór hirak ne’ebé tuir treinamentu hodi prepara ba futuru. Bainhira sira joga di’ak, klubu balun presiza sira bele ba joga iha klubu sira.\n“Labarik sira ne’e ha’u prepara de’it tuir orientasaun sentru juveníl nian, karik sira iha performa di’ak, klubu ruma hakarak sira tenke ko’alia ho sentru sira bele ba joga ona”, nia dehan.\nNia hatutan, maioria jogadór hirak ne’ebé sai ona hanesan senior no joga iha klubu seluk sai hosi sentru juveníl ne’ebé nia fó treinu.\nPrevious articlePPN enkoraja ema hotu hatudu dame-espíritu foun iha 2021\nNext articlePN aprova votu kongratulasaun ba Dioseze Dili | [
"Treinamentu ba sentru juvenil ladun masimu | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA DESPORTU Treinamentu ba sentru juvenil ladun masimu Treinamentu ba sentru juvenil ladun masimu Jogador sentru juvenil.",
"Imajen Tatoli/Hortencio Sanches DILI, 15 dezembru 2020 (TATOLI) - Treinador sentru juvenil, Gaspar Pinto, hateten ninia parte kontinua hasoru difikuldade iha ekipamentu hanesan farda no bola.",
"\"Labarik sira hosi sentru juvenil nian hamutuk na'in-48, kada loron, ami treinu iha kampu Federasaun Futebol Timor-Leste (FFTL) nian, maibe ami sempre hasoru difikuldade ba farda, bola no kampu dalaruma ami hadau malu ho selesaun sira seluk entaun ami treinu la masimu,\" Gaspar hateten ba Agencia Tatoli, ohin, iha Kampu FFTL, Dili.",
"Nia dehan, jogador hirak ne'ebe tuir treinamentu hodi prepara ba futuru.",
"Bainhira sira joga di'ak, klubu balun presiza sira bele ba joga iha klubu sira.",
"\"Labarik sira ne'e ha'u prepara de'it tuir orientasaun sentru juvenil nian, karik sira iha performa di'ak, klubu ruma hakarak sira tenke ko'alia ho sentru sira bele ba joga ona,\" nia dehan.",
"Nia hatutan, maioria jogador hirak ne'ebe sai ona hanesan senior no joga iha klubu seluk sai hosi sentru juvenil ne'ebe nia fo treinu.",
"Previous articlePPN enkoraja ema hotu hatudu dame-espiritu foun iha 2021 Next articlePN aprova votu kongratulasaun ba Dioseze Dili"
] | [
"Treinamento ba sentru juvenil ladun masimu | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste Home Sports Training for youth centre at the minimum training level. Trainer of juniors center player, Laduun Massimu"
"Image Tatoli/Hortencio Sanches DILI, December 15th (TATOLI) - Youth centre coach Gaspar Pinto says his side continue to face difficulties in equipment such as uniform and ball."
"\"We are 48 players from the youth centre, every day we train at Federação Futebol Timor-Leste (FFTL) fields. But there is always a difficulty with our uniform and ball; sometimes it'd be hard to play against other teams so that was why I didn’t get as much training,” Gaspar told Agência Tatoli today in Dili on campus of FFTL football club.”"
"He said that the players who take training to prepare for their future."
"When they play well, some clubs need them to go on loan."
"\"I only prepare them according to the guidance of my youth centre, if they perform well some clubs want it so I have a talk with their centres and then we can go play.\" He said."
"He added that most of the players who have graduated as seniors and played for other club, came from his youth centre."
"Previous articlePPN encourages everyone to show a new spirit of peace in 2019 Next ArticlePN approves congratulatory vote for Diocese Dili"
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30 Agostu, Reflesaun Hametin Unidade no Espíritu Nasionalizmu\n30 Agostu, Reflesaun Hametin Unidade no Espíritu Nasionalizmu Featured\nDILI: Falta loron tolu tan, povu Timor-Leste sei selebra konsulta populár 30 de Agostu 1999 - 30 de Agostu 2018 nu’udar lorin istóriku importante ba istória independénsia Timor-Leste.\nIha Loron 30 de Agostu 1999 liubá, marka loron importante ne’ebé kada tinan sei halo Timoroan hotu sei lembra nafatin istória moruk ho votus ne’ebé determina vida nasaun Timor-Leste hetan independénsia tinan ba tinan.\nDiretór Ezekutivu Forum Organizasaun Naun Governamentál Timor Leste (FONGTIL) Danil Santos do Carmo konsidera loron importante ida ne’e povu deside no hakotu Timor-Leste nia luta durante tinan 24 husi okupasaun Indonézia sai nafatin reflesaun ba Timoroan hodi hametin nafatin espíritu nasionalizmu.\nNia dehan, loron ne’e fó omenajen ba Timoroan sira ne’ebé luta ona no ba funu na'in hirak ne’ebé lakon sira nia vida hodi hetan independénsia.\nLoron konsulta populár 30 de Agostu 1999 reflete, realiza saun brani husi povu Timor hodi ezerse sira nia direitu ba ukun rasik aan. Iha loron konsulta populár ida ne’e mundu hamriik hamutuk ho Timor -Leste hodi sai sasin ba dedikasaun no dezaminasaun husi povu Timor Leste hodi hetan pás.\n“Ita hotu-hotu tenke ho fuan boot atu simu dezafiu sira ne’ebé agora iha maibé la’ós tanba dezafiu sira ne’ebé iha ita atu hakiduk ba kotuk. Maibé ita presiza haree ba ita ninia esperiénsia iha pasadu liu-liu iha loron konsulta populár ita nia povu entuziasmu tebe-tebes hotu-hotu ativu ba iha sentru votasaun atu tuir referendu ne’e espíritu ida ne’ebé laiha rohan ita presiza atu kontinua ida ne’e,” dehan Danil ba jornalista horisehik.\nMore in this category: « Entre Falur-Sabika sei Okupa Kargu Vise XEMGFA JSMP: Kria Fatin Konsulta ba Feto Isin-rua Sedu »\n/30 Agostu, Reflesaun Hametin Unidade no Espíritu Nasionalizmu | [
"30 Agostu, Reflesaun Hametin Unidade no Espiritu Nasionalizmu 30 Agostu, Reflesaun Hametin Unidade no Espiritu Nasionalizmu Featured DILI: Falta loron tolu tan, povu Timor-Leste sei selebra konsulta popular 30 de Agostu 1999 - 30 de Agostu 2018 nu'udar lorin istoriku importante ba istoria independensia Timor-Leste.",
"Iha Loron 30 de Agostu 1999 liuba, marka loron importante ne'ebe kada tinan sei halo Timoroan hotu sei lembra nafatin istoria moruk ho votus ne'ebe determina vida nasaun Timor-Leste hetan independensia tinan ba tinan.",
"Diretor Ezekutivu Forum Organizasaun Naun Governamental Timor Leste (FONGTIL) Danil Santos do Carmo konsidera loron importante ida ne'e povu deside no hakotu Timor-Leste nia luta durante tinan 24 husi okupasaun Indonezia sai nafatin reflesaun ba Timoroan hodi hametin nafatin espiritu nasionalizmu.",
"Nia dehan, loron ne'e fo omenajen ba Timoroan sira ne'ebe luta ona no ba funu na'in hirak ne'ebe lakon sira nia vida hodi hetan independensia.",
"Loron konsulta popular 30 de Agostu 1999 reflete, realiza saun brani husi povu Timor hodi ezerse sira nia direitu ba ukun rasik aan.",
"Iha loron konsulta popular ida ne'e mundu hamriik hamutuk ho Timor -Leste hodi sai sasin ba dedikasaun no dezaminasaun husi povu Timor Leste hodi hetan pas.",
"\"Ita hotu-hotu tenke ho fuan boot atu simu dezafiu sira ne'ebe agora iha maibe la'os tanba dezafiu sira ne'ebe iha ita atu hakiduk ba kotuk.",
"Maibe ita presiza haree ba ita ninia esperiensia iha pasadu liu-liu iha loron konsulta popular ita nia povu entuziasmu tebe-tebes hotu-hotu ativu ba iha sentru votasaun atu tuir referendu ne'e espiritu ida ne'ebe laiha rohan ita presiza atu kontinua ida ne'e,\" dehan Danil ba jornalista horisehik.",
"More in this category: \" Entre Falur-Sabika sei Okupa Kargu Vise XEMGFA JSMP: Kria Fatin Konsulta ba Feto Isin-rua Sedu \" /30 Agostu, Reflesaun Hametin Unidade no Espiritu Nasionalizmu"
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"Dili: With three more days to go, the people of Timor-Leste will celebrate popular consultation August 30th (1975) - Aug.28(6), as an important historical anniversary for independence history in their country; and this is why we are celebrating it today with great pride.\""
"On August 30th, the day before that important date every year will make all Timorese remember their painful history with those votes which determined life of East-Timor to gain independence."
"The Executive Director of the Forum Non-Governmental Organizations Timor Leste (FONGTIL) Danil Santos do Carmo considered this important day as a reflection on how people decided to end their struggle during 24 years under Indonesian occupation."
"He said that this day is a tribute to the Timorese who have fought and those warriors which lost their lives for independence."
"The day of the popular consultation on August 30th, reflected and realized a strong desire by Timorese people to exercise their right for self-determinations."
"On this day of popular consultation, the world joins Timor-Leste in witnessing to their dedication and determination for peace."
"\"We all have to be brave enough for the challenges we face now, but not because of them. We shouldn't look back on what has been achieved.\""
"But we need to look at our experience in the past, especially on popular consultation day. Our people were very enthusiastic and all of them actively attended polling stations for this referendum; it is a spirit that has no limits which must be continued\", Danil told journalist today (Thursday)."
"More in this category: \" Entre Falur-Sabika will occupy Vice Chairmanship XEMGFA JSMP's New Chairperson to Be a Woman Consultant for Feto Isin Dua Sedu\" /30 August, Reflection Strengthen Unity and the Spirit of Nationalism"
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PUN Husu Jornalista Serbisu Hamutuk Hodi Kria Kodiku Konduta – Radio Liberdade Dili – FM 95.8 Mhz\nRadio, online – Partido Unidade Nasional ( PUN ) iha kampaina politika liu husi debate publiko ho ONG no Media ho topiko konaba dezenvolimentu nasional. Debate ne’e halao iha salaun CAVR Tersa, (26/6). Ba jornalista Prezidenti PUN Fernanda Borges husu ba jornalista sira tenke hamutuk hodi hari lalais organijasaun ida ne’ebe tau atensaun ba media sira iha kodiku konduta ida no hari konselu emprensa.\nPrezidenti Partidu Unidade Nasional Fernanda Borges nebe durante ne’e kaer pasta hanesan Ministra Iha PUN, iha loron 26-6-2012 iha CAVR hateten katak. Jonalista sira forma lalais organijasaun ida para media hotu hotu bele tama iha laran sai membro para bele halo kodiku konduta atu proteje jornalista sira .\nAtu jonalista sai professional atu asegura katak ita imi bele fo prestasaun diak ba povo Timor Leste infomasaun koretu los , lia los nebe sai no ita bo’ot sira nia independensia rasik, esperensia sira ne’e ita rona dala barak husi rai vijinu sira.\n“Ita presija media ho patner ida nebe bele tulun ita bo’ot sira hodi ema nebe halo keisa ruma ba jornalista nia hahalok bele hato’ tamba ne’e media rasik tenke iha regulamentu rasik ita bo’ot regula ita bo’ot rasik atu asegura katak konstitusaun nia prinsipiu ne’e estado Timor Leste la viola,”Farnanda akresenta.\nPrezidenti PUN ne’e hatutan, Iha Australia rasik, media dala barak hetan tulun husi kmpanha bobot ne’ebe iha mak sai nain ba media. Ida ne’e ezemplu diak ba TL.. Oinsa ho TL, media presiza tulun husi estadu maibe estado la bele regula, ne’e nesesita regras leis ne’ebe bele kontola. Media mos presiza jere ho trasparesia atu nune bele hadia vida moris jornalista nian no sai pilar demokratiko. | [
"PUN Husu Jornalista Serbisu Hamutuk Hodi Kria Kodiku Konduta - Radio Liberdade Dili - FM 95.8 Mhz Radio, online - Partido Unidade Nasional (PUN) iha kampaina politika liu husi debate publiko ho ONG no Media ho topiko konaba dezenvolimentu nasional.",
"Debate ne'e halao iha salaun CAVR Tersa, (26/6).",
"Ba jornalista Prezidenti PUN Fernanda Borges husu ba jornalista sira tenke hamutuk hodi hari lalais organijasaun ida ne'ebe tau atensaun ba media sira iha kodiku konduta ida no hari konselu emprensa.",
"Prezidenti Partidu Unidade Nasional Fernanda Borges nebe durante ne'e kaer pasta hanesan Ministra Iha PUN, iha loron 26-6-2012 iha CAVR hateten katak.",
"Jonalista sira forma lalais organijasaun ida para media hotu hotu bele tama iha laran sai membro para bele halo kodiku konduta atu proteje jornalista sira .",
"Atu jonalista sai professional atu asegura katak ita imi bele fo prestasaun diak ba povo Timor Leste infomasaun koretu los , lia los nebe sai no ita bo'ot sira nia independensia rasik, esperensia sira ne'e ita rona dala barak husi rai vijinu sira.",
"\"Ita presija media ho patner ida nebe bele tulun ita bo'ot sira hodi ema nebe halo keisa ruma ba jornalista nia hahalok bele hato' tamba ne'e media rasik tenke iha regulamentu rasik ita bo'ot regula ita bo'ot rasik atu asegura katak konstitusaun nia prinsipiu ne'e estado Timor Leste la viola,\"Farnanda akresenta.",
"Prezidenti PUN ne'e hatutan, Iha Australia rasik, media dala barak hetan tulun husi kmpanha bobot ne'ebe iha mak sai nain ba media.",
"Ida ne'e ezemplu diak ba TL..",
"Oinsa ho TL, media presiza tulun husi estadu maibe estado la bele regula, ne'e nesesita regras leis ne'ebe bele kontola.",
"Media mos presiza jere ho trasparesia atu nune bele hadia vida moris jornalista nian no sai pilar demokratiko."
] | [
"Radio Liberdade Dili - FM 95.8 Mhz radio, online – Partido Unidade Nacional (PUN) is campaigning through public debate with NGOs and media on the topic of national development in Timor-Leste; this will be done via a live broadcast from their headquarters located at Nossa Senhora da Conceição Street #1024367/Avenida Presidente Nicolau Lobato nº"
"The debate was held in the CAVR hall on Tuesday (26/07)."
"For journalists PUN President Fernanda Borges asked the reporter to come together and quickly establish an organization that will take care of media in a code for conduct, as well create enterprise council."
"The President of the National Unity Party Fernanda Borges, who has been Minister in PUN for some time now said on Jun.26th at CAVR:"
"Journalists quickly formed an organization for all media to join in as members so that they could make a code of conduct and protect the journalist."
"To become a professional journalist is to ensure that we can provide good service for the people of East Timor with correct and true information, truthful reports on our own independence. These are experienced many times from neighboring countries ; this has been done in other areas as well"
"\"We need the media with a partner who can help us so that people making complaints about journalist behaviour may report it, and therefore we have to regulate ourselves in order for this medium itself also has its own regulation. We must regularly monitor them themselves as well because they are not violating constitutional principle of Timor-Leste state.\" Farnanda added:"
"The PUN president added, \"In Australia itself the media is often supported by large companies that own it."
"This is a good example for TL..."
"Unlike in TL, the media need state support but it cannot be regulated by a government. It requires rules and law that can control them; this is not possible with LT because there are no such things as public interest or private ownership of information resources which may affect their freedom to express themselves on social networking sites like Facebook etc..."
"The media also need to be managed with transparency in order for them both improve the lives of journalists and become a pillar on which democracy can rest."
] |
By Tempo Timor September 26, 2020 979\nMinistru Administrasaun Estatál (MAE) Miguel Pereira de Carvalho ko'alia hela ho jornalista sira iha edifísiu Ministériu Finansas (MF) Aitarak Laran, Dili, kona-ba Orsamentu Jerál Estadu (OJE) tinan fiskál 2021 nian ba MAE no Munisípiu 12. Sábadu (26/9). Foto Tempo Timor\nTuir MAE Miguel Pereira de Carvalho, bazeia ba orsmentu ne'ebé munisípiu sira hetan, mak MAE hamutuk ho Prezidente Autoriedade Munisípiu sira nian, hodi halo justifikasaun ba proposta sura ne'ebé iha ona KROP.\n"Tetu fiskal 2021 hamutuk tokon $36 ba munisípiu sira, entaun munisípiu sira mós submete ona proposta ba Komite Revizaun Orsamentu Politika (KROP), entaun ohin sira mai para justifika propoata sira ne'e," dehan Miguel Pereira de Carvalho iha edifísiu Ministériu Finansas (MF) Aitarak Laran, Dili, Sábadu (26/9).\nNia afirma, iha audiénsia ne'e mós, munisípiu 12 ne'e husi mós orsamentu adisionál purvolta tokon $32.\n"Sira husu orsamentu adisionál pur-volta tokon $32, para bele garante katak, kada administrasaun munisipál sira, bele finansia atividade sira ne'ebé mak atribui ona ba sira ka nu'udar kompeténsia sira-nian," dehan Miguel.\nEntretantu proposta husi munisípiu 12 ne'e, KROP konsidera, tanba ne'e sei diskute, oinsa atu haree orsamentu adisionál hira mak atu fó ba munisípiu sira, tanba alende husi ne'e, iha mós tetu fiskál ne'ebé ho totál tokon $36.\nGovernante ne'e subliña, programa prioridade ne'ebé munisípiu 12 iha mak hanesan, estudante sira bele hetan merenda eskolar, lideransa komunitáriu bele hetan direitu ba subsídiu ne'ebé konsagra tiha ona iha lei sira, funsionáriu públiku bele hetan direitu saláriu kada fulan.\nAlende husi programa sira ne'e, MAE mós propoin atu reforsa rekursu administrasaun munisípiu sira liuhusi hadi'a fasilidade sira iha suku.\n"Tau ekipamentu nesesáriu iha administrasaun suku sira nomós sede suku sira ne'ebé ladun di'ak ona presiza hadi'a," nia dehan.\nMAE mós propoin orsamentu pur-volta tokon $10 iha Planu Dezenvolvimentu Integradu Munisípiu (PDIM), para finansia programa sira ne'ebé sei ezekuta husi munisípiu iha ámbitu PDIM.\n"Durante ne'e PDIM nia osan tau iha governu sentrál, maibé agora ne'e la'e, tenke tau iha munisípiu sira para, sira mak jere, halo aprovizionamentu, monitoriza, fiskaliza nomós halo pagamentu rasik ba infraestrutura sira ne'e," nia dehan.\nMinistru mós akresenta, MAE hamutuk ho munisípiu 12, propoin ba KROP pelumenus 55% husi orsamentu ba MAE, para finansia ba atividade sira ne'ebé kontribui direta ba rekoperasaun ekonómika ne'ebé governu aprova tiha ona iha fulan kotuk ba.\nEntretantu tetu orsamentu 2021 nian ba MAE pur-volta tokon $32, ba munisípiu 12 iha tokon $36, maibé iha mós adisionál husi MAE no munisípiu 12 nian pur-volta tokon $37.(*)\nLast modified on Saturday, 26 September 2020 17:14\n« Tokon $15, MJ sei Fokus ba Programa Tolu MAPKOMS Rekoñese Média Ofisiál Falta Formasaun » | [
"By Tempo Timor September 26, 2020 979 Ministru Administrasaun Estatal (MAE) Miguel Pereira de Carvalho ko'alia hela ho jornalista sira iha edifisiu Ministeriu Finansas (MF) Aitarak Laran, Dili, kona-ba Orsamentu Jeral Estadu (OJE) tinan fiskal 2021 nian ba MAE no Munisipiu 12.",
"Sabadu (26/9).",
"Foto Tempo Timor Tuir MAE Miguel Pereira de Carvalho, bazeia ba orsmentu ne'ebe munisipiu sira hetan, mak MAE hamutuk ho Prezidente Autoriedade Munisipiu sira nian, hodi halo justifikasaun ba proposta sura ne'ebe iha ona KROP.",
"\"Tetu fiskal 2021 hamutuk tokon $36 ba munisipiu sira, entaun munisipiu sira mos submete ona proposta ba Komite Revizaun Orsamentu Politika (KROP), entaun ohin sira mai para justifika propoata sira ne'e,\" dehan Miguel Pereira de Carvalho iha edifisiu Ministeriu Finansas (MF) Aitarak Laran, Dili, Sabadu (26/9).",
"Nia afirma, iha audiensia ne'e mos, munisipiu 12 ne'e husi mos orsamentu adisional purvolta tokon $32.",
"\"Sira husu orsamentu adisional pur-volta tokon $32, para bele garante katak, kada administrasaun munisipal sira, bele finansia atividade sira ne'ebe mak atribui ona ba sira ka nu'udar kompetensia sira-nian,\" dehan Miguel.",
"Entretantu proposta husi munisipiu 12 ne'e, KROP konsidera, tanba ne'e sei diskute, oinsa atu haree orsamentu adisional hira mak atu fo ba munisipiu sira, tanba alende husi ne'e, iha mos tetu fiskal ne'ebe ho total tokon $36.",
"Governante ne'e sublina, programa prioridade ne'ebe munisipiu 12 iha mak hanesan, estudante sira bele hetan merenda eskolar, lideransa komunitariu bele hetan direitu ba subsidiu ne'ebe konsagra tiha ona iha lei sira, funsionariu publiku bele hetan direitu salariu kada fulan.",
"Alende husi programa sira ne'e, MAE mos propoin atu reforsa rekursu administrasaun munisipiu sira liuhusi hadi'a fasilidade sira iha suku.",
"\"Tau ekipamentu nesesariu iha administrasaun suku sira nomos sede suku sira ne'ebe ladun di'ak ona presiza hadi'a,\" nia dehan.",
"MAE mos propoin orsamentu pur-volta tokon $10 iha Planu Dezenvolvimentu Integradu Munisipiu (PDIM), para finansia programa sira ne'ebe sei ezekuta husi munisipiu iha ambitu PDIM.",
"\"Durante ne'e PDIM nia osan tau iha governu sentral, maibe agora ne'e la'e, tenke tau iha munisipiu sira para, sira mak jere, halo aprovizionamentu, monitoriza, fiskaliza nomos halo pagamentu rasik ba infraestrutura sira ne'e,\" nia dehan.",
"Ministru mos akresenta, MAE hamutuk ho munisipiu 12, propoin ba KROP pelumenus 55% husi orsamentu ba MAE, para finansia ba atividade sira ne'ebe kontribui direta ba rekoperasaun ekonomika ne'ebe governu aprova tiha ona iha fulan kotuk ba.",
"Entretantu tetu orsamentu 2021 nian ba MAE pur-volta tokon $32, ba munisipiu 12 iha tokon $36, maibe iha mos adisional husi MAE no munisipiu 12 nian pur-volta tokon $37. (*) Last modified on Saturday, 26 September 2020 17:14 \" Tokon $15, MJ sei Fokus ba Programa Tolu MAPKOMS Rekonese Media Ofisial Falta Formasaun \""
] | [
"By Tempo Timor September 26,197 Minister of State Administration (MAE) Miguel Pereira de Carvalho speaks with journalist in the Ministry Finance building at Aitarak Laran on Tuesday about General Budget for fiscal year to be presented by MAe and Municipality Twelve."
"Sabadu (26/9). Saturday."
"According to MAE Miguel Pereira de Carvalho, based on the budget that municipalities have received from KROP. The Ministry of External Affairs together with Presidents and Municipal Authority justify their proposal for adding additional funds in accordance by having already been approved as an exemption under Article 103(2) (a)."
"\"The 2019 fiscal budget totals $36 billion for the municipalities, so they have submitted proposal to Budget Policy Review Committee (KROP), and today we are here justifying them\", said Miguel Pereira de Carvalho in Ministry of Finance building Aitarak Laran Dili on Saturday."
"He affirmed, at the same hearing that 12 of these municipalities will also receive an additional budget amounting to $30 million."
"\"They are asking for an additional budget of around $32 million, to ensure that each municipal administration can finance the activities already allocated or within their competence\", said Miguel."
"Meanwhile, KROP considers the proposal of these 12 municipalities and therefore will discuss how to look at what additional budget should be provided for them. Besides this it also has a fiscal review that totalled $36 million"
"The governor emphasized that the priority programmes of 12 municipalities are, students can get school meals; community leaders may be entitled to subsidies which have already been set out in law and civil servant could receive their monthly salary."
"In addition to these programs, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs proposes strengthening municipal administration resources by improving communal facilities."
"\"To provide the necessary equipment in village administrations and also to improve poorly equipped community headquarters,\" he said."
"The Ministry of Foreign Affairs also proposed a budget in the Municipal Integrated Development Plan (PDIM) to finance programs that will be implemented by municipalities within Pdim."
"\"During this PDIM's money goes to the central government, but now it is not. It must be put in municipalities where they can manage them themselves and make procurement for these infrastructure projects as well monitor their implementation by taxation.\""
"The Minister also added that the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, together with 12 municipalities proposed to KROP at least a half-percent allocation from its budget for financing activities which contribute directly towards economic recovery as approved by government last month."
"In the meantime, budget estimates of 2019 for MAE are around $36 million. (*) Last modified on Saturday (September-December),7th September -5:48 PM \"Make Money with MJ Program Three\" The Ministry Of Justice Recognizes Official Media Lack Training"
] |
Estudante UNTL CS, Remata Estajiadu Iha Knua STL | STLNEWS\nEstudante UNTL CS, Remata Estajiadu Iha Knua STL\nDILI, STLNEWS.co – Estudante husi Eskola Universidade Nasional Timor-Lorosae (UNTL), nain 5 neebe kompostu husi mane nain rua no feto nain tolu rema ona sira nia estajiu iha knua Suara Timor-Lorosae STLCorp durante fulan 2.\nTuir repdel STL, Domingas Gomes, lori mos ho instituisaun STL hato’o agradese ba UNTL departamentu Komunikasaun Sosial, tanba nafatin tau konfiansa ba media STL hodi haruka nia estudante sira mai estajiu iha knua STL nee rasik.\nMaske nunee nia hatete, STL nafatin nakloke ba ema hotu liuliu ba eskola universidade sira iha Dili laran, neebe mak atu kontinua estajiu ba futuru.\n“Ami agradese ba UNTL sira departamentu Komunikasaun Sosial nian neebe mak durante nee ita fo ona konfiansa ba malu, i sempre haruka estudante sira mai estajiu iha STL, to’o ohin loron remata sira nia estajiu,” dehan nia iha nia knaar fatin Salaun Enkontru STL Surikmas Dili, Kinta (26/08/2021).\nNia hatete, durante sira halo estajiadu mos hanesan ajuda i kontribui ba jornal, online, nomos televizaun, ba televizaun nian laos loron – loron, maibe dala ida ou rua sira halo. Relasaun entre UNTL ho STL nee laos foin hahu, maibe kleur ona, tanba nee ba oin sei nafatin simu etapa sira neebe mak ba oin sei mai tan.\nIha biban nee, asistente Dosente Departamentu Komunikasaun Sosial hanesan mos reprezentante, profesora Komunikasaun Sosial, Regina Seuc Seran das Dores, agradese tebes ba iha STL, tanba fo ona oportunidade ba sira nia estudante atu aprende barak, tanba iha eskola aula mos sira sempre hanorin teoria no pratika.\nTanba sira mos aprende konaba media oinsa mak atu halo editing ba media sira, liu – liu ba media imprime, eletronika, nomos ba media online.\nNia hatutan, sira mos sei nafatin delega sira nia estudante sira neebe mak atu kompleta sira nia estajiu, tanba nee sira mos kumpre regras sira neebe mak iha ona katak, tenke kompleta vasina mak bele mai kontinua estajiu iha knua STL nee, tanba haree ba situasaun pandemia Covid-19.\nEntretantu Estudante Estajiadu Komunikasaun Sosial, Deonizia Tilman dos Reis, agradese ba ema neebe mak durante nee akompana ona sira nia prosesu estajiu nee to remata.\nNia hatutan, maske iha situasaun Covid-19 nia laran, maibe sira nafatin tenta no hadia failansu sira neebe mak sira enfrenta durante situasaun pandemia Covid-19 to’o remata sira nia estajiu.*\nPrevious articleUpdate Covid-19 TL 26 Agostu: Kazu Pozitivu Hamutuk 307 & Rekuperadu 152\nNext articleUpdate: Kazu Ema Mate Covid-19 Nain 4 | [
"Estudante UNTL CS, Remata Estajiadu Iha Knua STL | STLNEWS Estudante UNTL CS, Remata Estajiadu Iha Knua STL DILI, STLNEWS.co - Estudante husi Eskola Universidade Nasional Timor-Lorosae (UNTL), nain 5 neebe kompostu husi mane nain rua no feto nain tolu rema ona sira nia estajiu iha knua Suara Timor-Lorosae STLCorp durante fulan 2.",
"Tuir repdel STL, Domingas Gomes, lori mos ho instituisaun STL hato'o agradese ba UNTL departamentu Komunikasaun Sosial, tanba nafatin tau konfiansa ba media STL hodi haruka nia estudante sira mai estajiu iha knua STL nee rasik.",
"Maske nunee nia hatete, STL nafatin nakloke ba ema hotu liuliu ba eskola universidade sira iha Dili laran, neebe mak atu kontinua estajiu ba futuru.",
"\"Ami agradese ba UNTL sira departamentu Komunikasaun Sosial nian neebe mak durante nee ita fo ona konfiansa ba malu, i sempre haruka estudante sira mai estajiu iha STL, to'o ohin loron remata sira nia estajiu,\" dehan nia iha nia knaar fatin Salaun Enkontru STL Surikmas Dili, Kinta (26/08/2021).",
"Nia hatete, durante sira halo estajiadu mos hanesan ajuda i kontribui ba jornal, online, nomos televizaun, ba televizaun nian laos loron - loron, maibe dala ida ou rua sira halo.",
"Relasaun entre UNTL ho STL nee laos foin hahu, maibe kleur ona, tanba nee ba oin sei nafatin simu etapa sira neebe mak ba oin sei mai tan.",
"Iha biban nee, asistente Dosente Departamentu Komunikasaun Sosial hanesan mos reprezentante, profesora Komunikasaun Sosial, Regina Seuc Seran das Dores, agradese tebes ba iha STL, tanba fo ona oportunidade ba sira nia estudante atu aprende barak, tanba iha eskola aula mos sira sempre hanorin teoria no pratika.",
"Tanba sira mos aprende konaba media oinsa mak atu halo editing ba media sira, liu - liu ba media imprime, eletronika, nomos ba media online.",
"Nia hatutan, sira mos sei nafatin delega sira nia estudante sira neebe mak atu kompleta sira nia estajiu, tanba nee sira mos kumpre regras sira neebe mak iha ona katak, tenke kompleta vasina mak bele mai kontinua estajiu iha knua STL nee, tanba haree ba situasaun pandemia Covid-19.",
"Entretantu Estudante Estajiadu Komunikasaun Sosial, Deonizia Tilman dos Reis, agradese ba ema neebe mak durante nee akompana ona sira nia prosesu estajiu nee to remata.",
"Nia hatutan, maske iha situasaun Covid-19 nia laran, maibe sira nafatin tenta no hadia failansu sira neebe mak sira enfrenta durante situasaun pandemia Covid-19 to'o remata sira nia estajiu.* Previous articleUpdate Covid-19 TL 26 Agostu: Kazu Pozitivu Hamutuk 307 & Rekuperadu 152 Next articleUpdate: Kazu Ema Mate Covid-19 Nain 4"
] | [
"Estudante UNTL CS, Remata Estagiado Iha Knua STL Dili - Students from the National University of Timor-Leste (UNTL), five students comprising two males and three females have completed their internship in Suara Timor Lorosae STLCopp for 2 months. The student’ s name is Afonso de Sousa da Silva; he has been awarded with an honorary doctorate by Universidade Nacional Timor Leste on Monday afternoon during his final lecture at Stl Corp International Conference Center held today to mark this important event that will take place every year since it was founded last October"
"According to STL repdel, Domingas Gomes and the institution also thanked UNTL Social Communication Department for putting their trust in media by sending its students on internship at Knua."
"Despite this, he said STL remains open to all people especially university students in Dili who are looking for a future internship."
"\"We are grateful to UNTL's Social Communication department, which during this time we have trusted each other and always sent students for internship at STL until today they finished their trainee period\", he said in his office Salaun Encontru (Meeting Room) of the Surikmas Dili Division on Thursday August."
"He said, during their internship they also helped and contribute to the newspapers online as well on television. On TV not every day but once or twice a week that is what it was done for them During this period of time we have been able in some way assisting ourselves by making contributions with news articles which are published both at home (online)"
"The relationship between UNTL and STL is not new, but it has been for a long time. Therefore in the future we will continue to receive stages that are still coming up on our path of development together with each other' s successes as well!"
"In addition, the Assistant Lecturer of Social Communication Department and also representative Professor Regina Seuc Serain das Dores thanked STL for giving their students an opportunity to learn a lot because in classroom they always teach theory as well."
"Because they also learn about the media and how to edit for them, especially in printed mediums as well electronic or online."
"He said, they will also continue to delegate their students who are completing the internships therefore comply with existing rules that must be vaccinated in order for them come and complete an interning at STL because of Covid-19 pandemic situation."
"Meanwhile, Social Communication Internship Student Deonizia Tilman dos Reis thanked the people who have accompanies them throughout their trainee process until it is completed."
"He said, despite the Covid-19 situation they still try to fix their failures that were faced during this time of pandemic until after completion. Previous articleUpdate: 307 Total Positive Case & Recuperates in TL Next Articleupdate – There are now four deaths from COVID on August26"
] |
By Tempo Timor June 19, 2020 1828\nPrezidente Komisaun Elaborasaun Rekoperasaun Ekonomia (KERE), Rui Augusto Gomes ko'alia ba jornalista sira hafoin simu pose husi PM Taur Matan Ruak iha palasiu Governu (18/6) Foto Suplai\n"Rekopera Ekonomia presiza hadi'a uluk uma laran liuliu kona-ba aspeitu sira ne'ebé afeita ba produtividade rai laran no buat sira ne'ebé impede kresimentu ekonomia", dehan Rui Gomes hafoin simu pose husi Primeiru Ministru Taur Matan Ruak iha palasiu governu, kinta (18/06).\nNia mos dehan, Servisu atu rekopera ekonomia ne'e komplexu ituan, tanba barak iha inserteza nia laran.\n"Servisu ne'e komplexu ituan, tanba preparasaun planu hodi enkaixa iha senariu makro-ekonomika mundial ida ne'ebé insertezas barak," nia esplika.\nNia mós akresenta, la'os fakar osan de'it ba ekonomia ne'ebé buras ona, maibé, presiza mantein ba rekoperasaun ida ne'ebé forte.\n"Hau hare katak COVID-19 ne'e afeita makaas ba ema nia rendimentu no empregu. Entaun, foku makaas liu ba ema, hodi nune'e bele proteze no asegura katak, nia iha rendimentu no empregu la'ós vulneravel hanesan ohin servisu aban duni sai, maibe presiza empregu ida ne’ebé pozitivu", tenik nia.\nRui esklarese, komisaun rekoperasaun ekonomika sei hala'o servisu durante loron 60 de'it, tanba ne'e kuandu planu hotu ona, sei entrega ba konsellu Ministru atu desidi hodi halo aprovasaun.\nManuel Lito Vong\n« Tenke Brani Investe ba Rekoperasaun Ekonomia Tempu Badak, Governu Hahú Pagamentu Subsidiu 60% ba Kompaña 610 » | [
"By Tempo Timor June 19, 2020 1828 Prezidente Komisaun Elaborasaun Rekoperasaun Ekonomia (KERE), Rui Augusto Gomes ko'alia ba jornalista sira hafoin simu pose husi PM Taur Matan Ruak iha palasiu Governu (18/6) Foto Suplai \"Rekopera Ekonomia presiza hadi'a uluk uma laran liuliu kona-ba aspeitu sira ne'ebe afeita ba produtividade rai laran no buat sira ne'ebe impede kresimentu ekonomia,\" dehan Rui Gomes hafoin simu pose husi Primeiru Ministru Taur Matan Ruak iha palasiu governu, kinta (18/06).",
"Nia mos dehan, Servisu atu rekopera ekonomia ne'e komplexu ituan, tanba barak iha inserteza nia laran.",
"\"Servisu ne'e komplexu ituan, tanba preparasaun planu hodi enkaixa iha senariu makro-ekonomika mundial ida ne'ebe insertezas barak,\" nia esplika.",
"Nia mos akresenta, la'os fakar osan de'it ba ekonomia ne'ebe buras ona, maibe, presiza mantein ba rekoperasaun ida ne'ebe forte.",
"\"Hau hare katak COVID-19 ne'e afeita makaas ba ema nia rendimentu no empregu.",
"Entaun, foku makaas liu ba ema, hodi nune'e bele proteze no asegura katak, nia iha rendimentu no empregu la'os vulneravel hanesan ohin servisu aban duni sai, maibe presiza empregu ida ne'ebe pozitivu,\" tenik nia.",
"Rui esklarese, komisaun rekoperasaun ekonomika sei hala'o servisu durante loron 60 de'it, tanba ne'e kuandu planu hotu ona, sei entrega ba konsellu Ministru atu desidi hodi halo aprovasaun.",
"Manuel Lito Vong \" Tenke Brani Investe ba Rekoperasaun Ekonomia Tempu Badak, Governu Hahu Pagamentu Subsidiu 60% ba Kompana 610 \""
] | [
"By Tempo Timor June 19,.2037 Chairman of the Economic Recovery Development Commission (KERE), Rui Augusto Gomes speak to journalist after taking office from PM Taur Matan Ruak in Government Palace on Tuesday(6/8) Photo Suplai \"Recovering Economy needs first improvement inside particularly with regard for aspects affected by domestic productivity and things that impede economic growth\", said President ruis agomes following his inauguration as Prime Minister at government palace Wednesday morning amidst protesters who were gatherings against him during an assembly held there last week"
"He also said, the service to recover this economy is very complex because many are in insertion."
"\"The service is extremely complex, because the preparation of plans to fit into a global macro-economic scenario with many insecurities\", he explained."
"He added that not only should money be pumped into an already thriving economy, but it must also continue to sustain a strong recovery."
"\"I see that COVID-19 has a huge impact on people's income and employment."
"Therefore, a greater focus on people so that they can be protected and ensured an income. Employment is not vulnerable as today's work will come out tomorrow but it needs to become positive employment.\""
"Rui clarified that the economic recovery commission will work for only 60 days, so when all plans are completed they shall be submitted to Council of Ministers in order it may decide on their approval."
"Manuel Lito Vong \"Brani Must Invest in Economic Recovery In Short Time, Government Should Pay 60% Subsidy to Companies\""
] |
AJTL husu jornalista hato’o informasaun ho loloos-kredivel ba públiku | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste\nVARANDA HEADLINE AJTL husu jornalista hato’o informasaun ho loloos-kredivel ba públiku\nPrezidente Asosiasaun Jornalista Timor Lorosa’e (AJTL), Zevonia Vieira (klaran) hala’o konférensia impresa kona-ba loron importante Liberdade Imprensa ho tema ",Informasaun nu'udar Bem Publiku" iha sede AJTL Fatuhada. segunda (03/05). Imajen TATOLI/Egas Cristóvão.\nDILI, 03 maiu 2021 (TATOLI)–Iha komemorasaun Loron Mundiál Liberdade Imprensa (World Press Freedom Day) ho tema “Information as a Public Good” ne’e, Asosiasaun Jornalista Timor Lorosa’e (AJTL) husu ba jornalista sira-ne’ebé hala’o atividade jornalizmu hodi hato’o (públika) informasaun ne’ebé loloos, kompletu no kredivel hodi kontribui ba públiku nia di’ak liuliu iha ámbitu propagasaun COVID-19.\nNotísia Relevante: CI husu MAPKOMS promove ba instituisaun seluk atu utiliza direitu resposta\nPrezidente AJTL, Zevonia Veira, hateten jornalista no mídia iha responsabilidade morál atu prodús no hato’o notisia sira-ne’ebé tenke reflete ba tema jerál loron mundiál liberdade imprensa tinan ne’e, atu ajuda sidadaun sira hodi halo prevensaun ba COVID-19 tanba Timor-Leste dadauk ne’e tama ona iha faze transmisaun komunitária.\n“Bazea ba observasaun AJTL nian relasiona ho tranzmisaun lokál COVID-19 nian iha territóriu-laran, publikasaun notísia hosi kanál mídia balu la ajuda fasilita sidadaun sira atu hetan informasaun loloos no edukativu hodi halo prevensaun ba COVID-19. Maibé notisia hirak ne’e halo públiku atu la fiar ezisténsia ka propagasaun virus ne’e iha rai-laran. AJTL husu ba jornalista sira-ne’ebé hala’o atividade jornalizmu hodi hato’o (públika) informasaun ne’ebé loloos, kompletu no kredivel ba ba públiku,” Prezidente AJTL haktuir iha konferénsia imprensa ne’ebé realiza iha Sede Fatuhada, Dili, segunda ne’e.\nNotísia balun kona-ba asuntu nasionál sira seluk mós, nia dehan, la tuir rekezitu no padraun jornalístika nian tanba kobre parte fonte ida de’it, enkuantu parte seluk la hetan biban atu hato’o sira-nia resposta ka deklarasaun, entaun públiku la hetan informasaun kompletu no hetan de’it lia-loos ka verasidade hosi parte ida de’it.\nIha biban ne’e, nia mós husu ba entidade Estadu sira-nian atu respeita nafatin knaar jornalista nian atu labele impede jornalista sira atu asesu ba informasaun hotu-hotu ne’ebé iha ligasaun ho serbisu públiku nian, liuliu informasaun sira kona-ba polítika Governu nian ne’ebé afeta povu barak nia moris.\nIha parte seluk, Prezidente AJTL mós apresia ba jornalista timor-oan sira-nia dedikasaun no determinasaun tomak no kanál mídia hotu-hotu ne’ebé kontinua fó sira-nia kontribuisaun ba prosesu harii demokrásia no dezenvolvimentu nasaun nian liuhosi publikasaun notísia no programa oioin maske ho limitasaun barak.\n“Apresia no hato’o obrigadu wa’in ba dedikasaun, determinasaun tomak no espiritu aas jornalizmu nian hosi jornalista Timor-oan no kanál mídia sira hotu ne’ebé kontinua kontribui ba prosesu harii demokrásia no dezenvolvimentu nasionál. Aktu ne’e la sees hosi papél informativu no papél kontrolu sosiál jornalista no mídia nian atu garante transparánsia no kontabilidade iha país ne’e. Husu ba jornalista hotu-hotu atu kuidadu aan nafatin no kumpri protokolu saúde nian bainhira halo kobertura iha terrenu, liuliu iha fatin risku no potensiál ba propagasaun COVID-19,” nia dehan.\nAJTL husu mídia atu publika informasaun ho loloos no kredivel ba públiku\nPrevious articleJaneiru-marsu DNRN rekolla reseita $126.375\nNext articleDNRN atende de’it serbisu urjénsia | [
"AJTL husu jornalista hato'o informasaun ho loloos-kredivel ba publiku | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA HEADLINE AJTL husu jornalista hato'o informasaun ho loloos-kredivel ba publiku Prezidente Asosiasaun Jornalista Timor Lorosa'e (AJTL), Zevonia Vieira (klaran) hala'o konferensia impresa kona-ba loron importante Liberdade Imprensa ho tema ,\"Informasaun nu'udar Bem Publiku\" iha sede AJTL Fatuhada. segunda (03/05).",
"Imajen TATOLI/Egas Cristovao.",
"DILI, 03 maiu 2021 (TATOLI) -Iha komemorasaun Loron Mundial Liberdade Imprensa (World Press Freedom Day) ho tema \"Information as a Public Good\" ne'e, Asosiasaun Jornalista Timor Lorosa'e (AJTL) husu ba jornalista sira-ne'ebe hala'o atividade jornalizmu hodi hato'o (publika) informasaun ne'ebe loloos, kompletu no kredivel hodi kontribui ba publiku nia di'ak liuliu iha ambitu propagasaun COVID-19.",
"Notisia Relevante: CI husu MAPKOMS promove ba instituisaun seluk atu utiliza direitu resposta Prezidente AJTL, Zevonia Veira, hateten jornalista no midia iha responsabilidade moral atu produs no hato'o notisia sira-ne'ebe tenke reflete ba tema jeral loron mundial liberdade imprensa tinan ne'e, atu ajuda sidadaun sira hodi halo prevensaun ba COVID-19 tanba Timor-Leste dadauk ne'e tama ona iha faze transmisaun komunitaria.",
"\"Bazea ba observasaun AJTL nian relasiona ho tranzmisaun lokal COVID-19 nian iha territoriu-laran, publikasaun notisia hosi kanal midia balu la ajuda fasilita sidadaun sira atu hetan informasaun loloos no edukativu hodi halo prevensaun ba COVID-19.",
"Maibe notisia hirak ne'e halo publiku atu la fiar ezistensia ka propagasaun virus ne'e iha rai-laran.",
"AJTL husu ba jornalista sira-ne'ebe hala'o atividade jornalizmu hodi hato'o (publika) informasaun ne'ebe loloos, kompletu no kredivel ba ba publiku,\" Prezidente AJTL haktuir iha konferensia imprensa ne'ebe realiza iha Sede Fatuhada, Dili, segunda ne'e.",
"Notisia balun kona-ba asuntu nasional sira seluk mos, nia dehan, la tuir rekezitu no padraun jornalistika nian tanba kobre parte fonte ida de'it, enkuantu parte seluk la hetan biban atu hato'o sira-nia resposta ka deklarasaun, entaun publiku la hetan informasaun kompletu no hetan de'it lia-loos ka verasidade hosi parte ida de'it.",
"Iha biban ne'e, nia mos husu ba entidade Estadu sira-nian atu respeita nafatin knaar jornalista nian atu labele impede jornalista sira atu asesu ba informasaun hotu-hotu ne'ebe iha ligasaun ho serbisu publiku nian, liuliu informasaun sira kona-ba politika Governu nian ne'ebe afeta povu barak nia moris.",
"Iha parte seluk, Prezidente AJTL mos apresia ba jornalista timor-oan sira-nia dedikasaun no determinasaun tomak no kanal midia hotu-hotu ne'ebe kontinua fo sira-nia kontribuisaun ba prosesu harii demokrasia no dezenvolvimentu nasaun nian liuhosi publikasaun notisia no programa oioin maske ho limitasaun barak.",
"\"Apresia no hato'o obrigadu wa'in ba dedikasaun, determinasaun tomak no espiritu aas jornalizmu nian hosi jornalista Timor-oan no kanal midia sira hotu ne'ebe kontinua kontribui ba prosesu harii demokrasia no dezenvolvimentu nasional.",
"Aktu ne'e la sees hosi papel informativu no papel kontrolu sosial jornalista no midia nian atu garante transparansia no kontabilidade iha pais ne'e.",
"Husu ba jornalista hotu-hotu atu kuidadu aan nafatin no kumpri protokolu saude nian bainhira halo kobertura iha terrenu, liuliu iha fatin risku no potensial ba propagasaun COVID-19,\" nia dehan.",
"AJTL husu midia atu publika informasaun ho loloos no kredivel ba publiku Previous articleJaneiru-marsu DNRN rekolla reseita $126.375 Next articleDNRN atende de'it serbisu urjensia"
] | [
"AJTL urges journalists to provide accurate and credible information for the public | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA HEADLINE Ajtl asks reporter report truthful, reliable news on important Press Freedom Day with theme \"Information is a Public Good\" at Fatuhada headquarters. Monday (3/05)."
"Image TATOLI/Egas Cristovao."
"DILI, May 03th (TATOLI) -In commemoration of World Press Freedom Day with the theme \"Information as a Public Good\", Timor-Leste Journalists' Association requested journalist who carry out journalism activities to publish accurate information that is complete and credible in order contributing for public good particularly within this context."
"AJTL President, Zevonia Veira said journalists and the media have a moral responsibility to produce news that should reflect on this year' s general theme of World Press Freedom Day. The reporting must also help citizens prevent COVID-19 since Timor Leste has recently entered into community transmission phase; it is necessary for all members in public health institutions (PHI) as well with their staff who are working closely together at home or from anywhere they may be involved"
"\"Based on AJTL's observations regarding local transmission of COVID-19 in the territory, news publications by some media channel do not help facilitate citizens to obtain accurate and educational information for prevention against Covid."
"However, these news have made the public doubtful about whether or not this virus is spreading in Japan."
"AJTL asks journalists who carry out journalism activities to report (publish) information that is accurate, complete and credible for the public\", said President of Ajtl in a press conference held at Fatuhada Headquarters on Monday."
"Some reports on other national issues also, he said that did not meet the requirements and standard of journalism because they covered only one source side while others were unable to provide their response or statement. The public was therefore lacking in complete information but received truthfulness from just a single party'"
"In this regard, he also called on State entities to respect the work of journalists and not prevent them from accessing all information that is related with public service. This applies especially for governmental policy which affect many lives in our country;"
"On the other hand, AJTL President also appreciated Timorese journalists' dedication and determination as well all media channel that continue to make their contribution in building democracy through publications of various news items."
"\"I appreciate and extend my thanks for the dedication, full determination & high journalistic spirit of Timorese Journalists And all media channel that continue to contribute in building democracy processes."
"The act does not disregard the informative and social control role of journalists, media to ensure transparency & accountability in this country."
"I urge all journalists to be careful and follow health protocol when covering on the ground, especially in places at risk of COVID-19 spread,” he said."
"AJTL asks media to publish accurate and credible information for the public Previous articleJan-Mar DNRN raises $126,375 in revenues Next ArticleDNNR only attends emergency work"
] |
Governu atualiza tetu agregadu no dezagregadu OJE 2022 biliaun $1,675 | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste\nVARANDA EKONOMIA Governu atualiza tetu agregadu no dezagregadu OJE 2022 biliaun $1,675\nDILI, 24 setembru 2021 (TATOLI)—Ministru Finansa, Rui Augusto Gomes, aprezenta proposta iha reuniaun Konsellu Ministru (KM), kona-ba tetu agregadu no dezagregadu Orsamentu Jerál Estadu (OJE) 2022 ho montante biliaun $1,675, ne’ebé hetan aprovasaun hosi ezekutivu sira.\n“Montante ne’e hodi kobre nesesidade hosi programa no prioridade nasionál sira ne’ebé define ona hosi VIII Governu Konstitusionál,” Ministru Prezidénsia KonselluMinistru, Fidelis Manuel Leite Magalhães, relata, hafoin reuniaun ezekutivu iha Palásiu Governu, sesta ne’e.\nHosi totál orsamentu ne’e, millaun $233 ba saláriu no vensimentu, millaun $449,8 ba bens no servisu, millaun $565,9 ba transferénsia públika, millaun $24,4 korresponde ba kapitál menór no millaun $401,7 ba kapitál dezenvolvimentu.\nGovernu Konstitusionál VIII defini ona prioridade nasionál neen ba OJE tinan 2022 hanesan dezenvolvimentu kapitál umanu (edukasaun, formasaun profisionál no saúde), abitasaun no inkluzaun sosiál, setór produtivu sira (agrikultura no turizmu), ambiente no konetividade, dezenvolvimentu setór públiku, dezenvolvimentu rurál, no governasaun di’ak.\nAntes ne’e, Governu aprova tetu agregadu inisiál biliaun $1,571.6, maibé hafoin Komité Revizaun Orsamentu Polítika (KROP) konvoka enkontru durante semana rua ho entidade Estadu hamutuk 98, iha proposta adisionál ne’ebé bainhira akumula hotu iha aumentu millaun $103,4, nune’e montante sa’e ba biliaun $1,675.\nPrevious articleKM analiza opsaun realojamentu ba vítima inundasaun\nNext articleMAP-FAO organiza grupu agrikultór munisípiu haat vizita Viqueque | [
"Governu atualiza tetu agregadu no dezagregadu OJE 2022 biliaun $1,675 | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA EKONOMIA Governu atualiza tetu agregadu no dezagregadu OJE 2022 biliaun $1,675 DILI, 24 setembru 2021 (TATOLI) - Ministru Finansa, Rui Augusto Gomes, aprezenta proposta iha reuniaun Konsellu Ministru (KM), kona-ba tetu agregadu no dezagregadu Orsamentu Jeral Estadu (OJE) 2022 ho montante biliaun $1,675, ne'ebe hetan aprovasaun hosi ezekutivu sira.",
"\"Montante ne'e hodi kobre nesesidade hosi programa no prioridade nasional sira ne'ebe define ona hosi VIII Governu Konstitusional,\" Ministru Prezidensia KonselluMinistru, Fidelis Manuel Leite Magalhaes, relata, hafoin reuniaun ezekutivu iha Palasiu Governu, sesta ne'e.",
"Hosi total orsamentu ne'e, millaun $233 ba salariu no vensimentu, millaun $449,8 ba bens no servisu, millaun $565,9 ba transferensia publika, millaun $24,4 korresponde ba kapital menor no millaun $401,7 ba kapital dezenvolvimentu.",
"Governu Konstitusional VIII defini ona prioridade nasional neen ba OJE tinan 2022 hanesan dezenvolvimentu kapital umanu (edukasaun, formasaun profisional no saude), abitasaun no inkluzaun sosial, setor produtivu sira (agrikultura no turizmu), ambiente no konetividade, dezenvolvimentu setor publiku, dezenvolvimentu rural, no governasaun di'ak.",
"Antes ne'e, Governu aprova tetu agregadu inisial biliaun $1,571.6, maibe hafoin Komite Revizaun Orsamentu Politika (KROP) konvoka enkontru durante semana rua ho entidade Estadu hamutuk 98, iha proposta adisional ne'ebe bainhira akumula hotu iha aumentu millaun $103,4, nune'e montante sa'e ba biliaun $1,675.",
"Previous articleKM analiza opsaun realojamentu ba vitima inundasaun Next articleMAP-FAO organiza grupu agrikultor munisipiu haat vizita Viqueque"
] | [
"Government Updates Aggregate and Disagregated Budget 2019 Billions $3,675 | TIMOR AGENDA Timor-Leste News Agency VARANDA EKONOMIA The government updates the agrégatd'and disagregátdo budget of €4.8 billion for fiscal year to come (Budget) at its meeting on Monday in Dili - Finance Minister Rui Augusto Gomez has submitted his proposal regarding an additional amount as well that was approved by executive branches during Council Meeting today with total sum being approximately EUR€/USD$ /USD£= £%"
"\"This amount is to cover the needs of national programmes and priorities defined by VIII Constitutional Government,\" said Minister for Presidency Fidelis Manuel Leite Magalhaes after an executive meeting at government palace on Saturday."
"Of the total budget, $234.6 million is for salaries and wages;$501 billion corresponds to capital expenditure (including funding of public transportation), while a portion ($798 millions) will be used as investment in infrastructure projects or other developmental activities that would benefit local communities like health care facilities etc..."
"The Constitutional Government VIII has defined nine national priorities for the Budget of Public Sector (2019-36) as human capital development, including education and health; social inclusion in agriculture. Environment & conectivity: public sector improvements to improve accessibility by transportation services through rural areas"
"Earlier, the Government approved an initial aggregate budget of $1.576 trillion but after Budget Policy Review Committee (KROP) convenes meetings for two weeks with 98 State entities in addition to additional proposal which when cumulated increase by US$203 million so that amount rises upto USD4 billion"
"Previous articleKM analyzes rehousing options for flood victims Next ArticleMAP-FAO organize four municipalities farmer group visit Viqueque"
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Prezidente Interinu mos espera katak CJREO sai parseiru ba selebrasaun loron komemorativu signifikativu tebes ba Nasaun no Regiaun – ZEESM TL\nPrezidente Interinu da Autoridade da RAEOA – ZEESM TL, S.E. Arsenio Bano simu iha kinta-feira (8) dader, Conselho da Juventude da Região Especial de Oé-Cusse (CJREO), estrutura ne’ebe hola parti iha Conselho Nacional de Juventude de Timor-Leste.\nAléin atu fo kumprimentus ba Autoridade, sorumtuk ida ne’e mos defini estratéjia komum ba área juventude sira. Prezidente Interinu husu ba CJREO atu prepara planu anual ida ho atividadi sira liu selebrasaun loron espesiais, atu fo okupasaun lo-los ba joven sira iha sira nia tempu livre ho atividades oin-oin hodi haburas sira nia kapasidade sosial, sívika no umanas, liu hosi desportu, teatru, kultura, artis, animasaun, sidadania no solidariedadi.\nSr. Arsenio Bano mos husu CRJEO hodi estabelesi komunikasaun frekuente ida ho Secretaria Regional de Turismo Comunitário, Xefi Suku no lideransa komunitária sira seluk, tanba importanti liu aumenta opsóins ba foinsae sira ne’ebe hela liu Pante Makassar (foho laran) hodi bele mai partisipa iha atividadi sira ne’e.\nPrezidente Interinu mos espera katak CJREO sai parseiru ba selebrasaun loron komemorativu signifikativu tebes ba Nasaun no Regiaun.\nS.E. Arsenio Bano halo dezafiu ba joven sira atu sai kriativu no inovador hasoru proposta ba selebrasaun loron 20 no 30 Agostu ho momentu ba festa, refleksaun, diskursu no omenajéin ne’ebe kontribui atu hametin valor no istória Timor-Leste nian ba foinsae sira. | [
"Prezidente Interinu mos espera katak CJREO sai parseiru ba selebrasaun loron komemorativu signifikativu tebes ba Nasaun no Regiaun - ZEESM TL Prezidente Interinu da Autoridade da RAEOA - ZEESM TL, S.E. Arsenio Bano simu iha kinta-feira (8) dader, Conselho da Juventude da Regiao Especial de Oe-Cusse (CJREO), estrutura ne'ebe hola parti iha Conselho Nacional de Juventude de Timor-Leste.",
"Alein atu fo kumprimentus ba Autoridade, sorumtuk ida ne'e mos defini estratejia komum ba area juventude sira.",
"Prezidente Interinu husu ba CJREO atu prepara planu anual ida ho atividadi sira liu selebrasaun loron espesiais, atu fo okupasaun lo-los ba joven sira iha sira nia tempu livre ho atividades oin-oin hodi haburas sira nia kapasidade sosial, sivika no umanas, liu hosi desportu, teatru, kultura, artis, animasaun, sidadania no solidariedadi.",
"Sr. Arsenio Bano mos husu CRJEO hodi estabelesi komunikasaun frekuente ida ho Secretaria Regional de Turismo Comunitario, Xefi Suku no lideransa komunitaria sira seluk, tanba importanti liu aumenta opsoins ba foinsae sira ne'ebe hela liu Pante Makassar (foho laran) hodi bele mai partisipa iha atividadi sira ne'e.",
"Prezidente Interinu mos espera katak CJREO sai parseiru ba selebrasaun loron komemorativu signifikativu tebes ba Nasaun no Regiaun.",
"S.E. Arsenio Bano halo dezafiu ba joven sira atu sai kriativu no inovador hasoru proposta ba selebrasaun loron 20 no 30 Agostu ho momentu ba festa, refleksaun, diskursu no omenajein ne'ebe kontribui atu hametin valor no istoria Timor-Leste nian ba foinsae sira."
] | [
"The Interim President also hopes that CJREO will be a partner in the celebration of this very significant commemorative day for Nation and Region - ZEESM TL. On Tuesday (8), H,E Arsenio Bano received at his desk members from Conselho da Juventude de Região Especial do Oé-Cusse – RAEOA Youth Council; an organization which is part to National youth council Timor Leste"
"In addition to providing the Authority with a commitment, this meeting also defined common strategies for youth areas."
"The Interim President asked the CJREO to prepare an annual plan with activities beyond celebrating special days, providing ample occupation for young people in their free time through various types of activity aimed at developing social and civic capacities as well As human capacity via sport; theatre: culture arts animation citizenship solidarity."
"Mr. Arsenio Bano also asked CRJEO to establish a frequent communication with the Regional Secretaria de Turismo Comunitario, Village Chiefs and other community leaders because it is more important than ever increase opsoins for young people who live in Pante Makassar (inland) so that they can come participate at these activities"
"The Acting President also hopes that CJREO will be a partner in the celebration of this commemorative day which is so significant for both Nation and Region."
