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PM Rui Hasoru Prezidente PN – Media ONE Timor\nPM Rui Hasoru Prezidente PN\n14/08/2017 suzana 255 Views 0 Comment PM Rui Hasoru, Prezidente PN\nMEDIAONETIMOR– Primeiru Ministru (PM) VI Governu Konstituisional, Rui Maria de Araújo ba hasoru Presidente Parlamentu Nasional (PN), Aderito Hugo da Costa hodi koalia kona ba kolaborasaun institusional no mandate durante tinan rua ho balun.\nHafoin remata hasoru malu ba jornalista, PM Rui akompaña hó Prezidente PN Hugo iha uma fukun PN, Segunda, (14/08/2017) hateten, durante tinan rua hó balun orgaun soberanu idak-idak iha nia kompetensia.\nMaibé hateten Rui, iha interdenpedensia entre orgaun soberanu sira iha mandatu VI Governu Konstitusional nian. Atu tama ba rohan mandatu ninia lori governu nia naran, PM Rui hato’o agradese ba Presidente PN no deputadus nain 65 sira ba servisu hamutuk durante ne’e. Aliende ne’e, intrega mós planu estratejiku PN nian tinan 2017 to’o tinan 2022.\n“Traballu diak durante ne’e balun diak, balun iha diferensia. Opinioens politika sira ne’ebé, governu defini balun parlamentu lakonkorda. Balun seluk presisa deskusaun para atu bele halo intendimentu ne’ebe hanesan,” katak PM Rui hodi hatutan.\nDiferente ne’e nu’udar parte husi prosesu demokratiku ne’ebé ita tenke halo iha ita nia rai. PN mós dala barak aponta ba difisiensia no buat balun ne’ebe mak governu halo lalo’os. Ne’e natural tanba kompetensia PN nian.\nHusi sikun seluk, Prezidente PN Hugo hatutan, kolaborasaun servisu hamutuk ho orgaun rua ne’e hala’o relativu ho politika estadu nian. Refleta iha lei orsamentu. No lei sira seluk ne’ebé parte governu apresenta mai. Nomós iha parte parlamentu nian.(Esájiada Dulce Ximenes)\n← Buka Evita Eleisaun Antisipada, SHP Husu PR Interven Formasaun Governu\nJob Announcement for CARE: Field Officers (Baucau, Covalima and Liquica) →\nLamete Kestaun Politika, Misaun PNTL Atu Asegura Estabilidade\n24/11/2017 suzana 0\nPemilu 20 Maret 2017, Ujian Stabilitas Timor Leste\n07/03/2017 suarez 0\nPM Marí: “OR Laliu Oposisaun Halo ona Funsionamentu PN”\n28/11/2017 suzana 0 | [
"PM Rui Hasoru Prezidente PN - Media ONE Timor PM Rui Hasoru Prezidente PN 14/08/2017 suzana 255 Views 0 Comment PM Rui Hasoru, Prezidente PN MEDIAONETIMOR- Primeiru Ministru (PM) VI Governu Konstituisional, Rui Maria de Araujo ba hasoru Presidente Parlamentu Nasional (PN), Aderito Hugo da Costa hodi koalia kona ba kolaborasaun institusional no mandate durante tinan rua ho balun.",
"Hafoin remata hasoru malu ba jornalista, PM Rui akompana ho Prezidente PN Hugo iha uma fukun PN, Segunda, (14/08/2017) hateten, durante tinan rua ho balun orgaun soberanu idak-idak iha nia kompetensia.",
"Maibe hateten Rui, iha interdenpedensia entre orgaun soberanu sira iha mandatu VI Governu Konstitusional nian.",
"Atu tama ba rohan mandatu ninia lori governu nia naran, PM Rui hato'o agradese ba Presidente PN no deputadus nain 65 sira ba servisu hamutuk durante ne'e.",
"Aliende ne'e, intrega mos planu estratejiku PN nian tinan 2017 to'o tinan 2022.",
"\"Traballu diak durante ne'e balun diak, balun iha diferensia.",
"Opinioens politika sira ne'ebe, governu defini balun parlamentu lakonkorda.",
"Balun seluk presisa deskusaun para atu bele halo intendimentu ne'ebe hanesan,\" katak PM Rui hodi hatutan.",
"Diferente ne'e nu'udar parte husi prosesu demokratiku ne'ebe ita tenke halo iha ita nia rai.",
"PN mos dala barak aponta ba difisiensia no buat balun ne'ebe mak governu halo lalo'os.",
"Ne'e natural tanba kompetensia PN nian.",
"Husi sikun seluk, Prezidente PN Hugo hatutan, kolaborasaun servisu hamutuk ho orgaun rua ne'e hala'o relativu ho politika estadu nian.",
"Refleta iha lei orsamentu.",
"No lei sira seluk ne'ebe parte governu apresenta mai.",
"Nomos iha parte parlamentu nian.",
"(Esajiada Dulce Ximenes) - Buka Evita Eleisaun Antisipada, SHP Husu PR Interven Formasaun Governu Job Announcement for CARE: Field Officers (Baucau, Covalima and Liquica) - Lamete Kestaun Politika, Misaun PNTL Atu Asegura Estabilidade 24/11/2017 suzana 0 Pemilu 20 Maret 2017, Ujian Stabilitas Timor Leste 07/03/2017 suarez 0 PM Mari: \"OR Laliu Oposisaun Halo ona Funsionamentu PN\" 28/11/2017 suzana 0"
] | [
"PM Rui Hasoru Presidente PN - Media ONE Timor Prime Minister of the Sixth Constitutional Government, President (PM) de Araujo met with National Parliament’s Speaker Aderito Hugo da Costa to talk about institutionally collaboration and two-year mandate. The meeting was held on Thursday at a private ceremony in Praia do Fornelo where he also spoke for some time before returning home after spending three days as an official visitor during his second term from October last year when it became clear that there were problems over which they had not discussed until then"
"After meeting with journalists, PM Rui accompanied Parliament President Hugo to the parliamentary building on Monday (14/08) and said that during two years he has worked closely together in several sovereign bodies within his competence."
"However, Rui said there is interdependence between the sovereign organs in this mandate of VI Constitutional Government."
"In entering his mandate on behalf of the government, PM Rui expressed thanks to President PN and 65 MPs for working together during this period."
"In addition, he also completed the National Parliament's Strategic Plan for 2017- to year."
"\"Good work during this period some good, but there is a difference."
"Political opinions that the government define some parliament disagree with."
"Other balls need discussion in order to make the same understanding,\" said PM Rui."
"This difference is part of the democratic process that we must do in our country."
"The National Assembly has also pointed out many times the disabilities and some things that are being done by governments."
"This is natural because it falls within the competence of Parliament."
"On the other hand, President of Parliament Hugo said that collaboration and cooperation with these two bodies is carried out relative to state policy."
"This is reflected in the budget law."
"No other laws that the government present."
"Nomos is part of parliament."
"(Esajiada Dulce Ximenes) - Buscar Evita Eleição Antecipada, SHP Busca PR Interven Formasaun Governu Job Announcement for CARE: Field Officers(Baucau and Liquica), 2017 Election in Timor-Leste. Political Issues to be addressed by the Police Force Mission To Ensure Stability on March of this year Suzana Suarez PM Mari \"OR Laliu Oposisuan Halo ona Funsionamentu PN\""
] |
Sei halo leilaun ba David Bowie nia gravasaun dahuluk iha Setembru - Múzika - Haksolok ho SAPO\nSAPO TL, 23 de jullu de 2018\nDavid Bowie (Foto: Maurizio Gambarini/EPA)\nDavid Bowie nia gravasaun dahuluk ne'ebé, iha tinan barak nia laran, hanoin katak lakon tiha ona, deskobre fali "iha raga paun nian" no kalkula katak bele hetan euro rihun 10 resin iha leilaun, avansa hosi imprensa iha loron-segunda ne'e.\nGravasaun ne'e deskobre hosi David Hadfield, baterista antigu hosi Bowie nia banda dahuluk, iha nia uma, hamutuk ho material sira seluk hanesan livru sira, fotografia sira, imajen promosional sira, karta ho konta sira, iha raga ida paun nian ne'ebé maka pertense hosi nia avó-mane, hanesan fó sai iha notísia hosi jornal birtániku The Guardian.\nIha deklarasaun sira ne'ebé haktuir hosi leiloeira Omega Auctions, Hadfield konta ona katak gravasaun hosi The Konrads halo iha tinan 1963, bainhira grupu hakarak halo rejistu "ba instrumental balun hosi guitara no knananuk orijinal ida" ne'ebé nia tema tuir loloos maka “I Never Dreamed”.\n"Ha'u desidi katak David hanesan ema di'ak ida hodi kanta no ha'u fó ba nia interpretasaun loloos. Nune'e, sai hanesan gravasaun dahuluk hosi David Jones [Bowie] iha tinan 55 liubá. (…) [Editora] Decca la simu ami, maibé ikusmai fó mai ami oportunidade iha tinan hanesan, vokalista Roger Ferris sai hanesan lian prinsipal no David kanta ona koru sira apoiu nian", afirma hosi David Hadfield.\nDavid Robert Jones, moris iha tinan 1947, adopta ikusmai naran artístiku David Bowie, husik The Konrads iha tinan hanesan bainhira lansa nia disku dahuluk mesak iha tinan 1967.\nBowie mate iha tinan 2016, loron rua hafoin lansa tiha nia álbun ba dala 25, “Blackstar”.\nRekordasaun sira hosi Hadfield sei fa'an hosi Omega Auctions, iha Newton-Le-Willows, iha Reinu Unidu, iha fulan-Setembru. | [
"Sei halo leilaun ba David Bowie nia gravasaun dahuluk iha Setembru - Muzika - Haksolok ho SAPO SAPO TL, 23 de jullu de 2018 David Bowie (Foto: Maurizio Gambarini/EPA) David Bowie nia gravasaun dahuluk ne'ebe, iha tinan barak nia laran, hanoin katak lakon tiha ona, deskobre fali \"iha raga paun nian\" no kalkula katak bele hetan euro rihun 10 resin iha leilaun, avansa hosi imprensa iha loron-segunda ne'e.",
"Gravasaun ne'e deskobre hosi David Hadfield, baterista antigu hosi Bowie nia banda dahuluk, iha nia uma, hamutuk ho material sira seluk hanesan livru sira, fotografia sira, imajen promosional sira, karta ho konta sira, iha raga ida paun nian ne'ebe maka pertense hosi nia avo-mane, hanesan fo sai iha notisia hosi jornal birtaniku The Guardian.",
"Iha deklarasaun sira ne'ebe haktuir hosi leiloeira Omega Auctions, Hadfield konta ona katak gravasaun hosi The Konrads halo iha tinan 1963, bainhira grupu hakarak halo rejistu \"ba instrumental balun hosi guitara no knananuk orijinal ida\" ne'ebe nia tema tuir loloos maka \"I Never Dreamed.\"",
"\"Ha'u desidi katak David hanesan ema di'ak ida hodi kanta no ha'u fo ba nia interpretasaun loloos.",
"Nune'e, sai hanesan gravasaun dahuluk hosi David Jones [Bowie] iha tinan 55 liuba. (...)",
"[Editora] Decca la simu ami, maibe ikusmai fo mai ami oportunidade iha tinan hanesan, vokalista Roger Ferris sai hanesan lian prinsipal no David kanta ona koru sira apoiu nian,\" afirma hosi David Hadfield.",
"David Robert Jones, moris iha tinan 1947, adopta ikusmai naran artistiku David Bowie, husik The Konrads iha tinan hanesan bainhira lansa nia disku dahuluk mesak iha tinan 1967.",
"Bowie mate iha tinan 2016, loron rua hafoin lansa tiha nia albun ba dala 25, \"Blackstar.\"",
"Rekordasaun sira hosi Hadfield sei fa'an hosi Omega Auctions, iha Newton-Le-Willows, iha Reinu Unidu, iha fulan-Setembru."
] | [
"David Bowie's first recording to be auctioned in September - Music SAPO PT, 23 de julho De (Foto: Maurizio Gambarini/EPA) The record of the musician who for many years thought it was lost has been rediscovering \"in a pocket\" and estimated that he could earn over €10 million at an Auktion."
"The recording was discovered by David Hadfield, former drummer of Bowie's first band in his home along with other materials such as books and photography. promotional images lettering accountings amongst others were found inside a rack belonged to the grandfather according To news report from British newspaper \"The Guardian\"."
"In statements quoted by Omega Auctions, Hadfield recounted that the recording of The Konrad' s was made in 1963 when they wanted to record \"some instrumental guitar and original drumming\" whose theme would have been 'I Never Dream."
"\"I decided that David was a good singer and I gave him the right interpretation."
"Thus, it became the first recording of David Jones [Bowie] 50 years later. (...)"
"[Editor] Decca didn't accept us, but eventually gave it a chance. That same year vocalist Roger Ferris became the lead singer and David sang in supporting choir\", says Hadfield of The Beatles (1967)."
"David Robert Jones, born in 1947 and eventually adopting the stage name of \"David Bowie\", left The Konrads that same year when he released his first album alone."
"Bowie died in 2016, two days after the release of his twenty-fifth studio album \"Blackstar.\""
"Hadfield's records will be sold by Omega Auctions, in Newton-Le‑Willowes (UK), this September."
] |
Dezafiu ba Jornalista TL: Hatudu Produtu Kualidade\nKonsellu Imprensa hamutuk ho jornalista sira halo long mars hodi selebra loron liberdade imprensa mundial iha Dili\nDezafiu ba Jornalista TL: Hatudu Produtu Kualidade Featured\nDILI: Konsellu Imprensa iha loron liberdade imprensa husu ba jornalista Timor Leste tenke hatudu produtu ne’ebé iha kualidade di’ak.\nLoron liberdade imprensa ba dala 25 ho tema ‘it’s Time for Truth, it’s time for press Freedom ne’e hahú ho lao ainhusijardin avenida Konsellu Imprensa rotunda Prezidente Fransisco Xavier do Amaral Merkadu Lama to’o iha Bekorahodi tau aifunan ba Jornalista Matebian Sander Robert Thoenes nia monumentu.\n“Parabéns ba jornalista Timor Leste, parabéns ba asosiasaun sira hotu, loron ne’e loron ida ne’ebé inportante tebes ba jornalista sira iha mundu, liliu iha Timor Leste, tanba komemorasaun loron ne’e monu ba dala 25 ho tema ‘it’s Time fór Truth, it’s time fór press Freedom,” dehan Virgílio Guterres liu husi konferensia imprensa iha Jardin avenida Konsellu Imprensa rotunda Prezidente Fransisco Xavier do Amaral Kaikoli, Kinta (03/05).\nPrezidente Konsellu Imprensa hatutan mós katak, hafoin restaura ukun rasik aan Timor-Leste nia esforsu hodi hari demokrásia hetan prestasaun internasionál ne’ebé di’ak tebes.\nTanba ne’e Jornalista sira iha Timor Leste tenke orgullu tanba ‘notas’ internasionál nian ba Timor Leste kona-ba liberdade imprensa kontinua sae bei-beik hosi tinan ba tinan, ne’ebé tuir públikasaun reporters Without Borders nian iha loron 24 fulan Abril 2018.\nTimor Leste nia index global kona-ba liberdade imprensa haksoit hosi pursentu 98 iha tinan 2017 ba 95 iha tinan 2018, ne’ebé kontinua lidera paiz sira iha reziaun sudeste aziatíku.\nTanba ne’e, iha oportunidade ne’e Prezidenti KI, husu ba Jornalista sira iha timor Leste atu nafatin fó onra boot ba jornalista matebian sira ne’ebé saran sira-nia vida tanba lia loos,\n“Ita hatene katak jornalista lubuk ida mak mate tanba inofórmasaun los, tanba ne’e husu atu ita hotu fó onra boot hatudu ita-nia produtu infórmasaun kulidade ba sira, servisu impasial, profisionalismu no unidade atu nune’e ita bele ajuda ita-nia públiku,” dehan nia.\nIha fatin hanesan, Prezidenti Asosiasaun Jornalista Timor-Leste (AJTL), David Hugu Silva, reforsa liutan hodi fó hanoin ba jornalista sra atu kaer metin prinspiu jornalismu nian fó sai informasaun lo’os no momos.\nHusu mós ba jornalista sira atu nafatin kontra Diskriminasaun hasoru jornalista, kontra intervensaun Polítika no iha fenomena situasaun ida ne’e jornalista buka óinsa atu kontra informasaun Hoax.\n“Ba jornalista katak ho komemorasaun ida ne’e ita espera katak ita bele luta maka’as liu tan hasoru ba buat ida ho naran Hoax para ita nia servisu ne’e fó sai ba públiku sei sai di’ak liu tan,” dehan Preziden AJTL.\nNune’e mós Prezidenti Timor-Leste Press Union (TLPU), Fransisco Bello Simõens Da Costa, deham mós katak servisu jornalista, servisu ida ne’ebé profisionalizmu tanba ne’e hatudu nafatin espritu vontade imparsial no kontra nafatin intervensaun sira ne’ebé la favorese ba editorial nian tanba jornalista indenpendentemente iha servisu editorial.\n“Em nome estrutura TLPU tomak atu hato’o saudasaun ba kolega jornalista Timoróan hotu, ita hamutuk ohin ita selebra loron mundial liberdade Imprensa, tanba ne’e ha’u husu ita kontinua halo servisu ho profisional ita luta luta kontra diskriminasaun, liu liu kontra intervensaun ne’ebé la favorese ba editorial tanba jornalista indenpente iha editorial.”dehan Nia.\nKualidade Jornalista mak Rekursus no Hakruk ba Kodigu Etika\nEntretantu, Xefe Redasaun Idependente Gaudensio Margues Figuera hateten kualidade jornalista mai mós husi rekursus no ninia kodigu etika tanba ida ne’e mak sai hanesan fundamental ba jornalista sira hodi halo knar ho profisional atu publika informasaun ba publiku ho kualidade.\nTanbá hare ba realidade ohin loron jornalista barak mak mai ho kursu mediu prazu de’it nune’e seidauk kompriente didiak kona-ba teknika kobertura ho di’ak.\n“Rekursu umanu jornalista sira agora ne’e mai ho kapasidade ne’ebé mak naton. Tuir de’it kursus kurtu prazu, fulan rua sai ona jornalista ho kapasidade naton atu hatene teknika kobertura,” dehan Gaudensio bainhira partisipa iha tolk show ne’ebé realiza husi estudante komunikasaun sosial iha jardin 5 Maiu, Kinta (03/05).\nTuir nia, aleinde rekursu umanu, buat ne’ebé fundamental mós ba jornalista sira mak kodigu etika. Tan ne’e jornalista sira presiza haree ba kodigu etika hanesan referensia ida oinsa atu halo kobertura ida ne’ebé di’ak no ho informasaun ne’ebé mak kualidade.\n“Tanbá tuir prinsipiu jornalismu nian primeiru liu mak publiku iha direitu atu hetan infornasaun ne’ebé mak ho kualidade,” dehan nia.\nAleinde ne’e, nia hatete, ba rekursus finanseiru media iha Timor Leste maioria mesak ki’ak de’it.\nTanba kestaun ne’e, nia dehan, media sira halo kontratu ho kompaña ka organijasaun ruma hodi hatun publisidade.\n“Ida ne’e mós bele halakon ona independensia redasaun nian. Ita hakerek nia di’ak de’it hodi hafalun tiha nia sala. Ita dependensia ba ema. Finasiamentu ne’e mós bele fó influensia ba iha redasaun,” katak nia.\nAsosiasaun Tau-matan ba Membru\nKI husu ba Timor Leste Press Union (TLPU) no Asosiasaun Jornalista Timor Lorosae (AJTL)), no sira seluk atu tau-matan ba sira-nia membru.\n“Ha’u hakarak husu ba instituisaun sira atu tau-matan nafatin ba imi-nia membru sira, liu husi apoiu formasaun ne’ebé beibeik no nafatin hodi garante kualidade jornalizmu nasionál,” dehan Prezidente KI, Virgílio da Silva Guterres.\nNia dehan, kondisaun servisu ba jornalista sira sei minimu tebes. Situasaun ne’e afeita mós ba kualidade produtu jornalistika no independensia jornalista nian iha atividade jornalizmu lorloron.\nBa kestaun ne’e, Prezidente TLPU Francisco Simoens Belo hatete misaun ida ne’ebé todan ba TLPU mak óinsa atu kapasita ninia membru sira.\n“Ami halo ona esforsu balun hodi koalia ona ho maluk balun ne’ebé iha intrese atu mai fó treinamentu ba jornalista sira no treinamentu ne’e la haree ba membru TLPU ka asosisaun seluk maibé treinamentu ne’e ba ema hotu ne’ebé hakna’ar iha vida jornalizmu,” dehan nia.\nMore in this category: « Xanana-Assanami Husu Ema Hotu Fó Ónra ba Jornalista Sira CNE Observa Labarik Ki'ik Barak Envolve iha Kampaña »\n/Dezafiu ba Jornalista TL: Hatudu Produtu Kualidade | [
"Dezafiu ba Jornalista TL: Hatudu Produtu Kualidade Konsellu Imprensa hamutuk ho jornalista sira halo long mars hodi selebra loron liberdade imprensa mundial iha Dili Dezafiu ba Jornalista TL: Hatudu Produtu Kualidade Featured DILI: Konsellu Imprensa iha loron liberdade imprensa husu ba jornalista Timor Leste tenke hatudu produtu ne'ebe iha kualidade di'ak.",
"Loron liberdade imprensa ba dala 25 ho tema 'it's Time for Truth, it's time for press Freedom ne'e hahu ho lao ainhusijardin avenida Konsellu Imprensa rotunda Prezidente Fransisco Xavier do Amaral Merkadu Lama to'o iha Bekorahodi tau aifunan ba Jornalista Matebian Sander Robert Thoenes nia monumentu.",
"\"Parabens ba jornalista Timor Leste, parabens ba asosiasaun sira hotu, loron ne'e loron ida ne'ebe inportante tebes ba jornalista sira iha mundu, liliu iha Timor Leste, tanba komemorasaun loron ne'e monu ba dala 25 ho tema 'it's Time for Truth, it's time for press Freedom,\" dehan Virgilio Guterres liu husi konferensia imprensa iha Jardin avenida Konsellu Imprensa rotunda Prezidente Fransisco Xavier do Amaral Kaikoli, Kinta (03/05).",
"Prezidente Konsellu Imprensa hatutan mos katak, hafoin restaura ukun rasik aan Timor-Leste nia esforsu hodi hari demokrasia hetan prestasaun internasional ne'ebe di'ak tebes.",
"Tanba ne'e Jornalista sira iha Timor Leste tenke orgullu tanba 'notas' internasional nian ba Timor Leste kona-ba liberdade imprensa kontinua sae bei-beik hosi tinan ba tinan, ne'ebe tuir publikasaun reporters Without Borders nian iha loron 24 fulan Abril 2018.",
"Timor Leste nia index global kona-ba liberdade imprensa haksoit hosi pursentu 98 iha tinan 2017 ba 95 iha tinan 2018, ne'ebe kontinua lidera paiz sira iha reziaun sudeste aziatiku.",
"Tanba ne'e, iha oportunidade ne'e Prezidenti KI, husu ba Jornalista sira iha timor Leste atu nafatin fo onra boot ba jornalista matebian sira ne'ebe saran sira-nia vida tanba lia loos, \"Ita hatene katak jornalista lubuk ida mak mate tanba inoformasaun los, tanba ne'e husu atu ita hotu fo onra boot hatudu ita-nia produtu informasaun kulidade ba sira, servisu impasial, profisionalismu no unidade atu nune'e ita bele ajuda ita-nia publiku,\" dehan nia.",
"Iha fatin hanesan, Prezidenti Asosiasaun Jornalista Timor-Leste (AJTL), David Hugu Silva, reforsa liutan hodi fo hanoin ba jornalista sra atu kaer metin prinspiu jornalismu nian fo sai informasaun lo'os no momos.",
"Husu mos ba jornalista sira atu nafatin kontra Diskriminasaun hasoru jornalista, kontra intervensaun Politika no iha fenomena situasaun ida ne'e jornalista buka oinsa atu kontra informasaun Hoax.",
"\"Ba jornalista katak ho komemorasaun ida ne'e ita espera katak ita bele luta maka'as liu tan hasoru ba buat ida ho naran Hoax para ita nia servisu ne'e fo sai ba publiku sei sai di'ak liu tan,\" dehan Preziden AJTL.",
"Nune'e mos Prezidenti Timor-Leste Press Union (TLPU), Fransisco Bello Simoens Da Costa, deham mos katak servisu jornalista, servisu ida ne'ebe profisionalizmu tanba ne'e hatudu nafatin espritu vontade imparsial no kontra nafatin intervensaun sira ne'ebe la favorese ba editorial nian tanba jornalista indenpendentemente iha servisu editorial.",
"\"Em nome estrutura TLPU tomak atu hato'o saudasaun ba kolega jornalista Timoroan hotu, ita hamutuk ohin ita selebra loron mundial liberdade Imprensa, tanba ne'e ha'u husu ita kontinua halo servisu ho profisional ita luta luta kontra diskriminasaun, liu liu kontra intervensaun ne'ebe la favorese ba editorial tanba jornalista indenpente iha editorial.\"dehan Nia.",
"Kualidade Jornalista mak Rekursus no Hakruk ba Kodigu Etika Entretantu, Xefe Redasaun Idependente Gaudensio Margues Figuera hateten kualidade jornalista mai mos husi rekursus no ninia kodigu etika tanba ida ne'e mak sai hanesan fundamental ba jornalista sira hodi halo knar ho profisional atu publika informasaun ba publiku ho kualidade.",
"Tanba hare ba realidade ohin loron jornalista barak mak mai ho kursu mediu prazu de'it nune'e seidauk kompriente didiak kona-ba teknika kobertura ho di'ak.",
"\"Rekursu umanu jornalista sira agora ne'e mai ho kapasidade ne'ebe mak naton.",
"Tuir de'it kursus kurtu prazu, fulan rua sai ona jornalista ho kapasidade naton atu hatene teknika kobertura,\" dehan Gaudensio bainhira partisipa iha tolk show ne'ebe realiza husi estudante komunikasaun sosial iha jardin 5 Maiu, Kinta (03/05).",
"Tuir nia, aleinde rekursu umanu, buat ne'ebe fundamental mos ba jornalista sira mak kodigu etika.",
"Tan ne'e jornalista sira presiza haree ba kodigu etika hanesan referensia ida oinsa atu halo kobertura ida ne'ebe di'ak no ho informasaun ne'ebe mak kualidade.",
"\"Tanba tuir prinsipiu jornalismu nian primeiru liu mak publiku iha direitu atu hetan infornasaun ne'ebe mak ho kualidade,\" dehan nia.",
"Aleinde ne'e, nia hatete, ba rekursus finanseiru media iha Timor Leste maioria mesak ki'ak de'it.",
"Tanba kestaun ne'e, nia dehan, media sira halo kontratu ho kompana ka organijasaun ruma hodi hatun publisidade.",
"\"Ida ne'e mos bele halakon ona independensia redasaun nian.",
"Ita hakerek nia di'ak de'it hodi hafalun tiha nia sala.",
"Ita dependensia ba ema.",
"Finasiamentu ne'e mos bele fo influensia ba iha redasaun,\" katak nia.",
"Asosiasaun Tau-matan ba Membru KI husu ba Timor Leste Press Union (TLPU) no Asosiasaun Jornalista Timor Lorosae (AJTL)), no sira seluk atu tau-matan ba sira-nia membru.",
"\"Ha'u hakarak husu ba instituisaun sira atu tau-matan nafatin ba imi-nia membru sira, liu husi apoiu formasaun ne'ebe beibeik no nafatin hodi garante kualidade jornalizmu nasional,\" dehan Prezidente KI, Virgilio da Silva Guterres.",
"Nia dehan, kondisaun servisu ba jornalista sira sei minimu tebes.",
"Situasaun ne'e afeita mos ba kualidade produtu jornalistika no independensia jornalista nian iha atividade jornalizmu lorloron.",
"Ba kestaun ne'e, Prezidente TLPU Francisco Simoens Belo hatete misaun ida ne'ebe todan ba TLPU mak oinsa atu kapasita ninia membru sira.",
"\"Ami halo ona esforsu balun hodi koalia ona ho maluk balun ne'ebe iha intrese atu mai fo treinamentu ba jornalista sira no treinamentu ne'e la haree ba membru TLPU ka asosisaun seluk maibe treinamentu ne'e ba ema hotu ne'ebe hakna'ar iha vida jornalizmu,\" dehan nia.",
"More in this category: \" Xanana-Assanami Husu Ema Hotu Fo Onra ba Jornalista Sira CNE Observa Labarik Ki'ik Barak Envolve iha Kampana \" /Dezafiu ba Jornalista TL: Hatudu Produtu Kualidade"
] | [
"Dezafiu ba Jornalista TL: Hatudu Produtu Qualidade Conselho de Imprensa together with journalists made a long march to celebrate World Press Freedom Day in Dili Featured DILI, Timor-Leste - Council of the press on freedom day asks East Тимор reporter show good quality product."
"The 25th anniversary of Press Freedom Day with the theme 'it's Time for Truth, it is time to press freedom began in Becora by walking through Conselho Imprensa Avenue roundabout President Fransisco Xavier do Amaral Old Market and then paying homage at Sander Robert Thoenes monument."
"\"Congratulations to journalists in Timor-Leste, celebrating all the associations. This is a very important day for journalism worldwide and particularly East Тимор because this year it will be celebrated 25th time with its theme 'it' s Time For Truth; It’ S Times Of Press Freedom\", said Virgilio Guterres during his press conference at Jardin Conselho Imprensa Avenue roundabout President Fransisco Xavier do Amaral Kaikoli on Thursday (03/16)."
"The President of the Press Council added that after restoring independence, Timor-Leste's efforts to build democracy have received very good international acclaim."
"Therefore, journalists in East Timor should be proud because the international 'rating' of press freedom for east-timoran has continued to rise year after years as reported by Reporter Without Border on 24 April."
"Timor-Leste's global index on press freedom rose from a total of,98 per cent in the year ending March to an overall scored level for this reporting period (2017) that is still top among Southeast Asian countries."
"Therefore, on this occasion the President of KI asked journalists in East Timor to continue paying tribute and honoring those dead who sacrificed their lives for truth. \"We know that many reporter died because they did not provide correct information so we must all pay homage by showing them our quality news products with impartial service professionalism & unity which will help us assist public\" he said .\""
"Meanwhile, the President of Timor-Leste Journalists Association (AJTL), David Hugu Silva reiterated his reminder to journalist Sra that they should stick with journalism principle and provide untrue or misleading information."
"He also urged journalists to continue fighting against discrimination, political intervention and in this situation the reporter is looking for ways of counteracting hoax information."
"\"To journalists that with this commemoration we hope to fight harder against something called Hoax so our work is given out the public will be better,\" said AJTL President."
"Likewise, the President of Timor-Leste Press Union (TLPU), Fransisco Bello Simoens Da Costa also said that journalistic work is a professional service so it shows an impartial spirit and opposes all interventions which do not favour editorial because reporters are independent in their editorials."
"\"In the name of TLPU's entire structure, I would like to greet all Timorese journalist colleagues. Together today we celebrate World Press Freedom Day and therefore i ask you continue your work with professionalism in fighting against discrimination especially interventions that do not favour editorial because a reporter is suddenly on an editorial.\" said Nia :"
"Meanwhile, Independent Editor Gaudencio Margues Figuera said that the quality of journalism also comes from resources and its code for ethics because this is fundamental to journalists so they can do their work professionally in order publicize information with high-quality."
"Because of the reality today many journalists come with only a medium term course so they do not understand properly about coverage techniques."
"\"The human resource of journalists now comes with the capacity that we need."
"Following just a short course, two months later I'm an experienced journalist with the ability to know coverage techniques\", said Gaudensio when participating in tolk show carried out by social communications students at Jardin do Meio-5 on Thursday (03/12)."
"According to him, besides human resources the fundamental thing for journalists is a code of ethics."
"Therefore, journalists need to look at the code of ethics as a reference for how they can provide good coverage and quality information."
"\"Because according to the principles of journalism, first and foremost public has a right for quality information\", he said."
"In addition, he said that the financial resources of most media in East Timor are poor."
"Because of this issue, he said that the media contracts with some company or organization to cut publicity."
"\"This also undermines the independence of our editorial staff."
"We write his good only to make him forget about the wrong."
"We are dependent on people."
"This funding may also have an influence on the editorial staff,\" she said."
"The Association for the Protection of KI Members is calling on Timor Leste Press Union (TLPU) and Journalist’ association in East-Timor, among others to protect their members."
"\"I would like to ask the institutions that you continue paying attention for your members, through training support which is constant and continuous in order guarantee quality of national journalism\", said KI President Virgilio da Silva Guterres."
"He said that the working conditions for journalists would be minimal."
"This situation also affects the quality of journalistic product and independence in daily journalism activities."
"On this issue, the President of TLPU Francisco Simoens Belo said that one mission which remains to be accomplished by TPLU is how it can empower its members."
"\"We have made some efforts to talk with people who are interested in coming and training journalists. This is not for members of TLPU or other associations, but it'd be good if everyone involved could benefit from this program.\""
"More in this category: \" Xanana-Assanami Husu Ema Hotu Fo Onra ba Jornalista Sira CNE Observa Labarik Ki'ik Barak Envolve iha Kampani\" /Dezafio Ba Jurnalista TL"
] |
Estudante Lalika Fó Presaun Ba Governu\nBy Tempo Timor July 23, 2020 1958\nMESSK Longuinhos dos Santos ko'alia ba Jornalista sira iha palasiu do Governu Foto Tempo Timor\nTempotimor (Dili) - Ministru Ensinu Superiór Siénsia no Kultura (MESSK), Longuinhos dos Santos, husu ba estudante universitáriu sira iha Timor laran labele fó presaun ba governu, maibé tenke kumpre devér hodi estuda.\n"Laiha ema ida atu fó presaun ba membru governu sira, desizaun ne'e depois ita sei fó, maibé husu ba alin estudante sira atu bele kumpre sira-nia devér no direitu kontinua nafatin estuda, atu bele rekupera siénsia ne'ebé durante Estadu Emerjénsia la hetan", dehan nia, hafoin reuniaun Konsellu Ministru, iha Palásiu Governu, Kuarta (22/07).\nNia dehan, estudante sira iha UNTL atu halo rejistrasaun propinas ba semestre pár nian, hein desizaun husi reitór rasik.\n"Propinas UNTL nian ha'u haruka ona karta ba iha ne'ebá, depois depende ba reitór atu bele implementa", nia informa.\nGovernante ne'e esplika, informasaun ne'ebé hakerek ona iha karta laran klaru ona no oinsá atu implementa ne'e depende ba reitór UNTL ho ninia estrutura tomak.\nAntes ne'e, estudante ensinu superiór sira la satisfás ho desizaun MESSK ne'ebé hasai despaxu ba kada universidade hodi kontinua selu semestre pár, maski situasaun Covid-19 ne'ebé halo governu dekreta Estadu Emerjénsia ba dala tolu no prosesu aprendisajem hotu paradu. (*)\nLast modified on Thursday, 23 July 2020 09:50\nMinistru Ensinu Superiór Siénsia no Kultura\n« Universidade Privadu Husu Osan Tokon $5.8 ba PN MESSK Rejeita Petisaun Estudante Universitáriu » | [
"Estudante Lalika Fo Presaun Ba Governu By Tempo Timor July 23, 2020 1958 MESSK Longuinhos dos Santos ko'alia ba Jornalista sira iha palasiu do Governu Foto Tempo Timor Tempotimor (Dili) - Ministru Ensinu Superior Siensia no Kultura (MESSK), Longuinhos dos Santos, husu ba estudante universitariu sira iha Timor laran labele fo presaun ba governu, maibe tenke kumpre dever hodi estuda.",
"\"Laiha ema ida atu fo presaun ba membru governu sira, desizaun ne'e depois ita sei fo, maibe husu ba alin estudante sira atu bele kumpre sira-nia dever no direitu kontinua nafatin estuda, atu bele rekupera siensia ne'ebe durante Estadu Emerjensia la hetan,\" dehan nia, hafoin reuniaun Konsellu Ministru, iha Palasiu Governu, Kuarta (22/07).",
"Nia dehan, estudante sira iha UNTL atu halo rejistrasaun propinas ba semestre par nian, hein desizaun husi reitor rasik.",
"\"Propinas UNTL nian ha'u haruka ona karta ba iha ne'eba, depois depende ba reitor atu bele implementa,\" nia informa.",
"Governante ne'e esplika, informasaun ne'ebe hakerek ona iha karta laran klaru ona no oinsa atu implementa ne'e depende ba reitor UNTL ho ninia estrutura tomak.",
"Antes ne'e, estudante ensinu superior sira la satisfas ho desizaun MESSK ne'ebe hasai despaxu ba kada universidade hodi kontinua selu semestre par, maski situasaun Covid-19 ne'ebe halo governu dekreta Estadu Emerjensia ba dala tolu no prosesu aprendisajem hotu paradu. (*) Last modified on Thursday, 23 July 2020 09:50 Ministru Ensinu Superior Siensia no Kultura \" Universidade Privadu Husu Osan Tokon $5.8 ba PN MESSK Rejeita Petisaun Estudante Universitariu \""
] | [
"Tempotimor (Dili) - Minister of Higher Education, Science and Culture Longuinhos dos Santos has called on university students in Timor-Leste not to put pressure upon the government but rather fulfil their duties by studying. He said: “There is no reason why we should force ourselves into doing so.”"
"\"No one is to put pressure on the members of government, we will take this decision later but ask our fellow students that they can fulfill their duties and rights continue studying in order for them recuperate science which was not obtained during State Of Emergency\", he said after a meeting with Council Ministers at Government Palace Thursday (21/07)."
"He said, students at UNTL to register tuition fees for the even semester are awaiting a decision from rector himself."
"\"I've sent a letter to the UNTL board of directors, and then it will depend on their rector if they can implement this plan.\""
"The governor explained that the information written in this letter is clear and how to implement it depends on UNTL rector with its entire structure."
"Previously, higher education students were not satisfied with the decision of MESSK which issued a dispatch to each university in order for them continue paying even semester fees despite Covid-19 situation that made government declare State Of Emergency three times and all learning processes halted. (*) Last modified on Thursday 23 July (UTC+08:45)."
] |
Presidente Konfederasaun Sindikatu Timor-Leste (KSTL), Almério Villa Nova hateten keixa ne’ebe sira simu husi trabalhador sira hatudu kompanhia internasional mak barak liu hakotu relasaun servisu ho trabalhador sira kompara ho kompanhia nasional tanba razaun laiha kapasidade finanseiru sufisiente atu selu trabalhador sira.\_\nPresidente Konfederasaun Sindikatu Timor-Leste (KSTL), Almério Villa Nova hateten keixa ne’ebe sira simu husi trabalhador sira hatudu kompanhia internasional mak barak liu hakotu relasaun servisu ho trabalhador sira.\nNia dehan hahu fulan Janeiru to’o Setembru tinan 2021, sira regista kazu disputa laboral hamutuk 114, ne’ebe mai ho tipu kazu oioin hanesan hapara servisu, la hetan pagamentu overtime, pagamentu la kompletu, la hetan lisensa anual no hetan infesaun Covid-19.\n“Husi kazu 114 ne’e, kazu 109 mak depois ita halo aproximasaun no negosiasaun hetan ona solusaun hanesan tama fali servisu no balun hetan sira nia direitu ba kompesesaun, maske sira balun komete sala grave. Hela kazu 5 mak sei iha prosesu laran tanba ami konsidera kompleksu,” nia hateten via telefone.\nNia hateten problema disputa laboral iha futuru sei aumenta makas no sei afeta ema barak lakon servisu tanba situasaun politika rai laran no surtu Covid-19 fo presaun bo’ot tebes ba ekonomia rai laran tanba realidade hatudu kompanhia barak taka, hamenus trabalhador, suspende atividade.\nNia hatutan govern tenke halo ona investimentu ba setor produtivu sira hanesan agrikultura, peskas, turismu no minarai atu bele absorve problema dezempregu iha rai laran.\nIha parte seluk, Diretor Executivu Servisu Rejistu no Verifikasaun Emprezarial, IP (SERVE), Florêncio da Costa Sanches hateten kompanhia internasional no kompanhia nasional sira ne’ebe nain ema estranjeru barak mak taka tanba laiha ona kapasidade finanseru atu selu eletrisidade, aluga uma no rai inklui selu trabalhador sira.\nNia dehan hahu fulan Janeiru to’o Agostu tinan 2021, kompanhia hamutuk 28 mak deside taka kompanhia ho razaun laiha rendimentu ba atividade no servisu ne’ebe sira fornese.\n“Normalmente empreza laos kompanhia no kompanha fo servisu ba ema nain tolu, agora ema taka hamutuk 28 ita multiplika kuaze ema nain besik atus ida maka lakon servisu direta. Agora sira indireta mos barak tanba ema ida fila ba uma fo han ema nain tolu ba leten, entau numeru ne’e aumenta barak tan,” nia hateten.\nNia hateten sira halo esforsu atu konvense emprezario sira atu taka deit atividade husik kompanhia moris, maibe razaun principal ne’ebe aprejenta maka laiha rendimentu atu selu eletrisidade, arendamentu uma no rai. | [
"Presidente Konfederasaun Sindikatu Timor-Leste (KSTL), Almerio Villa Nova hateten keixa ne'ebe sira simu husi trabalhador sira hatudu kompanhia internasional mak barak liu hakotu relasaun servisu ho trabalhador sira kompara ho kompanhia nasional tanba razaun laiha kapasidade finanseiru sufisiente atu selu trabalhador sira.\\_ Presidente Konfederasaun Sindikatu Timor-Leste (KSTL), Almerio Villa Nova hateten keixa ne'ebe sira simu husi trabalhador sira hatudu kompanhia internasional mak barak liu hakotu relasaun servisu ho trabalhador sira.",
"Nia dehan hahu fulan Janeiru to'o Setembru tinan 2021, sira regista kazu disputa laboral hamutuk 114, ne'ebe mai ho tipu kazu oioin hanesan hapara servisu, la hetan pagamentu overtime, pagamentu la kompletu, la hetan lisensa anual no hetan infesaun Covid-19.",
"\"Husi kazu 114 ne'e, kazu 109 mak depois ita halo aproximasaun no negosiasaun hetan ona solusaun hanesan tama fali servisu no balun hetan sira nia direitu ba kompesesaun, maske sira balun komete sala grave.",
"Hela kazu 5 mak sei iha prosesu laran tanba ami konsidera kompleksu,\" nia hateten via telefone.",
"Nia hateten problema disputa laboral iha futuru sei aumenta makas no sei afeta ema barak lakon servisu tanba situasaun politika rai laran no surtu Covid-19 fo presaun bo'ot tebes ba ekonomia rai laran tanba realidade hatudu kompanhia barak taka, hamenus trabalhador, suspende atividade.",
"Nia hatutan govern tenke halo ona investimentu ba setor produtivu sira hanesan agrikultura, peskas, turismu no minarai atu bele absorve problema dezempregu iha rai laran.",
"Iha parte seluk, Diretor Executivu Servisu Rejistu no Verifikasaun Emprezarial, IP (SERVE), Florencio da Costa Sanches hateten kompanhia internasional no kompanhia nasional sira ne'ebe nain ema estranjeru barak mak taka tanba laiha ona kapasidade finanseru atu selu eletrisidade, aluga uma no rai inklui selu trabalhador sira.",
"Nia dehan hahu fulan Janeiru to'o Agostu tinan 2021, kompanhia hamutuk 28 mak deside taka kompanhia ho razaun laiha rendimentu ba atividade no servisu ne'ebe sira fornese.",
"\"Normalmente empreza laos kompanhia no kompanha fo servisu ba ema nain tolu, agora ema taka hamutuk 28 ita multiplika kuaze ema nain besik atus ida maka lakon servisu direta.",
"Agora sira indireta mos barak tanba ema ida fila ba uma fo han ema nain tolu ba leten, entau numeru ne'e aumenta barak tan,\" nia hateten.",
"Nia hateten sira halo esforsu atu konvense emprezario sira atu taka deit atividade husik kompanhia moris, maibe razaun principal ne'ebe aprejenta maka laiha rendimentu atu selu eletrisidade, arendamentu uma no rai."
] | [
"The President of the Confederação Sindical de Timor-Leste (KSTL), Almerio Villa Nova, said that complaints they have received from workers show more international companies terminate employment relationship with them than national company because there is not sufficient financial capacity to pay their employee.\\_The Presidente da Confederacao sindical timorense(KSL) Almiro Vilanova says que as reclamações recebidas por trabalhadores mostram mais empresas internacionais acaba a relação trabalhista com os seus empregados em maior número comparado às empresa nacionais porque não tem capacidade financeira suficiente para pagar aos funcionários \\_"
"He said that from January to September 2019, they registered a total of the case labor disputes in all cases as many like work termination and not getting overtime payments. Incompletely paid workers were also unable get annual leave or got Covid-38 infectious disease (COVID)."
"\"Of these 109 cases, after we made the approach and negotiations have found a solution such as returning to work. Some of them got their right for compensation even though some committed serious errors.\""
"There are still five cases pending because we consider them complex,\" he said over the phone."
"He said that the problem of labor disputes in future will increase dramatically and affect many people losing their jobs due to domestic political situations, as well a Covid-19 outbreak putting great pressure on national economy because reality shows companies are closing down or reducing workforce."
"He added that the government must invest in productive sectors such as agriculture, fisheries and tourism to absorb unemployment problems at home."
"On the other hand, Executive Director of Business Registration and Verification Service (SERVE), Florencio da Costa Sanches said that international companies as well national ones owned by many foreigners are closing because they no longer have financial capacity to pay for electricity or rent a house."
"He said that from January to August 2019, a total of twenty-eight companies had closed down on the grounds they were not receiving any revenue for their activities and services."
"\"Normally, an enterprise is not a company and the companies employ three people. Now there are 28 employees in total; we multiply that by almost one thousand workers who have lost their jobs directly.\""
"Now there are also many indirect ones because one person returning home feeds up to three people, so the number is increasing even more.\""
"He said that they have made efforts to convince entrepreneurs just close down and let the company live, but their main reason is lack of income for paying electricity bill."
] |
TIMOR HAU NIAN DOBEN: KPK Identifica Uma Membru Governu\nTimor Post - 15 Agostu 2014\nDíli - Komisi Pemberantas Korupsi (KPK) detekta ona membru governu balun ne'ebé halo uma iha nasaun Indonésia. Maibé KPK seidauk bele halo asaun tanba seidauk iha akordu entre KAK (Komisaun Anti Korupsaun) ho KPK.\nEspesialista Edukasaun no Atendementu Públiku KPK Indonézia, Wuryono Prakoso hatete, tanba seidauk iha koperasaun entaun KPK halo intervensaun.\n"Ami hosi KPK hatene membru balun halo uma luxu iha Indonézia. Maibé, ami labele halo buat ruma tanba seidauk iha koperasaun, mais kuandu akordu koperasaun asina ona mak iha tempu besik, ami seu hala'o servisu ida ne'e," Prakoso dehan iha konferensia ne'ébé hala'o iha Business Palm Center, Hudi-Laran, Díli, Kinta (14/08).\nMaibé nia dehan, depois KAK ho KPK asina ona akordu tempu besik mak KPK sei husu KAK atu aprejenta prosesu hodi halo intervensaun ba membrus governu sira ne'ebé halo uma iha Indonézia.\nPrakoso hatutan, meius ne'ebé KPK sei halo, depois de asina akordu koperasaun mak sei halo prosesu hodi haruka fila koruptór sira ne'ebé halo uma iha nasaun Indonézia. Maibé, KAK tenke aprejenta mos identifikasaun lolos korruptór sira nian.\nKestaun seluk ne'ebé KPK preokupa mak to'o agora, TL seidauk iha lei anti korupsaun hodi prosesa koruptór sira tuir lei ne'ebé vigora iha nasaun TL.\nNia sujere ba Parlamentu Nasionál atu bele deskute no aprova lalais anti korupsaun. Nia dehan tan, KPK mos identifika koruptór balun ne'ebé halai ba Indonézia. Mais nia labele temi naran lolos no nia espera ho koperasaun ne'ebé trasa ona entre parte rua mak KPK sei fasilita hodi lori mai TL.\nEntretantu, Komisariu Kak Aderito Pinto Tilman hatete, atu hametin relasaun di'ak entre KAK ho KPK Indonézia tenke sai pririedade primeiru nasaun rua nian iha tempu besik.\nTan ne'e KAK sei asina ho KPK iha tempu badak hodi kombate no prevene korupsaun iha area oi-oin.\n"Hanesan akontese iha ita nia le'et, korupsaun akontese liu-hosi meius oi-oin. Entaun dalan ne'ebé di'ak maka ita tenke kombate iha nivel nasionál to'o nivel rejionál mak prevensaun. edukasaun no investigasaun," Tilman hatete liu hosi abertura konferensia.\nAderito hatutan, agora dadaun esforsu serbisu KAK hanesan esforsu nasionál no global. Haree ba vizaun globalizasaun fó ona benefisiu, maibe haree hosi aspektu struktura ne'ebé fasilita transaksaun negosiuno finansiamentu internasinál ba buat sira ne'ebé la fó dalan, hanesan brankeamentu kapitais no hadok-án hosi impostu.\nNia dehan tan, nasaun TL lakohi dezenvolvi ho osan fo'er, entaun di'ak liu prevene agora duque kura. Nia espera ho konferensia ne'e bele fó rezultadu signifikativu hodi ajuda nasaun TL ho RI atu kombate hahalok korupsaun.\n"Hahalok sira hanesan ne'e sempre hamosu inisiativa la di'ak ba nasaun dezenvolvidu sira. Rezultadu hosi hahalok sira ne'e hamosu ki'ak barak iha nasaun sira ne'ebé riku mina," nia dehan.\nAderito dehan tan, apoiu ONG sira nian importante tebes iha faze kombate korupsaun iha nasaun TL. Nia espera, ho konferensia ne'e bele rezultadu konfrensip ba organizasaun sívil, no la-sente izola án hasoru korupsaun ne'ebé akontese iha rai laran.\nNune'e mos, Xefe delegasaun KPK, Jhonson Giating hatete, konferensia foun ne'ebé realiza entre nasaun rua hodi aprende oinsá atu bele kombate korupsaun iha ida-idak nasaun.\nNia espera konferensia ne'e TL bele foti rezultadu di'ak ruma hosi esperiensia ne'ebé KPK husik hela durante konferensia loron rua.\nOportunidade ne'e Prokuradór Jerál Repúblika, José Ximenes hato'o nia apresiasaun relasiona ba buat ne'ebé mak Komisariu KAK ho nia ekipa sira halo hosi realiza seminariu hamutuk entre KAK ho KPK durante loron rua.\nNia dehan tan, KAK TL iha adjuntu komisariu ne'ebé toma konta ba investigasaun hodi ajuda prokuradória jerál.\n"Hau hakarak hatete katak atu kombate no prevene korupsaun uza lei kodigu penal. Maibé iha diferensa investigasaun KAK ho KPK mak balun la-hanesan, ezemplu KAK halo investigasaun ba kazu korupsaun ne'ebé akontese iha instituisaun estadu bele bazeia ba informasaun hosi pesoal ministériu nian," nia dehan tan.\nAntes ne'e, PJR José Ximenes deklara ona ba públiku katak Ministériu Públiku identifika membru balun iha aset iha nasaun Indonézia. (myn) | [
"TIMOR HAU NIAN DOBEN: KPK Identifica Uma Membru Governu Timor Post - 15 Agostu 2014 Dili - Komisi Pemberantas Korupsi (KPK) detekta ona membru governu balun ne'ebe halo uma iha nasaun Indonesia.",
"Maibe KPK seidauk bele halo asaun tanba seidauk iha akordu entre KAK (Komisaun Anti Korupsaun) ho KPK.",
"Espesialista Edukasaun no Atendementu Publiku KPK Indonezia, Wuryono Prakoso hatete, tanba seidauk iha koperasaun entaun KPK halo intervensaun.",
"\"Ami hosi KPK hatene membru balun halo uma luxu iha Indonezia.",
"Maibe, ami labele halo buat ruma tanba seidauk iha koperasaun, mais kuandu akordu koperasaun asina ona mak iha tempu besik, ami seu hala'o servisu ida ne'e,\" Prakoso dehan iha konferensia ne'ebe hala'o iha Business Palm Center, Hudi-Laran, Dili, Kinta (14/08).",
"Maibe nia dehan, depois KAK ho KPK asina ona akordu tempu besik mak KPK sei husu KAK atu aprejenta prosesu hodi halo intervensaun ba membrus governu sira ne'ebe halo uma iha Indonezia.",
"Prakoso hatutan, meius ne'ebe KPK sei halo, depois de asina akordu koperasaun mak sei halo prosesu hodi haruka fila koruptor sira ne'ebe halo uma iha nasaun Indonezia.",
"Maibe, KAK tenke aprejenta mos identifikasaun lolos korruptor sira nian.",
"Kestaun seluk ne'ebe KPK preokupa mak to'o agora, TL seidauk iha lei anti korupsaun hodi prosesa koruptor sira tuir lei ne'ebe vigora iha nasaun TL.",
"Nia sujere ba Parlamentu Nasional atu bele deskute no aprova lalais anti korupsaun.",
"Nia dehan tan, KPK mos identifika koruptor balun ne'ebe halai ba Indonezia.",
"Mais nia labele temi naran lolos no nia espera ho koperasaun ne'ebe trasa ona entre parte rua mak KPK sei fasilita hodi lori mai TL.",
"Entretantu, Komisariu Kak Aderito Pinto Tilman hatete, atu hametin relasaun di'ak entre KAK ho KPK Indonezia tenke sai pririedade primeiru nasaun rua nian iha tempu besik.",
"Tan ne'e KAK sei asina ho KPK iha tempu badak hodi kombate no prevene korupsaun iha area oi-oin.",
"\"Hanesan akontese iha ita nia le'et, korupsaun akontese liu-hosi meius oi-oin.",
"Entaun dalan ne'ebe di'ak maka ita tenke kombate iha nivel nasional to'o nivel rejional mak prevensaun. edukasaun no investigasaun,\" Tilman hatete liu hosi abertura konferensia.",
"Aderito hatutan, agora dadaun esforsu serbisu KAK hanesan esforsu nasional no global.",
"Haree ba vizaun globalizasaun fo ona benefisiu, maibe haree hosi aspektu struktura ne'ebe fasilita transaksaun negosiuno finansiamentu internasinal ba buat sira ne'ebe la fo dalan, hanesan brankeamentu kapitais no hadok-an hosi impostu.",
"Nia dehan tan, nasaun TL lakohi dezenvolvi ho osan fo'er, entaun di'ak liu prevene agora duque kura.",
"Nia espera ho konferensia ne'e bele fo rezultadu signifikativu hodi ajuda nasaun TL ho RI atu kombate hahalok korupsaun.",
"\"Hahalok sira hanesan ne'e sempre hamosu inisiativa la di'ak ba nasaun dezenvolvidu sira.",
"Rezultadu hosi hahalok sira ne'e hamosu ki'ak barak iha nasaun sira ne'ebe riku mina,\" nia dehan.",
"Aderito dehan tan, apoiu ONG sira nian importante tebes iha faze kombate korupsaun iha nasaun TL.",
"Nia espera, ho konferensia ne'e bele rezultadu konfrensip ba organizasaun sivil, no la-sente izola an hasoru korupsaun ne'ebe akontese iha rai laran.",
"Nune'e mos, Xefe delegasaun KPK, Jhonson Giating hatete, konferensia foun ne'ebe realiza entre nasaun rua hodi aprende oinsa atu bele kombate korupsaun iha ida-idak nasaun.",
"Nia espera konferensia ne'e TL bele foti rezultadu di'ak ruma hosi esperiensia ne'ebe KPK husik hela durante konferensia loron rua.",
"Oportunidade ne'e Prokurador Jeral Republika, Jose Ximenes hato'o nia apresiasaun relasiona ba buat ne'ebe mak Komisariu KAK ho nia ekipa sira halo hosi realiza seminariu hamutuk entre KAK ho KPK durante loron rua.",
"Nia dehan tan, KAK TL iha adjuntu komisariu ne'ebe toma konta ba investigasaun hodi ajuda prokuradoria jeral.",
"\"Hau hakarak hatete katak atu kombate no prevene korupsaun uza lei kodigu penal.",
"Maibe iha diferensa investigasaun KAK ho KPK mak balun la-hanesan, ezemplu KAK halo investigasaun ba kazu korupsaun ne'ebe akontese iha instituisaun estadu bele bazeia ba informasaun hosi pesoal ministeriu nian,\" nia dehan tan.",
"Antes ne'e, PJR Jose Ximenes deklara ona ba publiku katak Ministeriu Publiku identifika membru balun iha aset iha nasaun Indonezia. (myn)"
] | [
"TIMOR HAU NIAN DOBEN: KPK Identifies House of Government Member Timor Post - 15 August,2034 Dili – The Commission to Combat Corruption (KPK) has detected some government members who have houses in Indonesia."
"However, the KPK cannot take any action because there is no agreement between KAK (Anti-Corruption Commission) and it."
"KPK Indonesia Education and Public Affairs Specialist Wuryono Prakoso said that since there was no cooperation, the Commission intervened."
"\"We from the KPK know that some of our members are building luxury homes in Indonesia."
"However, we cannot do anything because there is no cooperation yet. But when the co-operation agreement has been signed in a short time will be possible for us to carry out this work\", Prakoso said at an information conference held on Thursday (14/08) from Business Palm Center and Hudi Laran districts of Dili City"
"However, he said that after KAK and KPK have signed an agreement in the near future. The latter will ask TAK to take action against members of governments who are building houses on Indonesian soil;"
"Prakoso said, the means that KPK will use after signing a cooperation agreement is to proceed with sending back corrupts who have made their home in Indonesia."
"However, the CPC must also ensure that corruptors are properly identified."
"Another issue of concern to the KPK is that so far, TL does not have an anti-corruption law in place for prosecuting corruptors accordingly with current legislations."
"He suggested that the National Parliament should discuss and approve anti-corruption laws quickly."
"He also said that the KPK has identified some corrupt officials who have fled to Indonesia."
"But he couldn't name any names and hoped that with the cooperation established between both sides, KPK would facilitate bringing it to TL."
"Meanwhile, Commissioner Kak Aderito Pinto Tilman said that to strengthen good relations between KAK and KPK Indonesia should be the first priority of both countries in a short time."
"Therefore, the CPC will soon sign an agreement with KPK to combat and prevent corruption in various areas."
"\"As it happens in our own country, corruption is occurring through a variety of means."
"So the best way we can fight it from national to regional level is through prevention, education and investigation,” Tilman said during his opening address."
"Aderito added that the current efforts of CWC work are both national and global."
"From a viewpoint of globalization has brought benefits, but from the structural aspect that facilitates business transactions and international financing to things which it does not allow such as money laundering or tax evasion."
"He said, the country TL does not want to develop with foreign money so it's better prevent now duque cura."
"He hoped that the conference could yield significant results to help both countries fight corruption."
"\"These kinds of actions always create bad incentives for the developed countries."
"The result of these practices is a great deal more poverty in the oil-rich countries,\" he said."
"Aderito also said that the support of NGOs is very important in this phase to fight corruption."
"He hoped that the conference would be a forum for civil society organizations, and not an isolationist response to domestic corruption."
"Also, KPK delegation head Jhonson Giating said that the new conference held between two countries to learn how they can fight corruption in each country."
"He hoped that the conference would allow Timor-Leste to draw some positive outcomes from its experiences with KPK during this two day event."
"On this occasion, Prosecutor General of the Republic Jose Ximenes expressed his appreciation for what was done by Commissioner KAK and her teams to hold a two-day joint seminar between KAS with KPK."
"He also said that KAK TL has a deputy commissioner who takes charge of the investigation and assists with prosecutions."
"\"I would like to say that in order for corruption be fought and prevented, we use the law of criminal code."
"But there is a difference between the investigations of KAK and KPK that some are not successful, for example when TAK conducts an inquiry into corruption cases in state institutions it can rely on information from ministerial personnel,” he added."
"Earlier, PJR Jose Ximenes had declared to the public that Public Prosecutor's Office identifies some members with asset in Indonesia. (myn)"
] |
Peskiza hala’o husi Seeds of Life (SoL) hatudu katak produsaun ai-han sereál iha Timor-Leste ba kada ema kada tinan barak liu data tolu kompara ho tempu Portuguese.\nPeskiza ne’e halo hare ba kuantidade produsaun ai-han sereál hanesan batar no hare iha Timor-Leste, ba ema ida iha tinan ida husi tempu kolonial Portugues, okupasaun Indonesia, no depois hetan independensia.\nRezultadu peskiza ne’e hatudu katak iha tempu Portgues produsaun ai-han menus liu kompara ho tempu agora. Iha tempu Portuguese média ba ema ida hetan produsaun 38kg/tinan, maibe agora média produsaun ai-han sereál kada ema ida 122kg/tinan.\nRezultadu peskiza kuantidade produsaun ai-han sereál (ema/kg/tinan) no média produsaun ai-han sereál hatudu hanesan grafiku no tabela tuir mai nee:\nPeriodu Média Ai-han sereál (ema/tinan)\nPortuguese (1961-1975) 38 kg\nIndependensia (2000-2014) 122 kg\nPeskiza ne’e hala’o husi Abril Fatima Lemos Soares, MAF-SoL National Coordinator of OFDT (on-farm demonstration trial) no Rob Williams, MAF-SoL Research Advisor bazeia ba dadus original ne’ebé sira partilla husi website Faostat3.fao.org.\n“Dadus ne’e ami kolleita husi bazeia ba dadus sereál iha Timor-Leste husi tinan 1961-2014 ne’ebé disponivel iha website Faostat3.fao.org. Depois ami transfera dadus ne’e ba Excel spread sheet data no halo kalkulasaun,” tenik Abril.\nAbril Fátima hatete katak peskiza ne’e importante tebes hodi hatene historia kona-ba kuantidade produsaun ai-han husi sereál iha tempu uluk to’o agora.\n“Ita presiza hatene historia kuantidade produsaun ai-han sereál iha tempu uluk to’o agora atu bele fo hanoin ita. Bainhira ita hatene ona, ita bele halo esforsu hodi hetan kuantidade produsaun aihan barak liu tan iha future.”\nProdusaun batar Sele husi grupu agrikultur iha Fatumaca, Baucau © Yessy Betty/Seeds of Life\nBaseia ba dadus husi Food Agriculture Organization (FAO) kuantidade média produsaun ai-han mundu nian ba ema ida mak 206 kg/tinan. Ho nune’e, rezultadu peskiza ne’e hatudu katak produsaun ai-han sereál iha Timor-Leste ba ema ida kada tinan kobre deit 59% kompara ho mundu nia média ba konsumu ai-han sereál.\nHusi kuantidade média produsaun aihan ne’ebe hatudu, Timor-Leste presiza aumenta luan área husi to’os ho natar no hasae agrikultór Timor-Leste nia koñesimentu kona ba sistema kuda batar ho hare ne’ebé diak ho teknolojia ruma hodi hasa’e produsaun atu bele aumenta ai-han iha futuru. | [
"Peskiza hala'o husi Seeds of Life (SoL) hatudu katak produsaun ai-han sereal iha Timor-Leste ba kada ema kada tinan barak liu data tolu kompara ho tempu Portuguese.",
"Peskiza ne'e halo hare ba kuantidade produsaun ai-han sereal hanesan batar no hare iha Timor-Leste, ba ema ida iha tinan ida husi tempu kolonial Portugues, okupasaun Indonesia, no depois hetan independensia.",
"Rezultadu peskiza ne'e hatudu katak iha tempu Portgues produsaun ai-han menus liu kompara ho tempu agora.",
"Iha tempu Portuguese media ba ema ida hetan produsaun 38kg/tinan, maibe agora media produsaun ai-han sereal kada ema ida 122kg/tinan.",
"Rezultadu peskiza kuantidade produsaun ai-han sereal (ema/kg/tinan) no media produsaun ai-han sereal hatudu hanesan grafiku no tabela tuir mai nee: Periodu Media Ai-han sereal (ema/tinan) Portuguese (1961-1975) 38 kg Independensia (2000-2014) 122 kg Peskiza ne'e hala'o husi Abril Fatima Lemos Soares, MAF-SoL National Coordinator of OFDT (on-farm demonstration trial) no Rob Williams, MAF-SoL Research Advisor bazeia ba dadus original ne'ebe sira partilla husi website Faostat3.fao.org.",
"\"Dadus ne'e ami kolleita husi bazeia ba dadus sereal iha Timor-Leste husi tinan 1961-2014 ne'ebe disponivel iha website Faostat3.fao.org.",
"Depois ami transfera dadus ne'e ba Excel spread sheet data no halo kalkulasaun,\" tenik Abril.",
"Abril Fatima hatete katak peskiza ne'e importante tebes hodi hatene historia kona-ba kuantidade produsaun ai-han husi sereal iha tempu uluk to'o agora.",
"\"Ita presiza hatene historia kuantidade produsaun ai-han sereal iha tempu uluk to'o agora atu bele fo hanoin ita.",
"Bainhira ita hatene ona, ita bele halo esforsu hodi hetan kuantidade produsaun aihan barak liu tan iha future.\"",
"Produsaun batar Sele husi grupu agrikultur iha Fatumaca, Baucau (c) Yessy Betty/Seeds of Life Baseia ba dadus husi Food Agriculture Organization (FAO) kuantidade media produsaun ai-han mundu nian ba ema ida mak 206 kg/tinan.",
"Ho nune'e, rezultadu peskiza ne'e hatudu katak produsaun ai-han sereal iha Timor-Leste ba ema ida kada tinan kobre deit 59% kompara ho mundu nia media ba konsumu ai-han sereal.",
"Husi kuantidade media produsaun aihan ne'ebe hatudu, Timor-Leste presiza aumenta luan area husi to'os ho natar no hasae agrikultor Timor-Leste nia konesimentu kona ba sistema kuda batar ho hare ne'ebe diak ho teknolojia ruma hodi hasa'e produsaun atu bele aumenta ai-han iha futuru."
] | [
"Research conducted by Seeds of Life (SoL) shows that cereal production in Timor-Leste per capita annually is three times higher than at Portuguese time."
"The research looked at the quantity of cereal crops such as potatoes and wheat produced in East Timor, per capita annually from Portuguese colonial times to Indonesian occupation until independence."
"The results of this research show that in the Portgues time there was less food production than today."
"In Portuguese times the average per capita yield was 38kg/year, but now it is an estimated cereal production of about120 kg."
"The results of the research on cereal crop yields (feet/kg per year) and average grain production are shown as graphic table below: Period Average Cereals Production Portuguese(1960-75),38 kg Independence,2.4 million hectares Independentemente de Portugal -Independence in Brazil This study was carried out by Abril Fatima Lemos Soares MAF SoL National Coordinator Of OFDT On Farm Demonstration Triala Rob Williams Research Advisor based upon original data they shared from Faostat web site faostats"
"\"We collected this data based on the cereal statistics in Timor-Leste from 1960 -24 which are available at Faostat3.faostats785@gmail,com and FAO'S website: www"
"Then we transfer the data to Excel spreadsheets and make calculations,\" Abril said."
"Abril Fatima said that the research is very important to know history about quantity of cereal production from past times until now."
"\"We need to know the history of cereal quantity production in past times up until now so that we can think."
"Once we know this, it will be easier for us to work towards achieving even higher quantities of food production in the future.\""
"Seed production by agriculture group in Fatumaca, Baucau (c) Yessy Betty/Seeds of Life Based on data from the Food and Agriculture Organization(FAO), world average per capita food output is 206 kg."
"Thus, the results of this research show that cereal production in Timor-Leste per capita annually covers only 59% compared to world average for grain consumption."
"From the average amount of food production shown, Timor-Leste needs to increase its area covered with forests and crops as well. It also need more knowledge amongst local farmer about better potato cultivation systems in order that they can improve their productivity for a future increased quantity from fruit trees"
] |
OJE 2020 ba F-FDTL ho PNTL, Foku ba Selu Deve – ::Timor Post Online::\nHome » Nasionál » OJE 2020 ba F-FDTL ho PNTL, Foku ba Selu Deve\n9 junho 2020 27 abril 2021 by Timor Post-275 views\nTimor Post (09/06/2020)—Ministru Defeza no Ministru Interior Interinu, Filomeno Paixão de Jesus informa, nia parte dadauk halo hela proposta ba Orsamentu Jerál Estadu (OJE) ba tinan 2020 nian foku liu ba selu deve liuliu iha Polísia Nasiona Timor Leste (PNTL).\nPaixão hatete, tanba OJE 2020 nian ba fulan hirak de’it maka nia parte uza oportunidade atu foku deit ba selu deve, no ba tinan 2021 maka sei foku ba invetimentu no programa prioridade sira hodi responde ba nesesidade instituisaun rua ne’e nian.\n“Primeiru Ministru bolu ha’u ko’alia uitoan relatóriu kona-ba kestaun defeza no seguransa no mós kona-ba hanoin oinsá ba orsamentu 2020 ne’ebé lato’o tan fulan neen ona ita atu halo ba forsa no defeza,” Paixão haktuir ba Jornalista sira hafoin hasoru malu ho Primeiru Ministru Taur Matan Ruak, iha Palásiu Governu, Tersa (09/06/2020).\nNia hatutan, dívida iha instituisaun rua ne’e boot liu iha PNTL liuliu iha telekomunikasaun inklui telefone selu CCTV ne’ebé monta iha sidade Dili no manutensaun ba viatura sira ne’ebé tuir estimasaun atinji liu millaun rua.\n“Ida ne’e mak preokupa aserta tenke selu tia lai atu nune’e orsamentu 2021 ne’e ho pájina mós ida ne’e mak Primeiru Ministru orienta atu halo depois haree fali ba fulan tolu haat ba oin ne’e,” Paixão salienta.\nBa tinan 2021, Paixão dehan, ba parte defeza sei foku ba siguransa marítima, seguransa fronterisia, tanba F-FDTL mós agora reforsa iha fronteira terestre, sei iha vizilánsia marítima liuliu ba kosta sul atu bele kopera ho Austrália ba patrolla konjuntu, no ho Amérika hadi’a Aeroportu Baukau.\n“Ita tau avioneta iha ne’ebá atu halo vizilánsia no iha mós kompañia Ingles ida atu azuda ita treinu atu loke sala operasaun boot ida atu panoram maritima iha kosta sul, leste, norte, oeste no mós fronteira,” Paixão komenta.\nPlanu hirak ne’e, Paixão dehan diskuti ona ho Primeiru Ministru atu tau ba iha prátika.\nNia dehan, hanoin mós kona-ba droka atu halo fabriku droka seka depois ita bele hadi’a ita nia ro ba mikitar sira ne’ebé mak at durante ba hadi’a iha indonezia halo despeza ne’ebé mak boot di’ak liu ita loke de’it iha ne’e depois hadi’a iha ne’e de’it.\nPrevious post Arsenio Hato’o Relatóriu Ikus ba Primeiru Ministru\nNext post Timor Leste Selebra Loron Mundiál Oceano | [
"OJE 2020 ba F-FDTL ho PNTL, Foku ba Selu Deve -::Timor Post Online:: Home \" Nasional \" OJE 2020 ba F-FDTL ho PNTL, Foku ba Selu Deve 9 junho 2020 27 abril 2021 by Timor Post-275 views Timor Post (09/06/2020) - Ministru Defeza no Ministru Interior Interinu, Filomeno Paixao de Jesus informa, nia parte dadauk halo hela proposta ba Orsamentu Jeral Estadu (OJE) ba tinan 2020 nian foku liu ba selu deve liuliu iha Polisia Nasiona Timor Leste (PNTL).",
"Paixao hatete, tanba OJE 2020 nian ba fulan hirak de'it maka nia parte uza oportunidade atu foku deit ba selu deve, no ba tinan 2021 maka sei foku ba invetimentu no programa prioridade sira hodi responde ba nesesidade instituisaun rua ne'e nian.",
"\"Primeiru Ministru bolu ha'u ko'alia uitoan relatoriu kona-ba kestaun defeza no seguransa no mos kona-ba hanoin oinsa ba orsamentu 2020 ne'ebe lato'o tan fulan neen ona ita atu halo ba forsa no defeza,\" Paixao haktuir ba Jornalista sira hafoin hasoru malu ho Primeiru Ministru Taur Matan Ruak, iha Palasiu Governu, Tersa (09/06/2020).",
"Nia hatutan, divida iha instituisaun rua ne'e boot liu iha PNTL liuliu iha telekomunikasaun inklui telefone selu CCTV ne'ebe monta iha sidade Dili no manutensaun ba viatura sira ne'ebe tuir estimasaun atinji liu millaun rua.",
"\"Ida ne'e mak preokupa aserta tenke selu tia lai atu nune'e orsamentu 2021 ne'e ho pajina mos ida ne'e mak Primeiru Ministru orienta atu halo depois haree fali ba fulan tolu haat ba oin ne'e,\" Paixao salienta.",
"Ba tinan 2021, Paixao dehan, ba parte defeza sei foku ba siguransa maritima, seguransa fronterisia, tanba F-FDTL mos agora reforsa iha fronteira terestre, sei iha vizilansia maritima liuliu ba kosta sul atu bele kopera ho Australia ba patrolla konjuntu, no ho Amerika hadi'a Aeroportu Baukau.",
"\"Ita tau avioneta iha ne'eba atu halo vizilansia no iha mos kompania Ingles ida atu azuda ita treinu atu loke sala operasaun boot ida atu panoram maritima iha kosta sul, leste, norte, oeste no mos fronteira,\" Paixao komenta.",
"Planu hirak ne'e, Paixao dehan diskuti ona ho Primeiru Ministru atu tau ba iha pratika.",
"Nia dehan, hanoin mos kona-ba droka atu halo fabriku droka seka depois ita bele hadi'a ita nia ro ba mikitar sira ne'ebe mak at durante ba hadi'a iha indonezia halo despeza ne'ebe mak boot di'ak liu ita loke de'it iha ne'e depois hadi'a iha ne'e de'it.",
"Previous post Arsenio Hato'o Relatoriu Ikus ba Primeiru Ministru Next post Timor Leste Selebra Loron Mundial Oceano"
] | [
"Timor Post (09/12 / 365) - The Minister of Defence and Interim Interior, Filomeno Paixao de Jesus informs that his side is shortly making a proposal for the General State Budget(GSB), focusing on paying debts especially in PNTL."
"Paixao said that since the 2019 budget is only for a few months, his party has used this opportunity to focus on paying debt and in order of priority programmes will be invested into meeting both institutions' needs."
"\"The Prime Minister called me to talk a little bit about the report on defence and security issues, as well with regards how we can make it into our budget for 2019 which has been in place since six months now that is going towards forces & defenses.\" Paixao told journalist after meeting PM Taur Matan Ruak at Government Palace Tuesday (June) night."
"He added that the debt in these two institutions is larger for PNTL, particularly with regard to telecommunications including paid phone and CCTV installed throughout Dili city as well maintenance of vehicles which are estimated at more than 2 million."
"\"This is the concern of asserting that they have to pay them, so this budget 2019 with these pages also it's what Prime Minister oriented us after looking back for three or four months in advance\", Paixao emphasizes."
"For 2019, Paixao said that defence will focus on maritime safety and border security because the F-FDTL is now also strengthening its land frontiers. It would have a marine presence particularly in southern coastal areas to cooperate with Australia for joint patrols; it was planned as part of an American project aimed at improving Baukau Airport (BAU)."
"\"We have a plane there to carry out surveillance and we've got an English company that will help us train in opening up large operating rooms for maritime panorama on the south coast, eastern northern west borders as well\", Paixao comments."
"Paixao said he had discussed these plans with the Prime Minister to put them into practice."
"He said, think also about the drought to make a factory of dry drinks then we can improve our ro for those who are at during repair in indonesia do expenses that is big better open here after improvement only."
"Previous post Arsenio Hato'o Relatoriu Ikus ba Primeiru Ministru Next posta Timor-Leste Celebrates World Ocean Day"
] |
Care Internasionál apoiu livru ba estudante Ermera | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste\nVARANDA EDUKASAUN Care Internasionál apoiu livru ba estudante Ermera\nERMERA, 25 setembru 2020 (TATOLI)-Care Internasionál iha Timor-Leste, iha sesta ne’e apoiu livru ona 130 ba estudante 200 ensinu báziku filiál I,II siklu Eraulu Munisípiu Ermera.\nDistribuisaun livru ne’e hodi kompleta programa mini biblioteka hanaran kantu lee ba estudante sira hodi estuda\n“Ita ohin apoiu ona livru ba eskola Eraulu ne’e tanba sira iha ona biblioteka mini “kantu lee” ho ida ne’e parte eskola bele hahú implementa sistema empresta livru ba estudante sira hodi lori ba uma atu bele lee,” Xefe Programa Edukasaun no Nutrisaun HATUTAN, Care Internasional iha Timor Leste, Nicole Seibel, hafoin entrega livru ne’e iha Eraulu, sesta ne’e.\nLivru ne’e atu fasilita estudante sira atu estuda iha uma relasiona ho pandemia globál COVID-19 ne’ebé obriga labarik sira atu mantein distansia sosiál.\n“Livru sira ne’ebé mak Care apoiu ne’e husi MEJD nian mak kona-ba matadalan alfabetu no simblu sira no mós livru kona-ba istoria ho lian tetun, livru sira ne’e hakerek no prodúz husi MEJD, Fundasaun Alola no seluk tan,” nia dehan.\nAjénsia Internasionál ne’e mós iha planu sei distribui livru hanesan ba estudante iha Munisípiu Ainaro, Ermera, Liquiça no Manatuto hamutuk rihun 52.\nPrevious articleSEKoop halo enkontru ho jerente kooperativa asegura programa rekuperasaun ekonómika\nNext articleLiquiça-oan sira harii monumentu Saudozu “Sole-Solep” iha Lauhata | [
"Care Internasional apoiu livru ba estudante Ermera | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA EDUKASAUN Care Internasional apoiu livru ba estudante Ermera ERMERA, 25 setembru 2020 (TATOLI) -Care Internasional iha Timor-Leste, iha sesta ne'e apoiu livru ona 130 ba estudante 200 ensinu baziku filial I,II siklu Eraulu Munisipiu Ermera.",
"Distribuisaun livru ne'e hodi kompleta programa mini biblioteka hanaran kantu lee ba estudante sira hodi estuda \"Ita ohin apoiu ona livru ba eskola Eraulu ne'e tanba sira iha ona biblioteka mini \"kantu lee\" ho ida ne'e parte eskola bele hahu implementa sistema empresta livru ba estudante sira hodi lori ba uma atu bele lee,\" Xefe Programa Edukasaun no Nutrisaun HATUTAN, Care Internasional iha Timor Leste, Nicole Seibel, hafoin entrega livru ne'e iha Eraulu, sesta ne'e.",
"Livru ne'e atu fasilita estudante sira atu estuda iha uma relasiona ho pandemia global COVID-19 ne'ebe obriga labarik sira atu mantein distansia sosial.",
"\"Livru sira ne'ebe mak Care apoiu ne'e husi MEJD nian mak kona-ba matadalan alfabetu no simblu sira no mos livru kona-ba istoria ho lian tetun, livru sira ne'e hakerek no produz husi MEJD, Fundasaun Alola no seluk tan,\" nia dehan.",
"Ajensia Internasional ne'e mos iha planu sei distribui livru hanesan ba estudante iha Munisipiu Ainaro, Ermera, Liquica no Manatuto hamutuk rihun 52.",
"Previous articleSEKoop halo enkontru ho jerente kooperativa asegura programa rekuperasaun ekonomika Next articleLiquica-oan sira harii monumentu Saudozu \"Sole-Solep\" iha Lauhata"
] | [
"Care International donates books to Ermera students | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste HOME EDUCATION CARE INTERNATIONAL DONES BOOK TO ERMERA SCHOLARSHIPS ERMERA, September.25th (Xinhua) -Care Internacional in East Timor on Saturday gave back a donation of book for the first and second cycle elementary school children from Eraulu Municipality who are studying at local primary schools where they have been receiving educational support through their care provider' s programs since its establishment last year as well..."
"The distribution of the book completes a mini library program called \"kantu lee\" for students to study. “Today, we have supported books in Eraulu school because they already had their own small 'canto leia' (song-read) Library and this means that schools can start implementing an loan system so children take them home when reading,” HATUTAN Education & Nutrition Program Head Nicole Seibel from Care International East Timor said after deliverion on Saturday at eraulo city center"
"The book is intended to facilitate students studying at home, given the COVID-19 global pandemic that has forced children into social distancings."
"\"The books supported by Care are from the Ministry of Education and Training on alphabet guidelines, symbols as well book about history in Tetum language. These were written & produced with MEJD Alola Foundation etc.\" she said 10"
"The International Agency also plans to distribute books like this for students in Ainaro, Ermera and Liquica Municipalities totaling 52 thousand."
"Previous articleSEKoop meets with cooperative manager to ensure economic recovery program Next artikelLiquica residents build monument for \"Sole- Solep\" in Lauhata"
] |
Sexta – Feira, XV Semana Tempo Comum (ANO C) – Diocese de Dili\nDiocese de Dili > NOTÍCIAS > LETURA DIÁRIA > Sexta – Feira, XV Semana Tempo Comum (ANO C)\nPosted on: July 18, 2019 by: Departamento Comunicação Diocese Dili\nPrimeira Leitura Ex. 11. 10-12. 14\nIha loron hirak nebá, Moisés ho Aarão halo buat foun barak iha farão nia oin. Maibé Maromak hatós nia fuan hodi la husik Israel oan sira sai housi nia liman.\nNune’e, Na’i dehan ba Moisés ho Aarão iha rai Egipto: “Fulan ida ne’e, sai ba imi, fulan ba dala uluk fulan hotu nian; imi halo fulan ida ne’e sai fulan ba dala uluk tinan ida nian. Imi fó hatene ba povo Israel, hodi dehan: Iha loron sanulu fulan ne’e nian, família ida-idak buka bibi-malae ida, uma ida bibi ida. Família kiik karik, la bele han hotu bibi ida, sei libur an hamutuk ho família seluk nebé hela besik nia tuir numero ema nian. Imi sura kedas ema na’in hira mak bele han bibi ida. Sei hili bibi oan aman tinan ida nian, nebé la iha áat buat ida. Imi bele hili bibi malae eh bibi timur. Imi sei hein to’o loron sanulu resin háat fulan ne’e nian; to’o loron ne’e, família ida-idak sei oho bibi oan ne’e iha loro-kraik ne’e kedas. Hasai nia ran uit-oan hodi tada odamatan uma nian nebé hodi han bibi ne’e. Bibi ne’e sei han hotu kedas iha kalan ne’e. Naan tunu de’it, han ho du’ut moruk ho pão la tau fermento. Imi sei la han naan ne’e matak eh te’in ho wé, maibé tunu de’it iha ahi ho ulun, ain no baluk sira hotu. Imi la bele husik baluk ruma ba loron aban; baluk ruma hela karik sunu mutuk hotu kedas. Imi sei han nune’e: Kesi futu kabun iha knotak, tau sandálias iha ain no káer ai-tonka iha liman. Imi sei han lalais, basá, ne’e Na’i Nia Páscoa. Iha kalan ne’e kedas, Ha’u sei liu iha rai tomak Egipto nian; Ha’u sei oho hotu ema Egipto nia oan mane kaua’ik sira, no balada oan aman kaua’ik sira. Ha’u sei fó castigo ba Egipto sira nia maromak, basá, Ha’u rasik, mesak de’it mak Na’i. Ran nebé kose iha odamatan uma nian nebé imi hela ba, nu’udar sinal ida. Wainhira Ha’u hare hetan ran ne’e, Ha’u sei liu de’it, susar sei la kona imi be iha uma laran ne’e, wainhira Ha’u oho ema sira iha rai Egipto. Loron ne’e ba imi loron boot; imi sei hanoin nafatin loron ne’e hodi celebra festa atu hahí Na’i. Imi nia bei oan sira sei halo mós festa ne’e nu’udar lei ba nafatin\nSalmo Responsorial Sal. 115(116). 12-13, 15-18 (R. 13)\nRefrão : Ha’u sei foti cálice maksoyn nian, hodi bolu Na’i Nia naran !!! Repete-se\nOinsá ha’u sei agradece Na’i,\nHa’u sei foti cálice maksoyn nian,\nHodi bolu Na’i Nia naran. Refrão\nIta silu tohar ha’u besi-dadur. Refrão\nIha tempo nebá, Jesus liu housi to’os trigo nian iha loron sábado ida. Tan Nia escolante sira hamlaha, sira hahu ku’u trigo fulin hodi han daudaun. Fariseu sira haré buat ne’e, sira hateten ba Jesus: “Haré ba, Ita Nia escolante sira halo buat nebé bandu atu halo iha sábado”. Maibé, Jesus hatan ba sira: “Imi la lê buat nebé David halo, wainhira nia senti hamlaha, ho nia maluk sira seluk? Tama iha Na’i Maromak Nia uma, hasai hodi han pão sira iha santuário, nebé lulik be nia la bele han no nia maluk sira mós la bele han selae, na’ilulik sira de’it mak bele han. Imi la lê iha Na’i Nia lei, nebé dehan iha templo, na’ilulik sira bele serbisu iha sábado maibé, sira la sala? Ha’u dehan ba imi katak, iha ne’e iha Ida nebé boot liu templo. Imi hatene karik buat ne’e katak sá: “Ha’u hakarak laran luak, lakohi sacrifício’, imi sei la fó sala ba ema nebé la sala. Basá, Mane Maksoyn mak sábado nia na’in.\nPrevious PostPRESIDENTE DA REPÚBLICA HATO’O VOTO KSOLOK NIAN BA PARÓQUIA LETEFOHO Next PostCREDA TIMOR SEI CELEBRA JUBILEU EXTRAORDINÁRIO MISSÃO | [
"Sexta - Feira, XV Semana Tempo Comum (ANO C) - Diocese de Dili Diocese de Dili > NOTICIAS > LETURA DIARIA > Sexta - Feira, XV Semana Tempo Comum (ANO C) Posted on: July 18, 2019 by: Departamento Comunicacao Diocese Dili Primeira Leitura Ex.",
"14 Iha loron hirak neba, Moises ho Aarao halo buat foun barak iha farao nia oin.",
"Maibe Maromak hatos nia fuan hodi la husik Israel oan sira sai housi nia liman.",
"Nune'e, Na'i dehan ba Moises ho Aarao iha rai Egipto: \"Fulan ida ne'e, sai ba imi, fulan ba dala uluk fulan hotu nian; imi halo fulan ida ne'e sai fulan ba dala uluk tinan ida nian.",
"Imi fo hatene ba povo Israel, hodi dehan: Iha loron sanulu fulan ne'e nian, familia ida-idak buka bibi-malae ida, uma ida bibi ida.",
"Familia kiik karik, la bele han hotu bibi ida, sei libur an hamutuk ho familia seluk nebe hela besik nia tuir numero ema nian.",
"Imi sura kedas ema na'in hira mak bele han bibi ida.",
"Sei hili bibi oan aman tinan ida nian, nebe la iha aat buat ida.",
"Imi bele hili bibi malae eh bibi timur.",
"Imi sei hein to'o loron sanulu resin haat fulan ne'e nian; to'o loron ne'e, familia ida-idak sei oho bibi oan ne'e iha loro-kraik ne'e kedas.",
"Hasai nia ran uit-oan hodi tada odamatan uma nian nebe hodi han bibi ne'e.",
"Bibi ne'e sei han hotu kedas iha kalan ne'e.",
"Naan tunu de'it, han ho du'ut moruk ho pao la tau fermento.",
"Imi sei la han naan ne'e matak eh te'in ho we, maibe tunu de'it iha ahi ho ulun, ain no baluk sira hotu.",
"Imi la bele husik baluk ruma ba loron aban; baluk ruma hela karik sunu mutuk hotu kedas.",
"Imi sei han nune'e: Kesi futu kabun iha knotak, tau sandalias iha ain no kaer ai-tonka iha liman.",
"Imi sei han lalais, basa, ne'e Na'i Nia Pascoa.",
"Iha kalan ne'e kedas, Ha'u sei liu iha rai tomak Egipto nian; Ha'u sei oho hotu ema Egipto nia oan mane kaua'ik sira, no balada oan aman kaua'ik sira.",
"Ha'u sei fo castigo ba Egipto sira nia maromak, basa, Ha'u rasik, mesak de'it mak Na'i.",
"Ran nebe kose iha odamatan uma nian nebe imi hela ba, nu'udar sinal ida.",
"Wainhira Ha'u hare hetan ran ne'e, Ha'u sei liu de'it, susar sei la kona imi be iha uma laran ne'e, wainhira Ha'u oho ema sira iha rai Egipto.",
"Loron ne'e ba imi loron boot; imi sei hanoin nafatin loron ne'e hodi celebra festa atu hahi Na'i.",
"Imi nia bei oan sira sei halo mos festa ne'e nu'udar lei ba nafatin Salmo Responsorial Sal.",
"115 (116).",
"12-13, 15-18 (R. 13) Refrao: Ha'u sei foti calice maksoyn nian, hodi bolu Na'i Nia naran !!!",
"Repete-se Oinsa ha'u sei agradece Na'i, Ha'u sei foti calice maksoyn nian, Hodi bolu Na'i Nia naran.",
"Refrao Ita silu tohar ha'u besi-dadur.",
"Refrao Iha tempo neba, Jesus liu housi to'os trigo nian iha loron sabado ida.",
"Tan Nia escolante sira hamlaha, sira hahu ku'u trigo fulin hodi han daudaun.",
"Fariseu sira hare buat ne'e, sira hateten ba Jesus: \"Hare ba, Ita Nia escolante sira halo buat nebe bandu atu halo iha sabado.\"",
"Maibe, Jesus hatan ba sira: \"Imi la le buat nebe David halo, wainhira nia senti hamlaha, ho nia maluk sira seluk?",
"Tama iha Na'i Maromak Nia uma, hasai hodi han pao sira iha santuario, nebe lulik be nia la bele han no nia maluk sira mos la bele han selae, na'ilulik sira de'it mak bele han.",
"Imi la le iha Na'i Nia lei, nebe dehan iha templo, na'ilulik sira bele serbisu iha sabado maibe, sira la sala?",
"Ha'u dehan ba imi katak, iha ne'e iha Ida nebe boot liu templo.",
"Imi hatene karik buat ne'e katak sa: \"Ha'u hakarak laran luak, lakohi sacrificio', imi sei la fo sala ba ema nebe la sala.",
"Basa, Mane Maksoyn mak sabado nia na'in.",
] | [
"Friday 15th Week in Ordinary Time (YEAR C) - Diocese of Dili The diocese > NEWS> DAILY READINGS Posted on: July.23,09 by Department Comunicacao Diocesis First Reading Example from the Gospel According to St John Post navigation"
"10.25pm: The House of Commons opens for business"
"14 In those days Moses and Aaron did many new things before Pharaoh."
"But God turned his heart against him, and would not let the children of Israel escape from their hand."
"And the Lord said to Moses and Aaron in Egypt, \"This month shall be for you as a first of all months; it is your obligation."
"Speak unto the children of Israel, saying: In this month's thirtieth day let them take for themselves a herd-oxen from every family and an ox by household."
"If a small family cannot eat all of one cow, they will gather with other families living nearby according to the number."
"You know how many people can eat a beef."
"They will choose one-year old mother cows, who have nothing bad in them."
"Imi bele hili bibi malae eh ibu timur. I have bought this house from my grandmother in Malaysia and the East Asia region,"
"And ye shall wait until the one hundred and fourth day of this month: then every family in their households will kill his young bullock, even on that very morning."
"And he took the blood of it, and smote with his fingers upon a doorpost in that house wherein they had eaten."
"The babies will be eaten all at once tonight."
"Naan tunu de'it, han ho du’ut moruk o pao la tau fermento."
"You shall not eat it raw, but burned in the fire with its head and all of his loins."
"You may not leave any of it to the next day; if there is anything left, you must burn all its fat."
"This is how you will eat: Put your feet on the knuckles, put sandales in and hold a toothpick."
"You must eat quickly, for it is the Lord's Passover."
"For I will pass through all the land of Egypt that night, and slay every male child in Israel from a year old upward."
"And I will punish the wickedness of Egypt; for i am Yahweh, he alone."
"The blood that is on the door of your house as a sign."
"When I see the blood, then will i pass by; and ye shall not be afflicted in these houses: for there is no plague upon you when thou shalt smite them out of Egypt."
"This day shall be a holy one for you; it is the memorial of your feast to Yahweh."
"And your descendants shall keep it as a statute forever. Psalm Responsorial Ps 139:2"
"109 (2). pp. 65–73, and pgs:"
"12-30 (R.4) Refrao: I will take the chalice of righteousness, and call upon his name!!!"
"But I will give thanks to the LORD, and take up a cup of blessing; And call upon his name."
"Refrao Ita silu tohar ha'u besi-dadur."
"At that time, Jesus was passing through the wheat fields on a Sabbath day."
"Now his disciples were hungry, and began to eat the corn that was left over."
"But when the Pharisees saw it, they said to him: \"Behold your disciple aren't doing what is not lawful on a sabbath day?\""
"But Jesus answered them, \"Have you not read what David did when he was hungry and his companions?"
"He went into the house of Yahweh, and took forth bread from it to eat; but he did not have permission or his companions had a right in order that they should be allowed."
"Have ye not read in the law of God, how he saith to them that they may work on sabbath days?"
"But I say to you, that here is one greater than the temple."
"If you had known what it means, 'I want mercy and not sacrifice'; then wouldn’t have blamed the innocent."
"For the Lord God is lord of Sabbath day."
] |
TIMOR HAU NIAN DOBEN: Charles Schinner: Fundu soberanu Timor-Leste nian sei dura tinan 10 ho ritmu atual gastu nian\nCharles Schinner: Fundu soberanu Timor-Leste nian sei dura tinan 10 ho ritmu atual gastu nian\nInvestigador australianu Charles Schinner kalkula, iha loron-segunda ne'e, katak fundu soberanu Timor-Leste nian, harii hodi poupa no rentabiliza reseita petrolíferu sira nasaun nian, sei dura de'it tinan 10 oinmai, bainhira mantén ritmu atual hosi gastu sira governu nian.\n"Dolar biliaun resin hasai tinan-tinan, liuliu hodi selu ba administrasaun no buat hotu ne'ebé maka governu halo. Hosi ne'ebá maka osan sai ba projetu boot sira infraestrutura nian [ne'ebé hala'o daudaun]", konsidera hosi investigador hosi organizasaun ne'ebé la'ós governu timoroan nian La'o Hamutuk.\nEspesialista australianu ko'alia iha Asembleia Repúblika portugeza nian, iha Lisboa, iha debate ne'ebé hodi hanoin tinan 25 hosi Plataforma Internasional hosi Jurista sira ba Timor-Leste.\nFundu Petrolíferu Timor-Leste nian hanesan fundu soberanu ne'ebé harii iha 2005 hodi rekolla depózitu sira ne'ebé halo hosi governu timoroan hosi reseita sira ne'ebé mai hosi petróleu ho gás ne'ebé prodús iha nasaun.\nBalansu anual hosi fundu iha tinan 2014 nia rohan maka dolar biliaun 16,5.\n"Ho planu sira [hosi investimentu] no ritmu gastu anual sira fundu sei dura besik tinan 10 oinmai. Períudu tempu ne'e bele hanesan sufisiente hodi dezenvolve ekonomia lokal", refere hosi Charles Schinner, ne'ebé konsidera "sala" estratéjia atual hosi governu timoroan ba aplikasaun hosi osan ne'e.\n"Diresaun ne'ebé maka governu tuir daudaun maka la haree ba buat sira hanesan agrikultura, bee, edukasaun ka saúde. Sira iha liu interese iha projetu boot sira: mina sira, fábrika sira simenti nian, aeroportu sira, portu boot ida ba ró kontentor sira", investigador ne'e hatutan.\nNia kritika katak gasta sira iha agrikultura, saúde ho edukasaun, hahú tuun iha tinan tolu ikus ne'e.\nNia hatete katak osan ne'e tenki aplika "iha infra-estrutura bázika sira ne'ebé serve ba populasaun sira, no la harii aeroportu sira no refinaria hosi kombustível sira".\nPlanu governamental atual ba dezenvolvimentu estratéjiku nian tama ona iha aplikasaun tinan dahitu nian. Hatán kona-ba karik planu ne'e bele muda, Charles Schinner konfia ba eleisaun jeral sira tuirmai ne'e.\n"Iha eleisaun ida iha fulan rua oinmai. Polítiku timoroan sira agora hatene ona katak petróleu besik hotu ona. Bainhira ami hahú ko'alia katak petróleu sei hotu, iha tinan lima liubá, laiha ema ida maka rona ami. Ema sira aprende, ema sira muda. Até polítiku sira", nia hatete.\nPublicada por Kai Buti à(s) 08:30 | [
"TIMOR HAU NIAN DOBEN: Charles Schinner: Fundu soberanu Timor-Leste nian sei dura tinan 10 ho ritmu atual gastu nian Charles Schinner: Fundu soberanu Timor-Leste nian sei dura tinan 10 ho ritmu atual gastu nian Investigador australianu Charles Schinner kalkula, iha loron-segunda ne'e, katak fundu soberanu Timor-Leste nian, harii hodi poupa no rentabiliza reseita petroliferu sira nasaun nian, sei dura de'it tinan 10 oinmai, bainhira manten ritmu atual hosi gastu sira governu nian.",
"\"Dolar biliaun resin hasai tinan-tinan, liuliu hodi selu ba administrasaun no buat hotu ne'ebe maka governu halo.",
"Hosi ne'eba maka osan sai ba projetu boot sira infraestrutura nian [ne'ebe hala'o daudaun],\" konsidera hosi investigador hosi organizasaun ne'ebe la'os governu timoroan nian La'o Hamutuk.",
"Espesialista australianu ko'alia iha Asembleia Republika portugeza nian, iha Lisboa, iha debate ne'ebe hodi hanoin tinan 25 hosi Plataforma Internasional hosi Jurista sira ba Timor-Leste.",
"Fundu Petroliferu Timor-Leste nian hanesan fundu soberanu ne'ebe harii iha 2005 hodi rekolla depozitu sira ne'ebe halo hosi governu timoroan hosi reseita sira ne'ebe mai hosi petroleu ho gas ne'ebe produs iha nasaun.",
"Balansu anual hosi fundu iha tinan 2014 nia rohan maka dolar biliaun 16,5.",
"\"Ho planu sira [hosi investimentu] no ritmu gastu anual sira fundu sei dura besik tinan 10 oinmai.",
"Periudu tempu ne'e bele hanesan sufisiente hodi dezenvolve ekonomia lokal,\" refere hosi Charles Schinner, ne'ebe konsidera \"sala\" estratejia atual hosi governu timoroan ba aplikasaun hosi osan ne'e.",
"\"Diresaun ne'ebe maka governu tuir daudaun maka la haree ba buat sira hanesan agrikultura, bee, edukasaun ka saude.",
"Sira iha liu interese iha projetu boot sira: mina sira, fabrika sira simenti nian, aeroportu sira, portu boot ida ba ro kontentor sira,\" investigador ne'e hatutan.",
"Nia kritika katak gasta sira iha agrikultura, saude ho edukasaun, hahu tuun iha tinan tolu ikus ne'e.",
"Nia hatete katak osan ne'e tenki aplika \"iha infra-estrutura bazika sira ne'ebe serve ba populasaun sira, no la harii aeroportu sira no refinaria hosi kombustivel sira.\"",
"Planu governamental atual ba dezenvolvimentu estratejiku nian tama ona iha aplikasaun tinan dahitu nian.",
"Hatan kona-ba karik planu ne'e bele muda, Charles Schinner konfia ba eleisaun jeral sira tuirmai ne'e.",
"\"Iha eleisaun ida iha fulan rua oinmai.",
"Politiku timoroan sira agora hatene ona katak petroleu besik hotu ona.",
"Bainhira ami hahu ko'alia katak petroleu sei hotu, iha tinan lima liuba, laiha ema ida maka rona ami.",
"Ema sira aprende, ema sira muda.",
"Ate politiku sira,\" nia hatete.",
"Publicada por Kai Buti a (s) 08:30"
] | [
"TIMOR HAU NIAN DOBEN: Charles Schinner says Timor-Leste's sovereign wealth fund will last for ten years at current rate of spending Australian researcher and economist, Dr. Charlie Scheiner calculated on Monday that the East Тимор SWF - established to save oil revenues in a profitable way – would only survive another decade if government expenditures were maintained as they are now; he said it is not likely this could be done by any other means than through taxation or private investment (see below)."
"\"Billions of dollars are spent every year, mainly to pay for administration and everything else that the government does."
"That is where the money goes for large infrastructure projects [which are being carried out],\" considers a researcher from Haitian non-governmental organization La'o Hamutuk."
"The Australian expert spoke at the Assembly of Portuguese Republic, in Lisbon during a debate commemorating 25 years from International Platform for Jurists on Timor-Leste."
"The Timor-Leste Petroleum Fund is a sovereign wealth fund established in the year of its establishment, to collect deposits made by government from revenues derived through oil and gas production."
"The annual balance of the fund in 2014 was $36.5 billion, up from a previous year's total ($798 million)."
"\"With the [investment] plans and annual spending pace, this fund will last for about 10 years."
"This period of time could be sufficient to develop the local economy,\" said Charles Schinner who considers \"wrong\", in his words: The current strategy for applying this money is a mistake."
"\"The direction that the government is currently following does not look at such things as agriculture, water or education and health."
"They are more interested in big projects: mines, cement factories; airports and a large port for container ship."
"He criticized the fact that spending on agriculture, health and education has been declining in recent three years."
"He said the money should be applied \"in basic infrastructure that serves people, and not to build airport or refineries of fuels.\""
"The current government plan for strategic development has entered into its eighteenth year of application."
"In response to whether the plan could change, Charles Schinner was confident that it would be in a general election."
"\"There will be another election in the next two months."
"Tongan politicians now know that oil is almost exhausted."
"When we first started talking about oil running out five years ago, no one was listening to us."
"People learn, people change."
"Political ones,\" he said."
"Publicada por Kai Buti a(s) 08:31 Sem comentários"
] |
Serveza Illegal Invade TL, Heineken Halerik - Horta Ejize Featured\nBy Tempo Timor August 14, 2019 556\nKonteintores sira iha portu Dili Foto especial\nDiretor kompañia internasional HEINEKEN, Vinay Mathur hatete, durante ne’e HEINEKEN preokupa maka’as kona – bá movimentu serveza illegal sira iha rai laran.\nNia konta hikas, saida mak akontese durante tinan rua ikus mak serveze sira mai hosi rai liur kontein alkoliku 12% to’o 20%, ne'ebe sirkula kuaje dala ha’at, no serveza sira ne’e perigu tebes ba sosiedade.\n“Ami preokupa tebes ba situasaun ne’e, tanba . . . ami bele halo serveza ho nia alcohol hosi 10% to’o 20%, ami bele halo, fasil hela, maibé ami sei nunka halo serveza sira ne’e, tanba ami hatene katak ida ne’e sei oho sosiedade,” hatete Vinay ba Tempotimor.com iha Timor Plaza foin lalais.\nEntretantu, iha parte seluk eis Prezidente-Repúblika, José Ramos Horta mós preokupa tebes ba kestaun ne’e, no laureadu nobel ba paz 1996 ne’e ezije ba Ministériu Finansa atu aplika multa todan ba komersiu bir illegal ne’e.\n“Serveja falsu tama iha TL ho alkol to’o 20 graus. Ministeriu Finansas tenki tau multa todan ba komersiu ilegal sira ne. Kompañia Heineken TL tenki iha apoiu hosi Governu TL para proteze ita nia industria,”hakerek Horta liuhosi nia Fan Page José Ramos-Horta iha loron Sesta, (2/08).\nKona – bá kestaun ne’e, Ministru Koordenadór ba Assuntu Ekonómiku Interinu atual Ministru ba Reforma Legislativa no Assuntu Parlamentar, Fidelis Manuel Leite Magalhães rekoñese katak nia simu ona informasaun kompletu hosi parte HEINEKEN kona – bá sirkulasaun serveza illegal sira iha rai laran, no promete katak sei koordena ho instituisaun relevante sira hodi rezolve kestaun ne’e iha tempu badak.\nTuir portal governu nian katak, governu Timor-Leste asina ona iha loron 8, fulan-janeiru, iha Ministériu Negósius Estranjeirus no Koperasaun, akordu formál ida kona-ba investimentu ho Heineken Asia Pacific. Heineken hakarak atu, iha tinan ida ne’e nia laran, hahú harii fábrika ida iha besik Dili, ne’ebé sei fabrika bebida oin-oin, inklui serveja, refrijerante no bee. Projetu ne’e prevee ona atu bele funsiona iha tinan rua mai nia laran, sei harii postu servisu diretu nian hamutuk 200 no postu servisu indiretu nian hamutuk 800.\n« Kompana HEINEKEN importa HEINEKEN SEKoop Koleta Rezultadu Agrikula Iha Faturilau » | [
"Serveza Illegal Invade TL, Heineken Halerik - Horta Ejize Featured By Tempo Timor August 14, 2019 556 Konteintores sira iha portu Dili Foto especial Diretor kompania internasional HEINEKEN, Vinay Mathur hatete, durante ne'e HEINEKEN preokupa maka'as kona - ba movimentu serveza illegal sira iha rai laran.",
"Nia konta hikas, saida mak akontese durante tinan rua ikus mak serveze sira mai hosi rai liur kontein alkoliku 12% to'o 20%, ne'ebe sirkula kuaje dala ha'at, no serveza sira ne'e perigu tebes ba sosiedade.",
"\"Ami preokupa tebes ba situasaun ne'e, tanba . . . ami bele halo serveza ho nia alcohol hosi 10% to'o 20%, ami bele halo, fasil hela, maibe ami sei nunka halo serveza sira ne'e, tanba ami hatene katak ida ne'e sei oho sosiedade,\" hatete Vinay ba Tempotimor.com iha Timor Plaza foin lalais.",
"Entretantu, iha parte seluk eis Prezidente-Republika, Jose Ramos Horta mos preokupa tebes ba kestaun ne'e, no laureadu nobel ba paz 1996 ne'e ezije ba Ministeriu Finansa atu aplika multa todan ba komersiu bir illegal ne'e.",
"\"Serveja falsu tama iha TL ho alkol to'o 20 graus.",
"Ministeriu Finansas tenki tau multa todan ba komersiu ilegal sira ne.",
"Kompania Heineken TL tenki iha apoiu hosi Governu TL para proteze ita nia industria,\"hakerek Horta liuhosi nia Fan Page Jose Ramos-Horta iha loron Sesta, (2/08).",
"Kona - ba kestaun ne'e, Ministru Koordenador ba Assuntu Ekonomiku Interinu atual Ministru ba Reforma Legislativa no Assuntu Parlamentar, Fidelis Manuel Leite Magalhaes rekonese katak nia simu ona informasaun kompletu hosi parte HEINEKEN kona - ba sirkulasaun serveza illegal sira iha rai laran, no promete katak sei koordena ho instituisaun relevante sira hodi rezolve kestaun ne'e iha tempu badak.",
"Tuir portal governu nian katak, governu Timor-Leste asina ona iha loron 8, fulan-janeiru, iha Ministeriu Negosius Estranjeirus no Koperasaun, akordu formal ida kona-ba investimentu ho Heineken Asia Pacific.",
"Heineken hakarak atu, iha tinan ida ne'e nia laran, hahu harii fabrika ida iha besik Dili, ne'ebe sei fabrika bebida oin-oin, inklui serveja, refrijerante no bee.",
"Projetu ne'e prevee ona atu bele funsiona iha tinan rua mai nia laran, sei harii postu servisu diretu nian hamutuk 200 no postu servisu indiretu nian hamutuk 800. \"",
"Kompana HEINEKEN importa HEINEKEN SEKoop Koleta Rezultadu Agrikula Iha Faturilau \""
] | [
"Illegal Services Invade Timor-Leste, Heineken Halerik - Horta Ejize Featured By Tempo Timor August.14/205 Containers in Dili port Special photo Director of international company HEINEKEN Vinay Mathur said that during the past few months he was very concerned about illegal services movements within his country and called for action to stop them from encroaching on their business activities at all costs"
"He briefly explained what had happened over the past two years: drinks were imported from abroad containing 12% to, perhaps even more than that percentage of alcohol and circulating at high speed. These services are very dangerous for society; they have been prohibited in Brazil since December last year because there is no legal regulation on them by law enforcement agencies or governmental authorities (see below)."
"\"We are very concerned about this situation, because... we can do services with alcohol from 10% to the top of a hundred percent. It's easy for us but it will never be done by ourselves as that would kill society\", Vinay told Tempotimor in Timor Plaza recently.\""
"Meanwhile, former President of the Republic Jose Ramos Horta is also very concerned about this issue. The Nobel Peace Prize laureate in 1986 has called on Finance Ministry to impose a heavy fine for illegal beer trade and said that he will take action against those responsible if they are found guilty by courts or other authorities as well.\""
"\"False serveja enters the TL with alcohol up to 20 degrees."
"The Ministry of Finance should impose heavy fines on these illegal businesses."
"The Heineken TL company must have the support of our government to protect this industry,\" said Horta through his Jose Ramos-Horta Fan Page on Saturday (2/08)."
"On this issue, the Minister Coordinating Economic Affairs Acting and current Ministry of Legislative Reforms & Parliamentary Issues Fidelis Manuel Leite Magalhaese acknowledged that he had received complete information from HEINEKEN about illegal circulation in his country. He also pledged to coordinate with relevant institutions for a quick solution on these issues as soon As possible :"
"According to the government portal, Timor-Leste signed a formal agreement on investment with Heineken Asia Pacific in January at its Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation."
"Heineken wants to begin building a plant near Dili this year, which will manufacture various beverage products including soft drink and water."
"The project is expected to be operational in the next two years, will create a total of direct workplaces and indirect jobs. \""
"\"HEINEKEN import company HEineken SEKoop collects agricultural results in four months\""
] |
By Tempo Timor February 20, 2021 794\nKordenadóra Jerál Komisaun Covid-19, Odete da Silva Viegas, afirma, kona-ba rejista ai-moruk sira ne'ebé fa'an iha online, antes ne'e diresaun nasionál farmasia mós iha ona implementasaun politíka estratejia ba distribuitor ou importadór sira oinsa atu rezista lisensiamentu liu-husi online.\nNune'e, dadaun servisu regulár oinsa hetan lisensiamentu ba fa'an ai-moruk iha online la'o hela, presiza reforsa tan de'it.\n“Preokupasaun ne'e, sei enkamiña ba iha gabineti atu bele tun iha terrenu haree situsaun ida-ne’e, tanba saida de’it mak relasiona ho ai-moruk ne’e substánsia kimíku ne’ebé bele mós fó efeitu negativu ba ita-nia komunidade,” dehan Nia iha palásiu Cinzas kaikoli, sesta (19/02/21).\nTanba, dadaun iha ona gabineti ida husi Ministériu Saúde ne'ebé hala'o papél atu kontrola lisensiamentu sira ba ai-moruk fa'an online, entaun bele haree hodi fó de'it ba ema ne'ebé merese duni ou kredivél sai importadór ka distribuitor ai-moruk.\nBainhira, ema sira ne'ebé hetan ona lisensa atu fa'an ai-moruk iha online, ekipa inspetor saúde mós sei halo monitorizasaun regular hodi bele kontrola ho di'ak.\n"Monitorizasaun ida-ne’e tempu uluk liu-ba ekipa sempre halo no balun sei hetan sansaun karik ai-moruk ne’ebé mak sira hatama la’ós ai-moruk ne’ebé la rejista iha diresaun ne’e rasik", Nia fo lembra\nParte Ministériu Saúde mós iha ona hanoin ida atu dezenvolve ai-moruk herbal, tanba dadaun iha ona kliníka barak.\n“Ita iha hela lei farmasia númeru 12/2004 ne’ebé mak iha, buka atu halo fali revizaun ba politíka ho lei refere, nune’e utiliza ai-moruk herbal ne’e bele integra di’ak liu tan iha politíka ne’e rasik”, tenik Odete. (*)\nLast modified on Wednesday, 20 October 2021 17:16\nAimoruk Fa'an Online Iha TL\n« Kombate Covid-19, MS Halo Advokasia Vasina Ba Media TL Loke Lockdown Bobonaro-Covalima Depende Rezultadu Teste Masal » | [
"By Tempo Timor February 20, 2021 794 Kordenadora Jeral Komisaun Covid-19, Odete da Silva Viegas, afirma, kona-ba rejista ai-moruk sira ne'ebe fa'an iha online, antes ne'e diresaun nasional farmasia mos iha ona implementasaun politika estratejia ba distribuitor ou importador sira oinsa atu rezista lisensiamentu liu-husi online.",
"Nune'e, dadaun servisu regular oinsa hetan lisensiamentu ba fa'an ai-moruk iha online la'o hela, presiza reforsa tan de'it.",
"\"Preokupasaun ne'e, sei enkamina ba iha gabineti atu bele tun iha terrenu haree situsaun ida-ne'e, tanba saida de'it mak relasiona ho ai-moruk ne'e substansia kimiku ne'ebe bele mos fo efeitu negativu ba ita-nia komunidade,\" dehan Nia iha palasiu Cinzas kaikoli, sesta (19/02/21).",
"Tanba, dadaun iha ona gabineti ida husi Ministeriu Saude ne'ebe hala'o papel atu kontrola lisensiamentu sira ba ai-moruk fa'an online, entaun bele haree hodi fo de'it ba ema ne'ebe merese duni ou kredivel sai importador ka distribuitor ai-moruk.",
"Bainhira, ema sira ne'ebe hetan ona lisensa atu fa'an ai-moruk iha online, ekipa inspetor saude mos sei halo monitorizasaun regular hodi bele kontrola ho di'ak.",
"\"Monitorizasaun ida-ne'e tempu uluk liu-ba ekipa sempre halo no balun sei hetan sansaun karik ai-moruk ne'ebe mak sira hatama la'os ai-moruk ne'ebe la rejista iha diresaun ne'e rasik,\" Nia fo lembra Parte Ministeriu Saude mos iha ona hanoin ida atu dezenvolve ai-moruk herbal, tanba dadaun iha ona klinika barak.",
"\"Ita iha hela lei farmasia numeru 12/2004 ne'ebe mak iha, buka atu halo fali revizaun ba politika ho lei refere, nune'e utiliza ai-moruk herbal ne'e bele integra di'ak liu tan iha politika ne'e rasik,\" tenik Odete. (*) Last modified on Wednesday, 20 October 2021 17:16 Aimoruk Fa'an Online Iha TL \" Kombate Covid-19, MS Halo Advokasia Vasina Ba Media TL Loke Lockdown Bobonaro-Covalima Depende Rezultadu Teste Masal \""
] | [
"By Tempo Timor February 20,197 The General Coordinator of the Covid-38 Commission Odete da Silva Viegas affirmed that regarding registrations for drugs sold online before this national pharmaceutical directorate had already implement policy and strategy to distributor or importers how they could resist licensure through internet."
"Therefore, regular work on obtaining a license to sell medicines online is currently underway and needs further reinforcement."
"\"This concern will be forwarded to the cabinet so that we can go on site and look at this situation, because what is related with these drugs are chemical substances which may also have a negative effect for our community\", said Nia in Cinzas kaikoli palace Saturday (19/02)"
"Because, there is already a cabinet of the Ministry for Health that plays an important role in controlling licensing to drugs sold online. This can be done so as only those who are truly deserving or credible will get licenses and become importers/distributors on these products"
"When people who have already obtained a license to sell medicines online, the team of health inspectors will also carry out regular monitoring so that they can be properly controlled."
"\"This monitoring was always done in the past by teams and some will be sanctioned if they bring drugs that are not registering with this direction,\" he reminded. The Ministry of Health also has an idea to develop herbal medicines because there is already a lot clinical practice on it at present.\""
"\"We still have the existing pharmaceutical law number 12/04, and we are looking to review this policy so that herbal medicines can be better integrated into it\", Odete said. (*) Last modified on Wednesday (October-3rd), October -7th:59 PM Online Pharmacy In The Philippines “Combating Covid – Advocates For Vaccination To Media Over Bobonaro–Covalima Mass Test Result”"
] |
Hadia Mal Administrasaun MJ, Diretor Sira Tenke Apoio Servisu GIA - Opini Timor\n, jaime Xavier\n» Hadia Mal Administrasaun MJ, Diretor Sira Tenke Apoio Servisu GIA\nHadia Mal Administrasaun MJ, Diretor Sira Tenke Apoio Servisu GIA\nWritten By Timor News Online on 3/12/2015 | 8:14 AM\nDILI – Atu hadia mal administrasaun ho mal jestaun iha Ministeriu Justisa laran, diretor ho gestor sira tenke apoio no servisu hamutuk ho Gabinete Inspesaun Auditoria (GIA), para nunee servisu ministeriu nian bele lao ho diak.\nSekertariu Estadu Terras Propriedade, Jaime Xavier hatete, hanesan Fungsionariu Publiku tenke halao nia knar tuir regra nebe mak iha tiha ona. Nunee bainhira Ministeriu ida atu lao ba oin presija ema hotu-hotu nia kolaborasaun. No bainhira diretor ka gestor sira atu halo relatorio ba iha Ministru tenke liu lai husi GIA, para nunee sira bele audit iha inspesaun nia laran. Ho ida nee bele hadia mal jestaun ho mal administrasaun iha ministeriu nia laran bele sai diak.\nIta tenke iha fuan no interese hodi tau matan ba iha ministeriu ida nee. Para nunee ema tama mai bele konsidera katak ita nia ministeriu nee halao servisu ho diak. Tanba nee ita tenke tau matan ba ita nia ministeriu hanesan uma kain ida, ita tenke servisu ho fuan para ministeriu nee lao ho diak. Ita tenke fo suporta ba GIA , para bele halao servisu ho diak persija kolaborasaun hamutuk iha ministeriu ida nia laran,” dehan Jaime liu husi workshop nebe halao husi Gabinete de inspesaun e auditoria do Ministeriu da Justisa, iha salaun Sentru Formasaun Judisiario, Caikoli, Kinta (12/03/2015).\nNia hatutan, relatoriu nebe maka diretor nasional ho distritais sira atu hatoo ba Ministru tenke aprejenta mos ba iha GIA, para nunee sira bele audit lai mak fo ba ministru. Hodi nunee labele hamosu mal jesatun no administrasaun iha ministeriu nia laran. Informasaun kompletu iha STL Jornal no STL Web, edisaun Sesta (13/3/2015). Domingas Gomes | [
"Hadia Mal Administrasaun MJ, Diretor Sira Tenke Apoio Servisu GIA - Opini Timor , jaime Xavier \" Hadia Mal Administrasaun MJ, Diretor Sira Tenke Apoio Servisu GIA Hadia Mal Administrasaun MJ, Diretor Sira Tenke Apoio Servisu GIA Written By Timor News Online on 3/12/2015 | 8:14 AM DILI - Atu hadia mal administrasaun ho mal jestaun iha Ministeriu Justisa laran, diretor ho gestor sira tenke apoio no servisu hamutuk ho Gabinete Inspesaun Auditoria (GIA), para nunee servisu ministeriu nian bele lao ho diak.",
"Sekertariu Estadu Terras Propriedade, Jaime Xavier hatete, hanesan Fungsionariu Publiku tenke halao nia knar tuir regra nebe mak iha tiha ona.",
"Nunee bainhira Ministeriu ida atu lao ba oin presija ema hotu-hotu nia kolaborasaun.",
"No bainhira diretor ka gestor sira atu halo relatorio ba iha Ministru tenke liu lai husi GIA, para nunee sira bele audit iha inspesaun nia laran.",
"Ho ida nee bele hadia mal jestaun ho mal administrasaun iha ministeriu nia laran bele sai diak.",
"Ita tenke iha fuan no interese hodi tau matan ba iha ministeriu ida nee.",
"Para nunee ema tama mai bele konsidera katak ita nia ministeriu nee halao servisu ho diak.",
"Tanba nee ita tenke tau matan ba ita nia ministeriu hanesan uma kain ida, ita tenke servisu ho fuan para ministeriu nee lao ho diak.",
"Ita tenke fo suporta ba GIA , para bele halao servisu ho diak persija kolaborasaun hamutuk iha ministeriu ida nia laran,\" dehan Jaime liu husi workshop nebe halao husi Gabinete de inspesaun e auditoria do Ministeriu da Justisa, iha salaun Sentru Formasaun Judisiario, Caikoli, Kinta (12/03/2015).",
"Nia hatutan, relatoriu nebe maka diretor nasional ho distritais sira atu hatoo ba Ministru tenke aprejenta mos ba iha GIA, para nunee sira bele audit lai mak fo ba ministru.",
"Hodi nunee labele hamosu mal jesatun no administrasaun iha ministeriu nia laran.",
"Informasaun kompletu iha STL Jornal no STL Web, edisaun Sesta (13/3/2015).",
"Domingas Gomes"
] | [
", jaime Xavier \" Directors Need Support from the Audit Inspection Office (GIA) to Reduce Mismanagement in Ministry of Justice - Opini Timor on Tuesday December.12/03 / Published by: TIMOR NEWS ONLINE at Thursday January-December | Updated Monday February – To improve maladministration and mismanaging within MJ director' s need support with audit inspections office so that ministry work can run smoothly!"
"Secretary of State for Land Property, Jaime Xavier said that as a public official he must carry out his duties according to the rules already in place."
"Thus, when a Ministry is going forward it needs the collaboration of everyone."
"And when directors or manager to make a report in the Minister must go through GIA, so that they can audit during inspection."
"This will improve the maladministration and mismanagement in this ministry. It can be better with it,"
"We must have the heart and interest to look after this ministry."
"In this way, people who come to our ministry can consider that it is doing its job well."
"Therefore, we must look after our ministry as a house. We have to work hard for the good of this Ministry and it is not possible without you all working together in your ministries!"
"We have to support the GIA, so that it can work well and collaborate within a ministry,” said Jaime during workshop held by Gabinete de inspeção e auditoria do Ministério da Justiça (Ministry of Justice’s Office for Inspection & Audit) at Judicial Training Center hall Caikoli on Thursday."
"He added that the reports which national and district director' s are to submit for consideration by Minister must also be presented in GIA, so they can audit them before presenting it."
"Thus, there can be no malpractice and mismanagement within the ministry."
"Full information in STL Jornal and on the website, edition of Saturday (13/02) ."
"Domingas Gomes"
] |
Covid-19 Halo Ema Lakon Empregu | STLNEWS\nHome COVID-19 Covid-19 Halo Ema Lakon Empregu\nCovid-19 Halo Ema Lakon Empregu\nSurtu Covid-19 neebe seidauk remata iha mundu, halo ema barak lakon empregu no lakon oportunidade movimentasaun ba mai ho diak. (Dok. STL)\nDILI, STLNEWS.co – Surtu Covid-19 neebe seidauk remata iha mundu, halo ema barak lakon empregu no lakon oportunidade movimentasaun ba mai ho diak.\nEis Deputadu bankada PD iha terseira lejislatura, Virgilio Hornai hatete, tuir informasaun neebe iha agora purvolta 53 milaun resin populasaun neebe afetadu ona husi surtu Covid-19, hodi halo ema barak lakon empregu no oportunidade movimentasaun ba mai.\n“Hau hanoin Surtu COVID-19 nee, halo ema barak mak lakon empregu no movimentasaun ba mai,” dehan Virgilio ba STL, iha Surikmas, Dili, Segunda (16/11/2020).\nNia dehan meus atu ema barak labele lakon empregu mak presiza iha politika fisikal ida ba apoiu setor privadu ho jurus neebe kiik para ekonomia bele nafatin lao.\nMaibe Virgilio mos husu ba governu taka fronteira trestre no vou ba mai ho aviaun entre nasaun inklui Polisia Patroliamentu Fronteira atu tau seguransa masimu ba movimentasaun ema ilegal sira neebe passa iha fronteira.\n“Ita husu ba governu taka fronteira trestre no vou ba mai ho aviaun entre nasaun no husu mos ba Polisia Patroliamentu Fronteira atu tau seguransa masimu ba movimentasaun ema ilegal sira neebe passa iha fronteira,” dehan nia.\nTanba tuir nia katak, bainhira ema ilegal sira nee tama mai halao teste no karantina ba sira, para nunee bele evita moras nee iha rai laran.*\nPrevious articleLori Batar no Fehuk Hamaus Povu Nia Laran\nNext articleSetor Privadu Laiha Kantor | [
"Covid-19 Halo Ema Lakon Empregu | STLNEWS Home COVID-19 Covid-19 Halo Ema Lakon Empregu Covid-19 Halo Ema Lakon Empregu Surtu Covid-19 neebe seidauk remata iha mundu, halo ema barak lakon empregu no lakon oportunidade movimentasaun ba mai ho diak.",
"STL) DILI, STLNEWS.co - Surtu Covid-19 neebe seidauk remata iha mundu, halo ema barak lakon empregu no lakon oportunidade movimentasaun ba mai ho diak.",
"Eis Deputadu bankada PD iha terseira lejislatura, Virgilio Hornai hatete, tuir informasaun neebe iha agora purvolta 53 milaun resin populasaun neebe afetadu ona husi surtu Covid-19, hodi halo ema barak lakon empregu no oportunidade movimentasaun ba mai.",
"\"Hau hanoin Surtu COVID-19 nee, halo ema barak mak lakon empregu no movimentasaun ba mai,\" dehan Virgilio ba STL, iha Surikmas, Dili, Segunda (16/11/2020).",
"Nia dehan meus atu ema barak labele lakon empregu mak presiza iha politika fisikal ida ba apoiu setor privadu ho jurus neebe kiik para ekonomia bele nafatin lao.",
"Maibe Virgilio mos husu ba governu taka fronteira trestre no vou ba mai ho aviaun entre nasaun inklui Polisia Patroliamentu Fronteira atu tau seguransa masimu ba movimentasaun ema ilegal sira neebe passa iha fronteira.",
"\"Ita husu ba governu taka fronteira trestre no vou ba mai ho aviaun entre nasaun no husu mos ba Polisia Patroliamentu Fronteira atu tau seguransa masimu ba movimentasaun ema ilegal sira neebe passa iha fronteira,\" dehan nia.",
"Tanba tuir nia katak, bainhira ema ilegal sira nee tama mai halao teste no karantina ba sira, para nunee bele evita moras nee iha rai laran.* Previous articleLori Batar no Fehuk Hamaus Povu Nia Laran Next articleSetor Privadu Laiha Kantor"
] | [
"Covid-19 Makes People Unemployed | STLNEWS Home COVID 2035: The End of the World Without a Pandemic Coronavirus outbreak, many people have lost their jobs and missed opportunities to move forward."
"(STL) DILI, StlNEWS.co - The Covid-19 outbreak that is still ongoing in the world has caused many people to lose their jobs and missed opportunities for good mobility around towns as well 20 million of them have been unemployed since it began last year"
"Virgilio Hornai, a former member of the Democratic Party (PD) parliamentary group in its third term as deputy president said that according to information available at present more than 53 million people have been affected by Covid-19 outbreaks and many lost their jobs or travel opportunities."
"\"I think that the COVID-19 outbreak has made many people lose their jobs and movements,\" Virgilio told STL in Surikmas on Monday (November 20)."
"He said that in order for many people not to lose their jobs, a physical policy is needed which supports the private sector with low risk so as this economy can continue."
"But Virgilio also asked the government to close borders and air traffic between countries including Border Patrol Police (BP) for maximum security of illegal people crossing."
"\"We are asking the government to close borders and allow flights between countries, we also ask Border Patrol Police (Polícia de Patrulhamento Fronteira) for maximum security on illegal movement of people crossing our frontier.\""
"Because according to him, when the illegal people come in they are tested and quarantined so that we can avoid this disease within our country.* Previous articleLori Batar e Fehuk Hamaus Povu Nia Laran Next ArticlePrivate Sector No Offices"
] |
Feto ho mane iha Distritu Venilale servisu hamutuk hodi halo atividade kompetisaun ba hahán tradisionál.\nIha loron 20 Maiu ema hamutuk na’in 25 ne’ebé mai husi suku 5 mak hanesan: Fatulia, Uai-oli, Wato-haco, Bado-Ho’o no Uailaha, mai tuir programa kompetisaun tein hahán local. Atividade ne’e halo hodi komemora Loron Restaurasaun Independénsia Timor-Leste ba dala sanulu resin ida (11) iha Sub-distritu Venilale. Programa ne’ebé organiza husi Venilale-oan sira ne’e hetan suporta husi grupu ida husi Australia ho naran Friends of Venilale (Maluk Venilale nian).\nObjetivu husi kompetisaun hahán lokál ne’e mak: Hadomi hahán lokál, hetan vizita husi turista karik sira bele hatene no kompriende hahán lokál; Atu promove hahán lokál sai rendementu iha grupu iha suku 5 ne’ebé mak apresenta tiha ona sira-nia hahán local; Atu bele kompete iha merkadoria; Atu bele hadi’ak moris no aumenta kresimentu ekonomia iha base; Atu bele hetan rendementu hodi bele atende nesesidade família nian.\nIha kompetisaun ne’e juri mak fó valor ba kada grupu ne’ebé mak tuir kompetisaun ne’e. Juri fó oras rua deit ba grupu hotu hodi prepara sira-nia aprezentasaun hahán ne’ebé mak sira tein. Grupu sira hotu tein hahán uza material no substansia ne’ebé mak tradisionál hotu. Ne’e mak hanesan hahán lokál tein ho foos, maibé sistema ne’ebé uza mak tein foos mutin uza sana rai, no halo modo uza aitahan. Modo ne’ebé mak grupu sira halo iha oin lima mak hanesan: saboko uza bua nia tahan, tokir uza au, tein na’an uza sana rai, tunu ka lalar tu’u iha ai no tunu iha aiklak.\nGrupu sira ne’ebé mak sai manan nain mak hanesan: primeiru lugar mak Grupu Uatu-Haco, segundu lugar mak Grupu Uailaha, terseiru lugar mak Grupu Uai-Oli, kuatru lugar mak Grupu Bado-Ho’o, no ikus kintu lugar mak Grupu Fatulia.\nHits : 419370 | [
"Feto ho mane iha Distritu Venilale servisu hamutuk hodi halo atividade kompetisaun ba hahan tradisional.",
"Iha loron 20 Maiu ema hamutuk na'in 25 ne'ebe mai husi suku 5 mak hanesan: Fatulia, Uai-oli, Wato-haco, Bado-Ho'o no Uailaha, mai tuir programa kompetisaun tein hahan local.",
"Atividade ne'e halo hodi komemora Loron Restaurasaun Independensia Timor-Leste ba dala sanulu resin ida (11) iha Sub-distritu Venilale.",
"Programa ne'ebe organiza husi Venilale-oan sira ne'e hetan suporta husi grupu ida husi Australia ho naran Friends of Venilale (Maluk Venilale nian).",
"Objetivu husi kompetisaun hahan lokal ne'e mak: Hadomi hahan lokal, hetan vizita husi turista karik sira bele hatene no kompriende hahan lokal; Atu promove hahan lokal sai rendementu iha grupu iha suku 5 ne'ebe mak apresenta tiha ona sira-nia hahan local; Atu bele kompete iha merkadoria; Atu bele hadi'ak moris no aumenta kresimentu ekonomia iha base; Atu bele hetan rendementu hodi bele atende nesesidade familia nian.",
"Iha kompetisaun ne'e juri mak fo valor ba kada grupu ne'ebe mak tuir kompetisaun ne'e.",
"Juri fo oras rua deit ba grupu hotu hodi prepara sira-nia aprezentasaun hahan ne'ebe mak sira tein.",
"Grupu sira hotu tein hahan uza material no substansia ne'ebe mak tradisional hotu.",
"Ne'e mak hanesan hahan lokal tein ho foos, maibe sistema ne'ebe uza mak tein foos mutin uza sana rai, no halo modo uza aitahan.",
"Modo ne'ebe mak grupu sira halo iha oin lima mak hanesan: saboko uza bua nia tahan, tokir uza au, tein na'an uza sana rai, tunu ka lalar tu'u iha ai no tunu iha aiklak.",
"Grupu sira ne'ebe mak sai manan nain mak hanesan: primeiru lugar mak Grupu Uatu-Haco, segundu lugar mak Grupu Uailaha, terseiru lugar mak Grupu Uai-Oli, kuatru lugar mak Grupu Bado-Ho'o, no ikus kintu lugar mak Grupu Fatulia.",
"Hits: 419370"
] | [
"Women and men in the Venilale District work together to organize traditional food competitions."
"On May 20, a total of twenty-five people from the five villages: Fatulia (Fatulia), Uai Oli(Uaioli) Wato Haco Bado Ho'O and Uaialaha came to attend local food cooking competition."
"The activity was carried out to commemorate the eleventh anniversary of Timor-Leste's Restoration Day in Venilale Subdistrict."
"The program, organized by the Venilale people was supporting from a group in Australia called Friends of Venilale."
"The objectives of the local food competition are: To love and enjoy our regional cuisine, to attract tourists if they can understand it; Promote production in five village groups that have already presented their products at this event. Compete on marketplace for quality produce Improve livelihood levels by increasing economic growth On a grass-root level increase productivity so families may meet family needs"
"In this competition, the jury gives a value to each group that participates in it."
"The jury gave each group only two hours to prepare their presentation of the food they had cooked."
"All groups prepare their food using traditional materials and substances."
"It is a local food cooked with wheat, but the system used to cook it uses mutin using sanitised soil and makes way for vegetables."
"The methods used by the groups in these five fronts are: saboko use a cow' s stall, tokir using an oak tree and tein na’an utilizing sand soil."
"The winning groups were: first place was won by the Uatu-Haco Group, second is Uailaha's group; third -Uai Oli ' s team and fourth – Bado Ho’ o Team."
"Hits: 419370"
] |
MS apela ba populasaun “labele” konsumu aimoruk la tuir reseita médiku | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste\nVARANDA HEADLINE MS apela ba populasaun “labele” konsumu aimoruk la tuir reseita médiku\nilustrasaun hemu aimoruk\nDILI, 27 maiu 2022 (TATOLI)— Ministériu Saúde (MS) liuhosi Diresaun Nasionál Farmacia no Medikamentu, apela ba populasaun iha territóriu nasionál atu labele konsumu aimoruk herbál sira la ho reseita médiku tanba fó risku ba vida.\n“Ami haree agora aimoruk herbál barak tama ona iha Dili no munisípiu sira. Husu ba komunidade atu labele konsumu arbiru aimoruk bainhira la tuir reseita médiku nian. Tanba Kompaña importadór hanesan HWI no K-LINK too agora seidauk rejista kualiadade aimoruk iha Ministériu Saúde, maske sira rejistu ona iha SERVE hodi iha legalidade ona halo negósiu,” Xefe Departamentu Manegementu Autorizasaun no Introdusaun Merkadoria, iha Ministériu Saúde, Teodoro Marçal de Jesus, hateten ba Agência TATOLI iha knaar fatin-Caicoli, sesta ne’e.\nNia sujere ba populasaun iha territóriu nasionál katak hakarak konsumu aimoruk tanba moras tenke ba konsulta iha postu, sentru saúde no ospitál referál inklui HNGV hafoin simu aimoruk tuir moras ne’ebé afeta.\n“Tanba ita hakarak uza aimoruk ho di’ak, ita tenki konsulta ba ema ne’ebé mak iha koñesimentu kle’an kona-ba aimoruk atu nune’e labele prejudika ita-nia moris ka ita-nia saúde,” nia sujere.\nMinistériu Súde liuhusi Diresaun Nasionál Farmasia no Medikamentu identifika kompaña importadór balun faan aimoruk herbál iha Timor-Leste kontinua ho meiu ilegál.\nNia esplika, Kompaña importadór aimoruk herbál HWI no K-link la rejsitu no la tama iha sistema rejistu liuliu atu kontrola kualidade aimoruk. Tanba empreza rua ne’e legal halo negósiu, maibé laiha legalidade ba kontrolu kualidade aimoruk.\nDaudaun ne’e, MS rejistu de’it kompañia importadór haat mak hatama aimoruk herbál 2019 too 2022 hanesan Acibee, Melia Herbal, Propargyl SW, Herbal B.A Gomi2 Unipesoal LDA.\nKompañia importadór balun hetan sertifikadu lisensa ba negósiu hosi SERVE,I.P no hetan lisensa importadór hosi Ministériu Saúde, maibé ladauk rejistu sira-nia produtu hodi asegura aimoruk nia kualidade. Tanba aimoruk sira ne’e barak mak halai liu ba proteina no vitámina.\nTanba ne’e, Ministériu Saúde halo ona akordu ho Autoridade Aduaneiru-Alfandega hodi tama iha Sistema Janela Unica hodi bele kontrola medikamentu sira ne’ebé empreza halo importasaun.\n“Fulan-oin, ami asesu ona sistema janela úniku atubele fó informasaun ba produtu ilegál no legál hodi Alfandega bele prende hodi labele faan iha Timor-Leste,” Nia informa.\nEntretantu, Klínika privadu ne’ebe seidauk submete dokumentu aplikasaun ba prosesu rejistrasaun iha Ministériu saúde mak hanesan, Xiao HU Unipessoal, Centru Supermercado LDA, Raya Farma Lda, Aarnext Timor Farmacia, Inti Sumber Ricna, Oceano Lda, 3D Life Science Timor Lda, Ankang Unipessoal Lda, Fastep. Lda, Rani Auto motór.Lda, Sales Luis Lda, Herbal Costa Gibran 2.\nKlíniku privadu sira ne’ebé rejista iha Ministériu Saúde hamutuk kompaña ulau hanesan Farmasia Moris Foun, Instana Farmacia, Farmagest Colmera, Bethesda Husada Farmasia, Farmacia Foho Osan Mean, Vintro Horas, Kura Hao, Stamford Medicál.\nPrevious articleUKL 2021: Falta uma sia mak seidauk konstrui\nNext articleKandidatu membru PSHT 1.057 hosi Bobonaro sei gradua iha tinan ne’e | [
"MS apela ba populasaun \"labele\" konsumu aimoruk la tuir reseita mediku | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA HEADLINE MS apela ba populasaun \"labele\" konsumu aimoruk la tuir reseita mediku ilustrasaun hemu aimoruk DILI, 27 maiu 2022 (TATOLI) - Ministeriu Saude (MS) liuhosi Diresaun Nasional Farmacia no Medikamentu, apela ba populasaun iha territoriu nasional atu labele konsumu aimoruk herbal sira la ho reseita mediku tanba fo risku ba vida.",
"\"Ami haree agora aimoruk herbal barak tama ona iha Dili no munisipiu sira.",
"Husu ba komunidade atu labele konsumu arbiru aimoruk bainhira la tuir reseita mediku nian.",
"Tanba Kompana importador hanesan HWI no K-LINK too agora seidauk rejista kualiadade aimoruk iha Ministeriu Saude, maske sira rejistu ona iha SERVE hodi iha legalidade ona halo negosiu,\" Xefe Departamentu Manegementu Autorizasaun no Introdusaun Merkadoria, iha Ministeriu Saude, Teodoro Marcal de Jesus, hateten ba Agencia TATOLI iha knaar fatin-Caicoli, sesta ne'e.",
"Nia sujere ba populasaun iha territoriu nasional katak hakarak konsumu aimoruk tanba moras tenke ba konsulta iha postu, sentru saude no ospital referal inklui HNGV hafoin simu aimoruk tuir moras ne'ebe afeta.",
"\"Tanba ita hakarak uza aimoruk ho di'ak, ita tenki konsulta ba ema ne'ebe mak iha konesimentu kle'an kona-ba aimoruk atu nune'e labele prejudika ita-nia moris ka ita-nia saude,\" nia sujere.",
"Ministeriu Sude liuhusi Diresaun Nasional Farmasia no Medikamentu identifika kompana importador balun faan aimoruk herbal iha Timor-Leste kontinua ho meiu ilegal.",
"Nia esplika, Kompana importador aimoruk herbal HWI no K-link la rejsitu no la tama iha sistema rejistu liuliu atu kontrola kualidade aimoruk.",
"Tanba empreza rua ne'e legal halo negosiu, maibe laiha legalidade ba kontrolu kualidade aimoruk.",
"Daudaun ne'e, MS rejistu de'it kompania importador haat mak hatama aimoruk herbal 2019 too 2022 hanesan Acibee, Melia Herbal, Propargyl SW, Herbal B.A Gomi2 Unipesoal LDA.",
"Kompania importador balun hetan sertifikadu lisensa ba negosiu hosi SERVE,I.P no hetan lisensa importador hosi Ministeriu Saude, maibe ladauk rejistu sira-nia produtu hodi asegura aimoruk nia kualidade.",
"Tanba aimoruk sira ne'e barak mak halai liu ba proteina no vitamina.",
"Tanba ne'e, Ministeriu Saude halo ona akordu ho Autoridade Aduaneiru-Alfandega hodi tama iha Sistema Janela Unica hodi bele kontrola medikamentu sira ne'ebe empreza halo importasaun.",
"\"Fulan-oin, ami asesu ona sistema janela uniku atubele fo informasaun ba produtu ilegal no legal hodi Alfandega bele prende hodi labele faan iha Timor-Leste,\" Nia informa.",
"Entretantu, Klinika privadu ne'ebe seidauk submete dokumentu aplikasaun ba prosesu rejistrasaun iha Ministeriu saude mak hanesan, Xiao HU Unipessoal, Centru Supermercado LDA, Raya Farma Lda, Aarnext Timor Farmacia, Inti Sumber Ricna, Oceano Lda, 3D Life Science Timor Lda, Ankang Unipessoal Lda, Fastep.",
"Lda, Rani Auto motor.Lda, Sales Luis Lda, Herbal Costa Gibran 2.",
"Kliniku privadu sira ne'ebe rejista iha Ministeriu Saude hamutuk kompana ulau hanesan Farmasia Moris Foun, Instana Farmacia, Farmagest Colmera, Bethesda Husada Farmasia, Farmacia Foho Osan Mean, Vintro Horas, Kura Hao, Stamford Medical.",
"Previous articleUKL 2021: Falta uma sia mak seidauk konstrui Next articleKandidatu membru PSHT 1.057 hosi Bobonaro sei gradua iha tinan ne'e"
] | [
"Ministry of Health appeals to population not consume non-prescription medicine | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor -Leste VARANDA HEADLINE MS calls on people \"not\" use prescribed drugs illustration hemu aimoruk DILI, May.27th (Agencia News) – The National Directorate for Pharmacy and Medicine in the ministry' s health department has called upon all citizens across national territories that they shouldn’t take herbal medications without a medical prescribed because it is life threatening!"
"\"We are now seeing a lot of herbal medicines coming into Dili and the municipalities."
"He urged the community not to consume any medication unless prescribed by a doctor."
"Because importing companies such as HWI and K-LINK have not yet registered the quality of their medicines in Ministry Health, even though they are already recordes with SERVE so that it is legal for them to do business,” Teodoro Marcal de Jesus tells Agência TATOLI at his office on Saturday."
"He suggested to the population in national territory that if they want medication because of illnesses must consult at post, health centers and referral hospitals including Hospital Nacional do Câncer (HNGV) after receiving medicine according disease affecting."
"\"Because we want to use medicines well, it is necessary that you consult with someone who has a good knowledge of the medication so as not harm your life or health\", he suggested."
"The Ministry of Health through the National Directorate for Pharmacy and Medicines has identified some importing companies selling herbal medicine in Timor-Leste continue to do so illegally."
"He explained that the companies importing herbal medicines HWI and K-link are not registeres or enter into a registration system especially to control quality of drugs."
"Because the two companies are legal to do business, but there is no lawful quality control of medicines."
"Currently, MS has registered only four importing companies that will supply herbal medicines from 2019 to the end of this year. These are Acibee (Azibe), Melia Herbal(Melia Herbal) Propargyl SW and Gomi Unipesoal LDA"
"Some importing companies obtain a business license certificate from SERVE,I.P and an importating licence by the Ministry of Health but do not register their products in order to ensure medicines' quality assurance measure"
"Because many of these drugs are more likely to be absorbed by the body than protein and vitamins."
"Therefore, the Ministry of Health has made an agreement with Customs-Duty Authority to enter in Sistema Janela Unica (Single Window System) so that it can control drugs imported by companies."
"\"In addition, we have assessed the single window system to provide information on illegal and legal products so that Customs can arrest them from selling in Timor-Leste.\""
"Meanwhile, private clinics that have not submitted application documents for the registration process in Ministry of Health are Xiao HU Unipessoal Centru Supermercado LDA Raya Farma Ltda Aarnext Timor Pharmacy Inti Sumber Ricna Oceano lda 3D Life Science TimorLtd. Ankang unipersonallld Fastep"
"Lda., Rani Auto motor Ltda Sales Luis ltd Herbal Costa Gibran 2nd"
"The private clinics registered with the Ministry of Health include pharmaceutical companies such as Moris Foun Pharmacy, Instana Pharmacy Colmera Farmagest Bethesda Husada Farmácia Foho Osan Mean Vintro Horas Kura Hao Stamford Medical."
