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Governu Lansa “Inisiativa Spotlight” Atu Hakotu Violénsia Hasoru Feto | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste\nVARANDA Uncategorized Governu Lansa “Inisiativa Spotlight” Atu Hakotu Violénsia Hasoru Feto\nGovernu Lansa “Inisiativa Spotlight” Atu Hakotu Violénsia Hasoru Feto\nSekretária Estadu ba Igualdade no Inkluzaun, Maria José da Fonseca Monteiro de Jesus.Imajen/Tatoli/Eugénio Pereira\nDILI, 05 marsu 2020 (TATOLI)–Governu liuhosi Sektretária Estadu ba Igualidade no Inkluzaun (SEII) hamutuk ho Uniaun Europeia (UE) no Organizasaun Nasaun Unida (ONU-sigla portugés) hala’o lansamentu ba Inisiativa Spotlight atu hakotu Violénsia hasoru feto no labarik feto sira iha Timor-Leste.\nSektretária Estadu ba Igualidade no Inkluzaun (SEII), Maria José da Fonseca Monteiro de Jesus hateten, Inisiativa Spotlight ne’e ho objetivu atu halakon forma oin-oin husi violénsia hasoru feto no labarik-feto iha tinan 2030 be mai.\nNia dehan, violasaun hasoru feto no labarik-feto hanesan violasaun direitu umanu ne’ebé boot liu ne’ebé kontinua akontese no fó problema ba mundu inklui Timor-Leste.\n“Ida ne’e hanesan dezafiu prinsipál ida ba iha realizasaun dereitu husi feto no labarik-feto sira atu atinji Objetivu Dezenvolvimentu Sustentavel (ODS),” dehan SEII, Maria José da Fonseca Monteiro de Jesus, liuhosi konferensia imprensa ne’ebé hala’o iha Hotel Timor, Dili, ohin.\nNia hatutan, Timor-Leste hanesan nasaun ida ne’ebé hetan benefísiu husi Inisiativa Spotlight ho apoiu husi Governu, Sosiedade sivil, nune’e mós parseiru sira ne’ebé mak atu halakon Violénsia hasoru feto no labarik-feto sira.\n“Atinji progresu signifikante iha tinan 20 nia laran hafoin vota ba istóriku ukun rasik-aan, Timor-Leste hatudu ona ninia kompromisiu atu hakotu violénsia hasoru feto no labarik-feto sira no violénsia parseiru íntimu,” nia dehan.\nAleinde ida ne’e, nia dehan, tuir vizaun ba igualdade hateten violénsia hasoru feto no labarik-feto sei sai nafatin obstákulu ho estimasaun 38% to’o 50%, feto sira hetan violénsia iha sira-nia moris tomak.\n“Ha’u apresia tebes ba Inisiativa Spotlight ne’e, ne’ebé aliña ho kompromisiu Governu Timor-Leste atu promove no proteje dignidade direitu feto nian,” nia hateten.\nIha Timor-Leste, nia esplika, Governu fó prioridade no importánsia liu ba prevensaun, protesaun no protesaun serbisu hamutuk ho esforsu sira ba asegura hasa’e kbiit ekonomia no partisipasaun feto iha aspetu hotu iha sosiedade nian.\n“Governu Timor-Leste Komprometidu tebes ba zero toleránsia hasoru forma oin-oin no tipu violénsia saida de’it hasoru feto no labarik-feto sira,” nia dehan.\nLansamentu Ofisiál ne’e, tuir nia, hanesan faze dahuluk husi inisiativa spotlight ne’ebé sei hala’o uluk iha Prioridade Munisípiu Tolu, Baucau, Ermera, no Viqueque.\nPrograma ne’e, nia haklaken, ho objetivu atu apoiu sasukat sira iha Governu nian atu halakon forma hotu husi prátika perigu ba violénsia hasoru feto no labarik-feto sira.\nEntretantu, Embaixadór Uniaun Europia ba Timor-Leste, Andrew Jacobs hateten, investimentu tinan tolu husi inisiativa spotlight iha Timor-Leste total orsamentu hamutuk millaun $15.\n“Objetivu mak atu hametin enkuadramentu legál nasaun no instituisaun sira no halo pormosaun ba norma pozitivu sosiál nian, hasa’e asesu hodi apoia serbisu ba sobrevivente husi violénsia, hadi’ak kolesaun no utilizasaun dadus ba iha halo pilítika ne’ebé di’ak liu no hametin parseira ho organizasaun sosiedade sivíl sira,” nia hateten.\nNia infroma, Uniaun Europia kontente bainhira programa Spotlight bele involve ema hotu hodi nune’e bele hakotu violénsia hasoru feto no labarik feto sira iha Timor-Leste.\n“Uniaun Europia kontente tebes tanba atu apoiu esforsu Timor-Leste, nune’e halakon perigu sira husi violénsia boot hasoru feto no labarik feto sira. Tanba ne’e, itaeinvolve ema hotu inklui mane no labarik mane, kuandu laiha sira ita sei la susesu,” nia esplika.\nLansamentu ba inisiativa Spotlight atu hakotu Violénsia hasoru feto no labarik-feto iha iha Timor’Leste ne’e lidera husi UN Women, Programa Nasaun Unida Dezenvolvimentu (PNUD-sigla inglés), Organizasaun Nasaun Unida ba Labarik (UNICEF-sigla inglés), UNFPA no Internasionál Labour Organization (ILO-sigla inglés).\nJornalista : Osória Maques\nPrevious articleAban, TL Sei Selebra Loron Feto Internasionál iha Ermera\nNext articleHatete “Lae” Ba Violénsia no “Sin!” Ba Labarik Feto TL Nia Futuru\nHorta manán iha suku Bairru Pite ho totál votu 1266 | [
"Governu Lansa \"Inisiativa Spotlight\" Atu Hakotu Violensia Hasoru Feto | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA Uncategorized Governu Lansa \"Inisiativa Spotlight\" Atu Hakotu Violensia Hasoru Feto Governu Lansa \"Inisiativa Spotlight\" Atu Hakotu Violensia Hasoru Feto Sekretaria Estadu ba Igualdade no Inkluzaun, Maria Jose da Fonseca Monteiro de Jesus.Imajen/Tatoli/Eugenio Pereira DILI, 05 marsu 2020 (TATOLI) -Governu liuhosi Sektretaria Estadu ba Igualidade no Inkluzaun (SEII) hamutuk ho Uniaun Europeia (UE) no Organizasaun Nasaun Unida (ONU-sigla portuges) hala'o lansamentu ba Inisiativa Spotlight atu hakotu Violensia hasoru feto no labarik feto sira iha Timor-Leste.",
"Sektretaria Estadu ba Igualidade no Inkluzaun (SEII), Maria Jose da Fonseca Monteiro de Jesus hateten, Inisiativa Spotlight ne'e ho objetivu atu halakon forma oin-oin husi violensia hasoru feto no labarik-feto iha tinan 2030 be mai.",
"Nia dehan, violasaun hasoru feto no labarik-feto hanesan violasaun direitu umanu ne'ebe boot liu ne'ebe kontinua akontese no fo problema ba mundu inklui Timor-Leste.",
"\"Ida ne'e hanesan dezafiu prinsipal ida ba iha realizasaun dereitu husi feto no labarik-feto sira atu atinji Objetivu Dezenvolvimentu Sustentavel (ODS),\" dehan SEII, Maria Jose da Fonseca Monteiro de Jesus, liuhosi konferensia imprensa ne'ebe hala'o iha Hotel Timor, Dili, ohin.",
"Nia hatutan, Timor-Leste hanesan nasaun ida ne'ebe hetan benefisiu husi Inisiativa Spotlight ho apoiu husi Governu, Sosiedade sivil, nune'e mos parseiru sira ne'ebe mak atu halakon Violensia hasoru feto no labarik-feto sira.",
"\"Atinji progresu signifikante iha tinan 20 nia laran hafoin vota ba istoriku ukun rasik-aan, Timor-Leste hatudu ona ninia kompromisiu atu hakotu violensia hasoru feto no labarik-feto sira no violensia parseiru intimu,\" nia dehan.",
"Aleinde ida ne'e, nia dehan, tuir vizaun ba igualdade hateten violensia hasoru feto no labarik-feto sei sai nafatin obstakulu ho estimasaun 38% to'o 50%, feto sira hetan violensia iha sira-nia moris tomak.",
"\"Ha'u apresia tebes ba Inisiativa Spotlight ne'e, ne'ebe alina ho kompromisiu Governu Timor-Leste atu promove no proteje dignidade direitu feto nian,\" nia hateten.",
"Iha Timor-Leste, nia esplika, Governu fo prioridade no importansia liu ba prevensaun, protesaun no protesaun serbisu hamutuk ho esforsu sira ba asegura hasa'e kbiit ekonomia no partisipasaun feto iha aspetu hotu iha sosiedade nian.",
"\"Governu Timor-Leste Komprometidu tebes ba zero toleransia hasoru forma oin-oin no tipu violensia saida de'it hasoru feto no labarik-feto sira,\" nia dehan.",
"Lansamentu Ofisial ne'e, tuir nia, hanesan faze dahuluk husi inisiativa spotlight ne'ebe sei hala'o uluk iha Prioridade Munisipiu Tolu, Baucau, Ermera, no Viqueque.",
"Programa ne'e, nia haklaken, ho objetivu atu apoiu sasukat sira iha Governu nian atu halakon forma hotu husi pratika perigu ba violensia hasoru feto no labarik-feto sira.",
"Entretantu, Embaixador Uniaun Europia ba Timor-Leste, Andrew Jacobs hateten, investimentu tinan tolu husi inisiativa spotlight iha Timor-Leste total orsamentu hamutuk millaun $15.",
"\"Objetivu mak atu hametin enkuadramentu legal nasaun no instituisaun sira no halo pormosaun ba norma pozitivu sosial nian, hasa'e asesu hodi apoia serbisu ba sobrevivente husi violensia, hadi'ak kolesaun no utilizasaun dadus ba iha halo pilitika ne'ebe di'ak liu no hametin parseira ho organizasaun sosiedade sivil sira,\" nia hateten.",
"Nia infroma, Uniaun Europia kontente bainhira programa Spotlight bele involve ema hotu hodi nune'e bele hakotu violensia hasoru feto no labarik feto sira iha Timor-Leste.",
"\"Uniaun Europia kontente tebes tanba atu apoiu esforsu Timor-Leste, nune'e halakon perigu sira husi violensia boot hasoru feto no labarik feto sira.",
"Tanba ne'e, itaeinvolve ema hotu inklui mane no labarik mane, kuandu laiha sira ita sei la susesu,\" nia esplika.",
"Lansamentu ba inisiativa Spotlight atu hakotu Violensia hasoru feto no labarik-feto iha iha Timor'Leste ne'e lidera husi UN Women, Programa Nasaun Unida Dezenvolvimentu (PNUD-sigla ingles), Organizasaun Nasaun Unida ba Labarik (UNICEF-sigla ingles), UNFPA no Internasional Labour Organization (ILO-sigla ingles).",
"Jornalista: Osoria Maques Previous articleAban, TL Sei Selebra Loron Feto Internasional iha Ermera Next articleHatete \"Lae\" Ba Violensia no \"Sin!\"",
"Ba Labarik Feto TL Nia Futuru Horta manan iha suku Bairru Pite ho total votu 1266"
] | [
"Government Launches \"Spotlight Initiative\" to End Violence Against Women | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA Uncategorized Governo Lança “Iniciativa Spot light” Atu Hakotu violensia hasoru fetos Governamnet Lanca ”Initiativa spot Light“ atu hatudu violensia kontra labarik mane Governu lansa 'inisiative spotslit' hodi halakon violasaun ba oan no meninas iha TL. State Secretariat for Equality and Inclusion, Maria Jose da Fonseca Monteiro De Jesus Imagem/Tatoli / Eugenio Pereira DILI (Agência Tatoli) -The government through the Secretary of state on equity & inclusião together with European Union(EU), United Nations Organization has launched a new project called The Focal Point initiative ai fini di eliminazione della violencia contro le donne ed i bambini femminile in Indonesia"
"The State Secretary for Equality and Inclusion (SEII), Maria Jose da Fonseca Monteiro de Jesus, said that the Spotlight Initiative aims to eliminate all forms of violence against women by 2031."
"He said that rape against women and girls is the biggest human rights violation which continues to occur, causing problems for all over world including Timor-Leste."
"\"This is a major challenge for the realization of women's and girls rights to achieve Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) objectives,\" said SEII Maria Jose da Fonseca Monteiro de Jesus at her press conference held today in Dili."
"He added that Timor-Leste is one of the countries which has benefited from Spotlight Initiative with support by Government, civil society and partners working to end violence against women."
"\"Having made significant progress in the 20 years since voting for historic independence, Timor-Leste has demonstrated its commitment to ending violence against women and girls as well As intimate partner abuse\", he said."
"Furthermore, he said that according to the vision for equality violence against women and girls will remain an obstacle with estimates of 38% -50%, whereas in other countries this figure is higher."
"\"I am very appreciative of the Spotlight Initiative, which is aligned with Timor-Leste Government's commitment to promote and protect women rights dignity.\""
"In Timor-Leste, she explained that the Government has given priority and greater importance to prevention of violence against women as well protection from it. It is working in conjunction with efforts aimed at ensuring economic empowerment for all female citizens by promoting their participation on a broad scale within society throughout its life cycle (from childhood through adolescence)."
"\"The Government of Timor-Leste is strongly committed to zero tolerance for all forms and types Of violence against women And girls,\" she said."
"The official launch, according to him is the first phase of a spotlight initiative that will be carried out in priority municipalities: Tolo (Tolu), Baucau and Ermera."
"The programme, she announced in a statement on the occasion of her inauguration as Minister for Women and Family Affairs (2013), is aimed at supporting Government efforts to eradicate all forms Of harmful practice Towards violence against women And girls."
"Meanwhile, the European Union Ambassador to Timor-Leste Andrew Jacobs said that three years of investment from Spotlight Initiative in Indonesia totalled $15 million."
"\"The objectives are to strengthen the legal framework of countries and institutions, promote positive social norms; increase access in supporting work with survivors from violence. Improve data collection for better policy making as well a stronger partnership between civil society organization (CSOs)\" he said"
"He said the European Union is pleased that Spotlight programme can involve everyone in ending violence against women and girls."
"\"The European Union is delighted to support Timor-Leste's efforts, thereby eradicating the great danger of violence against women and girls."
"Therefore, we involve everybody including men and boys. Without them it will not be possible to succeed.\""
"The launch of the Spotlight initiative to end violence against women and girls in Timor-Leste is being led by UN Women, United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), Children's Fund for International Child Protection(UNICEF) UNFPA."
"Jornalista: Osoria Maques Previous articleTomorrow, TL Will Celebrate International Women’s Day in Ermera Next ArticleSay “No” To Violence and Sin!"
"For the Future of Girls, Horta won in Bairru Pite village with a total votes 1265."
] |
SEXTA BÁSICA: PROBLEMA OSAN KA LEGALIDADE? | ::Diariu Timor Post Online::\nCaetano Anacleto da Silva (La’o Rai – Besi Ki’ik)\nPrezidente Ezekutivu FHD\nHaree ba diskusaun ne’ebé la’o iha públiku no média balun, bele dehan katak iha tinan 2021 ne’e mosu polémika foun ida kona-ba realizasaun Sexta Básica (SB) hosi Governu (GOV).\nEm primeiro lugar, iha parte balun mak argumenta katak, Estadu la iha osan atu selu firma ka sosiedade komersiál balun ne’ebé fornese tiha ona ai-han ba povu liuhosi programa SB tanba Banco Federal America (BFA) la fo osan ba GOV Timór. Segundo, iha mos argumentu katak, SB ne’e rasik la bele enkuadra iha Lei do Orçamento Geral do Estado (OGE) ba tinan 2021.\nNune’e, elaborasaun ne’e mosu ho objetivu atu oferese esplikasaun balun kona-ba polémika refere, liga ho argumentu balun ne’ebé mosu iha públiku nia leet.\nKona-ba Osan la iha Banco Federal América la Fo Osan mai Timór\nKo’alia kona-ba issue katak BFA sei la fo osan mai Timór, tenke hatene lai lala’ok reseita Estadu Timór nian. Reseita Estadu Timór nakfahe ba buat rua mak: reseita prinsipál no reseita subsidiária.\nReseita prinsipál mak reseita ne’ebé mai hosi taxa, enkuantu reseita subsidiária mak reseita sira-ne’ebé, por enquanto, mai hosi investimentu Fundu Petrolíferu (FP).\nInvestimentu hosi FP rasik nakfahe ba parte tolu (3): a) mak títulos (rai osan iha BFA ho montante 60% (porsentu neen nulu) hosi total FP ne’ebé iha; b) mak acções (saham iha companhia internasionál sira) ho montante 35% (porsentu tolu nulu resin lima) hosi total FP ne’ebé iha; c) mak osan ne’ebé rai iha Banco Central de Timor-Leste (BCTL) ho montante 5% (porsentu lima) hosi total FP ne’ebé iha. BCTL rasik sai operador ne’ebé kontrola no halo ajustamentu ba divizaun investimento FP tuir persentajem ne’ebé iha. Katak, karik investimentu FP hetan lukru, lakon ka uza ona ba OGE, montante total sei nakfahe nafatin ba persentajem ne’ebé hateten ona.\nHosi divizaun refere, 5% hosi FP ne’ebé rai iha BCTL ne’e mak sei transfere ba konta OGE hodi reforsa OGE karik reseita prinsipál la to’o hodi realiza ezekusaun hosi OGE.\nNune’e, hosi esplikasaun ne’ebé hato’o ona, issue ne’ebé hateten katak Timór laiha osan ne’e konsidera nu’udár INFORMASAUN NE’EBÉ LALOOS KA HOAX. Tanba, osan Timór la’os bele foti deit hosi títulos iha BFA maibé mos hosi acções sira-ne’ebé investe iha companhia internacional sira.\nKona-ba Enkuadramentu Legál hosi SB rasik\nKona-ba enkuadramentu legál hosi Sesta Básica (SB), programa ne’e tuir loloos enkuadra iha item recoperação económica. Maibé Lei N.º 14/2020, de 29 de dezembro kona-ba Orçamento Geral do Estado ba tinan 2021 la prevê kona-ba recoperação económica kona-ba SB. Bele dehan katak, la’os osan mak la iha atu selu programa SB maibé enkuadramentu legál mak laiha atu ezekuta osan hodi selu ba SB.\nKona-ba faktu ne’e, sala la’os iha Primeiru Ministru (PM) ka Ministru Finansas, maibé Ministru kompetente ba programa SB ne’e rasik. Hatene ona katak SB la prevê iha LOGE 20201 maibé realiza nafatin SB refere.\nDalan atu bele halo pagamentu ba SB mak GOV tenke halo retificação ba LOGE 2021. Karik, Ministériu kompetente ba programa SB halo ona pagamentu balun ba SB antes halo rectificação ba LOGE 2021, acto ne’e bele hetan vício da ilegalidade (infrações administrativas) tuir al. f n.º 2 do artigo 50.º do Decreto-Lei N.º 32/2008 de 27 de Agosto sobre Procedimento Administrativo la ho prejuízu ba possibilidade mos atu hatan mos tuir Direito Penal Timorense.\nFundamenta ba hanoin sira-ne’ebé apresenta tiha ona, bele hetan síntese konkluziva hanesan tuirmai: 1) Primeiru, issue ne’ebé hateten katak Timór laiha osan ne’e konsidera nu’udár INFORMASAUN NE’EBÉ LALOOS KA HOAX; 2) Lei N.º 14/2020, de 29 de dezembro kona-ba Orçamento Geral do Estado ba tinan 2021 LA PREVÊ KONA-BA RECOPERAÇÃO ECONÓMICA KONA-BA SB; 3) Nune’e, presiza halo RECTIFICAÇÃO BA LOGE 2021 hodi bele selu tusan ba SB.\nTimor Post (03/07/2020)- Sekretáriu Estadu Polítika ...\nTimor Post (14/10/2020)- Ministru Prezidensiál ...\nTimor Post (10/11/2020)- Prezidente Administrasaun ...\nTimor Post (22/06/2020) -Vise Primeiru Ministru (VPM) ...\nTotal page view: 346,581 | [
"SEXTA BASICA: PROBLEMA OSAN KA LEGALIDADE? |::Diariu Timor Post Online:: Caetano Anacleto da Silva (La'o Rai - Besi Ki'ik) Prezidente Ezekutivu FHD Haree ba diskusaun ne'ebe la'o iha publiku no media balun, bele dehan katak iha tinan 2021 ne'e mosu polemika foun ida kona-ba realizasaun Sexta Basica (SB) hosi Governu (GOV).",
"Em primeiro lugar, iha parte balun mak argumenta katak, Estadu la iha osan atu selu firma ka sosiedade komersial balun ne'ebe fornese tiha ona ai-han ba povu liuhosi programa SB tanba Banco Federal America (BFA) la fo osan ba GOV Timor.",
"Segundo, iha mos argumentu katak, SB ne'e rasik la bele enkuadra iha Lei do Orcamento Geral do Estado (OGE) ba tinan 2021.",
"Nune'e, elaborasaun ne'e mosu ho objetivu atu oferese esplikasaun balun kona-ba polemika refere, liga ho argumentu balun ne'ebe mosu iha publiku nia leet.",
"Kona-ba Osan la iha Banco Federal America la Fo Osan mai Timor Ko'alia kona-ba issue katak BFA sei la fo osan mai Timor, tenke hatene lai lala'ok reseita Estadu Timor nian.",
"Reseita Estadu Timor nakfahe ba buat rua mak: reseita prinsipal no reseita subsidiaria.",
"Reseita prinsipal mak reseita ne'ebe mai hosi taxa, enkuantu reseita subsidiaria mak reseita sira-ne'ebe, por enquanto, mai hosi investimentu Fundu Petroliferu (FP).",
"Investimentu hosi FP rasik nakfahe ba parte tolu (3): a) mak titulos (rai osan iha BFA ho montante 60% (porsentu neen nulu) hosi total FP ne'ebe iha; b) mak accoes (saham iha companhia internasional sira) ho montante 35% (porsentu tolu nulu resin lima) hosi total FP ne'ebe iha; c) mak osan ne'ebe rai iha Banco Central de Timor-Leste (BCTL) ho montante 5% (porsentu lima) hosi total FP ne'ebe iha.",
"BCTL rasik sai operador ne'ebe kontrola no halo ajustamentu ba divizaun investimento FP tuir persentajem ne'ebe iha.",
"Katak, karik investimentu FP hetan lukru, lakon ka uza ona ba OGE, montante total sei nakfahe nafatin ba persentajem ne'ebe hateten ona.",
"Hosi divizaun refere, 5% hosi FP ne'ebe rai iha BCTL ne'e mak sei transfere ba konta OGE hodi reforsa OGE karik reseita prinsipal la to'o hodi realiza ezekusaun hosi OGE.",
"Nune'e, hosi esplikasaun ne'ebe hato'o ona, issue ne'ebe hateten katak Timor laiha osan ne'e konsidera nu'udar INFORMASAUN NE'EBE LALOOS KA HOAX.",
"Tanba, osan Timor la'os bele foti deit hosi titulos iha BFA maibe mos hosi accoes sira-ne'ebe investe iha companhia internacional sira.",
"Kona-ba Enkuadramentu Legal hosi SB rasik Kona-ba enkuadramentu legal hosi Sesta Basica (SB), programa ne'e tuir loloos enkuadra iha item recoperacao economica.",
"Maibe Lei N.o 14/2020, de 29 de dezembro kona-ba Orcamento Geral do Estado ba tinan 2021 la preve kona-ba recoperacao economica kona-ba SB.",
"Bele dehan katak, la'os osan mak la iha atu selu programa SB maibe enkuadramentu legal mak laiha atu ezekuta osan hodi selu ba SB.",
"Kona-ba faktu ne'e, sala la'os iha Primeiru Ministru (PM) ka Ministru Finansas, maibe Ministru kompetente ba programa SB ne'e rasik.",
"Hatene ona katak SB la preve iha LOGE 20201 maibe realiza nafatin SB refere.",
"Dalan atu bele halo pagamentu ba SB mak GOV tenke halo retificacao ba LOGE 2021.",
"Karik, Ministeriu kompetente ba programa SB halo ona pagamentu balun ba SB antes halo rectificacao ba LOGE 2021, acto ne'e bele hetan vicio da ilegalidade (infracoes administrativas) tuir al. f n.o 2 do artigo 50.o do Decreto-Lei N.o 32/2008 de 27 de Agosto sobre Procedimento Administrativo la ho prejuizu ba possibilidade mos atu hatan mos tuir Direito Penal Timorense.",
"Fundamenta ba hanoin sira-ne'ebe apresenta tiha ona, bele hetan sintese konkluziva hanesan tuirmai: 1) Primeiru, issue ne'ebe hateten katak Timor laiha osan ne'e konsidera nu'udar INFORMASAUN NE'EBE LALOOS KA HOAX; 2) Lei N.o 14/2020, de 29 de dezembro kona-ba Orcamento Geral do Estado ba tinan 2021 LA PREVE KONA-BA RECOPERACAO ECONOMICA KONA-BA SB; 3) Nune'e, presiza halo RECTIFICACAO BA LOGE 2021 hodi bele selu tusan ba SB.",
"Timor Post (03/07/2020) - Sekretariu Estadu Politika ...",
"Timor Post (14/10/2020) - Ministru Prezidensial ...",
"Timor Post (10/11/2020) - Prezidente Administrasaun ...",
"Timor Post (22/06/2020) -Vise Primeiru Ministru (VPM)...",
"Total page view: 346,581"
] | [
"SEXTA BASICA: PROBLEMA OSAN KA LEGALIDADE? | Caetano Anacleto da Silva (La'o Rai - Besi Ki’ik) Executive President FHD Considering the discussion that is going on in some public and media, it can be said this year 2019 a new controversy has arisen about realization of Sexta Basica by Government."
"First of all, there are some who argue that the State has no money to pay certain firms or commercial societies which have already provided food for people through SB program because Banco Federal America (BFA) does not give any cash."
"Secondly, there is also the argument that SB itself cannot be included in Law of General State Budget (OGE) for 2019."
"Thus, this elaboration arises with the aim of offering some explanation about that controversy linked to certain argument which has emerged in public."
"Regarding the issue that BFA will not give money to Timor, we must know how it is affecting State revenue of East Тимор."
"Revenue of the Timorese State is divided into two main categories: primary revenue and subsidiary income."
"The main revenue is the tax, while subsidiary income are those that for now come from investments of Petroleum Fund (FP)."
"The investment of the FP itself is divided into three (3) parts: a. títulos, which are deposited in BFA amounting to about sixty per cent(60%)of total existing funds; b). acções that represent shareholder interest and account for approximately fifteen percent from all available financial resources at this time on international companies' stock market with an average annual turnover exceeding $1 billion ($2 trillion); c), money held by Banco Central de Timor-Leste - BCTL – equivailing around five percentage points/percent or less than one hundred thousand million dollars as well!"
"BCTL itself becomes the operator who control and adjust FP' s investment division according to its percentage."
"In other words, if the FP investment is profitable or lost and has been used for OGE then total amount will still be deducted by percentage."
"From this division, 5% of the PF held in BCTL will be transferred to OGE accounts for reinforcement if main revenue is not sufficient."
"Thus, from the explanation given above that Timor has no money is considered to be FALSE OR HOAX INFORMATION."
"Because, Timorese money can be taken not only from the BFA's securities but also through shareholder investment in international companies."
"Regarding the legal framework of Sesta Basica (SB), this program should be covered under economic recovery. The programme is a part and parcel in an effort to improve social welfare for all Brazilians, not just those who live on low income or have poor accessibility conditions; it also provides supporting services such as educational programs that help them recover from poverty by providing basic health care at their home level"
"However, Law N.o 14/2039 of the General State Budget for year (GSB) do not provide on economic recovery in relation to SBs"
"It can be said that, not there is no money to pay SB program but the legal framework lacks for execution of payments."
"In this regard, the fault is not with Prime Minister (PM) or Finance minister but rather competent for SB programme itself."
"It has been stated that SB does not provide for LOGE 2019 but still implements the above mentioned."
"The way to make payments for SB is that GOV must rectify LOGE 2019."
"If the Ministry competent for SB has already made some payments to it before making a correction in LOGE 2019, this act may be found illegal (administrative offences) according al. f n°3 of article54(a)(ii), Decree-Law No:7/86 on Administrative Procedure without prejudicing possible prosecution under Timorese Criminal Law as well;"
"Based on the ideas already submitted, a conclusive synthesis can be obtained as follows: 1) First of all that says Timor has no money is considered LALOUS OR HOAX INFORMATION;2. Law N°04/987563-A (Law nº de Lei do Orçamento Geral para o ano que vem); therefore it will need to make CORRECTIVE TO THE LOGE in order for SB'S debts are paid out and so we must have an adequate budgetary framework which would allow us not only repay our loans but also pay back those borrowed by SBS from other sources like bank account or credit card etc..."
"Timor Post (03/12... - Secretaria de Estado Política e Relações Internacionais ..."
"Timor Post (14/09... - Ministru Prezidensial ..."
"Timor Post (10/26 / 3:45 PM) - President of the ..."
"Timor Post (23/06 / 19) -Vise Prime Minister of..."
"Total page view: 346,581"
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ESJ No. 4 Setembru Nakonu Ho Tahu | STLNEWS\nHome Edukasaun ESJ No. 4 Setembru Nakonu Ho Tahu\nESJ No. 4 Setembru Nakonu Ho Tahu\nRelasiona ho udan boot neebe akontese iha Sabadu kalan too Domingu, rezultada inundasaun mosu iha fatin-fatin, liu-liu iha kapital Dili, ho ida nee too agora iha Eskola Sekundariu Jeral (ESJ) no. 4 de Setembru Balide, sei nakonu ho bee no tahu nurak. (Foto: STL)\nDILI, STLNEWS co – Relasiona ho udan boot neebe akontese iha Sabadu kalan too Domingu, rezultada inundasaun mosu iha fatin-fatin, liu-liu iha kapital Dili, ho ida nee too agora iha Eskola Sekundariu Jeral (ESJ) no. 4 de Setembru Balide, sei nakonu ho bee no tahu nurak.\nTuir observasaun STL iha terenu, Kuarta ohin (07/04/2021), katak, iha resintu ESJ no 4 de stembru Balide, sei kontinua ho tahu nurak, inklui bee sei nalihun no seidauk maran, aleinde nee mos iha bee dalan neebe mak antes nee parte eskola nian hadia ona, maibe bee dalan nee mos sei kontinua nakonu ho bee.\nBee neebe sei kontinua nalihun nee iha area eskola refere, iha parte sala nian kotuk, no dalan tama ba iha eskola nian, neebe mak too agora sei nakonu ho bee no tahu nurak, maske inundasaun nee mosu desde iha Sabadu kalan too Domingu, maibe Kuarta ohin tahu refere seidauk maran no bee kontinua sei nalihun nafatin iha eskola refere, no vitima ba dezastre naturais balun lori sira nian roupa ba fase iha eskola refere.\nIha parte seluk, media STL mos halo observasaun iha Eskola Sekundariu Jeral Finantil Aimutin, hodi haree direita kondisaun eskola refere, maibe Eskola Finantil la afeita ba iha inundasaun neebe mak akontese iha fatin-fatin, tanba area eskola oin laiha bee no tahu, maibe portaun eskola nian taka metin, no eskola oin nakonu ho ai tahan.\nAleinde halo observasaun iha area eskola nian, maibe STL mos halo observasaun ba iha parte estrada publiku nian, neebe mak too ohin loron sei nakonu ho rai rahun, tanba inundasaun neebe mak akontese, kuaze estrada sira iha kapital Dili nakonu bee no tahu nurak, ikus mai tahu maran nakfila ba rai rahun.\nEstrada neebe mak too agora sei kontinua rai rahun mak hanesan iha area Maloa, Bebora, Mandarin, Colmera besik jardim 5 de Maio nian oin, Caicoli, Audian, Aitarak laran, Balide, estrada laran sei kontinua ho rai rahun, maske inundasaun nee akontese iha Sabadu no Domingu semana kotuk, maibe instituisaun relevante sira too agora seidauk fase estrada neebe sei nakonu ho rai rahun.\nEstrada laran neebe sei kontinua ho rai rahun, nee bele prejudika mos ba saude komunidade sira nian, liu-liu hirak neebe mak halo sirkulasaun ho transporte hanesan motor, tanba estrada iha parte hirak neebe mak ohin temi, kuaze seidauk fase.*\nPrevious articleIntervensaun SAS Kanaliza Bee Mos Laiha Rezultadu\nNext articleSertifikadu Mate; SERVE Hasai Desizaun Moris Nafatin\nKomunidade Balun Konsumu Bee Posu | [
"ESJ No. 4 Setembru Nakonu Ho Tahu | STLNEWS Home Edukasaun ESJ No. 4 Setembru Nakonu Ho Tahu ESJ No. 4 Setembru Nakonu Ho Tahu Relasiona ho udan boot neebe akontese iha Sabadu kalan too Domingu, rezultada inundasaun mosu iha fatin-fatin, liu-liu iha kapital Dili, ho ida nee too agora iha Eskola Sekundariu Jeral (ESJ) no.",
"4 de Setembru Balide, sei nakonu ho bee no tahu nurak.",
"(Foto: STL) DILI, STLNEWS co - Relasiona ho udan boot neebe akontese iha Sabadu kalan too Domingu, rezultada inundasaun mosu iha fatin-fatin, liu-liu iha kapital Dili, ho ida nee too agora iha Eskola Sekundariu Jeral (ESJ) no.",
"4 de Setembru Balide, sei nakonu ho bee no tahu nurak.",
"Tuir observasaun STL iha terenu, Kuarta ohin (07/04/2021), katak, iha resintu ESJ no 4 de stembru Balide, sei kontinua ho tahu nurak, inklui bee sei nalihun no seidauk maran, aleinde nee mos iha bee dalan neebe mak antes nee parte eskola nian hadia ona, maibe bee dalan nee mos sei kontinua nakonu ho bee.",
"Bee neebe sei kontinua nalihun nee iha area eskola refere, iha parte sala nian kotuk, no dalan tama ba iha eskola nian, neebe mak too agora sei nakonu ho bee no tahu nurak, maske inundasaun nee mosu desde iha Sabadu kalan too Domingu, maibe Kuarta ohin tahu refere seidauk maran no bee kontinua sei nalihun nafatin iha eskola refere, no vitima ba dezastre naturais balun lori sira nian roupa ba fase iha eskola refere.",
"Iha parte seluk, media STL mos halo observasaun iha Eskola Sekundariu Jeral Finantil Aimutin, hodi haree direita kondisaun eskola refere, maibe Eskola Finantil la afeita ba iha inundasaun neebe mak akontese iha fatin-fatin, tanba area eskola oin laiha bee no tahu, maibe portaun eskola nian taka metin, no eskola oin nakonu ho ai tahan.",
"Aleinde halo observasaun iha area eskola nian, maibe STL mos halo observasaun ba iha parte estrada publiku nian, neebe mak too ohin loron sei nakonu ho rai rahun, tanba inundasaun neebe mak akontese, kuaze estrada sira iha kapital Dili nakonu bee no tahu nurak, ikus mai tahu maran nakfila ba rai rahun.",
"Estrada neebe mak too agora sei kontinua rai rahun mak hanesan iha area Maloa, Bebora, Mandarin, Colmera besik jardim 5 de Maio nian oin, Caicoli, Audian, Aitarak laran, Balide, estrada laran sei kontinua ho rai rahun, maske inundasaun nee akontese iha Sabadu no Domingu semana kotuk, maibe instituisaun relevante sira too agora seidauk fase estrada neebe sei nakonu ho rai rahun.",
"Estrada laran neebe sei kontinua ho rai rahun, nee bele prejudika mos ba saude komunidade sira nian, liu-liu hirak neebe mak halo sirkulasaun ho transporte hanesan motor, tanba estrada iha parte hirak neebe mak ohin temi, kuaze seidauk fase.* Previous articleIntervensaun SAS Kanaliza Bee Mos Laiha Rezultadu Next articleSertifikadu Mate; SERVE Hasai Desizaun Moris Nafatin Komunidade Balun Konsumu Bee Posu"
] | [
"ESJ No. 4 September Nakonu Ho Tahu | STLNEWS Home Education and Training Schools of the State (ESJ) in Dili have been flooded due to heavy rains that occurred from Saturday night until Sunday, with flood water flowing into houses especially at Escola Secundariu Jeral(EEJ)."
"September 4th: Balide, sei nakonu ho bee no tahu nurak."
"(Photo: STL) DILI,StlNEWS co - In relation to heavy rainfall that occurred from Saturday night until Sunday resulted in flooding of many places especially the capital Dili. This has now reached Escola Sekundariu Jeral no 102 and ESJ No354"
"September 4th: Balide, sei nakonu ho bee no tahu nurak."
"According to STL observation in the field, Thursday today (07/21), that at ESJ and 4 de stembru Balide campuses will continue with nurak fires including water is still running but not dried up. In addition there are also roadwater which was previously repaired by part of school however this way it'll be fillet again"
"The water will continue to flow in the area of school, behind classrooms and entrance road. This is where it has been flooding since Saturday night until Sunday but on Thursday morning there was still no drying up so that this part would remain underwater for a long time as some natural disaster victim took their clothes with them back home from work or went out at lunchtime afterwards they couldn't get into schools again because these areas were not covered by rainfall before then"
"On the other hand, STL media also made an observation at Escola Secundariu Jeral Finantil Aimutin in order to see rightly school conditions. However School Finance was not affected by flooding that occurred on homesteads because area of front-school has no water and wood but gateway is closed tight with trees covered all over it"
"In addition to making observations in the school area, but STL also made observing part of public roads which is today filled with mud and soil. Because flood occurred almost all highway on Dili capital city are full water & dry grass that eventually fell down into a dirt floor"
"The roads that will now continue with dirt are in the area of Maloa, Bebora and Mandarin Colmera near Jardim 5 de Maio before Caicoli Audian Aitarak inside Balide. Inland highway is going to keep on being filled by mud although flooding occurred last Saturday & Sunday but relevant institutions have not yet phase out all those areas which would fill up as well"
"The inland road will continue with dirt, which can also harm the health of communities. Especially those who circulate by motorized transportation as well because highways are almost unfinished on these parts mentioned today.* Previous articleIntervention SAS Sewerage Water Mos Lacks Results Next ArticleCertificated Dead; SERVE Has Decided to Live Nafatin Community Balun Consuming Possessed water"
] |
By Tempo Timor January 06, 2022 660\n"CNRT mós hetan konvite, e Partidu CNRT iha delegasaun ekipa ba hasoru ne'e inklui mós bankada, atu ba rona Prezidente Repúblika ko'alia", hatete Xefe Bankada CNRT, Duarte Nunes, iha Parlamentu Nasionál (PN), kinta (6/1).\nParte Bankada CNRT nian, sei reprezenta husi deputadu na'in-2, mak Deputadu Duarte Nunes ho Patrocino Fernandes, hodi akompaña ekipa ne'ebé delega husi partidu CNRT, atu ba ba rona Prezidente Repúblika ko'alia.\n"Tuir lei ne'e tenke 60 dias, votasaun ida ikus ne'e tenke fulan ida antes termina hanesan 20 de maio ne'e ida be tomada de pose ne'e, siknifika, dia 19 de abril ne'e eleisaun tenke hotu ona, arik iha segundu ronde mós tenke hotu iha loron 19 abril, ne'e tuir lei", esplika nia.\nTanba tuir lei, tarde liu mak iha loron 19 janeiru ne'e, atu Prezidente Repúblika dekreta eleisaun prezidensiál.\n"Agora entre dia 19 ne'e, agora ita foin dia 6, ha’u hanoin ita sei iha tempu, ne'ebe CNRT mos simu konvite, e partidu CNRT iha delegasaun ekipa”, afirma nia. (*)\n« CNE Baukau Rekruta Ofisiál Supervizaun ba Eleisaun Prezidensiál PD ‘Kesi Ikun’ ba Jerasaun Tuan iha Aprezentasaun Kandidatura PR » | [
"By Tempo Timor January 06, 2022 660 \"CNRT mos hetan konvite, e Partidu CNRT iha delegasaun ekipa ba hasoru ne'e inklui mos bankada, atu ba rona Prezidente Republika ko'alia,\" hatete Xefe Bankada CNRT, Duarte Nunes, iha Parlamentu Nasional (PN), kinta (6/1).",
"Parte Bankada CNRT nian, sei reprezenta husi deputadu na'in-2, mak Deputadu Duarte Nunes ho Patrocino Fernandes, hodi akompana ekipa ne'ebe delega husi partidu CNRT, atu ba ba rona Prezidente Republika ko'alia.",
"\"Tuir lei ne'e tenke 60 dias, votasaun ida ikus ne'e tenke fulan ida antes termina hanesan 20 de maio ne'e ida be tomada de pose ne'e, siknifika, dia 19 de abril ne'e eleisaun tenke hotu ona, arik iha segundu ronde mos tenke hotu iha loron 19 abril, ne'e tuir lei,\" esplika nia.",
"Tanba tuir lei, tarde liu mak iha loron 19 janeiru ne'e, atu Prezidente Republika dekreta eleisaun prezidensial.",
"\"Agora entre dia 19 ne'e, agora ita foin dia 6, ha'u hanoin ita sei iha tempu, ne'ebe CNRT mos simu konvite, e partidu CNRT iha delegasaun ekipa,\" afirma nia. (*) \" CNE Baukau Rekruta Ofisial Supervizaun ba Eleisaun Prezidensial PD 'Kesi Ikun' ba Jerasaun Tuan iha Aprezentasaun Kandidatura PR \""
] | [
"By Tempo Timor January 06,1923 \"CNRT also received an invitation and the CNRP Party has a delegation that will meet with it including its parliamentary group to hear President da República speak\", said Duarte Nunes (CNT), in Parliament on Tuesday."
"On the CNRP side, two MPs will be represented by Deputies Duarte Nunez and Patrocino Fernandes to accompany a team of delegates from CNRT party in an attempt at hearing President da República speak."
"\"According to the law, there must be 60 days; a final vote should take place one month before it ends on May.21 and an inauguration ceremony is scheduled for this day (April). This means that elections have already been held in April' s second round of voting which will also finish by april '9th - as stipulated under Law.\""
"According to the law, no later than 19 January this year is a deadline for presidential elections."
"\"Now between the 19th, now we're only on day six. I think it will be time for us to do so; CNRT has also received an invitation and a delegation of its party teamed up with CNE\", he said.\" (*)\" Baukau Electoral Commission Recruits Supervisory Officer For Presidential Election PD 'Ikun Issue’ To Generation Old In Presentation Of PR Candidateship\"."
] |
Oinsá atu bele moris kontente—Kontente ho buat neʼebé ita iha no hatudu laran-luak\nEMA BARAK FIAR KATAK SASÁN NO RIKUSOIN MAK HALO EMA KONTENTE. Hanoin neʼe book ema millaun ba millaun atu serbisu ba oras barak atu sai riku. Maibé ita bele hetan kontente neʼebé loos husi osan no rikusoin ka lae? Evidénsia ohin loron hatudu saida?\nLivru ida (Journal of Happiness Studies) esplika katak se ita iha ona ita-nia presiza loron-loron nian, osan barak liután sei la halo ita-nia moris sai kontente liu. Problema sira la mai husi osan, maibé hanesan livru ida tan (Monitor on Psychology) esplika: “Hakaʼas an demais atu hetan osan mak halo ita la sente kontente.” Liafuan sira-neʼe atu hanesan ho matadalan iha Bíblia neʼebé hakerek maizumenus tinan rihun rua liubá: “Basá domin ba osan mak hun ba buat aat oioin, no tanba hadomi osan ema balu . . . fó kanek oioin ba sira-nia an.” (1 Timóteo 6:9, 10) Fó kanek iha dalan oinsá?\nESTRESE NO TOBA LADIʼAK TANBA TAʼUK LAKON RIKUSOIN. “Atan neʼebé serbí ema seluk sei toba-dukur loos, maski nia han uitoan ka barak, maibé ema riku nia rikusoin sei halo nia labele toba-dukur.”—Eclesiastes (Pengkhotbah) 5:12.\nTRISTE MASKI IHA RIKUSOIN BARAK. Tuir loloos, ita nunka bele kumpre ita-nia hakarak ba osan. Bíblia hatete: “Ema neʼebé hadomi osan-mutin sei nunka sai kontente ho osan-mutin, nuneʼe mós, ema neʼebé hadomi rikusoin sei nunka sai kontente ho rikusoin neʼebé nia hetan ona.” (Eclesiastes [Pengkhotbah] 5:10) Laʼós neʼe deʼit, ita-nia hakarak neʼe mós bele halo ita atu husik buat importante liu neʼebé lori kontente, hanesan tempu ba família no belun ka tempu atu adora Maromak.\nTRISTE NO ESTRESE BAINHIRA LAKON RIKUSOIN. “Keta halo kole ó-nia an atu hetan rikusoin. Labele halo tan ida-neʼe, maibé hatudu matenek bá. Bainhira ó hateke ba rikusoin, neʼe la iha ona, tanba rikusoin neʼe sei iha liras hanesan manu-makikit no semo ba lalehan.”—Provérbios (Amsal) 23:4, 5.\nHAHALOK SIRA NEʼEBÉ LORI KONTENTE\nKONTENTE HO BUAT NEʼEBÉ ITA IHA. “Ita la lori buat ida mai mundu neʼe, no ita mós la bele lori sai buat ida husi mundu neʼe. Entaun, se ita iha ai-han, hatais no hela-fatin, ita kontente ona ho buat sira-neʼe.” (1 Timóteo 6:7, 8) Ema neʼebé kontente ho buat neʼebé sira iha, baibain la muramura no la sente laran-moras. No tanba sira la kaan sasán neʼebé sira la iha kbiit atu sosa, neʼe ajuda sira atu la sente laran-susar no estrese.\nHATUDU LARAN-LUAK. “Kontente liu atu fó duké simu.” (Apóstolu 20:35) Ema neʼebé laran-luak mak kontente tanba sira gosta atu halo ema seluk kontente, maski buat neʼebé sira bele fó mak sira-nia forsa no tempu uitoan deʼit. Baibain, sira hetan buat neʼebé la bele sosa ho osan, neʼe mak domin, respeitu, no belun diʼak neʼebé mós hatudu laran-luak!—Lucas 6:38.\nTAU ULUK EMA DUKÉ SASÁN. “Diʼak liu han modo-tahan bikan ida hamutuk ho domin duké han naʼan neʼebé diʼak liu hamutuk ho odi.” (Provérbios [Amsal] 15:17) Neʼe katak sá? Ita-nia relasaun diʼak ho ema seluk mak diʼak liu fali rikusoin. No atu bele hetan kontente ita presiza domin.\nFeto ida husi rai-Amérika Súl naran Sabina aprende oinsá Bíblia nia matadalan ajuda nia. Ninia laʼen husik hela nia, tan neʼe Sabina presiza serbisu makaʼas atu bele sustenta ninia an no oan-feto rua. Loron-loron nia presiza hadeer tuku haat madrugada tanba nia iha serbisu rua. Maski nia okupadu tebes, maibé Sabina deside atu estuda Bíblia. Oinsá mak estuda Bíblia ajuda nia?\nMaski ninia situasaun ekonomia la troka, maibé ninia hanoin kona-ba moris mak troka! Ezemplu ida mak, nia sente kontente tanba bele aprende kona-ba Maromak nia matadalan. (Mateus 5:3) Nia mós hetan belun diʼak neʼebé hadomi Maromak. No nia sente kontente tanba bele fahe ba ema seluk buat neʼebé nia aprende husi Bíblia.\nBíblia hatete: “Liuhusi ema nia hahalok loos mak nia hatudu sai ninia matenek.” (Mateus 11:19) Entaun atu hatudu katak ita mak ema matenek, ita presiza hatudu hahalok loos hanesan kontente ho buat neʼebé ita iha, hatudu laran-luak no mós tau uluk ema duké sasán.\n“Domin ba osan mak hun ba buat aat oioin, no tanba hadomi osan ema balu . . . fó kanek oioin ba sira-nia an.”—1 Timóteo 6:10.\n“Domin ba osan” bele halo ita . . .\nHanoin barak no toba ladiʼak\nTriste no estrese\nEma neʼebé kontente mak sira neʼebé. . .\nKontente ho buat neʼebé sira iha\nTau uluk ema seluk duké sasán\nXave atu moris kontente\nSaida deʼit mak bele ajuda ita atu iha moris neʼebé kontente?\nFahe Fahe Kontente ho buat neʼebé ita iha no hatudu laran-luak\nOinsá atu bele moris kontente—Kontente ho buat neʼebé ita iha no hatudu laran-luak\ng18 No. 1 p. 4-5 | [
"Oinsa atu bele moris kontente - Kontente ho buat ne'ebe ita iha no hatudu laran-luak EMA BARAK FIAR KATAK SASAN NO RIKUSOIN MAK HALO EMA KONTENTE.",
"Hanoin ne'e book ema millaun ba millaun atu serbisu ba oras barak atu sai riku.",
"Maibe ita bele hetan kontente ne'ebe loos husi osan no rikusoin ka lae?",
"Evidensia ohin loron hatudu saida?",
"Livru ida (Journal of Happiness Studies) esplika katak se ita iha ona ita-nia presiza loron-loron nian, osan barak liutan sei la halo ita-nia moris sai kontente liu.",
"Problema sira la mai husi osan, maibe hanesan livru ida tan (Monitor on Psychology) esplika: \"Haka'as an demais atu hetan osan mak halo ita la sente kontente.\"",
"Liafuan sira-ne'e atu hanesan ho matadalan iha Biblia ne'ebe hakerek maizumenus tinan rihun rua liuba: \"Basa domin ba osan mak hun ba buat aat oioin, no tanba hadomi osan ema balu . . . fo kanek oioin ba sira-nia an.\"",
"(1 Timoteo 6:9, 10) Fo kanek iha dalan oinsa?",
"\"Atan ne'ebe serbi ema seluk sei toba-dukur loos, maski nia han uitoan ka barak, maibe ema riku nia rikusoin sei halo nia labele toba-dukur.\" - Eclesiastes (Pengkhotbah) 5:12.",
"Tuir loloos, ita nunka bele kumpre ita-nia hakarak ba osan.",
"Biblia hatete: \"Ema ne'ebe hadomi osan-mutin sei nunka sai kontente ho osan-mutin, nune'e mos, ema ne'ebe hadomi rikusoin sei nunka sai kontente ho rikusoin ne'ebe nia hetan ona.\"",
"(Eclesiastes [Pengkhotbah] 5:10) La'os ne'e de'it, ita-nia hakarak ne'e mos bele halo ita atu husik buat importante liu ne'ebe lori kontente, hanesan tempu ba familia no belun ka tempu atu adora Maromak.",
"\"Keta halo kole o-nia an atu hetan rikusoin.",
"Labele halo tan ida-ne'e, maibe hatudu matenek ba.",
"Bainhira o hateke ba rikusoin, ne'e la iha ona, tanba rikusoin ne'e sei iha liras hanesan manu-makikit no semo ba lalehan.\" - Proverbios (Amsal) 23:4, 5.",
"\"Ita la lori buat ida mai mundu ne'e, no ita mos la bele lori sai buat ida husi mundu ne'e.",
"Entaun, se ita iha ai-han, hatais no hela-fatin, ita kontente ona ho buat sira-ne'e.\"",
"(1 Timoteo 6:7, 8) Ema ne'ebe kontente ho buat ne'ebe sira iha, baibain la muramura no la sente laran-moras.",
"No tanba sira la kaan sasan ne'ebe sira la iha kbiit atu sosa, ne'e ajuda sira atu la sente laran-susar no estrese.",
"\"Kontente liu atu fo duke simu.\"",
"(Apostolu 20:35) Ema ne'ebe laran-luak mak kontente tanba sira gosta atu halo ema seluk kontente, maski buat ne'ebe sira bele fo mak sira-nia forsa no tempu uitoan de'it.",
"Baibain, sira hetan buat ne'ebe la bele sosa ho osan, ne'e mak domin, respeitu, no belun di'ak ne'ebe mos hatudu laran-luak! - Lucas 6:38.",
"\"Di'ak liu han modo-tahan bikan ida hamutuk ho domin duke han na'an ne'ebe di'ak liu hamutuk ho odi.\"",
"(Proverbios [Amsal] 15:17) Ne'e katak sa?",
"Ita-nia relasaun di'ak ho ema seluk mak di'ak liu fali rikusoin.",
"No atu bele hetan kontente ita presiza domin.",
"Feto ida husi rai-Amerika Sul naran Sabina aprende oinsa Biblia nia matadalan ajuda nia.",
"Ninia la'en husik hela nia, tan ne'e Sabina presiza serbisu maka'as atu bele sustenta ninia an no oan-feto rua.",
"Loron-loron nia presiza hadeer tuku haat madrugada tanba nia iha serbisu rua.",
"Maski nia okupadu tebes, maibe Sabina deside atu estuda Biblia.",
"Oinsa mak estuda Biblia ajuda nia?",
"Maski ninia situasaun ekonomia la troka, maibe ninia hanoin kona-ba moris mak troka!",
"Ezemplu ida mak, nia sente kontente tanba bele aprende kona-ba Maromak nia matadalan.",
"(Mateus 5:3) Nia mos hetan belun di'ak ne'ebe hadomi Maromak.",
"No nia sente kontente tanba bele fahe ba ema seluk buat ne'ebe nia aprende husi Biblia.",
"Biblia hatete: \"Liuhusi ema nia hahalok loos mak nia hatudu sai ninia matenek.\"",
"(Mateus 11:19) Entaun atu hatudu katak ita mak ema matenek, ita presiza hatudu hahalok loos hanesan kontente ho buat ne'ebe ita iha, hatudu laran-luak no mos tau uluk ema duke sasan.",
"\"Domin ba osan mak hun ba buat aat oioin, no tanba hadomi osan ema balu . . . fo kanek oioin ba sira-nia an.\" - 1 Timoteo 6:10.",
"\"Domin ba osan\" bele halo ita . . .",
"Hanoin barak no toba ladi'ak Triste no estrese Ema ne'ebe kontente mak sira ne'ebe. . .",
"Kontente ho buat ne'ebe sira iha Tau uluk ema seluk duke sasan Xave atu moris kontente Saida de'it mak bele ajuda ita atu iha moris ne'ebe kontente?",
"Fahe Fahe Kontente ho buat ne'ebe ita iha no hatudu laran-luak Oinsa atu bele moris kontente - Kontente ho buat ne'ebe ita iha no hatudu laran-luak g18 No. 1 p.",
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"How to live a happy life - Be satisfied with what you have and show compassion ONLY ONE THAT CONFIRMS, REPRESENTS AND RESPECTS THERE IS A HAPPING LIFE."
"That thought drives millions on billion of people to work long hours and become wealthy."
"But can we get true satisfaction from money and wealth?"
"What does the evidence today show?"
"One book (Journal of Happiness Studies) explains that if we already have our everyday needs covered, a lot more money won’t make your life happier."
"The problems don't come from money, but as another book (Monitor on Psychology) explains: \"To be too ambitious to get the most out of it makes us feel unsatisfied.\""
"These words are to be likened with the guidance given in a Bible written about two thousand years ago: \"The love of money leads us into all manner Of evil, and through their own desire for it some people... have hurt themselves many ways.\""
"(1 Timothy 6:9,20) In what way do we injure others?"
"\"A servant of another man will be ashamed, whether he eats little or much; but the rich's wealth shall make him unshameful.\" - Ecclesiastes (Pengkhotbah)5:12."
"In fact, we can never satisfy our desires for money."
"The Bible says: \"He who loves money will never be satisfied with his wealth, and he that lover of richness won't ever get enough.\""
"(Ecclesiastes 5:10) Not only that, our desires can also cause us to neglect more important things which bring satisfaction such as time for family and friends or worship."
"\"Keta make o-yourself to get wealth."
"Do not do this again, but show wisdom."
"When you look for wealth, it is not there; because yours will be like the gold of a lion and as high up to heaven.\" —Proverb (Prov.)"
"\"We brought nothing into the world, neither can we take anything out of it."
"So if we have food, clothing and shelter then that's enough.\""
"(1 Timothy 6:7,8) People who are satisfied with what they have tend not to be fierce or bitter."
"And because they don't eat things that you can not afford, it helps them to feel less angry and stressed."
"\"Contente liu atu fo duke simu.\" (I'm happy to talk while I receive.)"
"(Acts 20:35) Compassionate people are happy because they love to please others, even though only a small amount of their strength and time is available."
"But they receive what money cannot buy: love, respect and a good friend who also shows compassion! - Luke 6.38"
"\"It is better to eat a meal of bitterness with love than one that's more delicious together.\""
"(Proverbs 15:20) Is that a good thing?"
"Our good relationships with others are better than our wealth."
"And in order to be satisfied we need love."
"A South American girl named Sabina learns how Bible guidance helped her."
"Her husband had left her, so Sabina needed to work hard in order for supporting himself and his two daughters."
"Every day he needs to eat at four in the morning because of his two jobs."
"Despite her busy schedule, Sabina decided to study the Bible."
"How did studying the Bible help her?"
"Even though his economic situation has not changed, he's been able to change the way that she sees life!"
"For example, she feels happy to learn about God' s guidance."
"(Matthew 5:3) He also found a good friend who loves God."
"And he was happy to share with others what she had learned from the Bible."
"The Bible says: \"A man's wisdom is revealed by his righteousness.\""
"(Matthew 10:27) So to show that we are wise, it is necessary for us also in our deeds of goodness such as contentment with what you have and compassion on others."
"\"The love of money is a source for all kinds Of evil, and because some people are greedy... they cause themselves many injuries.\" - I Timothy.6:10"
"\"Domination of money\" can make us ."
"Thinking a lot and not sleeping well Sadness & stress Happy people are those who..."
"Be content with what you have Put other people before yourself To live a happy life What can help us to be satisfied in our lives?"
"Fahe-fae Content with what we have and show compassion How to live a happy life - Contribute by being content g18 No. 2 pg30"
"4-5 hours."
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Utilizadór apresia implementasaun sistema kampu dijitál hosi BCTL | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste\nVARANDA BAUCAU Utilizadór apresia implementasaun sistema kampu dijitál hosi BCTL\nUtilizadór apresia implementasaun sistema kampu dijitál hosi BCTL\nVise-Governadór BCTL, Venâncio Maria Alves hasai foto hamutuk ho komunidade suku Lavateri, postu administrativu Baguia, munisípiu Baucau hafoin formasaun kampu dijitál iha sede suku Lavateri, kinta (24/02). Imajén TATOLI/Antónia Gusmão\nBAUCAU, 24 fevereiru 2022 (TATOLI)–Utilizadór sistema kampu dijitál ba tranzasaun liuhosi produtu Telemor MOSAN no Telekomcel TPAY, apresia implementasaun sistema bankáriu hosi Banku Sentrál Timor-Leste (BCTL, sigla portugés).\nUtilizadór sistema hosi suku Lavateri, postu administrativu Baguia, munisípiu Baucau, Carlota da Silva Ximenes, haksolok tanba konsidera programa ne’e fó benefísiu tanba hafasil transfere osan ba família, liliu oan sira ne’ebé eskola iha kapitál Dili.\n“Ha’u hakarak hato’o esperiénsia katak bainhira sistema dijitál to’o iha suku Lavateri, ami hetan esperiénsia hosi maluk ajénsia balun, tanba sistema dijitál ne’e iha nia vantajen no desvantajen, maibé durante ne’e ami la hetan desvantajen tanba vantajen mak boot liu ba ami. Osan ida hosi karteira ami-nian to’o iha karteira seluk, to’o duni iha fatin ho seguru no buat hotu susesu. Ami agradese tebes sistema ne’e tanba fasilita ona ami,” Carlota da Silva hateten iha ámbitu atividade formasaun, kona-ba operasaun servisu finanseiru dijitál, ne’ebé hala’o iha sede suku Lavateri, kinta ne’e.\nNotísia relevante: BCTL inisia formasaun servisu finanseira dijitál ba kliente iha Baucau\nOfisiál Ajénsia MOSAN hosi Telemor rejista hela kliente nia númeru telemóvel hodi asesu ba sistema dijitál, iha suku Lavateri, postu administrativu Baguia, munisípiu Baucau, kinta (24/02). Imajen TATOLI/Antónia Gusmão\nBiban ne’e, benefisiáriu sistema dijitál ne’e sujere bele implementa sistema hanesan iha suku seluk iha postu administrativu Baguia, nune’e populasaun sira bele utiliza atu sira labele la’o dook to’o iha Baucau hodi haruka osan ba família no oan ne’ebé hela dook hosi sira.\n“Bainhira seidauk iha sistema dijitál, ami hasoru difikuldade, tenki la’o dook to’o iha Banku Baucau no to’o ne’ebá tenki forma dudu malu, gasta osan viajen, difikuldade boot liu maka transporte laiha no udan tan. Tanba ne’e, husu atubele estabelese sistema ne’e iha postu Baguia nune’e ami la’o besik,” nia sujere.\nPreokupadu ho liña internet Telemor\nBiban hanesan, Abitante suku Lavateri, Celestino Boavida Belo, sujere operadór telekomunikasaun Telemor hadi’a rede internet iha Baucau.\n“Tanba sistema dijitál ne’e servisu maioria ho internet, entaun husu atu hadi’a rede internet, nune’e bele fasilita atendimentu ba populasaun. Durante ne’e ami fó atendimentu no difikuldade barak ne’ebé ami hasoru maka rede internet,” nia preokupa.\nNune’e mós, Abitante suku haesan, Francisco de Carvalho, haktuir, nia parte partisipa iha atividade sosializasaun kampu dijitál ne’e dala-rua ona, ne’ebé nia konsidera sistema ne’e kapas tanba bele fasilita sira hodi halo tranzasaun osan hosi karteira eletrónika ida ba seluk.\n“Ho sistema ne’e, ita la hasoru ona difikuldade hanesan ba forma kleur iha banku hodi foti osan, ami sente kama’an tebes tanba bele tulun ami no ema seluk ne’ebé presiza halo tuir. Maibé tanba buat hotu via eletrónika, entaun tenki hadi’a liña internet tanba dala ruma ami ba ajénsia MOSAN atu halo transferénsia osan, ajente sira relata liña internet laiha,” nia tenik.\nOperadór telekomunikasaun planeia harii torre\nHatán ba preokupasaun ne’e, Xefe Operadór Telekomunikasaun Telemor munisípiu Baucau, Rui Pinto, rekoñese katak durante ne’e rede internet Telemor la maka’as tanba kapasidade internet la to’o.\n“Problema ne’e ha’u relata ona superiór, nune’e sei tun direta mai lokál no Telemor planeia ona atu harii torre ida entre suku Defawasi no Afaloikai, ne’ebé lokaliza loos iha área Haikoni nune’e bele normaliza rede internet,” nia adianta.\nNune’e mós, Vise Governadór BCTL, Venâncio Maria Alves, hateten, problema rede internet ema hotu nian inklui Banku, tanba sistema kampu dijitál ne’e presiza rede internet di’ak.\n“Ho kompromisu operadór Telemor atu harii tan torre iha Baguia, espera katak bele realiza promesa nune’e fasilita tranzasaun di’ak liután,” Vise Governadór Banku otimista.\nAntes ne’e, BCTL ofisialmente lansa programa kampu dijitál iha tinan 2020 iha postu administrativu Maubisse, munisípiu Ainaro, ho objetivu prinsipál atu enkoraja kliente selu ka sosa sasán ruma karik iha loja simples sira, la presiza lori osan cash hodi selu maibé halo tranzasaun hosi karteira dijitál ne’ebé iha no ativu.\nPrevious articleIndonézia iha kompromisu apoia Timor-Leste iha área desportu\nNext articleDerrota iha tiru penaltu, ekipa Timor-Leste falla hakat ba finál AFF\nQATAR, 25 maiu 2022 (TATOLI)– Treinadór Fíziku Selesaun Nasionál U-23, Silas Paixão, informa durante loron neen, jogadór selesaun Nasionál U-23, halo treinamentu fíziku no... | [
"Utilizador apresia implementasaun sistema kampu dijital hosi BCTL | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA BAUCAU Utilizador apresia implementasaun sistema kampu dijital hosi BCTL Utilizador apresia implementasaun sistema kampu dijital hosi BCTL Vise-Governador BCTL, Venancio Maria Alves hasai foto hamutuk ho komunidade suku Lavateri, postu administrativu Baguia, munisipiu Baucau hafoin formasaun kampu dijital iha sede suku Lavateri, kinta (24/02).",
"Imajen TATOLI/Antonia Gusmao BAUCAU, 24 fevereiru 2022 (TATOLI) -Utilizador sistema kampu dijital ba tranzasaun liuhosi produtu Telemor MOSAN no Telekomcel TPAY, apresia implementasaun sistema bankariu hosi Banku Sentral Timor-Leste (BCTL, sigla portuges).",
"Utilizador sistema hosi suku Lavateri, postu administrativu Baguia, munisipiu Baucau, Carlota da Silva Ximenes, haksolok tanba konsidera programa ne'e fo benefisiu tanba hafasil transfere osan ba familia, liliu oan sira ne'ebe eskola iha kapital Dili.",
"\"Ha'u hakarak hato'o esperiensia katak bainhira sistema dijital to'o iha suku Lavateri, ami hetan esperiensia hosi maluk ajensia balun, tanba sistema dijital ne'e iha nia vantajen no desvantajen, maibe durante ne'e ami la hetan desvantajen tanba vantajen mak boot liu ba ami.",
"Osan ida hosi karteira ami-nian to'o iha karteira seluk, to'o duni iha fatin ho seguru no buat hotu susesu.",
"Ami agradese tebes sistema ne'e tanba fasilita ona ami,\" Carlota da Silva hateten iha ambitu atividade formasaun, kona-ba operasaun servisu finanseiru dijital, ne'ebe hala'o iha sede suku Lavateri, kinta ne'e.",
"Notisia relevante: BCTL inisia formasaun servisu finanseira dijital ba kliente iha Baucau Ofisial Ajensia MOSAN hosi Telemor rejista hela kliente nia numeru telemovel hodi asesu ba sistema dijital, iha suku Lavateri, postu administrativu Baguia, munisipiu Baucau, kinta (24/02).",
"Imajen TATOLI/Antonia Gusmao Biban ne'e, benefisiariu sistema dijital ne'e sujere bele implementa sistema hanesan iha suku seluk iha postu administrativu Baguia, nune'e populasaun sira bele utiliza atu sira labele la'o dook to'o iha Baucau hodi haruka osan ba familia no oan ne'ebe hela dook hosi sira.",
"\"Bainhira seidauk iha sistema dijital, ami hasoru difikuldade, tenki la'o dook to'o iha Banku Baucau no to'o ne'eba tenki forma dudu malu, gasta osan viajen, difikuldade boot liu maka transporte laiha no udan tan.",
"Tanba ne'e, husu atubele estabelese sistema ne'e iha postu Baguia nune'e ami la'o besik,\" nia sujere.",
"Preokupadu ho lina internet Telemor Biban hanesan, Abitante suku Lavateri, Celestino Boavida Belo, sujere operador telekomunikasaun Telemor hadi'a rede internet iha Baucau.",
"\"Tanba sistema dijital ne'e servisu maioria ho internet, entaun husu atu hadi'a rede internet, nune'e bele fasilita atendimentu ba populasaun.",
"Durante ne'e ami fo atendimentu no difikuldade barak ne'ebe ami hasoru maka rede internet,\" nia preokupa.",
"Nune'e mos, Abitante suku haesan, Francisco de Carvalho, haktuir, nia parte partisipa iha atividade sosializasaun kampu dijital ne'e dala-rua ona, ne'ebe nia konsidera sistema ne'e kapas tanba bele fasilita sira hodi halo tranzasaun osan hosi karteira eletronika ida ba seluk.",
"\"Ho sistema ne'e, ita la hasoru ona difikuldade hanesan ba forma kleur iha banku hodi foti osan, ami sente kama'an tebes tanba bele tulun ami no ema seluk ne'ebe presiza halo tuir.",
"Maibe tanba buat hotu via eletronika, entaun tenki hadi'a lina internet tanba dala ruma ami ba ajensia MOSAN atu halo transferensia osan, ajente sira relata lina internet laiha,\" nia tenik.",
"Operador telekomunikasaun planeia harii torre Hatan ba preokupasaun ne'e, Xefe Operador Telekomunikasaun Telemor munisipiu Baucau, Rui Pinto, rekonese katak durante ne'e rede internet Telemor la maka'as tanba kapasidade internet la to'o.",
"\"Problema ne'e ha'u relata ona superior, nune'e sei tun direta mai lokal no Telemor planeia ona atu harii torre ida entre suku Defawasi no Afaloikai, ne'ebe lokaliza loos iha area Haikoni nune'e bele normaliza rede internet,\" nia adianta.",
"Nune'e mos, Vise Governador BCTL, Venancio Maria Alves, hateten, problema rede internet ema hotu nian inklui Banku, tanba sistema kampu dijital ne'e presiza rede internet di'ak.",
"\"Ho kompromisu operador Telemor atu harii tan torre iha Baguia, espera katak bele realiza promesa nune'e fasilita tranzasaun di'ak liutan,\" Vise Governador Banku otimista.",
"Antes ne'e, BCTL ofisialmente lansa programa kampu dijital iha tinan 2020 iha postu administrativu Maubisse, munisipiu Ainaro, ho objetivu prinsipal atu enkoraja kliente selu ka sosa sasan ruma karik iha loja simples sira, la presiza lori osan cash hodi selu maibe halo tranzasaun hosi karteira dijital ne'ebe iha no ativu.",
"Previous articleIndonezia iha kompromisu apoia Timor-Leste iha area desportu Next articleDerrota iha tiru penaltu, ekipa Timor-Leste falla hakat ba final AFF QATAR, 25 maiu 2022 (TATOLI) - Treinador Fiziku Selesaun Nasional U-23, Silas Paixao, informa durante loron neen, jogador selesaun Nasional U-23, halo treinamentu fiziku no..."
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"User applauds implementation of BCTL digital field system | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA BAUCAU Use user appreciates implementing the Digital Field System by BCTLBuse users praise its application Vice Governor Venancio Maria Alves takes a photo with community members in Lavateri village, Baguia administrative post office after training for digitized camp at Lavateiri Village Headquarters on Tuesday (24/03)."
"BAUCAU, February 24th (TATOLI) -Users of the digital field system for transaction through Telemor MOSAN and Telekomcel TPAY products are appreciating implementation in banking by Central Bank Timor-Leste."
"Carlota da Silva Ximenes, a system user from the Lavateri village in Baguia administrative post of Baucau municipality is pleased because she considers that this program has been beneficial since it makes money transferring to families easy. This applies especially for children who are attending school at Dili capital city schools and district wards as well"
"\"I would like to share my experience that when the digital system arrived in Lavateri village, we got some other agencies' expertise because it has its advantages and disavantage. But during this time period there was no detriment for us as our benefits were greater than any of them.\""
"Money from one of our wallets went to another, arrived in place safely and everything was successful."
"We are very grateful to this system because it has facilitated us,\" Carlota da Silva said in the context of a training activity on digital financial service operation that was held at Lavateri village headquarters last week."
"Relevant news: BCTL begins training digital financial services for clients in Baucau Official MOSAN Agency of Telemor is registering the client' s phone number to access a digitized system, at Lavateri village administrative post Baguia municipality Bacau on Tuesday (24/03)."
"In addition, the beneficiaries of this digital system suggested that it could be implementing as in other villages at Baguia administrative post. This way people can use them so they don't have to walk far from their hometown and go back into Baucau for sending money towards families or children who live a long distance away by themselves"
"\"When there was no digital system, we faced difficulties. We had to walk all the way up into Bank of Baucau and then form a petition for our accounts at that point in time; it took us some travelling expenses as well but what made things even more complicated were not having any transportation options or rainfall.\""
"Therefore, I ask that this system be established in Baguia post so we can go closer to it,” he suggested."
"Concerns about Telemor internet line in Biban as, Resident of Lavateri village Celestino Boavida Belo suggested telecommunications operator Telefonor improve the Internet network at Baucau."
"\"Because the digital system works mostly with internet, so we are asking to improve Internet networks in order that it can facilitate service for population."
"During this time, we have provided assistance and many of the difficulties that were encountered was with internet connections\", he said."
"Likewise, a resident of the village Francisco de Carvalho said that he had participated in this digital field's socialization activity twice before and considered it to be an effective system because they could easily make money transaction from one electronic wallet into another."
"\"With this system, we no longer face the difficulty of long forms in bank to withdraw money. We feel very comfortable because it can help us and others who need assistance.\""
"But because everything is done electronically, we have to improve the internet line. Sometimes when I go into MOSAN's office for a money transfer and my agents report that there are no Internet lines.\""
"In response to this concern, Head of Telecommunications Operator Telemor in Baucau municipality Rui Pinto acknowledged that during the current period telecom internet network is not high because Internet capacity wasn't enough."
"\"I have already reported this problem to my superiors, so I will go down directly on the spot and Telemor has planned for a tower between Defawasi village of Afaloikai which is located right in Haikoni area that can normalize internet network\", he said."
"Likewise, BCTL's Vice Governor Venancio Maria Alves said that the problem of internet is everyone’ s concern including Bank because digital banking system require a good Internet connection."
"\"With the commitment of Telemor operator to build another tower in Baguia, we hope that it can fulfill its promise and thus facilitate good transaction onwards\", Bank Vice Governor is optimistic."
"Earlier, BCTL officially launched the digital camp program in 2019 at Maubisse administrative post of Ainaro municipality with a main goal to encourage customers pay or buy something if they are shopping on-line. They do not need cash but can make transactions from their existing and active wallet (digital)."
"Previous articleIndonesia has a commitment to support Timor-Leste in the field of sports Next ArticleDefeat at penalty shootout, team from East Asia fails for AFF final QATAR (AFP) - National U23 Team Physical Trainer Silas Paixao said that during nine days' physical training and..."
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Governu la hasai osan ba perfurasaun posu Feto Kmaus | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste\nVARANDA EKONOMIA Governu la hasai osan ba perfurasaun posu Feto Kmaus\nGovernu la hasai osan ba perfurasaun posu Feto Kmaus\nDILI, 07 fevereiru 2022 (TATOLI)—Prezidente Autoridade Nasionál Petróleu no Minerál (ANPM), Florentino Soares Ferreira, klarifika, kustu perfurasaun iha posu rai-maran Feto Kmaus, iha aldeia Tabacolot, suku Debos, postu Suai, munisípiu Covalima, la’ós hosi Governu maibé hosi empreza australiana, Timor Resources, Pty.Ltd.\n“Perfurasaun iha Suai, Governu la hasai osan ida, osan ne’e empreza nian. Bainhira hetan ona mak Governu foin rekupera, maibé sei la hetan mina Governu sei la rekupera. Tanba ne’e, ema ne’ebé hateten gasta osan Estadu ne’e laloos, tanba bainhira la hetan nia ba ona, ita la lakon buat ida, maibé ita iha tan dadus foun ne’ebé ajuda ita kompriende didi’ak tan ita-nia rai nia jeolojia no estrutura, nune’e ba oin ita bele halo di’ak liután,” Prezidente ANPM informa ba Agência TATOLI, via online, segunda ne’e.\nNotísia relevante: Timor Resources deside hapara atividade perfurasaun iha posu Feto Kmaus\nTuir Florentino Soares, perfurasaun iha Suai seidauk ramata, tanba iha Bloku A hosi inísiu propoin posu lima, kompostu hosi posu Feto Kmaus, Liurai, Lafaek, Rai-ketan no Laisapi, ho previzaun totál kustu hosi atividade seismiku to’o perfurasaun hamutuk millaun $27,5 hosi empreza rasik.\n“Maibé Timor Resources antes ne’e kompromete fura posu tolu ho profundidade akumuladu metru 2.000,” nia akresenta.\nNune’e, Timor Resources finaliza ona posu dahuluk (posu Feto Kmaus) no notifika ba ANPM katak posu ne’e iha detesaun ba mina no gás, ne’ebé empreza kontinua estuda karik iha posibilidade mina no gás ne’e movel.\n“Bainhira movel (moris), signifika mina ne’e eziste iha rezervatóriu nian sorin-sorin no bele integra ba sira-nia modelu,” Prezidente ANPM esplika.\nTanba ne’e, empreza deklara mai ANPM katak iha deskoberta téknika, maibé seidauk bele dehan deskoberta komersiál.\n“Ita sei sujeita ba avaliasaun porfunda. Tanba ne’e, to’o agora ANPM seidauk publika ba públiku tanba rezultadu seidauk konkluzivu, enkuantu perfurasaun sei kontinua ba posu rua tan,” Florentino Soares tenik.\nNotísia relevante: Perfurasaun posu Feto Kmaus seidauk hatudu deskobrimentu komersiál\nNia mós dehan, bazeia ba Kontratu Partilha Produsaun (PSC – Production Sharing Contract), normalmente ANPM mak bele fó sai ba públiku.\n“Infelizmente, informasaun balun espalla ona no halo publiku foti konkluzaun finál, maibé realidade ANPM mak bele publika rezultadu hirak ne’e bainhira perfurasaun ne’e termina,” nia esklarese.\nAleinde ne’e, Timor-Leste nia dadus seismiku rai-maran laduun barak, tanba ne’e empreza halo akizisaun ba dadus seismiku 2D no halo interpretasaun ba estrutura no kamada formasaun iha rai okos hodi deskobre akumulasaun mina.\n“Onshore ka rai maran Timor-Leste nia laiha explorasaun no atividade petrolífera seluk iha tinan 50 nia laran, infelizmente ita-nia jeolojia rai-laran mós komplikadu tebes. Pur tantu la fasil hanesan komentáriu sira, tanba ita fura mina la hanesan fura bee. As vezes fura bee mós la hetan ema tenke muda bá-mai, enkuantu perfurasaun mina iha faze explorasaun ne’e risku mak dala ruma hetan dala ruma la hetan. Ne’e normál iha indústria petrolífera, ema ne’ebé la’ós hosi setór ne’e mak dala ruma gosta politiza tiha,” nia dehan.\nMaski nune’e, Prezidente ANPM agradese ba Timor Resources tanba empreza barani mai investe hosi seismiku to’o fura posu, ne’ebé bele ajuda Timor-Leste kompriende di’ak liután dadus.\n“Atu émfaze liután katak perfurasaun seidauk finaliza no ANPM seidauk simu relatóriu konkluzivu tanba ita sei hein tan perfurasaun posu rua no rezultadu analiza mais profunda,” nia tenik.\nIha loron 27 outubru 2021, Governu halo lansamentu perfurasaun iha posu Feto Kmaus ne’ebé mak Governu Timor-Leste liuhosi ANPM antes ne’e asina kontratu ne’e ho Timor Resources Pty.Ltd, hanesan operadór ho nia parseiru Timor Gas no Petróleu, Empreza Públika (Timor GAP, E.P) iha tinan 2017.\nPrevious articleSekretáriu Estadu Elizário hahú ohin tama serbisu hafoin baixa\nNext articlePN husu MS halo fumigasaun iha eskola | [
"Governu la hasai osan ba perfurasaun posu Feto Kmaus | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA EKONOMIA Governu la hasai osan ba perfurasaun posu Feto Kmaus Governu la hasai osan ba perfurasaun posu Feto Kmaus DILI, 07 fevereiru 2022 (TATOLI) - Prezidente Autoridade Nasional Petroleu no Mineral (ANPM), Florentino Soares Ferreira, klarifika, kustu perfurasaun iha posu rai-maran Feto Kmaus, iha aldeia Tabacolot, suku Debos, postu Suai, munisipiu Covalima, la'os hosi Governu maibe hosi empreza australiana, Timor Resources, Pty.Ltd.",
"\"Perfurasaun iha Suai, Governu la hasai osan ida, osan ne'e empreza nian.",
"Bainhira hetan ona mak Governu foin rekupera, maibe sei la hetan mina Governu sei la rekupera.",
"Tanba ne'e, ema ne'ebe hateten gasta osan Estadu ne'e laloos, tanba bainhira la hetan nia ba ona, ita la lakon buat ida, maibe ita iha tan dadus foun ne'ebe ajuda ita kompriende didi'ak tan ita-nia rai nia jeolojia no estrutura, nune'e ba oin ita bele halo di'ak liutan,\" Prezidente ANPM informa ba Agencia TATOLI, via online, segunda ne'e.",
"Notisia relevante: Timor Resources deside hapara atividade perfurasaun iha posu Feto Kmaus Tuir Florentino Soares, perfurasaun iha Suai seidauk ramata, tanba iha Bloku A hosi inisiu propoin posu lima, kompostu hosi posu Feto Kmaus, Liurai, Lafaek, Rai-ketan no Laisapi, ho previzaun total kustu hosi atividade seismiku to'o perfurasaun hamutuk millaun $27,5 hosi empreza rasik.",
"\"Maibe Timor Resources antes ne'e kompromete fura posu tolu ho profundidade akumuladu metru 2.000,\" nia akresenta.",
"Nune'e, Timor Resources finaliza ona posu dahuluk (posu Feto Kmaus) no notifika ba ANPM katak posu ne'e iha detesaun ba mina no gas, ne'ebe empreza kontinua estuda karik iha posibilidade mina no gas ne'e movel.",
"\"Bainhira movel (moris), signifika mina ne'e eziste iha rezervatoriu nian sorin-sorin no bele integra ba sira-nia modelu,\" Prezidente ANPM esplika.",
"Tanba ne'e, empreza deklara mai ANPM katak iha deskoberta teknika, maibe seidauk bele dehan deskoberta komersial.",
"\"Ita sei sujeita ba avaliasaun porfunda.",
"Tanba ne'e, to'o agora ANPM seidauk publika ba publiku tanba rezultadu seidauk konkluzivu, enkuantu perfurasaun sei kontinua ba posu rua tan,\" Florentino Soares tenik.",
"Notisia relevante: Perfurasaun posu Feto Kmaus seidauk hatudu deskobrimentu komersial Nia mos dehan, bazeia ba Kontratu Partilha Produsaun (PSC - Production Sharing Contract), normalmente ANPM mak bele fo sai ba publiku.",
"\"Infelizmente, informasaun balun espalla ona no halo publiku foti konkluzaun final, maibe realidade ANPM mak bele publika rezultadu hirak ne'e bainhira perfurasaun ne'e termina,\" nia esklarese.",
"Aleinde ne'e, Timor-Leste nia dadus seismiku rai-maran laduun barak, tanba ne'e empreza halo akizisaun ba dadus seismiku 2D no halo interpretasaun ba estrutura no kamada formasaun iha rai okos hodi deskobre akumulasaun mina.",
"\"Onshore ka rai maran Timor-Leste nia laiha explorasaun no atividade petrolifera seluk iha tinan 50 nia laran, infelizmente ita-nia jeolojia rai-laran mos komplikadu tebes.",
"Pur tantu la fasil hanesan komentariu sira, tanba ita fura mina la hanesan fura bee.",
"As vezes fura bee mos la hetan ema tenke muda ba-mai, enkuantu perfurasaun mina iha faze explorasaun ne'e risku mak dala ruma hetan dala ruma la hetan.",
"Ne'e normal iha industria petrolifera, ema ne'ebe la'os hosi setor ne'e mak dala ruma gosta politiza tiha,\" nia dehan.",
"Maski nune'e, Prezidente ANPM agradese ba Timor Resources tanba empreza barani mai investe hosi seismiku to'o fura posu, ne'ebe bele ajuda Timor-Leste kompriende di'ak liutan dadus.",
"\"Atu emfaze liutan katak perfurasaun seidauk finaliza no ANPM seidauk simu relatoriu konkluzivu tanba ita sei hein tan perfurasaun posu rua no rezultadu analiza mais profunda,\" nia tenik.",
"Iha loron 27 outubru 2021, Governu halo lansamentu perfurasaun iha posu Feto Kmaus ne'ebe mak Governu Timor-Leste liuhosi ANPM antes ne'e asina kontratu ne'e ho Timor Resources Pty.Ltd, hanesan operador ho nia parseiru Timor Gas no Petroleu, Empreza Publika (Timor GAP, E.P) iha tinan 2017.",
"Previous articleSekretariu Estadu Elizario hahu ohin tama serbisu hafoin baixa Next articlePN husu MS halo fumigasaun iha eskola"
] | [
"Government does not pay for drilling Feto Kmaus well Dili, February 7th (TATOLI) - President of the National Petroleum and Mineral Authority(ANPM), Florentino Soares Ferreira clarifies that cost to bore an offshore oil field in Tabacolot village at Debos commune near Suai district is paid by Australian company Timor Resources Ltd. rather than government funds as it was previously said on Tuesday afternoon during a press conference held with officials from both sides about this project which has been underway since January but will be completed within two years according To his statement: “The costs are being met through investments made into our country’ s natural resources.”"
"\"Drilling in Suai, the government has not taken any money; it is company's."
"When the government gets it, they can recover. But if you don't have a mine then that is not going to happen and there will be no recovery from this problem at all!"
"Therefore, the people who say that spending State money is a waste of time because if we don't get it already there will be no loss. But now with new data which helps us to better understand our land geology and structure so in future can do more well together\", ANPM President told Agência TATOLI via online on Monday (12/03)."
"According to Florentino Soares, drilling in Suai is not finished because Block A from the beginning proposed five wells composed of Feto Kmaus Well (FK), Liuraiwell(L) LafaekWell Rai-ketan and Laisapi. The total cost forecast for seismic activity up until perforation by Timor Resources was $275 million ($310m)."
"\"But Timor Resources had previously committed to drilling three wells with an accumulated depth of 2,015 meters."
"Thus, Timor Resources has completed the first well (Feto Kmaus Well) and notified ANPM that it had detected oil & gas in this hole. The company is continuing to investigate whether there may be any possibility of mobile petroleum/gas resources on these sites as they are still under development by other companies or private sector bodies for further exploration missions at a later date"
"\"When mobile (moris), it means that the mine is present in a separate reservoir and can be integrated into their model,\" ANPM President explained."
"Therefore, the company declared to ANPM that there is a technical discovery but cannot yet say commercial."
"\"It will be subject to a thorough evaluation."
"Therefore, until now ANPM has not published to the public because results are still inconclusive. However drilling will continue for two more wells\", Florentino Soares said in a statement on Thursday (10/2)."
"Related news: Feto Kmaus well drilling has not shown commercial discovery He also said, based on the Production Sharing Contract (PSC), normally ANPM can release to public."
"\"Unfortunately, some information has been leaked and the public is drawing final conclusions but in reality ANPM will be able to publish these results when drilling finishes\", he explained."
"In addition, Timor-Leste's underwater seismic data is very limited. Therefore the company acquired 2D sismological information and interpreted structured formation strata in subsea to uncover mine accumulation;"
"\"Timor-Leste has had no onshore exploration and other oil activities in the last 50 years, unfortunately our geology is also very complicated."
"It's not as easy, because drilling for oil is different from water."
"Sometimes drilling water is not found people have to move back and forth, but while mine perforation in the exploration phase of this risk sometimes finds."
"It's normal in the oil industry, people who are not from this sector sometimes like to politicize it.\""
"Nevertheless, the President of ANPM thanked Timor Resources for investing from seismic to well drilling which can help East-Timor understand better through data."
"\"To emphasize again that the drilling has not been completed and ANPM have yet to receive a conclusive report because we are waiting for two more wells' drillings,\" he said."
"On 27 October, the Government launched drilling in Feto Kmaus well which had been previously contracted by Timor Resources Pty.Ltd as operator with its partner of public company (Timor GAP) through ANPM and that was initialized on November10th at a ceremony held during an official visit from Prime Minister Taur Matan Ruak's office to Belém-Dili City Council where he also attendedapresentation about development plans for this project"
"Previous articleSecretary of State Elizario begins work today after being discharged Next artikelParliament asks MS to fumigate schools"
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Veteranus Falsu Mosu Barak Iha Baucau – STL Online\nVeteranus Falsu Mosu Barak Iha Baucau\nDILI – Osan halo ema bele sai bualak, tan osan mos halo ema bosok malu inklui bosok estadu hanesan akontese aiha Municipiu Baucau. Tan osan mosu veteranus falsu neebe ho idade nurak barak tebes no kesar malu tama too iha Parlamentu Nasional.\nTuir Portavos Veteranus hosi Municipiu Baucau, Ernesto da Silava, hamutuk ho nia membru 22 hakat ba iha uma fukun PN hodi halo keisa. Iha nia konferensia imprensa Tersa (17/03) Ernesto hatete iha Municipiu Baucau Veteranus Copiadu buras tebes.\nAmi halo ona keisa badala 3 relasiona ho veteranus kopiadu neebe mak buras tebes iha Municipiu Baucau tanba osan neebe mak estadu tau ba veteranus sira iha Baucau sira uza fob a sira nia familia hodi sai hotu veteranus at liu tan balu nia familia neebe mak la halai sae ba ailaran mos sai hotu veteranus ho atianan neebe mak as maibe veteranus barak neebe mak halo funu iha ailaran sira nia luta la rekuinese inklui mos hatun sira nia tinan,” hatete Ernesto.\nNia husu ba Parlamentu Nasional Komisaun F neebe trata asuntu konaba Veteranus atu tau atensaun hodi rejolve problema ida nee iha tempo badak nia laran, no kuandu laiha rejultadu veteranus sira hasoru direita Primeiru Ministru hodi halo keisa. Informasaun kompletu iha STL Jornal no STL Web, edisaun Kuarta (18/3/2015). Thomas Sanches\nPrevious article ONG La Satisfas, PJR Hatoo Relatoriu Estatisitika Ba PN\nNext article Deskonfia Institusaun Governu Risku Korupsaun Tenki Investiga\nAlcino Bareto Ximenes\nHau hakarak anunciu oituan kona ba veteranos falso sira I liliu ba Maun bot sira katak ida nee ita la bele fo sala ba ema sira nee tamba saida tamaba ita laiha establidade iha rai laran entaun sira aproveita ho situasaun hirak nee hodi halo dokumentu falsu kona ba veterano falsu…entaun ita atu prevene buat hirak nee presija ita nia klarifikasaun ba suku no sub-distrito no distrito atu nune ita bele hatene se mak veterano falso se mak veterano los atu nunee jerasaun tuir mai bele hatene ho diak.. | [
"Veteranus Falsu Mosu Barak Iha Baucau - STL Online Veteranus Falsu Mosu Barak Iha Baucau DILI - Osan halo ema bele sai bualak, tan osan mos halo ema bosok malu inklui bosok estadu hanesan akontese aiha Municipiu Baucau.",
"Tan osan mosu veteranus falsu neebe ho idade nurak barak tebes no kesar malu tama too iha Parlamentu Nasional.",
"Tuir Portavos Veteranus hosi Municipiu Baucau, Ernesto da Silava, hamutuk ho nia membru 22 hakat ba iha uma fukun PN hodi halo keisa.",
"Iha nia konferensia imprensa Tersa (17/03) Ernesto hatete iha Municipiu Baucau Veteranus Copiadu buras tebes.",
"Ami halo ona keisa badala 3 relasiona ho veteranus kopiadu neebe mak buras tebes iha Municipiu Baucau tanba osan neebe mak estadu tau ba veteranus sira iha Baucau sira uza fob a sira nia familia hodi sai hotu veteranus at liu tan balu nia familia neebe mak la halai sae ba ailaran mos sai hotu veteranus ho atianan neebe mak as maibe veteranus barak neebe mak halo funu iha ailaran sira nia luta la rekuinese inklui mos hatun sira nia tinan,\" hatete Ernesto.",
"Nia husu ba Parlamentu Nasional Komisaun F neebe trata asuntu konaba Veteranus atu tau atensaun hodi rejolve problema ida nee iha tempo badak nia laran, no kuandu laiha rejultadu veteranus sira hasoru direita Primeiru Ministru hodi halo keisa.",
"Informasaun kompletu iha STL Jornal no STL Web, edisaun Kuarta (18/3/2015).",
"Thomas Sanches Previous article ONG La Satisfas, PJR Hatoo Relatoriu Estatisitika Ba PN Next article Deskonfia Institusaun Governu Risku Korupsaun Tenki Investiga Alcino Bareto Ximenes Hau hakarak anunciu oituan kona ba veteranos falso sira I liliu ba Maun bot sira katak ida nee ita la bele fo sala ba ema sira nee tamba saida tamaba ita laiha establidade iha rai laran entaun sira aproveita ho situasaun hirak nee hodi halo dokumentu falsu kona ba veterano falsu...entaun ita atu prevene buat hirak nee presija ita nia klarifikasaun ba suku no sub-distrito no distrito atu nune ita bele hatene se mak veterano falso se mak veterano los atu nunee jerasaun tuir mai bele hatene ho diak.."
] | [
"Veterans False Mosu Barak Iha Baucau - STL Online veteranus falsu mosu barak iha baucau DILI – Money makes people become deceived, because money also make them lie to each other including the state as it happened in Municipality of Baucai."
"Because of the money, there are many fake veterans with a very young age and they complain to each other in Parliament."
"According to the Veterans’ spokesman of Baucau Municipality, Ernesto da Silava and his 21 members made their way into Parliament House in order for them."
"In his press conference Tuesday (17/03) Ernesto said that in the Municipality of Baucau Veteranus Copiadu is very bad."
"We have filed 3 lawsuits in relation to the veteran copycat who are very popular at Municipality of Baucau because money that is given by state for militaryveterans, they use it against their families so all these soldiers and more than some family members which did not go out on strike also became warriors with great experience but many Veteran fighting during this time were unrecognized as such including being cut off from retirement age\", said Ernesto."
"He asked the National Parliament Committee F which deals with Veterans to pay attention and solve this problem in a short time, if there is no result then veteran' s right against Prime Minister will file complaint."
"Full information in STL Jornal and on the website, Thursday edition (18/3) 205."
"Thomas Sanches Previous article NGO La Satisfas, PJR Hatoo Relatoriu Statistical Ba PN Next artikel Desconfia Instituição Governo Risk Korupcao Tenki Investigar Alcino Bareto Ximenes I want to announce about the false veteranos and especially for Maun bot that we can not blame these people because what do you have no establishment in our country so they take advantage of this situation by making fake documents on falsified Veteran...but if it is necessary prevent such things need clarification at village sub-district district then let us know whether there are real or untrue soldiers."
] |
Presidente CNE Alcino Barris\nCNE La Diskrimina Partidu Koligasaun AMP Featured\nNe’e duni, Prezidente CNE, Alcino Barrís de Araújo, klarifika katak oras ne’e daudaun sira simu reklamasaun husi AMP katak CNE haree liu ba partidu FRETILIN. Ne’e duni, CNE nian sei halo publikasaun kompletu bainhira remata kampaña iha loron 30 nia laran.\nNia dehan, sei fahe informasaun ne’e, CNE nian sei konta hotu programa partidu polítiku sira nian kona-ba saida mak durante ne’e sira fahe iha kampaña eleitorál.\n“Laiha diskriminasaun tratamentu ba koligasaun partidária husi partidu polítiku sira”, dehan Alcino, iha servisu fatin, Kolmera-Dili, foin lalais ne’e.\nCNE mós klarifika mós kontestasaun husi AMP kona-ba individu balun ka id falsu hodi halo difamasaun ba AMP oras ne’e CNE dirije ona ba parte PNTL hodi halo investigasaun.\nPrezidente CNE mós informa, kona-ba bandeira AMP nian ne’ebé hatún iha Bobonaru tanba hasae loos iha fatin sentru votasaun. Nune’e, antes ne’e sira avizu ona ba parpol sira labele halo mobilizasaun ka karavana bainhira halo kampaña eleitorál.\nTanba ne’e, husu kompriensaun ba dirijente másimu partidu polítiku sira ka koligasaun partidu sira labele mobiliza massa husi munisípiu ida ba munisípiu seluk. Ida ne’e foin lalais akontese iha Likisá bainhira CNE buka hatene partidu FRETILIN atu mobiliza massa husi Dili ba Likisá responsavel husi partidu ne’e hatete sira la mobiliza maibé ema sira mak hakarak mai husi fatin barak no sira labele atu impede no polisia mós laiha kbiit atu impede.\nAleinde ne’e, nia mós informa kona-ba akuzasaun katak iha partidu polítiku balun fahe foos iha Oekusi-Ambenu, atu fó hatene katak, iha konfirmasaun foos ne’ebé fó husi autoridade RAEOA laiha kompensasaun ruma no reasaun husi ema ne'ebé simu foos ne’e, dehan momentu sira kuda ai-oan tinan hira ba kotuk maka foos ne'ebé sira simu laiha ligasaun ho partidu nian.\nNune’e, ba preokupasaun $3 ne'ebé oras ne’e hato'o ba iha autoridade RAEOA iha informasaun katak atu hetan votu. Ida ne’e investigasaun lao hela, tanba sira foin mak rona husi fonte na’in rua, husi sira ne’e ida hato'o katak ne’e pedidu mai husi komunidade sira no ida seluk mós hatete loos duni ne’e proposta komunidade sira, maibé osan ne’e kanaliza liu husi esesaun parpol sira.\n“Ami orienta ona delegadu CNE iha ne'ebá para buka hatene loloos osan $3 fó fali husi responsavel parpol no la ba lider komunitariu sira lori halo preparasaun Estrada, hadi'a dalan ba sentru estasaun votu sira liu liu forma husi parpol ami husu para trava tanba ida ne’e prejudika interpretasaun la loos”, tenik nia.\nMaibé, oras ne’e daudaun delegadu CNE simu ona orientasaun hala'o ona no atu haree loloos situasaun ne’e ba iha lider sira mak simu ka responsavel partidu balun iha ne'ebá simu osan ne’e lori mobiliza hadi'a estrada no sentru estasaun votu.\nMore in this category: « Xanana Hakarak Korrije Mekanizmu ONU Ba Seguransa Pás Buletin Votu 873.050 Prontu Distribui »\n/CNE La Diskrimina Partidu Koligasaun AMP | [
"Presidente CNE Alcino Barris CNE La Diskrimina Partidu Koligasaun AMP Featured Ne'e duni, Prezidente CNE, Alcino Barris de Araujo, klarifika katak oras ne'e daudaun sira simu reklamasaun husi AMP katak CNE haree liu ba partidu FRETILIN.",
"Ne'e duni, CNE nian sei halo publikasaun kompletu bainhira remata kampana iha loron 30 nia laran.",
"Nia dehan, sei fahe informasaun ne'e, CNE nian sei konta hotu programa partidu politiku sira nian kona-ba saida mak durante ne'e sira fahe iha kampana eleitoral.",
"\"Laiha diskriminasaun tratamentu ba koligasaun partidaria husi partidu politiku sira,\" dehan Alcino, iha servisu fatin, Kolmera-Dili, foin lalais ne'e.",
"CNE mos klarifika mos kontestasaun husi AMP kona-ba individu balun ka id falsu hodi halo difamasaun ba AMP oras ne'e CNE dirije ona ba parte PNTL hodi halo investigasaun.",
"Prezidente CNE mos informa, kona-ba bandeira AMP nian ne'ebe hatun iha Bobonaru tanba hasae loos iha fatin sentru votasaun.",
"Nune'e, antes ne'e sira avizu ona ba parpol sira labele halo mobilizasaun ka karavana bainhira halo kampana eleitoral.",
"Tanba ne'e, husu kompriensaun ba dirijente masimu partidu politiku sira ka koligasaun partidu sira labele mobiliza massa husi munisipiu ida ba munisipiu seluk.",
"Ida ne'e foin lalais akontese iha Likisa bainhira CNE buka hatene partidu FRETILIN atu mobiliza massa husi Dili ba Likisa responsavel husi partidu ne'e hatete sira la mobiliza maibe ema sira mak hakarak mai husi fatin barak no sira labele atu impede no polisia mos laiha kbiit atu impede.",
"Aleinde ne'e, nia mos informa kona-ba akuzasaun katak iha partidu politiku balun fahe foos iha Oekusi-Ambenu, atu fo hatene katak, iha konfirmasaun foos ne'ebe fo husi autoridade RAEOA laiha kompensasaun ruma no reasaun husi ema ne'ebe simu foos ne'e, dehan momentu sira kuda ai-oan tinan hira ba kotuk maka foos ne'ebe sira simu laiha ligasaun ho partidu nian.",
"Nune'e, ba preokupasaun $3 ne'ebe oras ne'e hato'o ba iha autoridade RAEOA iha informasaun katak atu hetan votu.",
"Ida ne'e investigasaun lao hela, tanba sira foin mak rona husi fonte na'in rua, husi sira ne'e ida hato'o katak ne'e pedidu mai husi komunidade sira no ida seluk mos hatete loos duni ne'e proposta komunidade sira, maibe osan ne'e kanaliza liu husi esesaun parpol sira.",
"\"Ami orienta ona delegadu CNE iha ne'eba para buka hatene loloos osan $3 fo fali husi responsavel parpol no la ba lider komunitariu sira lori halo preparasaun Estrada, hadi'a dalan ba sentru estasaun votu sira liu liu forma husi parpol ami husu para trava tanba ida ne'e prejudika interpretasaun la loos,\" tenik nia.",
"Maibe, oras ne'e daudaun delegadu CNE simu ona orientasaun hala'o ona no atu haree loloos situasaun ne'e ba iha lider sira mak simu ka responsavel partidu balun iha ne'eba simu osan ne'e lori mobiliza hadi'a estrada no sentru estasaun votu.",
"More in this category: \" Xanana Hakarak Korrije Mekanizmu ONU Ba Seguransa Pas Buletin Votu 873.050 Prontu Distribui \" /CNE La Diskrimina Partidu Koligasaun AMP"
] | [
"President of CNE Alcino Barris, said that they are currently receiving complaint from the AMP coalition party (AMP) regarding how much more attention is being given to FRETILIN."
"However, the CNE will make a complete publication when campaigning ends within 30 days."
"He said that the information will be shared, CNE's reporting of all political parties programs about what they have been sharing during their electoral campaign."
"\"There is no discriminatory treatment to the partisan coalitions of political parties,\" Alcino said at his office in Kolmera-Dili recently."
"The CNE also clarified that AMP's complaint regarding some individual or false ID to defame the MPA has now been directed by it towards PNTL for investigation."
"The CNE president also informed about the AMP flag that was dropped at Bobonaru because it had been raised right on a polling station."
"Thus, they had previously warned the parties not to mobilize or caravan when campaigning."
"Therefore, we ask for understanding from the top leaders of political parties or coalitions that they cannot mobilize masses in one municipality to another."
"This happened recently in Likisa when CNE asked FRETILIN party to mobilize the masses from Dili for likis. The responsible of this Party said they did not mobilize but people want them come and there are so many places that we cannot prevent it, nor does police have any power or authority on us as a result!"
"In addition, he also informed about the accusation that some political parties distribute grains to Oekusi-Ambenu. He said this is because of confirmations given by RAEOA authorities and no compensation has been paid for them; people who received these seedlings have reacted saying when they planted trees several years ago it was not related with their party' s activities as well: \"These are only a few example.\""
"Thus, regarding the $3 concern that is currently being raised with RAEOA authorities in information to get a vote."
"This is an ongoing investigation, because they have just heard from two sources. One of them said that it was a request by the community and another one also stated indeed this proposal came to be made but money has been channeled through party exemptions elsewhere (parties)."
"\"We have instructed the CNE delegate there to find out exactly how much money $3 was given back by parpol responsible and not for community leaders brought prepared Road, improve roads towards voting stations centers especially in form of Parol we ask you stop because this prejudices wrong interpretation\", he said."
"However, at the moment CNE delegates have received guidance and to see exactly what is happening there are leaders who receive or some party officials in charge of receiving money that will be used for road improvements."
"More in this category: \" Xanana Hakarak Korrije Mekanizmu UN Ba Seguransa Pas Buletin Votu 873.051 Prontu Distribui\" /CNE La Diskrimina Partidu Koalisaun AMP"
] |
TIMOR HAU NIAN DOBEN: Tanba sa Governu la haruka forsa oho Emília Pires no Vicente Guterres?\nTanba sa Governu la haruka forsa oho Emília Pires no Vicente Guterres?\nAntonio Araujo Gonçalves\nUluk liu hau hakarak dehan ba ita bot sira katak hau kontra tebes ho se se deit mak haruka oho ema. Tuir hau nia fiar katolika, Maromak mak iha direitu ba desidi wainhira ita husik mundu ida nee no ba moris besik Maromak.\nNeebe hau sei la simu Governu no Xanana Gusmão sira nia orden hodi haruka hakotu Komandante Brigada Vermelha alias Mauk Moruk nia moris nomos ninia soldadu sira. Mai hau EOC iha mandatu kaptura ida no sira iha alegasaun balun katak Maun no ninia soldadu halo krimi hasoru estadu Timor nian. EOC tenke tuir duni Governu nia orden no halo hotu tuir forsa nia kbiit hodi kaptura Mauk ho ninia soldadu.\nEOC fulan barak iha misaun ida no governu fakar millaun rua ba kaptura Mauk. Ema balun dehan katak rezolusaun Parlamentu Nasional illegal tanba viola ita Konstituisaun RDTL, maibe rezolusaun lao nafatin ba oin, forsa ba Baucau hela iha neeba, iha mos alegasaun barak katak forsa viola direitus umanus iha neeba, bispu Baucau mos hiirus forsa tanba povu kiik tauk sira tanba sira baku, tuku no halo ameasa oin oin hasoru povu Baucau. Governu nonok deit, la halo buat ida ka investigasaun kona ba violasaun direitus humanus hosi parte EOC.\nGovernu hamutuk ho forsa siguransa iha hanoin ida deit, kaptura Mauk no ninia soldadu hodi kumpre rezolusaun Parlamento Nasional nian. Maibe iha fatin neebe iha rezolusaun mak dehan ba oho Mauk ho odio no vingansa no tiru mate Mauk ho kilat musan 47? Iha rezolusaun iha neebe mak dehan ba tiru mate Mauk nia isin too rahun no dodok? Karik rezolusaun hosi Parlamentu Nasional hakerek ida nee, ba forsa tortura Mauk no oho nia pior liu balada fuik, antaun ita nia sistema judisial tenki buka iha lei oan no lei inan neebe iha ita nia rai hodi hatudu ba timor oan hot hotu katak iha Timor-Leste Parlamentu no Governu iha duni kbiit hodi haruka PNTL ka F-FDTL oho se se deit ke sira diskonfia bele sai perigu ba 'istabilidade nasional'. Hau dehan deskonfia tanba tribunal deit mak iha kompetensia hodi dehan ema ida komete krime ka lae, karik ema ida komete krimi, tribunal mos laiha kbiit hodi haruka oho tanba iha ita rai ita nia lei bandu hukuman mati.\nHukuman mati la vigora iha ita nia rai, maibe ita labele nega katak Mauk Moruk no ninia soldadu simu duni sentensa hukuman mati. Tanba tuir L7, nia alin Mauk wainhira forsa hetan nia, nia tau nia liman ba leten no rende, maibe forsa sei tiru nia ho kilat musan 47. Signifika katak Mauk mate tiha ona no forsa sei tiru nafatin nia mate isin too rahun. Ida nee hahalok saida los? Ita nia justisa no tribunal ba halo investigasaun klean kona ba krimi ida nee ka lae? Sira dehan katak Mauk no ninia soldadu mak tiru uluk, antaun forsa defende aan. Defende aan no tiru Mauk dala 47? Wainhira Mauk mate ona, sira sei presiza tiru, tanba Mauk nia mateklamar iha kilat boot ida no tiru forsa neebe forsa sei presiza tiru nafatin isin mate ida hodi defende sira nia aan? Tanba ida nee mak too agora matebian nia familia seidauk simu relatoriu autopsia nian, sira hatene saida deit saida mak hakerek iha autopsia maibe sira sei rekuza foo ba familia. Karik Mauk mak tenke foti ninia autopsia rasik?\nHau hakarak hatene tanba sa mak sira deskonfia katak Mauk no ninia soldadu halo asaun hasoru estadu no sira la kaptura deit, tiru sira nia ain hanesa lei haruka no entrega sira ba justisa. Tuir ita nia lei to Mauk no ninia soldadu simu sentensa ida hosi tribunal sira konsideradu ema inosente, maibe lei laos hanesan ba ema hotu iha ita nia rain.\nMauk sira deskonfia deit no tiru mate nia ho kilat musan 47. Tanba ida nee mak hau husu ba ita nia ukun nain sira. Tanba sa la haruka forsa oho Emilia Pires no Vicente Guterres tanba Ministeriu Publiku mos deskonfia ke sira komete krimi boot hasoru estadu no povu Timor, deskonfia katak sira nia krimi korupsaun, diskonfia sira naok osan rihun ba rihun. Emilia no Vicente mos merese forsa ba tiru mate sira ho kilat musan 47? Lae, Emilia no Vicente la merese ida nee no Mauk Moruk mos la merese mate hanesan nee.\nUkun nain sira husu ba ita hotu hakmatek hodi dezenvolve ita nia nasaun maibe hodi dezenvolve nasaun justisa tenke ba ema hotu laos deit ba ema kiak ka ema ke koalia hasoru governasaun ka ema ke ema balun iha odio. Ita labele diskrimina ema ke halo krimi, ita labele proteje koruptor sira ke halo krimi boot hasoru estadu nomos povu, ita labele proteje Emilia Pires tanba nia ema besik Xanana nomos familia ho Rui Araujo nia asesor nomos belun diak ida. Ita labele proteje Vicente tanba nia ema bot ka belun diak ho Taur Matan Ruak no nia moris fatin iha Bauguia hanesa Prezidenti.\nSe imi haruka forsa oho Mauk tanba imi deskonfia deit nia halo krimi hasoru Estadu no laiha sentensa ida hosi tribunal ke dehan nia sala duni, antaun saida mak Emilia Pires no Vicente Guterres merese imi halo ba sira rua? Tanba sira mos Ministeriu Publiku deskonfia katak sira halo krimi hasoru RDTL, diskonfia Emilia no Vicente pratika krimi bot ida, tanba ita nia povu balun sei moris iha kiak no hamalaha nia laran, ami nia oan barak sei la ba eskola, sei la han loron ida dala tolu. Ba Emilia no Vicente imi sei tuir lei no fo ba sira prezunsaun inosensia nian, tanba sa imi la kaptura Mauk no entrega ba justisa no fo ba nia mos saida mak lei haruka imi halo, prezunsaun inosensia? Tanba sa forsa tenke oho Mauk ho kilat musan 47 no rahun nia isin? Imi trata Mauk hanesan kriminozu maibe imi hakoak no proteje koruptor sira nomos otonomista sira ke halo krimi hasoru povu nomos RDTL? Tanba sa? Vicente mos lakohi hatan iha tribunal no nia sempre halai hosi justisa, nia la merese kaer nia no sulan nia iha komarka? Merese.\nHau espera katak ita nia justisa sei halo investigasaun klean kona Mauk no ninia soldadu nia mate tanba povu presiza hatene ke ita nia ukun nain sira oho Mauk tanba lei saida? Lei iha neebe fo dalan ba oho sidadaun ida? Lei saida mak dehan ke bele tiru mate ema ida dala 47, lei neebe mak dehan ke bele kontinua tiru ema ida nia mate isin depois de nia mate ona?\nIta hakarak hatene hodi sei fiar ita nia ukun nain, hodi moris hakmatek no la tauk katak aban bainrua ami nia aman, ami nia inan, maun alin ka kolega sira sei sai vitima mortal tan governu nia arrogansia no brutalidade no sistema judisial la halo buat ida hodi defende povu kiak.\nJustisa tenki ba ema hotu laos deit ba ema kiak no kbiit laek.\nPublicada por Kai Buti à(s) 10:33 | [
"TIMOR HAU NIAN DOBEN: Tanba sa Governu la haruka forsa oho Emilia Pires no Vicente Guterres?",
"Tanba sa Governu la haruka forsa oho Emilia Pires no Vicente Guterres?",
"Antonio Araujo Goncalves Uluk liu hau hakarak dehan ba ita bot sira katak hau kontra tebes ho se se deit mak haruka oho ema.",
"Tuir hau nia fiar katolika, Maromak mak iha direitu ba desidi wainhira ita husik mundu ida nee no ba moris besik Maromak.",
"Neebe hau sei la simu Governu no Xanana Gusmao sira nia orden hodi haruka hakotu Komandante Brigada Vermelha alias Mauk Moruk nia moris nomos ninia soldadu sira.",
"Mai hau EOC iha mandatu kaptura ida no sira iha alegasaun balun katak Maun no ninia soldadu halo krimi hasoru estadu Timor nian.",
"EOC tenke tuir duni Governu nia orden no halo hotu tuir forsa nia kbiit hodi kaptura Mauk ho ninia soldadu.",
"EOC fulan barak iha misaun ida no governu fakar millaun rua ba kaptura Mauk.",
"Ema balun dehan katak rezolusaun Parlamentu Nasional illegal tanba viola ita Konstituisaun RDTL, maibe rezolusaun lao nafatin ba oin, forsa ba Baucau hela iha neeba, iha mos alegasaun barak katak forsa viola direitus umanus iha neeba, bispu Baucau mos hiirus forsa tanba povu kiik tauk sira tanba sira baku, tuku no halo ameasa oin oin hasoru povu Baucau.",
"Governu nonok deit, la halo buat ida ka investigasaun kona ba violasaun direitus humanus hosi parte EOC.",
"Governu hamutuk ho forsa siguransa iha hanoin ida deit, kaptura Mauk no ninia soldadu hodi kumpre rezolusaun Parlamento Nasional nian.",
"Maibe iha fatin neebe iha rezolusaun mak dehan ba oho Mauk ho odio no vingansa no tiru mate Mauk ho kilat musan 47?",
"Iha rezolusaun iha neebe mak dehan ba tiru mate Mauk nia isin too rahun no dodok?",
"Karik rezolusaun hosi Parlamentu Nasional hakerek ida nee, ba forsa tortura Mauk no oho nia pior liu balada fuik, antaun ita nia sistema judisial tenki buka iha lei oan no lei inan neebe iha ita nia rai hodi hatudu ba timor oan hot hotu katak iha Timor-Leste Parlamentu no Governu iha duni kbiit hodi haruka PNTL ka F-FDTL oho se se deit ke sira diskonfia bele sai perigu ba 'istabilidade nasional'.",
"Hau dehan deskonfia tanba tribunal deit mak iha kompetensia hodi dehan ema ida komete krime ka lae, karik ema ida komete krimi, tribunal mos laiha kbiit hodi haruka oho tanba iha ita rai ita nia lei bandu hukuman mati.",
"Hukuman mati la vigora iha ita nia rai, maibe ita labele nega katak Mauk Moruk no ninia soldadu simu duni sentensa hukuman mati.",
"Tanba tuir L7, nia alin Mauk wainhira forsa hetan nia, nia tau nia liman ba leten no rende, maibe forsa sei tiru nia ho kilat musan 47.",
"Signifika katak Mauk mate tiha ona no forsa sei tiru nafatin nia mate isin too rahun.",
"Ida nee hahalok saida los?",
"Ita nia justisa no tribunal ba halo investigasaun klean kona ba krimi ida nee ka lae?",
"Sira dehan katak Mauk no ninia soldadu mak tiru uluk, antaun forsa defende aan.",
"Defende aan no tiru Mauk dala 47?",
"Wainhira Mauk mate ona, sira sei presiza tiru, tanba Mauk nia mateklamar iha kilat boot ida no tiru forsa neebe forsa sei presiza tiru nafatin isin mate ida hodi defende sira nia aan?",
"Tanba ida nee mak too agora matebian nia familia seidauk simu relatoriu autopsia nian, sira hatene saida deit saida mak hakerek iha autopsia maibe sira sei rekuza foo ba familia.",
"Karik Mauk mak tenke foti ninia autopsia rasik?",
"Hau hakarak hatene tanba sa mak sira deskonfia katak Mauk no ninia soldadu halo asaun hasoru estadu no sira la kaptura deit, tiru sira nia ain hanesa lei haruka no entrega sira ba justisa.",
"Tuir ita nia lei to Mauk no ninia soldadu simu sentensa ida hosi tribunal sira konsideradu ema inosente, maibe lei laos hanesan ba ema hotu iha ita nia rain.",
"Mauk sira deskonfia deit no tiru mate nia ho kilat musan 47.",
"Tanba ida nee mak hau husu ba ita nia ukun nain sira.",
"Tanba sa la haruka forsa oho Emilia Pires no Vicente Guterres tanba Ministeriu Publiku mos deskonfia ke sira komete krimi boot hasoru estadu no povu Timor, deskonfia katak sira nia krimi korupsaun, diskonfia sira naok osan rihun ba rihun.",
"Emilia no Vicente mos merese forsa ba tiru mate sira ho kilat musan 47?",
"Lae, Emilia no Vicente la merese ida nee no Mauk Moruk mos la merese mate hanesan nee.",
"Ukun nain sira husu ba ita hotu hakmatek hodi dezenvolve ita nia nasaun maibe hodi dezenvolve nasaun justisa tenke ba ema hotu laos deit ba ema kiak ka ema ke koalia hasoru governasaun ka ema ke ema balun iha odio.",
"Ita labele diskrimina ema ke halo krimi, ita labele proteje koruptor sira ke halo krimi boot hasoru estadu nomos povu, ita labele proteje Emilia Pires tanba nia ema besik Xanana nomos familia ho Rui Araujo nia asesor nomos belun diak ida.",
"Ita labele proteje Vicente tanba nia ema bot ka belun diak ho Taur Matan Ruak no nia moris fatin iha Bauguia hanesa Prezidenti.",
"Se imi haruka forsa oho Mauk tanba imi deskonfia deit nia halo krimi hasoru Estadu no laiha sentensa ida hosi tribunal ke dehan nia sala duni, antaun saida mak Emilia Pires no Vicente Guterres merese imi halo ba sira rua?",
"Tanba sira mos Ministeriu Publiku deskonfia katak sira halo krimi hasoru RDTL, diskonfia Emilia no Vicente pratika krimi bot ida, tanba ita nia povu balun sei moris iha kiak no hamalaha nia laran, ami nia oan barak sei la ba eskola, sei la han loron ida dala tolu.",
"Ba Emilia no Vicente imi sei tuir lei no fo ba sira prezunsaun inosensia nian, tanba sa imi la kaptura Mauk no entrega ba justisa no fo ba nia mos saida mak lei haruka imi halo, prezunsaun inosensia?",
"Tanba sa forsa tenke oho Mauk ho kilat musan 47 no rahun nia isin?",
"Imi trata Mauk hanesan kriminozu maibe imi hakoak no proteje koruptor sira nomos otonomista sira ke halo krimi hasoru povu nomos RDTL?",
"Tanba sa?",
"Vicente mos lakohi hatan iha tribunal no nia sempre halai hosi justisa, nia la merese kaer nia no sulan nia iha komarka?",
"Hau espera katak ita nia justisa sei halo investigasaun klean kona Mauk no ninia soldadu nia mate tanba povu presiza hatene ke ita nia ukun nain sira oho Mauk tanba lei saida?",
"Lei iha neebe fo dalan ba oho sidadaun ida?",
"Lei saida mak dehan ke bele tiru mate ema ida dala 47, lei neebe mak dehan ke bele kontinua tiru ema ida nia mate isin depois de nia mate ona?",
"Ita hakarak hatene hodi sei fiar ita nia ukun nain, hodi moris hakmatek no la tauk katak aban bainrua ami nia aman, ami nia inan, maun alin ka kolega sira sei sai vitima mortal tan governu nia arrogansia no brutalidade no sistema judisial la halo buat ida hodi defende povu kiak.",
"Justisa tenki ba ema hotu laos deit ba ema kiak no kbiit laek.",
"Publicada por Kai Buti a (s) 10:33"
] | [
"TIMOR HAU NIAN DOBEN: Why did the government not send forces to kill Emilia Pires and Vicente Guterres?"
"Why did the government not send forces to kill Emilia Pires and Vicente Guterres?"
"Antonio Araujo Goncalves First of all I want to tell us bots that i am very much against anyone ordering people killed."
"According to his Catholic faith, God has the right of decision when we leave this world and live near Him."
"Which I will not accept the orders of Government and Xanana Gusmao to kill Red Brigade Commander alias Mauk Moruk as well his soldiers."
"I came to the EOC with an arrest warrant and they had some allegations that Maun & his soldiers were committing crimes against Timorese state."
"The EOC must obey the Government's order and do everything in its power to capture Mauk with his soldiers."
"The EOC has been on a mission for several months and the government spent two million to capture Mauk."
"Some people say that the resolution of National Parliament is illegal because it violates our Constitution, but in fact they continue to move forward. The forces for Baucau are still there and many allegations have been made about their violations on human rights; bishop Bacau also hired these troops as a means by which he would beat up or threatened those who were against them beforehand (the poor)."
"The government ignores, does nothing or investigates the human rights violations by EOC."
"The government, together with the security forces had one single goal: to capture Mauk and his soldiers in compliance of National Parliament resolution."
"But is there anywhere in the resolution that says to kill Mauk with hatred and vengeance, shooting him dead using a 47mm rifle?"
"Is there a resolution that says shoot Mauk to death until his body is raunched and dodok?"
"If this resolution of the National Parliament is written, to force torture Mauk and kill him worst ballada fuik. Before our judicial system should look in laws son or mother we land show all Timorese hot that there are really power for parliamentary government have a police officer (PNTL)or F-FDTL killed anyone they suspect may be dangerous 'national stability' ;"
"I say distrust because only the courts have competence to decide whether a person has committed crime or not, and if someone does commit an offence then no one can order him executed as in our country we are against death penalty."
"The death penalty is not in force on our soil, but we cannot deny that Mauk Moruk and his soldiers were sentenced to die."
"Because according to L7, his brother Mauk when the force found him he put down her hand and surrendered but was shot with a .45-caliber rifle by Forces"
"It means that Mauk is dead and the forces will continue to shoot him until he dies."
"What kind of behaviour is this?"
"Will our justice system and courts make a clear investigation into this crime?"
"They say that Mauk and his soldiers fired first, before the forces defended themselves."
"Defende aan no tiru Mauk dala 47?"
"Once Mauk is dead, they will need to shoot because his deathlamar has a large gun and the force that forces would have needed shot another corpse in defense of themselves?"
"Since the deceased's family has not yet received an autopsy report, they only know what is written on it but will refuse to give them."
"Would Mauk have to do his own autopsy?"
"I want to know why they suspect that Mauk and his soldiers are acting against the state, rather than simply arresting them in a lawless manner by firing at their heads."
"According to our laws, Mauk and his soldiers received a sentence from the court as innocent people but we do not have equal rights for everyone in this country."
"They suspected him and shot at his head with a 47-mm rifle."
"This is why I ask our rulers to do the same."
"Why did the police not send forces to kill Emilia Pires and Vicente Guterres because Public Prosecutor also suspected that they committed a major crime against state, people of Timor. They were accusing them for their corruption offences; it was believed there had been thousand-thousands in money being stolen from these two men?"
"Emilia and Vicente also deserved the force to be shot dead with a 47-mm musket."
"No, Emilia and Vicente didn't deserve this death. Mauk Moruk did not die like that either!"
"The leaders are asking us all to develop our country, but in order for the development of a nation justice must be made available not only towards poor people or those who speak out against governments and some hated."
"We cannot discriminate against people who commit crimes, we can not protect the corruptors that committed big criminal acts in opposition to state and nation.We mustn't be able protection Emilia Pirees because she is a close friend of Xanana Gusmão & family with Rui Araujo as an adviser or good neighbor ;"
"We cannot protect Vicente because he is a close friend of Taur Matan Ruak and his home in Bauguia has no President."
"If you send forces to kill Mauk because of your suspicion that he has committed a crime against the state and there is no court verdict saying it was wrong, then what do Emilia Pires or Vicente Guterres deserve?"
"Because they also suspect the Public Prosecutor’s Office that it committed a crime against Timor-Leste, Emilia and Vicente are accused of committing an enormous criminal act because some people will live in poverty. Many children won't go to school or have three meals per day for one year!"
"For Emilia and Vicente you will follow the laws, give them a presumption of innocence. Why don't they capture Mauk? Give him justice! And do what youre supposed to by Law: A Presumptions Of In nomination"
"Why did the police have to shoot Mauk with a .47 caliber rifle and injure his body?"
"You treat Mauk as a criminal but you protect and defend the corruptors, autonomiaists who commit crimes against people of Timor-Leste?"
"Vicente also refused to answer in court and he always escapes justice, He does not deserve that you arrest him or throw his body into the river."
"I hope that our justice system will carry out a clear investigation into the death of Mauk and his soldiers because people need to know what law was used by those who killed him?"
"Is there any law that would allow the killing of a citizen?"
"What law says that you can shoot a person 47 times, and then continue to kill him after he has died?"
"We want to know so that we can trust our rulers, live in dignity and not be afraid of tomorrow’s day when the arrogance or brutality by government officials will kill parents (father) brother(ess), colleague/colleagues. The judiciary does nothing for poor people!"
"Justice must be for all, not just the poor and unable."
"Publicada por Kai Buti a(s) 10:32 da manhã Sem comentários"
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Tinan-tinan mundu so'e euro biliaun ida iha hahán sira nebe estraga - horadoplaneta\nTinan-tinan mundu so'e euro biliaun ida iha hahán sira nebe estraga\nBainhira parte balun iha mundu (dezenvolvidu) tinan-tinan so'e hahán nebe sira la han ba lixu, iha parte seluk iha ema millaun 805 nebe hamlaha, haktuir hosi FAO, organizmu Nasaun Unidu nian ba Alimentasaun.\nIha foto: labarik filipinu ida nebe hili foer iha tasi-ibun ida iha Manila, Filipina. EPA@ Francis R. Malasig\nBainhira mundu dezenvolvidu ka nebe iha dezenvolvimentu estraga hahán nebe prodús tinan-tinan hamutuk tonelada millaun rihun haat - ho folin besik euro bilaun ida -, iha parte seluk iha mundu (liuliu iha Áfrika) iha ema millaun 805 maka hamlaha. Buat nebe xokante liu maka, tuir FAO, organizmu Nasaun Unidu nian ba Alimentasaun, katak tinan-tinan labarik hamutuk millaun 2,5 mate tanba nutrisaun nebe ladi'ak.\nMaibé lista hosi Nasaun Unidu ne'e sei kontinua: labarik millaun 100 maka ladún iha pezu todan; millaun 1,4 maka iha pezu todan liu no, iha fatin seluk hosi balansu dezigualdade nian maka Nasaun Unidu identifika ona ema bokur millaun 500 iha mundu tomak. Konkluzaun: aleinde estraga, mundu sei labele halo hahán to'o ba ema sira nebe presiza tebes: ema kiak no ema vulnerável sira.\nBa Hélder Muteia, reprezentante FAO nian iha Portugal, buat sira ne'e hanesan "xokante", maibé aat liu maka situasaun ne'e sei aumenta nafatin. Populasaun mundu nian sei aumenta hosi númeru atuál millaun rihun 7,2 ba millaun rihun sia iha tinan 2050, haktuir hosi kálkulu nebe Nasaun Unidu halo.\nProdusaun hahán nian tenki aumenta ba 60%\nIha tinan 35 tuirmai produsaun hahán iha nível mundiál tenki aunenta ba 60%, hasoru folin atuál sira. Tanba aumenta ona ema sira nebe buka hahán no mós tanba fenómenu urbanizasaun nebe aumenta. 70% hosi populasaun sei moris iha sidade no área sira besik sidade, nune'e sei ladún iha ema sira nebe kuda hahán iha kampu sira. Iha fatin seluk, FAO hanoin katak área sira nebe kultivadu sei aumenta de'it ba 20% "no iha projesaun sira nebe pesimista tebes duké ita nian", haktuir hosi Hélder Muteia.\nTuir responsável ne'e, karik resposta bele mosu iha produsaun super-hahán (lentilla, soja, batar-midar no beteraba) no superplanta sira (hanesan ai-farina, batar no mós hare), nune'e mós kuda hahán iha dezertu sira. | [
"Tinan-tinan mundu so'e euro biliaun ida iha hahan sira nebe estraga - horadoplaneta Tinan-tinan mundu so'e euro biliaun ida iha hahan sira nebe estraga Bainhira parte balun iha mundu (dezenvolvidu) tinan-tinan so'e hahan nebe sira la han ba lixu, iha parte seluk iha ema millaun 805 nebe hamlaha, haktuir hosi FAO, organizmu Nasaun Unidu nian ba Alimentasaun.",
"Iha foto: labarik filipinu ida nebe hili foer iha tasi-ibun ida iha Manila, Filipina.",
"EPA@ Francis R. Malasig Bainhira mundu dezenvolvidu ka nebe iha dezenvolvimentu estraga hahan nebe produs tinan-tinan hamutuk tonelada millaun rihun haat - ho folin besik euro bilaun ida -, iha parte seluk iha mundu (liuliu iha Afrika) iha ema millaun 805 maka hamlaha.",
"Buat nebe xokante liu maka, tuir FAO, organizmu Nasaun Unidu nian ba Alimentasaun, katak tinan-tinan labarik hamutuk millaun 2,5 mate tanba nutrisaun nebe ladi'ak.",
"Maibe lista hosi Nasaun Unidu ne'e sei kontinua: labarik millaun 100 maka ladun iha pezu todan; millaun 1,4 maka iha pezu todan liu no, iha fatin seluk hosi balansu dezigualdade nian maka Nasaun Unidu identifika ona ema bokur millaun 500 iha mundu tomak.",
"Konkluzaun: aleinde estraga, mundu sei labele halo hahan to'o ba ema sira nebe presiza tebes: ema kiak no ema vulneravel sira.",
"Ba Helder Muteia, reprezentante FAO nian iha Portugal, buat sira ne'e hanesan \"xokante,\" maibe aat liu maka situasaun ne'e sei aumenta nafatin.",
"Populasaun mundu nian sei aumenta hosi numeru atual millaun rihun 7,2 ba millaun rihun sia iha tinan 2050, haktuir hosi kalkulu nebe Nasaun Unidu halo.",
"Produsaun hahan nian tenki aumenta ba 60% Iha tinan 35 tuirmai produsaun hahan iha nivel mundial tenki aunenta ba 60%, hasoru folin atual sira.",
"Tanba aumenta ona ema sira nebe buka hahan no mos tanba fenomenu urbanizasaun nebe aumenta.",
"70% hosi populasaun sei moris iha sidade no area sira besik sidade, nune'e sei ladun iha ema sira nebe kuda hahan iha kampu sira.",
"Iha fatin seluk, FAO hanoin katak area sira nebe kultivadu sei aumenta de'it ba 20% \"no iha projesaun sira nebe pesimista tebes duke ita nian,\" haktuir hosi Helder Muteia.",
"Tuir responsavel ne'e, karik resposta bele mosu iha produsaun super-hahan (lentilla, soja, batar-midar no beteraba) no superplanta sira (hanesan ai-farina, batar no mos hare), nune'e mos kuda hahan iha dezertu sira."
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"Every year the world wastes a billion euros in spoiled food - horadoplaneta EVERY YEAR THE WORLD WASTE A BILLION EUROS IN SPAILED FOOD While some parts of (the developed) globe are wasting unwanted, unsustainable and ineffective nutrition into rubbish every single day. In other regions there is still an estimated $805 million starving people according to FAO – The United Nations Food & Agriculture Organization"
"In the photo: a Filipino child chooses to swim in an open water pool at Manila, Philippines."
"EPA@ Francis R. Malasig While the developed or developing world wastes four billion tonnes of food produced annually - worth nearly a trillion euros – in other parts (mainty Africa) there are over one-third million people who go hungry every year, and more than half this number is not eating enough because they don't have access for their own meals at all!"
"More shockingly, according to FAO (the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization), 2.5 million children die every year from malnutrition in the world as a result of poor nutritional conditions or lack thereof"
"But the United Nations list continues: 105 million children are underweight or obese; another one and a half billion have an excessive body weight, while in other parts of this inequality scale there is also about five hundred millions whose bodies were identified by UN agencies as being too thin."
"Conclusion: other than destroying, the world will not be able to feed enough for those who need it most – poor and vulnerable people."
"For Helder Muteia, FAO's representative in Portugal this is \"shocking\" but worse still the situation will get even more serious."
"The world's population will increase from the current 7.2 trillion to nine billion by this century, according a United Nations estimate of its growth rate for humankind in future decades:"
"Food production needs to increase by 60% In the next thirty-five years, world food output must rise at a rate of about sixteen percent against current prices."
"This is due to the increase in people seeking food and also because of increasing urbanization."
"70% of the population will live in cities and nearby areas, so there won't be enough people to grow food on their own."
"Meanwhile, FAO estimates that cultivated areas will increase by only 20% \"and has far more pessimistic projections than our own\", according to Helder Muteia."
"According to him, the answer may lie in producing superfoods (lentils and soybeans), potatoes or beets) as well Superplant-like crops like wheat flour crop."
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FFTL Tenki Garantia Kongresu - TIMOR AGORA\nFFTL Tenki Garantia Kongresu\nDILI – Hafoin hetan sansaun Publiku hadomi futebol husu atu Federasaun Footbal Timor Leste (FFTL) atu realiza kongresu extra-ordinariu neebe deklara liu husi Sekretariu Geral FFTL, tamba tempu ona atu Federasaun nakloke aan, nunee bele dezenvolve futebol iha Timor–Leste.\nAntes nee liu husi Sekretariu Geral Federasaun Futebol Timor – Leste Amandio Sarmento ba jornalista sira hafoin remata sorumutu ho Sekretariu Estadu Juventude e Desportu deklara sei realiza kongresu iha Abril, hafoin AFC remata nia kongresu iha Fevereiru nee.\nRelasiona ho deklarasaun nee, Sekretariu Estadu Juventude e Desportu (SEJD) Leovigildo Hornai ba jornalista sira hafoin remata fo tomada de pose ba Liga Nasional Basketbal Timor –Leste, neebe realiza iha edifisiu SEJD Eis – Sional Lecidere Dili, Kuarta (25/01/2017) katak, Guvernu liu husi SEJD hatoo ona proposta ba FFTL, katak FFTL tenki halo kongresu iha nivel Municipal nunee bele fo rezistimasaun ka legalidade realsiona ho ezistensia klubu no Asosiasaun.\nTenki grantia..tenki garantia, nee laos problema individu ka pesoal ema ida rua, maibe nee problema Nasional nian, tamba futebol nee sai ona hanesan aktividade popular ka komum iha territorial tomak,” dehan Leovigildo.\nNia dehan, parte Governu liu husi SEJD husu ona data no fulan ba realizasaun kongresu hafoin iha sorumutu entre Federasaun. Eis Prezidenti CNJTL nee mos agradese ba ema hotu neebe mak simu malu no resolve problema ho ulun malirin relasiona ho sansaun AFC ba federasaun.\nIha fatin hanesan Prezidenti Klubu futebol Utramar Ano Gusmao dehan relasiona ho planu Federasaun atu halo kongresu, Sekretariu Estadu tenki kira team Adhoc hodi realiza kongresu nee. Informasaun kompletu iha STL Jornal no STL Web, edisaun Kinta (26/1/2017). Natalino Belo | [
"FFTL Tenki Garantia Kongresu - TIMOR AGORA FFTL Tenki Garantia Kongresu DILI - Hafoin hetan sansaun Publiku hadomi futebol husu atu Federasaun Footbal Timor Leste (FFTL) atu realiza kongresu extra-ordinariu neebe deklara liu husi Sekretariu Geral FFTL, tamba tempu ona atu Federasaun nakloke aan, nunee bele dezenvolve futebol iha Timor-Leste.",
"Antes nee liu husi Sekretariu Geral Federasaun Futebol Timor - Leste Amandio Sarmento ba jornalista sira hafoin remata sorumutu ho Sekretariu Estadu Juventude e Desportu deklara sei realiza kongresu iha Abril, hafoin AFC remata nia kongresu iha Fevereiru nee.",
"Relasiona ho deklarasaun nee, Sekretariu Estadu Juventude e Desportu (SEJD) Leovigildo Hornai ba jornalista sira hafoin remata fo tomada de pose ba Liga Nasional Basketbal Timor -Leste, neebe realiza iha edifisiu SEJD Eis - Sional Lecidere Dili, Kuarta (25/01/2017) katak, Guvernu liu husi SEJD hatoo ona proposta ba FFTL, katak FFTL tenki halo kongresu iha nivel Municipal nunee bele fo rezistimasaun ka legalidade realsiona ho ezistensia klubu no Asosiasaun.",
"Tenki grantia..tenki garantia, nee laos problema individu ka pesoal ema ida rua, maibe nee problema Nasional nian, tamba futebol nee sai ona hanesan aktividade popular ka komum iha territorial tomak,\" dehan Leovigildo.",
"Nia dehan, parte Governu liu husi SEJD husu ona data no fulan ba realizasaun kongresu hafoin iha sorumutu entre Federasaun.",
"Eis Prezidenti CNJTL nee mos agradese ba ema hotu neebe mak simu malu no resolve problema ho ulun malirin relasiona ho sansaun AFC ba federasaun.",
"Iha fatin hanesan Prezidenti Klubu futebol Utramar Ano Gusmao dehan relasiona ho planu Federasaun atu halo kongresu, Sekretariu Estadu tenki kira team Adhoc hodi realiza kongresu nee.",
"Informasaun kompletu iha STL Jornal no STL Web, edisaun Kinta (26/1/2017).",
"Natalino Belo"
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"FFTL Needs Congress Guarantee - TIMOR AGORA Football Lovers Demand that the East Timorese Footbal Federation (Federasaun Futebol Timor-Leste) hold an extraordinary congress, as declared by Secretary General of FFTL. It is high time for this federation to open up and develop football in east timorese country!"
"Earlier, East Timor Football Federation Secretary General Amandio Sarmento told journalists after a meeting with the State Secretariat for Youth and Sports that they would hold their congress in April following AFC' s February conference."
"In relation to this statement, State Secretary of Youth and Sports (SEJD) Leovigildo Hornai told journalists after the inauguration ceremony for Liga Nasional Basketbal Timor -Leste held at SEJC Eis-Sional Edificio in Dili on Thursday 25/01 /3. The government through Sejd has made a proposal that FBFTL must hold congresses locally so as it can give legality or legitimacy with respecting existence Club & Association"
"Tenki grantia...tenka garantia, this is not an individual or personal problem of two people but a national one because football has become popular and common activity throughout the territory\", said Leovigildo."
"He said that the government, through SEJD has asked for a date and month to hold Congress after meeting with Federation."
"The former President of CNJTL also thanked all those who accepted each other and resolved the problem with a smile in relation to AFC sanctions on federations."
"Utramar Football Club President Ano Gusmao said that in relation to the Federation's plans for a congress, Secretary of State should call an Ad hoc team."
"Full information in STL Jornal and on the website, edition of Friday (26/1) ."
"Natalino Belo is a Brazilian singer."