"H.E Arsenio Bano challenged young people to be creative and innovative against the proposal for celebration on August 20th-31st with moments of party, reflection; discourse & tributes that contributed towards strengthening Timorese values&history among youth in general"
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Profeta Elias hetan kmaan husi ninia Maromak | Fiar neʼebé\nNia hetan kmaan husi ninia Maromak\n1, 2. Saida mak akontese iha loron importante iha Elias nia moris?\nELIAS halai nafatin nuʼudar udan tau makaʼas no rai sai nakukun. Nia sei presiza halai dook tan antes nia toʼo iha Jezreel. Maski nia laʼós joven, maibé nia halai la para tanba “Jeová nia liman” rasik mak ajuda nia. Sin, husi tempu uluk Elias nunka sente forsa makaʼas hanesan neʼe. Tan neʼe, nia bele toman kuda-karreta neʼebé tula Liurai Acab!—Lee 1 Reis (Raja-Raja) 18:46. *\n2 Agora, Liurai Acab iha ninia kotuk liu, no Elias kontinua halai mesak. Hanoin toʼok, Elias halai hela iha udan, dala ruma nia presiza hamaran udan-been husi ninia matan. Nia hanoin fali kona-ba buat neʼebé foin akontese iha loron neʼe. Loron neʼe mak importante tebes iha Elias nia moris tanba ninia Maromak Jeová no adorasaun neʼebé loos mak manán. Iha Elias nia kotuk liu mak Foho Carmelo, fatin neʼebé Jeová uza Elias atu halo milagre boot hodi manán hasoru adorasaun ba Baal. Jeová hatudu sai katak Baal nia profeta hamutuk naʼin-450 mak falsu, no fó kastigu-mate ba profeta sira-neʼe tanba sira-nia hahalok aat. Tuirmai, Elias halo orasaun ba Jeová atu ramata tinan tolu ho balu neʼebé udan la iha. No ikusmai, udan tau duni!—1 Reis (Raja-Raja) 18:18-45.\n3, 4. (a) Nuʼudar Elias halai atu bá Jezreel, nia hanoin kona-ba saida deʼit? (b) Ita sei koʼalia kona-ba pergunta saida deʼit?\n3 Nuʼudar Elias halai iha dalan atu bá Jezreel neʼebé dook maizumenus kilómetru 30, karik nia hanoin katak ikusmai situasaun iha rai laran sei sai diʼak fali. Karik Elias hanoin: ‘Liurai Acab sei troka duni ninia hahalok tanba nia haree ona buat hotu ho ninia matan rasik. Nia sei husik adorasaun ba Baal no haruka liurai-feto Jezabel atu halo hanesan, no nia sei la fó-terus tan ba Jeová nia atan sira.’\n“Elias . . . halai uluk liu Acab toʼo iha Jezreel”\n4 Kuandu situasaun sai diʼak fali tuir ita-nia hakarak, baibain ita-nia esperansa mós sei aumenta. Ita sente katak ita-nia moris sei sai diʼak liután, ka ita-nia problema lakon ona. Karik Elias mós hanoin hanesan neʼe tanba Bíblia dehan: “Elias mak ema hanesan ita.” (Tiago 5:17) Maibé, susar neʼebé Elias hasoru seidauk hotu. Tuir loloos, liutiha oras balu tan nia sai laran-tun no taʼuk tebes toʼo hakarak mate deʼit. Tanbasá? No oinsá mak Jeová ajuda profeta neʼe atu hametin ninia fiar no aten-brani? Mai ita haree hamutuk.\nElias hasoru susar\n5. Husi buat hotu neʼebé akontese iha Foho Carmelo, Acab aprende atu hamtaʼuk ba Jeová ka lae? Oinsá mak ita hatene ida-neʼe?\n5 Bainhira Acab toʼo tiha iha ninia palásiu iha sidade Jezreel, nia hatudu katak nia troka ninia hahalok aat hodi sai ema neʼebé hamtaʼuk Jeová ka lae? Bíblia hatete: “Acab konta ba Jezabel kona-ba buat hotu neʼebé Elias halo no oinsá Elias oho profeta sira hotu ho surik.” (1 Reis [Raja-Raja] 19:1) Acab la temi buat ida kona-ba Elias nia Maromak, Jeová. Maski nia haree milagre oioin iha loron neʼe, nia konta deʼit buat neʼebé ninia matan haree hodi dehan katak neʼe mak buat neʼebé “Elias halo”. Klaru katak nia la aprende atu hamtaʼuk Maromak Jeová. Saida mak ninia feen neʼebé vingadór sei halo kona-ba neʼe?\n6. Mensajen saida mak Jezabel haruka ba Elias? Ninia liafuan neʼe katak sá?\n6 Jezabel sai laran-nakali tebetebes! Nia haruka mensajen ba Elias hodi hatete: “Maromak sira sei tesi-lia todan ba haʼu no halo aat liután, se aban iha oras hanesan neʼe haʼu la bele halo ba ó hanesan ó halo ba sira!” (1 Reis [Raja-Raja] 19:2) Liafuan neʼe mak ameasa makaʼas. Jezabel halo juramentu ba ninia maromak sira katak se nia la konsege oho Elias iha oras 24 nia laran, hodi selu fali buat neʼebé Elias halo ba Baal nia profeta sira, Jezabel rasik sei prontu atu mate. Hanoin toʼok, iha kalan ema ida fanu Elias neʼebé toba hela iha fatin simples iha sidade Jazreel no fó sai liurai-feto nia lia-menon aat neʼe. Elias sente oinsá kona-ba neʼe?\nSai laran-tun no taʼuk\n7. Elias sente oinsá ho Jezabel nia ameasa? Saida mak nia halo?\n7 Se Elias hanoin katak problema kona-ba adorasaun falsu mak hotu ona, ninia hanoin neʼe sala duni tanba Jezabel la troka ninia hahalok. Elias nia maluk profeta barak hetan ona kastigu-mate tanba Jezabel. Maibé agora kastigu-mate neʼe sei kona Elias rasik. Elias sente oinsá ho Jezabel nia ameasa neʼe? Bíblia hatete: “Nia sai taʼuk.” Se Elias hanoin demais kona-ba oinsá Jezabel fó-terus makaʼas ba nia toʼo mate, neʼe sei halakon duni ninia aten-brani. Ita la hatene loos saida mak Elias hanoin iha tempu neʼe, maibé Bíblia dehan katak Elias “komesa halai hodi salva ninia moris”.—1 Reis (Raja-Raja) 18:4; 19:3.\nSe ita lakohi lakon ita-nia aten-brani, ita labele hanoin demais kona-ba perigu sira neʼebé halo ita taʼuk\n8. (a) Oinsá mak Pedro nia fraku hanesan ho Elias? (b) Elias no Pedro nia ezemplu hanorin ita saida?\n8 Tuir loloos, laʼós Elias deʼit mak Maromak nia atan neʼebé husik taʼuk kontrola nia. Tinan barak liutiha, apóstolu Pedro mós hasoru situasaun neʼebé halo nia sai taʼuk. Porezemplu, bainhira Jesus haruka Pedro atu laʼo iha tasi leten, Pedro “haree anin-boot”, no ida-neʼe halo nia sai taʼuk no komesa mout. (Lee Mateus 14:30.) Pedro no Elias nia ezemplu neʼe hanorin lisaun importante mai ita. Se ita lakohi lakon ita-nia aten-brani, ita labele hanoin demais kona-ba perigu sira neʼebé halo ita taʼuk. Ita presiza tau atensaun ba Ida neʼebé fó esperansa no forsa mai ita.\n9. Esplika toʼok kona-ba Elias nia viajen. Nia sente oinsá nuʼudar nia laʼo iha rai-fuik neʼe?\n9 Hodi taʼuk Elias halai ba sidade kiʼik naran Berseba dook kilómetru 150, besik fronteira iha parte súl husi rai-Judá. Iha neʼebá, Elias husik ninia ajudante no komesa laʼo mesak iha rai-fuik laran. Bíblia hatete katak nia “laʼo loron tomak”. Tan neʼe, karik Elias komesa laʼo iha dadeer-saan ho liman tanan deʼit. Ho laran-tun no taʼuk, nia hakaʼas an atu laʼo-lemo iha rai-fuik neʼe, no loro-manas mós kona nia. Ikusmai, loron monu no rai-nakaras ona, Elias sente nia la iha forsa ona atu kontinua laʼo. Nia tuur iha ai-hun ida nia okos, tanba nia la bele hetan fatin diʼak liu atu deskansa iha rai-fuik neʼe.—1 Reis (Raja-Raja) 19:4.\n10, 11. (a) Elias nia orasaun ba Jeová katak sá? (b) Hodi uza eskritura sira iha parágrafu 11, esplika toʼok kona-ba fiar-naʼin balu nia sentimentu.\n10 Ho laran-kraik tebes, Elias halo orasaun. Nia husu Jeová atu husik nia mate deʼit. Nia dehan: “Haʼu hanesan deʼit ho haʼu-nia beiʼala sira.” Nia hatene katak ninia beiʼala sira sai ruin no rai-rahun deʼit iha rate laran no la bele halo buat ida. (Eclesiastes [Pengkhotbah] 9:10) Elias sente nia mós hanesan deʼit ho sira. Tan neʼe, nia dehan: “Toʼo ona!” Nia hanoin: ‘Tansá mak haʼu tenke moris iha terus laran?’\n11 Hodi hatene katak ema neʼebé hamtaʼuk Maromak mós bele sai laran-kraik hanesan neʼe, ida-neʼe halo ita hakfodak ka lae? Lae. Bíblia konta kona-ba mane no feto fiar-naʼin barak neʼebé sai laran-kraik tebes toʼo hakarak mate, hanesan Rebeca, Jacob, Moisés, no Job.—Gênesis (Kejadian) 25:22; 37:35; Números (Bilangan) 11:13-15; Jó (Ayub) 14:13.\n12. Se ita hasoru situasaun neʼebé halo ita sente laran-kraik, oinsá mak ita bele halo tuir Elias nia ezemplu?\n12 Ohin loron, ita moris iha loron ikus sira neʼebé iha “problema barak neʼebé susar atu tahan”, tan neʼe ema barak, inklui mós Maromak nia atan sira, sente laran-kraik. (2 Timóteo 3:1) Se ita mós hasoru situasaun susar, ita presiza halo tuir Elias nia ezemplu hodi fó sai ita-nia sentimentu ba Maromak. Sin, Jeová mak “Maromak neʼebé fó kmaan ba ema iha situasaun hotu”. (Lee 2 Korinto 1:3, 4.) Nia fó kmaan ba Elias ka lae?\nJeová ajuda ninia profeta\n13, 14. (a) Oinsá mak Jeová ho domin ajuda ninia profeta neʼebé laran-tun hela? (b) Tanbasá mak ita kontente hodi hatene katak Jeová hatene buat hotu kona-ba ita ida-idak, inklui mós ita-nia fraku sira?\n13 Hanoin toʼok, Jeová hateke tun husi lalehan ba ninia profeta neʼebé nia hadomi, neʼebé toba iha ai-hun okos iha rai-fuik no husu makaʼas ba Maromak atu halo nia mate deʼit. Tuir Ita-nia hanoin, Jeová sente oinsá? Bainhira Elias toba ona, Jeová haruka anju ida ba nia. Anju neʼe fanu Elias hodi book ninia isin ho laran-diʼak no hatete: “Hadeer, no han.” Anju neʼe prepara ona hahán simples, paun neʼebé manas ho bee. Elias komesa han-hemu. Nia fó obrigadu ba anju neʼe ka lae? Bíblia hatete deʼit katak nia han-hemu no toba fali. Karik Elias kole tebes toʼo baruk atu koʼalia. Liutiha tempu balu, anju fanu fali nia. Dala ida tan, anju neʼe hatete: “Hadeer, no han”, maibé iha oras neʼe nia mós hatutan tan dehan: “Tanba viajen neʼe todan demais ba ó.”—1 Reis (Raja-Raja) 19:5-7.\n14 Maromak nia anju neʼe hatene ona Elias atu bá neʼebé. Nia mós hatene katak Elias la bele halo viajen neʼe ho ninia forsa rasik. Ita kontente tanba ita serbí Maromak neʼebé hatene diʼak liu fali ita kona-ba ita-nia fraku sira, no mós ita-nia hakarak atu halo buat neʼebé loos. (Lee Salmo [Mazmur] 103:13, 14. *) Maibé hahán neʼe fó forsa ba Elias ka lae?\n15, 16. (a) Hahán neʼebé Jeová fó ba Elias ajuda nia atu halo saida? (b) Tanbasá mak ita hafolin ai-han espirituál neʼebé Jeová fó ba ninia atan sira ohin loron?\n15 Bíblia hatete: “Nia hadeer no han-hemu, no hodi hetan forsa husi hahán neʼe, nia kontinua laʼo durante loron 40 no kalan 40 toʼo Maromak loos nia foho, Horeb.” (1 Reis [Raja-Raja] 19:8) Elias halo jejún durante loron 40 no kalan 40, hanesan Moisés halo iha tinan 600 antes nia, no hanesan Jesus halo besik tinan 1.000 depois nia. (Êxodo [Keluaran] 34:28; Lucas 4:1, 2) Maski ai-han neʼebé Elias simu la halakon ninia problema hotu, maibé ida-neʼe ajuda nia iha dalan espesiál. Hanoin toʼok kona-ba ema katuas ida-neʼe neʼebé loron-loron no semana-semana kontinua laʼo iha rai-fuik toʼo besik fulan ida ho balu!\n16 Jeová mós ajuda ninia atan sira ohin loron, laʼós liuhusi milagre ruma maibé iha dalan neʼebé importante liu. Nia fó ai-han espirituál ba ninia atan sira. (Mateus 4:4) Bainhira ita aprende kona-ba Maromak liuhusi ninia Liafuan no livru sira neʼebé esplika kona-ba Bíblia, ida-neʼe sei ajuda ita atu hametin ita-nia relasaun ho Maromak. Maski ai-han espirituál neʼebé ita simu karik la bele halakon ita-nia problema hotu, maibé ida-neʼe sei fó forsa mai ita atu tahan hasoru problema sira neʼebé ita la bele tahan ho ita-nia kbiit rasik. Ida-neʼe mós lori “moris rohan-laek” ba ita.—João 17:3.\n17. Elias bá neʼebé? Tanbasá mak fatin neʼe importante tebes?\n17 Elias kontinua laʼo dook besik kilómetru 320, no ikusmai nia toʼo Foho Horeb (ka Foho Sinai). Foho neʼe importante tebes tanba iha fatin neʼe mak uluk Maromak Jeová koʼalia ho Moisés besik ai-tarak neʼebé lakan hela, no liutiha tempu balu Jeová halo aliansa Ukun-Fuan nian ho nasaun Izraél. Elias hetan fatin atu tuur iha fatuk-kuak ida iha foho neʼe.\nJeová fó kmaan no forsa ba ninia profeta\n18, 19. (a) Saida mak Jeová husu ba Elias liuhusi anju ida? Elias hatán oinsá? (b) Elias fó sai razaun tolu saida neʼebé halo nia laran-tun?\n18 Iha Foho Horeb, Elias rona Jeová nia “liafuan”, neʼebé hatoʼo liuhusi anju ida, hodi dehan: “Ó halo saida iha neʼe, Elias?” Ita bele fiar katak liafuan neʼe hatoʼo ho laran-diʼak, tanba ida-neʼe loke dalan ba Elias atu fó sai ninia sentimentu. Nia hatete: “Toʼo agora, haʼu laran-manas tebes ba Jeová, Maromak ba tropa iha lalehan nian, tanba ema Izraél husik ona Ita-nia aliansa, sira estraga ona Ita-nia altár, no sira oho Ita-nia profeta sira ho surik, tan neʼe só haʼu deʼit mak hela mesak. No agora, sira buka atu oho haʼu.” (1 Reis [Raja-Raja] 19:9, 10) Elias nia liafuan neʼe hatudu razaun tolu tansá mak nia laran-tun.\n19 Razaun primeiru, Elias sente katak ninia serbisu mak saugati deʼit. Maski ba tinan barak nia “laran-manas tebes” atu serbí Jeová hodi halo ninia naran santu no tau uluk adorasaun neʼebé loos, maibé Elias haree katak situasaun neʼe sai aat ba beibeik. Ema sira nafatin la fiar no sempre kontra hasoru Jeová, no adorasaun falsu mak sai buras ba beibeik. Razaun segundu, Elias sente mesamesak. Nia dehan: “Só haʼu deʼit mak hela mesak.” Nia sente katak nia mak ema ikus neʼebé serbí Jeová. Razaun terseiru, Elias sai taʼuk. Ema oho tiha ona Elias nia maluk profeta sira hotu, no nia fiar katak lakleur ema mós sei oho nia. Karik la fasil ba Elias atu fó sai ninia sentimentu neʼe, maibé nia la husik hahalok foti-an ka moe atu hapara nia. Sin, Elias fó sai ninia sentimentu ba Maromak liuhusi orasaun, no ida-neʼe sai nuʼudar ezemplu diʼak ba ita hotu.—Salmo (Mazmur) 62:8.\n20, 21. (a) Esplika toʼok saida mak Elias haree iha fatuk-kuak nia ibun iha Foho Horeb. (b) Jeová hatudu ninia forsa, saida mak Elias aprende husi ida-neʼe?\n20 Jeová hatán oinsá kuandu Elias fó sai ninia hanoin no sentimentu taʼuk? Anju haruka Elias atu hamriik iha fatuk-kuak nia ibun. Elias halo tuir maski nia la hatene saida mak atu akontese. Derrepente deʼit, anin makaʼas huu! Elias rona lian boot tanba anin neʼe huu makaʼas toʼo fera foho no fatuk sira. Hanoin toʼok, Elias koko atu taka ninia matan, no kaer metin ninia roupa neʼebé halo husi animál nia kulit atu anin labele lori sai. Nia mós tenke hakaʼas an atu hamriik metin tanba rai komesa nakdoko makaʼas! Lakleur, nia haree ahi-lakan makaʼas no nia tenke hakiduk fali iha fatuk-kuak laran atu proteje ninia an husi manas.—1 Reis (Raja-Raja) 19:11, 12.\nJeová uza ninia forsa atu fó kmaan no laran-manas ba Elias\n21 Maromak Jeová hela iha buat neʼebé nia kria, hanesan anin no ahi ka lae? Lae. Iha istória neʼe, Bíblia hatete katak Jeová la hela iha anin, ahi ka rai-nakdoko. Elias hatene katak Jeová la hanesan duni ho maromak Baal, neʼebé ema bolu nuʼudar “ida neʼebé saʼe kalohan”, ka ida neʼebé lori udan. Maromak Jeová mak forsa hotu nia Hun no nia boot liu fali buat naran deʼit neʼebé nia kria. Tuir loloos, Maromak Jeová boot liu fali lalehan rasik! (1 Reis [Raja-Raja] 8:27) Hodi hatene ida-neʼe, oinsá mak ida-neʼe ajuda Elias? Uluk, Elias sente taʼuk, maibé hodi hamutuk ho Maromak Jeová neʼebé sempre prontu atu hatudu ninia forsa boot, Elias sei la iha razaun atu sai taʼuk ba Acab no Jezabel!—Lee Salmo (Mazmur) 118:6. *\n22. (a) Oinsá mak “lian neʼebé kalma” fó fiar ba Elias katak nia iha folin-boot? (b) “Lian neʼebé kalma” neʼe, karik mai husi sé? (Haree nota-rodapé.)\n22 Bainhira ahi neʼe liu ona, buat hotu sai hakmatek fali. Tuirmai, Elias rona “lian neʼebé kalma”. Lian neʼe konvida Elias dala ida tan atu fó sai ninia sentimentu, no Elias halo nuneʼe ba dala segundu. * Karik ida-neʼe halo Elias sente kmaan liu. Maibé, “lian neʼebé kalma” fó sai liafuan neʼebé halo Elias sente kmaan liután. Jeová fó fiar ba Elias katak nia iha folin-boot. Oinsá? Jeová hatete kona-ba buat neʼebé Nia sei halo hodi kontra hasoru adorasaun ba Baal iha Izraél. Klaru katak Elias nia serbisu neʼe la saugati deʼit tanba Jeová sei kumpre duni Ninia hakarak. Liután neʼe, Elias sei hola parte iha Jeová nia hakarak neʼe tanba Jeová haruka nia atu halo serbisu tan no fó-hatene ho klaru buat neʼebé Elias tenke halo.—1 Reis (Raja-Raja) 19:12-17.\n23. Saida mak Jeová halo atu ajuda Elias la sente mesamesak tan?\n23 Maibé, Elias nafatin sente nia mesamesak deʼit. Saida mak Jeová halo kona-ba ida-neʼe? Nia halo buat rua. Ulukliu, nia haruka Elias atu hili Eliseu nuʼudar profeta neʼebé ikusmai sei kaer fali ninia serbisu. Mane joven neʼe sei sai Elias nia maluk no ajudante ba tinan barak. Ida-neʼe fó kmaan duni ba Elias! Tuirmai, Jeová fó-hatene kona-ba buat ida neʼebé halo Elias hakfodak no kontente, hodi dehan: “Haʼu husik ema naʼin-7.000 moris hela iha Izraél, sira hotu nia ain-tuur la hakneʼak ba Baal, no sira-nia ibun la reʼi nia.” (1 Reis [Raja-Raja] 19:18) Tuir loloos, Elias la mesak. Bainhira Elias rona katak sei iha ema naʼin rihun ba rihun neʼebé lakohi adora Baal, ida-neʼe halo nia kontente. Sira presiza Elias atu kontinua ninia serbisu ho laran-metin, hodi fó ba sira ezemplu diʼak kona-ba laran-metin ba Jeová iha tempu susar nia laran. Karik “lian neʼebé kalma” husi Maromak Jeová nia anju neʼe kona duni Elias nia laran.\nBíblia mak hanesan “lian neʼebé kalma” no Jeová uza ida-neʼe atu fó matadalan mai ita\n24, 25. (a) Ohin loron, oinsá mak ita bele rona ba Jeová nia “lian neʼebé kalma”? (b) Oinsá mak ita hatene katak Elias simu kmaan neʼebé Jeová fó ba nia?\n24 Hanesan ho Elias, dala ruma ita mós hakfodak hodi haree forsa boot iha kriasaun. Forsa neʼe haleno ita-nia Kriadór nia kbiit. (Roma 1:20) Jeová mós prontu atu uza ninia forsa boot neʼe atu ajuda ninia atan sira neʼebé laran-metin. (2 Crônicas [Tawarikh] 16:9) Maibé Maromak ajuda ita liuliu hodi hatoʼo ninia mensajen mai ita liuhusi ninia Liafuan, Bíblia. (Lee Isaías [Yesaya] 30:21. *) Sin, Bíblia mak hanesan “lian neʼebé kalma” no Jeová uza ida-neʼe atu fó matadalan mai ita. Liuhusi Bíblia, Jeová hadiʼa ita-nia hahalok, fó laran-manas mai ita, no fó sai ninia domin mai ita.\n25 Elias simu kmaan neʼebé Jeová fó ba nia iha Foho Horeb ka lae? Sin, nia simu duni! Lakleur, Elias komesa fali ninia serbisu, no ho aten-brani liután, nia hamriik hasoru adorasaun falsu. Ita mós bele banati-tuir Elias nia fiar se ita husik ‘eskritura sira ajuda ita atu tahan no fó kmaan mai ita’.—Roma 15:4.\n^ par. 1 1 Reis 18:46: “No Jeová nia liman hamutuk ho Elias, tan neʼe Elias kesi ninia knotak no nia halai uluk liu Acab toʼo iha Jezreel.”\n^ par. 14 Salmo 103:13, 14: “13 Hanesan aman ida hatudu laran-sadiʼa ba ninia oan sira, Jeová hatudu laran-sadiʼa ba sira neʼebé taʼuk ba nia. 14 Nia hatene loos oinsá mak nia kria ita, nia hanoin-hetan katak ita mak rai-rahun.”\n^ par. 21 Salmo 118:6: “Jeová hamutuk ho haʼu; haʼu sei la taʼuk buat ida. Ema bele halo saida mai haʼu?”\n^ par. 22 Karik ida neʼebé hatoʼo “lian neʼebé kalma” neʼe mak hanesan ho anju neʼebé hatoʼo “Jeová nia liafuan” iha 1 Reis (Raja-Raja) 19:9. Iha versíkulu 15, temi deʼit anju neʼe nuʼudar “Jeová”. Karik ida-neʼe fó-hanoin mai ita kona-ba Jeová nia anju neʼebé lori ema Izraél iha rai-fuik iha tempu uluk. Kona-ba anju neʼe, Jeová dehan: “Haʼu-nia naran mak iha nia laran.” (Êxodo [Keluaran] 23:21) Maski ita la hatene ho loloos, maibé karik lian neʼe mai husi Jesus tanba antes Jesus tun mai mundu, nia halo serbisu nuʼudar “Liafuan”, ka nuʼudar Lia-Naʼin ba Jeová nia atan sira.—João 1:1.\n^ par. 24 Isaías 30:21: “Se ó lakon dalan no laʼo sees ba karuk ka ba loos, ó sei rona lian ida husi ó-nia kotuk dehan: ‘Ida-neʼe mak dalan. Laʼo tuir nia bá.’”\nSaida mak halo Elias sai laran-kraik tebes?\nElias fó sai razaun tolu saida neʼebé halo nia laran-tun?\nIha dalan saida deʼit mak Jeová fó kmaan ba Elias?\nIha dalan saida deʼit mak Ita bele banati-tuir Elias nia ezemplu se ita sai laran-tun?\nFahe Fahe Nia hetan kmaan husi ninia Maromak\nNia hetan kmaan husi ninia Maromak—Elias\nia kap. 12 p. 114-123 | [
"Profeta Elias hetan kmaan husi ninia Maromak | Fiar ne'ebe Nia hetan kmaan husi ninia Maromak 1, 2.",
"Saida mak akontese iha loron importante iha Elias nia moris?",
"ELIAS halai nafatin nu'udar udan tau maka'as no rai sai nakukun.",
"Nia sei presiza halai dook tan antes nia to'o iha Jezreel.",
"Maski nia la'os joven, maibe nia halai la para tanba \"Jeova nia liman\" rasik mak ajuda nia.",
"Sin, husi tempu uluk Elias nunka sente forsa maka'as hanesan ne'e.",
"Tan ne'e, nia bele toman kuda-karreta ne'ebe tula Liurai Acab! - Lee 1 Reis (Raja-Raja) 18:46. * 2 Agora, Liurai Acab iha ninia kotuk liu, no Elias kontinua halai mesak.",
"Hanoin to'ok, Elias halai hela iha udan, dala ruma nia presiza hamaran udan-been husi ninia matan.",
"Nia hanoin fali kona-ba buat ne'ebe foin akontese iha loron ne'e.",
"Loron ne'e mak importante tebes iha Elias nia moris tanba ninia Maromak Jeova no adorasaun ne'ebe loos mak manan.",
"Iha Elias nia kotuk liu mak Foho Carmelo, fatin ne'ebe Jeova uza Elias atu halo milagre boot hodi manan hasoru adorasaun ba Baal.",
"Jeova hatudu sai katak Baal nia profeta hamutuk na'in-450 mak falsu, no fo kastigu-mate ba profeta sira-ne'e tanba sira-nia hahalok aat.",
"Tuirmai, Elias halo orasaun ba Jeova atu ramata tinan tolu ho balu ne'ebe udan la iha.",
"No ikusmai, udan tau duni! - 1 Reis (Raja-Raja) 18:18-45.",
"3, 4. (a) Nu'udar Elias halai atu ba Jezreel, nia hanoin kona-ba saida de'it? (b) Ita sei ko'alia kona-ba pergunta saida de'it?",
"3 Nu'udar Elias halai iha dalan atu ba Jezreel ne'ebe dook maizumenus kilometru 30, karik nia hanoin katak ikusmai situasaun iha rai laran sei sai di'ak fali.",
"Karik Elias hanoin: 'Liurai Acab sei troka duni ninia hahalok tanba nia haree ona buat hotu ho ninia matan rasik.",
"Nia sei husik adorasaun ba Baal no haruka liurai-feto Jezabel atu halo hanesan, no nia sei la fo-terus tan ba Jeova nia atan sira.'",
"\"Elias . . . halai uluk liu Acab to'o iha Jezreel\" 4 Kuandu situasaun sai di'ak fali tuir ita-nia hakarak, baibain ita-nia esperansa mos sei aumenta.",
"Ita sente katak ita-nia moris sei sai di'ak liutan, ka ita-nia problema lakon ona.",
"Karik Elias mos hanoin hanesan ne'e tanba Biblia dehan: \"Elias mak ema hanesan ita.\"",
"(Tiago 5:17) Maibe, susar ne'ebe Elias hasoru seidauk hotu.",
"Tuir loloos, liutiha oras balu tan nia sai laran-tun no ta'uk tebes to'o hakarak mate de'it.",
"No oinsa mak Jeova ajuda profeta ne'e atu hametin ninia fiar no aten-brani?",
"Mai ita haree hamutuk.",
"Elias hasoru susar 5.",
"Husi buat hotu ne'ebe akontese iha Foho Carmelo, Acab aprende atu hamta'uk ba Jeova ka lae?",
"Oinsa mak ita hatene ida-ne'e?",
"5 Bainhira Acab to'o tiha iha ninia palasiu iha sidade Jezreel, nia hatudu katak nia troka ninia hahalok aat hodi sai ema ne'ebe hamta'uk Jeova ka lae?",
"Biblia hatete: \"Acab konta ba Jezabel kona-ba buat hotu ne'ebe Elias halo no oinsa Elias oho profeta sira hotu ho surik.\"",
"(1 Reis [Raja-Raja] 19:1) Acab la temi buat ida kona-ba Elias nia Maromak, Jeova.",
"Maski nia haree milagre oioin iha loron ne'e, nia konta de'it buat ne'ebe ninia matan haree hodi dehan katak ne'e mak buat ne'ebe \"Elias halo.\"",
"Klaru katak nia la aprende atu hamta'uk Maromak Jeova.",
"Saida mak ninia feen ne'ebe vingador sei halo kona-ba ne'e?",
"Mensajen saida mak Jezabel haruka ba Elias?",
"Ninia liafuan ne'e katak sa?",
"6 Jezabel sai laran-nakali tebetebes!",
"Nia haruka mensajen ba Elias hodi hatete: \"Maromak sira sei tesi-lia todan ba ha'u no halo aat liutan, se aban iha oras hanesan ne'e ha'u la bele halo ba o hanesan o halo ba sira!\"",
"(1 Reis [Raja-Raja] 19:2) Liafuan ne'e mak ameasa maka'as.",
"Jezabel halo juramentu ba ninia maromak sira katak se nia la konsege oho Elias iha oras 24 nia laran, hodi selu fali buat ne'ebe Elias halo ba Baal nia profeta sira, Jezabel rasik sei prontu atu mate.",
"Hanoin to'ok, iha kalan ema ida fanu Elias ne'ebe toba hela iha fatin simples iha sidade Jazreel no fo sai liurai-feto nia lia-menon aat ne'e.",
"Elias sente oinsa kona-ba ne'e?",
"Sai laran-tun no ta'uk 7.",
"Elias sente oinsa ho Jezabel nia ameasa?",
"Saida mak nia halo?",
"7 Se Elias hanoin katak problema kona-ba adorasaun falsu mak hotu ona, ninia hanoin ne'e sala duni tanba Jezabel la troka ninia hahalok.",
"Elias nia maluk profeta barak hetan ona kastigu-mate tanba Jezabel.",
"Maibe agora kastigu-mate ne'e sei kona Elias rasik.",
"Elias sente oinsa ho Jezabel nia ameasa ne'e?",
"Biblia hatete: \"Nia sai ta'uk.\"",
"Se Elias hanoin demais kona-ba oinsa Jezabel fo-terus maka'as ba nia to'o mate, ne'e sei halakon duni ninia aten-brani.",
"Ita la hatene loos saida mak Elias hanoin iha tempu ne'e, maibe Biblia dehan katak Elias \"komesa halai hodi salva ninia moris.\" - 1 Reis (Raja-Raja) 18:4; 19:3.",
"Se ita lakohi lakon ita-nia aten-brani, ita labele hanoin demais kona-ba perigu sira ne'ebe halo ita ta'uk 8. (a) Oinsa mak Pedro nia fraku hanesan ho Elias? (b) Elias no Pedro nia ezemplu hanorin ita saida?",
"8 Tuir loloos, la'os Elias de'it mak Maromak nia atan ne'ebe husik ta'uk kontrola nia.",
"Tinan barak liutiha, apostolu Pedro mos hasoru situasaun ne'ebe halo nia sai ta'uk.",
"Porezemplu, bainhira Jesus haruka Pedro atu la'o iha tasi leten, Pedro \"haree anin-boot,\" no ida-ne'e halo nia sai ta'uk no komesa mout.",
"(Lee Mateus 14:30.)",
"Pedro no Elias nia ezemplu ne'e hanorin lisaun importante mai ita.",
"Se ita lakohi lakon ita-nia aten-brani, ita labele hanoin demais kona-ba perigu sira ne'ebe halo ita ta'uk.",
"Ita presiza tau atensaun ba Ida ne'ebe fo esperansa no forsa mai ita.",
"Esplika to'ok kona-ba Elias nia viajen.",
"Nia sente oinsa nu'udar nia la'o iha rai-fuik ne'e?",
"9 Hodi ta'uk Elias halai ba sidade ki'ik naran Berseba dook kilometru 150, besik fronteira iha parte sul husi rai-Juda.",
"Iha ne'eba, Elias husik ninia ajudante no komesa la'o mesak iha rai-fuik laran.",
"Biblia hatete katak nia \"la'o loron tomak.\"",
"Tan ne'e, karik Elias komesa la'o iha dadeer-saan ho liman tanan de'it.",
"Ho laran-tun no ta'uk, nia haka'as an atu la'o-lemo iha rai-fuik ne'e, no loro-manas mos kona nia.",
"Ikusmai, loron monu no rai-nakaras ona, Elias sente nia la iha forsa ona atu kontinua la'o.",
"Nia tuur iha ai-hun ida nia okos, tanba nia la bele hetan fatin di'ak liu atu deskansa iha rai-fuik ne'e. - 1 Reis (Raja-Raja) 19:4.",
"10, 11. (a) Elias nia orasaun ba Jeova katak sa? (b) Hodi uza eskritura sira iha paragrafu 11, esplika to'ok kona-ba fiar-na'in balu nia sentimentu.",
"10 Ho laran-kraik tebes, Elias halo orasaun.",
"Nia husu Jeova atu husik nia mate de'it.",
"Nia dehan: \"Ha'u hanesan de'it ho ha'u-nia bei'ala sira.\"",
"Nia hatene katak ninia bei'ala sira sai ruin no rai-rahun de'it iha rate laran no la bele halo buat ida.",
"(Eclesiastes [Pengkhotbah] 9:10) Elias sente nia mos hanesan de'it ho sira.",
"Tan ne'e, nia dehan: \"To'o ona!\"",
"Nia hanoin: 'Tansa mak ha'u tenke moris iha terus laran?'",
"11 Hodi hatene katak ema ne'ebe hamta'uk Maromak mos bele sai laran-kraik hanesan ne'e, ida-ne'e halo ita hakfodak ka lae?",
"Biblia konta kona-ba mane no feto fiar-na'in barak ne'ebe sai laran-kraik tebes to'o hakarak mate, hanesan Rebeca, Jacob, Moises, no Job. - Genesis (Kejadian) 25:22; 37:35; Numeros (Bilangan) 11:13-15; Jo (Ayub) 14:13.",
"Se ita hasoru situasaun ne'ebe halo ita sente laran-kraik, oinsa mak ita bele halo tuir Elias nia ezemplu?",
"12 Ohin loron, ita moris iha loron ikus sira ne'ebe iha \"problema barak ne'ebe susar atu tahan,\" tan ne'e ema barak, inklui mos Maromak nia atan sira, sente laran-kraik.",
"(2 Timoteo 3:1) Se ita mos hasoru situasaun susar, ita presiza halo tuir Elias nia ezemplu hodi fo sai ita-nia sentimentu ba Maromak.",
"Sin, Jeova mak \"Maromak ne'ebe fo kmaan ba ema iha situasaun hotu.\"",
"(Lee 2 Korinto 1:3, 4.)",
"Nia fo kmaan ba Elias ka lae?",
"Jeova ajuda ninia profeta 13, 14. (a) Oinsa mak Jeova ho domin ajuda ninia profeta ne'ebe laran-tun hela? (b) Tanbasa mak ita kontente hodi hatene katak Jeova hatene buat hotu kona-ba ita ida-idak, inklui mos ita-nia fraku sira?",
"13 Hanoin to'ok, Jeova hateke tun husi lalehan ba ninia profeta ne'ebe nia hadomi, ne'ebe toba iha ai-hun okos iha rai-fuik no husu maka'as ba Maromak atu halo nia mate de'it.",
"Tuir Ita-nia hanoin, Jeova sente oinsa?",
"Bainhira Elias toba ona, Jeova haruka anju ida ba nia.",
"Anju ne'e fanu Elias hodi book ninia isin ho laran-di'ak no hatete: \"Hadeer, no han.\"",
"Anju ne'e prepara ona hahan simples, paun ne'ebe manas ho bee.",
"Elias komesa han-hemu.",
"Nia fo obrigadu ba anju ne'e ka lae?",
"Biblia hatete de'it katak nia han-hemu no toba fali.",
"Karik Elias kole tebes to'o baruk atu ko'alia.",
"Liutiha tempu balu, anju fanu fali nia.",
"Dala ida tan, anju ne'e hatete: \"Hadeer, no han,\" maibe iha oras ne'e nia mos hatutan tan dehan: \"Tanba viajen ne'e todan demais ba o.\" - 1 Reis (Raja-Raja) 19:5-7.",
"14 Maromak nia anju ne'e hatene ona Elias atu ba ne'ebe.",
"Nia mos hatene katak Elias la bele halo viajen ne'e ho ninia forsa rasik.",
"Ita kontente tanba ita serbi Maromak ne'ebe hatene di'ak liu fali ita kona-ba ita-nia fraku sira, no mos ita-nia hakarak atu halo buat ne'ebe loos.",
"(Lee Salmo [Mazmur] 103:13, 14. *) Maibe hahan ne'e fo forsa ba Elias ka lae?",
"15, 16. (a) Hahan ne'ebe Jeova fo ba Elias ajuda nia atu halo saida? (b) Tanbasa mak ita hafolin ai-han espiritual ne'ebe Jeova fo ba ninia atan sira ohin loron?",
"15 Biblia hatete: \"Nia hadeer no han-hemu, no hodi hetan forsa husi hahan ne'e, nia kontinua la'o durante loron 40 no kalan 40 to'o Maromak loos nia foho, Horeb.\"",
"(1 Reis [Raja-Raja] 19:8) Elias halo jejun durante loron 40 no kalan 40, hanesan Moises halo iha tinan 600 antes nia, no hanesan Jesus halo besik tinan 1.000 depois nia.",
"(Exodo [Keluaran] 34:28; Lucas 4:1, 2) Maski ai-han ne'ebe Elias simu la halakon ninia problema hotu, maibe ida-ne'e ajuda nia iha dalan espesial.",
"Hanoin to'ok kona-ba ema katuas ida-ne'e ne'ebe loron-loron no semana-semana kontinua la'o iha rai-fuik to'o besik fulan ida ho balu!",
"16 Jeova mos ajuda ninia atan sira ohin loron, la'os liuhusi milagre ruma maibe iha dalan ne'ebe importante liu.",
"Nia fo ai-han espiritual ba ninia atan sira.",
"(Mateus 4:4) Bainhira ita aprende kona-ba Maromak liuhusi ninia Liafuan no livru sira ne'ebe esplika kona-ba Biblia, ida-ne'e sei ajuda ita atu hametin ita-nia relasaun ho Maromak.",
"Maski ai-han espiritual ne'ebe ita simu karik la bele halakon ita-nia problema hotu, maibe ida-ne'e sei fo forsa mai ita atu tahan hasoru problema sira ne'ebe ita la bele tahan ho ita-nia kbiit rasik.",
"Ida-ne'e mos lori \"moris rohan-laek\" ba ita. - Joao 17:3.",
"Elias ba ne'ebe?",
"Tanbasa mak fatin ne'e importante tebes?",
"17 Elias kontinua la'o dook besik kilometru 320, no ikusmai nia to'o Foho Horeb (ka Foho Sinai).",
"Foho ne'e importante tebes tanba iha fatin ne'e mak uluk Maromak Jeova ko'alia ho Moises besik ai-tarak ne'ebe lakan hela, no liutiha tempu balu Jeova halo aliansa Ukun-Fuan nian ho nasaun Izrael.",
"Elias hetan fatin atu tuur iha fatuk-kuak ida iha foho ne'e.",
"Jeova fo kmaan no forsa ba ninia profeta 18, 19. (a) Saida mak Jeova husu ba Elias liuhusi anju ida?",
"Elias hatan oinsa? (b) Elias fo sai razaun tolu saida ne'ebe halo nia laran-tun?",
"18 Iha Foho Horeb, Elias rona Jeova nia \"liafuan,\" ne'ebe hato'o liuhusi anju ida, hodi dehan: \"O halo saida iha ne'e, Elias?\"",
"Ita bele fiar katak liafuan ne'e hato'o ho laran-di'ak, tanba ida-ne'e loke dalan ba Elias atu fo sai ninia sentimentu.",
"Nia hatete: \"To'o agora, ha'u laran-manas tebes ba Jeova, Maromak ba tropa iha lalehan nian, tanba ema Izrael husik ona Ita-nia aliansa, sira estraga ona Ita-nia altar, no sira oho Ita-nia profeta sira ho surik, tan ne'e so ha'u de'it mak hela mesak.",
"No agora, sira buka atu oho ha'u.\"",
"(1 Reis [Raja-Raja] 19:9, 10) Elias nia liafuan ne'e hatudu razaun tolu tansa mak nia laran-tun.",
"19 Razaun primeiru, Elias sente katak ninia serbisu mak saugati de'it.",
"Maski ba tinan barak nia \"laran-manas tebes\" atu serbi Jeova hodi halo ninia naran santu no tau uluk adorasaun ne'ebe loos, maibe Elias haree katak situasaun ne'e sai aat ba beibeik.",
"Ema sira nafatin la fiar no sempre kontra hasoru Jeova, no adorasaun falsu mak sai buras ba beibeik.",
"Razaun segundu, Elias sente mesamesak.",
"Nia dehan: \"So ha'u de'it mak hela mesak.\"",
"Nia sente katak nia mak ema ikus ne'ebe serbi Jeova.",
"Razaun terseiru, Elias sai ta'uk.",
"Ema oho tiha ona Elias nia maluk profeta sira hotu, no nia fiar katak lakleur ema mos sei oho nia.",
"Karik la fasil ba Elias atu fo sai ninia sentimentu ne'e, maibe nia la husik hahalok foti-an ka moe atu hapara nia.",
"Sin, Elias fo sai ninia sentimentu ba Maromak liuhusi orasaun, no ida-ne'e sai nu'udar ezemplu di'ak ba ita hotu. - Salmo (Mazmur) 62:8.",
"20, 21. (a) Esplika to'ok saida mak Elias haree iha fatuk-kuak nia ibun iha Foho Horeb. (b) Jeova hatudu ninia forsa, saida mak Elias aprende husi ida-ne'e?",
"20 Jeova hatan oinsa kuandu Elias fo sai ninia hanoin no sentimentu ta'uk?",
"Anju haruka Elias atu hamriik iha fatuk-kuak nia ibun.",
"Elias halo tuir maski nia la hatene saida mak atu akontese.",
"Derrepente de'it, anin maka'as huu!",
"Elias rona lian boot tanba anin ne'e huu maka'as to'o fera foho no fatuk sira.",
"Hanoin to'ok, Elias koko atu taka ninia matan, no kaer metin ninia roupa ne'ebe halo husi animal nia kulit atu anin labele lori sai.",
"Nia mos tenke haka'as an atu hamriik metin tanba rai komesa nakdoko maka'as!",
"Lakleur, nia haree ahi-lakan maka'as no nia tenke hakiduk fali iha fatuk-kuak laran atu proteje ninia an husi manas. - 1 Reis (Raja-Raja) 19:11, 12.",
"Jeova uza ninia forsa atu fo kmaan no laran-manas ba Elias 21 Maromak Jeova hela iha buat ne'ebe nia kria, hanesan anin no ahi ka lae?",
"Iha istoria ne'e, Biblia hatete katak Jeova la hela iha anin, ahi ka rai-nakdoko.",
"Elias hatene katak Jeova la hanesan duni ho maromak Baal, ne'ebe ema bolu nu'udar \"ida ne'ebe sa'e kalohan,\" ka ida ne'ebe lori udan.",
"Maromak Jeova mak forsa hotu nia Hun no nia boot liu fali buat naran de'it ne'ebe nia kria.",
"Tuir loloos, Maromak Jeova boot liu fali lalehan rasik!",
"(1 Reis [Raja-Raja] 8:27) Hodi hatene ida-ne'e, oinsa mak ida-ne'e ajuda Elias?",
"Uluk, Elias sente ta'uk, maibe hodi hamutuk ho Maromak Jeova ne'ebe sempre prontu atu hatudu ninia forsa boot, Elias sei la iha razaun atu sai ta'uk ba Acab no Jezabel! - Lee Salmo (Mazmur) 118:6. * 22. (a) Oinsa mak \"lian ne'ebe kalma\" fo fiar ba Elias katak nia iha folin-boot? (b) \"Lian ne'ebe kalma\" ne'e, karik mai husi se?",
"(Haree nota-rodape.)",
"22 Bainhira ahi ne'e liu ona, buat hotu sai hakmatek fali.",
"Tuirmai, Elias rona \"lian ne'ebe kalma.\"",
"Lian ne'e konvida Elias dala ida tan atu fo sai ninia sentimentu, no Elias halo nune'e ba dala segundu. * Karik ida-ne'e halo Elias sente kmaan liu.",
"Maibe, \"lian ne'ebe kalma\" fo sai liafuan ne'ebe halo Elias sente kmaan liutan.",
"Jeova fo fiar ba Elias katak nia iha folin-boot.",
"Jeova hatete kona-ba buat ne'ebe Nia sei halo hodi kontra hasoru adorasaun ba Baal iha Izrael.",
"Klaru katak Elias nia serbisu ne'e la saugati de'it tanba Jeova sei kumpre duni Ninia hakarak.",
"Liutan ne'e, Elias sei hola parte iha Jeova nia hakarak ne'e tanba Jeova haruka nia atu halo serbisu tan no fo-hatene ho klaru buat ne'ebe Elias tenke halo. - 1 Reis (Raja-Raja) 19:12-17.",
"Saida mak Jeova halo atu ajuda Elias la sente mesamesak tan?",
"23 Maibe, Elias nafatin sente nia mesamesak de'it.",
"Saida mak Jeova halo kona-ba ida-ne'e?",
"Nia halo buat rua.",
"Ulukliu, nia haruka Elias atu hili Eliseu nu'udar profeta ne'ebe ikusmai sei kaer fali ninia serbisu.",
"Mane joven ne'e sei sai Elias nia maluk no ajudante ba tinan barak.",
"Ida-ne'e fo kmaan duni ba Elias!",
"Tuirmai, Jeova fo-hatene kona-ba buat ida ne'ebe halo Elias hakfodak no kontente, hodi dehan: \"Ha'u husik ema na'in-7.000 moris hela iha Izrael, sira hotu nia ain-tuur la hakne'ak ba Baal, no sira-nia ibun la re'i nia.\"",
"(1 Reis [Raja-Raja] 19:18) Tuir loloos, Elias la mesak.",
"Bainhira Elias rona katak sei iha ema na'in rihun ba rihun ne'ebe lakohi adora Baal, ida-ne'e halo nia kontente.",
"Sira presiza Elias atu kontinua ninia serbisu ho laran-metin, hodi fo ba sira ezemplu di'ak kona-ba laran-metin ba Jeova iha tempu susar nia laran.",
"Karik \"lian ne'ebe kalma\" husi Maromak Jeova nia anju ne'e kona duni Elias nia laran.",
"Biblia mak hanesan \"lian ne'ebe kalma\" no Jeova uza ida-ne'e atu fo matadalan mai ita 24, 25. (a) Ohin loron, oinsa mak ita bele rona ba Jeova nia \"lian ne'ebe kalma\"? (b) Oinsa mak ita hatene katak Elias simu kmaan ne'ebe Jeova fo ba nia?",
"24 Hanesan ho Elias, dala ruma ita mos hakfodak hodi haree forsa boot iha kriasaun.",
"Forsa ne'e haleno ita-nia Kriador nia kbiit.",
"(Roma 1:20) Jeova mos prontu atu uza ninia forsa boot ne'e atu ajuda ninia atan sira ne'ebe laran-metin.",
"(2 Cronicas [Tawarikh] 16:9) Maibe Maromak ajuda ita liuliu hodi hato'o ninia mensajen mai ita liuhusi ninia Liafuan, Biblia.",
"(Lee Isaias [Yesaya] 30:21. *) Sin, Biblia mak hanesan \"lian ne'ebe kalma\" no Jeova uza ida-ne'e atu fo matadalan mai ita.",
"Liuhusi Biblia, Jeova hadi'a ita-nia hahalok, fo laran-manas mai ita, no fo sai ninia domin mai ita.",
"25 Elias simu kmaan ne'ebe Jeova fo ba nia iha Foho Horeb ka lae?",
"Sin, nia simu duni!",
"Lakleur, Elias komesa fali ninia serbisu, no ho aten-brani liutan, nia hamriik hasoru adorasaun falsu.",
"Ita mos bele banati-tuir Elias nia fiar se ita husik 'eskritura sira ajuda ita atu tahan no fo kmaan mai ita'. - Roma 15:4. ^ par.",
"1 1 Reis 18:46: \"No Jeova nia liman hamutuk ho Elias, tan ne'e Elias kesi ninia knotak no nia halai uluk liu Acab to'o iha Jezreel.\" ^ par.",
"14 Salmo 103:13, 14: \"13 Hanesan aman ida hatudu laran-sadi'a ba ninia oan sira, Jeova hatudu laran-sadi'a ba sira ne'ebe ta'uk ba nia.",
"14 Nia hatene loos oinsa mak nia kria ita, nia hanoin-hetan katak ita mak rai-rahun.\" ^ par.",
"21 Salmo 118:6: \"Jeova hamutuk ho ha'u; ha'u sei la ta'uk buat ida.",
"Ema bele halo saida mai ha'u?\" ^ par.",
"22 Karik ida ne'ebe hato'o \"lian ne'ebe kalma\" ne'e mak hanesan ho anju ne'ebe hato'o \"Jeova nia liafuan\" iha 1 Reis (Raja-Raja) 19:9.",
"Iha versikulu 15, temi de'it anju ne'e nu'udar \"Jeova.\"",
"Karik ida-ne'e fo-hanoin mai ita kona-ba Jeova nia anju ne'ebe lori ema Izrael iha rai-fuik iha tempu uluk.",
"Kona-ba anju ne'e, Jeova dehan: \"Ha'u-nia naran mak iha nia laran.\"",
"(Exodo [Keluaran] 23:21) Maski ita la hatene ho loloos, maibe karik lian ne'e mai husi Jesus tanba antes Jesus tun mai mundu, nia halo serbisu nu'udar \"Liafuan,\" ka nu'udar Lia-Na'in ba Jeova nia atan sira. - Joao 1:1. ^ par.",
"24 Isaias 30:21: \"Se o lakon dalan no la'o sees ba karuk ka ba loos, o sei rona lian ida husi o-nia kotuk dehan: 'Ida-ne'e mak dalan.",
"La'o tuir nia ba.'\"",
"Saida mak halo Elias sai laran-kraik tebes?",
"Elias fo sai razaun tolu saida ne'ebe halo nia laran-tun?",
"Iha dalan saida de'it mak Jeova fo kmaan ba Elias?",
"Iha dalan saida de'it mak Ita bele banati-tuir Elias nia ezemplu se ita sai laran-tun?",
"Fahe Fahe Nia hetan kmaan husi ninia Maromak Nia hetan kmaan husi ninia Maromak - Elias ia kap.",
"12 p.",
] | [
"Prophet Elijah received a revelation from his God | Faith that He Received A Revelation From His Lord 1,2."
"What happened on a significant day in Elijah’s life?"
"ELIAS went on like a rain that poured down and the land became naked."
"He will have to walk a long way before he reaches Jezreel."
"Even though he was not young, his work continued because \"Jehovah's hand\" helped him."
"In fact, Elijah had never felt such great power since the days of old."
"Therefore, he can take the chariot horses that carry King Ahab! - Read 1 Kings (King-kings)20:46. * Now king Achab is behind him and Elijah goes on walking barefoot"
"Remember, Elijah was walking in the rain; sometimes he needed to wipe it from his eyes."
"He thought back to what had just happened that day."
"This day was very important in Elijah's life because his God Jehovah and true worship prevailed."
"Behind Elijah is the Valley of Carmel, where God used Elias to perform a great miracle against Baal worship."
"Jehovah revealed that the 450 prophets of Baal were false, and put them to death for their evil deeds."
"Then Elijah prayed to Jehovah that he would end the three years with some rain."
"No see, rain has fallen on the earth! - I Kings (Kings)18:20-45."
"3,4. (a) When Elijah was heading for Jezreel what did he think about?(b), What questions will we discuss here in this chapter:"
"3 When Elijah was on his way to Jezreel, which is about thirty miles away from the city of Judah and Jerusalem in Israel (2 Kings) he thought that eventually things would be better."
"Maybe Elijah thought: 'King Ahab will surely change his way, because he has seen it all with himself."
"He will leave the worship of Baal and send Jezebel, his queen-daughter to do likewise; he won't deceive Yahweh’s servant anymore."
"\"Elijah... went before Ahab to Jezreel\" 4 When things go well again as we would like, our hopes usually increase."
"We feel that our lives will be better again, or we have solved all of the problems."
"Perhaps Elijah thought the same, because it says: \"Elijah was a man like us.\""
"(James 5:17) But Elijah's hardship was not over. The suffering he endured hadn’t ended yet, and it would continue for a long time to come!"
"In fact, after a few hours he became so angry and tired that it seemed as if his only wish was to die."
"And how does Jehovah help the prophet to strengthen his faith and perseverance?"
"Let's take a look together."
"Elijah meets the drought 5."
"From all that happened in the Valley of Carmel, did Ahab learn to trust Jehovah?"
"How do we know this?"
"5 When Ahab came to his palace in the city of Jezreel, he showed that He had changed His evil ways and become a man who followed Jehovah."
"The Bible says: \"Ahab told Jezebel all that Elijah had done, and how Elias killed the prophets with a sword.\""
"(1 Kings [Kings] 20:3) Ahab made no mention of Elijah’d God, Jehovah. He did not say anything about the Lord or his name in any way that might be confusing for anyone who read this book and would like to know it more thoroughly than he does now!"
"Although he saw many miracles on that day, only what his eyes had seen was recorded by him as the things \"Elijah did.\""
"Of course, he did not learn to worship Jehovah God."
"What will his avenger wife do about it?"
"6. Requirements for the application of this Regulation"
"What message did Jezebel send to Elijah?"
"What is this saying?"
"6 Jezebel became very angry! She was exceedingly displeased."
"He sent a messenger to Elijah saying, \"They will hurt and harm you if I do not deal with them as they have treated thee tomorrow at this time!\""
"(1 Kings [Kings] 9:2) This word is a great threat."
"Jezebel swore to her servants that if she could not kill Elijah within 24 hours, in order of requiting what Elias had done against the prophetes Of Baal' s he would be ready for death."
"Remember, one night a man called upon Elijah who was lying in the plains of Jazreel and told him about this evil thing."
"How does Elias feel about this?"
"Sai laran-tun no ta'uk 7."
"How does Elijah feel about Jezebel’s threat?"
"What did he do?"
"7 If Elijah thought that the problem of false worship had been solved, he was wrong because Jezebel did not change her behavior."
"Many of Elijah's fellow prophet, too were put to death because Jezebel."
"But now the death penalty will be on Elijah himself."
"How does Elijah feel about Jezebel's threat?"
"The Bible says, \"He became a man of faith.\""
"If Elijah thinks too much about how Jezebel has abused him to the point of death, it will indeed destroy his attention."
"We do not know exactly what Elijah was thinking at that time, but the Bible says he \"committed to flee for his life.\" - 1 Kings (Kings)"
"If we do not want to lose our focus, let us avoid thinking too much about the dangers that may weaken 8. (a) What is Peter' s frailty like Elijah?"
"8 In fact, Elijah was not the only servant of God who allowed himself to be controlled by demons."
"Many years later, the Apostle Peter also encountered a situation that made him sick."
"However, when Jesus ordered Peter to walk on the seaside he \"saw a great wind\" and this caused him cold sores."
"(Read Matthew 14:30.)"
"The example of Peter and Elijah teaches us an important lesson."
"If we don't want to lose our focus, then let us not think too much about the dangers that are falling on."
"We need to pay attention for the One who gives us hope and strength."
"9. Requirements for the application of this Regulation"
"Explains in detail about Elijah's journey."
"How did she feel as he walked in this cold land?"
"9 And Elijah departed, and went to a small city called Beersheba which was by the border of Judah on its south side; it is about sixty miles far."
"There, Elijah left his helpers and began walking alone in the cold."
"The Bible says that he \"walked all day long.\""
"Therefore, if Elijah had started to walk in the morning with his left hand only."
"With tenderness and humility, he stood up to walk in this cold land. He was also very hot on the day of his arrival there;"
"Finally, when the day fell and it was dark out of all directions Elias felt that he had no strength to continue."
"He sat under a tree, for he could not find any better place to rest in the cold land. -1 Kings (Kings-kings)"
"10. (a) What was Elijah’s prayer to Jehovah?(b), using the scriptures in paragraph, explain some of what certain believers felt about it:"
"10 And Elijah prayed with a loud voice."
"He asked Jehovah to let him die."
"He said, \"I am just like my fellow men.\""
"He knew that his fellows were ruined and in a state of utter destruction, unable to do anything."
"(Ecclesiastes [Preacher] 9:10) Elijah felt he was just like them, too."
"Therefore, he said: \"It is enough!\" and then went out of the house."
"He thought: 'Why should I live in suffering?'"
"10 And we are glad to know that even those who love God can be likewise tenderhearted."
"The Bible tells of many faithful men and women who were so grieved that they wished to die, such as Rebekah; Jacob: Moses. And Job.—Genesis 25:19-30 (KJV); Numbers(Bilangan)"
"12. Requirements for the application of this Regulation"
"When we face situations that make us feel sorry, how can you follow Elijah' s example?"
"12 Today, we live in the last days with “many unbearable troubles,” so that many people including God' s servant are feeling grief."
"(2 Timothy 3:1) If we are also facing difficult situations, it is necessary for us to follow Elijah' s example in expressing our feeling of God."
"Rather, Jehovah is \"the Lord who gives guidance in all circumstances.\""
"(Read 2 Corinthians1:3,4.)"
"What did he say to Elijah?"
"Jehovah Helps His Prophets 13,24. (a) What does God love to help his compassionate prophet?(b), Why are we satisfied that he knowing everything about each of us—including our own frailties and inadequacies?—"
"13 And Jehovah looked down from heaven unto his beloved prophet, who fell upon the vine in a wilderness and besought God that he might die."
"How do you think Jehovah feels about this?"
"When Elijah had fallen, Jehovah sent an angel to him."
"The angel inspired Elijah to touch his body with mercy and said, \"Hadeer; don't eat.\""
"Anju has prepared a simple meal, hot bread with water."
"Elias began to laugh. Elijah started screaming, \"Hey!"
"Did he thank the angel?"
"The Bible only says that he ate and fell asleep."
"Karik Elias was so tired that he couldn't speak."
"After some time, the angels glorified him again."
"Once again the angel said, \"Hadeer and eat not.\" But this time he continued saying to her: “Because your journey is too long for you.” - 1 Kings (Kings-kings)"
"14 For the angel of God knew where Elijah was going."
"He also knew that Elijah could not make this journey on his own strength."
"We are satisfied because we serve God who knows better than us about our frailties, and also the desire to do what is right."
"(Read Psalm 103:24.) * But did this food give Elijah strength?"
"(a) What did the food that Jehovah gave Elijah help him do?(b), and why should we appreciate spiritual nourishment given by God to his servants today."
"15 The Bible says: \"And he fasted and ate, And in the strength of that meat went forty days & nights unto Horeb.\""
"(1 Kings [Kings] 9:8) Elijah fasted forty days and night, just as Moses had done six hundred years before him. And Jesus fasted almost a thousand year after his time in the land of Egypt.[b][c],[d]”"
"(Exodus 34:28; Luke, Chapters of the Bible) Although Elijah' s food did not eliminate all his problems it helped him in a special way."
"Just think about this old man who continued to walk in the cold every day and week for almost a month or so!"
"16 Jehovah also helps his servant today, not by some miracle but in a more important way."
"He gives spiritual food to His servants."
"When we learn about God through his Word and the books that explain him, it will help us to strengthen our relationship with Him."
"Although the spiritual food we receive may not overcome all of our problems, it will give us strength to endure those challenges that are beyond what is possible in one's own power."
"This also brings \"eternal life\" to us. - John 17:3 (NIV)."
"17. Amendment of the Constitution"
"Elias ba ne'ewe?"
"Why is this site so important?"
"17 And Elijah went about a hundred and twenty miles, until he came to the Horeb (or Sinai) valley."
"The desert is very important because it was here that the Lord God spoke to Moses near a bush in which there were trees, and later made his covenant of peace with Israel."
"Elijah found a place to sit in one of the rocky caves on this cliff."
"Jehovah Gives His Prophets Wisdom and Strength. 18-20 (a) What did God ask Elijah through an angel?"
"How did Elijah respond? (b) What three reasons does Elias give that made him sad and angry."
"18 At Horeb, Elijah heard the \"word\" of Yahweh through an angel saying to him: “What are you doing here Elias?”"
"We can trust that this word was spoken with compassion, because it opened the way for Elijah to express his feelings."
"He said, \"I have been very angry with the LORD God of heaven's host; for Israel has forsaken your covenant and broken down you altar. They killed all those who had spoken to me in my name: I alone am left.\""
"And now they are seeking to kill me.\""
"(1 Kings [Kings] 20:9-34) Elijah' s words indicate three reason for his grief."
"19 The first reason, Elijah felt that his work was only for salvation."
"Despite his many years of \"extremely ardent desire\" to serve Jehovah, make His name holy and put true worship before everything else in the world."
"People continue to be unbelieving and always opposed against Jehovah, with false worship increasingly proliferating."
"Reason two, Elijah feels sorry."
"He said, \"I'm the only one left alone.\""
"He felt that he was the only one who served Jehovah."
"The third reason, Elijah became ta'uk."
"All of Elijah's fellow-prophets had been killed, and he believed that they would soon kill him as well."
"It may not be easy for Elias to express his feelings, but he did NOT let selfishness or anger stop him."
"Rather, Elijah expressed his feelings to God through prayer and this is a good example for all of us.—Psalm 62:8."
"20. (a) Explain exactly what Elijah saw at the head of a rock in Horeb?(b). Jehovah showed his strength, and how did Elias learn from this experience??"
"20 How did the Lord respond when Elijah gave out his thoughts and feelings?"
"The angel ordered Elijah to lie on his head in the cave."
"Elijah followed, although he did not know what was to happen."
"All of a sudden, I'm not sick!"
"Elijah heard a loud voice, because the wind was so strong that it burned up grass and rocks."
"Thinking of the wood, Elijah decided to close his eyes and hold tightly on its animal skin garment so that it would not be carried away by wind."
"He also had to fight hard for his feet because the ground was getting thick!"
"Soon, he saw a great fire and had to hide back in the rocks for protection from it.—1 Kings 20:3-5."
"Jehovah uses his power to give Elijah strength and warmth. 21 Does not Yahweh God dwell in the things that he has created, like wind or fire?"
"In this story, the Bible says that Jehovah does not dwell in wind or fire nor dust."
"Elijah knew that Jehovah was not like the devil Baal, who is called \"the one rising from heaven\" or bringing rain."
"Jehovah God of all powers is greater than anything that he has created, and his name alone."
"Indeed, Jehovah God is greater than the heavens themselves!"
"(1 Kings [Kings] 8:27) Knowing this, how does it help Elijah?"
"Before, Elijah felt humble but with Jehovah God always ready to show his mighty power he will have no reason for Ahab and Jezebel! - Read Psalm 18:6. *23 (a) What did the \"quiet wood\" make Elias believe that it was of great value?"
"(See footnote.)"
"21 And when the fire was gone, all things were restored."
"Then, Elias heard \"a calm wind.\""
"The word invites Elijah once again to express his feeling, and Elias does so a second time. * Maybe this made him feel more comfortable with himself?"
"However, the \"calm angel\" gave out words that made Elijah feel comfortable."
"Jehovah trusted Elijah that he was of great value."
"The LORD declares what He will do to oppose the worship of Baal in Israel."
"Of course, Elijah's work was not just a blessing because Jehovah would do His will."
"Furthermore, Elijah would take part in Jehovah's will because he was directed to do more work and clearly told him what Elias must be doing. -1 Kings (King-kings)"
"23. Assessment of the impacts on health"
"What did Jehovah do to help Elijah not feel guilty?"
"23 But Elijah still felt his own misery."
"What does Jehovah do about this?"
"He did two things."
"Ulukliu, he sent Elijah to choose Elisha as the prophet who would eventually take over his work."
"The young man would become Elijah's companion and helper for many years."
"This was a sign to Elijah! It's the same thing that happened with Elias."
"Then the LORD revealed something that made Elijah happy and content, saying: \"I have left seven thousand in Israel; all of them whose neck has not lifting up to Baal or their breasts resting on him.\""
"(1 Kings [Kings] 20:3) In fact, Elijah did not die. He wasn’t sick at all!"
"When Elijah heard that there would be thousands and again of those who refused to worship Baal, he was pleased."
"They needed Elijah to continue his work with patience, giving them a good example of standing by Jehovah in difficult times."
"Perhaps the \"quiet wood\" of Jehovah God's angel knew Elijah."
"The Bible is a \"quiet wood,\" and Jehovah uses it to guide us. 24-35 (a) How can we hear the sound of Yahweh' s “silent tree” today?"
"24 Like Elijah, sometimes we are amazed to see great power in the work of God."
"This force breathes the power of our Creator."
"(Romans 1:20) Jehovah is also ready to use this great power in the aid of his patient servant."
"(2 Chronicles [Tawarikh] 16:9) But God helps us especially by delivering His message to ourselves through his Word, the Bible."
"(Read Isaiah 30:21. *) Rather, the Bible is like a \"quiet wood\" and Jehovah uses it to guide us in our lives; he does not want any of this for himself but only that which we need from him.\""
"Through the Bible, Jehovah corrects our behavior and gives us compassion. He shows his love to all of you through His Word:"
"25 Did Elijah receive the vision that Jehovah gave him in Horeb?"
"Yes, he did! He received it."
"Soon, Elijah returned to his work and with continued vigilance he fought against false worship."
"We can also emulate Elijah’s faith if we let ‘the scriptures help us to endure and give guidance. .’—Roman,15:4 ^ para"
"18:46, \"And the hand of Jehovah was upon Elijah; and he cut off his garment from under him. And Elias went before Ahab unto Jezreel.\" ^ par"
"Psalm 103:2, \"As a father has compassion on his children; so Jehovah hath mercy upon them that trust in him."
"14 He knows how he created us, and remembered that we are a nation.\""
"Psalm 120:6, \"The Lord is with me; I will not be afraid of anything."
"What can a man do to me?\" ^ par."
"23 Perhaps the one who delivers \"the quiet voice\" is similar to an angel that bringing forth a word of Jehovah in I Kings (19:0.)"
"In verse 15, the angel is only referred to as \"Jehovah.\""
"Perhaps this reminds us of Jehovah's angel who carried the Israelites into a wilderness in ancient times."
"Of the angel, Jehovah says: \"My name is in him.\""
"(Exodus 23:19) Although we do not know exactly, if this language came from Jesus then it is because before he went down to the world He was serving as a \"Word\" or Word of God for Jehovah's servant. —John"
"Isaiah 30:21, \"If you go astray and turn to the right or left; then hear from behind your back this voice saying 'This is my way.'"
"Go and follow him.'\""
"What made Elijah so sad?"
"What three reasons did Elijah give for his grief?"
"In what way did the Lord give Elijah a sign?"
"In what way can we follow Elijah's example by becoming patient?"
"Fahe He received a vision from his God - Elijah was cap."
"12 p."
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Ofisiálmente KI Loke Rejistu Órgaun Komunikasaun Sosiál | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste\nVARANDA DILI Ofisiálmente KI Loke Rejistu Órgaun Komunikasaun Sosiál\nOfisiálmente KI Loke Rejistu Órgaun Komunikasaun Sosiál\nDILI (TATOLI) – Konsellu Imprensa (CI-Sigla Portugés) loke ofisiálmente simu rejistrasaun hosi órgaun komunikasaun sosiál tantu média imprime no eletrónika.\n“Konsellu Imprensa (KI) ofisiálmente hato’o ba proprietáriu órgaun komunikasaun sosiál no meiu komunikasaun sosiál atu bele hahú ona prosesu rejistu tuir lei komunikasaun sosiál hateten,” informa Prezidente KI, Virgílio Guterres liuhosi konferénsia imprensa, Kintál Boot, Segunda (11/9).\nKI hanesan órgaun kompetente atu halo rejistrasaun ba órgaun komunikasaun sosiál no meiu komunikasaun sosiál atu nune’e KI bele iha baze dadus hodi fó atensaun bainhira média sira hasoru problema ruma ligadu ba servisu jornalista sira nian.\nKI husu ba órgaun komunikasaun sosiál atu bele foti formuláriu iha KI atu bele hetan rejistu.\n“Agora Konsellu Imprensa nakloke ona atu simu rejistu hosi média no meiu komunikasaun sosiál iha territóriu tomak,” Prezidente KI, Virgílio Guterres haktuir.\nDurasaun rejistu média sira, Prezidente KI hateten, KI loke rejistrasaun nafatin tanba ba futuru média foun sei mai no laiha limitasaun rejistu media nian.\nNo mós KI sei la obriga órgaun komunikasaun sosiál atu tenke mai rejistu maibé kuandu la rejista sei la iha sansaun só iha konsekuénsia katak bainhira iha reklamasaun ruma hosi públiku ba servisu média nia la tuir kódigu étika nian, KI sei iha difikuldade atu foti medida.\nMaibé média sira kuandu rejistu signifika KI prontu atu hakaruk ba desizaun no orientasaun ne’ebé relasiona ho prátika di’ak.\nKI prepara ona formuláriu ho nia kritériu hirak ne’ebé tuir lei hateten, buat ne’ebé aneksa ba formuláriu mak Estatutu Organizasaun iha lei hateten hanesan Estatutu Editoriál, esplika média ne’e ba asuntu públiku nian ga? Asuntu kona-ba kategoria feto nian de’it ga? No seluk tan tenke espresa iha ne’ebá.\nTenke aneksa mós mapamentu kona-ba servisu fatin iha ne’ebé?, Estrutura Organizasaun no Organograma hanesan órgaun komunikasaun sosiál no meiu komunikasaun sosiál.\nEnkuantu, média sira servisu hanesan kompañia entaun sira tenke rejistu komersiál hanesan rejistu iha Ministériu Komérsiu no Indústria.\nRejistrasaun iha KI mós presiza kopia hosi rejistu komersiál hanesan dokumentu komprovativu ida inklui lisensa komersiál.\nÓrgaun komunikasaun sosiál tenke aneksa hotu jornalista hira mak servisu iha instituisaun média no funsionáriu sira seluk ne’ebé servisu iha média mezmu la’ós jornalista.\nJornalista feto no mane hira?, Jornalista estajiáriu hira?, jornalista tama ona iha kontratu professional ga la’e? Inklui jornalista sira ho nivel edukasaun.\nEntretantu, Estatutu Konsellu Imprensa nian iha artigu 52.0 kona-ba rejistu órgaun no meiu komunikasaun sosiál katak elementu sira ne’ebé atu inklui iha rejistu ne’ebé prevee ona iha artigu 28.0 no alínea e) artigu 44.0 hosi lei komunikasaun sosiál ninian prosedimentu.\nKI Loke Ofisiál Rejistu Orgaun Komunikasaun Sosiál\nPrevious articleCCF Deside Marí Alkatiri Ba Primeiru Ministru\nNext articleIV Lejizlatura Halo “Inovasaun” Ba Komisaun Espesializada | [
"Ofisialmente KI Loke Rejistu Orgaun Komunikasaun Sosial | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA DILI Ofisialmente KI Loke Rejistu Orgaun Komunikasaun Sosial Ofisialmente KI Loke Rejistu Orgaun Komunikasaun Sosial DILI (TATOLI) - Konsellu Imprensa (CI-Sigla Portuges) loke ofisialmente simu rejistrasaun hosi orgaun komunikasaun sosial tantu media imprime no eletronika.",
"\"Konsellu Imprensa (KI) ofisialmente hato'o ba proprietariu orgaun komunikasaun sosial no meiu komunikasaun sosial atu bele hahu ona prosesu rejistu tuir lei komunikasaun sosial hateten,\" informa Prezidente KI, Virgilio Guterres liuhosi konferensia imprensa, Kintal Boot, Segunda (11/9).",
"KI hanesan orgaun kompetente atu halo rejistrasaun ba orgaun komunikasaun sosial no meiu komunikasaun sosial atu nune'e KI bele iha baze dadus hodi fo atensaun bainhira media sira hasoru problema ruma ligadu ba servisu jornalista sira nian.",
"KI husu ba orgaun komunikasaun sosial atu bele foti formulariu iha KI atu bele hetan rejistu.",
"\"Agora Konsellu Imprensa nakloke ona atu simu rejistu hosi media no meiu komunikasaun sosial iha territoriu tomak,\" Prezidente KI, Virgilio Guterres haktuir.",
"Durasaun rejistu media sira, Prezidente KI hateten, KI loke rejistrasaun nafatin tanba ba futuru media foun sei mai no laiha limitasaun rejistu media nian.",
"No mos KI sei la obriga orgaun komunikasaun sosial atu tenke mai rejistu maibe kuandu la rejista sei la iha sansaun so iha konsekuensia katak bainhira iha reklamasaun ruma hosi publiku ba servisu media nia la tuir kodigu etika nian, KI sei iha difikuldade atu foti medida.",
"Maibe media sira kuandu rejistu signifika KI prontu atu hakaruk ba desizaun no orientasaun ne'ebe relasiona ho pratika di'ak.",
"KI prepara ona formulariu ho nia kriteriu hirak ne'ebe tuir lei hateten, buat ne'ebe aneksa ba formulariu mak Estatutu Organizasaun iha lei hateten hanesan Estatutu Editorial, esplika media ne'e ba asuntu publiku nian ga?",
"Asuntu kona-ba kategoria feto nian de'it ga?",
"No seluk tan tenke espresa iha ne'eba.",
"Tenke aneksa mos mapamentu kona-ba servisu fatin iha ne'ebe?, Estrutura Organizasaun no Organograma hanesan orgaun komunikasaun sosial no meiu komunikasaun sosial.",
"Enkuantu, media sira servisu hanesan kompania entaun sira tenke rejistu komersial hanesan rejistu iha Ministeriu Komersiu no Industria.",
"Rejistrasaun iha KI mos presiza kopia hosi rejistu komersial hanesan dokumentu komprovativu ida inklui lisensa komersial.",
"Orgaun komunikasaun sosial tenke aneksa hotu jornalista hira mak servisu iha instituisaun media no funsionariu sira seluk ne'ebe servisu iha media mezmu la'os jornalista.",
"Jornalista feto no mane hira?, Jornalista estajiariu hira?, jornalista tama ona iha kontratu professional ga la'e?",
"Inklui jornalista sira ho nivel edukasaun.",
"Entretantu, Estatutu Konsellu Imprensa nian iha artigu 52.0 kona-ba rejistu orgaun no meiu komunikasaun sosial katak elementu sira ne'ebe atu inklui iha rejistu ne'ebe prevee ona iha artigu 28.0 no alinea e) artigu 44.0 hosi lei komunikasaun sosial ninian prosedimentu.",
"KI Loke Ofisial Rejistu Orgaun Komunikasaun Sosial Previous articleCCF Deside Mari Alkatiri Ba Primeiru Ministru Next articleIV Lejizlatura Halo \"Inovasaun\" Ba Komisaun Espesializada"
] | [
"Council of the Press (CI) Officially Opens Registration for Social Communication Organ | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA DILI Committee on Information and Public Affairs officialy opened registration process from social communication organ, both print media. The Portuguese acronym CI means Conselho da Imprensa - “Conseil du Presse” or ‘Council’ in English)."
"\"The Press Council (KI) has officially submitted to the owners of social communication organs and media so that they can begin their registration process as stated in Social Communication Law,\" said KI President Virgilio Guterres at a press conference on Monday."
"The KI is the competent body to register social communications bodies and media so that it can have a database for alerting whenever any problem arises with journalistic work."
"KI asks the social media organizations to take a form in Ki so that they can be registered."
"\"The Council of the Press is now open to receiving registrations from media and social communication means throughout its territory,\" said KI President Virgilio Guterres."
"Duration of media registrations, KI President says that the Institute is still open to registering because in future new medium will come and there are no limitations on Media Registration."
"Also, KI will not oblige the media to register but there are no sanctions for non-registration. The only consequence of this is that if any complaints from public about a breach in compliance with its code have been made against it by mass communication agencies and they do so without respecting their ethics codes then KE may find difficulty taking action on such cases as these aren't being addressed properly at all times or whenever necessary"
"However, when the media are registered it means KI is ready to support decisions and guidance related with good practice."
"KI has prepared a form with the criteria specified by law, which is annexed to this Form are Organizational Statutes as defined in Law and Editorial statutes explaining that media for public affairs?"
"Issues concerning the female category are not exclusive to women."
"No one else has to express himself there."
"Annex also a mapping of where the workplace is located, Organizational Structure and Organigram as organs for social communication."
"However, the media operates as a company so they must be commercially registered such registration with Ministry of Commerce and Industry."
"Registration in KI also requires a copy of the commercial register as an evidence document including business license."
"Media organizations must include all journalist who work in the media institution and other staff members working for it but not as a reporter."
"How many female and male journalists?, how much trainee journalism is there in the field of media work; have they entered into a professional contract or not."
"Includes journalists with a level of education."
"Meanwhile, the Press Council Statute in article 52.0 concerning register of organs and media stated that elements to be included on this registry are those already provided for by Article (e) paragraph(i), Section II-1348/97 as well with section I subparagraph e)."
"Previous articleCCF Decides Mari Alkatiri To Be Prime Minister Next ArticleIV Legislature Makes \"Innovation\" For Specialized Commission On Social Communication Organism Register"
] |
Dili- Durante semana ida hahu (19-22/04) Polisia Nasional Timor-Leste (PNTL) rejista kazu insidente hamutuk 25 no asidente 4 ne’ebe maka rejulta vitima nain ida mate.\nPortavoz PNTL Superintendente Xefe Arnaldo Araujo relata kazu insidente ne’ebe maka PNTL rejista kompostu husi kazu Violensia Domestika 3, Baku Malu 7, Asaltu 8, Ahi han uma 2, Soe labarik 1, tentativa halo violasaun sexual 1, hetan mate isin 2 no hetan mate ruin 1 nomos kazu asidente 4 (vitima ida mate fatin), nia hato’o asuntu ne’e ba Jornalista sira iha Kuartel Jeral PNTL Kaikoli Dili, Segunda (26/04).\nNia haktuirtan iha loron kuarta 21/04 iha Ors 17:35 Otl, akontese kazu asidente tráfiku motor soke kareta Hi-Lux kor ajul xapa 12-585 iha area Lahomea Gruta okos postu administrativu Maliana (motor diresaun husi Bobonaro mai Maliana no kareta husi Maliana ba Bobonaro) hodi rejulta vitima Marito Amaral tinan 23 hela fatin Hauba-Maliubun mate iha fatin tanba vitima nia ain parte lo’os tohar, ulun fatuk parte karuk nakfera, ran sai husi inus no tilun kazu refere agora dadaun iha Transito kontinua prosesu\nAlende ne’e PNTL mos rezista insidente ahi han uma (insendiu) iha aldeia Terlora, Suco Soro, Posto Administrativo Ainaro tanba sirkuito eletrisidade rezulta uma no sasan ahin han motuk, akontesementu hanesan akontesemos iha Dili area Delta III nian. Tuir informasaun husi uma na’in katak sunu lilin iha oratorio nian no lilin monu halo ahi han tiha plafon uma nian, hafoin joven sira iha Bairo ne’e ajuda hamate ahi.\nIha loron segunda dia 19 de Abril mais ou menus iha Oras 08:45 Otl hetan mate isin Pedro Tavares Magalhaes (28) iha natar laran iha suku Atudara Area Bilimau Aldeia Tuiturema postu Administrativo Kailaco munisipio Bobonaro.\nHafoin simu informasaun ekipa investigasaun kriminal aranka kedan ba iha Fatin akontesementu hodi halo identifikasaun no examinasaun ba mate isin vitima mate ho kondisaun latan hela iha natar laran.\nNune’e mos iha loron kinta Feira data 22/04 iha Oras 10:30 OTL, komunidade Dare, Suco Mulo, Posto Adm. Hatubuiliko, hetan ema mane ida ho Naran Leonardo Doutel Sarmento, idade 62 Anos hela fatin Aldeia Mulo, Suco Mulo, Posto Adm. Hatubuiliko, mate iha mota laran, tuir informasaun husi familia hato’o katak matebian sai husi uma iha loron Domingo dia 18 de Abril de 2021 maibe la fila to’o ohin loron familia buka tuir maka hetan matebian mate ona iha mota laran. Media PNTL\nKomandu PNTL Inagura Postu Polísia Suku Bairo-Pite | [
"Dili- Durante semana ida hahu (19-22/04) Polisia Nasional Timor-Leste (PNTL) rejista kazu insidente hamutuk 25 no asidente 4 ne'ebe maka rejulta vitima nain ida mate.",
"Portavoz PNTL Superintendente Xefe Arnaldo Araujo relata kazu insidente ne'ebe maka PNTL rejista kompostu husi kazu Violensia Domestika 3, Baku Malu 7, Asaltu 8, Ahi han uma 2, Soe labarik 1, tentativa halo violasaun sexual 1, hetan mate isin 2 no hetan mate ruin 1 nomos kazu asidente 4 (vitima ida mate fatin), nia hato'o asuntu ne'e ba Jornalista sira iha Kuartel Jeral PNTL Kaikoli Dili, Segunda (26/04).",
"Nia haktuirtan iha loron kuarta 21/04 iha Ors 17:35 Otl, akontese kazu asidente trafiku motor soke kareta Hi-Lux kor ajul xapa 12-585 iha area Lahomea Gruta okos postu administrativu Maliana (motor diresaun husi Bobonaro mai Maliana no kareta husi Maliana ba Bobonaro) hodi rejulta vitima Marito Amaral tinan 23 hela fatin Hauba-Maliubun mate iha fatin tanba vitima nia ain parte lo'os tohar, ulun fatuk parte karuk nakfera, ran sai husi inus no tilun kazu refere agora dadaun iha Transito kontinua prosesu Alende ne'e PNTL mos rezista insidente ahi han uma (insendiu) iha aldeia Terlora, Suco Soro, Posto Administrativo Ainaro tanba sirkuito eletrisidade rezulta uma no sasan ahin han motuk, akontesementu hanesan akontesemos iha Dili area Delta III nian.",
"Tuir informasaun husi uma na'in katak sunu lilin iha oratorio nian no lilin monu halo ahi han tiha plafon uma nian, hafoin joven sira iha Bairo ne'e ajuda hamate ahi.",
"Iha loron segunda dia 19 de Abril mais ou menus iha Oras 08:45 Otl hetan mate isin Pedro Tavares Magalhaes (28) iha natar laran iha suku Atudara Area Bilimau Aldeia Tuiturema postu Administrativo Kailaco munisipio Bobonaro.",
"Hafoin simu informasaun ekipa investigasaun kriminal aranka kedan ba iha Fatin akontesementu hodi halo identifikasaun no examinasaun ba mate isin vitima mate ho kondisaun latan hela iha natar laran.",
"Nune'e mos iha loron kinta Feira data 22/04 iha Oras 10:30 OTL, komunidade Dare, Suco Mulo, Posto Adm. Hatubuiliko, hetan ema mane ida ho Naran Leonardo Doutel Sarmento, idade 62 Anos hela fatin Aldeia Mulo, Suco Mulo, Posto Adm. Hatubuiliko, mate iha mota laran, tuir informasaun husi familia hato'o katak matebian sai husi uma iha loron Domingo dia 18 de Abril de 2021 maibe la fila to'o ohin loron familia buka tuir maka hetan matebian mate ona iha mota laran.",
"Media PNTL Komandu PNTL Inagura Postu Polisia Suku Bairo-Pite"
] | [
"Dili- During the week beginning (19th -23rd/04) National Police Timor Leste registered a total of incidents cases and four accident which result in one victim death."
"Police spokesman Superintendent Chief Arnaldo Araujo reported incident cases registered by the police consisting of domestic violence 3, beating a person to death (7), assault on an individual(8) burning up home2 and kidnapping1 child. attempts at rape-one; injuries result in physical deaths: two people were killed while one was seriously wounded as well accidental case4 whereby victim died immediatelly after being hit with object or otherwise damaged from violent acts which occurred during this time period he told journalist' s interview held Monday April/May /05"
"He said that on Tuesday 21/04 at Ors., the traffic accident occurred in Lahomea Gruta area near Maliana administrative post (motor direction from Bobonaro to Malinas and car driven by Maliana for Bomanaro) resulting victim Marito Amaral year of life Hauba-Maliubun died immediately because his legs were partially lo'os Tohar head fatuk part karuk nakfera blood coming out into anus case now is still under Transito proceeding Besides this PNTL also resisted incident fire han house(fire), Terlora village Soro Subdistrict Administrative Post Ainaros due electricity circuit results home & stuff slow burning mouk event like happened di Dili Delta III Area’S"
"According to information from the house owner that burning candles in oratory and falling lights fire consumed ceiling of home, after young people helping put out."
"On Monday, April 19th at approximately the time of about:08.45 Otl was found dead body Pedro Tavares Magalhaes (27) in a pool within Atudara Village Area Bilimau Aldeia Tuiturema administrative post Kailaco municipality Bobonaro province"
"Upon receipt of the information, a criminal investigation team went to The House in order for identifications and examinations on victim's body. She was found lying unconscious inside her carriage underneath an arbor covered with grass as she died from injuries sustained during accidental death by fireworks explosion that occurred nearby at about midnight Monday morning (10/25)."
"Likewise on Tuesday, 21/04 at the time of about:35 a.m OTL in community Dare village Mulo district Posto Administrativa Hatubuiliko was found male with Naran Leonardo Doutel Sarmento age68 years residence Aldeia de Mulho Suco mullo post administrative Hatubailiko dead under roads according to information from family reported that he left his home Sunday day April and did not return until today Family looked for him but they discovered it had died down into river"
"Media PNTL Commando Inaugurates Police Station in Bairo-Pite Village"
] |
CAC deteta mosu irregularidade iha implementasaun Cesta Bázika faze daruak | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste\nVARANDA HEADLINE CAC deteta mosu irregularidade iha implementasaun Cesta Bázika faze daruak\nCAC deteta mosu irregularidade iha implementasaun Cesta Bázika faze daruak\nDILI, 17 juñu 2022 (TATOLI)—Adjuntu Comissão Antí Corrupção (CAC), Luis Oliveira Sampaio, hateten CAC deteta mosu irregularidade balun iha implementasaun programa Cesta Bázika faze daruak ne’ebé Governu lansa iha sesta (17 juñu 2022) ne’e.\nNotísia Relevante: Governu lansa distribuisaun Cesta Bázika faze daruak iha aldeia Baia Leste\n“Bazea ba enkontru ne’ebé ami halo ho sira sekretariadu tekniku hosi Ministériu implementadór ba cesta bázika, preparativu ne’e seidauk di’ak no optimál maibe cesta bázika ne’e parte hosi Orsamentu Jerél Estadu (OJE), entaun tenke ezekuta no sira deside la’o de’it ona. Embora defisiénsia (irregularidade) lubuk ne’ebé ami identifika ami rekomenda atu hadi’a,” Adjuntu CAC ne’e hateten ba Agência Tatoli iha nia knaar fatin Matadoru, sesta ne’e.\nNia esplika, irregularidade seluk ne’ebé maka parte CAC hetan hosi Ministériu implementadór cesta bázika ne’e mak ministériu implementadór la halo tuir bazea dekretu-lei númeru 10/2022, liuliu kona-ba fornesimentu dadus loloos benefisiáriu sira-ne’ebé atu hetan cesta bázika.\nTanba iha dekretu-lei refere aparovasaun ba medida reforsa distribuisaun cesta bázika ba agregadu família iha ámbitu rekuperasaun ekonómia, ko’alia dadus ne’ebé mak hosi Ministeriu Adminstrasaun Estatál (MAE) ba Ministeriu Implementadór cesta bázika seidauk kompletu.\n“Iha dekretu-lei ne’e katak diferensa uitoan ho implementasaun cesta bázika faze dauluk nian, agora ba titulár orgaun, kargu xefia sira no sira-ne’ebé salariu $500 la sai benefisiáriu, maibé iha dekretu-lei ne’e tenke prepara prosedimentu tékniku operasionál no administrative, ida-ne’e ema bele simu dobru. Lista ami husu maibé sira seidauk fó. Ida-ne’e bele loke dalan ba iha irregularidade no mosu korrupsaunta, tanba buat ne’e ami husu tuir dekretu-lei maibé sira tenta la fó,” Adjuntu Komisaun Anti Koruppsaun Luis Oliveira Sampaio haktuir.\nIrregularidade ida seluk tan mak lista kompañia vensedór ba cesta bázika sira, ida-ne’e mós parte CAC husu maibé parte sekretariadu ténkniku rua hosi Ministeriu implementadór hanesan MTKI no SECoop sira la fó ba CAC.\nAdjuntu Komisaun Antí Korrupsaun (CAC, sigla portugés), Luis Oliveira Sampaio, ida seluk tan mak CAC mós kestiona kona-ba produtu lokál, tanba tuir dekretu-lei cesta bázika ne’e tenke mai hosi produtu lokál maibé lista seidauk mai cesta bázika lansa tiha ona.\n“Ita haree frakeza no difisiénsia tuir loloos ami tenke fó hatene sira nune’e prepara sasán sira-ne’e hotu tuir dekretu-lei ne’e haruka kompletu ona mak foin hahú inplementa. Maibé ohin lansa tiha ona, entaun ita halo de’it fiskalizasaun no kontrolu ba ida-ne’e,” nia dehan.\nTanba CAC no orgaun kontrolu sira seluk hanesan Porvédoria Direitus Humanus no Justisa sei halo knar kontrolu, nune’e cesta bázika iha nia implentasaun bele la’o di’ak.\nPrevious articleGovernu lansa distribuisaun Cesta Bázika faze daruak iha aldeia Baia Leste\nNext articleLansa Bolsa da Mãe iha Ainaro, inan isin-rua sei simu $15 | [
"CAC deteta mosu irregularidade iha implementasaun Cesta Bazika faze daruak | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA HEADLINE CAC deteta mosu irregularidade iha implementasaun Cesta Bazika faze daruak CAC deteta mosu irregularidade iha implementasaun Cesta Bazika faze daruak DILI, 17 junu 2022 (TATOLI) - Adjuntu Comissao Anti Corrupcao (CAC), Luis Oliveira Sampaio, hateten CAC deteta mosu irregularidade balun iha implementasaun programa Cesta Bazika faze daruak ne'ebe Governu lansa iha sesta (17 junu 2022) ne'e.",
"Notisia Relevante: Governu lansa distribuisaun Cesta Bazika faze daruak iha aldeia Baia Leste \"Bazea ba enkontru ne'ebe ami halo ho sira sekretariadu tekniku hosi Ministeriu implementador ba cesta bazika, preparativu ne'e seidauk di'ak no optimal maibe cesta bazika ne'e parte hosi Orsamentu Jerel Estadu (OJE), entaun tenke ezekuta no sira deside la'o de'it ona.",
"Embora defisiensia (irregularidade) lubuk ne'ebe ami identifika ami rekomenda atu hadi'a,\" Adjuntu CAC ne'e hateten ba Agencia Tatoli iha nia knaar fatin Matadoru, sesta ne'e.",
"Nia esplika, irregularidade seluk ne'ebe maka parte CAC hetan hosi Ministeriu implementador cesta bazika ne'e mak ministeriu implementador la halo tuir bazea dekretu-lei numeru 10/2022, liuliu kona-ba fornesimentu dadus loloos benefisiariu sira-ne'ebe atu hetan cesta bazika.",
"Tanba iha dekretu-lei refere aparovasaun ba medida reforsa distribuisaun cesta bazika ba agregadu familia iha ambitu rekuperasaun ekonomia, ko'alia dadus ne'ebe mak hosi Ministeriu Adminstrasaun Estatal (MAE) ba Ministeriu Implementador cesta bazika seidauk kompletu.",
"\"Iha dekretu-lei ne'e katak diferensa uitoan ho implementasaun cesta bazika faze dauluk nian, agora ba titular orgaun, kargu xefia sira no sira-ne'ebe salariu $500 la sai benefisiariu, maibe iha dekretu-lei ne'e tenke prepara prosedimentu tekniku operasional no administrative, ida-ne'e ema bele simu dobru.",
"Lista ami husu maibe sira seidauk fo.",
"Ida-ne'e bele loke dalan ba iha irregularidade no mosu korrupsaunta, tanba buat ne'e ami husu tuir dekretu-lei maibe sira tenta la fo,\" Adjuntu Komisaun Anti Koruppsaun Luis Oliveira Sampaio haktuir.",
"Irregularidade ida seluk tan mak lista kompania vensedor ba cesta bazika sira, ida-ne'e mos parte CAC husu maibe parte sekretariadu tenkniku rua hosi Ministeriu implementador hanesan MTKI no SECoop sira la fo ba CAC.",
"Adjuntu Komisaun Anti Korrupsaun (CAC, sigla portuges), Luis Oliveira Sampaio, ida seluk tan mak CAC mos kestiona kona-ba produtu lokal, tanba tuir dekretu-lei cesta bazika ne'e tenke mai hosi produtu lokal maibe lista seidauk mai cesta bazika lansa tiha ona.",
"\"Ita haree frakeza no difisiensia tuir loloos ami tenke fo hatene sira nune'e prepara sasan sira-ne'e hotu tuir dekretu-lei ne'e haruka kompletu ona mak foin hahu inplementa.",
"Maibe ohin lansa tiha ona, entaun ita halo de'it fiskalizasaun no kontrolu ba ida-ne'e,\" nia dehan.",
"Tanba CAC no orgaun kontrolu sira seluk hanesan Porvedoria Direitus Humanus no Justisa sei halo knar kontrolu, nune'e cesta bazika iha nia implentasaun bele la'o di'ak.",
"Previous articleGovernu lansa distribuisaun Cesta Bazika faze daruak iha aldeia Baia Leste Next articleLansa Bolsa da Mae iha Ainaro, inan isin-rua sei simu $15"
] | [
"CAC detects irregularities in implementation of second phase Basic Food Basket | Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA HEADLINE The Anti Corrupção Commission (ACC) has identified some problems with the Second Phase Base Program, which was launched by Government on Saturday."
"Relevant News: Government launches second phase of basic basket distribution in Baia Leste village \"Based on the meeting that we held with them technical secretariat from Ministry implementing for Basic Baskets, preparations are not good and optimal but this is part Of The General State Budget (GSB), so they have to execute And They decided To go."
"Although there are many deficiencies (irregularities) that we have identified and recommend to be improved,\" the CAC deputy told Agência Tatoli at his office in Matadoru on Saturday."
"He explained that another irregularity found by the CAC from a basic basket implementation ministry was its failure to comply with Decree-Law No.10/23, in particular regarding providing accurate data of beneficiaries who will receive their baseline food packages (Basic Basket)."
"Since the decree-law refers to a measure strengthening distribution of basic food basket for household units within economic recovery, data provided by Ministry Of State Administration (MAE) and Implementing Ministerial Basic Food Basket is not complete."
"\"In this decree-law there is a slight difference with the implementation of basic basket in first phase, now for organs' holders and those whose salary exceeds $501 they will not be beneficiaries. But it has to prepare technical operational administrative procedure that people can get doubled up.\""
"We asked for a list but they have not given it."
"This can open the way to irregularities and corruption, because we have asked for this by decree-law but they try not giving it.\" said Luis Oliveira Sampaio. Deputy Anti Corruption Commission"
"Another irregularity is the list of winning companies for basic baskets, which was also requested by CCA but not given to it from technical secretariats in two implementing Ministries such as MTKI and SECoop."
"Deputy Anti-Corruption Commission (CAC), Luis Oliveira Sampaio, said that the CAB also questioned local products because according to a decree law this basic basket must be made of regional produce but no list has been released."
"\"We see the weaknesses and deficiencies, which should have been made known to them so that all these things are prepared in accordance with this Decree-Law."
"But today it has already been launched, so we are just doing fiscalization and control of this,” he said."
"Because the CAC and other control bodies such as Human Rights Protection Office (Porvedoria Direitos Humanos e Justiça) will carry out their work, so that implementation of a basic basket can run smoothly."
"Previous articleGovernment launches second phase of Basic Food Basket distribution in the village baia leste Next ArticleLaunches Bolsa da Mae program, twin mothers will receive $15"
] |
Timor Oan Nain 4 Mate Ho Covid-19 | STLNEWS\nTimor Oan Nain 4 Mate Ho Covid-19\nDILI, STLNEWS.co – Loron 21 de Agostu nee liu husi Centro Integrado Gestão de Crises, Sala Situação (CIGC-SS), iha ema nain haat (4) neebe ohin mate ho Covid-19, no entrega ona ba familia matebian hodi halao nia funeravel tuir protokolu Ministeriu da Saude nian.\n“Total kazu óbitu neebe ita ohin rejistu iha dia 21 de Agostu 2021 iha nain haat (4), feto nain rua no mane nain rua,” hatete Koordenador Forsa-Tarefa ba Prevensaun no Mitigasaun Surtu Covid-19 iha Timor-Leste, (CIGC-SS) Rui Maria de Araújo ba jornalista liu husi nota konferensia imprensa, Sabadu (21/08/2021).\nNia dehan, feto ho idade tinan iha 73, Timoroan hela iha Dili, iha 20 de Agostu tinan 2021, ho diagnostikadu ho Sindroma Insufisiénsia Respiratória Aguda (SIRA) tanba COVID-19 (PCR pozitivu ho CT 36,5).\nNia esplika, matebian sofre mos hipertensaun iha fatin izolamentu Lahane, halao tratamentu tuir protokolu neebe iha, maibe matebian iis-kotu horikalan 22:00 tanba multiple organ failure. Rezultadu PCR hafoin iis kotu hatudu CT 34,9.\n“Ita ho nia familia koordena hela ho ekipa saude atu halao funeral tuir protokolu neebe adopta iha Timor Leste,” nia informa.\nRui informa, iha mane ho idade tinan 74, Timoroan, hela iha Dili, iha 20 de Agostu de 2021, diagnotikadu hon Sindroman Insufisiensia Respiratoria Aguda (SIRA) tanba COVID-19 (PCR pozitivu ho CT 24,3).\nNia hatutan, matebian sofre mos hipertensaun iha fatin isolamentu Vera Cruz, halao tratamentu tuir protokolu neebe iha, maibe matebian iis-kotu horikalan 22:45 tanba multiple organ failure. Rezultadu PCR hafoin iis-kutu hatudu CT 14,9.\nNia hatutan, feto ho idade tinan 36, Timoroan hela iha Dili, iha 11 de Agostu de 2021, diagnostikadu iha HNGV ho Sindroma Insufisiensia Respiratoria Aguda (SIRA) tanba COVID-19 (PCR pozitivu ho CT 28,0).\nDepois matebian sofre mos diabetes iha fatin isolamentu Vera Cruz, halao tratamentu tuir protokolu neebé iha, maibe matebian iis-kotu ohin dader 03:00, tanba multiple organ failure, rezultadu PCR hafoin iis-kutu hatudu CT 11,7. “Ita ho nia familia koordena hela ho ekipa saude atu halao funeral tuir protokolu neebe adopta iha Timor-Leste,” nia argumenta.\nNia hatutan, iha mane ho idade tinan 46, Timoroan, hela iha Dili, iha 21 de Agostu de 2021, diagnostikadu iha Emerjensia HNG ho pneumonia tanba COVID-19 (PCR pozitivu ho CT 19,8).\nEnkuantu sei halao tratamentu inisial iha Emerjensia HNGV tuir protokolu neebe iha, matebian iis-kotu, mais ou menus 11:45 dader, tanba emobolia pulmonar. Rezultadu PCR hafoin iis-kutu hatudu CT 16,8.\n“Ita ho familia koordena hela ho ekipa saude atu halao funeral tuir protokolu neebe adopta iha Timor Leste,” nia afirma.*\nPrevious articleUpdate Covid-19 TL 21 Agostu: Kazu Pozitivu Hamutuk 281\nNext articleAutoridade Seguransa Indonezia Deporta Tan Membru GAM PSHT 161 Ba UPF | [
"Timor Oan Nain 4 Mate Ho Covid-19 | STLNEWS Timor Oan Nain 4 Mate Ho Covid-19 DILI, STLNEWS.co - Loron 21 de Agostu nee liu husi Centro Integrado Gestao de Crises, Sala Situacao (CIGC-SS), iha ema nain haat (4) neebe ohin mate ho Covid-19, no entrega ona ba familia matebian hodi halao nia funeravel tuir protokolu Ministeriu da Saude nian.",
"\"Total kazu obitu neebe ita ohin rejistu iha dia 21 de Agostu 2021 iha nain haat (4), feto nain rua no mane nain rua,\" hatete Koordenador Forsa-Tarefa ba Prevensaun no Mitigasaun Surtu Covid-19 iha Timor-Leste, (CIGC-SS) Rui Maria de Araujo ba jornalista liu husi nota konferensia imprensa, Sabadu (21/08/2021).",
"Nia dehan, feto ho idade tinan iha 73, Timoroan hela iha Dili, iha 20 de Agostu tinan 2021, ho diagnostikadu ho Sindroma Insufisiensia Respiratoria Aguda (SIRA) tanba COVID-19 (PCR pozitivu ho CT 36,5).",
"Nia esplika, matebian sofre mos hipertensaun iha fatin izolamentu Lahane, halao tratamentu tuir protokolu neebe iha, maibe matebian iis-kotu horikalan 22:00 tanba multiple organ failure.",
"Rezultadu PCR hafoin iis kotu hatudu CT 34,9.",
"\"Ita ho nia familia koordena hela ho ekipa saude atu halao funeral tuir protokolu neebe adopta iha Timor Leste,\" nia informa.",
"Rui informa, iha mane ho idade tinan 74, Timoroan, hela iha Dili, iha 20 de Agostu de 2021, diagnotikadu hon Sindroman Insufisiensia Respiratoria Aguda (SIRA) tanba COVID-19 (PCR pozitivu ho CT 24,3).",
"Nia hatutan, matebian sofre mos hipertensaun iha fatin isolamentu Vera Cruz, halao tratamentu tuir protokolu neebe iha, maibe matebian iis-kotu horikalan 22:45 tanba multiple organ failure.",
"Rezultadu PCR hafoin iis-kutu hatudu CT 14,9.",
"Nia hatutan, feto ho idade tinan 36, Timoroan hela iha Dili, iha 11 de Agostu de 2021, diagnostikadu iha HNGV ho Sindroma Insufisiensia Respiratoria Aguda (SIRA) tanba COVID-19 (PCR pozitivu ho CT 28,0).",
"Depois matebian sofre mos diabetes iha fatin isolamentu Vera Cruz, halao tratamentu tuir protokolu neebe iha, maibe matebian iis-kotu ohin dader 03:00, tanba multiple organ failure, rezultadu PCR hafoin iis-kutu hatudu CT 11,7.",
"\"Ita ho nia familia koordena hela ho ekipa saude atu halao funeral tuir protokolu neebe adopta iha Timor-Leste,\" nia argumenta.",
"Nia hatutan, iha mane ho idade tinan 46, Timoroan, hela iha Dili, iha 21 de Agostu de 2021, diagnostikadu iha Emerjensia HNG ho pneumonia tanba COVID-19 (PCR pozitivu ho CT 19,8).",
"Enkuantu sei halao tratamentu inisial iha Emerjensia HNGV tuir protokolu neebe iha, matebian iis-kotu, mais ou menus 11:45 dader, tanba emobolia pulmonar.",
"Rezultadu PCR hafoin iis-kutu hatudu CT 16,8.",
"\"Ita ho familia koordena hela ho ekipa saude atu halao funeral tuir protokolu neebe adopta iha Timor Leste,\" nia afirma.* Previous articleUpdate Covid-19 TL 21 Agostu: Kazu Pozitivu Hamutuk 281 Next articleAutoridade Seguransa Indonezia Deporta Tan Membru GAM PSHT 161 Ba UPF"
] | [
"Dili, STLNEWS.co - On August 21 through the Centro Integrado Gestao de Crises (CIGC-SS), there are four people who died today with Covid –09 and have been handed over to their families for funeral according protocol of Ministry Of Health in Timor Leste’s capital city that is known as “The Capital”. The death was reported by a staff member at CIGS on Saturday morning after he received an email from his family saying:"
"\"The total number of fatalities we registered today on August 21, is four (4), two females and three men\", said Coordinator Task Force for Prevention & Mitigation Covid-09 Outbreak in Timor Leste Rui Maria de Araujo to journalist through a press conference note."
"He said, a 73-year old woman of Timorese nationality residing in Dili was diagnosed with Acute Respiratory Failure Syndrome (ARI) due to COVID -19 on Aug."
"He explained, the deceased also suffers from hypertension in Lahane isolation facility. Treatment was carried out according to existing protocol but he died at 10 pm because of multiple organ failure (MOF)."