"Previous articleUKL 2019: UKL’s membership increase to over one million Next artikelPSHT candidate from Bobonaro will be graduating this year"
] |
TIMOR DOBEN FURAK: A VOZ DA LIBERTAÇÃO: 04/13/11\nEstanislau Aleixo: Ana Pesoa “Inosente”, Maske nia hatama Kazu Jose Luis, Kumpri Pedidu Justisa\nKuarta, 13 Abril 2011 - 16:18:11 OTL\nFOTO STL/ANTONIO DASIPARU\nDeputy Primeiru Ministru Jose Luis Guterres,akompaina husi Embaxador Timor Leste ba Thailandia, Joao Camara (klaran) hakoak malu ho eis komandante Falintil Antonio da Costa, Segunda 11/4 wainhira tuir julgamentu iha Tribunal Distrital Dili konaba akuzasaun husi Ministeriu Publiku ba nia (jose Luis) tanba deskonfia transfere osan governu nian ba nia kaben.\nDILI-Deputadu bankada Fretilin iha Parlamentu Nasional, konsidera Prokurador Jeral Republika (PGR) Ana Pesoa Pinto,“inosente” husi kaju Vice Primeiru Ministru, Jose Luis Guterres. Basaa prosesu investigasaun kazu nee hahu antes Ana Pessoa asume kargu hanesan PGR.\n“Hau hanoin kazu nee laiha tendensia politik, nebeliga ho Prokuradora Ana Pessoa, tanba hetan rekomendasaun husi husi PM Xanana atu asume kargu nee, prosesu julgamentu ka kazu nee lao tiha ona,” Membru Parlamentu Nasional Bankada Fretilin Estanislau da Silva Aleixo, kasu lia hirak nee ba jornalista hafoin sorumotu ho PR Horta iha palasio prezidensia, Aitarak laran, Tersa (12/4).\nEis Primeiru Ministru Terseiru governu konstitusional nee fo apoiu ba PGR Ana Pessoa atu halao ho nia knar ho aten brani no matenek nain, tuir Lei no Konstituisaun. Tanba nee nia fiar Ana Pesoa sei la halo arbiru.\nEstanislau informa mos katak nia laiha koinesementu ba nomeasaun Ana Maria Varela hanesan Konseleira TL ba Nova Yorke, maske iha mumentu ne’e ba hanesan Primeiru Ministru.\nKazu VPM Jose Luis nia sai polemika bo’ot iha deputadu bloku AMP no konsidera kazu iha tendensia Politika nebe involve Ana Pesoa hanesan Prokuradora Jeral republika. Maske investigasaun kazu nee\nHalao husi Provedor Direitu Humanus no Justisa (PDHJ) nebelidera husi Sebastião Diaz Ximenes.\n“Hau Rasik mos Provedor bolu ba Investiga, hanesan mos ho eis Vice Ministra Negosio Estranjeiru Adalgisa Magno. Provedor husu hau kona ba Kazu ne’e, hau dehan hau la hatene. Enkuantu labele dehan iha Tendensia Politika tanba Ana Pessoa ne’e ema Fretilin nian, ne’e lalos, tanba momentu ne’e antes Ana sai Prokuradora, investigasaaun ba kazu ne’e halao tiha ona,” komenta Estanislau.\nProkuradora Ana Pessoa tuir Estanislao halao tuir prosedementu nebe lao ona iha tribunal tribunal, katak prosesu investigasaun lao no prontu haruka ba Tribunal, tenke julga iha Tribunal.\nHanesan kazu MNE Jacarias nian, bainhira Tribunal haree kazu nee laiha evidensia forte, nia prosesu tribunal suspende, maibe iha kazu Jose Luis Guterres nian diferente, Tribunal marka julga, signifika iha evidensia forte nebe presiza justifika iha tribunal liu husi julgamentu. “Hau la autoriza, maibe PR Ramos Horta ne’ebe momentu ne’e hanesan PM konvida nia ba tuur iha ne’eba atu tranferensia osan ne’e oin seluk. Enkuantu PM delega komptensia atu halo knar, maibe tenki tuir Lei,” tenik Estanislau.\nEis PM informa mos katak Jose Luis hanesan membru governu iha kompetensia atu tranfere osan ba membru governu sira seluk, maibetenke tuir lei. Nee la presiza hafuhu husi PM. “Hanesan mos uluk hau hanesan Ministru Agrikultura, halao hau nia knar, buat ne’ebe sala iha Ministeriu Agrikultura, hau mak responsabiliza laos PM Alkatiri maka responsabiliza ka Jose Luis maka responsabiliza,” argumenta Estanislau.\nHatan kona nomeasaun ba Ana Maria Varela ne’ebe laos Nasionalidade Timorense sai Konsileira ba Embaixador TL ba Nova Yorke, Estanislau hatete nomeiasaun iha nia prosedementus, nunee mos konsileira ne’e la efetiva hanesan Funsionariu MNE. “Uluk ita iha Embaixador Honorariu ne’e la efetivu, nia titulu honorifiku, ne’e oin seluk, Funsiunariu Ministeriu Negosiu Estranjeiru ne’e oinseluk lahanesa. Ita iha titulu Honorifiku embaixador Honorariu katak ita iha konsul Honorariu ne’ebe deit laos efetivu, tanba iha implikasaun ba orsamentu,” tenik Estanislau.\nEntretantu Prezidenti Republika Jose Ramos Horta konsidera kazu Jose Luis nian kazu Politika Humanitaria ne’ebe tama ona iha Tribunal nia kompetensia atu prosesu. “Hau koalia dala barak ona, dala ha’at ka dala lima ona, ba hau kestaun ne’e kestaun Politika, kestaun humanitaria ida, iha ona Tribunal, ne’eduni hau labele komenta tan,” hatete Horta.Xefi Estadu hatutan bainhira kazu nee sei iha Prokuradoria Jeral Republika nia liman, nia bele komenta no nudar testamuña, mas bainhira tama ona iha Tribunal, hein desizaun tribunal nian.\nIha parte seluk Depotadu Aderito Hugo da Costa, bankada CNRT, hatete tuir regras rezulusaun nebe PN hasai uza tipu rezulusaun atu espresa sira nia lamentasoens, tanba haree ba praktika aktus-aktus balu iha Ministeriu Publiku (MP) hatudu sinal politizasaun, liu-liu prosesamentu kazu VPM Jose Luis Guterres nian.\nLiafuan hanesan hato’o husi Akademik UNTL, Marcelino Correia. Tuir nia kazu VPM Jose Luis nian maske Kazu Politika, maibe atu sala ka lae tenke hatan iha Tribunal. “Hau espera ba oin justisa iha ita nia rain ida ne’e sei forte liu, ita haree agora komesa hatudu dadaun katak ema se se deit tantu, ita nia nai Ulun sira komesa kumpri ona pedidu prosesu justisa,”tenik Marcelino.\nKumpri Pedidu Trubunal\nTribunal Distrital Dili, segunda (11/4) lansa primeira julgamentu ba kazu Vise PM Jose Luis Guterres ho deskunfia transfere osan hamutuk U$ 1.700 mil ba nian kaben la tuir prosesmentu legal. Ho akuzasaun nee VPM Jose Luis Guteres, komete krimi hariku aan ho osan povu nian, kontra lei kodigu Penal TL artigu 301 ho 302.\nJulgamentu kazu VPM Jose Luis nian ho numeru prosesu 266/2010 nee, prezidi husi juiz koletivu Joao Ribeiro lee karta akuzasaun Prokurador nian. Iha karta nee menstiona orsamentu bens servisu nian nebe uza la prense kriteria. Iha momentu neba tenta dada osamentu nee hodi responde ba salariu nebee tama iha konta ho montante nebee konstan iha aktus depaisu.\nVice Ministra Negosiu estranjeiru Adelgisa Magno,iha 2006, no arguidu iha momentu nudar Embaixador TL ba Nasaun Unidas iha Nova Yorke. Iha momentu neba argida Ana Maria Valeiro, simu atu manten nian posizaun ho salariu U$ 2.600, maibe ikus mai disidi rasik husi arguidu Jose Luis, antes asumi kargu hanesan Ministru Negosiu Estranjeiru.\nBainhira halao nia funsaun ho kualidade hanesan Ministeru Negosiu Estranjeiru iha 26 Julio 2006, nomea nia sposa Ana maria Morais Valero nudar komisaun permanente TL ba Nasaun Unidas Nove Yorke.\nIha julgamentu Vise Primeiru Ministru Jose Luis Guterres, konsidera akuzasaun Ministeriu Publiku (MP) nian laiha fundamentu, relasiona ho transferensia osan ba nia kaben Ana Maria Varela, bainhira sei asume kargu hanesan Embaixador Timor Leste ba ONU.\n“Hau bele dehan ba ita boot sira akuzasaun sira iha tribunal ohin loron, laiha fundamentu, tanba ne’e hau hakarak apelu deit ba politiku nain sira tomak atu halo politik lolos tuir lei no lalika duun matak ema,” VPM Jose Luis, kasu lia hirak nee Jornalista bainhira ramata prosesu julgamentu iha Tribunal Distrital Dili.\nVPM Jose Luis hetan akuzasaun ba iha kazu deskonfia transfere osan ba nia kaben bainhira asume kargu hanesan embaixador TL iha Nova Iorke. Maibe akuzasaun hirak nee iha tendensia politik hatun malu nian.\nNunee VPM hetan ona autorizasaun husi PM hodi tuir prosesu julgamentu iha tribunal.VPM Jose Luis konsidera julgamentu lao diak tebes no iha nasaun nebe opta konseitu Demokratsia hanesan Timor Leste, justisa parte ida husi sistem demokrasia, needuni ema tomak iha nasaun nee tenke hakruk ba lei no mos hakruk ba konstitusaun. “Hau ho responsabilidade tomak, hau simu desizaun husi Parlamentu Nasional nebe autoriza no suspende hau atu mai responde iha tribunal, hau mai hanesan sidadaun normal hodi responde akuzasaun ministeriu publiku nian ba hau,” dehan Jose.\nAkuzasaun hariku aan ho osan U$ 1.700 ho selu renda da casa (uma aluga) iha Nova Iorke, tuir VPM nee la los basaa aluga uma iha sidade boot hanesan Nova Ioker karun tebes, apartementu ida ho kuartu rua iha Estadu Unidos Amerika kuaze U$ 5 mil kada fulan.Tuir Lei internasional akresenta Jose Luis, praktika ministerius uluk nian too ohin loron aseita katak ema bele estranjeiru, bele nomea ba iha funsaun konsileiru tenke lao hela.\nIha fatin hanesan Prokurador Aderito Timan hatudu asinatura kopiadu arguidu nian ba juiz no Defensor arguidu Jose Luis Guteres nebe akompania prosesu julgamentu nee. Atu nune Arguidu Jose Luis Guterres hodi responde ba Prokurador, maibee argidu mos nafatin lahatene ho asinatura sira nee.\nTuir observasaun diariu nee nota katak iha julgamentu nee lao normal, laiha asaun ruma hodi impede prosesu julgamentu nebe akompania husi Komandante das Falintil Mauhunu (Bukar), kordinador CPD-RDTL Antonio Aitahan Matak, ho Deputadu Natalino dos Santos ho Bevinda Catarina husi bankada CNRT. alm/jin\nIntervista Exlusivu ho Deputado CNRT Konaba Lista Veteranu\nIn CJITL Exlusivu, Governu liu husi Sekretariu Estado ba Veterano Antigo Kombatentes, Marito Reis foin lalais ne'e hasai lista final ba veteranus ne'ebe sai polemika tanba diskunfia iha falsifikasaun dokumentos.\nSe mak halo falsifikasaun no sansaun saida mak sei foti, tuir mai ne'e intervista CJITL online ho Deputado CNRT, Aderito Hugo da Costa konaba asuntu ne'e.\nCJITL: Tuir ita bo’ot dadus veteranus ne’ebe foin lalais fo sai husi governo ne’e los ka lae?\nHugo: Dadus sira balun lalos, detekta no deskobre hetan ona evidensia lubuk ida, sobre falsifikasaun dokumentus , governu aktualiza ona ho Ministeriu kompetente para atu fo sansaun ba ema ne’ebe mak halo dukumentus falsu sira ne’e.\nCJITL: Iha parlamentu rasik kontra dadus veteranus ne’ebe fo sai husi governo, oinsa ho ita bo'ot nia pozisaun?\nHugo: Pozisaun mak ne’e ema pesoalmente mak halo falsifikasaun de dadus tenke fo sansaun, se involve ajente sira ne’ebe mak halo rekoila dadus sira ne’e mos tenke fo sansaun.\nCJITL: Tuir ita bo’ot mekanismu saida mak persiza governo uza, hodi halo fiskalizasaun dadus para bele hetan dadus ne’ebe los?\nHugo: Governu kria ona komisaun konjunta involve veteranus sira ne’ebe mak durante tinan 24 halo servisu iha iha ailaran, no sira mak hatene rasik ema ne’e los ka lalos, e sira deskobre ema halo falsifikasaun ba dadus.\nCJITL online iha loron hirak tuir mai sei hatun mos intervista ida seluk ne'ebe halo ho Prezidente komisaun rekolhamentu dadus ba veteranus Virgilio Smith ne'ebe mos hanesan Sekretariu Estado Cultura. (Joao Pinto Belo/CJITL Internship)\nDezempregu: Biban Ida Kria Instabilidade Iha TL\nCJITL Opiniaun, Artigu tuir mai hakerek husi ne'ebe servisu ba Fundasaun Mahein – FM ho Titulu “Dezempregu: Biban Ida Kria Instabilidade Iha Timor-Leste” artigu ne'e la reprezenta redasaun CJITL nia opiniaun.\nIha Timor-Leste asuntu dezempregu sai ona nudar problema boot ba governu no estadu iha nasaun foun ida ne’e. Hahu Timor-Leste hetan nia restorasaun total 2002, problema dezempregu sai ona kestaun ida ne’ebe seriu ba governu tanba numeru dezempregu kada tinan aumenta ba bei-beik, maibe laiha kampu de servisu ne’ebe halo juventude barak mak sai frustradu.\nMaske numeru dezempregu iha Timor-Leste seidauk klaru maibe tuir estudu ka peskiza ne’ebe hala’o husi Sekretaria Estadu Formasaun Profesional no Empregu (SEFOPE), 2009-2010, konsege diskobre ona numeru dezempregu hamutuk rihun 600 resin iha Timor-Leste. Situasaun dezempregu ne’e sura husi idade tinan 15 ba leten. No, tuir rezultadu sensus 2010 mos hatudu katak total populasaun hamutuk Um Millaun resin ne’e maioria joven ho idade 15 ba leten ne’ebe mai husi distritu sanolu resin tolu.\nHusi numeru joventude dezempregu hirak ne’e maioria dadaun buka moris iha kapital Dili tanba sira senti katak sidade Dili hanesan kapital nasaun ne’ebe bele hafasil sira atu hetan kampu de servisu, maske realidade hatudu oin seluk.\nTebes duni, problema dezempregu ba juventude ka ema nurak sira iha sidade Dili ne’ebe tuir Avaliasaun Pobreza/Poverty Assessment estima hamutuk 43 % iha 2001, numeru ne’e iha probabilidade atu sai bo’ot liu to’o ohin-loron. No, tinan-tinan Timor oan hamutuk nain 15.000-20.000 mak tama iha merkadu servisu nian maibe mane 13% no feto 9% deit mak hetan ordenadu/salariu. Ohin loron juventude barak mak la iha abilidade bazika no formasaun, sira balun para tiha sira nia estudus durante tinan hirak konflitu nian molok ukun an. Kuran profisiensia iha lian nasional Portugés no iha lian servisu Inglés, hanesan impedimentu seluk ida wainhira sira hakarak hetan servisu ne’ebe mak selu diak liu iha governu ka organizasaun internasional sira.\nVolume dezempregu ne’ebe aumenta ba baei-beik ne’e mos sai preoukupasaun entidades tomak nasaun ida ne’e. Iha publikasaun www.cjitl.org Sexta, (25/02) esplika katak Tuir statistika NGO Konfederasi Sindikatu Trabalhadores Timor Leste (KSTL) nia hatudu katak kada tinan aumenta 25% to’o 30% merkadu dezempregu iha Timor-Leste tanba governu la iha planu ne’ebe adekuadu ba asuntu hirak ne’e. No, pior liu tan governu fo fali oportunidade boot ba ema estranjeirus, hanesan ema husi nasaun Indonesia, Xina, Filipina, India no Vietnam hodi halo servisu nudar trabalhadores ba konstruksaun, otelaria, faan sasan no loke bar ka restorante iha Timor-Leste.\nMosu perguntas, tanba saida mak governu fo oportunidade servisu barak liu ba ema estranjeirus duke ema timor oan rasik? Tanba saida ida ne’e akontese? No, tanba saida mak governu haruka timor oan barak ba servsiu fali iha rai liur maske iha timor leste rasik servisu ne’ebe refere mos iha? Ne’e persiza governu no estadu tetu didiak. Tuir lolos governu tenki fo peroridade ba timor oan rasik atu hetan servisu iha nia rai laran la’os ema estranjeirus. Tanba timor oan barak mak iha potensia ne’ebe hanesan ho ema estranjeirus sira hodi halo servisu hirak ne’e iha. Hanesan, konstruksaun, otelaria, alfaete, mekanika no seluk-seluk tan.\nWainhira governu nafatin la fo importansia ba asuntu dezempregu iha Timor-Leste maka fo biban boot ba problema sosial ne’ebe sei afeita mos ba siguransa internal nasaun ida ne’e.\nTanba saida mak asuntu dezempregu ne’e bele mos konsidera nudar asuntu ne’ebe afeita ba seitor siguransa Timor-Leste? Dala ruma nia resposta barak liu karik. Iha ne’e, Fundasaun Mahein koko liga ba problema sira iha pasadu hanesan kazu ninja iha Suai tinan kotuk, kazu ninja iha Venilale, konfrontasaun entre artemarsias no juventude iha kapital Dili, Bobonaro no Baucau iha Fulan Janeiru foin lalais ne’e karik ita bele konsidera parte ida husi asuntu dezempregu.\nNo, at liu tan kazu kobransa ilegal ne’ebe mosu iha iha Distritu Manufahi, Suai no Same hasoru terseira idade sira, hodi kobra katuas sira kada ema $. 750.00 ba leten. (le’e STL Online 08 Marsu). Buat hirak ne’e hotu nia hun no abut mai husi hahalok dezempregu. Tanba, wainhira ema hamlaha, laiha osan atu sosa hahan, fos, selu eskola ect, ema bele halo meus saida deit hodi bele hetan saida mk sira hakarak. Maske asaun ne’ebe sira halo bele fo perguzu ba sira nia moris. No, persiza ita hotu tau iha memoria (kakutak) katak juventude Timor-Leste ne’ebe maioria dezempregu ne’e mos barak liu involve an iha grupu artemarsiais hirak ne’ebe dadaun ejiste iha Timor Leste.\nTuir relatoriu Banku Mundial rasis hatudu kata juventude idade 15-20 hamutuk 20.000 ne’ebe rejista iha grupu artemarsiais, no la sura sira ne’ebe la rejistadu hamutuk 90.000 ne’ebe espailha iha distritu sanolu resin tolu. Husi ema hirak ne’e barak liu laiha kampu de servisu ba sira. Tanba ne’e governu persiza tau atensaun ba asuntu dezempregu iha Timor-Leste nudar programa espesial hodi fo asegura ba estabilidade nasional.\nIha biban ne’e, Fundasaun Mahein la’os fo kulpa ba artemarsiais ou dun ba artemarsiais mak sai hanesan ameasa ba estabilidade nasaun. Maibe, FM koko hare’e liu konaba realidade ne’ebe akontese durante ne’e katak konfrontasaun ne’ebe mosu entre artemarsiais dala ruma mos iha ligasaun ho dezempregu. Maske dala barak konfrontasaun grupu artemarsiais hirak ne’e publiku hare’e husi oklu sorin deit hodi fo intrepertasaun katak konfrontasaun ne’e nudar problema grupu ka privadu. Maibe sekarik ita hare’e klean, karik iha relasaun ho dezempregu. Ita iamjina tok, kuandu ema barak mak hetan oportunidade servisu no lor-loron gasta tempu iha fatin servisu maka otomatikamente ema susar oituan atu halo problema ka hanoin at.\nTanba ema ida-idak hanoin no preukupa ba nia servisu ka atividade. Maibe sekuandu ema barak la hetan servisu, no lor-loron gasta nia tempu ba hemu lanu, laiha osan atu sustensa nia moris, osan laiha no labele asesu edukasaun maka otomatikamente fasil los sira bele tama iha grupu krimi organizadu. No, wainhira juventude hirak ne’e tama ona grupu krimi organizadu maka sei fo biban boot hodi hamosu instabilidade iha nasaun foun ida ne’e.\nBazeia ba kazu hirak iha leten sai hanesan sasukat ida katak asuntu dezempregu ne’e sai duni dalan ne’ebe buras hodi implika seitor siguransa iha nasaun ida ne’e. Tanba ho kampu de servisu ne’ebe limitadu no kriteria lingua Portuges no Ingleh ne’ebe domina iha instituisaun governu no estadu sai mos dezafiu ida ba ema timor oan, liu-liu juventude susar atu hetan servisu.\nHo kondisaun hirak ne’ebe iha halo juventude sira sai frustradu hodi inklina an ou tama (terjerumus) iha krimi organizadu hodi halo kobransa ilegal hasoru povu kiak sira. Juventude balun ne’ebe tama iha grupu artemarsiais mos komesa frustradu no buka hemu lanu hodi provoka malu hodi hamosu konfrontasaun ne’ebe halo komunidade moris la seguru. Buat hirak ne’e hotu sai kestaun boot ba seitor seguransa iha Timor-Leste.\nNune’e mos, misaun UNMIT ne’ebe sei remata iha Dezembru 2012, sai mos kestaun ida ba governu tanba hakarak ka lakohi sei hahoris tan dezempregu foun, timor oan barak mak sei lakon nia servisu wainhira UNMIT reduz ona sira nia misaun. Ba asuntu ne’e, saida mak governu sei halo? Karik iha planu konkretu ruma? Ka, konsidera ne’e la’os asuntu seriu ida? Persiza ita hotu hanoin lisuk.\nMaibe, wainhira ema intelektul barak ne’ebe durante ne’e servisu ho misaun UNMIT lakon fila fali oportunidade servisu maka problema sosial sei sai hetok boot liu tan iha sosiadade nia leet. Tanba, ema hira ne’e hahu fila fali halo kompetisaun ba juventude sira ne’ebe durante ne’e nunka hetan servisu, hahu husi tempu ukun an to’o ohin loron.\nTanba ne’e governu persiza hare’e asuntu dezempregu iha Timor-Leste sai hanesan planu imediata hodi loke kampu de servisu ba juventude iha rai laran no fo oportunidade uluk ba timor oan, la inklui ho politika governu ne’ebe haruka timor oan ba servisu nasaun seluk hanesan Korea de Sul. No, governu labele hanoin katak haruka timor ona ba servisu iha rai liur nudar meus ida atu rezolve problema dezempregu iha rai laran. Maibe, oinsa governu fo servisu ba juventude iha rai laran. Persiza mos hasai kresimentu ekonomia povu nian liu husi programa “Povu Kuda Governu Sosa” atu nune’e povu no juventude ka ema hotu-hotu bele fasil hetan osan hodi sustenta sira nia moris.\nNune’e mos governu persiza investe barak iha area kapasitasaun ba juventude hanesan kursu lingua, komputador, administrasaun, teknika no seluk-seluk. Atu nune’e sira bele kompete iha mundu globalizasaun nian no bele hafasil sira atu hetan servisu iha instituisaun governu, estadu ka ONG sira.\nPersiza iha kontinuasaun nafatin politika governu liu husi dirasaun SEFOPE hodi fo treinamnetu profesional, treinamentu emprezarial ne’ebe bele sai nudar kapital umanu ba juventude sira atu kria kampu de servisu rasik, hanesan bengkel, mekanika ka workshop nomos agrikultura grupu iha baze, hanesan promosaun feto iha nia grupu agrikultura nian, atu bele kria rede servisu, liu-liu konaba aspeitu atividade ekonomia.\nOinsa ita boot sira nia hanoin? Moris ba tempu dadaun ne’e vida moris karun tebes, nomos iha tempu hanesan influensia global mos rekruta ema nia hanoin muda istilu moris/life style maibe oinsa osan laiha atu realize mehi hirak ne’e iha leten. Sekuandu laiha ona biban atu realiza mehi maka bele uza meus oi-oin, I mos iha biban ba grupu organizadu sira bele rekruta sira, oinsa karik ne’e akontese? Hein ita boot sira nia hanoin lisuk. **\nPosted by TIMOR DOBEN FURAK at 00:22\nAban, Fretilin FOIN ATU Halo Debate Nakloke ho Jornalistas: CNRT Halao Uluk Ona\nWritten by Domingos da Silva and Lorenco Marques - Wednesday, 13 April 2011\nCJITL Plus, Centru Jornalista Investigativu Timor Leste – CJITL, Kinta feira aban (14/4) sei organiza debate nakloke ida hodi lori partidu Fretilin hasoru malu ho jornalista sira. Debate nakloke ida ne'e hanesan debate biasa ida, nebe Primeiro Liu halo ho CNRT iha semana hirak liu ba.\nPrograma ne'e nu'udar aktividade integradu ida husi CJITL nian ba tinan 2011 hanaran “Konhece Ita nia Partidu Politiku", ne'ebe se halao ho partido politiku hotu nebe iha Timor-Leste no registo ofisialmente iha Tribunal de Rekurso ka iha assento iha Parlamento Nasional.\nTuir Emilia Ana Martires, Chefe Komisaun Organizadora ba eventu seminar nakloke ne'ebe sei hala'o hahu tuku 09.00 dader iha fundasaun oriente ne'e sei debate liu konaba oinsa preparasaun partidu Fretilin ba Kongreso Nasional iha Setembru, kampanye eleitoral 2012 no mos oinsa komitmentu Fretilin atu kopera ho instituisaun demokratiku sira hodi garante stabilidade no unidade ba povu.\nIha seminario dahuluk ho Partido CNRT, nebe atende direitamente hosi membro CDN Agio Perreira, ho Sekretario Geral Partido CNRT, Dionisio Babo, jornalista sira hentan kuhesimento makaas konaba ba partido CNRT, nia plataforma no manual politiko, programa no plano saida deit maka sei halo iha tinan hirak tuir mai, liu-liu atu hasoru eleisaun Geral 2012.\nIha Seminar ne'e, oradores sira ne'ebe sei partisipa iha debate durante oras ha'at ne'e mak hanesan; Francisco Branco, Josefa Pereira Soares, Estanislao da Silva, Osorio Florindo, Aicha Bassarewan, Inacio Morreira no Jose Teixeira.\nEmilia haktuir katak "nudar mos iha seminar ho CNRT nebe jornalista humutuk 60 resin mak atende debate ne", seminar ne'e sei konta ho partisipasaun jornalista nain 50 resin no mos komisariu sira husi Comisaun Nasional ba Eleisaun – CNE.\nEmilia mos haktuir liu tan katak antes ne'e CJITL halo tiha ona seminar nakloke ho partidu Conselhu Nasional Rekonstrusaun de Timor - CNRT iha fulan Marcu liu ba no sei iha mos seminar ho partidu sira seluk ne'ebe rejistu ona iha CNE atu kompete iha eleisaun jeral 2012.\nPartido CNRT nebe iha nia baze metin tebes iha Timor Leste laran tomak, prepara hela atu bele hasoru eleisaun 2012 ho diak, no espera atu manaan mutlak tanba progresso nebe hetan to oras ne.\n(Domingos da Silva/CJITL)\nEstanislau Aleixo: Ana Pesoa “Inosente”, Maske nia...\nIntervista Exlusivu ho Deputado CNRT Konaba Lista ...\nAban, Fretilin FOIN ATU Halo Debate Nakloke ho Jor... | [
"TIMOR DOBEN FURAK: A VOZ DA LIBERTACAO: 04/13/11 Estanislau Aleixo: Ana Pesoa \"Inosente,\" Maske nia hatama Kazu Jose Luis, Kumpri Pedidu Justisa Kuarta, 13 Abril 2011 - 16:18:11 OTL FOTO STL/ANTONIO DASIPARU Deputy Primeiru Ministru Jose Luis Guterres,akompaina husi Embaxador Timor Leste ba Thailandia, Joao Camara (klaran) hakoak malu ho eis komandante Falintil Antonio da Costa, Segunda 11/4 wainhira tuir julgamentu iha Tribunal Distrital Dili konaba akuzasaun husi Ministeriu Publiku ba nia (jose Luis) tanba deskonfia transfere osan governu nian ba nia kaben.",
"DILI-Deputadu bankada Fretilin iha Parlamentu Nasional, konsidera Prokurador Jeral Republika (PGR) Ana Pesoa Pinto,\"inosente\" husi kaju Vice Primeiru Ministru, Jose Luis Guterres.",
"Basaa prosesu investigasaun kazu nee hahu antes Ana Pessoa asume kargu hanesan PGR.",
"\"Hau hanoin kazu nee laiha tendensia politik, nebeliga ho Prokuradora Ana Pessoa, tanba hetan rekomendasaun husi husi PM Xanana atu asume kargu nee, prosesu julgamentu ka kazu nee lao tiha ona,\" Membru Parlamentu Nasional Bankada Fretilin Estanislau da Silva Aleixo, kasu lia hirak nee ba jornalista hafoin sorumotu ho PR Horta iha palasio prezidensia, Aitarak laran, Tersa (12/4).",
"Eis Primeiru Ministru Terseiru governu konstitusional nee fo apoiu ba PGR Ana Pessoa atu halao ho nia knar ho aten brani no matenek nain, tuir Lei no Konstituisaun.",
"Tanba nee nia fiar Ana Pesoa sei la halo arbiru.",
"Estanislau informa mos katak nia laiha koinesementu ba nomeasaun Ana Maria Varela hanesan Konseleira TL ba Nova Yorke, maske iha mumentu ne'e ba hanesan Primeiru Ministru.",
"Kazu VPM Jose Luis nia sai polemika bo'ot iha deputadu bloku AMP no konsidera kazu iha tendensia Politika nebe involve Ana Pesoa hanesan Prokuradora Jeral republika.",
"Maske investigasaun kazu nee Halao husi Provedor Direitu Humanus no Justisa (PDHJ) nebelidera husi Sebastiao Diaz Ximenes.",
"\"Hau Rasik mos Provedor bolu ba Investiga, hanesan mos ho eis Vice Ministra Negosio Estranjeiru Adalgisa Magno.",
"Provedor husu hau kona ba Kazu ne'e, hau dehan hau la hatene.",
"Enkuantu labele dehan iha Tendensia Politika tanba Ana Pessoa ne'e ema Fretilin nian, ne'e lalos, tanba momentu ne'e antes Ana sai Prokuradora, investigasaaun ba kazu ne'e halao tiha ona,\" komenta Estanislau.",
"Prokuradora Ana Pessoa tuir Estanislao halao tuir prosedementu nebe lao ona iha tribunal tribunal, katak prosesu investigasaun lao no prontu haruka ba Tribunal, tenke julga iha Tribunal.",
"Hanesan kazu MNE Jacarias nian, bainhira Tribunal haree kazu nee laiha evidensia forte, nia prosesu tribunal suspende, maibe iha kazu Jose Luis Guterres nian diferente, Tribunal marka julga, signifika iha evidensia forte nebe presiza justifika iha tribunal liu husi julgamentu.",
"\"Hau la autoriza, maibe PR Ramos Horta ne'ebe momentu ne'e hanesan PM konvida nia ba tuur iha ne'eba atu tranferensia osan ne'e oin seluk.",
"Enkuantu PM delega komptensia atu halo knar, maibe tenki tuir Lei,\" tenik Estanislau.",
"Eis PM informa mos katak Jose Luis hanesan membru governu iha kompetensia atu tranfere osan ba membru governu sira seluk, maibetenke tuir lei.",
"Nee la presiza hafuhu husi PM.",
"\"Hanesan mos uluk hau hanesan Ministru Agrikultura, halao hau nia knar, buat ne'ebe sala iha Ministeriu Agrikultura, hau mak responsabiliza laos PM Alkatiri maka responsabiliza ka Jose Luis maka responsabiliza,\" argumenta Estanislau.",
"Hatan kona nomeasaun ba Ana Maria Varela ne'ebe laos Nasionalidade Timorense sai Konsileira ba Embaixador TL ba Nova Yorke, Estanislau hatete nomeiasaun iha nia prosedementus, nunee mos konsileira ne'e la efetiva hanesan Funsionariu MNE.",
"\"Uluk ita iha Embaixador Honorariu ne'e la efetivu, nia titulu honorifiku, ne'e oin seluk, Funsiunariu Ministeriu Negosiu Estranjeiru ne'e oinseluk lahanesa.",
"Ita iha titulu Honorifiku embaixador Honorariu katak ita iha konsul Honorariu ne'ebe deit laos efetivu, tanba iha implikasaun ba orsamentu,\" tenik Estanislau.",
"Entretantu Prezidenti Republika Jose Ramos Horta konsidera kazu Jose Luis nian kazu Politika Humanitaria ne'ebe tama ona iha Tribunal nia kompetensia atu prosesu.",
"\"Hau koalia dala barak ona, dala ha'at ka dala lima ona, ba hau kestaun ne'e kestaun Politika, kestaun humanitaria ida, iha ona Tribunal, ne'eduni hau labele komenta tan,\" hatete Horta.Xefi Estadu hatutan bainhira kazu nee sei iha Prokuradoria Jeral Republika nia liman, nia bele komenta no nudar testamuna, mas bainhira tama ona iha Tribunal, hein desizaun tribunal nian.",
"Iha parte seluk Depotadu Aderito Hugo da Costa, bankada CNRT, hatete tuir regras rezulusaun nebe PN hasai uza tipu rezulusaun atu espresa sira nia lamentasoens, tanba haree ba praktika aktus-aktus balu iha Ministeriu Publiku (MP) hatudu sinal politizasaun, liu-liu prosesamentu kazu VPM Jose Luis Guterres nian.",
"Liafuan hanesan hato'o husi Akademik UNTL, Marcelino Correia.",
"Tuir nia kazu VPM Jose Luis nian maske Kazu Politika, maibe atu sala ka lae tenke hatan iha Tribunal.",
"\"Hau espera ba oin justisa iha ita nia rain ida ne'e sei forte liu, ita haree agora komesa hatudu dadaun katak ema se se deit tantu, ita nia nai Ulun sira komesa kumpri ona pedidu prosesu justisa,\"tenik Marcelino.",
"Kumpri Pedidu Trubunal Tribunal Distrital Dili, segunda (11/4) lansa primeira julgamentu ba kazu Vise PM Jose Luis Guterres ho deskunfia transfere osan hamutuk U$ 1.700 mil ba nian kaben la tuir prosesmentu legal.",
"Ho akuzasaun nee VPM Jose Luis Guteres, komete krimi hariku aan ho osan povu nian, kontra lei kodigu Penal TL artigu 301 ho 302.",
"Julgamentu kazu VPM Jose Luis nian ho numeru prosesu 266/2010 nee, prezidi husi juiz koletivu Joao Ribeiro lee karta akuzasaun Prokurador nian.",
"Iha karta nee menstiona orsamentu bens servisu nian nebe uza la prense kriteria.",
"Iha momentu neba tenta dada osamentu nee hodi responde ba salariu nebee tama iha konta ho montante nebee konstan iha aktus depaisu.",
"Vice Ministra Negosiu estranjeiru Adelgisa Magno,iha 2006, no arguidu iha momentu nudar Embaixador TL ba Nasaun Unidas iha Nova Yorke.",
"Iha momentu neba argida Ana Maria Valeiro, simu atu manten nian posizaun ho salariu U$ 2.600, maibe ikus mai disidi rasik husi arguidu Jose Luis, antes asumi kargu hanesan Ministru Negosiu Estranjeiru.",
"Bainhira halao nia funsaun ho kualidade hanesan Ministeru Negosiu Estranjeiru iha 26 Julio 2006, nomea nia sposa Ana maria Morais Valero nudar komisaun permanente TL ba Nasaun Unidas Nove Yorke.",
"Iha julgamentu Vise Primeiru Ministru Jose Luis Guterres, konsidera akuzasaun Ministeriu Publiku (MP) nian laiha fundamentu, relasiona ho transferensia osan ba nia kaben Ana Maria Varela, bainhira sei asume kargu hanesan Embaixador Timor Leste ba ONU.",
"\"Hau bele dehan ba ita boot sira akuzasaun sira iha tribunal ohin loron, laiha fundamentu, tanba ne'e hau hakarak apelu deit ba politiku nain sira tomak atu halo politik lolos tuir lei no lalika duun matak ema,\" VPM Jose Luis, kasu lia hirak nee Jornalista bainhira ramata prosesu julgamentu iha Tribunal Distrital Dili.",
"VPM Jose Luis hetan akuzasaun ba iha kazu deskonfia transfere osan ba nia kaben bainhira asume kargu hanesan embaixador TL iha Nova Iorke.",
"Maibe akuzasaun hirak nee iha tendensia politik hatun malu nian.",
"Nunee VPM hetan ona autorizasaun husi PM hodi tuir prosesu julgamentu iha tribunal.VPM Jose Luis konsidera julgamentu lao diak tebes no iha nasaun nebe opta konseitu Demokratsia hanesan Timor Leste, justisa parte ida husi sistem demokrasia, needuni ema tomak iha nasaun nee tenke hakruk ba lei no mos hakruk ba konstitusaun.",
"\"Hau ho responsabilidade tomak, hau simu desizaun husi Parlamentu Nasional nebe autoriza no suspende hau atu mai responde iha tribunal, hau mai hanesan sidadaun normal hodi responde akuzasaun ministeriu publiku nian ba hau,\" dehan Jose.",
"Akuzasaun hariku aan ho osan U$ 1.700 ho selu renda da casa (uma aluga) iha Nova Iorke, tuir VPM nee la los basaa aluga uma iha sidade boot hanesan Nova Ioker karun tebes, apartementu ida ho kuartu rua iha Estadu Unidos Amerika kuaze U$ 5 mil kada fulan.Tuir Lei internasional akresenta Jose Luis, praktika ministerius uluk nian too ohin loron aseita katak ema bele estranjeiru, bele nomea ba iha funsaun konsileiru tenke lao hela.",
"Iha fatin hanesan Prokurador Aderito Timan hatudu asinatura kopiadu arguidu nian ba juiz no Defensor arguidu Jose Luis Guteres nebe akompania prosesu julgamentu nee.",
"Atu nune Arguidu Jose Luis Guterres hodi responde ba Prokurador, maibee argidu mos nafatin lahatene ho asinatura sira nee.",
"Tuir observasaun diariu nee nota katak iha julgamentu nee lao normal, laiha asaun ruma hodi impede prosesu julgamentu nebe akompania husi Komandante das Falintil Mauhunu (Bukar), kordinador CPD-RDTL Antonio Aitahan Matak, ho Deputadu Natalino dos Santos ho Bevinda Catarina husi bankada CNRT. alm/jin Intervista Exlusivu ho Deputado CNRT Konaba Lista Veteranu In CJITL Exlusivu, Governu liu husi Sekretariu Estado ba Veterano Antigo Kombatentes, Marito Reis foin lalais ne'e hasai lista final ba veteranus ne'ebe sai polemika tanba diskunfia iha falsifikasaun dokumentos.",
"Se mak halo falsifikasaun no sansaun saida mak sei foti, tuir mai ne'e intervista CJITL online ho Deputado CNRT, Aderito Hugo da Costa konaba asuntu ne'e.",
"CJITL: Tuir ita bo'ot dadus veteranus ne'ebe foin lalais fo sai husi governo ne'e los ka lae?",
"Hugo: Dadus sira balun lalos, detekta no deskobre hetan ona evidensia lubuk ida, sobre falsifikasaun dokumentus , governu aktualiza ona ho Ministeriu kompetente para atu fo sansaun ba ema ne'ebe mak halo dukumentus falsu sira ne'e.",
"CJITL: Iha parlamentu rasik kontra dadus veteranus ne'ebe fo sai husi governo, oinsa ho ita bo'ot nia pozisaun?",
"Hugo: Pozisaun mak ne'e ema pesoalmente mak halo falsifikasaun de dadus tenke fo sansaun, se involve ajente sira ne'ebe mak halo rekoila dadus sira ne'e mos tenke fo sansaun.",
"CJITL: Tuir ita bo'ot mekanismu saida mak persiza governo uza, hodi halo fiskalizasaun dadus para bele hetan dadus ne'ebe los?",
"Hugo: Governu kria ona komisaun konjunta involve veteranus sira ne'ebe mak durante tinan 24 halo servisu iha iha ailaran, no sira mak hatene rasik ema ne'e los ka lalos, e sira deskobre ema halo falsifikasaun ba dadus.",
"CJITL online iha loron hirak tuir mai sei hatun mos intervista ida seluk ne'ebe halo ho Prezidente komisaun rekolhamentu dadus ba veteranus Virgilio Smith ne'ebe mos hanesan Sekretariu Estado Cultura.",
"(Joao Pinto Belo/CJITL Internship) Dezempregu: Biban Ida Kria Instabilidade Iha TL CJITL Opiniaun, Artigu tuir mai hakerek husi ne'ebe servisu ba Fundasaun Mahein - FM ho Titulu \"Dezempregu: Biban Ida Kria Instabilidade Iha Timor-Leste\" artigu ne'e la reprezenta redasaun CJITL nia opiniaun.",
"Iha Timor-Leste asuntu dezempregu sai ona nudar problema boot ba governu no estadu iha nasaun foun ida ne'e.",
"Hahu Timor-Leste hetan nia restorasaun total 2002, problema dezempregu sai ona kestaun ida ne'ebe seriu ba governu tanba numeru dezempregu kada tinan aumenta ba bei-beik, maibe laiha kampu de servisu ne'ebe halo juventude barak mak sai frustradu.",
"Maske numeru dezempregu iha Timor-Leste seidauk klaru maibe tuir estudu ka peskiza ne'ebe hala'o husi Sekretaria Estadu Formasaun Profesional no Empregu (SEFOPE), 2009-2010, konsege diskobre ona numeru dezempregu hamutuk rihun 600 resin iha Timor-Leste.",
"Situasaun dezempregu ne'e sura husi idade tinan 15 ba leten.",
"No, tuir rezultadu sensus 2010 mos hatudu katak total populasaun hamutuk Um Millaun resin ne'e maioria joven ho idade 15 ba leten ne'ebe mai husi distritu sanolu resin tolu.",
"Husi numeru joventude dezempregu hirak ne'e maioria dadaun buka moris iha kapital Dili tanba sira senti katak sidade Dili hanesan kapital nasaun ne'ebe bele hafasil sira atu hetan kampu de servisu, maske realidade hatudu oin seluk.",
"Tebes duni, problema dezempregu ba juventude ka ema nurak sira iha sidade Dili ne'ebe tuir Avaliasaun Pobreza/Poverty Assessment estima hamutuk 43% iha 2001, numeru ne'e iha probabilidade atu sai bo'ot liu to'o ohin-loron.",
"No, tinan-tinan Timor oan hamutuk nain 15.000-20.000 mak tama iha merkadu servisu nian maibe mane 13% no feto 9% deit mak hetan ordenadu/salariu.",
"Ohin loron juventude barak mak la iha abilidade bazika no formasaun, sira balun para tiha sira nia estudus durante tinan hirak konflitu nian molok ukun an.",
"Kuran profisiensia iha lian nasional Portuges no iha lian servisu Ingles, hanesan impedimentu seluk ida wainhira sira hakarak hetan servisu ne'ebe mak selu diak liu iha governu ka organizasaun internasional sira.",
"Volume dezempregu ne'ebe aumenta ba baei-beik ne'e mos sai preoukupasaun entidades tomak nasaun ida ne'e.",
"Iha publikasaun www.cjitl.org Sexta, (25/02) esplika katak Tuir statistika NGO Konfederasi Sindikatu Trabalhadores Timor Leste (KSTL) nia hatudu katak kada tinan aumenta 25% to'o 30% merkadu dezempregu iha Timor-Leste tanba governu la iha planu ne'ebe adekuadu ba asuntu hirak ne'e.",
"No, pior liu tan governu fo fali oportunidade boot ba ema estranjeirus, hanesan ema husi nasaun Indonesia, Xina, Filipina, India no Vietnam hodi halo servisu nudar trabalhadores ba konstruksaun, otelaria, faan sasan no loke bar ka restorante iha Timor-Leste.",
"Mosu perguntas, tanba saida mak governu fo oportunidade servisu barak liu ba ema estranjeirus duke ema timor oan rasik?",
"Tanba saida ida ne'e akontese?",
"No, tanba saida mak governu haruka timor oan barak ba servsiu fali iha rai liur maske iha timor leste rasik servisu ne'ebe refere mos iha?",
"Ne'e persiza governu no estadu tetu didiak.",
"Tuir lolos governu tenki fo peroridade ba timor oan rasik atu hetan servisu iha nia rai laran la'os ema estranjeirus.",
"Tanba timor oan barak mak iha potensia ne'ebe hanesan ho ema estranjeirus sira hodi halo servisu hirak ne'e iha.",
"Hanesan, konstruksaun, otelaria, alfaete, mekanika no seluk-seluk tan.",
"Wainhira governu nafatin la fo importansia ba asuntu dezempregu iha Timor-Leste maka fo biban boot ba problema sosial ne'ebe sei afeita mos ba siguransa internal nasaun ida ne'e.",
"Tanba saida mak asuntu dezempregu ne'e bele mos konsidera nudar asuntu ne'ebe afeita ba seitor siguransa Timor-Leste?",
"Dala ruma nia resposta barak liu karik.",
"Iha ne'e, Fundasaun Mahein koko liga ba problema sira iha pasadu hanesan kazu ninja iha Suai tinan kotuk, kazu ninja iha Venilale, konfrontasaun entre artemarsias no juventude iha kapital Dili, Bobonaro no Baucau iha Fulan Janeiru foin lalais ne'e karik ita bele konsidera parte ida husi asuntu dezempregu.",
"No, at liu tan kazu kobransa ilegal ne'ebe mosu iha iha Distritu Manufahi, Suai no Same hasoru terseira idade sira, hodi kobra katuas sira kada ema $.",
"750.00 ba leten. (le'e STL Online 08 Marsu).",
"Buat hirak ne'e hotu nia hun no abut mai husi hahalok dezempregu.",
"Tanba, wainhira ema hamlaha, laiha osan atu sosa hahan, fos, selu eskola ect, ema bele halo meus saida deit hodi bele hetan saida mk sira hakarak.",
"Maske asaun ne'ebe sira halo bele fo perguzu ba sira nia moris.",
"No, persiza ita hotu tau iha memoria (kakutak) katak juventude Timor-Leste ne'ebe maioria dezempregu ne'e mos barak liu involve an iha grupu artemarsiais hirak ne'ebe dadaun ejiste iha Timor Leste.",
"Tuir relatoriu Banku Mundial rasis hatudu kata juventude idade 15-20 hamutuk 20.000 ne'ebe rejista iha grupu artemarsiais, no la sura sira ne'ebe la rejistadu hamutuk 90.000 ne'ebe espailha iha distritu sanolu resin tolu.",
"Husi ema hirak ne'e barak liu laiha kampu de servisu ba sira.",
"Tanba ne'e governu persiza tau atensaun ba asuntu dezempregu iha Timor-Leste nudar programa espesial hodi fo asegura ba estabilidade nasional.",
"Iha biban ne'e, Fundasaun Mahein la'os fo kulpa ba artemarsiais ou dun ba artemarsiais mak sai hanesan ameasa ba estabilidade nasaun.",
"Maibe, FM koko hare'e liu konaba realidade ne'ebe akontese durante ne'e katak konfrontasaun ne'ebe mosu entre artemarsiais dala ruma mos iha ligasaun ho dezempregu.",
"Maske dala barak konfrontasaun grupu artemarsiais hirak ne'e publiku hare'e husi oklu sorin deit hodi fo intrepertasaun katak konfrontasaun ne'e nudar problema grupu ka privadu.",
"Maibe sekarik ita hare'e klean, karik iha relasaun ho dezempregu.",
"Ita iamjina tok, kuandu ema barak mak hetan oportunidade servisu no lor-loron gasta tempu iha fatin servisu maka otomatikamente ema susar oituan atu halo problema ka hanoin at.",
"Tanba ema ida-idak hanoin no preukupa ba nia servisu ka atividade.",
"Maibe sekuandu ema barak la hetan servisu, no lor-loron gasta nia tempu ba hemu lanu, laiha osan atu sustensa nia moris, osan laiha no labele asesu edukasaun maka otomatikamente fasil los sira bele tama iha grupu krimi organizadu.",
"No, wainhira juventude hirak ne'e tama ona grupu krimi organizadu maka sei fo biban boot hodi hamosu instabilidade iha nasaun foun ida ne'e.",
"Bazeia ba kazu hirak iha leten sai hanesan sasukat ida katak asuntu dezempregu ne'e sai duni dalan ne'ebe buras hodi implika seitor siguransa iha nasaun ida ne'e.",
"Tanba ho kampu de servisu ne'ebe limitadu no kriteria lingua Portuges no Ingleh ne'ebe domina iha instituisaun governu no estadu sai mos dezafiu ida ba ema timor oan, liu-liu juventude susar atu hetan servisu.",
"Ho kondisaun hirak ne'ebe iha halo juventude sira sai frustradu hodi inklina an ou tama (terjerumus) iha krimi organizadu hodi halo kobransa ilegal hasoru povu kiak sira.",
"Juventude balun ne'ebe tama iha grupu artemarsiais mos komesa frustradu no buka hemu lanu hodi provoka malu hodi hamosu konfrontasaun ne'ebe halo komunidade moris la seguru.",
"Buat hirak ne'e hotu sai kestaun boot ba seitor seguransa iha Timor-Leste.",
"Nune'e mos, misaun UNMIT ne'ebe sei remata iha Dezembru 2012, sai mos kestaun ida ba governu tanba hakarak ka lakohi sei hahoris tan dezempregu foun, timor oan barak mak sei lakon nia servisu wainhira UNMIT reduz ona sira nia misaun.",
"Ba asuntu ne'e, saida mak governu sei halo?",
"Karik iha planu konkretu ruma?",
"Ka, konsidera ne'e la'os asuntu seriu ida?",
"Persiza ita hotu hanoin lisuk.",
"Maibe, wainhira ema intelektul barak ne'ebe durante ne'e servisu ho misaun UNMIT lakon fila fali oportunidade servisu maka problema sosial sei sai hetok boot liu tan iha sosiadade nia leet.",
"Tanba, ema hira ne'e hahu fila fali halo kompetisaun ba juventude sira ne'ebe durante ne'e nunka hetan servisu, hahu husi tempu ukun an to'o ohin loron.",
"Tanba ne'e governu persiza hare'e asuntu dezempregu iha Timor-Leste sai hanesan planu imediata hodi loke kampu de servisu ba juventude iha rai laran no fo oportunidade uluk ba timor oan, la inklui ho politika governu ne'ebe haruka timor oan ba servisu nasaun seluk hanesan Korea de Sul.",
"No, governu labele hanoin katak haruka timor ona ba servisu iha rai liur nudar meus ida atu rezolve problema dezempregu iha rai laran.",
"Maibe, oinsa governu fo servisu ba juventude iha rai laran.",
"Persiza mos hasai kresimentu ekonomia povu nian liu husi programa \"Povu Kuda Governu Sosa\" atu nune'e povu no juventude ka ema hotu-hotu bele fasil hetan osan hodi sustenta sira nia moris.",
"Nune'e mos governu persiza investe barak iha area kapasitasaun ba juventude hanesan kursu lingua, komputador, administrasaun, teknika no seluk-seluk.",
"Atu nune'e sira bele kompete iha mundu globalizasaun nian no bele hafasil sira atu hetan servisu iha instituisaun governu, estadu ka ONG sira.",
"Persiza iha kontinuasaun nafatin politika governu liu husi dirasaun SEFOPE hodi fo treinamnetu profesional, treinamentu emprezarial ne'ebe bele sai nudar kapital umanu ba juventude sira atu kria kampu de servisu rasik, hanesan bengkel, mekanika ka workshop nomos agrikultura grupu iha baze, hanesan promosaun feto iha nia grupu agrikultura nian, atu bele kria rede servisu, liu-liu konaba aspeitu atividade ekonomia.",
"Oinsa ita boot sira nia hanoin?",
"Moris ba tempu dadaun ne'e vida moris karun tebes, nomos iha tempu hanesan influensia global mos rekruta ema nia hanoin muda istilu moris/life style maibe oinsa osan laiha atu realize mehi hirak ne'e iha leten.",
"Sekuandu laiha ona biban atu realiza mehi maka bele uza meus oi-oin, I mos iha biban ba grupu organizadu sira bele rekruta sira, oinsa karik ne'e akontese?",
"Hein ita boot sira nia hanoin lisuk. ** Posted by TIMOR DOBEN FURAK at 00:22 Aban, Fretilin FOIN ATU Halo Debate Nakloke ho Jornalistas: CNRT Halao Uluk Ona Written by Domingos da Silva and Lorenco Marques - Wednesday, 13 April 2011 CJITL Plus, Centru Jornalista Investigativu Timor Leste - CJITL, Kinta feira aban (14/4) sei organiza debate nakloke ida hodi lori partidu Fretilin hasoru malu ho jornalista sira.",
"Debate nakloke ida ne'e hanesan debate biasa ida, nebe Primeiro Liu halo ho CNRT iha semana hirak liu ba.",
"Programa ne'e nu'udar aktividade integradu ida husi CJITL nian ba tinan 2011 hanaran \"Konhece Ita nia Partidu Politiku,\" ne'ebe se halao ho partido politiku hotu nebe iha Timor-Leste no registo ofisialmente iha Tribunal de Rekurso ka iha assento iha Parlamento Nasional.",
"Tuir Emilia Ana Martires, Chefe Komisaun Organizadora ba eventu seminar nakloke ne'ebe sei hala'o hahu tuku 09.00 dader iha fundasaun oriente ne'e sei debate liu konaba oinsa preparasaun partidu Fretilin ba Kongreso Nasional iha Setembru, kampanye eleitoral 2012 no mos oinsa komitmentu Fretilin atu kopera ho instituisaun demokratiku sira hodi garante stabilidade no unidade ba povu.",
"Iha seminario dahuluk ho Partido CNRT, nebe atende direitamente hosi membro CDN Agio Perreira, ho Sekretario Geral Partido CNRT, Dionisio Babo, jornalista sira hentan kuhesimento makaas konaba ba partido CNRT, nia plataforma no manual politiko, programa no plano saida deit maka sei halo iha tinan hirak tuir mai, liu-liu atu hasoru eleisaun Geral 2012.",
"Iha Seminar ne'e, oradores sira ne'ebe sei partisipa iha debate durante oras ha'at ne'e mak hanesan; Francisco Branco, Josefa Pereira Soares, Estanislao da Silva, Osorio Florindo, Aicha Bassarewan, Inacio Morreira no Jose Teixeira.",
"Emilia haktuir katak \"nudar mos iha seminar ho CNRT nebe jornalista humutuk 60 resin mak atende debate ne,\" seminar ne'e sei konta ho partisipasaun jornalista nain 50 resin no mos komisariu sira husi Comisaun Nasional ba Eleisaun - CNE.",
"Emilia mos haktuir liu tan katak antes ne'e CJITL halo tiha ona seminar nakloke ho partidu Conselhu Nasional Rekonstrusaun de Timor - CNRT iha fulan Marcu liu ba no sei iha mos seminar ho partidu sira seluk ne'ebe rejistu ona iha CNE atu kompete iha eleisaun jeral 2012.",
"Partido CNRT nebe iha nia baze metin tebes iha Timor Leste laran tomak, prepara hela atu bele hasoru eleisaun 2012 ho diak, no espera atu manaan mutlak tanba progresso nebe hetan to oras ne.",
"(Domingos da Silva/CJITL) Estanislau Aleixo: Ana Pesoa \"Inosente,\" Maske nia...",
"Intervista Exlusivu ho Deputado CNRT Konaba Lista ...",
"Aban, Fretilin FOIN ATU Halo Debate Nakloke ho Jor..."
] | [
"TIMOR DOBEN FURAK: A VOZ DA LIBERTACAO - Timor Leste's Voice of Liberation (AVL): 04/13-25 Estanislau Aleixo says Ana Pesoa is \"innocent,\" although she has filed the Jose Luis case and complies with justice request Thursday April. The Deputy Prime Minister José Luís Guterres accompanied by Ambassador to Thailand Joao Câmara met former Falintil commander Antonio da Costa at Dili District Court on Monday when attending trial involving his accusations that he transferred government money for her husband João Carlos Soares dos Santos"
"Dili-Fretilin Party deputy in the National Parliament, considers Prokurador Jeral Republika (PGR) Ana Pesoa Pinto \"innocent\" of accusations against Vice Prime Minister Jose Luis Guterres."
"Basically, the investigation of this case began before Ana Pessoa took office as PGR."
"\"I think the case has no political tendency, not related to Prokuradora Ana Pessoa because she was recommended by PM Xanana for this position. The trial process is already underway.\" Member of Parliament from Fretilin Party Estanislau da Silva Aleixo told journalists after meeting with Prime Minister Horta in Aitarak Palace on Tuesday (12/4)."
"The former Prime Minister of the Third Constitutional Government supports PGR Ana Pessoa to carry out her duties with confidence and wisdom, in accordance With Law And Constitution."
"Because of this, he believes that Ana Pesoa will not be arbitrary."
"Estanislau also informed that he did not agree to the appointment of Ana Maria Varela as Portuguese Councillor for New York, even though she is currently Prime Minister."
"The case of VPM Jose Luis was a big controversy in the MPs block AMP and considered that this is an issue with political tendencies which involve Ana Pesoa as Prosecutor General."
"Although the investigation of this case was carried out by Procurador dos Direitos Humanus e Justisa (PDHJ), Sebastiao Diaz Ximenes did not believe it."
"\"I also request the Ombudsman to call for an investigation, as well with former Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs Adalgisa Magno."
"The Ombudsman asked me about the case, and I said \"I don't know.\""
"And while I can't say that there is a political tendency because Ana Pessoa belongs to Fretilin, it would not have been the case at this time. Before Anna became Prosecutor an investigation had already taken place on these cases.\""
"Prosecutor Ana Pessoa according to Estanislao proceed in accordance with the procedures that have been carried out at court tribunal, which is investigation processes are ongoing and ready for sending them back into Court must be judged by Tribunal."
"As in the case of MNE Jacarias, when a court found that there was no strong evidence against him it suspended his proceedings. But differently with Jose Luis Guterres' cases where they marked judgment and so had to justify their decision by trial; this is what we call \"mark judge\", which means you have solid proof for your claim before tribunal through judicial processes.\""
"\"I did not authorize, but PR Ramos Horta who at the moment is PM invited him to sit there and transfer this money elsewhere."
"And while the PM delegates competence to do knar, but must follow Law\", said Estanislau."
"The former PM also informed that Jose Luis as a member of the government has competence to transfer moneys between other members, but he must do so by law."
"This does not require the PM's approval."
"\"Even before I was Minister of Agriculture, doing my job. If there is anything wrong in the Ministry for agriculture it's up to me and not PM Alkatiri or Jose Luis\", Estanislau argues.\""
"Regarding the appointment of Ana Maria Varela, who is not a Timorese national as Counsellor to TL's Ambassador in New York City (NYC), Estanislau said that it was an official procedure and therefore she would be ineffective."
"\"Before we had the Honorary Ambassador this was not effective, his honorable title is another thing. The Foreign Affairs Ministry Officials are a different kind of people.\""
"We have the honorary title of Honorari ambassador, which means that we do not need an honourier consul. This is ineffectual because it has budget implications,” said Stanislau .\""
"Meanwhile, President of the Republic Jose Ramos Horta considers that José Luis' case is a humanitarian policy matter which has come under its jurisdiction to be processed."
"\"I have said it many times, ten or five time already. For me this issue is a political one and humanitarian; there has been the Court of Justice so I cannot comment anymore.\" The Head Of State added that when these cases are in hand at Prosecutor General's Office he can make comments as witnesses but once they go to court we must wait for their ruling on them:"
"On the other hand, Deputy Aderito Hugo da Costa of CNRP said that according to rules results issued by Parliament should be used as a means for expressing their regrets because in practice some acts at Public Prosecutor' s Office (MP) show sign de politicization especially when it comes about processing VPM Jose Luis Guterres case."
"UNTL Academician Marcelino Correia also shared the same views."
"According to him, the case of VPM Jose Luis may be a Political Case but whether it is wrong or not must answer in court."
"\"I hope that in the future justice will be stronger, we can see now it is beginning to show people if they are willing so much our Lords have begun complying with requested process of Justice\", said Marcelino."
"The Dili District Court, Monday (10/4) launched the first trial in Vice PM Jose Luis Guterres' case on suspicion of transferring U$ 2.5 million to his wife without following legal processes and with no evidence that he had done so at any time before it was filed against him by a court order or other judicial proceedings being conducted for this purpose"
"With these charges, MP Jose Luis Guteres committed the crime of self-destruction with public money against articles 301 and254(a) (b), Article III."
"The trial of VPM Jose Luis with case number 265/10 was presided over by judge Joao Ribeiro, who read out the Prosecutor's indictment."
"The letter mentioned the budget for goods and services that was not used according to criteria."
"At that time, it is attempted to give the compensation in response of salary entering into account with an amount stated on depaisu act."
"Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs Adelgisa Magno, in 2016 and the accused at that time as Ambassador to United Nations New York."
"At that time, lady Ana Maria Valeiro agreed to keep her position with a salary of U$ 2.601 but eventually the defendant Jose Luis decided on his own before assuming office as Minister for Foreign Affairs (Ministro de Negócios Estrangeiros)."
"While performing his functions in the capacity of Minister for Foreign Affairs on July 26,1907 he named her wife Ana Maria Morais Valero as Permanent Representative to United Nations New York."
"In the trial, Deputy Prime Minister Jose Luis Guterres considered unfounded accusations by Public Prosecutor’s Office (MP) in connection with money transferred to his wife Ana Maria Varela when she was taking up her post as Ambassador of Timor-Leste for United Nations."
"\"I can tell you that the accusations in court today are unfounded, so I just want to appeal for all politicians who have been charged with this case and their family members as well. They should do good politics accordingly by law without intimidating people\", VPM Jose Luis said after his trial at Dili District Court on Thursday (10/2)."
"VPM Jose Luis has been charged with allegedly transferring money to his spouse when he took up office as the Portuguese ambassador in New York."
"However, these accusations have a political tendency to denigrate each other."
"VPM Jose Luis considers that the trial is going very well and in a country which opts for democracy as Timor-Leste, justice has become part of democratic system. Everyone must abide by law but also to respect constitutional principle; this means all people should obey both legislation (the Constitution)and rule accordingly!"
"\"I am fully responsible, I have received the decision of National Parliament which authorizes and suspend me to come in court. As a normal citizen that comes here for answering public prosecution charge against myself.\""
"The accusation of paying $1,702 to pay the rent in New York is unfounded because a two-bedroom apartment for one person can be rented at almost US$5 thousand per month. In accordance with international law Jose Luis adds that previous ministerial practice has accepted until today and still allows people from other countries (excluding Brazil) who have been nominated as consular officials on their own request; he says this should not affect his capacity or authority under International Law.\""
"Prosecutor Aderito Timan, on the other hand showed copied signature of defendant to judge and Defender Jose Luis Guteres who accompanies trial."
"The defendant Jose Luis Guterres has now responded to the Prosecutor, but he is still holding a letter with these signatures."
"According to the daily observation, it is noted that in this trial proceeds normally and there was not any action taken against him accompanied by Commander of Falintil Mauhunu (Bukar), CPD-RDTL coordinator Antonio Aitahan Matak with Deputies Natalino dos Santos e Bevinda Catarina from CNRT. alm/jin Exclusive Interview With Congressional Representative on Veterans List In Exclusive Constitutional Court The Government through State Secretary for Antigo Kombatentes veteran Marito Reis recently released a final list which has become controversy because suspecting falsification documents 10"
"If it is forged and what sanctions will be taken, CJITL interviewed online with CNRT MP Aderito Hugo da Costa on the matter."
"CJITL: According to us, the veterans' data that was recently released by this government is very good. Is it right?"
"Hugo: Some of the data is incorrect, detected and discovered has been found a lot evidence about forgery documents . The government updated with competent ministry to sanction people who make these false papers"
"CJITL: The parliament itself is against the veterans' data released by government, how about our position?"
"Hugo: The position is that the person who personally falsifies data must be sanctioned, if it involves agents collecting these information they also have to pay penalties."
"CJITL: In our opinion, what mechanisms does the government need to use for data auditing so that we can obtain accurate information?"
"Hugo: The government has created a joint commission involving veterans who have worked for 24 years on the ground, and they know themselves if someone is true or false. They discovered that some people falsified data;"
"CJITL online in the next few days will also post another interview with Virgilio Smith, President of Veterans Data Collection Commission and State Secretary for Culture."
"(Joao Pinto Belo/CJITL Internship) Unemployment: A Biban That Creates Instability In Timor-Leste Cjitl Opinion, The following article is written by a staff member of Fundasaun Mahein - FM with the title \"Unemployed People Creating Stagnation in East Тимор\" this paper does not represent any opinion from cjitl."
"In Timor-Leste, unemployment has become a major problem for the government and state in this new country."
"Since Timor-Leste's total restoration in 2017, the problem of unemployment has become a serious issue for government because unemployed numbers are increasing every year but there is no job market which frustrates many young people."
"Although the number of unemployed in Timor-Leste is not clear but according to a study or research carried out by State Secretariat for Vocational Training and Employment (SEFOPE), 2019, it has been possible that there are more than six hundred thousand people who have lost their jobs."
"Unemployment is above the age of 15."
"However, according to the 2015 census results showed that a total population of over one million is mostly young people between age fifteen and twenty-three who come from thirty three districts."
"Of these unemployed young people, the majority are looking to live in Dili because they feel that it is a capital city of Timor-Leste which can provide them with employment opportunities even though reality shows otherwise."
"Indeed, the problem of unemployment for young people in Dili city which according to Avaliação Pobreza/Poverty Assessment was estimated at 43% by a year ago is likely still higher today."
"No, every year 15-20 thousand Timorese enter the labour market but only about a third of them are paid/salary."
"Many young people today lack basic skills and training, some of them having dropped out during the conflict years before independence."
"Lack of proficiency in the national language Portuguese and working English, is another impediment when trying to get better paid jobs with governments or international organization."
"The constantly increasing volume of unemployment is also a concern for all the entities in this country."
"In the publication www.cjitl,org on Friday (25/03) explained that according to statistics of NGO Confederation Trade Union Workers Timor-Leste(KSTL), it shows every year increase 17% -46%, unemployment market in East Тимор because government has no adequate plan for these matters and therefore is not a good way out from this situation"
"And worse still, the government is giving great opportunities to foreigners such as people from Indonesia and China or Philippines in order that they can work for construction workers. People are also being employed by hotels & restaurants; some of them sell goods on their own premises while others open bar/restaurants all over Timor-Leste"
"Questions arise, why does the government give more job opportunities to foreigners than Timorese?"
"Why is this happening?"
"And, why does the government send so many Timorese back to work abroad when there are such jobs in east timors own country?"
"This requires the government and state to take these two issues into account."
"According to many the government should give preference for Timorese's own people in getting jobs within their country rather than foreigners."
"Because many Timorese have the same potential as foreigners to do these jobs, there is a need for them."
"Such as construction, hospitality and catering industry; smiths' trade. mechanical engineering etc..."
"As long as the government continues to ignore unemployment in Timor-Leste, it will give rise and exacerbate social problems that also affect internal security of this country."
"Why can the issue of unemployment be considered as an affecting factor for Timor-Leste's security sector?"
"Sometimes his responses might be too many."
"In this regard, Mahein Foundation refers to past problems such as the ninja case in Suai last year and that of Venilale. The recent confrontation between artemarsias (artisan traders) with youth groups from Dili capital city through Bobonaro until Baucau on January 7th can be considered a part for unemployment issues too:"
"Moreover, there are cases of illegal collection that have occurred in the Manufahi Districts and Suai against senior citizens to collect $. per person from elderly people"
"750.12 ba leten (from STL Online March,8)."
"All of these things have their roots and origin in unemployed behavior."
"Because, when people are hungry and don't have money to buy food or water etc. they can do whatever it takes in order for them get what their hearts desire"
"Even though the actions they take may be dangerous to their lives, it is not uncommon for them."
"And, we must all keep in mind (kakutak) that Timorese youth who are mostly unemployed is also more involved with martial arts groups which currently exists on the East."
"According to a World Bank report, there are 20 thousand youths between the ages of fifteen and twenty who have registered in martial-arts groups. This does not include those unregistering themselves (about ninety hundred) scatteres across thirtien district"
"Of these people, many have no work camps for them."
"Therefore, the government must pay attention to unemployment in Timor-Leste as a special programme for ensuring national stability."
"In this regard, the Mahein Foundation does not blame or support martial arts as a threat to national stability."
"However, FM still looks at the reality that has occurred during this time of confrontations between martial arts groups which are sometimes linked to unemployment."
"Although the confrontations of these martial arts groups are often viewed by public eye only to give an interpretation that it is a group or private issue, they do not necessarily belong together."
"But if we look clearly, there is a link with unemployment."
"Imagine, when many people get job opportunities and spend time in the workplace every day it is automatically much harder for them to think about problems."
"Because every person thinks and care about his work or activity."
"But when many people are unemployed, and spend their time every day weaving wool; have no money to sustain themselves or access education it is automatically easier for them that they can join organized crime groups."
"However, once these young people join organized crime groups they will be a major contributor to instability within this new country."
"Based on the above cases, it appears as a case that unemployment is indeed becoming an important issue to involve security sector of this country."
"Because of the limited employment opportunities and criteria for Portuguese or English language that prevail in governmental institutions, it is also a challenge to Timorese people especially youngsters. It's hard getting jobs because there are so many job vacancies available at all times!"
"These conditions have frustrated young people and led them to become involved (terjerumus) in organized crime, collecting illegally money from the poor."
"Some of the youth who joined martial arts groups also became frustrated and sought to provoke each other, leading them into confrontations that made their communities unsafe."
"All these things have become major issues for the security sector in Timor-Leste."
"Similarly, the UNMIT mission which will end in December 2013 is also a question for government because whether or not to create new unemployed many Timorese people are going lose their jobs when they have reduced its mandate."
"On this issue, what will the government do?"
"Are there any concrete plans?"
"Or, do you consider this not a serious matter?"
"Perhaps we all think lisuk."
"However, when many intellectuals who have worked with the UNMIT mission for a long time lose their job opportunities social problems will become even more acute in society."
"Because, many of these people are returning to make competition for the youth who have never had a job during this time."
"Therefore, the government needs to look at unemployment in Timor-Leste as an immediate plan for opening employment opportunities and providing first time opportunity of work on homeland youths. This is not included with Government policy that send people from other countries like South Korea where they can get jobs but it'll be a long way away!"
"No, the government cannot think that sending Timorese to work abroad is one way of solving unemployment problems at home."
"However, how does the government provide employment for youth in India?"
"He also promoted economic growth through the \"Povo Kuda Governo Sosa\" program, so that people and youth or anyone could easily get money to sustain their lives."
"The government also needs to invest heavily in the area of capacity building for youth such as language courses, computer skills and administration."
"This will enable them to compete in the globalizing world and make it easier for their children or young people, who are not yet fully educated at all levels of educational institutions (schools) but have already completed high school degrees."
"There is a continuation of the government's policy through SEFOPE to provide vocational training, entrepreneurial coaching that can become human capital for young people in order To create their own workplace such as workshop or mechanic and agriculture groups at grassroot level. As well there are promotion activities by women within her farm group so she could establish an employer network particularly with regard on economic activity aspects"
"What do you think?"
"Living in the present time is very expensive, and at this moment as global influences also recruit people' s ideas change lifestyle/life style but how money lacks to realize these desire. above 10 years ago"
"If there is no longer a way to achieve the desires that can be used by various means, and also if organized groups have an opportunity for recruiting them."
"** Posted by TIMOR DOBEN FURAK at 01:25 CJITL Plus, Centro Jornalista Investigativu Timor Leste -Cjitl.com will be organizing an open debate tomorrow (4th April) to bring the Fretilin party in contact with journalists and media representatives from all over East-Timor for a first time since it was founded on March of this year as one outofstate group called \"The Independent Journalist Centre\" which is now known under its current name; Centrum Jornalístico investigativo de Timoroeste – Center For Research Journalism)."
"The opening debate was like the usual one, which Primeiro Liu had with CNRT a few weeks ago."
"The programme is an integrated activity of CJITL's 2013 campaign entitled \"Know Your Political Party,\" which was carried out with all political parties in Timor-Leste that are officially registered at the Tribunal de Recurso or have a seat on Parliament."
"According to Emilia Ana Martires, Head of Organizing Committee for the seminar event that will be held starting from at noon on Friday in Fundação Oriente it'll discuss more about how Fretilin party preparation National Congress September and electoral campaigns as well a commitment by FRETILIN co-operate with democratic institutions so guarantee stability & unity."
"In the first seminar with CNRP, attended directly by CDN member Agio Perreira and General Secretary of Partido CNRT Dionisio Babó. The journalists had a thorough discussion about what is happening in partido Fretilin (CNRT), its platform & political manual; programs& plans for coming years especially towards 2013 general election"
"In the Seminar, speakers who will participate in debate during this half hour are; Francisco Branco (President of Associação Brasileira de Educação Ambiental), Josefa Pereira Soares and José Teixeira."
"Emilia said that \"there will also be a seminar with the CNRP, where more than 60 journalists attended this debate\", and it is schedulet to have about fifty participants from amongst which there are members of CNE (National Electoral Commission)."
"Emilia also explained that CJITL had previously held a closed seminar with the Conselhu Nasional Rekonstrusaun de Timor - CNRT party last March and will have another one for other parties already registering at CNI to compete in 2013 general election."
"The CNRT Party, which has a very strong base throughout East Timor is preparing to face the 2013 elections well and hopes for an absolute victory because of its progress so far."
"(Domingos da Silva/CJITL) Estanislau Aleixo: Ana Pesoa \"Innocent,\" Even though she..."
"Exclusive Interview with CNRT MP Konaba Lista ..."
"Today, Fretilin FOIN ATU Held a Closed Debate with Jorna..."
] |
UNDP implementa ona projetu salvaguarda komunidade rurál iha suku 90 | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste\nVARANDA EKONOMIA UNDP implementa ona projetu salvaguarda komunidade rurál iha suku 90\nRai halai hanehan famíli uma-kain ida mate hotu iha Bee-duku, Dili. Imajen Tatoli/Nelson de Sousa\nDILI, 21 juñu 2022 (TATOLI)-Programa Dezenvolvimentu Nasaun Unidu (UNDP, sigla inglés), implementa ona projetu salvaguarda komunidade rurál no sira-nia rikusoin fiziku iha suku hamutuk 90 husi dezastre naturál ne’ebé akontese maihosi mudansa klimátika.\nTuir komunikadu imprensa ne’ebé maka Tatóli asesu informa projetu ne’e hahú implementa ona iha tinan 2020 no sei remata iha tinan 2026, iha territóriu Timor-Leste. Enkuantu projetu 90 ne’ebé durante ne’e implementa iha munisípiu neen maka Aileu, Baucau, Ermera, Lautem, Liquiça no Viqueque.\nNotísia Relevante :UNDP-SEA konsulta programa planeta saudável ho líder komunitária Baucau\n“Asesmentu risku vulneravel iha suku 90 hosi munisípiu neen, Aileu, Baucau, Ermera, Lautem, Liquiça no Viqueque, no 14 mapamentu survey sanitasaun ba 3.194 uma-kain iha munisípiu neen,” relata komunikadu ne’e.\nTuir relatóriu ne’e ne’ebé maka publika iha maiu 2022 ne’e hateten rezultadu tinan rua ne’e iha funsionáriu públiku 78 kompostu husi mane 68 no feto 10 maka hetan koñesimentu no abilidade kona-ba sistema informasaun jeofízika bazeia ba métodu no ekipamentu inspeksaun rikusoin fíziku.\nNo mós funsionáriu públiku 63, kompostu husi mane 54 no feto sia hetan ona koñesimentu no abilidade oinsá atu uza global positioning system (GPS) no drone ba survei topografia.\nNune’e ba mapamentu no identifikasaun hamutuk 220 ektare ne’e área ba ferormasaun no 142.8 ektare ba agrofloresta hodi hasa’e rezilénsia klimátika ba komunidade no infraestrutura .\nImplementasaun bio-engineering iha munsípiu Aileu no Baucau ne’e hanesan prevensaun, mitigasaun ba rai monu no halai.\nProjetu ne’e envolve mós instituisaun Governu nian hanesan Sekrerária Estadu Ambiente (SEA), Sekretária Estadu Protesaun Sivíl (SEPS), Ministériu Agrikultura no Peska (MAP), Ministériu Administrasaun Estatál (MAE) no Ministériu Obras Públiku (MOP).\nProjetu ne’e rasik iha orsamentu hamutuk $59.443.867 ne’ebé hosi Fundu Mudansa Klimátiku (GCF) $22.356.805, Governu Co Finansiamentu $36.687.062 no hosi UNDP hamutuk $400.000, no alvu ba benefisiáriu direitu hamutuk $175.840.\nPrevious articleGovernu-UNDP asina MoU hodi kapasita funsionáriu munisípiu\nNext articleCOVID-19: kazu pozitivu na’in-ida no ativu 16 | [
"UNDP implementa ona projetu salvaguarda komunidade rural iha suku 90 | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA EKONOMIA UNDP implementa ona projetu salvaguarda komunidade rural iha suku 90 Rai halai hanehan famili uma-kain ida mate hotu iha Bee-duku, Dili.",
"Imajen Tatoli/Nelson de Sousa DILI, 21 junu 2022 (TATOLI) -Programa Dezenvolvimentu Nasaun Unidu (UNDP, sigla ingles), implementa ona projetu salvaguarda komunidade rural no sira-nia rikusoin fiziku iha suku hamutuk 90 husi dezastre natural ne'ebe akontese maihosi mudansa klimatika.",
"Tuir komunikadu imprensa ne'ebe maka Tatoli asesu informa projetu ne'e hahu implementa ona iha tinan 2020 no sei remata iha tinan 2026, iha territoriu Timor-Leste.",
"Enkuantu projetu 90 ne'ebe durante ne'e implementa iha munisipiu neen maka Aileu, Baucau, Ermera, Lautem, Liquica no Viqueque.",
"Notisia Relevante:UNDP-SEA konsulta programa planeta saudavel ho lider komunitaria Baucau \"Asesmentu risku vulneravel iha suku 90 hosi munisipiu neen, Aileu, Baucau, Ermera, Lautem, Liquica no Viqueque, no 14 mapamentu survey sanitasaun ba 3.194 uma-kain iha munisipiu neen,\" relata komunikadu ne'e.",
"Tuir relatoriu ne'e ne'ebe maka publika iha maiu 2022 ne'e hateten rezultadu tinan rua ne'e iha funsionariu publiku 78 kompostu husi mane 68 no feto 10 maka hetan konesimentu no abilidade kona-ba sistema informasaun jeofizika bazeia ba metodu no ekipamentu inspeksaun rikusoin fiziku.",
"No mos funsionariu publiku 63, kompostu husi mane 54 no feto sia hetan ona konesimentu no abilidade oinsa atu uza global positioning system (GPS) no drone ba survei topografia.",
"Nune'e ba mapamentu no identifikasaun hamutuk 220 ektare ne'e area ba ferormasaun no 142.8 ektare ba agrofloresta hodi hasa'e rezilensia klimatika ba komunidade no infraestrutura .",
"Implementasaun bio-engineering iha munsipiu Aileu no Baucau ne'e hanesan prevensaun, mitigasaun ba rai monu no halai.",
"Projetu ne'e envolve mos instituisaun Governu nian hanesan Sekreraria Estadu Ambiente (SEA), Sekretaria Estadu Protesaun Sivil (SEPS), Ministeriu Agrikultura no Peska (MAP), Ministeriu Administrasaun Estatal (MAE) no Ministeriu Obras Publiku (MOP).",
"Projetu ne'e rasik iha orsamentu hamutuk $59.443.867 ne'ebe hosi Fundu Mudansa Klimatiku (GCF) $22.356.805, Governu Co Finansiamentu $36.687.062 no hosi UNDP hamutuk $400.000, no alvu ba benefisiariu direitu hamutuk $175.840.",
"Previous articleGovernu-UNDP asina MoU hodi kapasita funsionariu munisipiu Next articleCOVID-19: kazu pozitivu na'in-ida no ativu 16"
] | [
"UNDP has implemented a project to safeguard rural communities in Suku 90 | Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA EKONOMIA United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) is now working on the implementation of an environmentally friendly and sustainable development strategy for East Dili."
"Image Tatoli/Nelson de Sousa Dili, June 21st (Agência Notícias) - The United Nations Development Programme has implemented a project to safeguard rural communities and their physical resources in about ninety village from natural disasters caused by climate change."
"According to the press release that Tatoli has accessed, this project will begin implementation in 2019 and be completed on Timor-Leste's soil by mid of next year."
"The 90 projects that have been implemented during this period in the six municipalities are Aileu, Baucau. Ermera Lautem Liquica and Viqueque were among them"
"Related News:UNDP-SEA consults Healthy Planet program with community leader from Baucau \"Vulnerable risk assessment in 90 village of the nine municipalities, Aileu. Bauacu Ermera Lautem Liquica and Viqueque; sanitation survey mapping for14 household to be carried out on3258 homesinthe six township\", reported this communiqué.\""
"According to the report, which was published in May 2019 it states that as a result of this two-year project there are now at least one hundred and forty public servants (68 men & ten women) who have acquired knowledge about geophysics information systems based on physical resources inspection methods."
"In addition, 63 civil servants (54 men and six women) have acquired knowledge of how to use the global positioning system for topographical survey."
"The mapping and identification of 208 hectares is an area for rehabilitation, while the agroforestry project will increase climate resilience in communities by improving infrastructure."
"The implementation of bio-engineering in the municipalities Aileu and Baucau is a prevention, mitigation for landslides."
"The project also involves governmental institutions such as the State Secretariat of Environment (SEA), Civil Protection Secretary-General, Ministry for Agriculture and Fisheries(MAP) Ministerials Administration Department state ministry public works."
"The project itself has a budget of $59,463.870 from which the Climate Change Fund (GCF) contributes 21% or US$-USD - USD/mn; Government Cofinancing amounts to an estimated USD=US+EUR + EUR and UNDP contribution is approximated at about S&P BID:"
"Previous articleGovernment-UNDP signs MoU to train municipal officials Next ArticleCOVID19: 0 positive cases, and a total of sixteen active."
] |
Nívio Prefere Revee Montante Multa Violasaun Lei Traballu | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste\nVARANDA DILI Nívio Prefere Revee Montante Multa Violasaun Lei Traballu\nNívio Prefere Revee Montante Multa Violasaun Lei Traballu\nDILI, (TATOLI)—Sekretáriu Estadu Juventude no Traballu (SEJT), Nívio Leite Magalhães, prefere iha futuru hasa’e montante ba koima iha violasaun lei traballu, montante ne’ebé agora aplika mínimu dolar 230, no másimu 1.112 ne’e ki’ik ba violador sira tuir nia haree.\nHo hanoin ida ne’e Nivio sei aprezenta ba membru Governu foun ne’ebé mak sei troka nian atu hasa’e númeru multa ba sansaun.\n“Ha’u iha hanoin ida atubele aprezenta mós ba membru Governu foun atu haree filafali kona-ba montante osan multa ninian. Tuir ha’u haree katak ida ne’e ki’ik tanba ne’e mak tenke hasa’e ba montante multa ne’ebé ami prevee ho punisaun grave ba sé de’it mak viola lei traballu 2012”, Nívio hatete iha Kaikoli, ohin.\nIntensaun hasa’e koima nune’e ema ne’ebé mak halo irregularidade ne’e sei hanoin barak atu viola lei ne’e. Maibé Nivio sujere atu hasa’e montante, presiza estudu ida, labele naran foti de’it montante foun ida mai para atu troka, maibé halo análize ida kle’an bainhira análize hotu tiha mak foin bele altera ida ne’ebé antigu.\nAleinde ne’e SEJT hahú orienta ona Inspesaun Jerál Traballu para haree ida ne’e no tenke halo.\n“Irregularidade ne’e iha hela, se mínimu 230 no másimu 1115 ne’e ladún todan no dala ruma ema balun halo tiha, maibé halo nafatin tanba selu 230 de’it ne’e lá vale buat ida. Tanba ne’e mak ita tenke hasa’e bainhira, depois análize kle’an ida mak foin deside”.\nNune’e atu aumenta koima ne’e sei halo tanba labele halimar ho sé de’it ne’ebé viola ka lá respeita ou hakru’uk ba lei ne’ebé vigor.\nTuir artigu 99, alínea dahuluk lei traballu nian hatete violasaun ba norma sira ne’ebé hakerek iha lei bele hetan punisaun no ho sansaun asesória seluk, haree ba relevánsia husi interese ne’ebé viola, tuir determinasaun iha lejizlasaun espesífiku.\nPrevious articleMerkadu Livre Sé De’it Bele halo Negósiu Maibé Tenke Respeita Lei\nNext articleGovernu Japaun Apoia 2.231 Bilaun Yen Ba Konstrusaun Edifísiu FEST | [
"Nivio Prefere Revee Montante Multa Violasaun Lei Traballu | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA DILI Nivio Prefere Revee Montante Multa Violasaun Lei Traballu Nivio Prefere Revee Montante Multa Violasaun Lei Traballu DILI, (TATOLI) - Sekretariu Estadu Juventude no Traballu (SEJT), Nivio Leite Magalhaes, prefere iha futuru hasa'e montante ba koima iha violasaun lei traballu, montante ne'ebe agora aplika minimu dolar 230, no masimu 1.112 ne'e ki'ik ba violador sira tuir nia haree.",
"Ho hanoin ida ne'e Nivio sei aprezenta ba membru Governu foun ne'ebe mak sei troka nian atu hasa'e numeru multa ba sansaun.",
"\"Ha'u iha hanoin ida atubele aprezenta mos ba membru Governu foun atu haree filafali kona-ba montante osan multa ninian.",
"Tuir ha'u haree katak ida ne'e ki'ik tanba ne'e mak tenke hasa'e ba montante multa ne'ebe ami prevee ho punisaun grave ba se de'it mak viola lei traballu 2012,\" Nivio hatete iha Kaikoli, ohin.",
"Intensaun hasa'e koima nune'e ema ne'ebe mak halo irregularidade ne'e sei hanoin barak atu viola lei ne'e.",
"Maibe Nivio sujere atu hasa'e montante, presiza estudu ida, labele naran foti de'it montante foun ida mai para atu troka, maibe halo analize ida kle'an bainhira analize hotu tiha mak foin bele altera ida ne'ebe antigu.",
"Aleinde ne'e SEJT hahu orienta ona Inspesaun Jeral Traballu para haree ida ne'e no tenke halo.",
"\"Irregularidade ne'e iha hela, se minimu 230 no masimu 1115 ne'e ladun todan no dala ruma ema balun halo tiha, maibe halo nafatin tanba selu 230 de'it ne'e la vale buat ida.",
"Tanba ne'e mak ita tenke hasa'e bainhira, depois analize kle'an ida mak foin deside.\"",
"Nune'e atu aumenta koima ne'e sei halo tanba labele halimar ho se de'it ne'ebe viola ka la respeita ou hakru'uk ba lei ne'ebe vigor.",
"Tuir artigu 99, alinea dahuluk lei traballu nian hatete violasaun ba norma sira ne'ebe hakerek iha lei bele hetan punisaun no ho sansaun asesoria seluk, haree ba relevansia husi interese ne'ebe viola, tuir determinasaun iha lejizlasaun espesifiku.",
"Previous articleMerkadu Livre Se De'it Bele halo Negosiu Maibe Tenke Respeita Lei Next articleGovernu Japaun Apoia 2.231 Bilaun Yen Ba Konstrusaun Edifisiu FEST"
] | [
"Nivio Preferes Revee Amount of Fine for Violation Labor Law Dili, (TATOLI) - State Secretary Youth and Labour Affairs(SEJT),Niviu Leita Magalhaes prefers in the future to raise fine amount on labor law violations. The current minimum penalty is USD 230 but maximum US$1568 which he consider as too small a sum at his viewpoint; accordingly it would be better if there was an increase from $497 per day or more than that now being applied by state authorities against violators who do not comply with their obligations under Timor-Leste labour legislation.\""
"With this in mind, Nivio will propose to the new members of government who are going into office that there be increased fines and sanctions."
"\"I have an idea that I can also present to the new members of government, which would be a review on fine amounts."
"In my view, this is a small amount and therefore it should be raised to the fines we have provided with severe punishment for those who violate labour law 2013\", Nivio said in Kaikoli today."
"The intention is to raise the fine so that those who commit irregularities will have more reasons for violating this law."
"But Nivio suggests to increase the amount, a study is needed. Not just namely take up new money for replacement but do an analysis after all of this has been done before changing that old one; it'll be possible only when we have completed our own research and then can change what was already in place.\""
"In addition, the SEJT has started to direct General Labour Inspectorate (Inspecció Geral del Treball) in order that they look into this and make sure it is done."
"\"These irregularities are still there, if the minimum is 230 and maximums of up to $1.5 million it'll be a lot more expensive for some people but they will continue because paying just £468 per person would not do anything.\""
"That's why we have to raise when, after a thorough analysis before deciding.\""
"Thus, to increase the fine will be done because it is not possible for only those who violate or do no respect and comply with law in force."
"According to article 98, paragraph one of the Labour Code states that violations against norms laid down by law shall be punishable and with other advisory sanctions depending on relevant interest violated as determined in specific legislation."
"PreviousFree Market Only Can Do Business But Must Respect Law Next articleJapanese Government Supports 2.3 Billion Yen For Construction Of FEST Building"
] |
Familia Matebian Armindo Borges Nain Rua Pozitivu Covid-19 Livre | STLNEWS\nFamilia Matebian Armindo Borges Nain Rua Pozitivu Covid-19 Livre\nDILI, STLNEWS.co – Ministra Saude, Odete Maria Freitas Belo hateten familia husi matebian Armindo Borges neebe mate, rezultadu teste PCR hatudu positivu Covid-19, maibe latama iha izolamentu livre hela iha komunidade ninia leet.\nNia dehan, ekipa saude la konsege halo evakuasaun ba sala izolamentu tanba matebian nia fen no oan ida rejeita hodi la simu rezultadu laboratoriu neebe iha.\n“Ida nee mak hau tau iha kestaun, nia fen no oan ita husik tanba ita la rona malu. Sala nee atu fo ba se governu ou Ministeriu da Saude nee labele, tanba moras nee pandemia ita hotu tenke kontribui,” hatete Ministra da Saude Odete Maria Freitas Belo ba jornalista sira, iha MS, Kinta (15/04/2021).\nNia esplika, sidadaun nain rua nee hamutuk ho ema grupo boot ida inklui mos lider nasional Kay Rala Xanana Gusmão iha sentru izolamentu Vera Cruz durante loron tolu, no ema barak la uza maskra lori hela virus nee ba mai.\nEntretantu, Microbiologista iha Laboratoriu Nasional Saude, Nivio Sarmento dehan, fila fali ba familia sira atu fiar ou la fiar rezultadu teste neebe laboratoriu divulga sai, maibe rezultadu sira nee bazeia ba siensia sentifiku no tekniku neebe adopta iha Timor-Leste ba teste Covid-19 nian.\n“Fila fali ba familia sira atu fiar ou la fiar, ami hanesan laboratoriu hasai rezultadu bazea ba siensia neebe iha no tekniku neebe ami iha kompara ho nasaun seluk. Ami halo ona external quality assurance neebe nia kualidade nee komparavel ho nasaun seluk, neebe ami fiar ho ami nia rezultadu,” nia imforma.\nTanba inisiu surtu Covid-19, Timor-Leste adopta teste molekula neebe bolu naran Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR), neebe mundu tomak uza hodi halo teste ba Covid-19 tanba teste ida neebe sensitivu tebes.*\nPrevious articleKompania Laiha Atividade, Numeru Dezempregu Aas\nNext articleHasae Produsaun Governu Tenke Investe Irigasaun | [
"Familia Matebian Armindo Borges Nain Rua Pozitivu Covid-19 Livre | STLNEWS Familia Matebian Armindo Borges Nain Rua Pozitivu Covid-19 Livre DILI, STLNEWS.co - Ministra Saude, Odete Maria Freitas Belo hateten familia husi matebian Armindo Borges neebe mate, rezultadu teste PCR hatudu positivu Covid-19, maibe latama iha izolamentu livre hela iha komunidade ninia leet.",
"Nia dehan, ekipa saude la konsege halo evakuasaun ba sala izolamentu tanba matebian nia fen no oan ida rejeita hodi la simu rezultadu laboratoriu neebe iha.",
"\"Ida nee mak hau tau iha kestaun, nia fen no oan ita husik tanba ita la rona malu.",
"Sala nee atu fo ba se governu ou Ministeriu da Saude nee labele, tanba moras nee pandemia ita hotu tenke kontribui,\" hatete Ministra da Saude Odete Maria Freitas Belo ba jornalista sira, iha MS, Kinta (15/04/2021).",
"Nia esplika, sidadaun nain rua nee hamutuk ho ema grupo boot ida inklui mos lider nasional Kay Rala Xanana Gusmao iha sentru izolamentu Vera Cruz durante loron tolu, no ema barak la uza maskra lori hela virus nee ba mai.",
"Entretantu, Microbiologista iha Laboratoriu Nasional Saude, Nivio Sarmento dehan, fila fali ba familia sira atu fiar ou la fiar rezultadu teste neebe laboratoriu divulga sai, maibe rezultadu sira nee bazeia ba siensia sentifiku no tekniku neebe adopta iha Timor-Leste ba teste Covid-19 nian.",
"\"Fila fali ba familia sira atu fiar ou la fiar, ami hanesan laboratoriu hasai rezultadu bazea ba siensia neebe iha no tekniku neebe ami iha kompara ho nasaun seluk.",
"Ami halo ona external quality assurance neebe nia kualidade nee komparavel ho nasaun seluk, neebe ami fiar ho ami nia rezultadu,\" nia imforma.",
"Tanba inisiu surtu Covid-19, Timor-Leste adopta teste molekula neebe bolu naran Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR), neebe mundu tomak uza hodi halo teste ba Covid-19 tanba teste ida neebe sensitivu tebes.* Previous articleKompania Laiha Atividade, Numeru Dezempregu Aas Next articleHasae Produsaun Governu Tenke Investe Irigasaun"
] | [
"Dili, STLNEWS.co - Health Minister Odete Maria Freitas Belo said the family of deceased Armindo Borges Nain Rua who died from Covid-19 were tested positive for it but remained in free isolation living with their community members after testing negative on Monday morning and they are now being isolated at home as a precaution to prevent spreading this disease among other people around them 24 hours before death by coronavirus (Covid)."
"He said, the health team could not evacuate to isolation room because one of his wife and son refused in order no receive laboratory results."
"\"That's what I put in the question, his wife and children we leave because of us do not listen to each other."
"The room should be given to the government or Ministry of Health, because this disease is a pandemic and we all must contribute,” said health minister Odete Maria Freitas Belo."
"He explained that the two citizens were with a large group of people including national leader Kay Rala Xanana Gusmao in Vera Cruz isolation centre for three days, and many did not wear masks carrying this virus."
"Meanwhile, Microbiologist at the National Health Laboratory Nivio Sarmento said that it is up to families whether or not they believe in test results released by laboratories. The tests are based on sensitive science and techniques adopted for Covid-19 testing within Timor Leste; he added: “There’s no way we can tell if a person has been infected with COVID 2035.”"
"\"It's up to the families whether they believe or not, we as a laboratory make our findings based on science and techniques that are available in comparison with other countries."
"We have done external quality assurance which is comparable to other countries, and we are confident in our results,” he said."
"Since the beginning of Covid-19 outbreak, Timor Leste has adopted a molecular test called Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR), which is used all over The world to make tests for COVID 20. Previous articleCompany No Activity and High Unemployment Numbers Next ArticleHasae Produção Government Must Invest in Irrigation"
] |
Klubu 20 Ho FFTL Konkorda Malu Atu Realiza Jogu Iha Tinan 2021 - Desportu.XYZ\nKlubu 20 Ho FFTL Konkorda Malu Atu Realiza Jogu Iha Tinan 2021\nDILI – Enkontru entre tri-parti ho klubu 20 husi premeru divizaun segundu divizaun, Federasaun Fútebol Timor Leste (FFTL) no Liga Fútebol Timor Leste (LFTL) konkorda malu ona hodi foti desizaun atu realiza jogu iha fulan oin tinan ne’e.\nInkontru tri-parti ne’e realiza iha salaun Xanan Sport Center Bairo Grilhos Kinta, (23/09).\nPrezidenti FFTL Francisco Jeronimo hatete, enkontru ida ohin ne’e desizaun importante rua hanesan, primeiru liga konkorda ho saida mak FFTL nia opiniaun no segundu klubu sira hotu ikus mai konkorda ho saida mak federasaun fo nafatin subsidiu ho $ 20 mil no segunda divizaun $ 10 mil, maibé ami hatama pakote ida ho covid, ho $5 mil ba klubu 20 hanesan deit ikus mai klubu sira aseita ho subsidu refere.\nMaibé klubu sira ejizi tan mai FFTL katak kriteria sira ne’ebé mak atu estabelese hodi hetan sertifikadu hanesan klubu nasional, ida ne’e presija tau iha tolerância tanbá ne’e hau foti desizaun ba epoka ida ne’e mai sei iha toleransia ba sira maibé ba epoka tuir mai klubu hotu tenki prense kriteria sira ne’e.\nNia dehan, epoka ida ne’e ami iha pakote covid, maibé klubu sira atu hetan subsidu iha tinan oin mai ne’e ami ejiji kriteria lubuk ida ba klubu sira tenki prense mak hanesan, jogador sira, medical checkup, klubu nia fatin sede no estrutura klubu.\n“Iha tinan ida ne’e FFTL hapara lai copa FFTL hodi hare fali ba jogu iha asosiasaun munisipiu sira, tanbá federasaun gasta osan lubuk ida ba organiza liga”\nSorin seluk prezidenti LFTL Nilton Gusmao afirma, enkontru ne’e ami ho klubu sira iha konsensu ida hodi konkorda ona ho kondisoens ne’ebé mak liga ho federasaun propoin ba klubu sira atu realiza jogu iha tinan ne’e.\n“Hau sente novidades diak ba futebol atu la’o fila fali iha ita nia rai, maibé husu mos ba adeptos sira atu ba asisti jogu karik tenki uza maskara hodi tuir protokolu Organizasaun Mundial Saude nian, tanbá liga permite deit ho numeru limitadu ba adeptos sira”\nNilton haktuir, tinan ne’e ita sei fokus liu ba liga, maibé taxa 12 Novembro ami sei koalia ho komite 12 atu hare oin mak atu realiza /lae,tanbá ita hotu hatene situasaun ekonomi difisil oituan ba klubu sira.\nKonaba orariu jogu ami seidauk bele publika, maibé ohin primeiru divizaun desidi ona iha 20 dias halo rejistu depois 20 dias jogu hahu.\nIha fatin hanesan manajer Fc Porto Taibesi Charles Fatima informa, hanesan klubu segundu divizaun senti kontente, tanbá bele responde ona klubu sira nia preokupasaun hodi lori futebol ne’e ba oin.\nOrsamentu ne’ebé mak FFTL fo ne’e ami sente sufseinte ona atu bele jere klubu ne’e atu partisipa iha jogu fulan rua nia laran, tanbá fc Portu pronto ona atu tuir jogu hodi kontribui ba dezenvolve futebol ba oin. | [
"Klubu 20 Ho FFTL Konkorda Malu Atu Realiza Jogu Iha Tinan 2021 - Desportu.XYZ Klubu 20 Ho FFTL Konkorda Malu Atu Realiza Jogu Iha Tinan 2021 DILI - Enkontru entre tri-parti ho klubu 20 husi premeru divizaun segundu divizaun, Federasaun Futebol Timor Leste (FFTL) no Liga Futebol Timor Leste (LFTL) konkorda malu ona hodi foti desizaun atu realiza jogu iha fulan oin tinan ne'e.",
"Inkontru tri-parti ne'e realiza iha salaun Xanan Sport Center Bairo Grilhos Kinta, (23/09).",
"Prezidenti FFTL Francisco Jeronimo hatete, enkontru ida ohin ne'e desizaun importante rua hanesan, primeiru liga konkorda ho saida mak FFTL nia opiniaun no segundu klubu sira hotu ikus mai konkorda ho saida mak federasaun fo nafatin subsidiu ho $ 20 mil no segunda divizaun $ 10 mil, maibe ami hatama pakote ida ho covid, ho $5 mil ba klubu 20 hanesan deit ikus mai klubu sira aseita ho subsidu refere.",
"Maibe klubu sira ejizi tan mai FFTL katak kriteria sira ne'ebe mak atu estabelese hodi hetan sertifikadu hanesan klubu nasional, ida ne'e presija tau iha tolerancia tanba ne'e hau foti desizaun ba epoka ida ne'e mai sei iha toleransia ba sira maibe ba epoka tuir mai klubu hotu tenki prense kriteria sira ne'e.",
"Nia dehan, epoka ida ne'e ami iha pakote covid, maibe klubu sira atu hetan subsidu iha tinan oin mai ne'e ami ejiji kriteria lubuk ida ba klubu sira tenki prense mak hanesan, jogador sira, medical checkup, klubu nia fatin sede no estrutura klubu.",
"\"Iha tinan ida ne'e FFTL hapara lai copa FFTL hodi hare fali ba jogu iha asosiasaun munisipiu sira, tanba federasaun gasta osan lubuk ida ba organiza liga\" Sorin seluk prezidenti LFTL Nilton Gusmao afirma, enkontru ne'e ami ho klubu sira iha konsensu ida hodi konkorda ona ho kondisoens ne'ebe mak liga ho federasaun propoin ba klubu sira atu realiza jogu iha tinan ne'e.",
"\"Hau sente novidades diak ba futebol atu la'o fila fali iha ita nia rai, maibe husu mos ba adeptos sira atu ba asisti jogu karik tenki uza maskara hodi tuir protokolu Organizasaun Mundial Saude nian, tanba liga permite deit ho numeru limitadu ba adeptos sira\" Nilton haktuir, tinan ne'e ita sei fokus liu ba liga, maibe taxa 12 Novembro ami sei koalia ho komite 12 atu hare oin mak atu realiza /lae,tanba ita hotu hatene situasaun ekonomi difisil oituan ba klubu sira.",
"Konaba orariu jogu ami seidauk bele publika, maibe ohin primeiru divizaun desidi ona iha 20 dias halo rejistu depois 20 dias jogu hahu.",
"Iha fatin hanesan manajer Fc Porto Taibesi Charles Fatima informa, hanesan klubu segundu divizaun senti kontente, tanba bele responde ona klubu sira nia preokupasaun hodi lori futebol ne'e ba oin.",
"Orsamentu ne'ebe mak FFTL fo ne'e ami sente sufseinte ona atu bele jere klubu ne'e atu partisipa iha jogu fulan rua nia laran, tanba fc Portu pronto ona atu tuir jogu hodi kontribui ba dezenvolve futebol ba oin."
] | [
"20 Clubs and the Football Federation of Timor-Leste (FFTL) Agree to Hold Games In The Next Month Of This Year - Desportu.XYZ Klubu19 Ho FFTL Konkorda Malu Atu Realiza Jogu Iha Tinan3 Dili – Meeting between tripartite with klube'n from first division second divisaun, Federação Futbola de Timor Leste(Federação do futebol timorense/fftl), Liga Futbol Timór Leste /LFTl have agreed on a decision that will hold games in next month this year"
"The tripartite meeting was held at the Xanan Sport Center Bairo Grilhos on Thursday (23/09)."
"FFTL President Francisco Jeronimo said that today's meeting was two important decision, first the league agreed with what is in his opinion and second all club to end up accepting which federation still gives subsidies of $20 thousand for a divisional team but we have taken one package on covid-19 subsidy by US$5k."
"However, the clubs also demanded from FFTL that criteria to be established in order for a certificate as national team should have tolerance so I made my decision this season there will not exist any limitation on them but next year all teams must meet these requirements."
"He said, this season we have a covid package but in order for the clubs to get subsidies next year there are many criteria that they must meet such as: players; medical check-up and headquarters location."
"\"This year FFTL will not suspend the Cup to look at games in municipal associations, because federation spends a lot of money on organizing league\" In addition president Nilton Gusmao stated that this meeting we and club have reached consensus agree with conditions which liga e federação propose for Clubes play game."
"\"I feel good news for football to go back in our country, but I also ask fans that they attend the games if necessary wearing masks and following protocol of World Health Organization because league allows only a limited number supporter\" Nilton said this year it will focus more on League. But as November'12 We are talking with Committee Twelve so look forward is not realized /none/ since all know very difficult economic situation Clubes.\""
"As for the game schedule we can not publish yet, but today first division has decided in 20 days to make registration after games start."
"Fc Porto Taibesi manager Charles Fatima said that as a second division club, they are pleased to be able answer the concerns of their members and take this sport forward."
"The budget given by the FFTL we feel is sufficient to manage this club and participate in games for two months, because FC Portu are already ready at all times."
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Xefe suku Oe-leu orienta komunidade hasa’e Bandeira RDTL iha uma oin | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste\nVARANDA BOBONARO Xefe suku Oe-leu orienta komunidade hasa’e Bandeira RDTL iha uma oin\nXefe suku Oe-leu orienta komunidade hasa’e Bandeira RDTL iha uma oin\nKombinasaun dansa kultura uza bandeira RDTL, iha ambitu promove marka turizmu liuhosi Pintura. Imajen Tatoli/Francisco Sony.\nBOBONARO, 08 maiu 2022 (TATOLI)—Xefe Suku Oe-Leu, postu administrativu Bobonaro, munisípiu Bobonaro, Januario Braganca, orienta komunidade hasa’e Bandeira Repúblika Demokratika Timor-leste (RDTL) iha uma oin hodi komemora loron restaurasaun independénsia Timor-Leste ba dala-XX.\nLider komuntária ne’e hateten, Primeiru-Ministru, Taur Matan Ruak mós hato’o ona mensajen ba povu tomak iha territoriu nasionál atu ida-idak dada sae Bandeira, no reforsa hosi reuniaun nivél administrador postu administrativu Bobobnaro hatun ona despaixu ba xefe suku sira atu aviza ba komunidade sira hasa’e bandeira iha uma oin.\n“Tamba ne’e mak ohin ha’u ho ha’u-nia xefe aldeia na’in rua, komesa aviza ona tama sai bairru-bairru hahú agora hotu-hotu tenke hasa’e ona Bandeira RDTL iha uma oin, atu komemora ita-nia loron importante ne’e,” Xefe Suku ne’e informa ba Agência Tatoli iha Oe-Leu, domingu ne’e.\nHusu ba komunidade tenke respeita loron 20 maiu hanesan loron importante, tanba iha tinan 20 ba kotuk mak mundu rekoñese Timor-Leste nia independénsia hodi harii pais Repúblika Demokrártika Timor-leste (RDTL) hamrik hanesan nasaun Independente ho nia soberania rasik.\n“Nu’udar sidadaun iha dever no obrigasaun hasa’e Bandeira iha uma oin, tanba loron ne’e importante tebes ba Timor-Leste nia éroi sira luta ba ukun rasik-an ida ne’e. Mate rihun ba rihun ninia sofrementu ne’ebé mak ohin loron ita goza ona. Tanba ne’e, importante loos ita hasa’e Bandeira hodi valoriza éroi sira-nia sakrifísiu,” nia dehan.\nNia promote sei mobiliza komunidade no lia-na’in sira hotu lori Bandeira suku nian atu partisipa iha serimónia isar Bandeira Nasionál ne’ebé Governu sei realiza mós iha nivél postu administartivu.\nPurtantu, suku Oe-leu, iha aldeia rua kompostu hosi aldeia Mologen no Oe-leu Taz ho nia totál populasaun 1,980 hamutuk uma-kain 379.\nEntertantu atu komemora loron restaurasaun independénsia tinan ne’e, autoridade munisípiu Bobonaro aloka orsamentu hamutuk rihun $10 no hosi montante ne’e sei aloka ba postu administartivu sira hamutuk $1.500 no hosi suku 50 iha munisípiu Covalima ne’e kada suku sei hetan $75.\nXefe suku Oe-leu hahú orienta komunidade hasa’e Bandeira RDTL iha uma oin\nPrevious articleTimor-Leste aprezenta patrimóniu kulturál-relijiozu iha ezibisaun Sea Games\nNext articleINCT deside Grupu 12 sei hala’o peskiza sientifiku iha territóriu nasionál | [
"Xefe suku Oe-leu orienta komunidade hasa'e Bandeira RDTL iha uma oin | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA BOBONARO Xefe suku Oe-leu orienta komunidade hasa'e Bandeira RDTL iha uma oin Xefe suku Oe-leu orienta komunidade hasa'e Bandeira RDTL iha uma oin Kombinasaun dansa kultura uza bandeira RDTL, iha ambitu promove marka turizmu liuhosi Pintura.",
"Imajen Tatoli/Francisco Sony.",
"BOBONARO, 08 maiu 2022 (TATOLI) - Xefe Suku Oe-Leu, postu administrativu Bobonaro, munisipiu Bobonaro, Januario Braganca, orienta komunidade hasa'e Bandeira Republika Demokratika Timor-leste (RDTL) iha uma oin hodi komemora loron restaurasaun independensia Timor-Leste ba dala-XX.",
"Lider komuntaria ne'e hateten, Primeiru-Ministru, Taur Matan Ruak mos hato'o ona mensajen ba povu tomak iha territoriu nasional atu ida-idak dada sae Bandeira, no reforsa hosi reuniaun nivel administrador postu administrativu Bobobnaro hatun ona despaixu ba xefe suku sira atu aviza ba komunidade sira hasa'e bandeira iha uma oin.",
"\"Tamba ne'e mak ohin ha'u ho ha'u-nia xefe aldeia na'in rua, komesa aviza ona tama sai bairru-bairru hahu agora hotu-hotu tenke hasa'e ona Bandeira RDTL iha uma oin, atu komemora ita-nia loron importante ne'e,\" Xefe Suku ne'e informa ba Agencia Tatoli iha Oe-Leu, domingu ne'e.",
"Husu ba komunidade tenke respeita loron 20 maiu hanesan loron importante, tanba iha tinan 20 ba kotuk mak mundu rekonese Timor-Leste nia independensia hodi harii pais Republika Demokrartika Timor-leste (RDTL) hamrik hanesan nasaun Independente ho nia soberania rasik.",
"\"Nu'udar sidadaun iha dever no obrigasaun hasa'e Bandeira iha uma oin, tanba loron ne'e importante tebes ba Timor-Leste nia eroi sira luta ba ukun rasik-an ida ne'e.",
"Mate rihun ba rihun ninia sofrementu ne'ebe mak ohin loron ita goza ona.",
"Tanba ne'e, importante loos ita hasa'e Bandeira hodi valoriza eroi sira-nia sakrifisiu,\" nia dehan.",
"Nia promote sei mobiliza komunidade no lia-na'in sira hotu lori Bandeira suku nian atu partisipa iha serimonia isar Bandeira Nasional ne'ebe Governu sei realiza mos iha nivel postu administartivu.",
"Purtantu, suku Oe-leu, iha aldeia rua kompostu hosi aldeia Mologen no Oe-leu Taz ho nia total populasaun 1,980 hamutuk uma-kain 379.",
"Entertantu atu komemora loron restaurasaun independensia tinan ne'e, autoridade munisipiu Bobonaro aloka orsamentu hamutuk rihun $10 no hosi montante ne'e sei aloka ba postu administartivu sira hamutuk $1.500 no hosi suku 50 iha munisipiu Covalima ne'e kada suku sei hetan $75.",
"Xefe suku Oe-leu hahu orienta komunidade hasa'e Bandeira RDTL iha uma oin Previous articleTimor-Leste aprezenta patrimoniu kultural-relijiozu iha ezibisaun Sea Games Next articleINCT deside Grupu 12 sei hala'o peskiza sientifiku iha territoriu nasional"
] | [
"Chief of Suku Oe-leu directs community to raise the RDTL Flag in front | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor Lorosa'i VARANDA BOBONARO Head Of Sukko o’Leu Directed Community To Raises The Republic flag In Front Home Combination dance culture use TDRF banner, within promoting tourism brand through Painting."
"Image Tatoli/Francisco Sony."
"BOBONARO, May 8th (TATOLI) - Chief of Suku Oe-Leu in Bobonaro administrative post and municipality Januario Braganca has instructed the community to raise Timorese Democratic Republic flag at their homes as a commemoration on independence day."
"The community leader said that Prime Minister, Taur Matan Ruak has also sent a message to all people in the national territory for each one of them raise their flags and reinforced from meeting level administrator administrative post Bobobnaro have given instructions on village headers notify communities raised banner at home."
"\"Today, I and my two village chiefs have begun to announce in neighborhood after Neigrow that now everyone must raise the RDTL Flag at their homes so we can celebrate this important day for us all\", he told Agência Tatoli on Sunday."
"He urged the community to respect May 20 as an important day, because it was only twenty years ago that world recognized Timor-Leste’s independence and established Democratic Republic of East Тимор (RDTL) autonomous state with its own sovereignty."
"\"As a citizen, it is my duty and obligation to raise the flag in front of home because this day was so important for Timor-Leste's heroes who fought their way towards independence."
"Thousands and thousands died in the suffering that we enjoy today."
"Therefore, it is very important that we raise the flag to value their heroes' sacrifices\", he said."
"He promoted that he would mobilize the community and all leaders carrying their village flags to participate in a National Flag Raising ceremony which will also be held at administrative post level."
"Meanwhile, the municipality of Oe-leu has two villages composed by Mologen and Taz with its total population 1.980 comprising a household sized to about three hundred seventy nine (376)."
"Meanwhile, in order to commemorate the restoration of independence day this year Bobonaro municipality authorities allocated a budget totaling $10 thousand and from that amount will be allocation for administrative posts with an overall sum ($ 5.7 million) each village receives$238 per person (excluding residential areas)."
"Previous articleTimor-Leste presents cultural and religious heritage at Sea Games exhibition Next ArticleINCT decide Group 12 will carry out scientific research in the national territories of Timor Leste, Oe Leu village head says"
] |
VI Domingo da Páscoa (ANO A) – Diocese de Dili\nDiocese de Dili > NOTÍCIAS > LETURA DIÁRIA > VI Domingo da Páscoa (ANO A)\nPrimeira Leitura Act. 8, 5-8. 14-17\nIha loron hirak nebá, Filipe tun ba cidade Samaria nian ida, hodi haklaken kona ba Messias. Ema wa’in simu ho laran liafuan nebé Filipe haklaken; ema sira ne’e rona, hodi hanoin tuir doutrina ne’e; sira haré mos milagre nebé nia halo. Filipe hasai diabo housi ema wa’in nia laran. Molok sai, ema ne’e hakilar teb-tebes. Ema ain-to’os wa’in hetan di’ak. Iha cidade laran, ema haksolok teb-tebes. Waihira Apóstolo sira nebé iha Jerusalém rona tiha katak Samaria simu Maromak nia futar lia, sira haruka Pedro ho João ba iha nebá. Sira na’in rua tun ba samaria hodi reza ba ema Samaria sira atu sira simu Espírito Santo. Tan Espírito Santo la dauk tun ba sira, sira simu de’it Batismo hodi Na’i Jesus Cristo nia naran. Nune’e, halolo liman ba sira leten atu simu Espírito Santo\nSalmo Responsorial Sal. 65 (66), 1-3a, 4-5, 6-7a, 16-20\nRefrão : Rai-klaran hotu hana’i Maromak, rai-klaran hotu hana’i Maromak!!! Repete-se\nHawelok ho ksolok, hana’i;\nHananu Na’i nia naran,\nMai hotu haksolok ho Maromak.\nLa haluhan haraik bensa mai ha’u. Refrão\nSegunda Leitura 1 Ped. 4, 13-16\nDoben sira: Hana’i Jesus Cristo iha imi laran, hodi hatan nafatin ba naran ema ida; hatan kona ba imi nia laran metin. Maibé, hatan ho laran maus no respeito; buka moris tuir dalan lós atu ema sira nebé foti lia bosok hodi hateten aat imi tan imi moris di’ak nu’udar Cristo nia Escolante, hetan moe ba sira. Terus tan halo di’ak, Maromak hakarak mak ne’e karik, ne’e folin liu terus, tan halo aat. Tebes, Cristo mate dala ida de’it tan ema maksalak- santo ida mate ba maksalak sira- atu lori imi ba Maromak. Nia terus iha Nia isin, maibé, hetan moris hias tan Espírito.\nEvangelho Jo. 14, 15-21\nIha tempo nebá, Jesus hateten ba nia Escolante sira: “Imi hadomi Ha’u karik, imi sei halo tuir Ha’u nia ukun fuan. Ha’u sei husu ba Ha’u Aman, atu haraik mahein seluk ida, hodi hela nafatin ho imi: Lialós nia Espírito, nebé mundo la bele simu, tan la haré no mos la hatene Nia. Imi sei simu Nia, tan hela ho imi, iha ona imi nia leet. Ha’u sei la husik hela imi oan-ki’ak, Ha’u sei fila fali mai hamutuk ho imi. La kleur, mundo la haré ona Ha’u, maibé, imi sei haré Ha’u, tan Ha’u moris ho imi, imi mos moris ho Ha’u. Iha loron ne’e, imi sei hatene katak Ha’u hela ho Ha’u Aman, imi hela ho Ha’u, Ha’u mos ho imi. Ema nebé moris tuir Ha’u ukun-fuan hodi halo tuir, ema ne’e hadomi Ha’u. Ema nebé hadomi Ha’u, Ha’u Aman mos sei hadomi nia; Ha’u sei hadomi nia, Ha’u sei hatudu Ha’u-an ba nia”.\nAclamação Jo. 14-18\n“Ha’u sei la husik hela imi nu’udar oan-ki’ak;\nHa’u bá hodi fila hikas mai imi,\nImi laran sei haksolok nafatin”. Refrão\nEvangelho Jo. 17, 1-11a\nIha tempo nebá, Jesus foti matan ba lalehan, dehan: “Ha’u Aman, oras to’o ona: Hahí Ita Oan, atu Ita Oan hahí Ita, tuir kbiit nebé Ita haraik ba Nia boot liu criatura tomak; hodi Nia, ema hotu nebé Ita tau iha Nia liman sei hetan moris rohan laek. Ne’e mak moris rohan laek: Atu ema hatene Ita, Maromak lós, mesak de’it, ho Ida nebé haruka mai, Jesus Cristo. Ha’u hahí Ita iha rai, hodi halo to’o rohan buat nebé Ita haruka halo. Oras ne’e, Ha’u Aman hahí fali Ha’u, hamutuk ho Ita, ho kbiit ida nebé Ha’u iha uluk ho Ita, molok mundo ne’e mosu mai. Ha’u haklaken Ita naran ba ema nebé Ita haraik mai iha mundo. Sira Ita nian, maibé Ita fo mai Ha’u; sira halo tuir Ita nia lia-fuan. Oras ne’e, sira hatene katak buat hotu nebé Ha’u simu, mai housi Ita; tan Ha’u haklaken lia-fuan nebé Ita fo mai Ha’u. Sira simu ona lia hirak ne’e: sira hatene duni katak Ha’u mai housi Ita; sira fiar mos katak Ita haruka Ha’u mai. Ha’u harohan ba sira; Ha’u la harohan ba mundo, maibé, ba sira nebé Ita haraik mai Ha’u, tan sira Ita nian. Buat hotu nebé Ha’u nian, mai housi Ita; buat nebé Ita nian, Ha’u nian mos; iha buat sira ne’e, Ha’u simu hahí tomak. Ha’u la hela ona iha mundo, maibé, sira sei hela iha mundo, wainhira Ha’u la hasouru Ita”\nPrevious PostSábado, V Semana da Páscoa (ANO A) Next PostWALK THE TALK! …NOT MORE TALK, LESS DO | [
"VI Domingo da Pascoa (ANO A) - Diocese de Dili Diocese de Dili > NOTICIAS > LETURA DIARIA > VI Domingo da Pascoa (ANO A) Primeira Leitura Act.",
"8, 5-8.",
"14-17 Iha loron hirak neba, Filipe tun ba cidade Samaria nian ida, hodi haklaken kona ba Messias.",
"Ema wa'in simu ho laran liafuan nebe Filipe haklaken; ema sira ne'e rona, hodi hanoin tuir doutrina ne'e; sira hare mos milagre nebe nia halo.",
"Filipe hasai diabo housi ema wa'in nia laran.",
"Molok sai, ema ne'e hakilar teb-tebes.",
"Ema ain-to'os wa'in hetan di'ak.",
"Iha cidade laran, ema haksolok teb-tebes.",
"Waihira Apostolo sira nebe iha Jerusalem rona tiha katak Samaria simu Maromak nia futar lia, sira haruka Pedro ho Joao ba iha neba.",
"Sira na'in rua tun ba samaria hodi reza ba ema Samaria sira atu sira simu Espirito Santo.",
"Tan Espirito Santo la dauk tun ba sira, sira simu de'it Batismo hodi Na'i Jesus Cristo nia naran.",
"Nune'e, halolo liman ba sira leten atu simu Espirito Santo Salmo Responsorial Sal.",
"65 (66), 1-3a, 4-5, 6-7a, 16-20 Refrao: Rai-klaran hotu hana'i Maromak, rai-klaran hotu hana'i Maromak!!!",
"Repete-se Hawelok ho ksolok, hana'i; Hananu Na'i nia naran, Mai hotu haksolok ho Maromak.",
"La haluhan haraik bensa mai ha'u.",
"Refrao Segunda Leitura 1 Ped.",
"4, 13-16 Doben sira: Hana'i Jesus Cristo iha imi laran, hodi hatan nafatin ba naran ema ida; hatan kona ba imi nia laran metin.",
"Maibe, hatan ho laran maus no respeito; buka moris tuir dalan los atu ema sira nebe foti lia bosok hodi hateten aat imi tan imi moris di'ak nu'udar Cristo nia Escolante, hetan moe ba sira.",
"Terus tan halo di'ak, Maromak hakarak mak ne'e karik, ne'e folin liu terus, tan halo aat.",
"Tebes, Cristo mate dala ida de'it tan ema maksalak- santo ida mate ba maksalak sira- atu lori imi ba Maromak.",
"Nia terus iha Nia isin, maibe, hetan moris hias tan Espirito.",
"Evangelho Jo.",
"14, 15-21 Iha tempo neba, Jesus hateten ba nia Escolante sira: \"Imi hadomi Ha'u karik, imi sei halo tuir Ha'u nia ukun fuan.",
"Ha'u sei husu ba Ha'u Aman, atu haraik mahein seluk ida, hodi hela nafatin ho imi: Lialos nia Espirito, nebe mundo la bele simu, tan la hare no mos la hatene Nia.",
"Imi sei simu Nia, tan hela ho imi, iha ona imi nia leet.",
"Ha'u sei la husik hela imi oan-ki'ak, Ha'u sei fila fali mai hamutuk ho imi.",
"La kleur, mundo la hare ona Ha'u, maibe, imi sei hare Ha'u, tan Ha'u moris ho imi, imi mos moris ho Ha'u.",
"Iha loron ne'e, imi sei hatene katak Ha'u hela ho Ha'u Aman, imi hela ho Ha'u, Ha'u mos ho imi.",
"Ema nebe moris tuir Ha'u ukun-fuan hodi halo tuir, ema ne'e hadomi Ha'u.",
"Ema nebe hadomi Ha'u, Ha'u Aman mos sei hadomi nia; Ha'u sei hadomi nia, Ha'u sei hatudu Ha'u-an ba nia.\"",
"Aclamacao Jo.",
"14-18 \"Ha'u sei la husik hela imi nu'udar oan-ki'ak; Ha'u ba hodi fila hikas mai imi, Imi laran sei haksolok nafatin.\"",
"Refrao Evangelho Jo.",
"17, 1-11a Iha tempo neba, Jesus foti matan ba lalehan, dehan: \"Ha'u Aman, oras to'o ona: Hahi Ita Oan, atu Ita Oan hahi Ita, tuir kbiit nebe Ita haraik ba Nia boot liu criatura tomak; hodi Nia, ema hotu nebe Ita tau iha Nia liman sei hetan moris rohan laek.",
"Ne'e mak moris rohan laek: Atu ema hatene Ita, Maromak los, mesak de'it, ho Ida nebe haruka mai, Jesus Cristo.",
"Ha'u hahi Ita iha rai, hodi halo to'o rohan buat nebe Ita haruka halo.",
"Oras ne'e, Ha'u Aman hahi fali Ha'u, hamutuk ho Ita, ho kbiit ida nebe Ha'u iha uluk ho Ita, molok mundo ne'e mosu mai.",
"Ha'u haklaken Ita naran ba ema nebe Ita haraik mai iha mundo.",
"Sira Ita nian, maibe Ita fo mai Ha'u; sira halo tuir Ita nia lia-fuan.",
"Oras ne'e, sira hatene katak buat hotu nebe Ha'u simu, mai housi Ita; tan Ha'u haklaken lia-fuan nebe Ita fo mai Ha'u.",
"Sira simu ona lia hirak ne'e: sira hatene duni katak Ha'u mai housi Ita; sira fiar mos katak Ita haruka Ha'u mai.",
"Ha'u harohan ba sira; Ha'u la harohan ba mundo, maibe, ba sira nebe Ita haraik mai Ha'u, tan sira Ita nian.",
"Buat hotu nebe Ha'u nian, mai housi Ita; buat nebe Ita nian, Ha'u nian mos; iha buat sira ne'e, Ha'u simu hahi tomak.",
"Ha'u la hela ona iha mundo, maibe, sira sei hela iha mundo, wainhira Ha'u la hasouru Ita\" Previous PostSabado, V Semana da Pascoa (ANO A) Next PostWALK THE TALK! ...NOT MORE TALK, LESS DO"
] | [
"6th Sunday of Easter (YEAR A) - Diocese de Dili The diocese > NEWS> DAILY READINGS: First Reading Act."
"14 And it came to pass in those days, that Philip went down into a city of Samaria preaching Christ."
"But the multitude received Philip's preaching, and when they heard him reflected on his teaching; for he was seeing miracles that were done by them."
"Philip cast out demons from the man."
"When he got out, the man was very sick."
"A non-to'os man when he gets good."
"In the city there was great joy."
"Now when the apostles in Jerusalem heard that Samaria had received God' s word, they sent to them Peter and John."
"These went down to the Samaritans and prayed for them that they might receive The Holy Spirit."
"And when the Holy Ghost had come upon them, they were only baptized in The name of our Lord Jesus Christ."
"So, lay your hands on them to receive the Holy Spirit Psalm Responsorial Ps."
"65 (1970), pp. 3-4, and the following verses: All heaven knoweth God; all earth hath known him!"
"Let them sing the praise of God with joy; let him be glorified in his name. Come, rejoice together for Him!"
"La haluhan haraik bensa mai ha'u."
"Refrain Second Reading 1 Ped."
"4:13-20) The Good News of Jesus Christ in your midst, to answer again for one man's name; responding about the strength and firmness."
"But respond with kindness and respect; seek to live in the right way, so that those who use false words against you because of your good life as disciples will find comfort."
"To continue to do good, if God wills it is worth more than suffering and not doing evil."
"For Christ died once for all, so that a saint might die in order to bring us unto God."
"He suffered in His body, but was revived by the Spirit."
"Gospel of John."
"John 14:20-35 \"If you love me, keep my commandments; and if I have not given them to your ears (I will never give it back), do what is wrong in mine eyes."
"And I will pray the Father, and he shall give you another Spirit to abide with yourselves: a spirit of truth; whom this world cannot receive because it neither sees him nor knows."
"You will receive him, because he remains with you and is already in your midst."
"I will not forsake your little ones, but come back to you."
"The world has not seen me before, but you will see Me; because I live in your midst and ye also shall be living within my."
"In that day ye shall know, That I abide in my Father; and all of you remain with me."
"Whoever lives by my commandments and keeps them, he is the one who will love me."
"If anyone loves me, my Father will also Love him; and I myself Will LOVE Him And Manifest Myself to His face.\""
"Acclamation Jo."
"14-20 \"I will not leave you as little children; I am coming to bring peace unto your hearts.\""
"Refrao Gospel of John."
"John 17:2-4 And Jesus lifted up his eyes to heaven, and said unto him that was with them; Father love thy Son. The hour is come for thee of loving Thy sons as Thou hast given Him above all creatures in order which He may have eternal life among those whom thou givest into His hand"
"And this is eternal life, that they may know you the true God and Jesus Christ whom he has sent."
"I have worshipped thee in earth, to do all that thou hast commanded me."
"And now my Father will bring me again to you with the power that I had in your presence before this world was created."
"I have proclaimed your name to the people whom you gave into this world."
"They were yours, but you gave them to me; and they kept thy word."
"Now they know that all things which I have received are from thee: for whatsoever thou gavest me, those words do i speak."
"For they have received these words, and know in truth that I came out from thee; for this is why their hearts believed you had sent me."
"I pray for them: i do not ask of the world, but those whom you have given me because they are yours."
"For all that is mine comes from thee, and thy things are my: in these I have received full reward."
"And I am not in the world, but they will be with me\" Previous PostSaturday of Easter Week V (YEAR A) Next postWALK THE TALK! ...NOT MORE Taal..."
] |
TAPSA\tNews 16 August 2019\t Hits: 274\nAsosiasaun HAK lansa Boletín Lian Agrikultura ho títulu Tranzisaun Agroekolójia Ba Soberania Ai-Han [TAPSA]\nLiu hosi lansamentu Boletín TAPSA, Diretór Asosiasaun HAK Manuel Monteiro hateten objetivu hosi lansamentu livru ne’e, hodi fahe rezultadu monitorizasaun situasaun direitus umanus tuir deskobrimentu HAK nian durante períodu 2018 iha Munisipiu Ainaro, Aileu, Baucau, Dili, Ermera n Viqueqeu, ba komunidade sira no Instituisaun relevante sira.\nObjetivu seluk katak atu halo kompañia no advokasia ba Instituisaun Estadu relevante sira ho nia finalidade hodi hadi’ak liután, situasaun direitu umanu iha Timor-Leste.\n“Direitu Ekonomia Sosiál kulturál mak ami foti agrikultura, edukasaun, saúde, asuntu bee moos no asuntu rai. Ita hare katak ita nia problema ai-han ne’e problema boot ba ita nia nasaun. Ai-han sai hanesan direitus fundamentu sidadaun nian, tanba ne’e estadu iha obrigasaun atu responde sidadaun sira nia direitu. Oinsá mak ita bele hatene katak estadu kumpre sira nia obrigasaun, primeiru hare hosi polítika ministériu relevante sira ne’e polítika iha ka lae, atu garante sidadaun sira nia direitu fundamentu sira, iha ka lae alokasaun fundu orsamentu jerál estadu nian, ne’e garante ka lae polítika ne’e”, hateten Manuel Monteiro, iha aula HAK 02/08.\nTuir relatóriu ne’ebé HAK aprezenta esplika katak, Ai-han nu’udar komponente ida ne’ebé labele hasai ka hadook hosi ema nia moris, tanba ne’e ai-han nu’udar direitu fundamentu, ne’ebé Estadu parte sira Konvensaun Internasional Direitu Ekonomia, Sosiál no Kultura, iha obrigasaun hodi kria kondisaun, atu nune’e ninia sidadaun sira iha vontade hodi hala’o vida agríkola, hodi nune’e bele prodús ai-han ne’ebé sufisiente ba sira ninia nesesidade konsume no distribuisaun ba merkadu lokál, hodi hatán ba sira nia nesesidade báziku sira.\nHAK ne’ebé ho ninia vizaun no misaun hodi defende vítima violasaun direitus umanus, hakbiit kapasidade komunidade, liu hosi transferénsia matenek, dezenvolve povu nia kualidade moris, dezenvolve koñesimentu lokál no partisipa iha dezenvolvimentu no kontrola sosiál, deklara katak agrikultura sai hanesan fatór prinsipál, hodi determina povu Timor-Leste nia moris.\nTuir dadus estatístika agrikultura nian hosi governu Timor-Leste nia situasaun produsaun ai-han, sei nafatin laiha progresu boot hafoin liu tiha tinan 16, maske governu no ajénsia dezenvolvimentu sira gasta ona osan barak ba setór agrikultura, maibé nafatin hatudu katak produsaun agrikultura kontinua tun.\nAlokasaun Orsamentu Jerál Estadu [OJE] ba setór agrikultura no peska iha tinan 2015 tokon $34.457, iha 2016 tun ba tokon $24.862, iha 2017 tun ba tokon $21.962 no iha 2018, tun ba $14.679.\nLiga ho alokasaun orsamentu ba agrikultura no peska, Asosiasaun HAK hateten katak ne’e sai preokupasaun boot ho tendénsia ida ne’ebé reflete prioridade sira haktuir ona iha Planu Estratéjiku Dezenvolvimentu Nasionál [PEDN] 2011-2030.\n“Ita nia merkadu sira nafatin domina hosi ai-han importadu, no mal-nutrisaun kontinua sai problema boot. Situasaun ne’e ita bele hare hosi dadus ne’ebé hetan durante peskiza, hatudu katak númeru konsume boot liu númeru produsaun”, rezultadu peskiza hosi Asosiasaun HAK\nTinan 2007 Timor-Leste nia produsaun hare hamutuk 60.424 ton, iha tinan 2015 produsaun foos hamutuk 60.361 ton, iha tinan 2017, produsaun tun maka’as ba 37.000 ton, no iha previzaun katak sei tun ba 30.000, iha tinan 2018 tuir dokumentu MAP nian kona-ba seguransa ai-han no nutrisaun 2017 hatudu katak Timor importa mais ou menus 40% hosi sereál sira [foos no batar] ne’ebé komunidade konsume.\nIha relatóriu peskiza alende mensiona kona-ba produsaun ai-han, sita mós kona-ba produsaun Fini, kondisaun Tratór sira no kondisaun irrigasaun.\nLansamentu Boletín TAPSA hosi HAK realiza tanba hetan apoiu husi CCFD-Terre Solidaire, AFD no Unidade Apoia Sosiedade Civil, Gabinete do Primeiru Ministru. Lansamentu ne’e hala’o iha Aula Asosiasaun HAK, iha loron 2 Agostu 2019, ne’ebé hetan partisipasaun hosi PDHJ, membru HASATIL, governu no academia hosi Universidade Timor Lorosa’e. | [
"TAPSA News 16 August 2019 Hits: 274 Asosiasaun HAK lansa Boletin Lian Agrikultura ho titulu Tranzisaun Agroekolojia Ba Soberania Ai-Han [TAPSA] Liu hosi lansamentu Boletin TAPSA, Diretor Asosiasaun HAK Manuel Monteiro hateten objetivu hosi lansamentu livru ne'e, hodi fahe rezultadu monitorizasaun situasaun direitus umanus tuir deskobrimentu HAK nian durante periodu 2018 iha Munisipiu Ainaro, Aileu, Baucau, Dili, Ermera n Viqueqeu, ba komunidade sira no Instituisaun relevante sira.",
"Objetivu seluk katak atu halo kompania no advokasia ba Instituisaun Estadu relevante sira ho nia finalidade hodi hadi'ak liutan, situasaun direitu umanu iha Timor-Leste.",
"\"Direitu Ekonomia Sosial kultural mak ami foti agrikultura, edukasaun, saude, asuntu bee moos no asuntu rai.",
"Ita hare katak ita nia problema ai-han ne'e problema boot ba ita nia nasaun.",
"Ai-han sai hanesan direitus fundamentu sidadaun nian, tanba ne'e estadu iha obrigasaun atu responde sidadaun sira nia direitu.",
"Oinsa mak ita bele hatene katak estadu kumpre sira nia obrigasaun, primeiru hare hosi politika ministeriu relevante sira ne'e politika iha ka lae, atu garante sidadaun sira nia direitu fundamentu sira, iha ka lae alokasaun fundu orsamentu jeral estadu nian, ne'e garante ka lae politika ne'e,\" hateten Manuel Monteiro, iha aula HAK 02/08.",
"Tuir relatoriu ne'ebe HAK aprezenta esplika katak, Ai-han nu'udar komponente ida ne'ebe labele hasai ka hadook hosi ema nia moris, tanba ne'e ai-han nu'udar direitu fundamentu, ne'ebe Estadu parte sira Konvensaun Internasional Direitu Ekonomia, Sosial no Kultura, iha obrigasaun hodi kria kondisaun, atu nune'e ninia sidadaun sira iha vontade hodi hala'o vida agrikola, hodi nune'e bele produs ai-han ne'ebe sufisiente ba sira ninia nesesidade konsume no distribuisaun ba merkadu lokal, hodi hatan ba sira nia nesesidade baziku sira.",
"HAK ne'ebe ho ninia vizaun no misaun hodi defende vitima violasaun direitus umanus, hakbiit kapasidade komunidade, liu hosi transferensia matenek, dezenvolve povu nia kualidade moris, dezenvolve konesimentu lokal no partisipa iha dezenvolvimentu no kontrola sosial, deklara katak agrikultura sai hanesan fator prinsipal, hodi determina povu Timor-Leste nia moris.",
"Tuir dadus estatistika agrikultura nian hosi governu Timor-Leste nia situasaun produsaun ai-han, sei nafatin laiha progresu boot hafoin liu tiha tinan 16, maske governu no ajensia dezenvolvimentu sira gasta ona osan barak ba setor agrikultura, maibe nafatin hatudu katak produsaun agrikultura kontinua tun.",
"Alokasaun Orsamentu Jeral Estadu [OJE] ba setor agrikultura no peska iha tinan 2015 tokon $34.457, iha 2016 tun ba tokon $24.862, iha 2017 tun ba tokon $21.962 no iha 2018, tun ba $14.679.",
"Liga ho alokasaun orsamentu ba agrikultura no peska, Asosiasaun HAK hateten katak ne'e sai preokupasaun boot ho tendensia ida ne'ebe reflete prioridade sira haktuir ona iha Planu Estratejiku Dezenvolvimentu Nasional [PEDN] 2011-2030.",
"\"Ita nia merkadu sira nafatin domina hosi ai-han importadu, no mal-nutrisaun kontinua sai problema boot.",
"Situasaun ne'e ita bele hare hosi dadus ne'ebe hetan durante peskiza, hatudu katak numeru konsume boot liu numeru produsaun,\" rezultadu peskiza hosi Asosiasaun HAK Tinan 2007 Timor-Leste nia produsaun hare hamutuk 60.424 ton, iha tinan 2015 produsaun foos hamutuk 60.361 ton, iha tinan 2017, produsaun tun maka'as ba 37.000 ton, no iha previzaun katak sei tun ba 30.000, iha tinan 2018 tuir dokumentu MAP nian kona-ba seguransa ai-han no nutrisaun 2017 hatudu katak Timor importa mais ou menus 40% hosi sereal sira [foos no batar] ne'ebe komunidade konsume.",
"Iha relatoriu peskiza alende mensiona kona-ba produsaun ai-han, sita mos kona-ba produsaun Fini, kondisaun Trator sira no kondisaun irrigasaun.",
"Lansamentu Boletin TAPSA hosi HAK realiza tanba hetan apoiu husi CCFD-Terre Solidaire, AFD no Unidade Apoia Sosiedade Civil, Gabinete do Primeiru Ministru.",
"Lansamentu ne'e hala'o iha Aula Asosiasaun HAK, iha loron 2 Agostu 2019, ne'ebe hetan partisipasaun hosi PDHJ, membru HASATIL, governu no academia hosi Universidade Timor Lorosa'e."
] | [
"TAPSA News 16 August,2039 Hits:457 The Association of Human Rights Advocates (HAK) has launched the Ling Agrikultura Bulletin entitled Agroecology Transition to Food Sovereignty [TAPS] Through its launching newsletter in Portuguese and English language. At this occasion Director Manuel Monteiro said that it is a way for him as an association director with his colleagues from different communities or relevant institutions share their findings on monitoring human rights situation during year-end survey carried out at Ainaro Municipality alongside municipalities like Aileiu"
"Another objective is to conduct company and advocacy with the relevant State Institutions in its aim of improving further, human rights situation on Timor-Leste."
"\"The Social and Cultural Economic Rights we have taken are agriculture, educations health care water sanitation land issues."
"We see that our food problem is a big one for the country."
"Food has become a fundamental right of the citizen, and therefore it is incumbent on state to respond."
"How can we know that the state meets its obligations, firstly by looking at relevant ministerial policies whether there is a policy to guarantee citizens' fundamental rights and if funds are allocated from general budget of State. This ensure or not this politics\", said Manuel Monteiro in HAK classroom on Monday (2/8)."
"According to the report presented by HAK, food is an indispensable component of human life and therefore a fundamental right that States parties are obliged under International Covenant on Economic Social & Cultural Rights (ICESCR), in order for their citizens with willingness so they can produce sufficient quantities as needed. The distribution into local market will meet these basic needs;"
"HAK, whose vision and mission is to defend victims of human rights violations; empower communities through transferring know-how in the field: developing quality life for people by promoting local knowledge as well participation on development control. declares that agriculture has become a major determinant factor which determined Timorese' livelihood"
"According to agricultural statistics from the government of Timor-Leste on food production, there is still no significant progress after more than sixteen years. Despite much money spent by Government and development agencies in agriculture it shows that farm output continue decreased during this time period as well"
"The allocation of the General State Budget [GSB] for agriculture and fisheries in 2015 was $34,679 million; it fell to a total amounts at US$8.- billion (USD) during this period but has since risen significantly: from an estimated USD/capita allotment by GSP+ budgetary year upwards that is now approximated as being about USSP"
"Regarding the budget allocation for agriculture and fisheries, HAK Association says that this is a major concern with an outlook which reflects priorities already included in Planu Estrategiku Dezenvolvimentu Nasional [PEDN] (Strategic National Development plan) of Portugal."
"\"Our markets are still dominated by imported food, and malnutrition continue to be a major problem."
"The situation we can see from the data obtained during research, shows that number of consumption is bigger than production\", results in a study by HAK Association. In year-2017 Timor's annual harvest was totaling to about: rice -65348 tons; wheat –9% or approximately one million hectares (about two hundred thousand square miles); and sugarcane — around three billion kilogrammes [one trillion pound], with an estimated growth rate for this sector at over five percent per decade.\""
"In the research report, in addition to mentioning about crop productions there is also a reference on grain yield and condition of Tractors."
"The launch of the TAPSA Newsletter by HAK was carried out thanks to support from CCFD-Terre Solidaire, French Agency for International Development (Agence Française de Développement) and Civil Society Support Unit at Prime Minister’s Office."
"The launch took place in the HAK Association Hall, on August2nd of this year with participation from PDHJ members HASATIL government and academia at Universidade Timor Lorosa'e."
] |
By Tempo Timor November 13, 2019 1887\nPrezidente Autoridade RAEOA-ZEESM, Jose Luis Guterres 'Lugu' simu pose husi PM Taur Matan Ruak iha Palasiu governtu maske nota momos partidu membru AMP liu-liu CNRT la marka prezensa, (13/11) Foto Suplai\nRo Haksolok ne’ebé daudauk ne’e sei iha hela Portugal, sai nu’udar problema boot ne’ebé hamosu polemika durante mandatu eis Prezidente Autoridade RAEOA, Mari Alkatiri.\nHafoin simu pose, J.Luis dehan, nia sei serbisu hamutuk ho governu sentral hodi rezolce problema Ro Haksolok.\n"Ami sei serbisu, kontinua halo komunikasaun ho administrasaun sesante hodi serbisu hamutuk ho governu sentral par rezolve problema balun hanesan Ro ahi Haksolok ne'ebe ohin loron sei iha Portugal," deklara J.Luis iha nia diskursu hafoin simu pose husi Primeiru Ministru Taur Matan Ruak iha palasiu governu, Kuarta (13/11/19).\nAleinde ne’e, Prezidente Autoridade RAEOA ne’e hatete, kriasaun no aprovasaun ZEESM nu’udar prosesu ne’ebé naruk tan ne’e presiza hametin vontade hodi dezenvolve di’ak liu tan RAEOA-ZEESM.\n“Ita labele haluha diskusaun ba kriasaun no aprovasaun ZEESM-RAEOA entre parte governu ne'ebé momentu lidera husi Maun boot Xanana Gusmão, tanba ne'e lori prosesu naruk. Liu husi prosesu ne'ebé naruk atu hametin vontade hodi bele kontinua dezenvolve di’ak liu tan ZEESM-RAEOA,” dehan nia.\n« Lakleur Lider atu Tuur Hamutuk, Lere: “Labele Bosok, Hatudu Iha Prátika” LUGU Simu Pose: "RAEOA-ZEEMS, La'ós Partidu Nian" » | [
"By Tempo Timor November 13, 2019 1887 Prezidente Autoridade RAEOA-ZEESM, Jose Luis Guterres 'Lugu' simu pose husi PM Taur Matan Ruak iha Palasiu governtu maske nota momos partidu membru AMP liu-liu CNRT la marka prezensa, (13/11) Foto Suplai Ro Haksolok ne'ebe daudauk ne'e sei iha hela Portugal, sai nu'udar problema boot ne'ebe hamosu polemika durante mandatu eis Prezidente Autoridade RAEOA, Mari Alkatiri.",
"Hafoin simu pose, J.Luis dehan, nia sei serbisu hamutuk ho governu sentral hodi rezolce problema Ro Haksolok.",
"\"Ami sei serbisu, kontinua halo komunikasaun ho administrasaun sesante hodi serbisu hamutuk ho governu sentral par rezolve problema balun hanesan Ro ahi Haksolok ne'ebe ohin loron sei iha Portugal,\" deklara J.Luis iha nia diskursu hafoin simu pose husi Primeiru Ministru Taur Matan Ruak iha palasiu governu, Kuarta (13/11/19).",
"Aleinde ne'e, Prezidente Autoridade RAEOA ne'e hatete, kriasaun no aprovasaun ZEESM nu'udar prosesu ne'ebe naruk tan ne'e presiza hametin vontade hodi dezenvolve di'ak liu tan RAEOA-ZEESM.",
"\"Ita labele haluha diskusaun ba kriasaun no aprovasaun ZEESM-RAEOA entre parte governu ne'ebe momentu lidera husi Maun boot Xanana Gusmao, tanba ne'e lori prosesu naruk.",
"Liu husi prosesu ne'ebe naruk atu hametin vontade hodi bele kontinua dezenvolve di'ak liu tan ZEESM-RAEOA,\" dehan nia. \"",
"Lakleur Lider atu Tuur Hamutuk, Lere: \"Labele Bosok, Hatudu Iha Pratika\" LUGU Simu Pose: \"RAEOA-ZEEMS, La'os Partidu Nian\" \""
] | [
"By Tempo Timor November 13,.2047 President of the Authority for Regional Economic and Social Development (RAEOA-ZEESM), Jose Luis Guterres 'Lugu' takes his office from PM Taur Matan Ruak in Palasiu Governotu although many AMP member parties especially CNRT did not mark their presence at this ceremony;(Novembro) Photo Suplai Ro Haksolok which is currently staying with Portugal has become an important issue that caused controversies during Mari Alkatiri’s mandate as former president"
"Upon taking office, J.Luis said he would work with the central government to resolve Ro Haksolok’s problem and that there will be no delay in its completion until 2015 or later if it is not solved within a year of his inauguration as Prime Minister"
"\"We will work, continue to communicate with the sitting administration in order that we can collaborate and resolve some problems such as Ro ahi Haksolok which is today being transported into Portugal\", declared J.Luis during his speech after taking office from Prime Minister Taur Matan Ruak at government palace on Thursday (13/20)."
"In addition, the President of RAEOA Authority said that ZEESM's establishment and approval is a long process so it needs to strengthen will in order for better development."
"\"We must not forget the discussions on creation and approval of ZEESM-RAEOA between governmental parties, which at that time was led by Maun boot Xanana Gusmao. Therefore it took a long process to create this area.\""
"Through a long process of strengthening the will to continue developing better ZEESM-RAEOA,\" he said. \"It is through this that we can achieve our goals.\""
"Lakleur Lider atu Tuur Hamutuk, Lere: \"Labele Bosok. Hatudu Iha Pratika\" LUGU Simu Pose RAEOA-ZEEMS is Not That Party"
] |
Sábado, XXVI Semana do Tempo Comum (Ano C) – Diocese de Dili\nDiocese de Dili > NOTÍCIAS > LETURA DIÁRIA > Sábado, XXVI Semana do Tempo Comum (Ano C)\nSábado, XXVI Semana do Tempo Comum (Ano C)\nPosted on: October 4, 2019 by: Departamento Comunicação Diocese Dili\nPrimeira Leitura Bar. 4. 5-12, 27-29\nPovo Maromak Nian, ó be káer metin Israel nia naran, aten barani ba. Faan tiha imi ba gentio sira, maibé, la’os atu halakon imi. Tan imi halo sadik Maromak nia hirus, saran imi ba imi nia funu baluk sira, basá, imi halo hirus ida nebé halo imi moris hodi hasa’e fali sacrifício ba demónio sira, la hasa’e ba Maromak. Imi haluha tiha Maromak rohan laek, Ida nebé fó han imi; imi hasusar Jerusalém nebé fó susu ba imi, basá, wainhira nia haré Maromak Nia hirus monu ba imi leten, Nia dehan: “Cidade sira be hela besik Sião, imi rona mai! Maromak halo ha’u neon susar, basá, ha’u haré ha’u oan sira, mane no feto, terus iha kadeia nebé Na’i hamonu iha sira leten. Ha’u fó susu sira ho ksolok, ha’u husik sai sira ho matan wen no laran terus. Ha’u, feto faluk, mesa-mesak, la iha ema ida haksolok ha’u. Ha’u hela mesak tan ha’u oan sira nia hahalok áat, basá, sira fila kotuk ba Maromak Nia Lei. Aten barani ba, ha’u oan sira, hodi bolu Na’i Maromak, basá, Ida nebé fó castigo ba imi, Nia sei hanoin fali imi. Hanesan uluk imi hanoin fila kotuk ba Maromak. Oras ne’e imi fila fali ba Nia hodi buka Nia ho laran manas liu fali dala sanulu. Basá, Ida nebé haraik terus ba imi, sei haraik ksolok rohan laek ba imi, hamutuk ho imi nia salvação”.\nSalmo Responsorial Sal. 68(69). 33-35, 36-37 (R. cf. 34ª)\nRefrão : Na’i rona ema kiak sira nia harohan!!! Repete-se\nLalehan ho rai hahí Na’i, tasi no buat hotu be moris iha Nia. Refrão\nEma dadur sira fila mai hodi hôrik iha nebá,\nSei hôrik iha nebá, sira be hadomi Nia naran. Refrão\nIha tempo nebá, escolante Na’in hitu nulu resin rua ne’e fila fali hodi haksolok dehan: “Na’i, diabo sira mós tuir ami hodi Ita nia naran.” Nia hatan ba sira: “Ha’u foin haré Satanás monu housi lalehan hanesan rai lakan. Los duni, Ha’u haraik tiha biit ba imi atu sama samea no sakunar sira, hodi manan funu baluk nia biit tomak; la iha buat ida nebé bele halo áat imi. Maski nune’e, keta haksolok tanba espírito sira tuir imi; haksolok de’it tanba imi nia naran hakerek tiha ona iha lalehan.”\nIha oras nebá Nia haksolok teb-tebes ho Espírito Santo dehan: “Ha’u hahí Ita, Aman, lalehan no rai nia Na’in, basá Ita subar tiha buat sira ne’e housi ema matenek sira hodi fó hatene fali ba sira nebé kiik. Tebes, Aman, Ita hakarak duni nune’e. Ha’u nia Aman saran tiha buat hotu mai Ha’u. Ema ida la hatene se mak Oan, Aman de’it mak hatene; no ema ida la hatene se mak Aman, Oan de’it mak hatene, no ida nebé Oan Mane hakarak fó hatene ba nia.”\nHafoin, haketak tiha nia escolante sira housi sira seluk, Nia dehan: “Ksolok ba matan sira nebé haré buat nebé imi haré, Basá Ha’u dehan ba imi katak profeta no liurai sira barak uluk nian hakarak haré buat nebé imi haré, maibé sira la haré; no rona buat nebé imi rona, maibé sira la rona”.\nPrevious PostSexta – Feira, XXVI Semana do Tempo Comum (Ano C) Next PostXXVII Domingo Tempo Comum (ANO C) | [
"Sabado, XXVI Semana do Tempo Comum (Ano C) - Diocese de Dili Diocese de Dili > NOTICIAS > LETURA DIARIA > Sabado, XXVI Semana do Tempo Comum (Ano C) Sabado, XXVI Semana do Tempo Comum (Ano C) Posted on: October 4, 2019 by: Departamento Comunicacao Diocese Dili Primeira Leitura Bar.",
"5-12, 27-29 Povo Maromak Nian, o be kaer metin Israel nia naran, aten barani ba.",
"Faan tiha imi ba gentio sira, maibe, la'os atu halakon imi.",
"Tan imi halo sadik Maromak nia hirus, saran imi ba imi nia funu baluk sira, basa, imi halo hirus ida nebe halo imi moris hodi hasa'e fali sacrificio ba demonio sira, la hasa'e ba Maromak.",
"Imi haluha tiha Maromak rohan laek, Ida nebe fo han imi; imi hasusar Jerusalem nebe fo susu ba imi, basa, wainhira nia hare Maromak Nia hirus monu ba imi leten, Nia dehan: \"Cidade sira be hela besik Siao, imi rona mai!",
"Maromak halo ha'u neon susar, basa, ha'u hare ha'u oan sira, mane no feto, terus iha kadeia nebe Na'i hamonu iha sira leten.",
"Ha'u fo susu sira ho ksolok, ha'u husik sai sira ho matan wen no laran terus.",
"Ha'u, feto faluk, mesa-mesak, la iha ema ida haksolok ha'u.",
"Ha'u hela mesak tan ha'u oan sira nia hahalok aat, basa, sira fila kotuk ba Maromak Nia Lei.",
"Aten barani ba, ha'u oan sira, hodi bolu Na'i Maromak, basa, Ida nebe fo castigo ba imi, Nia sei hanoin fali imi.",
"Hanesan uluk imi hanoin fila kotuk ba Maromak.",
"Oras ne'e imi fila fali ba Nia hodi buka Nia ho laran manas liu fali dala sanulu.",
"Basa, Ida nebe haraik terus ba imi, sei haraik ksolok rohan laek ba imi, hamutuk ho imi nia salvacao.\"",
"Salmo Responsorial Sal.",
"68 (69).",
"33-35, 36-37 (R. cf.",
"34a) Refrao: Na'i rona ema kiak sira nia harohan!!!",
"Repete-se Lalehan ho rai hahi Na'i, tasi no buat hotu be moris iha Nia.",
"Refrao Ema dadur sira fila mai hodi horik iha neba, Sei horik iha neba, sira be hadomi Nia naran.",
"Refrao Iha tempo neba, escolante Na'in hitu nulu resin rua ne'e fila fali hodi haksolok dehan: \"Na'i, diabo sira mos tuir ami hodi Ita nia naran.\"",
"Nia hatan ba sira: \"Ha'u foin hare Satanas monu housi lalehan hanesan rai lakan.",
"Los duni, Ha'u haraik tiha biit ba imi atu sama samea no sakunar sira, hodi manan funu baluk nia biit tomak; la iha buat ida nebe bele halo aat imi.",
"Maski nune'e, keta haksolok tanba espirito sira tuir imi; haksolok de'it tanba imi nia naran hakerek tiha ona iha lalehan.\"",
"Iha oras neba Nia haksolok teb-tebes ho Espirito Santo dehan: \"Ha'u hahi Ita, Aman, lalehan no rai nia Na'in, basa Ita subar tiha buat sira ne'e housi ema matenek sira hodi fo hatene fali ba sira nebe kiik.",
"Tebes, Aman, Ita hakarak duni nune'e.",
"Ha'u nia Aman saran tiha buat hotu mai Ha'u.",
"Ema ida la hatene se mak Oan, Aman de'it mak hatene; no ema ida la hatene se mak Aman, Oan de'it mak hatene, no ida nebe Oan Mane hakarak fo hatene ba nia.\"",
"Hafoin, haketak tiha nia escolante sira housi sira seluk, Nia dehan: \"Ksolok ba matan sira nebe hare buat nebe imi hare, Basa Ha'u dehan ba imi katak profeta no liurai sira barak uluk nian hakarak hare buat nebe imi hare, maibe sira la hare; no rona buat nebe imi rona, maibe sira la rona.\"",
"Previous PostSexta - Feira, XXVI Semana do Tempo Comum (Ano C) Next PostXXVII Domingo Tempo Comum (ANO C)"
] | [
"Saturday, 26th Week in Ordinary Time (Y.C) - Diocese of Dili The diocese > NEWS> DAILY READINGS: Sunday the XXVIst Weekly Readings for Tuesday and Thursday Posted on October-04/19 by Department Comunicacao Diocesis First reading Bar – Wednesday"
"4. Amendment of the Regulations"
"5-12,30: “Be strong and stand firmly you God of the people who have taken up your name Israel."
"For I have sent you to the Gentiles, not for your destruction; but that they might know me."
"For you have defied God's wrath, and are now in your former ways. You do this because of the anger that makes us sacrifice to devil-beasts rather than offer them as a gift for our Lord Jesus Christ.\""
"You have forgotten the wide God who feeds you; and Jerusalem, your suckling mother has been put to shame. For when she saw that his wrath fell upon them he said: \"Hear ye inhabitants of Zion! hearken unto me.\""
"God has afflicted me, for I see my children and women suffering in the prisons which he hath laid over them."
"I gave them breasts with joy, and let 'em go white-eyed in sorrow."
"I am a wicked woman, naked; there is no one to make me happy."
"I am grieved because of the wickedness that my children have done, for they turn back from God's law."
"Be courageous, my children; call upon the LORD God: for he that chastises you will remember your sins."
"As in time past, you think backward from God."
"Now you have returned to him, and are seeking his face thirty times more earnestly."
"For he who has given you suffering will give all joy with your salvation.\""
"Responsorial Psalm Ps."
"68 (1970). pp. 53–42, and pg:"
"32-40, R. cf; see also Journey to the West (Rc)."
"34a) Refrao: The Lord hears the prayers of poor people!!!"
"Let heaven and earth be praised by the LORD, The sea with all that liveth therein."
"Refrao The dead returned to fly in heaven, and they will be flown up into the sky by those who love his name."
"And the seventy-two returned, rejoicing and saying to him: \"Lord! even devils follow us in your name.\""
"And he said to them, \"I saw Satan fallen like hell from heaven."
"For I have given you power to fight against the enemy with all his might, and there is nothing that can hurt your enemies."
"Nevertheless, do not rejoice in that the spirits follow you; but rather be glad because your names have been written down for all to know.\""
"In that hour he rejoiced in the Holy Spirit, and said: I praise you Father Lord of heaven & earth; because these things are taken from wise men to be taught unto little ones."
"For this is what you will, Father. It has been your pleasure to do so.\""
"My Father has given all things into my hands."
"No one knows who the Son is, but only my Father; and no man does not understand his father except for me or anyone to whom I will reveal him.\""
"And he took his disciples and the rest of them aside, saying: Blessed are those eyes which see things that ye behold. For I say unto you; That many old Prophets or Kings desired to See whatsoever Ye do look upon - but they saw not it-and hear whateverYe heard – yet did their earnest heart refuse.\""
"Previous PostFriday, 26th Week in Ordinary Time (YEAR C) Next postXXVII Sunday of Normal Times"
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Governu lansa Planu Asaun Nasionál kona-ba Violénsia Bazeia ba Jéneru « Governu Timor-Leste\nTersa-feira, 19 janeiru 2021 | 18:33\nGovernu lansa Planu Asaun Nasionál kona-ba Violénsia Bazeia ba Jéneru\nDili, loron 19 fulan-juñu tinan 2017\nGovernu lansa ona Planu Asaun Nasionál kona-ba Violénsia Bazeia ba Jéneru tinan 2017-2021, iha loron 16 fulan-juñu, iha Otél Turizmu, iha Dili. Ida ne’e hanesan Planu ne’ebé dezenvolve kle’an ona iha Timor-Leste, hodi hatán ba problema boot (terrível) kona-ba Violénsia Bazeia ba Jéneru.\nHaree liu ba kompromisu Governu nian atu rezolve problema ida ne’e, Primeiru-Ministru, Rui Maria de Araújo, fó ona apoiu maka’as ba objetivu jerál Planu Asaun Nasionál nian: “hodi hamenus no ikus mai halakon violénsia bazeia ba jéneru, ne’ebé afeta ba feto, mane no labarik sira iha ita-nia komunidade, liuhusi aprosimasaun koordenada ida ne’ebé halo parte setór oin-oin”..\nSekretária Estadu ba Apoiu no Promosaun Sosiu-Ekonómiku Feto nian lidera dezenvolvimentu Planu foun ida ne’e, ne’ebé atualiza no dezenvolve Planu uluk nian, prodús iha tinan 2012, tuir introdusaun, iha tinan 2010, kona-ba Lei Kontra Violénsia Doméstika.\nSekretária Estadu, Veneranda Lemos Martins, hateten katak Planu daudaun ne’e adota aprosimasaun partisipativa no inkluziva ida, ne’ebé inklui diskusaun ho responsavel sira husi setór Edukasaun, Saúde, Solidaridade Sosiál, Seguransa, Justisa, entre ministériu sira seluk no mós ho instituisaun nasionál sira, prestadór servisu sira, organizasaun sira sosiedade sivíl nian no parseiru sira husi dezenvolvimentu. Hala’o mós sesaun sira serbisu nian, hodi konsulta ho komunidade sira, iha territóriu nasionál.\nPlanu ne’e aprova ona husi Konsellu Ministrus iha loron 7 fulan-fevereiru tinan 2017 no iha pilár haat: prevensaun violénsia bazeia ba jéneru; halo serbisu ba vítima sira; asesu Justisa ba vítima sira; no koordenasaun, monitorizasaun no avaliasaun husi inisiativa sira ne’ebé dezenvolve ona. Halo ona definisaun ba asaun espesífika sira ba tinan lima oinmai, ba pilár ida-idak, hodi identifika responsabilidade iha Governu nia-laran no organizasaun esterna hirak ne’ebé maka sei halo kolaborasaun. Kustu husi intervensaun ida-idak define ona, nune’e mós indikadór espesífiku sira ne’ebé sei utiliza hodi sukat ba ninia susesu.\nPortavós Governu, Ministru Estadu Agio Pereira, hateten katak “libertasaun no dezenvolvimentu ita-nia nasaun nian tenke promove libertasaun no dezenvolvimentu ita hotu nian. Iha individu barak iha ita-nia nasaun maka hasoru nafatin situasaun violénsia nian ne’ebé ita labele simu. La iha toleránsia ona. La kontinua tan ona. Governu hakarak ezekuta ona Planu ida ne’e no ho ninia finansiamentu ne’ebé di’ak, atu, iha tempu badak, iha transformasaun ida ba hahalok sira, nune’e hodi fó apoiu ba vítima no sobrevivente sira ne’ebé presiza. REMATA | [
"Governu lansa Planu Asaun Nasional kona-ba Violensia Bazeia ba Jeneru \" Governu Timor-Leste Tersa-feira, 19 janeiru 2021 | 18:33 Governu lansa Planu Asaun Nasional kona-ba Violensia Bazeia ba Jeneru Dili, loron 19 fulan-junu tinan 2017 Governu lansa ona Planu Asaun Nasional kona-ba Violensia Bazeia ba Jeneru tinan 2017-2021, iha loron 16 fulan-junu, iha Otel Turizmu, iha Dili.",
"Ida ne'e hanesan Planu ne'ebe dezenvolve kle'an ona iha Timor-Leste, hodi hatan ba problema boot (terrivel) kona-ba Violensia Bazeia ba Jeneru.",
"Haree liu ba kompromisu Governu nian atu rezolve problema ida ne'e, Primeiru-Ministru, Rui Maria de Araujo, fo ona apoiu maka'as ba objetivu jeral Planu Asaun Nasional nian: \"hodi hamenus no ikus mai halakon violensia bazeia ba jeneru, ne'ebe afeta ba feto, mane no labarik sira iha ita-nia komunidade, liuhusi aprosimasaun koordenada ida ne'ebe halo parte setor oin-oin..\"",
"Sekretaria Estadu ba Apoiu no Promosaun Sosiu-Ekonomiku Feto nian lidera dezenvolvimentu Planu foun ida ne'e, ne'ebe atualiza no dezenvolve Planu uluk nian, produs iha tinan 2012, tuir introdusaun, iha tinan 2010, kona-ba Lei Kontra Violensia Domestika.",
"Sekretaria Estadu, Veneranda Lemos Martins, hateten katak Planu daudaun ne'e adota aprosimasaun partisipativa no inkluziva ida, ne'ebe inklui diskusaun ho responsavel sira husi setor Edukasaun, Saude, Solidaridade Sosial, Seguransa, Justisa, entre ministeriu sira seluk no mos ho instituisaun nasional sira, prestador servisu sira, organizasaun sira sosiedade sivil nian no parseiru sira husi dezenvolvimentu.",
"Hala'o mos sesaun sira serbisu nian, hodi konsulta ho komunidade sira, iha territoriu nasional.",
"Planu ne'e aprova ona husi Konsellu Ministrus iha loron 7 fulan-fevereiru tinan 2017 no iha pilar haat: prevensaun violensia bazeia ba jeneru; halo serbisu ba vitima sira; asesu Justisa ba vitima sira; no koordenasaun, monitorizasaun no avaliasaun husi inisiativa sira ne'ebe dezenvolve ona.",
"Halo ona definisaun ba asaun espesifika sira ba tinan lima oinmai, ba pilar ida-idak, hodi identifika responsabilidade iha Governu nia-laran no organizasaun esterna hirak ne'ebe maka sei halo kolaborasaun.",
"Kustu husi intervensaun ida-idak define ona, nune'e mos indikador espesifiku sira ne'ebe sei utiliza hodi sukat ba ninia susesu.",
"Portavos Governu, Ministru Estadu Agio Pereira, hateten katak \"libertasaun no dezenvolvimentu ita-nia nasaun nian tenke promove libertasaun no dezenvolvimentu ita hotu nian.",
"Iha individu barak iha ita-nia nasaun maka hasoru nafatin situasaun violensia nian ne'ebe ita labele simu.",
"La iha toleransia ona.",
"La kontinua tan ona.",
"Governu hakarak ezekuta ona Planu ida ne'e no ho ninia finansiamentu ne'ebe di'ak, atu, iha tempu badak, iha transformasaun ida ba hahalok sira, nune'e hodi fo apoiu ba vitima no sobrevivente sira ne'ebe presiza.",
] | [
"Government launches National Plan of Action on Gender-Based Violence \" Governo de Timor Lorosa'e Tersa, 19 janeiro2037 |"
"This is a Plan that has been developed in Timor-Leste, to respond the great (terrible) problem of Gender Based Violence."
"In view of the Government's commitment to address this problem, Prime Minister Rui Maria de Araujo has given strong support for a general objective in its National Action Plan: \"to reduce and ultimately eradicate gender-based violence affecting women men children within our communities through coordinated approaches that involve various sector..\""
"The Secretariat of State for the Socio-Economic Support and Promotion to Women is leading in developing this new Plan, which updates & builds on its predecessor from 2013 after it was introduced by a law against domestic violence."
"Secretary of State Veneranda Lemos Martins said that the Plan is now adopting a participatory and inclusive approach, which includes discussion with those responsible for educational sector (Education Department), health care services(Health Service) social solidarity/security & justice among other ministries as well national institutions service provider civil society organization' s development partners."
"Working sessions are also held to consult with communities throughout the national territory."
"The plan was approved by the Council of Ministers on 7 February and has four pillars: prevention; work for victim, access to justice as well coordination monitoring evaluation."
"Specific actions have been defined for the next five years, per pillar to identify responsibilities within government and external organizations that will collaborate."
"The cost of each intervention is defined, as are the specific indicators that will be used to measure its success."
"Government Spokesman, State Minister Agio Pereira said that \"the liberation and development of our country must promote the liberating progress for all."
"There are many individuals in our country who continue to face a situation of violence that we cannot accept."
"There is no tolerance."
"Don't continue anymore."
"The Government wants to implement this Plan now and with its adequate funding, so that in the short term there is a transformation of behaviour which will provide support for victim-survivors who need it."
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Governu kompromete kontinua esforsu minimiza COVID-19 iha Timor-Leste | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste\nVARANDA COVID-19 Governu kompromete kontinua esforsu minimiza COVID-19 iha Timor-Leste\nGovernu kompromete kontinua esforsu minimiza COVID-19 iha Timor-Leste\nDILI, 30 abríl 2021 (TATOLI)—Primeiru-Ministru, Taur Matan Ruak, hateten Governu kompromete ba Prezidente Repúblika, Francisco Guterres Lú Olo, atu kontinua esforsu hodi minimiza COVID-19 iha Timor-Leste.\n“Governu kompremete ba Prezidente Repúblika katak ita kontinua esforsu para ke COVID-19 ne’e minimiza risku ba ita-nia populasaun sira. Ho ne’e, ha’u husu mós komunidade fó mós sira-nia kontribuisaun hodi prevene COVID-19 ne’e iha Timor-Leste,” Taur Matan Ruak hateten ba jornalista sira hafaoin hala’o enkontru semanál ho Prezidente Repúblika, iha Palásiu Prezidénsia Nicolau Lobato, Bairru Pite, Dili, sesta ne’e.\nXefe Governu ne’e hateten, to’o horisehik (kinta, 29/04) Governu implementa serka sanitária ba munisípiu kuaze sanulu, menus mak Munisípiu Aileu, Manatuto no Rejiaun Administrativa Espesiál Óe-Cusse Ambeno (RAEOA).\nIda-ne’e hatudu katak evolusaun makaas liu ka númeru evolusaun afetadu COVID-19 makaas liu tanba atu besik 2000-resin no 1000-resin mak sei ativu inklui ida-ne’ebé mate ho COVID-19 ne’e na’in tolu (3) ona.\nKona-ba hapara transporte públiku, Xefe Governu hateten atu diminui konsentrasaun sira tanba Dili ne’e sai episentru no sai fatin ida ne’ebé lori moras COVID-19 ba iha fatin seluk-seluk, entaun COVID-19 ne’e iha ona nível kontajen komunitária. Ida-ne’e sai situasaun ne’ebé preokupa tebes.\n“Tanba ne’e, klaru ke Governu haree halo oinsá mak kontinua fleksibiliza tanba ita mós iha momentu ne’ebé difísil liuliu família sira oinsá rekupera hosi dezastre naturál ne’e no ita mós kontinua fó ita-nia kontribuisaun ba kombate COVID-19. Dalan úniku mak la’o tuir protokolu Ministériu Saúde (MS) no Organizasaun Mundiál Saúde (OMS) nian,” PM hateten.\nAleinde ida-ne’e, Xefe Governu mós hateten kestaun seluk kona-ba afetadu COVID-19 iha konfinamentu domisiliáriu ne’e ba Prezidente Repúblika no Prezidente Repúblika nia ejizénsia mak desizaun halo konfinamentu ne’e di’ak no kapaas maibé kapaas liu bainhira polísia implementa medida sira-ne’e.\n“Entaun, ha’u hanesan Primeiru-Ministru no mós Ministru Interiór (MI), fó instrusaun ba Vise-Ministru Interiór para kontinua halo diskusaun ho sala situasaun ho Polísia Nasionál Timor-Leste (PNTL) no implementa para reforsa iha sidadaun nia-leet no iha fatin-fatin ne’ebé sei serka sanitária hela,” PM Taur hateten.\nHo situasaun hirak ne’e, ohin, Xefe Governu informa ba Prezidente Repúblika no Xefe Estadu kontinua husu ba Governu para tau-matan ba sidadaun sira no mós oinsá mak kontrola ba evolusaun COVID-19 iha Timor-Leste.\nGovernu kompremete PR atu kontinua esforsu minimiza COVID-19\nPrevious articleProsesu harii edifísiu própriu PN tama iha faze estudu no dezeñu\nNext articlePNTL detein pasiente na’in-haat baku médiku iha izolamentu Tasi-tolu | [
"Governu kompromete kontinua esforsu minimiza COVID-19 iha Timor-Leste | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA COVID-19 Governu kompromete kontinua esforsu minimiza COVID-19 iha Timor-Leste Governu kompromete kontinua esforsu minimiza COVID-19 iha Timor-Leste DILI, 30 abril 2021 (TATOLI) - Primeiru-Ministru, Taur Matan Ruak, hateten Governu kompromete ba Prezidente Republika, Francisco Guterres Lu Olo, atu kontinua esforsu hodi minimiza COVID-19 iha Timor-Leste.",
"\"Governu kompremete ba Prezidente Republika katak ita kontinua esforsu para ke COVID-19 ne'e minimiza risku ba ita-nia populasaun sira.",
"Ho ne'e, ha'u husu mos komunidade fo mos sira-nia kontribuisaun hodi prevene COVID-19 ne'e iha Timor-Leste,\" Taur Matan Ruak hateten ba jornalista sira hafaoin hala'o enkontru semanal ho Prezidente Republika, iha Palasiu Prezidensia Nicolau Lobato, Bairru Pite, Dili, sesta ne'e.",
"Xefe Governu ne'e hateten, to'o horisehik (kinta, 29/04) Governu implementa serka sanitaria ba munisipiu kuaze sanulu, menus mak Munisipiu Aileu, Manatuto no Rejiaun Administrativa Espesial Oe-Cusse Ambeno (RAEOA).",
"Ida-ne'e hatudu katak evolusaun makaas liu ka numeru evolusaun afetadu COVID-19 makaas liu tanba atu besik 2000-resin no 1000-resin mak sei ativu inklui ida-ne'ebe mate ho COVID-19 ne'e na'in tolu (3) ona.",
"Kona-ba hapara transporte publiku, Xefe Governu hateten atu diminui konsentrasaun sira tanba Dili ne'e sai episentru no sai fatin ida ne'ebe lori moras COVID-19 ba iha fatin seluk-seluk, entaun COVID-19 ne'e iha ona nivel kontajen komunitaria.",
"Ida-ne'e sai situasaun ne'ebe preokupa tebes.",
"\"Tanba ne'e, klaru ke Governu haree halo oinsa mak kontinua fleksibiliza tanba ita mos iha momentu ne'ebe difisil liuliu familia sira oinsa rekupera hosi dezastre natural ne'e no ita mos kontinua fo ita-nia kontribuisaun ba kombate COVID-19.",
"Dalan uniku mak la'o tuir protokolu Ministeriu Saude (MS) no Organizasaun Mundial Saude (OMS) nian,\" PM hateten.",
"Aleinde ida-ne'e, Xefe Governu mos hateten kestaun seluk kona-ba afetadu COVID-19 iha konfinamentu domisiliariu ne'e ba Prezidente Republika no Prezidente Republika nia ejizensia mak desizaun halo konfinamentu ne'e di'ak no kapaas maibe kapaas liu bainhira polisia implementa medida sira-ne'e.",
"\"Entaun, ha'u hanesan Primeiru-Ministru no mos Ministru Interior (MI), fo instrusaun ba Vise-Ministru Interior para kontinua halo diskusaun ho sala situasaun ho Polisia Nasional Timor-Leste (PNTL) no implementa para reforsa iha sidadaun nia-leet no iha fatin-fatin ne'ebe sei serka sanitaria hela,\" PM Taur hateten.",
"Ho situasaun hirak ne'e, ohin, Xefe Governu informa ba Prezidente Republika no Xefe Estadu kontinua husu ba Governu para tau-matan ba sidadaun sira no mos oinsa mak kontrola ba evolusaun COVID-19 iha Timor-Leste.",
"Governu kompremete PR atu kontinua esforsu minimiza COVID-19 Previous articleProsesu harii edifisiu propriu PN tama iha faze estudu no dezenu Next articlePNTL detein pasiente na'in-haat baku mediku iha izolamentu Tasi-tolu"
] | [
"Government commits to continue efforts minimize COVID-19 in Timor Leste | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timór Leste VARANDA Covid -20 The government is committed continuing its effort minimising the spread of coronavirus (COVID) and prevent it from recurring. Prime Minister Taur Matan Ruak has said that he pledged his continued support for President Francisco Guterres Lu Olo, who will keep on working hard towards reducing cases with this disease at home as a result"
"\"The government commits to the President of Republic that we will continue our efforts so as COVID-19 minimizes risk for its population."