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Housi bosok no Manipulação da Conciência, Salva ami Nai! – Diocese de Dili\nDiocese de Dili > NOTÍCIAS > REFLEXÃO > Housi bosok no Manipulação da Conciência, Salva ami Nai!\nEstudante Teologia iha Instituto de Filosofia e de Teologia – ISFIT Dom Jaime Garcia Goulart,\nReflexão simples ida ne’e hetan inspiração iha oração nebé Santo Padre Francisco dirige iha dia 27 de Março 2020 liu ba ne’e. “Dagli ingani […] e dalla manipolazione delle coscienze, Salvaci, o Signore! Oração ida ne’e fo biban mai ha’u, maibé ha’u convida mos itabot sira, atu ita reflete hamutuk ho hanoin balu housi Teologia Politica. Portanto, ha’u aviso kedas ona ida ne’e katak, teologia política laos haruka ita atu halo política (compete ba kaer ukun, lae!). Teologia Política (TP) la hanesan Ciênica Política (CP) nem hanesan Filosofia Política (FP). Embora antes ne’e ema dehan TP ne’e ramo ida housi FP no Teologia rasik, tamba atu haré ba aspeto comum no relação entre religião no política. Maibé depois de Concílio Vaaticano II sae mai, TP muda nia direção bolu naran “A Nova Teologia Política” atu estuda kona ba mudanças sociais nebé provoca housi iluminismo no marxismo hodi halo mensagem bíblica sira sai tiha hanesan “uma coisa privada” laiha relação ho ema nia moris.\nCiência política, filosofia política, teologia política.\nIta ba haré liu de’it sira nia diferença, tamba laos oportuno atu ita traata iha momento ida ne’e. CP koalia kona ba teoria e práica de um sistema político, administração pública (plano estraatégico do governo, etc…), então koalia kona ba realidade atual, impírica ho metodológica. FP: estudo dos conceitos, dos fundamentos e dos modelos de atividade política. De modo mais tradicional é a descrição, projeção, teorização da ótima repúbica. A busca do fundamento último do poder. Então ita haré, FP é o discurso sobre o discurso. Enquanto TP é discurso sobre Deus neste momento. TP fo énfase ba iha “buat nebé ha’u fiar ha’u tenke tau iha prática”. Ou ita bele dehan buat nebé ha’u fiar (Lex Credendi), ha’u reza (Lex Orandi), ha’u celebra bebeik iha tempoestabelecido(Lex Celebrandi) depois ha’u tau/prática iha ha’u nia moris lorloron nian (Lex Vivendi). Dala ida tan, hanesan ha’u aviso ona, TP laos hanorin ita halo política (hari partido, lae) maibé fo biban mai itasai ema nebé crítico. Hanesan sarani ida iha sociedade, igreja no ho história própria ida. La bele housik liu de’it quando mosu injustiça, desigualdede, acto desumano,condição desumana, la respeita malu, corrupção, ect… ita ba contempla no reflete tok ho realidade ita nia rai doben Timor Leste nian.\nTeologai Política hanorin saida ba ita.\nTeologia política hanorin ita atu halo crítica, ba buat sira nebé mak ita haré, lao lalos iha ita nia sociedade. Ita crítica tamba ita haré ema barak terus. Ita la bele nega! Ita la bele taka maatan! Então teologia política dehan ida ne’e ita halo acto de solidariedade. Ita nia crítica sira funda iha ita nia knar profética nebé ita adquire iha Sacramento Baatismo (tamba ho Sacramento Baatismo ema ida hetan knar tolu hanesan: Profeta, Nailulik no Liurai). Hanesan profeta ida, laos de’it haateke ba oin (profecia/ profetiza) maibé mos fila ba kotuk hodi haré injustiça, kiak, ema barak terus (iha rikusoin nia leten), ect…. hodi dehan ne’e lalos, ne’e condição desumana. Ema sira ne’e mos criatura Maromak nian. Criatura umana ida nebé ho dignidade-ás liu compara ho criatura sira seluk nebé Nai Maromak cria iha mundo ne’e. Wainhira sarani ida halaonia knar ida ne’e, implicitamente, teologia política dehan katak ema ne’e ‘místico-político na sequela de Cristo’. Mistico tamba mai kedas ho ninia fiar no iha duni fiar ida. Fiar nu’udar sarani. Fiar nebé radica iha Memória (iha mistério de Incarnação, paixão, morte e ressurreição de Nosso Senhor Jesus Cristo), haburas housi Kerygma hanesan narração nebé continua bebeik no realiza ho solidariedade “uma só alma e um só corpo”. Nopolítico tamba tau iha prática/ prassi. Ou ita bele dehan housi Ortodoxia ba iha Ortopraxia, hodi lao tuir nafaatin Nai Jesus Cristo nia hanorin sira. Tamba Nai Jesus Cristo laos hanorin ita atu ódio malu, fahe malu, oho malu, ect… Por ventura, tamba erro humano lia-ruma naksalak ba malu karik, normal. Maibé hela nafaatin iha condição ida ne’e, hodi haré malu hanesan inimigo, ne’e la normal. Laiha tan dalan seluk, teologai política dehan halo reconciliação atu recupera fali ksolok nebé tertunda (hela karik), kanek sira (nebé halo moras) atu bele moris iha dame/ paz nia laran. Tuir saida mak Nai Jesus Cristo rasik hanorin hela “Ha’u nia dame hela ho imi”. Portanto, Teologia política halo com que ema ida maduro atu tama iha sociedade no iha situação saida de’it. Laos atu taraata ema seluk, laos atu hanorin ema fahe malu, sá tan aatakamalu (hanesan labarik sira hadau malu hahan iha tempo hamlaha karik) maibé halo sociedade ida nebé iha ksolok, paz, reconciliação, justiça, etc… tuir Nai Jesus Cristo nia hanorin sira (se la sai traidor bai Evangelho).\nRealidade ohin loron iha Timor:\nEntre lakon (povo ki’ik) no apvoveita (bot-sira)oportunidade\nOra bem, ita sintonia oitoan ho ita nia realidade Timor nian. Ita acompanha iha notícias sira hahu kedas hudi problema artes marciais e rituais. Impasse político: fo impacto ba economia rai laran hakdasak, povo barak sofre. Vida social: ema lubun oan ida haré malu ho maataikun de’it. Dezastresnaturais: inundação, udan-anin sobu povo ki’ik barak nia uma no ida ikus-ikus ne’e mak COVID-19 nebé nia status ne’e sae ona ba pandemia. Housi meios de comunicação social sira la seluk la let: COVID-19 iha Nação ida positivo hira, hira mak recuperado no liliu hira mak housik ona mundo ida ne’e. Situação ne’e halo com que, ema nia hanoin no preocupação (em certo modo) sira sai ida de’it. Hanesan los Santo Padre nia reflexão iha dia 27 de Março 2020 liu ba ne’e: ita hotu iha barco ida de’it tamba ita hotu mesak maun alin de’it. Ida la ba uluk. Ida la lao tuir, maibé hot-hotu lao hamutuk ba objetivo ida de’it: combaate corona virus nebé ho nia grau naran pandemia.\nTimor nia situção ida ne’e, halo povo ki’ik sira lakon oportunidade barak. Desemprego aumenta, mal nutrição aumenta, mosu conflito barak entre jóvem sira tamba laiha serviço. Ema nia moris ladun favorável atu desenvolve-an. Escola barak condição ladiak (se ita check didiak escola sira barak nia condição aaat ne’e, bot ida nia oan nunca ba escola iha neba,) maibé nakonu ho povo simples nia oan. Imagina! Sira nia futuro ba nebé! Aumenta tan ho impasse político, inundação, COVID-19 no agora ho Estado de emergência, coitado! Povo lakon oportunidade barak. Maibé bot-sira moris diak hela tamba iha Orçamento duodéssimo no pensão vitalícia. Povo terus! Bot-sira aproveita hela de’it! Teologia política hanorin ita atu halo solidariedade ho sira nia terus (mesmo que ho de’it gesto simples ida) maibé dehan liu tan, hamutuk ho sira ita triste tamba ida ne’e injustiça no ita sente oprmido iha ita nia rai rasik.\nSituação complicada tiha ona, aumenta tan COVID-19, halo ema barak tauk no la sente seguro iha nia rai rasik. Tamba notícias dehan iha Itália, Espanha, América, Indonésia, etc… ema mate loron-loron ho número nebé mak ita la imagina. Iha momento ida hanesan ne’e ema tur hodi reflete kona ba sentido de vida. Moris ne’e iha duni nia valor . Mesmo que, moris ne’e badak hela, maibé iha nia mistério nebé profundo no iha nia complexidade rasik. Então ema barak buka atu evita moras ida ne’e. Nação desenvolvida sira ho sira nia tecnologia avançada mos la consegue trava COVID-19 nia difusão, oinsa ho Nação sira nebé iha hela post-conflito no sub-desenvolvida. Iha momento sira ne’e duni mak, ema começa joga ona ho nia ‘fiar’. Tó iha ponto ida, ema obriga Maromak atu halo milagre liu housi nia oração sira. Balu sai atu sai tiha hanesan anjo no santo sira, balu fali ita tau iha questão!.\nEntre fiar ho razão hasoru realidade nebé ita descreve ona.\nHousi loron ba loron ita nia memória simu notícias oi-oin maibé barak liu mesak notícias falsas de’it. Iha notícia balu la mai housi fonte/nara sumber nebé credível. Apesar de notícia falsa maibé lori ema barak moris iha tauk no trauma nia laran, entre notícia sira ne’e ida mak notícia kona ba COVID-19 nebé ita temi ona iha leten. COVID-19 halo atividade barak iha ita nia Nação paralizada inclui missa dominical.Missa laos ona celebra hanesan babain maibé iha nia limitação. Kona ba missa dominical nebé la celebra hanesan babain, a propósito, iha ema balu nia reação de maneira espontânea maibé mos séria ho expressão sira: ‘Amo sira mak fiar laiha uluk ona ne’e, ita sarani sira atu halo tan saida!’‘Igreja la bele taka, tenke loke para sarani sira ba missa, uluk tempo funu mos ita la tauk sá tan tauk fali ba corona-virus’. Embora hanesan ne’e, iha balu […] halo fali sira nia reação quase atu hanesan ho reação sira iha leten: ‘la bele taka missa dominical, se mate, mate hamutuk’ (TP hanorin duni solidariedade, maibé neste caso, mate karik laos mártir da fé, maibé mati konyol). Iha sorin seluk ita rona mos expressão sira: ‘ita (bot) sira ne’e mak la iha liu fiar ne’e, povo ki’ik sira iha karaik nebá, sira nia fiar ne’e metin!’,‘Ita nia Estado tenke taka fronteira sira atu evita ema lori corona-virus barak tama mai ita nia rai, ita nia hospital laiha facilidade adequada atu atende ba problema refere’. Implicitamente ita hanoin dehan ema sira ne’e hatudu sira nia conciência crítica ba situação refere, maibé no fundo sira hatudu sira nia conciência manipulada, tamba acumula demais informações falsas. Nia consequência, ita nota katak balu halai iha linha “fideismo” nian no seluk halai iha linha “racionalismo” nian. Sira nebé hakarak manifesta katak sira ema fiar nain hodi la tauk mate ikus mai tama tiha iha corrente fideismo nian (fideismo: fiar mak importante la tau importância ba razão). Sira nebé tau liu confiança ba iha kakutak hodi hakarak resolve problema hotu ho razão, monu tama tiha ba iha corrente racionalismo nian (racionalismo: tau liu importância ba razão no la preocupa ho nia fiar).\nHousi fideismo no racionalismo ba Fides quaerens intelelectum.\nMaluk sira! Corrente rua ne’e (fideismo no racionalismo) Igreja condena hotu, enquanto lao mesa-mesak. Ita nia fiar hanesan don ida nebé mai housi Maromak rasik. Don ida ne’e ita considera hanesan luz sobrenatural nebé mai housi Maromak rasik. Fiar ida ne’e duni halo ita iha força no iha mos esperança hodi hasoru situação refere. Maibé ita la bele nega, ita nia razão fali hanesan luz natural nebé mak nia origem iha Maromak hotu, dehan mai ita moras ida COVID-19 ne’e daet lalais liu housi ita nia contancto sira. Ita halo análisa karik dehan, ita iha fiar duni atu hasoru situação ida ne’e, maibé ita nia razão mos dehan katak moras ida ne’e daet lais tebes, nia consequêcia lori ba mate. Então ita la bele ignora katak luz natural ida nebé Maromak tau iha ita ne’e tulun ita observa, tetu depois mak halao (agir). Luz natural ida ne’e tulun ita nia fiar bele funciona ho diak. Maibé ita hakarak obriga-an hodi dehan ‘ha’u iha fiar, ha’u ba de’it’… Hahalok ida ne’e obriga Nai Maromak atu halo milagre. Ita hatene katak iha Bíblia sé mak obriga Jesus (Maromak) atu halo milagre? [ida-idak reflete hodi fo rasik resposta ba]. Elemento rua ne’e sempre lao hamutuk. Então maluk sira! ita nia fiar hetan explicação nebé racional no ita nia razão hetan suporta housi fiar atu ita la bele sai homem vazio. Housi uluk kedas ita ronadoutor da igreja sira hanorin Fides quaerens intelelectum. Fiar nebé han malu ho ita nia razão.\nPovo Timor nia moris housi:\nSituação (impasse político) ba Estado de emergência\nSituação sira ita foin descreve lalais ne’e, obriga ita nia rai tenke moris iha Estado de emergência. Coitado! Povo barak moris iha destraido nia laran tamba dezastres naturais seidauk resolvido aumenta tan peso seluk ida. Aat liu tan mak Estado Timor hasoru hela impasse politico (dudu ba la ba, dada mai la mai), housi impasse ida ne’e implica mos ba Orçamento Geral do Estado la passa iha Parlamento Nacional. Sé mak terus, povo! Partidos políticos sira nebé agora kaer ukun iha campanha koalia buat ida, tó iha ukun halo buat seluk. Então ita reza nafaatin housi bosok no manipulação da conciência, salva ami Nai! Mesmo que, ema sira ne’e barak mesak ema sarani nebé fiar nain de’it. Em vez de halo tuir Jesus maibé imita liu mak Pilatos (ida hatudu liman ba ida, ida fase liman, laos fase liman tamba COVID-19 maibé tamba hakarak halai housi realidade no responsabilidade). Los duni! Ita ema naturalmente hamrok ba poder/ ukun/ domínio. Ita nia rai ema (bot) barak tebes mak sarani. Então buat nebé sira fiar kal hela de’it iha fiar (Lex Credendi) la lori ba Lex Orandi, Lex Celebrandi, sa tan prática iha moris loro-loron nian (Lex Vivendi). Hela de’it iha ordodoxia la lori ba iha ortopraxia, ne’e fariseu sira mak hanesan ne’e. Hahalok sira hanesan ne’e teologia política condena makas. A próposito, atu ita la bele liu let de’it, ita haksoit oitoan lai ba haré, oinsa ema ida “hamrok” ba poder. Aaté bosok ema no manipula ema nia conciência ‘mate ka moris laiha tan ona ema seluk’. Embora nia (povo) terus hela maibé bele halo Com quepovo ida ne’e haluha-rai katak nia terus hela (gravemente terus hela iha nia rikusoin nia leten).\nIta ema qunado “hamrok bapoder” haluha ema seluk nia terus.\nEma ida quando hakarak ukun, nia bele iha keinginang berkuasa/ sede do poder, o que é importante, la bele sai apáticohodi destroe (menghancur)nia povo no nia rai rasik. Maibé nia iha prudência no domin tomak atu hametin unidade iha pluriformidade, laos unidade atu uniformiza maibé atu unifica povo hodi dehan katak ita hotu mesak mau alin de’it. Ita hotu mesak timoroan de’it. ema nebé hatene lori povo ba halo buat ruma ka sai creaativo/ produtivo (homo faber no homo oeconomicus), tau importância ba Educação halo povo sai homo sapiens no homo intelligens, atu ema bele iha capacidade diak ba ars bene leggendi (arte de ler bem) no ars bene dicendi (arte de falar bem) iha público no iha media social sira no iha nebé de’it nia apresenta-an ba. Laos lori povo atu sai inimigo ba nia maluk (homo homini lupus).\nEma ida atu kaer uluk, uluk liu seiliu housi processo. Sociedade mak investe (liu housi Eleição) ba ema balu atu bele sai ukun nain. Ohin loron, kanal kmok liu, mak liu housi partidos políticos(sine quo non) atu bele caça poder refere. Maibé ho dalan nebé justo no legal, atu povo la bele fila harohan: Housi bosok no Manipulação da Conciência, Salva ami Nai!\nIkus liu, maluk sira…\nTeologia política hanorin ita atu la bele nonok hasoru realidade ida ne’e, fanu fali ita atu halo ita nia missão profética. Realidade nebé ita nia rai hasoru povo barak sei moris iha linha deextrema pobreza. Ema dehan paradoxo oitoan. Tamba ema Timor kiak iha rikosoin nia leten hanesan ita comenta ona iha leten. Então ita reza nafaatin: housi bosok no manipulação da conciência, salva ami Nai, Ema kiak nia harohan Nai rona no sadia, la hewai la hakribi, Kyrie Eleison! Então ha’u hanoin agora tempo propício atu ita hotu aprende. Los duni! Ita aprende barak demais tiha ona. Tamba ne’e ita buka hatudu nafatin nia missão profética atu ema la bele bosok bebeik ita. La bele fo fatin atu ema manipula tan ita nia conciência iha tempo oin mai. Maibé hatudu nafatin katak ita ne’e ‘místico-politico’. Ita lakohi housik mensagem sira Nai Jesus Cristo lori mai atu lakon le’et de’it. Paz, justiça, reconciliação, etc… atu ita ajuda fali ita nia maluk sira seluk iha conciência crítica atu la bele monu bebeik ba laço. Tamba ita nia realidade sira ne’e halo com que povo ida ne’e seida’uk moris hanesan ema. Tamba nia dignidade ema sei sama, nia moris seolah-olah presente de’it, áat liu tan mak nia conciência ema manipula tiha. Maluk sira! Ita nia mehi mak oin sa povo ki’ik sira hetan di’ak. Sira mos bele goja duni bem comum iha sira nia rai rasik.\nSe povo moris hakmatek, moris ho dignidade, la sofre tan injustiça. Então ita bele dehan katak situação ida ne’e sei conduz ema barak ba ars bene dicendi no ars bele leggendi, iha âmbito político assim como na esfera espiritual. Ema timoroan sira sei apressenta-an iha público nu’udar pessoa integrada no iha ethos no paathos ba nia maluk sira , iha mos prestação de serviço nebé nakonu ho paixão ba nia Nação rasik. Povo ida nebé civilizado iha fiar no cultura. Iha hanoin no comportamento, implicitamente ita bele dehan katak povo ida nebé mai housi: raça escolhida, sacerdócio real, nação santa e povo escolhido/povo conquistador (Sacrosanctum Concilium no 14), moris ho consciência crítica da Nação: atu iha nia serviço loro-loron nian, iha nia koalia “sim, sim, não, não. Tudo o que for além disto procede do espírito do mal” (Mt 5, 37). Housi bosok no Manipulação da Conciência, Salva ami Nai!\n(Roma, 4 de Abril de 2020, Tadeu DA SILVA)\nPrevious PostQuarta – Feira, Semana Santa (ANO A) Next PostHAKARAK FORMA GOVERNU, HATENE LAI NIA REKIZITU BAZE | [
"Housi bosok no Manipulacao da Conciencia, Salva ami Nai! - Diocese de Dili Diocese de Dili > NOTICIAS > REFLEXAO > Housi bosok no Manipulacao da Conciencia, Salva ami Nai!",
"Estudante Teologia iha Instituto de Filosofia e de Teologia - ISFIT Dom Jaime Garcia Goulart, Reflexao simples ida ne'e hetan inspiracao iha oracao nebe Santo Padre Francisco dirige iha dia 27 de Marco 2020 liu ba ne'e.",
"\"Dagli ingani [...] e dalla manipolazione delle coscienze, Salvaci, o Signore!",
"Oracao ida ne'e fo biban mai ha'u, maibe ha'u convida mos itabot sira, atu ita reflete hamutuk ho hanoin balu housi Teologia Politica.",
"Portanto, ha'u aviso kedas ona ida ne'e katak, teologia politica laos haruka ita atu halo politica (compete ba kaer ukun, lae!).",
"Teologia Politica (TP) la hanesan Cienica Politica (CP) nem hanesan Filosofia Politica (FP).",
"Embora antes ne'e ema dehan TP ne'e ramo ida housi FP no Teologia rasik, tamba atu hare ba aspeto comum no relacao entre religiao no politica.",
"Maibe depois de Concilio Vaaticano II sae mai, TP muda nia direcao bolu naran \"A Nova Teologia Politica\" atu estuda kona ba mudancas sociais nebe provoca housi iluminismo no marxismo hodi halo mensagem biblica sira sai tiha hanesan \"uma coisa privada\" laiha relacao ho ema nia moris.",
"Ciencia politica, filosofia politica, teologia politica.",
"Ita ba hare liu de'it sira nia diferenca, tamba laos oportuno atu ita traata iha momento ida ne'e.",
"CP koalia kona ba teoria e praica de um sistema politico, administracao publica (plano estraategico do governo, etc...), entao koalia kona ba realidade atual, impirica ho metodologica.",
"FP: estudo dos conceitos, dos fundamentos e dos modelos de atividade politica.",
"De modo mais tradicional e a descricao, projecao, teorizacao da otima repubica.",
"A busca do fundamento ultimo do poder.",
"Entao ita hare, FP e o discurso sobre o discurso.",
"Enquanto TP e discurso sobre Deus neste momento.",
"TP fo enfase ba iha \"buat nebe ha'u fiar ha'u tenke tau iha pratica.\"",
"Ou ita bele dehan buat nebe ha'u fiar (Lex Credendi), ha'u reza (Lex Orandi), ha'u celebra bebeik iha tempoestabelecido (Lex Celebrandi) depois ha'u tau/pratica iha ha'u nia moris lorloron nian (Lex Vivendi).",
"Dala ida tan, hanesan ha'u aviso ona, TP laos hanorin ita halo politica (hari partido, lae) maibe fo biban mai itasai ema nebe critico.",
"Hanesan sarani ida iha sociedade, igreja no ho historia propria ida.",
"La bele housik liu de'it quando mosu injustica, desigualdede, acto desumano,condicao desumana, la respeita malu, corrupcao, ect... ita ba contempla no reflete tok ho realidade ita nia rai doben Timor Leste nian.",
"Teologai Politica hanorin saida ba ita.",
"Teologia politica hanorin ita atu halo critica, ba buat sira nebe mak ita hare, lao lalos iha ita nia sociedade.",
"Ita critica tamba ita hare ema barak terus.",
"Ita la bele nega!",
"Ita la bele taka maatan!",
"Entao teologia politica dehan ida ne'e ita halo acto de solidariedade.",
"Ita nia critica sira funda iha ita nia knar profetica nebe ita adquire iha Sacramento Baatismo (tamba ho Sacramento Baatismo ema ida hetan knar tolu hanesan: Profeta, Nailulik no Liurai).",
"Hanesan profeta ida, laos de'it haateke ba oin (profecia/ profetiza) maibe mos fila ba kotuk hodi hare injustica, kiak, ema barak terus (iha rikusoin nia leten), ect.... hodi dehan ne'e lalos, ne'e condicao desumana.",
"Ema sira ne'e mos criatura Maromak nian.",
"Criatura umana ida nebe ho dignidade-as liu compara ho criatura sira seluk nebe Nai Maromak cria iha mundo ne'e.",
"Wainhira sarani ida halaonia knar ida ne'e, implicitamente, teologia politica dehan katak ema ne'e 'mistico-politico na sequela de Cristo'.",
"Mistico tamba mai kedas ho ninia fiar no iha duni fiar ida.",
"Fiar nu'udar sarani.",
"Fiar nebe radica iha Memoria (iha misterio de Incarnacao, paixao, morte e ressurreicao de Nosso Senhor Jesus Cristo), haburas housi Kerygma hanesan narracao nebe continua bebeik no realiza ho solidariedade \"uma so alma e um so corpo.\"",
"Nopolitico tamba tau iha pratica/ prassi.",
"Ou ita bele dehan housi Ortodoxia ba iha Ortopraxia, hodi lao tuir nafaatin Nai Jesus Cristo nia hanorin sira.",
"Tamba Nai Jesus Cristo laos hanorin ita atu odio malu, fahe malu, oho malu, ect...",
"Por ventura, tamba erro humano lia-ruma naksalak ba malu karik, normal.",
"Maibe hela nafaatin iha condicao ida ne'e, hodi hare malu hanesan inimigo, ne'e la normal.",
"Laiha tan dalan seluk, teologai politica dehan halo reconciliacao atu recupera fali ksolok nebe tertunda (hela karik), kanek sira (nebe halo moras) atu bele moris iha dame/ paz nia laran.",
"Tuir saida mak Nai Jesus Cristo rasik hanorin hela \"Ha'u nia dame hela ho imi.\"",
"Portanto, Teologia politica halo com que ema ida maduro atu tama iha sociedade no iha situacao saida de'it.",
"Laos atu taraata ema seluk, laos atu hanorin ema fahe malu, sa tan aatakamalu (hanesan labarik sira hadau malu hahan iha tempo hamlaha karik) maibe halo sociedade ida nebe iha ksolok, paz, reconciliacao, justica, etc... tuir Nai Jesus Cristo nia hanorin sira (se la sai traidor bai Evangelho).",
"Realidade ohin loron iha Timor: Entre lakon (povo ki'ik) no apvoveita (bot-sira) oportunidade Ora bem, ita sintonia oitoan ho ita nia realidade Timor nian.",
"Ita acompanha iha noticias sira hahu kedas hudi problema artes marciais e rituais.",
"Impasse politico: fo impacto ba economia rai laran hakdasak, povo barak sofre.",
"Vida social: ema lubun oan ida hare malu ho maataikun de'it.",
"Dezastresnaturais: inundacao, udan-anin sobu povo ki'ik barak nia uma no ida ikus-ikus ne'e mak COVID-19 nebe nia status ne'e sae ona ba pandemia.",
"Housi meios de comunicacao social sira la seluk la let: COVID-19 iha Nacao ida positivo hira, hira mak recuperado no liliu hira mak housik ona mundo ida ne'e.",
"Situacao ne'e halo com que, ema nia hanoin no preocupacao (em certo modo) sira sai ida de'it.",
"Hanesan los Santo Padre nia reflexao iha dia 27 de Marco 2020 liu ba ne'e: ita hotu iha barco ida de'it tamba ita hotu mesak maun alin de'it.",
"Ida la ba uluk.",
"Ida la lao tuir, maibe hot-hotu lao hamutuk ba objetivo ida de'it: combaate corona virus nebe ho nia grau naran pandemia.",
"Timor nia situcao ida ne'e, halo povo ki'ik sira lakon oportunidade barak.",
"Desemprego aumenta, mal nutricao aumenta, mosu conflito barak entre jovem sira tamba laiha servico.",
"Ema nia moris ladun favoravel atu desenvolve-an.",
"Escola barak condicao ladiak (se ita check didiak escola sira barak nia condicao aaat ne'e, bot ida nia oan nunca ba escola iha neba,) maibe nakonu ho povo simples nia oan.",
"Sira nia futuro ba nebe!",
"Aumenta tan ho impasse politico, inundacao, COVID-19 no agora ho Estado de emergencia, coitado!",
"Povo lakon oportunidade barak.",
"Maibe bot-sira moris diak hela tamba iha Orcamento duodessimo no pensao vitalicia.",
"Povo terus!",
"Bot-sira aproveita hela de'it!",
"Teologia politica hanorin ita atu halo solidariedade ho sira nia terus (mesmo que ho de'it gesto simples ida) maibe dehan liu tan, hamutuk ho sira ita triste tamba ida ne'e injustica no ita sente oprmido iha ita nia rai rasik.",
"Situacao complicada tiha ona, aumenta tan COVID-19, halo ema barak tauk no la sente seguro iha nia rai rasik.",
"Tamba noticias dehan iha Italia, Espanha, America, Indonesia, etc... ema mate loron-loron ho numero nebe mak ita la imagina.",
"Iha momento ida hanesan ne'e ema tur hodi reflete kona ba sentido de vida.",
"Moris ne'e iha duni nia valor .",
"Mesmo que, moris ne'e badak hela, maibe iha nia misterio nebe profundo no iha nia complexidade rasik.",
"Entao ema barak buka atu evita moras ida ne'e.",
"Nacao desenvolvida sira ho sira nia tecnologia avancada mos la consegue trava COVID-19 nia difusao, oinsa ho Nacao sira nebe iha hela post-conflito no sub-desenvolvida.",
"Iha momento sira ne'e duni mak, ema comeca joga ona ho nia 'fiar'.",
"To iha ponto ida, ema obriga Maromak atu halo milagre liu housi nia oracao sira.",
"Balu sai atu sai tiha hanesan anjo no santo sira, balu fali ita tau iha questao!.",
"Entre fiar ho razao hasoru realidade nebe ita descreve ona.",
"Housi loron ba loron ita nia memoria simu noticias oi-oin maibe barak liu mesak noticias falsas de'it.",
"Iha noticia balu la mai housi fonte/nara sumber nebe credivel.",
"Apesar de noticia falsa maibe lori ema barak moris iha tauk no trauma nia laran, entre noticia sira ne'e ida mak noticia kona ba COVID-19 nebe ita temi ona iha leten.",
"COVID-19 halo atividade barak iha ita nia Nacao paralizada inclui missa dominical.Missa laos ona celebra hanesan babain maibe iha nia limitacao.",
"Kona ba missa dominical nebe la celebra hanesan babain, a proposito, iha ema balu nia reacao de maneira espontanea maibe mos seria ho expressao sira: 'Amo sira mak fiar laiha uluk ona ne'e, ita sarani sira atu halo tan saida!\"Igreja la bele taka, tenke loke para sarani sira ba missa, uluk tempo funu mos ita la tauk sa tan tauk fali ba corona-virus'.",
"Embora hanesan ne'e, iha balu [...] halo fali sira nia reacao quase atu hanesan ho reacao sira iha leten: 'la bele taka missa dominical, se mate, mate hamutuk' (TP hanorin duni solidariedade, maibe neste caso, mate karik laos martir da fe, maibe mati konyol).",
"Iha sorin seluk ita rona mos expressao sira: 'ita (bot) sira ne'e mak la iha liu fiar ne'e, povo ki'ik sira iha karaik neba, sira nia fiar ne'e metin!','Ita nia Estado tenke taka fronteira sira atu evita ema lori corona-virus barak tama mai ita nia rai, ita nia hospital laiha facilidade adequada atu atende ba problema refere'.",
"Implicitamente ita hanoin dehan ema sira ne'e hatudu sira nia conciencia critica ba situacao refere, maibe no fundo sira hatudu sira nia conciencia manipulada, tamba acumula demais informacoes falsas.",
"Nia consequencia, ita nota katak balu halai iha linha \"fideismo\" nian no seluk halai iha linha \"racionalismo\" nian.",
"Sira nebe hakarak manifesta katak sira ema fiar nain hodi la tauk mate ikus mai tama tiha iha corrente fideismo nian (fideismo: fiar mak importante la tau importancia ba razao).",
"Sira nebe tau liu confianca ba iha kakutak hodi hakarak resolve problema hotu ho razao, monu tama tiha ba iha corrente racionalismo nian (racionalismo: tau liu importancia ba razao no la preocupa ho nia fiar).",
"Housi fideismo no racionalismo ba Fides quaerens intelelectum.",
"Maluk sira!",
"Corrente rua ne'e (fideismo no racionalismo) Igreja condena hotu, enquanto lao mesa-mesak.",
"Ita nia fiar hanesan don ida nebe mai housi Maromak rasik.",
"Don ida ne'e ita considera hanesan luz sobrenatural nebe mai housi Maromak rasik.",
"Fiar ida ne'e duni halo ita iha forca no iha mos esperanca hodi hasoru situacao refere.",
"Maibe ita la bele nega, ita nia razao fali hanesan luz natural nebe mak nia origem iha Maromak hotu, dehan mai ita moras ida COVID-19 ne'e daet lalais liu housi ita nia contancto sira.",
"Ita halo analisa karik dehan, ita iha fiar duni atu hasoru situacao ida ne'e, maibe ita nia razao mos dehan katak moras ida ne'e daet lais tebes, nia consequecia lori ba mate.",
"Entao ita la bele ignora katak luz natural ida nebe Maromak tau iha ita ne'e tulun ita observa, tetu depois mak halao (agir).",
"Luz natural ida ne'e tulun ita nia fiar bele funciona ho diak.",
"Maibe ita hakarak obriga-an hodi dehan 'ha'u iha fiar, ha'u ba de'it'...",
"Hahalok ida ne'e obriga Nai Maromak atu halo milagre.",
"Ita hatene katak iha Biblia se mak obriga Jesus (Maromak) atu halo milagre? [ida-idak reflete hodi fo rasik resposta ba].",
"Elemento rua ne'e sempre lao hamutuk.",
"Entao maluk sira! ita nia fiar hetan explicacao nebe racional no ita nia razao hetan suporta housi fiar atu ita la bele sai homem vazio.",
"Housi uluk kedas ita ronadoutor da igreja sira hanorin Fides quaerens intelelectum.",
"Fiar nebe han malu ho ita nia razao.",
"Povo Timor nia moris housi: Situacao (impasse politico) ba Estado de emergencia Situacao sira ita foin descreve lalais ne'e, obriga ita nia rai tenke moris iha Estado de emergencia.",
"Povo barak moris iha destraido nia laran tamba dezastres naturais seidauk resolvido aumenta tan peso seluk ida.",
"Aat liu tan mak Estado Timor hasoru hela impasse politico (dudu ba la ba, dada mai la mai), housi impasse ida ne'e implica mos ba Orcamento Geral do Estado la passa iha Parlamento Nacional.",
"Se mak terus, povo!",
"Partidos politicos sira nebe agora kaer ukun iha campanha koalia buat ida, to iha ukun halo buat seluk.",
"Entao ita reza nafaatin housi bosok no manipulacao da conciencia, salva ami Nai!",
"Mesmo que, ema sira ne'e barak mesak ema sarani nebe fiar nain de'it.",
"Em vez de halo tuir Jesus maibe imita liu mak Pilatos (ida hatudu liman ba ida, ida fase liman, laos fase liman tamba COVID-19 maibe tamba hakarak halai housi realidade no responsabilidade).",
"Los duni!",
"Ita ema naturalmente hamrok ba poder/ ukun/ dominio.",
"Ita nia rai ema (bot) barak tebes mak sarani.",
"Entao buat nebe sira fiar kal hela de'it iha fiar (Lex Credendi) la lori ba Lex Orandi, Lex Celebrandi, sa tan pratica iha moris loro-loron nian (Lex Vivendi).",
"Hela de'it iha ordodoxia la lori ba iha ortopraxia, ne'e fariseu sira mak hanesan ne'e.",
"Hahalok sira hanesan ne'e teologia politica condena makas.",
"A proposito, atu ita la bele liu let de'it, ita haksoit oitoan lai ba hare, oinsa ema ida \"hamrok\" ba poder.",
"Aate bosok ema no manipula ema nia conciencia 'mate ka moris laiha tan ona ema seluk'.",
"Embora nia (povo) terus hela maibe bele halo Com quepovo ida ne'e haluha-rai katak nia terus hela (gravemente terus hela iha nia rikusoin nia leten).",
"Ita ema qunado \"hamrok bapoder\" haluha ema seluk nia terus.",
"Ema ida quando hakarak ukun, nia bele iha keinginang berkuasa/ sede do poder, o que e importante, la bele sai apaticohodi destroe (menghancur) nia povo no nia rai rasik.",
"Maibe nia iha prudencia no domin tomak atu hametin unidade iha pluriformidade, laos unidade atu uniformiza maibe atu unifica povo hodi dehan katak ita hotu mesak mau alin de'it.",
"Ita hotu mesak timoroan de'it. ema nebe hatene lori povo ba halo buat ruma ka sai creaativo/ produtivo (homo faber no homo oeconomicus), tau importancia ba Educacao halo povo sai homo sapiens no homo intelligens, atu ema bele iha capacidade diak ba ars bene leggendi (arte de ler bem) no ars bene dicendi (arte de falar bem) iha publico no iha media social sira no iha nebe de'it nia apresenta-an ba.",
"Laos lori povo atu sai inimigo ba nia maluk (homo homini lupus).",
"Ema ida atu kaer uluk, uluk liu seiliu housi processo.",
"Sociedade mak investe (liu housi Eleicao) ba ema balu atu bele sai ukun nain.",
"Ohin loron, kanal kmok liu, mak liu housi partidos politicos (sine quo non) atu bele caca poder refere.",
"Maibe ho dalan nebe justo no legal, atu povo la bele fila harohan: Housi bosok no Manipulacao da Conciencia, Salva ami Nai!",
"Ikus liu, maluk sira...",
"Teologia politica hanorin ita atu la bele nonok hasoru realidade ida ne'e, fanu fali ita atu halo ita nia missao profetica.",
"Realidade nebe ita nia rai hasoru povo barak sei moris iha linha deextrema pobreza.",
"Ema dehan paradoxo oitoan.",
"Tamba ema Timor kiak iha rikosoin nia leten hanesan ita comenta ona iha leten.",
"Entao ita reza nafaatin: housi bosok no manipulacao da conciencia, salva ami Nai, Ema kiak nia harohan Nai rona no sadia, la hewai la hakribi, Kyrie Eleison!",
"Entao ha'u hanoin agora tempo propicio atu ita hotu aprende.",
"Los duni!",
"Ita aprende barak demais tiha ona.",
"Tamba ne'e ita buka hatudu nafatin nia missao profetica atu ema la bele bosok bebeik ita.",
"La bele fo fatin atu ema manipula tan ita nia conciencia iha tempo oin mai.",
"Maibe hatudu nafatin katak ita ne'e 'mistico-politico'.",
"Ita lakohi housik mensagem sira Nai Jesus Cristo lori mai atu lakon le'et de'it.",
"Paz, justica, reconciliacao, etc... atu ita ajuda fali ita nia maluk sira seluk iha conciencia critica atu la bele monu bebeik ba laco.",
"Tamba ita nia realidade sira ne'e halo com que povo ida ne'e seida'uk moris hanesan ema.",
"Tamba nia dignidade ema sei sama, nia moris seolah-olah presente de'it, aat liu tan mak nia conciencia ema manipula tiha.",
"Maluk sira!",
"Ita nia mehi mak oin sa povo ki'ik sira hetan di'ak.",
"Sira mos bele goja duni bem comum iha sira nia rai rasik.",
"Se povo moris hakmatek, moris ho dignidade, la sofre tan injustica.",
"Entao ita bele dehan katak situacao ida ne'e sei conduz ema barak ba ars bene dicendi no ars bele leggendi, iha ambito politico assim como na esfera espiritual.",
"Ema timoroan sira sei apressenta-an iha publico nu'udar pessoa integrada no iha ethos no paathos ba nia maluk sira , iha mos prestacao de servico nebe nakonu ho paixao ba nia Nacao rasik.",
"Povo ida nebe civilizado iha fiar no cultura.",
"Iha hanoin no comportamento, implicitamente ita bele dehan katak povo ida nebe mai housi: raca escolhida, sacerdocio real, nacao santa e povo escolhido/povo conquistador (Sacrosanctum Concilium no 14), moris ho consciencia critica da Nacao: atu iha nia servico loro-loron nian, iha nia koalia \"sim, sim, nao, nao.",
"Tudo o que for alem disto procede do espirito do mal\" (Mt 5, 37).",
"Housi bosok no Manipulacao da Conciencia, Salva ami Nai!",
"(Roma, 4 de Abril de 2020, Tadeu DA SILVA) Previous PostQuarta - Feira, Semana Santa (ANO A) Next PostHAKARAK FORMA GOVERNU, HATENE LAI NIA REKIZITU BAZE"
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"Housi bosok no Manipulacao da Conciencia, Salva ami Nai! - Diocese of Dili The diocese > NEWS & REFLEXION> HOUSI BOSOK NO MANIPULAÇÃO DA CONCIÊNCIA."
"Theology student at the Instituto de Filosofia e De Teologia - ISFIT Dom Jaime Garcia Goulart, This simple reflection was inspired by a prayer that Holy Father Francis addresses on March 27th of this year."
"\"From deceptions [...] and from the manipulation of conscience, save us O Lord!"
"This prayer is a welcome one to me, but I also invite you and us all together in order that we may reflect on some thoughts from Political Theology."
"Therefore, I have warned you from the outset that political Theology does not tell us to do politics (not compete for power!)."
"Political Theology (PT) is not the same as political science or philosophy, but it does have a lot in common with both."
"Although before people said that TP is a branch of FP and Theology itself, to look at the common aspect in relation between religions & politics."
"But after the Second Vatican Council came out, TP changed its direction called \"The New Political Theology\" to study about social changes caused by Enlightenment and Marxism that made biblical messages become a “private thing” without any relation with people’s lives."
"Political science, political philosophy and theology."
"We'll just look at their differences, because it is not appropriate for us to deal with them right now."
"CP talks about the theory and practice of a political system, public administration (government strategic plan etc...), then it speak on current reality empirical methodology."
"FP: study of the concepts, foundation and models for political activity."
"In a more traditional way and the description, projection or theoretization of an optimal republic."
"The quest for the ultimate foundation of power."
"So it will be, FP and the speech about discourse."
"While TP and speech about God at this time."
"TP emphasizes on \"what I believe, that must be put into practice.\""
"Or we can say things that I believe (Lex Credendi), pray for them, celebrate regularly at the time established by God and then practice in my daily life."
"Once again, as I've warned you before TP does not teach us how to do politics (there is no party) but rather gives a chance for critics."
"As a believer in society, church and history of its own."
"We can't be happier when there are injustices, inequality and acts of cruelty to human beings. Inhuman treatment is not respected by each other... corruption etc.... let us reflect on the reality that our beautiful country Timor-Leste faced before 1975!"
"What do political theologians teach us?"
"Political theology teaches us to be critical of what we see is going wrong in our society."
"We are critical because we see so many people suffering."
"You can't deny it!"
"We can't close the door to death!"
"So political theology says this time we are doing an act of solidarity."
"Our criticisms are based on our prophetic power that we acquire in the Sacrament of Baptism (with which a person gained three powerful gift: Prophet, Angel and Savior)."
"As a prophet, he not only looks forward (prophecy/ prophesied) but also backwards to see injustice and poverty. Many people are suffering on the heels of wealth etc.... so that it is wrong; this condition was unhuman..."
"These people are also God's creatures, and they have been created by him."
"A human creature is one of the most dignified beings that God has ever created in this world."
"When a saint does this, implicitly political theology says that he is 'a mystic-politician in Christ's footstep."
"Mystic because he came immediately with his faith and there was a true one."
"Being a believer. Fiar como'udar Sacerdote (Believe in being an apostle)."
"The faith rooted in the Memory (the mystery of Incarnation, Passion and Resurrection) is nourishing from Kerygma as a continuous narrative that realizes with solidarities \"one soul one body.\""
"Nopolitical because there is practice/ prassi."
"Or we can say from Orthodoxy to orthopraxis, following the teachings of our Lord Jesus Christ."
"Because the Lord Jesus Christ does not teach us to hate each other, divide one another and kill others etc..."
"Perhaps, because human error is a common occurrence that can lead to loss of life or property."
"But to live in this condition, seeing each other as an enemy is not normal."
"There is no other way, political theologians say reconciliation to recover lost happiness (if it exists), wounds(which cause illness) so that we can live in peace."
"According to what the Lord Jesus Christ Himself teaches, \"My peace abideth with you.\""
"Therefore, Political Theology makes a person mature to enter into society and in any situation."
"Not to hurt others, not teaching people how they should divide and attack each other (how children feed one another in times of hunger) but creating a society where there is joys peace reconciliation justice etc... according the Lord Jesus Christ' s doctrine."
"The reality of Timor today: Between loss (small people) and apvoveita opportunity Well, we are in tune with our realities."
"We follow in the news they began immediately judgment problem martial arts and ritual."
"Political impasse: it has an impact on the country's economy, many people suffer."
"Social life: a Lubun native only has fears and anxiety."
"Natural disasters: floods, heavy rains destroying many people' s homes and the most recent one is COVID-19 whose status has been elevated to a pandemic."
"From the social media and other sources: How many COVID-19 positives in a nation, how much recovered people have been found to be infecting this world."
"This situation makes that, a person's thoughts and concern (in some way) they go away."
"As the Holy Father's reflection on 27 de March of this year: we are all in one boat because, as brother and sister."
"This is not the first time."
"One is not going after the other, but all are working together for one objective: to fight corona virus with its degree called pandemic."
"This situation in Timor has caused the small people to lose many opportunities."
"Unemployment increases, malnutrition rises. There is a lot of conflict among young people because there are no jobs for them to find out how they can make money from their joblessness and poor nutritional status in the country where it occurred first time 1980-25 years ago"
"A person's life is not conducive to his development."
"Many schools are in poor conditions (if we check the details of many school's condition above, you can see that some children never went to a class there) but they were filled with simple people."
"Imagine it!"
"Where is their future going?"
"Increases so much the political impasse, floods and COVID-19 not now in a state of emergency!"
"People missed many opportunities."
"But they live well because of the Orcamento duodessimo and lifetime pensio."
"People, move!"
"They're just enjoying it!"
"Political theology teaches us to be in solidarity with their suffering (even if it's just a simple gesture) but moreover, together we mourn because this is unjust and oppressed."
"The situation has become more complicated, COVID-19 is increasing and many people are fearful or unsafe in their own country."
"Because the news says that in Italy, Spain and America people are dying every day with numbers we can't imagine."
"At such a moment, people reflect on the meaning of life."
"There is a value to life."
"Even though life is brief, it has its own profound mystery and complexity."
"That's why so many people are trying to avoid this disease."
"Developed nations with their advanced technology are also unable to stop the spread of COVID-19, as do post conflict and underdevelopment countries."
"It's in these moments that a person begin to play with his 'confidence."
"To the point that at one time, people force God to do more miracles with their prayers."
"Some go out to be like angels and saints, some we put in question!."
"Between faith and reason versus the reality we have described."
"Day by day, our memory receives all kind of news but most are just fake."
"There are some news that do not come from a credible source."
"Despite fake news but carrying many people lives in fear and trauma, among these stories is the one about COVID-19 that we mentioned above."
"COVID-19 has made many activities in our nation paralyzed including mass on Sundays. Mass is no longer celebrated as usual but with its limitations, and the churches have to be opened again for prayer at 8:30am or afternoon services (2pm)."
"Regarding the Sunday mass that is not celebrated as usual, there was a spontaneous reaction from some people but also serious with expressions like: 'The master believers haven't done it before this time. What do we faithful need to be doing now? The church cannot close down and must open up for worshippers at Mass; in times of war ourselves were still safe against corona-virus.\""
"Even so, some [...] react almost the same way as above: 'we cannot close Sunday Mass; if we die together' (TP does teach solidarity but in this case death is not a martyr of faith. It would be ridiculous)."
"On the other hand, we also hear expressions such as: 'we (bot) have no more faith in it; our little people there are stronger!' or ‘Our State must close its border to prevent many corona-virus carryers from entering us. Our hospital has not adequate facilities for dealing with this problem’.”"
"Implicitly we think that these people are showing their critical awareness of the situation, but deep down they're demonstrating manipulated consciousness because too much false information has been accumulate."
"As a consequence, we note that some follow the line of \"fideism\" and others on those lines."
"Those who wanted to demonstrate that they were believers and did not fear death eventually entered the current of fideism (fidesm: faith is important, reasons are irrelevant)."
"Those who put too much trust in the intuition to solve all problems with reason, fell into a current of rationalism (rationalism: over-emphasis on raison and disregard for faith)."
"Housi fideismo no rationalismo ba Fides quaerens intelelectum."
"Damn it!"
"Current street ne'e (fideism in rationalism) Church condemns hotu, while lao mesa-mesak."
"Our faith is a gift that comes from God Himself."
"We consider this gift as supernatural light coming from God Himself."
"This faith indeed gives us strength and hope to face the situation."
"But we cannot deny, our reason is like natural light that originates in all God and tells us the disease COVID-19 spreads faster from your contacts."
"We analyze and say, we have faith to face this situation but our reason also says that the disease is very harmful its consequence leads us death."
"So we cannot ignore that a natural light God puts in us is helping to observe, consider and then act."
"This natural light helps our faith to function well."
"But we want to force ourselves into saying 'I have faith, I'm going..."
"This situation compels the Lord to perform a miracle."
"We know that in the Bible, who forced Jesus (Mary) to perform a miracle? [each reflects and gives his own answer]."
"These two elements always go hand in hands."
"So, my dear friends! our faith has a rational explanation and reason is supported by it so that we cannot become empty men."
"From the earliest times our ancient doctors of church taught Fides quaerens intellectum."
"Trust that is at odds with our reason."
"The Timorese people's life has changed from: Situation (political impasse) to state of emergency.The situation we have just described recently, obliges our country must live in a State Of Emergency 1975-2034"
"Poor boy!"
"Many people live in distress as unresolved natural disasters add another burden."
"Moreover, the State of Timor is facing a political impasse (duda ba ou não), from which this stalemate also implies that General Budget does not pass in National Parliament."
"If you keep going, people!"
"The political parties that are now in power say one thing during the campaign and do something else when they come to rule."
"So let us pray that we will not be fooled by the manipulation of our conscience. Save me, O Mother!"
"Even though, many of these people are only believers who have been baptized."
"Instead of following Jesus, they imitated Pilate (one pointing his hand to the other and giving a kiss; not kissing because COVID-19 but trying for an escape from reality)."
"Los duni!"
"We human beings naturally tend toward power/rule /domination."
"Our country has a lot of converted people."
"So what they believe is only a matter of faith (Lex Credendi) and does not lead to Lex Orandi, lex Celebrandi or practice in everyday life."
"Going just into orthodoxia does not lead to ortopraxis, that is the Pharisees."
"Such behaviour is strongly condemned by political theology."
"By the way, so we can't just go over it a little bit too quickly. Let us look at how one person gets \"in\" to power:"
"They deceive people and manipulate their consciences 'no one else is alive or dead'."
"Though it (the people) is suffering but can make Com quepovo this forget-ray that they are still struggling."
"We \"power-hungry\" people forget about the suffering of others."
"When a person wants to rule, he may have the desire for power/seek of authority. What is important hereis that they cannot become apathetic and destroy their own people or land (destroying them)."
"But he had all the prudence and love to strengthen unity in diversity, not a unit that would uniformize but one people saying we are only brothers."
"We are all only people of Timor-Leste. People who know how to lead the population into doing something or becoming creative/ productive (homo faber and homo oeconomicus), give importance on Education, make a human being become Homo Sapiens & Human intelligence so that one can have good skills in ars bene leggendi(the art for reading well)and Arse Bene Dicentin't: The Art Of Speaking Well In Public And On Social Media Wherever He Presented Himself"
"Laos leads people to become enemies of their fellow human being (homo homini lupus)."
"A person to be arrested first, before he is seized from the process."
"Society invests (rather than through elections) in some people to become rulers."
"Nowadays, the smallest channel is through political parties (sine qua non) to get power."
"But in a just and legal way, so that the people can not return to pray: From lies of Manipulation Conscience Save us Mother!"
"So, my dear friends..."
"Political theology teaches us not to ignore this reality, but rather encourages ourselves in carrying out a prophetic mission."
"The reality that our country faces is many people will live on the line of extreme poverty."
"The woman says the eighth paradox."
"Because the poor Timorese are at their richest as we have commented above."
"So let us pray in this way: From lies and manipulation of conscience, save me O Mother; Hear the poor's pleas And heal them. Forsake not falsehood! Kyrie Eleison!!"
"So I think now is a good time for us all to learn."
"Los duni!"
"You have learned too much."
"Therefore, we seek to show again his prophetic message so that people can not continue lying."
"We cannot allow people to manipulate our consciousness in the future."
"But it also shows that we are 'mystico-politico'."
"We don't want the messages that Our Lady Jesus Christ brought to be lost in a moment."
"Peace, justice and reconciliation... so that we can help our fellow human beings to have a critical conscience in order not always falling into the trap."
"Because our realities they make this people not live as human beings."
"Because his dignity as a human being is equal, he lives only in the present and worse still: people have manipulated its conscience."
"Damn it!"
"Our desire is for the good of our little people."
"They can also enjoy the common good in their own land."
"If people live fairly, with dignity they do not suffer so much injustice."
"So we can say that this situation will lead many people to ars bene dicendi and aars bele leggendi, in the political as well on spiritual sphere."
"The people of Timor-Leste will present themselves in public as integrated persons with an ethos and a passion for their fellow citizens, providing service filled by the love to his or her own nation."
"A civilized people has faith and culture."
"In thought and behavior, implicitly we can say that a people which comes from: the chosen race (rasa escolhida), royal priesthood(sacerdocio real) holy nation/chosen / conqueror folks lived with critical consciousness of Nation; in its daily service it spoke \"yes yes no\""
"Everything else is from the spirit of evil\" (Mt.5:37)."
"Housi bosok no Manipulacao da Consciencia, Save me Mother!"
"(Rome, April 4th.2019) Previous PostWednesday of the Holy Week in Ordinary Time Year A Next postHAKARAK FORMA GOVERNU: THE WAY TO GOVERN WILL NOT REQUIRE YOUR PARTICIPATION"
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KAK Rejista Kazu Korrupsaun Barak husi Instituisaun Estadu\nTempotimor (Dili)- Tuir relatóriu Komisaun Anti Korupsaun (KAK), hatudu katak, kazu korrupsaun ne'ebé rejistu maka komete husi autoridade sira iha instituisaun estadu nian.\nKAK Hamosu Tan Planu Prioridade tolu iha OJE 2021\nTempotimor (Dili)-Komisaun Anti Korrupsaun (KAK) deside hamosu tan planu prioridade tolu liu-husi Proposta Orsamentu Jerál Estadu (OJE) tinan fiskál 2021, tanba konsidera importante ba seitór justisa iha Timor-Leste (TL).\nKAK sei “Investiga” Programa Sesta Bázika\nTempotimor (Dili)-Komisaun Anti Korrupsaun (KAK) sei halo investigasaun ba “Programa Sesta Bázika husi governu, atu bele hatene tuir kona-ba programa ne’e rasik to’o duni povu ka la’e.\nPN Aprova MPKK Ba Finál Globál Ho Unanimidade\nTempotimor (Dili) - Medida Prevensaun no Kombate Korupsaun (MPKK), ne'ebé altera husi Lei Anti Korrupsaun (LAK) hetan ona aprovasaun finál globál husi Parlamentu Nasional ho votu unanimidade ho rezultadu votasaun afavor 61 kontra no abstensaun laiha.\nTempotimor (Díli)- Tuir Komisáriu Komisaun Anti Korupsaun (KAK), Sergio Hornai katak iha tinan 2019 bazeia ba relatóriu anuál, mak KAK rejista ona kazu 73 Husi instituisaun sanulu ne'e, kazu 43 mak Investigadu ona.\nPN Budu LAK, PR Lú Olo Husu Aselera\nTempotimor (Dili) - Prezidente Repúblika liuhusi selebrasaun aniversáriu Komisaun Anti Korrupsaun (KAK) ba tinan 10, husu atu deputadu sira iha Parlamentu Nasionál atu aselera lalais aprovasaun ba Lei Anti Korupasaun (LAK).\nPovu Ho Média Halo KAK Forte\nTempotimor (Dili) – Komisáriu Komisaun Anti Korrupsaun (KAK), Sergio Hornay rekoñese ho povu no média iha ninia sorin, nia sente forte lidera KAK hodi redúz korrupsaun iha Timor-Leste. | [
"KAK Rejista Kazu Korrupsaun Barak husi Instituisaun Estadu Tempotimor (Dili) - Tuir relatoriu Komisaun Anti Korupsaun (KAK), hatudu katak, kazu korrupsaun ne'ebe rejistu maka komete husi autoridade sira iha instituisaun estadu nian.",
"KAK Hamosu Tan Planu Prioridade tolu iha OJE 2021 Tempotimor (Dili) -Komisaun Anti Korrupsaun (KAK) deside hamosu tan planu prioridade tolu liu-husi Proposta Orsamentu Jeral Estadu (OJE) tinan fiskal 2021, tanba konsidera importante ba seitor justisa iha Timor-Leste (TL).",
"KAK sei \"Investiga\" Programa Sesta Bazika Tempotimor (Dili) -Komisaun Anti Korrupsaun (KAK) sei halo investigasaun ba \"Programa Sesta Bazika husi governu, atu bele hatene tuir kona-ba programa ne'e rasik to'o duni povu ka la'e.",
"PN Aprova MPKK Ba Final Global Ho Unanimidade Tempotimor (Dili) - Medida Prevensaun no Kombate Korupsaun (MPKK), ne'ebe altera husi Lei Anti Korrupsaun (LAK) hetan ona aprovasaun final global husi Parlamentu Nasional ho votu unanimidade ho rezultadu votasaun afavor 61 kontra no abstensaun laiha.",
"Tempotimor (Dili) - Tuir Komisariu Komisaun Anti Korupsaun (KAK), Sergio Hornai katak iha tinan 2019 bazeia ba relatoriu anual, mak KAK rejista ona kazu 73 Husi instituisaun sanulu ne'e, kazu 43 mak Investigadu ona.",
"PN Budu LAK, PR Lu Olo Husu Aselera Tempotimor (Dili) - Prezidente Republika liuhusi selebrasaun aniversariu Komisaun Anti Korrupsaun (KAK) ba tinan 10, husu atu deputadu sira iha Parlamentu Nasional atu aselera lalais aprovasaun ba Lei Anti Korupasaun (LAK).",
"Povu Ho Media Halo KAK Forte Tempotimor (Dili) - Komisariu Komisaun Anti Korrupsaun (KAK), Sergio Hornay rekonese ho povu no media iha ninia sorin, nia sente forte lidera KAK hodi reduz korrupsaun iha Timor-Leste."
] | [
"Tempotimor (Dili) - According to the Anti-Corruption Commission's report, it shows that most of corruption cases registered were committed by officials in state institutions. The commission also found a significant increase from 2014 when only one case was reported against an official at any institutional level and therefore nobody has been charged with such crime or misdemeanor since then"
"Tempotimor (Dili) – The Anti-Corruption Commission has decided to create three new priority plans in the Proposed General State Budget for fiscal year 2019, because it considers them important and necessary. These are: Justice Sector Development Plan; Criminal Procedure Reform Program of Timor Leste"
"Tempotimor (Dili) - The Anti-Corruption Commission will investigate the government's \"Sesta Bázika Program\" in order to find out whether it has actually benefited people or not."
"Tempotimor (Dili) - Measures to Prevent and Combat Corruption, as amended by the Anti-Corrupt Law have received final global approval from National Parliament with a unanimous vote of 61 in favour against none abstaining."
"Tempotimor (Dili) - According to Anti-Corruption Commission Commissioner, Sergio Hornai that in 2019 based on annual reports the commission has registered cases of corruption totaling seventy three. Of these eleven institutions only fourteen have been investigated and one case is still under prosecutor' s custody"
"Tempotimor (Dili) - The President of the Republic, Lu Olo during celebration for 10th anniversary Anti-Corruptions Commission’s(KAK), asked that MP in National Parliament to speed up approval and adoption by parliamentary committee on anti corruption law."
"Tempotimor (Dili) - Anti-Corruption Commission Commissioner Sergio Hornay acknowledged that with the people and media behind him, he feels strong enough to lead an anti corruption commission in Timor Leste. He said: \"I am proud of my work as a member for 20 years.\""
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Durante EE Dahuluk, AIFAESA Submete Kazu 14 ba MP | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste\nVARANDA EKONOMIA Durante EE Dahuluk, AIFAESA Submete Kazu 14 ba MP\nDILI, 22 maiu 2020 (TATOLI) – Diretór Operasaun Autoridade Inspesaun no Fiskalizasaun Atividade Ekonómika Sanitária no Alimentár, Institutu Públiku (AIFAESA,IP), Gabriel da Costa, informa durante implementasaun Estadu Emerjénsia (EE) faze dahuluk, AIFAESA submete keixa hamutuk 14 ba Ministériu Públiku (MP).\n“Estadu Emerjénsia dahuluk, ami prosesa kazu hamutuk 20 iha Dili de’it la inklui iha Baucau no husi kazu hirak ne’e, kazu hamutuk 14 maka hatama ona ba Ministériu Públiku”, dehan Dirijente ne’e ba Agência Tatoli iha ninia knaar fatin, Villa Verde, sesta ne’e.\nNia adianta, kazu ne’ebé AIFAESA prosesa hodi submete ba MP, kuaze ho tipu ne’ebé komete hasa’e folin sasán nesesidade báziku a’as durante implementasaun EE.\n“Husi kazu hirak ne’e, maiora husi loja fa’an sasán hanesan maskára ho folin a’as inklui sasán sira seluk, nune’e mós ho loja no farmásia sira ne’ebé fa’an nesesidade bázika hanesan mina, foos”, nia haktuir.\nTuir Diretór ne’e, kona-ba koema ba kestaun hasa’e folin presiza haree didi’ak tuir lei 24/2017 iha situasaun COVID-19 no EE bainhira operadór ekonomia inventa sasan, tanba aktu ne’e konsidera hanesan krime, maibé ninia koema tenke bazeia lei 24/2017.\n“Situasan COVID-19 no Estadu Emerjénsia, ema hotu hela iha uma nune’e mosu loja no farmásia balun hasa’e folin, liuliu ami-nia kontrolu detekta katak folin foos no máskara sira hasa’e folin. Ida-ne’e krime, tanba ne’e ami hamutuk ho Polísia Nasionál Servisu Investigasaun Kriminál (PNSIK) halo apreensaun ba loja sira“, nia akresenta.\nNia konsidera, prátika aproveitamentu hasa’e folin sasán, hatodan maluk seluk no ida-ne’e krime.\n“Ba aktu ne’e rasik sei tama kadeia tinan tolu ka selu multa $1.000 to’o $30.000. Tanba konsidera krime ami tenke submete iha parte Ministériu Públiku, nune’e bele hatutan ba Tribunál hodi deside dehan empreza ne’e komete krime ka lae, entaun aplika koema no posibilidade bele tama kadeia”,nia subliña.\nEntertantu, iha períodu EE faze daruak, AIFAESA simu reklamasaun hamutuk 12 iha Dili.\n“Durante Estadu Emerjénsia daruak, buat hotu ami kontrola ho di’ak no sasán nesesidade báziku husi operadór ekonomia sira la hasa’e folin, maibé ami simu reklamasaun 12 ne’ebé la’ós ba kazu folin nesesidade bázika maibé iha kompañia ne’ebé oferese hahan iha kuarentena ne’ebé dalaruma a’at, balun ular iha laran no agora daudaun ami-nia parte jurídiku hala’o hela prosesu ba kazu ne’e rasik”, Gabriel salienta.\nIha mós keixa husi konsumidór husi supermekadu xinez balun iha parte Manleuna, ne’ebé maka fa’an ikan dodok.\n“Prosesu sira ne’e, parte AIFAESA husi Departamentu Operasaun submete ona ba parte juríku atu haree”, nia realsa.\nPrevious articleFulan Lima Nia Laran, Kompañia 11 Komete Infrasaun no Selu Multa $10.300\nNext articleTR Husu Klarifikasaun Molok Halo Fiskalizasaun ba “Polémika” Destituisaun PPN | [
"Durante EE Dahuluk, AIFAESA Submete Kazu 14 ba MP | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA EKONOMIA Durante EE Dahuluk, AIFAESA Submete Kazu 14 ba MP DILI, 22 maiu 2020 (TATOLI) - Diretor Operasaun Autoridade Inspesaun no Fiskalizasaun Atividade Ekonomika Sanitaria no Alimentar, Institutu Publiku (AIFAESA,IP), Gabriel da Costa, informa durante implementasaun Estadu Emerjensia (EE) faze dahuluk, AIFAESA submete keixa hamutuk 14 ba Ministeriu Publiku (MP).",
"\"Estadu Emerjensia dahuluk, ami prosesa kazu hamutuk 20 iha Dili de'it la inklui iha Baucau no husi kazu hirak ne'e, kazu hamutuk 14 maka hatama ona ba Ministeriu Publiku,\" dehan Dirijente ne'e ba Agencia Tatoli iha ninia knaar fatin, Villa Verde, sesta ne'e.",
"Nia adianta, kazu ne'ebe AIFAESA prosesa hodi submete ba MP, kuaze ho tipu ne'ebe komete hasa'e folin sasan nesesidade baziku a'as durante implementasaun EE.",
"\"Husi kazu hirak ne'e, maiora husi loja fa'an sasan hanesan maskara ho folin a'as inklui sasan sira seluk, nune'e mos ho loja no farmasia sira ne'ebe fa'an nesesidade bazika hanesan mina, foos,\" nia haktuir.",
"Tuir Diretor ne'e, kona-ba koema ba kestaun hasa'e folin presiza haree didi'ak tuir lei 24/2017 iha situasaun COVID-19 no EE bainhira operador ekonomia inventa sasan, tanba aktu ne'e konsidera hanesan krime, maibe ninia koema tenke bazeia lei 24/2017.",
"\"Situasan COVID-19 no Estadu Emerjensia, ema hotu hela iha uma nune'e mosu loja no farmasia balun hasa'e folin, liuliu ami-nia kontrolu detekta katak folin foos no maskara sira hasa'e folin.",
"Ida-ne'e krime, tanba ne'e ami hamutuk ho Polisia Nasional Servisu Investigasaun Kriminal (PNSIK) halo apreensaun ba loja sira,\" nia akresenta.",
"Nia konsidera, pratika aproveitamentu hasa'e folin sasan, hatodan maluk seluk no ida-ne'e krime.",
"\"Ba aktu ne'e rasik sei tama kadeia tinan tolu ka selu multa $1.000 to'o $30.000.",
"Tanba konsidera krime ami tenke submete iha parte Ministeriu Publiku, nune'e bele hatutan ba Tribunal hodi deside dehan empreza ne'e komete krime ka lae, entaun aplika koema no posibilidade bele tama kadeia,\"nia sublina.",
"Entertantu, iha periodu EE faze daruak, AIFAESA simu reklamasaun hamutuk 12 iha Dili.",
"\"Durante Estadu Emerjensia daruak, buat hotu ami kontrola ho di'ak no sasan nesesidade baziku husi operador ekonomia sira la hasa'e folin, maibe ami simu reklamasaun 12 ne'ebe la'os ba kazu folin nesesidade bazika maibe iha kompania ne'ebe oferese hahan iha kuarentena ne'ebe dalaruma a'at, balun ular iha laran no agora daudaun ami-nia parte juridiku hala'o hela prosesu ba kazu ne'e rasik,\" Gabriel salienta.",
"Iha mos keixa husi konsumidor husi supermekadu xinez balun iha parte Manleuna, ne'ebe maka fa'an ikan dodok.",
"\"Prosesu sira ne'e, parte AIFAESA husi Departamentu Operasaun submete ona ba parte juriku atu haree,\" nia realsa.",
"Previous articleFulan Lima Nia Laran, Kompania 11 Komete Infrasaun no Selu Multa $10.300 Next articleTR Husu Klarifikasaun Molok Halo Fiskalizasaun ba \"Polemika\" Destituisaun PPN"
] | [
"During the State of Emergency (EE Dahuluk), AIFAESA Submitted a Total Of Fourteen Cases To The Public Prosecutor’S Office | TIMOR HEADLINE ECONOMIC NEWS Timor-Leste News Agency VARANDA EKOMUNIKASAUN Dili, May.23rd - Gabriel da Costa is Director Operational at Authority for Inspection and Fiscalization in Economic Activities Sanitary & Food Institute(AIPAEA) informing that during implementation phase one state emergency period there were foureen cases submission by IAFAEAS to MP which are all related with food safety issues such as:"
"\"During the first state of emergency, we processed 20 cases in Dili alone not including Baucau and from these case totals there are now fourteen that have been submitted to Public Prosecutor' s Office (MP),\" he told Agência Tatoli at his office location Villa Verde on Saturday."
"He said that the cases processed by AIFAESA for submission to MP are almost all of those committed in connection with price increases on basic commodities during EU implementation."
"\"From these cases, the majority of shops were selling items such as masks with high prices and other good. The same was true for those stores or pharmacies that sold basic necessity products like oil (petrol), food etc.\""
"According to the Director, regarding penalties for price increases need careful consideration under law 24/17 in situation of COVID-09 and EE when economic operator invent things because this act is considered as a crime but its penalty must be based on Law."
"\"During the COVID-19 situation and state of emergency, everyone is staying at home so there are some shops or pharmacies raising prices. In particular our controls detected that food products such as flour & mask have increased in price.\""
"This is a crime, so together with the National Police Criminal Investigation Service (PNSIK), we have seized these shops,” he added."
"He considers that the practice of exploitation raises prices, harassment and this is a crime."
"\"For the act itself will be imprisonment for three years or a fine of $1,025 to 349.687 dollars.\""
"Because we consider that the crime must be submitted to Public Prosecutor's Office, so it can proceed in court and decide whether or not this company has commised a criminal offence. Therefore applying penalty money with possibility for imprisonment\", she emphasizes .\""
"Meanwhile, in the second phase of EE period AIFAESA received 12 complaints from Dili."
"\"During the second state of emergency, we controlled everything well and basic necessities from economic operators did not increase prices. However 12 complaint were received which are in no way related to price rises but concerning companies offering food during quarantine that often increased their costs; some have been held there for a while now our legal department is pursue this case itself\", Gabriel emphasizes"
"There have also been complaints from customers of some Chinese supermarket in Manleuna, which sell dolphin fish."
"\"AIFAESA's Operation Department has submitted these cases to the legal department for review,\" he said."
"Previous articleFor Five Years, Eleven Companies Commit Infractions and Pay a Fine of $10.3 million Next artikelTR Ask for Clarification Before Prosecuting the \"Polemic\" over PPN Dismissal"
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SEAK ho nia Defensor\nEis-SEAK Hetan Pena Suspensaun Tinan Tolu Featured\nTuir Defensór Públiku, Rui Guterres, ne’ebé fó apoiu asisténsia legál ba arguida hateten, faktu ne’ebé Ministériu Públiku akuza arguida ho krime tolu hanesan krime Pekulatu, aplika prizaun tinan 2, krime administrasaun neglijente kastigu fulan 6 no krime abuzu podér, prizaun tinan ida.\nMaibé husi tipu krime tolu ne’e tribunál aplika pena úniku ba arguida ho pena prizaun tinan 3 suspensaun.\nNune’e mós defeza esplika, kona-ba osan indenizasaun, antes ne’e arguida devolve ona osan ho montante rihun rua nulu resin rua, atus hitu lima nulu USD $22.750 ba Estadu no sei deve ka seidauk fó hamutuk rihun rua nolu resin hitu, atus hitu, sia nulu, USD $27.790, ne’ebé tribunál fó prazu durante tinan rua atu entrega hotu.\nKuandu iha tinan rua nia laran, arguida Maria Isabel labele devolve osan restu ho montante rihun rua nulu resin hitu, atus hitu sia nulu USD $27.790 maka sei kumpre pena efetiva iha prizaun durante tinan tolu.\nEnkuantu, kona-ba rekursu, defeza sei konfirma desizaun sira ne’e ba arguida, katak nia rasik aseita ka simu desizaun entaun la presiza halo rekursu, maibé kuandu la simu mak prazu loron 15 nia laran, parte defeza sei hato’o rekursu ba tribunál ne’ebé aas liu.\nArguida nia-deklarasaun ikus ba tribunál hato’o arrependimentu, liu-liu ba kazu ne’ebé komete hanesan kazu pekulatu no partisipasaun ekonomia no negósiu.\nAntes ne’e, iha alegasaun finál Ministériu Públiku husu ba tribunál atu aplika pena prizaun Tinan ualu (8) no selu indenizasaun ba Estadu ho montante rihun neen resin ualu, atus haat, haat nulu resin rua USD $68.442.\nProkuradór, Jacinto Babo, konsidera arguida nia hahalok ne’e la administra no ezekuta orsamentu ne’ebé dispoin atu organiza prezensa Timor-Leste nian iha Expo Koreia, ho kuidadu no dilijénsia ne’ebé ezije kargu no osan públiku no bele kauza ba Estadu prejuizu ho montante rihun sia, atus ida ualu nulu resin neen USD $9.186 no gastu ba kustu produtu lokál kuaze rihun rua nulu resin ualu, atus haat neen nulu USD $28.460.\nTotál fó prejuizu ba Estadu rihun neen resin ualu, atus haat rua nulu resin rua USD$ 68.422. Ministériu Públiku haree arguida viola nia-devér sira ho legalidade imparsialidade no boa administrasaun ba bens públiku tuir nia-guarda hodi hetan benefísiu ekonómiku ilejítimu ba Estadu.\nDesizaun Tribunál nian prezide husi juis koletivu, Francisca Cabral, José Maria de Araújo, Maria Solana, Ministériu Públiku reprezenta husi prokuradór Jacinto Babo no arguida hetan asisténsia legál husi Defensór Públiku, Rui Guterres.\nMore in this category: « Ekipa Tranzisaun RAEOA ne’ebé Kria Konfuzaun Fulan ne’e, Tenke Reintegra Komunidade Leorema »\n/Eis-SEAK Hetan Pena Suspensaun Tinan Tolu | [
"SEAK ho nia Defensor Eis-SEAK Hetan Pena Suspensaun Tinan Tolu Featured Tuir Defensor Publiku, Rui Guterres, ne'ebe fo apoiu asistensia legal ba arguida hateten, faktu ne'ebe Ministeriu Publiku akuza arguida ho krime tolu hanesan krime Pekulatu, aplika prizaun tinan 2, krime administrasaun neglijente kastigu fulan 6 no krime abuzu poder, prizaun tinan ida.",
"Maibe husi tipu krime tolu ne'e tribunal aplika pena uniku ba arguida ho pena prizaun tinan 3 suspensaun.",
"Nune'e mos defeza esplika, kona-ba osan indenizasaun, antes ne'e arguida devolve ona osan ho montante rihun rua nulu resin rua, atus hitu lima nulu USD $22.750 ba Estadu no sei deve ka seidauk fo hamutuk rihun rua nolu resin hitu, atus hitu, sia nulu, USD $27.790, ne'ebe tribunal fo prazu durante tinan rua atu entrega hotu.",
"Kuandu iha tinan rua nia laran, arguida Maria Isabel labele devolve osan restu ho montante rihun rua nulu resin hitu, atus hitu sia nulu USD $27.790 maka sei kumpre pena efetiva iha prizaun durante tinan tolu.",
"Enkuantu, kona-ba rekursu, defeza sei konfirma desizaun sira ne'e ba arguida, katak nia rasik aseita ka simu desizaun entaun la presiza halo rekursu, maibe kuandu la simu mak prazu loron 15 nia laran, parte defeza sei hato'o rekursu ba tribunal ne'ebe aas liu.",
"Arguida nia-deklarasaun ikus ba tribunal hato'o arrependimentu, liu-liu ba kazu ne'ebe komete hanesan kazu pekulatu no partisipasaun ekonomia no negosiu.",
"Antes ne'e, iha alegasaun final Ministeriu Publiku husu ba tribunal atu aplika pena prizaun Tinan ualu (8) no selu indenizasaun ba Estadu ho montante rihun neen resin ualu, atus haat, haat nulu resin rua USD $68.442.",
"Prokurador, Jacinto Babo, konsidera arguida nia hahalok ne'e la administra no ezekuta orsamentu ne'ebe dispoin atu organiza prezensa Timor-Leste nian iha Expo Koreia, ho kuidadu no dilijensia ne'ebe ezije kargu no osan publiku no bele kauza ba Estadu prejuizu ho montante rihun sia, atus ida ualu nulu resin neen USD $9.186 no gastu ba kustu produtu lokal kuaze rihun rua nulu resin ualu, atus haat neen nulu USD $28.460.",
"Total fo prejuizu ba Estadu rihun neen resin ualu, atus haat rua nulu resin rua USD$ 68.422.",
"Ministeriu Publiku haree arguida viola nia-dever sira ho legalidade imparsialidade no boa administrasaun ba bens publiku tuir nia-guarda hodi hetan benefisiu ekonomiku ilejitimu ba Estadu.",
"Desizaun Tribunal nian prezide husi juis koletivu, Francisca Cabral, Jose Maria de Araujo, Maria Solana, Ministeriu Publiku reprezenta husi prokurador Jacinto Babo no arguida hetan asistensia legal husi Defensor Publiku, Rui Guterres.",
"More in this category: \" Ekipa Tranzisaun RAEOA ne'ebe Kria Konfuzaun Fulan ne'e, Tenke Reintegra Komunidade Leorema \" /Eis-SEAK Hetan Pena Suspensaun Tinan Tolu"
] | [
"According to the Public Defender Rui Guterres, who supported legal assistance for defendants said that facts in which public prosecution charged accuses with three crime as a criminal offence such corruption applied 2 years' imprisonment; negligent administration punishments six months and abuse Of Power one year. SEAK And His Advocate Former-SEAK Get Three Year Suspension Penalty"
"Of these three offences, the court imposed a single sentence of 3 years' imprisonment suspended for each defendant."
"Likewise, the defense explained that with regard to compensation payments in advance of this timeframe she had returning two thousand nine hundred and seventy five dollars USD $23.750 as a total amount owed or not yet paid by herself for which it was given due period during 18 months (two years)."
"If within two years, the defendant Maria Isabel fails to repay a remaining amount of USD $27.890 she will serve her effective sentence in prison for three months and then be released from custody on 31st December"
"As for appeal, the defence will confirm these decisions to defendants that they themselves accept or have accepted them and therefore do not need an appellate; but if this isn't done within 15 days of receiving a written notice from their lawyer (or court), then it can file its complaint with higher tribunal."
"The defendant's final statement to the court expressed remorse, particularly for such offences as embezzlement and economic participation in business."
"Earlier, in its final pleading the Public Prosecutor's Office requested that court impose a prison sentence of eight (8) years and pay compensation to State for an amount totaling nineteen thousand eighty-four hundred fourty two USD $69.402"
"Prosecutor, Jacinto Babo considers the defendant' s behaviour as not managing and executing budget available to organize Timor-Leste presence at Expo Korea with carefulness that require public money. He could cause State damage in amount of nine thousand one hundred seventy six USD $9186; expenses for local products almost two million twenty five millions four cent eighteen dollars or nearly US$27450"
"The total damage caused to the State is six hundred and seventy-four thousand two cents USD$ 68,421."
"The Public Prosecution found the defendant to have violated her duties of legality, impartiality and good administration with respect for public property under his custody in order that she might obtain an illegitimate economic advantage."
"The decision of the Court was presided over by a panel judges, Francisca Cabral; Jose Maria de Araujo and María Solana. Public Prosecution is representing Jacinto Babo as prosekutor while defendants are assistd in their legal case from Defensor Público (Public Advocate), Rui Guterres"
"More in this category: \" RAEOA Transition Team That Created Confusion, Must Reintegrate Leorema Community\" /Eis-SEAK Decides Three Years Suspension Penalty"
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Quinta-Feira, XIX Semana iha Tempo Comum – Diocese de Dili\nDiocese de Dili > NOTÍCIAS > LETURA DIÁRIA > Quinta-Feira, XIX Semana iha Tempo Comum\nQuinta-Feira, XIX Semana iha Tempo Comum\nPosted on: August 18, 2018 by: Departamento Comunicação Diocese Dili\nPrimeira Leitura Ez. 12. 1-12\nNa’i nia lia tun mai ha’u nune’e: “Emar nia oan, ó hôrik iha ema laran áat sira nia leet. Sira iha matan atu haré, maibe la haré, iha tilun atu rona, maibe la rona, darasaan ida nebe tuir de’it dalan áat. Ó, emar nia oan, hadi’a sasan ruma hodi la’o ba rai seluk, iha loron atu sira bele haré. Ó sei sai housi sira oin hodi ba fatin seluk. Nune’e karik, sira bele hatene tuir katak sira tuir duni dalan áat. Hadi’a ó nia sasan hanesan ema la’o rai ida iha loron atu sira bele haré ó; ó sei sai housi sira oin iha loro-kraik hanesan ema la’o rai. Uanhira sira haré hela, ó halo ku’ak ida iha didin atu sira bele haré, no ó sai housi ku’ak ne’e iha sira oin, tau sasan iha ó nia kbás hodi sai iha nakukun. Ó sei taka oin atu ó la bele haré rai neba, basá, housi ó Ha’u sei halo sinal ida ba uma-kain Israel nian”.\nHa’u halo tuir lolós ordem nebe ha’u simu. Ha’u hadi’a ha’u nia sasan iha loron, hanesan sasan ema la’o rai nian. Iha loro-kraik ha’u halo ku’ak iha didin ho liman hodi sai iha nakukun, tau sasan iha kbás atu sira bele haré.\nIha dadersan tuir mai, Na’i lia tun mai ha’u nune’e: “Emar nia oan, uma-kain Israel nian, ema hirak nebe tuir dalan áat, la husu ba ó: ‘Sá mak ó halo?’ Ó sei dehan ba sira: ‘Na’i Maromak ko’alia nune’e: Lia todan ida ne’e hato’o ba ema nebe ukun iha Jerusalém no iha uma-kain tomak Israel nian.’ Ó ko’alia ba sira nune’e: ‘Ha’u mak nu’udar sinal ida ba imi. Hanesan ha’u halo, nune’e ema sei halo mós ba imi; ema sei lori sai imi moris dadur iha rai seluk. Ema be ukun sira, sei tau nia sasan ba kbás iha nakukun laran atu lori hodi liu housi didin ku’ak nebe halo tiha ona; nia sei taka metin nia oin, atu la bele haré rain ho nia matan rasik.”’\nSalmo Responsorial Sal. 77(78). 56-57, 58-59, 61-62(R. cf. 7c)\nRefrão : Keta haluhan Na’i Nia hahalok sira!!! Repete-se\nSira koko Maromak be leten áas ba,\nSira la halo tuir Nia ukunfuan;\nSira fila kotuk hanesan sira aman sira,\nHanesan rama oan ida, lakon sira dalan. Refrão\nSira hamoris Nia hirus\nHo sira nia maromak falso, sunu Na’i nia laran.\nMaromak haré sira, Nia laran nakali tebes,\nHodi hakribi tebes Israel. Refrão\nNia husik sira nia asua’in sira ba dadur,\nNo Nia glória iha funu baluk sira liman;\nNia saran Nia povo ba mate ho surik,\nLaran nakali hasouru Nia liman-rohan. Refrão.\nEvangelho Mt. 18. 21-19. 1\nIha tempo neba, Pedro hakbesik ba Nia hodi dehan: “Na’i, ha’u nia maun eh alin sala hasouru ha’u karik, ha’u sei perdua nia dala hira? To’o dala hitu?” Jesus hau hatan ba nia: “Hau dehan ba ó: la’os to’o dala hitu, maibe to’o hitu nulu dala hitu.\n“Tan ne’e, reino lalehan nian hanesan liurai ida nebe hakarak sisi tusan ba nia atan sira. Uanhira nia hahu sisi, sira lori mai ema ida nebe iha tusan osan rihun sanulu. Tan nia laiha buat ida hofi selu, liurai haruka fa’an tiha nia ho nia féen, nia oan sira ho nia rikusoi sira hotu atu selu nia tusan. Atan ne’e monu ain ba nia hodi dehan: ‘Paciencia uitoan ho ha’u, ha’u sei fó fali tusan hotu ba ó.’ Tan hanoin nia, atan ne’e nia nai husik nia ba hodi kasu nia tusan. Uainhira atan ne’e sai housi neba, nia hetan nia maluk ida nebe debe nia osan oan atus ida. Kaer tiha maluk nia, nia buti metin nia kakorok dehan: selu ó nia tusan ba!’ Nia maluk monu ain ba nia hodi harohan: ‘Paciencia uitoan ho ha’u, ha’u sei fó fali tusan hotu ba ó.’ Maibe nia lakoi sadi’a nia hodi haruka maluk ne’e ba dadur laran to’o nia selu nia tusan hotu. Nia maluk atan sira seluk haré tiha buat ne’e, ho neon susar ba haktuir ba sira na’i buat hotu nebe mosu. Tuir mai, sira nia na’i haruka bolu nia hodi dehan ba nia:’ Atan áat, ha’u kasu tiha ó tusan tomak tan ó husu ha’u; ó labele hanoin ó nia maluk atan hanesan ha’u hanoin ó?” Hafoin, hodi hirus, na’i fó nia ba dadur na’in sira to’o nia selu nia tusan hotu. Imi ida-idak la perdua ho laran imi nia maun alin karik, Ha’u Aman iha lalehan sei halo mós nune’e ba imi.”\nKoalia hotu tiha, Jesus husik Galileia hodi la’o ba rai Judeia, iha Jordão nia sorin balun ba.\nPrevious PostQuarta-Feira, XIX Semana iha Tempo Comum Next PostSexta-Feira, XIX Semana Tempo Comun | [
"Quinta-Feira, XIX Semana iha Tempo Comum - Diocese de Dili Diocese de Dili > NOTICIAS > LETURA DIARIA > Quinta-Feira, XIX Semana iha Tempo Comum Quinta-Feira, XIX Semana iha Tempo Comum Posted on: August 18, 2018 by: Departamento Comunicacao Diocese Dili Primeira Leitura Ez.",
"1-12 Na'i nia lia tun mai ha'u nune'e: \"Emar nia oan, o horik iha ema laran aat sira nia leet.",
"Sira iha matan atu hare, maibe la hare, iha tilun atu rona, maibe la rona, darasaan ida nebe tuir de'it dalan aat.",
"O, emar nia oan, hadi'a sasan ruma hodi la'o ba rai seluk, iha loron atu sira bele hare.",
"O sei sai housi sira oin hodi ba fatin seluk.",
"Nune'e karik, sira bele hatene tuir katak sira tuir duni dalan aat.",
"Hadi'a o nia sasan hanesan ema la'o rai ida iha loron atu sira bele hare o; o sei sai housi sira oin iha loro-kraik hanesan ema la'o rai.",
"Uanhira sira hare hela, o halo ku'ak ida iha didin atu sira bele hare, no o sai housi ku'ak ne'e iha sira oin, tau sasan iha o nia kbas hodi sai iha nakukun.",
"O sei taka oin atu o la bele hare rai neba, basa, housi o Ha'u sei halo sinal ida ba uma-kain Israel nian.\"",
"Ha'u halo tuir lolos ordem nebe ha'u simu.",
"Ha'u hadi'a ha'u nia sasan iha loron, hanesan sasan ema la'o rai nian.",
"Iha loro-kraik ha'u halo ku'ak iha didin ho liman hodi sai iha nakukun, tau sasan iha kbas atu sira bele hare.",
"Iha dadersan tuir mai, Na'i lia tun mai ha'u nune'e: \"Emar nia oan, uma-kain Israel nian, ema hirak nebe tuir dalan aat, la husu ba o: 'Sa mak o halo?'",
"O sei dehan ba sira: 'Na'i Maromak ko'alia nune'e: Lia todan ida ne'e hato'o ba ema nebe ukun iha Jerusalem no iha uma-kain tomak Israel nian.'",
"O ko'alia ba sira nune'e: 'Ha'u mak nu'udar sinal ida ba imi.",
"Hanesan ha'u halo, nune'e ema sei halo mos ba imi; ema sei lori sai imi moris dadur iha rai seluk.",
"Ema be ukun sira, sei tau nia sasan ba kbas iha nakukun laran atu lori hodi liu housi didin ku'ak nebe halo tiha ona; nia sei taka metin nia oin, atu la bele hare rain ho nia matan rasik.\"'",
"Salmo Responsorial Sal.",
"77 (78).",
"56-57, 58-59, 61-62 (R. cf.",
"7c) Refrao: Keta haluhan Na'i Nia hahalok sira!!!",
"Repete-se Sira koko Maromak be leten aas ba, Sira la halo tuir Nia ukunfuan; Sira fila kotuk hanesan sira aman sira, Hanesan rama oan ida, lakon sira dalan.",
"Refrao Sira hamoris Nia hirus Ho sira nia maromak falso, sunu Na'i nia laran.",
"Maromak hare sira, Nia laran nakali tebes, Hodi hakribi tebes Israel.",
"Refrao Nia husik sira nia asua'in sira ba dadur, No Nia gloria iha funu baluk sira liman; Nia saran Nia povo ba mate ho surik, Laran nakali hasouru Nia liman-rohan.",
"Evangelho Mt.",
"1 Iha tempo neba, Pedro hakbesik ba Nia hodi dehan: \"Na'i, ha'u nia maun eh alin sala hasouru ha'u karik, ha'u sei perdua nia dala hira?",
"To'o dala hitu?\"",
"Jesus hau hatan ba nia: \"Hau dehan ba o: la'os to'o dala hitu, maibe to'o hitu nulu dala hitu.",
"\"Tan ne'e, reino lalehan nian hanesan liurai ida nebe hakarak sisi tusan ba nia atan sira.",
"Uanhira nia hahu sisi, sira lori mai ema ida nebe iha tusan osan rihun sanulu.",
"Tan nia laiha buat ida hofi selu, liurai haruka fa'an tiha nia ho nia feen, nia oan sira ho nia rikusoi sira hotu atu selu nia tusan.",
"Atan ne'e monu ain ba nia hodi dehan: 'Paciencia uitoan ho ha'u, ha'u sei fo fali tusan hotu ba o.'",
"Tan hanoin nia, atan ne'e nia nai husik nia ba hodi kasu nia tusan.",
"Uainhira atan ne'e sai housi neba, nia hetan nia maluk ida nebe debe nia osan oan atus ida.",
"Kaer tiha maluk nia, nia buti metin nia kakorok dehan: selu o nia tusan ba!'",
"Nia maluk monu ain ba nia hodi harohan: 'Paciencia uitoan ho ha'u, ha'u sei fo fali tusan hotu ba o.'",
"Maibe nia lakoi sadi'a nia hodi haruka maluk ne'e ba dadur laran to'o nia selu nia tusan hotu.",
"Nia maluk atan sira seluk hare tiha buat ne'e, ho neon susar ba haktuir ba sira na'i buat hotu nebe mosu.",
"Tuir mai, sira nia na'i haruka bolu nia hodi dehan ba nia:' Atan aat, ha'u kasu tiha o tusan tomak tan o husu ha'u; o labele hanoin o nia maluk atan hanesan ha'u hanoin o?\"",
"Hafoin, hodi hirus, na'i fo nia ba dadur na'in sira to'o nia selu nia tusan hotu.",
"Imi ida-idak la perdua ho laran imi nia maun alin karik, Ha'u Aman iha lalehan sei halo mos nune'e ba imi.\"",
"Koalia hotu tiha, Jesus husik Galileia hodi la'o ba rai Judeia, iha Jordao nia sorin balun ba.",
"Previous PostQuarta-Feira, XIX Semana iha Tempo Comum Next PostSexta-Feira, XIX Semana Tempo Comun"
] | [
"Thursday, 19th Week in Ordinary Time - Diocese of Dili The diocese > NEWS & DOCUMENTS / DAILY READINGs/ Daily Reading for the week: Tuesday (23rd July to Friday) Sunday – First reading Wednesday Posted on August."
"12. Requirements for the application of this Regulation"
"1 The word of the LORD came to me, saying: Sons Of Eman! You dwell among evil men."
"They have eyes to see, but they do not look; their fingers are for hearing and no ear is given them."
"O son of a mother, prepare some things to go into another country in the day that they will see."
"He will go out from before them to another place."
"If they do, then you can see that it is a bad way to go."
"Make thy way like a wild beast in the daytime, that they may see: thou shalt go out from before them as an animal at even."
"And before their eyes he made a stick in his forehead, that they might see; and when you came out of the stitch for them to look at it with your own sight."
"And thou shalt cover thy face from seeing the land: for I will make a sign by you unto this house of Israel.\""
"I have done exactly what was ordered to me."
"I repaired my stuff in the day, like a man's wares on earth."
"In the evening I made a hole in my back with hand to go out into nakuk, put things on kbas so they could see."
"And the word of Jehovah came unto me, saying: Have not these sons Of Amar in Israel said to you that follow an evil way? What do ye make up yourselves with this thing which is so bad for God."
"And say unto them, Thus saith the Lord GOD; This prophecy is against him that reigneth in Jerusalem and over all Israel."
"He said to them, 'I am a sign for you."
"As I have done unto you, so shall it also be doeth to ye: they will carry your lives away into another land."
"The ruler will put his belongings in a basket to carry them over the wooden bridge he has made; and it shall cover him from seeing this land with its own eyes.\"'"
"Responsorial Psalm Ps."
"78 (1964). pp. 25–30, cited in:"
"56-47; R. cf, pg102) and the same in Judicial Reports (Rcpjr)."
"7c) Refrao: Do not forget the Lord's deeds!!!"
"Again they have deceived the high God, and not kept his commandments: They are turned backward as their fathers; As a branch of an oak go away."
"They have burned up his wrath with their false idols, and they burn the LORD'S heart."
"When God saw them, His heart was grieved and He greatly hated Israel."
"He gave up their enemies to destruction, and his glory into the hand of those who fought against him; he delivered His people down with a sigh."
"Gospel of Mt. Matthew 24:1-30"
"18. Amendment of the Constitution"
"1 At that time Peter came to him and said, \"Lord. If my brother or sister sins against me how many times shall I forgive them?"
"To'o dala hitu?\""
"Jesus answered him, \"I say to you: Not until seven times; but not more than three or four."
"\"Therefore the kingdom of heaven is likened to a certain king, who was willing indebted himself unto his servants."
"And as he began to eat, they brought unto him one that owed a hundred thousand silver coins."
"18:20 And having nothing to pay, his lord commanded that he should be sold with wife and children."
"The servant fell down at his feet and said to him, 'Have patience with me a little while more. I will pay you back all that is owed'"
"And remembering that servant, his lord let him go and collect what he owed."
"But when that servant went out, he found one of his fellow-servants who owed him a thousand denarii."
"And he took hold of his neighbour, beating him on the throat and saying: 'Pay what you owe!'"
"His fellow servant fell down before him, begging and saying: 'Have patience with me a little while; I will repay you all that is due to us.'"
"But he refused to let him go, but sent the servant into prison until they paid all that was due."
"When his fellow servants saw what had happened, they were afraid to tell their master all that was happening."
"Then their lord called him, and said unto his servant: 'Wicked son; all that thou owedst me I forgave thee because of thy prayer to my face. Canest not you care as well about your fellow-servant?'"
"And his lord, being jealous of him; delivered [him] to the thieves' masters until he had paid all that was owed."
"If you do not forgive each one of your brother from the heart, so will My Father in heaven also make it with all."
"And it came to pass, when Jesus had ended these sayings that he departed from Galilee and went into the lands of Judea beyond Jordan."
"Previous PostWednesday 19th Week in Ordinary Time Next postFriday, XIX week of Common Times"
] |
TDD rona sasin ba kazu fasilita kazál Portugés halai hosi TL | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste\nVARANDA DILI TDD rona sasin ba kazu fasilita kazál Portugés halai hosi TL\nDILI, 14 janeiru 2021 (TATOLI)-Tribunál Distritál Dili (TDD), ohin, kontinua rona sasin ba kazu fasilita kazál Portugés; Tiago Guerra ho Chang Fong-Fong Guerra, halai sai hosi territóriu Timor-Leste iha 2017.\nProsesu ne’e Ministériu Públiku (MP) dedús akuzasaun tuir artigu 236 Kódigu prosesu penál, rekere julgamentu ho prosesu komún ho intervensaun Tribunál koletivu kontra arguidu sira hanesan, DDJ, hosi Fransa no nia nasionalidade Portuguesa no arguidu MTSF, NESF.\nIha akuzasaun MP nian iha indísiu katak arguidu NESF nu’udar diretór ba kompañia Corais ho kapitál 90% na’in ba ró peska la’ós komersiál ho tipu glass kór mutin no sinál identifikasaun embarkasaun BOUNTY LNCDMR 32 71.\nNotísia Relevante : SIK Investiga Ona Ema Nain Tolu Ne’ebé Diskunfia Fasilita Tiago Guerra\nArguidu DDJ hanesan sósiu iha kompañia Corsis Timor Lda, ho kapitál 10%, hanesan mós kapitaun ba ró peska la’ós komersiál ho pu Glass kór mutin BOUNTY LNCDMR 32 TL (1167 so’e 1174).\nArguidu MTSF hanesan kapitaun ba ró peska la’ós mós komersiál ho tipu glass, kor mutin, BOUNTY LNCDMR 32 TL, 1167 4 4\nIha loron 19 abríl 2017, arguidu NESF rekere ba iha servisu tékniku iha area Konformidade Diresaun Jerál Alfándega hodi importa mai Darwin- Australia mai Timor Leste, ró Bounty ho mercury 90 PK, kór mutin ne’ebé sosa ho folin $6,182,90 no selu impostu ho valor $19,620,100.\nIha juñu 2017, arguidu NESF hato’o pedidu lisensa ba atividade peska la’ós komersiál no iha loron 5 agostu 2017, Diresaun Nasionál Inspesaun Peska halo inspesaun ba ró refere bazeia ba pedidu arguidu NESF, atu hala’o atividade peska desportiva, Peska momentu ne’ebá Diresaun Nasionál Inspesaun Peska halo markasaun ba peska la’ós komersiál, hafoin kompañia bele hetan lisensa hodi hala’o peska desportiva.\nNotísia Relevante : TDD kontinua rona sasin kazu fasilita kazál Portugés halai hosi TL\nIha loron 24 agostu 2017, arguidu NESF selu tarefa ba lisensa peska iha banku BNU ho valor $3,050.00. Ró refere foin maka hala’o atividade hahú hosi loron 24 agostu 2017, maibé arguidu NESF fa’an fali ba Tiago Guerra iha loron 6 outubru 2017.\nRó refere apenas hala’o atividade durante fulan balun no iha loron 02 no loron 04 novembru 2017, tuku 20:02 no tuku 12:07 Otl, arguidu NESF, halo kontaktu liuhosi sms ba númeru 70006 deskonfia Tiago Guerra, hodi kontrata kona-ba sosa no fan ró.\nIha kalan 05 novembru 2017, depois elaborasaun kontratu fa’an no sosa ró arguidu NMTSF no DDJ hanesan kapitaun ba ró hodi hamutuk ho arguidu NESF hodi futu lia hamutuk hodi transporta ró ba Betano, Munisipiu Manufahi.\nIha loron 06 novembru 2017, tuku 09.40 Otl, arguidu NSF lori osan hosi rezultadu fan ró ho montante $16,000.00 ba depozita iha BNU.\nIha loron 06 novembru 2017, purvolta tuku 12:00 Otl, DDJ ho MT hamutuk tan ho ema ida sira transporta ró hosi Dili ba Same – Betano to’o iha Same purvolta tuku 18:30 Otl, hafoin sira toba iha hotel Braia, pertense ba Australianu nian iha area Nularan – Same Vila.\nIha loron 06 novembru 2017, Tiago Guerra ho Chang Fong-Fong Guerra arranka hosi Dili ba Manufahi no iha loron 07 novembru 2017, tuku 03:50 madrugada, arguidu MT ho DDJ sai hosi hotel Nularan – Same Vila ba tasi ibun Waidabere- Same.\nLakleur Tiago Guerra ho Chang Fong – Fong Guerra mai hosi tasi ninin hodi lao ba diresaun ró para hodi sa’e kedan ba iha ró laran, no arguidu DDJ hodi hakiduk tan karreta tama ba tasi laran no ema nain rua seluk kore tali no arguidu sira dudu ró refere tama ba iha tasi laran.\nTiago Guerra ho Chang Fong – Fong Guerra imediatu hamoris ró hodi arranka kedan no timoroan seluk hatete katak “ami ba sei la fila ona”.\nArguidu na’in-tolu hatene di’ak katak atu sai ba nasaun seluk legálmente tenke liuhosi portaun portu Dili ka aeroportu, maibé arguidu na’in-tolu fasilita kondenadu kazál Portugés ne’e liu subar hosi tasi Betanu, Manufahi.\nHahalok arguidu na’in-tolu ne’ebé maka hanoin ho kondenadu Tiago Guerra ho Chang Foog- Fong Guerra, hodi fasilita malu hodi nune’e ema nain hira konsege duni halai sai hosi territóriu ka halai husi justisa Timor nian no agora daudaun kondenadu na’in-rua konsege to’o iha Portugal.\nArguidu MTSF komete krime favoresimentu pesoál p no p iha art 290 KP b. ko autór ba Krime falsifikasaun agravda p no p iha art 304 KP c. krime brankamentu kapitais p no p iha art 313 n. 1 al a) KP alteradu ho Lei n. 17/2011 de 28 de dezembru.\nArguidu NESF komete krime favoresimentu pesoál p no iha art 290 KP b. autór material ba Krime falsifikasaun agravda p no p iha art 304 KP c Krime brankamentu kapitais p no p iha art 313 n. 1 al a) KP alteradu ho Lei n. 17/2011 de 28 de dezembru.\nLiu hosi audiénsia julgamentu sasin ho inisiál AG husi Ministériu Agrikultura no Peska (MAP) hateten, ró refere rejistu duni iha MAP ne’ebé tau naran antes ne’e iha ona to’o agora iha kazu ida ró nia naran seidauk muda sei nafatin.\nNia dehan, normálmente ministériu mak emite lisensa haree ba dokumentu sira hafoin emite no iha sirkulasaun MAP mós iha papél atu kontrola.\nHafoin rona tiha deklarasaun sira Tribunál adia fila-fali julgamentu ba iha loron 8 fevereiru, tinan ne’e, iha tuku 4:30 Otl, hodi arrola tan sasin seluk.\nPrevious articleEstadu Emerjénsia dasiak, ekipa saneamentu kontinua hala’o knaar\nNext article2020, Migrasaun hatama millaun $1,1 ba kofre Estadu | [
"TDD rona sasin ba kazu fasilita kazal Portuges halai hosi TL | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA DILI TDD rona sasin ba kazu fasilita kazal Portuges halai hosi TL DILI, 14 janeiru 2021 (TATOLI) -Tribunal Distrital Dili (TDD), ohin, kontinua rona sasin ba kazu fasilita kazal Portuges; Tiago Guerra ho Chang Fong-Fong Guerra, halai sai hosi territoriu Timor-Leste iha 2017.",
"Prosesu ne'e Ministeriu Publiku (MP) dedus akuzasaun tuir artigu 236 Kodigu prosesu penal, rekere julgamentu ho prosesu komun ho intervensaun Tribunal koletivu kontra arguidu sira hanesan, DDJ, hosi Fransa no nia nasionalidade Portuguesa no arguidu MTSF, NESF.",
"Iha akuzasaun MP nian iha indisiu katak arguidu NESF nu'udar diretor ba kompania Corais ho kapital 90% na'in ba ro peska la'os komersial ho tipu glass kor mutin no sinal identifikasaun embarkasaun BOUNTY LNCDMR 32 71.",
"Notisia Relevante: SIK Investiga Ona Ema Nain Tolu Ne'ebe Diskunfia Fasilita Tiago Guerra Arguidu DDJ hanesan sosiu iha kompania Corsis Timor Lda, ho kapital 10%, hanesan mos kapitaun ba ro peska la'os komersial ho pu Glass kor mutin BOUNTY LNCDMR 32 TL (1167 so'e 1174).",
"Arguidu MTSF hanesan kapitaun ba ro peska la'os mos komersial ho tipu glass, kor mutin, BOUNTY LNCDMR 32 TL, 1167 4 4 Iha loron 19 abril 2017, arguidu NESF rekere ba iha servisu tekniku iha area Konformidade Diresaun Jeral Alfandega hodi importa mai Darwin- Australia mai Timor Leste, ro Bounty ho mercury 90 PK, kor mutin ne'ebe sosa ho folin $6,182,90 no selu impostu ho valor $19,620,100.",
"Iha junu 2017, arguidu NESF hato'o pedidu lisensa ba atividade peska la'os komersial no iha loron 5 agostu 2017, Diresaun Nasional Inspesaun Peska halo inspesaun ba ro refere bazeia ba pedidu arguidu NESF, atu hala'o atividade peska desportiva, Peska momentu ne'eba Diresaun Nasional Inspesaun Peska halo markasaun ba peska la'os komersial, hafoin kompania bele hetan lisensa hodi hala'o peska desportiva.",
"Notisia Relevante: TDD kontinua rona sasin kazu fasilita kazal Portuges halai hosi TL Iha loron 24 agostu 2017, arguidu NESF selu tarefa ba lisensa peska iha banku BNU ho valor $3,050.00.",
"Ro refere foin maka hala'o atividade hahu hosi loron 24 agostu 2017, maibe arguidu NESF fa'an fali ba Tiago Guerra iha loron 6 outubru 2017.",
"Ro refere apenas hala'o atividade durante fulan balun no iha loron 02 no loron 04 novembru 2017, tuku 20:02 no tuku 12:07 Otl, arguidu NESF, halo kontaktu liuhosi sms ba numeru 70006 deskonfia Tiago Guerra, hodi kontrata kona-ba sosa no fan ro.",
"Iha kalan 05 novembru 2017, depois elaborasaun kontratu fa'an no sosa ro arguidu NMTSF no DDJ hanesan kapitaun ba ro hodi hamutuk ho arguidu NESF hodi futu lia hamutuk hodi transporta ro ba Betano, Munisipiu Manufahi.",
"Iha loron 06 novembru 2017, tuku 09.40 Otl, arguidu NSF lori osan hosi rezultadu fan ro ho montante $16,000.00 ba depozita iha BNU.",
"Iha loron 06 novembru 2017, purvolta tuku 12:00 Otl, DDJ ho MT hamutuk tan ho ema ida sira transporta ro hosi Dili ba Same - Betano to'o iha Same purvolta tuku 18:30 Otl, hafoin sira toba iha hotel Braia, pertense ba Australianu nian iha area Nularan - Same Vila.",
"Iha loron 06 novembru 2017, Tiago Guerra ho Chang Fong-Fong Guerra arranka hosi Dili ba Manufahi no iha loron 07 novembru 2017, tuku 03:50 madrugada, arguidu MT ho DDJ sai hosi hotel Nularan - Same Vila ba tasi ibun Waidabere- Same.",
"Lakleur Tiago Guerra ho Chang Fong - Fong Guerra mai hosi tasi ninin hodi lao ba diresaun ro para hodi sa'e kedan ba iha ro laran, no arguidu DDJ hodi hakiduk tan karreta tama ba tasi laran no ema nain rua seluk kore tali no arguidu sira dudu ro refere tama ba iha tasi laran.",
"Tiago Guerra ho Chang Fong - Fong Guerra imediatu hamoris ro hodi arranka kedan no timoroan seluk hatete katak \"ami ba sei la fila ona.\"",
"Arguidu na'in-tolu hatene di'ak katak atu sai ba nasaun seluk legalmente tenke liuhosi portaun portu Dili ka aeroportu, maibe arguidu na'in-tolu fasilita kondenadu kazal Portuges ne'e liu subar hosi tasi Betanu, Manufahi.",
"Hahalok arguidu na'in-tolu ne'ebe maka hanoin ho kondenadu Tiago Guerra ho Chang Foog- Fong Guerra, hodi fasilita malu hodi nune'e ema nain hira konsege duni halai sai hosi territoriu ka halai husi justisa Timor nian no agora daudaun kondenadu na'in-rua konsege to'o iha Portugal.",
"Arguidu MTSF komete krime favoresimentu pesoal p no p iha art 290 KP b. ko autor ba Krime falsifikasaun agravda p no p iha art 304 KP c. krime brankamentu kapitais p no p iha art 313 n.",
"1 al a) KP alteradu ho Lei n.",
"17/2011 de 28 de dezembru.",
"Arguidu NESF komete krime favoresimentu pesoal p no iha art 290 KP b. autor material ba Krime falsifikasaun agravda p no p iha art 304 KP c Krime brankamentu kapitais p no p iha art 313 n.",
"1 al a) KP alteradu ho Lei n.",
"17/2011 de 28 de dezembru.",
"Liu hosi audiensia julgamentu sasin ho inisial AG husi Ministeriu Agrikultura no Peska (MAP) hateten, ro refere rejistu duni iha MAP ne'ebe tau naran antes ne'e iha ona to'o agora iha kazu ida ro nia naran seidauk muda sei nafatin.",
"Nia dehan, normalmente ministeriu mak emite lisensa haree ba dokumentu sira hafoin emite no iha sirkulasaun MAP mos iha papel atu kontrola.",
"Hafoin rona tiha deklarasaun sira Tribunal adia fila-fali julgamentu ba iha loron 8 fevereiru, tinan ne'e, iha tuku 4:30 Otl, hodi arrola tan sasin seluk.",
"Previous articleEstadu Emerjensia dasiak, ekipa saneamentu kontinua hala'o knaar Next article2020, Migrasaun hatama millaun $1,1 ba kofre Estadu"
] | [
"Dili, January 14th (Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste) - The District Court of the City and Territory(TDD), today continues to hear witnesses in a case concerning facilitation by Portuguese criminal; Tiago Guerra with Chang Fong Fong Guera who fled from East Тимор’ s territories during December. They were arrested on February20 at their home after they had been forcefully taken away for illegally entering or leaving east timorense border areas before being sent back into Portugal as part Of an international investigative team that was launched last month under UN Security Council resolution no:673/98 which called upon all parties involved “to take action immediatly” against those responsible.”"
"In this case, the Public Prosecution Service (MP) dismissed charges under article 236 of Code de procédure pénale and requested a joint trial with intervention by collective court against defendants DDJ from France who is Portuguese national as well As MTSF."
"In the prosecution's indictment there is evidence that defendant NESF as director of Corais company with 90% capital owned a non-commercial fishing boat type glass cor mutin and identifications sign vessel BOUNTY LNCDMR3271."
"Relevant News: SIK Investigated Three Persons Suspected of Facilitating Tiago Guerra Defendant DDJ as a partner in the company Corsis Timor Lda, with capital amounting to ten per cent. He is also captain for non-commercial fishing boat BOUNTY (LNCDMR) number Bounty Glass cor mutin TL32(1067 so'e984)."
"The defendant MTSF is the captain of a non-commercial fishing boat with glass type, mercury 90 PK cor mutin BOUNTY LNCDMR32TL1.674 on April's (April) day oneteenth in year two thousand seven hundred and sixty four; On this same date nesf requested technical services from Compliance Department to import into Darwin - Australia for Timor East Bounty ship which was purchased at $85 million dollars by payment tax amounting USD$"
"In June 2017, the defendant NESF submitted a request for licence to carry out non-commercial fishing activities and on August.5th of that year National Fisheries Inspection Directorate inspected this boat based upon an application from Nesf in orders it would conduct sporting fishery activity; Peska then made its marking as not commercial fishership after which company could obtain license so they can continue with their sportsfisheries operations"
"Related News: TDD continues to hear witnesses in case facilitated Portuguese fishermen leave TL On August 24th, the defendant NESF paid a fee for fishing license at BNU bank with value of $3.05 million (USD)."
"The boat in question had only been operating since the beginning of August, but defendant NESF sold it back to Tiago Guerra on October."
"The ro referred to only carried out activities for a few months and on November 2nd &4th, at the time of Nov.17:08 pm PST (UTC+9) defendant NESF contacted Tiago Guerra via sms number #653-A/N in order that he contract about buying or selling this Ro;"
"On the evening of November 5,2017 after drawing up a contract to buy and sell ship defendant NMTSF with DDJ as captain joined accuse NEFS in transportation agreements for shipping boat into Betano Municipality."
"On November 06th, at around the time of midnight (9:45 a.m), defendant NSF took money from his winnings amounting to $17238 for deposit in BNU Bank Ltd and transferred it into an account held by him on its behalf with no notice or charges made theretoby any person other than himself/herself"
"On 06 November, at around noon DDJ and MT joined with another person to transport the boat from Dili for Same - Betano. They arrived in Sama about six o'clock afternoon (18:35 Otl), where they land on board a Braia hotel belonging an Australian company located near Nularan-Same Vila area of Kota Kinabalu City Centre"
"On November 6, Tiago Guerra and Chang Fong-Fong guerra set off from Dili to Manufahi. At the early morning of Novemrber7th MT with DDJ left Nularan Hotel - Same Vila for Waidabere Beach –Same at about three o'clock in a half (03:51)."
"Soon Tiago Guerra and Chang Fong-Fonge guerra came from the sea to go in direction of a boat stops so they could get on board, then accused DDJ drove his car into water. The other two men ran away with their cars as well but were stopped by defendants who took them off boats that went downstream shoreline for some time before returning back onto coastal road again at about halfway point where he had left it behind him without any warning or notice"
"Tiago Guerra and Chang Fong - The boat was immediately launched to start the kedan, but another Taiwanese said \"we're not going back.\""
"The three defendants were well aware that to leave another country legally must be through the port of Dili or airport gates, but they facilitated convicted Portuguese male by diving from Betanu sea in Manufahi."
"The three defendants, who had been in contact with the convicted Tiago Guerra and Chang Foog-Fong guerra to facilitate each other's departure from Timorese territory or escape of justice have now both arrived at Portugal."
"The defendant MTSF committed the crime of personal favour p and pp in art 290 CP b. co author ba Crime aggravated forgery P & amp; PP at Art KP314 c criminal money launderings (p) or \"P\" under article N°"
"1 to a) KP as amended by Law no."
"17/2038 of December."
"The defendant NESF committed the crime of personal favor p and in art 290 KP b. material author to aggravated forgery crimson, pp at Art314 CPc money laundering criminality P & amp; PPin article n°"
"1 to a) KP as amended by Law no."
"17/2038 of December."
"During the trial hearing witness with initial AG from Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries (MAP) said, referred to boat indeed registered at MAP that name previously existed until now on one case ro' s Name has not changed still."
"He said, normally the ministry issues licenses looking at documents after issuing and in circulation MAP also has paper to control."
"After hearing the statements, The Court adjourned again to February 8th this year at four and a half o'clock in order for another witnesse."
"PreviousState of Emergency still in place, sanitation team continues work Next articleIn 2019 Migration contributed $3.5 million to the State coffer"
] |
Timor iha Osan Foun Sentavu 200 - Jornal Independente, Timor-Leste - Portal Notisia Diaria\nOsan moeda foun Timor-Leste\nTimor iha Osan Foun Sentavu 200 Featured\nDILI: Banku Central Timor Leste (BCTL) produs ona osan koin foun ho valór sentavu 200 ka vale ba $2. Moeda foun ne’e tuir planu sei hahú lansa no sirkula iha Timor, iha 13 Setembru 2017.\nMoeda foun 200 sentavu sei sai hanesan moeda ho denominasaun ne’ebé aas liu kompara ho moeda sira seluk ne’ebé sirkula tiha-ona iha Timor-Leste, ho valór ne’ebé korresponde US$ 2.\nImajen husi moeda foun ne’e reprezenta kultura no país nia istória.\nEspesifikamente imajen iha osan koin ne’e sorin foho Matebian, ne’ebé reprezenta istória luta ba independénsia. Nune’e, sorin seluk imajen karau-timur no produsaun hare, hodi reprezenta timoroan ninia vida moris loron-loron.\nEspesifikasaun ba moeda 200 sentavu mak hanesan tuir-mai ne’e: Diámetru 25.50mm, Todan 8.46g no Materiál Núkleu internu: CuNizn no Núkleu esternu: CuNi.\nPrezidente BCTL, Abraão Vasconcelos hateten, hahú 13 Setembru 2017, BCTL sei kolabora ho banku komersiál sira iha Timor-Leste hodi halo sirkulasaun ho montante tokon $6.\nGovernadór mós introdús ekipa ida husi Banku Sentrál ne’ebé sei vizita munisípiu hotu-hotu hahú husi Kinta-Feira loron 24 Agostu 2017 to'o loron 8 Setembru 2017 atu divulga ba públiku dezeñu osan-besi foun, no esplika kona-ba nesesidade introdús denomination foun no hatán ba pergunta ruma karik iha.\nOsan besi foun ne’ebé produs husi kompañia Royal Austrália ne’e, tuir planu, atu substitui osan tahan ne’ebé sei sirkula iha Timor. Tanba osan tahan Dollar Amerikanu ne’ebé ninia durasaun badak, to’o tempu sei bosan no naklees.\nNune’e, osan ne’ebé transporta husi Amérika mai to’o iha Timor-Leste ninia kustu boot. Tanba ne’e, gradualmente BCTL hanoin hodi ‘elimina’ neineik-neineik osan rahun Dollar Amerikanu iha nasaun ne’e husi $1 to’o $5 tahan.\n“Banku Sentrál gradualmente sei hamenus importasaun. To’o iha momentu ida ne'ebé kuandu nesesidade premite ita la halo tan impiratasaun sentavu 500”, dehan governadór Abraão, iha ninia servisu fatin, horisehik.\nNia esplika, planu hodi rekolla $1 to’o $5 hahú ona iha 2013, ne’e duni agora daudaun adota moeda ofisial bazikamente koin sentavu atu premite tranzasaun ekonomia nian.\nMore in this category: « Seidauk Determina Prezensa Ró Haksolok Mai Timor Governu Prontu Selu Dívida TT »\n/Timor iha Osan Foun Sentavu 200 | [
"Timor iha Osan Foun Sentavu 200 - Jornal Independente, Timor-Leste - Portal Notisia Diaria Osan moeda foun Timor-Leste Timor iha Osan Foun Sentavu 200 Featured DILI: Banku Central Timor Leste (BCTL) produs ona osan koin foun ho valor sentavu 200 ka vale ba $2.",
"Moeda foun ne'e tuir planu sei hahu lansa no sirkula iha Timor, iha 13 Setembru 2017.",
"Moeda foun 200 sentavu sei sai hanesan moeda ho denominasaun ne'ebe aas liu kompara ho moeda sira seluk ne'ebe sirkula tiha-ona iha Timor-Leste, ho valor ne'ebe korresponde US$ 2.",
"Imajen husi moeda foun ne'e reprezenta kultura no pais nia istoria.",
"Espesifikamente imajen iha osan koin ne'e sorin foho Matebian, ne'ebe reprezenta istoria luta ba independensia.",
"Nune'e, sorin seluk imajen karau-timur no produsaun hare, hodi reprezenta timoroan ninia vida moris loron-loron.",
"Espesifikasaun ba moeda 200 sentavu mak hanesan tuir-mai ne'e: Diametru 25.50mm, Todan 8.46g no Material Nukleu internu: CuNizn no Nukleu esternu: CuNi.",
"Prezidente BCTL, Abraao Vasconcelos hateten, hahu 13 Setembru 2017, BCTL sei kolabora ho banku komersial sira iha Timor-Leste hodi halo sirkulasaun ho montante tokon $6.",
"Governador mos introdus ekipa ida husi Banku Sentral ne'ebe sei vizita munisipiu hotu-hotu hahu husi Kinta-Feira loron 24 Agostu 2017 to'o loron 8 Setembru 2017 atu divulga ba publiku dezenu osan-besi foun, no esplika kona-ba nesesidade introdus denomination foun no hatan ba pergunta ruma karik iha.",
"Osan besi foun ne'ebe produs husi kompania Royal Australia ne'e, tuir planu, atu substitui osan tahan ne'ebe sei sirkula iha Timor.",
"Tanba osan tahan Dollar Amerikanu ne'ebe ninia durasaun badak, to'o tempu sei bosan no naklees.",
"Nune'e, osan ne'ebe transporta husi Amerika mai to'o iha Timor-Leste ninia kustu boot.",
"Tanba ne'e, gradualmente BCTL hanoin hodi 'elimina' neineik-neineik osan rahun Dollar Amerikanu iha nasaun ne'e husi $1 to'o $5 tahan.",
"\"Banku Sentral gradualmente sei hamenus importasaun.",
"To'o iha momentu ida ne'ebe kuandu nesesidade premite ita la halo tan impiratasaun sentavu 500,\" dehan governador Abraao, iha ninia servisu fatin, horisehik.",
"Nia esplika, planu hodi rekolla $1 to'o $5 hahu ona iha 2013, ne'e duni agora daudaun adota moeda ofisial bazikamente koin sentavu atu premite tranzasaun ekonomia nian.",
"More in this category: \" Seidauk Determina Prezensa Ro Haksolok Mai Timor Governu Prontu Selu Divida TT \" /Timor iha Osan Foun Sentavu 200"
] | [
"Timor iha Osan Foun Sentavu 205 - Jornal Independente, Timór-Leste – Portal Notisia Diaria New Coins in the Country The Central Bank of East Тимор (BCTL) has issued a new coin with value $1."
"The new currency is scheduled to be launched and put into circulation in Timor-Leste on September,13th."
"The new 20 cents coin will be the highest denomination compared to other currencies that have been circulating in Timor-Leste, with a value of US$."
"The image of the new coin represents culture and history."
"Specifically, the image on this coin represents a view of Matebian Lagoon which depicts history and struggle for independence."
"Thus, in another way the image of Timorese cow and harvest representing everyday life."
"The specifications for the 20 cent coin are as follow: Diameter of a round, diameter and weight (in mm) -18.75mm; Material Inner Core – CuNizn & External core-Cu Ni"
"BCTL President, Abraao Vasconcelos said that starting September 13th of this year the bank will collaborate with commercial banking in Timor-Leste to put $6 billion into circulation."
"The Governor also introduced a team of the Central Bank who will visit all municipalities starting from Friday, August 24th to September.8 th in order for them publicly present new banknote designs and explain about necessity introducing New Denomination as well answer any questions that may be raised by people on this issue"
"The new iron money produced by the Royal Australian Company is intended to replace hard currency that will be circulating on Timor."
"Because the American Dollar is a short-lived currency, it will be boring and naked over time."
"Thus, the money that is transported from America to Timor-Leste has a high cost."
"Therefore, the BCTL gradually considered 'eliminating' at least US Dollar banknotes in this country from $1 to 5 dollars worth."
"\"The Central Bank will gradually reduce imports."
"Until the point where when there is a pressing need we do not make any more impiração centavo 501,\" said Governor Abraao in his office today."
"He explained that plans to collect $1-$5 banknotes had begun in 2093, so now they are adopting the official basically cent coin as a means of payment for economic transactions."
"More in this category: \" Seidauk Determina Presencia Ro Haksolok Mai Timor Governo Pronto Pagar Divida TT\" /Timor iha Osan Foun Sentavu 205"
] |
KRAM seidauk autoriza PSHT hala’o treinu iha territóriu nasionál | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste\nVARANDA DESPORTU KRAM seidauk autoriza PSHT hala’o treinu iha territóriu nasionál\nKRAM seidauk autoriza PSHT hala’o treinu iha territóriu nasionál\nDILI, 10 marsu 2022 (TATOLI)— Prezidente Komisaun Reguladora Artemarsial (KRAM), Octaviano da Conceição Perreira, hateten sira nia parte seidauk autoriza organizasaun Persaudaran Setia Hati Terate (PSHT) atu hala’o atividade treinamentu, maske hetan ona legalidade hosi Diresaun Notariadu Ministériu Justisa ne’ebé públika ona iha jornál Repúblika.\n“Sira hosi PSHT haruka ona karta ida mai ami, liuhosi sira nia Prezidente Baltazar Lemos atu husu autorizasaun hala’o atividade, maibé ha’u informa ba sira liuhosi telefónika katak seidauk iha autorizasaun atu PSHT bele hala’o atividade treinamentu iha territóriu nasionál bainhira KRAM seidauk autoriza,” Prezidente KRAM ne’e hateten ba Agência TATOLI iha nia knar fatin -Lecidere, kinta ne’e.\nDalan Ida Reativa Arte-Marsiál Mak Kontribui Estabilidade\nNune’e, KRAM hato’o ona informasaun ba líder PSHT hotu katak hein hasai segunda diretiva hodi delega kompetensia ba sub-KRAM sira iha munisipiu hotu atu halo fiskalizasaun ba estabelesimentu sede organizasaun nian, fatin treinamentu hafoin KRAM fó autorizasaun hala’o treinamentu.\nEntretantu, KRAM mós simu ona informasaun antes ne’e hosi PSHT katak iha fulan-marsu nia laran estrutura sira sei realiza kongresu ordináriu. Ho nune’e bainhira ramata ona kongresu mak KRAM foin bele autoriza halo abertura ba sentru treinamentu hotu iha territóriu nasional.\n“Ha’u husu ba lideransa PSHT hotu kontinua kontrola sira nia membru atu labele halo treinamentu subar-subar hein tan uitoan atu bele hetan ona autorizasau, maibé lakoi kumpre mak Polisia Nasionál Timor-Leste (PNTL) bele uza rezolusaun númeru 4/2020 hodi halo atuasaun ba sira nia atividade hirak ne’ebé sei konsidera hanesan aktu ilegál tanba seidauk hetan autorizasaun hosi KRAM,” nia afirma.\nIha fulan ne’e, KRAM sei hasai ona segunda diretiva no sei públika iha Jornál Repúblika foin bele hare mekanizmu ba implementasaun formasaun no treinamentu ba PSHT hodi hala’o.\n“Segunda diretiva hasai iha pontu lubuk ida mak iha laran, dezemina uluk diretiva ne’e ba sub-KRAM sira, autoridade kompetente sira no líder PSHT rasik saida mak sira bele halo bainhira hala’o atividade,” nia trelata.\nTuir dadus ne’ebé membru grupu arte marsiál PSHT submete ba KRAM ho totál membru hamutuk 60.000-resin iha Timor-Leste.\nNotísia relevante: KRAM Sosializa Regra Arte Marsiál Ba PSHT, IKS ho KORK\nPrevious articleSaúde Bobonaro rejista kazu dengue 39 no óbitu tolu\nNext articleSuku Uaiga’e iha Vemasse deklara ona ALFA\nGilberto March 11, 2022 at 11:58 am\nPára ona ho politizasaun GAM ne’e. KRAM ne’e mós taka tiha de’it. | [
"KRAM seidauk autoriza PSHT hala'o treinu iha territoriu nasional | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA DESPORTU KRAM seidauk autoriza PSHT hala'o treinu iha territoriu nasional KRAM seidauk autoriza PSHT hala'o treinu iha territoriu nasional DILI, 10 marsu 2022 (TATOLI) - Prezidente Komisaun Reguladora Artemarsial (KRAM), Octaviano da Conceicao Perreira, hateten sira nia parte seidauk autoriza organizasaun Persaudaran Setia Hati Terate (PSHT) atu hala'o atividade treinamentu, maske hetan ona legalidade hosi Diresaun Notariadu Ministeriu Justisa ne'ebe publika ona iha jornal Republika.",
"\"Sira hosi PSHT haruka ona karta ida mai ami, liuhosi sira nia Prezidente Baltazar Lemos atu husu autorizasaun hala'o atividade, maibe ha'u informa ba sira liuhosi telefonika katak seidauk iha autorizasaun atu PSHT bele hala'o atividade treinamentu iha territoriu nasional bainhira KRAM seidauk autoriza,\" Prezidente KRAM ne'e hateten ba Agencia TATOLI iha nia knar fatin -Lecidere, kinta ne'e.",
"Dalan Ida Reativa Arte-Marsial Mak Kontribui Estabilidade Nune'e, KRAM hato'o ona informasaun ba lider PSHT hotu katak hein hasai segunda diretiva hodi delega kompetensia ba sub-KRAM sira iha munisipiu hotu atu halo fiskalizasaun ba estabelesimentu sede organizasaun nian, fatin treinamentu hafoin KRAM fo autorizasaun hala'o treinamentu.",
"Entretantu, KRAM mos simu ona informasaun antes ne'e hosi PSHT katak iha fulan-marsu nia laran estrutura sira sei realiza kongresu ordinariu.",
"Ho nune'e bainhira ramata ona kongresu mak KRAM foin bele autoriza halo abertura ba sentru treinamentu hotu iha territoriu nasional.",
"\"Ha'u husu ba lideransa PSHT hotu kontinua kontrola sira nia membru atu labele halo treinamentu subar-subar hein tan uitoan atu bele hetan ona autorizasau, maibe lakoi kumpre mak Polisia Nasional Timor-Leste (PNTL) bele uza rezolusaun numeru 4/2020 hodi halo atuasaun ba sira nia atividade hirak ne'ebe sei konsidera hanesan aktu ilegal tanba seidauk hetan autorizasaun hosi KRAM,\" nia afirma.",
"Iha fulan ne'e, KRAM sei hasai ona segunda diretiva no sei publika iha Jornal Republika foin bele hare mekanizmu ba implementasaun formasaun no treinamentu ba PSHT hodi hala'o.",
"\"Segunda diretiva hasai iha pontu lubuk ida mak iha laran, dezemina uluk diretiva ne'e ba sub-KRAM sira, autoridade kompetente sira no lider PSHT rasik saida mak sira bele halo bainhira hala'o atividade,\" nia trelata.",
"Tuir dadus ne'ebe membru grupu arte marsial PSHT submete ba KRAM ho total membru hamutuk 60.000-resin iha Timor-Leste.",
"Notisia relevante: KRAM Sosializa Regra Arte Marsial Ba PSHT, IKS ho KORK Previous articleSaude Bobonaro rejista kazu dengue 39 no obitu tolu Next articleSuku Uaiga'e iha Vemasse deklara ona ALFA Gilberto March 11, 2022 at 11:58 am Para ona ho politizasaun GAM ne'e.",
"KRAM ne'e mos taka tiha de'it."
] | [
"KRAM not authorize PSHT to conduct training in national territory | Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA DESPORTU Persaudaran Setia Hati Terate (PSht) is still unauthorized by the Martial Arts Regulatory Commission, says Octaviano da Conceicao PERREIRA DILI - The President of martials art regulators' commission or “Kram” said that they have yet no authority for their organization persuading PSHTT organisation (“Persaudan Setiah Hati Terate”) and its associates from performing any kind trainning activities although it has already received legal approval on this matter."
"\"They from PSHT have sent a letter to us, through their President Baltazar Lemos asking for authorization of the activities. But I informed them by telephone that there is no permission yet so they can conduct training activity on national territorial while KRAM has not approved it\", said this president at his office -Lecidere- last Wednesday.\""
"Thus, KRAM has submitted information to all PSHT leaders that it is waiting for the issuance of a second directive delegating competence on supervisory supervision in establishing organization headquarters and training sites after authorization by kram."
"Meanwhile, KRAM has also received information earlier from the PSHT that in March they will hold an ordinary congress."
"Thus, after the end of this congress KRAM will be able to authorize opening all training centers in national territory."
"\"I ask the leadership of all PSHT to continue controlling their members so that they don't do training over and wait a little longer for an authorization, but not comply with it. The National Police Timor-Leste (PNTL) can use resolution number 4/2019 in order To act on those activities which will be considered as illegal acts because no KRAM has yet granted its permission\", he said.\""
"This month, KRAM will issue a second directive and publish it in Jornal Republika so that the mechanism for implementing training to PSHT can be seen."
"\"The second directive has a lot of points in it, firstly the sub-KRAMs and competent authorities have to understand what they can do when carrying out their activities.\""
"According to the data submitted by members of martial arts group PSHT, KRAM has a total membership in Timor-Leste amounting over sixty thousand."
"Related News: KRAM Announces Martial Art Rules For PSHT, IKS and KORK Previous articleSaude Bobonaro Registered 39 Dengue Case And Three Fatalities Next artikelSuku Uaiga'e in Vemasse Declares ALFA Gilberto March.12 at a time of"
"The KRAM has not just been closed."
] |
Reuniaun KM: MSSI aprezenta opsaun polítika-lejizlativa rua | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste\nVARANDA INKLUZAUN SOSIAL Reuniaun KM: MSSI aprezenta opsaun polítika-lejizlativa rua\nReuniaun KM: MSSI aprezenta opsaun polítika-lejizlativa rua\nDILI, 01 jullu 2021 (TATOLI)–Vise-Primeiru-Ministru no Ministra Solidariedade Sosiál no Inkluzaun (MSSI), Armanda Berta dos Santos, aprezenta opsaun polítika-lejizlativa ne’ebé sai hanesan baze ba projetu reinsersaun sosiál vítima violénsia bazeada jéneru no proposta atribuisaun apoiu monetáriu ba ema sira ho kondisaun vulnerável.\nTuir Ministru Prezidénsia Konsellu Ministru, Fidelis Manuel Leite Magalhães, inisiativa ne’e hakarak garante estabelesimentu medida no mekanizmu sira ba akompañamentu no asisténsia sosiál ba vítima violénsia doméstika, ba ninia reinsersaun sosiál no resposta lais hosi entidade governamentál ba ema iha situasaun vulnerabilidade.\n“Inisiativa rua-ne’e importante tebes, tanba ne’e bainhira konkretiza karik bele lori Timor-Leste ba dalan di’ak liu iha kontestu fó protesaun no apoiu sidadaun vulnerável, liliu sira ne’ebé sai vítima violénsia doméstika no hetan diskriminasaun tanba ninia preferénsia seksuál hanesan LGBTI,” Ministru hateten hafoin reuniaun ezekutivu iha Palásiu Governu, kinta ne’e.\nPortavós Governu konsidera MSSI nia programa ne’e di’ak atubele apoia liután sidadaun hirak ne’e, tanba dezenvolvimentu ne’e inkluzivu no Governu tenke iha programa di’ak atu labele husik timor-oan ida ba kotuk maibé fó protesaun ba sidadaun hotu.\nAleinde ne’e, tuir Ministru halo kotu violénsia doméstika iha rai-laran de’it la to’o, maibé presiza fó apoiu ba feto sira atubele independente hola desizaun maski susar.\n“Tenke hola desizaun bainhira sira sente sai vítima atubele brani halo kotu siklu violénsia ida-ne’e. Tanba ne’e Estadu iha vontade hodi garante katak sira sei protejida,” governante ne’e subliña.\nMaski nune’e, Ministru seidauk fó sai detallu ezbosu lejizlativa tanba foin iha faze aprezentasaun opsaun polítika-lejizlativa.\n“Tempu oin mai bainhira MSSI submete karik, sei lori sirkulasaun no sei iha konsulta oioin inklui envolve parte públiku, sosiedade sivil, liña ministeriál atubele diskute kle’an ba proposta lejizlativa ne’e,” nia hatutan.\nPrevious articleCOVID-19: óbitu ida, rekoperadu 65 no ativu 829\nNext articleSTAE Viqueque lansa resenseamentu eleitorál | [
"Reuniaun KM: MSSI aprezenta opsaun politika-lejizlativa rua | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA INKLUZAUN SOSIAL Reuniaun KM: MSSI aprezenta opsaun politika-lejizlativa rua Reuniaun KM: MSSI aprezenta opsaun politika-lejizlativa rua DILI, 01 jullu 2021 (TATOLI) -Vise-Primeiru-Ministru no Ministra Solidariedade Sosial no Inkluzaun (MSSI), Armanda Berta dos Santos, aprezenta opsaun politika-lejizlativa ne'ebe sai hanesan baze ba projetu reinsersaun sosial vitima violensia bazeada jeneru no proposta atribuisaun apoiu monetariu ba ema sira ho kondisaun vulneravel.",
"Tuir Ministru Prezidensia Konsellu Ministru, Fidelis Manuel Leite Magalhaes, inisiativa ne'e hakarak garante estabelesimentu medida no mekanizmu sira ba akompanamentu no asistensia sosial ba vitima violensia domestika, ba ninia reinsersaun sosial no resposta lais hosi entidade governamental ba ema iha situasaun vulnerabilidade.",
"\"Inisiativa rua-ne'e importante tebes, tanba ne'e bainhira konkretiza karik bele lori Timor-Leste ba dalan di'ak liu iha kontestu fo protesaun no apoiu sidadaun vulneravel, liliu sira ne'ebe sai vitima violensia domestika no hetan diskriminasaun tanba ninia preferensia seksual hanesan LGBTI,\" Ministru hateten hafoin reuniaun ezekutivu iha Palasiu Governu, kinta ne'e.",
"Portavos Governu konsidera MSSI nia programa ne'e di'ak atubele apoia liutan sidadaun hirak ne'e, tanba dezenvolvimentu ne'e inkluzivu no Governu tenke iha programa di'ak atu labele husik timor-oan ida ba kotuk maibe fo protesaun ba sidadaun hotu.",
"Aleinde ne'e, tuir Ministru halo kotu violensia domestika iha rai-laran de'it la to'o, maibe presiza fo apoiu ba feto sira atubele independente hola desizaun maski susar.",
"\"Tenke hola desizaun bainhira sira sente sai vitima atubele brani halo kotu siklu violensia ida-ne'e.",
"Tanba ne'e Estadu iha vontade hodi garante katak sira sei protejida,\" governante ne'e sublina.",
"Maski nune'e, Ministru seidauk fo sai detallu ezbosu lejizlativa tanba foin iha faze aprezentasaun opsaun politika-lejizlativa.",
"\"Tempu oin mai bainhira MSSI submete karik, sei lori sirkulasaun no sei iha konsulta oioin inklui envolve parte publiku, sosiedade sivil, lina ministerial atubele diskute kle'an ba proposta lejizlativa ne'e,\" nia hatutan.",
"Previous articleCOVID-19: obitu ida, rekoperadu 65 no ativu 829 Next articleSTAE Viqueque lansa resenseamentu eleitoral"
] | [
"KM Meeting: MSSI presents two policy-legislative options | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor -Leste HOME SOCIAL INCLUSIONS CM meeting, presented by Vice Prime Minister and Social Solidarity & Inclusion (MSSI), Armanda Berta dos Santos. The committee has been working on the basis of a project for social reintegration victim gender based violence as well with proposal to allocate financial support towards people in vulnerable situation; this is what was discussed at an intergovernmental consultation held last week between representatives from both sides during which they were given their views regarding various issues including economic development projects that are being implemente..."
"According to Minister of the Presidency, Fidelis Manuel Leite Magalhaes this initiative aims at guaranteeing measures and mechanism for accompaniment or social assistance in relation with victimization by domestic violence as well their reintegration into society."
"\"These two initiatives are very important, therefore when they become concrete it could take Timor-Leste on a better path in the context of providing protection and support to vulnerable citizens. Especially those who have been victimized by domestic violence or discriminated against because their sexual preference is LGBTI\", said Minister after an executive meeting at Government Palace yesterday (Wednesday)."
"The government spokesman considers the MSSI programme to be a good one for supporting these citizens, because development is inclusive and Government must have an appropriate program so that it does not leave any Timorese behind but protect all its citizenry."
"In addition, according to the Minister it is not enough just curbing domestic violence at home but supporting women so that they can make independent decisions even if difficult."
"\"They have to make a decision when they feel victimized so that we can break this cycle of violence."
"That is why the State has a willingness to guarantee that they will be protected,\" he emphasized."
"However, the Minister has not yet given out details of draft legislation because it is still in a stage where policy-legislative options are being presented."
"\"In the future when MSSI submits it, we will circulate and there are going to be various consultations including involving public sector civil society ministerial lines so that this legislative proposal can discuss more thoroughly\", he added."
"Previous articleCOVID-19: one death, 65 recovered and active cases of the disease are now numbering in total to be over a thousand Next ArticleSTAE Viqueque launches electoral census"
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PN aprova proposta-lei rejime jurídiku ba arbitrajen iha jeneralidade | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste\nVARANDA HEADLINE PN aprova proposta-lei rejime jurídiku ba arbitrajen iha jeneralidade\nDILI, 26 janeiru 2021 (TATOLI)–Parlamentu Nasionál (PN), ohin, aprova ona iha faze jeneralidade kona-ba proposta-lei rejime jurídiku ba arbitrajen voluntáriu hodi halo alterasaun ba artigu balun iha Kódigu Prosesu Sivíl (CPC-sigla portugés).\nProposta-rezolusaun ne’e ho nº11/V (2ª) ne’e aprovada ho rezultadu votasaun a-favór 57 no abstensaun 2.\nNotísia Relevante: Ohin, PN diskute proposta-lei ida no proposta-rezolusaun ida\n“Ho no nune’e proposta-lei rejime jurídiku ba arbitrajen voluntáriu hodi halo alterasaun ba artigu balun iha Kódigu Prosesu Sivíl aprovadu iha faze jeneralidade,” Prezidente Parlamentu Nasionál, Deputadu Aniceto Longuinhos Guterres Lopes, anunsia liuhosi plenária Parlamentu Nasionál.\nPrezidente Komisaun A (Justisa no Konstitusionál), Deputadu Joaquim dos Santos “Boraluli) fundamenta iha relatóriu no paresér atu altera artigu balun iha CPC atu Timor-Leste harii rejime rasik, nune’e Governu husu ba parlamentu atu aprova rejime jurídiku ne’e.\n“Ne’e signifika bainhira iha disputa ruma, liuliu disputa komersiál. Bainhira ema sira-ne’ebé halo disputa ne’e iha marjen atu hili sira-nia árbitru rasik, arbitru ne’e sira hili hosi juiz sira hosi rai-laran ka bele mos juiz sira hosu rai-li’ur maibé ita tenke harii sentru ba arbitrajen, hodi fó solusaun ba sira-nia problema,” Deputadu Joaquim dos Santos, esplika ba Agência TATOLI.\nNia hatutan, bainhira parte rua ne’ebé envolve iha disputa la konkorda, bele rekorre ba tribunál judisiáriu hodi halo anulasaun. Nia dehan, proposta-rezolusaun konkluzaun mak parte rua iha kazu disputa ruma eskolla sé mak bele tesi-lia.\n“Disputa ne’e la’os rai-laran de’it maibé bele mós rai-li’ur hanesan kompañia rai-liur ho rai laran, kompañia rai laran ka rai-li’ur ho estadu. Rejime atu kria kondisaun rezolve problema disputa sira,” nia dehan.\nIha proposta-lei ne’e husu atu halo alterasaun ba artigu 841, artigu 679 númeru 2 no halo redasaun foun ba artigu 67. Ho alterasaun artigu balun iha CPC sei armoniza diploma foun kona-ba arbitrajen.\nEntretantu, Prezidente PN husu ba Komisaun A atu kontinua debate iha espesialidade kada artigu.\nProposta-lei ne’e aprezenta hosi Ministru Prezidente Konsellu Ministru, Fidelis Magalhães iha momentu asume Ministru Reforma Lejizlativa no Asuntu Parlamentár no Ministru Justisa Manuel Cárceres da Costa.\nPrevious articleKazu omisídiu, MP husu Tribunál halo alterasaun jurídiku\nNext article2016-2020 Ensinu Rekorrente atribui diploma bázika ba estudante 816 | [
"PN aprova proposta-lei rejime juridiku ba arbitrajen iha jeneralidade | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA HEADLINE PN aprova proposta-lei rejime juridiku ba arbitrajen iha jeneralidade DILI, 26 janeiru 2021 (TATOLI) -Parlamentu Nasional (PN), ohin, aprova ona iha faze jeneralidade kona-ba proposta-lei rejime juridiku ba arbitrajen voluntariu hodi halo alterasaun ba artigu balun iha Kodigu Prosesu Sivil (CPC-sigla portuges).",
"Proposta-rezolusaun ne'e ho no11/V (2a) ne'e aprovada ho rezultadu votasaun a-favor 57 no abstensaun 2.",
"Notisia Relevante: Ohin, PN diskute proposta-lei ida no proposta-rezolusaun ida \"Ho no nune'e proposta-lei rejime juridiku ba arbitrajen voluntariu hodi halo alterasaun ba artigu balun iha Kodigu Prosesu Sivil aprovadu iha faze jeneralidade,\" Prezidente Parlamentu Nasional, Deputadu Aniceto Longuinhos Guterres Lopes, anunsia liuhosi plenaria Parlamentu Nasional.",
"Prezidente Komisaun A (Justisa no Konstitusional), Deputadu Joaquim dos Santos \"Boraluli) fundamenta iha relatoriu no pareser atu altera artigu balun iha CPC atu Timor-Leste harii rejime rasik, nune'e Governu husu ba parlamentu atu aprova rejime juridiku ne'e.",
"\"Ne'e signifika bainhira iha disputa ruma, liuliu disputa komersial.",
"Bainhira ema sira-ne'ebe halo disputa ne'e iha marjen atu hili sira-nia arbitru rasik, arbitru ne'e sira hili hosi juiz sira hosi rai-laran ka bele mos juiz sira hosu rai-li'ur maibe ita tenke harii sentru ba arbitrajen, hodi fo solusaun ba sira-nia problema,\" Deputadu Joaquim dos Santos, esplika ba Agencia TATOLI.",
"Nia hatutan, bainhira parte rua ne'ebe envolve iha disputa la konkorda, bele rekorre ba tribunal judisiariu hodi halo anulasaun.",
"Nia dehan, proposta-rezolusaun konkluzaun mak parte rua iha kazu disputa ruma eskolla se mak bele tesi-lia.",
"\"Disputa ne'e la'os rai-laran de'it maibe bele mos rai-li'ur hanesan kompania rai-liur ho rai laran, kompania rai laran ka rai-li'ur ho estadu.",
"Rejime atu kria kondisaun rezolve problema disputa sira,\" nia dehan.",
"Iha proposta-lei ne'e husu atu halo alterasaun ba artigu 841, artigu 679 numeru 2 no halo redasaun foun ba artigu 67.",
"Ho alterasaun artigu balun iha CPC sei armoniza diploma foun kona-ba arbitrajen.",
"Entretantu, Prezidente PN husu ba Komisaun A atu kontinua debate iha espesialidade kada artigu.",
"Proposta-lei ne'e aprezenta hosi Ministru Prezidente Konsellu Ministru, Fidelis Magalhaes iha momentu asume Ministru Reforma Lejizlativa no Asuntu Parlamentar no Ministru Justisa Manuel Carceres da Costa.",
"Previous articleKazu omisidiu, MP husu Tribunal halo alterasaun juridiku Next article2016-2020 Ensinu Rekorrente atribui diploma bazika ba estudante 816"
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"Parliament approves draft law on the legal regime for arbitration in general Dili, January 26th (TATOLI) - The National Assembly has today passed a legislative proposal to change some articles of its Civil Procedure Code. This is part from an ongoing debate between parliamentarians and members about whether or not there should be any modifications made at this stage as well; however it remained uncertain if such changes would have been necessary because they were already being considered by other parties before their approval was given during plenary session last week"
"The motion for a resolution No.10/V (2a) was adopted by the result of votes in favour: -57, with abstentions;"
"\"With this, the draft law on legal regime for voluntary arbitration to amend some articles in Code of Civil Procedure was approved at general session\", said MP Aniceto Longuinhos Guterres Lopes (PPN), President and Speaker. He also announced that he would be presenting his proposal as part from an inter-parliamentary committee working with parliamentarians who have been holding debate over such issues during their meeting last week.\""
"Chairman of Committee A (Justice and Constitutional Affairs), MP Joaquim dos Santos \"Boralsuli\" based on the reports to amend some articles in CPC so that Timor-Leste establish its own regime, therefore Government requested Parliament approve this legal system."
"\"That means when there is any dispute, particularly a commercial one."
"When the people who have this dispute are free to choose their own arbitrator, they will be chosen by judges from within or outside of Brazil but we must establish a center for an Arbitration in order that it can provide solutions on these problems,” MP Joaquim dos Santos explained."
"He added that if the two parties involved in a dispute do not agree, they can appeal to judicial courts for annulment."
"He said that the draft resolution concludes by stating, in a case of dispute between two parties whether or not they can resolve it."
"\"These disputes are not only domestic but can also be international, such as foreign company-to -domestic or national corporation to state."
"The regime to create conditions for resolving disputed issues,\" he said."
"In the bill, it is requested to amend article 841 and paragraph two of Article 679 as well As re-drafting Articles."
"With the amendment of some articles in CPC will harmonize new legislation on arbitrations."
"Meanwhile, the President of Parliament asked Committee A to continue debate in plenary on each article."
"The bill was introduced by the Minister President of Council, Fidelis Magalhaes at that time as a minister for legislative reform and parliamentary affairs with Manuel Carceret da Costa."