"The PCR result after the cut-off showed a CT of 34.9, which is high enough to be considered as an infection with HCV (HBV)."
"\"Ita and his family are coordinating with the health team to carry out a funeral in accordance With protocols adopted by Timor-Leste,\" he said."
"Rui informs that a 74-year old male, Timorese national living in Dili was diagnosed with Acute Respiratory Failure Syndrome (ARI) due to COVID -19 on August.20th of this year(PCR positive and CT scan resulting at the rate:3)."
"He added that the deceased also suffered from hypertension in Vera Cruz isolation facility, and was treating according to protocols. However he died at 10:45 pm because of multiple organ failure;"
"The PCR result after the itching showed CT 14.9, which is a high value for this disease type of bacterial infections"
"He added that a 36-year old female, Timorese resident of Dili was diagnosed at the National Hospital for Critical Care (HNGV) with Acute Respiratory Failure Syndrome due to COVID -19 on August."
"After the deceased also suffered from diabetes in Vera Cruz isolation place, treatment was carried out according to protocols but he died today at 03:15 a.m because of multiple organ failure; PCR result after examination showing CT-scan with an error rate (CT scan) as high and low"
"\"Ita and his family are coordinating with the health team to carry out a funeral in accordance With protocols adopted by Timor-Leste,\" he argues."
"He added that a 46-year old male, of Timorese nationality and living in Dili was diagnosed at the HNG Emergency Department with pneumonia due to COVID -19 (PCR positive on CT scan resulting from an average values between +20.5°C/+38 °F)."
"While initial treatment was being carried out at the HNGV Emergency Department according to protocol, he died of pneumonia about noon on Thursday."
"The PCR result after iis-kut showed CT 16,8."
"\"We and our family are coordinating with the health team to carry out a funeral in accordance With The Protocols Adopted In Timor-Leste,\" he said.* Previous articleUpdate Covid -19 TL 20 August: Total Positive Case Number Is Up To #357 Next ArticleIndonesian Security Authorities Deporte Tan Member GAM PSHT"
] |
Fo Sai Rezultadu Avaliasaun Programatika Nee Kompetensia Governu – STL Online\nFo Sai Rezultadu Avaliasaun Programatika Nee Kompetensia Governu\nDILI – Atu fo sai rezultadu avaliasaun programatika ba ensinu superior neebe mak ANAAA halao tiha ona iha tinan kotuk, nee kompetensia governu para bele fo sai ba iha publiku.\nKestaun nee fo sai husi Reitor UNTL, Francisco Miguel Martins hatete, konaba rezultadu avaliasaun programatika ba iha ensinu superior nee kompetensia governu, tanba saida mak too agora rezultadu nee rasik seidauk fo sai iha publiku.\nHau hanoin konaba rezultadu avaliasaun programatika ba iha ensinu superior nee kompetensia governu ninia para atu bele fo sai ba iha publiku, tanba saida mak too agora rezultadu nee rasik seidauk fo sai iha publiku, nee diak liu husu ba sira, para sira bele fo esplika klaru liu tan ba ita boot sira,” hatete Miguel ba STL iha kampus Liceu UNTL Dili Sesta (21/04/2017).\nMiguel sublina, avaliasaun programatika nee halao iha tinan kotuk, maibe atu fo sai rezultadu ba avaliasaun nee rasik kompetensia tomak husi governu, tanba sira mak halao avaliasaun ba iha ensinu superior ida-idak, entaun sira mak iha kompetensia tomak atu bele halo anunsiu ba iha avaliasaun refere.\nIha parte seluk, Reitor DIT, Manuel Vong, hatete, lolos nee governu fo sai ona rezultadu avaliasaun programatika, tanba sira halao kedas iha tinan 2016, maibe ate agora rezultadu nee rasik seidauk fo sai para universidade sira mos bele haree sira nian rezultadu avaliasaun, atu nunee sira bele hatene, espera katak, ANAAA hamutuk ho ME bele fo sai rezultadu ida nee ba iha ensinu superior ida-idak. Jacinta Sequeira/Guilhermina Franco\nPrevious article Hakarak Estudu Iha Indonesia, Diak Liu Aprende Lian\nNext article Baku Fen Iha Fatin Publiku, Marcal Hatan Iha Tribunal | [
"Fo Sai Rezultadu Avaliasaun Programatika Nee Kompetensia Governu - STL Online Fo Sai Rezultadu Avaliasaun Programatika Nee Kompetensia Governu DILI - Atu fo sai rezultadu avaliasaun programatika ba ensinu superior neebe mak ANAAA halao tiha ona iha tinan kotuk, nee kompetensia governu para bele fo sai ba iha publiku.",
"Kestaun nee fo sai husi Reitor UNTL, Francisco Miguel Martins hatete, konaba rezultadu avaliasaun programatika ba iha ensinu superior nee kompetensia governu, tanba saida mak too agora rezultadu nee rasik seidauk fo sai iha publiku.",
"Hau hanoin konaba rezultadu avaliasaun programatika ba iha ensinu superior nee kompetensia governu ninia para atu bele fo sai ba iha publiku, tanba saida mak too agora rezultadu nee rasik seidauk fo sai iha publiku, nee diak liu husu ba sira, para sira bele fo esplika klaru liu tan ba ita boot sira,\" hatete Miguel ba STL iha kampus Liceu UNTL Dili Sesta (21/04/2017).",
"Miguel sublina, avaliasaun programatika nee halao iha tinan kotuk, maibe atu fo sai rezultadu ba avaliasaun nee rasik kompetensia tomak husi governu, tanba sira mak halao avaliasaun ba iha ensinu superior ida-idak, entaun sira mak iha kompetensia tomak atu bele halo anunsiu ba iha avaliasaun refere.",
"Iha parte seluk, Reitor DIT, Manuel Vong, hatete, lolos nee governu fo sai ona rezultadu avaliasaun programatika, tanba sira halao kedas iha tinan 2016, maibe ate agora rezultadu nee rasik seidauk fo sai para universidade sira mos bele haree sira nian rezultadu avaliasaun, atu nunee sira bele hatene, espera katak, ANAAA hamutuk ho ME bele fo sai rezultadu ida nee ba iha ensinu superior ida-idak.",
"Jacinta Sequeira/Guilhermina Franco Previous article Hakarak Estudu Iha Indonesia, Diak Liu Aprende Lian Next article Baku Fen Iha Fatin Publiku, Marcal Hatan Iha Tribunal"
] | [
"Government Competence To Release Results Of Programmatic Evaluation - STL Online Gov't COMPETENCY TO RELEASE RESULTS OF PROGRAMMATIC EVALUATION DILI – The government is responsible for releasing the results of a program-based examination on higher education that ANAAA carried out last year."
"The question was raised by the Rector of UNTL, Francisco Miguel Martins who said that regarding results from programmatic evaluation for higher education is a government competence. Why hasn’t this result been made public so far?"
"I think that the results of programmatic evaluation for higher education is a government competence to be given out in public, why so far this result itself has not been made known. It's better ask them and they can explain it more clearly.\" Miguel told STL at Liceu UNTL Dili campus on Saturday (21/04) 3:56 PM"
"Miguel emphasizes that the programmatic evaluation was carried out last year, but to give results for this assessment itself is entirely within government's competence because it conducted evaluations in each higher education institution and therefore has full power of announcement."
"On the other hand, DIT Rector Manuel Vong said that in fact government has already released results of programmatic evaluation because they carried out as early a year ago (2016), but so far this result itself is not published for universities to see their own evaluations and thus know. He hoped ANAAA together with ME can give these findings on each higher education institution"
"Jacinta Sequeira/Guilhermina Franco Previous article Hakarak Estudu Iha Indonesia, Diak Liu Aprende Lian Next Article Baku Fen iha Fatin Publiku. Marcal Hataan Hai Tribunal"
] |
TEMPO SEMANAL: Ana Pessoa: Bele foo sala ba Oposizaun ho Governu la manan bu’at ida\nAna Pessoa: Bele foo sala ba Oposizaun ho Governu la manan bu’at ida\nTempo Semanal-Dili, 17/10/2012\nDRA. Ana Pessoa Prokurador Jeral da Republika\nDemokratika de Timor Leste\nTimor Leste hanesan Nasaun ona maibe iha tinan sanolu ninia laran iha mudanca signifikante iha mentalidade. Povu nasaun ne’e iha tempu balun ba kotu iha espriritu solidaridade maka’as no sakrificiu. Maibe iha situasaun ukun rasik aan ne’e Timor oan barak lakon valor ne’ebe uluk iha wainhia resiste hasoru TNI.\nNune’e duni CentrQuesadhip halo refesaun ida iha 10/10/2012 hodi celebra tinan 243 cidade Dili nian. Cidade Dili harii iha 10/10/1779. Nune’e mos loron 10 fulan Oetobru ne’e hanesan mos tloron moris Presidenti da Republika Taur Matan Ruak ninian da dala 56.\nIha seminariu ne’e ema Timor oan manetenk nain tolu mak fahe sira nia experiencia ho rona nain sira ne’ebe mai husi estudantes, organizasaun sociedade civil sira seluk inklui mos politiku nain sira, membru do governu, deputadus sira no korpu diplomatika sira.\nEsforsu ne’e halo atu foo hanoin fali papel cidadaun la’os de’it atu tuur dada iis maibe liu husi participasaun ativa iha prosesu moris di’ak iha nasaun ne’e. Primeira dama Isabel Fereira iha ninia deskursu dehan, “Problema ki’ak ne’e Timor nian tomak nian. Se dehan Timor ki’ak, Ita hotu mak mo’e tan ba ita hotu parte ba povu ida ne’e. Ita parte ba nasaun ida ne’e. Tan ba ne’e ita hotu iha obrigasaun, iha reponsabilidade, atu hamutuk buka solusaun hodi hasai ita husi kiak ida ne’e. husi mukit ida ne’e. Ita hotu mehi katak atu sai nasaun ida kee riko, forte no seguru. Atu too ba mehi ida ne’e ita hotu presiza hamutuk iha responsabilidade, iha espiritu de voluntariu, espiritu de solidaridade I espiritu de toleransia. So ho ida ne’e it abele ultrapasa dezafius sira ne’e. Obstakulo ne’ebe sai ba ita ne’ebe boot iha nasaun ida ne’e I ita sempre ko’alia kiak. Ida ne’e presiza ita hotu hamutuk hodi kombate ki’ak iha ita nia rain,” Isabel Ferreira iha ninia deskursu abertura.\nTuir mia prokuradora jeral koalia kona ba cidadania tuir perpectivas lei ninian hodi fahe mos ninia esperecia balun hodi dehan, “Dala ruma ita iha hanoin katak Estadu maka tenke halo bu’at hotu ba ita nia presiza. Ba ita nia moris di’ak. Balun hanoin katak ita nia kanar maka organiza aan, atu ezije, atu reklama ita nia direitu tuir konstituisaun da Republika nian. “\n“Ita bele dehan katak iha faze ida iha ita nia istoria hanesan nasaun, ne’ebe halo demo no ezije ita nia direitu hanesan povu ba Ukun Rasik Aan maka instrumentu ida importante. Ita to’o iha faze ikus ne’ebe ida ne’e sai determinante atu foo hatene ba komunidade internasional katak Timor Leste hanesan nasaun, ho ninia identidade rasik sei iha, no la pertenci ba nasaun seluk. “\n“Joven barak foo sira nia vida atu mundo tomak atu labele haluha ita nia luta ba ukun rasik aan. Inan barak maka terus, povu barak mak hetan susar boot iha tinan barak nia laran I tempo ne’e liu ona.”\n“Ita hamriik mesak daudaun ho orgulho katak Timor leste nasaun ida ne’ebe partenci ho direitu tomak ba komunidade nasoeins mundo nian. Maibe orgulho de’it la to’o. Povu barak loos seidauk moris di’ak hanesanita hotu ninia hakarak.”\n“Ita bele hatudu liman ba Governu, hatudu liman ba opozisaun, foo sala ba sira nain rua hotu. Ne’e tentasaun ida fasil ita atu monu. Ita sempre gosta foo sala ba malu, hatudu liman ba ema seluk maibe nafatin sei la resolve bu’at ida. No pior liu ita sei fahe malu, deskonfia malu, no soran malu hela de’it. “\n“Hanesan cidadaun Timor, sa ida maka daudaun ita tenke ser halo, Dahuluk, ita tenke hatene los sa ida maka ita hakarak. Ita nia objetivu mak ida ne’ebe loos. Oin nusa maka ita bele alkanca objetivu ita nian. Ita tenke fiar ita nia aan rasik. Maibe ho umildade ita tenke rekuinese katak presiza tulu husi ema barak. Ita mesmesak sei la atinji ita nia mehi ba justica social no moris di’ak ba povu hotu. Mesak it abele de’it karik iha oportunidade no badinas servisu atu hadia ita nia moris no ita nia familias nia moris di’ak.”\n“Maibe ita ko’alia cidadania, ne’e dehan katak ita nia objetivu, lori ita nia nasaun ba dezenvolvimentu. Hadia povu tomak nia moris no tau matan ba malu. Mehi importante maibe fundamental liu maka transforma mehi ne’e ba vizaun klaru ida-idak nian. Prepara aan, organiza komunidade, kalendariza nasaun no badinas servisu atu realiza mehi nee.”\n“Ita tenke tau hamutuk ita ida-idak nia kbi’it, halo forte, atu nune’e bele konkretiza sa ida maka ita hakarak. Lalika hanoin ita bele halo hotu mesak de’it, tan ba de’it osan iha barak. Keta hanoin katak tan ba ita bele rekruta se de’it, mala’e maka barak atu mai ukun ita nia rain sira sei resolve ita nia problema. Ikus ita finje de’it katak ita maka ukun. Finje ita bele finje maibe rezultadu sei la iha. Tan sira la hadomi rai lulik ita nian. Sira la kuinese ita nia klamar. Dala ruma sira balun, la iha klamar karik. Tan ba sira balun ninia objetivu mesak manan osan bo’ot,” Ana Pessoa apela ba intidade hotu.\nNia dehan liu tan katak, “Ita presiza kuda fiar ba malu. tulun ukun nain sira atu ukun didiak ita nia rain. Ho kritika klaru no diretu, lalika revo-revo lakon tempo naruk. Maibe importante liu tenke foo alternativa ida ka rua atu hadia situasaun. Kritika de’it ema hotu bele halo. Maibe cidadaun preokupa liu, liu husi kritika nia hakarak hadia situasaun. Buka resolve problema. Nia la preokupa ho nia moris de’it. Maibe preokupa ho ema seluk nia di’ak, komunidade nia moris.“\nPosted by TEMPO SEMANAL at 10:15 | [
"TEMPO SEMANAL: Ana Pessoa: Bele foo sala ba Oposizaun ho Governu la manan bu'at ida Ana Pessoa: Bele foo sala ba Oposizaun ho Governu la manan bu'at ida Tempo Semanal-Dili, 17/10/2012 DRA.",
"Ana Pessoa Prokurador Jeral da Republika Demokratika de Timor Leste Timor Leste hanesan Nasaun ona maibe iha tinan sanolu ninia laran iha mudanca signifikante iha mentalidade.",
"Povu nasaun ne'e iha tempu balun ba kotu iha espriritu solidaridade maka'as no sakrificiu.",
"Maibe iha situasaun ukun rasik aan ne'e Timor oan barak lakon valor ne'ebe uluk iha wainhia resiste hasoru TNI.",
"Nune'e duni CentrQuesadhip halo refesaun ida iha 10/10/2012 hodi celebra tinan 243 cidade Dili nian.",
"Cidade Dili harii iha 10/10/1779.",
"Nune'e mos loron 10 fulan Oetobru ne'e hanesan mos tloron moris Presidenti da Republika Taur Matan Ruak ninian da dala 56.",
"Iha seminariu ne'e ema Timor oan manetenk nain tolu mak fahe sira nia experiencia ho rona nain sira ne'ebe mai husi estudantes, organizasaun sociedade civil sira seluk inklui mos politiku nain sira, membru do governu, deputadus sira no korpu diplomatika sira.",
"Esforsu ne'e halo atu foo hanoin fali papel cidadaun la'os de'it atu tuur dada iis maibe liu husi participasaun ativa iha prosesu moris di'ak iha nasaun ne'e.",
"Primeira dama Isabel Fereira iha ninia deskursu dehan, \"Problema ki'ak ne'e Timor nian tomak nian.",
"Se dehan Timor ki'ak, Ita hotu mak mo'e tan ba ita hotu parte ba povu ida ne'e.",
"Ita parte ba nasaun ida ne'e.",
"Tan ba ne'e ita hotu iha obrigasaun, iha reponsabilidade, atu hamutuk buka solusaun hodi hasai ita husi kiak ida ne'e. husi mukit ida ne'e.",
"Ita hotu mehi katak atu sai nasaun ida kee riko, forte no seguru.",
"Atu too ba mehi ida ne'e ita hotu presiza hamutuk iha responsabilidade, iha espiritu de voluntariu, espiritu de solidaridade I espiritu de toleransia.",
"So ho ida ne'e it abele ultrapasa dezafius sira ne'e.",
"Obstakulo ne'ebe sai ba ita ne'ebe boot iha nasaun ida ne'e I ita sempre ko'alia kiak.",
"Ida ne'e presiza ita hotu hamutuk hodi kombate ki'ak iha ita nia rain,\" Isabel Ferreira iha ninia deskursu abertura.",
"Tuir mia prokuradora jeral koalia kona ba cidadania tuir perpectivas lei ninian hodi fahe mos ninia esperecia balun hodi dehan, \"Dala ruma ita iha hanoin katak Estadu maka tenke halo bu'at hotu ba ita nia presiza.",
"Ba ita nia moris di'ak.",
"Balun hanoin katak ita nia kanar maka organiza aan, atu ezije, atu reklama ita nia direitu tuir konstituisaun da Republika nian. \"",
"\"Ita bele dehan katak iha faze ida iha ita nia istoria hanesan nasaun, ne'ebe halo demo no ezije ita nia direitu hanesan povu ba Ukun Rasik Aan maka instrumentu ida importante.",
"Ita to'o iha faze ikus ne'ebe ida ne'e sai determinante atu foo hatene ba komunidade internasional katak Timor Leste hanesan nasaun, ho ninia identidade rasik sei iha, no la pertenci ba nasaun seluk. \"",
"\"Joven barak foo sira nia vida atu mundo tomak atu labele haluha ita nia luta ba ukun rasik aan.",
"Inan barak maka terus, povu barak mak hetan susar boot iha tinan barak nia laran I tempo ne'e liu ona.\"",
"\"Ita hamriik mesak daudaun ho orgulho katak Timor leste nasaun ida ne'ebe partenci ho direitu tomak ba komunidade nasoeins mundo nian.",
"Maibe orgulho de'it la to'o.",
"Povu barak loos seidauk moris di'ak hanesanita hotu ninia hakarak.\"",
"\"Ita bele hatudu liman ba Governu, hatudu liman ba opozisaun, foo sala ba sira nain rua hotu.",
"Ne'e tentasaun ida fasil ita atu monu.",
"Ita sempre gosta foo sala ba malu, hatudu liman ba ema seluk maibe nafatin sei la resolve bu'at ida.",
"No pior liu ita sei fahe malu, deskonfia malu, no soran malu hela de'it. \"",
"\"Hanesan cidadaun Timor, sa ida maka daudaun ita tenke ser halo, Dahuluk, ita tenke hatene los sa ida maka ita hakarak.",
"Ita nia objetivu mak ida ne'ebe loos.",
"Oin nusa maka ita bele alkanca objetivu ita nian.",
"Ita tenke fiar ita nia aan rasik.",
"Maibe ho umildade ita tenke rekuinese katak presiza tulu husi ema barak.",
"Ita mesmesak sei la atinji ita nia mehi ba justica social no moris di'ak ba povu hotu.",
"Mesak it abele de'it karik iha oportunidade no badinas servisu atu hadia ita nia moris no ita nia familias nia moris di'ak.\"",
"\"Maibe ita ko'alia cidadania, ne'e dehan katak ita nia objetivu, lori ita nia nasaun ba dezenvolvimentu.",
"Hadia povu tomak nia moris no tau matan ba malu.",
"Mehi importante maibe fundamental liu maka transforma mehi ne'e ba vizaun klaru ida-idak nian.",
"Prepara aan, organiza komunidade, kalendariza nasaun no badinas servisu atu realiza mehi nee.\"",
"\"Ita tenke tau hamutuk ita ida-idak nia kbi'it, halo forte, atu nune'e bele konkretiza sa ida maka ita hakarak.",
"Lalika hanoin ita bele halo hotu mesak de'it, tan ba de'it osan iha barak.",
"Keta hanoin katak tan ba ita bele rekruta se de'it, mala'e maka barak atu mai ukun ita nia rain sira sei resolve ita nia problema.",
"Ikus ita finje de'it katak ita maka ukun.",
"Finje ita bele finje maibe rezultadu sei la iha.",
"Tan sira la hadomi rai lulik ita nian.",
"Sira la kuinese ita nia klamar.",
"Dala ruma sira balun, la iha klamar karik.",
"Tan ba sira balun ninia objetivu mesak manan osan bo'ot,\" Ana Pessoa apela ba intidade hotu.",
"Nia dehan liu tan katak, \"Ita presiza kuda fiar ba malu. tulun ukun nain sira atu ukun didiak ita nia rain.",
"Ho kritika klaru no diretu, lalika revo-revo lakon tempo naruk.",
"Maibe importante liu tenke foo alternativa ida ka rua atu hadia situasaun.",
"Kritika de'it ema hotu bele halo.",
"Maibe cidadaun preokupa liu, liu husi kritika nia hakarak hadia situasaun.",
"Buka resolve problema.",
"Nia la preokupa ho nia moris de'it.",
"Maibe preokupa ho ema seluk nia di'ak, komunidade nia moris.\"",
"Posted by TEMPO SEMANAL at 10:15"
] | [
"TEMPO SEMANAL: Ana Pessoa says opposition should be blamed for government's failure to win all the seat in parliament Time Weekly-Dili, 17/09 /25."
"Ana Pessoa Prokurador Jeral da Republika Demokratika de Timor-Leste East Тимор is already a nation but in its eleven years there has been significant change of mentality."
"The people of this country have spent some time together in a spirit that has been characterized by great solidarity and sacrifice."
"However, in the situation of independence many Timorese lost their courage that once stood against TNI."
"Thus, CentrQuesadhip held a reception on 10 October to celebrate the city of Dili' s twenty-third birthday."
"Dili City was founded on 10/29-78."
"Also October 10th is also the birthday of President Taur Matan Ruak, who was born on this day in his fifty-six years as president."
"At the seminar, three Timorese men of conscience shared their experiences with a audience comprised by students and other civil society organization as well politician. Member from governmental bodies like parliamentarians or diplomatic corps were invited to participate in this event which was also open for all interested parties:"
"The effort is to rethink the role of citizens not just sitting idly by but through active participation in a good life process."
"First lady Isabel Fereira in her speech said, \"The problem of poverty is the whole Timorese."
"If we say that Timor is poor, then it's because all of us are part and parcel with this people."
"We are part of this country."
"Therefore, we all have an obligation and a responsibility to find together solutions that will take us out of this poverty."
"We all want to be a rich, strong and secure nation."
"To achieve this goal we all need to work together in a spirit of responsibility, voluntary service and solidarities. We also have the power for ourselves as individuals but it is not enough if you don't do your part!"
"Only in this way can we overcome these challenges."
"The obstacle that we face in this country is huge and it's always about poverty."
"This requires us all to work together in combating the poverty of our country,\" said Isabel Ferreira during her opening speech."
"According to the Attorney General, she spoke about citizenship from a legal perspective and shared some of her hopes by saying: \"Sometimes we think that it is up for our state."
"For our good life."
"Balun believes that our only way is to organize, demand and assert the rights we have under Republic Constitution.\""
"\"We can say that at a certain stage in our history as an nation, demonstrating and demanding the right of people to self-determination was one important instrument."
"We have reached the final stage where it is crucial to let know that East Timor as a nation, with its own identity will exist and not belongs in any other country.\""
"\"Many young people gave their lives so that the whole world would not forget our struggle to achieve independence."
"Many women have suffered, many peoples are in great distress over the years and this time has passed.\""
"\"We are now proud to say that East Timor is a full-fledged member of the international community."
"But pride alone is not enough."
"Many real people have not lived well as they would like.\""
"\"We can point our hands at the government, we could show us to be opposed and blame both of them."
"It's an easy temptation to fall into."
"We always like to blame each other, show our hands at others but still it won't solve a thing."
"And worst of all, we will continue to divide one another and distruste each other. \""
"\"Dear Timorese citizen, what we must do right now is to know exactly which directions are our priorities."
"Our goal is one that's right."
"How can we achieve our goals?"
"We have to trust ourselves."
"But with humility we must acknowledge that it requires the help of many."
"Unless we do so, our aspirations for social justice and good living will not be achieved."
"We can only do this if we have the opportunity and will work to improve our lives, as well a life for all of us.\""
"\"But when we talk about citizenship, it says that our goal is to bring the country forward."
"They destroyed the lives of all people and did not care for each other."
"The most important but fundamental desire is to translate it into a clear vision of oneself."
"Prepare yourself, organize your community and calendar the country. And work hard to realize this dream.\""
"\"We have to put together each one of our strengths, be stronger so that we can concretely achieve what is in the way."
"Don't think we can do it all on our own, because there is a lot of money."
"Don't think that because we can recruit a lot of angels to come and rule our countries, they will solve all the problems."
"Let's just pretend that we are ruling."
"Pretend we can pretend but there will be no result."
"For they do not love our land."
"They don't know it is our complaint."
"Sometimes some of them, there is no clamar karr."
"Because for some of them their only goal is to win a lot more money,\" Ana Pessoa appeals."
"He added, \"We need to build trust in each other. Help the rulers govern our countries well and help them do so.\""
"With clear and direct criticism, lalika revo-revo loses time."
"But more importantly, one or two alternatives should be offered to improve the situation."
"Criticism is the only thing everyone can do."
"But citizens are more concerned, through criticism they want to improve the situation."
"Buka solves the problem."
"He is not concerned with his death alone."
"But concerned with the well-being of others, his community's lives.\""
"Posted by TEMPO SEMANAL at 10:25 AM No comments"
] |
Ilustrasaun tiru. FOTO: Liputan6.com\nPNTL Loke Ona Investigasaun ba Kazu Delta Nova no Bairro-pite Featured\n07 Setembru 2018\nHanesan públiku hatene, iha fulan Agostu nia rohan no inisiu fulan Setembru mosu kazu rua ne’ebé komete husi pesoal polisia. Kazu dahuluk akontese iha Bairro-pite ne’ebé komete husi pesoal polisia ho inisial DB ne’ebé baku feto ida no tiru mane ida, no kazu daruak akontese iha Delta Nova, iha ne’ebé pesoal polisia halo agresaun fiziku hasoru mane ida.\n“Kazu ne’e (Delta Nova ho Bairro-pite) tama ona prosesu investigasaun,” informa Komandante Daruak PNTL, Komisáriu Faustino da Costa hafoin hasoru-malu ho Prezidente Repúblika Francisco Guterres Lú Olo iha Palasiu Prezidensial, Bairro-pite, Kinta (06/09).\nKomisariu Faustino hatete, iha sorumutu ho Prezidente Lu Olo nia parte informa mós kona-ba kazu hirak ne’ebé akontese iha Dili, inklui kazu ne’ebé akontese iha Delta Nova no Bairro-pite.\nIha fatin ketak, Komandante Daruak PNTL Dili, Superintendente Asistente Euclidis Belo informa vitima Julia Chatulessy no Wilson Valdo Correia aprezenta ona keixa iha Komando polisia Kaikoli.\n“Ami simu ona keixa vitima sira nian maibé ami orienta sira ba hato’o keixa formal iha eskuadra Dom Aleixo tanba area juridiku parte ne’ebá nian,” informa Euclidis.\nKomandante ne’e dehan, Komando PNTL sei la defende ema ida maibé prosesu mak sei determina.\nBa pesoal polisia ne’ebé deskonfia envolve kazu, Euclidis hatete sei nafatin hala’o ninia knar nu’udar polisia hodi tau-matan ba establidade seguransa iha kapital Dili.\nTanba, nia dehan, iha mós lei balun ne’ebé mak fó dalan ba polisia atu defende nia aan rasik kuandu hetan asaun ameasa ba sira nia aan, entaun bele halao auto defeza,” katak nia.\nKronolojia Kazu Bairro-pite\nTuir kronolojia ne’ebé fó sai husi parte vitima sira katak, iha Kuarta (29/08/2018) maizumenus tuku 12:30 OTL, pesoal polisia ho inisial DB ba taka bola duir (bola guling) iha feira ba komemorasaun 30 Agostu ne’ebé realiza iha Aldeia Laloran, Suku Bairu-Pite, Postu Dom Aleixo, Dili.\nPesoal polisia ne’ebé ho kondisaun lanu ne’e lakon no hahú haksesuk-malu ho joven sira, nune’e hanesan membru komisaun organizadora, Julia koko atu intervene hodi husu ba parte rua atu rezolve ho ulun malirin, maibé pesoal ne’e hahú hasai lia-tolok.\nHaree ba situasaun ne’ebé hahú manas, pesoal polisia na’in tolu seluk ho inisial A, BM no AC hakbesik aan. Haree prezensa husi nia maluk na’in tolu ne’e, DB kaer la metin no hahú halo agresaun fiziku hasoru Julia.\n“DB baku Julia nia kanuruk dala ida no tuku nia matan dala ida. vitima sente oin nakukun,” informa reprezentante Asosiasaun HAK, Evangelino Gusmão, liu husi konferensia imprensa iha Asosiasaun HAK, Farol, Kuarta (05/09/2018).\nHaree nia bin ema baku, Wilson hakat mai ho intensaun atu sori maibé pesoal polisia na’in haat hahú halo agresaun fiziku no DB losu nia pistola ne’ebé nia sikat iha kanotak. Haree ba ida ne’e, Wilson halai no DB tiru vitima nia kelen parte loos.\nLa to’o ne’e de’it, DB kontinua hakat ba hodi see pistola ba Wilson maibé la konsege tiru tanba ema taka netik. DB ne’ebé haree Julia koko defende nia alin hasai lia-tolok ba feto ne’e.\n“Sorte o feto, lae in* h*** k*** ha’u tiru mate tiha kedas o,” dehan Evangelino hodi hasaran lia-fuan husi DB.\nHafoin asaun tiru ne’e, atividade feira labele kontinua no komunidade sira ne’ebé partisipa halai namkari. Haree ba ida ne’e pesoal polisia na’in haat ne’e estraga sasan iha feira.\nTuir vitima sira aleinde sasan ne’ebé hetan estragus, sira-nia osan ho valor $200 mós lakon.\nKronolojia Kazu Delta Nova\nMate-restu 12 Novembru 1991 ida ho naran Andre Rangel Gomes hato’o duun pesoal polisia ida halo agresaun fiziku hasoru nia.\nTuir informasaun husi Andre ne’ebé konsidera aan hanesan vitima, kazu ne’e akontese iha ninia primu nia festa kazamentu iha Salaun Delta Nova iha Domingu (02/098/2018) tuku 03:00 madrugada.\nAndre hatete, kazu ne’e hahú bainhira nia primu ne’ebé nu’udar membru Unidade Maritima istori-malu iha festa laran ho pesoal F-FDTL ida. Sira na’in rua dada-malu ba li’ur no membru F-FDTL harahun botir hodi uza sona Andre nia primu. Maibé, nia tahan no rezulta nia liman kanek.\nHaree ba ida ne’e, Andre dehan, nia ba husu nia primu no nia primu hatudu mane ida hatais faru mean mak koko sona nian. Nune’e, Andre hakbesik an ba hodi koalia ho ema ne’e. Tanba sira-nia lian hahú aas, membru polisia sira ne’ebé simu kontaktu hodi ba halo seguransa baku lesuk Andre.\n“Seidauk baku malu, sei ko’alia maka’as ba malu, sira (pesoal polisia ida) mai no komesa tuku ha’u, depois sira seluk mós ataka kedas ha’u,” informa Andre iha edifisiu Asosiasaun HAK, Farol-Dili, Segunda (03/09).\nAndre hatete, nia la koñese pesoal polisia sira ne’ebé baku nia tanba iha momentu ne’ebá nia ho kondisaun lanu todan, maibé nia hatene polisia mak baku nia tanba uza roupa metan.\nMore in this category: « Polisia “Buka Hela” Inan-aman ne’ebé Soe Bebé\tPolisia Prosesa Kondutor Kamioneta Sama Mate Feto Ida »\n/PNTL Loke Ona Investigasaun ba Kazu Delta Nova no Bairro-pite | [
"Ilustrasaun tiru.",
"FOTO: Liputan6.com PNTL Loke Ona Investigasaun ba Kazu Delta Nova no Bairro-pite Featured 07 Setembru 2018 Hanesan publiku hatene, iha fulan Agostu nia rohan no inisiu fulan Setembru mosu kazu rua ne'ebe komete husi pesoal polisia.",
"Kazu dahuluk akontese iha Bairro-pite ne'ebe komete husi pesoal polisia ho inisial DB ne'ebe baku feto ida no tiru mane ida, no kazu daruak akontese iha Delta Nova, iha ne'ebe pesoal polisia halo agresaun fiziku hasoru mane ida.",
"\"Kazu ne'e (Delta Nova ho Bairro-pite) tama ona prosesu investigasaun,\" informa Komandante Daruak PNTL, Komisariu Faustino da Costa hafoin hasoru-malu ho Prezidente Republika Francisco Guterres Lu Olo iha Palasiu Prezidensial, Bairro-pite, Kinta (06/09).",
"Komisariu Faustino hatete, iha sorumutu ho Prezidente Lu Olo nia parte informa mos kona-ba kazu hirak ne'ebe akontese iha Dili, inklui kazu ne'ebe akontese iha Delta Nova no Bairro-pite.",
"Iha fatin ketak, Komandante Daruak PNTL Dili, Superintendente Asistente Euclidis Belo informa vitima Julia Chatulessy no Wilson Valdo Correia aprezenta ona keixa iha Komando polisia Kaikoli.",
"\"Ami simu ona keixa vitima sira nian maibe ami orienta sira ba hato'o keixa formal iha eskuadra Dom Aleixo tanba area juridiku parte ne'eba nian,\" informa Euclidis.",
"Komandante ne'e dehan, Komando PNTL sei la defende ema ida maibe prosesu mak sei determina.",
"Ba pesoal polisia ne'ebe deskonfia envolve kazu, Euclidis hatete sei nafatin hala'o ninia knar nu'udar polisia hodi tau-matan ba establidade seguransa iha kapital Dili.",
"Tanba, nia dehan, iha mos lei balun ne'ebe mak fo dalan ba polisia atu defende nia aan rasik kuandu hetan asaun ameasa ba sira nia aan, entaun bele halao auto defeza,\" katak nia.",
"Kronolojia Kazu Bairro-pite Tuir kronolojia ne'ebe fo sai husi parte vitima sira katak, iha Kuarta (29/08/2018) maizumenus tuku 12:30 OTL, pesoal polisia ho inisial DB ba taka bola duir (bola guling) iha feira ba komemorasaun 30 Agostu ne'ebe realiza iha Aldeia Laloran, Suku Bairu-Pite, Postu Dom Aleixo, Dili.",
"Pesoal polisia ne'ebe ho kondisaun lanu ne'e lakon no hahu haksesuk-malu ho joven sira, nune'e hanesan membru komisaun organizadora, Julia koko atu intervene hodi husu ba parte rua atu rezolve ho ulun malirin, maibe pesoal ne'e hahu hasai lia-tolok.",
"Haree ba situasaun ne'ebe hahu manas, pesoal polisia na'in tolu seluk ho inisial A, BM no AC hakbesik aan.",
"Haree prezensa husi nia maluk na'in tolu ne'e, DB kaer la metin no hahu halo agresaun fiziku hasoru Julia.",
"\"DB baku Julia nia kanuruk dala ida no tuku nia matan dala ida. vitima sente oin nakukun,\" informa reprezentante Asosiasaun HAK, Evangelino Gusmao, liu husi konferensia imprensa iha Asosiasaun HAK, Farol, Kuarta (05/09/2018).",
"Haree nia bin ema baku, Wilson hakat mai ho intensaun atu sori maibe pesoal polisia na'in haat hahu halo agresaun fiziku no DB losu nia pistola ne'ebe nia sikat iha kanotak.",
"Haree ba ida ne'e, Wilson halai no DB tiru vitima nia kelen parte loos.",
"La to'o ne'e de'it, DB kontinua hakat ba hodi see pistola ba Wilson maibe la konsege tiru tanba ema taka netik.",
"DB ne'ebe haree Julia koko defende nia alin hasai lia-tolok ba feto ne'e.",
"\"Sorte o feto, lae in* h*** k*** ha'u tiru mate tiha kedas o,\" dehan Evangelino hodi hasaran lia-fuan husi DB.",
"Hafoin asaun tiru ne'e, atividade feira labele kontinua no komunidade sira ne'ebe partisipa halai namkari.",
"Haree ba ida ne'e pesoal polisia na'in haat ne'e estraga sasan iha feira.",
"Tuir vitima sira aleinde sasan ne'ebe hetan estragus, sira-nia osan ho valor $200 mos lakon.",
"Kronolojia Kazu Delta Nova Mate-restu 12 Novembru 1991 ida ho naran Andre Rangel Gomes hato'o duun pesoal polisia ida halo agresaun fiziku hasoru nia.",
"Tuir informasaun husi Andre ne'ebe konsidera aan hanesan vitima, kazu ne'e akontese iha ninia primu nia festa kazamentu iha Salaun Delta Nova iha Domingu (02/098/2018) tuku 03:00 madrugada.",
"Andre hatete, kazu ne'e hahu bainhira nia primu ne'ebe nu'udar membru Unidade Maritima istori-malu iha festa laran ho pesoal F-FDTL ida.",
"Sira na'in rua dada-malu ba li'ur no membru F-FDTL harahun botir hodi uza sona Andre nia primu.",
"Maibe, nia tahan no rezulta nia liman kanek.",
"Haree ba ida ne'e, Andre dehan, nia ba husu nia primu no nia primu hatudu mane ida hatais faru mean mak koko sona nian.",
"Nune'e, Andre hakbesik an ba hodi koalia ho ema ne'e.",
"Tanba sira-nia lian hahu aas, membru polisia sira ne'ebe simu kontaktu hodi ba halo seguransa baku lesuk Andre.",
"\"Seidauk baku malu, sei ko'alia maka'as ba malu, sira (pesoal polisia ida) mai no komesa tuku ha'u, depois sira seluk mos ataka kedas ha'u,\" informa Andre iha edifisiu Asosiasaun HAK, Farol-Dili, Segunda (03/09).",
"Andre hatete, nia la konese pesoal polisia sira ne'ebe baku nia tanba iha momentu ne'eba nia ho kondisaun lanu todan, maibe nia hatene polisia mak baku nia tanba uza roupa metan.",
"More in this category: \" Polisia \"Buka Hela\" Inan-aman ne'ebe Soe Bebe Polisia Prosesa Kondutor Kamioneta Sama Mate Feto Ida \" /PNTL Loke Ona Investigasaun ba Kazu Delta Nova no Bairro-pite"
] | [
"Illustration shot."
"PHOTO: Liputan6.com PNTL Launches Investigation into Delta Nova Case in Bairro-pite Featured September,07th of the year As is publicly known there were two cases committed by police personnel during August and early September last month"
"The first case occurred in Bairro-pite, where a police officer with the initials DB beat up one woman and shot at another man. In Delta Nova there were two cases of physical assault on men committed by Police personnel whose names are not known:"
"\"The case (Delta Nova and Bairro-pite) has entered the investigation process,\" informed Second Commander of PNTL Commissioner Faustino da Costa after meeting with President Francisco Guterres Lu Olo at Presidential Palace on Wednesday."
"Commissioner Faustino said, in the meeting with President Lu Olo's side also provided information about cases that occurred at Dili including those which took place on Delta Nova and Bairro-pite."
"On the other hand, Second Commander of PNTL Dili Assistant Superintendent Euclidis Belo informed victims Julia Chatulessy and Wilson Valdo Correia that they have filed a complaint with Kaikoli police command."
"\"We have received complaints from the victim, but we advised them to file a formal claim at Dom Aleixo squadron because of its legal area\", Euclidis said."
"The commander said, the PNTL Command will not defend any person but process is going to determine."
"To police officers suspected of involvement in the case, Euclidis said he will continue to carry out his duties as a cop and protect security establishments within Dili."
"Because, he said that there are some laws which allow the police to defend themselves when they receive threats against their lives. They can carry out self-defense.\""
"According to the chronology provided by victims, on Thursday (29/08 / 17) at about noon and half OTL police personnel with initial DB were tapping a duir ball in an event for commemoration of August-35 held near Laloran Village Bairu -Pite Township Dom Aleixo Post Office Dili."
"The police officers who were in a very bad condition went missing and began to fight with the young people, so as member of organizing committee Julia wanted intervention from both sides for resolving it peacefully but they started speaking out."
"In view of the heated situation, three other policemen with initials A. BM and AC approached them in their cars to help him out from his car stolen by a group who had already arrived on time for an arrest warrant was issuen against her husband' s wife (A)."
"In the presence of his three friends, DB took a loose hold and began to physically assault Julia."
"\"DB beat Julia's knee one time and hit her eye once. Victim felt naked,\" HAK Association representative Evangelino Gusmao said during a press conference at the association in Farol on Thursday (05/19)."
"When Wilson saw the beaten man in his bin, he rushed over with an intention to escape but four police officers began physically assaulting him and DB dropped a gun which was stuck into her chest."
"In view of this, Wilson fled and DB shot the victim's right neck."
"Not only that, DB continued to approach Wilson with a gun but could not shoot because the man closed his neck."
"DB, who saw Julia standing up for her brother's cause and was angry with the woman."
"\"Sorte o feto, lae in* h*** k**** I've shot you dead right away\", said Evangelino to recall the words of DB."
"After the shooting, fair activities could not continue and communities that participated held namkari."
"In response, the four police officers damaged things at a fair."
"According to the victims, in addition of damaged property they lost their own money worth $201."
"On 12 November, a man named Andre Rangel Gomes reported that he had been physically assaulted by one of the policemen."
"According to Andre, who considers himself a victim of the incident that occurred at his cousin' s wedding party in Sala Delta Nova on Sunday (02/18) around 3am."
"Andre said that the case began when his cousin, a member of Maritime Unit had an affair with one F-FDTL personnel at party."
"The two of them ran away and F-FDTL members broke into the car to use Andre's first name."
"However, he held on and resulted in his arm being hurt."
"And so he went to ask his uncle and the old man showed him a guy who had made meat from ground beans that was Sona's coconut."
"Then, Andre approaches and talks to the man."
"As their voices rose, the policemen who were contacted to provide security beat Andre."
"\"We didn't beat each other, we were talking loudly to one another. They (a police officer) came and started hitting me; then the others attacked at once as well,” Andre told reporters in HAK Association building on Farol-Dili road Monday morning(03/19)."
"Andre said he did not know the policemen who beat him because at that time, she was in a very bad condition but knew they were hitting her for wearing foul clothes."
"More in this category: \" Police 'Open the Door' to Parents Who Drank Alcohol, Prosecute Truck Driver For Killing Feto One\" /PNTL Has Started Investigation into Delta Nova and Bairro-pite Case"
] |
Xanana sei Klarifika Desizaun Sosa Asaun ConocoPhillips Featured\n04 Outubru 2018\nDILI: Prosesu negosiasaun hodi lori Estadu Timor ba sosa asaun 30% husi ConocoPhillips 30% pozitivu ona. Tanba ne’e, iha tempu badak Xefe Negosiadór Prinsipál, Kay Rala Xanana Gusmão, sei halo klarifikasaun ba públiku.\nSekretáriu Estadu Komunikasaun Sosiál (SEKomS), Juvinal Mericio Akara hatete, atu hatene kle'an prosesu ne’e iha tempu badak ekipa Fronteira Marítima sei halo klarifikasaun ba públiku.\nXanana Gusmão ho nia ekipa sei halibur mós organizasaun sosiedade sivíl sira atu bele tuur hamutuk halo esklarese di'ak liután.\nNune’e, tuir Akara, asaun saida mak Xanana Gusmão halo nu’udar ema vizionáriu ne’ebé ho hanoin luan. Ema hotu la espera maibé nia hatudu daudaun kuandu lori prosesu negosiasaun Fronteira Marítima remata kontinua kedas hodi halo relasaun di'ak ho kompañia operadór mina nian.\nNia hatete, Xanana Gusmão sai ba asina akordu sosa asaun ne’e hetan rekoñesimentu husi Konsellu Ministru, tanba ne’e hanesan reprezentante alta negosiadór Estadu Timor.\n“Prosesu sosa asaun ConocoPhillips ne’e fó ona dalan mai ita atu negoseia hodi dada ita nia kadoras mai iha Timor”, dehan nia iha PN hafoin partisipa plenária tersa (02/10).\nNia hatete, pasu ida ne’ebé mak governu foti hodi sosa asaun ConocoPhillips ne’e meius di'ak atu dada kadoras mai iha Timor, tanba prosesu ba esplorasaun ne’e kompañia operadór sira mak iha forsa.\nKuandu Estadu hakarak dada kadoras mai iha Timor maibé iha diskusaun ruma entre operadór mina, governu iha de’it li'ur, la tama iha laran, maibé ho desizaun ne’e sei inkilina-aan iha desizaun hotu-hotu ne’ebé kompañia operadór mina sira halo.\nAtu halo esplorasaun mina matan GS hodi dada mai iha Timor ne’e presiza halo negosiasaun ho kompañia operadór sira hanesan Woodside ho nia join Ventura sira, entaun Timor mós iha ona oportunidade atu tama tanba iha ona asaun hodi bele negoseia.\nNune’e, Prezidente Parlamentu Nasionál, Arão Nóe de Jesus hatete, prosesu sosa asaun ConocoPhillips ne’e publika iha média sosiál, tanba ne’e hein publikasaun ofisial husi governu.\n“Ita seidauk hatene governu lori osan hira mak sosa asaun ne’e, maibé ita hotu hein” tenik nia, iha Uma Fukun PN, horisehik.\nFRETILIN Hela Ho Duvida\nVise-Prezidente Bankada FRETILIN, Francisco Branco hatete, públiku barak sei duvida Estadu Timor oras ne’e sosa asaun ConocoPhillips ka halo ona konkordánsia hodi halo esplorasaun mina matan iha Greater Sunrise.\n“Estadu nia-funsionamentu agora daudaun ne’e halo ami bingung fali, ema ida ne’ebé laiha estrutura Estadu nian, maibé ba asina dokumentu lori Estadu Timor-Leste atu atu sosa asaun kompañia ConocoPhillips”, dehan nia, iha Uma Uma Fukun PN, horisehik.\nNia hatete, antes ne’e Kay Rala Xanana Gusmão hetan nomeasaun husi Governu sai hanesan Xefe Negosiadór Prinsipál ba negosiasaun Fronteira Marítima, maibé ohin loroloron asuntu ne’e remata ona.\nProsesu ne’ebé agora daudaun la’o ne’e atu halo negosiasaun ba esplorasaun mina matan Greater Sunrise ne’e la hanesan ho negosiasaun Fronteira Marítima. Tanba ne’e, presiza prosesu foun fali hodi evita estrutura informál labele domina estrutura formál sira iha Governu ne’e.\nFunsionamentu Estadu nian atu halo akordu prinsipál ruma lori Estadu nian naran tuir loloos estrutura efetivu sira mak ba asina, maibé ne’e oin seluk tanba estrutura informál mak ba asina fali akordu.\nMaibé deputadu ne’e hanoin katak prosesu la’o hotu ona. Tanba ne’e, labele halimar ho asinatura ne’e ona maibé oinsá ba futuru bele hadi'a asuntu hanesan ne’e.\nMore in this category: « Projetu 45 Laiha Kontratu\tPN Fó Votu Pezar Ba Vítima Terramotu iha Palu »\n/Xanana sei Klarifika Desizaun Sosa Asaun ConocoPhillips | [
"Xanana sei Klarifika Desizaun Sosa Asaun ConocoPhillips Featured 04 Outubru 2018 DILI: Prosesu negosiasaun hodi lori Estadu Timor ba sosa asaun 30% husi ConocoPhillips 30% pozitivu ona.",
"Tanba ne'e, iha tempu badak Xefe Negosiador Prinsipal, Kay Rala Xanana Gusmao, sei halo klarifikasaun ba publiku.",
"Sekretariu Estadu Komunikasaun Sosial (SEKomS), Juvinal Mericio Akara hatete, atu hatene kle'an prosesu ne'e iha tempu badak ekipa Fronteira Maritima sei halo klarifikasaun ba publiku.",
"Xanana Gusmao ho nia ekipa sei halibur mos organizasaun sosiedade sivil sira atu bele tuur hamutuk halo esklarese di'ak liutan.",
"Nune'e, tuir Akara, asaun saida mak Xanana Gusmao halo nu'udar ema vizionariu ne'ebe ho hanoin luan.",
"Ema hotu la espera maibe nia hatudu daudaun kuandu lori prosesu negosiasaun Fronteira Maritima remata kontinua kedas hodi halo relasaun di'ak ho kompania operador mina nian.",
"Nia hatete, Xanana Gusmao sai ba asina akordu sosa asaun ne'e hetan rekonesimentu husi Konsellu Ministru, tanba ne'e hanesan reprezentante alta negosiador Estadu Timor.",
"\"Prosesu sosa asaun ConocoPhillips ne'e fo ona dalan mai ita atu negoseia hodi dada ita nia kadoras mai iha Timor,\" dehan nia iha PN hafoin partisipa plenaria tersa (02/10).",
"Nia hatete, pasu ida ne'ebe mak governu foti hodi sosa asaun ConocoPhillips ne'e meius di'ak atu dada kadoras mai iha Timor, tanba prosesu ba esplorasaun ne'e kompania operador sira mak iha forsa.",
"Kuandu Estadu hakarak dada kadoras mai iha Timor maibe iha diskusaun ruma entre operador mina, governu iha de'it li'ur, la tama iha laran, maibe ho desizaun ne'e sei inkilina-aan iha desizaun hotu-hotu ne'ebe kompania operador mina sira halo.",
"Atu halo esplorasaun mina matan GS hodi dada mai iha Timor ne'e presiza halo negosiasaun ho kompania operador sira hanesan Woodside ho nia join Ventura sira, entaun Timor mos iha ona oportunidade atu tama tanba iha ona asaun hodi bele negoseia.",
"Nune'e, Prezidente Parlamentu Nasional, Arao Noe de Jesus hatete, prosesu sosa asaun ConocoPhillips ne'e publika iha media sosial, tanba ne'e hein publikasaun ofisial husi governu.",
"\"Ita seidauk hatene governu lori osan hira mak sosa asaun ne'e, maibe ita hotu hein\" tenik nia, iha Uma Fukun PN, horisehik.",
"FRETILIN Hela Ho Duvida Vise-Prezidente Bankada FRETILIN, Francisco Branco hatete, publiku barak sei duvida Estadu Timor oras ne'e sosa asaun ConocoPhillips ka halo ona konkordansia hodi halo esplorasaun mina matan iha Greater Sunrise.",
"\"Estadu nia-funsionamentu agora daudaun ne'e halo ami bingung fali, ema ida ne'ebe laiha estrutura Estadu nian, maibe ba asina dokumentu lori Estadu Timor-Leste atu atu sosa asaun kompania ConocoPhillips,\" dehan nia, iha Uma Uma Fukun PN, horisehik.",
"Nia hatete, antes ne'e Kay Rala Xanana Gusmao hetan nomeasaun husi Governu sai hanesan Xefe Negosiador Prinsipal ba negosiasaun Fronteira Maritima, maibe ohin loroloron asuntu ne'e remata ona.",
"Prosesu ne'ebe agora daudaun la'o ne'e atu halo negosiasaun ba esplorasaun mina matan Greater Sunrise ne'e la hanesan ho negosiasaun Fronteira Maritima.",
"Tanba ne'e, presiza prosesu foun fali hodi evita estrutura informal labele domina estrutura formal sira iha Governu ne'e.",
"Funsionamentu Estadu nian atu halo akordu prinsipal ruma lori Estadu nian naran tuir loloos estrutura efetivu sira mak ba asina, maibe ne'e oin seluk tanba estrutura informal mak ba asina fali akordu.",
"Maibe deputadu ne'e hanoin katak prosesu la'o hotu ona.",
"Tanba ne'e, labele halimar ho asinatura ne'e ona maibe oinsa ba futuru bele hadi'a asuntu hanesan ne'e.",
"More in this category: \" Projetu 45 Laiha Kontratu PN Fo Votu Pezar Ba Vitima Terramotu iha Palu \" /Xanana sei Klarifika Desizaun Sosa Asaun ConocoPhillips"
] | [
"Xanana to Clarify Decision on ConocoPhillips Shares Featured Oct.4,2018 DILI: The negotiation process for the Timorese State’ s purchase of a shareholding in consortium oil and gas company (Conocop) has been successfully completed by both sides – Prime Minister Jose Ramos-Horta said Monday afternoon during an interview with Dili Post online news portal “Dilipost”."
"Therefore, in the short term Chief Principal Negotiator Kay Rala Xanana Gusmao will make clarification to public."
"State Secretary of Social Communication (SEKomS), Juvinal Mericio Akara said, to know clearly this process in the short term Maritime Frontier team will make clarifications for public."
"Xanana Gusmao and his team will also gather civil society organizations so that they can sit down together to make good explanations."
"According to Akara, what action did Xanana Gusmao take as a visionary and broad-minded man?"
"It was not everyone's expectation, but he has shown that once the Maritime Boundary negotiations are over it will immediately continue to have good relations with mine operator companies."
"He said, Xanana Gusmao went to sign the agreement on buying shares was recognized by Council of Minister and therefore as a high representative negotiator Timorese State."
"\"The process of purchasing ConocoPhillips shares has given us the opportunity to negotiate and expand our presence in Timor,\" he said at Parliament after attending plenary session on Tuesday (02/15)."
"He said that the government's move to buy ConocoPhillips share is a good way of bringing investment into Timor, because it was operator companies who were in charge for exploration."
"When the State wants to bring a company into Timor but there is some discussion between mine operator, government only outside and not inside. But with this decision it will be inclined in all of those companies' mining operations that are made by mines operating on its soil"
"To do GS exploration to come in Timor it is necessary negotiations with operator companies such as Woodside and his join Ventura, so that also has the opportunity for Indonesia because there are already actions."
"The President of the National Parliament, Arao Noe de Jesus said that Conocophill's share purchase process was published on social media and therefore awaits official publication by government."
"\"We don't know how much money the government will bring to buy these shares, but we are all waiting\", he said in Parliament House on Monday."
"FRETILIN's Vice-Chairman, Francisco Branco said that many people will doubt whether the Timorese State is now buying ConocopPhillips share or has already made a deal to explore for oil in Greater Sunrise."
"\"The functioning of the state at present confuses us, a person who has no State structure but is signing documents with Timor-Leste's government to buy ConocoPhillips company share\", he said in Parliament House today."
"He said, earlier Kay Rala Xanana Gusmao had been appointed by the Government as Chief Principal Negotiator for Maritime Boundary negociations but today it has all ended."
"The process currently underway to negotiate the Greater Sunrise mine exploration is different from that of Maritime Boundary."
"Therefore, a new process is needed to prevent informal structures from dominating the formal ones in this government."
"The functioning of the state to make some major agreements in its name should be signed by effective structure, but this is different because informal structura will sign again."
"However, he believes that the process is already in progress."
"Therefore, it is not possible to be happy with the signing but how in future we can improve such matters."
"More in this category: \" Project 45 Lacks Contract, Parliament Votes To Help Earthquake Victim In Palu\" /Xanana Will Clarify Decision On ConocoPhillips Action"
] |
primeiraves pdhj hato’o relatoriu ba komite cedaw - PDHJ - Provedoria dos Direitos Humanos e Justiça\nBy 2007 On 28 July 2009 In 2009, Komunikadu Imprensa\nComments Off on primeiraves pdhj hato’o relatoriu ba komite cedaw\nprimeiraves pdhj hato’o relatoriu ba komite cedaw\nIha loron 30 jullu 2009 PDHJ sei entrega relatoriu ba komite CEDAW. Relatoriu ne’e sei intrega direitamente husi Provedor Dr Sebastião Dias Ximenessei ba komite CEDAW iha Nove Yorke.\n“Liu husi enkontru ne’e Provedor sei hato’orelatoriu ba komite CEDAW kona-ba Feto vitima ba kazu violensia seksual iha tempu okupasaun rejime militar Indonesia. Parte segundu kona-ba rezultadu monitorizasaun PDHJ nian iha detensaun Polisia Distritu Dili no iha prizaun Gleno’ hateten Dr. Amandio de Sá Benevides, Provedor Interino”.\n“PDHJ konkorda hodi hakerek no hato’o issu rua ne’e ba komite CEDAW tanba issu rua ne’e refleta duni situasaun atual nune’e mos issu rua ne’e Governu TL no NGO la mensiona. Nune’e mós realidade hatudu katak, feto 853 mak sai vitima ba kazu violensia seksual iha tempu okupasaun rejime militar Indonesia seidauk hetan justisa formal no reparasaun” hatutan Dr. Amandio.\nLiu tan Dr. Amandio haktuir katak “haree husi assuntu rua ne’ebé iha mak PDHJ hato’o rekomendasaun balun hanesan, husu ba komite CEDAW atu ejiji ba orgaun soberanu TL hodi halo lalais lei ba programa reparasaun nasional ba vitima inklui rekomendasaun CVA nian hodi fo asistensia psiko-sosial ba vitima durante konflito. Husu ba komite CEDAW bele hato’o ba unidade justisa Transtisional Nasoens Unidas (HRUTJ) atu halo lei ba reparasaun no hari’i instituisaun ida hodi haree kazu ema sira ne’ebé lakon durante konflitu”.\nEntertantu iha sorin seluk PDHJ husu katak governu Timor-Leste iha obrigasaun atu hadi’ia saneamentu iha fatin detensaun ne’ebé aat, governu liu husi ministeriu justisa iha obrigasaun atu fahe informasaun kona-ba lei no direitos humanos iha prizaun no ministeriu justisa iha dever atu sosializa lei sira ne’ebé mak iha ba populasaun sira to’o iha aria rural” dehan Dr. Amandio.\nTuir Paris Principle katak PDHJ nu’udar Instituisaun Nasionál Direitos Humanos iha knaar no responsablidade atu promove no proteje direitus humanos sidadaun hotu-hotu nian, temi iha Konstituisaun da Republika no mós konvensaun internasionál sira ne’ebé nasaun Timor-Leste ratifika ona. Tanba ne’e hafoin Timor-Leste ratifika CEDAW iha loron 16 Maiu 2003 no PDHJ hala’o ninia knaar durante tinan haat nia laran mak foin dahuluk PDHJ hato’o relatóriu ba Komite CEDAW.\nTelemovel 730 4260 ou 333 1071\nPrevious: funsionariu pdhj sei tuir treinamentu kona-ba mediasaun no konsiliasaun\nNext: pdhj hato’o komentariu ba relatoriu alta komisária direitos humanos iha geneva | [
"primeiraves pdhj hato'o relatoriu ba komite cedaw - PDHJ - Provedoria dos Direitos Humanos e Justica By 2007 On 28 July 2009 In 2009, Komunikadu Imprensa Comments Off on primeiraves pdhj hato'o relatoriu ba komite cedaw primeiraves pdhj hato'o relatoriu ba komite cedaw Iha loron 30 jullu 2009 PDHJ sei entrega relatoriu ba komite CEDAW.",
"Relatoriu ne'e sei intrega direitamente husi Provedor Dr Sebastiao Dias Ximenessei ba komite CEDAW iha Nove Yorke.",
"\"Liu husi enkontru ne'e Provedor sei hato'orelatoriu ba komite CEDAW kona-ba Feto vitima ba kazu violensia seksual iha tempu okupasaun rejime militar Indonesia.",
"Parte segundu kona-ba rezultadu monitorizasaun PDHJ nian iha detensaun Polisia Distritu Dili no iha prizaun Gleno' hateten Dr. Amandio de Sa Benevides, Provedor Interino.\"",
"\"PDHJ konkorda hodi hakerek no hato'o issu rua ne'e ba komite CEDAW tanba issu rua ne'e refleta duni situasaun atual nune'e mos issu rua ne'e Governu TL no NGO la mensiona.",
"Nune'e mos realidade hatudu katak, feto 853 mak sai vitima ba kazu violensia seksual iha tempu okupasaun rejime militar Indonesia seidauk hetan justisa formal no reparasaun\" hatutan Dr. Amandio.",
"Liu tan Dr. Amandio haktuir katak \"haree husi assuntu rua ne'ebe iha mak PDHJ hato'o rekomendasaun balun hanesan, husu ba komite CEDAW atu ejiji ba orgaun soberanu TL hodi halo lalais lei ba programa reparasaun nasional ba vitima inklui rekomendasaun CVA nian hodi fo asistensia psiko-sosial ba vitima durante konflito.",
"Husu ba komite CEDAW bele hato'o ba unidade justisa Transtisional Nasoens Unidas (HRUTJ) atu halo lei ba reparasaun no hari'i instituisaun ida hodi haree kazu ema sira ne'ebe lakon durante konflitu.\"",
"Entertantu iha sorin seluk PDHJ husu katak governu Timor-Leste iha obrigasaun atu hadi'ia saneamentu iha fatin detensaun ne'ebe aat, governu liu husi ministeriu justisa iha obrigasaun atu fahe informasaun kona-ba lei no direitos humanos iha prizaun no ministeriu justisa iha dever atu sosializa lei sira ne'ebe mak iha ba populasaun sira to'o iha aria rural\" dehan Dr. Amandio.",
"Tuir Paris Principle katak PDHJ nu'udar Instituisaun Nasional Direitos Humanos iha knaar no responsablidade atu promove no proteje direitus humanos sidadaun hotu-hotu nian, temi iha Konstituisaun da Republika no mos konvensaun internasional sira ne'ebe nasaun Timor-Leste ratifika ona.",
"Tanba ne'e hafoin Timor-Leste ratifika CEDAW iha loron 16 Maiu 2003 no PDHJ hala'o ninia knaar durante tinan haat nia laran mak foin dahuluk PDHJ hato'o relatoriu ba Komite CEDAW.",
"Telemovel 730 4260 ou 333 1071 Previous: funsionariu pdhj sei tuir treinamentu kona-ba mediasaun no konsiliasaun Next: pdhj hato'o komentariu ba relatoriu alta komisaria direitos humanos iha geneva"
] | [
"PDHJ - Provedoria dos Direitos Humanos e Justica By 2017 On July, Press Releases Comments Off on Primeiraves pdhj report to CEDAW Committee First women human rights advocates will present their Report at the meeting of Council for Women' s Rights and Justice (CSW) in Geneva."
"The report will be submitted directly by the Ombudsman Dr Sebastiao Dias Ximenessei to CEDAW Committee in New York."
"\"After this meeting, the Ombudsman will present a report to CEDAW Committee on female victims of sexual violence during Indonesian military regime occupation."
"Part two on the results of PDHJ monitoring in Dili District Police detention and Gleno Prison,\" said Dr. Amandio De Sa Benevides Interim Ombudsman.\""
"\"PDHJ agrees to write and submit these two issues for the CEDAW Committee because they reflect current situation, so neither TL Government nor NGO mentioned them."
"The reality also shows that 853 women who were victims of sexual violence during the Indonesian military occupation regime have not received formal justice and reparation,\" said Dr. Amandio"
"Furthermore, Dr. Amandio stated that \"besides the two issues in question PDHJ made some recommendations such as requesting CEDAW Committee to urge sovereign organ of TL quickly pass law on national reparation programme for victims including CVA' s recommandation providing psycho-social assistance during conflict Victim.\""
"Call on the CEDAW Committee to refer this matter for consideration by a United Nations Transitional Justice Unit (HRUTJ) in order that it may legislate reparations and establish an institution which will look into cases of persons missing during conflict.\""
"On the other hand, PDHJ requests that Timor-Leste government has an obligation to improve sanitation in poor detention facilities. The Government through its Ministry of Justice is obliged for information on law and human rights within jails be disseminated; as well a duty falls upon this ministry with regarding publicizing existing legislations among population even into rural areas\" said Dr Amandio.\""
"According to the Paris Principles, PDHJ as a National Human Rights Institution has role and responsibility for promoting & protecting all citizens' human rights mentioned in Timor-Leste’s Constitution or international treaties that have been ratifies by this country."
"Therefore, after Timor-Leste ratified CEDAW on May 16th of the year and PDHJ has carried out its duties for four years it is first time that a report was submitted to this Committee."
"Previous: pdhj staff will be trained on mediation and counselling Next, PDHJ submits comments to the rapporteur of OHCHR in Geneva."
] |
By Tempo Timor August 18, 2021 1853\nVeteranu no atuál Deputadu Bankada FRETILIN, José Agustinho Sequeira ‘Somotxo’. Foto Suplay\n“Ha’u ejize nafatin nu’udar veteranu, nu’udar sidadaun no nu’udar reprezentante povu, Governu tenke preokupa ita-nia forsa armada. Tanba Forsa Libertasaun Nasional Timor-Leste (FALINTIL) ninia kontinuasaun mak Forsa Defeza Timor-Leste (FDTL) ne'ebé Governu tenke preokupa ninia modernizasaun ho nia dezenvolvimentu atu lori nafatin obra ne'ebé FALINTIL uluk husik, atu moderniza ho espiritu ida ne'ebé FALINTIL uluk husik, agora sira sei hakarak kontinua nafatin e kontinua duni”, dehan nia iha PN, kuarta (18/08).\nTanba sira ne'ebé iha tinan 1975 kaer kilat agora barak iha forsa armada hanesan Jenerál Lere Anan Timur, ho Brigadeiru sira, no ema ne'ebé Funda FALINTIL ne'e líder sira, mate hotu ona, no sira ne'ebé sei moris mak Sekretáriu Jeral Fretilin nian Mari Alkatiri ho sira seluk.\nEjisténsia Forsa Armada Nasionál Timor-Leste ne'e ejiste iha loron 20 fulan-agostu tinan 1975, bainhira povu timoroan tomak hamriik hafoin mosu insurisaun jerál iha loron 15 fulan-agostu tinan 1975 iha Aileu.\nIha insurisaun jerál ne'ebé mak konsege ejiste hanesan loke dalan ba povu no timoroan hamri’ik halo asaun militar hasoru UDT, ne'ebé iha momentu ne'e timoroan lubuk ida mak brani aseita risku hothotu.\nTanba insurisaun armada ne'e hanesan golpe ida, ne'ebé sira konsege halo iha Munisípiu Aileu, no iha momentu ne'e, Militar ezertu portugés halo ninia sentru instrusaun hodi treinu militar foun sira atu hanesan hola parte iha ezertu portugés.\nNune'e, insurisaun armada ne'e sira hamriik uluk hasai kilat iha Aileu, foin loke 20 maiu, maibé ne'e mós lori tempu naruk, komesa iha loron 15 de agostu 1995, durante loron lima, hafoin kontrola Aileu, sein ema ida mate.\nBa insurisaun armada ne'e bele dehan kontinuasaun ida husi 25 abril kona-ba revolusaun das flores ninian, tanba iha Aileu nein malae no nein timoroan ida mak mate, ne'ebé konsege dezarma malae sira hotu iha ne'eba.\nHafoin ida ne'e, organiza filafali FALINTIL sira hodi halo operasaun, no momentu ne'e Rogeiro Lobato mak hanesan Komandante FALINTIL.\nTan ne'e, nu’udar veteranu hakarak fó hanoin ba Governu tanba dadauk instituisaun barak mak preokupa, liliu instituisaun Defeza Nasionál, tanba sempre hatudu korazen determinasaun aseita risku hothotu.\nBa kontinuasaun esperitu ida ne'e, presiza formasaun, no buka atua tau ida ne'e iha ida-idak nia neon no prátika, maibé atu hametin ne'e presiza instituisaun hothotu preokupa.\nHahú husi loron 20 fulan-agostu 1975, mai iha 20 agostu 2021, ejistensia FALINTIL konsege kompletu tinan 46, maibé sente triste bainhira hateke ba kotuk tanba husi ne'ebá mai to'o 1999, Timor-Leste lakon nia veteranu di'ak barak mate ba ukun rasik-an. (*)\n« PNTL Kaptura Membru PSHT Nai’n-Haat iha Fronteira Rezultadu Teste Membru Foun FDTL Seidauk iha Data Fiksu » | [
"By Tempo Timor August 18, 2021 1853 Veteranu no atual Deputadu Bankada FRETILIN, Jose Agustinho Sequeira 'Somotxo'.",
"Foto Suplay \"Ha'u ejize nafatin nu'udar veteranu, nu'udar sidadaun no nu'udar reprezentante povu, Governu tenke preokupa ita-nia forsa armada.",
"Tanba Forsa Libertasaun Nasional Timor-Leste (FALINTIL) ninia kontinuasaun mak Forsa Defeza Timor-Leste (FDTL) ne'ebe Governu tenke preokupa ninia modernizasaun ho nia dezenvolvimentu atu lori nafatin obra ne'ebe FALINTIL uluk husik, atu moderniza ho espiritu ida ne'ebe FALINTIL uluk husik, agora sira sei hakarak kontinua nafatin e kontinua duni,\" dehan nia iha PN, kuarta (18/08).",
"Tanba sira ne'ebe iha tinan 1975 kaer kilat agora barak iha forsa armada hanesan Jeneral Lere Anan Timur, ho Brigadeiru sira, no ema ne'ebe Funda FALINTIL ne'e lider sira, mate hotu ona, no sira ne'ebe sei moris mak Sekretariu Jeral Fretilin nian Mari Alkatiri ho sira seluk.",
"Ejistensia Forsa Armada Nasional Timor-Leste ne'e ejiste iha loron 20 fulan-agostu tinan 1975, bainhira povu timoroan tomak hamriik hafoin mosu insurisaun jeral iha loron 15 fulan-agostu tinan 1975 iha Aileu.",
"Iha insurisaun jeral ne'ebe mak konsege ejiste hanesan loke dalan ba povu no timoroan hamri'ik halo asaun militar hasoru UDT, ne'ebe iha momentu ne'e timoroan lubuk ida mak brani aseita risku hothotu.",
"Tanba insurisaun armada ne'e hanesan golpe ida, ne'ebe sira konsege halo iha Munisipiu Aileu, no iha momentu ne'e, Militar ezertu portuges halo ninia sentru instrusaun hodi treinu militar foun sira atu hanesan hola parte iha ezertu portuges.",
"Nune'e, insurisaun armada ne'e sira hamriik uluk hasai kilat iha Aileu, foin loke 20 maiu, maibe ne'e mos lori tempu naruk, komesa iha loron 15 de agostu 1995, durante loron lima, hafoin kontrola Aileu, sein ema ida mate.",
"Ba insurisaun armada ne'e bele dehan kontinuasaun ida husi 25 abril kona-ba revolusaun das flores ninian, tanba iha Aileu nein malae no nein timoroan ida mak mate, ne'ebe konsege dezarma malae sira hotu iha ne'eba.",
"Hafoin ida ne'e, organiza filafali FALINTIL sira hodi halo operasaun, no momentu ne'e Rogeiro Lobato mak hanesan Komandante FALINTIL.",
"Tan ne'e, nu'udar veteranu hakarak fo hanoin ba Governu tanba dadauk instituisaun barak mak preokupa, liliu instituisaun Defeza Nasional, tanba sempre hatudu korazen determinasaun aseita risku hothotu.",
"Ba kontinuasaun esperitu ida ne'e, presiza formasaun, no buka atua tau ida ne'e iha ida-idak nia neon no pratika, maibe atu hametin ne'e presiza instituisaun hothotu preokupa.",
"Hahu husi loron 20 fulan-agostu 1975, mai iha 20 agostu 2021, ejistensia FALINTIL konsege kompletu tinan 46, maibe sente triste bainhira hateke ba kotuk tanba husi ne'eba mai to'o 1999, Timor-Leste lakon nia veteranu di'ak barak mate ba ukun rasik-an. (*) \" PNTL Kaptura Membru PSHT Nai'n-Haat iha Fronteira Rezultadu Teste Membru Foun FDTL Seidauk iha Data Fiksu \""
] | [
"By Tempo Timor August 18,.2037 Veteran and current FRETILIN Party MP Jose Agustinho Sequeira 'Somotxo' has been named as the new Prime Minister of East-Timor by President Taur Matan Ruak on Friday evening (August) in Dili City Hall"
"\"I insist as a veteran, citizen and representative of the people that our government should be concerned about its armed forces."
"Because the continuation of Forsa Libertasaun Nasional Timor-Leste (FALINTIL) is FDTL, which Government must be concerned with its modernization and development to carry on work that FALINEST left behind. To modernize in a spirit like what they had before it will now want continue further.\" He said at Parliament Tuesday 18 August"
"Because those who in 1975 carried the guns now are many of us, like General Lere Anan Timur with his Brigadiers and all FALINTIL founding leaders have died. The only survivors will be Fretilin Secretary-General Mari Alkatiri alongside others!"
"The Forsa Armada Nasional Timor-Leste was established on August 20,1975 when the entire people of East Тимор revolted after a general uprising in Aileu."
"There was a general uprising that succeeded in opening the way for people and young Tongans to take military action against UDT, which at this time many Taiwanese refused accept any risk."
"Because the armed insurrection was a coup, which they managed to do at Aileu Municipality and that time Portuguese Army made its training center for new soldiers who would be part of Portugal's army."
"Thus, the armed insurgency was initially targeted at Aileu and only began on 20 May. However it took a long time to take control of this city; starting from August 15th for five days after taking over its power without killing one person any more than that who had been killed by their attackers beforehand (see below)."
"The armed insurrection could be seen as a continuation of the April 25 revolution, because neither Malay nor Tongan died at Aileu. He managed to disarm all Malaes there and disarming them from their weapons before he was killed by his own troops on March10th (April)."
"After this, the FALINTIL was reorganized to carry out operations and at that time Rogeiro Lobato became Commander of Falintil."
"Therefore, as a veteran I would like to remind the Government because every day many institutions are concerned about this issue. Especially National Defence Institution (NDI), since it has always shown its courage and determination in accepting all risks that arise from such an operational situation.\""
"To continue this spirit, training is needed and efforts to implement it in each institution's neon or practice are required. But strengthening the process require all institutions being concerned about its continuation"
"From August 20,1975 to the end of its existence on Aug. 3-4–86 it completed forty six years but felt sad when looking back because from that time up until October and November—the last two months before Timor's independence — many veteran soldiers had died in fighting their country towards independent statehood.\""
] |
Avaliasaun Dezempeñu nia Impaktu ba Funsionáriu CI\nPublika iha: 19 Setembro 2018\nHare na'in: 481\nDíli – Conselho de Imprensa de Timor-Leste (CI) hanesan instituisaun estadu ne’ebé independente, iha ninian serbisu administrasaun kona-ba avaliasaun dezempeñu pesoál, CI uja formatu ne’ebé Komisaun Funsaun Pubiku produz.\nBazeia ba kontratu funsionáriu CI nian ne’ebé kada tinan halo renovasaun tanba ne’e avaliasaun dezempeñu nia implikasaun ba funsionamentu funsionáriu CI nian laiha signifikadu.\n“Ami nia estatutu la permite atu ba funsionáriu públiku, ami ajente administrasaun. Oinsá ami nia avaliasaun dezempeñamentu? Ami kontratu tinan ida ramata, agora halo avaliasaun dezempeñu atu halo saída? Avaliasaun nia rezultadu ne’e saída,” hatete funsionáriu CI, Caetano Alves, iha atividade diseminasaun informasaun kona-ba direitus no deveres sira funsionáriu no ajente administrasaun públiku, hosi Komisaun Funsaun Públiku (KFP), iha salaun enkontru Ministériu Obras Públika (MOP), Cai-coli, Díli.\nIha fatin hanesan, Diretór Diresaun Dezenvlvimentu Análiza Mídia (DDAM), Alberico Junior, lavanta mós kestaun kona-ba avaliasaun dezempeñu ninia métodu rasik.\n“Liga ho avaliasaun dezempeñu, ha’u hakarak husu kona-ba métodu oinsá ita atu halo penilaian (Avaliasaun)? Ita ema dalaruma mosu penilaian subiektivitas makas liu entaun penilaian ne’e dalaruma ses uituan,” dehan Diretór Alberico lamenta mós katak avaliasaun ne’e bazeia de’it ba kritériu ne’ebé iha ona kah bele bazeia ba Nurani.\nSekretária Ezekutiva, Komisaun Funsaun Públika (KFP), Maria de Jesus Sarmento hatete avaliasaun dezempeñu nia efetu ba kontratu sira maka liuhosi avaliasaun dezempeñu bele deside atu estende ka lae kontratu funsionáriu ida nian.\n“Sé lae labele estende, ne’e efeitu ida ba kontratadu sira maka ne’e. kuandu ita boot sira nia avaliasaun la di’ak hapara ita boot sira nia kontratu.”\n“Ne’ebé la’ós katak ita boot la’ós funsionáriu públiku be lapresiza avaliasaun dezempeñu. Presiza avaliasaun dezempeñu,” dehan Sekretária Ezekutiva, Komisaun Funsaun Públika (KFP), Maria de Jesus Sarmento.\nNia hatutan kuandu avaliasaun dezempeñu di’ak, serbisu di’ak, maka sei halo promosaun ba funsionáriu, ita bele ko’alia ho patraun bele hasa’e saláriu.\nKFP ne’e esplika kuandu superior ida fó konsiderasaun ka valoriza funsionáriu ida nia serbisu ne’e signifika katak halo duni tratamentu justu ba ema hotu-hotu. | [
"Avaliasaun Dezempenu nia Impaktu ba Funsionariu CI Publika iha: 19 Setembro 2018 Hare na'in: 481 Dili - Conselho de Imprensa de Timor-Leste (CI) hanesan instituisaun estadu ne'ebe independente, iha ninian serbisu administrasaun kona-ba avaliasaun dezempenu pesoal, CI uja formatu ne'ebe Komisaun Funsaun Pubiku produz.",
"Bazeia ba kontratu funsionariu CI nian ne'ebe kada tinan halo renovasaun tanba ne'e avaliasaun dezempenu nia implikasaun ba funsionamentu funsionariu CI nian laiha signifikadu.",
"\"Ami nia estatutu la permite atu ba funsionariu publiku, ami ajente administrasaun.",
"Oinsa ami nia avaliasaun dezempenamentu?",
"Ami kontratu tinan ida ramata, agora halo avaliasaun dezempenu atu halo saida?",
"Avaliasaun nia rezultadu ne'e saida,\" hatete funsionariu CI, Caetano Alves, iha atividade diseminasaun informasaun kona-ba direitus no deveres sira funsionariu no ajente administrasaun publiku, hosi Komisaun Funsaun Publiku (KFP), iha salaun enkontru Ministeriu Obras Publika (MOP), Cai-coli, Dili.",
"Iha fatin hanesan, Diretor Diresaun Dezenvlvimentu Analiza Midia (DDAM), Alberico Junior, lavanta mos kestaun kona-ba avaliasaun dezempenu ninia metodu rasik.",
"\"Liga ho avaliasaun dezempenu, ha'u hakarak husu kona-ba metodu oinsa ita atu halo penilaian (Avaliasaun)?",
"Ita ema dalaruma mosu penilaian subiektivitas makas liu entaun penilaian ne'e dalaruma ses uituan,\" dehan Diretor Alberico lamenta mos katak avaliasaun ne'e bazeia de'it ba kriteriu ne'ebe iha ona kah bele bazeia ba Nurani.",
"Sekretaria Ezekutiva, Komisaun Funsaun Publika (KFP), Maria de Jesus Sarmento hatete avaliasaun dezempenu nia efetu ba kontratu sira maka liuhosi avaliasaun dezempenu bele deside atu estende ka lae kontratu funsionariu ida nian.",
"\"Se lae labele estende, ne'e efeitu ida ba kontratadu sira maka ne'e. kuandu ita boot sira nia avaliasaun la di'ak hapara ita boot sira nia kontratu.\"",
"\"Ne'ebe la'os katak ita boot la'os funsionariu publiku be lapresiza avaliasaun dezempenu.",
"Presiza avaliasaun dezempenu,\" dehan Sekretaria Ezekutiva, Komisaun Funsaun Publika (KFP), Maria de Jesus Sarmento.",
"Nia hatutan kuandu avaliasaun dezempenu di'ak, serbisu di'ak, maka sei halo promosaun ba funsionariu, ita bele ko'alia ho patraun bele hasa'e salariu.",
"KFP ne'e esplika kuandu superior ida fo konsiderasaun ka valoriza funsionariu ida nia serbisu ne'e signifika katak halo duni tratamentu justu ba ema hotu-hotu."
] | [
"Dili - Conselho de Imprensa (CI) as an independent state institution, in its administrative work regarding personal performance assessments use the format produced by Commission of Public Service. The CI is responsible for evaluating and report to public officials on their achievements during 2017-’39 period through annual evaluation processes that are conducted accordingly with reference towards national standard or international benchmarks which have been established under International Standardization Organization' s Guidelines:"
"Based on CI staff contracts that are renewed annually, the implications of performance evaluation for functioning as an IC employee is not significant."
"\"Our statute does not allow us to be a civil servant, we are an administrative agent."
"What is our performance assessment?"
"We have a one-year contract, now we are doing performance evaluation to do what?"
"What is the result of this evaluation,\" said CI official Caetano Alves during an information dissemination activity on rights and duties for civil servants in public administration by Public Service Commission (KFP), at Ministry Of Works meeting room."
"Meanwhile, the Director of Development and Media Analysis (DDAM), Alberico Junior also addressed issues regarding performance evaluation."
"\"Related to performance evaluation, I would ask about the method of how we do assessment?"
"Sometimes we have a more subjective evaluation, so it's often unnecessary\", says Director Alberico and laments that the review is based only on existing criteria or even Nurani."
"The Executive Secretary, Public Service Commission (KFP), Maria de Jesus Sarmento said the effect of performance evaluation on contracts is that through it can be decided whether or not to extend a civil servant' s agreement."
"\"Otherwise it cannot be extended, that's an effect on the contractors. If our evaluation is not good we terminate their agreement.\""
"\"It is not that we are no public servants who need performance assessment."
"Performance evaluation is needed,\" said Executive Secretary of the Public Service Commission (KFP), Maria de Jesus Sarmento."
"He added that when the evaluation is good performance, well done work will be promoted to an official we can talk with police may raise salary."
"The KFP explained that when a superior gives consideration or value to an employee's work, it means treating everyone fairly."