"Therefore, I also ask the community to make their contribution in preventing this COVID-19 on Timor Leste\", Taur Matan Ruak told journalists after holding a weekly meeting with President of Republic at Nicolau Lobato Presidency Palace."
"The Head of Government said, until today (Tuesday 29/04) the government has implemented a sanitary curfew in almost eleven municipalities except Aileu Municipality and Manatuto. Oe-Cusse Ambeno special administrative region is not among those areas that have been affecting by this measures as it was only one district which had to be closed for public transportation since Monday morning on Thursday night"
"This indicates that the higher evolution or number of COVID-19 affected developments is greater because there will be nearly 2,054 and more than a thousand active cases including three (3) who have died with this coronavirus."
"Regarding stopping public transport, the Head of Government said to reduce concentrations because Dili has become an epicentre and a place that carries COVID-19 diseases elsewhere. Therefore this is already at community level infection levels:"
"This is a very worrying situation."
"\"Therefore, it is clear that the Government sees how to continue flexibility because we are also in a difficult moment especially for families as they recover from this natural disaster. We will keep making our contribution towards combating COVID-19.\""
"The only way is to follow the protocols of Ministry (MS) and World Health Organization(WHO),\" PM said."
"In addition to this, the Head of Government also said that other issues concerning COVID-19 affected in home quarantine were referred for consideration by President da República and it was his authority which decided on a good confinement but more effective when police implement these measures."
"\"Therefore, I as Prime Minister and also Interior (MI), instruct the Vice-Minister of Internal Affairs to continue discussing with Timorese National Police about this situation. We will implement measures for strengthening security at citizens' homes where they are under quarantine.\""
"With these situations, today the Head of Government informed to President and Chief Minister continue asking government for protection against citizens' health risk. Also how can we control COVID-19 evolution on Timor Leste?"
"Previous articleProcess of building PN's own edifice entered the study and design phase Next artikelPNTL detain seven patients who had medical treatment at Tasi-tolu isolation facility"
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TIMOR DOBEN FURAK: A VOZ DA LIBERTAÇÃO: 07/17/11\nFH: Prof Jeffrey Sachs Husu Timor-Leste Diversifika nia Fundus\nEletrecidade: Investimentu bot no ninia beneficius ekonomikas no sosiais ba Povu Timor-Leste\nDili. Iha TLDPM ba loron tolu (3), iha sesaun round table sira ne’be maka diskuti ba sektores sira hanesan, Sosial (edukasaun no saude), Banku no Finansas e seluk maka infra-estruturas. Iha parte ne’ebe maka sai hanesan foku maka Infraestruturas. Mos iha haksesuk malu iha parte ida ne’e, husi parceirus no liliu husi sosiedade civil sira, kestiona liu konaba osan ka orcamento ne’ebe bot eletrecidades, maibe ninia retornu ka impaktu ba populasaun la iha.\nHatan ba preokupasaun no kritikas sira ne’e, Sekretariu Estadu Agua, Eletrecidade, saneamentu no Urbanizasaun (SEAESU) Januario Pereira katak “Osan ne’ebe bot tau iha infraestruturas, sei hetan beneficius ekonomikas no sosiais ba Timor-Leste”. Hatutan SEAESU,” atu desenvolve industria bne’ebe deit, eletrecidade ka ahi ne’e infraestrutruas bazikas ne’ebe importante ba aranka qualquer infraestruturas ekonomikas no sosiais”.\nArgumento SEAESU, Januario Pereira, ”atu harii fabrika, prezisa iha Ahi, atu komerciu no industria kiik sira hahu prezisa eletrecidades no atu harii eskola no parendizajen lao normal prezisa eletrecidades, no mos atu atendimentu iah Hospitais lao ho diak prezisa eletrecidades”. Hatutan Januario Pereira,” eletrecidade ne’e investimentu ne’ebe bot no osan mos bot, tanba ninia impaktus ekonomikas no sosiais”. Sosiais tanba sei hadia moris povu nia moris, hasae sira nia qualidade moris ka Bem Star ba ita nia populasaun. Benefisius ekonomikas, tanba ho eletrecidades roda ekonomika nian bele lao ho diak no fo beneficius ba estadu no ba komunidades, defende Januario Pereira, SEAESU.\nIha PEDN, iha pilares 3 maka sai hanesan perioridades: desenvolvimentu humanus; desenvolvimentu infraestrutruas no desenvolvimentu ekonomika. Iha desenvolvimentu infraestrutruas, eletrefikasaun nudar komponente infraestruturas ekonomika bazikas ne’ebe maka tau hanesan perioridade. Oras ne’e dadaun Governu harii dadaun Central elektrika rua ho Power Plant, ida iha Hera, Dili ho 120 Mwt nebe sei lakan iha fulan Novembru tinan ida ne’e. No central eletria seluk iah Betano, Same ho 130 Mwt, ne’ebe tuir planu sei lakan iha tinan 2012 nia rohan!\nPosted by TIMOR DOBEN FURAK at 17:51\nFH: Prof Jeffrey Sachs Husu Timor-Leste Diversifik...\nEletrecidade: Investimentu bot no ninia beneficius... | [
"TIMOR DOBEN FURAK: A VOZ DA LIBERTACAO: 07/17/11 FH: Prof Jeffrey Sachs Husu Timor-Leste Diversifika nia Fundus Eletrecidade: Investimentu bot no ninia beneficius ekonomikas no sosiais ba Povu Timor-Leste Dili.",
"Iha TLDPM ba loron tolu (3), iha sesaun round table sira ne'be maka diskuti ba sektores sira hanesan, Sosial (edukasaun no saude), Banku no Finansas e seluk maka infra-estruturas.",
"Iha parte ne'ebe maka sai hanesan foku maka Infraestruturas.",
"Mos iha haksesuk malu iha parte ida ne'e, husi parceirus no liliu husi sosiedade civil sira, kestiona liu konaba osan ka orcamento ne'ebe bot eletrecidades, maibe ninia retornu ka impaktu ba populasaun la iha.",
"Hatan ba preokupasaun no kritikas sira ne'e, Sekretariu Estadu Agua, Eletrecidade, saneamentu no Urbanizasaun (SEAESU) Januario Pereira katak \"Osan ne'ebe bot tau iha infraestruturas, sei hetan beneficius ekonomikas no sosiais ba Timor-Leste.\"",
"Hatutan SEAESU,\" atu desenvolve industria bne'ebe deit, eletrecidade ka ahi ne'e infraestrutruas bazikas ne'ebe importante ba aranka qualquer infraestruturas ekonomikas no sosiais.\"",
"Argumento SEAESU, Januario Pereira, \"atu harii fabrika, prezisa iha Ahi, atu komerciu no industria kiik sira hahu prezisa eletrecidades no atu harii eskola no parendizajen lao normal prezisa eletrecidades, no mos atu atendimentu iah Hospitais lao ho diak prezisa eletrecidades.\"",
"Hatutan Januario Pereira,\" eletrecidade ne'e investimentu ne'ebe bot no osan mos bot, tanba ninia impaktus ekonomikas no sosiais.\"",
"Sosiais tanba sei hadia moris povu nia moris, hasae sira nia qualidade moris ka Bem Star ba ita nia populasaun.",
"Benefisius ekonomikas, tanba ho eletrecidades roda ekonomika nian bele lao ho diak no fo beneficius ba estadu no ba komunidades, defende Januario Pereira, SEAESU.",
"Iha PEDN, iha pilares 3 maka sai hanesan perioridades: desenvolvimentu humanus; desenvolvimentu infraestrutruas no desenvolvimentu ekonomika.",
"Iha desenvolvimentu infraestrutruas, eletrefikasaun nudar komponente infraestruturas ekonomika bazikas ne'ebe maka tau hanesan perioridade.",
"Oras ne'e dadaun Governu harii dadaun Central elektrika rua ho Power Plant, ida iha Hera, Dili ho 120 Mwt nebe sei lakan iha fulan Novembru tinan ida ne'e.",
"No central eletria seluk iah Betano, Same ho 130 Mwt, ne'ebe tuir planu sei lakan iha tinan 2012 nia rohan!",
"Posted by TIMOR DOBEN FURAK at 17:51 FH: Prof Jeffrey Sachs Husu Timor-Leste Diversifik...",
"Eletrecidade: Investimentu bot no ninia beneficius..."
] | [
"TIMOR DOBEN FURAK: A VOZ DA LIBERTACAO, Timor-Leste's Voice for Freedom and Democracy 07/18 /25 FH Prof Jeffrey Sachse Urges East of the River Diversify Electricity Funding - Investment Bot And Its Economic & Social Benefits For The People Of West."
"In the three-day (3) TLDPM, there were round table sessions that discussed sectoral issues such as Social Affairs(Education and Health), Banking & Finance; Infrastructure."
"There is a part that has emerged as the focus of Infrastructures."
"There is no mutual agreement in this area, from the partners and especially civil society questions more about money or orcamento that gets electricity but its return of impact on population."
"Responding to these concerns and criticism, State Secretary of Water Supply Electricity Sanitation Urbanization (SEAESU) Januario Pereira said that \"The money put into infrastructure will have economical benefits for Timor-Leste.\""
"According to SEAESU, \"to develop a single-industry economy the electricity or fire are basic infrastructures which is important for any economic and social development.\""
"Argument SEAESU, Januario Pereira: \"to build factories requires in Ahi that the small trade and industry begin to need electricity; schooling needs electricity for normal work of educational establishments. Hospital care also must have electrical power.\""
"According to Januario Pereira, \"electricity is a costly investment and it costs money because of its economical impacts.\""
"Social because it will improve the lives of our people, raise their quality life or well-being for us."
"Economic benefits, because with electricity the wheel of economy can work well and give beneficies to both state & communities,” says Januario Pereira SEAESU."
"In the SDG, there are 3 pillars that emerge as priorities: human development; infrastructural and economic growth."
"In infrastructure development, electrification as a component of basic economic infrastructural is given priority."
"The Government is currently building two electric power stations with a Power Plant, one in Hera (Dili) at the capacity of120 Mwt which will be launched this November."
"In the other power plant is Betano, Same with 130 Mwt which according to plan will be shut down in year!"
"FH: Prof Jeffrey Sachs Husu Timor-Leste Diversifik... Posted by TIMOR DOBEN FURAK at 17,50 PM No comments"
"Electricity: Investment bot and its benefits..."
] |
Atentadu sira iha Sri Lanka halo pelumenus ema na'in 257 mate - Notícias SAPO - SAPO Notícias\nPájina aktualizada iha 11:03h, segunda-feira 06 Jullu\nAtentadu sira iha Sri Lanka halo pelumenus ema na'in 257 mate\n02 de Maio de 2019, 20:49\nAtake sira ne'ebé akontese iha loron-domingu Páskoa iha Sri Lanka halo ona ema na'in 257 mate, haktuir hosi balansu foun ne'ebé fó sai iha loron-kinta ne'e hosi autoridade sira, ne'ebé alerta ona katak númeru sira ne'e bele aumenta.\n"Saldu agora maka ema na'in 257 mate", hatete hosi diretor-jeral hosi serbisu saúde nian, Anil Jasinghe, ba ajénsia notísia franseza AFP.\nBalansu anterior hosi autoridade singalés sira hatudu ba na'in 253.\n"Aumentu ne'e akontese tanba mate sira iha ospital sira. Iha mós parte hosi mate-isin sira, nune'e hamutuk ona na'in 257" maka mate, hatutan hosi Jasinghe.\nSri Lanka anunsia ona iha loron hirak liubá katak identifika ona sidadaun estranjeiru na'in 42 entre vítima mortal sira. Entre ema estranjeiru sira ne'ebé mate iha mós portugés na'in ida ne'ebé hosi Viseu.\nEma estranjeiru sira seluk ne'ebé seidauk hetan no karik bele halo parte iha mate-isin sira ne'ebé seidauk identifika iha morgue iha Colombo, hatete hosi Ministériu Negósiu Estranjeiru iha komunikadu ida ne'ebé publika iha loron-segunda kalan.\nTuir balansu, ema na'in 496 ne'ebé kanek lori ba ospital, na'in 47 sei hetan tratamentu hela (na'in 12 iha kuidadu intensivu nian). | [
"Atentadu sira iha Sri Lanka halo pelumenus ema na'in 257 mate - Noticias SAPO - SAPO Noticias Pajina aktualizada iha 11:03h, segunda-feira 06 Jullu Atentadu sira iha Sri Lanka halo pelumenus ema na'in 257 mate 02 de Maio de 2019, 20:49 Atake sira ne'ebe akontese iha loron-domingu Paskoa iha Sri Lanka halo ona ema na'in 257 mate, haktuir hosi balansu foun ne'ebe fo sai iha loron-kinta ne'e hosi autoridade sira, ne'ebe alerta ona katak numeru sira ne'e bele aumenta.",
"\"Saldu agora maka ema na'in 257 mate,\" hatete hosi diretor-jeral hosi serbisu saude nian, Anil Jasinghe, ba ajensia notisia franseza AFP.",
"Balansu anterior hosi autoridade singales sira hatudu ba na'in 253.",
"\"Aumentu ne'e akontese tanba mate sira iha ospital sira.",
"Iha mos parte hosi mate-isin sira, nune'e hamutuk ona na'in 257\" maka mate, hatutan hosi Jasinghe.",
"Sri Lanka anunsia ona iha loron hirak liuba katak identifika ona sidadaun estranjeiru na'in 42 entre vitima mortal sira.",
"Entre ema estranjeiru sira ne'ebe mate iha mos portuges na'in ida ne'ebe hosi Viseu.",
"Ema estranjeiru sira seluk ne'ebe seidauk hetan no karik bele halo parte iha mate-isin sira ne'ebe seidauk identifika iha morgue iha Colombo, hatete hosi Ministeriu Negosiu Estranjeiru iha komunikadu ida ne'ebe publika iha loron-segunda kalan.",
"Tuir balansu, ema na'in 496 ne'ebe kanek lori ba ospital, na'in 47 sei hetan tratamentu hela (na'in 12 iha kuidadu intensivu nian)."
] | [
"At least 257 killed in attacks on Easter Sunday - News SAPO Latest news updated at: Monday, July (06) Attentats à Sri Lanka tuent au moins de143 personnes Le dernier bilan des attaques sur l'Easter Day en Colombie a été publié jeudi par les autorités qui ont prévenu que le nombre d’assassinats pourrait augmenter."
"\"The total number of deaths is now 257,\" the director general for health services Anil Jasinghe told AFP."
"The previous balance by the Singhalese authorities showed 253."
"\"This increase is due to deaths in hospitals."
"There are also some dead bodies, bringing the total to 257\", Jasinghe said."
"Sri Lanka announced in recent days that it had identified 42 foreign nationals among the dead."
"Among the foreigners who died was a Portuguese man from Viseu."
"Other foreigners who have not been found and may be part of the unidentified bodies at a morgue in Colombo were also identified, said Foreign Affairs Ministry spokeswoman Manoj Kumara on Monday evening."
"According to the balance, 496 people were wounded and taken into hospitals. Of these patients (12 in intensive care) there are currently only about fourty-seven who will be treated at home or on a medical facility for treatment of injuries sustained during this tragic accident that took place last week' s evening around midnight local time"
] |
Tama Natal Dili Nakfila Fatin Lixu – STL Online\nTama Natal Dili Nakfila Fatin Lixu\nDILI-Loron Natal 24-25 Sidade Dili nakfila fatin lixu, tanba lixu naklekara iha fatin-fatin. Liuliu husi area Largo Lesidere no dalan ninin sira nakonu ho lixu, tanba komunidade sira neebe laiha konsensia soe lixu arbiru.\nTuir Sebastiano da Silva nuudar juven hateten tempu natal Kapital Dili nia furak laiha, Sidade Dili nakfila fatin lixu, tanba komunidade kontinua soe lixu iha fatin arbiru.\nIta haree Kapital Dili nuudar sidade boot maibe haree tempu loron boot natal hanesan nee nia furak lakon nakfila ba fatin lixu,”hateten Sebastiano ba STL iha Largo Lesidere (25/12/2017).\nNia dehan nasaun sira seluk kuandu loron boot ema nia sidade mos no furak, maibe Nasaun Timor-Leste kuandu loron boot ema hotu laservisu entaun sidade Dili sai fatin lixu, fo imazen ladiak ba publiku.\nIta haree iha Largo Lesidere no dalan ninin husi tasi tolu too mai Bidau sente laos kapital maibe sai fali area rural, tanba lixu namkari iha fatin-fatin, halo Dili nia furak laiha liu,”hateten Sebastiano.\nNee duni, liu husi oportunidade ida nee hau sujere ba governu kuandu loron boot ekipa saniamentu troka malu kontinua dasa foer sira nee, tanba uanhira sira deskansa foer kontinua nakonu iha sidade laran.\nIha fatin hanesan Carmelita dos Santos nuudar juven dehan, Sidade Dili sente hanesan fali area ruras sira, tanba lixu namkari iha fatin hotu-hotu, sente laos Sidade Dili, imazen Dili lafurak hanesan loron bai-bain.\nIta haree sidade Dili hanesan iha foho, tanba ita haree loron Natal sente Dili sai fali fatin lixu, tanba lixu soe iha fatin-fatin, laos iha fatin ida deit maibe iha fatin horu-hotu lixu maka nakonu,” dehan Carmelita.\nNia dehan tuir lolos Natal Sidade Dili rame liu fali munisipiu sira seluk, maibe laiha sidade Dili nakfila sai fatin lixu, tanba nee husu ba governu kuandu tempu natal tenke tau matan ba saniamentu atu kontinu hamos Dili laran.\nTuir Observasaun neebe STL haree iha ternu katak Iha Dia 24 to 25 nomos 26 sidade Dili husi tasi tolu too mai Bidau lixu kontinua namkari iha dalan ninin, sente sidade dili nia furak la hanesan loron bai-bain. Jeniche da Costa\nPrevious article Dom Virgilio: Natal Loron Ksolok, Soe Hahalok Aat, 50 Simu Jesus\nNext article Polisia Koloka Efetivus 300 Asegura Missa Natal\n12 days ago9:28\n26 days ago9:17 | [
"Tama Natal Dili Nakfila Fatin Lixu - STL Online Tama Natal Dili Nakfila Fatin Lixu DILI-Loron Natal 24-25 Sidade Dili nakfila fatin lixu, tanba lixu naklekara iha fatin-fatin.",
"Liuliu husi area Largo Lesidere no dalan ninin sira nakonu ho lixu, tanba komunidade sira neebe laiha konsensia soe lixu arbiru.",
"Tuir Sebastiano da Silva nuudar juven hateten tempu natal Kapital Dili nia furak laiha, Sidade Dili nakfila fatin lixu, tanba komunidade kontinua soe lixu iha fatin arbiru.",
"Ita haree Kapital Dili nuudar sidade boot maibe haree tempu loron boot natal hanesan nee nia furak lakon nakfila ba fatin lixu,\"hateten Sebastiano ba STL iha Largo Lesidere (25/12/2017).",
"Nia dehan nasaun sira seluk kuandu loron boot ema nia sidade mos no furak, maibe Nasaun Timor-Leste kuandu loron boot ema hotu laservisu entaun sidade Dili sai fatin lixu, fo imazen ladiak ba publiku.",
"Ita haree iha Largo Lesidere no dalan ninin husi tasi tolu too mai Bidau sente laos kapital maibe sai fali area rural, tanba lixu namkari iha fatin-fatin, halo Dili nia furak laiha liu,\"hateten Sebastiano.",
"Nee duni, liu husi oportunidade ida nee hau sujere ba governu kuandu loron boot ekipa saniamentu troka malu kontinua dasa foer sira nee, tanba uanhira sira deskansa foer kontinua nakonu iha sidade laran.",
"Iha fatin hanesan Carmelita dos Santos nuudar juven dehan, Sidade Dili sente hanesan fali area ruras sira, tanba lixu namkari iha fatin hotu-hotu, sente laos Sidade Dili, imazen Dili lafurak hanesan loron bai-bain.",
"Ita haree sidade Dili hanesan iha foho, tanba ita haree loron Natal sente Dili sai fali fatin lixu, tanba lixu soe iha fatin-fatin, laos iha fatin ida deit maibe iha fatin horu-hotu lixu maka nakonu,\" dehan Carmelita.",
"Nia dehan tuir lolos Natal Sidade Dili rame liu fali munisipiu sira seluk, maibe laiha sidade Dili nakfila sai fatin lixu, tanba nee husu ba governu kuandu tempu natal tenke tau matan ba saniamentu atu kontinu hamos Dili laran.",
"Tuir Observasaun neebe STL haree iha ternu katak Iha Dia 24 to 25 nomos 26 sidade Dili husi tasi tolu too mai Bidau lixu kontinua namkari iha dalan ninin, sente sidade dili nia furak la hanesan loron bai-bain.",
"Jeniche da Costa Previous article Dom Virgilio: Natal Loron Ksolok, Soe Hahalok Aat, 50 Simu Jesus Next article Polisia Koloka Efetivus 300 Asegura Missa Natal 12 days ago9:28 26 days ago9:17"
] | [
"Christmas Dili Nakfila Fatin Lixu - STL Online christmas dili nakfil fating lixo DILI-On the day of Christ, December24th and January1st city will clean up trash cans because garbage is accumulated in homes."
"Liuliu from Largo Lesidere area and the surrounding streets are filled with garbage, because community members without conscience throw it away."
"According to Sebastiano da Silva, a young man who said that during the Christmas season Dili’s capital has no furak. The city of Diu is filling its trash bin because people continue throwing their waste in open space and it makes them feel like they are not being treated properly by local authorities or municipality officials elsewhere on Timor-Leste.”"
"We see the capital Dili as a big city but when we look at Christmas time like this, its furak is lost and it goes to garbage,” Sebastiano told STL in Largo Lesidere (25/13 07)."
"He said that in other countries when people celebrate their city is also not beautiful, but Timor-Leste nation on the big day everyone laservisu so Dili becomes a trash place and gives bad image to public."
"We see in Largo Lesidere and on the road from three seas to Bidau that it feels like not capital but rural area, because trash accumulates at homes making Dili' s furak less than ever before\", said Sebastiano."
"However, through this opportunity I suggest to the government that when there is a big day sanitation teams take turns continuing dealing with these waste items because after they have relaxed it continue clogging up in town."
"In turn, Carmelita dos Santos as a young woman said that Dili City feels like the rubbish areas because trash is everywhere. She felt it wasn’t city of dili and its image laughed out loud on day-bain days in dili city"
"We see the city of Dili like in a desert, because on Christmas Day we feel that it has become another garbage dump. It is filled with trash everywhere; not just one place but all over town,” said Carmelita.”"
"He said that during Christmas Dili City is more crowded than other municipalities, but no city of Delhi has become a garbage dump. Therefore he asked the government to take care about sanitation in order continuously clean up within town when it’s christmas time:"
"According to STL's observation in the area, on 24th and at least until about noon of Monday (19/03) Dili city from all three sides was filled with trash. The litter continued flooding down these street; it felt like today is not a good day for dili City as usual!"
"Jeniche da Costa Previous article Dom Virgilio: Natal Loron Ksolok, Soe Hahalok Aat 50 Simu Jesus Next Article Polisia Koloka Efetivus (Police Effectiveness) of the Christmas Mass is about to be completed."
] |
Governu hakotu KOJ iha Díli, mantein SS iha Munisípiu haat - GMN TV\nGMN TV Politika Governu hakotu KOJ iha Díli, mantein SS iha Munisípiu haat\nGovernu hakotu KOJ iha Díli, mantein SS iha Munisípiu haat\nGovernu liu husi Konsellu Ministru (KM) deside ona hakotu medida Konfinamentu Obrigatóriu Jerál (KOJ), iha Munisípiu Díli.\nDesizaun ne’e deside, hafoin análiza aprezentasaun husi pontu situasaun Sentru Integradu Jestaun Krize (SIJK), kona-ba situasaun COVID-19 iha Timor-Leste. Tanba ne’e, atividade hanesan missa, transporte públiku (bemo, taxi, anguna, bus), loja sira reativa fila-fali, restaurante no selu-seluk tan.\n“Atu dehan katak, bainhira rezolusaun ba konfinamentu obrigatóriu vijente ne’e kaduka aban-kalan, sei la estende tan,” hatete, Ministru Prezidénsia Konsellu Ministru, Fidelis Manuel Leite Magalhães, Kuarta (08/09), iha Ministériu Finansa, Aitarak-Laran, Díli.\nGovernu mós konsidera fila-fali sidadaun ne’ebé kompleta ona vasina doze dahuluk no daruak, bele movimentu tama sai Munisípiu livre, la presiza teste rastreiu.\n“Ne’ebé ha’u repete klaru ba ita-boot sira katak, como laiha ona konfinamentu, ne’ebé régra hanesan régra anterior katak, vasina dala-rua bele ba-mai, bele hakúr baliza sira Serka Sanitária nian maka vigora fali ona,” informa governante ne’e.\nGovernu mós rekomenda sidadaun hotu nafatin kumpri rekomendasaun sira ne’ebé, fó sai ona husi Ministériu Saúde (MS) no Organizasaun Mundiál Saúde (OMS), ba prevensaun no kombate corona virus.\nEvita halibur malu, mantein distansiamentu sosiál, uza máskara, karik komunidade halibur malu mak, “PNTL sei ba fó hanoin ita-boot sira atu bele kumpri nafatin protokolu saúde” apela.\nMesmu hakotu ona Konfinamentu Obrigatóriu, maibé autoridade seguransa nafatin kontinua ho sira-nia servisu, nune’e hodi fó hanoin, bele impoen nafatin regra, ba sidadaun sira kumpri protokolu saúde.\nAlénde ne’e mós atividade prezensiál husi ensinu báziku to’o ensinu superior sei kontinua suspende.\nMantein SS iha Munisípiu haat\nKonsellu Ministru mós mantein medida Serka Sanitária iha Munisípiu Díli, Baucau, Covalima no Ermera, to’o loron 22, fulan Setembru, tuku 23:00 oras Timor-Leste.\nNo hakotu mós medida SS iha suku Naimeco, Sub-rejiaun Pante Makasar, Suku Bobometo, Sub-rejiaun Oesilo, Rejiaun Autónomu Espesiál Oecusse Ambeno (RAEOA), iha tuku 23:59, loron 8, fulan Setembru ne’e.\nBa Munisípiu Manufahi, la sofre alterasaun ruma, nune’e mantein SS ne’ebé antes ne’e aplika, to’o termina iha loron 15, fulan ne’e.Ags | [
"Governu hakotu KOJ iha Dili, mantein SS iha Munisipiu haat - GMN TV GMN TV Politika Governu hakotu KOJ iha Dili, mantein SS iha Munisipiu haat Governu hakotu KOJ iha Dili, mantein SS iha Munisipiu haat Governu liu husi Konsellu Ministru (KM) deside ona hakotu medida Konfinamentu Obrigatoriu Jeral (KOJ), iha Munisipiu Dili.",
"Desizaun ne'e deside, hafoin analiza aprezentasaun husi pontu situasaun Sentru Integradu Jestaun Krize (SIJK), kona-ba situasaun COVID-19 iha Timor-Leste.",
"Tanba ne'e, atividade hanesan missa, transporte publiku (bemo, taxi, anguna, bus), loja sira reativa fila-fali, restaurante no selu-seluk tan.",
"\"Atu dehan katak, bainhira rezolusaun ba konfinamentu obrigatoriu vijente ne'e kaduka aban-kalan, sei la estende tan,\" hatete, Ministru Prezidensia Konsellu Ministru, Fidelis Manuel Leite Magalhaes, Kuarta (08/09), iha Ministeriu Finansa, Aitarak-Laran, Dili.",
"Governu mos konsidera fila-fali sidadaun ne'ebe kompleta ona vasina doze dahuluk no daruak, bele movimentu tama sai Munisipiu livre, la presiza teste rastreiu.",
"\"Ne'ebe ha'u repete klaru ba ita-boot sira katak, como laiha ona konfinamentu, ne'ebe regra hanesan regra anterior katak, vasina dala-rua bele ba-mai, bele hakur baliza sira Serka Sanitaria nian maka vigora fali ona,\" informa governante ne'e.",
"Governu mos rekomenda sidadaun hotu nafatin kumpri rekomendasaun sira ne'ebe, fo sai ona husi Ministeriu Saude (MS) no Organizasaun Mundial Saude (OMS), ba prevensaun no kombate corona virus.",
"Evita halibur malu, mantein distansiamentu sosial, uza maskara, karik komunidade halibur malu mak, \"PNTL sei ba fo hanoin ita-boot sira atu bele kumpri nafatin protokolu saude\" apela.",
"Mesmu hakotu ona Konfinamentu Obrigatoriu, maibe autoridade seguransa nafatin kontinua ho sira-nia servisu, nune'e hodi fo hanoin, bele impoen nafatin regra, ba sidadaun sira kumpri protokolu saude.",
"Alende ne'e mos atividade prezensial husi ensinu baziku to'o ensinu superior sei kontinua suspende.",
"Mantein SS iha Munisipiu haat Konsellu Ministru mos mantein medida Serka Sanitaria iha Munisipiu Dili, Baucau, Covalima no Ermera, to'o loron 22, fulan Setembru, tuku 23:00 oras Timor-Leste.",
"No hakotu mos medida SS iha suku Naimeco, Sub-rejiaun Pante Makasar, Suku Bobometo, Sub-rejiaun Oesilo, Rejiaun Autonomu Espesial Oecusse Ambeno (RAEOA), iha tuku 23:59, loron 8, fulan Setembru ne'e.",
"Ba Munisipiu Manufahi, la sofre alterasaun ruma, nune'e mantein SS ne'ebe antes ne'e aplika, to'o termina iha loron 15, fulan ne'e.Ags"
] | [
"Government ends Compulsory General Lockdown (KOJ) measure in Dili, maintaining S.S on four Municipalities - GMN TV Politika The government has decided to terminate the general mandatory confinement of people living outside their homes and establishing a comprehensive lockdown for all residential areas within one month from its commencement by Council Of Minister(CM)."
"The decision was taken after analysing the presentation of a situation report by Integrated Crisis Management Centre (SIJK) on COVID-19 in Timor Leste."
"Therefore, activities such as mass and public transportation (bemo-taxi), shops reopened once again; restaurants closed for a few days."
"\"To say that, when the resolution for mandatory confinement in force expires tomorrow it will not be extended anymore\", said Minister of Cabinet Presidency Fidelis Manuel Leite Magalhaes on Thursday (08/19), at Ministry Finance's office."
"The government also considers once again citizens who have completed the first and second dose of vaccination, can move into or out Municipality freely."
"\"What I repeat clearly to you is that, since there's no longer any confinement and the rules are as they were before - two doses of vaccine can be taken in-and out. The Serka Sanitaria badges will come into force again\", said this governor.\""
"The Government also recommends that all citizens continue to comply with the guidelines issued by Ministry of Health (MS) and WorldHealth Organization(WHO), for prevention & controlling corona virus."
"Avoid gatherings, maintain social distancing and wear masks. If the community is meeting together \"PNTL will go to remind you all of us that we must comply with health protocol\" he appealed :"
"Even though the Mandatory Lockdown has been lifted, security authorities continue with their work in order to remind and enforce rules for citizens comply health protocols."
"Furthermore, the presence activity from primary to higher education will continue suspended."
"The Council of Ministers has also maintained the Serka Sanitaria measure in Dili, Baucau and Ermera Municipalities until September 23rd (10 p.m)."
"The SS measure was also terminated in the Naimeco village, Pante Makasar sub-region and Bobometo township of Oesilo Sub region (Oecusse Ambeno Special Autonomous Region), on Sept."
"For the Municipality of Manufahi, there is no change in terms and conditions. The SS that was previously applied will be maintained until it ends on May15th this month (Aggs)."
] |
Organizasaun 7 Hetan Fundus ETCAS\nDILI-Governu Australia liu husi programa asistensia governu Australia ka AusAID, sesta 17/2 oferese fundus liu husi programa fundus ki’ik ETCAS (East Timor Community Assistance Scheme) ho montante $199.000 ba organizasaun 7 hodi siklu eleisaun presidensial no parlamentar iha iha tinan 2012.\nDili Sai Paraizu Ba Lixu\n15 Febreiru 2012\nDILI-Komunidade wain laran triste hodi hare ba Sidade Dili nia oin. Prezidenti da republika modifika Sidade Dili atu sai Sidade ba Paz no sidade neebe mos liu maibe kontradis tebes. Ohin loron, Dili sai paraixu ba lixu tanba komunidade wain la iha konsiensia hodi soe foer arbiru no orna Sidade Dili sai lixu fatin neebe hamout “Dili Sidade Ba Paz”.\nSEFOPE Haruka Tan Trabaliador Nain 5 ba Korea\nDILI-Sekretariu do Estadu Formação Professional no Emprego (SEFOPE) Bendito Freitas, Segunda (06/02), halo serimonia despedida ho trabaliador 27 halo serimonia despedida nebe mak hein deit atu aranka ba serbisu iha Korea du Sul. Comments ()\nEkonomia Timor Leste Ezijensia Konsumu Aas Liu Kbiit Halo Produsaun\nDILI – Ekonomia Timor-Leste to’o ohin loron seidauk iha kapasidade atu simu orsamentu jeral estadu ne’ebe kada tinan apova ho montante boot. Tanba ne’e to’o ohin loron inflasaun mos komesa ameasa daudaun povu ki’ik nia moris.\nDezafiu Boot iha Koperativa Rekursu Umanu no Asesu ba Banku\nDILI-Prezidente Fundasaun Klibur Matadalan ba Koperativa no Fila-liman Abel Ximenes hatete, problema prinsipal ne’ebe oras ne’e daudaun grupu koperativa sira hasoru mak problema rekursu umanu no la iha dalan atu asesu ba kreditu iha banku.\nApoia Empreza Ki’ik, Investe iha Rekursu Umanu\nDistritu 5 Konsege Dezenvole ona “Suku Ida Produtu Ida”\nFundu Minarai Sae ba Billaun $9.310,32\nFolin Konvustivel Kontinua Sa’e\nAires Almeida Sentimentu ba Sira be Mukit\nPaj 332 too 343 | [
"Organizasaun 7 Hetan Fundus ETCAS DILI-Governu Australia liu husi programa asistensia governu Australia ka AusAID, sesta 17/2 oferese fundus liu husi programa fundus ki'ik ETCAS (East Timor Community Assistance Scheme) ho montante $199.000 ba organizasaun 7 hodi siklu eleisaun presidensial no parlamentar iha iha tinan 2012.",
"Dili Sai Paraizu Ba Lixu 15 Febreiru 2012 DILI-Komunidade wain laran triste hodi hare ba Sidade Dili nia oin.",
"Prezidenti da republika modifika Sidade Dili atu sai Sidade ba Paz no sidade neebe mos liu maibe kontradis tebes.",
"Ohin loron, Dili sai paraixu ba lixu tanba komunidade wain la iha konsiensia hodi soe foer arbiru no orna Sidade Dili sai lixu fatin neebe hamout \"Dili Sidade Ba Paz.\"",
"SEFOPE Haruka Tan Trabaliador Nain 5 ba Korea DILI-Sekretariu do Estadu Formacao Professional no Emprego (SEFOPE) Bendito Freitas, Segunda (06/02), halo serimonia despedida ho trabaliador 27 halo serimonia despedida nebe mak hein deit atu aranka ba serbisu iha Korea du Sul.",
"Comments () Ekonomia Timor Leste Ezijensia Konsumu Aas Liu Kbiit Halo Produsaun DILI - Ekonomia Timor-Leste to'o ohin loron seidauk iha kapasidade atu simu orsamentu jeral estadu ne'ebe kada tinan apova ho montante boot.",
"Tanba ne'e to'o ohin loron inflasaun mos komesa ameasa daudaun povu ki'ik nia moris.",
"Dezafiu Boot iha Koperativa Rekursu Umanu no Asesu ba Banku DILI-Prezidente Fundasaun Klibur Matadalan ba Koperativa no Fila-liman Abel Ximenes hatete, problema prinsipal ne'ebe oras ne'e daudaun grupu koperativa sira hasoru mak problema rekursu umanu no la iha dalan atu asesu ba kreditu iha banku.",
"Apoia Empreza Ki'ik, Investe iha Rekursu Umanu Distritu 5 Konsege Dezenvole ona \"Suku Ida Produtu Ida\" Fundu Minarai Sae ba Billaun $9.310,32 Folin Konvustivel Kontinua Sa'e Aires Almeida Sentimentu ba Sira be Mukit Paj 332 too 343"
] | [
"The Australian Government through the AusAID assistance program, on Saturday 17/2 offered funds via its small-fund programme ETCAS (East Timor Community Assistance Scheme) in an amount of $309.568 to seven organizations for their work during presidential and parliamentary elections cycle that will take place this year at a time when there is no political party representation or any other institution which can be considered as representative from all communities within East Timoer' s constitutionally recognized sovereignty over it itself;"
"Dili becomes paradise for litter 15 February,2048 DILI-The community of the city has a sad feeling as they look at what lies before them."
"The President of the Republic modifies Dili City to become a city for peace and this is also very contradictory."
"Nowadays, Dili has become a waste paradise because many people have no conscience to burn their trash and decorate the city of dili into garbage dumpster that is called \"Dili City for Peace.\""
"SEFOPE Sends 5 More Workers to Korea Dili-State Secretary of State for Professional Training and Employment (Sefope) Bendito Freita, Monday(06/12), held a farewell ceremony with five workers who are waiting in line at the embassy."
"Comments () Timor-Leste Economy Needs Higher Consumption to Produce More Dili - The economy of East Тимор has not been able, until today in particular. To receive the state budget which every year is filled with large sum money from foreign countries and international donors for a long time now..."
"As a result, even today inflation is starting to threaten the lives of small people."
"Dili-President of the Klibur Foundation, Abel Ximenes said that cooperative groups' main problems at present are human resource issues and lack access to bank credits. He also stressed how important it is for small business owners in Timor Leste (TL), especially those who have little or no experience with banking systems as well affordable loans from their local government agencies like Banku Nasional Indonesia(BNI)."
"Support Small Enterprises, Invest in Human Resources District 5 Has Successfully Developed \"One Town One Product\" Mineral Fund Rises to $9.310 Billion Contributable Income Continued To Increase Aires Almeida Sentiment for the Poor Pages from Pg248-Pp67"
] |
Lu-Olo: “Hau Prontu Halo Deklarasaun Rikusoin” – STL Online\nLu-Olo: “Hau Prontu Halo Deklarasaun Rikusoin”\nDILI – Prezidente Eleitu Francisco Guterres Lu-olo prontu halo deklarasaun nia rikusoin ba tribunal rekursu antes simu tomada de pose maibe depende lei no regra iha Timor leste.\nHau bele halo Deklarasaun kualker buat ida, Deklarasaun riku soin ou deklarasaun kasian ninian, deklarasaun saida deit hau bele halo,” dehan Lu-Olo ba Jornalista Tersa (18/04/2017) iha Sede Nasional CCF, Colmera.\nNia hatete deklarasaun neebe iha sei halao depende tempu maibe atu halo antes simu tomada dopese tuir regra no lei halo deklarasaun riku soin bele halo atu nunee publiku hatene.\nIha fatin ketak Provedor Direitus Humanus no Justisa (PDHJ), Silveiro Pinto hatete aprezenta riku soin, presiza iha lei ida atu garantia, nunee antes membru governu sira simu pose aprezenta uluk sira nia riku soin hanesan rai, uma, kareta no seluk tan.\nNunee mos Observador Politiku Jose Antonio hatete deklarasaun rikusoin husi ulun boot sira durante nee prezidente Republika Taur matan Ruak deit mak halo maibe sira seluk nunka halo deklarasaun riku soin. Timotio Gusmao\nPrevious article Deside Pozisaun Emilia Depende Nasaun 20\nNext article Kumpri Pedidu Xanana, Lu-Olo Sei Partisipa ANZAC Day Australia | [
"Lu-Olo: \"Hau Prontu Halo Deklarasaun Rikusoin\" - STL Online Lu-Olo: \"Hau Prontu Halo Deklarasaun Rikusoin\" DILI - Prezidente Eleitu Francisco Guterres Lu-olo prontu halo deklarasaun nia rikusoin ba tribunal rekursu antes simu tomada de pose maibe depende lei no regra iha Timor leste.",
"Hau bele halo Deklarasaun kualker buat ida, Deklarasaun riku soin ou deklarasaun kasian ninian, deklarasaun saida deit hau bele halo,\" dehan Lu-Olo ba Jornalista Tersa (18/04/2017) iha Sede Nasional CCF, Colmera.",
"Nia hatete deklarasaun neebe iha sei halao depende tempu maibe atu halo antes simu tomada dopese tuir regra no lei halo deklarasaun riku soin bele halo atu nunee publiku hatene.",
"Iha fatin ketak Provedor Direitus Humanus no Justisa (PDHJ), Silveiro Pinto hatete aprezenta riku soin, presiza iha lei ida atu garantia, nunee antes membru governu sira simu pose aprezenta uluk sira nia riku soin hanesan rai, uma, kareta no seluk tan.",
"Nunee mos Observador Politiku Jose Antonio hatete deklarasaun rikusoin husi ulun boot sira durante nee prezidente Republika Taur matan Ruak deit mak halo maibe sira seluk nunka halo deklarasaun riku soin.",
"Timotio Gusmao Previous article Deside Pozisaun Emilia Depende Nasaun 20 Next article Kumpri Pedidu Xanana, Lu-Olo Sei Partisipa ANZAC Day Australia"
] | [
"Lu-Olo: \"I'm Ready to Declare My Wealth\" - STL Online LUO OLO, President Elect of East Timor (2017), is ready for the appeals court before he takes office but it will depend on law and regulation in east timors."
"I can make a declaration of anything, the wealth statement or any other kind. Anything is possible,” Lu-Olo told journalists on Tuesday (18 April) at CCF National Headquarters in Colmera"
"He said that the declaration will take place depending on time but to do before receiving a drug test in accordance with rules and law make statements of wealth soin can be done for public know."
"On the other hand, Prosecutor of Human Rights and Justice (PDHJ), Silveiro Pinto said presenting wealth is something that needs a law to guarantee it. Before government members take office they must first submit their assets such as land; houses or cars etc..."
"Also, Political Observer Jose Antonio said that the wealth declarations of high-ranking officials during this period only President Taur Matan Ruak made but others never did."
"Previous article Decide Pozisaun Emilia Depende Nasun 20 Next Article Compliance With Xanana’s Request, Lu-Olo Will Participate In Australia'S Anzac Day"
] |
Governu Atualiza Kontratu Manutensaun Estrada Natarbora-Laklubar No Manatutu-Baucau | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste\nVARANDA NASIONÁL Governu Atualiza Kontratu Manutensaun Estrada Natarbora-Laklubar No Manatutu-Baucau\nGovernu Atualiza Kontratu Manutensaun Estrada Natarbora-Laklubar No Manatutu-Baucau\nPrimeiru-Ministru, Taur Matan Ruak, prezide reuniaun Konsellu Ministru iha Palásiu Governu. Imajen/Egas Cristovão\nDILI, 15 maiu 2019 (TATOLI) – Governu liuhosi desizaun Konsellu-Ministru (KM) iha kuarta ne’e, analiza no aprova deliberasaun rua husi Ministru Obras Públika, Salvador Soares dos Reis Pires, kona-ba kontratu públiku empreitada atu hasa’e kualidade no manutensaun estrada Natarbora-Laklubar no Manatutu-Baucau.\nMinistru Estadu Prezidénsia Konsellu-Ministru, Hermenegildo Augusto Cabral Pereira hateten ezekutivu sira delibera proposta ne’e hodi alterasaun kontratu manutensaun estrada.\nMinistru Estadu Prezidénsia Konsellu Ministru, Hermenegildo Augusto Cabral Pereira. Imajen/Egas Cristovão\n“Konsellu-Ministru delibera alterasaun kontratu China Nuclear Industry 22 Construction, hodi halo manutensaun estrada ne’ebé presiza halo alterasaun kontratu, proposta ne’e mai husi Ministru Obras Públika (MOP) ba estrada Natarbora-Laklubar. Konsellu-Ministru rona proposta ne’e no hatán hodi halo alterasaun,” hateten Ministru Hermenegildo Pereira ba jornalista sira iha Palásiu Governu.\nGovernante ne’e akresenta, deliberasaun ida tan husi MOP kona-ba alterasaun kontratu empreitada husi konsórsiu Shanghai Construction Group Co Ltd no PT. Brantas Abipraya ba estrada Manatutu-Baucau, ne’ebé nia obra sei la’o hela. “Ita atrazu tanba fatór ne’ebé kompañia rasik la kontrola, ne’ebé halo alterasaun no ajustamentu”.\nDeliberasaun rua ne’e sei fó dalan atu extende durasaun ba kontratu, la ho kustu adisionál no laiha mudansa ba kontratu, ho forma atu kompensa atrazu no interrupsaun husi serbisu ba obra ne’ebé mak kauza husi udan boot iha área manutensaun estrada.\nAntes ne’e, KM mós aprova ona proposta deliberasaun kona-ba alterasaun husi kontratu prestasaun servisu konsultoria iha supervizaun ba manutensaun no hadi’a estrada nasionál sira.\nDeliberasaun ida ne’e ko’alia kona-ba servisu konsultóriu ba estudu detalladu enjeñaria no supervizaun obra nian iha trosu estrada sira Manatutu-Natarbora, Manatutu-Laclubar-Natarbora, Tasitolu-Tibar, Tibar-Liquiçá, Tibar-Gleno, Maubara-Carimbala, Baucau-Lautem no Atabae-Mota ain.\nRevizaun kontratuál sira ne’e aprova objetivu atu ajusta servisu supervizaun obra nian ba estensaun prazu nian, ne’ebé uluk hetan ona aprovasaun, hodi finaliza obra manutensaun sira no hadi’a trosu estrada sira ne’e nian.\nProposta ne’e hetan ona aprovasaun hosi Konsellu-Ministru iha loron 10 abríl 2019, maibé tenke hetan mós paresér ne’ebé favoravel husi Ministériu Finansa no hetan vistu préviu hosi Kámara Kontas.\nEntretantu trosu hosi Manatuto-Baucau hahú konstrusaun iha loron 18 agostu 2016 no tuir planu sei remata iha loron 14 maiu 2019, maibé tanba kestaun administrasaun, obra ne’e atraza uitoan no to’o agora sei iha prosesu manutensaun.\nTrosu hosi Manatuto-Baucau ho naruk kilómetru 57,702 no empreza ne’ebé kaer obra ne’e maka Shanghai Construction Group Co., Ltd. husi Xina ho kustu totál ba obra $59.287.453,55.\nMinistru Obras Públika (MOP)\nPrevious articlePresiza iha Estatutu KONSSAN-TL Hodi Regula Membru Hotu\nNext articleKonsellu Ministru Mak Bele Desidi PCIC Lori Pistola | [
"Governu Atualiza Kontratu Manutensaun Estrada Natarbora-Laklubar No Manatutu-Baucau | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA NASIONAL Governu Atualiza Kontratu Manutensaun Estrada Natarbora-Laklubar No Manatutu-Baucau Governu Atualiza Kontratu Manutensaun Estrada Natarbora-Laklubar No Manatutu-Baucau Primeiru-Ministru, Taur Matan Ruak, prezide reuniaun Konsellu Ministru iha Palasiu Governu.",
"Imajen/Egas Cristovao DILI, 15 maiu 2019 (TATOLI) - Governu liuhosi desizaun Konsellu-Ministru (KM) iha kuarta ne'e, analiza no aprova deliberasaun rua husi Ministru Obras Publika, Salvador Soares dos Reis Pires, kona-ba kontratu publiku empreitada atu hasa'e kualidade no manutensaun estrada Natarbora-Laklubar no Manatutu-Baucau.",
"Ministru Estadu Prezidensia Konsellu-Ministru, Hermenegildo Augusto Cabral Pereira hateten ezekutivu sira delibera proposta ne'e hodi alterasaun kontratu manutensaun estrada.",
"Ministru Estadu Prezidensia Konsellu Ministru, Hermenegildo Augusto Cabral Pereira.",
"Imajen/Egas Cristovao \"Konsellu-Ministru delibera alterasaun kontratu China Nuclear Industry 22 Construction, hodi halo manutensaun estrada ne'ebe presiza halo alterasaun kontratu, proposta ne'e mai husi Ministru Obras Publika (MOP) ba estrada Natarbora-Laklubar.",
"Konsellu-Ministru rona proposta ne'e no hatan hodi halo alterasaun,\" hateten Ministru Hermenegildo Pereira ba jornalista sira iha Palasiu Governu.",
"Governante ne'e akresenta, deliberasaun ida tan husi MOP kona-ba alterasaun kontratu empreitada husi konsorsiu Shanghai Construction Group Co Ltd no PT.",
"Brantas Abipraya ba estrada Manatutu-Baucau, ne'ebe nia obra sei la'o hela.",
"\"Ita atrazu tanba fator ne'ebe kompania rasik la kontrola, ne'ebe halo alterasaun no ajustamentu.\"",
"Deliberasaun rua ne'e sei fo dalan atu extende durasaun ba kontratu, la ho kustu adisional no laiha mudansa ba kontratu, ho forma atu kompensa atrazu no interrupsaun husi serbisu ba obra ne'ebe mak kauza husi udan boot iha area manutensaun estrada.",
"Antes ne'e, KM mos aprova ona proposta deliberasaun kona-ba alterasaun husi kontratu prestasaun servisu konsultoria iha supervizaun ba manutensaun no hadi'a estrada nasional sira.",
"Deliberasaun ida ne'e ko'alia kona-ba servisu konsultoriu ba estudu detalladu enjenaria no supervizaun obra nian iha trosu estrada sira Manatutu-Natarbora, Manatutu-Laclubar-Natarbora, Tasitolu-Tibar, Tibar-Liquica, Tibar-Gleno, Maubara-Carimbala, Baucau-Lautem no Atabae-Mota ain.",
"Revizaun kontratual sira ne'e aprova objetivu atu ajusta servisu supervizaun obra nian ba estensaun prazu nian, ne'ebe uluk hetan ona aprovasaun, hodi finaliza obra manutensaun sira no hadi'a trosu estrada sira ne'e nian.",
"Proposta ne'e hetan ona aprovasaun hosi Konsellu-Ministru iha loron 10 abril 2019, maibe tenke hetan mos pareser ne'ebe favoravel husi Ministeriu Finansa no hetan vistu previu hosi Kamara Kontas.",
"Entretantu trosu hosi Manatuto-Baucau hahu konstrusaun iha loron 18 agostu 2016 no tuir planu sei remata iha loron 14 maiu 2019, maibe tanba kestaun administrasaun, obra ne'e atraza uitoan no to'o agora sei iha prosesu manutensaun.",
"Trosu hosi Manatuto-Baucau ho naruk kilometru 57,702 no empreza ne'ebe kaer obra ne'e maka Shanghai Construction Group Co., Ltd. husi Xina ho kustu total ba obra $59.287.453,55.",
"Ministru Obras Publika (MOP) Previous articlePresiza iha Estatutu KONSSAN-TL Hodi Regula Membru Hotu Next articleKonsellu Ministru Mak Bele Desidi PCIC Lori Pistola"
] | [
"Government Updates Maintenance Contract for Natarbora-Laklubar and Manatutu–Baucau Road | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor Lorosa’e VARANDA NASIONÁL Governo Atualiza Contrato Manutenção Estrada na Tarborura – Laklubbur e Manufatutu - Baukau Government updates maintenance contract of the road between Nataborura, Lapalubar & Manautuo. Prime Minister Taur Matan Ruak is chairing a meeting in Council at Palasiu Governu (Governo Palace)."
"DILI, May 15th (TATOLI) - The Government through the Council of Ministers' decision on Tuesday analysed and approved two deliberations by Public Works minister Salvador Soares dos Reis Piret regarding public contract to improve quality in maintenance work for Natarbora-Laklubar road."
"State Minister of the Presidency, Hermenegildo Augusto Cabral Pereira said that executives deliberated this proposal to amend road maintenance contract."
"Hermenegildo Augusto Cabral Pereira, Minister of State for the Presidency and Cabinet."
"Image/Egas Cristovao \"The Council of Ministers deliberates on the amendment to China Nuclear Industry 21 Construction' s contract, in order for maintenance work be carried out. The proposal comes from MOP (Ministre dos Trabalhos Público) regarding Natarbora-Laklubar road which require an alteration; this is not possible because it has been denied by both parties.\""
"The Council of Ministers listened to the proposal and responded by making amendments,\" said Hermenegildo Pereira."
"The governor added that another MOP deliberation concerning the amendment of contract undertaken by consortium Shanghai Construction Group Co Ltd and PT."
"Brantas Abipraya to the road from Manatuto-Baucau, which is under construction."
"\"The delay was due to factors beyond the company's control, which made changes and adjustments.\""
"These two deliberations will allow for the extension of contract terms, without additional cost and no change in agreements to compensate delays or interruptions caused by heavy rainfall on road maintenance works."
"Earlier, the KM had also approved a proposal for deliberation concerning alteration of contract to provide consulting services in supervision and maintenance on national roads."
"This Deliberation refers to the consulting services for detailed engineering study and supervision of work on road section Manatutu-Natarbora, Manaouitu - Laclubar Nataborra Tasitolu Tibar Liquica Gleno Maubara Carimbala Baucau Lautem Atabae Moto etc."
"These contractual revisions were approved with the aim of adjusting work supervision services to an extension in time, which had been previously agreed upon for finalizing maintenance and improvement works on these road section."
"The proposal has been approved by the Council of Ministers on 10 April, but it must also obtain a favourable opinion from Finance Ministry and prior approval through Chamber Of Auditors."
"The construction of the section from Manatuto to Baucau began on 18 August, and was scheduled for completion in May. However because administration issues this project has been delayed a little bit so far it is still undergoing maintenance work at present"
"The section of Manatuto-Baucau is 57,602 km long and the contractor for this project was Shanghai Construction Group Co. Ltd from China with a total cost to build $493 million (USD)."
"Minister of Public Works (MOP) Previous articleConseil des ministres peut décider PCIC de porter pistole Next ArticleMinistre du Travaux public: «Let' s get to work»"
] |
Asaun Komunidade ba Prevensaun Moras Diarea Menus\nPublika iha: 24 Janeiro 2018\nAsesu dala: 144\nXefe Sentru Saude Vera Cruz, Dulce Tilman hateten komunidades iha ona konesementu ba prevensaun moras sira iha tempu udan, liu –liu moras Diarea no Dengue, maibe asaun pratika sei menus.\nXefe Sentru Saude Vera Cruz, Dulce Tilman konsidera komunidade sira nia asaun hodi prevene moras iha tempu udan sei menus.\nNia dehan, kada tinan iha tempu udan monu rai kazu ne’ebe registu maka’as iha fasilidade saude sira mak Diarea no Dengue, tanba impaktu husi ambiente ne’ebe la saudavel.\n“Husu ba komunidade sira iha tempu udan hanesan ne’e tenke nono bee tasak didiak atu hemu, hahan sira taka metin atu lalar labele hobur no fase liman ho sabun bainhira atu han hodi bele prevene moras diarea,” nia hateten iha servisu fatin Vera Cruz, Dili.\nNia hateten, bainhira tempu udan 50% pasiente ne’ebe sira registu lor-loron ho kazu diarea, maioria labarik no adulto idade tinan 15 ba leten.\nNia dehan, tratamentu ba moras diarea mak ba sira ne’ebe la todan simu aimoruk no konsola husi pesoal saude sira atu hemu no halo tuir iha uma, maibe sira ne’ebe todan tenke baixa hodi hetan tratamentu intensive.\nEntertantu, Xefe Suku Comoro Eurico da Costa de Jesus rekonese lixu sai problema bo’ot ne’ebe seidauk rezolve, tanba komunidade sira la iha konsiensia atu kontribui.\nNia dehan, iha tempu udan monu rai kuantidade lixu aumenta maka’as, tanba lixu domestiku ne’ebe komunidade soe, bee lori naklekar arbiru halo dodok, lalar ba hobur lori fali moras ba iha komunidade.\n“Importante mak kontinua habelar informasaun sira ba komunidade oinsa atu prevene moras sira ne’ebe afeita ba ita nia saude hanesan diarea, dengue, ISPA no seluk tan,” nia hateten\nNia hateten, lei numeru 33/2009 kona ba saneamentu iha ona atu fo sansaun ba iha individu no grupo ne’ebe soe lixu arbiru, maibe seidauk implementa.\nAlende ne’e, governu mos hasai ona orario atu so’e lixu domestiku sira hanesan tuku 4 madrugada to’o tuku 7, maibe komunidade nafatin viola.\nPortantu, dadus servisu Vigilansia Epidemologia Ministerio da Saude registu kazu diarea hamutuk 1291 durante fulan Novembru to’o Dezembru 2017. Husi kazu ne’e iha nain rua mak mate. | [
"Asaun Komunidade ba Prevensaun Moras Diarea Menus Publika iha: 24 Janeiro 2018 Asesu dala: 144 Xefe Sentru Saude Vera Cruz, Dulce Tilman hateten komunidades iha ona konesementu ba prevensaun moras sira iha tempu udan, liu -liu moras Diarea no Dengue, maibe asaun pratika sei menus.",
"Xefe Sentru Saude Vera Cruz, Dulce Tilman konsidera komunidade sira nia asaun hodi prevene moras iha tempu udan sei menus.",
"Nia dehan, kada tinan iha tempu udan monu rai kazu ne'ebe registu maka'as iha fasilidade saude sira mak Diarea no Dengue, tanba impaktu husi ambiente ne'ebe la saudavel.",
"\"Husu ba komunidade sira iha tempu udan hanesan ne'e tenke nono bee tasak didiak atu hemu, hahan sira taka metin atu lalar labele hobur no fase liman ho sabun bainhira atu han hodi bele prevene moras diarea,\" nia hateten iha servisu fatin Vera Cruz, Dili.",
"Nia hateten, bainhira tempu udan 50% pasiente ne'ebe sira registu lor-loron ho kazu diarea, maioria labarik no adulto idade tinan 15 ba leten.",
"Nia dehan, tratamentu ba moras diarea mak ba sira ne'ebe la todan simu aimoruk no konsola husi pesoal saude sira atu hemu no halo tuir iha uma, maibe sira ne'ebe todan tenke baixa hodi hetan tratamentu intensive.",
"Entertantu, Xefe Suku Comoro Eurico da Costa de Jesus rekonese lixu sai problema bo'ot ne'ebe seidauk rezolve, tanba komunidade sira la iha konsiensia atu kontribui.",
"Nia dehan, iha tempu udan monu rai kuantidade lixu aumenta maka'as, tanba lixu domestiku ne'ebe komunidade soe, bee lori naklekar arbiru halo dodok, lalar ba hobur lori fali moras ba iha komunidade.",
"\"Importante mak kontinua habelar informasaun sira ba komunidade oinsa atu prevene moras sira ne'ebe afeita ba ita nia saude hanesan diarea, dengue, ISPA no seluk tan,\" nia hateten Nia hateten, lei numeru 33/2009 kona ba saneamentu iha ona atu fo sansaun ba iha individu no grupo ne'ebe soe lixu arbiru, maibe seidauk implementa.",
"Alende ne'e, governu mos hasai ona orario atu so'e lixu domestiku sira hanesan tuku 4 madrugada to'o tuku 7, maibe komunidade nafatin viola.",
"Portantu, dadus servisu Vigilansia Epidemologia Ministerio da Saude registu kazu diarea hamutuk 1291 durante fulan Novembru to'o Dezembru 2017.",
"Husi kazu ne'e iha nain rua mak mate."
] | [
"Community Action for Prevention of Diarrhoeal Diseases in the Rain Season Published on: 24 January,18 Visited times (times):306 Head Vera Cruz Health Center Dulce Tilman says communities have knowledge about prevention disease during rain season especially diarrhaging and Dengue but action is lacking."
"Head of Vera Cruz Health Center, Dulce Tilman considers that community action to prevent disease in the rainy season is decreasing."
"He said that every year during the rainy season, cases of Diarrhoea and Dengue are high in health facilities due to an unhealthy environment."
"\"I urge the communities in such a rainy season to drink clean water regularly, keep their foods covered so that they don't boil and wash hands with soap when eating. This will prevent diarrhea illnesses from spreading\", he said at his workplace Vera Cruz (Dili)."
"He said that during the rainy season, 50% of patients they register daily have diarrhoea cases. The majority are children and adults aged over fifteen years old or more than this age group in other countries with similar health conditions as theirs (see figure)."
"He said, the treatment of diarrheal disease is for those who can't take medication and are comforted by health workers to have a cold at home but they must go down in intensive care."
"Meanwhile, the head of Comoro Village Eurico da Costa de Jesus acknowledges that trash is a big problem which has not been solved because communities do have no conscience to contribute."
"He said, in the rainy season waste quantity increases greatly because household garbage that community burns water carried by arbiru dook lalar to hobur bring back disease into society."
"\"It is important to continue providing information for the community on how we can prevent diseases that affect our health such as diarrhea, dengue fever and ISPA among others\", he said. He added law number 34/2015 concerning sanitation already in place sanctions individual or group who dump garbage but has not been implemented.\""
"In addition, the government has set a timetable to dispose of household garbage from 4 am until about seven o'clock but community still violates it."
"Therefore, data from the Ministry of Health's Epidemiology Surveillance Service recorded a total 1290 diarrhoea cases during November to December."
"Two of the victims died."
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Category: News Publika iha Sexta, 09 Julhu 2010 09:00 Hakerek nain ZC Hits: 6921\nHanesan ita hotu hatene katak, laos populasaun sira iha rural deit mak hakilar konaba foos MTCI maibe iha capital Dili mos kestaun nee sai nudar kestaun nebe mak universal tiha ona. Laos povu deit mak hakilar maibe lideransa nasaun nee mos barak mak hakilar konaba kestaun nebe refere, membru PN no ema hotu-hotu maibe too agora nakonu deit ho kritika solusaun laiha.\nObjetivu husi programa konsultasaun nee mak atu rekolha opiniaun husi parte hotu-hotu hodi tau hamutuk no ikus liu entrega ba Governu liu-liu ba MTCI atu hare opiniaun husi parte hotu hodi bele implementa iha futuru. Tanba ita fiar katak liafuan povu nian sei la monu ba rai. Atu nunee,problema foos MTCI nian bele resolve no povu tomak bele sente benefisiu husi subsidiu nebe Governu fo ba povu.\nImplementasaun Programa “Konsultasaun konaba Boa Governasaun no Transparensia iha Prosesu Distribuisaun no Faan foos MTCI inklui Sosa Produtu Lokal”\nKONSULTASAUN NASIONAL HO AKADEMIKUS IHA UNIVERSIDADES\nIha loron 12/Maio/2010 LABEH hahu konsultasaun iha Dili Institute of Tech nology (DIT) nebe mak hola fatin iha Salaun DIT. Programa nee loke direitamente husi Reitor DIT Estanislau Saldanha. Iha liafuan abertura, Reitor DIT husu ba nia Estudantes sira atu ativu iha programa ida nee liu husi hatoo opiniaun konaba mekanismu distribuisaun ho faan foos MTCI nebe diak inklui sosa produtu local nebe mak agora dadauk nia prosesu lao sabraut teb-tebes. Partisipantes sira nebe marka prezensa iha programa nee mai husi estudantes sira inklui dosentes Universidade refere. Observasaun hatudu katak, estudantes sira antusiusmu tebes iha programa nee nia laran no sira mos ativu tebes hodi fo hanoin ou aprezenta sira nia solusaun ba LABEH.\nRekomendasaun nebe estudantes sira hatoo mak hanesan tenki kria armazem iha distritu hotu. Buat nebe estudantes sira nota husi sistema nebe MTCI uza katak falta tebes mekanismu kontrolu no sira suzere tenki kria ekipa monitoring ba distribuisaun foos atu bele monitor too destinasaun. Konaba produtu local nian, sira rekomenda atu diak liu MTCI kria mos home industry ida atu nunee tenki iha kontinuasaun ba produtu sira nebe sosa tiha ona, labele tan husik dodok iha armaze. Selae gasta osan saugate deit.\nUniversidade Dili ( UNDIL)\nIha programa nee nia laran, observasaun hatudu katak estudantes sira ativu tebes hodi fo hanoin, sujestaun inklui perguntas konaba problema nebe mak durante nee halo sira konfujaun liu-liu konaba servisu MTCI nian nebe mak lao la los liu-liu iha parte faan foos MTCI. Iha fatin hanesan Diretur LABEH mos afirma katak LABEH organiza programa nee laos nudar portavoz MTCI maibe nudar ajente kontrolu social nebe mak Tane a’as valor Transparensia, Akuntabilidade no kombate korupsaun relasiona ho problema faan no distribuisaun foos MTCI inklui sosa produto local nebe mak laiha solusaun too agora maske husi parte hotu-hotu kritika makaas konaba kestaun nebe refere.\nRekomendasaun nebe mai husi Universidade refere katak MTCI tenki kria lei nebe adekuadu atu nunee bele regula wainhira ema faan foos la tuir estandar. Kria mos armazem iha distritu hotu atu nunee labele difikulta atividade chefe suku nian iha nia suku laran. Konaba produtu local, sira sujere atu kria mini home industry ida hodi bele produs produtu nebe sosa ona ba hahan nebe bele iha durasaun kleur atu nunee produtu nebe sosa ona sei la dodok iha armazem.\nLABEH mos kontinua programa refere iha Universidade da Paz iha loron 15 Maio 2010. Programa nee loke husi reprezentante Reitor UNPAZ Francisco da Silva. Hanesan iha Universidade sira seluk, estudantes sira antusismu tebes iha programa nee. Hanesan mos iha universidade sira seluk, Diretur LABEH mos aprezenta flowchart nebe MTCI uza hodi provoka atu estudantes sira bele fo hanoin iha prosesu ida nee. Ka atudu ba sira tuir sira nia hanoin saida mak falta iha sistema nee hodi halo prosesu kontinua lao lalos. Programa nee hola fatin iha Salaun konferensia ba Magistrado UNPAZ.\nIha loron 19 Maio 2010, LABEH mos kontinua programa refere iha IOB nebe hola fatin iha Salaun konferesnia IOB. Programa nee loke husi Reitor IOB Augusto Perreira. Iha abertura programa nee, Reitor IOB hateten katak importante tebes intelektual sira nia hanoin ka kontribuisaun intelektual sira liu husi hatoo ideia. Iha sesaun hatoo opiniaun, estudantes barak hatoo sira nia opiniaun. Iha estudante ida neebe hateten katak “ wainhira naok ten ida seidauk tama kadeia, entaun sei laiha rasa tauk. Diak liu na’ok ten sira nee wainhira identifika sala tenki kaer sulan ba kadeia atu nunee, naok ten sira seluk sei tauk. se governu la fo sansaun ida maka prosesu nee atu diak nusa mos naok ten sei la tauk tanba nia hatene governu sei la kastigu nia. Husu atu governu implementa liafuan ida nebe hateten katak se mak naok lima cent sai, se mak servisu la hatene sai, nee tenki implementa lolos! ”. Interesante tebes atu governu konsidera sujestaun ida nee. Tanba nee relasiona ho problema foos nebe faan la tuir estandar nia sujere atu Governu tenki kria lei nebe forte hodi regula sira nebe mak faan foos la tuir folin.\nEstudantes sira mos nota iha sistema MTCI nebe LABEH hatudu katak, falta tebes mekanismu kontrolu tanba nee sira mos rekomenda atu kria team monitoring ida iha prosesu ida nee. Konaba produtu local, rekomedasaun nebe sira hatoo kuaze hanesan ho Universidade sira seluk katak tenki kria home industry ida atu nunee produtu sira nee labele sai dodok tanba wainhira dodok osan povu nian ak dodok laos boot sira nia osan.\nUniversidade Nasional Timor-Leste (UNTL)\nIha loron 28 Maio 2010, Programa hanesan kontinua mos iha Universidade Nasional Timor Leste (UNTL)nebe hola fatin iha salaun Auditorium UNTL. Programa nee rasik loke husi Vice Reitor II Rosalino da Silva. marka prezensa iha programa nee estudantes ho dosentes sira husi Universidade nebe refere.\nObservasaun LABEH hatudu katak, estudantes sira antusismu tebes hodi hatoo hanoin iha programa konsultasaun ida nee. Rekomedasaun nebe mai husi estudantes sira hanesan mos rekomedasaun nebe mai husi estudantes Universidade sira seluk.\nLABEH remata programa konsultasaun nee ho akademikus sira iha Universidade Oriental (UNITAL) iha loron 29 Maio 2010. Programa nee rasik loke husi Reitor UNITAL Gregorio Lobo Pinto. Iha nia abertura Reitor nee hateten katak bazeia ba observasaun nebe durante nee nia hare konaba distribuisaun no faan foos MTCI no sosa Produtu lokal katak problema barak nebe mosu iha MTCI konaba assuntu foos MTCI tanba MTCI fraku tebes iha problema jestaun/jestor no problema desizaun. Failhansu bazika iha jestaun politika katak husi prinsipiu iha hanoin e halo konseitu e halo desizaun konaba formatu atu halo programa refere mak la tepat, la bazeia ba iha informasoens nebe akurat husi fatin hotu-hotu.\nIha sesaun hatoo hanoin, Eusebio Quintas nudar Dekanu fakuldade Agrikultura UNITAL hato’o nia rekomendasaun katak diak liu kria mekanismu kontrolu ka monitoring ida iha distribuisaun no faan foos MTCI tanba falta tebes mekanismu kontrolu. Sujere mos ba MTCI konaba produtu lokal nian katak tenkiser kria mos industria ba agrikultor sira nia produsaun atu nunee produsaun sira nebe sosa tiha ona labele dodok deit iha armazem.\nIha fatin hanesan Delcio Guimaraes estudante fakuldade Ekonomia Departementu Manajementu rekomenda mos katak diak liu MTCI hahu intervensaun primeiru liu husi merkadoria katak regula presu ba sasan iha merkadoria, husu mos ba sira nebe mak toma konta ba distribuisaun no faan foos atu iha sentidu nasionalismu.\nKONSULTASAUN HO SOSIEDADE SIVIL\nHafoin konsultasaun ho Intelektual/akademikus remata, LABEH realiza programa hanesan ho Sociedade sivil/ONG iha loron 27/05/10. Tanba LABEH mos konsidera katak sociedade sivil iha papel importante tebes iha prosesu ida nee. Nudar ajente kontrolu social, Sociedade sivil mos tenki fo hanoin ka mekanismu nebe diak atu nunee bele hakotu problema nebe mak lao ona besik tinan tolu nia laran nebe laiha solusaun klaru. Partisipasaun sociedade sivil importante tebes.\nIha sesaun hatoo hanoin, Sosiedade sivil sira rekomenda atu MTCI hadia mekanismu distribuisaun no faan foos MTCI inklui sosa produtu local nebe mak durante nee lao sabraut. Sira mos kestiona konaba durasaun tempo hodi sosa foos husi rai liur tanba nee sira sujere atu MTCI bele hare tempo no limita importasaun foos husi rai liur tanba produtu rai laran komesa avansa ona. Konaba produtu local sira mos sujere atu kria home industry hodi bele produs prudutu sira neebe mak sosa tiha ona ba hahan nebe ho durasaun longo prazu ka produtu sira nebe sosa ona tenki fo tutan ba kooperativa ruma, importante mak tenki iha kontinuasaun se lae produtu sira nee sei kontinua dodok nafatin hanesan tinan uluk.\nKONSULTASAUN HO AUTORIDADE LOKAL IHA 13 DISTRITUS\nIha loron 26 Maio 2010, LABEH kontinua programa konsultasaun iha Distritu Ermera hafoin halao konsultasaun ho akademikus no sociedade sivil sira. LABEH kontinua programa refere ba iha Distritu ho objetivu atu halibur hanoin, sujestaun husi parte autoridade local sira iha Distritu nebe mak iha programa nee involve Administrador Distritu, Administrador Sub Distritu, Chefe do suku, PNTL no sst. Tanba LABEH konsidera katak partisipantes ema hotu nian liu-liu autoridade local importante tebes iha prosesu ida nee. Tanba autoridade local sira mak besik liu povu no sira rasik mos direitamente involve iha prosesu ida nee. Tanba nee importante tebes halibur hanoin husi sira.\nKonkluzaun nebe LABEH foti katak maioria chefe suku lamenta ho sistema nebe mak durante nee uza iha prosesu foti foos MTCI. Chefe suku sira sai vitima iha prosesu ida nee. Tuir sira katak sistema nebe uza tuir ona estandar internasional maibe fraku tebes iha mekaismu kontrolu. Tanba nee sira sujere ba Governu atu kria taskforce hodi monitoring foos too iha suku no diak liu harii armazem iha Distritu no sub distritu atu nunee labele difikulta sira nia servisu.\nPrograma nee rasik loke husi Administrador Distritu Ermera. Marka prezensa iha programa nee mak autoridade local hanesan Administrador husi Sub distritu 6 no chefe suku sira husi suku 52 nebe mak iha Distritu Ermera rasik. Iha programa nee, autoridade local sira aprezenta sira nia difikuldade no mos fo hanoin konaba oinsa mekanismu nebe diak iha prosesu distribuisaun no faan foos MTCI inklui sosa produtu local. Programa refere hola fatin iha salaun administrasaun Distritu Ermera.\nLABEH halao programa konsultasau ho autoridae local bad ala rua iha Distritu Bobonaro(31/05/2010). Rezultadu nebe mak LABEH hetan katak maioria autoridade local rekomenda katak diak liu distribuisaun foos MTCI husi nasional direita ba distritu depois mak cehef suku suku mai foti iha armazem distritu se lae husi Distritu mak aloka kontinua ba suku sira iha disitu refere. Tanba chefe suku sira konsidera sistema nebe agora dadauk uza la diak halo sira mak sai fali vitima. Sira mos rekomnda atu tau atensaun ba funsionario MTCI sira iha armazem nasional tanba dla ruma sira mak halo manobra iha prosesu nee. Sira mos hateten katak wainhira MTCI la muda sistema nee, entaun sira sei la otinua tan knar sosa foos tanba sira lakohi sai chefe suku kobrador!\nIha loron Sesta (04/06/10) Lalenok Ba Ema Hotu (LABEH) realiza konsultasaun ho autoridade lokal sira iha Distritu Manufahi. Iha programa ne’e LABEH konsege halo diálogu ho Chefi suku sira, Administrador, inklui mos parte Polisia ho UNPOL hodi tau hamutuk hanoin oin sa atu resolve ka hadia sistema implementasaun ba distribuisaun fa’an fos MTCI Iha Teritóriu tomak. Rezultadu husi konsultasaun ne’e LABEH identifika difikuldade nebe durante ne’e autoridade lokal sira hasoru iha prosesu distribuisaun fos MTCI liu-liu Chefi suku sira ho PNTL. Programa nee loke direitamente husi Administrador Distritu Manufahi Filominu Tilman.\nDifikuldade nebe durante ne’e sai hanesan problema bo’ot entre komunidade ho chefi suku inklui PNTL mak hanesan Chefi suku ho polisia sai vitima iha prosesu distribuisaun fos MTCI tanba failha husi sistema implementasaun Ministeriu kompetente katak laiha lei nebe forte atu Polisia sira bele uza iha prosesu ida nee, Sistema nebe Governu implementa halo polisia sira sai inimigo ba komunidade, Chefi suku sira husik hela servisu suku nian to’o semana ida resin tanba mai hein fos MTCI iha amarjen nasional. Fos MTCI la to’o suku izolado sira tanba transporte laiha, Durante ne’e suku sira iha Subdistritu Turiscai Distritu Manufahi la asesu ba fos MTCI no foos nebe iha ho presu nebe aas, Chefi suku sira ejiji Ministeriu kompetente atu fo informasaun klaru kona ba definasaun fos nia kilograma ho nia folin molok distribui hodi nunee labele kria konfujaun iha komunidade nia leet tanba durante ne’e populasaun sira hatene deit fos MTCI nebe ho folin $ 12 ho nia kilograma 35, Problema halo kobransa ba komunidade nebe kbi’it la to’o atu sosa fos MTCI, Difikuldade ba chefi suku sira wainhira ba forma antrian iha banku atu hatama osan hodi hetan fos MTCI nebe prosesu ne’e han tempu e difilkuta servisu suku nian, Governu tenki identifika lolos produtu lokal nebe atu sosa tanba durante ne’e populasaun sira nia produtu lokal barak mak estraga.\nIha programa konsultasauun entre LABEH ho autoridade lokal iha Distritu Aileu nebe realiza iha loron 11/06/10, LABEH identifika problema nebe iha kuaze hanesan ho distritu sira seluk katak chefe suku la faan foos maibe ba sosa hodi osan nebe kobra husi populsaun sira. Chefi suku balun rekuinese katak, sira la ba sosa fos MTCI tanba populasaun balun laiha kbi’it atu sosa no chefi suku rasik laiha osan atu ba sosa fos MTCI.Tanba ne’e sira rekomenda ba governu atu fo fiar ba autoridade lokal sira hodi distribui fos MTCI ba iha suku mak sira fan depois intrega osan ba governu atu nune’e labele kria tan konfujaun entre chefi suku ho populasaun sira. Sira mos rekomenda ba MTCI atu kria taskforce ka seguransa hodi monitoriza distrinuisaun foos nebe sai husi armazem tenki tama too suku tanba durante ne’e fos la to’o iha baze maibe fan deit iha sidade Dili. Hahalok sira ne’e akontese tanba sistema nebe ladiak no dala barak chefi suku sira la ba sosa foos tanba osan la to’o inklui transporte atu lori ba suku laiha. Inklui mos husu atu harii armazem iha Distritu ka too sub distritu hotu tanba distansia husi suku balu la hanesan.\nKonaba produtu lokal to’o agora agrikultor sei sira konfujaun hela ho ho programa Governu nian Povu Kuda Governu Sosa tanba husi Ministeriu Agrikultura no Peskas (MAP) durante ne’e fahe handtraktor ho traktor bo’ot ba povu atu promove no hasa’e produsaun aihan rai laran maibe produsaun nebe povu produs to’o agora governu la sosa. MTCI tenki esplika klaru ba povu konaba produtu lokal nebe mak atu sosa molok implemnta programa foun se lae gasta deit osan ba cetak papan bar-barak maibe benefisiu ba povu laiha.\nPrograma hanesan realiza mos iha Distritu Ainaro (14/06/10). Iha konsultasaun ne’e Chefi Suku sira husu governu atu distribui fos MTCI direitamente ba suku atu nune’e labele kria problema entre chefi suku ho populasaun sira iha baze.\n“ Ami husu ba MTCI atu muda sistema nebe kria konfuzaun no problema entre chefi suku ho populasaun sira tanba durante ne’e ami chefi suku sira simu tolok barak husi komunidade no ema la respeita ona ami tanba deit prosesu sosa fos iha nasional kleur tebes no fungsionariu sira iha MTCI laiha atendementu diak ba chefi suku,” haktuir chefi suku sira.\nSira rekomenda ba governu atu servisu hamutuk ho Parlamentu Nasional estabelese kria lei ida para fos nebe ho marka MTCI labele faan ka rai iha loja no governu tenki hari amarjen iha kada Distritu no Subdistritu atu nune’e polisia fasil atu halo kontrola tanba foos ne’e subsidi ba povu laos foos bisnis atu hetan lukro.\nEntretantu iha konsultasaun refere, polisia sira mos kestiona konaba atuasaun nebe sira halo hasoru ema sira nebe faan fos MTCI liu estandar hodi prende fos maibe wainhira halo konfirmasaun ho parte MTCI, lahetan resposta tanba MTCI haruka fali polisia mak faan fos ho folin $12 hafoin intrega osan ba fos nain. Polisia sira rekomenda ba ukun nain sira atu kria lei nebe forte para ema bele kumpri hodi nunee bele hamenus problema iha distribuisaun fos MTCI.\nIha konsultasaun nee mos Chefi Suku sira kestiona konaba komunidade balun nia produtu lokal governu la sosa. Foin lalais nee, fungsionariu husi MTCI ba iha subdistritu Maubisse atu sosa produtu lokal maibe sira dehan tenki too 10 ka 20 toneladas no chefi suku rasik hakfodak tanba durante ne’e governu laiha planu atu organiza grupu agrikultura para bele produs to’o standar nebe sira husu, Governu la halo sosializasaun ba sira antes atu prepara an, kestiona chefe suku sira.\nChefi suku sira mos haktuir katak, uluk MTCI ba sosa batar 7 toneladas husi komunidade iha distritu Covalima no Betanu Distritu manufahi tau iha amarjen maibe produtu nee sai dodok hotu tanba kleur tiha ona. “Ami husu LABEH atu rekomenda ami nia preukupasaun ne’e para governu bele toma atensaun ba atendementu sira ne’e tanba orsamentu ne’e povu nian laos fungsionariu MTCI nian.” Sira hatete, fos MTCI ne’e uza hodi INFEITA deit sidade Dili maibe populasaun sira iha area rural susar atu hetan foos MTCI.\nIha loron 15/06/10, konsultasaun nee mos realiza iha Distritu Covalima. Chefi suku husi suku hamutuk 31 iha Distritu Covalima sente triste ho sistema distribuisaun fos husi MTCI tanba sira sente sai vitima ba prosesu ne’e no sira konsidera prosesu ida nee halo sira lakon dignidade. Chefi suku sira lamenta tebes ho presu fos MTCI nebe faan la tuir folin nebe determina. Foss lemo-lemo iha sidade maibe duun fali ba chefe suku sira afinal dalaruma halo ita deskonfia fali keta halo funsionario MTCI mak konkalikong ho emprezariu sira karik. Tanba atendementu iha armazem fo prioridade liu ba emprezariu duke chefe suku.\n“Ami balun ba sosa duni fos MTCI maibe balun la ba sosa tanba povu barak laiha osan atu sosa foos. Ami triste liu mak atendementu iha amarjen nasional nian nebe ladiak inklui transporte laiha atu tula foos ba ami nia suku izoladu. Fusnionario MTCI atende liu mak emprezariu sira duke chefe suku. Halo ami hein ba hein, maibe emprezariu sira mak mai, sira langsung atende kedas” Chefi suku sira kestiona.\nIha parte seluk sira mos husu ba governu atu halo sosializasaun para esplika ba povu kiik sira konaba produtu lokal saida mak governu atu sosa tanba programa ne’e halo povu ki’ik sira nia produtu lokal dodok iha fatin deit no governu la ba sosa.\nPrograma nee loke direitamente husi Administrador Distritu Covalima, Inacio Pires no hetan partisipasaun maximu husi autoridade local sira; chefe suku, administrador sub distritu inklui parte Polisia. Programa nee hola fatin iha Salaun Administraaun Distritu Covalima.\nHafoin remata kosultasaun iha parte Oeste, LABEH kontinua ho programa hanesan ba parte Leste nebe hahu kedas husi Distritu Vique-que iha loron 17 Junho 2010. Programa refere loke direitamente husi Administrador Distritu Franscisco Gutterres nebe hola fatin iha salaun Administrasaun Distritu Vique-que. Iha konsultasaun nee, autoridade local sira hatoo difikuldade nebe mak sira infrenta iha prosesu ida nee. Maioria autoridade local sira lamenta ho mekanismu nebe mak durante nee fo sai husi MTCI iha prosesu distribuisaun no faan foos MTCI inklui sosa produtu local.\nChefe Suku Lacluta Henrique Campus informa katak tanba deit foos MTCI nia tenki lakon tempo ba mai Dili. Dalaruma too iha Dili funsionario MTCI la atende ho diak no halo chefe suku sira ba mai deit iha Dili laran tanba deit prosesu nebe naruk no kleur teb-tebes. Nia mos lamenta tanba durante fulan rua ona, foos seidauk too nia suku afinal prosesu hotu nia halo tuir ona no osan iha ona banku “ Hau sente triste tebes ho Governu ida nee. Agora dadauk iha hau nia suku povu menus aihan tanba aihan nebe sira kuda la aproveita hotu tanba deit natureza nebe ladun diak. Tanba nee populsaun sira mos lori osan kobransa mai hau atu ba sosa foos. Hau ba mai Dili dalabarak ona no hasai hau nia osan rasik maibe too agora foos nee la too iha hau nia suku maski prosesu hotu hau halo tuir ona. Pior liu tan osan nebe hau lori ba foos ho kilograma 35 maibe wainhira hau hatama tiha osan iha banku mak sira informa katak foos hela kilograma 25 “ tanba nee liu husi LABEH, nia husu atu hatoo lalais ezijensia nee ba MTCI hodi bele haruka lalais foos ba nia suku.\nLamentasaun mos mai husi kuase maioria chefe suku nebe mak infrenta difikuldade hanesan. Chefe suku Distritu refere informa katak difikuldade nebe mak sira infrenta laos deit iha prosesu atu hetan foos nebe naruk tebes maibe inklui problema transporte. “ Iha prosesu nee, ami lakon osan lubuk ida tanba deit transporte tula foos la too ba suku. Ami hasai rasik osan tau mina iha kareta hodi tula foos too ba suku tanba transporte nebe tula mai hatun deit iha Distritu ka sub distritu no aumenta tan osan ba ema hodi hatun foos maibe too iha suku wainhira tenta atu kobra fali populasaun sira hodi troka netik osan mina, sira rezeita tanba sira hatene deit simu foos ho folin USD12. Komesa iha nee, chefe suku balun para kedas ho atividade ida nee tanba 50cent nebe hetan iha foos nee la vale liu buat ida”. Maibe, sira mos sujere atu MTCI ba oin tenki hadia mekanismu ida nee. Se karik, iha future fo fiar ba chefe suku entaun tenki haruka uluk foos ba sira, faan tiha hafoin mak entrega fali osan ba Governu. Se lae entrega deit ba emprezariu.\nIha parte produtu local nian, maioria chefe suku kestiona konaba sistema nebe mak MTCI uza atu sosa produtu local. Tanba durante nee sira la hatene produtu saida deit mak Governu atu sosa, folin per kilograma hira, no oinsa Governu atu sosa. Sira konsidera katak programa Povu Kuda Governu Sosa nee nunka implementa no konsidera katak programa nee hanran deit Povu Kuda Governu Han ka Povu Kuda Governu Sae!\nHafoin Distritu Vique-que, LABEH kontinua ho programa hanesan iha Distritu Manatuto (18/06/10). loke no akompanha mos programa nee Administrador Distritu Manatuto Elbino Bonaparte do Rego. Programa nee hola fatin iha salaun Administrasaun Distritu Manatuto. marka prezensa iha programa nee autoridade local sira hanesan chefe suku, administrdaor sub distritu no Komandante Polisia Distritu no Komandante Polisia estasaun sub distritu sira hotu.\nHanesan iha Distritu sira seluk, maioria autoridade local sira nebe partisipa hatoo difikuldade nebe mak sira infrenta durante involve iha prosesu faan foos MTCI nian. Miquel Marcos Komandante Polisia Sub Distritu Laleia afirma katak nia parte sai vitima iha prosesu ida nee. “ Hau hateten Polisia sai vitima iha prosesu ida nee tanba wainhira ami prende foos, MTCI haruka fila fali ami mak faan no osan entrega ban ain. Hau lamenta tanba ami laos atu faan foos. Se hakarak kontrola presu foos diak liu tenki estabelese lei nebe mak forte atu nunee wainhira ema faan foos liu folin nebe determina nia tenki hetan sansaun laos halo fali ami polisia mak ba faan foos” tenik Miguel. Nia mos hatutan tan katak se wainhira MTCI hakarak halo monitoring tenki halo kedas iha armazem laos monitoring fali foos nebe too ona iha dalan. Se nunee halo ita deskonfia fali funsionario sira, keta halo ba konkalikong tiha ona karik se mak hatene.\nTan nee, autoridade local sira rekomenda ba Governu tenki tau ekipa monitoring ba distribuisaun fos MTCI tanba dala barak kompania sira mak lori sai fos husi amarjen hodi faan subar maibe ikus duun fali chefe suku sira mak manipula folin foos.\nSira mos kestiona katak durante ne’e sira laos faan foos MTCI maibe sira ba sosa foos. Tanba prosesu ne’e obriga sira tenki halo kobransa ba populasaun no dala barak mak sira hetan tolok husi komunidade tanba prosesu sosa foos kleur tebes. Pior liu tan mak governu la esplika lolos kilograma fos nian nebe kria konfujaun ba populasaun sira. No sira husu atu muda liafuan chefe suku faan foos ba chefe suku sosa foos tanba sira la faan ida.\nChefi suku husi Manatuto nebe kompostu husi suku 28 konfesa katak, sira lakohi ona atu halo kobransa ba populasaun, se governu hakarak sira mak atu faan entaun tenki distribui fos ba sede suku mak chefi suku ho konselhu suku sira faan ba populasaun hafoin intrega fali osan ba governu. Se lae dalan diak seluk mak diak liu foos husi nasional haruka direitamente ba armazem iha distritu refere depois mak chefe suku sira mai foti wainhira presiza.\nChefe suku sira mos kestiona liu konaba produtu local. sira lamenta tebes ho programa Povu Kuda Governu sosa nebe mak sai papan nama deit. Chefe suku sira informa katak durante nee sira nunka hatene produtu saida mak Governu atu sosa. Tanba produtu Timor nee barak teb-tebes. Komunidade balun iha fehuk, aifarina no sst maibe Governu la sosa no pior liu tan MTCI la halo sosializasaun antes ba autoridade local sira. Maibe sira tur deit iha fatin halo programa no sira mesak mak hatene. Sira husu ba governu atu halo klasifikasaun ba produtu lokal nebe mak atu sosa.\nIha loron 22 Junho, LABEH halao programa hanesan iha Distritu Baucau. Programa nee loke husi Administrador Baucau Antonio Gutteres. Iha konsultasaun nee maioria autoridade local lamenta ho mekanismu prosesu distribuisaun foos MTCI inklui sosa produtu local. Husi parte chefe suku sira rekomenda katak se Governu hakarak fo fiar nafatin ba sira maka Governu tenki entrega uluk foos ba suku hodi chefe suku no konselho suku sira faan tiha mak osan entrega ba Governu. Maibe chefe suku balun rezeita no lakohi ona atu faan foos tanba se wainhira suku iha atividade importante iha liur entaun sede suku taka no se mak atu tau matan wainhira populasaun balun hakarak mai sosa no sira rekomenda atu diak liu fo deit ba emprezario nebe iha suku laran mak faan tanba chefe suku iha assuntu importante barak mak atu halo. Husi parte Polisia rekomenda katak diak liu tenki kria lei nebe forte atu nunee wainhira faan foos liu standard tenki hetan sansaun atu nunee labele repete fila fali se lae halo polisia mak ayam potong.\nTanba nee sira husu ba LABEH atu hatoo rekomendasaun sira nee ba MTCI hodi lalais muda mekanismu nebe lao ladiak durante nee. Tanba iha Distritu Baucau, iha chefe suku balun nebe infrenta difikuldade boot tebes hanesan momentu sira ba tula foos too iha suku kalan ona no transporte la tula ba suku no terpaksa foos sira nee hatun deit iha chefe suku nia uma. Wainhira kalan boot derpente udan tau no sira la biban asegura foos sira nee too foos sai estragus hotu tanba kona udan ben.\nEntretantu relasiona ho informasaun nebe LABEH hetan iha konsultasaun refere husi chefe suku balun katak produtu local sai dodok no aat iha armazem, iha loron 23 Junho loraik, ekipa LABEH hakat ba monitoriza armajem iha Aldeia Caisidu suku Tirilolo hodi buka hatene informasaun klaru.\nEkipa LABEH konsege hasoru Diretur Kompanha nebe sosa produtu local. Tuir informasaun nebe ekipa LABEH rekolhe husi direitur kompanhia lokal ACELDA Ijinho da Costa Freitas katak, produtu hanesan Batar no hare mak Governu sosa no tau iha nia armazem. Batar hamutuk 300 toneladas, maibe 50 toneladas fo ona ba Seminario iha Fuiloro, agora hela deit toneladas 250 mak iha armazem no hare toneladas 100 resin.\n“ Hau ba sosa produtu lokal hanesan hare, batar ho kamí husi agrikultura kada kilo $30 centavus no governu sosa tutan ho folin $ 50 centavus batar no hare sira ne’e governu aluga hau nia armazem hodi tau iha neba. Produtu local sira nee tau iha amarjen hahu iha fulan Abril-Junho 2009 to’o agora sei iha nafatin neba. Hau ladun hatene kondisaun produtu sira nee tanba xave armazem entrega ba Governu mak kaer laos Hau.“\nMolok halao programa konsultasaun iha Distritu Baucau, iha loron 21 Junho loraik, ekipa LABEH hakat ba vizita Amu Basilio Bispo Diocese Baucau iha nia Rezidensia Trilolo Baucau. Iha sorumuto ho Amu Basilio, Diretur LABEH informa mos konaba objetivu husi programa nebe LABEH halao no iha dadalia konaba esplikasaun produtu local, Amu Bispo hakfodak tanba Amu mos foin primeira vez rona katak produtu local nebe Governu sosa hamutuk hitu deit. Afinal tuir Amu, produtu barak teb-tebes no hanoin katak Governu sosa hotu. Amu mos enkoraza LABEH atu kontinua halao programa ida nee hodi bele hetan rezultadu nebe diak hodi bele ajuda Governu buka solusaun ba problema Foos MTCI no Sosa produtu local.\nLABEH kontinua ho programa konsultasaun hanesan iha Distritu Lautem (23/06/10). Iha konsultasaun nee LABEH identifika katak difikuldade nebe mak autoridade local hanesan chefe suku no Polisia sira infrenta kuaze hanesan ho difikuldade nebe mak autoridade local husi Distritu sira seluk infrenta.\nChefe suku Mehara informa katak nia lamenta tebes ho atendementu husi funsionario MTCI iha armazem Dili. “ Nudar chefe suku hau lamenta tebes ho hahalok funsionario MTCI balun nebe mak la konsidera hau nudar chefe suku maske hau hatudu ona hau nia kartaun ba sira atu prosesa foos bah au nia suku. Sira kestiona fali hau nee chefe suku duni ka lae. Hau ba mai kole, too iha armazem ba hasoru tan hahalok hanesan nee. Ami chefe suku iha dignidade, povu mak hili ami.” Tanba nee nia sujere atu Governu mos tenki tau matan ba assuntu ida nee. Hare husi problema ida nee ita bele dehan katak falta tebes koordenasaun entre ministerio tanba tuir lolos dadus chefe suku nian husi ESTATAL tenki kompletu ba MTCI atu nunee wainhira prosesa foos, la presiza ulun moras identifika identidade chefe suku sira, hatan Diretur LABEH ba preokupasaun chefe suku Mehara.\nSuku Parlamentu liu husi nia chefe suku...mos afirma katak iha nia suku produsaun Liis makaas teb-tebes maibe Governu la ba sosa. Tanba nee nia mos husu karik Liis tama hotu iha produtu nebe governu atu sosa entaun nia sei husu ba populasaun sira atu prepara an liu tan. Maibe triste, wainhira chefe suku nee rona husi LABEH katak produtu nebe governu sosa nee so iha hitu deit la inklui liis. Nia mos hatutan katak Liis mos nudar produu local tanba saida mak governu la sosa, se governu sosa barak entaun sosializa atu nunee nia povu bele hatene hodi servisu makaas aumenta tan produsaun. Alende rekomendasaun iha leten, Rekomendasaun kuaze barak mak hanesan Distritu sira seluk katak tenki kria lei nebe forte hodi kontrola foos, kria ekipa monitoring, kria home industry kiik ba kontinuasaun produtu local, no rekomendasaun husi Administrador rasik katak diak liu foos husi nasional mai iha armazem boot iha distritu Lautem mak hafoin aloka ba suku.\nHafoin remata programa konsultasaun ho autoridade local konaba sistema fan fos MTCI ho sosa produtu lokal iha Distitu refere, ekipa LABEH liu husi programa One District, One Village hakat ba halo monitorizasaun iha Ministeriu Agrikultura Distritu refere. Ekipa LABEH konsege hasoru malu ho Direitur Ministeriu Agrikultura e Peskas (MAP) Distritu Lautem Almeida Frans Xavier hodi buka hatene oin sa kolaborasaun entre MTCI ho MAP iha programa Povu Kuda Governu Sosa “ Produtu local”. Nia informa katak, MAP iha komitmentu atu servisu hamutuk ho komunidade hodi produz aihan rai laran para minimiza importasaun husi rai liur maibe MTCI laiha kolaborasaun ho sira liu-liu iha parte sosa produtu lokal atu oinsa sosa produtu nebe komunidade ho MAP produs tiha ona iha toneladas barak.\nNia hateten katak sira mos akompanha alokasaun OJE hamutuk $7 milões nebe kanaliza ba MTCI hodi sosa produtu lokal maibe iha Distritu Lautem, durante ne’e MTCI la ba sosa komunidade sira nia produtu lokal. Nia haktuir kona ba produsaun Batar, Ministeriu Agrikultura hetan kuaze 100 resin toneladas nebe kobre deit iha subdistritu Lospalos vila la inklui area sira seluk no sira so submete hodi fo dadus deit ba MTCI atu sosa. Komunidade husi aldeia Nakroman suku Fuiluru momentu neba, husu kona ba presu kada kilo ba produtu lokal, MTCI hatun to’o $ 15 centavus - $20 centavus no komunidade preukupa ho presu ne’e tanba lahetan benefisiu.\nTuir Direitur ne’e katak, ONG sira mak sosa ho presu $ 50 centavus kada kilo no komunidade sira bele hetan lukro. Tuir dadus produtu lokal nebe Ministeriu agrikultura distritu refere rekolha mak kuaze 290.000, 259 toneladas produsaun makaas tebes maibe MTCI la halo desizaun hodi sosa komunidade nia produtu local katak durante nee MTCI nunka ba sosa produtu lokal iha Distritu Lautem.\nWainhira Primeiru Ministru Xanana Gusmao halo vizita, deside atu sosa komunidade sira nia produtu lokal inklui mina nú maski la tama iha lista sosa produtu lokal husi MTCI nian maibe governu promete atu sosa. Wainhira ba halo konsultasaun ho parte MTCI, MTCI hakarak sosa ho presu nebe tun liu ba $15 centavus kada botir ida e komunidade sira rezeita totalmente presu ne’e. Nia hatutan, sira nia parte ajuda hodi promove agrikultor sira nia produsaun maibe atu sosa ne’e kompetensia MTCI nian. Sira so ajuda komunidade hodi ba direitamente foti dadus kona ba rezultadu produsaun.\nDireitur ne’e husu ba MTCI atu MTCI tau nia membru ka extensionista iha distritu refere atu nunee bele servisu hamutuk hodi oinsa bele kobre rezultadu produsaun agrikultura nian atu nune’e bele liga direitamente ba seguransa aihan, ekstensionista no autoridade lokal sira hodi rekomenda ba nasional para bele sosa produtu lokal. Iha monitorizasaun nee, LABEH nota katak laiha linha koordenasaun nebe diak entre MTCI ho MAP. Ministerio ida halo diak hodi aumenta produsaun maibe Ministerio seluk la halo kontinusaun ba produsaun hirak nee.\nIha Distritu Ambeno (25/06/06), maioria autoridade local lamenta tebes ho mekanismu nebe agora dadauk sira tuir iha prosesu faan foos MTCI. Hare jeografikamente ita bele dehan katak Ambeno nudar Distritu nebe dok tebes husi capital Dili. Asesu transporte ba ema deit araska tiha ona sa tan ba foos. Difikuldade nebe mak chefe suku sira infrenta iha prosesu nee todan tebes.\nChefe suku sira informa katak, dala barak sira abandona servisu suku nian hodi ba hein foos iha Dili. Atu hetan deit foos mos tenki tuir prosesu nebe naruk. Wainhira hetan tiha foos, transporte hanesan truk tula husi armazem mai hatun iha Porto. Dala barak sira toba iha Porto tanba fatin iha roo laiha atu hatama sira nia foos. Fatin nebe iha nakonu tiha ona ho foos emprezariu nian tanba nee sira tenki pasiensia toba iha Porto depende viajem Roo Nakroma ba mai Dili Oe-cusse. Chefe suku balun informa katak sira toba iha Porto kuaze semana rua. Pior liu tan foos nebe atu lori ba oecusse tenki aluga fali fatin ka armazem iha porto hodi tau foos hodi hein roo. Sira tenki hasai osan lubuk ida iha prosesu nee.\nWainhira too iha Oe cusse sira selu tan ema hatun foos no buka fali transporte hodi tula ba too iha suku. Chefe suku sira konsidera osan ho valor 50cent nebe sira hetan la iha valor liu. Administrador Distritu Oe-Cusse Jose T. Anuno mos lamenta nia chefe suku sira tenki husik hela suku hodi ba hein foos iha Dili tanba nee nia mos sujere atu diak liu foos husi nasional direita mai iha armazem boot nebe iha nia distritu depois mak chefe suku sira mai foti se lae komunidade mos bele hakat mai sosa rasik. Hodi nunee labele difikulta fali chefe suku no Polisia sira nia servisu.\nHafoin remata konsultasaun, LABEH hakat ba vizita mini armazem nebe mak durante nee produtu local nebe mak Governu sosa hodi tau ba. Ekipa LABEH konsege hasoru malu ho chefe lojistika Xisto sako nia afirma katak produtu hanesan batar no hare nebe mak durante nee tau iha armazem estraga no dodok hotu kedas no komunidade balun mai foti hodi fo han animal no balun tanba dodok iis makaas entaun lori ba soe hotu. Agora dadauk armazem mamuk hela tanba tinan ida nee Governu seidauk sosa produtu local.\nIha loron (01/07/10) tama ba fulan Julho, LABEH kontinua halao programa konsultasaun iha Distritu Liquica. Programa nee loke direitamente husi Administrador Distritu Liquica Leonel de Jesus Carvalho. Iha nia intervensaun Administrador hatoo Parabens ba LABEH nebe mak realiza ona konsultasaun nee iha nia distritu. Nia mos espera katak problema foos MTCI no sosa produtu local nebe mak sai hanesan polemika boot iha rai laran bele lalais hetan ona solusaun.\nIha sesaun diskusaun, hanesan distritu sira seluk, chefe suku sira hatoo difikuldade nebe mak durante nee sira infrenta. Chefe suku sira kestiona konaba prosesu sosa foos nebe mak halo sira sai vitima. Balun konfesa katak iha prosesu nee sira lamanan osan maibe lakon tan osan mak iha, balun hetan tolok husi komunidade. Chefe sira mos rekomenda atu hadia sistema nebe mak durante nee uza tanba la benefisia sira no populasaun. Sira mak kontinua sai vitima. Chefe suku sira mos kestiona konaba programa POvu Kuda Governu sosa. Sira konsidera katak Governu laiha planu nebe diak. Tanba produtu balun nebe sosa sai dodok, produtu balun la sosa no aat liu tan sira rasik la hatene produtu saida mak governu atu sosa tanba MTCI/ governu la halo sosializasaun ba sira molok implementa programa ida nee.\n(05/07/10) Diferente ho Distritu siraseluk nebe programa nee halao iha capital. Iha Distritu Dili, LABEH foti Sub-Distritu Atauro nudar fatin nebe mak hodi realiza programa Konsultasaun Nasional ho autoridade local konaba prosesu faan foos no Distribuisaun foos MTCI inklui sosa produtu local. Tanba LABEH konsidera katak jeografikamente Atauro mak nudar sub distritu nebe dok husi capital Dili.\nPrograma nee loke husi Administrador sub Distritu Atauro Manecas Soares. Iha nia intervensaun , Administrador hatoo parabens ba LABEH nebe mak hakat mai Atauro maske ho transporte (roo kiik) maibe sira konsege hakat too mai Atauro hodi hasoru autoridade local sira hodi koalia konaba assuntu nebe importante tebes ba sira.\nObservasaun LABEH iha programa nee hatudu katak, maioria autoridade local tau fiar ba emprezario Atauro oan sira nebe mak durante nee hamutuk ho sira iha Atauro. Sira fiar liu emprezariu sira nee tanba durante nee faan foos tuir estandar nebe mak determinadu no komprende tebes nesesidade sira nian. Tanba nee Chefe suku sira rekomenda ba Governu atu define lista emprezariu nebe mak sei lori foos ba Atauro no diak liu entrega ba emprezariu Atauro oan nebe mak durante nee besikliu sira. Iha sesaun diskusaun nee mos, emprezariu Atauro sira hatoo difikuldade no prosesu nebe mak durante nee sira tuir. Sira mos rekomenda ba Governu atu trata sub distritu Atauro especial nudar sub distritu nebe espesial duni se lae liafuan nebe dehan Atauro especial nee hanesan formalitas deit.\nLABEH hakotu konsultasaun konaba Transparensia no Boa Governasaun iha prosesu distribuisaun no faan foos MTCI inklui sosa produtu local iha Distritu Dili, Sub Distritu Atauro. Hafoin ho autoridade local, LABEH sei kontinua Programa nee ho parte emprezariu nebe sai nudar parte ikus ba programa ida nee. | [
"Category: News Publika iha Sexta, 09 Julhu 2010 09:00 Hakerek nain ZC Hits: 6921 Hanesan ita hotu hatene katak, laos populasaun sira iha rural deit mak hakilar konaba foos MTCI maibe iha capital Dili mos kestaun nee sai nudar kestaun nebe mak universal tiha ona.",
"Laos povu deit mak hakilar maibe lideransa nasaun nee mos barak mak hakilar konaba kestaun nebe refere, membru PN no ema hotu-hotu maibe too agora nakonu deit ho kritika solusaun laiha.",
"Objetivu husi programa konsultasaun nee mak atu rekolha opiniaun husi parte hotu-hotu hodi tau hamutuk no ikus liu entrega ba Governu liu-liu ba MTCI atu hare opiniaun husi parte hotu hodi bele implementa iha futuru.",
"Tanba ita fiar katak liafuan povu nian sei la monu ba rai.",
"Atu nunee,problema foos MTCI nian bele resolve no povu tomak bele sente benefisiu husi subsidiu nebe Governu fo ba povu.",
"Implementasaun Programa \"Konsultasaun konaba Boa Governasaun no Transparensia iha Prosesu Distribuisaun no Faan foos MTCI inklui Sosa Produtu Lokal\" KONSULTASAUN NASIONAL HO AKADEMIKUS IHA UNIVERSIDADES Iha loron 12/Maio/2010 LABEH hahu konsultasaun iha Dili Institute of Tech nology (DIT) nebe mak hola fatin iha Salaun DIT.",
"Programa nee loke direitamente husi Reitor DIT Estanislau Saldanha.",
"Iha liafuan abertura, Reitor DIT husu ba nia Estudantes sira atu ativu iha programa ida nee liu husi hatoo opiniaun konaba mekanismu distribuisaun ho faan foos MTCI nebe diak inklui sosa produtu local nebe mak agora dadauk nia prosesu lao sabraut teb-tebes.",
"Partisipantes sira nebe marka prezensa iha programa nee mai husi estudantes sira inklui dosentes Universidade refere.",
"Observasaun hatudu katak, estudantes sira antusiusmu tebes iha programa nee nia laran no sira mos ativu tebes hodi fo hanoin ou aprezenta sira nia solusaun ba LABEH.",
"Rekomendasaun nebe estudantes sira hatoo mak hanesan tenki kria armazem iha distritu hotu.",
"Buat nebe estudantes sira nota husi sistema nebe MTCI uza katak falta tebes mekanismu kontrolu no sira suzere tenki kria ekipa monitoring ba distribuisaun foos atu bele monitor too destinasaun.",
"Konaba produtu local nian, sira rekomenda atu diak liu MTCI kria mos home industry ida atu nunee tenki iha kontinuasaun ba produtu sira nebe sosa tiha ona, labele tan husik dodok iha armaze.",
"Selae gasta osan saugate deit.",
"Universidade Dili (UNDIL) Iha programa nee nia laran, observasaun hatudu katak estudantes sira ativu tebes hodi fo hanoin, sujestaun inklui perguntas konaba problema nebe mak durante nee halo sira konfujaun liu-liu konaba servisu MTCI nian nebe mak lao la los liu-liu iha parte faan foos MTCI.",
"Iha fatin hanesan Diretur LABEH mos afirma katak LABEH organiza programa nee laos nudar portavoz MTCI maibe nudar ajente kontrolu social nebe mak Tane a'as valor Transparensia, Akuntabilidade no kombate korupsaun relasiona ho problema faan no distribuisaun foos MTCI inklui sosa produto local nebe mak laiha solusaun too agora maske husi parte hotu-hotu kritika makaas konaba kestaun nebe refere.",
"Rekomendasaun nebe mai husi Universidade refere katak MTCI tenki kria lei nebe adekuadu atu nunee bele regula wainhira ema faan foos la tuir estandar.",
"Kria mos armazem iha distritu hotu atu nunee labele difikulta atividade chefe suku nian iha nia suku laran.",
"Konaba produtu local, sira sujere atu kria mini home industry ida hodi bele produs produtu nebe sosa ona ba hahan nebe bele iha durasaun kleur atu nunee produtu nebe sosa ona sei la dodok iha armazem.",
"LABEH mos kontinua programa refere iha Universidade da Paz iha loron 15 Maio 2010.",
"Programa nee loke husi reprezentante Reitor UNPAZ Francisco da Silva.",
"Hanesan iha Universidade sira seluk, estudantes sira antusismu tebes iha programa nee.",
"Hanesan mos iha universidade sira seluk, Diretur LABEH mos aprezenta flowchart nebe MTCI uza hodi provoka atu estudantes sira bele fo hanoin iha prosesu ida nee.",
"Ka atudu ba sira tuir sira nia hanoin saida mak falta iha sistema nee hodi halo prosesu kontinua lao lalos.",
"Programa nee hola fatin iha Salaun konferensia ba Magistrado UNPAZ.",
"Iha loron 19 Maio 2010, LABEH mos kontinua programa refere iha IOB nebe hola fatin iha Salaun konferesnia IOB.",
"Programa nee loke husi Reitor IOB Augusto Perreira.",
"Iha abertura programa nee, Reitor IOB hateten katak importante tebes intelektual sira nia hanoin ka kontribuisaun intelektual sira liu husi hatoo ideia.",
"Iha sesaun hatoo opiniaun, estudantes barak hatoo sira nia opiniaun.",
"Iha estudante ida neebe hateten katak \" wainhira naok ten ida seidauk tama kadeia, entaun sei laiha rasa tauk.",
"Diak liu na'ok ten sira nee wainhira identifika sala tenki kaer sulan ba kadeia atu nunee, naok ten sira seluk sei tauk. se governu la fo sansaun ida maka prosesu nee atu diak nusa mos naok ten sei la tauk tanba nia hatene governu sei la kastigu nia.",
"Husu atu governu implementa liafuan ida nebe hateten katak se mak naok lima cent sai, se mak servisu la hatene sai, nee tenki implementa lolos! .\"",
"Interesante tebes atu governu konsidera sujestaun ida nee.",
"Tanba nee relasiona ho problema foos nebe faan la tuir estandar nia sujere atu Governu tenki kria lei nebe forte hodi regula sira nebe mak faan foos la tuir folin.",
"Estudantes sira mos nota iha sistema MTCI nebe LABEH hatudu katak, falta tebes mekanismu kontrolu tanba nee sira mos rekomenda atu kria team monitoring ida iha prosesu ida nee.",
"Konaba produtu local, rekomedasaun nebe sira hatoo kuaze hanesan ho Universidade sira seluk katak tenki kria home industry ida atu nunee produtu sira nee labele sai dodok tanba wainhira dodok osan povu nian ak dodok laos boot sira nia osan.",
"Universidade Nasional Timor-Leste (UNTL) Iha loron 28 Maio 2010, Programa hanesan kontinua mos iha Universidade Nasional Timor Leste (UNTL) nebe hola fatin iha salaun Auditorium UNTL.",
"Programa nee rasik loke husi Vice Reitor II Rosalino da Silva. marka prezensa iha programa nee estudantes ho dosentes sira husi Universidade nebe refere.",
"Observasaun LABEH hatudu katak, estudantes sira antusismu tebes hodi hatoo hanoin iha programa konsultasaun ida nee.",
"Rekomedasaun nebe mai husi estudantes sira hanesan mos rekomedasaun nebe mai husi estudantes Universidade sira seluk.",
"LABEH remata programa konsultasaun nee ho akademikus sira iha Universidade Oriental (UNITAL) iha loron 29 Maio 2010.",
"Programa nee rasik loke husi Reitor UNITAL Gregorio Lobo Pinto.",
"Iha nia abertura Reitor nee hateten katak bazeia ba observasaun nebe durante nee nia hare konaba distribuisaun no faan foos MTCI no sosa Produtu lokal katak problema barak nebe mosu iha MTCI konaba assuntu foos MTCI tanba MTCI fraku tebes iha problema jestaun/jestor no problema desizaun.",
"Failhansu bazika iha jestaun politika katak husi prinsipiu iha hanoin e halo konseitu e halo desizaun konaba formatu atu halo programa refere mak la tepat, la bazeia ba iha informasoens nebe akurat husi fatin hotu-hotu.",
"Iha sesaun hatoo hanoin, Eusebio Quintas nudar Dekanu fakuldade Agrikultura UNITAL hato'o nia rekomendasaun katak diak liu kria mekanismu kontrolu ka monitoring ida iha distribuisaun no faan foos MTCI tanba falta tebes mekanismu kontrolu.",
"Sujere mos ba MTCI konaba produtu lokal nian katak tenkiser kria mos industria ba agrikultor sira nia produsaun atu nunee produsaun sira nebe sosa tiha ona labele dodok deit iha armazem.",
"Iha fatin hanesan Delcio Guimaraes estudante fakuldade Ekonomia Departementu Manajementu rekomenda mos katak diak liu MTCI hahu intervensaun primeiru liu husi merkadoria katak regula presu ba sasan iha merkadoria, husu mos ba sira nebe mak toma konta ba distribuisaun no faan foos atu iha sentidu nasionalismu.",
"KONSULTASAUN HO SOSIEDADE SIVIL Hafoin konsultasaun ho Intelektual/akademikus remata, LABEH realiza programa hanesan ho Sociedade sivil/ONG iha loron 27/05/10.",
"Tanba LABEH mos konsidera katak sociedade sivil iha papel importante tebes iha prosesu ida nee.",
"Nudar ajente kontrolu social, Sociedade sivil mos tenki fo hanoin ka mekanismu nebe diak atu nunee bele hakotu problema nebe mak lao ona besik tinan tolu nia laran nebe laiha solusaun klaru.",
"Partisipasaun sociedade sivil importante tebes.",
"Iha sesaun hatoo hanoin, Sosiedade sivil sira rekomenda atu MTCI hadia mekanismu distribuisaun no faan foos MTCI inklui sosa produtu local nebe mak durante nee lao sabraut.",
"Sira mos kestiona konaba durasaun tempo hodi sosa foos husi rai liur tanba nee sira sujere atu MTCI bele hare tempo no limita importasaun foos husi rai liur tanba produtu rai laran komesa avansa ona.",
"Konaba produtu local sira mos sujere atu kria home industry hodi bele produs prudutu sira neebe mak sosa tiha ona ba hahan nebe ho durasaun longo prazu ka produtu sira nebe sosa ona tenki fo tutan ba kooperativa ruma, importante mak tenki iha kontinuasaun se lae produtu sira nee sei kontinua dodok nafatin hanesan tinan uluk.",
"KONSULTASAUN HO AUTORIDADE LOKAL IHA 13 DISTRITUS Iha loron 26 Maio 2010, LABEH kontinua programa konsultasaun iha Distritu Ermera hafoin halao konsultasaun ho akademikus no sociedade sivil sira.",
"LABEH kontinua programa refere ba iha Distritu ho objetivu atu halibur hanoin, sujestaun husi parte autoridade local sira iha Distritu nebe mak iha programa nee involve Administrador Distritu, Administrador Sub Distritu, Chefe do suku, PNTL no sst.",
"Tanba LABEH konsidera katak partisipantes ema hotu nian liu-liu autoridade local importante tebes iha prosesu ida nee.",
"Tanba autoridade local sira mak besik liu povu no sira rasik mos direitamente involve iha prosesu ida nee.",
"Tanba nee importante tebes halibur hanoin husi sira.",
"Konkluzaun nebe LABEH foti katak maioria chefe suku lamenta ho sistema nebe mak durante nee uza iha prosesu foti foos MTCI.",
"Chefe suku sira sai vitima iha prosesu ida nee.",
"Tuir sira katak sistema nebe uza tuir ona estandar internasional maibe fraku tebes iha mekaismu kontrolu.",
"Tanba nee sira sujere ba Governu atu kria taskforce hodi monitoring foos too iha suku no diak liu harii armazem iha Distritu no sub distritu atu nunee labele difikulta sira nia servisu.",
"Programa nee rasik loke husi Administrador Distritu Ermera.",
"Marka prezensa iha programa nee mak autoridade local hanesan Administrador husi Sub distritu 6 no chefe suku sira husi suku 52 nebe mak iha Distritu Ermera rasik.",
"Iha programa nee, autoridade local sira aprezenta sira nia difikuldade no mos fo hanoin konaba oinsa mekanismu nebe diak iha prosesu distribuisaun no faan foos MTCI inklui sosa produtu local.",
"Programa refere hola fatin iha salaun administrasaun Distritu Ermera.",
"LABEH halao programa konsultasau ho autoridae local bad ala rua iha Distritu Bobonaro (31/05/2010).",
"Rezultadu nebe mak LABEH hetan katak maioria autoridade local rekomenda katak diak liu distribuisaun foos MTCI husi nasional direita ba distritu depois mak cehef suku suku mai foti iha armazem distritu se lae husi Distritu mak aloka kontinua ba suku sira iha disitu refere.",
"Tanba chefe suku sira konsidera sistema nebe agora dadauk uza la diak halo sira mak sai fali vitima.",
"Sira mos rekomnda atu tau atensaun ba funsionario MTCI sira iha armazem nasional tanba dla ruma sira mak halo manobra iha prosesu nee.",
"Sira mos hateten katak wainhira MTCI la muda sistema nee, entaun sira sei la otinua tan knar sosa foos tanba sira lakohi sai chefe suku kobrador!",
"Iha loron Sesta (04/06/10) Lalenok Ba Ema Hotu (LABEH) realiza konsultasaun ho autoridade lokal sira iha Distritu Manufahi.",
"Iha programa ne'e LABEH konsege halo dialogu ho Chefi suku sira, Administrador, inklui mos parte Polisia ho UNPOL hodi tau hamutuk hanoin oin sa atu resolve ka hadia sistema implementasaun ba distribuisaun fa'an fos MTCI Iha Teritoriu tomak.",
"Rezultadu husi konsultasaun ne'e LABEH identifika difikuldade nebe durante ne'e autoridade lokal sira hasoru iha prosesu distribuisaun fos MTCI liu-liu Chefi suku sira ho PNTL.",
"Programa nee loke direitamente husi Administrador Distritu Manufahi Filominu Tilman.",
"Difikuldade nebe durante ne'e sai hanesan problema bo'ot entre komunidade ho chefi suku inklui PNTL mak hanesan Chefi suku ho polisia sai vitima iha prosesu distribuisaun fos MTCI tanba failha husi sistema implementasaun Ministeriu kompetente katak laiha lei nebe forte atu Polisia sira bele uza iha prosesu ida nee, Sistema nebe Governu implementa halo polisia sira sai inimigo ba komunidade, Chefi suku sira husik hela servisu suku nian to'o semana ida resin tanba mai hein fos MTCI iha amarjen nasional.",
"Fos MTCI la to'o suku izolado sira tanba transporte laiha, Durante ne'e suku sira iha Subdistritu Turiscai Distritu Manufahi la asesu ba fos MTCI no foos nebe iha ho presu nebe aas, Chefi suku sira ejiji Ministeriu kompetente atu fo informasaun klaru kona ba definasaun fos nia kilograma ho nia folin molok distribui hodi nunee labele kria konfujaun iha komunidade nia leet tanba durante ne'e populasaun sira hatene deit fos MTCI nebe ho folin $ 12 ho nia kilograma 35, Problema halo kobransa ba komunidade nebe kbi'it la to'o atu sosa fos MTCI, Difikuldade ba chefi suku sira wainhira ba forma antrian iha banku atu hatama osan hodi hetan fos MTCI nebe prosesu ne'e han tempu e difilkuta servisu suku nian, Governu tenki identifika lolos produtu lokal nebe atu sosa tanba durante ne'e populasaun sira nia produtu lokal barak mak estraga.",
"Iha programa konsultasauun entre LABEH ho autoridade lokal iha Distritu Aileu nebe realiza iha loron 11/06/10, LABEH identifika problema nebe iha kuaze hanesan ho distritu sira seluk katak chefe suku la faan foos maibe ba sosa hodi osan nebe kobra husi populsaun sira.",
"Chefi suku balun rekuinese katak, sira la ba sosa fos MTCI tanba populasaun balun laiha kbi'it atu sosa no chefi suku rasik laiha osan atu ba sosa fos MTCI.Tanba ne'e sira rekomenda ba governu atu fo fiar ba autoridade lokal sira hodi distribui fos MTCI ba iha suku mak sira fan depois intrega osan ba governu atu nune'e labele kria tan konfujaun entre chefi suku ho populasaun sira.",
"Sira mos rekomenda ba MTCI atu kria taskforce ka seguransa hodi monitoriza distrinuisaun foos nebe sai husi armazem tenki tama too suku tanba durante ne'e fos la to'o iha baze maibe fan deit iha sidade Dili.",
"Hahalok sira ne'e akontese tanba sistema nebe ladiak no dala barak chefi suku sira la ba sosa foos tanba osan la to'o inklui transporte atu lori ba suku laiha.",
"Inklui mos husu atu harii armazem iha Distritu ka too sub distritu hotu tanba distansia husi suku balu la hanesan.",
"Konaba produtu lokal to'o agora agrikultor sei sira konfujaun hela ho ho programa Governu nian Povu Kuda Governu Sosa tanba husi Ministeriu Agrikultura no Peskas (MAP) durante ne'e fahe handtraktor ho traktor bo'ot ba povu atu promove no hasa'e produsaun aihan rai laran maibe produsaun nebe povu produs to'o agora governu la sosa.",
"MTCI tenki esplika klaru ba povu konaba produtu lokal nebe mak atu sosa molok implemnta programa foun se lae gasta deit osan ba cetak papan bar-barak maibe benefisiu ba povu laiha.",
"Programa hanesan realiza mos iha Distritu Ainaro (14/06/10).",
"Iha konsultasaun ne'e Chefi Suku sira husu governu atu distribui fos MTCI direitamente ba suku atu nune'e labele kria problema entre chefi suku ho populasaun sira iha baze. \"",
"Ami husu ba MTCI atu muda sistema nebe kria konfuzaun no problema entre chefi suku ho populasaun sira tanba durante ne'e ami chefi suku sira simu tolok barak husi komunidade no ema la respeita ona ami tanba deit prosesu sosa fos iha nasional kleur tebes no fungsionariu sira iha MTCI laiha atendementu diak ba chefi suku,\" haktuir chefi suku sira.",
"Sira rekomenda ba governu atu servisu hamutuk ho Parlamentu Nasional estabelese kria lei ida para fos nebe ho marka MTCI labele faan ka rai iha loja no governu tenki hari amarjen iha kada Distritu no Subdistritu atu nune'e polisia fasil atu halo kontrola tanba foos ne'e subsidi ba povu laos foos bisnis atu hetan lukro.",
"Entretantu iha konsultasaun refere, polisia sira mos kestiona konaba atuasaun nebe sira halo hasoru ema sira nebe faan fos MTCI liu estandar hodi prende fos maibe wainhira halo konfirmasaun ho parte MTCI, lahetan resposta tanba MTCI haruka fali polisia mak faan fos ho folin $12 hafoin intrega osan ba fos nain.",
"Polisia sira rekomenda ba ukun nain sira atu kria lei nebe forte para ema bele kumpri hodi nunee bele hamenus problema iha distribuisaun fos MTCI.",
"Iha konsultasaun nee mos Chefi Suku sira kestiona konaba komunidade balun nia produtu lokal governu la sosa.",
"Foin lalais nee, fungsionariu husi MTCI ba iha subdistritu Maubisse atu sosa produtu lokal maibe sira dehan tenki too 10 ka 20 toneladas no chefi suku rasik hakfodak tanba durante ne'e governu laiha planu atu organiza grupu agrikultura para bele produs to'o standar nebe sira husu, Governu la halo sosializasaun ba sira antes atu prepara an, kestiona chefe suku sira.",
"Chefi suku sira mos haktuir katak, uluk MTCI ba sosa batar 7 toneladas husi komunidade iha distritu Covalima no Betanu Distritu manufahi tau iha amarjen maibe produtu nee sai dodok hotu tanba kleur tiha ona.",
"\"Ami husu LABEH atu rekomenda ami nia preukupasaun ne'e para governu bele toma atensaun ba atendementu sira ne'e tanba orsamentu ne'e povu nian laos fungsionariu MTCI nian.\"",
"Sira hatete, fos MTCI ne'e uza hodi INFEITA deit sidade Dili maibe populasaun sira iha area rural susar atu hetan foos MTCI.",
"Iha loron 15/06/10, konsultasaun nee mos realiza iha Distritu Covalima.",
"Chefi suku husi suku hamutuk 31 iha Distritu Covalima sente triste ho sistema distribuisaun fos husi MTCI tanba sira sente sai vitima ba prosesu ne'e no sira konsidera prosesu ida nee halo sira lakon dignidade.",
"Chefi suku sira lamenta tebes ho presu fos MTCI nebe faan la tuir folin nebe determina.",
"Foss lemo-lemo iha sidade maibe duun fali ba chefe suku sira afinal dalaruma halo ita deskonfia fali keta halo funsionario MTCI mak konkalikong ho emprezariu sira karik.",
"Tanba atendementu iha armazem fo prioridade liu ba emprezariu duke chefe suku.",
"\"Ami balun ba sosa duni fos MTCI maibe balun la ba sosa tanba povu barak laiha osan atu sosa foos.",
"Ami triste liu mak atendementu iha amarjen nasional nian nebe ladiak inklui transporte laiha atu tula foos ba ami nia suku izoladu.",
"Fusnionario MTCI atende liu mak emprezariu sira duke chefe suku.",
"Halo ami hein ba hein, maibe emprezariu sira mak mai, sira langsung atende kedas\" Chefi suku sira kestiona.",
"Iha parte seluk sira mos husu ba governu atu halo sosializasaun para esplika ba povu kiik sira konaba produtu lokal saida mak governu atu sosa tanba programa ne'e halo povu ki'ik sira nia produtu lokal dodok iha fatin deit no governu la ba sosa.",
"Programa nee loke direitamente husi Administrador Distritu Covalima, Inacio Pires no hetan partisipasaun maximu husi autoridade local sira; chefe suku, administrador sub distritu inklui parte Polisia.",
"Programa nee hola fatin iha Salaun Administraaun Distritu Covalima.",
"Hafoin remata kosultasaun iha parte Oeste, LABEH kontinua ho programa hanesan ba parte Leste nebe hahu kedas husi Distritu Vique-que iha loron 17 Junho 2010.",
"Programa refere loke direitamente husi Administrador Distritu Franscisco Gutterres nebe hola fatin iha salaun Administrasaun Distritu Vique-que.",
"Iha konsultasaun nee, autoridade local sira hatoo difikuldade nebe mak sira infrenta iha prosesu ida nee.",
"Maioria autoridade local sira lamenta ho mekanismu nebe mak durante nee fo sai husi MTCI iha prosesu distribuisaun no faan foos MTCI inklui sosa produtu local.",
"Chefe Suku Lacluta Henrique Campus informa katak tanba deit foos MTCI nia tenki lakon tempo ba mai Dili.",
"Dalaruma too iha Dili funsionario MTCI la atende ho diak no halo chefe suku sira ba mai deit iha Dili laran tanba deit prosesu nebe naruk no kleur teb-tebes.",
"Nia mos lamenta tanba durante fulan rua ona, foos seidauk too nia suku afinal prosesu hotu nia halo tuir ona no osan iha ona banku \" Hau sente triste tebes ho Governu ida nee.",
"Agora dadauk iha hau nia suku povu menus aihan tanba aihan nebe sira kuda la aproveita hotu tanba deit natureza nebe ladun diak.",
"Tanba nee populsaun sira mos lori osan kobransa mai hau atu ba sosa foos.",
"Hau ba mai Dili dalabarak ona no hasai hau nia osan rasik maibe too agora foos nee la too iha hau nia suku maski prosesu hotu hau halo tuir ona.",
"Pior liu tan osan nebe hau lori ba foos ho kilograma 35 maibe wainhira hau hatama tiha osan iha banku mak sira informa katak foos hela kilograma 25 \" tanba nee liu husi LABEH, nia husu atu hatoo lalais ezijensia nee ba MTCI hodi bele haruka lalais foos ba nia suku.",
"Lamentasaun mos mai husi kuase maioria chefe suku nebe mak infrenta difikuldade hanesan.",
"Chefe suku Distritu refere informa katak difikuldade nebe mak sira infrenta laos deit iha prosesu atu hetan foos nebe naruk tebes maibe inklui problema transporte. \"",
"Iha prosesu nee, ami lakon osan lubuk ida tanba deit transporte tula foos la too ba suku.",
"Ami hasai rasik osan tau mina iha kareta hodi tula foos too ba suku tanba transporte nebe tula mai hatun deit iha Distritu ka sub distritu no aumenta tan osan ba ema hodi hatun foos maibe too iha suku wainhira tenta atu kobra fali populasaun sira hodi troka netik osan mina, sira rezeita tanba sira hatene deit simu foos ho folin USD12.",
"Komesa iha nee, chefe suku balun para kedas ho atividade ida nee tanba 50cent nebe hetan iha foos nee la vale liu buat ida.\"",
"Maibe, sira mos sujere atu MTCI ba oin tenki hadia mekanismu ida nee.",
"Se karik, iha future fo fiar ba chefe suku entaun tenki haruka uluk foos ba sira, faan tiha hafoin mak entrega fali osan ba Governu.",
"Se lae entrega deit ba emprezariu.",
"Iha parte produtu local nian, maioria chefe suku kestiona konaba sistema nebe mak MTCI uza atu sosa produtu local.",
"Tanba durante nee sira la hatene produtu saida deit mak Governu atu sosa, folin per kilograma hira, no oinsa Governu atu sosa.",
"Sira konsidera katak programa Povu Kuda Governu Sosa nee nunka implementa no konsidera katak programa nee hanran deit Povu Kuda Governu Han ka Povu Kuda Governu Sae!",
"Hafoin Distritu Vique-que, LABEH kontinua ho programa hanesan iha Distritu Manatuto (18/06/10). loke no akompanha mos programa nee Administrador Distritu Manatuto Elbino Bonaparte do Rego.",
"Programa nee hola fatin iha salaun Administrasaun Distritu Manatuto. marka prezensa iha programa nee autoridade local sira hanesan chefe suku, administrdaor sub distritu no Komandante Polisia Distritu no Komandante Polisia estasaun sub distritu sira hotu.",
"Hanesan iha Distritu sira seluk, maioria autoridade local sira nebe partisipa hatoo difikuldade nebe mak sira infrenta durante involve iha prosesu faan foos MTCI nian.",
"Miquel Marcos Komandante Polisia Sub Distritu Laleia afirma katak nia parte sai vitima iha prosesu ida nee. \"",
"Hau hateten Polisia sai vitima iha prosesu ida nee tanba wainhira ami prende foos, MTCI haruka fila fali ami mak faan no osan entrega ban ain.",
"Hau lamenta tanba ami laos atu faan foos.",
"Se hakarak kontrola presu foos diak liu tenki estabelese lei nebe mak forte atu nunee wainhira ema faan foos liu folin nebe determina nia tenki hetan sansaun laos halo fali ami polisia mak ba faan foos\" tenik Miguel.",
"Nia mos hatutan tan katak se wainhira MTCI hakarak halo monitoring tenki halo kedas iha armazem laos monitoring fali foos nebe too ona iha dalan.",
"Se nunee halo ita deskonfia fali funsionario sira, keta halo ba konkalikong tiha ona karik se mak hatene.",
"Tan nee, autoridade local sira rekomenda ba Governu tenki tau ekipa monitoring ba distribuisaun fos MTCI tanba dala barak kompania sira mak lori sai fos husi amarjen hodi faan subar maibe ikus duun fali chefe suku sira mak manipula folin foos.",
"Sira mos kestiona katak durante ne'e sira laos faan foos MTCI maibe sira ba sosa foos.",
"Tanba prosesu ne'e obriga sira tenki halo kobransa ba populasaun no dala barak mak sira hetan tolok husi komunidade tanba prosesu sosa foos kleur tebes.",
"Pior liu tan mak governu la esplika lolos kilograma fos nian nebe kria konfujaun ba populasaun sira.",
"No sira husu atu muda liafuan chefe suku faan foos ba chefe suku sosa foos tanba sira la faan ida.",
"Chefi suku husi Manatuto nebe kompostu husi suku 28 konfesa katak, sira lakohi ona atu halo kobransa ba populasaun, se governu hakarak sira mak atu faan entaun tenki distribui fos ba sede suku mak chefi suku ho konselhu suku sira faan ba populasaun hafoin intrega fali osan ba governu.",
"Se lae dalan diak seluk mak diak liu foos husi nasional haruka direitamente ba armazem iha distritu refere depois mak chefe suku sira mai foti wainhira presiza.",
"Chefe suku sira mos kestiona liu konaba produtu local. sira lamenta tebes ho programa Povu Kuda Governu sosa nebe mak sai papan nama deit.",
"Chefe suku sira informa katak durante nee sira nunka hatene produtu saida mak Governu atu sosa.",
"Tanba produtu Timor nee barak teb-tebes.",
"Komunidade balun iha fehuk, aifarina no sst maibe Governu la sosa no pior liu tan MTCI la halo sosializasaun antes ba autoridade local sira.",
"Maibe sira tur deit iha fatin halo programa no sira mesak mak hatene.",
"Sira husu ba governu atu halo klasifikasaun ba produtu lokal nebe mak atu sosa.",
"Iha loron 22 Junho, LABEH halao programa hanesan iha Distritu Baucau.",
"Programa nee loke husi Administrador Baucau Antonio Gutteres.",
"Iha konsultasaun nee maioria autoridade local lamenta ho mekanismu prosesu distribuisaun foos MTCI inklui sosa produtu local.",
"Husi parte chefe suku sira rekomenda katak se Governu hakarak fo fiar nafatin ba sira maka Governu tenki entrega uluk foos ba suku hodi chefe suku no konselho suku sira faan tiha mak osan entrega ba Governu.",
"Maibe chefe suku balun rezeita no lakohi ona atu faan foos tanba se wainhira suku iha atividade importante iha liur entaun sede suku taka no se mak atu tau matan wainhira populasaun balun hakarak mai sosa no sira rekomenda atu diak liu fo deit ba emprezario nebe iha suku laran mak faan tanba chefe suku iha assuntu importante barak mak atu halo.",
"Husi parte Polisia rekomenda katak diak liu tenki kria lei nebe forte atu nunee wainhira faan foos liu standard tenki hetan sansaun atu nunee labele repete fila fali se lae halo polisia mak ayam potong.",
"Tanba nee sira husu ba LABEH atu hatoo rekomendasaun sira nee ba MTCI hodi lalais muda mekanismu nebe lao ladiak durante nee.",
"Tanba iha Distritu Baucau, iha chefe suku balun nebe infrenta difikuldade boot tebes hanesan momentu sira ba tula foos too iha suku kalan ona no transporte la tula ba suku no terpaksa foos sira nee hatun deit iha chefe suku nia uma.",
"Wainhira kalan boot derpente udan tau no sira la biban asegura foos sira nee too foos sai estragus hotu tanba kona udan ben.",
"Entretantu relasiona ho informasaun nebe LABEH hetan iha konsultasaun refere husi chefe suku balun katak produtu local sai dodok no aat iha armazem, iha loron 23 Junho loraik, ekipa LABEH hakat ba monitoriza armajem iha Aldeia Caisidu suku Tirilolo hodi buka hatene informasaun klaru.",
"Ekipa LABEH konsege hasoru Diretur Kompanha nebe sosa produtu local.",
"Tuir informasaun nebe ekipa LABEH rekolhe husi direitur kompanhia lokal ACELDA Ijinho da Costa Freitas katak, produtu hanesan Batar no hare mak Governu sosa no tau iha nia armazem.",
"Batar hamutuk 300 toneladas, maibe 50 toneladas fo ona ba Seminario iha Fuiloro, agora hela deit toneladas 250 mak iha armazem no hare toneladas 100 resin. \"",
"Hau ba sosa produtu lokal hanesan hare, batar ho kami husi agrikultura kada kilo $30 centavus no governu sosa tutan ho folin $ 50 centavus batar no hare sira ne'e governu aluga hau nia armazem hodi tau iha neba.",
"Produtu local sira nee tau iha amarjen hahu iha fulan Abril-Junho 2009 to'o agora sei iha nafatin neba.",
"Hau ladun hatene kondisaun produtu sira nee tanba xave armazem entrega ba Governu mak kaer laos Hau.\"",
"Molok halao programa konsultasaun iha Distritu Baucau, iha loron 21 Junho loraik, ekipa LABEH hakat ba vizita Amu Basilio Bispo Diocese Baucau iha nia Rezidensia Trilolo Baucau.",
"Iha sorumuto ho Amu Basilio, Diretur LABEH informa mos konaba objetivu husi programa nebe LABEH halao no iha dadalia konaba esplikasaun produtu local, Amu Bispo hakfodak tanba Amu mos foin primeira vez rona katak produtu local nebe Governu sosa hamutuk hitu deit.",
"Afinal tuir Amu, produtu barak teb-tebes no hanoin katak Governu sosa hotu.",
"Amu mos enkoraza LABEH atu kontinua halao programa ida nee hodi bele hetan rezultadu nebe diak hodi bele ajuda Governu buka solusaun ba problema Foos MTCI no Sosa produtu local.",
"LABEH kontinua ho programa konsultasaun hanesan iha Distritu Lautem (23/06/10).",
"Iha konsultasaun nee LABEH identifika katak difikuldade nebe mak autoridade local hanesan chefe suku no Polisia sira infrenta kuaze hanesan ho difikuldade nebe mak autoridade local husi Distritu sira seluk infrenta.",
"Chefe suku Mehara informa katak nia lamenta tebes ho atendementu husi funsionario MTCI iha armazem Dili. \"",
"Nudar chefe suku hau lamenta tebes ho hahalok funsionario MTCI balun nebe mak la konsidera hau nudar chefe suku maske hau hatudu ona hau nia kartaun ba sira atu prosesa foos bah au nia suku.",
"Sira kestiona fali hau nee chefe suku duni ka lae.",
"Hau ba mai kole, too iha armazem ba hasoru tan hahalok hanesan nee.",
"Ami chefe suku iha dignidade, povu mak hili ami.\"",
"Tanba nee nia sujere atu Governu mos tenki tau matan ba assuntu ida nee.",
"Hare husi problema ida nee ita bele dehan katak falta tebes koordenasaun entre ministerio tanba tuir lolos dadus chefe suku nian husi ESTATAL tenki kompletu ba MTCI atu nunee wainhira prosesa foos, la presiza ulun moras identifika identidade chefe suku sira, hatan Diretur LABEH ba preokupasaun chefe suku Mehara.",
"Suku Parlamentu liu husi nia chefe suku...mos afirma katak iha nia suku produsaun Liis makaas teb-tebes maibe Governu la ba sosa.",
"Tanba nee nia mos husu karik Liis tama hotu iha produtu nebe governu atu sosa entaun nia sei husu ba populasaun sira atu prepara an liu tan.",
"Maibe triste, wainhira chefe suku nee rona husi LABEH katak produtu nebe governu sosa nee so iha hitu deit la inklui liis.",
"Nia mos hatutan katak Liis mos nudar produu local tanba saida mak governu la sosa, se governu sosa barak entaun sosializa atu nunee nia povu bele hatene hodi servisu makaas aumenta tan produsaun.",
"Alende rekomendasaun iha leten, Rekomendasaun kuaze barak mak hanesan Distritu sira seluk katak tenki kria lei nebe forte hodi kontrola foos, kria ekipa monitoring, kria home industry kiik ba kontinuasaun produtu local, no rekomendasaun husi Administrador rasik katak diak liu foos husi nasional mai iha armazem boot iha distritu Lautem mak hafoin aloka ba suku.",
"Hafoin remata programa konsultasaun ho autoridade local konaba sistema fan fos MTCI ho sosa produtu lokal iha Distitu refere, ekipa LABEH liu husi programa One District, One Village hakat ba halo monitorizasaun iha Ministeriu Agrikultura Distritu refere.",
"Ekipa LABEH konsege hasoru malu ho Direitur Ministeriu Agrikultura e Peskas (MAP) Distritu Lautem Almeida Frans Xavier hodi buka hatene oin sa kolaborasaun entre MTCI ho MAP iha programa Povu Kuda Governu Sosa \" Produtu local.\"",
"Nia informa katak, MAP iha komitmentu atu servisu hamutuk ho komunidade hodi produz aihan rai laran para minimiza importasaun husi rai liur maibe MTCI laiha kolaborasaun ho sira liu-liu iha parte sosa produtu lokal atu oinsa sosa produtu nebe komunidade ho MAP produs tiha ona iha toneladas barak.",
"Nia hateten katak sira mos akompanha alokasaun OJE hamutuk $7 miloes nebe kanaliza ba MTCI hodi sosa produtu lokal maibe iha Distritu Lautem, durante ne'e MTCI la ba sosa komunidade sira nia produtu lokal.",
"Nia haktuir kona ba produsaun Batar, Ministeriu Agrikultura hetan kuaze 100 resin toneladas nebe kobre deit iha subdistritu Lospalos vila la inklui area sira seluk no sira so submete hodi fo dadus deit ba MTCI atu sosa.",
"Komunidade husi aldeia Nakroman suku Fuiluru momentu neba, husu kona ba presu kada kilo ba produtu lokal, MTCI hatun to'o $ 15 centavus - $20 centavus no komunidade preukupa ho presu ne'e tanba lahetan benefisiu.",
"Tuir Direitur ne'e katak, ONG sira mak sosa ho presu $ 50 centavus kada kilo no komunidade sira bele hetan lukro.",
"Tuir dadus produtu lokal nebe Ministeriu agrikultura distritu refere rekolha mak kuaze 290.000, 259 toneladas produsaun makaas tebes maibe MTCI la halo desizaun hodi sosa komunidade nia produtu local katak durante nee MTCI nunka ba sosa produtu lokal iha Distritu Lautem.",
"Wainhira Primeiru Ministru Xanana Gusmao halo vizita, deside atu sosa komunidade sira nia produtu lokal inklui mina nu maski la tama iha lista sosa produtu lokal husi MTCI nian maibe governu promete atu sosa.",
"Wainhira ba halo konsultasaun ho parte MTCI, MTCI hakarak sosa ho presu nebe tun liu ba $15 centavus kada botir ida e komunidade sira rezeita totalmente presu ne'e.",
"Nia hatutan, sira nia parte ajuda hodi promove agrikultor sira nia produsaun maibe atu sosa ne'e kompetensia MTCI nian.",
"Sira so ajuda komunidade hodi ba direitamente foti dadus kona ba rezultadu produsaun.",
"Direitur ne'e husu ba MTCI atu MTCI tau nia membru ka extensionista iha distritu refere atu nunee bele servisu hamutuk hodi oinsa bele kobre rezultadu produsaun agrikultura nian atu nune'e bele liga direitamente ba seguransa aihan, ekstensionista no autoridade lokal sira hodi rekomenda ba nasional para bele sosa produtu lokal.",
"Iha monitorizasaun nee, LABEH nota katak laiha linha koordenasaun nebe diak entre MTCI ho MAP.",
"Ministerio ida halo diak hodi aumenta produsaun maibe Ministerio seluk la halo kontinusaun ba produsaun hirak nee.",
"Iha Distritu Ambeno (25/06/06), maioria autoridade local lamenta tebes ho mekanismu nebe agora dadauk sira tuir iha prosesu faan foos MTCI.",
"Hare jeografikamente ita bele dehan katak Ambeno nudar Distritu nebe dok tebes husi capital Dili.",
"Asesu transporte ba ema deit araska tiha ona sa tan ba foos.",
"Difikuldade nebe mak chefe suku sira infrenta iha prosesu nee todan tebes.",
"Chefe suku sira informa katak, dala barak sira abandona servisu suku nian hodi ba hein foos iha Dili.",
"Atu hetan deit foos mos tenki tuir prosesu nebe naruk.",
"Wainhira hetan tiha foos, transporte hanesan truk tula husi armazem mai hatun iha Porto.",
"Dala barak sira toba iha Porto tanba fatin iha roo laiha atu hatama sira nia foos.",
"Fatin nebe iha nakonu tiha ona ho foos emprezariu nian tanba nee sira tenki pasiensia toba iha Porto depende viajem Roo Nakroma ba mai Dili Oe-cusse.",
"Chefe suku balun informa katak sira toba iha Porto kuaze semana rua.",
"Pior liu tan foos nebe atu lori ba oecusse tenki aluga fali fatin ka armazem iha porto hodi tau foos hodi hein roo.",
"Sira tenki hasai osan lubuk ida iha prosesu nee.",
"Wainhira too iha Oe cusse sira selu tan ema hatun foos no buka fali transporte hodi tula ba too iha suku.",
"Chefe suku sira konsidera osan ho valor 50cent nebe sira hetan la iha valor liu.",
"Administrador Distritu Oe-Cusse Jose T. Anuno mos lamenta nia chefe suku sira tenki husik hela suku hodi ba hein foos iha Dili tanba nee nia mos sujere atu diak liu foos husi nasional direita mai iha armazem boot nebe iha nia distritu depois mak chefe suku sira mai foti se lae komunidade mos bele hakat mai sosa rasik.",
"Hodi nunee labele difikulta fali chefe suku no Polisia sira nia servisu.",
"Hafoin remata konsultasaun, LABEH hakat ba vizita mini armazem nebe mak durante nee produtu local nebe mak Governu sosa hodi tau ba.",
"Ekipa LABEH konsege hasoru malu ho chefe lojistika Xisto sako nia afirma katak produtu hanesan batar no hare nebe mak durante nee tau iha armazem estraga no dodok hotu kedas no komunidade balun mai foti hodi fo han animal no balun tanba dodok iis makaas entaun lori ba soe hotu.",
"Agora dadauk armazem mamuk hela tanba tinan ida nee Governu seidauk sosa produtu local.",
"Iha loron (01/07/10) tama ba fulan Julho, LABEH kontinua halao programa konsultasaun iha Distritu Liquica.",
"Programa nee loke direitamente husi Administrador Distritu Liquica Leonel de Jesus Carvalho.",
"Iha nia intervensaun Administrador hatoo Parabens ba LABEH nebe mak realiza ona konsultasaun nee iha nia distritu.",
"Nia mos espera katak problema foos MTCI no sosa produtu local nebe mak sai hanesan polemika boot iha rai laran bele lalais hetan ona solusaun.",
"Iha sesaun diskusaun, hanesan distritu sira seluk, chefe suku sira hatoo difikuldade nebe mak durante nee sira infrenta.",
"Chefe suku sira kestiona konaba prosesu sosa foos nebe mak halo sira sai vitima.",
"Balun konfesa katak iha prosesu nee sira lamanan osan maibe lakon tan osan mak iha, balun hetan tolok husi komunidade.",
"Chefe sira mos rekomenda atu hadia sistema nebe mak durante nee uza tanba la benefisia sira no populasaun.",
"Sira mak kontinua sai vitima.",
"Chefe suku sira mos kestiona konaba programa POvu Kuda Governu sosa.",
"Sira konsidera katak Governu laiha planu nebe diak.",
"Tanba produtu balun nebe sosa sai dodok, produtu balun la sosa no aat liu tan sira rasik la hatene produtu saida mak governu atu sosa tanba MTCI/ governu la halo sosializasaun ba sira molok implementa programa ida nee.",
"(05/07/10) Diferente ho Distritu siraseluk nebe programa nee halao iha capital.",
"Iha Distritu Dili, LABEH foti Sub-Distritu Atauro nudar fatin nebe mak hodi realiza programa Konsultasaun Nasional ho autoridade local konaba prosesu faan foos no Distribuisaun foos MTCI inklui sosa produtu local.",
"Tanba LABEH konsidera katak jeografikamente Atauro mak nudar sub distritu nebe dok husi capital Dili.",
"Programa nee loke husi Administrador sub Distritu Atauro Manecas Soares.",
"Iha nia intervensaun , Administrador hatoo parabens ba LABEH nebe mak hakat mai Atauro maske ho transporte (roo kiik) maibe sira konsege hakat too mai Atauro hodi hasoru autoridade local sira hodi koalia konaba assuntu nebe importante tebes ba sira.",
"Observasaun LABEH iha programa nee hatudu katak, maioria autoridade local tau fiar ba emprezario Atauro oan sira nebe mak durante nee hamutuk ho sira iha Atauro.",
"Sira fiar liu emprezariu sira nee tanba durante nee faan foos tuir estandar nebe mak determinadu no komprende tebes nesesidade sira nian.",
"Tanba nee Chefe suku sira rekomenda ba Governu atu define lista emprezariu nebe mak sei lori foos ba Atauro no diak liu entrega ba emprezariu Atauro oan nebe mak durante nee besikliu sira.",
"Iha sesaun diskusaun nee mos, emprezariu Atauro sira hatoo difikuldade no prosesu nebe mak durante nee sira tuir.",
"Sira mos rekomenda ba Governu atu trata sub distritu Atauro especial nudar sub distritu nebe espesial duni se lae liafuan nebe dehan Atauro especial nee hanesan formalitas deit.",
"LABEH hakotu konsultasaun konaba Transparensia no Boa Governasaun iha prosesu distribuisaun no faan foos MTCI inklui sosa produtu local iha Distritu Dili, Sub Distritu Atauro.",
"Hafoin ho autoridade local, LABEH sei kontinua Programa nee ho parte emprezariu nebe sai nudar parte ikus ba programa ida nee."
] | [
"Category: News Published on Friday, 09 July (21) Hits.6875 As we all know that not only the rural population is concerned about MTCI’S food but in Dili capital too this issue has become a universal one as well!"
"It is not only the people of Laos who are crying but also many leaders in this country, MPs and everyone else. But so far they have been filled with criticism without a solution to these problems!"
"The objective of the consultation program is to collect opinions from all parties in order for them then be put together and ultimately submitted by Government, especially MTCI so that they can see what their views are on how it should implemented."
"Because we believe that the word of people will not fall to earth."
"In this way, the food problem of MTCI can be solved and all people may feel benefit from subsidies that Government gives to them."
"Implementation of the Program \"Consultation on Good Governance and Transparency in Processes for Distributing MTCI Feeds, Including Support to Local Produce\" NATIONAL CONSULTATION WITH ACADEMICS IN UNIVERSITIES On May/12th-05:39 AM LABEH began consultations at Dili Institute Of Tech nology (DIT) which took place within a hall."
"The program was opened directly by DIT Rector Estanislau Saldanha."
"In his opening remarks, the Rector of DIT asked students to be active in this program by expressing their opinion on distribution mechanism and selling better MTCI food including buying local products which is now very well underway."
"The participants who attended the program were students and faculty of this university."
"The observations showed that the students were very enthusiastic about this program and they are also active in giving ideas or presenting their solutions to LABEH."
"Recommendations made by the students were that warehouses should be established in every district."
"What the students noted about MTCI’s system was that there is a lack of control mechanism and they suggested creating monitoring teams for food distribution to monitor its arrival at destination."
"Regarding local products, they recommended that MTCI should create a home industry so as to have continuity for the purchased produce and not leave it in storage."
"Selae gasta osan saugate deit. – See how much money you saved!"
"University of Dili (UNDIL) During this program, observations showed that the students were very active in providing ideas and suggestions including questions about problems which have been confusing them during their time at MTCI. Mostly they are concerned with what is not working properliously especially on selling food products from MTCI to customers who may be unfamiliar or disintereste"
"The Director of LABEH also stated that the organization is not acting as MTCI's spokesman but rather a social control agent who value Transparency, Accountability and fighting corruption in relation to problems related with selling or distributing food from Mtci including buying local products which have remained unresolved until now despite criticism on this issue by all parties."
"The recommendation from the University states that MTCI should create an appropriate law to regulate when people sell non-standard food."
"He also created warehouses in every district so as not to hinder the activities of village chief within his community."
"As for local products, they suggested creating a mini home industry to produce purchased foods that can last longer so the product won't run out in storage."
"LABEH also continued the programme at Universidade da Paz on 15 May, which was a great success."
"The program was opened by the representative of UNPAZ Rector Francisco da Silva."
"As in other universities, the students are very enthusiastic about this program."
"As in other universities, the Director of LABEH also presented a flowchart that MTCI used to provoke students so they could give their thoughts on this process."
"Or ask them what they think is missing in the system that makes it continue to work wrong."
"The program takes place in the Conference Room for UNPAZ Magistrates."
"On 19 May, LABEH also continued the programme at IOB which took place in its conference hall."
"The program was opened by the Rector of IOB Augusto Perreira."
"In opening the program, IOB Rector said that it is very important for intellectuals to express their thoughts or make an intellect contribution through ideas."
"During the opinion session, many students expressed their views."
"A student said, \"If no one has gone to prison before then there will not be any racism."
"It is better to take them when they are found guilty and put in prison so that the others will not be punished. if government does NOT give a sanction this process would improve why do people don't punish because he knows it won ' t punishe him?"
"I urge the government to implement a phrase that says \"If you don't want five cents out, if your job is not knowing how it goes."
"It is very interesting that the government should consider this suggestion."
"Since this is related to the problem of substandard feed sold, he suggested that Government should create strong laws for regulating those who sell underpriced food."
"The students also noted in the MTCI system that LABEH showed a lack of control mechanisms, so they recommend to create monitoring team for this process."
"Regarding local products, the recommendation they made was almost identical to that of other universities. They suggested creating a home industry in order for these produces not only be good but also cheaper because when people' s money is being stolen from them it will never become their own cash again!"
"National University of Timor-Leste (UNTL) On May 28, the same program continued at UNTL which took place in its Auditorium hall."
"The program was opened by Vice-Rector II Rosalino da Silva. Students and faculty of the University attended this programme, which also included a presentation from Professor José Luiz de Almeida Pereira about his experiences in teaching at USP during 2015/3 years as an assistant lecturer for students with disabilities who are studying or working on campuses around Rio Grande do Sul State (RS)."
"LABEH’s observation showed that students were very enthusiastic to express their views in this consultative programme."
"Recommendations from our students are as good, but also those of other University’s Students."
"LABEH concluded its consultation programme with academics at the Oriental University (UNITAL) on 29 May, and will continue to do so in future."
"The program was opened by UNITAL Rector Gregorio Lobo Pinto, who also presented the programme."
"In his opening remarks, the Rector said that based on observations he had made during this time regarding distribution and sale of MTCI food products as well As buying local produce there are many problems which arise in Mtci with respect to MTCI Food issues because it is very weak at managing/manager matters And decision-making."
"The basic failure in policy management is that from the outset, thinking and conceptualizing as well As making decisions on format to make such programs are not accurate or based upon exact information of all places."
"In the discussion session, Eusebio Quintas as Dean of Faculty Agricultural UNITAL presented his recommendation that it would be better to create a control mechanism or monitoring in distribution and sale feed MTCI because there is very lack Control Mechanism."
"He also suggested to the MTCI regarding local products that they should create an industry for farmers' produce so as not only store in storage."
"Delcio Guimarães, a student of the Faculty for Economics and Management Department also recommended that it would be better if MTCI began its first intervention through market regulation to regulate prices in this area. He asked those who take care about food distribution & sales with nationalism as well!"
"CONSULTATION WITH CIVIL SOCIETY After the consultation with intellectuals/academics was completed, LABEH carried out a similar programme involving civil society and NGO on 27 May."
"Because LABEH also considers that civil society has a very important role in this process."
"As an agent of social control, civil society must also come up with better ideas or mechanisms to put a stop for the problems that have been going on without any clear solution."
"Civil society participation is very important."
"During the discussion session, civil society representatives recommended that MTCI improve its distribution and sale mechanisms of food including purchasing local products which has been failing so far."
"They also questioned the length of time to buy feed from abroad, so they suggest that MTCI could look at it and limit importation because domestic products are already getting better."
"Regarding local products, they also suggested creating a home industry to produce the purchased goods for long-term storage or giving all of them into cooperative farmings. It is important that there be continuity otherwise these will continue falling as in previous years and it wouldn’t help anymore if we were not doing so now too!"
"CONSULTATION WITH LOCAL AUTHORITIES IN 13 DISTRICTs On May,26th LABEH continued its consultation programme in Ermera District after consulting with academicians and civil society."
"LABEH continues the programme in District with a view to gathering ideas, suggestion from local authorities of district which are involved on this program including Distrikt Administrator Sub-Distrikt administrator Village chief Police etc."
"Because LABEH considers that the participants of all people especially local authorities are very important in this process."
"Because local authorities are closer to the people and they themselves directly involved in this process."
"It is very important to gather the thoughts of all these people."
"LABEH concluded that the majority of village chiefs were unhappy with their current system for receiving MTCI grain."
"The village chiefs have become the victim of this process."
"According to them, the system used is in accordance with international standards but weakly controlled."
"Therefore, they suggested to the Government that it create a taskforce for monitoring food reaching villages and better build warehouse in district or sub-district so as not difficult their work."
"The program was opened by the Ermera District Administrator, Mr. José Carlos de Souza Neto (PSDB)."
"The program was attended by local authorities such as the Administrator of Sub-District 6 and village chiefs from all over Ermera District."
"In the programme, local authorities presented their difficulties and also gave suggestions on how to improve mechanism in distribution processes of MTCI grain including buying from abroad."
"The programme took place in the Ermera District administration hall."
"LABEH carried out a consultation program with local authorities in two areas of the Bobonaro District (31/05 / 24)."
"The results LABEH obtained that the majority of local authorities recommended it would be better to distribute MTCI food from national directly in districts then village chief will come and pick up at a departmental warehouse other than District is allocated further into communities therein."
"Because the village chiefs consider that a system which is currently being used incorrectly makes them victim."
"They also recommended that attention be paid to MTCI officials in the national warehouse because they may have been manipulating this process."
"They also stated that if MTCI does not change the system, then they will no longer authorize knar to buy grain because it isn't their intention of becoming a village chief collector!"
"On Saturday (04/12) Lalenok Ba Ema Hotu held a consultation with local authorities in the district of Manufahi."
"In this program LABEH was able to have a dialogue with the village heads, administrator and also part of Police Force UNPOL in order together think forward how we can solve or improve system implementation for distribution sale MTCI gas throughout Territory."
"As a result of this consultation, LABEH identified the difficulties that local authorities faced in distributing MTCI gas especially village chiefs and PNTL."
"The program was opened directly by the District Administrator of Manufahi Filominu Tilman."