"Previous articleOmission case, MP asks Court to make legal amendment Next artikel2016- 358 students receive basic diplomas from Recurrent Education"
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Sexta – Feira, V Semana Tempo Quaresma (ANO A) – Diocese de Dili\nDiocese de Dili > NOTÍCIAS > LETURA DIÁRIA > Sexta – Feira, V Semana Tempo Quaresma (ANO A)\nSexta – Feira, V Semana Tempo Quaresma (ANO A)\nHa’u rona ema barak nia liafuan kro’at: “Buat hotu hata’uk ita! Kesar nia ba! Ita la’o ba kesar nia!” Ha’u belun sira hafuhu hela ha’u atu haré ha’u hakat sala, hodi dehan: “Ita lohi nia karik, ita sei manan nia!” Maibé Na’i hamutuk ho ha’u hanesan asuwa’in mak’as ida. Ha’u nia funu baluk sira sei monu lakon. Sira sei moe boot liu, tamba sira lakon. Sira susar rohan laek ema sei la haluha. Na’u buat hot-hotu nian, nebé koko ema di’ak, hodi hare borus ema fuan no laran; ha’u sei haré kastigo nebé ita sei haraik ba ema sira ne’e, tamba ha’u saran ha’u nia lia ba Ita. Hananu ba Na’i; hahí ba Na’i tan Nia tulun ema kiak sira nia moris hasoru ema áat sira liman.\nHa’u harohan ba Na’i, hahí Nia,\nIha tempo nebá, judeu sira káer fatuk atu tuda Jesus. Tan ne’e, Jesus lia tun ba sira, “Ha’u hatudu ba imi hahalok di’ak barak, nebé Aman Maromak nian. Tan hahalok ida nebé lós mak imi hakarak tuda Ha’u?” Juseu sira hatan ba Nia: “La’os tamba hahalok nar-naran di’ak ruma mak ami hakarak tuda ó; tamba lia áat hasouro Maromak, tan ó, ema ida, halo-An Maromak”. Jesus hatan ba sira: “La hakerek nanis iha imi nia lei: ‘Ha’u dehan, imi mak maromak?’ Lei hanaran sira, ‘maromak’, sira nebé Maromak hato’o Nia futar lia, livro santo ita la bele halakon. Kona ba Ha’u be Aman maromak hili, hodi haruka mai mundo, imi hateten; ‘Nia hateten áat Maromak’ tan Ha’u dehan, ‘Ha’u Maromak Oan!’ Ha’u la halo karik Ha’u Aman nia serbisu, imi lalika fiar Ha’u. Maibé, Ha’u halo karik, maski imi lakohi fiar Ha’u, fiar hahalok sira ne’e ba atu imi bele hatene didiak hodi fiar katak Aman hamutuk ho Ha’u, Ha’u hamutuk ho Nia”. Ne’e duni, sira buka káer fali Nia, maibé Jesus haksumik tiha housi sira leet. Hafoin Nia fila hikas ba Jordão sorin balu ba, ba fatin nebé dala uluk João fó Baptismo. Nia hela kle’ur iha nebá. Ema barak ba hasouro Nia hodi hateten; “Lós duni, João la halo milagre ida, maibé buat hotu nebé nia dehan kona ba ema ne’e, lós”. Sira barak iha nebá, fiar Jesus.\nPrevious PostQuinta – Feira, V Semana Tempo Quaresma (ANO A) Next PostGABINETE GESTÃO DE CRISE COVID-19 DECLARA; NÚMERO CASO POSITIVO COVID-19 IHA TIMOR-LESTE MANTEIN NAIN IDA (1) | [
"Sexta - Feira, V Semana Tempo Quaresma (ANO A) - Diocese de Dili Diocese de Dili > NOTICIAS > LETURA DIARIA > Sexta - Feira, V Semana Tempo Quaresma (ANO A) Sexta - Feira, V Semana Tempo Quaresma (ANO A) Ha'u rona ema barak nia liafuan kro'at: \"Buat hotu hata'uk ita!",
"Kesar nia ba!",
"Ita la'o ba kesar nia!\"",
"Ha'u belun sira hafuhu hela ha'u atu hare ha'u hakat sala, hodi dehan: \"Ita lohi nia karik, ita sei manan nia!\"",
"Maibe Na'i hamutuk ho ha'u hanesan asuwa'in mak'as ida.",
"Ha'u nia funu baluk sira sei monu lakon.",
"Sira sei moe boot liu, tamba sira lakon.",
"Sira susar rohan laek ema sei la haluha.",
"Na'u buat hot-hotu nian, nebe koko ema di'ak, hodi hare borus ema fuan no laran; ha'u sei hare kastigo nebe ita sei haraik ba ema sira ne'e, tamba ha'u saran ha'u nia lia ba Ita.",
"Hananu ba Na'i; hahi ba Na'i tan Nia tulun ema kiak sira nia moris hasoru ema aat sira liman.",
"Ha'u harohan ba Na'i, hahi Nia, Iha tempo neba, judeu sira kaer fatuk atu tuda Jesus.",
"Tan ne'e, Jesus lia tun ba sira, \"Ha'u hatudu ba imi hahalok di'ak barak, nebe Aman Maromak nian.",
"Tan hahalok ida nebe los mak imi hakarak tuda Ha'u?\"",
"Juseu sira hatan ba Nia: \"La'os tamba hahalok nar-naran di'ak ruma mak ami hakarak tuda o; tamba lia aat hasouro Maromak, tan o, ema ida, halo-An Maromak.\"",
"Jesus hatan ba sira: \"La hakerek nanis iha imi nia lei: 'Ha'u dehan, imi mak maromak?'",
"Lei hanaran sira, 'maromak', sira nebe Maromak hato'o Nia futar lia, livro santo ita la bele halakon.",
"Kona ba Ha'u be Aman maromak hili, hodi haruka mai mundo, imi hateten; 'Nia hateten aat Maromak' tan Ha'u dehan, 'Ha'u Maromak Oan!'",
"Ha'u la halo karik Ha'u Aman nia serbisu, imi lalika fiar Ha'u.",
"Maibe, Ha'u halo karik, maski imi lakohi fiar Ha'u, fiar hahalok sira ne'e ba atu imi bele hatene didiak hodi fiar katak Aman hamutuk ho Ha'u, Ha'u hamutuk ho Nia.\"",
"Ne'e duni, sira buka kaer fali Nia, maibe Jesus haksumik tiha housi sira leet.",
"Hafoin Nia fila hikas ba Jordao sorin balu ba, ba fatin nebe dala uluk Joao fo Baptismo.",
"Nia hela kle'ur iha neba.",
"Ema barak ba hasouro Nia hodi hateten; \"Los duni, Joao la halo milagre ida, maibe buat hotu nebe nia dehan kona ba ema ne'e, los.\"",
"Sira barak iha neba, fiar Jesus.",
] | [
"Friday, 5th Week in Lent (YEAR A) - Diocese of Dili The diocese's news > DAILY READINGS: Daily Reading from the Gospel according to St. Matthew and Saint Luke for Sunday – V LENT WEEK IN ORDINARY TIMES Tuesday-Friday/V LENT / YOUR HEART IS WITH US Today I hear many people say this saying \"Buat hotu hata’uk ita!"
"Fuck her!"
"Let's go to Caesar!\""
"My neighbors were watching me to see if I was wrong, saying: \"If we lose him then he will be won!\""
"But the LORD is with me as a great delight."
"My war-horses shall fall and perish."
"They will sleep harder, because they lose."
"Their suffering will not be forgotten by the rest of mankind."
"I am the Lord of all things, who sees what is good in men's heart and mind; so let me see how we will punish them."
"Praise the LORD, for he has rescued their lives from under evildoers' hands."
"I pray to the Lord, bless him. At that time took up stones for Jesus's death:"
"Jesus said to them, \"I have shown you many good works from God the Father."
"For what good deed do you want to punish me?\""
"They answered and said unto him, We seek thee not for any good work; but because evil is God's treasure: that thou being a man makest thyself to be god."
"Jesus answered them, \"Is it not written in your law: I said to you; You are foolish?"
"The law calls them, 'maromak'; they are the words of God to His people. We cannot erase these holy books!"
"16:20 But ye say of him whom my Father hath chosen to send into the world, He blasphemeth God; because I have said that he is My Son."
"If I did not do the works of my Father, you wouldn't believe me."
"But if I have done them, even though you do not believe me; yet belief the works so that ye may know and understand with certainty: That my Father is in Me."
"They sought therefore again to lay hold on him: but Jesus departed from them."
"And he went back a little farther than Jordan, to the place where John first baptized."
"He lived there as a priest."
"Many came to him, and said: \"John did no miraculous work; but all that John spoke of this man was true.\""
"Many there believed in Jesus. And many of them went to Jerusalem, and they lived with him for a long time;"
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HÉLIO FREITAS: KOMUNIKADU ASOSIASAUN JORNALISTA TIMOR-LOROSA’E\nViolensia mosu ona iha loron Sexta Feira 28 de Abril, 2006, loron ikus manifestasaun membru Falintil-FDTL “Petisaun.” Informasaun kona ba se mak hahu violensia no tansa sira hahu violensia seidauk klaru ba publiku. Rumores kona ba problema ida ne mosu barak ona no rumores mos iha ona kona ba violensia nebe sei mosu iha aban bainrua. Ami sente laran taridu ba guverno no orgaun soberano seluk nebe la fo informasaun lalais no aktual hodi hakalma populasaun depois de violensia ne akontese.\nIha Loron Mundial Liberdade Imprensa nian, 3 de Maio 2006, ami, jornalista Timor-Lorosa’e nebe halibur-an iha Asosiasaun Jornalista Timor Lorosa’e, AJTL, tuir mai ne’e, hato’o ami nia hanoin ba guverno no orgaun soberano sira:\n• AJTL ho laran susar hato’o nia preokupasaun ba paniku nebe mosu iha populasaun nia leet, liu-liu populasaun nebe moris iha sidade Dili. Laran susar ne’e bazeia ami hanoin katak, ukun-na’in sira hahuu lakon kbiit moral no politika atu akalma populasaun atu labele paniku ho situasaun nebe mosu, hafoin manifestasaun membru Falintil-FDTL “Petisaun” ramata ho aksaun violensia iha loron 28 Abril 2006.\n• AJTL kontinua preokupa ho mobilzasaun ema barak husi Sidade Dili ba interior.\n• AJTL supporta politika guverno nia atu kontinua buka solusaun ba problema nebe mosu iha Falintil-FDTL nia laran, liu husi komisaun nebe governu no orgaun soberano sira hanoin atu hari.\n• AJTL suporta politika guverno nian liu husi ministerio nebe kompetente atu identifika populasaun sira nebe nia sasan no uma rahun hodi nune’e bele buka tulun nebe lalais ba populasaun nebe directamente sai vitima ba aksaun violencia nebe mosu.\n• AJTL husu ba guverno nudar poder executivo estado RDTL atu bele hari mos komisaun independente ida hodi investiga elementus violensia nebe mosu bainhira manifestasaun nebe hahu husi membru F-FDTL “Petisaun” sira nebe hamosu oho, sunu no estraga kareta no povo nia uma. Komisaun ida ne’e mos tenke involve komponente sociedade no tenke transparente no iha acesu ba meios komunikasaun sosial ka media.\n• AJTL husu ba guverno ho orgaun soberano sira nebe kompetente atu klarifika ba publik kona ba situasaun nebe mosu iha Sexta-feira no Sabadu dader iha sidade Dili laran, liu-liu iha area Tasi-tolu. Tanba situasaun iha loron rua ne’e maka hamosu paniku iha populasaun nia leet to’o populasaun barak tenke husik hela sira nia hela fatin. No to ohin loron sei sai ba interior.\n• Komisaun ne’e tenke buka hatene se se mak iha violensia ne nia kotuk, no medidas seguransa oinsa mak instituisaun, PNTL, to’o loke espasu ba manifestante sira atu halo violensia.\n• AJTL husu mos ba guverno no orgaun soberano sira nebe kompetente atu fo explikasun nebe klaru no lolos kona ba razaun intervensaun Falintil-FDTL atu akalma situasaun iha Taci-tolu no fatin seluk nebe haleo sidade Dili.\n• AJTL husu ba ukun-na’in sira, liu-liu ulun boot orgaun soberano sira atu tur hamutuk hodi diskuti kona ba oinsa atu hametin dame iha populasaun nia leet atu nune’e populasaun bele buka sira moris loro-loron hanesan baibain.\n• Ami mos husu organisasoens media no imprensa sira, atu imprensa nasional ka internasional, atu fo informasaun nebe baseia deit ba fakta. Labele bazeia noticia no informasaun ba rumor, espekulasaun nebe serve deit atu aumenta paniku iha populasaun nia leet.\nDili, Loron Mundial Liberdade Imprensa, 2006.\nAsosiasaun Jornalista Timor Lorosae\n3. Rosario Martins Departemento Estranjero_________________________\n4. Guilherme da Sílva Departemento Edukacão_________________________\n5. Helio Freitas da Sílva Departemento Organisasi________________________\nDiposkan oleh Helio Freitas di 9:15 AM | [
"HELIO FREITAS: KOMUNIKADU ASOSIASAUN JORNALISTA TIMOR-LOROSA'E Violensia mosu ona iha loron Sexta Feira 28 de Abril, 2006, loron ikus manifestasaun membru Falintil-FDTL \"Petisaun.\"",
"Informasaun kona ba se mak hahu violensia no tansa sira hahu violensia seidauk klaru ba publiku.",
"Rumores kona ba problema ida ne mosu barak ona no rumores mos iha ona kona ba violensia nebe sei mosu iha aban bainrua.",
"Ami sente laran taridu ba guverno no orgaun soberano seluk nebe la fo informasaun lalais no aktual hodi hakalma populasaun depois de violensia ne akontese.",
"Iha Loron Mundial Liberdade Imprensa nian, 3 de Maio 2006, ami, jornalista Timor-Lorosa'e nebe halibur-an iha Asosiasaun Jornalista Timor Lorosa'e, AJTL, tuir mai ne'e, hato'o ami nia hanoin ba guverno no orgaun soberano sira: * AJTL ho laran susar hato'o nia preokupasaun ba paniku nebe mosu iha populasaun nia leet, liu-liu populasaun nebe moris iha sidade Dili.",
"Laran susar ne'e bazeia ami hanoin katak, ukun-na'in sira hahuu lakon kbiit moral no politika atu akalma populasaun atu labele paniku ho situasaun nebe mosu, hafoin manifestasaun membru Falintil-FDTL \"Petisaun\" ramata ho aksaun violensia iha loron 28 Abril 2006. * AJTL kontinua preokupa ho mobilzasaun ema barak husi Sidade Dili ba interior. * AJTL supporta politika guverno nia atu kontinua buka solusaun ba problema nebe mosu iha Falintil-FDTL nia laran, liu husi komisaun nebe governu no orgaun soberano sira hanoin atu hari. * AJTL suporta politika guverno nian liu husi ministerio nebe kompetente atu identifika populasaun sira nebe nia sasan no uma rahun hodi nune'e bele buka tulun nebe lalais ba populasaun nebe directamente sai vitima ba aksaun violencia nebe mosu. * AJTL husu ba guverno nudar poder executivo estado RDTL atu bele hari mos komisaun independente ida hodi investiga elementus violensia nebe mosu bainhira manifestasaun nebe hahu husi membru F-FDTL \"Petisaun\" sira nebe hamosu oho, sunu no estraga kareta no povo nia uma.",
"Komisaun ida ne'e mos tenke involve komponente sociedade no tenke transparente no iha acesu ba meios komunikasaun sosial ka media. * AJTL husu ba guverno ho orgaun soberano sira nebe kompetente atu klarifika ba publik kona ba situasaun nebe mosu iha Sexta-feira no Sabadu dader iha sidade Dili laran, liu-liu iha area Tasi-tolu.",
"Tanba situasaun iha loron rua ne'e maka hamosu paniku iha populasaun nia leet to'o populasaun barak tenke husik hela sira nia hela fatin.",
"No to ohin loron sei sai ba interior. * Komisaun ne'e tenke buka hatene se se mak iha violensia ne nia kotuk, no medidas seguransa oinsa mak instituisaun, PNTL, to'o loke espasu ba manifestante sira atu halo violensia. * AJTL husu mos ba guverno no orgaun soberano sira nebe kompetente atu fo explikasun nebe klaru no lolos kona ba razaun intervensaun Falintil-FDTL atu akalma situasaun iha Taci-tolu no fatin seluk nebe haleo sidade Dili. * AJTL husu ba ukun-na'in sira, liu-liu ulun boot orgaun soberano sira atu tur hamutuk hodi diskuti kona ba oinsa atu hametin dame iha populasaun nia leet atu nune'e populasaun bele buka sira moris loro-loron hanesan baibain. * Ami mos husu organisasoens media no imprensa sira, atu imprensa nasional ka internasional, atu fo informasaun nebe baseia deit ba fakta.",
"Labele bazeia noticia no informasaun ba rumor, espekulasaun nebe serve deit atu aumenta paniku iha populasaun nia leet.",
"Dili, Loron Mundial Liberdade Imprensa, 2006.",
"Asosiasaun Jornalista Timor Lorosae 3.",
"Rosario Martins Departemento Estranjero_________________________ 4.",
"Guilherme da Silva Departemento Edukacao_________________________ 5.",
"Helio Freitas da Silva Departemento Organisasi________________________ Diposkan oleh Helio Freitas di 9:15 AM"
] | [
"Violence erupted on Friday, April 28th of this year. This was the last day for Falintil-FDTL members to demonstrate in support \"Petição\"."
"Information about who started the violence and when they began is not clear to public."
"Rumors about this problem have been spreading and rumors of violence are also being circulated."
"We feel sorry for the government and other sovereign bodies that failed to provide timely, up-to date information in order To reassure populations after violence occurred."
"On World Press Freedom Day, May 3rd of this year we Timor-Leste journalists gathered in the Association for Journalism and Information Technology (AJTL) express our thoughts to governmental bodies as follow: * AJtl with sorrow convey its concern about panic that has arisen among people especially those living within Dili city."
"For this reason, we believe that the rulers have lost their moral and political power to calm down people so they do not panic about what happened after Falintil-FDTL \"Petição\" members' demonstration ended with violent action on April 28th. * AJTL continues concerned by mobilization of many from Dili City into interior areas.* Ajtl supported government policy in continuing search for solutions within FFT through a commission which is being set up between Government & Sovereign Organ* AJTl also requestes government as state executive branch establish an independent committee who will investigate violence elements occurred during manifestations started out at Falintile “Petition” member protest where cars were burned or damaget while others suffer injuries"
"This commission should also involve the component of society and be transparent, with access to social media. * AJTL asks that governments or competent sovereign bodies clarify for public about situation which occurred on Friday night in Dili city centre especially at Tasi-tolu area"
"Because the situation in these two days has caused panic among people to such an extent that many of them have been forcede out from their homes."
"* The Commission must find out who is behind the violence, and how security measures taken by PNTL have allowed demonstrators to commit violent acts. • AJTL also asks that governmental authorities provide a clear explanation of why Falintil-FDTL intervened in Tacitolu (district 1) or any other area around Dili city for calming down situation; – Ajtl calls on rulers especially those heading sovereign bodies together discuss about strengthening peace amongst people so they can continue their daily lives like usual: - We ask media organization & press both nationally&international information should be based only upon fact!"
"Do not base news and information on rumors, speculation that only serve to increase panic among the population."
"Dili, Loron Mundial Liberdade Imprensa (World Press Freedom Day), 2013."
"Asosiasaun Jornalista Timor Lorosae 3."
"Rosario Martins Foreign Affairs Department_________________________ 4."
"Guilherme da Silva Department of Education_________________________ 5."
"Helio Freitas da Silva Departemento Organisasi_________________________ Posted by helio freitas at 9:15 AM"
] |
PN aprova taxa seletivu tabaku hasa’e ba $50 | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste\nVARANDA DILI PN aprova taxa seletivu tabaku hasa’e ba $50\nPN aprova taxa seletivu tabaku hasa’e ba $50\nIlustrasaun fuma tabaku. Imajen/Espesiál.\nDILI, 15 dezembru 2021 (TATOLI)—Reprezentante povu iha uma fukun Parlamentu Nasionál liuhosi debate espesialidade ba proposta lei Orsamentu Jerál Estadu (OJE) 2022 aprova taxa seletivu ba tabaku hasa’e $50, ho rezultadu votasaun a-favór 43, kontra tolu no abstensaun 15.\nProposta númeru 2, hasa’e taxa seletivu tabaku ne’e aprezenta hosi deputadu proponente Antoninho Bianco (Fretilin), Abel Pires da Silva (PLP) ho Antonio Verdiál (Khunto).\nIha Proposta Lei (PPL) OJE 2022 previstu iha artigu 6 (Impostos, taxas e contribuições), iha númeru 7 haktuir durante iha tinan 2022, taxa impostu seletivu konsumu aplikavel ba tabaku, posições pautais 2401, 2402 e 2403, ho $25 kada kilograma.\nMaibé proposta númeru 2 justifikasaun sumária ho prezente proposta alterasaun númeru 7 iha artigu 6 aumenta taxa impostu seletivu konsumu aplikavel ba tabaku, posizaun pautais 2401, 2402 no 2403, ho $25 ba $50 kada kilograma, pretende kontribui ba kobre reseita no dez-enkoraza konsumu tábaku tanba fuma prezúdika saúde ema nian.\n“Oinsá fó hanoin ba jerasaun foun tanba ita haree katak tabaku nia risku barak, estraga saúde no afeta kustu saúde barak mak sai. Tanba ne’e, ami tenta fó hanoin liuhosi iha importasaun tabaku aplika taxa boot hodi prevene sé mak atu sosa karik ho folin boot no redús moras tanba kauza hosi tabaku,” Deputadu proponente Antoninho Bianco deklara iha plénaria, kuarta ne’e.\nTuir proponente sira katak kleur ona diskute asuntu refere no mós ratifika konvensaun tabaku ne’ebé haree ba kauza hosi fuma nune’e iha fatin proposta ne’e.\nDeputadu PLP, Abel Pires, hateten tuir dadus Organizasaun Mundiál Saúde Timor-Leste tama iha númeru aas liu iha mundu ne’ebé ba adultu mane 71% mak fuma, feto 29%, no labarik ho idade 13 to’o 15 iha mane 42% fuma, feto 21%. Tanba ema barak fuma, labarik kiik barak la fuma besik sofre moras ispa inklui pulmaun no seluk tán iha TL boot tebes.\nNia haktuir, iha dadus kada tinan tabaku ho kilograma rihun 1900 mak tama TL ne’ebé aplika taxa presu kiik, nune’e fumadór barak tanba sigaru folin baratu, tan ne’e presiza hasa’e taxa hodi redús fumadór liu-liu joven ho labarik sira.\nNotísia Relevante: Timoroan ho idade adultu 71% ativu konsumu tabaku\nDeputada CNRT, Virgina Ana Belo, hateten hasa’e impostu seletivu konsumu tabaku boot makaas sei fó oportunidade ba sirkulasaun hatama sasán ilegal mós sei barak liután maibé ida ne’e servisu todan ba autoridade seguransa iha fronteira bele atentu situasaun refere.\nMinistru Finansa, Rui Augosto Gomes, hateten Governu agradese ba proposta ne’e, tanba atualmente lei tributária aplika $19 kada kilograma bainhira haree hosi impostu seletivu konsumu tabaku nian no Governu propoin iha proposta lei OJE 2022 hasa’e ba $25 ho aumenta 32%, maibé proposta númeru 2 ida-ne’e hasa’e 164%, entaun hakarak hasa’e hosi $19 ba $50.\n“Daudaun ne’e kada tabaku masu ida, ita kobra sentimu 3 ho aumenta ne’ebé Governu propoin, nia sei sa’e ba sentimu 33 kada masu. Maibé ho proposta deputadu sira-nian sei sa’e ba 66 sentimu kada masu,” ministru ne’e dehan.\nKonserteza ida-ne’e esforsu dezentiva ema labele fuma tanba tabaku ladi’ak ba saúde, ida-ne’e loos no bele kontribui ba reseita doméstika ba ema sira-ne’ebé konsumidór.\n“Maibé alerta de’it ba deputadu sira katak ida-ne’e sei tau presaun boot tebes ba autoridade aduaneira atu bele kontrola kontra bandu tanba ita hasa’e taxa ninia reseita boot mak halo ema tama dalan ilegál barak,” nia hateten.\nPrevious articleSEPS apoia materiál konstrusaun ba vítima dezastre naturál Baucau\nNext articleMEJD ezekuta ona 88% OJE 2021 | [
"PN aprova taxa seletivu tabaku hasa'e ba $50 | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA DILI PN aprova taxa seletivu tabaku hasa'e ba $50 PN aprova taxa seletivu tabaku hasa'e ba $50 Ilustrasaun fuma tabaku.",
"DILI, 15 dezembru 2021 (TATOLI) - Reprezentante povu iha uma fukun Parlamentu Nasional liuhosi debate espesialidade ba proposta lei Orsamentu Jeral Estadu (OJE) 2022 aprova taxa seletivu ba tabaku hasa'e $50, ho rezultadu votasaun a-favor 43, kontra tolu no abstensaun 15.",
"Proposta numeru 2, hasa'e taxa seletivu tabaku ne'e aprezenta hosi deputadu proponente Antoninho Bianco (Fretilin), Abel Pires da Silva (PLP) ho Antonio Verdial (Khunto).",
"Iha Proposta Lei (PPL) OJE 2022 previstu iha artigu 6 (Impostos, taxas e contribuicoes), iha numeru 7 haktuir durante iha tinan 2022, taxa impostu seletivu konsumu aplikavel ba tabaku, posicoes pautais 2401, 2402 e 2403, ho $25 kada kilograma.",
"Maibe proposta numeru 2 justifikasaun sumaria ho prezente proposta alterasaun numeru 7 iha artigu 6 aumenta taxa impostu seletivu konsumu aplikavel ba tabaku, posizaun pautais 2401, 2402 no 2403, ho $25 ba $50 kada kilograma, pretende kontribui ba kobre reseita no dez-enkoraza konsumu tabaku tanba fuma prezudika saude ema nian.",
"\"Oinsa fo hanoin ba jerasaun foun tanba ita haree katak tabaku nia risku barak, estraga saude no afeta kustu saude barak mak sai.",
"Tanba ne'e, ami tenta fo hanoin liuhosi iha importasaun tabaku aplika taxa boot hodi prevene se mak atu sosa karik ho folin boot no redus moras tanba kauza hosi tabaku,\" Deputadu proponente Antoninho Bianco deklara iha plenaria, kuarta ne'e.",
"Tuir proponente sira katak kleur ona diskute asuntu refere no mos ratifika konvensaun tabaku ne'ebe haree ba kauza hosi fuma nune'e iha fatin proposta ne'e.",
"Deputadu PLP, Abel Pires, hateten tuir dadus Organizasaun Mundial Saude Timor-Leste tama iha numeru aas liu iha mundu ne'ebe ba adultu mane 71% mak fuma, feto 29%, no labarik ho idade 13 to'o 15 iha mane 42% fuma, feto 21%.",
"Tanba ema barak fuma, labarik kiik barak la fuma besik sofre moras ispa inklui pulmaun no seluk tan iha TL boot tebes.",
"Nia haktuir, iha dadus kada tinan tabaku ho kilograma rihun 1900 mak tama TL ne'ebe aplika taxa presu kiik, nune'e fumador barak tanba sigaru folin baratu, tan ne'e presiza hasa'e taxa hodi redus fumador liu-liu joven ho labarik sira.",
"Notisia Relevante: Timoroan ho idade adultu 71% ativu konsumu tabaku Deputada CNRT, Virgina Ana Belo, hateten hasa'e impostu seletivu konsumu tabaku boot makaas sei fo oportunidade ba sirkulasaun hatama sasan ilegal mos sei barak liutan maibe ida ne'e servisu todan ba autoridade seguransa iha fronteira bele atentu situasaun refere.",
"Ministru Finansa, Rui Augosto Gomes, hateten Governu agradese ba proposta ne'e, tanba atualmente lei tributaria aplika $19 kada kilograma bainhira haree hosi impostu seletivu konsumu tabaku nian no Governu propoin iha proposta lei OJE 2022 hasa'e ba $25 ho aumenta 32%, maibe proposta numeru 2 ida-ne'e hasa'e 164%, entaun hakarak hasa'e hosi $19 ba $50.",
"\"Daudaun ne'e kada tabaku masu ida, ita kobra sentimu 3 ho aumenta ne'ebe Governu propoin, nia sei sa'e ba sentimu 33 kada masu.",
"Maibe ho proposta deputadu sira-nian sei sa'e ba 66 sentimu kada masu,\" ministru ne'e dehan.",
"Konserteza ida-ne'e esforsu dezentiva ema labele fuma tanba tabaku ladi'ak ba saude, ida-ne'e loos no bele kontribui ba reseita domestika ba ema sira-ne'ebe konsumidor.",
"\"Maibe alerta de'it ba deputadu sira katak ida-ne'e sei tau presaun boot tebes ba autoridade aduaneira atu bele kontrola kontra bandu tanba ita hasa'e taxa ninia reseita boot mak halo ema tama dalan ilegal barak,\" nia hateten.",
"Previous articleSEPS apoia material konstrusaun ba vitima dezastre natural Baucau Next articleMEJD ezekuta ona 88% OJE 2021"
] | [
"PN approves selective tobacco tax increase to $50 | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA DILI The National Assembly (PN) has adopted a new legislation that will raise the taxes on cigarettes and other smoking products."
"DILI, December 15th (TATOLI) - People's representatives in the lower house of Parliament approved through plenary debate on a bill to raise tobacco selective tax by $20. The result was voted for with three abstentions and four voters against while there were five absences from all sides at this time"
"Proposal No. 2, to raise the selective tobacco tax was submitted by MPs Antoninho Bianco (Fretilin), Abel Piret da Silva(PLP) and Antonio VerdiaL/Khunto)."
"In the Proposal for a Law (PPL) 2019 Budget, Article I-6 of this Bill stipulates that in number VII it is stated: “In article VI [Taxes and Contributions], paragraphs from one to seven specify during year two thousand nine hundred fifty five as applicable selective excise tax rate on tobacco tariff headings no."
"However, proposal number 2 summary justification with present proposed amendment no.7 in article6 increases the selective excise tax rate applicable to tobacco tariff heading numbers:1403 and #859 from $-$ -to €/kg; this is aimed at contributed revenues collection while discouraging smoking as it harms health of people"
"\"We need to remind the new generation because we see that tobacco has many risks, it damaged health and affected a lot of costs."
"Therefore, we try to make a suggestion through tobacco importation apply high taxes in order prevent anyone from buying at higher prices and reduce diseases caused by tabaco\", MP proponent Antoninho Bianco declared during the plenary session on Tuesday."
"According to the proponents, this issue has been discussed for a long time and also ratification of tobacco conventions that address smoking causes is in place."
"PLP MP, Abel Pires said that according to the World Health Organization data Timor-Leste has one of highest smoking rates worldwide with adult males being smoked by a figure involving male adults (71%) and female adolescents(29%), while among children between age threeteen -fifteen there are men whose rate is at least fourty two per cent more than women."
"Because there are many smokers, the risk of young children who do not smokes to suffer from respiratory diseases including lung and other in Malaysia is very high."
"According to him, there are data every year tobacco with 190 kilograms thousand that enter TL which applies a low price rate. Therefore many smokers because cigarettes cheap prices; so it is necessary raise the tax in order reduce smokers especially young people and children"
"Relevante Notisia: Timoroans with adult age 71% actively consume tobacco CNRT MP, Virgina Ana Belo said raising the tax selectively high consumption of tabaco will give an opportunity for circulation illegal goods are also a lot but this is work to security authorities in border can pay attention situation."
"Finance Minister Rui Augosto Gomes said the Government is grateful for this proposal, because currently tax law applies $19 per kilogram when looking at selective tobacco consumption taxes. The government proposed in its budget 2043 bill to raise it up by a further £5 and increase of €68%, but now they are proposing an increased VAT rate on cigarettes from just under£7 so that there will be no additional cost or burden upon people who have not been smoking since December last year (€-$)."
"\"This is the amount per cigarette, we charge 3 cents with increase proposed by government it will go up to $0.25 a cigar.\""
"But with the MPs' proposal it will go up to 65 cent per gallon,\" he said."
"This conservatism is a deterrent effort to keep people from smoking because tobacco does not do good for health, it's true and can contribute domestic revenues of those who are consumer."
"\"But I would like to warn the members that this will put a lot of pressure on customs authorities, so they can control against smuggling because we are raising taxes which generate huge revenues and make people enter illegally through many ways.\""
"Previous articleSEPS apoia material construção ba vitima desastre natural Baucau Next ArticleMEJD executa já 89% do Orçamento de Estado para o exercício financeiro"
] |
Assanami apela, Timoroan labele tula ibun ba lideransa nasional – GMN TV | Grupo Média Nacional - Lori Timor ba Mundu - GMN TV | Grupo Média Nacional\nHome » Politika » Assanami apela, Timoroan labele tula ibun ba lideransa nasional\nPrezidenti Partidu Demokrátiku (PD), Mariano Assanami Sabino, apela ba Timoroan hotu, liu-liu jerasaun foun sira atu labele tau ibun arbiru ba lideransa nasional sira, tanba maske sira iha frakeza, maibé tenki tane nafatin sira, tanba ho sira mak nasaun Timor Leste ukun aan.\n“Ami louva inan aman sira iha teritóriu tomak, tanba durante kampaña buat hotu la’o diak, kontinua mantein disiplina. Ha’u apela mós ba inan aman no joven sira, liu-liu jerasaun nasionalista hotu atu labele tau ibun ba ita nia lider sira, maske nu’udar umanu sira iha frakeza, maibé mai ita hamutuk nafatin tane no foti sira, tanba ho sira mak ohin ita nia nasaun independente, no ho sira mak ita aprende no hateke ba oin,”katak Assanami ba jornalista sira liu husi konferensia ba imprensa iha sede nasional Partidu Demokrátiku Colmera Dili, Kinta (26/04).\nAssanami mós apela ba militantes no kuadrus PD iha Munisípiu hotu atu kontinua koopera ho partidu hotu atu mantein disiplina no paz.\nAssanami lori PD nia naran hato’o deskulpa ba militantes no simpatizantes PD nian iha teritóriu Timor Leste, tanba PD labele perkore kampaña ba fatin hotu ne’ebé mak militantes no simpatizantes PD hakarak, tanba tempu limitadu tebes.\n“Maske nune’e, imi hotu iha fatin ne’ebé de’it, kontinua hato’o materia kompromisu kampaña ne’ebé mak PD iha ba povu. Ita iha kompromisu eleitoral no programa ne’ebé mak ita aprezenta iha Parlamentu Nasional. Tanba ne’e, husu ba inan aman, militantes no simpatizante sira atu sosializa iha karaik,” katak Assanami.\nAsssanami mós hato’o mensazen ba Timor oan sira ne’ebé mak servisu iha estranjeiru atu partisipa iha eleisaun antesipada ne’ebé mak sei hala’o iha loron 12 fulan Maiu ne’e.\n“Iha momentu ida ne’e, hakarak mós hato’o mensazen especial ba maun alin, kolega sira ne’ebé mak iha Irlandia, Inglatera, Korea, Portugal no Australia, Partidu Demokrátiku hakruk louba ba imi hotu, imi nia servisu ne’ebé mak iha liur, maske ki’ik maibé eroi tebes ba Timor Leste, imi nia kontribuisaun ba prosesu dezenvolvimentu iha Timor Leste bo’ot tebes,” katak Asanami.\nNia haktuir, PD laiha osan atu halo kampaña iha rai liur hanesan partidu seluk halo, maibé Asanami promete katak, bainhira PD manan iha eleisaun antesipada ne’e, PD kompromete sei kontinua realize kursu Portugues ho tetum ba Timoroan sira nia oan iha rai liur, hodi identidade sidadaun Timor Leste nian labele lakon.\nAsanami mós lori PD nia naran fó apresiasaun ne’ebé bo’ot tebes ba CNE, STAE PNTL ne’ebé halo ona esforsu ba prosesu demokratizasaun iha Timor Leste.cos | [
"Assanami apela, Timoroan labele tula ibun ba lideransa nasional - GMN TV | Grupo Media Nacional - Lori Timor ba Mundu - GMN TV | Grupo Media Nacional Home \" Politika \" Assanami apela, Timoroan labele tula ibun ba lideransa nasional Prezidenti Partidu Demokratiku (PD), Mariano Assanami Sabino, apela ba Timoroan hotu, liu-liu jerasaun foun sira atu labele tau ibun arbiru ba lideransa nasional sira, tanba maske sira iha frakeza, maibe tenki tane nafatin sira, tanba ho sira mak nasaun Timor Leste ukun aan.",
"\"Ami louva inan aman sira iha teritoriu tomak, tanba durante kampana buat hotu la'o diak, kontinua mantein disiplina.",
"Ha'u apela mos ba inan aman no joven sira, liu-liu jerasaun nasionalista hotu atu labele tau ibun ba ita nia lider sira, maske nu'udar umanu sira iha frakeza, maibe mai ita hamutuk nafatin tane no foti sira, tanba ho sira mak ohin ita nia nasaun independente, no ho sira mak ita aprende no hateke ba oin,\"katak Assanami ba jornalista sira liu husi konferensia ba imprensa iha sede nasional Partidu Demokratiku Colmera Dili, Kinta (26/04).",
"Assanami mos apela ba militantes no kuadrus PD iha Munisipiu hotu atu kontinua koopera ho partidu hotu atu mantein disiplina no paz.",
"Assanami lori PD nia naran hato'o deskulpa ba militantes no simpatizantes PD nian iha teritoriu Timor Leste, tanba PD labele perkore kampana ba fatin hotu ne'ebe mak militantes no simpatizantes PD hakarak, tanba tempu limitadu tebes.",
"\"Maske nune'e, imi hotu iha fatin ne'ebe de'it, kontinua hato'o materia kompromisu kampana ne'ebe mak PD iha ba povu.",
"Ita iha kompromisu eleitoral no programa ne'ebe mak ita aprezenta iha Parlamentu Nasional.",
"Tanba ne'e, husu ba inan aman, militantes no simpatizante sira atu sosializa iha karaik,\" katak Assanami.",
"Asssanami mos hato'o mensazen ba Timor oan sira ne'ebe mak servisu iha estranjeiru atu partisipa iha eleisaun antesipada ne'ebe mak sei hala'o iha loron 12 fulan Maiu ne'e.",
"\"Iha momentu ida ne'e, hakarak mos hato'o mensazen especial ba maun alin, kolega sira ne'ebe mak iha Irlandia, Inglatera, Korea, Portugal no Australia, Partidu Demokratiku hakruk louba ba imi hotu, imi nia servisu ne'ebe mak iha liur, maske ki'ik maibe eroi tebes ba Timor Leste, imi nia kontribuisaun ba prosesu dezenvolvimentu iha Timor Leste bo'ot tebes,\" katak Asanami.",
"Nia haktuir, PD laiha osan atu halo kampana iha rai liur hanesan partidu seluk halo, maibe Asanami promete katak, bainhira PD manan iha eleisaun antesipada ne'e, PD kompromete sei kontinua realize kursu Portugues ho tetum ba Timoroan sira nia oan iha rai liur, hodi identidade sidadaun Timor Leste nian labele lakon.",
"Asanami mos lori PD nia naran fo apresiasaun ne'ebe bo'ot tebes ba CNE, STAE PNTL ne'ebe halo ona esforsu ba prosesu demokratizasaun iha Timor Leste.cos"
] | [
"Assanami apela, Timoroan labele tula ibun ba lideransa nasional - GMN TV | Grupo Media Nacional Home \" Politics\" Asasami appeals to all of the people in East Тимор and especially younger generation that they should not take their head off national leadership because even though it is fragile we must continue supporting them as with these leaders our country gained its independence."
"\"We commend the parents throughout our territory, because during this campaign everything went well and they continued to maintain discipline."
"I also appeal to parents and young people, especially all the nationalist generations that they do not put their head on our leaders. Even though we are frail as human creatures but let us still stand up for them together because it is with those who have made today' s independent country possible; through these individualities will be learned what should happen in future\", Assanami told journalist at a press conference held Wednesday (26/04) during which he spoke about his vision of Timor-Leste after 1975:"
"Assanami also appealed to the PD militants and cadre in all Municipalities, continuing their cooperation with every party so as maintain discipline."
"Assanami, on behalf of the PD apologised to its militants and supporter in East Timor because it was not possible for them (PD) due time limitations."
"\"Even so, all of you in this place alone continue to present the campaign compromise material that PD has for people."
"We have an electoral commitment and a programme that we are presenting in the National Parliament."
"Therefore, I ask parents and supporters to socialize in the morning\", Assanami said."
"Asssanami also sent a message to Timorese working overseas that they should participate in the early elections on 12 May."
"\"At this moment, I would also like to send a special message for my brothers and sister in Ireland. My colleagues who are living here from the United Kingdom of Great Britain & Northern Irlandy (UK), Korea(South) Portugal/Australia; The Democratic Party congratulates you all on your work overseas which is small but heroic towards Timor-Leste: Your contribution has been enormous.\""
"He said, PD has no money to campaign abroad as other parties do but Asanami promised that if the party wins in this early election it will continue with Portuguese and Tetum course for Timorese children living overseas so they can not lose their identity."
"Asanami also on behalf of the PD expressed great appreciation to CNE, STAE and PNTL for their efforts towards democratization in Timor-Leste."
] |
Sobrevivente 12 Novembru hadi’a moru Semitériu Santa Crus | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste\nVARANDA HEADLINE Sobrevivente 12 Novembru hadi’a moru Semitériu Santa Crus\nSobrevivente 12 Novembru hadi’a moru Semitériu Santa Crus\nSobrevivente masakre 12 Novembru ho nia família sira halo kontribuisaun finanseira hodi sosa materiál konstrusaun moru Semitériu Santa Crus. Imajen/Facebook: Nuno Saldanha.\nDILI, 09 novembru 2020 (TATOLI)—Sobrevivente masakre 12 Novembru ho nia família sira halo kontribuisaun finanseira hodi sosa materiál konstrusaun moru Semitériu Santa Crus nian tanba Comite 12 Novembru (C12N) konisdera semitériu Santa Crus hanesan fatin lulik ne’ebé joven barak fakar-raan no lakon vida.\nNotísia Relevante: Juventude presiza hamutuk atu hateke ba futuru\nImajen/Facebook: Nuno Saldanha.\n“Hanesan Timor-oan hakarak kontribui saida mak ita iha ka tuir ita-nia abilidade ne’ebé kada C12N iha. Nune’e horisehik ami hamutuk ho família boot C12N nian tau osan hamutuk hodi sosa rai-henek, fatuk no batako hodi hadi’a moru Santa Crus nian. Tanba iha tinan kotuk udan boot hodi hamonu tiha moru maibé to’o agora Governu la hadi’a entaun ami C12N iha inisiativa hodi reabilita fali moru tanba fatin ne’e fatin lulik ne’ebé mak lori Timor ba mundu,” Gregorio Saldanha hatete ba Agência TATOLi iha edifisiu PATIFOR Motael, Dili, segunda ne’e.\nMolok sobrevivente hadi’a moru Santa Krus, Prezidente C12N haktuir, sobrevivente sira fó koñesementu ba Administradór no Prezidente Autoridade Munisípiu Dili liuhosi telefonika.\n“Ami ba halo moru ne’e ema balu hirus tan ami. Sira hanoin katak projetu Governu nian. Prosesu hadi’a moru ne’e foin hahú horisehik. Ami la hato’o proposta ba Governu tanba Governu osan laiha. Ida-ne’e ami hasai rasik ami-nia osan depois mak ami fó koñesimentu ba administradór no Prezidente Munisípiu Dili liuhosi telefone de’it. Ne’ebé, Prezidente Autoridade Munisípiu Dili konkorda entaun ami halo kedan servisu. Ami nafatin iha obrigasaun atu halo ida-ne’e tanba uluk ne’e mós laiha ema ida maka obriga ami halo manifestasaun,” nia dehan.\nNia informa, sobrevivente ho nia-oan sira mak hala’o servisu ida-ne’e no hetan apoiu hosi jerasaun 12 de Novenbru sira.\nPrevious articleOJE 2021 aprova, MS sei hahú rekruta profisionál saúde 320\nNext articleAdministradór Fohorem preokupa mina matan Suai Loro abandonadu | [
"Sobrevivente 12 Novembru hadi'a moru Semiteriu Santa Crus | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA HEADLINE Sobrevivente 12 Novembru hadi'a moru Semiteriu Santa Crus Sobrevivente 12 Novembru hadi'a moru Semiteriu Santa Crus Sobrevivente masakre 12 Novembru ho nia familia sira halo kontribuisaun finanseira hodi sosa material konstrusaun moru Semiteriu Santa Crus.",
"Imajen/Facebook: Nuno Saldanha.",
"DILI, 09 novembru 2020 (TATOLI) - Sobrevivente masakre 12 Novembru ho nia familia sira halo kontribuisaun finanseira hodi sosa material konstrusaun moru Semiteriu Santa Crus nian tanba Comite 12 Novembru (C12N) konisdera semiteriu Santa Crus hanesan fatin lulik ne'ebe joven barak fakar-raan no lakon vida.",
"Notisia Relevante: Juventude presiza hamutuk atu hateke ba futuru Imajen/Facebook: Nuno Saldanha.",
"\"Hanesan Timor-oan hakarak kontribui saida mak ita iha ka tuir ita-nia abilidade ne'ebe kada C12N iha.",
"Nune'e horisehik ami hamutuk ho familia boot C12N nian tau osan hamutuk hodi sosa rai-henek, fatuk no batako hodi hadi'a moru Santa Crus nian.",
"Tanba iha tinan kotuk udan boot hodi hamonu tiha moru maibe to'o agora Governu la hadi'a entaun ami C12N iha inisiativa hodi reabilita fali moru tanba fatin ne'e fatin lulik ne'ebe mak lori Timor ba mundu,\" Gregorio Saldanha hatete ba Agencia TATOLi iha edifisiu PATIFOR Motael, Dili, segunda ne'e.",
"Molok sobrevivente hadi'a moru Santa Krus, Prezidente C12N haktuir, sobrevivente sira fo konesementu ba Administrador no Prezidente Autoridade Munisipiu Dili liuhosi telefonika.",
"\"Ami ba halo moru ne'e ema balu hirus tan ami.",
"Sira hanoin katak projetu Governu nian.",
"Prosesu hadi'a moru ne'e foin hahu horisehik.",
"Ami la hato'o proposta ba Governu tanba Governu osan laiha.",
"Ida-ne'e ami hasai rasik ami-nia osan depois mak ami fo konesimentu ba administrador no Prezidente Munisipiu Dili liuhosi telefone de'it.",
"Ne'ebe, Prezidente Autoridade Munisipiu Dili konkorda entaun ami halo kedan servisu.",
"Ami nafatin iha obrigasaun atu halo ida-ne'e tanba uluk ne'e mos laiha ema ida maka obriga ami halo manifestasaun,\" nia dehan.",
"Nia informa, sobrevivente ho nia-oan sira mak hala'o servisu ida-ne'e no hetan apoiu hosi jerasaun 12 de Novenbru sira.",
"Previous articleOJE 2021 aprova, MS sei hahu rekruta profisional saude 320 Next articleAdministrador Fohorem preokupa mina matan Suai Loro abandonadu"
] | [
"Survivor of the 12 November massacre and his family made a financial contribution to purchase materials for building Santa Cruz Cemetery | VARANDA HEADLINE Superviviente de la matanza del pasado domingo hizo una aportación financiera para comprar materiales construcción mare Cementerio santa cruz."
"Image/Facebook: Nuno Saldanha."
"DILI, November 09th - Survivors of the massacre and their families made a financial contribution to purchase construction materials for Santa Cruz Cemetery because Comite12Novembro (C3N) considers that this cemetary is an ugly place where many young people have been killed."
"Relevant News: Youth need to stand together in order for the future Image/Facebook from Nuno Saldanha."
"\"All Timorese want to contribute what we have or according our own ability that each C12N has."
"So today, together with the large family of C12N we put money into buying soil and timber to improve Santa Cruz's pond."
"Because last year heavy rains damaged the lake but until now Government has not improve it so we C12N have taken an initiative to rehabilitate Lake because this place is a beautiful site that brings Timor-Leste into world,\" Gregorio Saldanha told TATOLi Agency in PATIFOR Motael building. Dili on Monday (09/3)."
"After the survivors recovered from Santa Cruz, C12N President said that they informed Dili Municipal Authority Administrator and Chairman via telephone."
"\"We're going to make the sea. Some people hurt us too,\" he said in an interview with BBC News on Thursday (12/09)."
"They thought it was a government project."
"The process of repairing the sea began only yesterday."
"We have not submitted a proposal to the Government because it has no money."
"We took our own money for this and then we informed the administrators of Dili Municipality by telephone."
"The President of the Dili Municipal Authority agreed, so we did our job."
"We still have an obligation to do this because before no one forced us into demonstrating,\" he said."
"He said that the survivors and their children are carrying out this work, with support from generations of 12 November."
"Previous articleBudget 2019 approves, MS will begin recruiting health professionals Next artikelAdministrador Fohorem preokupa mina matan Suai Loro abandonadu"
] |
Autoridade RAEOA enkoraja komunidade konserva bee-matan Oé-Naek | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste\nVARANDA OECUSSE (RAEOA) Autoridade RAEOA enkoraja komunidade konserva bee-matan Oé-Naek\nOÉ-CUSSE, 18 juñu 2021 (TATOLI)—Prezidente Autoridade Rejiaun Administrativa Espesiál Oé-Cusse Ambeno (RAEOA), Arsénio Paixão Bano, hamutuk ho Sekretáriu Rejionál Agrikultura, no Sekretáriu Teras Propriedade enkoraja komunidade suku Cunha, aldeia Maunaebeno atu proteje no konserva bee-matan Oé-Naek\n“Bee-matan ida-ne’e furak tebes. Ha’u mai husu imi dalarua ona, atu haree nia kondisaun tanba iha ne’e mesak ai-bobot haleu. Entaun, atu halo diak-liu no furak liu, ita hotu tenke proteje didi’ak, tanba aban bairua bele sai poténsia turizmu. Tanba, iha tempu bailoron bee-matan ne’e nafatin laiha mudansa. Entaun, ne’e signifika ita tenke proteje ka konserva hodi hadia halo di’ak liután,” Arsénio Paixão Bano hateten ba komunidade sira iha diálogu komunitáriu ho komunidade iha aldeia Maunaebeno, sesta ne’e\nPrezidente autoridade husu ba komunidade aldeia Maunaebeno atu dezenvolve di’ak liután no prioritiza aktividade kultivasaun iha aldeia Maunabeno, tanba potensia bee-matan ne’e bele serví kuda produtu lokál no bele asesu ba merkadu\nEntretantu Sekretáriu Rejionál Asuntu Agrikultura, José Eta, enkoraja komunidade atu konserva bee-matan tanba bee-matan hanesan nesesidade esensiál ba kriatura sira inklui biodiversidade\n“Imi-nia aldeia furak no matak, maske iha tempu bailoron ita hare matak. Tanba ne’e, husu ba imi atu hasa’e tan kuda ai-oan barak tan atu konserva bee labele maran iha tempu oin mai, tanba bee-moos hanesan nesesidade esensiál ba kriatura sira inklui biodiversidade. Tanba ne’e, inan-aman sira hakarak ita-nia hela fatin, suku no aldeia sai furak no matak tenke hahú ona hapara tesi ai-arbiru, tau lutu haleu ita nia bee-matan, kuda ai-oan, nune’e bele konserva bee-matan sira ba ema hotu nia nesesidade,” Jose Eta hateten\nIha aldeia Maunaebeno, nia dehan, bee-matan tolu (3) mak seidauk konserva, tanba tuir observasaun animál sira-ne’e mós livre uza ona bee-matan sira-ne’e tanba komunidade la konserva hodi halo lutu haleu.\n“Presiza kolaborasaun entre parte autoridade lokál atu tau tara-bandu tradisionál ho Guvernu nian. Tanba bee-moos ne’e, ema hotu presiza ba nesesidade loro-loron nian,” nia dehan.\nAutoridade RAEOA hala’o diálogu komunitariu ho komunidade iha aldeia Maunaebeno, suku Cunha. Imajen Tatoli/Abilio Elo Nini.\nIha parte seluk, Xefe aldeia Maunaebeno, Jeronimo Lafo Colo agradese ba autoridade tanba fó hanoin nafatin ba komunidade atu kria unidade iha suku no aldeia, atu hadi’a bee-matan sira ba interese komun. Nia husu ba teras propriedade atu halo levantamentu kadastrál ba sira-nia kintal iha bee-matan Oé-Naek atu sai fatin públiku ba interese komun\n“Ha’u reprezenta komunidade sira, ohin ami hamutuk iha fatin ne’e, ami hakarak autoridade ajuda ami atu mai sukat ami-nia kintal sira, atu nune’e autoridade lokál ho autoridade tau tara bandu ona nomós halo lutu haleu bee-matan sira-ne’e. Ami apoiu tanba bee-moos ne’e la’ós ba ema ida maibe ema hotu atu presiza. Se ohin, ita hahú konserva sei fó benefísiu ba tinan 10 mai, ba oan no bei-oan sira-nia moris,” nia hateten.\nBee-matan Oé-naek lokaliza suku Cunha, aldeia Maunaebeno ho rai ektare ualu (8), benefisiáriu ba bee-matan Oé-Naek uma kain 420 no abitante 1827, totál bee-matan iha aldeia Maunaebeno hamutuk (3) mak hanesan bee-matan Oé-naek, bee-matan Oé-Luakan no bee-matan Petun Oé-Ana.\nPrevious articleAdministradór postu Baucau villa husu komunidade partisipa vasina\nNext articleEstrada difikulta komunidade Maunaebeno faan produtu iha merkadu | [
"Autoridade RAEOA enkoraja komunidade konserva bee-matan Oe-Naek | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA OECUSSE (RAEOA) Autoridade RAEOA enkoraja komunidade konserva bee-matan Oe-Naek OE-CUSSE, 18 junu 2021 (TATOLI) - Prezidente Autoridade Rejiaun Administrativa Espesial Oe-Cusse Ambeno (RAEOA), Arsenio Paixao Bano, hamutuk ho Sekretariu Rejional Agrikultura, no Sekretariu Teras Propriedade enkoraja komunidade suku Cunha, aldeia Maunaebeno atu proteje no konserva bee-matan Oe-Naek \"Bee-matan ida-ne'e furak tebes.",
"Ha'u mai husu imi dalarua ona, atu haree nia kondisaun tanba iha ne'e mesak ai-bobot haleu.",
"Entaun, atu halo diak-liu no furak liu, ita hotu tenke proteje didi'ak, tanba aban bairua bele sai potensia turizmu.",
"Tanba, iha tempu bailoron bee-matan ne'e nafatin laiha mudansa.",
"Entaun, ne'e signifika ita tenke proteje ka konserva hodi hadia halo di'ak liutan,\" Arsenio Paixao Bano hateten ba komunidade sira iha dialogu komunitariu ho komunidade iha aldeia Maunaebeno, sesta ne'e Prezidente autoridade husu ba komunidade aldeia Maunaebeno atu dezenvolve di'ak liutan no prioritiza aktividade kultivasaun iha aldeia Maunabeno, tanba potensia bee-matan ne'e bele servi kuda produtu lokal no bele asesu ba merkadu Entretantu Sekretariu Rejional Asuntu Agrikultura, Jose Eta, enkoraja komunidade atu konserva bee-matan tanba bee-matan hanesan nesesidade esensial ba kriatura sira inklui biodiversidade \"Imi-nia aldeia furak no matak, maske iha tempu bailoron ita hare matak.",
"Tanba ne'e, husu ba imi atu hasa'e tan kuda ai-oan barak tan atu konserva bee labele maran iha tempu oin mai, tanba bee-moos hanesan nesesidade esensial ba kriatura sira inklui biodiversidade.",
"Tanba ne'e, inan-aman sira hakarak ita-nia hela fatin, suku no aldeia sai furak no matak tenke hahu ona hapara tesi ai-arbiru, tau lutu haleu ita nia bee-matan, kuda ai-oan, nune'e bele konserva bee-matan sira ba ema hotu nia nesesidade,\" Jose Eta hateten Iha aldeia Maunaebeno, nia dehan, bee-matan tolu (3) mak seidauk konserva, tanba tuir observasaun animal sira-ne'e mos livre uza ona bee-matan sira-ne'e tanba komunidade la konserva hodi halo lutu haleu.",
"\"Presiza kolaborasaun entre parte autoridade lokal atu tau tara-bandu tradisional ho Guvernu nian.",
"Tanba bee-moos ne'e, ema hotu presiza ba nesesidade loro-loron nian,\" nia dehan.",
"Autoridade RAEOA hala'o dialogu komunitariu ho komunidade iha aldeia Maunaebeno, suku Cunha.",
"Imajen Tatoli/Abilio Elo Nini.",
"Iha parte seluk, Xefe aldeia Maunaebeno, Jeronimo Lafo Colo agradese ba autoridade tanba fo hanoin nafatin ba komunidade atu kria unidade iha suku no aldeia, atu hadi'a bee-matan sira ba interese komun.",
"Nia husu ba teras propriedade atu halo levantamentu kadastral ba sira-nia kintal iha bee-matan Oe-Naek atu sai fatin publiku ba interese komun \"Ha'u reprezenta komunidade sira, ohin ami hamutuk iha fatin ne'e, ami hakarak autoridade ajuda ami atu mai sukat ami-nia kintal sira, atu nune'e autoridade lokal ho autoridade tau tara bandu ona nomos halo lutu haleu bee-matan sira-ne'e.",
"Ami apoiu tanba bee-moos ne'e la'os ba ema ida maibe ema hotu atu presiza.",
"Se ohin, ita hahu konserva sei fo benefisiu ba tinan 10 mai, ba oan no bei-oan sira-nia moris,\" nia hateten.",
"Bee-matan Oe-naek lokaliza suku Cunha, aldeia Maunaebeno ho rai ektare ualu (8), benefisiariu ba bee-matan Oe-Naek uma kain 420 no abitante 1827, total bee-matan iha aldeia Maunaebeno hamutuk (3) mak hanesan bee-matan Oe-naek, bee-matan Oe-Luakan no bee-matan Petun Oe-Ana.",
"Previous articleAdministrador postu Baucau villa husu komunidade partisipa vasina Next articleEstrada difikulta komunidade Maunaebeno faan produtu iha merkadu"
] | [
"RAEOA Authority encourages community to conserve O-Naek watershed | Agência Noticiosa de Timor Leste VARANDA OECUSSE (REAOA) Authorities of the Special Administratives Region, Arsenio Paixao Bano together with Regional Secretary for Agriculture and Terra Property Secretariat are encouraging communities in Cunha village Maunaebeno district protecting o'naeke Waterfall. \"This is a beautiful river that has been created by people who have worked hard on its preservation.\""
"I've asked you twice, to see his condition because there is nothing but a lot of trees here."
"Therefore, to do better and more beautifully we all have a duty of careful protection because tomorrow the neighbourhood may become tourism potential."
"In the past, there has been no significant change in water quality."
"So, that means we have to protect or conserve it in order for the improvement of our lives.\" Arsenio Paixao Bano told communities during a community dialogue with Maunaebeno villagers on Saturday. The President asked them \"to develop well and prioritize cultivation activities at this area because water is an essential resource which can be used by local farmers as they grow their crops\" Meanwhile Regional Secretary Jose Eta encouraged all people who live nearby riverbed areas (Maunabenos) 'To preserve these natural resources' he said: “My own town has been protected since 1980 but I am not sure if there are any other ways you could do so.”"
"Therefore, I ask you to plant more trees and so conserve water from drying up in the future because it is an essential necessity for creatures including biodiversity."
"Therefore, parents who want our place of residence and village to be beautiful must start by stopping cutting trees in the forests. We should put mud on waterways so that we can conserve them for everyone' s needs.\" Jose Eta said In Maunaebeno Village he says there are three (3) unpreserved riverbed because according observation animals have freely used these stream bed since community did not preserve it as a way with which they could use their wetlands\"."
"\"It requires collaboration between local authorities to tackle traditional farming and the Government."
"Because of the water, everyone needs it for their daily necessities,” he said."
"RAEOA authorities conducted a community dialogue with the communities in Maunaebeno village, Cunha municipality."
"Image Tatoli/Abilio Elo Nini. Photo: Abilion"
"On the other hand, Maunaebeno village chief Jeronimo Lafo Colo thanked authorities for reminding communities to create unity in their townships and Village with a view of improving water supply systems."
"He asked the terrace owners to make a cadastral survey of their plots in Oe-Naek watershed so that it can be made into public land for common interest. \"I represent communities, today we are here together and I want authorities help us come measure our lot size; then local authority will take action against those who have banned trees on this site as well like they've taken steps towards removing these dam sites.\""
"We support this because water is not for one person but everyone needs it."
"If we start to conserve today, it will benefit the next 10 years of our children and grandchildren's lives.\""
"The Oe-naek dam is located in the Cunha village, Maunaebeno Village with five (8) hectares of land. Beneficiaries for this project are 420 households and a total population numbering up to three waterworks: o'Naeks Water Works; oa Luakan’S Power Plant & petun ana ‘ s power plant which have been installed at each one from maunebeno"
"Previous articleAdministrator postu Baucau villa asks community to participate in vaccination NextEstrada dificuldade comunidade Maunaebeno vender produtos no mercado"
] |
PN-Governu bele inisia submete lei reparasaun vítima atu diskute | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste\nVARANDA DILI PN-Governu bele inisia submete lei reparasaun vítima atu diskute\nPN-Governu bele inisia submete lei reparasaun vítima atu diskute\nDILI, 09 novembru 2021 (TATOLI)—Prezidente Komisaun A Trata Asuntu Justisa no Konstituisional, Joaquim dos Santos ‘Boraluli’, hateten Parlamentu Nasionál ho Governu bele iha inisiativa hodi submete fila-fali lei reparasaun vítima ne’ebé hetan kaduka hodi bele kontinua diskute.\nNotísia Relevante: Relatóriu CAVR-CVA rekomenda ba Estadu atu halo polítika reparasaun\nIha 2010, Prezidente Parlamentu Nasionál saudozu Fernando La Sama Araújo nia tempu, lejisladór sira diskute lei reparasaun ba vítima no hetan ona aprovasaun iha faze jeneralidade maibé la konsege tama ba faze espesialidade tanba parlamentu hakarak fó uluk prioridade ba lei veteranu sira-nian, nune’e halo lei ne’e hetan kaduka to’o agora.\n“Tanba ne’e, agora depende fila-fali ba Parlamentu ka Governu iha inisiativa bele submete fila-fali hodi halo diskusaun,” Joaquim dos Santos ‘Boraluli’ hateten ba Agência Tatoli iha ámbitu komemorasaun Loron Nasionál Juventude no Masakre 12 Novembru ba dala-XXX, iha Parlamentu Nasionál, tersa ne’e.\nTanba ne’e, nia husu Parlamentu Nasionál liuhosi bankada parlamentár no Governu tutela ne’ebé iha interese bele inisia fila-fali.\nDezde uluk, nia dehan, Parlamentu Nasionál konsidera lei reparasaun ba vítima ne’e importante maibé to’o agora komisaun A iha prosesu diskusaun sira seidauk iha inisiativa ruma, nune’e komisaun hein de’it bainhira inisiativa mai sei tau prioridade atu diskute no aprova hodi haruka ba plenária Parlamentu atu deside.\n“Proposta lei ne’e uluk hosi Governu, nune’e agora bele mai ko’alia ho lejisladór sira hodi re-poin fila-fali sai ba norma ida atu implementa hodi fó garantia ba vítima sira-nia direitu,” nia dehan.\nImportante tebes lei reparasaun vítima hodi bele regula fó rekuñesiemtuu ba timor-oan ne’ebé partisipa luta ba libertasauun nasionál no sai vítima iha funu laran.\nJoaquim dos Santos hateten, loloos lei reparasaun ba vítima tama iha kategória prioridade ba Estadu maibé iha momentu ne’ebá deputadu sira la konsege iha konsesu no iha konseitu vítima, tanba iha kondisaun rua vítima ida militár Indonézia mak halo no vítima ida hosi rezisténsia mak prodús asaun hasoru, tan ne’e presiza define.\nXefe Bankada CNRT, Duarte Nunes, fó hanoin ba Governu liuhosi ministéiru tutela mak tenke hola inisiativa atu haree fila-fali proposta lei-ne’e sei relevante ka lae, karik iha artigu ruma presiza hadi’a nune’e bele propoin mai Parlamentu Nasionál ka hato’o mai deputadu hodi halo projetu lei, nune’e bele kontinua diskute.\n1. Definisaun Reparasaun\nDurante períodu ne’ebé hala’o ninia servisu, CAVR define reparasaun nu’udar medida atu hadi’ak fali estragu ne’ebé vítima sira hetan kona-ba abuzu direitu umanu inkluindu reabilitasaun, restituisaun, kompensasaun, rekoñesimentu kona-ba akontesimentu loloos ne’ebé mosu.\nCAVR tau reparassaun iha direitu umanu nia kuadru de servisu ne’ebé inklui mós komponente esensiál tolu (3) ne’ebé labele troka malu mak lia-loos, justisa, no reparasaun. Forma balun kona-ba reparasaun mak hanesan; kompensasaun ne’ebé inklui katak fó konpensasaun ne’ebé loloos liuhosi rezolve tuir lei ka mediasaun, restituisaun signifika hatur fali-tuir bele-kona-ba situasaun ne’ebé uluk benefisiariu ne’e iha molok violasaun mosu ba nia, reabilitasaun katak halo provizaun médiku no kuidadu psikolojiku no fó resposta signifikante ba ema ida-idak no komunidade nia nesesidade, restaurasaun ba dignidade ne’ebé inklui mós forma simbóliku hosi reparasaun, no garante atu la repete tan mak prevene atu violasaun direitu umanu sei la mosu tan.\n2. Prinsipiu ne’ebé orientasaun nian ba programa reparasaun iha Timor-Leste\nPrinsipiu sira tuir mai ne’e sei asisti atu dezenvolve programa reparasaun ida-ne’ebé efetivu ba vítima sira ne’ebée vulneravel liu kona-ba violasaun direitu umanu nian iha Timor-Leste mak hanesan:\na. Fizibilidade (Pratikalidade)\nTimor-Leste hanesan nasaun foun ida iha faze inisiál dezenvolvimentu nian hasoru difikuldade barak. Atu iha fizibilidade iha kontestu ida-ne’e nia laran, programa reparasaun ida-ne’e tenke seletivu no haree liuliu kona-ba nesesidades ne’ebé urjente liu kona-ba sira ne’ebé vulneravel liu no, iha ne’ebé bele, fó resposta koletivu ne’ebé folin ladún makaas no kreativu.\nTenke tau matan didi’ak atu bele laran metin katak vítima sira ne’ebé oras ne’e hetan susar la’ó de’it tanba konsekuénsia maibé tanba sira-nia esperiénsia no mós tanba nia izolamentu, la hetan informasaun no meiu transporte, liuliu sira ne’ebé hela iha área rurál.\nPrograma ida-ne’e tuir loos tenke hakbiit sira ne’ebé hetan terus tanba violasaun direitu umanu ne’ebé grave atu sira bele kontrola rasik sira-nia moris no kore-aan hosi limitasaun pratika no psikolojiku no vítima nia sentimentu emosionál. Bainhira fó tulun reabilitasaun no medida reparasaun seluk tan di’ak liu se uza dalan hakbesik atu hakbiit nian ida ne’ebé haree liuliu ba vítima sira no bazeadu ba komunidade.\nPrograma ne’e tenke hanoin kona-ba diferensa iha jender tanba konflitu iha Timor-Leste afeta ba mane no feto. Mane no feto sira la’ós liu de’it hosi eeperiésia oin-oin kona ba violasaun direitu umanu nian iha konflitu nia laran, maibé satan dalan oin-oin atu hakmaan impaktu kona-ba violénsia hirak ne’e. Mane barak liu mak sai nu’udar alvu vítima kona ba detensaun, tortura, oho no lori lakon. Maibe, bainhira feto sira sai vítima kona ba detensaun, tortura no violasaun seluk tan, sira terus makaas liu iha violasaun seksuál no sei hetan diskriminasaun nafatin hanesan v’itima.\nFeto sira mós terus bainhira sira-nia laen, oan mane, aman, no membru seluk tan hosi sira-nia família hetan violasaun direitu umanus. Sira mak sai nu’udar responsavel atu tau matan ba sira-nia família, sai responsavel ba hirak ne’ebé moras no kanek, no servisu hodi fó han sira-nia oan no dependente seluk tan bainhira hirak ne’ebé tenke fó han família hirak ne’e mós ema lori ba dadur, lori lakon tiha, oho ka aleija tiha. Sira mós sai vulneravel makaas liután ba violénsia seksuál bainhira sira-nia “protetor” tradisionál família nian laiha. Pelumenus 50% hosi rekursu programa ida-ne’e nian tenke aloka ba iha feto benefisiária sira.\n3. Métodu Reparasaun\nTenke dezenvolve métodu atu fó tulun programa reparasaun nian maibé tenke iha konsulta mós ho vítima sira no grupu víima nian no inklui buat sira tuir mai ne’e:\na. Apoiu ba inan sira0ne’ebé seidauk kaben no bolsa estudu ba sira-nia oan\nPrograma ida-ne’e sei fó tulun liuhosi bolsa estudu ba inan sira n’e’ebe seidauk kaben, inkluindu vítima hosi violénsia seksuál no faluk tanba funu sira-nia oan sira-ne’ebé sei ho idade atu ba eskola nian, to’o labarik hirak ne’e halo ona tinan 18. Pakote ida-ne’e mak hanesan fó tulun osan atu selu eskola no kustu sele-seluk tan no Governu nia ajénsia mak kaer administrasaun no ka ONG sira iha nivel distritu.\nb. Apoiu ba invalidu sira, faluk sira, no sobrevivente hosi violénsia seksuál no tortura\nPrograma ne’e sei fó tulun sosiál ba faluk sira, ba sobrevivente hosi violénsia seksuál (ne’ebé laiha labarik ho tinan atu ba eskola nian), ba invalidu sira, no sobrevivente hosi tortura, inkluindu reabilitasaun, treinu kona-ba abilidade no asesu ba mikro-kréditu atu bele hala’o atividade iha moris loro-loron nian. Tulun hirak ne’e, Governu nia aj’ensia no ONG espesializadu sira no ONG sira ne’ebé komunidade nian mak hala’o.\nc. Apoiu ba komunidade hirak ne’ebé afetadu makaas liu\nPrograma ne’e sei fó apoiu ba komunidade hirak ne’ebé hetan terus makaas, ne’ebé hamutuk halo proposta koletiva ida ba reparasaun. Tau mós iha proposta nia laran esplikasaun kona-ba oinsá komunidade ne’e hetan terus durante tempu konflitu no iha termu jerál, violénsia ne’ebé sira hasoru, projetu espesifiku ida atu bele hakmaan estragu ne’ebé hetan hosi terus, no lista ida kona-ba benefisiáriu hirak ne’ebé sei tama iha atividade ida-ne’e.\nAjénsia Governu nian hanesan ONG sira mós bele uza programa ida-ne’e hodi halo atividade mak hanesan halo kolokiu kona-ba kura no servisu seluk tan hodi restaura, inkluindu terapia kreativu no atividade sira mak hanesan teatru, arte vizual, múzika no reza. Balansu ba jéneru kona-ba benefisiáriu sira sai nu’udar kriteria atu hetan tulun.\nPrograma ne’e sei promove momorializasaun nasionál liuhosi konsulta ho vítima no mós parseiru seluk tan inkluindu Governu. Programa memorializasaun ne’e liuhosi dalan maibé la’ós limitadu ba, hahalok aat ne’ebé hetan diskrisaun iha relatóriu ida-ne’e, no inklui serimónia komemorasaun nian, data, monumentu, no inisiativa sira seluk atu fó honra no hanoin nafatin vítima hosi violasaun direitu umanu iha nivel komunidade lokál no nasionál.\nMemorializasaun mós inklui atu dezenvolve materiál edukasaun nian kona-ba Timor-Leste nia luta istóriku hodi nune’e kaer metin direitu umanus, dezenvolve literatura populár, múzika no arte hodi fó hanoin, no hanesan rekomenda ona iha fatin seluk hosi relatóriu ida-ne’e–programa edukasaun ida atu promove kultura ida kona-ba rezolusaun lahó violénsia nian kona-ba konflitu.\nNotísia Relevante: 2021, CNC luta ba asaun reparasaun ba vítima sira\nPN ho Governu bele inisia submete lei reparasaun vítima\nPrevious articleSETP prepara rai ektare 12 konstrui sentru akollamentu multifunsaun\nNext article11 novembru, SEKOMS sei lansa rádiu komunidade ba Ema ho Defisiénsia | [
"PN-Governu bele inisia submete lei reparasaun vitima atu diskute | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA DILI PN-Governu bele inisia submete lei reparasaun vitima atu diskute PN-Governu bele inisia submete lei reparasaun vitima atu diskute DILI, 09 novembru 2021 (TATOLI) - Prezidente Komisaun A Trata Asuntu Justisa no Konstituisional, Joaquim dos Santos 'Boraluli', hateten Parlamentu Nasional ho Governu bele iha inisiativa hodi submete fila-fali lei reparasaun vitima ne'ebe hetan kaduka hodi bele kontinua diskute.",
"Notisia Relevante: Relatoriu CAVR-CVA rekomenda ba Estadu atu halo politika reparasaun Iha 2010, Prezidente Parlamentu Nasional saudozu Fernando La Sama Araujo nia tempu, lejislador sira diskute lei reparasaun ba vitima no hetan ona aprovasaun iha faze jeneralidade maibe la konsege tama ba faze espesialidade tanba parlamentu hakarak fo uluk prioridade ba lei veteranu sira-nian, nune'e halo lei ne'e hetan kaduka to'o agora.",
"\"Tanba ne'e, agora depende fila-fali ba Parlamentu ka Governu iha inisiativa bele submete fila-fali hodi halo diskusaun,\" Joaquim dos Santos 'Boraluli' hateten ba Agencia Tatoli iha ambitu komemorasaun Loron Nasional Juventude no Masakre 12 Novembru ba dala-XXX, iha Parlamentu Nasional, tersa ne'e.",
"Tanba ne'e, nia husu Parlamentu Nasional liuhosi bankada parlamentar no Governu tutela ne'ebe iha interese bele inisia fila-fali.",
"Dezde uluk, nia dehan, Parlamentu Nasional konsidera lei reparasaun ba vitima ne'e importante maibe to'o agora komisaun A iha prosesu diskusaun sira seidauk iha inisiativa ruma, nune'e komisaun hein de'it bainhira inisiativa mai sei tau prioridade atu diskute no aprova hodi haruka ba plenaria Parlamentu atu deside.",
"\"Proposta lei ne'e uluk hosi Governu, nune'e agora bele mai ko'alia ho lejislador sira hodi re-poin fila-fali sai ba norma ida atu implementa hodi fo garantia ba vitima sira-nia direitu,\" nia dehan.",
"Importante tebes lei reparasaun vitima hodi bele regula fo rekunesiemtuu ba timor-oan ne'ebe partisipa luta ba libertasauun nasional no sai vitima iha funu laran.",
"Joaquim dos Santos hateten, loloos lei reparasaun ba vitima tama iha kategoria prioridade ba Estadu maibe iha momentu ne'eba deputadu sira la konsege iha konsesu no iha konseitu vitima, tanba iha kondisaun rua vitima ida militar Indonezia mak halo no vitima ida hosi rezistensia mak produs asaun hasoru, tan ne'e presiza define.",
"Xefe Bankada CNRT, Duarte Nunes, fo hanoin ba Governu liuhosi ministeiru tutela mak tenke hola inisiativa atu haree fila-fali proposta lei-ne'e sei relevante ka lae, karik iha artigu ruma presiza hadi'a nune'e bele propoin mai Parlamentu Nasional ka hato'o mai deputadu hodi halo projetu lei, nune'e bele kontinua diskute.",
"Definisaun Reparasaun Durante periodu ne'ebe hala'o ninia servisu, CAVR define reparasaun nu'udar medida atu hadi'ak fali estragu ne'ebe vitima sira hetan kona-ba abuzu direitu umanu inkluindu reabilitasaun, restituisaun, kompensasaun, rekonesimentu kona-ba akontesimentu loloos ne'ebe mosu.",
"CAVR tau reparassaun iha direitu umanu nia kuadru de servisu ne'ebe inklui mos komponente esensial tolu (3) ne'ebe labele troka malu mak lia-loos, justisa, no reparasaun.",
"Forma balun kona-ba reparasaun mak hanesan; kompensasaun ne'ebe inklui katak fo konpensasaun ne'ebe loloos liuhosi rezolve tuir lei ka mediasaun, restituisaun signifika hatur fali-tuir bele-kona-ba situasaun ne'ebe uluk benefisiariu ne'e iha molok violasaun mosu ba nia, reabilitasaun katak halo provizaun mediku no kuidadu psikolojiku no fo resposta signifikante ba ema ida-idak no komunidade nia nesesidade, restaurasaun ba dignidade ne'ebe inklui mos forma simboliku hosi reparasaun, no garante atu la repete tan mak prevene atu violasaun direitu umanu sei la mosu tan.",
"Prinsipiu ne'ebe orientasaun nian ba programa reparasaun iha Timor-Leste Prinsipiu sira tuir mai ne'e sei asisti atu dezenvolve programa reparasaun ida-ne'ebe efetivu ba vitima sira ne'ebee vulneravel liu kona-ba violasaun direitu umanu nian iha Timor-Leste mak hanesan: a.",
"Fizibilidade (Pratikalidade) Timor-Leste hanesan nasaun foun ida iha faze inisial dezenvolvimentu nian hasoru difikuldade barak.",
"Atu iha fizibilidade iha kontestu ida-ne'e nia laran, programa reparasaun ida-ne'e tenke seletivu no haree liuliu kona-ba nesesidades ne'ebe urjente liu kona-ba sira ne'ebe vulneravel liu no, iha ne'ebe bele, fo resposta koletivu ne'ebe folin ladun makaas no kreativu.",
"Tenke tau matan didi'ak atu bele laran metin katak vitima sira ne'ebe oras ne'e hetan susar la'o de'it tanba konsekuensia maibe tanba sira-nia esperiensia no mos tanba nia izolamentu, la hetan informasaun no meiu transporte, liuliu sira ne'ebe hela iha area rural.",
"Programa ida-ne'e tuir loos tenke hakbiit sira ne'ebe hetan terus tanba violasaun direitu umanu ne'ebe grave atu sira bele kontrola rasik sira-nia moris no kore-aan hosi limitasaun pratika no psikolojiku no vitima nia sentimentu emosional.",
"Bainhira fo tulun reabilitasaun no medida reparasaun seluk tan di'ak liu se uza dalan hakbesik atu hakbiit nian ida ne'ebe haree liuliu ba vitima sira no bazeadu ba komunidade.",
"Programa ne'e tenke hanoin kona-ba diferensa iha jender tanba konflitu iha Timor-Leste afeta ba mane no feto.",
"Mane no feto sira la'os liu de'it hosi eeperiesia oin-oin kona ba violasaun direitu umanu nian iha konflitu nia laran, maibe satan dalan oin-oin atu hakmaan impaktu kona-ba violensia hirak ne'e.",
"Mane barak liu mak sai nu'udar alvu vitima kona ba detensaun, tortura, oho no lori lakon.",
"Maibe, bainhira feto sira sai vitima kona ba detensaun, tortura no violasaun seluk tan, sira terus makaas liu iha violasaun seksual no sei hetan diskriminasaun nafatin hanesan v'itima.",
"Feto sira mos terus bainhira sira-nia laen, oan mane, aman, no membru seluk tan hosi sira-nia familia hetan violasaun direitu umanus.",
"Sira mak sai nu'udar responsavel atu tau matan ba sira-nia familia, sai responsavel ba hirak ne'ebe moras no kanek, no servisu hodi fo han sira-nia oan no dependente seluk tan bainhira hirak ne'ebe tenke fo han familia hirak ne'e mos ema lori ba dadur, lori lakon tiha, oho ka aleija tiha.",
"Sira mos sai vulneravel makaas liutan ba violensia seksual bainhira sira-nia \"protetor\" tradisional familia nian laiha.",
"Pelumenus 50% hosi rekursu programa ida-ne'e nian tenke aloka ba iha feto benefisiaria sira.",
"Metodu Reparasaun Tenke dezenvolve metodu atu fo tulun programa reparasaun nian maibe tenke iha konsulta mos ho vitima sira no grupu viima nian no inklui buat sira tuir mai ne'e: a.",
"Apoiu ba inan sira0ne'ebe seidauk kaben no bolsa estudu ba sira-nia oan Programa ida-ne'e sei fo tulun liuhosi bolsa estudu ba inan sira n'e'ebe seidauk kaben, inkluindu vitima hosi violensia seksual no faluk tanba funu sira-nia oan sira-ne'ebe sei ho idade atu ba eskola nian, to'o labarik hirak ne'e halo ona tinan 18.",
"Pakote ida-ne'e mak hanesan fo tulun osan atu selu eskola no kustu sele-seluk tan no Governu nia ajensia mak kaer administrasaun no ka ONG sira iha nivel distritu. b.",
"Apoiu ba invalidu sira, faluk sira, no sobrevivente hosi violensia seksual no tortura Programa ne'e sei fo tulun sosial ba faluk sira, ba sobrevivente hosi violensia seksual (ne'ebe laiha labarik ho tinan atu ba eskola nian), ba invalidu sira, no sobrevivente hosi tortura, inkluindu reabilitasaun, treinu kona-ba abilidade no asesu ba mikro-kreditu atu bele hala'o atividade iha moris loro-loron nian.",
"Tulun hirak ne'e, Governu nia aj'ensia no ONG espesializadu sira no ONG sira ne'ebe komunidade nian mak hala'o. c.",
"Apoiu ba komunidade hirak ne'ebe afetadu makaas liu Programa ne'e sei fo apoiu ba komunidade hirak ne'ebe hetan terus makaas, ne'ebe hamutuk halo proposta koletiva ida ba reparasaun.",
"Tau mos iha proposta nia laran esplikasaun kona-ba oinsa komunidade ne'e hetan terus durante tempu konflitu no iha termu jeral, violensia ne'ebe sira hasoru, projetu espesifiku ida atu bele hakmaan estragu ne'ebe hetan hosi terus, no lista ida kona-ba benefisiariu hirak ne'ebe sei tama iha atividade ida-ne'e.",
"Ajensia Governu nian hanesan ONG sira mos bele uza programa ida-ne'e hodi halo atividade mak hanesan halo kolokiu kona-ba kura no servisu seluk tan hodi restaura, inkluindu terapia kreativu no atividade sira mak hanesan teatru, arte vizual, muzika no reza.",
"Balansu ba jeneru kona-ba benefisiariu sira sai nu'udar kriteria atu hetan tulun.",
"Programa ne'e sei promove momorializasaun nasional liuhosi konsulta ho vitima no mos parseiru seluk tan inkluindu Governu.",
"Programa memorializasaun ne'e liuhosi dalan maibe la'os limitadu ba, hahalok aat ne'ebe hetan diskrisaun iha relatoriu ida-ne'e, no inklui serimonia komemorasaun nian, data, monumentu, no inisiativa sira seluk atu fo honra no hanoin nafatin vitima hosi violasaun direitu umanu iha nivel komunidade lokal no nasional.",
"Memorializasaun mos inklui atu dezenvolve material edukasaun nian kona-ba Timor-Leste nia luta istoriku hodi nune'e kaer metin direitu umanus, dezenvolve literatura popular, muzika no arte hodi fo hanoin, no hanesan rekomenda ona iha fatin seluk hosi relatoriu ida-ne'e-programa edukasaun ida atu promove kultura ida kona-ba rezolusaun laho violensia nian kona-ba konflitu.",
"Notisia Relevante: 2021, CNC luta ba asaun reparasaun ba vitima sira PN ho Governu bele inisia submete lei reparasaun vitima Previous articleSETP prepara rai ektare 12 konstrui sentru akollamentu multifunsaun Next article11 novembru, SEKOMS sei lansa radiu komunidade ba Ema ho Defisiensia"
] | [
"PN-Government may initiate submission of victim reparation law for discussion | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor -Leste VARANDA DILI National Parliament and Government can take the initiatives to resubmit expired legislations on compensating those who have suffered damages from crime Dili, November (09) – Joaquim dos Santos 'Boraluli' said that he is confident national parliament will continue discussing this issue."
"Relevant News: CAVR-CVA Report recommends the State to implement a reparation policy In 2015, under President of National Parliament Fernando La Sama Araujo (the late), legislators discussed law on victim compensations and obtained approval in plenary session but failed at that stage because parliament wanted first priority for veteran' s rights."
"\"Therefore, now it depends again on Parliament or the Government to have an initiative and submit this bill once more for discussion\", Joaquim dos Santos 'Boraluli' told Agência Tatoli in connection with commemoration of National Youth Day & Massacre November-12th at parliament Tuesday."
"Therefore, he asked the National Parliament through its parliamentary group and guardian government who have an interest to restart."
"Since the beginning, he said that Parliament has considered this law on compensation for victims important but so far Commission A in its discussion processes no initiative is being taken. The commission only waited until an initiative came and will prioritize it to be debated or approving before sending a decision into plenary session of parliament.\""
"\"The law was proposed first by the Government, so now we can talk with legislators to re-point again on a norm that should be implemented in order for victims' rights are guaranteeds.\""
"It is very important that the victims' reparation law will regulate recognition of Timorese who participated in national liberation struggle and were avictimized during war."
"Joaquim dos Santos said that the victims' reparation law should be a priority category for State but at this time, members of parliament were unable to reach consensus and there was no concept on what is meant by \"victim\", because it has two conditions: one being an Indonesian soldier who committed violence against civilians; another having been involved in resistance action."
"Congress Nationalist Party (CNRP) Group Leader Duarte Nunes reminded the Government through its ministry of responsibility to take an initiative and review whether or not this bill is relevant, if any article needs improvement so that it can be suggested for consideration by Parliament."
"1. Amendment of the Constitution"
"During the period of its work, CAVR defines reparation as a measure to remedy damage suffered by victim (ies) in connection with human rights violations including rehabilitation; restitutions and compensating recognition about what actually happened."
"CAVR places reparations within a human rights framework that also includes three (3) essential and non-exchangeable components: truth, justice & redress."
"Some forms of reparation include: compensations, which involve giving adequate redress through legal settlement or mediaation; restitutionen means returning the beneficiary to his/her previous situation before violations were committed against him / her and rehabilitating that includes providing medical care as well a meaningful response for individual needs. Rehabilitating is also about restoring dignity including symbolic remedies in guaranteed non-recurrence so human rights violators will not repeat their actions again"
"2. The purpose of the contract"
"Guiding Principles for Reparations Programmes in Timor-Leste The following principled will assist to develop an effective reparation programme of the most vulnerable victim(i)es with regard (to human rights violation/violation)(a)."
"Feasibility (Practicality) Timor-Leste as a new country in the initial phase of development faces many difficulties."
"To be feasible in this context, such reparation programmes must focus selectively and particularly on the most urgent needs of those who are more vulnerable than others. Where possible they should provide a collective response that is cost-efficient but creative as well;"
"We must be careful to ensure that the victims who are currently in difficulty do not go only because of their consequences but also for what they have experienced, and as a result there is isolation. They lack information or transportation facilities especially those living within rural areas"
"Such a programme should empower those who have suffered serious human rights violations to take control of their lives and free themselves from the practical, psychological limits that affect them."
"When providing rehabilitation assistance and other reparation measures, it is best to use a victim-focused approach based on community empowerment."
"The programme must take into account the gender difference because conflict in Timor-Leste affects both men and women."
"Men and women not only experience different forms of human rights violations in conflict, but they also have their own ways to mitigate the impact on such violence."
"More men have been targeted as victims of detention, torture and murder."
"However, when women become victims of detention and torture or other violations they suffer more than men in sexual rape cases. They will still be discriminated against as a result"
"Women also suffer when their sons-in–law, children of the same sex and other family members are subjected to human rights violations."
"They become responsible for caring about their families, taking care of the sick and wounded; they work to feed children or other dependents when those who should be feeding them are also taken away by someone else."
"They also become highly vulnerable to sexual violence when their traditional family \"protectors\" are absent."
"At least 50% of the programme's resources must be allocated to female beneficiaries."
"3. The application process"
"Methods of reparation shall be developed to support the programme but should also consult with victim and redress groups, including: a. The following aspects;"
"Support to unmarried mothers and scholarship for their children This programme will provide assistance through a grant program, involving school-age students from the family of an unaccompanied child who is not married but has been victimized by sexual violence or war trauma until they are 18 years old."
"This package consists of financial aid to cover school fees and other costs, with government agencies taking over administration or NGO'S at the district level. b)"
"Support for the disabled, invalids and survivors of sexual violence or torture The programme will provide social assistance to handicapped people (with no children under school age), victim-of–sexual abuse/violence overcoming disabilities as well a person who has suffered from mental illnesses. This includes rehabilitation services involving skills training; accessing microcredit so that they can carry out daily life activities"
"These aids are provided by government agencies and specialized NGOs as well the community-based ones. c)"
"Support for the heaviest affected communities This programme will provide support to those community groups that have been most severely damaged, who together make a collective proposal of reparation."
"The proposal should also include an explanation of how the community has suffered during conflict and in general terms, what violence they have faced; a specific project to repair damage from their painful experiences. It must be provided with information on who will benefit by this activity as well:"
"Government agencies such as NGOs can also use the program to carry out activities like healing talk and other restorative services, including creative therapy with theatre-based programs. Visual art classes are offered alongside music or prayer session of a day in which children learn about their own spirituality by listening through different instruments that they have been taught at school for many years before this programme was launched on May15th"
"Gender balance in terms of beneficiaries became a criterion for receiving assistance."
"The programme will promote national awareness through consultation with victims and other partners including the Government."
"The memorialization programme takes the form of, but is not limited to abuses described in this report and includes commemorative ceremonies; dates for events or monuments as well other initiative that honor victim' s memory at local community level."
"Memorialization also includes the development of educational materials on Timor-Leste's historical struggle to uphold human rights, developing popular literature and music as a means for reflection. As recommended elsewhere in this report an Education Programme should be developed that promoted culture about nonviolent resolution with regard towards conflict;"
"Related News: 2019, CNC fights for reparation action to victim PN and Government can begin submitting law on compensations Previous articleSETP prepare land of twelve hectares build multi-purpose centre Next artikelNovember the SECOMS will launch community radio people with disabilities."
] |
LAP Tama ona Ba Faze Apresiasaun TR\nPrezidente Tribunál Rekursu (TR), Deolindo dos Santos. FOTO: doc\nLAP Tama ona Ba Faze Apresiasaun TR Featured\nDILI: Prezidente Tribunál Rekursu (TR), Deolindo dos Santos hateten, prosesu fiskalizasaun abstratu ba konstitusionalidade Lei Atividade Petrolíferu (LAP) tama kategoria kazu méritu, ne’e duni la bele halo pronunsiasaun bainhira seidauk iha desizaun finál.\nMaski nune’e, kazu ne’e tama ona ba faze apresiasaun Tribunál Rekursu, nune’e sei halo desizaun kona-ba pedidu justifikasaun ne’ebé mai husi deputadu sira.\n“Kazu méritu ha’u labele hasai opiniaun antesipadamente bainhira seidauk iha desizaun sala ka loos. Ha’u pronunsia uluk sei implika ba implementasaun husi lei ne’e rasik”, tenik nia, iha Uma Fukun Parlamentu Nasionál, horisehik.\nNia dehan, tempu ba TR atu halo desizaun ne’e tuir tempu normál, tanba ne’e iha tempu besik sei hasai halo desizaun ba rezultadu fiskalizasaun abstratu ba konstitusionalidade LAP nian.\nAntes ne’e, Ministru Reformasaun Lejizlativa no Asuntu Parlamentár (MRLAP), Fidelis Magalhães hateten, iha tempu badak Governu sei informa mai iha PN kona-ba intensaun atu hahú husu ba Banku Central atu prosesa ona transferénsia osan tokon $650 hodi sosa asaun ConocoPhillips no Shell.\nLei ida kuandu vigora hela nia ezekusaun labele adia, lei ne’e la vale bainhira lei foun altera nia, tanba ne’e prosesu ba husu fiskalizasaun abstrata ne’e prosesu husik la’o depois mak sira hetan resposta husi Tribunál.\nHataan ba ida ne’e, Bankada FRETILIN deklara, bainhira TR sei delibera kona-ba rekursu ne’e, mezmu lei vigora hela, maibé hotu-hotu tenke hein antes halo prosesu levantamentu ruma.\nFó tempu loron 30 ba TR atu halo desizaun hafoin bele ezekuta, la’ós koko atu foti osan lalais tanba de’it ta’uk desizaun ne’e bele la favorese ba Governu.\nBainhira governu obriga aan foti osan ba selu asaun mak to’o ikus TR deside LAP ne’e inkonstitusionalidade, signifika lei ne’e rasik nulu tenke fila-fali ba lei anteriór.\nMore in this category: « La Hafraku Funsionamentu Estadu, PN Ezijé Asegura Segredu Estadu PN Kestiona Bolsu Estudu FDCH Fasil Liu ba Ema Balun De’it »\nTR Pronunsia DOT La Inkonstitusional\nPrezidente TR Guilhermino: “PR Taur iha Kompeténsia Buka Ema Seluk Troka Ha’u”\nKandidatu Prezidente Repúblika, TR Foin Rejista Kandidatu José Neves\n/LAP Tama ona Ba Faze Apresiasaun TR | [
"LAP Tama ona Ba Faze Apresiasaun TR Prezidente Tribunal Rekursu (TR), Deolindo dos Santos.",
"FOTO: doc LAP Tama ona Ba Faze Apresiasaun TR Featured DILI: Prezidente Tribunal Rekursu (TR), Deolindo dos Santos hateten, prosesu fiskalizasaun abstratu ba konstitusionalidade Lei Atividade Petroliferu (LAP) tama kategoria kazu meritu, ne'e duni la bele halo pronunsiasaun bainhira seidauk iha desizaun final.",
"Maski nune'e, kazu ne'e tama ona ba faze apresiasaun Tribunal Rekursu, nune'e sei halo desizaun kona-ba pedidu justifikasaun ne'ebe mai husi deputadu sira.",
"\"Kazu meritu ha'u labele hasai opiniaun antesipadamente bainhira seidauk iha desizaun sala ka loos.",
"Ha'u pronunsia uluk sei implika ba implementasaun husi lei ne'e rasik,\" tenik nia, iha Uma Fukun Parlamentu Nasional, horisehik.",
"Nia dehan, tempu ba TR atu halo desizaun ne'e tuir tempu normal, tanba ne'e iha tempu besik sei hasai halo desizaun ba rezultadu fiskalizasaun abstratu ba konstitusionalidade LAP nian.",
"Antes ne'e, Ministru Reformasaun Lejizlativa no Asuntu Parlamentar (MRLAP), Fidelis Magalhaes hateten, iha tempu badak Governu sei informa mai iha PN kona-ba intensaun atu hahu husu ba Banku Central atu prosesa ona transferensia osan tokon $650 hodi sosa asaun ConocoPhillips no Shell.",
"Lei ida kuandu vigora hela nia ezekusaun labele adia, lei ne'e la vale bainhira lei foun altera nia, tanba ne'e prosesu ba husu fiskalizasaun abstrata ne'e prosesu husik la'o depois mak sira hetan resposta husi Tribunal.",
"Hataan ba ida ne'e, Bankada FRETILIN deklara, bainhira TR sei delibera kona-ba rekursu ne'e, mezmu lei vigora hela, maibe hotu-hotu tenke hein antes halo prosesu levantamentu ruma.",
"Fo tempu loron 30 ba TR atu halo desizaun hafoin bele ezekuta, la'os koko atu foti osan lalais tanba de'it ta'uk desizaun ne'e bele la favorese ba Governu.",
"Bainhira governu obriga aan foti osan ba selu asaun mak to'o ikus TR deside LAP ne'e inkonstitusionalidade, signifika lei ne'e rasik nulu tenke fila-fali ba lei anterior.",
"More in this category: \" La Hafraku Funsionamentu Estadu, PN Ezije Asegura Segredu Estadu PN Kestiona Bolsu Estudu FDCH Fasil Liu ba Ema Balun De'it \" TR Pronunsia DOT La Inkonstitusional Prezidente TR Guilhermino: \"PR Taur iha Kompetensia Buka Ema Seluk Troka Ha'u\" Kandidatu Prezidente Republika, TR Foin Rejista Kandidatu Jose Neves /LAP Tama ona Ba Faze Apresiasaun TR"
] | [
"LAP Has Entered TR Appreciation Phase Court of Appeal (CA) President, Deolindo dos Santos."
"Featured DILI: President of the Tribunal Recurso (TR), Deolindo dos Santos, said that abstract fiscalization process for constitutionality Petroleum Activity Law(LAP) is a case on its merits and therefore cannot be pronounced until final decision has been made."
"Nevertheless, the case has entered into a review phase by Tribunal Recurso (Court of Appeal), which will decide on requests for justification from MP'S."
"\"Case merits I cannot give an opinion ahead of time when there is no decision wrong or right."
"My earlier pronouncement will imply the implementation of this law itself,\" he said in House Fukun National Parliament today."
"He said, the time for TR to make this decision is normally in its own right and therefore it will soon decide on an abstract audit of LAP's constitutionality."
"Earlier, Minister of Legislative Reform and Parliamentary Affairs (MRLAP), Fidelis Magalhaes said that the Government will shortly inform in parliament about its intention to begin asking Central Bank for processing transfers worth $650 million towards ConocoPhillips' share purchase."
"When a law is in force, its implementation cannot be postponed; it becomes invalid when new legislations modify the existing ones. Therefore an abstract auditing process should not take place until after they have obtained answer from Court of Justice (Court)."
"In response to this, the FRETILIN Group declares that when TR will deliberate on its appeals although law is still in force but everyone must wait before making any process of lifting."
"Give the TR 30 days to make a decision and then execute, not take money quickly just because it might be unfavorable for government."
"When the government is obliged to take money for action until finally TR decides that LAP unconstitutionality, means this law itself null and void must return back."
"More in this category: \" La Hafraku Funcionamento Estadu, PN Ezije Assegurar Segredo de Estado\" TR Pronuncia DOT A Lei Inconstitucional Presidente do Tribunal Constitucional Guilhermino - “PR Taur tem Competência Buscar Pessoas para Trocar-me” Candidato à Presidência da República (TR) José Neves /LAP Entra Na Faze De Apreciação Do Supremo."
] |
Igreja Agradese Sétimu Governu Konstitusionál | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste\nVARANDA MUNISÍPIU Igreja Agradese Sétimu Governu Konstitusionál\nIgreja Agradese Sétimu Governu Konstitusionál\nSeremónia pregrinasaun nasionál iha Soibada. Imajen Ajénsia TATOLI/Xisto Freitas\nSOIBADA (TATOLI)—Pároku Parókia Soibada, Pe. Tiago Sarmento agradese ba Sétimu Governu Konstitusionál ne´ebé partisipa ona pregrinasaun nasionál iha Parókia Soibada, Postu Administrativu Soibada, Munisípiu Manatuto, durante loron tolu (13-15 outubru 2017).\n“Ami hakarak hato´o ami nia agradesementu ba Primeiru Ministru, Dr. Marí Alkatiri ho estrututura tomak iha Sétimu Governu Konstitusionál nian ne´ebé ho laran kamaan tebes partisipa iha pregrinasaun ida ne´e,” Amu Tiago hato´o agradesementu ne´e liuhusi misa pregrinasaun nasionál ne´ebé hala´o iha Kapela Nain Feto Aitara, Parókia Soibada, Postu Administrativu Soibada, Munisípiu Manatuto, domingu dadér ohin.\nPadre hateten maske Primeiru Ministru, Marí Alkatiri la´ós relijiaun Katólika maibé ho laran tomak fó instrusaun ba ministru sira hotu hodi partisipa iha pregrinasaun atu realiza ka hakle´an ida-idak nia fiar\n“Agradese ba ita-boot (Dr. Marí) nia instrusaun ba membru governu sira hotu no ita-boot rasik mós hiit án mai iha ne´e (Soibada) hamutuk ho ami hodi hala´o pregrinasaun,” nia tenik.\nAmu Pároku salienta katak sira sei tane liman nafatin no sei baku nafatin Governu nia odamatan hodi tulun buat balun ne´ebé igreja liu-liu parókia Soibada presiza. “Fatin ida ne´e sai hanesan patromónia nasionál, tan ne´e ami sei la ba ema seluk maibé sei ba tuku aman no inan nasaun nia odamatan atu bele tau matan ba buat ne´ebé sarani no Parókia Soibada presiza,” Amu haklaken.\nIha biban ne´e, Primeiru Ministru, Dr. Marí Alkatiri liuhusi ninia deskursu badak iha selebrasaun misa pregrinasaun nasionál katak iha tinan naruk ba kotuk nia mai duni iha Soibada hanesan primeiru ministru no iha tempu ne´ebá nia hateten momoos katak dalan hotu-hotu sei mai para iha Aitara.\n“Horsehik, ha´u mai hosi Dili to´o iha Soibada, ha´u bele haree obras barak la´o daudaun atu fasilita asesu mai iha Soibada,” nia haktuir.\nMarí hatutan Soibada la´ós de´it tanba iha foho ne´ebé furak ka paisajen ne´ebé furak, maibé Soibada reprezenta afirmasaun sentidu no identidade ida. “Ha´u hanoin Sétimu Governu sei kaer ba buat ida ne´e saida maka kultura reprezenta ba patriotizmu no saida maka relijiaun reprezenta ba kultura,” nia tenik.\nXefe Governu informa fiar ema ida-idak ninian maibé iha Timor-Leste relijiaun Katólika la´ós de´it fiar maibé relijiaun Katólika nu´udar elementu determinante hodi marka ita nia identidade no marka ita nia kultura.\nMarí esklarese katak ba tinan lima atu mai, Soibada hanesan sentru kultura sei liga ba iha lorosa´e (Ossu, Viqueque), da´et ba iha Venilale (Baucau) no liga ba iha loromonu (Maliana) hanesan trianglu interasaun kulturál ida hodi afirma ita nia identidade Timor-Leste. Tanba pontu tolu ne´e maka hahú ho relijiaun atu hametin kultura.\n“Tanba ne´e, ha´u bele dehan, tempu tinan lima ne´ebé mai ne´e, atu defende liu ita nia pátria. Atu defende ho konsisténsia liu ita tenke hametin fila fali ita nia istória para hametin fila fali ita nia kultura. Ne´e de´it maka ha´u bele promete,” nia esplika.\n“Ha´u dehan tinan lima só Maromak de´it maka bele hatene. Katak, Governu ida ne´e bele ukun to´o tinan lima ka lae. Ha´u hakarak halo buat ruma maibé buat hotu-hotu iha Maromak nia liman,” líder fundadór ida RDTL ne´e afirma.\nMaske nune´e, Marí hateten, Ministru Turizmu ne´ebé mai ne´e Soibada oan. Tanba ne´e, nia dehan, ministru refere sei inklui Soibada ba ninia programa oinsá atu transforma Soibada sai sentru kulturál ida ne´ebé dinámiku, sai timoroan sira nia istória no identidade. (Jornalista: Xisto Freitas)\nPrevious articleMembru Governu Partisipa iha Pregrinasaun Nasionál\nNext articlePM Alkatiri Aprezenta Programa Sétimu Governu\nBankada Maioria Parlamentár Destitui Ona Maria Terezinha Viegas no Isabel Maria...\nDILI, 02 juñu 2020 (TATOLI)—Deputadu sira Bankada Maioria Parlamentár komposta hosi Frente Revolucionária de Timor-Leste Independente (FRETILIN), Partido Libertação Popular (PLP) no Kmanek Haburas...\nDILI, 02 juñu 2020 (TATOLI)—Bankada Congresso Nacional da Reconstrução de Timor (CNRT) respeita desizaun no depozita konfiansa ba Tribunál Rekursu (TR), ohin, deputadu sira... | [
"Igreja Agradese Setimu Governu Konstitusional | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA MUNISIPIU Igreja Agradese Setimu Governu Konstitusional Igreja Agradese Setimu Governu Konstitusional Seremonia pregrinasaun nasional iha Soibada.",
"Imajen Ajensia TATOLI/Xisto Freitas SOIBADA (TATOLI) - Paroku Parokia Soibada, Pe.",
"Tiago Sarmento agradese ba Setimu Governu Konstitusional ne'ebe partisipa ona pregrinasaun nasional iha Parokia Soibada, Postu Administrativu Soibada, Munisipiu Manatuto, durante loron tolu (13-15 outubru 2017).",
"\"Ami hakarak hato'o ami nia agradesementu ba Primeiru Ministru, Dr. Mari Alkatiri ho estrututura tomak iha Setimu Governu Konstitusional nian ne'ebe ho laran kamaan tebes partisipa iha pregrinasaun ida ne'e,\" Amu Tiago hato'o agradesementu ne'e liuhusi misa pregrinasaun nasional ne'ebe hala'o iha Kapela Nain Feto Aitara, Parokia Soibada, Postu Administrativu Soibada, Munisipiu Manatuto, domingu dader ohin.",
"Padre hateten maske Primeiru Ministru, Mari Alkatiri la'os relijiaun Katolika maibe ho laran tomak fo instrusaun ba ministru sira hotu hodi partisipa iha pregrinasaun atu realiza ka hakle'an ida-idak nia fiar \"Agradese ba ita-boot (Dr. Mari) nia instrusaun ba membru governu sira hotu no ita-boot rasik mos hiit an mai iha ne'e (Soibada) hamutuk ho ami hodi hala'o pregrinasaun,\" nia tenik.",
"Amu Paroku salienta katak sira sei tane liman nafatin no sei baku nafatin Governu nia odamatan hodi tulun buat balun ne'ebe igreja liu-liu parokia Soibada presiza.",
"\"Fatin ida ne'e sai hanesan patromonia nasional, tan ne'e ami sei la ba ema seluk maibe sei ba tuku aman no inan nasaun nia odamatan atu bele tau matan ba buat ne'ebe sarani no Parokia Soibada presiza,\" Amu haklaken.",
"Iha biban ne'e, Primeiru Ministru, Dr. Mari Alkatiri liuhusi ninia deskursu badak iha selebrasaun misa pregrinasaun nasional katak iha tinan naruk ba kotuk nia mai duni iha Soibada hanesan primeiru ministru no iha tempu ne'eba nia hateten momoos katak dalan hotu-hotu sei mai para iha Aitara.",
"\"Horsehik, ha'u mai hosi Dili to'o iha Soibada, ha'u bele haree obras barak la'o daudaun atu fasilita asesu mai iha Soibada,\" nia haktuir.",
"Mari hatutan Soibada la'os de'it tanba iha foho ne'ebe furak ka paisajen ne'ebe furak, maibe Soibada reprezenta afirmasaun sentidu no identidade ida.",
"\"Ha'u hanoin Setimu Governu sei kaer ba buat ida ne'e saida maka kultura reprezenta ba patriotizmu no saida maka relijiaun reprezenta ba kultura,\" nia tenik.",
"Xefe Governu informa fiar ema ida-idak ninian maibe iha Timor-Leste relijiaun Katolika la'os de'it fiar maibe relijiaun Katolika nu'udar elementu determinante hodi marka ita nia identidade no marka ita nia kultura.",
"Mari esklarese katak ba tinan lima atu mai, Soibada hanesan sentru kultura sei liga ba iha lorosa'e (Ossu, Viqueque), da'et ba iha Venilale (Baucau) no liga ba iha loromonu (Maliana) hanesan trianglu interasaun kultural ida hodi afirma ita nia identidade Timor-Leste.",
"Tanba pontu tolu ne'e maka hahu ho relijiaun atu hametin kultura.",
"\"Tanba ne'e, ha'u bele dehan, tempu tinan lima ne'ebe mai ne'e, atu defende liu ita nia patria.",
"Atu defende ho konsistensia liu ita tenke hametin fila fali ita nia istoria para hametin fila fali ita nia kultura.",
"Ne'e de'it maka ha'u bele promete,\" nia esplika.",
"\"Ha'u dehan tinan lima so Maromak de'it maka bele hatene.",
"Katak, Governu ida ne'e bele ukun to'o tinan lima ka lae.",
"Ha'u hakarak halo buat ruma maibe buat hotu-hotu iha Maromak nia liman,\" lider fundador ida RDTL ne'e afirma.",
"Maske nune'e, Mari hateten, Ministru Turizmu ne'ebe mai ne'e Soibada oan.",
"Tanba ne'e, nia dehan, ministru refere sei inklui Soibada ba ninia programa oinsa atu transforma Soibada sai sentru kultural ida ne'ebe dinamiku, sai timoroan sira nia istoria no identidade.",
"(Jornalista: Xisto Freitas) Previous articleMembru Governu Partisipa iha Pregrinasaun Nasional Next articlePM Alkatiri Aprezenta Programa Setimu Governu Bankada Maioria Parlamentar Destitui Ona Maria Terezinha Viegas no Isabel Maria...",
"DILI, 02 junu 2020 (TATOLI) - Deputadu sira Bankada Maioria Parlamentar komposta hosi Frente Revolucionaria de Timor-Leste Independente (FRETILIN), Partido Libertacao Popular (PLP) no Kmanek Haburas...",
"DILI, 02 junu 2020 (TATOLI) - Bankada Congresso Nacional da Reconstrucao de Timor (CNRT) respeita desizaun no depozita konfiansa ba Tribunal Rekursu (TR), ohin, deputadu sira..."
] | [
"Church Thanks Seventh Constitutional Government | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste HOME MUNICIPALITY Igreja Graças Setimu Governo Constitucional National Pilgrimage Ceremony in Soibada."
"SOIBADA (AFP) - The parish priest of Soibada Parish, Fr."
"Tiago Sarmento thanked the Seventh Constitutional Government for having participated in a national pilgrimage to Soibada Parish, Administrative Post of soibada (Manatuto Municipality), during three days."
"\"We would like to express our gratitude for the Prime Minister, Dr. Mari Alkatiri and all structures in The Seventh Constitutional Government who are so eagerly participating on this pilgrimage\", Father Tiago said during a national mass held at Our Lady of Aitara Chapel (Capela de Nossa Senhora do Aitará), Soibada Parish Administrative Post Office - Manatuto Municipality today Sunday morning"
"The priest said that although Prime Minister Mari Alkatiri is not of the Catholic religion but with all his heart he instructed every minister to participate in this pilgrimage, so as each one could realize or confirm their faith. \"Thank you for your (Dr Maria)'s instructions on government members and we are very glad it has come together here [Soibada] alongside us.\""
"Father Paroku emphasizes that they will continue to knock on the government's door in order for them and their church, especially Soibada Parish."
"\"This house has become a national patronage, so we will not give it to anyone else but open the door of our father and mother country in order that they can take care for what is needed by parishioners from Soibada.\""
"In addition, Prime Minister Dr. Mari Alkatiri through his brief speech at the celebration of national pre-pilgrimage mass that a long time ago he did come to Soibada as prime minister and in those days said out loud all roads will end up on Aitara'a"
"\"Today, I came from Dili to Soibada and could see a lot of work being done in order for people more easily accessing the area."
"Mari explains that Soibada is not just because of its beautiful beaches or landscape, but it represent a sense and identity statement."
"\"I think the Seventh Government will take on this issue of what culture represents to patriotism and how religion is a part for cultural,\" he said."
"The Head of Government informed that each person has his own faith, but the Catholic religion is not just a belief for Timor-Leste. It's also an important element to our identity and culture as well.\""
"Mari explained that for the next five years, Soibada as a cultural centre will be linking with lorosa'e (Ossu in Viqueque), da’et to Venilale(Baucau) and loromonu/Maliana. This would form an intercultural triangles of cultures which could confirm our Timorese identity.”"
"Because these three points start with religion to strengthen culture."
"\"Therefore, I can say that the next five years will be a time to defend our homeland."
"In order to defend with more consistency we must re-establish our history so that it can reinforce us in culture."
"That's the only thing I can promise,\" he explained."
"\"I said five years, only God knows."
"In other words, this government can run for up to five years or so."
"I want to do something but everything is in God's hands,\" said the founding leader of RDTL."
"However, Mari said that the Minister of Tourism who will come is from Soibada."
"Therefore, he said that the minister will include Soibada in his programme to transform it into a dynamic cultural centre which is part of Timorese history and identity."
"(Jornalista: Xisto Freitas) PreviousGovernment Member Participates in National Prayer Next articlePM Alkatiri Presenting the Seventh Government Program Parliamentary Majority Party Dismisses Maria Terezinha Viegas and Isabel..."
"DILI, June 02nd (TATOLI) - Members of the Parliamentary Majority Group composed by Frente Revolucionária de Timor-Leste Independente(FRETILIN), Partido Libertacao Popular..."
"DILI, June 2nd (TATOLI) - The National Congress for the Reconstruction of Timor-Leste's parliamentary group respected a decision and deposites its confidence in Tribunal Rekursu..."
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Presiza valoriza veteranu hanesan mós eis titulares | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste\nVARANDA DEFEZA Presiza valoriza veteranu hanesan mós eis titulares\nPresiza valoriza veteranu hanesan mós eis titulares\nXefe Estadu Maiór F-FDTL , Majór Jenerál Lere Anan Timur. Imajen/Dok. Tatoli\nDILI, 18 agostu 2020 (TATOLI) – Xefe Estadu Maiór Jenerál FALINTIL-Forsa Defeza Timor-Leste (F-FDTL), Majór Jenerál Lere Anan Timor, husu ba Estadu Timor-Leste atu rekoñese no valoriza funu-na’in FALINTIL no veteranu ho faluk oan-kiak sira nia luta hanesan mós ho pensaun vitalisia ne’ebé eis titulares sira hetan.\nKomandante Lere dehan, nia sente fuan kanek no triste tebes, bainhira haree deputadu parlamentu nasionál no eis titulares hetan priviléjiu luxu durante tinan lima hala’o knaar iha uma fukun Parlamentu Nasionál tenke hetan pensaun vitalisia no tratamentu espesiál liu fali veteranu ne’ebé luta durante tinan-24 nia laran.\n“Ha’u rekomenda ba ita nia Estadu, primeiru tenke halo lei atu garante futuru veteranu sira nian, porezemplu se deputadu ida iha ninia pensaun vitalisia ba ninia jerasaun-jerasaun, ami veteranu sira mós tenke direitu ida ne’e ka. Veteranu luta tinan-24 halo funu la iha direitu ida ne’e, deputadu ida tinan-lima ka tinan-tolu de’it iha direitu di’ak liu fali luta na’in sira. Ida ne’e injustisa boot,” hateten Lere ba jornalista, ohin, hafoin partisipa semináriu nasionál FALINTIL iha Kuartél Jenerál F-FDTL, Fatuhada, Dili.\nLere triste tebes, bainhira ukun an tiha halo vizita ba munisípiu haree direita veteranu barak sei moris no hela iha uma aat no la iha kondisaun atu sente moris ho dignu iha prosesu independénsia ne’ebé sira kontribui ho vida tomak.\nVeteranu rezisténsia tinan 24 ne’e hatutan, iha selebrasaun FALINTIL ba dala-45 ne’e iha veteranu balun ne’ebé ativu iha F-FDTL no balun reforma tiha sira fila ba uma moris at liután.\nTuir Lere, FALINTIL hamutuk ho povu la’ós luta de’it ba ukun an, maibé fó an ba mate husik hela faluk no oan kiak sira, hodi balun de’it maka luta too tinan-24 hodi hamutuk liberta nasaun ne’e.\n“Tinan ne’e ita halo aniversáriu ba dala-45 ezisténsia FALINTIL, FALINTIL hahú ho 20-ital mil elementu, mais funu hotu veteranu kuaze 100 mak tama mai no eziste dada bandeira independénsia ho nia povu. Ida ne’e ha’u hanoin lakon boot ita nia ema barak iha ita nia luta funu libertasaun nasionál. FALINTIL la’ós mate de’it, maibé balun ema kaer no tortura no balun mai rende. Se bainhira estadu la tau matan ba ita nia veteranu sira, faluk, oan-kiak sira,” nia hateten.\nKomandante F-FDTL ne’e rekomenda ba Governu liuhusi Ministru Asuntu Veteranu no Sekretáriu Estadu Veteranu Libertasaun Nasionál no Konsellu Nasionál Veteranu sei rejista preokupasaun sira-ne’e hodi rezolve problema veteranu no faluk oan kiak sira.\n“Ha’u husu agora tenke buka rezolve problema sira para fó solusaun, fó importánsia ba veteranu, hanesan foin lalais ami halo Tour FALINTIL hale’u Timor, ami rona lamentasaun barak, mais ha’u dehan ita nia konsellu veteranu tinan ne’e sei rezolve,” nia hateten.\nNia hatutan, atu rezolve problema veteranu no faluk oan-kiak sira, Governu liu-liu lider nasionál sira tenke hamutuk hodi hakotu impase polítika iha rai laran.\nPrevious articleMandatu ramata, komisaun rekuperasaun ekonómika entrega planu ba PM Taur\nNext articleUNDP entrega ona ekipamentu COVID-19 ho valór osan millaun $ 4.6 | [
"Presiza valoriza veteranu hanesan mos eis titulares | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA DEFEZA Presiza valoriza veteranu hanesan mos eis titulares Presiza valoriza veteranu hanesan mos eis titulares Xefe Estadu Maior F-FDTL , Major Jeneral Lere Anan Timur.",
"Tatoli DILI, 18 agostu 2020 (TATOLI) - Xefe Estadu Maior Jeneral FALINTIL-Forsa Defeza Timor-Leste (F-FDTL), Major Jeneral Lere Anan Timor, husu ba Estadu Timor-Leste atu rekonese no valoriza funu-na'in FALINTIL no veteranu ho faluk oan-kiak sira nia luta hanesan mos ho pensaun vitalisia ne'ebe eis titulares sira hetan.",
"Komandante Lere dehan, nia sente fuan kanek no triste tebes, bainhira haree deputadu parlamentu nasional no eis titulares hetan privilejiu luxu durante tinan lima hala'o knaar iha uma fukun Parlamentu Nasional tenke hetan pensaun vitalisia no tratamentu espesial liu fali veteranu ne'ebe luta durante tinan-24 nia laran.",
"\"Ha'u rekomenda ba ita nia Estadu, primeiru tenke halo lei atu garante futuru veteranu sira nian, porezemplu se deputadu ida iha ninia pensaun vitalisia ba ninia jerasaun-jerasaun, ami veteranu sira mos tenke direitu ida ne'e ka.",
"Veteranu luta tinan-24 halo funu la iha direitu ida ne'e, deputadu ida tinan-lima ka tinan-tolu de'it iha direitu di'ak liu fali luta na'in sira.",
"Ida ne'e injustisa boot,\" hateten Lere ba jornalista, ohin, hafoin partisipa seminariu nasional FALINTIL iha Kuartel Jeneral F-FDTL, Fatuhada, Dili.",
"Lere triste tebes, bainhira ukun an tiha halo vizita ba munisipiu haree direita veteranu barak sei moris no hela iha uma aat no la iha kondisaun atu sente moris ho dignu iha prosesu independensia ne'ebe sira kontribui ho vida tomak.",
"Veteranu rezistensia tinan 24 ne'e hatutan, iha selebrasaun FALINTIL ba dala-45 ne'e iha veteranu balun ne'ebe ativu iha F-FDTL no balun reforma tiha sira fila ba uma moris at liutan.",
"Tuir Lere, FALINTIL hamutuk ho povu la'os luta de'it ba ukun an, maibe fo an ba mate husik hela faluk no oan kiak sira, hodi balun de'it maka luta too tinan-24 hodi hamutuk liberta nasaun ne'e.",
"\"Tinan ne'e ita halo aniversariu ba dala-45 ezistensia FALINTIL, FALINTIL hahu ho 20-ital mil elementu, mais funu hotu veteranu kuaze 100 mak tama mai no eziste dada bandeira independensia ho nia povu.",
"Ida ne'e ha'u hanoin lakon boot ita nia ema barak iha ita nia luta funu libertasaun nasional.",
"FALINTIL la'os mate de'it, maibe balun ema kaer no tortura no balun mai rende.",
"Se bainhira estadu la tau matan ba ita nia veteranu sira, faluk, oan-kiak sira,\" nia hateten.",
"Komandante F-FDTL ne'e rekomenda ba Governu liuhusi Ministru Asuntu Veteranu no Sekretariu Estadu Veteranu Libertasaun Nasional no Konsellu Nasional Veteranu sei rejista preokupasaun sira-ne'e hodi rezolve problema veteranu no faluk oan kiak sira.",
"\"Ha'u husu agora tenke buka rezolve problema sira para fo solusaun, fo importansia ba veteranu, hanesan foin lalais ami halo Tour FALINTIL hale'u Timor, ami rona lamentasaun barak, mais ha'u dehan ita nia konsellu veteranu tinan ne'e sei rezolve,\" nia hateten.",
"Nia hatutan, atu rezolve problema veteranu no faluk oan-kiak sira, Governu liu-liu lider nasional sira tenke hamutuk hodi hakotu impase politika iha rai laran.",
"Previous articleMandatu ramata, komisaun rekuperasaun ekonomika entrega planu ba PM Taur Next articleUNDP entrega ona ekipamentu COVID-19 ho valor osan millaun $ 4.6"
] | [
"F-FDTL Chief of Staff, Major General Lere Anan Timur. Presiza values veteran as well the former holders | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor -Leste VARANDA DEFESA The President needs to valorize Veteran and also those who were previously in office"
"DILI, August 18th (Xinhua) - Chief of the General Staff FALINTIL-Forsa Defesa Timor Leste(F– FDTL), Major general Lere Anan Timór has asked that State to recognize and value fighting veterans' struggle as well with lifetime pension which former holders receive."
"Commander Lere said that he was deeply hurt and sad to see members of the national parliament, who had been given luxury privileges for five years in office at Parliament's fukun house should be granted a lifetime pension with special treatment rather than veteran soldiers fighting during their twenty-fourth year."
"\"I recommend to our State, firstly it must make a law that guarantees the future of veteran' s because if an MP has his lifetime pension for generation-after genera tions we Veteran should also have this right or."
"A 24-year veteran of the war has no right to this, a member who's been in office for five or three years only have better rights than those fighting."
"This is a great injustice,\" Lere told journalists today after attending the FALINTIL national seminar at F-FDTL Headquarters Fatuhada. Dili"
"Lere was very sad, when after coming to power he visited the municipality and saw right many veterans are still living in poor houses without conditions for a dignified life during independence process which they contributed their whole lives."
"The 24-year old resistance veteran added that, in the celebration of FALINTIL's forty fifth anniversary there were some active FDTL and other retired military who returned to their homes."
"According to Lere, FALINTIL together with the people not only fought for independence but gave themselves up and died leaving behind faluk no poor children so that some of them would fight until 24 years old in order jointly liberate this country."
"\"This year we celebrate the 45th anniversary of FALINTIL's existence. Falintil started with about twenty thousand members, but during all war almost one hundred veteran have joined and it has given up its independence flag to his people.\""
"I think this is a huge loss for many of us in our national liberation struggle."
"FALINTIL did not just kill, but some people were captured and tortured before surrendering."
"If the state does not take care of our veterans, faluk and poor children,” he said."
"The F-FDTL Commander recommended that the Government, through Minister of Veterans Affairs and Secretary State for National Liberation veteran' s affaires as well a national council on senior citizen issues will register these concern to resolve problems faluk children."
"\"I ask that we now seek to solve the problems and provide solutions, give importance for veterans. We recently made a FALINTIL Tour of Timor-Leste; there was much complaint but I say our Veteran Council this year will resolve them.\""
"He added that in order to solve the problem of veterans and faluk children, government especially national leaders must work together for an end on political impasse."
"Previous articleMandate ends, economic recovery commission delivered plan to PM Taur Next artikelUNDP has handet over COVID-19 equipment worth $ 4.6 million"
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Marí Alkatiri: Ukun tinan 12 povu kontinua moris susar – GMN TV | Grupo Média Nacional - Lori Timor ba Mundu - GMN TV | Grupo Média Nacional\nHome » Politika » Marí Alkatiri: Ukun tinan 12 povu kontinua moris susar\nSekretáriu Jerál (SekJer) partidu FRETILIN, Mari Bin Amude Alkatiri, hateten, durante governasaun anterior ukun na’in sira gasta osan barak, maibé povu kontinua moris susar nafatin.\nMarí Alkatiri konsidera programa ne’ebé Governu anterior sira halo ne’e la fó benefisiu ba povu, tanba fó prioridade liu ba mega projetu sira hodi halo povu kontinua moris susar nafatin.\n“Agora ita hatene katak sasán barak mak la’o sala dalan ona, tanba gasta osan, maibé nia rezultadu laiha, povu kontinua moris iha susar no mukit nia-laran. Bainhira ukun durante tinan 12, ukun nain sira la preokupa ho povu nia moris, maibé preokupa mak mega projetu”, SekJer FRETILIN ne’e bainhira halo abertura ba enkontru estrutura partidu FRETILIN iha postu administrativu Nain Feto, munisípiu Díli, iha salaun Larigutu CNE, Caicoli, Díli, Sábadu (19/09/2020).\nAlende ne’e, Alkatiri esklarese, koligasaun Aliansa Mudansa ba Progresu hodi forma VIII Governu sira mak hamonu-an rasik hodi la kontribui ona ba estabilidade governativa.\n“Liu tiha tinan 13 prosesu polítiku komesa manas, agora bloku AMP rasik mak harahun tiha sira-nia aliansa, ne’e atu hatún Primeiru Ministru no Governu, sé FRETILIN mak kontinua situasaun ida ne’ebé depende ema ida nian gosta hakarak hatún, hasa’e, entaun ita la kontribui ba estabilidade, la sai husi krize impase polítiku ida ne’e, tanba ne’e mak FRETILIN tetu ba tetu mai, hodi asegura Governu ida ne’e, nune’e bele moris to’o nia mandatu remata”, hehan Alkatiri.\nViabiliza VIII Governu\nSekretáriu Jerál (SekJer) Partidu FRETILIN, Marí Bin Amude Alkatiri, hateten, FRETILIN viabiliza VIII Governu hanesan plataforma entendimentu ida ho partidu PLP no KHUNTO, hodi asegura VIII Governu nia mandatu to’o remata.\n“FRETILIN hanoin ba hanoin mai mak atu ba viabiliza VIII Governu ne’ebé ema hakarak hatún. Viabiliza ne’e mak hanesan ita tama halo plataforma entendimentu ho partidu PLP no KHUNTO atu lori mudansa”, SekJer FRETILIN ne’e bainhira halo abertura ba enkontru estrutura partidu FRETILIN iha postu administrativu Nain Feto, munisípiu Díli, iha salaun Larigutu CNE, Caicoli, Díli, Sábadu (19/09/2020).\nAlkatiri mós husu ba partidu polítiku sira atu labele preokupa ho ema seluk nia partidu, maibé tenke konsentra ba ida-idak nia partidu.\n“Ema balun mehi hela plataforma ne’e atu rahun, ne’ebé di’ak liu ita boot sira di’ak liu preokupa mak ita boot nia partidu hodi ba harahun, labele preokupa ho ema seluk nia partidu”, dehan Marí.\nNia mós konsidera ho kondisaun hanesan oras ne’e dau-dauk difísil ba Timor-Leste atu dada kadoras mai, hodi hala’o dezenvolvimentu.\nPartisipa iha enkontru ne’e estrutura nasionál no postu administrativu Nain Feto, inklui militante FRETILIN. aba\nDurante vizita eis komandante em chefe... | [
"Mari Alkatiri: Ukun tinan 12 povu kontinua moris susar - GMN TV | Grupo Media Nacional - Lori Timor ba Mundu - GMN TV | Grupo Media Nacional Home \" Politika \" Mari Alkatiri: Ukun tinan 12 povu kontinua moris susar Sekretariu Jeral (SekJer) partidu FRETILIN, Mari Bin Amude Alkatiri, hateten, durante governasaun anterior ukun na'in sira gasta osan barak, maibe povu kontinua moris susar nafatin.",
"Mari Alkatiri konsidera programa ne'ebe Governu anterior sira halo ne'e la fo benefisiu ba povu, tanba fo prioridade liu ba mega projetu sira hodi halo povu kontinua moris susar nafatin.",
"\"Agora ita hatene katak sasan barak mak la'o sala dalan ona, tanba gasta osan, maibe nia rezultadu laiha, povu kontinua moris iha susar no mukit nia-laran.",
"Bainhira ukun durante tinan 12, ukun nain sira la preokupa ho povu nia moris, maibe preokupa mak mega projetu,\" SekJer FRETILIN ne'e bainhira halo abertura ba enkontru estrutura partidu FRETILIN iha postu administrativu Nain Feto, munisipiu Dili, iha salaun Larigutu CNE, Caicoli, Dili, Sabadu (19/09/2020).",
"Alende ne'e, Alkatiri esklarese, koligasaun Aliansa Mudansa ba Progresu hodi forma VIII Governu sira mak hamonu-an rasik hodi la kontribui ona ba estabilidade governativa.",
"\"Liu tiha tinan 13 prosesu politiku komesa manas, agora bloku AMP rasik mak harahun tiha sira-nia aliansa, ne'e atu hatun Primeiru Ministru no Governu, se FRETILIN mak kontinua situasaun ida ne'ebe depende ema ida nian gosta hakarak hatun, hasa'e, entaun ita la kontribui ba estabilidade, la sai husi krize impase politiku ida ne'e, tanba ne'e mak FRETILIN tetu ba tetu mai, hodi asegura Governu ida ne'e, nune'e bele moris to'o nia mandatu remata,\" hehan Alkatiri.",
"Viabiliza VIII Governu Sekretariu Jeral (SekJer) Partidu FRETILIN, Mari Bin Amude Alkatiri, hateten, FRETILIN viabiliza VIII Governu hanesan plataforma entendimentu ida ho partidu PLP no KHUNTO, hodi asegura VIII Governu nia mandatu to'o remata.",
"\"FRETILIN hanoin ba hanoin mai mak atu ba viabiliza VIII Governu ne'ebe ema hakarak hatun.",
"Viabiliza ne'e mak hanesan ita tama halo plataforma entendimentu ho partidu PLP no KHUNTO atu lori mudansa,\" SekJer FRETILIN ne'e bainhira halo abertura ba enkontru estrutura partidu FRETILIN iha postu administrativu Nain Feto, munisipiu Dili, iha salaun Larigutu CNE, Caicoli, Dili, Sabadu (19/09/2020).",
"Alkatiri mos husu ba partidu politiku sira atu labele preokupa ho ema seluk nia partidu, maibe tenke konsentra ba ida-idak nia partidu.",
"\"Ema balun mehi hela plataforma ne'e atu rahun, ne'ebe di'ak liu ita boot sira di'ak liu preokupa mak ita boot nia partidu hodi ba harahun, labele preokupa ho ema seluk nia partidu,\" dehan Mari.",
"Nia mos konsidera ho kondisaun hanesan oras ne'e dau-dauk difisil ba Timor-Leste atu dada kadoras mai, hodi hala'o dezenvolvimentu.",
"Partisipa iha enkontru ne'e estrutura nasional no postu administrativu Nain Feto, inklui militante FRETILIN. aba Durante vizita eis komandante em chefe..."
] | [
"Mari Alkatiri: Ukun tinan 12 povu kontinua moris susar - GMN TV | Grupo Media Nacional Home \" Politika\" mari alkatiri, general secretary of Fretilin party said that during the previous government rulers spent much money but people continue to live in hardship."
"Mari Alkatiri considers that the programs of previous government do not benefit people, because they give more priority to mega projects in order for them continue living hard."
"\"Now we know that a lot of things are going wrong, because money is spent but there's no result. The people continue to live in hardship and misery on their land.\""
"When in power for 12 years, the rulers were not concerned with people's lives but they are preoccupied by mega projects.\" The Secretary-General of FRETILIN said this when opening a meeting on party structure at Nain Feto administrative post (Dili municipality), Larigutu CNE hall. Caicoli Dili Saturday September(09/3)"
"In addition, Alkatiri clarified that the Alliance for Change and Progress coalition to form VIII Government has broken down itself so as not contribute more towards governmental stability."
"\"After 13 years the political process started to heat up, now AMP block itself has shattered their alliance. This is in order for them (the Prime Minister and Government) be removed from power; if FRETILIN continues with this situation that depend on one person who like it or not want him/her deposing then we will no longer contribute towards stability nor get out of these impasse crisis which are leading us all into an uncertain future.\""
"The Secretary General (SekJer) of the FRETILIN Party, Mari Bin Amude Alkatiri said that Fretilin is making possible its 8th Government as a platform for understanding with PLP and KHUNTO parties to ensure their mandate until it ends."
"\"FRETILIN thinks it'll be possible to make the VIII Government viable, which people want."
"It's viable as we enter into a platform of understanding with the PLP and KHUNTO parties to bring about change,\" said FRETILIN Secretary-General Xanana Gusmão when opening an internal party structure meeting in Nain Feto administrative post (Dili City), at Larigutu CNE hall."
"Alkatiri also urged political parties not to worry about others' party, but rather focus on their own."
"\"Some people are trying to break this platform, it's better for us guys that we take care of our own party and go down the staircase rather than worrying about others parties\", Mari said."
"He also considers that with the current conditions it will be very difficult for Timor-Leste to move forward and carry out development."
"Participating in the meeting was national structure and administrative post Nain Feto, including militants of FRETILIN. aba During visit ex-commander em chief..."
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Falur propoin ospitál munisipál Viqueque tau naran “7 dezembru 1975” | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste\nVARANDA MUNISÍPIU Falur propoin ospitál munisipál Viqueque tau naran “7 dezembru 1975”\nVIQUEQUE, 07 dezembru 2021 (TATOLI)—Vise Xefe Estadu Maiór Jenerál Falintil-Forsa Defesa Timor-Leste (F-FDTL), Majór Jenerál Falur Rate Laek, propoin ba autoridade iha munisípiu Vuqueque katak bainhira konstrui ospitál munisipál Viqueque, tau naran loron istóriku sira hanesan “7 dezembru 1975”.\nNotísia Relevante: Komunidade Uabubu-Caraubalu entrega rai ba Governu konstrui ospitál munisipál\n“Ha’u hakarak propoin ba autoridade sira iha munisípiu Viqueque, ha’u propoin ospitál munisipál Viqueque tau naran ‘7 dezembru 1975’. Maibé depende imi hili naran ida-ne’ebé,” Falur Rate Laek hateten ba Agência Tatoli, iha Buanurak, Viqueque tersa ne’e.\nVise Xefe Estadu Maió rne’e hateten, naran ospitál tau naran istóriku hanesan ‘8 agustu levantamentu armada, 10 agustu inklui fatin istóriku Weradek ne’ebé traisaun nian uluk ema mate barak no ‘7 dezembru’.\n“Entre naran sira ne’ebé ha’u propoin ne’e, ha’u hakarak komunidade no autoridade sira deside tau 7 dezembru 1975,” Falur propoin.\nHosi naran istóriku sira-ne’e depende ba komunidade sira hili hakarak tau naran ospital Wedara mós di’ak.\n“Naran hospital nian ne’ebé ha’u propoin sai hanesan pensamentu ha’u-nian. Depende komunidade no autoridade sira hili,” nia dehan.\nIha biban ne’e, adiministradór munisípiu Viqueque, Januario Soares “Bolly”, haktuir sei haree hamutuk naran ba ospitál tanba foin iha faze entrega rai no sei prosesu lubuk ida mak sei tuir mai.\n“Komunidade tomak iha munisípiu Viqueque nafatin hamutuk ho ha’u hodi ita lori prosesu harii ospitál munisipál ne’e. Ita seidauk defini naran sei iha prosesu ne’ebé ita tenke halo,” nia hateten.\n7 dezembru 1975\nOspital Munisipal Viqueque\nPrevious articleKomunidade Uabubu-Caraubalu entrega rai ba Governu konstrui ospitál munisipál\nNext articleMemória 7 dezembru 1975, Indonézia mai fahe povu Timor-Leste | [
"Falur propoin ospital munisipal Viqueque tau naran \"7 dezembru 1975\" | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA MUNISIPIU Falur propoin ospital munisipal Viqueque tau naran \"7 dezembru 1975\" VIQUEQUE, 07 dezembru 2021 (TATOLI) - Vise Xefe Estadu Maior Jeneral Falintil-Forsa Defesa Timor-Leste (F-FDTL), Major Jeneral Falur Rate Laek, propoin ba autoridade iha munisipiu Vuqueque katak bainhira konstrui ospital munisipal Viqueque, tau naran loron istoriku sira hanesan \"7 dezembru 1975.\"",
"Notisia Relevante: Komunidade Uabubu-Caraubalu entrega rai ba Governu konstrui ospital munisipal \"Ha'u hakarak propoin ba autoridade sira iha munisipiu Viqueque, ha'u propoin ospital munisipal Viqueque tau naran '7 dezembru 1975'.",
"Maibe depende imi hili naran ida-ne'ebe,\" Falur Rate Laek hateten ba Agencia Tatoli, iha Buanurak, Viqueque tersa ne'e.",
"Vise Xefe Estadu Maio rne'e hateten, naran ospital tau naran istoriku hanesan '8 agustu levantamentu armada, 10 agustu inklui fatin istoriku Weradek ne'ebe traisaun nian uluk ema mate barak no '7 dezembru'.",
"\"Entre naran sira ne'ebe ha'u propoin ne'e, ha'u hakarak komunidade no autoridade sira deside tau 7 dezembru 1975,\" Falur propoin.",
"Hosi naran istoriku sira-ne'e depende ba komunidade sira hili hakarak tau naran ospital Wedara mos di'ak.",
"\"Naran hospital nian ne'ebe ha'u propoin sai hanesan pensamentu ha'u-nian.",
"Depende komunidade no autoridade sira hili,\" nia dehan.",
"Iha biban ne'e, adiministrador munisipiu Viqueque, Januario Soares \"Bolly,\" haktuir sei haree hamutuk naran ba ospital tanba foin iha faze entrega rai no sei prosesu lubuk ida mak sei tuir mai.",
"\"Komunidade tomak iha munisipiu Viqueque nafatin hamutuk ho ha'u hodi ita lori prosesu harii ospital munisipal ne'e.",
"Ita seidauk defini naran sei iha prosesu ne'ebe ita tenke halo,\" nia hateten.",
"7 dezembru 1975 Ospital Munisipal Viqueque Previous articleKomunidade Uabubu-Caraubalu entrega rai ba Governu konstrui ospital munisipal Next articleMemoria 7 dezembru 1975, Indonezia mai fahe povu Timor-Leste"
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"Falur proposes municipal hospital in Viqueque to be named \"7 December 1965\" | Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA MUNICIPALITY FALUR PROPOSES MUNICIPALS HOSPITAL IN VIQUEKE TO BE NAMED “DEZEMBRUO, DEZEMBRE E OUTUBRO DO SÉCULO XX” (AGENCIA NOTICIAS) - Deputy Chief of Staff General Falintil – Forsa Defesa TL’S Major Gen. Fale Rate Laek has suggested that when building the Municipal Hospital at Baucau they should name historic dates such as ‘December seventh year ninety five' and 'december one hundred twenty four years ago.\""
"Relevante Notizia: Comunidade Uabubu-Caraubalu entrega terra ao Governo construir hospital municipal \"I want to propose the authorities in Viqueque, I'm proposing that a Municipal Hospital be named '7 dezembro 1965."
"But it depends on what name you choose,\" Falur Rate Laek told Agência Tatoli in Buanurak."
"The Vice-Head of State said that the hospital was given historical names such as 'August 8 armed uprising', \"10 August including historic site Weradek where many were killed in a treason\" and ‘7 December’."
"\"Among the names that I proposed, it was my wish for communities and authorities to decide on December 7th of '95\", Falur suggested."
"From these historical names it depends on the community choose to name hospital Wedara also good."
"\"The name of the hospital that I proposed was my own thought."
"It's up to the community and authorities who choose,\" he said."
"During the meeting, Municipality of Viqueque administrator Januario Soares \"Bolly\" said that they will look together on a name for hospital because it is only in land handover phase and there are many processes to follow."
"\"The whole community in the municipality of Viqueque remains together with me so that we can carry out this process to build a Municipal Hospital."