] |
By Tempo Timor June 02, 2020 562\nUtiliza tabaku ne’e fó dezafiu grave iha Timor-Leste. Timor oan sira tama iha kategoria ema ne’ebé uzu tabaku aas iha mundu. Entre ema adultu sira, iha mane 71% no feto 29% mak uza tabaku iha kualkér forma – fuma (e.z. sigarru) no/ka la fuma (e.z songke tabaku). Iha adultu nain 9 hosi nain 10 mak sofre hosi fuma pasivu iha uma. Moras La Hada’et inklui moras kardiovaskular, no moras obstrutiva pulmonáriu kroníku (Sigla Inglés: chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)) mak entre kauza prinsipál sanulu ba mortalidade. Timor-Leste mós tama iha lista nasaun ho todan makaas ba moras TB.\nPeskiza Global kona-ba Tabaku iha Foin sa’e sira 2019 (Sigla Inglés: Global Youth Tobacco Survey) ne’ebé hala’o entre labarik eskola oan ho idade hosi 13 – 15, hatudu katak totál prevalénsia ba uzu tabaku aas tebes entre adolexente sira ho 30.9%, hosi totál ne’e iha 42% ba foin sa’e mane no 21% ba foin sa’e feto sira. Iha estudante 67% mak sofre hosi fuma pasivu iha uma. Kuaze 71% mak sofre hosi fuma pasivu iha fatin públiku. Foin sa’e sira iha asesu fasil ba sigarru. Maizumenus fumadór 63% sosa sigarru hosi supermerkadu, loja, vendedór ambulante, ka kios. Maske sira ho menor idade tuir dadus iha 49.2% la hetan prevensaun bainhira sosa sigarru.\nPeskiza Global kona-ba Tabaku iha Foin sa’e sira 2019 (Sigla Inglés: Global Youth Tobacco Survey) hatudu mós indikasaun ne’ebé enkoraja tebes. Prevalénsia totál hosi uzu produtu tabaku ne’e tun hosi 42.2% iha 2013 ba 30.9% iha 2019, no prevalénsia totál hosi fumadór atuál mós tun hosi 35% iha 2013 ba 22.5% iha 2019. Liután, persentajen estudante ne’ebé relata katak sira nota publisidade kona-ba tabaku nian iha fatin faan sigarru tun kuaze hosi 80% iha 2013 ba 60% iha 2019. Sira ne’e hotu, estudante liuhosi nain 7 entre nain 10 ne’ebé fuma sigarru, relata katak sira iha intensaun atu para hosi fuma. Enkuantu estudante nain 7 hosi nain 10 mak koko atu para hosi fuma iha fulan 12 kotuk liubá.\nMaibé, atu aselera liután asaun ida ne’e presiza ba implementasaun lei anti-tabaku. Ida ne’e inklui bandu faan tabaku ba labarik idade menor no fó suporta ho diagnóstiku, akonsellamentu, para hosi fuma, no tratamentu dependénsia ba tabaku. Ida ne’e importante hodi proteje adolexente sira hodi uzu tabaku liuhosi hasa’e konxiensia kona-ba efeitu perigu ne’ebé kauza no asegura atu sira la monu ba lasu sira no tátika sira relasiona ho industria tabaku liuhosi tau iha produtu tabaku no nikotina.\nTimor-Leste mós iha populasaun joven liu iha rejiaun Ázia-Pasifiku nia laran. Totál populasaun 74% mak iha idade menus hosi 35, ida ne’e indika katak maioria fumadór sira tama iha kategoria idade refere. Emporeda no hasa’e foin sa’e sira-nia kapasidade ho abilidade atu kontra kompania tabaku ne’ebé forte no sira-nia produtu maka estratejia investimentu ba saúde no dezenvolvimentu Nasaun nian. Prevalénsia fumadór ne’ebé aas, adultu no adolexente sira ne’ebé ezije apoiu hodi para hosi fuma. Servisu apoiu para hosi fuma ne’ebé apropriadu maka komponente esensiál ida iha estratejia kontrolu tabaku ne’ebé kompreensivu. Nikotina iha natureza visiante (ka halo ema hakarak fuma beibeik) no ida ne’e difikulta ema atu para hosi fuma sein hetan asisténsia ruma.\nFoin sa’e sira tenki hamutuk kontra tátiku agresivu no manipulasaun hodi industria tabaku no industria sira seluk, ne’ebé inklui:\nUza sabór liuhosi 15,000, ne’ebé maka halo labarik no adolexente sira iha interese makaas\nPromosaun produtu tabaku no distribuisaun produtu gratuita iha eventu populár ba foin sa’e sira\nImportante tebes atu hanoin katak:\nE-cigarette aumenta risku ba moras fuan no moras pulmaun. Nikotina iha e-cigarette ne’e aditivu los no bele muda labarik sira-nia dezenvolvimentu kakutak\nFuma shisha ne’e perigozu mós hanesan fuma tabaku sira seluk\nFuma tabaku laiha suar (e.z. songke tabaku) ne’e mós perigu hotu ba saúde\nOMS apela ba foin sa’e sira atu hamutuk hodi sai jerasaun ida ne’ebé livre hosi tabaku\nUzu tabaku ne’e responsavel ba mortalidade kankru mate iha mundu ho pursentu 25%. Uzu produtu tabaku no nikotina aumenta risku ba moras kankru, kardiovaskular no moras pulmonáriu. Tinan-tinan ema liuhosi milliaun 1 mate tanba fuma pasivu.\nUzu tabaku mós kontribui ba kiak – uma kain vulneravel sira dezvia sira-nia gastu hosi nesesidade báziku, hanesan ai-han, edukasaun, no saúde, ba tabaku. Nasaun no individuál sira mós lakon ekonomia boot hosi produtividade tanba moras kauza hosi tabaku no mate sedu (e.z. ema ne’ebé fornese nesesidade uma-laran nian), no kustu aas hodi jere morbidade relasiona ho tabaku. Liután, estudu hatudu ona katak fumadór sira iha risku aas liu atu hetan moras grave no mate tanba COVID-19.\nIta bele halakon epidemia tabaku ne’e bainhira komunidade hotu hamutuk ho aselera esforsu hodi kombate kontra tabaku. Família no komunidade sira tenke fó hanoin beibeik ba foin sa’e sira kona-ba tabaku nia efeitu perigu. Governu tenke haforsa implementasaun lei tabaku nian liuhosi kolaborasaun inter-setorál. Apoiu hosi komunidade ne’e importante tebes atu bele susesu iha implementasaun lei tabaku ne’ebé rigorozu. Foin sa’e tenke alerta nafatin no labele monu ba tentasaun ne’ebé fornese hosi marketing produtu tabaku nian. Profisionál saúde sira tenke utiliza sira-nia influensia liuliu ho foin sa’e, labarik no adolexente sira liuhosi fó hanoin ba sira kona-ba efeitu perigozu hosi tabaku. Ministériu Saúde presiza fó apoiu ho diagnóstiku, akonsellamentu, apoiu hodi para fuma, no tratamentu dependénsia tabaku nian.\nLORON MUNDIAL SEIN TABAKU\n« Hamutuk, ita luta hasoru COVID-19 Projetu Lei Kriminaliza Defamasaun lori Artigu 40 no 41 K-RDTL ba Lista Mean »\nWHO presents new course in Tetum on preventing COVID-19 | [
"By Tempo Timor June 02, 2020 562 Utiliza tabaku ne'e fo dezafiu grave iha Timor-Leste.",
"Timor oan sira tama iha kategoria ema ne'ebe uzu tabaku aas iha mundu.",
"Entre ema adultu sira, iha mane 71% no feto 29% mak uza tabaku iha kualker forma - fuma (e.z. sigarru) no/ka la fuma (e.z songke tabaku).",
"Iha adultu nain 9 hosi nain 10 mak sofre hosi fuma pasivu iha uma.",
"Moras La Hada'et inklui moras kardiovaskular, no moras obstrutiva pulmonariu kroniku (Sigla Ingles: chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)) mak entre kauza prinsipal sanulu ba mortalidade.",
"Timor-Leste mos tama iha lista nasaun ho todan makaas ba moras TB.",
"Peskiza Global kona-ba Tabaku iha Foin sa'e sira 2019 (Sigla Ingles: Global Youth Tobacco Survey) ne'ebe hala'o entre labarik eskola oan ho idade hosi 13 - 15, hatudu katak total prevalensia ba uzu tabaku aas tebes entre adolexente sira ho 30.9%, hosi total ne'e iha 42% ba foin sa'e mane no 21% ba foin sa'e feto sira.",
"Iha estudante 67% mak sofre hosi fuma pasivu iha uma.",
"Kuaze 71% mak sofre hosi fuma pasivu iha fatin publiku.",
"Foin sa'e sira iha asesu fasil ba sigarru.",
"Maizumenus fumador 63% sosa sigarru hosi supermerkadu, loja, vendedor ambulante, ka kios.",
"Maske sira ho menor idade tuir dadus iha 49.2% la hetan prevensaun bainhira sosa sigarru.",
"Peskiza Global kona-ba Tabaku iha Foin sa'e sira 2019 (Sigla Ingles: Global Youth Tobacco Survey) hatudu mos indikasaun ne'ebe enkoraja tebes.",
"Prevalensia total hosi uzu produtu tabaku ne'e tun hosi 42.2% iha 2013 ba 30.9% iha 2019, no prevalensia total hosi fumador atual mos tun hosi 35% iha 2013 ba 22.5% iha 2019.",
"Liutan, persentajen estudante ne'ebe relata katak sira nota publisidade kona-ba tabaku nian iha fatin faan sigarru tun kuaze hosi 80% iha 2013 ba 60% iha 2019.",
"Sira ne'e hotu, estudante liuhosi nain 7 entre nain 10 ne'ebe fuma sigarru, relata katak sira iha intensaun atu para hosi fuma.",
"Enkuantu estudante nain 7 hosi nain 10 mak koko atu para hosi fuma iha fulan 12 kotuk liuba.",
"Maibe, atu aselera liutan asaun ida ne'e presiza ba implementasaun lei anti-tabaku.",
"Ida ne'e inklui bandu faan tabaku ba labarik idade menor no fo suporta ho diagnostiku, akonsellamentu, para hosi fuma, no tratamentu dependensia ba tabaku.",
"Ida ne'e importante hodi proteje adolexente sira hodi uzu tabaku liuhosi hasa'e konxiensia kona-ba efeitu perigu ne'ebe kauza no asegura atu sira la monu ba lasu sira no tatika sira relasiona ho industria tabaku liuhosi tau iha produtu tabaku no nikotina.",
"Timor-Leste mos iha populasaun joven liu iha rejiaun Azia-Pasifiku nia laran.",
"Total populasaun 74% mak iha idade menus hosi 35, ida ne'e indika katak maioria fumador sira tama iha kategoria idade refere.",
"Emporeda no hasa'e foin sa'e sira-nia kapasidade ho abilidade atu kontra kompania tabaku ne'ebe forte no sira-nia produtu maka estratejia investimentu ba saude no dezenvolvimentu Nasaun nian.",
"Prevalensia fumador ne'ebe aas, adultu no adolexente sira ne'ebe ezije apoiu hodi para hosi fuma.",
"Servisu apoiu para hosi fuma ne'ebe apropriadu maka komponente esensial ida iha estratejia kontrolu tabaku ne'ebe kompreensivu.",
"Nikotina iha natureza visiante (ka halo ema hakarak fuma beibeik) no ida ne'e difikulta ema atu para hosi fuma sein hetan asistensia ruma.",
"Foin sa'e sira tenki hamutuk kontra tatiku agresivu no manipulasaun hodi industria tabaku no industria sira seluk, ne'ebe inklui: Uza sabor liuhosi 15,000, ne'ebe maka halo labarik no adolexente sira iha interese makaas Promosaun produtu tabaku no distribuisaun produtu gratuita iha eventu popular ba foin sa'e sira Importante tebes atu hanoin katak: E-cigarette aumenta risku ba moras fuan no moras pulmaun.",
"Nikotina iha e-cigarette ne'e aditivu los no bele muda labarik sira-nia dezenvolvimentu kakutak Fuma shisha ne'e perigozu mos hanesan fuma tabaku sira seluk Fuma tabaku laiha suar (e.z. songke tabaku) ne'e mos perigu hotu ba saude OMS apela ba foin sa'e sira atu hamutuk hodi sai jerasaun ida ne'ebe livre hosi tabaku Uzu tabaku ne'e responsavel ba mortalidade kankru mate iha mundu ho pursentu 25%.",
"Uzu produtu tabaku no nikotina aumenta risku ba moras kankru, kardiovaskular no moras pulmonariu.",
"Tinan-tinan ema liuhosi milliaun 1 mate tanba fuma pasivu.",
"Uzu tabaku mos kontribui ba kiak - uma kain vulneravel sira dezvia sira-nia gastu hosi nesesidade baziku, hanesan ai-han, edukasaun, no saude, ba tabaku.",
"Nasaun no individual sira mos lakon ekonomia boot hosi produtividade tanba moras kauza hosi tabaku no mate sedu (e.z. ema ne'ebe fornese nesesidade uma-laran nian), no kustu aas hodi jere morbidade relasiona ho tabaku.",
"Liutan, estudu hatudu ona katak fumador sira iha risku aas liu atu hetan moras grave no mate tanba COVID-19.",
"Ita bele halakon epidemia tabaku ne'e bainhira komunidade hotu hamutuk ho aselera esforsu hodi kombate kontra tabaku.",
"Familia no komunidade sira tenke fo hanoin beibeik ba foin sa'e sira kona-ba tabaku nia efeitu perigu.",
"Governu tenke haforsa implementasaun lei tabaku nian liuhosi kolaborasaun inter-setoral.",
"Apoiu hosi komunidade ne'e importante tebes atu bele susesu iha implementasaun lei tabaku ne'ebe rigorozu.",
"Foin sa'e tenke alerta nafatin no labele monu ba tentasaun ne'ebe fornese hosi marketing produtu tabaku nian.",
"Profisional saude sira tenke utiliza sira-nia influensia liuliu ho foin sa'e, labarik no adolexente sira liuhosi fo hanoin ba sira kona-ba efeitu perigozu hosi tabaku.",
"Ministeriu Saude presiza fo apoiu ho diagnostiku, akonsellamentu, apoiu hodi para fuma, no tratamentu dependensia tabaku nian.",
"LORON MUNDIAL SEIN TABAKU \" Hamutuk, ita luta hasoru COVID-19 Projetu Lei Kriminaliza Defamasaun lori Artigu 40 no 41 K-RDTL ba Lista Mean \" WHO presents new course in Tetum on preventing COVID-19"
] | [
"By Tempo Timor June 02,198 Tobacco use is a serious challenge in East-Timor."
"Timorese people are among the highest tobacco users worldwide."
"Among adults, 71% of men and only a small percentage (29%) among women use tobacco in some form - smoking it or not."
"Nine out of ten adults suffer from second-hand smoke in the home."
"Lung diseases, including cardiovascular illnesses and chronic obstructive pulmonary sickness (COPD), are among the top 10 causes of mortality."
"Timor-Leste is also on the list of countries with high TB prevalence."
"The 2019 Global Youth Tobacco Survey, conducted among schoolchildren aged from three to fifteen years of age in the United States and Canada show that overall prevalence for tobacc use is very high with adolescents at an estimated level (43.6%) including young men who smoke more than one cigarette per day as well As females between ages six-to seventy five which are reportedly less likely or unlikeliest if they do not have any health problems related thereof"
"Among students, 67% suffer from second-hand smoke in the home."
"Almost 71% suffer from second-hand smoke in public places."
"They have easy access to cigarettes."
"About 63% of smokers buy cigarettes from a supermarket, store or street vendor."
"Though underage, 49.2% of them did not get prevention when buying cigarettes according to the survey data"
"The 2019 Global Youth Tobacco Survey also shows encouraging indications."
"The total prevalence of tobacco product use decreased from 42.3% in the year to a record low, at just under one percent (-10%), and there was also an overall decline for current smokers as well: -56%."
"Furthermore, the percentage of students reporting that they noticed tobacco advertising in cigarette outlets has dropped from almost 80% (213) to just under a half-percent."
"All of them, from students to 7 in every ten smokers reported that they had an intention for quitting."
"And while 7 out of every10 students said they would have stopped smoking in the last twelve months, only one-fourth did not."
"However, in order to accelerate this action it is necessary for the implementation of anti-smoking law."
"This includes banning tobacco sales to underage children and providing support with diagnosis, counselling for smoking-cessation services as well As treatment of addictions."
"This is important to protect adolescents from tobacco use by raising awareness of the dangerous effects it causes and ensuring that they do not fall for deception or trickery associated with cigarette industry through exposure in nicotine-rich products."
"Timor-Leste also has the youngest population of any country in Asia Pacific."
"74% of the total population is under age-35, which indicates that most smokers fall into this category."
"Empowering and raising the capacity of young people to compete with strong tobacco companies for their products is a strategic investment in nation's health & development."
"High prevalence of smokers, adults and adolescents who need support to quit."
"Appropriate smoking cessation support services are an essential component of a comprehensive tobacco control strategy."
"Nicotine has a visiting nature (or makes people want to continue smoking) and this can make it difficult for someone who is not getting any assistance, even if they are willing."
"Young people must unite against the aggressive tactics and manipulation by tobacco companies, which include: The use of more than 150 flavors that attract children's attention Tobaccy products promotion or free distribution at popular events for younger adults It is important to remember this. E-cigarettes increase risk from lung disease"
"The nicotine in e-cigarettes is additive and can alter children's development Shisha smoking as dangerous to the health of a child, like tobacco Smoking without sweat (i.e songke) also pose danger WHO calls on young people together for an entire generation free from cigarettes Tobaccy use causes 25% cancer mortality worldwide"
"The use of tobacco products and nicotine increases the risk for cancer, cardiovascular disease (CVD) or lung illness."
"Every year, over 1 million people die from second-hand smoke."
"Tobacco use also contributes to poverty - vulnerable households divert their spending on basic necessities, such as food and education from health care."
"Nations and individuals also lose significant economic productivity due to tobacco-related disease, death of dependants (for example household workers), the high costs associated with managing smoke related morbidity."
"Furthermore, studies have shown that smokers are at a higher risk of developing severe illness and death due to COVID-19."
"We can end the tobacco epidemic if all communities join together and step up their efforts to combat smoking."
"Families and communities should constantly remind young people about the dangerous effects of tobacco."
"The government should strengthen the enforcement of tobacco laws through inter-sectorial collaboration."
"Community support is essential for the successful implementation of strict tobacco laws."
"The rising price must remain vigilant and not succumb to the temptation provided by tobacco product marketing."
"Health professionals should use their influence especially with young people, children and adolescents by raising awareness about the dangerous effects of tobacco."
"The Ministry of Health needs to provide support with diagnosis, counseling and help in quitting smoking as well a treatment for tobacco addiction."
"WORLD NO-TABAKU'S Day \" Together, we fight COVID -19 Projetu Lei Kriminaliza Defamasaun lori Artigus20 no43 ba Lista Mean\" WHO presents new course in Tetum on preventing Covid –"
] |
Bebiana Soares – Page 3 – TAFARA.TL\nHome / Bebiana Soares (page 3)\nBebiana Soares November 15, 2017\tDivertimentu 0 277\nFederasaun desportu sira halo festival desportu ho objetivu atu halo selesaun ba jogador sir aka atleta potensia sira ne’ebe mak atu ba joga iha ASEAN University Games, iha nivel internasional. Diretor Jeral Ministeriu Edukasaun e Kultura, Elsa Coreia iha abertura …\nBebiana Soares November 8, 2017\tSosial & Politika 2 1,648\n“Servisu balu ne’ebe lolos Timoroan bele halo maibe ema estranjeiru sira mak halo fali. Estranjeiru balun mai ho vistu turista maibe ba servisu fali iha ne’e”. Nivio Magalahaes Polisia Imigrasaun ho Secretaria Estadu Juventude e Trabalho halo inspeksaun pasa revista …\nKomunidade Ermera Husu Aprova Programa Governu, Hodi Kria Servisu ba Joven\nBebiana Soares October 30, 2017\tSosial & Politika 0 279\nSituasaun politika ne’ebe mak lao dadauk, halo komunidade sira iha area rural, halo sira laran la hakmatek. Liu hosi elisaun jeral 2017, povu hotu ezerse ona sira nia aspirasaun, hodi hili sira nia partidu ne’ebe mak sira fo fiar. Maibe …\nBebiana Soares October 30, 2017\tSosial & Politika 0 314\nSekretariu Estadu Juventude e Trabalho, Nivio Leite Magalhaes, halao visita ba Municipio Ermera, hodi koalia ho komunidade sira liga ho programa VII Governu nian, ne’ebe liga ho juventude, hodi nune’e bele kapasita joven sira, sai autor ba dezenvolvimentu. Ba jornalista …\nBebiana Soares October 28, 2017\tSosial & Politika 0 190\nSecretário de Estado da Juventude e do Trabalho, Nivio Magalhães halo vizita iha Centro Nasional de Empregu e Formasaun Profesional, ho objetivu atu halo fiskalizasaun direita nia funsionamentu no servisu funsionariu nian, iha loron 26/10 “Hau tenki asegura centru ida …\nBebiana Soares October 25, 2017\tSosial & Politika 0 332\nSecretaria Estadu Juventude e Trabalhu (SEJT), Nivio Magalhaes apresia ho servisu Organizasaun Nasoens Unidas (ONU) nian. Timor sira ne’ebe servisu ho ONU sente urgullu hola parte iha servisu ONU nian. ONU kontinua fo apoio ba Timor-Leste iha area oin-oin, tuir nesesidades …\nBebiana Soares October 25, 2017\tSosial & Politika 0 680\nSecretariu Estadu Juventude e Trabalho (SEJT), Nivio Magalhaes, husu ba trabalhadores atu servisu ho disiplina, tuir regras no hanoin nafatin katak ba servisu laos deit lori trabalhadores nia naran maibe oms Timor nia naran. Nia mos husu atu trabalhadores halo …\nBebiana Soares October 22, 2017\tSosial & Politika 0 403\nAsosiasaun Jornalista Timor Leste (AJTL) halo reflesaun hodi hanoin hikas jornalista estranzeiru nain lima mate iha Balibo no halo mos asaun solidaridade hodi ajuda Avo Lucia iha Aldeia fatuk laran Balibo. Avo Lucia hatete ba jornalista sira katak nia foin …\nBebiana Soares October 20, 2017\tSosial & Politika 0 1,333\nSekretariu Estadu Juventude e Trabalhu (SEJT), Nivio Magalhães hateten katak, governu sei tane as prinsipiu igualdade jeneru tanba feto sira mos tenke brani atu koalia iha oin. Movimentu Revolusaun Karakter ba Futuru, organiza diskusaun iha eskola no bairu sira ne’ebe …\nPLP Suspende L4, Jose Neves no Cipriano Esteves\nBebiana Soares October 12, 2017\tSosial & Politika 0 892\nLiga ho dinamiku politiku iha tempu agora, Partidu Liberta Popular (PLP), halao konferensia imprensa liga ho konvite hosi partidu Fretilin, hodi bele halo komunikasaun sobre modalidade koligasaun ba formasaun Governu dahitu nian. Finalmente PLP reafirma fila fali pozisaun nudar partidu …\nAMP Apresia Servisu FFDTL-PNTL No Maturidade Povu Nian Iha EA | [
"Bebiana Soares - Page 3 - TAFARA.TL Home / Bebiana Soares (page 3) Bebiana Soares November 15, 2017 Divertimentu 0 277 Federasaun desportu sira halo festival desportu ho objetivu atu halo selesaun ba jogador sir aka atleta potensia sira ne'ebe mak atu ba joga iha ASEAN University Games, iha nivel internasional.",
"Diretor Jeral Ministeriu Edukasaun e Kultura, Elsa Coreia iha abertura ...",
"Bebiana Soares November 8, 2017 Sosial & Politika 2 1,648 \"Servisu balu ne'ebe lolos Timoroan bele halo maibe ema estranjeiru sira mak halo fali.",
"Estranjeiru balun mai ho vistu turista maibe ba servisu fali iha ne'e.\"",
"Nivio Magalahaes Polisia Imigrasaun ho Secretaria Estadu Juventude e Trabalho halo inspeksaun pasa revista ...",
"Komunidade Ermera Husu Aprova Programa Governu, Hodi Kria Servisu ba Joven Bebiana Soares October 30, 2017 Sosial & Politika 0 279 Situasaun politika ne'ebe mak lao dadauk, halo komunidade sira iha area rural, halo sira laran la hakmatek.",
"Liu hosi elisaun jeral 2017, povu hotu ezerse ona sira nia aspirasaun, hodi hili sira nia partidu ne'ebe mak sira fo fiar.",
"Maibe ...",
"Bebiana Soares October 30, 2017 Sosial & Politika 0 314 Sekretariu Estadu Juventude e Trabalho, Nivio Leite Magalhaes, halao visita ba Municipio Ermera, hodi koalia ho komunidade sira liga ho programa VII Governu nian, ne'ebe liga ho juventude, hodi nune'e bele kapasita joven sira, sai autor ba dezenvolvimentu.",
"Ba jornalista ...",
"Bebiana Soares October 28, 2017 Sosial & Politika 0 190 Secretario de Estado da Juventude e do Trabalho, Nivio Magalhaes halo vizita iha Centro Nasional de Empregu e Formasaun Profesional, ho objetivu atu halo fiskalizasaun direita nia funsionamentu no servisu funsionariu nian, iha loron 26/10 \"Hau tenki asegura centru ida ...",
"Bebiana Soares October 25, 2017 Sosial & Politika 0 332 Secretaria Estadu Juventude e Trabalhu (SEJT), Nivio Magalhaes apresia ho servisu Organizasaun Nasoens Unidas (ONU) nian.",
"Timor sira ne'ebe servisu ho ONU sente urgullu hola parte iha servisu ONU nian.",
"ONU kontinua fo apoio ba Timor-Leste iha area oin-oin, tuir nesesidades ...",
"Bebiana Soares October 25, 2017 Sosial & Politika 0 680 Secretariu Estadu Juventude e Trabalho (SEJT), Nivio Magalhaes, husu ba trabalhadores atu servisu ho disiplina, tuir regras no hanoin nafatin katak ba servisu laos deit lori trabalhadores nia naran maibe oms Timor nia naran.",
"Nia mos husu atu trabalhadores halo ...",
"Bebiana Soares October 22, 2017 Sosial & Politika 0 403 Asosiasaun Jornalista Timor Leste (AJTL) halo reflesaun hodi hanoin hikas jornalista estranzeiru nain lima mate iha Balibo no halo mos asaun solidaridade hodi ajuda Avo Lucia iha Aldeia fatuk laran Balibo.",
"Avo Lucia hatete ba jornalista sira katak nia foin ...",
"Bebiana Soares October 20, 2017 Sosial & Politika 0 1,333 Sekretariu Estadu Juventude e Trabalhu (SEJT), Nivio Magalhaes hateten katak, governu sei tane as prinsipiu igualdade jeneru tanba feto sira mos tenke brani atu koalia iha oin.",
"Movimentu Revolusaun Karakter ba Futuru, organiza diskusaun iha eskola no bairu sira ne'ebe ...",
"PLP Suspende L4, Jose Neves no Cipriano Esteves Bebiana Soares October 12, 2017 Sosial & Politika 0 892 Liga ho dinamiku politiku iha tempu agora, Partidu Liberta Popular (PLP), halao konferensia imprensa liga ho konvite hosi partidu Fretilin, hodi bele halo komunikasaun sobre modalidade koligasaun ba formasaun Governu dahitu nian.",
"Finalmente PLP reafirma fila fali pozisaun nudar partidu ...",
"AMP Apresia Servisu FFDTL-PNTL No Maturidade Povu Nian Iha EA"
] | [
"Bebiana Soares - Page 2017/3 / TAFARA.TL Home » Sports Federations hold sports festival with the aim of selecting potential players or athletes who will play at ASEAN University Games, on an international level"
"Director General Ministry of Education and Culture, Elsa Korea at the opening ..."
"Bebiana Soares November 8,2017 Sosial & Politika (Social and Political) - Social Politics: \"Some services that Timorese people can do are done by foreigners."
"Some foreigners come with a tourist visa but go back to work here.\""
"Nivio Magalahaes Immigration Police and the State Secretariat for Youth & Labour conducted an inspection ..."
"Bebiana Soares October 30,17 Social & Politics The political situation that is going on today has made the communities in rural areas uncomfortable. They are not satisfied with their lives and want to change them for better!"
"Through the 2017 general election, all people have exercised their aspirations to elect a party in which they trust."
"However ...."
"Bebiana Soares October 30,198 Social & Politics (2) The State Secretary for Youth and Labour Nivio Leite Magalhaes visited the Municipality of Ermera to talk with local communities about programmes involving youth under Government VII. He empowered young people so that they can become authorities responsible on development issues"
"Ba jornalista ..."
"Bebiana Soares October 28,197 Social & Politics (0) Secretario de Estado da Juventude e do Trabalho Nivio Magalhaes visits the National Centre for Employment and Vocational Training with a view to inspecting its proper functioning on Oct."
"Bebiana Soares October 25,17 Sosial & Politika0 Comments Nivio Magalhaes of the State Secretariat for Youth and Labour (SEJT) appreciates United Nations work."
"Timorese working with the UN feel an urge to take part in United Nations work."
"The UN continues to provide support for Timor-Leste in various areas, as needed ..."
"Bebiana Soares October 25,197 Sosial & Politika (Social and Politics)0 Nivio Magalhaes urged workers to work with discipline according the rules. He also reminded them that they are not only carrying their name but Timorese people’s names when going out on duty in front of a machine or at any other place where it is necessary"
"He also called on workers to do ..."
"Bebiana Soares October 23,17 Social & Politics0 Comments The Timorese Journalists Association (AJTL) reflected on the death of five foreign journalist in Balibo and made a solidarity action to help Avo Lucia at Fatuk Inan Village."
"Grandmother Lucia told reporters that she had just ..."
"Bebiana Soares October 20,17 Sosial & Politika (Social and Politics) - Social News: Nivio Magalhaes says that the government will uphold gender equality principles because women must also be brave enough to speak out."
"The Character Revolution for the Future Movement, organizing discussions in schools and neighborhood that ..."
"PLP Suspende L4, Jose Neves e Cipriano Estevese Bebiana Soares October 12th. of the year Social & Politics News0893 In connection with current political dynamics and at Fretilin’s invitation to hold a press conference on modalities for coalition formation in order that they can communicate their position regarding this issue"
"Finally PLP reaffirms once again its position as a party ..."
"AMP Appreciates the Service of FFDTL-PNTL and People’s Maturity in EA"
] |
Edukasaun saúde reprodutiva no foinsa’e iha vida reprodusaun (II) | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste\nVARANDA OPINIAUN Edukasaun saúde reprodutiva no foinsa’e iha vida reprodusaun (II)\n(Meiu ida atu evita no halakon inan isin-rua sedu, abortu no kazu soe bebé iha Timor-Leste)\nSiklu reprodutivu ema-nian\nBainhira labarik feto ida tama iha idade entre tinan 11-12 no labarik mane tama iha idade entre tinan 12-13, sira tama daudaun ona ba iha idade puberdade. Puberdade katak períodu ida iha ne’ebé feto no mane sira tama ona iha maturasaun seksuál. Iha períodu ida-ne’e duni mak akontese transformasaun biolójika no fíziku, prosesu ida-ne’ebé mós hamosu efeitu ba iha dezenvolvimentu psikososiál no emosionál ba labarik iha idade ida-ne’e.\nOpiniaun parte I: Edukasaun saúde reprodutiva no foinsa’e iha vida reprodusaun\nIha períodu puberdade ida-ne’e, ormona seksuál sira hanesan testoterona ba mane sira no estrojenu iha feto sira komesa ativa. Ativasaun ormona sira-ne’e mak hamosu karaterístika seksuál sekundáriu ne’ebé aparese gradualmente iha joven sira, hahú hosi kedas tempu puberdade ka iha faze ne’ebé sofre dezenvolvimentu ba maturasaun seksuál. Bele dehan puberdade mak períodu ida iha ne’ebé okore ona mudansa morfolójika, fiziolójika no psikolójika iha ita ema no marka inisiasaun ba tempu adoloxénsia.\nMane sira kuandu tama ona iha idade reprodutiva hanesan ne’e, iha ona kapasidade atu testíkulu bele ona prodús espermatozóide liuhosi prosesu biolójiku ida hanaran espermatojéneze. Enkuantu espermatozóide maduru no konserva ona iha testíkulu nia laran mak nia sei prontu atu bele fekunda kuandu akontese relasaun íntimu ka relasaun seksuál.\nHanesan ne’e mós feto sira, iha idade sira hanesan ne’e, ováriu iha ona kapasidade atu prodús óvulu ka ovu liu hosi prosesu biolójika ida hanaran ovulujéneze ka oojéneze. Kuandu ováriu prodús tiha ovu no maduru ona, mak iha momentu balu ke ita hanaran períodu fértil ka períodu bokon, ováriu sei liberta sai ovulu ba iha trompa falopi atu bele fekundadu hosi espermatozóide. Prosesu ida iha ne’ebé ováriu libera óvulu ba iha trompa falopi ne’e mak hanaran ovulasaun.\nOvulasaun ida-ne’e indika katak feto iha ona tempu fértil ka bokon no bainhira akontese relasaun seksuál ruma mak iha posibilidade boot atu feto refere hetan gravidasaun. Baibain, prosesu ovulasaun ne’e mosu iha loron dasanulu-resin-haat (14) sura hosi loron dahuluk menstruasaun ikus liu nian.\nSignifika katak kuandu ováriu husik sai ona óvulu ba iha trompa falopi ka tempu ne’ebé biolójikamente hanaran ovulasaun ne’e, feto solteira sira kuidadu atu la hetan tentasaun ruma ba relasaun seksuál, liu-liu kuandu seidauk preparadu atu isin-rua. Tanba sá? Tanba kuandu óvulu iha ona trompa falopi (fatin atu akontese fekundasaun ka fatin atu espermatozóide hasoru malu ho óvulu), mak bele akontese uniaun entre gameta rua diferente (espermatozóide no óvulu) no uniaun entre sira rua ne’e duni mak hamosu fekundasaun.\nRezultadu hosi fekundasaun ida-ne’e, ikus mai hanaran zigotu no ikus mai dezenvolve liuhosi prosesu biolójiku lubuk ida hodi sai embriaun no dezenvolve sai umanu foun maizumenus fulan sia iha ko’us fatin ka úteru.\nFeto no mane sira ne’ebé la’ós kazál katak sei solteira evita aan atu envolve iha relasaun seksuál durante tempu ovulasaun, loron 3 antes no loron 3 depois ovulasaun. Kuandu durante tempu ovulasaun ka tempu fértil nia laran, la akontese duni relasaun seksuál mak óvulu sei la fekundadu tanba laiha espermatozóide iha trompa falopi laran.\nNune’e, to’o ninia tempu, óvulu ida-ne’e sei sofre degradasaun no muda aan hosi trompa falopi no bainhira tempu to’o, óvulu refere sai hosi feto nia isin. Prosesu ida-ne’e mak ikus mai hanaran ho menstruasaun durante loron 4 to’o loron 5 nia laran.\nIsin rua sedu bele evita ho de’it koñese ita nia siklu reprodusaun, liuliu feto sira. Kuandu relasaun seksuál akontese iha tempu ovulasaun (fértil ka bokon) mak hakarak ka lakohi, isin rua sei akontese. Maibé, karik relasaun seksuál akontese iha momentu feto ida iha faze infértil ka maran, mak sei la mosu isin rua, tanba iha momentu ne’e, ováriu seidauk ka la liberta sai óvulu ba trompa falopi.\nPerspetiva Igreja Katólika nian kona-ba kazu abortu (estraga ema nia vida)\nTuir Igreja Katólika moris ne’e “pro-life”, katak Maromak hanorin mai ita atu respeita moris, ne’ebé mak ita ema hetan dezde períodu konsepsaun ka fekundasaun entre espermatzóide no óvulu liu de’it momentu balun hafoin relasaun seksuál.\nEma-nia vida formadu kedas hosi momentu fekundasaun, tanba iha siénsia biolojia mós deskreve zigotu nu’udar uniaun totalidade hosi ser umanu ne’ebé úniku ((Landrum B. Shettles, M.D. and David Rorvik iha Human Life Begins at Conception, in Rites of Life (grand Paraids, MI: Zondervan, 1983) ne’ebé sita iha Abortion: Opposing Viewpoints (St. Paul, MN: Greenhavven Press, 1986, p. 16)).\nNe’e katak moris ida-ne’e hahú kedas ona hosi formasaun zigotu no haki’ak metin iha úteru inan-nian durante nia dezenvolvimentu. Iha zigotu oan ida-ne’e nia laran mak eziste informasaun jenétika sira ne’ebé simu hosi nia projenitór (inan no aman) sira no ikus mai dezenvolve liuhosi faze oin-oin biolójikamente durante pelumenus fulan sia iha inan nia knotak antes moris mai iha mundu liuhosi prosesu partu.\nKonsilu Vatikanu II, Gaudium et Spes 27, deklara ho loloos katak aleinde buat hotu ne’ebé kontraditóriu ho vida ne’e rasik, pur-ezemplu forma asasinatu sa’ida de’it no iha ne’ebé de’it hanesan abortu, eutanásia, oho aan inklui soe bebé oan sira; kontra ema-nia vida, hahalok sira hotu hakanek ema-nia dignidade hanesan kondisaun sira inkondisionál ba ema-nia vida.\nKatak forma hotu-hotu hosi estraga ema-nia vida ne’e aktu ida kontradíz ho Na’i Maromak nia Glória. Keta estraga ema ruma nia vida ho forma sa’ida de’it tanba só Maromak mak kria vida iha mundu no Maromak de’it mós mak bele hasai ema-nia vida hosi planeta ida-ne’e.\nAmu Papa Paulo VI iha ninia surat Ensíklika (Humanae Vitae 13) ne’ebé sita Amu Papa João XXIII nia liafuan hateten “Ema nia vida ne’e buat ida sagradu, hosi formasaun iha knotak kedas envolve ona Maromak nia kbiit iha prosesu kriasaun”.\nTanba ida-ne’e duni mak kualker ema ida labele iha forsa ida domina liu fali Maromak nia kbiit atu hamate fali vida ne’ebé sei dezenvolve hela liuhosi dalan abortu ou husik nia moris to’o partu maibé depois soe tiha fali hanesan buat folin laek ida. Hetok, hahalok sira hanesan hatudu autór ne’e ninia personalidade la’ós ona hanesan ema ne’ebé iha rasiosinu ka ema ne’ebé Maromak kria tuir Ninia ilas rasik.\nIha Karta ne’e, Amu Papa Paulo VI mós akresenta kona-ba aspetu rua hosi kazamentu mak unidade (union) no kriasaun vida foun (pro-creation). Ne’e katak kazál sira mak iha liu responsabilidade atu hala’o misaun pro-creation ida-ne’e tanba sira garante katak sei la estraga indivídu foun ne’ebé sei mai tanba prezensa hosi vida foun ne’e bazea ba domin no responsabilidade.\nIha ne’e mós la bandu kona-ba halo relasaun íntima entre kualker ema na’in rua ne’ebé diferente jéneru, basta halo ho responsabilidade, seguru no saudável, katak sei la estraga fini ne’ebé sei mosu karik hosi relasaun ida ne’e.\nAmu Papa João Paulo II mós liu hosi nia karta ensíklika, Evangelium Vitae subliña katak evanjellu moris nian (the Gospel of Life) ne’ebé Igreja simu hosi ita Na’i Maromak tuir loloos lakan hela iha ema ida-idak nia fuan. Ema hotu-hotu ne’ebé nakloke ba lia-loos no bondade (hahalok di’ak) sei koñese Lei Natural (Natural Law) ne’ebé lakan hela iha nia laran kona-ba sakralidade vida umana hosi hahú to’o mate. Papa ne’ebé oras ne’e sai ona Santu iha Lalehan ne’e subliña liután kona-ba relasaun próxima entre kontrasepsaun no abortu.\nKontrasepsaun kontra verdadeiramente ba relasaun íntima kazál sira nian, enkuantu abortu ne’e hahalok ida estraga vida umana. Katak kontrasepsaun kontra virtude hosi justisa iha vida kazál enkuantu abortu kontra ukun fuan dalimak “Keta Oho”! Bele dehan hahalok rua ne’e mai hosi fonte ne’ebé hanesan, enraizadu hosi mentalidade Hedonístico, katak lakohi responsabiliza ba aktu seksualidade, konsentra ba liberdade ne’ebé egoista no konsidera pro-creation nu’udar meius ida atu atinje ninia dezeju rasik (personal fuilfilment).\nMolok remata, atu bele hakotu ka halakon atitude aat abortu no soe bebé iha Timór-Leste, hakerek na’in sujere pontu sira hanesan tuir mai:\nFamília sira presiza intensiva liután edukasaun morál ba oan sira iha uma, liuliu hanorin sira kona-ba oinsá ransu ne’ebé di’ak no esplika ninia efeitu negativu sira, karik ransu arbiru la tuir dalan. Fó hanoin mós ba oan sira kona-ba konsekuénsia aat sa’ida de’it mak oan sira sei hasoru bainhira sira envolve aan iha atividade seksuál livre iha sira-nia vida foinsa’e nian. Tau iha sira-nia hanoin katak de faktu relasaun seksuál ne’e nesesidade biolójika ida-ne’ebé ema hotu-hotu sente no presiza, maibé tenke hatene bainhira loos mak ita bele hala’o atividade ida-ne’e.\nKuandu ema seidauk prontu ba konsekuénsia sira ne’ebé sei rezulta hosi atividade ida-ne’e mak lalika koko atu hala’o atividade ida-ne’e, liuliu bainhira labarik feto ida iha hela tempu fértil ka ovulasaun nia laran. Fó hanoin ba oan sira kona-ba kestaun seksualidade ne’e la’ós pekadu ida, katak laós buat lulik, hetok ida-ne’e sei ajuda foinsa’e sira atu hatene sira-nia aan no hatene deside sa’ida mak sira tenke halo ba sira-nia aan atu bele sees hosi isin-rua sedu aleinde livre hosi moras hada’et seksual sira, inklui HIV-SIDA ne’ebé daudaun ne’e sa’e maka’as iha ita-nia rain.\nOras ne’e daudaun mós ita iha hela dalan ba reforma kurríkulu. Tanba ne’e, hein katak Ministériu Edukasaun, Juventude no Desportu Timor-Leste bele hanoin ona atu enkuadra mós kestaun Edukasaun Sáude Reprodutiva iha kurríkulu nasionál, hahú kedas hosi síklu datoluk ensinu báziku nian to’o ensinu sekundáriu sira. La presiza koloka edukasaan saúde reprodutiva hanesan dixiplina ketak ida. Tuir ha’u nia hanoin, bele koloka de’it unidade temátika ka konteúdu ruma espesífiku kona-ba saúde reprodutiva iha unidade kurríkular biolojia (ba iha kestaun biolójiku) no konteúdu ruma kona ba oinsá mak bele mosu relasaun ida seguru, saudável no ho responsabilidade iha aspetu morál ba iha unidade kuríkular Relijiaun no Morál nian.\nBa ida ne’e, presiza iha koordenasaun no serbisu hamutuk entre MEJD no KONEKTIL atu bele haree kestaun ida-ne’e. Envezde inan-aman mesak mak eduka informalmente iha uma, sei di’ak liu, se edukasaun saúde reprodutiva ne’e tama mós iha edukasaun formál, nune’e bele orienta didi’ak ita-nia foin sa’e sira ba halo desizaun ba sira-nia aan.\nBainhira mosu karik kazu soe bebé iha ita-nia rain, ema ne’ebé sai fatin lamentasaun, atake verbál ka hetan insulta mak inan ida ne’ebé komete hahalok ida-ne’e. Ema haluha tiha katak bainhira feto ida isin rua, ne’e tanba nia halo relasaun íntima ho mane ida, aliás mane refere mós tenke asume responsabilidade!\nKazu abortu ka soe bebé ne’e mosu dala barak tanba fatór sira hanesan tuir mai: feto refere la hatene tuir ninia tempu fértil, feto refere seidauk prontu atu isin-rua maibé tanba atu atinje de’it ninia nesesidade biolójika, hetan obrigasaun hosi mane ne’ebé hatene de’it hasai ninia kaan biolójika maibé lahatene responsabiliza, inan-aman la aseita ho mane ne’ebé fó oan ba feto refere ou inan-aman sira rejeita atu nia oan isin-rua ou tanba feto isin-rua refere sente laiha kbiit finanseiramente atu bele sustenta mesa-mesak oan ne’ebé partu hosi nia knotak rasik.\nNe’eduni, iha aspetu lubuk boot ida mak kauza hodi feto ida deside halo abortu sedu ou soe bebé hafoin partu. Ba ida-ne’e, ha’u hanoin presiza iha mós lejislasaun ida ke regula hahalok sira hanesan ne’e, karik mós bele penaliza ou pelumenus iha aspetu morál para ke sidadaun bele respeita ema seluk nia vida. Nu-fundu, feto ho mane ne’ebé fó oan ba malu hotu-hotu iha responsabilidade atu hatan perante lei!\nEstadu presiza kria karik mós uma mahon ka sentru orfanatu sira ne’ebé bele tau matan ba bebé sira ne’ebé karik tanba fatór espesífika balu, inan isin-rua ne’e la prontu atu sustenta hafoin partu. Ou pelumenus iha uma mahon ruma atu inan isin rua la prontu sira bele hetan netik akonselamentu ruma atu labele halo abortu sedu.\nInan refere bele aguenta to’o partu no oan refere bele entrega tiha ba orfanatu Estadu nian atu Estadu bele halo tratamentu ba bebé oan sira ne’e ho dignu. Se Estadu halo karik ida-ne’e, mak presiza iha sosializasaun ba públiku kontínuamente atu nune’e bele kooepera hodi redúz no halakon hahalok aat abortu no soe bebé iha Timor-Leste. (*)\n*) Hakerek na’in nu’udar profesór Biolojia iha Eskola Sekundária Públika Olocassa Ossú (Viqueque) no agora daudaun hela iha Ossú.\nPrevious articleCNC halo koordenasaun ho liña ministeriál hodi evita duplikasaun programa\nNext articleKomisaun B husu PNTL buka-tuir autór kazu Nunira | [
"Edukasaun saude reprodutiva no foinsa'e iha vida reprodusaun (II) | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA OPINIAUN Edukasaun saude reprodutiva no foinsa'e iha vida reprodusaun (II) (Meiu ida atu evita no halakon inan isin-rua sedu, abortu no kazu soe bebe iha Timor-Leste) Siklu reprodutivu ema-nian Bainhira labarik feto ida tama iha idade entre tinan 11-12 no labarik mane tama iha idade entre tinan 12-13, sira tama daudaun ona ba iha idade puberdade.",
"Puberdade katak periodu ida iha ne'ebe feto no mane sira tama ona iha maturasaun seksual.",
"Iha periodu ida-ne'e duni mak akontese transformasaun biolojika no fiziku, prosesu ida-ne'ebe mos hamosu efeitu ba iha dezenvolvimentu psikososial no emosional ba labarik iha idade ida-ne'e.",
"Opiniaun parte I: Edukasaun saude reprodutiva no foinsa'e iha vida reprodusaun Iha periodu puberdade ida-ne'e, ormona seksual sira hanesan testoterona ba mane sira no estrojenu iha feto sira komesa ativa.",
"Ativasaun ormona sira-ne'e mak hamosu karateristika seksual sekundariu ne'ebe aparese gradualmente iha joven sira, hahu hosi kedas tempu puberdade ka iha faze ne'ebe sofre dezenvolvimentu ba maturasaun seksual.",
"Bele dehan puberdade mak periodu ida iha ne'ebe okore ona mudansa morfolojika, fiziolojika no psikolojika iha ita ema no marka inisiasaun ba tempu adoloxensia.",
"Mane sira kuandu tama ona iha idade reprodutiva hanesan ne'e, iha ona kapasidade atu testikulu bele ona produs espermatozoide liuhosi prosesu biolojiku ida hanaran espermatojeneze.",
"Enkuantu espermatozoide maduru no konserva ona iha testikulu nia laran mak nia sei prontu atu bele fekunda kuandu akontese relasaun intimu ka relasaun seksual.",
"Hanesan ne'e mos feto sira, iha idade sira hanesan ne'e, ovariu iha ona kapasidade atu produs ovulu ka ovu liu hosi prosesu biolojika ida hanaran ovulujeneze ka oojeneze.",
"Kuandu ovariu produs tiha ovu no maduru ona, mak iha momentu balu ke ita hanaran periodu fertil ka periodu bokon, ovariu sei liberta sai ovulu ba iha trompa falopi atu bele fekundadu hosi espermatozoide.",
"Prosesu ida iha ne'ebe ovariu libera ovulu ba iha trompa falopi ne'e mak hanaran ovulasaun.",
"Ovulasaun ida-ne'e indika katak feto iha ona tempu fertil ka bokon no bainhira akontese relasaun seksual ruma mak iha posibilidade boot atu feto refere hetan gravidasaun.",
"Baibain, prosesu ovulasaun ne'e mosu iha loron dasanulu-resin-haat (14) sura hosi loron dahuluk menstruasaun ikus liu nian.",
"Signifika katak kuandu ovariu husik sai ona ovulu ba iha trompa falopi ka tempu ne'ebe biolojikamente hanaran ovulasaun ne'e, feto solteira sira kuidadu atu la hetan tentasaun ruma ba relasaun seksual, liu-liu kuandu seidauk preparadu atu isin-rua.",
"Tanba sa?",
"Tanba kuandu ovulu iha ona trompa falopi (fatin atu akontese fekundasaun ka fatin atu espermatozoide hasoru malu ho ovulu), mak bele akontese uniaun entre gameta rua diferente (espermatozoide no ovulu) no uniaun entre sira rua ne'e duni mak hamosu fekundasaun.",
"Rezultadu hosi fekundasaun ida-ne'e, ikus mai hanaran zigotu no ikus mai dezenvolve liuhosi prosesu biolojiku lubuk ida hodi sai embriaun no dezenvolve sai umanu foun maizumenus fulan sia iha ko'us fatin ka uteru.",
"Feto no mane sira ne'ebe la'os kazal katak sei solteira evita aan atu envolve iha relasaun seksual durante tempu ovulasaun, loron 3 antes no loron 3 depois ovulasaun.",
"Kuandu durante tempu ovulasaun ka tempu fertil nia laran, la akontese duni relasaun seksual mak ovulu sei la fekundadu tanba laiha espermatozoide iha trompa falopi laran.",
"Nune'e, to'o ninia tempu, ovulu ida-ne'e sei sofre degradasaun no muda aan hosi trompa falopi no bainhira tempu to'o, ovulu refere sai hosi feto nia isin.",
"Prosesu ida-ne'e mak ikus mai hanaran ho menstruasaun durante loron 4 to'o loron 5 nia laran.",
"Isin rua sedu bele evita ho de'it konese ita nia siklu reprodusaun, liuliu feto sira.",
"Kuandu relasaun seksual akontese iha tempu ovulasaun (fertil ka bokon) mak hakarak ka lakohi, isin rua sei akontese.",
"Maibe, karik relasaun seksual akontese iha momentu feto ida iha faze infertil ka maran, mak sei la mosu isin rua, tanba iha momentu ne'e, ovariu seidauk ka la liberta sai ovulu ba trompa falopi.",
"Perspetiva Igreja Katolika nian kona-ba kazu abortu (estraga ema nia vida) Tuir Igreja Katolika moris ne'e \"pro-life,\" katak Maromak hanorin mai ita atu respeita moris, ne'ebe mak ita ema hetan dezde periodu konsepsaun ka fekundasaun entre espermatzoide no ovulu liu de'it momentu balun hafoin relasaun seksual.",
"Ema-nia vida formadu kedas hosi momentu fekundasaun, tanba iha siensia biolojia mos deskreve zigotu nu'udar uniaun totalidade hosi ser umanu ne'ebe uniku ((Landrum B. Shettles, M.D. and David Rorvik iha Human Life Begins at Conception, in Rites of Life (grand Paraids, MI: Zondervan, 1983) ne'ebe sita iha Abortion: Opposing Viewpoints (St. Paul, MN: Greenhavven Press, 1986, p.",
"Ne'e katak moris ida-ne'e hahu kedas ona hosi formasaun zigotu no haki'ak metin iha uteru inan-nian durante nia dezenvolvimentu.",
"Iha zigotu oan ida-ne'e nia laran mak eziste informasaun jenetika sira ne'ebe simu hosi nia projenitor (inan no aman) sira no ikus mai dezenvolve liuhosi faze oin-oin biolojikamente durante pelumenus fulan sia iha inan nia knotak antes moris mai iha mundu liuhosi prosesu partu.",
"Konsilu Vatikanu II, Gaudium et Spes 27, deklara ho loloos katak aleinde buat hotu ne'ebe kontraditoriu ho vida ne'e rasik, pur-ezemplu forma asasinatu sa'ida de'it no iha ne'ebe de'it hanesan abortu, eutanasia, oho aan inklui soe bebe oan sira; kontra ema-nia vida, hahalok sira hotu hakanek ema-nia dignidade hanesan kondisaun sira inkondisional ba ema-nia vida.",
"Katak forma hotu-hotu hosi estraga ema-nia vida ne'e aktu ida kontradiz ho Na'i Maromak nia Gloria.",
"Keta estraga ema ruma nia vida ho forma sa'ida de'it tanba so Maromak mak kria vida iha mundu no Maromak de'it mos mak bele hasai ema-nia vida hosi planeta ida-ne'e.",
"Amu Papa Paulo VI iha ninia surat Ensiklika (Humanae Vitae 13) ne'ebe sita Amu Papa Joao XXIII nia liafuan hateten \"Ema nia vida ne'e buat ida sagradu, hosi formasaun iha knotak kedas envolve ona Maromak nia kbiit iha prosesu kriasaun.\"",
"Tanba ida-ne'e duni mak kualker ema ida labele iha forsa ida domina liu fali Maromak nia kbiit atu hamate fali vida ne'ebe sei dezenvolve hela liuhosi dalan abortu ou husik nia moris to'o partu maibe depois soe tiha fali hanesan buat folin laek ida.",
"Hetok, hahalok sira hanesan hatudu autor ne'e ninia personalidade la'os ona hanesan ema ne'ebe iha rasiosinu ka ema ne'ebe Maromak kria tuir Ninia ilas rasik.",
"Iha Karta ne'e, Amu Papa Paulo VI mos akresenta kona-ba aspetu rua hosi kazamentu mak unidade (union) no kriasaun vida foun (pro-creation).",
"Ne'e katak kazal sira mak iha liu responsabilidade atu hala'o misaun pro-creation ida-ne'e tanba sira garante katak sei la estraga individu foun ne'ebe sei mai tanba prezensa hosi vida foun ne'e bazea ba domin no responsabilidade.",
"Iha ne'e mos la bandu kona-ba halo relasaun intima entre kualker ema na'in rua ne'ebe diferente jeneru, basta halo ho responsabilidade, seguru no saudavel, katak sei la estraga fini ne'ebe sei mosu karik hosi relasaun ida ne'e.",
"Amu Papa Joao Paulo II mos liu hosi nia karta ensiklika, Evangelium Vitae sublina katak evanjellu moris nian (the Gospel of Life) ne'ebe Igreja simu hosi ita Na'i Maromak tuir loloos lakan hela iha ema ida-idak nia fuan.",
"Ema hotu-hotu ne'ebe nakloke ba lia-loos no bondade (hahalok di'ak) sei konese Lei Natural (Natural Law) ne'ebe lakan hela iha nia laran kona-ba sakralidade vida umana hosi hahu to'o mate.",
"Papa ne'ebe oras ne'e sai ona Santu iha Lalehan ne'e sublina liutan kona-ba relasaun proxima entre kontrasepsaun no abortu.",
"Kontrasepsaun kontra verdadeiramente ba relasaun intima kazal sira nian, enkuantu abortu ne'e hahalok ida estraga vida umana.",
"Katak kontrasepsaun kontra virtude hosi justisa iha vida kazal enkuantu abortu kontra ukun fuan dalimak \"Keta Oho\"!",
"Bele dehan hahalok rua ne'e mai hosi fonte ne'ebe hanesan, enraizadu hosi mentalidade Hedonistico, katak lakohi responsabiliza ba aktu seksualidade, konsentra ba liberdade ne'ebe egoista no konsidera pro-creation nu'udar meius ida atu atinje ninia dezeju rasik (personal fuilfilment).",
"Molok remata, atu bele hakotu ka halakon atitude aat abortu no soe bebe iha Timor-Leste, hakerek na'in sujere pontu sira hanesan tuir mai: Familia sira presiza intensiva liutan edukasaun moral ba oan sira iha uma, liuliu hanorin sira kona-ba oinsa ransu ne'ebe di'ak no esplika ninia efeitu negativu sira, karik ransu arbiru la tuir dalan.",
"Fo hanoin mos ba oan sira kona-ba konsekuensia aat sa'ida de'it mak oan sira sei hasoru bainhira sira envolve aan iha atividade seksual livre iha sira-nia vida foinsa'e nian.",
"Tau iha sira-nia hanoin katak de faktu relasaun seksual ne'e nesesidade biolojika ida-ne'ebe ema hotu-hotu sente no presiza, maibe tenke hatene bainhira loos mak ita bele hala'o atividade ida-ne'e.",
"Kuandu ema seidauk prontu ba konsekuensia sira ne'ebe sei rezulta hosi atividade ida-ne'e mak lalika koko atu hala'o atividade ida-ne'e, liuliu bainhira labarik feto ida iha hela tempu fertil ka ovulasaun nia laran.",
"Fo hanoin ba oan sira kona-ba kestaun seksualidade ne'e la'os pekadu ida, katak laos buat lulik, hetok ida-ne'e sei ajuda foinsa'e sira atu hatene sira-nia aan no hatene deside sa'ida mak sira tenke halo ba sira-nia aan atu bele sees hosi isin-rua sedu aleinde livre hosi moras hada'et seksual sira, inklui HIV-SIDA ne'ebe daudaun ne'e sa'e maka'as iha ita-nia rain.",
"Oras ne'e daudaun mos ita iha hela dalan ba reforma kurrikulu.",
"Tanba ne'e, hein katak Ministeriu Edukasaun, Juventude no Desportu Timor-Leste bele hanoin ona atu enkuadra mos kestaun Edukasaun Saude Reprodutiva iha kurrikulu nasional, hahu kedas hosi siklu datoluk ensinu baziku nian to'o ensinu sekundariu sira.",
"La presiza koloka edukasaan saude reprodutiva hanesan dixiplina ketak ida.",
"Tuir ha'u nia hanoin, bele koloka de'it unidade tematika ka konteudu ruma espesifiku kona-ba saude reprodutiva iha unidade kurrikular biolojia (ba iha kestaun biolojiku) no konteudu ruma kona ba oinsa mak bele mosu relasaun ida seguru, saudavel no ho responsabilidade iha aspetu moral ba iha unidade kurikular Relijiaun no Moral nian.",
"Ba ida ne'e, presiza iha koordenasaun no serbisu hamutuk entre MEJD no KONEKTIL atu bele haree kestaun ida-ne'e.",
"Envezde inan-aman mesak mak eduka informalmente iha uma, sei di'ak liu, se edukasaun saude reprodutiva ne'e tama mos iha edukasaun formal, nune'e bele orienta didi'ak ita-nia foin sa'e sira ba halo desizaun ba sira-nia aan.",
"Bainhira mosu karik kazu soe bebe iha ita-nia rain, ema ne'ebe sai fatin lamentasaun, atake verbal ka hetan insulta mak inan ida ne'ebe komete hahalok ida-ne'e.",
"Ema haluha tiha katak bainhira feto ida isin rua, ne'e tanba nia halo relasaun intima ho mane ida, alias mane refere mos tenke asume responsabilidade!",
"Kazu abortu ka soe bebe ne'e mosu dala barak tanba fator sira hanesan tuir mai: feto refere la hatene tuir ninia tempu fertil, feto refere seidauk prontu atu isin-rua maibe tanba atu atinje de'it ninia nesesidade biolojika, hetan obrigasaun hosi mane ne'ebe hatene de'it hasai ninia kaan biolojika maibe lahatene responsabiliza, inan-aman la aseita ho mane ne'ebe fo oan ba feto refere ou inan-aman sira rejeita atu nia oan isin-rua ou tanba feto isin-rua refere sente laiha kbiit finanseiramente atu bele sustenta mesa-mesak oan ne'ebe partu hosi nia knotak rasik.",
"Ne'eduni, iha aspetu lubuk boot ida mak kauza hodi feto ida deside halo abortu sedu ou soe bebe hafoin partu.",
"Ba ida-ne'e, ha'u hanoin presiza iha mos lejislasaun ida ke regula hahalok sira hanesan ne'e, karik mos bele penaliza ou pelumenus iha aspetu moral para ke sidadaun bele respeita ema seluk nia vida.",
"Nu-fundu, feto ho mane ne'ebe fo oan ba malu hotu-hotu iha responsabilidade atu hatan perante lei!",
"Estadu presiza kria karik mos uma mahon ka sentru orfanatu sira ne'ebe bele tau matan ba bebe sira ne'ebe karik tanba fator espesifika balu, inan isin-rua ne'e la prontu atu sustenta hafoin partu.",
"Ou pelumenus iha uma mahon ruma atu inan isin rua la prontu sira bele hetan netik akonselamentu ruma atu labele halo abortu sedu.",
"Inan refere bele aguenta to'o partu no oan refere bele entrega tiha ba orfanatu Estadu nian atu Estadu bele halo tratamentu ba bebe oan sira ne'e ho dignu.",
"Se Estadu halo karik ida-ne'e, mak presiza iha sosializasaun ba publiku kontinuamente atu nune'e bele kooepera hodi reduz no halakon hahalok aat abortu no soe bebe iha Timor-Leste. (*) *) Hakerek na'in nu'udar profesor Biolojia iha Eskola Sekundaria Publika Olocassa Ossu (Viqueque) no agora daudaun hela iha Ossu.",
"Previous articleCNC halo koordenasaun ho lina ministerial hodi evita duplikasaun programa Next articleKomisaun B husu PNTL buka-tuir autor kazu Nunira"
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"Reproductive health education and youth in reproductive life (II) | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA OPINIÃO Education of young people's sexuality during the childbearing period: a way to prevent pregnancy, abortion or alcohol abuse The human sex cycle When girls reach their puberty at age between eleven–twelve years old while boys do so when they are about twelve – thirteen."
"Puberty is the period in which both males and females have reached sexual maturity."
"It is during this period that biological and physical transformations take place, a process which also has an effect on the psychosocial development of children."
"Opinion part I: Reproductive health education and youth in reproductive life During this period of puberty, sex hormones such as testosterone for males or estrogen to female begin active."
"The activation of these hormones results in secondary sexual characteristic, which appear gradually from puberty onwards or during the developmental phase leading to adulthood."
"Puberty is a period in which morphological, physiologic and psychological changes have already occurred within the human beings. It marked an beginning of adolescence for many young people who had not yet reached pubertet (pubertal age)."
"When men reach this reproductive age, they have the ability for their testicles to produce spermatozoa through a biological process called espermatogenez."
"As long as the spermatozoa are mature and preserved in a testicle, they will be ready to fertilize when intimate intercourse or sexual activity occurs."
"Similarly, in females at this age the ovaries are already capable of producing an egg through a biological process called oogenesis."
"Once the ovary has produced an egg and is mature, at a certain point in time known as fertile or wet periods it will release its ovum into your fallopian tube to be fecundated by sperm."
"The process in which the ovary releases an egg into a fallopian tube is called ovulation."
"This ovulation indicates that a woman is already in her fertile period and therefore, if sexual intercourse occurs at any time of the day or night it will be very likely for this female to become pregnant."
"However, this ovulation process occurs on the 14th day of your last menstrual cycle."
"This means that once the ovary has released an egg into a fallopian tube, or at what is biologically called ovulation (or ovulating), unmarried women are careful not to be tempted by sexual intercourse especially when they aren't ready for pregnancy."
"Because once the egg has reached its fallopian tube (the place where fertilization occurs or a spermatozoa meets an ovum), it is possible for two different gametes to unite, and this union results in fecundation."
"The result of this fertilization, eventually called a zygote and then develops through numerous biological processes to become an embryo that evolves into the new human being for at least nine months in either uterus or placenta."
"Women and men who do not appear to be single should avoid engaging in sexual intercourse during the period of ovulation, 3 days before it begins or three after."
"If there is no sexual intercourse during ovulation or within the fertile period, then an egg will not be fecundated because of a lack in spermatozoa inside your fallopian tube."
"Thus, by its time this egg will undergo degradation and change itself from the fallopian tube. When it is ready for fertilization that ovum leave a woman' s body in due course of development to form an embryo (ovulation)."
"This process is later known as menstruation and lasts for four to five days."
"Two things can be avoided simply by knowing our reproductive cycles, especially for women."
"When sexual intercourse occurs at the time of ovulation (fertile or unfertilized) whether desired, an abortion will take place."
"However, if sexual intercourse occurs at a time when the woman is in an infertile or dry phase it will not lead to two pregnancies because then her ovaries haven't yet released any egg into its fallopian tube."
"According to the Catholic Church, life is \"pro-life.\" That means that God has taught us respect for it. We are human beings from conception or fertilization between a sperm and an ovum just moments after sexual intercourse; we have been born in this world as children of our ancestors who died before their time on earth (see Genesis chapter II)."
"Human life is formed from the moment of fertilization, as in biological sciences also described by a zygote being an entirely unique human union (Landrum B. Shettletls and David Rorvik: \"Human Life Begin at Conception\", Rites Of Live(grand Paraids; MI) Zondervan Press -1983 cited Abortion Opposing Viewpoint-St Paul MN Greenhavven press"
"That is, this life has begun immediately after the formation of a zygote and remains stable in your mother' s uterus throughout its development."
"This child zygote contains the genetic information it received from its progenitors (mother and father) which eventually develops through successive biological stage, during at least nine months in a mother' s womb before being brought into this world by birth."
"The Second Vatican Council, Gaudium et Spes 27 rightly declared that despite all things contrary to life itself - for example the increasing and ever-present form of murder such as abortion; euthanasia or suicide including infanticide – against human Life are at least those acts which violate its dignity in an unconditional way."
"That all forms of destroying a person' s life is an act contrary to the Glory Of God."
"Do not destroy someone's life in a violent way, because only God created the world and can take people away from this planet."
"Pope Paul VI in his encyclical letter (Humanae vitae 13) quotes the words of John XXIII: \"A human life is something sacred, since from its formation at that very moment it has been involved with God' s power to create.\""
"For this is why no man can have any power more dominant than God's to kill developing life through abortion or let it live until childbirth but then throw away as a precious thing."
"In fact, these actions are as if to show that the author's personality is no longer a human being with reason or one created by God according To His own will."
"In this letter, Pope Paul VI also emphasized the two aspects of marriage: union and pro-creation."
"That is, they have the greatest responsibility for carrying out this pro-creation mission because it guarantees that no new individual will be destroyed as a result of their presence. The presentation to life takes place on love and accountability based upon mutual trust in each other' s courageous efforts at creating our own future world with God being its only source!"
"There is also no prohibition on having intimate relations between any two people of different sexes, as long it's done in a responsible and safe manner that will not spoil the fruit which may arise from this relationship."
"Pope John Paul II, in his encyclical Letter Evangelium Vitae emphasized that the Gospel of Life which we have received from our Lord is truly buried within each person's heart."
"Everyone who is open to truth and goodness will know the Natural Law that dwells within him concerning human life from birth until death."
"The Pope, who has now been consecrated a saint in heaven again and once more emphasizes the close relationship between contraceptive uses of abortion."
"Contraception is truly against intimate relationships, while abortion destroying human life."
"That contraception is against the virtue of justice in life, while abortion stands up to laws that are \"Keta Oho!\""
"It can be said that both come from the same source, rooted in a Hedonistic mindset which disregard responsibility for sexual acts and focuses on selfish freedom. Pro-creation is seen as an instrument of personal fulfilment (personal fulfilling)."
"Before concluding, in order to eliminate or eradicate the bad attitudes towards abortion and breast feeding on Timor-Leste' s territory I would suggest some points as follow: The families need intensively through moral education for children home. In particular teach them about what is a good choice of parenthood; explain their negative effects if they do not go along with it"
"Remind children of the harmful consequences that they will face if engaged in free sexual activity during their youth."
"In their opinion, sex is in fact a biological need that all people feel and require but we have to know when it's the right time for this activity."
"It is not recommended to engage in this activity unless you are prepared for the consequences that will result from it, especially if a girl has her fertile period or ovulation."
"Remind children about the issue of sexuality is not a sin, that it's nothing bad. This will help young people to know themselves and what decision they need for theirselves so as be safe from pregnancy in addition free by STD’ s including HIV-AIDS which are currently on high rise within our country"
"At the moment, we are also on our way to curriculum reform."
"Therefore, it is hoped that the Ministry of Education Youth and Sports Timor-Leste will consider to include Reproductive Health in its national curriculum from third cycle basic education through secondary school."
"There is no need to place reproductive health education as a separate discipline."
"In my opinion, it is only possible to place a thematic unit or some specific content on reproductive health in biology (for biological issues) and something about how safe relationships can be developed with moral responsibility for religion."
"To this end, coordination and cooperation between MEJD (Ministry of Education) & KONEKTIL is needed to look at the issue."
"Instead of parents being educated only informally at home, it would be better if reproductive health education was also included in formal schooling so that our young people could get the information they need to make decisions for themselves."
"Whenever there is a case of burning babies in our country, the mother who commits this act often become an object for lamentation and verbal attack or insult."
"People have forgotten that when a woman has two babies, it is because she had an intimate relationship with another man. The latter must also take responsibility!"
"Abortion or miscarriage often occurs because of the following factors: a woman does not know her fertile period, she is still unable to conceive but only needs it biologically; an individual has been forced by his partner who can take out their own body and takes responsibility for them. The parents don't agree with him giving birth as they refuse that he should have children in future - this may be due either at one end (the mother) from which there are no financial means left over after childbirth on another side(parents)."
"Therefore, there are a number of major factors that cause women to decide whether they want an abortion or breastfeed after childbirth."
"For this, I think there needs to be a legislation that regulates such behaviors and if possible penalize them or at least in the moral aspect so citizens can respect others' lives."
"Ultimately, all women and men who give birth to each other have the responsibility of answering before law!"
"The state should also create orphanages that can take care of babies whose mothers are not prepared to sustain them after childbirth because, for some specific reason."
"Or at least in a home where pregnant women who are not ready can get some counseling to avoid having an abortion."
"The mother can bear to give birth and the child could be handed over in a state orphanage so that it is treating these babies with dignity."
"If the State does this, it will need to continuously raise public awareness so that they can cooperate in reducing and eradicating abortion practices. (*) The author is Biology teacher at Escola Secundária Pública Olocassa Ossu (Viqueques), currently living on his own property nearby"
"Previous articleCNC coordinates with ministerial lines to avoid duplication of programmes Next ArticleCommission B asks PNTL search for author in Nunira case"
] |
Sensibilizasaun papél Ministériu Públiku nian ba komunidade sira iha Munisípiu Covalima\nSuai- Sesta, loron-13, fulan-Dezembru, tinan-2019, Prokuradór Distrital Suai, Dr. José Elo sai Oradór iha Semináriu Rejionál hodi hato’o Papel Ministériu Públiku nian ba kumunidade sira iha Salaun Administrasaun Munisípiu Covalima.\nObjetivu Prinsipál hosi Semináriu ida ne’e hodi fahe informasaun ba komunidade sira kona-ba kna’ar instituisaun Judisiariu sira-nian no kna’ar Ministériu Públiku nian bainhira reprezentante vitima, feto no labarik sira tuir konstituisaun no Lei sira inklui fahe informasaun ba komunidade no lider komunitariu sira oinsa Asesu ba Justisa.\nIha intervensaun Prokuradór dehan, Ministériu Públiku nudar orgaun ida no instituisaun estadu ida ne’ebé mak defende de’it ba Lei, ne’ebé mak hatur ona iha konstituisaun RDTL iha Artigu 132. Ministériu Públiku hanesan Instituisaun Automonu ida la halis ba Orgaun seluk, MP laharee de’it ba asaun Penál maibe haree mós ba asaun sivil sira maibe serbisu tuir de’it Lei kumpri de’it orden husi superiór hirarkia maibe orden tenki tuir Lei no iha ita-nia Lei Penál ne’e atu regula hahalok aktu krimi sira, no sé mak na’in ba aktu krimi no asaun Penál sira ne’e mak MP.\nIha biban ne’e, Prokuradór Distriál Suai Dr.José Elo hato’o Papel MP nian ba komunidade sira katak Ministériu-Públiku nia Papel importante tebes hodi reprezenta Estadu, hala’o asaun penál, hametin defeza ba labarik sira, ema ne’ebé laiha, no inkapasitadu sira, defende legalidade demokrátiku no promove banati tuir lei.\nIha sensibilizasaun ne’e Prokuradór Distritál explika mós ba komunidade sira oinsá prosesu kazu ida la’o to remata no hato’o mós ba komunidade sira katak, bainhira hetan abuzu ruma husi ema seluk bele hato’o keisa direita ba Polisia no mós organizasaun sira ne’ebé fó asistensia legal hanesan ALFELA.\nNune’e mós Adjunta Interina Organizasaun Judisiál Monitorizaun ba Programa (JSMP) Ana Paula Marçal akresenta tan katak, Serbisu JSMP atu halo fiskalizasaun ba serbisu judisiariu sira iha Timor-Leste la’os atu kritika de’it maibe kritika atu hadia justisa ida di’ak ba ema hotu no ba Povu. Sensibilizasaun ida ne’e atu lori fila fali partisipante sira ne’ebé JSMP realiza ona treinamentu ba sira atu sira bele hasoru direitamente ho autor Tribunal, Ministériu Públiku, Defensór Públiku atu nune’e Partisipante sira bele hatene klean liu tan kona-ba Papel Instituisaun sira ne’e.\nIha fatin hanesan Xefi suku Manutasi Munisipiu Ainaro Manuela da Silva Caldas hatete, “hau sente kontente tebes ba programa ida ne’e no hau mai la’os mesak hau mai ho estrutura inklui Xefi Aldeia no komunidade sira tanba sensibilizasaun ida ne’e importante atu bele ajuda ami bele rezolve problema krimi sivil sira durante ne’e mosu, krime sira seluk ami intrega ba estadu liuliu ba Ministériu Púliku. Seminár ida ne’e importante mós atu fazilta ami hodi aumenta ami nia koñesimentu sai klean liu tan ba buat ne’ebé ami la hatene atu ami bele la’o tuir Lei haruka. Nia hatutan mós Kazu ne’ebé durante ne’e mosu barak liu iha suku Manutasi Ainaro mak kazu kona-ba Rai, meius ne’ebé durante ne’e sira uza hodi rezolve problema hirak ne’e ho maneira kultura ninian”.\nSemináriu ida ne’e Organiza husi Organizasaun Judisiál Monitorizaun ba Programa (JSMP) ne’e hetan partisipasaun hosi komunidade sira hamutuk-54 iha salaun Administrasaun Munisipál Suai, (Media | [
"Sensibilizasaun papel Ministeriu Publiku nian ba komunidade sira iha Munisipiu Covalima Suai- Sesta, loron-13, fulan-Dezembru, tinan-2019, Prokurador Distrital Suai, Dr. Jose Elo sai Orador iha Seminariu Rejional hodi hato'o Papel Ministeriu Publiku nian ba kumunidade sira iha Salaun Administrasaun Munisipiu Covalima.",
"Objetivu Prinsipal hosi Seminariu ida ne'e hodi fahe informasaun ba komunidade sira kona-ba kna'ar instituisaun Judisiariu sira-nian no kna'ar Ministeriu Publiku nian bainhira reprezentante vitima, feto no labarik sira tuir konstituisaun no Lei sira inklui fahe informasaun ba komunidade no lider komunitariu sira oinsa Asesu ba Justisa.",
"Iha intervensaun Prokurador dehan, Ministeriu Publiku nudar orgaun ida no instituisaun estadu ida ne'ebe mak defende de'it ba Lei, ne'ebe mak hatur ona iha konstituisaun RDTL iha Artigu 132.",
"Ministeriu Publiku hanesan Instituisaun Automonu ida la halis ba Orgaun seluk, MP laharee de'it ba asaun Penal maibe haree mos ba asaun sivil sira maibe serbisu tuir de'it Lei kumpri de'it orden husi superior hirarkia maibe orden tenki tuir Lei no iha ita-nia Lei Penal ne'e atu regula hahalok aktu krimi sira, no se mak na'in ba aktu krimi no asaun Penal sira ne'e mak MP.",
"Iha biban ne'e, Prokurador Distrial Suai Dr.Jose Elo hato'o Papel MP nian ba komunidade sira katak Ministeriu-Publiku nia Papel importante tebes hodi reprezenta Estadu, hala'o asaun penal, hametin defeza ba labarik sira, ema ne'ebe laiha, no inkapasitadu sira, defende legalidade demokratiku no promove banati tuir lei.",
"Iha sensibilizasaun ne'e Prokurador Distrital explika mos ba komunidade sira oinsa prosesu kazu ida la'o to remata no hato'o mos ba komunidade sira katak, bainhira hetan abuzu ruma husi ema seluk bele hato'o keisa direita ba Polisia no mos organizasaun sira ne'ebe fo asistensia legal hanesan ALFELA.",
"Nune'e mos Adjunta Interina Organizasaun Judisial Monitorizaun ba Programa (JSMP) Ana Paula Marcal akresenta tan katak, Serbisu JSMP atu halo fiskalizasaun ba serbisu judisiariu sira iha Timor-Leste la'os atu kritika de'it maibe kritika atu hadia justisa ida di'ak ba ema hotu no ba Povu.",
"Sensibilizasaun ida ne'e atu lori fila fali partisipante sira ne'ebe JSMP realiza ona treinamentu ba sira atu sira bele hasoru direitamente ho autor Tribunal, Ministeriu Publiku, Defensor Publiku atu nune'e Partisipante sira bele hatene klean liu tan kona-ba Papel Instituisaun sira ne'e.",
"Iha fatin hanesan Xefi suku Manutasi Munisipiu Ainaro Manuela da Silva Caldas hatete, \"hau sente kontente tebes ba programa ida ne'e no hau mai la'os mesak hau mai ho estrutura inklui Xefi Aldeia no komunidade sira tanba sensibilizasaun ida ne'e importante atu bele ajuda ami bele rezolve problema krimi sivil sira durante ne'e mosu, krime sira seluk ami intrega ba estadu liuliu ba Ministeriu Puliku.",
"Seminar ida ne'e importante mos atu fazilta ami hodi aumenta ami nia konesimentu sai klean liu tan ba buat ne'ebe ami la hatene atu ami bele la'o tuir Lei haruka.",
"Nia hatutan mos Kazu ne'ebe durante ne'e mosu barak liu iha suku Manutasi Ainaro mak kazu kona-ba Rai, meius ne'ebe durante ne'e sira uza hodi rezolve problema hirak ne'e ho maneira kultura ninian.\"",
"Seminariu ida ne'e Organiza husi Organizasaun Judisial Monitorizaun ba Programa (JSMP) ne'e hetan partisipasaun hosi komunidade sira hamutuk-54 iha salaun Administrasaun Munisipal Suai, (Media"
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"Awareness Raising of the Role Of The Public Ministry To Communities In Covalima Municipality Suai- Saturday, December 13th year -2059. District Prosecutor Suai Dr Jose Elo was a Speaker at Regional Seminar to present roles and responsibilities for public ministry in community development held by municipal administration hall Covalim"
"The main objective of this seminar was to share information with the community about judicial institutions and public prosecutors' roles as representatives for victim, women & children under constitutional law. It also provided instruction on accessing justice by communities&community leaders accordingly"
"In his intervention, the Prosecutor stated that “the Public Ministry is an organ and a State institution which only defends law as set forth in Article 132 of Timor-Leste' s Constitution.”"
"The Public Prosecutor's Office as an Autonomous Institution is not dependent on other Bodies, the MP only takes charge of criminal actions but also looks after civil action. It works according to law and complies with order from a superior hierarchy; however this must be done in accordance avec la loi (the Law). Our own Criminal Code regulates crime acts which are governed by our Penal Act whereby those responsible for such offences or proceeding against them have their responsibility placed upon it: that’ s what we call “Procurement”."
"In this occasion, Suai District Prosecutor Dr. Jose Elo presented the MP's Role to communities that Ministry-Public role is very important in representing State and carrying out criminal action; strengthening defense for children (including those without a legal representative), disabled people(incapacitados); defend democratic lawfulness & promoting justice under Law 1982"
"In this awareness raising the District Prosecutor also explained to communities how proceedings are carried out and made it clear that if someone is abused by another person, they can file complaint directly with police or legal assistance organization such as ALFELA."
"Similarly, the Interim Deputy Director of Judicial Organization Monitoring Programme (JSMP) Ana Paula Marcal added that JSPM's task is to oversee judicial work in Timor-Leste not only for criticism but also with a view towards improvings justice services."
"This awareness-raising is to bring back the participants who JSMP has conducted training for them so that they can meet directly with author Court, Public Prosecutor's Office and Defensor Público in order Participants may know more clearly about The Role of these Institution."
"Manuela da Silva Caldas, chief of Manutasi village in Ainaro municipality said: \"I am very pleased with this program and I came not only myself but also the structure including Village Chiefs as well awareness raising is important to help us solve civil crime problems that have occurred during these years. Other offences we are transferring back into state responsibility particularly at Ministry for Public Safety.\""
"This seminar is also important as it will allow us to increase our knowledge and become more clear about what we do not know so that the law can be complied with."
"He also said that the most common cases in Manutasi Ainaro are those related to land, and they have used these methods for solving problems with their own cultural way.\""
"The seminar was organized by the Judiciary Monitoring Program Organization (JSMP) and had participation of 54 communities in Suai Municipal Administration Hall, Media."