"The difficulty that has become a major problem between the community and village chiefs including PNTL is as Chief of Village with police victimized in distribution process MTCI because failure from system implementation competent Ministry which does not have strong law to Police can use it, System implemented by Government makes policing an enemy for communities.The headmen leave their work until more than one week since they are waiting fos Mtci on national amarjen"
"Fos MTCI does not reach the isolated villages because there is no transportation, During this period of time in Subdistrict Turiscai District Manufahi has access to fos Mtci and foos which are at a high price. Village chief escape Ministry responsible for providing clear information about definition fosforo kilograma with its prices before distributed so as NOT create confusion among community since during these population only know MSTCI that cost $12 kg was sold by his kilo35 Problem charging communities who kbi'it doin 'not enough money buy fosfato Mtc I Difficulty when chefi de vila form query bank depositing funds into get PFMTC where process takes much Time And diffcultate service municipality Government must identify local products they should be purchased Because many people have lost their produce Locally produced food too often spoiled"
"In a consultation programme between LABEH and local authorities in Aileu District held on 10/6-25, the Labeh identified an almost similar problem to that of other districts where village chief does not sell grain but buy it for money collecting from people."
"Some village chiefs acknowledged that they are not going to buy MTCI gas because some inhabitants have no money for it and the community leaders themselves don't own any funds. Therefore, these people recommended government trust local authorities with distributing Mtci fuel into their communities after paying them back so as there would be less confusion between communal leader/population representatives"
"They also recommended that MTCI create a taskforce or security to monitor the distribution of food from warehouses and into communities because during this period, feed did not reach bases but only in Dili city."
"These incidents occurred because of the poor system and many times village headmen did not go to buy grain, as they lacked enough money including transportation."
"They also requested that warehouses be built in all district or sub-districts because the distance from some village is not equal."
"Regarding local products, so far farmers are confused with the Government' s Povu Kuda Governo Sosa program because during this time Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries (MAP) has distributed hand tractor to people in promoting domestic food production but produce produced by citizens is not bought up until now."
"MTCI should explain clearly to the people which local products they can buy before implementing a new program otherwise it only spends money on printing many billboards but benefits nobody."
"A similar programme was also held in the District of Ainaro (14/06 / 25)."
"In this consultation the village chiefs asked government to distribute MTCI gas directly in communities so as not create problems between community leaders and population at base level. \""
"We ask MTCI to change the system that creates confusion and problems between village chief-inhabitants because during this time we have received a lot of complaint from communities, people are not respecting us just for buying gas in national process is too long. The officials at Mtci do no good service on our behalf.\""
"They recommended that the government work together with National Parliament to establish a law for MTCI-brand foos not be sold or stored in stores and Government should set up police stations at each Districts & Subdistricts so it'll make easier policing because food is subsidized by people, Not business of profit."
"Meanwhile, in the consultation referred to above police officers also questioned about what action they took against people who sell MTCI gas over standard and arresting them but when confirmation was made with part of Mtci there is no response because it sent back policing selling fos for $12 after handing money on."
"The police recommended to the government that they create stronger laws for people can comply with in order thereby reduce problems of distribution gas MTCI."
"During the consultation, village chiefs also questioned about some communities’ local products not being bought by government."
"Recently, officials from MTCI went to the subdistrict of Maubisse for local produce but they said it must be up 10-25 tons and village chiefs themselves were upset because during this time government has no plan on organizing agriculture groups in order that we can grow according their standard. The Government did not inform them before preparings took place questioned town leaders"
"The village chiefs also said that, before MTCI to buy 7 tons of batter from the community in Covalima district and Betanu District manufacture put it into a jar but all products are dodok because time has passed."
"\"We ask LABEH to recommend our concerns so that the government can take care of these services because this budget is for people and not MTCI functionaries.\""
"They said, the MTCI feed is used to INFEITA only Dili city but populations in rural areas have difficulty obtaining Mtci food."
"On June 15, the consultation was also held in Covalima District."
"The village chiefs of 31 communities in the District are saddened by MTCI' s wastewater distribution system because they feel victimized and consider this process to have made them lose their dignity."
"The village chiefs are very disappointed with the price of oil MTCI is selling not according to determined prices."
"Foss is in the city but he turns back to village chief. After all, this often makes us suspicious of MTCI officials who are conniving with entrepreneurial groups and people like him!"
"Because service in the warehouse gives priority to entrepreneurs rather than village chief."
"\"Some of us went to buy MTCI grain but some did not go because many people have no money."
"We are more saddened by the poor service in national hospitals including lack of transportation to bring food into our isolated village."
"Fusnionario MTCI is more interested in businessmen than village chief."
"We waited, but when the entrepreneurs came they responded immediately.\" The village chief questiones."
"On the other hand, they also asked that government to make a socialization campaign and explain what local products will be bought by Government because this program makes small people's produce only stagnate in places where it is not being purchased."
"The program was opened directly by the District Administrator of Covalima, Inacio Pires and received maximum participation from local authorities; village chief (chefe de aldeia), sub-district administrator including police."
"The program takes place in the Administrative Hall of Covalima District."
"After completing the consultation in West, LABEH continues with a similar programme for East which began immediately from Vique-Que District on 17 June."
"The program was opened directly by District Administrator Franscisco Gutterres who took a seat in the hall of Vique-Que County Administration."
"During the consultation, local authorities reported on difficulties they faced in this process."
"Most local authorities lamented the mechanisms that have been provided by MTCI in distribution and sale of food, including purchasing lokal products."
"Lacluta Village Chief Henrique Campus informed that only because of the MTCI feed he had to lose time travelling from Dili."
"Sometimes when they arrive in Dili, MTCI officials do not attend well and make the village chiefs come only inside of Delhi because it is a very long process."
"She also lamented that for two months now, food has not reached her village after all the procedures he followed and money in bank \"I feel very sad with this Government."
"Now in my village people lack trees because all the crops they grow are not used due to poor nature."
"Because of this, the populations also brought money collected to me for buying food."
"I have been to Dili several times and paid my own money but until now the food has not arrived in this village even though all procedures were followed."
"Worse still, I brought money for 35 kilograms of rice but when the bank received my payment they told me that there was only a remaining quantity. \" Therefore through LABEH he asked to report this requirement as soon As possible in MTCI so we can send food quickly into his village.\""
"Lament also came from almost the majority of village chiefs who faced similar difficulties."
"The chief of the village informed that \"the difficulties they face are not only long processes to get food but also transportation problems.\""
"In the process, we lost a lot of money because just transportation to take grain did not reach our village."
"We have to pay ourselves for fuel in the car that brings us grain into village because transportation only delivered it within a district or sub-district and there was an increase of money on people who brought food but when they arrived at their communities, we were trying again. When I tried collecting back from them just petrol fee as exchange currency; They refuse since you know what is being received: USD12 per kilogramme"
"In fact, some village chiefs immediately stopped with this activity because the 50cent they get in food is worth nothing.\""
"However, they also suggested that MTCI should improve this mechanism in the future."
"If, in the future you trust a village chief then they must first send food to them and sell it before giving back money."
"Se lae entrega deit ba empresariu. - If you give it to me, I will deliver the businessman's deed!"
"In terms of local products, most village chiefs questioned the system MTCI used to buy in."
"Because during this time they did not know what products the government would buy, how much per kilogram and in which way."
"They believe that the Povu Kuda Governo Sosa program was never implemented and consider it to be simply called “Povo kudo governo han” or \"povos cudos gobierno sai!\"."
"After the Vique-Que District, LABEH continued with a similar program in Manatuto (18/06 / 25). The programme was opened and accompanies by Elbino Bonaparte do Rego."
"The program took place in the hall of Manatuto District Administration. Local authorities such as village chiefs, sub-district administrator and district police commander were present at this programme along with all Police Commanders from each underlying stations (Police Station)."
"As in other Districts, most of the local authorities who participated highlighted difficulties they faced while involved with MTCI’ s grain sales process."
"Miquel Marcos, Police Sub District Laleia Commander affirms that his part has been victimized in this process. \""
"I say the police is a victim in this process because when we arrest food, MTCI sends it back to us for sale and gives them money."
"I am sorry because we are not selling food."
"If you want to control the price of food better, it must establish a strong law so that when someone sells more than determined prices he should be sanctioned and not let us police go selling meat\" said Miguel."
"He also added that if MTCI wants to do monitoring it should be done immediately in the warehouse and not monitor food which has arrived on its way."
"If this makes us mistrust the officials, do not make it to conkalikong already if you know."
"Therefore, local authorities recommended that the Government should send a monitoring team to monitor MTCI’s distribution of feed because many times companies bring out food from farmland for sale but in turn village chief manipulate feeding prices."
"They also questioned that during this time they were not selling MTCI feed but instead buying it."
"Because this process requires them to collect from the population and often they are rejected by communities because it takes too long."
"Worse still, the government did not properly explain kilograms of gas which created confusion amongst people."
"And they asked to change the word chief of village sells rice into head sows because he does not buy any."
"The village chiefs of Manatuto, which comprises 28 communities confessed that they no longer want to collect from the population. If government wanted them for selling then it should distribute gas at community headquarters where local councillor and communal leaders would sell fuel after returning money back into their pockets"
"Otherwise a better way would be to send food from the national directly into warehouses in district and then village chief will come pick it up when needed."
"The village chiefs also questioned the local products. They regretted that Povu Kuda Government Purchase program has become a name only for land, but they are not sure what to do with it in terms of agricultural production and how much money will be spent on this project as well!"
"The village chiefs reported that during this period they never knew what products the government was buying."
"Because Timorese produce is so abundant. There are many products in the markets of Asia and Africa, which have a lot to offer us from our own country:"
"Some communities have beans, flour and so on but the government does not buy them. Worse still MTCI did no socialization beforehand to local authorities 10"
"But they just go to the place and make a program, only themselves know."
"They are asking the government to make a classification of local products that they can buy."
"On June 23, LABEH held a similar program in the District of Baucau."
"The program was opened by Baucau Administrator Antonio Gutteres.The programme is a part of the 2018-"
"In this consultation, most local authorities lamented the mechanism of MTCI food distribution process including purchasing lokal products."
"The village chiefs recommended that if the Government wanted to continue trusting them, it should first hand over their grain in order for town council and headmen of communities can sell its produce before giving money back."
"But some village chiefs refuse to sell food because when the community has an important activity outside then its headquarters is closed and who will take care of it if people want a buy. They recommend that better give only entrepreneur in town for selling, as there are many other things they have on their agenda :"
"The Police recommended that it would be better to create stronger laws so whenever food is sold above standard should get sanctions in order not repeat again otherwise make the police ayam potong."
"Therefore, they asked LABEH to make these recommendations for MTCI in order quickly change the mechanisms that have not worked well during this period."
"Because in the District of Baucau, there are some village chiefs who face great difficulties such as when they have to take grain into their community at night and transportation does not bring it home so that only leave them with corn."
"When the big night suddenly it rains and they do not ensure their feeds, so that food is damaged because of rain."
"Meanwhile, in relation to the information LABEH received during consultation from some village chiefs that local products are rotten and badly stored. On June 23rd evening a team of Laboreh went on monitoring storage facilities at Caisidu Village Tirilolo Township so as for clearer info about this issue"
"The LABEH team was able to meet with the Director of a company that buys local produce."
"According to information LABEH team gathered from the representative of local company ACELDA Ijinho da Costa Freitas that products such as Batar and harvest are bought by government, which stores them in its warehouse."
"There were 301 tons, but the remaining amount was given to a seminary in Fuiloro. Now there are only about two hundred and fifty ton of wheat left on store floors with more than one thousand others waiting for delivery.\""
"I buy local produce such as rice, beef and agricultural products at $30 cents per kilo. The government purchased the whole lot for a price of US$52 sentavous (USD16) which was paid by leasing my warehouse to store them in it"
"The local products were placed in the store from April to June of this year and will remain there until now."
"I don't know the condition of these products because they are delivered to government warehouses, not me.\""
"Before carrying out the consultation program in Baucau District, on June 21st morning LABEH team visited Rev. Basilio Bishop of Diocese Bacau at his Residence Trilolo Bauaco"
"During the meeting with Father Basilio, LABEH Director also informed him about purposes of programme that is being carried out by LABEH and explained local products. The Bishop was surprised because it'll be his first time hearing this information: only seven types are bought from government stores for sale on a daily basis!"
"After all, according to Amu there are so many products and he thinks that the government will buy everything."
"I also encourage LABEH to continue carrying out this program so that we can get better results and help the Government find a solution for MTCI Feed problem."
"LABEH continues with a similar consultation program in the Lautem District (23/06 / 15)."
"In this consultation LABEH identified that the difficulties faced by local authorities such as village chiefs and police are almost equal to those facing other district' s municipal officials."
"Mehara village chief informed that he was very sorry for the service of MTCI employees at Dili warehouse. \""
"As a village chief I am very sorry for the behaviour of some MTCI officials who do not consider me as their head even though i have shown them my card to process Bah’s grain in our community."
"They questioned me again whether I was indeed the chief of village."
"I went to collect, and when we arrived at the warehouse there was no such behavior."
"We are village chiefs with dignity, the people have elected us.\""
"Therefore, he suggested that the government should also take care of this issue."
"From this problem we can say that there is a lack of coordination between the ministries because according to some data village chiefs from ESTATAL must be completed for MTCI so when processing food, no need head disease identify identity Village Chief."
"The village parliament, through its chief of the community... we affirm that in his town there is very high production Liis but government does not buy."
"Therefore, he also asked if Liis is included in all the products that government to buy then I will ask people more prepared."
"But sadly, when the village chief heard from LABEH that only seven products were being bought by government not including rice."
"He also said that Liis is a local product because why does the government not buy, if it purchases much then socialize so his people can know to work harder increase production."
"In addition to the above recommendations, almost all of them are like those in other districts that strong law should be created for controlling feed and creating a monitoring team. The Administrator himself also suggested establishing small home industries as an alternative product supply system; he said it would better if nationally sourced food was storetted at large warehouse within Lautem District before being allocated on local level (about 10-25 village)."
"After completing a consultation program with local authorities on the MTCI fan fos system and buying of lokal products in that district, LABEH team through One District one Village programme went to do monitoring at Ministry for Agriculture."
"LABEH team met with the Minister of Agriculture and Fisheries (MAP) Lautem District Frans Xavier Almeida to find out about future collaboration between MTCI & MAP in Povu Kuda Government Sosa \"Local Products\" program."
"He said that MAP is committed to working with the community in producing local food and minimizing imports from abroad, but MTCI does not collaborate especially on buying products which have already been produced by many tons of communities."
"He said that they also accompanied the budget allocation of $7 million which is channelled to MTCI in order for it buy local products but, during this time at Lautem District's MTCI does not purchase communities’ product."
"He said that regarding the production of Batar, Agriculture Ministry received almost 105 tons which covers only in Lospalos subdistrict village not including other areas and they just submit data to MTCI for purchase."
"The community of the village Nakroman Fuiluru at that time, asked about price per kilo for local products MTCI has reduced to $ 15 cents -$20 Centavus and communities worried with this cost because there is no benefit."
"According to the Director, NGOs buy at a price of $ 50 cent per kilo and communities can make profit."
"According to the local product data that Ministry of Agriculture district referred collected nearly 290,158 tons. The production is very high but MTCI did not make a decision for buying community's products because during this time Mtci never bought in Lautem District"
"When Prime Minister Xanana Gusmao visited, he decided to buy the communities’ local products including oil and although it was not on MTCI's list of buying lokal produce but government promiseed that they would."
"When he went to consult with MTCI, the latter wanted a price that was lower than $15 centavos per bottle and communities totally rejected this."
"He added that their part of the help is to promote farmers' produce but buying it out, which falls within MTCI competence."
"They only help the community by going directly to collect data on crop yields."
"The judge asked MTCI to send its members or extensionists in the district so that they can work together on covering agricultural yields, and then link directly with food security agencies. He also requested MTCI' s membership of local authorities for recommendations at national level about purchasing products from within their own regions as well"
"In the monitoring, LABEH notes that there is no better coordination between MTCI and MAP."
"One ministry is doing well in increasing production, but another does not continue to do so."
"In Ambeno District (25/06 / 19), most local authorities deplored the mechanism that they now follow in selling grain MTCI."
"Geographically we can say that Ambeno is a very poor district of the capital Dili."
"Access to public transportation is only available for people who have already arrived at the airport."
"The difficulties faced by the village chiefs in this process are enormous."
"The village chiefs reported that they often abandoned their work in the community to wait for food at Dili."
"In order to obtain a single feed, it must be processed in the long run."
"Once the food was available, transportation such as trucks took it from armazem to Porto."
"Many times they stop in Porto because there is no room on the boat to put their food."
"The house was already filled with the entrepreneur’s food so they had to wait patiently in Porto depending on Roo Nakroma travelling from Dili Oe-cusse."
"Some village chiefs reported that they had been in Porto for almost two weeks."
"Worse still, the grain to be taken into Oecusse had have rented a place or warehouse in port where it was stored until shipment."
"They have to spend a lot of money in the process."
"When they arrived in Oe cusse, the farmers paid another person to bring them food and found a transportation way for their products."
"The village chiefs consider the 50 cent money they receive to be of no value."
"Oe-Cusse District Administrator Jose T. Anuno also lamented that his village chiefs had to leave their communities and wait for grain in Dili, so he suggested it would be better if the national government could deliver wheat directly into a large warehouse located within its district where then local community leaders can pick up or else they might buy themselves from there as well"
"Thus, it is not necessary to complicate the work of village chief and police."
"After the consultation, LABEH visited a mini warehouse where local products are being store d during this time. The government purchases these produce to put them in there for storage and sale on its own marketplace (Laboem Market)."
"LABEH team managed to meet with logistics chief Xisto sako he said that products such as batar and hare which were in the warehouse during this time are damaged by dodok immediately, some of them came from local communities for animal feed while others because there is high iis so they take it all."
"Now the warehouse is in ruins because this year, government has not bought local produce."
"On July 1st, LABEH continued to carry out a consultation program in the Liquica District."
"The program was opened directly by Liquica District Administrator Leonel de Jesus Carvalho, who also attended the ceremony."
"In his intervention the Administrator congratulated LABEH for having carried out this consultation in their district."
"He also hopes that the problem of MTCI grain and buying local products, which has become a major controversy in his country will soon be solved."
"During the discussion session, as in other districts also here village chieftains spoke about difficulties they have been facing."
"The village chiefs questioned the process of buying grain which made them victim."
"Balun confesses that in the process they did not have any money but lost more, some of them were given back by their community."
"The chiefs also recommended that the system currently in use be improved as it does not benefit them or their population."
"They continue to be victims."
"The village chiefs also questioned the POvu Kuda Government Sosa program."
"They consider that the government has no good plan."
"Because some of the products that they buy are cheap, others do not purchase and worse still their own farmers don't know what product to be bought by government because MTCI/government did no communication with them before implementing this program."
"(05/17) Unlike the other districts where this program is carried out in capital."
"In the Dili District, LABEH chose Sub-District Atauro as a location to carry out National Consultation program with local authorities on feed selling process and distribution of MTCI food including purchasing lokal products."
"Because LABEH considers that geographically Atauro is a sub-district of the capital Dili."
"The program was opened by Manecas Soares, Administrator of the Atauro Sub-District."
"In his intervention, the Administrator congratulated LABEH who came to Atauro although with little transport (small boat) but they managed it and met local authorities on an issue that is very important for them."
"LABEH’s observations during the programme showed that most local authorities put their trust in Atauro businessmen who have been with them throughout this period."
"They trust the entrepreneurs because they have been selling food to a certain standard and understand their needs."
"Therefore, the village heads recommended to Government that it define a list of entrepreneur who will bring food for Atauro and better deliver them on their own local Entreprener."
"During the discussion session, Atauro entrepreneurs also raised difficulties and processes they have been following during this time."
"They also recommended to the Government that it treat Atauro Special Subdistrict as a truly special sub-distric or else what is called \"Aturo Especial\" will be mere formality."
"LABEH has concluded consultation on Transparency and Good Governance in the distribution process of MTCI food including local products purchased from Dili District, Sub-District Atauro."
"Following the local authorities, LABEH will continue this program with an entrepreneurial part which is to become a final component of it."
] |
KDTTL fó formasaun lian jestuál ba ema defisiénsia tilun | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste\nVARANDA EDUKASAUN KDTTL fó formasaun lian jestuál ba ema defisiénsia tilun\nDILI, 24 setembru 2021 (TATOLI)—Program Manejer, Klibur Defisiénsia Tilun Timor-Leste (KDTtL), Luciana do Nascimento Dias informa, durante ne’e KDTTL fó formasaun lian jestuál ba ema defisiénsia tilun, atu nune’e sira bele asesu ba informasaun iha Timor-Leste.\n“Organizasaun ida-ne’e harii atu bele fó formasaun lian jestuál ba ema ho defisiénsia tilun sira, hodi bele asesu ba informasaun no liuliu bele asesu edukasaun,” Luciana do Nascimento Dias hateten ba Agência Tatoli iha nia knaar-fatin, Matadouro, Dili, sesta ne’e.\nBa formasaun lian jestuál ne’e, KDTTL fó formasaun ho matéria bázika mak aprende hosi alfábetu ABC no númeru 123 tanba liuhosi matéria bázika mak bele hatene forma fraze no letra atu bele hatene hakerek, no tenke uza ba lian jestuál.\nKDTTL harii iha tinan 2018, ho inisiativa mai hosi ema ho defisiénsia tilun sira hamutuk ema na’in-12 no ajuda mós hosi tradutora na’in-rua.\nOrganizasaun ne’e hamriik atu halo advokasia ba Ministériu Edukasaun, Justisa, Saúde, Ekonómia, Arte atu bele tau atensaun másimu ba ema ho defisiénsia tilun sira iha Timor-Leste.\nHosi tinan 2018 to’o 2021, ema defisiénsia tilun ne’ebé tuir formasaun kona-bá lian jestuál iha KDTTL hamutuk 77, kompostu hosi mane na’in-54 no feto na’in-23.\nNia hateten, ema defisiénsia tilun sira ne’ebé durante ne’e tuir formasaun lian jestuál iha KDTTL ne’e, sira hotu seida’uk hetan servisu maibé iha na’in ida (1) mak servisu voluntáriu iha Organizasaun Asosiasaun Defisiénsia Timor-Leste (ADTL).\n“Ami seida’uk tau sira iha kampu traballu, tanba sira hotu maioria foin ramata iha ensinu rekorrente. Ensinu rekorrente ita bele dehan eskola Pré-Sekundária, entaun sira sei iha nível ne’ebé kiiko’an, tanba ita-nia nasaun Timor-Leste bazea ba ema ne’ebé nivél altu mak bele asesu ba iha servisu,” nia informa.\nMaske nune’e, tuir dadus hosi KDTTL katak ema defisiénsia tilun iha Timor-Leste na’in-haat mak hala’o estudu iha Universidade Nasionál Timor Lorosa’e (UNTL).\nTotál funsionáriu no formadór iha KDTTL hamutuk na’in-17 no tradutóra na’in-10 ba lian jestuál, no hosi númeru ne’e ema lahó defisiénsia kompostu hosi feto na’in-lima (5) no mane na’in-lima (5).\nEntretantu, tuir dadus hosi rezultadu sensu 2015 ne’ebé hatudu katak iha Timor-Leste totál ema ho defisiénsia tilun hamutuk 12.511.\nPrevious articleSerka sanitária, SEFOPE RAEOA kontinua atribui kartaun evidénsia ba joven sira\nNext articleSEKOMS apresia joven Souro harii fatin turizmu iha lagoa Henumo | [
"KDTTL fo formasaun lian jestual ba ema defisiensia tilun | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA EDUKASAUN KDTTL fo formasaun lian jestual ba ema defisiensia tilun DILI, 24 setembru 2021 (TATOLI) - Program Manejer, Klibur Defisiensia Tilun Timor-Leste (KDTtL), Luciana do Nascimento Dias informa, durante ne'e KDTTL fo formasaun lian jestual ba ema defisiensia tilun, atu nune'e sira bele asesu ba informasaun iha Timor-Leste.",
"\"Organizasaun ida-ne'e harii atu bele fo formasaun lian jestual ba ema ho defisiensia tilun sira, hodi bele asesu ba informasaun no liuliu bele asesu edukasaun,\" Luciana do Nascimento Dias hateten ba Agencia Tatoli iha nia knaar-fatin, Matadouro, Dili, sesta ne'e.",
"Ba formasaun lian jestual ne'e, KDTTL fo formasaun ho materia bazika mak aprende hosi alfabetu ABC no numeru 123 tanba liuhosi materia bazika mak bele hatene forma fraze no letra atu bele hatene hakerek, no tenke uza ba lian jestual.",
"KDTTL harii iha tinan 2018, ho inisiativa mai hosi ema ho defisiensia tilun sira hamutuk ema na'in-12 no ajuda mos hosi tradutora na'in-rua.",
"Organizasaun ne'e hamriik atu halo advokasia ba Ministeriu Edukasaun, Justisa, Saude, Ekonomia, Arte atu bele tau atensaun masimu ba ema ho defisiensia tilun sira iha Timor-Leste.",
"Hosi tinan 2018 to'o 2021, ema defisiensia tilun ne'ebe tuir formasaun kona-ba lian jestual iha KDTTL hamutuk 77, kompostu hosi mane na'in-54 no feto na'in-23.",
"Nia hateten, ema defisiensia tilun sira ne'ebe durante ne'e tuir formasaun lian jestual iha KDTTL ne'e, sira hotu seida'uk hetan servisu maibe iha na'in ida (1) mak servisu voluntariu iha Organizasaun Asosiasaun Defisiensia Timor-Leste (ADTL).",
"\"Ami seida'uk tau sira iha kampu traballu, tanba sira hotu maioria foin ramata iha ensinu rekorrente.",
"Ensinu rekorrente ita bele dehan eskola Pre-Sekundaria, entaun sira sei iha nivel ne'ebe kiiko'an, tanba ita-nia nasaun Timor-Leste bazea ba ema ne'ebe nivel altu mak bele asesu ba iha servisu,\" nia informa.",
"Maske nune'e, tuir dadus hosi KDTTL katak ema defisiensia tilun iha Timor-Leste na'in-haat mak hala'o estudu iha Universidade Nasional Timor Lorosa'e (UNTL).",
"Total funsionariu no formador iha KDTTL hamutuk na'in-17 no tradutora na'in-10 ba lian jestual, no hosi numeru ne'e ema laho defisiensia kompostu hosi feto na'in-lima (5) no mane na'in-lima (5).",
"Entretantu, tuir dadus hosi rezultadu sensu 2015 ne'ebe hatudu katak iha Timor-Leste total ema ho defisiensia tilun hamutuk 12.511.",
"Previous articleSerka sanitaria, SEFOPE RAEOA kontinua atribui kartaun evidensia ba joven sira Next articleSEKOMS apresia joven Souro harii fatin turizmu iha lagoa Henumo"
] | [
"KDTTL provides sign language training for people with disabilities Dili, September 24th (Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste) - Program Manager Luciana do Nascimento Dias of the Deaf and Hardly Speaking Association in East Тимор informed that during this period it has provided signal languages to person who have a physical or mental impairment so they can access information on their own."
"\"This organization was created to provide sign language training for people with visual disabilities, so that they can access information and especially education\", Luciana do Nascimento Dias told Agência Tatoli at her office in Matadouro on Saturday."
"For this sign language training, KDTTL provides a basic course of the ABC and number 123 because through it you can learn sentence forms to know how they are written."
"KDTTL was founded in 2018, on the initiatives of twelve people with disabilities and two translators."
"The organization aims to advocate for the Ministries of Education, Justice and Health so that they can pay maximum attention on people with disabilities in Timor-Leste."
"Between 2018 and the end of this year, there will be a total number from KDTTL's sign language training programme for deaf people at least seventy-seven (57) participants."
"He said, the deaf people who have been following sign language training at KDTTL during this time did not all get a job but there is one (1) that works as volunteer in Timor-Leste Disability Association Organization."
"\"We don't put them in a work camp, because most of the young people have just finished recurrent education."
"Recurrent education we can call Pre-Secondary school, so they will be at a lower level because our country Timor Leste is based on people who have high levels that are able to access the job market\", he informed."
"However, according to data from KDTTL that eight people with disabilities in Timor-Leste are studying at the Universidade Nasional Timór Lorosa'e (UNTL)."
"KDTTL has a total of 17 staff and trainers, including ten sign language translators. Of this number there are five (5) disabled people: fifth female person; sixteen-fifths male/female)."
"Meanwhile, according to data from the 2015 census results which showed that in Timor-Leste total people with ankle disabilities amounts at a sum of $3.6 million (USD)."
"Previous articleSerka sanitaria, SEFOPE RAEOA continua atribui cartaun evidência ba jovens Next ArticleSEKOMS elogia jovem Souro erigir lugar turismo na lagoa Henumo"
] |
PN Komisaun A Diskuti Pakote Judisiario Durante Loron 6 iha Manufahi – Radio Comunidade Don Boa Vintura 1912\nVaranda / Notisia PN Komisaun A Diskuti Pakote Judisiario Durante Loron 6 iha Manufahi\nPN Komisaun A Diskuti Pakote Judisiario Durante Loron 6 iha Manufahi\nRADIO BOA VENTURA-Notisia-44 views\nManufahi RKM News====Parlamentu Nasional Komisaun A tráta asuntu Konstitusionaís no Justísa halo diskusaun, kona ba pakóte refórma judisiária , iha hotél uma-liurai postu administrativu Same munisípiu Manufahi.\nPresidenti PN komisaun A Deputado Joaquim dos Santos kinta-feira (29/07) ohin ba jornalista sira informa, diskusaun pakóte refórma judisíaria ne’e importante, tanba durante tinan 20 resin Timor Leste restaura independénsia, sistema judisiáriu iha Timor Leste baseia de’it ba regúlamentu UNTAET númeru 11/2002, hodi afeta ba sistéma judisíaria iha Timor Leste marka pásu no la Iha Mudansa.\n” Iha tinan hirak liu ba kotuk, iha ona konsénsu nasional entre polítiku sira iha governasaun, deputadu no autóridade judisiáriu sira, harí komisaun piskíza halo estudu kría kondisaun atu refórma judisíaria iha Timor Leste, refórma judisiária ne’e iha lei lubuk ida maka sei halo diskusaun kona ba lei organízasaun judisíariu hodi troka fali regúlamentu UNTAET númeru 11/2002,Imforma Presidenti PN Komisaun A Deoutadu Joaquim iha Hotel Uma liurai Suku Babulu.\nDeputadu Ne,e Haktuir tanba uluk harí ho tribunál primeira instánsia 4 de’it, no tribunál masíma 1 ohin loron bolu tribunál rekursu, hala’o hela servisu suprému nian iha Timor Leste, tan ne’e tenki muda sistéma ne’e ho lei organízasaun judisiáriu nian, ajústa ho direitu no devér juís sira nian, no semana tolu tan sei diskuti mós kona ba Ministériu Públiku nian no orgaun Advugadu Sira.\nPN Komisaun A Ne,e Esplika tan katak atu refórma sistéma judisiária ne’e, Parlamentu Nasional komisaun A konsidera no sei halibur mós opíniaun mai husi entídade ne’ebé hola parte iha sistéma judisiáriu, li-liu Ministériu Públiku, Defensória Públiku, Advogádu sira no Konsellu Superiór Majístradu Judisiáriu, hodi transfórma ba proposta hodi halo diskusaun kuandu maiória konkórda bele apróva sai hanesan lei.\nPresidenti PN komisaun A ne’e saliénta, diskusaun pakóte refórma judisiária hala’o iha munisípiu Manufahi, ho razaun tanba fatin iha uma fukun Parlamentu Nasional limitadu, no mós deputadu sira présisa ambiente foun hodi halo diskusaun la’o ho di’ak, tanba iha diskusaun ne’e partisípa mós matenek na’in sira kona judisiáriu nian.\nEntretantu membru deputadu komisaun A na’in 11, maibé deputadu na’in 9 maka partípa iha diskusaun pakóte refórma judisiária ne’e tanba na’in 2 lisénsa.(Media RKM)\nPrevious post NAFOFILA no F-LBF hatudu Drama ALMO ba kominidade sira iha merkadu simpantiga\nNext post KOMUNIKADO IMPRENSA | [
"PN Komisaun A Diskuti Pakote Judisiario Durante Loron 6 iha Manufahi - Radio Comunidade Don Boa Vintura 1912 Varanda / Notisia PN Komisaun A Diskuti Pakote Judisiario Durante Loron 6 iha Manufahi PN Komisaun A Diskuti Pakote Judisiario Durante Loron 6 iha Manufahi RADIO BOA VENTURA-Notisia-44 views Manufahi RKM News====Parlamentu Nasional Komisaun A trata asuntu Konstitusionais no Justisa halo diskusaun, kona ba pakote reforma judisiaria , iha hotel uma-liurai postu administrativu Same munisipiu Manufahi.",
"Presidenti PN komisaun A Deputado Joaquim dos Santos kinta-feira (29/07) ohin ba jornalista sira informa, diskusaun pakote reforma judisiaria ne'e importante, tanba durante tinan 20 resin Timor Leste restaura independensia, sistema judisiariu iha Timor Leste baseia de'it ba regulamentu UNTAET numeru 11/2002, hodi afeta ba sistema judisiaria iha Timor Leste marka pasu no la Iha Mudansa. \"",
"Iha tinan hirak liu ba kotuk, iha ona konsensu nasional entre politiku sira iha governasaun, deputadu no autoridade judisiariu sira, hari komisaun piskiza halo estudu kria kondisaun atu reforma judisiaria iha Timor Leste, reforma judisiaria ne'e iha lei lubuk ida maka sei halo diskusaun kona ba lei organizasaun judisiariu hodi troka fali regulamentu UNTAET numeru 11/2002,Imforma Presidenti PN Komisaun A Deoutadu Joaquim iha Hotel Uma liurai Suku Babulu.",
"Deputadu Ne,e Haktuir tanba uluk hari ho tribunal primeira instansia 4 de'it, no tribunal masima 1 ohin loron bolu tribunal rekursu, hala'o hela servisu supremu nian iha Timor Leste, tan ne'e tenki muda sistema ne'e ho lei organizasaun judisiariu nian, ajusta ho direitu no dever juis sira nian, no semana tolu tan sei diskuti mos kona ba Ministeriu Publiku nian no orgaun Advugadu Sira.",
"PN Komisaun A Ne,e Esplika tan katak atu reforma sistema judisiaria ne'e, Parlamentu Nasional komisaun A konsidera no sei halibur mos opiniaun mai husi entidade ne'ebe hola parte iha sistema judisiariu, li-liu Ministeriu Publiku, Defensoria Publiku, Advogadu sira no Konsellu Superior Majistradu Judisiariu, hodi transforma ba proposta hodi halo diskusaun kuandu maioria konkorda bele aprova sai hanesan lei.",
"Presidenti PN komisaun A ne'e salienta, diskusaun pakote reforma judisiaria hala'o iha munisipiu Manufahi, ho razaun tanba fatin iha uma fukun Parlamentu Nasional limitadu, no mos deputadu sira presisa ambiente foun hodi halo diskusaun la'o ho di'ak, tanba iha diskusaun ne'e partisipa mos matenek na'in sira kona judisiariu nian.",
"Entretantu membru deputadu komisaun A na'in 11, maibe deputadu na'in 9 maka partipa iha diskusaun pakote reforma judisiaria ne'e tanba na'in 2 lisensa.",
"(Media RKM) Previous post NAFOFILA no F-LBF hatudu Drama ALMO ba kominidade sira iha merkadu simpantiga Next post KOMUNIKADO IMPRENSA"
] | [
"PN Commission A Discusses Judicial Reform Package For Six Days In Manufahi - Radio Comunidade Don Boa Vintura-Notisia/43 views RKM News====National Parliament Committee on Constitutional Affairs and Justice held a discussion, regarding the judicial reform package in hotel uma liurai administrative post Same municipality of Manufai."
"The President of the National Parliament's Committee A, MP Joaquim dos Santos on Tuesday (29/07) told journalist that discussion about this judicial reform package is important because for more than two decades since Timor-Leste regained independence it has been based solely upon UNTAET regulation number 1354. \"These rules have not changed much and are still in effect.\""
"In the past few years, there has been a national consensus among politicians in government and parliamentarians to set up an investigative commission that will study how judicial reform can be carried out. The judiciary is undergoing several changes which include discussion of new law on organizational matters for replacings UNTAET regulation number 12/0987-A (Regulation No:35) as well with legislative proposal noted by Presidenti PN Committee A Deoutadu Joaquim at Hotel Uma liurai Suku Babulu"
"The MP said that the courts of first instance were only 4, and now there is a highest tribunal called appeal Court which carries out its supreme function in East Timor. Therefore this system must be changed with law on judicial organization adjusting to judge' s rights & duties; three weeks later we will also discuss about Public Prosecution Service (MPS) or Defence Organism(DO)."
"He explained that in order to reform the judiciary, Parliament's Commission A will consider and collect opinion from all entities involved with this system including Public Prosecution Service (MPS), Defensoria Pública office of public defense lawyers(DPO)and Superior Council for Judicial Magistrates. The results would be transforming into a proposal which could then go through discussion if agreed by majority before being passed as Law 2014-365"
"The President of the National Parliament's Committee A emphasized that discussion on judicial reform package was held in Manufahi municipality, with reason because space at parliament house is limited and members need a new environment to have good debate as well. In this session also participated experts about judiciary issues :"
"In the meantime, Committee A had 12 members but only nine took part in discussions of this judicial reform package because two were licensed."
"(Media RKM) Previous post NAFOFILA and F-LBf show ALMO Drama to communities in chimpanzee market Next posta PRESS RELEASES"
] |
Meza PN Baixa Ona Proposta Governu | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste\nVARANDA NASIONÁL Meza PN Baixa Ona Proposta Governu\nDILI, (TATOLI) – Parlamentu Nasionál liuhosi reuniaun plenária estraordinária, ohin baixa ona proposta governu kona-ba transferénsia fundu petrolíferu ba komisaun C ne’ebé trata asuntu Finansa Públika.\nProposta ne’ebé tama iha loron 12 jullu inklui dispozisaun pedidu husi governu ne’ebé esplika detalla razaun lei ne’e ho karater urjénsia, nomós relatóriu hosi deloitte.\nPrezidente Parlamentu Nasionál (PPN), Arão Noe, hatete proposta ne’e mai ho pedidu urjénsia, komisaun C sei halo apresiasaun kona-ba kontiúdu hafoin lori ba plenária hodi hetan apresiasaun.\n“Komisaun C sei halo ninia funsaun apresiasaun hodi haree iha karater urjénsia ka la’e, hafoin aprezenta relatóriu no pareser mak foin ita debate”, katak iha plenária, ohin.\nDeputada Fernanda Lay husi bankada CNRT, hanesan mós Prezidente komisaun C, hafoin simu admisaun hateten sei konvoka membru komisaun C. “Ha’u atu konvoka membru komisaun C iha oportunidade ne’e, hafoin reuniaun plenária ita ba komisaun atu trata asuntu ne’ebé ohin hato’o”, tenik.\nParte seluk deputadu Antoninho Bianco husi bankada FRETILIN, ne’ebé antes ne’e mós la konkorda ho pedidu ne’e hateten governu tuir loloos uza kompeténsia hodi prosesu ne’e labele han tempu.\n“Proposta lei ne’e la prienxe rekezitu konstitusionál no rejimentál, satan urjente agora la’e ona. Tuir loos governu uza kompeténsi tuir prinsípiu duodésimu ne’ebé mak iha. Ita halo diskusaun atu disvaloriza governu anterior nia desizaun, buka tenta dehan sira mak di’ak liu”, katak.\nTuir antigu deputadu ne’e, lei iha ona atu uza kompeténsia hodi transfere osan, maibé agora bankada governu sira halo buat foun.\n“Lei iha ona atu uza kompoténsia hodi uza osan transferénsia, agora halo buat foun ne’ebé la’ós tama iha prinsípiu duodésimu. Difikulta imi nia án, difikulta mákina Estadu no dada tempu atu halo krize despeza ba Estadu nian.\nDeputadu Adriano do Nascimento husi bankada PD haktuir karta justifikasaun pedidu Primeiru-Ministru ho prioridade no urjénsia tama iha loron 12, maibé tanba sa iha loron hira nia laran to’o ohin mak foin baixa ba komisaun C.\n“Difikuldade saida mak Parlamentu Nasionál enfrenta, ne’ebé hahú iha loron 12 to’o 19 mak foin hatun. Se Primeiru-Ministru dehan urjénsia, Parlamentu Nasionál husik liu kedan loron hira? Ha’u nia proukupasaun, governu dehan urjénsia tanba iha justifikasaun motivu atu selu ema nia saláriu, veteranu no buat lubun ne’ebé urjénte tebes, nusa mak ohin foin hatun?”, katak.\nDeputada Lídia Norberta husi bankada FRETELIN reforsa, bainhira parte ezekutivu hatan pedidu ho karakter urjensia, PN mós tenke konsidera.\n“Parte ezekutivu dehan asuntu ne’e iha karater urjénsia. Se-karater signifika kuandu ita simu, ita mós tenke tau nia hanesan karater urjénsia maibé buat hirak ne’e la akontese”, afirma.\nHatan ba kestaun ne’e, PPN klarifika prosesu hotu tenke la’o, tanba sistema PN ne’ebé regulariza.\n“Prosesu la’o hela tuir sistema nafatin, la falla, ita iha ona ajenda plenária iha segunda no tersa, tanba ne’e labele perturba ajenda ne’ebé iha ona. Tanba presiza karater urjénsia, sekuénsia diskusaun ne’e tenke tuir malu no labele perturba ajenda seluk”, dehan.\nLee mos: http://www.tatoli.tl/2018/07/governu-aprova-proposta-lei-transferensia-orsamentu-husi-fundu-petroliferu/\nPrevious articlePM Ho AMP Sei Haree Opsaun Ba Lista Membru Governu\nNext articleAbitante Lokál Bele Aprezenta Fatin Turístiku Ne’ebé Seidauk Deskobre | [
"Meza PN Baixa Ona Proposta Governu | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA NASIONAL Meza PN Baixa Ona Proposta Governu DILI, (TATOLI) - Parlamentu Nasional liuhosi reuniaun plenaria estraordinaria, ohin baixa ona proposta governu kona-ba transferensia fundu petroliferu ba komisaun C ne'ebe trata asuntu Finansa Publika.",
"Proposta ne'ebe tama iha loron 12 jullu inklui dispozisaun pedidu husi governu ne'ebe esplika detalla razaun lei ne'e ho karater urjensia, nomos relatoriu hosi deloitte.",
"Prezidente Parlamentu Nasional (PPN), Arao Noe, hatete proposta ne'e mai ho pedidu urjensia, komisaun C sei halo apresiasaun kona-ba kontiudu hafoin lori ba plenaria hodi hetan apresiasaun.",
"\"Komisaun C sei halo ninia funsaun apresiasaun hodi haree iha karater urjensia ka la'e, hafoin aprezenta relatoriu no pareser mak foin ita debate,\" katak iha plenaria, ohin.",
"Deputada Fernanda Lay husi bankada CNRT, hanesan mos Prezidente komisaun C, hafoin simu admisaun hateten sei konvoka membru komisaun C.",
"\"Ha'u atu konvoka membru komisaun C iha oportunidade ne'e, hafoin reuniaun plenaria ita ba komisaun atu trata asuntu ne'ebe ohin hato'o,\" tenik.",
"Parte seluk deputadu Antoninho Bianco husi bankada FRETILIN, ne'ebe antes ne'e mos la konkorda ho pedidu ne'e hateten governu tuir loloos uza kompetensia hodi prosesu ne'e labele han tempu.",
"\"Proposta lei ne'e la prienxe rekezitu konstitusional no rejimental, satan urjente agora la'e ona.",
"Tuir loos governu uza kompetensi tuir prinsipiu duodesimu ne'ebe mak iha.",
"Ita halo diskusaun atu disvaloriza governu anterior nia desizaun, buka tenta dehan sira mak di'ak liu,\" katak.",
"Tuir antigu deputadu ne'e, lei iha ona atu uza kompetensia hodi transfere osan, maibe agora bankada governu sira halo buat foun.",
"\"Lei iha ona atu uza kompotensia hodi uza osan transferensia, agora halo buat foun ne'ebe la'os tama iha prinsipiu duodesimu.",
"Difikulta imi nia an, difikulta makina Estadu no dada tempu atu halo krize despeza ba Estadu nian.",
"Deputadu Adriano do Nascimento husi bankada PD haktuir karta justifikasaun pedidu Primeiru-Ministru ho prioridade no urjensia tama iha loron 12, maibe tanba sa iha loron hira nia laran to'o ohin mak foin baixa ba komisaun C.",
"\"Difikuldade saida mak Parlamentu Nasional enfrenta, ne'ebe hahu iha loron 12 to'o 19 mak foin hatun.",
"Se Primeiru-Ministru dehan urjensia, Parlamentu Nasional husik liu kedan loron hira?",
"Ha'u nia proukupasaun, governu dehan urjensia tanba iha justifikasaun motivu atu selu ema nia salariu, veteranu no buat lubun ne'ebe urjente tebes, nusa mak ohin foin hatun?,\" katak.",
"Deputada Lidia Norberta husi bankada FRETELIN reforsa, bainhira parte ezekutivu hatan pedidu ho karakter urjensia, PN mos tenke konsidera.",
"\"Parte ezekutivu dehan asuntu ne'e iha karater urjensia.",
"Se-karater signifika kuandu ita simu, ita mos tenke tau nia hanesan karater urjensia maibe buat hirak ne'e la akontese,\" afirma.",
"Hatan ba kestaun ne'e, PPN klarifika prosesu hotu tenke la'o, tanba sistema PN ne'ebe regulariza.",
"\"Prosesu la'o hela tuir sistema nafatin, la falla, ita iha ona ajenda plenaria iha segunda no tersa, tanba ne'e labele perturba ajenda ne'ebe iha ona.",
"Tanba presiza karater urjensia, sekuensia diskusaun ne'e tenke tuir malu no labele perturba ajenda seluk,\" dehan.",
"Lee mos: http://www.tatoli.tl/2018/07/governu-aprova-proposta-lei-transferensia-orsamentu-husi-fundu-petroliferu/ Previous articlePM Ho AMP Sei Haree Opsaun Ba Lista Membru Governu Next articleAbitante Lokal Bele Aprezenta Fatin Turistiku Ne'ebe Seidauk Deskobre"
] | [
"Meza PN Downs Government Proposal | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA NACIONÁL MEZA MN DOWNS GOVERNMENT PROPOSAL DILI, (IHA) - The National Parliament has today downgraded the government proposal on transfer of oil fund to Commission C which is responsible for Public Finance."
"The proposal received on 12 July included a provision requested by the government that explains in detail why this law is of an urgent nature, and also includes Deloitte' s report."
"The President of the National Parliament (PPN), Arao Noe, said that this proposal came with a request for urgency. Committee C will make an evaluation on its contents and then take it to plenary in order secure approval thereof;"
"\"Commission C will carry out its assessment function to determine whether the matter is urgent or not, after which we shall present our report and opinion before debating it\", he said in plenary today."
"Deputy Fernanda Lay of the CNRP group, who is also Chairperson for Commission C. after being admitted said that she will call a member to Committee c 2016-3"
"\"I will call the members of Commission C at this opportunity, after plenary meeting we go to committees and deal with issues that have been presented today\", he said."
"On the other hand, MP Antoninho Bianco of FRETILIN party group who had previously also disagreed with this request said that government should use its competence so as not to take too long."
"\"This proposed law fulfils constitutional requirements and the regulation, which is urgent now."
"The government uses its competence according to the principle of twelfth power."
"We have a discussion to devalue the previous government's decision, try and say they are better.\""
"According to the former MP, there is already a law that allows for using competence in transferring money but now government banks are doing something new."
"\"The law already exists to use compotenza for transfer money, now it makes something new that is not in the twelveth principle."
"Make it hard for yourself, make the state machine difficult and give time to crisis spending on State."
"MP Adriano do Nascimento from the PD group said that a letter of justification requested by Prime Minister with priority and urgency arrived on 12th, but why in how many days until today it was only down to committee C."
"\"What difficulty does the National Parliament face, which began on 12 to be suspended until November."
"If the Prime Minister says it is urgent, how many days does Parliament have to wait?"
"My concern, the government says urgency because there is a justification for paying people's salaries and veteran salary that are very urgent. Why have we cut it today?"
"Deputy Lidia Norberta of the FRETELIN group emphasizes that when an executive part responds to a request with urgency, PN must also consider it."
"\"The executive says the matter is of an urgent character."
"Se-charater means when we receive it, you also have to put the character as urgency but these things don't happen.\""
"In response to this issue, the PPN clarified that all processes must be carried out because it is PN's system which regulates."
"\"The process is still going according to the system, it does not fail. We already have a plenary agenda on Monday and Tuesday so we cannot disrupt that existing one.\""
"Because it needs to be urgent, the sequence of discussions must follow each other and not disrupt another agenda.\""
"Read more: http://www.tatoli,tl/2018-356749 / Previous articlePM Ho AMP Sei Haree Opsaun Ba Lista Membru Governu Next ArticleLocal Residents Can Present Tourist House That They Didn't Discover"
] |
La’o Tuir Ain Fatin Funu Na’in - Ministériu Defesa\n“Kalan loron rai udan hadulas, funu nain falintil.\nSei satan netik anin boot tasi nian\nFunu nain falintil, halo tuir povu nia lian,\nTuba rai metin kilat iha liman\nHo neon no laran tomak\nFunu nain falintil, atu halo fitun mutin,\nNabilan nafatin iha rai iha rai timór-lorosa’e\nHodi kilat iha liman rua, bele terus susar no hamlaha.\nAten boot atu halo funu ida, ba loron ida ita sei manán” múzika husi funu nain FALENTIL ne’e deskreve luta nain sira nia terus no susar hodi hetan ukun an. Ohin sira nia mehi sa duni realidade, fitun mutin iha bandeira RDTL, nabilan ona iha Timor-leste bainhira bandeira lulik RDTL nahe an iha rin besi asu.\nHusi loron nia hakat ba fulan, husi fulan nia la’o ba tinan, la sente FALINTIL eziste hamutuk ho durante tinan 45 ona. Hori uluk kedan, Frente Armada sira nia lia fuan “POVU mak Bee no FALINTIL mak ikan”, lia fuan simples ne’e bele afirma povu nia importánsia durante prosesu libertasaun nasionál.\nIha loron Sábadu (08/08/20), dadeer san malirin, iha kuartél jerál F-FDTL Fatuhada Dili, Xefe Estadu Maiór F-FDTL Maijor Lere Anan Timur, orienta nia soldadu no funsionáriu ministériu defeza nian hodi forma, nune’e bele rona orientasaun husi komandu. Husi soladadu to’o komandantes firme hodi rona orden komandu, hanesan atu ba asalta inimigu.\nGrupu Tour Falintil- Forsa Defeza Timor Leste (F-FDTL) hamutuk na’in 45 ho kareta no motorizada hala’o vizita hale’u Munisípiu 12 iha territóriu nasionál hodi la’o tuir ain fatin funu na’in sira nian, vizita mós fatin levantamentu istóriku sira hodi halo esplikasaun ba kada plaka ba membru F-FDTL.Tour FALINTIL ba tinan ida ne’e tema mak “Ho Espiritu FALINTIL, Prontu no Desididu Atu Serbi Interese Povu no Nasaun” Motor no karreta la’o tuituir malu, la’o haleu Timor hodi la’o tuir ain fatin FALINTIL nian hodi hatene kona-ba istória moruk FALINTIL nian.\nViazem dahuluk hahú husi Sabdu, loron 8 Augostu husi Muniípiu Dili (Kuartel Jeneral, Fatuhada) ba Munsípiu Bobonaru reprezenta FALINTL rejiaun IV. Iha reajiaun ne’e testemuña luta, konta esforsu FALINTIL sira nia esforsu ne’ebé hasoru inimigu hodi hadau timór-leste nia soberania husi soladadu indonesia sira.\niha loron Domingo, 9 Augostu, ekipa kontinua nia viazem husi munuisípiu Bobonaru ba Manufahi- Betanu no kontinua kedan ba vizita fatin jardim heroi Ainaru, atividade ne’e reprezenta husi FALINTL rejiaun III.\nIha loron Segunda-feira, 10/08/20, viazem husi Betanu ba Vikeke-Krarás, vizita mós fatin rezisténsia Krarás. Krarás nudar zona ida iha munisípiu Viqueque ne’ebé koñesidu Aldeia-faluk ka ho dalen indonesia “kampung janda” tanba durante okupasaun indonesia, militár indonesia sira oho hotu mane sira no husik hela oan kiak no feto faluk.\nInan faluk no oan kiak iha krarás mak sai sasin ba istória moruk be sira sente, realidade ne’e nudar fitar ida no sei la lakon iha moris tomak.\nHafoin iha krarás, iha Tersa-feira,11/08/20, ekipa husi Krarás ba Lautem-Iliomar ne’ebé reprezenta istória funu nian iha rejiaun II. Iliomar oan nia luta mos hakerek iha livru luta ba ukun an nian, feto ran ferik no katuas, oferese sira nia oan hodi hetan liberdade.\nLoron Kuarta-feira, 11/08/20, husi Lautem-Iliomar ba Postu Administrativu Tutuala, Suku Mehara, Aldeia-Poros, Munispiu Lautem, Iha reajiaun ponta Leste nian. Monumentu Falutxai nudar sasin monok ba levantamentu Txaivaca, monunetu ne’e mos nudar sasin ba eroi seluk husi ponta leste ne’ebe sosa nia ran no ruin ba ukun an. Luta nain nia luta iha ponta leste la ses husi rejiaun seluk nia luta, eroi nia luta iha fatin diferente maibé sira nia mehi nafatin kesi metin iha fuan ida deit “patria ou morte” mate ka moris ukun rasik ita rain.\nKinta-feira ekipa kontinua nia viazem husi Lautem-Poros, Baukau-Laga, Soba Gua Laivai no ensera iha Kuartel Jeneral Dili.\nTour ida ne’e lansa no ensera husi Xefe Estadu Maior Jeneral F-FDTL Maijor Jeneral Lere Anan Timur, akompaña husi Ministru Defeza Brig-Gen (Ref) Filomeno da Paixão de Jesus, no Vice Xefe Estadu maiór Jeneral F-FDTL Brigadeiru Jeneral Falur Rate Laek, hetan mós partesipa direita husi superiores husi komponente Naval, Komponente Apoiu Servisu, Unidade Polisia Militar, Sentru Formasaun Terrenu, no selk tan inklui ekipa tekniku Ministeriu Defeza nian.Kada munsipiu sira ne’ebé hetan vizita sei fó apoiu ai-han ba povu kbiit laek nain 40 fó tratamentu saude gratuita no apoiu mascara sosializa regra COVID-19.\nTuir Xefe Estadu Maiór Jenerál F-FDTL, Majór Jenerál Lere Anan Timur, katak, vizita ne’e hodi presta omenajen ba saudozu Don Boaventura no eroi Manufahi ne’ebe mate ba rai Timor-Leste, hanoin hikas saudozu sira nian luta kontra okupasaun Governu Porgués no Indonezia hodi lori Timor hetan nia independensia.\n“Vizita ne’e ami atu fó valor ba ita nian eroi, hanesan Don Boaventura ninia istória no eroi sira seluk ne’ebé uluk mate ba rai ida ne’e. 20 fulan Agostu ne’e la’os atu relembra de’it FALINTIL nia luta, maibé relembra mos aswain Timor oan hotu-hotu nia luta” dehan Majór Jenerál Lere Anan Timur.\nXefe Estadu F-FDTL ne’e hatete, ba tinan ne’e selebra ho eventu úniku la’o haleu munisípiu 12 hodi fó hanoin hikas ba membru sira atu hatudu nafatin sira nian patriotizmu defende Estadu no Povu tuir lei hodi lori nasaun ne’e moris hakmatek.\nAleinde tour iha mós atividade asaun karidade apoiu nesesidade baziku ba kbi’it laek kada Munisipiu sira ne’eb’e ekipa tour vizita nain 40 mak hetan fó tratamentu saúde gratuita, apoiu maskra no sosializa regra sira prevensaun COVID-19.\n“Loron 20 Agustu ne’e inportante ba ita nia hakarak independénsia, ha’u husu ba povu no joven sira, labele haluha loron ne’e, la bele hanoin mos katak ho pregu de’it mak ita ukun rasik-án, to’o iha pregu ne’e liu husi prosesu naruk. FALINTIL la iha, pregu mos laiha no Fretilin la iha pregu mos la iha hotu”tenik Eis Girileirus reijaun I ne’e.\nDurante tinan 24 nia laran, susar terus povu timór leba hamutuk, ,maske lakon inan no aman, maibé timoroan nafatin brani hodi hasoru kolonialista sira, tanba timoroan fiar, loron ida indonesia sai husi timór, sai ona realidade katak indonesia la ukun tan ona timór, hanesan knanuk Funu Nain niaa paragrafau ikus.\n“Funu nain falintil, hanesan mos hori uluk,\nhodi ran hodi isin, tahan nafatin kolonialista sira.\nRai tomak lahatodan ona maubere hotu sei hamriik\nFalintil funu nain nudar onu, rai seluk sei la ukun ita”\nKobertura: Ekipa Média MD\nPrevious Kargu Xefia MD Hala’o Avaliasaun Ba Progeresu Serbisu\nNext CNA Fó Formasaun Ba Diresaun Aprozionamentu MD | [
"La'o Tuir Ain Fatin Funu Na'in - Ministeriu Defesa \"Kalan loron rai udan hadulas, funu nain falintil.",
"Sei satan netik anin boot tasi nian Funu nain falintil, halo tuir povu nia lian, Tuba rai metin kilat iha liman Ho neon no laran tomak Funu nain falintil, atu halo fitun mutin, Nabilan nafatin iha rai iha rai timor-lorosa'e Hodi kilat iha liman rua, bele terus susar no hamlaha.",
"Aten boot atu halo funu ida, ba loron ida ita sei manan\" muzika husi funu nain FALENTIL ne'e deskreve luta nain sira nia terus no susar hodi hetan ukun an.",
"Ohin sira nia mehi sa duni realidade, fitun mutin iha bandeira RDTL, nabilan ona iha Timor-leste bainhira bandeira lulik RDTL nahe an iha rin besi asu.",
"Husi loron nia hakat ba fulan, husi fulan nia la'o ba tinan, la sente FALINTIL eziste hamutuk ho durante tinan 45 ona.",
"Hori uluk kedan, Frente Armada sira nia lia fuan \"POVU mak Bee no FALINTIL mak ikan,\" lia fuan simples ne'e bele afirma povu nia importansia durante prosesu libertasaun nasional.",
"Iha loron Sabadu (08/08/20), dadeer san malirin, iha kuartel jeral F-FDTL Fatuhada Dili, Xefe Estadu Maior F-FDTL Maijor Lere Anan Timur, orienta nia soldadu no funsionariu ministeriu defeza nian hodi forma, nune'e bele rona orientasaun husi komandu.",
"Husi soladadu to'o komandantes firme hodi rona orden komandu, hanesan atu ba asalta inimigu.",
"Grupu Tour Falintil- Forsa Defeza Timor Leste (F-FDTL) hamutuk na'in 45 ho kareta no motorizada hala'o vizita hale'u Munisipiu 12 iha territoriu nasional hodi la'o tuir ain fatin funu na'in sira nian, vizita mos fatin levantamentu istoriku sira hodi halo esplikasaun ba kada plaka ba membru F-FDTL.Tour FALINTIL ba tinan ida ne'e tema mak \"Ho Espiritu FALINTIL, Prontu no Desididu Atu Serbi Interese Povu no Nasaun\" Motor no karreta la'o tuituir malu, la'o haleu Timor hodi la'o tuir ain fatin FALINTIL nian hodi hatene kona-ba istoria moruk FALINTIL nian.",
"Viazem dahuluk hahu husi Sabdu, loron 8 Augostu husi Muniipiu Dili (Kuartel Jeneral, Fatuhada) ba Munsipiu Bobonaru reprezenta FALINTL rejiaun IV.",
"Iha reajiaun ne'e testemuna luta, konta esforsu FALINTIL sira nia esforsu ne'ebe hasoru inimigu hodi hadau timor-leste nia soberania husi soladadu indonesia sira. iha loron Domingo, 9 Augostu, ekipa kontinua nia viazem husi munuisipiu Bobonaru ba Manufahi- Betanu no kontinua kedan ba vizita fatin jardim heroi Ainaru, atividade ne'e reprezenta husi FALINTL rejiaun III.",
"Iha loron Segunda-feira, 10/08/20, viazem husi Betanu ba Vikeke-Kraras, vizita mos fatin rezistensia Kraras.",
"Kraras nudar zona ida iha munisipiu Viqueque ne'ebe konesidu Aldeia-faluk ka ho dalen indonesia \"kampung janda\" tanba durante okupasaun indonesia, militar indonesia sira oho hotu mane sira no husik hela oan kiak no feto faluk.",
"Inan faluk no oan kiak iha kraras mak sai sasin ba istoria moruk be sira sente, realidade ne'e nudar fitar ida no sei la lakon iha moris tomak.",
"Hafoin iha kraras, iha Tersa-feira,11/08/20, ekipa husi Kraras ba Lautem-Iliomar ne'ebe reprezenta istoria funu nian iha rejiaun II.",
"Iliomar oan nia luta mos hakerek iha livru luta ba ukun an nian, feto ran ferik no katuas, oferese sira nia oan hodi hetan liberdade.",
"Loron Kuarta-feira, 11/08/20, husi Lautem-Iliomar ba Postu Administrativu Tutuala, Suku Mehara, Aldeia-Poros, Munispiu Lautem, Iha reajiaun ponta Leste nian.",
"Monumentu Falutxai nudar sasin monok ba levantamentu Txaivaca, monunetu ne'e mos nudar sasin ba eroi seluk husi ponta leste ne'ebe sosa nia ran no ruin ba ukun an.",
"Luta nain nia luta iha ponta leste la ses husi rejiaun seluk nia luta, eroi nia luta iha fatin diferente maibe sira nia mehi nafatin kesi metin iha fuan ida deit \"patria ou morte\" mate ka moris ukun rasik ita rain.",
"Kinta-feira ekipa kontinua nia viazem husi Lautem-Poros, Baukau-Laga, Soba Gua Laivai no ensera iha Kuartel Jeneral Dili.",
"Tour ida ne'e lansa no ensera husi Xefe Estadu Maior Jeneral F-FDTL Maijor Jeneral Lere Anan Timur, akompana husi Ministru Defeza Brig-Gen (Ref) Filomeno da Paixao de Jesus, no Vice Xefe Estadu maior Jeneral F-FDTL Brigadeiru Jeneral Falur Rate Laek, hetan mos partesipa direita husi superiores husi komponente Naval, Komponente Apoiu Servisu, Unidade Polisia Militar, Sentru Formasaun Terrenu, no selk tan inklui ekipa tekniku Ministeriu Defeza nian.Kada munsipiu sira ne'ebe hetan vizita sei fo apoiu ai-han ba povu kbiit laek nain 40 fo tratamentu saude gratuita no apoiu mascara sosializa regra COVID-19.",
"Tuir Xefe Estadu Maior Jeneral F-FDTL, Major Jeneral Lere Anan Timur, katak, vizita ne'e hodi presta omenajen ba saudozu Don Boaventura no eroi Manufahi ne'ebe mate ba rai Timor-Leste, hanoin hikas saudozu sira nian luta kontra okupasaun Governu Porgues no Indonezia hodi lori Timor hetan nia independensia.",
"\"Vizita ne'e ami atu fo valor ba ita nian eroi, hanesan Don Boaventura ninia istoria no eroi sira seluk ne'ebe uluk mate ba rai ida ne'e.",
"20 fulan Agostu ne'e la'os atu relembra de'it FALINTIL nia luta, maibe relembra mos aswain Timor oan hotu-hotu nia luta\" dehan Major Jeneral Lere Anan Timur.",
"Xefe Estadu F-FDTL ne'e hatete, ba tinan ne'e selebra ho eventu uniku la'o haleu munisipiu 12 hodi fo hanoin hikas ba membru sira atu hatudu nafatin sira nian patriotizmu defende Estadu no Povu tuir lei hodi lori nasaun ne'e moris hakmatek.",
"Aleinde tour iha mos atividade asaun karidade apoiu nesesidade baziku ba kbi'it laek kada Munisipiu sira ne'eb'e ekipa tour vizita nain 40 mak hetan fo tratamentu saude gratuita, apoiu maskra no sosializa regra sira prevensaun COVID-19.",
"\"Loron 20 Agustu ne'e inportante ba ita nia hakarak independensia, ha'u husu ba povu no joven sira, labele haluha loron ne'e, la bele hanoin mos katak ho pregu de'it mak ita ukun rasik-an, to'o iha pregu ne'e liu husi prosesu naruk.",
"FALINTIL la iha, pregu mos laiha no Fretilin la iha pregu mos la iha hotu\"tenik Eis Girileirus reijaun I ne'e.",
"Durante tinan 24 nia laran, susar terus povu timor leba hamutuk, ,maske lakon inan no aman, maibe timoroan nafatin brani hodi hasoru kolonialista sira, tanba timoroan fiar, loron ida indonesia sai husi timor, sai ona realidade katak indonesia la ukun tan ona timor, hanesan knanuk Funu Nain niaa paragrafau ikus.",
"\"Funu nain falintil, hanesan mos hori uluk, hodi ran hodi isin, tahan nafatin kolonialista sira.",
"Rai tomak lahatodan ona maubere hotu sei hamriik Falintil funu nain nudar onu, rai seluk sei la ukun ita\" Kobertura: Ekipa Media MD Previous Kargu Xefia MD Hala'o Avaliasaun Ba Progeresu Serbisu Next CNA Fo Formasaun Ba Diresaun Aprozionamentu MD"
] | [
"La'o Tuir Ain Fatin Funu Na’un - Ministry of Defence \"Kalan loron rai udan hadulas, funu nain falantil."
"Will satan netik the great wind of sea Funu nain falantil, do according to people's voice Tuba land strong lightning in hand Neon and whole heartedly Funko nain falintili for making a victory mutin Nabilan still on earth In Timor-Leste With two lights hands can suffer hardship & hunger."
"Be careful to fight a war, one day we will win\" This music by the fighters of FALENTIL depicts their suffering and struggle for independence."
"Today, their dreams have become reality. The flag of Timor-Leste has been blown up in East Тимор when the lulik RDTL banner fell on a giant iron horseshoe!"
"From day to month, from year and months he did not feel that FALINTIL had existed together for 45 years."
"Earlier, the Armed Front's motto \"POVU is Water and FALINTIL are Fish\" was a simple phrase that could confirm its importance during national liberation."
"On Saturday (08/21), dadeer san malirin, at F-FDTL Fatuhada Dili headquarters the Chief of Staff Major General Lere Anan Timur directed his troops and defence ministry officials to form so that they could hear guidance from command."
"From soldiers to commanding officers, they are firmly committed in obeyance of the order as if it were an assault on their enemy."
"A group of 45 Falintil-Forsa Defesa Timor Leste (F - FDTL) tourers with cars and motorized vehicles visited the roads in twelve municipalities on national soil to walk alongside warriors' places, as well visiting historical sites for explanations about each plaque. This year Tour FALINTIL theme is \"With Spirit Falintila Ready And Decided To Serve The Interest Of People & Nation\" Motorbike rides tuituir one another around East Timor following pathways that are marked by a memorial site where they will learn more information regardings history from their past lifetime"
"The first trip began on Saturday, August 8 from Dili City (General Headquarters in Fatuhada) to Bobonaru representing FALINTL region IV."
"In this reaction, he testified to the struggle and recounted FALINTIL's efforts against enemy forces in order for Timor-Leste sovereignty from Indonesian troops. On Sunday August 9th team continued their trip of Bobonaru municipality towards Manufahi - Betanu where they visited Ainaro Hero Garden which was represent by FALINTL region III"
"On Monday, 10/8-25 Betanu travelled to Vikeke Kraras and visited the site of resistance."
"Kraras is an area in the municipality of Viqueque that connects Aldeia-faluk or with Indonesian dialect \"kampung janda\" because during Indonesia' s occupation, indonesian military killed all males and left poor children."
"Mothers and children in poverty are witnesses to the painful stories they feel, this reality is a tragedy that will not be forgotten throughout life."
"After the Kraras, on Tuesday 10/8-25 a team from Craros went to Lautem - Iliomar which represents war history in region II."
"Iliomar's struggle is also written in the book of fight for independence, young and old women offer their children to gain freedom."
"On Wednesday, 10/25-37 from Lautem to Iliomar Administrative Post Tutuala in Mehara Village of Aldeia Poros Municipality. There was a reaction at the east end on this day (Wednesday)."
"The Falutxai monument is a single witness to the Txaivaca uprising, this small memorial also beared testimony of other heroes from eastern end who bought their blood and ruin for independence."
"The struggle of the fighters in East Point is not independent from other regions' fight, heroes’ battle was held at different places but their determination remained firmly tied to a single heart \"patria ou morte\" life or death for our own country."
"On Tuesday, the team continued its journey from Lautem-Poros to Baukau Lagoon and Soba Gua Laivai before arriving at Dili General Headquarters."
"This tour was launched and included by the Chief of General Staff Major-General Lere Anan Timur, accompanied from Defence Minister Brig. Gen (Ref) Filomeno da Paixao de Jesus; Deputy Heads Of general staff Brigadier Falur Rate Laek as well with direct participation in this Tour were superiores on Naval component Service Support Component Military Police Unit Field Training Center etc including technical team at Ministry for Defense 10th Infantry Battalion which visited each district will provide food assistance to underprivileged people providing free health care treatment mask support raising awareness about COVID -29 rules"
"According to the Chief of General Staff, Major-General Lere Anan Timur this visit is a tribute for Don Boaventura and heroes from Manufahi who died in Timor East. The latter's courageous struggle against occupation by Porges Government & Indonesia was remembered as an example that led them towards independence on their own terms.\""
"\"This visit is to put value on our heroes, like the story of Don Boaventura and other Heros who died for this land."
"August 20th is not only to recall the struggle of FALINTIL, but also all Timorese's fight\", said Major General Lere Anan Timur."
"The F-FDTL Chief of State said that this year the celebration will be celebrated with a unique event in 12 municipalities to remind all members again their patriotism defending state and people accordingly laws so as bring country life."
"In addition to the tour, there was also a charity action supporting basic needs for poor people in each municipality where 40 visitor team members received free health treatment and masks. They were educated on COVID-19 prevention rules as well!"
"\"August 20 is important for our desire of independence, I ask the people and youngsters not to Forget this day. We cannot think that with a pregu only we gained independently until there through long processes.\""
"FALINTIL la iha, pregu mos laiha no Fretilin ne'e labele have any of them\" said Eis Girileirus reijaun I."
"For 24 years, the Timorese people have suffered and struggled together although they lost their mothers & father. But because of Portuguese faith that one day Indonesia will leave timors it has become reality for indonesian to no longer rule timor as knanuk Funu Nain said in his last paragraph:"
"\"For the children, as they used to do in old times with their blood and hunger will continue resisting colonialists."
"The whole country has declared that all the people will be united Falintil warriors as one nation, no other state can rule us\" Coverage: MD Media Team Previous Chief of Staff Of Medical Officers Carry Out Assessment On Service Progresse Next CNA Provide Training To Directorate For Approach In Medicine"
] |
Taur Espera Koligasaun Foun Hametin Featured\n“Ha’u kongratula koligasaun foun, ha’u espera katak sira bele hametin konsolida para depois kria pasu foun ka fó dalan ba pasu foun mai oin ita presiza iha orsamentu, ita presiza programa ita nian atividade sira la’o. Ita labele kontinua ho duodesimu nafatin,” dehan PM Taur, iha Palasiu Prezidensiál, Bairru-Pité, horisehik.\nAntes ne’e, Sekretáriu Jerál Partidu Frente Revolusionáriu Timor-Leste Independente (FRETILIN), Mari Alkatiri hateten, laiha konfiansa atu koligasaun foun ne’ebé lidera husi Partidu CNRT sei dura.\nHataan ba jornalista sira kona-ba Partidu CNRT lidera ona koligasaun foun hodi forma governu, nia hataan “sei la moris”.\nNune’e, Konselleiru Másimu Partidu KHUNTO, José dos Santos ‘Naimori’ Bukar hateten, bloku koligasaun CNRT, PD, KHUNTO, PUDD, UDT, FM laiha negosiasaun, importante mak tenke iha sentidu governasaun hodi hakotu impase polítika rai laran.\n“Koligasaun foun ne’e metin ka la metin ne’e ita fila ba ita-nia aan rasik, sai nu’udar lideransa ida iha esperansa atu forma governu tenke lori governu to’o rohan, la’ós ba kotuk hela de'it, oinsá povu nia moris ne’e di'ak,” dehan nia.\nTanba hamosu unidade nasionál mai husi ema hotu-hotu la'ós ema ki'ik ka boot tanba polítiku ne’e atu sai servidór.\nNe’e duni, Partidu KHUNTO iha esperansa iha badak Prezidente Repúblika sei Xanana Gusmão atu bele haree di'ak liután ba oin oinsá bele hakotu impase polítika ne’e.\nMore in this category: « Arão Preparadu Husik kargu Finalmente Xanana Sama Ain iha Aitarak Laran »\n/Taur Espera Koligasaun Foun Hametin | [
"Taur Espera Koligasaun Foun Hametin Featured \"Ha'u kongratula koligasaun foun, ha'u espera katak sira bele hametin konsolida para depois kria pasu foun ka fo dalan ba pasu foun mai oin ita presiza iha orsamentu, ita presiza programa ita nian atividade sira la'o.",
"Ita labele kontinua ho duodesimu nafatin,\" dehan PM Taur, iha Palasiu Prezidensial, Bairru-Pite, horisehik.",
"Antes ne'e, Sekretariu Jeral Partidu Frente Revolusionariu Timor-Leste Independente (FRETILIN), Mari Alkatiri hateten, laiha konfiansa atu koligasaun foun ne'ebe lidera husi Partidu CNRT sei dura.",
"Hataan ba jornalista sira kona-ba Partidu CNRT lidera ona koligasaun foun hodi forma governu, nia hataan \"sei la moris.\"",
"Nune'e, Konselleiru Masimu Partidu KHUNTO, Jose dos Santos 'Naimori' Bukar hateten, bloku koligasaun CNRT, PD, KHUNTO, PUDD, UDT, FM laiha negosiasaun, importante mak tenke iha sentidu governasaun hodi hakotu impase politika rai laran.",
"\"Koligasaun foun ne'e metin ka la metin ne'e ita fila ba ita-nia aan rasik, sai nu'udar lideransa ida iha esperansa atu forma governu tenke lori governu to'o rohan, la'os ba kotuk hela de'it, oinsa povu nia moris ne'e di'ak,\" dehan nia.",
"Tanba hamosu unidade nasional mai husi ema hotu-hotu la'os ema ki'ik ka boot tanba politiku ne'e atu sai servidor.",
"Ne'e duni, Partidu KHUNTO iha esperansa iha badak Prezidente Republika sei Xanana Gusmao atu bele haree di'ak liutan ba oin oinsa bele hakotu impase politika ne'e.",
"More in this category: \" Arao Preparadu Husik kargu Finalmente Xanana Sama Ain iha Aitarak Laran \" /Taur Espera Koligasaun Foun Hametin"
] | [
"\"I congratulate the new coalition, I hope that they can strengthen consolidated and then create a New Step or give way to another step forward. We need budgets; we must have our programme of activities run smoothly.\""
"We cannot continue with a twelfth,\" said PM Taur at the Presidential Palace in Bairru-Pite today."
"Earlier, Secretary General of the Independent Timor-Leste Revolutionary Front (FRETILIN) Party Mari Alkatiri said he has no confidence that a new coalition led by CNRT will last."
"Asked by journalists whether the CNRP had led a new coalition to form government, he replied that it would \"not live.\""
"Therefore, KHUNTO Party Chief Councillor Jose dos Santos 'Naimori' Bukar said that the coalition bloc of CNRT (Congress), PD(Democratic Peoples) and FM has no negotiations. The important thing is to have a sense for governance in order To end political impasse within our country"
"\"Whether the new coalition is strong or not, it's up to us. Being a leader with hope for forming government means carrying this Government forward and making sure that people live better.\""
"Because creating national unity comes from all people, not small or big because the politician is to be a servant."
"Therefore, KHUNTO Party hopes that President of the Republic Xanana Gusmão will soon look at how to end this political impasse."
"More in this category: \" Arao Preparadu Husik kargu Finally Xanana Sama Ain iha Aitarak Laran\" /Taur Hopes New Coalition Will Strengthen"
] |
Asaltu Malu Iha Surikmas, Rezulta Kareta PNTL Hetan Estragus | STLNEWS\nAsaltu Malu Iha Surikmas, Rezulta Kareta PNTL Hetan Estragus\nDILI, STLNEWS.co – Iha loron 08 fulan Maiu 2021, maizumenus oras tuku 10:00, akontese kazu insidente asaltu malu entre joven sira ho grupu iha bairru laran, rezulta kareta PNTL ida nomos kareta komunidade nian ida hetan estragus.\nPortavoz Komando Jeral Polisia Nasional Timor-Leste (PNTL), Superintendente Xefe Arnaldo Araujo, hatoo kestaun nee ba jornalista sira liu husi konferensia imprensa iha nia knaar fatin Caicoli Dili, Segunda (10/05/2021).\nNia dehan, iha dia 08 fulan Maiu tinan nee iha kalan maizumenus oras tuku 10:00 iha area Surikmas, Aldeia Haburas, akontese entre grupu rua asaltu malu entre grupu iha bairru laran.\n“Akontesimentu nee rezulta kareta polisia ida hetan estragus, nomos kareta estadu ida mos hetan estragus hotu,” dehan nia.\nHo hahalok nee asaun polisia nian konsege kaer duni suspeitu nain 3, hodi kedas ba iha sela detensaun polisia Dili, tanba iha momentu neeba iha kedas fragantes de eleito nee maka lori kedas sira nain 3 ba hatama iha sela.\nNia hatete, horseik nee nain ida mos ba aprezenta rasik ninia aan ba iha PNTL hodi husu mandate ba iha tribunal nunee bele lao tuir prosesu.\n“Tanba nee ida foin mai aprezenta an horseik, tanba nee Polisia Nasional Timor Leste sei husu mandatu ba iha tribunal atu bele sai ho nia hodi bele hetan prosesu tuir mai,” hakotu nia.\nNia hatutan, suspeitu nain haat nee ho naran inisial DAB, BG, GMB, LCG. No agora dadauk polisia halo hela prosesu investigasaun ba sira nain 4.*\nPrevious articlePNTL Rejistu Kazu Insidente 36\nNext articlePNTL Detein Autor Nain 4 Tuda Ambulansia Iha Viqueque | [
"Asaltu Malu Iha Surikmas, Rezulta Kareta PNTL Hetan Estragus | STLNEWS Asaltu Malu Iha Surikmas, Rezulta Kareta PNTL Hetan Estragus DILI, STLNEWS.co - Iha loron 08 fulan Maiu 2021, maizumenus oras tuku 10:00, akontese kazu insidente asaltu malu entre joven sira ho grupu iha bairru laran, rezulta kareta PNTL ida nomos kareta komunidade nian ida hetan estragus.",
"Portavoz Komando Jeral Polisia Nasional Timor-Leste (PNTL), Superintendente Xefe Arnaldo Araujo, hatoo kestaun nee ba jornalista sira liu husi konferensia imprensa iha nia knaar fatin Caicoli Dili, Segunda (10/05/2021).",
"Nia dehan, iha dia 08 fulan Maiu tinan nee iha kalan maizumenus oras tuku 10:00 iha area Surikmas, Aldeia Haburas, akontese entre grupu rua asaltu malu entre grupu iha bairru laran.",
"\"Akontesimentu nee rezulta kareta polisia ida hetan estragus, nomos kareta estadu ida mos hetan estragus hotu,\" dehan nia.",
"Ho hahalok nee asaun polisia nian konsege kaer duni suspeitu nain 3, hodi kedas ba iha sela detensaun polisia Dili, tanba iha momentu neeba iha kedas fragantes de eleito nee maka lori kedas sira nain 3 ba hatama iha sela.",
"Nia hatete, horseik nee nain ida mos ba aprezenta rasik ninia aan ba iha PNTL hodi husu mandate ba iha tribunal nunee bele lao tuir prosesu.",
"\"Tanba nee ida foin mai aprezenta an horseik, tanba nee Polisia Nasional Timor Leste sei husu mandatu ba iha tribunal atu bele sai ho nia hodi bele hetan prosesu tuir mai,\" hakotu nia.",
"Nia hatutan, suspeitu nain haat nee ho naran inisial DAB, BG, GMB, LCG.",
"No agora dadauk polisia halo hela prosesu investigasaun ba sira nain 4.* Previous articlePNTL Rejistu Kazu Insidente 36 Next articlePNTL Detein Autor Nain 4 Tuda Ambulansia Iha Viqueque"
] | [
"Dili, STLNEWS.co - On May 08th of this year at approximately the time that a group young people attacked each other in their neighborhood and caused damages to one police car as well As another community vehicle was also injuring two others who were driving alongside them during an assault incident which occurred around about noon (12:35am) on June-7 th with no casualties but some serious physical harm being sustained by both sides including Police Car & Community Vehicle having been severely damaged"
"Timor-Leste National Police (PNTL) Chief Superintendent Arnaldo Araujo, spokesperson for the General Command of PNTL said this at a press conference held in his office on Monday 10 May."
"He said, on May 08 of this year in the night about at around time to be a group between two groups assault each other within neighborhood."
"\"The incident resulted in one police car being damaged, and a state vehicle was also completely destroying\", she said."
"With this action of the police, they managed to arrest 3 suspects and immediately take them into Dili Police Detention Cell. At that moment there were fragantes de eleito who took these three men in their cell as well with all other accused people also taken away from where he was being held for a few hours before his death on July15th20"
"He said, this morning one of them will present himself to the PNTL and ask for a mandate in court so that they can proceed accordingly."
"\"Therefore he has only come to present himself recently, so the National Police of Timor-Leste will ask for a warrant in court that we can go out with him and have further proceedings.\""
"He added that the four suspects had initial names of DAB, BG LC GMB."
"Previous articlePNTL Registers 36 Case of Incident Next ArticlePolice Detain Four Ambulance Owners in Viqueque* No now the police are investigating for them all."
] |
Komisaun Omenajen identifika fatin istóriku Buamoloe - GMN TV\nGMN TV Sosiedade Komisaun Omenajen identifika fatin istóriku Buamoloe\nKomisáriu Komisaun Omenajen munisípiu Liquiça, Cesar da Silva, ho Veteranu sira halo identifikasaun ba fatin istóriku konsentrasaun FALINTIL Bazartete iha tinan 1979 hodi mai asalta forsa Indonézia iha Dare no Marabia inklui Becora iha tinan 1980.\nAktividade identifikasaun ne’e hala’o Kuarta (11/12/19) iha iha Aldeia Buamoloe, Suku Fahilebo, Postu Administativu Basartete munisípiu Liquiça. Tuir planu fatin refere, Komisaun Omenajen munisípiu Liquiça, sei harii monomentu ruma hodi sai hanesan fatin istóriku turismu.\n“Intensaun ita nian atu mai rekore identifika fali fatin ida ne’e atu ita halo sai hanesan turismu istóriku ba ita boot sira, ba ita boot sira nia jerasaun tuir mai. Para aban bairu hatur iha fatin Buamoloe iha Suku Fahilebo ema hotu bele koñese”,esplika Komisáriu Komisaun Omenajen munisípiu Liquiça Cesar da Silva, waihira hatoo mensajen ba Veteranu Postu administrativu Bazartete.\nMerak dehan, tuir administrasaun teritorial ne’e hateten katak, Postu Bazartete, iha ninia istória durante tinan 24 de luta nian.\n“Sai hanesan fatin istóriku boot tebes-tebes ba ita boot sira ne’ebé mak ohin marka prejensa nomós ba ita boot sira nia jerasaun ba aban bairua nian. Tanba ne’e mak husu ba imi joven ne’ebé mak prejensa iha fatin ne’e, depois enkontru ita boot sira hatoo informasaun ba malu katak horseik ka horbainrua ami enkontru ho ita nia avo no aman no tiu sira iha fatin Buamoloe hodi hanoin hikas buat ne’ebé mak aman sira halo no sira hatur hela iha Buamoloe ne’e”,dehan Merak.\nTanb ne’e komisaun Omenajen halo uluk identifikasaun para hatene kondisaun para hateen fatin Buamoloe sei nafatin ka iha mudansa.\n“Liu husi ita nia identifikasaun depois mak ita halo programa tuir mai. Tanba ne’e mak objetivu ida ne’e, apenas ita mai identifika fali fatin uluk ninian hodi ita tau hamutuk hanoin para aban bairua ita bele realiza eventu ne’ebé mak boot liu ida ne’e, bele realiza aktividade ida ne’e ho prezensa ita nia nai ulun governu. Agora dadauk entre ita de’it”,dehan Merak.\nNune’e mós Veteranu Jerónimo dos Santos “Hanoin” hateten, akontesimentu sira ne’e iha tinan hat nulu liu ba.\n“Ami grupu kikoan ida husi Basartete husi forsa vila laran ne’ebé mai hasoru sira ailaran iha ne’e, liu-liu sira nain tolu komandante Ernesto, Komandante Maucaro 305 no Merak rasik sobrevivente, hasoru malu iha ne’e atu harahun inimigu iha Bazartete, mas inimigu rona antes tiha entaun kaer tiha uluk ami, entaun FALINTIL sira la konsege asaltu forsa Indonézia iha Basartete, maibé buat sira ne’e hanoin nafatin iha ami nia ulun katak, loron ida sei raventa. Tanba ne’e liu fulan nen FALINTIL ba raventa fali iha Marabia Díli,”,dehan Veteranu Hanoin.\nAlende ne’e Xefe Suku Fahilebo, Marcelino da Cruz hatete, kuandu governu atu harii monomentu ne’e presiza hadia estrada, atu nune’e bele atrai ema barak ba vizita fatin istóriku ne’e\n“Komisaun mai identifika fatin Buamoloe, fatin ida ne’ebé antigu deste ita nia FALINTIL sira halibur ba. Hanesan ita nia komisaun dehan sei halo fatin ne’e sai fatin turismu ba istóriku, maibe primeiru ita hakarak dalan, dalan diak depois bee, bee hotu tiha mak ita tama ba eletrisidade, tanba ita halo tiha monumentu mak ita la halo estrada ita sei la halo buat ida , entaun hanesan identifikasaun ne’e sei la folin buat ida”,dehan Marcelino da Cruz.\nEnkuantu kona-ba orsamentu ne’ebé mak atu koloka hodi harii monomentu ne’e, komisaun Omenajen seidauk propoin, tanba foin mak halo identifikasaun ba fatin.avi | [
"Komisaun Omenajen identifika fatin istoriku Buamoloe - GMN TV GMN TV Sosiedade Komisaun Omenajen identifika fatin istoriku Buamoloe Komisariu Komisaun Omenajen munisipiu Liquica, Cesar da Silva, ho Veteranu sira halo identifikasaun ba fatin istoriku konsentrasaun FALINTIL Bazartete iha tinan 1979 hodi mai asalta forsa Indonezia iha Dare no Marabia inklui Becora iha tinan 1980.",
"Aktividade identifikasaun ne'e hala'o Kuarta (11/12/19) iha iha Aldeia Buamoloe, Suku Fahilebo, Postu Administativu Basartete munisipiu Liquica.",
"Tuir planu fatin refere, Komisaun Omenajen munisipiu Liquica, sei harii monomentu ruma hodi sai hanesan fatin istoriku turismu.",
"\"Intensaun ita nian atu mai rekore identifika fali fatin ida ne'e atu ita halo sai hanesan turismu istoriku ba ita boot sira, ba ita boot sira nia jerasaun tuir mai.",
"Para aban bairu hatur iha fatin Buamoloe iha Suku Fahilebo ema hotu bele konese,\"esplika Komisariu Komisaun Omenajen munisipiu Liquica Cesar da Silva, waihira hatoo mensajen ba Veteranu Postu administrativu Bazartete.",
"Merak dehan, tuir administrasaun teritorial ne'e hateten katak, Postu Bazartete, iha ninia istoria durante tinan 24 de luta nian.",
"\"Sai hanesan fatin istoriku boot tebes-tebes ba ita boot sira ne'ebe mak ohin marka prejensa nomos ba ita boot sira nia jerasaun ba aban bairua nian.",
"Tanba ne'e mak husu ba imi joven ne'ebe mak prejensa iha fatin ne'e, depois enkontru ita boot sira hatoo informasaun ba malu katak horseik ka horbainrua ami enkontru ho ita nia avo no aman no tiu sira iha fatin Buamoloe hodi hanoin hikas buat ne'ebe mak aman sira halo no sira hatur hela iha Buamoloe ne'e,\"dehan Merak.",
"Tanb ne'e komisaun Omenajen halo uluk identifikasaun para hatene kondisaun para hateen fatin Buamoloe sei nafatin ka iha mudansa.",
"\"Liu husi ita nia identifikasaun depois mak ita halo programa tuir mai.",
"Tanba ne'e mak objetivu ida ne'e, apenas ita mai identifika fali fatin uluk ninian hodi ita tau hamutuk hanoin para aban bairua ita bele realiza eventu ne'ebe mak boot liu ida ne'e, bele realiza aktividade ida ne'e ho prezensa ita nia nai ulun governu.",
"Agora dadauk entre ita de'it,\"dehan Merak.",
"Nune'e mos Veteranu Jeronimo dos Santos \"Hanoin\" hateten, akontesimentu sira ne'e iha tinan hat nulu liu ba.",
"\"Ami grupu kikoan ida husi Basartete husi forsa vila laran ne'ebe mai hasoru sira ailaran iha ne'e, liu-liu sira nain tolu komandante Ernesto, Komandante Maucaro 305 no Merak rasik sobrevivente, hasoru malu iha ne'e atu harahun inimigu iha Bazartete, mas inimigu rona antes tiha entaun kaer tiha uluk ami, entaun FALINTIL sira la konsege asaltu forsa Indonezia iha Basartete, maibe buat sira ne'e hanoin nafatin iha ami nia ulun katak, loron ida sei raventa.",
"Tanba ne'e liu fulan nen FALINTIL ba raventa fali iha Marabia Dili,,\"dehan Veteranu Hanoin.",
"Alende ne'e Xefe Suku Fahilebo, Marcelino da Cruz hatete, kuandu governu atu harii monomentu ne'e presiza hadia estrada, atu nune'e bele atrai ema barak ba vizita fatin istoriku ne'e \"Komisaun mai identifika fatin Buamoloe, fatin ida ne'ebe antigu deste ita nia FALINTIL sira halibur ba.",
"Hanesan ita nia komisaun dehan sei halo fatin ne'e sai fatin turismu ba istoriku, maibe primeiru ita hakarak dalan, dalan diak depois bee, bee hotu tiha mak ita tama ba eletrisidade, tanba ita halo tiha monumentu mak ita la halo estrada ita sei la halo buat ida , entaun hanesan identifikasaun ne'e sei la folin buat ida,\"dehan Marcelino da Cruz.",
"Enkuantu kona-ba orsamentu ne'ebe mak atu koloka hodi harii monomentu ne'e, komisaun Omenajen seidauk propoin, tanba foin mak halo identifikasaun ba fatin.avi"
] | [
"The commissioner of the Liquica municipality memorial committee, Cesar da Silva and veterans identified a historic site where FALINTIL concentrated in Bazartete (1978) to assault Indonesian forces at Dare & Marabia including Becora. In 20 years since that time there has been no official identification or documentation on this historical place but it is known as “Bazarte”."
"The identification activity was carried out on Thursday (12/09) in the Village of Buamoloe, Fahilebo Township and Basartete Post Office Liquica Municipality."
"According to the site plan, Liquica Municipality Memorial Commission will build a monument as an historical tourist attraction."
"\"Our intention is to come and re-identify this place so that we can make it a historical tourism for our grandparents, the future generations of those great ones."
"For tomorrow, the village will be rebuilt at Buamoloe in Fahilebo Village so that everyone can know about it,” explains Commissioner of Liquica Municipality Memorial Commission Cesar da Silva after delivering a message to Veteran from Bazartete administrative post."
"Merak said, according to the territorial administration's statement that Posto Bazartete has its history during 24 years of struggle."
"\"It has become a very important historical site for the great people who marked today's presence and their generation of tomorrow."
"That is why I ask you young people who are present in this place, after the meeting our grandfathers presented information to each other that shortly or soon we will meet with your father and uncle at Buamoloe so as quickly think about what their parents did when they were still living there\", said Merak."
"Therefore, the commemoration commission made an early identification to find out if conditions for building Buamoloe remained or changed."
"\"With our identification, then we make the next program."
"Therefore, this is the aim of it. Just we come to identify again previous locations so that you can put together ideas for tomorrow bairua We may realize event which will be bigger than these and carry out activity with presence our nation' s head government :"
"Now let's go between us alone,\" said Merak."
"Also Veteran Jeronimo dos Santos \"Hanoin\" said, these events were in the last eight years."
"\"We were a small group of Basartete from the local forces who came to meet them here, especially three men Commander Ernesto and Maucaro 305 commandant Merak himself survivor. We met there in order that we could defeat our enemies at Bazaartete but they heard beforehand so caught us first; thus FALINTIL was unable for assaulting Indonesian troops on basartetes however these things remained with me as I thought one day it would be raventad.\""
"That's why FALINTIL was re-established in Marabia Dili,\" said Hanoin Veterano."
"In addition, Fahilebo Village Head Marcelino da Cruz said that if the government wants to build this monument it will need road improvement so as not attract many people for visiting these historical sites. \"The Commission has come and identified Buamoloe site which is an ancient place where our FALINTIL had gatherings.\""
"As our commission said we will make this place a tourist site for history, but first of all it is roads that are needed and then water. After the whole thing has been drained off there'll be electricity because after making monument you don’t do any work on highway so as an identification would not cost anything\", Marcelino da Cruz says .\""
"As for the budget to be allocated in order of building this monument, there is no proposal from The Memorial Commission because it has only recently identified a place."
] |
3 dolar lorloron hatutan liman ain komunidades iha base ka la’e? « Building Markets – Timor-Leste\nJanuary 20, 2011 | by Brigida Soares\nProjektu 3 dolar nebe mak envolve komunidades feto no mane iha area rurais. Foto ne'e hasai iha area Bibileo, suco Craras, distritu Viqueque.\nHanoin to’ok, karik dalan iha ita nia suco no aldeia nebe liga ho kapital distritu nian ho kondisaun at tebes tamba udan boot no rai monu. Saida mak ita nia komundades sira sei halo? dalaruma sira sei tur hamutuk atu hadia no hamos ho sira nia inisiativa rasik-tamba ida ne’e mos ba sira nia nesesidades los ka lae’e? Basea ba esperiensia iha tinan 1999 ba kraik, iha sistema “gotong royong” ou servisu hamutuk nebe mak organisa husi chefe do sucos sira hamutuk ho komunidades atu hamos sira nia envairomentu rasik, iha loron ida, kada semana no la selu buat ida. Maibe agora oin seluk uitoan, ba 3 dolar loron ida, ita nia komunidades konvida atu hadia no hamos dalan publiko. Ida ne’e” laos servisu gratuita deit”.\nHahu iha tinan 2006, iha pakote projektu ida nebe mak halao husi agencia UN, ILO(International Lobour Organization), durante ne’e konhesidu iha komunidades nia let ho naran projektu “tiga dolar”. Projektu ne’e servisu hamutuk ho Ministerio Trabalho Reinsercao e Comunitaria no halao dala barak ona kuaze iha 13 distritus, husi sucos to ba aldeias sira.\nDurante projektu halao’o, iha prespektiva oioin katak sistema projektu hanesan ne’e la favorese ba komunidades. Rasaun ida mak projektu ne’e ho durasaun tempu nebe badak liu no iha futuru sei rai hela sistema dependensia ba komunidades atu hein projektu nebe referee. Ikus liu mak konsiensia komunidades atu hamos nia envairomentu rasik sei lakon.\nAktividades husi projektu 3 dolar nebe'e iha prosesu nia laran.\nIha parte seluk, basea ba artikel STL nebe publika iha fulan Desembru tinan 2010 ho titlu “Komunidades Rural Apresia Projektu tiga dolar”, hatudu katak komunidades senti kontenti ho projektu nebe oferese ba sira, tuir sira nia hanoin; uitoan ou barak, naruk ou badak, orsamentu nebe sira hetan no durasaun tempu nebe fo la sai problema ba sira. Importante mak hetan rendementu no iha ona asesu transporte, nune bele fan sira nia produktu ba merkado.\nMaski prespektiva barak mak mosu, depende ou lae komunidades sira ba projektu nebe referee, realidade hatudu katak sira kontenti no projektu ne’e lao nafatin, tuir mai oinsa impaktu husi projektu sira hanesan ne’e ba ekonomia local?\nEkipamentus todan nebe mak aluga iha distritu Viqueque.\nIha fulan Abril 2010, iha Distritu Viqueque, projektu nebe refere komesa halao. Ida ne’e sai oportunidade ba PDT-ekipa Ligasaun/Matchmaking team atu prepara informasaun akurado no bele oferese ba projektu nain sira ho intensaun atu bele uja materials lokal nebe mak esiste distritu laran. La soe tempu no fatin PDT-ekipa Ligasaun kompostu husi Gilberto Amaral, Vasco Pereria no Antonio do Rosario kria enkontru ho koordenador projektu ILO, Sr. Felisberto Soares +670-7317.642 iha edefisiu PDT nian iha Viqueque. Iha enkontru ne’e parte rua fahe informasaun ba malu kona ba sasan ou materiais saida mak persija ba projektu. PDT-ekipa Ligasaun oferese lista “tukan” ema nebe mak iha matenek ba kahur sementi ho raihenek no fatuk, lista trek no ekipamentus todan ba projektu nebe refere no lista loja nebe mak faan materiais konstrusaun.\nAsina kontratu liu husi fasilitasaun PDT- ekipa Ligasaun, ba trek nebe fo aluga ba projektu.\nIkus mai projektu halao duni iha suco Craras, aldeia-Quic ho Bibileo, sub district-Viqueque, distritu-Viqueque. PDT-ekipaLigasaun konsege liga agencia ILO ho fornecedor trek iha distritu Viqueque no konsege resulta kontratu ba trek 3, nain mak Sr.Carlito Soares +670-7362.652, Sr. Simao Soares Viana +670-726.4263 no Sr. Antonio Bento +670-725.2290, ho durasaun fulan 2 ba trek rua dahuluk no iha fulan ikus aumenta tan trek ida. Projektu halao komesa iha Abril 2010-Junho 2010. Orsamentu nebe mak resulta husi kontratu ne’e ho montates $13.650.00, kada loron $75 dolar.\nFornesedor lokal sira kontenti tebes tamba projektu nebe referee no informasaun nebe mak fahe husi ekipa Ligasaun, PDT nian. Ita hotu bele hanoin tok karik laiha servisu hanesan servisu nebe halao husi ekipa PDT iha areas rurais neba, dalaruma produktu hotu tantu materiais konstrusaun, trek no seluk tan sei sosa ou aluga iha Dili karik.\n« East and West Timor – Building Business across the Border\nManatuto dreaming. » | [
"3 dolar lorloron hatutan liman ain komunidades iha base ka la'e? \"",
"Building Markets - Timor-Leste January 20, 2011 | by Brigida Soares Projektu 3 dolar nebe mak envolve komunidades feto no mane iha area rurais.",
"Foto ne'e hasai iha area Bibileo, suco Craras, distritu Viqueque.",
"Hanoin to'ok, karik dalan iha ita nia suco no aldeia nebe liga ho kapital distritu nian ho kondisaun at tebes tamba udan boot no rai monu.",
"Saida mak ita nia komundades sira sei halo? dalaruma sira sei tur hamutuk atu hadia no hamos ho sira nia inisiativa rasik-tamba ida ne'e mos ba sira nia nesesidades los ka lae'e?",
"Basea ba esperiensia iha tinan 1999 ba kraik, iha sistema \"gotong royong\" ou servisu hamutuk nebe mak organisa husi chefe do sucos sira hamutuk ho komunidades atu hamos sira nia envairomentu rasik, iha loron ida, kada semana no la selu buat ida.",
"Maibe agora oin seluk uitoan, ba 3 dolar loron ida, ita nia komunidades konvida atu hadia no hamos dalan publiko.",
"Ida ne'e\" laos servisu gratuita deit.\"",
"Hahu iha tinan 2006, iha pakote projektu ida nebe mak halao husi agencia UN, ILO (International Lobour Organization), durante ne'e konhesidu iha komunidades nia let ho naran projektu \"tiga dolar.\"",
"Projektu ne'e servisu hamutuk ho Ministerio Trabalho Reinsercao e Comunitaria no halao dala barak ona kuaze iha 13 distritus, husi sucos to ba aldeias sira.",
"Durante projektu halao'o, iha prespektiva oioin katak sistema projektu hanesan ne'e la favorese ba komunidades.",
"Rasaun ida mak projektu ne'e ho durasaun tempu nebe badak liu no iha futuru sei rai hela sistema dependensia ba komunidades atu hein projektu nebe referee.",
"Ikus liu mak konsiensia komunidades atu hamos nia envairomentu rasik sei lakon.",
"Aktividades husi projektu 3 dolar nebe'e iha prosesu nia laran.",
"Iha parte seluk, basea ba artikel STL nebe publika iha fulan Desembru tinan 2010 ho titlu \"Komunidades Rural Apresia Projektu tiga dolar,\" hatudu katak komunidades senti kontenti ho projektu nebe oferese ba sira, tuir sira nia hanoin; uitoan ou barak, naruk ou badak, orsamentu nebe sira hetan no durasaun tempu nebe fo la sai problema ba sira.",
"Importante mak hetan rendementu no iha ona asesu transporte, nune bele fan sira nia produktu ba merkado.",
"Maski prespektiva barak mak mosu, depende ou lae komunidades sira ba projektu nebe referee, realidade hatudu katak sira kontenti no projektu ne'e lao nafatin, tuir mai oinsa impaktu husi projektu sira hanesan ne'e ba ekonomia local?",
"Ekipamentus todan nebe mak aluga iha distritu Viqueque.",
"Iha fulan Abril 2010, iha Distritu Viqueque, projektu nebe refere komesa halao.",
"Ida ne'e sai oportunidade ba PDT-ekipa Ligasaun/Matchmaking team atu prepara informasaun akurado no bele oferese ba projektu nain sira ho intensaun atu bele uja materials lokal nebe mak esiste distritu laran.",
"La soe tempu no fatin PDT-ekipa Ligasaun kompostu husi Gilberto Amaral, Vasco Pereria no Antonio do Rosario kria enkontru ho koordenador projektu ILO, Sr. Felisberto Soares +670-7317.642 iha edefisiu PDT nian iha Viqueque.",
"Iha enkontru ne'e parte rua fahe informasaun ba malu kona ba sasan ou materiais saida mak persija ba projektu.",
"PDT-ekipa Ligasaun oferese lista \"tukan\" ema nebe mak iha matenek ba kahur sementi ho raihenek no fatuk, lista trek no ekipamentus todan ba projektu nebe refere no lista loja nebe mak faan materiais konstrusaun.",
"Asina kontratu liu husi fasilitasaun PDT- ekipa Ligasaun, ba trek nebe fo aluga ba projektu.",
"Ikus mai projektu halao duni iha suco Craras, aldeia-Quic ho Bibileo, sub district-Viqueque, distritu-Viqueque.",
"PDT-ekipaLigasaun konsege liga agencia ILO ho fornecedor trek iha distritu Viqueque no konsege resulta kontratu ba trek 3, nain mak Sr.Carlito Soares +670-7362.652, Sr. Simao Soares Viana +670-726.4263 no Sr. Antonio Bento +670-725.2290, ho durasaun fulan 2 ba trek rua dahuluk no iha fulan ikus aumenta tan trek ida.",
"Projektu halao komesa iha Abril 2010-Junho 2010.",
"Orsamentu nebe mak resulta husi kontratu ne'e ho montates $13.650.00, kada loron $75 dolar.",
"Fornesedor lokal sira kontenti tebes tamba projektu nebe referee no informasaun nebe mak fahe husi ekipa Ligasaun, PDT nian.",
"Ita hotu bele hanoin tok karik laiha servisu hanesan servisu nebe halao husi ekipa PDT iha areas rurais neba, dalaruma produktu hotu tantu materiais konstrusaun, trek no seluk tan sei sosa ou aluga iha Dili karik. \"",
"East and West Timor - Building Business across the Border Manatuto dreaming. \""
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"$3 a day keeps the hands of communities on base, doesn't it?\""
"Building Markets - Timor-Leste January 20,19 | by Brigida Soares A $3 million project involving women and men from rural communities."
"This photo was taken in the area of Bibileo, Craras subdistrict."
"Imagine, if the roads in your town and village connecting to district capital were badly damaged by heavy rainfall or landslides."
"What are our communities going to do? They will often come together and repair on their own initiative - but is this also for them's needs, right?\""
"Based on experiences from 1980 to the beginning of this century, there is a system called \"gotong royong\" or cooperation that has been organized by village headmen together with communities in order for them clean up their own environment one day per week and pay nothing."
"But now a little further, for $3 per day our communities are invited to repair and clean public roads."
"This is\" not just a free service.\""
"In 2016, a project package was implemented by the UN agency International Labour Organization (ILO), known in local communities as \"the three-dollar\" program."
"The project works in partnership with the Ministry of Labour, Reinsertion and Community Affairs (MTRCC) has been carried out several times over nearly 13 districts from town to village."
"During the project, there were various perspectives that such a system of projects was not beneficial to communities."
"One reason is that the project has a shorter duration and in future will create dependency system for communities to await referred projects."
"As a result, the consciousness of communities to clean their own environment will be lost."
"The activities of the $3 project are in progress."
"On the other hand, based on STL's article published in December 2013 entitled \"Rural Communities Appreciate Three Dollar Project\", it shows that communities are satisfied with projects offered to them accordingly; little or much and long-term as well short term budget they receive is not a problem for their community."
"It is important to get a return and have transportation access, so that they can bring their products into the market."
"Although there are many prospects, whether or not the communities depend on this project in question; reality shows that they're satisfied and projects continue to run. So what impact does such a projekt have for local economy?"
"Todan equipment that is rented in the district of Viqueque."
"In April 2013, in the district of Vicksburg (Virginia), a project was launched to improve water quality."
"This was an opportunity for the PDT-Matchmaking team to prepare accurate information and offer it on project owners with a view of using local materials that exist in district."
"La soe tempo e lugar PDT-Ligação team composed of Gilberto Amaral, Vasco Pereria and Antonio do Rosario created a meeting with the ILO project coordinator Mr. Felisberto Soares +670 -8314529 at pdt office in Viqueque"
"During the meeting, both parties exchanged information on what items or materials are needed for this project."
"The PDT-Team Ligation offers a \"tukan\" list of people who have the knowledge to carry cement, gravel and timber; tracks with equipment needed for that project as well."
"Sign the contract through PDT- Ligação team facility, for a track that will be rented to project."
"Subsequently, the project was carried out in Craras township and villages-Quic with Bibileo sub district of Vicque."
"PDT-ekipaLigasaun managed to connect ILO agency with the supplier of tracks in Viqueque district and it was possible resulted contract for three trek, Mr.Carlito Soares +670 -3254819; Mr Simao Viana Soarez (tel:+) (+), Sr Antonio Bento [email protected](telephone number):"
"The project will be carried out from April 2013 to June of the following year."
"The resulting budget of the contract amounted to $13,650 per day at a salary rate equalling about US$74."
"Local suppliers were delighted with the projects referred to and information shared by PDT’s Liaison team."
"We can all imagine that if there was no work like the one carried out by PDT teams in those rural areas, then often everything such as construction materials and other products would be bought or rented from Dili.\""
"\"East and West Timor - Building Business across the Border Manatuto dreaming.\""
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HAPAS Fo Formasaun Ba Grupu Benefisiariu Sira\nHare na'in: 594\nCovalima- Ofisial Projeitu (PO) Programa Hasa’e Produtividade Agrikultura Sustentavel (HAPAS) fo formasaun ba Grupu Benefisiariu hirak ne’ebé maka eziste iha sub Basia Hidrografika Be Lulik Munisipiu Covalima Grupu refere hamutuk 26 lokaliza iha Suku Raimea Postu Administrativu Zumalai Munisipiu Covalima.\nObjetivu husi formasaun ne’e atu hanorin Grupu Benefisiariu sira oinsa maka bele hetan fundus ki’ik tanba fundus kiik ne’e hosi Ministeriu Agríkultura ne’ebé aloka liu hosi programa HAPAS atu apoiu grupu agrikultór sira ne’ebé mak iha area ka fatin alvu ba programa HAPAS oinsa atu hasa’e produsaun, produtividade hosi grupu sira no bele asesu ba merkadu, formasaun refere hahu iha loron 28 to’o 31 fulan Janeiru iha suku Raemea no suku postu Administrativu Zumalai.\nTuir Diretór projeitu SAPIP, César José da Cruz hateten katak, iha nia parte nia rasik akompaña grupu ne’ebé maka sira forma, komesa loron rua nia laran sira hetan formasaun oinsa atu hakerek proposta nomos oinsa maka atu maneja osan, tuir nia hare katak diak tebes, tanba iha membru grupu balun ne’ebé maka komprende lalais liu konaba ba prosesu refere.\nNia mós fo hanoin ba Grupu benefisiariu sira katak, osan ne’ebé maka atu mai ne’e simplesmente atu hala’o atividade ida, maibé depoisde atividade ne’e hotu laos hotu ona maibé osan ne’ebé mak ita tau liu husi programa SAPIP iha fundus ki’ik ida ne’e ho nia objetivu lolos ne’e atu hadia agrikultór sira nia-nia moris. Ida ne’e mak ita hanaran programa ne’e katak Hasa’e Produtividade Agrikultura sustentavel.\n“Hau mós husu ba sira katak, ba sira’e hakarak hakiak karau, tenki iha rai luan ruma para atu bele kuda du’ut, sira ne’ebé hakarak hakiak ikan tenki iha bee, no sira ne’ebé hakarak kuda modo ida ne’e mós presiza bee. Tanba ne’e grupu importante tebes labele hare parte ida idak nian de’it. Hau dehan ba sira katak kuandu iha faze primeiru maka grupu refere la susesu, entaun ita sei la halo pagamentu kontinuasaun ba segundu fase nian.” Hateten Diretór César\nNia akresenta, Ita mós bolu benefisiariu indereta, katak maske iha komunidade seluk ne’ebé maka la envolve iha grupu refere maibé sira bele han mós manu tolun, na’an manu, modo tahan sira liu husi grupu hirak ne’ebe hala’o ona sira nia atividade liu husi programa ida ne’e.\nIha fatin hanesan, Ofisial Fundus ki’ik programa HAPAS, Humberto Moniz esplika katak, prosesu ba faze primeiru nian maka primeiru ami halo sosializasaun fundus ki’ik ba grupu benefisiariu sira, atu nue’e sira bele hatene no komprende didiak tiha lai fundus ne’e nia prosesu, depois ida ne’e mós ami hanorin sira oinsa hakerek proposta no oinsa meneja osan ba iha sira nia atividades.\nDepoisde sira hakerek proposta hafoin sira submete ba iha ofisial Projeitu Munisipiu hodi hala’o avaliasaun inisiu ba proposta sira hotu. Hafoin ne’e maka entrega ba tekniku servisu Agrikultura Muinsipal hodi halo verifikasaun ba proposta no prosesu tomak ba proposta ne’e tekniku sira hare hotu maka manda ba prezidente Sub Basia Hodrografiku be Lulik Covalima hodi halo aprovasaun .prosesu hirak ne’e remata maka ofisial projeitu manda ba MAP-SAPIP Nasional.\nIha Grupu balun ne’ebé maka husu ba iha teknolojia bo’ot hanesan makina dulas hare, ami hanoin katak ida ne’e ami seidauk bele hatan ba sira nia proposta hanesan ne’e, tanba Programa ne’e hanaran Fundus ki’ik. Ne’e duni atu dehan de’it katak ami sei labele fo ba Grupu Benefisiariu sira ne’ebé maka husu teknolójian ho montante bo’ot.\nGrupu hirak’e mak existe iha Basia Hidrografika Be lulik Munisipio Total 175 no agora grupu 26 maka tama ona ba iha faze primeiru nian.\nNune’e mós Ofisial Programa SAPIP Munisipiu Covalima Leonito do Nascimento hateten katak preparasaun ba iha formasaun ida ne’e primeiru nia mós halo kordenasaun ho konsorsiu sira liu-liu Institutu Kadalak Suli Mutuk (KSI) oinsa prepara materia nomos iha parte logistika nian, nia mos halo kordenasaun ho Autoridade Lokál hahu husi Xefe Aldeia to Xefe Suku nomos lideransa komunitaria sira hodi bele asegura formasaun ne’e bele lao ho diak.\n”Ha’u nia maneira atu kontrola Grupu benefisiariu sira maka hau sei hamutuk ho Extensionista sira ho mós Funsionariu tékniku Agríkultura ninian maka sei lao hamutuk hodi bele halo kontrola ba grupu Benefisiariu sira.”tenik Leonito\nEntretantu Xefe Grupu Hae Oan Trifonia Lopes, Hau hakarak hato’o agradese barak tebes ba programa SAPIP nian ida ne’e, tanbe bele loke ona dalan mai ami atu bele hadia ami nia moris iha futuru mai liu husi kria grupu hodi halao atividade Hortikulura nian. (Tyfa) | [
"HAPAS Fo Formasaun Ba Grupu Benefisiariu Sira Hare na'in: 594 Covalima- Ofisial Projeitu (PO) Programa Hasa'e Produtividade Agrikultura Sustentavel (HAPAS) fo formasaun ba Grupu Benefisiariu hirak ne'ebe maka eziste iha sub Basia Hidrografika Be Lulik Munisipiu Covalima Grupu refere hamutuk 26 lokaliza iha Suku Raimea Postu Administrativu Zumalai Munisipiu Covalima.",
"Objetivu husi formasaun ne'e atu hanorin Grupu Benefisiariu sira oinsa maka bele hetan fundus ki'ik tanba fundus kiik ne'e hosi Ministeriu Agrikultura ne'ebe aloka liu hosi programa HAPAS atu apoiu grupu agrikultor sira ne'ebe mak iha area ka fatin alvu ba programa HAPAS oinsa atu hasa'e produsaun, produtividade hosi grupu sira no bele asesu ba merkadu, formasaun refere hahu iha loron 28 to'o 31 fulan Janeiru iha suku Raemea no suku postu Administrativu Zumalai.",
"Tuir Diretor projeitu SAPIP, Cesar Jose da Cruz hateten katak, iha nia parte nia rasik akompana grupu ne'ebe maka sira forma, komesa loron rua nia laran sira hetan formasaun oinsa atu hakerek proposta nomos oinsa maka atu maneja osan, tuir nia hare katak diak tebes, tanba iha membru grupu balun ne'ebe maka komprende lalais liu konaba ba prosesu refere.",
"Nia mos fo hanoin ba Grupu benefisiariu sira katak, osan ne'ebe maka atu mai ne'e simplesmente atu hala'o atividade ida, maibe depoisde atividade ne'e hotu laos hotu ona maibe osan ne'ebe mak ita tau liu husi programa SAPIP iha fundus ki'ik ida ne'e ho nia objetivu lolos ne'e atu hadia agrikultor sira nia-nia moris.",
"Ida ne'e mak ita hanaran programa ne'e katak Hasa'e Produtividade Agrikultura sustentavel.",
"\"Hau mos husu ba sira katak, ba sira'e hakarak hakiak karau, tenki iha rai luan ruma para atu bele kuda du'ut, sira ne'ebe hakarak hakiak ikan tenki iha bee, no sira ne'ebe hakarak kuda modo ida ne'e mos presiza bee.",
"Tanba ne'e grupu importante tebes labele hare parte ida idak nian de'it.",
"Hau dehan ba sira katak kuandu iha faze primeiru maka grupu refere la susesu, entaun ita sei la halo pagamentu kontinuasaun ba segundu fase nian.\"",
"Hateten Diretor Cesar Nia akresenta, Ita mos bolu benefisiariu indereta, katak maske iha komunidade seluk ne'ebe maka la envolve iha grupu refere maibe sira bele han mos manu tolun, na'an manu, modo tahan sira liu husi grupu hirak ne'ebe hala'o ona sira nia atividade liu husi programa ida ne'e.",
"Iha fatin hanesan, Ofisial Fundus ki'ik programa HAPAS, Humberto Moniz esplika katak, prosesu ba faze primeiru nian maka primeiru ami halo sosializasaun fundus ki'ik ba grupu benefisiariu sira, atu nue'e sira bele hatene no komprende didiak tiha lai fundus ne'e nia prosesu, depois ida ne'e mos ami hanorin sira oinsa hakerek proposta no oinsa meneja osan ba iha sira nia atividades.",
"Depoisde sira hakerek proposta hafoin sira submete ba iha ofisial Projeitu Munisipiu hodi hala'o avaliasaun inisiu ba proposta sira hotu.",
"Hafoin ne'e maka entrega ba tekniku servisu Agrikultura Muinsipal hodi halo verifikasaun ba proposta no prosesu tomak ba proposta ne'e tekniku sira hare hotu maka manda ba prezidente Sub Basia Hodrografiku be Lulik Covalima hodi halo aprovasaun .prosesu hirak ne'e remata maka ofisial projeitu manda ba MAP-SAPIP Nasional.",
"Iha Grupu balun ne'ebe maka husu ba iha teknolojia bo'ot hanesan makina dulas hare, ami hanoin katak ida ne'e ami seidauk bele hatan ba sira nia proposta hanesan ne'e, tanba Programa ne'e hanaran Fundus ki'ik.",
"Ne'e duni atu dehan de'it katak ami sei labele fo ba Grupu Benefisiariu sira ne'ebe maka husu teknolojian ho montante bo'ot.",
"Grupu hirak'e mak existe iha Basia Hidrografika Be lulik Munisipio Total 175 no agora grupu 26 maka tama ona ba iha faze primeiru nian.",
"Nune'e mos Ofisial Programa SAPIP Munisipiu Covalima Leonito do Nascimento hateten katak preparasaun ba iha formasaun ida ne'e primeiru nia mos halo kordenasaun ho konsorsiu sira liu-liu Institutu Kadalak Suli Mutuk (KSI) oinsa prepara materia nomos iha parte logistika nian, nia mos halo kordenasaun ho Autoridade Lokal hahu husi Xefe Aldeia to Xefe Suku nomos lideransa komunitaria sira hodi bele asegura formasaun ne'e bele lao ho diak.",
"\"Ha'u nia maneira atu kontrola Grupu benefisiariu sira maka hau sei hamutuk ho Extensionista sira ho mos Funsionariu tekniku Agrikultura ninian maka sei lao hamutuk hodi bele halo kontrola ba grupu Benefisiariu sira.\"tenik Leonito Entretantu Xefe Grupu Hae Oan Trifonia Lopes, Hau hakarak hato'o agradese barak tebes ba programa SAPIP nian ida ne'e, tanbe bele loke ona dalan mai ami atu bele hadia ami nia moris iha futuru mai liu husi kria grupu hodi halao atividade Hortikulura nian.",
] | [
"HAPAS Gives Training To Beneficiary Group Viewed: 594 Covalima- The Project Officer (PO) of the Sustainable Agricultural Productivity Improvement Program has given training to those beneficiary groups that exist in Be Lulik Hydrographic Subbase, Municipality Coimbatore. These beneficiaries are located at Raimea Village Zumalai Administrative Post Office and comprising a total number from"
"The objective of this training is to teach the Beneficiary Groups how they can obtain small funds because these are funded by Ministry for Agriculture through HAPAS program in order support groups that have target areas or places under Hapas programme so as increase production, productivity and market access. This course started on 28th-31st January at Raemea village with administrative post Zumalai township (Zumaili)."
"According to the SAPIP project director, Cesar Jose da Cruz said that for his part he accompanied their group. During two days they were given training on how To write a proposal and manage money; accordingly it was very good because some of them understood more quickly about this process than others"
"He also reminded the beneficiary groups that, money to come is simply for carrying out an activity but after all of these activities are not done yet. The cash we put through SAPIP program in this small fund has its main purpose being improving farmers' livelihood and help them get back into work as soon As possible with a better income than they have had before 2013/4"
"This is why we call the program Sustainable Agricultural Productivity Increase."
"\"I also asked them that, if they want to farm cows there must be some land in order for the du'ut grown. Those who would like fish need water and those wishing this way of life require it as well.\""
"Because of this, the group is so important that it cannot be viewed as a single part."
"I told them that if in the first phase they were not successful, then we wouldn't make a continuation payment for Phase Two.\""
"Director Cesar added, \"We also call indirect beneficiaries. Although there are other communities that aren't involved in the group mentioned above but they can eat beef and chicken through those groups which have already carried out their activities under this program.\""
"Meanwhile, Small Funds Officer of the HAPAS program Humberto Moniz explained that for phase one we first made a small fund outreach to beneficiary groups so they could know and understand well this process. Afterwards it was also taught them how you write proposal as much about money management in their activities 10"
"After they write the proposal, it is submitted to a Municipal Project Officer for an initial evaluation of all proposed projects."
"After that, the proposal is handed over to Municipal Agricultural Service technicians for verification and after all of this process has been completed they will send it back with approval from President Sub Base Hydrographic Lulik Covalima. The project official then submits its final report on MAP-SAPIP Nasional (National Water Resources Information System)."
"There are some groups that have asked for big technology such as harrow, we think this is not the type of proposals to which they can respond because these programs were called small funds."
"That is to say that we will not be able for the Beneficiary Groups who request technology with a large amount of money."
"These groups exist in the Hidrographic Base Be lulik of a total 175 municipalities and now have entered into phase one."
"Likewise, the SAPIP Program Officer of Covalim Municipality Leonito do Nascimento said that preparation for this training was firstly coordinated with consortia especially Kadalak Suli Mutuk Institute (KSI) to prepare materials and logistics. He also co-ordinates local authorities from village chief through town head until community leaders in order secure a smooth course on these issues:"
"\"My way to control the beneficiary groups is that I will work together with Extensionists and also Agricultural Technical Officers, who are working in a coordinated manner so we can monitor beneficiaries.\" said Leonito Meanwhile Group Leader Hae Oa Trifonia Lopese. He added: “I would like very much thank you for this SAPIP program because it has opened up ways of improving our lives by creatings group activities on horticulture.”"
"(Tyfa) Typha"
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PN Aprova Pedidu Levantamentu ho Karáter Urjénsia | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste\nVARANDA DILI PN Aprova Pedidu Levantamentu ho Karáter Urjénsia\nPN Aprova Pedidu Levantamentu ho Karáter Urjénsia\nDILI, 25 marsu 2020 (TATOLI)—Parlamentu Nasionál (PN) aprova pedidu ho karáter urjénsia ba proposta levantamentu hodi fó autorizasaun Governu foti millaun $250 hosi fundu petrolíferu.\nParlamentu Nasionál aprova pedidu ho karáter urjénsia ba proposta lei númeru 13/V(2a)-autorizasaun ba realizasaun transferénsia estraordinária ba fundu petrolíferu. Pedidu ho karáter urjénsia ne’e pasa ho votu a-favór 64, laiha kontra no abstensaun\n“Ho nune’e autoriza pedidiu ho karáter urjénsia, ami sei baixa kedas ba komisaun C (Finansa Públika),” Prezidente Parlamentu Nasionál, Arão Noé de Jesus da Costa Amaral, anunsia liuhosi plenária, kuarta ne’e.\nDeputadu Bankada Parlamentár Partidu Demokrátiku (PD), Mariano Assanami Sabino hateten, pedidu ne’e mak importante liu hodi fó resposta ba kestaun inundasaun no kombate Coronavirus.\n“Ha’u hanoin pedidu ne’e iha nia fatin duni no tenke aprova iha Parlamentu Nasionál, tenke apoia ba levantamentu ba estraordinária hodi hahú implemeta,” Assanami informa liuhosi plenária, Parlamentu Nasionál, kuarta ne’e.\nDeputadu PLP, Francisco Vasconselos afirma, loloos ne’e pedidu urjénsia ba proposta alterasaun tenke pakote ho pedidu levantamentu ne’e.\n“Millaun $250 ne’e la inklui ona prevensaun ba COVID-19 no inundasaun, tanba proposta alterasaun ne’e ita-boot sira vota kontra tiha ona,” hateten Deputadu PLP.\nXefe Bankada Parlamentár PD, António da Conçeição hateten, pedidu estraordinária ne’e atu responde ba situasaun emerjénsia.\n“Ne’e karáter ne’e urjénsia katak presiza osan iha oin duni. Ba ami importante tebes aprovasaun karáter urjénsia no aprova kedas lokraik ne’e. Ita buka mak ida ne’e atu la’o ba-oin,” dehan Deputadu António da Conçeição.\nEntretantu, Deputada FRETILIN, Maria Angélica Rangel informa, millaun $250 ne’e preve situasaun previstu sira, loloos ne’e proposta lei rua ne’e urjénsia.\n“Se ita la muda lei ita ko’alia buat sira-ne’e falsu hotu, tanba millaun $250 la sufisiente ba kestaun inundasaun no COVID-19,” nia dehan.\nDeputada PLP, Maria Angelina Sarmento Lopes, pedidu levantamentu ho millaun $250 ne’e seidauk inklui asuntu kombate Coronavirus no inundasaun.\n“Ne’e hatudu katak Timor-Leste prontu simu Coronavirus. Agora ho millaun $250 ne’e la sufisiente. Ha’u hanoin Governu la iha kondisaun, loloos ne’e fó kompeténsia jurídiku ba Governu hodi foti osan boot liu hodi responde ba inundasaun no COVID-19,” hateten Deputada Maria Angelina.\nNia esplika, loloos ne’e pedidu levantamentu no alterasaun lei ne’e tenke la’o dala-ida tanba iha ligasaun maibé aprova de’it mak pedidu levantamentu entaun governu labele halo buat ida.\nDeputadu KHUNTO, Luis Roberto hateten, pedidu levantamentu atu responde situasaun ne’ebé rai-laran.\n“Ida-ne’e bankada KHUNTO prontu apoia 100%, KHUNTO sei a-favór no sei la kontra ba pedidu levantamentu,” dehan Deputadu Luis Roberto.\nDeputada PD, Elvina Sousa, konsidera pedidu ne’e urjénsia no nesesáriu atu hetan aprovasaun hosi Parlamentu Nasionál.\n“Ha’u sei apoia pedidu levantamentu estraordinária ne’e tanba ne’e nesesáriu atu fó resposta ba situasaun ne’ebé ita hasoru,” nia hateten.\nDeputadu Partidu Demokrátiku (PD), Adriano do Nascimento, konsidera pedidu levantamentu no proposta alterasaun ne’e importante hotu.\n“Ba ha’u rua ne’e importante tebes ba estadu ida-ne’e. Tanba estadu la iha Orsamentu Jerál Estadu. Kualkér inisitiva hosi Governu hodi responde estadu nia problema, ha’u ‘a-favór’. Ha’u-nia preokupasaun mak ne’e, sera que ida-ne’e to’o enkuantu moras hada’et iha Timor laran, Sera que ita sei mai atu debate tán. Ha’u hanesan reprezentante povu sei vota a-favór hodi Governu rezolve problema. Sera que governu la hatene akontese inundasaun no akontese COVID-19 tanba ne’e akontese antes ona, ida-ne’e ha’u-nia sujestaun,” dehan Deputadu Adriano do Nascimento.\nXefe Bankada Parlamentár UDT/FM, Francisco Xavier Carlos, importante liu mak pedidu levantamentu hodi responde situasaun hotu-hotu.\n“Urjénsia ida agora ita ko’alia ne’e oinsá responde povu nia situasaun, tanba ne’e interese nasionál aas liu. Se pedidu levantamentu la to’o, ita mak halo lei bele halo fila-fali,” nia dehan.\nNotísia Relevante: PN Hahu Debate Pedidu Urjénsia Proposta Governu Ba Levantamentu FP\nPrevious articleMS Seidauk Kontrata Kuarentena iha Otél Audian\nNext articlePNTL Apela Ba Loja-Sira Kontinua Fa’an Sasán Ho Presu Normál | [
"PN Aprova Pedidu Levantamentu ho Karater Urjensia | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA DILI PN Aprova Pedidu Levantamentu ho Karater Urjensia PN Aprova Pedidu Levantamentu ho Karater Urjensia DILI, 25 marsu 2020 (TATOLI) - Parlamentu Nasional (PN) aprova pedidu ho karater urjensia ba proposta levantamentu hodi fo autorizasaun Governu foti millaun $250 hosi fundu petroliferu.",
"Parlamentu Nasional aprova pedidu ho karater urjensia ba proposta lei numeru 13/V (2a) -autorizasaun ba realizasaun transferensia estraordinaria ba fundu petroliferu.",
"Pedidu ho karater urjensia ne'e pasa ho votu a-favor 64, laiha kontra no abstensaun \"Ho nune'e autoriza pedidiu ho karater urjensia, ami sei baixa kedas ba komisaun C (Finansa Publika),\" Prezidente Parlamentu Nasional, Arao Noe de Jesus da Costa Amaral, anunsia liuhosi plenaria, kuarta ne'e.",
"Deputadu Bankada Parlamentar Partidu Demokratiku (PD), Mariano Assanami Sabino hateten, pedidu ne'e mak importante liu hodi fo resposta ba kestaun inundasaun no kombate Coronavirus.",
"\"Ha'u hanoin pedidu ne'e iha nia fatin duni no tenke aprova iha Parlamentu Nasional, tenke apoia ba levantamentu ba estraordinaria hodi hahu implemeta,\" Assanami informa liuhosi plenaria, Parlamentu Nasional, kuarta ne'e.",
"Deputadu PLP, Francisco Vasconselos afirma, loloos ne'e pedidu urjensia ba proposta alterasaun tenke pakote ho pedidu levantamentu ne'e.",
"\"Millaun $250 ne'e la inklui ona prevensaun ba COVID-19 no inundasaun, tanba proposta alterasaun ne'e ita-boot sira vota kontra tiha ona,\" hateten Deputadu PLP.",
"Xefe Bankada Parlamentar PD, Antonio da Conceicao hateten, pedidu estraordinaria ne'e atu responde ba situasaun emerjensia.",
"\"Ne'e karater ne'e urjensia katak presiza osan iha oin duni.",
"Ba ami importante tebes aprovasaun karater urjensia no aprova kedas lokraik ne'e.",
"Ita buka mak ida ne'e atu la'o ba-oin,\" dehan Deputadu Antonio da Conceicao.",
"Entretantu, Deputada FRETILIN, Maria Angelica Rangel informa, millaun $250 ne'e preve situasaun previstu sira, loloos ne'e proposta lei rua ne'e urjensia.",
"\"Se ita la muda lei ita ko'alia buat sira-ne'e falsu hotu, tanba millaun $250 la sufisiente ba kestaun inundasaun no COVID-19,\" nia dehan.",
"Deputada PLP, Maria Angelina Sarmento Lopes, pedidu levantamentu ho millaun $250 ne'e seidauk inklui asuntu kombate Coronavirus no inundasaun.",
"\"Ne'e hatudu katak Timor-Leste prontu simu Coronavirus.",
"Agora ho millaun $250 ne'e la sufisiente.",
"Ha'u hanoin Governu la iha kondisaun, loloos ne'e fo kompetensia juridiku ba Governu hodi foti osan boot liu hodi responde ba inundasaun no COVID-19,\" hateten Deputada Maria Angelina.",
"Nia esplika, loloos ne'e pedidu levantamentu no alterasaun lei ne'e tenke la'o dala-ida tanba iha ligasaun maibe aprova de'it mak pedidu levantamentu entaun governu labele halo buat ida.",
"Deputadu KHUNTO, Luis Roberto hateten, pedidu levantamentu atu responde situasaun ne'ebe rai-laran.",
"\"Ida-ne'e bankada KHUNTO prontu apoia 100%, KHUNTO sei a-favor no sei la kontra ba pedidu levantamentu,\" dehan Deputadu Luis Roberto.",
"Deputada PD, Elvina Sousa, konsidera pedidu ne'e urjensia no nesesariu atu hetan aprovasaun hosi Parlamentu Nasional.",
"\"Ha'u sei apoia pedidu levantamentu estraordinaria ne'e tanba ne'e nesesariu atu fo resposta ba situasaun ne'ebe ita hasoru,\" nia hateten.",
"Deputadu Partidu Demokratiku (PD), Adriano do Nascimento, konsidera pedidu levantamentu no proposta alterasaun ne'e importante hotu.",
"\"Ba ha'u rua ne'e importante tebes ba estadu ida-ne'e.",
"Tanba estadu la iha Orsamentu Jeral Estadu.",
"Kualker inisitiva hosi Governu hodi responde estadu nia problema, ha'u 'a-favor'.",
"Ha'u-nia preokupasaun mak ne'e, sera que ida-ne'e to'o enkuantu moras hada'et iha Timor laran, Sera que ita sei mai atu debate tan.",
"Ha'u hanesan reprezentante povu sei vota a-favor hodi Governu rezolve problema.",
"Sera que governu la hatene akontese inundasaun no akontese COVID-19 tanba ne'e akontese antes ona, ida-ne'e ha'u-nia sujestaun,\" dehan Deputadu Adriano do Nascimento.",
"Xefe Bankada Parlamentar UDT/FM, Francisco Xavier Carlos, importante liu mak pedidu levantamentu hodi responde situasaun hotu-hotu.",
"\"Urjensia ida agora ita ko'alia ne'e oinsa responde povu nia situasaun, tanba ne'e interese nasional aas liu.",
"Se pedidu levantamentu la to'o, ita mak halo lei bele halo fila-fali,\" nia dehan.",
"Notisia Relevante: PN Hahu Debate Pedidu Urjensia Proposta Governu Ba Levantamentu FP Previous articleMS Seidauk Kontrata Kuarentena iha Otel Audian Next articlePNTL Apela Ba Loja-Sira Kontinua Fa'an Sasan Ho Presu Normal"
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"PN Approves Request for Urgent Withdrawal | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA DILI National Parliament (PN) approves request with urgency to authorize the Government take $250 million from petroleum fund Dili, Mar.18th - The national parliament has adopted a petition on an urgent basis that would allow government taking out US$36 billion of oil funds in accordance With Article II(4)(a)."
"The National Parliament approved a request for urgency to proposed law number 13/V (2a) - authorization of extraordinary transfers into the petroleum fund."
"The urgent request passed with 64 votes in favour, none against and no abstentions. \"With the authorization of this petition as an emergency we will immediately move it to Committee C (Public Finance),\" Parliament President Arao Noe de Jesus da Costa Amaral announced through plenary on Tuesday night"
"Democratic Party (PD) parliamentary group member, Mariano Assanami Sabino said that this request is more important to respond the issue of floods and fight Coronavirus."
"\"I think this request is in place and should be approved by the National Parliament, we must support for an extraordinary session to begin implementation\", Assanami said during a meeting of parliament on Tuesday."
"PLP deputy, Francisco Vasconselos states that the urgency request for amendment must be packaged with this petition."
"\"The $250 million does not include the prevention of COVID-19 and floods, because we have already voted against this amendment proposal\", said PLP MP."
"The leader of the PD parliamentary group, Antonio da Conceicao said that this extraordinary request was made to address an emergency situation."
"\"It's the character of urgency that we need money in a very short time."
"For us, it is very important that the bill be approved as a matter of urgency and this morning."
"We are looking for this to go forward,\" said MP Antonio da Conceicao."
"Meanwhile, FRETILIN deputy Maria Angelica Rangel informed that the $250 million provided for situations foreseen. The two law proposal is an urgency and should be approved immediately by parliamentary committee on 18th of July to pass it as a bill without delay or delays"
"\"If we don't change the laws, then all of this stuff is false because $250 million will not be enough for both flood and COVID-19 issues.\""
"PLP deputy Maria Angelina Sarmento Lopes said that the $250 million request does not include measure to combat Coronavirus and flood."
"\"This shows that Timor-Leste is ready to receive the Coronavirus."
"Now with $250 million it is not enough."
"I don't think the government has any conditions, it should have legal competence to take more money in response of floods and COVID-19\", said deputy Maria Angelina."
"He explained that the request for lifting and amendment of this law had to go through once because there is connection but only approves it so government can't do anything."
"KHUNTO MP, Luis Roberto said that he has asked for a survey to answer the situation in his country."
"\"This is KHUNTO's ready to support the banqueting house,\" said MP Luis Roberto."
"PD deputy Elvina Sousa, considers the request urgent and necessary to obtain approval by Parliament."
"\"I will support the request for this extraordinary raise because it is necessary to give a response in relation with our situation,\" he said."
"Democratic Party (PD) MP Adriano do Nascimento considers that the request for lifting and proposed amendment is very important."
"\"For me these two are very important for this state."
"Because the state does not have a General State Budget."
"Any initiative by the Government to address state problems, I am 'in favour'."
"My concern is, if this continues to the extent that disease has spread in Timor-Leste or we will come back and debate again."
"As a representative of the people, I will vote in favour so that government can solve this problem."
"Is it because the government did not know that there was a flood and COVID-19 occurred, so this happened before? This is my suggestion,” said MP Adriano do Nascimento."
"UDT/FM Parliamentary Group Leader, Francisco Xavier Carlos said that the most important thing is to ask for an assessment of all situations."
"\"An urgent one now we talk about is how to respond the people's situation, so that national interest higher."
"If the request for an extension is not sufficient, we will make a law that allows us to do it again,” he said."
"Notisia Relevante: PN Hahu Debate Pedido Urjensia Proposal Governo Ba Levantamento FP Previous articleMS Seidauk Kontrata Kuarentena iha Otel Audian Next ArticlePNTL Apela ba Loja-Sira Continuar Fa'am Sa 'An Items With Normal Price"
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ESTADU EMERJÊNSIA: Antendimentu Servisu Saúde Comoro no Aeroportu Internasionál Prezidente Nicolao Lobato Kontinua Funsiona durante Estensaun Estadu Emerjênsia (EE) Datolu - PDHJ - Provedoria dos Direitos Humanos e Justiça\nBy Joana da Cruz On 16 June 2020 In Uncategorized\nDili, 08 Juñu 2020. Tama ba loron 13 estensaun EE ba dala 3, ekipa fiskalizadór PDHJ hala’o observasaun ba funsionamentu ba atendimentu públiku iha Servisu Sentru Saúde Comoro no Aeroporto Internasionál Prezidente Nicolao Lobato, Dili.\nObservasaun direita nebe ekipa hala’o iha Sentru Saúde Comoro, deteta katak:\nEkipa Saúde ne’ebé fó atendimentu, mantein uza máskara no luvas\nPasiente barak maka la uza máskara durante ba halo konsulta\nIha fatin própriu ba triajen hodi atende pasiente ne’ebé iha sintomas ba Covid-19\nIha markasaun ne’ebé kria ba pasiente sira hodi forma ka túr tuir distánsia físika maibé, pasiente barak la mantein distansia sosial metro 1.5.\nEkipa Saúde prepara bee mos hodi fase liman iha portaun tama, maibé la iha sabaun.\nEkipa fiskalizadór halo entrevista ho Xefi Sentru Saúde Comoro (Interina) Sra. Emilia Ayati de Sousa, esplika katak, estabelesimentu ba triajen la’o nafatin hodi fo teste ba pasiente sira ne’ebé iha sintomas Covid-19. Iha semana kotuk, iha tempu kalan ekipa saúde halo tratamentu iha sala emerjênsia no identifika pesoal ida ne’ebé maka hatudu sintomas Covid-19. Pesoal refere fulan hirak liu ba kotuk, tama ona karantina durante fulan ida no fila ona ba uma (sai ona).\nXefe ne’e argument liu tan katak, wainhira ekipa saúde haruka halo teste ba pasiente refere, aman husi pesoál ne’e lakohi no tula nia oan fila ba uma. Pesoal saúde fó aimoruk ba pesoal ne’e hodi hemu iha uma. Hafoin, ekipa sentru saúde kontaktu ho ekipa vijilánsia hodi husu informasaun detallu husi pasiente ne’e. Informasaun husi ekipa vijilánsia dehan katak, pasiente ne’e uluk karantina iha Otel Luxury. Ekipa sentru saúde ba pasiente nia uma iha Pantai Kelapa no husu autoridade Aldeia iha ne’ebá, maibé la hetan pasiente refere. Ekipa fo nia aman nia naran ba autoridade refere hodi bele buka ema ne’e no wainhira hetan ona, bele informa fali ba ekipa saúde sira. Ekipa saúde kompostu husi laboratóriu, médiku, no vijilánsia hodi foti sampel no halo auto karantina ba pasiente refere. Ekipa vijilánsia seidauk entrega lista pasiente sira ne’ebé sai husi karantina no hela iha area Dom Aleixo ne’ebé perténsia ba ba Sentru Saúde Comoro nian.\nIha EE ba dala 3 ne’e, pesoal saúde hotu-hotu tama ona servisu hodi halo atendimentu ba públiku. Maibé iha EE 1 no EE 2, sira halo servisu rotasaun hodi fahe tuir turno. Ekipa saúde no seguransa nafatin avizu ba pasiente sira hodi mantein distánsia fízika no uza máskara, maibé pasiente barak maka la kumpri distránsia social no barak maka la uza máskara no la fase liman. Ekipa saúde labele fasilita máskara ba pasiente sira hotu, maibé ba de’it pasiente ne’ebé hatudu sintomas durante sira halo tratamentu, tamba máskara la sufisiente no pasiente sira dehan osan la iha hodi sosa máskara. Ekipa saúde sira maka tenke proteje an rasik wainhira fó atendimentu ba pasientes. Aimoruk sufisiente, maibé protesaun saúde ba pesoál saúde maka menus, tanba ekipamentus protesaun hirak ne’e fó prioridade liu ba sira ne’ebé halo screening test no servisu iha laboratóriu.\nEntretantu, iha loron hanesan, ekipa fiskalizasaun PDHJ kontinua hala’o observasaun iha Aeroportu Internasional Prezidente Nicolao Lobato, Dili. Observasaun jerál hatudu katak, pessoál sira ne’ebé servisu iha aeroportu refere, prátika nafatin maneira mantein distánsia fízika, uza mascara, no mos iha fasilidades hanesan bee mos no sabaun hodi fase liman. Iha loron refere, pesoál sira iha Aeroportu halo atendimentu ba Voo Airnorth ho númeru 513 VH-ANT. Voo refere hetan kontratu ho Oitavu (VIII) Governu Konstitusionál hodi transporta ekipamentus médiku pakote ha’at (4) kona-bá Covid-19 ho todan kilograma 59. Voo refere to’o iha Dili horas 11.45 dader. Atividades iha Aeroportu kontroladu no seidauk iha voo ne’ebé halo operasaun hodi tula pasajeirus sira hanesan bai-bain.\nPrevious: ESTADU EMERJÊNSIA: Monitorizasaun ba Servisu Atendimentu iha Centru Saúde Becora no Eskola Tékniku Vokasionál Ospitalidade no Turizmu-Becora durante Estadu Emerjênsia (EE)\nNext: ESTADU EMERJÊNSIA: “Jestor Merkadu Taibesi la halo Sosializasaun Regras Estadu Emergensia Datoluk nian ba kompradores no negosiante sira iha Merkadu Taibesi | [
"ESTADU EMERJENSIA: Antendimentu Servisu Saude Comoro no Aeroportu Internasional Prezidente Nicolao Lobato Kontinua Funsiona durante Estensaun Estadu Emerjensia (EE) Datolu - PDHJ - Provedoria dos Direitos Humanos e Justica By Joana da Cruz On 16 June 2020 In Uncategorized Dili, 08 Junu 2020.",
"Tama ba loron 13 estensaun EE ba dala 3, ekipa fiskalizador PDHJ hala'o observasaun ba funsionamentu ba atendimentu publiku iha Servisu Sentru Saude Comoro no Aeroporto Internasional Prezidente Nicolao Lobato, Dili.",
"Observasaun direita nebe ekipa hala'o iha Sentru Saude Comoro, deteta katak: Ekipa Saude ne'ebe fo atendimentu, mantein uza maskara no luvas Pasiente barak maka la uza maskara durante ba halo konsulta Iha fatin propriu ba triajen hodi atende pasiente ne'ebe iha sintomas ba Covid-19 Iha markasaun ne'ebe kria ba pasiente sira hodi forma ka tur tuir distansia fisika maibe, pasiente barak la mantein distansia sosial metro 1.5.",
"Ekipa Saude prepara bee mos hodi fase liman iha portaun tama, maibe la iha sabaun.",
"Ekipa fiskalizador halo entrevista ho Xefi Sentru Saude Comoro (Interina) Sra.",
"Emilia Ayati de Sousa, esplika katak, estabelesimentu ba triajen la'o nafatin hodi fo teste ba pasiente sira ne'ebe iha sintomas Covid-19.",
"Iha semana kotuk, iha tempu kalan ekipa saude halo tratamentu iha sala emerjensia no identifika pesoal ida ne'ebe maka hatudu sintomas Covid-19.",
"Pesoal refere fulan hirak liu ba kotuk, tama ona karantina durante fulan ida no fila ona ba uma (sai ona).",
"Xefe ne'e argument liu tan katak, wainhira ekipa saude haruka halo teste ba pasiente refere, aman husi pesoal ne'e lakohi no tula nia oan fila ba uma.",
"Pesoal saude fo aimoruk ba pesoal ne'e hodi hemu iha uma.",
"Hafoin, ekipa sentru saude kontaktu ho ekipa vijilansia hodi husu informasaun detallu husi pasiente ne'e.",
"Informasaun husi ekipa vijilansia dehan katak, pasiente ne'e uluk karantina iha Otel Luxury.",
"Ekipa sentru saude ba pasiente nia uma iha Pantai Kelapa no husu autoridade Aldeia iha ne'eba, maibe la hetan pasiente refere.",
"Ekipa fo nia aman nia naran ba autoridade refere hodi bele buka ema ne'e no wainhira hetan ona, bele informa fali ba ekipa saude sira.",
"Ekipa saude kompostu husi laboratoriu, mediku, no vijilansia hodi foti sampel no halo auto karantina ba pasiente refere.",
"Ekipa vijilansia seidauk entrega lista pasiente sira ne'ebe sai husi karantina no hela iha area Dom Aleixo ne'ebe pertensia ba ba Sentru Saude Comoro nian.",
"Iha EE ba dala 3 ne'e, pesoal saude hotu-hotu tama ona servisu hodi halo atendimentu ba publiku.",
"Maibe iha EE 1 no EE 2, sira halo servisu rotasaun hodi fahe tuir turno.",
"Ekipa saude no seguransa nafatin avizu ba pasiente sira hodi mantein distansia fizika no uza maskara, maibe pasiente barak maka la kumpri distransia social no barak maka la uza maskara no la fase liman.",
"Ekipa saude labele fasilita maskara ba pasiente sira hotu, maibe ba de'it pasiente ne'ebe hatudu sintomas durante sira halo tratamentu, tamba maskara la sufisiente no pasiente sira dehan osan la iha hodi sosa maskara.",
"Ekipa saude sira maka tenke proteje an rasik wainhira fo atendimentu ba pasientes.",
"Aimoruk sufisiente, maibe protesaun saude ba pesoal saude maka menus, tanba ekipamentus protesaun hirak ne'e fo prioridade liu ba sira ne'ebe halo screening test no servisu iha laboratoriu.",
"Entretantu, iha loron hanesan, ekipa fiskalizasaun PDHJ kontinua hala'o observasaun iha Aeroportu Internasional Prezidente Nicolao Lobato, Dili.",
"Observasaun jeral hatudu katak, pessoal sira ne'ebe servisu iha aeroportu refere, pratika nafatin maneira mantein distansia fizika, uza mascara, no mos iha fasilidades hanesan bee mos no sabaun hodi fase liman.",
"Iha loron refere, pesoal sira iha Aeroportu halo atendimentu ba Voo Airnorth ho numeru 513 VH-ANT.",
"Voo refere hetan kontratu ho Oitavu (VIII) Governu Konstitusional hodi transporta ekipamentus mediku pakote ha'at (4) kona-ba Covid-19 ho todan kilograma 59.",
"Voo refere to'o iha Dili horas 11.45 dader.",
"Atividades iha Aeroportu kontroladu no seidauk iha voo ne'ebe halo operasaun hodi tula pasajeirus sira hanesan bai-bain.",
"Previous: ESTADU EMERJENSIA: Monitorizasaun ba Servisu Atendimentu iha Centru Saude Becora no Eskola Tekniku Vokasional Ospitalidade no Turizmu-Becora durante Estadu Emerjensia (EE) Next: ESTADU EMERJENSIA: \"Jestor Merkadu Taibesi la halo Sosializasaun Regras Estadu Emergensia Datoluk nian ba kompradores no negosiante sira iha Merkadu Taibesi"
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"STATE OF EMERGENCY: Comoro Health Service at President Nicolao Lobato International Airport Continues to Operate During State of Emergency (EE) Extension Datolu - PDHJ By Joana da Cruz On June,16th In Uncategorized Dili."
"On the 13th day of EE's third extension, a PDHJ inspection team carried out observations on public health services at Comoro Health Centre and President Nicolao Lobato International Airport in Dili."
"The direct observation that the team carried out at Centro de Saúde Comoro, detected: Health teams who provide care keep wearing masks and gloves Many patients do not wear a facemask during consultations Proper space for triage to attend patient with symptom of Covid-19 There are markings created by physician in order align or walk according physical distance but many people don't maintain social distancing meter."
"Health team prepares water and hand sanitizer at the entrance gate, but there is no soap."
"The inspection team interviewed the Interim Head of Centro Saude Comoro, Ms."
"Emilia Ayati de Sousa, explained that the establishment for triage is still in progress to test patients with Covid-19 symptoms."
"Last week, during the night time health team treated in emergency room and identifies a person who shows symptoms of Covid-19."
"The staff referred to the past few months, had been quarantined for a month and went home (left)."
"The chief further argued that when the health team ordered tests for this patient, his father refused and took him home."
"Health workers gave the person medication so that he could go home."
"Afterwards, the health centre team contacted a surveillance group to ask for detail information about this patient."
"The information from the surveillance team said that this patient had previously been quarantined at Hotel Luxury."
"The team of the health center went to his home in Pantai Kelapa and asked village authorities there, but did not find him."
"The team gave his father's name to the authorities so that they could locate him and, once found by their own forces of health teams."
"A health team consisting of laboratory, medical and surveillance personnel will take samples from the patient to self-quarantine."
"The surveillance team has not submitted the list of patients who have left quarantine and live in Dom Aleixo area, which belongs to Comoro Health Centre."
"During this third lockdown, all health personnel have gone on to work in order for the public service."
"However, in EE 1 and AE2 they work on a rotating basis to divide the shifts."
"Health and safety teams continue to advise patients on physical distancing, but many do not follow social distance rules or use masks. Many of the people who have been treated for COVID-19 are also unfamiliar with hand hygiene practiced by healthcare professionals in their own homes; they don’t even know that there is a risk from them wearing face shield/hand sanitizer while being admitted into our hospital facilities!"
"The health team could not provide masks to all patients, but only for those who showed symptomatics during their treatment because there were insufficient and the patient said they had no money."
"Healthcare staff must protect themselves when providing care to patients."
"There is sufficient medicine, but health protection for the medical staff has been reduced because these protective equipments have given priority to those who perform screening tests and work in laboratories."
"On the same day, a PDHJ inspection team continued to conduct observations at President Nicolao Lobato International Airport in Dili."
"General observation shows that the personnel working at this airport, still practice ways of maintaining physical distance and use masks. There are also facilities such as soap & water to wash hands with in order for all passengers who arrive or depart from Dubai International Airport (DXB)"
"On the same day, Airnorth Flight 513 (VH-ANT) was handled by staff at this airport."
"The flight was contracted by the Eighth (VIII) Constitutional Government to transport four packages of medical equipment for Covid-19 weighing 58.7 kilogrammes, with a total weight limitation on five passengers and one passenger in each container:"
"The flight arrived in Dili at 10:45 a.m and left for the airport of Kuala Lumpur around midnight (23h)."
"Activities at the airport are controlled and there is no flight operating to carry passengers as usual."
"Previous: STATE OF EMERGENCY - Monitoring of Service Attention at Becora Health Center and Hospitality & Tourism Vocational Technical School during the State Of Emergency (SOE) Next, \"Taibesi Market Manager Failed to Communicate Rules for Third-State Emergency To Buyers And Trader in Taibei Mercantile\""
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PM Ho Embaixador EUA Lansa Primeira Pedra Aerodromu Baucau | STLNEWS\nPM Ho Embaixador EUA Lansa Primeira Pedra Aerodromu Baucau\nPrimeiru Ministru (PM) Taur Matan Ruak no Embaixador Estadus Unidus Amerika, Kevin Blackstone partisipa seremonia primeira pedra iha munisipiu Baucau hodi marka ofisialmente inisisiu reabilitasaun konjunta Aerodromu. (Foto: STL/Tomas Reis)\nBAUCAU, STLNEWS.co – Primeiru Ministru (PM) Taur Matan Ruak no Embaixador Estadus Unidus Amerika, Kevin Blackstone partisipa seremonia primeira pedra iha munisipiu Baucau hodi marka ofisialmente inisisiu reabilitasaun konjunta Aerodromu.\nEmbaixador Estadus Unidus Amerika, Kevin Blackstone hatete, serimonia primeira pedra nee halao hafoin semana rua asinatura memorando entendimentu rua entre Governu Timor Leste no Governu Estadus Unidus Amerika iha loron 28 Junu liu ba hodi ofisializa kompromisu konjunta ba reabilitasaun parte balun husi Aerodromu Baucau no hamutuk halo diskusaun ho boa fe ba posibilidade apoiu setor aviasaun sivil iha Timor Leste.\nProjetu reabilitasaun nee finansia husi Ministeiru Defeza EUA ho objetivu atu hadiak kapasidade F-FDTL nian iha area seguransa, apoiu umanitaria no resposta ba dezastre naturais.\nInisiu fulan Outobru tinan nee ekipa konjunta enjenaria husi F-FDTL no militar EUA sei halao reabilitasaun eskala kiik iha Aerodromu Baucau inklui hadia lutu perimetru no konstrusaun armazen ba ekipamentu neebe F-FDTL sei utiliza ba operasaun no manutensaun ba ninian komponente Aereu.\nEmbaixador nee sublina, importansia husi serimonia primeira pedra nee no relasaun diak iha kooperasaun seguransa no mos ekonomia entre nasaun Timor Leste no Estadus Unidus Amerika.\n“Serimonia primeira pedra ohin, representa EUA nia komprimisiu forte hodi apoiu povu no governu Timor Leste hodi promove nia dezenvolve seguransa no ekomonia,” dehan Embaixador Estadus Unidus Amerika, Kevin Blackstone liu husi nia diskursu wainhira halao lansamentu primeira pedra ba reabilitasaun Aerodromu Baucau, Segunda (12/07/2021).\nNia hatutan, reabilitasaun konjunta Aerodromu Baucau sei fo impakto signifikativu ba F-FDTL nia kapasidade hodi kontrola Timor Leste nia teritoriu maritima no responde ba dezastre naturais.\nIha fatin hanesan Primeiru Ministru Taur Matan Ruak hateten, diskusaun ba projetu reabilitasaun aeroportu Baucau tempo naruk loos desde sei Jeneral halo diskusaun dala rua ou dala tolu ho Komandante Pasifiku, maibe ideia inisial mak foin apoiu harii forsa Aero Timor nian.\n“Forsa Aero Timor presiza aeroportu ida entaun iha tempo governasaun uluk eis PM Xanana Gusmão hatudu aeroportu ida nee, negosio hotu hotu lao avolta roda haleu aeroportu Baucau,” dehan PM Taur Matan Ruak.\nNia afirma, klaru aeroportu Baucau aban bainrua iha potensia purvovalmente laos tan saida maibe purvolta 5 minimu 10 anos masimu hateten ida nee, tanba 20 anos kontinua duut naruk, entaun nao e tao sedu entaun mehi 5 anos bele realiza.\nNia hatutan, iha aeroportu sira seluk hanesan aeroportu Suai, aeroportu Oecusse, no aeroportu seluk iha kapasidade atu absolve vous husi neebe deit mais ohin loron aviaun laiha.\nEspekulasaun barak neebe hanoin Estadus Unidus atu halo baze iha aeroportu Baucau nuudar sai jeneral tinan barak la presiza Baucau sai baze, tanba EUA sai primeiru potensia militar iha mundo, la presiza Baucau sai baze ba aero naval EUA nian.*\nPrevious articleEmbaixador EUA – MEJD Inagura Eskola Foun\nNext articleSetor Privadu Halerik | [
"PM Ho Embaixador EUA Lansa Primeira Pedra Aerodromu Baucau | STLNEWS PM Ho Embaixador EUA Lansa Primeira Pedra Aerodromu Baucau Primeiru Ministru (PM) Taur Matan Ruak no Embaixador Estadus Unidus Amerika, Kevin Blackstone partisipa seremonia primeira pedra iha munisipiu Baucau hodi marka ofisialmente inisisiu reabilitasaun konjunta Aerodromu.",
"(Foto: STL/Tomas Reis) BAUCAU, STLNEWS.co - Primeiru Ministru (PM) Taur Matan Ruak no Embaixador Estadus Unidus Amerika, Kevin Blackstone partisipa seremonia primeira pedra iha munisipiu Baucau hodi marka ofisialmente inisisiu reabilitasaun konjunta Aerodromu.",
"Embaixador Estadus Unidus Amerika, Kevin Blackstone hatete, serimonia primeira pedra nee halao hafoin semana rua asinatura memorando entendimentu rua entre Governu Timor Leste no Governu Estadus Unidus Amerika iha loron 28 Junu liu ba hodi ofisializa kompromisu konjunta ba reabilitasaun parte balun husi Aerodromu Baucau no hamutuk halo diskusaun ho boa fe ba posibilidade apoiu setor aviasaun sivil iha Timor Leste.",
"Projetu reabilitasaun nee finansia husi Ministeiru Defeza EUA ho objetivu atu hadiak kapasidade F-FDTL nian iha area seguransa, apoiu umanitaria no resposta ba dezastre naturais.",
"Inisiu fulan Outobru tinan nee ekipa konjunta enjenaria husi F-FDTL no militar EUA sei halao reabilitasaun eskala kiik iha Aerodromu Baucau inklui hadia lutu perimetru no konstrusaun armazen ba ekipamentu neebe F-FDTL sei utiliza ba operasaun no manutensaun ba ninian komponente Aereu.",
"Embaixador nee sublina, importansia husi serimonia primeira pedra nee no relasaun diak iha kooperasaun seguransa no mos ekonomia entre nasaun Timor Leste no Estadus Unidus Amerika.",
"\"Serimonia primeira pedra ohin, representa EUA nia komprimisiu forte hodi apoiu povu no governu Timor Leste hodi promove nia dezenvolve seguransa no ekomonia,\" dehan Embaixador Estadus Unidus Amerika, Kevin Blackstone liu husi nia diskursu wainhira halao lansamentu primeira pedra ba reabilitasaun Aerodromu Baucau, Segunda (12/07/2021).",
"Nia hatutan, reabilitasaun konjunta Aerodromu Baucau sei fo impakto signifikativu ba F-FDTL nia kapasidade hodi kontrola Timor Leste nia teritoriu maritima no responde ba dezastre naturais.",
"Iha fatin hanesan Primeiru Ministru Taur Matan Ruak hateten, diskusaun ba projetu reabilitasaun aeroportu Baucau tempo naruk loos desde sei Jeneral halo diskusaun dala rua ou dala tolu ho Komandante Pasifiku, maibe ideia inisial mak foin apoiu harii forsa Aero Timor nian.",
"\"Forsa Aero Timor presiza aeroportu ida entaun iha tempo governasaun uluk eis PM Xanana Gusmao hatudu aeroportu ida nee, negosio hotu hotu lao avolta roda haleu aeroportu Baucau,\" dehan PM Taur Matan Ruak.",
"Nia afirma, klaru aeroportu Baucau aban bainrua iha potensia purvovalmente laos tan saida maibe purvolta 5 minimu 10 anos masimu hateten ida nee, tanba 20 anos kontinua duut naruk, entaun nao e tao sedu entaun mehi 5 anos bele realiza.",
"Nia hatutan, iha aeroportu sira seluk hanesan aeroportu Suai, aeroportu Oecusse, no aeroportu seluk iha kapasidade atu absolve vous husi neebe deit mais ohin loron aviaun laiha.",
"Espekulasaun barak neebe hanoin Estadus Unidus atu halo baze iha aeroportu Baucau nuudar sai jeneral tinan barak la presiza Baucau sai baze, tanba EUA sai primeiru potensia militar iha mundo, la presiza Baucau sai baze ba aero naval EUA nian.* Previous articleEmbaixador EUA - MEJD Inagura Eskola Foun Next articleSetor Privadu Halerik"
] | [
"PM And US Ambassador Launch First Stone Of Baucau Airport | STLNEWS Prime Minister (PM) Taur Matan Ruak and United States of America ambassador Kevin Blackstone attended a groundbreaking ceremony in the municipality to mark officially beginning joint rehabilitation work on Bacau airport."