"We haven't defined the name yet, but there will be a process that we must go through.\""
"Previous articleComunidade Uabubu-Caraubalu entrega rai ba Governo construir hospital municipal NextMemoria 7 December, Indonesia divides East Timorese people (1965)"
] |
PM Taur: Presiza halo reflesaun ba sustentabilidade finanseiru | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste\nVARANDA DILI PM Taur: Presiza halo reflesaun ba sustentabilidade finanseiru\nMembru Governu no membru Parlamentu Nasionál hala'o debate jeneralididae ba proposta Orsamentu Jerál Estadu (OJE) 2022, iha sala plenária PN, sesta (03/12). Imajen TATOLI/Francisco Sony.\nDILI, 03 dezembru 2021 (TATOLI)—Primeiru-Ministru (PM), Taur Matan Ruak, hateten presiza halo reflesaun ba sustentabilidade finanseiru to’o ba iha jerasaun sira tuir mai.\nNotisia Relevante: Sustentabilidade fundu petrolíferu, KKFP sujere Governu hahú respeita regra RSE\n“Ha’u hakarak fó komentáriu balun ba pergunta horisehik levanta importante loos reflesaun nian, katak ita halo uluk programa mak tau osan ka tau uluk osan mak halo programa, ida-ne’e pertinente. Nune’e fó resposta primeira kestaun mak ko’alia kona-ba sustentabilidade finanseira. Ita hotu, Governu ba Governu preokupasaun bo’ot mak osan ne’e aban-bainhira sei to’o jerasaun sira tuir mai ka lae no se la to’o saida mak tenke halo,” Xefe Governu hateten iha ambitu debate proposta OJE 2022 faze jeneralidade ba loron datoluk nian, iha Parlamentu Nasionál, sesta ne’e.\nNia hateten, ida-ne’e hanesan baze sentrál atu ema hotu halo reflesaun kona-ba sustentabilidade finanseira, hodi tau uluk rekursu ka programa maibé iha reforma lubuk mak halo ona.\n“Primeiru reforma mak finansa públika. Ha’u hanoin reforma ida tuir mai mak administrasaun Estadu,” nia dehan.\nEis Prezidente Repúblika ne’e hateten, tenke haree prinsípiu tolu (3) mak planeamentu importante ba Timor-Leste atu ba ne’ebé no kontrolu hatudu to’o ona iha ne’ebé. Tanba labele kontrolu buat ne’ebé to’o iha ne’e, ho Parlamentu Nasionál nune’e presiza kontrola planeadu.\n“Ita daudaun halo uluk reforma finansa públika tarde Governu no Governu seluk tuir mai tenke halo reforma administrasaun sentrál Estadu nian, nune’e bele hetan Estadu ida ki’ik tanba agora boot,” nia dehan.\nAleinde nia piramide kontráriu Governu sentrál mak instituisaun boot liu munisípiu sira mak ki’ik haruka funsionáriu ba munisípiu lakoi ba.\nTanba ne’e, Xefe Governu ne’e hateten saida mak prepara no Governu prepara hela mós ba tranzisaun Governasaun eletrónika.\n“Governasaun eletrónika ema na’in 10 nia servisu ema ida mak halo, entaun ida-ne’e bele redús,” nia salienta.\nMaibé ema sira ne’ebé servisu laiha rezolve oinsa mak ba oin define polítika retensaun no reforma. Nune’e, ikus liu mak Estadu nia entervienente hanesan normalmente iha nasaun hotu regula.\n“Ita-nia faze dezenvolvimentu Estadu ida intervinente tanba problema barak, parseiru dezenvolvimentu inklui setór privadu prátikamente sira-nia partisipasaun iha dezenvolvimentu ki’ik liu,’’ nia hateten.\nFila-fali ba reforma finansa públika, Timor-Leste halo buat tolu tenke hadi’a ninia difinisaun presiza klaru. No ida mak haree de’it ba kresimentu ekonómiku ka dezenvolvimentu ekonómiku.\nSe haree iha Banku Munisiál, FMI, organizasaun internasionál sira halo analiza ba Timor-Leste nia ekonómia iha baze indíse dezenvolvimentu umanu, maibé Timor-Leste halo analiza baze despeza Estadu, despeza setór privadu no família sira tanba ne’e konkluzaun la han malu.\nTanba ne’e, hanoin iha programa oitavu Governu KOnstitusionál tau ema mak sentru dezenvolvimentu siginifika setór edukasaun, saúde, formasaun téknika profisionál, agrikultura no sira-ne’ebé nesesidade imediata bee-moos, eletrisidade tenke aumenta osan no seluk redús osan.\nKombina ho planeamentu programasaun ho orsamentasaun no daudaun kria sistema atu hadi’a planeamentu ida kultu prazu, por exemplu planeamentu asaun annual to’o longu prazu. Nune’e, iha integrasaun tanba buat hotu labele halo dala ida maibé halo uitoan-uitoan tuir rekursu no asuntu seluk mak define prioridade.\nTaur Matan Ruak haktuir, kona-ba dokumentu Estudu ida paralelamentu ho Planu Rekuperasaun Ekonómika (PRE) hosi Institutu internasionál Growing Centre fó rekomendasaun ba Timor-Leste.\nSira dehan hanesan ne’e se estratéjia di’ak primeiru tenke prátiku abordajen ida pasu ba pasu katak labele halo buat hotu dala ida maibé halo uitoan-itoan, nune’e tenke realista objetivu sira tuir rekursu ne’ebé iha no tenke adapta ba situasaun realidade ba nessesidade.\nProjeitu ka atividade ne’ebé halo bele lori benefisíu ba sidadaun no ikus liu bazeadu ba empregu.\nNia dehan, relatóriu organizasaun internasionál ne’e tuir fali saida mak prioridade aprezenta iha pontu neen atu tuir.\nPrimeiru bele implementa, probalidade atu prodús efeitu sosiál ekonómiku pozitivu aseguradu, finanseiru tenke sustentável, lori benefísiu lais ba povu no ikus liu kria atividade produtiva.\n“Hanoin planeamentu mak tenke uluk no di’ak ho realístiku bazea ba nessesidade real,” nia dehan.\nPM Taur: Presiza reflesaun ba sustentavilidade finanseiru\nPrevious articleMoras ispa no diaréa rejista aas iha munisípiu Aileu\nNext articleCOVID-19: kazu detetadu foun ida no ativu neen\nDILI, 20 janeiru 2022 (TATOLI)—Komandante Jerál Polísia Nasionál Timor-Leste (PNTL), Komisáriu Faustino da Costa, hateten PNTL preparadu atu asegura seguransa iha eleisaun prezidensiál 2022. Notísia... | [
"PM Taur: Presiza halo reflesaun ba sustentabilidade finanseiru | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA DILI PM Taur: Presiza halo reflesaun ba sustentabilidade finanseiru Membru Governu no membru Parlamentu Nasional hala'o debate jeneralididae ba proposta Orsamentu Jeral Estadu (OJE) 2022, iha sala plenaria PN, sesta (03/12).",
"Imajen TATOLI/Francisco Sony.",
"DILI, 03 dezembru 2021 (TATOLI) - Primeiru-Ministru (PM), Taur Matan Ruak, hateten presiza halo reflesaun ba sustentabilidade finanseiru to'o ba iha jerasaun sira tuir mai.",
"Notisia Relevante: Sustentabilidade fundu petroliferu, KKFP sujere Governu hahu respeita regra RSE \"Ha'u hakarak fo komentariu balun ba pergunta horisehik levanta importante loos reflesaun nian, katak ita halo uluk programa mak tau osan ka tau uluk osan mak halo programa, ida-ne'e pertinente.",
"Nune'e fo resposta primeira kestaun mak ko'alia kona-ba sustentabilidade finanseira.",
"Ita hotu, Governu ba Governu preokupasaun bo'ot mak osan ne'e aban-bainhira sei to'o jerasaun sira tuir mai ka lae no se la to'o saida mak tenke halo,\" Xefe Governu hateten iha ambitu debate proposta OJE 2022 faze jeneralidade ba loron datoluk nian, iha Parlamentu Nasional, sesta ne'e.",
"Nia hateten, ida-ne'e hanesan baze sentral atu ema hotu halo reflesaun kona-ba sustentabilidade finanseira, hodi tau uluk rekursu ka programa maibe iha reforma lubuk mak halo ona.",
"\"Primeiru reforma mak finansa publika.",
"Ha'u hanoin reforma ida tuir mai mak administrasaun Estadu,\" nia dehan.",
"Eis Prezidente Republika ne'e hateten, tenke haree prinsipiu tolu (3) mak planeamentu importante ba Timor-Leste atu ba ne'ebe no kontrolu hatudu to'o ona iha ne'ebe.",
"Tanba labele kontrolu buat ne'ebe to'o iha ne'e, ho Parlamentu Nasional nune'e presiza kontrola planeadu.",
"\"Ita daudaun halo uluk reforma finansa publika tarde Governu no Governu seluk tuir mai tenke halo reforma administrasaun sentral Estadu nian, nune'e bele hetan Estadu ida ki'ik tanba agora boot,\" nia dehan.",
"Aleinde nia piramide kontrariu Governu sentral mak instituisaun boot liu munisipiu sira mak ki'ik haruka funsionariu ba munisipiu lakoi ba.",
"Tanba ne'e, Xefe Governu ne'e hateten saida mak prepara no Governu prepara hela mos ba tranzisaun Governasaun eletronika.",
"\"Governasaun eletronika ema na'in 10 nia servisu ema ida mak halo, entaun ida-ne'e bele redus,\" nia salienta.",
"Maibe ema sira ne'ebe servisu laiha rezolve oinsa mak ba oin define politika retensaun no reforma.",
"Nune'e, ikus liu mak Estadu nia entervienente hanesan normalmente iha nasaun hotu regula.",
"\"Ita-nia faze dezenvolvimentu Estadu ida intervinente tanba problema barak, parseiru dezenvolvimentu inklui setor privadu pratikamente sira-nia partisipasaun iha dezenvolvimentu ki'ik liu, \" nia hateten.",
"Fila-fali ba reforma finansa publika, Timor-Leste halo buat tolu tenke hadi'a ninia difinisaun presiza klaru.",
"No ida mak haree de'it ba kresimentu ekonomiku ka dezenvolvimentu ekonomiku.",
"Se haree iha Banku Munisial, FMI, organizasaun internasional sira halo analiza ba Timor-Leste nia ekonomia iha baze indise dezenvolvimentu umanu, maibe Timor-Leste halo analiza baze despeza Estadu, despeza setor privadu no familia sira tanba ne'e konkluzaun la han malu.",
"Tanba ne'e, hanoin iha programa oitavu Governu KOnstitusional tau ema mak sentru dezenvolvimentu siginifika setor edukasaun, saude, formasaun teknika profisional, agrikultura no sira-ne'ebe nesesidade imediata bee-moos, eletrisidade tenke aumenta osan no seluk redus osan.",
"Kombina ho planeamentu programasaun ho orsamentasaun no daudaun kria sistema atu hadi'a planeamentu ida kultu prazu, por exemplu planeamentu asaun annual to'o longu prazu.",
"Nune'e, iha integrasaun tanba buat hotu labele halo dala ida maibe halo uitoan-uitoan tuir rekursu no asuntu seluk mak define prioridade.",
"Taur Matan Ruak haktuir, kona-ba dokumentu Estudu ida paralelamentu ho Planu Rekuperasaun Ekonomika (PRE) hosi Institutu internasional Growing Centre fo rekomendasaun ba Timor-Leste.",
"Sira dehan hanesan ne'e se estratejia di'ak primeiru tenke pratiku abordajen ida pasu ba pasu katak labele halo buat hotu dala ida maibe halo uitoan-itoan, nune'e tenke realista objetivu sira tuir rekursu ne'ebe iha no tenke adapta ba situasaun realidade ba nessesidade.",
"Projeitu ka atividade ne'ebe halo bele lori benefisiu ba sidadaun no ikus liu bazeadu ba empregu.",
"Nia dehan, relatoriu organizasaun internasional ne'e tuir fali saida mak prioridade aprezenta iha pontu neen atu tuir.",
"Primeiru bele implementa, probalidade atu produs efeitu sosial ekonomiku pozitivu aseguradu, finanseiru tenke sustentavel, lori benefisiu lais ba povu no ikus liu kria atividade produtiva.",
"\"Hanoin planeamentu mak tenke uluk no di'ak ho realistiku bazea ba nessesidade real,\" nia dehan.",
"PM Taur: Presiza reflesaun ba sustentavilidade finanseiru Previous articleMoras ispa no diarea rejista aas iha munisipiu Aileu Next articleCOVID-19: kazu detetadu foun ida no ativu neen DILI, 20 janeiru 2022 (TATOLI) - Komandante Jeral Polisia Nasional Timor-Leste (PNTL), Komisariu Faustino da Costa, hateten PNTL preparadu atu asegura seguransa iha eleisaun prezidensial 2022.",
] | [
"PM Taur: Need to reflect on financial sustainability | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA DILI Prime Minister Xanana Gusmão and members of the National Parliament held a general debate for proposed General State Budget (GSB) in PN plenary room, Saturday(03/12)."
"Image: TATOLI/Francisco Sony."
"DILI, December 03th (TATOLI) - Prime Minister Taur Matan Ruak said there is a need to reflect on financial sustainability for the next generations."
"Relevant News: Sustainability of the oil fund, KKFP suggests government begin to respect CSR rules \"I would like a few comments on today' s question raised very important reflection that we first make programs and then put money or place funds before making program is pertinent."
"Thus, the first question addressed was that of financial sustainability."
"All of us, government to Government are very concerned about whether this money will reach the next generations and if not what should be done,” said Prime Minister in a statement during debate on 2019 budget proposal for third day general session at Parliament."
"He said, this is a central basis for everyone to reflect on financial sustainability and prioritize resources or programs but there are many reforms that have already been made."
"\"The first reform is public finances."
"I think the next reform is in state administration,\" he said."
"The former President of the Republic said that three (3) principles must be considered in planning important for Timor-Leste to go where and control showed already there."
"Because it is not possible to control what gets here, and the National Parliament therefore has a need for monitoring of plans."
"\"At the moment we are reforming public finances first, then government and next Government will have to do central administration of state' s reformation so that you can get a small State because now big.\" he said."
"In addition to its opposite pyramid, the central government is a larger institution than smaller municipalities that send officials into them."
"Therefore, the Head of Government said what is being prepared and that government was also preparing for e-Government transition."
"\"E-government means that one person does the work of 10 people, so this can be reduced.\""
"But the unemployed people have no solution how to define a policy of restraint and reform."
"Thus, in the end state intervention is as normally regulated by all countries."
"\"Our development phase is one State intervening because of many problems, the developement partners including private sector practically have their participation in this smallest level\", he said."
"As for public finance reform, Timor-Leste has done three things that need to be improved: its definition needs clarification."
"And one is looking only at economic growth or development."
"If you look at the Municipal Bank, IMF and international organizations analyze Timor-Leste economy based on human development indexes but in our country they analyse state expenditure as well private sector spending. Therefore their conclusion is not consistent with each other'"
"Therefore, the eighth Constitutional Government's program put people at its centre of development. This means that education and health care sector as well As technical training for professionals in agriculture And those who need immediately water-sanitary facilities & electricity should be given more money while others reduced spending"
"Combines programming planning with budgeting and now creates systems to improve a culture of long-term, i.e annual action planning through the longer term ones"
"Thus, there is integration because everything cannot be done at once but gradually according to resources and other matters that define priority."
"According to Taur Matan Ruak, a study in parallel with the Economic Recovery Plan (ERP) by Growing Centre International Institute made recommendations for Timor-Leste."
"They say that a good strategy must first practice the step-by -step approach, which means not doing everything at once but little by small. The goals should be realistic in terms of available resources and adapted to real situational needs;"
"Projects or activities that are carried out can bring benefits to citizens and ultimately based on employment."
"He said that the report of this international organization follows what priorities are presented in nine points to be followed."
"Firstly, it must be implementable; the probability of producing positive social and economic effects ensured. Financial sustainable: bringing fair benefits to people in need as well As ultimate production activity creation"
"\"Planning must be first and good, realistic based on real needs\", he said."
"PreviousCOVID-19: one new case detected and nine active cases DILI, January 20th (TATOLI) - General Commander of the Timorese National Police(PNTL), Commissioner Faustino da Costa said that PNTL is prepared to ensure security in presidential elections."
] |
Timor-oan iha Kuerentina. Foto Dok\nMinistériu Saúde sei halo triajen katak, ema sira ne’ebé ba ospitál, karik sira mear, inus metin, fani, kakorok moras, sei halo teste ba sira hodi foti amostra halo teste ba sira no rezultadu negativu hotu.\nAgora daudaun iha Dili iha kuarentena obrigatóriu na’in 195 no 109 iha hela auto-kuarentena, iha Suai ita iha kuarentena obrigatóriu na’in hitu no auto-kuarentena na’in rua, Baukau kuarentena obrigatóriu na’in haat no auto-kuarentena na’in ida, Oekusi kuarentena obrigatóriu na’in 21.\nNia hatutan, ema sira agora daudaun ministériu saúde, liuliu pesoál saúde halo atendimentu ba sira.\nNune’e, nia esplika, fatin kuarentena durante ne’e Ministériu Saúde la haree ba padraun husi Organizasaun Mundiál Saúde (OMS), maibé sira husu ba Ministériu Saúde atu prepara fatin ema ida tenke iha kuartu ida no hariis fatin ida.\n“Nune’e sira tenke hela mesak para Ministériu Saúde halo atendimentu ba sira, karik sira moras isin manas labele da’et, see iha duni moras Covid ne’e mak Organizasaun Mundiál Saúde husu,” dehan Odete, iha Parlamentu Nasionál, Tersa (28/7).\nDeputada Bankada UDT/FM, Isabel Ximenes hatete, Ministériu Saúde presiza relata númeru loloos ba ema sira ne’ebé tama mai, tanba sala situasaun krize taka ona.\nAsegura sidadaun iha Auto-kuarentena\nekipa vizilansia Servisu Saúde Munisípiu Dili asegura nafatin sidadaun sira ne’ebé mai husi estranjeiru halo auto-kuarentena iha sira-nia uma.\nDiretora Servisu Saúde Munisípiu Dili, Agostinha Seguradu hateten, iha auto-kuarentena iha Munisípiu Dili mai husi sira ne’ebé servisu iha Bayu-undang. Tanba ne’e, parte vijilánsia epidemolojia iha lista kompletu hamutuk ho ekipa vijilánsia nasionál fó sira maka atu bele responsabiliza ba sidadaun sira ne’e.\n“Ekipa vijilánsia Semana ida tenke halo kontaktu ho sira no vizita ba sira nia uma atu haree sira-nia kondisaun oinsá” dehan nia, iha knaar fatin, Kaikoli, horisehik.\nNia esplika, sidadaun sira ne’ebé mai husi estranjeiru atu halo auto-kuarentena ema halo pedidu antes sira atu mai. Tanba ne’e, ekipa vijilánsia ba haree uluk ona sira-nia fatin prienxe kritériu ona no ekipa aseita maka sira foin mai. Tanba ne’e, atu garante asegura halo verifikasaun antes ema ne’e mai atu nune’e bele kontrola ho di'ak.\nNia husu mós sidadaun sira ne’ebé halo auto-kuarentena ne’e uza konxiénsia atu bele kumpre protokolu sira ne’ebé iha.\nTuir dadus Ministériu Saúde (MS) nian hahú husi loron 06 Marsu to’o 28 Jullu, ema ne’ebé halo testu laboratóriu hamutuk 3.843 kompostu husi ema na’in 3.801 maka nia rezultadu negativu ona no na’in 18 maka sei hein rezultadu laboratóriu.\nAgora daudaun ema ne’ebé halo konfinamentu obrigatóriu hamutuk 227 kompostu husi Dili na’in 195, iha Oekusi na’in 21, Kovalima na’in 7. Ema ne’ebé maka halo auto-kuarentena hamutuk 112 kompostu husi Dili 109, Ainaru 2 no Baukau 1. Ema na’in 2.733 maka pasa ona loron 14 iha konfinamentu obrigatóriu.\nRead 142 times Last modified on Kinta, 30 Jullu 2020 11:21\nMore in this category: « Laiha Enkuadramentu Legal, MF Seidauk Prosesa Frontline ba Jornalista Eis ME João Cancio Kontinua Estudu Doutoramentu husi Prizaun Gleno »\n/Dadus Atual: Kuarentena Obrigatóriu iha Dili Ema Na’in 195 | [
"Timor-oan iha Kuerentina.",
"Foto Dok Ministeriu Saude sei halo triajen katak, ema sira ne'ebe ba ospital, karik sira mear, inus metin, fani, kakorok moras, sei halo teste ba sira hodi foti amostra halo teste ba sira no rezultadu negativu hotu.",
"Agora daudaun iha Dili iha kuarentena obrigatoriu na'in 195 no 109 iha hela auto-kuarentena, iha Suai ita iha kuarentena obrigatoriu na'in hitu no auto-kuarentena na'in rua, Baukau kuarentena obrigatoriu na'in haat no auto-kuarentena na'in ida, Oekusi kuarentena obrigatoriu na'in 21.",
"Nia hatutan, ema sira agora daudaun ministeriu saude, liuliu pesoal saude halo atendimentu ba sira.",
"Nune'e, nia esplika, fatin kuarentena durante ne'e Ministeriu Saude la haree ba padraun husi Organizasaun Mundial Saude (OMS), maibe sira husu ba Ministeriu Saude atu prepara fatin ema ida tenke iha kuartu ida no hariis fatin ida.",
"\"Nune'e sira tenke hela mesak para Ministeriu Saude halo atendimentu ba sira, karik sira moras isin manas labele da'et, see iha duni moras Covid ne'e mak Organizasaun Mundial Saude husu,\" dehan Odete, iha Parlamentu Nasional, Tersa (28/7).",
"Deputada Bankada UDT/FM, Isabel Ximenes hatete, Ministeriu Saude presiza relata numeru loloos ba ema sira ne'ebe tama mai, tanba sala situasaun krize taka ona.",
"Asegura sidadaun iha Auto-kuarentena ekipa vizilansia Servisu Saude Munisipiu Dili asegura nafatin sidadaun sira ne'ebe mai husi estranjeiru halo auto-kuarentena iha sira-nia uma.",
"Diretora Servisu Saude Munisipiu Dili, Agostinha Seguradu hateten, iha auto-kuarentena iha Munisipiu Dili mai husi sira ne'ebe servisu iha Bayu-undang.",
"Tanba ne'e, parte vijilansia epidemolojia iha lista kompletu hamutuk ho ekipa vijilansia nasional fo sira maka atu bele responsabiliza ba sidadaun sira ne'e.",
"\"Ekipa vijilansia Semana ida tenke halo kontaktu ho sira no vizita ba sira nia uma atu haree sira-nia kondisaun oinsa\" dehan nia, iha knaar fatin, Kaikoli, horisehik.",
"Nia esplika, sidadaun sira ne'ebe mai husi estranjeiru atu halo auto-kuarentena ema halo pedidu antes sira atu mai.",
"Tanba ne'e, ekipa vijilansia ba haree uluk ona sira-nia fatin prienxe kriteriu ona no ekipa aseita maka sira foin mai.",
"Tanba ne'e, atu garante asegura halo verifikasaun antes ema ne'e mai atu nune'e bele kontrola ho di'ak.",
"Nia husu mos sidadaun sira ne'ebe halo auto-kuarentena ne'e uza konxiensia atu bele kumpre protokolu sira ne'ebe iha.",
"Tuir dadus Ministeriu Saude (MS) nian hahu husi loron 06 Marsu to'o 28 Jullu, ema ne'ebe halo testu laboratoriu hamutuk 3.843 kompostu husi ema na'in 3.801 maka nia rezultadu negativu ona no na'in 18 maka sei hein rezultadu laboratoriu.",
"Agora daudaun ema ne'ebe halo konfinamentu obrigatoriu hamutuk 227 kompostu husi Dili na'in 195, iha Oekusi na'in 21, Kovalima na'in 7.",
"Ema ne'ebe maka halo auto-kuarentena hamutuk 112 kompostu husi Dili 109, Ainaru 2 no Baukau 1.",
"Ema na'in 2.733 maka pasa ona loron 14 iha konfinamentu obrigatoriu.",
"Read 142 times Last modified on Kinta, 30 Jullu 2020 11:21 More in this category: \" Laiha Enkuadramentu Legal, MF Seidauk Prosesa Frontline ba Jornalista Eis ME Joao Cancio Kontinua Estudu Doutoramentu husi Prizaun Gleno \" /Dadus Atual: Kuarentena Obrigatoriu iha Dili Ema Na'in 195"
] | [
"Timorese in Quarantine."
"The Ministry of Health will carry out triage that, people who go to the hospital if they have diarrhea or vomiting and sweating are tested for them in order To take samples test all negative results."
"Currently, in Dili there are 195 people under compulsory quarantine and a total of the same number living on self-quarantine. In Suai we have seven persons being kept at home for mandatory Quarantine while two others staying with their families; Baukau has four subjected to obligation quarantaine whereas one is still confine himself/herself by herselves as he or she may be infectious from other travellers who might come into contact through his own country'"
"He added that people are now being cared for by the Ministry of Health, especially health workers."
"Thus, he explained that the quarantine facilities during this period of time were not according to World Health Organization (WHO) standard. However they asked health ministry for a place where one person can be in an apartment and have their own space as well.\""
"\"Now they have to stay only for the Ministry of Health care them, if you are ill and can't go away. If it is indeed Covid that WHO asks about this disease\", Odete said at National Parliament on Tuesday (28/7)."
"UDT/FM Group MP, Isabel Ximenes said that the Ministry of Health needs to report accurate numbers for people coming in because crisis situation is over."
"The Dili Municipal Health Service's vigilance team also ensured that citizens who had come from abroad were self-quarantined at home."
"Dili Municipal Health Service Director, Agostinha Seguradu said that self-quarantine in the municipality comes from those who work at Bayu Undang."
"Therefore, the epidemiology surveillance part has a complete list together with national vigilancy team to provide them so that they can be held accountable for these citizens."
"\"A vigilance team should contact them every week and visit their homes to see how they are doing,\" he said at his office in Kaikoli today."
"He explained that citizens who come from abroad to self-quarantine are asked before they arrive."
"For this reason, the surveillance team has already checked that their location meets all criteria and they have been accepted."
"Therefore, to ensure that verification is done before people come so they can be properly controlled."
"He also asked citizens who are self-quarantined to use their conscience in complying with the existing protocols."
"According to data from the Ministry of Health (MS) starting on March 6th until July, a total amounts at about $3.84 billion has been invested in healthcare facilities and services for people living with HIV/AIDS or AIDS-related illnesses as well that have not received adequate care during their lives;"
"Currently, there are 230 people in compulsory confinement: Dili -195; Oekusi-46 and Kovalima –7."
"The total number of people in self-quarantine is 120, comprising Dili (98), Ainaro and Baukau."
"2,734 people have spent the past fourteen days in compulsory quarantine."
"Read 142 times Last modified on Thursday, July-30th -5:69 PM More in this category. \" Lack of legal framework prevents MF from processing Frontline for former ME journalist Joao Cancio to continue doctoral studies at Glenos prison\" /Updated data show that there are now a total number Of people under compulsory quarantine In Dili is currently the following numbers"
] |
ANAS, I.P planeia hadi’a sistema abastamentu bee-moos ba komunidade | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste\nVARANDA HEADLINE ANAS, I.P planeia hadi’a sistema abastamentu bee-moos ba komunidade\nPrezidente Konsellu Administrasaun ANAS, I.P, Domingos Pinto. Imajen TATOLI/Francisco Sony\nDILI, 20 outubru 2021 (TATOLI)—Autoridade Nasionál Água no Saneamentu, Institutu Públiku (ANAS, I.P) iha ona planu atu halo investimentu hadi’a sistema abastesimentu bee-moos ba komunidade tanba durante ne’e uza sistema tuan.\n“Buat ne’ebé ANAS hanoin dahuluk mak halo investimentu ba sistema abastamentu bee-moos tanba durante ne’e ita mantein uza infraestrutura hosi tempu Indonézia, tanba ne’e defísil atu kontrola. Entaun tenke halo investimentu infraestrutura bee atubele mellora lalais sistema ne’ebé durante ne’e difisil iha área urbana,” Prezidente Konsellu Administrasaun ANAS, I.P, Domingos Pinto, informa ba Agência TATOLI, iha ninia knaar fatin, Caicoli, kuarta ne’e.\nNotísia relevante: ANAS, I.P ho parseiru realiza WASH forum diskute bee no saneamentu\nHaree ba mandatu autoridade ne’ebé konsagra ona iha dekretu-lei númeru 38 no 41 /2020, loron 23 setembru, hodi asegura abordajen sustentável no integradu iha jestaun rekursu bee no saneamentu.\nKonjuga ho objetivu iha Planu Estratéjiku Dezenvolvimentu Nasionál (PEDN) 2011-2030, ne’ebé Timor-Leste hakarak atu mellhora asesu bee no saneamentu to’o 2030, ANAS nu’udar institutu reguladór públika ne’ebé iha papél fundamentál atu asegura sustentabilidade jestaun no utilizasaun rekursu bee iha territóriu Timór laran tomak, hahú hosi área urbana no rurál.\n“Kona-ba jestaun bee-moos ba komunidade iha área urbana, tuir ita-nia haree iha pasadu buat lubuk ida mak halo, maibé seidauk másimu tanba ita-nia povu rasik seidauk hetan bee 100%,” nia akresenta.\nEnkuantu, bee-moos iha área rurál, ninia jestaun depende filafali ba ekonomia iha área ne’e rasik.\n“Partisipasaun komunidade importante tebes, atu nune’e asegura ninia sistema bee-moos ne’ebé Governu ho parseiru dezenvolvimentu sira halo. Tanba ne’e, Governu presiza hanoin atu halo investimentu ba iha área rurál sira,” nia hateten.\nAsegura polítika nasionál iha jestaun rekursu bee\nPrezidente Konsellu Administrasaun ANAS, I.P konsidera atu asegura aborjen sustentável no integradu iha jestaun rekursu bee no sanemanetu, presiza halo monotorizaun no asegura polítika nasionál iha área jestaun rekursu bee.\n“Importante mak proteje lalais ita-nia rekurusu bee, ho rajaun ita-nia rai ladún favorese atu konserva bee iha rai okos no bee matan sira, tanba ne’e presiza kuda ai-oan hodi halo protesaun,” nia argumenta.\nTuir Domingos Pinto, konserva no abastamentu bee-moos ne’ebé sustentável, tenke akompaña ho servisu integradu hosi parte liña ministeriál.\n“Dalarabak laiha koordenasaun di’ak, entaun presiza tebes koordenasaun entre entidade sira ne’ebé halo jestaun ba rekursu bee, atu nune’e mantein saida mak halo ona no ita halo tan. Tanba agora ANAS hetan apoiu hosi parseiru hanesan UNICEF, UNESCO, JICA, no parseiru seluk tan ho ida-idak ninia funsaun. Importante mak parseiru sira iha planu di’ak ho Governu kona-ba atividade bee no saneamentu,” nia tenik.\nGovernu implementa ninia polítika kona-ba bee no saneamentu, enkuantu parseiru ne’ebé iha planu, sei informa ba ANAS, I.P molok ezekuta.\nPrevious articleMate-isin Norberto Inácio Ximenes haloot ona iha Simetériu Públiku Ai-Oan\nNext articleTimor-Leste partisipa iha lansamentu estratejia SUN Movement iha nível rejionál | [
"ANAS, I.P planeia hadi'a sistema abastamentu bee-moos ba komunidade | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA HEADLINE ANAS, I.P planeia hadi'a sistema abastamentu bee-moos ba komunidade Prezidente Konsellu Administrasaun ANAS, I.P, Domingos Pinto.",
"Imajen TATOLI/Francisco Sony DILI, 20 outubru 2021 (TATOLI) - Autoridade Nasional Agua no Saneamentu, Institutu Publiku (ANAS, I.P) iha ona planu atu halo investimentu hadi'a sistema abastesimentu bee-moos ba komunidade tanba durante ne'e uza sistema tuan.",
"\"Buat ne'ebe ANAS hanoin dahuluk mak halo investimentu ba sistema abastamentu bee-moos tanba durante ne'e ita mantein uza infraestrutura hosi tempu Indonezia, tanba ne'e defisil atu kontrola.",
"Entaun tenke halo investimentu infraestrutura bee atubele mellora lalais sistema ne'ebe durante ne'e difisil iha area urbana,\" Prezidente Konsellu Administrasaun ANAS, I.P, Domingos Pinto, informa ba Agencia TATOLI, iha ninia knaar fatin, Caicoli, kuarta ne'e.",
"Notisia relevante: ANAS, I.P ho parseiru realiza WASH forum diskute bee no saneamentu Haree ba mandatu autoridade ne'ebe konsagra ona iha dekretu-lei numeru 38 no 41 /2020, loron 23 setembru, hodi asegura abordajen sustentavel no integradu iha jestaun rekursu bee no saneamentu.",
"Konjuga ho objetivu iha Planu Estratejiku Dezenvolvimentu Nasional (PEDN) 2011-2030, ne'ebe Timor-Leste hakarak atu mellhora asesu bee no saneamentu to'o 2030, ANAS nu'udar institutu regulador publika ne'ebe iha papel fundamental atu asegura sustentabilidade jestaun no utilizasaun rekursu bee iha territoriu Timor laran tomak, hahu hosi area urbana no rural.",
"\"Kona-ba jestaun bee-moos ba komunidade iha area urbana, tuir ita-nia haree iha pasadu buat lubuk ida mak halo, maibe seidauk masimu tanba ita-nia povu rasik seidauk hetan bee 100%,\" nia akresenta.",
"Enkuantu, bee-moos iha area rural, ninia jestaun depende filafali ba ekonomia iha area ne'e rasik.",
"\"Partisipasaun komunidade importante tebes, atu nune'e asegura ninia sistema bee-moos ne'ebe Governu ho parseiru dezenvolvimentu sira halo.",
"Tanba ne'e, Governu presiza hanoin atu halo investimentu ba iha area rural sira,\" nia hateten.",
"Asegura politika nasional iha jestaun rekursu bee Prezidente Konsellu Administrasaun ANAS, I.P konsidera atu asegura aborjen sustentavel no integradu iha jestaun rekursu bee no sanemanetu, presiza halo monotorizaun no asegura politika nasional iha area jestaun rekursu bee.",
"\"Importante mak proteje lalais ita-nia rekurusu bee, ho rajaun ita-nia rai ladun favorese atu konserva bee iha rai okos no bee matan sira, tanba ne'e presiza kuda ai-oan hodi halo protesaun,\" nia argumenta.",
"Tuir Domingos Pinto, konserva no abastamentu bee-moos ne'ebe sustentavel, tenke akompana ho servisu integradu hosi parte lina ministerial.",
"\"Dalarabak laiha koordenasaun di'ak, entaun presiza tebes koordenasaun entre entidade sira ne'ebe halo jestaun ba rekursu bee, atu nune'e mantein saida mak halo ona no ita halo tan.",
"Tanba agora ANAS hetan apoiu hosi parseiru hanesan UNICEF, UNESCO, JICA, no parseiru seluk tan ho ida-idak ninia funsaun.",
"Importante mak parseiru sira iha planu di'ak ho Governu kona-ba atividade bee no saneamentu,\" nia tenik.",
"Governu implementa ninia politika kona-ba bee no saneamentu, enkuantu parseiru ne'ebe iha planu, sei informa ba ANAS, I.P molok ezekuta.",
"Previous articleMate-isin Norberto Inacio Ximenes haloot ona iha Simeteriu Publiku Ai-Oan Next articleTimor-Leste partisipa iha lansamentu estratejia SUN Movement iha nivel rejional"
] | [
"ANAS, I.P plans to improve water supply system for the community | TATOLI Timor-Leste News Agency VARANDA HEADLINE The President of Board Domingos Pinto said: “ANAS is a company that has been in business since it was founded and we are very happy with its success.”"
"DILI, October 20th (TATOLI) - The National Authority for Water and Sanitation Public Institute has plans to invest in improving the water supply system of its community since it is currently using a new one."
"\"The first thing ANAS thought about was to invest in the water supply system because during this time we have maintained using infrastructure from Indonesian times, so it is difficult for control."
"So we have to make investments in water infrastructure so that the system can be improved quickly, which has been difficult during this time for urban areas\", President of ANAS' Board Of Directores I.P (Associação Nacional de Saneamento Ambiental), Domingo Pinto said at his workplace Caicoli on Tuesday morning and told a news agency:"
"Relevant news: ANAS, I.P and partners hold WASH forum to discuss water & sanitation In view of the authority's mandate set forth in Decree-Law Nos 38 e41/2059 /September) on September (7), ensure a sustainable integrated approach into management Water resources And Sanitation"
"In line with the objectives of Planu Estrategiku Dezenvolvimentu Nasional (PEDN) 2013-45, which aims to improve water and sanitation access by this year. ANAS as a public regulatory institute has an essential role in ensuring sustainability management & utilization on all Timorese territories starting from urban areas through rural regions"
"\"Regarding water management for communities in urban areas, according to our observations a lot has been done before but it is not the maximum because we haven't got 102% of people with access\", he added."
"In rural areas, water and sanitation management depends on the economy of that area."
"\"Community participation is very important, in order to ensure its sanitation system that the government and development partners are doing."
"Therefore, the government needs to think about investing in rural areas,” he said."
"Ensure national policy in water resource management President of the Board ANAS, I.P considers that to ensure sustainable and integrated agricultural development with regard into Water Resource Management (WRM) & Sanitation it is necessary for a monitoring system which will assure National Policy on WRIM"
"\"It is important to protect our water recourses quickly, because the poor soil in Brazil favours conservation of wetlands and springwater. Therefore we need trees for protection\", he argues.\""
"According to Domingos Pinto, conservation and sustainable water supply must be accompanied by integrated services from the ministerial line."
"\"There is a lack of good coordination, so we need to have greater co-ordinations between the entities that manage water resources. We must maintain what has already been done and continue doing more.\""
"Because now ANAS is supported by partners such as UNICEF, UNESCO and JICA. Others have their own role to play in this process:"
"It is important that partners have good plans with the Government on water and sanitation activities,\" he said."
"The Government implements its policy on water and sanitation, while partners with plans will inform ANAS I.P before executing the plan"
"Previous articleThe body of Norberto Inacio Ximenes has been buried in Ai-Oan Public Cemetery Next artikelTimor Leste participates at the launching SUN Movement strategy on a regional level"
] |
MORIS sai furak tebes se ita la hasoru problema. Maibé oinsá se situasaun moris halo ita sente susar demais atu tahan?\nPorezemplu, Sally * husi rai-Estadus Unidus, neʼebé lakon buat hotu tanba anin-fuik, nia esplika: “Haʼu la hatene oinsá atu tahan ho situasaun neʼe. Ba tempu barak haʼu sente hanesan labele tahan tanba estrese.”\nOinsá se ema neʼebé ita hadomi mate? Janice husi rai-Austrália hatete: “Bainhira haʼu-nia oan-mane naʼin-rua mate, haʼu kompara haʼu-nia moris hanesan buat neʼebé rahun no haʼu tenke hadiʼa ida-neʼe. Haʼu harohan ba Maromak: ‘Favór, haʼu labele ona atu tahan! Husik haʼu mate deʼit. Haʼu lakohi moris tan.’”\nDaniel sente fuan moras tebetebes bainhira ninia feen la hatudu laran-metin ba nia. Nia esplika: “Bainhira haʼu-nia feen fó-hatene mai haʼu katak nia la laran-metin ona mai haʼu, neʼe hanesan tudik ida mak sona haʼu-nia fuan. Haʼu sente hanesan sona haʼu dala barak. Neʼe mak buat neʼebé haʼu sente durante fulan barak nia laran.”\nLivru Haklaken neʼe sei koʼalia kona-ba oinsá moris iha folin duni maski\nEma neʼebé ita hadomi mate\nIta-nia pár la laran-metin\nIta kona moras boot\nMoris susar demais atu tahan\nPrimeiru, oinsá mak ita bele tahan hasoru bainhira dezastre akontese?\nMoris iha folin bainhira dezastre akontese ka lae?\nBíblia fó matadalan atu ajuda Ita tahan hasoru situasaun neʼebé mosu tanba dezastre. | [
"MORIS sai furak tebes se ita la hasoru problema.",
"Maibe oinsa se situasaun moris halo ita sente susar demais atu tahan?",
"Porezemplu, Sally * husi rai-Estadus Unidus, ne'ebe lakon buat hotu tanba anin-fuik, nia esplika: \"Ha'u la hatene oinsa atu tahan ho situasaun ne'e.",
"Ba tempu barak ha'u sente hanesan labele tahan tanba estrese.\"",
"Oinsa se ema ne'ebe ita hadomi mate?",
"Janice husi rai-Australia hatete: \"Bainhira ha'u-nia oan-mane na'in-rua mate, ha'u kompara ha'u-nia moris hanesan buat ne'ebe rahun no ha'u tenke hadi'a ida-ne'e.",
"Ha'u harohan ba Maromak: 'Favor, ha'u labele ona atu tahan!",
"Husik ha'u mate de'it.",
"Ha'u lakohi moris tan.'\"",
"Daniel sente fuan moras tebetebes bainhira ninia feen la hatudu laran-metin ba nia.",
"Nia esplika: \"Bainhira ha'u-nia feen fo-hatene mai ha'u katak nia la laran-metin ona mai ha'u, ne'e hanesan tudik ida mak sona ha'u-nia fuan.",
"Ha'u sente hanesan sona ha'u dala barak.",
"Ne'e mak buat ne'ebe ha'u sente durante fulan barak nia laran.\"",
"Livru Haklaken ne'e sei ko'alia kona-ba oinsa moris iha folin duni maski Ema ne'ebe ita hadomi mate Ita-nia par la laran-metin Ita kona moras boot Moris susar demais atu tahan Primeiru, oinsa mak ita bele tahan hasoru bainhira dezastre akontese?",
"Moris iha folin bainhira dezastre akontese ka lae?",
"Biblia fo matadalan atu ajuda Ita tahan hasoru situasaun ne'ebe mosu tanba dezastre."
] | [
"MORIS gets very angry if we don't encounter any problems."
"But what if the circumstances of life make us feel too hard to bear?"
"However, Sally* from the United States who lost everything to a cold explained: \"I don't know how I can handle this situation."
"For a long time I felt like it wasn't going to last because of the stress.\""
"Is there any person who loves death?"
"Janice from Australia said: \"When my two daughters died, I looked back on life as something that had gone wrong and needed to be fixed."
"I prayed to God: 'Please, i can't take it anymore!"
"Husik ha'u mate de’it."
"I don't want to die anymore.'\""
"Daniel feels very ill when his wife does not show him any compassion."
"He explained: \"When my wife told me she wasn't loyal to Me, it felt like a blow in the heart."
"I feel like it's been me a lot of times."
"That's something I have felt for many months.\""
"The book of Ecclesiastes will talk about how to live in true value even though the one you love is dying Your spouse has hurt You with a serious illness Living too hard for us First, How can we endure when disaster strikes?"
"Isn’t living expensive when disaster strikes?"
"The Bible provides guidance to help you withstand the situations that arise from disasters."
] |
Prezensa PM Xanana Iha TDD Hamosu Pergunta Bot Independensia Judisiariu - Opini Timor\n» Prezensa PM Xanana Iha TDD Hamosu Pergunta Bot Independensia Judisiariu\nPrezensa PM Xanana Iha TDD Hamosu Pergunta Bot Independensia Judisiariu\nWritten By Timor News Online on 11/18/2014 | 8:32 PM\nDiretur Judicial System Monitoring Program me (JSMP) Luis de Oliveira Sampaio hatete katak, prezensa Primeiru Ministru Kay Rala Xanana Gusmão nian iha Tribunal Distrital Dili ne’e, hamosu pergunta bot ida ba publiku kona-ba independensia Judisiariu sira nian.\nLuis Sampaio haktuir, prezensa Primeiru Ministru nian iha Tribunal ne’e, lolos labele akontese, tanba dadauk ne’e ema sei kestiona hela ho rezolusaun rua ne’ebé maka Governu ho Parlamentu Nasional aprova.\n“Maibé kuandu kazu sira ne’e laiha ajenda, Primeiru Ministru nia prezensa iha tribunal ne’e, bele hamosu interpretasaun negativu barak liu, iha konseitu Estadu Direitu Demokrátiku, konseitu separasaun poder, nomos bele mosu perguntas kona-ba independensia judisiariu nian,”dehan Luis de Oliveira Sampaio ba\nJN-Diario Tersa (18/11) iha nia kna’ar fatin Colmera Dili.\nLuis Sampaio dehan, tuir pratika normal,\nkazu ne’e tenki liu husi prosesu infestigasaun, no infestigasaun ne’e maka sei konklui ho akuzasaun husi Ministeriu Publiku no aprezenta ba Tribunal, foin maka Tribunal ajenda ba julgamentu.\nMaibé Luis Sampaio hatutan, kuandu PM Xanana sai hanesan testamuña ba kazu ruma mos, tenki iha notifikasaun.\n“Prezensa Primeiru Ministru iha Tribunal\nne’e, ema bele hanoin katak, Governu kontinua tau presaun ba servisu Tribunal ninian,” katak Luis Sampaio.\nNia dehan, ema bele hamosu interpretasaun oi-oin, tanba ho movimentasaun barak hanesan, membru Governu sira mós ba, Polisia sira mós ba tomak, membru Parlamentu no komunidade balu.\nIda ne’e hanesan atu halo presaun bo’ot ida ba sistema judisiariu. Kuandu hakarak kolabora ho tribunal, entaun polisia sira labele armadu hanesan ne’e. tanba ho movimentu bo’ot hanesan ne’e, bele halo ema paníku.\nMaibé Luis Sampaio dehan, nia espera katak, buat ne’ebé maka halo públiku duvida ne’e, labele sai realidade, Judisiariu sira tenki kontinua fungsiona normal, i orgaun soberania sira\nne’e, kontinua respeita liña interdependensia entre orgaun soberania sira, atu fó fatin ba sira hodi hala’o sira nia pozisaun konstituisaun haruka.\nTanba Luis Sampaio esplika, maske PM Xanana atu ba intrega deit dokumentus mos, tenki liu husi ninia prosesu.\nTuir pratika ne’e, kuandu Tribunal atu hahu prosesu ruma, kuandu iha ona investigasaun husi Polisia, KAK no Ministeriu Publik.\nTanba Tribunal rasik sei lahatene katak iha krime ruma, kuandu prosesu investigasaun ne’e la mai husi instituisaun tolu ne’e (Polosia, KAK no MP).\n“Antes atu tama ba Odamatan Tribunal ne’e, ita tenki liu ba odamatan hira ne’e uluk lai, ita labele ba direitamente iha Tribunal hanesan ne’e,” esplika Luis Sampaio.tap | [
"Prezensa PM Xanana Iha TDD Hamosu Pergunta Bot Independensia Judisiariu - Opini Timor \" Prezensa PM Xanana Iha TDD Hamosu Pergunta Bot Independensia Judisiariu Prezensa PM Xanana Iha TDD Hamosu Pergunta Bot Independensia Judisiariu Written By Timor News Online on 11/18/2014 | 8:32 PM Diretur Judicial System Monitoring Program me (JSMP) Luis de Oliveira Sampaio hatete katak, prezensa Primeiru Ministru Kay Rala Xanana Gusmao nian iha Tribunal Distrital Dili ne'e, hamosu pergunta bot ida ba publiku kona-ba independensia Judisiariu sira nian.",
"Luis Sampaio haktuir, prezensa Primeiru Ministru nian iha Tribunal ne'e, lolos labele akontese, tanba dadauk ne'e ema sei kestiona hela ho rezolusaun rua ne'ebe maka Governu ho Parlamentu Nasional aprova.",
"\"Maibe kuandu kazu sira ne'e laiha ajenda, Primeiru Ministru nia prezensa iha tribunal ne'e, bele hamosu interpretasaun negativu barak liu, iha konseitu Estadu Direitu Demokratiku, konseitu separasaun poder, nomos bele mosu perguntas kona-ba independensia judisiariu nian,\"dehan Luis de Oliveira Sampaio ba JN-Diario Tersa (18/11) iha nia kna'ar fatin Colmera Dili.",
"Luis Sampaio dehan, tuir pratika normal, kazu ne'e tenki liu husi prosesu infestigasaun, no infestigasaun ne'e maka sei konklui ho akuzasaun husi Ministeriu Publiku no aprezenta ba Tribunal, foin maka Tribunal ajenda ba julgamentu.",
"Maibe Luis Sampaio hatutan, kuandu PM Xanana sai hanesan testamuna ba kazu ruma mos, tenki iha notifikasaun.",
"\"Prezensa Primeiru Ministru iha Tribunal ne'e, ema bele hanoin katak, Governu kontinua tau presaun ba servisu Tribunal ninian,\" katak Luis Sampaio.",
"Nia dehan, ema bele hamosu interpretasaun oi-oin, tanba ho movimentasaun barak hanesan, membru Governu sira mos ba, Polisia sira mos ba tomak, membru Parlamentu no komunidade balu.",
"Ida ne'e hanesan atu halo presaun bo'ot ida ba sistema judisiariu.",
"Kuandu hakarak kolabora ho tribunal, entaun polisia sira labele armadu hanesan ne'e. tanba ho movimentu bo'ot hanesan ne'e, bele halo ema paniku.",
"Maibe Luis Sampaio dehan, nia espera katak, buat ne'ebe maka halo publiku duvida ne'e, labele sai realidade, Judisiariu sira tenki kontinua fungsiona normal, i orgaun soberania sira ne'e, kontinua respeita lina interdependensia entre orgaun soberania sira, atu fo fatin ba sira hodi hala'o sira nia pozisaun konstituisaun haruka.",
"Tanba Luis Sampaio esplika, maske PM Xanana atu ba intrega deit dokumentus mos, tenki liu husi ninia prosesu.",
"Tuir pratika ne'e, kuandu Tribunal atu hahu prosesu ruma, kuandu iha ona investigasaun husi Polisia, KAK no Ministeriu Publik.",
"Tanba Tribunal rasik sei lahatene katak iha krime ruma, kuandu prosesu investigasaun ne'e la mai husi instituisaun tolu ne'e (Polosia, KAK no MP).",
"\"Antes atu tama ba Odamatan Tribunal ne'e, ita tenki liu ba odamatan hira ne'e uluk lai, ita labele ba direitamente iha Tribunal hanesan ne'e,\" esplika Luis Sampaio.tap"
] | [
"Presence of Prime Minister Xanana in Dili District Court raises questions about independence - Opini Timor \"Presencia de PM Gusmão no Tribunal Distrital do Distrito (TDD) levanta questões sobre independência da Justiça\" Written By TIMOR News Online on 10/23 /57 | Posted by: Editor-in–Chief Luis De Oliveira Sampaio, Director Judicial System Monitoring Program me(JSMP), said that the presences and appearances at TDT has raised a lot question for public regard to judicial independentism."
"According to Luis Sampaio, the Prime Minister's presence in this court is unlikely because people are still questioning two resolution that have been approved by both Government and National Parliament."
"\"But when these cases have no agenda, the Prime Minister's presence in this court can give rise to more negative interpretations of a democratic state based on rule-of law and separation between power. This could raises questions about judicial independency\", Luis de Oliveira Sampaio told JN -Diario Tuesday (18/09) at his office Colmera Dili"
"Luis Sampaio said, according to normal practice the case must go through an investigation process and this will be concluded with a charge by Public Prosecutor's Office presented in court before it is put on trial."
"However, Luis Sampaio added that when PM Xanana comes as a witness in any case too there must be notification."
"\"The presence of the Prime Minister in this court, one might think that government continues to put pressure on its work\", said Luis Sampaio."
"He said that people can create different interpretations, because with many movements such as members of the government also went there and all policemen were in attendance. Member Of Parliament was present alongside some communities too.\""
"This is putting a lot of pressure on the judiciary."
"When they want to cooperate with the court, police cannot be armed like this. Because such a large movement can cause people panicking and creating anxiety amongst them.\""
"However, Luis Sampaio said he hoped that the public doubts could not become reality. The judiciary should continue to function normally and these sovereign bodies must respect a line of interdependence between them in order for each one from their positions under constitutional provisions giving space as they are required by law"
"Because Luis Sampaio explained, although PM Xanana will go to only hand over documents also must pass through its process."
"According to this practice, when the Court is going into any proceedings if there has been an investigation by Police and Public Prosecutor."
"Because the Court itself will state that there has been a crime, if this investigation process does not come from these three institutions (Police and Public Prosecutor)."
"\"Before entering the Court, we have to go through these doors first. We cannot enter directly into a court like this\", explains Luis Sampaio TAP"
] |
Air Timor aumenta ligasaun aéreu semanal sira entre Díli ho Kupang - Notícias SAPO - SAPO Notícias\nPájina aktualizada iha 22:59h, segunda-feira 17 Fevereiru\nAir Timor aumenta ligasaun aéreu semanal sira entre Díli ho Kupang\n07 de Outubro de 2019, 22:59\nKompañia aéreu AirTimor anunsia iha loron-segunda ne'e katak hahú semana oinmai sei halo semo tolu semana-semana entre kapital rua hosi illa Timor nian, Díli ho Kupang, iha ámbitu hosi parseria ho indonéziu Transnusa.\nEmpreza esplika ona iha nia pájina Facebook katak hahú loron 16 Outubru sei iha semo entre Díli ho Kupang iha loron-segunda, loron-kuarta ho loron-sesta, aumenta nune'e oferta ba ligasaun ida semana-semana.\nSemo entre Díli ho Kupang, agora daudaun halo iha loron-sesta ho loron-segunda, hahú iha fulan-Jullu, iha interese hodi aumenta tanba folin aas sira entre semo sira entre Díli ho Bali.\nEma barak maka hili halo viajen liuhosi Kupang ho folin sira ne'ebé maka kompensa demora ne'ebé kleur.\nTransnusa, marka hosi grupu indonéziu PT Transnusa Aviation Mandiri, hanesan kompañia aéreu indonéziu ida ne'ebé halo operasaun iha leste nasaun nian, liuliu iha zona sira hosi Nusa Tenggara ho Sulawesi no ne'ebé nia baze situa iha aeroportu El Tari, iha Kupang, kapital hosi metade indonéziu hosi illa Timor nian.\nEmpreza lansa iha tinan 2005 no mantén ligasaun sira hahú hosi Kupang ba destinu oioin, ba dala uluk ho aviaun charter sira hosi Pelita Air ho Trigana Air, no hahú hosi 2011 ho nia Sertifikadu hosi Operador Aéreu (AOC) rasik.\nEmpreza agora daudaun iha konjuntu ida ho aparellu sanulu. | [
"Air Timor aumenta ligasaun aereu semanal sira entre Dili ho Kupang - Noticias SAPO - SAPO Noticias Pajina aktualizada iha 22:59h, segunda-feira 17 Fevereiru Air Timor aumenta ligasaun aereu semanal sira entre Dili ho Kupang 07 de Outubro de 2019, 22:59 Kompania aereu AirTimor anunsia iha loron-segunda ne'e katak hahu semana oinmai sei halo semo tolu semana-semana entre kapital rua hosi illa Timor nian, Dili ho Kupang, iha ambitu hosi parseria ho indoneziu Transnusa.",
"Empreza esplika ona iha nia pajina Facebook katak hahu loron 16 Outubru sei iha semo entre Dili ho Kupang iha loron-segunda, loron-kuarta ho loron-sesta, aumenta nune'e oferta ba ligasaun ida semana-semana.",
"Semo entre Dili ho Kupang, agora daudaun halo iha loron-sesta ho loron-segunda, hahu iha fulan-Jullu, iha interese hodi aumenta tanba folin aas sira entre semo sira entre Dili ho Bali.",
"Ema barak maka hili halo viajen liuhosi Kupang ho folin sira ne'ebe maka kompensa demora ne'ebe kleur.",
"Transnusa, marka hosi grupu indoneziu PT Transnusa Aviation Mandiri, hanesan kompania aereu indoneziu ida ne'ebe halo operasaun iha leste nasaun nian, liuliu iha zona sira hosi Nusa Tenggara ho Sulawesi no ne'ebe nia baze situa iha aeroportu El Tari, iha Kupang, kapital hosi metade indoneziu hosi illa Timor nian.",
"Empreza lansa iha tinan 2005 no manten ligasaun sira hahu hosi Kupang ba destinu oioin, ba dala uluk ho aviaun charter sira hosi Pelita Air ho Trigana Air, no hahu hosi 2011 ho nia Sertifikadu hosi Operador Aereu (AOC) rasik.",
"Empreza agora daudaun iha konjuntu ida ho aparellu sanulu."
] | [
"Air Timor increases weekly air connection between Dili and Kupang - News SAPO 07 de Outubro,19:58 The national airlines of Indonesia announced on Monday that it will start flying three times a month from the capital city to Labuan Bajo in order for its partnership with Indonesian company Transnusa."
"The company has explained on its Facebook page that as of October 16 there will be flights between Dili and Kupang every Monday, Wednesday & Saturday thus increasing the offer to one weekly connection."
"The flights between Dili and Kupang, currently operated on Saturdays & Monday ’ s start in July are of interest to increase due the high prices for seaplane tickets from Bali."
"Many people choose to travel via Kupang at prices that compensate for the long delays."
"Transnusa, a brand of the Indonesian group PT Transnusa Aviation Mandiri is an Indonesia airline that operates in eastern Timor-Leste and its surrounding areas. Its base at El Tari airport lies on Kupang Island (the capital city) which belonged to East Java until 1975 when it was merged with West Papua into Eastern Sulawesi Province as part from South Sumatra province' s reunification after independence during World War II.[2]"
"The company was launched in 2015 and maintains links from Kupang to various destination, first with charter aircraft of Pelita Air or Trigana air. Since then it has been flying on its own Chartered Operator Certificate (AOC)."
"The company currently has one unit with 108 units."
] |
Apoiu ai-han no materiál husi Xanana to’o ona iha Manatuto – GMN TV | Grupo Média Nacional - Lori Timor ba Mundu - GMN TV | Grupo Média Nacional\nHome » Sosiedade » Apoiu ai-han no materiál husi Xanana to’o ona iha Manatuto\nLíder nasionál Kay Rala Xanana Gusmão, kontinua fó apoiu ai-han no materiál konstrusaun ba vítima dezastre naturál (DN) iha munisípiu Manatuto.\nApoiu hirak ne’e sei fo diretamente ba vítima sira hanesan foos, supermie, nomos materi’al konstruksaun kompostu husi semente,kalen no besi ba defisiente balu ne’ebé uma hetan estragu husi dezastre naturál foin lalais.\nTuir reprezentante profisionál Manatutu-Oan, Gabriel Soares, katak, apoiu ne’e líder karismátiku Kay Rala Xanana Gusmão fó ba vítima sira hodi hakmaan sira-nia susar no terus.\n“Ajudus ida ne’e hanesan atu hakmaan povu nia sofrimentu, povu lakon buat hot-hotu, lakon toos, lakon natar, lakon uma, lakon sasán uma-laran hotu no lakon tan vida, maun Xanana hanesan aman ida, hanesan ha’u hatete, la’ós foin ohin mak hakfodak atu haree ba povu nia terus, no Maun Bo’ot ho nia prezensa ida ne’e atu lori fali esperansa ba povu, para oinsa lori hamoos povu nia matan-been”,dehan reprezentante profisionál Manatuto-oan, Gabriel Soares.\nVítima sira kontente tebes tanba Xanana Gusmão bele fó apoiu ona ba sira, liu-liu dadaun ne’e sira hasoru hela situasaun ne’ebe difísil.\n““Ami sente kontente tanba Avo Nana bele ajuda ami bainhira ami monu ba susar, so Avo Nana deit mak hatene ami-nia preokupasaun, ba oin ema ne’ebé atu tau matan mai ami ne’e so Avo Nana deit, laiha tan ema seluk. Governu to’o agora seidauk tau matan ida”,dehan Komunidade Agustino Manuel Da Cunha, ba GMN, Kuarta (21/4/2021).\nVítima sira ne’ebé hetan apoiu ne’e iha Postu Administrativo Laclo, Laclubar, no Manatuto hamutuk rihun ida resin.\nAi-han no materiál konstruksaun hirak ne’e halo tranferénsia deit iha fronteira Metinaro no Manatuto, tanba kumpri serka sanitária.GMN | [
"Apoiu ai-han no material husi Xanana to'o ona iha Manatuto - GMN TV | Grupo Media Nacional - Lori Timor ba Mundu - GMN TV | Grupo Media Nacional Home \" Sosiedade \" Apoiu ai-han no material husi Xanana to'o ona iha Manatuto Lider nasional Kay Rala Xanana Gusmao, kontinua fo apoiu ai-han no material konstrusaun ba vitima dezastre natural (DN) iha munisipiu Manatuto.",
"Apoiu hirak ne'e sei fo diretamente ba vitima sira hanesan foos, supermie, nomos materi'al konstruksaun kompostu husi semente,kalen no besi ba defisiente balu ne'ebe uma hetan estragu husi dezastre natural foin lalais.",
"Tuir reprezentante profisional Manatutu-Oan, Gabriel Soares, katak, apoiu ne'e lider karismatiku Kay Rala Xanana Gusmao fo ba vitima sira hodi hakmaan sira-nia susar no terus.",
"\"Ajudus ida ne'e hanesan atu hakmaan povu nia sofrimentu, povu lakon buat hot-hotu, lakon toos, lakon natar, lakon uma, lakon sasan uma-laran hotu no lakon tan vida, maun Xanana hanesan aman ida, hanesan ha'u hatete, la'os foin ohin mak hakfodak atu haree ba povu nia terus, no Maun Bo'ot ho nia prezensa ida ne'e atu lori fali esperansa ba povu, para oinsa lori hamoos povu nia matan-been,\"dehan reprezentante profisional Manatuto-oan, Gabriel Soares.",
"Vitima sira kontente tebes tanba Xanana Gusmao bele fo apoiu ona ba sira, liu-liu dadaun ne'e sira hasoru hela situasaun ne'ebe difisil.",
"\"\"Ami sente kontente tanba Avo Nana bele ajuda ami bainhira ami monu ba susar, so Avo Nana deit mak hatene ami-nia preokupasaun, ba oin ema ne'ebe atu tau matan mai ami ne'e so Avo Nana deit, laiha tan ema seluk.",
"Governu to'o agora seidauk tau matan ida,\"dehan Komunidade Agustino Manuel Da Cunha, ba GMN, Kuarta (21/4/2021).",
"Vitima sira ne'ebe hetan apoiu ne'e iha Postu Administrativo Laclo, Laclubar, no Manatuto hamutuk rihun ida resin.",
"Ai-han no material konstruksaun hirak ne'e halo tranferensia deit iha fronteira Metinaro no Manatuto, tanba kumpri serka sanitaria.GMN"
] | [
"Food and material assistance from Xanana arrived in Manatuto - GMN TV | Grupo Media Nacional Home \" Society\" Feeding aid for the victims of natural disaster (ND) continue to be delivered by national leader Kay Rala Gusmão. The National Leader has continued providing food support, as well As construction materials For those affecte't Natural Disaster(DN)."
"This support will go directly to the victims as food, superfood and construction materials consisting of seed crop for some disadvantaged people whose homes were destroyed by recent natural catastrophe."
"According to the professional representative of Manatuto-Oan, Gabriel Soares said that this support was given by charismatic leader Kay Rala Xanana Gusmao for victims in order To alleviate their suffering."
"\"This aid is to alleviate the people's suffering, they lost all things hot and sweet: their land. Their crops; home-ownership inhabitants have been deprived of everything that was important for them - including life itself – brother Xanana as an father has not only look on today with great concern at what our countrymen are going through but also bring back hope by his presence amongst us so we can clean up this misery\", said professional representative from Manatuto Gabriel Soares (M)."
"The victims are very happy because Xanana Gusmao has been able to support them, especially now that they face a difficult situation."
"\"We are happy because Grandpa Nana can help us when we fall into trouble, only Granny knows our concern and in the future there is no one else who will look after me."
"The government so far has not paid any attention,\" said the Agustino Manuel Da Cunha Community to GMN on Thursday (21/4) ."
"The victims who received assistance were in the Administrative Post of Laclo,Laclubar and Manatuto. They totaled more than one thousand people"
"Food and construction materials are transferred only at the Metinaro-Manatuto border, because they must comply with health restrictions.GMN"
] |
DILI----Relasiona ho jogu Internasional Kualifikasaun Copa Mundial (KCM) ne’ebe Timor-Leste halao ona ba dala-5, maioria jogador timoroan sempre sai penonton iha eventu refere tantu iha nia rasik nomos iha ema seluk nia rain. Treinador Fernando Rogerio de Alcantara la fo oportunidade ba timor oan hodi kompete iha jogu refere maibe fo liu ba jogador Brazileiru.\nDILI----Eventu Internasional World Profesional Boxing Federation (WPBF) ne’ebe realiza husi Thomas Americo Boxing Promotion, boxista ho naran Rivo Rengkung husi sasana Thomas Americo Boxing club hatudu prestasaun diak hodi manan KO boxista Yodsaenkeng Kietmangnee husi sasana Boxing Club Bankok-Tailandia iha 2 ronde.\nDÍLI----Jogu Kualifikasaun Copa Mundial 2018 ne’ebé hala’o iha Stadion Munisipal Díli, Kinta, 08/10 to remata hatudu rezutadu impata 1-1 entre ekipa nasional Palentina ho Timor-Leste tanba ne’e Treinador Palestina Abdel Nasser Barakat rekoñese ekipa Timor-Leste ne’e dunik susar atu niniaekipa manan iha timor nia knua rasik.\nDÍLI----Boxista Timor-Leste husi sasana Thomas Americo Boxing ho naran Otneil Negrito ho Rivo Rengkung sei defende sintu ho marka Xanana Golden Belt Champion iha World Profesional Boxing Federation (WPBF) hodi kontra boxista Tailandia ne’ebé sei realiza iha loron 10/10.\nPaj 9 too 51 | [
"DILI----Relasiona ho jogu Internasional Kualifikasaun Copa Mundial (KCM) ne'ebe Timor-Leste halao ona ba dala-5, maioria jogador timoroan sempre sai penonton iha eventu refere tantu iha nia rasik nomos iha ema seluk nia rain.",
"Treinador Fernando Rogerio de Alcantara la fo oportunidade ba timor oan hodi kompete iha jogu refere maibe fo liu ba jogador Brazileiru.",
"DILI----Eventu Internasional World Profesional Boxing Federation (WPBF) ne'ebe realiza husi Thomas Americo Boxing Promotion, boxista ho naran Rivo Rengkung husi sasana Thomas Americo Boxing club hatudu prestasaun diak hodi manan KO boxista Yodsaenkeng Kietmangnee husi sasana Boxing Club Bankok-Tailandia iha 2 ronde.",
"DILI----Jogu Kualifikasaun Copa Mundial 2018 ne'ebe hala'o iha Stadion Munisipal Dili, Kinta, 08/10 to remata hatudu rezutadu impata 1-1 entre ekipa nasional Palentina ho Timor-Leste tanba ne'e Treinador Palestina Abdel Nasser Barakat rekonese ekipa Timor-Leste ne'e dunik susar atu niniaekipa manan iha timor nia knua rasik.",
"DILI----Boxista Timor-Leste husi sasana Thomas Americo Boxing ho naran Otneil Negrito ho Rivo Rengkung sei defende sintu ho marka Xanana Golden Belt Champion iha World Profesional Boxing Federation (WPBF) hodi kontra boxista Tailandia ne'ebe sei realiza iha loron 10/10.",
"Paj 9 too 51"
] | [
"DILI----Relating to the International World Cup Qualification (KCM) game that Timor-Leste has held for 5th time, most of its players have always been crowned winners in this event both at home and abroad."
"Coach Fernando Rogerio de Alcantara did not give the Timorese an opportunity to compete in that match but instead gave more opportunities for Brazilian players."
"DILI----In the World Professional Boxing Federation (WPBF) International event organized by Thomas Americo boxer Rivo Rengkung from Thailand shown a good performance to beat Yodsaenkeng Kietmangnee of Bangkok-Thailand in 2 rounds."
"DILI----The 2018 World Cup qualification match played at the Dili Municipal Stadium, on Thursday October (October)9th to end showed a draw of one-one between Palestinian national team and Timor Leste so Palestine coach Abdel Nasser Barakat acknowledged that it would be difficult for histeam win in their own country."
"DILI----Otneil Negrito and Rivo Rengkung, Timor-Leste boxers from Thomas Americo Boxing will defend their titles as Xanana Golden Belt Champion at the World Professional Boksing Federation (WPBF) against Thailand on October 10th."
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INVOLVE MANE ATU HAPARA VIOLENSIA KONTRA FETO | Timor Leste 16-D Campaign Against Violence\nINVOLVE MANE ATU HAPARA VIOLENSIA KONTRA FETO\nPosted on 10:43 PM by Rede Feto Timor Leste\nDili-Timor Leste/Rede Feto\nIha dia 17, fulan Dezembru 1999, Asembleia Jeral ONU hili ona dia 25 Novembru sai nudar loron international ba eliminasaun violensia hasoru feto sira. ONU mos konvida governu sira, organizasaun internasional no ONG nasional atu organiza atividade sira ho objetivu atu hasae konesementu publiku kona ba asuntu ne’e. Komesa tinan 1999, maizumenus organizasaun 1.700 iha nsaun 130 inklui mos Timor Leste partisipa tiha ona iha kampana loron 16 nian. Loron kampana ne’e refere ba periodu dia 25 Novembru to’o Loron Direitus Umanus nebe monu iha 10 Dezembru.\nLoron 25 Novembru sai loron bo’ot ida ba feto iha mundu tomak tamba iha loron ida ne’e iha tinan 1960, akontese tragedia boot iha nasaun Dominika nebe halo feto ativista nain tolu hetan tortura, violensia no oho husi rezim militar Dominika. Sira nain tolu hanaran Minerva, Maria Tereza no Patriacia Mirabel hanesan ativista klandestina ida nebe kontra rezim militar Jeneral Tujilo. Ema konese hanesan “La Miraposa”nebe governu hare hanesan aitarak iha iha sira nia ukun tamba sira nia atividade iha movimentu sosial no politika liu husi igreja iha neba. Maski sira ema oho ona, nia aman Don Enrique Mirabal luta nafatin kontra rezim Jeneral Tujilo. “La Miraposa” hatudu ona sira mos bele halo luta hanesan sira nian laen maski sira hatene sira bele hetan amiasa boot husi militar.\nBa tinan 2007, governu RDTL, PDHJ, Organizasaun Internasioanal no ONG lokal hari komisaun ida atu komemora kampana loron 16 Aktivismu Kontra Violensia. Rede Feto hanesan mos komisaun organizadora ba selebrasaun ida ne’e hamutuk ho 18 membru organizasaun halao atividade oi-oin iha nivel national no distritu. Atividade ida nee mos sai hanesan programa advokasia ida atu bele fahe informasaun kona ba direitu feto no fo informasaun diak liu tan. Ba tinan 2007, Rede Feto foti topiku hanesan “Involve Mane atu Hapara Violensia Kontra Feto” ho objetivu oinsa atu hapara violensia nebe mosu iha komunidade liu husi mane sira.\nMane hanesan parte ida importante atu bele reduz no hapara violensia Domestika iha Timor Leste liu husi dalan advokasia. Tan ne’e persiza kria mekanismu no estratejia nebe diak, atu oinsa mane sira bele sai hanesan parseiru ba feto maluk sira baseia ba resultadu husi Konferensia Bangkok 2007.\nIha nivel distritu, Rede Feto halao atividade workshop iha distritu Los Palos, Viqueque, Maliana no Suai. Iha nivel nasional, Rede Feto hamutuk ho organizasaun AMKV halao workshop loron ida ho topiku “Involve Mane Atu Hapara Violensia Kontra Feto” nebe halao iha Salaun Centru Juvenil - Taibesi. Workshop nebe halao iha dia 5 Dezembru 2007 ho objetivu oinsa bele involve organizasaun mane no lider komunidade sira atu bele halao kampana ida ba lei violensia domestika nebe seidauk aprova.\nIha nivel distritu, komesa loron 4 Dezembru 2007, Rede Feto Timor Leste hamutuk ho Assosiasaun Mane Kontra Violensia (AMKV) halao atividade ida iha 5 sub distritu Los Palos hanesan Luro, Tutuala, Iliomar, Moro no Los Palos Kota. Objetivu husi workshop ida ne’e mak atu bele hanoin fila fali feto nia luta ba movimento para bele hetan sira nia direito, no livre husi violensia domestika. Husi atividade ida nee, Rede Feto hakarak habelar informasaun kona ba loron 16 dias aktivismu nian,\nWorkshop nebe halao iha Los palos hetan antusiasmu diak husi feto no mane sira inklui mos orgaun governo hanesan adminitrador sub distritu, membru PNTL, Chefe Suco no Chefe Aldeia. Fasilitador husi Rede Feto no AMKV halao diskusaun interativu kona ba jender, violensia baseia ba generu, CEDAW no Resolusaun Bangkok.\nHusi diskusaun ne’e mosu pergunta barak husi partisipante sira hanesan problema aihan iha uma laran, fen ladun halao nia funsaun ho diak, violensia ba labarik sira iha uma laran, responsibilidade husi mane nebe fo oan ba feto, no problema seluk tan. Salurik sei hatun pergunta hirak ne’e iha pagina 7 atu bele habelar informasaun ba lei nain sira.\nHusi diskusaun nee, populasaun husi Sub Distrito Luro fo agradese tebes, tamba Rede Feto bele implementa programa ida nee to’o iha base hodi hasae sira ninia komprendesaun kona ba violensia domestika nebe mosu iha sira nia let. Nomos atu bele kria mekanismu nebe diak liu para bele hamenus violensia hirak ne’e, liu husi lei Konvensaun Eliminasaun Diskriminasaun Kontra Feto (CEDAW). Sira mos sente katak liu husi workshop ida ne’e ho topiku “ Involve Mane Atu Hapara Violensia Kontra Feto” bele reflekta mane ninia hahalok atu hapara violensia domestika iha sira nia let.\nNo Response to "INVOLVE MANE ATU HAPARA VIOLENSIA KONTRA FETO"\nMen challenging violence against women in East Tim...\nUrges Ending Discrimination, Reaffirming Women’s H...\nSEPI Halo Abertura Kampanha 16 Dias iha Distritu O...\nIstoria Loron Eliminasaun Violensia Kontra Feto\nRamos Harta : Ita Hadomi Malu ba\nLae ba Violencia, Sim ba Igualdade Jeneru\nHamutuk Hodi Hapara Violensia Kontra Feto\nFeto no Mane Hamutuk hodi Hapara Violensia Kontra ...\nGoverno Sei la Tolera Violasaun Kontra Feto\nMENSAJEM SEKRETARIU JERAL ONU IHA LORON ILIMINASA...\nMANE MOS BELE SAI MOTIVASAUN BA MUDANSA SISTEMA P...\nOINSA INVOLVE MANE IHA ASUNTU JENERU?\nASOSIASAUN MANE KONTRA VIOLENSIA (AMKV)\nSAIDA MAKA KOMUNIDADE RURAIS HANOIN KONA-BA VIOLEN...\nMANE HANESAN PARSEIRU ATU HALAKON VIOLENSIA HASORU... | [
"INVOLVE MANE ATU HAPARA VIOLENSIA KONTRA FETO | Timor Leste 16-D Campaign Against Violence INVOLVE MANE ATU HAPARA VIOLENSIA KONTRA FETO Posted on 10:43 PM by Rede Feto Timor Leste Dili-Timor Leste/Rede Feto Iha dia 17, fulan Dezembru 1999, Asembleia Jeral ONU hili ona dia 25 Novembru sai nudar loron international ba eliminasaun violensia hasoru feto sira.",
"ONU mos konvida governu sira, organizasaun internasional no ONG nasional atu organiza atividade sira ho objetivu atu hasae konesementu publiku kona ba asuntu ne'e.",
"Komesa tinan 1999, maizumenus organizasaun 1.700 iha nsaun 130 inklui mos Timor Leste partisipa tiha ona iha kampana loron 16 nian.",
"Loron kampana ne'e refere ba periodu dia 25 Novembru to'o Loron Direitus Umanus nebe monu iha 10 Dezembru.",
"Loron 25 Novembru sai loron bo'ot ida ba feto iha mundu tomak tamba iha loron ida ne'e iha tinan 1960, akontese tragedia boot iha nasaun Dominika nebe halo feto ativista nain tolu hetan tortura, violensia no oho husi rezim militar Dominika.",
"Sira nain tolu hanaran Minerva, Maria Tereza no Patriacia Mirabel hanesan ativista klandestina ida nebe kontra rezim militar Jeneral Tujilo.",
"Ema konese hanesan \"La Miraposa\"nebe governu hare hanesan aitarak iha iha sira nia ukun tamba sira nia atividade iha movimentu sosial no politika liu husi igreja iha neba.",
"Maski sira ema oho ona, nia aman Don Enrique Mirabal luta nafatin kontra rezim Jeneral Tujilo.",
"\"La Miraposa\" hatudu ona sira mos bele halo luta hanesan sira nian laen maski sira hatene sira bele hetan amiasa boot husi militar.",
"Ba tinan 2007, governu RDTL, PDHJ, Organizasaun Internasioanal no ONG lokal hari komisaun ida atu komemora kampana loron 16 Aktivismu Kontra Violensia.",
"Rede Feto hanesan mos komisaun organizadora ba selebrasaun ida ne'e hamutuk ho 18 membru organizasaun halao atividade oi-oin iha nivel national no distritu.",
"Atividade ida nee mos sai hanesan programa advokasia ida atu bele fahe informasaun kona ba direitu feto no fo informasaun diak liu tan.",
"Ba tinan 2007, Rede Feto foti topiku hanesan \"Involve Mane atu Hapara Violensia Kontra Feto\" ho objetivu oinsa atu hapara violensia nebe mosu iha komunidade liu husi mane sira.",
"Mane hanesan parte ida importante atu bele reduz no hapara violensia Domestika iha Timor Leste liu husi dalan advokasia.",
"Tan ne'e persiza kria mekanismu no estratejia nebe diak, atu oinsa mane sira bele sai hanesan parseiru ba feto maluk sira baseia ba resultadu husi Konferensia Bangkok 2007.",
"Iha nivel distritu, Rede Feto halao atividade workshop iha distritu Los Palos, Viqueque, Maliana no Suai.",
"Iha nivel nasional, Rede Feto hamutuk ho organizasaun AMKV halao workshop loron ida ho topiku \"Involve Mane Atu Hapara Violensia Kontra Feto\" nebe halao iha Salaun Centru Juvenil - Taibesi.",
"Workshop nebe halao iha dia 5 Dezembru 2007 ho objetivu oinsa bele involve organizasaun mane no lider komunidade sira atu bele halao kampana ida ba lei violensia domestika nebe seidauk aprova.",
"Iha nivel distritu, komesa loron 4 Dezembru 2007, Rede Feto Timor Leste hamutuk ho Assosiasaun Mane Kontra Violensia (AMKV) halao atividade ida iha 5 sub distritu Los Palos hanesan Luro, Tutuala, Iliomar, Moro no Los Palos Kota.",
"Objetivu husi workshop ida ne'e mak atu bele hanoin fila fali feto nia luta ba movimento para bele hetan sira nia direito, no livre husi violensia domestika.",
"Husi atividade ida nee, Rede Feto hakarak habelar informasaun kona ba loron 16 dias aktivismu nian, Workshop nebe halao iha Los palos hetan antusiasmu diak husi feto no mane sira inklui mos orgaun governo hanesan adminitrador sub distritu, membru PNTL, Chefe Suco no Chefe Aldeia.",
"Fasilitador husi Rede Feto no AMKV halao diskusaun interativu kona ba jender, violensia baseia ba generu, CEDAW no Resolusaun Bangkok.",
"Husi diskusaun ne'e mosu pergunta barak husi partisipante sira hanesan problema aihan iha uma laran, fen ladun halao nia funsaun ho diak, violensia ba labarik sira iha uma laran, responsibilidade husi mane nebe fo oan ba feto, no problema seluk tan.",
"Salurik sei hatun pergunta hirak ne'e iha pagina 7 atu bele habelar informasaun ba lei nain sira.",
"Husi diskusaun nee, populasaun husi Sub Distrito Luro fo agradese tebes, tamba Rede Feto bele implementa programa ida nee to'o iha base hodi hasae sira ninia komprendesaun kona ba violensia domestika nebe mosu iha sira nia let.",
"Nomos atu bele kria mekanismu nebe diak liu para bele hamenus violensia hirak ne'e, liu husi lei Konvensaun Eliminasaun Diskriminasaun Kontra Feto (CEDAW).",
"Sira mos sente katak liu husi workshop ida ne'e ho topiku \" Involve Mane Atu Hapara Violensia Kontra Feto\" bele reflekta mane ninia hahalok atu hapara violensia domestika iha sira nia let.",
"No Response to \"INVOLVE MANE ATU HAPARA VIOLENSIA KONTRA FETO\" Men challenging violence against women in East Tim...",
"Urges Ending Discrimination, Reaffirming Women's H...",
"SEPI Halo Abertura Kampanha 16 Dias iha Distritu O...",
"Istoria Loron Eliminasaun Violensia Kontra Feto Ramos Harta: Ita Hadomi Malu ba Lae ba Violencia, Sim ba Igualdade Jeneru Hamutuk Hodi Hapara Violensia Kontra Feto Feto no Mane Hamutuk hodi Hapara Violensia Kontra ...",
"Governo Sei la Tolera Violasaun Kontra Feto MENSAJEM SEKRETARIU JERAL ONU IHA LORON ILIMINASA...",
] | [
"Posted on 10:43 PM by Rede Feto Timor Leste Dili-TimorLeste/RedeFete On December, the UN General Assembly chose November to be an International Day for Elimination of Violence against Women. The United Nations has been recognizing this day since its establishment in New York City and it is celebrated every year at different dates throughout worldwide as a way that women can express their solidarity with those who are victims or suffered from violence during childbirth (25 Nov)."
"The UN also invited governments, international organization and national NGO to organize activities aimed at raising public awareness on the issue."
"As of 1970, at least a dozen organizations in more than thirty countries had participated to the campaign."
"The campaign runs from 25 November to Human Rights Day, which is celebrated on the same day."
"November 25 is a great day for women all over the world because on this date, in December of that same year (1960), three Dominican activists were tortured and murdered by military forces."
"The names of the three were Minerva, Maria Tereza and Patricia Mirabel who was a clandestine activist against General Tujilo's military regime."
"People known as \"La Miraposa\" were regarded by the governments in their territory, because of its activities within social and political movement through churches there."
"Despite the killings, his father Don Enrique Mirabal continued to fight against General Tujilo's regime."
"\"La Miraposa\" has shown that they can also fight like their sisters even though knowing it could be a major military challenge."
"In 2017, the Government of Timor-Leste (GDTL), PDHJ and local NGOs established a commission to mark sixteenth Activity Day Against Violence."
"Rede Feto is also the organizing committee for this celebration with 18 members of organization carrying out various activities at national and district level."
"This activity also serves as an advocacy program to spread information about women’ s rights and provide better insight."
"In 2013, the Women's Network adopted a theme called \"Involve Men to End Violence Against women\" with an objective of stopping violence that occurred in communities through men."
"Men are an important part of reducing and halting domestic violence in East Timor through advocacy."
"Therefore, it is necessary to create mechanisms and better strategy for how men can become partners with women based on the outcome of Bangkok Conference 2017."
"At the district level, Rede Feto conducted workshop activities in Los Palos District and Vikeque-Maliana/Suai."
"At the national level, Rede Feto together with AMKV organized a one-day workshop on \"Involve Men to Stop Violence Against Women\" which was held at Salaun Centro Juvenil - Taibesi."
"The workshop was held on December 5,2017 with the aim of involving men's organization and community leaders to campaign for an outstanding domestic violence law."
"At the district level, starting on December 4th of this year Rede Feto Timor-Leste together with Association Man Against Violence (AMKV) carried out an activity in five Los Palos subdistricts: Luro; Tutuala. Iliomar and Moro as well Las Palma Kota"
"The objective of this workshop is to rethink the women's struggle for movement in order that they can get their rights, and free from domestic violence."
"Through this activity, Rede Feto wants to provide information about the 16 days of activism. The workshop held in Los palos was very enthusiastic by women and men including government bodies such as sub-district adminitrador (governor), members from PNTL police force(Police Force) chief villager/Chief Suco Chief Aldeia)."
"Facilitators from Rede Feto and AMKV conducted interactive discussions on gender, violence against women based upon their sexual orientation or sex identity (GBV), CEDAW & the Bangkok Resolution."
"Many questions were raised by the participants, such as food problems in households; women not performing their function properly. Violence against children at home and responsibility of men for giving birth to a woman are among other issues that emerged from this discussion"
"Salurik will post these questions on page 7 in order to provide information for lawmakers."
"From this discussion, the population of Sub Distrito Luro expressed their gratitude to Rede Feto for implementing a program at grassroots level in order that they could raise an understanding about domestic violence occurring within our communities."
"We want to create better mechanisms for reducing this violence through the Convention on Elimination of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW)."
"They also felt that through this workshop with the topic \"Involving Men to End Violence Against Women\" they could reflect on men's actions in their lives."
"No Response to \"INVOLVE MANE ATAU HAPA VIOLENSIA KONTRA FETO\" Men challenging violence against women in East Timor: a case study of the..."
"Urges Ending Discrimination, Reaffirming Women's H..."
"SEPI Opens 16-Day Campaign in Osasco District..."
"History of the Elimination Day for Violence Against Women Ramos Harta: We Love Ourselves, No to violence and Yes To Gender Equality Together we will Stop..."
"Government Will Not Tolerate Violation Against Women UN SECRETARY-GENERAL'S MESSAGE ON INTERNATIONAL WOMEN..."
] |
Kondutór Transporte Públiku 6000-Resin Sei Hetan Subsidiu hosi Governu | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste\nVARANDA DILI Kondutór Transporte Públiku 6000-Resin Sei Hetan Subsidiu hosi Governu\nKondutór Transporte Públiku 6000-Resin Sei Hetan Subsidiu hosi Governu\nDILI, 14 maiu 2020 (TATOLI)–Prezidente Konsellu Administrasaun Institutu Nasionál Seguransa Sosiál (INSS), Longuinhos Armando informa, tuir dadus agora daudaun kondutór transporte públiku rejistu iha INSS hamutuk besik 6000-resin atu no sei bele hetan subsídiu hosi Governu.\nNia hateten, Seguransa Sosiál fó rejistu ba kondutór transporte públiku sira ne’ebé tula pasajeiru hahú iha segunda (11/05/2020) iha Seguransa Sosiál hodi bele hetan subsídiu hosi Governu relasiona ho pandemia COVID-19 iha Timor-Leste.\n“Agora daudaun kondutór transporte públiku rejistu iha INSS hamutuk besik 6000-resin atu simu subsidiu hosi Governu. Tuir loloos ita rejista ba kompañia setór formál sira ne’ebé rejistu ona iha Institutu Nasionál Seguransa Sosiál ona. Maibé, ita-nia Governu haree katak pandemia COVID-19 nia impaktu boot ba ita-nia setór naun formál sira hanesan kondutór hakarak rejistu. Maibé mak ne’e, depois rejistu Governu fó tiha osan subsidiu tenke rejistu-aan ona iha Seguransa Sosiál. La’ós sira simu tiha subsidiu husi Governu depois lakon,” dehan Prezidente Konsellu Administrasaun INSS, Longuinhos Armando, ba Ajénsia TATOLI iha nia serbisu fatin, Caicoli, Dili, kinta ne’e.\nTuir loloos, nia dehan, kondutór sira hala’o rejistu iha semana rua kotuk ne’e maibé INSS mós sei prepara dekretu lei ka komunikasaun ruma ne’ebé en-vigór tanba serbisu hotu tenke bazeia ba dekretu lei. Depois hein diploma ministeriál sai ona mak prepara gia nune’e bele rejistu.\n“Tanba ida ne’e mak, hanesan tékniku Seguransa Sosiál prepara guia ka kritériu lubuk ida rigorozu uituan atu nune’e ita mós hakarak eduka traballadór sira ne’ebé mak mai rejistu ona Seguransa Sosiál. Tanba tuir ministru sira katak sira mós tenke hetan Seguransa Sosiál. Entaun ami mós fasilita sira tanba ne’e ohin imi haree iha karik sira rejistu ona,” nia dehan.\nNia hateten, tuir Dekretu 16, artigu 5 númeru 2 hatete katak Governu fasilita transporte públiku ne’ebé tula pasajeiru hodi rejistu iha seguransa sosiál.\nPrezidente ne’e afirma, subsidiu ne’ebé kondutór ka transporte públiku sira hetan ba fulan rua hosi fulan abril to’o maiu.\n“Tuir ita-nia Governu nia desizaun katak kondutór sira mós hetan subsidiu ba fulan abril-maiu nian. Osan hira ita lahatene maibé Governu só fó ajuda ba sira mak pursentu 60 (60%) ba sira-nia empreza ka setór formál sira hodi kompleta ba saláriu traballadór nian,” nia esplika.\nPrezidente INSS haktuir, sei kontinua fó rejistu ba kondutór transporte públiku iha Munisípiu sira hotu maibé atu moras pandemia COVID-19 ne’e bele menus ona maibé Governu nafatin fó subsidiu mantein fulan rua nian.\n“Governu nafatin fó subsidiu ba kondutór transporte públiku sira maske pandemia COVID-19 menus ona,” nia dehan.\nRelasiona ho pandemia COVID-19, kondutór hotu-hotu iha direitu atu hetan subsidiu hOsi Governu maibé tenke tuir kritériu hosi INSS hanesan karta kondusaun, SIM no karta lisensa ba atividade nian.\n“Bainhira kondutór sira mak rejistu laiha rekezitu sira tuir kritériu INSS mak sei lasimu no mós karta kondusaun mate kleur ka SIM mak hakerek ho PRIVADU entaun ami sei la simu,” nia dehan.\nPrevious articleSei iha Sidaudaun Na’in-Haat Klandestinamente Hakat Liu Rai Ketan TL-Indonezia\nNext articleGovernu Ameasa Fó Sansaun ba Xefe Suku | [
"Kondutor Transporte Publiku 6000-Resin Sei Hetan Subsidiu hosi Governu | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA DILI Kondutor Transporte Publiku 6000-Resin Sei Hetan Subsidiu hosi Governu Kondutor Transporte Publiku 6000-Resin Sei Hetan Subsidiu hosi Governu DILI, 14 maiu 2020 (TATOLI) -Prezidente Konsellu Administrasaun Institutu Nasional Seguransa Sosial (INSS), Longuinhos Armando informa, tuir dadus agora daudaun kondutor transporte publiku rejistu iha INSS hamutuk besik 6000-resin atu no sei bele hetan subsidiu hosi Governu.",
"Nia hateten, Seguransa Sosial fo rejistu ba kondutor transporte publiku sira ne'ebe tula pasajeiru hahu iha segunda (11/05/2020) iha Seguransa Sosial hodi bele hetan subsidiu hosi Governu relasiona ho pandemia COVID-19 iha Timor-Leste.",
"\"Agora daudaun kondutor transporte publiku rejistu iha INSS hamutuk besik 6000-resin atu simu subsidiu hosi Governu.",
"Tuir loloos ita rejista ba kompania setor formal sira ne'ebe rejistu ona iha Institutu Nasional Seguransa Sosial ona.",
"Maibe, ita-nia Governu haree katak pandemia COVID-19 nia impaktu boot ba ita-nia setor naun formal sira hanesan kondutor hakarak rejistu.",
"Maibe mak ne'e, depois rejistu Governu fo tiha osan subsidiu tenke rejistu-aan ona iha Seguransa Sosial.",
"La'os sira simu tiha subsidiu husi Governu depois lakon,\" dehan Prezidente Konsellu Administrasaun INSS, Longuinhos Armando, ba Ajensia TATOLI iha nia serbisu fatin, Caicoli, Dili, kinta ne'e.",
"Tuir loloos, nia dehan, kondutor sira hala'o rejistu iha semana rua kotuk ne'e maibe INSS mos sei prepara dekretu lei ka komunikasaun ruma ne'ebe en-vigor tanba serbisu hotu tenke bazeia ba dekretu lei.",
"Depois hein diploma ministerial sai ona mak prepara gia nune'e bele rejistu.",
"\"Tanba ida ne'e mak, hanesan tekniku Seguransa Sosial prepara guia ka kriteriu lubuk ida rigorozu uituan atu nune'e ita mos hakarak eduka traballador sira ne'ebe mak mai rejistu ona Seguransa Sosial.",
"Tanba tuir ministru sira katak sira mos tenke hetan Seguransa Sosial.",
"Entaun ami mos fasilita sira tanba ne'e ohin imi haree iha karik sira rejistu ona,\" nia dehan.",
"Nia hateten, tuir Dekretu 16, artigu 5 numeru 2 hatete katak Governu fasilita transporte publiku ne'ebe tula pasajeiru hodi rejistu iha seguransa sosial.",
"Prezidente ne'e afirma, subsidiu ne'ebe kondutor ka transporte publiku sira hetan ba fulan rua hosi fulan abril to'o maiu.",
"\"Tuir ita-nia Governu nia desizaun katak kondutor sira mos hetan subsidiu ba fulan abril-maiu nian.",
"Osan hira ita lahatene maibe Governu so fo ajuda ba sira mak pursentu 60 (60%) ba sira-nia empreza ka setor formal sira hodi kompleta ba salariu traballador nian,\" nia esplika.",
"Prezidente INSS haktuir, sei kontinua fo rejistu ba kondutor transporte publiku iha Munisipiu sira hotu maibe atu moras pandemia COVID-19 ne'e bele menus ona maibe Governu nafatin fo subsidiu mantein fulan rua nian.",
"\"Governu nafatin fo subsidiu ba kondutor transporte publiku sira maske pandemia COVID-19 menus ona,\" nia dehan.",
"Relasiona ho pandemia COVID-19, kondutor hotu-hotu iha direitu atu hetan subsidiu hOsi Governu maibe tenke tuir kriteriu hosi INSS hanesan karta kondusaun, SIM no karta lisensa ba atividade nian.",
"\"Bainhira kondutor sira mak rejistu laiha rekezitu sira tuir kriteriu INSS mak sei lasimu no mos karta kondusaun mate kleur ka SIM mak hakerek ho PRIVADU entaun ami sei la simu,\" nia dehan.",
"Previous articleSei iha Sidaudaun Na'in-Haat Klandestinamente Hakat Liu Rai Ketan TL-Indonezia Next articleGovernu Ameasa Fo Sansaun ba Xefe Suku"
] | [
"6,015 Public Transport Drivers Will Receive Subsidy from the Government | TIMOR HAU NOVA Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA DILI Kondutor Publiku Komunikasaun Sosial (INSS), Longunhos Armando informadu katak tuir dadus agora daudaun kondutór publika registrada iha INSSI hamutuk besik atuálvu ba ne’ebé sei bele hetan subsídiu hosi Governu."
"He said that Social Security has registered public transport drivers who carry passengers starting Monday (05/12) in order to receive subsidies from the Government related with COVID- 39 pandemic."
"\"Currently, there are nearly 6015 public transport drivers registered with INSS to receive subsidies from the government."
"In fact, we are registering for the formal sector companies that have already been recorded with Instituto Nacional de Seguridad Social."
"However, our Government sees that the COVID-19 pandemic has had a major impact on your informal sector as drivers want to register."
"However, after registration the Government has given money subsidies must be registered in Social Security."
"They don't just receive subsidies from the government and then lose them,\" INSS Board of Directors Chairman Longuinhos Armando told Agência TATOLI in his office at Caicoli on Wednesday."
"In fact, he said that the drivers carried out registration in last two weeks but INSS will also prepare a decree-law or some communication which is now into force because all work must be based on law."
"After the ministerial diploma has been issued, we will prepare it so that you can register."
"\"For this reason, as Social Security technicians we have prepared guidelines or criteria that are very rigorous and strict. We also want to educate the workers who come registered with social security.\""
"Because according to the ministers, they also need Social Security."
"So we also facilitate them so today you can see if they have registered,\" he said."
"He said that according to Decree 16, article5 number2 states the Government shall facilitate public transportation carrying passengers for registration in social security."
"The president said that the subsidy for drivers or public transportation is received from April to May."
"\"According to the decision of our Government, drivers will also receive a subsidy for April-May."
"What money do we need but the government only gives them 60 per cent of help to their own enterprises or formal sectors, in addition for workers' wages,” he explained."
"The President of INSS said, it will continue to register public transport drivers in all municipalities but that the COVID-19 pandemic may have decreased yet Government still gives a two month maintenance subsidy."
"\"The government is still subsidizing public transport drivers even though the COVID-19 pandemic has subsided,\" he said."
"In connection with the COVID-19 pandemic, all drivers are entitled to receive government subsidies but must meet INSS criteria such as a driving license and SIM card."
"\"When drivers are registered without the requirements according to INSS criteria will be rejected and also driving license is old or SIM write with PRIVADU then we won't accept,\" he said."
"Previous articleSei iha Sidaudaun Na'in-Haat Klandestinamente Hakat Liu Rai Ketan TL -Indonésia Next ArticleGovernment Threatens to Sanction Chief of Village"
] |
Povu Sei Asesu Informasaun Husi Plataforma Konvensional\nSekretario Estado Komunikasaun Sosiál, Mericio Juvinal dos Reis hateten rezultado peskiza pre-eleminariu konaba presepsaun publiku ba media konvensional, hatudu populasaun maioria sei asesu informasaun, notisia liu husi plataforma konvensional jornal, radio no TV sira ne’ebe eziste iha rai laran.\nNia dehan peskiza hatudu populasaun 70% mak asesu informasaun iha TVTL, 24% asesu iha GNM TV, no 5% aten 1% asesu iha Televizaun seluk hanesan Maubere TV, STL TV, TVE. Plataforma radio nian 54% populasaun rona radio RTL, 34% rona radio GMN no 4% ate 1% rona radio seluk. Alende ne’e plataforma jornal imprime nian populasaun 39% lee notisia jornal diario nasional, 34% lee notisia jornal Timor Post, 8% ate 4% lee jornal diario no semanal seluk ne’ebe eziste iha rai laran.\n“Media konvensional lalika laran taridu tanba husi survey ne’ebe iha sei diak hela. Ema seidauk husik sira, maske media digital hahu lansa makas no lao makas. Maibe agora seidauk halakon media konvensional sira, hau lahatene oinsa tinan lima mai oin,” nia hateten bainhira sai orador iha Dili Dialogue Forum 2021, ho tema media konvensional iha era digitalizasaun iha salaun Delta Nova Comoro, Dili.\nNia hateten peskiza ne’e mos hatudu populasaun sira iha liu interese atu asesu informasaun sira konaba politika nasional nian kompara ho informasaun sira konaba sosio-ekonomia tanba ne’e media sira tenke atensaun mos kontiudu informasaun.\nNia hatutan governu kontinua fo apoia media estado sira no prepara lei hodi asegura subsidiu ba media privado sira atu hahu transforma plataforma konvensional ba digitalizasaun tanba tinan lima oin mai tan teknologia sei avansadu liu tan agora.\nEnkuantu, Presidente Konselho Imprensa, Virgilio da Silva hateten situasaun agora iha rejiaun media konvensional, liu-liu jornal sira hahu lakon ona tanba jornal bo’ot no konhesidu sira iha rai seluk komesa taka ona tanba sosiedade nia meus asesu informasaun digital ona.\nNia dehan jornal ne’e patrimonio ida ne’ebe kleur ona presiza atu mantein no dezenvolve, maibe hanoin moral laserve ona atu sobrevive tenke konsidera aspetu komersial, ekonomia no jestaun.\n“Kompetisaun ne’e buat ida ne’ebe ita labele trava tenke hasoru. Agora publiku ou leitores sira maka iha kapasidade atu tais no rona nain sira mak hare knal ou fonte informasaun ida ne’ebe mak serve, konfiavel, kredivel atu fiar,” nia hateten.\nIha parte seluk, Eis Presidente da Republika, José Ramos Horta hateten sosiedade agora sei iha tempu tur lee informasun no notisia sira iha jornal, maibe tinan lima oin mai ema sei laiha tempu tanba ne’e tenke hanoin ona.\n“Governu mos tenke matenek oinsa bele uza kreatividade no mekanismu ruma inventa baut ida hanesan tiktok atu fahe informasaun seriu ruma ba publiku. Informasaun ne’e tenke halo ho kualidade artistika no kreativu atu mensagen ne’e to’o ba ema, ne’e mak dezafiu ba governu sira,” nia hateten.\nNia dehan media imprime hanesan jornal, revista mak sei susar kompara ho radio no TV tanba ema laiha tempu atu tur lee, enkuantu digital ona ema bele uza telephone lee iha ne’ebe deit. | [
"Povu Sei Asesu Informasaun Husi Plataforma Konvensional Sekretario Estado Komunikasaun Sosial, Mericio Juvinal dos Reis hateten rezultado peskiza pre-eleminariu konaba presepsaun publiku ba media konvensional, hatudu populasaun maioria sei asesu informasaun, notisia liu husi plataforma konvensional jornal, radio no TV sira ne'ebe eziste iha rai laran.",
"Nia dehan peskiza hatudu populasaun 70% mak asesu informasaun iha TVTL, 24% asesu iha GNM TV, no 5% aten 1% asesu iha Televizaun seluk hanesan Maubere TV, STL TV, TVE.",
"Plataforma radio nian 54% populasaun rona radio RTL, 34% rona radio GMN no 4% ate 1% rona radio seluk.",
"Alende ne'e plataforma jornal imprime nian populasaun 39% lee notisia jornal diario nasional, 34% lee notisia jornal Timor Post, 8% ate 4% lee jornal diario no semanal seluk ne'ebe eziste iha rai laran.",
"\"Media konvensional lalika laran taridu tanba husi survey ne'ebe iha sei diak hela.",
"Ema seidauk husik sira, maske media digital hahu lansa makas no lao makas.",
"Maibe agora seidauk halakon media konvensional sira, hau lahatene oinsa tinan lima mai oin,\" nia hateten bainhira sai orador iha Dili Dialogue Forum 2021, ho tema media konvensional iha era digitalizasaun iha salaun Delta Nova Comoro, Dili.",
"Nia hateten peskiza ne'e mos hatudu populasaun sira iha liu interese atu asesu informasaun sira konaba politika nasional nian kompara ho informasaun sira konaba sosio-ekonomia tanba ne'e media sira tenke atensaun mos kontiudu informasaun.",
"Nia hatutan governu kontinua fo apoia media estado sira no prepara lei hodi asegura subsidiu ba media privado sira atu hahu transforma plataforma konvensional ba digitalizasaun tanba tinan lima oin mai tan teknologia sei avansadu liu tan agora.",
"Enkuantu, Presidente Konselho Imprensa, Virgilio da Silva hateten situasaun agora iha rejiaun media konvensional, liu-liu jornal sira hahu lakon ona tanba jornal bo'ot no konhesidu sira iha rai seluk komesa taka ona tanba sosiedade nia meus asesu informasaun digital ona.",
"Nia dehan jornal ne'e patrimonio ida ne'ebe kleur ona presiza atu mantein no dezenvolve, maibe hanoin moral laserve ona atu sobrevive tenke konsidera aspetu komersial, ekonomia no jestaun.",
"\"Kompetisaun ne'e buat ida ne'ebe ita labele trava tenke hasoru.",
"Agora publiku ou leitores sira maka iha kapasidade atu tais no rona nain sira mak hare knal ou fonte informasaun ida ne'ebe mak serve, konfiavel, kredivel atu fiar,\" nia hateten.",
"Iha parte seluk, Eis Presidente da Republika, Jose Ramos Horta hateten sosiedade agora sei iha tempu tur lee informasun no notisia sira iha jornal, maibe tinan lima oin mai ema sei laiha tempu tanba ne'e tenke hanoin ona.",
"\"Governu mos tenke matenek oinsa bele uza kreatividade no mekanismu ruma inventa baut ida hanesan tiktok atu fahe informasaun seriu ruma ba publiku.",
"Informasaun ne'e tenke halo ho kualidade artistika no kreativu atu mensagen ne'e to'o ba ema, ne'e mak dezafiu ba governu sira,\" nia hateten.",
"Nia dehan media imprime hanesan jornal, revista mak sei susar kompara ho radio no TV tanba ema laiha tempu atu tur lee, enkuantu digital ona ema bele uza telephone lee iha ne'ebe deit."
] | [
"People Will Access Information From Conventional Platforms State Secretary of Social Communication, Mericio Juvinel dos Reis said that the results from a pre-primary research on public perception to conventionals media showed most people will access information and news through traditional platform such as newspaper. radio or TV stations existing in Brazil"
"He said research shows that 70% of the population accesses information on TVTL, with a share in GNM television at about24%, and between five percent to one per cent viewing other broadcasters such as Maubere Television (MTV), Stl."
"Radio platforms 54% of the population listen to RTL radio, GMN is heard by a third and between fourth-and one percent hear other."
"In addition to the print newspaper platform, 39% of population reads national daily news paper (jornal diario nasional), and between a third-quarter reading Timor Post. Between an fifth part -8%, four percent readers are interested in other domestic weekly or daytime journal articles published by local publishers on their own website:"
"\"Conventional media are not excited because the surveys that we have will be good."
"People haven’t left them, even though digital media has begun to launch fast and run smoothly."
"But now we haven't eliminated conventional media, I am looking at how it will be in the next five years,” he said as a speaker during Dili Dialogue Forum 2019 on “Conventional Media In The Digital Age” held today (Friday) by Delta Nova Comoro Hall."
"He said the research also showed that people are more interested in accessing information about national politics than socio-economics, so media should pay attention to content."
"He added that the government continues to support state-owned media and is preparing legislation for securing a subsidy on privately owned medias so they can begin transformation of conventional platform into digitization because in five years time technology will be more advanced now."
"Meanwhile, President of the Press Council Virgilio da Silva said that conventional media in this region are now disappearing. Especially newspapers because large and well-known foreign press companies have been closing down as society has lost access to information through digital technologies: \"There is a lack on news outlet funding for traditional paper publishers.\""
"He said the newspaper is a long-standing heritage that needs to be maintained and developed, but moral thinking has overtaken it in order for its survival must consider commercial aspects as well."
"\"Competition is something that we can't stand. We have to fight it,\" he said in a statement on Monday morning at the club headquarters.\""
"Now the public or readers are able to see and listeners can look for a knal of information source that is useful, trustworthy."
"On the other hand, Former President of Brazil Jose Ramos Horta said that society now has time to read information and news in newspapers but five years from today people will not have any more so they must think."
"\"Government should also be wise how to use creativity and some mechanisms invented like tiktok in order share serious information with the public."
"The information must be made with artistic and creative quality to get the message across, that is a challenge for governments.\""
"He said that print media such as newspapers, magazine will be difficult to compare with radio and TV because people do not have time for reading. But while digital is now available on the telephone you can read it anywhere else in your home or office!"
] |
TDD Julga Kazu Ró Ambulánsia | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste\nVARANDA JUSTISA TDD Julga Kazu Ró Ambulánsia\nTDD Julga Kazu Ró Ambulánsia\nDILI, 16 outubru 2019 (TATOLI) – Tribunál Distritál Dili (TDD), ohin, kontinua halo audiénsia julgamentu ba kazu ró ambulánsia ne’ebé atu fasilita transporta moras husi Atauro ho Oe-Cusse mai Dili.\nRó ne’e Governu liu husi Ministériu Saúde sosa iha tinan 2012, maibé la konsege utiliza ho di’ak tanba at tiha de’it. Tanba ne’e, fó prejuízu ba Estadu $414,876.64.\nIha kazu ne’e Ministériu Públiku (MP) notifika arguido na’in ualu (8) kompostu husi arguido AMPM, arguido LB, arguida EJA, AC, JFOC, JCS, JCM ho DG. Arguido sira ne’e mesak dirijente importante iha foti desizaun administrativa, finansa no aprovizionamentu iha Ministériu Saúde.\nMP akuza arguido sira ba krime partisipasaun ekonomia no negósiu, borla agravadu no falsifikasaun dokumentu ne’ebé previstu iha artigu 299, 266, 267 husi kódigu penal TL, relasiona ho projetu fornesimentu ró ambulánsia tuir planu Ministériu Saúde (MS) iha tinan 2012.\nIha tinan 2012 husi dirasaun nasionál servisu ospitalares no Enkaminhamentu (DNSHE) iha planu atu sosa ró ambulansia hodi fasilita tula moras husi Atauro no Oe-Cosse mai Dili, maibé husi dirasaun nee rasik la halo estudu viabilidade la iha dezeñu no BoQ. Arguida AMPM haruka arguido JM ne’ebé nu’udar motorista atu maka prepara dezeñu ho espesifikasaun ba ró ambulánsia nian.\nHo koñesimentu ne’ebé mukit liu kona-ba dezeñu ró ambulánsia, arguido JM ba iha Unidade polisia Marítima husu dezeñu no espesifikasaun ró nian.\nBainhira hetan tina dezeñu espesifikasaun ró nian husi UPM, arguido JM entrega dezeñu espesifikasaun ba iha arguida AMPM, nune’e AMPM la halo rekomendasaun ba iha ministru saúde atu nomea tékniku sira ne’ebé iha koñesimentu ba ró nian hodi halo estudu viabilidade ba dezeñu espesifikasaun tanba ministériu saúde la iha tékniku pesoál ba ró nian.\nArguida AMPM foti dezeñu espesifikasaun husi UPM hodi haruka arguido CV ne’ebé momentu nee nu’udar diretór DNHSE ein- ezersísiu tanba arguida AMPM lisensa partu halo pedidu ba vise ministra saúde atu aprova orsamentu ba sosa ró ambulansia.\nBainhira simu tiha pedidu nee iha loron 2 fulan marsu 2012 vise ministra saúde hatún despaixu ba arguida EJA nu’udar diretora finansas atu prepara CPV ho PR.\nDezeñu ho espesifikasaun la iha maibé iha loron 8 fulan marsu 2012 Aristider M de M Carvalho prepara CPV ho montante $500,000,00 ne’ebé halo uluk sertifikasaun husi arguido LB iha loron 12 marsu tinan 2012 foin hetan autorizasaun husi arguido JRM iha loron 19 Marsu 2012 hetan aprovasaun husi Vise Ministra Madalena Hanjam.\nAntes ministra saúde aprova CPV no PR, iha loron 10 Marsu 2012 dirasaun nasionál administrasaun lojístika no aprovizionamentu hahú lansa konkursu públiku ba projetu fornesimentu no instalasaun ba ró ambulance iha ministériu saude ho tipu International Competitive Bidding ka konkursu internasionál.\nIha membru Komisaun Aprovizionamentu Ministériu Saúde (KAMS) kompostu husi arguido LB nu’udar presidente KAMS, arguido AC nu’udar sekretáriu KAMS, arguido JFOK nu’udar membru permanente KAMS, arguido EJAM nu’udar membru permanente KAMS, arguido JCS nu’udar mós membru permanente KAMS, no arguido JCM nu’udar membru variavel KAMS.\nLansamentu konkursu fornesimentu ba ró ambulánsia nee iha kompañia lima maka submete ba sira nia proposta hanesan kompañia PT, Samudra Indora persaka (SIP) CV, Bintang Samudra Juran Jawa Unip Lda, hahú halo abertura ba proposta husi kompañia lima ne’ebé hatama ona sira nia dokumentu konkursu nian.\nIha loron 16 marsu 2012, ekipa KAMS nain rua arguido AC ho JCM ho asesór Jayendra Batta hahú abertura ba kompañia lima ne’ebé hatama dokumentu konkursu nee.\nHusi kompañia lima ne’ebé submete ona ba sira nia proposta ekipa avaliasaun KAMS fó de’it Pontus avaliasaun ba kompañia tolu maka hanesan PT, Samudra Indoraya Perkasa (SIP) hetan valor 74, CV Bintang Samudra hetan valor 70, Joran Jawa unip hetan valor 59 Lda. Enkuantu kompañia seluk hanesan Oceen Lda, no PT Kaha Jaya Marine ekipa avaliasaun KAMS la fó pontu avaliasaun. Ho nune’e, ekipa KAMS rekomenda kompañia PT Bintang Samudra sai vensedór iha konkursu ida nee.\nIha loron 15 fulan juñu 2012 ekipa KAMS halo relatóriu avaliasaun indika ba kompañia PT primeira lugar ho valor 74 iha konkursu nee. Kompañia Samudra SIP sai segundu lugar ho valor 70 ba konkursu ida nee.\nTuir mai ekipa avaliasaun deside hodi rekomenda atu halo adjudikasaun ba kompañia PT, Samudra Indoraya Perkasa, nu’udar nanan nain ho kontratu $423,343,51 ho durasaun kontratu ba loron 90 nia laran.\nIha loron 12 jullu 2012, Ministériu Saúde ne’ebé reprezenta husi Diretor Jerál, Agapito da Silva Soares, selebra kontratu ho kompañia PT SIP ne’ebé reprezenta husi arguido DW tuir karta prokurasaun, ho kontratu $423,343,51 hodi fornese no instala ró ambulánsia ministériu saúde ho durasaun fulan tolu, hahú husi loron 10 fulan jullu 2012 too iha loron 9 fulan outubru 2012.\nDepois asina tiha kontratu refere iha loron 6 too iha loron 9 fulan agostu 2012 ekipa inspesaun ba material konstrusaun ró ambulánsia ne’ebé kompostu husi arguido JCS, JMM, RI ho JCM nu’udar membru variavel iha KAMS, arguido AC nu’udar tékniku jestaun ba kontratu no Jayhendra Bhatta nu’udar asesór aprovizionamentu ba halo inspesaun material konstrusaun ba ró ambulánsia iha Surabaya-Indonézia.\nRezultadu husi inspesaun hatudu katak konstrusaun ró refere nian progresu fiksu inklui material ne’ebé atinje ona ba 50% ho medida 11,97 metru.\nAlende ida nee ekipa inspesaun ba armazén kompañia PT SIP hodi observa katak material konstrusaun ró ambulánsia nee tuir duni espesifikasaun tékniku ne’ebé mensiona iha kontratu refere.\nIha loron 10 outubru 2012, dirasaun nasionál administrasaun lojistiku no aprovizionamentu arguido LB hato’o pedidu desizaun no aprovasaun ekipa inspesaun ró ambulansia ba iha Surabaya ba segunda faze ne’ebé kompostu husi Jayendra Bhatta nu’udar asesór aprovizionamentu, Alvaru Abrantes nu’udar tékniku espesialista.\nAudiénsia julgamentu nee preside husi juis koletivu Sribuana da Costa, Albertina Neves, Antonio Helder do Carmo, MP reprezenta husi Prokuradór Rogerio Viegas no arguido sira asisténsia legal husi defensór públiku inklui mós advogadu privadu sira.\nDeklarasaun Arguida AMPM nian\nLiu husi audiénsia julgamentu ne’e, arguida AMPM deklara ba Tribunal katak planu sosa ró ambulánsia ne’e halo planu ba estudu viabilidade.\n“Ha’u hanesan arguida deklara katak laiha koñesimentu ba tenderizasaun ba ró ambulánsia refere, maibé ha’u rekoñese halo aprovasaun ba rezultadu avaliasaun konkursu tenderizasaun refere,” hateten AMPM.\nIha fatin hanesan arguido JCS mós informa katak nia parte laiha koñesimentu mós kona ba prosesu tenderizasaun nee no nia parte halo tanba tuir de’it orientasaun husi dirijente sira.\nJCS mós afirma liu tan katak sira deside kompañia SIP mak sai vendedór, tanba sira prienxe dokumentu.\nKazu Roo Ambulansia\nPrevious articleCornelio Vensedór ba KPNI 2019\nNext articleHo Motor Atu Soke Aviaun ba Para iha Prizaun Preventiva | [
"TDD Julga Kazu Ro Ambulansia | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA JUSTISA TDD Julga Kazu Ro Ambulansia TDD Julga Kazu Ro Ambulansia DILI, 16 outubru 2019 (TATOLI) - Tribunal Distrital Dili (TDD), ohin, kontinua halo audiensia julgamentu ba kazu ro ambulansia ne'ebe atu fasilita transporta moras husi Atauro ho Oe-Cusse mai Dili.",
"Ro ne'e Governu liu husi Ministeriu Saude sosa iha tinan 2012, maibe la konsege utiliza ho di'ak tanba at tiha de'it.",
"Tanba ne'e, fo prejuizu ba Estadu $414,876.64.",
"Iha kazu ne'e Ministeriu Publiku (MP) notifika arguido na'in ualu (8) kompostu husi arguido AMPM, arguido LB, arguida EJA, AC, JFOC, JCS, JCM ho DG.",
"Arguido sira ne'e mesak dirijente importante iha foti desizaun administrativa, finansa no aprovizionamentu iha Ministeriu Saude.",
"MP akuza arguido sira ba krime partisipasaun ekonomia no negosiu, borla agravadu no falsifikasaun dokumentu ne'ebe previstu iha artigu 299, 266, 267 husi kodigu penal TL, relasiona ho projetu fornesimentu ro ambulansia tuir planu Ministeriu Saude (MS) iha tinan 2012.",
"Iha tinan 2012 husi dirasaun nasional servisu ospitalares no Enkaminhamentu (DNSHE) iha planu atu sosa ro ambulansia hodi fasilita tula moras husi Atauro no Oe-Cosse mai Dili, maibe husi dirasaun nee rasik la halo estudu viabilidade la iha dezenu no BoQ.",
"Arguida AMPM haruka arguido JM ne'ebe nu'udar motorista atu maka prepara dezenu ho espesifikasaun ba ro ambulansia nian.",
"Ho konesimentu ne'ebe mukit liu kona-ba dezenu ro ambulansia, arguido JM ba iha Unidade polisia Maritima husu dezenu no espesifikasaun ro nian.",
"Bainhira hetan tina dezenu espesifikasaun ro nian husi UPM, arguido JM entrega dezenu espesifikasaun ba iha arguida AMPM, nune'e AMPM la halo rekomendasaun ba iha ministru saude atu nomea tekniku sira ne'ebe iha konesimentu ba ro nian hodi halo estudu viabilidade ba dezenu espesifikasaun tanba ministeriu saude la iha tekniku pesoal ba ro nian.",
"Arguida AMPM foti dezenu espesifikasaun husi UPM hodi haruka arguido CV ne'ebe momentu nee nu'udar diretor DNHSE ein- ezersisiu tanba arguida AMPM lisensa partu halo pedidu ba vise ministra saude atu aprova orsamentu ba sosa ro ambulansia.",
"Bainhira simu tiha pedidu nee iha loron 2 fulan marsu 2012 vise ministra saude hatun despaixu ba arguida EJA nu'udar diretora finansas atu prepara CPV ho PR.",
"Dezenu ho espesifikasaun la iha maibe iha loron 8 fulan marsu 2012 Aristider M de M Carvalho prepara CPV ho montante $500,000,00 ne'ebe halo uluk sertifikasaun husi arguido LB iha loron 12 marsu tinan 2012 foin hetan autorizasaun husi arguido JRM iha loron 19 Marsu 2012 hetan aprovasaun husi Vise Ministra Madalena Hanjam.",
"Antes ministra saude aprova CPV no PR, iha loron 10 Marsu 2012 dirasaun nasional administrasaun lojistika no aprovizionamentu hahu lansa konkursu publiku ba projetu fornesimentu no instalasaun ba ro ambulance iha ministeriu saude ho tipu International Competitive Bidding ka konkursu internasional.",
"Iha membru Komisaun Aprovizionamentu Ministeriu Saude (KAMS) kompostu husi arguido LB nu'udar presidente KAMS, arguido AC nu'udar sekretariu KAMS, arguido JFOK nu'udar membru permanente KAMS, arguido EJAM nu'udar membru permanente KAMS, arguido JCS nu'udar mos membru permanente KAMS, no arguido JCM nu'udar membru variavel KAMS.",
"Lansamentu konkursu fornesimentu ba ro ambulansia nee iha kompania lima maka submete ba sira nia proposta hanesan kompania PT, Samudra Indora persaka (SIP) CV, Bintang Samudra Juran Jawa Unip Lda, hahu halo abertura ba proposta husi kompania lima ne'ebe hatama ona sira nia dokumentu konkursu nian.",
"Iha loron 16 marsu 2012, ekipa KAMS nain rua arguido AC ho JCM ho asesor Jayendra Batta hahu abertura ba kompania lima ne'ebe hatama dokumentu konkursu nee.",
"Husi kompania lima ne'ebe submete ona ba sira nia proposta ekipa avaliasaun KAMS fo de'it Pontus avaliasaun ba kompania tolu maka hanesan PT, Samudra Indoraya Perkasa (SIP) hetan valor 74, CV Bintang Samudra hetan valor 70, Joran Jawa unip hetan valor 59 Lda.",
"Enkuantu kompania seluk hanesan Oceen Lda, no PT Kaha Jaya Marine ekipa avaliasaun KAMS la fo pontu avaliasaun.",
"Ho nune'e, ekipa KAMS rekomenda kompania PT Bintang Samudra sai vensedor iha konkursu ida nee.",
"Iha loron 15 fulan junu 2012 ekipa KAMS halo relatoriu avaliasaun indika ba kompania PT primeira lugar ho valor 74 iha konkursu nee.",
"Kompania Samudra SIP sai segundu lugar ho valor 70 ba konkursu ida nee.",
"Tuir mai ekipa avaliasaun deside hodi rekomenda atu halo adjudikasaun ba kompania PT, Samudra Indoraya Perkasa, nu'udar nanan nain ho kontratu $423,343,51 ho durasaun kontratu ba loron 90 nia laran.",
"Iha loron 12 jullu 2012, Ministeriu Saude ne'ebe reprezenta husi Diretor Jeral, Agapito da Silva Soares, selebra kontratu ho kompania PT SIP ne'ebe reprezenta husi arguido DW tuir karta prokurasaun, ho kontratu $423,343,51 hodi fornese no instala ro ambulansia ministeriu saude ho durasaun fulan tolu, hahu husi loron 10 fulan jullu 2012 too iha loron 9 fulan outubru 2012.",
"Depois asina tiha kontratu refere iha loron 6 too iha loron 9 fulan agostu 2012 ekipa inspesaun ba material konstrusaun ro ambulansia ne'ebe kompostu husi arguido JCS, JMM, RI ho JCM nu'udar membru variavel iha KAMS, arguido AC nu'udar tekniku jestaun ba kontratu no Jayhendra Bhatta nu'udar asesor aprovizionamentu ba halo inspesaun material konstrusaun ba ro ambulansia iha Surabaya-Indonezia.",
"Rezultadu husi inspesaun hatudu katak konstrusaun ro refere nian progresu fiksu inklui material ne'ebe atinje ona ba 50% ho medida 11,97 metru.",
"Alende ida nee ekipa inspesaun ba armazen kompania PT SIP hodi observa katak material konstrusaun ro ambulansia nee tuir duni espesifikasaun tekniku ne'ebe mensiona iha kontratu refere.",
"Iha loron 10 outubru 2012, dirasaun nasional administrasaun lojistiku no aprovizionamentu arguido LB hato'o pedidu desizaun no aprovasaun ekipa inspesaun ro ambulansia ba iha Surabaya ba segunda faze ne'ebe kompostu husi Jayendra Bhatta nu'udar asesor aprovizionamentu, Alvaru Abrantes nu'udar tekniku espesialista.",
"Audiensia julgamentu nee preside husi juis koletivu Sribuana da Costa, Albertina Neves, Antonio Helder do Carmo, MP reprezenta husi Prokurador Rogerio Viegas no arguido sira asistensia legal husi defensor publiku inklui mos advogadu privadu sira.",
"Deklarasaun Arguida AMPM nian Liu husi audiensia julgamentu ne'e, arguida AMPM deklara ba Tribunal katak planu sosa ro ambulansia ne'e halo planu ba estudu viabilidade.",
"\"Ha'u hanesan arguida deklara katak laiha konesimentu ba tenderizasaun ba ro ambulansia refere, maibe ha'u rekonese halo aprovasaun ba rezultadu avaliasaun konkursu tenderizasaun refere,\" hateten AMPM.",
"Iha fatin hanesan arguido JCS mos informa katak nia parte laiha konesimentu mos kona ba prosesu tenderizasaun nee no nia parte halo tanba tuir de'it orientasaun husi dirijente sira.",
"JCS mos afirma liu tan katak sira deside kompania SIP mak sai vendedor, tanba sira prienxe dokumentu.",
"Kazu Roo Ambulansia Previous articleCornelio Vensedor ba KPNI 2019 Next articleHo Motor Atu Soke Aviaun ba Para iha Prizaun Preventiva"
] | [
"Dili, October 16th (TATOLI) - The District Court of Timor-Leste today continued its trial hearing on the case involving an ambulance boat that was used to transport patients from Atauro and Oecusse City. Today's court hearings are scheduled for Monday morning at about one o’clock local time; however there will be no further information until afternoon or evening when it is likely they may continue with their proceeding as per previously announced by TDD officials who said: “We do not know what happened.”"
"In 2013, the club was able to win a play-off spot for upcoming season but did not qualify because of financial difficulties."
"As a result, the State suffered damages of $413.876 million (USD 509m)."
"In this case, the Public Prosecutor's Office (MP) notified eight defendants composed of AMPM accuse(d), L.B acusace/defendant and JJA-DEFENDANT AC;JFOC -Defendant B&D & DG – Defendent C+"
"The defendants were important executives in administrative, financial and procurement decision-making within the Ministry of Health."
"The MP charged the defendants with economic and business participation, aggravated forgery of documents under articles 298-301(a) to (e), as well a fraudulent transaction in relation on an Ambulance Ship project planne d by Ministry Of Health."
"In 2013, the National Directorate of Hospital Services and Transportation (DNSHE) planned to purchase an ambulance boat in order for patients from Atauro or Oe-Cosse can be taken on board. However it did not carry out any feasibility study because there was no design nor BoQ available at that time!"
"The defendant AMPM ordered the accused JM, who was a driver to prepare drawings with specifications for an Ambulance boat."
"With a better understanding of the design for an Ambulance boat, JM went to Maritime Police Unit and asked about its specifications."
"After receiving the specification drawing of a boat from UPM, defendant JM handed over this design to AMMP. Thus ampm did not make any recommendation for health minister appoint specialist experts with expertise on boats and conduct feasibility studies because he had no technical personnel in charge at his ministry who could carry out such researches as well"
"The defendant AMPM took a specification drawing from U PM to send the accused CV who at that time was director of DNHSE, and since he did not exercise his duties as licensor because she had been licensed by Ampm for childbirth requests vice minister health approve an appropriation budget."
"Upon receipt of the request on 2 March, Vice Minister for Health issued a dismissal to defendant J.A as Finance Director in order that she prepare CPV with PRs (Public Procurement Rule)."
"The design and specifications are not available but on March 8th,2013 Aristider M deM Carvalho prepared CPV for the amount of $549.67 which was first certified by defendant Lb in February (March) only to be authorized from accused JRM at April(April)."
"Before the Ministry of Health approved CPV and PR, on March 10th. The National Directorate for Logistics Administration & Procurement launched a public tender to procure an Ambulance Boat at MOH with International Competitive Bidding (ICB)."
"There are members of the Ministry Of Health Procurement Commission (KAMS) composed by defendant LB as Chairman, AC As Secretary and JFOK A Permanent Member. Defendant EJAM is a permanent member; Defendant CJCS also has been an active KAM S-member for some time now but he will not be able to participate in this committee until after his resignation from that position because there was no other candidates available at present or anywhere nearby"
"The launch of the tender for supplying ambulance boats in five companies have submitted their proposals as PT, Samudra Indora persaka (SIP) CV and Bintang Juran Jawa Unip Lda. has begun opening up to propose from fifth company that had already filed its bid documents"
"On March 16th, the KAMS team of two defendants AC and JCM with advisor Jayendra Batta began opening for five companies that submitted tender documents."
"Of the five companies that had submitted their proposals, KAMS' evaluation team awarded only three points to PT. Samudra Indoraya Perkasa (SIP) with 74; CV Bintang sandhura received value of $60 and Joran Jawa Unip Lda was given an overall score from #59-123 in total rating for all four tenderers"
"While other companies such as Oceen Lda, and PT Kaha Jaya Marine the KAMS evaluation team did not give any points."
"Thus, the KAMS team recommended PT Bintang Samudra to be a winner in this tender."
"On June 15th, the KAMS team made an evaluation report indicating that PT was awarded first place in this competition with value of $74."
"The Samudra SIP company came in second place with a value of $70 for this tender."
"Subsequently, the evaluation team decided to recommend awarding PT Samudra Indoraya Perkasa as owner with a contract of $423.5 million for 90 days duration and an estimated cost per day amounts at about US$167 in total costs (including VAT)."
"On 12 July, the Ministry of Health represented by its Director General Agapito da Silva Soares enters into a contract with PT.SIP company (representing defendant DW) according to an authorization letter involving $430k for supply and installation three-monthly medical equipment from June onwards until October this year at which time it will be replaced as well"
"After signing the contract from August 6th to Aug.9, a team of inspection for construction materials in Surabaya-Indonesia comprised by defendants JCS and RI as variable members at KAMS; AC (as Contract Management Technician) with Jayhendra Bhatta on procurement consultant conducting an Ambulance Boat Construction Material Inspection Team was sent therein between September10 – October23rd"
"The results of the inspection showed that construction progress for this ship was fixed, including material which has reached 50% with a length measures to be at least one hundred and ninety-seven feet."
"In addition, an inspection team visited PT SIP's warehouse to observe that the ambulance boat construction material was in accordance with technical specification mentioned on this contract."
"On 10 October, the National Directorate of Logistics Administration and Procurement (LDAP) submitted a request for decision to approve an inspection team in Surabaya on second phase. The group was composed by Jayendra Bhatta as procurment adviser; Alvaro Abrantes is specialist technical expert at DPA)."
"The trial hearing was presided over by the panel of judges Sribuana da Costa, Albertina Neves and Antonio Helder do Carmo. MP representing Prosecutor Rogerio Viegas assistes in this case as well; defendants are provided with legal assistance from a public defender including private lawyers also available for counselling on their behalf at any time during these hearings"
"During the trial hearing, defendant AMPM declared to Court that her plan for buying an ambulance boat was based on plans of feasibility studies."
"\"I as the defendant declare that I had no knowledge of this tender for ambulance boats, but acknowledged my approval to evaluation results from such tendering competitions\", said AMPM."
"The defendant JCS also stated that he had no knowledge about the tender process and did so only because of direction from his managers."
"JCS also stated that they chose the SIP company as a vendor, because it completes documents."
"Previous articleCornelio Vensedor ba KPNI 2019 Next ArticleHo Motor Atu Soke Aviaun Ba Para iha Prizaun Preventiva"
] |
By Tempo Timor July 09, 2020 5476\nPM Taur Matan Ruak ko'alia ba Midia hafoin sorumutuk ho PR Dr. Francisco Guterres Lu Olo iha Palasiu Prezidensial Dili (9/7) Foto Midia PR\nMaske la deklara klaramente ninia defeza ba Kriminaliza Difamasaun, maibé iha ninia deklarasaun PM Taur dehan uluk halo funu laos atu ema tolok arbiru iha tempu ukun rasik aan.\n"Se uluk ha'u mak hatene ida ne'e, ha'u la funu par to'o ikus ema tolok arbiru, invez-de ita-nia sosiedade ne'e sai sosiedade ne'ebe sivilizadu, mais sai fali sosiedade ida ne'ebe mal edukadu no laiha respeitu," dehan PM Taur iha Palasiu Prezidensial Bairu-pite Dili, Kinta (09/07).\nTuir PM Taur, kultura no tradisaun Timor nian, la permite ema tolok no trata ema arbiru.\n"Iha ita-nia tradisaun no kultura katak tolok malu, trata malu ne'e Maromak bandu, ita tama ba demokrasia tolok no trata ema ne'e, so demokrasia ida ne'e mak hanesan ne'e," nia dehan.\nXefe governu ne'e dehan, bainhira Timor-Leste hakarak sai nasaun forte, sosiedade tenke iha respeitu.\n"Sosiedade ne'e so forte bainhira iha respeitu de'it, ne'ebé husik sosiedade deskute lai lei difamasaun ne'e, ita labele kopia demokrasia hodi ko'alia arbiru. Demokrasia tuir loloos hanorin buat ne'ebé mak di'ak, maibé dala-ruma uza sala hodi insulta no trata ema."\nPM Taur dehan, uluk lei difamasaun iha ona, maibé tanba halo mudansa entaun agora komesa deskute fali, tanba ema barak ko'alia demokrazia, maibé demokrasia ida ne'ebé halo ema la kompriende.\n"Konstituisaun RDTL mós define kona-ba ema nia naran di'ak. Tanba ne'e esbosu kriminaliza difamasaun ne'e husik sosiedade diskute, sei lori mai Konsellu Ministru (KM) mak aprova, sei lori ba Parlamentu Nasionál (PN), ne'ebé diskusaun sei la'o," dehan nia.\nLast modified on Thursday, 09 July 2020 15:15\n« Pesoal Saude Front Line Sente Diskriminadu, MS Husu Karta Formál Deputadu PN Husu Governu Hatuur Arte Moris Iha Fatin Dignu » | [
"By Tempo Timor July 09, 2020 5476 PM Taur Matan Ruak ko'alia ba Midia hafoin sorumutuk ho PR Dr. Francisco Guterres Lu Olo iha Palasiu Prezidensial Dili (9/7) Foto Midia PR Maske la deklara klaramente ninia defeza ba Kriminaliza Difamasaun, maibe iha ninia deklarasaun PM Taur dehan uluk halo funu laos atu ema tolok arbiru iha tempu ukun rasik aan.",
"\"Se uluk ha'u mak hatene ida ne'e, ha'u la funu par to'o ikus ema tolok arbiru, invez-de ita-nia sosiedade ne'e sai sosiedade ne'ebe sivilizadu, mais sai fali sosiedade ida ne'ebe mal edukadu no laiha respeitu,\" dehan PM Taur iha Palasiu Prezidensial Bairu-pite Dili, Kinta (09/07).",
"Tuir PM Taur, kultura no tradisaun Timor nian, la permite ema tolok no trata ema arbiru.",
"\"Iha ita-nia tradisaun no kultura katak tolok malu, trata malu ne'e Maromak bandu, ita tama ba demokrasia tolok no trata ema ne'e, so demokrasia ida ne'e mak hanesan ne'e,\" nia dehan.",
"Xefe governu ne'e dehan, bainhira Timor-Leste hakarak sai nasaun forte, sosiedade tenke iha respeitu.",
"\"Sosiedade ne'e so forte bainhira iha respeitu de'it, ne'ebe husik sosiedade deskute lai lei difamasaun ne'e, ita labele kopia demokrasia hodi ko'alia arbiru.",
"Demokrasia tuir loloos hanorin buat ne'ebe mak di'ak, maibe dala-ruma uza sala hodi insulta no trata ema.\"",
"PM Taur dehan, uluk lei difamasaun iha ona, maibe tanba halo mudansa entaun agora komesa deskute fali, tanba ema barak ko'alia demokrazia, maibe demokrasia ida ne'ebe halo ema la kompriende.",
"\"Konstituisaun RDTL mos define kona-ba ema nia naran di'ak.",
"Tanba ne'e esbosu kriminaliza difamasaun ne'e husik sosiedade diskute, sei lori mai Konsellu Ministru (KM) mak aprova, sei lori ba Parlamentu Nasional (PN), ne'ebe diskusaun sei la'o,\" dehan nia.",
"Last modified on Thursday, 09 July 2020 15:15 \" Pesoal Saude Front Line Sente Diskriminadu, MS Husu Karta Formal Deputadu PN Husu Governu Hatuur Arte Moris Iha Fatin Dignu \""
] | [
"By Tempo Timor July 09,12:54 PM Taur Matan Ruak speaks to the media after meeting with PR Dr. Francisco Guterres Lu Olo in Dili Presidential Palace (7/8) Photo Media While not clearly declaring his defense for Criminalizing Defamation Prime Minister has said that he did fight before but it wasn't because of people turning a blind eye during independence period"
"\"If I knew this before, i wouldn't have fought until the end of people tolok arbiru. Instead our society becomes a civilized one but instead it is an uneducated and disrespectful societies\", said PM Taur in Presidential Palace Bairu-pite Dili on Thursday (09/17)."
"According to Prime Minister Taur, Timorese culture and tradition do not allow people from other countries or treat others arbitrarily."
"\"In our tradition and culture, it is God's law to treat each other badly. We have entered a democracy in which people are dealt with ill-treatment; this only applies for democracies like that.\""
"The head of government said that if Timor-Leste wants to be a strong nation, society must have respect."
"\"Society is strong when there's only respect, which allows society to discuss the defamation law. We cannot copy democracy by speaking arbitrarily.\""
"Democracy is supposed to teach good things, but it often uses wrong ways of insulting and dealing with people.\""
"Prime Minister Taur said that defamation laws existed before, but because of changes they are now being discussed again. Many people talk about democracy and it is a democratic system which does not make the public understand what this means to them; however there has been no change since 2014 when we started discussing these issues in Parliament.\""
"\"Constitution of the RDTL also defines about a person his good name."
"Therefore, the draft criminalizing defamation is left to society's deliberation. It will be brought before Council of Minister (CM) for approval and then taken into National Parliament where it can continue its discussion.\""
"Last modified on Thursday, 09 July. \" Front Line Health Workers Feel Discriminated; MS Asks Formal Letter from MP Asks Government to Provide Art of Living in a Decent Home\""
] |
PM Taur: “Governu formula OJE 2021 atu revitaliza ekonomia” | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste\nVARANDA EKONOMIA PM Taur: “Governu formula OJE 2021 atu revitaliza ekonomia”\nPM Taur: “Governu formula OJE 2021 atu revitaliza ekonomia”\nDILI, 30 novembru 2020 (TATOLI)–Primeiru-Ministru (PM), Taur Matan Ruak, konsidera Orsamentu Jerál Estadu (OJE) 2021 atu fó resposta ba dezafíu ne’ebé Estadu enfrenta iha tinan 2020.\n“Governu formula orsamentu ne’e atu revitaliza ekonomia, proteje no investe iha povu no fó ba joven sira oportunidade hodi integra iha sosiedade nia le’et atu realiza sira-nia mehi,” Xefe Govenu afirma iha ámbitu diskusaun loron dahuluk Proposta OJE 2021 faze jeneralidade, iha sala plenária, Parlamemntu Nasionál (PN), segunda ne’e.\nDokumentu orsamentu 2021, kontein livru orsamentu hamutuk 9 ne’ebé la hanesan, sai pájina besik 1.500 no deskreve despeza planeada hosi entidade oin-oin hosi ministériu, sekretaria estadu no instituisaun públika hamutuk 91, ho atividade 1.800 resin ne’ebé la hanesan maka orsamenta ona.\nNotísia Relevante: Governu submete ona Proposta Lei OJE 2021 ba PN\n“Formatu orsamentu 2021 muda maka’as tanba abordajen orsamentál bazeia ba programa, ne’ebé sei garante jestaun di’ak hosi rezultadu no dezempeñu, ne’ebé aloka ho forma efisiente liután ba rekursu públiku sira-ne’ebé oituan de’it, tantu agora no mós aban bainrua,” nia esplika.\nAleinde ne’e, Governu sei toka ba kontestu ho justifikasaun kona-ba desizaun prinsipál ne’ebé halo liuhosi orsamentu.\nXefe Ezekutivu rekoñese, tinan 2020 hamosu dezafíu barak, dezde ukun-an, hahú hosi dezastre naturál iha fulan-marsu no ikus mai pandemia COVID-19 inklui impase polítika ne’ebé naruk, maibé nasaun iha forma no susesu atu nafatin serbí povu.\n“Governu no ita, hanesan povu no nasaun, hasoru COVID-19 ho forma desiziva no efikáz, maibé ita ho lalais bele mobiliza millaun $220-resin, inklui millaun $92 ba medida imediata atu fó resposta ba ekonomia. Ho planeamentu no rapidéz, ne’ebé antes ne’e nunka akontese, ita dezenvolve unidade atendimentu emerjénsia, harii sistema kuarentena, teste, rastreiu no lokalizasaun ida,” nia hatutan.\nHo forma signifikativa, Governu mós konsege haforsa sistema saúde no apoiu ba profisionál saúde inklui funsionáriu sira ne’ebé serbisu iha liña oin.\n“Ita-nia Governu no Parlamentu Nasionál ho brani foti desizaun iha tempu badak, no ita proteje fronteira sira, ita-nia povu unidu, timor-oan sira uza máskara, fase liman no mantein distansiamentu sosiál,” Xefe Governu louva.\nIha ámbitu pandemia globál, Governu mós konsege aprova lei no regulamentu hamutuk 18, hodi garante resposta ba COVID-19.\nIha loron balun hafoin kriasaun Estadu Emerjénsia, implementa subsídiu eletrisidade no bee moos fornese ho gratuita.\n“Ita prienxe filafali abastesimentu ai-han emerjénsia, mantein konetividade internasionál liuhosi Darwin hodi mantein movimentu abastesimentu no espesialista sira, uma-kain besik 300.000 maka simu transferénsia $200 ho karaktér universál, pagamentu subsídiu salariál, tulun estudante iha rai-li’ur ho subsídiu no ita estimula produsaun agríkola,” Taur haktuir.\nGovernu konsidera, medida estabilizasaun bele proteje ona família ne’ebé lakon rendimentu, monu ba kiak, no dezempregu inklui ajuda ona empreza sira sustenta ninia fluxu kaixa no mantein traballadór sira bele serbisu nafatin.\nAleinde resposta imediata ne’e, iha loron 12 agostu, Governu aprova ona pakote Rekuperasaun Ekonómika, ne’ebé hatuur medida ba prazu badak no médiu hamutuk 71, sei implementa entre tinan 2021 to’o 2023.\n“Planu ne’e ninia objetivu mak atu aumenta empregu hodi garante katak empregu hotu-hotu sei produtivu no dignu,” Xefe Ezekutivu argumenta.\nPlanu Rekuperasaun Ekonómika atu estimula investimentu sosiál públiku iha edukasaun, saúde, abitasaun no protesaun sosiál inklui promove setór no área sira ne’ebé kontribui ba kreximentu ekonómiku, ne’ebé totál kustu ba programa ne’e engloba iha OJE 2021 hamutuk millaun $124.\nOrsamentu bazeia ba programa\nPrevious articleMS distribui ekipamentu prevensaun COVID-19 ba Munisípiu hitu\nNext articleGovernu konsidera investimentu petrolíferu nu’udar fasilitadór dezenvolvimentu | [
"PM Taur: \"Governu formula OJE 2021 atu revitaliza ekonomia\" | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA EKONOMIA PM Taur: \"Governu formula OJE 2021 atu revitaliza ekonomia\" PM Taur: \"Governu formula OJE 2021 atu revitaliza ekonomia\" DILI, 30 novembru 2020 (TATOLI) -Primeiru-Ministru (PM), Taur Matan Ruak, konsidera Orsamentu Jeral Estadu (OJE) 2021 atu fo resposta ba dezafiu ne'ebe Estadu enfrenta iha tinan 2020.",
"\"Governu formula orsamentu ne'e atu revitaliza ekonomia, proteje no investe iha povu no fo ba joven sira oportunidade hodi integra iha sosiedade nia le'et atu realiza sira-nia mehi,\" Xefe Govenu afirma iha ambitu diskusaun loron dahuluk Proposta OJE 2021 faze jeneralidade, iha sala plenaria, Parlamemntu Nasional (PN), segunda ne'e.",
"Dokumentu orsamentu 2021, kontein livru orsamentu hamutuk 9 ne'ebe la hanesan, sai pajina besik 1.500 no deskreve despeza planeada hosi entidade oin-oin hosi ministeriu, sekretaria estadu no instituisaun publika hamutuk 91, ho atividade 1.800 resin ne'ebe la hanesan maka orsamenta ona.",
"Notisia Relevante: Governu submete ona Proposta Lei OJE 2021 ba PN \"Formatu orsamentu 2021 muda maka'as tanba abordajen orsamental bazeia ba programa, ne'ebe sei garante jestaun di'ak hosi rezultadu no dezempenu, ne'ebe aloka ho forma efisiente liutan ba rekursu publiku sira-ne'ebe oituan de'it, tantu agora no mos aban bainrua,\" nia esplika.",
"Aleinde ne'e, Governu sei toka ba kontestu ho justifikasaun kona-ba desizaun prinsipal ne'ebe halo liuhosi orsamentu.",
"Xefe Ezekutivu rekonese, tinan 2020 hamosu dezafiu barak, dezde ukun-an, hahu hosi dezastre natural iha fulan-marsu no ikus mai pandemia COVID-19 inklui impase politika ne'ebe naruk, maibe nasaun iha forma no susesu atu nafatin serbi povu.",
"\"Governu no ita, hanesan povu no nasaun, hasoru COVID-19 ho forma desiziva no efikaz, maibe ita ho lalais bele mobiliza millaun $220-resin, inklui millaun $92 ba medida imediata atu fo resposta ba ekonomia.",
"Ho planeamentu no rapidez, ne'ebe antes ne'e nunka akontese, ita dezenvolve unidade atendimentu emerjensia, harii sistema kuarentena, teste, rastreiu no lokalizasaun ida,\" nia hatutan.",
"Ho forma signifikativa, Governu mos konsege haforsa sistema saude no apoiu ba profisional saude inklui funsionariu sira ne'ebe serbisu iha lina oin.",
"\"Ita-nia Governu no Parlamentu Nasional ho brani foti desizaun iha tempu badak, no ita proteje fronteira sira, ita-nia povu unidu, timor-oan sira uza maskara, fase liman no mantein distansiamentu sosial,\" Xefe Governu louva.",
"Iha ambitu pandemia global, Governu mos konsege aprova lei no regulamentu hamutuk 18, hodi garante resposta ba COVID-19.",
"Iha loron balun hafoin kriasaun Estadu Emerjensia, implementa subsidiu eletrisidade no bee moos fornese ho gratuita.",
"\"Ita prienxe filafali abastesimentu ai-han emerjensia, mantein konetividade internasional liuhosi Darwin hodi mantein movimentu abastesimentu no espesialista sira, uma-kain besik 300.000 maka simu transferensia $200 ho karakter universal, pagamentu subsidiu salarial, tulun estudante iha rai-li'ur ho subsidiu no ita estimula produsaun agrikola,\" Taur haktuir.",
"Governu konsidera, medida estabilizasaun bele proteje ona familia ne'ebe lakon rendimentu, monu ba kiak, no dezempregu inklui ajuda ona empreza sira sustenta ninia fluxu kaixa no mantein traballador sira bele serbisu nafatin.",
"Aleinde resposta imediata ne'e, iha loron 12 agostu, Governu aprova ona pakote Rekuperasaun Ekonomika, ne'ebe hatuur medida ba prazu badak no mediu hamutuk 71, sei implementa entre tinan 2021 to'o 2023.",
"\"Planu ne'e ninia objetivu mak atu aumenta empregu hodi garante katak empregu hotu-hotu sei produtivu no dignu,\" Xefe Ezekutivu argumenta.",
"Planu Rekuperasaun Ekonomika atu estimula investimentu sosial publiku iha edukasaun, saude, abitasaun no protesaun sosial inklui promove setor no area sira ne'ebe kontribui ba kreximentu ekonomiku, ne'ebe total kustu ba programa ne'e engloba iha OJE 2021 hamutuk millaun $124.",
"Orsamentu bazeia ba programa Previous articleMS distribui ekipamentu prevensaun COVID-19 ba Munisipiu hitu Next articleGovernu konsidera investimentu petroliferu nu'udar fasilitador dezenvolvimentu"
] | [
"PM Taur: \"Government formulas 2019 Budget to revitalize economy\" | Timor Post Agência Noticiosa de Timór-Leste VARANDA EKONOMIA Prime Minister of the Republic (PM), Xanana Gusmão, said on Thursday that his government has prepared a budget for this year which will be used as an opportunity in order... Dili/Dili - The prime minister and chief executive officer(CEO) at PT Bank Mandiri Tbk."
"\"The Government formulates this budget to revitalize the economy, protect and invest in peoples' lives as well giving youngsters an opportunity for integration into society so that they can realize their aspirations\", said Prime Minister Taur Matan Ruak on Monday during discussion of Proposal Budget General Phase (PGF)-2019."
"The 2019 budget document, containing nine different books of the Budget Booklet is nearly a thousand and fifty pages long. It describes planned expenditure by various entities from ministries to state secretariats or public institutions in total as many As Nineteen (87), with more than one-hundred eighty activities that have been already included on its account for this year' s fiscal period"
"\"The format of the 2019 budget has changed significantly because it is based on a programme-based approach, which will ensure good management and performance results that are allocated in an effective way with limited public resources both now as well tonight\", he explained."
"In addition, the Government will present a contextual justification of its main decisions made through budget."
"The Chief Executive acknowledged that 2019 brought many challenges, starting with the natural disaster in March and ending by COVID-3 pandemic including prolonged political impasse. But it is a year of successes to continue serving our people as we have done so since coming into power:"
"\"The government and we, as peoples of the country have been fighting COVID-19 decisively & effectively but quickly managed to mobilize more than $230 billion including a massive immediate response package for our economy."
"With planning and speed, which has never been seen before in the country's history we have developed an emergency care unit. We also set up a system of quarantine testing tracing tracking.\""
"Significantly, the Government has also been able to strengthen its health system and support for medical professionals including front-line workers."
"\"Our Government and the National Parliament are courageous to take decisions in a short period of time, we protect our border. Our people is united; Timorese wear masking clothes or face shield (mask), wash their hands with soap/water & maintain social distance.\""
"Within the context of global pandemic, Government also managed to pass 18 laws and regulation in total that ensure response for COVID-20."
"A few days after the creation of a State Of Emergency, implemented electricity subsidies and clean water provided free."