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PLP Kestiona Indijitasaun PM, CNRT Entrega Ba PR | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste\nVARANDA DILI PLP Kestiona Indijitasaun PM, CNRT Entrega Ba PR\nPLP Kestiona Indijitasaun PM, CNRT Entrega Ba PR\nDILI, 12 marsu 2020 (TATOLI)—Xefe Bankada Parlamentár CNRT, Duarte Nunes hateten, Partidu Libertasaun Populár kestiona indijitasaun Primeiru-Ministru hosi koligasaun foun maibé Partidu Congresso Nacional de Reconsstrução Timorense (CNRT) entrega ba Prezidente Repúblika, Francisco Guterres ‘Lú Olo’, hodi foti desizaun tanba ida ne’e PR nia kompeténsia.\n“Podér ne’e iha Prezidente Repúblika nia liman. Tanba kuandu Primeiru-Ministru hato’o ona nia pedidu demisaun, signifika nia hatene situasaun no nia hakarak kontribui situasaun ne’e bele hetan solusaun. Nune’e mós ba indijitasaun Primeiru-Ministru ne’ebé koligasaun aprezenta ona,” dehan Xefe Bankada Parlamentár CNRT, Duarte Nunes, ba jornalista sira iha resintu Parlamentu Nasionál, ohin.\nXefe Bankada CNRT ko’alia kestaun ne’e hodi fó resposta ba Vise-Xefe Bankada Parlamentár PLP, Francisco Vasconselhos, ne’ebé kestiona baze legál kona-ba koligasaun foun indijita Primeiru-Ministru, asuntu demisaun no destituisaun ba meza parlamentu nasionál.\nNia afirma, PM mós intensaun di’ak no entrega ba prezidente, tanba lei mak hateten halo pedidu demisaun ba prezidente mak prezidente sei dekreta maibé desizaun iha prezidente nia liman.\n“Se dehan gople estadu entaun tribunál mak sei deside. Agora, ema halo golpe ho asaun armada ne’e buat seluk. Ida polítika ne’e tribunál iha para deside. Ha’u dehan ne’e husik tribunál mak deside. Ita-nia rain ne’e lei-na’in sira mós barak, halo lei mós barak, asina lei mós barak. Prontu, ida-idak bele interpreta tuir ida-idak ninia matenek. Ne’ebé, sé-sé mak ko’alia, ami respeita,” nia dehan.\nXefe Bankada CNRT ne’e hateten, situasaun oras ne’e idak-idak dada hanesan boraxa be dada ba-mai de’it.\n“Ha’u hatene, agora ne’e idak-idak dada boraxa. Ita hamriik dada boraxa ne’e ita atu hamriik ba to’o ne’ebé,” dehan Xefe Bankada Parlamentár CNRT ne’e.\nNia hatutan, kona-ba destituisaun ba meza Parlamentu Nasionál sei tuir konjuntura polítika atuál no sei hein proposta mai karik ema hotu simu tanba iha parlamentu ne’e kolejiál. Kuandu iha maioria ona entaun maioria ne’e mak sei deside, ne’ebé hein de’it.\n“Ha’u labele hatán ema idak-idak nian. Maibé, ita sei iha tribunál, ita espera katak tribunál iha kondisaun atu halo interpretasaun ne’ebé ke di’ak para ita hotu uza hodi hola desizaun polítika ne’ebé ita-nia rai presiza. Se lae, ita dada-malu hanesan ita la ba-oin,” nia hateten.\nNotísia Relevante: PLP Konsidera Koligasaun Indijita PM Laiha Baze Legál\nPrevious articleMP Alega Pena Prizaun Tinan Sia ba Arguidu Sona Nia-Primu\nNext articleAFC Sertifika Treinadór Timoroan Na’in Sia | [
"PLP Kestiona Indijitasaun PM, CNRT Entrega Ba PR | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA DILI PLP Kestiona Indijitasaun PM, CNRT Entrega Ba PR PLP Kestiona Indijitasaun PM, CNRT Entrega Ba PR DILI, 12 marsu 2020 (TATOLI) - Xefe Bankada Parlamentar CNRT, Duarte Nunes hateten, Partidu Libertasaun Popular kestiona indijitasaun Primeiru-Ministru hosi koligasaun foun maibe Partidu Congresso Nacional de Reconsstrucao Timorense (CNRT) entrega ba Prezidente Republika, Francisco Guterres 'Lu Olo', hodi foti desizaun tanba ida ne'e PR nia kompetensia.",
"\"Poder ne'e iha Prezidente Republika nia liman.",
"Tanba kuandu Primeiru-Ministru hato'o ona nia pedidu demisaun, signifika nia hatene situasaun no nia hakarak kontribui situasaun ne'e bele hetan solusaun.",
"Nune'e mos ba indijitasaun Primeiru-Ministru ne'ebe koligasaun aprezenta ona,\" dehan Xefe Bankada Parlamentar CNRT, Duarte Nunes, ba jornalista sira iha resintu Parlamentu Nasional, ohin.",
"Xefe Bankada CNRT ko'alia kestaun ne'e hodi fo resposta ba Vise-Xefe Bankada Parlamentar PLP, Francisco Vasconselhos, ne'ebe kestiona baze legal kona-ba koligasaun foun indijita Primeiru-Ministru, asuntu demisaun no destituisaun ba meza parlamentu nasional.",
"Nia afirma, PM mos intensaun di'ak no entrega ba prezidente, tanba lei mak hateten halo pedidu demisaun ba prezidente mak prezidente sei dekreta maibe desizaun iha prezidente nia liman.",
"\"Se dehan gople estadu entaun tribunal mak sei deside.",
"Agora, ema halo golpe ho asaun armada ne'e buat seluk.",
"Ida politika ne'e tribunal iha para deside.",
"Ha'u dehan ne'e husik tribunal mak deside.",
"Ita-nia rain ne'e lei-na'in sira mos barak, halo lei mos barak, asina lei mos barak.",
"Prontu, ida-idak bele interpreta tuir ida-idak ninia matenek.",
"Ne'ebe, se-se mak ko'alia, ami respeita,\" nia dehan.",
"Xefe Bankada CNRT ne'e hateten, situasaun oras ne'e idak-idak dada hanesan boraxa be dada ba-mai de'it.",
"\"Ha'u hatene, agora ne'e idak-idak dada boraxa.",
"Ita hamriik dada boraxa ne'e ita atu hamriik ba to'o ne'ebe,\" dehan Xefe Bankada Parlamentar CNRT ne'e.",
"Nia hatutan, kona-ba destituisaun ba meza Parlamentu Nasional sei tuir konjuntura politika atual no sei hein proposta mai karik ema hotu simu tanba iha parlamentu ne'e kolejial.",
"Kuandu iha maioria ona entaun maioria ne'e mak sei deside, ne'ebe hein de'it.",
"\"Ha'u labele hatan ema idak-idak nian.",
"Maibe, ita sei iha tribunal, ita espera katak tribunal iha kondisaun atu halo interpretasaun ne'ebe ke di'ak para ita hotu uza hodi hola desizaun politika ne'ebe ita-nia rai presiza.",
"Se lae, ita dada-malu hanesan ita la ba-oin,\" nia hateten.",
"Notisia Relevante: PLP Konsidera Koligasaun Indijita PM Laiha Baze Legal Previous articleMP Alega Pena Prizaun Tinan Sia ba Arguidu Sona Nia-Primu Next articleAFC Sertifika Treinador Timoroan Na'in Sia"
] | [
"PLP Questiones Prime Minister's Appointment, CNRT Handed It Over To President | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA DILI PM questioning the appointment of a new prime minister from Congresso Nacional da Reconstrucação Timórense (CNRT) is not in accordance with constitutional rules. The National Assembly Committee on Constitution and Legislation has issued its opinion that it would be better to hand over this matter back for decision by Presidente Francisco Guterres 'Lu Olo’ because he will have more power than any other party or group whose position could affect his election as presidentials candidate at all times.\""
"\"This power is in the hands of President. The president has this authority,\" he said at a press conference on Monday morning (10 June)."
"Because when the Prime Minister has submitted his resignation, it means that he is aware of this situation and wants to contribute towards a solution."
"The same applies to the nomination of Prime Minister that has been proposed by a coalition,\" said CNRT Parliamentary Group Leader Duarte Nunes in an interview with journalist at National Assembly hall today."
"The leader of the CNRT Group spoke about this issue in response to Vice-Chair PLP Parliamentary Party, Francisco Vasconselhos who questioned legal basis on new coalition with Prime Minister's appointment and resignation issues."
"He affirmed that the PM had good intentions and submitted his resignation to President, because law says if you make an application for renunciation of your position it is up in decree but decision remaining with president."
"\"If you say gople estado then the court will decide."
"Now, people are making a coup with armed action is something else."
"This is a policy that the court has to decide."
"I am saying that it is up to the courts."
"Our country has many lawmakers, makes lots of legislation and signs a lot."
"Pronto, let each one interpret according to his own wisdom."
"Which, if you're talking about it we respect,” he said."
"He said that the current situation is like borax, which only gives one way."
"\"I know, now everybody has given borax."
"We are going to take this borax, we will go wherever it takes us\", said the Chairman of Congresso Nacional de Reconstrução Timorense (CNRT) Parliamentary Group."
"He added that, regarding the dismissal of members from Parliament's table it will follow current political conjuncture and wait for a proposal to come if everyone agreed because in parliament is collegiate."
"If there is a majority, then the decision will be made by that majority."
"\"I can't answer anybody."
"But we will have the court, and hopefully it is in a position to make good interpretations that can be used by all of us for making political decisions which our country needs."
"Otherwise, we'll be fighting each other as if nothing had happened.\""
"Related News: PLP Describes PM’S Coalition as Legally Unfounded Previous articleMP Alleges One-Year Prison Sentence for Sona Nia Primeur Accused Next ArticleAFC Certifies Timorese Coach As Null"
] |
Covalima Hetan Rihun $10.626 ba Merenda Eskolár - Tempo Timor Suai\nHome Edukasaun Covalima Hetan Rihun $10.626 ba Merenda Eskolár\nCovalima Hetan Rihun $10.626 ba Merenda Eskolár\n4 Maiu 2021 4 Maiu 2021 325 views\nEdifísiu Edukasaun Munisipiu Covalima. Foto Tempo Timor\nTempotimor (Covalima)-Hafoin faze dahuluk ba mereda escolar iha Munisípiu Covalima lakonsege realiza maka iha faze daruak nian, Covalima hetan orsamentu hamutuk dollar rihun $10.626 ba merende eskolár iha faze daruak nian.\nTuir diretór Edukasaun Munisípiu Covalima, Edmundo Ferreira, programa merenda eskolár faze daruak hahú ohin no faze dahuluk la konsege implementa, tanba estadu emerjénsia no serka sanitária iha munisípiu Covalima.\n“Iha munisípiu Covalima programa merenda eskolár primeiru períodu ita la konsege hala’o, tanba momentu ne’ebá ita serka sanitária hela, depois númeru Covid-19 mós sa’e maka’as, entaun suspende atividades merenda eskolár la la’o, maibé iha segundu períodu ita halo ona pedidu pagamentu programa merenda eskolár no hahú programa merenda eskolár ne’e rasik iha dia 12 de Abril,” dehan Edmundo ba www.tempotimor.com iha nia knaar fatin Suai, Segunda (3/5).\nDiretór ne’e afirma, orsamentu ba programa merenda eskolár iha faze daruak fahe ba pakote rua hanesan Eskola Bázika Sentrál no eskola pre-primária.\nIha fatin hanesan koordenadór eskola bázika central Sândalo We’e Matan Fernado Moniz katak, programa merenda eskolár hahú ona semana kotuk.\n“Merenda eskolár komesa ona iha semana kotuk, maibé dezafiu mak alunus balun han rohan de’it, han la hotu tanba alunus balun nia inan aman funsionáriu no empregadu entaun sira la han, entaun entrega fali, tamba iha eskola han la tuir sira-nia favoritu, maibé estudante maiória mak han,” Nia informa.\nNia mós dehan, iha eskola estudante hamutuk 413, ne’ebé fornesedór na’in rua de’it entaun la augenta.\n“Iha ne’e ema atu tein ne’e mak problema oitoan, tanba ema na’in rua de’it, ne’ebé alunus sira klase neen ona, entaun ami husu ona atu aumenta tan fornesedór ida, maibé dehan labele tanba ami-nia alunu hamutuk 400 resin de’it,” hateten nia\nIha sitasaun hanesan, reprezentante estudante Angelina da Conceição klasse 6, senti kontenti ho merenda eskolár ne’e, tanba bele apoiu sira durante iha oras eskola nian.\nEntertantu eskola EBC We’e Matan Sândalo simu ona orsamntu ba kada semana ho montante arus $516,025 sentavus. Alende ne’e estudante ne’ebé benefisia ba programa merenda eskolár iha munisípiu Covalima ne’ebé kompostu husi EBC 20 ho nia filiál sira no eskola pre-eskolár hamutuk 17 ho total estudante rihun 15.409. (*)\nNotisia antes Janeiru-Abril 2021, Notariadu Covalima Halo Atendimentu ba Sidadaun 537\nNotisia tuir mai Hakerek Liafuan Aat Iha Parede, PNTL Covalima Sei La Tolera | [
"Covalima Hetan Rihun $10.626 ba Merenda Eskolar - Tempo Timor Suai Home Edukasaun Covalima Hetan Rihun $10.626 ba Merenda Eskolar Covalima Hetan Rihun $10.626 ba Merenda Eskolar 4 Maiu 2021 4 Maiu 2021 325 views Edifisiu Edukasaun Munisipiu Covalima.",
"Foto Tempo Timor Tempotimor (Covalima) -Hafoin faze dahuluk ba mereda escolar iha Munisipiu Covalima lakonsege realiza maka iha faze daruak nian, Covalima hetan orsamentu hamutuk dollar rihun $10.626 ba merende eskolar iha faze daruak nian.",
"Tuir diretor Edukasaun Munisipiu Covalima, Edmundo Ferreira, programa merenda eskolar faze daruak hahu ohin no faze dahuluk la konsege implementa, tanba estadu emerjensia no serka sanitaria iha munisipiu Covalima.",
"\"Iha munisipiu Covalima programa merenda eskolar primeiru periodu ita la konsege hala'o, tanba momentu ne'eba ita serka sanitaria hela, depois numeru Covid-19 mos sa'e maka'as, entaun suspende atividades merenda eskolar la la'o, maibe iha segundu periodu ita halo ona pedidu pagamentu programa merenda eskolar no hahu programa merenda eskolar ne'e rasik iha dia 12 de Abril,\" dehan Edmundo ba www.tempotimor.com iha nia knaar fatin Suai, Segunda (3/5).",
"Diretor ne'e afirma, orsamentu ba programa merenda eskolar iha faze daruak fahe ba pakote rua hanesan Eskola Bazika Sentral no eskola pre-primaria.",
"Iha fatin hanesan koordenador eskola bazika central Sandalo We'e Matan Fernado Moniz katak, programa merenda eskolar hahu ona semana kotuk.",
"\"Merenda eskolar komesa ona iha semana kotuk, maibe dezafiu mak alunus balun han rohan de'it, han la hotu tanba alunus balun nia inan aman funsionariu no empregadu entaun sira la han, entaun entrega fali, tamba iha eskola han la tuir sira-nia favoritu, maibe estudante maioria mak han,\" Nia informa.",
"Nia mos dehan, iha eskola estudante hamutuk 413, ne'ebe fornesedor na'in rua de'it entaun la augenta.",
"\"Iha ne'e ema atu tein ne'e mak problema oitoan, tanba ema na'in rua de'it, ne'ebe alunus sira klase neen ona, entaun ami husu ona atu aumenta tan fornesedor ida, maibe dehan labele tanba ami-nia alunu hamutuk 400 resin de'it,\" hateten nia Iha sitasaun hanesan, reprezentante estudante Angelina da Conceicao klasse 6, senti kontenti ho merenda eskolar ne'e, tanba bele apoiu sira durante iha oras eskola nian.",
"Entertantu eskola EBC We'e Matan Sandalo simu ona orsamntu ba kada semana ho montante arus $516,025 sentavus.",
"Alende ne'e estudante ne'ebe benefisia ba programa merenda eskolar iha munisipiu Covalima ne'ebe kompostu husi EBC 20 ho nia filial sira no eskola pre-eskolar hamutuk 17 ho total estudante rihun 15.409. (*) Notisia antes Janeiru-Abril 2021, Notariadu Covalima Halo Atendimentu ba Sidadaun 537 Notisia tuir mai Hakerek Liafuan Aat Iha Parede, PNTL Covalima Sei La Tolera"
] | [
"Tempotimor (Covalima) -After the first phase of school meals in Covalima Municipality failed to be implemented, for its second stage it received a budget totalling US$10.625 million ($378k)."
"According to the director of education in Covalima Municipality, Edmundo Ferreira. The second phase school snack program started today and first stage was not implemented because state emergency is declare sanitization curfews for municipalities across Colima province 2019-nCoV"
"\"In the municipality of Covalima, we were unable to carry out our school snack program in its first period because at that time there was a sanitarial curfew and then Covid-19 numbers also rose sharply. Therefore schools did not have lunch activities but during their second term they made payment requests for this programme which began on April 20th\", Edmundo told tempotimor from his office location Suai Monday (3/5)."
"The director stated that the budget for school meal program in phase two is divides into 2 package as Central Basic School and pre-primary schools."
"The coordinator of the central elementary school Sandalo We'e Matan, Fernado Moniz said that this program started last week."
"\"School meals started last week, but the challenge is that some students eat only a little bit of food and don't finish it because their parents are civil servants or employee so they do not have enough to feed them. So we returned all our lunch items as there was no school breakfast for each student in accordance with his/her favorite choice; however most pupils did.\""
"He said that there are 413 students in the school, but only two suppliers so they do not increase."
"\"The main problem here is that there are only two people to prepare the meals, and our students have already completed their sixth grade. We asked for an additional supplier but they said we can't because it has a total of about 401 pupils\", she explained in her speech at this occasion.\"In similar circumstances student representative Angelina da Conceicao from class Six was satisfieds with school snacks as these could support them during schools hours\"."
"Meanwhile, EBC We'e Matan Sandalo has received a weekly budget of $516.024 cents per month for the school year 3-9 (July to September)."
"In addition, students who benefit from the school snack program in Covalima municipality which consists of 20 EBC with its branches and pre-school schools totaling a combined number for all student thousand one hundred fifty four. (*) News before January - April (1987), Notariado Suaiva made Attention to Citizenship Towards A Total Of Five Hundred And Thirty Seven Next news Authored Liafuan On The Wall: PNTL Coimbra Will Not Tolerate"
] |
Meta Malik : “Ha’u Mai Kompleta Restu Mandatu hosi Governu AMP” | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste\nVARANDA DILI Meta Malik : “Ha’u Mai Kompleta Restu Mandatu hosi Governu AMP”\nDILI, 29 maiu 2020 (TATOLI)–Prezidente Repúblika Francisco Guterres “Lú Olo”, ohin, sei fó pose ba membru VIII Governu Konstitusionál foun hamutuk na’in-ualu iha Palásiu Prezidensiál Nicolau Lobato, Bairru Pité, Dili, iha tuku 10:00 dadeersan.\nEis Sekretáriu Estadu Kombatente Libertasaun Nasionál (SEAKLN) ne’ebé Governu nomeia hikas sai Ministru ba Asuntu Kombatentes Libertasaun Nasionál (MAKLN), Júlio da Costa Sarmento “Meta Malik”, hateten konfiansa ida-ne’e la’ós tan partidu Fretilin ka partidu Polulár (PLP) maibé ba asume responsabilidade hodi serbí povu ho nasaun liuliu asuntu ne’ebé espesiál iha Timor-Leste.\nNia hatutan, nia asume pasta ne’e hodi kompleta de’it restu mandatu ne’ebé mak Governu Aliansa Mudansa Progressu (AMP) ne’ebé harii hela no kumpre de’it planu programa ne’ebé SEAKLN hala’o hela durante tinan rua (2) liubá kotuk.\n“Ha’u la’ós ba kumpre mandatu foun iha tinan lima (5) maibé bá para kompleta restu mandatu ne’ebé mak Governu Aliansa Mudansa Progressu (AMP) ne’ebé harii hela maibé sira rasik monu tiha. Nune’e, ha’u ba kumpre de’it planu programa ne’ebé Sekretáriu Estadu Asuntu Kombate Libertasaun Nasionál (SEAKLN) hala’o hela durante tinan rua (2) liubá kotuk,” dehan Meta Malik ba Ajénsia TATOLI, via telefonika, sesta ne’e.\nNia hatutan, nia asume knaar ne’e atu kompleta servisu hirak ne’ebé Sekretáriu Estadu Asuntu Kombate Libertasaun Nasionál (SEAKLN) hala’o ona no servisu hamutuk hodi kontribui ba Timor-Leste.\n“Ha’u espera katak buat hotu sei la’o di’ak tanba SEAKLN ne’ebé durante asume responsabilidade iha ne’ebá no hein para ha’u ba hodi kontribui ba malu hodi hala’o no kontinua ba planu tomak ne’ebé realiza ona. Servisu ne’ebé mak merese atu hamosu tan karik, ami sei servisu hamutuk hodi ho kontribuisaun tomak rai ida-ne’e nian, nune’e bele lori prosesu tomak to’o iha ninin no nia rohan,” Meta Mali haktuir.\nBainhira asume pasta MAKLN, ministru eleitu ne’e hatete katak nia sei la hamsou polítika foun maibé kontinua de’it planu estratéjiku sira ne’ebé mak durante ne’e sira hala’o ona no sei servisu hamutuk no rona parte hotu-hotu liuliu veteranu sira.\n“Ha’u la ba mosu ho polítika foun ruma maibé kontinua de’it planu estratéjiku sira ne’ebé mak durante ne’e sira hala’o ona. Nu’udar Ministru ba koloka no separa de’it ne’ebé mak Sekretáriu Estadu Asuntu Kombatente Libertasaun Nasionál hala’o ho profisional no Ministru hala’o ho asaun polítika ho desizaun tomak. Maibé ha’u tenke rona hosi diresaun hotu-hotu no mós aspetu Veteranu hotu ne’ebé mak iha liur no mós iha laran. Liuliu ita-nia Maun boot sira ne’ebé luta tinan 24, agora balun sei iha vida militar no balun iha vida sivíl,” nia adianta.\nNia dehan, politikamente foti hanoin sira hosi parte hotu mak foin halo buat ida. Labele halo mesak tanba Ministru ona ne’ebé halo servisu mesak-mesak la’e, ne’e dehan ‘sombong’ (halo-aan) ka arrogante.\nHo ida ne’e, nia dehan, bainhira nia asume pasta refere nia sei haree no rona hosi funsionáriu sira hanesan kargu xefia no Diretór sira iha SEAKLN nian.\n“Ha’u labele ko’alia buat ida antes tanba ha’u hakarak haree, ha’u hakarak hasoru no ha’u hakarak aproveita toos na’in sira tanba situasaun polítika Governu ne’e hanesan bainaka maibé na’in ba situasaun ne’e mak funsionáriu, xefe departamentu, Diretór no Sekretáriu Estadu sira iha ne’ebá. Ha’u ba para rona sira no hamutuk ho sira hodi foti asaun ruma, hodi progresu ne’ebé ita hein ba mandatu ikus ne’e,” nia subliña.\nTuir nia, ohin, nia asume kargu nu’udar Ministru Asuntu kombatente Libertasaun Nasionál (MAKLN) maibé la’ós foin asume maibé uluk kedas iha ne’ebá durante tinan rua maibé depois aprezenta remodelasaun.\n“Ha’u la espera katak ha’u bele hetan konfiansa ida-ne’e hodi bele responsabiliza maibé konfiansa ne’ebé indizita mai hosi Primeiru-Ministru Taur Matan Ruak, ha’u laiha pensamentu negativu simu konfiansa ida-ne’e,” Meta Malik hateten.\nPrevious articleMinistru Sesante Despede Funsionáriu MAP, Husu Kolabora ho Ministru Foun\nNext articleXefe Estadu Fó Indultu ba Prizioneiru Na’in-18 | [
"Meta Malik: \"Ha'u Mai Kompleta Restu Mandatu hosi Governu AMP\" | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA DILI Meta Malik: \"Ha'u Mai Kompleta Restu Mandatu hosi Governu AMP\" DILI, 29 maiu 2020 (TATOLI) -Prezidente Republika Francisco Guterres \"Lu Olo,\" ohin, sei fo pose ba membru VIII Governu Konstitusional foun hamutuk na'in-ualu iha Palasiu Prezidensial Nicolau Lobato, Bairru Pite, Dili, iha tuku 10:00 dadeersan.",
"Eis Sekretariu Estadu Kombatente Libertasaun Nasional (SEAKLN) ne'ebe Governu nomeia hikas sai Ministru ba Asuntu Kombatentes Libertasaun Nasional (MAKLN), Julio da Costa Sarmento \"Meta Malik,\" hateten konfiansa ida-ne'e la'os tan partidu Fretilin ka partidu Polular (PLP) maibe ba asume responsabilidade hodi serbi povu ho nasaun liuliu asuntu ne'ebe espesial iha Timor-Leste.",
"Nia hatutan, nia asume pasta ne'e hodi kompleta de'it restu mandatu ne'ebe mak Governu Aliansa Mudansa Progressu (AMP) ne'ebe harii hela no kumpre de'it planu programa ne'ebe SEAKLN hala'o hela durante tinan rua (2) liuba kotuk.",
"\"Ha'u la'os ba kumpre mandatu foun iha tinan lima (5) maibe ba para kompleta restu mandatu ne'ebe mak Governu Aliansa Mudansa Progressu (AMP) ne'ebe harii hela maibe sira rasik monu tiha.",
"Nune'e, ha'u ba kumpre de'it planu programa ne'ebe Sekretariu Estadu Asuntu Kombate Libertasaun Nasional (SEAKLN) hala'o hela durante tinan rua (2) liuba kotuk,\" dehan Meta Malik ba Ajensia TATOLI, via telefonika, sesta ne'e.",
"Nia hatutan, nia asume knaar ne'e atu kompleta servisu hirak ne'ebe Sekretariu Estadu Asuntu Kombate Libertasaun Nasional (SEAKLN) hala'o ona no servisu hamutuk hodi kontribui ba Timor-Leste.",
"\"Ha'u espera katak buat hotu sei la'o di'ak tanba SEAKLN ne'ebe durante asume responsabilidade iha ne'eba no hein para ha'u ba hodi kontribui ba malu hodi hala'o no kontinua ba planu tomak ne'ebe realiza ona.",
"Servisu ne'ebe mak merese atu hamosu tan karik, ami sei servisu hamutuk hodi ho kontribuisaun tomak rai ida-ne'e nian, nune'e bele lori prosesu tomak to'o iha ninin no nia rohan,\" Meta Mali haktuir.",
"Bainhira asume pasta MAKLN, ministru eleitu ne'e hatete katak nia sei la hamsou politika foun maibe kontinua de'it planu estratejiku sira ne'ebe mak durante ne'e sira hala'o ona no sei servisu hamutuk no rona parte hotu-hotu liuliu veteranu sira.",
"\"Ha'u la ba mosu ho politika foun ruma maibe kontinua de'it planu estratejiku sira ne'ebe mak durante ne'e sira hala'o ona.",
"Nu'udar Ministru ba koloka no separa de'it ne'ebe mak Sekretariu Estadu Asuntu Kombatente Libertasaun Nasional hala'o ho profisional no Ministru hala'o ho asaun politika ho desizaun tomak.",
"Maibe ha'u tenke rona hosi diresaun hotu-hotu no mos aspetu Veteranu hotu ne'ebe mak iha liur no mos iha laran.",
"Liuliu ita-nia Maun boot sira ne'ebe luta tinan 24, agora balun sei iha vida militar no balun iha vida sivil,\" nia adianta.",
"Nia dehan, politikamente foti hanoin sira hosi parte hotu mak foin halo buat ida.",
"Labele halo mesak tanba Ministru ona ne'ebe halo servisu mesak-mesak la'e, ne'e dehan 'sombong' (halo-aan) ka arrogante.",
"Ho ida ne'e, nia dehan, bainhira nia asume pasta refere nia sei haree no rona hosi funsionariu sira hanesan kargu xefia no Diretor sira iha SEAKLN nian.",
"\"Ha'u labele ko'alia buat ida antes tanba ha'u hakarak haree, ha'u hakarak hasoru no ha'u hakarak aproveita toos na'in sira tanba situasaun politika Governu ne'e hanesan bainaka maibe na'in ba situasaun ne'e mak funsionariu, xefe departamentu, Diretor no Sekretariu Estadu sira iha ne'eba.",
"Ha'u ba para rona sira no hamutuk ho sira hodi foti asaun ruma, hodi progresu ne'ebe ita hein ba mandatu ikus ne'e,\" nia sublina.",
"Tuir nia, ohin, nia asume kargu nu'udar Ministru Asuntu kombatente Libertasaun Nasional (MAKLN) maibe la'os foin asume maibe uluk kedas iha ne'eba durante tinan rua maibe depois aprezenta remodelasaun.",
"\"Ha'u la espera katak ha'u bele hetan konfiansa ida-ne'e hodi bele responsabiliza maibe konfiansa ne'ebe indizita mai hosi Primeiru-Ministru Taur Matan Ruak, ha'u laiha pensamentu negativu simu konfiansa ida-ne'e,\" Meta Malik hateten.",
"Previous articleMinistru Sesante Despede Funsionariu MAP, Husu Kolabora ho Ministru Foun Next articleXefe Estadu Fo Indultu ba Prizioneiru Na'in-18"
] | [
"Meta Malik: \"I'm Coming to Complete the Remaining Mandate of AMP Government\" | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA DILI META MALIK, PRESIDENT OF THE REPUBLIC FRANCISCO GUTERRES “LU OLOU,” TODAY WILL IMPOSE SIX NEW MEMBERS IN VIII CONSTITUTIONAL GOVERNMENT AT NICOLAS LOBATO Presidential Palace in Bairru Pit District at around noon."
"Julio da Costa Sarmento \"Meta Malik,\" former Secretary of State for the National Liberation Fighters (SEAKLN) who was soon appointed by his government as Minister in charge to deal with national liberations fighting members' affairs (\"MAKLN\"), said that this confidence is not because he belonges either Fretilin or Polular Party but rather has been given him on accountability and responsibility towards serving Timor-Leste people."
"He added that he assumed the portfolio only to complete his remaining mandate as Prime Minister of AMP's (Alliance for Progressive Change) Government and fulfill all SEAKLN programme plans carried out over two years."
"\"I'm not going to fill a new mandate in five (5) years, but I am gonna complete the remaining term of government that was formed by Alliance for Progressive Change and which fell."
"Therefore, I will only comply with the program plan that State Secretary for Affairs of National Liberation Fight (SEAKLN) has been carrying out during two years ago\", Meta Malik told Ajensia TATOLI via telephone on Saturday."
"He added that he assumed this role to complete the work already carried out by SEAKLN (Secretariat of State for National Liberation Struggle Affairs) and collaborate in contributing towards Timor-Leste."
"\"I hope that everything will go well because SEAKLN has been taking responsibility there for a long time and I am hoping to contribute together in carrying out all of the plans already realized."
"If there is a service that deserves to be created, we will work together with all the contributions of this country so as it can carry out its entire process until today and beyond\", said Meta Mali."
"Upon assuming the portfolio of MAKLN, this minister-elect said that he would not pursue new policies but only continue with strategic plans which they have already carried out and will work together listening to all parties especially veteran."
"\"I'm not coming up with any new policies but will just continue the strategic plans that they have been carrying out."
"As a Minister, he only appoints and dismisses the Secretary of State for National Liberation Combat Affairs who acts with professionalism. The minister takes political action in all decision-making processes;"
"But I have to hear from all directions and also the Veteran aspects that are outside as well."
"Liuliu our great brothers who fought for 24 years, now some will be in military life and others are going to civilian lives\", he said."
"He said, politically taking the ideas of all sides before doing anything."
"Do not do it alone because the Minister is already doing his work, that's called 'sombra (selfish) or arrogant."
"With this, he said that when she assumes the portfolio in question will see and hear from officials such as head office staff or Director of SEAKLN."
"\"I can't say anything before because I want to see, i wanna meet and take advantage of the land owners since this political situation is like an infection but it belongs with officials there. Departmental head-officers here are Director’ s Secretaries Of State.\""
"I'm going to listen and work with them on some action, so that we can make the progress which is expected for this final mandate.\""
"According to him, today he assumed the post as Minister of National Liberation Combatant Affairs (MAKLN) but not just now. He was there for two years before and then submitted a reshuffle proposal in 2014 when his positions were changed from Vice-Minister into Deputy Secretary General with responsibility on national security issues at that time"
"\"I didn't expect that I could get this confidence to be responsible but the trust which comes indirectly from Prime Minister Taur Matan Ruak, i have no negative thoughts about accepting it.\" Meta Malik said."
"Previous articleMinistro Sesante Despede Funcionario MAP, Urge Colaborar com o Novo Ministro Next ArticleHead of State Grants Pardon to 18 Prisoners"
] |
Ema na’in-78 mate ho asidente tráfegu | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste\nVARANDA DILI Ema na’in-78 mate ho asidente tráfegu\nDILI, 24 dezembru 2020 (TATOLI) – Durante inísiu janeiru to’o loron 24 dezembru, tinan ne’e, ema na’in-78 mak mate iha territóriu nasionál tanba asidente tráfegu.\nNotísia Relevante : Labele sunu fogete durante misa Natál no kuidadu ba hariis tasi\nKomandante Departamentu Tránzitu Seguransa Rodoviáriu Nasionál, Superintendente, João Belo dos Reis, liuhosi konferénsia imprensa, ohin, iha Komandu Jerál PNTL, Caicoli, Dili, informa vítima hirak ne’ebé mate maioria joven feto-mane ne’ebé lori motór ho marka Beat.\nTránzitu halo operasaun\nKomandante João Belo dos Reis dehan, agora sira-nia parte hasai ona orden operasaun ba polísia tránzitu munisipiu hotu-hotu hodi halo operasaun auto-stop kontrola movimentu transporte públiku no transporte privadu.\n“Agora daudaun ami halo auto-stop iha territóriu Timor-Leste, no ba motorista sira labele lanu bainhira kondús karreta ka motór,” Superintendente Polísia João Belo dos Reis afirma.\nBa komunidade sira ne’ebé uza transporte halo viajen ba munisipiu tenke lori dokumentu, karta kondusaun no viajen la’o neineik, tanba agora rai udan halo rai monu no estrada kotu no tahu maka’as.\nBa transporte públiku hanesan, angguna, bus, no mikrolete, Polísia husu atu labele tula pasajeiru liu karreta nia forsa. Tanba ne’e, João Belo dos Reis, afirma tan, bainhira iha auto-stop mak tula pasajeiru liu karreta nia forsa sei kona konsekuénsia ka tilang.\nBa karreta Estadu ne’ebé halo viajen, Komandante João Belo dos Reis, subliña tan, la iha dokumentu servisu ka la iha orden servisu nian, maka PNTL sei halo apreensaun no prosesa kazu tuir lei.\nPrevious articleLabele sunu fogete durante misa Natál no kuidadu ba hariis tasi\nNext articleSelebra Natal tuir ambiente Jezús nia moris mak loos liu | [
"Ema na'in-78 mate ho asidente trafegu | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA DILI Ema na'in-78 mate ho asidente trafegu DILI, 24 dezembru 2020 (TATOLI) - Durante inisiu janeiru to'o loron 24 dezembru, tinan ne'e, ema na'in-78 mak mate iha territoriu nasional tanba asidente trafegu.",
"Notisia Relevante: Labele sunu fogete durante misa Natal no kuidadu ba hariis tasi Komandante Departamentu Tranzitu Seguransa Rodoviariu Nasional, Superintendente, Joao Belo dos Reis, liuhosi konferensia imprensa, ohin, iha Komandu Jeral PNTL, Caicoli, Dili, informa vitima hirak ne'ebe mate maioria joven feto-mane ne'ebe lori motor ho marka Beat.",
"Tranzitu halo operasaun Komandante Joao Belo dos Reis dehan, agora sira-nia parte hasai ona orden operasaun ba polisia tranzitu munisipiu hotu-hotu hodi halo operasaun auto-stop kontrola movimentu transporte publiku no transporte privadu.",
"\"Agora daudaun ami halo auto-stop iha territoriu Timor-Leste, no ba motorista sira labele lanu bainhira kondus karreta ka motor,\" Superintendente Polisia Joao Belo dos Reis afirma.",
"Ba komunidade sira ne'ebe uza transporte halo viajen ba munisipiu tenke lori dokumentu, karta kondusaun no viajen la'o neineik, tanba agora rai udan halo rai monu no estrada kotu no tahu maka'as.",
"Ba transporte publiku hanesan, angguna, bus, no mikrolete, Polisia husu atu labele tula pasajeiru liu karreta nia forsa.",
"Tanba ne'e, Joao Belo dos Reis, afirma tan, bainhira iha auto-stop mak tula pasajeiru liu karreta nia forsa sei kona konsekuensia ka tilang.",
"Ba karreta Estadu ne'ebe halo viajen, Komandante Joao Belo dos Reis, sublina tan, la iha dokumentu servisu ka la iha orden servisu nian, maka PNTL sei halo apreensaun no prosesa kazu tuir lei.",
"Previous articleLabele sunu fogete durante misa Natal no kuidadu ba hariis tasi Next articleSelebra Natal tuir ambiente Jezus nia moris mak loos liu"
] | [
"78 people die in traffic accidents | Timor Post Agência Noticiosa de Timór-Leste TIMOR HAU NIAN DOBEN People Die In Traffic Accident, Number Rises To Seventy Eight Dili (TimorPost) - From the beginning of January to December'24th this year a total number from seventeen died on national soil as resulted by road safety incident."
"The Commander of the Department for National Road Safety, Superintendente Joao Belo dos Reis informed at a press conference today that victims who died were mostly young men and women driving motorbike with brand Beat. In addition to them there was also one woman on board which had been injured after being hit by an accidental car-bomb during Christmas Mass 2017 (Photo: AFP)"
"Commander Joao Belo dos Reis said, now their side has issued operative orders to the transit police of all municipalities for an auto-hit and run operation controlling public transportation movement as well a private."
"\"We are currently doing hitchhiking in Timor-Leste territory, and for drivers not to be lazy when driving a car or motorcycle\", Police Superintendent Joao Belo dos Reis says."
"For the communities that use transport to travel in municipality must carry documents, driving license and journey go ne'ik because now rain has caused landslides roads broken up."
"For public transportation such as buses, coaches and mini-busses the police are requesting that passengers do not carry more than their capacity."
"Therefore, Joao Belo dos Reis affirms that when there is an auto-hitchhiker who carries more passengers than his vehicle can carry will have consequences or be banned."
"In the case of State cars travelling, Commander Joao Belo dos Reis emphasized that if they do not have a work document or an order for service then PNTL will seize them and process their cases according to law."
"Previous articleCelebrate Christmas according to the atmosphere of Jesus’ life is truer Next artikelLabele sun rocket during Mass and care for sea bream"
] |
“Ema sira neʼebé rona ó” sei hetan salvasaun | Livru Haklaken edisaun estudu nian\nLISAUN ESTUDU 33\n“Kontinua hanoin didiʼak ó-nia an no ó-nia hanorin. Kaer metin ba buat sira-neʼe, tanba hodi halo nuneʼe mak ó sei salva ó-nia an rasik no mós ema sira neʼebé rona ó.”—1 TIM 4:16.\nKNANANUK 67 “Haklaken Maromak nia liafuan bá”\n1. Ita hotu iha hakarak saida kona-ba ita-nia família?\nIRMÁN ida naran Pauline * hatete: “Bainhira haʼu komesa aprende lia-loos, haʼu hakarak ema hotu iha haʼu-nia família tama Paraízu. Haʼu hakarak tebes haʼu-nia laʼen Wayne, no ami-nia oan-mane atu adora Jeová hamutuk haʼu.” Ita iha família neʼebé seidauk hatene no hadomi Jeová ka lae? Karik hanesan Pauline, ita hakarak atu ita-nia família mós serbí Jeová.\n2. Pergunta saida deʼit mak ita sei hatán iha lisaun neʼe?\n2 Ita labele obriga ita-nia família atu simu liafuan diʼak, maibé ita bele anima sira atu loke sira-nia hanoin no laran hodi simu Bíblia nia mensajen. (2 Tim 3:14, 15) Tanbasá ita tenke haklaken ba ita-nia família? Tanbasá ita tenke koko atu komprende sira-nia sentimentu? Saida mak ita bele halo atu ajuda ita-nia família hadomi Jeová? No oinsá ema hotu iha ita-nia kongregasaun bele ajuda ita? Iha lisaun neʼe ita sei koʼalia kona-ba pergunta sira-neʼe.\nTANBASÁ HAKLAKEN BA ITA-NIA FAMÍLIA?\n3. Tuir 2 Pedro 3:9, tanbasá ita tenke haklaken ba ita-nia família?\n3 Lakleur tan, Jeová sei halakon sistema aat neʼe. Só ema neʼebé “prontu atu simu lia-loos neʼebé lori ba moris rohan-laek” mak sei hetan salvasaun. (Após 13:48) Ita uza tempu no forsa barak atu haklaken ba ema seluk neʼebé ita la koñese iha ita-nia área, tan neʼe klaru katak ita mós hakarak haklaken ba ita-nia família atu sira bele serbí Jeová hamutuk ita. Ita-nia Aman Jeová neʼebé hadomi ita “lakohi ema ida lakon maibé nia hakarak ema hotu atu arrepende sala”.—Lee 2 Pedro 3:9.\n4. Karik ita halo sala saida bainhira ita haklaken ba ita-nia família?\n4 Ita tenke hanoin-hetan katak iha dalan sala no loos atu fahe mensajen neʼebé lori salvasaun. Karik ita hatudu respeitu bainhira haklaken ba ema neʼebé ita la koñese, maibé ita koʼalia nakloke deʼit bainhira haklaken ba ita-nia família.\n5. Ita tenke hanoin-hetan saida antes ita fahe lia-loos ba ita-nia família?\n5 Kuandu ita hanoin fali dala primeiru neʼebé ita haklaken ba ita-nia família, karik ita barak sente arrepende ho dalan neʼebé ita haklaken. Apóstolu Paulo fó konsellu ba ema Kristaun: “Sempre koʼalia ho laran-diʼak hodi tau masin uitoan, atu nuneʼe imi bele hatene oinsá imi tenke hatán ba ema ida-idak.” (Kol 4:5, 6) Diʼak atu hanoin kona-ba konsellu neʼe bainhira ita koko atu koʼalia ba ita-nia família. Se lae, duké ajuda sira karik ita bele hakanek sira-nia laran.\nSAIDA MAK ITA BELE HALO ATU AJUDA ITA-NIA FAMÍLIA?\nIta bele fó sasin neʼebé diʼak liuhusi komprende ita-nia família nia sentimentu no hatudu hahalok diʼak (Haree parágrafu 6-8) *\n6-7. Konta toʼok ezemplu ida neʼebé hatudu katak ita presiza komprende ita-nia kaben nia sentimentu maski sira la serbí Jeová.\n6 Komprende sira-nia sentimentu. Pauline neʼebé temi ohin, dehan: “Foufoun, haʼu hakarak koʼalia deʼit kona-ba Maromak no Bíblia ho haʼu-nia laʼen. Ami la koʼalia buat seluk.” Maibé Pauline nia laʼen Wayne la hatene buat barak kona-ba Bíblia no la komprende Pauline nia liafuan. Ninia laʼen sente katak Pauline hanoin deʼit kona-ba ninia relijiaun. Ninia laʼen hanoin barak tanba taʼuk Pauline tuir relijiaun neʼebé perigu no ema lohi nia.\n7 Pauline rekoñese katak nia uza tempu barak liu iha kalan no findesemana hamutuk ho ninia irmaun-irmán sira, hanesan tuir reuniaun, haklaken, no ransu hamutuk. Pauline hatete: “Dala ruma uma mamuk bainhira Wayne fila no nia sente mesamesak.” Tan neʼe, Wayne hanoin tebes ninia feen no oan-mane. Nia la koñese ema neʼebé sira ransu hamutuk, no nia sente katak Pauline hafolin belun foun sira-neʼe liu fali nia. Entaun Wayne ameasa atu soe Pauline. Tuir Ita-nia hanoin, saida mak Pauline bele halo atu hatudu katak nia komprende ninia laʼen nia sentimentu?\n8. Tuir 1 Pedro 3:1, 2, saida mak fó impaktu boot liu ba ita-nia família?\n8 Hatudu ezemplu diʼak. Dala barak, ita-nia hahalok bele fó impaktu boot liu ba ita-nia família duké ita-nia liafuan. (Lee 1 Pedro 3:1, 2.) Ikusmai Pauline komprende ida-neʼe. Nia dehan: “Haʼu hatene katak Wayne hadomi ami no loloos nia lakohi soe-malu. Maibé ninia ameasa halo haʼu komprende katak haʼu tenke komesa halo tuir Jeová nia matadalan. Duké koʼalia barabarak, haʼu presiza hatudu ezemplu diʼak.” Pauline la obriga tan ninia laʼen atu koʼalia kona-ba Bíblia no komesa koʼalia ho ninia laʼen kona-ba buat seluk. Wayne haree Pauline hatudu respeitu liután, no haree ninia oan-mane hatudu hahalok diʼak liután. (Prov 31:18, 27, 28) Bainhira Wayne haree oinsá Bíblia nia mensajen ajuda ninia família, nia loke ninia hanoin no laran atu simu Bíblia nia mensajen.—1 Kor 7:12-14, 16.\n9. Tanbasá ita tenke kontinua koko atu ajuda ita-nia família?\n9 Kontinua koko atu ajuda ita-nia família. Jeová hatudu ezemplu diʼak ba ita. Nia fó oportunidade barak ba ema atu simu liafuan diʼak no hetan moris. (Jer 44:4) Apóstolu Paulo anima Timóteo atu kontinua ajuda ema seluk. Tanbasá? Tanba hodi halo nuneʼe, nia bele salva ninia an rasik no mós ema sira neʼebé rona ba nia. (1 Tim 4:16) Ita hadomi ita-nia família, tan neʼe ita hakarak sira hatene lia-loos kona-ba Maromak nia Liafuan. Liutiha tempu balu, Pauline nia liafuan no hahalok fó influénsia diʼak ba ninia família. Agora nia kontente serbí Jeová hamutuk ho ninia laʼen. Sira naʼin-rua serbí nuʼudar pioneiru, no Wayne mak katuas kongregasaun ida.\nUZA ITA-NIA SÍTIU ATU HANORIN\n(Haree mós parágrafu 10) *\nIta bele ajuda ita-nia família atu hakbesik ba Jeová liuhusi ita-nia liafuan, hahalok, no mós liuhusi fahe publikasaun kona-ba Bíblia. Uluk ema gosta lee livru, revista no panfletu sira. Maibé, agora ema barak liu gosta lee informasaun online. No ema barak tan gosta atu haree vídeo. Ita bele ajuda ita-nia família atu aprende kona-ba Jeová nia povu hodi asesu sítiu jw.org® ka haree programa balu neʼebé fó sai fulan-fulan iha JW Broadcasting®. Atu nuneʼe sira bele aprende kona-ba Jeová tuir sira-nia hakarak no tempu neʼebé diʼak ba sira.\n10. Tanbasá ita presiza hatudu pasiénsia?\n10 Hatudu pasiénsia. Bainhira ita deside atu serbí Maromak, ita halo mudansa iha ita-nia moris no ita-nia fiar. Karik ita-nia família sente susar atu simu mudansa sira-neʼe. Dala barak, buat primeiru neʼebé sira nota mak ita la apoia tan sira atu selebra loron-boot relijiaun nian no mós la hola parte tan iha polítika. Foufoun, karik ita-nia família balu sai hirus ba ita. (Mt 10:35, 36) Maibé ita labele rende an. Se ita para atu ajuda sira komprende ita-nia fiar, neʼe hanesan ita tesi-lia ona katak sira la merese atu simu moris rohan-laek. Jeová la fó ita knaar atu tesi-lia, nia fó ona knaar neʼe ba Jesus. (João 5:22) Se ita hatudu pasiénsia, karik ikusmai ita-nia família sei rona ba ita.—Haree kaixa “ Uza ita-nia sítiu atu hanorin”.\n11-13. Saida mak Ita aprende husi Alice nia ezemplu kona-ba dalan neʼebé nia trata didiʼak ninia família?\n11 Hatudu laran-diʼak, maibé kaer metin ba ita-nia desizaun. (Prov 15:2) Hanoin toʼok kona-ba Alice nia ezemplu. Nia aprende kona-ba Jeová bainhira nia hela dook husi ninia inan-aman neʼebé la fiar Maromak no envolve an makaʼas iha polítika. Nia hatene katak nia presiza fó-hatene lalais ba sira kona-ba buat diʼak neʼebé nia aprende. Alice dehan: “Se ita demora atu fó-hatene ba ita-nia família kona-ba ita-nia fiar no toman foun, neʼe karik sei halo sira hirus liután.” Alice hakerek karta ba ninia inan-aman hodi husu sira-nia hanoin kona-ba tópiku ruma husi Bíblia neʼebé nia sente katak sira sei gosta, hanesan domin. (1 Kor 13:1-13) Nia fó obrigada ba sira tanba haboot no tau matan nia, no nia haruka prezente ba sira. Bainhira nia vizita ninia inan-aman, nia hakaʼas an ajuda ninia inan atu halo serbisu iha uma. Foufoun, ninia inan-aman la gosta bainhira Alice fó sai kona-ba ninia fiar foun.\n12 Bainhira Alice vizita ninia inan-aman, nia nafatin lee Bíblia loroloron. Alice dehan: “Neʼe ajuda haʼu-nia amá komprende katak Bíblia importante tebes mai haʼu.” Alice nia aman deside atu aprende Bíblia atu bele komprende ninia oan nia hanoin no atu buka sala husi Bíblia. Alice dehan: “Haʼu fó Bíblia ida ba haʼu-nia apá no haʼu hakerek mensajen ba nia iha Bíblia laran.” Rezultadu mak saida? Duké hetan sala, buat neʼebé Alice nia aman lee husi Maromak nia Liafuan book tebes ninia laran.\n13 Ita presiza hatudu laran-diʼak maibé nafatin kaer metin ba ita-nia desizaun, maski ita tenke tahan susar. (1 Kor 4:12b) Porezemplu, Alice tenke tahan tanba ninia inan kontra nia. Alice hatete: “Bainhira haʼu hetan batizmu, haʼu-nia amá bolu haʼu ‘oan la diʼak’.” Saida mak Alice halo? Alice hatutan: “Haʼu la taʼuk atu koʼalia kona-ba haʼu-nia fiar, maibé haʼu esplika ho respeitu katak haʼu deside ona atu sai Testemuña ba Jeová no haʼu sei kaer metin ba desizaun neʼe. Haʼu hatete ba haʼu-nia amá katak haʼu hadomi tebes nia. Ami naʼin-rua tanis hamutuk, no haʼu teʼin ai-han gostu ba nia. Hahú husi tempu neʼebá, amá komesa rekoñese katak Bíblia ajuda haʼu sai ema neʼebé diʼak liu.”\n14. Tanbasá ita labele husik família troka ita-nia desizaun atu serbí Jeová?\n14 Karik presiza tempu atu ita-nia família komprende katak serbí Jeová mak importante tebes ba ita. Porezemplu, bainhira Alice deside atu serbí nuʼudar pioneiru duké tuir universidade hanesan ninia inan-aman hakarak, neʼe halo ninia inan tanis. Maibé Alice nafatin kaer metin ba ninia desizaun. Alice dehan: “Se ita rende an iha situasaun ida, karik iha situasaun seluk ita-nia família sei obriga tan ita atu troka ita-nia desizaun. Maibé se ita hatudu laran-diʼak no la husik ita-nia família troka ita-nia desizaun, dala ruma sira balu sei rona ba ita.” Neʼe akontese duni ba Alice. Ninia inan-aman agora serbí nuʼudar pioneiru, no ninia aman mak katuas kongregasaun ida.\nOINSÁ EMA HOTU IHA KONGREGASAUN BELE AJUDA?\nOinsá kongregasaun bele ajuda ita-nia família neʼebé laʼós Testemuña? (Haree parágrafu 15-16) *\n15. Tuir Mateus 5:14-16 no 1 Pedro 2:12, oinsá mak irmaun-irmán sira-nia “hahalok diʼak” bele ajuda ita-nia família?\n15 Jeová dada ema ba nia liuhusi ninia atan sira-nia “hahalok diʼak”. (Lee Mateus 5:14-16; 1 Pedro 2:12.) Se Ita-nia kaben laʼós Testemuña ba Jeová, nia hasoru ona irmaun-irmán balu ka lae? Pauline neʼebé temi ohin, konvida irmaun-irmán sira ba ninia uma atu ninia laʼen Wayne bele koñese sira. Wayne hanoin-hetan oinsá irmaun ida ajuda nia atu koñese didiʼak Testemuña sira. Wayne dehan: “Irmaun neʼe foti feriadu atu haree joga bola hamutuk haʼu.” Neʼe ajuda Wayne atu komprende katak Testemuña laʼós deʼit interese ba relijiaun maibé mós interese ba buat seluk.\n16. Tanbasá ita presiza konvida ita-nia família atu tuir reuniaun sira?\n16 Dalan diʼak ida atu ajuda ita-nia família mak hodi konvida sira tuir reuniaun hamutuk ita. (1 Kor 14:24, 25) Reuniaun primeiru neʼebé Wayne tuir mak Memoriál tanba neʼe halaʼo depois serbisu no badak deʼit. Wayne dehan: “Haʼu la komprende diskursu, maibé haʼu hanoin-hetan ema nia hahalok. Sira hakbesik hodi fó benvindu no kaer liman ho haʼu. Haʼu bele sente katak sira mak ema diʼak.” Feen-laʼen ida hatudu ona laran-diʼak ba Pauline hodi ajuda nia no ninia oan kuandu tuir reuniaun no haklaken. Entaun bainhira Wayne deside atu buka-hatene liután kona-ba Pauline nia fiar, Wayne husu irmaun neʼe atu estuda ho nia.\n17. Ita labele fó sala ba ita-nia an kona-ba saida? Maibé tanbasá ita labele rende an atu ajuda ita-nia família?\n17 Ita hakarak ita-nia família hotu serbí Jeová hamutuk ita. Maibé karik ita-nia família la tama lia-loos maski ita hakaʼas an makaʼas atu ajuda sira. Se nuneʼe, ita labele fó sala ba ita-nia an. Tuir loloos, ita labele obriga ema atu simu ita-nia fiar. Maibé se ita-nia família haree katak ita kontente tanba serbí Jeová, karik neʼe sei fó influénsia ba sira. Halo orasaun kona-ba sira. Koʼalia ba sira ho laran-diʼak. Keta rende an atu ajuda sira. (Após 20:20) Fiar metin katak Jeová sei haraik bensaun ba ita-nia hakaʼas an. Se ita-nia família deside atu rona ba ita, sira sei hetan salvasaun.\nOINSÁ ITA HATUDU HAHALOK SIRA TUIRMAI BA ITA-NIA FAMÍLIA?\nKomprende sira-nia sentimentu\n^ par. 5 Ita hakarak ita-nia família hatene kona-ba Jeová, maibé sira rasik mak tenke deside atu serbí Jeová ka lae. Iha lisaun neʼe ita sei aprende saida mak ita bele halo atu ajuda ita-nia família rona ba ita.\n^ par. 1 Naran balun laʼós naran neʼebé loos. Iha lisaun neʼe, liafuan “família” refere ba ema iha família laran neʼebé seidauk serbí Jeová.\n^ par. 53 ESPLIKASAUN BA DEZEÑU: Irmaun joven ida ajuda ninia aman neʼebé laʼós Testemuña atu hadiʼa karreta. Iha tempu neʼebé diʼak, nia hatudu vídeo ida husi jw.org®.\n^ par. 55 ESPLIKASAUN BA DEZEÑU: Irmán ida rona didiʼak ba ninia laʼen neʼebé laʼós Testemuña bainhira ninia laʼen koʼalia kona-ba serbisu. Irmán neʼe mós halimar hamutuk ho ninia família.\n^ par. 57 ESPLIKASAUN BA DEZEÑU: Irmán neʼe konvida irmaun-irmán iha kongregasaun atu mai ninia uma. Sira hatudu interese hodi koñese irmán neʼe nia laʼen. Liutiha tempu balu, irmán neʼe nia laʼen tuir Memoriál hamutuk nia. | [
"\"Ema sira ne'ebe rona o\" sei hetan salvasaun | Livru Haklaken edisaun estudu nian LISAUN ESTUDU 33 \"Kontinua hanoin didi'ak o-nia an no o-nia hanorin.",
"Kaer metin ba buat sira-ne'e, tanba hodi halo nune'e mak o sei salva o-nia an rasik no mos ema sira ne'ebe rona o.\" - 1 TIM 4:16.",
"KNANANUK 67 \"Haklaken Maromak nia liafuan ba\" 1.",
"Ita hotu iha hakarak saida kona-ba ita-nia familia?",
"IRMAN ida naran Pauline * hatete: \"Bainhira ha'u komesa aprende lia-loos, ha'u hakarak ema hotu iha ha'u-nia familia tama Paraizu.",
"Ha'u hakarak tebes ha'u-nia la'en Wayne, no ami-nia oan-mane atu adora Jeova hamutuk ha'u.\"",
"Ita iha familia ne'ebe seidauk hatene no hadomi Jeova ka lae?",
"Karik hanesan Pauline, ita hakarak atu ita-nia familia mos serbi Jeova.",
"Pergunta saida de'it mak ita sei hatan iha lisaun ne'e?",
"2 Ita labele obriga ita-nia familia atu simu liafuan di'ak, maibe ita bele anima sira atu loke sira-nia hanoin no laran hodi simu Biblia nia mensajen.",
"(2 Tim 3:14, 15) Tanbasa ita tenke haklaken ba ita-nia familia?",
"Tanbasa ita tenke koko atu komprende sira-nia sentimentu?",
"Saida mak ita bele halo atu ajuda ita-nia familia hadomi Jeova?",
"No oinsa ema hotu iha ita-nia kongregasaun bele ajuda ita?",
"Iha lisaun ne'e ita sei ko'alia kona-ba pergunta sira-ne'e.",
"Tuir 2 Pedro 3:9, tanbasa ita tenke haklaken ba ita-nia familia?",
"3 Lakleur tan, Jeova sei halakon sistema aat ne'e.",
"So ema ne'ebe \"prontu atu simu lia-loos ne'ebe lori ba moris rohan-laek\" mak sei hetan salvasaun.",
"(Apos 13:48) Ita uza tempu no forsa barak atu haklaken ba ema seluk ne'ebe ita la konese iha ita-nia area, tan ne'e klaru katak ita mos hakarak haklaken ba ita-nia familia atu sira bele serbi Jeova hamutuk ita.",
"Ita-nia Aman Jeova ne'ebe hadomi ita \"lakohi ema ida lakon maibe nia hakarak ema hotu atu arrepende sala.\" - Lee 2 Pedro 3:9.",
"Karik ita halo sala saida bainhira ita haklaken ba ita-nia familia?",
"4 Ita tenke hanoin-hetan katak iha dalan sala no loos atu fahe mensajen ne'ebe lori salvasaun.",
"Karik ita hatudu respeitu bainhira haklaken ba ema ne'ebe ita la konese, maibe ita ko'alia nakloke de'it bainhira haklaken ba ita-nia familia.",
"Ita tenke hanoin-hetan saida antes ita fahe lia-loos ba ita-nia familia?",
"5 Kuandu ita hanoin fali dala primeiru ne'ebe ita haklaken ba ita-nia familia, karik ita barak sente arrepende ho dalan ne'ebe ita haklaken.",
"Apostolu Paulo fo konsellu ba ema Kristaun: \"Sempre ko'alia ho laran-di'ak hodi tau masin uitoan, atu nune'e imi bele hatene oinsa imi tenke hatan ba ema ida-idak.\"",
"(Kol 4:5, 6) Di'ak atu hanoin kona-ba konsellu ne'e bainhira ita koko atu ko'alia ba ita-nia familia.",
"Se lae, duke ajuda sira karik ita bele hakanek sira-nia laran.",
"Ita bele fo sasin ne'ebe di'ak liuhusi komprende ita-nia familia nia sentimentu no hatudu hahalok di'ak (Haree paragrafu 6-8) * 6-7.",
"Konta to'ok ezemplu ida ne'ebe hatudu katak ita presiza komprende ita-nia kaben nia sentimentu maski sira la serbi Jeova.",
"6 Komprende sira-nia sentimentu.",
"Pauline ne'ebe temi ohin, dehan: \"Foufoun, ha'u hakarak ko'alia de'it kona-ba Maromak no Biblia ho ha'u-nia la'en.",
"Ami la ko'alia buat seluk.\"",
"Maibe Pauline nia la'en Wayne la hatene buat barak kona-ba Biblia no la komprende Pauline nia liafuan.",
"Ninia la'en sente katak Pauline hanoin de'it kona-ba ninia relijiaun.",
"Ninia la'en hanoin barak tanba ta'uk Pauline tuir relijiaun ne'ebe perigu no ema lohi nia.",
"7 Pauline rekonese katak nia uza tempu barak liu iha kalan no findesemana hamutuk ho ninia irmaun-irman sira, hanesan tuir reuniaun, haklaken, no ransu hamutuk.",
"Pauline hatete: \"Dala ruma uma mamuk bainhira Wayne fila no nia sente mesamesak.\"",
"Tan ne'e, Wayne hanoin tebes ninia feen no oan-mane.",
"Nia la konese ema ne'ebe sira ransu hamutuk, no nia sente katak Pauline hafolin belun foun sira-ne'e liu fali nia.",
"Entaun Wayne ameasa atu soe Pauline.",
"Tuir Ita-nia hanoin, saida mak Pauline bele halo atu hatudu katak nia komprende ninia la'en nia sentimentu?",
"Tuir 1 Pedro 3:1, 2, saida mak fo impaktu boot liu ba ita-nia familia?",
"8 Hatudu ezemplu di'ak.",
"Dala barak, ita-nia hahalok bele fo impaktu boot liu ba ita-nia familia duke ita-nia liafuan.",
"(Lee 1 Pedro 3:1, 2.)",
"Ikusmai Pauline komprende ida-ne'e.",
"Nia dehan: \"Ha'u hatene katak Wayne hadomi ami no loloos nia lakohi soe-malu.",
"Maibe ninia ameasa halo ha'u komprende katak ha'u tenke komesa halo tuir Jeova nia matadalan.",
"Duke ko'alia barabarak, ha'u presiza hatudu ezemplu di'ak.\"",
"Pauline la obriga tan ninia la'en atu ko'alia kona-ba Biblia no komesa ko'alia ho ninia la'en kona-ba buat seluk.",
"Wayne haree Pauline hatudu respeitu liutan, no haree ninia oan-mane hatudu hahalok di'ak liutan.",
"(Prov 31:18, 27, 28) Bainhira Wayne haree oinsa Biblia nia mensajen ajuda ninia familia, nia loke ninia hanoin no laran atu simu Biblia nia mensajen. - 1 Kor 7:12-14, 16.",
"Tanbasa ita tenke kontinua koko atu ajuda ita-nia familia?",
"9 Kontinua koko atu ajuda ita-nia familia.",
"Jeova hatudu ezemplu di'ak ba ita.",
"Nia fo oportunidade barak ba ema atu simu liafuan di'ak no hetan moris.",
"(Jer 44:4) Apostolu Paulo anima Timoteo atu kontinua ajuda ema seluk.",
"Tanba hodi halo nune'e, nia bele salva ninia an rasik no mos ema sira ne'ebe rona ba nia.",
"(1 Tim 4:16) Ita hadomi ita-nia familia, tan ne'e ita hakarak sira hatene lia-loos kona-ba Maromak nia Liafuan.",
"Liutiha tempu balu, Pauline nia liafuan no hahalok fo influensia di'ak ba ninia familia.",
"Agora nia kontente serbi Jeova hamutuk ho ninia la'en.",
"Sira na'in-rua serbi nu'udar pioneiru, no Wayne mak katuas kongregasaun ida.",
"UZA ITA-NIA SITIU ATU HANORIN (Haree mos paragrafu 10) * Ita bele ajuda ita-nia familia atu hakbesik ba Jeova liuhusi ita-nia liafuan, hahalok, no mos liuhusi fahe publikasaun kona-ba Biblia.",
"Uluk ema gosta lee livru, revista no panfletu sira.",
"Maibe, agora ema barak liu gosta lee informasaun online.",
"No ema barak tan gosta atu haree video.",
"Ita bele ajuda ita-nia familia atu aprende kona-ba Jeova nia povu hodi asesu sitiu jw.org(r) ka haree programa balu ne'ebe fo sai fulan-fulan iha JW Broadcasting(r).",
"Atu nune'e sira bele aprende kona-ba Jeova tuir sira-nia hakarak no tempu ne'ebe di'ak ba sira.",
"Tanbasa ita presiza hatudu pasiensia?",
"10 Hatudu pasiensia.",
"Bainhira ita deside atu serbi Maromak, ita halo mudansa iha ita-nia moris no ita-nia fiar.",
"Karik ita-nia familia sente susar atu simu mudansa sira-ne'e.",
"Dala barak, buat primeiru ne'ebe sira nota mak ita la apoia tan sira atu selebra loron-boot relijiaun nian no mos la hola parte tan iha politika.",
"Foufoun, karik ita-nia familia balu sai hirus ba ita.",
"(Mt 10:35, 36) Maibe ita labele rende an.",
"Se ita para atu ajuda sira komprende ita-nia fiar, ne'e hanesan ita tesi-lia ona katak sira la merese atu simu moris rohan-laek.",
"Jeova la fo ita knaar atu tesi-lia, nia fo ona knaar ne'e ba Jesus.",
"(Joao 5:22) Se ita hatudu pasiensia, karik ikusmai ita-nia familia sei rona ba ita. - Haree kaixa \" Uza ita-nia sitiu atu hanorin.\"",
"Saida mak Ita aprende husi Alice nia ezemplu kona-ba dalan ne'ebe nia trata didi'ak ninia familia?",
"11 Hatudu laran-di'ak, maibe kaer metin ba ita-nia desizaun.",
"(Prov 15:2) Hanoin to'ok kona-ba Alice nia ezemplu.",
"Nia aprende kona-ba Jeova bainhira nia hela dook husi ninia inan-aman ne'ebe la fiar Maromak no envolve an maka'as iha politika.",
"Nia hatene katak nia presiza fo-hatene lalais ba sira kona-ba buat di'ak ne'ebe nia aprende.",
"Alice dehan: \"Se ita demora atu fo-hatene ba ita-nia familia kona-ba ita-nia fiar no toman foun, ne'e karik sei halo sira hirus liutan.\"",
"Alice hakerek karta ba ninia inan-aman hodi husu sira-nia hanoin kona-ba topiku ruma husi Biblia ne'ebe nia sente katak sira sei gosta, hanesan domin.",
"(1 Kor 13:1-13) Nia fo obrigada ba sira tanba haboot no tau matan nia, no nia haruka prezente ba sira.",
"Bainhira nia vizita ninia inan-aman, nia haka'as an ajuda ninia inan atu halo serbisu iha uma.",
"Foufoun, ninia inan-aman la gosta bainhira Alice fo sai kona-ba ninia fiar foun.",
"12 Bainhira Alice vizita ninia inan-aman, nia nafatin lee Biblia loroloron.",
"Alice dehan: \"Ne'e ajuda ha'u-nia ama komprende katak Biblia importante tebes mai ha'u.\"",
"Alice nia aman deside atu aprende Biblia atu bele komprende ninia oan nia hanoin no atu buka sala husi Biblia.",
"Alice dehan: \"Ha'u fo Biblia ida ba ha'u-nia apa no ha'u hakerek mensajen ba nia iha Biblia laran.\"",
"Rezultadu mak saida?",
"Duke hetan sala, buat ne'ebe Alice nia aman lee husi Maromak nia Liafuan book tebes ninia laran.",
"13 Ita presiza hatudu laran-di'ak maibe nafatin kaer metin ba ita-nia desizaun, maski ita tenke tahan susar.",
"(1 Kor 4:12b) Porezemplu, Alice tenke tahan tanba ninia inan kontra nia.",
"Alice hatete: \"Bainhira ha'u hetan batizmu, ha'u-nia ama bolu ha'u 'oan la di'ak'.\"",
"Saida mak Alice halo?",
"Alice hatutan: \"Ha'u la ta'uk atu ko'alia kona-ba ha'u-nia fiar, maibe ha'u esplika ho respeitu katak ha'u deside ona atu sai Testemuna ba Jeova no ha'u sei kaer metin ba desizaun ne'e.",
"Ha'u hatete ba ha'u-nia ama katak ha'u hadomi tebes nia.",
"Ami na'in-rua tanis hamutuk, no ha'u te'in ai-han gostu ba nia.",
"Hahu husi tempu ne'eba, ama komesa rekonese katak Biblia ajuda ha'u sai ema ne'ebe di'ak liu.\"",
"Tanbasa ita labele husik familia troka ita-nia desizaun atu serbi Jeova?",
"14 Karik presiza tempu atu ita-nia familia komprende katak serbi Jeova mak importante tebes ba ita.",
"Porezemplu, bainhira Alice deside atu serbi nu'udar pioneiru duke tuir universidade hanesan ninia inan-aman hakarak, ne'e halo ninia inan tanis.",
"Maibe Alice nafatin kaer metin ba ninia desizaun.",
"Alice dehan: \"Se ita rende an iha situasaun ida, karik iha situasaun seluk ita-nia familia sei obriga tan ita atu troka ita-nia desizaun.",
"Maibe se ita hatudu laran-di'ak no la husik ita-nia familia troka ita-nia desizaun, dala ruma sira balu sei rona ba ita.\"",
"Ne'e akontese duni ba Alice.",
"Ninia inan-aman agora serbi nu'udar pioneiru, no ninia aman mak katuas kongregasaun ida.",
"Oinsa kongregasaun bele ajuda ita-nia familia ne'ebe la'os Testemuna?",
"(Haree paragrafu 15-16) * 15.",
"Tuir Mateus 5:14-16 no 1 Pedro 2:12, oinsa mak irmaun-irman sira-nia \"hahalok di'ak\" bele ajuda ita-nia familia?",
"15 Jeova dada ema ba nia liuhusi ninia atan sira-nia \"hahalok di'ak.\"",
"(Lee Mateus 5:14-16; 1 Pedro 2:12.)",
"Se Ita-nia kaben la'os Testemuna ba Jeova, nia hasoru ona irmaun-irman balu ka lae?",
"Pauline ne'ebe temi ohin, konvida irmaun-irman sira ba ninia uma atu ninia la'en Wayne bele konese sira.",
"Wayne hanoin-hetan oinsa irmaun ida ajuda nia atu konese didi'ak Testemuna sira.",
"Wayne dehan: \"Irmaun ne'e foti feriadu atu haree joga bola hamutuk ha'u.\"",
"Ne'e ajuda Wayne atu komprende katak Testemuna la'os de'it interese ba relijiaun maibe mos interese ba buat seluk.",
"Tanbasa ita presiza konvida ita-nia familia atu tuir reuniaun sira?",
"16 Dalan di'ak ida atu ajuda ita-nia familia mak hodi konvida sira tuir reuniaun hamutuk ita.",
"(1 Kor 14:24, 25) Reuniaun primeiru ne'ebe Wayne tuir mak Memorial tanba ne'e hala'o depois serbisu no badak de'it.",
"Wayne dehan: \"Ha'u la komprende diskursu, maibe ha'u hanoin-hetan ema nia hahalok.",
"Sira hakbesik hodi fo benvindu no kaer liman ho ha'u.",
"Ha'u bele sente katak sira mak ema di'ak.\"",
"Feen-la'en ida hatudu ona laran-di'ak ba Pauline hodi ajuda nia no ninia oan kuandu tuir reuniaun no haklaken.",
"Entaun bainhira Wayne deside atu buka-hatene liutan kona-ba Pauline nia fiar, Wayne husu irmaun ne'e atu estuda ho nia.",
"Ita labele fo sala ba ita-nia an kona-ba saida?",
"Maibe tanbasa ita labele rende an atu ajuda ita-nia familia?",
"17 Ita hakarak ita-nia familia hotu serbi Jeova hamutuk ita.",
"Maibe karik ita-nia familia la tama lia-loos maski ita haka'as an maka'as atu ajuda sira.",
"Se nune'e, ita labele fo sala ba ita-nia an.",
"Tuir loloos, ita labele obriga ema atu simu ita-nia fiar.",
"Maibe se ita-nia familia haree katak ita kontente tanba serbi Jeova, karik ne'e sei fo influensia ba sira.",
"Halo orasaun kona-ba sira.",
"Ko'alia ba sira ho laran-di'ak.",
"Keta rende an atu ajuda sira.",
"(Apos 20:20) Fiar metin katak Jeova sei haraik bensaun ba ita-nia haka'as an.",
"Se ita-nia familia deside atu rona ba ita, sira sei hetan salvasaun.",
"Komprende sira-nia sentimentu ^ par.",
"5 Ita hakarak ita-nia familia hatene kona-ba Jeova, maibe sira rasik mak tenke deside atu serbi Jeova ka lae.",
"Iha lisaun ne'e ita sei aprende saida mak ita bele halo atu ajuda ita-nia familia rona ba ita. ^ par.",
"1 Naran balun la'os naran ne'ebe loos.",
"Iha lisaun ne'e, liafuan \"familia\" refere ba ema iha familia laran ne'ebe seidauk serbi Jeova. ^ par.",
"53 ESPLIKASAUN BA DEZENU: Irmaun joven ida ajuda ninia aman ne'ebe la'os Testemuna atu hadi'a karreta.",
"Iha tempu ne'ebe di'ak, nia hatudu video ida husi jw.org(r). ^ par.",
"55 ESPLIKASAUN BA DEZENU: Irman ida rona didi'ak ba ninia la'en ne'ebe la'os Testemuna bainhira ninia la'en ko'alia kona-ba serbisu.",
"Irman ne'e mos halimar hamutuk ho ninia familia. ^ par.",
"57 ESPLIKASAUN BA DEZENU: Irman ne'e konvida irmaun-irman iha kongregasaun atu mai ninia uma.",
"Sira hatudu interese hodi konese irman ne'e nia la'en.",
"Liutiha tempu balu, irman ne'e nia la'en tuir Memorial hamutuk nia."
] | [
"\"Those who hear you\" will be saved | Preach the gospel study edition STUDY BOOK READING #32 “Continue to consider yourself and your teaching."
"Hold fast to these things, for by doing so you will save both yourself and those who hear.\" - 1 TIMOTHEUS (4:20)."
"CHAPTER 67 \"Haklaken the word of God to\" (1)"
"What do we all want for our family?"
"A SISTER named Pauline* said: “When I began to learn the truth, it was my desire that everyone in our family should go into Paradise."
"I really want my son Wayne, and our children to worship Jehovah with me.\""
"Do you have a family that has not yet come to know and love Jehovah?"
"Like Pauline, we want our families to serve Jehovah. We also have family members who are actively serving God in the churches of their neighborhoods and around them as well!"
"2. The purpose of the contract"
"What is the only question we will answer in this lesson?"
"2 We cannot force our family to accept good words, but we can encourage them in opening their minds and heart for the Bible' s message."
"(2 Tim. 3:14,5) Why should we preach to our own families?"
"Why do we have to be stupid in order for us understand their feelings?"
"What can we do to help our family love Jehovah?"
"And how can everyone in our congregation help us?"
"In this lesson we will talk about these questions."
"3. The application process"
"According to II Peter 3:9, why should we preach in our families?"
"3 In the near future, Jehovah will destroy this evil system."
"Only those who are \"ready to receive the word of truth which leads unto eternal life\" will be saved."
"(Rev. 13:48) We spend a lot of time and energy preaching to other people we don't know in our area, so it is clear that you also want the gospel preached for your family members who can serve Jehovah with us as well!"
"Our loving Father, Jehovah \"does not want to lose any one but desires that all men should repent.\" - Read 2 Peter3:9."
"4. Amendment of the Regulations"
"What do we possibly make a mistake when preaching to our own families?"
"4 We must remember that there are wrong and right ways to spread the message of salvation."
"We may show respect when we preach to strangers, but only speak openly in our own family."
"5. Requirements for the application"
"What should we think about before sharing the truth with our family?"
"5 When we think back to the first time that you preached in your own family, many of us may feel sorry about how it was done."
"The apostle Paul counsels Christian people: \"Always speak with kindness, and in moderation; that ye may know how you ought to answer every one.\""
"(Col. 4:5,6) It is good to think about this advice when we plan on speaking with our own family members or friends and relatives in the church of Christ Jesus as a whole!"
"Otherwise, rather than helping them we may hurt their hearts."
"We can give a good witness by understanding our family' s feeling and showing them the way to behave (See paragraph 6-8) *."
"Give us an example of how we need to understand our spouse's feeling, even if they do not serve Jehovah."
"6 He understands their feeling. Understand how they feel"
"Pauline, who was mentioned today said: \"My dear friend I just want to talk about God and the Bible with my friends."
"We don't talk about anything else.\""
"However, Pauline's husband Wayne did not know much about the Bible and didn’t understand her words."
"Her father felt that Pauline was thinking only about her religion."
"Her father was very concerned because Pauline followed a dangerous religion and people hated her."
"7 Pauline acknowledged that she spent more time in the evenings and at weekdays with her siblings, such as attending meeting."
"Pauline said: \"Sometimes the house blew up when Wayne came back and he felt a little sick.\""
"As a result, Wayne is deeply concerned about his wife and children."
"He did not know the people they had been with, and he felt that Pauline loved these new friends more than himself."
"Then Wayne threatens to kill Pauline, and she is killed."
"In your opinion, what could Pauline do to show that she understood her boyfriend' s feeling?"
"8. Requirements for the application of this Regulation"
"According to 1 Peter, what has the greatest impact on our family?"
"8 Show good examples. Be a great role model"
"Many times, our actions can have a greater impact on the family than what we say."
"(Read 1 Peter, chapters of the Bible.)"
"I hope Pauline understands this."
"She said, \"I know that Wayne loved us and he really didn't want to break up."
"But his threat made me realize that I had to start following Jehovah's direction."
"By speaking well, I need to set a good example.\""
"Pauline stopped forcing her son to talk about the Bible and started talking with him on other things."
"Wayne sees Pauline showing respect to him, and his son behaviour."
"(Prov. 31:28, NKJV) When Wayne saw how the Bible’s message helped his family and he was able to open up a heart for it.—I Corinthians"
"9. Requirements for the application of this Regulation"
"Why do we have to continue working hard for our families?"
"9 Continue to help our family."
"Jehovah sets a good example for us."
"He gives many opportunities for people to receive the good word and find life."
"(Jer. 43:10) The Apostle Paul encouraged Timothy to continue helping others, and the apostle also urged him on his journey of serving other people in Christ’s name as a servant for God himself.[a]"
"For by so doing, he may save himself and those who hear him."
"(1 Tim 4:20) We love our family, so we want them to know the truth about God's Word."
"Over time, Pauline's words and actions had a positive influence on her family."
"Now he is happy to serve Jehovah with his family."
"They both served as pioneers, and Wayne was an elder in a congregation."
"(See also paragraph 10.) * You can help your family get closer to Jehovah through words, deeds and by sharing Bible-related publications with others in the households of those who are not members or don’t have a membership at all on our website:"
"Usually people like to read books, magazines and pamphlets."
"However, now more people like to read information online."
"And a lot of people like to watch videos."
"You can help your family learn about Jehovah's people by accessing the jw.org website or watching some of our monthly programs on JW Broadcasting, which is available in English and Spanish as well!"
"So that they can learn about Jehovah at their own pace and in a time convenient to them."
"10. Requirements for the application of this Regulation"
"Why do we need to show patience?"
"10 Be patient. Have patience, and be not afraid to ask for help!"
"When we decide to serve God, it is a change in our lives and faith."
"If your family finds it difficult to accept these changes, you may need help."
"Often, the first thing they notice is that we no longer support them in celebrating their religious feasts or taking part of politics."
"Dear friends, if some of our families were to come and attack us."
"(Matt. 10:35-46) But we cannot give up, nor can any of us be overwhelmed by our fears and frustrations!"
"If we stop trying to help them understand our faith, it is as if they are not worthy of eternal life."
"Jehovah does not give us the task of judging, he has given it to Jesus."
"(John 5:21) If we show patience, our family may eventually listen to us. - See the box \"Use Our Sites To Teach.\""
"10-23, and in the following chapters."
"What do you learn from Alice's example about the way she treated her family?"
"12 Be gracious, but hold fast to our decisions."
"(Prov 15:2) Consider Alice's example."
"He learned about Jehovah while living away from his unbelieving parents who were heavily involved in politics."
"He knew that he needed to let them know quickly about the good things she had learned."
"Alice said: \"If we delay in telling our families about the new faith and customs, it may make them resentful.\""
"Alice wrote a letter to her parents asking them for their opinions on some topic from the Bible that she felt they would like, including love."
"(1 Cor 2:3-4) He thanked them for their respect and attention, sending gifts to the men."
"When she visited her parents, he was keen to help his mother do the housework."
"Foufoun, her parents do not like when Alice talks out about his new faith."
"12 When Alice visited her parents, she continued to read the Bible every day."
"Alice said, \"It helped my mother understand that the Bible was so important to me.\""
"Alice’s father decided to learn the Bible in order for him and his son both understand each other' s thoughts, as well a way of finding error."
"Alice said: \"I gave my dad a Bible and I wrote messages for him in the bible.\""
"What is the result?"
"Finding herself mistaken, Alice's father read the Word of God to him in a way that deeply touched his heart."
"13 We need to show compassion but still stick with our decisions, even if we have difficulties."
"(1 Cor 4:2b) However, Alice had to endure because her mother was against it."
"Alice said: \"When I was baptized, my mother called me 'bad'.\""
"What did Alice do?"
"Alice added: \"I was not afraid to talk about my faith, but I explained with respect that it is a decision of mine and one which will be firmly held."
"I told my father that i loved him so much."
"We both ate together, and I didn't like any of his food."
"From then on, I began to realize that the Bible helped me become a better person.\""
"14. Requirements for the application of this Regulation"
"Why can’t we let family change our decision to serve Jehovah?"
"14 It may take time for our family to understand that serving Jehovah is so important."
"However, when Alice decides to serve as a pioneer instead of attending university like her parents wanted it was made up for."
"But Alice remained steadfast in her decision."
"Alice said: \"If we give up in one situation, then again our family will force us to change."
"But if we show compassion and don't let our family change the decision, sometimes some of them will listen to us.\""
"This happened to Alice."
"Her parents now serve as pioneers, and her father is an elder in a congregation."
"How can the congregation help our non-Witness family?"
"(See paragraphs 15-20.) *"
"According to Matthew 5:14-26 and I Peter, how can the \"good manners\" of our siblings help us in family?"
"15 Jehovah gives people to him through the \"good deeds\" of his servants."
"(Read Matthew 5:14-26; I Pet."
"If your spouse is not a Jehovah's Witnesse, has he or she met any siblings?"
"Today's Pauline invited the siblings to her home so that Wayne could get acquainted with them."
"Wayne recalled how one brother helped him get to know Jehovah’s Witnesses better."
"Wayne said, \"The brother took a vacation to watch me play ball.\""
"This helped Wayne realize that the Witnesses were not only interested in religion but also other things."
"16. Requirements for the application of this Regulation"
"Why do we need to invite our family members into meetings?"
"16 One good way to help our family is by inviting them at meetings with us."
"(1 Cor. 2:4) The first meeting Wayne attended was Memorial, so it took place after work and shortly thereafter; the rest of his time he spent with friends at home or in churches nearby to attend other congregations that had been opened up by him for a few years beforewards.[citation needed]"
"Wayne said, \"I didn't understand the discourse but I thought about peoples behavior."
"They approached to welcome me and shake my hand."
"I can feel that they are good people.\""
"A sister has shown compassion for Pauline by helping her and the children attend meetings or preach."
"So when Wayne decided to investigate Pauline's faith further, he asked the sister for a study with him."
"17. Amendment of the Constitution"
"What can we not blame ourselves for? For what couldn’t you be guilty of."
"But why can’t we give up to help our own family?"
"17 We want our whole family to serve Jehovah together."
"But if our family doesn't come in spontaneously even though we try so hard to help them."
"If so, we can't blame ourselves."
"Indeed, we cannot force people to accept our faith."
"But if our family can see that we are happy serving Jehovah, it will influence them."
"Pray for them."
"Speak to them with kindness, and be kind unto their hearts."
"Don't give up to help them."
"(Acts 20:19) Trust firmly that Jehovah will bless our self-exaltation."
"If our family chooses to listen, they will be saved."
"He understands their feeling ^ par."
"5 We want our family to know about Jehovah, but they must decide for themselves whether or not it is right of them."
"In this lesson, we will learn what you can do to help your family listen."
"1 Some names are not true."