"BAUCAU, STLNEWS.co - Prime Minister (PM) Taur Matan Ruak and United States Ambassador Kevin Blackstone attended a groundbreaking ceremony in Baucau municipality to officially mark the joint start of rehabilitation work on Bacau Airport at 10:35am local time today as part from an ongoing effort by both sides for re-establishing relations between their two countries’ civil airspace authorities after more than five years' hiatus due To conflicts over territorial disputes"
"US Ambassador Kevin Blackstone said the laying ceremony was held two weeks after signing of a Memorandum Of Understanding (MoU) between Timor-Leste and USA on June 28 to formalize joint commitments for rehabilitation parts from Baucau Airport, as well in good faith discussion about possible supporting civil air transport sector."
"The rehabilitation project is funded by the US Department of Defense with a view to improving F-FDTL’s capabilities in security, humanitarian assistance and natural disaster response."
"In early October, a joint engineering team from F-FDTL and the US military will carry out small scale rehabilitation at Baucau Airport including repairing perimeter walls as well As building storage facilities for equipment that is to be used by The Force For Operation And Maintenance of its Air Component."
"The ambassador stressed the importance of this groundbreaking ceremony and good relations in security cooperation as well economic between East Timor country with United States."
"\"The groundbreaking ceremony today represents the strong commitment of America to supporting Timor-Leste people and government in promoting their security development as well its economy,\" said United States Ambassador Kevin Blackstone during his speech at laying a foundation stone for rehabilitating Baucau Airport on Monday (12/07) ."
"He added that the joint rehabilitation of Baucau Airfield will have a significant impact on F-FDTL’s ability to control Timor Leste maritime territories and respond in case natural disasters."
"Prime Minister Taur Matan Ruak said that the discussions on rehabilitation of Baucau airport project took a long time since six General had two or three times discussed with Pacific Commander, but initially it was only an idea to support establishing Timorese Air Force."
"\"Forsa Aero Timor needs an airport so in the time of previous government former PM Xanana Gusmao showed this Airport, all business goes around wheels to Baucau' s airport\", said Prime Minister Taur Matan Ruak."
"He affirmed, clearly Baucau airport has potential to be rebuilt in the future not just what but for at least 5 or maximum of ten years he said this because it will take more than twenty (20)years."
"He added that other airports such as Suai Airport, Oecusse and others have the capacity to accommodate you from only one direction but nowadays there is not a plane."
"Many speculation that the United States to make a base in Baucau airport as general for many years does not need Bacau becomes, because USA became first military potentiality of world doesn’t require Bacoa becoming US naval airbase.* PreviousUS Ambassador - MEJD Inaugurates New School Next articlePrivate Sector Halerik"
] |
Dili, 06 Jullu 2020 - Hafoin Sala Situasaun remata, servisu prevensaun no mitigasaun Covid-19 iha fali Ministériu Saúde (MS), ho nune’e, atu kontinua fila-fali hodi hato’o informasaun ba públiku kona-ba atualizasaun dadus surtu Covid-19 iha Timor-Leste iha kada loron segunda tuku 15.00 Oras Timor-Leste.\nMS hato’o mos katak durante semana ida kotuk nian laran, totál ema ne’ebé tama hosi Pontu Entrada hotu (Aeroportu, Portu Marítimu no Terestre) hamutuk ema na’in-70. Hosi númeru ne’e, iha ema na’in-27 mak halo autokuarentena no na’in-43 tama hotu iha konfinamentu obrigatóriu ne’ebé governu prepara.\nIha mos ema ne’ebé tama ilegalmente hamutuk na’in-21. Na’in-10 tama hosi Memo, na’in-6 tama hosi Batugade , na’in-1 tama hosi Cova, no na’in-3 tama hsi Tunubibi. Entre sira ne’e, iha sidadaun estranjeiru na’in-1 tama hosi Lifau, Oekuse, Parte imigrasaun deporta fali ona.\nSidadaun hirak ne’ebé tama ilegalmente oras ne’e daudauk hala’o hela kuarentena iha fasilidade ne’ebé governu dezigna. | [
"Dili, 06 Jullu 2020 - Hafoin Sala Situasaun remata, servisu prevensaun no mitigasaun Covid-19 iha fali Ministeriu Saude (MS), ho nune'e, atu kontinua fila-fali hodi hato'o informasaun ba publiku kona-ba atualizasaun dadus surtu Covid-19 iha Timor-Leste iha kada loron segunda tuku 15.00 Oras Timor-Leste.",
"MS hato'o mos katak durante semana ida kotuk nian laran, total ema ne'ebe tama hosi Pontu Entrada hotu (Aeroportu, Portu Maritimu no Terestre) hamutuk ema na'in-70.",
"Hosi numeru ne'e, iha ema na'in-27 mak halo autokuarentena no na'in-43 tama hotu iha konfinamentu obrigatoriu ne'ebe governu prepara.",
"Iha mos ema ne'ebe tama ilegalmente hamutuk na'in-21.",
"Na'in-10 tama hosi Memo, na'in-6 tama hosi Batugade , na'in-1 tama hosi Cova, no na'in-3 tama hsi Tunubibi.",
"Entre sira ne'e, iha sidadaun estranjeiru na'in-1 tama hosi Lifau, Oekuse, Parte imigrasaun deporta fali ona.",
"Sidadaun hirak ne'ebe tama ilegalmente oras ne'e daudauk hala'o hela kuarentena iha fasilidade ne'ebe governu dezigna."
] | [
"Dili, July 06th (Xinhua) - After the closure of Situation Room Covid-19 prevention and mitigation services returned to Ministry Of Health. This means that they will continue once again providing information for public about updated data on outbreaks in Timor Leste every Monday at noon East Asian Standard Time(EST)."
"The MS also reported that during the past week, a total of 70 people entered from all Points Of Entry (Airport and Sea Port) in Portugal."
"Of this number, 27 people are in self-quarantine and all of the other (43) have entered into compulsory confinement that is being prepared by government."
"There were also 21 people who entered the country illegally."
"10 of them came from Memo, six were taken by Batugade and one was captured in Cova. Three went to Tunubibi"
"Among them, 1 foreign national who arrived from Lifau in Oekuse has been deported by the Immigration Department."
"Those citizens who have entered illegally are currently being quarantined in facilities designated by the government."
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Veteranu “Renan Selak” hakotu I’is iha HNGV, adeus erói TL | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste\nVARANDA DILI Veteranu “Renan Selak” hakotu I’is iha HNGV, adeus erói TL\nVeteranu “Renan Selak” hakotu I’is iha HNGV, adeus erói TL\nDILI, 10 setembru 2020 (TATOLI)-Saudozo Faustino dos Santos “Renan Selak” iha kinta (10/09) hakotu ona I’is iha Ospitál Nasionál Guido Valadares (HNGV-sigla portugés) Dili tanba sofre moras kurasaun, pulmaun no I’is boot hafoin halo internamentu durante semana ida iha HNGV.\nMinistru Asuntu Kombatentes Libertasaun Nasional (MACLN), Julio da Costa “ Meta Malik” informa, antes ne’e Governu esforsu atu lori matebian ba halo tratamentu iha Ospitál Malázia maibé la konsege tanba laiha aviaun atu tula veteranu ne’e relasiona ho COVID-19.\nSaudozo daudaun ne’e asume responsabilidade hanesan Vise Prezidente Konsellu Veteranu, tanba ne’e Meta Malik, dehan Governu prepara kondisaun hodi lori saudozo nia isin mate bá ninia knua Lospalos to’o serimonia funebre ikus.\n“Governu sei fó apoiu ba ninia família no ba ninia mate isin rasik tanba ninia kontribuisaun ba rai ida ne’e mak ejize partisipasaun Governu nian atu fó apoiu másimu ba ninia família,” katak Governante iha HNGV Dili.\nIha biban hanesan Xefe Estadu Maior Jenerál FALINTIL-Forsa Defeza Timor-Leste (F-FDTL), Lere Anan Timur, rekoiñese saudozo “Renan Selak” mós hola parte nu’udar fundadór nasaun RDTL.\nTanba durante prosesu luta ba ukun rasik aan, hahú husi 1975 to’o 1981 nia hanesan forsa FALINTIL no depois ida ne’e asume filafali funsaun iha kuadru polítika hanesan Sekretariu Rejiaun Ponta Leste to’o funu ramata.\nIkusliu, Saudozo nia oan mane, Norkiak dos Santos, konta tuir katak Governu durante ne’e trata ona dokumentu atu halo tranferénsia matebian bá halo tratamentu saúde iha rai-liur, maibé prosesu trata dokumentu seidauk hotu, matebian hakotu ona I’is.\n“Ami-nia aman mate ho idade 63,” dehan nia ho tanis. Matebian, mate husik hela fen ho oan na’in neen, feto tolu no mane tolu.\nTuir orariu, iha sesta ne’e, mate-isin sei lori ba Komite Sentrál Fretilin hodi fó omanajen ikus, depois lori bá Parlamentu Nasionál no ikus lori bá Saudozo nia knua Ira-Ara, Lospalos Vila hodi hein desizaun tuirmai atu haloot matebian nia mate isin.\nJulio da Costa Meta malik\nPrevious articleDerrota ho Assalam, kapitaun Zebra fó sala treinadór\nNext articleGovernu diskute projetu infraestrutura ein kursu no projetu iha 2021 | [
"Veteranu \"Renan Selak\" hakotu I'is iha HNGV, adeus eroi TL | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA DILI Veteranu \"Renan Selak\" hakotu I'is iha HNGV, adeus eroi TL Veteranu \"Renan Selak\" hakotu I'is iha HNGV, adeus eroi TL DILI, 10 setembru 2020 (TATOLI) -Saudozo Faustino dos Santos \"Renan Selak\" iha kinta (10/09) hakotu ona I'is iha Ospital Nasional Guido Valadares (HNGV-sigla portuges) Dili tanba sofre moras kurasaun, pulmaun no I'is boot hafoin halo internamentu durante semana ida iha HNGV.",
"Ministru Asuntu Kombatentes Libertasaun Nasional (MACLN), Julio da Costa \" Meta Malik\" informa, antes ne'e Governu esforsu atu lori matebian ba halo tratamentu iha Ospital Malazia maibe la konsege tanba laiha aviaun atu tula veteranu ne'e relasiona ho COVID-19.",
"Saudozo daudaun ne'e asume responsabilidade hanesan Vise Prezidente Konsellu Veteranu, tanba ne'e Meta Malik, dehan Governu prepara kondisaun hodi lori saudozo nia isin mate ba ninia knua Lospalos to'o serimonia funebre ikus.",
"\"Governu sei fo apoiu ba ninia familia no ba ninia mate isin rasik tanba ninia kontribuisaun ba rai ida ne'e mak ejize partisipasaun Governu nian atu fo apoiu masimu ba ninia familia,\" katak Governante iha HNGV Dili.",
"Iha biban hanesan Xefe Estadu Maior Jeneral FALINTIL-Forsa Defeza Timor-Leste (F-FDTL), Lere Anan Timur, rekoinese saudozo \"Renan Selak\" mos hola parte nu'udar fundador nasaun RDTL.",
"Tanba durante prosesu luta ba ukun rasik aan, hahu husi 1975 to'o 1981 nia hanesan forsa FALINTIL no depois ida ne'e asume filafali funsaun iha kuadru politika hanesan Sekretariu Rejiaun Ponta Leste to'o funu ramata.",
"Ikusliu, Saudozo nia oan mane, Norkiak dos Santos, konta tuir katak Governu durante ne'e trata ona dokumentu atu halo tranferensia matebian ba halo tratamentu saude iha rai-liur, maibe prosesu trata dokumentu seidauk hotu, matebian hakotu ona I'is.",
"\"Ami-nia aman mate ho idade 63,\" dehan nia ho tanis.",
"Matebian, mate husik hela fen ho oan na'in neen, feto tolu no mane tolu.",
"Tuir orariu, iha sesta ne'e, mate-isin sei lori ba Komite Sentral Fretilin hodi fo omanajen ikus, depois lori ba Parlamentu Nasional no ikus lori ba Saudozo nia knua Ira-Ara, Lospalos Vila hodi hein desizaun tuirmai atu haloot matebian nia mate isin.",
"Julio da Costa Meta malik Previous articleDerrota ho Assalam, kapitaun Zebra fo sala treinador Next articleGovernu diskute projetu infraestrutura ein kursu no projetu iha 2021"
] | [
"Veteran \"Renan Selak\" passed away in HNGV, farewell hero TL | TIMOR HAU Notícias Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA DILI Senior veteran “renar selac” died at Ospital Nasional Guido Valadares (HNVG) Dili due to lung disease after being admitted for a week. He was diagnosed with cancer of the liver and has been undergoing treatment there since September last year but he is now recovered from his illnesses as well..."
"Minister of Affairs Kombatentes Libertação Nacional (MACLN), Julio da Costa \"Meta Malik\" informed, previously the Government tried to take deceased for treatment at Malaysian Hospital but failed because there was no plane that could transport veteran related with COVID-19."
"Saudozo is currently assuming responsibility as Vice President of the Veterans Council, so Meta Malik said that her government was preparing conditions to take his body back home in Lospalo ."
"\"The government will support his family and the body of him because he made such a contribution to this country that it requires Government involvement in providing maximum assistance for their families,\" said Governor at HNGV Dili."
"In his speech, the Chief of General Staff FALINTIL-Força Defesa Timor Leste (F - FDTL), Lere Anan Timur recognized that \"Renan Selak\" also played a part as founder and leader."
"Since during the process of struggle for independence, starting from 1975 to '80 he was a force FALINTIL and after this assumed again function in political framework as Regional Secretary Ponta Leste until war ends."
"In particular, Saudozo's son Norkiak dos Santos recounted that the government had already prepared documents to transfer his deceased father for medical treatment abroad. The documentation process was not yet complete and he died in hospital on 10 January of this year after suffering from severe heart failure during an emergency operation at São Paulo Medical Center (SPMC)."
"\"Our father died at the age of 63,\" she said with a smile."
"The deceased left a wife and six children, three girls & 3 boys."
"According to schedule, on Saturday the body will be taken by Fretilin Central Committee for final funerals and then transported from there through National Parliament until it reaches Saudozo' s neighbourhood of Ira-Ara in Lospaloi Vila where a decision is expected about his burial."
"Julio da Costa Meta malik Previous articleDefeat with Assalam, Zebra captain gives coach room Next ArticleGovernment discusses infrastructure project on course and projects in 2019"
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JSMP fó formasaun asesu justisa formal iha Suku Lourba | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste\nVARANDA JUSTISA JSMP fó formasaun asesu justisa formal iha Suku Lourba\nJSMP fó formasaun asesu justisa formal iha Suku Lourba\nDILI, 30 novembru 2020 (TATOLI)-Organizasaun la’ós Governu nian, Programa Monitorizasaun Sistema Judisiál (JSMP-sigla inglés), foin lalais ne’e, hala’o treinamentu kona-ba “Feto no labarik-sira ninia asesu ba iha justisa formal” iha suku Lourba, Postu Administrasaun Bobonaro, Munisípiu Bobonaro.\nNotísia Relevante : JSMP fó formasaun asesu justisa formal ba komunidade Laclo\nTreinamentu ne’e partisipa hosi estrutura suku no membru juventude feto-mane hamutuk ema na’in-20 ne’ebé kompostu hosi mane-14 no feto na’in-neen (6).\nMateria ne’ebé aprezenta iha treinamentu ne’e kona-ba feto nia direitu, saida mak violénsia doméstika, Lei Kontra violénsia doméstika, prosesu legál no protesaun legál no oinsá atu refere kazu violénsia bazeia ba jéneru.\n“Treinamentu ne’e nu’udar meiu ida hodi ajuda membru konsellu suku-sira no juventude feto-mane atu iha koñesimentu kona-ba oinsá atu refere kazu-sira violénsia bazeia ba jéneru ne’ebé akontese iha sira-nia suku no sira mós hatene oinsá prosesu kazu tuir dalan sistema justisa formal. Nune’e sira bele trata no atua problema-sira ne’ebé mosu tuir mekanizmu ne’ebé loos no apropriadu,” diretora Ezekutiva JSMP, Ana Paula Marçal, hateten liuhosi nota komunikadu ne’ebé ohin, Agência Tatoli asesu.\nXefe Suku Lourba, Lino da Cruz, orgullu ho prezensa JSMP ne’ebé bele partilla informasaun kona-ba asesu ba justisa formal, liu-liu relasiona ho kazu hasoru feto no labarik, tanba iha sira-nia suku akontese kazu barak, maibé sira rasik ladún hatene oinsá atu prosesu kazu-sira ne’e tuir sistema formal.\nReprezenta UNDP ba programa Spotligth, Nelita Fernandes Ximenes, hateten, Spotlight iha kompromisu atu elimina krime-sira hasoru feto no labarik iha Timor-Leste liuhosi atividade-sira hanesan suporta feto no labarik-sira asesu ba justisa, fó asisténsia legál no diseminasaun informasaun hanesan treinamentu ne’ebé fasilita hosi JSMP.\nDurante treinamentu, partisipante-sira foti kestaun balun relasiona ho asuntu violasaun seksuál ne’ebé envolve ema adultu hasoru menór, autoridade polísia haruka fila kazu violénsia doméstika atu rezolve tuir dalan família no aman ne’ebé hola feto-rua no la tau matan ba nia oan-sira.\nRelasiona ho preokupasaun kona-ba adultu halo abuzu seksuál hasoru menór, JSMP esplika artigu 177 Kódigu Penál kona-ba abuzu seksuál ba menór. Kona-ba polísia haruka fila kazu Violénsia Doméstika, polísia la bele haruka fila kazu VD tanba natureza nu’udar krime públiku.\nJSMP mós sita artigu 211 Kódigu prosesu penál kona-ba partisipasaun: Ajente polisiál ne’ebé iha koñesimentu kona-ba krime ruma tenke halo kedas partisipasaun kona-ba krime ne’e.\nKona-ba aman la tau–matan ba menór ka nia oan sira, JSMP esplika katak lei la bandu atu ema fahe malu/divórsiu, maibé kuandu akontese divórsiu, tantu feen ka la’en iha obrigasaun hanesan atu tau-matan ba interese menór-sira hanesan menór nia guarda, vizita no alimentasaun.\nBainhira parte rua ka ida la kumpre akordu ne’ebé sira halo ona kona-ba labarik-sira nia interese, inan ka aman ne’ebé la kumpre ne’e komete krime kona-ba la halo tuir obrigasaun alimentár (Artigu 225 KP).\nIha sesaun enserramentu ba treinamentu autoridade hosi Suku Lourba husu ba JSMP atu kontinua halo treinamentu sira hanesan ne’e, tanba konsidera katak justisa ne’e importante tebes.\nPrevious articleSEA koopera ho grupu 40-resin prodús bote Cesta Bázika\nNext articleKontra Boavista iha kuartu finál, Lalenok sei bele mantein nia glória? | [
"JSMP fo formasaun asesu justisa formal iha Suku Lourba | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA JUSTISA JSMP fo formasaun asesu justisa formal iha Suku Lourba JSMP fo formasaun asesu justisa formal iha Suku Lourba DILI, 30 novembru 2020 (TATOLI) -Organizasaun la'os Governu nian, Programa Monitorizasaun Sistema Judisial (JSMP-sigla ingles), foin lalais ne'e, hala'o treinamentu kona-ba \"Feto no labarik-sira ninia asesu ba iha justisa formal\" iha suku Lourba, Postu Administrasaun Bobonaro, Munisipiu Bobonaro.",
"Notisia Relevante: JSMP fo formasaun asesu justisa formal ba komunidade Laclo Treinamentu ne'e partisipa hosi estrutura suku no membru juventude feto-mane hamutuk ema na'in-20 ne'ebe kompostu hosi mane-14 no feto na'in-neen (6).",
"Materia ne'ebe aprezenta iha treinamentu ne'e kona-ba feto nia direitu, saida mak violensia domestika, Lei Kontra violensia domestika, prosesu legal no protesaun legal no oinsa atu refere kazu violensia bazeia ba jeneru.",
"\"Treinamentu ne'e nu'udar meiu ida hodi ajuda membru konsellu suku-sira no juventude feto-mane atu iha konesimentu kona-ba oinsa atu refere kazu-sira violensia bazeia ba jeneru ne'ebe akontese iha sira-nia suku no sira mos hatene oinsa prosesu kazu tuir dalan sistema justisa formal.",
"Nune'e sira bele trata no atua problema-sira ne'ebe mosu tuir mekanizmu ne'ebe loos no apropriadu,\" diretora Ezekutiva JSMP, Ana Paula Marcal, hateten liuhosi nota komunikadu ne'ebe ohin, Agencia Tatoli asesu.",
"Xefe Suku Lourba, Lino da Cruz, orgullu ho prezensa JSMP ne'ebe bele partilla informasaun kona-ba asesu ba justisa formal, liu-liu relasiona ho kazu hasoru feto no labarik, tanba iha sira-nia suku akontese kazu barak, maibe sira rasik ladun hatene oinsa atu prosesu kazu-sira ne'e tuir sistema formal.",
"Reprezenta UNDP ba programa Spotligth, Nelita Fernandes Ximenes, hateten, Spotlight iha kompromisu atu elimina krime-sira hasoru feto no labarik iha Timor-Leste liuhosi atividade-sira hanesan suporta feto no labarik-sira asesu ba justisa, fo asistensia legal no diseminasaun informasaun hanesan treinamentu ne'ebe fasilita hosi JSMP.",
"Durante treinamentu, partisipante-sira foti kestaun balun relasiona ho asuntu violasaun seksual ne'ebe envolve ema adultu hasoru menor, autoridade polisia haruka fila kazu violensia domestika atu rezolve tuir dalan familia no aman ne'ebe hola feto-rua no la tau matan ba nia oan-sira.",
"Relasiona ho preokupasaun kona-ba adultu halo abuzu seksual hasoru menor, JSMP esplika artigu 177 Kodigu Penal kona-ba abuzu seksual ba menor.",
"Kona-ba polisia haruka fila kazu Violensia Domestika, polisia la bele haruka fila kazu VD tanba natureza nu'udar krime publiku.",
"JSMP mos sita artigu 211 Kodigu prosesu penal kona-ba partisipasaun: Ajente polisial ne'ebe iha konesimentu kona-ba krime ruma tenke halo kedas partisipasaun kona-ba krime ne'e.",
"Kona-ba aman la tau-matan ba menor ka nia oan sira, JSMP esplika katak lei la bandu atu ema fahe malu/divorsiu, maibe kuandu akontese divorsiu, tantu feen ka la'en iha obrigasaun hanesan atu tau-matan ba interese menor-sira hanesan menor nia guarda, vizita no alimentasaun.",
"Bainhira parte rua ka ida la kumpre akordu ne'ebe sira halo ona kona-ba labarik-sira nia interese, inan ka aman ne'ebe la kumpre ne'e komete krime kona-ba la halo tuir obrigasaun alimentar (Artigu 225 KP).",
"Iha sesaun enserramentu ba treinamentu autoridade hosi Suku Lourba husu ba JSMP atu kontinua halo treinamentu sira hanesan ne'e, tanba konsidera katak justisa ne'e importante tebes.",
"Previous articleSEA koopera ho grupu 40-resin produs bote Cesta Bazika Next articleKontra Boavista iha kuartu final, Lalenok sei bele mantein nia gloria?"
] | [
"JSMP provides training on access to formal justice in Lourba Village | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA JUSTIÇA CSJM offers educational sessions for girls and children about their rights, including the importance of participation at judicial processes. Dili (AP) - The non government organization Programa Monitorizasaun Sistema Judisial recently conducted a workshop entitled \"Girl & Child Access To Formel Justice\" with women from Loura village that is located within Bobonaro Municipality' s Administrative Post office area"
"Relevant News: JSMP provides training on formal justice access for Laclo community The village structure and female youth members participated in the 20-persons (14 men, six women) group."
"The subjects presented in the training were on women' s rights, what is domestic violence and how to report cases of gender-based violation."
"\"This training is a means to help village council members and youths, both women as well As men have knowledge on how they can report cases of gender-based violence that occur in their communities. They also know about the formal justice system processes for these types case.\""
"Thus, they can deal with and act on the problems that arise according to proper mechanism\", JSMP Executive Director Ana Paula Marcel said in a press release accessible today by Agência Tatoli."
"The head of the Lourba Village, Lino da Cruz is proud to have JSMP present and share information on accessing formal justice especially in cases against women or children because there are many such incidents occurring at their village but they themselves do not know how these matters should be processed through a official system."
"The UNDP representative for the Spotligth programme, Nelita Fernandes Ximenes said that “Spotlight is committed to eliminating crimes against women and children in Timor-Leste through activities such as supporting access of girls & boys into justice; providing legal assistance or information dissemination like training facilitated by JSMP."
"During the training, participants raised some issues related to sexual assault involving adults against minors; police authorities referring domestic violence cases for family resolution and father who has two wives but does not take care of his children."
"In relation to concerns about adult sexual abuse of a minor, JSMP explained article 176(a) Criminal Code on the subject."
"As for police referrals of domestic violence cases, the Police cannot remit a DV case due to its public crime nature."
"JSMP also cites article 210 of the Code on Criminal Procedure regarding participation: A police officer who has knowledge about a crime must immediately take part in that criminal activity."
"Regarding the failure of a father to provide for his minors or children, JSMP explained that there is no law prohibiting separation/divorce but when divorce takes place both spouses have an equal duty in respecting their child' s interest such as custody and visitation rights."
"When one or both parties fail to comply with an agreement they have made concerning the best interests of their children, that parent is liable for a crime in respect from non-compliance (Art. 215 CP)."
"During the closing session of training, authorities from Lourba Village asked JSMP to continue with this type Of Training because they believe that justice is very important."
"Previous articleSEA cooperates with more than 40 groups producing Cesta Bazika bottles Next ArticleContra Boavista no quarto final, Lalenok poderá manter sua glória?"
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KM Dezigna Horta Sai Altu Reprezentante Ba ASEAN - TIMOR AGORA\nby TIMOR AGORA on 14.3.18 0 Comment\nDILI, (TATOLI) – Governu liuhosi reuniaun Konsellu Ministru (KM) dezigna (hatudu) atuál Ministru Estadu no Konselleiru ba Seguransa Nasionál, José Ramos Horta, sai altu reprezentante Timor-Leste iha prosesu negosiasaun adere ba Asosiasaun Nasaun Sudeste Aziátika (ASEAN-Association of Southeast Asean Nations).\nSekretáriu Estadu Konsellu Ministru no Komunikasaun Sosiál, Matias Boavida, esplika proposta rezolusaun governu ne’ebé aprezenta husi Ministru Negósiu Estranjeiru no Kooperasaun, Aurélio Guterres, aprovadu ho alterasaun balun atu reforsa koordenasaun rekursu no prosesu adezaun ba ASEAN.\n“Iha proposta ne’e Konsellu Ministru dezigna Ministru José Ramos Horta nu’udar altu reprezentante Timor-Leste iha prosesu negosiasaun atu adere ba ASEAN”, tenik ba jornalista sira hafoin remata reunian KM iha Palásiu Governu, ohin.\nPortavoz Governu ne’e dehan Governu iha interese maka’as kona-ba oinsá Timor-Leste atu sai membru ASEAN, tanba durante ne’e servisu la’o maibé nunka hetan lampu verde bainhira mak adere ba asosiasaun ne’e.\n“Governu dahituk iha ninia importánsia maka’as ba Timor-Leste atu adere ba ASEAN, ne’e duni dezigna ema ida atu bele lidere komisaun ne’e atu bele halo servisu lais liu no iha luz (lampu) verde bainhira mak ita bele adere ba ASEAN”, katak.\nAntes ne’e, bainhira partisipa iha simeira ASEAN iha Manila, Ministru Aurélio haktuir TL hetan ona sinál di’ak tanba hetan apóiu husi membru ASEAN hotu, mesmu Singapura mak sei preukupa kona-ba kapasidade Timor-Leste atu kumpri rekezitu ba adezaun.\nAlende ne’e TL mós dalabarak partisipa seremónia ASEAN nia no ikus liu mak partisipa diskusaun tékniku kona-ba adezaun ba ASEAN iha Bali, Indonézia.\nIha diskusaun ne’e diskute kona-ba rezultadu avaliasaun husi grupu servisu ASEAN ne’ebê lidera husi Filipina, nune’e mós analiza estudu viabilidade kona-ba preparasaun TL atu kumpri kritéria adezaun iha área polítika, seguransa, ekonomia no sosiál.\nEntretantu, Timor-Leste submete aplikasaun iha loron 4 Marsu 2011.\nDadaun ne’e ASEAN iha ona membru 10, kompostu husi Indonézia, Thailandia, Vietnam, Malázia, Singapura, Filipina, Kambódia, Myanmar (Burma), Laos no Brunei.\nDadaun ne’e Filipina mak lidera asosiasaun ne’e desde tinan 2017.\nImajen: Enkontru Konsellu Ministru, iha loron 1 fulan-marsu, Foto dokumentasaun GPM | [
"KM Dezigna Horta Sai Altu Reprezentante Ba ASEAN - TIMOR AGORA by TIMOR AGORA on 14.3.18 0 Comment DILI, (TATOLI) - Governu liuhosi reuniaun Konsellu Ministru (KM) dezigna (hatudu) atual Ministru Estadu no Konselleiru ba Seguransa Nasional, Jose Ramos Horta, sai altu reprezentante Timor-Leste iha prosesu negosiasaun adere ba Asosiasaun Nasaun Sudeste Aziatika (ASEAN-Association of Southeast Asean Nations).",
"Sekretariu Estadu Konsellu Ministru no Komunikasaun Sosial, Matias Boavida, esplika proposta rezolusaun governu ne'ebe aprezenta husi Ministru Negosiu Estranjeiru no Kooperasaun, Aurelio Guterres, aprovadu ho alterasaun balun atu reforsa koordenasaun rekursu no prosesu adezaun ba ASEAN.",
"\"Iha proposta ne'e Konsellu Ministru dezigna Ministru Jose Ramos Horta nu'udar altu reprezentante Timor-Leste iha prosesu negosiasaun atu adere ba ASEAN,\" tenik ba jornalista sira hafoin remata reunian KM iha Palasiu Governu, ohin.",
"Portavoz Governu ne'e dehan Governu iha interese maka'as kona-ba oinsa Timor-Leste atu sai membru ASEAN, tanba durante ne'e servisu la'o maibe nunka hetan lampu verde bainhira mak adere ba asosiasaun ne'e.",
"\"Governu dahituk iha ninia importansia maka'as ba Timor-Leste atu adere ba ASEAN, ne'e duni dezigna ema ida atu bele lidere komisaun ne'e atu bele halo servisu lais liu no iha luz (lampu) verde bainhira mak ita bele adere ba ASEAN,\" katak.",
"Antes ne'e, bainhira partisipa iha simeira ASEAN iha Manila, Ministru Aurelio haktuir TL hetan ona sinal di'ak tanba hetan apoiu husi membru ASEAN hotu, mesmu Singapura mak sei preukupa kona-ba kapasidade Timor-Leste atu kumpri rekezitu ba adezaun.",
"Alende ne'e TL mos dalabarak partisipa seremonia ASEAN nia no ikus liu mak partisipa diskusaun tekniku kona-ba adezaun ba ASEAN iha Bali, Indonezia.",
"Iha diskusaun ne'e diskute kona-ba rezultadu avaliasaun husi grupu servisu ASEAN ne'ebe lidera husi Filipina, nune'e mos analiza estudu viabilidade kona-ba preparasaun TL atu kumpri kriteria adezaun iha area politika, seguransa, ekonomia no sosial.",
"Entretantu, Timor-Leste submete aplikasaun iha loron 4 Marsu 2011.",
"Dadaun ne'e ASEAN iha ona membru 10, kompostu husi Indonezia, Thailandia, Vietnam, Malazia, Singapura, Filipina, Kambodia, Myanmar (Burma), Laos no Brunei.",
"Dadaun ne'e Filipina mak lidera asosiasaun ne'e desde tinan 2017.",
"Imajen: Enkontru Konsellu Ministru, iha loron 1 fulan-marsu, Foto dokumentasaun GPM"
] | [
"by TIMOR AGORA on 14.3,0 Comment Dili (AFP) - The Government of Timor-Leste has designated Jose Ramos Horta as the new High Representative for ASEAN negotiations in a meeting held today at its Cabinet Offices and which also included an appointment to be made with current Minister Of State And Adviser For National Security José António dos Santos Soares who is currently serving under Prime minister Xanana Gusmao' s leadership during his tenure thereas he will continue working closely alongside President Francisco Guterres Lu Olo when it comes time To join Southeast Asian Nations Association(ASEAN)."
"The Secretary of State for the Council and Social Communications, Matias Boavida explained that a government resolution proposed by Foreign Affairs Minister Aurelio Guterres had been approves with some changes to strengthen resource coordination in ASEAN accession process."
"\"In this proposal, the Council of Ministers appointed Mr. Jose Ramos Horta as Timor-Leste' s high representative in negotiations to join ASEAN\", he told journalistes after concluding his meeting at Government Palace today (12/05)."
"The government spokesman said the Government has a great interest in how Timor-Leste can become an ASEAN member, because during this time work is going on but never got green light when joining that association."
"\"The government has given great importance to Timor-Leste joining ASEAN, so we have appointed a person who can lead this commission in order for the work of that committee be smoother and there is green light when it will join.\""
"Earlier, while attending the ASEAN summit in Manila Minister Aurelio said that TL has received a good signal because it is supported by all members of Asean. Even Singapore will be concerned about Timor-Leste's ability to meet accession requirements;"
"In addition, the TL has frequently attended ASEAN ceremonies and most recently participated in technical discussions on membership of Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (ASEAN) at Bali."
"During the discussion, they discussed about results of evaluation by ASEAN task force led from Philippines and also analyzed feasibility study on preparation for TL to meet accession criteria in political security economic social areas."
"Meanwhile, Timor-Leste submitted its application on 4 March."
"Today, ASEAN has 10 members: Indonesia (the founding member), Thailand(formerly known as Cambodia) Vietnam Malaysia Singapore the Philippines Myanmar Laos Brunei Darussalam."
"The Philippines has led the association since 2017."
"Image: Council of Ministers meeting, March 1st. Photo documentation GPM"
] |
Deskonfia ema baku Flugensio Saldanha to’o mate - GMN TV\nGMN TV Justica e Segurança Deskonfia ema baku Flugensio Saldanha to’o mate\nFlugensio de Jesus Saldanha Martins tinan 54, nia mate la’ós tanba moras, maibé deskonfia ema mak baku.\nKazu Flugensio de Jesus Saldanha Martins nia mate akontese Kuarta (28/07/2021) mais ou menus tuku ida madrugada oras Timor-Leste iha Aldeia Kare-Laran, Suku Lahane Osidentál, Postu Administrativu Verra-Cruz, Munisípiu Díli.\nSebastião Pantelão Martins, núdar matebian Flugensio de Jesus Saldanha Martins, nia oan mane haktuir, nia aman mate la ho moras ruma, tanba antes akontese nia mate, matebian sei asiste hela filme iha televizaun, maibé kontaktu telefone tama, Flugensio de Jesus Saldanha Martins, sai ba estrada iha tuku 12 ho balun, ikus mai hetan fali Flugensio de Jesus Saldanha Martins, nia isin mate iha Aldeia Kari-Laran Lahane.\nSebastião Pantelão Martins, deskonfia nia aman mate, la’ós tanba moras, maibé ho motivu seluk.\nFamília hakarak autópsia mate-isin, hodi hatene Sebastião Pantelão Martins nia mate, maibé ho prezensa membru Sentru Integradu Jestaun Krize hakarak mate-isin submete uluk ba teste PCR, hafoin bele submete ba prosesu autópsia.\n“Ha’u-nia katuas kalan sei iha uma-laran sei nonton hela filme taka televizaun iha jam 11 kalan, sira dehan ema telefone tama iha jam 12:46 kalan, katuas la hanete telefone sms tama iha jam 1 pas hodi katuas sai ba liur sinelus tau hela estrada ninin, depois duni malu, depois pai ba mate fali iha Aldeia Kari-Laran. Mate ne’e hanesan hatoba de’it, ha’u sente ha’u-nia aman hetan baku iha kakorok ruma. Ami deskonfia tanba sinelus soe hela iha estrada-ninin iha Aldeia Teca-Hudi Laran, pai ba mate fali iha Aldeia Kare-Laran”, esplika Sebastião Pantelão Martins, núdar matebian nia oan mane, ba GMN, Kuarta (28/07/2021), iha Aldeia Teca Hudi-Laran.\nFlugensio de Jesus Saldanha Martins, nia isin-mate hetan husi Rogério Castro de Araújo, iha Aldeia Kare-Laran, hafoin informa ba matebian nia família sira hodi ba iha fatin refere.\n“Ami hemu hela tua iha estrada kraik parte kurva rotunda Lahane nian, depois iha oras tuku ida ami hemu hotu ami fahe malu depois ha’u fila ona mai uma, depois atu tama uma ha’u hetan tiu latan hela iha rai, entaun ha’u atu kontinua ba uma sente ladun diak depois ha’u mai informa ba matebian nia família depois hodi ba haree mate isin ne’e”,dehan Rogério Castro de Araújo.\nAlende ne’e, Filomeno de Jesus Carvalho, núdar matebian nia maun bo’ot konsidera, Sentru Integradu Jestaun Krize halo impedimentu ba Polísia Servisu investigasaun Kriminál nia servisu, tanba tuir loloos, mate-isin atu submete ba autópsia hodi bele hatene nia alin nia mate ema mak oho ka mate tanba kauza moras ruma.\n“Ami hotu hatán atu koopera ho justisa atu submete mate-isin ba autópsia, evidénsia nia mate tanba saida, moras saida? Uluk ema mate tanba problema ruma ema lori ba autópsia para bele hatene kauza nia mate ne’e, mas agora ho situasaun COVID-19, entaun sira Sentru Integradu Jestaun Krize tenke hakarak swab test uluk mak halo autópsia, ema mate ona ba halo swab test halo saida. Nia mate tanba nia moras antes hela, ne’e ita la hatene COVID mak halo ka saida, ida diak hela, tanba telefone ema ida nia simu depois nia sai ba hodi hasoru mate”,dehan Filomeno de Jesus Carvalho.\nRelasiona Flugensio de Jesus Saldanha Martins nia mate, Polísia Forensik no Polísia Nasionál Servisu Investigasaun Kriminál no mós Polísia investigasaun Eskuadra Verra-Cruz, to’o iha matebian nia uma hodi halo identifikasaun ba mate-isin.\nFlugensio de Jesus Saldanha Martins, mate husik hela nia fén no oan na’in haat.avi | [
"Deskonfia ema baku Flugensio Saldanha to'o mate - GMN TV GMN TV Justica e Seguranca Deskonfia ema baku Flugensio Saldanha to'o mate Flugensio de Jesus Saldanha Martins tinan 54, nia mate la'os tanba moras, maibe deskonfia ema mak baku.",
"Kazu Flugensio de Jesus Saldanha Martins nia mate akontese Kuarta (28/07/2021) mais ou menus tuku ida madrugada oras Timor-Leste iha Aldeia Kare-Laran, Suku Lahane Osidental, Postu Administrativu Verra-Cruz, Munisipiu Dili.",
"Sebastiao Pantelao Martins, nudar matebian Flugensio de Jesus Saldanha Martins, nia oan mane haktuir, nia aman mate la ho moras ruma, tanba antes akontese nia mate, matebian sei asiste hela filme iha televizaun, maibe kontaktu telefone tama, Flugensio de Jesus Saldanha Martins, sai ba estrada iha tuku 12 ho balun, ikus mai hetan fali Flugensio de Jesus Saldanha Martins, nia isin mate iha Aldeia Kari-Laran Lahane.",
"Sebastiao Pantelao Martins, deskonfia nia aman mate, la'os tanba moras, maibe ho motivu seluk.",
"Familia hakarak autopsia mate-isin, hodi hatene Sebastiao Pantelao Martins nia mate, maibe ho prezensa membru Sentru Integradu Jestaun Krize hakarak mate-isin submete uluk ba teste PCR, hafoin bele submete ba prosesu autopsia.",
"\"Ha'u-nia katuas kalan sei iha uma-laran sei nonton hela filme taka televizaun iha jam 11 kalan, sira dehan ema telefone tama iha jam 12:46 kalan, katuas la hanete telefone sms tama iha jam 1 pas hodi katuas sai ba liur sinelus tau hela estrada ninin, depois duni malu, depois pai ba mate fali iha Aldeia Kari-Laran.",
"Mate ne'e hanesan hatoba de'it, ha'u sente ha'u-nia aman hetan baku iha kakorok ruma.",
"Ami deskonfia tanba sinelus soe hela iha estrada-ninin iha Aldeia Teca-Hudi Laran, pai ba mate fali iha Aldeia Kare-Laran,\" esplika Sebastiao Pantelao Martins, nudar matebian nia oan mane, ba GMN, Kuarta (28/07/2021), iha Aldeia Teca Hudi-Laran.",
"Flugensio de Jesus Saldanha Martins, nia isin-mate hetan husi Rogerio Castro de Araujo, iha Aldeia Kare-Laran, hafoin informa ba matebian nia familia sira hodi ba iha fatin refere.",
"\"Ami hemu hela tua iha estrada kraik parte kurva rotunda Lahane nian, depois iha oras tuku ida ami hemu hotu ami fahe malu depois ha'u fila ona mai uma, depois atu tama uma ha'u hetan tiu latan hela iha rai, entaun ha'u atu kontinua ba uma sente ladun diak depois ha'u mai informa ba matebian nia familia depois hodi ba haree mate isin ne'e,\"dehan Rogerio Castro de Araujo.",
"Alende ne'e, Filomeno de Jesus Carvalho, nudar matebian nia maun bo'ot konsidera, Sentru Integradu Jestaun Krize halo impedimentu ba Polisia Servisu investigasaun Kriminal nia servisu, tanba tuir loloos, mate-isin atu submete ba autopsia hodi bele hatene nia alin nia mate ema mak oho ka mate tanba kauza moras ruma.",
"\"Ami hotu hatan atu koopera ho justisa atu submete mate-isin ba autopsia, evidensia nia mate tanba saida, moras saida?",
"Uluk ema mate tanba problema ruma ema lori ba autopsia para bele hatene kauza nia mate ne'e, mas agora ho situasaun COVID-19, entaun sira Sentru Integradu Jestaun Krize tenke hakarak swab test uluk mak halo autopsia, ema mate ona ba halo swab test halo saida.",
"Nia mate tanba nia moras antes hela, ne'e ita la hatene COVID mak halo ka saida, ida diak hela, tanba telefone ema ida nia simu depois nia sai ba hodi hasoru mate,\"dehan Filomeno de Jesus Carvalho.",
"Relasiona Flugensio de Jesus Saldanha Martins nia mate, Polisia Forensik no Polisia Nasional Servisu Investigasaun Kriminal no mos Polisia investigasaun Eskuadra Verra-Cruz, to'o iha matebian nia uma hodi halo identifikasaun ba mate-isin.",
"Flugensio de Jesus Saldanha Martins, mate husik hela nia fen no oan na'in haat.avi"
] | [
"Desconfia alguém bateu Flugensio Saldanha to'o morte - GMN TV Justiça e Segurança desconfia um homem bater no corpo de Flügencio saldaña até a matar Flight of Jesus Martins, 54 years old. He died not because he was sick but it is believed that someone beat him until his death"
"Flugensio de Jesus Saldanha Martins’ death occurred on Thursday (28/07) at about one o'clock in the morning Timor-Leste time, near Kare Laran Village of Lahane Osidental Township Verra Cruz Administrative Post Office Dili Municipality."
"Sebastiao Pantelaos Martins, the son of Flugensio de Jesus Saldanha Martínes said that his father died not from any illness because before he passed away was watching a movie on television but contacted him by phone. Flying out to drive at about 12:30 pm and finally found Flightincio De Jesús saldaña Martínez dead in Kari-Laran Lahane Village (Aldeia)."
"Sebastião Pantelao Martins, believed his father died not because of illness but for another reason."
"The family wants an autopsy to determine the cause of Sebastiao Pantelaos Martines' death, but with members from Integrated Crisis Management Center present they would like his body first tested for PCR before it can be submitted."
"\"My old man was at home watching a movie, the television shuts down around 10:45 pm. They said someone phoned him in about midnight and he didn't respond to sms until one o’clock so that my father went out of his house for some time laying roadwork on this place then they got into fighting after which I passed away again there near Kari-Laran Village.\""
"The death was like a blow, I felt my father had been hit in the back."
"We are suspicious because the road is still covered with silt in Teca-Hudi Laran Village, and father died again at Karelaren village,” Sebastiao Pantelau Martins explained to GMN on Thursday (28/07) that his son had been killed. He was found dead by a local man who came from Aldeia de Carvalho da Serra where he worked as an electrician for several years before moving back home after having lost all of their property.”"
"Flugensio de Jesus Saldanha Martins, his body was found by Rogerio Castro of Araujo in Kare-Laran Village after informing the family to go there."
"\"We were smoking in the corner of a road near Lahane's roundabout, then at about one hour we all smoked out and split up after I went home. Then to get into my house i found uncle lying on his bed so that was why im going back for work feeling not well before informing family members who would go see him later\", said Rogerio Castro de Araujo.\""
"In addition, Filomeno de Jesus Carvalho as the elder brother of his sister believes that Integrated Crisis Management Centre impeded Police Criminal Investigation Service' s work because it was supposed to be an autopsy on her body in order for them know if she had been murdered or died from a disease."
"\"We all agreed to cooperate with the justice system in order for an autopsy of his body, evidence on why he died and what disease it was."
"In the past, people died because of some problem and were taken to an autopsy in order for them To find out their death cause. But now with COVID-19 situation they Integrated Crisis Management Center must want a swab test before doing any type Of Autopsies; if someone has already passed away then what do you need one?"
"He died because he had a previous illness, we don't know what COVID did or something else. It was good for him that someone called and then went to meet his death,” Filomeno de Jesus Carvalho said in an interview with the Brazilian newspaper O Globo on Thursday (10/2)."
"In connection with Flugensio de Jesus Saldanha Martins' death, the Forensics Police and National Criminal Investigation Service of Brazil police as well a Verra-Cruz investigative squad came to his home in order for him be identified."
"Flugensio de Jesus Saldanha Martins, died leaving his wife and four children.avi"
] |
MOP sei investiga kondisaun estrada dirasaun Dili-Liquiçá hahú nakfera | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste\nVARANDA HEADLINE MOP sei investiga kondisaun estrada dirasaun Dili-Liquiçá hahú nakfera\nDILI, 11 marsu 2021 (TATOLI)—Ministériu Obra Públika (MOP) liuhosi Diresaun Nasionál Estrada, Ponte no kontrolu Cheia koopera ho Unidade Jestaun Projetu (PMU, sigla ingles) sei halo investigasaun ba kondisaun estrada dirasaun Dili-Liquiçá ne’ebé hahú nakfera iha área baliza entre suku Tibar no Ulmera, postu administrativu Bazartete, munisípiu Liquiçá.\nDiretór Nasionál Estrada, Ponte no Kontrolu Cheia, João Mário Gama de Sousa, hateten hafoin serka sanitária iha munisípiu Dili termina, ekipa hosi MOP-PMU sei halo investigasaun liuhosi foti amostra ba teste iha laboratóriu hodi justifika kualidade obra ne’e.\n“Ita-nia obra ne’e halo hosi kompañia SAN José S.A hosi España, ne’ebe ami sei halo investigasaun hodi define liuhosi teste laboratóriu atu haree estrada nakfera ne’e tanba saida,” Diretór Nasionál ne’e informa ba Agência TATOLI liuhosi, via telefónika, kinta ne’e.\nNotísia relevante: Estrada Dili-Liquiçá hahú ‘nakfera’\nLansamentu fatuk dahuluk reabilitasaun estrada dirasaun Dili-Liquiçá, hahú iha loron 11 jullu 2013, ho distánsia kilómetru 28,62, ho totál orsamentu millaun $20-resin ho ezekusaun durante tinan 4 (fulan 47).\nDiretór Nasionál dehan, presiza halo investigasaun ba estrada ne’e, liuliu haree ba agregate crushing value tanba asphaltbele book-an tanba iha tempu implementasaun ladún halo konstatasaun di’ak, kondisaun seluk asphalt mahar ou falta kontrolu iha momentu implementasaun no haree kualidade asphalt mak ladún di’ak.\n“Bainhira ita halo teste identifika estrada la tuir estadarte duni, ita husu resposabilidade ba kompañia atu hatan, maibé ita tenke tun ba terrenu no haree estrada nakfera tanba saida,” nia akresenta.\nAleinde ne’e, tuir Diretór, kompañia nia tempu retensaun hotu ona, no entrega ona ba Governu atu tau matan.\n“Ha’u hakarak informa katak pagamentu halo hotu ona, tanba ita tun ba halo inspesaun no bór asphalt hodi halo teste iha laborátoriu no ita haree katak iha kualidade di’ak, maibé agora estragu iha parte balun hanesan ne’e tenke haree fali,” nia hatutan.\nTuir Dirijente ne’e, parte MOP nasionál halo ona kontaktu ho ekipa iha munisípiu Liquiçá atu haree tanba agora seidauk bele halo movimentu.\n“Ita-nia ekipa iha Liquiçá, maibé ami labele halo movimentu tanba ita iha situasaun serka sanitária ne’ebé hotu mak ami book-an,” nia tenik.\nPrevious articleUma-kain 300 iha Fatumean seidauk simu foos\nNext articleKomisaun G rekomenda MEJD integra profesór kontratadu iha prosesu rekrutamentu foun | [
"MOP sei investiga kondisaun estrada dirasaun Dili-Liquica hahu nakfera | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA HEADLINE MOP sei investiga kondisaun estrada dirasaun Dili-Liquica hahu nakfera DILI, 11 marsu 2021 (TATOLI) - Ministeriu Obra Publika (MOP) liuhosi Diresaun Nasional Estrada, Ponte no kontrolu Cheia koopera ho Unidade Jestaun Projetu (PMU, sigla ingles) sei halo investigasaun ba kondisaun estrada dirasaun Dili-Liquica ne'ebe hahu nakfera iha area baliza entre suku Tibar no Ulmera, postu administrativu Bazartete, munisipiu Liquica.",
"Diretor Nasional Estrada, Ponte no Kontrolu Cheia, Joao Mario Gama de Sousa, hateten hafoin serka sanitaria iha munisipiu Dili termina, ekipa hosi MOP-PMU sei halo investigasaun liuhosi foti amostra ba teste iha laboratoriu hodi justifika kualidade obra ne'e.",
"\"Ita-nia obra ne'e halo hosi kompania SAN Jose S.A hosi Espana, ne'ebe ami sei halo investigasaun hodi define liuhosi teste laboratoriu atu haree estrada nakfera ne'e tanba saida,\" Diretor Nasional ne'e informa ba Agencia TATOLI liuhosi, via telefonika, kinta ne'e.",
"Notisia relevante: Estrada Dili-Liquica hahu 'nakfera' Lansamentu fatuk dahuluk reabilitasaun estrada dirasaun Dili-Liquica, hahu iha loron 11 jullu 2013, ho distansia kilometru 28,62, ho total orsamentu millaun $20-resin ho ezekusaun durante tinan 4 (fulan 47).",
"Diretor Nasional dehan, presiza halo investigasaun ba estrada ne'e, liuliu haree ba agregate crushing value tanba asphaltbele book-an tanba iha tempu implementasaun ladun halo konstatasaun di'ak, kondisaun seluk asphalt mahar ou falta kontrolu iha momentu implementasaun no haree kualidade asphalt mak ladun di'ak.",
"\"Bainhira ita halo teste identifika estrada la tuir estadarte duni, ita husu resposabilidade ba kompania atu hatan, maibe ita tenke tun ba terrenu no haree estrada nakfera tanba saida,\" nia akresenta.",
"Aleinde ne'e, tuir Diretor, kompania nia tempu retensaun hotu ona, no entrega ona ba Governu atu tau matan.",
"\"Ha'u hakarak informa katak pagamentu halo hotu ona, tanba ita tun ba halo inspesaun no bor asphalt hodi halo teste iha laboratoriu no ita haree katak iha kualidade di'ak, maibe agora estragu iha parte balun hanesan ne'e tenke haree fali,\" nia hatutan.",
"Tuir Dirijente ne'e, parte MOP nasional halo ona kontaktu ho ekipa iha munisipiu Liquica atu haree tanba agora seidauk bele halo movimentu.",
"\"Ita-nia ekipa iha Liquica, maibe ami labele halo movimentu tanba ita iha situasaun serka sanitaria ne'ebe hotu mak ami book-an,\" nia tenik.",
"Previous articleUma-kain 300 iha Fatumean seidauk simu foos Next articleKomisaun G rekomenda MEJD integra profesor kontratadu iha prosesu rekrutamentu foun"
] | [
"MOP will investigate condition of Dili-Liquica road begins to deteriorate | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa De Timor Leste VARANDA HEADLINE Ministry Of Public Works (Mop), through the National Directorates for Road, Bridge and Flood Control cooperating with Project Management Unit(PMU) is conducting an inquiry into conditions on a highway in direction from Liquisa towards Dilí which has begun degradation at beacon area between Tibar Village & Ulmera village administrative post Bazartete municipality."
"National Director of Roads, Bridge and Overflow Control Joao Mario Gama de Sousa said that after the closure in Dili municipality ended a team from MOP-PMU will conduct an investigation by sampling for laboratory testing to justify quality."
"\"Our work is done by the company SAN Jose S.A from Spain, which we will investigate to define through laboratory tests and see why this road has been damaged\", informed Agência TATOLI via telephone on Wednesday National Director of Transporte (DNTT)."
"The first stone laying of the rehabilitation work on Dili-Liquica road, which is 28.60 kilometres long and has a total budget over $19 billion with execution for four years (afterwards it will be extended to seven). This project was launched in July by Prime Minister Xanana Gusmão as part Of his visit To Liquiçá City On June -7th"
"The National Director said, there is a need to investigate the road especially regarding agregat crushing value because asphalts can be booked due in time of implementation not make good findings other conditions are bad or lack control at implemention and see quality that's poor."
"\"When we do a test that identifies roads not complying with the standard, indeed. We ask for responsibility from companies to respond but then go down on site and see why they have damaged them.\""
"In addition, according to the Director of SECURITY SERVICE OF THE REPUBLIC (DSRS), company's retention period has been completed and is being handed over for government supervision."
"\"I would like to inform you that all payments have been made, because we went down and did an inspection of the asphalt drill for testing in a laboratory. We saw it was good quality but now there is damage on some parts which must be looked at again.\""
"According to this leader, the national MOP has contacted with a team in Liquica municipality because it is not yet possible for movement."
"\"Our team is in Liquica, but we can't move around because of the lockdown situation that has taken us all to our knees.\""
"Previous articleCommission G recommends MEJD to integrate contracted teachers in the new recruitment process Next Article301 students from Fatumean school are not receiving food"
] |
Haksesuk Bola | LFA - Haksesuk Bola\nLFA - Haksesuk Bola\nPresidente Liga Futebol Amadora (LFA)\nEsperansa ba Liga Futebol Amadora\nFutebol nudar desporto ne´ebe emar iha mundu rai klaran gosta pratika no dada emar barak mak laran monu ba Bola. Realidade ida ne´e la ses husi ita nia Emar iha Timor-Leste,hotu-hotu gosta no hadomi bola. Laos deit gosta no hadomi bola, maibe Timor-Leste mos iha ona ninia kultura tatika rasik,ne´ebe iha tempo Portugues nia ukun,iha tinan 450 nia laran,kuda ona kultura tatika Futebol Latina ne´ebe konesidu joga iha rai sira Latin,hanesan Portugal, Espanha, liliu futebol ne´ebe desenvolve iha Amerika latina, Samba iha Brazil, Futebol Argentina, no rai seluk tan. Iha biban Portugues nia ukun mos, estabelece ona kompetisaun Futebol Amador, mosu Clubes sira hanesan: Sport Dili e Benfica, Sporting de Dili, Academica, União,CAFE (Ermera), Atletico (Aileu). Maske ho kondisaun ne´ebe minimu, hola parte Associação desportiva sira,serve hanesan meius ida ba halibur Timor oan sira iha biban ne´eba. Iha parte desportivo, husi kompetisaun amadores ne´ebe iha,produsu jogadores balun ba joga iha Liga Portuguesa, hanesan Pinsu ho Pele, neébe ba joga iha Belenses, Academica Viseu,no sleuk tan.\nIha tempo okupasaun mos, hamosu kompetisaun lubung organiza liu husi Liga Futebol iha Dili, iha biban ne´eba mosu Clubes lubung ida hanesan: Orient Star (Bidau), Rusa Fuik (bairo Pite), Indonesia Muda (IM), Grecenfor (grilos, Central no Formoso), Carsae, kakusan (Becora), no seluk tahn. Iha kompetisaun oi-oin ne´ebe mak Timor oan sira kria hanesan Porda (Pekan Olah Raga Daerah), kompitisaun eskolares, partisipasaun iha nivel provincia nian hanesan PON (Pekan Olah Raga Nacional). Produs mos atletas lubung ida ba joga iha Liga Indonesia nian,hanesan: Melu Izaac ba Pupuk Kaltim, Miro Valdo iha Persija,Luis,Bosco no seluk tan.\nAtu kaer metin ba kultura tatika,manan tan teknika no hetan talentus husi klosan sira ba Futebol. Governo liu husi Secretaria Estado Juvetunde no Desporto (SEJD), kria kondisaun atu nune´e bele hahu dadaun Liga Futebol, atu nune´e Timor oan sira bele organiza malu iha Clubes hafoin hola parte iha LFA, sorin ida. Sorin seluk, liu husi kompetisaun mak bele desenvolve futebol no produs talentus diak iha futebol ne´e rasik.\nLiga futebol Timor Leste mosu ho nia objetivu atu hamoris desportu futebol iha rai laran. Liga Amadora loke ona espasu boot ba Clube ( 21 ) atu hamorin Timor Leste nia naran iha mundu internasional.\nTuir mensajen husi Presidente Liga Futebol Amadora (LFA) Nilton Gusmão katak,liu husi Liga futebol Amadora, iha futuru oin mai bele promove ona talentu joventude Timor Leste sira ne’ebé gosta futebol iha rai laran.\n“Esperansa ba Liga Futebol Amadora ida ne’e mak bele produs jogador foun sira ne’ebé iha talent, para depois bele reforsa ita nia selesaun nasional iha Timor-Leste,”mensajen Nilton Gusmão.\nNaran/logo klube hamutuk 21\nNaran Clube nian Logo | [
"Haksesuk Bola | LFA - Haksesuk Bola LFA - Haksesuk Bola Presidente Liga Futebol Amadora (LFA) Esperansa ba Liga Futebol Amadora Futebol nudar desporto ne'ebe emar iha mundu rai klaran gosta pratika no dada emar barak mak laran monu ba Bola.",
"Realidade ida ne'e la ses husi ita nia Emar iha Timor-Leste,hotu-hotu gosta no hadomi bola.",
"Laos deit gosta no hadomi bola, maibe Timor-Leste mos iha ona ninia kultura tatika rasik,ne'ebe iha tempo Portugues nia ukun,iha tinan 450 nia laran,kuda ona kultura tatika Futebol Latina ne'ebe konesidu joga iha rai sira Latin,hanesan Portugal, Espanha, liliu futebol ne'ebe desenvolve iha Amerika latina, Samba iha Brazil, Futebol Argentina, no rai seluk tan.",
"Iha biban Portugues nia ukun mos, estabelece ona kompetisaun Futebol Amador, mosu Clubes sira hanesan: Sport Dili e Benfica, Sporting de Dili, Academica, Uniao,CAFE (Ermera), Atletico (Aileu).",
"Maske ho kondisaun ne'ebe minimu, hola parte Associacao desportiva sira,serve hanesan meius ida ba halibur Timor oan sira iha biban ne'eba.",
"Iha parte desportivo, husi kompetisaun amadores ne'ebe iha,produsu jogadores balun ba joga iha Liga Portuguesa, hanesan Pinsu ho Pele, neebe ba joga iha Belenses, Academica Viseu,no sleuk tan.",
"Iha tempo okupasaun mos, hamosu kompetisaun lubung organiza liu husi Liga Futebol iha Dili, iha biban ne'eba mosu Clubes lubung ida hanesan: Orient Star (Bidau), Rusa Fuik (bairo Pite), Indonesia Muda (IM), Grecenfor (grilos, Central no Formoso), Carsae, kakusan (Becora), no seluk tahn.",
"Iha kompetisaun oi-oin ne'ebe mak Timor oan sira kria hanesan Porda (Pekan Olah Raga Daerah), kompitisaun eskolares, partisipasaun iha nivel provincia nian hanesan PON (Pekan Olah Raga Nacional).",
"Produs mos atletas lubung ida ba joga iha Liga Indonesia nian,hanesan: Melu Izaac ba Pupuk Kaltim, Miro Valdo iha Persija,Luis,Bosco no seluk tan.",
"Atu kaer metin ba kultura tatika,manan tan teknika no hetan talentus husi klosan sira ba Futebol.",
"Governo liu husi Secretaria Estado Juvetunde no Desporto (SEJD), kria kondisaun atu nune'e bele hahu dadaun Liga Futebol, atu nune'e Timor oan sira bele organiza malu iha Clubes hafoin hola parte iha LFA, sorin ida.",
"Sorin seluk, liu husi kompetisaun mak bele desenvolve futebol no produs talentus diak iha futebol ne'e rasik.",
"Liga futebol Timor Leste mosu ho nia objetivu atu hamoris desportu futebol iha rai laran.",
"Liga Amadora loke ona espasu boot ba Clube (21) atu hamorin Timor Leste nia naran iha mundu internasional.",
"Tuir mensajen husi Presidente Liga Futebol Amadora (LFA) Nilton Gusmao katak,liu husi Liga futebol Amadora, iha futuru oin mai bele promove ona talentu joventude Timor Leste sira ne'ebe gosta futebol iha rai laran.",
"\"Esperansa ba Liga Futebol Amadora ida ne'e mak bele produs jogador foun sira ne'ebe iha talent, para depois bele reforsa ita nia selesaun nasional iha Timor-Leste,\"mensajen Nilton Gusmao.",
"Naran/logo klube hamutuk 21 Naran Clube nian Logo"
] | [
"Haksesuk Bola | LFA - The Football Association of South Africa President Amateur Soccer League (LFA) Hope for the amateur football league. Futebol is a sport that in many countries likes to practice and there are plenty who fall into love with it, but not all people can play this game as they don't have enough time or money!"
"This reality is not unknown to our Emar in Timor-Leste, everyone likes and love the ball."
"Not only do they like and love the ball, but Timor-Leste has also its own tactical culture. During Portuguese rule for more than four hundred fifty years there was a Latin football tactics that connected with other countries in Europe such as Portugal or Spain; especially soccer which developed to be played throughout South America: Samba (Brazil), Futebol Argentino(Argentina) etc..."
"Under Portuguese rule, the Amateur Football competition was also established. Clubs such as Sport Dili e Benfica (Dili), Sports de Dilí and Academica were founded in 1896; União of Ermera became a member at that same time with CAFE from Aileu becoming its second club to join it after Atletico da Ilha do Faial)."
"Although with minimal facilities, it is part of the sports association and serves as a means to bring together Timorese in that area."
"In the sporting part, from amateur competitions there are some players to play in Liga Portuguesa such as Pinsu and Pele who played for Belenses or Academica Viseo."
"During the occupation period, there was also a strong competition organized through Liga Futebol in Dili. Among those clubs were Orient Star (Bidau), Rusa fuik(Pit neighborhood) Indonesia muda/Muda Indonésia and Grecenfor from Grilos Central e Formoso as well Carsae kakusan Becora)."
"There are various competitions that the Timorese have created such as Porda (Pekan Olah Raga Daerah), school computation, participation at provincial level like PON."
"It also produced a lot of athletes to play in the Indonesian League, such as: Melu Izaac for Pupuk Kaltim and Miro Valdo at Persija."
"In order to maintain the tactical culture, improve technique and acquire talent from neighbors for football."
"The Government, through the State Youth and Sport Secretariat (SEJD), has created conditions for Liga Futebol to begin soon so that Timorese can organize themselves in Clubs after taking part at LFA."
"On the other hand, through competitions we can develop football and produce good talent in this sport itself."
"The East Timor Football League was established with the aim of promoting football in this country."
"Liga Amadora has opened up a large space for Clube (21) to raise East Timor’s name in the international world."
"According to the message of President Liga Futebol Amadora (LFA) Nilton Gusmao that, through Football League amador in future can promote talented youth East Timorese who like football at home."
"\"The hope for this Amateur Football League is that it can produce new players with talent, and then reinforce our national team in Timor-Leste\", said Nilton Gusmao."
"Club names/logos total 21 Name of the club Logo"
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Sábado, XXI Semana Tempo Comum (ANO A) – Diocese de Dili\nDiocese de Dili > NOTÍCIAS > LETURA DIÁRIA > Sábado, XXI Semana Tempo Comum (ANO A)\nSábado, XXI Semana Tempo Comum (ANO A)\nPosted on: August 28, 2020 by: Departamento Comunicação Diocese Dili\nPrimeira Leitura 1Cor. 1. 26-31\nMaun-alin sira: Hanoin didi’ak katak Maromak bolu imi ona. Iha imi leet, ema matenek tuir ema nia hanoin la barak; ema biit na’in la barak, ema ran liurai la barak, maibé Maromak hili buat nebé ema hanoin katak beik atu halo bilan ema matenek sira; no Maromak hili buat nebé ema hanoin katak biit laek atu halo moe ida nebé maka’as; Maromak hili buat nebé kiak no ema hakribi iha mundo: sira nebé folin laek, atu halo lakon tiha sira nebé iha folin. Nune’e ema ida la bele foti an iha Maromak futar oin. Tan Nia mak imi hela iha Cristo Jesus, nebé sai Maromak nia matenek, no mós justiça, moris santo no maksoin mai ita. Nune’e, nu’udar hakerek nanis, “Ema nebé hahí an, sei hahí an iha Na’i”.\nSalmo Resposorial Sal. 32(33). 12-13, 18-21 (R. 12b)\nRefrão : Ksolok ba povo nebé Na’i hili nu’udar Nia lima-rohan!!! Repete-se\nKsolok ba povo nebé hili Na’i ba nia Maromak,\nReino nebé Maromak hili ba Nia lima-rohan.\nHousi Lalehan Na’i hanoin,\nNia hateke ba ema hot-hotu. Refrão\nMaromak tau matan ba sira be hamta’uk Nia,\nBa sira be hein Nia laran di’ak,\nAtu soi sira klamar housi mate,\nNo haraik ba sira aihan iha tempo hamlaha. Refrão\nIta neon hein Maromak,\nNia, ita biit, ita mahein.\nNa’i mak ksolok ita fuan nian,\nIta laran metin iha Nia naran santo. Refrão\nNa’i hateten, Ha’u fó ba imi mandamento foun:\nEvangelho Mt. 25. 14-30\nIha tempo nebá, Jesus dehan ba Nia escolante sira aiknanoik ida ne’e: “Ema ida, molok atu ba la’o rai, bolu nia atan sira hodi husik nia rikusoi ba sira. Ba ida, nia fó osan talenta lima, ba ida seluk nia fó rua, ba ida seluk tan nia fó ida; tuir ida-idak nia biit. Hafoin nia la’o tiha. Ida nebé simu talenta lima ne’e, fila liman kedas ho sira hodi manan tan lima. Nune’e mós, ida nebé simu rua, manan tan rua. Maibé, ida nebé simu de’it ida, ba ke’e rai kuak hodi hakoi subar nia na’i nia osan.\nKleur tiha, atan sira ne’e nia na’in fila mai hodi husu sira kona ba nia osan. Ida nebé simu talenta lima hakbesik hodi fó fali lima tan ba nia dehan: ‘Na’i, ita fó talenta lima mai ha’u, talenta lima tan nebé ha’u manan mak ne’e’. Na’i dehan ba nia: ‘Di’ak lós, atan di’ak no laran lós; tan ó hatudu laran lós iha buat nebé uitoan, ha’u sei fó buat barak ba ó atu tau matan. Tama ba ó na’i nia ksolok’. Tuir mai ida nebé simu talenta rua hakbesik dehan: ‘Na’i, ita fó mai ha’u talenta rua; rua seluk nebé ha’u manan mak ne’e’. Na’i hatan ba nia: ‘Di’ak lós, atan di’ak no laran lós; tan ó hatudu laran lós iha buat nebé ki’ik, ha’u sei fó ba ó buat barak atu tau matan. Tama ba ó na’i nia ksolok’.\nIkus liu ida nebé simu talenta ida, mosu mai dehan: ‘Ha’u hatene itaboot ema maka’as nebé ku’u iha nebé ita la kuda, halibur iha nebé ita la lekar. Tan ne’e ho ta’uk ha’u ba subar tiha ita nia osan iha rai; buat nebé ita nian mak ne’e’. Na’i hatan ba nia: ‘Atan áat no barukten! Ó hatene katak ha’u ku’u iha nebé ha’u la kuda, ha’u halibur iha nebé ha’u la lekar. Ne’e duni, tuir lolós ó sei lori ha’u nia osan ba banco; nune’e, fila tiha mai, ha’u bele foti ha’u nia osan ho funan. Ne’e duni, imi hasai tiha talenta housi nia hodi fó ba ida nebé iha sanulu. Basá ida nebé iha ona sei fó tan hodi hetan barak liu; maibé ba ida nebé la iha, uitoan nebé nia iha sei hasai tan housi nia. Kona ba atan folin laek ne’e, imi soe tiha nia ba nakukun iha liur, iha nebé iha tanis no ruun nehan.”’\nPrevious PostSexta-Feira, XXI Semana Tempo Comum (ANO A) Next PostFIAR DEIT BELE TAMA LALEHAN?…..LAE! CRUZ MAK CHAVE BA LALEHAN | [
"Sabado, XXI Semana Tempo Comum (ANO A) - Diocese de Dili Diocese de Dili > NOTICIAS > LETURA DIARIA > Sabado, XXI Semana Tempo Comum (ANO A) Sabado, XXI Semana Tempo Comum (ANO A) Posted on: August 28, 2020 by: Departamento Comunicacao Diocese Dili Primeira Leitura 1Cor.",
"26-31 Maun-alin sira: Hanoin didi'ak katak Maromak bolu imi ona.",
"Iha imi leet, ema matenek tuir ema nia hanoin la barak; ema biit na'in la barak, ema ran liurai la barak, maibe Maromak hili buat nebe ema hanoin katak beik atu halo bilan ema matenek sira; no Maromak hili buat nebe ema hanoin katak biit laek atu halo moe ida nebe maka'as; Maromak hili buat nebe kiak no ema hakribi iha mundo: sira nebe folin laek, atu halo lakon tiha sira nebe iha folin.",
"Nune'e ema ida la bele foti an iha Maromak futar oin.",
"Tan Nia mak imi hela iha Cristo Jesus, nebe sai Maromak nia matenek, no mos justica, moris santo no maksoin mai ita.",
"Nune'e, nu'udar hakerek nanis, \"Ema nebe hahi an, sei hahi an iha Na'i.\"",
"Salmo Resposorial Sal.",
"32 (33).",
"12-13, 18-21 (R. 12b) Refrao: Ksolok ba povo nebe Na'i hili nu'udar Nia lima-rohan!!!",
"Repete-se Ksolok ba povo nebe hili Na'i ba nia Maromak, Reino nebe Maromak hili ba Nia lima-rohan.",
"Housi Lalehan Na'i hanoin, Nia hateke ba ema hot-hotu.",
"Refrao Maromak tau matan ba sira be hamta'uk Nia, Ba sira be hein Nia laran di'ak, Atu soi sira klamar housi mate, No haraik ba sira aihan iha tempo hamlaha.",
"Refrao Ita neon hein Maromak, Nia, ita biit, ita mahein.",
"Na'i mak ksolok ita fuan nian, Ita laran metin iha Nia naran santo.",
"Refrao Na'i hateten, Ha'u fo ba imi mandamento foun: Evangelho Mt.",
"14-30 Iha tempo neba, Jesus dehan ba Nia escolante sira aiknanoik ida ne'e: \"Ema ida, molok atu ba la'o rai, bolu nia atan sira hodi husik nia rikusoi ba sira.",
"Ba ida, nia fo osan talenta lima, ba ida seluk nia fo rua, ba ida seluk tan nia fo ida; tuir ida-idak nia biit.",
"Hafoin nia la'o tiha.",
"Ida nebe simu talenta lima ne'e, fila liman kedas ho sira hodi manan tan lima.",
"Nune'e mos, ida nebe simu rua, manan tan rua.",
"Maibe, ida nebe simu de'it ida, ba ke'e rai kuak hodi hakoi subar nia na'i nia osan.",
"Kleur tiha, atan sira ne'e nia na'in fila mai hodi husu sira kona ba nia osan.",
"Ida nebe simu talenta lima hakbesik hodi fo fali lima tan ba nia dehan: 'Na'i, ita fo talenta lima mai ha'u, talenta lima tan nebe ha'u manan mak ne'e'.",
"Na'i dehan ba nia: 'Di'ak los, atan di'ak no laran los; tan o hatudu laran los iha buat nebe uitoan, ha'u sei fo buat barak ba o atu tau matan.",
"Tama ba o na'i nia ksolok'.",
"Tuir mai ida nebe simu talenta rua hakbesik dehan: 'Na'i, ita fo mai ha'u talenta rua; rua seluk nebe ha'u manan mak ne'e'.",
"Na'i hatan ba nia: 'Di'ak los, atan di'ak no laran los; tan o hatudu laran los iha buat nebe ki'ik, ha'u sei fo ba o buat barak atu tau matan.",
"Tama ba o na'i nia ksolok'.",
"Ikus liu ida nebe simu talenta ida, mosu mai dehan: 'Ha'u hatene itaboot ema maka'as nebe ku'u iha nebe ita la kuda, halibur iha nebe ita la lekar.",
"Tan ne'e ho ta'uk ha'u ba subar tiha ita nia osan iha rai; buat nebe ita nian mak ne'e'.",
"Na'i hatan ba nia: 'Atan aat no barukten!",
"O hatene katak ha'u ku'u iha nebe ha'u la kuda, ha'u halibur iha nebe ha'u la lekar.",
"Ne'e duni, tuir lolos o sei lori ha'u nia osan ba banco; nune'e, fila tiha mai, ha'u bele foti ha'u nia osan ho funan.",
"Ne'e duni, imi hasai tiha talenta housi nia hodi fo ba ida nebe iha sanulu.",
"Basa ida nebe iha ona sei fo tan hodi hetan barak liu; maibe ba ida nebe la iha, uitoan nebe nia iha sei hasai tan housi nia.",
"Kona ba atan folin laek ne'e, imi soe tiha nia ba nakukun iha liur, iha nebe iha tanis no ruun nehan.\"'",
"Previous PostSexta-Feira, XXI Semana Tempo Comum (ANO A) Next PostFIAR DEIT BELE TAMA LALEHAN?.....LAE!",
] | [
"Saturday, 21st Week in Ordinary Time (YEAR A) - Diocese of Dili Diocese de Díli > NOTÍCIAS> DAILY READINGS: SATURDAY OF THE XXIST WEEK IN ORDINARY TIMES Sundays Daily Reading Tuesday Posted on; August."
"1. Amendment of the Constitution"
"26-31 Brothers and sisters, remember that God has called you."
"The wise among you are not many according to man; the mighty ones, neither do kings. But God has chosen what is good in his eyes for a reward of wisdom: and he have choosed that which was strong before him as an abundant food-bearer (for it will be rich); He hath also selected those who were poor on earth but despised by men - even them whom people considered precious -- so they may destroy all their dealings with others.\""
"Thus no man can make himself perfect in the sight of God."
"For he is your God in Christ Jesus, who has become wisdom from Allah to us and righteousness as well."
"Thus, as it is written: \"He that loveth himself shall be loved in the Lord.\""
"Psalm Resposorial Ps. 103:2-4"
"32 (10). pp. 47–56, and pgs:"
"Psalm 12:8-9 (R.3b) Blessed is the people whom he has chosen for his own possession!"
"Blessed is the people who chooses Yahweh for their God, and blessed [is] his kingdom that he has chosen."
"From heaven the LORD looked down, and saw all mankind."
"God looks on those who fear him, and wait for his goodness. He will save them from death by breathing in their mouths; he'll give food when they are hungry.\""
"Refrao You don't wait for God, He is our strength and we are your power."
"The LORD is the joy of our hearts; keep your mind in his holy name."
"A new commandment have I given you, says the Lord: Mt."
"25. Assessment of the impacts on health"
"14 Then he said to his disciples, “It was like this: A certain man who would go on a long journey called for him all the servant-men and left them with everything that had been acquired."
"To one he gave five talents, to another two and yet again a single; according as each was able."
"After he walked away."
"He who had received the five talents went on and traded with them, making another fifth."
"Likewise, he who has received two will gain another double."
"But he who had received one went away into the field and threw in his master's money."
"And when the servants were gone, their lord came again and asked them for his money."
"And he that had received the five talents came, and brought him other fifth of them saying: Lord delivered unto me another femh talentou; behold I have gain'd others with it."
"The Lord said to him, 'Well done! You are a good and faithful servant; because you have been true in little I will give more."
"Enter thou into the joy of thy Lord.'"
"Then came he also that had received the two talents, saying: Lord delivered me twice more talentous; behold I have earned other twain with them."
"The Lord said to him, 'Well done! You are a good and true servant. Because you have been righteous in little I will give your eyes on many things;"
"Enter thou into the joy of thy Lord.'"
"Then came he also that had received one talent, and said: I knew thy lord how thou didst sow where we sowed not; And gatheredth from thence whither you laid no waste."
"Therefore I will go with a stick and bury our money in the ground; it is all that belongs to us.'"
"And the Lord said to him, 'Do not do evil or wrong!"
"You know that I sow where not sowed, and gather whence haven't laid up; you do my work."
"18 So I will surely bring my money to the bank, so that when i come back it may be received with joy."
"Therefore you took the talent from him and gave it to one who had ten."
"For he that hath shall give, and have more abundantly: but from him which has not even whatsoever He doth possess will be taken away."
"But the precious servant, you have cast him out into a waste place where there is dust and filth.'"
"Previous PostFriday, 21st Week in Ordinary Time (YEAR A) Next postFIAR DEIT BELE TAMA LALEHAN?.....LAE!"
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Deskobre alunu sira-nia intelejénsia ho teoria Haward Gardner | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste\nVARANDA OPINIAUN Deskobre alunu sira-nia intelejénsia ho teoria Haward Gardner\nDeskobre alunu sira-nia intelejénsia ho teoria Haward Gardner\nHosi: Júlio de Jesus*)\n“Ita labele hanorin “Ikan atu sa’e ba ai leten, se lae ikan sa’e la di’ak no ikus mai ita julga fali ikan dehan ikan ne’e beik. Nune’e, la bele dehan IQ test ne’e sai ona hanesan prova únika ba intelijénsia ema-nian. Manorin ne’ebé di’ak, tenke hanorin ikan ida oinsá atu sai nani-na’in ida ne’ebé profisionál (Albert Einstein).\nIha artigu simples ida ne’e atan ha’u mai ho hanoin ida katak deskobre alunu sira-nia intelijénsia rasik ne’e sai asuntu ida-ne’ebé presizja tau atensaun. IQ test/Intelligence Quotient test, la’ós dalan úniku hodi prova alunu/a ida matenek ou la matenek. Tanba IQ test ne’e vale de’it ba hirak ne’ebé tama de’it ba intelijénsia matemátika—lójika (Mathematical-Logical Intelligence) no la’ós katak sira mós bele sai espertu iha toka viola. Ha’u hanoin manorin sira tenke rekuñese alunu hotu-hotu hanesan ema matenek maibé iha ida-idak nia abilidade (edukasaun inkluziva ka edukasaun demokrátika) tuir teoria matenek-na’in Haward Gardner.\nHaward Earl Gardner moris iha Amérika iha loron 11 fulan jullu iha 1943, Scraton, Peninsilvania. Nia mós hanesan ko-diretór ba (project zero) PZ ne’e hanesan grupu ida-ne’ebé halo peskiza iha Harvard School Graduate School of Education. Iha nia vida akadémika, nia inspiradu loos ho livru Jean Piaget (psikólogu) ne’ebé trata kona-ba psokolojia dezenvolvimentu. Nia mós gosta aprende neuropsikolojia hosi Norman Geschwind no psikolinguísitiku hosi Roger Brow.\nDepois ramata lisensiatura, nia servisu ho psikolinguístiku Eric Erikson. Buat ne’ebé halo ema hotu hakfodak mak iha 1965, Gardner hetan lisensiadu ho tempu badak de’it maibé ho valor (summa cumlaude=sangat sempurna), iha 1965-1966 nia aprende filozofia no sosiolojia iha London School of Economic no iha 1971 mak nia halo hotu nia estudu iha Havard University ho gelar PhD. Depois iha 1986, nia hanorin iha Havard School of Education depois nia ba halo peskiza iha Xina no iha 1980 obra nia-nian sira halo hotu iha Cambridge Massachusetts. Iha tinan 1983 mak nia públika nia The Frame Of Mind: The Multiple Intelligence.\nTeoria bázika ba Intelinjénsia Múltipla, iha ne’e, Gardner fahe ba parte (8): Brain damage.\nNia hateten bainhira nia servisu hamutuk ho ema sira-ne’ebé hetan asidente, nia haree ema balun kanek no balu ulun rahun.\nGardner diskobre balun ne’ebé afetadu iha ulun mosu brain damage. Nia halo peskiza espesífika kakutak nian ida-ne’ebé mak la funsiona no loos duni nia deskobre iha área espesífika balun iha ulun la funsiona ona maibé seluk di’ak hela.\nGardner fó ezemplu: Bainhira nia atende pasiente ida ho kakutak afetadu tanba asidente maibé afeta espesífikamente ba left frontal lobe. Katak, ida-ne’e afeta kedas ba nia intelijénsia linguístika, nune’e pasiente ne’e susar atu hakerek no ko’alia. Maske nune’e pasiente ne’e sei bele dansa tanba intelijénsia múzikal ne’e seidauk estraga.\nHusi ne’e kedas nia hahú halo perkiza kle’an liu tan kona-ba intelijénsia múltipla. No Armstrong (2000) hakerek konaba “right-brain/left brain” model of learning in 1970s. Exceptional individual, Gardner fó ezemplu ida: Iha filme Rain Man ho karaterístika Raymond ne’ebé imitadu hosi Dustin Hoffman, Gardner deskobre logical-mathematical savant ou iha lian indonézia dehan Ahli logika-matematika.\nNia la hatene ko’alia maibé bainhira nia halo konta ba matemátika ho númeru boot nia hanoin no rezolve de’it iha nia kakutak, maibé nia hatudu ka demonstra nia kapasidade matemátika ida-ne’ebé inkrível tebes.\nAtu hateten nia ko’alia la di’ak ne’e la signifika nia la matenek, ita bele kategoria nia potensialidade ne’e iha intelijénsia matemátika no la’ós intelijénsia linguístika.\nTuir Armstrong (2000) he is not good at communicating with other people, or dealing with his own personal life ne’e, hamosu intelijénsia ida hanaran Intrapersonal Intelligence. Developmental history.\nIha parte ida-ne’e, Gardner dehan intelijénsia hotu ne’ebé nia deskobre ne’e mai ho ida-idak nia dezenvolvimentu istóriku rasik. Evolutional History, iha ne’e nia katak kada intelijénsia ne’e iha evolusaun istórika.\nTanba ne’e, istória ne’ebé ha’u asesu ne’e mak iha tinan 1983, Gardner kria uluk teoria múltipla intelijénsia ne’e ba hitu (7) no depois de ida-ne’e nia deskobre tan intelijénsia ida seluk nune’e sa’e ba (8).\nMaibé, nia mós promove hela kona-ba Naturalistic Intelligence, ida-ne’e refere liu ba hirak ne’ebé iha kapasidade hodi la’o (petualangan) journey/trip. Oras ne’e eskritór resente balun koko atu dezenvolve ona dehan ida-ne’e mos intelijénsia ida hosi intelijénsia sira seluk.\nPsychometric finding, Gardner sujere atu tenke iha padraun teste ba ema tuir ida-idak nia kapasidade.\nEzemplu hanesan Christison hateten (2005) the Weschsler Intelligence Scale for Children includes sub-tests that focus on several of the different intelligences” (p. 5).\nNune’e de’it alunu sira bele partisipa iha atividade akadémika tuir ida-idak nia intelijénsia bázika ne’ebé iha ona.\nExperimental psychological test, estudu psikolójiku lori ita ba komprende konaba intelijénsia separada.\nEzemplu: sira ne’ebé matenek iha leitura di’ak maibé sira difisil atu transfere sira nia kapasidade ida ne’e ba fali área seluk hanesan rezolve problema matemátika.\nEma balu ko’alia iha públiku sira nia retórika la’o di’ak, maibé bainhira sira kanta lian aat fali. Ema balu toka viola di’ak maibé joga bola la hatene.\nHusi sira ne’e mak Amstrong dehan people can demonstrate different levels of proficiency across the eight intelligences in each cognitive area (Armstrong, 2000, p. 8).\nSet of operational, iha ne’e Gardner hateten ema-nia intelijénsia ne’e mós hanesan komputadór ne’ebé presiza iha set of operational. Tanba ema-nia intelijénsia ne’e diferensa, nune’e manorin mós tenke uza metodolojia ne’ebé la hanesan hodi deskobre no tulun sira bainhira deskobre ona sira-nia intelijénsia rasik.\nEncoding in symbolic system, akordu ho Gardner, nia dehan indikadór ida-ne’ebé di’ak liu ba kapasidade umana atu deskobre sira nia karakterístika intelijénsia nian mak abilidade ida oinsa uza símbolu. Tanba kada símbolu iha nia-nia sentidu rasik.\nEzemplu iha intelijénsia liguístika ema hirak ne’ebé hatene di’ak kona-ba lee, hakerek no ko’alia. bainhira sira ko’alia lian Franses, Inglés ka Portugés no iha lian sira-ne’e nia laran iha linguajen gráfika refere liu ba dezeñista sira no sira seluk ne’ebé iha sira-nia linguajen rasik.\nHosi ne’e Gardner hakarak atu dehan manorin sira presiza tebes atu deskobre alunu sira-nia intelijénsia, maibé haree hosi símbolu linguajen oioin ne’ebé konsiste iha língua ida-nia laran.\nIntelijénsia ne’e mai hosi lian latin (verbo: inteligere) no nia adjetivu neutru mak (intelectum).\nTuir disionáriu España-Portugés (2001) katak intelijénsia ne’e hanesan fakuldade ida-ne’ebé atu entende no kuñese (p.750). Nune’e atu to’o iha entender e conhecer presiza sujeitu no objetu (tuir siénsia epistemolojia) tanba objetu provoka no sujeitu reazen hodi hamosu kuñesimentu no kuñesimentu ida-ne’e duni mak tenke to’o ka tuur iha Intelectum ne’e.\nHoward Gardner hatete ema ne’e normalmente iha matenek ka intelijénsia (8) ne’ebé la’ós ema ida bele hetan hotu matenek hirak ne’e.\nHo sentidu ida dehan katak bele oinsá mós sertamente ke ema ida bele hetan matenek ne’e ida ou liu ida ba leten. Tanba Gardner ne’e, psikólogu ida no mós peskizadór ba área edukasaun iha Universidade Harvard, nia kontra makaas métodu ida-ne’ebé konsidera de’it ema matenek bainhira ema refere liu iha teste Intelligence Quotient.\nTanba nia hateten ema hotu-hotu iha abilidade própria ne’ebé haksumik iha nia-aan no presiza tebes manorin sira-nia abilidade pedagójika hodi hatene katak kada alunu/a pertense ba intelijénsia ida-ne’ebé. Molok ita tama kle’an liután mai ita haree hamutuk matenek ka intelijénsia sira-ne’ebé Gardner deskobre:\nWord smart or book smart, iha ne’e nia dehan katak ema hirak ne’ebé tama iha intelijénsia ida ne’e sira iha abilidade atu hatene lalais no fásil ne’e mak língua: liuhosi lee, hakerek no ko’alia. Nia mós dehan katak se manorin ida hatene ka deskobre ona kada alunu sira-nia abilidade nune’e manorin ne’e mós tenke uza métodu ensinu iha arte ko’alia, arte leitura no arte hakerek. Tanba dirasaun finál ba intelijénsia ida-ne’e bele ajuda labarik ne’e fasil atu kapta matéria kapasidade bázika ne’ebé sira iha nanis ona. Projesaun aban bain rua nian ba labarik sira ho matenek nune’e sira bele sai linguístiku, aprezentadór, eskritór, tradutór, poeta no sesluk tan.\nLazear (2004) hateten intelijénsia ida-ne’e involve forma hotu-hotu hosi servisu língua nian inklui lee revista, novela, hakerek poezia, reportajem ka halo leitura; ema sira henesan ne’e ko’alia formál tebes iha audénsia sira no la formál bainhira sira ko’alia ho sira-nia belun. Ema sira hanesan ne’e intende no rona ho di’ak tebes ema nia liafuan, komprende ema-nia konversa karik hamutuk ho ema barak. Atu hateten katak sira hatene oinsá atu komunika. Intelijénsia ida ne’e mak kuaze ema hotu uza iha sira-nia vida diária no edukasaun públika (p.60). Iha ne’e mak presiza tebes manorin sira-nia abilidade pedagójika hodi indika dalan ba alunu sira tuir ida-idak nia matenek.\nMath smart or Logic smart, Gardner dehan katak ida-ne’e tama iha Intelligence Quotient ka IQ. Ema hirak ne’ebé tama iha intelijénsia ida-ne’e sempre konseitualiza buat hotu organizadu no sira fásil atu resolve problema tuir lójika matemáika nian.\nTuir Armstrong (1993) hateten intelijénsia ida-ne’e sempre hatuur iha númeru no lójika, no ne’e hanesan sientista, accountants (contadores) no computer programmers ne’ebé sempre uza iha sira-nia profisaun diária. Nia mós aumenta tan katak tipu intelijénsia ida-ne’e inklui mós abilidade atu rasionaliza, eskematiza programa ho di’ak, hanoin em termu kauza no efeitu, kria ipóteze no jeralmente sira sempre aproveita atu haree ba moris ida-ne’e ho rasionál (p.10). Amstrong haree intelijénsia ida-ne’e ho matan realidade nian liután hodi asentua nafatin ba manorin sira katak manorin sira-ne’ebé di’ak tenke hamriik metin iha pedagojia ensinu nian ne’ebé ho arte atu bele lori estudante sira deskobre sira-nia kapasidade intelektuál rasik no bele dezenvolve siénsia seluk ne’ebé sira prefere atu aprende.\nArt smart or Picture smart, Gardner hateten iha intelijénsia ida-ne’e reprezenta kuñesimentu ne’ebé mosu hosi forma, imajen, padraun, dezeñu no testu. Nia mós aumenta liután katak ema hirak ne’ebé tama iha intelijénsia ne’e sira bele dezeña ka bele sai pintor ne’ebé di’ak, colored makers, constrauction papers and geographer (tanba sira fásil no lalais tebes atu lee mapa). Nune’e alunu sira-ne’ebé manorin deskobre katak sira-nia abilidade iha intelijénsia ida-ne’e, manorin ne’e tenke introdús ba sira oinsá liuhosi abilidade ne’ebé iha ona hodi aplika ka aprende tan matéria seluk.\nTele (2000) hateten ema hirak ne’ebé tama iha intelijénsia ida-ne’e ho grau ne’ebé aas entaun sira bele servisu ho arte. Nia aumenta tan katak se iha ona indikasaun ba estudante sira-ne’ebé pertense ba intelijénsia ida-ne’e manorin tenke introdús ba sira oinsá sai Artista Gráfiku, Kartógrafa, Dezeñista, Arkitekta, Pintór no Eskultór ne’ebé di’ak.\nSelf smart or Introspection smart, Gardner hateten iha intelijénsia ida-ne’e ita bele hanaran mos Introspective intelligence ka intelijénsia introspektiva. Ne’e dehan katak matenek ida-ne’ebé hatene tama fali ba nia-aan rasik. Gardner (1993) hateten se deskobre katak alunu sira matenek iha intelijénsia ida-ne’e, Gardner akonsella manorin sira atu labele fó traballu grupu ba sira tanba sira la toman halo traballu ka servisu ho ema seluk. Sira tenke hetan traballu pesoál tanba ho ne’e de’it mak sira sente hakmatek. Alunu sira hanesan ne’e nonook mak barak no sira ladún konfortável bainhira sira rona ema barullu. Nia mós hateten tan katak intelijénsia ida-ne’e hanesan the intelligence of understanding oneself (Gardner 1999).\nArmstrong (1993) asentua katak ema hirak be tama iha intelijénsia ida-ne’e furak liu bainhira sira espesializa sira-nia estudu hanesan; konselleiru, teólogu no bele sai mós auto-empregu. Tanba sira-ne’e ba ema hirak ne’ebé gosta halo meditasaun no kontempla, nune’e sira prefere atu servisu mesak duké hamutuk ho ema seluk.\nBody smart or Movement smart, iha intelijénsia ida-ne’e mak Gardner dehan learn by doing ka belajar dengan melakukan. Nia dehan katak intelijénsia ida-ne’e mos importante tebes tamba the body “knows” many things that are not necessarily known by the conscious, logical mind. Ezemplu hanesan; oinsa sa’e bisikleta, oinsá mantein nafatin balansu bainhira la’o hela iha tali leten ka baki nia leten, oinsá dansa. Gardner akonsella se estudante sira-ne’ebé kategoria ona ba intelijénsia ida-ne’e manorin tenke konduz sira oinsá bele estuda didi’ak ka prepara-aan hodi espesializa estudu iha psikolojia (linguajen korporal), nia m’os bele sai atleta, no mós injineru.\nPeople smart or Group smart, iha intelijénsia ida-ne’e mak nia hanaran person-to-person the way of knowing. Katak, maneira atu kuñese ema ida ba ema seluk ka koñese ema ida ho ema seluk. Gardner (1999) hateten hirak ne’ebé tama iha intelijénsia ne’e sira bele fásil atu hatene ema seluk nia motivasaun, intensaun no ema seluk nia dejezu nune’e furak liu atu servisu hamutuk.\nAmstrong (1993) hateten interpersonalidade intelijénsia pesoál ida bele sai kompasivu tebes no sosialmente responsável hanesan Mahatma Gandhi ka manipulativu no destreza hanesan Machiavelli (p.10). Nune’e atu hateten de’it katak intelijénsia ida-ne’e mak alunu sira sente no karik tulun hosi manorin sira no ikus mai deskobre katak sira tama iha ne’e duni. Ha’u akonsella atu traballu ka atividade akadémika sira tenke tau sira-ne’e hamutuk atu sira bele aprende no fasil atu sira komunika ba malu.\nNature smart or Environment smart, iha intelijénsia ida-ne’e Gardner (1999) hateten sira hirak ne’ebé bele distinge no klasifika espésie oioin iha nia-nia meiu ambiente rasik. Ema hirak ne’e iha abilidade atu sai kasadór ne’ebé espertu, bele sai to’o na’in ne’ebé profisionál, bele espesializa iha agrikultura nian, jardiñeiru ne’ebé iha arte ka estétika bainhira tesik aifunan sira. Armstrong (1993) hateten the naturalist reveals the intelligence of the “green thumb”—that knack that some people have to garden, to nurture household plants, create wonderful landscapes, or in other ways show a natural care for flora (p. 225).\nMusic smart or Sound smart, iha intelijénsia ida-ne’e bele deskobre liuhosi lian no vibrasaun sira. Tanba ne’e mak Gardner mós bolu intelijénsia ida-ne’e dehan auditory-vibrational. Nune’e mak manorin sira deskobre katak alunu sira espertu iha múzika (toka no kanta) presija tebes atu ajuda sira oinsá mak rona múzika hodi estuda ka servisu. Ou bele mós akonsella alunu sira atu buka hatene maneira (dekora múzika) no aplika ba iha matéria. Se alunu sira-ne’e apaixonadu loos ho múzika, manorin koko tulun sira atu espesializa-aan hodi sai múziku sira ne’ebé di’ak ka kualidade. Teoria ne’e aplika ona iha Rejiaun Ázia Pasífika, Europa, Amérika Sul e Estadus unidus. Mai ita haré hamutuk nasaun sira ne’ebé aplika ona teoria ne’e iha sira nia kúrikulu no atividade ekstra kurikular sira.\nIha Parte Rejiaun Ázia Pasífika: Xina, Xina Kontinental, Makau, Japaun, Korea Sul. Iha parte Europa nian maka: Noruega, Dinamarke, Inglaterra, Irlanda, Turkia. Iha parte América do Sul maka: Arjentina, Kolombiana. Iha parte Estados Unidos maka JIE-QI CHEN NO SEANA MORAN la indika nasaun sira-ne’ebé aplika ona teoria ne’e. Maibé em jeral eskritór na’in hitu (7) CHRIS KUNKEL, THOMAS R. HOERR, RENÉ DÍAZ-LEFEBVRE, C. JUNE MAKER | KETTY SAROUPHIM, VINCENT RIZZO no C. BRANTON SHEARER fó ona sasin liuhosi sira-nia artigu bainhira hetan intervensaun hosi teoria múltipla intelijénsia. Atu dehan saida konaba esperiénsia hosi Estadu avansadu sira ne’e mai ita hanesan estadu konstrutivu Timor-Leste?\nAtu dehan katak ita-nia edukasaun mós presiza atu hatama teoria intelijénsia multípla iha sistema kurríkular atu bele garante ema hotu nia partisipasaun hanesan KRDTL artigu 590 nú. 1. The State shall recognise and guarantee that every citizen has the right to education and culture ……. no mós iha vizaun hosi Planu Dezenvolvimetu Edukasaun Nasional (2011-2030) ne’ebé hateten katak: Em 2030, o povo de Timor-Leste irá estar educado, informado e qualificado para vivern uma vida longa e produtiva, respeitando os valores tradicionais, da paz e da família. Todos os indivíduos terão as mesmas oportunidades no acesso à educação de qualidade, que lhes permitam par ticipar no processo de desenvolvimento económico, social e político, assegurando a equidade social e a unidade timorense (PEDN: 2011, p.16).\nIha ne’bé ha’u tau bold ne’e hatudu katak hosi vizaun edukasaun ne’e iha ona hanoin atu Timoroan hotu bele hetan edukasaun demokrátika ka inkluziva maibe difisil tanba seidauk aplika teoria ne’ebé atan ha’u temi iha leten. Teoria ne’e bele aplika iha eskola? Bele tebes no ida-ne’e presiza tebes atu hala’o. Atividade sira-ne’e la’ós hahú depois de prosesu aprendijzeen la’o ne’e difisil. Eskola tenke trasa nia planu ho di’ak atu halo teste ba lunu foun sira-ne’e prepara matéria teste nian sira tuir intelijénsia ne’ebé aprezenta ona. Nune’e atu hahú aula letiva normál, klase sira-ne’ebé fahe tenke tau hamutuk estudante sira-ne’ebé kategorizadu bazea ba teste. Hanesan ne’e de’it mak manorin bele tulun estudante sira hodi dezenvolve sira nia kapasidade intelektuál.\nIha intelijénsia múltipla (IM) rekoñese ema hotu matenek ka iha intelijénsia maibé iha Intelligence Quotient (IQ) rekoñese de’it ema sira-ne’ebé tama iha Intelijénsia linguístika, intelijénsia lógika-matemátika katak sira mak matenek bainhira sira bele lee, hakerek no ko’alia. Maluk leitor sira! oinsa mak ita bele konjuga área teórika rua ne’e? ita bele konjuga tanba kada intelijénsia presiza mos intelijénsia seluk hodi halo nia kle’an no klaru liután. Hanesan Amstrong (2000) hateten;\nTo cook a meal, one must read the recipe (linguistic), possibly divide the recipe in half (logical-mathematical), develop a menu that satisfies all members of a family (interpersonal), and placate one’s own appetite as well (intrapersonal). Similarly, when a child plays a game of kickball, he needs bodily-kinesthetic intelligence (to run, kick, and catch), spatial intelligence (to orient himself to the playing field and to anticipate the trajectories of flying balls), and linguistic and interpersonal intelligences (to successfully argue a point during a dispute in the game (p.9)\nHanesan manorin ida mak nia konsege lori alunu sira deskobre nia intelijénsia rasik ne’e hatudu katak Manorin ne’e vale a pena iha nia knar murak ne’e. Nune’e manorin sira tenke hariku-aan ho aprosimasaun ba estudante sira. Manorin tenke forma kondisaun atu alunu sira bele expose sira-nia kapasidade. Maibé manorin ba eskola mak hanesan liurai no alunu sira ta’uk tan entaun konserteza manorin mós sei la deskobre alunu sira nia kapasidade. Bainhira alunu ida nia valor tun, manorin ne’e nia iha dever étika no morál husu nia konsiénsia rasik atu bele buka tuir hodi deskobre tanbasá alunu/a ne’e valór tun no valór boot hotu, no labele haree liu sira-ne’e ka la interese ba sira tanba Armstrong (2000) hateten katak a person’s “weak” intelligence may turn out to be a “strong intelligence” if he or she is given a chance to develop it.\nIkus liu, atan ha’u hakarak konklui katak ema hotu-hotu iha intelijénsia maske presiza atu tulun hirak ne’ebé prezija tulun. Edukasaun sai fatór importante no haree ba Estadu foun hanesan Timor-Leste ne’e edukasaun tenke sai fatór importante ida maibé hirak ne’e iha ema boot sira-nia liman. Manorin sira tenke sai matadalan hodi deskobre intelijénsia alunu sira-nian katak manorin sirapne’e domina abilidade pedagójika hodi tulun estudante sira tuir intelijénsia bázika ne’ebé sira iha ona. Tamba manorin sira la bele haruka alunu sira atu halo buat ne’ebé naturalmente no istórikamente sira la bele no difisil atu halo. Ha’u sita ezemplu ne’ebé Albert Einstein dehan katak ita la bele hanorin “Ikan atu sa’e ba ai leten se lae ikan sa’e la di’ak no ikus mai ita julga fali ikan dehan nia beik”. Nune’e, la bele dehan katak IQ test ne’e sai ona hanesan prova únika ba intelijénsia ema-nian. Manorin ne’ebé di’ak ne’e, tenke hanorin ikan ida oinsá atu sai nani-na’in ida ne’ebé profisionál.\nDalan di’ak ida atu dezenvolve alunu sira-nia kapasidade hanesan Tele (2000) dehan manorin tenke deskobre alunu ne’e nia kapasidade aas-liu mak ida-ne’ebé no fraku-liu mak ida ne’ebé, atu nune’e sira bele transfere ka tradús fali intelijénsia ida-ne’ebé forte ne’e, ba fali intelijénsia ne’ebé fraka (p.60). Maibé molok tama ida-ne’e nesesáriu tebes atu manorin sira domina intelijénsia tuir Gardner nia teoria, atu nune’e fásil deskobre alunu sira-nia abilidade. Se sira hatene ona sira-nia pontu forte no frakeza, entaun manorin tenke kondisiona de’it konsidadun ho atividade akadémika sira atu alunu sira dezenvolve rasik tuir sira-nia natureza. Só hanesan ne’e de’it mak ita bele garante edukasaun kualifikada.\n*) Hakerek na’in nu’udar Estudante husi departamentu filozofia ISFIT Fatumeta Dili\nPrevious articleDP fahe informasaun asisténsia ba vítima iha krime violénsia doméstika\nNext article2019, SEII rejistu kazu violénsia doméstika-asédiu seksuál hamutuk 1.338\nEmanueel February 20, 2021 at 7:58 am\nParabéns irmão sussesu nafatin..abraços | [
"Deskobre alunu sira-nia intelejensia ho teoria Haward Gardner | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA OPINIAUN Deskobre alunu sira-nia intelejensia ho teoria Haward Gardner Deskobre alunu sira-nia intelejensia ho teoria Haward Gardner Hosi: Julio de Jesus*) \"Ita labele hanorin \"Ikan atu sa'e ba ai leten, se lae ikan sa'e la di'ak no ikus mai ita julga fali ikan dehan ikan ne'e beik.",
"Nune'e, la bele dehan IQ test ne'e sai ona hanesan prova unika ba intelijensia ema-nian.",
"Manorin ne'ebe di'ak, tenke hanorin ikan ida oinsa atu sai nani-na'in ida ne'ebe profisional (Albert Einstein).",
"Iha artigu simples ida ne'e atan ha'u mai ho hanoin ida katak deskobre alunu sira-nia intelijensia rasik ne'e sai asuntu ida-ne'ebe presizja tau atensaun.",
"IQ test/Intelligence Quotient test, la'os dalan uniku hodi prova alunu/a ida matenek ou la matenek.",
"Tanba IQ test ne'e vale de'it ba hirak ne'ebe tama de'it ba intelijensia matematika - lojika (Mathematical-Logical Intelligence) no la'os katak sira mos bele sai espertu iha toka viola.",
"Ha'u hanoin manorin sira tenke rekunese alunu hotu-hotu hanesan ema matenek maibe iha ida-idak nia abilidade (edukasaun inkluziva ka edukasaun demokratika) tuir teoria matenek-na'in Haward Gardner.",
"Haward Earl Gardner moris iha Amerika iha loron 11 fulan jullu iha 1943, Scraton, Peninsilvania.",
"Nia mos hanesan ko-diretor ba (project zero) PZ ne'e hanesan grupu ida-ne'ebe halo peskiza iha Harvard School Graduate School of Education.",
"Iha nia vida akademika, nia inspiradu loos ho livru Jean Piaget (psikologu) ne'ebe trata kona-ba psokolojia dezenvolvimentu.",
"Nia mos gosta aprende neuropsikolojia hosi Norman Geschwind no psikolinguisitiku hosi Roger Brow.",
"Depois ramata lisensiatura, nia servisu ho psikolinguistiku Eric Erikson.",
"Buat ne'ebe halo ema hotu hakfodak mak iha 1965, Gardner hetan lisensiadu ho tempu badak de'it maibe ho valor (summa cumlaude=sangat sempurna), iha 1965-1966 nia aprende filozofia no sosiolojia iha London School of Economic no iha 1971 mak nia halo hotu nia estudu iha Havard University ho gelar PhD.",
"Depois iha 1986, nia hanorin iha Havard School of Education depois nia ba halo peskiza iha Xina no iha 1980 obra nia-nian sira halo hotu iha Cambridge Massachusetts.",
"Iha tinan 1983 mak nia publika nia The Frame Of Mind: The Multiple Intelligence.",
"Teoria bazika ba Intelinjensia Multipla, iha ne'e, Gardner fahe ba parte (8): Brain damage.",
"Nia hateten bainhira nia servisu hamutuk ho ema sira-ne'ebe hetan asidente, nia haree ema balun kanek no balu ulun rahun.",
"Gardner diskobre balun ne'ebe afetadu iha ulun mosu brain damage.",
"Nia halo peskiza espesifika kakutak nian ida-ne'ebe mak la funsiona no loos duni nia deskobre iha area espesifika balun iha ulun la funsiona ona maibe seluk di'ak hela.",
"Gardner fo ezemplu: Bainhira nia atende pasiente ida ho kakutak afetadu tanba asidente maibe afeta espesifikamente ba left frontal lobe.",
"Katak, ida-ne'e afeta kedas ba nia intelijensia linguistika, nune'e pasiente ne'e susar atu hakerek no ko'alia.",
"Maske nune'e pasiente ne'e sei bele dansa tanba intelijensia muzikal ne'e seidauk estraga.",
"Husi ne'e kedas nia hahu halo perkiza kle'an liu tan kona-ba intelijensia multipla.",
"No Armstrong (2000) hakerek konaba \"right-brain/left brain\" model of learning in 1970s.",
"Exceptional individual, Gardner fo ezemplu ida: Iha filme Rain Man ho karateristika Raymond ne'ebe imitadu hosi Dustin Hoffman, Gardner deskobre logical-mathematical savant ou iha lian indonezia dehan Ahli logika-matematika.",
"Nia la hatene ko'alia maibe bainhira nia halo konta ba matematika ho numeru boot nia hanoin no rezolve de'it iha nia kakutak, maibe nia hatudu ka demonstra nia kapasidade matematika ida-ne'ebe inkrivel tebes.",
"Atu hateten nia ko'alia la di'ak ne'e la signifika nia la matenek, ita bele kategoria nia potensialidade ne'e iha intelijensia matematika no la'os intelijensia linguistika.",
"Tuir Armstrong (2000) he is not good at communicating with other people, or dealing with his own personal life ne'e, hamosu intelijensia ida hanaran Intrapersonal Intelligence.",
"Developmental history.",
"Iha parte ida-ne'e, Gardner dehan intelijensia hotu ne'ebe nia deskobre ne'e mai ho ida-idak nia dezenvolvimentu istoriku rasik.",
"Evolutional History, iha ne'e nia katak kada intelijensia ne'e iha evolusaun istorika.",
"Tanba ne'e, istoria ne'ebe ha'u asesu ne'e mak iha tinan 1983, Gardner kria uluk teoria multipla intelijensia ne'e ba hitu (7) no depois de ida-ne'e nia deskobre tan intelijensia ida seluk nune'e sa'e ba (8).",
"Maibe, nia mos promove hela kona-ba Naturalistic Intelligence, ida-ne'e refere liu ba hirak ne'ebe iha kapasidade hodi la'o (petualangan) journey/trip.",
"Oras ne'e eskritor resente balun koko atu dezenvolve ona dehan ida-ne'e mos intelijensia ida hosi intelijensia sira seluk.",
"Psychometric finding, Gardner sujere atu tenke iha padraun teste ba ema tuir ida-idak nia kapasidade.",
"Ezemplu hanesan Christison hateten (2005) the Weschsler Intelligence Scale for Children includes sub-tests that focus on several of the different intelligences\" (p.",
"Nune'e de'it alunu sira bele partisipa iha atividade akademika tuir ida-idak nia intelijensia bazika ne'ebe iha ona.",
"Experimental psychological test, estudu psikolojiku lori ita ba komprende konaba intelijensia separada.",
"Ezemplu: sira ne'ebe matenek iha leitura di'ak maibe sira difisil atu transfere sira nia kapasidade ida ne'e ba fali area seluk hanesan rezolve problema matematika.",
"Ema balu ko'alia iha publiku sira nia retorika la'o di'ak, maibe bainhira sira kanta lian aat fali.",
"Ema balu toka viola di'ak maibe joga bola la hatene.",
"Husi sira ne'e mak Amstrong dehan people can demonstrate different levels of proficiency across the eight intelligences in each cognitive area (Armstrong, 2000, p.",
"Set of operational, iha ne'e Gardner hateten ema-nia intelijensia ne'e mos hanesan komputador ne'ebe presiza iha set of operational.",
"Tanba ema-nia intelijensia ne'e diferensa, nune'e manorin mos tenke uza metodolojia ne'ebe la hanesan hodi deskobre no tulun sira bainhira deskobre ona sira-nia intelijensia rasik.",
"Encoding in symbolic system, akordu ho Gardner, nia dehan indikador ida-ne'ebe di'ak liu ba kapasidade umana atu deskobre sira nia karakteristika intelijensia nian mak abilidade ida oinsa uza simbolu.",
"Tanba kada simbolu iha nia-nia sentidu rasik.",
"Ezemplu iha intelijensia liguistika ema hirak ne'ebe hatene di'ak kona-ba lee, hakerek no ko'alia. bainhira sira ko'alia lian Franses, Ingles ka Portuges no iha lian sira-ne'e nia laran iha linguajen grafika refere liu ba dezenista sira no sira seluk ne'ebe iha sira-nia linguajen rasik.",
"Hosi ne'e Gardner hakarak atu dehan manorin sira presiza tebes atu deskobre alunu sira-nia intelijensia, maibe haree hosi simbolu linguajen oioin ne'ebe konsiste iha lingua ida-nia laran.",
"Intelijensia ne'e mai hosi lian latin (verbo: inteligere) no nia adjetivu neutru mak (intelectum).",
"Tuir disionariu Espana-Portuges (2001) katak intelijensia ne'e hanesan fakuldade ida-ne'ebe atu entende no kunese (p.750).",
"Nune'e atu to'o iha entender e conhecer presiza sujeitu no objetu (tuir siensia epistemolojia) tanba objetu provoka no sujeitu reazen hodi hamosu kunesimentu no kunesimentu ida-ne'e duni mak tenke to'o ka tuur iha Intelectum ne'e.",
"Howard Gardner hatete ema ne'e normalmente iha matenek ka intelijensia (8) ne'ebe la'os ema ida bele hetan hotu matenek hirak ne'e.",
"Ho sentidu ida dehan katak bele oinsa mos sertamente ke ema ida bele hetan matenek ne'e ida ou liu ida ba leten.",
"Tanba Gardner ne'e, psikologu ida no mos peskizador ba area edukasaun iha Universidade Harvard, nia kontra makaas metodu ida-ne'ebe konsidera de'it ema matenek bainhira ema refere liu iha teste Intelligence Quotient.",
"Tanba nia hateten ema hotu-hotu iha abilidade propria ne'ebe haksumik iha nia-aan no presiza tebes manorin sira-nia abilidade pedagojika hodi hatene katak kada alunu/a pertense ba intelijensia ida-ne'ebe.",
"Molok ita tama kle'an liutan mai ita haree hamutuk matenek ka intelijensia sira-ne'ebe Gardner deskobre: Word smart or book smart, iha ne'e nia dehan katak ema hirak ne'ebe tama iha intelijensia ida ne'e sira iha abilidade atu hatene lalais no fasil ne'e mak lingua: liuhosi lee, hakerek no ko'alia.",
"Nia mos dehan katak se manorin ida hatene ka deskobre ona kada alunu sira-nia abilidade nune'e manorin ne'e mos tenke uza metodu ensinu iha arte ko'alia, arte leitura no arte hakerek.",
"Tanba dirasaun final ba intelijensia ida-ne'e bele ajuda labarik ne'e fasil atu kapta materia kapasidade bazika ne'ebe sira iha nanis ona.",
"Projesaun aban bain rua nian ba labarik sira ho matenek nune'e sira bele sai linguistiku, aprezentador, eskritor, tradutor, poeta no sesluk tan.",
"Lazear (2004) hateten intelijensia ida-ne'e involve forma hotu-hotu hosi servisu lingua nian inklui lee revista, novela, hakerek poezia, reportajem ka halo leitura; ema sira henesan ne'e ko'alia formal tebes iha audensia sira no la formal bainhira sira ko'alia ho sira-nia belun.",
"Ema sira hanesan ne'e intende no rona ho di'ak tebes ema nia liafuan, komprende ema-nia konversa karik hamutuk ho ema barak.",
"Atu hateten katak sira hatene oinsa atu komunika.",
"Intelijensia ida ne'e mak kuaze ema hotu uza iha sira-nia vida diaria no edukasaun publika (p.60).",
"Iha ne'e mak presiza tebes manorin sira-nia abilidade pedagojika hodi indika dalan ba alunu sira tuir ida-idak nia matenek.",
"Math smart or Logic smart, Gardner dehan katak ida-ne'e tama iha Intelligence Quotient ka IQ.",
"Ema hirak ne'ebe tama iha intelijensia ida-ne'e sempre konseitualiza buat hotu organizadu no sira fasil atu resolve problema tuir lojika matemaika nian.",
"Tuir Armstrong (1993) hateten intelijensia ida-ne'e sempre hatuur iha numeru no lojika, no ne'e hanesan sientista, accountants (contadores) no computer programmers ne'ebe sempre uza iha sira-nia profisaun diaria.",
"Nia mos aumenta tan katak tipu intelijensia ida-ne'e inklui mos abilidade atu rasionaliza, eskematiza programa ho di'ak, hanoin em termu kauza no efeitu, kria ipoteze no jeralmente sira sempre aproveita atu haree ba moris ida-ne'e ho rasional (p.10).",
"Amstrong haree intelijensia ida-ne'e ho matan realidade nian liutan hodi asentua nafatin ba manorin sira katak manorin sira-ne'ebe di'ak tenke hamriik metin iha pedagojia ensinu nian ne'ebe ho arte atu bele lori estudante sira deskobre sira-nia kapasidade intelektual rasik no bele dezenvolve siensia seluk ne'ebe sira prefere atu aprende.",
"Art smart or Picture smart, Gardner hateten iha intelijensia ida-ne'e reprezenta kunesimentu ne'ebe mosu hosi forma, imajen, padraun, dezenu no testu.",
"Nia mos aumenta liutan katak ema hirak ne'ebe tama iha intelijensia ne'e sira bele dezena ka bele sai pintor ne'ebe di'ak, colored makers, constrauction papers and geographer (tanba sira fasil no lalais tebes atu lee mapa).",
"Nune'e alunu sira-ne'ebe manorin deskobre katak sira-nia abilidade iha intelijensia ida-ne'e, manorin ne'e tenke introdus ba sira oinsa liuhosi abilidade ne'ebe iha ona hodi aplika ka aprende tan materia seluk.",
"Tele (2000) hateten ema hirak ne'ebe tama iha intelijensia ida-ne'e ho grau ne'ebe aas entaun sira bele servisu ho arte.",
"Nia aumenta tan katak se iha ona indikasaun ba estudante sira-ne'ebe pertense ba intelijensia ida-ne'e manorin tenke introdus ba sira oinsa sai Artista Grafiku, Kartografa, Dezenista, Arkitekta, Pintor no Eskultor ne'ebe di'ak.",
"Self smart or Introspection smart, Gardner hateten iha intelijensia ida-ne'e ita bele hanaran mos Introspective intelligence ka intelijensia introspektiva.",
"Ne'e dehan katak matenek ida-ne'ebe hatene tama fali ba nia-aan rasik.",
"Gardner (1993) hateten se deskobre katak alunu sira matenek iha intelijensia ida-ne'e, Gardner akonsella manorin sira atu labele fo traballu grupu ba sira tanba sira la toman halo traballu ka servisu ho ema seluk.",
"Sira tenke hetan traballu pesoal tanba ho ne'e de'it mak sira sente hakmatek.",
"Alunu sira hanesan ne'e nonook mak barak no sira ladun konfortavel bainhira sira rona ema barullu.",
"Nia mos hateten tan katak intelijensia ida-ne'e hanesan the intelligence of understanding oneself (Gardner 1999).",
"Armstrong (1993) asentua katak ema hirak be tama iha intelijensia ida-ne'e furak liu bainhira sira espesializa sira-nia estudu hanesan; konselleiru, teologu no bele sai mos auto-empregu.",
"Tanba sira-ne'e ba ema hirak ne'ebe gosta halo meditasaun no kontempla, nune'e sira prefere atu servisu mesak duke hamutuk ho ema seluk.",
"Body smart or Movement smart, iha intelijensia ida-ne'e mak Gardner dehan learn by doing ka belajar dengan melakukan.",
"Nia dehan katak intelijensia ida-ne'e mos importante tebes tamba the body \"knows\" many things that are not necessarily known by the conscious, logical mind.",
"Ezemplu hanesan; oinsa sa'e bisikleta, oinsa mantein nafatin balansu bainhira la'o hela iha tali leten ka baki nia leten, oinsa dansa.",
"Gardner akonsella se estudante sira-ne'ebe kategoria ona ba intelijensia ida-ne'e manorin tenke konduz sira oinsa bele estuda didi'ak ka prepara-aan hodi espesializa estudu iha psikolojia (linguajen korporal), nia m'os bele sai atleta, no mos injineru.",
"People smart or Group smart, iha intelijensia ida-ne'e mak nia hanaran person-to-person the way of knowing.",
"Katak, maneira atu kunese ema ida ba ema seluk ka konese ema ida ho ema seluk.",
"Gardner (1999) hateten hirak ne'ebe tama iha intelijensia ne'e sira bele fasil atu hatene ema seluk nia motivasaun, intensaun no ema seluk nia dejezu nune'e furak liu atu servisu hamutuk.",
"Amstrong (1993) hateten interpersonalidade intelijensia pesoal ida bele sai kompasivu tebes no sosialmente responsavel hanesan Mahatma Gandhi ka manipulativu no destreza hanesan Machiavelli (p.10).",
"Nune'e atu hateten de'it katak intelijensia ida-ne'e mak alunu sira sente no karik tulun hosi manorin sira no ikus mai deskobre katak sira tama iha ne'e duni.",
"Ha'u akonsella atu traballu ka atividade akademika sira tenke tau sira-ne'e hamutuk atu sira bele aprende no fasil atu sira komunika ba malu.",
"Nature smart or Environment smart, iha intelijensia ida-ne'e Gardner (1999) hateten sira hirak ne'ebe bele distinge no klasifika espesie oioin iha nia-nia meiu ambiente rasik.",
"Ema hirak ne'e iha abilidade atu sai kasador ne'ebe espertu, bele sai to'o na'in ne'ebe profisional, bele espesializa iha agrikultura nian, jardineiru ne'ebe iha arte ka estetika bainhira tesik aifunan sira.",
"Armstrong (1993) hateten the naturalist reveals the intelligence of the \"green thumb\" - that knack that some people have to garden, to nurture household plants, create wonderful landscapes, or in other ways show a natural care for flora (p.",
"Music smart or Sound smart, iha intelijensia ida-ne'e bele deskobre liuhosi lian no vibrasaun sira.",
"Tanba ne'e mak Gardner mos bolu intelijensia ida-ne'e dehan auditory-vibrational.",
"Nune'e mak manorin sira deskobre katak alunu sira espertu iha muzika (toka no kanta) presija tebes atu ajuda sira oinsa mak rona muzika hodi estuda ka servisu.",
"Ou bele mos akonsella alunu sira atu buka hatene maneira (dekora muzika) no aplika ba iha materia.",
"Se alunu sira-ne'e apaixonadu loos ho muzika, manorin koko tulun sira atu espesializa-aan hodi sai muziku sira ne'ebe di'ak ka kualidade.",
"Teoria ne'e aplika ona iha Rejiaun Azia Pasifika, Europa, Amerika Sul e Estadus unidus.",
"Mai ita hare hamutuk nasaun sira ne'ebe aplika ona teoria ne'e iha sira nia kurikulu no atividade ekstra kurikular sira.",
"Iha Parte Rejiaun Azia Pasifika: Xina, Xina Kontinental, Makau, Japaun, Korea Sul.",
"Iha parte Europa nian maka: Noruega, Dinamarke, Inglaterra, Irlanda, Turkia.",
"Iha parte America do Sul maka: Arjentina, Kolombiana.",
"Iha parte Estados Unidos maka JIE-QI CHEN NO SEANA MORAN la indika nasaun sira-ne'ebe aplika ona teoria ne'e.",
"Maibe em jeral eskritor na'in hitu (7) CHRIS KUNKEL, THOMAS R. HOERR, RENE DIAZ-LEFEBVRE, C. JUNE MAKER | KETTY SAROUPHIM, VINCENT RIZZO no C. BRANTON SHEARER fo ona sasin liuhosi sira-nia artigu bainhira hetan intervensaun hosi teoria multipla intelijensia.",
"Atu dehan saida konaba esperiensia hosi Estadu avansadu sira ne'e mai ita hanesan estadu konstrutivu Timor-Leste?",
"Atu dehan katak ita-nia edukasaun mos presiza atu hatama teoria intelijensia multipla iha sistema kurrikular atu bele garante ema hotu nia partisipasaun hanesan KRDTL artigu 590 nu.",
"The State shall recognise and guarantee that every citizen has the right to education and culture ....... no mos iha vizaun hosi Planu Dezenvolvimetu Edukasaun Nasional (2011-2030) ne'ebe hateten katak: Em 2030, o povo de Timor-Leste ira estar educado, informado e qualificado para vivern uma vida longa e produtiva, respeitando os valores tradicionais, da paz e da familia.",
"Todos os individuos terao as mesmas oportunidades no acesso a educacao de qualidade, que lhes permitam par ticipar no processo de desenvolvimento economico, social e politico, assegurando a equidade social e a unidade timorense (PEDN: 2011, p.16).",
"Iha ne'be ha'u tau bold ne'e hatudu katak hosi vizaun edukasaun ne'e iha ona hanoin atu Timoroan hotu bele hetan edukasaun demokratika ka inkluziva maibe difisil tanba seidauk aplika teoria ne'ebe atan ha'u temi iha leten.",
"Teoria ne'e bele aplika iha eskola?",
"Bele tebes no ida-ne'e presiza tebes atu hala'o.",
"Atividade sira-ne'e la'os hahu depois de prosesu aprendijzeen la'o ne'e difisil.",
"Eskola tenke trasa nia planu ho di'ak atu halo teste ba lunu foun sira-ne'e prepara materia teste nian sira tuir intelijensia ne'ebe aprezenta ona.",
"Nune'e atu hahu aula letiva normal, klase sira-ne'ebe fahe tenke tau hamutuk estudante sira-ne'ebe kategorizadu bazea ba teste.",
"Hanesan ne'e de'it mak manorin bele tulun estudante sira hodi dezenvolve sira nia kapasidade intelektual.",
"Iha intelijensia multipla (IM) rekonese ema hotu matenek ka iha intelijensia maibe iha Intelligence Quotient (IQ) rekonese de'it ema sira-ne'ebe tama iha Intelijensia linguistika, intelijensia logika-matematika katak sira mak matenek bainhira sira bele lee, hakerek no ko'alia.",
"Maluk leitor sira! oinsa mak ita bele konjuga area teorika rua ne'e? ita bele konjuga tanba kada intelijensia presiza mos intelijensia seluk hodi halo nia kle'an no klaru liutan.",
"Hanesan Amstrong (2000) hateten; To cook a meal, one must read the recipe (linguistic), possibly divide the recipe in half (logical-mathematical), develop a menu that satisfies all members of a family (interpersonal), and placate one's own appetite as well (intrapersonal).",
"Similarly, when a child plays a game of kickball, he needs bodily-kinesthetic intelligence (to run, kick, and catch), spatial intelligence (to orient himself to the playing field and to anticipate the trajectories of flying balls), and linguistic and interpersonal intelligences (to successfully argue a point during a dispute in the game (p.9) Hanesan manorin ida mak nia konsege lori alunu sira deskobre nia intelijensia rasik ne'e hatudu katak Manorin ne'e vale a pena iha nia knar murak ne'e.",
"Nune'e manorin sira tenke hariku-aan ho aprosimasaun ba estudante sira.",
"Manorin tenke forma kondisaun atu alunu sira bele expose sira-nia kapasidade.",
"Maibe manorin ba eskola mak hanesan liurai no alunu sira ta'uk tan entaun konserteza manorin mos sei la deskobre alunu sira nia kapasidade.",
"Bainhira alunu ida nia valor tun, manorin ne'e nia iha dever etika no moral husu nia konsiensia rasik atu bele buka tuir hodi deskobre tanbasa alunu/a ne'e valor tun no valor boot hotu, no labele haree liu sira-ne'e ka la interese ba sira tanba Armstrong (2000) hateten katak a person's \"weak\" intelligence may turn out to be a \"strong intelligence\" if he or she is given a chance to develop it.",
"Ikus liu, atan ha'u hakarak konklui katak ema hotu-hotu iha intelijensia maske presiza atu tulun hirak ne'ebe prezija tulun.",
"Edukasaun sai fator importante no haree ba Estadu foun hanesan Timor-Leste ne'e edukasaun tenke sai fator importante ida maibe hirak ne'e iha ema boot sira-nia liman.",
"Manorin sira tenke sai matadalan hodi deskobre intelijensia alunu sira-nian katak manorin sirapne'e domina abilidade pedagojika hodi tulun estudante sira tuir intelijensia bazika ne'ebe sira iha ona.",
"Tamba manorin sira la bele haruka alunu sira atu halo buat ne'ebe naturalmente no istorikamente sira la bele no difisil atu halo.",
"Ha'u sita ezemplu ne'ebe Albert Einstein dehan katak ita la bele hanorin \"Ikan atu sa'e ba ai leten se lae ikan sa'e la di'ak no ikus mai ita julga fali ikan dehan nia beik.\"",
"Nune'e, la bele dehan katak IQ test ne'e sai ona hanesan prova unika ba intelijensia ema-nian.",
"Manorin ne'ebe di'ak ne'e, tenke hanorin ikan ida oinsa atu sai nani-na'in ida ne'ebe profisional.",
"Dalan di'ak ida atu dezenvolve alunu sira-nia kapasidade hanesan Tele (2000) dehan manorin tenke deskobre alunu ne'e nia kapasidade aas-liu mak ida-ne'ebe no fraku-liu mak ida ne'ebe, atu nune'e sira bele transfere ka tradus fali intelijensia ida-ne'ebe forte ne'e, ba fali intelijensia ne'ebe fraka (p.60).",
"Maibe molok tama ida-ne'e nesesariu tebes atu manorin sira domina intelijensia tuir Gardner nia teoria, atu nune'e fasil deskobre alunu sira-nia abilidade.",
"Se sira hatene ona sira-nia pontu forte no frakeza, entaun manorin tenke kondisiona de'it konsidadun ho atividade akademika sira atu alunu sira dezenvolve rasik tuir sira-nia natureza.",
"So hanesan ne'e de'it mak ita bele garante edukasaun kualifikada. *) Hakerek na'in nu'udar Estudante husi departamentu filozofia ISFIT Fatumeta Dili Previous articleDP fahe informasaun asistensia ba vitima iha krime violensia domestika Next article2019, SEII rejistu kazu violensia domestika-asediu seksual hamutuk 1.338 Emanueel February 20, 2021 at 7:58 am Parabens irmao sussesu nafatin..abracos"
] | [
"Discover students' intelligence with Haward Gardner theory | Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA OPINIÃO Discover pupils 's intellect by the Theory of havard gardner Descubra os aluno, s inteligência com a Teoria Dehawards Gardener From: Julio Jesus*) \"We can not teach\" fish to go up into water otherwise it is bad for them and eventually we judge that they are good."
"Thus, it is not possible to say that the IQ test has become a unique evidence of human intellect."
"A good fisherman must teach a Fish how to be an excellent fishing man (Albert Einstein)."
"In this simple article I come up with the idea that discovering students' own intellect is an issue which needs to be addressed."
"IQ test/Intelligence Quotient Test, is not the only way to prove a student's intelligent or unintelligent."
"Because the IQ test is only valid for those who are in Mathematical-Logical Intelligence and not that they can also become experts at viola."
"I think that teachers should recognize all students as wise people but with individual abilities (inclusive education or democratic learning) according to the theory of philosopher Howard Gardner."
"Haward Earl Gardner was born in the United States on July 12,043 at Scraton Pennsylvania."
"He is also co-director of (project zero) PZ, a research group at the Harvard School Graduate school for education."
"In his academic life, he was greatly inspired by the book of Jean Piaget (psychologist) dealing with developmental psychology."
"He also enjoyed learning neuropsychology from Norman Geschwind and psycholinguistics by Roger Brow."
"After completing her bachelor's degree, she worked with psycholinguist Eric Erikson."
"To everyone's delight, in 1965 Gardner obtained his Bachelor of Science degree with summa cum laude. In the years from (20 June to) July he studied philosophy and sociology at London School Of Economic And Business Administration before completing a PhD study on Harvard University by October/November(7-8 September)."
"Then in 1986, he taught at the Harvard School of Education after going on research trips to China and by a year later all his work was done from Cambridge Massachusetts."
"In 1983, he published The Frame Of Mind: the multiple Intelligence."
"The basic theory of Multiple Intelligence, here Gardner divides it into part (8): Brain damage."
"He said that when he worked with people who had been involved in accidents, some of them were injured and others suffering head wounds."
"Gardner discovered that some of those affected in the head had brain damage."
"He did specific research on the brain that was not functioning and indeed he discovered certain areas of his head were no longer functional but others still worked."
"Gardner gives an example: When he treated a patient whose brain had been damaged by accident but specifically affecting the left frontal lobe."
"In other words, it immediately affects his linguistic intelligence so that the patient has difficulty writing and speaking."
"However, the patient will still be able to dance because his musical intelligence is not damaged."
"From there he began to do more detailed research on multiple intelligences."
"In Armstrong (2013) writes about the \"right-brain/left brain\" model of learning in 75 years."
"Exceptional individual, Gardner gives an example: In the movie Rain Man with Raymond's characteristic imitation of Dustin Hoffman in his role as himself. He discovered a logic-mathematic savant or Ahli Logika Matematika (in Indonesian)."
"He could not speak, but when he did mathematical calculations with large numbers his mind and solve only in the background. But it was an amazing math skill that showed or demonstrated by him!"
"To say that he speaks badly does not mean it isn't wise, we can categorize his potentiality in mathematical intelligence rather than linguistic."
"According to Armstrong (2013) he is not good at communicating with other people, or dealing With his own personal life. This creates a kind of intelligence called Intrapersonal Intelligence"
"Developmental history."
"In this part, Gardner says that all the intelligences he has discovered have come with their own historical development."
"Evolutionary History, in which he argues that each intelligence has a historical evolution."
"Therefore, the story I've studied is that in 1983 Gardner first created a multiple theory of seven (7) levels and after this he discovered another level so it went up to eleven."
"However, he was also promoting Naturalistic Intelligence which refers to those who are capable of going on a journey/trip."
"Some recent writers have now developed the idea that this is also an intelligence of other types."
"Psychometric finding, Gardner suggests that there should be a standard of testing for people according to their individual capabilities."
"For example, Christison states (2015) \"the Weschsler Intelligence Scale for Children includes sub-tests that focus on several of the different intelligences\"(p."
"Only then can students participate in academic activities according to their existing basic intelligence."
"Experimental psychological tests have led to an understanding of separate intelligences."
"Example: those who are smart have good reading skills but they find it difficult to transfer their ability into other areas such as solving mathematical problems."
"Some people speak in public and their rhetoric is good, but when they sing it gets bad."
"Some people play violin well but don't know how to ball."
"Of these, Armstrong states that people can demonstrate different levels of proficiency across the eight intelligenties in each cognitive area (Armstrong."
"Set of operational, in this Gardner says that human intelligence is like a computer which needs to be set for operations."
"Because people's intelligence is different, the priest must use a distinct methodology to find and help them once they have discovered their own."
"Encoding in symbolic system, agreeing with Gardner; he says that one of the best indicators for human ability to uncover their characteristics is an abilities how they use symbol."
"Because each symbol has its own meaning."
"Examples of linguistic intelligence are those people who know well about reading, writing and speaking. when they speak French or English in the graphic language refers more to illustrators than others that have their own languages;"
"Gardner therefore suggests that teachers need to discover their students' intellect not by looking at the various linguistic symbolism of a language."
"The word \"intelligence\" comes from the Latin (verb: inteligere) and its neutral adjective, intellectum."
"According to the Spanish-Portuguese dictionary (2013), intelligence is a faculty of understanding and knowledge."
"Thus, in order to understand and know we need a subject or an object (according the epistemology science) because it is this knowledge that provokes our mind."
"Howard Gardner has suggested that individuals normally have wisdom or intelligence (8) which cannot be acquired by any single person."
"In a sense, it is possible and also certain that one can gain this wisdom by going on to the next level."
"Because Gardner, a psychologist and educational researcher at Harvard University was strongly opposed to the method of only considering people as wise when they passed an Intelligence Quotient test."
"Because he said that every person has his own abilities which are hidden in him and therefore teachers need to develop their pedagogical skills so they know each student belongs with an intelligence."
"Before we go into detail, let's take a look at the intelligences that Gardner discovered: Word smart or book intelligent. Here he says people who reach this level of knowledge have an easy and quick way to learn language through reading-writing/speak skills; they are also capable in other areas such as mathematical reasoning (which can be done by using logic)."
"He also said that if a teacher knows or has discovered each student' s ability, then he must use teaching methods in the art of speech and reading."
"Because the final direction of this intelligence can help children to easily grasp basic abilities they have already acquired."
"The projection of tomorrow's good for children with wisdom so that they can become linguists, presentations presenter-writer translator poets and more."
"Lazear (2014) states that this intelligence involves all form of language work including reading magazine, novel or writing poetry; indigenous people speak very formally in public and informally when they talk to their neighbor."
"Such people understand and listen very well to the words of others, they can comprehend their own conversations even in a crowd."
"To say that they know how to communicate."
"This intelligence is used by almost everyone in their daily lives and public education (p.60)."
"This is where teachers' pedagogical skills are needed to point the way for their students in accordance with each one’s own wisdom."
"Math smart or Logic Smart, Gardner says this is part of the Intelligence Quotient (IQ)."
"Those who enter this intelligence always conceptualize everything organized and they are easy to resolve problems in accordance with mathematical logic."
"According to Armstrong (1983) this intelligence is always concerned with numbers and logic, which scientists as well accountants or computer programmers use in their daily profession."
"He adds that this type of intelligence also includes the capacity to rationalize, schematize programs well and think in terms Of Cause And Effect (p.10)."
"Armstrong looked at this intelligence with a realist eye, and he continued to emphasize the idea that good teaching must be firmly rooting in an artful pedagogy of education which would lead students into their own intellectual capabilities so as they could develop other sciences wherever it was appropriate for them."
"Art smart or Picture Smart, Gardner says in this intelligence represents knowledge that arises from form and imagery."
"He also added that those who entered the intelligence could draw or be good painters, color-makers and geographer (they were very easy to read maps)."
"Thus, students who wish to discover that their abilities in this field of knowledge are present must be introduced how through the skills they already have can apply or learn other subject matter."
"Tele (2013) states that those who enter this intelligence with a high degree of skill can work in the art."
"He added that if there is an indication for the students who belong to this intelligence, they should introduce themselves as good graphic artists and cartographers. Designer of artworks; Architect or painter"
"Self smart or Introspection Smart, Gardner says in this intelligence we can also call it introspective intelligent."
"It is said that the wise one who knows comes back to himself."
"Gardner (1983) states that if students are discovered to be brilliant in this intelligence, he advises teachers not assign them group work because they will reject working or collaborating with others."
"They need to get personal work because that's the only thing they feel satisfied with."
"Such students are often quiet and uncomfortable when they hear noisy people."
"He also describes this intelligence as the \"Intelligence of understanding oneself\" (Gardner,1987)."
"Armstrong (1983) concludes that those who enter this intelligence are more likely to specialize their studies as counsellors, theologians and may even become self-employed."
"Because they are for those who like to meditate and contemplation, so that prefers working alone rather than with others."
"Body smart or Movement intelligent, in this intelligence Gardner called learn by doing."
"He says that this intelligence is also important because the body \"knows\" many things which are not necessarily known by a conscious, logical mind."
"For example, how to ride a bicycle; keep your balance while walking on the back of an armchair or in bed."
"Gardner advises that students who have been categorized for this intelligence should be guided by their mentor to study more thoroughly, or prepare themselves in advance so they can specialize themself into psychology (body language), athletes and engineer."
"People smart or Group Smart, in this intelligence he calls it person-to -person the way of knowing."
"In other words, it is a way of getting to know one person with another or someone else."
"Gardner (1987) states that those who have this type of intelligence are more likely to understand the motivations, intentions and desirable behaviour in others so they can work better together."
"Amstrong (1983) states that a person with interpersonal intelligence can become highly compassionate and socially responsible like Mahatma Gandhi or manipulative, dexterous as Machiavelli."
"So let's just say that this intelligence is what the pupils feel and if they are helped by their teachers, then eventually find out it was indeed there."
"I advise that academic work or activities should put these together so they can learn and it is easy for them to communicate with each other."
"Nature smart or Environment Smart, in this intelligence Gardner (1980) refers to those who can distinguish and classify different species within their own environment."
"These people have the ability to become skilled collectors, professional farmers specializing in agriculture or gardeners with art and aesthetics when cutting their crops."
"Armstrong (1983) says the naturalist reveals \"the intelligence of a green-thumb\" - that knack some people have to garden, nurture household plants and create wonderful landscaped areas or in other ways show care for flora."
"Music smart or Sound Smart, in which this intelligence can be discovered through voice and vibration."
"This is why Gardner calls this intelligence auditory-vibrational."
"In this way, the researchers discovered that students who are proficient in music (playing and singings) need help to listen better when they study or work."
"Or you can advise students to find ways (decorate music) and apply it in the subject."
"If these students are really passionate about music, I would help them to specialize in making good or high-quality songs."
"The theory has been applied in the Asia-Pacific region, Europe and South America as well a United States."
"Let's take a look at the countries that have applied this theory in their curricula and extracurricular activities."
"Asia-Pacific Region: China, mainland of Chinese People’s Republic (China), Macau Special Administrative Area and Taiwan; Japan."
"In the European part of Europe are: Norway, Denmarke England Ireland Turkey."
"In South America are: Argentina, Colombia."
"On the United States side, JIE-QI CHEN AND SEANA MORAN do not indicate which countries have applied this theory."
"But in general, seven (7) writers CHRIS KUNKEL; THOMAS R. HOERR and C BRANTON SHEARER have testified through their articles when they were intervened by the multiple-intelligence theory:"
"What can we say about the experiences of these advanced states to us as a constructive state Timor-Leste?"
"To say that our education also needs to incorporate the theory of multiple intelligence into curriculum systems in order for everyone’s participation as guaranteed by article No.590 CRDTL be ensuret"
"1. Amendment of the Constitution"
"The State shall recognise and guarantee that every citizen has the right to education, culture...and also in view of Planu Dezenvolvimetu Edukasaun Nasional (2013-) which states: By this year's end people will be educated for a long productive life respecting their traditional value."
"All individuals shall have equal opportunities in access to quality education, which will enable them par ticipation into the process of economical social and political development. This is a guarantee for Timorese unity (PEDN:2013). The goal should be achieved by promoting equality among all people through an integrated approach that includes gender equity"
"Where I put bold shows that from this vision of education there is already the idea for all Timorese to get democratic or inclusive schooling but it's difficult because they have not applied theory as mentioned above."
"Can this theory be applied in school?"
"It's great and this is very much needed to be done."
"These activities do not begin after the learning process has been completed."
"Schools should make a good plan for the tests in these new months and prepare their test materials according to intelligence provided."
"Thus, in order to begin normal classroom activities the split classes must bring together students who have been categorized based on tests."
"Only in this way can the teacher help students to develop their intellectual abilities."
"In multiple intelligence (MI) all people are recognized as wise or intelligent, but in Intelligence Quotient(IQ), only those who fall into Linguistic Intelligent and Logic-Mathematical inteligence can be considered smart when they know how to read."
"How can we conjugate these two theoretical areas? We could because each intelligence needs another to make it clear and distinct."
"Hanesan Amstrong (2013) says; To cook a meal, one must read the recipe(linguistic), possibly divide it in half/half-time and develop an appropriate menu that satisfies all members of family."
"Similarly, when a child plays the game of kickball he needs body-kinesthetic intelligence (to run and catch balls), space intellect( to orient himself on playing field) as well linguistical interpersonal skills. The fact that this kid has led his classmates into exploring their own personality shows how valuable it is for him with such an amazing talent!"
"Thus, the nunnery must prepare themselves with approximation to students."
"The teacher must create the conditions so that students can expose their abilities."
"But the master of school is like a king and pupils are not so attentive, therefore no matter how much they try to discover their talents."
"When a student's intelligence decreases, the teacher has an ethical and moral duty to ask his own conscience if he can find out why this person is not worth it or valued enough. He shouldn’t ignore them because Armstrong (2013) states that \"a personality with weakness may turn into one whose strength will be developed.\""
"Finally, sir I would like to conclude that all people with intelligence are in need of helping those who require it."
"Education has become an important factor and considering the new state of Timor-Leste, education should be a major element but these are in big people's hands."
"Teachers must be guided in discovering the students' skills and that they should master pedagogical abilities to help them achieve their basic levels of learning."
"Because the monks cannot send their pupils to do something that they naturally and historicallly are unable or difficult."
"I quote an example from Albert Einstein who said that we cannot teach \"a fish to go upstream or else it's not going well and then you judge the Fish as good.\""
"Thus, it cannot be said that the IQ test has become a unique evidence of human intellect."
"A good aquarist must teach a fish how to become an acquariophile."
"A good way to develop the students' abilities as Tele (2013) says that teachers must discover which of their pupils are more capable and weak, so they can transfer or translate back this stronger intellect into his weaker one."
"However, before entering it is necessary that the teachers master intelligence according to Gardner's theory so as easily find out about their pupils."
"Once they know their strengths and weakness, the teacher should only condition them with academic activities so that students can develop themselves according to its nature."
"Only in this way can we guarantee qualified education. *) Author is a Student of the Philosophy Department at ISFIT Fatumeta Dili Previous articleDP shares information and assistance to victim for domestic violence crime Next artikel2019, SEII register case number totaling household-sexual harassment violation cases:346 Emanueel February (7):58 am Congratulations irmao continue your success...braços!"
] |
Loke Universidade Privadu, Tenke Garante Kualidade | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste\nVARANDA DILI Loke Universidade Privadu, Tenke Garante Kualidade\nLoke Universidade Privadu, Tenke Garante Kualidade\nDILI, 23 maiu 2019 (TATOLI)—Ministru Ensiñu Superiór, Siénsia no Kultura, Longuinhos dos Santos, afirma atu loke universidade privadu, tenke garante fasilidade ho kualidade.\nMinistru ko’alia asuntu ne’e, tanba simu ona pedidu hosi timoroan balun atu harii tan universidade maka hanesan João Saldanha University (JSF), Don Boaventura no pedidu ida hosi Maliana.\n“Liliu atu harii universidade ba medisina ne’e proibidu, tanba atu trata ba ema nia vida. Entaun, ida ne’e tenke haree didi’ak, tanba instituisaun Ensiñu Superiór Privadu ne’ebé mak atu loke medisina tenke iha laboratóriu, klínika no biblioteka para garante kualidade,” nia dehan ba jornalista sira iha Palásiu Governu, kinta ne’e.\nNia haktuir, pedidu sira ne’e sira konsege avalia ona depois sei iha konfirmasaun oinsá mak atu fó lisensa ba sira para loke. Rezultadu avaliasaun mak sei hatudu katak universidade ne’ebé mak bele akredita no bele merese atu fó lisensiamentu.\nMinistru ne’e esplika, kritéria ne’ebé presiza mak hanesan finansiamentu, tenke iha rai própriu, laboratóriu, biblioteka no rekursu umanu universidade nian.\nLonguinhos salienta katak bainhira ema ruma loke universidade medisina labele garante ba fasilidade governu nian, maibé tenke garante ba fasilidade rasik.\nPrevious articleGovernu Sei Loke Akademia Múzika\nNext articleMinistru Cárceres Orienta Ona DNRN Sosa Lalais Blanku BI\nDr. Lourenco de Deus Mau Lulo May 24, 2019 at 10:33 am\nNu’udar TIMOR oan, hau apresia ba boa fe TIMOR oan sira neebe iha intensaun diak atu halo buat ruma iha nasaun ida nee Liu husi harii instituisaun ensino basiku too ensino suprior hodi perpara ka forma rekursu humanos hodi priense konstrusaun ESTADO no servi nia emar TIMOR oan sira iha futuro.\nKestoens iha kualidade ou la kualidade depende pesoal nebe atu apriende, tamba TIMOR oan sira nebe loke instituisaun Academia sira iha mehi neebe fundamentais ho prinsipu ida neebe hafalun ho spritu Nasionalismo ho patriotismo ba nia rain ho nia povu, tamba nee, sira siempre grantia kualidade ba sira nian jerasaun futuro nasaun ho povu nian.\nHau hanoin Governo persisa louva ba TIMOR oan sira neebe apoiu ona Governo hodi perpara rekursus humanos ba rain ida nee, laos hare instituisaun privadu nee sai fali inimigo ba governo. Governo iha obrigasaun atu apoiu no fasilita fasilidades sira neebe instituisaun privadu sira sei dauk kompleitu, husu no fo apoiu laos uja poder politika kria fali kriteria bar-barak hodi, interven fila fali hanoin diak TIMOR oan sira nian nbe hodi apoiu governo Liu husi edukasaun. Hau pesoal louva no apresia ba maluk TIMOR oan sira nbe iha vintade diak atu perpara rekursus TIMOR oan sira nian hodi eleva responsabel futuro nasaun ho povu rain doben ida nee nian. | [
"Loke Universidade Privadu, Tenke Garante Kualidade | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA DILI Loke Universidade Privadu, Tenke Garante Kualidade Loke Universidade Privadu, Tenke Garante Kualidade DILI, 23 maiu 2019 (TATOLI) - Ministru Ensinu Superior, Siensia no Kultura, Longuinhos dos Santos, afirma atu loke universidade privadu, tenke garante fasilidade ho kualidade.",
"Ministru ko'alia asuntu ne'e, tanba simu ona pedidu hosi timoroan balun atu harii tan universidade maka hanesan Joao Saldanha University (JSF), Don Boaventura no pedidu ida hosi Maliana.",
"\"Liliu atu harii universidade ba medisina ne'e proibidu, tanba atu trata ba ema nia vida.",
"Entaun, ida ne'e tenke haree didi'ak, tanba instituisaun Ensinu Superior Privadu ne'ebe mak atu loke medisina tenke iha laboratoriu, klinika no biblioteka para garante kualidade,\" nia dehan ba jornalista sira iha Palasiu Governu, kinta ne'e.",
"Nia haktuir, pedidu sira ne'e sira konsege avalia ona depois sei iha konfirmasaun oinsa mak atu fo lisensa ba sira para loke.",
"Rezultadu avaliasaun mak sei hatudu katak universidade ne'ebe mak bele akredita no bele merese atu fo lisensiamentu.",
"Ministru ne'e esplika, kriteria ne'ebe presiza mak hanesan finansiamentu, tenke iha rai propriu, laboratoriu, biblioteka no rekursu umanu universidade nian.",
"Longuinhos salienta katak bainhira ema ruma loke universidade medisina labele garante ba fasilidade governu nian, maibe tenke garante ba fasilidade rasik.",
"Previous articleGovernu Sei Loke Akademia Muzika Next articleMinistru Carceres Orienta Ona DNRN Sosa Lalais Blanku BI Dr. Lourenco de Deus Mau Lulo May 24, 2019 at 10:33 am Nu'udar TIMOR oan, hau apresia ba boa fe TIMOR oan sira neebe iha intensaun diak atu halo buat ruma iha nasaun ida nee Liu husi harii instituisaun ensino basiku too ensino suprior hodi perpara ka forma rekursu humanos hodi priense konstrusaun ESTADO no servi nia emar TIMOR oan sira iha futuro.",
"Kestoens iha kualidade ou la kualidade depende pesoal nebe atu apriende, tamba TIMOR oan sira nebe loke instituisaun Academia sira iha mehi neebe fundamentais ho prinsipu ida neebe hafalun ho spritu Nasionalismo ho patriotismo ba nia rain ho nia povu, tamba nee, sira siempre grantia kualidade ba sira nian jerasaun futuro nasaun ho povu nian.",
"Hau hanoin Governo persisa louva ba TIMOR oan sira neebe apoiu ona Governo hodi perpara rekursus humanos ba rain ida nee, laos hare instituisaun privadu nee sai fali inimigo ba governo.",
"Governo iha obrigasaun atu apoiu no fasilita fasilidades sira neebe instituisaun privadu sira sei dauk kompleitu, husu no fo apoiu laos uja poder politika kria fali kriteria bar-barak hodi, interven fila fali hanoin diak TIMOR oan sira nian nbe hodi apoiu governo Liu husi edukasaun.",
"Hau pesoal louva no apresia ba maluk TIMOR oan sira nbe iha vintade diak atu perpara rekursus TIMOR oan sira nian hodi eleva responsabel futuro nasaun ho povu rain doben ida nee nian."
] | [
"Loke Universidade Privada, Tenke Garante Kualidade | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA DILI Private University in Dili must guarantee quality facilities to open private university Longuinhos dos Santos said that the opening of a public college should ensure high standards for its faculty and staff."
"The Minister spoke about the matter, because he has received requests from some Tongan to establish new universities such as Joao Saldanha University (JSF), Don Boaventura and a petition by Malina."
"\"Liliu to establish a university for medicine is prohibited, because it deals with people's lives."
"So, this must be looked at carefully because private higher education institutions that are going to open medical schools need laboratories and clinics in order for quality of the courses is guaranteed.\""
"He said that they have evaluated the requests and will then confirm how to grant them a licence for opening."
"The results of the evaluation will indicate which universities can be accredited and may deserve to grant licensure."
"The minister explained that the criteria required are funding, having own land and laboratories as well a university's human resources."
"Longuinhos emphasizes that when someone opens a medical university they cannot guarantee the government facilities, but must ensure their own."
"Previous articleGovernment Will Locate Music Academy Next ArticleMinister Carceres Orienta Ona DNRN Sosa Lalais Blanku BI Dr. Lourenco de Deus Mau Lulo May 24,"
"The question of quality or not depends on the person to learn, because TIMOR people who opened academic institutions have a fundamental desire with one principle that is united in spirit Nationalism and patriotic for his country & its People. Therefore they always guaranteed their future generation high-quality education from this institution which will be used by them as well elsewhere throughout Timor Leste"
"I think the Government should continue to praise those Timorese who have supported it in preparing human resources for this country, not see private institutions as an enemy of government."
"The government has an obligation to support and facilitate the facilities that private institutions have not completed, ask for assistance or give it. Not using political power create barbaric criteria so as intervene back in Timorese's good ideas about how they can help govern through education ;"
"I personally praise and appreciate the goodwill of our fellow TIMOR people to prepare their resources in order for Timorese citizens, with responsibility towards this beautiful country's future."
] |
Implementasaun programa pakote esensiál moras la hada’et iha Ermera la’o di’ak | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste\nVARANDA HEADLINE Implementasaun programa pakote esensiál moras la hada’et iha Ermera la’o di’ak\nImplementasaun programa pakote esensiál moras la hada’et iha Ermera la’o di’ak\nResponsavél Moras La Hada’et iha Munisípiu Ermera, Edinha da Cruz.Imajen/Felicidade Ximenes.\nDILI, 02 outobru (TATOLI)-Responsavél Moras La Hada’et iha Munisípiu Ermera, Edinha da Cruz, hateten implementasaun programa pakote esensiál moras la hada’et iha Munisípiu Ermera la’o di’ak tebes.\nIha Gleno Ermera, profisiál saúde sira komesa implementa programa ne’e iha tinan 2018, maibé paradu tiha durante fulan barak, no iha fulan-juñu 2020 maka re-ativa filafali.\nNotísia Relevante :MS avalia programa pakote esensiál moras la hada’et\n”Entaun ami iha sentru saúde Gleno ne’e programa ne’e ajuda tebes ami hodi halo rejistu ba ema sira ne’ebé mak mai ho moras la hada’et nian hodi halo ami follow up ba pasiente ne’ebé mak moras la hada’et,’’ dehan nia ba jornalista iha JL Villa Dili, sesta ne’e.\nNia hateten programa ne’e ajuda tebes profisionál saúde sira hodi halo tratamentu saúde ba pasiente liliu aimoruk esensiál sira atu halo prevensaun ba moras la hada’et sira hanesan kurasaun stroke, diabetes no seluk tan.\n“Iha fulan-setembru nia laran iha pasiente lubuk ida ne’ebé mak ami kontrola ona sira ne’e di’ak tebes, ami iha pasiente 39 ne’ebé mak foun no sira tuan ne’e 105 ba sira ne’ebé kontroladu ona mak pasiente hamutuk 77 halo tratamentu ho di’ak,” katak nia.\nNotísia Relevante :MS Sei Implementa Pakote Esensiál Moras La Hada’et ba Munisípiu Neen\nPAKOTE ESENSIAL MORAS LAHADET MUNISIPIU ERMERA 02 10 20\nPrevious article“Seidauk iha istória Governu ezekuta OJE to’o porsentu 100”\nNext articleIFFS sei halo graduasaun dahuluk ba estudante na’in 23 | [
"Implementasaun programa pakote esensial moras la hada'et iha Ermera la'o di'ak | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA HEADLINE Implementasaun programa pakote esensial moras la hada'et iha Ermera la'o di'ak Implementasaun programa pakote esensial moras la hada'et iha Ermera la'o di'ak Responsavel Moras La Hada'et iha Munisipiu Ermera, Edinha da Cruz.Imajen/Felicidade Ximenes.",
"DILI, 02 outobru (TATOLI) -Responsavel Moras La Hada'et iha Munisipiu Ermera, Edinha da Cruz, hateten implementasaun programa pakote esensial moras la hada'et iha Munisipiu Ermera la'o di'ak tebes.",
"Iha Gleno Ermera, profisial saude sira komesa implementa programa ne'e iha tinan 2018, maibe paradu tiha durante fulan barak, no iha fulan-junu 2020 maka re-ativa filafali.",
"Notisia Relevante:MS avalia programa pakote esensial moras la hada'et \"Entaun ami iha sentru saude Gleno ne'e programa ne'e ajuda tebes ami hodi halo rejistu ba ema sira ne'ebe mak mai ho moras la hada'et nian hodi halo ami follow up ba pasiente ne'ebe mak moras la hada'et, \" dehan nia ba jornalista iha JL Villa Dili, sesta ne'e.",
"Nia hateten programa ne'e ajuda tebes profisional saude sira hodi halo tratamentu saude ba pasiente liliu aimoruk esensial sira atu halo prevensaun ba moras la hada'et sira hanesan kurasaun stroke, diabetes no seluk tan.",
"\"Iha fulan-setembru nia laran iha pasiente lubuk ida ne'ebe mak ami kontrola ona sira ne'e di'ak tebes, ami iha pasiente 39 ne'ebe mak foun no sira tuan ne'e 105 ba sira ne'ebe kontroladu ona mak pasiente hamutuk 77 halo tratamentu ho di'ak,\" katak nia.",
"Notisia Relevante:MS Sei Implementa Pakote Esensial Moras La Hada'et ba Munisipiu Neen PAKOTE ESENSIAL MORAS LAHADET MUNISIPIU ERMERA 02 10 20 Previous article\"Seidauk iha istoria Governu ezekuta OJE to'o porsentu 100\" Next articleIFFS sei halo graduasaun dahuluk ba estudante na'in 23"
] | [
"Implementation of the essential package program for non-communicable diseases in Ermera is not going well | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor Lorosa'e VARANDA HEADLINE The implementation programme Essential Packet Program For Non Comunicáveis Disease (NCD) Is Not Going Well, said Edinha da Cruz. Image/Felicidade Ximenes Responsible NCDC Incident Manager at Municipality ermerra"
"DILI, October 02 (Antara) - Responsible for Diseases La Hada'et in Ermera Municipality Edinha da Cruz said that the implementation of essential package program disease la hada 'eat is going very well."
"In Gleno Ermera, health professionals started implementing the program in 2018 but stopped for several months and re-activated it again only June of this year."
"\"So we at Gleno health centre this program is very helpful to us in registering the people who come with non-communicable diseases so that our follow up for patients which are not communicable,\" he told journalist on Saturday."
"He said the program helps health professionals to treat patients, especially essential drugs for prevention of non-communicable disease such as cure stroke and diabetes."