"\"We have restored emergency food supplies, maintained international connectivity through Darwin to sustain the movement of supply and specialists; nearly 301.5 million household are receiving a $247 transfer with universal character (about £96 per month), salary subsidies paid out for students studying overseas on subsidy basis [and] we stimulate agriculture production.\""
"The government considers that the stabilization measure has already protected families from losing their income, falling into poverty and unemployment as well helped businesses sustain cash flow while keeping workers working."
"In addition to this immediate response, on 12 August the Government approved an Economic Recovery package which includes a total of about seventy-one short and medium term measures that will be implementing between years two thousand twenty one until three hundred thirteen."
"\"The aim of this plan is to increase employment and ensure that all jobs are productive, decent work\", the CEO argues."
"The Economic Recovery Plan to stimulate public social investment in education, health care and housing as well promoting sectors that contribute towards economic growth. Total cost of the program is $124 billion which will be included into Budget for this year (budget)."
"Previous articleMS distributes COVID-19 prevention equipment to seven municipalities Next ArticleGovernment considers oil investment as a development facilitator Budget based on programme"
] |
Welcome & Visit Timor Leste: Programa Alfabetizasaun\nIha noticia TVTL 17 novembro 2008 kalan, ita bele rona no hare desemvolvimento programa alfabetizasaun nebe hetan suporta husi governo Cubano. Husi lian fuan nebe Sr. Ramos Horta nudar Presidente RDTL hateten ho optimismo katak iha tinan oin mai populasaun Atauro sei la iha tan populasaun nebe ita bele dehan katak populasaun beik no la hatene hakarek no le. Buat sira ne intersante tebes basa, kuaze ema Timor barak mak sei la hatene hakerek no le liu-liu ita nia ferik no katuas sira. Uluk mos iha TVTL iha mos drama kiik oan ida nebe halo husi familia ida iha Lospalos kona ba promosaun programa alfabetizasaun iha Timor Leste laran tomak. Familia ida ne iha oan mane ida ita bele fo naran A bosok nian inan no nia aman hodi husu osan atu seluk nia skola afinal osan ne nia uja fali ba sosa handphone hodi rega feto oan ida nebe nia gosta. Como, nian aman lahatene hakerek no le entao nian aman halo tuir nia hakarak, maibe nian inan nebe hetan escola husi programa alfabetizasaun la fiar nian oan mane entao, nian inan ho aten brani ba nian oan nia escola hudi husu problema nebe nian oan ne hasoru.Hafoin hasoru malu ho mestre inan foin hakfodak katak durante fulan 3 nian laran osan nebe fo ba nian oan atu ba selu escola sidauk selu. Iha episode ikus husi drama kiik ida ne nian oan mane tenta atu bosok tan nian inan maibe nian inan dehan hanesan ne" durante ne ami sempre selu ho nian escola maibe ho lori mai ami kartaun escola nian katak ami sidauk seluk ho hanoin ami lahatene le ka? la hetan boy"?hehe,e,\nIlustrasaun iha leten hatudu katak ferik no katuas sira mos iha espiritu boot atu buka matenek, maibe realidade hatudu mai ita katak Familia iha Timor leste barak mak hanoin liu lian a?dat do que hanoin escola. Iha Hera labarik kiik ida hasoru no hau husu ba nian! ho escola ga lae alin? nia hatan lae tiu, depois hau husu tan nusa mak o la escola?nian dehan hau mak lakohi escola deit. La hatene reposta ida ne los ga sala maibe realidade barak ma se hanesan ne. Estado prepara kodisaun oin-oin atu hadia no promove edukasaun gratuito maibe dala barak mos ema timor oan rasik lakohi aproveta oportunidade ida ne. | [
"Welcome & Visit Timor Leste: Programa Alfabetizasaun Iha noticia TVTL 17 novembro 2008 kalan, ita bele rona no hare desemvolvimento programa alfabetizasaun nebe hetan suporta husi governo Cubano.",
"Husi lian fuan nebe Sr. Ramos Horta nudar Presidente RDTL hateten ho optimismo katak iha tinan oin mai populasaun Atauro sei la iha tan populasaun nebe ita bele dehan katak populasaun beik no la hatene hakarek no le.",
"Buat sira ne intersante tebes basa, kuaze ema Timor barak mak sei la hatene hakerek no le liu-liu ita nia ferik no katuas sira.",
"Uluk mos iha TVTL iha mos drama kiik oan ida nebe halo husi familia ida iha Lospalos kona ba promosaun programa alfabetizasaun iha Timor Leste laran tomak.",
"Familia ida ne iha oan mane ida ita bele fo naran A bosok nian inan no nia aman hodi husu osan atu seluk nia skola afinal osan ne nia uja fali ba sosa handphone hodi rega feto oan ida nebe nia gosta.",
"Como, nian aman lahatene hakerek no le entao nian aman halo tuir nia hakarak, maibe nian inan nebe hetan escola husi programa alfabetizasaun la fiar nian oan mane entao, nian inan ho aten brani ba nian oan nia escola hudi husu problema nebe nian oan ne hasoru.Hafoin hasoru malu ho mestre inan foin hakfodak katak durante fulan 3 nian laran osan nebe fo ba nian oan atu ba selu escola sidauk selu.",
"Iha episode ikus husi drama kiik ida ne nian oan mane tenta atu bosok tan nian inan maibe nian inan dehan hanesan ne\" durante ne ami sempre selu ho nian escola maibe ho lori mai ami kartaun escola nian katak ami sidauk seluk ho hanoin ami lahatene le ka? la hetan boy\"?hehe,e, Ilustrasaun iha leten hatudu katak ferik no katuas sira mos iha espiritu boot atu buka matenek, maibe realidade hatudu mai ita katak Familia iha Timor leste barak mak hanoin liu lian a?dat do que hanoin escola.",
"Iha Hera labarik kiik ida hasoru no hau husu ba nian! ho escola ga lae alin? nia hatan lae tiu, depois hau husu tan nusa mak o la escola?nian dehan hau mak lakohi escola deit.",
"La hatene reposta ida ne los ga sala maibe realidade barak ma se hanesan ne.",
"Estado prepara kodisaun oin-oin atu hadia no promove edukasaun gratuito maibe dala barak mos ema timor oan rasik lakohi aproveta oportunidade ida ne."
] | [
"Welcome & Visit Timor Leste: Literacy Program In the TVTL news on November 17th, we can hear and see development of a literace program supported by Cuban government."
"From the words of Mr. Ramos Horta as President RDTL said with optimism that in coming years population Atauro will not have any more people who we can say is a large and unreadable populace ,"
"These things are very interesting, because almost all Timorese people will not know how to read and write especially our children."
"Last night on TVTL there was also a small drama made by one family in Lospalos about the promotion of literacy programs throughout East Timor."
"A family has a boy we can give the name of The bogus mother and father to ask for money in order other his school after all, he used that cash again on buying handphones so as not buy another girl who liked him."
"As, our father read and wrote little letters then his dad did as he wanted but the mother who was schooled by a literacy program didn't trust her son so she went to their child’ s Jewish schools with an eye on him. She asked what problems they had faced after meeting them in front of teachers when my daughter told me that during three months money given for education has not been paid back at all :("
"In the final episode of this little drama, a boy tries to lie again but his mother says \"during our school we always paid with money from us and they brought back some cardboard saying that there was no other way so I thought my child would not get any boys\"?hehe. The illustration below shows how young people have great spirits as well in seeking wisdom; however reality is shown by many East Timorese families who think more about their language than what it means for them when thinking School!"
"In Hera a little child met me and I asked him! do you go to school? he answered no uncle, then i ask again why are they not at the schools. He said that it is because of my lack in education only :("
"I don't know if this is the right answer but many realities are similar."
"The State is preparing various codes to improve and promote free education but often Timorese people themselves do not take advantage of this opportunity."
] |
Au: seidauk Explora “Osan Matak” Timor-Leste nian\nUN in Timor-Leste\tBlogs 30 Maiu 2019\t Acessu dala: 280\nHusi buat ki’ik…………buat bo’ot bele iha mudansa. Viveiru Au (left) ho Agrikultores sira iha Aileu.\nHusi: Roy Trivedy no Shyam K Paudel\nBainhira ema barak ko’alia kona-ba Produsaun agrikultura iha Timor-Leste, sira la dun ko’alia kona-ba ai-horis Au.\nAu kuda husi sub-temperatura iha rejiaun tropikál, maibe hetan diversidade diak liu mak iha rejiaun planeta sub-tropikal nian.\nTuir globalizasaun, Au Kobre ona Rai kuaze Hektares Miliaun 22 ho Espesie 1200. Ne’e hatudu katak Au fo kontribuisaun ba ema nia moris liu ona biliaun ida tuir globalizasaun.\nEzemplu hanesan rai Xina, kuaze halo besik biliaun $30 kada tinan, no (kria) servisu ba ema liu miliaun 7.75 iha areia kultivasaun Au. Iha tinan 2012 Xina Exporta produtu Au ho folin miliaun US $1862 ho 60% fornese ba exportasaun merkadu global kona-ba “Osan Matak”\nTimor-Leste riku ho rekursu naturais mak hanesan Au.\nAu mak Espesie duut ida ne’ebe moris lalais, hanesan pilliar dezenvolvimentu ekonomiku rural iha mundu.\nKuaze inkluindu ona produsaun liu 1000 no la iha limitasaun ba konstrusaun, Mobiliariu, Artezenatu, Testil, Luhu, Hahan, Hahan ba animal, Surat tahan enerjia- Au uzu husi komunidade lokál iha parte barak iha mundu ba dekada barak ona.\nPrimeira da Mãe Isabel Ferreira ko’alia ba Trabalhador Feto iha Centru Au\nProdusaun Au hahú liu fulan 12 to fulan 18 ona ho mudansa signifikativu iha Timor-Leste.\nBaze komunidade hahú halo dezenvolvimentu mudansa Kultivasaun Au, hodi atinje rezultadu ne’ebe impresivu.\nKultivasaun Au la’os de’it kontribui ba dezenvolvimentu ekonomia Nasional no lokál, maibe atu hakbi’it ema hodi hetan rendimentu liu tan. Au mós fo benefisiu sira seluk. Au prevene Rai, Erozaun, no Rai halai. Au mós kontribui ba konservasaun Bee, no Redusaun ba risku Dezastre sira.\nIha potensial boot atu hasa’e rendimentu ba komundade rural liu husi enkaixa sira iha plantasaun, prosesu Manajamentu, konstrusaun, produsaun ba dezenu Artezenatu.\nTimor-Leste iha Espesie Au oin 10 inkluindu D. asper Espesie Au ida ne’ebe mak forsa liu no espesie ida ne’e iha funsaun oi-oin ho potensialidade atu produz Au huun liu tonelada 20 kada hektares. Ho apoiu husi UNDP ba komunidade Gleno iha Centru prosesu halo Au iha Munisipiu Ermera komesa ona halo operasun iha Fulan Marsu 2019.\nKomunidade lokál sira haksolok tebes ho produsaun Au durante fulan tolu ne’ebe mak hetan rezultadu ho montante US $5000 - rezultadu ida ne’ebe fantastiku, hanesan ho rezultadu Faan Kafé husi Agrikultores Lokál sira.\nCentru Komunidade Au sosa Au lolon husi Agrikultores Lokál sira (Feto no Mane) halo prosesu ba Au hirak ne’e no hadia halo kabeer, no haruka ba iha Instituisaun Au. Depois Instituisaun uza Au hirak ne’e hodi halo produsaun oi-oin ba iha Edifisiu, Mobiliariu uma nian, halo Binkai Retratu no seluk tan.\nCentru Au iha Gleno agora daudaun ema na’in lima mak servisu hela, no enkaixa agrikultores lokál hamutuk atus ida ne’ebe mak servisu kona-ba kuda Au.\nKo’alia ho agrikultores sira iha Liquica kona-ba potensialidade Au no (Right) Feto liu husi plantasaun iha Dare.\nAgora daudaun iha Centru Baze Komunidade 9 mak halo hela prosesu Au iha parte diferente hodi fornese ba iha Instituisaun Au, atu halo prosesu final.\nInstituisaun Au Asina ona Memorandu entendementu ho Centru Komundaide ida-idak, atu garantia ba presu kona-ba hadia Au.\nIta haree diak tebes, katak Au iha mudansa sistemátiku bo’ot no halo mudansa ba ema agrikulturoes rihun ba rihun iha sira nia moris, no fo intensiva ba Emprezariu lokál sira iha rai laran.\nInstituisaun Au semi-Autonomus Entidade Governamental, hanesan Negosiu ida iha rai laran. Halo produsaun ba mobiliariu uza Au, Artezenatu, no dezenu ho quantidade boot. Instituisaun harii iha tinan 2008 hetan apoiu husi Governu Timor-Leste.\nIha tinan 2018 UNDP fo tan apoiu Makina de servisu ba iha Centru rural sira, hodi halo negosiu ho Centru foun Baze Komunidade hamutuk 5, ne’ebe mak estabelese ona. Rezultadu ida husi ne’e mak produsaun kapasidade Instituisaun nian aumenta diak liu dala tolu.\nUNDP fornese fundu sosa Makina de Au, iha Centru de Servisu Au no (right) Au iha to’os iha Ailieu.\nIda ne’e signifika katak ema barak liu mak sei hetan servisu husi Instituisaun hodi servisu hamutuk ho ema na’in 63 ne’ebe mak agora daudaun servisu permanente. Qualidade no variadade ba produtu ne’e ho signifika ne’ebe boot, inkluindu mós ho produtu foun hanesan Au Charcoal.\nInstituisaun bele hetan to US miliaun 0.7 kada tinan, se Instituisaun iha kapasidade tomak no iha potensialidade sei hetan liu miliaun 1 US kada tinan, liu husi produtu diversifikasaun merkadoria.\nInstituisaun agora daudaun servisu hela hodi produz kadeira auo hamutuk 10,000 ba Universidade Timor-Leste, no iha futuru espera eskola hotu-hotu iha Rai ida ne’e sei komesa investe hodi uza Mobiliariu Au iha klasse laran.\nGovernu Timor-Leste komesa ona ho inisiativu balun hodi fo apoiu ba industria kuda Au.\nAu konsidera hanesan setór prioridade importante liu iha planu estratejiku dezenvolvimentu Nasaun ida ne’e nian ba tinan (2011-2030), ho objektivu atu aumenta rekursu Au iha rai laran parte Floresta nian no agrikultura nian.\nAu mós refere ba produtu non florestal ida ne’ebe ho valór bo’ot tebes, iha revizaun politika florestal nasional tinan (2017).\nImportante tebes tanba hetan aprovasaun husi Ministeriu Agrikultura e peskas iha Marsu 2019 kona-ba Estratejia Nasional Au.\nMezmu iha pasu posetivu ne’ebe kria husi estatamentu politika sira ne’e, maibe impaktu potensialidade Au seidauk realiza maximu iha Nasaun ida ne’e.\nLiu husi avaliasaun foin daudaun ne’e, sei iha dezafius barak mak hanesan;\nRekursu natural Au seidauk jere ninia kualidade no kuantidade ho diak\nAgrikutores lokál sira no kuda na’in sira iha koñesementu limitadu ba kuda Au.\nAtu hadia rekursu naturais ida ne’e sai diak liu, Nasaun presiza proteje, no hakiak Au ho sustentabilidade. Tanba agora daudaun seidauk iha politika ida, hodi haree ba asuntu setór industrial Au nian.\nTimor-Leste agora daudaun foka liu ba iha plantasaun, jere no diversifikaaun domestiku Au, ba aplikasaun industrial ho sustentavel.\nGovernu planu hela hodi aloka tan rekursu adisional ba implementasaun Estratejia Nasional Au, fully tap ho potensialidade ba “Osan Matak” liu husi konservasaun dezenvolvimentu ekonomia ambiental iha rai laran. | [
"Au: seidauk Explora \"Osan Matak\" Timor-Leste nian UN in Timor-Leste Blogs 30 Maiu 2019 Acessu dala: 280 Husi buat ki'ik............buat bo'ot bele iha mudansa.",
"Viveiru Au (left) ho Agrikultores sira iha Aileu.",
"Husi: Roy Trivedy no Shyam K Paudel Bainhira ema barak ko'alia kona-ba Produsaun agrikultura iha Timor-Leste, sira la dun ko'alia kona-ba ai-horis Au.",
"Au kuda husi sub-temperatura iha rejiaun tropikal, maibe hetan diversidade diak liu mak iha rejiaun planeta sub-tropikal nian.",
"Tuir globalizasaun, Au Kobre ona Rai kuaze Hektares Miliaun 22 ho Espesie 1200.",
"Ne'e hatudu katak Au fo kontribuisaun ba ema nia moris liu ona biliaun ida tuir globalizasaun.",
"Ezemplu hanesan rai Xina, kuaze halo besik biliaun $30 kada tinan, no (kria) servisu ba ema liu miliaun 7.75 iha areia kultivasaun Au.",
"Iha tinan 2012 Xina Exporta produtu Au ho folin miliaun US $1862 ho 60% fornese ba exportasaun merkadu global kona-ba \"Osan Matak\" Timor-Leste riku ho rekursu naturais mak hanesan Au.",
"Au mak Espesie duut ida ne'ebe moris lalais, hanesan pilliar dezenvolvimentu ekonomiku rural iha mundu.",
"Kuaze inkluindu ona produsaun liu 1000 no la iha limitasaun ba konstrusaun, Mobiliariu, Artezenatu, Testil, Luhu, Hahan, Hahan ba animal, Surat tahan enerjia- Au uzu husi komunidade lokal iha parte barak iha mundu ba dekada barak ona.",
"Primeira da Mae Isabel Ferreira ko'alia ba Trabalhador Feto iha Centru Au Produsaun Au hahu liu fulan 12 to fulan 18 ona ho mudansa signifikativu iha Timor-Leste.",
"Baze komunidade hahu halo dezenvolvimentu mudansa Kultivasaun Au, hodi atinje rezultadu ne'ebe impresivu.",
"Kultivasaun Au la'os de'it kontribui ba dezenvolvimentu ekonomia Nasional no lokal, maibe atu hakbi'it ema hodi hetan rendimentu liu tan.",
"Au mos fo benefisiu sira seluk.",
"Au prevene Rai, Erozaun, no Rai halai.",
"Au mos kontribui ba konservasaun Bee, no Redusaun ba risku Dezastre sira.",
"Iha potensial boot atu hasa'e rendimentu ba komundade rural liu husi enkaixa sira iha plantasaun, prosesu Manajamentu, konstrusaun, produsaun ba dezenu Artezenatu.",
"Timor-Leste iha Espesie Au oin 10 inkluindu D. asper Espesie Au ida ne'ebe mak forsa liu no espesie ida ne'e iha funsaun oi-oin ho potensialidade atu produz Au huun liu tonelada 20 kada hektares.",
"Ho apoiu husi UNDP ba komunidade Gleno iha Centru prosesu halo Au iha Munisipiu Ermera komesa ona halo operasun iha Fulan Marsu 2019.",
"Komunidade lokal sira haksolok tebes ho produsaun Au durante fulan tolu ne'ebe mak hetan rezultadu ho montante US $5000 - rezultadu ida ne'ebe fantastiku, hanesan ho rezultadu Faan Kafe husi Agrikultores Lokal sira.",
"Centru Komunidade Au sosa Au lolon husi Agrikultores Lokal sira (Feto no Mane) halo prosesu ba Au hirak ne'e no hadia halo kabeer, no haruka ba iha Instituisaun Au.",
"Depois Instituisaun uza Au hirak ne'e hodi halo produsaun oi-oin ba iha Edifisiu, Mobiliariu uma nian, halo Binkai Retratu no seluk tan.",
"Centru Au iha Gleno agora daudaun ema na'in lima mak servisu hela, no enkaixa agrikultores lokal hamutuk atus ida ne'ebe mak servisu kona-ba kuda Au.",
"Ko'alia ho agrikultores sira iha Liquica kona-ba potensialidade Au no (Right) Feto liu husi plantasaun iha Dare.",
"Agora daudaun iha Centru Baze Komunidade 9 mak halo hela prosesu Au iha parte diferente hodi fornese ba iha Instituisaun Au, atu halo prosesu final.",
"Instituisaun Au Asina ona Memorandu entendementu ho Centru Komundaide ida-idak, atu garantia ba presu kona-ba hadia Au.",
"Ita haree diak tebes, katak Au iha mudansa sistematiku bo'ot no halo mudansa ba ema agrikulturoes rihun ba rihun iha sira nia moris, no fo intensiva ba Emprezariu lokal sira iha rai laran.",
"Instituisaun Au semi-Autonomus Entidade Governamental, hanesan Negosiu ida iha rai laran.",
"Halo produsaun ba mobiliariu uza Au, Artezenatu, no dezenu ho quantidade boot.",
"Instituisaun harii iha tinan 2008 hetan apoiu husi Governu Timor-Leste.",
"Iha tinan 2018 UNDP fo tan apoiu Makina de servisu ba iha Centru rural sira, hodi halo negosiu ho Centru foun Baze Komunidade hamutuk 5, ne'ebe mak estabelese ona.",
"Rezultadu ida husi ne'e mak produsaun kapasidade Instituisaun nian aumenta diak liu dala tolu.",
"UNDP fornese fundu sosa Makina de Au, iha Centru de Servisu Au no (right) Au iha to'os iha Ailieu.",
"Ida ne'e signifika katak ema barak liu mak sei hetan servisu husi Instituisaun hodi servisu hamutuk ho ema na'in 63 ne'ebe mak agora daudaun servisu permanente.",
"Qualidade no variadade ba produtu ne'e ho signifika ne'ebe boot, inkluindu mos ho produtu foun hanesan Au Charcoal.",
"Instituisaun bele hetan to US miliaun 0.7 kada tinan, se Instituisaun iha kapasidade tomak no iha potensialidade sei hetan liu miliaun 1 US kada tinan, liu husi produtu diversifikasaun merkadoria.",
"Instituisaun agora daudaun servisu hela hodi produz kadeira auo hamutuk 10,000 ba Universidade Timor-Leste, no iha futuru espera eskola hotu-hotu iha Rai ida ne'e sei komesa investe hodi uza Mobiliariu Au iha klasse laran.",
"Governu Timor-Leste komesa ona ho inisiativu balun hodi fo apoiu ba industria kuda Au.",
"Au konsidera hanesan setor prioridade importante liu iha planu estratejiku dezenvolvimentu Nasaun ida ne'e nian ba tinan (2011-2030), ho objektivu atu aumenta rekursu Au iha rai laran parte Floresta nian no agrikultura nian.",
"Au mos refere ba produtu non florestal ida ne'ebe ho valor bo'ot tebes, iha revizaun politika florestal nasional tinan (2017).",
"Importante tebes tanba hetan aprovasaun husi Ministeriu Agrikultura e peskas iha Marsu 2019 kona-ba Estratejia Nasional Au.",
"Mezmu iha pasu posetivu ne'ebe kria husi estatamentu politika sira ne'e, maibe impaktu potensialidade Au seidauk realiza maximu iha Nasaun ida ne'e.",
"Liu husi avaliasaun foin daudaun ne'e, sei iha dezafius barak mak hanesan; Rekursu natural Au seidauk jere ninia kualidade no kuantidade ho diak Agrikutores lokal sira no kuda na'in sira iha konesementu limitadu ba kuda Au.",
"Atu hadia rekursu naturais ida ne'e sai diak liu, Nasaun presiza proteje, no hakiak Au ho sustentabilidade.",
"Tanba agora daudaun seidauk iha politika ida, hodi haree ba asuntu setor industrial Au nian.",
"Timor-Leste agora daudaun foka liu ba iha plantasaun, jere no diversifikaaun domestiku Au, ba aplikasaun industrial ho sustentavel.",
"Governu planu hela hodi aloka tan rekursu adisional ba implementasaun Estratejia Nasional Au, fully tap ho potensialidade ba \"Osan Matak\" liu husi konservasaun dezenvolvimentu ekonomia ambiental iha rai laran."
] | [
"UN in Timor-Leste Blogs 30 May,21:45 PM Access time (UTC+8):79 From small things............great deeds can make a difference."
"Viveiro Au (left) with Agricultores in Aileu."
"From: Roy Trivedy and Shyam K Paudel When many people talk about agricultural production in Timor-Leste, they don't mention the fruit trees."
"Sub-temperature water grows in the tropics, but better diversity is found on subtropical regions of planet."
"As a result of globalization, the forest has covered nearly two million hectares with over one thousand and twenty species."
"This shows that Au has contributed to the livelihoods of more than a billion people since globalization."
"For example, China makes nearly $30 billion a year and employs more than 7.5 million people in the gold-growing sand industry (creating jobs)."
"In 2013, China exported gold products worth US$658 million and supplieds about half of the global market for \"Osan Matak\" Timor-Leste is rich in natural resources such as Gold."
"Wheat is one of the fastest growing crop species, and a pillar for rural economic development in all parts Of The World."
"Almost has included over 1,025 products and there is no limitation to construction materials; furnitures. handicraft items: textile fabrications (textiles), woodworking equipment(woodworks); food/feed for animals - paper energy-efficient water used by local communities in many parts of the world since decades ago"
"Primeira da Mae Isabel Ferreira spoke to female workers at the Au Production Centre. The au production has started over 12 months ago with significant change in Timor-Leste, and it is now going on for another year or so!"
"Base community began to develop change cultivation Au, in order To achieve impressive results."
"Au cultivation not only contributes to the development of national and local economies, but also raises people' s income."
"You also give benefits to others."
"Au prevene Rai, Erozaun. no rai halai (Au prevent the heavens and erosion of them)."
"Au also contributes to Bee Conservation, and Disaster Risk Reduction."
"There is great potential to increase the incomes of rural communities through training in planting, management processes and construction."
"Timor-Leste has 10 Au species including D. asper, one of the strongest and multifunctional au specimens with potential to produce over two dozen tons per hectare (25 t/ha)."
"With the support of UNDP, Gleno community in Ermera Municipality has started operation on March 5th.2019 at Centre for Au Processing (CAP)."
"The local communities were delighted with the three-month gold production, which yielded a profit of US$5.0 thousand - an amazing result as was that for coffee by Local farmers in their own area territory and beyond!"
"The Au Community Centre buys the oil from local farmer (female and male) processes it to make coffee, then send them back into an au institution."
"Afterwards, the Institution used these materials to make various products for buildings and home furniture. They also made portrait paintings among other things"
"The Au Centre in Gleno currently employs five people, and encompassed a hundred local growers involved with the cultivation of au."
"Talk to farmers in Liquica about the potential of Au and (Right) Feto through plantations at Dare."
"At the moment, 9 Community Based Centres are processing Au in different parts to supply them for final processing at an AU Institution."
"The Au Institution has signed a Memorandum of Understanding with each Community Centre, to guarantee the price for repairing their facilities."
"We can see very clearly, that Au has made a huge systemic change and changed the lives of thousands on hundred agricultural workers in their country."
"Institution or semi-autonomous governmental entity, like a business in the country."
"Produce furniture using Gold, Artezenatu and design in large quantities."
"The institution was founded in 2013 with the support of Timor-Leste Government."
"In 2018, UNDP also supported the installation of work machines in rural centres to do business with five new Community Based Centres that have already been established."
"One result of this is that the institution's production capacity has increased more than threefold."
"UNDP provides funds to buy Au Machines, at the Centre de Service d'Au and (right) au in a forest of Ailieu."
"This means that more people will be employed by the Institution to work alongside its 63 permanent employees."
"The quality and variety of the products is very important, including new ones such as Au Charcoal."
"The institution can earn up to US$0.7 million per year, if the Institution has full capacity and potential will gain more than 1 Million USD a Year through product diversification markets"
"The institution is currently working on producing 10,256 high chairs for the University of Timor-Leste and in future it expects all schools across this country to start investigation into using Au Furniture within classroom."
"The Government of Timor-Leste has begun with some initiatives to support the gold growing industry."
"Au is considered as the most important priority sector in this nation's strategic development plan for years (2013- ) with a goal to increase au resources within forestry and agriculture."
"Au also refers to a non-forest product of high value, in the National Forest Policy Review (2017)."
"It is very important because it was approved by the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries in March 2019 on Estrategia Nacional Au."
"Although there are positive steps created by these policy statements, the impact of Au potential has not been realized to its maximum in this nation."
"According to recent assessments, there will be many challenges such as; Natural resource Au is not well managed in terms of quality and quantity Local farmer & crops owners have limited knowledge about growing au."
"In order to better exploit this natural resource, the nation must protect and sustainably harvest it."
"Because there is currently no policy to deal with the Au industrial sector."
"Timor-Leste is now focusing more on the plantation, management and diversification of domestic Au for sustainable industrial applications."
"The Government plans to allocate additional resources for the implementation of Estrategia Nasional Au, fully tap with potential \"Osan Matak\" through conservations and environmental economic development in country."
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Presiza Kria Kondisaun Fasilita Ema Ho Defisiente Asesu Ba Vasinasaun Covid-19\nDiretur Executivu Asosiasaun Defisiente Timor-Leste (ADTL), Cesario da Silva hateten ekipa vasinasaun Covid-19 presiza kria kondisaun ne’ebe asesivel ba ema ho defisiente sira, liu-liu iha area remotas atu asesu ba vasina tanba maioria sentru saúde no postu vasinasaun sira la asesivel ba ema ho defisiente.\nDiretur Executivu Asosiasaun Defisiente Timor-Leste (ADTL), Cesario da Silva hateten ekipa vasinasaun Covid-19 presiza kria kondisaun ne’ebe asesivel ba ema ho defisiente sira.\nNia salienta kondisaun ne’ebe la asesivel no atendimentu ne’ebe la dignu halo ema ho defisiente sente la konfortavel no esklui aan atu hetan atendimentu kuidadu saúde.\n“Ema ho defisiente barak liu depende ba familia no ema seluk, entau ho situasaun sira agora limita movimentu sai dezafiu bo’ot ba sira, liu-liu sira ne’ebe iha area remotas atu asesu ba kuidadu saúde tanba jeralmente kondisaun ne’ebe impede partisipasaun maka sentru saúde barak laiha asesibilidade difisil ba sira uza kadera roda no aitonka,” nia hateten iha servisu fatin Maskarinhas, Dili.\nNia dehan ema ho defisiente iha munisipiu Dili, barak maka simu ona vasina Covid-19, liu-liu sira ne’ebe halibur aan no servisu iha organizasaun defisiente sira.\nNia hateten ADTL no membru organizasaun defisiente sira nafatin halo sosializasaun no enkoraja ema ho defisiente sira atu hakbesik aan ba postu vasinasaun hodi simu vasina atu iha imunidade hasoru virus tanba vasina maka uniku meus prevensaun ne’ebe efetivu.\nEntertantu, Vice Ministru da Saúde, Bonifacio Mau Coli dos Reis hateten atu hasa’e kobertura vasinasaun Covid-19, sira halo aproximasaun ho liña ministerio hotu to’o iha lider komunitaria sira atu halibur rekursu hamutuk hodi halo kampanha sensibilizasaun ba komunidade sira konaba vantajen vasina.\nNia dehan kobertura vasinasaun iha munisipio seluk sei ki’ik tebes tanba komunidade sira konsumu ona informasaun hoax sira, maibe ho kampanha sensibilizasaun ne’ebe halao intensifika iha komunidade bele ajuda konsensializa ema hotu hakbesik aan ba postu vasinasaun atu simu vasina.\n“Enkontru hamutuk ho lider komunitaria sira tanba sira maka besik liu komunidade, entau ho sira nia prezensa atu konsensializa komunidade sira atu simu vasina. Tanba ho vasina deit maka ita bele protese aan husi virus Covid-19 no variante seluk ne’ebe regista ona iha rai laran,” nia hateten.\nNia hatutan ekipa vasinasaun hamutuk ho lider komunitaria sira fasilita atendimentu vasina iha nivel Aldeia, atu ema hotu bele iha asesu.\nTuir dadus progressu vasinasaun Covid-19 iha Timor-Leste, to’o iha loron 17 fulan Agostu tinan 2021, dose dahuluk atinji ona 45.6% no dose daruak atinji ona 17.8%.\nIha parte seluk, Reprejentante Organizasaun Mundial Saúde iha Timor-Leste, Doutor Arvind Mathur kongratula governu ne’ebe halo esforsu atu hasa’e kobertura vasinasaun iha rai laran, maibe preokupa ho komportamentu sosiedade nian, ne’ebe barak la kumpri medida preventiva sira tanba vasina lao fator determinante mesak tenke mantein protokolu saúde publika seluk.\n“Hau nia observasaun lao iha Dili laran hare, laran ladun kontente tanba ema hira ne’ebe lao iha dalan sira la tuir regras protokolu saúde publika nian, entau taxa vasinasaun iha Dili a’as no kazu infesaun foun mos aumenta makas,” nia hateten.\nNia hateten ema ne’ebe simu ona vasina kompletu mos iha posibilidade atu hetan infesaun Covid-19, maibe posibilidade ne’e ki’ik, wainhira hetan infesaun mos kondisaun kaman, la hamosu komplikasaun no sei risku ki’ik atu hada’e virus ba ema seluk tanba ne’e importante ema hotu tenke vasina. | [
"Presiza Kria Kondisaun Fasilita Ema Ho Defisiente Asesu Ba Vasinasaun Covid-19 Diretur Executivu Asosiasaun Defisiente Timor-Leste (ADTL), Cesario da Silva hateten ekipa vasinasaun Covid-19 presiza kria kondisaun ne'ebe asesivel ba ema ho defisiente sira, liu-liu iha area remotas atu asesu ba vasina tanba maioria sentru saude no postu vasinasaun sira la asesivel ba ema ho defisiente.",
"Diretur Executivu Asosiasaun Defisiente Timor-Leste (ADTL), Cesario da Silva hateten ekipa vasinasaun Covid-19 presiza kria kondisaun ne'ebe asesivel ba ema ho defisiente sira.",
"Nia salienta kondisaun ne'ebe la asesivel no atendimentu ne'ebe la dignu halo ema ho defisiente sente la konfortavel no esklui aan atu hetan atendimentu kuidadu saude.",
"\"Ema ho defisiente barak liu depende ba familia no ema seluk, entau ho situasaun sira agora limita movimentu sai dezafiu bo'ot ba sira, liu-liu sira ne'ebe iha area remotas atu asesu ba kuidadu saude tanba jeralmente kondisaun ne'ebe impede partisipasaun maka sentru saude barak laiha asesibilidade difisil ba sira uza kadera roda no aitonka,\" nia hateten iha servisu fatin Maskarinhas, Dili.",
"Nia dehan ema ho defisiente iha munisipiu Dili, barak maka simu ona vasina Covid-19, liu-liu sira ne'ebe halibur aan no servisu iha organizasaun defisiente sira.",
"Nia hateten ADTL no membru organizasaun defisiente sira nafatin halo sosializasaun no enkoraja ema ho defisiente sira atu hakbesik aan ba postu vasinasaun hodi simu vasina atu iha imunidade hasoru virus tanba vasina maka uniku meus prevensaun ne'ebe efetivu.",
"Entertantu, Vice Ministru da Saude, Bonifacio Mau Coli dos Reis hateten atu hasa'e kobertura vasinasaun Covid-19, sira halo aproximasaun ho lina ministerio hotu to'o iha lider komunitaria sira atu halibur rekursu hamutuk hodi halo kampanha sensibilizasaun ba komunidade sira konaba vantajen vasina.",
"Nia dehan kobertura vasinasaun iha munisipio seluk sei ki'ik tebes tanba komunidade sira konsumu ona informasaun hoax sira, maibe ho kampanha sensibilizasaun ne'ebe halao intensifika iha komunidade bele ajuda konsensializa ema hotu hakbesik aan ba postu vasinasaun atu simu vasina.",
"\"Enkontru hamutuk ho lider komunitaria sira tanba sira maka besik liu komunidade, entau ho sira nia prezensa atu konsensializa komunidade sira atu simu vasina.",
"Tanba ho vasina deit maka ita bele protese aan husi virus Covid-19 no variante seluk ne'ebe regista ona iha rai laran,\" nia hateten.",
"Nia hatutan ekipa vasinasaun hamutuk ho lider komunitaria sira fasilita atendimentu vasina iha nivel Aldeia, atu ema hotu bele iha asesu.",
"Tuir dadus progressu vasinasaun Covid-19 iha Timor-Leste, to'o iha loron 17 fulan Agostu tinan 2021, dose dahuluk atinji ona 45.6% no dose daruak atinji ona 17.8%.",
"Iha parte seluk, Reprejentante Organizasaun Mundial Saude iha Timor-Leste, Doutor Arvind Mathur kongratula governu ne'ebe halo esforsu atu hasa'e kobertura vasinasaun iha rai laran, maibe preokupa ho komportamentu sosiedade nian, ne'ebe barak la kumpri medida preventiva sira tanba vasina lao fator determinante mesak tenke mantein protokolu saude publika seluk.",
"\"Hau nia observasaun lao iha Dili laran hare, laran ladun kontente tanba ema hira ne'ebe lao iha dalan sira la tuir regras protokolu saude publika nian, entau taxa vasinasaun iha Dili a'as no kazu infesaun foun mos aumenta makas,\" nia hateten.",
"Nia hateten ema ne'ebe simu ona vasina kompletu mos iha posibilidade atu hetan infesaun Covid-19, maibe posibilidade ne'e ki'ik, wainhira hetan infesaun mos kondisaun kaman, la hamosu komplikasaun no sei risku ki'ik atu hada'e virus ba ema seluk tanba ne'e importante ema hotu tenke vasina."
] | [
"The Executive Director of the Timor-Leste Disabled Association (ADTL), Cesario da Silva, said that Covid 19 vaccination teams need to create conditions which are accessible for people with disabilities. Especially in remote areas where most health centres and immunization posts cannot be accessed by persons who have special needs as they do not provide adequate facilities or care services at their disposal so it is necessary creating an environment suitable therefore facilitating disable patients' participation on COVID vaccine delivery processes"
"The Executive Director of the Timor-Leste Disabled Association (ADTL), Cesario da Silva, said that Covid 19 vaccination teams need to create accessible conditions for people with disabilities."
"She highlighted the inaccessible conditions and unworthy care that make people with disabilities feel uneasy, excluding themselves from access to healthcare."
"\"People with disabilities are more dependent on their families and others, but the situations now limiting mobility become a great challenge for them to access health care especially those in remote areas because generally conditions that impede participation is many medical centers lack hard-accessibly wheelchaired people using aitonka\", he said at his workplace Maskarinhas."
"He said that many people with disabilities in Dili municipality have received the Covid-19 vaccine, especially those who gather and work for disabled organizations."
"He said that ADTL and members of disabled organizations continue to raise awareness, encouraging people with disabilities in the area for vaccination stations so they can be vaccinated against HIV/AIDS because vaccine is only an effective prevention."
"Meanwhile, Vice Minister of Health Bonifacio Mau Coli dos Reis said that to increase the coverage in Covid-19 vaccinations they have made an approach with all ministries and even community leaders so as a gathering together resources for raising communities' consciousness about vaccine benefits."
"He said that vaccination coverage in other municipalities will be very low because the community has consumed hoax information, but with awareness campaigns being intensified amongst communities can help raise people' s consciousness to approach an immunization station and get vaccinated."
"\"I met with community leaders because they are closest to the communities, and their presence helps raise awareness among them about getting vaccinated."
"Because only with vaccination we can protect ourselves from the Covid-19 virus and other variants that have been registered in Brazil,\" he said."
"He added that the vaccination teams, together with community leaders facilitate immunization coverage at village level so everyone can have access."
"According to the data on Covid-19 vaccination progress in Timor Leste, as of August 20th (Sunday), first dose coverage has reached a high level and second doses have already been given by more than one third."
"On the other hand, World Health Organization Representative in Timor-Leste Dr. Arvind Mathur congratulated government on its efforts to increase vaccination coverage but was concerned about society's behaviour as many people do not comply with preventive measure because vaccine is a determinant factor if public health protocol are maintained elsewhere"
"\"My observation in Dili, I am not satisfied because many people walking on the streets are failing to follow public health protocol rules. The vaccination rate is high and new cases have also increased dramatically.\""
"He said that people who have been fully vaccinated also may get Covid-19 infection, but the possibility is small. When they are infected with a mild condition and do not cause complications there will be little risk of spreading virus to others so it's important everyone should take their vaccine!"
] |
pdhj realiza treinamentu, hodi hasa’e kuñesimentu lideransa komunitaria - PDHJ - Provedoria dos Direitos Humanos e Justiça\nDistrito Likisa– Atu hasae kuñesimentu lideransa komunitaria sira nian kona-ba direitus humanos, analiza konflitu, trafiku umanu no mediasaun Provedoria dos Direitos Humanos e Justiça (PDHJ) liu husi direasaun nasional Direirus Humanos realiza treinamentu ba lideransa komunitaria sira iha Distritu Liquiça. Treinamentu ne,ebé hala’o hahu husi loron 15-19 Setembru 2012. Treinamentu ne,e realiza tanba servisu hamutuk entre PDHJ, Ministeriu Administrasaun Estatal (MAE) liu husi direasaun Nasional Administrasaun Apoiu Suku no Ministeriu Solidaridade Sosial (MSS) liu husi diresaun Nasional Asistensia Sosial.\nSilverio Pinto Baptista, Adjuntu Provedor ba area direitus umanus hateten knaar importante ida PDHJ nian liu husi Diresaun Nasional direitus Humanos mak fó kapasitasaun ba lideransa komunitaria sira atu nune’e sira bele hatene sira-nia knaar nu’udar lideransa iha suku nia laran.\nSilverio subliña katak, treinamentu ne,e nu’udar oportunidade di’ak ba lideransa komunitaria sira. Tanba materia sira ne,ebé hato’o husi treinador sira hanesan bukae ida ba lideransa komunitaria atu bele implementa iha suku nia laran. Tanba dala ruma ruma sira mós nu’udar parte ida ne’ebé sai autor ba violasaun direitus umanos karik tanba sira la hatene informasaun, karik sira hatene maibe la kohi implementa. Nune’e liu husi treinamentu ne’e bele hasa’e kuiñesimentu ba Xefe suku sira.\nRosalina hatutan, liu husi treinamentu ne’e, lider komunitaria sira bele iha konhesimentu konaba analizasaun konflitu liu husi identifikasaun problema, abut ne’ebe hamosu problema no impaktu husi problema, ho nune’e lider komunitaria sir abele halo prosesu mediasaun ba kazu sivil ne’ebe mak akontese iha sucu laran.\nPartisipantes iha treianemntu maka hanesan lideransa komunitaria no reprejentante feto iha suku nia laran hamutuk ema nain tolu nulu.\nPrevious: PDHJ Rona Preukupasaun Komunidade Bobonaro\nNext: pdhj – ekipa revizaun periodiku universal habelar informasaun rekomendasaun ba entidades estadu tl | [
"pdhj realiza treinamentu, hodi hasa'e kunesimentu lideransa komunitaria - PDHJ - Provedoria dos Direitos Humanos e Justica Distrito Likisa- Atu hasae kunesimentu lideransa komunitaria sira nian kona-ba direitus humanos, analiza konflitu, trafiku umanu no mediasaun Provedoria dos Direitos Humanos e Justica (PDHJ) liu husi direasaun nasional Direirus Humanos realiza treinamentu ba lideransa komunitaria sira iha Distritu Liquica.",
"Treinamentu ne,ebe hala'o hahu husi loron 15-19 Setembru 2012.",
"Treinamentu ne,e realiza tanba servisu hamutuk entre PDHJ, Ministeriu Administrasaun Estatal (MAE) liu husi direasaun Nasional Administrasaun Apoiu Suku no Ministeriu Solidaridade Sosial (MSS) liu husi diresaun Nasional Asistensia Sosial.",
"Silverio Pinto Baptista, Adjuntu Provedor ba area direitus umanus hateten knaar importante ida PDHJ nian liu husi Diresaun Nasional direitus Humanos mak fo kapasitasaun ba lideransa komunitaria sira atu nune'e sira bele hatene sira-nia knaar nu'udar lideransa iha suku nia laran.",
"Silverio sublina katak, treinamentu ne,e nu'udar oportunidade di'ak ba lideransa komunitaria sira.",
"Tanba materia sira ne,ebe hato'o husi treinador sira hanesan bukae ida ba lideransa komunitaria atu bele implementa iha suku nia laran.",
"Tanba dala ruma ruma sira mos nu'udar parte ida ne'ebe sai autor ba violasaun direitus umanos karik tanba sira la hatene informasaun, karik sira hatene maibe la kohi implementa.",
"Nune'e liu husi treinamentu ne'e bele hasa'e kuinesimentu ba Xefe suku sira.",
"Rosalina hatutan, liu husi treinamentu ne'e, lider komunitaria sira bele iha konhesimentu konaba analizasaun konflitu liu husi identifikasaun problema, abut ne'ebe hamosu problema no impaktu husi problema, ho nune'e lider komunitaria sir abele halo prosesu mediasaun ba kazu sivil ne'ebe mak akontese iha sucu laran.",
"Partisipantes iha treianemntu maka hanesan lideransa komunitaria no reprejentante feto iha suku nia laran hamutuk ema nain tolu nulu.",
"Previous: PDHJ Rona Preukupasaun Komunidade Bobonaro Next: pdhj - ekipa revizaun periodiku universal habelar informasaun rekomendasaun ba entidades estadu tl"
] | [
"pdhj conducts training, to raise awareness of community leadership - PDHJ- Provedoria dos Direitos Humanos e Justiça Distrito Likisa To increase the knowledge and understanding by communities leaders on human rights issues such as conflict analysis; trafficking in person. The Procuratory for Human Rights & Justice (PDH J) through its national directorate Directorato Nacional de Direirus Humainos has carried out an educational course aimed at developing their skills with regard towards mediation amongst local people who have been victimized or are being targeted from criminal groups that act against civil society organization( CSO)."
"The training, which was conducted from 15-20 September of the same year."
"The training was carried out in cooperation between the PDHJ, Ministry of State Administration (MAE) through its National Directorate for Village Support and Social Solidarity Departments."
"Silverio Pinto Baptista, Deputy Prosecutor for Human Rights said that an important role of the PDHJ through its National Directorate on human rights is to provide training and capacity building courses in community leadership so they can understand their responsibilities as leaders within communitie."
"Silverio emphasizes that the training is a good opportunity for community leaders."
"The materials presented by the trainers are a challenge for community leaders to implement in their communities."
"Because sometimes they are also part of the authors who violate human rights, either because it is not known to them; or know but cannot implement."
"This training will also provide knowledge to the village chiefs, and they can then use it in their own community."
"Rosalina said that through this training, community leaders can have knowledge about conflict analysis by identifying problems and the causes which caused them to arise. In addition they will be able mediate civil disputes in their communities as well;"
"Participants in the training are community leaders and women representatives from their communities, totaling three people."
"Next: pdhj - universal periodic review team to provide information and recommendations for state entities tl"
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Terça-Feira, XII Semana Tempo Comum (ANO A) – Diocese de Dili\nDiocese de Dili > NOTÍCIAS > LETURA DIÁRIA > Terça-Feira, XII Semana Tempo Comum (ANO A)\nTerça-Feira, XII Semana Tempo Comum (ANO A)\nPrimeira Leitura 2 Rs. 19. 9b-11, 14-21, 31-35a, 36\nIha loron hirak nebá, Senaquerib, liurai Assiria nian haruka manu ain sira ba Ezequias, ho lia hirak ne’e: “imi sei dehan ba Ezequias, liurai Judá nian, nune’e: ‘ ó keta fiar ó nia Maromak, iha ida be ó tau neon, Nia dehan ba ó karik: Jerusalém sei la monu ba liurai Assíria nia liman!’ tebes, ó hatene buat nebé liurai sira Assíria nian halo ba nação hot-hotu, uainhira hamohu lakon sira. Ó hanoin katak ó mesak de’it bele hela?”.\nEzequias simu tiha surat housi manu ain sira liman hodi lê. Hafoin, nia sa’e ba Templo, loke surat ne’e iha Na’i nia oin, hodi harohan ho lia fuan hirak e’e: “Na’i, Israel nia Maromak, Ita be hatodan-An iha kadunan ida be áas liu Querubim sira nian, ita mesak de’it mak Maromak reino hot-hotu mundo rai-klaran nian, Ita mak halo lalehan no rai. Na’i, sée tilun mai hodi rona, loke matan mai hodi haré. Ita rona Senaquerib nia liafuan sira nebé haruka mai hodi dehan áat Maromak moris nian.\nTebes duni, Na’i, liurai sira Assíria nian hamohu lakon nação sira no sira rain. Soe sira nia Maromak ba ahi, tanba la’os Maromak lós, maibé ema nia liman fatin, hodi halo ho ai no fatuk; tan ne’e sira bele halo rahun. Maibé, Na’i oras ne’e, soi ami housi Senaquerib nia liman, nune’e povu hot-hotu raiklaran nian bele hatene katak Ita, Na’i, mesak de’it mak Maromak”.\nNune’e, profeta Isaías, Amós nia oan mane, haruka fó hatene ba Ezequias nune’e: “Na’i, Israel nia Maromak dehan nune’e: Ha’u rona tiha ona harohan nebé ó hasa’e mai kona ba Senaquerib, liurai Assíria nian. Ho liafuan hirak ne’e mak Na’i ko’alia hasouru nia: ‘Nia hakribi ó hodi hamoe ó, Sião nia oan feto sala laek; kaku ulun iha ó kotuk Jerusalé sei monu resto ida no housi foho Sião sei mosu sobrevivente sira. Kbi’ít Na’i lalehan no rai nia mak sei halo buat ne’e hotu’. Na’i ko’alia kona ba liurai Assíria nian nune’e: ‘Nia sei la tama iha cidade ida ne’e, rama isin ida mós sei la tuda hasouru nia; sei la hasouru ho escudo eh kalili ida, sei la hamriik hasouru nia atu funu. Nia sei fila housi dalan nebé nia mai, maibé, sei la tama iha cidade ida ne’e. Na’i nia futar lia! Ha’u sei souri cidade ida ne’e tan Ha’u-an rasik no tan Ha’u atan David”.\nIha kalan ida ne’e duni, Na’i nia Anjo mosu iha assirio sira nia batane hodi oho ema rihun atus ida ualu-nulu. Senaquerib, liurai Assíria nian, hamriik housi nia hela fatin hodi fila ho nia emar sira hodi ba hôrik iha Nínive.\nSalmo Responsorial Sal. 47 (48). 2-4, 10-11(R. 9d)\nRefrão : Na’i, hatau nafatin Ita nia hôrik fatin!!! Repete-se\nNa’i boot tebes, so’i simu hahí\nIha Nia foho santo ba kmook liu foho oan sira,\nFoho Sião nu’udar rohan tasi-feto nian,\nMak cidade Liurai Boot nian.\nIha nebá Maromak hatudu-An,\nMaromak, ami hanoin ita laran-luak,\nIha ita tempo laran.\nHanesan Ita naran, Maromak,\nNune’e, hahí Ita housi rai-ulun to’o rai-ikun. Refrão\nNa’i dehan: Ha’u mundo nia roman; ema sé tuir Ha’u,\nSei hetan roman moris nian. Refrão\nIha tempo nebá, Jesus hateten ba nia escolante sira: “keta fó buat nebé santo ba asu sira. Keta soe imi nia fatuk murak ba fahi sira; lae karik, sira ne’e sei sama imi nia fatuk murak, hafoin fila hasouru imi hodi tata les imi.” “Ne’e duni, buat hotu nebé imi hakarakema halo ba imi, imi mós halo ba sira; basá ne’e mak ukunfuan no profeta sira.”\n“Tama housi odamatan kloot ba; basá odamatan boot no dalan luan mak lori ema atu lakon an, no ema barak liu housi nia. Maibé odamatan kloot tebes no dalan kiik duni mak lori ema ba moris, no ema uitoan de’it mak hetan nia,”\nPrevious PostGOVERNO REUNIÃO INTERMINISTERIAL ATU ANALIZA RESPOSTA BA IMPACTO DEZASTRES NATURAIS Next PostAMIZADE NE’E LA’OS OPORTUNIDADE MAIBÉ RESPONSABILIDADE” | [
"Terca-Feira, XII Semana Tempo Comum (ANO A) - Diocese de Dili Diocese de Dili > NOTICIAS > LETURA DIARIA > Terca-Feira, XII Semana Tempo Comum (ANO A) Terca-Feira, XII Semana Tempo Comum (ANO A) Primeira Leitura 2 Rs. 19.",
"9b-11, 14-21, 31-35a, 36 Iha loron hirak neba, Senaquerib, liurai Assiria nian haruka manu ain sira ba Ezequias, ho lia hirak ne'e: \"imi sei dehan ba Ezequias, liurai Juda nian, nune'e: ' o keta fiar o nia Maromak, iha ida be o tau neon, Nia dehan ba o karik: Jerusalem sei la monu ba liurai Assiria nia liman!' tebes, o hatene buat nebe liurai sira Assiria nian halo ba nacao hot-hotu, uainhira hamohu lakon sira.",
"O hanoin katak o mesak de'it bele hela?.\"",
"Ezequias simu tiha surat housi manu ain sira liman hodi le.",
"Hafoin, nia sa'e ba Templo, loke surat ne'e iha Na'i nia oin, hodi harohan ho lia fuan hirak e'e: \"Na'i, Israel nia Maromak, Ita be hatodan-An iha kadunan ida be aas liu Querubim sira nian, ita mesak de'it mak Maromak reino hot-hotu mundo rai-klaran nian, Ita mak halo lalehan no rai.",
"Na'i, see tilun mai hodi rona, loke matan mai hodi hare.",
"Ita rona Senaquerib nia liafuan sira nebe haruka mai hodi dehan aat Maromak moris nian.",
"Tebes duni, Na'i, liurai sira Assiria nian hamohu lakon nacao sira no sira rain.",
"Soe sira nia Maromak ba ahi, tanba la'os Maromak los, maibe ema nia liman fatin, hodi halo ho ai no fatuk; tan ne'e sira bele halo rahun.",
"Maibe, Na'i oras ne'e, soi ami housi Senaquerib nia liman, nune'e povu hot-hotu raiklaran nian bele hatene katak Ita, Na'i, mesak de'it mak Maromak.\"",
"Nune'e, profeta Isaias, Amos nia oan mane, haruka fo hatene ba Ezequias nune'e: \"Na'i, Israel nia Maromak dehan nune'e: Ha'u rona tiha ona harohan nebe o hasa'e mai kona ba Senaquerib, liurai Assiria nian.",
"Ho liafuan hirak ne'e mak Na'i ko'alia hasouru nia: 'Nia hakribi o hodi hamoe o, Siao nia oan feto sala laek; kaku ulun iha o kotuk Jerusale sei monu resto ida no housi foho Siao sei mosu sobrevivente sira.",
"Kbi'it Na'i lalehan no rai nia mak sei halo buat ne'e hotu'.",
"Na'i ko'alia kona ba liurai Assiria nian nune'e: 'Nia sei la tama iha cidade ida ne'e, rama isin ida mos sei la tuda hasouru nia; sei la hasouru ho escudo eh kalili ida, sei la hamriik hasouru nia atu funu.",
"Nia sei fila housi dalan nebe nia mai, maibe, sei la tama iha cidade ida ne'e.",
"Na'i nia futar lia!",
"Ha'u sei souri cidade ida ne'e tan Ha'u-an rasik no tan Ha'u atan David.\"",
"Iha kalan ida ne'e duni, Na'i nia Anjo mosu iha assirio sira nia batane hodi oho ema rihun atus ida ualu-nulu.",
"Senaquerib, liurai Assiria nian, hamriik housi nia hela fatin hodi fila ho nia emar sira hodi ba horik iha Ninive.",
"Salmo Responsorial Sal.",
"47 (48).",
"2-4, 10-11 (R. 9d) Refrao: Na'i, hatau nafatin Ita nia horik fatin!!!",
"Repete-se Na'i boot tebes, so'i simu hahi Iha Nia foho santo ba kmook liu foho oan sira, Foho Siao nu'udar rohan tasi-feto nian, Mak cidade Liurai Boot nian.",
"Iha neba Maromak hatudu-An, Maromak, ami hanoin ita laran-luak, Iha ita tempo laran.",
"Hanesan Ita naran, Maromak, Nune'e, hahi Ita housi rai-ulun to'o rai-ikun.",
"Refrao Na'i dehan: Ha'u mundo nia roman; ema se tuir Ha'u, Sei hetan roman moris nian.",
"Refrao Iha tempo neba, Jesus hateten ba nia escolante sira: \"keta fo buat nebe santo ba asu sira.",
"Keta soe imi nia fatuk murak ba fahi sira; lae karik, sira ne'e sei sama imi nia fatuk murak, hafoin fila hasouru imi hodi tata les imi.\"",
"\"Ne'e duni, buat hotu nebe imi hakarakema halo ba imi, imi mos halo ba sira; basa ne'e mak ukunfuan no profeta sira.\"",
"\"Tama housi odamatan kloot ba; basa odamatan boot no dalan luan mak lori ema atu lakon an, no ema barak liu housi nia.",
"Maibe odamatan kloot tebes no dalan kiik duni mak lori ema ba moris, no ema uitoan de'it mak hetan nia,\" Previous PostGOVERNO REUNIAO INTERMINISTERIAL ATU ANALIZA RESPOSTA BA IMPACTO DEZASTRES NATURAIS Next PostAMIZADE NE'E LA'OS OPORTUNIDADE MAIBE RESPONSABILIDADE\""
] | [
"Tuesday, 12th Week in Ordinary Time (YEAR A) - Diocese of Dili The diocese > NEWS> DAILY READINGS: First Reading from the Gospel According to St. Matthew and John Sundays – Year B Wednesday-Thursday Twelve Days In Common Season YOUR DIOCESE"
"36 At that time Sennacherib king of Assyria sent messengers to Hezekiah, saying: \"Say this unto Ezechias the King Of Judah; 'Hast thou not trusted in thy God whom you have worshipped and who hath spoken with your heart'? Jerusalem shall be delivering into his hand. For what doth he know which things are done by them against all nations when they destroy their land?\""
"Do you think that the mesak alone can live?\"."
"And Hezekiah received the letters from their hand, and read them."
"And he went up into the temple, and opened it before Jehovah; then praying to Yahweh said: O LORD God of Israel that dwellest upon thy throne above cherubims! Thou alone art Lord over all kingdoms in this world."
"Na'i, see the fingers to hear and open your eyes for sight."
"We have heard the words of Sennacherib, whom he has sent to blaspheme God."
"For it is true, O LORD: the kings of Assyria have desired to take away them and their land."
"And burn their gods in the fire: for they are not Gods, but a work of men' s hands to be made with wood and stone; therefore do these things harm."
"But now, O LORD deliver us out of his hand; that all the people in Israel may know you are God.\""
"Then Isaiah the prophet, son of Amoz sent to Hezekiah saying: Thus saith Jehovah God Of Israel; What thou hast prayed unto me concerning Sennacherib kingof Assyria I have heard."
"With these words the Lord has spoken to her, saying: 'I have despised you and put away your innocent daughter of Zion; Jerusalem will fall backwards with a remnant. And from outside Sion there shall come up those who are left behind' 10"
"For the Lord of heaven and earth, he that maketh all these things."
"Thus saith Jehovah concerning the king of Assyria, He shall not come into this city; neither will any man draw near it: nor with shield or sword shalt thou approach to fight against her."
"He will return by the way he came, but not enter this city."
"Na'i nia futar lia!"
"And I will save this city for my own sake, and the cause of David mine servant.\""
"And it came to pass in the same night, that an angel of Jehovah appeared underneath Assyria and smote a thousand one hundred fifty-nine."
"Then Sennacherib king of Assyria went up, and returned from his place with all that were in him; he came to Nineveh."
"Responsorial Psalm Ps."
"47 (2013). pp. 56–89, and pg(s)"
"2-4,10 (R.9d) Refrain: O Lord! restore thy dwelling place!!!"
"The Lord is great, he hath received glory in his holy place above the children of Egypt; Zion's valley as a wide sea: this [is] God-loving city."
"God has appeared in the heavens, we remember him with mercy. In our time he is a blessing to us all!"
"As thy name is, O God; so bless thee from head to foot."
"The Lord says: I am the kingdom of this world; he that follows me shall possess all things which are in life."
"At that time, Jesus said to his disciples: \"Do not give what is holy unto the dog."
"Don't throw your gravel to the goats, or they will eat it up and then come back for you.\""
"\"Therefore, whatever you wish to do for your fellow men in this way also make it the same with them; because that is salvation and prophets.\""
"\"Enter in by the narrow door: for wide is that gate, and broad [is] those who lead to perdition; but many are there through them."
"But the door is very wide and narrow road leads to life, but few people find it.\" Previous PostGOVERNO REUNIAO INTERMINISTERIAL ATU ANALIZA RESPONSABILIDADE PARA IMPACTO DESTASTES NATURAIS Next postFRIENDSHIP IS NOT AN OPPORTUNITY BUT a Responsibility\""
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Eskola balun hetan impedimentu implementasaun projetu komunitáriu | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste\nVARANDA DILI Eskola balun hetan impedimentu implementasaun projetu komunitáriu\nEskola balun hetan impedimentu implementasaun projetu komunitáriu\nDILI, 28 outubru 2021 (TATOLI)–Servisu Edukasaun munisipál hamutuk ho ekipa nasionál halo esforsu rezolve problema impedimentu implementasaun reabilitasaun eskola liuhosi projetu komunitáriu.\nDiretór Nasionál Dezenvolvimentu Parque Eskolár hosi Ministériu Edukasaun, Juventude no Desportu (DNDPE-MEJD), Hélio Lopes, hateten, daudaun ne’e iha sala aula 651 iha eskola 197 iha territóriu nasionál mak atu hadi’a ho totál orsamentu millaun $20-resin, maibé iha eskola hitu hasoru problema balun.\n“Eskola hitu ne’ebé hetan problema impedimentu no rai halai ne’e iha munisípiu lima hanesan Liquiçá, Ainaro, Covalima, Manatuto no Viqueque, enkuantu munisípiu Liquiçá, Ainaro no Covalima hetan ona konfirmasaun,” Diretór Nasionál hateten ba Agência TATOLI, iha ninia knaar fatin, Villa-verde, kinta ne’e.\nBa asuntu ne’e, Diretór Servisu Edukasaun munisípiu Liquiçá, Zeto António Oliveira, hateten, bazeia ba kontratu ne’ebé halo ho grupu komunidade no líder eskola sira, iha eskola 13 iha rejiaun ne’e maka atu hadi’a, ne’ebé eskola Ensinu Báziku Filiál (EBF) Dukulai mak hetan problema.\n“Eskola ne’e tama iha planu atu hadi’a, maibé kondisaun rai ladi’ak tanba monu hela de’it, entaun item atu hadi’a eskola muda fali ba hadi’a barreira ka moru,”Diretór Servisu Edukasaun munisipál konfirma ba Agência TATOLI, via telefónika, kinta ne’e.\nTuir nia, hafoin hetan konkordánsia hodi transfere osan ba item hadi’a barreira ne’e, prosesu kontratu asina hotu ona no hein de’it implementasaun, ne’ebé tuir planu tinan oin maka foin hadi’a fali eskola Dukulai.\nNune’e mós, Diretór Servisu Edukasaun munisípiu Covalima, Edmundo Fereira, haktuir, daudaun ne’e akontese problema ho eskola Ensinu Sekundáriu Tékniku Vokasionál ida iha Fohorem, ne’ebé uluk ninia estatutu eskola hanesan Ensinu Sekundáriu Jerál, maibé tama tinan 2017 to’o 2018 muda ba Tékniku Vokasionáal, tanba ne’e parte MEJD presiza rezolve asuntu ne’e.\n“Problema ida maka komunidade sira la konkorda atu hadi’a eskola Tékniku Vokasionál, maibé sira sujere di’ak liu loke fali eskola Ensinu Sekundáriu Jerál foun ida iha Fohorem,” nia akresenta.\nMaibé, ho esforsu MEJD liuhosi diresaun relevante, konsege rezolve ona asuntu ne’e no hetan ona konkordánsia atu hadi’a tanba asina ona Bill of Quantity (BoQ) iha semana kotuk.\nDiretór Servisu Edukasaun munisípiu Ainaro, Celestino Magno Pereira Rodrigues, informa eskola rua hetan problema, ida maka eskola Pre-Eskolár iha Ai-merlu no ida seluk Eskola Ensinu EBF iha Manetu.\n“Eskola Ai-merlu sei difisil tanba rai-na’in mak impede no EBF Manetu parte autoridade mak impede. Maibé, tuir informasaun hosi eskola EBF Manetu, sábadu agora parte eskola ho autoridade lokál suku sei hasoru malu atu buka solusaun hodi rezolve kazu ne’e,” nia tenik.\nPrevious articleCNC atribui prémiu ba instituisaun implementadór Rekomendasaun Chega!\nNext articleBTL, E.P tesi-kotu kanu uma-kain 400 dada bee ilegál | [
"Eskola balun hetan impedimentu implementasaun projetu komunitariu | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA DILI Eskola balun hetan impedimentu implementasaun projetu komunitariu Eskola balun hetan impedimentu implementasaun projetu komunitariu DILI, 28 outubru 2021 (TATOLI) -Servisu Edukasaun munisipal hamutuk ho ekipa nasional halo esforsu rezolve problema impedimentu implementasaun reabilitasaun eskola liuhosi projetu komunitariu.",
"Diretor Nasional Dezenvolvimentu Parque Eskolar hosi Ministeriu Edukasaun, Juventude no Desportu (DNDPE-MEJD), Helio Lopes, hateten, daudaun ne'e iha sala aula 651 iha eskola 197 iha territoriu nasional mak atu hadi'a ho total orsamentu millaun $20-resin, maibe iha eskola hitu hasoru problema balun.",
"\"Eskola hitu ne'ebe hetan problema impedimentu no rai halai ne'e iha munisipiu lima hanesan Liquica, Ainaro, Covalima, Manatuto no Viqueque, enkuantu munisipiu Liquica, Ainaro no Covalima hetan ona konfirmasaun,\" Diretor Nasional hateten ba Agencia TATOLI, iha ninia knaar fatin, Villa-verde, kinta ne'e.",
"Ba asuntu ne'e, Diretor Servisu Edukasaun munisipiu Liquica, Zeto Antonio Oliveira, hateten, bazeia ba kontratu ne'ebe halo ho grupu komunidade no lider eskola sira, iha eskola 13 iha rejiaun ne'e maka atu hadi'a, ne'ebe eskola Ensinu Baziku Filial (EBF) Dukulai mak hetan problema.",
"\"Eskola ne'e tama iha planu atu hadi'a, maibe kondisaun rai ladi'ak tanba monu hela de'it, entaun item atu hadi'a eskola muda fali ba hadi'a barreira ka moru,\"Diretor Servisu Edukasaun munisipal konfirma ba Agencia TATOLI, via telefonika, kinta ne'e.",
"Tuir nia, hafoin hetan konkordansia hodi transfere osan ba item hadi'a barreira ne'e, prosesu kontratu asina hotu ona no hein de'it implementasaun, ne'ebe tuir planu tinan oin maka foin hadi'a fali eskola Dukulai.",
"Nune'e mos, Diretor Servisu Edukasaun munisipiu Covalima, Edmundo Fereira, haktuir, daudaun ne'e akontese problema ho eskola Ensinu Sekundariu Tekniku Vokasional ida iha Fohorem, ne'ebe uluk ninia estatutu eskola hanesan Ensinu Sekundariu Jeral, maibe tama tinan 2017 to'o 2018 muda ba Tekniku Vokasionaal, tanba ne'e parte MEJD presiza rezolve asuntu ne'e.",
"\"Problema ida maka komunidade sira la konkorda atu hadi'a eskola Tekniku Vokasional, maibe sira sujere di'ak liu loke fali eskola Ensinu Sekundariu Jeral foun ida iha Fohorem,\" nia akresenta.",
"Maibe, ho esforsu MEJD liuhosi diresaun relevante, konsege rezolve ona asuntu ne'e no hetan ona konkordansia atu hadi'a tanba asina ona Bill of Quantity (BoQ) iha semana kotuk.",
"Diretor Servisu Edukasaun munisipiu Ainaro, Celestino Magno Pereira Rodrigues, informa eskola rua hetan problema, ida maka eskola Pre-Eskolar iha Ai-merlu no ida seluk Eskola Ensinu EBF iha Manetu.",
"\"Eskola Ai-merlu sei difisil tanba rai-na'in mak impede no EBF Manetu parte autoridade mak impede.",
"Maibe, tuir informasaun hosi eskola EBF Manetu, sabadu agora parte eskola ho autoridade lokal suku sei hasoru malu atu buka solusaun hodi rezolve kazu ne'e,\" nia tenik.",
"Previous articleCNC atribui premiu ba instituisaun implementador Rekomendasaun Chega!",
"Next articleBTL, E.P tesi-kotu kanu uma-kain 400 dada bee ilegal"
] | [
"Some schools are prevented from implementing community projects | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA DILI Schools in Dili Municipality, together with a national team have made efforts to resolve the problem of school rehabilitation through Community Project."
"The National Director of School Park Development at the Ministry for Education, Youth and Sports (DNDPE-MEJ D), Helio Lopes said that there are currently 651 classroom in all national schools to be improved with a total budget over $20 million but seven school have some problems."
"\"The seven schools that have experienced the problem of impediment and landslides are in five municipalities such as Liquica, Ainaro. Covalima (province), Manatuto e Viqueque; whereas Municipalitys like this one has already received confirmation\", said National Director to Agência TATOLI at his office location Villa-verde on Wednesday night.\""
"On this issue, Director of Education Service Liquica municipality Zeto Antonio Oliveira said that based on the contract made with community groups and school leaders in 13 schools to improve's region which is Ensinu Baziku Filial (EBF) Dukulai."
"\"The school is part of the plan to improve, but ground conditions are not good because it's just falling down. Therefore item for improvement in schools changed back into barrier or water damage repairing\", Director Municipal Education Service confirmed via telephone with Agência TATOLI on Wednesday (23/09)."
"According to him, after obtaining the agreement for transferring money towards improving this obstacle-breaking item of work all contractual processes have been signed and are only waiting on implementation. The plan is that next year Dukulai school will be improved again!"
"Similarly, Director of the Education Service in Covalima municipality Edmundo Fereira said that there is currently a problem with an Ensino Secundário Técnico Vocacional school (technical and vocational secondary education) located at Fohorem. This was once recognized as General Secondary School but from January to June this year it changed its name into Tekniku Vokasionaal; hence MEJD has been asked for help solving these problems:"
"\"One problem is that the communities do not agree to upgrade Technical Vocational School, but they suggest it would be better if a new General Secondary school was opened in Fohorem\", he added."
"However, with the efforts of MEJD through relevant directions it has been possible to resolve this issue and have obtained agreement for improvement because they signed a Bill Of Quantity (BoQ) last week."
"The Director of the Education Service in Ainaro municipality, Celestino Magno Pereira Rodrigues said that two schools had problems. One was a pre-school school at Ai merlu and another an EBF School for Boys’ Instruction (Escola Ensino Adolescente) on Manetu islands; both were closed due to heavy rainfall last week which caused water losses across many areas around Manaus city centre as well"
"\"Ai-merlu School will be difficult because the landlord is preventing it and EBF Manetu part of authorities."
"However, according to information from EBF Manetu school on Saturday the part of schools and local authorities will meet in a village for finding solutions that resolve this case.\""
"Previous articleCNC awards award to the institution implementing Chega! recommendation"
"Next articleBTL, E.P cut off 401 households’ illegal water supply"
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Shania Twain lidera top sira ho disku foun - Múzika - Haksolok ho SAPO\nShania Twain lidera top sira ho disku foun\nSAPO TL, 12 de outubru de 2017\n"Now" hanesan álbun daruak hosi Shania Twain ne'ebé konkista lideransa hosi top Billboard.\n"From This Moment On", "Man! I Feel Like A Woman!" ka "You re Still The One" hanesan tema balun ne'ebé marka liu iha Shania Twain nia kareira. Liutiha tinan 15 edita "Up!", kantora fila fali ba mundu múzika nian ho disku "Now", ne'ebé konkista ona semana ne'e fatin dahuluk iha top Álbun 200 hosi Billboard.\nTuir informasaun ne'ebé fó sai hosi Nielsen Music, ne'ebé haktuir hosi revista, katak fa'an ona kópia hosi álbun kantora nian hamutuk rihun 137 iha semana lansamentu nian. Serbisu foun hosi artista ne'ebé manán ona prémiu Grammy lima rejista ona kuaze dobru hosi disku sira ne'ebé fa'an hosi Demi Lovato no Miley Cyrus.\nEdita iha loron 29 Setembru liuhosi Mercury Nashville, "Now" hanesan Shania Twain nia álbun daruak ne'ebé maka konkista lideransa hosi top Billboard nian - ida uluk maka "Up!" iha 2002.\nBa dala uluk, Shania Twain la kolabora ho Mutt Lange, nia eis-laen no produtor. Iha serbisu foun ne'e, kantora serbisu ho Jake Gosling (Ed Sheeran, One Direction), Ron Aniello (Bruce Springsteen), Jacquire King (Kings of Leon) no ho kompozitor no produtor Matthew Koma.\nKantora, ne'ebé manán prémiu Grammy lima, hadook aan hosi múzika kleur tebes, la kanta ba públiku hahú iha 2006. Tristeza iha kazamentu, trauma iha pasadu no lakon nia lian halo Shania Twain tenki halo pauza ida hodi hahú fali dalan foun ida iha nia moris, hanesan nia konta iha série dokumental "Why Not? with Shania Twain" (2012).\nIha inísiu tinan 2011, artista fila fali ba estúdiu hodi hatán ba konviti hosi Lionel Richie, ne'ebé dezafia Shania Twain hodi grava knananuk "Endless Love". Iha inísiu, tanba tauk ne'ebé nia iha relasionadu ho nia lian, Shania rekuza oferta, maibé Lionel konsege konvense norte-amerikana ne'e. | [
"Shania Twain lidera top sira ho disku foun - Muzika - Haksolok ho SAPO Shania Twain lidera top sira ho disku foun SAPO TL, 12 de outubru de 2017 \"Now\" hanesan albun daruak hosi Shania Twain ne'ebe konkista lideransa hosi top Billboard.",
"\"From This Moment On,\" \"Man!",
"I Feel Like A Woman!\" ka \"You re Still The One\" hanesan tema balun ne'ebe marka liu iha Shania Twain nia kareira.",
"Liutiha tinan 15 edita \"Up!,\" kantora fila fali ba mundu muzika nian ho disku \"Now,\" ne'ebe konkista ona semana ne'e fatin dahuluk iha top Albun 200 hosi Billboard.",
"Tuir informasaun ne'ebe fo sai hosi Nielsen Music, ne'ebe haktuir hosi revista, katak fa'an ona kopia hosi albun kantora nian hamutuk rihun 137 iha semana lansamentu nian.",
"Serbisu foun hosi artista ne'ebe manan ona premiu Grammy lima rejista ona kuaze dobru hosi disku sira ne'ebe fa'an hosi Demi Lovato no Miley Cyrus.",
"Edita iha loron 29 Setembru liuhosi Mercury Nashville, \"Now\" hanesan Shania Twain nia albun daruak ne'ebe maka konkista lideransa hosi top Billboard nian - ida uluk maka \"Up!\" iha 2002.",
"Ba dala uluk, Shania Twain la kolabora ho Mutt Lange, nia eis-laen no produtor.",
"Iha serbisu foun ne'e, kantora serbisu ho Jake Gosling (Ed Sheeran, One Direction), Ron Aniello (Bruce Springsteen), Jacquire King (Kings of Leon) no ho kompozitor no produtor Matthew Koma.",
"Kantora, ne'ebe manan premiu Grammy lima, hadook aan hosi muzika kleur tebes, la kanta ba publiku hahu iha 2006.",
"Tristeza iha kazamentu, trauma iha pasadu no lakon nia lian halo Shania Twain tenki halo pauza ida hodi hahu fali dalan foun ida iha nia moris, hanesan nia konta iha serie dokumental \"Why Not? with Shania Twain\" (2012).",
"Iha inisiu tinan 2011, artista fila fali ba estudiu hodi hatan ba konviti hosi Lionel Richie, ne'ebe dezafia Shania Twain hodi grava knananuk \"Endless Love.\"",
"Iha inisiu, tanba tauk ne'ebe nia iha relasionadu ho nia lian, Shania rekuza oferta, maibe Lionel konsege konvense norte-amerikana ne'e."
] | [
"Shania Twain leads the chart with new album - Musical News from SAPO, 12 October \"Now\" is a song by American singer-songwriter and former Miss USA (Miss Universe) shanie twai."
"From This Moment On,\" \"Man!"
"I Feel Like A Woman!\" or \"You re Still The One\" are some of the most iconic songs in Shania Twain's career."
"After 15 years of releasing \"Up!\", the label returns to music with its new album “Now,” which has climbed this week into number one on Billboard’ s Top Album Chart."
"According to Nielsen Music, cited by the magazine that sold 137 thousand copies of their album in its first week."
"The new service of the five-time Grammy Award winner has recorded almost twice as many records sold than Demi Lovato and Miley Cyrus."
"Released on September 29th through Mercury Nashville, \"Now\" is Shania Twain's second album to reach the top of Billboard - her first was Up! in October."
"For the first time, Shania Twain did not collaborate with Mutt Lange as her producer."
"In this new project, the company is working with Jake Gosling (Ed Sheeran and One Direction), Ron Aniello(Bruce Springsteen) Jacquire King/King of Leon composer Matthew Koma."
"The five-time Grammy Award winner took a long break from music, not singing in public since 2016."
"Sadness at marriage, trauma from the past and loss of her voice forced Shania Twain to take a break in order for she could start on another pathway as describes by Sheila Taylor (2013) \"Why Not? with shanie twaine\"."
"Early in 2013, the artist returned to studios after receiving an invitation from Lionel Richie who had challenged Shania Twain for a recording of \"Endless Love.\""
"Initially, due to her concerns about the language she spoke in his country of origin Shania declined but Lionel convinced him."
] |
KM aprova rezolusaun apoia resensiamentu eleitoral Guiné Bissau | GMN TV | Grupo Média Nacional\nReuniaun Konsellu Ministru ne’ebé hala’o iha Kuarta (03/10), Governu aprova ona rezolusaun ida atu kontinua fó apoiu ba prosesu resensiamentu eleitoral iha nasaun Guiné Bissau.\nMinistru Estadu Prezidensia Konsellu Ministru, Agio Pereira, hateten, Governu mós deside hodi nomeia Tomas Cabral atu xefia misaun apoiu ba Guiné Bissau ne’e.\n“Konsellu Ministru aprova mós rezolusaun Governu nian kona ba apoiu prosesu resensiamentu eleitoral Guiné Bissau nian, hodi kria ajensia ida ne’ebé hanaran, Misaun Apoiu Prosesu Eleitoral Guiné Bissau nian. Governu mós nomeia Tomas Cabral atu Xefi misaun apoiu ne’e,” informa Agio Pereira ba jornalista sira iha Palásiu Governu, hafoin reuniaun KM.\nNia esplika, total orsamentu ne’ebé Governu atu apoiu ba prosesu resensiamentu eleitoral Guiné Bissau mak, US$ 8 mill resin.\nIha reuniaun Konsellu Ministru ne’e mós, aprova rezolusaun importante ida kona ba, atu estabelese regras ekusaun OJE 2018.\nNia esplika, kada tinan tenki iha duni lei ezekusaun Governu nian, hodi estabelese regras ne’e.\nReuniaun Konsellu Ministru mós rona aprezentasaun ida ne’ebé importante tebes, kona ba eko-turismu.\n“Hanesan ita nia tasi nia rikusoin, hanesan baleia sira ne’e, tanba ida ne’e úniku, so ita nia rai mak iha, sira hakarak iha tinan 10 nia laran dezenvolve hodi fó apoiu ba ekonómia ita nia rai nian, tanba matenek nain sira dehan katak, se ita dezenvolve didiak, sei hatama biliaun US$2 ba ita nia ekonómia, atu tulun sustentabilidade ekonómia tia nia rai nian, no atu dada turismu mai ita nia rai,” relata Agio.\nKonsellu Ministru mós apoia, no apresia tebes aprezentasaun ida ne’e, ne’ebé hanaran invodor, tanba primeira ves ema barak atu fó sira nia tempu atu projeta Timor Leste hanesan rai ida ne’e úniku iha mundu.cos\nThis entry was posted in Politika on October 4, 2018 by dedyrocha.\n← Alkatiri aprezenta relatóriu ZEESM ba Governu Governu TL felisita Xanana-ConocoPhillips PN hein Australia ratifika tratadu FM → | [
"KM aprova rezolusaun apoia resensiamentu eleitoral Guine Bissau | GMN TV | Grupo Media Nacional Reuniaun Konsellu Ministru ne'ebe hala'o iha Kuarta (03/10), Governu aprova ona rezolusaun ida atu kontinua fo apoiu ba prosesu resensiamentu eleitoral iha nasaun Guine Bissau.",
"Ministru Estadu Prezidensia Konsellu Ministru, Agio Pereira, hateten, Governu mos deside hodi nomeia Tomas Cabral atu xefia misaun apoiu ba Guine Bissau ne'e.",
"\"Konsellu Ministru aprova mos rezolusaun Governu nian kona ba apoiu prosesu resensiamentu eleitoral Guine Bissau nian, hodi kria ajensia ida ne'ebe hanaran, Misaun Apoiu Prosesu Eleitoral Guine Bissau nian.",
"Governu mos nomeia Tomas Cabral atu Xefi misaun apoiu ne'e,\" informa Agio Pereira ba jornalista sira iha Palasiu Governu, hafoin reuniaun KM.",
"Nia esplika, total orsamentu ne'ebe Governu atu apoiu ba prosesu resensiamentu eleitoral Guine Bissau mak, US$ 8 mill resin.",
"Iha reuniaun Konsellu Ministru ne'e mos, aprova rezolusaun importante ida kona ba, atu estabelese regras ekusaun OJE 2018.",
"Nia esplika, kada tinan tenki iha duni lei ezekusaun Governu nian, hodi estabelese regras ne'e.",
"Reuniaun Konsellu Ministru mos rona aprezentasaun ida ne'ebe importante tebes, kona ba eko-turismu.",
"\"Hanesan ita nia tasi nia rikusoin, hanesan baleia sira ne'e, tanba ida ne'e uniku, so ita nia rai mak iha, sira hakarak iha tinan 10 nia laran dezenvolve hodi fo apoiu ba ekonomia ita nia rai nian, tanba matenek nain sira dehan katak, se ita dezenvolve didiak, sei hatama biliaun US$2 ba ita nia ekonomia, atu tulun sustentabilidade ekonomia tia nia rai nian, no atu dada turismu mai ita nia rai,\" relata Agio.",
"Konsellu Ministru mos apoia, no apresia tebes aprezentasaun ida ne'e, ne'ebe hanaran invodor, tanba primeira ves ema barak atu fo sira nia tempu atu projeta Timor Leste hanesan rai ida ne'e uniku iha mundu.cos This entry was posted in Politika on October 4, 2018 by dedyrocha. - Alkatiri aprezenta relatoriu ZEESM ba Governu Governu TL felisita Xanana-ConocoPhillips PN hein Australia ratifika tratadu FM -"
] | [
"KM approves resolution to support electoral census Guinea Bissau | GMN TV - Grupo Media Nacional The Council of Ministers meeting held on Thursday (03/12), the Government has adopted a resoluton in order continue providing assistance for election recensing process within Guiné-Bissau."
"Minister of State for the Presidency, Agio Pereira said that his Government has also decided to appoint Tomas Cabral as heading up this support mission."
"\"The Council of Ministers also approved the Government resolution on supporting Guinea-Bissau electoral census process, in order to create an agency called Mission de Soutien au Process Electoral en Guinée Bissau."
"The Government also appoints Tomas Cabral to head this support mission,\" Agio Pereira informed journalist at the government palace after a meeting of KM."
"He explained that the total budget of government support for Guinea-Bissau's electoral census process is about US$ 8 million."
"At the Council of Ministers meeting, it also approved an important resolution on establishing rules for equation in 2018 budget."
"He explained that every year there must be a government execution law, to establish these rules."
"The Council of Ministers also heard a very important presentation on eco-tourism."
"\"The wealth of our seas, like these whales because it is unique and only exists in this country. They want to develop them within the next ten years so that we can support their economy as well; for experts say if they are developed properly there will be a US$2 billion contribution towards us' economic sustainability while also bringing tourism here\", said Agio.\""
"The Council of Ministers also supported, and greatly appreciated this presentation which is called invodor because for the first time many people will give their Time to project Timor-Leste as a unique country. This entry was posted on Politics - Alkatiri presenteu relatoriu ZEESM ba Governo TL Government congratulates Xanana ConocoPhillips PN espera Australia ratifica tratado FM"
] |
Tempu badak, empreza Tanjun Unipesoál halo manutensaun ba ró UPM | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste\nVARANDA HEADLINE Tempu badak, empreza Tanjun Unipesoál halo manutensaun ba ró UPM\nTempu badak, empreza Tanjun Unipesoál halo manutensaun ba ró UPM\nUPM halo patrullamentu iha tasi. Imajen/Google\nDILI, 05 novembru 2021 (TATOLI)— Komandante Administrasaun no Finansa Komandu Jerál Polísia Nasionál Timor-Leste (PNTL), Superintendente Xefe, José Soares, informa, Komandu PNTL prevee $100.000 hosi Orsamentu Jerál Estadu (OJE) 2021 hodi kontrata kompañia atu halo manutensaun ba ró Unidade Polisia Marítima (UMP) ne’ebé avaria iha tempu badak.\n“Ita prevee orsamentu $100.000 atu halo manutensaun ba ró Unidade Polisia Maritima nian,” Komandante Administrasaun PNTL ne’e hateten ba Agência TATOLI, hafoin ramata audénsia públika ho Komisaun B iha Parlamentu Nasionál, sesta ne’e.\nKompañia ne’ebé manan na’in ba konkursu públiku mak Tanjun Unipesoál Lda.\n“Ita iha kompañia lokál ne’ebé maka manan iha konkursu ne’e, ha’u hanoin nia sei halo manutesaun ba ro hirak ne’e iha tempu badak,” nia kompromete\nEntretantu, Peskizadór Fundasaun Mahein (FM), Sancho Xavier, hateten, ró ne’ebé maka ajuda UPM halo serbisu operasaun no kontrolu ba atividade sira iha tasi-laran avaria ona besik fulan-haat.\n“Oinsá maka ita atu garante prevene polusaun marítima no knaar proteje rikusoin iha tasi timór,” Peskizadór ne’e afirma.\nFM monitoriza hahú tinan 2020 to’o 2021, iha postu UPM ne’ebé estabelese iha postu Batugade, Atabae, Atauro, Beloi, portaun portu Dili, sionál Dili no postu Com Lospalos, laiha kondisaun tanba ekipamentu la sufisiente liuliu ró.\nNia fó exemplu iha postu Com-Lospalos, membru-sira loro-loron tuur iha postu tanba ró laiha atu halo operasaun.\n“Governu la fó atensaun sériu, maka ita nian ikan sira iha tasi-laran ema mai foti hotu. Tanba esperénsia hatudu ita laiha buat ida atu kontrola tasi liuliu rikusoin sira iha tasi laran, liuliu peska illegál sira,” Peskizadór ne’e rekomenda.\nTotal membru UPM efetivu hamutuk nain 120, hodi fahe ba area tolu, mak hanesan serbisu iha postu Batugade, Atabae, Atauro, Beloi, portaun portu Dili, sional Dili no postu Com Lospalos no iha kuartel UPM, ne’ebé serbisu ho ró NRTL Lusitania, NRTL Dili, NRTL Hera, NV Timor-Leste, speed boat 12.\nManutensaun ba ro\nPrevious articleUma-kain 280 iha Tebabui seidauk asesu eletrisidade\nNext articleMAE prevee $33,723,731 iha OJE 2022 | [
"Tempu badak, empreza Tanjun Unipesoal halo manutensaun ba ro UPM | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA HEADLINE Tempu badak, empreza Tanjun Unipesoal halo manutensaun ba ro UPM Tempu badak, empreza Tanjun Unipesoal halo manutensaun ba ro UPM UPM halo patrullamentu iha tasi.",
"Imajen/Google DILI, 05 novembru 2021 (TATOLI) - Komandante Administrasaun no Finansa Komandu Jeral Polisia Nasional Timor-Leste (PNTL), Superintendente Xefe, Jose Soares, informa, Komandu PNTL prevee $100.000 hosi Orsamentu Jeral Estadu (OJE) 2021 hodi kontrata kompania atu halo manutensaun ba ro Unidade Polisia Maritima (UMP) ne'ebe avaria iha tempu badak.",
"\"Ita prevee orsamentu $100.000 atu halo manutensaun ba ro Unidade Polisia Maritima nian,\" Komandante Administrasaun PNTL ne'e hateten ba Agencia TATOLI, hafoin ramata audensia publika ho Komisaun B iha Parlamentu Nasional, sesta ne'e.",
"Kompania ne'ebe manan na'in ba konkursu publiku mak Tanjun Unipesoal Lda.",
"\"Ita iha kompania lokal ne'ebe maka manan iha konkursu ne'e, ha'u hanoin nia sei halo manutesaun ba ro hirak ne'e iha tempu badak,\" nia kompromete Entretantu, Peskizador Fundasaun Mahein (FM), Sancho Xavier, hateten, ro ne'ebe maka ajuda UPM halo serbisu operasaun no kontrolu ba atividade sira iha tasi-laran avaria ona besik fulan-haat.",
"\"Oinsa maka ita atu garante prevene polusaun maritima no knaar proteje rikusoin iha tasi timor,\" Peskizador ne'e afirma.",
"FM monitoriza hahu tinan 2020 to'o 2021, iha postu UPM ne'ebe estabelese iha postu Batugade, Atabae, Atauro, Beloi, portaun portu Dili, sional Dili no postu Com Lospalos, laiha kondisaun tanba ekipamentu la sufisiente liuliu ro.",
"Nia fo exemplu iha postu Com-Lospalos, membru-sira loro-loron tuur iha postu tanba ro laiha atu halo operasaun.",
"\"Governu la fo atensaun seriu, maka ita nian ikan sira iha tasi-laran ema mai foti hotu.",
"Tanba esperensia hatudu ita laiha buat ida atu kontrola tasi liuliu rikusoin sira iha tasi laran, liuliu peska illegal sira,\" Peskizador ne'e rekomenda.",
"Total membru UPM efetivu hamutuk nain 120, hodi fahe ba area tolu, mak hanesan serbisu iha postu Batugade, Atabae, Atauro, Beloi, portaun portu Dili, sional Dili no postu Com Lospalos no iha kuartel UPM, ne'ebe serbisu ho ro NRTL Lusitania, NRTL Dili, NRTL Hera, NV Timor-Leste, speed boat 12.",
"Manutensaun ba ro Previous articleUma-kain 280 iha Tebabui seidauk asesu eletrisidade Next articleMAE prevee $33,723,731 iha OJE 2022"
] | [
"Soon, Tanjun Unipesoal company will perform maintenance on UPM ship | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA HEADLINE In a short period of time the Company has carried out repairs to its vessel and is now conducting patrol at sea."
"Image/Google DILI, November 05th (TATOLI) - Chief Superintendent of Administration and Finance at the General Command for National Police Timor-Leste's police force PNTL Jose Soares has informed that PNTL will allocate $127.6 million from its State Budget to contract a company which is responsible by maintenance work on an existing Maritime Policies Unit boat whose breakdown occurred shortly after it was commissioned as well"
"\"We have provided a budget of $ 10,562 to maintain the Maritime Police Unit's boat\", said PNTL Commander in Chief for Agência Notícia (ANS), after concluding his public hearing with Commission B at National Parliament on Saturday."
"The company that won the public tender was Tanjun Unipesoal Lda."
"\"We have a local company that won the tender, I think they will do maintenance on these boats in short time.\" Meanwhile Sancho Xavier of Fundação Mahein (FM) said: “The boat which helps UPM to carry out operations and control activities at sea has been broken down for nearly ten months."
"\"How can we ensure the prevention of maritime pollution and protect resources in Timor-Leste's seas,\" said this researcher."
"FM monitored from 2019 to the beginning of this year, in UPM posts established at Batugade post Atabae Post Beloi Port Dili and Com Lospalos station there are no conditions because equipment is not sufficient especially ro."
"He gave the example of Com-Lospalos post, where members sit in their posts every day because there is no boat to operate."
"\"The government does not pay serious attention, so our fish in the open sea people come and take all."
"Because experience has shown that we have nothing to control the sea, especially its resources and illegal fishing in particular.\" The researcher recommended."
"A total of 120 UPM active members are divided into three areas, working at the Batugade post; Atbae and Beloi ports (Atauro), Dili Port gateway [Porto Nacional de Dili], Com Lospalo' s Post[Post com]. In addition to this work is carried out by a team from NRTL Lusitania ship in Timor-Leste with speed boat No:"
"Previous article280 households in Tebabui still have no access to electricity NextMAE envisages $34,165.79 for housing and infrastructure projects on the budget of State (BUD)"
] |
Presiza Lei Difamasaun Atu Hamate Liberdade Ema Tolok Arbiru | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste\nVARANDA HEADLINE Presiza Lei Difamasaun Atu Hamate Liberdade Ema Tolok Arbiru\nPresiza Lei Difamasaun Atu Hamate Liberdade Ema Tolok Arbiru\nDILI, 17 juñu 2020 (TATOLI)–Xefe Estadu Maior Jenerál FALINTIL Forsa Defeza Timor-Leste (F-FDTL), Majór Jenerál Lere Anan Timur, konsidera lei difamasaun ne’ebé oras ne’e Governu fó tempu ba sosidade atu diskute, ne’e importante atu bele hamate ema tolok arbiru.\nLere hato’o asuntu ne’e, hafoin hala’o ekontru semanál ho Prezidente Repúblika, Francisco Guterres Lú Olo, iha Palásiu Prezidensiál Nicolau Lobato, Bairru Pité, Dili.\n“Kona-ba lei difamasaun, iha balun kontra no balun pró. Ha’u hanoin katak lei difamasaun la signifika bandu ka hamate Liberdade espresaun maibé hamate liberdade ema tolok arbiru. Ida-ne’e mak ha’u hanoin ita tenke komprende,” Lere hateten ba jornalista sira, kuarta ne’e.\nLere hateten, nu’udár timoroan ne’ebé moris iha demokrasia nia laran, buat ne’ebé importante mak tenke buka respeita malu, tanba ne’e tenke kriminaliza difamasaun.\n“Ha’u honain katak, ida-ne’e la todan ida. Uluk ami iha ai-laran, ema Indonézia mak tolok ha’u, tolok Kay Rala Xanana Gusmão, no lider rezisténsia sira seluk tan. Ohin loron prova hatudu katak sira mak kontinua tolok ami. Hanesan foin lalais ida tolok ha’u, tolok Prezidente Repúblika, tolok Primeiru Ministru, ne’e la’ós ema seluk, ne’e ninia aman ema forsa armada boot Indonézia nian ne’ebé mate ona no hakoi iha Indonézia ne’eba. Ha’u atu dehan de’it katak ema sira ne’ebé uluk la gosta ami, to’o agora sira mak la gosta nafatin ami no sira mak tolok ami. Ida-ne’e mak ami ko’alia ho Prezidente Repúblika no buat seluk laiha,” nia esplika.\nLider másimu forsa armada ne’e hatutan, kriminaliza lei difamasaun ne’e hanesan forma edukasaun ida ne’ebé ema timoroan labele hanoin katak liberdade espresaun ne’e hanesan liberdade hodi tolok ema arbiru de’it.\n“Ezemplu, bainhira ita tolok ema ne’e sala ka la’e. Primeiru, ita nu’udár ema Katóliku, ita nu’udár sarani, Maromak dehan labele tolok ema, nusa mak ita tolok. Segundu, ita moris iha demokrasia no liberdade nia laran maibé iha ninia limitasaun no ita labele ultrapasa. Tanba, bainhira ita tolok ona ne’e la’ós ona liberdade no demokrasia,” Lere subliña.\nAntes ne’e, Primeiru Ministru (PM), Taur Matan Ruak, hateten Governu no Konsellu Ministru to’o oras ne’e seidauk simu esbosu lei Kriminaliza Difamasaun, tanba Xefe Governu ne’e rasik hakarak atu fó tempu ba sosiedade hodi diskute.\nAlende ne’e, Ministru Justisa, Manuel Cárceres da Costa, klarifika katak, intensaun Governu daualu prodús esbosu Lei Kriminaliza Difamasaun, hanesan meiu-ida atu eduka sosiedade Timor-Leste hodi respeita malu no respeita ema seluk nia onra no integridade pesoál.\nPrevious articleEkonomia Timor-Leste Monu 6%\nNext articleTDD Adia Julgamentu ba Kazu Tráfiku Droga iha Ligasaun ho Kondenadu Kazál Timoroan | [
"Presiza Lei Difamasaun Atu Hamate Liberdade Ema Tolok Arbiru | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA HEADLINE Presiza Lei Difamasaun Atu Hamate Liberdade Ema Tolok Arbiru Presiza Lei Difamasaun Atu Hamate Liberdade Ema Tolok Arbiru DILI, 17 junu 2020 (TATOLI) -Xefe Estadu Maior Jeneral FALINTIL Forsa Defeza Timor-Leste (F-FDTL), Major Jeneral Lere Anan Timur, konsidera lei difamasaun ne'ebe oras ne'e Governu fo tempu ba sosidade atu diskute, ne'e importante atu bele hamate ema tolok arbiru.",
"Lere hato'o asuntu ne'e, hafoin hala'o ekontru semanal ho Prezidente Republika, Francisco Guterres Lu Olo, iha Palasiu Prezidensial Nicolau Lobato, Bairru Pite, Dili.",
"\"Kona-ba lei difamasaun, iha balun kontra no balun pro.",
"Ha'u hanoin katak lei difamasaun la signifika bandu ka hamate Liberdade espresaun maibe hamate liberdade ema tolok arbiru.",
"Ida-ne'e mak ha'u hanoin ita tenke komprende,\" Lere hateten ba jornalista sira, kuarta ne'e.",
"Lere hateten, nu'udar timoroan ne'ebe moris iha demokrasia nia laran, buat ne'ebe importante mak tenke buka respeita malu, tanba ne'e tenke kriminaliza difamasaun.",
"\"Ha'u honain katak, ida-ne'e la todan ida.",
"Uluk ami iha ai-laran, ema Indonezia mak tolok ha'u, tolok Kay Rala Xanana Gusmao, no lider rezistensia sira seluk tan.",
"Ohin loron prova hatudu katak sira mak kontinua tolok ami.",
"Hanesan foin lalais ida tolok ha'u, tolok Prezidente Republika, tolok Primeiru Ministru, ne'e la'os ema seluk, ne'e ninia aman ema forsa armada boot Indonezia nian ne'ebe mate ona no hakoi iha Indonezia ne'eba.",
"Ha'u atu dehan de'it katak ema sira ne'ebe uluk la gosta ami, to'o agora sira mak la gosta nafatin ami no sira mak tolok ami.",
"Ida-ne'e mak ami ko'alia ho Prezidente Republika no buat seluk laiha,\" nia esplika.",
"Lider masimu forsa armada ne'e hatutan, kriminaliza lei difamasaun ne'e hanesan forma edukasaun ida ne'ebe ema timoroan labele hanoin katak liberdade espresaun ne'e hanesan liberdade hodi tolok ema arbiru de'it.",
"\"Ezemplu, bainhira ita tolok ema ne'e sala ka la'e.",
"Primeiru, ita nu'udar ema Katoliku, ita nu'udar sarani, Maromak dehan labele tolok ema, nusa mak ita tolok.",
"Segundu, ita moris iha demokrasia no liberdade nia laran maibe iha ninia limitasaun no ita labele ultrapasa.",
"Tanba, bainhira ita tolok ona ne'e la'os ona liberdade no demokrasia,\" Lere sublina.",
"Antes ne'e, Primeiru Ministru (PM), Taur Matan Ruak, hateten Governu no Konsellu Ministru to'o oras ne'e seidauk simu esbosu lei Kriminaliza Difamasaun, tanba Xefe Governu ne'e rasik hakarak atu fo tempu ba sosiedade hodi diskute.",
"Alende ne'e, Ministru Justisa, Manuel Carceres da Costa, klarifika katak, intensaun Governu daualu produs esbosu Lei Kriminaliza Difamasaun, hanesan meiu-ida atu eduka sosiedade Timor-Leste hodi respeita malu no respeita ema seluk nia onra no integridade pesoal.",
"Previous articleEkonomia Timor-Leste Monu 6% Next articleTDD Adia Julgamentu ba Kazu Trafiku Droga iha Ligasaun ho Kondenadu Kazal Timoroan"
] | [
"Defamation Law Needed To Cut Freedom Of Women | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA HEADLINE Presiza Lei Difamasaun Atu Hamate Liberdade Ema tolok Arbiru Precisa lei difameasaun atu hamenus liberdade ema TOLOK ARBIRU Dili, June.17th (Xinhua) -Chief of General Staff FALINTIL Forças Armadas da República Democrática do TL(FDTL), Maj Gen Lere Anan Timur considers that the law on libel which is being discuss in society by government now important for killing women who are accusing others about sexual harassment or abusing them as a child; he said it will be necessary if people want their rights upheld and not just fight against discrimination based upon gender at all times"
"Lere made the statement after his weekly meeting with President Francisco Guterres Lu Olo, at Nicolau Lobato Presidential Palace in Bairru Pite district of Dili."
"\"Regarding the defamation law, there are some against and others for."
"I believe that defamation laws do not mean banning or killing freedom of expression but rather the free choice."
"That's what I think we have to understand,\" Lere told journalistes on Tuesday."
"Lere said, as a Tongan living in democracy it is important to seek mutual respect and therefore defamation must be criminalized."
"\"I've always said, this is not to be done."
"Before we were in the fields, Indonesian people attacked me and Kay Rala Xanana Gusmao with other resistance leaders."
"Today's evidence shows that it is they who continue to push us back."
"As recently as one to me, the President of Republic and Prime Minister was not another person but his father a member from Indonesian military who died in Indonesia."
"All I want to say is that the people who did not like us before, still do and they are turning off."
"That's what we talked about with the President and nothing else,\" he explained."
"The highest leader of the armed forces said that criminalizing defamation laws is an educational form to make people in Timor-Leste not think free expression means just being able To kill anyone at will."
"\"For example, when we look at a person and see if he is wrong or not."
"Firstly, we as Catholics and believers God says you must not beat people. How can it happen?"
"Secondly, we live in democracy and freedom but there are limits that cannot be overcome."
"Because, when we have turned it is no longer freedom and democracy\", Lere emphasizes."
"Earlier, Prime Minister (PM), Taur Matan Ruak said that the Government and Council of ministers have not yet received a draft law to criminalize defamation because he himself wanted more time for public discussion."
"In addition, Justice Minister Manuel Carceres da Costa clarified that the intention of Government 4 is to produce a draft Law Criminalizing Defamation as another means for educating Timorese society in respecting each other and others' honour."
"PreviousEconomia Timor-Leste Monu 6% Next articleTDD Adjourns Trial for Drug Trafficking Case in Connection with Convicted Kazal Timoroan"
] |
Eskola ESG 01 Baucau Laiha Salas-Laboratoriu – STL Online\nEskola ESG 01 Baucau Laiha Salas-Laboratoriu\nBAUCAU — Esklola Sekundaria Governu (ESG) Numeru 01 Vila Nova Baucau durante nee laiha sala atu utilija ba bibliateka no laboratoriu, tamba nee husu ba Ministeiru Edukasaun (ME) munisipiu no nasional atu bele hare no hari hela fatin.Liafuan hirak nee hatoo husi Diretor ESG No. 01 Vila Nova Baucau Paulo Dias Menezes ba STL iha nia servisu fatin Tersa, (14/3/2017).\nNia dehan, eskola ESG No. 01 total alunus hamutuk 1431 no profesores hamutuk nain 53 inklui profesores kontratadu, profesores permanente, sekertariu nomos profesores.\nNunee mos profesores 14, inan aman alunus sira maka selu rasik tuir horas nebe sira hanorin. Tuir desidimentu entre inan aman alunus no parte eskola katak profesores sira neebe hanorin durasaun tinan tolu, horas ida selu US$ 1.75 no ba profesores nebe hanorin foin maka nia durasaun tinan ida resin horas ida selu US$ 1.50.\n“Tamba nee maka ami runiaun ho inan aman deside hamutuk sira fo kontribuisaun baa mi atu rekrura professor ba sira nebe hanorin tinan tolu ona oras ida selu US$ 1.75 no ba sira nebe foin hanorin tinan ida horas ida slue US$ 1.50. Salas aulas eskola nian hamutuk 16 ida nee inklui ona sala tolu nee at ladun grave maibe sei uja nafatin nunee mos uma kajerna eskola profesores nebe eskola otilija halo aulas,” dehan Paulo.\nKonaba sasan laboratroriu iha, maibe laiha fatin atu tau sasan nunee mos konaba sala atu tau livrus ruma hanesan bibliateka. Iha livru referensia neebe laiha maka hanesan livru referensia Malayu, Releijiaun, tetun. Maibe eskola mos hetan ona komputador hamutuk 18 ona atu otilija ba alunus sira atu uja ba praktika. Tamba sala nebe limitadu entaun alunus sira tenki eskola dader loraik.\n“Tamba nee hau nudar diretor eskoa hakarak husu ba estudantes hotu iha eskola ida nee katak mezmu fasilidades eskola nebe menus laos atu hafraku ita atu eskola. Maibe ho kondisaun nebe minimu ida nee atu ita hakas an atu estuda diak atu bele atinji ita nia objetivu,” nia dehan.\nZulmira Cabral nudar profesora iha eskola ida nee dehan katak, konaba kreatividades alunus sira nia diak teb-tebes atu hatene materias hotu nebe profesores sira hanorin. Maibe tamba laiha lei ruma husi edukasaun atu regula no kontrola alunus sira ida nee maka sai nudar defikuldades ba profesores atu hanorin iha eskola.\n“Amia hare iha sala laran alunus sira iha duni kreatividades atu estuda no simu materias hotu nebe profesores sira hanorin. Maibe mos husu ba ministeiru nebe kompetente atu kria lei oan ruma atu nunee bele regula alunus sira atu nunee bele ativu diak liu tan iha eskola,”nia kualia.\nIsabel da Costa Belo nudar mos reprejentante inan aman alunu dehan katak, nudar ema inan aman sempre fo dalan no fo hanoin ba oan sira atu estuda. Maibe oan maka deside iha eskola no hetan kontrolamentu husi profesores sira. Maibe parte inan aman sempre iha koloborasaun parte eskola atu bele fo hanoin ba malu konaba mudansa alunus sira nia kreatividades iha eskola durante horas aprendisazen.\n“Ami nudar inan aman sira sempre fo hanoin moral ba oan sira durante iha uma. Maibe kuandu oan sira hakat ba ona eskola ida nee kompetensia profesores sira tamba sira hare nudar sira nia oan, alin nomos nudar sira nia alunus. Parte sleuk mos ami sempre kontribui ba profesores sira nomos eskola,” nia tenik tuir. est4\nPrevious article Governu-Igreja Hamutuk Hametin Edukasaun Moral\nNext article Aldea 2 Iha Suku Tirilolo, Seidauk Hetan Bee Mos | [
"Eskola ESG 01 Baucau Laiha Salas-Laboratoriu - STL Online Eskola ESG 01 Baucau Laiha Salas-Laboratoriu BAUCAU - Esklola Sekundaria Governu (ESG) Numeru 01 Vila Nova Baucau durante nee laiha sala atu utilija ba bibliateka no laboratoriu, tamba nee husu ba Ministeiru Edukasaun (ME) munisipiu no nasional atu bele hare no hari hela fatin.Liafuan hirak nee hatoo husi Diretor ESG No. 01 Vila Nova Baucau Paulo Dias Menezes ba STL iha nia servisu fatin Tersa, (14/3/2017).",
"Nia dehan, eskola ESG No. 01 total alunus hamutuk 1431 no profesores hamutuk nain 53 inklui profesores kontratadu, profesores permanente, sekertariu nomos profesores.",
"Nunee mos profesores 14, inan aman alunus sira maka selu rasik tuir horas nebe sira hanorin.",
"Tuir desidimentu entre inan aman alunus no parte eskola katak profesores sira neebe hanorin durasaun tinan tolu, horas ida selu US$ 1.75 no ba profesores nebe hanorin foin maka nia durasaun tinan ida resin horas ida selu US$ 1.50.",
"\"Tamba nee maka ami runiaun ho inan aman deside hamutuk sira fo kontribuisaun baa mi atu rekrura professor ba sira nebe hanorin tinan tolu ona oras ida selu US$ 1.75 no ba sira nebe foin hanorin tinan ida horas ida slue US$ 1.50.",
"Salas aulas eskola nian hamutuk 16 ida nee inklui ona sala tolu nee at ladun grave maibe sei uja nafatin nunee mos uma kajerna eskola profesores nebe eskola otilija halo aulas,\" dehan Paulo.",
"Konaba sasan laboratroriu iha, maibe laiha fatin atu tau sasan nunee mos konaba sala atu tau livrus ruma hanesan bibliateka.",
"Iha livru referensia neebe laiha maka hanesan livru referensia Malayu, Releijiaun, tetun.",
"Maibe eskola mos hetan ona komputador hamutuk 18 ona atu otilija ba alunus sira atu uja ba praktika.",
"Tamba sala nebe limitadu entaun alunus sira tenki eskola dader loraik.",
"\"Tamba nee hau nudar diretor eskoa hakarak husu ba estudantes hotu iha eskola ida nee katak mezmu fasilidades eskola nebe menus laos atu hafraku ita atu eskola.",
"Maibe ho kondisaun nebe minimu ida nee atu ita hakas an atu estuda diak atu bele atinji ita nia objetivu,\" nia dehan.",
"Zulmira Cabral nudar profesora iha eskola ida nee dehan katak, konaba kreatividades alunus sira nia diak teb-tebes atu hatene materias hotu nebe profesores sira hanorin.",
"Maibe tamba laiha lei ruma husi edukasaun atu regula no kontrola alunus sira ida nee maka sai nudar defikuldades ba profesores atu hanorin iha eskola.",
"\"Amia hare iha sala laran alunus sira iha duni kreatividades atu estuda no simu materias hotu nebe profesores sira hanorin.",
"Maibe mos husu ba ministeiru nebe kompetente atu kria lei oan ruma atu nunee bele regula alunus sira atu nunee bele ativu diak liu tan iha eskola,\"nia kualia.",
"Isabel da Costa Belo nudar mos reprejentante inan aman alunu dehan katak, nudar ema inan aman sempre fo dalan no fo hanoin ba oan sira atu estuda.",
"Maibe oan maka deside iha eskola no hetan kontrolamentu husi profesores sira.",
"Maibe parte inan aman sempre iha koloborasaun parte eskola atu bele fo hanoin ba malu konaba mudansa alunus sira nia kreatividades iha eskola durante horas aprendisazen.",
"\"Ami nudar inan aman sira sempre fo hanoin moral ba oan sira durante iha uma.",
"Maibe kuandu oan sira hakat ba ona eskola ida nee kompetensia profesores sira tamba sira hare nudar sira nia oan, alin nomos nudar sira nia alunus.",
"Parte sleuk mos ami sempre kontribui ba profesores sira nomos eskola,\" nia tenik tuir. est4 Previous article Governu-Igreja Hamutuk Hametin Edukasaun Moral Next article Aldea 2 Iha Suku Tirilolo, Seidauk Hetan Bee Mos"
] | [
"Escola ESG 01 Baucau Laiha Salas-Laboratoriu - STL Online School of Secondary Government (ESG) Number One Vila Nova de Baiuca has no room to be used for libraries and laboratories, therefore it is requested from the Municipality Ministry Of Education(ME), as well nationally so that they can look into building a place.These words were given by Director eSg No one vila nova baicao Paulo Diaz Menezes in his office on Tuesday March/4th /2537)."
"He said, ESG No. 01 school has a total of students in the amounts as follow: (a) Total pupils are numbered at one thousand four hundred and thirty-one;"
"As well as the 14 teachers, parents of pupils pay themselves according to how many hours they teach."
"According to a decision made by parents and school officials, teachers who have taught for three years will be paid US$ 1.75 per hour while those with more than one year of teaching experience would receive an additional fee in the form Of $20/hour or upwards if they are employed as part-time professors at their own expense"
"\"We also decided together with our parents that they would contribute to me in hiring teachers. For those who have taught for three years, the fee is $1:75 an hour and if you are new at school it will be a total of US$ 2 per year.\""
"The school has 16 classrooms, including three of which are not seriously damaged but will be used as well. There is also a student quarter for the teachers who teach in these classes,” Paulo said"
"There are some lab supplies, but there is no place to store them. It's also a problem if you want the books in your library or anywhere like that!"
"There are no reference books such as Malay, Religious and Tetum."
"However, the school has also been given 18 computers for students to use in practice."
"Because of the limited space, students must go to school in early morning."
"\"Also, as school principal I would like to ask all the students at this School that even though we have fewer facilities in our schools it is not a reason why they should stop us from going."
"But with this minimum condition, we must strive to study well so that our goals can be achieved,” he said."
"Zulmira Cabral, a teacher at this school said that regarding the creativity of students they are very good to know all subjects taught by their teachers."
"But because there is no law of education to regulate and control the students this becomes a difficulty for teachers in teaching at school."
"\"We saw in the classroom that students really had creativity to study and absorb all subjects taught by their teachers."
"\"But we also ask the competent ministry to create a new law so that it can regulate pupils in order for them be more active at school,\" he said."
"Isabel da Costa Belo, who also represented the parents of students said that as a parent she always gave her children space and encouraged them to study."
"However, the child chooses to go into school and is controlled by his or her teachers."
"However, parents always have to cooperate with the school so that they can give each other ideas about changing pupils' creativities in schools during learning hours."
"\"As parents, we always give moral advice to our children while at home."
"But once the children have come to this school, it is a matter of competence for teachers because they see them as their own sons and daughter."
"\"We have always contributed to the teachers and school,\" he said. est4 Previous article Government-Church Jointly Strengthen Moral Education Next Article Village 2 In Tirilolo Township Does Not Have Bee Mos"
] |
Traballadór 94 arranka bá Koreia Súl no rua kansela viajen | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste\nVARANDA EKONOMIA Traballadór 94 arranka bá Koreia Súl no rua kansela viajen\nTraballadór 94 arranka bá Koreia Súl no rua kansela viajen\nTraballadór timor-oan preparadu iha Aeroportu Internasionál Prezidente Nicolau Lobato, Comoro, segunda (28/02). Imajen/SEFOPE\nDILI, 01 marsu 2022 (TATOLI)—Sekretaria Estadu Formasaun Profisionál no Empregu (SEFOPE) liuhosi Diresaun Nasionál Empregu Exteriór (DNEE), segunda (28/02) haruka tan traballadór timor-oan 94 ba serbisu iha Koreia Súl.\nJoven sai hosi Timor-Leste ho aviaun Air Asia, no halo tránzitu iha Malázia no Singapura, tersa ne’e iha destinasaun, ne’ebé iha na’in-45 serbisu iha área peska no na’in-49 iha área fábrika.\n“Traballadór ne’ebé preparadu atu arranka hamutuk 96, maibé na’in-rua la konsege tanba detetadu pozitivu KOVID-19, entaun iha de’it na’in-94 maka arranka bá Koreia Súl,” Diretór Nasionál Empregu Exteriór, Filomeno Soares, hateten, liuhosi nota ne’ebé Agência TATOLI asesu, tersa ne’e.\nNotísia relevante: Traballadór timor-oan 39 arranka bá Koreia Súl\nTanba ne’e, nia husu ba traballadór na’in-rua ne’ebé lá konsege arranka ba serbisu iha Korea Súl atu labele hanoin barak, maibé nafatin kuidadu saúde, nune’e rekupera lalais no hein oportunidade tuir mai.\n“Ha’u husu mós ba traballadór sira ne’ebé ba serbisu iha Koreia Súl, atu hatudu komportamentu di’ak, atu nune’e empregadór bele emprega tan joven timor-oan sira ne’ebé daudaun hein hela oportunidade,” nia dehan.\nPrevious articleBNCTL propoin instala ATM P24 iha Bobonaro no Batugade\nNext articlePekuária RAEOA vasina ona karau 819 | [
"Traballador 94 arranka ba Koreia Sul no rua kansela viajen | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA EKONOMIA Traballador 94 arranka ba Koreia Sul no rua kansela viajen Traballador 94 arranka ba Koreia Sul no rua kansela viajen Traballador timor-oan preparadu iha Aeroportu Internasional Prezidente Nicolau Lobato, Comoro, segunda (28/02).",
"Imajen/SEFOPE DILI, 01 marsu 2022 (TATOLI) - Sekretaria Estadu Formasaun Profisional no Empregu (SEFOPE) liuhosi Diresaun Nasional Empregu Exterior (DNEE), segunda (28/02) haruka tan traballador timor-oan 94 ba serbisu iha Koreia Sul.",
"Joven sai hosi Timor-Leste ho aviaun Air Asia, no halo tranzitu iha Malazia no Singapura, tersa ne'e iha destinasaun, ne'ebe iha na'in-45 serbisu iha area peska no na'in-49 iha area fabrika.",
"\"Traballador ne'ebe preparadu atu arranka hamutuk 96, maibe na'in-rua la konsege tanba detetadu pozitivu KOVID-19, entaun iha de'it na'in-94 maka arranka ba Koreia Sul,\" Diretor Nasional Empregu Exterior, Filomeno Soares, hateten, liuhosi nota ne'ebe Agencia TATOLI asesu, tersa ne'e.",
"Notisia relevante: Traballador timor-oan 39 arranka ba Koreia Sul Tanba ne'e, nia husu ba traballador na'in-rua ne'ebe la konsege arranka ba serbisu iha Korea Sul atu labele hanoin barak, maibe nafatin kuidadu saude, nune'e rekupera lalais no hein oportunidade tuir mai.",
"\"Ha'u husu mos ba traballador sira ne'ebe ba serbisu iha Koreia Sul, atu hatudu komportamentu di'ak, atu nune'e empregador bele emprega tan joven timor-oan sira ne'ebe daudaun hein hela oportunidade,\" nia dehan.",
"Previous articleBNCTL propoin instala ATM P24 iha Bobonaro no Batugade Next articlePekuaria RAEOA vasina ona karau 819"
] | [
"94 Timorese workers depart for South Korea and two cancel their trips | TIMOR HEADLINE Economy Worker prepared at Presidente Nicolau Lobato International Airport, Comoro on Monday (28/03). The workers are preparing to leave the airport after a week of travelling in China."
"Image/SEFOPE DILI, March 1st (TATOLI) - The State Secretariat for Vocational Training and Employment through the National Directorate of Overseas Labour Exchange on Monday sent a further group involving ninety-four Timorese workers to South Korea."
"The young people left Timor-Leste on an Air Asia plane, and were in transit through Malaysia to Singapore. On Tuesday they arrived at their destinations where 45 of them worked as fishing workers while the others (forty nine) had been employed by factories or manufacturing companies for several months before returning home without any compensation from government agencies"
"\"There were 96 workers prepared to leave, but two of them failed because they tested positive for KOVID-18. Therefore there are only the remaining one hundred and ninety four who will be leaving South Korea\", National Director Foreign Employment Filomeno Soares said in a statement that Agência Tatoli accessed on Tuesday (24/03)."
"Therefore, he asked the two workers who were unable to get off for work in South Korea that they do not think too much about it but take care of their health so as quickly recover and await next opportunity."
"\"I also ask the workers who are going to work in South Korea, show good behaviour so that employers can hire more young Timorese people currently waiting for opportunities\", he said."
"Previous articleBNCTL proposes to install P24 ATM in Bobonaro and Batugade Next artikelPekuaria RAEOA vaccinated cattle, numbering upwards of"
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Publika iha: 10 Agosto 2017\nHare na'in: 484\nLiuhosi enkontru konterzia, Kuarta-Feira, 09/08 / 2017, iha RTTL.ep, Caicoli, Díli, Prezidente CI, Virgílio da Silva Guterres, verbalmente hato’o rezultadu análize CI nian ba Prezidente Konsellu Administrasaun RTTL.ep, Milena Abrantes ho nia estrutura.\nConselho de Imprensa hato’o ninia lamentasaun ba RTTL, ep (Rádiu Televizaun Timor-Leste, Imprensa Públika) tamba la hakunu públiku nia direitu atu hatene (Public’s right to know) tranzmisaun direta ba rezultadu apuramentu nasionál eleisaun parlamentár nian.\nResponde ba ne’e, Prezidente Conselho Administrasaun RTTL,ep, Milena Soares Abrantes, hatete agradese ba Conselhu de Imprensa nia observasaun ba RTTL,ep nia servisu.\n“Ami agradese tanba RTTL.ep hetan atensaun hosi Conselho de Imprensa atu bele asegura funsionamentu ne’ebé di’ak hosi servisu Rádiu no Televizaun nune’e bele hatan ba interese públiku di’ak liutan iha futuru,” Milena Abrantes hato’o kestaun ne’e iha enkontru ho Prezidente CI ho ninia strutura.\nMaske tuir CI katak sei mosu fallansu balun iha RTTL, maibé Prezidente Konsellu Administrasaun RTTL.ep esklarese, durante prosesu eleisaun prezidensiál no parlamentar, RTTL.ep konsege oferese programa própriu balun hodi bele hato’o informasaun ba públiku.\nEntretantu Prezidente CI, Virgílio da Silva Guterres, hatete rezultadu análize CI nian ne’ebé hato’o ba diretiva RTTL.ep nian laiha intensaun ida katak CI halo intervensaun ba servisu redasaun RTTL.ep nian.\nVírgilio dehan, CI nia preokupasaun ne’e hanesan mós preokupasaun públiku nian ba RTTL.ep nu’udar órgaun estadu nian atu bele serbi di’ak liutan públiku. Iha enkontru ne’ebé hala’o durante oras rua resin ne’e, CI ho RTTL.ep dikuti mós kona-ba oinsá bele estabele koperasaun entre CI ho RTTL.ep iha parte sosializasaun no programasaun ninian. | [
"Publika iha: 10 Agosto 2017 Hare na'in: 484 Liuhosi enkontru konterzia, Kuarta-Feira, 09/08 / 2017, iha RTTL.ep, Caicoli, Dili, Prezidente CI, Virgilio da Silva Guterres, verbalmente hato'o rezultadu analize CI nian ba Prezidente Konsellu Administrasaun RTTL.ep, Milena Abrantes ho nia estrutura.",
"Conselho de Imprensa hato'o ninia lamentasaun ba RTTL, ep (Radiu Televizaun Timor-Leste, Imprensa Publika) tamba la hakunu publiku nia direitu atu hatene (Public's right to know) tranzmisaun direta ba rezultadu apuramentu nasional eleisaun parlamentar nian.",
"Responde ba ne'e, Prezidente Conselho Administrasaun RTTL,ep, Milena Soares Abrantes, hatete agradese ba Conselhu de Imprensa nia observasaun ba RTTL,ep nia servisu.",
"\"Ami agradese tanba RTTL.ep hetan atensaun hosi Conselho de Imprensa atu bele asegura funsionamentu ne'ebe di'ak hosi servisu Radiu no Televizaun nune'e bele hatan ba interese publiku di'ak liutan iha futuru,\" Milena Abrantes hato'o kestaun ne'e iha enkontru ho Prezidente CI ho ninia strutura.",
"Maske tuir CI katak sei mosu fallansu balun iha RTTL, maibe Prezidente Konsellu Administrasaun RTTL.ep esklarese, durante prosesu eleisaun prezidensial no parlamentar, RTTL.ep konsege oferese programa propriu balun hodi bele hato'o informasaun ba publiku.",
"Entretantu Prezidente CI, Virgilio da Silva Guterres, hatete rezultadu analize CI nian ne'ebe hato'o ba diretiva RTTL.ep nian laiha intensaun ida katak CI halo intervensaun ba servisu redasaun RTTL.ep nian.",
"Virgilio dehan, CI nia preokupasaun ne'e hanesan mos preokupasaun publiku nian ba RTTL.ep nu'udar orgaun estadu nian atu bele serbi di'ak liutan publiku.",
"Iha enkontru ne'ebe hala'o durante oras rua resin ne'e, CI ho RTTL.ep dikuti mos kona-ba oinsa bele estabele koperasaun entre CI ho RTTL.ep iha parte sosializasaun no programasaun ninian."
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"Published on: 10 August,257 Views Through a negotiation meeting held Wednesday (9/8) at RTTL.ep's Caicoli headquarters in Dili the President of CI Virgilio da Silva Guterres verbally presented to Milena Abrantes and her structure results from an analysis conducted by IC with regard for its organizational framework during their consultation session that took place last Thursday evening - October-November"
"The Conselho de Imprensa expresses its regret to RTTL, ep (Radio Television Timor-Leste) for not respecting the public's right of know in direct broadcasting on national recount results from parliamentary elections."
"In response, the President of RTTL.ep's Management Council Milena Soares Abrantes expressed her appreciation for these comments by PRC on its work and said that it was important to keep up with what is happening in this area as well:"
"\"We are grateful that RTTL.ep has received attention from the Conselho de Imprensa to ensure a good functioning of Radio and Television services so as in future they can meet public interests,\" Milena Abrantes said during her meeting with CI President José Manuel Barroso at its headquarters on 10th June last year (see below)."
"Although according to CI there will be some failures in RTTL, but the President of Board Of Director Rttl.ep explained that during presidential and parliamentary elections processes rttl-ep managed offer its own programs so as it could provide information for public use 1987"
"Meanwhile, CI President Virgilio da Silva Guterres said that the results of IC's analysis submitted to RTTL.ep directive had no intention whatsoever for it as an intervention in RTELlEp editorial work by ICC"
"Virgilio said that CI's concern is also a public one for RTTL.ep as an organ of the state to serve well in relation with its audience, he added:"
"During the meeting, which lasted for more than two hours CI and RTTL.ep also discussed how to establish cooperation between both in terms of programming as well As promotional work on this issue"
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Ohin, Koronel nain haat promove ba Brigadeiru ■Lere: Konsellu militar sei forte liu | GMN TV | Grupo Média Nacional\nInstituisaun FALINTIL-Forsa Defeza Timor-Leste (F-FDTL), ohin, Kinta (07/06/18), promove Koronel nain haat (4),Koronel Falur Rate Laek, Koronel Sabika, Koronel Aluk, no Koronel Maunana, ba Brigadeiru Jeneral F-FDTL.\nSeremonia promosaun ne’e sei hala´o iha Palasiu Prezidensial, Bairo-Pite-Díli, ne’ebé sei lidera husi Prezidente Repúblika, Francisco Guterres ‘Lú Olo’.\n“Aban (ohin-red) sei iha promosaun ba Koronel nain haat. Ha´u rona polítika balun la konkorda protesta, ha´u dehan politika sira ne´e dala ruma uluk la hadomi ita-nia rai, dala ruma la terus hanesan sira nain hat terus ne´e. Tan ida ne´e mak sira kestiona kona-ba profisionalizmu kona-ba brigada. Ha´u bele dehan nu’udar forsa armadas nia Komandante ha´u dehan katak, ita-nia forsa armadas nunka hetan brigada to´o Timor ne´e naben, até iha guerrilha mós laiha brigada ida, iha brigada vermelha la han malu ho efetivu,“esplika Xefe Estadu Maior Forsa Armadas F-FDTL Major Jeneral Lere Anan Timur, hafoin enkontru semanal ho Prezidente Repúblika Francisco Guterres ‘Lú Olo’, Kuarta (06/06/18) iha Palasiu Prezidensial Bairo-Pite, Díli.\nTuir Lere, sira nain haat promove ne´e bolu dehan promoção por distinção. “Ne´e la´os arbiru de´it, distinsaun ema ne´ebé rekoñese. Primeiru ema ne´ebé mak harii Estadu ne´e, sira nain haat mós faz parte. Sira nain hat ne´ebé atu promove ne´e la´os sira mak matenek liu, rekoñesimentu Estadu ba ninia ema sira ne´e fó kontribuisaun ba harii nasaun ida ne´e. Se ita rekoñese ema ne´ebé mak uluk lakohi ukun a´an sai Ministru sai deputadu, nusa mak ita la rekoñese sira nain hat asegura sobrevivénsia FALINTIL bele ohin loron hatutan ba Forsa Defeza Timor-Leste,“hatutan Lere.\nLere Anan Timur mos argumenta, nia la interese sira nain haat ne’e tuir formasaun hodi hasa’e kapasidade ka abilidade.\n“Ha´u dehan la interese formasaun sira katuas tiha ona, mínimu 60 anos, ho promosaun ida ne´e ba tinan ida rua ami ba hotu reforma. Kuandu promove sira nain hat entaun ami nain nen ona, komesa aban ba oin ne´e labele kompara fali ba kotuk militar ida forte a nivel Konsellu militar ne´ebé mak forte toma desizaun no Governu mós ténki rona, ami la´os toma desizaun de´it ba militar maibe dala ruma ami to’o área polítika, area partidu mak la tama,“dehan Lere.\nIha oportunidade ne´e, Xefe Estadu Maior Forsa Armadas F-FDTL Major Jeneral Lere Anan Timur, responde mós preokupasaun eis Sekrtetariu Estadu Defeza, Júlio Tomas Pinto, ne´ebé mak husu justifikasaun kona-ba atu promove Koronel nain haat ba Brigadeiru Jeneral.\n“Ita-nia eis Sekretariu Estadu hanoin katak nia nunka militar nia koalia iha surat ne´eba mas nia la domina militar, nia foin dadauk ba Sekretariu Estadu Defeza mós nia la domina tan. Ita lalika koalia kona-ba efetivu, ita hotu hatene ita-nia efetivu to´o 2020 ténki atinji 3.600. Ne´e númeru autorizadu, mas bele liu depende misaun ne´ebé mak Estadu fó ba Forsa Armadas. Ezemplu Singapura nasaun kiik liu ita nian nusa mak nia Forsa Armas ne´e bo´ot,“dehan Lere.\nAntes tama ba serimonia, iha Kuarta (06/06/18) membru FALINTIL Forsa Defeza Timor-Leste (F-FDTL), hala´o parada militar iha Palasiu Prezidensial Bairo-Pite hodi prepara partisipa iha seremonia realizasaun promosaun deviza ba Koronel nain haat ba Brigadeiru Jeneral ne’e.avi\n← Eskola São José Operario sai Vensedor iha sertame tinan 2018 13 Juñu, PN hahu sesaun V lejislatiura → | [
"Ohin, Koronel nain haat promove ba Brigadeiru #Lere: Konsellu militar sei forte liu | GMN TV | Grupo Media Nacional Instituisaun FALINTIL-Forsa Defeza Timor-Leste (F-FDTL), ohin, Kinta (07/06/18), promove Koronel nain haat (4),Koronel Falur Rate Laek, Koronel Sabika, Koronel Aluk, no Koronel Maunana, ba Brigadeiru Jeneral F-FDTL.",
"Seremonia promosaun ne'e sei hala'o iha Palasiu Prezidensial, Bairo-Pite-Dili, ne'ebe sei lidera husi Prezidente Republika, Francisco Guterres 'Lu Olo'.",
"\"Aban (ohin-red) sei iha promosaun ba Koronel nain haat.",
"Ha'u rona politika balun la konkorda protesta, ha'u dehan politika sira ne'e dala ruma uluk la hadomi ita-nia rai, dala ruma la terus hanesan sira nain hat terus ne'e.",
"Tan ida ne'e mak sira kestiona kona-ba profisionalizmu kona-ba brigada.",
"Ha'u bele dehan nu'udar forsa armadas nia Komandante ha'u dehan katak, ita-nia forsa armadas nunka hetan brigada to'o Timor ne'e naben, ate iha guerrilha mos laiha brigada ida, iha brigada vermelha la han malu ho efetivu,\"esplika Xefe Estadu Maior Forsa Armadas F-FDTL Major Jeneral Lere Anan Timur, hafoin enkontru semanal ho Prezidente Republika Francisco Guterres 'Lu Olo', Kuarta (06/06/18) iha Palasiu Prezidensial Bairo-Pite, Dili.",
"Tuir Lere, sira nain haat promove ne'e bolu dehan promocao por distincao.",
"\"Ne'e la'os arbiru de'it, distinsaun ema ne'ebe rekonese.",
"Primeiru ema ne'ebe mak harii Estadu ne'e, sira nain haat mos faz parte.",
"Sira nain hat ne'ebe atu promove ne'e la'os sira mak matenek liu, rekonesimentu Estadu ba ninia ema sira ne'e fo kontribuisaun ba harii nasaun ida ne'e.",
"Se ita rekonese ema ne'ebe mak uluk lakohi ukun a'an sai Ministru sai deputadu, nusa mak ita la rekonese sira nain hat asegura sobrevivensia FALINTIL bele ohin loron hatutan ba Forsa Defeza Timor-Leste,\"hatutan Lere.",
"Lere Anan Timur mos argumenta, nia la interese sira nain haat ne'e tuir formasaun hodi hasa'e kapasidade ka abilidade.",
"\"Ha'u dehan la interese formasaun sira katuas tiha ona, minimu 60 anos, ho promosaun ida ne'e ba tinan ida rua ami ba hotu reforma.",
"Kuandu promove sira nain hat entaun ami nain nen ona, komesa aban ba oin ne'e labele kompara fali ba kotuk militar ida forte a nivel Konsellu militar ne'ebe mak forte toma desizaun no Governu mos tenki rona, ami la'os toma desizaun de'it ba militar maibe dala ruma ami to'o area politika, area partidu mak la tama,\"dehan Lere.",
"Iha oportunidade ne'e, Xefe Estadu Maior Forsa Armadas F-FDTL Major Jeneral Lere Anan Timur, responde mos preokupasaun eis Sekrtetariu Estadu Defeza, Julio Tomas Pinto, ne'ebe mak husu justifikasaun kona-ba atu promove Koronel nain haat ba Brigadeiru Jeneral.",
"\"Ita-nia eis Sekretariu Estadu hanoin katak nia nunka militar nia koalia iha surat ne'eba mas nia la domina militar, nia foin dadauk ba Sekretariu Estadu Defeza mos nia la domina tan.",
"Ita lalika koalia kona-ba efetivu, ita hotu hatene ita-nia efetivu to'o 2020 tenki atinji 3.600.",
"Ne'e numeru autorizadu, mas bele liu depende misaun ne'ebe mak Estadu fo ba Forsa Armadas.",
"Ezemplu Singapura nasaun kiik liu ita nian nusa mak nia Forsa Armas ne'e bo'ot,\"dehan Lere.",
"Antes tama ba serimonia, iha Kuarta (06/06/18) membru FALINTIL Forsa Defeza Timor-Leste (F-FDTL), hala'o parada militar iha Palasiu Prezidensial Bairo-Pite hodi prepara partisipa iha seremonia realizasaun promosaun deviza ba Koronel nain haat ba Brigadeiru Jeneral ne'e.avi - Eskola Sao Jose Operario sai Vensedor iha sertame tinan 2018 13 Junu, PN hahu sesaun V lejislatiura -"
] | [
"Today, four Colonels promoted to Brigadier General #Lere: Military Council will be stronger | GMN TV - Timorese National News Agency The Institution FALINTIL-Forsa Defesa de Timor Leste (F– FDTL), today on Thursday June 7th(06/18) has promulgated the promotion of Four Colonels – Col. Falur Rate Laek; Coronel Sabika and Corporal Aluk Maunana as Brigadier Gentlemen in Force"
"The promotion ceremony will be held at the Presidential Palace, Bairo-Pite Dili and led by President of Indonesia Francisco Guterres 'Lu Olo'."
"\"Tomorrow (today-red) there will be a promotion of four Colonels."
"I hear some politicians disagree with the protest, and they say that sometimes these people did not love our country before. Sometimes those men didn't suffer as many of them have done in their lifetime..."
"This is why they question the professionalism of this brigade."
"I can say as the Commander of our armed forces that we have never had a brigade in Timor-Leste, even with guerrillas there is not one brigade. The Red Brigade hasn't competed against each other\", explains Chief Of Staff Major General Lere Anan Timur after his weekly meeting on Thursday (06/18) at Bairo Pite Presidential Palace to President Francisco Guterres 'Lu Olo\"."
"According to Lere, the promotion of these four was called a \"promotion by distinction.\""
"\"It's not just arbitrary, it is a distinction that people recognize."
"The first people who founded this state, the four of them are also part."
"The six people who are to be promoted, they're not the wisest of them all. State recognition for its citizens is a contribution towards building this country and it will continue in future generations.\""
"If we recognise people who did not want to rule themselves as Ministers and Member of Parliament, why shouldn't they be recognized for having ensured that FALINTIL can today continue in the Timor-Leste Defence Force?\" said Lere."
"Lere Anan Timur also argues that he is not interested in the four being trained to improve their skills."
"\"I say no interest in the training of older people, at least sixty years old. With this promotion for one year or two we are all going to retirement.\""
"When they are promoted, then we'll be ourselves. From tomorrow onwards it can not compare back to a strong military at the level of Military Council which is powerful in taking decisions and Government must also listen; We do no take only military but sometimes even political areas as well - party area does NOT go into this\", Lere said .\""
"On this occasion, Chief of Staff Major General Lere Anan Timur also responded to the concerns expressed by former Secretary State for Defence Julio Tomas Pinto who asked justification on promoting four Colonel-in -charge (C.I) and two Brigadier general(BgG)."
"\"Our former Secretary of State thinks that he has never been in the military, it is mentioned there but his domination wasn't militaristic. He just went to be a Defence secretary and no longer does so.\""
"We can't talk about force numbers, we all know that our forces must reach 3.6 million by the end of this decade (2015)."
"This is the authorized number, but it may be higher depending on what mission a State assigns to its Armed Force."
"For example, Singapore is a smaller country than ours why its Armed Force so big?\" Lere said."