"In this lesson, the word \"family\" refers to members of a family who have not yet served Jehovah. ^ par"
"53 DESIGN EXPLAINATION: A young sister helps her non-Witness father repair a car."
"In a good weather, he showed us some videos from jw.org(r). ^ par 2"
"54 EXPLAINATION OF DESIGN: A brother listened carefully to his non-Witness neighbor when he talked about work."
"The brother also moved in with his family. ^ par 2"
"57 EXPLAINATION OF DESIGN: A brother invites his congregation to come home."
"They showed interest in getting to know this brother's not his."
"After some time, the brother went to Memorial with him."
] |
Domingo Ramos – Diocese de Dili\nDiocese de Dili > NOTÍCIAS > LETURA DIÁRIA > Domingo Ramos\nLia housi livro profeta isaías nian\nSadia Nia, tan hakarak Nia di’ak!”. Refrão\nSegunda Leitura Flp. 2, 6-11\nMaun-alin sira : Jesus Cristo maski Maromak los, Nia la hatudu Nia ilas nu’udar Maromak, maibé, Nia haraik-An nu’udar atan, hodi mosu mai nu’udar mane los. Nu’udar mane los, Nia haraik-An liu atan, wainhira Nia halo tuir deit too mate, hodi mate iha Cruz! Tamba nee, Maromak hahí Nia, hodi haraik naran boot ida ba Nia, naran ida boot liu naran hotu hotu iha rai-klaran. Tan ne’e, ema hotu-hotu rona tiha Jesus nia naran, sei tuku tur hanai Nia iha lalehan, ka iha rai-klaran, ka iha inferno laran! Nunee mak povo houtu sei hatene katak Jesus Cristo mak Na’i, hodi fo glória ba Aman Maromak.\nRefrão : Liurai, glória rohan laek, ami hahí Ita!!! Repete-se\nCristo halo tuir de’it to’o mate, mate iha cruz\nTan ne’e, Maromak hahí Nia,\nNai Jesus Cristo nia Evangelho nudar São Marcos haktuir\nIha tempo nebá, besik daudaun ona ba Jerusalém , besik rai Betfagé ho Betânia, iha foho ai oliveiras laran, Jesus haruka nia escolante na’in rua ba, hodi dehan:”imi ba iha knua nebá, hela iha imi oin; imi tama ba, imi sei haré kedas kuda burro oan ida, kesi hela, ema ida seidauk sae. Imi kore tiha nia, lori mai. Ema ruma husu karik imi, tan sá imi halo nee, imi dehan: Na’i hakarak nia, maibé, la kleur sei haruka lori fali mai iha ne’e. Sira ba, sira hetan kuda burro oan ida kesi hela iha odamatan ida, iha liur, besik luron; sira kore tiha nia. Ema balun be hela iha nebá, husu ba sira: tan s’a, imi kore kuda burro oan?” Sira hatan tuir Jesus hanourin, ema husik sira la’o. Sira lori kuda burro oan mai Jesus, tau tiha sira hena iha leten, Jesus sa’e ba nia. Ema barak nahe sira hena iha dalan, sira seluk nahe aisanak matak nebe sira tesi iha to’os. Sira be lao iha oin ho sira be lao iha kotuk, haklalak, dehan:”Hossana! Di’ak tebes ida be mai hodi Na’I nia naran! Di’ak tebes Aman David nia Reino nebé, to’o daudaun mai. Hossana áas ba!”.\nPrevious PostSábado, V Semana tempo Quaresma Next PostHARAIK-AN NUDAR ATAN HODI SERVI | [
"Domingo Ramos - Diocese de Dili Diocese de Dili > NOTICIAS > LETURA DIARIA > Domingo Ramos Lia housi livro profeta isaias nian Sadia Nia, tan hakarak Nia di'ak!.\"",
"Refrao Segunda Leitura Flp.",
"2, 6-11 Maun-alin sira: Jesus Cristo maski Maromak los, Nia la hatudu Nia ilas nu'udar Maromak, maibe, Nia haraik-An nu'udar atan, hodi mosu mai nu'udar mane los.",
"Nu'udar mane los, Nia haraik-An liu atan, wainhira Nia halo tuir deit too mate, hodi mate iha Cruz!",
"Tamba nee, Maromak hahi Nia, hodi haraik naran boot ida ba Nia, naran ida boot liu naran hotu hotu iha rai-klaran.",
"Tan ne'e, ema hotu-hotu rona tiha Jesus nia naran, sei tuku tur hanai Nia iha lalehan, ka iha rai-klaran, ka iha inferno laran!",
"Nunee mak povo houtu sei hatene katak Jesus Cristo mak Na'i, hodi fo gloria ba Aman Maromak.",
"Refrao: Liurai, gloria rohan laek, ami hahi Ita!!!",
"Repete-se Cristo halo tuir de'it to'o mate, mate iha cruz Tan ne'e, Maromak hahi Nia, Nai Jesus Cristo nia Evangelho nudar Sao Marcos haktuir Iha tempo neba, besik daudaun ona ba Jerusalem , besik rai Betfage ho Betania, iha foho ai oliveiras laran, Jesus haruka nia escolante na'in rua ba, hodi dehan:\"imi ba iha knua neba, hela iha imi oin; imi tama ba, imi sei hare kedas kuda burro oan ida, kesi hela, ema ida seidauk sae.",
"Imi kore tiha nia, lori mai.",
"Ema ruma husu karik imi, tan sa imi halo nee, imi dehan: Na'i hakarak nia, maibe, la kleur sei haruka lori fali mai iha ne'e.",
"Sira ba, sira hetan kuda burro oan ida kesi hela iha odamatan ida, iha liur, besik luron; sira kore tiha nia.",
"Ema balun be hela iha neba, husu ba sira: tan s'a, imi kore kuda burro oan?\"",
"Sira hatan tuir Jesus hanourin, ema husik sira la'o.",
"Sira lori kuda burro oan mai Jesus, tau tiha sira hena iha leten, Jesus sa'e ba nia.",
"Ema barak nahe sira hena iha dalan, sira seluk nahe aisanak matak nebe sira tesi iha to'os.",
"Sira be lao iha oin ho sira be lao iha kotuk, haklalak, dehan:\"Hossana!",
"Di'ak tebes ida be mai hodi Na'I nia naran!",
"Di'ak tebes Aman David nia Reino nebe, to'o daudaun mai.",
"Hossana aas ba!.\"",
"Previous PostSabado, V Semana tempo Quaresma Next PostHARAIK-AN NUDAR ATAN HODI SERVI"
] | [
"Domingo Ramos - Diocese of Dili The diocese > NEWS> DAILY READINGS 2018-35: Sunday Ramos Read from the book prophet Isaiah \"Sadia Nia, tan hakarak Ni'ak!.\""
"Refrain Second Reading Flp. 1:20-34"
"Romans 2:6-10 Brothers and sisters, Jesus Christ being God did not show himself to be a god but gave Himself as servant so that He might appear like man."
"As a true man, He gave Himself more than His servants when he followed them to death on the Cross!"
"Therefore God loved him, and bestowed on his head a great name above every other that is in the world."
"Therefore, everyone who hears the name of Jesus will sit down and worship Him in heaven or on earth."
"That the whole people may know that Jesus Christ is Lord, to glory of God our Father."
"Refrao: Liurai, gloria rohan laek. Ami hahi Ita!!!"
"And it came to pass, when they were drawing nigh unto Jerusalem and near the cities of Bethphage (which is called Bethany), by Olivet trees; that Jesus sent two disciples saying: \"Go ye into a farm. There abideth before you an ass-child sitting on its shoulder in front thereof.\""
"When you have taken him out, bring it back."
"And if any man ask you, Why do ye this? say: The Lord willeth it; but he shall shortly send and bring me hither."
"And they went and found a colt lying by the door outside, near to their back; on it were saddled."
"Some of the inhabitants there said to them, \"Why do you ride donkeys?\""
"And they answered as Jesus had said, and were let go."
"And they brought unto him the colt, and laid grass upon it: whereupon he sat up."
"Many people were eating their grass on the roads, while others ate thick leaven they had cut in a forest."
"And they that went before and those which followed cried out, saying: Hosanna!"
"Blessed is he that cometh in the name of God: for blessed [is] He who comes."
"Blessed is the kingdom of our father David, which cometh and reigneth."
"Hossana aas ba!!\""
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Hasoru Eleisaun 2012 TLPC Kria Ekipa Monitorizasaun – Radio Liberdade Dili – FM 95.8 Mhz\nHasoru Eleisaun 2012 TLPC Kria Ekipa Monitorizasaun\nRadio, online – Organizasaun jornalista Timor Leste Press Club (TLPC) kria ekipa monitorizasaun hodi hare ba aktividades jornalizmu nian iha prosesu eleisaun geral tinan ne’e.\n“Ita hari ekipa ne’e laos deit atu defende jornalista sira maibe atu hare mos etika jornalizmu nian iha kobertura ba eleisaun tinan ne’e,”dehan Prezidenti TLPC Paulino Quintas iha Kristu Rey iha serimonia konsolidasaun membru TLPC Sabadu, (28/1).\nPrezidenti TLPC ne’e reforsa katak, iha komisaun ne’e mos husu ba kandidatu no politiku sira atu respeitu liberdade da emprensa, liliu ba jornalista sira atu livre iha kobertura eleisaun geral.\nEleisaun mai ne’e eventu bo’ot no importante tebes ne’ebe knar jornalista sei infrenta dezafiu barak liliu parte kobertura no atendementu husi lider sira.\n“Ba kolega jornalista sira ekipa monitorizsaun ne’e sei atende problemas mak jornalista hasoru nune’e mos hare ba kontiudu notisias ne’ebe labele ses kode etika jornalista ne’ebe universal,Quintas reafirma.\nXefi ekipa monitorizasaun Eliterio Sousa dehan, ekipa monitorizasaun sei esforsu maka’as hodi hare ba knar jornalista nian no defende ba servisu jornalista sira wainhira hetan presaun. Maske ekipa ne’e foin mak hari maibe iha gia hodi halao knar.\n“Ami sei esforsu hodi hare ba prosesu tomak konaba kobertura jornalista nian iha eleisaun mai ne’e. Hau husu ba jornalista sira see iha eleisaun mai ne’e mak hetan presaun tenki mai fo hatene ba ekipa monitorizasaun,”dehan Eliterio ho esperensa.\nIha konsolidasaun ne’e TLPC mos fahe kartaun membru hodi sai indentidade halao knar jornalista no hamahan-an iha TLPC.\nRamos Horta Re-Kandidata ba PR\nEnfarmagem -Parteiras 107 Baisarelato | [
"Hasoru Eleisaun 2012 TLPC Kria Ekipa Monitorizasaun - Radio Liberdade Dili - FM 95.8 Mhz Hasoru Eleisaun 2012 TLPC Kria Ekipa Monitorizasaun Radio, online - Organizasaun jornalista Timor Leste Press Club (TLPC) kria ekipa monitorizasaun hodi hare ba aktividades jornalizmu nian iha prosesu eleisaun geral tinan ne'e.",
"\"Ita hari ekipa ne'e laos deit atu defende jornalista sira maibe atu hare mos etika jornalizmu nian iha kobertura ba eleisaun tinan ne'e,\"dehan Prezidenti TLPC Paulino Quintas iha Kristu Rey iha serimonia konsolidasaun membru TLPC Sabadu, (28/1).",
"Prezidenti TLPC ne'e reforsa katak, iha komisaun ne'e mos husu ba kandidatu no politiku sira atu respeitu liberdade da emprensa, liliu ba jornalista sira atu livre iha kobertura eleisaun geral.",
"Eleisaun mai ne'e eventu bo'ot no importante tebes ne'ebe knar jornalista sei infrenta dezafiu barak liliu parte kobertura no atendementu husi lider sira.",
"\"Ba kolega jornalista sira ekipa monitorizsaun ne'e sei atende problemas mak jornalista hasoru nune'e mos hare ba kontiudu notisias ne'ebe labele ses kode etika jornalista ne'ebe universal,Quintas reafirma.",
"Xefi ekipa monitorizasaun Eliterio Sousa dehan, ekipa monitorizasaun sei esforsu maka'as hodi hare ba knar jornalista nian no defende ba servisu jornalista sira wainhira hetan presaun.",
"Maske ekipa ne'e foin mak hari maibe iha gia hodi halao knar.",
"\"Ami sei esforsu hodi hare ba prosesu tomak konaba kobertura jornalista nian iha eleisaun mai ne'e.",
"Hau husu ba jornalista sira see iha eleisaun mai ne'e mak hetan presaun tenki mai fo hatene ba ekipa monitorizasaun,\"dehan Eliterio ho esperensa.",
"Iha konsolidasaun ne'e TLPC mos fahe kartaun membru hodi sai indentidade halao knar jornalista no hamahan-an iha TLPC.",
"Ramos Horta Re-Kandidata ba PR Enfarmagem -Parteiras 107 Baisarelato"
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"TLPC Creates Monitoring Team Ahead of 2013 General Election - Radio Liberdade Dili, FM95.8 Mhz Hasoru Eleisaun"
"\"We have created this team not only to defend journalists but also in view of journalism ethics when covering the elections,\" said TLPC President Paulino Quintas at Kristu Rey during a ceremony for consolidating members on Saturday (28/1)."
"The TLPC President emphasizes that the commission also asks candidates and politician to respect freedom of enterprise, especially for journalist in coverage general election."
"The upcoming elections are a huge and important event in which journalists will face many challenges, including coverage of the leaders."
"\"For our fellow journalists, this monitoring team will address the problems that they face and also look at news content which does not comply with a universal journalism code of ethics."
"The head of the monitoring team Eliterio Sousa said, \"The monitors will make every effort to look after journalistic work and defend it when under pressure."
"Although the team is newly formed, it has already been able to carry out its work."
"\"We will strive to look at the whole process of journalistic coverage in upcoming elections."
"I ask journalists who are under pressure in the upcoming elections to come and tell our monitoring team,\" Eliterio said with hope."
"In this consolidation, TLPC also distributed membership cards as an identity to carry out journalistic work and stay in the SLCP."
"Ramos Horta Re-Kandidata ba PR Enfarmagem -Parteiras 107 Baisarelato"
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Treinadór portugés sente satisfeitu tebes ho vida ne’ebé hala’o iha transalpina, ba servisu Fiorentina.\nPaulo Sousa garante kontente tebes tanba bele partisipa iha kampeonatu italianu. Tékniku portugés ne’e sente kontente tebes ho influénsia ne’ebé lori mai Serie A.\n"Ha’u hanesan treinadór ida kontente tebes bele iha Itália. Jeralmenta treinadór sira estuda maka’as, ne’ebé fó oportunidade atu evolui. Ha’u moos satisfeitu bele sai algu futeból italianu", hatete Sousa, maski iha kontestu seluk, liliu kona-ba jogu aban hasoru Roma.\nAntigu jogadór Juventus fó sai katak nia hakarak kontinua faze di’ak ne’ebé liu ho Fiorentina, maka konta vitória tolu iha jogu haat ikus, entre sira ida hasoru 'Vecchia Signora'.\n"Ami sei nafatin ho atitude hanesan hasoru Juventus. Roma iha jogadór forte liu, velosidade iha parte loos no alternativu oioin atu marka. Realidade sei kria difikuldade diferente duk’e sira ne’ebé kria hasoru Juve.", nia haktuir.\nRekorda katak Paulo Sousa bele aponta hanesan treinadór Juventus tuir mai, hafoin époka di’ak ne’ebé hala’o ho servisu Fiorentina, maka okupa iha pozisaun dahitu, pontu lima ba fatin europeu.\ntags: futebol internacional, liga italia, paulo sousa\nDanny Blind demitido do c...\nCristiano Ronaldo recebe ... | [
"Treinador portuges sente satisfeitu tebes ho vida ne'ebe hala'o iha transalpina, ba servisu Fiorentina.",
"Paulo Sousa garante kontente tebes tanba bele partisipa iha kampeonatu italianu.",
"Tekniku portuges ne'e sente kontente tebes ho influensia ne'ebe lori mai Serie A.",
"\"Ha'u hanesan treinador ida kontente tebes bele iha Italia.",
"Jeralmenta treinador sira estuda maka'as, ne'ebe fo oportunidade atu evolui.",
"Ha'u moos satisfeitu bele sai algu futebol italianu,\" hatete Sousa, maski iha kontestu seluk, liliu kona-ba jogu aban hasoru Roma.",
"Antigu jogador Juventus fo sai katak nia hakarak kontinua faze di'ak ne'ebe liu ho Fiorentina, maka konta vitoria tolu iha jogu haat ikus, entre sira ida hasoru 'Vecchia Signora'.",
"\"Ami sei nafatin ho atitude hanesan hasoru Juventus.",
"Roma iha jogador forte liu, velosidade iha parte loos no alternativu oioin atu marka.",
"Realidade sei kria difikuldade diferente duk'e sira ne'ebe kria hasoru Juve.,\" nia haktuir.",
"Rekorda katak Paulo Sousa bele aponta hanesan treinador Juventus tuir mai, hafoin epoka di'ak ne'ebe hala'o ho servisu Fiorentina, maka okupa iha pozisaun dahitu, pontu lima ba fatin europeu. tags: futebol internacional, liga italia, paulo sousa Danny Blind demitido do c...",
"Cristiano Ronaldo recebe ..."
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"The Portuguese coach feels very satisfied with the life he has been living in Transalpina, for Fiorentina."
"Paulo Sousa assures that he is very happy to be participating in the Italian championship."
"The Portuguese coach is very satisfied with the influence he brings to Serie A."
"\"As a coach, I'm very happy to be in Italy."
"Generally coaches study a lot, which gives them the opportunity to evolve."
"I'm satisfied to be an Italian footballer,\" said Sousa in a different context but especially about tomorrow’s match against Roma."
"The former Juventus player has made it clear that he wants to continue the good phase of his past with Fiorentina, who have scored three victories in their last four matches including one against 'La Vecchia Signora'."
"\"We will continue with the same attitude against Juventus."
"Roma had stronger players, speed on the right and different alternatives to score."
"Reality will create different difficulties than those created against Juve,\" he said."
"Recorded that Paulo Sousa could be named as the next coach of Juventus, after a good season with Fiorentina which is in eighth place at five points from European places. tags: international football"
"Cristiano Ronaldo receives ..."
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TEMPO SEMANAL: PARTE III : Opinaun Husi Estudante Kona Ba Alegasaun Emilia Aprova Fundus Ba Mac’s Metalcraft\nPARTE III : Opinaun Husi Estudante Kona Ba Alegasaun Emilia Aprova Fundus Ba Mac’s Metalcraft\nEstudantes Universitariu iha sira nia komentariu husu atu KAK investiga Ministra Finanacas ne'ebe tuir sira nia hanoin dehan Ministra Emilia uza ninia poder hanesan Ministra financas hodi koko hariku ninia familia (red-Kaben) liu husi fornecimentu ekipamentu ba ospital sira iha Timor Leste.\nFuturu jerasaun sira ne'e alega katak transparencia hanesan kurtina de'it maibe iha hahalok lakon la tuir bu'at ne'ebe Membru do governu ne'e komunga.\nLiu foin sa'e Timor oan sira ne'e husu atu KAK halo tara bandu ba ministra Finanacas atu labele halai husi nasaun ne'e ba fali nasaun seluk.\nEstudantes sira mos kondena hahalok KKN ne'ebe bele foo impaktu ladiak ba Futuru nasaun nune'e sira sei ezije nafatin atu kombate hahalok ne'e tan ba KKN ne'e halo husi ema ukun nain sira no ema riku sira la'os husi ema povu simplis ida.\nNaran : Jeremias Gomes\nKazu alegasaun harosu Ministra Finansas Emilia Pires ne’ebé aprova fundus ba ninia kaben mak akontese duni, ha’u hanoin ministra refere tenke toma responsabilidade ba aktu ida ne’e.\nhahalok ida ne’e hatudu katak, Ministra Finansas la iha responsabilidade moral tanba nia (red-Ministra Finansas) uza ninia poder hanesan ukun nain hodi aprova fundus ba ninia kaben.\nIta husu KAK atu halo mos hanesan KPK halo hodi bandu Ministra Financas atu halai husi Timor Leste kuandu hahu ona investigasaun. Ha'u rona katak Ministra ne'e iha cidadaun rua entaun hanesan estudante preokupa ho Ukun nain passaporte rua. Karik ami deskonfia sira bele halai tiha entaun ita maka lakon.\nKlarumente entidade hotu hatene saida mak KKN. KKN hahalok ida ne’ebé la di’ak. Ne’e duni, tenke kombate, se lae bele fó ameasa ba futuru nasaun nian.\nHanesan estudante ami sei la nonok. Maibe, ami sei ajize nafatin ba V Governu atu nakloke an hodi husik ninia membru ne’ebé hetan alegasaun atu responsabiliza ninia hahalok.\nHa’u hanoin KAK presiza hala’o duni investigasaun ba Ministra Finansas no husu mís ba KAK atu hala’o serbisu ho imparsialidade, neutru iha prosesu ida ne’e nia laran.\nNaran : Ernesto Sequeira\nEstadu ida ne’e hari ho ran, ruin no ema barak mak mate ba rai ne’e. Ne’e duni, ukun ain sira ne’ebé ukun rai ne’e tenke ukun halo didi’ak hodi nune’e povu mós bele sente benefisiu husi ukun rasik an.\nHa’u hanoin alegasaun kKN hasoru Ministra Finansas presiza investigasaun ida klean atu nune’e bele justifika katak alegasaun hasoru Ministra Finansas ne’e loos duni ou lae..?\nMaibe, relasiona ho kazu envolvevimentu Ministra Finansas hodi aprova fundus ba ninia kaben hatudu katak Ministra Finansas hakarak atu hariku ninia familia no ninia an rasik.\nHanesan estudante tuir ha’u nia hare la’os povu ki’ik no ki’ak mak komete aktu KKN. Maibe, pratika KKN ne’e mosu husi ukun nain sira. Hanesan cidadaun ita labele tolera atetude membru do governu ida ne'ebe hatene lei maibe sei viola hela.\nEstudante la iha poder atu halo investigasaun no la iha poder atu julga ema. Maibe, estudante iha papel importante atu hato’o kritikan no ejize ba governu, liu-liu KAK atu hala’o investigasaun ba Ministra Finansas relasiona ho aktu ne’ebé Ministra komete.\nNaran : Julio Ximenes\nTanba, tuir buat ne’ebé publika iha jornal katak prosesu kona ba Ministra Finansas aprova fundus ba ninia kaben nia kompainha hodi suplay ekipamentus mediku nian liu husi dalan single source.\nIta hotu hatene katak, korrupsaun ne’e hahalok ne’ebé la di’ak no hahalok ne’e bele estraga futuru nasaun. Ne’e duni, husu ba orgaun kompotente atu halo investigasaun ne’ebé klean ba prosesu ida ne’e inklui mos presu ba sasan sira ne'ebe maka hatama husi kompania ne'ebe dehan ministra ninia kaben nian ne'e. Tan ba keta halo sira mos halo mark up ba presu tan ba ita bele ba geogle presu ninian aas liu fali kompania sira seluk.\nNaran : Orpa Lay\nKazu alegasaun harosu Ministra Finansas Emilia Pires ne’ebé aprova fundus ba ninia kaben mak akontese duni, ha’u hanoin ministra refere tenke toma responsabilidade ba nia lala'os ida ne’e.\nAtetude ida ne'e hatudu momos no klaru tebes mai ita katak, Ministra Finansas la iha responsabilidade moral tanba nia uza ninia poder hanesan ukun nain hodi aprova fundus ba ninia kaben atu hariku sira nia aan.\nNe'e hatudu momos katak entidade balun hatene lala'ok ne'e viola lei no KKN hahalok ida ne’ebé la di’ak. Dala barak sira finjidu liu-liu ko'alia kona ba transparencia no akauntabilidade maibe ba iha porta transparencia ita buka naran kompania Metalcraft ka ministra ninia kaben manan projeitu la tau iha ne'eba. Nune'e duni hakarak ka lakohi ita tenke kombate no nu'udar estudante ami sei la nonok.\nAmi sei ajize nafatin ba V Governu atu nakloke an hodi husik ninia membru ne’ebé hetan alegasaun atu ba hatan ninia salan.\nLabels: emilia pires, Estudantes komentar kona ba Emilia, KKN | [
"TEMPO SEMANAL: PARTE III: Opinaun Husi Estudante Kona Ba Alegasaun Emilia Aprova Fundus Ba Mac's Metalcraft PARTE III: Opinaun Husi Estudante Kona Ba Alegasaun Emilia Aprova Fundus Ba Mac's Metalcraft Estudantes Universitariu iha sira nia komentariu husu atu KAK investiga Ministra Finanacas ne'ebe tuir sira nia hanoin dehan Ministra Emilia uza ninia poder hanesan Ministra financas hodi koko hariku ninia familia (red-Kaben) liu husi fornecimentu ekipamentu ba ospital sira iha Timor Leste.",
"Futuru jerasaun sira ne'e alega katak transparencia hanesan kurtina de'it maibe iha hahalok lakon la tuir bu'at ne'ebe Membru do governu ne'e komunga.",
"Liu foin sa'e Timor oan sira ne'e husu atu KAK halo tara bandu ba ministra Finanacas atu labele halai husi nasaun ne'e ba fali nasaun seluk.",
"Estudantes sira mos kondena hahalok KKN ne'ebe bele foo impaktu ladiak ba Futuru nasaun nune'e sira sei ezije nafatin atu kombate hahalok ne'e tan ba KKN ne'e halo husi ema ukun nain sira no ema riku sira la'os husi ema povu simplis ida.",
"Naran: Jeremias Gomes Kazu alegasaun harosu Ministra Finansas Emilia Pires ne'ebe aprova fundus ba ninia kaben mak akontese duni, ha'u hanoin ministra refere tenke toma responsabilidade ba aktu ida ne'e. hahalok ida ne'e hatudu katak, Ministra Finansas la iha responsabilidade moral tanba nia (red-Ministra Finansas) uza ninia poder hanesan ukun nain hodi aprova fundus ba ninia kaben.",
"Ita husu KAK atu halo mos hanesan KPK halo hodi bandu Ministra Financas atu halai husi Timor Leste kuandu hahu ona investigasaun.",
"Ha'u rona katak Ministra ne'e iha cidadaun rua entaun hanesan estudante preokupa ho Ukun nain passaporte rua.",
"Karik ami deskonfia sira bele halai tiha entaun ita maka lakon.",
"Klarumente entidade hotu hatene saida mak KKN.",
"KKN hahalok ida ne'ebe la di'ak.",
"Ne'e duni, tenke kombate, se lae bele fo ameasa ba futuru nasaun nian.",
"Hanesan estudante ami sei la nonok.",
"Maibe, ami sei ajize nafatin ba V Governu atu nakloke an hodi husik ninia membru ne'ebe hetan alegasaun atu responsabiliza ninia hahalok.",
"Ha'u hanoin KAK presiza hala'o duni investigasaun ba Ministra Finansas no husu mis ba KAK atu hala'o serbisu ho imparsialidade, neutru iha prosesu ida ne'e nia laran.",
"Naran: Ernesto Sequeira Estadu ida ne'e hari ho ran, ruin no ema barak mak mate ba rai ne'e.",
"Ne'e duni, ukun ain sira ne'ebe ukun rai ne'e tenke ukun halo didi'ak hodi nune'e povu mos bele sente benefisiu husi ukun rasik an.",
"Ha'u hanoin alegasaun kKN hasoru Ministra Finansas presiza investigasaun ida klean atu nune'e bele justifika katak alegasaun hasoru Ministra Finansas ne'e loos duni ou lae..?",
"Maibe, relasiona ho kazu envolvevimentu Ministra Finansas hodi aprova fundus ba ninia kaben hatudu katak Ministra Finansas hakarak atu hariku ninia familia no ninia an rasik.",
"Hanesan estudante tuir ha'u nia hare la'os povu ki'ik no ki'ak mak komete aktu KKN.",
"Maibe, pratika KKN ne'e mosu husi ukun nain sira.",
"Hanesan cidadaun ita labele tolera atetude membru do governu ida ne'ebe hatene lei maibe sei viola hela.",
"Estudante la iha poder atu halo investigasaun no la iha poder atu julga ema.",
"Maibe, estudante iha papel importante atu hato'o kritikan no ejize ba governu, liu-liu KAK atu hala'o investigasaun ba Ministra Finansas relasiona ho aktu ne'ebe Ministra komete.",
"Naran: Julio Ximenes Tanba, tuir buat ne'ebe publika iha jornal katak prosesu kona ba Ministra Finansas aprova fundus ba ninia kaben nia kompainha hodi suplay ekipamentus mediku nian liu husi dalan single source.",
"Ita hotu hatene katak, korrupsaun ne'e hahalok ne'ebe la di'ak no hahalok ne'e bele estraga futuru nasaun.",
"Ne'e duni, husu ba orgaun kompotente atu halo investigasaun ne'ebe klean ba prosesu ida ne'e inklui mos presu ba sasan sira ne'ebe maka hatama husi kompania ne'ebe dehan ministra ninia kaben nian ne'e.",
"Tan ba keta halo sira mos halo mark up ba presu tan ba ita bele ba geogle presu ninian aas liu fali kompania sira seluk.",
"Naran: Orpa Lay Kazu alegasaun harosu Ministra Finansas Emilia Pires ne'ebe aprova fundus ba ninia kaben mak akontese duni, ha'u hanoin ministra refere tenke toma responsabilidade ba nia lala'os ida ne'e.",
"Atetude ida ne'e hatudu momos no klaru tebes mai ita katak, Ministra Finansas la iha responsabilidade moral tanba nia uza ninia poder hanesan ukun nain hodi aprova fundus ba ninia kaben atu hariku sira nia aan.",
"Ne'e hatudu momos katak entidade balun hatene lala'ok ne'e viola lei no KKN hahalok ida ne'ebe la di'ak.",
"Dala barak sira finjidu liu-liu ko'alia kona ba transparencia no akauntabilidade maibe ba iha porta transparencia ita buka naran kompania Metalcraft ka ministra ninia kaben manan projeitu la tau iha ne'eba.",
"Nune'e duni hakarak ka lakohi ita tenke kombate no nu'udar estudante ami sei la nonok.",
"Ami sei ajize nafatin ba V Governu atu nakloke an hodi husik ninia membru ne'ebe hetan alegasaun atu ba hatan ninia salan.",
"Labels: emilia pires, Estudantes komentar kona ba Emilia, KKN"
] | [
"TEMPO SEMANAL: PARTE III - OPINION FROM STUDENTS ON THE ALLEGATION THAT EMILIA APPROVES FOUND FOR MAC's METALCRAFT University students in their comments requested that the KAK investigate Minister of Finance Emilia, who they believed used her power as finance minister to spoil his family (red-Kaben) by providing equipment for hospital facilities on Timor Leste."
"These future generations claim that transparency is just a curtain but there are false acts of corruption involving government members."
"Recently, these Timorese have asked the CPC to ban Minister of Finance from leaving their country for another."
"The students also condemned the actions of KKN which could have a negative impact on our country's future and they will continue to demand that it be fought because this is done by those in power, rich people not simply ordinary citizens."
"Name: Jeremias Gomes The case of the allegation that Finance Minister Emilia Piries approved funds for her spouse is true, I think this minister should take responsibility. This act demonstrates a lack in moral responsibility on behalf to finance ministry because she (Finance Ministry) used its power as ruler and authorized funding from fundraising activities towards his wife' s expense!"
"We ask the CPC to do as it did with KPK, which barred Finance Minister from leaving Timor-Leste after an investigation had begun."
"I have heard that the Minister has dual citizenship so as a student she is concerned about having two passports."
"If we don't trust them and they can get away, then you lose."
"Clearly all entities know what KKN is."
"KKN is not a good behavior."
"It must be fought, otherwise it can threaten the future of our country."
"As a student, I have been there for years."
"However, we will continue to call on the V Government of Spain and its members who have been accused in this case for their actions."
"I think the CPC needs to carry out an investigation into Minister of Finance and ask that it work with impartiality, neutrality in this process."
"Name: Ernesto Sequeira This state was built with blood, ruin and many people died for this country."
"However, the rulers who rule this country must govern well so that people can also feel benefits of their own sovereignty."
"I think the allegations of kKN against Minister Finance need a clear investigation so that it can be justified whether or not all these accusations are true."
"However, in relation to the case of involvement by Finance Minister for approving funds on her husband shows that she wants its family and itself."
"As a student, in my view it is not the small and poor people who commit KKN acts."
"However, the practice of KKN is a result from rulers."
"As citizens, we cannot tolerate the attitude of a government member who knows about law but still violates it."
"The student has no power to investigate and he/she does not have the right of judgment."
"However, students have an important role to play in raising criticism and demanding that the government - especially CPC – conduct investigations into Minister of Finance's actions."
"Name: Julio Ximenes Because, according to what was published in the newspaper that processes concerning Minister of Finance approved funds for her husband's company supply medical equipment through a single source."
"We all know that corruption is a bad thing and it can ruin the future of our country."
"Therefore, he asked the competent organs to carry out a clear investigation into this process including prices of good ones that were delivered by companies claiming it was her husband' s company."
"Because not only do they make a mark up on the price so we can goggle this higher than other companies."
"Naran: Orpa Lay The case of the allegations against Finance Minister Emilia Pires who approved funds for her spouse did happen, I think that minister should take responsibility."
"This attitude clearly shows us that the Minister of Finance has no moral responsibility because she used her power as ruler to approve funds for his spouse's self-destruction."
"This clearly shows that some entities know this is a violation of the law and KKN's behaviour."
"Many times they talk about transparency and accountability but when we go to the Transparency portal, if you look for Metalcraft or a minister's wife win project names are not listed."
"Therefore, whether we want it or not you have to fight and as a student I will never give up."
"We will continue to call on the V Government, in order for its members who have been accused of wrongdoing and are being held accountable."
"Labels: emilia pires, KKN Comments on Emilia"
] |
Fehuk midar - Hadi’a siguransa ai-han liu husi hasa’e produtividade ai-han prinsipál’\n2.2.2 Análiza testu fehuk midar husi tinan no fatin barak\n2.2.3 OFDTs fehuk midar tinan 2010-2011\n2.2 Fehuk midar\n2.2.1 Testu replikadu fehuk midar, 2010-2011\nVaridade fehuk midar (Ipomoea batatas) ne’ebé koko husi SoL introdus husi International Potato Centre (CIP) regional office iha Indonézia durante tinan 10 kotuk ba. Halo ona testu fehuk midar ho pakote varidade oin 12 (inklui lokál checks 2) durante tinan hirak nia laran, ne’ebé fasilita selesaun ba varidade oin tolu ne’ebé lansa iha tinan 2007 (CIP 01, 06 ho 07 ho naran idaidak Hohrae 1, 2, 3).\nDezde tempu udan tinan 2008-2009, halo ona investigasaun ba varidade fehuk midar adisionál iha testu replikadu no kompara ho local checks no Hohrae. Varidade ne’ebé hatudu rezultadu diak iha testu observasionál antes inklui mos iha ne’e, depende ba kuantidade fini/materiais kuda ne’ebé disponível.\nMétodu no materiais\nTestu replikadu iha tinan 2011 halo iha sentru peskiza Betano, Baucau, Aileu ho Loes. Idaidak ho dezeñu bloku randomizadu kompletu ho replikasaun tolu, medida kanteru 5 x 5 m. Kain ne’ebé kuda foti husi Loes. Kuda kain ida kada rai kuak ho espasu 100 x 50 cm (ex. hun 2 /m²). Testu ne’e la uza adubu no mos bee irigasaun, so Aileu deit mak uza (15 kg/ha husi N ho P) ne’ebé area sentru ki’ik la permite ou la fasilita atu fila rai. Testu ne’e kuda iha fulan Janeiru no Fevereiru 2011 no koileta entre fin de Máiu ho Agostu 2011 (Tabela 28).\nTabela 28. Detallu kona ba kuda no koileta varidade fehuk midar ne’ebé koko, tempu udan 2011\nAileu (K. Portugal.)\n15 /2/ 2011\n17 /8/ 2011\n06 /1/ 2011\n27 /1/ 2011\n30 /5/ 2011\n18 /2/ 2011\n11 /7/ 2011\nRezultadu produsaun, komponente produsaun no vantajen produsaun\nIha tempu koileta, númeru ai-horis, númeru no todan isin husi típu oioin no total produsaun husi area/kanteru idaidak rejista hotu.\nPara atu determina efeitu husi varidade, dadus husi testu idaidak análiza ketaketak uza modúl análiza espasiais iha GenStat Discovery Edition4. Iha ne’e aplika testu oioin maibe depende ba prezénsia husi filleira no/ou kolom iha rezultadu produsaun.\nTabela 29. Testu estatístiku ne’ebé uza hodi análiza varidade fehuk midar ne’ebé koko iha tinan 2010/11.\nAR1 Random on Column\nOne-way in Randomized blocks\nAR1 Linear on Column\nVantajen produsaun kalkula husi méiu previstada ba médiu lokál. Existénsia no nível korelasaun entre méiu previstada no parametru isin identifika uza Simple Linear Regressions. Tanba rezultadu produsaun kuaze diferente makaas husi testu ida ho testu ida seluk, maka aplika regresaun individual (hanesan opozisaun atu halo regresaun ba dadus hotu-hotu ne’ebé iha) para atu determina karik korelasaun signifikante ka lae. Persentajen variabilidade ne’ebé reprezenta mak ekuivalénsia ba R² ajustadu.\nAgrikultór nia preferénsia\nLoron to’os nain halo iha sentru peskiza Loes ho Betano iha tempu koileta para atu avalia agrikultór sira-nia preferénsia ba varidade fehuk midar no atu determina karaterístiku ne’ebé agrikultór sira fó valór. Númeru varidade ne’ebé koko (inklui lokál rua) no partisipante sira haktuir detallu iha (Tabela 30).\nTabela 30. Koko sabór fehuk midar durante loron to’os nain, 2011.\nNúmeru varidade ne’ebé koko\nHanesan parte ida husi loron to’os nain, agrikultór sira halo inspesaun ba fehuk isin boko/fresku husi varidade hotu-hotu ne’ebé iha. Iha ne’e hatudu fehuk isin hotu-hotu husi replikadu ida hodi fasilita agrikultór sira para bele avalia nia rezultadu produsaun no mos karaterístiku sira seluk husi varidade ida-ida. Hotu tiha, hatudu mos sample fehuk da’an ba agrikultór sira no husu ba sira atu avalia nia karaterístika sabór. Iha ne’e sei husu ba agrikultór sira karik jeralmente sira gosta varidade ne’e no oinsa sira koko nia midar. Kritériu hirak ne’e importante tebes para atu bele defini kona ba kualidade han husi fehuk midar. Finalmente, husu ba agrikultór sira karik sira hakarak kuda varidade hirak ne’e ka lae.\nAtu análiza agrikultór sira-nia preferénsia, iha ne’e uza Unbalanced ANOVAs hodi check efeitu husi sentru, varidade no jéneru. Aplika korelasaun ho Simple Linear Regressions e depois kalkula ho méiu previstada varidade nian.\nRezultadu no vantajen produsaun\naprezenta kona ba rezultadu produsaun ne’ebé hetan husi fatin idaida ba varidade hotu-hotu ne’ebé koko no mos koresponde vantajen produsaun ne’ebé liu local checks.\nTabela 31. Rezultadu no vantajen produsaun fehuk midar, 2010/11\nVantajen produsaun (%) iha fatin testu\nVantajen produsaun (%)\nF/Chi Sq. Prob.*.\n%CV / F Statistic*\nIha tinan 2011 ho vantajen produsaun dala 2 ½ liu varidade lokál, varidade ne’ebé koko hanesan CIP 71 ho CIP 72 hatudu produsaun ne’ebé aas liu varidade Hohrae 3 ne’ebé lansa ou varidade ne’ebé fó produsaun aas liu iha tinan antes. Varidade oin rua ne’ebé koko halo ona testu priméiru iha tinan antes hamutuk ho CIP 72 hanesan varidade ida ne’ebé fó mos produsaun aas iha tinan ida ne’e (CIP 71 iha fatin peskiza ida deit iha tinan 2010). Varidade ne’ebé fó produsaun aas depois de CIP 71 ho CIP 72 mak varidade hirak ne’ebé fó produsaun aas iha tinan antes, Hohrae 3 ho CIP 83, ne’ebé rua ne’e fó vantajen produsaun liu 100%. Varidade seluk ne’ebé lansa, Hohrae 2 mos hatudu produsaun ne’ebé diak no nia vantajen produsaun kuaze dóbru liu lokál. Varidade oin tolu ne’ebé koko inklui Hohrae 1 hatudu rezultadu ne’ebé ki’ik liu local checks.\nKomponente produsaun no parametru sira seluk\nMéiu previstada husi komponente rezultadu produsaun no parametru sira seluk ne’ebé asosiadu ho rezultadu produsaun haktuir detallu iha\n. Rezultadu produsaun fahe tuir ida ne’ebé bele fa’an no ida ne’ebé labele. Rezultadu ne’ebé labele fa’an baibain inklui isin ne’ebé ki’ik ou kuda ho kain segundu. Kuantidade ikus liu kuaze oioin deit entre varidade. Mezmu isin ne’ebé labele fa’an iha proporsaun boot maibe sei bele konsumi. Buat ne’ebé hatudu klaru wainhira haree Tabela iha leten mak, varidade lokál hatudu proporsaun produsaun ne’ebé kuaze boot liu iha kategoria ida ne’e wainhira kompara ho varidade foun. Lokál la’os deit lakon nia todan iha produsaun maibe mos lakon iha nia valór produtu.\nTabela 32. Produsaun fehuk midar ho komponente produsaun iha testu replikadu 2010/11\nIha Aileu ho Baucau todan isin ne’ebé bele fa’an mak kuaze liu husi 75%, enkuantu iha fatin ne’ebé fó produsaun aas hanesan Betano ho Loes proporsaun ida ne’e idaidak kuaze 55% ho 69%. Iha korelasaun ne’ebé fraku entre rezultadu produsaun ho proporsaun isin ne’ebé bele fa’an maibe varidade ne’ebé fó produsaun aas sempre produs isin ne’ebé bele fa’an ho kuantidade boot.\nVaridade Hohrae ne’ebé lansa hamutuk ho CIP 83 konsistentemente produs isin boot. CIP 71 hanesan segundu varidade ne’ebé fó isin boot iha Loes ho Betano. Korelasaun forte no signifikante deskobre entre rezultadu produsaun ho todan isin kuaze iha fatin ida deit entre fatin haat ne’ebé iha (Baucau: R2=0.65). Baucau ho Loes hatudu R2 ne’ebé forte ba rezultadu produsaun tanba depende ba númeru isin iha kada hun (Figura 18).\nFigura 18. Korelasaun entre produsaun ho isin kada ai-horis, fehuk midar 2010/11\nPartisipante husi loron to’os nain rua ne’ebé hala’o kuaze fó valór ne’ebé signifikamente diferente ba varidade hirak ne’ebé iha. Ida ne’e dalaruma tanba diferensa iha sabór husi ema ida-ida husi fatin ne’ebé la hanesan ou variasaun iha sabór husi varidade ne’ebé kuda hanesan no prepara iha sentru rua ne’ebé diferente. Efeitu jéneru husi agrikultór sira-nia opiniaun kuaze la klaru.\nTabela 33 aprezenta rezultadu jerál husi loron to’os nain rua, enkuantu Figura 19 hatudu kona ba korelasaun entre sabór ho persepsaun jerál.\nTabela 33. Agrikultór nia preferénsia, rezultadu fehuk midar iha loron to’os nain, 2011\nSente rahun (%)\nMédiu produsaun (t/ha)\nFigura 19. Korelasaun entre agrikultór nia persepsaun ba varidade fehuk midar, 2011\nKuaze deskobre relasaun ne’ebé forte uitoan iha tinan 2011 entre kualidade oioin husi varidade oioin ne’ebé agrikultór sira fó valór. Aprezentasaun husi rezultadu produsaun kuaze laiha korelasaun ho númeru agrikultór sira ne’ebé gosta varidade ne’e. Jeralmente iha korelasaun ne’ebé diak entre proporsaun ne’ebé gosta varidade ne’e ho sira ne’ebé deskobre katak varidade ne’e han midar Figura 19. Ida ne’e partikularmente sai hanesan kazu ne’ebé hetan iha loron to’os nain ne’ebé halo iha sentru peskiza Betano.\nVaridade oin haat ne’ebé superior kuaze hetan valór iha fatin ida deit. Interasaun entre sentru presiza sai hanesan dalan naruk atu esplika wainhira dadus hotu-hotu análiza hamutuk. CIP 71, varidade ne’ebé hetan valór aas liu iha fatin testu rua hatudu rezultadu produsaun diak liu ho médiu 24 t/ha iha sentru rua. CIP 72, varidade ne’ebé fó produsaun aas liu iha fatin hotu-hotu (sentru 4) hetan valór ne’ebé ki’ik iha fatin testu kombinadu. Maibe varidade ida ne’e hetan pozisaun 5 iha loron to’os nain ne’ebé halo iha Betano. Varidade oin rua ne’e jeralmente hetan valór diak liu Hohrae 3 ne’ebé iha istória kona ba aseitasaun luan husi agrikultór sira no iha oportunidade atu halo investigasaun profunda.\nImplementa ona testu varidade fehuk midar oin 23 ne’ebé susesu husi SoL durante periódu 2005 to’o 2011 (tinan 6) iha fatin 6 ne’ebé la hanesan (Aileu, Betano ho Baucau x 2, Maliana ho Loes), koko aprezentasaun husi varidade oin 21 (inklui varidade lokál oin 3 hanesan kontrollu). Iha varidade balun mak la inklui iha testu hotu-hotu no iha testu balun mak la halo iha kada fatin kada tinan.\nPakote dadus ne’ebé haktuir kona ba varidade maioria aprezenta iha Tabela 34. Ida ne’e kompostu husi pontu dadus 238, ex. varidade por kombinasaun ambiente. Ambiente ida (hanesan ho fatin testu) defini tuir fatin, tinan no epoka (por exemplu tempu udan tinan 2009 iha Betano, tempu udan tinan 2010 iha Loes, no seluk tan). Pontu dadus hotu-hotu mak ANOVA ou méiu previstada REML husi replikadu 3, 2 iha kazu balun.\nAnáliza cross-site halo uza programa GGE BiPlot para atu avalia aprezentasaun no konsisténsia husi varidade ne’ebé koko iha tinan no fatin barak (jenótipu / ambiente). Ho varidade foun ne’ebé foin koko ba primeira vez iha tinan 2010, iha ona dadus ne’ebé examina kona ba oinsa varidade hirak ne’e nia diak liu kompara ho Hohrae no varidade lokál iha tinan rua nia laran iha sentru oioin. Ida ne’e fasilita vizualizasaun ne’ebé fasil husi varidade ne’ebé hetan valór no variabilidade ne’ebé iha entre fatin iha tinan la hanesan.\nTabela 34. Testu replikadu fehuk midar hotu-hotu SoL nian durante tinan 2005-2011 (pontu dadus 238)\nNotas: AIL = Aileu, BET = Betano, BAU = Baucau, MAL = Maliana, LOE = Loes. W06 = wet season 2005-2006.\nMédiu produsaun husi pakote dadus tomak (ambiente 23, pontu dadus 238) mak 7.4 t/ha (st.dev. = 7.4). Médiu produsaun husi testu ba testu kuaze oioin deit husi 1.3 t/ha to máximu 20.8 t/ha (tempu udan 2007 iha Aileu ho Maliana tutuir malu), no kuaze metade husi fatin hatudu 2.5-12.5 t/ha. Iha tinan 5 antes, fatin iha Aileu hanesan fatin ne’ebé iha tendénsia hatudu rezultadu liu 10 t/ha kompara ho fatin seluk ne’ebé nia médiu produsaun ki’ik. Mezmu nune’e, iha tinan 2011, sentru iha Aileu falla atu hetan médiu produsaun ne’ebé dóbru wainhira kompara ho iha Betano ne’ebé kuaze diak liu ida ne’e.\nFigura 20. Análiza biplot (varidade oin 7 iha ambiente 7), 2010-2011\nIha Figura 20, biplot ne’ebé investiga kona ba aprezentasaun husi varidade oin 7 iha ambiente 7 plotadu/plotted hamutuk ho ‘méius versus estabilidade’. Rezultadu ne’ebé reprezenta 78% husi variasaun ne’ebé observa, CIP 72, CIP 83, Hohrae 3 ho CIP 71 hatudu rezultadu ne’ebé diak liu varidade sira seluk. Enkuantu CIP 72 hanesan varidade ne’ebé aprezenta diak liu no mos nia liña eskalár kuaze naruk no oioin. CIP 71 ho 72 prova ona vantajen produsaun ne’ebé diak iha sentru ne’ebé lokaliza iha fatin badak iha epoka kuda oioin.\nHohrae 3 prova tan nia valór hanesan varidade ne’ebé lansa iha ambiente hotu-hotu hanesan ho CIP 83.\nDurante tinan 6 nia laran, SoL hala’o testu 23 ne’ebé susesu ho varidade batar oin 21, reprezenta total pontu dadus individual 238 (varidade por kombinasaun ambiente). Rezultadu kuaze signifikamente oioin deit husi jenótipu (varidade) ho ambiente (fatin, tinan, epoka).\nIha faze priméiru husi avaliasaun ne’ebé halo ba varidade konsege orienta ba lansamentu varidade oin tolu. Entre varidade hirak ne’e, Hohrae 3 konfirma nia pozisaun hanesan standar ne’ebé bele fiar maibe varidade oin rua seluk tuir fali ho nia rezultadu iha tinan 2010/11. Depois de tinan rua halo testu ho varidade foun hirak ne’e, CIP 71, CIP 72 ho CIP 83 partikularmente impresivu tebes. Balun husi hirak ne’e bele mos aprezenta valór adisionál nutrisaun iha forma vitamina A (ne’ebé foin análiza dadaun).\nAdekuasaun no konsisténsia husi varidade potensiál rua ne’e halo ona investigasaun profunda iha programa OFDT.\nVaridade fehuk midar oin neen ne’ebé hatudu rezultadu diak iha sentru peskiza avalia ona liu husi testu no demonstrasaun iha to’os durante tempo udan tinan 2010/11. Testu ne’e realiza iha fatin limanulu resin lima iha sub-distritu 12 iha Timor-Leste ho objetivu atu hetan varidade ne’ebé fó produsaun aas no kompleta kritériu hotu-hotu ne’ebé aseita husi agrikultór iha Timor Leste. Iha kada fatin, varidade foun ne’e kuda tutuir malu ho varidade lokál ne’ebé prepara husi agrikultór sira. Tanba ne’e, lokál ne’ebé uza hodi kompara kuaze la hanesan iha fatin idaidak maibe reprezenta ida ne’ebé baibain agrikultór sira kuda. Varidade ne’ebé uza iha testu ba tinan 2010/11 mak: Hohrae 3, ho CIP 4, 8, 17, 72, no 83. Haat husi varidade hirak ne’e (Hohrae 3 ho CIP 4, 8, no 17) koko ona iha OFDTs iha tempu udan antes. Iha fatin uitoan deit mak koko mos varidade Hohrae 1 ho 2, maibe fehuk kain uitoan deit mak iha tanba ne’e laiha rezultadu ne’ebé signifikante ne’ebé ita bele interpreta husi dadus.\nMétodu no materiais ne’ebé uza iha fatin OFDT fehuk midar tinan 2010/11 hanesan ho ida ne’ebé uza iha tinan antes. Distritu hitu, inklui Aileu, Ainaro, Baucau, Bobonaro, Liquiça, Manufahi, no Viqueque, inklui ona iha testu ne’e no fatin ne’ebé iha reprezenta elevasaun oioin, terreñu, no kondisaun rai. Lima husi zona agro-ekolojikál neen ne’ebé deskobre iha Timor-Leste kuaze reprezenta iha ne’e no nia altitude/aas hahu husi nível tasi to’o 1,470 m.\nTestu fehuk midar kuda iha kanteru ho medida metru 5 x 5 ho densidade ai-horis mak hun 1 to’o 2 por metru kuadradu. Depois peskizadór sira halo monitorizasaun regulár ba kanteru ne’e hodi identifika hamutuk ho agrikultór sira kona ba sinál moras, moris ladiak no sinál seluk ne’ebé karik mosu.\nNune’e mos ba ai-farina, peskizadór sira kee sample hun 5 hamutuk ho agrikultór sira hodi nune’e bele hetan dadus kona ba koileta. Restu ne’ebé sei iha to’os laran sei kee tuir agrikultór sira-nia hakarak. Iha tinan hirak antes, nota katak agrikultór sira kee uitoan-uitoan durante tinan tomak nia laran, ne’ebé la fasilita ita atu halo nia estimasaun kona ba koileta. Liu husi identifika hun 5 ne’ebé peskizadór ho agrikultór sira sei kee hamutuk iha loron ida, maka foin bele halo estimasaun kona ba nia produsaun. Ba kada hun, peskizadór sira sei sura nia isin kada hun, todan isin husi hun 5 ne’e no persepsaun agrikultór sira-nia kona ba kada varidade ne’ebé koko. Iha kada sub-distritu sei halo loron to’os nain dalaida iha fatin OFDTs ida. Númeru agrikultór lokál sei atende iha kada loron to’os nain ne’e no fó komentáriu ba varidade foun ne’ebé iha.\nIha kada fatin testu sei rejista kona ba karaterístiku balun inklui pH rai, kór, testura, latitude, longitude, no elevasaun. Testura rai sei rejista tuir rezultadu husi métodu testu fita/ribbon testing, pH sukat uza mobile testing kit, no rai nia kór klasifika tuir lista kór 7 ne’ebé iha. Agrikultór sira mos rejista kona ba númeru fatór jestaun sira seluk.\nHanesan ho análiza seluk ne’ebé halo ba OFDT, dadus rekolla iha Excel e depois halo rezumu no análiza uza Genstat Discovery Editions 3 no 4. Dadus rezultadu produsaun análiza uza ANOVA (Unbalanced model) iha métodu oioin. Priméiru, efeitu prinsipál no interasaun entre varidade no distritu, sub-distritu, no ZAE ne’ebé koko.\nAleinde análiza prinsipais, koko mos influénsia husi fatór oioin ba rezultadu produsaun fehuk midar. Modelu husi análiza sempre inklui varidade no ZAE hanesan fatór iha modelu. Tanba elevasaun hatudu ona nia impaktu ba rezultadu produsaun entre fatin, maka inklui mos elevasaun hanesan co-variate iha análiza hotu-hotu.\nEm kontráriu, aumenta mos fatór balun ba iha modelu, ida-ida. Karik hirak ne’e signifikante maka mantein fatór ne’e iha modelu, no karik la signifikante maka fatór ne’e hasai tiha. Wainhira identifika ona fatór ne’ebé signifikante, maka interaksaun entre fatór ne’e ho varidade sei koko mos para bele haree nia signifikánsia iha P = nível 0.05 level.\nEstabelese ona fatin testu limanulu resin lima iha tempu udan tinan 2010/11 no fatin ne’ebé konsege rekolla nia dadus mak iha haatnulu resin haat. Testu ne’e halo iha ambiente no kondisaun oioin ne’ebé baibain deskobre iha Timor-Leste. Hanesan ho ai-horis isin sira seluk hanesan ai-farina, difisil atu halo kalkulasaun kona ba nia rezultadu produsaun no fatin testu balun konsege lakon. Hirak ne’e akontese partikularmente tanba estragus animal, dalabarak husi karau, no husi fahi maus no fuik. Iha area ne’ebé sofre ai-han insiguransa makaas, difisil atu kontrollu hanesan fonte seluk ne’ebé nia ai-han dalaruma laiha.\nAmbiente ne’ebé koko\nFatin OFDTs fehuk midar estabelese iha ambiente ne’ebé nia testura rai, pH rai, rai lolon, no elevasaun oioin deit. Tinan ida ne’e reprezenta ZAE hotu-hotu exceitu ba parte foho súl, no elevasaun hahu husi nível tasi to’o 1,470m iha Aileu (Tabela 35).\nTabela 35. Distribuisaun fatin OFDT fehuk midar tuir elevasaun, 2010/11.\nFatin 2008/09 (%)\npH rai, elevasaun ho testura\npH rai husi fatin OFDT hahu husi 4.5 to’o 8.5 ho médiu 6.5. entre sub-distritu ne’ebé iha, Remexio mak nia rai ásidu liu ho médiu 5.5 no Balibo nia rai báziku liu ho médiu 7.8. Hanesan hatudu iha tinan hirak antes (haree Kapítulu batar OFDT), iha korelasaun jerál negativu entre pH rai ho elevasaun ( Tabela 36).\nTabela 36. Méiu pH rai ho elevasaun, OFDTs fehuk midar tuir sub-distritu, 2010/11.\nHanesan iha tinan hirak antes, varidade foun produs rezultadu ne’ebé aas liu varidade lokál maibe varidade Hohrae 3 ne’ebé lansa aprezenta diak liu hotu (Tabela 37). Hohrae 3 nia isin boot liu dala 2.5 kompara ho varidade lokál no mos nia isin bele fa’an iha merkadu Timor-Leste.\nTabela 37. Komponente produsaun ba varidade fehuk midar OFDT, 2010/11.\nIsin kada hun\nTodan kada isin (g)\nSub-distritu ne’ebé fó produsaun aas liu mak sub-distritu Same Vila, Viqueque Vila, no Balibo maibe laiha interasaun ne’ebé signifikante entre Sub-distritu no varidade ba fehuk midar. Hohrae 3 aprezenta diak liu varidade lokál check iha kada sub-distritu no nia vantajen produsaun konsistente liu hotu varidade foun ne’ebé iha (Tabela 38).\nTabela 38. Rezultadu produsaun fehuk midar isin iha OFDT (t/ha) tuir sub-distritu 2010/11.\nInterasaun Varidade* Sub-Distritu: la-signifikante iha p<0.05\nZona agro-ekolojikál (ZAE) no rezultadu produsaun\nRezultadu produsaun husi kada varidade haktuir iha Tabela 39. Rezultadu produsaun aas liu deskobre iha parte kosta súl no iha parte rai aas súl husi ZAE. Tanba laiha interaksaun ne’ebé deskobre entre varidade no ZAE, maka laiha razaun atu rekomenda varidade oioin ba ZAE oioin. Hohrae 3 aprezenta diak iha ZAE hotu-hotu no hanesan varidade ne’ebé fó produsaun aas liu iha fatin hotu-hotu, exceitu iha rai aas parte norte.\nTabela 39. Méiu produsaun fehuk midar OFDT tuir ZAE, 2010/11.\n1 Northern coast (0-100m)\n2 Northern slopes (100-500m)\n3 Northern uplands (>500m)\n4 Southern uplands (>500m)\n5 Southern slopes 100-500m)\n6 Southern coast (<100m)\nInterasaun varidade*ZAE la-signifikante iha p<0.05\nFatór agronómiku ne’ebé afeta rezultadu produsaun\nAnáliza ona fatór oioin hodi haree nia efeitu ba rezultadu produsaun fehuk midar. Aleinde objetivu prinsipál husi OFDTs mak atu análiza sustentabilidade husi varidade kualidade diak iha kondisaun lokál Timor-Leste nian, maibe prosesu koko varidade hirak ne’e iha agrikultór sira-nia to’os fó oportunidade atu rekolla dadus kona ba fatór agronómiku no kondisaun fatin no mos sira-nia efeitu ba rezultadu produsaun fehuk midar. Fatór testu balun inklui Varidade, Sub-Distritu, ZAE, pH rai, elevasaun, testura rai, no rai nia lolon hatudu efeitu ne’ebé signifikante ba rezultadu produsaun. Hamoos du’ut antes kuda nia dadus rekolla ona iha testu tinan ida ne’e, maibe ida ne’e prova katak la-signifikante. Hetan ona vantajen produsaun ne’ebé signifikante liu husi kuda kain rua por rai kuak la’os ida.\nTabela 40. Signifikánsia husi fatór jestaun ne’ebé afeta rezultadu produsaun fehuk midar.\nRai nia lolon\nKuda iha liña ka lae\nKuda kahur ka kuda mesak\nHamoos du’ut antes kuda\nKain kuda kada rai kuak (1 ou 2)\nEfeitu husi pH rai kuaze ladún konsistente hanesan tinan hirak kotuk ba no laiha tendensia ne’ebé klaru iha dadus tinan ida ne’e nian (Tabela 41).\nTabela 41. Produsaun iha OFDT tuir pH rai ba fehuk midar varidade hotu-hotu, 2010/11.\nLSD (p<0.05) 8.7\nRezultadu produsaun fehuk midar aas liu mak iha rai sandy loam/lempung berpasir, kontráriu ho ida ne’ebé iha tinan antes ne’ebé wainhira rai ho testura todan iha tendensia fó produsaun aas liu (Tabela 42).\nTabela 42. Impaktu husi testura rai ba rezultadu produsaun fehuk midar, 2010/11.\nSandy loam/Lempung berpasir\nSilty loam/Gelu lumpur\nClay loam/Liat berlempung\nFine clay/Gelu ringan\nHeavy clay/Liat padat\nImpaktu husi rai lolon ba rezultadu produsaun fehuk midar hatudu katak rezultadu produsaun fehuk midar iha tendénsia tún iha rai ne’ebé nia lolon aas liu 8% (Tabela 43).\nTabela 43. Impaktu husi rai nia lolon ba produsaun fehuk midar 2010/11.\nKlase rai lolon\nIha tinan hirak antes, rezultadu produsaun fehuk midar kuaze ki’ik liu to’os ne’ebé halo terase (terasering) no mos iha to’os ne’ebé rai lolon. Enkuantu ida segundu akontese iha tinan 2011-2012, ne’ebé to’os (terasering) fó produsaun aas liu (Tabela 44).\nTabela 44. Impaktu husi topográfia ba rezultadu produsaun fehuk midar 2010/11.\nRai lolon uitoan\nRai lolon makaas\nAgrikultór nia preferénsia ba varidade fehuk midar\nLoron to’os nain halo durante koileta fehuk midar ne’ebé husu ba agrikultór sira atu avalia no fó valor ba varidade lokál no varidade foun tuir númeru kritériu ne’ebé iha (Tabela 45). Hanesan avaliasaun ne’ebé halo iha tinan kotuk ba, varidade Hohrae 3 ne’ebé lansa hetan resposta ne’ebé kuaze positivu. Varidade ida ne’e hetan valor ne’ebé aas iha nia isin, fasil atu fa’an, nia isin no kritériu sira seluk kuaze liu varidade hotu-hotu. Varidade sira seluk inklui varidade lokál hetan valor ne’ebé ki’ik liu, ho CIP 8 mak hetan valor diak. Ida ne’e fó valor hanesan ou diak liu varidade CIP sira seluk iha kategoria hotu-hotu, no valor diak liu lokál iha kritériu hotu-hotu. Komentáriu incidental husi agrikultór sira ne’ebé partisipa iha loron to’os nian hatudu katak CIP 8 nia kulit ne’ebé kaber sai hanesan karaterístika ne’ebé agrikultór sira prefere liu.\nTabela 45. Resposta agrikultór (%) ba varidade fehuk midar 2010/11.\nTahan ba dodok iha rai laran\nFa’an ho folin diak\nProdus isin natón\nSei kuda fila-fali\nMaioria resposta positivu (%)\nValor preferénsia ki’ik liu husi CIP 83 ho CIP 72 mak tanba númeru loron to’os nain ne’ebé halo kuaze uitoan liu ba varidade oin rua ne’e. CIP 83 nia kór isin laran kinur hanesan ho Hohrae 3, no tenke koko iha fatin oioin iha tinan hirak oin mai.\nVaridade Hohrae 3 ne’ebé lansa kontinua hanesan varidade ne’ebé aprezenta diak liu no hanesan varidade ne’ebé ema gosta liu hotu. Varidade fehuk midar lokál hetan valor ne’ebé ki’ik liu iha nia rezultadu produsaun no mos iha agrikultór sira-nia preferénsia, ne’ebé sujere katak peskiza profunda ba varidade foun tenke halo luan liu tan no barak. CIP 83 ho CIP72 hatudu rezultadu potensiál balun, maibe sei presiza peskiza profunda hodi halo avaliasaun kompletu. Hirak ne’e sei inklui iha peskiza OFDT tinan 2012. | [
"Fehuk midar - Hadi'a siguransa ai-han liu husi hasa'e produtividade ai-han prinsipal' 2.2.2 Analiza testu fehuk midar husi tinan no fatin barak 2.2.3 OFDTs fehuk midar tinan 2010-2011 2.2 Fehuk midar 2.2.1 Testu replikadu fehuk midar, 2010-2011 Varidade fehuk midar (Ipomoea batatas) ne'ebe koko husi SoL introdus husi International Potato Centre (CIP) regional office iha Indonezia durante tinan 10 kotuk ba.",
"Halo ona testu fehuk midar ho pakote varidade oin 12 (inklui lokal checks 2) durante tinan hirak nia laran, ne'ebe fasilita selesaun ba varidade oin tolu ne'ebe lansa iha tinan 2007 (CIP 01, 06 ho 07 ho naran idaidak Hohrae 1, 2, 3).",
"Dezde tempu udan tinan 2008-2009, halo ona investigasaun ba varidade fehuk midar adisional iha testu replikadu no kompara ho local checks no Hohrae.",
"Varidade ne'ebe hatudu rezultadu diak iha testu observasional antes inklui mos iha ne'e, depende ba kuantidade fini/materiais kuda ne'ebe disponivel.",
"Metodu no materiais Testu replikadu iha tinan 2011 halo iha sentru peskiza Betano, Baucau, Aileu ho Loes.",
"Idaidak ho dezenu bloku randomizadu kompletu ho replikasaun tolu, medida kanteru 5 x 5 m.",
"Kain ne'ebe kuda foti husi Loes.",
"Kuda kain ida kada rai kuak ho espasu 100 x 50 cm (ex. hun 2 /m2).",
"Testu ne'e la uza adubu no mos bee irigasaun, so Aileu deit mak uza (15 kg/ha husi N ho P) ne'ebe area sentru ki'ik la permite ou la fasilita atu fila rai.",
"Testu ne'e kuda iha fulan Janeiru no Fevereiru 2011 no koileta entre fin de Maiu ho Agostu 2011 (Tabela 28).",
"Tabela 28.",
"Detallu kona ba kuda no koileta varidade fehuk midar ne'ebe koko, tempu udan 2011 Aileu (K. Portugal.)",
"15 /2/ 2011 17 /8/ 2011 06 /1/ 2011 27 /1/ 2011 30 /5/ 2011 18 /2/ 2011 11 /7/ 2011 Rezultadu produsaun, komponente produsaun no vantajen produsaun Iha tempu koileta, numeru ai-horis, numeru no todan isin husi tipu oioin no total produsaun husi area/kanteru idaidak rejista hotu.",
"Para atu determina efeitu husi varidade, dadus husi testu idaidak analiza ketaketak uza modul analiza espasiais iha GenStat Discovery Edition4.",
"Iha ne'e aplika testu oioin maibe depende ba prezensia husi filleira no/ou kolom iha rezultadu produsaun.",
"Tabela 29.",
"Testu estatistiku ne'ebe uza hodi analiza varidade fehuk midar ne'ebe koko iha tinan 2010/11.",
"AR1 Random on Column One-way in Randomized blocks AR1 Linear on Column Vantajen produsaun kalkula husi meiu previstada ba mediu lokal.",
"Existensia no nivel korelasaun entre meiu previstada no parametru isin identifika uza Simple Linear Regressions.",
"Tanba rezultadu produsaun kuaze diferente makaas husi testu ida ho testu ida seluk, maka aplika regresaun individual (hanesan opozisaun atu halo regresaun ba dadus hotu-hotu ne'ebe iha) para atu determina karik korelasaun signifikante ka lae.",
"Persentajen variabilidade ne'ebe reprezenta mak ekuivalensia ba R2 ajustadu.",
"Agrikultor nia preferensia Loron to'os nain halo iha sentru peskiza Loes ho Betano iha tempu koileta para atu avalia agrikultor sira-nia preferensia ba varidade fehuk midar no atu determina karateristiku ne'ebe agrikultor sira fo valor.",
"Numeru varidade ne'ebe koko (inklui lokal rua) no partisipante sira haktuir detallu iha (Tabela 30).",
"Tabela 30.",
"Koko sabor fehuk midar durante loron to'os nain, 2011.",
"Numeru varidade ne'ebe koko Hanesan parte ida husi loron to'os nain, agrikultor sira halo inspesaun ba fehuk isin boko/fresku husi varidade hotu-hotu ne'ebe iha.",
"Iha ne'e hatudu fehuk isin hotu-hotu husi replikadu ida hodi fasilita agrikultor sira para bele avalia nia rezultadu produsaun no mos karateristiku sira seluk husi varidade ida-ida.",
"Hotu tiha, hatudu mos sample fehuk da'an ba agrikultor sira no husu ba sira atu avalia nia karateristika sabor.",
"Iha ne'e sei husu ba agrikultor sira karik jeralmente sira gosta varidade ne'e no oinsa sira koko nia midar.",
"Kriteriu hirak ne'e importante tebes para atu bele defini kona ba kualidade han husi fehuk midar.",
"Finalmente, husu ba agrikultor sira karik sira hakarak kuda varidade hirak ne'e ka lae.",
"Atu analiza agrikultor sira-nia preferensia, iha ne'e uza Unbalanced ANOVAs hodi check efeitu husi sentru, varidade no jeneru.",
"Aplika korelasaun ho Simple Linear Regressions e depois kalkula ho meiu previstada varidade nian.",
"Rezultadu no vantajen produsaun aprezenta kona ba rezultadu produsaun ne'ebe hetan husi fatin idaida ba varidade hotu-hotu ne'ebe koko no mos koresponde vantajen produsaun ne'ebe liu local checks.",
"Tabela 31.",
"Rezultadu no vantajen produsaun fehuk midar, 2010/11 Vantajen produsaun (%) iha fatin testu Vantajen produsaun (%) F/Chi Sq.",
"Prob.*. %CV / F Statistic* Iha tinan 2011 ho vantajen produsaun dala 2 1/2 liu varidade lokal, varidade ne'ebe koko hanesan CIP 71 ho CIP 72 hatudu produsaun ne'ebe aas liu varidade Hohrae 3 ne'ebe lansa ou varidade ne'ebe fo produsaun aas liu iha tinan antes.",
"Varidade oin rua ne'ebe koko halo ona testu primeiru iha tinan antes hamutuk ho CIP 72 hanesan varidade ida ne'ebe fo mos produsaun aas iha tinan ida ne'e (CIP 71 iha fatin peskiza ida deit iha tinan 2010).",
"Varidade ne'ebe fo produsaun aas depois de CIP 71 ho CIP 72 mak varidade hirak ne'ebe fo produsaun aas iha tinan antes, Hohrae 3 ho CIP 83, ne'ebe rua ne'e fo vantajen produsaun liu 100%.",
"Varidade seluk ne'ebe lansa, Hohrae 2 mos hatudu produsaun ne'ebe diak no nia vantajen produsaun kuaze dobru liu lokal.",
"Varidade oin tolu ne'ebe koko inklui Hohrae 1 hatudu rezultadu ne'ebe ki'ik liu local checks.",
"Komponente produsaun no parametru sira seluk Meiu previstada husi komponente rezultadu produsaun no parametru sira seluk ne'ebe asosiadu ho rezultadu produsaun haktuir detallu iha .",
"Rezultadu produsaun fahe tuir ida ne'ebe bele fa'an no ida ne'ebe labele.",
"Rezultadu ne'ebe labele fa'an baibain inklui isin ne'ebe ki'ik ou kuda ho kain segundu.",
"Kuantidade ikus liu kuaze oioin deit entre varidade.",
"Mezmu isin ne'ebe labele fa'an iha proporsaun boot maibe sei bele konsumi.",
"Buat ne'ebe hatudu klaru wainhira haree Tabela iha leten mak, varidade lokal hatudu proporsaun produsaun ne'ebe kuaze boot liu iha kategoria ida ne'e wainhira kompara ho varidade foun.",
"Lokal la'os deit lakon nia todan iha produsaun maibe mos lakon iha nia valor produtu.",
"Tabela 32.",
"Produsaun fehuk midar ho komponente produsaun iha testu replikadu 2010/11 Iha Aileu ho Baucau todan isin ne'ebe bele fa'an mak kuaze liu husi 75%, enkuantu iha fatin ne'ebe fo produsaun aas hanesan Betano ho Loes proporsaun ida ne'e idaidak kuaze 55% ho 69%.",
"Iha korelasaun ne'ebe fraku entre rezultadu produsaun ho proporsaun isin ne'ebe bele fa'an maibe varidade ne'ebe fo produsaun aas sempre produs isin ne'ebe bele fa'an ho kuantidade boot.",
"Varidade Hohrae ne'ebe lansa hamutuk ho CIP 83 konsistentemente produs isin boot.",
"CIP 71 hanesan segundu varidade ne'ebe fo isin boot iha Loes ho Betano.",
"Korelasaun forte no signifikante deskobre entre rezultadu produsaun ho todan isin kuaze iha fatin ida deit entre fatin haat ne'ebe iha (Baucau: R2=0.65).",
"Baucau ho Loes hatudu R2 ne'ebe forte ba rezultadu produsaun tanba depende ba numeru isin iha kada hun (Figura 18).",
"Figura 18.",
"Korelasaun entre produsaun ho isin kada ai-horis, fehuk midar 2010/11 Partisipante husi loron to'os nain rua ne'ebe hala'o kuaze fo valor ne'ebe signifikamente diferente ba varidade hirak ne'ebe iha.",
"Ida ne'e dalaruma tanba diferensa iha sabor husi ema ida-ida husi fatin ne'ebe la hanesan ou variasaun iha sabor husi varidade ne'ebe kuda hanesan no prepara iha sentru rua ne'ebe diferente.",
"Efeitu jeneru husi agrikultor sira-nia opiniaun kuaze la klaru.",
"Tabela 33 aprezenta rezultadu jeral husi loron to'os nain rua, enkuantu Figura 19 hatudu kona ba korelasaun entre sabor ho persepsaun jeral.",
"Tabela 33.",
"Agrikultor nia preferensia, rezultadu fehuk midar iha loron to'os nain, 2011 Sente rahun (%) Mediu produsaun (t/ha) Figura 19.",
"Korelasaun entre agrikultor nia persepsaun ba varidade fehuk midar, 2011 Kuaze deskobre relasaun ne'ebe forte uitoan iha tinan 2011 entre kualidade oioin husi varidade oioin ne'ebe agrikultor sira fo valor.",
"Aprezentasaun husi rezultadu produsaun kuaze laiha korelasaun ho numeru agrikultor sira ne'ebe gosta varidade ne'e.",
"Jeralmente iha korelasaun ne'ebe diak entre proporsaun ne'ebe gosta varidade ne'e ho sira ne'ebe deskobre katak varidade ne'e han midar Figura 19.",
"Ida ne'e partikularmente sai hanesan kazu ne'ebe hetan iha loron to'os nain ne'ebe halo iha sentru peskiza Betano.",
"Varidade oin haat ne'ebe superior kuaze hetan valor iha fatin ida deit.",
"Interasaun entre sentru presiza sai hanesan dalan naruk atu esplika wainhira dadus hotu-hotu analiza hamutuk.",
"CIP 71, varidade ne'ebe hetan valor aas liu iha fatin testu rua hatudu rezultadu produsaun diak liu ho mediu 24 t/ha iha sentru rua.",
"CIP 72, varidade ne'ebe fo produsaun aas liu iha fatin hotu-hotu (sentru 4) hetan valor ne'ebe ki'ik iha fatin testu kombinadu.",
"Maibe varidade ida ne'e hetan pozisaun 5 iha loron to'os nain ne'ebe halo iha Betano.",
"Varidade oin rua ne'e jeralmente hetan valor diak liu Hohrae 3 ne'ebe iha istoria kona ba aseitasaun luan husi agrikultor sira no iha oportunidade atu halo investigasaun profunda.",
"Implementa ona testu varidade fehuk midar oin 23 ne'ebe susesu husi SoL durante periodu 2005 to'o 2011 (tinan 6) iha fatin 6 ne'ebe la hanesan (Aileu, Betano ho Baucau x 2, Maliana ho Loes), koko aprezentasaun husi varidade oin 21 (inklui varidade lokal oin 3 hanesan kontrollu).",
"Iha varidade balun mak la inklui iha testu hotu-hotu no iha testu balun mak la halo iha kada fatin kada tinan.",
"Pakote dadus ne'ebe haktuir kona ba varidade maioria aprezenta iha Tabela 34.",
"Ida ne'e kompostu husi pontu dadus 238, ex. varidade por kombinasaun ambiente.",
"Ambiente ida (hanesan ho fatin testu) defini tuir fatin, tinan no epoka (por exemplu tempu udan tinan 2009 iha Betano, tempu udan tinan 2010 iha Loes, no seluk tan).",
"Pontu dadus hotu-hotu mak ANOVA ou meiu previstada REML husi replikadu 3, 2 iha kazu balun.",
"Analiza cross-site halo uza programa GGE BiPlot para atu avalia aprezentasaun no konsistensia husi varidade ne'ebe koko iha tinan no fatin barak (jenotipu / ambiente).",
"Ho varidade foun ne'ebe foin koko ba primeira vez iha tinan 2010, iha ona dadus ne'ebe examina kona ba oinsa varidade hirak ne'e nia diak liu kompara ho Hohrae no varidade lokal iha tinan rua nia laran iha sentru oioin.",
"Ida ne'e fasilita vizualizasaun ne'ebe fasil husi varidade ne'ebe hetan valor no variabilidade ne'ebe iha entre fatin iha tinan la hanesan.",
"Tabela 34.",
"Testu replikadu fehuk midar hotu-hotu SoL nian durante tinan 2005-2011 (pontu dadus 238) Notas: AIL = Aileu, BET = Betano, BAU = Baucau, MAL = Maliana, LOE = Loes.",
"W06 = wet season 2005-2006.",
"Mediu produsaun husi pakote dadus tomak (ambiente 23, pontu dadus 238) mak 7.4 t/ha (st.dev. = 7.4).",
"Mediu produsaun husi testu ba testu kuaze oioin deit husi 1.3 t/ha to maximu 20.8 t/ha (tempu udan 2007 iha Aileu ho Maliana tutuir malu), no kuaze metade husi fatin hatudu 2.5-12.5 t/ha.",
"Iha tinan 5 antes, fatin iha Aileu hanesan fatin ne'ebe iha tendensia hatudu rezultadu liu 10 t/ha kompara ho fatin seluk ne'ebe nia mediu produsaun ki'ik.",
"Mezmu nune'e, iha tinan 2011, sentru iha Aileu falla atu hetan mediu produsaun ne'ebe dobru wainhira kompara ho iha Betano ne'ebe kuaze diak liu ida ne'e.",
"Figura 20.",
"Analiza biplot (varidade oin 7 iha ambiente 7), 2010-2011 Iha Figura 20, biplot ne'ebe investiga kona ba aprezentasaun husi varidade oin 7 iha ambiente 7 plotadu/plotted hamutuk ho 'meius versus estabilidade'.",
"Rezultadu ne'ebe reprezenta 78% husi variasaun ne'ebe observa, CIP 72, CIP 83, Hohrae 3 ho CIP 71 hatudu rezultadu ne'ebe diak liu varidade sira seluk.",
"Enkuantu CIP 72 hanesan varidade ne'ebe aprezenta diak liu no mos nia lina eskalar kuaze naruk no oioin.",
"CIP 71 ho 72 prova ona vantajen produsaun ne'ebe diak iha sentru ne'ebe lokaliza iha fatin badak iha epoka kuda oioin.",
"Hohrae 3 prova tan nia valor hanesan varidade ne'ebe lansa iha ambiente hotu-hotu hanesan ho CIP 83.",
"Durante tinan 6 nia laran, SoL hala'o testu 23 ne'ebe susesu ho varidade batar oin 21, reprezenta total pontu dadus individual 238 (varidade por kombinasaun ambiente).",
"Rezultadu kuaze signifikamente oioin deit husi jenotipu (varidade) ho ambiente (fatin, tinan, epoka).",
"Iha faze primeiru husi avaliasaun ne'ebe halo ba varidade konsege orienta ba lansamentu varidade oin tolu.",
"Entre varidade hirak ne'e, Hohrae 3 konfirma nia pozisaun hanesan standar ne'ebe bele fiar maibe varidade oin rua seluk tuir fali ho nia rezultadu iha tinan 2010/11.",
"Depois de tinan rua halo testu ho varidade foun hirak ne'e, CIP 71, CIP 72 ho CIP 83 partikularmente impresivu tebes.",
"Balun husi hirak ne'e bele mos aprezenta valor adisional nutrisaun iha forma vitamina A (ne'ebe foin analiza dadaun).",
"Adekuasaun no konsistensia husi varidade potensial rua ne'e halo ona investigasaun profunda iha programa OFDT.",
"Varidade fehuk midar oin neen ne'ebe hatudu rezultadu diak iha sentru peskiza avalia ona liu husi testu no demonstrasaun iha to'os durante tempo udan tinan 2010/11.",
"Testu ne'e realiza iha fatin limanulu resin lima iha sub-distritu 12 iha Timor-Leste ho objetivu atu hetan varidade ne'ebe fo produsaun aas no kompleta kriteriu hotu-hotu ne'ebe aseita husi agrikultor iha Timor Leste.",
"Iha kada fatin, varidade foun ne'e kuda tutuir malu ho varidade lokal ne'ebe prepara husi agrikultor sira.",
"Tanba ne'e, lokal ne'ebe uza hodi kompara kuaze la hanesan iha fatin idaidak maibe reprezenta ida ne'ebe baibain agrikultor sira kuda.",
"Varidade ne'ebe uza iha testu ba tinan 2010/11 mak: Hohrae 3, ho CIP 4, 8, 17, 72, no 83.",
"Haat husi varidade hirak ne'e (Hohrae 3 ho CIP 4, 8, no 17) koko ona iha OFDTs iha tempu udan antes.",
"Iha fatin uitoan deit mak koko mos varidade Hohrae 1 ho 2, maibe fehuk kain uitoan deit mak iha tanba ne'e laiha rezultadu ne'ebe signifikante ne'ebe ita bele interpreta husi dadus.",
"Metodu no materiais ne'ebe uza iha fatin OFDT fehuk midar tinan 2010/11 hanesan ho ida ne'ebe uza iha tinan antes.",
"Distritu hitu, inklui Aileu, Ainaro, Baucau, Bobonaro, Liquica, Manufahi, no Viqueque, inklui ona iha testu ne'e no fatin ne'ebe iha reprezenta elevasaun oioin, terrenu, no kondisaun rai.",
"Lima husi zona agro-ekolojikal neen ne'ebe deskobre iha Timor-Leste kuaze reprezenta iha ne'e no nia altitude/aas hahu husi nivel tasi to'o 1,470 m.",
"Testu fehuk midar kuda iha kanteru ho medida metru 5 x 5 ho densidade ai-horis mak hun 1 to'o 2 por metru kuadradu.",
"Depois peskizador sira halo monitorizasaun regular ba kanteru ne'e hodi identifika hamutuk ho agrikultor sira kona ba sinal moras, moris ladiak no sinal seluk ne'ebe karik mosu.",
"Nune'e mos ba ai-farina, peskizador sira kee sample hun 5 hamutuk ho agrikultor sira hodi nune'e bele hetan dadus kona ba koileta.",
"Restu ne'ebe sei iha to'os laran sei kee tuir agrikultor sira-nia hakarak.",
"Iha tinan hirak antes, nota katak agrikultor sira kee uitoan-uitoan durante tinan tomak nia laran, ne'ebe la fasilita ita atu halo nia estimasaun kona ba koileta.",
"Liu husi identifika hun 5 ne'ebe peskizador ho agrikultor sira sei kee hamutuk iha loron ida, maka foin bele halo estimasaun kona ba nia produsaun.",
"Ba kada hun, peskizador sira sei sura nia isin kada hun, todan isin husi hun 5 ne'e no persepsaun agrikultor sira-nia kona ba kada varidade ne'ebe koko.",
"Iha kada sub-distritu sei halo loron to'os nain dalaida iha fatin OFDTs ida.",
"Numeru agrikultor lokal sei atende iha kada loron to'os nain ne'e no fo komentariu ba varidade foun ne'ebe iha.",
"Iha kada fatin testu sei rejista kona ba karateristiku balun inklui pH rai, kor, testura, latitude, longitude, no elevasaun.",
"Testura rai sei rejista tuir rezultadu husi metodu testu fita/ribbon testing, pH sukat uza mobile testing kit, no rai nia kor klasifika tuir lista kor 7 ne'ebe iha.",
"Agrikultor sira mos rejista kona ba numeru fator jestaun sira seluk.",
"Hanesan ho analiza seluk ne'ebe halo ba OFDT, dadus rekolla iha Excel e depois halo rezumu no analiza uza Genstat Discovery Editions 3 no 4.",
"Dadus rezultadu produsaun analiza uza ANOVA (Unbalanced model) iha metodu oioin.",
"Primeiru, efeitu prinsipal no interasaun entre varidade no distritu, sub-distritu, no ZAE ne'ebe koko.",
"Aleinde analiza prinsipais, koko mos influensia husi fator oioin ba rezultadu produsaun fehuk midar.",
"Modelu husi analiza sempre inklui varidade no ZAE hanesan fator iha modelu.",
"Tanba elevasaun hatudu ona nia impaktu ba rezultadu produsaun entre fatin, maka inklui mos elevasaun hanesan co-variate iha analiza hotu-hotu.",
"Em kontrariu, aumenta mos fator balun ba iha modelu, ida-ida.",
"Karik hirak ne'e signifikante maka mantein fator ne'e iha modelu, no karik la signifikante maka fator ne'e hasai tiha.",
"Wainhira identifika ona fator ne'ebe signifikante, maka interaksaun entre fator ne'e ho varidade sei koko mos para bele haree nia signifikansia iha P = nivel 0.05 level.",
"Estabelese ona fatin testu limanulu resin lima iha tempu udan tinan 2010/11 no fatin ne'ebe konsege rekolla nia dadus mak iha haatnulu resin haat.",
"Testu ne'e halo iha ambiente no kondisaun oioin ne'ebe baibain deskobre iha Timor-Leste.",
"Hanesan ho ai-horis isin sira seluk hanesan ai-farina, difisil atu halo kalkulasaun kona ba nia rezultadu produsaun no fatin testu balun konsege lakon.",
"Hirak ne'e akontese partikularmente tanba estragus animal, dalabarak husi karau, no husi fahi maus no fuik.",
"Iha area ne'ebe sofre ai-han insiguransa makaas, difisil atu kontrollu hanesan fonte seluk ne'ebe nia ai-han dalaruma laiha.",
"Ambiente ne'ebe koko Fatin OFDTs fehuk midar estabelese iha ambiente ne'ebe nia testura rai, pH rai, rai lolon, no elevasaun oioin deit.",
"Tinan ida ne'e reprezenta ZAE hotu-hotu exceitu ba parte foho sul, no elevasaun hahu husi nivel tasi to'o 1,470m iha Aileu (Tabela 35).",
"Tabela 35.",
"Distribuisaun fatin OFDT fehuk midar tuir elevasaun, 2010/11.",
"Fatin 2008/09 (%) pH rai, elevasaun ho testura pH rai husi fatin OFDT hahu husi 4.5 to'o 8.5 ho mediu 6.5. entre sub-distritu ne'ebe iha, Remexio mak nia rai asidu liu ho mediu 5.5 no Balibo nia rai baziku liu ho mediu 7.8.",
"Hanesan hatudu iha tinan hirak antes (haree Kapitulu batar OFDT), iha korelasaun jeral negativu entre pH rai ho elevasaun (Tabela 36).",
"Tabela 36.",
"Meiu pH rai ho elevasaun, OFDTs fehuk midar tuir sub-distritu, 2010/11.",
"Hanesan iha tinan hirak antes, varidade foun produs rezultadu ne'ebe aas liu varidade lokal maibe varidade Hohrae 3 ne'ebe lansa aprezenta diak liu hotu (Tabela 37).",
"Hohrae 3 nia isin boot liu dala 2.5 kompara ho varidade lokal no mos nia isin bele fa'an iha merkadu Timor-Leste.",
"Tabela 37.",
"Komponente produsaun ba varidade fehuk midar OFDT, 2010/11.",
"Isin kada hun Todan kada isin (g) Sub-distritu ne'ebe fo produsaun aas liu mak sub-distritu Same Vila, Viqueque Vila, no Balibo maibe laiha interasaun ne'ebe signifikante entre Sub-distritu no varidade ba fehuk midar.",
"Hohrae 3 aprezenta diak liu varidade lokal check iha kada sub-distritu no nia vantajen produsaun konsistente liu hotu varidade foun ne'ebe iha (Tabela 38).",
"Tabela 38.",
"Rezultadu produsaun fehuk midar isin iha OFDT (t/ha) tuir sub-distritu 2010/11.",
"Interasaun Varidade* Sub-Distritu: la-signifikante iha p<0.05 Zona agro-ekolojikal (ZAE) no rezultadu produsaun Rezultadu produsaun husi kada varidade haktuir iha Tabela 39.",
"Rezultadu produsaun aas liu deskobre iha parte kosta sul no iha parte rai aas sul husi ZAE.",
"Tanba laiha interaksaun ne'ebe deskobre entre varidade no ZAE, maka laiha razaun atu rekomenda varidade oioin ba ZAE oioin.",
"Hohrae 3 aprezenta diak iha ZAE hotu-hotu no hanesan varidade ne'ebe fo produsaun aas liu iha fatin hotu-hotu, exceitu iha rai aas parte norte.",
"Tabela 39.",
"Meiu produsaun fehuk midar OFDT tuir ZAE, 2010/11.",
"1 Northern coast (0-100m) 2 Northern slopes (100-500m) 3 Northern uplands (>500m) 4 Southern uplands (>500m) 5 Southern slopes 100-500m) 6 Southern coast (<100m) Interasaun varidade*ZAE la-signifikante iha p<0.05 Fator agronomiku ne'ebe afeta rezultadu produsaun Analiza ona fator oioin hodi haree nia efeitu ba rezultadu produsaun fehuk midar.",
"Aleinde objetivu prinsipal husi OFDTs mak atu analiza sustentabilidade husi varidade kualidade diak iha kondisaun lokal Timor-Leste nian, maibe prosesu koko varidade hirak ne'e iha agrikultor sira-nia to'os fo oportunidade atu rekolla dadus kona ba fator agronomiku no kondisaun fatin no mos sira-nia efeitu ba rezultadu produsaun fehuk midar.",
"Fator testu balun inklui Varidade, Sub-Distritu, ZAE, pH rai, elevasaun, testura rai, no rai nia lolon hatudu efeitu ne'ebe signifikante ba rezultadu produsaun.",
"Hamoos du'ut antes kuda nia dadus rekolla ona iha testu tinan ida ne'e, maibe ida ne'e prova katak la-signifikante.",
"Hetan ona vantajen produsaun ne'ebe signifikante liu husi kuda kain rua por rai kuak la'os ida.",
"Tabela 40.",
"Signifikansia husi fator jestaun ne'ebe afeta rezultadu produsaun fehuk midar.",
"Rai nia lolon Kuda iha lina ka lae Kuda kahur ka kuda mesak Hamoos du'ut antes kuda Kain kuda kada rai kuak (1 ou 2) Efeitu husi pH rai kuaze ladun konsistente hanesan tinan hirak kotuk ba no laiha tendensia ne'ebe klaru iha dadus tinan ida ne'e nian (Tabela 41).",
"Tabela 41.",
"Produsaun iha OFDT tuir pH rai ba fehuk midar varidade hotu-hotu, 2010/11.",
"LSD (p<0.05) 8.7 Rezultadu produsaun fehuk midar aas liu mak iha rai sandy loam/lempung berpasir, kontrariu ho ida ne'ebe iha tinan antes ne'ebe wainhira rai ho testura todan iha tendensia fo produsaun aas liu (Tabela 42).",
"Tabela 42.",
"Impaktu husi testura rai ba rezultadu produsaun fehuk midar, 2010/11.",
"Sandy loam/Lempung berpasir Silty loam/Gelu lumpur Clay loam/Liat berlempung Fine clay/Gelu ringan Heavy clay/Liat padat Impaktu husi rai lolon ba rezultadu produsaun fehuk midar hatudu katak rezultadu produsaun fehuk midar iha tendensia tun iha rai ne'ebe nia lolon aas liu 8% (Tabela 43).",
"Tabela 43.",
"Impaktu husi rai nia lolon ba produsaun fehuk midar 2010/11.",
"Klase rai lolon Iha tinan hirak antes, rezultadu produsaun fehuk midar kuaze ki'ik liu to'os ne'ebe halo terase (terasering) no mos iha to'os ne'ebe rai lolon.",
"Enkuantu ida segundu akontese iha tinan 2011-2012, ne'ebe to'os (terasering) fo produsaun aas liu (Tabela 44).",
"Tabela 44.",
"Impaktu husi topografia ba rezultadu produsaun fehuk midar 2010/11.",
"Rai lolon uitoan Rai lolon makaas Agrikultor nia preferensia ba varidade fehuk midar Loron to'os nain halo durante koileta fehuk midar ne'ebe husu ba agrikultor sira atu avalia no fo valor ba varidade lokal no varidade foun tuir numeru kriteriu ne'ebe iha (Tabela 45).",
"Hanesan avaliasaun ne'ebe halo iha tinan kotuk ba, varidade Hohrae 3 ne'ebe lansa hetan resposta ne'ebe kuaze positivu.",
"Varidade ida ne'e hetan valor ne'ebe aas iha nia isin, fasil atu fa'an, nia isin no kriteriu sira seluk kuaze liu varidade hotu-hotu.",
"Varidade sira seluk inklui varidade lokal hetan valor ne'ebe ki'ik liu, ho CIP 8 mak hetan valor diak.",
"Ida ne'e fo valor hanesan ou diak liu varidade CIP sira seluk iha kategoria hotu-hotu, no valor diak liu lokal iha kriteriu hotu-hotu.",
"Komentariu incidental husi agrikultor sira ne'ebe partisipa iha loron to'os nian hatudu katak CIP 8 nia kulit ne'ebe kaber sai hanesan karateristika ne'ebe agrikultor sira prefere liu.",
"Tabela 45.",
"Resposta agrikultor (%) ba varidade fehuk midar 2010/11.",
"Tahan ba dodok iha rai laran Fa'an ho folin diak Produs isin naton Sei kuda fila-fali Maioria resposta positivu (%) Valor preferensia ki'ik liu husi CIP 83 ho CIP 72 mak tanba numeru loron to'os nain ne'ebe halo kuaze uitoan liu ba varidade oin rua ne'e.",
"CIP 83 nia kor isin laran kinur hanesan ho Hohrae 3, no tenke koko iha fatin oioin iha tinan hirak oin mai.",
"Varidade Hohrae 3 ne'ebe lansa kontinua hanesan varidade ne'ebe aprezenta diak liu no hanesan varidade ne'ebe ema gosta liu hotu.",
"Varidade fehuk midar lokal hetan valor ne'ebe ki'ik liu iha nia rezultadu produsaun no mos iha agrikultor sira-nia preferensia, ne'ebe sujere katak peskiza profunda ba varidade foun tenke halo luan liu tan no barak.",
"CIP 83 ho CIP72 hatudu rezultadu potensial balun, maibe sei presiza peskiza profunda hodi halo avaliasaun kompletu.",
"Hirak ne'e sei inklui iha peskiza OFDT tinan 2012."