"\"During September there were a lot of patients that we have controlled and they are doing very well. We had 39 new cases, the old one was in control (105) for those who already underwent treatment - totalling to now about seventy-seven),\" he said.\""
"Related News:MS Will Implement Essential Health Package for Municipality of Neen ESSENTIAL HEALTH PACKAGE FOR MUNICIPALITY OF ERMERA Previous article\"Not in the history that Government has executed its budget to a full percentage” Next ArticleIFFS will hold first graduation ceremony with an enrollment numbering about twentieth students"
] |
Timor-oan nain 10 ne’ebé suspeitu ba COVID-19 he’in rezultadu teste - GMN TV\nGMN TV Capital Timor-oan nain 10 ne’ebé suspeitu ba COVID-19 he’in rezultadu teste\nSentru Integradu Jestaun Krize ba COVID-19 iha Timor-Leste, fó sai rezultadu teste ba Timor-oan na’in 35 ne’ebé suspeitu ba Corona Virus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) na’in 24 Negativu, no na’in 10 hein rezultadu teste.\n“Iha periodu hahu husi kedas governu halo preparatoriu hasoru pandemia ne’e to’o ohin meiudia, kazu ne’ebé suspeitu hamutuk 35, halo analiza nia rezultadu sei nafatin 1 mak pozitivu, sira ne’ebé negativu iha na’in 24, no ida ne’ebé provavel ou hein rezultadu analize iha na’in 10,”\nLia hirak ne’e hato’o husi, Porta Voz Sentru Integradu Jestaun Krize, Rui Maria Araújo, iha Centru Convençõens Díli (CCD), Kinta (02/04/2020).\nRezultadu teste ba nain 10 ne’e sei fó sai banhira Laboratorio Nasionál Saúde relata ona dadus ba ekipa sentru intergradu jestaun de risku no sei kontinua halo teste konfirmasaun iha Ospital Darwin Australia.\nMediku Timor-oan ne’e hatutan, dadus ne’ebé rekolla husi sistema vijilansia epidemolojika Ministériu Saúde nian, hatudu katak, to’o ohin (horseik-red), tuku 12 OTL, sura hahú husi wainhira komisaun interministerial no komisaun teknika halo preparatorius, responde ba pandemia COVID-19.\nNia esplika, ema ne’ebé iha kuarentena, ka iha konfinamentu obrigatoriu tuir terminolojia ne’ebé dekretu governu númeru 3/2020 aprova iha oin 2, iha auto konfinamentu obrigatoriu ka halo kuarentena iha uma, iha munisipiu ema hamutuk 125, iha Díli 138.\nTimor-oan ne’ebé halo kuarentena iha fatin ne’ebé prepara husi, Ministeriu Saúde, iha munisipiu ema hamutuk 71, no iha Díli ema hamutuk 701, husi sira ne’e la inklui sira ne’ebé liu ona, kuarentena loron 14, tantu iha uma ou iha fatin ne’ebé MS prepara.\nSira ne’ebé sai ona husi fatin halo kuarentena hamutuk 333, total Timor-oan ne’ebé halo ona kuarentena obrigatoriu ne’ebé oras ne’e dadaun iha, hamutuk 1.035 ema hirak ne’e mai husi nasaun afeitadu.\n“Faktus seluk iha Timor-oan barak, ne’ebé sei tama husi fronteira maibé, liu husi dalan ilegal (jalan tikus), Sentru Integradu Jestaun Krize apela liu-liu ba lider komunitarius, bainhira hetan karik informasaun, husi komunidade ne’ebé mak foin fila husi nasaun ne’ebé afeitadu, halo favor kontaktu autoridade saúde no PNTL atu bele konvense sira, lori ba iha kuarentena ne’ebé governu prepara ona,” afirma, Rui Maria de Araújo.\nRui aprofunda liutan, importante tamba ita la hatene sira ne’ebé tama mai ne’e sintomas ka lae, ita la hatene sira lori virus ka lae, ba ita hotu nia seguransa diak liu lori sira ba, konfinamentu obrigatoriu atu nune’e iha observasaun diak husi profisionais saúde sira, se karik mosu sintomas, presiza halo analize.\nRui subliña liutan, medidas distansiamentu sosial, hanesan baibain ne’ebé governu apela fulan hira ne’e nia laran, mantein nafatin, hijene pesoal, keta haluhan fasi liman bebeik, no liman labele tau ba matan no inus, tamba ida ne’e mak ajuda ema hotu prevene moras COVID-19.\nMinisteriu Saúde halo teste ne’e atu identifika virus ne’e la’os ho Rapyd Test maibé uza Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR), izame teste ne’e atu identifika ain fatin jenetika husi virus ne’e.Cin | [
"Timor-oan nain 10 ne'ebe suspeitu ba COVID-19 he'in rezultadu teste - GMN TV GMN TV Capital Timor-oan nain 10 ne'ebe suspeitu ba COVID-19 he'in rezultadu teste Sentru Integradu Jestaun Krize ba COVID-19 iha Timor-Leste, fo sai rezultadu teste ba Timor-oan na'in 35 ne'ebe suspeitu ba Corona Virus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) na'in 24 Negativu, no na'in 10 hein rezultadu teste.",
"\"Iha periodu hahu husi kedas governu halo preparatoriu hasoru pandemia ne'e to'o ohin meiudia, kazu ne'ebe suspeitu hamutuk 35, halo analiza nia rezultadu sei nafatin 1 mak pozitivu, sira ne'ebe negativu iha na'in 24, no ida ne'ebe provavel ou hein rezultadu analize iha na'in 10,\" Lia hirak ne'e hato'o husi, Porta Voz Sentru Integradu Jestaun Krize, Rui Maria Araujo, iha Centru Convencoens Dili (CCD), Kinta (02/04/2020).",
"Rezultadu teste ba nain 10 ne'e sei fo sai banhira Laboratorio Nasional Saude relata ona dadus ba ekipa sentru intergradu jestaun de risku no sei kontinua halo teste konfirmasaun iha Ospital Darwin Australia.",
"Mediku Timor-oan ne'e hatutan, dadus ne'ebe rekolla husi sistema vijilansia epidemolojika Ministeriu Saude nian, hatudu katak, to'o ohin (horseik-red), tuku 12 OTL, sura hahu husi wainhira komisaun interministerial no komisaun teknika halo preparatorius, responde ba pandemia COVID-19.",
"Nia esplika, ema ne'ebe iha kuarentena, ka iha konfinamentu obrigatoriu tuir terminolojia ne'ebe dekretu governu numeru 3/2020 aprova iha oin 2, iha auto konfinamentu obrigatoriu ka halo kuarentena iha uma, iha munisipiu ema hamutuk 125, iha Dili 138.",
"Timor-oan ne'ebe halo kuarentena iha fatin ne'ebe prepara husi, Ministeriu Saude, iha munisipiu ema hamutuk 71, no iha Dili ema hamutuk 701, husi sira ne'e la inklui sira ne'ebe liu ona, kuarentena loron 14, tantu iha uma ou iha fatin ne'ebe MS prepara.",
"Sira ne'ebe sai ona husi fatin halo kuarentena hamutuk 333, total Timor-oan ne'ebe halo ona kuarentena obrigatoriu ne'ebe oras ne'e dadaun iha, hamutuk 1.035 ema hirak ne'e mai husi nasaun afeitadu.",
"\"Faktus seluk iha Timor-oan barak, ne'ebe sei tama husi fronteira maibe, liu husi dalan ilegal (jalan tikus), Sentru Integradu Jestaun Krize apela liu-liu ba lider komunitarius, bainhira hetan karik informasaun, husi komunidade ne'ebe mak foin fila husi nasaun ne'ebe afeitadu, halo favor kontaktu autoridade saude no PNTL atu bele konvense sira, lori ba iha kuarentena ne'ebe governu prepara ona,\" afirma, Rui Maria de Araujo.",
"Rui aprofunda liutan, importante tamba ita la hatene sira ne'ebe tama mai ne'e sintomas ka lae, ita la hatene sira lori virus ka lae, ba ita hotu nia seguransa diak liu lori sira ba, konfinamentu obrigatoriu atu nune'e iha observasaun diak husi profisionais saude sira, se karik mosu sintomas, presiza halo analize.",
"Rui sublina liutan, medidas distansiamentu sosial, hanesan baibain ne'ebe governu apela fulan hira ne'e nia laran, mantein nafatin, hijene pesoal, keta haluhan fasi liman bebeik, no liman labele tau ba matan no inus, tamba ida ne'e mak ajuda ema hotu prevene moras COVID-19.",
"Ministeriu Saude halo teste ne'e atu identifika virus ne'e la'os ho Rapyd Test maibe uza Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR), izame teste ne'e atu identifika ain fatin jenetika husi virus ne'e.Cin"
] | [
"10 Timorese suspected of COVID-29 have tested positive - GMN TV The Integrated Centre for Crisis Management (ICMJ) has issued the test results from a group consisting in ten persons, including two women and one man. Of these people who were reported to be suspicious or infectious with Corona Virus Disease(COVID), there are now only three remain at home waiting on their tests; four others will receive an immediately confirmation that they're not affectes by this disease as well..."
"\"In the period since government began preparations against this pandemic until today, there have been 35 suspected cases. The results of analysis are still positive for one case; negative tests were done on another twenty-four people and ten others may be awaiting a test result\", said Rui Maria Araujo (Integrated Crisis Management Centre spokesperson), at Dili Convention Center in Jakarta Thursday April twoth(04/2)."
"The test results for these 10 people will be released after the National Health Laboratory has reported data to a team from an interdisciplinary risk management centre and continues with confirmation tests at Darwin Hospital Australia."
"The Timorese doctor added that data collected by the Ministry of Health's epidemiological surveillance system, showing up to today (Thursday-red), 12 noon OTL from when interministerial commission and technical committee made preparatory work in response for COVID -09 pandemic."
"He explained, people who are in quarantine or compulsory confinement according to the terminology that government decree number 3/2019 approves for now have self-confinement at home. In municipalities there were a total of:"
"The Timorese who are quarantined in the facilities prepares by, Ministry of Health 71 people totally and Dili is numbered as a whole to be at least one person. Of them not including those that have already passed their quarantaine for fourteen days either home or places which MS preparing"
"Those who have left the quarantined area are 329, total Timorese under mandatory quarantaine that there is currently a number of people from affected countries."
"\"Another fact is that many Timorese, who are entering from the border but through illegal ways (dirty roads), Integrated Crisis Management Center appealed especially to community leaders if they receive any information of communities just returning in recent times. Please contact health authorities and PNTL so as not convince them or take their children into quarantine facilities prepared by government\", says Rui Maria de Araujo .\""
"Rui went on to say that it is important because we do not know if those who come have symptoms or they are carrying the virus, for all of us' safety better take them into compulsory confinement so there will be good observation by health professionals."
"Rui emphasizes further, social distancing measures as usual that the government has called for in recent months; maintain personal hygiene and do not Forget to wash your hands frequently. Doesn't touch eyes or mouth because this help all people prevent COVID-19 disease!"
"The Ministry of Health conducted the test to identify this virus not with a Rapyd Test but using Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR), which is used for identifying genetic locations."
] |
Entrevista eskluzivu ho kandidatu PR Lu-Olo: Xanana apoia ha’u tanba kompriende konstituisaun | Diario | Jornal Nacional\nWednesday, Jun 28 - 2017 | 02:13 PM\nEntrevista eskluzivu ho kandidatu PR Lu-Olo: Xanana apoia ha’u tanba kompriende konstituisaun Diario > Politika > Entrevista eskluzivu ho kandidatu PR Lu-Olo: Xanana apoia ha’u tanba kompriende konstituisaun Entrevista eskluzivu ho kandidatu PR Lu-Olo: Xanana apoia ha’u tanba kompriende konstituisaun\nposted: Tuesday, March 07, 2017 | 0 comments | 318 Views\nPrezidenti Repúblika tuir konstituisaun República Democrática de Timor-Leste (RDTL) mak simbolu Estadu no simbolu unidade nasionál, no Prezidenti Repúblika mós sai hanesan simbolu independensia nasaun ida nian.\nPrezidenti Repúblika mós, hanesan Komandante Supremu Forsa Armada nian, hodi garante paz no estabilidade nune’e povu bele moris hakmatek, no dezenvolvimentu bele la’o di’ak.\nNune’e kandidatu Prezidenti Repúblika (PR), Francisco Guterres ‘Lu-Olo’ ne’ebé hetan sorteiu Númeru 2 husi Tribunal de Recurso iha eleisaun Prezidensial periodu 2017-2022 promete katak, bainhira nia eleitu ba Prezidenti Repúblika, nia sei hala’o nia kna’ar tuir de’it kompetensia Xefi Estadu nian, ne’ebé hakerek ona iha konstituisaun RDTL.\nKandidatu PR Francisco Guterres ‘Lu-Olo’ kandidata-an tan ba periodu tinan 2017-2022 dala tolu ona. Primeiru Lu-Olo kandadita-an ba PR iha tinan 2007 hetan derrota, no iha tinan 2012 la halakon espiritu Lu-Olo nian, nune’e nia kandidata-an tan ba PR, maibe Lu-Olo lakon ho kandidatu PR Taur Matan Ruak, Xefi Estadu Timor-Leste aktual, tanba iha periodu hirak mensiona iha leten L-Olu la hetan apoiu maka’as husi lider karismátiku Kay Rala Xanana Gusmão.\nMaibe kandidatu PR Francisco Guterres ‘Lu-Olo’ iha nia kandidatura ba peiodu ida ne’e hetan apoia diretemente husi lider karismátiku aktual Prezidente Partidu CNRT, Kay Rala Xanana Gusmão, nu’udar mos eis Komandante em Chefe FALINTIL iha tempu okupasaun Indonesia. Iha historia hakerek ona katak, bainhira lider karismátiku Xanana Gusmão fo apoiu ba kandidatu PR ida, kandidatu PR ne’e sempre avansa ba Xefi Estadu TL hanesan laureadu Nobel da Paz, José Ramos Horta no mos Taur Matan Ruak. Maibe iha epoka ida ne’e, sei iha’nakukun laran’ katak, bainhira Xanana Gusmão apoia kandidatu PR Lu-Olo, nia bele avansa duni ba PR ka lae? Tanba iha kandidatu PR barak mak kualifikadu atu avansa ba Aitarak laran, fatin Prezidente Repúblika haknaar-an ba.\nAlende maun bo’ot Kay Rala Xanana Gusmão ho nia partidu CNRT apoia Kandidatu PR Lu-Olo, iha mos apoiu mai husi Partido Centro Acção Social Democrata Timorense (CASDT), Partido Esperança da Pátria no individu sira seluk tan.\nNune’e ho andamentu politika, kapasidade no dedikasaun ne’ebé kandidatu PR Lu-Olo hatudu iha tempu ukun-an hanesan Prezidente Asembleia Konstituante hodi produs konstituisaun RDTL ka lei inan, halo lider rezistensia, Kay Rala Xanana Gusmão, ‘laran monu’ hodi ‘gava’ kandidatu PR Lu-Olo ema ne’ebé mak kompriende konstituisaun RDTL, no iha kapasidade atu sai Prezidenti Repúblika ba povu tomak.\nIha kompromisu kandidatu PR Lu-Olo nian ba povu tomak hatete katak, karik nia eleitu ba PR nia sei la sai opozisaun ba Governu no Parlamentu Nasionál, tanba kuandu sai opozisaun ba malu, Estadu sei la funsiona.\nAtu hatene di’ak liu tan kompromisu polítika Lu-Olo nian bainhira eleitu ba Prezidenti Repúblika, tuir mai ami hatun kompletu entrevista eskluzivu entre kandidatu Prezidenti Repúblika, Francisco Guterres ‘Lu-Olo’, ho Jornalista Jornal Nacionál Diário (JND), Cornelis Tapo, iha Comite Cental da FRETILIN Comoro Dili, foin lalais nee.\nJND: Ita bo’ot nia kandidatura ida ne’e ba dala tolu ona, mais ou menus saida mak motiva ita kontinua kandidata-an fila fali?\nLu-Olo: Kandidatu ba dala tolu, ha’u hakarak mak ida ne’e, atu bele ita-nia rai ne’e la’o ba oin, ita-nia rai ne’e tenki hakmatek, atu bele Prezidenti da Repúblika ida sai Xefi Estadu hodi bele iha normal funsionamentu instituisaun Estadu ninian.\nHa’u nia kompromisu Estadu ne’e, mai husi luta ida ne’ebé ha’u halo kedas iha ailaran, durante tinan 24, vontade mai husi kedas ne’eba. Ba ha’u la’os kargu, maibé vontade ida atu bele servi ha’u nia rain no ha’u nia povu. Vontade ida ne’e ha’u lori proprio hamutuk ho ha’u nia terus ho ha’u nia maluk sira seluk mak kuda iha ha’u nia fuan atu kontinua servi nafatin.\nHa’u atu lakon dala (10) mós, ha’u ba nafatin, enkuantu ha’u iha vontade, tanba iha ha’u nia kompromisu iha ailaran ne’e, ha’u se lori nafatin iha ha’u nia liman, no ha’u sei ba nafatin. Mas ha’u senti katak, ha’u sei la ba to’o dala 10, dala ida ne’e ha’u manan.\nJND: Karik ita garante katak, iha ita-nia terseiru kandidatura ne’e bele manan?\nLu-Olo: Ha’u lakon dala rua iha konjuntura polítika ne’e oin seluk, ha’u bele hateten fila fali de’it ba ita bo’ot sira, ha’u kandidatu iha situasaun ida ne’ebé manas, anin mós bo’ot, udan mós bo’ot, laloran tasi ninian mós bo’ot, ne’ebé ha’u tama iha laran hodi bele luku atu sai kandidatu ba Prezidenti Repúblika, maibé ha’u laliu. La’os dehan katak ha’u lakon, ha’u manan iha primeira ronde, maibé ba iha segunda ronde, ha’u sempre lakon.\nAgora ba dala tolu ne’e, ha’u senti katak, tenke stade sira ne’ebé mak uluk iha, laiha tiha hotu ona, ha’u hetan apoiu husi ha’u nia partidu rasik mak FRETILIN, ninia militantes rihun mak fó apoiu ba ha’u nia kandidatura, no naturalmente sira sei vota ba ha’u, no ha’u hetan mós apoiu husi partidu CNRT ninian, husi maun bo’ot Xanana Gusmão ninian hanesan pesoal, no hanesan mós partidu polítiku, no oras ne’e dada’uk sira halo movimentasaun maka’as iha terenu, atu bele fó hatene mós ba sira-nia militante sira hodi vota mai ha’u.\nHa’u hetan apoiu mós husi ha’u nia maluk veteranu sira, ho mós partidu polítiku sira ki’ik ne’e hotu, sira-nia ema mós iha atu vota ba ha’u. Entaun ha’u garante katak, ha’u sei bele manan iha primeira ronde.\nJND: Polítika ne’e hanesan jogu ida, ita garante katak, ita bele manan, maibe se pelo contratrario, ita nia hanoin oinsa? Lu-Olo: Ida ne’e se akontese karik, akontese iha segunda ronde, mas ha’u lahatene atu ba segunda ronde ne’e ho se?, ida ne’e to’o agora ha’u seida’uk hatene. Uluk ne’e ha’u ba segunda ronde ho Ramos Horta no figura rezistensia ida, Taur Matan Ruak. To’o agora ha’u seida’uk hatene dehan katak, atu ba segunda ronde ne’e, ho se?.\nJND: Signifika katak, figura ne’ebé mak atu kompete ho ita ne’e, laiha?\nLu-Olo: Ha’u lakohi hateten katak, kompete ho ha’u laiha, kandidatu sira ne’e hotu kompete ho ha’u, mas ita kompete ba mak depois povu mak sei hili. Maibé ha’u hateten tan dala ida katak, ha’u lakon dala rua ne’e, ho figura na’in rua, mas ami sei halo esforsu para bele la’o ba oin nafatin.\nJND: Preprasaun ita bo’ot nian ba kampaña nian ne’e oinsa?\nLu-Olo: Preparativus ba kampaña ha’u nian, primeiru ha’u hakarak hatete de’it katak, ha’u nia kampaña sei hahú iha Munisipiu Ermera iha loron 3/3. Ha’u eskolla rasik Ermera, la’os de’it husi pontu devista polítiku ne’ebé ami hetan iha eleisaun direita lideransa ninian, ami hetan mais de 21 mill votus a favor ba lideransa partidu, entaun la’os husi polítika nian de’it, maibé ha’u mós hili Ermera hanesan rai klaran, no Ermera situa hamutuk ho foho Ramelau ne’e, entaun ha’u eskolla ida ne’e husi pontu devista sosiologiku, cultural, atu hahú iha Ermera lori fanun ita nia rai nia fuan, atu bele transmit katak, kampaña hahú ona iha Ermera, hodi bele transmite ba foho Matebian, Kablaki ba to’o iha loro monu no Oe-cusse no mós Atauru.\nIda ne’e ha’u hili hanesan aspeitu polítika ho sosiu cultural nian dala ida. Ami hakarak atu hateten katak, preparativus ne’e la’o di’ak, sei mobiliza mós militantes partidu FRETILIN ninian, sei mai partisipa hotu, no povu tomak Ermera nian sei mobilizadu hotu atu bele tuir, partidu CNRT nian mós sei tuir.\nAmi hanoin katak, Kay Rala Xanana Gusmão mós sei partisipa mós ho nia membru sira iha abertura kampaña iha Ermera, no mós partidu sira seluk ne’ebé mak fó apoiu mai ha’u hanesan CASDT, PEP, Veteranu sira, no grupu sira ne’ebé fó apoiu, sei ba partisipa hotu iha abertura kampaña iha Ermera.\nAmi partikularmente husi FRETILIN nian, iha meus oit uan ne’ebé mak lori atu bele hodi selu transportes ba militante sira husi kedas Aldeia mai to’o Postu Administrativu hotu iha Ermera nian, atu bele partisipa hotu.\nAmi hakarak atu hateten katak, bainhira kampaña hahú ona, sira husi Munisipiu seluk mós prepara, halo movimentasaun, lori ha’u nia kompromisu atu bele esklarese mós militantes no populasaun sira, la’os militantes FRETILIN nian de’it, maibé militantes partidu sira seluk mós hanesan militantes CNRT nian, veteranus no miliitantes partidu seluk ne’ebé balu individualmente deklara fó apoiu ba ha’u nia kandidatura.\nHotu tiha kampaña iha Ermera, ami sei desloka fali ba Munisipiu seluk tuir kalendáriu ne’ebé mak estabelese ona, maibé Ermera sei iha movimentasaun nafatin husi Postu Administrativu, sei halo movimentu tu’un fali to’o iha Aldeias.\nJND: Vizaun no misaun saida mak ita sei lori ba iha ita-nia kampaña?\nLu-Olo: Ha’u hakarak hateten de’it katak, Prezidenti da Repúblika iha ninia kompetensia rasik tuir konstituisaun hatete ona. Entaun liu husi ninia kompetensia ida ne’ebé mak nia bele kaer hodi bele sai hanesan Xefi Estadu ida, ha’u hakarak atu hateten katak, ha’u nia kandidatura kompromete atu bele garante paz ho estabilidade iha ita-nia rain, atu bele hala’o dezenvolvimentu ida ne’ebé sustentavel, atu bele garante mós katak, organizasoens iha norma funsionamentu iha instituisoens Estadu nian hanesan, Parlamentu Nasionál, Governu, ho Prezidenti Repúblika.\nHa’u hanoin ida ne’e mak ha’u hakarak atu transmiti ba ema hotu para atu hatene. Segundu lugar, ha’u hakarak atu bele fó hatene mós katak, Prezidenti da Repúblika eleitu sai mós hanesan Komandante Supremo Forsa Armadas nian.\nTan nee tenke asegura dezenvolvimentu institusionál husi F-FDTL ho PNTL atu nune’e bele respeita liu tan, atu bele kaer metin liu tan prinsipiu demokrásia iha ita nia rain.\nSira (F-FDTL, PNTL) so mente atu halo de’it seguransa ba ita nia populasaun, sira so iha de’it kompetensia atu halo de’it defeza ba ita-nia rain, ba ita-nia soberania nasionál. Naturalmente, Timor Leste sei presiza forsa ida ne’ebé mais operasionál liu, no forsa ida ne’ebé bele iha kapasidade professional di’ak liu tan atu bele hala’o sira nia kna’ar ne’e ho di’ak.\nHa’u mós hakarak atu bele projeta Timor Leste nia imazen iha arena internasionál ninian, ha’u hakarak atu dehan de’it katak, ho ha’u nia propria kandidatura, sei karik eleitu sai Prezidenti da Repúblika, ha’u hakarak mós Timor Leste nia soberania nasionál tenki hetan respeitu husi nasaun seluk, iha igualdade pozisoens entre Timor Leste ho rai bo’ot sira seluk, prinsipiu internasionál ida ne’ebé mak ita bele garante.\nHa’u hakarak mós atu bele akompaña permanente nafatin kona ba definisaun fronteiras maritima, kestaun ida ne’ebé mak importante relasiona ho ita nia propria soberania, hanesan Prezidenti Repúblika ha’u hakarak atu akompañafatin ida ne’e, to’o hetan solusaun definitiva ba ita nia fronteiras maritima.\nHanesan Prezidenti da Repúblika, naturalmente ha’u sei, paralende halo Prezidensia ida ne’ebé ha’u defende liu prinsipiu dialogu, entre orgaun soberania sira seluk hanesan Governu ho Parlamentu Nasionál, Governu ida ne’ebé nia define ninia polítika dezenvolvimentu nasionál ninian. No informa direitamente ba Prezidenti da Repúblika atu bele akompaña polítika ne’e nia implementasaun, no hakarak mós atu bele Parlamentu Nasionál hanesan orgaun legistlativu ida, orgaun ida ne’ebé fiskalijador, no mós orgaun ida ne’ebé hola desizaun polítika, orgaun ida ne’e tenki buka nafatin dialogu ho prinsipiu dialogu nian, atu bele hetan konsensus, iha kestaun sir a ne’ebé mak relevante kona ba intrese ita nia nasaun inan.\nHa’u hakarak atu rejumu de’it katak, ha’u nia vizaun hanesan Prezidenti Repúblika, atu bele garante paz ho estabilidade nafatin ba ita-nia rain, unidade ba ita-nia Estadu, unidade ita-nia teritóriu nasionál ninian, no Prezidenti Repúblika ida ne’ebé abertu ba dialogu, no Prezidenti ida ne’ebé hakarak mós atu rona ita nia sosiadade tomak, liu husi organizoens Governamentais ou noun Governamentais, liu husi mós instituisoens relijiozas, liu husi mós organizasaun sira feto ka joventude nian, no partikularmente sidadaun ida ba sidadaun seluk.\nHa’u sei bele garante atu bele rona nafatin sira nia opiniaun, kona ba dezenvolvimentu iha ita-nia rain ne’e. ha’u simplestmente hakarak de’it atu lori povu tomak atu bele partisipa ba dezenvolvimentu nasionál nian.\nJND: Mais ou menus programa prinsipal saida de’it mak ita sei lori hanesan bukae ida atu ita bele hato’o ba komunidade wainhira ita hala’o ita nia papel?\nLu-Olo: Programa so Governu bele halo programa, Prezidenti Repúblika simplestmente atu ba hatete de’it katak, nia atu sai Prezidenti Repúblika ida ne’ebé ba ema hotu, Prezidenti Repúblika ida ne’ebé prekoniza dialogu permanente ho orgaun soberania sira hotu, ho mós instituisaun sira seluk. Prezidenti Repúblika ida ne’ebé bele rona ema hot-hotu, ida ne’e ha’u nia hakarak mak ida ne’e, no Prezidenti da Repúblika ida ne’ebé atu bele lori Governu ninia programa ne’e, ba oinsa mak intrese povu ninian, bele tama hotu iha laran atu bele hala’o hodi bele to’o objetivu ne’ebé mak ita hakarak atu atinji.\nJND: Iha periodu ba kotuk, CNRT ho ninia kandidatu rasik, maibé iha periodu ida ne’e, ita bele dehan katak, CNRT ho nia Prezidenti mai hotu fó apoiu ba ita, ida ne’e tanba razaun saida?\nLu-Olo: Lolos ne’e, CNRT mak bele hatan pergunta ne’e. Mas ha’u bele hateten katak, ha’u nia kandidatura ne’ebé hetan apoiu husi CNRT, no mós partidu polítika sira seluk, tanba sira fiar katak, Lu-Olo sei bele garante paz ho estabilidade, no sei halibur ema hotu atu bele lori ita-nia rai ne’e ba oin.\nSira mós fiar katak, Lu-Olo ninia konstituisaun, tuir Estadu Direitu Demokrátiku ida ne’e, konstituisaun, ho ninia kompetensia ne’ebé mak hakerek iha konstituisaun, atu bele hala’o hanesan Xefi Estadu ida hamutuk ho orgaun soberanu sira seluk, sira nia konfiansa bo’ot mak ida ne’e. Sei bainhira ha’u la’o hanesan ne’e, hala’o ha’u nia kna’ar sira ne’e hotu, sira senti katak, ha’u bele loke dalan atu bele hala’o dezenvolviimentu ba ita-nia rain. Ida ne’e sira-nia fiar metin, tanba ne’e mak sira fó apoiu ba ha’u.\nJND: Ita haree husi apoiu Xanana nian, iha 2007 nia apoiu Ramos Horta, tanba Xanana haree figura ne’ebé mak uluk iha tempu rejistensia reprezenta Timor Leste iha Frenti Diplomatika nian, iha 2012 nia fó apoiu ba Taur Matan Ruak nudar eis komandante FALINTIL. Karik iha 2017 ne’e, tanba ita bo’ot lidera Frenti Polítika Interna (FPI) ka, faz parte ba estrutura rejistensia nian mak Xanana fó apoiu ba ita. Karik nee los? Lu-Olo: La’e. la’os husi ida ne’e ida. Maibé Xanana rasik mai hatete dehan, Lu-Olo iha kapasidade atu bele sai Xefi Estadu. Maibé ha’u liu husi prosesu naruk ida, hodi bele sai mai kandidatu Prezidenti da Repúblika agora ne’e.\nSignifika katak, ha’u nia luta iha pasadu ninian mós konta, maibé sira apoiu ne’e, li-liu tanba dehan katak, Lu-Olo iha kapasidade atu bele sai hanesan Prezidenti da Repúblika ida los, no Xefi Estadu ida los, atu kumpri de’it tuir nia kna’ar. Tanba ne’e mak sira fó apoiu liu husi sira-nia propriu manifestasaun lia fuan ne’ebé mak sira hatete, ha’u intende katak, sira hakarak apoiu ha’u liu husi dalan ida ne’e de’it.\nJND: Uluk ita bo’ot avansa ho apoiu partidu FRETILIN nian, maibé agora hetan apoiu husi Xanana ho partidu CNRT nian. Se ita bo’ot manan iha primeira ronde, ne’e signifika katak, forsa ne’e hamutuk. Maibe se ita hakat ba segunda ronde, ida ne’e signifika katak, apoiu sira ne’e la favorese, ne’e hanesan kontinua ho apoiu FRETILIN nian, oinsa ita-nia hanoin?\nLu-Olo: Ha’u la espera, no ha’u laiha koviksaun ida dehan katak atu eleisaun ida ne’e ba iha segunda volta, ne’e laiha. Ba ha’u garante 100% katak, iha primeira volta ha’u bele liu. Ha’u ko’alia ida ne’e ho dadus, la’o ho propaganda de’it, tanba ha’u nia militante sira rejistu husi uma kain ida-ida, foin tama, militante sira ne’e hotu rejistu hamutuk rihun atus rua sia nulu resin hitu, maibé seida’uk tama hotu, ne’e bele tama to’o iha rihun atus tolu resin.\nTuir fali mai, ha’u konta tan ho militante CNRT ninian mós, la’os militante oit uan, maibé barak, ita haree de’it husi rezultadu ne’ebé sira lori iha eleisaun 2012 ninian, hodi hetan 30 kadeiras iha Parlamentu Nasionál, ida ne’e hatudu katak, militantes mós barak.\nHo mós lideransa partidu CNRT nian fó apoiu ba ha’u, signifika katak, sira sei mobiliza sira nia forsa ida ne’e, hodi vota tan para tau hamutuk ho ida 300. 000 ne’ebé mak FRETILIN hetan. Liu tan ida ne’e, partidu ki’ik oan sira mós iha elementu ne’ebé mak sei bele vota ba ha’u. ida ne’e de’it ha’u hanoin, ho militantes FRETILIN nian de’it 300.000 resin, ho militantes CNRT ninian hamutuk ho partidu polítika sira seluk nian, ita haree ba dadus ne’ebé mak STAE fó katak, iha eleitores hamutuk 700. 40 etal mill.\nNia dehan, eleitores 700.40 etal mill ne’e, konserteja ba eleisoens ne’e, sei la ba vota hotu, ita despensa tiha sira ne’ebé mak la ba vota mak to’o 100.000, signifika 600.000 de’it mak sei ba vota. Se 600.000 mill ne’e mak ba vota, ha’u nia militantes de’it 300.000 ona, apoiu tan ho CNRT no partidu polítika sira seluk nian, konta de’it votus balidus ne’e, ha’u nian hira ona.\nHa’u bazeia ba dadus faktus ne’ebé FRETILIN rasik iha, ho mós CNRT ninia militante sira, ne’e mak ha’u afirma katak, ha’u sei bele manan iha primeira ronde.\nJND: Ita hateke fali ba pasadu, iha periodu rua tu-tuir malu, ne’ebé ita-nia kandidatura hakat de’it to’o iha segunda volta, referensia saida mak ita bele foti ka hetan husi ne’eba, hodi sai hanesan mata dalan ida atu ita-nia kandidatura terseiru ne’e bele atinji ita-nia mehi?\nLu-Olo: Ha’u hatete tiha ona katak, iha eleisaun dala rua tu-tuir malu halu lakon tanba, ami ida-ida defende ami nia partidu ka partidu ida-ida defende nia kandidatu, maibé agora ne’e lahanesan. Entaun saida mak ami hanoin, mak ida ne’e katak, tempu ne’e, tempu para ami hamutuk, tempu atu bele katuas sira hamutuk atu bele garante paz no estabilidade.\nIda ne’e lisaun no konkluzaun bo’ot ida ne’ebé ami hasai husi esperensia polítika ne’ebé hahú iha 2001 to’o 20012 no to’o mai agora. Ami hasai lisaun ida ne’e, sai hanesan referensia bo’ot ida ne’ebé presiza tau kbi’it hamutuk, atu bele garante paz ho estabilidade hodi hala’o dezenvolvimentu iha ita-nia rain.\nIda ne’e de’it bale atu bele ita hakat ba oin ho seguransa ho serteza bo’ot atu bele manan.\nJND: Iha periodu ida ne’e, iha kandidatu 8, tuir ita bo’ot nia haree, kandidatu ida ne’ebé mak bele sai hanesan forsa ka obstaklu bo’ot liu ba ita-nia kandidatura atu bele compete maka’as liu iha eleisaun Prezidensial ne’e?\nLu-Olo: Ha’u horibainhira kandidata-an dala rua tu-tuir malu, ha’u manan iha primeira ronde no lakon iha segunda ronde ne’e, ida ha’u lakon ho Dr. Ramos Horta iha segunda ronde, tuir fali mai iha 2012, ha’u ba segunda volta ho Prezidenti atual, Taur Matan Ruak, no ha’u lakon iha segunda ronde.\nNe’ebé, ha’u bele hateten katak, iha segunda ronde, husi esperensia uluk ne’e, kuandu ba ona segunda ronde ne’e, sira iha tendensia atu halai hamutuk atu bele halakon kandidatu partidu FRETILIN ninian. Maibé destabes, ha’u hanoin katak, ida ne’e sei laiha ona.\nJND: Haree ba, ita nu’udar nasaun foun, bainhira eleitu sai Prezidenti Repúblika, ita-nia polítika ba rejionál ho internasionál ne’e saida?\nLu-Olo: Polítika kona ba relasaun internasionál ninian, hanesan ohin ha’u hatete ona, mas ha’u hakarak aprofunda liu tan katak, Timor Leste sai hanesan nasaun independent ida, nia lori referensia bo’ot ida husi diplomasia ita nia lider rejistensia sira uluk halo hamutuk ho nasaun sira seluk hanesan, Europa, Afrika no ba to’o iha Nasoens Unidas, para apoiu ba ita nia luta ba independensia nian.\nHa’u lori referensia ida ne’e atu bele tau fila fai ba iha Estadu ida ne’ebé mak sai Estadu Direitu Demokrátiku ho nasaun soberanu ida.\nSaida mak ita hakarak atu halo, ou ha’u hanesan kandidatu Prezidenti Repúblika ‘atu halo mak, tenki hametin relasoens diplomátika ho rai hot-hotu tenki hametin, tanba ita hanesan membru Nasoens Unidas, klaru ita tenki buka atu kumpri ita nia kompromisu internasionais sira hotu, hanesan Estadu soberanu. Obrigasaun internasional ne’ebé mak ita iha, relasaun ho komunidade internasionál, ita tenki kumpri, hametin, no hala’o mós, relasaun ho nasaun sira CPLP, ita iha relasaun ida ne’ebé especial liu, oinsa mak ita bele lori CPLP ne’e bele tama iha kontinente Afrika nian, no mós iha Asia nian, no hakat liu ba pasifiku Sul ninian.\nMas tendensia bo’ot liu mak, ita atu lori, no oinsa mak ita atu lori CPLP nia naran tama iha ASEAN ninian. Em relasaun polítika ida kona ba ASEAN ninian, ha’u so hakarak atu hatete de’it katak, dalan nakloke ba Timor Leste atu bele sai membru deplenu ASEAN ninian, mask importante liu ba ita Timor oan, tenki prepara kondisoens didi’ak, iha ita-nia rai laran, antes ita atu hakat ba sai membru permanente.\nHa’u hanoin ita sei sai membru ASEAN ninian, garantia figura ida forte teb-tebes atu bele projeta Timor Leste nia imanzen iha ASEAN, mas importante ha’u hakarak atu hatete, hadia ita nia uma laran ne’e uluk, no importante mós ita tenki hametin relasoens bilateral ho rai ida-ida, partikularmente ho Australia ho Indonesia, ne’ebé mak halo fronteira ho ita.\nIta so tuir de’it saida mak konvensoens internasional hateten katak, ita so bele buka dalan dialogu atu bele resolve atu bele resolve ita nia diferensa sira ho nasaun seluk, se karik iha.\nLiga ba ida ne’e, ha’u hakarak atu hatete mós katak, ita nia forsa armadas, karik hanesan mós Komandante em Xefi, presizu tenki halo kooperasaun bilateral ho rai sira seluk, kooperasaun husi forsa armadas ninian. Ha’u hatene katak ho Indonesia no Australia, Nova Zelandia no Portugal. Importante mak ita tenki asegura ida ne’e, hanesan forma ida para depois bele garante etabilidade ho paz mai ita-nia rain, hamutuk ho ita-nia diplomasia externa ninian.\nJND: Ita haree ba esperiensia kandidatu sira liu ba, bainhira kuandu kandidatu, sira hateten lakohi sai hanesan obstaklu ba dezenvolvimentu, maibé depois eleitu, pelo contrario fali, sai fali obstaklu ba dezenvolvimentu, oinsa ita-nia hanoin? Lu-Olo: Eleitu sai Prezidenti da Repúblika, nu’udar orgaun ida autónomo, atu bele kaer kna’ar hanesan Xefi Estadu, hodi kumpri de’it saida mak konstituisaun hateten.\nIha relasaun entre orgaun soberania sira, iha relasaun interdependensia ne’e ba malu, signifika katak, laiha Prezidenti da Repúblika, la’os figura ida ne’ebé inkorpora Estadu, maibé nia hanesan orgaun ida ne’ebé kumpri nia kompetensias, no nia respeita nafatin orgaun soberania sira seluk nia kompetensias, tuir konstituisaun hatete ona.\nNune’e, bainhira ha’u eleitu ba Prezidenti Repúblika, ha’u sei la sai fali opozisaun ba Governu, ha’u sei la halo opozisaun ba Parlamentu Nasionál, maibé ha’u koopera liu husi prinsipiu interdependensia orgaun soberania, atu bele instituisaun Estadu ninian la’o normal hanesan ita nia konstituisaun hateten.\nPrezidenti da Repúblika labele sai obstaklu, ba orgaun soberania sira seluk, bainhira nia simu diploma sira husi Governu ka husi Parlamentu Nasionál, Prezidenti atu veta ka promulga, ne’e kompetensia Prezidenti da Repúblika nian.\nMaibé labele uza poder ida veto ne’e, ou poder promulgasaun ninian, sai hanesan fali obstaklu no sai hanesan fali opozisaun ba sira, ida ne’e labele, tanba kuandu ita la’o hanesan ne’e, Estadu laiha. Ba ha’u garante katak, ha’u sei kumpri de’it ha’u nia funsaun hanesan Prezidenti da Repúblika, atu promulga ka veta, iha razaun rasik, no ha’u halo iha gabinete Prezidenti da Repúblika nian, ha’u la lori ba Comoro ka ba iha ne’ebé mak deside atu veta diploma Parlamentu ou Governu nian.\nIha mekanismu koordenasaun entre orgaun soberanu sira atu ida-ida hala’o nia kna’ar, maibé hot-hotu sempre iha koordenasaun ba malu, atu nune’e ita nia Estadu bele funsiona. Sela’e Parlamentu hakarak atu avansa, maibé Governu mak bele impede fali.\nSe Parlamentu Nasionál la halo lei halo didi’ak, ne’e orienta Governu ne’e atu bele kaer nia programa para hodi la’o halo lolos. Se Prezidenti da Repúblika ida mak laiha vontade atu promulga lei, veta be-beik de’it mós, ida ne’e impede fali Governu atu labele la’o ba oin.\nKonsekuensia mak ita atu ba oin la ba oin, fila fali ba kotuk mak barak liu. Entaun sei ha’u eleitu sai Prezidenti Repúblika, ha’u repete fila fali katak, ha’u sei la halo opozisaun nem ba Governu no nem ba Parlamentu Nasionál. Maibé ha’u sei buka dalan liu husi mekanismu kordenasaun, atu bele kumpri tuir de’it, saida mak Prezidenti Repúblika ou konstituisaun, ou konstituisaun fó ba Prezidenti da Repúblika atu halo.\nJND: Iha ita-nia prosesu kandidatura ne’e, iha ona korpus diplomatikus barak mak fó ona apresiasaun ba ita-nia kandidatura, no mós hasoru malu ho ita hodi ko’alia kona ba ita –nia kandidatura no mós programas balu. Mais ou menus durante korpus diplomátiku sira hasoru malu ho ita ne’e, iha kompromisu ruma ba programasaun ne’ebé mak atu hala’o iha ita-nia rai ne’e?\nLu-Olo: Sira laiha kompromisu ho ha’u hanesan kandidatu, maibé sira prontu atu bele fó apoiu nafatin ba Timor Leste iha futuru prosimu mai. partikularmente husi Portugal, Uniaun Europeia, no husi mós embaixadores sira seluk ne’ebé mak hasoru malu ho ha’u, sira hateten katak, sira sei buka atu halo kooperasaun nafatin ho Timor Leste, liu husi dalan apoiu bilateral, liu husi fali apoiu dalan seluk ida, para sira mós bele investe iha ita-nia rain.\nMaibé ha’u haten tan dala ida, sira laiha kompromisu ho ha’u, sira hateten katak, sira iha kompromisu atu bele koopera nafatin ho Timor Leste.\nJND: Kampaña ne’e sei partisipa husi ema rihun-ba rihun, ita bo’ot nia mensajen atu antisipa konfrontu ba ita bo’ot nia militante sira oinsa?\nLu-Olo: Ami-nia militante sira simu tiha ona instrusaun iha fulan kotuk liu ba, ne’e atu ba labele halo konfrontasaun, laiha violensia. Ami sei la halo buat sira ne’e hotu, ami sei la halo violensia lori hasoru ema seluk.\nSe mak atu garante seguransa ne’e, Polisia Nasionál Timor Leste (PNTL), no ha’u fiar katak, sei la akontese buat ida iha kampaña ne’ebé hahú iha Ermera ne’e, hanesan mós iha Munisipiu sira seluk.***** | [
"Entrevista eskluzivu ho kandidatu PR Lu-Olo: Xanana apoia ha'u tanba kompriende konstituisaun | Diario | Jornal Nacional Wednesday, Jun 28 - 2017 | 02:13 PM Entrevista eskluzivu ho kandidatu PR Lu-Olo: Xanana apoia ha'u tanba kompriende konstituisaun Diario > Politika > Entrevista eskluzivu ho kandidatu PR Lu-Olo: Xanana apoia ha'u tanba kompriende konstituisaun Entrevista eskluzivu ho kandidatu PR Lu-Olo: Xanana apoia ha'u tanba kompriende konstituisaun posted: Tuesday, March 07, 2017 | 0 comments | 318 Views Prezidenti Republika tuir konstituisaun Republica Democratica de Timor-Leste (RDTL) mak simbolu Estadu no simbolu unidade nasional, no Prezidenti Republika mos sai hanesan simbolu independensia nasaun ida nian.",
"Prezidenti Republika mos, hanesan Komandante Supremu Forsa Armada nian, hodi garante paz no estabilidade nune'e povu bele moris hakmatek, no dezenvolvimentu bele la'o di'ak.",
"Nune'e kandidatu Prezidenti Republika (PR), Francisco Guterres 'Lu-Olo' ne'ebe hetan sorteiu Numeru 2 husi Tribunal de Recurso iha eleisaun Prezidensial periodu 2017-2022 promete katak, bainhira nia eleitu ba Prezidenti Republika, nia sei hala'o nia kna'ar tuir de'it kompetensia Xefi Estadu nian, ne'ebe hakerek ona iha konstituisaun RDTL.",
"Kandidatu PR Francisco Guterres 'Lu-Olo' kandidata-an tan ba periodu tinan 2017-2022 dala tolu ona.",
"Primeiru Lu-Olo kandadita-an ba PR iha tinan 2007 hetan derrota, no iha tinan 2012 la halakon espiritu Lu-Olo nian, nune'e nia kandidata-an tan ba PR, maibe Lu-Olo lakon ho kandidatu PR Taur Matan Ruak, Xefi Estadu Timor-Leste aktual, tanba iha periodu hirak mensiona iha leten L-Olu la hetan apoiu maka'as husi lider karismatiku Kay Rala Xanana Gusmao.",
"Maibe kandidatu PR Francisco Guterres 'Lu-Olo' iha nia kandidatura ba peiodu ida ne'e hetan apoia diretemente husi lider karismatiku aktual Prezidente Partidu CNRT, Kay Rala Xanana Gusmao, nu'udar mos eis Komandante em Chefe FALINTIL iha tempu okupasaun Indonesia.",
"Iha historia hakerek ona katak, bainhira lider karismatiku Xanana Gusmao fo apoiu ba kandidatu PR ida, kandidatu PR ne'e sempre avansa ba Xefi Estadu TL hanesan laureadu Nobel da Paz, Jose Ramos Horta no mos Taur Matan Ruak.",
"Maibe iha epoka ida ne'e, sei iha'nakukun laran' katak, bainhira Xanana Gusmao apoia kandidatu PR Lu-Olo, nia bele avansa duni ba PR ka lae?",
"Tanba iha kandidatu PR barak mak kualifikadu atu avansa ba Aitarak laran, fatin Prezidente Republika haknaar-an ba.",
"Alende maun bo'ot Kay Rala Xanana Gusmao ho nia partidu CNRT apoia Kandidatu PR Lu-Olo, iha mos apoiu mai husi Partido Centro Accao Social Democrata Timorense (CASDT), Partido Esperanca da Patria no individu sira seluk tan.",
"Nune'e ho andamentu politika, kapasidade no dedikasaun ne'ebe kandidatu PR Lu-Olo hatudu iha tempu ukun-an hanesan Prezidente Asembleia Konstituante hodi produs konstituisaun RDTL ka lei inan, halo lider rezistensia, Kay Rala Xanana Gusmao, 'laran monu' hodi 'gava' kandidatu PR Lu-Olo ema ne'ebe mak kompriende konstituisaun RDTL, no iha kapasidade atu sai Prezidenti Republika ba povu tomak.",
"Iha kompromisu kandidatu PR Lu-Olo nian ba povu tomak hatete katak, karik nia eleitu ba PR nia sei la sai opozisaun ba Governu no Parlamentu Nasional, tanba kuandu sai opozisaun ba malu, Estadu sei la funsiona.",
"Atu hatene di'ak liu tan kompromisu politika Lu-Olo nian bainhira eleitu ba Prezidenti Republika, tuir mai ami hatun kompletu entrevista eskluzivu entre kandidatu Prezidenti Republika, Francisco Guterres 'Lu-Olo', ho Jornalista Jornal Nacional Diario (JND), Cornelis Tapo, iha Comite Cental da FRETILIN Comoro Dili, foin lalais nee.",
"JND: Ita bo'ot nia kandidatura ida ne'e ba dala tolu ona, mais ou menus saida mak motiva ita kontinua kandidata-an fila fali?",
"Lu-Olo: Kandidatu ba dala tolu, ha'u hakarak mak ida ne'e, atu bele ita-nia rai ne'e la'o ba oin, ita-nia rai ne'e tenki hakmatek, atu bele Prezidenti da Republika ida sai Xefi Estadu hodi bele iha normal funsionamentu instituisaun Estadu ninian.",
"Ha'u nia kompromisu Estadu ne'e, mai husi luta ida ne'ebe ha'u halo kedas iha ailaran, durante tinan 24, vontade mai husi kedas ne'eba.",
"Ba ha'u la'os kargu, maibe vontade ida atu bele servi ha'u nia rain no ha'u nia povu.",
"Vontade ida ne'e ha'u lori proprio hamutuk ho ha'u nia terus ho ha'u nia maluk sira seluk mak kuda iha ha'u nia fuan atu kontinua servi nafatin.",
"Ha'u atu lakon dala (10) mos, ha'u ba nafatin, enkuantu ha'u iha vontade, tanba iha ha'u nia kompromisu iha ailaran ne'e, ha'u se lori nafatin iha ha'u nia liman, no ha'u sei ba nafatin.",
"Mas ha'u senti katak, ha'u sei la ba to'o dala 10, dala ida ne'e ha'u manan.",
"JND: Karik ita garante katak, iha ita-nia terseiru kandidatura ne'e bele manan?",
"Lu-Olo: Ha'u lakon dala rua iha konjuntura politika ne'e oin seluk, ha'u bele hateten fila fali de'it ba ita bo'ot sira, ha'u kandidatu iha situasaun ida ne'ebe manas, anin mos bo'ot, udan mos bo'ot, laloran tasi ninian mos bo'ot, ne'ebe ha'u tama iha laran hodi bele luku atu sai kandidatu ba Prezidenti Republika, maibe ha'u laliu.",
"La'os dehan katak ha'u lakon, ha'u manan iha primeira ronde, maibe ba iha segunda ronde, ha'u sempre lakon.",
"Agora ba dala tolu ne'e, ha'u senti katak, tenke stade sira ne'ebe mak uluk iha, laiha tiha hotu ona, ha'u hetan apoiu husi ha'u nia partidu rasik mak FRETILIN, ninia militantes rihun mak fo apoiu ba ha'u nia kandidatura, no naturalmente sira sei vota ba ha'u, no ha'u hetan mos apoiu husi partidu CNRT ninian, husi maun bo'ot Xanana Gusmao ninian hanesan pesoal, no hanesan mos partidu politiku, no oras ne'e dada'uk sira halo movimentasaun maka'as iha terenu, atu bele fo hatene mos ba sira-nia militante sira hodi vota mai ha'u.",
"Ha'u hetan apoiu mos husi ha'u nia maluk veteranu sira, ho mos partidu politiku sira ki'ik ne'e hotu, sira-nia ema mos iha atu vota ba ha'u.",
"Entaun ha'u garante katak, ha'u sei bele manan iha primeira ronde.",
"JND: Politika ne'e hanesan jogu ida, ita garante katak, ita bele manan, maibe se pelo contratrario, ita nia hanoin oinsa?",
"Lu-Olo: Ida ne'e se akontese karik, akontese iha segunda ronde, mas ha'u lahatene atu ba segunda ronde ne'e ho se?, ida ne'e to'o agora ha'u seida'uk hatene.",
"Uluk ne'e ha'u ba segunda ronde ho Ramos Horta no figura rezistensia ida, Taur Matan Ruak.",
"To'o agora ha'u seida'uk hatene dehan katak, atu ba segunda ronde ne'e, ho se?.",
"JND: Signifika katak, figura ne'ebe mak atu kompete ho ita ne'e, laiha?",
"Lu-Olo: Ha'u lakohi hateten katak, kompete ho ha'u laiha, kandidatu sira ne'e hotu kompete ho ha'u, mas ita kompete ba mak depois povu mak sei hili.",
"Maibe ha'u hateten tan dala ida katak, ha'u lakon dala rua ne'e, ho figura na'in rua, mas ami sei halo esforsu para bele la'o ba oin nafatin.",
"JND: Preprasaun ita bo'ot nian ba kampana nian ne'e oinsa?",
"Lu-Olo: Preparativus ba kampana ha'u nian, primeiru ha'u hakarak hatete de'it katak, ha'u nia kampana sei hahu iha Munisipiu Ermera iha loron 3/3.",
"Ha'u eskolla rasik Ermera, la'os de'it husi pontu devista politiku ne'ebe ami hetan iha eleisaun direita lideransa ninian, ami hetan mais de 21 mill votus a favor ba lideransa partidu, entaun la'os husi politika nian de'it, maibe ha'u mos hili Ermera hanesan rai klaran, no Ermera situa hamutuk ho foho Ramelau ne'e, entaun ha'u eskolla ida ne'e husi pontu devista sosiologiku, cultural, atu hahu iha Ermera lori fanun ita nia rai nia fuan, atu bele transmit katak, kampana hahu ona iha Ermera, hodi bele transmite ba foho Matebian, Kablaki ba to'o iha loro monu no Oe-cusse no mos Atauru.",
"Ida ne'e ha'u hili hanesan aspeitu politika ho sosiu cultural nian dala ida.",
"Ami hakarak atu hateten katak, preparativus ne'e la'o di'ak, sei mobiliza mos militantes partidu FRETILIN ninian, sei mai partisipa hotu, no povu tomak Ermera nian sei mobilizadu hotu atu bele tuir, partidu CNRT nian mos sei tuir.",
"Ami hanoin katak, Kay Rala Xanana Gusmao mos sei partisipa mos ho nia membru sira iha abertura kampana iha Ermera, no mos partidu sira seluk ne'ebe mak fo apoiu mai ha'u hanesan CASDT, PEP, Veteranu sira, no grupu sira ne'ebe fo apoiu, sei ba partisipa hotu iha abertura kampana iha Ermera.",
"Ami partikularmente husi FRETILIN nian, iha meus oit uan ne'ebe mak lori atu bele hodi selu transportes ba militante sira husi kedas Aldeia mai to'o Postu Administrativu hotu iha Ermera nian, atu bele partisipa hotu.",
"Ami hakarak atu hateten katak, bainhira kampana hahu ona, sira husi Munisipiu seluk mos prepara, halo movimentasaun, lori ha'u nia kompromisu atu bele esklarese mos militantes no populasaun sira, la'os militantes FRETILIN nian de'it, maibe militantes partidu sira seluk mos hanesan militantes CNRT nian, veteranus no miliitantes partidu seluk ne'ebe balu individualmente deklara fo apoiu ba ha'u nia kandidatura.",
"Hotu tiha kampana iha Ermera, ami sei desloka fali ba Munisipiu seluk tuir kalendariu ne'ebe mak estabelese ona, maibe Ermera sei iha movimentasaun nafatin husi Postu Administrativu, sei halo movimentu tu'un fali to'o iha Aldeias.",
"JND: Vizaun no misaun saida mak ita sei lori ba iha ita-nia kampana?",
"Lu-Olo: Ha'u hakarak hateten de'it katak, Prezidenti da Republika iha ninia kompetensia rasik tuir konstituisaun hatete ona.",
"Entaun liu husi ninia kompetensia ida ne'ebe mak nia bele kaer hodi bele sai hanesan Xefi Estadu ida, ha'u hakarak atu hateten katak, ha'u nia kandidatura kompromete atu bele garante paz ho estabilidade iha ita-nia rain, atu bele hala'o dezenvolvimentu ida ne'ebe sustentavel, atu bele garante mos katak, organizasoens iha norma funsionamentu iha instituisoens Estadu nian hanesan, Parlamentu Nasional, Governu, ho Prezidenti Republika.",
"Ha'u hanoin ida ne'e mak ha'u hakarak atu transmiti ba ema hotu para atu hatene.",
"Segundu lugar, ha'u hakarak atu bele fo hatene mos katak, Prezidenti da Republika eleitu sai mos hanesan Komandante Supremo Forsa Armadas nian.",
"Tan nee tenke asegura dezenvolvimentu institusional husi F-FDTL ho PNTL atu nune'e bele respeita liu tan, atu bele kaer metin liu tan prinsipiu demokrasia iha ita nia rain.",
"Sira (F-FDTL, PNTL) so mente atu halo de'it seguransa ba ita nia populasaun, sira so iha de'it kompetensia atu halo de'it defeza ba ita-nia rain, ba ita-nia soberania nasional.",
"Naturalmente, Timor Leste sei presiza forsa ida ne'ebe mais operasional liu, no forsa ida ne'ebe bele iha kapasidade professional di'ak liu tan atu bele hala'o sira nia kna'ar ne'e ho di'ak.",
"Ha'u mos hakarak atu bele projeta Timor Leste nia imazen iha arena internasional ninian, ha'u hakarak atu dehan de'it katak, ho ha'u nia propria kandidatura, sei karik eleitu sai Prezidenti da Republika, ha'u hakarak mos Timor Leste nia soberania nasional tenki hetan respeitu husi nasaun seluk, iha igualdade pozisoens entre Timor Leste ho rai bo'ot sira seluk, prinsipiu internasional ida ne'ebe mak ita bele garante.",
"Ha'u hakarak mos atu bele akompana permanente nafatin kona ba definisaun fronteiras maritima, kestaun ida ne'ebe mak importante relasiona ho ita nia propria soberania, hanesan Prezidenti Republika ha'u hakarak atu akompanafatin ida ne'e, to'o hetan solusaun definitiva ba ita nia fronteiras maritima.",
"Hanesan Prezidenti da Republika, naturalmente ha'u sei, paralende halo Prezidensia ida ne'ebe ha'u defende liu prinsipiu dialogu, entre orgaun soberania sira seluk hanesan Governu ho Parlamentu Nasional, Governu ida ne'ebe nia define ninia politika dezenvolvimentu nasional ninian.",
"No informa direitamente ba Prezidenti da Republika atu bele akompana politika ne'e nia implementasaun, no hakarak mos atu bele Parlamentu Nasional hanesan orgaun legistlativu ida, orgaun ida ne'ebe fiskalijador, no mos orgaun ida ne'ebe hola desizaun politika, orgaun ida ne'e tenki buka nafatin dialogu ho prinsipiu dialogu nian, atu bele hetan konsensus, iha kestaun sir a ne'ebe mak relevante kona ba intrese ita nia nasaun inan.",
"Ha'u hakarak atu rejumu de'it katak, ha'u nia vizaun hanesan Prezidenti Republika, atu bele garante paz ho estabilidade nafatin ba ita-nia rain, unidade ba ita-nia Estadu, unidade ita-nia teritoriu nasional ninian, no Prezidenti Republika ida ne'ebe abertu ba dialogu, no Prezidenti ida ne'ebe hakarak mos atu rona ita nia sosiadade tomak, liu husi organizoens Governamentais ou noun Governamentais, liu husi mos instituisoens relijiozas, liu husi mos organizasaun sira feto ka joventude nian, no partikularmente sidadaun ida ba sidadaun seluk.",
"Ha'u sei bele garante atu bele rona nafatin sira nia opiniaun, kona ba dezenvolvimentu iha ita-nia rain ne'e. ha'u simplestmente hakarak de'it atu lori povu tomak atu bele partisipa ba dezenvolvimentu nasional nian.",
"JND: Mais ou menus programa prinsipal saida de'it mak ita sei lori hanesan bukae ida atu ita bele hato'o ba komunidade wainhira ita hala'o ita nia papel?",
"Lu-Olo: Programa so Governu bele halo programa, Prezidenti Republika simplestmente atu ba hatete de'it katak, nia atu sai Prezidenti Republika ida ne'ebe ba ema hotu, Prezidenti Republika ida ne'ebe prekoniza dialogu permanente ho orgaun soberania sira hotu, ho mos instituisaun sira seluk.",
"Prezidenti Republika ida ne'ebe bele rona ema hot-hotu, ida ne'e ha'u nia hakarak mak ida ne'e, no Prezidenti da Republika ida ne'ebe atu bele lori Governu ninia programa ne'e, ba oinsa mak intrese povu ninian, bele tama hotu iha laran atu bele hala'o hodi bele to'o objetivu ne'ebe mak ita hakarak atu atinji.",
"JND: Iha periodu ba kotuk, CNRT ho ninia kandidatu rasik, maibe iha periodu ida ne'e, ita bele dehan katak, CNRT ho nia Prezidenti mai hotu fo apoiu ba ita, ida ne'e tanba razaun saida?",
"Lu-Olo: Lolos ne'e, CNRT mak bele hatan pergunta ne'e.",
"Mas ha'u bele hateten katak, ha'u nia kandidatura ne'ebe hetan apoiu husi CNRT, no mos partidu politika sira seluk, tanba sira fiar katak, Lu-Olo sei bele garante paz ho estabilidade, no sei halibur ema hotu atu bele lori ita-nia rai ne'e ba oin.",
"Sira mos fiar katak, Lu-Olo ninia konstituisaun, tuir Estadu Direitu Demokratiku ida ne'e, konstituisaun, ho ninia kompetensia ne'ebe mak hakerek iha konstituisaun, atu bele hala'o hanesan Xefi Estadu ida hamutuk ho orgaun soberanu sira seluk, sira nia konfiansa bo'ot mak ida ne'e.",
"Sei bainhira ha'u la'o hanesan ne'e, hala'o ha'u nia kna'ar sira ne'e hotu, sira senti katak, ha'u bele loke dalan atu bele hala'o dezenvolviimentu ba ita-nia rain.",
"Ida ne'e sira-nia fiar metin, tanba ne'e mak sira fo apoiu ba ha'u.",
"JND: Ita haree husi apoiu Xanana nian, iha 2007 nia apoiu Ramos Horta, tanba Xanana haree figura ne'ebe mak uluk iha tempu rejistensia reprezenta Timor Leste iha Frenti Diplomatika nian, iha 2012 nia fo apoiu ba Taur Matan Ruak nudar eis komandante FALINTIL.",
"Karik iha 2017 ne'e, tanba ita bo'ot lidera Frenti Politika Interna (FPI) ka, faz parte ba estrutura rejistensia nian mak Xanana fo apoiu ba ita.",
"Karik nee los?",
"Lu-Olo: La'e. la'os husi ida ne'e ida.",
"Maibe Xanana rasik mai hatete dehan, Lu-Olo iha kapasidade atu bele sai Xefi Estadu.",
"Maibe ha'u liu husi prosesu naruk ida, hodi bele sai mai kandidatu Prezidenti da Republika agora ne'e.",
"Signifika katak, ha'u nia luta iha pasadu ninian mos konta, maibe sira apoiu ne'e, li-liu tanba dehan katak, Lu-Olo iha kapasidade atu bele sai hanesan Prezidenti da Republika ida los, no Xefi Estadu ida los, atu kumpri de'it tuir nia kna'ar.",
"Tanba ne'e mak sira fo apoiu liu husi sira-nia propriu manifestasaun lia fuan ne'ebe mak sira hatete, ha'u intende katak, sira hakarak apoiu ha'u liu husi dalan ida ne'e de'it.",
"JND: Uluk ita bo'ot avansa ho apoiu partidu FRETILIN nian, maibe agora hetan apoiu husi Xanana ho partidu CNRT nian.",
"Se ita bo'ot manan iha primeira ronde, ne'e signifika katak, forsa ne'e hamutuk.",
"Maibe se ita hakat ba segunda ronde, ida ne'e signifika katak, apoiu sira ne'e la favorese, ne'e hanesan kontinua ho apoiu FRETILIN nian, oinsa ita-nia hanoin?",
"Lu-Olo: Ha'u la espera, no ha'u laiha koviksaun ida dehan katak atu eleisaun ida ne'e ba iha segunda volta, ne'e laiha.",
"Ba ha'u garante 100% katak, iha primeira volta ha'u bele liu.",
"Ha'u ko'alia ida ne'e ho dadus, la'o ho propaganda de'it, tanba ha'u nia militante sira rejistu husi uma kain ida-ida, foin tama, militante sira ne'e hotu rejistu hamutuk rihun atus rua sia nulu resin hitu, maibe seida'uk tama hotu, ne'e bele tama to'o iha rihun atus tolu resin.",
"Tuir fali mai, ha'u konta tan ho militante CNRT ninian mos, la'os militante oit uan, maibe barak, ita haree de'it husi rezultadu ne'ebe sira lori iha eleisaun 2012 ninian, hodi hetan 30 kadeiras iha Parlamentu Nasional, ida ne'e hatudu katak, militantes mos barak.",
"Ho mos lideransa partidu CNRT nian fo apoiu ba ha'u, signifika katak, sira sei mobiliza sira nia forsa ida ne'e, hodi vota tan para tau hamutuk ho ida 300.",
"000 ne'ebe mak FRETILIN hetan.",
"Liu tan ida ne'e, partidu ki'ik oan sira mos iha elementu ne'ebe mak sei bele vota ba ha'u. ida ne'e de'it ha'u hanoin, ho militantes FRETILIN nian de'it 300.000 resin, ho militantes CNRT ninian hamutuk ho partidu politika sira seluk nian, ita haree ba dadus ne'ebe mak STAE fo katak, iha eleitores hamutuk 700.",
"40 etal mill.",
"Nia dehan, eleitores 700.40 etal mill ne'e, konserteja ba eleisoens ne'e, sei la ba vota hotu, ita despensa tiha sira ne'ebe mak la ba vota mak to'o 100.000, signifika 600.000 de'it mak sei ba vota.",
"Se 600.000 mill ne'e mak ba vota, ha'u nia militantes de'it 300.000 ona, apoiu tan ho CNRT no partidu politika sira seluk nian, konta de'it votus balidus ne'e, ha'u nian hira ona.",
"Ha'u bazeia ba dadus faktus ne'ebe FRETILIN rasik iha, ho mos CNRT ninia militante sira, ne'e mak ha'u afirma katak, ha'u sei bele manan iha primeira ronde.",
"JND: Ita hateke fali ba pasadu, iha periodu rua tu-tuir malu, ne'ebe ita-nia kandidatura hakat de'it to'o iha segunda volta, referensia saida mak ita bele foti ka hetan husi ne'eba, hodi sai hanesan mata dalan ida atu ita-nia kandidatura terseiru ne'e bele atinji ita-nia mehi?",
"Lu-Olo: Ha'u hatete tiha ona katak, iha eleisaun dala rua tu-tuir malu halu lakon tanba, ami ida-ida defende ami nia partidu ka partidu ida-ida defende nia kandidatu, maibe agora ne'e lahanesan.",
"Entaun saida mak ami hanoin, mak ida ne'e katak, tempu ne'e, tempu para ami hamutuk, tempu atu bele katuas sira hamutuk atu bele garante paz no estabilidade.",
"Ida ne'e lisaun no konkluzaun bo'ot ida ne'ebe ami hasai husi esperensia politika ne'ebe hahu iha 2001 to'o 20012 no to'o mai agora.",
"Ami hasai lisaun ida ne'e, sai hanesan referensia bo'ot ida ne'ebe presiza tau kbi'it hamutuk, atu bele garante paz ho estabilidade hodi hala'o dezenvolvimentu iha ita-nia rain.",
"Ida ne'e de'it bale atu bele ita hakat ba oin ho seguransa ho serteza bo'ot atu bele manan.",
"JND: Iha periodu ida ne'e, iha kandidatu 8, tuir ita bo'ot nia haree, kandidatu ida ne'ebe mak bele sai hanesan forsa ka obstaklu bo'ot liu ba ita-nia kandidatura atu bele compete maka'as liu iha eleisaun Prezidensial ne'e?",
"Lu-Olo: Ha'u horibainhira kandidata-an dala rua tu-tuir malu, ha'u manan iha primeira ronde no lakon iha segunda ronde ne'e, ida ha'u lakon ho Dr. Ramos Horta iha segunda ronde, tuir fali mai iha 2012, ha'u ba segunda volta ho Prezidenti atual, Taur Matan Ruak, no ha'u lakon iha segunda ronde.",
"Ne'ebe, ha'u bele hateten katak, iha segunda ronde, husi esperensia uluk ne'e, kuandu ba ona segunda ronde ne'e, sira iha tendensia atu halai hamutuk atu bele halakon kandidatu partidu FRETILIN ninian.",
"Maibe destabes, ha'u hanoin katak, ida ne'e sei laiha ona.",
"JND: Haree ba, ita nu'udar nasaun foun, bainhira eleitu sai Prezidenti Republika, ita-nia politika ba rejional ho internasional ne'e saida?",
"Lu-Olo: Politika kona ba relasaun internasional ninian, hanesan ohin ha'u hatete ona, mas ha'u hakarak aprofunda liu tan katak, Timor Leste sai hanesan nasaun independent ida, nia lori referensia bo'ot ida husi diplomasia ita nia lider rejistensia sira uluk halo hamutuk ho nasaun sira seluk hanesan, Europa, Afrika no ba to'o iha Nasoens Unidas, para apoiu ba ita nia luta ba independensia nian.",
"Ha'u lori referensia ida ne'e atu bele tau fila fai ba iha Estadu ida ne'ebe mak sai Estadu Direitu Demokratiku ho nasaun soberanu ida.",
"Saida mak ita hakarak atu halo, ou ha'u hanesan kandidatu Prezidenti Republika 'atu halo mak, tenki hametin relasoens diplomatika ho rai hot-hotu tenki hametin, tanba ita hanesan membru Nasoens Unidas, klaru ita tenki buka atu kumpri ita nia kompromisu internasionais sira hotu, hanesan Estadu soberanu.",
"Obrigasaun internasional ne'ebe mak ita iha, relasaun ho komunidade internasional, ita tenki kumpri, hametin, no hala'o mos, relasaun ho nasaun sira CPLP, ita iha relasaun ida ne'ebe especial liu, oinsa mak ita bele lori CPLP ne'e bele tama iha kontinente Afrika nian, no mos iha Asia nian, no hakat liu ba pasifiku Sul ninian.",
"Mas tendensia bo'ot liu mak, ita atu lori, no oinsa mak ita atu lori CPLP nia naran tama iha ASEAN ninian.",
"Em relasaun politika ida kona ba ASEAN ninian, ha'u so hakarak atu hatete de'it katak, dalan nakloke ba Timor Leste atu bele sai membru deplenu ASEAN ninian, mask importante liu ba ita Timor oan, tenki prepara kondisoens didi'ak, iha ita-nia rai laran, antes ita atu hakat ba sai membru permanente.",
"Ha'u hanoin ita sei sai membru ASEAN ninian, garantia figura ida forte teb-tebes atu bele projeta Timor Leste nia imanzen iha ASEAN, mas importante ha'u hakarak atu hatete, hadia ita nia uma laran ne'e uluk, no importante mos ita tenki hametin relasoens bilateral ho rai ida-ida, partikularmente ho Australia ho Indonesia, ne'ebe mak halo fronteira ho ita.",
"Ita so tuir de'it saida mak konvensoens internasional hateten katak, ita so bele buka dalan dialogu atu bele resolve atu bele resolve ita nia diferensa sira ho nasaun seluk, se karik iha.",
"Liga ba ida ne'e, ha'u hakarak atu hatete mos katak, ita nia forsa armadas, karik hanesan mos Komandante em Xefi, presizu tenki halo kooperasaun bilateral ho rai sira seluk, kooperasaun husi forsa armadas ninian.",
"Ha'u hatene katak ho Indonesia no Australia, Nova Zelandia no Portugal.",
"Importante mak ita tenki asegura ida ne'e, hanesan forma ida para depois bele garante etabilidade ho paz mai ita-nia rain, hamutuk ho ita-nia diplomasia externa ninian.",
"JND: Ita haree ba esperiensia kandidatu sira liu ba, bainhira kuandu kandidatu, sira hateten lakohi sai hanesan obstaklu ba dezenvolvimentu, maibe depois eleitu, pelo contrario fali, sai fali obstaklu ba dezenvolvimentu, oinsa ita-nia hanoin?",
"Lu-Olo: Eleitu sai Prezidenti da Republika, nu'udar orgaun ida autonomo, atu bele kaer kna'ar hanesan Xefi Estadu, hodi kumpri de'it saida mak konstituisaun hateten.",
"Iha relasaun entre orgaun soberania sira, iha relasaun interdependensia ne'e ba malu, signifika katak, laiha Prezidenti da Republika, la'os figura ida ne'ebe inkorpora Estadu, maibe nia hanesan orgaun ida ne'ebe kumpri nia kompetensias, no nia respeita nafatin orgaun soberania sira seluk nia kompetensias, tuir konstituisaun hatete ona.",
"Nune'e, bainhira ha'u eleitu ba Prezidenti Republika, ha'u sei la sai fali opozisaun ba Governu, ha'u sei la halo opozisaun ba Parlamentu Nasional, maibe ha'u koopera liu husi prinsipiu interdependensia orgaun soberania, atu bele instituisaun Estadu ninian la'o normal hanesan ita nia konstituisaun hateten.",
"Prezidenti da Republika labele sai obstaklu, ba orgaun soberania sira seluk, bainhira nia simu diploma sira husi Governu ka husi Parlamentu Nasional, Prezidenti atu veta ka promulga, ne'e kompetensia Prezidenti da Republika nian.",
"Maibe labele uza poder ida veto ne'e, ou poder promulgasaun ninian, sai hanesan fali obstaklu no sai hanesan fali opozisaun ba sira, ida ne'e labele, tanba kuandu ita la'o hanesan ne'e, Estadu laiha.",
"Ba ha'u garante katak, ha'u sei kumpri de'it ha'u nia funsaun hanesan Prezidenti da Republika, atu promulga ka veta, iha razaun rasik, no ha'u halo iha gabinete Prezidenti da Republika nian, ha'u la lori ba Comoro ka ba iha ne'ebe mak deside atu veta diploma Parlamentu ou Governu nian.",
"Iha mekanismu koordenasaun entre orgaun soberanu sira atu ida-ida hala'o nia kna'ar, maibe hot-hotu sempre iha koordenasaun ba malu, atu nune'e ita nia Estadu bele funsiona.",
"Sela'e Parlamentu hakarak atu avansa, maibe Governu mak bele impede fali.",
"Se Parlamentu Nasional la halo lei halo didi'ak, ne'e orienta Governu ne'e atu bele kaer nia programa para hodi la'o halo lolos.",
"Se Prezidenti da Republika ida mak laiha vontade atu promulga lei, veta be-beik de'it mos, ida ne'e impede fali Governu atu labele la'o ba oin.",
"Konsekuensia mak ita atu ba oin la ba oin, fila fali ba kotuk mak barak liu.",
"Entaun sei ha'u eleitu sai Prezidenti Republika, ha'u repete fila fali katak, ha'u sei la halo opozisaun nem ba Governu no nem ba Parlamentu Nasional.",
"Maibe ha'u sei buka dalan liu husi mekanismu kordenasaun, atu bele kumpri tuir de'it, saida mak Prezidenti Republika ou konstituisaun, ou konstituisaun fo ba Prezidenti da Republika atu halo.",
"JND: Iha ita-nia prosesu kandidatura ne'e, iha ona korpus diplomatikus barak mak fo ona apresiasaun ba ita-nia kandidatura, no mos hasoru malu ho ita hodi ko'alia kona ba ita -nia kandidatura no mos programas balu.",
"Mais ou menus durante korpus diplomatiku sira hasoru malu ho ita ne'e, iha kompromisu ruma ba programasaun ne'ebe mak atu hala'o iha ita-nia rai ne'e?",
"Lu-Olo: Sira laiha kompromisu ho ha'u hanesan kandidatu, maibe sira prontu atu bele fo apoiu nafatin ba Timor Leste iha futuru prosimu mai. partikularmente husi Portugal, Uniaun Europeia, no husi mos embaixadores sira seluk ne'ebe mak hasoru malu ho ha'u, sira hateten katak, sira sei buka atu halo kooperasaun nafatin ho Timor Leste, liu husi dalan apoiu bilateral, liu husi fali apoiu dalan seluk ida, para sira mos bele investe iha ita-nia rain.",
"Maibe ha'u haten tan dala ida, sira laiha kompromisu ho ha'u, sira hateten katak, sira iha kompromisu atu bele koopera nafatin ho Timor Leste.",
"JND: Kampana ne'e sei partisipa husi ema rihun-ba rihun, ita bo'ot nia mensajen atu antisipa konfrontu ba ita bo'ot nia militante sira oinsa?",
"Lu-Olo: Ami-nia militante sira simu tiha ona instrusaun iha fulan kotuk liu ba, ne'e atu ba labele halo konfrontasaun, laiha violensia.",
"Ami sei la halo buat sira ne'e hotu, ami sei la halo violensia lori hasoru ema seluk.",
"Se mak atu garante seguransa ne'e, Polisia Nasional Timor Leste (PNTL), no ha'u fiar katak, sei la akontese buat ida iha kampana ne'ebe hahu iha Ermera ne'e, hanesan mos iha Munisipiu sira seluk.*****"
] | [
"Exclusive interview with candidate PR Lu-Olo: Xanana supports me because I understand the constitution | Jornal Nacional Wednesday, Jun 28 -17|03.45 PM Exclusive Interview With Candidate President of Timor Leste (PRL) Lula da Silva and his wife Luana are among those who voted for him in a poll held on Tuesday morning by Prime Minister' s office to determine whether he will be elected as president or vice presidency at an election that is schedule deadline next week Daily News > Politics & Governance »Exclusives Intervista com Candidato Presidente Da República Luis Inácio de Lobão E Sua Mulher Postado em Thursday March – July"
"The President of the Republic also, as Supreme Commander-in–Chief (SCC) and Armed Forces Chief is responsible for guaranteeing peace & stability so that people can live a happy life with development going smoothly."
"Thus, the candidate for President of Timor-Leste (PR), Francisco Guterres 'Lu' Olo who was drawn Number 2 by Tribunal de Recurso in presidential election period from October to December promised that when he is elected as a new Presidency will carry out his duties according only with competence heading state which are written into constitution."
"Presidential candidate Francisco Guterres 'Lu-Olo' has run for the 2017–3 term of office three times."
"Prime Minister Lu-Olo ran for the PR in 2017 but was defeated, and he did not lose his spirit of fighting. He then went on to run again as a presidential candidate (PR), however lost against President Taur Matan Ruak who is currently headed up by Timor Leste's government because during these period L - Olu had no strong support from Kay Rala Xanana Gusmao which has been an extremely important factor that led him into this position today"
"However, the candidate of PR Francisco Guterres 'Lu-Olo' in his candidacy for this period has received direct support from charismatic leader and current President CNRT Party Kay Rala Xanana Gusmao as well a former Commander em Chefe FALINTIL during Indonesian occupation."
"History has written that whenever the charismatic leader Xanana Gusmao supported a PR candidate, he always advanced to heads of state such as Nobel Peace Laureate Jose Ramos Horta and also Taur Matan Ruak."
"But in this era, there will be a 'nakuku' that if Xanana Gusmao supports the candidate of PR Lu-Olo he can really advance to PM or not?"
"Because there are many PR candidates who qualify to advance into the Aitarak area, where President of Republic will be elected."
"In addition to brother Kay Rala Xanana Gusmao and his party CNRT supporting the PR candidate Lu-Olo, there is also a strong backing from Partido Centro Accaio Social Democrata Timorense (CASDT), partido Esperanca da Patrie as well other individuals."
"Thus, with the political development and dedication that candidate PR Lu-Olo showed during his tenure as President of Constituent Assembly to produce a constitution or mother law for Timor Leste made resistance leader Kay Rala Xanana Gusmao 'fall down' in order \"to get\" candidatuPRLu Olo someone who understand Constitution RDTL."
"In Lu-Olo’s candidate pledge to the people, he said that if elected as President of Portugal (PR), his party would not be in opposition with either Government or National Parliament because when opposing each other they will disrupt State function."
"In order to better understand Lu-Olo's political commitment when elected President of the Republic, we hereby reproduce in full an exclusive interview between Presidential Candidate Francisco Guterres 'Lu’ Olo and Jornal Nacional Diario (JND) Journalist Cornelius Tapo at FRETILIN Central Committee Comoro Dili recently."
"JND: Our candidacy has been for three times, but what motivates us to continue with our re-candidature?"
"Lu-Olo: Candidate for the third time, I want this to be so that our country can move forward. Our nation must have a President of Republic as Head Of State in order it may normally function and ensure good governance within its institutions 10"
"My commitment to this State, comes from a struggle that I've been fighting in the streets for 24 years. The will came right there and now!"
"For me, it is not an office but a will to serve my country and people."
"This will I carry with me, alongside my suffering and that of others grows in the heart to continue serving."
"I'm going to lose ten times, but as long As i have the will and because of my commitment in this field.I am still carrying myself on with me holding it all up forever!"
"But I felt that, if not for the 10th time then this one would be my win."
"JND: Can we guarantee that in our third bid this candidacy will win?"
"Lu-Olo: I have lost twice in this political conjuncture, and again next time. All i can say to you is that my candidate was running under a very hot situation with strong winds as well like heavy rainfall or the sea level which meant it would be difficult for myself if we were going into an open contest against President da República but there'd been no chance of losing 2014 because they had already decided on us before then so now what do u want?"
"I'm not saying that i lose, im won in the first round but on to second-round and always lost."
"Now for the third time, I feel that there must be stadiums like those before. They have all disappeared now; my own party FRETILIN has supported me with its thousand of militantes who will naturally vote in mine and also CNRT'S partisanship as well - from our brother Xanana Gusmao on a personal level-and political parties too which are making massive movement to inform their members so they can give them voting right away"
"I also have the support of my fellow veterans, and all these small political parties that had their people vote for me."
"So I guaranteed myself that, in the first round of voting."
"JND: Politics is like a game. We guarantee that we can win, but if the opposite happens what do you think?"
"Lu-Olo: If that happens, it will be in the second round. But I'm not sure if we can go to this next stage with what?"
"The other day I went to the second round with Ramos Horta and a resistance figure, Taur Matan Ruak."
"So far I don't know how to say that, if we go into the second round of voting then what?."
"JND: Does that mean there is no figure to compete with us?"
"Lu-Olo: I don't say that there is no competition with me, all these candidates are competing against myself but we will compete and then the people shall choose."
"But I say once again that, this is my second loss with two figures but we will make an effort to move forward."
"JND: How are our preparations for the campaign?"
"Lu-Olo: I'm preparing for my campaign, first of all i just want to say that it will start in Ermera Municipality on March 3rd."
"I chose Ermera, not only from the political point of view that we got in our right leadership election. We obtained more than 21 million votes for party leaders and so it wasn't just about politics but also as a clear land where there is Ramelau village which lies nearby; this choice came because my sociological perspective to start out with raising fanfare around here bringing forward information on how campaign has already begun at Hermaera by transmitting through Matebian Village Kablaki until Loro Monum Oe-cusse Atauru etc..."
"This is what I have chosen as a political and socio-cultural aspect of the time."
"We would like to say that the preparations are going well, we will also mobilize militants of FRETILIN party and they all participate in it. The entire people from Ermera shall be mobilized so as not only them but CNRT Party members too can follow this event with great enthusiasm!"
"We believe that Kay Rala Xanana Gusmao will also participate with his members in the opening of campaigns at Ermera, and other parties who supported me such as CASDT (Confederation for Democratic Socialism), PEP(People' s Progressive Party) veteran groups etc. all are going to take part on this occasion giving their full backing towards my candidateship!"
"We particularly from FRETILIN, have my eight cows that we carry to pay the transportation for militant of all Village and Administrative Post in Ermera so they can participate."
"We would like to say that, when the campaign has begun they from other Municipalities also prepared and made movements. They brought my commitment in order for them as well clarify with members of militant parties not only FRETILIN' s but others such CNRT 'S veteran’ S militiants who have individually declared their support on behalf I candidacy 1986-2035"
"After the campaign in Ermera, we will move back to other Municipalities according calendar that has already been established. But there are still movements from Administrative Post and they'll be moving again until Aldeias (villages)."
"JND: What vision and mission will we bring to our campaign?"
"Lu-Olo: I just want to say that the President of Portugal has his own competence as stated in our constitution."
"So through his competence as a Head of State, I would like to say that my candidacy is committed in ensuring peace and stability for our country. To carrying out sustainable development; also guaranteeing the organizational functionality within state institutions: National Parliament (Parlamento Nacional), Government(Governo da República)and President/Presidente de la República"
"I think this is what i want to convey so that everyone knows about it."
"Secondly, I would like to inform you that the President-elect also serves as Supreme Commander of our Armed Force."
"Therefore, we must ensure the institutional development of F-FDTL and PNTL so that they can be respected more thoroughly in order to hold stronger on democratic principles within our country."
"They (the F-FDTL, the PNTL) are only responsible for providing security to our population; they have no other competence than that of defending Our country and National sovereignty."
"Of course, Timor-Leste will need a force that is more operational and one with better professional capabilities to carry out their tasks properly."
"I also want to project East Timor's image in the international arena, and just say that with my own candidacy if elected as President of The Republic i would like for national sovereignty be respected by other nations on an equal footing amongst east timorians. This is a principle which we must guarantee at all times; it should not only concern ourselves but every country around us too!"
"I would also like to be able permanently accompany the definition of maritime borders, an important issue related with our own sovereignty. As President Of The Republic i want a continuous support for this until we reach definitively solution on marine boundaries in between us and Portugal 20 years later"
"As President of the Republic, I will naturally be a Government that defines its national development policy. In addition to carrying out my Presidency which is based on dialogue between other sovereign bodies such as government and parliament - this has always been an important principle for me in all times-"
"And reporting directly to the President of Republic in order that it can accompany this policy's implementation, and also wishes for National Parliament as a legislative body which is an oversight organ. As well like political decision-making bodies must always seek dialogue with principled dialog so they may reach consensus on certain issues relevant about our mother country interest ones"
"I would just like to summarize that my vision as President of the Republic is for us all, in our country peace and stability always be guaranteed; we want unity amongst peoples' nations. We need a president who can open up dialogue with others: one willing also listened by society at large through governmental or non-governmental organization (NGO), religious institutions including women & youth groups but particularly from citizen - citizenship towards other nationalities"
"I will be able to guarantee that we can always hear their opinions, about the development in our country. i simply want only bringing all people so they could participate of national growth ;"
"JND: More or less, what main program will we carry as a demand for us to communicate with the community in our role?"
"Lu-Olo: The programme is the government's program, President of Republic simply to say that he will be a president for all people. A presidency in which there should also have been permanent dialogue with every sovereign body and other institutions as well"
"A President of the Republic who can listen to all people, that's my wish is this one and a Presidency which will carry out its government program in order for our interest as an entire nation could get into it so we would be able achieve what objectives are set."
"JND: In the past, CNRP had its own candidates but in this period we can say that all of them and their President have supported us. What is why?"
"Lu-Olo: Instead, CNRT can answer that question."
"But I can say that my candidature was supported by the CNRP, and also other political parties because they believed Lu-Olo would be able to guarantee peace with stability. He will bring together all people so he could take our country forwards in a peaceful way.\""
"They also believe that Lu-Olo's constitution, according to this State of Democratic Right is the Constitution with its competences written in it so as he can perform his duties and responsibilities a Head Of state together With other sovereign bodies."
"When I go like this, carry out all my tasks they will feel that i can pave the way for development in our country."
"This is their strong belief, and that's why they supported me."
"JND: We can see from Xanana's support, in 2017 he backed Ramos Horta. Because Gusmão saw the figure who at that time represented Timor-Leste on a diplomatic front; and then back to Taur Matan Ruak as former commander of FALINTIL (Freedom Army)."
"Perhaps in 2017, because we are the leaders of Internal Political Front (IPF) or part from its registration structure that Xanana supports us."
"Karik no go?"
"Lu-Olo: No. It's not from this one to that other, it is just the opposite!"
"However, Xanana himself has said that Lu-Olo is capable of becoming the Head Of State."
"But I have gone through a long process, to be the candidate for President of Republic now."
"It means that my past struggles also count, but they supported me because Lu-Olo has the capacity to be a true President of Portugal and Head Of State. He can only do what he says is right for him!"
"That's why they support me through their own expression of the word that I say, which is what i mean by this."
"JND: In the past we made great progress with support from FRETILIN, but now there is a stronger backing of Xanana and CNRP."
"If we win in the first round, it means that this force is united."
"But if we go to the second round, this means that these supports are not favourable. It is like continuing with FRETILIN' s backing; what do you think?"
"Lu-Olo: I didn't expect, and there is no conspiracy to say that this election will go into a second round. That would be wrong!"
"For me, I'm 102% guaranteed that in the first round of voting i can pass."
"I am talking about this with data, not just propaganda because my militants registered from every single house. When they first came in there were 12907 of them but it wasn't all that got into the party; some could get up to a hundred and thirty three people who did so!"
"Next, I count on the militants of CNRP as well. Not eight men but many; we can see from their results in elections last year (2013) when they won thirty seat at Parliament and this shows that there are also a lot more members than just those who voted for them to be elected president or vice-president by voting \"no\"."
"With the leadership of CNRP party supporting me, it means that they will mobilize this force to vote again and put together with another 30."
"10.5% of the total votes, which is more than what FRETILIN got in its first election (273 seat)."
"Moreover, the smaller parties also have elements who can vote for me. I think that's all; with more than 301 thousand militantes of FRETILIN alone and CNRT alongside those from other political partisan groups we look at data provided by STAE which indicates there are about seven hundred voters in total..."
"40 etl mill."
"He said, the 70.4 million voters who are registered for this election will not all go to vote; we have dispensed with those that did Not Vote and now there is a total of upto125 thousand people in ballot boxes which means only about638-thousands would be going out on their way home from work or school"
"If the 60.5 million people are going to vote, my militants only have already reached a total of about three hundred thousand; plus support from CNRP and other political parties: just count these valid ballots - how many do I own?"
"I am based on the facts that FRETILIN itself has, and also CNRT' s militant ones. That is what makes me affirm my victory in first round of voting; it will be possible for us to win at least one seat more than we lost last year.\""
"JND: Looking back to the past, in two successive periods when our candidacy only reached a second round. What reference could we take or gain from that as an indicator of how this third candidature might achieve its goal?"
"Lu-Olo: I have already said that in the two elections we fought each other and lost because, every one of us defended our party or a Party defends its candidate but now it is not."
"So what we think is that this time, it's the moment for us to come together and bring our elderly people along in order of guaranteeing peace."
"This is a big lesson and conclusion that we have drawn from our political experience, which began in 2013 to now."
"We took this lesson as a great reference point that we need to put together, in order for peace and stability be guaranteed with the development of our country."
"This is the only way that we can move forward with security and great certainty to win."
"JND: In this period, there are 8 candidates. According to our view one of them could be a greater strength or obstacle for your candidacy in order that we may compete more strongly at the presidential election?"
"Lu-Olo: When I ran twice for president, in 2013 and again with the current President Taur Matan Ruak. The first time was when Dr Ramos Horta won my second round of voting but then lost it to me; this is where we have a difference between two different candidates who are running against each other at least once every four years or so (I'm not sure how many times)."
"Which, I can tell you that in the second round of voting from previous experiences when they go to this stage there is a tendency for them all together and defeat FRETILIN candidate."
"But above all, I think that this will be gone."
"JND: Look, we as a new country when you are elected President of the Republic what is your regional and international policy?"
"Lu-Olo: The policy regarding international relations, as I have said today but would like to go into greater depth on it is that when East Timor became an independent country there was a big reference of diplomacy our leaders had with other countries in Europe and Africa even at the United Nations for support from them."
"I bring this reference to be put back in a State that is the Democratic Right state and sovereign country."
"What we want to do, or what I as the candidate for President of Republic's will be doing is strengthen diplomatic relations with all countries that need it. As a United Nations member state and sovereign State which has international commitments in place therefore clearly must comply on these issues too!"
"The international obligations we have, our relationship with the International Community; and also to comply in strengthening or pursuing a more special relation that there is between us as CPLP countries. How can this be brought into Africa's continental area? And how could it get further out of Asia towards South Pacific region..."
"But the bigger tendency is, we are going to take and how do you bring CPLP's name into ASEAN."
"In a political relationship with ASEAN, I just want to say that while the way is open for East Timor's full membership of this organization and it will be important in our own country before we can become permanent members."
"I think that we will become a member of ASEAN, which guarantees an extremely strong figure to project East Timor' s presence in the Association. But it is important - and this was my first point-to say so far: We must fix ourselves up at home beforehand; moreover there should be strengthened bilateral relations with each country on its own territory (especially Australia & Indonesia), as they are bordering us from both sides!"
"We just follow what international conventions say that we can only seek a way of dialogue to resolve our difference with other countries, if any."
"In connection with this, I would also like to say that our armed forces and the Comandante em Chefe must have bilateral cooperation between their respective military units."
"I know that Indonesia is in Australia, New Zealand and Portugal."
"It is important that we ensure this, as a way of guaranteeing stability and peace to our country in the future through external diplomacy."
"JND: If we look at the past experience of candidates, when they are aspiring to become presidential nominees and say that it is not an obstacle for development but then after being elected in their position as President or Vice-President again turn into such. What do you think?"
"Lu-Olo: The elected President of the Republic, as an autonomous body to carry out his duties and responsibilities in accordance with what is stipulated by constitution."
"In the relationship between sovereign organs, in this interdependence of each other means that there is no President as a figure which embodies State but rather he/she performing his or her competences and respectful to all others' so-called constitutional power."
"Thus, when I am elected President of the Republic i will not again be in opposition to Government and neither shall oppose National Parliament but cooperate through principled interdependence between sovereign bodies so that State institutions can function normally as our Constitution states."
"The President of the Republic cannot be an obstacle to other sovereign bodies, when he receives decrees from either Government or National Parliament. To veto and promulgate them is a prerogative only for him/her; it falls within his competence as president (President da República)."
"But we cannot use this veto power, or the promulgatory authority to become an obstacle and opposition for them. We can't do that because if you go like it there is no state at all.\""
"I assure you that, as President of the Republic and in my function to promulgate or veto for reasons which are mine alone -and this is what we do at our office-I will not take any decision by Parliament nor Government."
"There is a coordination mechanism between the sovereign organs so that each one can carry out its task, but all are always in co-ordinated action to ensure our State functioning."
"Parliament wants to move forward, but the government can block it."
"If the National Parliament does not make laws properly, it will guide this Government to carry out its programme."
"If a President of the Republic is unwilling to enact laws, and repeatedly vetoes them as well it will prevent government from moving forward."
"The consequence is that we are not going forward, but backwards. There will be more of a turn-back than one to go forth and then again!"
"So when I am elected President of the Republic, once again i repeat that it is not my intention to oppose either Government or National Parliament."
"But I will seek a way through the coordination mechanism, to comply only with what is stated by President of Republic or constitutional laws."
"JND: During our candidacy process, there have been many diplomatic corps that has given their appreciation to us and also met with the candidates for a talk about them."
"More or less during the diplomatic corps' meetings with us, were there any compromises on programming to be carried out in our own country?"
"Lu-Olo: They have no compromise with me as a candidate, but they are ready to continue supporting East Timor in the near future. Particularly from Portugal and European Union ambassadors who met myself said that we will seek further cooperation through bilateral assistance or other forms of help so it is possible for them also invested on our country;"
"But I replied once again, they have no compromise with me. They said that there is a commitment to continue cooperating in Timor-Leste and the situation will be resolved by negotiations between both sides of this issue.\""
"JND: This campaign will be attended by thousands and again, how about our message to anticipate the confrontation for all of us?"
"Lu-Olo: Our militants have received instructions last month not to confront, no violence. There should be nothing like that in the future!"
"We will not do all these things, we won't commit any violence against others."
"Who is to guarantee this security, the National Police of Timor-Leste (PNTL), and I trust that nothing will happen in a campaign which has begun here at Ermera as well. *****"
] |
Adalgisa Ximenes: Prontu Fó Apoiu Ba Traballadór Sira | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste\nVARANDA INTERNASIONÁL Adalgisa Ximenes: Prontu Fó Apoiu Ba Traballadór Sira\nAdalgisa Ximenes: Prontu Fó Apoiu Ba Traballadór Sira\nEmbaixadora Timor-Leste ba Korea Súl, Adalgisa Maria Soares Ximenes. Imajen Egas Cristovão\nDILI, (TATOLI) – Embaixadora Timor-Leste ba Korea Súl, Adalgisa Maria Soares Ximenes, hatete embaixada serbisu hamutuk ho Sekretáriu Estadu Formasaun Profisionál no Empregu (SEFOPE) hodi haree traballadór timoroan sira ne’ebé servisu iha Korea Súl.\nDiplomata timoroan ne’e konsidera situasaun no lala’ok traballadór timoroan sira iha Korea Súl, la’ós la’o di’ak de’it maibé mós la’ós aat hotu, tan ne’e nafatin buka meiu atu apoiu timoroan sira atu bele serbisu ho di’ak.\n“Ami sempre prontu fó apoiu atu ita-nia traballadór sira serbisu ho di’ak i sira iha ne’e (Timor-Leste) ba nafatin. Sira ne’ebé kontratu hotu ona fila fali mai atu fó fali tempu, oportunidade ba fali sira ne’ebé mak atu ba”, hateten Adalgisa Ximenes ba TATOLI hafoin soru-mutu ho Sekretáriu Estadu Komunikasaun Sosiál, Merício Juvenal dos Reis Akara, iha Palásiu Governu, sesta, (29/3).\n“Kona-ba pasaporte sira, ami mós nafatin halo kooperasaun ho ministériu relevante, hanesan justisa para bele ajuda kolega sira bainhira hetan difikuldade ho pasaporte”.\nEmbaixadora Adalgisa Ximenes mós haktuir katak nasaun 16 mak haruka nia traballadór sira ba serbisu iha Korea Súl.\n“Iha 2018, ita tama peringkat (klasifikasaun), ita bele dehan hetan persentajen boot ba alin sira ne’ebé mak ilegál. Maibé iha aspetu barak iha persentajen ida ne’e, iha buat barak; balun mak lakon pasaporte, balun tanba serbisu todan liu”.\nNia haklaken bainhira SEFOPE haruka traballadór timoroan sira ba serbisu iha Korea Súl, traballadór timoroan sira ba kedas ho kontratu ida katak sira bele serbisu de’it iha kompañia sira ne’ebé mak sira kontratu ba maibé tanba dala barak mós serbisu todan, entaun dezanima sira hodi sai.\nNune’e, nia dehan tan kompañia sira ne’ebé anteriormente traballadór timoroan sira serbisu ba legalmente konsidera ona traballadór sira ne’e la serbisu ona ba sira.\n“Dalaruma ita rona liafuan sira hanesan ne’e (ilegál) todan demais mas lae. Ida ne’e situasaun sira mak halo. Ami sempre nafatin ajuda sira atu bele mantén, sira ne’ebé mak labele duni ita labele halo buat ida, ita konsidera, haruka sira fila fali”.\n“Ita tama iha kuartu lugar nasaun ne’ebé mak iha irregularidade lubuk ida maibé ami espera katak tinan ne’e ami bele redús”, katak tan.\n“Semana-semana sira (traballadór) ba nafatin (iha Korea), ita espera katak sira ne’ebé ba ho enerjia foun bele akompaña nafatin sira-nia serbisu ho di’ak”.\nEmbaixadora Timor-Leste ba Korea Súl\nPrevious articleKorea Hakarak Oferese Bolsu Estudu Radiodifuzaun Ba Timoroan\nNext articleGarante Movimentasaun Tenke Maximiza Vizibilidade Polísia | [
"Adalgisa Ximenes: Prontu Fo Apoiu Ba Traballador Sira | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA INTERNASIONAL Adalgisa Ximenes: Prontu Fo Apoiu Ba Traballador Sira Adalgisa Ximenes: Prontu Fo Apoiu Ba Traballador Sira Embaixadora Timor-Leste ba Korea Sul, Adalgisa Maria Soares Ximenes.",
"Imajen Egas Cristovao DILI, (TATOLI) - Embaixadora Timor-Leste ba Korea Sul, Adalgisa Maria Soares Ximenes, hatete embaixada serbisu hamutuk ho Sekretariu Estadu Formasaun Profisional no Empregu (SEFOPE) hodi haree traballador timoroan sira ne'ebe servisu iha Korea Sul.",
"Diplomata timoroan ne'e konsidera situasaun no lala'ok traballador timoroan sira iha Korea Sul, la'os la'o di'ak de'it maibe mos la'os aat hotu, tan ne'e nafatin buka meiu atu apoiu timoroan sira atu bele serbisu ho di'ak.",
"\"Ami sempre prontu fo apoiu atu ita-nia traballador sira serbisu ho di'ak i sira iha ne'e (Timor-Leste) ba nafatin.",
"Sira ne'ebe kontratu hotu ona fila fali mai atu fo fali tempu, oportunidade ba fali sira ne'ebe mak atu ba,\" hateten Adalgisa Ximenes ba TATOLI hafoin soru-mutu ho Sekretariu Estadu Komunikasaun Sosial, Mericio Juvenal dos Reis Akara, iha Palasiu Governu, sesta, (29/3).",
"\"Kona-ba pasaporte sira, ami mos nafatin halo kooperasaun ho ministeriu relevante, hanesan justisa para bele ajuda kolega sira bainhira hetan difikuldade ho pasaporte.\"",
"Embaixadora Adalgisa Ximenes mos haktuir katak nasaun 16 mak haruka nia traballador sira ba serbisu iha Korea Sul.",
"\"Iha 2018, ita tama peringkat (klasifikasaun), ita bele dehan hetan persentajen boot ba alin sira ne'ebe mak ilegal.",
"Maibe iha aspetu barak iha persentajen ida ne'e, iha buat barak; balun mak lakon pasaporte, balun tanba serbisu todan liu.\"",
"Nia haklaken bainhira SEFOPE haruka traballador timoroan sira ba serbisu iha Korea Sul, traballador timoroan sira ba kedas ho kontratu ida katak sira bele serbisu de'it iha kompania sira ne'ebe mak sira kontratu ba maibe tanba dala barak mos serbisu todan, entaun dezanima sira hodi sai.",
"Nune'e, nia dehan tan kompania sira ne'ebe anteriormente traballador timoroan sira serbisu ba legalmente konsidera ona traballador sira ne'e la serbisu ona ba sira.",
"\"Dalaruma ita rona liafuan sira hanesan ne'e (ilegal) todan demais mas lae.",
"Ida ne'e situasaun sira mak halo.",
"Ami sempre nafatin ajuda sira atu bele manten, sira ne'ebe mak labele duni ita labele halo buat ida, ita konsidera, haruka sira fila fali.\"",
"\"Ita tama iha kuartu lugar nasaun ne'ebe mak iha irregularidade lubuk ida maibe ami espera katak tinan ne'e ami bele redus,\" katak tan.",
"\"Semana-semana sira (traballador) ba nafatin (iha Korea), ita espera katak sira ne'ebe ba ho enerjia foun bele akompana nafatin sira-nia serbisu ho di'ak.\"",
"Embaixadora Timor-Leste ba Korea Sul Previous articleKorea Hakarak Oferese Bolsu Estudu Radiodifuzaun Ba Timoroan Next articleGarante Movimentasaun Tenke Maximiza Vizibilidade Polisia"
] | [
"Adalgisa Ximenes: Pronto Fo Apoiu Ba Traballador Sira | TATOLI Timor-Leste News Agency INTERNATIONAL VARANDA TIMOR LESTE Ambassadora ba Korea do Sul, adelgis ximenez."
"Image Egas Cristovao DILI, (Inspiration) - Timor-Leste Ambassador to South Korea Adalgisa Maria Soares Ximenes said the embassy is working together with State Secretary for Vocational Training and Employment in view of seeing whose workers are employed there."
"The Taiwanese diplomat considers that the situation and behavior of Tongan workers in South Korea is not only good but also bad, therefore he still seeks ways to support them so they can work well."
"\"We are always ready to provide support so that our workers can work well and stay here (in Timor-Leste) forever."
"Those who have already signed up will return to give time and opportunity for those that are going,\" said Adalgisa Ximenes after a meeting with the State Secretary of Social Communications Mericio Juvenal dos ReisAkara in Government Palace on Saturday (29/3)."
"\"Regarding passports, we also continue to cooperate with the relevant ministries such as justice so that our colleagues can be helped when they encounter difficulties.\""
"Ambassador Adalgisa Ximenes also said that 16 countries have sent their workers to work in South Korea."
"\"In 2018, we entered the ranking (classification), and I can say that there was a large percentage of illegal immigrants."
"But there are many aspects to this percentage, a lot of things; some lost their passports and others because they worked too hard.\""
"He said that when SEFOPE sends workers to work in South Korea, they immediately go there with a contract stating their only employment is for the company which has hired them but because often times it'll be part-time and so discouraged."
"Thus, he said that the companies for which previously Angolan workers worked have now considered these employee to be no longer working with them."
"\"Sometimes we hear words like that (illegal) too often but no."
"This is what the situations are doing."
"We're always helping them to keep up, they can not do it so we cannot make anything about that."
"\"We are in fourth place among the countries that have a lot of irregularities but we hope this year to reduce them,\" he said."
"\"Week after week (workers) are going on and we hope that those who come with new energy can continue to accompany their work well.\""
"Previous articleKorea Wants To Offer Radio Broadcast Scholarship For Timorese Next artikelGuarantee Movement Need to Maximize Police Visibility"
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Primeiru-ministru mantén objetivu hodi kria empregu rihun 300 iha lejislatura - Notícias SAPO - SAPO Notícias\nPájina aktualizada iha 15:40h, domingu 09 Agostu\nPrimeiru-ministru mantén objetivu hodi kria empregu rihun 300 iha lejislatura\n29 de Junho de 2020, 23:49\nPrimeiru-ministru mantén objetivu hodi kria empregu rihun 300 durante lejislatura atual, ne'ebé hotu iha 2023, no kresimentu ekonómiku ba 7% tinan-tinan, haktuir liña orientador sira hosi Orsamentu Jeral Estadu (OJE) tinan 2020 nian.\nObjetivu rua ne'e halo parte hosi livru foun ida ho "liña orientasaun sira ba elaborasaun hosi proposta Orsamentu 2020-2023", prepara hosi gabinete Taur Matan Ruak nian iha fulan ne'e no serve hanesan mata-dalan ba preparasaun hosi konta públika sira tinan ne'e nian.\nTimor-Leste iha duodésimu dezde 01 Janeiru, rejista ona kontrasaun ekonómiku ida iha 2018 tanba krizi polítika iha nasaun no rekuperasaun oituan iha tinan liubá, nune'e, tanba pandemia COVID-19, sei hotu 2020 ho rekua foun ida hosi PIB nasional.\nGovernu agora prepara hela proposta foun ida hosi OJE ba tinan ne'e - ida dahuluk xumba ona iha Janeiru iha parlamentu -, ne'ebé, tuir primeiru-ministru, sei haruka ba parlamentu iha Setembru.\nMaski hosi kontestu ekonómiku foun ho krizi polítika marka tinan rua dahuluk hosi ezekutivu - ne'ebé kompletu de'it iha semana liubá - dokumentu foun hosi liña orientador sira, ne'ebé maka Lusa iha asesu, hanesan tebes ho dokumentu ne'ebé lansa hosi primeiru-ministru iha tinan ida liubá, mantén promesa hodi kria empregu rihun 300 to'o tinan 2023 ka rihun 60 tinan-tinan.\nHaree katak númeru ne'e la kumpri iha tinan rua dahuluk hosi governasaun - no tanba krizi polítika no pandemia, ekonomista sira hatudu katak iha lakon empregu sira -, kumpri promesa ne«e sei obriga atu kria kuaze totalidade hosi empregu rihun 300 to'o eleisaun tinan 2023.\nInformasaun kona-ba área empregu iha Timor-Leste hanesan ladún iha konfiansa, maski inkéritu foun kona-ba serbisu operáriu sira, ne'ebé halo iha 2016, indika katak forsa serbisu nian iha momentu ne'eba iha ema rihun 339, rihun 304 konsidera hanesan empregadu.\nHosi rihun 304 ne'e, 71% resin, tuir estudu haneasn, iha ekonomia informal no 58% hosi serbisu sira ne'e konsidera hanesan "vulnerável".\nIha nível sira hosi ekonomia formal, Sistema Seguransa Sosial iha agora daudaun rejista traballador rihun 82 resin, rihun 32 resin hosi setor privadu.\nIha ámbitu seluk, dokumentu hosi liña orientador sira, mantén hanesan objetivu kresimentu anual ida ekonomia nian hosi 7%, valor ne'ebé la kumpri ona iha tinan ruma hosi lejislatura nian to'o agora.\nHahú hosi inísiu tinan ne'e, no haktuir hosi Banku Sentral Timor-Leste (BCTL), ekonomia timoroan rekua 6%.\nIha nível jeral, dokumentu muda de'it kór kapa nian bainhira kompara ho testu hosi Juñu 2019 nian - pasa hosi kór bandeira timoroan nian ba kór metan - mantén kompromisu sira ne'ebé hanesan hodi investe hodi hadi'a kondisaun sira bee nian, habitasaun, edukasaun, formasaun, kultura, patrimóniu, juventude ho desportu.\nKona-ba ekonomia, tuir liña prioritáriu 2020 nian, Governu hakarak aumenta baze ekonómiku nasaun nian, promove aumentu sustentadu hosi rendimentu sira, estimula inisiativu privadu sira ho hadi'a setor produtivu nasional, liuliu agrikultura, agropekuária ho peska.\nIha setor primáriu, Governu hakarak apoia produsaun maibé mós "transporte, distribuisaun, embalamentu ho armazenamentu hosi produtu agríkola sira", ajuda fortalese ligasaun entre produtor sira ho merkadu.\nGovernu hakarak fortalese mós kapasidade hosi indústria finanseira, "fasilita atividade komersial sira", iha tempu hanesan hadi'a "transparénsia, responsabilidade, efisiénsia ho sustentabilidade" hosi konta públika.\nEntre prioridade ekonómiku sira iha "hadi'ak konektividade nasional", iha nível hosi infraestrutura baze sira (estrada sira, portu ho ponte sira, no seluk tan), nune'e mós hadi'a lojístika ho rede sira telekomunikasaun nian, liuliu fibra ótika tasi no rai nian. | [
"Primeiru-ministru manten objetivu hodi kria empregu rihun 300 iha lejislatura - Noticias SAPO - SAPO Noticias Pajina aktualizada iha 15:40h, domingu 09 Agostu Primeiru-ministru manten objetivu hodi kria empregu rihun 300 iha lejislatura 29 de Junho de 2020, 23:49 Primeiru-ministru manten objetivu hodi kria empregu rihun 300 durante lejislatura atual, ne'ebe hotu iha 2023, no kresimentu ekonomiku ba 7% tinan-tinan, haktuir lina orientador sira hosi Orsamentu Jeral Estadu (OJE) tinan 2020 nian.",
"Objetivu rua ne'e halo parte hosi livru foun ida ho \"lina orientasaun sira ba elaborasaun hosi proposta Orsamentu 2020-2023,\" prepara hosi gabinete Taur Matan Ruak nian iha fulan ne'e no serve hanesan mata-dalan ba preparasaun hosi konta publika sira tinan ne'e nian.",
"Timor-Leste iha duodesimu dezde 01 Janeiru, rejista ona kontrasaun ekonomiku ida iha 2018 tanba krizi politika iha nasaun no rekuperasaun oituan iha tinan liuba, nune'e, tanba pandemia COVID-19, sei hotu 2020 ho rekua foun ida hosi PIB nasional.",
"Governu agora prepara hela proposta foun ida hosi OJE ba tinan ne'e - ida dahuluk xumba ona iha Janeiru iha parlamentu -, ne'ebe, tuir primeiru-ministru, sei haruka ba parlamentu iha Setembru.",
"Maski hosi kontestu ekonomiku foun ho krizi politika marka tinan rua dahuluk hosi ezekutivu - ne'ebe kompletu de'it iha semana liuba - dokumentu foun hosi lina orientador sira, ne'ebe maka Lusa iha asesu, hanesan tebes ho dokumentu ne'ebe lansa hosi primeiru-ministru iha tinan ida liuba, manten promesa hodi kria empregu rihun 300 to'o tinan 2023 ka rihun 60 tinan-tinan.",
"Haree katak numeru ne'e la kumpri iha tinan rua dahuluk hosi governasaun - no tanba krizi politika no pandemia, ekonomista sira hatudu katak iha lakon empregu sira -, kumpri promesa ne\"e sei obriga atu kria kuaze totalidade hosi empregu rihun 300 to'o eleisaun tinan 2023.",
"Informasaun kona-ba area empregu iha Timor-Leste hanesan ladun iha konfiansa, maski inkeritu foun kona-ba serbisu operariu sira, ne'ebe halo iha 2016, indika katak forsa serbisu nian iha momentu ne'eba iha ema rihun 339, rihun 304 konsidera hanesan empregadu.",
"Hosi rihun 304 ne'e, 71% resin, tuir estudu haneasn, iha ekonomia informal no 58% hosi serbisu sira ne'e konsidera hanesan \"vulneravel.\"",
"Iha nivel sira hosi ekonomia formal, Sistema Seguransa Sosial iha agora daudaun rejista traballador rihun 82 resin, rihun 32 resin hosi setor privadu.",
"Iha ambitu seluk, dokumentu hosi lina orientador sira, manten hanesan objetivu kresimentu anual ida ekonomia nian hosi 7%, valor ne'ebe la kumpri ona iha tinan ruma hosi lejislatura nian to'o agora.",
"Hahu hosi inisiu tinan ne'e, no haktuir hosi Banku Sentral Timor-Leste (BCTL), ekonomia timoroan rekua 6%.",
"Iha nivel jeral, dokumentu muda de'it kor kapa nian bainhira kompara ho testu hosi Junu 2019 nian - pasa hosi kor bandeira timoroan nian ba kor metan - manten kompromisu sira ne'ebe hanesan hodi investe hodi hadi'a kondisaun sira bee nian, habitasaun, edukasaun, formasaun, kultura, patrimoniu, juventude ho desportu.",
"Kona-ba ekonomia, tuir lina prioritariu 2020 nian, Governu hakarak aumenta baze ekonomiku nasaun nian, promove aumentu sustentadu hosi rendimentu sira, estimula inisiativu privadu sira ho hadi'a setor produtivu nasional, liuliu agrikultura, agropekuaria ho peska.",
"Iha setor primariu, Governu hakarak apoia produsaun maibe mos \"transporte, distribuisaun, embalamentu ho armazenamentu hosi produtu agrikola sira,\" ajuda fortalese ligasaun entre produtor sira ho merkadu.",
"Governu hakarak fortalese mos kapasidade hosi industria finanseira, \"fasilita atividade komersial sira,\" iha tempu hanesan hadi'a \"transparensia, responsabilidade, efisiensia ho sustentabilidade\" hosi konta publika.",
"Entre prioridade ekonomiku sira iha \"hadi'ak konektividade nasional,\" iha nivel hosi infraestrutura baze sira (estrada sira, portu ho ponte sira, no seluk tan), nune'e mos hadi'a lojistika ho rede sira telekomunikasaun nian, liuliu fibra otika tasi no rai nian."
] | [
"Prime Minister maintains target of creating 301 thousand jobs in the legislature - Noticias SAPO – News Page updated at: Sunday, August (29) The prime minister retains aim to create more than three hundred and thirty job during current parliamentary term. June' s first day is set for July with an economic growth rate that will reach seven per cent annually as stated by guidelines from General State Budget(GSB)."
"These two objectives are part of a new book with \"guidelines for the elaboration and drafting budget proposals 2019-3,\" prepared by Taur Matan Ruak' s cabinet this month that will serve as guideline in preparing public account to come."
"Timor-Leste in the twelfth since January 01, has already registered an economic contraction during this year due to political crisis and a slight recovery after that. Thus because of COVID -29 pandemic it will end with another reduction from national GDP for all years coming up until now!"
"The government is now preparing a new budget proposal for this year - the first one was tabled in January before parliament – which, according to Prime Minister Tsipras will be submitted by September."
"Despite the new economic context and political crisis that marked its first two years of office - which was only completed last week – Lusa's access to a document containing guidelines, similar in substance with those launched by Prime Minister António Costa one year earlier (2016), maintain promise for creatings 357 thousand jobs until end-of this decade or about sixty per cent more each month."
"Given that this number was not met in the first two years of government - and because, according to economists there are job losses due both political crisis as well a pandemic – fulfilling these promises will require creatings almost all 30.5 million jobs by elections on January/February (21st)"
"Information on the employment sector in Timor-Leste is unreliable, although new surveys of labour operator jobs conducted by Statistical Office (SOE) indicate that there are currently about three hundred and thirty nine thousand people working."
"Of these 304 thousand, more than a third (71%), according to recent studies are in the informal economy and about one-fifth of those jobs is considered \"vulnerable.\""
"At the levels of formal economy, there are currently 82 thousand workers registered in Social Security System and more than three dozen from private sector."
"In another context, the document of guidelines maintains as a target an annual growth rate for economy at 7%, value that has not been met in any year from legislature so far."
"Since the beginning of this year, according to Timor-Leste's Central Bank (BCTL), its economy has declined by 6%."
"At a general level, the document only changes its colours when compared to June 2019 - from yellow-orange flag color into blue and green -- but it retains similar commitments of investing in improving conditions for water supply."
"Regarding the economy, according to its priority line for 2019-35 (see below), it intends: To increase economic base of country; Promote sustained growth in incomes and stimulate private initiatives by improving national productive sector especially agriculture."
"In the primary sector, Government wants to support production but also \"transportation and distribution of agricultural products\" helping strengthen linkages between producer & market."
"The government also wants to strengthen the capacity of its financial industry, \"facilitating commercial activities\" while improving “transparency and accountability” in public finance."
"Among the economic priorities are \"improving national connectivity,\" at a level of basic infrastructure (roads; port and bridge systems etc.), as well to improve logistical services with telecommunication network in particular sea-land fiber optic lines"
] |
KO La fo Liberdade Ba Povu Buka Moris | STLNEWS\nKO La fo Liberdade Ba Povu Buka Moris\nDILI, STLNEWS.co – Moris povu kiik nian depende ba rendimentu negosiu, tanba nee Konfinamentu Obrigatoriu (KO) iha Kapital Dili la fo liberdade (livre) ba povu atu halo negosiu, maibe kontinua limita atividade povu nian.\nTuir negosiante Elisa da Costa hatete, povu nia moris depende ba vida negosiu, tanba nee ho KO iha kapital Dili limita tebes atividade povu nian, maluk sira neebe faan obralan tenke taka, transporte publiku labele halo movimentu, ema neebe faan modo tenke aluga fali ojek motor hodi ba sosa modo husi langanan sira hodi mai faan, tanba nee governu estabelese KO limita tebes povu nia atividade.\n“Ami husu ba governu bele estabelese Serka Sanitaria no Konfinamentu Obrigatoriu, maibe labele limita povu nia atividade iha situasaun susar ida nee, tanba nee fo liberdade ba povu atu buka moris, sebele taka metin mak aeroportu no fronteira, ho nunee ema labele lori moras nee tama mai,” dehan negosiante Elisa ba STL Sabadu nee (04/09/2021) iha resintu bundaran, Kampung Baru.\nNia afirma liu tan, governu limita deit atividade povu kiik sira nian, maibe sira rasik lao ba mai diak hela, no sulan povu hamlaha iha uma, boot sira moris diak, tanba buat hotu la falta, KO nee ba povu kiik deit.\nIha parte seluk reprezentante povu iha uma fukun Parlamentu Nasional (PN), Deputada Josefa Pereirra hatete, estabelese KO la taka dalan ba negosiante kiik sira atu halo atividade negosiu, no governu suspende deit negosiu obralan, loja sira neebe faan material konstrusaaun no loja neebe faan ropa, ba sira neebe faan modo kontinua lao, nomos loja sira neebe faan nesesidade baziku mos kontinua loke.\n“Hau hanoin desizaun governu nian nee diak, tanba atu salva povu husi pandemia surtu Covid-19, tanba haree ba numeru moras kada loron kontinua aumenta,” dehan deputada nee.*\nPrevious articleLoron 4 Fulan Setembru Espesial Ba Povu TL\nNext articleAsidente Aileu Mate 2 Grave 12 | [
"KO La fo Liberdade Ba Povu Buka Moris | STLNEWS KO La fo Liberdade Ba Povu Buka Moris DILI, STLNEWS.co - Moris povu kiik nian depende ba rendimentu negosiu, tanba nee Konfinamentu Obrigatoriu (KO) iha Kapital Dili la fo liberdade (livre) ba povu atu halo negosiu, maibe kontinua limita atividade povu nian.",
"Tuir negosiante Elisa da Costa hatete, povu nia moris depende ba vida negosiu, tanba nee ho KO iha kapital Dili limita tebes atividade povu nian, maluk sira neebe faan obralan tenke taka, transporte publiku labele halo movimentu, ema neebe faan modo tenke aluga fali ojek motor hodi ba sosa modo husi langanan sira hodi mai faan, tanba nee governu estabelese KO limita tebes povu nia atividade.",
"\"Ami husu ba governu bele estabelese Serka Sanitaria no Konfinamentu Obrigatoriu, maibe labele limita povu nia atividade iha situasaun susar ida nee, tanba nee fo liberdade ba povu atu buka moris, sebele taka metin mak aeroportu no fronteira, ho nunee ema labele lori moras nee tama mai,\" dehan negosiante Elisa ba STL Sabadu nee (04/09/2021) iha resintu bundaran, Kampung Baru.",
"Nia afirma liu tan, governu limita deit atividade povu kiik sira nian, maibe sira rasik lao ba mai diak hela, no sulan povu hamlaha iha uma, boot sira moris diak, tanba buat hotu la falta, KO nee ba povu kiik deit.",
"Iha parte seluk reprezentante povu iha uma fukun Parlamentu Nasional (PN), Deputada Josefa Pereirra hatete, estabelese KO la taka dalan ba negosiante kiik sira atu halo atividade negosiu, no governu suspende deit negosiu obralan, loja sira neebe faan material konstrusaaun no loja neebe faan ropa, ba sira neebe faan modo kontinua lao, nomos loja sira neebe faan nesesidade baziku mos kontinua loke.",
"\"Hau hanoin desizaun governu nian nee diak, tanba atu salva povu husi pandemia surtu Covid-19, tanba haree ba numeru moras kada loron kontinua aumenta,\" dehan deputada nee.* Previous articleLoron 4 Fulan Setembru Espesial Ba Povu TL Next articleAsidente Aileu Mate 2 Grave 12"
] | [
"Dili, STLNEWS.co - The living of the poor people depends on business income; therefore Compulsory Lockdown (KO) in capital city does not give freedom to do businesses but continue limiting their activities and making them more vulnerable than ever before when it comes time for a new start or re-establishment after an unfortunate lockdown that has left many families without any means from which they could make end up with no money at all during this difficult economic period"
"According to the trader Elisa da Costa said, people's lives depend on business life. Therefore with KO in Dili capital greatly limiting activity of citizens; those who sell workmanship must close their shops and public transport can not move around as they are restricted from moving through city centre or other areas where there is no traffic flow for vehicles which means that motor vehicle sellers have renting a car so you could buy your own cars at street level when coming out into marketplace because government has established CO very much limited population activities"
"\"We ask the government to establish Curfew and Compulsory Lockdown, but cannot limit people's activities in this difficult situation. Therefore we give freedom for them as they seek their livelihood by closing down airport or border so that no one can bring disease into our country,” Elisa told STL on Saturday (04/21) at a suburban retreat called Kampung Baru"
"He further affirmed, the government only restricts activities of small peoples but they themselves go on to live well and securely. They leave their own children hungry at home while larger families are living better because everything is available for them; this KO applies solely towards little kids!"
"On the other hand, people's representative in Parliament (PN), Deputada Josefa Pereirra said that establishing a CO does not close down small traders to do business activities and government only suspend workplace businesses. Shopes selling construction materials or clothing will continue operating while those which sell fashion items are still open as well; basic necessities stores also remained on-hand for customers who need them at all times"
"\"I think the government's decision is good, because to save people from Covid-19 outbreak pandemic. Because looking at number of disease every day continue increasing.\" Previous articleLoron 4 Fulan Setembro Especial Ba Povu TL Next ArticleAcidente Aileu Mate"
] |
FORUM HAKSESUK: Lansamentu Livru "LUTA BA LIA-LOOS NO JUSTISA"\nLansamentu Livru "LUTA BA LIA-LOOS NO JUSTISA"\nKontribuisaun Ida Tan Ba Patrimoniu Historia Timor-Leste\nFonte Facebook/Ze Luis Oliveira\nOhin, sexta, 27 Marsu 2015, Asosiasaun HAK lansa livru ida ho titulu LUTA BA LIA-LOOS NO JUSTISA.\nLivru ne’e nudar rezultadu peskiza historia ne’ebe halao husi Ekipa Asosiasaun HAK hamutuk ho Koligasaun Japonés sira ba Timor-Leste iha tinan 2005 – 2010, halibur faktus historia kona-ba Eskravidaun Sexual ne’ebe halao husi Forsa Japonés sira durante funu Segunda Guerra Mundial iha Timor-Leste.\nForsa Japonés invade Timor iha 20 Fevereiru 1942 no akupa durante tinan 3 ½ no ha’kotu ninian prezensa iha 5 Setembru 1945, husik hela “fitar” barak iha Timor-Leste. “Fitar” sira ne’e balu fiziku ne’ebe ita sei bele hetan iha teritoriu Timor-Leste hanesan estrada sira, abrigu sira hanesan kuak hitu iha Venilale ka rai-kabubu sira iha rai-tetuk Raxa, Lospalos, etc. Fitar fiziku sira ne’e mos nudar evidensia husi sofrimentu povu timorense, tanba momentu ne’ebe povu timorense barak mak obrigadu halao servisu forsadu, no barak mak mate tanba hamlaha.\n“Fitar” ne’ebe mak ema barak la haree mak sofrimentu husi labarik feto no feto-ran sira, ne’ebe iha momentu ne’ebe barak mak rekrutadu ho forsadu liu husi xefe suku no “pombela” (milisi pro-japones) hodi sai “ianfu” (atan sexual). Feto sira ne’ebe barak mak sei hetan menstruasaun, forsadu tenki servi “nafsu sexual” militar Japonés sira iha “ianjo” (fatin halibur feto sira). Kalan sira tenki servi nesesidade sexual militar Japonés, loron sira tenki ba halao servisu buka hahan ba a’an rasik no ba ajuda halo ka loke estrada.\nBainhira funu remata, Japonés sira husik hela inan-feto sira ne’e hanesan “trapo” (hena a’at), no inan-feto sira ne’e tenki hetan tan sofrimento seluk mak diskriminasaun no exkluzaun husi familia no komunidade.\nPeskiza ne’e mos deskobre simillansa balu ne’ebe akontese ho okupasaun Indonesia (utilizasaun ema timorense ba milisia pro-okupasaun), no akontesimentu batalla balu entre forsa Japonés ho Forsa Australianus, nune mos kona-ba mate Dom Aleixo Cortereal.\nRelatoriu peskiza ne’e halao liu husi intervista ba sobrevivente “ianfu” balu ne’ebe Ekipa konsege hetan (ema nain 15), dadus sekundariu husi Fokupers no Asosiasaun Jurista Timorense, sasin husi pombela balu, ex-exersitu japones balu, relatoriu prosesu julgamentu, no arkivu balu iha Muzeun Australia no Lisboa. Eskritor/autor ba relatoriu ne’e mak Sr. Akihisa Matsumo (profesor iha Universidade Osaka) no tradutor Jose Luis de Oliveira (ex-Direitor HAK, atual Direitor AJAR).\nSe interese atu hetan livru ne’e, favor mai kontaktu Asosiasaun HAK.\nFonte notisia: Facebook/Ze Luis Oliveira\nPublicada por FORUM HAKSESUK à(s) 10:51 da tarde | [
"FORUM HAKSESUK: Lansamentu Livru \"LUTA BA LIA-LOOS NO JUSTISA\" Lansamentu Livru \"LUTA BA LIA-LOOS NO JUSTISA\" Kontribuisaun Ida Tan Ba Patrimoniu Historia Timor-Leste Fonte Facebook/Ze Luis Oliveira Ohin, sexta, 27 Marsu 2015, Asosiasaun HAK lansa livru ida ho titulu LUTA BA LIA-LOOS NO JUSTISA.",
"Livru ne'e nudar rezultadu peskiza historia ne'ebe halao husi Ekipa Asosiasaun HAK hamutuk ho Koligasaun Japones sira ba Timor-Leste iha tinan 2005 - 2010, halibur faktus historia kona-ba Eskravidaun Sexual ne'ebe halao husi Forsa Japones sira durante funu Segunda Guerra Mundial iha Timor-Leste.",
"Forsa Japones invade Timor iha 20 Fevereiru 1942 no akupa durante tinan 3 1/2 no ha'kotu ninian prezensa iha 5 Setembru 1945, husik hela \"fitar\" barak iha Timor-Leste.",
"\"Fitar\" sira ne'e balu fiziku ne'ebe ita sei bele hetan iha teritoriu Timor-Leste hanesan estrada sira, abrigu sira hanesan kuak hitu iha Venilale ka rai-kabubu sira iha rai-tetuk Raxa, Lospalos, etc.",
"Fitar fiziku sira ne'e mos nudar evidensia husi sofrimentu povu timorense, tanba momentu ne'ebe povu timorense barak mak obrigadu halao servisu forsadu, no barak mak mate tanba hamlaha.",
"\"Fitar\" ne'ebe mak ema barak la haree mak sofrimentu husi labarik feto no feto-ran sira, ne'ebe iha momentu ne'ebe barak mak rekrutadu ho forsadu liu husi xefe suku no \"pombela\" (milisi pro-japones) hodi sai \"ianfu\" (atan sexual).",
"Feto sira ne'ebe barak mak sei hetan menstruasaun, forsadu tenki servi \"nafsu sexual\" militar Japones sira iha \"ianjo\" (fatin halibur feto sira).",
"Kalan sira tenki servi nesesidade sexual militar Japones, loron sira tenki ba halao servisu buka hahan ba a'an rasik no ba ajuda halo ka loke estrada.",
"Bainhira funu remata, Japones sira husik hela inan-feto sira ne'e hanesan \"trapo\" (hena a'at), no inan-feto sira ne'e tenki hetan tan sofrimento seluk mak diskriminasaun no exkluzaun husi familia no komunidade.",
"Peskiza ne'e mos deskobre simillansa balu ne'ebe akontese ho okupasaun Indonesia (utilizasaun ema timorense ba milisia pro-okupasaun), no akontesimentu batalla balu entre forsa Japones ho Forsa Australianus, nune mos kona-ba mate Dom Aleixo Cortereal.",
"Relatoriu peskiza ne'e halao liu husi intervista ba sobrevivente \"ianfu\" balu ne'ebe Ekipa konsege hetan (ema nain 15), dadus sekundariu husi Fokupers no Asosiasaun Jurista Timorense, sasin husi pombela balu, ex-exersitu japones balu, relatoriu prosesu julgamentu, no arkivu balu iha Muzeun Australia no Lisboa.",
"Eskritor/autor ba relatoriu ne'e mak Sr. Akihisa Matsumo (profesor iha Universidade Osaka) no tradutor Jose Luis de Oliveira (ex-Direitor HAK, atual Direitor AJAR).",
"Se interese atu hetan livru ne'e, favor mai kontaktu Asosiasaun HAK.",
"Fonte notisia: Facebook/Ze Luis Oliveira Publicada por FORUM HAKSESUK a (s) 10:51 da tarde"
] | [
"FORUM HAKSESUK: Launching Book \"FUTA BA LITA-LOOS NO JUSTISA\" (The Struggle for Justice and Law) The launch of the book “Luta Ba Lia Loos No Justisa” is another contribution to Timor Leste’s history heritage. Source Facebook/Ze Luis Oliveira Today, Friday March27th3015 a new publication entitled FUTURE OF LEGALITY AND JUSTICE was launched by Association Haksesuk in Dili at an event organized with support from Ze Luís da Silva Soares"
"The book is the result of historical research carried out by HAK Association Team together with Japanese Coalition for Timor-Leste in years from2015 to3, gathering historic facts about Sexual Slavery perpetrated during World War II."
"Japanese forces invaded Timor on February 20,1943 and occupieds it for three-and a half years before ending its presence in September of that year."
"These \"features\" are some of the physical things we can find in Timor-Leste such as roads, shelters like quacks at Venilale or bushlands on Raxa and Lospalo' s high lands etc."
"These physical features are also evidence of the Timorese people's suffering, because at that time many were forced to perform hard labour and died from starvation."
"The \"outside\" that many people do not see is the suffering of girls and women, who at times were forcibly recruited by village chiefs or pombela (pro-Japanese militia) to become ianufu."
"Many women who would have menstruation were forced to serve the Japanese military's \"sexual desire\" in an ianjo (women house)."
"They were forced to serve the Japanese military's sexual needs, and on days they would have been out working for their own sustenance or helping in road construction."
"When the war ended, these mothers were left behind by Japanese as \"ragpo\" (a kind of cloth), and they had to endure further suffering from discrimination or exclusion in their families/community."
"The research also discovered some similarities with the Indonesian occupation (the use of Timorese people as pro-occupation militias), and several battles between Japanese forces in Australia, alongside Dom Aleixo Cortereal' s death."
"The research report was conducted through interviews with some \"ianfu\" survivors that the Team managed to find (15 people), secondary data from Fokupers and Timorese Lawyers Association, testimony of firefighter-related witnesses; former Japanese soldiers who served in Indonesia during World War II."
"The writer/author of this report is Mr. Akihisa Matsumo (professor at Osaka University) and the translator Jose Luis de Oliveira, former HAK Director now AJAR director)."
"If you are interested in getting this book, please contact the HAK Association."
"Fonte notisia: Facebook/Ze Luis Oliveira Publicada por FORUM HAKSESUK a(s) domingo, abril10th."
] |
Edifísiu foun FEJ UNTL harii ho kustu $600.000-resin | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste\nVARANDA EDUKASAUN Edifísiu foun FEJ UNTL harii ho kustu $600.000-resin\nEdifísiu foun FEJ UNTL harii ho kustu $600.000-resin\nDILI, 03 fevereiru 2022 (TATOLI)–Diresaun Nasionál Edifikasaun Ministériu Obra Publika (DNE-MOP) garante kualidade edifísiu foun Fakuldade Ekonomia no Jestaun (FEJ), Universidade Nasionál Timor-Lorosa’e (UNTL) ne’ebé foin inaugura.\nEdifísiu ne’e andár rua ho sala aula 18, ho medida 45×12, ne’ebé ho kustu ho montante $672.758.\nTuir Diretór Diresaun Nasionál Edifikasaun Ministériu Obra Publika, Domingos de Jesus Sequeira, antes ne’e halo ona avaliasaun no verifikasaun ba kondisaun edifísiu.\n“Maski konstrusaun edifísiu Fakuldade Ekonomia no Jestaun ne’e konsidera tarde tanba impedimentu hosi problema pandemia COVID-19, maibé edifísiu ne’e tama kategoria kualidade,” Diretór Domingos hateten ba jornalista sira iha Fakuldade Ekonomia Jestaun UNTL, kinta ne’e.\nEzisténsia DNE ba konstrusaun ne’e hahú kedan hosi prosesu dezeñu inklui verifikasaun ba estrutura tomak, arkitetura mekánika, elétrika no flambin, tanba lei ne’ebé vigora iha diploma ministeriál fó dalan ba DNE-MOP atu toma responsabilidade tomak ba konstrusaun edifísiu ministériu ka instituisaun Estadu.\nNune’e mós, Reitór UNTL, João Martins, kontente tanba bele hetan tan edifísiu foun ho sala aula 18, ne’ebé atu garante mós prosesu aprendizajen ba estudante sira.\n“Ha’u kontente tanba inaugurasaun edifísiu foun ne’e bele hadi’a liután kondisaun infraestrutura tanba sala aula ne’ebé adekuadu ba estudante sira bele aprende. Maski edifísiu ne’e kabe ba FEJ, la signifika estudante de’it mak bele uza fasilidade ne’e. Tanba edifísiu foun ne’e ninia sala aula modernu no kapas, sei fó ambiente di’ak ba estudante sira atubele estuda,” nia akresenta.\nIha biban hanesan, Ministru Ensinu Superiór Siénsia no Kultura, Longuinhos dos Santos, hateten dezafiu boot ba ensinu superiór maka hadi’a no prepara infraestrutura ho kualidade.\n”Ha’u hakarak hato’o felisitasaun ba estrutura anteriór, hafoin kontinua fali hosi reitór atuál tanba konsege finaliza konstrusaun,” nia tenik.\nKonstrusaun infraestrutura adekuadu asegura ona dezenvolvimentu ensinu aprendizajen ho kualidade no prioridade ba VIII Governu Konstitusionál, tanba área infraestrutura konta ona iha polítika nasionál ensinu superior ne’ebé hetan aprovasaun iha Konsellu Ministru.\n“Inaugurasaun edifísiu ne’e signifikante boot tanba atu hadi’a di’ak liután kualidade rekursu umanu, UNTL atu hetan kondisaun adekuadu hodi reprezenta rekursu umanu ho kualidade no bele kumpre ona lema instituisaun ensinu superiór kualidade iha formasaun ne’ebé maka futuru ba nasaun. Ho nune’e, investimentu VIII Governu Konstitusionál bele rezulta edifísiu foun nu’udar onra ida boot tebes, ba entidade hotu inklui estudante sira,” nia dehan.\nPrevious articlePasiente dengue sa’e ba 1.407 no hamate labarik na’in-22\nNext articlePDRT rejista ona Anacleto Bento iha Tribunál Rekursu | [
"Edifisiu foun FEJ UNTL harii ho kustu $600.000-resin | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA EDUKASAUN Edifisiu foun FEJ UNTL harii ho kustu $600.000-resin Edifisiu foun FEJ UNTL harii ho kustu $600.000-resin DILI, 03 fevereiru 2022 (TATOLI) -Diresaun Nasional Edifikasaun Ministeriu Obra Publika (DNE-MOP) garante kualidade edifisiu foun Fakuldade Ekonomia no Jestaun (FEJ), Universidade Nasional Timor-Lorosa'e (UNTL) ne'ebe foin inaugura.",
"Edifisiu ne'e andar rua ho sala aula 18, ho medida 45x12, ne'ebe ho kustu ho montante $672.758.",
"Tuir Diretor Diresaun Nasional Edifikasaun Ministeriu Obra Publika, Domingos de Jesus Sequeira, antes ne'e halo ona avaliasaun no verifikasaun ba kondisaun edifisiu.",
"\"Maski konstrusaun edifisiu Fakuldade Ekonomia no Jestaun ne'e konsidera tarde tanba impedimentu hosi problema pandemia COVID-19, maibe edifisiu ne'e tama kategoria kualidade,\" Diretor Domingos hateten ba jornalista sira iha Fakuldade Ekonomia Jestaun UNTL, kinta ne'e.",
"Ezistensia DNE ba konstrusaun ne'e hahu kedan hosi prosesu dezenu inklui verifikasaun ba estrutura tomak, arkitetura mekanika, eletrika no flambin, tanba lei ne'ebe vigora iha diploma ministerial fo dalan ba DNE-MOP atu toma responsabilidade tomak ba konstrusaun edifisiu ministeriu ka instituisaun Estadu.",
"Nune'e mos, Reitor UNTL, Joao Martins, kontente tanba bele hetan tan edifisiu foun ho sala aula 18, ne'ebe atu garante mos prosesu aprendizajen ba estudante sira.",
"\"Ha'u kontente tanba inaugurasaun edifisiu foun ne'e bele hadi'a liutan kondisaun infraestrutura tanba sala aula ne'ebe adekuadu ba estudante sira bele aprende.",
"Maski edifisiu ne'e kabe ba FEJ, la signifika estudante de'it mak bele uza fasilidade ne'e.",
"Tanba edifisiu foun ne'e ninia sala aula modernu no kapas, sei fo ambiente di'ak ba estudante sira atubele estuda,\" nia akresenta.",
"Iha biban hanesan, Ministru Ensinu Superior Siensia no Kultura, Longuinhos dos Santos, hateten dezafiu boot ba ensinu superior maka hadi'a no prepara infraestrutura ho kualidade.",
"\"Ha'u hakarak hato'o felisitasaun ba estrutura anterior, hafoin kontinua fali hosi reitor atual tanba konsege finaliza konstrusaun,\" nia tenik.",
"Konstrusaun infraestrutura adekuadu asegura ona dezenvolvimentu ensinu aprendizajen ho kualidade no prioridade ba VIII Governu Konstitusional, tanba area infraestrutura konta ona iha politika nasional ensinu superior ne'ebe hetan aprovasaun iha Konsellu Ministru.",
"\"Inaugurasaun edifisiu ne'e signifikante boot tanba atu hadi'a di'ak liutan kualidade rekursu umanu, UNTL atu hetan kondisaun adekuadu hodi reprezenta rekursu umanu ho kualidade no bele kumpre ona lema instituisaun ensinu superior kualidade iha formasaun ne'ebe maka futuru ba nasaun.",
"Ho nune'e, investimentu VIII Governu Konstitusional bele rezulta edifisiu foun nu'udar onra ida boot tebes, ba entidade hotu inklui estudante sira,\" nia dehan.",
"Previous articlePasiente dengue sa'e ba 1.407 no hamate labarik na'in-22 Next articlePDRT rejista ona Anacleto Bento iha Tribunal Rekursu"
] | [
"Edifisiu foun FEJ UNTL harii ho kustu $601.25-resin | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor Lorosa'e HOME EDUCATION New building of the Faculty for Economics and Management (FEM) at National University, Dili has been completed with a total cost exceeding US$738k DILI - The Directorate General Building Ministry Public Works guarantee quality in newly inaugurated faculties to be built by Universidade Nacional Timór –Leste’(UNTL)."
"The building has 18 classrooms on the first floor, with a size of approximately fourty-five by twelve feet (45x20 m), and cost $673.9 million ($US$) in total costs for construction work to be completed within three years from now"
"According to the Director of National Building Department Ministry Public Works, Domingos de Jesus Sequeira previously carried out an evaluation and verification for building conditions."
"\"Although the construction of this building is considered late due to impediments caused by COVID-19 pandemic, but it falls into quality category\", Director Domingos told journalist at UNTL Faculty for Economic Studies and Management on Wednesday."
"The DNE's approval for the construction began with a design process that included verification of all structure, mechanical architecture and electrical installation. This is because law in force through ministerial decree allows it to take full responsibility on building projects by ministries or State institutions; this was not possible without an authorization from MOP-DNE (Ministry Of Public Works)."
"Likewise, UNTL Rector Joao Martins is pleased to have a new building with 18 class rooms that will also ensure the learning process for students."
"\"I am pleased that the inauguration of this new building will improve through infrastructure conditions because classrooms are adequate for students to learn."
"Although the building belongs to FEJ, it does not mean that only students can use this facility."
"Because the new building has modern and functional classrooms, it will provide a good environment for students to study.\""
"In the same vein, Minister of Higher Education Science and Culture Longuinhos dos Santos said that a major challenge for higher education is to improve quality infrastructure."
"\"I would like to congratulate the previous structure, which was continued by its current rector because they managed that construction could be completed.\""
"Adequate infrastructure construction has ensured the development of quality education and learning as a priority for VIII Constitutional Government, because infrastructura area is included in national higher-education policy approved by Council."
"\"The inauguration of this building is very significant because in order to improve human resource quality, UNTL needs adequate conditions for representing high-quality Human Resources and can fulfill the motto higher education institutions with a good training that will be futures."
"Thus, the investment of VIII Constitutional Government may result in a new building as an enormous honour for all entities including students\", he said."
"Previous articleDengue patient rises to 1,407 and kills child in the age of-23 Next ArticlePDRT has registered Anacleto Benta at Court Recourse"
] |
Cristiano Ronaldo iha lista. France Footbal hahú divulga kandidatu sira ba Bola de Ouro, Bola de Ouro ba Feto nian no Prémiu Kopa - SAPO Desportu TL\nCristiano Ronaldo iha lista. France Footbal hahú divulga kandidatu sira ba Bola de Ouro, Bola de Ouro ba Feto nian no Prémiu Kopa\nLista hahú divulga ona.\nRevista franseza 'France Football' hahú ona divulga lista ba nomeadu sira ba Bola de Ouro nian ba tinan 2018. Aleinde jogador na'in 30 ne'ebé maka nomeadu ba prémiu ne'ebé maka konkoridu liu iha publikasaun franseza ne'e, sei hatene tan jogador na'in 15 nomeadu ba Bola de Ouro ba Feto no mós jogador na'in 10 ne'ebé konkore ba Prémio Kopa, ne'ebé maka premeia mellor jogador joven kiik hosi tinan 21.\nEntre nomeadu sira iha mós Cristiano Ronaldo. Portugués ne'e maka atual manan-nain ba troféu no nomeadu fila fali ona, hafoin lakon tiha premiu The Best FIFA Men's Player iha époka ne'e nian iha premiu sira The Best nian ho Luka Modric.\nAleinde kapitaun selesaun portugueza nian, nomeia ona mós arjentinu Sergio Aguero, galés Gareth Bale, brazileiros Alisson Becker no Roberto Firmino, o fransés Karim Benzema, uruguaios Edinson Cavani no Diego Godin no belgas Thibaut Courtois no Kevin de Bruyne.\nCristian Ronaldo ne'ebé maka lakon iha tinan ne'e premiu The Beste FIFA nian ba kroata Luka Modric, manan ona Bola de Ouro dala lima, iha tinan 2008, 2013, 2014, 2016 no 2017.\nEntre tinan 1956 no 1994, Bola de Ouro ne'e atribui de'it ba jogador europeus sira ne'ebé maka reprezenta klube europeus sira, maibé hosi tinan 1995, distinsaun publikasaun franseza loke mós ba futebolista sira ne'ebé maka joga iha Europa, dezde tinan 2007, pasa ba mundial, la iha restrisau ida.\nIha tinan 2010, France Football no FIFA hamutuk hodi kria Bola de Ouro FIFA, ne'ebé maka atribui hamutuk entre tinan 2010 no 2015, altura ne'ebé maka premiu ne'e iha fila fali ba defeza revista franseza nian de'it. | [
"Cristiano Ronaldo iha lista.",
"France Footbal hahu divulga kandidatu sira ba Bola de Ouro, Bola de Ouro ba Feto nian no Premiu Kopa - SAPO Desportu TL Cristiano Ronaldo iha lista.",
"France Footbal hahu divulga kandidatu sira ba Bola de Ouro, Bola de Ouro ba Feto nian no Premiu Kopa Lista hahu divulga ona.",
"Revista franseza 'France Football' hahu ona divulga lista ba nomeadu sira ba Bola de Ouro nian ba tinan 2018.",
"Aleinde jogador na'in 30 ne'ebe maka nomeadu ba premiu ne'ebe maka konkoridu liu iha publikasaun franseza ne'e, sei hatene tan jogador na'in 15 nomeadu ba Bola de Ouro ba Feto no mos jogador na'in 10 ne'ebe konkore ba Premio Kopa, ne'ebe maka premeia mellor jogador joven kiik hosi tinan 21.",
"Entre nomeadu sira iha mos Cristiano Ronaldo.",
"Portugues ne'e maka atual manan-nain ba trofeu no nomeadu fila fali ona, hafoin lakon tiha premiu The Best FIFA Men's Player iha epoka ne'e nian iha premiu sira The Best nian ho Luka Modric.",
"Aleinde kapitaun selesaun portugueza nian, nomeia ona mos arjentinu Sergio Aguero, gales Gareth Bale, brazileiros Alisson Becker no Roberto Firmino, o franses Karim Benzema, uruguaios Edinson Cavani no Diego Godin no belgas Thibaut Courtois no Kevin de Bruyne.",
"Cristian Ronaldo ne'ebe maka lakon iha tinan ne'e premiu The Beste FIFA nian ba kroata Luka Modric, manan ona Bola de Ouro dala lima, iha tinan 2008, 2013, 2014, 2016 no 2017.",
"Entre tinan 1956 no 1994, Bola de Ouro ne'e atribui de'it ba jogador europeus sira ne'ebe maka reprezenta klube europeus sira, maibe hosi tinan 1995, distinsaun publikasaun franseza loke mos ba futebolista sira ne'ebe maka joga iha Europa, dezde tinan 2007, pasa ba mundial, la iha restrisau ida.",
"Iha tinan 2010, France Football no FIFA hamutuk hodi kria Bola de Ouro FIFA, ne'ebe maka atribui hamutuk entre tinan 2010 no 2015, altura ne'ebe maka premiu ne'e iha fila fali ba defeza revista franseza nian de'it."
] | [
"Cristiano Ronaldo is on the list."
"France Footbal begins to disclose the nominees for Ballon d'Or, Women’ s Golden Bal and Copa Award - SAPO Sport PT Cristiano Ronaldo on list."
"France Football has announced the candidates for Ballon d’Or, Women' s Golden ball and Coupe de la Ligue Awards. The list of nominees have been released by French football association (FFF)."
"The French magazine France Football has begun to disclose the list of nominees for Ballon d'Or 2018."
"In addition to the 30 players nominated for its most prestigious award, you will also find out who were amongst those selected by this French publication as a finalists of FIFA Ballon d'Or Women and how they ranked in their competition with other top young footballers."
"Among the nominees is Cristiano Ronaldo. Also among those nominated are:"
"The Portuguese is the current winner of this trophy and has been re-nominated, after losing his Best FIFA Men's Player award for 2017 to Luka Modric at UEFA’S World Cup Final."
"In addition to the Portuguese captain, he has also named Argentinean Sergio Aguero and Welsh Gareth Bale; Brazilians Alisson Becker & Roberto Firmino. Frenchman Karim Benzema is on his list as well with Uruguayans Edinson Cavani&Diego Godin in front of Belgium' s Thibaut Courtois And Kevin de Bruyne at right-back position for Portugal 2016 World Cup Qualifiers"
"Cristiano Ronaldo, who lost this year's FIFA Best Player award to Croatian Luka Modric has won the Ballon d’Or five times: in 2013."
"Between 1956 and the year of its establishment, it was only awarded to European players representing clubs in Europe. Since then this distinction has been opened up for all footballers who have played at least one time with their national team; since that date there is no restriction on those playing internationally (except during World Cup matches)."
"In 2013, France Football and FIFA joined forces to create the Ballon d'Or. The award was awarded jointly from January until December of each year; in that time it had been given only by French football magazine L’Equipe for defense players (in addition there were also other prizes)."
] |
PARLEMENTU NASIONAL IV LEJISLATURA TENKE SAI FUKUN BA POVU NIA MORIS - TIMOR AGORA\nABEL AMARAL CPLP OPINIÃO TETUN TIMOR-LESTE\nPARLEMENTU NASIONAL IV LEJISLATURA TENKE SAI FUKUN BA POVU NIA MORIS\nby TIMOR AGORA on 11.9.17 0 Comment\nUluk nia nain hau hanesan estudante ida husi fakuldade direitu, Unversidade da Paz – UNPAZ hato’o hau nia parabens ba Dr. Aniceto Gueterres ne’ebé elitu nudar Prezidente Parlementu Nasional iha IV lejislatura nian. Hanesan estudante universidade da paz liu-liu fakuldade direitu, dala ida tan hato’o ami nia parabens e laran haksolok tebes tanba ami nia maun, ami nia aman Dr. Aniceto Guterres iha tinan hirak liuba nia hanesan ami nia dosente no sai fundador fakuldade direitu iha universidade da paz ne’ebé hetan ona fiar hodi asumi kargu Prezidente Parlementu Nasional ba IV lejislatura nian. Ami nudar estudante nafatin lembra konaba Dr. Aniceto Gutteres nia meritu hanesan dosente, fundador no dekanu iha fakuldade Direitu.\nHusi Universidade da PAZ liu-liu fakuldade direitu ate agora sei konsidera nafatin Dr. Aniceto Guterres hanesan dosente maibe off kampus.\nHanesan sidadaun no hanesan ema akadmiku konserteja iha esperansa boot ba orgaun soberenia sira hotu liu-liu ba Parmentu Nasional IV lejislatura tanba Parlementu Nasional hanesan segundu orgaun soberania tuir konstitusaun RDTL artigu 67 ho nia knar importante tolu ne’ebé hateten iha Konstitusaaun RDTL artigu 92 hateten Parlementu Nasional maka orgaun soberaania Republika Timor Leste nian ne’ebé reprezenta ema Timor oan tomak atu hala’o lei, atu fiskaliza no atu halo desizaun politika. Hau pesoal kontente tebes bainhira rona SE. Prezidente Parlementu Nasional Dr.Aniceto Guterres ne’ebé iha nia permeiru deskursu hanesan prezidente Parlementu Nasional eleitu hateten “Hau promote atu promove dialogu permanente atu buka entendemenu klean, seim hamate sentidu kritiku deputadu ida-idak nian”. Ami hotu iha esperansa katak ami nia lian atu iha mudansa ba rai no ami nia moris tenke tau iha pratika, ida ne’e esperansa ida!!\nHanesan ita hotu akompanha liu-liu hare ba knar lejislatura nian desde inisiu to’o III lejislatura, ita hotu hare knar Parlementu Nasional lao labalansu tebes tanba tuir konstitusaun RDTL, sira iha knar principal tolu maibe husi knar tolu ne’e barak liu maka halo desizaun politika no knar rua seluk bele sura ho liman fuan. Ho Parlementu Nasional IV lejislatura, nia promote ona atu halo reformasaun iha parlementu nasional nomos atu tur hamutuk ho guvernu hodi hare oinsa bele iha mudansa ba povu nia moris. Promete atu halo reformasaun iha parlementu nasional ida ne’e asuntus interstantes nune’e bele halo revizaun no hadia kualidade funsionamentu Parlementu Nasional nomos hare ho kuidadu programa guvernu atu nune’e’e implementasaun programa mai ne’e bele refleta objetivu estadu nian no tenke refleta kondisaun moris ba ema Timor Oan hotu-hotu.\nAleinde promote atu promove dialogu permanente hodi buka entendemenu klean, seim hamate sentidu kritiku deputadu ida-idak nian, Interestante ida mos iha deskursu SE. Prezidente Parlementu Nasional IV lejislatura hato’o katak tantu Parlementu Nasional inklui guvernu atu hare fila fali leis sira ne’ebé dadaun ne’e ita iha, atu Parlementu nasional sai hanesan centru ba debate politiku no debate publiku. Ami hotu apresia ho inisiativa hirak ne’e espera promesa hirak ne’e la’os deit iha sesaun inagural Parlementu Nasional IV lejislatura nian maibe liafuan hirak ne’e bele tau iha pratika. Tanba povu hotu nia esperansa katak Timor Leste to’o ona tempu atu halo mudansa ba povu tomak nia moris.\nIkus liu, husu ba Parlementu Nasional IV lejislatura nia atu bele halao knar tomak liu-liu halo lei no halo fiskalizasaun nian. Iha parte halo lei nian, atu halo lei, Parlementu nasional tenke fo prioridade liu ba lei ida ne’ebé ninia benifisiu ba Timor oan tomak. Parte fiskalizasaun ninian, husu ba membru Parlementu Nasional sira, atu halo fiskalizasaun ida ne’ebé mais kualidade, mais kualidade signifika fiskalizasaun ne’e tenke hahu husi inisiu planu programa to’o iha implementasaun programa nomos tenke tun direita ba iha terenu regularmente. Parabens, Obrigadu e Bem Hajam.\n* Autor: Abel Amaral | Estudante Finalista husi UNPAZ, fakuldade Direitu, servisu iha Fundasaun Mahein\nEmail: [email protected] / [email protected] | [
"PARLEMENTU NASIONAL IV LEJISLATURA TENKE SAI FUKUN BA POVU NIA MORIS - TIMOR AGORA ABEL AMARAL CPLP OPINIAO TETUN TIMOR-LESTE PARLEMENTU NASIONAL IV LEJISLATURA TENKE SAI FUKUN BA POVU NIA MORIS by TIMOR AGORA on 11.9.17 0 Comment Uluk nia nain hau hanesan estudante ida husi fakuldade direitu, Unversidade da Paz - UNPAZ hato'o hau nia parabens ba Dr. Aniceto Gueterres ne'ebe elitu nudar Prezidente Parlementu Nasional iha IV lejislatura nian.",
"Hanesan estudante universidade da paz liu-liu fakuldade direitu, dala ida tan hato'o ami nia parabens e laran haksolok tebes tanba ami nia maun, ami nia aman Dr. Aniceto Guterres iha tinan hirak liuba nia hanesan ami nia dosente no sai fundador fakuldade direitu iha universidade da paz ne'ebe hetan ona fiar hodi asumi kargu Prezidente Parlementu Nasional ba IV lejislatura nian.",
"Ami nudar estudante nafatin lembra konaba Dr. Aniceto Gutteres nia meritu hanesan dosente, fundador no dekanu iha fakuldade Direitu.",
"Husi Universidade da PAZ liu-liu fakuldade direitu ate agora sei konsidera nafatin Dr. Aniceto Guterres hanesan dosente maibe off kampus.",
"Hanesan sidadaun no hanesan ema akadmiku konserteja iha esperansa boot ba orgaun soberenia sira hotu liu-liu ba Parmentu Nasional IV lejislatura tanba Parlementu Nasional hanesan segundu orgaun soberania tuir konstitusaun RDTL artigu 67 ho nia knar importante tolu ne'ebe hateten iha Konstitusaaun RDTL artigu 92 hateten Parlementu Nasional maka orgaun soberaania Republika Timor Leste nian ne'ebe reprezenta ema Timor oan tomak atu hala'o lei, atu fiskaliza no atu halo desizaun politika.",
"Hau pesoal kontente tebes bainhira rona SE.",
"Prezidente Parlementu Nasional Dr.Aniceto Guterres ne'ebe iha nia permeiru deskursu hanesan prezidente Parlementu Nasional eleitu hateten \"Hau promote atu promove dialogu permanente atu buka entendemenu klean, seim hamate sentidu kritiku deputadu ida-idak nian.\"",
"Ami hotu iha esperansa katak ami nia lian atu iha mudansa ba rai no ami nia moris tenke tau iha pratika, ida ne'e esperansa ida!!",
"Hanesan ita hotu akompanha liu-liu hare ba knar lejislatura nian desde inisiu to'o III lejislatura, ita hotu hare knar Parlementu Nasional lao labalansu tebes tanba tuir konstitusaun RDTL, sira iha knar principal tolu maibe husi knar tolu ne'e barak liu maka halo desizaun politika no knar rua seluk bele sura ho liman fuan.",
"Ho Parlementu Nasional IV lejislatura, nia promote ona atu halo reformasaun iha parlementu nasional nomos atu tur hamutuk ho guvernu hodi hare oinsa bele iha mudansa ba povu nia moris.",
"Promete atu halo reformasaun iha parlementu nasional ida ne'e asuntus interstantes nune'e bele halo revizaun no hadia kualidade funsionamentu Parlementu Nasional nomos hare ho kuidadu programa guvernu atu nune'e'e implementasaun programa mai ne'e bele refleta objetivu estadu nian no tenke refleta kondisaun moris ba ema Timor Oan hotu-hotu.",
"Aleinde promote atu promove dialogu permanente hodi buka entendemenu klean, seim hamate sentidu kritiku deputadu ida-idak nian, Interestante ida mos iha deskursu SE.",
"Prezidente Parlementu Nasional IV lejislatura hato'o katak tantu Parlementu Nasional inklui guvernu atu hare fila fali leis sira ne'ebe dadaun ne'e ita iha, atu Parlementu nasional sai hanesan centru ba debate politiku no debate publiku.",
"Ami hotu apresia ho inisiativa hirak ne'e espera promesa hirak ne'e la'os deit iha sesaun inagural Parlementu Nasional IV lejislatura nian maibe liafuan hirak ne'e bele tau iha pratika.",
"Tanba povu hotu nia esperansa katak Timor Leste to'o ona tempu atu halo mudansa ba povu tomak nia moris.",
"Ikus liu, husu ba Parlementu Nasional IV lejislatura nia atu bele halao knar tomak liu-liu halo lei no halo fiskalizasaun nian.",
"Iha parte halo lei nian, atu halo lei, Parlementu nasional tenke fo prioridade liu ba lei ida ne'ebe ninia benifisiu ba Timor oan tomak.",
"Parte fiskalizasaun ninian, husu ba membru Parlementu Nasional sira, atu halo fiskalizasaun ida ne'ebe mais kualidade, mais kualidade signifika fiskalizasaun ne'e tenke hahu husi inisiu planu programa to'o iha implementasaun programa nomos tenke tun direita ba iha terenu regularmente.",
"Parabens, Obrigadu e Bem Hajam. * Autor: Abel Amaral | Estudante Finalista husi UNPAZ, fakuldade Direitu, servisu iha Fundasaun Mahein Email: [email protected] / [email protected]"
] | [
"ABEL AMARAL CPLP OPINIAO TETUN TIMOR-LESTE PARLEMENTU NASIONAL IV LEJISLATURA TENKE SAI FUKUN BA POVU NIAN MORIS by Timor Times on September,12th.09:57 PM No Comments Last night I as a student of the Faculty Of Law at UNPAZ expressed my congratulations to Dr Aniceto Gueterres who was elected President for National Parliament in its fourths legislature and he is now serving his second term with full power after being resigned from this post last year because it has been found that there are many issues which have caused him not only financial problems but also political difficulties amongst other things..."