"Before entering the ceremony, on Thursday (06/18) members of FALINTIL Timor-Leste Defence Forces held a military parade at Bairo Pit Presidential Palace to prepare for participation in promotional ceremonies.avi - Escola Sao Jose Operario win 25th year award June: National Parliament begin V session legislativa – Junho"
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Don Basílio: Taur Matan Ruak Ema Importante Ba Nasaun | www.tempo-semanal.com\nwww.tempo-semanal.com » Events, Featured, Headline, Popular » Don Basílio: Taur Matan Ruak Ema Importante Ba Nasaun\nDon Basílio: Taur Matan Ruak Ema Importante Ba Nasaun\nPrint PDFPergunta boot mosu iha populasaun Timor-Leste laran tomak. Tanba ema númeru un iha Instituisaun Falintil-FDTL, Xefe Estadu Maiór Majór Jenerál Taur Matan Ruak ne’ebé hakarak rezigna an husi ninia kargu. Hodi sai vida sivíl no hakarak fó oportunidade ba jerasaun foun. Atu lidera Instituisaun ne’ebé refere. Tanba kleur liu ona moris ho vida militár. Parte Governu apoiu totál ho rezignasaun ne’e. Maibé, parte Estadu ne’ebé nu’udar Supremu sei tetu hela kestaun ne’e no hakarak konsulta hikas ho Governu. Ida ne’e mak sai pergunta no duvida ba entidade hotu iha Nasaun ida ne’e. Tanbasá foti desizaun sei dudu ba mai?\nPortantu, atu responde ba konfuzaun boot hirak ne’e Jornalista Tempo Semanál Juvenal Abut. Iha Distritu Baukau tenta husu opiniaun no hanoin ruma ba liman ain Vatikanu. Bispu Dioseze Baukau Don Basílio do Nascimento. Kona ba rezignasaun Majór Jenerál Taur Matan Ruak.\nMaski, seidauk deside an atu kandidata ba Presidente Repúblika iha Eleisaun Prezidensiál tinan 2012. Ho karta rezigna an ne’ebé dijere ba Presidente no Primeiru Ministru hatudu katak, iha sinál ruma.\nIha mós duvida balun ne’ebé mosu. Bele ou lae Majór Jenerál Taur Matan Ruak avansa ba PR tuir ninia figura?. Klaru liu tan akompaña hamutuk inter vista eskluzivu. Mezmu, sei sai hanesan rumoris husi ibun ba ibun. Enkuantu iha sidadaun balun apoia 100%, balun 50% no balun duvida.\nTuir Amu Bispu nia hare iha Eleisaun Prezidensiál 2012. Bainhira Majór Jenerál Taur Matan Ruak, karik kandidatu an. Ba figura Presidente oinsá? Ba figura Presidente Repúblika importante liu. Ema ida ke reprezenta Nasaun Timor iha komunidade Internasionál nia leet. Aleinde, ema ida ke fó konfiansas ba nia povu. Ema ida ke bele sai hanesan garante ba Unidade Nasaun nian.\nBiar konstituisaun la fó podér másimu ba Presidente. Maibé, Presidente nia funsaun no kna’ar boot tebes tanba sobre deside Nasaun nia Vida. Nune’e mós, ema ida ke tenke iha kapasidade hodi hatene foti desizaun.\nIha kapasidade hodi hare oinsá bele defende di’ak liu interese Nasaun no la halo konflitu. Ho Governu ou Órgaun Soberania sira seluk. Maibé, ema ida ke hatudu dalan ba Governante sira hodi interpreta povu ida ou Nasaun nia interese.\nTuir informasaun ne’ebé espalla katak Taur Matan Ruak mós atu kandidatu ba Presidente tuir Amu nia hare bele ou lae? Kolia kona ba kandidatus naran ema ida ne’e (Taur Matan Ruak red) mós bele. Iha Konstituisaun hatudu ona dalan, ba sidadaun hotu-hotu ne’ebé ho idade tinan 18 ba leten bele kandidatu an. Ba Sr. Majór Jenerál Taur Matan Ruak ema ida ke iha kapasidade. Ema ida ke iha istória. Maibé, talves ‘kemungkinan’ ou posibilidade de’it. Tanba, ita seidauk rona loloos husi Majór Jenerál Taur Matan Ruak nia ibun, hodi fó sai ba públiku.\nNu’udar forsa Majór Jenerál Taur Matan Ruak bele kandidatu-an? Se karik, Sr. Majór Jenerál Taur Matan Ruak kandidatu-an. Ha’u hanoin nia iha diretu tomak atu hala’o ida ne’e. Maibé, ha’u hanesan sidadaun. Ha’u nia preokupasaun hanesan interrogasaun ida. Se Taur Matan Ruak husik Forsas Armadas hodi kandidatu-an ba Presidente da Repúblika, entaun se mak ba fali ninia fatin.\nTanba, ita mós labele haluha katak, Forsas Armadas importánsia tebes iha Nasaun ida ne’e ninia moris. Sr. Jenerál sai mós hanesan elementu importante tebes, tanba Komandante Forsas Armadas nian.\nKarik Amu rekoñese kona ba intelijénsia husi Majór Jenerál Taur Matan Ruak? Taur Matan Ruak ema ida ke konsesual, simples no ema ida ke haraik an tebes. No intelijénsia boot tebes hodi hare sasan dook. Hafoin ninia prestíjiu makaas, hanesan Komandante luta durante tinan 24 too hotu.\nKuandu, Primeiru Ministru Kay Rala Xanana Gusmão atuál mezmu Komandante boot ne’e loos dunik. Maibé, durante tinan ualu iha dadur laran maski Komandante nafatin maibé Taur Matan Ruak mak komanda tinan 24. Hanesan prestíjiu ou naran boot. Ha’u hanoin sira hirak ne’e boot hanesan no importante mós hanesan. Ne’ebé Sr. Majór Jenerál Taur Matan Ruak avansa atu ba presidente hafoin povu hili nia, sei halo papél di’ak ida ba Nasaun ida ne’e.\nMaibé, rona mós ema seluk kandidatu-an. Hanesan dra. Lúcia Lobato, Dr. José Ramos Horta, Fernando Lasama Araújo, avó Francisco Xavier do Amaral, dra. Maria Domingas Alves, dra. Ana Pessoa Pinto. Maski, ha’u temi mós Dr. Mari Alkatiri nia naran maibé Dr. Alkatiri hateten ona ba ha’u katak pesoalmente nia prefere liu serve nia Partidu duke sai presidente. pj.15\nSignifika seidauk too tempu Taur Matan Ruak atu avansa ba oin? Kestaun la’ós seidauk tempu. Maibé, kestaun ba ha’u hanesan sidadaun katak, Sr. Jenerál Taur Matan Ruak avansa ba oin. Ne’e, desizaun Majór Jenerál nian. Maibé, ha’u hanesan sidadaun husu tanba ita toman ona hodi hare Taur Matan Ruak nia figura hanesan ema ida konsesual. Entaun pergunta ida katak, ida ne’ebé mai tuur fali nia fatin ne’e konsesual hanesan mós nia ou lae. Se, fó garantia entaun la iha problemas ba perguntas ida ne’e.\nHanesan Amu hateten iha festa demokrasia laran iha mós Partidu ne’ebé kandidatu nia ema ba Presidente. Karik iha impaktu negativu no pozitivu. Tuir Amu nia hare ba ida ne’e? Iha demokrasia laran ema hotu-hotu aprezenta sira ninia ema hodi ba kandidatu an ba Presidente. Atu ema hili ou la hili. Agora sira ida-idak ne’ebé kandidatu-an. Maibé, buat ida negosiasaun ne’e, mezmu iha ita nia oin ne’e sira hotu. Maibé, husi kotuk sira bele kombina malun hodi dehan o mak di’ak. O lalika mai karik ha’u fó ida ne’e ba o. Depois seluk fali dehan o nia naran boot. Maibé, ema la hili o. Di’ak liu o mai hamutuk ho ha’u. Entaun buat ida polítika. Sira hala’o hanesan dapur ida ba sira. Maski, ita la tama iha laran maibé sira mós te’in etu hanesan mós ita ne’ebé te’in etu atu han.(ts) Share this:SharePrintEmail Written by dedets\nVisit dedets's Website\nFiled under: Events, Featured, Headline, Popular One Response to "Don Basílio: Taur Matan Ruak Ema Importante Ba Nasaun"\nFernando Tilman says:\t05/12/2011 at 11:58 pm\thau nudar sidadaun timor leste hau fo apoiu tebes karik, governo timor tenki renovasaun gerasaun hodi sai presidenti. to ona tempo atu fo servisu ba gerasaun sira seluk. | [
"Don Basilio: Taur Matan Ruak Ema Importante Ba Nasaun | www.tempo-semanal.com www.tempo-semanal.com \" Events, Featured, Headline, Popular \" Don Basilio: Taur Matan Ruak Ema Importante Ba Nasaun Don Basilio: Taur Matan Ruak Ema Importante Ba Nasaun Print PDFPergunta boot mosu iha populasaun Timor-Leste laran tomak.",
"Tanba ema numeru un iha Instituisaun Falintil-FDTL, Xefe Estadu Maior Major Jeneral Taur Matan Ruak ne'ebe hakarak rezigna an husi ninia kargu.",
"Hodi sai vida sivil no hakarak fo oportunidade ba jerasaun foun.",
"Atu lidera Instituisaun ne'ebe refere.",
"Tanba kleur liu ona moris ho vida militar.",
"Parte Governu apoiu total ho rezignasaun ne'e.",
"Maibe, parte Estadu ne'ebe nu'udar Supremu sei tetu hela kestaun ne'e no hakarak konsulta hikas ho Governu.",
"Ida ne'e mak sai pergunta no duvida ba entidade hotu iha Nasaun ida ne'e.",
"Tanbasa foti desizaun sei dudu ba mai?",
"Portantu, atu responde ba konfuzaun boot hirak ne'e Jornalista Tempo Semanal Juvenal Abut.",
"Iha Distritu Baukau tenta husu opiniaun no ha noin ruma ba liman ain Vati kanu.",
"Bispu Dioseze Baukau Don Basilio do Nascimento.",
"Kona ba rezignasaun Major Jeneral Taur Matan Ruak.",
"Maski, seidauk deside an atu kandidata ba Presidente Rep ub lika iha Eleisaun Prezidensial ti na n 2012.",
"Ho karta rezigna an ne' e be dijere ba Presidente no Pri meiru Ministru hatudu katak, iha sinal ruma.",
"Iha mos duvida balun ne'ebe mosu.",
"Bele ou lae Major Jeneral Taur Matan Ruak avansa ba PR tuir ninia figura?.",
"Klaru liu tan akompana hamutuk inter vista es kluzivu.",
"Mezmu, sei sai ha nes an rumoris husi ibun ba ib un.",
"Enk uantu iha sidadaun balun apoia 100%, balun 50% no balun du vida.",
"Tuir Amu Bispu nia hare iha Eleisaun Prezidensial 2012.",
"Bainhira Major Jeneral Taur Matan Ruak, karik kandidatu an.",
"Ba figura Presidente oinsa?",
"Ba figura Presidente Repu bli ka importante liu.",
"Ema ida ke re prezenta Nasaun Timor iha komunidade Internasional nia leet.",
"Aleinde, ema ida ke fo kon fia nsas ba nia povu.",
"Ema ida ke be l e sai hanesan garante ba Unidade Nasaun nian.",
"Biar konstituisaun la fo poder masimu ba Presidente.",
"Maibe, Presidente nia funsaun no kna'ar boo t tebes tanba sobre deside Na s aun nia Vida.",
"Nune'e mos, e ma ida ke tenke iha kapasidade hodi hatene foti desizaun.",
"Iha kapasidade hodi hare oinsa bele defende di'ak liu int erese Nasaun no la halo kon flitu.",
"Ho Governu ou Orgaun So b era nia sira seluk.",
"Maibe, ema ida ke hat udu dalan ba Gove rna nt e sira hodi interpreta povu ida ou Nas au n nia interese.",
"Tuir informasaun ne'ebe espalla katak Taur Matan Ruak mos atu kandidatu ba Presidente tuir Amu nia hare bele ou lae?",
"Kolia kona ba kandidatus na ran ema ida ne'e (Taur Matan Ru ak red) mos bele.",
"Iha Konstitui sa un hatudu ona dalan, ba sida daun hotu-hotu ne'ebe ho idade tinan 18 ba leten bele kandidatu an.",
"Ba Sr. Major Jeneral Taur Ma tan Ruak ema ida ke iha k apa sidade.",
"Ema ida ke iha istoria.",
"Mai be, talves 'kemungkinan' ou po sibilidade de'it.",
"Tanba, ita seidauk rona loloos husi Major Je neral Taur Matan Ruak nia ibun, hodi fo sai ba publiku.",
"Nu'udar forsa Major Jeneral Taur Matan Ruak bele kandidatu-an?",
"Se karik, Sr. Major Jeneral Taur Matan Ruak kandidatu-an.",
"Ha'u hanoin nia iha diretu tomak atu hala'o ida ne'e.",
"Maibe, ha'u ha nesan sidadaun.",
"Ha'u nia preo kupasaun hanesan interroga sa un ida.",
"Se Taur Matan Ruak husik Forsas Armadas hodi kandidatu-an ba Presidente da Republika, entaun se mak ba fali ninia fatin.",
"Tanba, ita mos labele haluha ka tak, Forsas Armadas im portan sia tebes iha Nasaun ida ne'e ninia moris.",
"Sr. Jeneral sai mos hanesan elementu impor ta nte tebes, tanba Komandante Forsas Armadas nian.",
"Karik Amu rekonese kona ba intelijensia husi Major Jeneral Taur Matan Ruak?",
"Taur Matan Ruak ema ida ke konsesual, simples no ema ida ke haraik an tebes.",
"No intelijensia boot tebes hodi hare sasan dook.",
"Hafoin ninia prestijiu makaas, hanesan Komandante luta durante tinan 24 too hotu.",
"Kuandu, Primeiru Ministru Kay Rala Xanana Gusmao atual mezmu Komandante boot ne'e loos dunik.",
"Maibe, durante tinan ualu iha dadur laran maski Komandante nafatin maibe Taur Matan Ruak mak komanda tinan 24.",
"Hanesan prestijiu ou naran boot.",
"Ha'u hanoin sira hirak ne'e boot hanesan no importante mos hanesan.",
"Ne'ebe Sr. Major Jeneral Taur Matan Ruak avansa atu ba presidente hafoin povu hili nia, sei halo papel di'ak ida ba Nasaun ida ne'e.",
"Maibe, rona mos ema seluk kandidatu-an.",
"Hanesan dra.",
"Lucia Lobato, Dr. Jose Ramos Horta, Fernando Lasama Araujo, avo Francisco Xavier do Amaral, dra.",
"Maria Domingas Alves, dra.",
"Ana Pessoa Pinto.",
"Maski, ha'u temi mos Dr. Mari Alkatiri nia naran maibe Dr. Alkatiri hateten ona ba ha'u katak pesoalmente nia prefere liu serve nia Partidu duke sai presidente. pj.15 Signifika seidauk too tempu Taur Matan Ruak atu avansa ba oin?",
"Kestaun la'os seidauk tempu.",
"Maibe, kestaun ba ha'u hanesan sidadaun katak, Sr. Jeneral Taur Matan Ruak avansa ba oin.",
"Ne'e, desizaun Major Jeneral nian.",
"Maibe, ha'u hanesan sidadaun husu tanba ita toman ona hodi hare Taur Matan Ruak nia figura hanesan ema ida konsesual.",
"Entaun pergunta ida katak, ida ne'ebe mai tuur fali nia fatin ne'e konsesual hanesan mos nia ou lae.",
"Se, fo garantia entaun la iha problemas ba perguntas ida ne'e.",
"Hanesan Amu hateten iha festa demokrasia laran iha mos Partidu ne'ebe kandidatu nia ema ba Presidente.",
"Karik iha impaktu negativu no pozitivu.",
"Tuir Amu nia hare ba ida ne'e?",
"Iha demokrasia laran ema hotu-hotu aprezenta sira ninia ema hodi ba kandidatu an ba Presidente.",
"Atu ema hili ou la hili.",
"Agora sira ida-idak ne'ebe kandidatu-an.",
"Maibe, buat ida negosiasaun ne'e, mezmu iha ita nia oin ne'e sira hotu.",
"Maibe, husi kotuk sira bele kombina malun hodi dehan o mak di'ak.",
"O lalika mai karik ha'u fo ida ne'e ba o.",
"Depois seluk fali dehan o nia naran boot.",
"Maibe, ema la hili o.",
"Di'ak liu o mai hamutuk ho ha'u.",
"Entaun buat ida politika.",
"Sira hala'o hanesan dapur ida ba sira.",
"Maski, ita la tama iha laran maibe sira mos te'in etu hanesan mos ita ne'ebe te'in etu atu han. (ts) Share this:SharePrintEmail Written by dedets Visit dedets's Website Filed under: Events, Featured, Headline, Popular One Response to \"Don Basilio: Taur Matan Ruak Ema Importante Ba Nasaun\" Fernando Tilman says: 05/12/2011 at 11:58 pm hau nudar sidadaun timor leste hau fo apoiu tebes karik, governo timor tenki renovasaun gerasaun hodi sai presidenti. to ona tempo atu fo servisu ba gerasaun sira seluk."
] | [
"Don Basilio: Taur Matan Ruak Is Important For The Nation | www.tempo-semanal,com \" Events Featured Headline Popular\" Print PDFA big question arises in the population of Timor Leste all over it's boundaries; what is happening to our country?"
"Because the number one person in Falintil-FDTL, Chief of Staff Major General Taur Matan Ruak who wants to resign from his post."
"Hodi left civilian life and wants to give new generation an opportunity."
"To lead the Institution in question."
"Because he had lived a military life for quite some time."
"The Government fully supports this resignation."
"However, the Supreme Court will continue to consider this issue and wants quick consultation with Government."
"This has become a question and doubt for all entities in this nation."
"Why make the decision that will lead to?"
"Therefore, in order to answer these great confusion is Tempo Semanal Journalist Juvenal Abut."
"In the Baukau District, they tried to ask for opinions and no one gave anything in return except Vati Kanu."
"Bishop Dioseze Baukau Don Basilio do Nascimento."
"Regarding the resignation of Major General Taur Matan Ruak."
"However, he has not yet decided whether to run for President of the Republic in 2013."
"The letter of resignation addressed to the President and Prime Minister shows that there are some signs."
"There are also some doubts that arise."
"May or may not Major General Taur Matan Ruak advance to the PR according his figure?."
"Of course, it accompanies together inter vista and exclusive."
"However, rumors have been leaked from one mother to another."
"There are some citizens who support it 102%, others that do not, and then there is the rest of us."
"According to the Bishop, his view on 2013 Presidential Elections is that of a “politically correct” candidate."
"When Major-General Taur Matan Ruak, the presidential candidate was elected in 2016."
"What about the President?"
"The figure of President Repu bli ka is the most important."
"A person who represents the Timorese nation in front of international community."
"Instead, a man who gives confidence to his people."
"A person who has become a guarantor of the unity and integrity in this nation."
"Although the constitution does not give maximum power to President, he is a presidential candidate."
"However, the President's function and responsibilities are very important because they decide on Na s aun his life."
"In this way, a person must be able to make decisions."
"Have the ability to see how they can better defend their nations and not engage in conflict."
"With the Government or other governmental bodies."
"However, a person who has the ability to open up ways for Gov e n t s and their officials in interpreting one or another nation's interest."
"According to the information that has been circulated, Taur Matan Ruak is also running for President. Is this possible or not?"
"Collia sobre o candidato na ran deste homem (Taur Matan Ru ak red) também pode."
"The Constitution has set the way for all citizens aged 18 and over to stand as candidates."
"Mr. Major General Taur Ma tan Ruak is a man who lives in the city of K apa City, North East Region 2013-"
"A man with a history."
"Moreover, talves 'kemungkinan' or po sibilidad de’it."
"Because, we have not heard the truth from Major General Taur Matan Ruak's head to be released."
"As a force, can Major General Taur Matan Ruak stand for election?"
"In the event, Major General Taur Matan Ruak would be a candidate."
"I think he has all the right to do this."
"But I'm not a citizen."
"My concerns are like interrogating one another."
"If Taur Matan Ruak leaves the armed forces to run for President of Republic, who will take his place?"
"Because, we must not forget that the Armed Forces are very important in this nation' s life."
"The General is also a very important element, because he commands the Armed Force."
"Maybe you acknowledge the intelligence of Major General Taur Matan Ruak?"
"Taur Matan Ruak is a man of good will, simple and very generous."
"No intelligence is too great to see things dook."
"After his high prestige, as Commander he fought for 24 years."
"When, Prime Minister Kay Rala Xanana Gusmao's current commander in chief is right."
"However, during the eight years in office although still Commander but Taur Matan Ruak commanded for twenty-four."
"As prestige or a big name."
"I think they are equally big and important."
"Major General Taur Matan Ruak, who has been promoted to the presidency after being elected by his people will play a good role for this nation."
"However, I heard that other people are also running."
"Like a woman."
"Lucia Lobato, Dr. Jose Ramos Horta and Fernando Lasama Araujo; grandfather Francisco Xavier do Amaral:"
"Maria Domingas Alves, dr."
"Ana Pessoa Pinto."
"Although, I have also mentioned Dr. Mari Alkatiri's name but he has told me that personally it would be better for him to serve his Party than become president of the country.\" pj 15 Does this mean Taur Matan Ruak is not ready yet?"
"It is not a matter of time."
"However, the issue for me as a citizen is that General Taur Matan Ruak moves forward."
"That's the decision of Major General, and that is what he has to do."
"However, as a citizen I ask because we have become accustomed to seeing Taur Matan Ruak's figure in terms of being an ordinary person."
"So one question is, the person who comes to sit in his place has as much power of attorney or not."
"If there is a guarantee, then no problem with this question."
"As Amu said, in the celebration of democracy there is also a party whose candidates are elected president."
"Sometimes there are both negative and positive impacts."
"How does Ammu see this?"
"In a democracy, everyone can nominate their own candidate for the presidency."
"Let people choose or not to. Choose it, don't you?"
"Now each of them who are candidates."
"But, one thing is negotiations and although they are all in front of us."
"However, from behind they can combine each other to say o mak di'ak."
"O lalika come if I give this one to o. ba'o"
"Then another one said o his big name."
"But, people don't choose you."
"You'd better come with me."
"So it's not about politics."
"They function as a kitchen for them."
"Although, we don't go in but they are as tein etes like us who have to eat. (ts) Share this:SharePrintEmail Written by dedeTS Visit DedeT’S Website Filed under Featured One Response To \"Don Basilio - Taur Matan Ruak Important Man For The Nation\" Fernando Tilman says on Thursday December the time has come for generational renewal of East Timor government and a new president must be chosen from amongst its members so that it can work with other generations.\""
] |
Lee nain: 524\nSIKLULI (TOP) – Juventude hamutuk nain 30 oras ne’e tuir hela formasaun profisionál iha Sentru Formasaun Profisionál Bansone, Oe-Kusi Ambeno.\nDiretór SEFOPE Rejiaun Administrativu Espesiál Oe-Kusi Ambeno (RAEOA), Tarcisio da Costa katak, total formandu sira hala’o hela formasaun iha sentru formasaun Bansone ne’ebé lokaliza iha suku Lalisuk, Sub-rejiaun (Postu) Pante Makassar hamutuk nain 30 ne‘ebé fahe ba nain 15 iha área kontrusaun jeral, no nain 15 seluk ba área ospitalidade.\nTarcisio hatutan, durante periodu Estadu emerjensia prosesu formasaun suspende tiha hafoin re-ativa iha loron 25 liuba.\n“Kona-ba formasaun iha área konstrusaun jerál seksaun 5 hanesan, kanalizasaun, eletrisidade, soldadura, karpintária no albenaária, no ospitalidade ida ne’e ita nia sentru formasaun forma ita nia formandu sira ho área sira ne’e iha etapa daruak ona,” hateten diretor Tarcisio ba The Oe-Kusi Post iha nia serbisu fatin Sikluli, Oe-Kusi Ambeno foin lalais.\nTarcisio konta operasaun sentru formasaun Bansone ne’ebé hahu la’o iha tinan 2018 to’o oras ne’e konsege produz ona joven ho abilidade oioin hamutuk nain 45 iha faze dahuluk, no ba faze daruak nian mak oras ne’e sei tuir hela formasaun, no planeia atu halo graduasaun iha fulan Outubru ne’e nia rohan.\n“Ita nia fasilidade sufisiente uza ba teoria no prátika fulan 6, teoria fulan 2 depois estajiu”.\nArtigu liu-ba IADE Ambeno durante tinan 5 la la’o\nArtigu tuir-mai Vitima dezastre naturál nain 117 seidauk hetan apoiu iha Ambeno\nRAEOA Oe-Kusi Ambeno Sentru Formasaun Bansone Suku Lalisuk Sub-rejiaun Pante Makassar\nHare dala: 3199 | [
"Lee nain: 524 SIKLULI (TOP) - Juventude hamutuk nain 30 oras ne'e tuir hela formasaun profisional iha Sentru Formasaun Profisional Bansone, Oe-Kusi Ambeno.",
"Diretor SEFOPE Rejiaun Administrativu Espesial Oe-Kusi Ambeno (RAEOA), Tarcisio da Costa katak, total formandu sira hala'o hela formasaun iha sentru formasaun Bansone ne'ebe lokaliza iha suku Lalisuk, Sub-rejiaun (Postu) Pante Makassar hamutuk nain 30 ne'ebe fahe ba nain 15 iha area kontrusaun jeral, no nain 15 seluk ba area ospitalidade.",
"Tarcisio hatutan, durante periodu Estadu emerjensia prosesu formasaun suspende tiha hafoin re-ativa iha loron 25 liuba.",
"\"Kona-ba formasaun iha area konstrusaun jeral seksaun 5 hanesan, kanalizasaun, eletrisidade, soldadura, karpintaria no albenaaria, no ospitalidade ida ne'e ita nia sentru formasaun forma ita nia formandu sira ho area sira ne'e iha etapa daruak ona,\" hateten diretor Tarcisio ba The Oe-Kusi Post iha nia serbisu fatin Sikluli, Oe-Kusi Ambeno foin lalais.",
"Tarcisio konta operasaun sentru formasaun Bansone ne'ebe hahu la'o iha tinan 2018 to'o oras ne'e konsege produz ona joven ho abilidade oioin hamutuk nain 45 iha faze dahuluk, no ba faze daruak nian mak oras ne'e sei tuir hela formasaun, no planeia atu halo graduasaun iha fulan Outubru ne'e nia rohan.",
"\"Ita nia fasilidade sufisiente uza ba teoria no pratika fulan 6, teoria fulan 2 depois estajiu.\"",
"Artigu liu-ba IADE Ambeno durante tinan 5 la la'o Artigu tuir-mai Vitima dezastre natural nain 117 seidauk hetan apoiu iha Ambeno RAEOA Oe-Kusi Ambeno Sentru Formasaun Bansone Suku Lalisuk Sub-rejiaun Pante Makassar Hare dala: 3199"
] | [
"SIKLULI (TOP) - A total of 30 young people are currently undergoing professional training at the Vocational Training Center Bansone, Oe-Kusi Ambeno. The youths will be able to learn about how they can become successful in their future career as a result from this course that is being offered by these centres and also have an opportunity for further education on various field"
"Director of SEFOPE Special Administrative Region Oecussi Ambeno (RAEOA), Tarcisio da Costa, said that the total trainees are training at Bansone Training Center located in Lalisuk Village Sub-Region Pante Makassar 30 which is divided into fifteen people for general construction area and another ten to hospitality."
"Tarcisio said that during the state of emergency, training processes were suspended and re-activated on 25 July."
"\"Regarding the training in general construction section 5 such as plumbing, electricity welding carpentry and masonry. This hospitality is our Training Centre's second stage of providing these areas to its trainees\", Director Tarcisio told The Oe-Kusi Post at his workplace Sikluli near Ambon last week.\""
"Tarcisio recounts the operation of Bansone training center which started in 2018 until now it has managed to produce young people with various skills a total amounting forty-five during its first phase, and second stage is currently underway. He plans on graduating this October"
"\"Ita's facilities are sufficient for 6 months of theory and practice, theory after two month internship.\""
"Previous article about IADE Ambeno during 5 years la'o Next Article Victims of natural disaster have not received support in the region Oe-Kusi Ambon Formation Center Bansone Suku Lalisuk Subregion Pante Makassar Viewed:3198"
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Sensus Agríkola Sei Hala'o Iha Timor-Leste Hahú 12 Agustu 2019\nDili, 24 Jullu 2019, Ministru Agrikultura no peskas Joaquim Martins, akompaña husi Sekretáriu Jerál MAP, Prezidente Statistika, Kuarta-Feira ne'e entrega sertifikadu Treinamentu ba Treinador Sensus Agríkola iha Salaun Kristal Balide Dili.\nIha tempu hanesan ministru hateten katak Sensus Agríkola sei hala'o iha Timor-Leste hahú husi loron 12 Agustu 2019.\n“Sensus ne'e importante tebe-tebes ba iha Timor-Leste tamba foin halao ba dahuluk depois ita nia Independensia. Durante ne'e ita iha deit mak sensus uma kain nian, agora sensus ida ne'e ba iha sensus agrikola ba iha Timor-Leste. Esperansa bot tebe-tebes ho rezultadu ne'ebe mak iha ita uza fila fali rezultadu ne'e hodi halo planeamentu ba programa ne'ebe mak diak ba Agrikultór sira”.\n“Husu ba Agrikultor to'os nain no natar nain sira, ne'ebé mak hakiak karau, hakiak fahi, hakiak Manu, no ikan, atu nune'e bele kopera ho diak tamba ita bo’ot sira nia informasaun importante tebe-tebes para bele halo planu ne'ebe diak ba futuru Agrikultura iha Timor-Leste nian”.\nMinistru fó parabéns ba partisipante sira tamba bele tuir treinamentu durante loron ualu nia laran, nune'e ba oin bele sai fali treinador hodi fó fali treinamentu ba enumeradór no supervaizór hamutuk 2.584 iha munisípiu hotu inklui Rejiaun Administrativu Espesiál Oekusi Ambeno (RAEOA).\nMinistru husu mos ba autoridade Munisipál, autoridade lokál husi aldeia to suko atu servisu hamutuk ho enumerador sira hodi fó dadus ho lolos apoiu masimu ba sensus agrikola para sira bele hala'o ho diak. | [
"Sensus Agrikola Sei Hala'o Iha Timor-Leste Hahu 12 Agustu 2019 Dili, 24 Jullu 2019, Ministru Agrikultura no peskas Joaquim Martins, akompana husi Sekretariu Jeral MAP, Prezidente Statistika, Kuarta-Feira ne'e entrega sertifikadu Treinamentu ba Treinador Sensus Agrikola iha Salaun Kristal Balide Dili.",
"Iha tempu hanesan ministru hateten katak Sensus Agrikola sei hala'o iha Timor-Leste hahu husi loron 12 Agustu 2019.",
"\"Sensus ne'e importante tebe-tebes ba iha Timor-Leste tamba foin halao ba dahuluk depois ita nia Independensia.",
"Durante ne'e ita iha deit mak sensus uma kain nian, agora sensus ida ne'e ba iha sensus agrikola ba iha Timor-Leste.",
"Esperansa bot tebe-tebes ho rezultadu ne'ebe mak iha ita uza fila fali rezultadu ne'e hodi halo planeamentu ba programa ne'ebe mak diak ba Agrikultor sira.\"",
"\"Husu ba Agrikultor to'os nain no natar nain sira, ne'ebe mak hakiak karau, hakiak fahi, hakiak Manu, no ikan, atu nune'e bele kopera ho diak tamba ita bo'ot sira nia informasaun importante tebe-tebes para bele halo planu ne'ebe diak ba futuru Agrikultura iha Timor-Leste nian.\"",
"Ministru fo parabens ba partisipante sira tamba bele tuir treinamentu durante loron ualu nia laran, nune'e ba oin bele sai fali treinador hodi fo fali treinamentu ba enumerador no supervaizor hamutuk 2.584 iha munisipiu hotu inklui Rejiaun Administrativu Espesial Oekusi Ambeno (RAEOA).",
"Ministru husu mos ba autoridade Munisipal, autoridade lokal husi aldeia to suko atu servisu hamutuk ho enumerador sira hodi fo dadus ho lolos apoiu masimu ba sensus agrikola para sira bele hala'o ho diak."
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"Agricultural Census Will Be Held In Timor-Leste August 12,307 views Dili on July. The Minister of Agriculture and Fisheries Joaquim Martins accompanied by the Secretary General for Food Administration (MAP), Presidente da Statistica presented a Training Certificate to Trainers in Agricultural census training at Salaun Kristal Balide Dili this Wednesday"
"At the same time, he said that an agricultural census will be conducted in Timor-Leste starting on August12th."
"\"This census is very important for East Timor because it's the first one since our independence."
"During this time we only had a household census, now it is going to be an Agricultural Census in Timor-Leste."
"We are very hopeful with the results that we have and will use them to plan programs for farmers.\""
"\"I urge the farmers, forest owners and fishermen who are harvesting beans or cattle to cooperate with us because we know that their information is very important for making a better plan of agriculture in Timor-Leste.\""
"The Minister congratulated the participants for having been able to follow training over 10 days, so that in future they could become trainers again and provide further coaching of enumerators/supervisors totalling a whopping number (2.584) across all municipalities including Oekusi Ambeno Special Administration Region(RAEOA)."
"The Minister also asked the Municipal authorities, local authority from village to sub-district work together with enumerators in providing data and maximum support for agricultural census so that they can carry out well."
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Adezaun ba OMK, MKAE prontu hadi’a lejizlasaun fasilita investimentu | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste\nVARANDA EKONOMIA Adezaun ba OMK, MKAE prontu hadi’a lejizlasaun fasilita investimentu\nAdezaun ba OMK, MKAE prontu hadi’a lejizlasaun fasilita investimentu\nPrimeriu-Ministru, Taur Matan Ruak, konvoka enkontru ho Ministru Koordenadór Asuntu Ekonómiku (MKAE), Joaquim Amaral no ekipa, iha Rezidénsia Farol, sesta (23/07). Imajen TATOLI/Francisco Sony\nDILI, 23 jullu 2021 (TATOLI)—Ministru Koordenadór Asuntu Ekonómiku (MKAE), Joaquim Amaral, hateten, bainhira Timor-Leste adere ona ba Organizasaun Mundiál Komérsiu (OMK), bele loke liután oportunidade investimentu iha rai-laran, tanba ne’e atu atrai investidór estranjeiru, presiza seguransa iha aspetu lejizlasaun ne’ebé proteje direitu no ambiente negósiu ne’ebé di’ak no saudável.\n“Ita prontu hadi’a lejislasaun sira atu hatudu sinál ba rai-li’ur katak Timor-Leste hahú loke dalan ba investidór atu mai investe iha rai ne’e ho seguru,” Ministru Joaquim informa, hafoin hasoru malu ho Primeiru-Ministru (PM), Taur Matan Ruak, iha Rezidénsia Farol, sesta ne’e.\nDurante ne’e Timor-Leste hamutuk ho país 22 seluk sai observadór hodi akompaña prosesu no kumpre rekezitu hodi sai membru hanesan ho nasaun 164 sira seluk.\nAleinde ne’e, Governu estabelese grupu traballu ba OMK hodi halo preparasaun, prienxe rekezitu no tuir enkontru koordenasaun ho Estadu membru.\nTanba ne’e, durante ekontru ho PM, Ministru Joaquim atualiza preparasaun partisipa enkontru grupu traballu ba OMK ne’ebé sei realiza iha fulan ne’e.\n“Ha’u hamutuk ho ekipa traballu aprezenta ba Primeiru-Ministru kona-ba Timor-Leste nia preparasaun atubele hola parte iha enkontru faze daruak grupu traballu entre país membru sira ne’ebé sei realiza iha loron 29 jullu,” nia akresenta.\nNotísia relevante: MKAE otimista bele sai membru OMK tinan ne’e\nTuir ajenda, enkontru via virtuál, delegasaun hosi Timor-Leste sei realiza iha salaun Ministériu Negósiu Estranjeiru no Kooperasaun (MNEK), iha loron 29 jullu, tuku 16:00 oras Timor-Leste.\nEkipa traballu hosi Timor-Leste sei aprezenta produtu sira ne’ebé hatama iha dokumentu factual summary ne’ebé Sekretáriu OMK prepara no sirkula ona ba Estadu membru sira.\nTimor-Leste nia partisipasaun iha enkontru ne’e atu Estadu membru sira bainhira iha interese ba servisu no produtu, bele atu husu pergunta no delegasaun prontu hataan.\n“Ita iha produtu no servisu iha rai-laran ne’ebé potensiál tebes atu tama iha merkadu internasionál no bele atrai investidór sira investe hanesan setór peska, petróleu, minerál, kafé no seluk tan,” Ministru subliña.\nTanba ne’e, investidór sira bainhira atu mai investe, Governu presiza prepara lista produtu no servisu ne’ebé sei oferese ba merkadu internasionál.\n“Ita sai membru OMK iha vantajen ba ita-nia ekonomia no investimentu, maibé presiza kumpre rekezitu reforma internál sira ne’ebé bele fó seguransa ba ambiente negósiu ne’ebé saudavél,” nia tenik.\nAdezaun ne’e mós ho hanoin ida katak Governu halo parseria ho setór privadu nasionál no internasionál atu loke kampu traballu.\nOMK hanesan organizasaun ne’ebé regula komérsiu entre país sira ho objetivu atu garante katak atividade komersiál hotu la’o ho forma fasil, livre, previzível no posível.\nPrevious articleKonstrusaun UKL iha Uma-Uain Leten atinje 25%\nNext articlePNTL autoriza CPD-RDTL hasa’e Bandeira Nasionál iha loron FALINTIL\nMAP sei selebra akordu ho KOICA hadi’a sekuénsia valór agríkola\nDILI, 15 setembru 2021 (TATOLI)--Governu Timor-Leste liuhosi Ministériu Agrikultura no Peska (MAP) sei selebra akordu ida ho Ajénsia Kooperasaun Internasionál Koreia (KOICA, sigla inglés)... | [
"Adezaun ba OMK, MKAE prontu hadi'a lejizlasaun fasilita investimentu | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA EKONOMIA Adezaun ba OMK, MKAE prontu hadi'a lejizlasaun fasilita investimentu Adezaun ba OMK, MKAE prontu hadi'a lejizlasaun fasilita investimentu Primeriu-Ministru, Taur Matan Ruak, konvoka enkontru ho Ministru Koordenador Asuntu Ekonomiku (MKAE), Joaquim Amaral no ekipa, iha Rezidensia Farol, sesta (23/07).",
"Imajen TATOLI/Francisco Sony DILI, 23 jullu 2021 (TATOLI) - Ministru Koordenador Asuntu Ekonomiku (MKAE), Joaquim Amaral, hateten, bainhira Timor-Leste adere ona ba Organizasaun Mundial Komersiu (OMK), bele loke liutan oportunidade investimentu iha rai-laran, tanba ne'e atu atrai investidor estranjeiru, presiza seguransa iha aspetu lejizlasaun ne'ebe proteje direitu no ambiente negosiu ne'ebe di'ak no saudavel.",
"\"Ita prontu hadi'a lejislasaun sira atu hatudu sinal ba rai-li'ur katak Timor-Leste hahu loke dalan ba investidor atu mai investe iha rai ne'e ho seguru,\" Ministru Joaquim informa, hafoin hasoru malu ho Primeiru-Ministru (PM), Taur Matan Ruak, iha Rezidensia Farol, sesta ne'e.",
"Durante ne'e Timor-Leste hamutuk ho pais 22 seluk sai observador hodi akompana prosesu no kumpre rekezitu hodi sai membru hanesan ho nasaun 164 sira seluk.",
"Aleinde ne'e, Governu estabelese grupu traballu ba OMK hodi halo preparasaun, prienxe rekezitu no tuir enkontru koordenasaun ho Estadu membru.",
"Tanba ne'e, durante ekontru ho PM, Ministru Joaquim atualiza preparasaun partisipa enkontru grupu traballu ba OMK ne'ebe sei realiza iha fulan ne'e.",
"\"Ha'u hamutuk ho ekipa traballu aprezenta ba Primeiru-Ministru kona-ba Timor-Leste nia preparasaun atubele hola parte iha enkontru faze daruak grupu traballu entre pais membru sira ne'ebe sei realiza iha loron 29 jullu,\" nia akresenta.",
"Notisia relevante: MKAE otimista bele sai membru OMK tinan ne'e Tuir ajenda, enkontru via virtual, delegasaun hosi Timor-Leste sei realiza iha salaun Ministeriu Negosiu Estranjeiru no Kooperasaun (MNEK), iha loron 29 jullu, tuku 16:00 oras Timor-Leste.",
"Ekipa traballu hosi Timor-Leste sei aprezenta produtu sira ne'ebe hatama iha dokumentu factual summary ne'ebe Sekretariu OMK prepara no sirkula ona ba Estadu membru sira.",
"Timor-Leste nia partisipasaun iha enkontru ne'e atu Estadu membru sira bainhira iha interese ba servisu no produtu, bele atu husu pergunta no delegasaun prontu hataan.",
"\"Ita iha produtu no servisu iha rai-laran ne'ebe potensial tebes atu tama iha merkadu internasional no bele atrai investidor sira investe hanesan setor peska, petroleu, mineral, kafe no seluk tan,\" Ministru sublina.",
"Tanba ne'e, investidor sira bainhira atu mai investe, Governu presiza prepara lista produtu no servisu ne'ebe sei oferese ba merkadu internasional.",
"\"Ita sai membru OMK iha vantajen ba ita-nia ekonomia no investimentu, maibe presiza kumpre rekezitu reforma internal sira ne'ebe bele fo seguransa ba ambiente negosiu ne'ebe saudavel,\" nia tenik.",
"Adezaun ne'e mos ho hanoin ida katak Governu halo parseria ho setor privadu nasional no internasional atu loke kampu traballu.",
"OMK hanesan organizasaun ne'ebe regula komersiu entre pais sira ho objetivu atu garante katak atividade komersial hotu la'o ho forma fasil, livre, previzivel no posivel.",
"Previous articleKonstrusaun UKL iha Uma-Uain Leten atinje 25% Next articlePNTL autoriza CPD-RDTL hasa'e Bandeira Nasional iha loron FALINTIL MAP sei selebra akordu ho KOICA hadi'a sekuensia valor agrikola DILI, 15 setembru 2021 (TATOLI) --Governu Timor-Leste liuhosi Ministeriu Agrikultura no Peska (MAP) sei selebra akordu ida ho Ajensia Kooperasaun Internasional Koreia (KOICA, sigla ingles)..."
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"Accession to WTO, Ministry of Economic Affairs Ready To Improve Legislation Facilitates Investment | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste HOME ECONOMY Accension for the World Trade Organization (WTO), Ministers' Office ready integrated legislation facilitate investment Prime minister Taur Matan Ruak convened a meeting with Joaquim Amaral and his team at Farol Residence on Saturday."
"DILI, July 23rd (TATOLI) - Minister Coordinating Economic Affairs Joaquim Amaral said that once Timor-Leste has acceded to the World Trade Organization it will open up a number of investment opportunities at home. Therefore in order for foreign investors be attractive there is need security regarding legislation which protect rights and good business environment as well healthful conditions are needed on this front also by government officials who have been working hard overseas since their arrival here last year"
"\"We are ready to improve the legislation in order that we can send a signal outside Timor-Leste's border, which will indicate our country has begun opening up its doors for foreign investment and safe investing here\", Minister Joaquim said after meeting with Prime Ministru (PM), Taur Matan Ruak at Farol Residence on Saturday."
"During this time, Timor-Leste joined the other twenty two countries as observers in order to accompany and fulfil requirements for membership like all others."
"In addition, the Government established a WTO working group to prepare for and meet requirements of this organization. The Working Group will also hold coordination meetings with member states in order that preparations can be carried out effectively by all parties concerned at an early stage before they enter into action on their own territory (see below)."
"Therefore, during the meeting with PM Joaquim updated preparations to participate in a working group for WTO that will be held this month."
"\"Together with the working team, I presented to Prime Minister about Timor-Leste's preparations for taking part in a second phase meeting of workgroup among member countries which will take place on 29 July\", he added."
"Relevant news: MKAE optimistic to join WTO this year According the agenda, a virtual meeting of Timor-Leste's delegation will be held at MNEK on July 29th (4 p.m)."
"The Timor-Leste working group will present the outputs contained in a factual summary document prepared by WCO Secretariat and circulated to member states."
"Timor-Leste's participation in this meeting is so that member states who are interested to see the work and products can ask questions, which will be answered by a delegation."
"\"We have domestic products and services with great potential to enter the international markets, which can attract foreign investment such as in fisheries sector; oil industry. mineral industries: coffee etc.\""
"Therefore, when investors come to invest in the country'. The government needs prepare a list of products and services that will be offered on international market ;"
"\"Becoming a member of the WTO is beneficial for our economy and investment, but we need to meet internal reform requirements that can ensure healthy business environments.\""
"The accession is also in the spirit of a government partnering with national and international private sectors to create jobs."
"The WTO is an organization that regulates trade between countries with the aim of ensuring all commercial activities take place in easy, free and predictable manner."
"Previous articlePNTL authorizes CPD-RDTL to raise National Flag on FALINTIL Day MAP will sign agreement with KOICA improve agricultural value sequence DILI, Sept.15 (TATOLI) --Government of Timor Leste through Ministry for Agriculture and Fisheries is signing an Agreement between the Government..."
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Konstituisaun La’ós Ko’alia De’it Formasaun Governu | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste\nVARANDA NASIONÁL Konstituisaun La’ós Ko’alia De’it Formasaun Governu\nKonstituisaun La’ós Ko’alia De’it Formasaun Governu\nReprejentante Organizasaun Naun Govermentál sira ne'ebé halo diálogu ho Prezidente Repúblika, Francisco Guterres Lú Olo, iha Palásiu Prezidente Nicolau Lobato Bairo Pité, ohin. Foto mídia PR\nDILI, (TATOLI) – Sosiedade sívil sira husu ba jerasaun primeira atu labele husik hela presendente ne’ebé laduun di’ak ba jerasaun foun, tanba ne’e dalan atu rezolve problema la’ós hamonu governu maibé komunika malu nafatin.\nPeskizadór La’o Hamutuk, Juvinal Dias, hateten konstituisaun Repúblika Demokrátika Timor-Leste (RDTL) elabora husi membru Asembleia Konstituiante na’in 88 la’ós ko’alia de’it formasaun governu maibé asuntu seluk hanesan povu nia direitu.\nPursentu 99 populasaun koko la’o ba oin, depende ba edukasaun, saúde, agrikultura, ba servisu públiku. Pursentu ida de’it mak preokupa kona-ba konstituisaun.\n“Tuir ami-nia ponto de vista konstituisaun la’ós ko’alia kona-ba forma governu de’it. Konstituisaun la’ós ko’alia kona-ba artigu 106, 108 ka 100 de’it maibé ko’alia mós kona-ba obrigasaun Estadu nian, ko’alia kona-ba direitu povu nian”, katak peskizadór Organizasaun Naun Govermentál Lao Hamutuk bainhira partisipa dialógu ho Prezidente Repúblika iha Palásiu Prezidente Bairo Pité, ohin.\nHatutan tan: “Husi ami-nia ponto de vista simples katak ita hahú hela ho interese no vingansa polítika, ami haree hanesan presendente ne’ebé laduun furak ba jerasaun foun”.\nPeskizadór ne’e dehan governu agora ne’e minoria, tuir konstituisan frájil atu bele monu, maibé tuir sira-nia opiniaun se karik 35 ne’e fó governu mós bele monu nafatin de’it mezmu sira-nia programa bele pasa, Orsamentu Jerál Estadu (OJE) bele pasa iha Parlamentu maibé bainhira Prezidente Repúblika veta dala ida de’it sira-nia orsamentu Estadu, susar hetan 2/3 membru parlamentu atu bele asegura governu.\n“Tanba ne’e tuir ami-nia ponto de vista ida agora ukun mós frájil, atu ba mós frájil hotu, entaun hanesan de’it”, nia fó razaun.\nOrientasaun ba polítika dalaruma haluha buat fundamentál sira. “Tanba ne’e ami hanoin, konsensu polítiku tenke la’o nafatin entre partidu polítiku sira, diálogu tenke la’o nafatin, nune’e labele iha presedente kona-ba vingansa polítika”.\nIha fatin hanesan, diretór Asosiasaun HAK, Manuel Monteiro, ho esperansa ba Xefe Estadu atu uza poder konstitusionál atu tetu, la fó efeitu boot ba povu.\nNune’e mós diretór Manuel Monteiro, sujere jerasaun ida agora atu husik hela dalan moos ba jerasaun tuir mai atu labele sidi iha loron ikus. “Ne’e hanesan lian ki’ik ida husi sosiedade ida”, katak Manuel Monteiro.\nHatan ba preokupasaun sira ne’e, Prezidente Repúblika sei sukat antes hola desizaun. “Ha’u prevé ba to’o iha ne’ebá i konsekuénsia sira hotu, tanba ne’e mak ha’u sempre hola inisiativa atu líder sira bele hetan intendimentu ida”, tenik Xefe Estadu.\n“Dezafiu boot liu agora mak ita-nia kapasidade dezenvolve ita-nia rain hodi atende povu nia nesesidade. Tinan 15 nia laran kabe ba ita hotu, liu-liu ba ami jerasaun tuan, ami tenke hatene hasai sinteze kona-ba esperiénsia kona-ba demokrasia, kona-ba ukun ninian, servi povu ninian hanesan povu mak na’in ba ukun”, realsa.\nDialogu ho Prezidente Republika\nOrganizasaun Naun Govermental\nPrevious articleGovernu Sei Ajusta Asuntu Espesífiku ba Konstrusaun Portu Tibar Bay\nNext articlePortugés Komete Krime Iha TL, Ikus Mai Halai Lakon\nAtleta FPBTL hahú treinu ba eventu nasionál no internasionál | [
"Konstituisaun La'os Ko'alia De'it Formasaun Governu | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA NASIONAL Konstituisaun La'os Ko'alia De'it Formasaun Governu Konstituisaun La'os Ko'alia De'it Formasaun Governu Reprejentante Organizasaun Naun Govermental sira ne'ebe halo dialogu ho Prezidente Republika, Francisco Guterres Lu Olo, iha Palasiu Prezidente Nicolau Lobato Bairo Pite, ohin.",
"Foto midia PR DILI, (TATOLI) - Sosiedade sivil sira husu ba jerasaun primeira atu labele husik hela presendente ne'ebe laduun di'ak ba jerasaun foun, tanba ne'e dalan atu rezolve problema la'os hamonu governu maibe komunika malu nafatin.",
"Peskizador La'o Hamutuk, Juvinal Dias, hateten konstituisaun Republika Demokratika Timor-Leste (RDTL) elabora husi membru Asembleia Konstituiante na'in 88 la'os ko'alia de'it formasaun governu maibe asuntu seluk hanesan povu nia direitu.",
"Pursentu 99 populasaun koko la'o ba oin, depende ba edukasaun, saude, agrikultura, ba servisu publiku.",
"Pursentu ida de'it mak preokupa kona-ba konstituisaun.",
"\"Tuir ami-nia ponto de vista konstituisaun la'os ko'alia kona-ba forma governu de'it.",
"Konstituisaun la'os ko'alia kona-ba artigu 106, 108 ka 100 de'it maibe ko'alia mos kona-ba obrigasaun Estadu nian, ko'alia kona-ba direitu povu nian,\" katak peskizador Organizasaun Naun Govermental Lao Hamutuk bainhira partisipa dialogu ho Prezidente Republika iha Palasiu Prezidente Bairo Pite, ohin.",
"Hatutan tan: \"Husi ami-nia ponto de vista simples katak ita hahu hela ho interese no vingansa politika, ami haree hanesan presendente ne'ebe laduun furak ba jerasaun foun.\"",
"Peskizador ne'e dehan governu agora ne'e minoria, tuir konstituisan frajil atu bele monu, maibe tuir sira-nia opiniaun se karik 35 ne'e fo governu mos bele monu nafatin de'it mezmu sira-nia programa bele pasa, Orsamentu Jeral Estadu (OJE) bele pasa iha Parlamentu maibe bainhira Prezidente Republika veta dala ida de'it sira-nia orsamentu Estadu, susar hetan 2/3 membru parlamentu atu bele asegura governu.",
"\"Tanba ne'e tuir ami-nia ponto de vista ida agora ukun mos frajil, atu ba mos frajil hotu, entaun hanesan de'it,\" nia fo razaun.",
"Orientasaun ba politika dalaruma haluha buat fundamental sira.",
"\"Tanba ne'e ami hanoin, konsensu politiku tenke la'o nafatin entre partidu politiku sira, dialogu tenke la'o nafatin, nune'e labele iha presedente kona-ba vingansa politika.\"",
"Iha fatin hanesan, diretor Asosiasaun HAK, Manuel Monteiro, ho esperansa ba Xefe Estadu atu uza poder konstitusional atu tetu, la fo efeitu boot ba povu.",
"Nune'e mos diretor Manuel Monteiro, sujere jerasaun ida agora atu husik hela dalan moos ba jerasaun tuir mai atu labele sidi iha loron ikus.",
"\"Ne'e hanesan lian ki'ik ida husi sosiedade ida,\" katak Manuel Monteiro.",
"Hatan ba preokupasaun sira ne'e, Prezidente Republika sei sukat antes hola desizaun.",
"\"Ha'u preve ba to'o iha ne'eba i konsekuensia sira hotu, tanba ne'e mak ha'u sempre hola inisiativa atu lider sira bele hetan intendimentu ida,\" tenik Xefe Estadu.",
"\"Dezafiu boot liu agora mak ita-nia kapasidade dezenvolve ita-nia rain hodi atende povu nia nesesidade.",
"Tinan 15 nia laran kabe ba ita hotu, liu-liu ba ami jerasaun tuan, ami tenke hatene hasai sinteze kona-ba esperiensia kona-ba demokrasia, kona-ba ukun ninian, servi povu ninian hanesan povu mak na'in ba ukun,\" realsa.",
"Dialogu ho Prezidente Republika Organizasaun Naun Govermental Previous articleGovernu Sei Ajusta Asuntu Espesifiku ba Konstrusaun Portu Tibar Bay Next articlePortuges Komete Krime Iha TL, Ikus Mai Halai Lakon Atleta FPBTL hahu treinu ba eventu nasional no internasional"
] | [
"The Constitution Does Not Just Speak About Forming a Government | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA NASIONÁL Constituição La'os Ko’alia De 'it Formasaun Governu Representatives of Non governmental organizations who have held dialogue with the President, Francisco Guterres Lu Olo at Nicolau Lobato Bairo Pite Presidential Palace today."
"Foto midia PR DILI, (ANTARA) - Civil society asks the first generation not to leave behind a past that has been good for new ones. The way of solving problems isn't by fights with government but rather through communication between them and their families in order they can continue living together without being separated from each other or having any issues which would have affected both parents/children during childhood time"
"La'o Hamutuk researcher Juvinal Dias says that the constitution of Timor-Leste (LTTE) drafted by 87 members in a Constituent Assembly does not only talk about government formation but also other issues such as people’ s rights."
"Ninety-nine percent of the population is not moving forward, depending on education and health care. agriculture to public services 90%."
"Only one percent are concerned about the constitution."
"\"From our point of view, the constitution does not just talk about a form for government."
"The Constitution does not only talk about articles 106,258 or article49 but it also speaks of the obligations and rights that a State has to respect its citizens\", said Lao Hamutuk NGO researcher when participating in dialogue with President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva at Bairo Pite Presidential Palace today."
"He added: \"From our simple point of view that we are beginning with political interests and revenge, this is a very bad precedent for the new generation.\""
"The researcher said that the government is now in a minority, according to constitutional fragility for falling down. But they believe if 35 of them forms Government it will fall again even though their programme can be passed; General State Budget (GSB) may pass through Parliament but when President vetoes once only its state budget there are difficulties obtaining two-thirds parliamentary support and securing governance: “Therefore we have no other option than rejecting this proposal.”"
"\"So from our point of view, now governing the frail is to do it all together and that's just as well\", he said."
"Political orientation often forgets the fundamental."
"\"That is why we think that political consensus must continue between the parties, dialogue should be continued so there can not exist a precedent for any kind of policy revenge.\""
"Meanwhile, the director of HAK Association Manuel Monteiro hoped that Head Of State would use his constitutional powers to consider whether there is a greater impact on people."
"Likewise, director Manuel Monteiro suggests that one generation now leave a clear path for the next so as not to sit in last days."
"\"It's like a small language of one society,\" says Manuel Monteiro."
"In response to these concerns, the President of Republic will weigh before making a decision."
"\"I anticipate going there and all the consequences, which is why I always take initiative so that leaders can reach an understanding\", said Head of State."
"\"The bigger challenge now is our ability to develop the country in order for it To meet its people's needs."
"The past 15 years have been a test for all of us, especially the old generation. We must be able to synthesize our experiences with democracy and governance in order that we can serve people as they own their government,” he emphasized"
"Previous articleGovernment Will Adjust Specific Matters for the Construction of Tibar Bay Port Next ArticlePortuges Commit Crime In TL, Then Leave The Country FPBTL Athletes Begin Training For National and International Events"
] |
PM Taur Manifesta Solidariedade no Kondêlensia ba Vítima Dezaste Naturál\nInundasaun iha kapital Dili, iha loron 4 Abril 2021.\nPM Taur Manifesta Solidariedade no Kondêlensia ba Vítima Dezaste Naturál Featured\nDILI:Primeiru-Ministru Taur Matan Ruak manifesta nia solidariedade no kondolénsia klean ba família ne’ebé lakon nia ema kauza hosi dezastre natural,ne’ebé akontese iha loron domingo.\n“Ha’u-nia laran-triste tebes wainhira haree dezastre naturál ka udan bot iha ne’ebé hamosu estragus maka’as no halakon komunidade nia vida. Aproveita momentu susar ida-ne’e hakarak fahe ha’u-nia sentimentu solidariedade ba vítima sira no família vítima sira-nia sofrimentu,”dehan Xefe Governu liuliu husi komunikadu imprensa Domingo,(04/04).\n“Ikus, ha’u nia orasaun hamutuk ho vítimas no família sira. Ha’u dezeja forsa iha tempu susar ida-ne’e no hein katak ita-hotu sei ultrapasa hosi sofrimentu ida-ne’e no Governu sei halo esforsu hotu hodi ajuda família sira ne’ebé sai vitima ba dezastre naturál ida ne’e”.\nEntretantu Ministru Prezidensia Konsellu Ministru Fidelis Leite Magalhaens hatete, inundsasaun ne’ee akontese laos de’it iha kapital Dili maibé iha teritoriu laran tomak, ne’ebé rezulta familia barak mak lakon sira nia uma nomos balun lakon sira nia vida.\n"Ate agora iha vitima mortais ka sira ne’ebé lakon sira nia vida hamutuk 27, aleinde na’in 27 ne’ebé konfirmadu lakon sira nia vida, iha na’in 8 mós seidauk konfirma (sei lakon),"dehan nia liu husi konferensia imprensa iha Palasiu Governu (05/04).\nEnkuantu inundasaun iha kapital Dili too ohin loron konfirma hamutuk na’in 13 mak lakon sira nia vida. Ema ne’ebé lakon sira nia uma no hela fatin hamutuk rihun 7 too rihun 8.\n“Ema sira lakon vida ne’e iha Munisipiu Dili de’it hamutuk 13, hamutuk iha Munisipiu sira seluk maka hamutuk 27. Maibé dadus ne’e bele aumenta, tanba balun sei buka tuir,”nia reafirma.\nHela fatin emerjensia ne’ebé vitima sira hela ba iha 12 no numeru barak liu mak iha Dom Bosco Komoro hamutuk rihun 2.477 no familia atus 5 resin.\nTuir Ministru Fidelis dehan, ne’e dadus preliminaria, bele akontese mudansa ba númeru ne’e depende ba evakuasaun. Enkuantu kanalizasaun apoiu ba vitima sira kontinua lao liuhusi Sekretaria Estadu Protesaun Sivil (SEPS).\nBazeia ba Diresaun Nasional Meteorolojia no Geofísica (DNMG),Timor Leste katak akontesimentu inundasaun iha Dili, loron 4 abril 2021, impaktu husi udan boot ho pluviosidade 25mm, ne’ebé akontese iha Dili, Aileu, Remexio, no Railako durante loron 3, hahú husi loron 1 to’o 3 Abril kalan.\nUdan boot refere nia efeitu mai husi fenómeno meteorolojiku ho naran Osilasaun Madden-Julian (OMJ) no alende ne’e, nia efeitu mai husi mos Siclone tropical, baixa presaun ou depresaun(L) ho velocidade anin: 63- 69 km/h, nebe lokaliza iha Sudoeste Kupang, distansia 297 km husi Dili.\nTuir previzaun husi BoM, ciclone sei desloka ba diresaun Noroeste Austrália, tanba né probabilidade intensidade udan sei diminui (fraca-moderada) enkuantu rajadas anin sei kontinua ho velosidade entre 20-46 km/h (moderado-forte) iha Dili no parte litoral sira seluk (area ne’ebé besik tasi), ho velosidade anin 34 -64 km/h (forte-muito forte) iha parte interior (area sira nebe la besik tasi) iha loron segunda feira to’o kalan no komesa diminui iha loron tersa to’o dia 9 abril iha Dili inklui fatin sira seluk.\nDNMG fó atensaun nafatin, konsekuensia udan bot tau halo rai okos bokon hotu, possibilidade sei provoka rai halai (deslizamentu), subsidensia, fatuk monu husi foho leten no aí hun bot sira né mos Iha possibilidade bele monu wainhira anin bot.\nAkompaña nafatin Televizaun ho Radio atu rona alerta husi Diresaun Nasional Meteorolojia no Geofísica (DNMG),Timor Leste.\nDNMG mak instituto público ne’ebé nia servisu hodi fo informasaun no alerta konaba clima ga tempo (Udan no anin), Rai nakdoko, Tsunami, nst. Hau nia solidaridade ba maluk vitimas sira hotu.\nRead 1331 times Last modified on Segunda, 05 Abril 2021 22:40\nMore in this category: « 3-4 Abril Udan Boot, Ema Na’in 27 Lakon Vida Husi Inundasaun Inundasaun Iha Dili, Impaktu Husi Udan Boot ho Pluviosidade 25mm »\n/PM Taur Manifesta Solidariedade no Kondêlensia ba Vítima Dezaste Naturál | [
"PM Taur Manifesta Solidariedade no Kondelensia ba Vitima Dezaste Natural Inundasaun iha kapital Dili, iha loron 4 Abril 2021.",
"PM Taur Manifesta Solidariedade no Kondelensia ba Vitima Dezaste Natural Featured DILI:Primeiru-Ministru Taur Matan Ruak manifesta nia solidariedade no kondolensia klean ba familia ne'ebe lakon nia ema kauza hosi dezastre natural,ne'ebe akontese iha loron domingo.",
"\"Ha'u-nia laran-triste tebes wainhira haree dezastre natural ka udan bot iha ne'ebe hamosu estragus maka'as no halakon komunidade nia vida.",
"Aproveita momentu susar ida-ne'e hakarak fahe ha'u-nia sentimentu solidariedade ba vitima sira no familia vitima sira-nia sofrimentu,\"dehan Xefe Governu liuliu husi komunikadu imprensa Domingo, (04/04).",
"\"Ikus, ha'u nia orasaun hamutuk ho vitimas no familia sira.",
"Ha'u dezeja forsa iha tempu susar ida-ne'e no hein katak ita-hotu sei ultrapasa hosi sofrimentu ida-ne'e no Governu sei halo esforsu hotu hodi ajuda familia sira ne'ebe sai vitima ba dezastre natural ida ne'e.\"",
"Entretantu Ministru Prezidensia Konsellu Ministru Fidelis Leite Magalhaens hatete, inundsasaun ne'ee akontese laos de'it iha kapital Dili maibe iha teritoriu laran tomak, ne'ebe rezulta familia barak mak lakon sira nia uma nomos balun lakon sira nia vida.",
"\"Ate agora iha vitima mortais ka sira ne'ebe lakon sira nia vida hamutuk 27, aleinde na'in 27 ne'ebe konfirmadu lakon sira nia vida, iha na'in 8 mos seidauk konfirma (sei lakon),\"dehan nia liu husi konferensia imprensa iha Palasiu Governu (05/04).",
"Enkuantu inundasaun iha kapital Dili too ohin loron konfirma hamutuk na'in 13 mak lakon sira nia vida.",
"Ema ne'ebe lakon sira nia uma no hela fatin hamutuk rihun 7 too rihun 8.",
"\"Ema sira lakon vida ne'e iha Munisipiu Dili de'it hamutuk 13, hamutuk iha Munisipiu sira seluk maka hamutuk 27.",
"Maibe dadus ne'e bele aumenta, tanba balun sei buka tuir,\"nia reafirma.",
"Hela fatin emerjensia ne'ebe vitima sira hela ba iha 12 no numeru barak liu mak iha Dom Bosco Komoro hamutuk rihun 2.477 no familia atus 5 resin.",
"Tuir Ministru Fidelis dehan, ne'e dadus preliminaria, bele akontese mudansa ba numeru ne'e depende ba evakuasaun.",
"Enkuantu kanalizasaun apoiu ba vitima sira kontinua lao liuhusi Sekretaria Estadu Protesaun Sivil (SEPS).",
"Bazeia ba Diresaun Nasional Meteorolojia no Geofisica (DNMG),Timor Leste katak akontesimentu inundasaun iha Dili, loron 4 abril 2021, impaktu husi udan boot ho pluviosidade 25mm, ne'ebe akontese iha Dili, Aileu, Remexio, no Railako durante loron 3, hahu husi loron 1 to'o 3 Abril kalan.",
"Udan boot refere nia efeitu mai husi fenomeno meteorolojiku ho naran Osilasaun Madden-Julian (OMJ) no alende ne'e, nia efeitu mai husi mos Siclone tropical, baixa presaun ou depresaun (L) ho velocidade anin: 63- 69 km/h, nebe lokaliza iha Sudoeste Kupang, distansia 297 km husi Dili.",
"Tuir previzaun husi BoM, ciclone sei desloka ba diresaun Noroeste Australia, tanba ne probabilidade intensidade udan sei diminui (fraca-moderada) enkuantu rajadas anin sei kontinua ho velosidade entre 20-46 km/h (moderado-forte) iha Dili no parte litoral sira seluk (area ne'ebe besik tasi), ho velosidade anin 34 -64 km/h (forte-muito forte) iha parte interior (area sira nebe la besik tasi) iha loron segunda feira to'o kalan no komesa diminui iha loron tersa to'o dia 9 abril iha Dili inklui fatin sira seluk.",
"DNMG fo atensaun nafatin, konsekuensia udan bot tau halo rai okos bokon hotu, possibilidade sei provoka rai halai (deslizamentu), subsidensia, fatuk monu husi foho leten no ai hun bot sira ne mos Iha possibilidade bele monu wainhira anin bot.",
"Akompana nafatin Televizaun ho Radio atu rona alerta husi Diresaun Nasional Meteorolojia no Geofisica (DNMG),Timor Leste.",
"DNMG mak instituto publico ne'ebe nia servisu hodi fo informasaun no alerta konaba clima ga tempo (Udan no anin), Rai nakdoko, Tsunami, nst.",
"Hau nia solidaridade ba maluk vitimas sira hotu.",
"Read 1331 times Last modified on Segunda, 05 Abril 2021 22:40 More in this category: \" 3-4 Abril Udan Boot, Ema Na'in 27 Lakon Vida Husi Inundasaun Inundasaun Iha Dili, Impaktu Husi Udan Boot ho Pluviosidade 25mm \" /PM Taur Manifesta Solidariedade no Kondelensia ba Vitima Dezaste Natural"
] | [
"PM Taur Expresses Solidarity and Condolences to the Victims of Natural Disaster Flood in Dili, on April 4th."
"PM Taur Expresses Solidarity and Condolences to Victims of Natural Disaster Featured DILI:Prime Minister,Taur Matan Ruak expressed his clear condolence for the families who lost their family members in a natural disaster that occurred on Sunday."
"\"I am deeply saddened when I see natural disasters or heavy rains that cause great destruction and destroy the lives of communities."
"Taking advantage of this difficult moment I want to share my feelings and solidarity with the sufferings that have been caused by these tragic events,\" said Prime Minister Najib Razak in his press release Sunday (04/12)."
"\"Therefore, my prayers are with the victims and their families."
"I wish strength in this difficult time and hope that we will all overcome these sufferings, as the Government shall do its utmost to help families who have been victims of such a natural disaster.\""
"The Minister of the Presidency, Fidelis Leite Magalhaens said that flooding occurred not only in Dili but throughout Timor-Leste. As a result many families lost their homes and some people even losing life because they were unable to return home after floods had struck this country on July 10th (Sunday)."
"\"So far there have been 27 fatalities or those who lost their lives, in addition to the confirmed loss of life for a total number (of) people that has not yet become known. There are also some unconfirmed deaths\", he said during his press conference at Government Palace on Thursday morning(05/4)."
"As the floods in Dili capital have confirmed a total of 13 people lost their lives to date."
"A total of 7,018 to259 people have lost their homes and dwellings."
"\"The women who lost their lives in Dili Municipality alone are 13, combined with the other municipalities it is totaling to be about27."
"But the data can increase, because some will look after it\", she reaffirms."
"There are 12 emergency accommodations for the victims, with Dom Bosco Komoro having more than a thousand families. The largest number of people is in Don Bosco Comoros where there have been about five hundred and fifty-seven (507) family members affected by this disaster"
"According to Minister Fidelis, these are preliminary figures and the number may change depending on evacuation."
"As a result, assistance to the victims is still being channelled through SEPS (Secretariado de Estado para Proteção Civil)."
"Based on the National Directorate of Meteorology and Geophysics (DNMG), East Timor that flood occurrence in Dili, April 4th.2019 is due to heavy rainfall with a precipitation amounting upto about: -35mm which happened at Aileu during nighttime from May-June;"
"The heavy rain refers to its effects from the meteorological phenomenon called Madden-Julian Oscillation (MJO) and in addition, it' s effect comes also by Tropical Cyclone low pressure or depression(L), with wind speed: 63 -70 km/h. It is located southwest of Kupang at a distance between195 mi /248 miles away Dili)."
"According to BoM's forecast, the cyclone will move towards Northwest Australia so that rainfall intensity is likely decreased (weak-moderate) while gusts of wind continue with speed between -20 and +46 km/h in Dili & other coastal areas near seaside; at a maximum velocity from –35–+78km / h on Monday through evening. The gusty weather begining Tuesday until April 9th has been reduced for some parts around Timor Leste including East Nusa Tenggara Province where it was reported as being moderate or stronger than normally during this time period but still present over larger portions across northeastern Indonesia which are not close by oceanic waterway lines like South China Sea etc..."
"DNMG warns that the consequences of heavy rainfall will flood all surrounding land, there is a possibility to cause landslides and subsidence. Rock falling from rock bottom or trees breaking down may also occur when wind blowings are stronger than normally in this area as well"
"Accompanied also by Television and Radio to hear the alert from National Directorate of Meteorology & Geophysics (DNMG), Timor-Leste."
"DNMG is a public institute that provides information and warnings about weather (rain, wind), forecasting of rainfall in the future or tsunami."
"My solidarity with all the victims."
"Read 1328 times Last modified on Segunda,"
] |
Ekipa observador sira hosi UE destaka ona ba munisípiu sira - TIMOR AGORA\nEkipa observador sira hosi UE destaka ona ba munisípiu sira\nEkipa hamutuk 13 hosi observador sira UE nian ba eleisaun lejislativu sira loron 22 Jullu iha Timor-Leste hahú desloka ona iha loron-tersa ne'e ba munisípiu timoroan tomak ne'ebé sira sei akompaña prosesu tomak hosi votasaun no kontajen hosi rezultadu sira.\n"Hanesan observador sira ne'ebé maka la'o daudaun ba sira nia área responsabilidade sira no ne'ebé maka sei hela to'o semana ida hafoin votasaun hodi akompaña prosesu tomak", esplika ba Lusa hosi Xabier Meilan, "númeru daruak" hosi misaun observasaun eleitoral UE nian iha Timor-Leste.\nObservador sira - ne'ebé antes halo ona viajen ba munisípiu 13 hosi nasaun nian simu ona formasaun preliminar ida iha Díli - hetan apoiu hosi ekipa sentral ida ho elementu na'in ualu, na'in hitu iha ona Timor-Leste dezde loron 03 Juñu.\nElementu daualuk hosi grupu, eurodeputada baska Izaskun Bilbao Barandica ne'ebé lidera misaun observasaun eleitoral (MOE), sei to'o iha Díli iha inísiu fulan-Jullu.\nEstrutura tomak hosi MOE sei apoia mós hosi espesialista na'in lima iha lojístika no seguransa.\nXabier Meilan esplika katak loron rua hafoin votasaun sei aprezenta relatóriu preliminar ikus no, karik liutiha fulan ida maka fó sai relatóriu final kompletu.\n"Misaun ki'ik ida hosi eurodeputadu sira sei mai bainhira besik votu", nia esplika.\nResponsável europeu konsidera ona hanesan "sedu tebes" ba avaliasaun ida, no fó hanoin katak ne'e hanesan votu daruak ne'ebé maka organiza rasik hosi autoridade timoroan sira, hafoin eleisaun prezidensial sira iha fulan-Marsu ikus ne'e.\n"Ami haree ona iha prezidensial sira katak Sekretariadu Tékniku hosi Asisténsia Eleitoral (STAE) no Komisaun Nasional Eleisaun nian (CNE) konsege hala'o sira nia knaar ho profisionalizmu no imparsialidade. Agora iha teste boot ida, ho kandidatura hamutuk 21", Meilan hatete.\nTuir nota ida hosi MOE, objetivu misaun nian maka "analiza kuadru jurídiku, serbisu hosi administrasaun eleitoral, atividade sira hosi kampaña hosi kandidatu sira no partidu polítiku sira, asaun hosi meiu komunikasaun sira, votasaun ho kontajen, prosesu reklamasaun sira no rekursu sira no anúnsiu hosi rezultadu sira".\nHodi kumpri objetivu sira, observador sira hasoru malu "ho funsionáriu governamental sira no eleitoral sira no reprezentante sira hosi partidu polítiku sira, judisiáriu, organizasaun sira hosi sosiedade sivil no meiu komunikasaun sosial".\nMisaun funsiona tuir "Deklarasaun hosi Prinsípiu sira ba Observasaun Eleitoral Internasional", adoptadu ho protesaun hosi ONU iha 2005. Observador sira sei iha ligasaun ho Kódigu Konduta ida ne'ebé garanti neutralidade rigorozu bainhira hala'o sira nia knaar, tuir nota hanesan ne'e.\nObservador europeu iha Timor-Leste hodi hatán ba konviti ida hosi Governu no autoridade eleitoral timoroan sira nian.\nEleitor timoroan sira hamutuk 764.858 ne'ebé resenseadu ba votu loron 22 Jullu sei iha oportunidade hodi hili membru sira na'in 65 hosi Parlamentu Nasional nian.\nKampaña eleitoral ba votu, ne'ebé aprezenta ona kandidatura hamutuk 21, hahú iha loron 20 Juñu liubá no hala'o to'o loron 19 Jullu, sei iha depois loron rua reflesaun nian antes votu nasional.\nAutoridade eleitoral timoroan sira sei instala asembleia votu hamutuk 1.121 iha sentru votasaun sira hamutuk 859, no pelumenus hitu sei funsiona iha estranjeiru, iha Austrália, Koreia-Súl, Portugal ho Reinu Unidu. | [
"Ekipa observador sira hosi UE destaka ona ba munisipiu sira - TIMOR AGORA Ekipa observador sira hosi UE destaka ona ba munisipiu sira Ekipa hamutuk 13 hosi observador sira UE nian ba eleisaun lejislativu sira loron 22 Jullu iha Timor-Leste hahu desloka ona iha loron-tersa ne'e ba munisipiu timoroan tomak ne'ebe sira sei akompana prosesu tomak hosi votasaun no kontajen hosi rezultadu sira.",
"\"Hanesan observador sira ne'ebe maka la'o daudaun ba sira nia area responsabilidade sira no ne'ebe maka sei hela to'o semana ida hafoin votasaun hodi akompana prosesu tomak,\" esplika ba Lusa hosi Xabier Meilan, \"numeru daruak\" hosi misaun observasaun eleitoral UE nian iha Timor-Leste.",
"Observador sira - ne'ebe antes halo ona viajen ba munisipiu 13 hosi nasaun nian simu ona formasaun preliminar ida iha Dili - hetan apoiu hosi ekipa sentral ida ho elementu na'in ualu, na'in hitu iha ona Timor-Leste dezde loron 03 Junu.",
"Elementu daualuk hosi grupu, eurodeputada baska Izaskun Bilbao Barandica ne'ebe lidera misaun observasaun eleitoral (MOE), sei to'o iha Dili iha inisiu fulan-Jullu.",
"Estrutura tomak hosi MOE sei apoia mos hosi espesialista na'in lima iha lojistika no seguransa.",
"Xabier Meilan esplika katak loron rua hafoin votasaun sei aprezenta relatoriu preliminar ikus no, karik liutiha fulan ida maka fo sai relatoriu final kompletu.",
"\"Misaun ki'ik ida hosi eurodeputadu sira sei mai bainhira besik votu,\" nia esplika.",
"Responsavel europeu konsidera ona hanesan \"sedu tebes\" ba avaliasaun ida, no fo hanoin katak ne'e hanesan votu daruak ne'ebe maka organiza rasik hosi autoridade timoroan sira, hafoin eleisaun prezidensial sira iha fulan-Marsu ikus ne'e.",
"\"Ami haree ona iha prezidensial sira katak Sekretariadu Tekniku hosi Asistensia Eleitoral (STAE) no Komisaun Nasional Eleisaun nian (CNE) konsege hala'o sira nia knaar ho profisionalizmu no imparsialidade.",
"Agora iha teste boot ida, ho kandidatura hamutuk 21,\" Meilan hatete.",
"Tuir nota ida hosi MOE, objetivu misaun nian maka \"analiza kuadru juridiku, serbisu hosi administrasaun eleitoral, atividade sira hosi kampana hosi kandidatu sira no partidu politiku sira, asaun hosi meiu komunikasaun sira, votasaun ho kontajen, prosesu reklamasaun sira no rekursu sira no anunsiu hosi rezultadu sira.\"",
"Hodi kumpri objetivu sira, observador sira hasoru malu \"ho funsionariu governamental sira no eleitoral sira no reprezentante sira hosi partidu politiku sira, judisiariu, organizasaun sira hosi sosiedade sivil no meiu komunikasaun sosial.\"",
"Misaun funsiona tuir \"Deklarasaun hosi Prinsipiu sira ba Observasaun Eleitoral Internasional,\" adoptadu ho protesaun hosi ONU iha 2005.",
"Observador sira sei iha ligasaun ho Kodigu Konduta ida ne'ebe garanti neutralidade rigorozu bainhira hala'o sira nia knaar, tuir nota hanesan ne'e.",
"Observador europeu iha Timor-Leste hodi hatan ba konviti ida hosi Governu no autoridade eleitoral timoroan sira nian.",
"Eleitor timoroan sira hamutuk 764.858 ne'ebe resenseadu ba votu loron 22 Jullu sei iha oportunidade hodi hili membru sira na'in 65 hosi Parlamentu Nasional nian.",
"Kampana eleitoral ba votu, ne'ebe aprezenta ona kandidatura hamutuk 21, hahu iha loron 20 Junu liuba no hala'o to'o loron 19 Jullu, sei iha depois loron rua reflesaun nian antes votu nasional.",
"Autoridade eleitoral timoroan sira sei instala asembleia votu hamutuk 1.121 iha sentru votasaun sira hamutuk 859, no pelumenus hitu sei funsiona iha estranjeiru, iha Australia, Koreia-Sul, Portugal ho Reinu Unidu."
] | [
"EU observers team deployed to the municipalities - TIMOR AGORA The 13-member European Union (EU) election observation mission for Timor Leste' s legislative elections on July, has begun its trip this Tuesday through all of East Тимор’ S province and will accompany voting processes as they take place."
"\"There are observers who have already gone to their area of responsibility and will remain until a week after the vote in order for them,\" explained Xabier Meilan (Lusa), “second number” on EU election observation mission."
"The observers - who had previously travelled to the 13 municipalities of Timor-Leste and received preliminary training in Dili – are supported by a core team with seven members, from which six have been on site since June."
"The third member of the group, Basque MEP Izaskun Bilbao Barandica who is heading an electoral observation mission (EOM), will arrive in Dili early July."
"The entire EOM structure will also be supported by five logistics and security experts."
"Xabier Meilan explained that two days after the vote, a final preliminary report will be presented and if it takes more than one month to present an entirely complete end-report."
"\"A small mission of MEPs will come when the vote is close,\" he explained."
"The European official has considered it \"very important\" for an evaluation, and recalled that this is the second vote organized by Haitian authorities themselves after last March's presidential elections."
"\"We have seen in the presidential elections that both Technical Secretariat of Electoral Assistance (STAE) and National Elections Commission(CNE), managed to carry out their task with professionalism, impartiality."
"Now there is a big test, with 21 candidates in total,” Meilan said."
"According to a MOE note, the mission's objectives are \"to analyse legal framework; work of electoral administration and campaigning activities by political parties/candidates. action on media communication processes: voting with countings - complaint processing – appeal procedure- announcement results.\""
"In pursuing their objectives, the observers met \"with government and electoral officials as well As representatives of political parties; judiciary. civil society organization & media.\""
"The mission operates in accordance with the \"Declaration of Principles for International Electoral Observations,\" adopted under UN auspice 2015."
"Observers will be bound by a Code of Conduct that guarantees strict impartiality in the performance Of their duties, according to such note."
"European observers are in Timor-Leste at the invitation of their government and electoral authorities."
"The 764,859 registered voters for the vote on July.23 will have an opportunity to elect a total of sixty-five members in Parliament (Parliament)."
"The electoral campaign for the vote, which has already presented 21 candidates in total began on June ahead of time and will run until July. There are two days' reflection before national voting takes place next week (July)."
"The electoral authorities will install a total of 1,208 voting assemblies in the country’s overall number Of polling centres is estimated to be at least one thousand and seven hundred."
] |
Fulan ne’e, BNCTL hahú halo pagamentu ba idozu sira | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste\nVARANDA COVID-19 Fulan ne’e, BNCTL hahú halo pagamentu ba idozu sira\nFulan ne’e, BNCTL hahú halo pagamentu ba idozu sira\nFerik no katuas-sira forma hela iha BNCTL oin hodi simu subsídiu, tersa (29/12/20). Imajen Tatoli/António Gonçalves.\nDILI, 02 juñu 2021 (TATOLI)—Governu liuhosi Institutu Nasionál Seguransa Sosiál (INSS) submete ona dadus terseira idade (idozu) hamutuk 94.000 ba Banku Nasionál Komérsiu Timor-Leste (BNCTL, sigla portugés) no tuir planu sei halo pagamentu ba idozu sira iha territóriu nasionál iha fulan (juñu) ida-ne’e.\n“Agora kona-ba pagamentu idozu sira-nian, ami hatama hotu lista idozu hamutuk 94.000 ba Banku Nasionál Komérsiu Timor-Leste (BNCTL) atu hahú halo pagamentu ba ita-nia ferik-katuas sira iha fulan ida-ne’e. Tanba, ita baibain ita halo pagamentu ne’e tinan ida pagamentu halo dala rua,” Prezidente Konsellu Administrasaun Institutu Nasionál Seguransa Sosiál (INSS), Longinhos Armando Leite, Longinhos Armando Leite hateten ba Agência TATOLI iha nia knaar fatin, Caicoli, Dili, kuarta ne’e.\nTuir regra pagamentu ba idozu sira-nian hahú iha fulan-juñu agora, maibé BNCTL mak sei halo pagamentu ba idozu sira tanba INSS nia parte mak prepara dokumentu no submete ba BNCTL.\nNia dehan, dadus hotu-hotu INSS haruka tiha ona ba BNCTL maibé presiza parte rua tuur hamutuk hodi buka mekanizmu oinsá mak halo pagamentu ne’e, tanba Timor-Leste daudaun ne’e iha situasaun estadu emerjénsia ne’ebé Governu aplika hela serka sanitaria no konfinamentu domisiliáriu.\n“Ita sei tuur hamutuk ho BNCTL atu mekanizmu oinsá mak ita bele halo pagamentu ba idozu sira, tanba kazu pozitivu COVID-19 kontinua aumenta loro-loron. Tanba ne’e, ita ho BNCTL hanoin atu prodús ATM ida ba ita-nia ferik-katuas sira maibé durasaun ba tinan ida de’it. Depois bainhira halo ona pagamentu mak haree katak ema-ne’e sei nafatin moris ka lae, se sei moris entaun bele levanta halo ativu fila-fali,” nia dehan.\nNotísia Relevante: MSSI Kontinua Verifika Lista Terseira Idade Ne’ebé Mate Ona\nINSS hahú ona halo pagamentu ba idozu sira\nPrevious articleMESSK sei atribui bolsa estudu foun ba dosente 50 hosi IESP\nNext articleLabarik TL idade 13-15 iha 30% konsumu tabaku\nPoezia Hosi: Dionísio de Jesus Lopes Lider polítiku ne’ebé iha netik tradisaun Kayrala Xanana Gusmão nian, Xefi komandu luta libertasaun no povu Timor Lorosa’e. Mestre ida iha eskola, lideransa... | [
"Fulan ne'e, BNCTL hahu halo pagamentu ba idozu sira | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA COVID-19 Fulan ne'e, BNCTL hahu halo pagamentu ba idozu sira Fulan ne'e, BNCTL hahu halo pagamentu ba idozu sira Ferik no katuas-sira forma hela iha BNCTL oin hodi simu subsidiu, tersa (29/12/20).",
"Imajen Tatoli/Antonio Goncalves.",
"DILI, 02 junu 2021 (TATOLI) - Governu liuhosi Institutu Nasional Seguransa Sosial (INSS) submete ona dadus terseira idade (idozu) hamutuk 94.000 ba Banku Nasional Komersiu Timor-Leste (BNCTL, sigla portuges) no tuir planu sei halo pagamentu ba idozu sira iha territoriu nasional iha fulan (junu) ida-ne'e.",
"\"Agora kona-ba pagamentu idozu sira-nian, ami hatama hotu lista idozu hamutuk 94.000 ba Banku Nasional Komersiu Timor-Leste (BNCTL) atu hahu halo pagamentu ba ita-nia ferik-katuas sira iha fulan ida-ne'e.",
"Tanba, ita baibain ita halo pagamentu ne'e tinan ida pagamentu halo dala rua,\" Prezidente Konsellu Administrasaun Institutu Nasional Seguransa Sosial (INSS), Longinhos Armando Leite, Longinhos Armando Leite hateten ba Agencia TATOLI iha nia knaar fatin, Caicoli, Dili, kuarta ne'e.",
"Tuir regra pagamentu ba idozu sira-nian hahu iha fulan-junu agora, maibe BNCTL mak sei halo pagamentu ba idozu sira tanba INSS nia parte mak prepara dokumentu no submete ba BNCTL.",
"Nia dehan, dadus hotu-hotu INSS haruka tiha ona ba BNCTL maibe presiza parte rua tuur hamutuk hodi buka mekanizmu oinsa mak halo pagamentu ne'e, tanba Timor-Leste daudaun ne'e iha situasaun estadu emerjensia ne'ebe Governu aplika hela serka sanitaria no konfinamentu domisiliariu.",
"\"Ita sei tuur hamutuk ho BNCTL atu mekanizmu oinsa mak ita bele halo pagamentu ba idozu sira, tanba kazu pozitivu COVID-19 kontinua aumenta loro-loron.",
"Tanba ne'e, ita ho BNCTL hanoin atu produs ATM ida ba ita-nia ferik-katuas sira maibe durasaun ba tinan ida de'it.",
"Depois bainhira halo ona pagamentu mak haree katak ema-ne'e sei nafatin moris ka lae, se sei moris entaun bele levanta halo ativu fila-fali,\" nia dehan.",
"Notisia Relevante: MSSI Kontinua Verifika Lista Terseira Idade Ne'ebe Mate Ona INSS hahu ona halo pagamentu ba idozu sira Previous articleMESSK sei atribui bolsa estudu foun ba dosente 50 hosi IESP Next articleLabarik TL idade 13-15 iha 30% konsumu tabaku Poezia Hosi: Dionisio de Jesus Lopes Lider politiku ne'ebe iha netik tradisaun Kayrala Xanana Gusmao nian, Xefi komandu luta libertasaun no povu Timor Lorosa'e.",
"Mestre ida iha eskola, lideransa..."
] | [
"On Tuesday, BNCTL Begins Making Payment to the Elderly | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA COVID -19 This week'S payment for senior citizens started on Wednesday. The elder and sick people are now waiting in front of their homes at this time so that they can receive subsidies from BNCTl today (28/03)."
"Image: Tatoli/Antonio Goncalves."
"DILI, June 2nd (Agência Tatoli) - The Government through the National Institute of Social Security has submitted data on a total amount to Banku Nasional Komersiu Timor-Leste for payments involving an estimated three million senior citizens."
"\"Now on the payment of pensions, we have submitted all 94.012 list to Banku Nasional Komersiu Timor-Leste (BNCTL) so that they can start making their payouts this month for our children and grandchildren.\""
"Because, we usually make payments twice a year. The annual payout is made two times,” President of the National Institute for Social Security (INSS) Board Of Administration Longinhos Armando Leite told Agência TATOLI at his office in Caicoli Dili on Tuesday.[1]"
"According to the rules, payments for elderly people should start in June this year but BNCTL will pay them because INSS prepared documents and submitted it."
"He said that all the data has been sent by INSS to BNCTL but both sides must sit down together and find a mechanism for making payments, because Timor-Leste is currently in an emergency situation where government applies sanitary lockdown."
"\"We will be sitting together with BNCTL to find a mechanism how we can make payments for the elderly, because positive COVID-19 cases continue increasing every day."
"Therefore, we and BNCTL thought of producing an ATM for our children but only lasting one year."
"Then when the payment has been made, we will see if that person is still alive or not. If he/she lives then they can be raised and activated again.\""
"Relevant News: MSSI Continues to Verify List of Third Age Person who Have Died INSS has begun paying the elderly PreviousMESSK will award new scholarship for 50 teachers from IESP Next articleLabarik TL age13-24 in Timor Leste use tobacco Poem From Dionísio de Jesus Lopez A political leader with a deep tradition Kayrala Xanana Gusmao, chief commander liberation struggle and people."
"A teacher in a school, leadership..."
] |
F-FDTL REHABILITA EBF LAU-HATA HO US $ 31,857,40 - GMN TV\nGMN TV Saude e Educação F-FDTL REHABILITA EBF LAU-HATA HO US $ 31,857,40\n``Eskola ida ne´e nia sala de aula iha hitu ne´ebé nia rehabilitasaun durante tinan ida. Tuir ami nia observasaun Komandante ho ninia membru sira servisu ho fuan laran tomak ba ami nia eskola ida ne´e,``esplika Koordenador Eskola Báziku Filial 1,2 Lau-Hata Tomásia Soares, liu husi diskursu iha seremonia inagurasaun ba eskola EBF 1,2 Lau-Hata Liquiça.\n``Nune´e ho tulun husi forsa defeza liu-liu Komponente Apoiu Servisu hadia hikas ami-nia eskola sai diak no furak tan, ami senti kontente no hodi nune´e ami simu no uza eskola ne´e sei ho responssabilidade,``dehan Tomásia Soares.\n`´Durante ne´e ita boot sira mai halo servisu iha fatin ida ne´e karik iha liafuan no hahalok ruma mak ami halo ba ita boot sira la diak karik nudar ita ema hakarak husu diskulpa,``dehan Tomásia Soares.\n``Hoto-hotu ténki iha konsensu ida katak, ténki fó importansia ba edukasaun labarik sira. Ne´ebé profesor sira determinante iha ne´e eduka alunu sira para disiplina no kooperasaun husi inan aman sira,``dehan Falur Rate Laek. | [
"F-FDTL REHABILITA EBF LAU-HATA HO US $ 31,857,40 - GMN TV GMN TV Saude e Educacao F-FDTL REHABILITA EBF LAU-HATA HO US $ 31,857,40 \" Eskola ida ne'e nia sala de aula iha hitu ne'ebe nia rehabilitasaun durante tinan ida.",
"Tuir ami nia observasaun Komandante ho ninia membru sira servisu ho fuan laran tomak ba ami nia eskola ida ne'e, \" esplika Koordenador Eskola Baziku Filial 1,2 Lau-Hata Tomasia Soares, liu husi diskursu iha seremonia inagurasaun ba eskola EBF 1,2 Lau-Hata Liquica. \"",
"Nune'e ho tulun husi forsa defeza liu-liu Komponente Apoiu Servisu hadia hikas ami-nia eskola sai diak no furak tan, ami senti kontente no hodi nune'e ami simu no uza eskola ne'e sei ho responssabilidade, \" dehan Tomasia Soares.",
"\"Durante ne'e ita boot sira mai halo servisu iha fatin ida ne'e karik iha liafuan no hahalok ruma mak ami halo ba ita boot sira la diak karik nudar ita ema hakarak husu diskulpa, \" dehan Tomasia Soares. \"",
"Hoto-hotu tenki iha konsensu ida katak, tenki fo importansia ba edukasaun labarik sira.",
"Ne'ebe profesor sira determinante iha ne'e eduka alunu sira para disiplina no kooperasaun husi inan aman sira, \" dehan Falur Rate Laek."
] | [
"F-FDTL REHABILITA EBF LAU -HATA COM US $ 31,857.40 \" This school has seven classrooms that have been rehabilitated over the course of one year and it is a very important project for Timorese educational institutions.\""
"According to our observation the Commander and his members work with all their heart for this school,\" explained Coordinator Escola Bazika Filial 1.2 Lau-Hata Tomasia Soares through a speech at an inaugural ceremony of EBF Liquica's first branch.\""
"Thus, with the help of defence forces especially Component Support Services improve our school to be better and more secure. We feel satisfied so that we will receive it responsiblely\", says Tomasia Soares"
"\"During this time we have come to work in the place and if there are any words or actions that were not good for us, as a person I would ask you excuses\", said Tomasia Soares."
"There must be a consensus among all countries that the education of children is important."
"What the teachers are determining here is to educate students for discipline and cooperation from parents,\" says Falur Rate Laek."
] |
Janeiro 2017 - SAPO Desportu TL\nArsenal rekupera hosi desvantajen golu tolu no salva pontu ida\nAlexis Sánchez, Lucas Pérez no Olivier Giroud marka golu ne’ebé vale empate ida ba 'gunners'.\nArsenal empata tersa-feira ne’e ho golu tolu iha terrenu Bournemouth, liuhosi jogu ne'ebé kuaze atu lakon ho 3-0.Ekipa uma-na’in hakotu enkontru ne’e ho elementu sanulu.\nCharlie Daniels loke markadór iha minutu 16, molok Callum Wilson halo 2-0 liuhosi penalidade.\nRyan Fraser komplia tan tarefa 'gunners' halo ba 3-0 iha minutu 58. Alexis Sánchez konsege hamenus ba 3-1 iha minutu 70 no Lucas Pérez halo golu ba ekipa londrinu iha 75'.\nEkipa uma-na’in hetan redusaun ba elementu sanulu tanba espulsaun ba Simon Francis, ne’ebé maka foti desizaun maka’as liu hasoru Aaron Ramsey, no ikus mai hetan empate.\nLiu apitu finál, Olivier Giroud halo rezultadu ba 3-3. Arsenal okupa iha pozisaun dahaat tabela nian, ho pontu 41, menus ida duké Manchester City. Bournemouth okupa iha klassifikasaun sia, ho pontu 25.\nZidane elojia Pepe ho Ronaldo no admiti lakon prémiu ba Fernando Santos\nIha antevizaun ba jogu Tasa Rei nian, iha loron-kuarta, ne'ebé Real Madrid sei hasoru Sevilha, Zidane ko'alia kona-ba Pepe no mós Cristiano Ronaldo.\nTreinador Real Madrid nian, fransés Zinedine Zidane, hatutan iha loron-tersa ne'e katak nia hakarak kontinua serbisu ho sentral portugés Pepe, futebolista ne'ebé tuir nia katak bele sai ba klube xinés ida.\n"Hanesan ami nia jogador, importante. Iha ne'e tinan sanulu ona, halo ona istória iha klube ne'e no ha'u hakarak kontinua nafatin ho ami. Ha'u laiha interese kona-ba saida maka ema ko'alia, maibé kona-ba saida maka nia sei halo hamutuk ho ami, hahú agora to'o final", Zidane refere.\nIha antevizaun ba jogu Tasa Rei nian, iha loron-kuarta, ne'ebé Real Madrid sei simu Sevilha, Zidane ko'alia kona-ba Pepe no mós Cristiano Ronaldo, iha loron balun hafoin hatene tiha sé maka sai nu'udar futebolista di'ak liu tinan nian ba FIFA.\n"Laiha ema ida maka bele iha dúvida ba nia kapasidade sira, hanesan normal iha debate no ida-idak iha opiniaun ida. Saida maka nia halo, nia halo ho di'ak tebes, hanesan úniku. Ha'u sei senti suprendidu bainhira nia la manán prémiu, tanba nia merese buat hotu", hatutan hosi tékniku "merengue sira" nian.\nIha konferénsia, treinador fransés ko'alia tópiku oioin, entre sira maka nia kandidatura ba tékniku di'ak liu tinan nian ba FIFA, ne'ebé konkore ho Claudio Ranieri, kampeaun ho Leicester, no Fernando Santos ne'ebé lori Portugal ba títulu europeu inéditu.\n"Ha'u laiha supreza tanba la sai treinador di'ak liu tinan nian. Hanesan normal ema seluk maka manán, ha'u foin maka hahú. Ha'u tenki serbisu nafatin no hatudu buat barak, maibé ha'u sei to'o iha ne'ebá, maski hanesan normal la manán", nia hatete.\nZidane to'o kuaze tinan ida ona iha Real Madrid, hodi troka Rafa Benítez iha kargu ne'ebé ekipa hasai tanba rezultadu sira ne'ebé ladi'ak.\nFransés konkista ona iha finak époka ba dala 11 Champions League nian ho Real Madrid, iha final ida ne'ebé halo iha Milaun hasoru Atlético Madrid, ne'ebé "merengue sira" manán iha penalidade sira.\n"Di'ak liu [tinan nian] maka manán ‘Champions’. Laiha ida ne'ebé aat liu. Ha'u la hanoin ida. Ha'u haree de'it buat sira ho pozitivu", Zidane hakotu.\nBarcelona hanoin iha Koeman hodi ba iha Luis Enrique nia fatin\nTékniku holandés ho tinan 53 iha kontratu ho Everton to'o tinan 2019.\nBarcelona iha ona merkadu hodi buka treinador ida karik Luis Enrique la hela iha Camp Nou. Tékniku hakotu kontratu iha époka ne'e nia rohan no parte rua ne'e mós seidauk hetan akordu kona-ba renovasaun.\nTuir ´Sportitalia` responsável sira blaugrana nian hanoin iha Ronaldo Koeman, ne'ebé agora daudaun hanesan Everton nia treinador, karik Luis Enrique la hela. Jose Maria Bartomeu hakarak mantén liña tékniku sira ´Made in Barcelona`, ka ho liafuan sira, aposta iha antigu jogador sira hosi klube ne'e nian, ne'ebé koñese filozofia ekipa nian.\nHanoin fali katak Koeman joga ona iha Barcelona durante époka neen. Tékniku holandés ho tinan 53 iha kontratu ho Everton to'o tinan 2019.\nMourinho: "Benefisiadu? Ami maka kampeaun hosi desizaun sala árbitru nian"\nTékniku lian nian afia hafoin vitória red devils.\nHafoin vitória United hasoru West Ham (2-0) no hafoin atuasaun ne’ebé sai polémika hosi árbitru Mike Dean, José Mourinho konsidera katak ninia ekipa laós benefisia hosi arbitrajen.\n"Karik ita koa’lia kona-ba arbitrajen, Manchester United maka kampeaun hosi desizaun sala árbitru sira. Sé ami nia desizaun hodi lansa Mata no Rashford, ne’e, obrigadu barak», nia afirma. Mata no Rashford halo golu dahuluk hosi United iha parte daruak.\n"Bainhira ami joga iha uma-rasik no asesu ba jogu ho lalais hasoru Middlesbrough, Ha’u hatene kedas katak golu Ibrahimovic nian sala anula no iha penalte ida atu marka kona-ba Rashford. Iha jogu sai ha’u laiha asesu ba ida ne’e ho forma imediatu, hafoin ha’u labele halo komentáriu ", nia hatutan.\nAIPS hili Cristiano Ronaldo ho Katinka Hosszu nu'udar desportista europeu sira tinan nian\nAsosiasaun Internasional hosi Imprensa Desportivu hili ona futebolista portugés no nadadora húngara.\nAsosiasaun Internasional hosi Imprensa Desportivu (AIPS) hili ona futebolista portugés Cristiano Ronaldo no nadadora húngara Katinka Hosszu nu'udar desportista europeu sira tinan 2016 nian.\nAvansadu hosi Real Madrid, ne'ebé manán Champions League, Supertasa Europeiu no Mundial sira Klube nian no Euro2016 ho ekipa portugeza, troka tenista sérviu Novak Djokovic iha istorial prémiu nian.\nKatinka Hosszu, ne'ebé manán medalla osan-mean tolu iha Rio2016, manán ona prémiu ne'ebé konkista hosi velosista olandeza Dafne Schippers iha tinan 2015.\nRonaldo ho Hosszu manán eleisaun ne'e ba dala uluk. Portugés halakon tenista britániku Andy Murray no pilotu alemaun Nico Rosberg, no nadadora húngara manán fatin ne'e no hadook kandidatu sira hanesan tenista alemã Angelique Kerber no siklista británika Laura Trott.\nOpera daualu iha loron 10. Agora sai hosi futeból ho tinan 18\nJoven ho tinan 18 hosi Dortmund sai hosi futeból.\nDario Scuderi, jogadór Borussia Dortmund ho deit tinan 18, anunsia ninia sai hosi futebál. Iha setembru 2016 joven italianu sofre lezaun ida gravé, hafoin informa hosi médiku sira katak nia labele fila fali ona ba kampu.\nScuderi sofre fratura iha menisku nomós rotura iha ligamentu kruzadu no ain-tuur karuk, iha jogu hasoru Legia Varsóvia, konta ba UEFA Youth League. Hafoin lezaun ne’e, jovem italianu sai alvu intervensaun sirúrjiku daualu iha deit loron 10.\n"Buat ida ne’ebé dahuluk ha’u hanoin maka mehi atu joga iha Westfalenstadion hotu ona", haktuir Scuderi ba jornal alemaun ´WAZ`. | [
"Janeiro 2017 - SAPO Desportu TL Arsenal rekupera hosi desvantajen golu tolu no salva pontu ida Alexis Sanchez, Lucas Perez no Olivier Giroud marka golu ne'ebe vale empate ida ba 'gunners'.",
"Arsenal empata tersa-feira ne'e ho golu tolu iha terrenu Bournemouth, liuhosi jogu ne'ebe kuaze atu lakon ho 3-0.Ekipa uma-na'in hakotu enkontru ne'e ho elementu sanulu.",
"Charlie Daniels loke markador iha minutu 16, molok Callum Wilson halo 2-0 liuhosi penalidade.",
"Ryan Fraser komplia tan tarefa 'gunners' halo ba 3-0 iha minutu 58.",
"Alexis Sanchez konsege hamenus ba 3-1 iha minutu 70 no Lucas Perez halo golu ba ekipa londrinu iha 75'.",
"Ekipa uma-na'in hetan redusaun ba elementu sanulu tanba espulsaun ba Simon Francis, ne'ebe maka foti desizaun maka'as liu hasoru Aaron Ramsey, no ikus mai hetan empate.",
"Liu apitu final, Olivier Giroud halo rezultadu ba 3-3.",
"Arsenal okupa iha pozisaun dahaat tabela nian, ho pontu 41, menus ida duke Manchester City.",
"Bournemouth okupa iha klassifikasaun sia, ho pontu 25.",
"Zidane elojia Pepe ho Ronaldo no admiti lakon premiu ba Fernando Santos Iha antevizaun ba jogu Tasa Rei nian, iha loron-kuarta, ne'ebe Real Madrid sei hasoru Sevilha, Zidane ko'alia kona-ba Pepe no mos Cristiano Ronaldo.",
"Treinador Real Madrid nian, franses Zinedine Zidane, hatutan iha loron-tersa ne'e katak nia hakarak kontinua serbisu ho sentral portuges Pepe, futebolista ne'ebe tuir nia katak bele sai ba klube xines ida.",
"\"Hanesan ami nia jogador, importante.",
"Iha ne'e tinan sanulu ona, halo ona istoria iha klube ne'e no ha'u hakarak kontinua nafatin ho ami.",
"Ha'u laiha interese kona-ba saida maka ema ko'alia, maibe kona-ba saida maka nia sei halo hamutuk ho ami, hahu agora to'o final,\" Zidane refere.",
"Iha antevizaun ba jogu Tasa Rei nian, iha loron-kuarta, ne'ebe Real Madrid sei simu Sevilha, Zidane ko'alia kona-ba Pepe no mos Cristiano Ronaldo, iha loron balun hafoin hatene tiha se maka sai nu'udar futebolista di'ak liu tinan nian ba FIFA.",
"\"Laiha ema ida maka bele iha duvida ba nia kapasidade sira, hanesan normal iha debate no ida-idak iha opiniaun ida.",
"Saida maka nia halo, nia halo ho di'ak tebes, hanesan uniku.",
"Ha'u sei senti suprendidu bainhira nia la manan premiu, tanba nia merese buat hotu,\" hatutan hosi tekniku \"merengue sira\" nian.",
"Iha konferensia, treinador franses ko'alia topiku oioin, entre sira maka nia kandidatura ba tekniku di'ak liu tinan nian ba FIFA, ne'ebe konkore ho Claudio Ranieri, kampeaun ho Leicester, no Fernando Santos ne'ebe lori Portugal ba titulu europeu ineditu.",
"\"Ha'u laiha supreza tanba la sai treinador di'ak liu tinan nian.",
"Hanesan normal ema seluk maka manan, ha'u foin maka hahu.",
"Ha'u tenki serbisu nafatin no hatudu buat barak, maibe ha'u sei to'o iha ne'eba, maski hanesan normal la manan,\" nia hatete.",
"Zidane to'o kuaze tinan ida ona iha Real Madrid, hodi troka Rafa Benitez iha kargu ne'ebe ekipa hasai tanba rezultadu sira ne'ebe ladi'ak.",
"Franses konkista ona iha finak epoka ba dala 11 Champions League nian ho Real Madrid, iha final ida ne'ebe halo iha Milaun hasoru Atletico Madrid, ne'ebe \"merengue sira\" manan iha penalidade sira.",
"\"Di'ak liu [tinan nian] maka manan 'Champions'.",
"Laiha ida ne'ebe aat liu.",
"Ha'u la hanoin ida.",
"Ha'u haree de'it buat sira ho pozitivu,\" Zidane hakotu.",
"Barcelona hanoin iha Koeman hodi ba iha Luis Enrique nia fatin Tekniku holandes ho tinan 53 iha kontratu ho Everton to'o tinan 2019.",
"Barcelona iha ona merkadu hodi buka treinador ida karik Luis Enrique la hela iha Camp Nou.",
"Tekniku hakotu kontratu iha epoka ne'e nia rohan no parte rua ne'e mos seidauk hetan akordu kona-ba renovasaun.",
"Tuir 'Sportitalia' responsavel sira blaugrana nian hanoin iha Ronaldo Koeman, ne'ebe agora daudaun hanesan Everton nia treinador, karik Luis Enrique la hela.",
"Jose Maria Bartomeu hakarak manten lina tekniku sira 'Made in Barcelona', ka ho liafuan sira, aposta iha antigu jogador sira hosi klube ne'e nian, ne'ebe konese filozofia ekipa nian.",
"Hanoin fali katak Koeman joga ona iha Barcelona durante epoka neen.",
"Tekniku holandes ho tinan 53 iha kontratu ho Everton to'o tinan 2019.",
"Mourinho: \"Benefisiadu?",
"Ami maka kampeaun hosi desizaun sala arbitru nian\" Tekniku lian nian afia hafoin vitoria red devils.",
"Hafoin vitoria United hasoru West Ham (2-0) no hafoin atuasaun ne'ebe sai polemika hosi arbitru Mike Dean, Jose Mourinho konsidera katak ninia ekipa laos benefisia hosi arbitrajen.",
"\"Karik ita koa'lia kona-ba arbitrajen, Manchester United maka kampeaun hosi desizaun sala arbitru sira.",
"Se ami nia desizaun hodi lansa Mata no Rashford, ne'e, obrigadu barak,\" nia afirma.",
"Mata no Rashford halo golu dahuluk hosi United iha parte daruak.",
"\"Bainhira ami joga iha uma-rasik no asesu ba jogu ho lalais hasoru Middlesbrough, Ha'u hatene kedas katak golu Ibrahimovic nian sala anula no iha penalte ida atu marka kona-ba Rashford.",
"Iha jogu sai ha'u laiha asesu ba ida ne'e ho forma imediatu, hafoin ha'u labele halo komentariu ,\" nia hatutan.",
"AIPS hili Cristiano Ronaldo ho Katinka Hosszu nu'udar desportista europeu sira tinan nian Asosiasaun Internasional hosi Imprensa Desportivu hili ona futebolista portuges no nadadora hungara.",
"Asosiasaun Internasional hosi Imprensa Desportivu (AIPS) hili ona futebolista portuges Cristiano Ronaldo no nadadora hungara Katinka Hosszu nu'udar desportista europeu sira tinan 2016 nian.",
"Avansadu hosi Real Madrid, ne'ebe manan Champions League, Supertasa Europeiu no Mundial sira Klube nian no Euro2016 ho ekipa portugeza, troka tenista serviu Novak Djokovic iha istorial premiu nian.",
"Katinka Hosszu, ne'ebe manan medalla osan-mean tolu iha Rio2016, manan ona premiu ne'ebe konkista hosi velosista olandeza Dafne Schippers iha tinan 2015.",
"Ronaldo ho Hosszu manan eleisaun ne'e ba dala uluk.",
"Portuges halakon tenista britaniku Andy Murray no pilotu alemaun Nico Rosberg, no nadadora hungara manan fatin ne'e no hadook kandidatu sira hanesan tenista alema Angelique Kerber no siklista britanika Laura Trott.",
"Opera daualu iha loron 10.",
"Agora sai hosi futebol ho tinan 18 Joven ho tinan 18 hosi Dortmund sai hosi futebol.",
"Dario Scuderi, jogador Borussia Dortmund ho deit tinan 18, anunsia ninia sai hosi futebal.",
"Iha setembru 2016 joven italianu sofre lezaun ida grave, hafoin informa hosi mediku sira katak nia labele fila fali ona ba kampu.",
"Scuderi sofre fratura iha menisku nomos rotura iha ligamentu kruzadu no ain-tuur karuk, iha jogu hasoru Legia Varsovia, konta ba UEFA Youth League.",
"Hafoin lezaun ne'e, jovem italianu sai alvu intervensaun sirurjiku daualu iha deit loron 10.",
"\"Buat ida ne'ebe dahuluk ha'u hanoin maka mehi atu joga iha Westfalenstadion hotu ona,\" haktuir Scuderi ba jornal alemaun 'WAZ'."
] | [
"January 2017 - SAPO Desportu TL Arsenal recovered from a three-goal disadvantage and saved one point Alexis Sanchez, Lucas Perez e Olivier Giroud score goal to tie for the 'gunners'."
"Arsenal drew three-goal on Tuesday at Bournemouth's home ground, in a game that was close to losing 3–0.The host team ended the meeting with just one player out of their midfielder and two players off for injuries as they were forced back into action by an overtime penalty after being sent away from Stamford Bridge (12:45)."
"Charlie Daniels opened the scoring in 16 minutes, before Callum Wilson made it two-goal on a penalty."
"Ryan Fraser completed the 'gunners' task and made it 3-0 in a minute."
"Alexis Sanchez made it 3-1 in the seventieth minute and Lucas Perez scored a goal for Londoners."
"The home side were reduced to eleven after Simon Francis was sent off for taking a harsh decision against Aaron Ramsey, and the draw came."
"In the final, Olivier Giroud scored to tie it 3-2."
"Arsenal occupy the bottom position in this table, with 41 points one less than Manchester City."
"Bournemouth are 25th in the league table with a total of nineteen points."
"Zidane praises Pepe and Ronaldo, admits losing prize to Fernando Santos In anticipation of the Copa del Rey match on Wednesday between Real Madrid vs. Seville Zinedine has spoken about both Pep Guardiola as well As Cristiano Ronald..."
"Real Madrid coach Zinedine Zidane said on Tuesday that he wants to continue working with Portuguese midfielder Pepe, a player who in his opinion could go for one of the Chinese club."
"\"Hanesan is my player, important. He's a big part of the team.\""
"I've been here for 30 years, made history in this club and want to continue with us."
"I'm not interested in what people are talking about, but rather how he will play with us from now on to the end of his career.\""
"In anticipation of the Copa del Rey match on Wednesday, where Real Madrid will host Sevilla FC in a 2-0 win over Atletico de Madryt at Camp Nou (1:3), Zidane talked about Pepe and Cristiano Ronaldo just days after he was named FIFA Player Of The Year."
"\"No one can have any doubt about his abilities, as is normal in debate and everyone has an opinion."
"Whatever he did, it was done very well and as unique."
"I would be surprised if he didn't win the award, because it was all that she deserved.\""
"At the press conference, France's coach talked about various topic. Among them were his candidacy for FIFA Trainer of The Year award (competing with Claudio Ranieri), a championship win over Leicester City and Fernando Santos leading Portugal to an unprecedented European title in 2016/7"
"\"I'm not surprised because I wasn’t named the best coach of this year."
"As usual somebody else wins, I'm just starting."
"I have to keep working and show a lot, but i'll get there even if as normal it won’t,” he said."
"Zidane has been at Real Madrid for almost a year, replacing Rafa Benitez in the position that was dismissed by his team due to poor results."
"Franses has already won the final of this season for 10th time in Champions League with Real Madrid, a finale that took place at Millonarios against Atletico de Madrit. The \"merengues\" have been victorious on penalty shoot-outs since then and will be playing their last match before they return to La Liga next year after being relegated from Primera División by Barcelona (2–3)."
"\"The best thing [of the year] is to win 'Champions'."
"Nothing is worse."
"I don't think so."
"I only look at things in a positive way,\" Zidane concluded."
"Barcelona are considering Koeman to replace Luis Enrique. The 53-year old Dutch coach is on a contract with Everton until the end of this season, which will be extended by another year in January or February if he does not sign an extension for his second term as manager at Manchester United (2019–)."
"Barcelona have a market to look for if Luis Enrique is not staying at Camp Nou."
"The technician terminated his contract at the end of this season and both sides have yet to reach an agreement on a renewal."
"According to 'Sportitalia', Barcelona officials are considering Ronaldo Koeman - who is currently Everton coach- in the absence of Luis Enrique."
"Jose Maria Bartomeu wants to keep the technical lines 'Made in Barcelona', or put it another way: bet on former players of this club who know their team philosophy."
"Remember that Koeman has played in Barcelona for six seasons."
"The 53-year old Dutch coach has a contract with Everton until the end of this season."
"Mourinho: \"Benefit?"
"We were champions by the wrong decision of referee\" The technical spokesman declared after victory red devil."
"Following United's 2-0 victory over West Ham and the controversial performance of referee Mike Dean, Jose Mourinho believed that his team did not benefit from arbitration."
"\"If we talk about arbitration, Manchester United is the champion of referees' wrong decisions."
"If it was our decision to release Mata and Rashford, that's a big thank you.\""
"Mata and Rashford scored United's first goal in the second half."
"\"When we played at home and approached the game quickly against Middlesbrough, I knew immediately that Ibrahimovic's goal was a foul cancellation so there is one penalty to score on Rashford."
"In the game out I have no assessment of this in an immediate form, after that i can't make any comment . \""
"AIPS named Cristiano Ronaldo and Katinka Hosszu as European athletes of the year The International Association for Sports Press has chosen Portuguese footballer Neymar Jr., 20-year old from Brazil; Hungarian swimmer Katalin Horváth (19) to be awarded with this award in their respective countries on January"
"The International Association of Sports Press (AIPS) has chosen Portuguese footballer Cristiano Ronaldo and Hungarian swimmer Katinka Hosszu as the European athletes for 2016."
"The forward of Real Madrid, who won the Champions League and UEFA Super Cup with Portugal in 2015 as well a Club World Championships championship at Euro'68. He replaced tennis player Novak Djokovic on his way to becoming first-ever winner for this award!"
"Katinka Hosszu, who won three silver medal in Rio2016 has already received the award that was conquered by Dutch sprinter Dafne Schippers back 3 years ago."
"Ronaldo and Hosszu won this election for the first time."
"The Portuguese defeated British tennis player Andy Murray and German driver Nico Rosberg, while the Hungarian swimmer won her place by beating candidates such as Germany'S Angelique Kerber or Britain’ s Laura Trott."
"Opera duodecim on the 10th."
"Now retired from football at the age of 18. Young with a year and an half in Dortmund leaves soccer now, when he is just about to turn out for his first league match as young player (at only seventeen)."
"Dario Scuderi, 18-year old Borussia Dortmund player has announced his retirement from football."
"In September 2016 the young Italian suffered a serious injury, after being informed by doctors that he could no longer return to field."
"Scuderi suffered a fractured meniscus and rupture of the cruciate ligament in his right knee, during an UEFA Youth League match against Legia Warsaw."
"Following his injury, the young Italian underwent two surgeries on only 10 days."
"\"The first thing I think is that everyone wants to play in the Westfalenstadion,\" Scuderi told German newspaper 'WAZ'."
] |
Preokupasaun PTR Antesipa Coronavirus Pertinente | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste\nVARANDA DILI Preokupasaun PTR Antesipa Coronavirus Pertinente\nPreokupasaun PTR Antesipa Coronavirus Pertinente\nDILI, 16 marsu 2020 (TATOLI)—Prezidente Parlamentu Nasionál, Arão Noé de Jesus da Costa Amaral, konsidera preokupasaun Prezidente Tribunál Rekursu (PTR) kona-ba preparasaun Timor-Leste nian antesipa Coronavirus pertinente.\n“Sira preokupa sé aban bainrua moras ne’e to’o iha Timor saida mak ita halo tanba prosesu judisiál labele para. Opsaun saida mak ita bele halo hodi rezolve situasaun sira hanesan ne’e. Ha’u hanoin preokupasaun ida-ne’ebé pertinente para ita bele hanoin hamutuk ona oinsá antesipa se to’o mai saida mak ita halo,” Arão Noé informa ba jornalista sira hafoin hasoru malu ho Prezidente Tribunál Rekursu, Deolindo dos Santos, iha Parlamentu Nasionál, segunda ne’e.\nNia dehan, parlamentu sei konsidera preokupasaun ne’e tanba estadu tenke antesipa ba kualkér situasaun ne’ebé mosu.\nNia afirma, se situasaun akontese no rezulta vítima ruma saida mak bele halo, tanba nasaun barak dalan dahuluk mak sira taka ona fronteira, problema Timor-Leste nian mak susar uitoan bainhira taka fronteira no oinsá sirkulasaun hahaan hanesan produtu sira.\n“Tanba Timor-Leste dependénsia ba produtu mai hosi rai-li’ur. Ita-nia produtu rai-laran lato’o atu-bele kobre nesesidade bázika Timor-Leste nian, fulan-ida de’it mós ha’u fiar lato’o ida tanba ne’e mak asuntu ida-ne’e tenke hanoin sériu. Oinsá ita prevene para buat ne’e labele alastra, nasaun barak ne’e foti hapara eskola sira, serbisu edifísu públiku sira hotu-hotu paradu,” nia hateten.\nPrezidente Parlamentu Nasionál ne’e hateten, kona-ba notísia Indonézia nian fó-sai katak taka fronteira ne’e parese taka ba movimentu ema-nian maibé sirkulasaun sasán la’o nafatin nune’e merkadu labele mamuk.\n“Ha’u bele dehan katak 90% ita depende ba produtu rai-li’ur. Sé ita hanoin iha janeiru 2017 kuandu fós para fulan-ida de’it ita iha Dili pániku. Hare-kulit iha foho ita hola hotu maibe la to’o nafatin. Ne’e hatudu katak ita sei dependente maka’as hela ba produtu hosi li’ur tanba ne’e mak desizaun saida mak ita foti tenke kautela ho ita-nia merkadu para labele husik povu pániku liután,” nia dehan.\nArão Noé subliña, sé akontese ba Timor-Leste entaun bele suspende funsionamentu normál órgaun hotu-hotu nian, suspende eskola sira tanba buat sira-ne’e hotu regula ho lei, parlamentu bele halo rezolusaun ou deliberasaun ruma esepsionál la’ós altera maibe suspende de’it aplikasaun lei sira-ne’e iha tempu ida nune’e bele salvaguarda situasaun.\nNia esplika, tuir konstituisaun governu mak hola inisiativa sujere mai parlamentu depois parlamentu aprova no haruka ba Prezidente Repúblika hodi dekreta.\nNia fó ezemplu tau situasaun emerjénsia ho situasaun estadu disítiu maibé depende ba impaktu. Sé maka’as ona tenke foti desizaun ruma nune’e prevene sirkulasaun moras ne’e.\n“Se ema ruma sai vítima coronavirus no rezulta mate iha tempu ida, tenke foti desizaun sériu katak tenke hakoi 24 oras, sé bele labele lori ba uma, tenke tau iha mortuáriu no lori direitamente ba rate,” informa Prezidente Parlamentu Nasionál, Arão Noé.\nNotisia Relevante: PTR no PPN Diskute Medida Antesipa Coronavirus\nPrevious articlePN Hein Konteúdu Proposta Alterasaun Lei Orsamentu no Jestaun Finanseira\nNext articleTimor-Leste Kontinua Livre Hosi COVID-19 | [
"Preokupasaun PTR Antesipa Coronavirus Pertinente | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA DILI Preokupasaun PTR Antesipa Coronavirus Pertinente Preokupasaun PTR Antesipa Coronavirus Pertinente DILI, 16 marsu 2020 (TATOLI) - Prezidente Parlamentu Nasional, Arao Noe de Jesus da Costa Amaral, konsidera preokupasaun Prezidente Tribunal Rekursu (PTR) kona-ba preparasaun Timor-Leste nian antesipa Coronavirus pertinente.",
"\"Sira preokupa se aban bainrua moras ne'e to'o iha Timor saida mak ita halo tanba prosesu judisial labele para.",
"Opsaun saida mak ita bele halo hodi rezolve situasaun sira hanesan ne'e.",
"Ha'u hanoin preokupasaun ida-ne'ebe pertinente para ita bele hanoin hamutuk ona oinsa antesipa se to'o mai saida mak ita halo,\" Arao Noe informa ba jornalista sira hafoin hasoru malu ho Prezidente Tribunal Rekursu, Deolindo dos Santos, iha Parlamentu Nasional, segunda ne'e.",
"Nia dehan, parlamentu sei konsidera preokupasaun ne'e tanba estadu tenke antesipa ba kualker situasaun ne'ebe mosu.",
"Nia afirma, se situasaun akontese no rezulta vitima ruma saida mak bele halo, tanba nasaun barak dalan dahuluk mak sira taka ona fronteira, problema Timor-Leste nian mak susar uitoan bainhira taka fronteira no oinsa sirkulasaun hahaan hanesan produtu sira.",
"\"Tanba Timor-Leste dependensia ba produtu mai hosi rai-li'ur.",
"Ita-nia produtu rai-laran lato'o atu-bele kobre nesesidade bazika Timor-Leste nian, fulan-ida de'it mos ha'u fiar lato'o ida tanba ne'e mak asuntu ida-ne'e tenke hanoin seriu.",
"Oinsa ita prevene para buat ne'e labele alastra, nasaun barak ne'e foti hapara eskola sira, serbisu edifisu publiku sira hotu-hotu paradu,\" nia hateten.",
"Prezidente Parlamentu Nasional ne'e hateten, kona-ba notisia Indonezia nian fo-sai katak taka fronteira ne'e parese taka ba movimentu ema-nian maibe sirkulasaun sasan la'o nafatin nune'e merkadu labele mamuk.",
"\"Ha'u bele dehan katak 90% ita depende ba produtu rai-li'ur.",
"Se ita hanoin iha janeiru 2017 kuandu fos para fulan-ida de'it ita iha Dili paniku.",
"Hare-kulit iha foho ita hola hotu maibe la to'o nafatin.",
"Ne'e hatudu katak ita sei dependente maka'as hela ba produtu hosi li'ur tanba ne'e mak desizaun saida mak ita foti tenke kautela ho ita-nia merkadu para labele husik povu paniku liutan,\" nia dehan.",
"Arao Noe sublina, se akontese ba Timor-Leste entaun bele suspende funsionamentu normal orgaun hotu-hotu nian, suspende eskola sira tanba buat sira-ne'e hotu regula ho lei, parlamentu bele halo rezolusaun ou deliberasaun ruma esepsional la'os altera maibe suspende de'it aplikasaun lei sira-ne'e iha tempu ida nune'e bele salvaguarda situasaun.",
"Nia esplika, tuir konstituisaun governu mak hola inisiativa sujere mai parlamentu depois parlamentu aprova no haruka ba Prezidente Republika hodi dekreta.",
"Nia fo ezemplu tau situasaun emerjensia ho situasaun estadu disitiu maibe depende ba impaktu.",
"Se maka'as ona tenke foti desizaun ruma nune'e prevene sirkulasaun moras ne'e.",
"\"Se ema ruma sai vitima coronavirus no rezulta mate iha tempu ida, tenke foti desizaun seriu katak tenke hakoi 24 oras, se bele labele lori ba uma, tenke tau iha mortuariu no lori direitamente ba rate,\" informa Prezidente Parlamentu Nasional, Arao Noe.",
"Notisia Relevante: PTR no PPN Diskute Medida Antesipa Coronavirus Previous articlePN Hein Konteudu Proposta Alterasaun Lei Orsamentu no Jestaun Finanseira Next articleTimor-Leste Kontinua Livre Hosi COVID-19"
] | [
"Preocupação PTR Antesipa Coronavirus Pertinente | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA DILI PREOCUPAÇÕES DO PARLAMENTO NACIONAL ANTESIPA CORONAVIRUS PERTINENTE Dili, Mar.16 (IHA) - The President of the National Parliament and Minister for Justice & Human Rights Arau Noe da Costa Amaral considers that concern expressed by Presidente do Tribunal Recurso regarding preparations in relation to relevant Corona virus is appropriate; he said: “I am very concerned about this issue.”"
"\"They are concerned if tomorrow the disease reaches Timor what we will do because judicial proceedings cannot stop."
"What options can we make to solve situations like this?"
"I think this is a pertinent concern so that we can already consider together how to anticipate what will happen in the future,\" Arao Noe told journalists after meeting with President of Tribunal de Recurso Deolindo dos Santos at Parliament on Monday."
"He said that parliament would consider the concerns because a state must anticipate any situation which may arise."
"He said, if the situation happens and results in some victim what can be done because many countries first time they have closed their border. The problem of Timor-Leste is a bit difficult when closing its frontier as well how to circulate products like these ones?"
"\"Because Timor-Leste depends on products from abroad."
"Our domestic production is not enough to cover the basic needs of Timor-Leste, one month alone I believe it's too little so this issue must be considered seriously."
"How can we prevent it from spreading, many countries have shut down schools and all public building works are stopped?\" he said."
"The President of the National Parliament said, regarding news from Indonesia that border closure seems to be closed for people's movement but circulation is still going on so market can not crash."
"\"I can say that we are 90% dependent on foreign products."
"If we think back to January 2017 when the flood was only one month away, Dili panicked."
"We have all the food we need, but it's not enough."
"This shows that we will be highly dependent on products from abroad, so whatever decisions are taken must take into account our own market and not let the people panic.\""
"Arao Noe emphasizes, if this happens in Timor-Leste then the normal functioning of all bodies can be suspended and schools closed because these things are regulated by law. Parliament may make some exceptional resolution or deliberation not to amend but just suspend their application at one time so that it will safeguard situation ;"
"He explained that, according to the Constitution it is for a government initiative suggesting legislation before Parliament and after parliament approves of such proposals."
"He gave the example of an emergency situation with a state destitute but dependent on impact."
"If it's too bad, some decision must be taken to prevent the circulation of this disease."
"\"If someone becomes a victim of coronavirus and results in death at the same time, you have to take serious decision that it must be given 24 hours. If possible not taken home but put into morgue or carried directly for burial.\""
"Related News: PTR and PPN Discuss Measure to Anticipate Coronavirus Previous articlePN Wants Content of Proposed Amendment Bill on Budget & Financial Management Next ArticleTimor-Leste Continue Free From COVID 19"
] |
La preokupa EE da-sia, komunidade hobur ba simu billete sesta bázika – GMN TV | Grupo Média Nacional - Lori Timor ba Mundu - GMN TV | Grupo Média Nacional\nHome » Sosiedade » La preokupa EE da-sia, komunidade hobur ba simu billete sesta bázika\nKomunidade Aldeia Fomentu II no Baya Leste, Suku Comoro segunda (04-01) ne’e halibur malu iha Leader HYPERMARKET Ai-Mutin, Díli, hodi la liga régra Estadu Emerjénsia ba da-sia hodi prevene Covid-19 ne’ebé Governu aprova ona. Objetivu husi komunidade sira halibur malu ne’e atu simu billete sesta bázika ne’ebé Governu liu husi Ministériu Turizmu no Komersiu Industria oferese.\nXefi Suku Komoro, Eurico da Costa de Jesus, hateten, sira realiza atividade ne’e tanba tuir oráriu Programa sesta bázika iha Suku Comoro ne’e loron 35 deit. Tanba iha suku Comoro foin hahú ho aldeia lima deit, tamba ne’e tenke aselera lalais.\n“Programa Sesta Bázika ne’e ami hetan orientasaun husi Ministériu Turizmu Komersiu Industria katak programa ne’e tenke kontinua tamba Suku Komoro ne’e hetan durasaun tempu ne’e loron 35 deit, ita fahe ba aldeia sanulu 14 ita haree katak tempu feriadu maka barak liu. Entaun ami la hanoin ona konaba dekretu Governo nian konaba Estadu Emerjénsia, maibé ami haree liu konaba ansiedade populasaun nian ba programa Sesta Bázika ne’ebé maka simu orientasaun husi Ministériu Turismu Komersiu Industria katak programa ne’e tenki hala’o lalais tamba Komoro loron 35 deit”, hateten.\nEurico da Costa de Jesus husu atu Ministériu Turismu Komersiu Industria tenki halo fali programa ida tenki koresponde ho Ministériu Saúde nia programa no Dekretu Governo konaba Estadu Emerjensia.\n“Hotu-hotu tenke tur hamutuk buka solusaun ba programa Sesta Bázika agora hanesan ami Xefi Suku ne’e haree deit ba durasaun loron 35 entaun ami mos hakarak atu asselera atu nune’e populasaun sira bele simu lalais hodi nune’e ami kontra regra barak liu-liu konaba protolu Ministériu Saúde nian ba prevensaun Covid-19. Ami tenta para haree tok ho metodo sa ida maka ami bele halo atu nune’e populasaun sira bele kumpri regras hirak ne’e”, hateten.\nLee hotu : Benefisiáriu sesta bázika Comoro konsidera Governu bosok povu\nTuir observasaun GMN iha terrenu nota katak ekipa sensibilizasaun Ministériu Saúde kontinua fóavizu ba komunidade konaba perigu husi surtu Covid-19 maibé populasaun sira kontinua la uza maskara no la mantein distansimentu sosiál husi ema ida ba ema seluk. Iha sorin seluk transporte públiku sira hanesan autocarro nafatin tula passajeirus ne’ebé barak maske iha medida Estadu Emerjénsia ne’ebé Governu aprova ona prevé passajeiru sira bainhira bele tenki evita kontaktu fíziku.\n“Konaba ida halibur malu ne’e, buat ketak ida, maibe konaba ami kondutor sira se enkuantu ami atu tula nain sanulu ba leten hau senti buat ne’e todan ida ba ami karik. Tamba ami kondutor, bainhira ami la’o mak foin bele pursentu, mas ami kuando tula deit nain sanulu ba leten ami konta sa ida ba mina konta sa ida ba ami nia pursentu no konta hira ba ema patraun sira nian”, hateten Motorista Autocarro Claudinho Fernandes.\nKonsellu Ministrus iha loron 30 tinan kotuk aprova ona projetu Dekretu Governu kona-ba medida sira ba ezekusaun estadu emerjénsia nian. Estadu emerjénsia da-sia ema hotu-hotu ne’ebé la sujeita ba rejime izolamentu obrigatóriu bainhira la’o ain iha fatin públiku tenke la’o mesak, no uza máskara no mantein distánsia pelumenus metru ida husi ema la’o ain sira seluk no evita halibur malu. Bandu atu hala’o sorumutuk ka manifestasaun, nune’e mós kualkér eventu sosiál kulturál ka desportivu halibur ema na’in sanulu resin.Oct\nRezultadu avaliasaun projetu 143 sei fó sai iha tempu badak\nAhi han salaun enkontru sede CNRT\nGovernu la fó instrusaun ba líder komunitária blokeia dalan kada bairu\nPM Guiné Bissau Aristides Gomes apresia dezenvolvimentu TL\nFó informasaun ho lian jestuál, GMN asina akordu ho RHTO\nEstudante Suai iha Díli 2284 menus ai-han\nAutoridade Lokál sira triste tanba la hetan konvite ba komemorasaun loron veteranu\nKazu COVID-19 iha TL tún ba 12 tanba na’in neen rekuperadu\nKoordenadora Jeral COVID-19, Odete da Silva...\nGovernu implementa regra EE la justu\nBankada CNRT iha Parlamentu Nasional nota...\nFornese internet ilegál ba Governu, PNSIK taka kompañia UNITECH\nPolísia Nasionál Servisu Investigasaun Kriminal (PNSIK)... | [
"La preokupa EE da-sia, komunidade hobur ba simu billete sesta bazika - GMN TV | Grupo Media Nacional - Lori Timor ba Mundu - GMN TV | Grupo Media Nacional Home \" Sosiedade \" La preokupa EE da-sia, komunidade hobur ba simu billete sesta bazika Komunidade Aldeia Fomentu II no Baya Leste, Suku Comoro segunda (04-01) ne'e halibur malu iha Leader HYPERMARKET Ai-Mutin, Dili, hodi la liga regra Estadu Emerjensia ba da-sia hodi prevene Covid-19 ne'ebe Governu aprova ona.",
"Objetivu husi komunidade sira halibur malu ne'e atu simu billete sesta bazika ne'ebe Governu liu husi Ministeriu Turizmu no Komersiu Industria oferese.",
"Xefi Suku Komoro, Eurico da Costa de Jesus, hateten, sira realiza atividade ne'e tanba tuir orariu Programa sesta bazika iha Suku Comoro ne'e loron 35 deit.",
"Tanba iha suku Comoro foin hahu ho aldeia lima deit, tamba ne'e tenke aselera lalais.",
"\"Programa Sesta Bazika ne'e ami hetan orientasaun husi Ministeriu Turizmu Komersiu Industria katak programa ne'e tenke kontinua tamba Suku Komoro ne'e hetan durasaun tempu ne'e loron 35 deit, ita fahe ba aldeia sanulu 14 ita haree katak tempu feriadu maka barak liu.",
"Entaun ami la hanoin ona konaba dekretu Governo nian konaba Estadu Emerjensia, maibe ami haree liu konaba ansiedade populasaun nian ba programa Sesta Bazika ne'ebe maka simu orientasaun husi Ministeriu Turismu Komersiu Industria katak programa ne'e tenki hala'o lalais tamba Komoro loron 35 deit,\" hateten.",
"Eurico da Costa de Jesus husu atu Ministeriu Turismu Komersiu Industria tenki halo fali programa ida tenki koresponde ho Ministeriu Saude nia programa no Dekretu Governo konaba Estadu Emerjensia.",
"\"Hotu-hotu tenke tur hamutuk buka solusaun ba programa Sesta Bazika agora hanesan ami Xefi Suku ne'e haree deit ba durasaun loron 35 entaun ami mos hakarak atu asselera atu nune'e populasaun sira bele simu lalais hodi nune'e ami kontra regra barak liu-liu konaba protolu Ministeriu Saude nian ba prevensaun Covid-19.",
"Ami tenta para haree tok ho metodo sa ida maka ami bele halo atu nune'e populasaun sira bele kumpri regras hirak ne'e,\" hateten.",
"Lee hotu: Benefisiariu sesta bazika Comoro konsidera Governu bosok povu Tuir observasaun GMN iha terrenu nota katak ekipa sensibilizasaun Ministeriu Saude kontinua foavizu ba komunidade konaba perigu husi surtu Covid-19 maibe populasaun sira kontinua la uza maskara no la mantein distansimentu sosial husi ema ida ba ema seluk.",
"Iha sorin seluk transporte publiku sira hanesan autocarro nafatin tula passajeirus ne'ebe barak maske iha medida Estadu Emerjensia ne'ebe Governu aprova ona preve passajeiru sira bainhira bele tenki evita kontaktu fiziku.",
"\"Konaba ida halibur malu ne'e, buat ketak ida, maibe konaba ami kondutor sira se enkuantu ami atu tula nain sanulu ba leten hau senti buat ne'e todan ida ba ami karik.",
"Tamba ami kondutor, bainhira ami la'o mak foin bele pursentu, mas ami kuando tula deit nain sanulu ba leten ami konta sa ida ba mina konta sa ida ba ami nia pursentu no konta hira ba ema patraun sira nian,\" hateten Motorista Autocarro Claudinho Fernandes.",
"Konsellu Ministrus iha loron 30 tinan kotuk aprova ona projetu Dekretu Governu kona-ba medida sira ba ezekusaun estadu emerjensia nian.",
"Estadu emerjensia da-sia ema hotu-hotu ne'ebe la sujeita ba rejime izolamentu obrigatoriu bainhira la'o ain iha fatin publiku tenke la'o mesak, no uza maskara no mantein distansia pelumenus metru ida husi ema la'o ain sira seluk no evita halibur malu.",
"Bandu atu hala'o sorumutuk ka manifestasaun, nune'e mos kualker eventu sosial kultural ka desportivu halibur ema na'in sanulu resin.Oct Rezultadu avaliasaun projetu 143 sei fo sai iha tempu badak Ahi han salaun enkontru sede CNRT Governu la fo instrusaun ba lider komunitaria blokeia dalan kada bairu PM Guine Bissau Aristides Gomes apresia dezenvolvimentu TL Fo informasaun ho lian jestual, GMN asina akordu ho RHTO Estudante Suai iha Dili 2284 menus ai-han Autoridade Lokal sira triste tanba la hetan konvite ba komemorasaun loron veteranu Kazu COVID-19 iha TL tun ba 12 tanba na'in neen rekuperadu Koordenadora Jeral COVID-19, Odete da Silva...",
"Governu implementa regra EE la justu Bankada CNRT iha Parlamentu Nasional nota...",
"Fornese internet ilegal ba Governu, PNSIK taka kompania UNITECH Polisia Nasional Servisu Investigasaun Kriminal (PNSIK)..."
] | [
"La preokupa EE da-sia, komunidade hobur ba simu billete sesta bazeika - GMN TV | Grupo Media Nacional Home \" Sosiedade\" Community of Aldeia Fomentu II and Baya Leste in Suku Comoro on Monday (04/1) gathered at Leader HYPERMARKET Ai Mutin to disregard the state emergency rules for receiving basic food allowance. This was done with a view towards preventing Covid –29 which has been approves by government already!"
"The aim of the community's gathering is to receive basic sesta tickets offered by Government through Ministry for Tourism and Commerce Industry."
"Chief of the Komoro Village, Eurico da Costa de Jesus said that they carried out this activity because according to schedule Basic Saturday Program in Comoros village is only 35 days."
"Because the Comoro community has just started with only five villages, it must accelerate quickly."
"\"The Basic Saturday program we have received guidance from the Ministry of Tourism, Commerce and Industry that this programme must continue because Komoro Village has only a duration time is just for three days. We divide it into fourteen villages whereas there are more holiday times than in other areas.\""
"So we did not think about the Government's decree on a state of emergency, but rather looked at population anxiety for Friday Basic program which received guidance from Ministry Tourism Trade Industry that this programme must be carried out quickly because Komoro only 35 days\", said."
"Eurico da Costa de Jesus requested that the Ministry of Tourism, Commerce and Industry should re-program a program to correspond with Health Minister’s programme. The Government Decree regarding State Of Emergency must be followed up by this ministry as well.”"
"\"All of us have to come together and find a solution for the Basic Saturday program, now as we Village Chiefs are looking only at 35 days so that'd also want it accelerated in order this population can receive quickly. We therefore contradict many rules especially regarding protocol from Ministry Health on Covid-19 prevention.\""
"We're trying to see what method we can use so that the population complies with these rules,\" he said."
"According to GMN’s observation on the ground, it is noted that awareness-raising teams of Health Ministry continue warning communities about Covid 19 outbreak danger but people still do not wear mask and maintain social distancings from one person with another."
"On the other hand, public transportation such as buses continue to carry many passengers despite state of emergency measures that have been approved by government providing for travelers when they can avoid physical contact."
"\"It's a good thing that people are gathering together, but as for our driver and how many of us we have to carry the 130 passengers I feel it is too much."
"Because we are drivers, when you go on the road only get a percentage. But if there're just 10 people sitting in one seat then I count my share and how many of them pay for me?\" said Bus Driver Claudinho Fernandes"
"The Council of Ministers 30 years ago approved the draft Government Decree on measure for implementation in a state Of Emergency."
"The state of emergency exempts all people who are not subject to compulsory isolation when walking in public places must go alone, wear mask and maintain at least one meter distance from other pedestrians. Avoid gatherings with others"
"October Results of project 143 evaluation will be released shortly Attack on meeting room at CNRT headquarters Government does not give instructions to community leaders Blocking roads in each neighborhood PM Guinea Bissau Aristides Gomez applauds development TL Give information with gestural language, GMN sign agreement With the RHTSU Suai students are suffered by lack Of food Local authorities sad because they were unable To receive an invitation for veteran' s day commemoration COVID-20 cases decreases from twelve as nine recover General Coordinator Covid -..."
"Government implements EE rules unjustly CNRP in the National Parliament notes..."
"Provide illegal internet to the government, PNSIK closes company UNITECH Polisia Nasional Servisu Investigasaun Kriminal (PNsik)..."
] |
PTR no Komisaun A diskute proposta-lei orden advogadu Timor-Leste | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste\nVARANDA HEADLINE PTR no Komisaun A diskute proposta-lei orden advogadu Timor-Leste\nDILI, 04 marsu 2021 (TATOLI)—Prezidente Tribunál Rekursu (PTR) no Komisaun A ne’ebé trata asuntu Justisa no Konstitusionál hahú diskute proposta-lei númeru 26/V(3a) kona-ba kriasaun orden advogadu sira Timor-Leste.\nNotísia Relevante: Plenária baixa proposta-lei foun rua ba Komisaun A\nPrezidente Tribunal Rekursu, Deolindo dos Santos, esplika proposta-lei ne’e ho objetivu atu regula advogadu sira iha Timor-Leste.\n“Ha’u mai halo audiénsia públika ho Komisaun kona-ba lei ba advagadu sira nian. Proposta-lei ne’e mai hosi Governu, entaun ha’u mai hato’o tribunál nia hanoin kona-ba diploma ne’e,” Prezidente Tribunál Rekursu, Deolindo dos Santos, esplika ba jornalista sira, iha resintu Parlamentu Nasionál, kinta.\nPrezidente Tribunál Rekursu ne’e mós hato’o ona hanoin balun liuhosi karta eskrita ba Prezidente Komisaun A ne’ebé trata asuntu justisa no konstitusionál atu tau ba konsiderasaun.\nNia haktuir, Komisaun A husu hanoin ba Tribunál Rekursu nian ho objetivu orden advogadu ne’e iha futuru bele sai di’akliu\nEntretantu, Prezidente Komisaun A, Deputadu Joaquim dos Santos, esplika proposta-lei iha rua, ida kona-ba Rejime Jurídiku Asosiasaun Públika Profisionál no ida seluk mak proposta-lei Orden Advogadu sira iha Timor-Leste.\nPrezidente Komisaun ne’ebé trata asuntu Justisa no Konstitusionál ne’e esplika, proposta-lei jerime jurídiku ne’e atu hamoris profisionál públika sira-nian iha Timor-Leste.\n“Kuandu orden adgvogadu ne’e sai (vigora) entaun orden barak bele mosu, hanesan orden ba médiku sira no orden seluk tán bele mosu,” nia subliña.\nPrevious articleGovernu sei kria task force ba konstrusaun Sentru Formasaun Exelente\nNext articleTraballadór timor-oan sia lakon vida durante serbisu iha Korea Súl\nJaimito March 9, 2021 at 2:45 pm\nhaluhan tiha Oficial Justica Tribunal nian | [
"PTR no Komisaun A diskute proposta-lei orden advogadu Timor-Leste | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA HEADLINE PTR no Komisaun A diskute proposta-lei orden advogadu Timor-Leste DILI, 04 marsu 2021 (TATOLI) - Prezidente Tribunal Rekursu (PTR) no Komisaun A ne'ebe trata asuntu Justisa no Konstitusional hahu diskute proposta-lei numeru 26/V (3a) kona-ba kriasaun orden advogadu sira Timor-Leste.",
"Notisia Relevante: Plenaria baixa proposta-lei foun rua ba Komisaun A Prezidente Tribunal Rekursu, Deolindo dos Santos, esplika proposta-lei ne'e ho objetivu atu regula advogadu sira iha Timor-Leste.",
"\"Ha'u mai halo audiensia publika ho Komisaun kona-ba lei ba advagadu sira nian.",
"Proposta-lei ne'e mai hosi Governu, entaun ha'u mai hato'o tribunal nia hanoin kona-ba diploma ne'e,\" Prezidente Tribunal Rekursu, Deolindo dos Santos, esplika ba jornalista sira, iha resintu Parlamentu Nasional, kinta.",
"Prezidente Tribunal Rekursu ne'e mos hato'o ona hanoin balun liuhosi karta eskrita ba Prezidente Komisaun A ne'ebe trata asuntu justisa no konstitusional atu tau ba konsiderasaun.",
"Nia haktuir, Komisaun A husu hanoin ba Tribunal Rekursu nian ho objetivu orden advogadu ne'e iha futuru bele sai di'akliu Entretantu, Prezidente Komisaun A, Deputadu Joaquim dos Santos, esplika proposta-lei iha rua, ida kona-ba Rejime Juridiku Asosiasaun Publika Profisional no ida seluk mak proposta-lei Orden Advogadu sira iha Timor-Leste.",
"Prezidente Komisaun ne'ebe trata asuntu Justisa no Konstitusional ne'e esplika, proposta-lei jerime juridiku ne'e atu hamoris profisional publika sira-nian iha Timor-Leste.",
"\"Kuandu orden adgvogadu ne'e sai (vigora) entaun orden barak bele mosu, hanesan orden ba mediku sira no orden seluk tan bele mosu,\" nia sublina.",
"Previous articleGovernu sei kria task force ba konstrusaun Sentru Formasaun Exelente Next articleTraballador timor-oan sia lakon vida durante serbisu iha Korea Sul Jaimito March 9, 2021 at 2:45 pm haluhan tiha Oficial Justica Tribunal nian"
] | [
"PTR and Commission A discuss Timor-Leste Bar Association Bill | TATOLI VARANDA HEADLINE The President of the Court Of Appeal (Ptr) together with Justice & Constitution Affairs Committee, began discussing draft law No.26/V(3a), on establishing a bar association in East Тимор which was presented to them by Parliament's Vice Chairperson for Law Enforcement Services Dr Maria do Carmo da Silva at an official ceremony that took place today afternoon during its regular session as part from parliamentary hearings held under this bill since it had been introduce deadline last year but has not yet received approval before being submitted into legislation until now"
"Related News: Plenary approves two new bills for Commission A The President of the Tribunal Recurso, Deolindo dos Santos explained that this proposal is aimed at regulating lawyers in Timor-Leste."
"\"I have come to hold a public hearing with the Commission on lawyers' rights."
"The bill came from the government, so I'm here to present my court opinion on this decree\", Court of Appeal President Deolindo dos Santos explained in a press conference at Parliament Hall Wednesday."
"The President of the Appeals Court has also made some comments in a written letter to Committee A Chairman, who deal with justice and constitutionally matters for consideration."
"According to him, Commission A asked the Court of Appeal for advice with a view that in future this bar association could be improved. Meanwhile Committee President Joaquim dos Santos explained two bills: one concerning Legal Regime on Public Professional Association and another is an draft law about Lawyers' Bar Organization at Timor-Leste (Barogues)."
"The Chairperson of the Justice and Constitutional Affairs Committee explained that this bill on legal sanctions is intended to strengthen public professionals' rights."
"\"When the lawyers' order comes into force, then many more can come up like doctors and other people may be ordered to do so\", he said."