] | [
"Potatoes - Improving food security by increasing the productivity of primary crops 2.1 Fehuk midar (Ipomoea batatas) from SoL introduced in Indonesia during last year's season, and is a new variety that has been cultivated for more than ten years at CIP regional office to improve production capacity on potash-rich soil with low nitrogen content as well As increase yield quality through increased fertilizer use"
"The 12 varieties of the first pack (including local checks) have been tested for seed quality over several years, which has facilitated selection to three newly launched in autumn-winter variety package from CIP: Hohrae I and II."
"Since the summer of 2018, research has been carried out on additional midar varieties in replicated test and compared with local checks at Hohrae."
"Varieties that have performed well in previous observational tests are also included here, depending on the quantity of available seed/crop materials."
"Methods and materials The test replicated in 2013 was carried out at the research centres of Betano, Baucau (Baucau), Aileo e Loes."
"Individuals with a complete randomized block design, three replications of the 5 m x10m canter."
"Cain, who grew up in Lo-ah."
"This is a 10-foot wooden horse with spaces of approximately (ex. hun2/m²)."
"The text does not use fertilizer or irrigation water, only Aileu is used (15 kg/ha of N and P) which the small central area doesn't allow for."
"The sample was grown in January and February 2013, collected between late May to August of the same year (Tab."
"Table 28."
"Detailed planting and harvesting of a white-stained medium varieties, spring season in Aileu (C. Portugal) -2013"
"15 /2/30-76984.pdf Production results, production components and yield advantage At harvest time the number of trees in each area is recorded together with all seedlings (in total) from different varieties as well As overall output for every field or plot are also reported on this form"
"To determine the effects of variety, data from each test was carefully analyzed using spatial analysis modules in GenStat Discovery Edition4."
"Here, different tests are applied but they depend on the presence of rows and/or columns in output."
"Table 29. table-10:"
"The statistical text used to analyze the varieties of medium-sized beans grown in 2015/6."
"AR1 Random on Column One-way in randomized blocks Arr Linear On Colony The output advantage is calculated by means of the predicted local environment."
"The existence and level of correlation between the predicted mean values for both parameter is not identified using Simple Linear Regression."
"Since the output results almost differ significantly from one test to another, individual regression is applied (in opposition of doing a total data-based) in order for determining whether or not there are any significance correlations."
"Percentage of variability representing the equivalence to adjusted R2."
"A survey was conducted at the Loes and Betano research centers during harvest time to assess farmers' preferences for midar bean varieties, as well a determination of characteristic valued by them."
"The number of cultivated varieties (including two local) and participants are detailed in Table 30."
"Table 30."
"Koko flavour white midar during to'os nain day, 2013."
"Number of varieties in the field As part Of a farmers' day, Farmer inspects all available fresh fruit and vegetables from each variety."
"Here are shown all the fruits of a replicate in order to enable farmer' s evaluating its yield and other characteristic features."
"After this, he showed the farmers a sample of fresh beans and asked them to evaluate its flavour characteristic."
"Here, farmers will be asked if they generally like the variety and how much of it."
"These criteria are very important in order to define the food quality of midar beans."
"Finally, the farmers were asked whether they wanted to grow these varieties."
"To analyze farmers’ preferences, here we use Unbalanced ANOVA to check the effects of centering and variety/gender."
"Apply relationships with Simple Linear Regression and then calculate the predicted mean of a variety."
"The results and yield advantages are presented on the crop performance obtained from locally tested sites for all cultivated varieties, as well As corresponding production benefits that passed Local Check."
"Table 31. table-29:"
"Fruit yield results and advantages, 2015/6 Yielding Avantage (%) in place of text Production Benefit F / Chi Sq."
"Prob.*. %CV/F Statistic* In 2013 with a yield benefit of two and one half times over local varieties, CIP-74 showed the highest production than Hohrae's three newly introduced or higher producing varietals in previous years; while both variations were less successful as compared to their native counterpart (Hohrah)"
"The two varieties that had already made their first test the previous year, together with CIP 72 were also one of those which produced high yields this season (CIF was only tested at a single site in October)."
"The high yielding varieties after CIP 71 and cp-82 are the same as those that produced a higher production in previous years, Hohrae3 with cips. These two have more than one hundred percent of productivity gains compared to their predecessors"
"Another newly released variety, Hohrae 2 also showed better yields and its productivity advantage was almost double that of the local."
"The three main varieties that include Hohrae 1 showed lower results in local checks."
"Output Components and Other Parameters The predicted means of output component outcomes, as well other parameter associated with the production results are described in detail at ."
"The result of production is divided into what can be sold and which cannot."
"Non-commercial results usually include smaller bodies or grown with a second coat."
"The quantity of fruit almost varies between varieties."
"Even bodies that cannot be sold have a large proportion but can still consume."
"What becomes clear when looking at the table above is that local varieties show an almost larger proportion of production in this category compared to newly introduced ones."
"Locals not only lose their share of production but also the value that they produce."
"Table 32. table of the results"
"In Aileu and Baucau, the share of selling body is almost over 75%, while in high-yielding areas such as Betano e Loes this proportions are nearly respectively about a fifty five percent to sixteen per cent."
"There is a weak correlation between yield and the proportion of marketable body, but high-yielding varieties always produce large quantities."
"The Hohrae variety released in conjunction with CIP 83 consistently produces large body."
"CIP 71 is the second highest yielding variety in Loes and Betano."
"A strong and significant correlation was discovered between yields with body mass in almost only one of the four sites (Baucau: R2=0.65)."
"Baucau and Loes show a strong R2 for yield because it depends on the number of bodies per heap (Figure 18)."
"Figure 18.Figures of the system"
"Relationship between yield and weight per vegetable tree, fruit harvest 2015/6 The two participants of the gardeners' day that took place almost gave significantly different values to their varieties."
"This is often due to differences in taste between people from different places or variations of the flavor among varieties grown at a single location and prepared by two distinct centres."
"The gender impact of farmers’ opinion is almost unclear."
"Table 32 presents the overall results of two to'os, while Figure19 shows a correlation between taste and general perception."
"Table 32: Assessment of the risks associated with drug use."
"Farmer's preference, yield measured on the day of harvest 2013 Seed grain (%) Average production(t/ha) Figure."
"Relationship between farmers' perception of different varieties, 2013 A relatively strong relationship was discovered in the study conducted on a sample group (farmers) and amongst various qualities that were valued by farmers."
"The presentation of the yields has almost no relation to how many growers like this variety."
"There is generally a good correlation between the proportion of people who liked this variety and those that discovered it was delicious Figure 19."
"This particularly proved to be the case during a forester's day held at Betano Research Center."
"The nearly superior four-legged varieties are valued in one place only."
"The interaction between the centers needs to be a long way from being explained when all data are analyzed together."
"CIP 71, the variety with higher values in both test sites showed better yield results at an average of about24 t/ha."
"CIP 72, the highest yielding variety at all sites (centers four) has a lowest value in combined test location."
"However, this variety was ranked 5th in the day of forester held at Betano."
"These two varieties are generally valued higher than Hohrae 3, which has a history of widespread acceptance by farmers and the opportunity for in-depth research."
"23 successfully tested white midar varieties have been implemented by SoL during the period of years (6) from1905 to, and in six different locations(Aileu Betano & Baucau x."
"There are some varieties that aren't included in all the tests and there is a number of testing not done everywhere each year."
"The data package on the majority of varieties is presented in Table 34."
"This is composed of 238 data points, i.e variation by environment combinations;"
"An environment (text box with location) is defined by place, year and season. For example: summer time in Betano for the month of July/August or wintertime at Loes during a certain period from August to October; etc..."
"All data points are ANOVA or mean predicted REML of 3 replicates, in some cases."
"The cross-site analysis used the GGE BiPlot program to evaluate presentation and consistency of varieties that grow over many years in multiple locations (genotype/environment)."
"With the new varieties being first grown in 2015, there is already data that examines how these variations perform better than Hohrae and locally cultivated over a two-year period at various centres."
"This facilitates an easy visualization of the varieties being valued and variability between locations in different years."
"Table 34."
"Replicated text covering all SoL measures during 2015-3 (data points:48) Note, AILEU=Aileu; BETANO/BETANO – Betano. BAUCAU+MALANA–Baucao and LOE(Loes)."
"W06 = wet season, which lasts from June to September."
"The average yield of the entire dataset (environment 23, point-of -datasets) is at a mean level for all field conditions and was estimated to be approx."
"Average yields from test to testing almost varied only between 1.3 t/ha and a maximum of upwards, with nearly half the sites showing an average output ranged in at about two-thirds (25%) or more than one third(40%), rangings that were closely related for both areas:"
"In the 5 years before, Aileu was one of those areas that had a tendency to yield more than ten tons per hectare compared with other places where averages were lower."
"Nevertheless, in 2013 the center at Aileu failed to achieve a better production environment when compared with Betano which was almost as good."
"Figure 20.Figures of the system"
"Biplot analysis (7 varieties in 8 environments),2013-4 In Figure, the biblots that investigated on presentation of seven different variations are ploted together with 'best against stability'."
"The results representing 78% of the variation observed, CIP-102 and Hohrae3 showed better performance than other varieties."
"While CIP 72 is the best-presented variety, its scalar lines are almost as long and diverse."
"CIP 71 and cp-62 have proven their advantages in increasing yield at centres located within short distance of each other during different growing season."
"Hohrae 3 once again proves its worth as a variety that can be released in all conditions, just like CIP82."
"During the six-year period, SoL carried out a total of twenty three successful tests with more than two dozen varieties representing an individual data point (variety per environment combination) in all."
"The results vary almost significantly only by genotype (variety) and the environment."
"In the first phase of a variety evaluation, we were able to guide three new varieties into production."
"Among these varieties, Hohrae 3 confirmed its position as a reliable standard but the other two followed suit with their results in seasons of higher yield."
"After two years of testing with these new varieties, CIP 71 and the three more recently tested (Cip-83) are particularly impressive."
"These fruits may also present additional nutritional value in the form of vitamin A (which is currently being analyzed)."
"The suitability and consistency of these two potential varieties has been thoroughly investigated in the OFDT program."
"The following six high-yielding varieties of beans that performed well at the research center were evaluated through test and demonstration in forests during 2015/6."
"The testing was carried out in 15 sites across the country's twelve sub-districts with a view to obtaining varieties that yield high produce and meet all criteria accepted by Timorese farmer."
"In each place, the new variety is grown in conjunction with local varieties prepared by farmers."
"Therefore, the locality used for comparison is almost identical in each place but represents one that farmer usually grow."
"The varieties used in the text for 2015/6 are: Hohrae, with CIPs of -4.8 and +73 respectively;"
"Several of these varieties (Hohrae 3 with CIP4,8 and17) have been grown in OFDTs during the previous rainy season."
"There are only a few places where Hohrae 1 and2 varieties grow, but there is very little wheat so no significant results can be interpreted from the data."
"The methods and materials used in the 2015/6 OFDT site were similar to those of previous years."
"Seven districts including Aileu, Ainaro (Ainur), Baucau and Bobonaro have been included in this text with the location representing different elevations of terrains."
"Five of the nine agro-ecological zones discovered in East Timor are almost all represented here and its altitude ranges from sea level to 1,470 m."
"The seedling should be planted in a 5 x10 metre field with an average density of one to two plants per square meter."
"The researchers then conducted regular monitoring of the field to identify, together with farmers and other interested parties for any disease or malnutrition sign that might appear."
"Similarly, for wheat flour the researchers collected 5 samples together with farm workers in order to obtain data on harvest."
"The remainder of the woods will be cut according to farmer' s wishes."
"In the previous years, it is noted that farmers have been harvesting slightly over a year-long period which does not facilitate us in making our estimate of yield."
"By identifying the 5 hunger stages that researchers and farmer will meet in one day, it is possible to estimate their yield."
"For each season, the researchers will record how much water is consumed by a given variety of wheat and what perception farmers have about it."
"In each sub-district there will be Dalaida Forester's Day at one OFDT site."
"A number of local farmers will attend each day the forester and give comments on new varieties."
"At each site the test will record on some characteristics including soil pH, color and texture as well latitude longitude elevation."
"Soil texture will be recorded by the results of ribbon testing, pH measured using a mobile test kit and soils are classified according to 7 available lists."
"Farmers also report on a number of other management factors."
"As with other OFDT analyses, the data was collected in Excel and then summarized for analysis using Genstat Discovery Edition 3 &4."
"The output data is analyzed using ANOVA (Unbalanced model) in various methods."
"First, the main effect and interaction between variety in districts/sub-districts or SEA areas."
"In addition to the basic analysis, there are also various factors that influence fruit yield."
"Models of analysis always include varieties and ZAE as a factor in the model."
"Since elevation has shown its impact on yields between sites, it is included as a co-variate in all analyse."
"On the contrary, it increases some factors in a model one by One."
"If these are significant, the factor is retained in model and if they aren't it will be removed."
"Once a significant factor has been identified, the interaction between this variable and variety will also be examined to see its significancy at P = level."
"Fifty-five test sites have been established in the summer of 2015 and data was collected from forties."
"The text is written in an environment and under different conditions than are commonly found on Timor-Leste."
"As with other vegetable crops such as wheat, it is difficult to calculate its yield and some test sites have been lost."
"The rise was caused in particular by animal damage, often from rats and wild boar."
"In areas of high food insecurity, it is difficult to control as other sources are often lacking."
"The environments in which white-midar OFDT' s grow are established depend on the soil texture, pH value and elevation of their habitat."
"This year represents all EEZ except the southern outskirts, and elevation range from sea level to 1470m at Aileu (Table #35)."
"Table 35. table of results"
"Distribution of OFDT spot white midar according to elevation, 2013."
"Soil pH, elevation and texture of the soils from OFDT sites ranged between 4.5-80 with an average values at around -63 in each subdistrict; Remexio was most acidic (average: +72) while Balibo had a more basic baseline that is approximately equivalent to about –19"
"As shown in previous years (see Chapter 4 of OFDT), there is a general negative correlation between soil pH and elevation."
"Table 36."
"Medium soil pH with elevation, white OFDTs measured by sub-district 2015/6."
"As in previous years, the new variety produced higher yields than local varieties but Hohrae 3 released performed better (Table #27)."
"Hohrae 3 has a body that is up to two and half times larger than the local variety, so it can be sold in Timor-Leste."
"Table 37."
"Components of yield for varieties with low midar OFDT, 2013/4."
"(g) The sub-districts with the highest yields were Same Vila, Viqueque Villa and Balibo but there was no significant interaction between Sub District or varieties of beans."
"Table 3 presents the best local check varieties in each sub-district and its most consistent yield advantage of all newly available variations (Tab."
"Table 38. table of the results"
"Fruit yield results in OFDT (t/ha) by sub-districts, 2015."
"Variety Interaction* Sub-District: nonsignificant at p<0.5 Agroecological Zones (AEZ) and yield performance The output of each variety is shown in Table 39, which shows the difference between varieties with respect to their production outcomes for different agroeconomic zones as well"
"The highest yields were discovered in the southern coastal and upland areas south of EEZ."
"Since no interaction has been discovered between varieties and ZAE, there is not any reason to recommend different variations for the various ZEAs."
"Hohrae 3 performs well in all the EAZ and is a high yielding variety everywhere, except for northern uplands."
"Table 39. table of the results"
"Fruit production medium measured by OFDT according to ZAE, 2013/4."
"1 Northern coast (0-5m)2 Southern uplands(>3.8 m, p<4).6 Variety interaction*ZAE nonsignificant at P <=7 Agronomic factors affecting yields Various factor were analyzed to see their effect on the fruit production of blackberry trees:"
"In addition to the primary objective of OFDTs being analyzing sustainability for high-quality varieties in local Timorese conditions, planting these variations into farmer' s forest provides an opportunity on collect data about agronomic factors and site condition as well their effects upon fruit yield."
"A number of test factors including variety, sub-district (SD), EEA area and soil pH showed significant effects on crop yield."
"Data on pre-crop washing was collected in this year's test, but it proved to be nonsignificant."
"It has achieved significant yield advantages over growing two crops per acre instead of one."
"Table 40. table of results"
"The significance of management factors affecting the yields in fruit crops."
"Whether cows have flax or not Cow and cattle separately Wash before planting Sheep are planted on each quarry (1-2) The effect of soil pH was almost inconsistent as in previous years, with no clear trend for this year' s data.(Table 40)."
"Table 41."
"Production in OFDT according to soil pH for all varieties of midar beans, 2015/6."
"LSD (p<0.15) 8,7 The highest yields were obtained in sandy loam/lempung berpasir soil as opposed to the previous year when dry texture of ground had a tendency for higher production(Table42)."
"Table 42."
"Impact of soil texture on fruit yields, 2013."
"Sandy loam/Lempung berpasir Silty clay Clay Loams /Liat Berlembang Fine Clay Heavy clyne The impact of soil thickness on the yields for white rice shows that red wheat production tend to decrease in areas with a higher densities than at least an average (8%)(Table43)."
"Table 43."
"Impact of soil moisture on fruit yields in 2013/4."
"In previous years, the yields of blackberry were almost as low in terraced trees (terasering) and also on thick soil."
"The second one occurred in 2013, where the forests (terasering) yielded higher production than other areas."
"Table 43. table of results:"
"Impact of topography on fruit yields in the 2013/4 season."
"Farmers' preference for small white varieties A survey was conducted during the 2014-’35 harvest, which asked farmern to evaluate and assign value both locally cultivated crops (Cropping) or new growers in accordance with a number of existing criteria."
"As in the evaluation carried out last year, Hohrae 3 was released with an almost positive response."
"This variety achieves a high value in its body, ease of sale and other criteria. It is almost the most valuable among all varieties on this list!"
"Other varieties, including locally grown ones obtained lower values with CIP8 being the best."
"This gives equal or better values than other CIP varieties in all of the above-mentioned criteria, and a locally superior score on each."
"Incidental comments from farmers attending the forest day showed that CIP 8' s capped skin emerged as a characteristic of preference amongst them."
"Table 45."
"Farmer response (%) for fruit varieties measured 2015/6."
"Domestic food for dodok Sells at a better price Produces healthy fruit Will be re-planted Most positive response (%) The lower preference value of CIP 83 compared to the previous varieties is because there are slightly fewer farming days on these two."
"CIP 83's inner core is similar to that of Hohrae III, and must have been found at different places over the next few years."
"The Hohrae 3 variety that was released continues to be the best-presenting and most popular of all varieties."
"The local varieties of black beans are less valued in their yields and also farmer preferences, which suggest that more extensive research into new cultivars should take place."
"CIP 83 and cp72 showed some potential results, but in-depth research will be needed to make a full evaluation."
"This data will be included in the 2013 OFDT survey."
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Juventude Mak Ai-riin Povu no Nasaun | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste\nVARANDA HEADLINE Juventude Mak Ai-riin Povu no Nasaun\nDILI, 18 janeiru 2020 (TATOLI)–Prezidente Repúblika (PR), Francisco Guterres Lú Olo konsidera juventude mak povu no nasaun Timor-Leste (TL) nia ai-riin.\nKonsiderasaun ne’e, Xefe Estadu hato’o liuhusi diskursu enserramentu ba kongressu dalimak Conselho Nacional da Juventude Timor-Leste (CNJTL-sigla Portugés), iha Centro Convencões de Dili, ohin.\n“Juventude mak povu no nasaun Timor-Leste nia ai-riin. Juventude hamriik kedas husi tempu ne’ebé ita hahú organiza-an hodi luta ba ita-nia identidade, nu’udár povu no nasaun. Onra boot mai ha’u marka prezensa iha-ne’e atu hato’o rasik ha’u-nia apoiu tomak ba CNJTL, nu’udár líder iha tempu rezisténsia no nu’udár Prezidente Repúblika”, PR Lú Olo hato’o liuhusi diskursu.\nXefe Estadu hateten kongresu ida-ne’e hadi’a hela estatutu, regulamentu sira no sei hili líder foun no fiar katak CNJTL sei la’o di’ak liután tinan lima tuirmai.\nNia subliña, importante ba hotu-hotu maka hatuur istória loloos rezisténsia juventude nian ho faktu, molok haluha ka mate.\nHo objetivu ida-ne’e, PR Lú Olo hakarak fó hanoin ohin katak CNJTL mai husi istória naruk ida, tanba nia hún mak organizasaun rezisténsia sira tuirmai ne’e: OJETIL, OPJELATIL, FITUN, Sagrada Família, UNIAMORTE, UJTL, Ativista Prokemerdekaan, Dewan Solidaritas, CNJ, Uniaun Morte, RENETIL, DPP IMPETU, BPPM/Aliansa Juventude Maubere no Organizasaun Trabalhadores “Moris Dame”, Fuan Domin, AHOC no AST.\nNia dehan tan, nu’udár organizasaun joven sira-nian, hamahon-an iha FRETILIN-Movimentu ka nu’udár organizasaun estudantes, organizasaun sira-ne’e mak harii Prezidium Juventude Lorico Aswa’in (PJLA), iha marsu 1999, hafoin hetan malu ho líder Conselho Nacional da Resistência Timorense (CNRT), Xanana Gusmão, iha Salemba, Jakarta.\nNia hatutan, hafoin akordu 5 Maiu 1999, PJLA harii iha Dili, nu’udár organizasaun-sombriña organizasaun juventude sira-nian hodi serbisu hamutuk ho CNRT-Rezisténsia, atu alkansa objetivu Ukun Rasik-an. Maibé, PR hateten, organizasaun ne’ebé de’it la buras sein ema.\n“Nune’e, ha’u hakarak temi no rekoñese líder joven sira, ne’ebé barani lidera no kaer metin organizasaun sira, iha tempu rezisténsia no ukun-an. Iha 1999, PJLA lidera uluk husi Juvêncio Martins, Mariano Assanami no Zebra Metan. Iha Outubru 1999, liuhusi kongresu nasionál, kongresista sira eleje Ricardo Ribeiro, José da Costa, Leovigildo Hornai no Costa Brandão, nu’udár líder PJLA nian. Iha kongresu ba dala rua, halo iha 2002, PJLA nakfilak ba CNJTL no hili Miguel Manetelo, nu’udár Prezidente. Terseiru no kuartu kongresu hili Leovigildo Hornai, no ikus mai CNJTL lidera husi Dadi Magno. CNJTL sei lidera iha tinan lima tuirmai husi joven líder foun ida ba tinan sira tuirmai. Perkursu ida-ne’e hatudu katak imi joven sira dedika-an duni ba ita-nia kauza nasionál: Liberta Pátria no Liberta Povu”, Xefe Estadu rekoñese.\nDurante funu ba libertasaun nasionál, PR Lú Olo konta tuir, iha área libertada, organizasaun rezisténsia juventude sira-nian fó an tomak hodi organiza área sira-ne’e no partisipa iha programa alfabetizasaun, saúde, atividade produsaun no seluk-seluk. Bainhira baze apoiu rahun, juventude kontinua sira-nia asaun iha vila-laran no iha tempu oportunu, konsegue lori duni funu libertasaun nasionál tama ba inimigu nia uma-laran.\n“Juventude Lorico Aswa’in sira-nia partisipasaun iha luta libertasaun nasionál importante tebes ba ita-nia vitória finál: Ukun Rasik-an. Nune’e, ohinloron, organizasaun rezisténsia juventude sira-nian, ne’ebé hamahon-an iha CNJTL, iha obrigasaun hodi valoriza no kontinua legadu husik husi juventude rezisténsia; husi Lorico Aswa’in sira ne’ebé luta iha rai-laran no husi sira ne’ebé lori luta ba inimigu nia uma-laran no mós husi sira ne’ebé namkari iha Portugál, Austrália no rai sira seluk”, nia esklarese.\nPartisipa iha loron ikus Kongresu Nasionál dalimak CNJTL mak hanesan Arsebispu Metropolitanu Arquidioseze Dili, Don Virgílio do Carmo da Silva, Prezidente CNJTL, Dadi Magno no ekipa tomak membru husi organizasaun juventude rezisténsia, juventude hosi partidu polítiku sira, kongresista sira no konvidadu sira.\nPrevious articleAbitante Muapitine Voluntariamente Aterru Estrada Ne’ebé Kuak\nNext articleMolok Foti Desizaun, Xefe Estadu Sei Konsulta Titulár Órgaun Soberania Sira | [
"Juventude Mak Ai-riin Povu no Nasaun | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA HEADLINE Juventude Mak Ai-riin Povu no Nasaun DILI, 18 janeiru 2020 (TATOLI) -Prezidente Republika (PR), Francisco Guterres Lu Olo konsidera juventude mak povu no nasaun Timor-Leste (TL) nia ai-riin.",
"Konsiderasaun ne'e, Xefe Estadu hato'o liuhusi diskursu enserramentu ba kongressu dalimak Conselho Nacional da Juventude Timor-Leste (CNJTL-sigla Portuges), iha Centro Convencoes de Dili, ohin.",
"\"Juventude mak povu no nasaun Timor-Leste nia ai-riin.",
"Juventude hamriik kedas husi tempu ne'ebe ita hahu organiza-an hodi luta ba ita-nia identidade, nu'udar povu no nasaun.",
"Onra boot mai ha'u marka prezensa iha-ne'e atu hato'o rasik ha'u-nia apoiu tomak ba CNJTL, nu'udar lider iha tempu rezistensia no nu'udar Prezidente Republika,\" PR Lu Olo hato'o liuhusi diskursu.",
"Xefe Estadu hateten kongresu ida-ne'e hadi'a hela estatutu, regulamentu sira no sei hili lider foun no fiar katak CNJTL sei la'o di'ak liutan tinan lima tuirmai.",
"Nia sublina, importante ba hotu-hotu maka hatuur istoria loloos rezistensia juventude nian ho faktu, molok haluha ka mate.",
"Ho objetivu ida-ne'e, PR Lu Olo hakarak fo hanoin ohin katak CNJTL mai husi istoria naruk ida, tanba nia hun mak organizasaun rezistensia sira tuirmai ne'e: OJETIL, OPJELATIL, FITUN, Sagrada Familia, UNIAMORTE, UJTL, Ativista Prokemerdekaan, Dewan Solidaritas, CNJ, Uniaun Morte, RENETIL, DPP IMPETU, BPPM/Aliansa Juventude Maubere no Organizasaun Trabalhadores \"Moris Dame,\" Fuan Domin, AHOC no AST.",
"Nia dehan tan, nu'udar organizasaun joven sira-nian, hamahon-an iha FRETILIN-Movimentu ka nu'udar organizasaun estudantes, organizasaun sira-ne'e mak harii Prezidium Juventude Lorico Aswa'in (PJLA), iha marsu 1999, hafoin hetan malu ho lider Conselho Nacional da Resistencia Timorense (CNRT), Xanana Gusmao, iha Salemba, Jakarta.",
"Nia hatutan, hafoin akordu 5 Maiu 1999, PJLA harii iha Dili, nu'udar organizasaun-sombrina organizasaun juventude sira-nian hodi serbisu hamutuk ho CNRT-Rezistensia, atu alkansa objetivu Ukun Rasik-an.",
"Maibe, PR hateten, organizasaun ne'ebe de'it la buras sein ema.",
"\"Nune'e, ha'u hakarak temi no rekonese lider joven sira, ne'ebe barani lidera no kaer metin organizasaun sira, iha tempu rezistensia no ukun-an.",
"Iha 1999, PJLA lidera uluk husi Juvencio Martins, Mariano Assanami no Zebra Metan.",
"Iha Outubru 1999, liuhusi kongresu nasional, kongresista sira eleje Ricardo Ribeiro, Jose da Costa, Leovigildo Hornai no Costa Brandao, nu'udar lider PJLA nian.",
"Iha kongresu ba dala rua, halo iha 2002, PJLA nakfilak ba CNJTL no hili Miguel Manetelo, nu'udar Prezidente.",
"Terseiru no kuartu kongresu hili Leovigildo Hornai, no ikus mai CNJTL lidera husi Dadi Magno.",
"CNJTL sei lidera iha tinan lima tuirmai husi joven lider foun ida ba tinan sira tuirmai.",
"Perkursu ida-ne'e hatudu katak imi joven sira dedika-an duni ba ita-nia kauza nasional: Liberta Patria no Liberta Povu,\" Xefe Estadu rekonese.",
"Durante funu ba libertasaun nasional, PR Lu Olo konta tuir, iha area libertada, organizasaun rezistensia juventude sira-nian fo an tomak hodi organiza area sira-ne'e no partisipa iha programa alfabetizasaun, saude, atividade produsaun no seluk-seluk.",
"Bainhira baze apoiu rahun, juventude kontinua sira-nia asaun iha vila-laran no iha tempu oportunu, konsegue lori duni funu libertasaun nasional tama ba inimigu nia uma-laran.",
"\"Juventude Lorico Aswa'in sira-nia partisipasaun iha luta libertasaun nasional importante tebes ba ita-nia vitoria final: Ukun Rasik-an.",
"Nune'e, ohinloron, organizasaun rezistensia juventude sira-nian, ne'ebe hamahon-an iha CNJTL, iha obrigasaun hodi valoriza no kontinua legadu husik husi juventude rezistensia; husi Lorico Aswa'in sira ne'ebe luta iha rai-laran no husi sira ne'ebe lori luta ba inimigu nia uma-laran no mos husi sira ne'ebe namkari iha Portugal, Australia no rai sira seluk,\" nia esklarese.",
"Partisipa iha loron ikus Kongresu Nasional dalimak CNJTL mak hanesan Arsebispu Metropolitanu Arquidioseze Dili, Don Virgilio do Carmo da Silva, Prezidente CNJTL, Dadi Magno no ekipa tomak membru husi organizasaun juventude rezistensia, juventude hosi partidu politiku sira, kongresista sira no konvidadu sira.",
"Previous articleAbitante Muapitine Voluntariamente Aterru Estrada Ne'ebe Kuak Next articleMolok Foti Desizaun, Xefe Estadu Sei Konsulta Titular Orgaun Soberania Sira"
] | [
"Juventude Mak Ai-riin Povu no Nasaun | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor -Leste VARANDA HEADLINE Youth is the lifeblood of people and nation Dili, January (18) – President Francisco Guterres Lu Olo considers youth to be a vital force for his country."
"This consideration, the Head of State made through his closing speech at Congresso Nacional da Juventude Timor-Leste (CNJTL), in Centro Convencoes de Dili today."
"\"Youth is the heart of Timor-Leste's people and nation."
"The youth has existed since the time when we began to organize ourselves in a struggle for identity, as people and country."
"It is a great honour for me to be here today and offer my full support, both as the leader of CNJTL during resistance time but also in this capacity I am now President\", said Lu Olo."
"The Head of State said that this congress is improving the statutes, regulations and will elect new leaders. He believed CNJTL would run well in its next five years as a national body for youth movement to be successfully implemented throughout Timor-Leste' 50th birthday celebration on June12 at São Tomé e Príncipe City Hall (São Paulo)."
"He emphasized that it was important for all to keep the true history of youth resistance alive with facts, before they were lost or drowned out."
"With this aim, President Lu Olo wants to remind today that CNJTL comes from long history because it is the home of resistance organization: OJETIL (Joint National Youth Organization), OPJELAtil(National Workers' Organisation for Liberation and Democracy in Timor-Leste) FITUN Sagrada Familia UNIAMORTE/União Morte RENETEL DPP IMPETÚ BPPM / Aliança Juventude Maubere e Organização Trabalhadores \"Moris Dame\" Fuan Domin ACHOC AST."
"He added that, as youth organizations forming part of FRETILIN-Movimentu or student organisation. These groups established the Lorico Aswa'in Youth Presidium (PJLA) in March1980 after meeting with Xanana Gusmao from Conselha Nacional da Resistencia Timorense(CNRT), at Salemba Jakarta and then joined together to form a new group called Movimentu Juventude Libertação Nasional/Fretilin - Movement for National Liberation Nation)."
"He added that after the agreement of 5 May, in Dili was established as an umbrella organization for youth organisations to work together with CNRT-Resistencia (Congress and Resistance) towards achieving its objective."
"But, PR says that the organization alone is not enough without people."
"\"Now, I want to mention and recognize the young leaders who dared lead their organizations in times of resistance or independence."
"The PJLA was first led by Juvencio Martins, Mariano Assanami and Zebra Metan in the early years of its existence."
"In October 1980, through a national congress of the party's members elected Ricardo Ribeiro as its leader and José da Costa (who had been president since January) to become President."
"At its second congress, held in 2013 the CNJTL elected Miguel Manetelo as President of it. In addition to his positions at both Congresses he has been a member and vice-president for several years with other parties including:"
"The third and fourth congresses elected Leovigildo Hornai, then the CNJTL led by Dadi Magno."
"The CNJTL will be led for the next five years by a new young leader."
"This course shows that you young people are truly dedicated to our national cause: Liberte Patria e Liberta Povu,\" the Head of State acknowledged."
"During the national liberation war, President Lu Olo recounted that in liberated areas youth resistance organizations dedicated themselves to organizing these area and participating on literacy programs as well health care production activities etc."
"When the base of support broke down, youth continued their action in villages and at an opportune time managed to bring national liberation into enemy homes."
"\"The participation of Lorico Aswa'in youth in the national liberation struggle was crucial to our final victory: Independence."
"Thus, today the youth resistance organization that has assembled itself in CNJTL is obliged to value and continue leaving legacy left by young people of Resistance; from Lorico Aswa'in who fought on their own land or those which carried out struggle at home against enemy forces as well for others living abroad like Portugal Australia etc.\""
"Participating in the final day of CNJTL’s National Congress were Metropolitan Archbishop Virgilio do Carmo da Silva, President Dadi Magno and all members from youth organization Resistencia (Resistance Youth), political parties' young people."
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Filomeno Paixão kondena suspeitu lori motor tama aeroportu-laran – GMN TV | Grupo Média Nacional - Lori Timor ba Mundu - GMN TV | Grupo Média Nacional\nHome » Justica e Segurança » Filomeno Paixão kondena suspeitu lori motor tama aeroportu-laran\nMinistru Defeza no Interior Interinu, Filomeno Paixão, kondena suspeitu ne’ebé lori motor halai tama ba Aeroportu Internasionál Prezidente Nicolau Lobato hodi duni tuir aviaun Srwijaya.\nTan ne’e governante ne’e, promete sei loke prosesu investigasaun ba suspeitu ne’e.\n“Ha’u sei investiga kazu ne’e ho didiak, ne’e sinal ida, portantu dala ita hanoin dehan ema ne’e atu ba para de’it iha liur, afinal ema ne’e ho motor tama liu ba iha aeroportu laran. Ohin ha’u temi tiha ona kona-ba krimi organizadu kona-bá terorizmu buat sira ne’e bele halai ba iha ne’ebá, sé aviaun la’o hela mak ida ho motor ba atravesa ne’e fó dezastre boot ida”,esplika Ministru Defeza no Interior Interinu Filomeno Paixão, hafoin partisipa grande entrevista iha studio 2 GMN Bebora Díli, Segunda (14/10/19)\nInsidente ne’e akontese Segunda (14/10/19) mais oumenus tuku 1 liu minutu 40 oras Timor-Leste, wainhira suspeitu ne’e kondus motor Revo ne’ebé mak laiha sapa matrikula hodi tama ba aeroportu laran, aselera nia motor duni tuir aviaun Sriwijaya, maibé seguransa sira duni tuir konsege kaptura. No dadauk ne’e suspeitu detein hela iha sela detensaun Polísia atu submete ba prosesu investigasaun.\nTuir informasaun ne’ebé GMN hetan katak, suspeitu ne’e frustradu ho nia namorada ne’ebé deside ba eskola iha Indonézia, no suspeitu ne’e orijin husi Ermera.\nProsesa ho seríu\nPrezidente Parlamentu Nasionál (PPN), Arão Noe Amaral husu Governu liu husi ministériu interior no autoridade relevante sira, atu bele hola medidas no halo investigasaun kle’an, atu nue’e labele fó rizku ba Timor-Leste nia polítika relasaun internasionál, inklui aktu ne’e mos ameasa ba ema nia vida.\nLee hotu : Jogu kasino impaktu fo negativu ba sosiadade Tilman:“ PM Mari Alkatiri la iha kompotensia atu interven”\n“Ida ne’e grave tebes, foin primeira vez akontese iha mundu, tuir loloos asuntu ne’e labele akontese, tanba ne’e nia impaktu bo’ot tebes, ba ema atus resin ne’ebé viajen uza aviaun. Tanba ne’e, relasaun ho asuntu ne’e, la’os investiga de’it ema ida tama ne’e maibé, investiga mós seguran sira ne’ebé husik nia tama mós tenki investiga, no tama husi ne’ebé. Tanba ne’e ha’u husu ba ministru interior tau atensaun ba ida ne’e, nune’e mós parte seguransa tenki investiga, tanba sa mak sira husik liu ema ne’e tama to’o iha aeroportu laran, ida ne’e grave ba Estadu no nasaun, tanba kuandu ida ne’e akontese ne’e, ameasa ida ba Estadu, sa tan ita-nia kampu aviasaun ne’e, internasionál, la’os aviaun rai laran de’it mak tama iha ne’ebá. Tanba ne’e mak grave tebes liga ba polítika relasaun internasionál, tanba ema bele iha dúvidas bainhira atu tama mai iha ita-nia rain, kuandu ho akontesimentu sira hanesan ne’e”, deklara Prezidente PN, Arão Noe ba jornalista sira iha PN, Tersa (15/10/2019).\nLíder másimu órgaun lejisladór ne’e mós husu ministériu relevante sira, atu bele tau atensaun sériu liutan, nune’e labele akontese tan situasaun hanesan ne’e iha futuru, tanba akontesimentu hanesan ne’e, nu’udar dúvidas bo’ot ba ema estranjeiru atu mai Timor-Leste.\n“ Ha’u husu ministériu relevante sira, primeiru tenki fó sansaun ba ema ne’ebé tama, tanba ida ne’e hanesan krime ida ne’ebé nia halo, nune’e mós sira ne’ebé seguransa iha momentu ne’eba ne’e tenki responsabiliza hotu, para nune’e labele akontese tan. Se frakeza ne’e iha liñas ruma, presiza haforsa servisu, tanba ne’e mak husu autoridade sira ne’ebé ka’er jestaun ba ida ne’e, tenki aumenta seguransa, no tau ema ho kualidade no responsabilidade, para nune’e labele akontese tan, tanba ida ne’e bele lori dúvidas bo’ot, ba ema ne’ebé hakarak mai vizita Timor, motor ida mak tama to’o fali kampu aviasaun laran ne’e grave tebes. Tanba ne’e husu para halo investigasaun kle’an ba asuntu ne’e”, tenik Arão Noe.\nLee hotu : ACBN firme ho Xanana salva K-RDTL hosi interese polítiku\nAkontesimentu ne’e, akontese iha Segunda loron 14 fulan Outubru tinan ne’e, iha Aeroportu internasionál Nikolau Lobato Komoro Díli.avi/say\nPrezidente Repúiblika (PR), Francisco Guterres ‘Lú... | [
"Filomeno Paixao kondena suspeitu lori motor tama aeroportu-laran - GMN TV | Grupo Media Nacional - Lori Timor ba Mundu - GMN TV | Grupo Media Nacional Home \" Justica e Seguranca \" Filomeno Paixao kondena suspeitu lori motor tama aeroportu-laran Ministru Defeza no Interior Interinu, Filomeno Paixao, kondena suspeitu ne'ebe lori motor halai tama ba Aeroportu Internasional Prezidente Nicolau Lobato hodi duni tuir aviaun Srwijaya.",
"Tan ne'e governante ne'e, promete sei loke prosesu investigasaun ba suspeitu ne'e.",
"\"Ha'u sei investiga kazu ne'e ho didiak, ne'e sinal ida, portantu dala ita hanoin dehan ema ne'e atu ba para de'it iha liur, afinal ema ne'e ho motor tama liu ba iha aeroportu laran.",
"Ohin ha'u temi tiha ona kona-ba krimi organizadu kona-ba terorizmu buat sira ne'e bele halai ba iha ne'eba, se aviaun la'o hela mak ida ho motor ba atravesa ne'e fo dezastre boot ida,\"esplika Ministru Defeza no Interior Interinu Filomeno Paixao, hafoin partisipa grande entrevista iha studio 2 GMN Bebora Dili, Segunda (14/10/19) Insidente ne'e akontese Segunda (14/10/19) mais oumenus tuku 1 liu minutu 40 oras Timor-Leste, wainhira suspeitu ne'e kondus motor Revo ne'ebe mak laiha sapa matrikula hodi tama ba aeroportu laran, aselera nia motor duni tuir aviaun Sriwijaya, maibe seguransa sira duni tuir konsege kaptura.",
"No dadauk ne'e suspeitu detein hela iha sela detensaun Polisia atu submete ba prosesu investigasaun.",
"Tuir informasaun ne'ebe GMN hetan katak, suspeitu ne'e frustradu ho nia namorada ne'ebe deside ba eskola iha Indonezia, no suspeitu ne'e orijin husi Ermera.",
"Prosesa ho seriu Prezidente Parlamentu Nasional (PPN), Arao Noe Amaral husu Governu liu husi ministeriu interior no autoridade relevante sira, atu bele hola medidas no halo investigasaun kle'an, atu nue'e labele fo rizku ba Timor-Leste nia politika relasaun internasional, inklui aktu ne'e mos ameasa ba ema nia vida.",
"Lee hotu: Jogu kasino impaktu fo negativu ba sosiadade Tilman:\" PM Mari Alkatiri la iha kompotensia atu interven\" \"Ida ne'e grave tebes, foin primeira vez akontese iha mundu, tuir loloos asuntu ne'e labele akontese, tanba ne'e nia impaktu bo'ot tebes, ba ema atus resin ne'ebe viajen uza aviaun.",
"Tanba ne'e, relasaun ho asuntu ne'e, la'os investiga de'it ema ida tama ne'e maibe, investiga mos seguran sira ne'ebe husik nia tama mos tenki investiga, no tama husi ne'ebe.",
"Tanba ne'e ha'u husu ba ministru interior tau atensaun ba ida ne'e, nune'e mos parte seguransa tenki investiga, tanba sa mak sira husik liu ema ne'e tama to'o iha aeroportu laran, ida ne'e grave ba Estadu no nasaun, tanba kuandu ida ne'e akontese ne'e, ameasa ida ba Estadu, sa tan ita-nia kampu aviasaun ne'e, internasional, la'os aviaun rai laran de'it mak tama iha ne'eba.",
"Tanba ne'e mak grave tebes liga ba politika relasaun internasional, tanba ema bele iha duvidas bainhira atu tama mai iha ita-nia rain, kuandu ho akontesimentu sira hanesan ne'e,\" deklara Prezidente PN, Arao Noe ba jornalista sira iha PN, Tersa (15/10/2019).",
"Lider masimu orgaun lejislador ne'e mos husu ministeriu relevante sira, atu bele tau atensaun seriu liutan, nune'e labele akontese tan situasaun hanesan ne'e iha futuru, tanba akontesimentu hanesan ne'e, nu'udar duvidas bo'ot ba ema estranjeiru atu mai Timor-Leste. \"",
"Ha'u husu ministeriu relevante sira, primeiru tenki fo sansaun ba ema ne'ebe tama, tanba ida ne'e hanesan krime ida ne'ebe nia halo, nune'e mos sira ne'ebe seguransa iha momentu ne'eba ne'e tenki responsabiliza hotu, para nune'e labele akontese tan.",
"Se frakeza ne'e iha linas ruma, presiza haforsa servisu, tanba ne'e mak husu autoridade sira ne'ebe ka'er jestaun ba ida ne'e, tenki aumenta seguransa, no tau ema ho kualidade no responsabilidade, para nune'e labele akontese tan, tanba ida ne'e bele lori duvidas bo'ot, ba ema ne'ebe hakarak mai vizita Timor, motor ida mak tama to'o fali kampu aviasaun laran ne'e grave tebes.",
"Tanba ne'e husu para halo investigasaun kle'an ba asuntu ne'e,\" tenik Arao Noe.",
"Lee hotu: ACBN firme ho Xanana salva K-RDTL hosi interese politiku Akontesimentu ne'e, akontese iha Segunda loron 14 fulan Outubru tinan ne'e, iha Aeroportu internasional Nikolau Lobato Komoro Dili.avi/say Prezidente Repuiblika (PR), Francisco Guterres 'Lu..."
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"Filomeno Paixao condemns suspect on motorbike entering airport - GMN TV | Grupo Media Nacional Home \" Justica e Seguranca\" Philomenon Paixão convicts suspeito sobre moto entra aeroportu-laran Interim Minister of Defence and Interior, Prof. Filho de Deus (Philippo) Payaso condena o suposto que conduz um veículo em direção a Presidente Nicolau Lobato International Airport para seguir aviões da Srwijaya 2017/6 /3"
"The governor therefore promised to open an investigation into the suspect."
"\"I will investigate this case thoroughly, it's a sign. So sometimes we think that the man was going to just park outside but after all he went in with his motorbike and entered into an airport area.\""
"Today I've already mentioned about organizing crime on terrorism things can go there, if the plane is going one with an engine to cross it would be a big disaster\", explains Interim Minister of Defence and Interior Filomeno Paixao after participating in great interview at studio 2 GMN Bebora Dili Monday (14/09) The incident occurred Tuesday morning but less than hour over minute Timor-Leste time when suspect drove motor rev that has no registration plate inside airport accelerated his machine following Sriwijaya aircraft however security forces followed managed captured."
"The suspect is currently being held in police custody to be submitted for investigation."
"According to information GMN obtained, the suspect was frustrated with his girlfriend who decided on school in Indonesia and he originates from Ermera."
"Taking seriously the President of National Parliament (PPN), Arao Noe Amaral, asks Government through Interior Ministry and relevant authorities to take measures for a thorough investigation so that this act does not put Timor-Leste' s international relations at risk. This action also threatens people life too!"
"Read more: Casino games have negative impact on society Tilman says \"PM Mari Alkatiri has no power to intervene\" This is very serious, it's the first time this happened in world. It should not happen and therefore its effect will be great for thousand of people who travel by airplane.\""
"Therefore, in relation to this matter not only investigate a person who enters but also the security personnel that let him into must be examined as well and where he came from."
"Therefore I ask the interior minister to pay attention, and also security must investigate why they let these people into our airport. This is serious for both State & country because when this happens it will be a threat against state as we have an international airfield not only domestic planes can enter there"
"That is why it's very serious in terms of international relations policy, because people may have doubts when entering our country with events like this\", declared Parliament Speaker Arao Noe to journalistes at the National Assembly on Tuesday (15/20)."
"The leader of the highest legislative body also asked relevant ministries to pay serious attention, so that such a situation can not happen again in future because events like this are very doubtful for foreigners who come into Timor-Leste. \""
"I ask the relevant ministries, first of all they must sanction those who entered because this is a crime that he committed and also everyone in charge at security should be held accountable so it can't happen again."
"If the weakness is in some lines, it needs to be strengthened. That's why I ask that authorities who manage this should increase security and put people with quality of service so as not for a recurrence because there are great doubts about those visiting Timor-Leste when an engine entered back into airfield area which was very seriously hurtful!"
"Therefore, we are asking for a clear investigation into this matter,” said Arao Noe."
"Read all: ACBN firm with Xanana save K-RDTL from political interest The event took place on Monday, October 14 this year at the Nikolau Lobato Komoro Dili International Airport.avi/say President of Timor Leste (PR), Francisco Guterres 'Lú Olo' said that..."
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PM Taur Dehan Abstein ba Situasaun Myanmar Lisaun ba TL\nPM Taur Dehan Abstein ba Situasaun Myanmar Lisaun ba TL Featured\nDILI: Primeiru Ministru Taur Matan Ruak konsidera desizaun hodi vota abstensaun ba rezolusaun Organizasaun Nasaun Unidus kona-ba situasaun Myanmar sai nu’udar lisaun ba Timor-Leste hodi labele repete tan iha futuru.\nTuir PM Taur maske TL vota abstain maibé la subtitui valor no prinsipiu ne’ebé Timor-Leste komunga hanesan demokrasia, repeitu direitus umanus, rekonsiliasaun, solusaun pasifiku problema sira, no la útiliza violénsia.\nNia hatutan, TL kontinua defende prinsipiu hirak ne’e tanba TL lori ran ho mate mak sosa ninia independensia.\n“Ha’u hanoin ita-nia país ne’e país demokrátiku ida, opiniaun sidadaun sira nian importante loos, governu rejista preokupasaun hotu, so que hanesan ohin ha’u dehan ne’e bainhira votasaun ne’e halo tiha ona, agora ita hasai lisaun ba futuru ne’e,” dehan PM Taur hafoin enkontru semanál ho Prezidente Repúblika Francisco Guterres Lú Olo iha Palasiu Prezidensiál Bairu-Pite, Kinta (24/06).\nMolok ne’e, Ministra Negósiu Estranjeiru no Kooperasaun (MNEK), Adaljiza Magno hatete, pozisaun Timor Leste vota abstensaun ba Rezolusaun Organizasaun Nasaun Unida (ONU) kona-ba situasaun iha Myamar ne’e tuir konsisténsia polítika externa Estadu Timor Leste.\n“Timor Leste fó votu abstensaun ba rezolusaunkona-ba Myamar nia problema hahú husi 2010 to’o ohin loron, nune’e votasaun iha Nova Iorke hatudu konsisténsia polítika externa ne’ebé Estadu Timor Leste seidauk muda,” MNE Adaljiza ba jornalista sira iha Palasiu Governu, Kuarta (23/06).\nEntretantu, iha loron 18 Juñu 2021, Asembleia Jeral Organizasaun Nasaun Unidus (ONU) aprova rezolusaun ida ne’ebé kondena junta militar, ne’ebé hada’u ukun husi governasaun eleitu iha loron 1 Fevereiru 2021.\nONU mós ezije atu liberta prizioneiru politiku, hanesan lider eleitu Aung San Suu Kyi, no hakotu ona violensia ba ema ne’ebé halo manifestasaun pasifiku.\nRezolusaun ne’e hetan apoiu husi nasaun 119, ho Belarus mak vota kontra. Enkuantu nasaun 36 seluk vota abstensaun, inklui Rusia, Xina no Timor-Leste. Rusia no Xima sai nu’udar fornesidór kilat boot liu ba Myanmar.\nTuir informasaun husi Asosiasaun Asistensia Prezu Politiku (AAPP) ne’ebé jornal INDEPENDENTE sita husi kompas.com, to’o ohin loron forsa seguransa junta Myanmar oho ona ema liu na’in 860 no detein kuaze na’in 5.000.\nDesizaun governu TL hodi abstain ba rezolsaun ONU ne’e hamosu preokupasaun boot husi sosidade iha Timor-Leste.\nDiretór Yayasan HAK, Xisto dos Santos hatete, sosiadade sivíl iha Timor-Leste husu deskulpa ba povu Myanmar relasiona ho atus Governu TL hodi ignora solidariedade.\n“Ami husu dekulpa ba povu Myanmar ne’ebé durante tinan naruk nia laran iha presesaun rejime ditadura nia okos. Ami husu deskulpa boot tanba imi-nia sakrifisiu, dedikasaun, imi lakon imi-nia ema ne’ebé luta ba demokrasia no direitus umanus, maibé ami-nia Governu Timor-Leste ignora tiha ami-nia solidariedade,” deklara Sisto iha salaun FONGTIL, Tersa (22/06).\nTuir nia desizaun ne’ebé governu foti la reprezenta povu Timor-Leste, tanba governu nia desizaun ne’e atu hatudu fali katak povu TL apoiu rejime ditadura.\nIha fatin hanesan, Portavoz Asean People Forum (APF) Koko Valente husu governu atu halo esplikasaun klaru ba públiku relasiona ho desizaun Ministériu Negosiu Estranjeiru no Kooperasaun ne’ebé vota abtensaun.\n“Votus abstensaun ne’e karik tuir instrumentu legal ruma ou tuir estratéijia politika ekstema TL nian ruma mak hanesan ida ne’ebé?,” portavoz ne’e husu.\nMore in this category: « Rai Privadu Hektares Liu 110 Iha Area Marinir Suku Madohi Sai Disputa Entre Komunidade ho Estadu MS husu Antisipa Variante Foun Covid husi India »\n/PM Taur Dehan Abstein ba Situasaun Myanmar Lisaun ba TL | [
"PM Taur Dehan Abstein ba Situasaun Myanmar Lisaun ba TL PM Taur Dehan Abstein ba Situasaun Myanmar Lisaun ba TL Featured DILI: Primeiru Ministru Taur Matan Ruak konsidera desizaun hodi vota abstensaun ba rezolusaun Organizasaun Nasaun Unidus kona-ba situasaun Myanmar sai nu'udar lisaun ba Timor-Leste hodi labele repete tan iha futuru.",
"Tuir PM Taur maske TL vota abstain maibe la subtitui valor no prinsipiu ne'ebe Timor-Leste komunga hanesan demokrasia, repeitu direitus umanus, rekonsiliasaun, solusaun pasifiku problema sira, no la utiliza violensia.",
"Nia hatutan, TL kontinua defende prinsipiu hirak ne'e tanba TL lori ran ho mate mak sosa ninia independensia.",
"\"Ha'u hanoin ita-nia pais ne'e pais demokratiku ida, opiniaun sidadaun sira nian importante loos, governu rejista preokupasaun hotu, so que hanesan ohin ha'u dehan ne'e bainhira votasaun ne'e halo tiha ona, agora ita hasai lisaun ba futuru ne'e,\" dehan PM Taur hafoin enkontru semanal ho Prezidente Republika Francisco Guterres Lu Olo iha Palasiu Prezidensial Bairu-Pite, Kinta (24/06).",
"Molok ne'e, Ministra Negosiu Estranjeiru no Kooperasaun (MNEK), Adaljiza Magno hatete, pozisaun Timor Leste vota abstensaun ba Rezolusaun Organizasaun Nasaun Unida (ONU) kona-ba situasaun iha Myamar ne'e tuir konsistensia politika externa Estadu Timor Leste.",
"\"Timor Leste fo votu abstensaun ba rezolusaunkona-ba Myamar nia problema hahu husi 2010 to'o ohin loron, nune'e votasaun iha Nova Iorke hatudu konsistensia politika externa ne'ebe Estadu Timor Leste seidauk muda,\" MNE Adaljiza ba jornalista sira iha Palasiu Governu, Kuarta (23/06).",
"Entretantu, iha loron 18 Junu 2021, Asembleia Jeral Organizasaun Nasaun Unidus (ONU) aprova rezolusaun ida ne'ebe kondena junta militar, ne'ebe hada'u ukun husi governasaun eleitu iha loron 1 Fevereiru 2021.",
"ONU mos ezije atu liberta prizioneiru politiku, hanesan lider eleitu Aung San Suu Kyi, no hakotu ona violensia ba ema ne'ebe halo manifestasaun pasifiku.",
"Rezolusaun ne'e hetan apoiu husi nasaun 119, ho Belarus mak vota kontra.",
"Enkuantu nasaun 36 seluk vota abstensaun, inklui Rusia, Xina no Timor-Leste.",
"Rusia no Xima sai nu'udar fornesidor kilat boot liu ba Myanmar.",
"Tuir informasaun husi Asosiasaun Asistensia Prezu Politiku (AAPP) ne'ebe jornal INDEPENDENTE sita husi kompas.com, to'o ohin loron forsa seguransa junta Myanmar oho ona ema liu na'in 860 no detein kuaze na'in 5.000.",
"Desizaun governu TL hodi abstain ba rezolsaun ONU ne'e hamosu preokupasaun boot husi sosidade iha Timor-Leste.",
"Diretor Yayasan HAK, Xisto dos Santos hatete, sosiadade sivil iha Timor-Leste husu deskulpa ba povu Myanmar relasiona ho atus Governu TL hodi ignora solidariedade.",
"\"Ami husu dekulpa ba povu Myanmar ne'ebe durante tinan naruk nia laran iha presesaun rejime ditadura nia okos.",
"Ami husu deskulpa boot tanba imi-nia sakrifisiu, dedikasaun, imi lakon imi-nia ema ne'ebe luta ba demokrasia no direitus umanus, maibe ami-nia Governu Timor-Leste ignora tiha ami-nia solidariedade,\" deklara Sisto iha salaun FONGTIL, Tersa (22/06).",
"Tuir nia desizaun ne'ebe governu foti la reprezenta povu Timor-Leste, tanba governu nia desizaun ne'e atu hatudu fali katak povu TL apoiu rejime ditadura.",
"Iha fatin hanesan, Portavoz Asean People Forum (APF) Koko Valente husu governu atu halo esplikasaun klaru ba publiku relasiona ho desizaun Ministeriu Negosiu Estranjeiru no Kooperasaun ne'ebe vota abtensaun.",
"\"Votus abstensaun ne'e karik tuir instrumentu legal ruma ou tuir estrateijia politika ekstema TL nian ruma mak hanesan ida ne'ebe?,\" portavoz ne'e husu.",
"More in this category: \" Rai Privadu Hektares Liu 110 Iha Area Marinir Suku Madohi Sai Disputa Entre Komunidade ho Estadu MS husu Antisipa Variante Foun Covid husi India \" /PM Taur Dehan Abstein ba Situasaun Myanmar Lisaun ba TL"
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"PM Taur Dehan Abstein on the Situation in Myanmar Lesson for Timor-Leste Featured DILI: Prime Minister, Mr. Tau Matan Ruak considers that abstaining from voting a United Nations resolution regarding Burma is an important lesson to be learned by East Тимор so it will not repeat itself any more time into its future history of conflict and violence against human rights violators as well..."
"According to Prime Minister Taur, although Timor-Leste abstained from voting but did not substitute the value and principle that is shared by all people of this country such as democracy; respect for human rights. reconciliation: peaceful solution on problems with no use violence"
"He added that the country continues to defend these principle, because it bought its independence with blood and death."
"\"I think our country is a democratic one, the opinion of its citizens really matters. The government has recorded all concerns but as I said today when this vote was made we will draw lessons for future actions\", PM Taur told after his weekly meeting with President Francisco Guterres Lu Olo at Bairro-Pite Presidential Palace on Thursday (24/06)."
"However, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation (MNEK), Adaljiza Magno said that Timor-Leste's position to abstain from voting on the United Nations Resolution regarding Myanmar is consistent with its foreign policy."
"\"East Timor has abstained from voting on the resolution concerning Myanmar' s problem since 2015, so this vote in New York shows consistency of foreign policy that East Тимор State does not change\", MNE Adaljiza told journalist at Government Palace Thursday (June)."
"On 18 June, the United Nations General Assembly adopted a resolution condemning Myanmar's military junta that overthrew an elected government on February. The UN has called for immediate and unconditional release of Aung San Suu Kyi from prison in order to allow her family back into Burma after she was arrested by authorities as part Of its attempt To restore Democracy In Bangladesh"
"The UN also demanded the release of political prisoners, such as elected leader Aung San Suu Kyi and an end to violence against peaceful demonstrators."
"The resolution was supported by 120 countries, with Belarus voting against."
"A total of 36 countries abstained, including Russia and China."
"Russia and China have become the largest suppliers of lightning to Myanmar."
"According to information from the Political Prisoners Assistance Association (AAPP) which Independent newspaper quoted by kompas.com, so far Myanmar's joint security forces have killed more than 860 people and arrested nearly five thousand others in recent days"
"The decision of the Timorese government to abstain from voting on this UN resolution has caused great concern in society."
"Director of Yayasan HAK, Xisto dos Santos said that civil society in Timor-Leste apologises to the people from Myanmar for ignoring their solidarity."
"\"We apologize to the people of Myanmar who for many years have suffered under this dictatorial regime."
"We apologize deeply for your sacrifices, dedication and loss of people who fought to defend democracy & human rights. But our Timor-Leste Government has ignored this solidarity,” Sisto said in the FONGTIL meeting room on Tuesday (21/06)."
"According to him, the government's decision did not represent Timorese people because it was a way of showing that they supported their dictatorial regime."
"Meanwhile, the ASEAN People Forum (APF) spokesperson Koko Valente asked that government give a clear explacation to public regarding decision of Ministry for Foreign Affairs and Cooperation which voted abstain."
"\"Is the abstaining vote based on some legal instrument or according to a political strategy of any other system in TL?,\" he asked."
"More in this category: \" Private Land Over 120 Hektares In Area Marinir Suku Madohi There Is Dispute Between Community And State MS Asks To Anticipate New Covid Variant From India\" /PM Taur Dehan Abstein on the Situation of Myanmar Lessons for TL"
] |
Votus La To’o 3 %, CNE Soe ba Lixu – Radio Liberdade Dili – FM 95.8 Mhz\nRadio, online – Prezidenti Comisaun Nasional das Eleisoens ( CNE) Faustino Cardoso fo sai katak, partidu ne’ebe mak nia votus la liu husi 3% votus hirak ne’e sei la fo ba partidu ida maibe votus ne’e sei soe ba lixu.\n“Hau bele katak, prezensa partidu barak iha Timor-Leste estraga deit tanba ferik katuas, joven , inan aman, inklui ita hotu mak ba vota iha partidu ne’ebe ita hili ne’e la to’o 3% la to’o la to’o 13 500 votus (trezi mil quinentos) entaun votus ida ne’e soe saugate deit,” dehan Cardoso iha nia servisu fatin CNE Kintal bo;ot Dili Tersa (26/6).\nBainhira partidu sira ne’e halo koligasaun hodi bele priense 3% komisariu arif hatan labele, partidu sira ne’e so bele halo koligasaun wainhira sira tama ona iha parlamentu nasional ida ne’ e nia sistema mak hanesan ne’e\nsira esplika partidu politika sira (parpol ) ne’ebe mak bele tur iha Parlamentu Nasional (PN) minimu kredit hetan la iha votus 3% husi total votus validus.\n‘Ita bele dehan katak partidu ida para bele tama no hetan ka keixa ida iha parlamentu nasional minimu sira tenki hetan ka iha votu 3% husi total votus validus,”Cardoso esplika.\nPrezidenti CNE hatutan, matematika simples hanesan ne’e, se karik total buletin de votus validus 450 mil quarto ( centus quingentus mil ) entaun signifia katak partidu ida para bele hetan kadeira rua ne’ebe minimu kadeira rua sira hetan 13% ne’e sira tenki hetan minimu 13,500 votus (trezi mil quingentus ) kada partidu ida.\nNia dehan kompara ho eleisaun parlamentar 2007’ iha partidu 14 maibe partidu ne’ebe mak hetan kadeira ka liu husi 3% ne’e partidu 7 deit inklui koligasaun rua lolos partidu lima mak tama maibe tanba iha koligasaun rua entaun iha partidu 7 mak tama mas ida ne’e 2007 nian.\n“Hau fiar katak ba eleisaun 2012 ne’e mos la liu husi partidu 7 agora partidu mak iha 21 so partidu 7 mak tama iha parlamentu nasional tanba sira iha 3% ne’e signifika partidu barak mak sei la tama iha parlamentu nasional ,” Cardoso konfesa.\nCardoso esplika, se karik partidu 21 ne’e mak la tama iha parlamentu nasional ka votus la to’o 13.,500 votus ( trezie mil quingentus ) entaun se iha votus barak mak sei soe saugate deit.\nIha kalkulasaun partidu hetan 8.000 entun kuaze 100 mill votus maka sei soe saugate deit, ida ne’e ninia sistema mak hanesan ne’e. Partidu ne’ebe maka tama iha parlamentu ida ne’e tuir kalkula simples deit, ida ne’e sekarik asumi total votus validus 450 mil (quarto centos cincoenta mill), signifika katak 3 mill 500 votos (trese mill quinentos ) mka bele liu hosi 3%.\nSekarik asumi 100 mil votus mak la uja ka saugate entaun hela 350 mill votus (treze sicoenta mmill) ka 350 mill votus bagi ba kadeira 65 entaun kuaze kadeira ida 5mill 300 (cinco mill treze sentos) ka 5 mill 400( sinco mill qutrosentos) ne’ebe’e kadeira ba 5 mill ida ne’e matematika simples.\nEntertantu Komisairu CNE Arif Sagran reforsa katak, eleisaun parlamentar iha TL uza sistema proposional. Dehan katak, atu hetan asentu Parlamento Nasional, partidu koligasaun ka partidaria depende ba persentazen votus ne’ebe maka hetan iha eleisaun ka tenki aplika barreira 3%.\nArief fo ezemplu se iha eleisaun maka partido ida hetan 20% automatikamente nia mos iha posibilidade 20% hetan kadeira iha PN, ida ne’e maka dehan sistema proporsional dehan katak, depende ba persentazen bo’ot ka ki’ik.\nBarreira eleitoral 3%, ne’ebe signifika katak, partidu koligasaun partidaria bele barak maibe so ba sira ne’ebe’e maka konsege hakat liu ba brreira eleitoral 3% ne’e mak bele kualifikadu atu hetan atruibuisaun asentu iha PN. Ba partidu ne’ebe hakat liu 3% hosi total votus validus nasional tomak mak bele kualifikadu.\nHorta” Hau La Lori PD Koliga ho FRETILIN” | [
"Votus La To'o 3%, CNE Soe ba Lixu - Radio Liberdade Dili - FM 95.8 Mhz Radio, online - Prezidenti Comisaun Nasional das Eleisoens (CNE) Faustino Cardoso fo sai katak, partidu ne'ebe mak nia votus la liu husi 3% votus hirak ne'e sei la fo ba partidu ida maibe votus ne'e sei soe ba lixu.",
"\"Hau bele katak, prezensa partidu barak iha Timor-Leste estraga deit tanba ferik katuas, joven , inan aman, inklui ita hotu mak ba vota iha partidu ne'ebe ita hili ne'e la to'o 3% la to'o la to'o 13 500 votus (trezi mil quinentos) entaun votus ida ne'e soe saugate deit,\" dehan Cardoso iha nia servisu fatin CNE Kintal bo;ot Dili Tersa (26/6).",
"Bainhira partidu sira ne'e halo koligasaun hodi bele priense 3% komisariu arif hatan labele, partidu sira ne'e so bele halo koligasaun wainhira sira tama ona iha parlamentu nasional ida ne' e nia sistema mak hanesan ne'e sira esplika partidu politika sira (parpol) ne'ebe mak bele tur iha Parlamentu Nasional (PN) minimu kredit hetan la iha votus 3% husi total votus validus.",
"'Ita bele dehan katak partidu ida para bele tama no hetan ka keixa ida iha parlamentu nasional minimu sira tenki hetan ka iha votu 3% husi total votus validus,\"Cardoso esplika.",
"Prezidenti CNE hatutan, matematika simples hanesan ne'e, se karik total buletin de votus validus 450 mil quarto (centus quingentus mil) entaun signifia katak partidu ida para bele hetan kadeira rua ne'ebe minimu kadeira rua sira hetan 13% ne'e sira tenki hetan minimu 13,500 votus (trezi mil quingentus) kada partidu ida.",
"Nia dehan kompara ho eleisaun parlamentar 2007' iha partidu 14 maibe partidu ne'ebe mak hetan kadeira ka liu husi 3% ne'e partidu 7 deit inklui koligasaun rua lolos partidu lima mak tama maibe tanba iha koligasaun rua entaun iha partidu 7 mak tama mas ida ne'e 2007 nian.",
"\"Hau fiar katak ba eleisaun 2012 ne'e mos la liu husi partidu 7 agora partidu mak iha 21 so partidu 7 mak tama iha parlamentu nasional tanba sira iha 3% ne'e signifika partidu barak mak sei la tama iha parlamentu nasional ,\" Cardoso konfesa.",
"Cardoso esplika, se karik partidu 21 ne'e mak la tama iha parlamentu nasional ka votus la to'o 13.,500 votus (trezie mil quingentus) entaun se iha votus barak mak sei soe saugate deit.",
"Iha kalkulasaun partidu hetan 8.000 entun kuaze 100 mill votus maka sei soe saugate deit, ida ne'e ninia sistema mak hanesan ne'e.",
"Partidu ne'ebe maka tama iha parlamentu ida ne'e tuir kalkula simples deit, ida ne'e sekarik asumi total votus validus 450 mil (quarto centos cincoenta mill), signifika katak 3 mill 500 votos (trese mill quinentos) mka bele liu hosi 3%.",
"Sekarik asumi 100 mil votus mak la uja ka saugate entaun hela 350 mill votus (treze sicoenta mmill) ka 350 mill votus bagi ba kadeira 65 entaun kuaze kadeira ida 5mill 300 (cinco mill treze sentos) ka 5 mill 400 (sinco mill qutrosentos) ne'ebe'e kadeira ba 5 mill ida ne'e matematika simples.",
"Entertantu Komisairu CNE Arif Sagran reforsa katak, eleisaun parlamentar iha TL uza sistema proposional.",
"Dehan katak, atu hetan asentu Parlamento Nasional, partidu koligasaun ka partidaria depende ba persentazen votus ne'ebe maka hetan iha eleisaun ka tenki aplika barreira 3%.",
"Arief fo ezemplu se iha eleisaun maka partido ida hetan 20% automatikamente nia mos iha posibilidade 20% hetan kadeira iha PN, ida ne'e maka dehan sistema proporsional dehan katak, depende ba persentazen bo'ot ka ki'ik.",
"Barreira eleitoral 3%, ne'ebe signifika katak, partidu koligasaun partidaria bele barak maibe so ba sira ne'ebe'e maka konsege hakat liu ba brreira eleitoral 3% ne'e mak bele kualifikadu atu hetan atruibuisaun asentu iha PN.",
"Ba partidu ne'ebe hakat liu 3% hosi total votus validus nasional tomak mak bele kualifikadu.",
"Horta\" Hau La Lori PD Koliga ho FRETILIN\""
] | [
"Votus La To'o 3%, CNE Soe ba Lixu - Radio Liberdade Dili, FM95.8 Mhz radio online President of the National Electoral Commission (Cne) Faustina Cardoso said that parties whose votes do not exceed three per cent will no longer be given to any party but they are going into trash and can only have one candidate in each constituency for a second term as well"
"\"I can say, the presence of many parties in Timor-Leste only spoils because older children and young people including ourselves who go to vote for a party that we have chosen is not enough or less than three per cent (3%) nor more then thirty thousand five hundreds. So this number has just gone up\", Cardoso said at his office CNE Kintal bo;ot Dili on Tuesday June(26)."
"When these parties form coalitions to get the 3% threshold, arif commissioner answered that they can only do so once in this national parliament and its system is as follow: They explain political party (parpol) which are eligible for sitting at National Parliament must obtain no less than three percent of total valid vote."
"'We can say that in order for a party to enter and win or have an issue brought before the national parliament they must at least obtain 3% of total valid votes,\" Cardoso explained."
"The President of the CNE said that simple mathematics as this, if total ballots de votus validus 450 thousand quarto (centu quingentis mil) then it means a party in order to get two chairs which minimum seat they obtain both have received at least threeteen per cent must receive an absolute majority."
"He said that compared to the 2017 parliamentary elections, there were only seven parties who won seats or more than three per cent of vote. This includes two coalitions and five other sides but because it was a double-coalition so they got in at least six partisan groups which is not much different from what we had before this year' s election.\""
"\"I believe that in the 2013 elections there will be no more than seven parties, now we have twenty-one but only six of them are going to enter into national parliament because they get three percent. That means many party won't go through\", Cardoso confesses.\""
"Cardoso explained that if these 21 parties do not enter the national parliament or their votes are less than thirteen thousand five hundred (treze mil quingentus) then a lot of them will be eliminated."