"As a student of the university da paz, especially law faculty once again express our congratulations and great joy because we have brothers like Dr. Aniceto Guterres in recent years he has been as lecturer for us was founder faculdade de direito at Universidade Da Paz who is trusted to take over office President National Parliament IV legislature 2014-35"
"As students, we always remember Dr. Aniceto Gutteres’s merit as a lecturer and founder of the Law Faculty in Rio de Janeiro State University (UFRJ)."
"From Universidade da PAZ especially the Faculty of Law until now will still consider Dr. Aniceto Guterres as a lecturer but off campus ,"
"As a citizen and as an academic, I have great hopes for all sovereign bodies especially the National Parliament IV legislature because it is second body of soberany according to article67 with its three important function which are stated in Article92 that says: The national parliament shall be sober organ representing East Timorese people who will enforce law. To fiscalize; make political decision..."
"I personally am very pleased when hearing SE."
"The President of the National Parliament, Dr. Aniceto Guterres who made his first speech as president-elect said \"I promote to foster permanent dialogue in search for a clear understanding and not kill each MP's sense Of Criticism.\""
"We all have the hope that our words will bring change to this country and we can put them into practice in everyday life."
"As we all know, especially with regard to the work of legislature from its inception until III legislative term. We can see that National Parliament's functioning is very unbalanced because according To RDTL constitution they have three main task but out Of these 3 responsibilities most are for making political decision and two others may be done by hand-cuffing"
"With the National Parliament IV legislature, he has promoted reforms in national parliament and to sit together with government on how there can be a change for people' s lives."
"He promised to reform the national parliament, which is an ongoing matter so that it can review and improve its functions. Also he carefully examineed government programs in order for their implementation at this time of year reflect state goal-setting as well a better living standard on all Timorese' s behalf.\""
"In addition to promoting a permanent dialogue in search of clear understanding, and not diminishing the critical senses that each MP has. There is also something interesting about SE' s discourse:"
"The President of the National Parliament IV legislature stated that both national parliament and government should review our current laws, so as to make it a centre for political debate."
"We all appreciate this initiative and hope that these promises will not only be made at the inaugural session of National Parliament IV but also put into practice."
"Because everyone's hope is that the time has come for East Timor to make a change in all people’ s lives."
"Finally, he asked the National Parliament IV legislature to carry out all its duties especially in lawmaking and auditing."
"On the part of legislation, in order to make laws national Parliament must prioritize a bill that will benefit all Timorese."
"The auditing part, he asked the members of National Parliament to carry out a more quality inspection. Quality means that this must start from programme planning through implementations and go down directly on site regularly; it is not enough for one person or group but all parties involved in an investigative process should be included at least once per year as they are required by law (Article 13)."
"* Author: Abel Amaral | Finalist student of UNPAZ, Faculty Of Law and working in the Mahein Foundation Emails to me are [email protected] / abelfundasaunmahein @gmail"
] |
Tetun Alkitab Kristus Klosan Lian 9\n☰ Kristus Klosan Lian 9 ◀ ▶\nSaulus fiar baa Yesus\n(Kristus Klosan Lian 22:6-16, 26:12-18)\n1 Baa oras nia, Saulus nasusar bei-beik Yesus eman sia. Nia moos buka dalan atu noꞌo sia. Nia baa nasoru naꞌilulik ulun boot 2 atu nusu hakerek latan beran. Nia beer nodi hakerek nia foo baa uma hamulak ulun sia iha kota Damsik. Hodi nunia, kalo nia nasoru ema mak tuir Yesus dalan moris iha Damsik, nia bele kohi sia, hotu kesi nodi baa Yerusalem, nebee sia netan kastikar iha nia. Feto ka, mane ka, nia kohi luku.\n3 Simu nola hakerek latan beran nia, Saulus no niakaan mamaluk sia baa Damsik. Toꞌo kota luan, teki-tekis kroman maksinak ida tuun nosi laleꞌan, kona besik baa Saulus. 4 Nia nakloti baa rai. Hotu nia rona lia maliak ida bolu naꞌak, “Saulus! Saulus! Tan saa o masusar Haꞌu nuneꞌe?”\n5 Rona nola nunia, Saulus nusu naꞌak, “Ita Boot mak dale neꞌe, see?”\nLia maliak nia moos nataa naꞌak, “Haꞌu neꞌe, Yesus mak o masusar! 6 Madeer, tama baa kota ona! Iha nia foin Haꞌu atu katak saa mak o musti malo.”\n7 Baa oras nia Saulus niakaan mamaluk sia moos rona lia maliak nia. Mais sia la naree saa ida. Sia neon lakon, toꞌo la bele dale sa-saa.\n8 Hotu Saulus nadeer nariik. Nia loke kokon matan, mais la bele naree tiꞌan. Niakaan mamaluk sia kaer nola liman, nadaek tama baa kota Damsik. 9 Loron tolu laran, nia la bele naree sa-saa. Nia moos la naa-nemu sa-saa.\n10 Iha kota nia, noo Yesus eman ida naran Ananias. Naꞌi Maromak natadu aan baa nia tuir meꞌi, nodi bolu nia naꞌak, “Ananias!”\nAnanias nataa naꞌak, “Heꞌe, Naꞌi Maromak!”\n11 Naꞌi Maromak katak naꞌak, “Mai lai! Baa buka mola Haꞌukaan ema ida. Nia nein no ema ida naran Yudas. Yudas uman nia iha dalan ida naran Dalan Loos. Iha uma nia, noo ema Tarsus ida naran Saulus. Oras neꞌe, nia noꞌi namulak. 12 Haꞌu katudu baa nia tiꞌan kaꞌak, mane ida naran Ananias atu mai baa nia. O musti baa rai liman baa nia, nebee nia bele naree nikar.”\n13 Mais Ananias nataa naꞌak, “Keta nunia, Ama Boot! Ami rona ema dale karuk-kwana nosi ema nia. Nia ema aat basuk mak nasusar tebe-tebes Yesus eman sia iha Yerusalem. 14 Oras neꞌe, nia mai iha Damsik neꞌe tiꞌan. Ami rona haꞌak naꞌilulik ulun sia foo hakerek latan beran baa nia, atu nodi kohi mohu ema mak tuir Yesus dalan moris iha neꞌe.”\n15 Mais Naꞌi Maromak nataa naꞌak, “Keta sakar Haꞌu! Baa ona! Tan Haꞌu kboi nia tiꞌan atu loke dalan bodik Haꞌu. Nia atu keke Haꞌukaan Manfatin baa ema Israꞌel sia no ema nosi klubun seluk sia. Nia moos atu katak no baa naꞌi sia. 16 Haꞌu duꞌuk atu kalore baa nia nosi susar oi-oik mak nia atu netan, tan tuir Haꞌu.”\n17 Rona Naꞌi Maromak dale nunia, Ananias baa kedan uma nia. Nia rai liman baa Saulus nodi naꞌak, “Mau Saul. Naꞌi Yesus mak o maree iha dalan klaran oras mai iha Damsik neꞌe, Nia mak naruka haꞌu kmai atu kamulak kodi rai liman baa o, nebee o bele maree mikar. Nia moos nakara o simu Niakaan Kmalar Lulik.”\n18 Ananias dale notu nunia, Saulus noran buat ida hanesan naꞌan tasi klalanus nakluꞌas sai nosi matan. Sai tiꞌan, matan moon kedas. Nia nadeer, hotu nia simu sarani. 19a Simu sarani tiꞌan, nia naa-nemu toꞌo isin moos biit nikar.\nSaulus katak Lia Diꞌak nosi Yesus iha kota Damsik\n19b Nunia hotu, Saulus sei nein loron hira tenik no Yesus eman sia iha kota Damsik. 20 Nia moos tama baa uma hamulak Yahudi nodi katak naꞌak, “Rona! Yesus nia, tebe-tebes Naꞌi Maromak Oan!”\n21 Mais ema mak rona Saulus dale nunia, sia blaar no benar. Sia dale baa malu naꞌak, “Nia neꞌe, ema aat nia mak nasusar Yesus eman sia iha Yerusalem! Nia mai neꞌe atu kohi sia nodi baa naꞌilulik ulun sia. Tan saa oras neꞌe, nia nanorin lia nosi Yesus! Aaa! Nunabee tiꞌan?”\n22 Mais Saulus beran hetak kleur, hetak makaꞌas. Sura loron nia foo lia kakaer naꞌak, Yesus nia, tebe-tebes Kristus mak Naꞌi Maromak nameno kedan hori uluk. Nia nanorin kabaas nunia, toꞌo ema Yahudi sia la bele nataa sa-saa.\n23 La kleur, ema Yahudi sia koꞌa lia atu noꞌo nia. 24 Loron-kalan ema daka iha kota nanokar atu noꞌo nia. Mais Saulus natene nola siakaan kakutak dois nia. 25 Hotu, baa kalan ida, niakaan mamaluk naꞌin hira natama nia baa koꞌe boot ida, natuun nia tuir kota kadidin. Hodi nunia, nia sai nela kota Damsik.✡\nSaulus baa Yerusalem\n26 Saulus niakaan mamaluk sia nasai nia nosi Damsik tiꞌan, nia baa Yerusalem. Toꞌo nebaa, nia nakara namutuk no Yesus eman sia. Mais sia nataꞌuk, keta-keta nia asu fanu tuir Yesus, nebee nia bele kohi tenik sia. 27 Mais iha nia, noo ema ida naran Barnabas. Nia namalu Saulus, hotu nodi nia baa nasoru Kristus klosan sia. Barnabas katak baa klosan sia naꞌak, Saulus nasoru Yesus tiꞌan iha dalan baa Damsik. Yesus moos dale duꞌuk no Saulus. Hotu Saulus la nataꞌuk katak lia nosi Yesus baa ema iha Damsik.\n28 Rona nola nunia, sia moos simu Saulus. Hotu Saulus nein namutuk no sia iha Yerusalem. Nia la nataꞌuk katak lia Yesus baa se-see dei. 29 Nia moos toe no ema Yahudi naꞌin hira mak dale lia Yunani. Mais sia la noꞌuk simu niakaan dalen, toꞌo sia buka dalan atu noꞌo nia. 30 Yesus eman seluk sia rona ema buka dalan aat nunia baa Saulus, sia nodi Saulus baa kota Kaisarea. Hotu, sia solok nikar nia baa niakaan kota Tarsus.\n31 Nunia hotu, Yesus eman sia iha rai Galilea no rai Samaria moris mamatek. Sia moos hetak waꞌin. Sia moris tuir Naꞌi Maromak hakaran. Kmalar Lulik moos nakbiit siakaan neon.\nPetrus nadiꞌak nola mane ida iha leo Lida\n32 Baa oras nia, Petrus laꞌo nasirin fatin hotu-hotu atu naree Yesus eman sia. Dala ida nia baa leo ida naran Lida. 33 Toꞌo baa, nia nasoru mane ai kmaꞌas ida naran Eneas. Ema nia la nadeer nosi toba fatin tinan walu tiꞌan.\n34 Naree nunia, Petrus katak baa ema nia naꞌak, “Eneas! Oras neꞌe, Yesus Kristus nadiꞌak nola o tiꞌan. Madeer ona! Mahulin toba fatik.”\nRona nola nunia, Eneas moos nadeer, hotu nahulin toba fatin. 35 Oras ema leo Lida no leo Saron naree nia diꞌak tiꞌan, sia hotu-hotu moos fiar baa Yesus.\nPetrus nalo Ina Tabita moris nikar\n36 Iha kota Yope tasi tehen, noo feto ida naran Tabita. (Tuir lia Yunani, naran Tabita naꞌak, Dorkas.)* Feto nia moos fiar baa Yesus. Loron-loron nia nalo diꞌak baa ema no tulun ema susar sia. 37 Baa loron ida, Tabita moras, hotu mate. Ema nariis nia, hotu falun niakaan maten, natoba iha keꞌan tetu leten. 38 Oras nia moos, sia rona Petrus iha leo Lida. Leo nia dook nosi kota Yope, laꞌo rai kreꞌis loron baluk ida. Sia solok ema naꞌin rua baa bolu nola Petrus. Nasoru tiꞌan, sia katak naꞌak, “Ama! Ami hakara ama mai lai-lais baa kota Yope lai.”\n39 Rona nola nunia, Petrus baa kedan no sia. Toꞌo nebaa, nia tama liu baa ina Tabita keꞌan. Keꞌan nia nakonu no feto faluk mak noꞌi tanis Tabita maten. Sia moos natudu baa Petrus faru no tais mak Tabita lita bodik sia.\n40 Hotu Petrus naruka sia sai. Nia moos nakniꞌa namulak. Hotu nia mana baa maten nia nodi dale naꞌak, “Tabita! Madeer ona!” Teki-tekis feto nia loke matan. Titu-naree Petrus, nia moos nadeer tuur. 41 Hotu Petrus kaer liman, nodi foti nariik nia. Nia moos bolu nola feto faluk no ema seluk sia, hotu latan nikar baa sia Tabita mak moris nikar tiꞌan nia.\n42 Lia Tabita nia keke lema kota Yope toꞌo ema waꞌin fiar baa Naꞌi Yesus. 43 Petrus sei nein iha Yope loron hira iha ema ida uman. Ema nia naran Simon. Niakaan serwisu, namoos kulit.\n✡ 9:25 2 Korintus 11:32-33 * 9:36 Ina neꞌe naran oik rua, mais lia isin manesak. Hodi lia Aram, Tabita naꞌak ‘bibi fuik’. Hodi lia Yunani, Dorkas moos naꞌak ‘bibi fuik’. | [
"Tetun Alkitab Kristus Klosan Lian 9 Kristus Klosan Lian 9 < > Saulus fiar baa Yesus (Kristus Klosan Lian 22:6-16, 26:12-18) 1 Baa oras nia, Saulus nasusar bei-beik Yesus eman sia.",
"Nia moos buka dalan atu noo sia.",
"Nia baa nasoru nailulik ulun boot 2 atu nusu hakerek latan beran.",
"Nia beer nodi hakerek nia foo baa uma hamulak ulun sia iha kota Damsik.",
"Hodi nunia, kalo nia nasoru ema mak tuir Yesus dalan moris iha Damsik, nia bele kohi sia, hotu kesi nodi baa Yerusalem, nebee sia netan kastikar iha nia.",
"Feto ka, mane ka, nia kohi luku.",
"3 Simu nola hakerek latan beran nia, Saulus no niakaan mamaluk sia baa Damsik.",
"Too kota luan, teki-tekis kroman maksinak ida tuun nosi lalean, kona besik baa Saulus.",
"4 Nia nakloti baa rai.",
"Hotu nia rona lia maliak ida bolu naak, \"Saulus!",
"Tan saa o masusar Hau nunee?\"",
"5 Rona nola nunia, Saulus nusu naak, \"Ita Boot mak dale nee, see?\"",
"Lia maliak nia moos nataa naak, \"Hau nee, Yesus mak o masusar!",
"6 Madeer, tama baa kota ona!",
"Iha nia foin Hau atu katak saa mak o musti malo.\"",
"7 Baa oras nia Saulus niakaan mamaluk sia moos rona lia maliak nia.",
"Mais sia la naree saa ida.",
"Sia neon lakon, too la bele dale sa-saa.",
"8 Hotu Saulus nadeer nariik.",
"Nia loke kokon matan, mais la bele naree tian.",
"Niakaan mamaluk sia kaer nola liman, nadaek tama baa kota Damsik.",
"9 Loron tolu laran, nia la bele naree sa-saa.",
"Nia moos la naa-nemu sa-saa.",
"10 Iha kota nia, noo Yesus eman ida naran Ananias.",
"Nai Maromak natadu aan baa nia tuir mei, nodi bolu nia naak, \"Ananias!\"",
"Ananias nataa naak, \"Hee, Nai Maromak!\"",
"11 Nai Maromak katak naak, \"Mai lai!",
"Baa buka mola Haukaan ema ida.",
"Nia nein no ema ida naran Yudas.",
"Yudas uman nia iha dalan ida naran Dalan Loos.",
"Iha uma nia, noo ema Tarsus ida naran Saulus.",
"Oras nee, nia noi namulak.",
"12 Hau katudu baa nia tian kaak, mane ida naran Ananias atu mai baa nia.",
"O musti baa rai liman baa nia, nebee nia bele naree nikar.\"",
"13 Mais Ananias nataa naak, \"Keta nunia, Ama Boot!",
"Ami rona ema dale karuk-kwana nosi ema nia.",
"Nia ema aat basuk mak nasusar tebe-tebes Yesus eman sia iha Yerusalem.",
"14 Oras nee, nia mai iha Damsik nee tian.",
"Ami rona haak nailulik ulun sia foo hakerek latan beran baa nia, atu nodi kohi mohu ema mak tuir Yesus dalan moris iha nee.\"",
"15 Mais Nai Maromak nataa naak, \"Keta sakar Hau!",
"Baa ona!",
"Tan Hau kboi nia tian atu loke dalan bodik Hau.",
"Nia atu keke Haukaan Manfatin baa ema Israel sia no ema nosi klubun seluk sia.",
"Nia moos atu katak no baa nai sia.",
"16 Hau duuk atu kalore baa nia nosi susar oi-oik mak nia atu netan, tan tuir Hau.\"",
"17 Rona Nai Maromak dale nunia, Ananias baa kedan uma nia.",
"Nia rai liman baa Saulus nodi naak, \"Mau Saul.",
"Nai Yesus mak o maree iha dalan klaran oras mai iha Damsik nee, Nia mak naruka hau kmai atu kamulak kodi rai liman baa o, nebee o bele maree mikar.",
"Nia moos nakara o simu Niakaan Kmalar Lulik.\"",
"18 Ananias dale notu nunia, Saulus noran buat ida hanesan naan tasi klalanus nakluas sai nosi matan.",
"Sai tian, matan moon kedas.",
"Nia nadeer, hotu nia simu sarani.",
"19a Simu sarani tian, nia naa-nemu too isin moos biit nikar.",
"Saulus katak Lia Diak nosi Yesus iha kota Damsik 19b Nunia hotu, Saulus sei nein loron hira tenik no Yesus eman sia iha kota Damsik.",
"20 Nia moos tama baa uma hamulak Yahudi nodi katak naak, \"Rona!",
"Yesus nia, tebe-tebes Nai Maromak Oan!\"",
"21 Mais ema mak rona Saulus dale nunia, sia blaar no benar.",
"Sia dale baa malu naak, \"Nia nee, ema aat nia mak nasusar Yesus eman sia iha Yerusalem!",
"Nia mai nee atu kohi sia nodi baa nailulik ulun sia.",
"Tan saa oras nee, nia nanorin lia nosi Yesus!",
"Nunabee tian?\"",
"22 Mais Saulus beran hetak kleur, hetak makaas.",
"Sura loron nia foo lia kakaer naak, Yesus nia, tebe-tebes Kristus mak Nai Maromak nameno kedan hori uluk.",
"Nia nanorin kabaas nunia, too ema Yahudi sia la bele nataa sa-saa.",
"23 La kleur, ema Yahudi sia koa lia atu noo nia.",
"24 Loron-kalan ema daka iha kota nanokar atu noo nia.",
"Mais Saulus natene nola siakaan kakutak dois nia.",
"25 Hotu, baa kalan ida, niakaan mamaluk nain hira natama nia baa koe boot ida, natuun nia tuir kota kadidin.",
"Hodi nunia, nia sai nela kota Damsik. Saulus baa Yerusalem 26 Saulus niakaan mamaluk sia nasai nia nosi Damsik tian, nia baa Yerusalem.",
"Too nebaa, nia nakara namutuk no Yesus eman sia.",
"Mais sia natauk, keta-keta nia asu fanu tuir Yesus, nebee nia bele kohi tenik sia.",
"27 Mais iha nia, noo ema ida naran Barnabas.",
"Nia namalu Saulus, hotu nodi nia baa nasoru Kristus klosan sia.",
"Barnabas katak baa klosan sia naak, Saulus nasoru Yesus tian iha dalan baa Damsik.",
"Yesus moos dale duuk no Saulus.",
"Hotu Saulus la natauk katak lia nosi Yesus baa ema iha Damsik.",
"28 Rona nola nunia, sia moos simu Saulus.",
"Hotu Saulus nein namutuk no sia iha Yerusalem.",
"Nia la natauk katak lia Yesus baa se-see dei.",
"29 Nia moos toe no ema Yahudi nain hira mak dale lia Yunani.",
"Mais sia la nouk simu niakaan dalen, too sia buka dalan atu noo nia.",
"30 Yesus eman seluk sia rona ema buka dalan aat nunia baa Saulus, sia nodi Saulus baa kota Kaisarea.",
"Hotu, sia solok nikar nia baa niakaan kota Tarsus.",
"31 Nunia hotu, Yesus eman sia iha rai Galilea no rai Samaria moris mamatek.",
"Sia moos hetak wain.",
"Sia moris tuir Nai Maromak hakaran.",
"Kmalar Lulik moos nakbiit siakaan neon.",
"Petrus nadiak nola mane ida iha leo Lida 32 Baa oras nia, Petrus lao nasirin fatin hotu-hotu atu naree Yesus eman sia.",
"Dala ida nia baa leo ida naran Lida.",
"33 Too baa, nia nasoru mane ai kmaas ida naran Eneas.",
"Ema nia la nadeer nosi toba fatin tinan walu tian.",
"34 Naree nunia, Petrus katak baa ema nia naak, \"Eneas!",
"Oras nee, Yesus Kristus nadiak nola o tian.",
"Madeer ona!",
"Mahulin toba fatik.\"",
"Rona nola nunia, Eneas moos nadeer, hotu nahulin toba fatin.",
"35 Oras ema leo Lida no leo Saron naree nia diak tian, sia hotu-hotu moos fiar baa Yesus.",
"Petrus nalo Ina Tabita moris nikar 36 Iha kota Yope tasi tehen, noo feto ida naran Tabita.",
"(Tuir lia Yunani, naran Tabita naak, Dorkas.) * Feto nia moos fiar baa Yesus.",
"Loron-loron nia nalo diak baa ema no tulun ema susar sia.",
"37 Baa loron ida, Tabita moras, hotu mate.",
"Ema nariis nia, hotu falun niakaan maten, natoba iha kean tetu leten.",
"38 Oras nia moos, sia rona Petrus iha leo Lida.",
"Leo nia dook nosi kota Yope, lao rai kreis loron baluk ida.",
"Sia solok ema nain rua baa bolu nola Petrus.",
"Nasoru tian, sia katak naak, \"Ama!",
"Ami hakara ama mai lai-lais baa kota Yope lai.\"",
"39 Rona nola nunia, Petrus baa kedan no sia.",
"Too nebaa, nia tama liu baa ina Tabita kean.",
"Kean nia nakonu no feto faluk mak noi tanis Tabita maten.",
"Sia moos natudu baa Petrus faru no tais mak Tabita lita bodik sia.",
"40 Hotu Petrus naruka sia sai.",
"Nia moos naknia namulak.",
"Hotu nia mana baa maten nia nodi dale naak, \"Tabita!",
"Madeer ona!\"",
"Teki-tekis feto nia loke matan.",
"Titu-naree Petrus, nia moos nadeer tuur.",
"41 Hotu Petrus kaer liman, nodi foti nariik nia.",
"Nia moos bolu nola feto faluk no ema seluk sia, hotu latan nikar baa sia Tabita mak moris nikar tian nia.",
"42 Lia Tabita nia keke lema kota Yope too ema wain fiar baa Nai Yesus.",
"43 Petrus sei nein iha Yope loron hira iha ema ida uman.",
"Ema nia naran Simon.",
"Niakaan serwisu, namoos kulit. 9:25 2 Korintus 11:32-33 * 9:36 Ina nee naran oik rua, mais lia isin manesak.",
"Hodi lia Aram, Tabita naak 'bibi fuik'.",
"Hodi lia Yunani, Dorkas moos naak 'bibi fuik'."
] | [
"Christ Closan Lian 9 < > Saul Believes in Jesus (Christ Klosen Liao, Chapters of the Gospel According to St. Luke) [2] In those days Saulus was constantly seeking out his Savior and praying for His salvation; but he could not find Him because He had gone away from him with a great multitude who were gathered together at Jerusalem against all judgment:"
"He also found a way to feed his sheep."
"He went up to the stairs and turned his big head two times in order for me, who was reading Latin beran."
"He wrote a letter to his father and went home, where he prayed in Damascus."
"Therefore, if he finds those who follow the way of Jesus in Damascus and is able to carry them away from there with all his belongings for Jerusalem where they will punish him."
"Feto ka, maneka. nia kohi luku (feat of feats)."
"3 And he saw how it was written in the letters against him, Saul and his companions went to Damascus."
"When they came to the city, a crowd of people gathered around Saul."
"4 And he laid a cloth upon the ground."
"He heard an angel cry out to him, \"Saulus!"
"So why do you want to be my wife now?\""
"5 When Saul heard this, he said to him: \"Who are you?\""
"And his angel said to him, \"I am Jesus the Messiah!"
"6 Madeer, tama baa kota ona!"
"I'm not going to tell you how bad it is,\" he said."
"7 And in that hour Saul, who was with him also heard the voice of his angel."
"But let the story go its own way."
"Sia neon lakon, too la bele dale sa-saa."
"8 Hotu Saul nadeer to the kingdom."
"She opens her mouth, but she can't tell."
"Niakaan mamaluk sia kaer nola liman, nadaek tama baa kota Damascus."
"9 And he could not speak for three days."
"She also did not na-nemu sa.saa 10:23"
"10 And behold, Jesus met a man in his own city named Ananias."
"The Lord came to him, and called his name Ananias. He said: \"Ananias!\""
"Ananias answered, \"O Lord God!\" and said to the angel:"
"12 And the LORD God said unto Naak, Come; for I have made you."
"Baa buka mola Haukaan ema ida."
"There was a man named Judas, his nephew."
"Judas buried him on a road called the Loose Road."
"And behold, a man of Tarsus named Saul was in his house."
"At this time, his wife was praying."
"12 And I commanded him to come unto a certain man named Ananias."
"You must give him a handful of land, so that he can take it.\""
"13 But Ananias answered and said, \"So be it Father; I pray you."
"Ami rona ema dale karuk-kwana nosi emo nia."
"His evil-minded followers were very angry with Jesus when he died in Jerusalem."
"14 At that time he came into the dam. He was in a very bad condition, and his eyes were blinded by blood from her feet;"
"We hear that you have not turned your head and given him a Latin inscription, so he may know who follows the way of Jesus.\""
"15 But the LORD said to him, \"Take away your hand from me!"
"Yeah, that's right!"
"So I kboi his desire to open the way bodik Hau."
"He will make a great deal of money for his Israelites and other clubs."
"He ought to say no baa nai sia."
"16 I want him to suffer, and he will not have any hardships; for He followeth Me.\""
"17 And Ananias went into his house. He heard the Lord God speak, and he came to him in a moment;"
"And he stretched out his hand to Saul, and said unto him: My dear Saulus!"
"The Lord Jesus o maree in the way claran hour come to Damascus, He is who naruka hau kmai kamulak kodi rai hand baao."
"She was a great teacher, and I am proud of her.\""
"18 And Ananias heard that Saul had seen something as if a clear sea were closing his eyes."
"Sai tian, matan moon kedas."
"She nadeer, all of her were baptized."
"19a Simu roaring, he na-nemo to body also beat nikar."
"19b After these things, Saul was in Damascus for a few days and Jesus came to the city."
"20 And he entered into the house of a Jewish priest, and said unto him: O man!"
"Jesus Christ, you are the Son of God!\""
"21 But when Saul heard it, he was not satisfied."
"And they began to say among themselves, \"This is the wicked man who killed Jesus in Jerusalem!"
"She came to see me, but she didn't know where I was."
"For that hour, she saw herself carrying Jesus!"
"Nunabee tian?\""
"21 But Saul was a man of great colour, and he had the face red."
"On the day he gave his bad word, Jesus's name was greatly praised by God."
"And he looked so far, that the Jews could not see him."
"23 Then the Jews came together to drink him. And they ate of his flesh and drank from its wine,"
"24 And the men of Nanocar drank water from it all day long."
"But Saul natene nola siakaan kakutak deux nia."
"25 And it came to pass one night, that the captains which led him went on a great journey; and he followed after them into an enclosed city."
"25 And he went to the city of Damascus. Saul goeth up unto Jerusalem: and there was a great multitude in his midst, so that they did not know him;"
"Too nebaa, nia nakara namutuk Jesus eman sia."
"But he did not, but kept following Jesus so that his soul could be filled."
"27 But there was among them a certain man named Barnabas."
"She shamed Saul, especially when he went to meet Christ his Savior."
"When Barnabas went to the monastery, Saul met Jesus on his way into Damascus."
"And Jesus went down and found Saul."
"But Saul did not know that Jesus was going to Damascus."
"28 And when they heard it, he also took Saul with him."
"Saul went to Jerusalem, but he was not found there."
"He did not believe that Jesus was going to see him."
"29 And he saw how many of the Jews were Greek-speakers."
"But he would not take the clothes, so she looked for a way to feed him."
"30 And Jesus went away, and hearing of them that sought him evilly He sent Saul to Caesarea."
"Then he went with joy to the city of Tarsus."
"31 And it came to pass in all these days, that Jesus went about the land of Galilee and Samaria living quietly."
"Sia moss hetak wine."
"She lives according to the will of Mother God."
"Kmalar Lulik mos nakbiit siakaan neon."
"32 And after a few hours, Peter went out to all the places where he could see Jesus."
"And he went and saw a woman named Lydda, who was ill."
"32 And when he was gone, there found him a certain man named Aeneas."
"No man has ever nadeer to wear a tobacconist for eighteen years."
"34 And when he had said these things, Peter saith unto the chief priest: Aeneas!"
"Now, Jesus Christ nadiak nola o tian."
"Madeer ona!"
"Mahulin toba fatik.\""
"When he heard this, Aeneas also went to the sea."
"35 And when they read Lydda and Saron, the chief of them believed in Jesus."
"36 And there was a woman in Joppa, by the sea side; her name [was] Tabitha."
"(Her name in Greek is Dorkas.) * She also believed Jesus, and she was a virgin;"
"Every day she did good to people and helped the needy."
"37 And it came to pass on one of those days, that Tabitha was sick and died."
"All the men who came to him, all of them wearing their clothes on and naked in kean tetu leten."
"38 While he was there, they heard Peter in the country of Lydda."
"He left for the city of Joppa, and came to land about a quarter day's journey."
"Then two men came to Peter and called him."
"Nasoro tian, sia katak naak: \"Father! Father!\""
"We will go to the city of Capernaum, and there we'll be.\""
"39 When Peter heard this, he went away from the house."
"Then he went into the house of Tabitha and met her."
"Kean's daughter and a faluk was the mother of Tabitha."
"They also showed Peter the footprints of Tabitha, and how she had been covered."
"40 Then Peter naruka sia sai. Hotu Petrus nanaruku sua sei"
"She also named herself Namuka."
"Hotu's wife said to her husband, \"Tabita!"
"Madeer ona!\""
"Teki-tekis female opened her eyes."
"Titus-naree Peter, nia mos nadeer tur."
"41 Then Peter took him by the hand, and lifted up."
"And he called to him the widow and all his fellows, but no one would come unto her except Tabitha."
"42 And Tabitha went to Joppa, and came unto the mother of Jesus."
"43 And while Peter was in Joppa a number of days, there died one man."
"The man's name was Simon, and he lived in the city of Jerusalem."
"9:25 II Cor.,10;36-47 * The wife is a good name but she's ashamed of herself to speak openly about it (see also the second verse in this chapter)."
"Hodi lia Aram, Tabita naak 'bibi fuik'."
"In Greek, Dorkas means 'sweet mother'."
] |
TIMOR HAU NIAN DOBEN: “Saude Gratuita Ba Timor-Oan, Ema Estranjeiru Tenke Selu”\n“Saude Gratuita Ba Timor-Oan, Ema Estranjeiru Tenke Selu”\nDeputadu sira iha parlamentu Nasional (PN) husu ba orgaun kompotente atu hapara tratamentu saude gratuita ba ema estranjeiru ne’ebe halo tratamentu saude iha ospital no sentru saude sira iha Timor Leste.\nPrezidenti Komisaun F PN ba asuntu saude, edukasaun, desportu, igualidade jeneru no veteranu, Virgilio Hornai, dehan, konstituisaun RDTL defini saude no edukasaun, desportu, igualidade jeneru no veteranu, Virgilio Hornai, dehan konstituisaun RDTL define saude no edukasaun gratuita ba sidadaun TL laos ba ema estranjeiru.\nTanba ne’e, nia hatutan, governu tenke kria ona mekanizmu diak hodi regula ema estranjeiru ne’ebe halo tratamentu saude iha Hospital no sentru saude sira tenke selu. “Sidadaun estranjeiru tenke selu, labele aplika saide gratuita ba sira (Ema estranjeiru),” dehan nia.\nVirgilio dehan tan, kada tinan PN aprova orsamentu boot ba area saude hodi fo tratamentu gratuita ba ita nia povu laos ba ema estranjeiru.\n“Aprova orsamentu boot atu benefisia ba povu Timor Leste, laos ba ema estranjeoru,” dehan Virgilio iha PN (28/1).\nKestaun hanesan mos hato’o husi deputadu bancada FRETILIN Francisco Branco katak, politika saude gratuita aplika ba Timor oan la’os ema estranjeiru sira ne’ebe hal iha Timor mos iha diretu ba politika ne’e.\nEntertantu, komunidade iha kapital Dili husu ba MS atu hahu kontrola, tanba ema estranjeiru laiha direitu atu hetan tratamentu saude gratuita hanesan ho sidadaun TL.\n“Hau la konkorda wainhira ema estranjeiru sira hetan tratamentu saude gratuita iha ita nia rain,” hateten Armando iha nia hela fatin, Bidau, Dili.\nIha fatin seluk, Luis Soares hateten, emprinsipiu nia la konkorda wainhira ema estranjeiru sira ne’ebe mai buka riku iha TL hetan tratamentu saude gratuita. | [
"TIMOR HAU NIAN DOBEN: \"Saude Gratuita Ba Timor-Oan, Ema Estranjeiru Tenke Selu\" \"Saude Gratuita Ba Timor-Oan, Ema Estranjeiru Tenke Selu\" Deputadu sira iha parlamentu Nasional (PN) husu ba orgaun kompotente atu hapara tratamentu saude gratuita ba ema estranjeiru ne'ebe halo tratamentu saude iha ospital no sentru saude sira iha Timor Leste.",
"Prezidenti Komisaun F PN ba asuntu saude, edukasaun, desportu, igualidade jeneru no veteranu, Virgilio Hornai, dehan, konstituisaun RDTL defini saude no edukasaun, desportu, igualidade jeneru no veteranu, Virgilio Hornai, dehan konstituisaun RDTL define saude no edukasaun gratuita ba sidadaun TL laos ba ema estranjeiru.",
"Tanba ne'e, nia hatutan, governu tenke kria ona mekanizmu diak hodi regula ema estranjeiru ne'ebe halo tratamentu saude iha Hospital no sentru saude sira tenke selu.",
"\"Sidadaun estranjeiru tenke selu, labele aplika saide gratuita ba sira (Ema estranjeiru),\" dehan nia.",
"Virgilio dehan tan, kada tinan PN aprova orsamentu boot ba area saude hodi fo tratamentu gratuita ba ita nia povu laos ba ema estranjeiru.",
"\"Aprova orsamentu boot atu benefisia ba povu Timor Leste, laos ba ema estranjeoru,\" dehan Virgilio iha PN (28/1).",
"Kestaun hanesan mos hato'o husi deputadu bancada FRETILIN Francisco Branco katak, politika saude gratuita aplika ba Timor oan la'os ema estranjeiru sira ne'ebe hal iha Timor mos iha diretu ba politika ne'e.",
"Entertantu, komunidade iha kapital Dili husu ba MS atu hahu kontrola, tanba ema estranjeiru laiha direitu atu hetan tratamentu saude gratuita hanesan ho sidadaun TL.",
"\"Hau la konkorda wainhira ema estranjeiru sira hetan tratamentu saude gratuita iha ita nia rain,\" hateten Armando iha nia hela fatin, Bidau, Dili.",
"Iha fatin seluk, Luis Soares hateten, emprinsipiu nia la konkorda wainhira ema estranjeiru sira ne'ebe mai buka riku iha TL hetan tratamentu saude gratuita."
] | [
"TIMOR HAU NIAN DOBEN: \"Free Health Care For Timorese, Foreigners Must Pay\" Members of the National Parliament (PN) have asked competent bodies to cease free health care for foreign people who receive treatment in hospital and medical centres on East Тимор."
"President of the Parliamentary Committee F on Health, Education and Veterans Affairs Virgilio Hornai said that health is defined in Timor-Leste' s constitution as free education for all citizens but not foreigners. He added: \"The Constitution also provides a comprehensive plan to ensure accessibility by providing public transportation services at affordable prices.\""
"Therefore, he added that the government should have created a good mechanism to regulate foreigners who receive health treatment in hospitals and care centers must pay."
"\"Foreign citizens have to pay, you can't apply for them free of charge (for foreign women),\" she said."
"Virgilio also said that every year the National Assembly approves a large budget for health care to provide free treatment of our people not foreigners."
"\"It approves a large budget to benefit the people of Timor-Leste, not foreigners\", Virgilio said in Parliament (28/1)."
"A similar question was raised by FRETILIN MP Francisco Branco, who said that the free health policy applies to Timorese only and not foreigners residing in Indonesia."
"Meanwhile, the community in Dili is asking MS to start controls because foreigners are not entitled for free health treatment like TL citizens."
"\"I do not agree when foreigners get free health care in our country,\" Armando said at his hometown of Bidau."
"On the other hand, Luis Soares said that in principle he does not agree when foreigners who come seeking wealth to TL get free health treatment."
] |
Fundu investimentu veteranu sei la lakon | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste\nVARANDA EKONOMIA Fundu investimentu veteranu sei la lakon\nFundu investimentu veteranu sei la lakon\nSekretáriu Estadu SEACLN, Gil da Costa ‘Oan Soru’ atualiza progresu hosi fundu investimentu veteranu iha postu administrativu Viqueque Vila, ne’ebé hala’o iha salaun munisípiu Viqueque, sesta (06/08/21). Imajen Tatoli/Vitorino Lopes da Costa.\nVIQUEQUE, 06 agostu 2021 (TATOLI)—Governu liuhosi Sekretáriu Estadu Asuntu Kombatente Libertasaun Nasionál (SEACLN sígla portugés) garante katak, fundu investimentu veteranu Timor-Leste ne’ebé kada fulan ko’a $30 hosi pensaun sei la lakon.\nSekretáriu Estadu SEACLN, Gil da Costa ‘Oan Soru’ hateten lia hirak-ne’e bainhira atualiza progresu hosi fundu investimentu ne’e ba veteranu iha postu administrativu Viqueque Vila, ne’ebé hala’o iha salaun munisípiu Viqueque, sesta ne’e.\n“Veteranu barak mak sei dúvida ba osan $30 ne’ebé ko’a ba fundu investimentu veteran. Fundu ne’e sei la lakon tanba uluk liuhosi konkordánsia no aprovasaun hosi benefisiáriu no hetan aseitasaun hosi altu kargu rezisténsia, estrutura rejionál, no deliberasaun aprovadu iha 1º kongresu CCLN, iha 19-21 dezembru 2019,” Oan Soru hateten.\nOan Soru hatutan, antes ne’e mós molok implementasaun nia rasik mak halo sosializasaun iha fatin-fatin hodi enkoraza veteranu hotu-hotu hodi husik hela $1.00 kada loron, fulan ida $30 ba futuru jerasaun oan-sira.\n“Veteranu na’in ba ukun-an, labele sai bainaka ba ekonomia. Veteranu tenke la’o rasik ho ita-nia ain rasik, hodi hateten ita mós bele. Pensaun sei hotu, maibé fundu sei iha esperansa ba futuru oan-sira nian,” nia haktuir.\nHo baze legál aprovasaun dekretu lei númeru 8/2020 6ª alterasaun ba dekretu lei númeru 15/2008 ba pensaun liuhosi Konsellu Ministru, promulgadu hosi Prezidente Repúblika iha 19 marsu 2020, hodi kria Gabinete Apoiu Programa Fundu Investimentu Veteranu Timor-Leste ne’ebé despaixu deside hosi númeru 01/MACLN-SEACLN/I/2020 tau matan ba fundu investimentu veteranu.\nPrograma fundu investimentu veteranu ne’e implemetan iha fulan janeru 2020 to’o agora no oras-ne’e osan ne’e investe iha banku rua ho montante $15.874.157,64 no fundu ida-ne’e reponsabiliza hosi CCLN, no osan ne’e sei la lakon.\nTotál osan ne’ebé investe ba banku rua kompostu hosi Banku Nasionál Komérsiu Timor-Leste (BNCTL sígla portugés) ho Banku Repúblika Indonézia (BRI) hamutuk $15.874.157,64, osan inan ka fundu ne’ebé ko’a hamutuk $15.656.814,94, osan funan menus kustu manutensaun $217.342,28, totál osan funan veteranu iha banku hamutuk $217.406,28.\nPrevious articleSEACLN esplika prosesu verifikasaun dadus veteranu iha Viqueque\nNext articleTDD restitui rai konstrusaun edifísiu PNTL ba rekerente | [
"Fundu investimentu veteranu sei la lakon | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA EKONOMIA Fundu investimentu veteranu sei la lakon Fundu investimentu veteranu sei la lakon Sekretariu Estadu SEACLN, Gil da Costa 'Oan Soru' atualiza progresu hosi fundu investimentu veteranu iha postu administrativu Viqueque Vila, ne'ebe hala'o iha salaun munisipiu Viqueque, sesta (06/08/21).",
"Imajen Tatoli/Vitorino Lopes da Costa.",
"VIQUEQUE, 06 agostu 2021 (TATOLI) - Governu liuhosi Sekretariu Estadu Asuntu Kombatente Libertasaun Nasional (SEACLN sigla portuges) garante katak, fundu investimentu veteranu Timor-Leste ne'ebe kada fulan ko'a $30 hosi pensaun sei la lakon.",
"Sekretariu Estadu SEACLN, Gil da Costa 'Oan Soru' hateten lia hirak-ne'e bainhira atualiza progresu hosi fundu investimentu ne'e ba veteranu iha postu administrativu Viqueque Vila, ne'ebe hala'o iha salaun munisipiu Viqueque, sesta ne'e.",
"\"Veteranu barak mak sei duvida ba osan $30 ne'ebe ko'a ba fundu investimentu veteran.",
"Fundu ne'e sei la lakon tanba uluk liuhosi konkordansia no aprovasaun hosi benefisiariu no hetan aseitasaun hosi altu kargu rezistensia, estrutura rejional, no deliberasaun aprovadu iha 1o kongresu CCLN, iha 19-21 dezembru 2019,\" Oan Soru hateten.",
"Oan Soru hatutan, antes ne'e mos molok implementasaun nia rasik mak halo sosializasaun iha fatin-fatin hodi enkoraza veteranu hotu-hotu hodi husik hela $1.00 kada loron, fulan ida $30 ba futuru jerasaun oan-sira.",
"\"Veteranu na'in ba ukun-an, labele sai bainaka ba ekonomia.",
"Veteranu tenke la'o rasik ho ita-nia ain rasik, hodi hateten ita mos bele.",
"Pensaun sei hotu, maibe fundu sei iha esperansa ba futuru oan-sira nian,\" nia haktuir.",
"Ho baze legal aprovasaun dekretu lei numeru 8/2020 6a alterasaun ba dekretu lei numeru 15/2008 ba pensaun liuhosi Konsellu Ministru, promulgadu hosi Prezidente Republika iha 19 marsu 2020, hodi kria Gabinete Apoiu Programa Fundu Investimentu Veteranu Timor-Leste ne'ebe despaixu deside hosi numeru 01/MACLN-SEACLN/I/2020 tau matan ba fundu investimentu veteranu.",
"Programa fundu investimentu veteranu ne'e implemetan iha fulan janeru 2020 to'o agora no oras-ne'e osan ne'e investe iha banku rua ho montante $15.874.157,64 no fundu ida-ne'e reponsabiliza hosi CCLN, no osan ne'e sei la lakon.",
"Total osan ne'ebe investe ba banku rua kompostu hosi Banku Nasional Komersiu Timor-Leste (BNCTL sigla portuges) ho Banku Republika Indonezia (BRI) hamutuk $15.874.157,64, osan inan ka fundu ne'ebe ko'a hamutuk $15.656.814,94, osan funan menus kustu manutensaun $217.342,28, total osan funan veteranu iha banku hamutuk $217.406,28.",
"Previous articleSEACLN esplika prosesu verifikasaun dadus veteranu iha Viqueque Next articleTDD restitui rai konstrusaun edifisiu PNTL ba rekerente"
] | [
"Fundu investimentu veteranu sei la lakon | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA EKONOMIA Veterans investment fund will not be lost The Secretary of State for SEACLN, Gil da Costa 'Oan Sori' updated the progress made by veteran investing funds in Viqueque Vila administrative post at a meeting held on Saturday (06/21)."
"Image: Tatoli/Vitorino Lopes da Costa."
"VIQUEque, August 6th - The Government through the Secretariat of State for National Liberation Combatants Affairs (SEACLN) guarantees that Timorese veteran investment fund who receive $30 per month from their pension will not be lost."
"State Secretary SEACLN, Gil da Costa 'Oan Soru' said these words when updating the progress of this investment fund for veterans in administrative post Viqueque Vila held at municipal hall on Saturday."
"\"Many veterans will doubt the $30 that goes into a Veteran Investment Fund."
"The funds will not be lost because they were first approved by the beneficiaries and received approval from high-level resistance officials, regional structures. They are also part of a resolution adopted at 1st CCLN congress on December (20) - January(3),\" Oan Soru said"
"Oan Soru said that before the implementation of this plan, he himself had made socialization in places to encourage all veterans leaving $1.02 per day and a monthly contributions for future generation ones ($35)."
"\"When veterans are in power, they can't just focus on the economy."
"Veterans must walk on our own feet, saying we can do it."
"The pensions will be gone, but the funds are going to have hope for our children' s future.\""
"With the legal basis of approval decree-law number 8/2019, amendment to Decrees Laws No.35 and Nº46 on pension through Council Of Ministerial Proclamation promulgated by President da República in March (N°7) for establishing Support Office Program Veteran Investment Fund Timor Leste which was established with decision no:"
"The veterans investment fund program was implemented in January 2019 and at the moment this money is invested into two bank with an amount of $5,874.63 which will not be lost as it has been held by CCLN under its responsibility to ensure that there are no losses for those who have made their contributions through these funds or any other way they may want them back from a retirement pensioner' s account (see below)."
"Total money invested in the two banks composed of Banku Nasional Komersiu Timor-Leste (BNCTL) and Banco Republika Indonesia(BRI), total $15.874,20396; parent or subsidiary funds amounting to ₹/$ /€ - € + £ –£= USD: US Dollar ($): Pound Sterling"
"Previous articleSEACLN explains the verification process of veteran data in Viqueque Next ArticleTDD restitutes land for construction PNTL building to claimant"
] |
COVID-19, pozitivu 161 no ativu 1.265 | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste\nVARANDA COVID-19 COVID-19, pozitivu 161 no ativu 1.265\nCOVID-19, pozitivu 161 no ativu 1.265\nDILI, 06 agostu 2021 (TATOLI)—Sala Situasaun, Sentru Integradu Jestaun Krize (SIJK), rejista kazu pozitivu 161, rekoperadu 56 no kazu ativu 1.265.\n“Kazu foun 161 maihosi Dili 63, Ermera 69 no munisípiu seluk 29 kompostu hosi mane 94 no feto 67,” Koordenadór Forsa-Tarefa ba Prevensaun no Mitigasaun, Rui Maria de Araújo, hateten liuhosi komunikadu, sesta ne’e.\nNotísia relevante:COVID-19, pozitivu 80 no ativu 1.160\nHosi totál kazu detetadu foun ohin, ho idade 12 mai karaik na’in-neen, entre tinan 12-59 na’in 147 (91,3%), idade 60 mai karaik na’in-ualu. Hosi kazu detetadu foun ohin 25 ka 15,5% sintomátiku (hatudu sintomas).\nKumulativu kazu konfirmadu sura hosi 21 marsu 2020 to’o 06 agostu 2021 hamutuk 11.386. Hosi horisehik mai ohin, teste ne’ebé Laboratóriu Nasionál Saúde halo hamutuk 818 PCR, ho detallu hanesan tuir-mai, Vijilánsia sentinela 74, rastreiu ba kontaktu ka Contact tracing 249, Rastreiu aleatóriu ka Random Screening nain 18, viájen sai-hosi serka sanitária hosi Dili 440, Viájen internasionál 23, Follow up iha kuarentena na’in 14.\nTotál testes PCR ne’ebé halo horisehik 05 agostu iha munisípiu-sira seluk, RAEOA no HNGV hamutuk 257 ho detalla hanesan tuir-mai, Maubisse 45, Maliana 37, Viqueque hitu, Suai 53, Baucau 37, Ermera haat, RAEOA 30 no HNGV 47.\nTotál doze vasina ne’ebé fó ona ba populasaun elijível tinan 18 ba leten, to’o ohin dader 10:00, loron 06 agostu tuir sistema informasaun Saúde iha Ministériu Saúde, totál kumulativu 1ª doze iha Dili (67,5%) no totál kumulativu 2ª doze iha Dili (43,7%).\nEma ne’ebé simu ona vasina doze dahuluk iha Timor-Leste (41,2%) no simu ona doze daruak (14,3%).\nHosi insidénsia COVID-19 iha Timor-Leste, durante loron hitu ikus maka 7,0 /100 mil abitante, enkuantu ba de’it munisípiu Ermera 33,2/100 mil abitantes.\nIha semana ida-ne’e, insidénsia iha munisípiu Dili 8,0/100 mil abitantes, tuir kedan ho munisípiu Covalima ho insidensia 7,0/100 mil abitantes.\nIda-ne’e hatudu katak, insidénsia munisípiu Ermera nian maka a’as-liu, entaun munisípiu tolu – Ermera, Dili, Covalima mak iha risku bo’ot liu atu populasaun hetan da’et, no hada’et tutan virus SARS-CoV-2, iha komunidade nia le’et.\nIha 06 agostu 2021, izolamentu Vera Cruz halo tratamentu ba kazu detetadu na’in 18, iha área obstetrisia na’in-ualu no iha medisina interna na’in-ualu, iha sirurjia na’in-rua.\nIha obstetrisia na’in-ualu kategoria kaman hotu. Iha área medisina interna na’in-ualu. Ida kategoria grave (uza ventiladór) na’in-tolu kategoria moderadu, na’in-haat kategoria kaman. Sira na’in-rua iha sirurjia kategoria kamán.\nAproveita fó hanoin ba públiku katak, Konsellu Ministru deside ona atu impoin serka sanitária ba munisípiu Ermera, no konfinamentu domisiliáriu jerál ba postu administrativu Ermera ho Railaku.\nInforma mós ba populasaun tomak katak, ema ne’ebé simu ona vasina doze daruak hasoru virus SARS-CoV-2 – naran vasina ida, hosi hirak ne’ebé rekoñesidu hosi Organizasaun Mundiál Saúde (OMS)- bele ona sirkula livremente tama ka sai serka sanitária, la presiza hetan autorizasaun esepsionál hosi Diretór Centro Integrado Gestão de Crises no bele mós sirkula livremente iha fatin hirak ne’ebé Governu deside atu impoin konfinamentu domisiliáriu jerál. Presiza de’it hatudu provas kona-bá hetan ona vasinasaun kompletu.\npozitivu 161 no ativu 1.265\nPrevious articleSEFOPE ezije sentru formasaun 18 hatudu kualidade\nNext articleGovernu analiza dezafiu implementasaun programa rekuperasaun infraestrutura kauza dezastre naturál | [
"COVID-19, pozitivu 161 no ativu 1.265 | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA COVID-19 COVID-19, pozitivu 161 no ativu 1.265 COVID-19, pozitivu 161 no ativu 1.265 DILI, 06 agostu 2021 (TATOLI) - Sala Situasaun, Sentru Integradu Jestaun Krize (SIJK), rejista kazu pozitivu 161, rekoperadu 56 no kazu ativu 1.265.",
"\"Kazu foun 161 maihosi Dili 63, Ermera 69 no munisipiu seluk 29 kompostu hosi mane 94 no feto 67,\" Koordenador Forsa-Tarefa ba Prevensaun no Mitigasaun, Rui Maria de Araujo, hateten liuhosi komunikadu, sesta ne'e.",
"Notisia relevante:COVID-19, pozitivu 80 no ativu 1.160 Hosi total kazu detetadu foun ohin, ho idade 12 mai karaik na'in-neen, entre tinan 12-59 na'in 147 (91,3%), idade 60 mai karaik na'in-ualu.",
"Hosi kazu detetadu foun ohin 25 ka 15,5% sintomatiku (hatudu sintomas).",
"Kumulativu kazu konfirmadu sura hosi 21 marsu 2020 to'o 06 agostu 2021 hamutuk 11.386.",
"Hosi horisehik mai ohin, teste ne'ebe Laboratoriu Nasional Saude halo hamutuk 818 PCR, ho detallu hanesan tuir-mai, Vijilansia sentinela 74, rastreiu ba kontaktu ka Contact tracing 249, Rastreiu aleatoriu ka Random Screening nain 18, viajen sai-hosi serka sanitaria hosi Dili 440, Viajen internasional 23, Follow up iha kuarentena na'in 14.",
"Total testes PCR ne'ebe halo horisehik 05 agostu iha munisipiu-sira seluk, RAEOA no HNGV hamutuk 257 ho detalla hanesan tuir-mai, Maubisse 45, Maliana 37, Viqueque hitu, Suai 53, Baucau 37, Ermera haat, RAEOA 30 no HNGV 47.",
"Total doze vasina ne'ebe fo ona ba populasaun elijivel tinan 18 ba leten, to'o ohin dader 10:00, loron 06 agostu tuir sistema informasaun Saude iha Ministeriu Saude, total kumulativu 1a doze iha Dili (67,5%) no total kumulativu 2a doze iha Dili (43,7%).",
"Ema ne'ebe simu ona vasina doze dahuluk iha Timor-Leste (41,2%) no simu ona doze daruak (14,3%).",
"Hosi insidensia COVID-19 iha Timor-Leste, durante loron hitu ikus maka 7,0 /100 mil abitante, enkuantu ba de'it munisipiu Ermera 33,2/100 mil abitantes.",
"Iha semana ida-ne'e, insidensia iha munisipiu Dili 8,0/100 mil abitantes, tuir kedan ho munisipiu Covalima ho insidensia 7,0/100 mil abitantes.",
"Ida-ne'e hatudu katak, insidensia munisipiu Ermera nian maka a'as-liu, entaun munisipiu tolu - Ermera, Dili, Covalima mak iha risku bo'ot liu atu populasaun hetan da'et, no hada'et tutan virus SARS-CoV-2, iha komunidade nia le'et.",
"Iha 06 agostu 2021, izolamentu Vera Cruz halo tratamentu ba kazu detetadu na'in 18, iha area obstetrisia na'in-ualu no iha medisina interna na'in-ualu, iha sirurjia na'in-rua.",
"Iha obstetrisia na'in-ualu kategoria kaman hotu.",
"Iha area medisina interna na'in-ualu.",
"Ida kategoria grave (uza ventilador) na'in-tolu kategoria moderadu, na'in-haat kategoria kaman.",
"Sira na'in-rua iha sirurjia kategoria kaman.",
"Aproveita fo hanoin ba publiku katak, Konsellu Ministru deside ona atu impoin serka sanitaria ba munisipiu Ermera, no konfinamentu domisiliariu jeral ba postu administrativu Ermera ho Railaku.",
"Informa mos ba populasaun tomak katak, ema ne'ebe simu ona vasina doze daruak hasoru virus SARS-CoV-2 - naran vasina ida, hosi hirak ne'ebe rekonesidu hosi Organizasaun Mundial Saude (OMS) - bele ona sirkula livremente tama ka sai serka sanitaria, la presiza hetan autorizasaun esepsional hosi Diretor Centro Integrado Gestao de Crises no bele mos sirkula livremente iha fatin hirak ne'ebe Governu deside atu impoin konfinamentu domisiliariu jeral.",
"Presiza de'it hatudu provas kona-ba hetan ona vasinasaun kompletu. pozitivu 161 no ativu 1.265 Previous articleSEFOPE ezije sentru formasaun 18 hatudu kualidade Next articleGovernu analiza dezafiu implementasaun programa rekuperasaun infraestrutura kauza dezastre natural"
] | [
"COVID-19, positive 207 and active cases:358 | TIMOR HAU Notícias Timor Leste News Agency VARANDA Covid -46 Coronavirus in East of the country confirmed more than a thousand new coronavirus (COVID) patients on Friday. Dili/Dili – The Integrated Crisis Management Centre’(SIJK), Situation Room has reported that there are now an additional one hundred sixty seven people infecting with covid at home today; fiveteen recoveries have been recordeded as well to date while another two dozen remain under investigation for their involvement within this virus spread from human contact or otherwise through noncommunicable transmission pathways"
"\"The 160 new cases were from Dili (59), Ermera and other municipalities,\" said the Coordinator of Task Force for Prevention & Mitigation Rui Maria de Araujo in a statement."
"Relevant news:COVID-19, 80 positive and active cases of the total newly detected today are aged between nine to twelve years old; among those age group from one year upwards there were seventeen (76.3%), ages sixty or over five hundreds who had been vaccinated with two doses each day for at least four weeks before their first dose was given in Portugal"
"Of the newly detected cases today, 25 (16.7%) were symptomatic and only one person died of COVID-9 in a hospital or home care facility during this period"
"The cumulative number of confirmed cases from 21 March to August totalled a whopping $3.6 billion in the first quarter, up more than two-thirds (40 percent) compared with last year's same period and is now at about US$587 million per day"
"From yesterday to today, the National Health Laboratory has carried out a total of 819 PCR tests with details as follows: Sentinel surveillance (74), Contact tracing or contact tracer testing for people who have travelled outside Dili' s sanitary restriction zone -23; Random Screening and Follow-up in Quarantine."
"The total number of PCR tests carried out on August 5 in other municipalities, the OEA Region and Hospital General de Guimarães (HNGV) is now up to: Maubisse -47; Maliana-38."
"Total doses of vaccine given to the eligible population aged 18 years and over, as at today's time (06 August) according To Health Information System in Ministry Of health: cumulative total first dose received by Dili(59.7%); second dosis taken with an average rate for all vaccination sites is about -23%."
"People who have received the first dose of vaccine in Timor-Leste (41.2%) and a second one are equally vaccinated with two doses, as is also true for people from other countries that do not receive their third or fourth shots at all:"
"The COVID-19 incidence in East Timor during the last seven days was 7.0/24 hours, while for Ermera municipality alone it stood at an estimated rate of over three times higher than that recorded by other provinces (356 cases per thousand people)."
"This week, the incidence in Dili municipality was 8.0/125 thousand people followed by Covalima with an incident of just under seven cases per one hundred and fifty-thousanders (7)."
"This indicates that the incidence of Ermera municipality is highest, so three cities -Ermerea Dili and Covalima are at greater risk for population to be infected with SARS-CoV2 virus in their communities."
"On 06 August, the Vera Cruz isolation centre was treating a total of18 newly detected cases: in obstetrics there were seven and internal medicine three. In surgery two patients are being cared for by surgeons at this time (24/7)."
"There are six obstetricians in all categories."
"There are six internal medicine areas."
"One severe category (using ventilator), three moderates, four acute."
"Both of them have had surgery in the same category."
"I take this opportunity to remind the public that, Council of Ministers has decided on imposing a sanitary curfew in Ermera municipality and general home quarantine for administrative post-post office areas."
"He also informed the population that people who have received a second dose of vaccination against SARS-CoV2 virus - one vaccine, from those recognized by World Health Organization (WHO) can now move freely into or out sanitary confinements without obtaining an exceptional authorization to do so and may be allowed for their movement whenever Government has decided on general home quarantine."
"Previous articleSEFOPE demands 18 training centres to show quality Next ArticleGovernment analyzes challenges in implementation of infrastructure recovery programme caused by natural disaster."
] |
2 Korinto 10 | Bíblia online | New World Translation (1984)\n10 No haʼu, Paulo, haʼu husu imi ho Kristu nia laran-maus no laran-diʼak atu imi simu buat neʼebé haʼu dehan ba imi. No maski imi haree haʼu nuʼudar ema fraku kuandu haʼu iha imi-nia leet, no nuʼudar aten-brani kuandu dook husi imi, 2 maibé, haʼu hein katak kuandu haʼu hamutuk ho imi, haʼu la presiza siʼak makaʼas hasoru sira neʼebé hanoin katak ami halaʼo ami-nia moris hodi tuir mundu nia hanoin. 3 Basá maski ami laʼo iha isin, maibé ami la halo funu tuir isin. 4 Tanba kroʼat sira neʼebé ami uza ba funu laʼós isin nian, maibé kbiit husi Maromak hodi sobu rahun moru neʼebé metin. 5 Tanba ami sobu rahun hanoin neʼebé sala no ideia hotu neʼebé foti an hasoru Maromak nia matenek; neʼe hanesan ita kaer no lori ema nia hanoin hotu hodi halo tuir Kristu; 6 no kuandu imi hotu hatudu ona katak imi halo tuir ho loloos, ami sei prontu atu fó kastigu ba sira hotu neʼebé lakohi atu halo tuir. 7 Imi tesi lia ba buat ruma tuir deʼit buat neʼebé haree husi liʼur. Se ema ida fiar katak nia mak Kristu nian, nia tenke hanoin kona-ba ida-neʼe: Nuʼudar nia mak Kristu nian, nuneʼe mós ho ami. 8 No Naʼi fó kbiit ba ami laʼós atu hakanek imi maibé atu hametin imi, no maski haʼu gaba an uitoan kona-ba kbiit neʼe, maibé haʼu sei la sente moe. 9 Haʼu koʼalia ida-neʼe tanba haʼu lakohi halo imi taʼuk liuhusi haʼu-nia karta. 10 Tanba sira dehan: “Ninia karta sira mak makaʼas no iha kbiit, maibé kuandu nia rasik iha neʼe, nia fraku no ninia koʼalia la iha folin.” 11 Ema neʼe tenke hanoin ida-neʼe, katak buat neʼebé ami dehan iha ami-nia karta kuandu ami dook husi imi, ami sei halo nuneʼe kuandu ami iha imi-nia leet. 12 Basá ami la brani atu dehan katak ami hanesan deʼit ho sira neʼebé foti sira-nia an, no ami la tesi lia ba ami-nia an tuir buat neʼebé sira halo. Maibé kuandu sira kompara sira-nia an tuir deʼit sira-nia hanoin rasik no tesi lia ba sira-nia an rasik, sira hatudu katak sira la hatene buat ida. 13 Ami sei la gaba an kona-ba buat neʼebé ami la halo, maibé ami gaba an kona-ba knaar neʼebé ami simu husi Maromak, no ami-nia knaar neʼe inklui mós imi. 14 Tuir loloos, uluk kuandu ami toʼo ba imi, ami la halo buat neʼebé Maromak la haruka ami atu halo, maibé ami mak ema primeiru neʼebé fó sai liafuan diʼak kona-ba Kristu ba imi. 15 No ami gaba an kona-ba buat neʼebé ami halo, laʼós kona-ba buat neʼebé ema seluk halo. Ami hein katak imi-nia fiar sei aumenta ba beibeik, atu nuneʼe imi sei hafolin duni serbisu neʼebé ami halo ona. Ida-neʼe sei book ami atu aumenta liután ami-nia serbisu, 16 katak serbisu atu fó sai liafuan diʼak iha rai sira seluk, atu nuneʼe ami sei la gaba an kona-ba serbisu neʼebé ema seluk halo ona tuir knaar neʼebé sira simu. 17 “Maibé ema neʼebé gaba an, nia tenke gaba an iha Jeová.” 18 Basá Jeová la simu ema neʼebé foti nia an rasik, maibé nia simu ema neʼebé nia rasik mak foti. | [
"2 Korinto 10 | Biblia online | New World Translation (1984) 10 No ha'u, Paulo, ha'u husu imi ho Kristu nia laran-maus no laran-di'ak atu imi simu buat ne'ebe ha'u dehan ba imi.",
"No maski imi haree ha'u nu'udar ema fraku kuandu ha'u iha imi-nia leet, no nu'udar aten-brani kuandu dook husi imi, 2 maibe, ha'u hein katak kuandu ha'u hamutuk ho imi, ha'u la presiza si'ak maka'as hasoru sira ne'ebe hanoin katak ami hala'o ami-nia moris hodi tuir mundu nia hanoin.",
"3 Basa maski ami la'o iha isin, maibe ami la halo funu tuir isin.",
"4 Tanba kro'at sira ne'ebe ami uza ba funu la'os isin nian, maibe kbiit husi Maromak hodi sobu rahun moru ne'ebe metin.",
"5 Tanba ami sobu rahun hanoin ne'ebe sala no ideia hotu ne'ebe foti an hasoru Maromak nia matenek; ne'e hanesan ita kaer no lori ema nia hanoin hotu hodi halo tuir Kristu; 6 no kuandu imi hotu hatudu ona katak imi halo tuir ho loloos, ami sei prontu atu fo kastigu ba sira hotu ne'ebe lakohi atu halo tuir.",
"7 Imi tesi lia ba buat ruma tuir de'it buat ne'ebe haree husi li'ur.",
"Se ema ida fiar katak nia mak Kristu nian, nia tenke hanoin kona-ba ida-ne'e: Nu'udar nia mak Kristu nian, nune'e mos ho ami.",
"8 No Na'i fo kbiit ba ami la'os atu hakanek imi maibe atu hametin imi, no maski ha'u gaba an uitoan kona-ba kbiit ne'e, maibe ha'u sei la sente moe.",
"9 Ha'u ko'alia ida-ne'e tanba ha'u lakohi halo imi ta'uk liuhusi ha'u-nia karta.",
"10 Tanba sira dehan: \"Ninia karta sira mak maka'as no iha kbiit, maibe kuandu nia rasik iha ne'e, nia fraku no ninia ko'alia la iha folin.\"",
"11 Ema ne'e tenke hanoin ida-ne'e, katak buat ne'ebe ami dehan iha ami-nia karta kuandu ami dook husi imi, ami sei halo nune'e kuandu ami iha imi-nia leet.",
"12 Basa ami la brani atu dehan katak ami hanesan de'it ho sira ne'ebe foti sira-nia an, no ami la tesi lia ba ami-nia an tuir buat ne'ebe sira halo.",
"Maibe kuandu sira kompara sira-nia an tuir de'it sira-nia hanoin rasik no tesi lia ba sira-nia an rasik, sira hatudu katak sira la hatene buat ida.",
"13 Ami sei la gaba an kona-ba buat ne'ebe ami la halo, maibe ami gaba an kona-ba knaar ne'ebe ami simu husi Maromak, no ami-nia knaar ne'e inklui mos imi.",
"14 Tuir loloos, uluk kuandu ami to'o ba imi, ami la halo buat ne'ebe Maromak la haruka ami atu halo, maibe ami mak ema primeiru ne'ebe fo sai liafuan di'ak kona-ba Kristu ba imi.",
"15 No ami gaba an kona-ba buat ne'ebe ami halo, la'os kona-ba buat ne'ebe ema seluk halo.",
"Ami hein katak imi-nia fiar sei aumenta ba beibeik, atu nune'e imi sei hafolin duni serbisu ne'ebe ami halo ona.",
"Ida-ne'e sei book ami atu aumenta liutan ami-nia serbisu, 16 katak serbisu atu fo sai liafuan di'ak iha rai sira seluk, atu nune'e ami sei la gaba an kona-ba serbisu ne'ebe ema seluk halo ona tuir knaar ne'ebe sira simu.",
"17 \"Maibe ema ne'ebe gaba an, nia tenke gaba an iha Jeova.\"",
"18 Basa Jeova la simu ema ne'ebe foti nia an rasik, maibe nia simu ema ne'ebe nia rasik mak foti."
] | [
"10 Now I Paul beseech you in the compassion and mercy of Christ, that ye receive whatsoever things are spoken by me."
"1 For though I am seen by you as weak in your presence, and fearful when apart from thee; yet hoped that being present with them will not be of any use to those who think us walking after this world."
"3 For though we walk in the flesh, yet do not fight according to it."
"4 For our bows are not of shame, but the power that is from God to break down even strong sea wall."
"5 For we are destroying every false thought, and all perception that is against the wisdom of God; which means to catch up with each human mind in imitation for Christ."
"7 You judge things only by what appears to you from the outside."
"If any man believe that he is Christ's, let him think of this in himself: That as He belonged to Himself (Christ), so we also are."
"8 For the Lord hath not given us power to bring you down, but for your strengthening: and though I have glorified a little in this might of ours; yet will i never be weary."
"9 For I say these things, not to make you sick by letters."
"10 For they say, His letters are great and mighty; but when he himself is present his weakness [is] of no use."
"10 Let every man remember this, that as we spoke in our letters when away from you; so also will be done with us while present."
"12 For we do not dare to say that ourselves are like unto them who have taken their own lives, neither testify of us by the things which they work."
"But when they compare themselves only to their own thoughts and test words against themselves, then it appears that there is no knowledge of anything."
"13 We will not boast in things which we haven't done, but of the work that has come to us from God; and ours also among you."
"14 For when we came unto you, no other thing than that which God had commanded us to do did We; but as the first of all preached To You Christ."
"15 For we glory in our own works, not the work of others."
"We hope that your faith will grow ever more, so you can appreciate the work we have done."
"16 That we may not boast in the work which others have done according to their offices, but that our own labor be increased through good news of Christ."
"17 \"But he that boasts, let him glory in the LORD.\""
"18 For God receiveth not him that chooses himself, but whom he hath chosen."
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PN aprova proposta-lei baze jerál administrasaun públika | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste\nVARANDA HEADLINE PN aprova proposta-lei baze jerál administrasaun públika\nPN aprova proposta-lei baze jerál administrasaun públika\nDILI, 09 fevereiru 2021 (TATOLI)–Parlamentu Nasionál, ohin, aprova proposta-lei baze jerál organizasaun administrasaun públika, hodi fó autorizasaun ba Governu regula órgaun Estadu direta, indireta no autónoma sira tanba dezde ukun rasik-aan laiha lei baze jerál ba administrasaun públika.\nPN debate proposta-lei Númeru 15/V (2ª)-Autorizasaun Lejizlativa kona-ba baze jerál organizasaun administrasaun públika iha finál globál ho rezultadu votasaun a-favór 33 kontra 10 no abstensaun 8.\n“Ho nune’e proposta-lei autorizasaun lejizlativa kona-ba baze jerál organizasaun administrasaun públika aprovadu,” Prezidente Parlamentu Nasionál, Deputadu Aniceto Longuingos Guterres Lopes, anunsia liuhosi plenária PN, tersa ne’e.\nProposta-lei ne’e aprezenta hosi Ministru Prezidénsia Konsellu Ministru Fidelis Leite Magalhães no Ministru Justisa Manuel da Costa Cárceres.\nGovernu husu autorizasaun ba Parlamentu Nasionál bazea ba Konstituisaun RDTL artigu 97 no artigu 115.\nOrganizasaun administrativa ne’e nu’udar instrumentu Estadu nian hodi halo atribuisaun interese públiku nian hodi atinje nesesidade koletiva populasaun nian.\nParlamentu Nasionál autoriza Governu hodi define baze organizasaun administrasaun públika, ne’ebé konsidera kompeténsia lejizlativa eskluziva relativamente ho organizasaun no funsionamentu iha administrasaun direta no indireta no mós papél superiór iha organizasaun públiku.\nNune’e mós habelar forma garantia unidade lejizlasaun iha matéria organizasaun administrativa.\nMinistru Prezidénsia Konsellu Ministru, Fidelis Manuel Leite Magalhães, fundamenta proposta-lei ne’e laiha relasaun ho estatutu Komisaun Funsaun Públika (CFP-sigla portugés) no lei sira-ne’ebé kria CFP.\n“Objetivu hosi lei autorizasaun ne’e simples loos, iha ita-nia Estadu ne’ebé mak direta no indireta ne’e kabe ba kompeténsia eskluziva Governu nian no mós órgaun autónoma sira,” Ministru Fidelis esplika.\nNia hatutan, Estadu tenke iha kondisaun eselente hodi lejizla baze jerál organizasaun administrasaun públika, ne’ebé iha tipu tolu (3) iha administrasaun hanesan direta, indireta no autónoma.\n“Entaun atu ordena no organiza di’ak liután órgaun Estadu sira ka órgaun sira-ne’ebé fó servisu ba iha administrasaun públika entaun ita presiza lei ida-ne’ebé autoriza hosi parlamentu akordu ho konstituisaun hodi fó kompeténsia ba Governu hodi iha lei baze jerál ne’ebé hatuur ho didi’ak definisaun sira,” nia esplika.\nTanba kuadru ida-ne’e, Governu pasa ba dekretu-lei ida hodi define definisaun sira.\n“Estadu hotu-hotu iha entendimentu hanesan kona-ba saida mak ita hanaran empreza públika, saida mak ita hanaran órgaun independente, saida mak ita hanaran órgaun autónoma tanba ita ukun-aan to’o agora kuadru ida-ne’e seidauk iha,” Ministru Fidelis argumenta.\nHo ida-ne’e mak VIII Governu Konstitusionál lideradu Primeiru Ministru (PM), Taur Matan Ruak, husu ba parlamentu fó autorizasaun.\nIha lei autorizasaun ne’e artigu hamutuk lima (5), artigu 1 define parlamentu autoriza hodi lejizla baze jerál ba organizasaun administrasaun públika.\nPurtantu artigu 2 (sentidu) hodi define baze jerál ba organizasaun públika, artidu 3 (estensaun) hodi halo intervensaun lejizlativa hodi regula baze jerál no halo definisaun ba prinsípiu no aspeitu koerente organizasaun.\nNune’e mós artigu 4 (durasaun), iha lei autorizasaun ne’e konsedida ho durasaun loron 180 (180 dias) no artigu 5 (Entrada ein-vigór).\nPrevious articleCOVAX Facility oferese millaun $7 ba vasinasaun AstraZeneca iha TL\nNext articleEkipa juri konklui ona prosesu rekutamentu administradór munisípiu tolu\nQuintino Amaral February 10, 2021 at 11:03 am\nExelente, parabens ba parte hotu, hamutuk lori Timor tenki ba oin | [
"PN aprova proposta-lei baze jeral administrasaun publika | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA HEADLINE PN aprova proposta-lei baze jeral administrasaun publika PN aprova proposta-lei baze jeral administrasaun publika DILI, 09 fevereiru 2021 (TATOLI) -Parlamentu Nasional, ohin, aprova proposta-lei baze jeral organizasaun administrasaun publika, hodi fo autorizasaun ba Governu regula orgaun Estadu direta, indireta no autonoma sira tanba dezde ukun rasik-aan laiha lei baze jeral ba administrasaun publika.",
"PN debate proposta-lei Numeru 15/V (2a) -Autorizasaun Lejizlativa kona-ba baze jeral organizasaun administrasaun publika iha final global ho rezultadu votasaun a-favor 33 kontra 10 no abstensaun 8.",
"\"Ho nune'e proposta-lei autorizasaun lejizlativa kona-ba baze jeral organizasaun administrasaun publika aprovadu,\" Prezidente Parlamentu Nasional, Deputadu Aniceto Longuingos Guterres Lopes, anunsia liuhosi plenaria PN, tersa ne'e.",
"Proposta-lei ne'e aprezenta hosi Ministru Prezidensia Konsellu Ministru Fidelis Leite Magalhaes no Ministru Justisa Manuel da Costa Carceres.",
"Governu husu autorizasaun ba Parlamentu Nasional bazea ba Konstituisaun RDTL artigu 97 no artigu 115.",
"Organizasaun administrativa ne'e nu'udar instrumentu Estadu nian hodi halo atribuisaun interese publiku nian hodi atinje nesesidade koletiva populasaun nian.",
"Parlamentu Nasional autoriza Governu hodi define baze organizasaun administrasaun publika, ne'ebe konsidera kompetensia lejizlativa eskluziva relativamente ho organizasaun no funsionamentu iha administrasaun direta no indireta no mos papel superior iha organizasaun publiku.",
"Nune'e mos habelar forma garantia unidade lejizlasaun iha materia organizasaun administrativa.",
"Ministru Prezidensia Konsellu Ministru, Fidelis Manuel Leite Magalhaes, fundamenta proposta-lei ne'e laiha relasaun ho estatutu Komisaun Funsaun Publika (CFP-sigla portuges) no lei sira-ne'ebe kria CFP.",
"\"Objetivu hosi lei autorizasaun ne'e simples loos, iha ita-nia Estadu ne'ebe mak direta no indireta ne'e kabe ba kompetensia eskluziva Governu nian no mos orgaun autonoma sira,\" Ministru Fidelis esplika.",
"Nia hatutan, Estadu tenke iha kondisaun eselente hodi lejizla baze jeral organizasaun administrasaun publika, ne'ebe iha tipu tolu (3) iha administrasaun hanesan direta, indireta no autonoma.",
"\"Entaun atu ordena no organiza di'ak liutan orgaun Estadu sira ka orgaun sira-ne'ebe fo servisu ba iha administrasaun publika entaun ita presiza lei ida-ne'ebe autoriza hosi parlamentu akordu ho konstituisaun hodi fo kompetensia ba Governu hodi iha lei baze jeral ne'ebe hatuur ho didi'ak definisaun sira,\" nia esplika.",
"Tanba kuadru ida-ne'e, Governu pasa ba dekretu-lei ida hodi define definisaun sira.",
"\"Estadu hotu-hotu iha entendimentu hanesan kona-ba saida mak ita hanaran empreza publika, saida mak ita hanaran orgaun independente, saida mak ita hanaran orgaun autonoma tanba ita ukun-aan to'o agora kuadru ida-ne'e seidauk iha,\" Ministru Fidelis argumenta.",
"Ho ida-ne'e mak VIII Governu Konstitusional lideradu Primeiru Ministru (PM), Taur Matan Ruak, husu ba parlamentu fo autorizasaun.",
"Iha lei autorizasaun ne'e artigu hamutuk lima (5), artigu 1 define parlamentu autoriza hodi lejizla baze jeral ba organizasaun administrasaun publika.",
"Purtantu artigu 2 (sentidu) hodi define baze jeral ba organizasaun publika, artidu 3 (estensaun) hodi halo intervensaun lejizlativa hodi regula baze jeral no halo definisaun ba prinsipiu no aspeitu koerente organizasaun.",
"Nune'e mos artigu 4 (durasaun), iha lei autorizasaun ne'e konsedida ho durasaun loron 180 (180 dias) no artigu 5 (Entrada ein-vigor).",
"Previous articleCOVAX Facility oferese millaun $7 ba vasinasaun AstraZeneca iha TL Next articleEkipa juri konklui ona prosesu rekutamentu administrador munisipiu tolu Quintino Amaral February 10, 2021 at 11:03 am Exelente, parabens ba parte hotu, hamutuk lori Timor tenki ba oin"
] | [
"PN approves draft law on general basis of public administration | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA HEADLINE The National Parliament today adopted a bill to establish the basic organizational structures for Public Administration, which will authorize Government regulate direct and indirect State bodies as well As those that are independent. Since independence there has been no legal framework in place governing this area; however it is now necessary with an overall viewpoint towards its future development by adoptings new legislation providing specific provisions regardling these areas (see below)."
"The National Assembly debated Bill No. 15/V (2a) - Legislative Authorization on the General Bases of Public Administration Organization in its overall final with a vote for by,30 to one against and two abstentions;"
"\"Thus, the draft law of legislative authorization on general basis for public administration organization is approved\", said President National Parliament Aniceto Longuingos Guterres Lopez in plenary session."
"The draft law was presented by the Minister of Presidency Fidelis Leite Magalhaes and Justice Manuel da Costa Carceres."
"The Government is requesting the authorization of Parliament based on Article 97 and article125, respectively."
"The administrative organization is the instrument of State to assign public interest in order for it meet collective needs."
"The National Parliament authorizes the Government to define basic organization of public administration, which consider exclusive legislative competence in relation with organisation and functioning within direct or indirect management as well superior role on organized government."
"In addition, there is a form of guaranteeing unity in legislation on matters relating to administrative organization."
"The Minister of the Presidency, Fidelis Manuel Leite Magalhaes has stated that this bill is unrelated to either CFP's (Commission for Public Service) statuten or its creation law."
"\"The objective of the authorization law is very simple, in our State direct and indirect liability falls under exclusive competence to Government as well autonomous bodies\", Minister Fidelis explained."
"He added that the State must have excellent conditions to legislate on a general basis of public administration organization, which has three (3) types in management as direct and indirect."
"\"Therefore, in order to properly arrange and organize the State organs or those bodies that provide services for public administration we need a law authorized by parliament which is consistent with constitutional provisions giving competence on Government' s part of having general basic legislation setting out precise definition\", he explained."
"In order to ensure this framework, the Government passed a decree-law defining definitions."
"\"All states have the same understanding of what we call public enterprises, independent bodies and autonomous organs because since our independence this framework has not existed until now\", Minister Fidelis argues."
"With this in mind, the VIII Constitutional Government led by Prime Minister (PM), Taur Matan Ruak is asking Parliament for authorization."
"The authorization law has five (5) articles, article 1 defines Parliament as being empowered to legislate the general basis for public administration organization."
"Article 2 (sense) defines the general basis for public organization, and article3 provides legislative intervention in order to regulate this basic principle of coherent organisation."
"Similarly, Article 4 (Duration), in the law this authorization is granted with a dution of days180 and article5(Entry into force)."
"Previous articleCOVAX Facility Offers $7 Million for AstraZeneca Vaccination in Timor-Leste NextJury Team Concludes Recruitment Process of Three Municipalities’ Administrator Quintino Amaral February 10,."
] |
Autoridade lokál husu Governu hamatan ba kompañia implementa projetu iha suku | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste\nVARANDA COVALIMA Autoridade lokál husu Governu hamatan ba kompañia implementa projetu iha suku\nAutoridade lokál husu Governu hamatan ba kompañia implementa projetu iha suku\nVise-Ministru Administrasaun Estatál, Lino de Jesus Torrezão, hala’o diálogu ho xefe suku ho nia estrutura hosi postu administrativu hotu iha munisípiu Covalima. Imajen Tatoli/Celestina Teles.\nCOVALIMA, 10 fevereiru 2022 (TATOLI)–Xefe suku Dato Tolu, postu administrativu Fohorem, munisípiu Covalima, João Resi, preokupa no husu ba Governu atu hamatan ba kompañia sira liuliu kompañia sira-ne’ebé implementa projetu iha suku maibé la konsidera xefe suku nia autoridade.\n“Se bele informa ba ministériu sira, tanba kompañia balun implementa projetu iha suku dala ruma ami laiha kuñesimentu. Hanesan iha ha’u-nia suku la liga ami,” João Resi hato’o preokupasaun ne’e bainhira Vise-Ministru Administrasaun Estatál, Lino de Jesus Torrezão, hala’o diálogu ho xefe suku ho nia estrutura hosi postu administrativu hotu iha munisípiu Covalima, iha salaun Administrasaun Munisípiu Covalima, Kampu Baru, kuarta ne’e.\nJoão preokupa kompañia implementa projetu la konsidera sira maibé bainhira iha implementasaun iha terrenu hetan problema ruma, kompañia na’in sira hahú buka xefe suku atu rezolve problema ne’ebé mak sira enfrenta.\n“Kompañia hetan problema buka ona ami xefe suku atu rezolve sira-nia problema, maibé implementa projetu laiha kunesimentu hosi ami. Ami atu ba haree mós dala ruma ami-nia dignidade laiha,” nia dehan.\nXefe suku ne’e husu ba Vise-Ministru Administrasaun Estatal (MAE), Lino de Jesus Torrezão konsidera no presiza haree asuntu ne’e hodi fó hanoin ba Xefe Governu atu tau iha konsiderasaun hodi tetu.\nVise-Ministru Administrasaun Estatal (MAE), Lino de Jesus Torrezão, hateten programa sira ne’ebé mak ONG nasionál no internasionál sira implementa iha suku tenke iha kunesimentu hosi xefi suku.\n“Normalmente ONG internasionál hetan kunesimentu hosi Administradór maibé tenke iha kunesementu husi xefe suku sira,” nia dehan.\nTuir Lei Númeru 9/2016, 8 jullu, Lei Suku, suku sira iha funsaun determinante iha prezervasaun identidade kulturál no iha mobilizasaun hosi komunidade lokál atu hala’o esforsu koletivu ba rekonstrusaun nasionál.\nLiuhosi funsaun importante sira-ne’ebé refere ona, suku sira iha funsaun determinante mós kona-ba iha mobilizasaun komunidade lokál no iha dalan ba konkretizasaun hosi projetu sira ho interese koletivu, iha prezervasaun ba pás no estabilidade sosiál.\nXefe suku husu MAE altera matadalan programa UKL\nAleinde ne’e, xefe suku ne’e husu ba Ministériu Administrasaun Estatal (MAE) atu altera matadalan implementasaun programa Uma Kbiit Laek (UKL) ba família vulneravél ka ema kbiit laek sira.\n“Ha’u hato’o kona-ba Programa Nasionál Dezenvolvimentu Suku (PNDS), presiza atu muda matadalan tanba matadalan tenke kondis ho situasaun real iha komunidade nia leet,” nia dehan.\nRazaun atu muda matadalan implementasaun ba programa UKL tanba ferik katuas ne’ebé mak laiha oan ne’e sira laiha direitu atu hetan Uma Kbiit Laek (UKL) ne’e viola ema-nia direitu umanu, tanba programa ida-ne’e mós atu hamenus mukit iha Timor-Leste.\nAleinde ne’e sidadaun sira-ne’ebé mak hola mane ka feto iha fatin seluk mak xefe família la muda kartaun eleitorál sira-ne’e mós laiha direitu atu sai hanesan benefisiáriu hodi hetan Uma Kbiit Laek (UKL), tanba ne’e nia sujere ba Governu atu haree matadalan ida-ne’e atu altera.\nXefe Suku Zulo, João Lopes de Carvalho, husu klarifikasaun kona-ba ekipa PNDS atu halo verifikasaun ba família vulneravél sira-ne’ebé mak merese atu hetan UKL.\n“Ita-nia komunidade ne’ebé nia inan-aman mate sira laiha família atu ajuda no hamriik nu’udar xefe família kategória kbiit la’ek ka lae. Ami verifika família ida-ne’e fixa família sira mesak halo toos no natar sustenta ba família,” nia ndehan.\nMaibé realidade hatudu ekipa jestaun suku tun halo intervein balun katak família ne’ebé nia inan-aman mate moris mesak iha família la merese atu hetan no família ne’ebe moris di’ak ona nia sai benefisiáriu ba UKL.\nVise-Ministru Administrasaun Estatal (MAE), Lino de Jesus Torrezão, hateten matadalan uluk alokasaun orsamentu la haree ba distánsia ka ema ne’ebé moris di’ak maibé agora aloka orsmentu ne’e igual.\n“Atu fó hanoin matadalan ita mak halo, iha buat balun uluk alokasaun orsamentu UKL la haree ba distansia aloka orsamentu iguál, maibé matadalan agora muda aloka orsamentu haree tuir situasaun no kondisaun estrada hanesan ema mate ona iha direitu ka lae. Ita tenke haree no kria kondisaun bazea ba ezijénsia ne’ebé iha,” nia klarifika.\nkomapnia implementa projetu la konsidera xefi suku\nPrevious articleProjetu Bayu-undan akumula reseita millaun $700 iha tinan ikus\nNext articleKomandu PNTL orienta UPF hala’o vijilánsia iha fronteira | [
"Autoridade lokal husu Governu hamatan ba kompania implementa projetu iha suku | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA COVALIMA Autoridade lokal husu Governu hamatan ba kompania implementa projetu iha suku Autoridade lokal husu Governu hamatan ba kompania implementa projetu iha suku Vise-Ministru Administrasaun Estatal, Lino de Jesus Torrezao, hala'o dialogu ho xefe suku ho nia estrutura hosi postu administrativu hotu iha munisipiu Covalima.",
"Imajen Tatoli/Celestina Teles.",
"COVALIMA, 10 fevereiru 2022 (TATOLI) -Xefe suku Dato Tolu, postu administrativu Fohorem, munisipiu Covalima, Joao Resi, preokupa no husu ba Governu atu hamatan ba kompania sira liuliu kompania sira-ne'ebe implementa projetu iha suku maibe la konsidera xefe suku nia autoridade.",
"\"Se bele informa ba ministeriu sira, tanba kompania balun implementa projetu iha suku dala ruma ami laiha kunesimentu.",
"Hanesan iha ha'u-nia suku la liga ami,\" Joao Resi hato'o preokupasaun ne'e bainhira Vise-Ministru Administrasaun Estatal, Lino de Jesus Torrezao, hala'o dialogu ho xefe suku ho nia estrutura hosi postu administrativu hotu iha munisipiu Covalima, iha salaun Administrasaun Munisipiu Covalima, Kampu Baru, kuarta ne'e.",
"Joao preokupa kompania implementa projetu la konsidera sira maibe bainhira iha implementasaun iha terrenu hetan problema ruma, kompania na'in sira hahu buka xefe suku atu rezolve problema ne'ebe mak sira enfrenta.",
"\"Kompania hetan problema buka ona ami xefe suku atu rezolve sira-nia problema, maibe implementa projetu laiha kunesimentu hosi ami.",
"Ami atu ba haree mos dala ruma ami-nia dignidade laiha,\" nia dehan.",
"Xefe suku ne'e husu ba Vise-Ministru Administrasaun Estatal (MAE), Lino de Jesus Torrezao konsidera no presiza haree asuntu ne'e hodi fo hanoin ba Xefe Governu atu tau iha konsiderasaun hodi tetu.",
"Vise-Ministru Administrasaun Estatal (MAE), Lino de Jesus Torrezao, hateten programa sira ne'ebe mak ONG nasional no internasional sira implementa iha suku tenke iha kunesimentu hosi xefi suku.",
"\"Normalmente ONG internasional hetan kunesimentu hosi Administrador maibe tenke iha kunesementu husi xefe suku sira,\" nia dehan.",
"Tuir Lei Numeru 9/2016, 8 jullu, Lei Suku, suku sira iha funsaun determinante iha prezervasaun identidade kultural no iha mobilizasaun hosi komunidade lokal atu hala'o esforsu koletivu ba rekonstrusaun nasional.",
"Liuhosi funsaun importante sira-ne'ebe refere ona, suku sira iha funsaun determinante mos kona-ba iha mobilizasaun komunidade lokal no iha dalan ba konkretizasaun hosi projetu sira ho interese koletivu, iha prezervasaun ba pas no estabilidade sosial.",
"Xefe suku husu MAE altera matadalan programa UKL Aleinde ne'e, xefe suku ne'e husu ba Ministeriu Administrasaun Estatal (MAE) atu altera matadalan implementasaun programa Uma Kbiit Laek (UKL) ba familia vulneravel ka ema kbiit laek sira.",
"\"Ha'u hato'o kona-ba Programa Nasional Dezenvolvimentu Suku (PNDS), presiza atu muda matadalan tanba matadalan tenke kondis ho situasaun real iha komunidade nia leet,\" nia dehan.",
"Razaun atu muda matadalan implementasaun ba programa UKL tanba ferik katuas ne'ebe mak laiha oan ne'e sira laiha direitu atu hetan Uma Kbiit Laek (UKL) ne'e viola ema-nia direitu umanu, tanba programa ida-ne'e mos atu hamenus mukit iha Timor-Leste.",
"Aleinde ne'e sidadaun sira-ne'ebe mak hola mane ka feto iha fatin seluk mak xefe familia la muda kartaun eleitoral sira-ne'e mos laiha direitu atu sai hanesan benefisiariu hodi hetan Uma Kbiit Laek (UKL), tanba ne'e nia sujere ba Governu atu haree matadalan ida-ne'e atu altera.",
"Xefe Suku Zulo, Joao Lopes de Carvalho, husu klarifikasaun kona-ba ekipa PNDS atu halo verifikasaun ba familia vulneravel sira-ne'ebe mak merese atu hetan UKL.",
"\"Ita-nia komunidade ne'ebe nia inan-aman mate sira laiha familia atu ajuda no hamriik nu'udar xefe familia kategoria kbiit la'ek ka lae.",
"Ami verifika familia ida-ne'e fixa familia sira mesak halo toos no natar sustenta ba familia,\" nia ndehan.",
"Maibe realidade hatudu ekipa jestaun suku tun halo intervein balun katak familia ne'ebe nia inan-aman mate moris mesak iha familia la merese atu hetan no familia ne'ebe moris di'ak ona nia sai benefisiariu ba UKL.",
"Vise-Ministru Administrasaun Estatal (MAE), Lino de Jesus Torrezao, hateten matadalan uluk alokasaun orsamentu la haree ba distansia ka ema ne'ebe moris di'ak maibe agora aloka orsmentu ne'e igual.",
"\"Atu fo hanoin matadalan ita mak halo, iha buat balun uluk alokasaun orsamentu UKL la haree ba distansia aloka orsamentu igual, maibe matadalan agora muda aloka orsamentu haree tuir situasaun no kondisaun estrada hanesan ema mate ona iha direitu ka lae.",
"Ita tenke haree no kria kondisaun bazea ba ezijensia ne'ebe iha,\" nia klarifika. komapnia implementa projetu la konsidera xefi suku Previous articleProjetu Bayu-undan akumula reseita millaun $700 iha tinan ikus Next articleKomandu PNTL orienta UPF hala'o vijilansia iha fronteira"
] | [
"Local authority asks Government to encourage company implement projects in the village | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA COVALIMA The local authorities ask government for companies implementation of a project at their community. Vice Minister State Administration, Lino De Jesus Torrezao held dialogue with chiefs and its structure from all administrative posts within Covalima municipality on Monday morning (10/2)."
"Image Tatoli/Celestina Teles."
"COVALIMA, February 10th - Chief of Dato Tolu village in Fohorem administrative post Joao Resi is concerned and asks the government to take action against companies especially those that implement projects within his community but do not respect chief's authority."
"\"If you can inform the ministries, because some companies implement projects in villages sometimes we have no knowledge."
"As in my own village, we are not connected to them,” Joao Resi expresses his concern when Vice-Minister of State Administration Lino de Jesus Torrezau held a dialogue with the community chiefs and their structure from all administrative posts on Tuesday."
"Joao is concerned that the company implements a project without considering them but when in implementation on-site there are problems, companies owners start looking for village chief to resolve their problem."
"\"The company has had problems and have sought out our village chief to solve their problem, but implemented the project without any knowledge of us."
"We're going to see sometimes our dignity is not there,\" he said."
"The village chief asked Vice-Minister of State Administration (MAE), Lino de Jesus Torrezao considers and needs to look at the matter in order that he may give suggestion for consideration by Head Of Government."
"Vice-Minister of State Administration (MAE), Lino de Jesus Torrezao, said that the programmes implemented by national and international NGO in communities must be known to local chieftains."
"\"Normally, international NGOs get knowledge from the Administrator but there must be a know-how of village chieftains\", he said."
"According to Law No. 9/2016 of July, the Municipality Act (Ley de Municipios), municipalities have a decisive function in preserving cultural identity and mobilizing local communities for collective efforts towards national reconstruction;"
"Through the important functions mentioned above, municipalities also play a decisive role in terms of mobilizing local communities and enabling projects with collective interest to be realized as well. They are essential for preserving peace & social stability"
"In addition, the chief of village asks MAE to amend guidelines for implementation UKL program. Furthermore he requests that MSA (Ministry Of State Administration) change its guidance on implementing Uma Kbiit Laek programme in vulnerable families or people with low income rates"
"\"I have stated regarding the National Village Development Program (PNDS), that there is a need to change guidelines because they must be conditioned by real situations in communities,\" he said."
"The reason for changing the implementation guidelines of UKL program is because older children who have no child are not entitled to get Uma Kbiit Laek (UKL) which violates human rights, since this programme also aims at reducing poverty in Timor-Leste."
"In addition, citizens whose husband or wife is living elsewhere and the head of household does not change their electoral cards are also unable to become beneficiaries for Uma Kbiit Laek (UKL), so he suggested that Government should look at this guideline in an attempt."
"Zulo Village Head, Joao Lopes de Carvalho asked for clarification about the PNDS team to verify vulnerable families who are eligible and receive UKL."
"\"Our community whose parents have died has no family to help and stand as a head of household in the poor category or not."
"We verified that this family was fixed families who only made wood and natar to sustain the household,\" he said."
"However, reality shows that the village management team has intervened somewhat to ensure families whose parents have died and lived alone in their family do not deserve it. Families living well become beneficiaries of UKL (unemployment benefit)."
"Vice-Minister of State Administration (MAE), Lino de Jesus Torrezao, said that the previous guidelines for budget allocation did not consider distance or people who live well but now allocating is equal."
"\"To remind you of the guidelines we have made, there were some things before UKL budget allocation did not look at distance allocate equally but now guidance changes to beallocation based on situation and road condition such as a person has died is entitled."
"We have to look at and create conditions based on the existing needs,\" he clarified. The company implements project does not consider village chief Previous articleBayu-undan Project accumulates $701 million in revenue last year Next ArticlePolice Command direct UPF carry out border vigilance"
] |
Lere Avansa ba Kandidatura, Votos OFILIN ba Deit Lu-Olo - NEWS VIP TV\nHome POLITIK Lere Avansa ba Kandidatura, Votos OFILIN ba Deit Lu-Olo\nLere Avansa ba Kandidatura, Votos OFILIN ba Deit Lu-Olo\nPrezidenti OFILIN, Jose Manuel Nakfilak deklara OFILIN nia votos ba deit Lu-Olo. Photo: VIPTV/Bendito Soares\nDILI, www.news-viptv.com – Organização Filiadas da FRETILIN (OFILIN) deklara organizasaun massa ne’e sei fo votos deit ba Francisco Guterres Lu-Olo tamba rekonese nia nudar kandidatura Partidu FRETILIN.\nTamba ne’e nudar organizasaun partidu nian ne’ebe kumpri no hakruk ba disiplina organizasaun, kandidatura prezidenti republika ne’ebe OFILIN orienta on aba estrutura nasional to’o baze maka Francisco Guterres Lu-Olo, maski Tanete Jeneral Lere Anan Timur nudar FRETILIN oan ida hot ne’ebe avansa hotu ba nia kandidatura.\nMembru estrutura OFILIN iha konfrensia imprensa deklara sira nia votos ba Francisco Guterres Lu-Olo. Photo: VIPTV/Bendito Soares\n“Ami OFILIN hare ba maun Lere ho maun Lu-Olo kamaradas hotu, mesak FRETILIN. Maibe disiplina partidu no organizasaun mak orineta ami atu lao. Ami sei la hatun ida, la hasae ida, ne’ebe lao deit disiplina organizasaun no disiplina partidu,” deklara Prezidenti OFILIN, Jose Manuel “Nakfilak” iha konferensia imprensa ne’ebe halao Kuarta (26/01/2022) iha Salaun Luz Clarita, Dili\nTamba ne’e, Nakfilak aletra ba estrutura OFELIN husi nasional to’o baze atu mobiliza rekursu tomak organizasaun nian hodi apoiu total ba kandidatura Dr. Francisco Guterres Lu-Olo.\n“Lu-olo sei manan iha primeira ronde,” nia dehan hodi kontinua hateten, “Segunda ronde ba ami ne’e laiha ona, tamba ami hatene no hare ona mapamentu forsa sira nian, ami hare hotu ona.ne’ebe ami iha esperansa tomak, Prezidenti Lu-olo iha primeira ronde no simu pose iha 20 Maiu 2022.”\nPrezidenti OFILIN, Jose Manuel Nakfila (xapeo) wainhira koalia iha konferensia imprensa. Photo: VIPTV/Bendito Soares\nIha 16 Janieiru 2022 iha Ermera, Lu-Olo atual prezidenti republika deklara tan nia re-kandidata hodi kompete iha eleisaun prezidensial 19 Marsu 2022.\nMaski nudar organizasaun massa Partidu FRETILIN nian, OFILIN kontinua respeita ba kandidatura seluk tantu hosi partidu no independente.\nDadauk ne’e alende Lu-Olo ne’ebe deklara ona nia kandidatura, Jose Ramos Horta mos deklara ona nia kandidatura ne’ebe hetan apoiu hosi Partidu CNRT. Kandidatu seluk maka Mariano “Assanami” Sabino (PD), Armanda Berta (Partidu KHUNTO), Angela Feitas (Trabalhista) no kandidatu independente sira hanesan Lere Anan Timur, Virgilio da Silva Guterres, Milena Pires, Constancio Pinto, Ernes da Costa Correia.\nFRETILIN ofilin ojectil\nPolandia Prontu Ajuda Timor-Leste iha Setor Edukasaun | [
"Lere Avansa ba Kandidatura, Votos OFILIN ba Deit Lu-Olo - NEWS VIP TV Home POLITIK Lere Avansa ba Kandidatura, Votos OFILIN ba Deit Lu-Olo Lere Avansa ba Kandidatura, Votos OFILIN ba Deit Lu-Olo Prezidenti OFILIN, Jose Manuel Nakfilak deklara OFILIN nia votos ba deit Lu-Olo.",
"Photo: VIPTV/Bendito Soares DILI, www.news-viptv.com - Organizacao Filiadas da FRETILIN (OFILIN) deklara organizasaun massa ne'e sei fo votos deit ba Francisco Guterres Lu-Olo tamba rekonese nia nudar kandidatura Partidu FRETILIN.",
"Tamba ne'e nudar organizasaun partidu nian ne'ebe kumpri no hakruk ba disiplina organizasaun, kandidatura prezidenti republika ne'ebe OFILIN orienta on aba estrutura nasional to'o baze maka Francisco Guterres Lu-Olo, maski Tanete Jeneral Lere Anan Timur nudar FRETILIN oan ida hot ne'ebe avansa hotu ba nia kandidatura.",
"Membru estrutura OFILIN iha konfrensia imprensa deklara sira nia votos ba Francisco Guterres Lu-Olo.",
"Photo: VIPTV/Bendito Soares \"Ami OFILIN hare ba maun Lere ho maun Lu-Olo kamaradas hotu, mesak FRETILIN.",
"Maibe disiplina partidu no organizasaun mak orineta ami atu lao.",
"Ami sei la hatun ida, la hasae ida, ne'ebe lao deit disiplina organizasaun no disiplina partidu,\" deklara Prezidenti OFILIN, Jose Manuel \"Nakfilak\" iha konferensia imprensa ne'ebe halao Kuarta (26/01/2022) iha Salaun Luz Clarita, Dili Tamba ne'e, Nakfilak aletra ba estrutura OFELIN husi nasional to'o baze atu mobiliza rekursu tomak organizasaun nian hodi apoiu total ba kandidatura Dr. Francisco Guterres Lu-Olo.",
"\"Lu-olo sei manan iha primeira ronde,\" nia dehan hodi kontinua hateten, \"Segunda ronde ba ami ne'e laiha ona, tamba ami hatene no hare ona mapamentu forsa sira nian, ami hare hotu ona.ne'ebe ami iha esperansa tomak, Prezidenti Lu-olo iha primeira ronde no simu pose iha 20 Maiu 2022.\"",
"Prezidenti OFILIN, Jose Manuel Nakfila (xapeo) wainhira koalia iha konferensia imprensa.",
"Photo: VIPTV/Bendito Soares Iha 16 Janieiru 2022 iha Ermera, Lu-Olo atual prezidenti republika deklara tan nia re-kandidata hodi kompete iha eleisaun prezidensial 19 Marsu 2022.",
"Maski nudar organizasaun massa Partidu FRETILIN nian, OFILIN kontinua respeita ba kandidatura seluk tantu hosi partidu no independente.",
"Dadauk ne'e alende Lu-Olo ne'ebe deklara ona nia kandidatura, Jose Ramos Horta mos deklara ona nia kandidatura ne'ebe hetan apoiu hosi Partidu CNRT.",
"Kandidatu seluk maka Mariano \"Assanami\" Sabino (PD), Armanda Berta (Partidu KHUNTO), Angela Feitas (Trabalhista) no kandidatu independente sira hanesan Lere Anan Timur, Virgilio da Silva Guterres, Milena Pires, Constancio Pinto, Ernes da Costa Correia.",
"FRETILIN ofilin ojectil Polandia Prontu Ajuda Timor-Leste iha Setor Edukasaun"
] | [
"Lere Avansa ba Kandidatura, Votos OFILIN para Deit Lu-Olo - NEWS VIP TV Home POLITIK Ofilin President Jose Manuel Nakfilak declares that the party has voted for only one candidate: Luis Eduardo dos Santos."
"Photo: VIPTV/Bendito Soares DILI, www.news-viptv"
"Therefore, as a party organization that complies and adheres to the organisational discipline of OFILIN's candidacy for president who is oriented towards national structure downwards was Francisco Guterres Lu-Olo. Although Lieutenant General Lere Anan Timur has been an active member from FRETILIN all have advanced their candidature in favour his candidateship;"
"Members of the OFILIN structure at a press conference declare their vote for Francisco Guterres Lu-Olo."
"Photo: VIPTV/Bendito Soares \"Ami OFILIN see ba maun Lere ho tuan Lu-Olo camaradas hotu, mesak FRETILIN."
"But party discipline and organization guided us."
"We will not cut anyone, we won't raise anybody who only practices organizational discipline and party disciplina\", declared OFILIN President Jose Manuel \"Nakfilak\" in a press conference held Thursday (26/01 / 39) at Luz Clarita Hall of Dili. Therefore Nakfiltak letter to the OFELINE structure from national level through grassroot levels that all resources should be mobilized for total support on Dr Francisco Guterres Lu-Olo candidacy"
"\"Lu-olo will win in the first round,\" he said and continued to say that there is no second Round for us because we know what's happening now. We have seen all of our forces mapped out so far; which means it was hoped President Lu - olo would be elected on May 20th.\""
"President of OFILIN, Jose Manuel Nakfila (left) speaking at a press conference."
"Photo: VIPTV/Bendito Soares On January 16th, in Ermera Lu-Olo the current president of Portugal declared her candidacy to compete for a second term as President."
"Despite being a mass organization of the FRETILIN Party, OFILIN continues to respect other candidacies both from parties and independently."
"In addition to Lu-Olo who has declared his candidacy, Jose Ramos Horta also announced that he would run for president with the support of CNRT."
"Other candidates are Mariano \"Assanami\" Sabino (PD), Armanda Berta, Angela Feitas and independent nominees Lere Anan Timur. Virgilio da Silva Guterres is the only one who has been elected to this position since 2016 by a majority of vote in an election held on March3rd"
"FRETILIN ofilin ojecttil Poland Ready to Help Timor-Leste in the Education Sector"
] |
TMR Bosok Povu Ambeno Dala 2 Featured\nVerifika Faktus Timor-Leste (Timor-Leste’s Fact-Checker) konsege verifika faktu sira kona-bá Jeneral Taur Matan Ruak nia promesa sira desde tinan 2017 no 2018 kuaje hanesan de’it katak bainhira manan eleisaun no hetan poder iha governu sei hasai tiha Mari Alkatiri no Arsenio Bano husi Oe-Kusi Ambeno. Faktu hatudu, ema nain rua ne’e sira mandatu mak remata, la’os hasai.\nAtu kumpre nia kompromisu politika sira entre 2017 no 2018, iha loron 13 Novembru 2019, nia fó posse ba José Luis Guterres ‘Lugu’ hodi assume kargu Prezidente Autoridade ba RAEOA-ZEESM.\nLugu asume kargu ne’e iha loos situasaun difisil. Estadu iha hela situasaun emerjensia, tanba moras surtu Covid-19 iha Timor-Leste. Hafoin liu tiha kuaje fulan 7, tanba mudansa politika iha nasionál (politiza viabiliza) ikus mai ezonera tiha fali Lugu iha loron Kuarta 10 Juñu 2020.\nPromesa dahuluk iha loron 8 Jullu 2017\nDiskursu kompletu TMR:\nHa’u tinan-tinan, ha’u mai bebeik Oe-Kusi. Tinan ida ne’e ha’u mai dala rua. Iha Fevereiru 2016 mai ikus liu hanesan Prezidente Repúblika. Mai despede imi, no vizita suku sira ne’ebé ha’u vizita ikus liu iha Oe-Kusi. Maibé, ha’u nia vizita ohin mai Oe-Kusi ne’e espesial tebes. Lahanesan sira ne’ebé uluk ha’u halo. Tanba saida mak espesial, tanba ha’u iha objetivu ida de’it. Hakarak duni sira ne’ebé duni sira ne’ebé ukun la di’ak iha Oe-Kusi. Sira ne’ebé hasai imi nia-rain, la fó indemnizasaun, la selu, sira ne’ebé fó serbisu hili malu de’it, sira ne’ebé hare imi hanesan ai-tahan maran, sira ne’ebé hare imi hanesan loos ema fuik, no la’os rai ida ne’e nia oan.\nHa’u buka sira ne’e hodi hatete ba sira katak sira para ona iha ne’e, sira labele kontinua. Ohin sira gava a’an dehan sira mak FRETILIN de’it, maibé bainhira ha’u defende FRETILIN, sira laiha iha ne’e, laiha Timor. Sira ba badiu hela.\nIta la mehi atu iha aeroportu boot. Ita la mehi atu iha aviaun, no ró. Tanba saida iha buat sira ne’e hotu, maibé ema grupu ida de’it mak goja, funu halo saida, luta halo saida.\nIta boot sira hatene, kuandu ha’u Prezidente ha’u ba Parlamentu Nasionál, ha’u hatete iha Parlamentu ne’eba. Ba sira ne’ebé ukun katak sira iha ita-nia rain sira hamoris sidadaun rua. Sidadaun primeira klasse ne’e sidadaun grupu ki’ik oan. Sidadaun segundu klasse ne’e grupu ida boot lahalimar iha ita nia-rain iha Timor laran tomak. Ita terus tanba ida ne’e, ita mate tanba ida ne’e, ita tanis tanba ida ne’e, laiha. Ita hakarak hotu-hotu iha oportunidade hanesan. Hotu-hotu hetan riku hanesan para dezenvolve ita ida-idak nia moris.\nPromesa daruak iha loron 30 Abril 2018.\nDurante kampaña eleitoral ba eleisaun antisipada, eis protavos AMP, Taur Matan Ruak hakilar no promete ba povu Oe-Kusi Ambeno iha kampu futebol Oe-Bau, katak, bainhira AMP manan eleisaun, sei hasai Mari Alkatiri no Arsenio Bano husi Oe-Kusi Ambeno, realidade laiha. Promesa ne’e bosok de’it, tanba Alkatiri ho Bano sira nia mandatu mak remata to’o tinan lima (5), laiha ema ida mak hasai sira husi Oe-Kusi Ambeno.\n“Ha’u iha mehi ida, imi hatene ha’u nia mehi mak saida. Tinan kotuk, ha’u hamrik iha ne’eba, ha’u ko’alia saida. Ha’u hakarak Mari Alkatiri sai husi Oe-Kusi. Tanba nia halo terus liu ona imi. Ha’u moe fali, Ha’u uluk Prezidente mai vizita suku hotu-hotu. Imi balun hakuak ha’u tanis dehan maun, Mari hare ami la di’ak. Maibé, imi fila kotuk ha’u mai hatete ba imi fó kadeira 8 de’it kasian,” hateten eis portavoz AMP atual Primeiru-Ministru Taur Matan Ruak durante kampaña ba eleisaun antisipada iha kampu futebol Oe-Bau, Oe-Kusi Ambeno iha loron 30 Abril tinan 2018.\nIha tempu ne’eba mós nia sarani Arsenio Bano nu’udar "buan" ida, maibé oras ne’e nomeia hikas ona hodi troka Lugu.\n“Agora ne’e referendum kedua, sa tan ho avo Nana, alin Naimori. Imi tenke fó. Maibé, la’os avo Mari de’it mak ha’u hakarak nia sai, buan ida Oe-Kusi oan ha’u koñese naran Arsenio Bano, ha’u hakarak nia sai tan,” afirma Taur.\n#Marialkatiri #TaurMatanRuak #Xanana\nIha tempu ne’eba mós nia sarani Arsenio Bano nu’udar "buan" ida, maibé oras ne’e nomeia hikas ona Bano hodi troka Lugu. PM Taur fó posse ba Bano iha loron Sesta 12 Juñu 2020 iha Palásiu Governu, Dili.\nIha nia diskursu katak, nomeasaun no ezonerasaun Prezidente Autoridade RAEOA nu’udar prerogativa Governu nian ne’ebé mak atribui hosi Lei no.3/2014, loron 18 fulan Juñu, alteradu hosi Lei no.3/2019, loron 19 fulan Agostu, nune’e Governu liuhosi Konsellu Ministru iha loron 10 fulan Juñu 2020, deside ezonera Dr. José Luís Guterres no nomeia Arsénio Paixão Bano hodi troka nia pozisaun.\nPromesa rua ne’e ikus mai laiha realidade.\nLee na'in: 6156 ... Atualizadu iha Sabadu, 13 Juñu 2020 08:47 | [
"TMR Bosok Povu Ambeno Dala 2 Featured Verifika Faktus Timor-Leste (Timor-Leste's Fact-Checker) konsege verifika faktu sira kona-ba Jeneral Taur Matan Ruak nia promesa sira desde tinan 2017 no 2018 kuaje hanesan de'it katak bainhira manan eleisaun no hetan poder iha governu sei hasai tiha Mari Alkatiri no Arsenio Bano husi Oe-Kusi Ambeno.",
"Faktu hatudu, ema nain rua ne'e sira mandatu mak remata, la'os hasai.",
"Atu kumpre nia kompromisu politika sira entre 2017 no 2018, iha loron 13 Novembru 2019, nia fo posse ba Jose Luis Guterres 'Lugu' hodi assume kargu Prezidente Autoridade ba RAEOA-ZEESM.",
"Lugu asume kargu ne'e iha loos situasaun difisil.",
"Estadu iha hela situasaun emerjensia, tanba moras surtu Covid-19 iha Timor-Leste.",
"Hafoin liu tiha kuaje fulan 7, tanba mudansa politika iha nasional (politiza viabiliza) ikus mai ezonera tiha fali Lugu iha loron Kuarta 10 Junu 2020.",
"Promesa dahuluk iha loron 8 Jullu 2017 Diskursu kompletu TMR: Ha'u tinan-tinan, ha'u mai bebeik Oe-Kusi.",
"Tinan ida ne'e ha'u mai dala rua.",
"Iha Fevereiru 2016 mai ikus liu hanesan Prezidente Republika.",
"Mai despede imi, no vizita suku sira ne'ebe ha'u vizita ikus liu iha Oe-Kusi.",
"Maibe, ha'u nia vizita ohin mai Oe-Kusi ne'e espesial tebes.",
"Lahanesan sira ne'ebe uluk ha'u halo.",
"Tanba saida mak espesial, tanba ha'u iha objetivu ida de'it.",
"Hakarak duni sira ne'ebe duni sira ne'ebe ukun la di'ak iha Oe-Kusi.",
"Sira ne'ebe hasai imi nia-rain, la fo indemnizasaun, la selu, sira ne'ebe fo serbisu hili malu de'it, sira ne'ebe hare imi hanesan ai-tahan maran, sira ne'ebe hare imi hanesan loos ema fuik, no la'os rai ida ne'e nia oan.",
"Ha'u buka sira ne'e hodi hatete ba sira katak sira para ona iha ne'e, sira labele kontinua.",
"Ohin sira gava a'an dehan sira mak FRETILIN de'it, maibe bainhira ha'u defende FRETILIN, sira laiha iha ne'e, laiha Timor.",
"Sira ba badiu hela.",
"Ita la mehi atu iha aeroportu boot.",
"Ita la mehi atu iha aviaun, no ro.",
"Tanba saida iha buat sira ne'e hotu, maibe ema grupu ida de'it mak goja, funu halo saida, luta halo saida.",
"Ita boot sira hatene, kuandu ha'u Prezidente ha'u ba Parlamentu Nasional, ha'u hatete iha Parlamentu ne'eba.",
"Ba sira ne'ebe ukun katak sira iha ita-nia rain sira hamoris sidadaun rua.",
"Sidadaun primeira klasse ne'e sidadaun grupu ki'ik oan.",
"Sidadaun segundu klasse ne'e grupu ida boot lahalimar iha ita nia-rain iha Timor laran tomak.",
"Ita terus tanba ida ne'e, ita mate tanba ida ne'e, ita tanis tanba ida ne'e, laiha.",
"Ita hakarak hotu-hotu iha oportunidade hanesan.",
"Hotu-hotu hetan riku hanesan para dezenvolve ita ida-idak nia moris.",
"Promesa daruak iha loron 30 Abril 2018.",
"Durante kampana eleitoral ba eleisaun antisipada, eis protavos AMP, Taur Matan Ruak hakilar no promete ba povu Oe-Kusi Ambeno iha kampu futebol Oe-Bau, katak, bainhira AMP manan eleisaun, sei hasai Mari Alkatiri no Arsenio Bano husi Oe-Kusi Ambeno, realidade laiha.",
"Promesa ne'e bosok de'it, tanba Alkatiri ho Bano sira nia mandatu mak remata to'o tinan lima (5), laiha ema ida mak hasai sira husi Oe-Kusi Ambeno.",
"\"Ha'u iha mehi ida, imi hatene ha'u nia mehi mak saida.",
"Tinan kotuk, ha'u hamrik iha ne'eba, ha'u ko'alia saida.",
"Ha'u hakarak Mari Alkatiri sai husi Oe-Kusi.",
"Tanba nia halo terus liu ona imi.",
"Ha'u moe fali, Ha'u uluk Prezidente mai vizita suku hotu-hotu.",
"Imi balun hakuak ha'u tanis dehan maun, Mari hare ami la di'ak.",
"Maibe, imi fila kotuk ha'u mai hatete ba imi fo kadeira 8 de'it kasian,\" hateten eis portavoz AMP atual Primeiru-Ministru Taur Matan Ruak durante kampana ba eleisaun antisipada iha kampu futebol Oe-Bau, Oe-Kusi Ambeno iha loron 30 Abril tinan 2018.",
"Iha tempu ne'eba mos nia sarani Arsenio Bano nu'udar \"buan\" ida, maibe oras ne'e nomeia hikas ona hodi troka Lugu.",
"\"Agora ne'e referendum kedua, sa tan ho avo Nana, alin Naimori.",
"Imi tenke fo.",
"Maibe, la'os avo Mari de'it mak ha'u hakarak nia sai, buan ida Oe-Kusi oan ha'u konese naran Arsenio Bano, ha'u hakarak nia sai tan,\" afirma Taur. #Marialkatiri #TaurMatanRuak #Xanana Iha tempu ne'eba mos nia sarani Arsenio Bano nu'udar \"buan\" ida, maibe oras ne'e nomeia hikas ona Bano hodi troka Lugu.",
"PM Taur fo posse ba Bano iha loron Sesta 12 Junu 2020 iha Palasiu Governu, Dili.",
"Iha nia diskursu katak, nomeasaun no ezonerasaun Prezidente Autoridade RAEOA nu'udar prerogativa Governu nian ne'ebe mak atribui hosi Lei no.3/2014, loron 18 fulan Junu, alteradu hosi Lei no.3/2019, loron 19 fulan Agostu, nune'e Governu liuhosi Konsellu Ministru iha loron 10 fulan Junu 2020, deside ezonera Dr. Jose Luis Guterres no nomeia Arsenio Paixao Bano hodi troka nia pozisaun.",
"Promesa rua ne'e ikus mai laiha realidade.",
"Lee na'in: 6156 ...",
"Atualizadu iha Sabadu, 13 Junu 2020 08:47"
] | [
"TMR Bosok Povu Ambeno Dala 2 Timor-Leste's Fact Checker has been able to verify the truth about General Taur Matan Ruak promised in both years of his presidency, that when he win election and get power into government will remove Mari Alkatiri & Arsenio Bano from Oe Kusi Aben."
"The facts show that these two people' s mandates have ended, not been removed."
"In order to fulfil his political commitments between 2017 and, on November the first day of this year he inaugurated Jose Luis Guterres 'Lugu' as President for OATR-ZEESM."
"Lugu assumed this position in a very difficult situation."
"The state is in an emergency situation, due to the Covid-19 outbreak."
"After nearly 7 months, due to political change in the country (politiza viabiliz) Lugu was finally dismissed on Thursday Jun.10th of this year"
"First pledge on July 8,2017 Full speech TMR: I'm coming to Oe-Kusi every year."
"I've been here twice this year."
"In February 2016 he was elected President of the Republic."
"Let me say goodbye to you, and visit the villages I visited most recently in Oe-Kusi."
"However, my visit to Oe-Kusi today is very special."
"The things I used to do."
"Why is it special, because I have only one goal."
"I really want those who are the ones that do not govern well in Oe-Kusi."
"Those who take your land, do not compensate you or pay for it; those that employ only choose each other. They look at us as a dry grass and they see in ourselves the real people of this country which isn't theirs!"
"I'm looking for them to tell they have stopped here, that you can not continue."
"Today they claim to be FRETILIN only, but when I defended Fretilin there was no one of them here or in Timor."
"Sira ba badiu hela. sira has it all!"
"We don't want to be in a big airport."
"We do not want to take an airplane, no ro."
"Why is there all this, but only one group of people who enjoys what the war does and struggle for."
"As you know, when I was President of the National Parliament in 2014 and then again as a member there."
"For those who rule that they are in our country, we must have two citizens."
"The first-class citizen is a smaller group of citizens."
"Second-class citizens are a large group of people who live in our country, all over Timor."
"We suffer because of this, we die due to it."
"We want everyone to have equal opportunities."
"All of us have the same wealth to develop each other's lives."
"The second pledge will be on 30 April."
"During the election campaign for early elections, former AMP leader Taur Matan Ruak screamed and promised Oe-Kusi Ambeno people at an football field that if his party wins electoral victory he would remove Mari Alkatiri & Arsenio Bano from office."
"This promise is false, because since Alkatiri and Bano's mandates have expired for five (5) years no one has removed them from Oe-Kusi Ambeno."
"\"I have a desire, you know what my wish is."
"A year ago, I sat there and thought about what was going on."
"I want Mari Alkatiri out of Oe-Kusi."
"Because he has already done you more harm than good."
"I went to sleep, and the President first visited all of our villages."
"Imi balun hakuak ha'u tanis dehan maun, Mari hare ami la di’a."
"But, you go back I've come and told to give 8 seats only kasian\", said former AMP spokesman current Prime Minister Taur Matan Ruak during the campaign for early elections in Oe-Bau football field on April."
"At that time he also baptized Arsenio Bano as a \"monk\", but now the name has been changed to replace Lugu."
"\"Now this is the second referendum, sa tan ho grandfather Nana's son Naimori."
"I have to go."
"But, not only grandfather Mari I want him to leave the party. There is another Oe-Kusi man whose name was Arsenio Bano and he's a good friend of mine; i would like that guy out as well.\" #Marialkatiri#TaurMatanRuak @Xanana At this time she also converted Arsenalo Bano into an \"aunt\", but now has appointing herself very quickly in order for Lugu be replaced by his son (Banu)."
"Prime Minister Taur Matan Ruak inaugurated the new Cabinet on Saturday, June 12th at Government Palace in Dili."
"In his speech, he stated that the appointment and dismissal of President RAEOA Authority is a prerogative conferred by Law no.3/2014 on June The first day in which Dr Jose Luis Guterres was removet from office as Chairman for an unauthorized period after being re-appointed to this position under Act No:65978 (Act) dated July - August – September; therefore it has been decided through Council Of Ministers meeting held at its sitting date December / January"
"These two promises are ultimately void of reality."
"Read only: 6157 ..."
"Last Updated on Saturday, 13 June (08:47)"
] |
Rezultadu konferénsia nasionál 1981 halakon supremasia no hahoris polítika unidade nasionál | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste\nVARANDA HEADLINE Rezultadu konferénsia nasionál 1981 halakon supremasia no hahoris polítika unidade nasionál\nRezultadu konferénsia nasionál 1981 halakon supremasia no hahoris polítika unidade nasionál\nImajen TATOLI/Evaristo Soatres Martins.\nDILI, 11 outubru 2020 (TATOLI)—Eis Prezidente Repúblika Kay Rala Xanana Gusmão haktuir rezultadu konferénsia nasionál iha tinan 1981 halakon supremasia no hahoris polítika unidade nasionál hafoin timoroan sira hamutuk hodi ba ukun rasik-aan.\nXanana Gusmão hateten, iha tempu administrasaun portugueza nia ókos, prosesu polítiku hahú iha 1974, ne’ebé hatudu momoos katak hasoru falta preparasaun iha aspetu hotu-hotu.\nNotisia Relevante: Xanana Gusmão: “Konstituisaun dahuluk defende sistema ditadura partidu únika”\nNune’e mak timoroan bele komprende katak timoroan sira monu ba ideia ne’ebé antagóniku (kontra malu), hodi radikaliza sira-nia komportamentu no la hanoin didiak, hatudu difikuldade atu konsilia ka hakbesik entendimentu ne’ebé bele hatudu persepsaun ida-ne’ebé koletiva kona-ba interese povu nian.\nNia dehan, situasaun polítika ida-ne’ebá mak lori ba konflitu internu, ho golpe no contra-golpes, iha fulan-agostu tomak tinan 1975, buat ne’ebé fasilita tebes iha fulan sira tuir mai, ba intervensaun hosi rai-liur.\nXanana hakarak fo lembra de’it, katak, iha tempu ne’ebá, lideransa hosi partidu la sukat didi’ak kontestu ‘guerra fria’ no saida mak akontese iha rejiaun besik Timor-Leste no invazaun indonézia akontese duni, hodi hanehan povu ba susar oin-oin. Maibé, okupasaun ilegál ne’e komprova de’it, no la iha dúvida ba ida ne’e, vontade besi-asu hosi Povu atu moris livre no independente.\nXanana kontinua fó lembra, bainhira hahú funu, ne’ebé labele tahan duni tamba inimigu (batallaun barak no morteiru, kañaun ho tan aviaun funu) maka’as liu, ita lakon tiha funu, tanba inimigu serku no harahun tiha Baze Apoiu, hodi halakon kedas setór polítiku no militár.\nHosi kedas tinan 1977 to’o fins 1978 hodi, ikus liu, harahun Matebian iha 22 Novembro 1978. Tuir mai, inimigu halo persegisaun ba ita-nia forsa prinsipál no ba Diresaun Luta. Hafoin saudozo Nicolau Lobato mate, iha dezembru 1979, Diresaun Luta mohu kedas, ho membru CCF nian balun mate iha funu, balun hetan kaptura no lubuk ida mak rende ba inimigu.\n“Iha 1981, mak foin halo konferénsia nasionál atu reorganiza rezisténsia, hosi ne’ebé, ninia primeiru rezultadu, prátiku no ho susesu, mak implementasaun ba polítika unidade nasionál, hodi bolu timoroan tomak atu haku’ak objetivu supremu independénsia nasional nian, hodi hapara tiha polítika uluk, ne’ebé fó de’it supremasia (mesak mak manda) ba partidu ida no supremasia ba ideolojia ida-ne’ebé hanehan ka halakon ideolojia sira seluk,” Xanana Gusmão ko’alia kestaun ne’e bainhira sai oradór ba semináriu ne’ebé organiza hosi Universdade Nasionál Timor Lorosa’e (UNTL) liuhosi Fakuldade Siénsia Sosiál hala’o semiáriu ida ho tema “Com o espírito nacionalismo e patrotísmo desta comunidade académica da FCS-UNTL no âmbito de comemorar XX aniversário da UNTL sub-tema “um país, um povo e uma identidade,” iha Salaun Ian Martin INFOREPE, Balide, sábadu ne’e.\nXanana fundamenta, hosi rezultadu konferénsia nasionál ne’e mak define tiha faze foun ida ho frente tolu (3) komposta hosi armada, polítika/klandestina no diplomátika .\nHosi rezultadu ne’e parte rezisténsia hetan duni estruturasaun, hosi ne’ebé timoroan hotu-hotu, iha rai laran ka iha-li’ur, bele hetan oportunidade atu partisipa ativamente iha esforsu komún ba libertasaun.\nXanana subliña, ho persepsaun estratéjika katak nunka se bele manán funu hosi via militar, tanba meiu hanesan kilat, kilat musan, guerrilleiru sira uitoan liu, ne’ebé kontrasta ho superioridade boot tebes hosi okupante, ne’ebé sempre hetan apoiu hosi nasaun osidente ka rai sira-ne’ebé temi-aan hanesan demokrátiku no defensór maka’as ba direitu umanu no justisa.\nHo trabalhu polítiku no diplomátiku ne’ebé sai hanesan baze ba ita-nia esforsu ne’ebé ita dezenvolve mak provoka duni susesu ba prosesu reorganizasaun ne’e iha timoroan tomak nia rezisténsia.\nIha momentu ne’ebá, Xanana esplika, kaer tuir liña pensamentu ka hanoin estratéjiku maka iha 1983 hatán ba dezafiu atu simu ka aseita inisiativa hosi inimigu, atu halo diálogu hodi hakotu funu.\nXanana haktuir, inisiativa hosi inimigu ne’e hakarak atu alisia ka habosok Frente Armada atu simu rendisaun, hodi oferese atu labook estrutura tomak guerrilla nian, nune’e Frente Armada tama hotu iha TNI, ho promosaun komandantes guerrilliru sira ba ofisiál superiór ka bo-boot de’it), inklui mós atu sai jenerál nu’udar prémiu ba rendisaun ne’e. Hosi Timoroan tomak nia parte iha tempu rezisténsia la buka buat seluk ida, se lae dalan ba paz.\n“Ha’u orienta reuniaun ida membrus Komité Sentral nian no ami diskute no konkorda kona-ba planu ba solusaun negosiada ba konflitu hodi nune’e prepara-aan atu aprezenta ba inimigu. Pontu esensiál hanesan envolvimentu no diálogu entre potensiál rua ne’ebé interesada iha problema, Portugál, nu’udar poténsia administrante no Indonézia nu’udar poténsia okupante ho ONU nia supervizaun. Envolvimentu no diálogu entre fasoens ka grupus timorense hotu, atu lori ba realizasaun referendu, hodi nune’e permite ba povu deside rasik kona-ba ninia destinu, envolvimento hosi Nasaun Unida atu asegura prosesu ne’e bele la’o,” nia dehan.\nIha faze ida-ne’e, Xanana Gusmão hanesan líder másimu nota grupu de solidariedade hamriik barak tán ona no advoga ka defende Timor-nia kauza.\n“Pesoál boa vontade ka ema laran moos no ho prinsípiu barak daudaun ona, ne’ebé jenuìnamente haku’ak ita-nia kauza no rekoñese no defende valór ne’ebé aas ba umanidade (direitu ba vida, direitu atu sai livre no independente). Nune’e mós, Povu Timor-Leste tenke hein tinan sanulu resin neen (16), atu-bele haree direitu internasionál bele kumpre. Prosesu naruk tebes, ne’ebé bele duni hakotu iha tinan 21 liu ba, ne’e mós ho raan barak ne’ebé nakfakar no maten-been barak hosi povu”, Xanana Gusmão haktuir istória luta libertasaun ne’e ba estudante FCS-UNTL.\nPrevious articleSLX ho YCC selebra loron mundiál ba moras mentál\nNext articleKonfiansa polítiku mosu bainhira hatudu hahalok onestidade | [
"Rezultadu konferensia nasional 1981 halakon supremasia no hahoris politika unidade nasional | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA HEADLINE Rezultadu konferensia nasional 1981 halakon supremasia no hahoris politika unidade nasional Rezultadu konferensia nasional 1981 halakon supremasia no hahoris politika unidade nasional Imajen TATOLI/Evaristo Soatres Martins.",
"DILI, 11 outubru 2020 (TATOLI) - Eis Prezidente Republika Kay Rala Xanana Gusmao haktuir rezultadu konferensia nasional iha tinan 1981 halakon supremasia no hahoris politika unidade nasional hafoin timoroan sira hamutuk hodi ba ukun rasik-aan.",
"Xanana Gusmao hateten, iha tempu administrasaun portugueza nia okos, prosesu politiku hahu iha 1974, ne'ebe hatudu momoos katak hasoru falta preparasaun iha aspetu hotu-hotu.",
"Notisia Relevante: Xanana Gusmao: “Konstituisaun dahuluk defende sistema ditadura partidu unika” Nune'e mak timoroan bele komprende katak timoroan sira monu ba ideia ne'ebe antagoniku (kontra malu), hodi radikaliza sira-nia komportamentu no la hanoin didiak, hatudu difikuldade atu konsilia ka hakbesik entendimentu ne'ebe bele hatudu persepsaun ida-ne'ebe koletiva kona-ba interese povu nian.",
"Nia dehan, situasaun politika ida-ne'eba mak lori ba konflitu internu, ho golpe no contra-golpes, iha fulan-agostu tomak tinan 1975, buat ne'ebe fasilita tebes iha fulan sira tuir mai, ba intervensaun hosi rai-liur.",
"Xanana hakarak fo lembra de'it, katak, iha tempu ne'eba, lideransa hosi partidu la sukat didi'ak kontestu 'guerra fria' no saida mak akontese iha rejiaun besik Timor-Leste no invazaun indonezia akontese duni, hodi hanehan povu ba susar oin-oin.",
"Maibe, okupasaun ilegal ne'e komprova de'it, no la iha duvida ba ida ne'e, vontade besi-asu hosi Povu atu moris livre no independente.",
"Xanana kontinua fo lembra, bainhira hahu funu, ne'ebe labele tahan duni tamba inimigu (batallaun barak no morteiru, kanaun ho tan aviaun funu) maka'as liu, ita lakon tiha funu, tanba inimigu serku no harahun tiha Baze Apoiu, hodi halakon kedas setor politiku no militar.",
"Hosi kedas tinan 1977 to'o fins 1978 hodi, ikus liu, harahun Matebian iha 22 Novembro 1978.",
"Tuir mai, inimigu halo persegisaun ba ita-nia forsa prinsipal no ba Diresaun Luta.",
"Hafoin saudozo Nicolau Lobato mate, iha dezembru 1979, Diresaun Luta mohu kedas, ho membru CCF nian balun mate iha funu, balun hetan kaptura no lubuk ida mak rende ba inimigu.",
"\"Iha 1981, mak foin halo konferensia nasional atu reorganiza rezistensia, hosi ne'ebe, ninia primeiru rezultadu, pratiku no ho susesu, mak implementasaun ba politika unidade nasional, hodi bolu timoroan tomak atu haku'ak objetivu supremu independensia nasional nian, hodi hapara tiha politika uluk, ne'ebe fo de'it supremasia (mesak mak manda) ba partidu ida no supremasia ba ideolojia ida-ne'ebe hanehan ka halakon ideolojia sira seluk,\" Xanana Gusmao ko'alia kestaun ne'e bainhira sai orador ba seminariu ne'ebe organiza hosi Universdade Nasional Timor Lorosa'e (UNTL) liuhosi Fakuldade Siensia Sosial hala'o semiariu ida ho tema \"Com o espirito nacionalismo e patrotismo desta comunidade academica da FCS-UNTL no ambito de comemorar XX aniversario da UNTL sub-tema \"um pais, um povo e uma identidade,\" iha Salaun Ian Martin INFOREPE, Balide, sabadu ne'e.",
"Xanana fundamenta, hosi rezultadu konferensia nasional ne'e mak define tiha faze foun ida ho frente tolu (3) komposta hosi armada, politika/klandestina no diplomatika .",
"Hosi rezultadu ne'e parte rezistensia hetan duni estruturasaun, hosi ne'ebe timoroan hotu-hotu, iha rai laran ka iha-li'ur, bele hetan oportunidade atu partisipa ativamente iha esforsu komun ba libertasaun.",
"Xanana sublina, ho persepsaun estratejika katak nunka se bele manan funu hosi via militar, tanba meiu hanesan kilat, kilat musan, guerrilleiru sira uitoan liu, ne'ebe kontrasta ho superioridade boot tebes hosi okupante, ne'ebe sempre hetan apoiu hosi nasaun osidente ka rai sira-ne'ebe temi-aan hanesan demokratiku no defensor maka'as ba direitu umanu no justisa.",
"Ho trabalhu politiku no diplomatiku ne'ebe sai hanesan baze ba ita-nia esforsu ne'ebe ita dezenvolve mak provoka duni susesu ba prosesu reorganizasaun ne'e iha timoroan tomak nia rezistensia.",
"Iha momentu ne'eba, Xanana esplika, kaer tuir lina pensamentu ka hanoin estratejiku maka iha 1983 hatan ba dezafiu atu simu ka aseita inisiativa hosi inimigu, atu halo dialogu hodi hakotu funu.",
"Xanana haktuir, inisiativa hosi inimigu ne'e hakarak atu alisia ka habosok Frente Armada atu simu rendisaun, hodi oferese atu labook estrutura tomak guerrilla nian, nune'e Frente Armada tama hotu iha TNI, ho promosaun komandantes guerrilliru sira ba ofisial superior ka bo-boot de'it), inklui mos atu sai jeneral nu'udar premiu ba rendisaun ne'e.",
"Hosi Timoroan tomak nia parte iha tempu rezistensia la buka buat seluk ida, se lae dalan ba paz.",
"\"Ha'u orienta reuniaun ida membrus Komite Sentral nian no ami diskute no konkorda kona-ba planu ba solusaun negosiada ba konflitu hodi nune'e prepara-aan atu aprezenta ba inimigu.",
"Pontu esensial hanesan envolvimentu no dialogu entre potensial rua ne'ebe interesada iha problema, Portugal, nu'udar potensia administrante no Indonezia nu'udar potensia okupante ho ONU nia supervizaun.",
"Envolvimentu no dialogu entre fasoens ka grupus timorense hotu, atu lori ba realizasaun referendu, hodi nune'e permite ba povu deside rasik kona-ba ninia destinu, envolvimento hosi Nasaun Unida atu asegura prosesu ne'e bele la'o,\" nia dehan.",
"Iha faze ida-ne'e, Xanana Gusmao hanesan lider masimu nota grupu de solidariedade hamriik barak tan ona no advoga ka defende Timor-nia kauza.",
"\"Pesoal boa vontade ka ema laran moos no ho prinsipiu barak daudaun ona, ne'ebe jenuinamente haku'ak ita-nia kauza no rekonese no defende valor ne'ebe aas ba umanidade (direitu ba vida, direitu atu sai livre no independente).",
"Nune'e mos, Povu Timor-Leste tenke hein tinan sanulu resin neen (16), atu-bele haree direitu internasional bele kumpre.",
"Prosesu naruk tebes, ne'ebe bele duni hakotu iha tinan 21 liu ba, ne'e mos ho raan barak ne'ebe nakfakar no maten-been barak hosi povu,\" Xanana Gusmao haktuir istoria luta libertasaun ne'e ba estudante FCS-UNTL.",
"Previous articleSLX ho YCC selebra loron mundial ba moras mental Next articleKonfiansa politiku mosu bainhira hatudu hahalok onestidade"
] | [
"Rezultadu konferensia nasional 1982 halakon supremasia no hahoris politika unidade nacional VARANDA HEADLINE Result of the national conference in Timor-Leste, which was held on July and August at Dili National Conference results to be a victory for sovereignty over political unity Image: Agência Noticiosa de Timóteo."
"Former President of the Republic Kay Rala Xanana Gusmao recalled that a national conference held in 1982 overthrew supremacy and promoted political unity after Timorese united to achieve independence."
"Xanana Gusmao said that under the Portuguese administration, a political process began in 1974 which clearly showed it was lacking preparation on all aspects."
"Relevant News: Xanana Gusmao, “The first constitution defends the one-party dictatorship system” This is how people can understand that they have fallen for antagonistic ideas (against each other), radicalizing their behaviour and not thinking twice. They show difficulty in reconciling or approaching understanding which could demonstrate a collective perception of what interest to them as citizens;"
"He said that this political situation led to internal conflict, with coups and counter-coups throughout August 1975 which greatly facilitated foreign intervention in the following months."
"Xanana just wants to remind us that, at the time of his election victory in 1974 and before he was elected president on October25th. The party leadership did not carefully consider what happened during 'the Cold War' as it had no idea how much trouble Timorese people were going through after Indonesia invaded their homeland with its invasion forced them into a situation where they couldn’t do anything about things like food or water for several days without having any problem!"
"But this illegal occupation only proves, and there can be no doubt about it: the unwavering will of people to live freely."
"Xanana continues to remind us that when the war began, which could not be sustained because of an overwhelming enemy (many battalions and mortars; cannon & more combat planes), we lost it. The enemies besieged our Support Base in order immediately destruction political sector as well military ones!"
"From 1976 to the end of November, he was in charge for seven months and then retired on December 28."
"Then, the enemy pursued our main force in a fighting direction."
"After the death of Nicolau Lobato in December 1978, Direção Luta was dissolved immediately. Some CCF members were killed during fighting and others captured or surrendered to enemy forces; many more died as a result from injuries sustained by combatants who had been taken prisoner beforehand (see below)."
"\"In 1982, a national conference was held to reorganize the resistance. Its first practical and successful outcome has been implementation of policy on National Unity calling all Timorese peoples towards achieving their supreme objective: independence from Portuguese rule by ending with previous politics that gave only supremacy (only power) for one party or ideology which destroyed other ideologies\", Xanana Gusmao said when speaking at an event organizing seminar in Dili titled “With spirit nacionalism & patriotic this academic community FCS-UNTL within commemoration XX Anniversary UNTL subtheme” um pais –um povo e uma identidad”."
"The outcome of this national conference defined a new phase with three (3) fronts composed by the army, politics/clandestine and diplomacy."
"As a result of this, the resistance was structured and all Tongans at home or in foreign countries had an opportunity to actively participate on common efforts for liberation."
"Xanana emphasizes, with strategic perception that a war can never be won by military means because of the fewer guns and guerrillas available in contrast to an enormous superiority from occupiers who are always backed up or even supported as democratic countries."
"With the political and diplomatic work that formed a basis for our efforts we have developed, which has indeed provoked success to this reorganization process of all Tongan resistance."
"At the time, Xanana explained that following a line of thought or strategic thinking was in 1983 to respond with acceptance and challenge an enemy's initiatives for dialogue so they could end war."
"According to Xanana, the enemy's initiative was intended as a way of tempting or intimidating Frente Armada into accepting surrender by offering it all-out guerrilla structure work so that Front Armada would be incorporated entirely within TNI (with promotion from guerilla commanders only for senior officer) and also general rank rewards."
"Of all Timorese his part in the time of resistance was not looking for anything else, but a way to peace."
"\"I convened a meeting of the Central Committee members and we debated, agreeing on plans for negotiated resolution to conflict in order that it could be prepares before presentation at enemy."
"Essential points are the involvement and dialogue between potential two parties interested in this problem, Portugal as a possible administering powers or Indonesia under UN supervision."
"Involvement and dialogue between all Timorese factions or groups, to lead the holding of a referendum so that people can decide for themselves on their destiny. The United Nations' involvements in ensuring this process is going well.\""
"In this phase, Xanana Gusmao as the highest leader noted that many more solidarity groups had been formed and advocating or defending Timorese cause."
"\"There are many people of good will, or honest and principled individuals who genuinely care about our cause as they recognise the highest value for humanity (the right to life; freedom & independence)."
"Similarly, the People of Timor-Leste had to wait thirty nine (16) years before they could see international law being complied with."
"It was a very long process, which could have ended 21 years ago with much bloodshed and many deaths of the people\", Xanana Gusmao told FCS-UNTL students about this history."
"Previous articleSLX and YCC Celebrate World Mental Health Day Next ArticlePolitical confidence arises when honesty is shown."
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Lere: “Xanana ita hotu nian” – GMN TV | Grupo Média Nacional - Lori Timor ba Mundu - GMN TV | Grupo Média Nacional\nHome » Justica e Segurança » Lere: “Xanana ita hotu nian”\nJerasaun foun labele fahe líder istóriku\nXefi Estadu Maior Falintil-Força Defeza Timor Leste (F-FDTL), Major Jeneral Lere Anan Timur konsidera, líder karismátiku Kay Rala Xanana Gusmão ne’ebé agora dadaun assume, knar prinsipál hanesan Xefi Negosiadór ba Fronteira Marítima líder nasionál no patrimónia Timoroan hotu nian.\nTanba ne’e tuir Major General Lere Anan Timur, lideransa partidu sira labele privatiza xefi negosiador fronteira maritima nia naran hodi halo propaganda politika.\n“Partidu partidariza tiha Fronteira Marítima ne’e moe laiha, ne’e oportunista. Uluk ami funu ne’e la’os atu ba ami nia-an de’it. Sé ami mós hakarak ida ne’e karik, ema ida lebele tur iha governu ne’ebá, husik ami sira mai husi ai-laran de’it, maibé tanba ami beikten, la hatene hakerek surat, komputadór mós lahatene book, ne’e mak fó fatin ba sira ne’e. Fronteira Marítima ne’e povu Timor ninian. Xanana Komandante em Xefi Forsa Armada Falintil ninian, agora ita nia lider nasionál, iha mundu ne’e agora hela de’it mak nia, Nelson Mandela mate tiha ona no Fidel Castro mós hanesan, hela de’it mak Xanana. Ne’e mak ita tenki respeita no lalika privatiza Xanana hanesan ninian, Xanana ita hotu nian”, Xefi Estadu Maior F-FDTL, Major Jeneral Lere Anan Timur hato’o asuntu ne’e wainhira termina enkontru ho Prezidenti Repúblika (PR), Francisco Guterres Lú Olo, iha Palácio Presidensial Nicolau Lobato Díli, Kuarta (21/2).\nEntretantu tuir ajenda iha loron 6 fulan Marsu Timor-Leste no Australia sei asina akordu Fronteira Marítima hodi defini ho loloos ona Fronteira Marítima entre nasaun rua.\nIha okazisaun ne’e Lere mós husu ba jerasaun foun sira atu labele fahe líder istóriku sira iha frente interna no frente esterna ne’ebé fó ona kontribuisaun maka’as no sakrifísiu ba Timor nia ukun-an.\nTanba tuir Lere, frente rua ne’e iha unidade hodi servisu hamutuk mak ohin loron TL bele alkansa nia independénsia.\nLere konsidera, jerasaun foun ne’ebé mak iha hanoin hakarak atu fahe líder istóriku sira iha frente rua ne’e hanesan ema ne’ebé la hatene istória.\n“Ita hotu hatene katak ita nia líder istóriku sira ne’ebé uluk servisu hamutuk hanesan, Frente Esterna no Interna, sira tau esforsu no matenek hamutuk mak ohin loron, ita sai nasaun ida soberanu. Ohin loron ita haree kuaze jerasaun foun hakarak fahe líder istóriku sira ne’e, tanba balun konsidera ida ne’e mak di’ak liu du ke ida seluk. Laiha frente esterna, frente interna mós labele halo buatida, nune’e laiha Frente Interna, Frente Esterna mós labele halo buatida. Ne’e mak ha’u hanoin katak jerasaun foun lalika fahe ita nia líder sira ne’e, maibé halo oinsa para lori sira tenki hamutuk hodi ukun nasaun ida ne’e. Tanba ne’e husu ba ita nia maun Xanana, maun Ramos Horta, Maun Mari, Taur sira tenki iha konsensu atu halo oinsa para prosesu ne’e la’o ba oin, para Timor ne’e bele moris iha estabilidade nia laran no progresu”, hateten Xefi Estadu Maior F-FDTL, Major Jeneral Lere Anan Timur.ías | [
"Lere: \"Xanana ita hotu nian\" - GMN TV | Grupo Media Nacional - Lori Timor ba Mundu - GMN TV | Grupo Media Nacional Home \" Justica e Seguranca \" Lere: \"Xanana ita hotu nian\" Jerasaun foun labele fahe lider istoriku Xefi Estadu Maior Falintil-Forca Defeza Timor Leste (F-FDTL), Major Jeneral Lere Anan Timur konsidera, lider karismatiku Kay Rala Xanana Gusmao ne'ebe agora dadaun assume, knar prinsipal hanesan Xefi Negosiador ba Fronteira Maritima lider nasional no patrimonia Timoroan hotu nian.",
"Tanba ne'e tuir Major General Lere Anan Timur, lideransa partidu sira labele privatiza xefi negosiador fronteira maritima nia naran hodi halo propaganda politika.",
"\"Partidu partidariza tiha Fronteira Maritima ne'e moe laiha, ne'e oportunista.",
"Uluk ami funu ne'e la'os atu ba ami nia-an de'it.",
"Se ami mos hakarak ida ne'e karik, ema ida lebele tur iha governu ne'eba, husik ami sira mai husi ai-laran de'it, maibe tanba ami beikten, la hatene hakerek surat, komputador mos lahatene book, ne'e mak fo fatin ba sira ne'e.",
"Fronteira Maritima ne'e povu Timor ninian.",
"Xanana Komandante em Xefi Forsa Armada Falintil ninian, agora ita nia lider nasional, iha mundu ne'e agora hela de'it mak nia, Nelson Mandela mate tiha ona no Fidel Castro mos hanesan, hela de'it mak Xanana.",
"Ne'e mak ita tenki respeita no lalika privatiza Xanana hanesan ninian, Xanana ita hotu nian,\" Xefi Estadu Maior F-FDTL, Major Jeneral Lere Anan Timur hato'o asuntu ne'e wainhira termina enkontru ho Prezidenti Republika (PR), Francisco Guterres Lu Olo, iha Palacio Presidensial Nicolau Lobato Dili, Kuarta (21/2).",
"Entretantu tuir ajenda iha loron 6 fulan Marsu Timor-Leste no Australia sei asina akordu Fronteira Maritima hodi defini ho loloos ona Fronteira Maritima entre nasaun rua.",
"Iha okazisaun ne'e Lere mos husu ba jerasaun foun sira atu labele fahe lider istoriku sira iha frente interna no frente esterna ne'ebe fo ona kontribuisaun maka'as no sakrifisiu ba Timor nia ukun-an.",
"Tanba tuir Lere, frente rua ne'e iha unidade hodi servisu hamutuk mak ohin loron TL bele alkansa nia independensia.",
"Lere konsidera, jerasaun foun ne'ebe mak iha hanoin hakarak atu fahe lider istoriku sira iha frente rua ne'e hanesan ema ne'ebe la hatene istoria.",
"\"Ita hotu hatene katak ita nia lider istoriku sira ne'ebe uluk servisu hamutuk hanesan, Frente Esterna no Interna, sira tau esforsu no matenek hamutuk mak ohin loron, ita sai nasaun ida soberanu.",
"Ohin loron ita haree kuaze jerasaun foun hakarak fahe lider istoriku sira ne'e, tanba balun konsidera ida ne'e mak di'ak liu du ke ida seluk.",
"Laiha frente esterna, frente interna mos labele halo buatida, nune'e laiha Frente Interna, Frente Esterna mos labele halo buatida.",
"Ne'e mak ha'u hanoin katak jerasaun foun lalika fahe ita nia lider sira ne'e, maibe halo oinsa para lori sira tenki hamutuk hodi ukun nasaun ida ne'e.",
"Tanba ne'e husu ba ita nia maun Xanana, maun Ramos Horta, Maun Mari, Taur sira tenki iha konsensu atu halo oinsa para prosesu ne'e la'o ba oin, para Timor ne'e bele moris iha estabilidade nia laran no progresu,\" hateten Xefi Estadu Maior F-FDTL, Major Jeneral Lere Anan Timur.ias"
] | [
"Lere: \"Xanana is our all's\" - GMN TV | Grupo Media Nacional – Lori Timor ba Mundu The new generation cannot divide the historic leader Chief of Staff Falintil-Força Defesa de Timór Leste (F– FDTL), Major General, lera Anan Timur consider that charismatic Leader Kay Rala Xanana Gusmao who now assumed his main role as Head Negotiator for Maritime Border was a national leaders and heritage to every East Тимоrian."
"According to Major General Lere Anan Timur, the party leadership cannot privatize chief maritime border negotiator's name for political propaganda."
"\"The party has partisanized the Maritime Frontier, it's no good. It is opportunistic.\""
"Our war was not for ourselves alone."
"If we also want this, a better person should sit in the government there. Let us come from out of town only; but because our parents did not know how to write letters or use computer software they were given their place here on earth!"
"The maritime border is Timor-Leste's."
"Xanana, Commander in Chief of the Falintil Armed Forces and now our national leader. In this world there is only he alive; Nelson Mandela has passed away as well Fidel Castro also died so that we have just one person living: Xanana!"
"That is what we must respect and do not privatize Xanana as ours, because he belonged to us all,” Chief of the F-FDTL General Staff Major Lere Anan Timur said after a meeting with President Francisco Guterres Lu Olo at Nicolau Lobato Presidential Palace in Dili on Thursday (February 21)."
"According to the agenda on March 6, Timor-Leste and Australia will sign a Maritime Boundary Agreement in order correctly define their maritimes borders."
"At the occasion, Lere also asked new generations not to divide historical leaders on internal and external front who have made great contributions for Timor' s independence."
"Because according to Lere, the two fronts have unity and work together so that today TL can achieve its independence."
"Lere considers that the new generation who want to divide historical leaders into two front is like a person unfamiliar with history."
"\"We all know that our historical leaders who worked together in the past, as External and Internal Fronts. They combined their efforts with wisdom so today we are a sovereign nation.\""
"Today we see almost the new generation want to divide these historical leaders, because some consider one better than another."
"There is no outer front, the inner Front cannot make a wave. Thus there are not Internal Frente and External Fronte that can create waves;"
"That's why I think that the new generation should not divide our leaders, but rather try to bring them together in order for this country."
"Therefore, we ask our brother Xanana and Ramos Horta as well the Presidents Mari Alkatiri & Taur Matan Ruak to have a consensus on how this process can go forward so that Timor-Leste may live in stability with progress\", said Chief of Staff F -FDTL Major General Lere Anan Timur.ias"
] |
CNRT Konsidera Kazu Holarua Ne’e Asaun Hosi Ema Lanu – ::Timor Post Online::\nHome » Munisípiu » DILI » CNRT Konsidera Kazu Holarua Ne’e Asaun Hosi Ema Lanu\nCNRT Konsidera Kazu Holarua Ne’e Asaun Hosi Ema Lanu\n10 março 2022 by Mateus da Cruz-1.254 views\nPatrocínio Fernandes dos Reis, Imajen Google\n(Reportajen Korespondente Manufahi, Luis Casimiro/Editor Mateus da Cruz)\nDili (Timor Post)– Koordenadór partidu CNRT Munisípiu Manufahi nu’udar mós koordenadór ekipa vitória kandidatura José Ramos Horta ho númeru sorteiu (14), Patrocínio Fernandes dos Reis, konsidera, kazu impede militante CNRT hosi Koordenadór Fretilín, Adriano Cortereal, iha Holarua ne’e asaun ema lanu nian, nune’e laiha influénsia ba CNRT.\n“Ida ne’e asaun ema lanu nian, ba ami ida ne’e la iha influénsia ruma tanba ema lanu, baibain ema hemu lanu la’ós iha tempu kampaña maibé ema sempre hemu hodi halo ajeneras hanesan ne’e iha fatin ne’ebé de’it,” dehan, Patrocino ba jornalista iha Eis Merkadu Same, segunda (07/3).\nMaski nune’e Patrocínio lamenta ho asaun refere tanba konsidera asaun ne’ebé halo impede aktividades kampaña eleitoral kandidatura ho númeru sorteiu (16) nian.\nKonaba-ba liafuan mal ne’ebé koordenadór Fretilin ne’e hasai ba militantes sira iha fatin refere, Patrocínio dehan, liafuan ne’e la merese hasai hosi ema ne’ebé iha ninia integridade.\n“Maibé ba ami la hare katak liafuan ne’ebé nia hasai ne’e diriji ba se, talves ema ninia personalidade no integridade hanesan ne’e maibé ba ami la tau sasán refere ba iha problema maibé ami nafatin fokus no konsentra vitória ba ami nia kandidatu”nia hakotu.\nNia parte daudaun ne’e hein katak parte Komisaun Nasionál Eleisaun (CNE) atu asume responsabilidade haree ba fiskalizasaun no observasaun ba aktus ida ne’e tanba atu perturba aktividades kampana eleitoral.\nIha sorin seluk,Komandante Komandu Polisía Munisipiu Manufahi, Superintendente, Joni Viana das Regras, informa, hafoin parte polisia Manufahi halo aproximasaun ho kordenador Fretili, no nia (kordenador Fretilin) rekonese ida ne’e no deklara prontu atu ba hatán.\n“Ho akontesementu ne’e ami halo aprosimasaun ba kazu ne’e no koordenador Fretilín Manufahi ne’e rekoñese saida mak nia halo no prontu atu hatán,” dehan, Joni ba jornalista iha nia kna’ar fatin, tersa (08/03).\nEntertantu Diretora Komisaun Nasionál Eleisaun (CNE), Melina dos Reis, dehan, CNE fasilita ona formuláriu keixa reklamasaun ba ekipa kandidatura José Ramos Horta hodi ma hatama iha nasionál.\n“Ami prepara ona formulariu reklamasaun ba kandidatura atu priense hodi haruka ba nasionál”dehan, Melina.\nNia konsidera asaun ne’ebé akontese iha tempu kampana ne’e situasaun ne’ebé la di’ak maibé desizaun hotu sei hato’o ba nasionál tanba keisa reklamasaun sei hato’o ba Ministeriu Públiku (MP).\nAsaun koordenadór Fretilin Munisípiu Manufahi nian ne’ebé haruka militantes partidu CNRT fila tiha hetan preokupasaun hosi públiku\nAsaun kordenador Fretilin nian haruka militantes CNRT ne’ebé prepara atu komboiu simu kandidatura José Ramos Horta atu fila tiha hetan preokupasaun hosi publiku hafoin video asaun ne’e viral iha midia sosial. (Lee notisia seluk iha jornal Timor Post/asesu youtube Timor Post)\nTagged asaun hosi ema lanu CNRT Konsidera kazu Holarua\nPrevious post Governu Sei Tau Matan ba Joven Sira Ne’ebé Ajénsia Rekruta Ba Servisu iha Qatar\nNext post FAO Kontinua Hato’o Kompromisu Atu Kapasita Agrikultór Timoroan | [
"CNRT Konsidera Kazu Holarua Ne'e Asaun Hosi Ema Lanu -::Timor Post Online:: Home \" Munisipiu \" DILI \" CNRT Konsidera Kazu Holarua Ne'e Asaun Hosi Ema Lanu CNRT Konsidera Kazu Holarua Ne'e Asaun Hosi Ema Lanu 10 marco 2022 by Mateus da Cruz-1.254 views Patrocinio Fernandes dos Reis, Imajen Google (Reportajen Korespondente Manufahi, Luis Casimiro/Editor Mateus da Cruz) Dili (Timor Post) - Koordenador partidu CNRT Munisipiu Manufahi nu'udar mos koordenador ekipa vitoria kandidatura Jose Ramos Horta ho numeru sorteiu (14), Patrocinio Fernandes dos Reis, konsidera, kazu impede militante CNRT hosi Koordenador Fretilin, Adriano Cortereal, iha Holarua ne'e asaun ema lanu nian, nune'e laiha influensia ba CNRT.",
"\"Ida ne'e asaun ema lanu nian, ba ami ida ne'e la iha influensia ruma tanba ema lanu, baibain ema hemu lanu la'os iha tempu kampana maibe ema sempre hemu hodi halo ajeneras hanesan ne'e iha fatin ne'ebe de'it,\" dehan, Patrocino ba jornalista iha Eis Merkadu Same, segunda (07/3).",
"Maski nune'e Patrocinio lamenta ho asaun refere tanba konsidera asaun ne'ebe halo impede aktividades kampana eleitoral kandidatura ho numeru sorteiu (16) nian.",
"Konaba-ba liafuan mal ne'ebe koordenador Fretilin ne'e hasai ba militantes sira iha fatin refere, Patrocinio dehan, liafuan ne'e la merese hasai hosi ema ne'ebe iha ninia integridade.",
"\"Maibe ba ami la hare katak liafuan ne'ebe nia hasai ne'e diriji ba se, talves ema ninia personalidade no integridade hanesan ne'e maibe ba ami la tau sasan refere ba iha problema maibe ami nafatin fokus no konsentra vitoria ba ami nia kandidatu\"nia hakotu.",
"Nia parte daudaun ne'e hein katak parte Komisaun Nasional Eleisaun (CNE) atu asume responsabilidade haree ba fiskalizasaun no observasaun ba aktus ida ne'e tanba atu perturba aktividades kampana eleitoral.",
"Iha sorin seluk,Komandante Komandu Polisia Munisipiu Manufahi, Superintendente, Joni Viana das Regras, informa, hafoin parte polisia Manufahi halo aproximasaun ho kordenador Fretili, no nia (kordenador Fretilin) rekonese ida ne'e no deklara prontu atu ba hatan.",
"\"Ho akontesementu ne'e ami halo aprosimasaun ba kazu ne'e no koordenador Fretilin Manufahi ne'e rekonese saida mak nia halo no prontu atu hatan,\" dehan, Joni ba jornalista iha nia kna'ar fatin, tersa (08/03).",
"Entertantu Diretora Komisaun Nasional Eleisaun (CNE), Melina dos Reis, dehan, CNE fasilita ona formulariu keixa reklamasaun ba ekipa kandidatura Jose Ramos Horta hodi ma hatama iha nasional.",
"\"Ami prepara ona formulariu reklamasaun ba kandidatura atu priense hodi haruka ba nasional\"dehan, Melina.",
"Nia konsidera asaun ne'ebe akontese iha tempu kampana ne'e situasaun ne'ebe la di'ak maibe desizaun hotu sei hato'o ba nasional tanba keisa reklamasaun sei hato'o ba Ministeriu Publiku (MP).",
"Asaun koordenador Fretilin Munisipiu Manufahi nian ne'ebe haruka militantes partidu CNRT fila tiha hetan preokupasaun hosi publiku Asaun kordenador Fretilin nian haruka militantes CNRT ne'ebe prepara atu komboiu simu kandidatura Jose Ramos Horta atu fila tiha hetan preokupasaun hosi publiku hafoin video asaun ne'e viral iha midia sosial.",
"(Lee notisia seluk iha jornal Timor Post/asesu youtube Timor Post) Tagged asaun hosi ema lanu CNRT Konsidera kazu Holarua Previous post Governu Sei Tau Matan ba Joven Sira Ne'ebe Ajensia Rekruta Ba Servisu iha Qatar Next post FAO Kontinua Hato'o Kompromisu Atu Kapasita Agrikultor Timoroan"
] | [
"CNRT Considers Holarua Case Is Action By Lanu People -:;Timor Post Online 10 March,254 views Patrocinio Fernandes dos Reis (Reporting by Manufahi Correspondent Luis Casimiro/Editor Mateus da Cruz) Dili – The party coordinator of CNRT in the municipality and also team co-ordinator for victory candidate Jose Ramos Horta with number drawn out as a lot is not influenced on Fretilin. He consider that case impede militante Xanana Gusmão from participating to election campaign against FRETILIN Coordnador Adriano Cortereal' s name was an action taken only because people lanus were there so he has no effect upon his own Party or any other political group within Congress National Democratic Movement(CNDM)."