"Previous articleGovernment to create task force for construction of Excellence Training Center Next artikelTimor-oan worker lost his life while working in South Korea Jaimito March 9,2031 at"
] |
Espoza SEAK Tara Aan, Hein Prosesu Autopsia | STLNEWS\nEspoza SEAK Tara Aan, Hein Prosesu Autopsia\nDILI, STLNEWS.co – Portavoz Komandu Jeral Polisia Nasional Timor-Leste PNTL, Superintendente Xefe Arnaldo Araujo informa, relasiona ho kazu espoza SEAK neebe tara aan iha loron 16 fulan Maiu tinan nee, PNTL halo ona identifikasaun hodi hein rezultadu autopsia.\nNia dehan iha loron Domingu, Polisia hetan informasaun katak deskonfia ema oho aan ou tara aan, iha aldeia 20 de Setembru suku Bebonuk, vitima Levenita Madeira ho idade 40 neebe deskonfia tara aan.\nIha akontesementu nee PNTL to kedas iha fatin krime, hodi halo examinasaun ba vitima neebe maka tara aan ou oho aan.\n“Oras ne dadauk ninia prosesu mate isin sei iha hela motael hein deit autopsia hodi bele hatene kauza husi mate nee, nia maka oho aan ka ema seluk maka oho nia ka oinsa,” dehan Superintendente Xefe Arnaldo Araujo ba jornalista sira liu husi konferensia imprensa, neebe halao iha nia knaar fatin Caicoli, Dili, Tersa, (18/05/2021).\nNia hatutan, tanba publiku seidauk hatene ema hotu mos hein deit autopsia maka foin hatene i depiois polisia investigasaun mos sei kontinua verifika ou buka evidensia sira hotu, nunee publiku mos bele hatene katak ema nee mate tanba kauza husi buat ida nee.\n“Sim ida nee hakarak hateten katak polisia halo identifikasaun ona ba mate isin neebe maka deskonfia tara aan nee, maibe agora ita seidauk bele fo sai ba iha publiku no sei segredu hela, ita hein deit rezultadu autopsia maka ita foin bele hatene lolos nia rezultadu, tanba PNTL labele atu fo sai no tribunal maka bele deside ida nee,” dehan nia.\nNia hatutan, polisia halo deit identifikasaun depois nain ba prosesu nee maka Ministeriu Publiku, agora dadauk PNTL buka tuir hela tanba saida maka ema nee mate.\n“Tanba nee ita hein iha tempu badak ita sei bele identifika katak ema nee se maka oho ka nia maka tara aan rasik,” hakotu nia.\nAleinde nee, antes nee mos, Teleciano Caldas hanesan oan mane boot, haktuir matebian nee sei komunika hela ho nia oan mane boot nee, ho kondisaun neebe maka diak hela.\nMaibe derepente deit matebian mate ona ho kondisaun tali iha kakorok no tara iha armariu.\nTanba nee ekipa forensik, Polisia investigasaun kriminal nasional rekolla ona evidensia sira no lori kedas mate isin ba HNGV hodi submete ba autopsia, hodi bele hatene lolos husi matebain nee nia mate.\nPrevious articlePNTL Bolu Ona Familia Pinor Oan Ba Kost Nain Hodi Halo Investigasaun\nNext articlePNTL Buka Tuir Prosesu Kazu Ro Mout | [
"Espoza SEAK Tara Aan, Hein Prosesu Autopsia | STLNEWS Espoza SEAK Tara Aan, Hein Prosesu Autopsia DILI, STLNEWS.co - Portavoz Komandu Jeral Polisia Nasional Timor-Leste PNTL, Superintendente Xefe Arnaldo Araujo informa, relasiona ho kazu espoza SEAK neebe tara aan iha loron 16 fulan Maiu tinan nee, PNTL halo ona identifikasaun hodi hein rezultadu autopsia.",
"Nia dehan iha loron Domingu, Polisia hetan informasaun katak deskonfia ema oho aan ou tara aan, iha aldeia 20 de Setembru suku Bebonuk, vitima Levenita Madeira ho idade 40 neebe deskonfia tara aan.",
"Iha akontesementu nee PNTL to kedas iha fatin krime, hodi halo examinasaun ba vitima neebe maka tara aan ou oho aan.",
"\"Oras ne dadauk ninia prosesu mate isin sei iha hela motael hein deit autopsia hodi bele hatene kauza husi mate nee, nia maka oho aan ka ema seluk maka oho nia ka oinsa,\" dehan Superintendente Xefe Arnaldo Araujo ba jornalista sira liu husi konferensia imprensa, neebe halao iha nia knaar fatin Caicoli, Dili, Tersa, (18/05/2021).",
"Nia hatutan, tanba publiku seidauk hatene ema hotu mos hein deit autopsia maka foin hatene i depiois polisia investigasaun mos sei kontinua verifika ou buka evidensia sira hotu, nunee publiku mos bele hatene katak ema nee mate tanba kauza husi buat ida nee.",
"\"Sim ida nee hakarak hateten katak polisia halo identifikasaun ona ba mate isin neebe maka deskonfia tara aan nee, maibe agora ita seidauk bele fo sai ba iha publiku no sei segredu hela, ita hein deit rezultadu autopsia maka ita foin bele hatene lolos nia rezultadu, tanba PNTL labele atu fo sai no tribunal maka bele deside ida nee,\" dehan nia.",
"Nia hatutan, polisia halo deit identifikasaun depois nain ba prosesu nee maka Ministeriu Publiku, agora dadauk PNTL buka tuir hela tanba saida maka ema nee mate.",
"\"Tanba nee ita hein iha tempu badak ita sei bele identifika katak ema nee se maka oho ka nia maka tara aan rasik,\" hakotu nia.",
"Aleinde nee, antes nee mos, Teleciano Caldas hanesan oan mane boot, haktuir matebian nee sei komunika hela ho nia oan mane boot nee, ho kondisaun neebe maka diak hela.",
"Maibe derepente deit matebian mate ona ho kondisaun tali iha kakorok no tara iha armariu.",
"Tanba nee ekipa forensik, Polisia investigasaun kriminal nasional rekolla ona evidensia sira no lori kedas mate isin ba HNGV hodi submete ba autopsia, hodi bele hatene lolos husi matebain nee nia mate.",
"Previous articlePNTL Bolu Ona Familia Pinor Oan Ba Kost Nain Hodi Halo Investigasaun Next articlePNTL Buka Tuir Prosesu Kazu Ro Mout"
] | [
"Spouse of SEAK’s Dead Body, Waiting for Autopsia Result | STLNEWS Esposa de Seak Tara Aan espera resultado autopsiia Dili (Stlnews.co) - The National Police Chief Superintendent Arnaldo Araujo has confirmed that the police have made identification and are waiting to see what results will be obtained from an post-mortem examination in connection with a case wherea spousal body was found dead on May 16th this year at Timor Leste national airport “Aeroportu Internasional Nicolau Lobato” after being taken out by security forces who were searching it overnight before she died last week during her trip back home as part Of their investigations into its death caused his suicides since he had been killed two years ago when selling drugs online through Facebook Group called ‘Sek Sukses”."
"He said on Sunday, the police received information that suspected someone killed himself or tried to kill herself in 20 de Setembro village Bebonuk commune. The victim was Levenita Madeira aged forty who is believed as having attempting suicide and she died after being taken into custody by their family members at an apartment building nearby where they were living together with other people of similar age (about twenty years)."
"In the incident, PNTL immediately arrived at crime scene to conduct an examination of victims who had committed suicide."
"\"At the moment, his body is in a motel waiting for an autopsy to determine whether he committed suicide or someone else killed him and how it happened\", Chief Superintendent Arnaldo Araujo told journalists during press conference held at Caicoli police station on Tuesday (18/05) afternoon."
"He added, because the public does not know everyone is waiting for an autopsy to find out and depiois police investigation will also continue verifying or searching all evidences so that people can learn this person died due of something."
"\"Yes, this means that the police have made identification of a body which is suspected to be dead late last night but now we cannot give out in public and it will remain secret. We are waiting for autopsy results before knowing exactly its result because PNTL can not release them so only courts may decide on these matters.\""
"He said, the police only made identification after owner of this process is Public Ministry. Now PNTL are looking for why a person has died and they have not found any evidence to support their claims that he was killed in action or accidentally by other people who had been involved with his death.”"
"\"Therefore, we expect in the near future to identify whether this man killed or he shot himself.\""
"In addition, Teleciano Caldas who was the elder son said that he is still communicating with his older brother. The latter remains in good health and has no sign of illness or injury to him at this time"
"But suddenly the deceased was dead, tied to his neck and buried in a closet."
"Therefore, the forensic team of National Criminal Investigation Police has collected evidence and immediately taken his body to HNGV Hospital in order that an autopsy could be carried out."
"Previous articlePNTL Bolu Ona Familia Pinor Oan Ba Kost Nain Hodi Halo Investigasaun Next artikelPST: 2019-35, PNTL Buka Tuir Proses Kazu Ro Mout"
] |
Serbisu saúde Viqueque haloot ema ida mate ho COVID-19 | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste\nVARANDA COVID-19 Serbisu saúde Viqueque haloot ema ida mate ho COVID-19\nSerbisu saúde Viqueque haloot ema ida mate ho COVID-19\nPortaun boot atu tama ba áera Munisípiu Viqueque. Imajen Tatoli/Vitorino Lopes da Costa.\nVIQUEQUE, 31 agostu 2021 (TATOLI)—Serbisu Saúde Munisípiu Viqueque, haloot ema ida ho idade 63, ne’ebé hakotu-i’is ho COVID-19 iha izolamentu Polo UNTL, iha tuku 18:35 otl.\nDiretór Serbisu Saúde Munisípiu Viqueque, Francisco de Carvalho, informa, pasiente ne’e tama izolamentu iha 19 agostu, hosi postu administrativu Ossu, no ohin parte saúde no família ba haloot ona iha semitériu Bua-nurak.\nNotísia relevante:COVID-19, óbitu tolu no kazu ativu 4.499\n“Pasiénte dada-i’is mós la di’ak no ita hala’o tratamentu hodi tau oksijéniu. Ohin, ekipa saúde hamutuk ho família haloot tuir portokolu saúde,” Francisco de Carvalho, hateten iha edifísiu serbisu saúde, Boromatan, munisípiu Viqueque, tersa ne’e.\nAntes ne’e, matebian sofre moras tuberkuloze, respiratóriu aguda no ikus-mai matebian sofre tan COVID-19.\nBainhira matebian tama izolamentu, parte serbisu saúde kontaktu ba nasionál hodi transfere ba Vera Crus, maibé família-sira rejeita tanba ne’e, la halo konsege hala’o transferénsia.\nMatebian mós seidauk simu vasina, nune’e apela ba populasaun iha munisípiu Viqueque atu simu vasina hodi proteje an hosi moras ne’e.\nTuir dadus, pasiente pozitivu COVID-19 iha izolamentu polo UNTL munisípiu Viqueque hamutuk na’in 89.\nPrevious articleMensajeiru labarik “LAFU” entrega karta ba INTERFET (II)\nNext articleEstadus Unidus Amérika no ASEAN: Parseiru Estratéjiku sira ba Indo-Pasífiku | [
"Serbisu saude Viqueque haloot ema ida mate ho COVID-19 | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA COVID-19 Serbisu saude Viqueque haloot ema ida mate ho COVID-19 Serbisu saude Viqueque haloot ema ida mate ho COVID-19 Portaun boot atu tama ba aera Munisipiu Viqueque.",
"Imajen Tatoli/Vitorino Lopes da Costa.",
"VIQUEQUE, 31 agostu 2021 (TATOLI) - Serbisu Saude Munisipiu Viqueque, haloot ema ida ho idade 63, ne'ebe hakotu-i'is ho COVID-19 iha izolamentu Polo UNTL, iha tuku 18:35 otl.",
"Diretor Serbisu Saude Munisipiu Viqueque, Francisco de Carvalho, informa, pasiente ne'e tama izolamentu iha 19 agostu, hosi postu administrativu Ossu, no ohin parte saude no familia ba haloot ona iha semiteriu Bua-nurak.",
"Notisia relevante:COVID-19, obitu tolu no kazu ativu 4.499 \"Pasiente dada-i'is mos la di'ak no ita hala'o tratamentu hodi tau oksijeniu.",
"Ohin, ekipa saude hamutuk ho familia haloot tuir portokolu saude,\" Francisco de Carvalho, hateten iha edifisiu serbisu saude, Boromatan, munisipiu Viqueque, tersa ne'e.",
"Antes ne'e, matebian sofre moras tuberkuloze, respiratoriu aguda no ikus-mai matebian sofre tan COVID-19.",
"Bainhira matebian tama izolamentu, parte serbisu saude kontaktu ba nasional hodi transfere ba Vera Crus, maibe familia-sira rejeita tanba ne'e, la halo konsege hala'o transferensia.",
"Matebian mos seidauk simu vasina, nune'e apela ba populasaun iha munisipiu Viqueque atu simu vasina hodi proteje an hosi moras ne'e.",
"Tuir dadus, pasiente pozitivu COVID-19 iha izolamentu polo UNTL munisipiu Viqueque hamutuk na'in 89.",
"Previous articleMensajeiru labarik \"LAFU\" entrega karta ba INTERFET (II) Next articleEstadus Unidus Amerika no ASEAN: Parseiru Estratejiku sira ba Indo-Pasifiku"
] | [
"Servisu saude Viqueque haloot ema ida mate ho COVID-19 | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor -Leste VARANDA Covid –20 Servisu Saúde Baucau Halot Ema Ida Mate Ho Coronavirus Serbisus SAÚDE Baukau Halepot Uma Morto Koa Corona Virus (COVID) The big gateway to the area of Municipality."
"Image: Tatoli/Vitorino Lopes da Costa."
"VIQUEque, August 31st - The Municipal Health Service of Viqueque reported a death from COVID-20 at the Polo UNTL isolation facility on Saturday (Aug.4th) after being diagnosed with Covid infection and admitted to hospital for further treatment as part Of an ongoing investigation into this case by local health authorities"
"Vice-Municipal Health Service Director Francisco de Carvalho, informs that the patient entered isolation on August 19 from Ossu administrative post and today health department members have taken him to his family in Bua Nurak cemetery."
"Related news:COVID-19, three deaths and 4.502 active cases \"The patient is also not well at the moment so we are treating him with oxygen treatments to keep his condition under control.\""
"Today, the health team together with his family follows a protocol of safety,” Francisco de Carvalho said in Boromatan Health Office building on Tuesday."
"Earlier, the deceased suffered from tuberculosis and acute respiratory illnesses. Lastly he also sustained COVID-19 infections during his lifetime of work as a nurse at Ambulance Service Centre (ASC)."
"When the deceased went into isolation, health department contacted national to transfer Vera Cruz but families rejected so did not carry out a Transfer."
"The deceased has not yet been vaccinated, so he appealed to the population in Vikeque municipality that they get vaccined and protect themselves from this disease."
"According to the data, COVID-19 positive patients in isolation by UNTL municipality of Viqueque total 87."
"PreviousChild messenger \"LAFU\" delivers letter to INTERFET (II) NextUnited States and ASEAN: Strategic Partners for the Indo-Pacific"
] |
Maneja Ho Sala Maneja Kilat PNTL Iha Timor-Leste – Fundasaun Mahein\nManeja Ho Sala Maneja Kilat PNTL Iha Timor-Leste\nAugust 13, 2012August 13, 2012 | fundasaunmaheinfundasaunmahein | 3 Comments | 13:48\nFeto kaer kilat boot\nMahein Nia Lian Nú 38 (Versaun Tetun.pdf) ( Versaun Inglesh.pdf) deskreve katak tuir konkluzaun bá eleisaun 2012 nian ho paz iha Timor-Leste, sinal katak buat hotu los tiha ona UNMIT ho forsa internasional sei remata iha Dezembru 2012 no responsabilidade hotu sei iha Timor oan nia liman ho Polisia Nasional Timor-Leste (PNTL).\nMaibé alegasaun oho hasoru estudante UNDIL nian Armindo Pereira Alves husi PNTL no manifestasaun durante loron rua iha 15-16 Jullu nia laran kestiona kona-bá atuasaun ita nia Polisia Nasional: PNTL hatudu progresu signifikativu depois krize 2006 ne’e sofre ba faksaun, maibé dadaun ne’e nafatin PNTL sai institusaun ne’ebé seidauk jere nia aset ho adekuadu no perigu los maka kilat.\nIstoria kona-bá jere sala kilat PNTL hahu iha tinan 2001 to’o ohin loron. Hahu husi 2001, komesa ona jere sala kilat ho númeru boot. Tanba momentu ne’eba ema lubuk maka mate bá hahalok membru PNTL uza sala kilat iha tempu off duty ka la’os tempu serbisu. Iha mos lala’ok PNTL ne’ebé halo lakon kilat barak hanesan antes no durante krize 2006. Fundasaun Mahein (FM) hetan entre Jullu 2008 to’o Janeiru 2011, PNTL lakon ona pistola 26 ho marka 9 mm Glock. FM detekta katak laiha kapasidade no halo lakon kilat hirak ne’e partikular iha krize 2006, ne’e halo tauk los.\nFudasaun Mahein konsidera publiku Timor-Leste laiha informasaun kona-bá total kilat hirak maka lakon. Iha 2011 ka molok 2012 remata, Fundasaun Mahein (FM) grava ona númeru kilat rua ne’ebé la hanesan ba total kilat PNTL ne’ebé lakon. Ikus mai memo ida husi PNTL iha loron 6 Janeiru 2011 fo sai katak total kilat hamutuk 47 maka lakon, iha workshop ida, PNTL-FFDTL halo hamutuk iha loron 5 Janeiru 2012 dehan katak kilat 52 sei kontinua lakon. Fundasaun Mahein (FM) konfuzaun los kona-bá ida ne’e, atu fiar total kilat ida ne’ebé maka bele fiar. Tanba audit kilat seidauk halo ho transparante no públiku la hetan informasaun kona-bá ida ne’e.\nRelasaun kona-bá ida ne’e, Fundasaun Mahein kestiaona kona-bá jestaun kilat PNTL nian ho ligasaun kona-bá perkuramentu kilat ba PNTL ho F-FDTL – kontinua nafatin prosesu ida ne’ebé laiha transparante no laiha monitorizasaun husi sosiadade sivil sira. Iha tinan hirak ikus ne’e governu Timor-Leste halo ona perkuramentu kona-bá kilat barak maibé laiha informasuan bá públiku kona-bá total hira, númeru, tipu kilat saida, ba kilat estadu ne’ebé fo sai nune’e mos kilat sira ne’ebé troka ona ka tau iha armajem. Sidadaun Timor-Leste tenki konsidera katak konsekuensia potensial jere sala kilat no halakon kilat kontinua, no bebeik hela deit.\nEvidensia hatudu katak PNTL seidauk maneja kilat ho diak, no rezulta husi ne’e, dala ruma polisia tenki sai responsabilidade ba hahalok uza sala kilat ne’ebé hamate sidadaun sivil sira. Tuir lolos insidente uza sala kilat bele hadia, Fundasuan Mahein (FM) fiar katak hahalok uza sala kilat iha Timor-Leste kontinua as.\nTanba ne’e, Fundasaun Mahein (FM) fiar katak kilat ne’e nasaun nian, no nasaun iha nia povu ne’ebé iha derietu atu hatene kona-bá oinsa maka jere kilat tanba dala ruma kilat uza halo povu vitima maibé povu hatene katak utuliza kilat atu fo protesaun ba sira nia siguransa.\nRazaun sira ne’ebé kontinua halo sala jere kilat PNTL, iha kategoria tolu ne’ebé hotu-hotu iha relasaun ba:\n• Dahuluk, PNTL ladún iha disiplina, maske komandu ne’ebé senior ka junior, hakruk bá lei uza kilat nian iha Timor-Leste.\n• Daruak, sistema justisa dala barak la hari’i lolos prosesu ne’ebé diak kona-bá PNTL ne’ebé uza sala kilat.\n• Datoluk, PNTL to’o agora seidauk iha armajem kilat iha edifisiu sira iha Timor laran tomak.\n1. Sekretariu Estadu ba Siguransa (SES) tenki estabelese ona armajem ba kilat nian ho funsionamentu sistema iha postu polisia iha teritoriu tomak.\n2. SES tenki hasai fali kilat iha postu PNTL sira ne’ebé laiha armejem kilat nian.\n3. Kona-bá lala’ok PNTL uza sala kilat tenki fo sansaun ida ne’ebé forte tuir lei iha Timor-Leste.\n4. SES tenki halo públikasaun ho detaillu kona-bá uza sala kilat ho kada tipu kazu, nune’e mos husu audit kilat PNTL nian ho verifikasaun independente no hetan fiskalizasaun husi Parlamentu Nasional Komisaun B.\n5. Rekomenda ba Komandu Jeral PNTL hatur ordem forte ba PNTL uza kilat iha tempu serbisu ofisial no lori kilat iha tempu ne’ebé deit. Wainhira remata oras serbisu labele lori sai kilat.\nAtu hatene klean liu kona-bá asuntu ne’e bele kontaktu\nManagement and Mismanagement of PNTL Weapons\nFollowing the peaceful conclusion of the 2012 elections in Timor-Leste, it seems almost certain that international peacekeeping forces will leave Timor-Leste by December 2012 placing all responsibility for Timor-Leste’s community security in the hands of the PNTL.\n3 thoughts on “Maneja Ho Sala Maneja Kilat PNTL Iha Timor-Leste”\nHau Le’e ona iha Artikel ne’ebe FM hakerek ne’e katak PNTL\nsempre halo lakon hela deit kilat iha timor neba, sim claru que\nSES tenki halo armajem ida-ida iha teritorio atu nune’e PNTL\nbele halao sira nia servisu tuir sira nia knaar nebe lor-loron sira\nkarik SES sei la halo armajem iha teritorio maka, Kilat sei lakon\ntan, wainhira problema oan ida mosu iha ita nia nasaun sira sei\nlori toman aat ida ne’e bele halo lakon tan kilat sira ne’e.\nPNTL sira ne’e halo lakon tan kilat sira ne’e atu halo tan saida iha\nnasaun laran, sira halo lakon kilat ne’e dala ruma PNTL sira nebe’e\nservisu la fo laran ba nasaun mak halo buat hanesan ne’e.\nhau husu ba siguransa sira tenki halao servisu tuir lei no ordem\nnebe’e oras ne’e dadaun vigora iha ita nia nasaun timor leste.\nHau iha hanoin nebe hanesan ba rekomendasaun hirak iha leten. Maibe hau atu fo komentario ba rekomendasaun no 1,tanba hau nia hare atu harii armajem kilat kada postu Polisia dala ruma la gasta orsamento nebe ke boot i dala ruma bele renova deit fatin ou sala nebe iha tiha ona,tanba hare ba kuantidade kilat kada postu dala ruma ninian numero mos kiik. Ninia prinsipiu mak nee : armajem nee tengke seguru no tengke iha limitasaun ba asesu atu tama ba armajem nee.\nTuir Ami povu Husu parte siguransa tengki manten nafatin posisaun hare didak armas nasaun nian keta halo lakon, tamba ida bele kria problema iha nasaun rasik , husu ba ministerio kompentensi tau matan didiak ba armas estadu se lae bele mosu komflitu iha ita nia rain rasik, hakarak apelo ba parte siguransa , detekta didiak kilat nebe lakon para nune bele hetan hotu kedan se lae araska oit-oan bele fo amiasa bo’ot ba povu sira no bele mos mosu pembunuh bayaran iha pa’is rasik, Husi Aba Costa\nPrevious Previous post: Timor-Leste Sei Lakon Kapasidade Importante Ida\nNext Next post: Timor-Leste Sei Sosa Kilat Barak Tan?\nAsaltu PNTL Baguia: Resposta Sadik ba Politika Rekoillamentu ArmasAsaltu PNTL Baguia: Resposta Sadik ba Politika Rekoillamentu Armas\nGovernu Timor-Leste hasai ona rezolusaun dala-barak ona hodi fo autorizasaun ba instituisaun Polisia Nasional Timor-Leste – PNTL no FALINTIL – Forsa Defeza Timor-Leste – F-FDTL hodi buka tuir no rekolla | [
"Maneja Ho Sala Maneja Kilat PNTL Iha Timor-Leste - Fundasaun Mahein Maneja Ho Sala Maneja Kilat PNTL Iha Timor-Leste August 13, 2012August 13, 2012 | fundasaunmaheinfundasaunmahein | 3 Comments | 13:48 Feto kaer kilat boot Mahein Nia Lian Nu 38 (Versaun Tetun.pdf) (Versaun Inglesh.pdf) deskreve katak tuir konkluzaun ba eleisaun 2012 nian ho paz iha Timor-Leste, sinal katak buat hotu los tiha ona UNMIT ho forsa internasional sei remata iha Dezembru 2012 no responsabilidade hotu sei iha Timor oan nia liman ho Polisia Nasional Timor-Leste (PNTL).",
"Maibe alegasaun oho hasoru estudante UNDIL nian Armindo Pereira Alves husi PNTL no manifestasaun durante loron rua iha 15-16 Jullu nia laran kestiona kona-ba atuasaun ita nia Polisia Nasional: PNTL hatudu progresu signifikativu depois krize 2006 ne'e sofre ba faksaun, maibe dadaun ne'e nafatin PNTL sai institusaun ne'ebe seidauk jere nia aset ho adekuadu no perigu los maka kilat.",
"Istoria kona-ba jere sala kilat PNTL hahu iha tinan 2001 to'o ohin loron.",
"Hahu husi 2001, komesa ona jere sala kilat ho numeru boot.",
"Tanba momentu ne'eba ema lubuk maka mate ba hahalok membru PNTL uza sala kilat iha tempu off duty ka la'os tempu serbisu.",
"Iha mos lala'ok PNTL ne'ebe halo lakon kilat barak hanesan antes no durante krize 2006.",
"Fundasaun Mahein (FM) hetan entre Jullu 2008 to'o Janeiru 2011, PNTL lakon ona pistola 26 ho marka 9 mm Glock.",
"FM detekta katak laiha kapasidade no halo lakon kilat hirak ne'e partikular iha krize 2006, ne'e halo tauk los.",
"Fudasaun Mahein konsidera publiku Timor-Leste laiha informasaun kona-ba total kilat hirak maka lakon.",
"Iha 2011 ka molok 2012 remata, Fundasaun Mahein (FM) grava ona numeru kilat rua ne'ebe la hanesan ba total kilat PNTL ne'ebe lakon.",
"Ikus mai memo ida husi PNTL iha loron 6 Janeiru 2011 fo sai katak total kilat hamutuk 47 maka lakon, iha workshop ida, PNTL-FFDTL halo hamutuk iha loron 5 Janeiru 2012 dehan katak kilat 52 sei kontinua lakon.",
"Fundasaun Mahein (FM) konfuzaun los kona-ba ida ne'e, atu fiar total kilat ida ne'ebe maka bele fiar.",
"Tanba audit kilat seidauk halo ho transparante no publiku la hetan informasaun kona-ba ida ne'e.",
"Relasaun kona-ba ida ne'e, Fundasaun Mahein kestiaona kona-ba jestaun kilat PNTL nian ho ligasaun kona-ba perkuramentu kilat ba PNTL ho F-FDTL - kontinua nafatin prosesu ida ne'ebe laiha transparante no laiha monitorizasaun husi sosiadade sivil sira.",
"Iha tinan hirak ikus ne'e governu Timor-Leste halo ona perkuramentu kona-ba kilat barak maibe laiha informasuan ba publiku kona-ba total hira, numeru, tipu kilat saida, ba kilat estadu ne'ebe fo sai nune'e mos kilat sira ne'ebe troka ona ka tau iha armajem.",
"Sidadaun Timor-Leste tenki konsidera katak konsekuensia potensial jere sala kilat no halakon kilat kontinua, no bebeik hela deit.",
"Evidensia hatudu katak PNTL seidauk maneja kilat ho diak, no rezulta husi ne'e, dala ruma polisia tenki sai responsabilidade ba hahalok uza sala kilat ne'ebe hamate sidadaun sivil sira.",
"Tuir lolos insidente uza sala kilat bele hadia, Fundasuan Mahein (FM) fiar katak hahalok uza sala kilat iha Timor-Leste kontinua as.",
"Tanba ne'e, Fundasaun Mahein (FM) fiar katak kilat ne'e nasaun nian, no nasaun iha nia povu ne'ebe iha derietu atu hatene kona-ba oinsa maka jere kilat tanba dala ruma kilat uza halo povu vitima maibe povu hatene katak utuliza kilat atu fo protesaun ba sira nia siguransa.",
"Razaun sira ne'ebe kontinua halo sala jere kilat PNTL, iha kategoria tolu ne'ebe hotu-hotu iha relasaun ba: * Dahuluk, PNTL ladun iha disiplina, maske komandu ne'ebe senior ka junior, hakruk ba lei uza kilat nian iha Timor-Leste. * Daruak, sistema justisa dala barak la hari'i lolos prosesu ne'ebe diak kona-ba PNTL ne'ebe uza sala kilat. * Datoluk, PNTL to'o agora seidauk iha armajem kilat iha edifisiu sira iha Timor laran tomak.",
"Sekretariu Estadu ba Siguransa (SES) tenki estabelese ona armajem ba kilat nian ho funsionamentu sistema iha postu polisia iha teritoriu tomak.",
"SES tenki hasai fali kilat iha postu PNTL sira ne'ebe laiha armejem kilat nian.",
"Kona-ba lala'ok PNTL uza sala kilat tenki fo sansaun ida ne'ebe forte tuir lei iha Timor-Leste.",
"SES tenki halo publikasaun ho detaillu kona-ba uza sala kilat ho kada tipu kazu, nune'e mos husu audit kilat PNTL nian ho verifikasaun independente no hetan fiskalizasaun husi Parlamentu Nasional Komisaun B. 5.",
"Rekomenda ba Komandu Jeral PNTL hatur ordem forte ba PNTL uza kilat iha tempu serbisu ofisial no lori kilat iha tempu ne'ebe deit.",
"Wainhira remata oras serbisu labele lori sai kilat.",
"Atu hatene klean liu kona-ba asuntu ne'e bele kontaktu Management and Mismanagement of PNTL Weapons Following the peaceful conclusion of the 2012 elections in Timor-Leste, it seems almost certain that international peacekeeping forces will leave Timor-Leste by December 2012 placing all responsibility for Timor-Leste's community security in the hands of the PNTL.",
"3 thoughts on \"Maneja Ho Sala Maneja Kilat PNTL Iha Timor-Leste\" Hau Le'e ona iha Artikel ne'ebe FM hakerek ne'e katak PNTL sempre halo lakon hela deit kilat iha timor neba, sim claru que SES tenki halo armajem ida-ida iha teritorio atu nune'e PNTL bele halao sira nia servisu tuir sira nia knaar nebe lor-loron sira karik SES sei la halo armajem iha teritorio maka, Kilat sei lakon tan, wainhira problema oan ida mosu iha ita nia nasaun sira sei lori toman aat ida ne'e bele halo lakon tan kilat sira ne'e.",
"PNTL sira ne'e halo lakon tan kilat sira ne'e atu halo tan saida iha nasaun laran, sira halo lakon kilat ne'e dala ruma PNTL sira nebe'e servisu la fo laran ba nasaun mak halo buat hanesan ne'e. hau husu ba siguransa sira tenki halao servisu tuir lei no ordem nebe'e oras ne'e dadaun vigora iha ita nia nasaun timor leste.",
"Hau iha hanoin nebe hanesan ba rekomendasaun hirak iha leten.",
"Maibe hau atu fo komentario ba rekomendasaun no 1,tanba hau nia hare atu harii armajem kilat kada postu Polisia dala ruma la gasta orsamento nebe ke boot i dala ruma bele renova deit fatin ou sala nebe iha tiha ona,tanba hare ba kuantidade kilat kada postu dala ruma ninian numero mos kiik.",
"Ninia prinsipiu mak nee: armajem nee tengke seguru no tengke iha limitasaun ba asesu atu tama ba armajem nee.",
"Tuir Ami povu Husu parte siguransa tengki manten nafatin posisaun hare didak armas nasaun nian keta halo lakon, tamba ida bele kria problema iha nasaun rasik , husu ba ministerio kompentensi tau matan didiak ba armas estadu se lae bele mosu komflitu iha ita nia rain rasik, hakarak apelo ba parte siguransa , detekta didiak kilat nebe lakon para nune bele hetan hotu kedan se lae araska oit-oan bele fo amiasa bo'ot ba povu sira no bele mos mosu pembunuh bayaran iha pa'is rasik, Husi Aba Costa Previous Previous post: Timor-Leste Sei Lakon Kapasidade Importante Ida Next Next post: Timor-Leste Sei Sosa Kilat Barak Tan?",
"Asaltu PNTL Baguia: Resposta Sadik ba Politika Rekoillamentu ArmasAsaltu PNTL Baguia: Resposta Sadik ba Politika Rekoillamentu Armas Governu Timor-Leste hasai ona rezolusaun dala-barak ona hodi fo autorizasaun ba instituisaun Polisia Nasional Timor-Leste - PNTL no FALINTIL - Forsa Defeza Timor-Leste - F-FDTL hodi buka tuir no rekolla"
] | [
"Feto kaer kilat boot Mahein Nia Lian Nu 38 (Tetum Version.pdf) describes that after the conclusion of elections in Timor-Leste, it is a sign for peace and stability to be achieved by UNMIT with international forces will end on December12th all responsibilities are now left at people' s hands through PNTL - The National Police Of East Тимор(PNTL)."
"But the allegations of murder against UNDIL student Armindo Pereira Alves by PNTL and two-day demonstration on July,15th -26 th questioned about our National Police's performance: The police shown significant progress after crisis was suffering for factions in a year or so but at present they are still an institution that has not managed its asset with adequacy."
"The story of the management and operational developments in PNTL' s weaponry warehouse began back to 2013."
"Since 2013, the company has been producing a large number of high-quality shotguns."
"At the time, many people were killed by PNTL members using guns incorrectly during off duty or non-working hours."
"There was also a lot of fire from the PNTL, which lost many rifles as before and during 2016."
"According to Fundação Mahein (FM), between July 2018 and January of this year, the PNTL has lost a total amount that is estimated at over $3 million in guns."
"FM detected that the lack of capacity and loss in these guns particularly during 2016 crisis, which made it very difficult."
"The Foundation considers that the Timorese public has no information about how many lightning striked."
"At the end of 2013, a report by The New York Times revealed that there were two different numbers for guns lost to PNTL."
"Subsequently, a memo from the PNTL on 6 January of this year stated that in total there were only about forty-seven guns missing. In an joint workshop between PNTL and FDTL held at Timor Leste Police Headquarters (TPF) during February/March years past it was reported to have been lost another fifteen bullet points which would make up more than twenty five rifle shotgun items still lacking as per reporting made by TFFTL’S police headquater office with reference dated January sixth;"
"Fundação Mahein (FM) is very confused about this, to trust totally a gun that can be relieved."
"Because the flash audit has not been done in a transparent way and public does no get information about it."
"In relation to this, the Mahein Foundation questioned about PNTL's firearm management with links on gun procurement for both Police and F-FDTL - continuing a process that lacks transparency or monitoring by civil society."
"In recent years, the Timorese government has carried out surveys on many weaponry but there is no information available to public about how much in total and what type of state-owned gun was given as well although some have been replaced or are kept at storage."
"Timorese citizens should consider that the potential consequences of mishandling lightning strikes and destruction by continuous, repeated flashes will continue."
"Evidence shows that the PNTL does not handle weapons well, and as a result of this in some cases police must be held accountable for wrongful use which kills civilians."
"While many incidents of wrong-firing can be improved, Fundasuan Mahein (FM) believe that the practice in Timor Leste continue as."
"Therefore, the Mahein Foundation (FM) believes that lightning is a country' s property and its people have an entitlement to know about how it should be managed because sometimes they are victimized by flashes of lights but their citizens understand this technology protecting them."
"The reasons for the continued misuse of firearms by PNTL fall into three categories, all relating to: * Firstly a lack in discipline amongst officer and staff who violate Timor-Leste law regarding gun use. • Secondlity that justice system often fail at establishing proper processes against those policemen using weaponry improperLY or unlawfully (including shootings)."
"1. Amendment of the Constitution"
"The Secretary of State for Security (SES) has to establish weapons storage facilities with a functioning system in police stations throughout the country."
"2. The purpose of the contract"
"SES must remove guns from the police posts that do not have a firearm."
"3. The application process"
"Regarding the use of guns by PNTL, it must be sanctioned with a strong law in Timor-Leste."
"4. Amendment of the Regulations"
"SES should publish in detail the use of guns and each type case, as well requesting an independently verified firearms audit for PNTL under supervision by National Parliament Committee B."
"Recommendation to the General Command of PNTL that it issue a strong order for Police officers using firearms during official duties and carrying weaponry at all times."
"When you finish your work hours, do not take the lightning."
"Management and Mismanagement of PNTL Weapons Following the peaceful conclusion Of The 2013 Election In Timor-Leste, It Seems Nearly Certain That International Peacekeeping Force Will Leave By December This Year Placing All Responsibility For Community Security in THE HANDS OF TIMOR LESTE POLICE."
"I have read in the Article that FM wrote this article about how PNTL always lose only guns and rifle on Timor-Leste, it is clear SES must make one storehouse within its territories so as to enable them carry out their work accordingly with everyday task. If they do not build a warehouse inside of our country then Kilat will disappear again whenever problems arise therein we can bring bad habit which may cause these firearms' loss too!"
"The police have lost these guns to do what else in the country, they lose them sometimes those who work for their nation are doing things like this. I ask that security must carry out its duties under law and order which is currently applicable on our east Timorese land!"
"I have a similar view to the above recommendations."
"But I would like to comment on recommendation 1,because in my view building a gun store for each police station sometimes does not cost much money and it can be done by renovating the existing location or room.Being that there are so many rifles at every post their number is often smaller than they need"
"Its principles are: the warehouse must be secure and there should have been limitations on access to enter it."
"According to our people, we urge the security department keep its position regarding missing national arms and not lose them because this can create problems in their own country. We ask that competent ministries take good care of state armed forces otherwise there may be conflicts within your homeland; I would like an appeal from you as a safety officer for detect all lost gunshots so they could find it again or at least these small-scale shootings might cause great harm on citizens' lives while also causing paid killers into his/her land! From Aba Costa Previous Next post: Timor Leste Will Lack An important Capacity?"
"The Government of Timor-Leste has repeatedly issued resolutions authorizing the National Police (PNTL) and FALINTIL - Defence Force, to search for all suspected terrorist groups in Baguia. In addition they have been given a mandate by Parliament on 15th June that will allow both forces – PNTL/Polisia Nasional Timór Leste or FDTL / Forsa de Defensa TLNTL–to seek out those who may be involved with such activities;"
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Sorumutuk Konsellu Ministrus nian iha loron 20 fulan-outubru tinan 2021 « Governu Timor-Leste\nKuarta-feira, 8 dezembru 2021 | 22:29\nSorumutuk Konsellu Ministrus nian iha loron 20 fulan-outubru tinan 2021\nKonsellu Ministrus hala’o sorumutuk iha Palásiu Governu, no hafoin halo tiha análize ba aprezentasaun kona-ba pontu situasaun epidemiolójika país nian, ne’ebé halo husi koordenadór sira Sala Situasaun Sentru Integradu Jestaun Krize (SIJK) nian, delibera hodi propoin ba Sua Exelénsia Señór Prezidente Repúblika, Francisco Guterres Lú Olo, renovasaun estadu emerjénsia ba loron tolunulu tan, hahú husi oras tuku 00:00 loron 30 fulan-outubru tinan 2021 to’o tuku 23:59 loron 28 fulan-novembru tinan 2021.\nHaree katak kauza determinante sira ne’ebé justifika ona deklarasaun estadu emerjénsia no ninia renovasaun sira kontinua mantein, atubele evita no neutraliza risku propagasaun sira husi variante foun SARS-CoV-2, no nune’e bele proteje saúde públika no kapasidade resposta husi Sistema Nasionál Saúde, Governu propoin ba Señór Prezidente Repúblika katak, ho renovasaun estadu emerjénsia nian, permite suspensaun ka restrisaun ba direitu no garantia fundamentál balun.\nAprova ona projetu Dekretu-Lei haat ne’ebé aprezenta husi Vise-Primeira-Ministra no Ministra Solidariedade Sosiál no Inkluzaun, Armanda Berta dos Santos, kona-ba:\nAlterasaun dahuluk ba Dekretu-Lei nu. 20/2017, loron 24 fulan-maiu, ne’ebé aprova rejime inskrisaun no obrigasaun kontributiva iha ámbitu rejime kontributivu seguransa sosiál nian. Projetu Dekretu-Lei ida-ne’e ninia objetivu maka:\no Estende rejime ne’e ba grupu traballadór foun sira;\no Korrije aspetu balun iha baze insidénsia kontributiva nian no aumenta númeru eskalaun husi adezaun fakultativa;\no Asegura protesaun no enkuadramentu traballadór sira nian hodi halo atividade profisionál temporária iha estranjeiru; no\no Garante tratamentu ne’ebé hanesan ba traballadór sira hotu, liuhusi halakon norma ne’ebé impoin plafond ida iha kontribuisaun ne’ebé tenke selu (no ninia benefísiu sira ne’ebé sei simu) ba traballadór sira ne’ebé ho kontratu termu sertu iha Administrasaun Públika.\nAlterasaun dahuluk ba Dekretu-Lei nu. 17/2017, loron 24 fulan-maiu, no ba Dekretu-Lei nu. 19/2017, loron 24 fulan-maiu, ne’ebé aprova rejime jurídiku kona-ba Pensaun Invalidéz no Ferik-katuas no rejime jurídiku husi prestasaun bainhira ema mate iha ámbitu rejime kontributivu seguransa sosiál nian. Projetu Dekretu-Lei ida-ne’e ninia objetivu maka:\no Garante prinsípiu báziku ba rejime kontributivu, ne’ebé relasiona ho devér atu kontribui ba direitu hodi simu prestasaun sosiál sira;\no Regula fórmula kálkulu nian kona-ba pensaun invalidéz no ferik-katuas ba traballadór sira ne’ebé parsialmente abranje husi rejime tranzitóriu (ho direitu iha formasaun);\no Asegura katak ema ne’ebé kontribui ba rejime jerál ne’e sei nafatin hetan direitu ba pensaun ne’ebé boot liu husi valór Subsídiu Apoiu ba Ferik-Katuas no Inválidu sira; no\nKlarifika tratamentu ne’ebé atu fó bainhira deskonfia ema ne’e mate (morte presumida) atu iha efeitu ba Seguransa Sosiál.\nAlterasaun dahuluk ba Dekretu-Lei nu. 19/2008, loron 19 fulan-juñu, ne’ebé aprova Subsídiu Apoiu ba Idozu no Inválidu sira. Ho konsiderasaun katak, bainhira diploma legál ne’ebé refere tiha ona tama iha vigór, seidauk kria rejime seguransa sosiál seluk iha Timor-Leste no haree ba rejime kontributivu seguransa sosiál ne’ebé kria ona. Projetu Dekretu-Lei ida-ne’e atu revee no adapta regra-jerál kona-ba akumulasaun husi benefísiu sira, atu nune’e sai justu ba sosiedade.\nAlterasaun dahuluk ba Dekretu-Lei nu. 55/2020, loron 28 fulan-outubru, ne’ebé aprova konstituisaun Fundu Rezerva ba Seguransa Sosiál (FRSS) no atu define ninia Modelu Jestaun nian. Ho projetu Dekretu-Lei ida-ne’e hakarak atu halo alterasaun ba limite sira investimentu iha asaun nian sira no dívida privada, hodi asegura “karteira referénsia” ida ne’ebé kumpre objetivu sira husi FRSS nian, nune’e mós aumenta marjen liberdade husi atuasaun Governu nian tinan-tinan, tuir komportamentu ekonomia no merkadu sira nian.\nKonsellu Ministrus delibera hodi aprova prosedimentu aprovizionamentu nian ba adjudikasaun kontratu kona-ba projetu jestaun lixu Dili nian, tuir projetu ne’ebé aprezenta husi Ministru Administrasaun Estatál, Miguel Pereira de Carvalho. Projetu ne’e iha komponente tolu mak hanesan:\nprestasaun servisu rekolla no tula lixu sira iha sidade Dili nian, relasiona ho Lote 1 – Zona Oeste no Lote 2 – Zona Oeste;\nkonsesaun/design, konstrusaun, reabilitasaun no jestaun aterru nian ida no estasaun tratamentu lixu iha Tibar; no\nfornesimentu ekipamentu sira ba rekolla rezíduu sira iha Dili no ba operasaun aterru no estasaun tratamentu lixu Tibar, fornesimentu kontentór sira no kaixote sira lixu nian, fornesimentu ekipamentu sira rekolla lixu no ba operasaun aterru nian.\nIkusliu, Ministru Prezidénsia Konsellu Ministrus, Fidelis Manuel Leite Magalhães, aprezenta pontu situasaun ezekusaun kona-ba Planu Lejizlativa Governu tinan 2021 nian. Planu lejizlativu ne’e aprova ona husi Konsellu Ministrus iha reuniaun loron 13 fulan-janeiru liubá no elabora ona bazeia ba proposta sira ne’ebé submete husi membru sira Konsellu Ministrus nian. Planu ne’e kompostu husi previzaun intervensaun lejizlativa nian ida Governu nian no ninia prioridade sira, ne’ebé fahe tuir setór sira, ba tinan 2021. Husi inisiativa 241 ne’e prevee tiha ona iha inísiu tinan nian, durante reuniaun, membru sira Konsellu Ministrus nian analiza intervensoens lejislativas hirak ne’ebé maka finaliza tiha ona, no sira ne’ebé maka sei iha hela prosesu finalizasaun no sira ne’ebé maka seidauk aprezenta ba Konsellu Ministrus. REMATA | [
"Sorumutuk Konsellu Ministrus nian iha loron 20 fulan-outubru tinan 2021 \" Governu Timor-Leste Kuarta-feira, 8 dezembru 2021 | 22:29 Sorumutuk Konsellu Ministrus nian iha loron 20 fulan-outubru tinan 2021 Konsellu Ministrus hala'o sorumutuk iha Palasiu Governu, no hafoin halo tiha analize ba aprezentasaun kona-ba pontu situasaun epidemiolojika pais nian, ne'ebe halo husi koordenador sira Sala Situasaun Sentru Integradu Jestaun Krize (SIJK) nian, delibera hodi propoin ba Sua Exelensia Senor Prezidente Republika, Francisco Guterres Lu Olo, renovasaun estadu emerjensia ba loron tolunulu tan, hahu husi oras tuku 00:00 loron 30 fulan-outubru tinan 2021 to'o tuku 23:59 loron 28 fulan-novembru tinan 2021.",
"Haree katak kauza determinante sira ne'ebe justifika ona deklarasaun estadu emerjensia no ninia renovasaun sira kontinua mantein, atubele evita no neutraliza risku propagasaun sira husi variante foun SARS-CoV-2, no nune'e bele proteje saude publika no kapasidade resposta husi Sistema Nasional Saude, Governu propoin ba Senor Prezidente Republika katak, ho renovasaun estadu emerjensia nian, permite suspensaun ka restrisaun ba direitu no garantia fundamental balun.",
"Aprova ona projetu Dekretu-Lei haat ne'ebe aprezenta husi Vise-Primeira-Ministra no Ministra Solidariedade Sosial no Inkluzaun, Armanda Berta dos Santos, kona-ba: Alterasaun dahuluk ba Dekretu-Lei nu.",
"20/2017, loron 24 fulan-maiu, ne'ebe aprova rejime inskrisaun no obrigasaun kontributiva iha ambitu rejime kontributivu seguransa sosial nian.",
"Projetu Dekretu-Lei ida-ne'e ninia objetivu maka: o Estende rejime ne'e ba grupu traballador foun sira; o Korrije aspetu balun iha baze insidensia kontributiva nian no aumenta numeru eskalaun husi adezaun fakultativa; o Asegura protesaun no enkuadramentu traballador sira nian hodi halo atividade profisional temporaria iha estranjeiru; no o Garante tratamentu ne'ebe hanesan ba traballador sira hotu, liuhusi halakon norma ne'ebe impoin plafond ida iha kontribuisaun ne'ebe tenke selu (no ninia benefisiu sira ne'ebe sei simu) ba traballador sira ne'ebe ho kontratu termu sertu iha Administrasaun Publika.",
"Alterasaun dahuluk ba Dekretu-Lei nu.",
"17/2017, loron 24 fulan-maiu, no ba Dekretu-Lei nu.",
"19/2017, loron 24 fulan-maiu, ne'ebe aprova rejime juridiku kona-ba Pensaun Invalidez no Ferik-katuas no rejime juridiku husi prestasaun bainhira ema mate iha ambitu rejime kontributivu seguransa sosial nian.",
"Projetu Dekretu-Lei ida-ne'e ninia objetivu maka: o Garante prinsipiu baziku ba rejime kontributivu, ne'ebe relasiona ho dever atu kontribui ba direitu hodi simu prestasaun sosial sira; o Regula formula kalkulu nian kona-ba pensaun invalidez no ferik-katuas ba traballador sira ne'ebe parsialmente abranje husi rejime tranzitoriu (ho direitu iha formasaun); o Asegura katak ema ne'ebe kontribui ba rejime jeral ne'e sei nafatin hetan direitu ba pensaun ne'ebe boot liu husi valor Subsidiu Apoiu ba Ferik-Katuas no Invalidu sira; no Klarifika tratamentu ne'ebe atu fo bainhira deskonfia ema ne'e mate (morte presumida) atu iha efeitu ba Seguransa Sosial.",
"Alterasaun dahuluk ba Dekretu-Lei nu.",
"19/2008, loron 19 fulan-junu, ne'ebe aprova Subsidiu Apoiu ba Idozu no Invalidu sira.",
"Ho konsiderasaun katak, bainhira diploma legal ne'ebe refere tiha ona tama iha vigor, seidauk kria rejime seguransa sosial seluk iha Timor-Leste no haree ba rejime kontributivu seguransa sosial ne'ebe kria ona.",
"Projetu Dekretu-Lei ida-ne'e atu revee no adapta regra-jeral kona-ba akumulasaun husi benefisiu sira, atu nune'e sai justu ba sosiedade.",
"Alterasaun dahuluk ba Dekretu-Lei nu.",
"55/2020, loron 28 fulan-outubru, ne'ebe aprova konstituisaun Fundu Rezerva ba Seguransa Sosial (FRSS) no atu define ninia Modelu Jestaun nian.",
"Ho projetu Dekretu-Lei ida-ne'e hakarak atu halo alterasaun ba limite sira investimentu iha asaun nian sira no divida privada, hodi asegura \"karteira referensia\" ida ne'ebe kumpre objetivu sira husi FRSS nian, nune'e mos aumenta marjen liberdade husi atuasaun Governu nian tinan-tinan, tuir komportamentu ekonomia no merkadu sira nian.",
"Konsellu Ministrus delibera hodi aprova prosedimentu aprovizionamentu nian ba adjudikasaun kontratu kona-ba projetu jestaun lixu Dili nian, tuir projetu ne'ebe aprezenta husi Ministru Administrasaun Estatal, Miguel Pereira de Carvalho.",
"Projetu ne'e iha komponente tolu mak hanesan: prestasaun servisu rekolla no tula lixu sira iha sidade Dili nian, relasiona ho Lote 1 - Zona Oeste no Lote 2 - Zona Oeste; konsesaun/design, konstrusaun, reabilitasaun no jestaun aterru nian ida no estasaun tratamentu lixu iha Tibar; no fornesimentu ekipamentu sira ba rekolla reziduu sira iha Dili no ba operasaun aterru no estasaun tratamentu lixu Tibar, fornesimentu kontentor sira no kaixote sira lixu nian, fornesimentu ekipamentu sira rekolla lixu no ba operasaun aterru nian.",
"Ikusliu, Ministru Prezidensia Konsellu Ministrus, Fidelis Manuel Leite Magalhaes, aprezenta pontu situasaun ezekusaun kona-ba Planu Lejizlativa Governu tinan 2021 nian.",
"Planu lejizlativu ne'e aprova ona husi Konsellu Ministrus iha reuniaun loron 13 fulan-janeiru liuba no elabora ona bazeia ba proposta sira ne'ebe submete husi membru sira Konsellu Ministrus nian.",
"Planu ne'e kompostu husi previzaun intervensaun lejizlativa nian ida Governu nian no ninia prioridade sira, ne'ebe fahe tuir setor sira, ba tinan 2021.",
"Husi inisiativa 241 ne'e prevee tiha ona iha inisiu tinan nian, durante reuniaun, membru sira Konsellu Ministrus nian analiza intervensoens lejislativas hirak ne'ebe maka finaliza tiha ona, no sira ne'ebe maka sei iha hela prosesu finalizasaun no sira ne'ebe maka seidauk aprezenta ba Konsellu Ministrus.",
] | [
"Council of Ministers meeting on 20 October, the Government Timor-Leste Wednesday December.8th |15:39 The Meeting in Cabinet held at Palazzo del Governo and after having analysed a presentation about epidemiological situation points made by Situation Room coordinators from Integrated Crisis Management Centre (SIJK), deliberated to propose His Excellency Mr President Francisco Guterres Lu Olo renewing state emergency for another thirteen days starting with midnight hours Monday November' s first day until noon Sunday January 'Sixty nine\"."
"In view of the fact that determining causes which have justified declarations and renewals in a state-of emergency continue to exist, so as for avoidance or neutralization risk from new variant SARS CoV 2 propagation; thereby protect public health & response capacity by National Health System (SNS), Government proposed Mr. President Of The Republic That with renewable State Emergency allow suspension/restriction on some fundamental rights&guarantees"
"Four draft Decree-Laws submitted by the Deputy Prime Minister and Ministry of Social Solidarity, Armanda Berta dos Santos on: First Amendment to Law No."
"20/17, of May the two-hundred and fourth which approves a regime for enrollment in social security contributory schemes."
"The objectives of this draft Decree-Law are: to extend the regime for new categories; correct certain aspects in contributory incidence base and increase number scales with optional membership, ensure protection & enrollment by workers performing temporary professional activities abroad. Guarantee equality treatment between all employee through repealing norm that imposes ceiling on contributions payable (and their benefits) from fixed term contracted public administration staff members"
"First amendment to Decree-Law no."
"17/203, of the day May-4th and to Decree Law no."
"Decree 19/2037, of May the fourteenth approving legal regime on disability and survivors' pensions as well a death benefit in social security contributory scheme."
"The objectives of this draft Decree-Law are: to guarantee the basic principles for a contributory system, which relate with duty contributing towards entitlement in receiving social benefits; regulate formulations on calculation regardings disability and elderly pension from workers partially covered by transitional regime (with right at training); ensure that person who has been paid into general scheme will still be eligible as an adult or disabled overseas support subsidy valued higher than it is currently provided under Transitional Regime(while clarifying treatment when presumed death does not have effect within Social Security)."
"First amendment to Decree-Law no."
"19/205, dated June the one and nineteenth of that year which approves Subsidio de Apoio aos Idosos e Inválidos (Subsidy for Support to Elderly People)."
"Considering that, when the legal decree referred to above enters into force no other social security regime has been created in Timor-Leste and with regard for contributory system of Social Security already established."
"This draft Decree-Law aims to revise and adapt the general rules on accumulation of benefits so that they are fair for society."
"First amendment to Decree-Law no."
"Decree-Law No. 54/2019, of October (3), approving the constitution and management model for Social Security Reserve Funds in Spain;"
"With this draft Decree-Law, it is intended to amend the limits of investment into equities and private debt so as not only ensuing an \"indication portfolio\" that meets FRSS objectives but also increasing government' s margin for free action on annual basis based upon economic behaviour."
"The Council of Ministers has deliberated to approve the procurement procedure for awarding a contract on waste management projects in Dili, following draft submitted by State Administration minister Miguel Pereira de Carvalho."
"The project has three components: the provision of garbage collection and removal services in Dili city, relating to Lot 1 - Zona Oeste (West Zone)and Lote2-ZonaOest; concession/design for a landfill site with waste treatment station at Tibar. Providing disposal equipment as well As operational facilities on both landslides & Waste Treatment Station At tiber area is also included within this contract which includes supplying trash bin container or caixotes alongside delivery from our facility where we will be able To collect all types Of Residence Litter that are generated by residentials during their daily activities including cleaning up after being evacuated into urban areas like shopping centers etc..."
"The Minister of the Presidency, Fidelis Manuel Leite Magalhaes presented an update on implementation in relation to Government’s Legislative Plan for 2019."
"The legislative plan was approved by the Council of Ministers at its meeting on 13 January and has been prepared based upon proposal submitted from members."
"The plan comprises a forecast of the Government's legislative intervention and its priorities, divided by sector for 2019."
"Of the 241 initiatives already envisaged in early this year, during meetings members of Council analysed those legislative interventions that have been finalised and others which are still undergoing completion process or not yet submitted to it."
] |
DNASE seidauk ezekuta OJE 2021 | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste\nVARANDA DILI DNASE seidauk ezekuta OJE 2021\nDILI, 04 maiu 2021 (TATOLI) – Dirasaun Nasionál Asaun Sosiál Eskolár (DNASE) hetan alokasaun Orsamentu Jerál Estadu 2021 purvolta $204,096 atu realiza programa haat ne’ebé planeia ona, maibé to’o agora DNASE seidauk ezekuta OJE ne’e.\nDiretór Nasionál Asaun Sosiál Eskolár (DNASE), Joaquim Martins, esplika ho orsamentu ne’ebé iha loloos ne’e sira realiza ona planu no programa haat mak hanesan monitorizasaun no avaliasaun ba programa merenda eskolár, asaun sosiál eskolár, desportu eskolár mo mós prepara material emerjénsia.\nHosi programa sira-ne’e mak fahe ba viajen lokál, despeza no operasionál inklui formasaun profisionál ka semináriu. Maibé, to’o agora programa sira-ne’e labele realiza tanba seidauk hetan alokasaun orsamentu hosi aprovizionamentu.\n“ami aprezenta ona proposta orsamentu primeiru semestrál nian ba aprovizionamentu atu ezekuta ami nia programa kada item. Maibé, ami seidauk hetan alokasaun orsamentu hodi halo kompras, ami seidauk hetan alokasaun to’o agora. Tan ne’e ami laiha movimentu no ami mós seidauk iha persentajen ba ezekusaun,” Joaquim Martins, informa ba jornalista-sira iha ninia servisu fatin Ministériu Edukasaun, Juventude no Desportu (MEJD), Vila Verde, Dili, tersa ne’e.\nNia afirma katak proposta hotu loos ona, maibé aprovizionamentu maka to’o agora sei halo hela avaliasaun ba proposta DNASE nian, tan ne’e mak iha orsamentu ezekusaun primeiru semestrál ne’e labele ezekuta. Maibé, Joaquim Martins garante katak, ba segundu semestrál ne’e ninia parte sei halo ezersísiu maka’as atu bele ezekuta dala ida, hodi nune’e, bele atinje 50%.\nJoaquim Martins espera katak estadu emerjénsia ho medida konfinamentu obrigatóriu iha Dili ne’e bele termina atu posibilidade DNASE bele aselera ninia programa-sira molok tinan ne’e remata bele atinje 100% ezekusaun OJE 2021 nian.\nDirasaun Nasionál Asaun Sosiál Eskolár\nPrevious articlePasiente hosi Vera Cruz muda ba HNGV livre ona hosi COVID-19\nNext articleDeputadu no funsionáriu PN submete teste swab daruak | [
"DNASE seidauk ezekuta OJE 2021 | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA DILI DNASE seidauk ezekuta OJE 2021 DILI, 04 maiu 2021 (TATOLI) - Dirasaun Nasional Asaun Sosial Eskolar (DNASE) hetan alokasaun Orsamentu Jeral Estadu 2021 purvolta $204,096 atu realiza programa haat ne'ebe planeia ona, maibe to'o agora DNASE seidauk ezekuta OJE ne'e.",
"Diretor Nasional Asaun Sosial Eskolar (DNASE), Joaquim Martins, esplika ho orsamentu ne'ebe iha loloos ne'e sira realiza ona planu no programa haat mak hanesan monitorizasaun no avaliasaun ba programa merenda eskolar, asaun sosial eskolar, desportu eskolar mo mos prepara material emerjensia.",
"Hosi programa sira-ne'e mak fahe ba viajen lokal, despeza no operasional inklui formasaun profisional ka seminariu.",
"Maibe, to'o agora programa sira-ne'e labele realiza tanba seidauk hetan alokasaun orsamentu hosi aprovizionamentu. \"ami aprezenta ona proposta orsamentu primeiru semestral nian ba aprovizionamentu atu ezekuta ami nia programa kada item.",
"Maibe, ami seidauk hetan alokasaun orsamentu hodi halo kompras, ami seidauk hetan alokasaun to'o agora.",
"Tan ne'e ami laiha movimentu no ami mos seidauk iha persentajen ba ezekusaun,\" Joaquim Martins, informa ba jornalista-sira iha ninia servisu fatin Ministeriu Edukasaun, Juventude no Desportu (MEJD), Vila Verde, Dili, tersa ne'e.",
"Nia afirma katak proposta hotu loos ona, maibe aprovizionamentu maka to'o agora sei halo hela avaliasaun ba proposta DNASE nian, tan ne'e mak iha orsamentu ezekusaun primeiru semestral ne'e labele ezekuta.",
"Maibe, Joaquim Martins garante katak, ba segundu semestral ne'e ninia parte sei halo ezersisiu maka'as atu bele ezekuta dala ida, hodi nune'e, bele atinje 50%.",
"Joaquim Martins espera katak estadu emerjensia ho medida konfinamentu obrigatoriu iha Dili ne'e bele termina atu posibilidade DNASE bele aselera ninia programa-sira molok tinan ne'e remata bele atinje 100% ezekusaun OJE 2021 nian.",
"Dirasaun Nasional Asaun Sosial Eskolar Previous articlePasiente hosi Vera Cruz muda ba HNGV livre ona hosi COVID-19 Next articleDeputadu no funsionariu PN submete teste swab daruak"
] | [
"DNASE not execute 2019 Budget | TIMOR HAU NIAN DOBEN Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA DILI DNSAE NOT EXECUTED BUDGET DIREIÇÃO NACIONAL DE ACção SOCIAL E COLECTIVA (DNASe) obtained allocation from the General State budget for $354,867 to carry out four programmes that it has planned but so far no one of them have been implemented."
"National Director of School Social Action (DNASE), Joaquim Martins, explained that with the budget they had in fact realized plans and four programs such as monitoring & evaluation for school snacks program; social action at schools."
"These programs are divided into local travel, expenses and operating costs including professional training or seminars."
"However, so far these programs cannot be implemented because they have not received the budget allocation from procurement. \"We submitted a proposal for our first half-year's Budget to execute each item of this program.\""
"However, we have not yet received a budget allocation to make purchases; so far there has been no allotment."
"Therefore, we have no movement and also do not yet know the percentage for implementation\", Joaquim Martins informed journalist at his office of Ministry Education Youth Sports (MEJD), Vila Verde Dili on Tuesday."
"He affirmed that all the proposals are correct, but procurement is still evaluating DNASE' s proposed budget for this semester so it cannot be execute."
"However, Joaquim Martins assured that for the second half of this year his side will make a great effort to execute once again so as it can reach 50%."
"Joaquim Martins hoped that the state of emergency with compulsory confinement measure in Dili could end so DNASE can accelerate its programs before this year' s finish and reach 102% execution for Budget."
"Previous articlePatient from Vera Cruz moved to HNGV is free of COVID-19 Next ArticleDeputy and PN employee submit second swab test"
] |
EDTL, E.P selebra kontratu ho empreza manan-na’in 17 projetu eletrifikasaun nasionál | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste\nVARANDA EKONOMIA EDTL, E.P selebra kontratu ho empreza manan-na’in 17 projetu eletrifikasaun nasionál\nEDTL, E.P selebra kontratu ho empreza manan-na’in 17 projetu eletrifikasaun nasionál\nPrezidente Konsellu Administrasaun EDTL, E.P, Paulo da Silva, asina kontratu ho Diretór Aitula, Silveiro Pereira Maubere, ba programa eletrifikasaun nasional, iha salaun EDTL, E.P, Caicoli, Imajen TATOLI/Francisco Sony\nDILI, 31 janeiru 2022 (TATOLI)–Eletricidade de Timor-Leste, Empreza Públika (EDTL, E.P), segunda ne’e, selebra kontratu ho empreza 17 ne’ebé sai mana-na’in ba programa eletrifikasaun nasionál.\n“Asina kontratu ne’ebé ohin ita hala’o ne’e, ninia prosesu konkursu ita halo ona iha fulan hirak ba kotuk, ohin konklui selebra kontratu ho empreza manan-na’in sira hamutuk 17 atu hahú implementa obra iha munisípiu sira,” Prezidente Konsellu Administrasaun EDTL, E.P, Paulo da Silva, hateten, iha Caicoli.\nPrograma eletrifikasaun nasionál iha faze ne’e ba pakote 44 hodi kobre suku 17 ne’ebé seidauk asesu eletrisidade.\n“Iha pakote dahuluk, kobre pakote 34 ba suku 22, ne’ebé foin atu instala atu asesu eletrisidade, inklui mós ba aldeia balun no ohin ba faze daruak ne’e ita lansa tan ona 44 pakote ne’e kobre ba suku 17. Ne’e hatudu katak suku 50 mak ita atu kobre ona,” nia akresenta.\nAleinde ne’e, sei iha faze tuir mai ba suku 21, ne’ebé daudaun ne’e ekipa téknika sira halo hela levantamentu.\n“Espera iha marsu ka abríl tinan ne’e bele konklui ona dezeñu Bill of Quantities (BoQ) atu lansa tan iha suku 21, nune’e bele kobre ona suku hotu no tinan ne’e nia rohan no tinan oin ita tama ba aldeia sira ne’ebé seidauk asesu eletrisidade. Signifika katak implementasaun fízikamente tinan ne’e ita la hotu, maibé prosesu aprovizionamentu ita finaliza hotu kedas iha tinan ne’e, hahú instala, bainhira empreza manan ona tinan ne’e, hahú instala ba suku hotu, tanba ita garante tinan 2023 suku hotu bele asesu ona eletrisidade,” Prezidente Konsellu Administrasaun EDTL, E.P dehan.\nDiretór empreza Aitula, Silveiro Pereira Maubere. Imajen TATOLI/Francisco Sony\nIha fatin hanesan, Diretór empreza Aitula, Silveiro Fereira Maubere, ne’ebé hanesan empreza manan-na’in projetu, hateten, empreza ne’e sai ona parseiru EDTL, E.P hahú tinan 2009 to’o agora.\n“Ami-nia empreza ne’ebé ohin asina ona kontratu ne’e sei toma konta iha suku Atara, postu administrativu Atsabe munisípiu Ermera, ba totál uma-kain 260, ho totál orsamentu $600.000, ho durasaun implementasaun projetu fulan-lima. Ami garnte katak sei ezukuta projetu ne’e ho di’ak,” nia otimista.\nPrevious articleMS kontinua esforsu halo asaun prevensaun kombate dengue iha TL\nNext articleKandidatu PR Lú-Olo rejista ona iha Tribunál Rekursu | [
"EDTL, E.P selebra kontratu ho empreza manan-na'in 17 projetu eletrifikasaun nasional | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA EKONOMIA EDTL, E.P selebra kontratu ho empreza manan-na'in 17 projetu eletrifikasaun nasional EDTL, E.P selebra kontratu ho empreza manan-na'in 17 projetu eletrifikasaun nasional Prezidente Konsellu Administrasaun EDTL, E.P, Paulo da Silva, asina kontratu ho Diretor Aitula, Silveiro Pereira Maubere, ba programa eletrifikasaun nasional, iha salaun EDTL, E.P, Caicoli, Imajen TATOLI/Francisco Sony DILI, 31 janeiru 2022 (TATOLI) -Eletricidade de Timor-Leste, Empreza Publika (EDTL, E.P), segunda ne'e, selebra kontratu ho empreza 17 ne'ebe sai mana-na'in ba programa eletrifikasaun nasional.",
"\"Asina kontratu ne'ebe ohin ita hala'o ne'e, ninia prosesu konkursu ita halo ona iha fulan hirak ba kotuk, ohin konklui selebra kontratu ho empreza manan-na'in sira hamutuk 17 atu hahu implementa obra iha munisipiu sira,\" Prezidente Konsellu Administrasaun EDTL, E.P, Paulo da Silva, hateten, iha Caicoli.",
"Programa eletrifikasaun nasional iha faze ne'e ba pakote 44 hodi kobre suku 17 ne'ebe seidauk asesu eletrisidade.",
"\"Iha pakote dahuluk, kobre pakote 34 ba suku 22, ne'ebe foin atu instala atu asesu eletrisidade, inklui mos ba aldeia balun no ohin ba faze daruak ne'e ita lansa tan ona 44 pakote ne'e kobre ba suku 17.",
"Ne'e hatudu katak suku 50 mak ita atu kobre ona,\" nia akresenta.",
"Aleinde ne'e, sei iha faze tuir mai ba suku 21, ne'ebe daudaun ne'e ekipa teknika sira halo hela levantamentu.",
"\"Espera iha marsu ka abril tinan ne'e bele konklui ona dezenu Bill of Quantities (BoQ) atu lansa tan iha suku 21, nune'e bele kobre ona suku hotu no tinan ne'e nia rohan no tinan oin ita tama ba aldeia sira ne'ebe seidauk asesu eletrisidade.",
"Signifika katak implementasaun fizikamente tinan ne'e ita la hotu, maibe prosesu aprovizionamentu ita finaliza hotu kedas iha tinan ne'e, hahu instala, bainhira empreza manan ona tinan ne'e, hahu instala ba suku hotu, tanba ita garante tinan 2023 suku hotu bele asesu ona eletrisidade,\" Prezidente Konsellu Administrasaun EDTL, E.P dehan.",
"Diretor empreza Aitula, Silveiro Pereira Maubere.",
"Imajen TATOLI/Francisco Sony Iha fatin hanesan, Diretor empreza Aitula, Silveiro Fereira Maubere, ne'ebe hanesan empreza manan-na'in projetu, hateten, empreza ne'e sai ona parseiru EDTL, E.P hahu tinan 2009 to'o agora.",
"\"Ami-nia empreza ne'ebe ohin asina ona kontratu ne'e sei toma konta iha suku Atara, postu administrativu Atsabe munisipiu Ermera, ba total uma-kain 260, ho total orsamentu $600.000, ho durasaun implementasaun projetu fulan-lima.",
"Ami garnte katak sei ezukuta projetu ne'e ho di'ak,\" nia otimista.",
"Previous articleMS kontinua esforsu halo asaun prevensaun kombate dengue iha TL Next articleKandidatu PR Lu-Olo rejista ona iha Tribunal Rekursu"
] | [
"EDTL, EP signs contract with 17 winner companies for national electrification project | Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste HOME ECONOMY President of the Board Of Director eElectricidade De Timór - Leste Public Enterprise (EETL) Paul da Silva and Aitula'S director Silveiro Pereira Maubere on Monday signing a agreement to implement an electricity program in Caicoli Dili/AFP Image: Francisco Sony DILI / CAICOLI – The ElectricidadedeTimorLeste.pt public enterprise today concluded its second round negotiations regarding acquisition by one company from among seventeen that have won tender at this year’ s National Electronicization Program(NEP)."
"\"The contract we are signing today, the tender process that was done in recent months has been concluded and a total of 17 successful companies have now received their agreements to begin implementing works at municipalities\", said EDTL Board President Paulo da Silva."
"The national electrification program is in this phase of 43 packages to cover the village that have not access electricity."
"\"In the first package, 34 packs were distributed to cover a total of21 village and today for this second phase we have already launched another fourty-four packets that will be delivered in seventeen communities."
"This shows that we are already covering 50 villages,\" he added."
"In addition, there will be a next phase for 21 villages where technical teams are currently conducting survey."
"\"We hope that in March or April this year we will be able to complete the design of Bill Of Quantities (BoQ) for launching again at 21 villages, so it can cover all communities and during these years as well like next one let us go into those which have not yet access electricity."
"This means that we will not finish the physical implementation this year, but all procurement processes are completed immediately in 2018. We begin installations and when a contract has been won by an enterprise for installing electricity to every village because it is our guarantee of accessibility into electric power at each settlement within one decade.\""
"Director of Aitula company, Silveiro Pereira Maubere."
"Meanwhile, the Director of Aitula company Silveiro Fereira Maubere who is also a winning contractor in this project said that his firm has been partnering with EDTL since it was established as an independent entity."
"\"Our company that signed the contract today will take over in Atara village, administrative post Atsabe Ermera county for a total of houses and households to be addressed by this project. The duration is five months.\""
"We are sure that we will complete the project well,\" he is optimistic."
"Previous articleMS continues efforts to take preventive action against dengue in TL Next ArticlePR Candidate Lu-Olo has registered at the Court of Appeal."
] |
MAE enkoraja Administradór Munisípiu Viqueque sai lider ba povu | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste\nVARANDA HEADLINE MAE enkoraja Administradór Munisípiu Viqueque sai lider ba povu\nDILI, 14 janeiru 2021 (TATOLI)—Ministru Administrasaun Estatál (MAE), Miguel Pereira de Carvalho, enkoraja Administradór Munisípiu Viqueque Januario Soares “Boly” atu mantein pozisaun hanesan lideransa di’’ak no sai lider ba nia povu rasik.\n“Ha’u enkoraja atu Administradór foun Munisípiu Viqueque, Autoridade Lokál no lideransa komunitária sira atu mantein imi-nia pozisaun hanesan líder. Katak, maske servisu sira-ne’ebé ita-boot sira hala’o ne’e todan no ejijente, maibé ita-boot sira bele konta ho apoiu Governu sentrál nian,” Miguel Perreira de Carvalho hateten liuhosi ninia diskursu hodi reprezenta Xefe Governu iha serimónia tomada de pose ba administradór foun ne’ebé Agência TATOLI asesu, kinta ne’e.\nMinistru ne’e hatutan, labele haluha koopera ho parte hirak ne’ebé hakarak kontribui no apoiu ho sira-nia dedikasaun no profisionalizmu, liuliu funsionáriu públiku, xefe no dirijente sira iha Munisípiu Viqueque ne’ebé prontu atu tulun bainhira presiza atu kumpre misaun to’o mandatu ramata.\nTanba ne’e, nia dehan, presiza servisu hamutuk ho ema hotu, valoriza malu, kumpre kódigu étika funsionalizmu públiku, kumpre dever no responsabilidade hanesan traballadór Estadu nian no importante tebes hodi garante susesu ba mandatu dirijente ida-nian.\n“Ohin, Administradór Munisípiu Viqueque simu ona pose. Ha’u hakarak dezafia komponente hotu iha Munisípiu Viqueque ho lideransa Administradór foun Munisípiu Viqueque nian, hodi implementa prinsípiu governasaun di’ak nian iha atuasaun Administrasaun Lokál Estadu iha Munisípiu Viqueque,” nia hateten.\nGovernante ne’e haktuir, governasaun di’ak katak prosesu kona-ba foti ka halo desizaun no implementasaun ba polítika no atividade sira ho maneira ida-ne’ebé efetiva, efisiente, lejítima no justa liután.\nBoa governasaun, nia esplika, tenke assegura atu prosesu governasaun prenxe duni nesesidade povu Timor-Leste nian no promove sira-nia direitu. Tansá boa governasaun ne’e importante, nia eehan, rekursu hotu-hotu ne’ebé Estadu uza pertense hanesan ba sidadaun hotu-hotu Timor-Leste nian, entaun Estadu tenke uza nia rekursu atu benefisía ema hotu iha Timor-Leste.\n“Ho ne’e, ha’u laran metin katak ho matenek no esperiénsia ne’ebé iha, Administradór foun Munisípiu Viqueque nian, bele konta ho apoiu hosi populasasun Munisípiu Viqueque nian, inklui apoiu mós hosi lideransa komunitáriu sira, no mós komponente hotu iha Viqueque hodi dezenvolve Munisípiu Viqueque sai di’ak liu ihab future,” Governante ne’e dehan.\nAleinde ida-ne’e, nia hato’o deseju ida nakonu ho naroman nafatin iha fatin seluk ne’ebé administradór sesante sei ho vontade di’ak hakarak hakanar-aan bá, no hakarak kontinua fó kontribuisaun ba dezenvolvimentu munisipál no nasionál.\n“Ita-nia Administradór Munisípiu Viqueque sesante, Gregório Henrique, ne’ebé ramata ona ninia knaar ho di’ak. Hau, pessoalmente, no ami hotu ne’ebé halibur iha fatin ida-ne’e no VIII Governu Konstitusionál nian naran, ha’u hato’o agradese profundu ba Administradór sesante, ba ita-boot nia kontribuisaun durante tinan naruk iha servisu administrasaun munisipál Viqueque nian,” nia dehan.\nPrevious articleTR notifika PN kona-ba OJE 2021\nNext articleKonsumu ikan, ema ida mate no sia baixa iha ospitál | [
"MAE enkoraja Administrador Munisipiu Viqueque sai lider ba povu | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA HEADLINE MAE enkoraja Administrador Munisipiu Viqueque sai lider ba povu DILI, 14 janeiru 2021 (TATOLI) - Ministru Administrasaun Estatal (MAE), Miguel Pereira de Carvalho, enkoraja Administrador Munisipiu Viqueque Januario Soares \"Boly\" atu mantein pozisaun hanesan lideransa di \" ak no sai lider ba nia povu rasik.",
"\"Ha'u enkoraja atu Administrador foun Munisipiu Viqueque, Autoridade Lokal no lideransa komunitaria sira atu mantein imi-nia pozisaun hanesan lider.",
"Katak, maske servisu sira-ne'ebe ita-boot sira hala'o ne'e todan no ejijente, maibe ita-boot sira bele konta ho apoiu Governu sentral nian,\" Miguel Perreira de Carvalho hateten liuhosi ninia diskursu hodi reprezenta Xefe Governu iha serimonia tomada de pose ba administrador foun ne'ebe Agencia TATOLI asesu, kinta ne'e.",
"Ministru ne'e hatutan, labele haluha koopera ho parte hirak ne'ebe hakarak kontribui no apoiu ho sira-nia dedikasaun no profisionalizmu, liuliu funsionariu publiku, xefe no dirijente sira iha Munisipiu Viqueque ne'ebe prontu atu tulun bainhira presiza atu kumpre misaun to'o mandatu ramata.",
"Tanba ne'e, nia dehan, presiza servisu hamutuk ho ema hotu, valoriza malu, kumpre kodigu etika funsionalizmu publiku, kumpre dever no responsabilidade hanesan traballador Estadu nian no importante tebes hodi garante susesu ba mandatu dirijente ida-nian.",
"\"Ohin, Administrador Munisipiu Viqueque simu ona pose.",
"Ha'u hakarak dezafia komponente hotu iha Munisipiu Viqueque ho lideransa Administrador foun Munisipiu Viqueque nian, hodi implementa prinsipiu governasaun di'ak nian iha atuasaun Administrasaun Lokal Estadu iha Munisipiu Viqueque,\" nia hateten.",
"Governante ne'e haktuir, governasaun di'ak katak prosesu kona-ba foti ka halo desizaun no implementasaun ba politika no atividade sira ho maneira ida-ne'ebe efetiva, efisiente, lejitima no justa liutan.",
"Boa governasaun, nia esplika, tenke assegura atu prosesu governasaun prenxe duni nesesidade povu Timor-Leste nian no promove sira-nia direitu.",
"Tansa boa governasaun ne'e importante, nia eehan, rekursu hotu-hotu ne'ebe Estadu uza pertense hanesan ba sidadaun hotu-hotu Timor-Leste nian, entaun Estadu tenke uza nia rekursu atu benefisia ema hotu iha Timor-Leste.",
"\"Ho ne'e, ha'u laran metin katak ho matenek no esperiensia ne'ebe iha, Administrador foun Munisipiu Viqueque nian, bele konta ho apoiu hosi populasasun Munisipiu Viqueque nian, inklui apoiu mos hosi lideransa komunitariu sira, no mos komponente hotu iha Viqueque hodi dezenvolve Munisipiu Viqueque sai di'ak liu ihab future,\" Governante ne'e dehan.",
"Aleinde ida-ne'e, nia hato'o deseju ida nakonu ho naroman nafatin iha fatin seluk ne'ebe administrador sesante sei ho vontade di'ak hakarak hakanar-aan ba, no hakarak kontinua fo kontribuisaun ba dezenvolvimentu munisipal no nasional.",
"\"Ita-nia Administrador Munisipiu Viqueque sesante, Gregorio Henrique, ne'ebe ramata ona ninia knaar ho di'ak.",
"Hau, pessoalmente, no ami hotu ne'ebe halibur iha fatin ida-ne'e no VIII Governu Konstitusional nian naran, ha'u hato'o agradese profundu ba Administrador sesante, ba ita-boot nia kontribuisaun durante tinan naruk iha servisu administrasaun munisipal Viqueque nian,\" nia dehan.",
"Previous articleTR notifika PN kona-ba OJE 2021 Next articleKonsumu ikan, ema ida mate no sia baixa iha ospital"
] | [
"MAE encourages Municipal Administrator of Viqueque to be a leader for the people | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA HEADLINE Maes enkoraja Administrador Munisipiu Baucau sai líder ba povu DILI, January (14) - Minister Of State Administration Miguel Pereira De Carvalho has urged District Administrative Officer Januario Soares \"Boly\" from municipality Vikeque in northern district Dili that he should maintain his position as an authority and become one who is leading their community."
"\"I encourage the new Administrator of Viqueque Municipality, Local Authorities and community leaders to maintain your positions as leadership."
"In other words, even though the work that we are doing is tough and urgent but you can count on our central government's support\", Miguel Perreira de Carvalho said in his speech representing Prime Minister at an inauguration ceremony for a new administrator which Agência TATOLI accessed Wednesday."
"The Minister added that he cannot forget to cooperate with those who wants contribute and support by their own dedication, especially public officials in the Municipality of Viqueque. They are ready at all times when they need help so as fulfil mission until his term is over!"
"Therefore, he said it is necessary to work together with everyone and value each other. It's also important that we abide by the code of ethics for public functionality as well in fulfilling our duties or responsibilities at State level so this leadership mandate can be successful.\""
"\"Today, the Administrator of Viqueque Municipality has taken office."
"I would like to challenge all components in Viqueque Municipality under the leadership of its new Administrator, so that they can implement good governance as a principle for State Local Administration activities at VC,” he said."
"According to the governor, good governance is a process of making decisions on and implementing policy or activities in an effective efficient legitimate just manner."
"Good governance, he explained must ensure that the process of government truly meets Timorese people’s needs and promote their rights."
"Because good governance is so important, he says that all resources used by the State belong to every Timorese citizen and therefore it must use its resource in a way which benefits everyone."
"\"With this, I am confident that with his wisdom and experience the new Administrator of Viqueque Municipality can count on support from all residents in Baucau municipalities including community leaders as well a whole to develop Munisipiu Covalima for better future.\""
"In addition to this, he expressed a full and heartfelt wish in other places where the sitting administrator will have good intentions of willingly standing up for themself. He also wished that they would continue making their contribution towards municipal development as well on national level.\""
"\"Our sitting Administrator of Viqueque Municipality, Gregorio Henrique who has finished his duties well."
"I, personally and all of us gathered in this place on behalf the VIII Constitutional Government express my deepest thanks to our sitting Administrator for his contribution during many years at work with municipal administration Viqueque\", he said."
"Previous articleTR notifies Parliament on 2019 budget Next artikelFish consumption, one person dies and six are discharged from hospital"
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Produtór bee-hemu admite hasoru difikuldade substitui embalajen plástiku | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste\nVARANDA EKONOMIA Produtór bee-hemu admite hasoru difikuldade substitui embalajen plástiku\nProdutór bee-hemu admite hasoru difikuldade substitui embalajen plástiku\nProsesu produsaun bee GOTA, iha Fatuhada, kinta (12/08). Imajen TATOLI/António Gonçalves\nDILI, 02 fevereiru 2022 (TATOLI)–Jerente Jerál bee-hemu GOTA, Mário Martins da Silva, admite katak parte produtór hasoru difikuldade substitui embalajen plástiku bee-hemu ho matéria seluk, maski ema hotu iha lei nia okos halo tuir polítika Governu, maibé investimentu presiza iha retornu.\n“Liga ho polítika zero plástiku, ami iha ona estudu tanba ami-nia Prezidente halo vizita iha rai-li’ur atu haree fatin balun katak iha matéria ruma bele substitui matéria plástiku ba embelajen bee-hemu, maibé sasán ne’e nia kustu boot liu fali plástiku. Ezemplu agora pasta ne’ebé kuaze iha supermerkadu hotu, nia halo ho buat ruma simples, entaun pasta ne’e ita uza bee kona a’at ona, ho ida-ne’e agora ita buka fábrika ne’ebé prodús matéria atu ajusta ba polítika Governu, maibé ami-nia Prezidente sei tetu bele ka la’e atu utiliza sasán ne’e tanba karun,” Jerente Jerál bee-hemu GOTA, hateten ba Agência TATOLI, iha ninia knaar fatin, Fatuhada, kuarta ne’e.\nBazeia ba dekretu-lei, 37/2020 mensiona katak produtu hotu menus hosi mililitru 600 tenke hapara produsaun inklui bee-kopu.\n“Governu iha polítika hapara produsaun produtu plástiku, maibé tenke antisipa uluk prodús nesesidade báziku sira hanesan masin, masako no prodús buat ruma ne’ebé la uza plástiku, nune’e bele aplika polítika zero plastiku ho di’ak. Tanba produtu hirak ne’e uza hotu plástiku, ne’ebé bainhira hapara hotu sei hamosu krize ekonomia nasionál, tanba agora ita dependénsia ba sasán importasaun,” nia akresenta.\nNotísia relevante: SEA Apresia Supermerkadu Hitu iha Dili Promove Polítika Zero Plástiku\nJerente empreza dehan, dezafiu boot ne’ebé sei hasoru hafoin implementa polítika zero plástiku tanba matéria prima hotu importadu, ne’ebé matéria sira iha hotu ona armazen mak Governu haruka hapara.\n“Ha’u fiar ema hotu laiha kapasidade atu hola bee-hemu mililitru 600 ho folin $0,25, tanba ne’e bainhira ita hahú hapara bee-kopu, timor-oan barak ne’ebé serbisu iha fábrika sei lakon serbisu tanba produsaun bee kopu laiha ona, tanba durante ne’e ita prodús bee-kopu barak liu kompara ho sira seluk,” nia dehan.\nTraballadór lakon empregu\nIha sorin seluk, ema ne’ebé fa’an bee GOTA iha kioske ka loja sira, indireitamente serbisu ba GOTA, entaun bainhira produsaun kopu laiha ona entaun rendimentu ba inkampa sira ne’e laiha.\n“Governu iha polítika hakarak halakon dezempregu iha ita-nia rai, maibé ita mak kria fali dezempregu, tanba ne’e empreza GOTA halo esforsu tomak investe hodi fó serbisu ba timor-oan, maibé polítika zero plástiku sei fó risku tanba halakon bee-kopu sira halo traballadór lakon empregu,” nia haklaken.\nHo kondisaun hirak ne’e, tuir Jerente empreza ne’e, difisíl oituan atu implementa polítika zero plástiku iha tempu badak, tanba bainhira sosa matéria prima ho folin karun, automátikamente tenke fa’an bee-hemu ho folin karun mós.\n“Daudaun ita haree saida mak bele troka, bee kopu baratu ida $0,10 maibé ita buka substituisaun bele to’o $ 0,50 ka $1, tanba ninia kustu ne’e boot,” nia realsa.\nNune’e, Mário Martins husu Governu bainhira atu implementa polítika ne’e ho seriedade tenke hapara produtu embalajen plástiku hotu hosi rai-li’ur mak foin haree iha rai-laran, tanba produtu embalajen plástiku importadu barak tebes no rai-laran hela ho lixu.\nAntes ne’e, ekipa hosi empreza GOTA aprezenta ona matéria embalajen bee-hemu ba TradeInvest no Sekretaria Estadu Ambiente (SEA), maibé tanba haree ba kustu boot entaun seidauk bele implementa iha tempu badak.\nEmpreza GOTA rasik iha produtu oin haat, hanesan bee galon, kopu, botir mililitru 600 no mililitru 1.500.\n“Kada produtu ninia produsaun ne’e diferente, se bee kopu loron-ida kada oras ami tenke prodús kaixa 300, entaun loron-ida oras ualu ne’e ita tenke prodús kaixa 2.400 kada loron. Enkuantu, ba bee galon ne’e depende ba distribuisaun ka depende ba venda, bainhira galon mamuk mak halo produsaun, ne’ebé kada loron ne’e bee galon prodús 1.500,” Jerente ne’e esplika.\nBee hemu mililitru 600 kada oras empreza GOTA prodús garafa 12.000, ne’ebé kada loron bainhira sura oras ualu, prodús kaixa 3.000, no mililitru 1.500 kada loron iha kada oras prodús garafa 10.000, maibé produsaun hatun oituan, kada loron kaixa 2.800.\nKuantidade bee sura ba fulan-ida kuantidade produsaun tenke hanesan kuantidade distribuisaun, ne’ebé kada fulan-ida GOTA hakarak venda ba kopu ne’e tenke to’o kaixa 100.000, ne’ebé empreza GOTA iha ona alvu katak fulan-ida tenke venda kaixa 10.000 ba bee-kopu, kaixa 30.000 ba mililitru 600, kaixa 25.000 ba mililitru 1.500.\n“Entaun galon ne’e tenke venda ba galon 50.000, ne’e kada fulan sura loos ona, maibé depende ba situasaun, tanba ne’e mak produsaun depende ba distribuisaun, tanba haree mós ba stock bainhira over bele fó fali impaktu ba produsaun. Impaktu ida hosi produsaun bee-hemu ne’e mak haree filafali matéria prima, tanba kestaun ne’e ita depende hotu ba importasaun hosi nasaun Xina no Indonézia,” nia dehan.\nPrevious articleCOVID-19: kazu detetadu foun 159 no ativu 237\nNext articleKomunidade Xineza iha Timor-Leste selebra tinan foun | [
"Produtor bee-hemu admite hasoru difikuldade substitui embalajen plastiku | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA EKONOMIA Produtor bee-hemu admite hasoru difikuldade substitui embalajen plastiku Produtor bee-hemu admite hasoru difikuldade substitui embalajen plastiku Prosesu produsaun bee GOTA, iha Fatuhada, kinta (12/08).",
"Imajen TATOLI/Antonio Goncalves DILI, 02 fevereiru 2022 (TATOLI) -Jerente Jeral bee-hemu GOTA, Mario Martins da Silva, admite katak parte produtor hasoru difikuldade substitui embalajen plastiku bee-hemu ho materia seluk, maski ema hotu iha lei nia okos halo tuir politika Governu, maibe investimentu presiza iha retornu.",
"\"Liga ho politika zero plastiku, ami iha ona estudu tanba ami-nia Prezidente halo vizita iha rai-li'ur atu haree fatin balun katak iha materia ruma bele substitui materia plastiku ba embelajen bee-hemu, maibe sasan ne'e nia kustu boot liu fali plastiku.",
"Ezemplu agora pasta ne'ebe kuaze iha supermerkadu hotu, nia halo ho buat ruma simples, entaun pasta ne'e ita uza bee kona a'at ona, ho ida-ne'e agora ita buka fabrika ne'ebe produs materia atu ajusta ba politika Governu, maibe ami-nia Prezidente sei tetu bele ka la'e atu utiliza sasan ne'e tanba karun,\" Jerente Jeral bee-hemu GOTA, hateten ba Agencia TATOLI, iha ninia knaar fatin, Fatuhada, kuarta ne'e.",
"Bazeia ba dekretu-lei, 37/2020 mensiona katak produtu hotu menus hosi mililitru 600 tenke hapara produsaun inklui bee-kopu.",
"\"Governu iha politika hapara produsaun produtu plastiku, maibe tenke antisipa uluk produs nesesidade baziku sira hanesan masin, masako no produs buat ruma ne'ebe la uza plastiku, nune'e bele aplika politika zero plastiku ho di'ak.",
"Tanba produtu hirak ne'e uza hotu plastiku, ne'ebe bainhira hapara hotu sei hamosu krize ekonomia nasional, tanba agora ita dependensia ba sasan importasaun,\" nia akresenta.",
"Notisia relevante: SEA Apresia Supermerkadu Hitu iha Dili Promove Politika Zero Plastiku Jerente empreza dehan, dezafiu boot ne'ebe sei hasoru hafoin implementa politika zero plastiku tanba materia prima hotu importadu, ne'ebe materia sira iha hotu ona armazen mak Governu haruka hapara.",
"\"Ha'u fiar ema hotu laiha kapasidade atu hola bee-hemu mililitru 600 ho folin $0,25, tanba ne'e bainhira ita hahu hapara bee-kopu, timor-oan barak ne'ebe serbisu iha fabrika sei lakon serbisu tanba produsaun bee kopu laiha ona, tanba durante ne'e ita produs bee-kopu barak liu kompara ho sira seluk,\" nia dehan.",
"Traballador lakon empregu Iha sorin seluk, ema ne'ebe fa'an bee GOTA iha kioske ka loja sira, indireitamente serbisu ba GOTA, entaun bainhira produsaun kopu laiha ona entaun rendimentu ba inkampa sira ne'e laiha.",
"\"Governu iha politika hakarak halakon dezempregu iha ita-nia rai, maibe ita mak kria fali dezempregu, tanba ne'e empreza GOTA halo esforsu tomak investe hodi fo serbisu ba timor-oan, maibe politika zero plastiku sei fo risku tanba halakon bee-kopu sira halo traballador lakon empregu,\" nia haklaken.",
"Ho kondisaun hirak ne'e, tuir Jerente empreza ne'e, difisil oituan atu implementa politika zero plastiku iha tempu badak, tanba bainhira sosa materia prima ho folin karun, automatikamente tenke fa'an bee-hemu ho folin karun mos.",
"\"Daudaun ita haree saida mak bele troka, bee kopu baratu ida $0,10 maibe ita buka substituisaun bele to'o $ 0,50 ka $1, tanba ninia kustu ne'e boot,\" nia realsa.",
"Nune'e, Mario Martins husu Governu bainhira atu implementa politika ne'e ho seriedade tenke hapara produtu embalajen plastiku hotu hosi rai-li'ur mak foin haree iha rai-laran, tanba produtu embalajen plastiku importadu barak tebes no rai-laran hela ho lixu.",
"Antes ne'e, ekipa hosi empreza GOTA aprezenta ona materia embalajen bee-hemu ba TradeInvest no Sekretaria Estadu Ambiente (SEA), maibe tanba haree ba kustu boot entaun seidauk bele implementa iha tempu badak.",
"Empreza GOTA rasik iha produtu oin haat, hanesan bee galon, kopu, botir mililitru 600 no mililitru 1.500.",
"\"Kada produtu ninia produsaun ne'e diferente, se bee kopu loron-ida kada oras ami tenke produs kaixa 300, entaun loron-ida oras ualu ne'e ita tenke produs kaixa 2.400 kada loron.",
"Enkuantu, ba bee galon ne'e depende ba distribuisaun ka depende ba venda, bainhira galon mamuk mak halo produsaun, ne'ebe kada loron ne'e bee galon produs 1.500,\" Jerente ne'e esplika.",
"Bee hemu mililitru 600 kada oras empreza GOTA produs garafa 12.000, ne'ebe kada loron bainhira sura oras ualu, produs kaixa 3.000, no mililitru 1.500 kada loron iha kada oras produs garafa 10.000, maibe produsaun hatun oituan, kada loron kaixa 2.800.",
"Kuantidade bee sura ba fulan-ida kuantidade produsaun tenke hanesan kuantidade distribuisaun, ne'ebe kada fulan-ida GOTA hakarak venda ba kopu ne'e tenke to'o kaixa 100.000, ne'ebe empreza GOTA iha ona alvu katak fulan-ida tenke venda kaixa 10.000 ba bee-kopu, kaixa 30.000 ba mililitru 600, kaixa 25.000 ba mililitru 1.500.",
"\"Entaun galon ne'e tenke venda ba galon 50.000, ne'e kada fulan sura loos ona, maibe depende ba situasaun, tanba ne'e mak produsaun depende ba distribuisaun, tanba haree mos ba stock bainhira over bele fo fali impaktu ba produsaun.",
"Impaktu ida hosi produsaun bee-hemu ne'e mak haree filafali materia prima, tanba kestaun ne'e ita depende hotu ba importasaun hosi nasaun Xina no Indonezia,\" nia dehan.",
"Previous articleCOVID-19: kazu detetadu foun 159 no ativu 237 Next articleKomunidade Xineza iha Timor-Leste selebra tinan foun"
] | [
"Bee-hemu producer admits to difficulty replacing plastic packaging | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor Leste VARANDA EKONOMIA Producer of GOTA beverage, in Fatuhada on Tuesday (12/08)."
"DILI, February 2nd (Agência Notícias) - General Manager of GOTA water supply company Mario Martines da Silva admitted that the producer side is facing difficulties in replacing plastic packaging with other materials. Although everyone has a legal obligation to follow government policy but investment needs return on its own money and therefore it will not be easy for all parties involved as well because they are different from one another so their efforts must work together if we want our country' s environment safeguarded at long term.\""
"\"Regarding the zero plastic policy, we already have studies because our President visited abroad to see some places that there are certain materials which can substitute Plastics for sewage treatment but these things cost more than Plastik."
"For example, now the pasta that almost every supermarket has is made with something simple so we use water for this paste. We're looking to find a factory which produces it in accordance With Government policy but our President will consider whether or not they can utilize these materials because of their price\", General Manager GOTA said at his office on Tuesday (20/1)."
"Based on Decree-Law, 37/2019 mentions that all products of less than six hundred milliliter must cease production including drinking water."
"\"The government has a policy to stop the production of plastic products, but it must first anticipate producing basic necessities such as oils and soap or something that does not use any kind Of Plastic."
"Because all these products use plastic, which if stopped will cause a national economic crisis because now we depend on imports\", he added."
"Relevant news: SEA Appreciates Hitu Supermarket in Dili Promote Zero Plastic Policy The company's manager says, the big challenge that will be faced after implementing a zero plastic policy because all raw materials are imported and where they already have warehouse is ordered by government to stop."
"\"I believe that not everybody can afford to buy 605 milliliters of beer at the price Of $.24, so when we start stopping drinking water many Timorese who work in factories will lose their jobs because there is no more production Beverage Water since during this period We produced much better than others.\""
"On the other hand, people who sell GOTA water in kiosks or shops are indirectly working for this company. When there is no more coffee production they have little income to earn and thus lose their jobs as a result of these losses"
"\"The government's policy is to eradicate unemployment in our country, but we are creating it again. Therefore the company GOTA has made every effort and invested for Timorese jobs; however a zero-plastic strategy would be risky because eliminating water cup will make workers loses their employment.\""
"With these conditions, according to the company's CEO it is very difficult for them in a short time period of implementing zero plastic policy because when they buy raw materials at high prices then automatically sell waste water too."
"\"We usually look at what can be replaced, a cheap cup of water is $0.15 but we are looking for replacements that could go up to 2 or even more dollars because its cost was high.\""
"Therefore, Mario Martins asks the Government if it is to implement this policy seriously should stop all plastic packaging products from abroad before seeing them in Brazil because there are so many imported and domestic waste."
"Previously, the team from GOTA company had presented material packaging for sewage to TradeInvest and State Secretariat of Environment (SEA), but because there is a high cost it cannot be implemented in short term."
"The GOTA company itself has four product lines, such as gallon water bottles and 60-millilitre (1.5 liter) cup/bottle"
"\"Each product's production is different, if water takes half a day every hour we have to produce 301 boxes. Then for the next seven days and an entire week it will take us two thousand four hundred each time.\""
"But for the bottled water it depends on distribution or sales, when a barrel of milk is producing 1.5 million gallon per day\", explained this manager in an interview with Agência Lusa (Brazil)."
"The company GOTA produces 12,035 bottled water at a production rate of six hundred millilitres per hour. When the plant is running for seven hours every day it will make three thousand boxes; when its output reached one million litre each week and then fell to five billion liter in two years' time (the last record was set on October fourth), there were only about ninety-five cases produced daily by this factory with an average annual turnover amounting approximately $468 millions ($79million)."
"The quantity of water consumed per month the production amount must be equal to distribution, which each months GOTA wants sale for cup should reach boxes in this number upto10.5 million; whereby company has already set a target that every Month it will have sold case-in sized container (box) with capacity from one hundred thousand liter and above"
"\"Then the gallon must be sold for 50,128 galons. That'll make a good deal every month but it depend on situation so production is dependent upon distribution as well because of stock when over may have an impact back to output.\""
"One of the impacts from this slurry production will be on raw materials, because for that we are all dependent upon imports in China and Indonesia\", he said."
"Previous articleCOVID-19: 237 active cases and a new record number of positives Next ArticleChinese community in Timor Leste celebrate New Year"
] |
Pasiente HIV-SIDA na’in 1.374 no mate 155 | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste\nVARANDA DILI Pasiente HIV-SIDA na’in 1.374 no mate 155\nPasiente HIV-SIDA na’in 1.374 no mate 155\nIlustrasaun foto rezultadu teste HIV. Foto espesiál\nDILI, 29 setembru 2021 (TATOLI)—Hahú hosi tinan 2003 to’o fulan juñu 2021, Komisaun Nasionál Kombate HIV-SIDA Timor-Leste, rejista ema ho moras HIV-SIDA hamutuk 1.374, no hosi númeru ne’e iha na’in 155 mak mate, na’in 656 mak hala’o tratamentu intensivu no restu seidauk hala’o tratamentu tanba hela iha área rurál no dook hosi fasilidade saúde.\n“Sira ne’ebé sofre moras ne’e maioria idade joven, hahú hosi 14 to’o 50,” Sekretáriu Ezekutivu, Komisuan Nasionál no Kombate HIV-SIDA, Atanásio de Jesus, hateten durante sensibilizasaun ba dosente no estudante iha Universidade da Paz (UNPAZ), kuarta ne’e.\nNotísia relevante:Viqueque rejista kazu HIV-SIDA 12, na’in-rua mate\nOrganizasaun barak mak serbisu hamutuk ho Minsitériu Saúde (MS), hanesan Estrela+ no Esperansa, hodi hala’o tratamentu no halo akompañamentu ba pasiente na’in 565.\nIha fatin hanesan, Prezidente Komisaun F Parlamentu Nasionál (PN), Noé da Silva, konsidera sensibilizasaun ne’e importante atu estudante-sira bele prevene an.\nPartisipa iha programa sensibilizasaun ne’e, estudante hosi UNPAZ, Institutu Siénsia Saúde (ICS sígla portugés) no Universidade Timor Orientál (UNITAL).\nPasiente HIV-SIDA na’in 1.374 no mate na'in 155\nPrevious articleKomisaun C submete ona relatóriu-paresér proposta LEO ba PPN\nNext articleGovernu no Parseiru sira realiza symposiu nasionál kona-ba eleisaun | [
"Pasiente HIV-SIDA na'in 1.374 no mate 155 | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA DILI Pasiente HIV-SIDA na'in 1.374 no mate 155 Pasiente HIV-SIDA na'in 1.374 no mate 155 Ilustrasaun foto rezultadu teste HIV.",
"Foto espesial DILI, 29 setembru 2021 (TATOLI) - Hahu hosi tinan 2003 to'o fulan junu 2021, Komisaun Nasional Kombate HIV-SIDA Timor-Leste, rejista ema ho moras HIV-SIDA hamutuk 1.374, no hosi numeru ne'e iha na'in 155 mak mate, na'in 656 mak hala'o tratamentu intensivu no restu seidauk hala'o tratamentu tanba hela iha area rural no dook hosi fasilidade saude.",
"\"Sira ne'ebe sofre moras ne'e maioria idade joven, hahu hosi 14 to'o 50,\" Sekretariu Ezekutivu, Komisuan Nasional no Kombate HIV-SIDA, Atanasio de Jesus, hateten durante sensibilizasaun ba dosente no estudante iha Universidade da Paz (UNPAZ), kuarta ne'e.",
"Notisia relevante:Viqueque rejista kazu HIV-SIDA 12, na'in-rua mate Organizasaun barak mak serbisu hamutuk ho Minsiteriu Saude (MS), hanesan Estrela+ no Esperansa, hodi hala'o tratamentu no halo akompanamentu ba pasiente na'in 565.",
"Iha fatin hanesan, Prezidente Komisaun F Parlamentu Nasional (PN), Noe da Silva, konsidera sensibilizasaun ne'e importante atu estudante-sira bele prevene an.",
"Partisipa iha programa sensibilizasaun ne'e, estudante hosi UNPAZ, Institutu Siensia Saude (ICS sigla portuges) no Universidade Timor Oriental (UNITAL).",
"Pasiente HIV-SIDA na'in 1.374 no mate na'in 155 Previous articleKomisaun C submete ona relatoriu-pareser proposta LEO ba PPN Next articleGovernu no Parseiru sira realiza symposiu nasional kona-ba eleisaun"
] | [
"1,374 new HIV-AIDS patients found in East Timor and more than a dozen have died | Tempotimor.com Agência Noticiosa de TL VARANDA DILI Pacientes com AIDS são diagnosticados em mais um hospital e morrem cinco (2)"
"DILI, September 29th (Agência Tatoli) - Between the year of assessments in June and July last years there have been more than one thousand people living with HIV-AIDS. The National Commission for Combating AIDS has recorded that from January to August this month only three person were diagnosed as having infectious disease; sixteen others are undergoing intensive care treatment because they live far away or do not receive adequate healthcare services at their home areas"
"\"The majority of those who suffer from the disease are young people, ranging in age between 14 and a half hundred years old\", Executive Secretary Atanasio de Jesus said during an educational session for faculty members at Universidade da Paz (UNPAZ) on Tuesday."
"Relevant news:Viquegue registers 12 HIV-AIDS cases, two of them die Many organization work together with the Health Ministry (MS), such as Estrela + and Espéranza to carry out treatment for patients."
"Likewise, Chairperson of the National Parliament's (PN) Committee F Noe da Silva considered this awareness-raising important so that students can prevent themselves."
"Students from UNPAZ, the Institute of Health Sciences (ICS) and East Timor University took part in this awareness-raising program."
"1,374 HIV-AIDS patients and a death toll of only one patient Previous articleCommission C has submitted its opinion on proposed LEO to the National Elections Committee Next artikelGovernment & Partners hold national symposium regarding elections"
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By Tempo Timor January 22, 2021 435\nGraduadus iha sermónia graduasaun ba kuadrus superiores no ofisiais PNTL nian hamutuk 48 neebé simu tan graduasaun ba Diploma Jestaun Ezekutiva Polísia (DIPJEP) iha Centro Formaçăo Polícia (CFP), iha Akadémia Komoro, sexta (22/01). Foto Tempo Timor\nSuperiór ofisiál hamutuk na'in-48 ne'e kompostu husi komandante sira ne'ebé ho diviza Superintendente Xefe ne'ebé hala'o kna'ar nu'udár komandante iha munisípiu sira, kuadru superiór polísia sira-ne'ebé durante ne'e hala'o kna'ar iha Centru formasaun Akadémia polísia nian.\nSerimónia Abertura graduasaun ba tinan letivu iha Centro Formaçăo Polícia (CFP) ne'e hala'o ho tema, "Reforsa Koñesimentu hodi implementa vizaun sentru exelente".\nSegundu Komandante Jerál PNTL, Komisáriu Mateus Fernandes hatete, graduasaun ne'ebé hala'o sai hanesan momentu ida importante tebes ba PNTL hotu hodi partisipa iha serimónia graduasaun Diploma Jestaun Ezekutiva Polísia (DIPJEP), ne'ebé hala'o durante tinan ida fulan ualu iha Centru formasaun.\n"Ita sente kontente tebes bainhira graduadu sira hatais toga ne'ebé nakonu tebes ho esperansa povu no estadu nian iha orden públika ba prosesu dezenvolvimentu nasionál Timor-Leste nian," dirkursu Segundu Komandante Jerál PNTL, Komisáriu Mateus Fernandes, bainhira halo abertura ba serimónia refere, iha Centro Formaçăo Polícia (CFP) ih Komoro, sesta (22/01).\nNia dehan, iha prosesu konstrusaun estadu, iha dezafiu oioin ne'ebé mosu no ejize ba ema hotu atu prepara-aan, nu'udár sidadaun, servidór ne'ebé kompetente tuir nesesidade mak nesesáriu hanesan komponente prinsipál ba estadu no nasaun.\nNia hatutan, haree ba dinámika sosiál no globál ne'ebé ema hasoru lor-oron, hanesan poténsia ameasa ida ba dezenvolvimentu TL nian.\nHo ida ne'e mak VIII Governu Konstitusional hasai planu espesífiku ho objetivu atu profesionaliza no moderniza instituisaun PNTL.\n"Hanoin ida-ne'e halo ami kontente tebes tanba ami tomak hakarak liafuan ida profesional no modernu", dehan Mateus.\nTuir nia, atu dezenvolve PNTL governu presiza dezenvolve mós instituisaun interligadu sira seluk, atu nune'e kooperasaun servisu iha terrenu bele aliña hanesan.\nNia afirma, Timor-Leste ba oin presiza antesipa ezijénsia ho nesesidade tuir tempu atu nune'e bele hametin liután ezisténsia RDTL nu'udár nasaun no estadu atu fo moris di'ak ba nia Povu sira.\n"Atu hetan ida-ne'e, presiza konkorénsia, koezaun, no konsiénsia ne'ebé koletivamente entre Timoroan hotu atu bele hamutuk hala'o dezenvolvimentu nasional ne'ebé di'ak, ho reziliénsia nasionál ne'ebé rezistente hodi fó moris di'ak ba povu no nasaun no prontu hasoru amesa husi rai laran no li'ur", nia fó hanoin.\nDala ida tan Mateus lori estrutura komandu PNTL nia naran ho kontente agradese ba governu tan ba hakarak profesionaliza no moderniza polísia, katak Governu hahú define investimentu sustentabilidade ne'ebé nu'udár preokupasaun públiku ba PNTL durante hala'o ona sira-nia kna'ar, tenke neutru no lais, kualidade iha atuasaun ho alvu ne'ebé mútua loloos ho kooperasaun nian.(*)\nLast modified on Friday, 22 January 2021 22:18\n« Polísia Kaptura Tán Autór Na'ok Motorizada Iha Sidade Dili La deteta Droga iha Estátua, PN Lamenta Frakeza Autoridade Hatudu Prova 'Falsu' »\nPNTL Kaptura Tán Autór 'Na'ok Tén Rona Malu' iha Baucau\nPNTL Estabelese Ona Polísia Komunitária iha Suku 328 | [
"By Tempo Timor January 22, 2021 435 Graduadus iha sermonia graduasaun ba kuadrus superiores no ofisiais PNTL nian hamutuk 48 neebe simu tan graduasaun ba Diploma Jestaun Ezekutiva Polisia (DIPJEP) iha Centro Formacao Policia (CFP), iha Akademia Komoro, sexta (22/01).",
"Foto Tempo Timor Superior ofisial hamutuk na'in-48 ne'e kompostu husi komandante sira ne'ebe ho diviza Superintendente Xefe ne'ebe hala'o kna'ar nu'udar komandante iha munisipiu sira, kuadru superior polisia sira-ne'ebe durante ne'e hala'o kna'ar iha Centru formasaun Akademia polisia nian.",
"Serimonia Abertura graduasaun ba tinan letivu iha Centro Formacao Policia (CFP) ne'e hala'o ho tema, \"Reforsa Konesimentu hodi implementa vizaun sentru exelente.\"",
"Segundu Komandante Jeral PNTL, Komisariu Mateus Fernandes hatete, graduasaun ne'ebe hala'o sai hanesan momentu ida importante tebes ba PNTL hotu hodi partisipa iha serimonia graduasaun Diploma Jestaun Ezekutiva Polisia (DIPJEP), ne'ebe hala'o durante tinan ida fulan ualu iha Centru formasaun.",
"\"Ita sente kontente tebes bainhira graduadu sira hatais toga ne'ebe nakonu tebes ho esperansa povu no estadu nian iha orden publika ba prosesu dezenvolvimentu nasional Timor-Leste nian,\" dirkursu Segundu Komandante Jeral PNTL, Komisariu Mateus Fernandes, bainhira halo abertura ba serimonia refere, iha Centro Formacao Policia (CFP) ih Komoro, sesta (22/01).",
"Nia dehan, iha prosesu konstrusaun estadu, iha dezafiu oioin ne'ebe mosu no ejize ba ema hotu atu prepara-aan, nu'udar sidadaun, servidor ne'ebe kompetente tuir nesesidade mak nesesariu hanesan komponente prinsipal ba estadu no nasaun.",
"Nia hatutan, haree ba dinamika sosial no global ne'ebe ema hasoru lor-oron, hanesan potensia ameasa ida ba dezenvolvimentu TL nian.",
"Ho ida ne'e mak VIII Governu Konstitusional hasai planu espesifiku ho objetivu atu profesionaliza no moderniza instituisaun PNTL.",
"\"Hanoin ida-ne'e halo ami kontente tebes tanba ami tomak hakarak liafuan ida profesional no modernu,\" dehan Mateus.",
"Tuir nia, atu dezenvolve PNTL governu presiza dezenvolve mos instituisaun interligadu sira seluk, atu nune'e kooperasaun servisu iha terrenu bele alina hanesan.",
"Nia afirma, Timor-Leste ba oin presiza antesipa ezijensia ho nesesidade tuir tempu atu nune'e bele hametin liutan ezistensia RDTL nu'udar nasaun no estadu atu fo moris di'ak ba nia Povu sira.",
"\"Atu hetan ida-ne'e, presiza konkorensia, koezaun, no konsiensia ne'ebe koletivamente entre Timoroan hotu atu bele hamutuk hala'o dezenvolvimentu nasional ne'ebe di'ak, ho reziliensia nasional ne'ebe rezistente hodi fo moris di'ak ba povu no nasaun no prontu hasoru amesa husi rai laran no li'ur,\" nia fo hanoin.",
"Dala ida tan Mateus lori estrutura komandu PNTL nia naran ho kontente agradese ba governu tan ba hakarak profesionaliza no moderniza polisia, katak Governu hahu define investimentu sustentabilidade ne'ebe nu'udar preokupasaun publiku ba PNTL durante hala'o ona sira-nia kna'ar, tenke neutru no lais, kualidade iha atuasaun ho alvu ne'ebe mutua loloos ho kooperasaun nian. (*) Last modified on Friday, 22 January 2021 22:18 \" Polisia Kaptura Tan Autor Na'ok Motorizada Iha Sidade Dili La deteta Droga iha Estatua, PN Lamenta Frakeza Autoridade Hatudu Prova 'Falsu' \" PNTL Kaptura Tan Autor 'Na'ok Ten Rona Malu' iha Baucau PNTL Estabelese Ona Polisia Komunitaria iha Suku 328"
] | [
"By Tempo Timor January 23,1984 Graduadus in the graduation ceremony for PNTL senior cadres and officials a total of fourty-eight received their diploma from Diploma de Gestão Executiva Policia (DIPJEP) at Centro Formacao Policao(CFP), Komoro Academy on Friday."
"The 48 senior officers are composed of the commanders who have divisional superintendent chief, which perform function as a Commander in municipalities and superior police cadre that during this time has been serving at Police Academy Training Center."
"The opening ceremony for the graduation of students at Centro Formacao Policia (CFP) was held on 10th February under a theme, \"Reforcing Knowledge to Implement Vision Center Excellence.\""
"Deputy Commander General of PNTL, Commissioner Mateus Fernandes said that the graduation was a very important moment for all members to participate in this ceremony. The Diploma on Executive Police Management (DIPJEP), which takes place during one year and eight months at Centro Formação de Policia e Segurança Pública - CFPSP- is an internationally recognised training program conducted by Portuguese police forces with assistance from Brazil's Ministry Of Defence through its National Training Centre \"Centro Nacional para Treinamento da Polícia Militar\"."
"\"We are very pleased when the graduates take off their toga, which is full of hope for people and state in public order to develop Timor-Leste nationally\", said Deputy Commander General PNTL Commissioner Mateus Fernandes as he opened this ceremony at Centro Formacao Policia (CFP) ih Komoro on Saturday."
"He said, in the process of state-building there are various challenges that arise and require everyone to prepare themselves as a citizen. A competent public servant is necessary for this purpose because he or she will be an essential component on both sides: State & Nation"
"He added that, given the social and global dynamics faced by people on a daily basis it is potentially threatening to development of Thailand."
"With this in mind, the VIII Constitutional Government has issued a specific plan aimed at professionalizing and modernizing PNTL."
"\"This made us very happy because we all wanted a professional and modern word,\" says Mateus."
"According to him, in order for the Government of Nigeria (GNB) and other interconnected institutions also develop their capabilities so that cooperation on-site can be facilitated."
"He affirmed that Timor-Leste in the future needs to anticipate requirements and necessities accordingly so as it can strengthen through its existence RDTL's status of nation state, providing good lives for all people."
"\"In order to achieve this, we need competition and cohesion among all Timorese so that together they can carry out a good national development with resilient nation-wide resistance for the people's wellbeing in our country. We must be prepared against challenges from both inside & outside\", he said.\""
"Once again Mateus took the name of PNTL's command structure with pleasure and thanked government for its desire to professionalize, modernize police force. The Government has begun defining sustainability investment as a public concern during their work; they must be neutral in action that is mutually beneficial through cooperation.\" (*) Last modified on Friday 21 January (UTC+03:45). \"Police Capture Motorized Driver In Dili City Does Not Detect Drugs At Statua - PN Laments Failure Of Authority To Show 'Falsified Proof’\""
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SEGUNDA, PR LÚ OLO FO DEIT POSSE BA FILOMENO PAIXÃO • XANANA HO ROGERIO SEIDAUK BELE – GMN TV | Grupo Média Nacional - Lori Timor ba Mundu - GMN TV | Grupo Média Nacional\nHome » Politic » SEGUNDA, PR LÚ OLO FO DEIT POSSE BA FILOMENO PAIXÃO • XANANA HO ROGERIO SEIDAUK BELE\nSEGUNDA, PR LÚ OLO FO DEIT POSSE BA FILOMENO PAIXÃO • XANANA HO ROGERIO SEIDAUK BELE\nPrezidente Repúblika (PR), Francisco Guterres “Lú Olo” hala’o nia knar Konstitusionál hodi nomeia tan membru VIII Governu nain tolu (3) liu husi Dekretu Prezidente da Repúblika N.̊ 21/2018 iha 5 Jullu 2018.\nKomunikadu imprensa ne’ebe JNSemanario asesu husi Palacio Presidensial, Sesta (6/7/2018), informa katak, membru VIII ne’ebé hetan nomeiasaun husi PrezidenteRepúblika mak Ministru Estadu Konselleiru ba Primeiru Ministru no Ministru Planeamentu no Investimentu Estratéjiku, Kayrala Xanana Gusmão, Ministru Defeza Brigadeiru-Jenerál Filomeno da Paixão de Jesus ho mos Sekretáriu Estadu ba Peskas, Rogério Araújo Mendonça.\nKomunikadu ne’e informa liu tan katak, tomada de posse ba membru Governu nain tolu ne’e sei halao iha Segunda (9/7/2018), maibe bazeia ba karta husi Primeiru Ministru (PM), Taur Matan Ruak, informa ba Prezidente -Repúblika tan razaun polítika tomada de posse sei fó de’it ba Ministru Defeza Brigadeiru-Jenerál Filomeno da Paixão de Jesus.\nXefe Estadu ho Xefe Governu sei kontinua promove diálogu ne’ebé estabelesidu tiha ona hodi ultrapassa kestaun polítika relasiona ho indijitasaun personalidade iha VIII Governu Konstitusionál.\nFilomeno paixao prontu asume MD\nEis Vise Xefi Estadu Maior F-FDTL, Brigadeiru Jeneral, Filomeno Paixão, informa, nia parte prontu ona simu tomada de posse hodi asume pasta Ministru Defeza (MD).\n“Ha’u mai hasoru Primeiru Ministru, asuntu mak imi akompaña durante loron hira ona, ha’u atu toma posse ho ministru sira seluk iha loron Segunda,”relata Filomeno Paixão ba jornalista sira iha Palasiu Governu, Sesta (06/07).\nPrograma prioridade ne’ebé mak Filomeno Paixão nia atu halo ba forsa armada mak, planu sira ne’ebé mak trasa tiha ona iha tinan hira liu ba. Maibé nia sei haree lai VIII Governu ne’e nia programa atu konsolida uluk buat ne’ebé mak iha ona.\nLee hotu : PN sei fo ultimatum ba eis deputadu entrega Prado\n“Ita revé fali estratejia forsa 20-20 ne’ebé mak fó sai tiha ona iha tinan 2016. Revizaun ne’e atu haree buat ne’ebé tuir ita-nia forsa no ita-nia iis no ita-nia hakarak,” katak Filomeno Paixão.\nNia haktuir, revizaun ne’ebé nia atu halo ba forsa armada ba estratejia militar foun ne’e, sei hala’o durante tinan ida.\n“Kuandu estratejia militar foun ne’e sai, ita haruka hala’o, tanba forsa 20-20 ne’e ladun objetivu ona, tanba tempu muda ona, presiza ita mós muda estratejia,” katak Filomeno Paixão.\nNia esplika, iha VI Governu liu ba, aprova tiha ona konseitu estratejia defeza no seguransa, hodi esklarese klaru ona dezenvolvimentu F-FDTL no PNTL iha futuru.\n“Entaun iha ne’e ita atu halo konseitu estratejia militar foun atu troka forsa 20-20 ne’e, ita tenki hola husi konseitu estratejia defeza no seguransa ne’e. ita foti saida mak ameasa no saida mak risku, husi ne’eba mak ita haree, atu hasoru ameasa ho risku ne’e saida,” katak Filomeno Paixão.\nEis Brigadeiru Jeneral ne’e optimista katak, situasaun forsa nian agora ba oin sei diak liu tan, tanba nia interadu liu ho problema ne’ebé mak forsa armada infrenta.\nIha loron 22, fulan juñu, governente hamutuk 28, inklui Primeiru Ministru, Taur Matan Ruak, simu ona pose husi Prezidente Repúblika, Francisco Guterres ‘Lu olo’. Maibé governante sira seluk ne´ebé antes ne´e, propoen husi PM Taur tamba sai ona suspeitu ba investigasaun. Maibé Kay Rala Xanana Gusmão no Alfredo Pires, maske la hetan impedimentu, maibé la marka prezensa hodi simu pose, nune´e, ministru defeza, Filomeno Paixão mos ladauk simu pose tamba sei hein desizaun husi Prezidente Repúblika ho hamutuk ho Konsellu Supeior Defeza no Seguransa atu ezonera. Maske nune’e iha ona desizaun katak Filomeno Paixão no mos governante sira seluk sei simu pose iha Segunda semana oin.*/sel/Cos\nLee hotu : JORNAL NACIONAL GMNTV Loron-21 Fulan-Novembru Tinan-2017\nXanana promete hakotu problema veteranus\nPM Taur apela sidadaun, Labele monu ba manobra polítika ukun nain sira\nMinistru Negosiu Estranjeiru no Koopersaun, Dionísio...\nKlube futebol Kablaky ho ekipa Nagardjo... | [
"SEGUNDA, PR LU OLO FO DEIT POSSE BA FILOMENO PAIXAO * XANANA HO ROGERIO SEIDAUK BELE - GMN TV | Grupo Media Nacional - Lori Timor ba Mundu - GMN TV | Grupo Media Nacional Home \" Politic \" SEGUNDA, PR LU OLO FO DEIT POSSE BA FILOMENO PAIXAO * XANANA HO ROGERIO SEIDAUK BELE SEGUNDA, PR LU OLO FO DEIT POSSE BA FILOMENO PAIXAO * XANANA HO ROGERIO SEIDAUK BELE Prezidente Republika (PR), Francisco Guterres \"Lu Olo\" hala'o nia knar Konstitusional hodi nomeia tan membru VIII Governu nain tolu (3) liu husi Dekretu Prezidente da Republika N. 21/2018 iha 5 Jullu 2018.",
"Komunikadu imprensa ne'ebe JNSemanario asesu husi Palacio Presidensial, Sesta (6/7/2018), informa katak, membru VIII ne'ebe hetan nomeiasaun husi PrezidenteRepublika mak Ministru Estadu Konselleiru ba Primeiru Ministru no Ministru Planeamentu no Investimentu Estratejiku, Kayrala Xanana Gusmao, Ministru Defeza Brigadeiru-Jeneral Filomeno da Paixao de Jesus ho mos Sekretariu Estadu ba Peskas, Rogerio Araujo Mendonca.",
"Komunikadu ne'e informa liu tan katak, tomada de posse ba membru Governu nain tolu ne'e sei halao iha Segunda (9/7/2018), maibe bazeia ba karta husi Primeiru Ministru (PM), Taur Matan Ruak, informa ba Prezidente -Republika tan razaun politika tomada de posse sei fo de'it ba Ministru Defeza Brigadeiru-Jeneral Filomeno da Paixao de Jesus.",
"Xefe Estadu ho Xefe Governu sei kontinua promove dialogu ne'ebe estabelesidu tiha ona hodi ultrapassa kestaun politika relasiona ho indijitasaun personalidade iha VIII Governu Konstitusional.",
"Filomeno paixao prontu asume MD Eis Vise Xefi Estadu Maior F-FDTL, Brigadeiru Jeneral, Filomeno Paixao, informa, nia parte prontu ona simu tomada de posse hodi asume pasta Ministru Defeza (MD).",
"\"Ha'u mai hasoru Primeiru Ministru, asuntu mak imi akompana durante loron hira ona, ha'u atu toma posse ho ministru sira seluk iha loron Segunda,\"relata Filomeno Paixao ba jornalista sira iha Palasiu Governu, Sesta (06/07).",
"Programa prioridade ne'ebe mak Filomeno Paixao nia atu halo ba forsa armada mak, planu sira ne'ebe mak trasa tiha ona iha tinan hira liu ba.",
"Maibe nia sei haree lai VIII Governu ne'e nia programa atu konsolida uluk buat ne'ebe mak iha ona.",
"Lee hotu: PN sei fo ultimatum ba eis deputadu entrega Prado \"Ita reve fali estratejia forsa 20-20 ne'ebe mak fo sai tiha ona iha tinan 2016.",
"Revizaun ne'e atu haree buat ne'ebe tuir ita-nia forsa no ita-nia iis no ita-nia hakarak,\" katak Filomeno Paixao.",
"Nia haktuir, revizaun ne'ebe nia atu halo ba forsa armada ba estratejia militar foun ne'e, sei hala'o durante tinan ida.",
"\"Kuandu estratejia militar foun ne'e sai, ita haruka hala'o, tanba forsa 20-20 ne'e ladun objetivu ona, tanba tempu muda ona, presiza ita mos muda estratejia,\" katak Filomeno Paixao.",
"Nia esplika, iha VI Governu liu ba, aprova tiha ona konseitu estratejia defeza no seguransa, hodi esklarese klaru ona dezenvolvimentu F-FDTL no PNTL iha futuru.",
"\"Entaun iha ne'e ita atu halo konseitu estratejia militar foun atu troka forsa 20-20 ne'e, ita tenki hola husi konseitu estratejia defeza no seguransa ne'e. ita foti saida mak ameasa no saida mak risku, husi ne'eba mak ita haree, atu hasoru ameasa ho risku ne'e saida,\" katak Filomeno Paixao.",
"Eis Brigadeiru Jeneral ne'e optimista katak, situasaun forsa nian agora ba oin sei diak liu tan, tanba nia interadu liu ho problema ne'ebe mak forsa armada infrenta.",
"Iha loron 22, fulan junu, governente hamutuk 28, inklui Primeiru Ministru, Taur Matan Ruak, simu ona pose husi Prezidente Republika, Francisco Guterres 'Lu olo'.",
"Maibe governante sira seluk ne'ebe antes ne'e, propoen husi PM Taur tamba sai ona suspeitu ba investigasaun.",
"Maibe Kay Rala Xanana Gusmao no Alfredo Pires, maske la hetan impedimentu, maibe la marka prezensa hodi simu pose, nune'e, ministru defeza, Filomeno Paixao mos ladauk simu pose tamba sei hein desizaun husi Prezidente Republika ho hamutuk ho Konsellu Supeior Defeza no Seguransa atu ezonera.",
"Maske nune'e iha ona desizaun katak Filomeno Paixao no mos governante sira seluk sei simu pose iha Segunda semana oin.*/sel/Cos Lee hotu: JORNAL NACIONAL GMNTV Loron-21 Fulan-Novembru Tinan-2017 Xanana promete hakotu problema veteranus PM Taur apela sidadaun, Labele monu ba manobra politika ukun nain sira Ministru Negosiu Estranjeiru no Koopersaun, Dionisio...",
"Klube futebol Kablaky ho ekipa Nagardjo..."
] | [
"SEGUNDA, PR LU OLO FO DEIT POSSE BA FILOMENO PAIXAO * XANANA HO ROGERIO Segundo: Primeiro-Ministro Lu Olo nomeia três (3) novos membros do VIII Governo - GMN TV | Grupo Media Nacional Home \" Politic\" PRIME MINISTER LULU'OLU NOMINATES THREE NEW MEMBERS OF THE EIGHTH GOVERNMENT PRESIDENT FRANCISCO GUTERRES “LU OLÓ” PERFORMED HIs Constitutional Duty to Appoint Three New Member of the Government through Presidential Decree No.21/07 on July5th in this year’ s second term as President Of The Republic"
"The press release that JNSemanario accessed from the Presidential Palace, on Saturday (6/7 / 2018), informs us of member VIII who was nominated by PresidentRepublic are Minister State Adviser to PrimeMinister and minister for Planning & Strategic Investment Kayrala Xanana Gusmao; Defence Ministry Brigadier-General Filomeno da Paixaon de Jesus as well SecretariatState Fisheries Rogerio Araujo Mendonca."
"The communiqué further informed that the inauguration of these three members will take place on Monday (9/7 / 2018), but based upon a letter from Prime Minister Taur Matan Ruak, informs President-Republic for political reason to be given only Defence minister Brigadier General Filomeno da Paixao de Jesus."
"The Heads of State and Government will continue to promote the dialogue already established in order for overcoming political issues related with personalities appointed into VIII Constitutional government."
"Filomeno Paixao ready to take over MD Former F-FDTL Deputy Chief of Staff, Brigadier General (BG) Philomenu Paixão has announced that he is now prepared for the inauguration as Defence Minister."
"\"I have come to meet the Prime Minister, I've been accompanying you for a few days now and will take my office with other ministers on Monday\", Filomeno Paixao told journalist in Government Palace Saturday (06/17)."
"The priority programme that Filomeno Paixao was to carrys out for the armed forces is, in fact a continuation of plans already drawn up over several years."
"But he will look at the programme of this VIII Government to consolidate what already exists."
"Read all: PN will give ultimatum to former MPs who hand over Prado \"We'll review the 20-16 strategy that was already given out in January of this year."
"The review is to look at what we can do and our strengths,\" said Filomeno Paixao."
"He said that his review of the armed forces for this new military strategy would be carried out over a year."
"\"When the new military strategy comes out, we'll order it to be implemented because 20-15 forces are no longer a goal. Because times have changed and therefore also our strategies must change\", Filomeno Paixao said in an interview with Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty (RFE)."
"He explained that the sixth government had approve a defence and security strategy concept, which clearly clarified F-FDTL's development in future."
"\"So here we are to make a new concept of military strategy in order To replace the 20-15 force, We must take from this defense and security strategic. Concepts that have been taken what is threat or risk; From there it will be possible for us see which one should face with more danger than other\", said Filomeno Paixao.\""
"The former Brigadier-General is optimistic that the situation of his force will now be even better in future, because he interacts more with problems faced by armed forces."
"On June 28, the new government of Timor-Leste was sworn in by President Francisco Guterres 'Lu Olo'. The inauguration ceremony took place at a private reception for Prime Minister Taur Matan Ruak and other senior leaders from all over East Africa who were present on that day to take office as prime ministers after their election victories last year (June)."
"But other rulers who were previously proposed by PM Taur because they had become suspects for the investigation."
"But Kay Rala Xanana Gusmao and Alfredo Pires, although they were not prevented from attending the inauguration ceremony did so. Defence Minister Filomeno Paixau was also unable to take office because he is waiting for decision of President da República together with Supreme Council on Defense & Security in order that his dismissal may be made effective 24 hours after it has been announced by Prime minister José Ramos-Horta (PSD)."
"Despite this, there is already a decision that Filomeno Paixao and other governors will take office next Monday.* /sel/CoS Read all: JORNAL NACIONAL GMNTV Loron-21 Fulan -Novembru Tinen –... Xanana promised to end veteran problem PM Taur appealed citizens not fall for political maneuvers rulers Minister of Foreign Affairs & Cooperation Dionisio Pereira said he'll be taking over the post on Tuesday."
"Kablaky Football Club ho Nagardjo..."
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Konsidera Inkonstitusionál, PR Lú Olo Veta OJE 2019\nPrezidente-da-Repúblika, Francisco Guterres Lú Olo kaer liman ho Primeiru Ministru, Taur Matan Ruak, iha Palásiu Prezidente Aitarak-Laran, Dili. Foto, Mídia PR.\nPrevious Article Ameasa Jornalista, AJTL Husu Demite Xefe Gabinete SEKOMS\nNext Article Prezidente Lú Olo Veta Proposta Alterasaun Lei Petrolífera\nDíli-SMI, Prezidente-da-Repúblika, Francisco Guterres Lú Olo, ofisiálmente fó sai ona ba públiku kona-ba ninia desizaun hodi veta Dekretu Parlamentu Nasional nº 4/V - Orsamentu Jerál Estadu – OJE 2019, tanba konsidera inkonstitusionál.\nDeklarasaun veta ne’e fó sai hosi Prezidente-da-Repúblika liuhosi Xefe kaza sivil, Prezidensia-da-Repúblika, Francisco Maria de Vasconcelhos, iha Palásiu Prezidente Aitarak-Laran, Dili, Kuarta, (23/01).\n“OGE 2019 la hatuir Konstituisaun no lei estruturante sira. Haree ba politika ekonómika no finanseira temi iha leten, OGE 2019, la hatuir regras no prinsípius Konstituuisaun RDTL no lei sira ne’ebé fó dalan ba dezenvolvimentu, hanesan rezerva finanseira obrigatória, unidade orsamentál no investimentu ne’ebé justifika hetan tranferénsia direta hosi Fundu Minarai”, dehan Xefe Kaza Sivil, Francisco de Vasconselhos.\n“OGE 2019 hamenus liután sustentatibilidade. OGE 2019, ho valór bilaun rua no atus ida tolu nulu resin rua mosu iha ita-nia istória polítika fiskál nu’udar orsamentu aas liu. Valór aas tebtebes ne’e signifika defísit orsamentál mós aas tebtebes katak Estadu tenke foti osan tan atu kompleta Orsamentu ne’e. Tanba la iha fonte seluk atu hatama osan ba Orsamentu ne’e, Estadu tenke foti hodi biit osan liután hosi Fundu Minarai”, dehan Vasconselhos\n“Ita labele haluha katak presu mina iha merkadu mundiál mós tun dadaun ona no osan ne’ebé tama iha Fundu Minarai mós tun dadaun ona. Ita mós hatene katak volume minarai hosi kampu Bayu-Undan mós tun dadaun ona no sei tun babeibeik. Bayu-Undan sei maran loron ruma no osan sei la tama tan husi kampu mina ne’e. Fundu ne’e labele sai sustentável bainhira Estadu hasai osan barak beibeik, liu RSE hosi Fundu Minarai”, dehan Xefe kaza sivil ne’e.\nVasconselhos reforsa, PR veta tanba konsidera dezekilíbriu Orsamentál aas tebtebes. Alokasaun orsamental sira ladún fó benefísiu ba sidadaun sira. Tanba metade hosi totál OJE 2019 maizumenus (32%) ka tersu ida (1/3) uza de’it ba sosa patrimóniu hosi kompañia estranjeira mina nian. No, Pursentu (10%) de’it mak fahe ba edukasaun no formasaun profisionál, saúde, agrikultura no turismu.\nAntes ne’e, iha Parlamentu Nasional, (08/01) reprezentante Espesiál Governu Timor-Leste ba asuntu petróliu, Kay Rala Xanana Gusmão, hatete, karik deputadu bankada FRETILIN lakohi atu Timor-Leste sosa asaun hosi Kompañia Conocophillips no Shell, no kosidera ilegál bele fó hatene Prezidente veta OJE 2019.\n“Deskulpa ita la’os mai atu halimar. Hau la’os perde tempu atu halimar. Hanesan uluk mós hau dehan, hau defende interese nasional ne’e mak hau auguenta tur hamutuk ho imi (deputadu sira). Ne’ebé ita boot sira mak ne’e, tau iha orsamentu. Sé ilegál dehan ba imi nia Prezidente (Francisco Guterres Lú Olo) veta. Ita lalika sosa, laiha problema”, dehan Xanana Gusmão.\nPresidente-da-Repúblika rasik simu Dekretu Parlamentu Nasional nº 4/V - Orsamentu Jeral Estadu 2019, liuhosi ofísiu Prezidente Parlamentu Nasional, ho referénsia 201/GPPN/XI/2018, Iha loron 24 Dezembru 2018, foin lalais ne'e.\nDurante ne’e, Prezidente-da-Repúblika halo ona konsultasaun públiku ho entidade importante sira hanesan sosiadade sivil, Igreja, akademiku no seluk tan hodi rona idea ka opinaun kona-ba OJE 2019 antes foti desizaun veta. (Editor, Lariwa). | [
"Konsidera Inkonstitusional, PR Lu Olo Veta OJE 2019 Prezidente-da-Republika, Francisco Guterres Lu Olo kaer liman ho Primeiru Ministru, Taur Matan Ruak, iha Palasiu Prezidente Aitarak-Laran, Dili.",
"Foto, Midia PR.",
"Previous Article Ameasa Jornalista, AJTL Husu Demite Xefe Gabinete SEKOMS Next Article Prezidente Lu Olo Veta Proposta Alterasaun Lei Petrolifera Dili-SMI, Prezidente-da-Republika, Francisco Guterres Lu Olo, ofisialmente fo sai ona ba publiku kona-ba ninia desizaun hodi veta Dekretu Parlamentu Nasional no 4/V - Orsamentu Jeral Estadu - OJE 2019, tanba konsidera inkonstitusional.",
"Deklarasaun veta ne'e fo sai hosi Prezidente-da-Republika liuhosi Xefe kaza sivil, Prezidensia-da-Republika, Francisco Maria de Vasconcelhos, iha Palasiu Prezidente Aitarak-Laran, Dili, Kuarta, (23/01).",
"\"OGE 2019 la hatuir Konstituisaun no lei estruturante sira.",
"Haree ba politika ekonomika no finanseira temi iha leten, OGE 2019, la hatuir regras no prinsipius Konstituuisaun RDTL no lei sira ne'ebe fo dalan ba dezenvolvimentu, hanesan rezerva finanseira obrigatoria, unidade orsamental no investimentu ne'ebe justifika hetan tranferensia direta hosi Fundu Minarai,\" dehan Xefe Kaza Sivil, Francisco de Vasconselhos.",
"\"OGE 2019 hamenus liutan sustentatibilidade.",
"OGE 2019, ho valor bilaun rua no atus ida tolu nulu resin rua mosu iha ita-nia istoria politika fiskal nu'udar orsamentu aas liu.",
"Valor aas tebtebes ne'e signifika defisit orsamental mos aas tebtebes katak Estadu tenke foti osan tan atu kompleta Orsamentu ne'e.",
"Tanba la iha fonte seluk atu hatama osan ba Orsamentu ne'e, Estadu tenke foti hodi biit osan liutan hosi Fundu Minarai,\" dehan Vasconselhos \"Ita labele haluha katak presu mina iha merkadu mundial mos tun dadaun ona no osan ne'ebe tama iha Fundu Minarai mos tun dadaun ona.",
"Ita mos hatene katak volume minarai hosi kampu Bayu-Undan mos tun dadaun ona no sei tun babeibeik.",
"Bayu-Undan sei maran loron ruma no osan sei la tama tan husi kampu mina ne'e.",
"Fundu ne'e labele sai sustentavel bainhira Estadu hasai osan barak beibeik, liu RSE hosi Fundu Minarai,\" dehan Xefe kaza sivil ne'e.",
"Vasconselhos reforsa, PR veta tanba konsidera dezekilibriu Orsamental aas tebtebes.",
"Alokasaun orsamental sira ladun fo benefisiu ba sidadaun sira.",
"Tanba metade hosi total OJE 2019 maizumenus (32%) ka tersu ida (1/3) uza de'it ba sosa patrimoniu hosi kompania estranjeira mina nian.",
"No, Pursentu (10%) de'it mak fahe ba edukasaun no formasaun profisional, saude, agrikultura no turismu.",
"Antes ne'e, iha Parlamentu Nasional, (08/01) reprezentante Espesial Governu Timor-Leste ba asuntu petroliu, Kay Rala Xanana Gusmao, hatete, karik deputadu bankada FRETILIN lakohi atu Timor-Leste sosa asaun hosi Kompania Conocophillips no Shell, no kosidera ilegal bele fo hatene Prezidente veta OJE 2019.",
"\"Deskulpa ita la'os mai atu halimar.",
"Hau la'os perde tempu atu halimar.",
"Hanesan uluk mos hau dehan, hau defende interese nasional ne'e mak hau auguenta tur hamutuk ho imi (deputadu sira).",
"Ne'ebe ita boot sira mak ne'e, tau iha orsamentu.",
"Se ilegal dehan ba imi nia Prezidente (Francisco Guterres Lu Olo) veta.",
"Ita lalika sosa, laiha problema,\" dehan Xanana Gusmao.",
"Presidente-da-Republika rasik simu Dekretu Parlamentu Nasional no 4/V - Orsamentu Jeral Estadu 2019, liuhosi ofisiu Prezidente Parlamentu Nasional, ho referensia 201/GPPN/XI/2018, Iha loron 24 Dezembru 2018, foin lalais ne'e.",
"Durante ne'e, Prezidente-da-Republika halo ona konsultasaun publiku ho entidade importante sira hanesan sosiadade sivil, Igreja, akademiku no seluk tan hodi rona idea ka opinaun kona-ba OJE 2019 antes foti desizaun veta.",
"(Editor, Lariwa)."
] | [
"President of the Republic, Francisco Guterres Lu Olo shakes hands with Prime Minister Taur Matan Ruak at Aitarak-Laran Presidential Palace in Dili. (AP Photo/Antonio Fernandes)"
"Photo, Media PR."
"Next Article President Lu Olo Vetoes Proposed Amendment to Petrochemical Law Dili-SMI, the Republic’s president Francisco Guterres lu olo has officially made public his decision of veting Decree 4/V - General State Budget – BJ2019 because it is considered unconstitutional. Previous article Journalist Threat: AJTL Calling for Resignation from Chief Cabinet Secretary SEKOMS"
"The declaration of veto was made by the President through Chief Civil Affairs, Presidency-da -República Francisco Maria de Vasconcelhos at Aitarak Laran Presidential Palace in Dili on Thursday (23/01)."
"\"OGE 2019 does not comply with the Constitution and its structural laws."
"In view of the economic and financial policies mentioned above, OGE 2019 does not comply with rules or principle in Timor-Leste Constitution nor law that enable development such as mandatory reserve budgetary unit investment which justifies direct transfer from Mineral Fund\", said Civil Affairs Chief Francisco de Vasconselhos."
"\"OGE 2019 reduces sustainability."
"OGE 2019, with a value of two billion three hundred and ninety-two million euros enters into our fiscal policy history as the highest budget."
"This very high figure means that the budget deficit is also so large, and therefore a State must borrow more money to complete it."
"Since there is no other source of money for this Budget, the State has to take advantage and draw funds from Minerals Fund\", Vasconselhos said. \"We must not overlook that oil prices in world market are also falling as well; so too does income into Mining fund which will be decreasing.\""
"We also know that the mineral volume from Bayu-Undan field is increasing and will continue to increase."
"Bayu-Undan will dry up some day and no more money from the mine field."
"The fund cannot become sustainable if the State continues to withdraw a lot of money, through CSR from Minarai Fund\", said Chief Civil Case."
"Vasconselhos emphasizes, PR veto because it considers budgetary imbalances very high."
"Their budgetary allocations do not benefit the citizens."
"Because almost half of the total 2019 budget (34%) or one-third is only used to buy assets from foreign oil companies."
"No, only 10% is allocated to education and professional training (VET), health care services. agriculture or tourism;"
"Earlier, in the National Parliament on January 8th (2019), Timor-Leste Government Special Representative for Petroleum Issues Kay Rala Xanana Gusmao said that if FRETILIN MPs do not want to see their country buy share from Conocophillips and Shell Compania'n as illegal claim they can inform President veto BJF."
"\"I'm sorry we are not going to be any harder."
"I'm not wasting my time to yell."
"As I have said before, it is in the national interests that i defend and therefore im willing to stand with you (Member of Parliament)."