"In the calculation of a party getting 8,016 votes then almost one hundred thousand will be saved only. This is its system like this:"
"The parties entering this parliament are based on a simple calculation, which assumes total votus validus 450 thousand (four hundred and fifty million), meaning that three mill five-hundred may not exceed the limit of one third."
"If we assume that 10.5 million votes are unused or lost, then there will be a total of approximately three hundred and fifty thousand (three centuries twenty-five) voting rights for the sixteen seat in which case one chair would cost about five to ten millions ($236m)."
"Meanwhile, CNE Commissioner Arif Sagran emphasizes that the parliamentary elections in TL use a propositional system."
"Dehan said that to get a seat in the National Parliament, coalition or party parties depend on whether they obtain percentage of votes at an election and must apply 3% electoral barrier."
"Arief gave the example that if in an election a party gets 20% it automatically also has this possibility of getting one seat, which is what proportional representation means. It depend on whether you have more or less than those percentage points and how much your vote counted toward them as well.\""
"The 3% electoral threshold, which means that there can be many coalition parties but only those who have managed to reach the above-mentioned three per cent will qualify for a seat in Parliament."
"A party that receives more than 3% of the total valid national vote is eligible to qualify."
"Horta: \"I Will Not Lead PD to Coalition with FRETILIN\""
] |
IMPORTANSIA HUSI KRUZ (3) | Radio Voz\nIMPORTANSIA HUSI KRUZ (3)\n2 Apr, 2021 | TWFT-Tetun | 0 comments\n‘Mensagem husi kruz ne’e hanesan buat laek ba ema ne’ebe atu mate mohu” 1 Korintus 1:18’\nKristus Jesus mate iha kruz hodi kasu ka so’i ita nia sala wainhira ita rona ba hanesan buat ne’ebe “folin laek ka kebodohan ba ema balun. Ema sira ne’e nia filosofia hatete hanesan ne’e: se wainhira hau la komprende kona ba ida ne’e, nune’e hau sei la simu atu hodi komprende.’ Iha parte ida ne’e mak sira sei hetan sala hodi komprende,nune’e sira sei la komprende duni. Sira hakarak buka komprende kona-ba misteriu ida ne’e.\nMaibe salvasaun so mai husi deit fè- nune’e mesmo fé labarik kiik-oan ida, ne’ebe komprende maka nia sei hetan salvassaun. “Ou mesmu o muda an no sai hanesan labarik ki’ik, o sei bele tama iha Reinu Lalehan Maromak Nia,(Mateus 18:3) simples, hanesan labarik kiik gosta atu hatudu nia fé iha oinsa atu halo kompletu nia servisu hanesan mos Kristu ne’ebe halao knar iha kruz.\nNune’e buat sira ne’e hotu mak presija ita atu halo hodi kompletu. Iha istoria ida kona-ba estudante ne’ebe hetan valor zero iha ninia ijame ka teste. Sente triste estudante ne’e hatete sai katak “hau la merese atu bele hetan valor hanesan ne’e”. No mestre mos doko ulun hodi hatete ba estudante katak, “hau konkorda, maibe zero mak valor kiik liu ne’ebe hau bele fó ba o. ‘Liafuan ne’ebe atu uza iha mundo ida ne’e maka entrega aan tomak hanesan ema nebe lahatene buat ida ka beik iha Maromak Nia oin nune’e ita bele lao hamutuk ho Maromak’. 1 Korintu 3:19 Tamba matenek sabedoria mundo nian sai hanesan buat folin laek ka beik iha Maromak oin. Basá iha hakerek nanis ona katak ,” Maromak sei hili no kaer metin ema hirak ne’ebe uza matenek sabedoria iha nia moris”.\nIha loron ida mane ida sei hamrik iha uma kakuluk durante tempu mota boot sa’e no halo orasaun hatete, ‘Maromak ajuda no tulun hau’. Lakleur maka iha bero kiik ida to’o mai hodi offerese ba ema nee hodi ajuda nia. Maibe nia dehan, “lae, Maromak sei kuidadu hau’.\nHafoin tuir mai bé bo’ot mos mai nafatin kuase atu halo mou’ut hotu sira nebe’e hein. Derepenti Helicoptro mos mosu iha sira nia ulun no ema hatun tali mai no eskada ho hanoin atu ajuda nia. Hafoin ema ne’e sei dehan nafatin, lae, Maromak sei hare no kuidadu hau. Hafoin lakleur deit mane ne’e ema la hare hetan ona tamba mout ona. Se karik wainhira nia sei hamrik maka nia sei hatete ba Maromak,’ tanba-sa ita la salva hau?\nMaromak responde ba nia hodi dehan, ‘Hau haruka hau roh bero hodi salva o, no mos Hau haruk aviao helicptro ba ajuda hodi salva o. Saida tan mak o hakarak?\nIha kruz, Maromak halo buat hotu ona ne’ebe ita presiza hodi salva ita. Buat ne’ebe presiza o atu halo mak tau fiar konfiansa ba iha Kristu Jesus no hodi bele simu presente ba moris rohan laek nian.\nHahan espiritual: Gen 22:1-8, Mateus 26:69-27:50, Salmo 22, Isaias 53. | [
"IMPORTANSIA HUSI KRUZ (3) | Radio Voz IMPORTANSIA HUSI KRUZ (3) 2 Apr, 2021 | TWFT-Tetun | 0 comments 'Mensagem husi kruz ne'e hanesan buat laek ba ema ne'ebe atu mate mohu\" 1 Korintus 1:18' Kristus Jesus mate iha kruz hodi kasu ka so'i ita nia sala wainhira ita rona ba hanesan buat ne'ebe \"folin laek ka kebodohan ba ema balun.",
"Ema sira ne'e nia filosofia hatete hanesan ne'e: se wainhira hau la komprende kona ba ida ne'e, nune'e hau sei la simu atu hodi komprende.'",
"Iha parte ida ne'e mak sira sei hetan sala hodi komprende,nune'e sira sei la komprende duni.",
"Sira hakarak buka komprende kona-ba misteriu ida ne'e.",
"Maibe salvasaun so mai husi deit fe- nune'e mesmo fe labarik kiik-oan ida, ne'ebe komprende maka nia sei hetan salvassaun.",
"\"Ou mesmu o muda an no sai hanesan labarik ki'ik, o sei bele tama iha Reinu Lalehan Maromak Nia, (Mateus 18:3) simples, hanesan labarik kiik gosta atu hatudu nia fe iha oinsa atu halo kompletu nia servisu hanesan mos Kristu ne'ebe halao knar iha kruz.",
"Nune'e buat sira ne'e hotu mak presija ita atu halo hodi kompletu.",
"Iha istoria ida kona-ba estudante ne'ebe hetan valor zero iha ninia ijame ka teste.",
"Sente triste estudante ne'e hatete sai katak \"hau la merese atu bele hetan valor hanesan ne'e.\"",
"No mestre mos doko ulun hodi hatete ba estudante katak, \"hau konkorda, maibe zero mak valor kiik liu ne'ebe hau bele fo ba o.",
"'Liafuan ne'ebe atu uza iha mundo ida ne'e maka entrega aan tomak hanesan ema nebe lahatene buat ida ka beik iha Maromak Nia oin nune'e ita bele lao hamutuk ho Maromak'.",
"1 Korintu 3:19 Tamba matenek sabedoria mundo nian sai hanesan buat folin laek ka beik iha Maromak oin.",
"Basa iha hakerek nanis ona katak ,\" Maromak sei hili no kaer metin ema hirak ne'ebe uza matenek sabedoria iha nia moris.\"",
"Iha loron ida mane ida sei hamrik iha uma kakuluk durante tempu mota boot sa'e no halo orasaun hatete, 'Maromak ajuda no tulun hau'.",
"Lakleur maka iha bero kiik ida to'o mai hodi offerese ba ema nee hodi ajuda nia.",
"Maibe nia dehan, \"lae, Maromak sei kuidadu hau'.",
"Hafoin tuir mai be bo'ot mos mai nafatin kuase atu halo mou'ut hotu sira nebe'e hein.",
"Derepenti Helicoptro mos mosu iha sira nia ulun no ema hatun tali mai no eskada ho hanoin atu ajuda nia.",
"Hafoin ema ne'e sei dehan nafatin, lae, Maromak sei hare no kuidadu hau.",
"Hafoin lakleur deit mane ne'e ema la hare hetan ona tamba mout ona.",
"Se karik wainhira nia sei hamrik maka nia sei hatete ba Maromak,' tanba-sa ita la salva hau?",
"Maromak responde ba nia hodi dehan, 'Hau haruka hau roh bero hodi salva o, no mos Hau haruk aviao helicptro ba ajuda hodi salva o.",
"Saida tan mak o hakarak?",
"Iha kruz, Maromak halo buat hotu ona ne'ebe ita presiza hodi salva ita.",
"Buat ne'ebe presiza o atu halo mak tau fiar konfiansa ba iha Kristu Jesus no hodi bele simu presente ba moris rohan laek nian.",
"Hahan espiritual: Gen 22:1-8, Mateus 26:69-27:50, Salmo 22, Isaias 53."
] | [
"IMPORTANCE OF THE CROSS (3) | Radio Voz TWFT-Tetun 'The message of the cross is useless to those who are about To die'\" I Corinthians1:20 Christ Jesus died on a Cross in order that He might take away our sins when we hear it as something \"unnecessary or foolishness for some."
"Their philosophy goes like this: 'If I don't understand about it, then i won’ t get to know."
"In this part they will be mistaken to understand, and then not really."
"They want to try and understand this mystery."
"But salvation comes only by faith alone - so even the little child's trust, which understand that he will be saved."
"\"Even if you change and become like a little child, You will be able to enter into the Kingdom of Heaven God's. (Matthew 18:3) Simply as small children enjoy showing their faith in how they can complete his work just such Christ performed it on crosses.\""
"So all these things are what we need to do in order for the whole thing."
"There is a story about the student who scored zero on his test."
"The sad student said, \"I don't deserve to be given such a value.\""
"The teacher nodded and said to the student, \"I agree with you but zero is my lowest rating."
"'The word to be used in this world is self-giving as a person who gives away anything or anyone before God so that we can walk with him'."
"For the wisdom of this world is precious or honorable in God’s sight. (1 Corinthians)"
"For it is written, \"God will choose and retain those who use wisdom in his life.\""
"One day a man would hang out in the kakuluk house during high tide and pray saying, 'Maromak help me.'"
"Soon there is a little boy who comes to offer his help."
"But he said, 'No; God will take care of me.'"
"The next day, a bo'ot also came and tried to make all those who were waiting for him die."
"Suddenly Helicoptro also appears in their head and the man pulled his belt up to them with an idea of helping him."
"Then he will say again, \"No. God sees and takes care of me.\""
"Soon afterwards, the man was no longer seen because he had died."
"What if when he is hungry, and will say to God: 'Why have we not saved me?"
"God replied to him saying, 'I have sent my warm spirits for your salvation and I will also send a helicopter plane as help."
"What else do you want?"
"On the cross, God has done everything we need to save us."
"All you need to do is put your faith and trust in Christ Jesus, so that we may receive the gift of eternal life."
"Spiritual Hahan: Gen 23, Matthew (19), Psalms(40-56) and Isaiah."
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Tempu badak, Governu sei prosesa millaun USD 650 ba ConocoPhillips ho Shell – GMN TV | Grupo Média Nacional - Lori Timor ba Mundu - GMN TV | Grupo Média Nacional\nHome » Politic » Tempu badak, Governu sei prosesa millaun USD 650 ba ConocoPhillips ho Shell\nVIII Governu konstitusional ne’ebé lidera husi Primeiru Ministru, Taur Matan Ruak, iha tempu badak nia laran ne’e, sei informa ba Parlamentu Nasionál (PN), no Banku Central Timor-Leste (BCTL) atu hahú prosesa orsamentu millaun USD650 ba komapañia ConocoPhillips ho Shell.\n“Tuir prosesu, bainhira Governu atu avansa ho inisiativa ne’e, tenki informa ba iha PN, bainhira Governu husu ba iha BCTL atu hahú prosesu ne’e iha tempu badak, ami Governu sei mai informa iha PN kona ba Governu nia intensaun, antes atu hahú transferensia millaun USD 650 ne’e”,informa Ministru Reforma Lejislativa no Asuntu Parlamentares, (MRLAP), Fidelis Leite Magalhães ba jonralista iha PN, Sesta(08/02/2019).\nGovernante ne’e haktuir, prosesu sosa asaun ne’e kontinua la’o, maske bankada opozisaun iha PN hatama pedidu fiskalizasaun abstrata ba Tribunal kona ba legalidade Lei Atividade Petrolífera (LAP), ne’ebé promulgadu no publika ona iha jornal da repúblika iha loron 18 fulan Janeiru tinan ne’e.\nTanba Fidelis esklarese, tuir pozisaun Governu, alterasaun lei ne’e konstitusional, no sei kontinua vale bainhira sei vigor no seidauk iha alterasaun foun.\n“Buat ida lei ita labele tunda (adía_red), tanba iha prosesu ida kontra lei ida, lei ne’e so bele la vale, kuandu lei foun altera nia, maibé wainhira lei ida iha vigor hela, vijente hela, lei ne’e mak ita aplika.\nSeñores sira (bankada opozisaun) halo prosesu husu prosesu husi Tribunal, ne’e prosesu la’o, depois sira (opozisaun) sei hetan resposta husi Tribunal. Maibé ita labele tunda (adía_red) tiha lai implementasaun lei ne’e, tanba de’it prosesu fiskalizasaun ida la’o hela, la funsiona hanesan ne’e”, esplika Fidelis.\nGovernante ne’e haktuir, VIII Governu konstitusional apoia inisiativa deputadu opozisaun ne’ebé hato’o pedidu ba Tribunal, maibé sei la adía prosesu implementasaun, bainhira seidauk iha resposta husi Tribunal kona ba inkonstitusionalidade ou lae.\nLee hotu : Unidade nasional la’os ema hotu tenki apoiu Governu\nIha sorin seluk, deputada bankada FRETILIN, Josefa Pereira hateten, Depende ba desizaun Tribunal Rekursu (TR) nian, inkonstitusional ou konstitusional.\n“Tenki kumpri saida mak Tribunal Rekursu fó, bainhira dehan inkonstitusionalidade, prontu tenki kumpri, ita atu ba tan ne’ebé, tanba TR mak Tribunal ne’ebé ásliu ona. Presiza altera ou la’e ne’e depende, ou kumpri lei ida uluk, se nia hato’o mai inkonstitusional fó kumprimentu ba LAP ida uluk”, katak Josefa.\nAlterasaun lei nú 13/2005, Lei Atividade Petrolífera (LAP) ne’e, promulgadu no publika ona iha jornal da repúblika, hafoin Prezidente Repúblika veta dala ida, tanba kestiona kona ba legalidade no konsekuensia husi lei refere.say | [
"Tempu badak, Governu sei prosesa millaun USD 650 ba ConocoPhillips ho Shell - GMN TV | Grupo Media Nacional - Lori Timor ba Mundu - GMN TV | Grupo Media Nacional Home \" Politic \" Tempu badak, Governu sei prosesa millaun USD 650 ba ConocoPhillips ho Shell VIII Governu konstitusional ne'ebe lidera husi Primeiru Ministru, Taur Matan Ruak, iha tempu badak nia laran ne'e, sei informa ba Parlamentu Nasional (PN), no Banku Central Timor-Leste (BCTL) atu hahu prosesa orsamentu millaun USD650 ba komapania ConocoPhillips ho Shell.",
"\"Tuir prosesu, bainhira Governu atu avansa ho inisiativa ne'e, tenki informa ba iha PN, bainhira Governu husu ba iha BCTL atu hahu prosesu ne'e iha tempu badak, ami Governu sei mai informa iha PN kona ba Governu nia intensaun, antes atu hahu transferensia millaun USD 650 ne'e,\"informa Ministru Reforma Lejislativa no Asuntu Parlamentares, (MRLAP), Fidelis Leite Magalhaes ba jonralista iha PN, Sesta (08/02/2019).",
"Governante ne'e haktuir, prosesu sosa asaun ne'e kontinua la'o, maske bankada opozisaun iha PN hatama pedidu fiskalizasaun abstrata ba Tribunal kona ba legalidade Lei Atividade Petrolifera (LAP), ne'ebe promulgadu no publika ona iha jornal da republika iha loron 18 fulan Janeiru tinan ne'e.",
"Tanba Fidelis esklarese, tuir pozisaun Governu, alterasaun lei ne'e konstitusional, no sei kontinua vale bainhira sei vigor no seidauk iha alterasaun foun.",
"\"Buat ida lei ita labele tunda (adia_red), tanba iha prosesu ida kontra lei ida, lei ne'e so bele la vale, kuandu lei foun altera nia, maibe wainhira lei ida iha vigor hela, vijente hela, lei ne'e mak ita aplika.",
"Senores sira (bankada opozisaun) halo prosesu husu prosesu husi Tribunal, ne'e prosesu la'o, depois sira (opozisaun) sei hetan resposta husi Tribunal.",
"Maibe ita labele tunda (adia_red) tiha lai implementasaun lei ne'e, tanba de'it prosesu fiskalizasaun ida la'o hela, la funsiona hanesan ne'e,\" esplika Fidelis.",
"Governante ne'e haktuir, VIII Governu konstitusional apoia inisiativa deputadu opozisaun ne'ebe hato'o pedidu ba Tribunal, maibe sei la adia prosesu implementasaun, bainhira seidauk iha resposta husi Tribunal kona ba inkonstitusionalidade ou lae.",
"Lee hotu: Unidade nasional la'os ema hotu tenki apoiu Governu Iha sorin seluk, deputada bankada FRETILIN, Josefa Pereira hateten, Depende ba desizaun Tribunal Rekursu (TR) nian, inkonstitusional ou konstitusional.",
"\"Tenki kumpri saida mak Tribunal Rekursu fo, bainhira dehan inkonstitusionalidade, prontu tenki kumpri, ita atu ba tan ne'ebe, tanba TR mak Tribunal ne'ebe asliu ona.",
"Presiza altera ou la'e ne'e depende, ou kumpri lei ida uluk, se nia hato'o mai inkonstitusional fo kumprimentu ba LAP ida uluk,\" katak Josefa.",
"Alterasaun lei nu 13/2005, Lei Atividade Petrolifera (LAP) ne'e, promulgadu no publika ona iha jornal da republika, hafoin Prezidente Republika veta dala ida, tanba kestiona kona ba legalidade no konsekuensia husi lei refere.say"
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"Soon, Government will process USD 650 million for ConocoPhillips and Shell - GMN TV | Grupo Media Nacional – Lori Timor ba Mundu The constitutional government led by Prime Minister Taur Matan Ruak is to inform the National Parliament (PN) in a short time that it has agreed with Central Bank of East-Timor(BCTL), on proceedings regarding US$1.2 billion granted from its budgetary resources as partof an agreement between consortium comprises two oil companies: CONOCOFILIPPS ho SHELLSELL which are currently undergoings negotiations about their joint investment project at Portu Dili Oilfield located near Timór Leste' s capital city Lissabon"
"\"According to the process, if Government is going forward with this initiative it must inform Parliament. If government asks BCTL for a start of that procedure in short term we will come and tell parliament about our intentions before starting transferring these USD650 million\", Minister Fidelis Leite Magalhaes told journalist at National Assembly on Saturday (February)8th(19)."
"The governor said that the process of purchasing shares is continuing, despite opposition members in Parliament having submitted an abstract audit request to Court on lawfulness and legality for Petroleum Activity Law (LAP), which was promulgated by a government order published at 18 January this year."
"Because Fidelis clarified, according to the Government's position that this amendment of law is constitutional and will continue in force as long it has not been amended."
"\"A law we can not cut (adia_red), because in a proceeding against the Law, it may only be invalid when new legislation changes that one. But if there is still an existing and valid legal act then this will apply to us.\""
"The Lords (opposition) have filed a petition for proceeding from the Court, this is not going to happen; after that they will receive an answer."
"But we cannot delay the implementation of this law, just because a fiscalization process is underway. It does not work like that\", explained Fidelis .\""
"According to the ruler, VIII Constitutional Government supports initiative of opposition MP who filed a petition with Court but will not postpone implementations process while there is no response from court on unconstitutionality or otherwise."
"Read all: National unity is not something everyone should support The government On the other hand, FRETILIN deputy Josefa Pereira said that it depends on a decision of Tribunal Recurso (TR), whether this was constitutional or non-constitutional."
"\"We have to comply with what the Court of Appeal has given, when it says unconstitutionality we are ready. We will go further because TR is a court that was originally established.\""
"Whether it needs to be amended or not depends on whether a law is first complied with, if the unconstitutionality was brought forward and therefore LAP must have been implementing beforehand\", said Josefa."
"The amendment to Law No. 13/205, the Petroleum Activity Act (LAP), has been promulgated and published in Oficina do Diário da República after President of Republic vetoed it once again because he questioning its legality or consequences for his country's economy"
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Laiha osan rezolve DN, Governu presiza halo levantamentu ba fundu mina-rai – GMN TV | Grupo Média Nacional - Lori Timor ba Mundu - GMN TV | Grupo Média Nacional\nHome » Sosiedade » Laiha osan rezolve DN, Governu presiza halo levantamentu ba fundu mina-rai\nDiretór Forum Organizasaun Naun Governamental Timor-Leste (FONGTIL), Daniel dos Santos Carmo, hateten, oras ne’e dadauk kuandu Timor-Leste laiha rekursu finanseiru, diak liu mak halo ona levantamentu ba fundu mina-rai hodi rezolve problema nasaun nian hanesan vítima dezastre naturál (DN) husi inundasaun no dezenvolvimentu sira seluk tan.\nNia dehan, situasaun ne’e iha nesesidade ona ba Governu halo levantamentu ba fundu petrolíferu.\nForum Organizasaun Naun Governamental Timor Leste (FONGTIL) hato’o ona submisaun ba Parlamentu Nasionál kona-ba alterasaun OJE tinan 2021 nian kona-ba rezolve problema dezastre naturál ne’ebé povu enfrenta iha loron 4, fulan Abril ne’e.\nSubmisaun ne’e, FONGTIL propoin pontu sira hanesan, osan sira ne’ebé aloka ba projetu tasi mane no viajen estranjeiru sira tenke realoka fali ba medida ne’ebé Governu propoin ona.\nNomós governu tenke re-aloka fali ba komunidade afetadu sira ba fatin seluk ne’ebé, menus risku ba dezastre naturais.\nDiretór Ezekutivu FONGTIL, Daniel dos Santos Carmo hateten, situasaun ne’e iha nesesidade ona ba governu halo levantamentu ba fundu petrolíferu, maibé hanesan opsaun ikus.\n“Situasaun ida ne’e iha nesesidade duni atu halo levantamentu, maibé ne’e hanesan opsaun ikus, se ita bele apoiu sira externa, parseiru sira nian, doadores sira nian, entaun ita la presiza halo levantamentu ba fundu petrolíferu, maibé se kuandu ita laiha rekursu, entaun opsaun ikus mak tenke halo levantamentu ba fundu petrolíferu atu aumenta ita nia fundu kontijénsia hodi responde ba situasaun atual” dehan Diretór Ezekutivu FONGTIL (19/04), iha Caicoli.\nFundu kontijénsia ne’e prevee, atu responde ba situasaun emerjénsia, liu-liu ba situasaun dezastre naturais sira.\nNo dadaun ne’e fundu kontijénsia iha konta Ministériu Finansa nian ho montante millaun USD 16, tanba ne’e la sufisiente ona atu responde situasaun dezastre naturais ne’ebé Timor Leste hasoru hela. San\nLee hotu : Semana ne’e, MSSI halo pagamentu ba reklamante subsídiu familiár 12.597\nSosiedade Sivíl husu Governu kontinua aplika serka sanitária\nForum Organizasaun Naun Governamental Timor Leste... | [
"Laiha osan rezolve DN, Governu presiza halo levantamentu ba fundu mina-rai - GMN TV | Grupo Media Nacional - Lori Timor ba Mundu - GMN TV | Grupo Media Nacional Home \" Sosiedade \" Laiha osan rezolve DN, Governu presiza halo levantamentu ba fundu mina-rai Diretor Forum Organizasaun Naun Governamental Timor-Leste (FONGTIL), Daniel dos Santos Carmo, hateten, oras ne'e dadauk kuandu Timor-Leste laiha rekursu finanseiru, diak liu mak halo ona levantamentu ba fundu mina-rai hodi rezolve problema nasaun nian hanesan vitima dezastre natural (DN) husi inundasaun no dezenvolvimentu sira seluk tan.",
"Nia dehan, situasaun ne'e iha nesesidade ona ba Governu halo levantamentu ba fundu petroliferu.",
"Forum Organizasaun Naun Governamental Timor Leste (FONGTIL) hato'o ona submisaun ba Parlamentu Nasional kona-ba alterasaun OJE tinan 2021 nian kona-ba rezolve problema dezastre natural ne'ebe povu enfrenta iha loron 4, fulan Abril ne'e.",
"Submisaun ne'e, FONGTIL propoin pontu sira hanesan, osan sira ne'ebe aloka ba projetu tasi mane no viajen estranjeiru sira tenke realoka fali ba medida ne'ebe Governu propoin ona.",
"Nomos governu tenke re-aloka fali ba komunidade afetadu sira ba fatin seluk ne'ebe, menus risku ba dezastre naturais.",
"Diretor Ezekutivu FONGTIL, Daniel dos Santos Carmo hateten, situasaun ne'e iha nesesidade ona ba governu halo levantamentu ba fundu petroliferu, maibe hanesan opsaun ikus.",
"\"Situasaun ida ne'e iha nesesidade duni atu halo levantamentu, maibe ne'e hanesan opsaun ikus, se ita bele apoiu sira externa, parseiru sira nian, doadores sira nian, entaun ita la presiza halo levantamentu ba fundu petroliferu, maibe se kuandu ita laiha rekursu, entaun opsaun ikus mak tenke halo levantamentu ba fundu petroliferu atu aumenta ita nia fundu kontijensia hodi responde ba situasaun atual\" dehan Diretor Ezekutivu FONGTIL (19/04), iha Caicoli.",
"Fundu kontijensia ne'e prevee, atu responde ba situasaun emerjensia, liu-liu ba situasaun dezastre naturais sira.",
"No dadaun ne'e fundu kontijensia iha konta Ministeriu Finansa nian ho montante millaun USD 16, tanba ne'e la sufisiente ona atu responde situasaun dezastre naturais ne'ebe Timor Leste hasoru hela.",
"San Lee hotu: Semana ne'e, MSSI halo pagamentu ba reklamante subsidiu familiar 12.597 Sosiedade Sivil husu Governu kontinua aplika serka sanitaria Forum Organizasaun Naun Governamental Timor Leste..."
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"Laha osan rezolve DN, Governu presiza halo levantamentu ba fundu mina-rai - GMN TV | Grupo Media Nacional Home \" Sosiedade\" The Director of the Forum Non Governmental Organizations Timor Leste (FONGTIL), Daniel dos Santos Carmo said that now when there is no financial resource in East Тимор it would be better to raise a mine fund for solving problems such as natural disaster victim from flood and other development."
"He said that the situation is in need of a government to raise oil fund."
"Forum Non-Governmental Organizations of Timor Leste (FONGTIL) has submitted a proposal to the National Parliament regarding an Amendment for 2019 Budget in order that it may resolve problems caused by natural disaster which affected people on April,4."
"In the submission, FONGTIL proposes points such as that money allocated to projects on sea man and foreign travel should be reallocate for measure already suggested by government."
"The government must reallocate land to affected communities in other locations that are less at risk of natural disasters."
"FONGTIL Executive Director, Daniel dos Santos Carmo said that the situation requires a government to raise its oil fund but it is only an option of last resort."
"\"This situation is indeed necessary to make a survey, but it's an option of last resort. If we can support the external partners and donors then there will be no need for our petroleum fund; however if not having resources as such this would constitute another choice than raising oil funds so that you could increase your contingency Fund\" said FONGTIL Executive Director (19/04), at Caicoli"
"The contingency fund is intended to respond quickly and efficiently, particularly after a natural disaster."
"At the moment, there is a contingency fund of USD 16 million in accounts held by Finance Ministry. This means that it will not be sufficient to address natural disaster situation facing Timor-Leste at this time"
"Read more: This week, MSSI makes payments to 12.597 family subsidies claimants Civil Society asks Government continue applying curfew Forum Non-Governmental Organization Timor Leste..."
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CIGC Kontinua Apela ba Komunidade Halo Prátika Prevensaun COVID-19 | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste\nVARANDA COVID-19 CIGC Kontinua Apela ba Komunidade Halo Prátika Prevensaun COVID-19\nCIGC Kontinua Apela ba Komunidade Halo Prátika Prevensaun COVID-19\nDILI, 16 abríl 2020 (TATOLI) – Sentru Integradu ba Jestaun Krize (CIGC-sigla Portugés) kontinua apela ba komunidade sira atu halo prátika prevensaun ba an rasik no ba sosiedade, nu’udar meiu atu salva ka prevene-an, família no nasaun atu hetan kotaminasaun COVID-19.\n“Ami Husu nafatin ba komunidade atu kontinua fase liman bebeik, tenke mantein distánsia fíziku no sosiál liu metru ida no kontinua uza máskara obrigátoriu. Tanba estudu hatudu katak iha nasaun sira ne’ebé afetadu maka’as COVID-19, bainhira uza máskara obrigatóriu iha fatin públiku sira konsege redús ninian númeru kontaminasaun”, tenik Koordenadór ba Ekipa Estudu no Análiza Risku iha CIGC, Francisco Guterres, iha plenária Parlamentu Nasionál, kinta ne’e.\nTuir eis Sekretáriu Estadu Seguransa ne’e, bainhira uza máskara, bele prevene-an husi COVID-19 no prevene hada’et ba ema seluk.\nHo nune’e, lori CIGC nia-naran, nia apela ba sidadaun hotu atu uza máskara obrigatóriu iha fatin públiku sira.\n“Tanba ita haree kuandu iha ona kazu pozitivu, ita tenke buka ema sira ne’ebé halo kontaktu hodi submete ba kuarentena obrigatóriu, liuliu família sira atu ita bele hamate korente kontamisaun COVID-19”, nia afirma.\nKoordenadór ne’e adianta, presiza duni rekursu ba setór saúde atubele luta kontra COVID-19 iha Timor-Leste, tanba daudaun númeru konfirmadu kontinua sa’e nafatin no laiha sinál atu tun filafali.\nTuir nia, parte Governu, liuliu parte CIGC presiza uza métodu prevensaun ne’ebé rigór, tanba ne’e Governu rasik deside ona taka ona fronteira terrestre no aéreu.\n“Ita-nia nasaun di’ak tebes tanba aplika konfinamentu obrigatóriu ne’e hanesan sira ne’ebé mai husi área afetadu tenke tama iha konfinamentu obrigatóriu no ba konfinamentu rezidénsia, maibé tenke prense rekezitu ne’ebé Ministériu Saúde iha”, nia akresenta.\nNia relata liután, daudaun iha parte legál kontinua haree atu forsa tarefa hanesan Forsa Defeza no Seguransa hodi bele kontinua tuir regra ka medida ne’ebé estabelese ona iha Estadu Emerjénsia.\nEntretantu, daudaun ne’e tuir dadus atuál ne’ebé fó sai husi CIGC, númeru konfirmadu COVID-19 iha Timor-Leste hamutuk 18, husi totál ne’e na’in-ida mak rekuperadu no na’in-17 mak iha hela fatin izolamentu Vera Cruz hodi hetan kuidadadu intensivu.\nEma ne’ebé pozitivu ona iha Timor-Leste, daudaun ne’e konsidera hanesan kazu importadu no to’o agora seidauk konfirma kazu transmisaun lokál.\nPrevious articleKazu COVID-19 iha TL 229, Pozitivu Sa’e ba Na’in-17\nNext articleSeidauk iha Transmisaun Lokál ba Surtu COVID-19 iha TL | [
"CIGC Kontinua Apela ba Komunidade Halo Pratika Prevensaun COVID-19 | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA COVID-19 CIGC Kontinua Apela ba Komunidade Halo Pratika Prevensaun COVID-19 CIGC Kontinua Apela ba Komunidade Halo Pratika Prevensaun COVID-19 DILI, 16 abril 2020 (TATOLI) - Sentru Integradu ba Jestaun Krize (CIGC-sigla Portuges) kontinua apela ba komunidade sira atu halo pratika prevensaun ba an rasik no ba sosiedade, nu'udar meiu atu salva ka prevene-an, familia no nasaun atu hetan kotaminasaun COVID-19.",
"\"Ami Husu nafatin ba komunidade atu kontinua fase liman bebeik, tenke mantein distansia fiziku no sosial liu metru ida no kontinua uza maskara obrigatoriu.",
"Tanba estudu hatudu katak iha nasaun sira ne'ebe afetadu maka'as COVID-19, bainhira uza maskara obrigatoriu iha fatin publiku sira konsege redus ninian numeru kontaminasaun,\" tenik Koordenador ba Ekipa Estudu no Analiza Risku iha CIGC, Francisco Guterres, iha plenaria Parlamentu Nasional, kinta ne'e.",
"Tuir eis Sekretariu Estadu Seguransa ne'e, bainhira uza maskara, bele prevene-an husi COVID-19 no prevene hada'et ba ema seluk.",
"Ho nune'e, lori CIGC nia-naran, nia apela ba sidadaun hotu atu uza maskara obrigatoriu iha fatin publiku sira.",
"\"Tanba ita haree kuandu iha ona kazu pozitivu, ita tenke buka ema sira ne'ebe halo kontaktu hodi submete ba kuarentena obrigatoriu, liuliu familia sira atu ita bele hamate korente kontamisaun COVID-19,\" nia afirma.",
"Koordenador ne'e adianta, presiza duni rekursu ba setor saude atubele luta kontra COVID-19 iha Timor-Leste, tanba daudaun numeru konfirmadu kontinua sa'e nafatin no laiha sinal atu tun filafali.",
"Tuir nia, parte Governu, liuliu parte CIGC presiza uza metodu prevensaun ne'ebe rigor, tanba ne'e Governu rasik deside ona taka ona fronteira terrestre no aereu.",
"\"Ita-nia nasaun di'ak tebes tanba aplika konfinamentu obrigatoriu ne'e hanesan sira ne'ebe mai husi area afetadu tenke tama iha konfinamentu obrigatoriu no ba konfinamentu rezidensia, maibe tenke prense rekezitu ne'ebe Ministeriu Saude iha,\" nia akresenta.",
"Nia relata liutan, daudaun iha parte legal kontinua haree atu forsa tarefa hanesan Forsa Defeza no Seguransa hodi bele kontinua tuir regra ka medida ne'ebe estabelese ona iha Estadu Emerjensia.",
"Entretantu, daudaun ne'e tuir dadus atual ne'ebe fo sai husi CIGC, numeru konfirmadu COVID-19 iha Timor-Leste hamutuk 18, husi total ne'e na'in-ida mak rekuperadu no na'in-17 mak iha hela fatin izolamentu Vera Cruz hodi hetan kuidadadu intensivu.",
"Ema ne'ebe pozitivu ona iha Timor-Leste, daudaun ne'e konsidera hanesan kazu importadu no to'o agora seidauk konfirma kazu transmisaun lokal.",
"Previous articleKazu COVID-19 iha TL 229, Pozitivu Sa'e ba Na'in-17 Next articleSeidauk iha Transmisaun Lokal ba Surtu COVID-19 iha TL"
] | [
"CIGC Continues to Call on Community To Practice COVID-19 Prevention | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor -Leste VARANDA Covid –20 Integrated Centre for Crisis Management (CICG) continue appealing upon communities, as a means of saving or prevent theirselves and society from being contaminated by the new coronavirus."
"\"We urge the community to continue washing their hands frequently, maintain physical and social distance of more than one meter from each other. We will also keep on wearing mandatory face masks.\""
"Because studies have shown that in countries heavily affected by COVID-19, when compulsory masks are used at public places the number of contamination is reduced\", said Coordinator for Study and Risk Analysis Team CIGC Francisco Guterres during a meeting with Parliament yesterday."
"According to the former Secretary of State for Security, when wearing a mask you can prevent yourself from COVID-19 and avoid spreading it."
"Thus, on behalf of the CIGC he appealed to all citizens for compulsory mask use in public places."
"\"Because we see that once there is a positive case, it's necessary to find the people who made contact and put them in compulsory quarantine. Especially families so you can stop current COVID-19 contagion.\""
"The coordinator said that resources are needed for the health sector to fight against COVID-19 in Timor Leste, because at present confirmed numbers continue rising and there is no sign of a decrease."
"According to him, the Government and especially CIGC need rigorous prevention methods. That is why it has decided itself on closing its land borders as well aerial ones in order for people from other countries not being infected with COVID-19 by entering Brazil via air or sea crossings of their own country'"
"\"Our country is very good because we have applied mandatory confinement, as those who come from the affected area must go into compulsory and residential quarantine but they need to comply with requirements that Ministry of Health has.\""
"He also reported that the legal side is currently continuing to look for task forces such as Defence and Security Forces so they can continue following rules or measured already established in a state of emergency."
"Meanwhile, according to the current data released by CIGC at present there are 18 confirmed COVID-20 cases in Timor Leste. Of this total one has been recovering and seventeen remain isolated on Vera Cruz for intensive care treatments (ICU)."
"People who have been positive in Timor-Leste are currently considered as imported cases and so far no confirmed local transmission has occurred."
"Previous articleCOVID-19 Cases in TL Rise to 230, Positive Increases To Seven Next ArticleNo Local Transmission of COVID -5 Outbreak In Timor Leste"
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S.E. PREZIDENTE REPÚBLIKA, TMR, HALA’O DIÁLOGU KOMUNITÁRIU HO KOMUNIDADE SUKU MAUDEMO - Presidência da República de Timor-Leste\nS.E. PREZIDENTE REPÚBLIKA, TMR, HALA’O DIÁLOGU KOMUNITÁRIU HO KOMUNIDADE SUKU MAUDEMO\nby Media Team Posted on 24/10/2015\nSuai, 19 Outubru 2015 – S.E. Prezidente Repúblika, Taur Matan Ruak, iha segunda-feira, hahú hala’o diálogu komunitáriu ba semana rua nia laran hodi hahú ho diálogu komunitáriu ho komunidade suku Maudemo, postu administrativu Tilomar, munisípiu Covalima.\nXefe Estadu hahú nia intervensaun hodi halo kómiku ba membru autoridade lokál no komunidade ne’ebé maka marka prezensa hodi dehan katak, nia sente haksolok no sorte tebes ba vizita dala ida ne’e tanba iha membru delegasaun feto na’in-rua ne’ebé maka akompaña nia vizita ba dala uluk.\nKlarifika mós ba partisipante sira-ne’ebé maka refere hodi dehan katak, Administradór de Postu Dom Aleixo, no Xefe Suku Sabo sira partisipa iha viajen ne’e para sira bele haree diferensa hirak-ne’ebé maka sira-nia postu administrativu no suku iha no la iha kompara ba suku hirak-ne’ebé maka atu vizita durante sira-nia partisipasaun.\nHafoin maka Xefe Estadu refere loloos ba objetivu husi nia vizita ne’ebé ho intensaun atu:\nHato’o nia apresiasaun ba komunidade Maudemo ba sira-nia kontribuisaun ba luta ba Ukun-Rasik An,\nHaree se komunidade sira, liuliu suku Maudemo sei prontu nafatin ka lae atu la’o liután ba oin. Tanba, independénsia Timor-Leste hetan ona, maibé seidauk hetan ‘moris-di’ak’,\nInforma mós katak, Timoroan hotu nia serbisu ladauk hotu no sei lori jerasaun ba jerasaun atu hakat ba oin. Maibé, Timor-Leste sei hakat ba oin wainhira Timoroan hotu serbisu hamutuk ho objetivu ida de’it (atu hetan moris-di’ak).\nHusu mós ba komunidade sira katak, Timor-Leste presiza atu mantein pás, tanba se pás la iha dezenvolvimentu mós sei la iha. No, independénsia sei la iha sentidu ba Timoroan hotu. Nune’e, Xefe Estadu mós husu obrigasaun tolu ba Estadu wainhira atu serbí maka, hamenus burokrasia, envolve populasaun no lori dezenvolvimentu ba populasaun.\nXefe Estadu husu liután ba komunidade Maudemo hanesan hato’o ona iha nia vizita no diálogu hirak ne’ebé hala’o ona atu komunidade sira labele haluha pontu prinsipál 4:\nTau matan ba sira-nia ekonomia,\nInveste iha sira-nia oan nia edukasaun,\nKuidadu sira-nia saúde (tanba família forte nasaun mós forte)\nSerbisu hamutuk (atu lori Timor-Leste ba oin mezmu husi kontribuisaun ne’ebé uitoan husi kada ema ida).\nHatán ba preokupasaun hirak-ne’ebé maka hato’o, Prezidente Repúblika, halo apelu ba membru komunidade sira presiza atu kontribui koordena ho estrutura autoridade lokál atu bele responde/hatán ba preokupasaun (problema) hirak-ne’ebé maka sira bele rezolve lokalmente.\nKomunidade sira mós aprezenta keixa ida sobre kompañia hirak-ne’ebé lakohi sosa fatuk hirak-ne’ebé foin-sa’e no/ka komunidade sira halibur tiha ona. Hatán ba komunidade sira-nia preokupasaun ida-ne’e, Xefe Estadu dehan katak, la iha lei ida ne’ebé maka ezije kompañia ida atu tenke sosa husi grupu ida ninian. Maibé, husu ba komunidade atu buka konkordánsia entre parte rua hanesan prosesu negósiu ida.\nIha diálogu ne’e, Xefe Estadu mós fó oportunidade ba reprezentante autoridade lokál sira atu hatán ba preokupasaun komunidade hirak ba kada setór dezenvolvimentu.\nHafoin remata diálogu komunitáriu iha suku Maudemo, Prezidente Repúblika akompañadu ho autoridade lokál ho nia komitiva tomak halo vizita badak ida ba Uma Mahon husi Madre SSPS Covalima ne’ebé maka tau matan ba vítima violénsia doméstika no violasaun seksuál atu haree diretamente kondisaun sentru nian.\nIha diálogu komunitáriu durante semana rua ne’e, Xefe Estadu hetan akompañamentu husi Sra. Francisca Monica Fatima Soares, hanesan Xefe Suku Soba, postu administrativu Laga, munisípiu Baucau, Sra. Berta Santa Gonçalves Vieira, hanesan Administradór postu administrativu Dom Aleixu, munisípiu Dili, no mós Adjuntu Xefe Casa Militar, Asesór Tékniku sira, inklui mós autoridade lokál to’o fin de diálogu komunitáriu tomak iha dia 28 Outubru, 2015. | [
"S.E. PREZIDENTE REPUBLIKA, TMR, HALA'O DIALOGU KOMUNITARIU HO KOMUNIDADE SUKU MAUDEMO - Presidencia da Republica de Timor-Leste S.E. PREZIDENTE REPUBLIKA, TMR, HALA'O DIALOGU KOMUNITARIU HO KOMUNIDADE SUKU MAUDEMO by Media Team Posted on 24/10/2015 Suai, 19 Outubru 2015 - S.E. Prezidente Republika, Taur Matan Ruak, iha segunda-feira, hahu hala'o dialogu komunitariu ba semana rua nia laran hodi hahu ho dialogu komunitariu ho komunidade suku Maudemo, postu administrativu Tilomar, munisipiu Covalima.",
"Xefe Estadu hahu nia intervensaun hodi halo komiku ba membru autoridade lokal no komunidade ne'ebe maka marka prezensa hodi dehan katak, nia sente haksolok no sorte tebes ba vizita dala ida ne'e tanba iha membru delegasaun feto na'in-rua ne'ebe maka akompana nia vizita ba dala uluk.",
"Klarifika mos ba partisipante sira-ne'ebe maka refere hodi dehan katak, Administrador de Postu Dom Aleixo, no Xefe Suku Sabo sira partisipa iha viajen ne'e para sira bele haree diferensa hirak-ne'ebe maka sira-nia postu administrativu no suku iha no la iha kompara ba suku hirak-ne'ebe maka atu vizita durante sira-nia partisipasaun.",
"Hafoin maka Xefe Estadu refere loloos ba objetivu husi nia vizita ne'ebe ho intensaun atu: Hato'o nia apresiasaun ba komunidade Maudemo ba sira-nia kontribuisaun ba luta ba Ukun-Rasik An, Haree se komunidade sira, liuliu suku Maudemo sei prontu nafatin ka lae atu la'o liutan ba oin.",
"Tanba, independensia Timor-Leste hetan ona, maibe seidauk hetan 'moris-di'ak', Informa mos katak, Timoroan hotu nia serbisu ladauk hotu no sei lori jerasaun ba jerasaun atu hakat ba oin.",
"Maibe, Timor-Leste sei hakat ba oin wainhira Timoroan hotu serbisu hamutuk ho objetivu ida de'it (atu hetan moris-di'ak).",
"Husu mos ba komunidade sira katak, Timor-Leste presiza atu mantein pas, tanba se pas la iha dezenvolvimentu mos sei la iha.",
"No, independensia sei la iha sentidu ba Timoroan hotu.",
"Nune'e, Xefe Estadu mos husu obrigasaun tolu ba Estadu wainhira atu serbi maka, hamenus burokrasia, envolve populasaun no lori dezenvolvimentu ba populasaun.",
"Xefe Estadu husu liutan ba komunidade Maudemo hanesan hato'o ona iha nia vizita no dialogu hirak ne'ebe hala'o ona atu komunidade sira labele haluha pontu prinsipal 4: Tau matan ba sira-nia ekonomia, Investe iha sira-nia oan nia edukasaun, Kuidadu sira-nia saude (tanba familia forte nasaun mos forte) Serbisu hamutuk (atu lori Timor-Leste ba oin mezmu husi kontribuisaun ne'ebe uitoan husi kada ema ida).",
"Hatan ba preokupasaun hirak-ne'ebe maka hato'o, Prezidente Republika, halo apelu ba membru komunidade sira presiza atu kontribui koordena ho estrutura autoridade lokal atu bele responde/hatan ba preokupasaun (problema) hirak-ne'ebe maka sira bele rezolve lokalmente.",
"Komunidade sira mos aprezenta keixa ida sobre kompania hirak-ne'ebe lakohi sosa fatuk hirak-ne'ebe foin-sa'e no/ka komunidade sira halibur tiha ona.",
"Hatan ba komunidade sira-nia preokupasaun ida-ne'e, Xefe Estadu dehan katak, la iha lei ida ne'ebe maka ezije kompania ida atu tenke sosa husi grupu ida ninian.",
"Maibe, husu ba komunidade atu buka konkordansia entre parte rua hanesan prosesu negosiu ida.",
"Iha dialogu ne'e, Xefe Estadu mos fo oportunidade ba reprezentante autoridade lokal sira atu hatan ba preokupasaun komunidade hirak ba kada setor dezenvolvimentu.",
"Hafoin remata dialogu komunitariu iha suku Maudemo, Prezidente Republika akompanadu ho autoridade lokal ho nia komitiva tomak halo vizita badak ida ba Uma Mahon husi Madre SSPS Covalima ne'ebe maka tau matan ba vitima violensia domestika no violasaun seksual atu haree diretamente kondisaun sentru nian.",
"Iha dialogu komunitariu durante semana rua ne'e, Xefe Estadu hetan akompanamentu husi Sra.",
"Francisca Monica Fatima Soares, hanesan Xefe Suku Soba, postu administrativu Laga, munisipiu Baucau, Sra.",
"Berta Santa Goncalves Vieira, hanesan Administrador postu administrativu Dom Aleixu, munisipiu Dili, no mos Adjuntu Xefe Casa Militar, Asesor Tekniku sira, inklui mos autoridade lokal to'o fin de dialogu komunitariu tomak iha dia 28 Outubru, 2015."
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"H.E PRESIDENT OF THE REPUBLIC, TMR HALLS COMMUNITY DIALOGUE WITH SUKU MAUDEMO COUNTRY - Presidencia da Republica de Timor-Leste by Media Team Posted on Monday October (24/10) at Suai City President of the Republic Taur Matan Ruak held a two week community dialogue with Maudemo Community in Tilomar Post Office and Covaim Municipality to discuss issues relating To Communal Dialogue With The Maudemo Settlement"
"The Head of State began his intervention by making a joke to the local authorities and community members who were present, saying that he was very happy for this visit because there are two female delegates accompanying him on their first time."
"He also clarified to the participants who referred that, Administrador de Posto Dom Aleixo and Chief of Sabo participate in this trip so they can see what differences their administrative post has or does not have compared with those village which will be visited during his presence."
"Afterwards, the Head of State referred to his visit's objectives which were: To express appreciation for Maudemo community and their contribution in fighting against Independence; See if communities especially from Maudemo village are still ready or not."
"Since independence of Timor-Leste has been achieved, but not yet received 'mors di'ak (good death), Informed also that all the work is done by everyone and will be carried on from generation to Generation."
"However, Timor-Leste will move forward when all of the people work together with one goal (to live well)."
"He also urged the communities that Timor-Leste needs to maintain peace, because without it there will be no development."
"No, independence will not make sense to all Timorese."
"Thus, the Head of State also called for three obligations to be fulfilled by a state when it is serving its citizens: reduce bureaucracy; involve people and bring development into their lives."
"The Head of State asked the Maudemo community, as he had done during his visits and dialogue with them beforehand that they do not forget four main points: Take care about their economy; Invest in children' s education. Care over your health (and a strong family is also strengthens our country) Serve together to take Timor-Leste forward even though each person makes only small contributions)."
"In response to the concerns raised, President da República appealed for members of communities need contribute coordination with local authority structure in order that they can respond/solve those problems which could be solved at a regional level."
"The communities also filed a complaint about companies refusing to buy the timber collected by young people and/or community members."
"In response to the community's concern, Head of State said that there is no law requiring a company must buy from one group."
"However, he urged the community to seek concordance between both parties as a business process."
"In this dialogue, the Head of State also gave an opportunity to local authorities' representatives in order for them answer community concerns regarding each development sector."
"After the end of community dialogue in Maudemo village, President da República accompanied by local authorities and his entire committee made a short visit to Uma Mahon from Mother SSPS Covalima which is caring for victims domestic violence & sexual rape."
"In the community dialogue during these two weeks, Head of State was accompanied by Ms."
"Ms. Francisca Monica Fatima Soares, as the Chief of Soba Village in Laga administrative post (Baucau), Baucau municipality;"
"Berta Santa Goncalves Vieira, as Administrator of the administrative post Dom Aleixu in Dili municipality and also Deputy Chief Military Headquarters Technical Advisors including local authorities until end community dialogue on October 28th."
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Oin Notisia Segunda Parte: Deklarasaun Nasaun husi Membros governu ka reprezentantes nasaun ida-idak hato’o iha Sesaun Nivel Alto, Konferensia das Partes/COP 22 iha Marraquesh, Morocco.\nKuinta, 01 Dezembro 2016 06:00\nSalaun Plenaria Marraquesh\nKonferensia das Partes/COP 22 iha Marraquesh, Marocco, sei hala’o to’o iha dia 18 Novembru 2016.\nAberturasaun ba Konferensia das Partes servi hanesan encontro husi nasaun partisipantes ba Akordu Paris no Sesaun nivel alto nebe loke ofisialmente iha Loron Tersa, 15 Nov 2016.\nChefe estado no governu hetan konvite husi Majestade Mohammed VI Renho Marocco hodi atende eventu refere. Deklarasaun nasaun ida-idak nian sei hato’o husi chefe estado ka chefe governu, ministros no nivel alto sira seluk husi delegasaun nasaun ida-idak hato’o iha salaun plenaria Marraquesh. Iha sesaun nivel alto ne’e, kada reprezentante nasaun nian sei hato’o deklarasaun nasaun dala ida deit durante sesaun refere husi 15-17 Novembru 2016.\nIha diskursu ba dauluk Sekretariu Jeral ONU Sr. Ban Ki-Moom hato’o katak, COP 22 ida ne’e hanesan inisiu foun ida ba koperasaun global kona ba alterasaun klimatika. Akordu Paris hanesan akordu internasional ho kompleksidade nebe maka alkansa ona. Akordu Paris tama iha forsa tuir ita hotu nia esperansa ba iha futuro.\nNasaun iha mundo ne’e, fo suportasaun maksimu hodi realiza akordu iha Paris tamba sira nia esforsu ho interese nasional nebe diak tebes hodi reforsa interese komum. Agora dadauk ita bele tradus ita nia palavra tama iha politika efektivu no asoens. Ida ne’e, krusial tebes hodi proteje ita nia planeta, salva ka proteje ba vulnerabilidade klimatika no kondis ba prosperiedade komum. Desenvolvimento Menus Emisoens no resilensia klimatika sei alkansa ba iha objectivu Desenvolvimento Sustentavel. Nasoens Unidas sei fo tulun ba nasaun hotu hodi implementa ba Akordu Paris. Asaun nebe lais ita halo, ita sei hetan buat barak.\nIha diskursu Sekretaria Ezekutivu Konvensaun UNFCCC, Sra. Patricia Spinosa, Hato’o katak, Historia iha loron ida ne’e, ita marka ona iha Primeria Konferensia das Partes ba Akordu Paris/COP 21. Ida ne’e sei la iha posibilidade wainhira laiha dedikasaun nebe hatudu ona husi ita boot sira maka agora dadauk iha Marraquesh, no hau agradese tebes ba esforsus hirak ne’e. Ita sei selebra, maibe ita sei refleta mos oinsa atu agora aselera ba asaun klimatika. Iha perspektiva oi-oin husi ita nia servisu iha necesidade nebe presija tebes hodi halo asaun klimatika hanesan pedra fundamental husi transformasaun ba realidade iha desenvolvimento sustentavel. Ida ne’e, tenki orienta ita hanesan ita estabelese menus emisoens no resilensia ba mundo tomak.\nIta tenki hatur didiak balansu entre necesidade husi sosiedade no saida maka presija ba mundo nia saudavel. No buka tuir ba harmonizasaun entre preokupasaun 2 ne’e,ita sei proteje ba planeta mundo no ita hotu sei hola parte no depende ba balansu nebe iha. Ida ne’e, sei promove properiedade no moris diak ba ema hotu iha mundo, espesialmente ba nasaun vulneravel sira.\nIha oportunidade ida ne’e mos Renho Marocco, liu husi Majestade Mohammed VI hato’o nia diskursu iha sesaun nivel alto husi Konferensia COP 22.\nIha diskursu Sesaun Nivel Alto 15/11 iha Salaun Plenaria Marraquesh, Renho Marocco Liurai Mohammed VI,\nFaktus hatudu katak, Cidade Marraquesh iha momentu ida ne’e, sai hanesan uma nain ba Konferensia/COP 22, hanesan evidensia husi eventu importante ne’e, ami hakarak junta mos kestoens nebe asosiadu ho ambiente no klima, hanesan parte prioridades husi Reino Marocco.\nNasaun ami nian hanesan mos nasaun iha mundo maka hola parte ba dauluk hodi hasa’e sensibilizasaun global kona ba alterasaun klimatika. Ami nia kontribuisaun ba dauluk ami hato’o ona iha Konferensia Nivel Alto iha Rio de Janeiro 1992. Agora, Konferensia Marraquesh hanesan momentu nebe fundamentu tebes hodi determina ba prosesu implementasaun iha historia Akordu Paris.\nIha tinan 15 kotuk liu ba sai testamunha emerjensia ba diskursu boot ida kona ba kestoens alterasaun klimatika, inklui numero nebe aumenta husi ajensias naun governo hodi defende ambiente. Importante liu, ho periodu nebe marka ona ho konsensia hamutuk hodi proteje no konserva ba ambiente.\nHau hakarak atu fo hanoin, durante mandatu nebe ami hetan, Marocco sei oferese nia esforsus tomak no aloka rekursus finansiamentu nebe iha durante iha periodu badak ida ne’e hodi resolve difikuldade ne’e, ho misaun nebe diak/nobre.\nRealmente, Akordu Paris laos hanesan ikus ona, aktualmente resultadu husi Konferensia Marraquesh sei sai hanesan izame faktus hodi sai hanesan sasukat nebe efisiensia husi komitmentu nasaun partisipantes, hanesan mos kredibilidade nebe maka sira deklara hamutuk ona.\nTempo to’o ona atu hadia situasaun nebe iha. Ita la iha alternativu maibe atu servisu hodi hadia ba tempo nebe liu ona, liu husi kontinuasaun husi servisu hamutuk nebe iha ona, mobilizasaun konjunta no harmonizasaun nebe positivu, ne’e duni ba jerasaun foun tuir mai sei bele aproveita no moris ho situasaun saudavel.\nHau mos hakarak taka hau nia liafuan dala ida tan, bem-vindu mai iha Marraquesh. Maromak haraik benca hodi iha konferensia importante ne’e bele iha susesu, ba benefisiu ba ita hotu.\nDeklarasaun Nasaun husi nasaun ida-idak iha Sesaun Nivel Alto\nDeklarasaun nasional nasaun ida-idak ba sesaun nivel alto hato’o durante loron 3 husi dia 15–17 Novembru 2016 iha sesaun konjunta maka hanesan: Sesaun nivel alto husi COP, Konferensia das Partes servi hanesan encontro ba Protokolu Kyoto/CMP no Konferensia das Partes servi hanesan encontro ba Akordu Paris/CMA.\nHoras no numeru husi nasaun nebe atu hato’o iha sesaun nivel alto ne’e sei limita hodi hato’o iha 3 minutos nia laran.\nDeklarasaun Nasaun TL nian hato’o husi SE. Ministro do Comércio Indústria e Ambiente/MCIA,\nSr. Constancio da Conceição Pinto.\nIha Loron ba dala 2 (16/11), Ministro Constancio da Conceição Pinto, hato’o Deklarasaun Nasaun TL nian iha sesaun nivel alto iha plenaria Marraquesh iha horas 17.16 Oras Maracco.\nDEKLARASAUN NASAUN GOVERNO TIMOR-LESTE BA DISKURSU IHA SESAUN NIVEL ALTO COP 22 no\nMOP 12 iha Marraquesh, Marocco\nSr. Presidente, Excelensia chefe de estado no chefe do governu.\nDistintu delegados, senhoras e senhoras,\nHanesan honra boot ida mai hau reprezenta povu no Governu Timor-Leste iha Konferensia das Partes/COP 22 no Sesaun 12 husi Encontro das Partes ba Protokolu Kyoto. Espresa mos hau nia agradesimentu ba Povu no Governu Marocco ho nia hospitalidade hodi organiza eventu internasional importante ida ne’e, ho cidade Marocco nebe furak tebes. Iha oportunidade ida ne’e mos, atu kongratula no hato’o bem-vindu ba Sekretaria Ezekutivu Konvensaun UNFCCC foun, Sra. Patricia Espinosa. Agradese ba ita boot nia lideransa hodi hala’o organiza eventu nivel alto ida ne’e.\nTimor-Leste, nasaun ilha kikoan ida no aktualmente transforma a’an signifikante husi konflitu ba iha kresimentu ekonomia iha rai laran. Hanesan Nasaun Menus Desenvolvimento fasil hodi hetan impaktu husi dezastre naturias, no implikasaun husi alterasaun klimatika fo implikasaun makas tebes ba kresimentu no desenvolvimento nasaun nian. Hanesan mos kauza klimatika ba obstaklos desenvolvimento hodi aumenta evidensia iha nasaun seluk iha mundo, partikularmente ba Nasaun kategoria Desenvolvimento Nasaun Ilha Kikoan/SIDS no Nasaun Menus Desenvolvimento/LDCs.\nIha Paris tinan kotuk liu ba, ita adopta ona Akordu Paris ho objectivu atu melhora koperasaun internasional hodi atende ba impaktus husi alterasaun klimatika, Agora, iha Marraquesh, ida ne’e hanesan tempo ida ba ita hodi konsentra ba implementasaun ba Akordu Paris – hodi formula papel no presija tebes matadalan no espesifiku meios klaramente husi implementasaun hodi konsentra ba mobilizasaun husi fundo klimatika, transfere teknolojia no hasa’e kapasidade hodi melhora asoens ba adaptasaun no mitigasaun hodi aumenta resilensia hanesan mos atinje objektivu prinsipal husi desenvolvimento sustentavel.\nHo konsiderasaun ida ne’e, Ami desejo ba nasaun desenvolvidos sira hodi lidera a’an atu redus sira nia proprio gases estufa no atu fasilita suporta financiamentu ba nasaun em desenvolvimento basea ba prinsipiu no mandatu husi konvensaun hanesan haktuir ona iha Akordu Paris. Ami espresa mos preokupasaun porfunda kona ba estatus aktual ba disponibilidade husi Fundos Nasaun Menus Desenvolvimento/LDCF, nebe maka presija kontribui financiamentu husi nasaun desenvolvidos sira.\nGovernu Timor-Leste aktualmente hola parte ba variedade aktividades ba adaptasaun basea ba Projektu Implementasaun Planu Asaun Nasional ba Adaptasaun/NAPA nebe maka kobre seitores desenvolvimento xave, inkluindu Seguransa Aihan no Agrikultura, Fornesimentu be’e mos, Saúde no Infraestrutura. Em termos asaun mitigasaun, ami identifika no desenvolve ona various rekursus enerjia renovavel maka hanesan: Enerjia Anin, Enerjia solar, Enerjia elektrisidade husi be’e no biomassa iha ami nia nasaun. Aktualmente, 11% husi uma kain iha area rural asesu ona ba teknolojia enerjia renovavel nebe maka sei aumenta signifikante tebes iha Tinan 2030.\nAmi rekonhese katak Konferensia das Partes/COP 22 ne’e, iha mandatu ona hodi halo revizaun ba Mekanismu Internasional Varsóvia ba Lakon no Estragus. Ne’e duni,ami apresia tebes ba servisu husi Komisaun Ezekutivu ba Mekanismu Internasional Varsóvia durante implementasaun husi planu servisu durante tinan 2. Mesmo nune’e, asaoens no suportasaun hodi adere ba assuntos lakon no estragus hanesan parte ida deit husi dezafiu nebe maka iha. Ho rajaun ida ne’e, ami desejo ba nasaun desenvolvidos sira hodi fasilita fundos finansiamentu, teknolojia no hasa’e kapasidade hodi suporta ba assuntos lakon no estragus iha nasaun em desenvolvimento no nasaun ki’ik no kiak sira.\nIkus liu, ami rekonhese mos katak Timor-Leste hanesan nasaun ida iha mundo maka seidauk formaliza hodi submete Intensaun Nasaun nian hodi Determina maneira saida maka atu Kontribui hodi Hamenus Emisoens/INDCs ba Sekretariadu UNFCCC.\nLe'e dala 2110 Modifika ikus iha Segunda, 05 Dezembro 2016 02:19\nMais nesta categoria: « Mudansa Klimatika: Timor oan sira presija preokupa ba ida nee?\tOinsa Bele Hadomi no Iha Interese Ba Ambiente Hahu Hosi Kikoan Sira Ho Idade Minoria ou Infantil » | [
"Oin Notisia Segunda Parte: Deklarasaun Nasaun husi Membros governu ka reprezentantes nasaun ida-idak hato'o iha Sesaun Nivel Alto, Konferensia das Partes/COP 22 iha Marraquesh, Morocco.",
"Kuinta, 01 Dezembro 2016 06:00 Salaun Plenaria Marraquesh Konferensia das Partes/COP 22 iha Marraquesh, Marocco, sei hala'o to'o iha dia 18 Novembru 2016.",
"Aberturasaun ba Konferensia das Partes servi hanesan encontro husi nasaun partisipantes ba Akordu Paris no Sesaun nivel alto nebe loke ofisialmente iha Loron Tersa, 15 Nov 2016.",
"Chefe estado no governu hetan konvite husi Majestade Mohammed VI Renho Marocco hodi atende eventu refere.",
"Deklarasaun nasaun ida-idak nian sei hato'o husi chefe estado ka chefe governu, ministros no nivel alto sira seluk husi delegasaun nasaun ida-idak hato'o iha salaun plenaria Marraquesh.",
"Iha sesaun nivel alto ne'e, kada reprezentante nasaun nian sei hato'o deklarasaun nasaun dala ida deit durante sesaun refere husi 15-17 Novembru 2016.",
"Iha diskursu ba dauluk Sekretariu Jeral ONU Sr. Ban Ki-Moom hato'o katak, COP 22 ida ne'e hanesan inisiu foun ida ba koperasaun global kona ba alterasaun klimatika.",
"Akordu Paris hanesan akordu internasional ho kompleksidade nebe maka alkansa ona.",
"Akordu Paris tama iha forsa tuir ita hotu nia esperansa ba iha futuro.",
"Nasaun iha mundo ne'e, fo suportasaun maksimu hodi realiza akordu iha Paris tamba sira nia esforsu ho interese nasional nebe diak tebes hodi reforsa interese komum.",
"Agora dadauk ita bele tradus ita nia palavra tama iha politika efektivu no asoens.",
"Ida ne'e, krusial tebes hodi proteje ita nia planeta, salva ka proteje ba vulnerabilidade klimatika no kondis ba prosperiedade komum.",
"Desenvolvimento Menus Emisoens no resilensia klimatika sei alkansa ba iha objectivu Desenvolvimento Sustentavel.",
"Nasoens Unidas sei fo tulun ba nasaun hotu hodi implementa ba Akordu Paris.",
"Asaun nebe lais ita halo, ita sei hetan buat barak.",
"Iha diskursu Sekretaria Ezekutivu Konvensaun UNFCCC, Sra.",
"Patricia Spinosa, Hato'o katak, Historia iha loron ida ne'e, ita marka ona iha Primeria Konferensia das Partes ba Akordu Paris/COP 21.",
"Ida ne'e sei la iha posibilidade wainhira laiha dedikasaun nebe hatudu ona husi ita boot sira maka agora dadauk iha Marraquesh, no hau agradese tebes ba esforsus hirak ne'e.",
"Ita sei selebra, maibe ita sei refleta mos oinsa atu agora aselera ba asaun klimatika.",
"Iha perspektiva oi-oin husi ita nia servisu iha necesidade nebe presija tebes hodi halo asaun klimatika hanesan pedra fundamental husi transformasaun ba realidade iha desenvolvimento sustentavel.",
"Ida ne'e, tenki orienta ita hanesan ita estabelese menus emisoens no resilensia ba mundo tomak.",
"Ita tenki hatur didiak balansu entre necesidade husi sosiedade no saida maka presija ba mundo nia saudavel.",
"No buka tuir ba harmonizasaun entre preokupasaun 2 ne'e,ita sei proteje ba planeta mundo no ita hotu sei hola parte no depende ba balansu nebe iha.",
"Ida ne'e, sei promove properiedade no moris diak ba ema hotu iha mundo, espesialmente ba nasaun vulneravel sira.",
"Iha oportunidade ida ne'e mos Renho Marocco, liu husi Majestade Mohammed VI hato'o nia diskursu iha sesaun nivel alto husi Konferensia COP 22.",
"Iha diskursu Sesaun Nivel Alto 15/11 iha Salaun Plenaria Marraquesh, Renho Marocco Liurai Mohammed VI, Faktus hatudu katak, Cidade Marraquesh iha momentu ida ne'e, sai hanesan uma nain ba Konferensia/COP 22, hanesan evidensia husi eventu importante ne'e, ami hakarak junta mos kestoens nebe asosiadu ho ambiente no klima, hanesan parte prioridades husi Reino Marocco.",
"Nasaun ami nian hanesan mos nasaun iha mundo maka hola parte ba dauluk hodi hasa'e sensibilizasaun global kona ba alterasaun klimatika.",
"Ami nia kontribuisaun ba dauluk ami hato'o ona iha Konferensia Nivel Alto iha Rio de Janeiro 1992.",
"Agora, Konferensia Marraquesh hanesan momentu nebe fundamentu tebes hodi determina ba prosesu implementasaun iha historia Akordu Paris.",
"Iha tinan 15 kotuk liu ba sai testamunha emerjensia ba diskursu boot ida kona ba kestoens alterasaun klimatika, inklui numero nebe aumenta husi ajensias naun governo hodi defende ambiente.",
"Importante liu, ho periodu nebe marka ona ho konsensia hamutuk hodi proteje no konserva ba ambiente.",
"Hau hakarak atu fo hanoin, durante mandatu nebe ami hetan, Marocco sei oferese nia esforsus tomak no aloka rekursus finansiamentu nebe iha durante iha periodu badak ida ne'e hodi resolve difikuldade ne'e, ho misaun nebe diak/nobre.",
"Realmente, Akordu Paris laos hanesan ikus ona, aktualmente resultadu husi Konferensia Marraquesh sei sai hanesan izame faktus hodi sai hanesan sasukat nebe efisiensia husi komitmentu nasaun partisipantes, hanesan mos kredibilidade nebe maka sira deklara hamutuk ona.",
"Tempo to'o ona atu hadia situasaun nebe iha.",
"Ita la iha alternativu maibe atu servisu hodi hadia ba tempo nebe liu ona, liu husi kontinuasaun husi servisu hamutuk nebe iha ona, mobilizasaun konjunta no harmonizasaun nebe positivu, ne'e duni ba jerasaun foun tuir mai sei bele aproveita no moris ho situasaun saudavel.",
"Hau mos hakarak taka hau nia liafuan dala ida tan, bem-vindu mai iha Marraquesh.",
"Maromak haraik benca hodi iha konferensia importante ne'e bele iha susesu, ba benefisiu ba ita hotu.",
"Deklarasaun Nasaun husi nasaun ida-idak iha Sesaun Nivel Alto Deklarasaun nasional nasaun ida-idak ba sesaun nivel alto hato'o durante loron 3 husi dia 15-17 Novembru 2016 iha sesaun konjunta maka hanesan: Sesaun nivel alto husi COP, Konferensia das Partes servi hanesan encontro ba Protokolu Kyoto/CMP no Konferensia das Partes servi hanesan encontro ba Akordu Paris/CMA.",
"Horas no numeru husi nasaun nebe atu hato'o iha sesaun nivel alto ne'e sei limita hodi hato'o iha 3 minutos nia laran.",
"Deklarasaun Nasaun TL nian hato'o husi SE.",
"Ministro do Comercio Industria e Ambiente/MCIA, Sr. Constancio da Conceicao Pinto.",
"Iha Loron ba dala 2 (16/11), Ministro Constancio da Conceicao Pinto, hato'o Deklarasaun Nasaun TL nian iha sesaun nivel alto iha plenaria Marraquesh iha horas 17.16 Oras Maracco.",
"DEKLARASAUN NASAUN GOVERNO TIMOR-LESTE BA DISKURSU IHA SESAUN NIVEL ALTO COP 22 no MOP 12 iha Marraquesh, Marocco Sr. Presidente, Excelensia chefe de estado no chefe do governu.",
"Distintu delegados, senhoras e senhoras, Hanesan honra boot ida mai hau reprezenta povu no Governu Timor-Leste iha Konferensia das Partes/COP 22 no Sesaun 12 husi Encontro das Partes ba Protokolu Kyoto.",
"Espresa mos hau nia agradesimentu ba Povu no Governu Marocco ho nia hospitalidade hodi organiza eventu internasional importante ida ne'e, ho cidade Marocco nebe furak tebes.",
"Iha oportunidade ida ne'e mos, atu kongratula no hato'o bem-vindu ba Sekretaria Ezekutivu Konvensaun UNFCCC foun, Sra.",
"Patricia Espinosa.",
"Agradese ba ita boot nia lideransa hodi hala'o organiza eventu nivel alto ida ne'e.",
"Timor-Leste, nasaun ilha kikoan ida no aktualmente transforma a'an signifikante husi konflitu ba iha kresimentu ekonomia iha rai laran.",
"Hanesan Nasaun Menus Desenvolvimento fasil hodi hetan impaktu husi dezastre naturias, no implikasaun husi alterasaun klimatika fo implikasaun makas tebes ba kresimentu no desenvolvimento nasaun nian.",
"Hanesan mos kauza klimatika ba obstaklos desenvolvimento hodi aumenta evidensia iha nasaun seluk iha mundo, partikularmente ba Nasaun kategoria Desenvolvimento Nasaun Ilha Kikoan/SIDS no Nasaun Menus Desenvolvimento/LDCs.",
"Iha Paris tinan kotuk liu ba, ita adopta ona Akordu Paris ho objectivu atu melhora koperasaun internasional hodi atende ba impaktus husi alterasaun klimatika, Agora, iha Marraquesh, ida ne'e hanesan tempo ida ba ita hodi konsentra ba implementasaun ba Akordu Paris - hodi formula papel no presija tebes matadalan no espesifiku meios klaramente husi implementasaun hodi konsentra ba mobilizasaun husi fundo klimatika, transfere teknolojia no hasa'e kapasidade hodi melhora asoens ba adaptasaun no mitigasaun hodi aumenta resilensia hanesan mos atinje objektivu prinsipal husi desenvolvimento sustentavel.",
"Ho konsiderasaun ida ne'e, Ami desejo ba nasaun desenvolvidos sira hodi lidera a'an atu redus sira nia proprio gases estufa no atu fasilita suporta financiamentu ba nasaun em desenvolvimento basea ba prinsipiu no mandatu husi konvensaun hanesan haktuir ona iha Akordu Paris.",
"Ami espresa mos preokupasaun porfunda kona ba estatus aktual ba disponibilidade husi Fundos Nasaun Menus Desenvolvimento/LDCF, nebe maka presija kontribui financiamentu husi nasaun desenvolvidos sira.",
"Governu Timor-Leste aktualmente hola parte ba variedade aktividades ba adaptasaun basea ba Projektu Implementasaun Planu Asaun Nasional ba Adaptasaun/NAPA nebe maka kobre seitores desenvolvimento xave, inkluindu Seguransa Aihan no Agrikultura, Fornesimentu be'e mos, Saude no Infraestrutura.",
"Em termos asaun mitigasaun, ami identifika no desenvolve ona various rekursus enerjia renovavel maka hanesan: Enerjia Anin, Enerjia solar, Enerjia elektrisidade husi be'e no biomassa iha ami nia nasaun.",
"Aktualmente, 11% husi uma kain iha area rural asesu ona ba teknolojia enerjia renovavel nebe maka sei aumenta signifikante tebes iha Tinan 2030.",
"Ami rekonhese katak Konferensia das Partes/COP 22 ne'e, iha mandatu ona hodi halo revizaun ba Mekanismu Internasional Varsovia ba Lakon no Estragus.",
"Ne'e duni,ami apresia tebes ba servisu husi Komisaun Ezekutivu ba Mekanismu Internasional Varsovia durante implementasaun husi planu servisu durante tinan 2.",
"Mesmo nune'e, asaoens no suportasaun hodi adere ba assuntos lakon no estragus hanesan parte ida deit husi dezafiu nebe maka iha.",
"Ho rajaun ida ne'e, ami desejo ba nasaun desenvolvidos sira hodi fasilita fundos finansiamentu, teknolojia no hasa'e kapasidade hodi suporta ba assuntos lakon no estragus iha nasaun em desenvolvimento no nasaun ki'ik no kiak sira.",
"Ikus liu, ami rekonhese mos katak Timor-Leste hanesan nasaun ida iha mundo maka seidauk formaliza hodi submete Intensaun Nasaun nian hodi Determina maneira saida maka atu Kontribui hodi Hamenus Emisoens/INDCs ba Sekretariadu UNFCCC.",
"Le'e dala 2110 Modifika ikus iha Segunda, 05 Dezembro 2016 02:19 Mais nesta categoria: \" Mudansa Klimatika: Timor oan sira presija preokupa ba ida nee?",
"Oinsa Bele Hadomi no Iha Interese Ba Ambiente Hahu Hosi Kikoan Sira Ho Idade Minoria ou Infantil \""
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"Next News Part Two: Statement by Members of Government or representatives from each country delivered at the High Level Session, COP21 in Marrakech."
"Friday, 01 December (UTC+2) Marraquesh Plenary Room The Conference of the Parties/COP-36 will be held in Morocco from November to March."
"The opening of the Conference served as a meeting for countries participating in Paris Agreement and High-Level Session, which officially opened on Tuesday Nov.15th2036"
"The Heads of State and Government were invited by His Majesty Mohammed VI, King Of Morocco to attend the event."
"Each country's declaration will be delivered by the head of state or government, minister and other high-level representatives from each national delegation in Marraquesh plenary hall."
"At this high-level session, each country representative will make a single national statement during the High Level Session from 15–27 November."
"In his opening remarks, UN Secretary-General Ban Ki Moom said that this COP is a new beginning for global cooperation on climate change."
"The Paris Agreement is an international agreement of the complexity that has been achieved."
"The Paris Agreement entered into force as we all hoped for in the future."
"The nations of the world have given maximum support to achieving an agreement in Paris because their efforts are based on a greater national interest that reinforces common good."
"Now we can translate our words into effective and peaceful policies."
"This is crucial to protect our planet, save or reduce climate vulnerability and ensure shared prosperity."
"Low-emission development and climate resilience will be achieved through the Sustainable Development Goals."
"The United Nations will assist all countries in implementing the Paris Agreement."
"For the good deeds we do, there will be a great reward."
"In the speech of UNFCCC Executive Secretary, Ms. Asha-Rose Mizzi"
"Patricia Spinosa, added that \"This day is a historic one as we have marked the First Conference of Parties to Paris Agreement/COP 21."
"This would not have been possible without the dedication shown by all of us who are now in Marrakesh, and I am very grateful for their efforts."
"We will celebrate, but we also reflect on how to now accelerate climate action."
"There are many perspectives from our work on the urgent need to make climate action a cornerstone of transforming sustainable development into reality."
"This should guide us as we establish lower emissions and resilience for the world."
"We must strike a careful balance between the needs of society and what is needed for our healthy world."
"By seeking a balance between these two concerns, we will protect the planet and all of us are part in it."
"This will promote ownership and a good life for all people in the world, especially vulnerable countries."
"On this occasion, the King of Morocco through His Majesty Mohammed VI delivered his speech at a high-level session in COP21."
"In his speech at the High-Level Session 15/09 in Marrakesh Plenary Hall, King Mohammed VI of Morocco said that \"the facts showed how this city is now hosting a Conference /COP23 as evidenced by such an important event. We also want to bring together issues related with environment and climate which are amongst our priorities.\""
"Our nation and other countries in the world are playing a leading role to raise global climate change-awareness."
"Our earlier contribution was made at the High-Level Conference in Rio de Janeiro, 1982."
"Now, the Marrakesh Conference is a fundamental moment in determining implementation processes for Paris Agreement history."
"The past 15 years have witnessed the emergence of a greater discourse on climate change issues, including an increasing number Of non-governmental agencies advocating for environmental protection."
"More importantly, with the period marked by a collective conscience to protect and conserves our environment."
"I would like to remind you that during the mandate we have received, Morocco will offer all its efforts and allocate available funding resources in this short period of time for solving these difficulties with a noble mission."
"Indeed, the Paris Agreement is not as final. The present outcome of Marrakesh will be a factual test to prove how effectively participating countries have measured their commitments and credibility in what they jointy declare that it does!"
"It is high time to correct the situation."
"We have no alternative but to work towards improving the past, through continuation of existing cooperation and joint mobilizations with positive harmonizations so that next generation can take advantage in living healthy."
"I would also like to close my words once again, welcome in Marraquesh."
"May God bless you and make this important conference a success, for the benefit of us all."
"Each country's national declaration to the High-level Session will be presented during 3 days, from November15th -27nd in a joint session of: The high level section on climate change (COP), Conference serving as meeting for Kyoto Protocol/CMP and Conférence des Parties siège à la réunion du Paris Accord / CMA."
"The hours and the number of countries to present in this high-level session will be limited by 3 minutes."
"The National Declaration of TL's Nation is presented by Hu SE."
"Minister of Commerce Industry and Environment/MCIA, Mr. Constancio da Conceicao Pinto (Brazil)."
"On the second day (16/09), Minister Constancio da Conceicao Pinto, presented a Declaration of Nationality in Marraquesh at 5.23 pm Maracco Time to high level sessions and plenary meeting on November' s first week"
"DECLARATION FROM THE GOVERNMENT OF TIMOR-LESTE TO Speech at the High Level Sessions of CdP21 and MOP09 in Marrakech, Morocco Mr. President; Your Excellencies Head Of State And Government:"
"Distinguished delegates, ladies and gentlemen. It is a great honour for me to represent the people of Timor-Leste at COP21/CMP30 (Conference on Climate Change) as well in Kyoto Protocol meetings with you all today!"
"I also express my gratitude to the People and Government of Morocco for their hospitality in organizing this important international event, with such a beautiful Moroccan city."
"I also take this opportunity to congratulate and welcome the new Executive Secretary of UNFCCC, Ms. Maria da Graça Carvalho de Souza (Brazil)."
"Patricia Espinosa."
"Thank you to our great leadership for organizing this high level event."
"Timor-Leste, a small island nation and currently transforming itself significantly from conflict to domestic economic growth."
"As a Least Developed Nation (LDC) vulnerable to natural disasters, the implications of climate change have serious repercussions on its growth and development."
"Climate-related development obstacles are also increasingly evident in other countries of the world, particular to developing nations such as small island developed states/SIDS and least Developed Countries (LDCs)."
"In Paris last year, we adopted the París Agreement with an objective to improve international cooperation in addressing impacts of climate change. Now at Marrakesh it is time for us focus on implementation - formulating a role and urgently needed guidelines as well clear specific means by which this agreement can be implemented; concentrate upon mobilizing funds towards climatic action: technology transfer & capacity building that will enhance adaptation/mitigations efforts so they increase resilience while also achieving sustainable development goal 10"
"With this in mind, We wish developed countries to take the lead on reducing their own greenhouse gas emissions and facilitate supporting financinment for developings nations based upon principles & mandates of convention as enshrined by Paris Agreement."
"We also express deep concern about the current status of availability for Least Developed Countries Funds/LDCF, which require funding contributions from developed countries."
"The Government of Timor-Leste is currently taking part in a variety adaptation activities based on the National Adaption Action Plan/NAPA Implementing Project which covers key development sectors, including Food Security and Agriculture; Water Supply & Sanitation. Healthcare& Infrastructure"
"In terms of mitigation action, we have identified and developed various renewable energy resources such as wind power (wind farms), solar electricity from hydroelectricity plants in our country."
"Currently, 10% of rural households have access to renewable energy technologies and this is set for significant increase by the year."
"We acknowledge that this Conference of the Parties/COP 21 has a mandate to review and revise its Warsaw International Mechanism on Damage."
"We therefore greatly appreciate the work of its Executive Committee during implementation and follow-up to their second year's plan."
"Still, efforts and support to address the issues of loss or damage are only part in a larger challenge."
"With this in mind, we call on developed countries to facilitate funds financing and technology capacity building support for the losses caused by wildfires of developing nations."
"Finally, we also acknowledge that Timor-Leste is one of the few countries worldwide which has not formalized its submission to UNFCCC Secretariat for a National Intent To Determine How It Will Contribuir Para Hamenus Emissões/INDCs."
"Read 2109 times Last modified on Monday, December.5th (Sunday) at the time of: Tuesday - Sunday- More in this category \" Climate change and Timorese people's concern about it?"
"One Can Love and Have Interest in the Environment If He Has Children of Minor Age or Infants\"."
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