"That's what we big guys are doing, put it in the budget."
"If it is illegal tell you that the President (Francisco Guterres Lu Olo) has vetoed."
"We don't buy, there is no problem\", said Xanana Gusmao."
"The President of the Republic himself recently received Decree no 4/V - General State Budget, through his office with reference No.201 / GPPN-XI (Decreto do Parlamento Nacional nº35) on December autumn and winter periods in order to prepare for its implementation during this fiscal year"
"During this time, the President of Brazil has held public consultations with important entities such as civil society and churches to hear their ideas or opinions on BJ2019 before vetoing it."
"(Editor, Lariwa)."
] |
By Tempo Timor December 17, 2020 6167\nUdan Bo'ot iha baukau, Sumbrina taka Prezidente da Republika Dr. Francisco guterres Lu Olo halo enseramentu sedu de'it ba dialogu iha resintu adminitrasaun munisipal Baukau, kinta (17/12) Foto Tempo Timor\nLia hirak ne’e, PR Lú Olo hato’o ba povu Baukau durante hala’o diálogu loron tomak.\n“Iha nasaun ida ne’ebé mak sidadaun ida, invez-de ba hasoru malu ho PR, maibé ba kesar diretamente PR ba iha tribunál, só PR ida naran Lú Olo ne’e mak ema kesar iha tribunál dala tolu ka dala haat, lakon hotu, nein ida manan iha Tribunál, ne’e hateten loloos ba ita-boot sira,” PR Lú Olo dehan ba povu Baukau liuhusi nia intervensaun iha diálogu, Kinta (17/12).\nXefe estadu mós konta katak, kesar dahuluk ne’ebé CNRT nia ekipa ida halo hasoru PR Lú Olo, hala’o iha 2018.\n“Jurista ida naran Mélio de Jesus ho ekipa ida, kesar PR ba Tribunál, tanba la fó pose ba membru governu na’in ualu, liuhusi PDHJ, entaun PDHJ hamutuk ho sira hodi kesar PR ba Tribunál, maibé PR la hafodak, Tribunál mak sei deside, maibé ikus mai Tribunál dehan atu fó pose ka la fó pose ne’e kompeténsia PR nian, ikus mai nonok lakon tiha,” Lú Olo hateten ba povu Baukau.\nAman ba nasaun ne’e akresenta, keixa daruak ne’ebé CNRT halo kontra tan PR ne’e lidera husi doutór Manuel Tilman.\n“Doutór Manuel Tilman tuur tiha iha televizaun nia oin katak, PR viola konstituisaun entaun ami tenke kesar ba Tribunál, entaun ha’u hanoin, sira kesar tan tiha ona ne’e ha’u hein de’it ka oinsa, ha’u hanoin doutór Manuel Tilman ko’alia halimar, mais afinal tebes duni, tanba malae ida iha Portugal ne’ebá fó pareser mai kondena loos PR katak, viola ida ne’e, viola ida ne’ebá, entaun advogadu Manuel Tilman ho deputadu 18 hamutuk ho malae ida ne’e lori PR ba Tribunál entaun dehan ba mak ha’u tuir,” nia dehan.\nPR afirma, maske kesar ne’e to’o tiha Tribunál, maibé la to’o de’it semana ida Tribunál indefere fali katak, kesar ne’e la’o sala dalan tanba la liu husi Parlamentu Nasionál (PN) maibé ba lurus de’it.\n“Tuir loloos se ita-boot sira dehan PR viola, loloos ne’e imi tenke aprezenta ona faktus kona-ba violasaun direitu umanu, para aprezenta kauza husi pedidu ne’e, maibé Manuel Tilman dehan, lae ami mai husu de’it\nTribunál atu ko’alia baa mi katak PR viola konstituisaun ka lae?, maibé Tribunál dehan, Tribunál ne’e atu tesi lia, la’ós ko’alia fali PR nia sala ba imi,” PR Lú Olo hateten ho espresaun hamansa hamutuk ho povu Baukau.\nNia salienta, husi desizaun Tribunál nian ne’e halo CNRT la satisfeitu (lapuas), entaun sira dehan ami lakon tanba momentu ne’e hasai tiha artigu 150 husi konstituisaun RDTL, entaun CNRT kesar dala ida tan.\n“Ami tenke kesar fali tan dala ida ho artigu 150 husi K-RDTL ne’e hasoru PR Lú Olo, ninia prosesu hotu hanesan só ninia kauza de pedir mak husu fiskalizasaun abstrata susesiva ba fali kona-ba dekretu PR nian kona-ba nomeiasaun membru goernu nian. Ne’ebé ha’u haree, ba mak ita ko’alia, mais ha’u haree katak artigu 150 K-RDTL ne’e dook loos ona,” nia esplika.\nPR ne’e dehan, liu de’it semana ida Tribunál haruka fila tan katak, fiskalizasaun susesiva abstratu ne’e bele halo ba norma sira husi PN no governu, maibé dekretu prezidente ne’e aktu polítika, tanba konstituisaun ba fó kompeténsia ba prezidente hodi deside.(*)\nLast modified on Thursday, 17 December 2020 22:55\nPR Dialogu Baucau\n« PR Lú Olo Triste Loos Tanba Udan Taka Sedu Diálogu 2021, MAE Reabilita Sede Suku Hotu iha TL » | [
"By Tempo Timor December 17, 2020 6167 Udan Bo'ot iha baukau, Sumbrina taka Prezidente da Republika Dr. Francisco guterres Lu Olo halo enseramentu sedu de'it ba dialogu iha resintu adminitrasaun munisipal Baukau, kinta (17/12) Foto Tempo Timor Lia hirak ne'e, PR Lu Olo hato'o ba povu Baukau durante hala'o dialogu loron tomak.",
"\"Iha nasaun ida ne'ebe mak sidadaun ida, invez-de ba hasoru malu ho PR, maibe ba kesar diretamente PR ba iha tribunal, so PR ida naran Lu Olo ne'e mak ema kesar iha tribunal dala tolu ka dala haat, lakon hotu, nein ida manan iha Tribunal, ne'e hateten loloos ba ita-boot sira,\" PR Lu Olo dehan ba povu Baukau liuhusi nia intervensaun iha dialogu, Kinta (17/12).",
"Xefe estadu mos konta katak, kesar dahuluk ne'ebe CNRT nia ekipa ida halo hasoru PR Lu Olo, hala'o iha 2018.",
"\"Jurista ida naran Melio de Jesus ho ekipa ida, kesar PR ba Tribunal, tanba la fo pose ba membru governu na'in ualu, liuhusi PDHJ, entaun PDHJ hamutuk ho sira hodi kesar PR ba Tribunal, maibe PR la hafodak, Tribunal mak sei deside, maibe ikus mai Tribunal dehan atu fo pose ka la fo pose ne'e kompetensia PR nian, ikus mai nonok lakon tiha,\" Lu Olo hateten ba povu Baukau.",
"Aman ba nasaun ne'e akresenta, keixa daruak ne'ebe CNRT halo kontra tan PR ne'e lidera husi doutor Manuel Tilman.",
"\"Doutor Manuel Tilman tuur tiha iha televizaun nia oin katak, PR viola konstituisaun entaun ami tenke kesar ba Tribunal, entaun ha'u hanoin, sira kesar tan tiha ona ne'e ha'u hein de'it ka oinsa, ha'u hanoin doutor Manuel Tilman ko'alia halimar, mais afinal tebes duni, tanba malae ida iha Portugal ne'eba fo pareser mai kondena loos PR katak, viola ida ne'e, viola ida ne'eba, entaun advogadu Manuel Tilman ho deputadu 18 hamutuk ho malae ida ne'e lori PR ba Tribunal entaun dehan ba mak ha'u tuir,\" nia dehan.",
"PR afirma, maske kesar ne'e to'o tiha Tribunal, maibe la to'o de'it semana ida Tribunal indefere fali katak, kesar ne'e la'o sala dalan tanba la liu husi Parlamentu Nasional (PN) maibe ba lurus de'it.",
"\"Tuir loloos se ita-boot sira dehan PR viola, loloos ne'e imi tenke aprezenta ona faktus kona-ba violasaun direitu umanu, para aprezenta kauza husi pedidu ne'e, maibe Manuel Tilman dehan, lae ami mai husu de'it Tribunal atu ko'alia baa mi katak PR viola konstituisaun ka lae?, maibe Tribunal dehan, Tribunal ne'e atu tesi lia, la'os ko'alia fali PR nia sala ba imi,\" PR Lu Olo hateten ho espresaun hamansa hamutuk ho povu Baukau.",
"Nia salienta, husi desizaun Tribunal nian ne'e halo CNRT la satisfeitu (lapuas), entaun sira dehan ami lakon tanba momentu ne'e hasai tiha artigu 150 husi konstituisaun RDTL, entaun CNRT kesar dala ida tan.",
"\"Ami tenke kesar fali tan dala ida ho artigu 150 husi K-RDTL ne'e hasoru PR Lu Olo, ninia prosesu hotu hanesan so ninia kauza de pedir mak husu fiskalizasaun abstrata susesiva ba fali kona-ba dekretu PR nian kona-ba nomeiasaun membru goernu nian.",
"Ne'ebe ha'u haree, ba mak ita ko'alia, mais ha'u haree katak artigu 150 K-RDTL ne'e dook loos ona,\" nia esplika.",
"PR ne'e dehan, liu de'it semana ida Tribunal haruka fila tan katak, fiskalizasaun susesiva abstratu ne'e bele halo ba norma sira husi PN no governu, maibe dekretu prezidente ne'e aktu politika, tanba konstituisaun ba fo kompetensia ba prezidente hodi deside. (*) Last modified on Thursday, 17 December 2020 22:55 PR Dialogu Baucau \" PR Lu Olo Triste Loos Tanba Udan Taka Sedu Dialogu 2021, MAE Reabilita Sede Suku Hotu iha TL \""
] | [
"By Tempo Timor December 17,.2038 Heavy rain in Baukau and Sumbrina dam closed President of the Republic Dr Francisco Guterres Lu Olo makes insertion for dialogue at municipal administration building on Tuesday (December) Photo: Time East These words were delivered by PR Luis Eduardo dos Santos to people from Baucau during a full-day dialog with them that took place this week's Wednesday night"
"\"In a country where there is one citizen, instead of meeting with the PR but directly suing him in court. There's only Lu Olo who has filed suit three or four times and lost them all; nobody won at any tribunal - that tells us what it really means to you guys\", Prime Minister Lula told Baukau people through his intervention during dialogue on Thursday (17/2)."
"The head of state also recounted that the first lawsuit filed by a team from CNRT against Prime Minister Lu Olo took place in 2018."
"\"A lawyer named Melio de Jesus and a team, sued the PR to Court because he did not give offices for five members of government through PDHJ. So together with them we brought an action against him in court but it wasn't accepted by his family; that would be decided at trial which ultimately ended up saying whether they should take or leave power is their competence.\" Lu Olo told Baukau people:"
"The father of the country adds that, CNRT has filed a second complaint against PR because it is led by Dr. Manuel Tilman (who was formerly Prime Minister)."
"\"Doctor Manuel Tilman sat in front of the television and said, PR violates constitution so we have to sue it at court. So I think they already filed another suit now that's what i am just waiting for or how? But after all this is very serious because a lawyer from Portugal gave an opinion condemning really Pr as having broken one thing; therefore lawyers like Dr Manuel Tillmann with his colleagues took Mr President before Court which was why he told me where you are going.\""
"The PR says, although the case reached Court but not after just one week Tribunal deferred that it was going in wrong direction because they did NOT go through National Parliament (PN) and went straight."
"\"Actually, if you say that the President violates it's right to present fact about human rights violations in order for us and your petition. But Manuel Tilman said no we just came here asking a court of lawyers who will tell me whether or not he is breaking constitution? The Court says this tribunal has been set up so they can testify against him rather than blame his failure on them.\""
"He emphasized that the Tribunal's decision did not satisfy CNRT (lapuas), so they said we lost because at this time article 150 of RDTL constitution had been removed, therefore CNRT filedacomplaint once again."
"\"We have to complain once again under Article 150 of the Constitution against PR Lu Olo, his entire process is as if he was only requesting a subsequent abstract audit on President's decrees regardings appointment members in government."
"What I see, we're talking about it. But in my view Article 150 of the Constitution is already outdated,” he explained and added:"
"The PR said, just over a week ago the Court sent back that this abstract succeeding fiscalization can be done to norms of Parliament and government. But presidential decree is political act because constitution gives competence for President' s decision (*) Last modified on Thursday 17 December (UTC+2):"
] |
Segunda, 09 Dezembru 2019 | Login\nPN Hatudu Polítika Infantizmu Featured\nTanba hahalok ne’ebé deputadu sira halo hatudu momoos katak, sira labele separa asuntu partikulár partidu polítiku nian no asuntu nasaun nian.\n“Ne’e hatudu ita nia infantilizmu polítiku ba mundu internasionál, ne'e duni lamentavel tebes,” dehan Diretór Ezekutivu Asia Justice And Rights (AJAR), José Luis de Oliveira, iha Palásiu Prezidensiál, Bairru-Pité, horisehik.\nNia dehan, konvite ne’e ba dala rua ona. Tuir loloos tenke fó tempu ba Xefe Estadu atu hola parte lori nasaun nia naran ba partisipa reuniaun altu nivel ne’e. La’ós lori problema uma laran nian kona-ba membru governu balun seidauk simu pose hodi impede reuniaun importante sira ne’e.\nBa liur presiza hatudu TL nia prezensa iha ne'ebá, la'ós presiza fali Ministru maibé Xefe Estadu mezmu nia la hatene ko’alia Ingles.\nEntretantu, observadór polítika, Francisco Mausoru hateten, aktu ne’ebé PN halo la merese atu akontese viajen ne’e ba interese nasionál, tanba ne’e lalika egoízmu ho interese partidáriu nian.\nTuir nia, polítika egoízmu maka mosu iha órgaun sira ne’e hodi la tau interese Estadu no povu nian iha leten.\nTimor-Leste iha faze dezenvolvimentu tanba ne’e tenke servisu hamutuk presiza ema hotu nia boa vontade oinsá atu tane aas dignidade interese povu sira nian hodi hatudu lisaun di'ak ba jerasaun tuir mai.\nMore in this category: « Jardín 12 Novembru sei Muda Fali ba Sebastião Gomes Sobu Mafia, Hein Asaun Konkretu MJ »\n/PN Hatudu Polítika Infantizmu | [
"Segunda, 09 Dezembru 2019 | Login PN Hatudu Politika Infantizmu Featured Tanba hahalok ne'ebe deputadu sira halo hatudu momoos katak, sira labele separa asuntu partikular partidu politiku nian no asuntu nasaun nian.",
"\"Ne'e hatudu ita nia infantilizmu politiku ba mundu internasional, ne'e duni lamentavel tebes,\" dehan Diretor Ezekutivu Asia Justice And Rights (AJAR), Jose Luis de Oliveira, iha Palasiu Prezidensial, Bairru-Pite, horisehik.",
"Nia dehan, konvite ne'e ba dala rua ona.",
"Tuir loloos tenke fo tempu ba Xefe Estadu atu hola parte lori nasaun nia naran ba partisipa reuniaun altu nivel ne'e.",
"La'os lori problema uma laran nian kona-ba membru governu balun seidauk simu pose hodi impede reuniaun importante sira ne'e.",
"Ba liur presiza hatudu TL nia prezensa iha ne'eba, la'os presiza fali Ministru maibe Xefe Estadu mezmu nia la hatene ko'alia Ingles.",
"Entretantu, observador politika, Francisco Mausoru hateten, aktu ne'ebe PN halo la merese atu akontese viajen ne'e ba interese nasional, tanba ne'e lalika egoizmu ho interese partidariu nian.",
"Tuir nia, politika egoizmu maka mosu iha orgaun sira ne'e hodi la tau interese Estadu no povu nian iha leten.",
"Timor-Leste iha faze dezenvolvimentu tanba ne'e tenke servisu hamutuk presiza ema hotu nia boa vontade oinsa atu tane aas dignidade interese povu sira nian hodi hatudu lisaun di'ak ba jerasaun tuir mai.",
"More in this category: \" Jardin 12 Novembru sei Muda Fali ba Sebastiao Gomes Sobu Mafia, Hein Asaun Konkretu MJ \" /PN Hatudu Politika Infantizmu"
] | [
"Monday, December 09th -21:38 PM | PN Login Hatou Política Infantismo Destacado Because the actions of MPs show that they cannot separate particular political party issues from national matters."
"\"This shows our political infantilism to the international world, which is very regrettable\", said Executive Director of Asia Justice And Rights (AJAR), Jose Luis de Oliveira at President's Palace in Bairru-Pite today."
"She said, \"I've been invited twice."
"The Head of State should have been given time to take part in the high-level meeting on behalf Of his country."
"It is not domestic problems about some government members who haven't taken their office that are being brought up to prevent these important meetings."
"Abroad, we need to show our presence there. We don't have a Minister but the Head of State even though he doesn’ts speak English at all!"
"Meanwhile, political observer Francisco Mausoru said that the act of Parliament did not deserve this trip to take place for national interests and therefore it was selfishness with partisan concern."
"According to him, political selfishness has emerged in these bodies that do not put the interests of state and people above."
"Timor-Leste is in the phase of development so it must work together and needs everyone's good will to raise up dignity, people interest as a lesson for next generation."
"More in this category: \" Jardin 12 Novembru sei Muda Fali ba Sebastiao Gomes Sobu Mafie, Hein Asaun Konkretu MJ\" /PN Hatudu Politika Infantizmu"
] |
Sekretáriu Estadu Demétrio Konsidera Ai-parapa Nu’udar Didin Naturál Proteje Biodiversidade Tasi | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste\nVARANDA EKONOMIA Sekretáriu Estadu Demétrio Konsidera Ai-parapa Nu’udar Didin Naturál Proteje Biodiversidade Tasi\nSekretáriu Estadu Demétrio Konsidera Ai-parapa Nu’udar Didin Naturál Proteje Biodiversidade Tasi\nDILI, 24 jullu 2019 (TATOLI) – Proteje ai-parapa ida bele salva riku-soin tasi no emar balun nia moris iha planeta ne’e, tanba ai-parapa sai knuuk (fatin) ba ikan, kadiuk, boek, inklui ular tasi sira no prevene erozaun inlui barreira ba invasaun tasi-been, anin, laloroan boot no tsunami.\nIha loron internasionál ai-parapa ne’ebé sei monu iha domingu (26/07), Sekretáriu Estadu Ambiente, Demétrio do Amaral de Carvalho, hateten ai-parapa hanesan didin naturál ne’ebé bele filtra fo’er no sedimentasaun sira molok tama tasi-laran atu nune’e tasi bele moos nafatin hodi fó moris ba riku-soin bioversidade tasi nian.\n“Ha’u hakarak husu ba populasaun iha zona kosteira sira, liuliu iha ai-parapa nia ninin sira atu labele estraga didin naturál ne’e tanba importante tebes ho funsaun satan no redús laloran no tsunami inklui salva ahu-ruin no duut tasi bele moos nafatin, ikan, kadiuk, boek no riku-soin bioversidade tasi nian bele mantein moris,” tenik Sekretáriu Estadu Démetrio ba Agência Tatoli iha knaar fatin, Bebora, sesta ne’e.\nIha tinan haat ba kotuk, Governu Timor-Leste hamutuk ho parseiru dezenvolvimentu hanesam Uniaun Europeia (UE) no Programa Nasaun Unida ba Dezenvolvimentu (PNUD), Global Environment Facility (GEF) estabelese projetu kosteira reziliénsia ho fundu millaun $7.\nProjetu ne’e ho intensaun hakarak atu hasa’e reziliénsia alterasaun klimátika iha zona kosteira sira hamutuk suku 54 iha munisípiu hitu hodi esforsu hamenus degradasaun ai-parapa ne’ebé komunidade sira tesi no kee estraga.\n“Ita presiza asegura ai-parapa sira tanba ita-nia nasaun hanesan illa ne’ebé iha zona kosteira, tanba ne’e ai-parapa ne’e importante tebes,” nia subliña.\nTuir dadus ekosistema ai-tasi nian importante hodi fó benefísiu ekonómiku ba povu Timor-Leste, liuliu abitante sira ne’ebé moris iha tasi ninin.\nAi-tasi sira iha Timor-Leste hatudu distribuisaun luan tuir kosta norte no súl iha terriróriu ho área kobertura maizumenus ektare 1.300.\nDesde dékada 1940 to’o 2015 ekosistema ai-tasi sira hetan impaktu maka’as hosi esplorasaun ba agrikultura, madeira, no atu harii hela-fatin.\nEnkuantu porsentu 90 hosi Timor-Leste nia ekosistema ai-tasi sira ho estimativa maizumenus ektare 9.000 mak lakon ona tanba presaun antropojéniku (maihosi atividade umana).\nGovernu Timor-Leste no PNUD nia alvu halo rekuperasaun ai-parapa iha área kosteira sira ho ektare 3.000 no daudaun atinje ona ektare 1.700 no kontinua konserva ai-parapa iha Timor-Leste.\nGovernu mós hala’o formasaun hodi hasa’e komunidade nia kapasidade, liuhosi treinamentu iha área agro-florestál no ortikultura, nune’e bele enkoraja komunidade sira hadomi ambiente.\nEntertantu, Estadu komprometidu proteje natureza liuhosi lei, polítika, planu nasionál espesífiku atu tane biodiversidade hodi kombate degradasaun no alterasaun klimátika.\nIha 25 janeiru 2019, Prezidente Repúblika mós lansa kompaña kuda ai-oan hanaran “sidadaun ida, ai-hun ida” atu eduka timor-oan sira atu haburas no hametin domin ho resposabilidade, liuhosi hamatak ambiente ai furak no saudável ba jerasaun ohin loron no jerasaun tuir mai.\nAi-parapa nu’udar didin naturál\nLoron mundiál ai-parapa\nPrevious articleJornál Dili Post Enfrenta Krize Finanseira Tanba Situasaun COVID-19\nNext articleAniversáriu Agência TATOLI, Jornalista Tenke Uza Terminolojia Ne’ebé Loos ba “Ema ho Defisiénsia Sira” | [
"Sekretariu Estadu Demetrio Konsidera Ai-parapa Nu'udar Didin Natural Proteje Biodiversidade Tasi | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA EKONOMIA Sekretariu Estadu Demetrio Konsidera Ai-parapa Nu'udar Didin Natural Proteje Biodiversidade Tasi Sekretariu Estadu Demetrio Konsidera Ai-parapa Nu'udar Didin Natural Proteje Biodiversidade Tasi DILI, 24 jullu 2019 (TATOLI) - Proteje ai-parapa ida bele salva riku-soin tasi no emar balun nia moris iha planeta ne'e, tanba ai-parapa sai knuuk (fatin) ba ikan, kadiuk, boek, inklui ular tasi sira no prevene erozaun inlui barreira ba invasaun tasi-been, anin, laloroan boot no tsunami.",
"Iha loron internasional ai-parapa ne'ebe sei monu iha domingu (26/07), Sekretariu Estadu Ambiente, Demetrio do Amaral de Carvalho, hateten ai-parapa hanesan didin natural ne'ebe bele filtra fo'er no sedimentasaun sira molok tama tasi-laran atu nune'e tasi bele moos nafatin hodi fo moris ba riku-soin bioversidade tasi nian.",
"\"Ha'u hakarak husu ba populasaun iha zona kosteira sira, liuliu iha ai-parapa nia ninin sira atu labele estraga didin natural ne'e tanba importante tebes ho funsaun satan no redus laloran no tsunami inklui salva ahu-ruin no duut tasi bele moos nafatin, ikan, kadiuk, boek no riku-soin bioversidade tasi nian bele mantein moris,\" tenik Sekretariu Estadu Demetrio ba Agencia Tatoli iha knaar fatin, Bebora, sesta ne'e.",
"Iha tinan haat ba kotuk, Governu Timor-Leste hamutuk ho parseiru dezenvolvimentu hanesam Uniaun Europeia (UE) no Programa Nasaun Unida ba Dezenvolvimentu (PNUD), Global Environment Facility (GEF) estabelese projetu kosteira reziliensia ho fundu millaun $7.",
"Projetu ne'e ho intensaun hakarak atu hasa'e reziliensia alterasaun klimatika iha zona kosteira sira hamutuk suku 54 iha munisipiu hitu hodi esforsu hamenus degradasaun ai-parapa ne'ebe komunidade sira tesi no kee estraga.",
"\"Ita presiza asegura ai-parapa sira tanba ita-nia nasaun hanesan illa ne'ebe iha zona kosteira, tanba ne'e ai-parapa ne'e importante tebes,\" nia sublina.",
"Tuir dadus ekosistema ai-tasi nian importante hodi fo benefisiu ekonomiku ba povu Timor-Leste, liuliu abitante sira ne'ebe moris iha tasi ninin.",
"Ai-tasi sira iha Timor-Leste hatudu distribuisaun luan tuir kosta norte no sul iha terriroriu ho area kobertura maizumenus ektare 1.300.",
"Desde dekada 1940 to'o 2015 ekosistema ai-tasi sira hetan impaktu maka'as hosi esplorasaun ba agrikultura, madeira, no atu harii hela-fatin.",
"Enkuantu porsentu 90 hosi Timor-Leste nia ekosistema ai-tasi sira ho estimativa maizumenus ektare 9.000 mak lakon ona tanba presaun antropojeniku (maihosi atividade umana).",
"Governu Timor-Leste no PNUD nia alvu halo rekuperasaun ai-parapa iha area kosteira sira ho ektare 3.000 no daudaun atinje ona ektare 1.700 no kontinua konserva ai-parapa iha Timor-Leste.",
"Governu mos hala'o formasaun hodi hasa'e komunidade nia kapasidade, liuhosi treinamentu iha area agro-florestal no ortikultura, nune'e bele enkoraja komunidade sira hadomi ambiente.",
"Entertantu, Estadu komprometidu proteje natureza liuhosi lei, politika, planu nasional espesifiku atu tane biodiversidade hodi kombate degradasaun no alterasaun klimatika.",
"Iha 25 janeiru 2019, Prezidente Republika mos lansa kompana kuda ai-oan hanaran \"sidadaun ida, ai-hun ida\" atu eduka timor-oan sira atu haburas no hametin domin ho resposabilidade, liuhosi hamatak ambiente ai furak no saudavel ba jerasaun ohin loron no jerasaun tuir mai.",
"Ai-parapa nu'udar didin natural Loron mundial ai-parapa Previous articleJornal Dili Post Enfrenta Krize Finanseira Tanba Situasaun COVID-19 Next articleAniversariu Agencia TATOLI, Jornalista Tenke Uza Terminolojia Ne'ebe Loos ba \"Ema ho Defisiensia Sira\""
] | [
"Secretary of State Demetrio Considers Palm Tree As Natural Treasure Protecting Sea Biodiversity | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste HOME ECONOMY Secretariado Estadu Demetrio Konsidera Pairapa Nu'udar Didin Naturais Protege Biosfera do Mar (Secretariade Estado Demétriu Considéra Pairapu nu’Udar Divinidade Natureza Protéger a Biologie da Água) Dili, Jul.24th - The protection and preservation from erosion by palm trees can save the oceanic richness as they provide food for fishes such osminhoas or seaweed snakes in addition to providing an effective barrier against invasion through waterfowl like windmouse elephant whales tsunami etc..."
"On the International Day of Parakeets, which will fall on Sunday (26/07), State Secretary for Environment Demetrio do Amaral de Carvalho said that parakes are natural barriers to filter out air and sediment before entering sea surface so it can be cleaned up again in order giving life as rich marine biodiversity."
"\"I would like to ask the people in coastal areas, especially those living under parapa tree trunks that they do not damage this natural habitat because it is very important for its function of reducing flooding and tsunami including salvage wastewater so seabed can remain clean; fishes as well. The marine biodiversity wealth may sustain life\", State Secretary Demetrio told Tatoli News Agency at his office on Bebora last Saturday (10/6)."
"In the past four years, Timor-Leste’s Government together with development partners such as European Union (EU) and United Nations Development Programme(UNDP), Global Environment Facility established a $7 million coastal resilience project."
"The project intends to increase the resilience of coastal zones in 54 villages across seven counties, by reducing forest degradation caused through community-cultivated trees."
"\"We need to secure the palm trees because our country is an island with a coastal zone, so it's very important for us.\""
"According to data, the ecosystem of forests is important for providing economic benefits on Timor-Leste people especially inhabitants who live near sea."
"Trees in Timor-Leste show a wide distribution along the northern and southern coastlines of territory with an area coverage at least to about."
"From the 1940s to around this time, forest ecosystem have been severely impacted by exploration for agriculture and timber."
"While 90 percent of Timor-Leste’s forest ecosystem, an estimated about nine thousand hectares has been lost due to the pressure from human activity."
"The Government of Timor-Leste and UNDP aimed to recover 3,015 hectares (724 acres) in coastal areas from parakeet trees. This has now reached over the previous year’s target area which was about one thousand seven hundred hektares(698 acres)."
"The government is also providing training to build the capacity of communities, through agro-forestry and horticulture educations so that they can encourage their community members in loving environment."
"Meanwhile, committed states protect nature through laws and policier specific national plans to preserve biodiversity in order for combating degradation of climate change."
"On 25 January, the President of Timor-Leste also launched a tree planting campaign called \"One Citizen One Tree\" to educate people in order that they can grow and strengthen love with responsibility by preserving healthy trees for present generations as well."
"Previous articleJornal Dili Post Enfrenta Crise Financeira Devido Situação COVID-19 Next ArticleAgência TATOLI's Anniversary, Journalist Must Use Loose Terminology for \"People with Disabilities\" | Journal Timor News"
] |
Kandidatu Traballadór timor-oan na’in-900 ba Austrália tuir teste fíziku | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste\nVARANDA EKONOMIA Kandidatu Traballadór timor-oan na’in-900 ba Austrália tuir teste fíziku\nKandidatu traballadór hosi munisípiu Dili atu ba serbisu iha Austrália tuir teste fíziku iha akademia Sentru Formasaun Polísia, Comoro, segunda (21/09). Imajen Tatoli/António Gonçalves\nDILI, 21 setembru 2020 (TATOLI)-Kandidatu traballadór timor-oan hamutuk na’in-900 hosi munisípiu Dili, ne’ebé atu tuir programa seasonal worker, hahú tuir teste fizíku molok aranka no serbisu iha Austrália.\nSekretariu Estadu Formasaun Profisionál no Empregu, Alarico do Rosario, hateten teste ohin ba faze dahuluk no sei kontinua.\n“Sira ohin tuir teste ba ohin loron na’in-900 de’it no teste ne’e ba aban no bain-rua,” dehan Sekretáriu Estadu Alarico, liuhosi ninia intervensaun bainhira hala’o abertura teste fíziku ba kandidatu traballadór iha Sentru Formasaun Polísia (CFP, sigla portugés) Comoro, segunda ne’e.\nBazeia ba planu Sekretaria Estadu Formasaun Profisionál no Empregu (SEFOPE) atu fó teste ba kandidatu traballadór iha munisípiu Dili hamutuk na’in-13.000 resin, maibé labele halo teste dala-ida tanba fatin CFP labele akumula hotu, tanba ne’e deside atu halo teste iha loron hira nia-laran.\nNotísia Relevante: Kandidatu traballadór munisípiu Dili 13.423 tuir teste iha 21 setembru\n“Ita labele akumula kandidatu traballadór sira hotu tanba fatin ne’e mós fó formasaun ba Polísia, ita tenke asegura fatin ne’e tanba ne’e SEFOPE deside fahe ba parte dadeer no lorokaik ba loron tuirmai,” nia akresenta.\nIha teste ne’e, SEFOPE envolve Polísia Nasionál Timor-Leste (PNTL) ho razaun atu evita irregularidade iha prosesu rekrutamentu.\n“As vezes ema sempre dun SEFOPE katak rekrutamentu ba programa seasonal worker ne’e rasik sei mosu iregularidade, familiarizmu no seluk tan, atu resposta ida ne’e ami hakarak envolve Polísia iha prosesu rekrutamentu ne’e ba teste fízika atu haree kandidatu ne’ebé maka bele maka hili,” nia haktuir.\nGovernante ne’e husu ba kandidatu traballadór sira atu aproveita oportunidade no prepara físiku atubele kompete iha rekutamentu no kandidatu traballadór ne’ebé liu prosesu teste tenke hatudu komportamentu di’ak.\n“Ha’u husu ba traballadór sira karik liu iha prosesu no ba servisu iha Austrália tenke hatudu hahalok hanesan ema traballadór, nune’e hetan osan hodi sustenta família iha uma-laran. Tanba ita ba ema-nia rai ne’e iha atu buka osan no buka esperiénsia, nune’e karik fila bele aplika filafali hodi kontribui ba prosesu dezenvolvimentu iha ita-nia rasik,” apela Sekretáriu Estadu ne’e.\nIha fatin hanesan, Diretór Empregu Exterior SEFOPE, Filomeno Soares, informa teste fíziku ne’e hosi instrutór ajente Polísia iha CFP.\n“Realiza hosi instrutór ajente Polísia no akompaña hosi pesoál SEFOPE nian no teste físku ne’e rasik iha faze rua ka tolu ne’ebé parte instrutór sira define ona, hanesan push up ba mane dala-30 ba feto dala-15, halai tuir kampu laran ba mane dala-50 no feto-30,” nia esplika.\nNune’e mós, Segundu Komadante Jerál PNTL, Mateus Fernandes, husu ba kandidatu traballadór sira ne’ebé liu prosesu rekrutamentu ne’e atu hatudu responsablidade no morál bainhira halo servisu iha rai li’ur.\n“Ita bo’ot sira mesak joven de’it, tanba ne’e ha’u husu karik liu iha prosesu ne’e hatudu hahalok di’ak iha ema-nia rai hodi filafali dezenvolve ita-nia rai, tanba ita bo’ot sira nu’udar aliserse ba nasaun ne’e,” nia apela.\nPartisipa iha abertura ne’e Sekretáriu Estadu Komunikasaun Sosiál, Merício Juvinal dos Reis ‘Akara’, Adjuntu Komadante Jerál PNTL, komadante CFP no kargu xefia SEFOPE, Adjuntu CAC no Komisaun Funsaun Públika, sigla portugés).\nPrevious articleTL ‘Livre’ hikas husi COVID-19\nNext articleRAEOA simu ona orariu ezame nasionál ba estudante | [
"Kandidatu Traballador timor-oan na'in-900 ba Australia tuir teste fiziku | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA EKONOMIA Kandidatu Traballador timor-oan na'in-900 ba Australia tuir teste fiziku Kandidatu traballador hosi munisipiu Dili atu ba serbisu iha Australia tuir teste fiziku iha akademia Sentru Formasaun Polisia, Comoro, segunda (21/09).",
"Imajen Tatoli/Antonio Goncalves DILI, 21 setembru 2020 (TATOLI) -Kandidatu traballador timor-oan hamutuk na'in-900 hosi munisipiu Dili, ne'ebe atu tuir programa seasonal worker, hahu tuir teste fiziku molok aranka no serbisu iha Australia.",
"Sekretariu Estadu Formasaun Profisional no Empregu, Alarico do Rosario, hateten teste ohin ba faze dahuluk no sei kontinua.",
"\"Sira ohin tuir teste ba ohin loron na'in-900 de'it no teste ne'e ba aban no bain-rua,\" dehan Sekretariu Estadu Alarico, liuhosi ninia intervensaun bainhira hala'o abertura teste fiziku ba kandidatu traballador iha Sentru Formasaun Polisia (CFP, sigla portuges) Comoro, segunda ne'e.",
"Bazeia ba planu Sekretaria Estadu Formasaun Profisional no Empregu (SEFOPE) atu fo teste ba kandidatu traballador iha munisipiu Dili hamutuk na'in-13.000 resin, maibe labele halo teste dala-ida tanba fatin CFP labele akumula hotu, tanba ne'e deside atu halo teste iha loron hira nia-laran.",
"Notisia Relevante: Kandidatu traballador munisipiu Dili 13.423 tuir teste iha 21 setembru \"Ita labele akumula kandidatu traballador sira hotu tanba fatin ne'e mos fo formasaun ba Polisia, ita tenke asegura fatin ne'e tanba ne'e SEFOPE deside fahe ba parte dadeer no lorokaik ba loron tuirmai,\" nia akresenta.",
"Iha teste ne'e, SEFOPE envolve Polisia Nasional Timor-Leste (PNTL) ho razaun atu evita irregularidade iha prosesu rekrutamentu.",
"\"As vezes ema sempre dun SEFOPE katak rekrutamentu ba programa seasonal worker ne'e rasik sei mosu iregularidade, familiarizmu no seluk tan, atu resposta ida ne'e ami hakarak envolve Polisia iha prosesu rekrutamentu ne'e ba teste fizika atu haree kandidatu ne'ebe maka bele maka hili,\" nia haktuir.",
"Governante ne'e husu ba kandidatu traballador sira atu aproveita oportunidade no prepara fisiku atubele kompete iha rekutamentu no kandidatu traballador ne'ebe liu prosesu teste tenke hatudu komportamentu di'ak.",
"\"Ha'u husu ba traballador sira karik liu iha prosesu no ba servisu iha Australia tenke hatudu hahalok hanesan ema traballador, nune'e hetan osan hodi sustenta familia iha uma-laran.",
"Tanba ita ba ema-nia rai ne'e iha atu buka osan no buka esperiensia, nune'e karik fila bele aplika filafali hodi kontribui ba prosesu dezenvolvimentu iha ita-nia rasik,\" apela Sekretariu Estadu ne'e.",
"Iha fatin hanesan, Diretor Empregu Exterior SEFOPE, Filomeno Soares, informa teste fiziku ne'e hosi instrutor ajente Polisia iha CFP.",
"\"Realiza hosi instrutor ajente Polisia no akompana hosi pesoal SEFOPE nian no teste fisku ne'e rasik iha faze rua ka tolu ne'ebe parte instrutor sira define ona, hanesan push up ba mane dala-30 ba feto dala-15, halai tuir kampu laran ba mane dala-50 no feto-30,\" nia esplika.",
"Nune'e mos, Segundu Komadante Jeral PNTL, Mateus Fernandes, husu ba kandidatu traballador sira ne'ebe liu prosesu rekrutamentu ne'e atu hatudu responsablidade no moral bainhira halo servisu iha rai li'ur.",
"\"Ita bo'ot sira mesak joven de'it, tanba ne'e ha'u husu karik liu iha prosesu ne'e hatudu hahalok di'ak iha ema-nia rai hodi filafali dezenvolve ita-nia rai, tanba ita bo'ot sira nu'udar aliserse ba nasaun ne'e,\" nia apela.",
"Partisipa iha abertura ne'e Sekretariu Estadu Komunikasaun Sosial, Mericio Juvinal dos Reis 'Akara', Adjuntu Komadante Jeral PNTL, komadante CFP no kargu xefia SEFOPE, Adjuntu CAC no Komisaun Funsaun Publika, sigla portuges).",
"Previous articleTL 'Livre' hikas husi COVID-19 Next articleRAEOA simu ona orariu ezame nasional ba estudante"
] | [
"Timorese workers candidates to work in Australia undergo physical test | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timór-Leste HOME ECONOMY Kandidatu Traballador timorense na'in -901 ba Austrália tuir teste físico Candidate labourers from the Dili municipality going for a job at an Australian company are taking their physic tests, Monday (23/8)."
"Image Tatoli/Antonio Goncalves DILI, September 21st (TATOLI) - A total of nearly nine hundred Timorese candidate workers from the Dili municipality who are enrolled in a seasonal worker program have begun to undergo physical tests before being accepted and starting their job searches."
"Secretary of State for Vocational Training and Employment, Alarico do Rosario said that the tests today are in their first phase."
"\"They take the test today for only 901 and this one is tomorrow,\" said Secretary of State Alarico in his intervention during opening physical tests to candidate workers at Police Training Center (CFP) Comoro on Monday."
"Based on the plan of State Secretariat for Vocational Training and Employment (SEFOPE) to test more than 13,025 candidate workers in Dili municipality but cannot do a single-time testing because CFP places can not accumulate all therefore it was decided that tests will be done over several days."
"\"We cannot accumulate all the candidate workers because this place also provides training for Police, we have to secure it therefore SEFOPE decided on dividing in part dadeir and lorkaik (morning) of next day\", he added."
"In this test, SEFOPE involved the Timor-Leste National Police (PNTL) with reasons to avoid irregularities in recruitment process."
"\"Sometimes people always give SEFOPE that the recruitment for seasonal worker program itself will occur irregularities, familiarity and so on. To answer this we want to involve Police in these recruiting processes with physical tests of candidates who can be chosen.\""
"The governor urged candidate workers to take advantage of the opportunity and prepare physically in order for him/her compete at recruitment. Candidates who pass test process must show good behaviour, he said"
"\"I am asking workers if they go through the process and work in Australia to act like hardworking people, so that you can earn money for your family at home."
"Because we go to people's land, there is a need for money and experience so that when returning they can apply again in order contribute the development process on our own\", appealed Secretary of State."
"Meanwhile, Director of Foreign Employment SEFOPE Filomeno Soares informed that the physical test was conducted by police officer instructors at CFP."
"\"It is carried out by instructor police officers and accompanied from SEFOPE personnel, the fiscal test itself has two or three phase that are defined in part of their trainers such as push up for men-30 times to women -15 time walking along an outdoor field with a male at least once every fifty minutes while female only one."
"Likewise, Second Commander General of PNTL Mateus Fernandes asked the candidate workers who passed through this recruitment process to show responsibility and morality when working abroad."
"\"Our elders are just young people, so I ask if more in this process show good behaviour on their own land to develop our country again because we old ones were the lifeblood of that nation.\""
"The opening was attended by the State Secretary for Social Communications, Mericio Juvinal dos Reis 'Akara'; Deputy Commander General of Police (PNTL), CFP commandant and SEFOPE chief officers as well a deputy CAC member."
"Previous articleTL 'Free' from COVID-19 Next artikelRAEOA has received national exam schedule for students"
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PM RUI APELA BA POVU, PARTISIPA KAMPAIÑA HO DIGNIDADE - TIMOR AGORA\nPM RUI APELA BA POVU, PARTISIPA KAMPAIÑA HO DIGNIDADE\nPrimeiru Ministru (PM), Rui Maria de Araújo apela ba povu tomak, liu-liu ba apoiantes kandidatus Prezidenti Repúblika periodu 2017-2022, atu partisipa iha atividade kampaiña eleitoral ho kalma no dignidade.\n“Kampaiña ba eleisoens Prezidensiál hahú ona horseik, ita hotu-hotu hatene infelizmente mosu disturbius oituan iha Raikotu, joven sira provoka malu, ha’u hakarak hato’o apelu ida ba populasaun tomak katak, ita tenki diginfika importánsia prosesu demokrátiku ne’ebé ita hala’o i ita nia luta atu liberta povu, tenki liu husi prosesu ida ne’ebé digñu. Tanba ne’e apela ba populasaun tomak atu liu husi kampaiña ida ne’e ho dignidade, ita la presiza uza violénsia hodi tuda malu. Provoka disturbius atu konvense ema atu vota tuir ita ka vota la tuir ita,” PM Rui hato’o nia mensajen ne’e iha konferensia imprensa iha Aeroportu Internasional Prezidenti Nicolau Lobato, Comoro, Díli, Sábadu (04/03), relasiona ho akontesementu ne’e apoiantes husi kandidatu Prezidenti sira tuda komunidade nia uma área Raikotu Sesta (03/03), ne’ebé halo estragus ba uma 30 resin ho sasan seluk tan hetan estragus inklui ema balun hetan kanek.\n“Ha’u husu ba apoiantes hotu-hotu husi kandidatu Prezidenti Republika na’in ualu (8), atu partisipa iha atividades kampaiña eleitoral ne’e ho kalma, dignidade no hatudu maturidade ho dignidade povu ninian. Povu Timor-Leste ne’ebé ema hotu-hotu respeita, wainhira ita ba estranjeirus, halo vizitas iha nasaun sira ne’ebé belun ho ita no apoiu ita, ema hotu iha admirasaun bo’ot ho Timor-Leste. Tanba Timor-Leste hatudu husi tinan 1999 mai to’o agora ninia maturidade ne’e adopta valores demokrátikus, adopta diferensas opiniaun ho dignidade tomak, i tanba ne’e, oras ida ne’e momentu importante ida, ita hakat kampaiña eleitoral atu hili Prezidenti Repúblika, husu liu-liu juventudi sira atu komporta imi nia hahalok halo di’ak,” hatete Xefi Governu ne’e.\nXefi Governu ne’e dehan tan, wainhira imi uza violénsia, atu halo provokasaun forsas ordem seguransa sei atua, i buat hotu-hotu ne’ebé relasionadu ho krimi, forsa ordem seguransa hamutuk ho operadores justisa sira sei foti medidas.\n“Ita la presiza ba to’o iha ne’ebá, tanba loloos ne’e hanesan hotu-hotu temi iha públiku katak, eleisaun ne’e festa demokrasia nune’e wainhira festa ne’e halo ita atu haksolok, la’os ita atu sadik no tuda malu. Tan ne’e dala ida tan husu ba apoiantes husi kandidatu prezidenti nain ualu (8) ninian atu komporta ho didi’ak iha prosesu kampaiña eleitoral ne’ebé sei hala’o to’o iha loron 17 semana oin. Husu mós ba lideres ka kordenadores, ka responsaveis kampaiña eleitorais hotu atu apela ba militantes hotu-hotu atu labele hamosu komportamentu ka, atetude ka oportunidade atu apoiantes husi kandidatu ida ho kandidatu seluk atu bele sadik malu depois bele tama iha violénsia,” Rui hatete.\nRui dehan tan, klaru ke PNTL hanesan instituisaun seguransa iha mandatu legál, konstitusional atu atua wainhira iha disturbius ruma, foti medidas tuir buat ne’ebé lei defini ona.\nKandidatu Prezidenti Repúblika na’in 8 ne’ebé oras ne’e dadaun hala’o ona kampaiña iha territóriu no atu kompete iha eleisaun prezidensiál 20 Marsu 2017, mak hanesan, António Maher Lopez (Fatuk Mutin), Francisco Guterres ‘Lu-Olo’, Amorin Vieira, José de Jesus das Neves “Sama-Larua”, José Luis Guterres, Maria Ângela Freitas, Luis Alves Tilman, António da Conceição “Kalohan”.des | [
"PM RUI APELA BA POVU, PARTISIPA KAMPAINA HO DIGNIDADE - TIMOR AGORA PM RUI APELA BA POVU, PARTISIPA KAMPAINA HO DIGNIDADE Primeiru Ministru (PM), Rui Maria de Araujo apela ba povu tomak, liu-liu ba apoiantes kandidatus Prezidenti Republika periodu 2017-2022, atu partisipa iha atividade kampaina eleitoral ho kalma no dignidade.",
"\"Kampaina ba eleisoens Prezidensial hahu ona horseik, ita hotu-hotu hatene infelizmente mosu disturbius oituan iha Raikotu, joven sira provoka malu, ha'u hakarak hato'o apelu ida ba populasaun tomak katak, ita tenki diginfika importansia prosesu demokratiku ne'ebe ita hala'o i ita nia luta atu liberta povu, tenki liu husi prosesu ida ne'ebe dignu.",
"Tanba ne'e apela ba populasaun tomak atu liu husi kampaina ida ne'e ho dignidade, ita la presiza uza violensia hodi tuda malu.",
"Provoka disturbius atu konvense ema atu vota tuir ita ka vota la tuir ita,\" PM Rui hato'o nia mensajen ne'e iha konferensia imprensa iha Aeroportu Internasional Prezidenti Nicolau Lobato, Comoro, Dili, Sabadu (04/03), relasiona ho akontesementu ne'e apoiantes husi kandidatu Prezidenti sira tuda komunidade nia uma area Raikotu Sesta (03/03), ne'ebe halo estragus ba uma 30 resin ho sasan seluk tan hetan estragus inklui ema balun hetan kanek.",
"\"Ha'u husu ba apoiantes hotu-hotu husi kandidatu Prezidenti Republika na'in ualu (8), atu partisipa iha atividades kampaina eleitoral ne'e ho kalma, dignidade no hatudu maturidade ho dignidade povu ninian.",
"Povu Timor-Leste ne'ebe ema hotu-hotu respeita, wainhira ita ba estranjeirus, halo vizitas iha nasaun sira ne'ebe belun ho ita no apoiu ita, ema hotu iha admirasaun bo'ot ho Timor-Leste.",
"Tanba Timor-Leste hatudu husi tinan 1999 mai to'o agora ninia maturidade ne'e adopta valores demokratikus, adopta diferensas opiniaun ho dignidade tomak, i tanba ne'e, oras ida ne'e momentu importante ida, ita hakat kampaina eleitoral atu hili Prezidenti Republika, husu liu-liu juventudi sira atu komporta imi nia hahalok halo di'ak,\" hatete Xefi Governu ne'e.",
"Xefi Governu ne'e dehan tan, wainhira imi uza violensia, atu halo provokasaun forsas ordem seguransa sei atua, i buat hotu-hotu ne'ebe relasionadu ho krimi, forsa ordem seguransa hamutuk ho operadores justisa sira sei foti medidas.",
"\"Ita la presiza ba to'o iha ne'eba, tanba loloos ne'e hanesan hotu-hotu temi iha publiku katak, eleisaun ne'e festa demokrasia nune'e wainhira festa ne'e halo ita atu haksolok, la'os ita atu sadik no tuda malu.",
"Tan ne'e dala ida tan husu ba apoiantes husi kandidatu prezidenti nain ualu (8) ninian atu komporta ho didi'ak iha prosesu kampaina eleitoral ne'ebe sei hala'o to'o iha loron 17 semana oin.",
"Husu mos ba lideres ka kordenadores, ka responsaveis kampaina eleitorais hotu atu apela ba militantes hotu-hotu atu labele hamosu komportamentu ka, atetude ka oportunidade atu apoiantes husi kandidatu ida ho kandidatu seluk atu bele sadik malu depois bele tama iha violensia,\" Rui hatete.",
"Rui dehan tan, klaru ke PNTL hanesan instituisaun seguransa iha mandatu legal, konstitusional atu atua wainhira iha disturbius ruma, foti medidas tuir buat ne'ebe lei defini ona.",
"Kandidatu Prezidenti Republika na'in 8 ne'ebe oras ne'e dadaun hala'o ona kampaina iha territoriu no atu kompete iha eleisaun prezidensial 20 Marsu 2017, mak hanesan, Antonio Maher Lopez (Fatuk Mutin), Francisco Guterres 'Lu-Olo', Amorin Vieira, Jose de Jesus das Neves \"Sama-Larua,\" Jose Luis Guterres, Maria Angela Freitas, Luis Alves Tilman, Antonio da Conceicao \"Kalohan.\"des"
] | [
"PM RUI APPELS TO THE PEOPLE, PARTICIPATE IN CAMPAIGN WITH DIGNITIES - TIMOR AGORA Prime Minister (PM), Rui Maria de Araujo has appealed to the people of Timor-Leste and in particular supporters for President candidate 2017–36 campaigning activities with calmness."
"\"The campaign for the presidential elections has just begun, we all know that unfortunately there have been many disturbances in Raikotu where young people provoke each other. I would like to make an appeal on behalf of my country's entire population: We must emphasize how important is our democratic process and what a dignified way it takes us into this struggle towards liberation.\""
"Therefore, I appeal to the entire population that we go through this campaign with dignity. We do not need violence in order for us all and each other have a chance of surviving!"
"They are provoking disturbances to convince people whether they should vote for us or not,\" PM Rui said at a press conference held in Presidente Nicolau Lobato International Airport (PNL), Comoro City of Dili on Saturday 4 March. He recalled the incident where supporters from President candidate' s party attacked community houses near Raikotu area Friday night which caused damage and destruction with more than thirty homes being completely destroyes including some injuries having been sustained by several person’S"
"\"I call on all supporters of the eight (8) presidential candidate, to participate in this electoral campaign activities with calmness and dignity. I urge them also that they show their maturity as people who deserve our respect.\""
"The people of Timor-Leste, whom everyone respects. When we go abroad and visit neighbouring countries to support us there is great admiration for the East Asian nation in all their facets; everybody admires them very much!"
"Because Timor-Leste has shown from 1980 to now that its maturity is adopting democratic values, it accept difference of opinion with full dignity and therefore this time we are at an important moment. We have started the electoral campaign for electing our President; I ask especially young people who will behave well,” said Primeiro Ministro Xanana Gusmao in his speech on Tuesday (24/5)."
"The head of government also said, when you use violence to provoke the law enforcement forces will act and everything related with crimes security force alongside justice operator shall take action."
"\"We don't need to go there, because it is true as everyone mentioned in public that the elections are a celebration of democracy so when this festival makes us rejoice we should not be sad and hurt each other."
"Therefore, once again we ask the supporters of all eight presidential candidate to behave properly during their electoral campaign which will continue until next week' s seventeenth."
"I also call on all leaders, coordinators or those responsible for electoral campaigns to appeal that they do not create a behaviour and/or an attitude which would allow supporter of one candidate against another who can then go into violence,” Rui said."
"Rui also said, it is clear that the PNTL as a security institution has legal and constitutional mandate to act when there are disturbances by taking measures in accordance with law."
"The eight Republican presidential candidates who are currently campaigning in the territories and to compete for a presidency on March,20th of this year include: Antonio Maher Lopez (Fatuk Mutin), Francisco Guterres 'Lu-Olo'; Amorin Vieira. Jose de Jesus das Neves \"Sama Larua\" José Luis Gusmão Maria Ângela Freitas Luís Alvese Tilman António da Conceicao des Kalohan"
] |
By Tempo Timor September 16, 2020 584\nPrezidente Autoriedade Rejiaun Administrativa Espesiál Oekusse Ambeno (RAEOA) Arsenio Paixão Bano ko'alia hela ho jornalista sira iha Paralmentu Nasionál (PN) hafoin partisipa abertura ba sesaun lejilativa datoluk iha Lejislatura Da-V. Tersa (15/9). Foto Tempo Timor\n"Fatin sira ne'e ami deskonfia iha movimentu populasaun Oekusi ho populasaun Indonesia", dehan Arsenio hafoin partisipa abertura Solene sesaun da-III iha kinta lejislatura, lidera husi Prezidente Republika, iha planaria PN, Tersa (15/09).\nNia hateten, kazu Covid iha Indonesia ne'e aumenta bá bei-beik, tan ne'e Oekusi Rai ketak, entaun prioridade primeru mak halo prevensaun.\n"Ami servisu lor-loron, Ami deskuti lor-loron, interven lor-loron halo prevensaun no mós halo konsensializasaun lor-loron ba populasaun oakusi atu hadook an husi fronteira, atu nune'e mós kumpri nafatin prosedimentu Mai husi Organizasaun Mundial Saúde (OMS) ho Ministeru Saúde", Nia hatutan.\nNia akresenta, to'o agora felismente horseik no horibainrua ema na'in 30 mak tama no oras ne'e iha kuarentina, maibé positivu seidauk iha.\n"Ami hatete bei-beik movimentu ilegais iha fronteira no autoridade deside halo dadauk prosesu aprosedimentu ba harii kuarentina, aumenta fasilidades aaúde iha fronteira no pontu entrada hotu-hotu iha sakato, oesilo no citrana", Nia Haktuir.(*)\n« Pesoál PNTL no FALINTIL-FDTL Kontribui Estraga Ró Nakroma Bano: La Tama Kakutak Ema Uza Tais Sa'e Rin Eletrisidade » | [
"By Tempo Timor September 16, 2020 584 Prezidente Autoriedade Rejiaun Administrativa Espesial Oekusse Ambeno (RAEOA) Arsenio Paixao Bano ko'alia hela ho jornalista sira iha Paralmentu Nasional (PN) hafoin partisipa abertura ba sesaun lejilativa datoluk iha Lejislatura Da-V.",
"Tersa (15/9).",
"Foto Tempo Timor \"Fatin sira ne'e ami deskonfia iha movimentu populasaun Oekusi ho populasaun Indonesia,\" dehan Arsenio hafoin partisipa abertura Solene sesaun da-III iha kinta lejislatura, lidera husi Prezidente Republika, iha planaria PN, Tersa (15/09).",
"Nia hateten, kazu Covid iha Indonesia ne'e aumenta ba bei-beik, tan ne'e Oekusi Rai ketak, entaun prioridade primeru mak halo prevensaun.",
"\"Ami servisu lor-loron, Ami deskuti lor-loron, interven lor-loron halo prevensaun no mos halo konsensializasaun lor-loron ba populasaun oakusi atu hadook an husi fronteira, atu nune'e mos kumpri nafatin prosedimentu Mai husi Organizasaun Mundial Saude (OMS) ho Ministeru Saude,\" Nia hatutan.",
"Nia akresenta, to'o agora felismente horseik no horibainrua ema na'in 30 mak tama no oras ne'e iha kuarentina, maibe positivu seidauk iha.",
"\"Ami hatete bei-beik movimentu ilegais iha fronteira no autoridade deside halo dadauk prosesu aprosedimentu ba harii kuarentina, aumenta fasilidades aaude iha fronteira no pontu entrada hotu-hotu iha sakato, oesilo no citrana,\" Nia Haktuir. (*) \" Pesoal PNTL no FALINTIL-FDTL Kontribui Estraga Ro Nakroma Bano: La Tama Kakutak Ema Uza Tais Sa'e Rin Eletrisidade \""
] | [
"By Tempo Timor September 16,.2035 The President of the Authority for Oekusse Ambeno Special Administrative Region (RAEOA), Arsenio Paixao Bano is speaking to journalists in National Parliament after attending opening ceremony on third legislatives session during Legislature Da-V'"
"Tersa (15/9). Tuesday."
"\"These houses are suspected to be in the movement of Oekusi population with Indonesian people,\" Arsenio said after attending Solemn opening session da-III on Wednesday legislature led by President Ramos Horta at PN hall Tuesday (15/09)."
"He said that Covid cases in Indonesia are increasing, so Oekusi Rai is ketat and priority should be given to prevention."
"\"We work every day, we discuss daily interventions and prevention as well awareness raising to the population about leaving borders so that they comply with procedure from World Health Organization (WHO) Ministry of health.\" He added."
"He added that so far, 30 people have been tested positive and are currently in quarantine but no one has yet shown any symptoms."
"\"We have repeatedly said that there is illegal movement at the border and authorities decided to speed up procedures for establishing quarantine, increasing health facilities in all points of entry into Sakato-Oesilo/Citrana\", he added. (*) “Police Personnel Contributed To Destroy Ro Nakroma Bano: La Tama Kakutak Ema Usa Tais Sa'e Rin Eletrisidade”"
] |
Membru Parlamentu Nasional, Deputado Alexandrino Cardoso hateten pesti ne’ebe konhesidu ho ular tentara ataka agrikultor sira nia batar kuaze hectares 115 iha postu Administrativu Fatubeliku, Munisipio Ainaro.\n“Iha Domingo ne’e hau dada lia ho extensionista iha postu Fatubeliku, sira aprezenta katak pesti ho naran ular tentara ne’e estraga ona batar to’os kuaze hectares 115, tanba ne’e hau husu ba Ministerio Agrikultura no Peskas atu toma desizaun emediata ba kazu ne’e,” nia hateten iha plenaria parlamentu nasional, Dili.\nNia dehan, extensionista sira hato’o ona problema ne’e ba Ministerio Agrikultura no Peskas (MAP) iha munisipio nian, maibe seidauk iha asaun tanba ne’e pesti kontinua habelar aan estraga agrikultor sira nia batar.\nNia hateten, bazeia ba deklarasaun extensionista sira nian pesti ne’e kontinua habelar aan no estraga hotu komunidade nia to’os mak sei afeta ba produsaun batar iha primeiru epoka.\nIha parte seluk, Diretor Organizasaun Hametin Agrikultura Sustentavel Timor-Leste (HASAIL), Gil Boavida, hateten atu hasa’e produsaun rai laran importante tenke melhora infrastruktura bazika, irigasaun, armajena, no insentiva partisipasaun sosiedade foinsa’e sira atu halao atividade produsuan nian.\nNia dehan, governu presiza hare fali politika sira atu fo motivasaun ba produtor sira hasa’e produsaun, liu-liu hakbi’it kapasidade agrikultor sira nian atu dezenvolve fini, adubu organiku no pestisida organiku.\n“Presiza hametin kordenasaun entre membru KONSSANTIL sira atu kria politika ne’ebe diak fo motivasaun ba produtor sira atu halo investimentu ba setor produsaun,” nia hateten.\nNia dehan, governu presiza reve fila fali politika subsidio sira ba agrikultura hanesan fini, adubu atu bele garantia nia sustentabilidade sein depedensia ba governu.\nKonselho Nasional Seguransa Aihan no Nutrisaun (KONSSANTIL) mak sekretariadu teknikal ne’ebe involve husi linha ministerio relevante sira atu dezenvolve planu asaun no halo advokasia atu hadia seguransa aihan no nutrisaun iha rai laran. | [
"Membru Parlamentu Nasional, Deputado Alexandrino Cardoso hateten pesti ne'ebe konhesidu ho ular tentara ataka agrikultor sira nia batar kuaze hectares 115 iha postu Administrativu Fatubeliku, Munisipio Ainaro.",
"\"Iha Domingo ne'e hau dada lia ho extensionista iha postu Fatubeliku, sira aprezenta katak pesti ho naran ular tentara ne'e estraga ona batar to'os kuaze hectares 115, tanba ne'e hau husu ba Ministerio Agrikultura no Peskas atu toma desizaun emediata ba kazu ne'e,\" nia hateten iha plenaria parlamentu nasional, Dili.",
"Nia dehan, extensionista sira hato'o ona problema ne'e ba Ministerio Agrikultura no Peskas (MAP) iha munisipio nian, maibe seidauk iha asaun tanba ne'e pesti kontinua habelar aan estraga agrikultor sira nia batar.",
"Nia hateten, bazeia ba deklarasaun extensionista sira nian pesti ne'e kontinua habelar aan no estraga hotu komunidade nia to'os mak sei afeta ba produsaun batar iha primeiru epoka.",
"Iha parte seluk, Diretor Organizasaun Hametin Agrikultura Sustentavel Timor-Leste (HASAIL), Gil Boavida, hateten atu hasa'e produsaun rai laran importante tenke melhora infrastruktura bazika, irigasaun, armajena, no insentiva partisipasaun sosiedade foinsa'e sira atu halao atividade produsuan nian.",
"Nia dehan, governu presiza hare fali politika sira atu fo motivasaun ba produtor sira hasa'e produsaun, liu-liu hakbi'it kapasidade agrikultor sira nian atu dezenvolve fini, adubu organiku no pestisida organiku.",
"\"Presiza hametin kordenasaun entre membru KONSSANTIL sira atu kria politika ne'ebe diak fo motivasaun ba produtor sira atu halo investimentu ba setor produsaun,\" nia hateten.",
"Nia dehan, governu presiza reve fila fali politika subsidio sira ba agrikultura hanesan fini, adubu atu bele garantia nia sustentabilidade sein depedensia ba governu.",
"Konselho Nasional Seguransa Aihan no Nutrisaun (KONSSANTIL) mak sekretariadu teknikal ne'ebe involve husi linha ministerio relevante sira atu dezenvolve planu asaun no halo advokasia atu hadia seguransa aihan no nutrisaun iha rai laran."
] | [
"Member of the National Parliament, Deputado Alexandrino Cardoso said that a pest related to army snakes has attacked farmers' crops on almost 150 hectares in Fatubeliku Administrative Post Office (Ainaro Municipality)."
"\"On Sunday I talked to the extensionist in Fatubeliku post, they presented that a pest named army snake has destroyed almost 150 hectares of sugarcane trees. That is why i ask Ministry for Agriculture and Fisheries take an immediate decision on this case\", he said at plenary sessions with national parliamentary members today (Sunday)."
"He said that the extensionists have raised this problem with Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries (MAP) in their municipality, but no action has been taken yet so pest continues to spread itself damage farmer' s crops."
"He said, based on the declarations of extensionists that this pest continues to spread and destroy all community forest will affect batter production in first season."
"On the other hand, Director of Hametin Agrikultura Sustentavel Timor-Leste (HASAIL), Gil Boavida said that to increase domestic production it is important improve basic infrastructures such as irrigation and storage facilities. He also encouraged young people in his community participation into productive activities so they can grow their own crops on a more sustainable basis.\""
"He said that the government needs to review policies in order for producer motivation and increase production, especially by enhancing farmer capacity of developing organic fertilizers or pesticides."
"\"We need to strengthen coordination among KONSSANTIL members in order for us To create a good policy that motivates producers In investing into the production sector,\" he said."
"He said that the government needs to review agricultural subsidies policies such as fertilizer and manure so it can guarantee its sustainability without dependence on Government."
"The National Council on Food Security and Nutrition (KONSSANTIL) is the technical secretariat that involves relevant line ministries to develop action plans, advocate for improvement of food security in Indonesia."
] |
Ekipa Saneamentu Na’in-340 Sei Hetan Subsídiu Ba COVID-19 | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste\nVARANDA COVID-19 Ekipa Saneamentu Na’in-340 Sei Hetan Subsídiu Ba COVID-19\nDILI, 02 jullu 2020 (TATOLI)–Xefe Departamentu Saneamentu Munisípiu Dili, Domingos Soriano, informa saneamentu mós halo ona proposta ba prosesu subsídiu nian ba autoridade munisipál ne’ebé mak tutela ba ne’e, maibé seidauk iha resposta to’o ohin loron.\nMaibé, Domingos Soriano hatutan, proposta ne’ebé mak ami hamutuk ho prezidente autoridade ajusta ona ba Ministériu Administrasaun Estatal (MAE) katak ekipa saneamentu sira mós sei hetan subsídiu COVID-19 hamutuk na’in-340.\n“Proposta ne’ebé mak ami hamutuk ho prezidente autoridade ajusta ona ba Ministériu Administrasaun Estatal (MAE) katak ita-nia ekipa saneamentu sira mós sei hetan subsídiu COVID-19 hamutuk na’in-340. Ekipa sira ne’e kompostu hosi saneamnetu na’in-200, ema ne’ebé mak hamoos no raut foer iha valeta no jardín sira mak na’in-140,” dehan Xefe Departamentu Saneamentu Munisípiu Dili, Domingos Soriano, Agência TATOLI iha nia knaar fatin Matadouro, Dili, kinta ne’e.\nTanba, nia dehan, Governu anúnsia ona katak atu servisu saneamentu mós iha subsídiu ba liña frente tanba sira hamoos no raut foer iha dalan públiku sira durante implementa Estadu Emerjénsia (EE) iha propagagasaun surtu COVID-19 iha Timor-Leste\n“Iha Estadu Emerjénsia (EE) dahuluk nian, ita rona katak ema ne’ebé mak servisu iha saúde, seguransa inklui saneamentu mós hetan subsídiu ba liña frente nian. Maibé to’o agora laiha inforamasaun ida kona-ba subsídiu ne’e,” nia dehan.\nTanba ne’e, nia husu ba parte kompetente sira atu prosesu no aselera traballadór sira-nia kolen hodi nune’e sira mós bele hetan subsídiu ne’e. Tanba iha EE dahuluk susar loos atu konsentra ema barak hodi halo sersivu iha dalan públiku sira.\n“Iha EE dahuluk nian, ha’u atu hatete, ba ita-boot sira katak susar ba ita atu halibur ema barak iha grupu ida tanba ema barak mak tauk ho moras COVID-19. Maibé ho esforsu no baidnas ne’ebé traballadór sira iha, entaun ita-nia trablladór sira kontinua servisu,” nia haktuir.\nNia dehan, hafoin Estadu Emerjénsia (EE) liu tiha, servisu saneamentu laiha loron deskansa ba traballadór saneamentu nian, tanba ne’e Governu presiza tau atensaun.\n“Ami-nia servisu iha área saneamentu laiha loron deskansa ka hela iha uma hodi izola-aan. Tanba, ita hotu hatene katak moras hotu-hotu inklui moras Coronavirus (COVID-19) ne’e mai hosi foer, entaun ami-nia servisu ne’e ita bele dehan katak laiha limitasaun servisu,” nia hateten.\nBainhira servisu saneamentu mak paradu, nia dehan, moras sira ne’e sei aumenta tan liuliu COVID-19 ne’ebé mak gosta moris iha foer laran.\n“Governu presiza tau atensaun ba servisu saneamentu sira tanba sira mak hasoru direta moras, nune’e husu atu konsidera netik traballadór sira ne’e,” nia dehan.\nPrevious articlePM Taur Orienta SEFOPE Luta Redúz Dezempregu\nNext articleEkipa Saneamentu Rekolla Foer Kada Loron Ida Retajen 150 | [
"Ekipa Saneamentu Na'in-340 Sei Hetan Subsidiu Ba COVID-19 | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA COVID-19 Ekipa Saneamentu Na'in-340 Sei Hetan Subsidiu Ba COVID-19 DILI, 02 jullu 2020 (TATOLI) -Xefe Departamentu Saneamentu Munisipiu Dili, Domingos Soriano, informa saneamentu mos halo ona proposta ba prosesu subsidiu nian ba autoridade munisipal ne'ebe mak tutela ba ne'e, maibe seidauk iha resposta to'o ohin loron.",
"Maibe, Domingos Soriano hatutan, proposta ne'ebe mak ami hamutuk ho prezidente autoridade ajusta ona ba Ministeriu Administrasaun Estatal (MAE) katak ekipa saneamentu sira mos sei hetan subsidiu COVID-19 hamutuk na'in-340.",
"\"Proposta ne'ebe mak ami hamutuk ho prezidente autoridade ajusta ona ba Ministeriu Administrasaun Estatal (MAE) katak ita-nia ekipa saneamentu sira mos sei hetan subsidiu COVID-19 hamutuk na'in-340.",
"Ekipa sira ne'e kompostu hosi saneamnetu na'in-200, ema ne'ebe mak hamoos no raut foer iha valeta no jardin sira mak na'in-140,\" dehan Xefe Departamentu Saneamentu Munisipiu Dili, Domingos Soriano, Agencia TATOLI iha nia knaar fatin Matadouro, Dili, kinta ne'e.",
"Tanba, nia dehan, Governu anunsia ona katak atu servisu saneamentu mos iha subsidiu ba lina frente tanba sira hamoos no raut foer iha dalan publiku sira durante implementa Estadu Emerjensia (EE) iha propagagasaun surtu COVID-19 iha Timor-Leste \"Iha Estadu Emerjensia (EE) dahuluk nian, ita rona katak ema ne'ebe mak servisu iha saude, seguransa inklui saneamentu mos hetan subsidiu ba lina frente nian.",
"Maibe to'o agora laiha inforamasaun ida kona-ba subsidiu ne'e,\" nia dehan.",
"Tanba ne'e, nia husu ba parte kompetente sira atu prosesu no aselera traballador sira-nia kolen hodi nune'e sira mos bele hetan subsidiu ne'e.",
"Tanba iha EE dahuluk susar loos atu konsentra ema barak hodi halo sersivu iha dalan publiku sira.",
"\"Iha EE dahuluk nian, ha'u atu hatete, ba ita-boot sira katak susar ba ita atu halibur ema barak iha grupu ida tanba ema barak mak tauk ho moras COVID-19.",
"Maibe ho esforsu no baidnas ne'ebe traballador sira iha, entaun ita-nia trabllador sira kontinua servisu,\" nia haktuir.",
"Nia dehan, hafoin Estadu Emerjensia (EE) liu tiha, servisu saneamentu laiha loron deskansa ba traballador saneamentu nian, tanba ne'e Governu presiza tau atensaun.",
"\"Ami-nia servisu iha area saneamentu laiha loron deskansa ka hela iha uma hodi izola-aan.",
"Tanba, ita hotu hatene katak moras hotu-hotu inklui moras Coronavirus (COVID-19) ne'e mai hosi foer, entaun ami-nia servisu ne'e ita bele dehan katak laiha limitasaun servisu,\" nia hateten.",
"Bainhira servisu saneamentu mak paradu, nia dehan, moras sira ne'e sei aumenta tan liuliu COVID-19 ne'ebe mak gosta moris iha foer laran.",
"\"Governu presiza tau atensaun ba servisu saneamentu sira tanba sira mak hasoru direta moras, nune'e husu atu konsidera netik traballador sira ne'e,\" nia dehan.",
"Previous articlePM Taur Orienta SEFOPE Luta Reduz Dezempregu Next articleEkipa Saneamentu Rekolla Foer Kada Loron Ida Retajen 150"
] | [
"340 Sanitation Teams Will Receive Subsidy For COVID-19 | TIMOR HAU NIAN DOBEN Agencia Noticiosa de Timor Leste VARANDA COVID27658 SANITATION TEAM WILL RECEIVE SUBSIDIUM FOR CORONAVIRUS DILI, July (AP) -Dili Municipality' s Department of Sanitization Chief Domingo Soriano said that the sanitation team has also made a proposal for subsidization process to municipal authority responsible but no response was received so far."
"However, Domingos Soriano added that the proposal we have made together with presidential authorities has been adjusted to Ministry of State Administration (MAE) which means sanitation teams will also receive a COVID-19 subsidy totaling 340."
"\"The proposal that we have made together with the presidential authorities has been adjusted to Ministry of State Administration (MAE) which our sanitation teams will also receive a COVID-19 subsidy totaling 340."
"The teams are composed of 201 sanitary workers, and the people who clean out waste in streets & garden is a team consisting from more than one hundred staff members\", said Dili Municipality Sanitation Department Head Domingoso Soriano to Agência Tatoli at his office Matadouro."
"Because, he said that the Government has already announced to provide sanitation workers with subsidies for front-line work as they clean and dispose of waste on public roads during implementation State Emergency (SE) in propagating COVID -19 outbreak \"In first state emergency we heard people who worked within health care security including sanitization also received a subsidy."
"But so far there is no information about the subsidy,\" he said."
"Therefore, he asked the competent parties to process and accelerate workers' applications so that they can also receive this subsidy."
"Because during the first lockdown it was difficult to concentrate a lot of people in public roads."
"\"In the first lockdown, I want to tell you ladies and gentlemen that it was very difficult for us when we gathered a lot of people in one group because so many were sick with COVID-19."
"But with the efforts and hardships of our workers, they continue to work,” he said."
"He said that after the State of Emergency (EE) passed, sanitation services did not have a day off for sanitary workers. The Government therefore needed to pay attention in this area and provide adequate compensation as well.\""
"\"Our work in the sanitation area has no days off or staying at home to isolate ourselves."
"Because, we all know that every illness including the Coronavirus (COVID-19) comes from outside so our work can be said to have no limitation of service\", he says."
"When sanitation services are stopped, he says these diseases will increase especially COVID-19 which like to live inside."
"\"The government must pay attention to the sanitation workers because they are directly affected by illnesses, so we ask that it consider these employees in particular\", he said."
"Previous articlePM Taur Orienta SEFOPE Luta Reduz Desemprego NextSewage Team Collects Waste Every Day Retajen 150"
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MAPKOMS iha inisiativa halo programa edukasaun sívika ba labarik | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste\nVARANDA HEADLINE MAPKOMS iha inisiativa halo programa edukasaun sívika ba labarik\nMAPKOMS iha inisiativa halo programa edukasaun sívika ba labarik\nLabarik sira halimar no halo ezersísiu iha jardín Colmera. Imajen TATOLI/António Gonçalves\nDILI, 31 maiu 2021 (TATOLI)—Ministru Asuntu Parlamentár no Komunikasaun Sosiál (MAPKOMS), Francisco Martins da Costa Pereira Jerónimo, kompromete hakarak komunika ho Rádiu Televizaun Timor-Leste, Empreza Públika (RTTL, E.P) hodi halo programa espesífika ruma ba labarik.\n“Ha’u sei ko’alia ho RTTL, E.P hodi halo programa espesiál ida hanesan edukasaun sívika ba labarik atu konsensializa labarik sira no fó hanoin ba sira,” Ministru informa ba Agência TATOLI, iha Ministériu Finansa, Aitarak-laran, segunda ne’e.\nHanoin ne’e relasiona ho selebrasaun loron nasionál labarik iha 1 juñu, ne’ebé iha biban hanesan Ministru felisita labarik sira.\n“Ha’u hakarak fó parabéns ba labarik sira iha loron nasionál, ne’ebé sira halo knaar hanesan labarik iha família nia laran, tanba ne’e presiza nafatin fó protesaun ba sira ne’ebé maka estuda, tantu halimar iha uma no husu ba inan aman atu fó protesaun ba sira,” nia akresenta.\nTuir governante ne’e, tempu labarik sira eskola la’ós obriga halo serbisu, tanba ne’e husu inan-aman sira atu kria kondisaun.\n“Inan-aman sira tenke fó kondisaun ba oan sira atu haruka sira ba eskola, atu nune’e sira ba goza direitu ne’ebé mos hanesan no labele obriga sira atu halo fali serbisu ne’ebé maka ema boot bele halo,” nia subliña.\nNasaun Unida adopta Konvensaun Direitu Labarik iha tinan 1989, ne’ebé Timor-Leste restaura independénsia iha tinan 2002 no iha tinan ida kedas, Governu aprova Konvensaun ne’e, atu sai nu’udár dokumentu universál ida no iha nia laran komtempla ona Labarik sira nian direitu.\nTinan sanulu liu, iha tinan 2013, Timor-Leste submete ba Komisaun Direitu Labarik nian iha Nasaun Unida, no relatóriu tuir mai kona-ba implementasaun Konvensaun, no hosi nebá Timor-Leste simu rekomendasaun atu dezenvolve Planu Asaun Nasionál ba Labarik.\nAleinde ne’e, Timor-Leste adota no implementa instrumentu jurídiku lubuk ida, ne’ebé ajuda hadi’a no hametin liu tan protesaun ba Direitu Labarik ne’ebé komtempla ona iha Konvensaun.\nPlanu Asaun Annuál ba Labarik iha períudu 2016-2020 reflete vontade Governu Timor-Leste atu harii ambiente ne’ebé sei haforsa respeitu, protesaun no kumprimentu direitu Labarik Feto no Labarik Mane sira, iha paíz, liu-liu hirak ne’ebé moris iha situasaun ladún favorável no iha área remota sira.\nTuir peskiza Organizasaun lnternasionál Traballu hamutuk ho Dirasaun Jerál Estatistika iha tinan 2016, rezultadu katak traballadór infatil iha Timor-Leste hamutuk 68.000 (16,1%) ne’ebé maizumenu 12,5% hosi labarik sira tinan 5 to’o 17 mak konsidera hanesan traballu infantil.\nPrevious articleTimoroan ho idade adultu 71% ativu konsumu tabaku\nNext article“Moris di’ak ka aat, labele tane liman ba ema seluk” | [
"MAPKOMS iha inisiativa halo programa edukasaun sivika ba labarik | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA HEADLINE MAPKOMS iha inisiativa halo programa edukasaun sivika ba labarik MAPKOMS iha inisiativa halo programa edukasaun sivika ba labarik Labarik sira halimar no halo ezersisiu iha jardin Colmera.",
"Imajen TATOLI/Antonio Goncalves DILI, 31 maiu 2021 (TATOLI) - Ministru Asuntu Parlamentar no Komunikasaun Sosial (MAPKOMS), Francisco Martins da Costa Pereira Jeronimo, kompromete hakarak komunika ho Radiu Televizaun Timor-Leste, Empreza Publika (RTTL, E.P) hodi halo programa espesifika ruma ba labarik.",
"\"Ha'u sei ko'alia ho RTTL, E.P hodi halo programa espesial ida hanesan edukasaun sivika ba labarik atu konsensializa labarik sira no fo hanoin ba sira,\" Ministru informa ba Agencia TATOLI, iha Ministeriu Finansa, Aitarak-laran, segunda ne'e.",
"Hanoin ne'e relasiona ho selebrasaun loron nasional labarik iha 1 junu, ne'ebe iha biban hanesan Ministru felisita labarik sira.",
"\"Ha'u hakarak fo parabens ba labarik sira iha loron nasional, ne'ebe sira halo knaar hanesan labarik iha familia nia laran, tanba ne'e presiza nafatin fo protesaun ba sira ne'ebe maka estuda, tantu halimar iha uma no husu ba inan aman atu fo protesaun ba sira,\" nia akresenta.",
"Tuir governante ne'e, tempu labarik sira eskola la'os obriga halo serbisu, tanba ne'e husu inan-aman sira atu kria kondisaun.",
"\"Inan-aman sira tenke fo kondisaun ba oan sira atu haruka sira ba eskola, atu nune'e sira ba goza direitu ne'ebe mos hanesan no labele obriga sira atu halo fali serbisu ne'ebe maka ema boot bele halo,\" nia sublina.",
"Nasaun Unida adopta Konvensaun Direitu Labarik iha tinan 1989, ne'ebe Timor-Leste restaura independensia iha tinan 2002 no iha tinan ida kedas, Governu aprova Konvensaun ne'e, atu sai nu'udar dokumentu universal ida no iha nia laran komtempla ona Labarik sira nian direitu.",
"Tinan sanulu liu, iha tinan 2013, Timor-Leste submete ba Komisaun Direitu Labarik nian iha Nasaun Unida, no relatoriu tuir mai kona-ba implementasaun Konvensaun, no hosi neba Timor-Leste simu rekomendasaun atu dezenvolve Planu Asaun Nasional ba Labarik.",
"Aleinde ne'e, Timor-Leste adota no implementa instrumentu juridiku lubuk ida, ne'ebe ajuda hadi'a no hametin liu tan protesaun ba Direitu Labarik ne'ebe komtempla ona iha Konvensaun.",
"Planu Asaun Annual ba Labarik iha periudu 2016-2020 reflete vontade Governu Timor-Leste atu harii ambiente ne'ebe sei haforsa respeitu, protesaun no kumprimentu direitu Labarik Feto no Labarik Mane sira, iha paiz, liu-liu hirak ne'ebe moris iha situasaun ladun favoravel no iha area remota sira.",
"Tuir peskiza Organizasaun lnternasional Traballu hamutuk ho Dirasaun Jeral Estatistika iha tinan 2016, rezultadu katak traballador infatil iha Timor-Leste hamutuk 68.000 (16,1%) ne'ebe maizumenu 12,5% hosi labarik sira tinan 5 to'o 17 mak konsidera hanesan traballu infantil.",
"Previous articleTimoroan ho idade adultu 71% ativu konsumu tabaku Next article\"Moris di'ak ka aat, labele tane liman ba ema seluk\""
] | [
"MAPKOMS initiates civic education program for children | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA HEADLINE The Ministry of Public Information and Communication (MAPPCOMS) has taken the initiatives to launch a programme on child citizenship Education. Children have been swimming, doing exercises at Colmera Garden during this time as well"
"DILI, May 31st (TATOLI) - Minister of Parliamentary Affairs and Social Communication Francisco Martins da Costa Pereira Jeronimo has committed to communicate with Radio Television Timor-Leste Public Company Ltd. in order for the latter program a specific programme aimed at children as well; he said on Thursday that his ministry is working closely alongside RTTL’S public service radio station “Radio Televizaun TL”, Empreza Publika (“RTtl”), which will be broadcasting some kind or other programs targeted towards young people from all ages including those who are under age five years old"
"\"I will talk with RTTL, E.P to make a special program such as civic education for children in order that we can raise the child's consciousness and give them some thought\", Minister informado à Agência TATOLI at Ministry of Finance Aitarak-laran on Monday (10/2)."
"The thought was linked to the celebration of National Children's Day on June 1, when in person as Minister he congratulated children."
"\"I would like to congratulate the children on their national day, as they play a role of childhood in our families. Therefore it is necessary that we continue providing protection for those who are studying and stay at home; I am also requested by my parents which protect them.\""
"According to the governor, school time is not a period of work for children and therefore she asks parents that they create conditions."
"\"Parents must provide the conditions for their children to send them into school, so that they can enjoy equal rights and not be forced back on jobs which adults could do\", she emphasizes."
"The United Nations adopted the Convention on Children's Rights in 1987, which Timor-Leste ratified as a universal document and incorporated into its legislation. In December of that same year (205), it was also approving this convention to become an international treaty with all rights for children enshrineds therein:"
"A decade ago, in 2013 Timor-Leste submitted to the United Nations Committee on The Rights of Children its first and second reports regarding implementation. From that time forward it has received recommendations for a National Plan Of Action For Child Development (NPAC)."
"In addition, Timor-Leste has adopted and implemented a number of legal instruments that help to improve the protection for children's rights already enshrines in this Convention."
"The Annual Action Plan for Children in the period 2016-35 reflects Government of Timor Leste' s will to create an environment that would strengthen respect, protection and fulfilment on children rights. This is particularly true with girls who live under unfavourable conditions or are living at a distance from their families as well"
"According to a study conducted by the International Labour Organization in collaboration with Directorate General of Statistics, 2016 reported that there are about (38.5%) child workers and at least one-third or more children between five years old - seventeen were classified as being working under these conditions during this year;"
"Previous article71% of Timorese active adults smoke tobacco Next artikel\"Smell good or bad, don't wipe your hands on others.\""
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Hanorin Komunidade > Programa Edukasaun Finanseira > Loron Poupansa Nasional > Atividade Tinan 2014\nBanku Sentrál Timór-Leste lansa programa sensebilizasaun nasional atu hadi’a finansial literasia ba ita nia populasaun. Progama ne’e nian naran maka Programa Nasionál ba Edukasaun Finanseira no lansa ona iha loron 29 fulan Novembru 2014 husi Sua Exselensia Presidente da Repúblika Sr. Taur Matan Ruak. Hahu husi ohin ba oin iha loron 29 fulan Novembru sei sai hanesan loron nationál ba poupansa no tinan-tinan sei iha eventu anual atu komemora loron ne’e.\nFoto: Presidente Sr. Taur Matan Ruak, officialmente lansa programa Poupansa Nasional.\nFatin : Kampo Demokrasia Dili\nHafoin lansamentu refere, BCTL realiza kampaña nasional ho tema Poupa agora diak ba futuru. Objetivu prinsipal husi kampaña ne’e mak atu hasae konsensia kona-ba finansas ba família no negósiu ki’ik sira atu bele hamoris hábitu poupa, bele halo mudansa kona-ba hábitu gastus hodi nune’e bele hametin seguransa no estabilidade finanseira.\nHo kampaña nasionál ne’e bele sensibiliza liután ita nia populasaun sira ninia koñesementu kona-ba risku finanseiru sira no oinsá atu proteje hasoru risku hirak ne’e ho puopansa ne’ebé adekuadu, segurus no edukasaun finanseira.\nPrograma sensebilizasaun nasional refere foka liubá tema prinsipal hanesan:\nPlanu – Hanesan nasaun ida, hadia ekonomia ita nian nasaun atu nune’e bele sai nasaun ida ne’ebé mak finansialmente independente. Atu atinji ida ne’e, ita hotu persiza adapta hábitu ida kona-ba oinsá halo planu ba ita nian futuru no hahu ona atu hanoin liliu ba pratika saida mak iha halao iha ita nia moris lorloron. Planu hanesan parte esensial ida no pasu dahuluk atu ita bele finansialmente independente. Banku sira mak sai hanesan xave atu ajuda ema oinsá atu halo planu ba sira nia futuru no mos atu ajuda halo planu ba komunidade no nasaun.\nPuopa - Hanesan nasaun, sekuandu ita la halo poupa ba ita nia futuru no ida ne’e maka obstaklu bo’ot mai ita hotu. Ita presiza atu komesa hanoin kona-ba ita nia futuru no hola responsabilidade atu prudente ita nia gastus. Banku sira iha dezempenha papel importante hodi ajuda ema atu poupa, maibe presiza atu atrai ema atu rai osan iha banku no laos iha uma. Kampaña ne’e hanesan oportunidade ida mai ita hotu atu hanoin liliu kona-ba ita nia situasaun atual poupa agora diak ba futuru\nProteje - Importante atu hatene kona-ba importansia proteje saida mak ita nian- proteje ita nian futuru- ita nia oan sira; proteje buat hirak ne’ebé mak importante mai ita hanesan ita nian rendimentu, ita nian natar, ita nian to’os nsst; proteje ita nian riku soin, ita nian saude, ita nian uma. Atu proteje ita nia futuru tenki hahú hosi agora.\nHafoin lansamentu, ekipa ne’ebé husi Banku Sentral no Banku Komersial sira habelar mesajen ne’e liu husi kampaña sensibilizasaun nasionál ba distritu hotu iha Timor laran tomak. | [
"Hanorin Komunidade > Programa Edukasaun Finanseira > Loron Poupansa Nasional > Atividade Tinan 2014 Banku Sentral Timor-Leste lansa programa sensebilizasaun nasional atu hadi'a finansial literasia ba ita nia populasaun.",
"Progama ne'e nian naran maka Programa Nasional ba Edukasaun Finanseira no lansa ona iha loron 29 fulan Novembru 2014 husi Sua Exselensia Presidente da Republika Sr. Taur Matan Ruak.",
"Hahu husi ohin ba oin iha loron 29 fulan Novembru sei sai hanesan loron national ba poupansa no tinan-tinan sei iha eventu anual atu komemora loron ne'e.",
"Foto: Presidente Sr. Taur Matan Ruak, officialmente lansa programa Poupansa Nasional.",
"Fatin: Kampo Demokrasia Dili Hafoin lansamentu refere, BCTL realiza kampana nasional ho tema Poupa agora diak ba futuru.",
"Objetivu prinsipal husi kampana ne'e mak atu hasae konsensia kona-ba finansas ba familia no negosiu ki'ik sira atu bele hamoris habitu poupa, bele halo mudansa kona-ba habitu gastus hodi nune'e bele hametin seguransa no estabilidade finanseira.",
"Ho kampana nasional ne'e bele sensibiliza liutan ita nia populasaun sira ninia konesementu kona-ba risku finanseiru sira no oinsa atu proteje hasoru risku hirak ne'e ho puopansa ne'ebe adekuadu, segurus no edukasaun finanseira.",
"Programa sensebilizasaun nasional refere foka liuba tema prinsipal hanesan: Planu - Hanesan nasaun ida, hadia ekonomia ita nian nasaun atu nune'e bele sai nasaun ida ne'ebe mak finansialmente independente.",
"Atu atinji ida ne'e, ita hotu persiza adapta habitu ida kona-ba oinsa halo planu ba ita nian futuru no hahu ona atu hanoin liliu ba pratika saida mak iha halao iha ita nia moris lorloron.",
"Planu hanesan parte esensial ida no pasu dahuluk atu ita bele finansialmente independente.",
"Banku sira mak sai hanesan xave atu ajuda ema oinsa atu halo planu ba sira nia futuru no mos atu ajuda halo planu ba komunidade no nasaun.",
"Puopa - Hanesan nasaun, sekuandu ita la halo poupa ba ita nia futuru no ida ne'e maka obstaklu bo'ot mai ita hotu.",
"Ita presiza atu komesa hanoin kona-ba ita nia futuru no hola responsabilidade atu prudente ita nia gastus.",
"Banku sira iha dezempenha papel importante hodi ajuda ema atu poupa, maibe presiza atu atrai ema atu rai osan iha banku no laos iha uma.",
"Kampana ne'e hanesan oportunidade ida mai ita hotu atu hanoin liliu kona-ba ita nia situasaun atual poupa agora diak ba futuru Proteje - Importante atu hatene kona-ba importansia proteje saida mak ita nian- proteje ita nian futuru- ita nia oan sira; proteje buat hirak ne'ebe mak importante mai ita hanesan ita nian rendimentu, ita nian natar, ita nian to'os nsst; proteje ita nian riku soin, ita nian saude, ita nian uma.",
"Atu proteje ita nia futuru tenki hahu hosi agora.",
"Hafoin lansamentu, ekipa ne'ebe husi Banku Sentral no Banku Komersial sira habelar mesajen ne'e liu husi kampana sensibilizasaun nasional ba distritu hotu iha Timor laran tomak."
] | [
"Hanorin Komunidade > Programa Educação Financeira (Financial Education Program)> Loron Poupansa Nasional [National Savings Day] 2014 The Central Bank of Timor-Leste launched a national sensitization program to improve financial literacy for our population."
"The program is called the National Program for Financial Education and was launched on November 29th,14 by His Excellency President of Republic Mr. Taur Matan Ruak"
"From now on, November 29 will be the National Savings Day and an annual event to celebrate this day."
"Photo: President Taur Matan Ruak, officially launches the National Savings Program."
"Fatin: Kampo Demokrasia Dili Prior to the launch, BCTL carried out a national campaign on “Saving now for better future”."
"The main objective of the campaign is to raise financial awareness among families and small businesses so that they can improve their saving habits, make changes in spending behavior thereby enhancing security & stability."
"With this national campaign, we will raise awareness among our population about the financial risks and how to protect against them with adequate education in safe finance."
"The national awareness program focuses on the following main themes: Plan - As one country, we want to improve our economy so that it can become financially independent."
"To achieve this, we all need to adopt a habit of planning for our future and start thinking about what practices should be carried out in everyday life."
"A plan is an essential part and the first step in order for us to be financially independent."
"Banks have become key to helping people plan for their future and also assist in the planning of communities, countries."
"Puopa - As a country, if we do not save for our future and this is the great obstacle to all of us."
"We need to start thinking about our future and take responsibility for prudent spending."
"Banks play an important role in helping people save, but they need to attract more money into the bank and not home."
"This campaign is an opportunity for us all to think about our current situation and save now, better in the future Protect - It's important that we know how much it matters protecting what belonged unto you-protecting your lifetime. Our children; protection of those things which are most valuable as well: Your income or wealth (including land), nature/forestry etc..."
"To protect our future we must start now."
"Following the launch, a team from Central Bank and Commercial banks disseminated this message through national outreach campaign to all district in Timor-Leste."
] |
Banku Mundiál reafirma apoia Timor-Leste | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste\nVARANDA EKONOMIA Banku Mundiál reafirma apoia Timor-Leste\nEnkontru via virtuál entre Primeiru-Ministru, Taur Matan Ruak, ho Vise-Prezidente Banku Mundiál foun ba Aziátiku no Pasífiku, Manuela V. Ferro, tersa (23/11). Imajen/GPM\nDILI, 24 novembru 2021 (TATOLI)—Primeiru-Ministru (PM), Taur Matan Ruak, realiza reuniaun via virtuál ho Vise-Prezidente Banku Mundiál foun ba Aziátiku no Pasífiku, Manuela V. Ferro, hodi ko’alia kona-ba kompromisu entre parte rua ba prosesu dezenvolvimentu nasionál.\n“Ami ko’alia kona-ba inseguransa ai-han, nutrisaun no planu rekuperasaun ekonómika pós COVID-19, inklui hanoin balun atu hamenus levantamentu ba Fundu Petróleu ne’ebé daudaun ne’e hanesan únika fonte ba Estadu Timor-Leste, ne’ebé sei subtitui ho polítika hasa’e empréstimu, atu nune’e bele garante sustentabilidade Fundu Petrolíferu ba tinan naruk,” Xefe Governu hateten liuhosi nota ne’ebé Agência TATOLI asesu kuarta ne’e.\nAleinde ne’e, PM agradese ba parseiru ne’e no konvida Vise-Prezidente Banku Mundiál vizita Timor-Leste iha janeiru 2022, tanba sei iha planu organiza semináriu nível a’as ida kona-ba má nutrisaun iha Dili, ne’ebé presiza hetan apoiu hosi parseiru dezenvolvimentu sira.\nEnkuantu, kona-ba polítika rekuperasaun ekonómika, Vise-Prezidente apresia ho polítika ne’e no apoiu inisiativa ne’e inklui hamenus levantamentu ba Fundu Petrolífera ho hasa’e fundu impréstimu.\n“Banku Mundiál sei kontinua disponível atu apoiu Timor-Leste iha área hotu, liuliu iha inseguransa ai-han no nutrisaun, no hein katak Timor-Leste bele aproveita di’ak apoiu ne’e ba benefísiu povu Timor-Leste,” Manuela V. Ferro dehan.\nIha sorin seluk, Vise-Prezidente Banku Mundiál introdúz nia-an no ekipa iha Jakarta, Indonézia no Dili ba Xefe Governu atu kontinua diskusaun kona-ba kompromisu entre parte rua.\nNune’e, PM hato’o parabéns ba Vise-Prezidente, ba ninia kargu foun no revela polítika dezenvolvimentu nasionál.\nGovernu hahú asina akordu empréstimu ho Banku Mundiál, Banku Aziátiku Dezenvolvimentu (ADB, sigla Inglés) no Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) hamutuk ho montante millaun $457,51 iha tinan 2012 no to’o 2019.\nAleinde ne’e, empréstimu millaun $750 ne’ebé Governu iha tinan 2020 atu fasilita Governu halo negosiasaun ho banku sira, maibé la signifika katak empréstimu sira ne’e sei ezekuta hotu iha tinan ida nia laran.\nBalansu atuál ne’ebé ezekuta ona iha tinan 2012 to’o 2019 hamutuk millaun $216,4.\nPrevious articleOfisiál PNTL no F-FDTL peskiza iha Viqueque\nNext articleOssu sei komemora 28 Novembru ho desportu komunitáriu | [
"Banku Mundial reafirma apoia Timor-Leste | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA EKONOMIA Banku Mundial reafirma apoia Timor-Leste Enkontru via virtual entre Primeiru-Ministru, Taur Matan Ruak, ho Vise-Prezidente Banku Mundial foun ba Aziatiku no Pasifiku, Manuela V. Ferro, tersa (23/11).",
"Imajen/GPM DILI, 24 novembru 2021 (TATOLI) - Primeiru-Ministru (PM), Taur Matan Ruak, realiza reuniaun via virtual ho Vise-Prezidente Banku Mundial foun ba Aziatiku no Pasifiku, Manuela V. Ferro, hodi ko'alia kona-ba kompromisu entre parte rua ba prosesu dezenvolvimentu nasional.",
"\"Ami ko'alia kona-ba inseguransa ai-han, nutrisaun no planu rekuperasaun ekonomika pos COVID-19, inklui hanoin balun atu hamenus levantamentu ba Fundu Petroleu ne'ebe daudaun ne'e hanesan unika fonte ba Estadu Timor-Leste, ne'ebe sei subtitui ho politika hasa'e emprestimu, atu nune'e bele garante sustentabilidade Fundu Petroliferu ba tinan naruk,\" Xefe Governu hateten liuhosi nota ne'ebe Agencia TATOLI asesu kuarta ne'e.",
"Aleinde ne'e, PM agradese ba parseiru ne'e no konvida Vise-Prezidente Banku Mundial vizita Timor-Leste iha janeiru 2022, tanba sei iha planu organiza seminariu nivel a'as ida kona-ba ma nutrisaun iha Dili, ne'ebe presiza hetan apoiu hosi parseiru dezenvolvimentu sira.",
"Enkuantu, kona-ba politika rekuperasaun ekonomika, Vise-Prezidente apresia ho politika ne'e no apoiu inisiativa ne'e inklui hamenus levantamentu ba Fundu Petrolifera ho hasa'e fundu imprestimu.",
"\"Banku Mundial sei kontinua disponivel atu apoiu Timor-Leste iha area hotu, liuliu iha inseguransa ai-han no nutrisaun, no hein katak Timor-Leste bele aproveita di'ak apoiu ne'e ba benefisiu povu Timor-Leste,\" Manuela V. Ferro dehan.",
"Iha sorin seluk, Vise-Prezidente Banku Mundial introduz nia-an no ekipa iha Jakarta, Indonezia no Dili ba Xefe Governu atu kontinua diskusaun kona-ba kompromisu entre parte rua.",
"Nune'e, PM hato'o parabens ba Vise-Prezidente, ba ninia kargu foun no revela politika dezenvolvimentu nasional.",
"Governu hahu asina akordu emprestimu ho Banku Mundial, Banku Aziatiku Dezenvolvimentu (ADB, sigla Ingles) no Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) hamutuk ho montante millaun $457,51 iha tinan 2012 no to'o 2019.",
"Aleinde ne'e, emprestimu millaun $750 ne'ebe Governu iha tinan 2020 atu fasilita Governu halo negosiasaun ho banku sira, maibe la signifika katak emprestimu sira ne'e sei ezekuta hotu iha tinan ida nia laran.",
"Balansu atual ne'ebe ezekuta ona iha tinan 2012 to'o 2019 hamutuk millaun $216,4.",
"Previous articleOfisial PNTL no F-FDTL peskiza iha Viqueque Next articleOssu sei komemora 28 Novembru ho desportu komunitariu"
] | [
"World Bank reaffirms support for Timor-Leste | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timór - Leste VARANDA EKONOMIA The virtual meeting between Prime Minister Taur Matan Ruak and the new Vice President of Asia Pacific, Manuella Ferro took place on Tuesday (23/10)."
"Image/GPM DILI, November 24th (TATOLI) - Prime Minister Taur Matan Ruak held a virtual meeting with the new World Bank Vice-President for Asia and Pacific Manuela V. Ferro to discuss commitment between both sides on national development processes in Timor Leste today at Dili International Convention Center(DIC)."
"\"We talked about food insecurity, nutrition and the post-COVID19 economic recovery plan. We also discussed some ideas to reduce withdrawals from Petroleum Fund which is currently Timor Leste's only source of income; this will be replaced by a policy for increasing borrowing in order that we can guarantee long term sustainability at our oil fund.\""
"In addition, PM thanked the partner and invited World Bank Vice President to visit Timor-Leste in January 2019 as there are plans for a high level seminar on nutrition at Dili which needs support from development partners."
"Meanwhile, with regard to the economic recovery policies that have been introduced by President Lula da Silva and Vice-President Dilma Rousseff in 2014. The vice president praised these policy initiatives which include reducing payment of taxes on oil products while increasing loans from foreign countries for investment projects such as nuclear power plants or infrastructure development programs (IED)."
"\"The World Bank will remain available to support Timor-Leste in all areas, particularly food insecurity and nutrition. We hope that the country can make good use of this assistance for its people's benefit.\""
"Meanwhile, the World Bank Vice-President introduced himself and his team in Jakarta (Indonesia) to Chief Minister Dili for further discussions on compromises between both sides."
"Thus, PM congratulated the Vice-President on his new post and revealed national development policy."
"The Government has signed loan agreements with the World Bank, Asian Development bank (ADB) and Japan International Cooperation Agency for a total of $457.61 million in loans from year-end payment to end date between January/February & December /January - February"
"In addition, the $750 million loans that Government has in 29 to facilitate government negotiations with banks do not mean they will all be spent within one year."
"The current balance that has been implemented in the years 2013 through to now amounts $46.9 billion (US$57,8 million)."
"Previous articlePolice and F-FDTL officers conduct research in Viqueque Next artikelOssu will celebrate November 28 with community sport"
] |
LH Husu ba Governu Implementa OGE 2012 – Radio Liberdade Dili – FM 95.8 Mhz\nRadio, online – Sosieadade Sivil Luta Hamutuk (LH) husu ba IV governu atu konsistensia uza Orsamentu Geral do Estadu (OGE) 2012 hodi halao duni dezenvolvimentu nasaun ho hadia povu nia moris.\nDiretor LH Mericio Akara kasu lia hirak ne’e liu husi konferensia da emprensa iha nia knar fatin Farol Tersa, (27/3).\nIha OGE 2012 ne’e governu halo planu /programa prioridades 7 ne’ebe mensiona iha livru Orsamentu Geral do Estadu (OGE) 2012 mak hanesan Infranstruktura bazika, dezenvolvimentu rural, dezenvolvimentu rekursu humanus, asesu justisa, service delivery to the public, good governance no seguranca /estabilidade.\nLH konsedera iha 2012 governu propoin osamentu ne’ebe bot hamutuk biliaun $1.6 hodi finansia planu prioridades hirak ne’e. Maibe iha tempu mak hanesan governu mos presiza halao agenda politika rua mak inportante mos, mak hanesan Eleisaun presidensial ne’ebe lao II ronda nomos eleisaun legistalivas ne’ebe sei halao iha fulan Jullu oin mai.\nRelasiona ho agenda politika /festa demokrasia ne’e, Luta Hamutuk preokupa tebes ho kualidade ezekusaun osamentu geral do estadu ba tinan fiscal 2012 nian,ne’ebe aprovadu ona hamutuk Biliaun US$ 1,6 Dolar amerikanu,bele dehan mos katak montante osamentu ne’e mak boot liu durante hahu husi ano fiscal 2002 ate 2012 dehan Director Luta Hamutuk Mericio Akara liu husi konfrensia da imprensa 27/3/12.\nMericio hatutan katak inisiu proposta osamentu geral do estadu ne’ebe governu hato’o ba parlamentu nasional.\nLuta Hamutuk rasik deklara ona katak ezekusaun OGE ho montante bot ne’e sei la lao ho efektivu tamba kapasidade ezekusaun governu ne’ebe mak sei limitadu tebes.alen de ne’e luta hamutuk mos preokupa ho tempu ne’ebe sei la sufisiente ba governu atu halao ezekusaun programa tuir planu.maibe governu kontinua nafatin no hetan aprovasaun husi parlamentu nasional.\nDirector Luta Hamutuk afirma liu tan katak realidade hatudu katak fulan tolu ona (Janeiru-marsu)governu foin mak ezekuta osamentu hamutuk Miliaun US$ 226,9 dolar amerikanu (13.5%)husi Biliaun US$ 1,6 dolar amerikanu, LH fiar katak hahu husi fulan abril to Dezembru (fim do ano).governu sei lakonsege ezekuta hotu osamentu ho diak tamba governu rasik sei infrenta aktividade politika presidensial no legislative ne’ebe sei prejudiku kualidade ezekusaun osamentu.\nLuta hamutuk kestiona ezekusaun governu ba tinan 2012 ho osamentu ne’ebe bot tamba iha tinan kotuk 2011 iha programa /projetu PDD I no II barak mak reapropriasaun fali ba tinan 2012 tamba la konsege ezekuta hotu programa prioridades hirak ne’e tinan 2012.\nTamba ne’e luta hamutuk husu ba orgaun kompetente atu halo kontrolu forte ba ezekusaun osamentu estadu tamba nesesidade politika ne’e bele kria money politic iha ita nia rain,nune osamentu ne’ebe kada tinan aprova sei la benefisia ba povu maibe benefisia deit ba ema balun deit nia interese politika.\nKAK Investiga Ministra Emilia | [
"LH Husu ba Governu Implementa OGE 2012 - Radio Liberdade Dili - FM 95.8 Mhz Radio, online - Sosieadade Sivil Luta Hamutuk (LH) husu ba IV governu atu konsistensia uza Orsamentu Geral do Estadu (OGE) 2012 hodi halao duni dezenvolvimentu nasaun ho hadia povu nia moris.",
"Diretor LH Mericio Akara kasu lia hirak ne'e liu husi konferensia da emprensa iha nia knar fatin Farol Tersa, (27/3).",
"Iha OGE 2012 ne'e governu halo planu /programa prioridades 7 ne'ebe mensiona iha livru Orsamentu Geral do Estadu (OGE) 2012 mak hanesan Infranstruktura bazika, dezenvolvimentu rural, dezenvolvimentu rekursu humanus, asesu justisa, service delivery to the public, good governance no seguranca /estabilidade.",
"LH konsedera iha 2012 governu propoin osamentu ne'ebe bot hamutuk biliaun $1.6 hodi finansia planu prioridades hirak ne'e.",
"Maibe iha tempu mak hanesan governu mos presiza halao agenda politika rua mak inportante mos, mak hanesan Eleisaun presidensial ne'ebe lao II ronda nomos eleisaun legistalivas ne'ebe sei halao iha fulan Jullu oin mai.",
"Relasiona ho agenda politika /festa demokrasia ne'e, Luta Hamutuk preokupa tebes ho kualidade ezekusaun osamentu geral do estadu ba tinan fiscal 2012 nian,ne'ebe aprovadu ona hamutuk Biliaun US$ 1,6 Dolar amerikanu,bele dehan mos katak montante osamentu ne'e mak boot liu durante hahu husi ano fiscal 2002 ate 2012 dehan Director Luta Hamutuk Mericio Akara liu husi konfrensia da imprensa 27/3/12.",
"Mericio hatutan katak inisiu proposta osamentu geral do estadu ne'ebe governu hato'o ba parlamentu nasional.",
"Luta Hamutuk rasik deklara ona katak ezekusaun OGE ho montante bot ne'e sei la lao ho efektivu tamba kapasidade ezekusaun governu ne'ebe mak sei limitadu tebes.alen de ne'e luta hamutuk mos preokupa ho tempu ne'ebe sei la sufisiente ba governu atu halao ezekusaun programa tuir planu.maibe governu kontinua nafatin no hetan aprovasaun husi parlamentu nasional.",
"Director Luta Hamutuk afirma liu tan katak realidade hatudu katak fulan tolu ona (Janeiru-marsu) governu foin mak ezekuta osamentu hamutuk Miliaun US$ 226,9 dolar amerikanu (13.5%) husi Biliaun US$ 1,6 dolar amerikanu, LH fiar katak hahu husi fulan abril to Dezembru (fim do ano).governu sei lakonsege ezekuta hotu osamentu ho diak tamba governu rasik sei infrenta aktividade politika presidensial no legislative ne'ebe sei prejudiku kualidade ezekusaun osamentu.",
"Luta hamutuk kestiona ezekusaun governu ba tinan 2012 ho osamentu ne'ebe bot tamba iha tinan kotuk 2011 iha programa /projetu PDD I no II barak mak reapropriasaun fali ba tinan 2012 tamba la konsege ezekuta hotu programa prioridades hirak ne'e tinan 2012.",
"Tamba ne'e luta hamutuk husu ba orgaun kompetente atu halo kontrolu forte ba ezekusaun osamentu estadu tamba nesesidade politika ne'e bele kria money politic iha ita nia rain,nune osamentu ne'ebe kada tinan aprova sei la benefisia ba povu maibe benefisia deit ba ema balun deit nia interese politika.",
"KAK Investiga Ministra Emilia"
] | [
"LH Calls on Government to Implement the General State Budget (OGE) for Development - Radio Liberdade Dili – FM95.8 Mhz, online-Society Civil Society Luta Hamutuk has called upon its fourth government consistently utilize and implement Oge2013 in order that development can be achieved by improving people' s lives"
"LH Director Mericio Akara made these statements during a conference on entrepreneurship at his office in Farol, Tersa (27/3)."
"In OGE 2013 the government made plans/programmes of priorities which are mentioned in book General State Budget (GSB) for this year, such as basic infrastructures; rural development and human resource Development. access to justice service delivery To The public good governance security / stability"
"LH considered in the government proposed budget of $1.6 billion to finance these priority plans, which was approved by Parliament on June"
"But at the same time, as a government it also needs to carry out two important political agendas: presidential elections which are in their second round and legislative election that will be held next July."
"Regarding the political agenda / celebration of democracy, Luta Hamutuk is very concerned with quality execution general state spending for fiscal year 2013 which has been approved total US$4.5 Billion American Dollars and it can also be said that this amount was bigger than any other during financial years from FY-98 to f/w -76 says director Mericio Akara through a press conference held on Tuesday (March) at Luta Hamuk'S headquarters in Dili City"
"Mericio said that the initial proposal for a general state budget was submitted to national parliament by government."
"Luta Hamutuk itself has declared that the implementation of OGE with this large amount will not work effectively because government's execution capacity which is very limited.Also together fight also concerned about time insufficient for Government to carry out program performance as planned,but govt continue and get approval from national parliament ;"
"Director Luta Hamutuk further affirms that reality shows three months ago (January-March) the government has only executed US$ 26.9 million of spending totaling $13,5% from USD USD billion one and sixteen thousand dollars American dollar; Lh believe it will start in April to December(end do ano). The Government won't be able implement all expenditure properly because they themselves are facing presidential political activity which would affect quality implementation outcomes"
"The joint struggle questioned the government's implementation for 2013 with poor allocation because in last year, many PDD I and II programs / projects were reappropriated back to this budget since they could not execute all of these priority program."
"Therefore, the joint struggle asks competent organs to make strong control of state budget execution because this political necessity can create money politic in our country. The spending that is approved every year will not benefit people but only some few' politica interest ones and they are just a small part thereof!"
"KAK Investigates Minister Emilia"
] |
Dala ida - Tetum - Português Tradução e exemplos\nVocê procurou por: dala ida (Tetum - Português)\nrai ida be hau moris\nhaksoit yha ai ida ba ai seluk\nhaksoit that ai ida ba ai seluk\nloron ohin hanesan loron ida ne'ebe\nfavor spesifika pakote ida mak atu re-konfigura\npor favor especifique um pacote para reconfigurar\npedagigia mak hnesan ramu ida nebe ita uza hodi estuda ou hakerek\nida nee disku boot %u hatama disku boot %u\neste é o disco de arranque %u. insira o disco de arranque %u.\ndisku boot ida nee la los. favor ida hatama disku boot %u\neste não é um disco de arranque adequado. por favor insira o disco de arranque %u.\nlaboratório hanesan fatin ida nebe professor ho estudante sira halibur malu hamutuk iha fatin nee hodi halao prática\nagradese ba aman maromk neebe ohin haraik tan pasu ida mai hau agradese mos ba apa ho ama neebe kuidadu hau husi kiik to boot\nantes atan hau inisia dscurco ida ne,e hakarak, hasae agradese ba nai nebe nafatin fo bencao mai ita hotu\ngnome inklui mos plataforma dezenvolvimentu kompletu ba programmer aplikasaun sira, atu kria aplikasaun ida nebe forti nomos kompletu.\ngnome também inclui uma completa plataforma de desenvolvimento para programadores, que lhes permite criarem complexas e poderosas aplicações.\nkurríkulu mak prosesu aprendizajen tomak ne’ebé mak planeadu no gia hosi eskola, organiza iha grupu ou indivídu, hola fatin iha eskola laran ka eskola li’ur . ida-ne’e prosesu ida-ne’ebé envolve tranzmisaun koñesimentu liuhosi ensinu no aprendizajen hosi manorin ba estudante sira, hodi bele atinje rezultadu ida-ne’ebé iha mudansa pozitiva no mudansa ne’ebé hakarak hosi kualidade edukasaun nian.\nliurai ne'e matenek teb-tebes, ninia ema sira hadomi liu nia, nune'e mós nia hadomi ninia ema sira ne'ebé sempre tuir no hakruuk ba nia. liurai mós iha oan-feto ida ne'ebé bonita loos ho naran harek manek signifika "hare ne'ebé kapas " no ema hotu iha reinu ida-ne'e hadomi tebes nia.\ntimor-leste hanesan nasaun ida ne'ebe ki'ik liu iha mundo asiatiku no hamrik hanesan nasaun ida independente, ne'ebe hetan restaurasaun independensia ba dala uluk iha loron 20 fulan maio 2002. tuir ita hotu hatne katak ita nia nasaun timor-leste hari'i liu husi prosesu ne;ebe difisil no jovem barak mak lakon sira nia vida hodi sosa ukun rasik a'an ida ne'e. juventude mak ai riin ba nasaun timor-leste, papel foin sae importante tebes, tamba jovem mak sai hanesan kontrolu social, nudar matan no tilun ba povu sira hodi hatuur soberania iha paz, seguransa no estabilidade. tuir politika sejd ih v governo konstitusional katak juventude mak foinsa'e feto no mane ne'ebe kompleta ona ba tinan17 to'o 25, signifika katak serve duni atu tau a'an hanesan jovem ne'ebe forte hodi hala'o sira nia papel importante hanesan promotor ba paz no garante seguransa nasaun timor-leste ne'ebe prosperu, nune'e mos konsagra ona iha konstitusaun da rdtl iha artigo 19, alinea 1 hatete katak, estadu sei foti no fo brani ba fetora'an no mane klosan sira atu sira bele hakuak metin unidade nasional, bele hari'i hodi tuba no haburas nasaun ne'e.\n1.\tsiguranÇa no estabilidade timor-leste hanesan nasaun ida ne’ebe ki’ik liu iha mundu asiátiku no hamrik hanesan nasaun ida independente,ne’ebe hetan restaurasaun independensia ba dala uluk iha loron 20 fulan maio 2002. tuir ita hotu hatene katak ita nia nasaun timor-leste hari’i liu husi prosesu ne’ebe difisil no joven barak mak lakon sira nia vida hodi sosa ukun rasik a’an ida ne’e. joventude maka ai riin ba nasaun timor leste,papel foinsae importante tebes, tamba joven mak sai hanesan kontrolu sosisal, nudar matan no tilun ba povu sira hodi hatuur nasaun soberania iha paz,siguransa no estabilidade. tuir politika sejd iha v governo konstituisional katak joventude mak foins’ae feto no mane ne’ebe kompleta ona ba tinan 17 to’o 25, signifika katak serve duni atu tau a’an hanesan joven ne’ebe forte hodi halao sira nia papel importante hanesan promotor ba paz no garante siguransa nasaun timor leste ne’ebe prósperu. nune ‘e mos konsagra ona iha konstituisaun rdtl iha artigo19,alinea 1 hatete katak,estadu sei foti no fo barani ba fetora’an no mane klosan sira atu sira bele hakoak metin unidade nasional,bele hari’i hodi tuba no haburas nasaun ne’e. rajaun fundamental husi sub-topik ida ne’e mak 1.\tpromove paz no estabilidade hodi garante siguransa ne’ebe dignu. 2.\tpartisipasaun foinsae iha prosesu desemvolvimentu nasional ho siguransa kualifikadu. husi sira nee hotu maibe mos desafiu barak mak sei desafia hela ita hanesan; 1.\tjoven sira abandona sira estudu tamba liberdade ohin loron fo espacu makas ba joven atu halo asaun no foti desijaun arbiru det. 2.\tjoven sira vulneravel ba oportunidade,falta imformasaun hodi kria problema liu grupo husi arte marsial sira. ho dezafiu sira iha leten mak solusiona hanesan tuir mai ne’e: 1.\tmaske joven barak abandona hela, maibe forca no siguransa liu husi pntl no f-fdtl asegura nafatin estabilidade iha nasaun timor leste. 2.\tpolitika nain sira nafatin kria lei hodi assegura arte marsial sira atu promove unidade ba joven sira iha nasaun ida nee. enfin hau nia discursu ida ne’e hakarak konklui katak joven forte nasaun forte,no joven matenek, nasaun hakmatek,unidade nasional mak save ba desemvolvimentu. atu termina permite ida ne’e, hakarak rekomendasaun ministeriu relevante sira hotu katak; kapasita nafatin joven sira liu husi formasaun oi oin,liu husi sejd atu lasu amizade entre joven ida ho joven seluk hodi garante siguransa ba futuru nasaun soberanu ida nee nia estabilidade. 3.\tsaÚde e prevenÇÃo de riscos e doenÇas timor-leste hanesan nasaun ida ne’ebe ki’ik liu iha mundu asiátiku no hamrik hanesan nasaun ida independente,ne’ebe hetan restaurasaun independensia ba dala uluk iha loron 20 de maio 2002. tuir ita hotu hatene katak ita nia nasaun timor-leste hari’i liu husi prosesu ne’ebe difisil no eroi barak mak lakon sira nia vida hodi sosa ukun rasik a’an ida ne’e. joventude maka ai riin ba nasaun timor leste,papel foinsae importante tebes, tamba joven mak sai hanesan kontrolu sosisal, nudar matan no tilun ba povu sira hodi hatuur nasaun soberania iha paz,siguransa no estabilidade. sidadaun hotu-hotu iha direitu ba saúde no asistênsia médika ho sanitária no mós iha devér atu defende no promove saúde. tuir konstituisaun repúblika, artigo 57 alinea 2 katak: estadu halao no hari servisu nasional saúde universal ba ema hotu-hotu tuir nia kbi’it, gratuita/ la selu tuir lei haruka. tuir oms direto ba saude katak..? halakon descriminasaun iha maneira hotu-hotu. nu’une bele halo prevensaun ba risco moras sira liu husi programa no atividades prinsipais hanesan: saude materna infantil, eradikasaun moras hadaet, edukasaun saude, saude ambiental , laboratoriu de saude no statik vital rekolha dadus moras no halo grafiku. rajaun prinsipal husi sub-tema ida ne’e maka 1.\thadi‟a prestasaun kuidadus saúde iha país tomak, ho atensaun espesial ba juventude sira liu-liu joven sira ne’ebe abandona hela no ransu livre. 2.\treduz impaktu no aumenta konsiensializasaun ho prevensaun kona-ba moras hanesan: hivsida, tuberkuloze, asma, malária, dengue, no lepra. husi sira ne hotu maibe mos dezafius barak mak dezafia hela ita hanesan: 1.\tohin loron sidadaun hotu la kuidadu saude ho diak hodi la halo kontrolasaun iha sentro saude sira. 2.\tohin loron ita nia joven barak la kuidadu saude no lakon futuru tan det, ransu livre, konsumu alkohol livre no sexo livre. exelencia sira hotu : ho dezafiu sira iha leten mak solusiona hanesan tuir mai ne’e: joven barak laiha konsiensia atu kuidadusaude hodiak maibe mos governu liu husi ministerio saude nafatin kontinua halo promosaun prevensaun liu husi meios oioin hodi hato informasaun no motivasaun ba povu tomak nu’une bele atinje metas ministerio saude nian: emar timor saudavel hela iha timor-leste ne’ebe saudavel. enfin hau nia discursu ida ne’e hakarak konklui husi oms katak kuidadu saude tenki fornese ba ema hotu, la hare ba rasa,tinan,jeneru no estatus sira seluk. atu termina permite ida ne’e, hakarak rekomenda hela ba maluk juventude tomak, atu garante saude bem estar iha ita nia rai doben ida ne, iha ita joventude sira nia liman ne’e duni, hahu gra, tamba loron aban hahu ohin, ho inspirador aristoteles hateten estudying yesterday, live for today and hope for tomorow day 3.\tpromoÇÃo da cultura timor-leste hanesan nasaun ida ne’ebe ki’ik liu iha mundu asiátiku no hamrik hanesan nasaun ida independente,ne’ebe hetan restaurasaun independensia ba dala uluk iha loron 20 de maio 2002. tuir ita hotu hatene katak ita nia nasaun timor-leste hari’i liu husi prosesu ne’ebe difisil no eroi barak mak lakon sira nia vida hodi sosa ukun rasik a’an ida ne’e. joventude maka ai riin ba nasaun timor leste,papel foinsae importante tebes, tamba joven mak sai hanesan kontrolu sosisal, nudar matan no tilun ba povu sira hodi hatuur nasaun soberania iha paz,siguransa no estabilidade. kultura hanesan identidade nasaun, uniku rai doben timorlorosae kultura iha vantagem bo’ot tamba bele lori ita respeito malu konese malu no kria unidade entre timoroan tomak. tuir perito (tylor) katak kultura mak hanesan konseitu kompleksidade mak arte, moral, lei no kustume iha membro sociedade tomak rajaun prinsipal husi sub-tema ida ne maka: atu garante promosaun diak ba ita nia kultura rasik, nu’une bele hatudu mundo seluk katak ita origem kultura ida ne’ebe mak hamrik nanis antes restaurasaun independensia. maibe dezafiu barak mak dezafia hela ita hanesan.? 1.\tfoinsae sira abandona sira estudu tamba kbiit finaseiru neebe mak hetan influensia makas husi kultura tradisaun. 2.\tohin loron, sidadaun barak adapta liu modernijasaun ida gra, hodi la tau importansia ba ita nai cultura rasik. ho dezafiu sira iha leten mak solusiona hanesan tuir mai ne’e: 1.\tpolitika nain sira nafatin tau importansia no promove kultura timor leste, nu’une bele unidade ba joven sira iha nasaun ida nee. 2.\ttuir perito (massenzio,) kultura laos eransa jenetika maibe rejultadu husi ema nia determinasaun kontekstu sosial, nu’une mos ema nia adaptasaun ba ambiente sira hela ba. enfin hau nia discursu ida ne’e hakarak konklui katak nu’udar ema humano ida, ita tenki moris tuir ida-idak nia kultura, no ita nia nasaun mo iha kultura ne’ebe sei forte no makas, bele aplika ema seluk nia kultura maibe hare mos ita nia identidade kultura ne’ebe sei forte. atu termina permite ida ne’e, hakarak rekomenda hela ba maluk juventude tomak katak ita presija halo mudansa ruma iha kultura nia laran maibe la halakon valor husi kultura.\nclorurazione (Italiano>Dinamarquês )sociedades que se extinguirem (Português>Dinamarquês )dungol kaau (Tagalo>Inglês)ribić (Sérvio>Inglês)tôm chục (Vietnamita>Chinês (simplificado))entrare (Espanhol>Chinês (simplificado))han rådde om henne (Sueco>Inglês)why what ? (Inglês>Coreano)selettore a 3 posizioni stabili (Italiano>Sueco)c'est beau ca (Francês>Inglês)aim of my life of social worker nepali language (Inglês>Nepalês)ac mae atig ydy ystafell chwarae (Galês>Dinamarquês )necesito su firma (Espanhol>Dinamarquês )green men (Inglês>Latim)سكس مصر (Inglês>Francês)å…åƒä¸‡å¤šå¹´ (Chinês (simplificado)>Inglês)възстановяване (Italiano>Esloveno)hierdoor (Holandês>Francês)scegli quello di cui hai bisogno (Italiano>Dinamarquês )kayang mabili (Tagalo>Inglês)ecológicas (Português>Italiano)last seen yesterday at (Inglês>Usbeque)frustración (Espanhol>Indonésio)revideringen (Sueco>Inglês)type the text you see here (Inglês>Indonésio) | [
"Dala ida - Tetum - Portugues Traducao e exemplos Voce procurou por: dala ida (Tetum - Portugues) rai ida be hau moris haksoit yha ai ida ba ai seluk haksoit that ai ida ba ai seluk loron ohin hanesan loron ida ne'ebe favor spesifika pakote ida mak atu re-konfigura por favor especifique um pacote para reconfigurar pedagigia mak hnesan ramu ida nebe ita uza hodi estuda ou hakerek ida nee disku boot %u hatama disku boot %u este e o disco de arranque %u. insira o disco de arranque %u. disku boot ida nee la los. favor ida hatama disku boot %u este nao e um disco de arranque adequado. por favor insira o disco de arranque %u. laboratorio hanesan fatin ida nebe professor ho estudante sira halibur malu hamutuk iha fatin nee hodi halao pratica agradese ba aman maromk neebe ohin haraik tan pasu ida mai hau agradese mos ba apa ho ama neebe kuidadu hau husi kiik to boot antes atan hau inisia dscurco ida ne,e hakarak, hasae agradese ba nai nebe nafatin fo bencao mai ita hotu gnome inklui mos plataforma dezenvolvimentu kompletu ba programmer aplikasaun sira, atu kria aplikasaun ida nebe forti nomos kompletu. gnome tambem inclui uma completa plataforma de desenvolvimento para programadores, que lhes permite criarem complexas e poderosas aplicacoes. kurrikulu mak prosesu aprendizajen tomak ne'ebe mak planeadu no gia hosi eskola, organiza iha grupu ou individu, hola fatin iha eskola laran ka eskola li'ur . ida-ne'e prosesu ida-ne'ebe envolve tranzmisaun konesimentu liuhosi ensinu no aprendizajen hosi manorin ba estudante sira, hodi bele atinje rezultadu ida-ne'ebe iha mudansa pozitiva no mudansa ne'ebe hakarak hosi kualidade edukasaun nian. liurai ne'e matenek teb-tebes, ninia ema sira hadomi liu nia, nune'e mos nia hadomi ninia ema sira ne'ebe sempre tuir no hakruuk ba nia. liurai mos iha oan-feto ida ne'ebe bonita loos ho naran harek manek signifika \"hare ne'ebe kapas \" no ema hotu iha reinu ida-ne'e hadomi tebes nia. timor-leste hanesan nasaun ida ne'ebe ki'ik liu iha mundo asiatiku no hamrik hanesan nasaun ida independente, ne'ebe hetan restaurasaun independensia ba dala uluk iha loron 20 fulan maio 2002. tuir ita hotu hatne katak ita nia nasaun timor-leste hari'i liu husi prosesu ne;ebe difisil no jovem barak mak lakon sira nia vida hodi sosa ukun rasik a'an ida ne'e. juventude mak ai riin ba nasaun timor-leste, papel foin sae importante tebes, tamba jovem mak sai hanesan kontrolu social, nudar matan no tilun ba povu sira hodi hatuur soberania iha paz, seguransa no estabilidade. tuir politika sejd ih v governo konstitusional katak juventude mak foinsa'e feto no mane ne'ebe kompleta ona ba tinan17 to'o 25, signifika katak serve duni atu tau a'an hanesan jovem ne'ebe forte hodi hala'o sira nia papel importante hanesan promotor ba paz no garante seguransa nasaun timor-leste ne'ebe prosperu, nune'e mos konsagra ona iha konstitusaun da rdtl iha artigo 19, alinea 1 hatete katak, estadu sei foti no fo brani ba fetora'an no mane klosan sira atu sira bele hakuak metin unidade nasional, bele hari'i hodi tuba no haburas nasaun ne'e.",
"1. siguranCa no estabilidade timor-leste hanesan nasaun ida ne'ebe ki'ik liu iha mundu asiatiku no hamrik hanesan nasaun ida independente,ne'ebe hetan restaurasaun independensia ba dala uluk iha loron 20 fulan maio 2002. tuir ita hotu hatene katak ita nia nasaun timor-leste hari'i liu husi prosesu ne'ebe difisil no joven barak mak lakon sira nia vida hodi sosa ukun rasik a'an ida ne'e. joventude maka ai riin ba nasaun timor leste,papel foinsae importante tebes, tamba joven mak sai hanesan kontrolu sosisal, nudar matan no tilun ba povu sira hodi hatuur nasaun soberania iha paz,siguransa no estabilidade. tuir politika sejd iha v governo konstituisional katak joventude mak foins'ae feto no mane ne'ebe kompleta ona ba tinan 17 to'o 25, signifika katak serve duni atu tau a'an hanesan joven ne'ebe forte hodi halao sira nia papel importante hanesan promotor ba paz no garante siguransa nasaun timor leste ne'ebe prosperu. nune 'e mos konsagra ona iha konstituisaun rdtl iha artigo19,alinea 1 hatete katak,estadu sei foti no fo barani ba fetora'an no mane klosan sira atu sira bele hakoak metin unidade nasional,bele hari'i hodi tuba no haburas nasaun ne'e. rajaun fundamental husi sub-topik ida ne'e mak 1. promove paz no estabilidade hodi garante siguransa ne'ebe dignu.",
"2. partisipasaun foinsae iha prosesu desemvolvimentu nasional ho siguransa kualifikadu. husi sira nee hotu maibe mos desafiu barak mak sei desafia hela ita hanesan; 1. joven sira abandona sira estudu tamba liberdade ohin loron fo espacu makas ba joven atu halo asaun no foti desijaun arbiru det.",
"2. joven sira vulneravel ba oportunidade,falta imformasaun hodi kria problema liu grupo husi arte marsial sira. ho dezafiu sira iha leten mak solusiona hanesan tuir mai ne'e: 1. maske joven barak abandona hela, maibe forca no siguransa liu husi pntl no f-fdtl asegura nafatin estabilidade iha nasaun timor leste.",
"2. politika nain sira nafatin kria lei hodi assegura arte marsial sira atu promove unidade ba joven sira iha nasaun ida nee. enfin hau nia discursu ida ne'e hakarak konklui katak joven forte nasaun forte,no joven matenek, nasaun hakmatek,unidade nasional mak save ba desemvolvimentu. atu termina permite ida ne'e, hakarak rekomendasaun ministeriu relevante sira hotu katak; kapasita nafatin joven sira liu husi formasaun oi oin,liu husi sejd atu lasu amizade entre joven ida ho joven seluk hodi garante siguransa ba futuru nasaun soberanu ida nee nia estabilidade.",
"3. saUde e prevenCAo de riscos e doenCas timor-leste hanesan nasaun ida ne'ebe ki'ik liu iha mundu asiatiku no hamrik hanesan nasaun ida independente,ne'ebe hetan restaurasaun independensia ba dala uluk iha loron 20 de maio 2002. tuir ita hotu hatene katak ita nia nasaun timor-leste hari'i liu husi prosesu ne'ebe difisil no eroi barak mak lakon sira nia vida hodi sosa ukun rasik a'an ida ne'e. joventude maka ai riin ba nasaun timor leste,papel foinsae importante tebes, tamba joven mak sai hanesan kontrolu sosisal, nudar matan no tilun ba povu sira hodi hatuur nasaun soberania iha paz,siguransa no estabilidade. sidadaun hotu-hotu iha direitu ba saude no asistensia medika ho sanitaria no mos iha dever atu defende no promove saude. tuir konstituisaun republika, artigo 57 alinea 2 katak: estadu halao no hari servisu nasional saude universal ba ema hotu-hotu tuir nia kbi'it, gratuita/ la selu tuir lei haruka. tuir oms direto ba saude katak..? halakon descriminasaun iha maneira hotu-hotu. nu'une bele halo prevensaun ba risco moras sira liu husi programa no atividades prinsipais hanesan: saude materna infantil, eradikasaun moras hadaet, edukasaun saude, saude ambiental , laboratoriu de saude no statik vital rekolha dadus moras no halo grafiku. rajaun prinsipal husi sub-tema ida ne'e maka 1. hadi\"a prestasaun kuidadus saude iha pais tomak, ho atensaun espesial ba juventude sira liu-liu joven sira ne'ebe abandona hela no ransu livre.",
"2. reduz impaktu no aumenta konsiensializasaun ho prevensaun kona-ba moras hanesan: hivsida, tuberkuloze, asma, malaria, dengue, no lepra. husi sira ne hotu maibe mos dezafius barak mak dezafia hela ita hanesan: 1. ohin loron sidadaun hotu la kuidadu saude ho diak hodi la halo kontrolasaun iha sentro saude sira.",
"2. ohin loron ita nia joven barak la kuidadu saude no lakon futuru tan det, ransu livre, konsumu alkohol livre no sexo livre. exelencia sira hotu: ho dezafiu sira iha leten mak solusiona hanesan tuir mai ne'e: joven barak laiha konsiensia atu kuidadusaude hodiak maibe mos governu liu husi ministerio saude nafatin kontinua halo promosaun prevensaun liu husi meios oioin hodi hato informasaun no motivasaun ba povu tomak nu'une bele atinje metas ministerio saude nian: emar timor saudavel hela iha timor-leste ne'ebe saudavel. enfin hau nia discursu ida ne'e hakarak konklui husi oms katak kuidadu saude tenki fornese ba ema hotu, la hare ba rasa,tinan,jeneru no estatus sira seluk. atu termina permite ida ne'e, hakarak rekomenda hela ba maluk juventude tomak, atu garante saude bem estar iha ita nia rai doben ida ne, iha ita joventude sira nia liman ne'e duni, hahu gra, tamba loron aban hahu ohin, ho inspirador aristoteles hateten estudying yesterday, live for today and hope for tomorow day 3. promoCAo da cultura timor-leste hanesan nasaun ida ne'ebe ki'ik liu iha mundu asiatiku no hamrik hanesan nasaun ida independente,ne'ebe hetan restaurasaun independensia ba dala uluk iha loron 20 de maio 2002. tuir ita hotu hatene katak ita nia nasaun timor-leste hari'i liu husi prosesu ne'ebe difisil no eroi barak mak lakon sira nia vida hodi sosa ukun rasik a'an ida ne'e. joventude maka ai riin ba nasaun timor leste,papel foinsae importante tebes, tamba joven mak sai hanesan kontrolu sosisal, nudar matan no tilun ba povu sira hodi hatuur nasaun soberania iha paz,siguransa no estabilidade. kultura hanesan identidade nasaun, uniku rai doben timorlorosae kultura iha vantagem bo'ot tamba bele lori ita respeito malu konese malu no kria unidade entre timoroan tomak. tuir perito (tylor) katak kultura mak hanesan konseitu kompleksidade mak arte, moral, lei no kustume iha membro sociedade tomak rajaun prinsipal husi sub-tema ida ne maka: atu garante promosaun diak ba ita nia kultura rasik, nu'une bele hatudu mundo seluk katak ita origem kultura ida ne'ebe mak hamrik nanis antes restaurasaun independensia. maibe dezafiu barak mak dezafia hela ita hanesan.?",
"1. foinsae sira abandona sira estudu tamba kbiit finaseiru neebe mak hetan influensia makas husi kultura tradisaun.",
"2. ohin loron, sidadaun barak adapta liu modernijasaun ida gra, hodi la tau importansia ba ita nai cultura rasik. ho dezafiu sira iha leten mak solusiona hanesan tuir mai ne'e: 1. politika nain sira nafatin tau importansia no promove kultura timor leste, nu'une bele unidade ba joven sira iha nasaun ida nee.",
"2. tuir perito (massenzio,) kultura laos eransa jenetika maibe rejultadu husi ema nia determinasaun kontekstu sosial, nu'une mos ema nia adaptasaun ba ambiente sira hela ba. enfin hau nia discursu ida ne'e hakarak konklui katak nu'udar ema humano ida, ita tenki moris tuir ida-idak nia kultura, no ita nia nasaun mo iha kultura ne'ebe sei forte no makas, bele aplika ema seluk nia kultura maibe hare mos ita nia identidade kultura ne'ebe sei forte. atu termina permite ida ne'e, hakarak rekomenda hela ba maluk juventude tomak katak ita presija halo mudansa ruma iha kultura nia laran maibe la halakon valor husi kultura. clorurazione (Italiano>Dinamarques) sociedades que se extinguirem (Portugues>Dinamarques) dungol kaau (Tagalo>Ingles) ribiA\"aEUR! (Servio>Ingles) tAfA'm chA!A\"AY=c (Vietnamita>Chines (simplificado)) entrare (Espanhol>Chines (simplificado)) han radde om henne (Sueco>Ingles) why what ?",
"(Ingles>Coreano) selettore a 3 posizioni stabili (Italiano>Sueco) c'est beau ca (Frances>Ingles) aim of my life of social worker nepali language (Ingles>Nepales) ac mae atig ydy ystafell chwarae (Gales>Dinamarques) necesito su firma (Espanhol>Dinamarques) green men (Ingles>Latim) sks mSr (Ingles>Frances) a... a fa,++a$?sa1' (Chines (simplificado) >Ingles) v'zstanoviavane (Italiano>Esloveno) hierdoor (Holandes>Frances) scegli quello di cui hai bisogno (Italiano>Dinamarques) kayang mabili (Tagalo>Ingles) ecolA3gicas (Portugues>Italiano) last seen yesterday at (Ingles>Usbeque) frustracion (Espanhol>Indonesio) revideringen (Sueco>Ingles) type the text you see here (Ingles>Indonesio)"
] | [
"Voce procurou por: once upon a time (Tetum - Portuguese) the country in which I live has grown up from one tree to another and it's growing stronger than ever before today is an important day for us, please specify what kind of package we need that will re-configure our educational system this large disk %u contained great hard drive% u. This big disc was used as bootdisk%. Insert your startup CD or USB stick! Please do not insert any such device because there are many problems with these devices you can use them only if they have been broken down by someone who knowingly did something wrong... gnome also includes complete development platform on programmer applications; i am grateful too my father had taken care about me since childhood so he love his people whom always followed him very much....the king still gives blessings over all those children named harek manek meaning \"be capable\" everybody liked her dearly..... timor leste isa smallest nation at Asiatic continent but its independence came through difficult processes wherein young men lost their lives when trying To buy themselves freedom......youth plays vital role amongst youth being social controlling forces promoting peace &"
"1. The security and stability of East Timor as the smallest country in Asia, which has been an independent nation since it was restored for first time on May20th-5/9786; we all know that our land is built through a difficult process where many young people lost their lives to buy this independence from foreign powers: youth are lifeblood with east timors nationality - therefore they play very important role because these children become social controlling forces – eyes & fingertips by whose help one can achieve sovereignty over its own homeland within peace safety&stability! Accordingly policy sejd v constitutional governance says \"youths\" means men or women between age34and ages't more than 'eighteen years old will be stronger if you put yourselves into position like them so he may carrying out his vital functioning promoting peacefulness guarantee safeguard prosperous eastern timor\". It also states under article’nthe Constitution (rdtl) paragraph ‘a‘ Article n° “The state shall take care” about boys And girls at any stage until They have developed enough strength To maintain National unities For building up A Prosperous Nation”."
"2. participation of young people in the national development process with qualified security, but there are also many challenges that will continue to challenge us such as:1) youth drop outs from school because freedom today gives a lot more space for them than they had before and make arbitrary decision-making;"
"2. young people are vulnerable to opportunity, lack of information creates problems through martial art groups with the challenges above solutions as follow:1) although many youth have abandoned them but force and security via pntl & f-fdtl still ensure stability in east Timor country"
"2. the politicians still create law to ensure martial art in order promote unity for young people of this country, finally my speech is want conclude that strong youth a strengthened nation and wise Youth an upright Nation National Unity saved by development To finish allowing it would like recommendation from all relevant ministries; continue empowerment through future training more than sejd friendship between one Young man with another so as guarantee safety on our sovereign state' s stability"
"3. Health and prevention of risks e disease Timor-Leste is the smallest country in Asia, which has been an independent nation since its independence was restored for first time on May20th1975 as we all know that our land east timor built through a difficult process where many heroes lost their lives to buy this self determination; youth are lifeblood with East timorense people have very important role because they become social controlling force like eyes & fingertips towards bringing sovereignty back into peace security stability every citizens shall be entitleed health care medical assistance sanitization service also having duty defendand promote healthy living accordingly constitution article48 paragraphe6 says: state will carrying out national universal services at his discretion free/unpaid by law According direct o m s de saude what? eliminating discrimination any way possible preventable from illness risk via main programs activities such maternal childhood heath eradication infectious sickness education environmental hygiene laboratory vital statistical data collection"
"2. reduce the impact and increase awareness with prevention of diseases such as: hiv, tuberculosis (TB), astma(asthmatic rhinitis) malaria dengue fever leprosy but there are also many challenges facing us like this one today all citizens do not take good health care by doing no control in their medical centers"
"2. today many of our young people do not care for their health and lose the future due to deprivation, free ransu (smoking), alcohol consumption without restriction or sex with no limitations all Excellencies: With these challenges we have a solution as follow; Many youth are unconscious about taking good medical attention but also government through Ministry Of Health continue promoting prevention by various means in order that information can be provided on this topic so they will reach goal from ministryofhealth if healthy timorense live at Timor-Leste which is very well maintained then I want my speech end up concluding saying it should provide everybody' s medicine regardless race age gender status etc...to finish allow me recommend you everyone who love your country!you must guarantee its welfare because tomorrow start now -aristotle said study yesterday living Today Hope Tomorow Day3) Promoção da cultura timor leste Our nation East Timorese was built over an extremely difficult process where several heroes lost his lives when buying sovereignty therefore Young People became social controlling force like eyes & fingertips towards building national independence peace security stability culture being identity land only one great homeland cultural has big benefits"
"1. young people drop out of school because the financial means are heavily influenced by traditional cultures;"
"2. today, many citizens are adapting to a rapid modernization and not paying attention for our own cultures; with the challenges above solutions as follow:1) politician still pay importance on promoting East Timor' s cultural heritage so that we can unite young people in this country"
"2. according to the expert (massenzio), culture is not a genetic attribute, but results from people's determination of social context and also their adaptability in environment where they live at last my discourse would conclude that as human being we should all be living our own cultural life; so if one country has stronger or more powerful cultura then it can apply other countries’culture while maintaining its strengthened identity-culturality too! To finish allow this I recommend for youngsters who need some change within themselves without loses value on Culture: clorurazione(Italian>Denmark) societies que se extinguirem/societies which are dyed out Portuguese > Danish dungol kaau"
"(Italian>English) aim of my life as social worker nepali language(Spanish->Nepalese/Malayalam+Hindi-Urdu, Urdu > English), c'est beau ca! ac mae ystafell chwarae necesito su firma...a fa +++?sa1 'v’zstanoviavane v.s mSr…ac Mae Atig Ydy istabll Chwarae Necesito Su Firma …Ask MSR Srl Skd skdsm sRp ...as f*$%@#&o=^0;t sa24968735cbfccbcbbddfffffdfcfdcbdfcdbfbcdbafefaebcaeaeeafdaefdeffaedffeaaecbeccaefaeceafaecaefeacafeaceaafecacbeaccecaaaceabacoedaecoedefogaoeadefaicedfeeledfairlygoodwhileyouhavenotgotten enough money to pay for the schooling you need in your home country and have no other choice but leave it at this time or go back there with me\""
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