"\"This is the action of people with hair, for us this does not have any influence because they usually do it in campaign time but always to make ajeneras like that only at these places\", said Patrocino on Monday (07/3)."
"Nevertheless, Patrocinio regrets the action in question because he considered that it prevented electoral campaign activities of his candidacy with a draw number (16)."
"Regarding the insulting words that Fretilin coordinator made to militants in this place, Patrocinio said these are not deserving of a person with integrity."
"\"But for us we do not see that the words he said were directed at him, perhaps a person's personality and integrity is like this but to our point of view there was no problem with it. We are still focused on concentrating victories in favour Of Our candidate\" she concludes.\""
"His party is currently waiting for the National Electoral Commission (CNE) to take responsibility in monitoring and observing this act as it would disrupt electoral campaign activities."
"On the other hand, Manufahi Municipal Police Command commander Superintendente Joni Viana das Regras said that after a meeting between police and Fretilin coordinator he acknowledged this fact. He declared himself ready to answer any questions made by Comandante da Polícia Militar do Município de Manaus (MPMA), Superintendent Jony Vieira dos Regas"
"\"With this incident we made an approximation to the case and Fretilin coordinator Manufahi acknowledged what he did,\" Joni told journalists at his office on Tuesday (08/3)."
"Meanwhile, Director of the National Electoral Commission (CNE), Melina dos Reis said that CNe has provided complaint forms to Jose Ramos Horta' s candidacy team so they could submit them nationally."
"\"We have prepared a claim form for the candidacy to be submitted and sent nationally,\" said Melina."
"He considered the actions that took place during this campaign a situation which is not good but all decisions will be referred to national because complaint cases are being submitted by Public Prosecutor (MP)."
"The action of Fretilin coordinator in Manufahi Municipality who sent back CNRT militants preparing to accept the candidacy for Jose Ramos Horta has caused public concern after a video that went viral on social media."
"(Read more in Timor Post/view youtube of the newspaper) Tagged ação dos homens lanu CNRT Considera caso Holarua Previous post Government Will Take Care Of Young People Who Are Recruited By Agencies For Service In Qatar Next posta FAO Continues To Fulfil Its Commitment to Empower East Asian Farmer"
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Jogu sein motivu ho interesse no ambisaun boot entre ekipa rua.\nKolómbia empata, kinta-feira ne’e, hasoru Xile ho 0-0 iha jogu ne’ebé konta ba kualifikasaun Mundiál 2018 iha Rússia.\nHo rezultadu ne’e, ekipa rua diferente deit ho pontu ida iha faze kualifikasaun nian. Kolombianu sira iha pozisaun dahaat ( ho pontu 18) ho Xile iha dalima ( ho pontu 17).\ntags: futebol, qualificação/mundial 2018\nSelesionadór portugés komenta kona-ba goleadu ho 6-0 iha Ilha Faroé.\nFernando Santos, selesionadór portugés, komenta kona-ba goleadu ho 6-0, iha Thorshavn, Ilha Faroé nian.\n"Jogadór sira tuir planu ne’ebé ami dezeña, nomós ho atitude ida loos. Ohin parese hanesan jogu ida fásil, maibé ekipa hosi Illa Faroé hatudu tiha ona katak sira iha kualidade. Ha’u ninia jogadór sira kumpri ho forma fantástiku. Ami di’ak tebes iha nível ofensivu no defensivu", nia haktuir, iha deklarasaun ba RTP.\n"'Hat-trick' hosi André Silva? "Ne’e relasiona ba servisu hamutuk iha ekipa. Jogadór sira moris bainhira ekipa la’o di’ak. Ekipa ne’e iha jogadór di’ak barak, maibé bainhira laiha kompromissu ida kompletu buat hotu sei sai komplikadu",nia hatutan.\n"Ohin hafoin 4-0 ritmu jogu tuun oituan, maibé ikus mai aselera fila fali ", nia refere, no hatutan: "Ami tenki kontinua depende liu ba ami nia-an ".\ntags: futebol, qualificação/mundial 2018, selecao das quinas\nSelesaun ne’ebé komanda hosi treinadór portugés Carlos Queiroz manán ohin iha vizita ba Uzbekistaun ho 1-0.\nIraun, ne’ebé komanda hosi treinadór portugés Carlos Queiroz, manán iha ohin iha ninia vizita ba Uzbequistaun (1-0) no assume lideransa Grupu A nian iha kualifikasaun zona aziátika ba Mundial2018.\nVitória ida importante iha uma rivál diretu ida, ho agora iranianu konta ona pontu hitu hanesan Koreia do Sul, no liu ida duké Uzbekistaun, ne’ebé monu liu ba pozisaun datoluk.\nVitória iranianu nian alkansa grasa ba golu ida hosi Jalal Hosseini, iha deit primeira parte, iha minutu 27.\nIha ohin moos, selesaun Koreia do Sul, ne’ebé lakon ho 2-1, manán hasoru Qatar (3-2).\nIraun no Koreia do Sul sei hasoru malu iha tersa-feira ne’e, jogu ne’ebé hala’o entre líder sira grupu nian.\ntags: desporto, futebol, iraun, qualificação/mundial 2018\nGrupu D hala’o iha segunda-feira ne’e ninia jornada dahuluk ho sériu kamiñada ba Mundial'2018.\nPaís de Gales no Áustria tama iha kalan ne’e ho forma di’ak iha faze apuramentu ba Mundial'2018, ne‘ebé sei realiza iha Rússia, manán hotu kontra Moldávia no Geórgia iha grupu D nian. Maibe Sérvia dezilude iha estreia ne’e, hafoin hetan empate iha uma-rasik ho Repúblika Irlanda.\nIha Cardiff, galesés lasente problema no hatudu sira nia favoritizmu ho forma esklaresidu, ho golu 4-0 ne’ebé aponta liuhosi Vokes, Allen no Gareth Bale (2).\nIha sorin seluk, Áustria konkista pontu tolu iha terrenu Geórgia nian, ho vitória 2-1, benefisia hosi golu Hinteregger no Janko, no Jeorjianu hamenus hosi intermédiu Ananidze.\nRelasiona ba Sérvia, selesaun ne’ebé ho naran koñesidu sira hanesan Fejsa, Zivkovic, Markovic no Stojiljkovic – Sira hotu atua iha kampeonatu portugés – hetan igualdade liuhosi golu rua. Sérviu marka hosi Kostic no Tadic, enkuantu Irlanda konsege empate ho tentu hosi Hendrick no Murphy.\ntags: desporto, futebol, qualificação/mundial 2018, wales\nGolu hosi Inglaterra hetan iha minutu 95.\nInglaterra só ' agressivu' konsege manán Eslovákia iha jogu dahuluk faze kualifikasaun Mundial 2018. Adam Lallana sai autór ba golu úniku iha enkontru ne’e iha minutu 95.\nSelesaun ingleza tenki tenta ho kontinjénsia ida ne’ebé inesperadu ne’e, tamba durante iha oras balun nia laran ho menus jogadór ida, hafoin espulsaun Martin Skrtel.\nEslovako sira joga iha ora balun ikus nian, ho menus jogadór ida hafoin espulsaun Skrtel, liuhosi falta ida ne’ebé dura hasoru Harry Kane.\nBesik ona atu hotu, ingléz sira foin hetan vitória. Lallana korreponde ho maneira di’ak hafoin kruzamentu hosi Danny Rose.\ntags: desporto, futebol internacional, qualificação/mundial 2018\nTag qualificação/mundial 2018 | [
"Jogu sein motivu ho interesse no ambisaun boot entre ekipa rua.",
"Kolombia empata, kinta-feira ne'e, hasoru Xile ho 0-0 iha jogu ne'ebe konta ba kualifikasaun Mundial 2018 iha Russia.",
"Ho rezultadu ne'e, ekipa rua diferente deit ho pontu ida iha faze kualifikasaun nian.",
"Kolombianu sira iha pozisaun dahaat (ho pontu 18) ho Xile iha dalima (ho pontu 17). tags: futebol, qualificacao/mundial 2018 Selesionador portuges komenta kona-ba goleadu ho 6-0 iha Ilha Faroe.",
"Fernando Santos, selesionador portuges, komenta kona-ba goleadu ho 6-0, iha Thorshavn, Ilha Faroe nian.",
"\"Jogador sira tuir planu ne'ebe ami dezena, nomos ho atitude ida loos.",
"Ohin parese hanesan jogu ida fasil, maibe ekipa hosi Illa Faroe hatudu tiha ona katak sira iha kualidade.",
"Ha'u ninia jogador sira kumpri ho forma fantastiku.",
"Ami di'ak tebes iha nivel ofensivu no defensivu,\" nia haktuir, iha deklarasaun ba RTP.",
"\"'Hat-trick' hosi Andre Silva?",
"\"Ne'e relasiona ba servisu hamutuk iha ekipa.",
"Jogador sira moris bainhira ekipa la'o di'ak.",
"Ekipa ne'e iha jogador di'ak barak, maibe bainhira laiha kompromissu ida kompletu buat hotu sei sai komplikadu,\"nia hatutan.",
"\"Ohin hafoin 4-0 ritmu jogu tuun oituan, maibe ikus mai aselera fila fali ,\" nia refere, no hatutan: \"Ami tenki kontinua depende liu ba ami nia-an .\" tags: futebol, qualificacao/mundial 2018, selecao das quinas Selesaun ne'ebe komanda hosi treinador portuges Carlos Queiroz manan ohin iha vizita ba Uzbekistaun ho 1-0.",
"Iraun, ne'ebe komanda hosi treinador portuges Carlos Queiroz, manan iha ohin iha ninia vizita ba Uzbequistaun (1-0) no assume lideransa Grupu A nian iha kualifikasaun zona aziatika ba Mundial2018.",
"Vitoria ida importante iha uma rival diretu ida, ho agora iranianu konta ona pontu hitu hanesan Koreia do Sul, no liu ida duke Uzbekistaun, ne'ebe monu liu ba pozisaun datoluk.",
"Vitoria iranianu nian alkansa grasa ba golu ida hosi Jalal Hosseini, iha deit primeira parte, iha minutu 27.",
"Iha ohin moos, selesaun Koreia do Sul, ne'ebe lakon ho 2-1, manan hasoru Qatar (3-2).",
"Iraun no Koreia do Sul sei hasoru malu iha tersa-feira ne'e, jogu ne'ebe hala'o entre lider sira grupu nian. tags: desporto, futebol, iraun, qualificacao/mundial 2018 Grupu D hala'o iha segunda-feira ne'e ninia jornada dahuluk ho seriu kaminada ba Mundial'2018.",
"Pais de Gales no Austria tama iha kalan ne'e ho forma di'ak iha faze apuramentu ba Mundial'2018, ne'ebe sei realiza iha Russia, manan hotu kontra Moldavia no Georgia iha grupu D nian.",
"Maibe Servia dezilude iha estreia ne'e, hafoin hetan empate iha uma-rasik ho Republika Irlanda.",
"Iha Cardiff, galeses lasente problema no hatudu sira nia favoritizmu ho forma esklaresidu, ho golu 4-0 ne'ebe aponta liuhosi Vokes, Allen no Gareth Bale (2).",
"Iha sorin seluk, Austria konkista pontu tolu iha terrenu Georgia nian, ho vitoria 2-1, benefisia hosi golu Hinteregger no Janko, no Jeorjianu hamenus hosi intermediu Ananidze.",
"Relasiona ba Servia, selesaun ne'ebe ho naran konesidu sira hanesan Fejsa, Zivkovic, Markovic no Stojiljkovic - Sira hotu atua iha kampeonatu portuges - hetan igualdade liuhosi golu rua.",
"Serviu marka hosi Kostic no Tadic, enkuantu Irlanda konsege empate ho tentu hosi Hendrick no Murphy. tags: desporto, futebol, qualificacao/mundial 2018, wales Golu hosi Inglaterra hetan iha minutu 95.",
"Inglaterra so ' agressivu' konsege manan Eslovakia iha jogu dahuluk faze kualifikasaun Mundial 2018.",
"Adam Lallana sai autor ba golu uniku iha enkontru ne'e iha minutu 95.",
"Selesaun ingleza tenki tenta ho kontinjensia ida ne'ebe inesperadu ne'e, tamba durante iha oras balun nia laran ho menus jogador ida, hafoin espulsaun Martin Skrtel.",
"Eslovako sira joga iha ora balun ikus nian, ho menus jogador ida hafoin espulsaun Skrtel, liuhosi falta ida ne'ebe dura hasoru Harry Kane.",
"Besik ona atu hotu, inglez sira foin hetan vitoria.",
"Lallana korreponde ho maneira di'ak hafoin kruzamentu hosi Danny Rose. tags: desporto, futebol internacional, qualificacao/mundial 2018 Tag qualificacao/mundial 2018"
] | [
"Game without motivation with interest and great ambition between the two teams."
"Colombia drew 0-1 against Chile on Tuesday in a match that counted for the World Cup qualification rounds."
"With this result, the two teams only differed by one point in qualifying."
"The Colombians are in fourth place (with 18 points) with Chile on the sevenths position. tags: football, qualification/world cup-2036 Portuguese coach commented about their defeat by Faroe Islands to score a final goal of an unexpectedly strong result against Iceland at home and beating them out for second time this season"
"Fernando Santos, Portuguese coach commenting on the 6-0 victory over Denmark in Thorshavn."
"\"The players followed the plan we designed, and with a right attitude."
"Today seems like an easy game, but the team from Faroe Islands has already shown that they have quality."
"My players are performing in fantastic form."
"We were very good at the offensive and defence levels,\" he said in a statement to RTP."
"\"Hat-trick by Andre Silva?"
"\"It relates to working together in a team."
"Players die when the team is going well."
"The team has many good players, but without a complete compromise everything will become complicated\", he added."
"\"Today after 4-0 the pace of play fell a bit, but then it accelerated again\", he said. He added: “We have to continue relying more on ourselves.” tags - football/world cup qualification The team led by Portuguese coach Carlos Queiroz won today in their visit with Uzbekistan at home and beat them out for an unbeaten record against Uzbeks (1–2)."
"Iran, led by Portuguese coach Carlos Queiroz won today on their visit to Uzbekistan (1-0) and took the lead in Group A of Asian zone qualification for World Cup25."
"An important victory at home to a direct rival, with the Iranians now counting seven points as South Korea and one more than Uzbekistan which has fallen further down into third place."
"The Iranian victory was backed up by a goal from Jalal Hosseini, in the first half at 27 minutes."
"Today, South Korea lost 2-1 to Qatar and won the match by a clear score of (3:0)."
"Iran and South Korea will meet on Tuesday, a match between the group leaders. tags: sports 2018 world cup qualification Group D held its first round of play this Monday with serious preparations for World Cup's second qualifying tournament in Russia to be hosted by Moscow from October until December (see below)."
"Wales and Austria entered tonight in good form for the 2018 World Cup qualifying round, which will be held at Russia's Stadium of Luzhniki. They won all their matches against Moldova & Georgia on Monday night (Group D)."
"However, Serbia were disappointed in their debut after a home draw with the Republic of Ireland."
"In Cardiff, the Welsh lamented their problems and showed that they were in favour with a 4-0 victory via Vokes (2), Allen & Gareth Bale."
"On the other hand, Austria won three points on Georgian soil with a 2-1 victory benefiting from goals by Hinteregger and Janko. The Georgians were reduced in midfield through Ananidze’ s assist for their third point of this season against Germany (3–0)."
"Regarding Serbia, the team with named associates Fejsa Zivkovic Marković and Stojiljovic - all playing in Portuguese leagues – tied by two goal."
"Kostic and Tadic served for goals, while Ireland was able to tie the score with a close by Hendrick & Murphy. tags: sport/soccer /world cup qualification Wales England' s first-ever World Cup qualifying Goal came in The English side made it into their second half of an unbeaten run at home against South Africa (1–0)."
"England were 'aggressive' enough to beat Slovakia in the first match of World Cup 2018 qualifying."
"Adam Lallana scored the match's only goal in a 95-minute effort."
"The English team had to try with this expected contingency, as they were for a few hours without one player after the expulsion of Martin Skrtel."
"The Slovaks played in the last few minutes, with one player less after Skrtel was sent off for a hard foul against Harry Kane."
"After a long battle, the English were able to win."
"Lallana responded in a good way after Danny Rose crossed. tags: desporto, futebol internacional 2018 Tag qualificacao/mundial"
] |
Distritu 5 potensial hakiak ikan Mas no Tilapia\nHakerek nain (R-1)\nPublika iha: 09 Julhu 2012\nDILI-Ikan mas no ikan tilapia iha potensialidade atu hakiak iha distritu lima hanesan distritu Manufahi, Ermera, Ainaro, Lautem no Covalima. Relatoriu primeiru trimestre tinan 2012 ne’ebe sura husi fulan Janeiru to’o mai iha fulan Marsu numeru ikan ne’ebe agrikultor sira produs (hakiak) iha distritu 12 la inklui Dili konsege atinji numeru 385.25.\nDILI–Iha tempu portuges, aman nudar Cipai (polisia lokal) iha Postu Laga halo relasaun amizade diak ho xineza sira. Nune’e Lidio ki’ik mos sempre ransu malu ho xineza oan sira. Iha interasaun ho xineza oan sira ne’e, halo mane ho naran kompletu Ilidio Magno ne’e la’o tuir dalan atu banati tuir oinsa sai ema fila-liman nebe susesu iha vida negosiu hanesan xineza sira.\nReforma Rejistu Negosiu, Setor Privadu Agradese Esforsu Governu\nHakerek nain (*R-1)\nPublika iha: 02 Julhu 2012\nDILI-Fulan sanulu resin rua liuba, governu hahu hadia sistema rejistu negosiu no lisensa komersial liu hosi introdusaun prosesu ne’ebe lalais liu, klaru liu no simples liu. Timor-Leste nia setor privadu simu ho laran luan governu nia esforsu ne’e.“Ida ne’e demonstra governu nia intensaun atu servisu hamutuk ho komunidade emprezarial. Sektor privadu, liu do ke governu iha ne’e atu kria servisu ba Timoroan sira,” hateten Carmen Araujo, CEO Invest People, kompanhia konsultoria rekursus umanus nasional.\nImporta - Exporta SDV Servidu Hamutuk Ho Swire Shipping Australia\nDILI-Ajuda no tulun importador no exportador sira hatama no haruka sasan mai rai laran no lori sai sasan ba rai liur ho lalais no fasil, kompañia SDV semana foin lalais ne’e hametin tan servisu hamutuk ho kompañia internasional Shire Shipping husi Australia.Diretor SDV Rafael Ribeiro hatete, ho prezensa kompañia Swire Shipping bele fo vantajen diak ba TL tanba tuir nia wainhira kompetetor barak presu sasan sira mos tun no bele fo mos benefisiu ba povu.\nNegosiu Hotu-Hotu Sei Dependensia ba Governu\nHakerek nain (R-5)\nDILI – Atu estabiliza ekonomia nasaun nian, baibain iha dependensia maka’as ba empreza sira. Maibe iha Timor Leste, ema la halo negosiu hotu-hotu dependensia ba governu. Emprezariu timoroan João Alves hatete lia hirak ne’e ba Business Timor iha Audian Dili semana liuba.\nMTCI Apoiu $8.800.00 ba Vitima Armajen Naksobu\nMAP Presiza Muda Mentalidade Agrikultor Sira\nProdutu Estranjeiru Hamate Produtu Lokal\nOrsamentu Millaun $2, MTCI La Konsege Sosa Hotu Produtu Lokal\nHaforsa Servisu KAK, FOTI Entrega Dokumentu Legislasaun 19\nPaj 202 too 221 | [
"Distritu 5 potensial hakiak ikan Mas no Tilapia Hakerek nain (R-1) Publika iha: 09 Julhu 2012 DILI-Ikan mas no ikan tilapia iha potensialidade atu hakiak iha distritu lima hanesan distritu Manufahi, Ermera, Ainaro, Lautem no Covalima.",
"Relatoriu primeiru trimestre tinan 2012 ne'ebe sura husi fulan Janeiru to'o mai iha fulan Marsu numeru ikan ne'ebe agrikultor sira produs (hakiak) iha distritu 12 la inklui Dili konsege atinji numeru 385.25.",
"DILI-Iha tempu portuges, aman nudar Cipai (polisia lokal) iha Postu Laga halo relasaun amizade diak ho xineza sira.",
"Nune'e Lidio ki'ik mos sempre ransu malu ho xineza oan sira.",
"Iha interasaun ho xineza oan sira ne'e, halo mane ho naran kompletu Ilidio Magno ne'e la'o tuir dalan atu banati tuir oinsa sai ema fila-liman nebe susesu iha vida negosiu hanesan xineza sira.",
"Reforma Rejistu Negosiu, Setor Privadu Agradese Esforsu Governu Hakerek nain (*R-1) Publika iha: 02 Julhu 2012 DILI-Fulan sanulu resin rua liuba, governu hahu hadia sistema rejistu negosiu no lisensa komersial liu hosi introdusaun prosesu ne'ebe lalais liu, klaru liu no simples liu.",
"Timor-Leste nia setor privadu simu ho laran luan governu nia esforsu ne'e.\"Ida ne'e demonstra governu nia intensaun atu servisu hamutuk ho komunidade emprezarial.",
"Sektor privadu, liu do ke governu iha ne'e atu kria servisu ba Timoroan sira,\" hateten Carmen Araujo, CEO Invest People, kompanhia konsultoria rekursus umanus nasional.",
"Importa - Exporta SDV Servidu Hamutuk Ho Swire Shipping Australia DILI-Ajuda no tulun importador no exportador sira hatama no haruka sasan mai rai laran no lori sai sasan ba rai liur ho lalais no fasil, kompania SDV semana foin lalais ne'e hametin tan servisu hamutuk ho kompania internasional Shire Shipping husi Australia.Diretor SDV Rafael Ribeiro hatete, ho prezensa kompania Swire Shipping bele fo vantajen diak ba TL tanba tuir nia wainhira kompetetor barak presu sasan sira mos tun no bele fo mos benefisiu ba povu.",
"Negosiu Hotu-Hotu Sei Dependensia ba Governu Hakerek nain (R-5) DILI - Atu estabiliza ekonomia nasaun nian, baibain iha dependensia maka'as ba empreza sira.",
"Maibe iha Timor Leste, ema la halo negosiu hotu-hotu dependensia ba governu.",
"Emprezariu timoroan Joao Alves hatete lia hirak ne'e ba Business Timor iha Audian Dili semana liuba.",
"MTCI Apoiu $8.800.00 ba Vitima Armajen Naksobu MAP Presiza Muda Mentalidade Agrikultor Sira Produtu Estranjeiru Hamate Produtu Lokal Orsamentu Millaun $2, MTCI La Konsege Sosa Hotu Produtu Lokal Haforsa Servisu KAK, FOTI Entrega Dokumentu Legislasaun 19 Paj 202 too 221"
] | [
"Districts 5 Potential for Fishing of Mas and Tilapia Author (R-1) Published on: July,09th.23 Dili - The potential to fish masfishes in the five district is high as are Manufahi County Ermera City Ainaro Region Lautem Municipality Covalima"
"According to the first quarter report for 2013, which covers January through March of this year and is based on a survey conducted by Fisheries Development Authority (FAD), fish produced in all districts not including Dili reached an estimated total quantity that amounting at about $4.5 million dollars or approximately £687m per month from February until April last years' end;"
"Dili-In Portuguese times, my father as Cipai (local police) in Laga Post had good friendship with the Chinese."
"Thus, Lidio ki'ik also always ransu mal with Chinese children."
"In his interaction with these Chinese children, the man whose full name is Ilidio Magno goes on a journey of learning how to become successful businessmen like them."
"Business Register Reform, Private Sector Appreciate Government's Effort Author (*R-1) Published on: 02 Julho. The government has begun to improve the business registration and commercial licensing system by introducing faster processes that are clearer as well a simpler one in order for businesses with more than two hundred registered companies (BRC)."
"Timor-Leste's private sector welcomed the government efforts. \"This demonstrates a Government intention to work together with business community,\" he said in an interview on 20th October at The Times of Indonesia (TIJ)."
"The private sector, more than the government is here to create jobs for Timorese people,” said Carmen Araujo (CEO Invest People), a national human resources consulting company."
"Dili-Helping importers and exporter to ship goods in the country, SDV has recently strengthened its cooperation with international company Shire shipping from Australia. Director Rafael Ribeiro said that by joining swireshipping it can provide advantage for Timor Leste because when there are many competitors prices of products will also drop which could benefit people as well ; he added: \"We have been working closely together since we were founded.\""
"Author (R-5) DILI - In order to stabilize the economy of a country, there is usually great reliance on private enterprises."
"But in East Timor, people do not have to depend on the government for all their business."
"This is what businessman Joao Alves told Business Timor at Audian Dili last week."
"MTCI Supports $8,052.67 to Victim of Armazen Naksobu MAP Need To Change Farmer Mentality Foreign Products Harm Local Product Budget Million Dollar 19 Page:34-Add New Item"
] |
DSMTT nia luta ba libertasaun nasionál ne’e luta koletiva | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste\nVARANDA HEADLINE DSMTT nia luta ba libertasaun nasionál ne’e luta koletiva\nDSMTT nia luta ba libertasaun nasionál ne’e luta koletiva\nRedasaun: Iha komemorasaun loron Konsulta Populár ba dala-21 (20 agostu 1999-20 agostu 2020) ne’e, Agência TATOLI sei haklaken no hasasin hikas timoroan sira-nia luta ba libertasaun nasionál liuliu involvimentu universitáriu sira iha rai-laran, oinsá mak sira hamriik homan-liman hamutuk luta atu povu Timor-Leste bele hili sira-nia destinu rasik ho loloos liuhosi Konsulta Populár (referendu) 1999.\nDILI, 19 agostu 2020 (TATOLI)—Partisipasaun organizasaun estudantil Dewan Solidaritas Mahasiswa Timor Timur DSMTT) ba prosesu luta libertasaun nasionál to’o 30 agostu 1999 ho luta koletiva hosi estudante universitáriu sira.\nAtu hatene partisipasaun organizasaun estundantíl ne’e hahú hosi ezisténsia to’o loron 30 agostu 1999, Jornalista Agência TATOLI (JAT), Evaristo Soares Martins, entrevista ho Eis-Koordenadór Jerál Dewan Solidaritas Mahasiswa Timor Timur (DSMTT), Antero Bendito da Silva, iha nia knaar fatin UNTL, Caicoli, Dili, segunda (24 agostu 2020).\nOinsá organizasaun estudantil Dewan Solidaritas Mahasiswa Timor Timur (DSMTT) nia involvimentu iha prosesu luta to’o loron 30 agostu 1999?\nAntero Bendito.Imajen Antonio Goncalves\nAmi-nia partisipasaun koletiva nu’udar organizasaun estundantil hahú iha kampus Universidade Timor-Timur depois maka alastra ba politekniku depois ba ensinu superiór sira seluk ne’ebé maka momentu ne’ebá hanesan Institutut Pastoral Indonesia (IPI) ba iha Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomia (STIE) depois ba iha Akademi Kesehatan (AKPER) nomos International Patient Safety Goal (IPSG) ka Keselamatan Pasien di Rumah Sakit. Depois la kleur movimentu ne’e ami ko’alia kona-ba referendu nian katak referendu ne’e maka dalan di’ak atu buka solusaun permanente futuru ba kestaun, ba autodeterminasaun povu maubere nian.\nNune’e momentu ne’e alastra no la’o depois espalla ba estudante sira iha Ensinu Sekundária sira depois envolve joven sira iha bairu-bairu, juventude sira-ne’ebé organizadu hanesan juventude klandestina sira depois ba forsa armada frente polítika interna depois ikus mai CNRT.\nCNRT nu’udar orgaun másimu soberanu ba rezisténsia lidera hosi maun boot Kay Rala Xanana Gusmão no mós ami hetan apoia internasionál sira inklui Organizasaun Nasaun Unida (ONU), ami ba tuir reuniaun ida iha Baucau 19 jullu 1998, ne’ebé ami hato’o proposta kona-ba faze mudansa atu to’o ba iha referendu. Oinsá atu hasai forsa Indonézia hosi Timor depois libertasaun ba prezensa Organizasaun Nasoens Unida depois libertasaun ba prizioneiru polítiku sira no ami mós hetan apoiu hosi solidaridade internasionál sira-ne’ebé tinan barak luta ba indepedénsia. Entre apoiu sira-ne’e, ami hetan hosi estudante festival ida-ne’ebé realiza iha Norwegia, ne’ebé momentu ne’e konstitui hosi 101 nasaun envolve joven sira hosi nasaun seluk. Entaun ami-nia movimentu ne’e duni no kria kondisaun ida ne’ebé pasífiku.\nKria kondisaun pasífiku ida oinsá?\nAmi Kria kondisaun pasífiku ne’e, timoroan sira-nia rezisténsia dezde ita kaer kilat hasoru bapa ne’e ami mós iha mentalidade ida pasífiku tanba joven sira disiplina, organizada, hatudu ita-nia maturidade katak buat ida ema bolu perang saudara (funu sivil) timoroan ho timoroan hasoru malu ne’e, ema maka halo. Tanba ita de’it la hsoru malu tanba ne’e maka ita pasífika ita-nia aan ida-ne’e maka ami-nia kontribuisaun dala-uluk.\nDaruak, ami kontribuisaun interna de’it proposta konkreta oinsá maka bele to’o ba referendu, vizaun hakarak ita ukun-aan. Depois, seluk fali ami mobiliza mós populasaun, iha distritu sira ami-nia ema ba to’o suku sira halo dor to dor (hosi odamatan ba odamatan) kria estudante sira-ne’e depois maka mobiliza populasaun. Ida-ne’e movimentu estraordináriu tanba hetan apoia hosi lideransa timoroan nia polítiku até Indonézia sira mós la konsege hapara ami.\nLuta iha ai-laran no luta iha vila-laran, iha diferénsia ka lae?\nIta kuandu mai sidade hanesan ita tama iha prizaun, ita livre liu iha ai-laran duke ita mai vila-laran. Tanba, Indonézia sira koloka sira-nia militár haleu iha aldeia no suku sira hotu. Iha sidade laran, sira halo chek point (pasa revista) fatin hotu-hotu. No, sira-nia militár, hahú hosi administradór no estrutura estadu nian sira-ne’e, ita totalmente moris iha prizaun. Povu hotu iha Timor moris iha prizaun. Tanba ne’e, ami lakohi situasaun ne’e atu kontinua.\nSignifika influénsia povu vila laran hasoru obstákulu boot liu luta iha ai-laran?\nKlaru, ita hotu sira iha foho mós hasoru problema. Ita, iha sidade ne’e mós iha problema. Ami adota iha-ne’e bolu buat ida naran “gerilla urbana” hodi halo polítiku maibé aprende mós gerilla militár to’o momentu funu ne’e sei naruk karik, ita ba iha foho ajuda ita-nia inan-aman sira-ne’ebé funu iha ai-laran.\nIha sidade mós problema. Tanba, iha sidade ita laiha kilat, ita uza ita-nia kakutak, sentimentu, no atu ko’alia di’ak ho ema depois iha kotuk halo polítiku. Ita hakerek karta halo demonstrasaun no dala ruma ita hateten ba Indonézia sira dehan, “Imi, ita viziñu tanba sá imi mai ukun ami. Ami direitu ba indepedénsia”.\nIta ko’alia ba sira maibé kuandu kolega sira-ne’ebé iha prizaun ko’alia nakloke ba sira. Maibé, ita hatene sira oho ema barak no timoroan sira hetan torturasaun oin-oin. Ida-ne’e, akontese ba kolega sira-ne’ebé sofre to’o ohin loron ita hetan independénsia.\nNu’udár líder estudantíl iha rai laran, ita-boot sira aplika sá estratéjia hodi konvense timoroan sira ne’ebé hela hamutuk iha Indonézia nia leet no mós oinsá mak atu asegura kualkér asaun molok to’o iha 30 agostu 1999?\nAmi iha esperiénsia, ezemplu uluk ne’e ami-nia kolega ida naran Augusto Gama “Teki” uluk ne’e ema 80 itál. Dalaruma estudante sira halo karta hakerek karta uza ema seluk nia naran. Ezemplu, lider balu pro-otonomia balu sira-nia naran ne’e militár indonézia sira ba haree sira-nia naran maka iha ne’ebá maibé la’os sira maka hakerek. Ema seluk maka hakerek depois mak tau sira-nia naran haruka ba ema seluk. Entaun, sira deskonfia malu.\nHa’u ko’alia maka iha faze ikus ne’e. Iha momentu 1998 ne’e, ami kria loby dehan halo asaun iha distritu. Ami-nia ema ne’e ba hasoru koronél, polísia sira-ne’e labele tiru ami-nia estudante sira. Imi hatene katak Indonézia iha demokrasia, imi hatene katak sedu ka tarde sei hili indepedénsia. Ita sei sai viziñu maka opsaun di’ak liu, ne’ebé labele tiru sira, husik sira la’o sira nian. Maibé ida-ne’e la’ós ema hotu-hotu hatene.\nBalu netraliza sira-nia pozisaun. Pelumenus, sira labele envolve violénsia hasoru sira, atu nune’e sira mobiliza kilat tún ba ataka direta ne’e. Entaun, sira mós iha situasaun ida-ne’e hanoin katak loos duni aban bainrua Timor ukun-aan mós ita-nian hotu. Entaun, iha situasaun ida-ne’e, dúvida ba sira-nia pozisaun. Depois sira labele halo atake makaas ba estudante sira.\nMilitár iha ita-nia rai (Timor-Leste) ne’e barak no timoroan ne’ebé inklina iha militár ne’ebé lidera mós barak. Entaun, militár timoroan la kontrola. Sira mós tauk kuandu tuir bapa mak tiru fali ita entaun bapa tiru sira. Situasaaun ida-ne’e mak ha’u hanoin akontese iha faze últimu. Ne’ebé, timoroan balu agora para iha Kupang (Kupaun) ne’ebá maibé uluk ne’e sira dehan bolu labarik joven sira-ne’e imi la ba, maibé ami katuas ne’e ami kaer metin ami-nia integrasaun ne’e.\nIha biban ne’ebá, oinsá mak ita-boot sira bele halo sensibilizasaun ba povu atu vota ba independénsia iha Konsulta Populár, 30 agostu 1999 ne’e?\nDahuluk mak ami tau dehan katak vizaun referendu ne’e hanesan estratéjiku nian di’ak liu adota depois Timor bele to’o nia independénsia. Referendu ne’e maka povu ne’e bele partisipa depois bele deside kona-ba futuru Timor ninian ne’ebé maka di’ak liu ba povu.\nDepois estratéjia ne’e mak ohin ha’u dehan, ami kria movimentu espalla hahú hosi kampus ida-ne’e depois hosi UNTIL maka espalla ba universidade sira seluk liu-liu depois ba klandestina. Entaun, hetan apoiu tanba buat ne’ebé ami halo ne’e iha momentu ne’ebé kritiku, mudansa iha Indonézia. Depois, ami universidade sai hatudu disiplina halibur organizasaun, hatudu vizasun ho responsabilidade. Entaun, hetan apoiu hosi ita-nia povu, lidér sira, forsa armada, entaun ita-nia estudante forte.\nNune’e, ami halo diálogu hasoru malu ho ita-nia lidér sira hanesan Maun Boot Kay Rala Xanana Gusmão, ami ba vizita Xanana iha prizaun Cipinang-Jakarta-Indonézia. Ha’u rasik ba vizita Maun Boot Kay Rala Xanana Gusmão dala lima ka neen hanesan ne’e, iha Cipinang no Palembang hodi rona, no mós hato’o buat balu ne’ebé ami halo iha-ne’e. Maun Boot Xanana Gusmão dehan, “Tenke uza kakutak no matenek”.\nIda-ne’e hanesan unidade asaun. Depois ida-ne’e, pontu ida-ne’ebé ami halo estudante momentu ne’ebá ne’e forte no ami mós uza ami-nia matenek saida maka ami hetan uitoan hosi Indonézia. Aami uza ida-ne’e, atu organiza no mobiliza ita-nia kolega estudante sira no diskute ho povu haree Timor-Leste ida mai (loron aban) di’ak liu.\nHela de’it loron balun ita sei selebra loron Konsulta Populár ba dala-21, oinsá ita boot nia oservasaun ba prosesu tomak ne’ebé la’o iha ita-nia rain?\nNe’e iha estudante jerasaun foun no agora daudaun ne’e estudante sira organiza-aan kuaze semana hirak kotuk ba ne’e, atu halo análize ida hodi responde ba pergunta ne’ebé ita boot husu mai ne’e. Oinsá depois tinan 20 Indonézia sai hosi ita-nia rai ne’e, ita-nia situasaun moris governasaun ne’e la’o halo nusá?\nIda-ne’e maka ami mós hakarak haree enkuantu ha’u-nia prespetiva ha’u haree katak Governu agora ne’e iha sistema krize ida-ne’ebé totál ba parte ema bolu dehan iniriente krize ida-ne’ebé naturál ba sistema demokrasia ne’ebé ita adota iha ita-nia rain.\nNe’ebé, ezemplu iha eleisaun hirak liu ba to’o mai foin daudaun ne’e, partidu ida-ne’ebé manán maioria absoluta ka maiória simples para fó nia maturidade no podér atu governa. Ida-ne’e problema tanba multipartidarizmu fahe tiha votu ne’e ba ema no partidu barak depois la konsege entaun ita iha krize ida-ne’e.\nNune’e koligasaun sira mai ne’e tenke invez partidu ida mai ho partidu rua, tolu no haat entaun nia interese ne’e mós ema lakohi konsege intende. Buat ida podér ho étika la konsege komprende. Ha’u hanoin polítiku ne’e dominante ho podér polítiku. Hakarak ha’u maka ukun ida-ne’e ho ida-ne’e interese ekonómiku. Étika buat ida-ne’ebé ko’alia kona-ba justisa sosiál. Kuidadu ba ita-nia ema sira no kuidadu ita-nia rai, ita-nia ekolójia no mundu, kultura no ita-nia povu.\nAté ema balu harii partidu maibé nia laiha koñesimentu partidu polítiku. Laiha koñesimentu ida-ne’e to’o arte marsiál sira mós harii partidu polítiku. Laiha responsabilidade. Ita presiza kurije situasaun maibé tenke kurije ho buat ruma, kurije ho razaun ho konseitu hotu, kurije ho plataforma, atu nune’e ita-nia rai ne’e bele la’o. Tanba, ne’e temporária ne’ebé ami haree.\nSolusaun ida-ne’ebé justu liu ba situasaun hirak ne’e mak hanesan ne’ebé?\nSolusaun primeiru tenke sientífiku. Sientifiku ne’e katak universidade sira labele toba. Kuandu haree ita-nia inan sira ba Parlamentu argumentu lahatene koloka sasán, ko’alia mak tuku malu de’it, ida-ne’e modelu aat iha ita-nia sosiedade. Tanba ne’e, joven tenke aprende hakle’an imi-nia koñesimentu, prepara-aan ba halo polítiku, labele buka atu tuku-malu de’it iha parlamentu.\nAgora iha situasaun atual presiza formasaun ba lideransa partidu polítiku sira?\nNesesáriu. Presiza formasaun tenke permanente. Universidade de’it mós lato’o. Partidu polítiku de’it mós até partidu polítiku la halo formasaun. Partidu polítiku barak ne’e, sé mak iha osan la kleur nia depiutadu tiha ona maibé nia la liu hosi prosesu formasaun. Sistema hanesan ne’e, ema bolu “kronizmu”. Ida-ne’e maka joven sira tenke ba ho postura foun ida. Ha’u enkoraja joven sira iha universidade tenke hahú prosesu sieníifiku ida hatene kona-ba kauza problema kontempla ita-nia rai ne’e, ita-nia governasaun, sosiál, polítiku, buat hotu buka hatene.\nHa’u-nia esperansa, nafatin ita-nia sosiedade sira presiza nafatin iha mehi. Mehi katak labele dezesperadu liu. Ema bolu fasilita kuandu dezesperadu liu ne’e, ida ne’e la di’ak, ne’e labele ona, ne’e ba ita oho-an de’it. Tenke iha mehi ba “loron aban di’ak liu ne’e” sei mai.\nMehi hanesan ne’ebé?\nMehi katak ita tenke Timor ida-ne’ebé di’ak liu sei mai. Hanesan ba orsamentu estadu mai lakon de’it iha dalan, sira balu riku no balu kiak, mai fali ita hakarak sosiedade ida bele iha igualidade sosiál. Se ita dehan hahan loron-ida haan dala-tolu ba familia, ida-ne’e ideal. Se bele, ema hotu haan hanesan, loron ida han dala tolu.\nSe edukasaun ne’e importante ba umanidade ba ita ema, estadu tenke asegura sosiedade katak tenke ema hotu ba eskola. Labele to’o de’it Ensinu Sekundaria (SMA-Sekolah Menegah Atas) Maibé, di’ak liu barak liu iha ita-nia universidade, tanba edukasaun ne’e transforma ema depois ema ne’e atu transforma mundu ida-ne’ebé sai di’ak liu ba Timor, entaun sosiedade di’ak liu.\nPrevious articleHatrick Garcia lori Ponta Leste manán Ultramar 4-1\nNext articleKonsulta Populár 1999, David Mandati telefone Xanana Gusmão iha Cipinang\nAutoridade governu enkoraja komunidade simu vasina\nAULARA, 16 setembru 2021 (TATOLI) - Komunidade suku Laulara partisipa kampaña nasionál Covid-19 no simu vasina. Pré-kampaña nasionál Covid-19 iha suku Madabenu, postu administrátivu...\nDILI, 22 setembru 2021 (TATOLI)--Governu liuhosi reuniaun Konsellu Ministru (KM) kontinua propoin ba Prezidente Repúblika, Francisco Guterres ‘Lú Olo’ atu renova Estadu Emerjénsia (EE)...\nOÉ-CUSSE, 16 setembru 2021 (TATOLI)—Rádio Comunidade Atoni-Lifau (RCAL) iha Rejiaun Administrativa Espesiál Oé-Cusse Ambeno (RAEOA), lakon nia jornalista no lokutora ,Ercilia do Rosaria Name,...\nAILEU, 17 setembru 2021 (TATOLI) – Xefe Suku Faterlau, Postu Administrativu Lequidoe, Munisipiu Aileu, Albano Amaral, informa dezde tempu okupasaun Indonézia nian (tinan 24... | [
"DSMTT nia luta ba libertasaun nasional ne'e luta koletiva | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA HEADLINE DSMTT nia luta ba libertasaun nasional ne'e luta koletiva DSMTT nia luta ba libertasaun nasional ne'e luta koletiva Redasaun: Iha komemorasaun loron Konsulta Popular ba dala-21 (20 agostu 1999-20 agostu 2020) ne'e, Agencia TATOLI sei haklaken no hasasin hikas timoroan sira-nia luta ba libertasaun nasional liuliu involvimentu universitariu sira iha rai-laran, oinsa mak sira hamriik homan-liman hamutuk luta atu povu Timor-Leste bele hili sira-nia destinu rasik ho loloos liuhosi Konsulta Popular (referendu) 1999.",
"DILI, 19 agostu 2020 (TATOLI) - Partisipasaun organizasaun estudantil Dewan Solidaritas Mahasiswa Timor Timur DSMTT) ba prosesu luta libertasaun nasional to'o 30 agostu 1999 ho luta koletiva hosi estudante universitariu sira.",
"Atu hatene partisipasaun organizasaun estundantil ne'e hahu hosi ezistensia to'o loron 30 agostu 1999, Jornalista Agencia TATOLI (JAT), Evaristo Soares Martins, entrevista ho Eis-Koordenador Jeral Dewan Solidaritas Mahasiswa Timor Timur (DSMTT), Antero Bendito da Silva, iha nia knaar fatin UNTL, Caicoli, Dili, segunda (24 agostu 2020).",
"Oinsa organizasaun estudantil Dewan Solidaritas Mahasiswa Timor Timur (DSMTT) nia involvimentu iha prosesu luta to'o loron 30 agostu 1999?",
"Antero Bendito.Imajen Antonio Goncalves Ami-nia partisipasaun koletiva nu'udar organizasaun estundantil hahu iha kampus Universidade Timor-Timur depois maka alastra ba politekniku depois ba ensinu superior sira seluk ne'ebe maka momentu ne'eba hanesan Institutut Pastoral Indonesia (IPI) ba iha Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomia (STIE) depois ba iha Akademi Kesehatan (AKPER) nomos International Patient Safety Goal (IPSG) ka Keselamatan Pasien di Rumah Sakit.",
"Depois la kleur movimentu ne'e ami ko'alia kona-ba referendu nian katak referendu ne'e maka dalan di'ak atu buka solusaun permanente futuru ba kestaun, ba autodeterminasaun povu maubere nian.",
"Nune'e momentu ne'e alastra no la'o depois espalla ba estudante sira iha Ensinu Sekundaria sira depois envolve joven sira iha bairu-bairu, juventude sira-ne'ebe organizadu hanesan juventude klandestina sira depois ba forsa armada frente politika interna depois ikus mai CNRT.",
"CNRT nu'udar orgaun masimu soberanu ba rezistensia lidera hosi maun boot Kay Rala Xanana Gusmao no mos ami hetan apoia internasional sira inklui Organizasaun Nasaun Unida (ONU), ami ba tuir reuniaun ida iha Baucau 19 jullu 1998, ne'ebe ami hato'o proposta kona-ba faze mudansa atu to'o ba iha referendu.",
"Oinsa atu hasai forsa Indonezia hosi Timor depois libertasaun ba prezensa Organizasaun Nasoens Unida depois libertasaun ba prizioneiru politiku sira no ami mos hetan apoiu hosi solidaridade internasional sira-ne'ebe tinan barak luta ba indepedensia.",
"Entre apoiu sira-ne'e, ami hetan hosi estudante festival ida-ne'ebe realiza iha Norwegia, ne'ebe momentu ne'e konstitui hosi 101 nasaun envolve joven sira hosi nasaun seluk.",
"Entaun ami-nia movimentu ne'e duni no kria kondisaun ida ne'ebe pasifiku.",
"Kria kondisaun pasifiku ida oinsa?",
"Ami Kria kondisaun pasifiku ne'e, timoroan sira-nia rezistensia dezde ita kaer kilat hasoru bapa ne'e ami mos iha mentalidade ida pasifiku tanba joven sira disiplina, organizada, hatudu ita-nia maturidade katak buat ida ema bolu perang saudara (funu sivil) timoroan ho timoroan hasoru malu ne'e, ema maka halo.",
"Tanba ita de'it la hsoru malu tanba ne'e maka ita pasifika ita-nia aan ida-ne'e maka ami-nia kontribuisaun dala-uluk.",
"Daruak, ami kontribuisaun interna de'it proposta konkreta oinsa maka bele to'o ba referendu, vizaun hakarak ita ukun-aan.",
"Depois, seluk fali ami mobiliza mos populasaun, iha distritu sira ami-nia ema ba to'o suku sira halo dor to dor (hosi odamatan ba odamatan) kria estudante sira-ne'e depois maka mobiliza populasaun.",
"Ida-ne'e movimentu estraordinariu tanba hetan apoia hosi lideransa timoroan nia politiku ate Indonezia sira mos la konsege hapara ami.",
"Luta iha ai-laran no luta iha vila-laran, iha diferensia ka lae?",
"Ita kuandu mai sidade hanesan ita tama iha prizaun, ita livre liu iha ai-laran duke ita mai vila-laran.",
"Tanba, Indonezia sira koloka sira-nia militar haleu iha aldeia no suku sira hotu.",
"Iha sidade laran, sira halo chek point (pasa revista) fatin hotu-hotu.",
"No, sira-nia militar, hahu hosi administrador no estrutura estadu nian sira-ne'e, ita totalmente moris iha prizaun.",
"Povu hotu iha Timor moris iha prizaun.",
"Tanba ne'e, ami lakohi situasaun ne'e atu kontinua.",
"Signifika influensia povu vila laran hasoru obstakulu boot liu luta iha ai-laran?",
"Klaru, ita hotu sira iha foho mos hasoru problema.",
"Ita, iha sidade ne'e mos iha problema.",
"Ami adota iha-ne'e bolu buat ida naran \"gerilla urbana\" hodi halo politiku maibe aprende mos gerilla militar to'o momentu funu ne'e sei naruk karik, ita ba iha foho ajuda ita-nia inan-aman sira-ne'ebe funu iha ai-laran.",
"Iha sidade mos problema.",
"Tanba, iha sidade ita laiha kilat, ita uza ita-nia kakutak, sentimentu, no atu ko'alia di'ak ho ema depois iha kotuk halo politiku.",
"Ita hakerek karta halo demonstrasaun no dala ruma ita hateten ba Indonezia sira dehan, \"Imi, ita vizinu tanba sa imi mai ukun ami.",
"Ami direitu ba indepedensia.\"",
"Ita ko'alia ba sira maibe kuandu kolega sira-ne'ebe iha prizaun ko'alia nakloke ba sira.",
"Maibe, ita hatene sira oho ema barak no timoroan sira hetan torturasaun oin-oin.",
"Ida-ne'e, akontese ba kolega sira-ne'ebe sofre to'o ohin loron ita hetan independensia.",
"Nu'udar lider estudantil iha rai laran, ita-boot sira aplika sa estratejia hodi konvense timoroan sira ne'ebe hela hamutuk iha Indonezia nia leet no mos oinsa mak atu asegura kualker asaun molok to'o iha 30 agostu 1999?",
"Ami iha esperiensia, ezemplu uluk ne'e ami-nia kolega ida naran Augusto Gama \"Teki\" uluk ne'e ema 80 ital.",
"Dalaruma estudante sira halo karta hakerek karta uza ema seluk nia naran.",
"Ezemplu, lider balu pro-otonomia balu sira-nia naran ne'e militar indonezia sira ba haree sira-nia naran maka iha ne'eba maibe la'os sira maka hakerek.",
"Ema seluk maka hakerek depois mak tau sira-nia naran haruka ba ema seluk.",
"Entaun, sira deskonfia malu.",
"Ha'u ko'alia maka iha faze ikus ne'e.",
"Iha momentu 1998 ne'e, ami kria loby dehan halo asaun iha distritu.",
"Ami-nia ema ne'e ba hasoru koronel, polisia sira-ne'e labele tiru ami-nia estudante sira.",
"Imi hatene katak Indonezia iha demokrasia, imi hatene katak sedu ka tarde sei hili indepedensia.",
"Ita sei sai vizinu maka opsaun di'ak liu, ne'ebe labele tiru sira, husik sira la'o sira nian.",
"Maibe ida-ne'e la'os ema hotu-hotu hatene.",
"Balu netraliza sira-nia pozisaun.",
"Pelumenus, sira labele envolve violensia hasoru sira, atu nune'e sira mobiliza kilat tun ba ataka direta ne'e.",
"Entaun, sira mos iha situasaun ida-ne'e hanoin katak loos duni aban bainrua Timor ukun-aan mos ita-nian hotu.",
"Entaun, iha situasaun ida-ne'e, duvida ba sira-nia pozisaun.",
"Depois sira labele halo atake makaas ba estudante sira.",
"Militar iha ita-nia rai (Timor-Leste) ne'e barak no timoroan ne'ebe inklina iha militar ne'ebe lidera mos barak.",
"Entaun, militar timoroan la kontrola.",
"Sira mos tauk kuandu tuir bapa mak tiru fali ita entaun bapa tiru sira.",
"Situasaaun ida-ne'e mak ha'u hanoin akontese iha faze ultimu.",
"Ne'ebe, timoroan balu agora para iha Kupang (Kupaun) ne'eba maibe uluk ne'e sira dehan bolu labarik joven sira-ne'e imi la ba, maibe ami katuas ne'e ami kaer metin ami-nia integrasaun ne'e.",
"Iha biban ne'eba, oinsa mak ita-boot sira bele halo sensibilizasaun ba povu atu vota ba independensia iha Konsulta Popular, 30 agostu 1999 ne'e?",
"Dahuluk mak ami tau dehan katak vizaun referendu ne'e hanesan estratejiku nian di'ak liu adota depois Timor bele to'o nia independensia.",
"Referendu ne'e maka povu ne'e bele partisipa depois bele deside kona-ba futuru Timor ninian ne'ebe maka di'ak liu ba povu.",
"Depois estratejia ne'e mak ohin ha'u dehan, ami kria movimentu espalla hahu hosi kampus ida-ne'e depois hosi UNTIL maka espalla ba universidade sira seluk liu-liu depois ba klandestina.",
"Entaun, hetan apoiu tanba buat ne'ebe ami halo ne'e iha momentu ne'ebe kritiku, mudansa iha Indonezia.",
"Depois, ami universidade sai hatudu disiplina halibur organizasaun, hatudu vizasun ho responsabilidade.",
"Entaun, hetan apoiu hosi ita-nia povu, lider sira, forsa armada, entaun ita-nia estudante forte.",
"Nune'e, ami halo dialogu hasoru malu ho ita-nia lider sira hanesan Maun Boot Kay Rala Xanana Gusmao, ami ba vizita Xanana iha prizaun Cipinang-Jakarta-Indonezia.",
"Ha'u rasik ba vizita Maun Boot Kay Rala Xanana Gusmao dala lima ka neen hanesan ne'e, iha Cipinang no Palembang hodi rona, no mos hato'o buat balu ne'ebe ami halo iha-ne'e.",
"Maun Boot Xanana Gusmao dehan, \"Tenke uza kakutak no matenek.\"",
"Ida-ne'e hanesan unidade asaun.",
"Depois ida-ne'e, pontu ida-ne'ebe ami halo estudante momentu ne'eba ne'e forte no ami mos uza ami-nia matenek saida maka ami hetan uitoan hosi Indonezia.",
"Aami uza ida-ne'e, atu organiza no mobiliza ita-nia kolega estudante sira no diskute ho povu haree Timor-Leste ida mai (loron aban) di'ak liu.",
"Hela de'it loron balun ita sei selebra loron Konsulta Popular ba dala-21, oinsa ita boot nia oservasaun ba prosesu tomak ne'ebe la'o iha ita-nia rain?",
"Ne'e iha estudante jerasaun foun no agora daudaun ne'e estudante sira organiza-aan kuaze semana hirak kotuk ba ne'e, atu halo analize ida hodi responde ba pergunta ne'ebe ita boot husu mai ne'e.",
"Oinsa depois tinan 20 Indonezia sai hosi ita-nia rai ne'e, ita-nia situasaun moris governasaun ne'e la'o halo nusa?",
"Ida-ne'e maka ami mos hakarak haree enkuantu ha'u-nia prespetiva ha'u haree katak Governu agora ne'e iha sistema krize ida-ne'ebe total ba parte ema bolu dehan iniriente krize ida-ne'ebe natural ba sistema demokrasia ne'ebe ita adota iha ita-nia rain.",
"Ne'ebe, ezemplu iha eleisaun hirak liu ba to'o mai foin daudaun ne'e, partidu ida-ne'ebe manan maioria absoluta ka maioria simples para fo nia maturidade no poder atu governa.",
"Ida-ne'e problema tanba multipartidarizmu fahe tiha votu ne'e ba ema no partidu barak depois la konsege entaun ita iha krize ida-ne'e.",
"Nune'e koligasaun sira mai ne'e tenke invez partidu ida mai ho partidu rua, tolu no haat entaun nia interese ne'e mos ema lakohi konsege intende.",
"Buat ida poder ho etika la konsege komprende.",
"Ha'u hanoin politiku ne'e dominante ho poder politiku.",
"Hakarak ha'u maka ukun ida-ne'e ho ida-ne'e interese ekonomiku.",
"Etika buat ida-ne'ebe ko'alia kona-ba justisa sosial.",
"Kuidadu ba ita-nia ema sira no kuidadu ita-nia rai, ita-nia ekolojia no mundu, kultura no ita-nia povu.",
"Ate ema balu harii partidu maibe nia laiha konesimentu partidu politiku.",
"Laiha konesimentu ida-ne'e to'o arte marsial sira mos harii partidu politiku.",
"Laiha responsabilidade.",
"Ita presiza kurije situasaun maibe tenke kurije ho buat ruma, kurije ho razaun ho konseitu hotu, kurije ho plataforma, atu nune'e ita-nia rai ne'e bele la'o.",
"Tanba, ne'e temporaria ne'ebe ami haree.",
"Solusaun ida-ne'ebe justu liu ba situasaun hirak ne'e mak hanesan ne'ebe?",
"Solusaun primeiru tenke sientifiku.",
"Sientifiku ne'e katak universidade sira labele toba.",
"Kuandu haree ita-nia inan sira ba Parlamentu argumentu lahatene koloka sasan, ko'alia mak tuku malu de'it, ida-ne'e modelu aat iha ita-nia sosiedade.",
"Tanba ne'e, joven tenke aprende hakle'an imi-nia konesimentu, prepara-aan ba halo politiku, labele buka atu tuku-malu de'it iha parlamentu.",
"Agora iha situasaun atual presiza formasaun ba lideransa partidu politiku sira?",
"Presiza formasaun tenke permanente.",
"Universidade de'it mos lato'o.",
"Partidu politiku de'it mos ate partidu politiku la halo formasaun.",
"Partidu politiku barak ne'e, se mak iha osan la kleur nia depiutadu tiha ona maibe nia la liu hosi prosesu formasaun.",
"Sistema hanesan ne'e, ema bolu \"kronizmu.\"",
"Ida-ne'e maka joven sira tenke ba ho postura foun ida.",
"Ha'u enkoraja joven sira iha universidade tenke hahu prosesu sieniifiku ida hatene kona-ba kauza problema kontempla ita-nia rai ne'e, ita-nia governasaun, sosial, politiku, buat hotu buka hatene.",
"Ha'u-nia esperansa, nafatin ita-nia sosiedade sira presiza nafatin iha mehi.",
"Mehi katak labele dezesperadu liu.",
"Ema bolu fasilita kuandu dezesperadu liu ne'e, ida ne'e la di'ak, ne'e labele ona, ne'e ba ita oho-an de'it.",
"Tenke iha mehi ba \"loron aban di'ak liu ne'e\" sei mai.",
"Mehi hanesan ne'ebe?",
"Mehi katak ita tenke Timor ida-ne'ebe di'ak liu sei mai.",
"Hanesan ba orsamentu estadu mai lakon de'it iha dalan, sira balu riku no balu kiak, mai fali ita hakarak sosiedade ida bele iha igualidade sosial.",
"Se ita dehan hahan loron-ida haan dala-tolu ba familia, ida-ne'e ideal.",
"Se bele, ema hotu haan hanesan, loron ida han dala tolu.",
"Se edukasaun ne'e importante ba umanidade ba ita ema, estadu tenke asegura sosiedade katak tenke ema hotu ba eskola.",
"Labele to'o de'it Ensinu Sekundaria (SMA-Sekolah Menegah Atas) Maibe, di'ak liu barak liu iha ita-nia universidade, tanba edukasaun ne'e transforma ema depois ema ne'e atu transforma mundu ida-ne'ebe sai di'ak liu ba Timor, entaun sosiedade di'ak liu.",
"Previous articleHatrick Garcia lori Ponta Leste manan Ultramar 4-1 Next articleKonsulta Popular 1999, David Mandati telefone Xanana Gusmao iha Cipinang Autoridade governu enkoraja komunidade simu vasina AULARA, 16 setembru 2021 (TATOLI) - Komunidade suku Laulara partisipa kampana nasional Covid-19 no simu vasina.",
"Pre-kampana nasional Covid-19 iha suku Madabenu, postu administrativu...",
"DILI, 22 setembru 2021 (TATOLI) --Governu liuhosi reuniaun Konsellu Ministru (KM) kontinua propoin ba Prezidente Republika, Francisco Guterres 'Lu Olo' atu renova Estadu Emerjensia (EE)...",
"OE-CUSSE, 16 setembru 2021 (TATOLI) - Radio Comunidade Atoni-Lifau (RCAL) iha Rejiaun Administrativa Espesial Oe-Cusse Ambeno (RAEOA), lakon nia jornalista no lokutora ,Ercilia do Rosaria Name,...",
"AILEU, 17 setembru 2021 (TATOLI) - Xefe Suku Faterlau, Postu Administrativu Lequidoe, Munisipiu Aileu, Albano Amaral, informa dezde tempu okupasaun Indonezia nian (tinan 24..."
] | [
"DSMTT's struggle for national liberation is a collective fight | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA HEADLINE In commemoration of the day Popular Consulta (August,20th) this year - August.1987 to September/October /November and November – December in which it was held first time since its establishment as an independent state from Portugal on October3rd–December4 th;Agência Informação will proclaim that they are promoting their efforts towards National Liberating Structure especially through involvements by university students at home how can we unite ourselves together so people could truly decide over themselves with respecting all rights during Consulte Populaire(referendum)."
"Dili, August 19th - The participation of the student organization Dewan Solidaritas Mahasiswa Timor Timur (DSMTT) in national liberation struggle until Aug.30-28/45 with a collective fight by university students is commemorated today on this day as an important moment for our nation and its future development"
"In order to find out about the participation of this enormous organization from its existence until August 30th,1978 Agencia SAPO (JAT) journalist Evaristo Soares Martins interviewed former General Coordinator Dewan Solidaritas Mahasiswa Timor Timur(DSMT), Antero Bendito da Silva at his office in UNTL Caicoli Dili on Monday."
"What was the involvement of student organization Dewan Solidaritas Mahasiswa Timor Timur (DSMTT) in this struggle until 30 August?"
"Our collective participation as a student organization began at the University of Timor-Leste (UNTL) campus and then spread to Polytechnic Institute, later on other higher education institutions that were in those days like Institutut Pastoral Indonesia(IPI), Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomia/Sekolah Tenaga Kerja dan Pembangunan Sosial Economics School or STIE afterwards Akademi Kesehatan /Akademi Kesehatan Rakyat atau AKPER)."
"Soon after the movement we talked about a referendum that it was an appropriate way to seek future permanent solution of this issue, for self-determination by Maubere people."
"So this moment spread and went on to students in secondary school then involved young people from neighborhoods, youth who were organized as clandestine juveniles later into the armed forces internal political front after finally CNRP."
"CNRT as the supreme sovereign body of resistance led by brother Kay Rala Xanana Gusmao and with international support including from United Nations (UN), we attended a meeting in Baucau on July 19th, where our proposals were made regarding phase changes leading to referendum."
"We will withdraw Indonesian forces from Timor after liberation to the presence of United Nations and release political prisoners. And we also have international solidarity with those who for many years struggled in independency fights,"
"Among these supports, we received from a student festival held in Norway which at the moment constitutes 102 countries and includes young people of other nations."
"So our movement really does not create a peaceful environment."
"How do you create a peaceful environment?"
"We created this peaceful situation, the resistance of Timorese since we took guns against our father and also have a pacific mentality because young people disciplined organized showing maturity that what is called civil war (furun sivil) between Portuguese with portuguese face each other it was done by men."
"Because we don't hurt each other, that is why it pacifies us. This was our first contribution to the world of peace and stability.\""
"Secondly, our internal contribution is to make concrete proposals on how we can reach the referendum. Our vision for independence:"
"Then, on the other hand we also mobilized people in districts our own men went to village and did dor-to do (door by door) create these students then mobilize population."
"This is an extraordinary movement because it was supported by the political leadership of Timor-Leste and even Indonesia could not stop us."
"Fight in the field and fight on a farm, is there any difference?"
"When we come to the city, it’s like going into a prison. We are more free in our garden than when coming out of town!"
"Because, the Indonesians deployed their troops in every village and neighborhood."
"In the city, they checked every chek point."
"And their military, starting with those administrators and structure of the state we totally live in prison."
"All the people in Timor-Leste are imprisoned."
"Therefore, we do not want this situation to continue."
"Does this mean that the influence of villagers faces bigger obstacles than on-site struggle?"
"Of course, we all have our problems."
"We, in this city also have problems."
"We adopted here something called \"urban guerrilla\" to do politics but we also learned military gerilla until the moment when this war would take a long time, and then go out in fields help our parents who were fighting on land."
"There is also a problem in the city."
"Because, in the city we don't have guns. We use our sense of humor and feeling to talk well with people then back at home do politics.\""
"We write letters, demonstrate and sometimes we tell the Indonesian people they say: \"You are our neighbor because you have come to rule us."
"We have the right to independence.\""
"We talk to them, but when our colleagues in prison speak openly with us."
"However, we know that they killed many people and the Haitians were subjected to torture in various ways."
"This is what happened to the colleagues who suffered until today we gain independence."
"As student leaders at home, what strategy do you apply to convince the people of Timor-Leste who live together in Indonesia and how can we ensure any action before 30 August?"
"We have experience, for example before our colleague named Augusto Gama \"Teki\" used to be 80 people."
"Sometimes students make letters using someone else' s name."
"For example, the names of some pro-autonomy leaders were written by Indonesian military officers who went to see if their name was there but they did not write it."
"Other people would write and then put their names on it, sending them to others."
"So, they are suspicious of each other."
"I'm talking about the final phase."
"At the time in 1986, we created a lobby saying to take action at district level."
"Our people went to the coronel, these policemen can't shoot our students."
"You know that Indonesia is a democracy, you are aware it will choose independence sooner or later."
"Becoming a neighbor is the best option, which means not shooting them but letting their way."
"But not everyone knows this."
"Balu neutralizes their position."
"Pelumenus, they could not involve violence against them so that he would mobilize guns down to this direct attack."
"So, they also in this situation think that it is true tomorrow banrua Timor independence will be ours all."
"So, in this situation there is doubt about their position."
"After that they can't make a massive attack on the students."
"There are many soldiers in our country (East Timor) and there is a lot of people who have an inclination to the military that they lead."
"Then, the Taiwanese military controlled it."
"They were afraid that if we followed them, they would shoot at us. So I fired on their fathers and then my dad shot him down with his gun!"
"This is the situation that I think occurs in a final phase."
"Some of the Timorese are now staying in Kupang (Kupaun) but before they used to say call these young children, you won't go. But we old people keep our integration strongly on us!"
"In the meantime, how can you raise awareness among people to vote for independence in this popular consultation on August 30th?"
"First of all, we would like to say that the vision for this referendum is a strategic one which should be adopted after Timor achieves its independence."
"This is a referendum in which the people can participate and then decide on Timor's future that will be better for them."
"After this strategy, I say today that we created a spreading movement starting from the campus of UNTIL and then to other universities especially later in clandestine."
"So, we got support because what I'm doing is at a critical moment of change in Indonesia."
"Afterwards, we went out of the university showing discipline gathered organization and vision with responsibility."
"Therefore, we have the support of our people and leaders. Our armed forces are strong so that students will be able to stand up for themselves!"
"Thus, we made dialogue meeting with our leaders such as Maun Boot Kay Rala Xanana Gusmao. We visited Xanna in Cipinang prison-Jakarta - Indonesia ;"
"I have personally visited Maun Boot Kay Rala Xanana Gusmao five or six times like this, in Cipinang and Palembang to hear from him. And also report some of the things that we do here on a daily basis :"
"Maun Boot Xanana Gusmao said, \"Tenke uza kakutak no matenek.\""
"This is as a unit of action."
"After that, this point we made as students at the time was strong and also used our own wisdom what some of us had learned from Indonesia."
"We will use this to organize and mobilize our fellow students, discuss with the people how we can see Timor-Leste better tomorrow."
"With only a few days to go until we celebrate the 21st Popular Consultation, what are your observations on this whole process that is taking place in our country?"
"There is a new generation of students and now the student have organized themselves almost in recent weeks, to make an analysis that answers our question."
"What about 20 years after Indonesia left our country, what is the situation of life and governance?"
"This is what we also want to look at and as far my perspective I see that the Government now has a system crisis which in part people call an internal, total one natural for our democratic systems adopted by us."
"Which, for example in recent elections until recently a party that wins an absolute or simple majority to give its maturity and power of government."
"This is a problem because multi-party system divided the vote among people and many parties then failed, so we have this crisis."
"So the coalitions that are coming must replace one party with two, three and four parties so his interest is also not understood."
"This is something that power and ethics cannot comprehend."
"I think politics is dominated by political power."
"I would like to rule this with economic interests."
"Ethics is not something that talks about social justice."
"Take care of our people and takecareofour land, Our ecologyand the world.Our cultures And Ourepeople"
"Some people even founded a party but they had no knowledge of political parties."
"This lack of awareness led to martial arts practitioners also founding political parties."
"No responsibility."
"We need to care about the situation, but we must also be concerned with something else; concerning reason and all concepts. Concerning a platform so that our country can go forward.\""
"Because, it's a temporary one that we have seen."
"What would be a more just solution to these situations?"
"The first solution must be scientific."
"The scientist said that universities can't be silent."
"When we see our mothers in Parliament arguing that they are all about buying and selling things, this is a bad model of society."
"Therefore, young people must learn to improve your own knowledge and prepare yourself for politics. Do not just seek reputation in parliaments!"
"Now in the current situation do we need training for political party leadership?"
"I don't want to."
"It requires continuous training."
"University de'it mos lato’o."
"Political parties alone or even political party did not form."
"Many of these political parties, if they have the money to do so are already dissolved but it does not go through its formation process."
"Such a system is called \"chronism.\""
"This is what young people need to do with a new attitude."
"I encourage young people in universities to start a scientific process of knowing about the causes and problems contemplate our country, its governance socially political everything."
"It is my hope that our societies will continue to need you in the future."
"Hope that you can't be more desperate."
"People call the facility when they are desperate, this is not good. This can't be done anymore; we should just kill ourselves!"
"There must be a desire for \"a better tomorrow\" to come."
"What is mehi like?"
"The hope is that we will have a better Timor to come."
"As for the state budget, it is just wasted on a path of some rich and poor people. Instead we want to have social equality in our society; that's what I mean by \"social equity\"."
"If we say one meal a day three times for the family, this is ideal."
"If possible, everyone should eat equally: three meals a day."
"If education is important to humanity, the state must assure society that all people are enrolled in school."
"Not only Ensinu Sekundaria (SMA-Sekolah Menegah Atas) but more and better in our universities, because education transforms people after that person to change this world which is becoming a good one for Timor."
"Previous articleHatrick Garcia brings Ponta Leste win Ultramar 4-1 Next artikelKonsulta Popular, David Mandati phone Xanana Gusmao in Cipinang Government authorities encourage community to get vaccinated AULARA (AFP) - Laulara village participates national Covid–20 campaign and receive the vaccine."
"National pre-campaign Covid -19 in Madabenu village, administrative post..."
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« FAO ho MAP realiza Workshop Kona Ba Revizaun Politika Setór Agrikultura\nLei Politika Seguransa Alimentar Foun Aprova ona »\nTimor Leste sei Organiza Sensu da Agrikultura ba dahuluk Iha Tinan 2018\nReporter:Celcia & Sonia & Tyfa\nDili – Ministeriu Agrikultura no Peskas liu husi Diresaun Nasional Peskisa, Estatistika no Informasaun Geografika (DNPEIG) hala’o enkontru ba datoluk ho Organizasaun Noun Govermental FAO, hodi koalia konaba sensus Agrikultura ne’ebe maka sei hala’o iha tinan 2018.\nDiretór Nasional Peskisa, Estatistika no Informasaun Geografika (DNPEIG) Claudino Ninas Nabais iha nia diskursu sesta-feira (07/05) katak, Enkontru ne’e espesifiku liu ba rezolusaun governu nian oinsa mak sensus ne’e implementa di’ak liu iha nivel suku no nivel aldeia.\n“Konserteza katak kuandu ita hala’o sensus ne’e difikuldades barak maka ita sei hasoru, tanba iha implementasaun ne’e iha ligadu mos ho Ministeriu lobuk ida inklui mos Ministeriu Administrasaun Estatal (MAE) no mos Ministeriu Finansas (MF), implementasaun iha kampu mos iha ligasaun konaba estatal nian iha parte Seguransa no mos parte jeneru nian tanba ne’e maka ohin loron sira husi Ministeriu relevante mai iha ne’e atu bele aprezenta rezolusaun Governu nian atu nune’e tekniku sira bele hare didiak antes ba hato’o iha Konsellu Ministru”Claudino akresenta.\nClaudino sublinha tan, implementasaun sensus Agrikultura ne’e sei kobre iha Munisipiu hotu-hotu inklui mos rejiaun Oecusse nian ne’ebe implementa to’o iha nivel suku no Aldeia, tanba ne’e mak Ministeriu relevantes ninia kontribuisaun importante tebes liu-liu ba rezolusaun ne’ebe hakerek tiha ona hodi prepara ba estrutura.\nNia mos informa, Prosesu tomak husi sensus ne’e lolos implementa ona iha tinan balu liu ba, maibe la konsege, tanba seidauk iha preparasaun no mos orsamentu, maibe agora iha mos parseiru husi FAO suporta makas tebes ba orsementu sira prepara to ba iha implementasaun pilotu nian.\nIha faitn hanesan Vice ministru MAP Marcos da Cruz hateten, ita hotu hatene katak setor agrikultura ne’e importante tebes ba area ekonomia nian. Ne’e duni ita presiza dezenvolve setor ne’e maibe ita presiza dadus validadu liu-liu ba sub sektor agrikultura no pekuaria nian.\nIha tinan hirak liu ba atu fo dadus ne’ebé mai husi ita nia funsionario sira husi postu administrativu suku kona ba dadus produsaun agrikultura nian no mós numeru animal sira ne’ebé iha ita nia rai.\n“Ita presiza serteza lolos ba iha dadus sira, ne’e duni sensus agrikultura ne’ebé ami hakarak halo ne’e mak ita tenke iha dadus konkreta saida mak ita iha lolos no ita konfirma lolos ba dadus sira ne’ebé ita iha ona ne’e lo’os ka lae”. Informa Vice Ministru Agrikultura\nNia mos realsa tan katak, Realmente iha duni ona dadus barak ne’ebé tama iha MAP ba iha produsaun agríkola no mós produsaun animal nian. Dadus sira iha hotu maibe ita seidauk iha serteza lolos katak dadus sira ne’e mak lo’os no validu para halo pleneamentu ida di’ak liu ba dezenvolvimentu setór agrikultura no pecuaria nian iha ita rain.\nIha sorin seluk, legal framework kona ba sensu ne’e rasik hanesan; Resolusaun governu ne’ebe koalia kona ba equipa de trabalhu atu organiza sensu da agrikultura dahuluk iha Timor-Leste hetan ona aprovasaun husi Conselho de Ministro Governu Timor-Leste. | [
"\" FAO ho MAP realiza Workshop Kona Ba Revizaun Politika Setor Agrikultura Lei Politika Seguransa Alimentar Foun Aprova ona \" Timor Leste sei Organiza Sensu da Agrikultura ba dahuluk Iha Tinan 2018 Reporter:Celcia & Sonia & Tyfa Dili - Ministeriu Agrikultura no Peskas liu husi Diresaun Nasional Peskisa, Estatistika no Informasaun Geografika (DNPEIG) hala'o enkontru ba datoluk ho Organizasaun Noun Govermental FAO, hodi koalia konaba sensus Agrikultura ne'ebe maka sei hala'o iha tinan 2018.",
"Diretor Nasional Peskisa, Estatistika no Informasaun Geografika (DNPEIG) Claudino Ninas Nabais iha nia diskursu sesta-feira (07/05) katak, Enkontru ne'e espesifiku liu ba rezolusaun governu nian oinsa mak sensus ne'e implementa di'ak liu iha nivel suku no nivel aldeia.",
"\"Konserteza katak kuandu ita hala'o sensus ne'e difikuldades barak maka ita sei hasoru, tanba iha implementasaun ne'e iha ligadu mos ho Ministeriu lobuk ida inklui mos Ministeriu Administrasaun Estatal (MAE) no mos Ministeriu Finansas (MF), implementasaun iha kampu mos iha ligasaun konaba estatal nian iha parte Seguransa no mos parte jeneru nian tanba ne'e maka ohin loron sira husi Ministeriu relevante mai iha ne'e atu bele aprezenta rezolusaun Governu nian atu nune'e tekniku sira bele hare didiak antes ba hato'o iha Konsellu Ministru\"Claudino akresenta.",
"Claudino sublinha tan, implementasaun sensus Agrikultura ne'e sei kobre iha Munisipiu hotu-hotu inklui mos rejiaun Oecusse nian ne'ebe implementa to'o iha nivel suku no Aldeia, tanba ne'e mak Ministeriu relevantes ninia kontribuisaun importante tebes liu-liu ba rezolusaun ne'ebe hakerek tiha ona hodi prepara ba estrutura.",
"Nia mos informa, Prosesu tomak husi sensus ne'e lolos implementa ona iha tinan balu liu ba, maibe la konsege, tanba seidauk iha preparasaun no mos orsamentu, maibe agora iha mos parseiru husi FAO suporta makas tebes ba orsementu sira prepara to ba iha implementasaun pilotu nian.",
"Iha faitn hanesan Vice ministru MAP Marcos da Cruz hateten, ita hotu hatene katak setor agrikultura ne'e importante tebes ba area ekonomia nian.",
"Ne'e duni ita presiza dezenvolve setor ne'e maibe ita presiza dadus validadu liu-liu ba sub sektor agrikultura no pekuaria nian.",
"Iha tinan hirak liu ba atu fo dadus ne'ebe mai husi ita nia funsionario sira husi postu administrativu suku kona ba dadus produsaun agrikultura nian no mos numeru animal sira ne'ebe iha ita nia rai.",
"\"Ita presiza serteza lolos ba iha dadus sira, ne'e duni sensus agrikultura ne'ebe ami hakarak halo ne'e mak ita tenke iha dadus konkreta saida mak ita iha lolos no ita konfirma lolos ba dadus sira ne'ebe ita iha ona ne'e lo'os ka lae.\"",
"Informa Vice Ministru Agrikultura Nia mos realsa tan katak, Realmente iha duni ona dadus barak ne'ebe tama iha MAP ba iha produsaun agrikola no mos produsaun animal nian.",
"Dadus sira iha hotu maibe ita seidauk iha serteza lolos katak dadus sira ne'e mak lo'os no validu para halo pleneamentu ida di'ak liu ba dezenvolvimentu setor agrikultura no pecuaria nian iha ita rain.",
"Iha sorin seluk, legal framework kona ba sensu ne'e rasik hanesan; Resolusaun governu ne'ebe koalia kona ba equipa de trabalhu atu organiza sensu da agrikultura dahuluk iha Timor-Leste hetan ona aprovasaun husi Conselho de Ministro Governu Timor-Leste."
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"\" FAO and MAP hold workshop on agricultural sector policy review New food security law approved\" Timor-Leste to organize first agriculture census in the year Reporter:Celcia & Sonia Dili - The Ministry of Agriculture, through its National Directorate for Research Statistics Geographic Information (DNPEIG) held a third meeting with Non Governmental Organization Fao regarding an annual farm survey that will be carried out by this organization."
"National Director of Research, Statistics and Geographical Information (DNPEIG) Claudino Ninhas Nabais in his speech on Saturday said that the meeting was more specific about government resolution how to better implement this census at village level."
"\"I am sure that when we carry out this census there will be many difficulties, because in the implementation it is also linked to a lobby Ministry including State Administration (MAE) and Finances Ministerial. The field application has connection with state security as well of gender so today they from relevant Ministries come here for presenting Government resolution which technicians can look at before submitting them into Council\"Claudino addt.\""
"Claudino also emphasized that the implementation of this agricultural census will cover all Municipalities including Oecusse region which is implemented up to village and town level, therefore relevant Ministries' contributions are very important especially for resolutions written already in order prepare structure."
"He also informed, The whole process of the census was implemented a few years ago but failed because there were no preparations and budgets yet. But now FAO partners are very supportive for preparing funds to start pilot implementation; he said that this is not an easy task as they have been working on it since 2013 with their partner organization from Brazil (Census)."
"In the event as Vice Minister MAP Marcos da Cruz said, we all know that agricultural sector is very important for economic area."
"So we need to develop this sector but also validated data, especially for the sub-sector of agriculture and livestock."
"In the past few years, we have had to provide data from our officials of administrative posts in villages on agricultural production and also numbers for animals that are living there."
"\"We need to be very sure of the data, so we want an agricultural census that will have concrete information on what is there and whether it's true or not.\""
"He also stressed that there is already a lot of data in MAP on agricultural production and livestock. The Vice Minister for Agriculture said, \"There are really many information which enters into the Map regarding both agriculture products as well animal product.\""
"All the data are available but we have no certainty as to whether they're accurate and valid for making a better decision on development of agricultural sector in our country."
"On the other hand, legal framework regarding this census itself is as follows; Government Resolution which talk about working team to organize first agricultural Census in Timor-Leste has been approved by Conselho de Ministro do Governo."
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UDT PRONTU HO BANGKADA KETAK IHA PN – GMN TV | Grupo Média Nacional - Lori Timor ba Mundu - GMN TV | Grupo Média Nacional\nHome » Politika » UDT PRONTU HO BANGKADA KETAK IHA PN\nPartido União Democrática de Timorense (UDT), prontu hamriik mesak ho nia bankada rasik iha Parlamentu Nasional (PN) durante mandatu V lejislatura, tanba koligasaun FDD lakonsege ona atu unidu to’o tinan lima, hateten prezidente UDT, Gilman Exposto ba jornalista iha PN, Tersa(19/06/2018).\nGilman hateten, maske UDT hetan asentu iha PN liu hosi koligasaun pre-eleitoral iha Frenti Dezenvolvimentu Demokrátiku (FDD) hamutuk ho Partidu Unidade Dezenvolvimentu Demokrátiku (PUDD) no Frente Mudansa, inklui Partidu Dezenvolvimentu Nasional (PDN) ne’ebé konsege hetan asentu kadeira 3 iha PN, ne’ebé la inklina reprezentante husi PDN.\nMaibe koligasaun ne’e rasik lakonsege lori to’o tinan lima, tanba laiha honestidade iha koligasaun nia laran.\nLíder másimu UDT ne’e haktuir, lakon honestidade iha koligasaun nia laran, la’os foin mosu, maibe iha nanis kedas dezde prosesu eleisaun antesipada nian.\n“Anunsia hotu ona, partidu tolu ne’ebé mai husi FDD sei hamriik ketak ho nia bankada mesak, Iha deklarasaun balun ne’ebé laiha honestu. Ne’e ita haree ba kotuk honestidade ne’e laiha kedas husi líder sira ne’ebé fo deklarasaun, ne’e tanba laiha duni honestidade ema balun husi koligasaun ne’e rasik, la’os balun de’it, maibe ami hotu-hotu laiha honestidade ba malu, la entende malu iha estatutu partidu nian,”hateten Gilman Exposto.\nLíder másimu partidu UDT ne’e haktuir, líder partidu ne’ebé inklina iha koligasaun FDD ne’e deside ona hodi hakotu koligasaun liu hosi reuniaun no haruka ona karta ba Tribunal Rekursu.\n“Buat sira ne’e deside ona iha ami-nia enkontru líder partidu 4 nian, iha dia 17 liu ba, ne’ebé buat hotu legalizadu ona, karta ne’ebé halo ona ba iha Tribunal Rekursu husi partidu 4 nian nia prezidente, vise no sekretariu jeral mak asina, no haruka ona ba, ne’ebé buat hotu-hotu hakotu ona, laiha tan problema,”dehan Exposto.\nGilman esklarese tan, koligasaun FDD refere labele ona atu kontinua, tanba laiha ona entende malu ne’eb’e di’ak entre líder sira partidu nian iha koligasaun laran.\n“Koligasaun ne’e nakfera ona, ita labele atu kontinua halo problema, di’ak liu ita hakotu problema ne’e, liu hosi reuniaun líder partidu sira, ne’ebé hotu-hotu konkorda por unanimidade atu hakotu koligasaun ne’e,”tenik Gilman.\nDeputadu husi UDT ne’e afirma tan, nia parte sei kontinua fo apoiu bainhira bankada governasaun aprezenta buat ne’ebé di’ak no relevante ho povu nia moris, maibe sei kontra mós buat ne’ebé ladi’ak no la reprezenta povu iha uma fukun.\n“UDT deklara ona, katak buat ne’ebé di’ak sei apoia, maibe buat ne’ebé ladi’ak sei kontra. La’os kontra ida hodi hatun malu, maibe kontra ida hodi husu para hadi’a, ami sei sai partidu ida ne’ebé maske nia reprezentante ida de’it, maibe konstrutivu hodi Parlamentu Nasional ne’e sai uma fukun ida ba públiku hotu,”dehan Prezidente UDT.\nAntes ne’e, Prezidente Konsellu Polítika Nasional, Agostinho Gomes, anunsia ona ba públiku katak, ofisialmente koligasaun FDD dissolvido no labele atu kontinua tan, tanba lakon honestidade husi líder sira partidu polítiku ne’ebé inklina iha koligasaun FDD nian.Say | [
"UDT PRONTU HO BANGKADA KETAK IHA PN - GMN TV | Grupo Media Nacional - Lori Timor ba Mundu - GMN TV | Grupo Media Nacional Home \" Politika \" UDT PRONTU HO BANGKADA KETAK IHA PN Partido Uniao Democratica de Timorense (UDT), prontu hamriik mesak ho nia bankada rasik iha Parlamentu Nasional (PN) durante mandatu V lejislatura, tanba koligasaun FDD lakonsege ona atu unidu to'o tinan lima, hateten prezidente UDT, Gilman Exposto ba jornalista iha PN, Tersa (19/06/2018).",
"Gilman hateten, maske UDT hetan asentu iha PN liu hosi koligasaun pre-eleitoral iha Frenti Dezenvolvimentu Demokratiku (FDD) hamutuk ho Partidu Unidade Dezenvolvimentu Demokratiku (PUDD) no Frente Mudansa, inklui Partidu Dezenvolvimentu Nasional (PDN) ne'ebe konsege hetan asentu kadeira 3 iha PN, ne'ebe la inklina reprezentante husi PDN.",
"Maibe koligasaun ne'e rasik lakonsege lori to'o tinan lima, tanba laiha honestidade iha koligasaun nia laran.",
"Lider masimu UDT ne'e haktuir, lakon honestidade iha koligasaun nia laran, la'os foin mosu, maibe iha nanis kedas dezde prosesu eleisaun antesipada nian.",
"\"Anunsia hotu ona, partidu tolu ne'ebe mai husi FDD sei hamriik ketak ho nia bankada mesak, Iha deklarasaun balun ne'ebe laiha honestu.",
"Ne'e ita haree ba kotuk honestidade ne'e laiha kedas husi lider sira ne'ebe fo deklarasaun, ne'e tanba laiha duni honestidade ema balun husi koligasaun ne'e rasik, la'os balun de'it, maibe ami hotu-hotu laiha honestidade ba malu, la entende malu iha estatutu partidu nian,\"hateten Gilman Exposto.",
"Lider masimu partidu UDT ne'e haktuir, lider partidu ne'ebe inklina iha koligasaun FDD ne'e deside ona hodi hakotu koligasaun liu hosi reuniaun no haruka ona karta ba Tribunal Rekursu.",
"\"Buat sira ne'e deside ona iha ami-nia enkontru lider partidu 4 nian, iha dia 17 liu ba, ne'ebe buat hotu legalizadu ona, karta ne'ebe halo ona ba iha Tribunal Rekursu husi partidu 4 nian nia prezidente, vise no sekretariu jeral mak asina, no haruka ona ba, ne'ebe buat hotu-hotu hakotu ona, laiha tan problema,\"dehan Exposto.",
"Gilman esklarese tan, koligasaun FDD refere labele ona atu kontinua, tanba laiha ona entende malu ne'eb'e di'ak entre lider sira partidu nian iha koligasaun laran.",
"\"Koligasaun ne'e nakfera ona, ita labele atu kontinua halo problema, di'ak liu ita hakotu problema ne'e, liu hosi reuniaun lider partidu sira, ne'ebe hotu-hotu konkorda por unanimidade atu hakotu koligasaun ne'e,\"tenik Gilman.",
"Deputadu husi UDT ne'e afirma tan, nia parte sei kontinua fo apoiu bainhira bankada governasaun aprezenta buat ne'ebe di'ak no relevante ho povu nia moris, maibe sei kontra mos buat ne'ebe ladi'ak no la reprezenta povu iha uma fukun.",
"\"UDT deklara ona, katak buat ne'ebe di'ak sei apoia, maibe buat ne'ebe ladi'ak sei kontra.",
"La'os kontra ida hodi hatun malu, maibe kontra ida hodi husu para hadi'a, ami sei sai partidu ida ne'ebe maske nia reprezentante ida de'it, maibe konstrutivu hodi Parlamentu Nasional ne'e sai uma fukun ida ba publiku hotu,\"dehan Prezidente UDT.",
"Antes ne'e, Prezidente Konsellu Politika Nasional, Agostinho Gomes, anunsia ona ba publiku katak, ofisialmente koligasaun FDD dissolvido no labele atu kontinua tan, tanba lakon honestidade husi lider sira partidu politiku ne'ebe inklina iha koligasaun FDD nian.Say"
] | [
"UDT PREPARED WITH ITS OWN BANK IN THE PARLIAMENT - GMN TV | Grupo Media Nacional Home \" Politics & Governance\" PDL PROMPTS TO REPRESENT TOMORROW'S POLITICAL SYSTEM The Timorese Democratic Union (UDT) is ready to remain with its own party in the National Parliament during mandate V, because FDD coalition has failed for five years. This was stated by President Gilman Exposto on Tuesday at a press briefing held before parliamentary sessions of this week and next month as well:"
"Gilman said that although UDT obtained seats in the National Assembly through pre-electoral coalition with Democratic Development Front (FDD) alongside Unidade Democrática para o Desenvolvimento Partisano - Partido da Democracia, Progresso e Mudança and Frente de Mudanças including PDN which managed to get 3 chairs of parliamentary representatives."
"But the coalition itself failed to last for five years, because there was no honesty within it."
"According to the UDT's top leader, lack of honesty within a coalition is not new; it has existed since early elections."
"\"It has already been announced, the three parties coming from FDD will remain together with their own cabinet. There are some statements that have no honesty in them.\""
"We look back and we see that the honesty was lacking from leaders who made statements, this is because there'd been a certain amount of non-honesty in some people within our coalition itself. Not just one or two but all among us were not sincerely with each other; they didn’t understand everybody else on party statutes,” said Gilman Exposto.”"
"The UDT party's top leader said that the leaders of parties inclined to FDD coalition had decided, through a meeting and sent letter for dissolution in court."
"\"These things have been decided in our meeting of the 4 party leaders, last day on July17th where everything has already legalized. The letter that was sent to Tribunal de Recurso by presidents and vice-presidential secretaries from all four parties is now completed; there are no problems anymore\", Exposto said.\""
"Gilman explained that the FDD coalition could no longer continue, because there was a lack of understanding amongst party leaders within it."
"\"The coalition has failed, we can't continue to create problems. It would be better if the problem was solved through a meeting of party leaders where all agreed unanimously that it should end.\""
"The UDT deputy also affirmed that his party will continue to support the government's proposal if it is good and relevant for people, but he would oppose anything bad or not representing them in parliament."
"\"The UDT has declared that it will support good things, but oppose bad ones."
"Not against each other to insult one another, but opposing the others asking for improvements. We will be a party that is only represented by its own representative and yet constructive so this National Parliament can become an open house of all citizens\", said UDT President 1st Vice-Chairman José Eduardo dos Santos"
"Earlier, President of the National Political Council Agostinho Gomes had announced to public that FDD coalition was officially dissolved and could not continue anymore because it has lost its integrity from political party leaders who are inclined towards a co-lidership. Say"
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Dezenvolvimentu PNTL no F-FDTL Hahú Integradu | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste\nVARANDA DEFEZA Dezenvolvimentu PNTL no F-FDTL Hahú Integradu\nDezenvolvimentu PNTL no F-FDTL Hahú Integradu\nMinistru Defeza no Ministru Interiór Interino, Filomeno da Paixão de Jesus. Imajen Xisto Freitas\nDILI, (TATOLI) – Ministru Defeza no Ministru Interiór Interino, Filomeno da Paixão de Jesus, hateten dezenvolvimentu Polísia Nasionál Timor-Leste (PNTL) no FALINTIL-Forsa Defeza Timor-Leste (F-FDTL) hahú integradu, nune’e forsa rua bele komplementa malu, maibé la’ós kompete malu no hadau malu.\n“Ita moris ho plafon. Ita nia osan uitoan de’it. Tenke haree ba área seluk hanesan agrikultura, saúde, edukasaun no ekonomia en-jerál. Tanba ne’e maka PNTL no F-FDTL tenke iha planeiamentu integradu para poupa osan. Labele iha mariña rua. Labele iha forsa rua iha fronteira. Labele iha forsa espesiál rua. Repete-repete ne’e atu halo saida? Atu tiru malu ho sé”, Governante ne’e ba jornalista sira iha Palásiu Prezidente Nicolau Lobato, Bairru Pité, tersa ne’e, hafoin hala’o enkontru ho Prezidente Repúblika, Francisco Guterres Lú Olo.\nNia hatutan hahú ohin ba oin, F-FDTL no PNTL submete ba orientasaun ida de’it. Hodi hatutan Lei Seguransa Nasionál hateten kuandu polísia laiha kbiit atu halo atuasaun ba situasaun ruma, Estadu bele autoriza F-FDTL atu kompleta.\n“Estadu nia sasán iha liman loos no karuk. Tanba ne’e, liman karuk labele, liman loos bele ajuda. La’ós kria fali forsa rua ne’ebé hanesan depois osan iha ne’ebé maka atu fó han sira”, argumenta.\nAleinde ne’e, Filomeno tenik sei kria mós rekezitu ba asuntu profisionalizasaun forsa rua (PNTL no F-FDTL), katak, atu sai profisionál tenke matenek.\n“Por-ezemplu iha F-FDTL dezde tinan 2008, 2009 no 2011, ita halo profisionalizasaun ba F-FDTL. Katak, atu sai Alfeiris, tenke lisensiadu nune’e bele intende sasán. F-FDTL ohin loron laiha ofisiál ida maka la lisensiadu, anaunser katuas veteranu sira, tanba sira ne’e mai hosi esperiénsia funu, hatene estratéjia militár no polítika”, afirma.\nKatak tan: “Veteranu balun liu-liu sira ne’ebé asumi diviza Tenente Koronél mós ba hasai ona kursu lisensiatura”.\nTanba ne’e, eis Vise Xefe Estadu Maior ne’e hateten membru polísia mós tenke hasai kursu lisensiatura, katak se maka sai ofisiál tenke lisensiadu.\nMinistru Defeza no Ministru Interiór Interino\nPrevious articleAjénsia TATOLI no RTTL-EP Diskute Preliminár ho Lusa\nNext articleMembru KFSNI Nain Tolu Hetan Ona Posse Iha PN\nMateriál Doasaun Husi Jack Ma no Alibaba Fundation To’o Ohin Iha...\nDILI, 26 maiu 2020 (TATOLI) – Aviaun Charter TRI-MG ne’ebé sai husi Singapura sei atera tuku 14:40 iha Aeroportu Internasionál Prezidente Nicolau Lobato, Comoro,... | [
"Dezenvolvimentu PNTL no F-FDTL Hahu Integradu | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA DEFEZA Dezenvolvimentu PNTL no F-FDTL Hahu Integradu Dezenvolvimentu PNTL no F-FDTL Hahu Integradu Ministru Defeza no Ministru Interior Interino, Filomeno da Paixao de Jesus.",
"Imajen Xisto Freitas DILI, (TATOLI) - Ministru Defeza no Ministru Interior Interino, Filomeno da Paixao de Jesus, hateten dezenvolvimentu Polisia Nasional Timor-Leste (PNTL) no FALINTIL-Forsa Defeza Timor-Leste (F-FDTL) hahu integradu, nune'e forsa rua bele komplementa malu, maibe la'os kompete malu no hadau malu.",
"\"Ita moris ho plafon.",
"Ita nia osan uitoan de'it.",
"Tenke haree ba area seluk hanesan agrikultura, saude, edukasaun no ekonomia en-jeral.",
"Tanba ne'e maka PNTL no F-FDTL tenke iha planeiamentu integradu para poupa osan.",
"Labele iha marina rua.",
"Labele iha forsa rua iha fronteira.",
"Labele iha forsa espesial rua.",
"Repete-repete ne'e atu halo saida?",
"Atu tiru malu ho se,\" Governante ne'e ba jornalista sira iha Palasiu Prezidente Nicolau Lobato, Bairru Pite, tersa ne'e, hafoin hala'o enkontru ho Prezidente Republika, Francisco Guterres Lu Olo.",
"Nia hatutan hahu ohin ba oin, F-FDTL no PNTL submete ba orientasaun ida de'it.",
"Hodi hatutan Lei Seguransa Nasional hateten kuandu polisia laiha kbiit atu halo atuasaun ba situasaun ruma, Estadu bele autoriza F-FDTL atu kompleta.",
"\"Estadu nia sasan iha liman loos no karuk.",
"Tanba ne'e, liman karuk labele, liman loos bele ajuda.",
"La'os kria fali forsa rua ne'ebe hanesan depois osan iha ne'ebe maka atu fo han sira,\" argumenta.",
"Aleinde ne'e, Filomeno tenik sei kria mos rekezitu ba asuntu profisionalizasaun forsa rua (PNTL no F-FDTL), katak, atu sai profisional tenke matenek.",
"\"Por-ezemplu iha F-FDTL dezde tinan 2008, 2009 no 2011, ita halo profisionalizasaun ba F-FDTL.",
"Katak, atu sai Alfeiris, tenke lisensiadu nune'e bele intende sasan.",
"F-FDTL ohin loron laiha ofisial ida maka la lisensiadu, anaunser katuas veteranu sira, tanba sira ne'e mai hosi esperiensia funu, hatene estratejia militar no politika,\" afirma.",
"Katak tan: \"Veteranu balun liu-liu sira ne'ebe asumi diviza Tenente Koronel mos ba hasai ona kursu lisensiatura.\"",
"Tanba ne'e, eis Vise Xefe Estadu Maior ne'e hateten membru polisia mos tenke hasai kursu lisensiatura, katak se maka sai ofisial tenke lisensiadu.",
"Ministru Defeza no Ministru Interior Interino Previous articleAjensia TATOLI no RTTL-EP Diskute Preliminar ho Lusa Next articleMembru KFSNI Nain Tolu Hetan Ona Posse Iha PN Material Doasaun Husi Jack Ma no Alibaba Fundation To'o Ohin Iha...",
"DILI, 26 maiu 2020 (TATOLI) - Aviaun Charter TRI-MG ne'ebe sai husi Singapura sei atera tuku 14:40 iha Aeroportu Internasional Prezidente Nicolau Lobato, Comoro,..."
] | [
"Desenvolvimento PNTL no F-FDTL Hahu Integradu | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor Lorosa’e HOME DEFESA The development of the Police Force (PNTL) and National Security Service, which is an interim ministry under Minister Filomeno da Paixao Jesus."
"DILI, (TATOLI) - Minister of Defence and Interim Interior minister Filomeno da Paixão de Jesus said that the development between Timor-Leste National Police Forces(PNTL), FALINTIL – Forsa Defensa Timór Leste/Defense forces East Тимор has begun to be integrated so as both force can complement each other but not compete with or harm one another."
"\"Ita mori ho plafon."
"We have little money."
"We have to look at other areas such as agriculture, health care and education in the general economy."
"That is why the PNTL and F-FDTL need integrated planning to save money."
"There should not be two marinas."
"There should not be two forces on the border."
"Labelle has two special forces."
"What's the point of repeating it?"
"To shoot each other with se,\" the governor told journalists at Nicolau Lobato Presidential Palace in Bairro Pite on Tuesday after meeting President Francisco Guterres Lu Olo."
"He added that as of today, F-FDTL and PNTL are subject to a single guidance."
"According to the National Security Law, when police are unable or incapables of acting on a situation that is beyond their powers and capabilities it may be authorized for F-FDTL (Forças Armadas de Defesa do Timor Leste) as well."
"\"The goods of the state are in his right hand, not left."
"The right hand can't, the left-hand may help."
"They don't create two forces that are equal and then there is money to feed them,\" he argues."
"In addition, Filomeno said he will also create requirements for the professionalization of both forces (PNTL and F-FDTL), that to become a pro must be smart."
"\"For example in the F-FDTL since 2018, we have been professionalising it. We are doing this for three years now and I am very pleased with that.\""
"In order to be an Alfeiris, you must have a license so that your work is understood."
"Today, there is no unlicensed officer in the F-FDTL. We have senior veterans because they come from experience of war and know military strategy.\""
"He said: \"Some veterans, especially those who assumed the division of Lieutenant Colonel have also finished a licentiate course.\""
"Therefore, the former Deputy Chief of Staff said that police members must also take a licensure course and if they want to become an officer then it is necessary for them."
"Previous articleAgência TATOLI no RTTL-EP Diskute Preliminar com Lusa Next KFSNI Members Nine To Have Posse In PN Material Donation From Jack Ma and Alibaba Fundations Until Today There Has Been..."
"DILI, May 26th (Xinhua) - A charter flight from Singapore to Comoro will take off at the President Nicolau Lobato International Airport in..."
] |
Prezidente FIFA hakarak "aprende hosi buat ne’ebé uluk hodi labele halo sala hanesan"\nPrezidente FIFA, Gianni Infantino, afirma iha kinta-feira ne’e katak sei labele muda eskandalozu uluk nian iha organizmu ne’ebé dirije, maibé di’ak liu aprende atu labele monu bá sala hanesan.\n"Klaru katak labele muda buat ne’ebé uluk, maibé bele halo iha futuru no ami iha, ba ida ne’e. Ha’u hakarak konsentra lai ba futuru no aprende hosi buat ne’ebé uluk hodi labele komete sala hanesan", afirma dirijente ítalu-suísu, ho tinan 45, ne’ebé asume fulan ida ona prezidénsia FIFA nian, iha konferénsia imprensa iha Bogotá.\nGianni Infantino afirma katak laiha " fórmula ida májiku" maibé bele "servisu, entuziazmu no kontente" hodi supera krize institusionál no rekupera imajen futeból mundiál, ne’ebé nakdoko hosi eskándalu korrupsaun.\n"Fórmula atu supera buat sira ne’e hotu maka servisu, entuziazmu no kontente. Ne’e maka presiza atu hala’o. servisu ho forma ida transparente, nakloke, sériu no profisionál", hatete Gianni Infantino.\nInfantino hakotu iha kinta-feira ne’e iha Kolómbia viajen ida ba Amérika do Sul, ne’ebé inklui moos nasaun sira hanesan Paraguai, Uruguai no Bolívia.\nRibéry kontente tamba Ancelotti sai susesór Guardiola\nGuardiola sei husik hela klube bávaru iha finál époka ida ne’e.\nJogadór fransés Franck Ribéry hatete katak nia sente satisfeitu bainhira hatene katak Ancelotti hanesan susesór Guardiola iha Bayern.\n"Ha’u hatene katak nia ema ida di’ak. Nia hakarak kontratu ha’u bainhira sei iha Chelsea, maibé Uli Hoeness [antigu prezidente Bayern] hatete mai ha’u katak nia lakohi atu negosia. Iha filosofia lahanesan ho Guardiola no simpátiku", afirma Ribery ba Gazzetta dello Sport.\nEstremu ne’e hatutan tan katak istória Ancelotti nian konta hanesan ne’e no di’ak tebes bele servisu hamutuk ho nia.\n"Nia manán títulu oioin ona iha klube barak, ne’ebé di’ak tebes servisu bele hamutuk ho nia ", nia hakotu. | [
"Prezidente FIFA hakarak \"aprende hosi buat ne'ebe uluk hodi labele halo sala hanesan\" Prezidente FIFA, Gianni Infantino, afirma iha kinta-feira ne'e katak sei labele muda eskandalozu uluk nian iha organizmu ne'ebe dirije, maibe di'ak liu aprende atu labele monu ba sala hanesan.",
"\"Klaru katak labele muda buat ne'ebe uluk, maibe bele halo iha futuru no ami iha, ba ida ne'e.",
"Ha'u hakarak konsentra lai ba futuru no aprende hosi buat ne'ebe uluk hodi labele komete sala hanesan,\" afirma dirijente italu-suisu, ho tinan 45, ne'ebe asume fulan ida ona prezidensia FIFA nian, iha konferensia imprensa iha Bogota.",
"Gianni Infantino afirma katak laiha \" formula ida majiku\" maibe bele \"servisu, entuziazmu no kontente\" hodi supera krize institusional no rekupera imajen futebol mundial, ne'ebe nakdoko hosi eskandalu korrupsaun.",
"\"Formula atu supera buat sira ne'e hotu maka servisu, entuziazmu no kontente.",
"Ne'e maka presiza atu hala'o. servisu ho forma ida transparente, nakloke, seriu no profisional,\" hatete Gianni Infantino.",
"Infantino hakotu iha kinta-feira ne'e iha Kolombia viajen ida ba Amerika do Sul, ne'ebe inklui moos nasaun sira hanesan Paraguai, Uruguai no Bolivia.",
"Ribery kontente tamba Ancelotti sai susesor Guardiola Guardiola sei husik hela klube bavaru iha final epoka ida ne'e.",
"Jogador franses Franck Ribery hatete katak nia sente satisfeitu bainhira hatene katak Ancelotti hanesan susesor Guardiola iha Bayern.",
"\"Ha'u hatene katak nia ema ida di'ak.",
"Nia hakarak kontratu ha'u bainhira sei iha Chelsea, maibe Uli Hoeness [antigu prezidente Bayern] hatete mai ha'u katak nia lakohi atu negosia.",
"Iha filosofia lahanesan ho Guardiola no simpatiku,\" afirma Ribery ba Gazzetta dello Sport.",
"Estremu ne'e hatutan tan katak istoria Ancelotti nian konta hanesan ne'e no di'ak tebes bele servisu hamutuk ho nia.",
"\"Nia manan titulu oioin ona iha klube barak, ne'ebe di'ak tebes servisu bele hamutuk ho nia ,\" nia hakotu."
] | [
"FIFA President Gianni Infantino said on Wednesday that he could not change the past scandals in his governing body, but rather learn from them to avoid falling into similar mistake. \"I want people who have been involved with this kind of thing and I hope they will be better prepared for what is ahead.\""
"\"Of course we can't change things that happened in the past, but it is possible to do something about this and there are plans for us."
"I want to concentrate on the future and learn from what happened so that we don't make same mistakes,\" declared at a press conference in Bogota. The 45-year old Italian Swiss executive has been president of FIFA for one month now"
"Gianni Infantino affirms that there is no \"magical formula\" but can only be achieved with the help of “service, enthusiasm and contentment” to overcome institutional crisis in order for football worldwide image which has been tarnished by corruption scandal."
"\"The formula to overcome all these things is hard work, enthusiasm and satisfaction."
"That is what we need to do. work in a transparent, open and professional manner\", said Gianni Infantino"
"Infantino passed away on Wednesday in Colombia from a trip to South America, which included countries such as Paraguay and Uruguay."
"Ribery happy that Ancelotti is Guardiola's successor The Bavarian will be leaving the club at season end."
"French player Franck Ribery said he was pleased to know that Ancelotti is Guardiola's successor at Bayern."
"\"I know that he is a good man."
"He wanted to sign me when he was at Chelsea, but Uli Hoeness [former Bayern president] told us that they wouldn't negotiate."
"He has a philosophy that is different from Guardiola and he's very sympathetic,\" Ribery told Gazzetta dello Sport."
"The striker added that Ancelotti's story is like this and it was great to work with him."
"\"He has won many titles with a lot of club, so it'd be great to work together.\""
] |
Situasaun Seguransa La Prejudika EN – STL Online\nSituasaun Seguransa La Prejudika EN\nDILI-Relasiona ho rumoris neebe mak espalla iha publiku, konaba situasaun seguransa iha laran, maibe nee sei la fo impaktu/la prejudika ba iha ezame nasional (EN), neebe mak sei halao iha Segunda semana oin.\nTuir Adjuntu Direitor eskola Sekundariu Cristal, Bernardo de Araujo, konaba rumoris liga ba situasaun seguransa ninia nee, tanba iha sira nian eskola, sempre iha fiar buat hotu-hotu sei halao ho diak, tanba tama iha ezame nasional, sira sei halo kooperasaun ho OPS, atu nunee iha buat ruma karik, sira bele kontaktu ba malu, tanba konaba seguransa enjeral ema hotu tenke tuir estadu.\nHau hanoin antes ita atu tama ba iha ezame nasional primeiru sira tenke aprezenta uluk sira nian teze, tanba nee, estudante sira nian preparasaun ba iha ezame nasional nee diak, tanba antes atu tama iha ezame, sira hahu halo uluk novena,” dehan Barnardo ba jornalista iha nia knar fatin Balide Dili Segunda (16/10/2017).\nKonaba rumoris liga ba situasaun seguransa ninia nee, tanba iha eskola Cristas, sempre iha fiar buat hotu-hotu no sei halao ho diak, tanba tama iha ezame nasional, husi Cristas sei halo kooperasaun ho OPS, atu nunee iha buat ruma karik, sira bele kontaktu ba malu, tanba konaba seguransa injeral hotu tenke tuir estadu, tanba nee, tenke fiar ba seguransa.\nNia hatete, finalista 300 i tal mak sei partisipa iha ezame nasional, maibe agora dadaun sira preparadu dadaun ona, tanba falta deit loron, para ezame nasional nee hahu komesa iha teritoriu Timor Leste (TL).\nIha fatin hanesan Nuno Martins dos Santos, hanesan estudante terseiru ano, husi ESC, hatete, nudar estudantes, ninia preparasaun masimu ona, tanba nudar estudante tenke prepara aan, tanba antes atu koalia konaba ezame nasional, nia mos koalia ouituan konaba sira nian kontribuisaun ba iha eskola hanesan, tenke selu kedas propinas iha administrasaun.\n“Hau nudar estudantes, hau nian preparasaun masimu ona, tanba nudar estudante tenke prepara hau nian aan, maibe antes atu koalia konaba ezame nasional, hau mos koalia ouituan konaba hau nian kontribuisaun ba iha eskola hanesan, hau tenke selu kedas iha administrasaun, depois hau nian falta eskola tenke selu,”dehan nia. Jacinta Sequeira\nPrevious article Estudante Cristal 325 Tuir Formasaun DH\nNext article Faan Pulsa Suporta Eskola\n3 days ago9:12\n4 days ago9:21\n9 days ago9:29 | [
"Situasaun Seguransa La Prejudika EN - STL Online Situasaun Seguransa La Prejudika EN DILI-Relasiona ho rumoris neebe mak espalla iha publiku, konaba situasaun seguransa iha laran, maibe nee sei la fo impaktu/la prejudika ba iha ezame nasional (EN), neebe mak sei halao iha Segunda semana oin.",
"Tuir Adjuntu Direitor eskola Sekundariu Cristal, Bernardo de Araujo, konaba rumoris liga ba situasaun seguransa ninia nee, tanba iha sira nian eskola, sempre iha fiar buat hotu-hotu sei halao ho diak, tanba tama iha ezame nasional, sira sei halo kooperasaun ho OPS, atu nunee iha buat ruma karik, sira bele kontaktu ba malu, tanba konaba seguransa enjeral ema hotu tenke tuir estadu.",
"Hau hanoin antes ita atu tama ba iha ezame nasional primeiru sira tenke aprezenta uluk sira nian teze, tanba nee, estudante sira nian preparasaun ba iha ezame nasional nee diak, tanba antes atu tama iha ezame, sira hahu halo uluk novena,\" dehan Barnardo ba jornalista iha nia knar fatin Balide Dili Segunda (16/10/2017).",
"Konaba rumoris liga ba situasaun seguransa ninia nee, tanba iha eskola Cristas, sempre iha fiar buat hotu-hotu no sei halao ho diak, tanba tama iha ezame nasional, husi Cristas sei halo kooperasaun ho OPS, atu nunee iha buat ruma karik, sira bele kontaktu ba malu, tanba konaba seguransa injeral hotu tenke tuir estadu, tanba nee, tenke fiar ba seguransa.",
"Nia hatete, finalista 300 i tal mak sei partisipa iha ezame nasional, maibe agora dadaun sira preparadu dadaun ona, tanba falta deit loron, para ezame nasional nee hahu komesa iha teritoriu Timor Leste (TL).",
"Iha fatin hanesan Nuno Martins dos Santos, hanesan estudante terseiru ano, husi ESC, hatete, nudar estudantes, ninia preparasaun masimu ona, tanba nudar estudante tenke prepara aan, tanba antes atu koalia konaba ezame nasional, nia mos koalia ouituan konaba sira nian kontribuisaun ba iha eskola hanesan, tenke selu kedas propinas iha administrasaun.",
"\"Hau nudar estudantes, hau nian preparasaun masimu ona, tanba nudar estudante tenke prepara hau nian aan, maibe antes atu koalia konaba ezame nasional, hau mos koalia ouituan konaba hau nian kontribuisaun ba iha eskola hanesan, hau tenke selu kedas iha administrasaun, depois hau nian falta eskola tenke selu,\"dehan nia.",
"Jacinta Sequeira Previous article Estudante Cristal 325 Tuir Formasaun DH Next article Faan Pulsa Suporta Eskola 3 days ago9:12 4 days ago9:21 9 days ago9:29"
] | [
"Dili-Related to the rumors that are spreading in public, about security situation at home. However this will not have an impact on/doesn't prejudice national exam (EN), which is scheduled for next Monday 2018 - STL Online Situasaun Seguransa La Prejudika EN"
"According to the Deputy Principal of Cristal Secondary School, Bernardo de Araujo about rumors related with security situation itself because in their school they are always confident that everything will go well as it is going into national exam. They shall cooperate and OPS so if there' s anything wrong can contact each other since regarding general safety everyone must follow state rules 10"
"I think before we enter into the first national exam they have to present their theses, so students' preparation for this examination is good because prior of entering in an examinations. They start doing a novena.\" Barnardo told journalist at his office Balide Dili on Monday (16/09) 23:57"
"Concerning rumors linked to the security situation itself, because in Cristas school there is always confidence that everything will go well and be carried out properly. Because of entering into a national examination from Christos we are cooperating with OPS so if something should happen they can contact each other as regarding general safety all must follow state rules; thue you have trust on Security"
"He said, 301 finalists will participate in the national exam but they are already preparing because there is only a few days left before it begin on Timor-Leste (TL)."
"Nuno Martins dos Santos, a third-year student at ESC said that as students they have prepared themselves to the maximum because before talking about national exam he also spoke of their contribution for school like paying tuition in administration."
"\"I as a student, I have made my maximum preparation because the students must prepare myself but before talking about national exams we also talk of our contributions to school like i should pay immediately in administration then after that what is missing from me at schools it will be paid\" he said."
"Previous article Estudante Cristal 325 Tuir Formasaun DH Next artikel Faan Pulsa Suporta Eskola (English)1 days ago9:084days back7.6k views"
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Asosiasaun Estudante Hadomi Natureza UNTL Halao Jornada La’o Ain Husi Viqueque To’o Díli\nDíli, 14 agostu 2019 - Fakuldade Ekonomia i Jestaun (FEJ) Universidade Nacional Timor lorosa’e (UNTL) liuhosi Asosiasaun Estudante Hadomi Natureza (ESHANA) hala’o jornada la’o ain, durante semana ida, hahú husi loron 14 Agostu 2019, husi Munisípiu Viqueque mai to’o Kapitál Díli, hodi presta omenajen ba eroi sira iha ámbitu komemorasaun loron moris FALINTIL nian ba dala-44 no Loron Konsulta Populár ba dala-20.\n“Atividade ne’e, ESHANA hala’o kada tinan liuhosi koordenasaun fakuldade hodi lori estudante sira ne’ebé hanesan membru asosiasaun halo reflesaun ba loron istóriku sira,” hateten Dekanu Fakuldade Ekonomia no Jestaun (FEJ) Custodio Barata Ximenes, durante abertura ba jornada refere (13/08) iha Kampus FEJ, Díli.\nDekanu FEJ mós hatutan katak eventu ne’e hola parte iha atividade estrakurrikulár nian ne’ebé estudante sira la aprende iha aula no atu motiva mós estudante sira hodi kontribui ba Dezenvolvimentu Nasionál.\nBrigadeiru-Jenerál Domingos Raul (Falur Rate Laek), nu’udar Vise-Xefe Estadu-Maiór-Jenerál F-FDTL dejesu no apresiza espíritu joven universitáriu sira ne’ebé ho vontade hakarak hatene no la’o tuir eroi sira-nia ai-fatin.\nKoordenadór ESHANA, Jacob Tavares hateten katak atividade ne’e nu’udar komitmentu ida hodi presta sira-nia omenajen no valoriza Eroi Nasionál sira-nia dedikasaun iha luta no hodi komemora loron nasionál FALINTIL no Konsulta Populár ne’ebé monu iha fulan agostu.\nJornada la’o ain ne’e inklui membru ESHANA hamutuk 35 no sei sai iha loron 14 Agostu hahú husi Viqueque, liuhusi Waimori Tula, Kairui, Laleia, Manatutu, Metinaru, Bekora, Kaikoli, ikus maka Fatuhada, iha Kuartel Jeral F-FDTL nian iha loron 19 Agostu.\nJornada nain sira sei hetan apoiu máximu husi parte F-FDTL no pesoál primeiru sokoru nian durante kamiñada semana ida nian. | [
"Asosiasaun Estudante Hadomi Natureza UNTL Halao Jornada La'o Ain Husi Viqueque To'o Dili Dili, 14 agostu 2019 - Fakuldade Ekonomia i Jestaun (FEJ) Universidade Nacional Timor lorosa'e (UNTL) liuhosi Asosiasaun Estudante Hadomi Natureza (ESHANA) hala'o jornada la'o ain, durante semana ida, hahu husi loron 14 Agostu 2019, husi Munisipiu Viqueque mai to'o Kapital Dili, hodi presta omenajen ba eroi sira iha ambitu komemorasaun loron moris FALINTIL nian ba dala-44 no Loron Konsulta Popular ba dala-20.",
"\"Atividade ne'e, ESHANA hala'o kada tinan liuhosi koordenasaun fakuldade hodi lori estudante sira ne'ebe hanesan membru asosiasaun halo reflesaun ba loron istoriku sira,\" hateten Dekanu Fakuldade Ekonomia no Jestaun (FEJ) Custodio Barata Ximenes, durante abertura ba jornada refere (13/08) iha Kampus FEJ, Dili.",
"Dekanu FEJ mos hatutan katak eventu ne'e hola parte iha atividade estrakurrikular nian ne'ebe estudante sira la aprende iha aula no atu motiva mos estudante sira hodi kontribui ba Dezenvolvimentu Nasional.",
"Brigadeiru-Jeneral Domingos Raul (Falur Rate Laek), nu'udar Vise-Xefe Estadu-Maior-Jeneral F-FDTL dejesu no apresiza espiritu joven universitariu sira ne'ebe ho vontade hakarak hatene no la'o tuir eroi sira-nia ai-fatin.",
"Koordenador ESHANA, Jacob Tavares hateten katak atividade ne'e nu'udar komitmentu ida hodi presta sira-nia omenajen no valoriza Eroi Nasional sira-nia dedikasaun iha luta no hodi komemora loron nasional FALINTIL no Konsulta Popular ne'ebe monu iha fulan agostu.",
"Jornada la'o ain ne'e inklui membru ESHANA hamutuk 35 no sei sai iha loron 14 Agostu hahu husi Viqueque, liuhusi Waimori Tula, Kairui, Laleia, Manatutu, Metinaru, Bekora, Kaikoli, ikus maka Fatuhada, iha Kuartel Jeral F-FDTL nian iha loron 19 Agostu.",
"Jornada nain sira sei hetan apoiu maximu husi parte F-FDTL no pesoal primeiru sokoru nian durante kaminada semana ida nian."
] | [
"Dili, August 14th - The Faculty of Economics and Management (FEJ) at the National Timor Lorosa'e University(UNTL), through its Nature-Loving Students Association/Associação de Estudante Hadomi Naturaza UNTL held a walking day for one week from Aug.20 to Dec3 in order that they could pay tributes as part on commemorating FALINTIL’S birthday celebration which is being celebrated this year since it was founded more than fourty years ago with an event called “The Day Of Popular Consulta”."
"\"This activity, ESHANA carries out every year through the coordination of faculty to bring students who are members association reflect on historic days\", said Dean Facultad de Economia e Gestão (FEJ) Custodio Baratas Ximenes during opening for this day 13/08 in Fej Campus Dili."
"Dean FEJ also said that the event is part of extracurricular activities which students do not learn in class and to motivate them as well, so they can contribute for National Development."
"Brigadier-General Domingos Raul (Falur Rate Laek), as Deputy Chief of the General Staff FFDTL respected and appreciated young university spirit who have a will to learn about their heroes' legacy."
"ESHANA Coordinator, Jacob Tavares said that the activity is a commitment to pay their tribute and value National Heroes' dedication in struggle as well commemorate FALINTIL national day of independence."
"The journey includes 35 ESHANA members and will leave on August,14 starting from Viqueque via Waimori Tula to Kairui Laleia Manatutu Metinaru Bekora kaikoli Fatuhada at the F-FDTL General Headquarters."
"The volunteers will receive maximum support from F-FDTL and first line personnel of Sokoru during the week long campaign."
] |
Produsaun batar, hare no forerai fini kualidade di’ak iha rai laran sei aumenta makaas iha epoka kuda tinan 2014-15 ida ne’e depois de rejistra tan produtór fini komersiál (PFK) foun 27 husi Ministério da Agricultura e Pescas (MAP) iha fin de 2014.\nHo ida ne’e halo total númeru PFK sai ba 58 iha teritóriu laran tomak, aumenta tan ba PFK 31 ne’ebé rejistra ona iha tinan 2013 iha Sistema Fini Nasionál ba Variedade Ne’ebé Lansa (SFNVL) nia okos.\nChefe grupu asosiasaun agrikultor ‘Matebean’ husi distritu Baucau simu sertikadu Produtor Fini Komersial husi Advisor MAP-SoL ba Dezenvolvimentu Fini Komunidade & Fini Komersiál © Yessy Betty/Seeds of Life\nLista kontaktu Produtor Fini Komersiál kada distritu bele hetan iha nee.\nAgostinho Guterres, Chefe Departementu MAP ba Habarak Fini Komunidade Agríkula, esplika katak presija tebes númeru produtór ne’ebé dóbru atu nune’e bele responde ba demanda fini nasionál ba variedade ne’ebé lansa ofisialmente.\n“Total fini ne’ebé produs husi PFK 31 iha epoka kuda tinan 2013-14 la sufisiente atu responde ba MAP nia rekerimentu fini kualidade di’ak ne’ebé lansa, hanesan batar (Sele, Noi Mutin), hare (Nakroma) no forerai (Utamua).\n“Iha tinan kotuk ba PFK produs batar fini tonelada 50 no hare fini tonelada 50, ne’ebé bele responde 50% deit ba MAP nia demanda fini ho tonelada 180. Nune’e mos forerai, total produsaun husi PFK mak tonelada ida deit maibe MAP nia demanda ba fini forerai mak tonelada 10” tenik nia.\nMezmu nune’e, produsaun rezulta husi PFK 31 mantein impresionante tebes tanba SFNVL lansa deit husi MAP-SoL no parseiru SFNVL sira seluk iha tinan klaran 2013.\nHusi fini tonelada 50 ne’ebé PFK sira produs no fa’an ba MAP sira konsege hetan osan ho montante maizumenus US$75,000, ne’ebé hatudu katak produsaun no fa’an fini komersiál bele sai hanesan fonte rendimentu di’ak ba produtór sira.\n“Iha tinan hirak oin mai, objetivu mak atu iha PFK tolu to’o haat bele halo operasaun iha kada distritu no produs fini sufisiente hodi responde ba demanda fini distritu liu husi fornesimentu fini ba merkadu.”\nAdvisor MAP-SoL ba Dezenvolvimentu Fini Komunidade & Fini Komersiál, Buddhi Kunwar, esplika katak aumentu iha PFK sei hadi’a produsaun no fornesimentu fini iha nível nasionál no distritál.\n“Iha ne’e halo estimasaun katak iha epoka kuda tinan 2014-15 PFK 58 sei produs fini kualidade di’ak husi ai-horis batar, hare no forerai maizumenus tonelada 200 husi variedade ne’ebé lansa ona husi MAP,” tenik nia.\nMembru grupu husi Produtor Fini Komersial ‘Buirudu’ husi Hato Udo, distritu Ainaro hatudu sira nia produsaun fini batar Sele 1.8 tonnes nebe’e sira produs iha epoka 2013-14 © Ivan Lopes/Seeds of Life\nTuir Agostinho, MAP planéia ona ba futuru atu halo kontratu profunda ho PFK sira hodi fornese fini ba nesesidade governo nasionál.\nRejistrasaun PFK tuir SFNVL fasilita produtór sira atu kuda no fa’an fini husi variedade kualidade di’ak ho sira-nia marka rasik no karimbu kualidade Fini ba Moris nian ba agrikultór sira seluk, ONG sira, komersiante fini komersiál sira (ex. loja agrikultura sira) no ba governo Timor-Leste.\nFini komersiál hotu-hotu ne’ebé produs husi PFK tenke kuda no fa’an tuir matadalan garante kualidade MAP nian no entrega ba Departementu Fini MAP atu bele halo verifikasaun regular.\nIha soru-mutu loron rua foin dadaun, iha dia 14 no 15 de Janeiru, reprezentante husi PFK 58 mai hamutuk hodi simu sira-nia sertifikadu rejistrasaun ofisiál, fahe rezultadu produsaun no deskuti kona-ba formasaun asosiasaun nasionál ba produtór fini komersiál.\nRepresentativu Produtor Fini Komersial husi distritu hotu-hotu partisipa iha workshop hodi simu sira nia sertikadu ofisialmente © Yessy Betty/Seeds of Life\nFrancisco Gomes, Chefe PFK Buirudu husi distritu Ainaro, sente kontente tanba nia grupu la presiza dúvida kona-ba oinsa atu fa’an sira-nia fini.\n“Agora ami hatene ona kona-ba nain no fatin husi loja agrikultura iha distritu sira, tinan ida ne’e ami hatene atu fa’an ami nia fini iha ne’ebé. MAP ho loja agrikultura sira bele sosa ami nia fini hodi fa’an tutan ba familia agrikultór sira seluk,” tenik nia iha eventu ne’e.\nMAF-SoL sei kontinua atu ajuda mantein PFK sira liu husi dezenvolve sira-nia kapasidade kona-ba produsaun no armazenamentu fini kualidade di’ak no mos iha jestaun kona-ba negósiu nian no liga sira ho kompradór sira, ONG sira no mos ho komersiante sira. | [
"Produsaun batar, hare no forerai fini kualidade di'ak iha rai laran sei aumenta makaas iha epoka kuda tinan 2014-15 ida ne'e depois de rejistra tan produtor fini komersial (PFK) foun 27 husi Ministerio da Agricultura e Pescas (MAP) iha fin de 2014.",
"Ho ida ne'e halo total numeru PFK sai ba 58 iha teritoriu laran tomak, aumenta tan ba PFK 31 ne'ebe rejistra ona iha tinan 2013 iha Sistema Fini Nasional ba Variedade Ne'ebe Lansa (SFNVL) nia okos.",
"Chefe grupu asosiasaun agrikultor 'Matebean' husi distritu Baucau simu sertikadu Produtor Fini Komersial husi Advisor MAP-SoL ba Dezenvolvimentu Fini Komunidade & Fini Komersial (c) Yessy Betty/Seeds of Life Lista kontaktu Produtor Fini Komersial kada distritu bele hetan iha nee.",
"Agostinho Guterres, Chefe Departementu MAP ba Habarak Fini Komunidade Agrikula, esplika katak presija tebes numeru produtor ne'ebe dobru atu nune'e bele responde ba demanda fini nasional ba variedade ne'ebe lansa ofisialmente.",
"\"Total fini ne'ebe produs husi PFK 31 iha epoka kuda tinan 2013-14 la sufisiente atu responde ba MAP nia rekerimentu fini kualidade di'ak ne'ebe lansa, hanesan batar (Sele, Noi Mutin), hare (Nakroma) no forerai (Utamua).",
"\"Iha tinan kotuk ba PFK produs batar fini tonelada 50 no hare fini tonelada 50, ne'ebe bele responde 50% deit ba MAP nia demanda fini ho tonelada 180.",
"Nune'e mos forerai, total produsaun husi PFK mak tonelada ida deit maibe MAP nia demanda ba fini forerai mak tonelada 10\" tenik nia.",
"Mezmu nune'e, produsaun rezulta husi PFK 31 mantein impresionante tebes tanba SFNVL lansa deit husi MAP-SoL no parseiru SFNVL sira seluk iha tinan klaran 2013.",
"Husi fini tonelada 50 ne'ebe PFK sira produs no fa'an ba MAP sira konsege hetan osan ho montante maizumenus US$75,000, ne'ebe hatudu katak produsaun no fa'an fini komersial bele sai hanesan fonte rendimentu di'ak ba produtor sira.",
"\"Iha tinan hirak oin mai, objetivu mak atu iha PFK tolu to'o haat bele halo operasaun iha kada distritu no produs fini sufisiente hodi responde ba demanda fini distritu liu husi fornesimentu fini ba merkadu.\"",
"Advisor MAP-SoL ba Dezenvolvimentu Fini Komunidade & Fini Komersial, Buddhi Kunwar, esplika katak aumentu iha PFK sei hadi'a produsaun no fornesimentu fini iha nivel nasional no distrital.",
"\"Iha ne'e halo estimasaun katak iha epoka kuda tinan 2014-15 PFK 58 sei produs fini kualidade di'ak husi ai-horis batar, hare no forerai maizumenus tonelada 200 husi variedade ne'ebe lansa ona husi MAP,\" tenik nia.",
"Membru grupu husi Produtor Fini Komersial 'Buirudu' husi Hato Udo, distritu Ainaro hatudu sira nia produsaun fini batar Sele 1.8 tonnes nebe'e sira produs iha epoka 2013-14 (c) Ivan Lopes/Seeds of Life Tuir Agostinho, MAP planeia ona ba futuru atu halo kontratu profunda ho PFK sira hodi fornese fini ba nesesidade governo nasional.",
"Rejistrasaun PFK tuir SFNVL fasilita produtor sira atu kuda no fa'an fini husi variedade kualidade di'ak ho sira-nia marka rasik no karimbu kualidade Fini ba Moris nian ba agrikultor sira seluk, ONG sira, komersiante fini komersial sira (ex. loja agrikultura sira) no ba governo Timor-Leste.",
"Fini komersial hotu-hotu ne'ebe produs husi PFK tenke kuda no fa'an tuir matadalan garante kualidade MAP nian no entrega ba Departementu Fini MAP atu bele halo verifikasaun regular.",
"Iha soru-mutu loron rua foin dadaun, iha dia 14 no 15 de Janeiru, reprezentante husi PFK 58 mai hamutuk hodi simu sira-nia sertifikadu rejistrasaun ofisial, fahe rezultadu produsaun no deskuti kona-ba formasaun asosiasaun nasional ba produtor fini komersial.",
"Representativu Produtor Fini Komersial husi distritu hotu-hotu partisipa iha workshop hodi simu sira nia sertikadu ofisialmente (c) Yessy Betty/Seeds of Life Francisco Gomes, Chefe PFK Buirudu husi distritu Ainaro, sente kontente tanba nia grupu la presiza duvida kona-ba oinsa atu fa'an sira-nia fini.",
"\"Agora ami hatene ona kona-ba nain no fatin husi loja agrikultura iha distritu sira, tinan ida ne'e ami hatene atu fa'an ami nia fini iha ne'ebe.",
"MAP ho loja agrikultura sira bele sosa ami nia fini hodi fa'an tutan ba familia agrikultor sira seluk,\" tenik nia iha eventu ne'e.",
"MAF-SoL sei kontinua atu ajuda mantein PFK sira liu husi dezenvolve sira-nia kapasidade kona-ba produsaun no armazenamentu fini kualidade di'ak no mos iha jestaun kona-ba negosiu nian no liga sira ho komprador sira, ONG sira no mos ho komersiante sira."
] | [
"Domestic production of high-quality corn, wheat and forage grains will increase significantly in the 2014/5 growing season after a further registration by Ministry da Agricultura e Pescas (MAP) at end -of – year."
"This brings the total number of PFK to 58 throughout Brazil, up from a previously recorded level in that year (31) under SFNVL."
"The group leader of the 'Matebean' farmers association from Baucau district received a certificate as Commercial Fertilizer Producer by MAP-SoL Advisor for Community & Comercial Finish Development (c) Yessy Betty/Seeds Of Life Contact list with commercial fertilisers producer in each county can be found here."
"Agostinho Guterres, Head of the MAP Department for Agricultural Community Seed Information explains that a larger number is needed in order to meet national seed demand with officially launched varieties."
"\"The total fertilizer produced by PFK 31 in the growing season of this year, is not sufficient to meet MAP's requirements for high quality grain products such as wheat (Sele Noi Mutin), rice(Nakroma) and fodder seedlings."
"\"Last year PFK produced 50 tonnes of potato fertilizer and a total production capacity for the same quantity, which can only meet about half MAP's demand with its own plant."
"Similarly for feed, the total production of PFK is only one tonne but MAP's demand in fertilizer feeding was 10 tons\", he said."
"Nevertheless, the output resulting from PFK 31 remains very impressive since SFNVL was only launched by MAP-SoL and other partners of sfnvl in early year."
"Of the 50 tons of grain that PFK produced and sold to MAP, they managed a total profit amounting at least US$74.9 million which shows how commercially grown corn can be an important source for producers' income in this country as well"
"\"In the coming years, it is a goal to have three or four PFKs operating in each district and producing sufficient fine grain for meeting departmental refinery demand through market supply.\""
"MAP-SoL Advisor for Community & Commercial Fertilizer Development, Buddhi Kunwar explains that the increase in PFK will improve fertiliser production and supply at national as well a district level."
"\"It is estimated that in the growing season 2014-5 PFK will produce good quality grains from field crops, wheat and forage at least tonnes of varieties already launched by MAP."
"Members of the 'Buirudu' Commercial Fertilizer Producers group from Hato Udo, Ainaro district show their 1.8 tonnes Sele batar fertiliser yield they produced in season (c) Ivan Lopez/Seeds Of Life According Agostinho MAP is planning for future deep contract with PFK’ s supplying national government needs on a daily basis and will continue this approach as well"
"PFK registration under SFNVL facilitates producers to grow and sell high-quality varieties of fertilizers with their own brand names, as well the Fini ba Moris quality labeling system for other farmers in Timor Leste."
"All commercial fertilizers produced by PFK must be grown and sold in accordance with MAP quality assurance guidelines, delivered to the Department of Fertilisers for regular verification."
"At the recent two-day meeting, on 14 and January. representatives of PFK58 came together to receive their official registration certificates; share production results as well discuss about formation a national association for commercial pine producer"
"Representatives of Commercial Seed Producers from all districts attended the workshop to receive their official certificate. (c) Yessy Betty/Seeds Of Life Francisco Gomez, Chief PFK Buirudu in Ainaro District is happy that his group has no doubts about how they can sell its seed products and will continue with this work until 2015"
"\"Now we know about the ownership and location of agricultural stores in districts, this year I'm sure where to sell my grain."
"MAP and agricultural stores can buy our fertilizer to sell it entirely on other farmers' families,\" he said at the event."
"MAF-SoL will continue to help maintain the PFKs by developing their capacities on production and storage of high quality fine grain as well in business management, liaison with buyers. NGO'S or traders are also welcomed!"
] |
By Tempo Timor July 08, 2020 6352\nKonselleiru Maximu partidu KHUNTO iha okaziaun ruma iha nia kna'ar fatin Foto Suplai\nLere dehan, Naimori laiha background edukasaun kona-ba teolojia, tan ne’e lalika koko atu halo debate ho Amu Lulik sira koa-ba Maromak.\n"Ha'u-nia alin Naimori ba debate fali ho Amu sira ne'e ha'u-nia alin hanoin sala ona, be nia la estuda teolójia, o ba diskute fali ho padre sira kona-ba Maromak ne'e, possa, o la manan ida," dehan Lere sira iha Palásiu Prezidensiál Bairu-pite Dili, Kuarta (08/07).\nLere husu ba Naimori atu lalika diskuti kona-ba Maromak ho Amu Lulik sira, tanba Amu Lulik sira estuda kona-ba teolojia\n"Padre sira ne'e hatene teolójia, mais kuitadu ba Naimori ida la hatene teolójia ne'e ba halo fali debate ho Amu sira ne'e. Agora kona-ba manu raan, manu aten sira ne'e Naimori hatene liu, i agora demokrásia, mais demokrásia tenke iha limitasaun," dehan nia.\nLere husu ba Konselleru Másimu partidu Khunto atu kuidadu, no buka oinsa atu haboot nia partidu hodi ukun nasaun ne’e.\n"Alin Naimori mós tenke kuidadu, kuidadu, halo oinsa mak o nia partidu ne'e sai boot par ukun nasaun ne'e," nia dehan.\nJose Naimori Bucar\n« Lere Gava Asaun Alkatiri: La Kanta Demais, Nonok Lori ba Tribunal Governu Ezonera Monteiro Nu'udar Prezidente Timor GAP » | [
"By Tempo Timor July 08, 2020 6352 Konselleiru Maximu partidu KHUNTO iha okaziaun ruma iha nia kna'ar fatin Foto Suplai Lere dehan, Naimori laiha background edukasaun kona-ba teolojia, tan ne'e lalika koko atu halo debate ho Amu Lulik sira koa-ba Maromak.",
"\"Ha'u-nia alin Naimori ba debate fali ho Amu sira ne'e ha'u-nia alin hanoin sala ona, be nia la estuda teolojia, o ba diskute fali ho padre sira kona-ba Maromak ne'e, possa, o la manan ida,\" dehan Lere sira iha Palasiu Prezidensial Bairu-pite Dili, Kuarta (08/07).",
"Lere husu ba Naimori atu lalika diskuti kona-ba Maromak ho Amu Lulik sira, tanba Amu Lulik sira estuda kona-ba teolojia \"Padre sira ne'e hatene teolojia, mais kuitadu ba Naimori ida la hatene teolojia ne'e ba halo fali debate ho Amu sira ne'e.",
"Agora kona-ba manu raan, manu aten sira ne'e Naimori hatene liu, i agora demokrasia, mais demokrasia tenke iha limitasaun,\" dehan nia.",
"Lere husu ba Konselleru Masimu partidu Khunto atu kuidadu, no buka oinsa atu haboot nia partidu hodi ukun nasaun ne'e.",
"\"Alin Naimori mos tenke kuidadu, kuidadu, halo oinsa mak o nia partidu ne'e sai boot par ukun nasaun ne'e,\" nia dehan.",
"Jose Naimori Bucar \" Lere Gava Asaun Alkatiri: La Kanta Demais, Nonok Lori ba Tribunal Governu Ezonera Monteiro Nu'udar Prezidente Timor GAP \""
] | [
"By Tempo Timor July 08,1926357 Naimori's educational background is not theology. He has no interest in debating with Amu Lulik about God Foto Suplai Lere says that he does have an educational background on Theologian and therefore lalika koko to make a debate of this kind"
"\"My brother Naimori is going to debate again with the monks, my sister think it wrong that he has not studied Theology or go and discuss about God this one more time in front of his priest. Maybe you won't win anymore\", said Lere at Dili Presidential Palace on Thursday (08/17)."
"Lere asked Naimori not to discuss about God with the Lulik monks, because they studied Theology. \"These priest know of this subject but it is unreasonable for a person who doesn't have any knowledge in that field and has no interest whatsoever at all into discussing them again.\""
"Now about the bloody chickens, Naimori know better than them. And now democracy has to have limitations.\""
"Lere asked the Chief Secretary of Khunto party to be careful, and look for ways how he can strengthen his Party in order that it may rule this country."
"\"Alin Naimori also has to be careful, and make sure that his party becomes big enough for ruling the country.\""
"Jose Naimori Bucar \" Lere Gava Asaun Alkatiri: La Kanta Demais, Nonok Lori ba Tribunal Governo Ezonera Monteiro Nu'udar Presidente Timor GAP\""
] |
Covid-19 Impede Batik Mai Investe Iha TL | STLNEWS\nCovid-19 Impede Batik Mai Investe Iha TL\nDILI, STLNEWS.co – Pandemia surtu Covid-19 halo investor Batik labele mai investe iha Timor Leste, tanba area neebe mak investor sira nee atu mai investe mak transportasaun aero, maibe tanba Covid-19 halo aeroportu taka.\nTuir Diretur Ezekutivu SERVE Florencio Sanches hatete, uluk SERVE halo ona negosiasaun ho Kompania Internasional Batik atu mai halo investimentu iha area transportasaun aero nian, maibe agora sai paradu tanba mundu hasoru hela pandemia surtu Covid-19, tanba nee investor labele mai, area neebe nia atu investe ba nee sei taka hela.\n“Ami halo ona negosiasaun ho kompania internasional ka aviaun Batik atu mai investe iha TL, maibe seidauk bele realiza, tanba mundu hasoru hela moras global Covid-19, no area neebe ema atu mai investe ba nee mos sei taka hela hanesan aeroportu, maibe aban bain rua atividade sira nee fila ba norma, mak Batik sei mai investe,” dehan nia ba STL Kuarta nee (08/09/2021) iha nia knaar fatin SERVE.\nNia afirma liu tan, tuir informasaun neebe mak SERVE simu husi Kompania Batik katak, iha Singapura rai ida neebe kiik tebes, aviaun atu para mos fatin susar, tanba nee mak sira buka fatin seluk.\nIha parte seluk reprezentante povu iha uma fukun Parlamentu Nasional (PN), Deputadu Domingos de Carvalho hatutan, Covid-19 mak impede kompania barak tak sira nia atividade, no kompania barak kansela atu mai investe iha TL.\n“Hau hanoin aban bain rua mak Covid-19 nee laiha ona, mak kompania internasional sira nee barak sei mai investe, maibe fila fali ba politika governu nian,” dehan nia.*\nReportajen: Madalena Horta/Jacinta siquira\nPrevious articleSERVE Preparadu Simu Investor KENJA\nNext articleDefisiensia Tenke Kore an Husi Analfabetizasaun | [
"Covid-19 Impede Batik Mai Investe Iha TL | STLNEWS Covid-19 Impede Batik Mai Investe Iha TL DILI, STLNEWS.co - Pandemia surtu Covid-19 halo investor Batik labele mai investe iha Timor Leste, tanba area neebe mak investor sira nee atu mai investe mak transportasaun aero, maibe tanba Covid-19 halo aeroportu taka.",
"Tuir Diretur Ezekutivu SERVE Florencio Sanches hatete, uluk SERVE halo ona negosiasaun ho Kompania Internasional Batik atu mai halo investimentu iha area transportasaun aero nian, maibe agora sai paradu tanba mundu hasoru hela pandemia surtu Covid-19, tanba nee investor labele mai, area neebe nia atu investe ba nee sei taka hela.",
"\"Ami halo ona negosiasaun ho kompania internasional ka aviaun Batik atu mai investe iha TL, maibe seidauk bele realiza, tanba mundu hasoru hela moras global Covid-19, no area neebe ema atu mai investe ba nee mos sei taka hela hanesan aeroportu, maibe aban bain rua atividade sira nee fila ba norma, mak Batik sei mai investe,\" dehan nia ba STL Kuarta nee (08/09/2021) iha nia knaar fatin SERVE.",
"Nia afirma liu tan, tuir informasaun neebe mak SERVE simu husi Kompania Batik katak, iha Singapura rai ida neebe kiik tebes, aviaun atu para mos fatin susar, tanba nee mak sira buka fatin seluk.",
"Iha parte seluk reprezentante povu iha uma fukun Parlamentu Nasional (PN), Deputadu Domingos de Carvalho hatutan, Covid-19 mak impede kompania barak tak sira nia atividade, no kompania barak kansela atu mai investe iha TL.",
"\"Hau hanoin aban bain rua mak Covid-19 nee laiha ona, mak kompania internasional sira nee barak sei mai investe, maibe fila fali ba politika governu nian,\" dehan nia.* Reportajen: Madalena Horta/Jacinta siquira Previous articleSERVE Preparadu Simu Investor KENJA Next articleDefisiensia Tenke Kore an Husi Analfabetizasaun"
] | [
"Dili, STLNEWS.co - The Covid-19 outbreak made Batik investors unable to come and invest in Timor Leste because the area that they were going for investment was air transportation but since covid 20 closed down airport it is not possible now as there are restrictions on traveling from some countries such As China or India which have been banned by government due COVID –"
"According to SERVE Executive Director Florencio Sanches, previously the company had negotiated with International Batik Company for investment in air transportation but now it has been stopped because of Covid-19 pandemic outbreak. Therefore investor cannot come and his area will be closed down as he is investing therein.”"
"\"We have made negotiations with international companies or Batik airline to come and invest in TL, but it has not yet been realized because the world is facing global disease Covid-19. The area where people are coming for investment will also be closed like airports; however tomorrow these two activities go back into normality so that we can start investing here,” he told STL Thursday (08/25) at his office SERVE 367 on a phone call from Singapore' s capital city of Kuala Lumpur"
"He added that according to the information SERVE received from Batik Company, Singapore is a very small country and therefore it was difficult for planes of any kinds in this area."
"On the other hand, representative of people in Parliament (PN), MP Domingos de Carvalho said that Covid-19 has prevented many companies from continuing their activities and cancellation to invest."
"\"I think tomorrow or two after Covid-19 is gone, many international companies will come and invest but it's back to the government policy\", he said.* Reporting: Madalena Horta/Jacinta siquira Previous articleSERVE Prepared To Accommodate Kenyan Investor Next ArticleDisabilities Must Get Rid Of Illiteracy"
] |
FORUM HAKSESUK: Entrevista Exclusivo Timor Post ho Carlos Saky nebe Publika iha Headline Jornal ne’e nian iha loron 28 Maiu 2015\nEntrevista Exclusivo Timor Post ho Carlos Saky nebe Publika iha Headline Jornal ne’e nian iha loron 28 Maiu 2015\nCarlos Saky: Mau Hodu Mate Hanesan Heroi\nCarlos Saky Autor livru: RENETIL Iha Luta Libertasaun Timor Lorosa’e ho sub titulu “antes sem título do que sem pátria”\nDili – Hakerek nai’in livru RENETIL ho titulu “RENETIL Iha Luta Libertasaun Timor Lorosa’e ho sub titulu “antes sem título do que sem pátria”, Carlos da Silva Lopes Saky esplika, Mau Hodu la trai luta no la trai nia kompañeiru de luta sira i nia mate hanesan eroi ida.\nCarlos Saky nia esplikasaun ne’e relasiona ho krítika barak husi deputadu balun iha Parlamento Nasional hasoru livru ne’ebe nia hakerek no lansa ona hosi Primeiru Ministru, Rui Maria de Araújo, iha loron 22/05/2015, iha Muzeum Rezistensia. Tuir deputadu sira, iha livru ne’e sira interpreta hakerek nain minimiza kontribuisaun luta ba libertasaun nasional hosi Hodu.\nTuir mai akompana entrevista eskluzivu Timor Post ho Carlos Saky, iha Fundasaun Haburas, Dili\nTimor Post: Explika razaun hakerek iha livru ne’e kona-ba Mau Hodu nia partisipasaun iha funu?\nCarlos Saky: Uluk nana’i ha’u hakarak agradese ba deputadu sira ne’ebé kritika livru ne’ebé ha’u hakerek tanba sira iha duni interesse hakarak sani saida mak ha’u hakerek iha livru ne’e nia laran.\nTuir mai, ha’u apresia deputadu sira ne’e tanba sira gosta sani duni livru ne’e. Ha’u mos hakarak hato’o admirasaun maka’as ba distintu deputadu sira tanba sira nia kapasidade estraordinariu atu sani ka lee livru mahar boot ne’e ho lais no to’o ramata hodi fo konkluzaun.\nInfelizmente, ha’u hakarak hatudu ha’u nia diskordansia ho distintu deputadu sira nia konkluzaun ne’ebé dehan katak livru ne’e destroe istoria Timor nian no dezakredita Saudozu Hodu Ran Kadalak. Konkluzaun ida ne’e, halu ha’u mos halu konkluzaun katak deputadu sira seidauk sani livru ne’e ho didiak no to’o remata. Ha’u deskonfia, keta sira le paragrafu ida ka rua de’it karik. Tanba ne’e mak sira lakonsegue identifika iha pajina sira seluk ne’ebé ha’u hakerek konaba diverjensia sira ne’ebé iha no halu referensia ba dokumentu ne’ebé sai ha’u nia fundamentu ba ha’u hodi hakerek.\nHakerek livru nu’udar exersisiu intelektual ida, ne’ebé nakloke ba kritika no komentar analitik sira. Tanba ne’e, ha’u aseita kritika hotu-hotu husi ne’ebé de’it hodi hariku liu tan istória Timor-Lorosa’e nian. Ho hanoin ida ne’e, ha’u hein atu livru ida ne’e bele hetan kritika nafatin lor-loron husi ne’ebe deit hodi halo livru ne’e bele sai perfeitu no halo ema hotu kontente.\nMaski nune’e, ha’u hakarak dehan deit katak, la existe iha mundu ne’e livru perfeitu ruma. Atu istoriador ida matenek to’o fali iha ne’ebé mos nia la sei hakerek istoria ida hodi satisfaz ema hotu-hotu nia laran. Maski renkonhese-an katak, por natureza, ha’u la’os istoriador, maibe ha’u fiar katak la iha evidensia akademik ka literatura ne’ebé prova katak istória, atu konta ka hakerek, tenki entrega tomak ba ema istoriador sira. Ohin loron ema hotu bele hakerek istória tuir ida-idak nia versaun. Importante mak istória sira ne’ebé ita konta ka hakerek iha faktu istoriku sira tanba ita koalia kona-ba istória, ita koalia konaba faktu. Istoria la’os politik ne’ebé presiza retorika. Iha retorika nia laran bele iha mos manipulasaun ba faktus.\nAgora ha’u hakarak esplika konaba referensia ne’ebé ha’u halu iha ha’u nia livru laran konaba Saudozu Hodu Ran Kadalak.\nHa’u nudar admirador ida ba maun Hodu nune’e mos ba maun Konis Santana ho maun Sabalae. Sira na’in tolu agora la hamutuk ona ho ita. Sira hotu kontribui maka’as iha luta libertasaun Timor-Lorosa’e nian.\nHusi referensia ne’ebé ha’u hetan iha periodu ida hafoin maun Hodu mai vila, mosu dezentendimentu, dalaruma to’o frontal ne’ebé maun Hodu halu ho Komandante Konis Santana ho Sekretariu Executivo CEL/FC, Keri Laran Sabalae.\nHa’u hanoin destintus deputados sira ne’ebé kritika makas ha’u nia livru, ha’u hanoin sira le deit tahan ida, la le tomak livru ne’e. Ou le de’it paragrafu ida ne’ebé ha’u hakerek hanesan ne’e iha pajina 384: “Komandanti Konis Santana ho Sabalae halu esforsu maka’as atu halu unifikasaun ba organizasaun sira juventudi nian iha rai-laran, maibé ulun sira OJETIL nian la simu OPJLATIL ne’ebé foin mosu. OJETIL mantein nafatin ninia ezistensia tanba, Hodu Ran Kadalak ne’ebé “lakon konfiansa” husi FALINTIL sira, hafoin nia lakohi fila-hikas ba ai-laran to’o militar sira kaer iha Dili, nia kaer metin organizasaun ne’e hodi hatudu katak, nia iha influensia ba joven sira, nune’e hodi bele halu presaun ba Comando Superior da Luta atu bele hetan hikas konfiansa ne’ebé nia lakon”.\nMaibé, ha’u fiar katak distintu deputadu sira sei la fo sala ha’u bainhira sira mos sani saida mak ha’u hakerek iha pajina 84 ho 85 ne’ebé lori ha’u ba hanoin ida katak FALINTIL “lakon konfiansa” ba maun Hodu Ran Kadalak. Ha’u nia referensia mak surat ida, ho data 16 de Maio de 1997, husi Komandante Konis Santana haruka ba Maun Boot Xanana Gusmao iha kadeia Indonezia, Cipinang. Iha surat ne’e Maun Konis Santana uza naran kodigu “Vero Lata” no Maun Boot Xanana uza naran kodigu “Funu Litik.” Konteudu surat ne’e mak ha’u foti nudar referensia iha livru ne’e. Iha surat ne’e Vero Lata hakerek hanesan ne’e: “O Mau Hodu parece estar a criar muitas deficuldades ao CEL/FC! Está ou parece estar muito comprometido com regime indonesio! É firme apoiante do Partido Golkar! Está desencorajando muitos jovens a não fazerem nada e a resignarem-se perante o IN! Ele está na origem das divergências entre a “OJECTIL” e a OPJLATIL! Procura desacreditar-me e o Manu-Bui!\nEu não posso admitir mais essas atitudes! E já ordenei o Manu Date para eliminá-lo fisicamente, caso o Mau Hodu continuar a desacreditar-me e a desencorajar e desmobilizar a juventude! Bele haree surat ne’e iha AMRT ho numeru referensia DRT 06229.103. Ha’u la presiza halu tradusaun ba Tetun, tan ha’u fiar katak deputadu sira iha kapasidade natoon atu entende.\nDokumentu ida ne’e hanesan faktu ida. Ha’u hakerek bazeia ba faktu ida ne’e. Buat ida naran faktu ne’e tanba existe surat ida. Agora fila fali ba ema ida-idak nia interpretasaun. Faktu ne’e bele diak ou bele aat, faktu la’os buat diak de’it. Ha’u ajuda konserva istória Timor nian, liu husi hakerek livru no entrega dokumentos mahar boot Rezistensia nian ba iha Fundação Mario Soares nian ne’ebé ohin loron ita bele hetan iha Arquivo e Museu da Resistencia Timorense (AMRT).\nBainhira ita koalia destroe istória signifika ita subar faktu sira. Ita buka hakerek mak ida diak de’it. Sira be ita la gosta ne’e “hakoi” tiha. Buat aat ka diak nudar faktu istoriku, buat sira ne’e mak halo Timor nia historia sai interessante no riku. Se mak bele garante mai ha’u katak ha’u nia fonte ne’e la kredivel? Keta haluha, momento Komandante Konis Santana hakerek surat ne’ebé ha’u halo ba referensia ne’e, nia okupa pozisaun importante hotu de’it, nia nudar Chefe Conselho Executivo da Luta/Frente Armada nian, nia mos akumula Sekretario Comite Executivo da Luta/Frente Clandestina nian no nia mos hanesan Sekretariu Comissão Directiva da FRETILIN nian.\nHakarak hatete mos katak, la existe interpretasaun uniku ba faktu ida. Tanba ne’e mak ema dehan istoria ne’e hanesan konflitu ida, la iha konsensu ruma kona-ba istoria, tanba interpretasaun sira ne’ebé la hanesan ne’e. So iha Korreia do Norte mak iha interpretasaun uniku ba faktu ida, interpreta tuir rejimi Kim Jong-Un nia gostu. Se iha interpretasaun seluk ne’e sala, tenki oho tiha. Ministro Defeza Correia do Norte nian tanba dukur iha reuniaun hetan akuzasaun nudar traidor tanba ne’e lori kilat anti-aerea nian mak hodi tiru. Karik ita interpreta tuir istoria tuir Kim Jong-Un nian mak destintos deputados sira ne’ebé dukur iha plenaria laran, ohin loron barak hetan susar ona.\nTan ha’u hakerek kona-ba RENETIL, ne’e duni ha’u la halu investigasaun barak ka klean ruma kona-ba diverjensia sira ne’ebé involve maun Hodu Ran Kadalak nian. Se ha’u hakerek kona ba Resistensia Klandestina ho Armada nian, ha’u iha pergunta barak kona-ba maun Mau Hodu nia mate. Ha’u bele hakerek barak liu tan kona-ba sira nia diverjensia no buka hatene ninia razaun hodi marka nia pozisaun frontal ho Komandante Konis Santana. Ha’u fiar katak maluk sira ne’ebé besik Saudozu Hodu bele iha faktu hodi justifika. Se mak bele esplika ida ne’e? Destintos deputados sira ne’ebé dehan hatene istoria Timor nian tomak husi inisiu kedas bele halo esplikasaun ba ida ne’e. Ha’u nudar admirador ida ba maun Hodu nian nune’e mos admirador ba maun Konis Santana ho maun Sabalae nian. Tanba nudar admirador mak iha ha’u nia livru iha pajina 84, ha’u hakerek hanesan ne’e:\n“Surat Komandanti Konis Santana nian ne'e tau iha kauza tebes eis-Vise-Sekretariu CDF, Hodu Ran Kadalak ninia integridadi politik nudar kombatenti libertasaun nasional nian. Ita lahatene jogu Hodu nian. Nia halu nune'e tanba nia muda tiha ona ninia prinsipiu ka halu nune'e hodi bele hetan konfiansa husi militar sira Indonezia nian hodi labele halu aat ba nia. Husik ba tempu mak sei julga manobra sira ne’ebé Hodu halu ne'e loos ka sala. Maibe tenki rekuinese katak buat ne’ebé Hodu halu hamosu tiha problema iha Rezistensia nia leet. Infelizmente sira na'in 3, Hodu, Konis ho Sabalae, ne’ebé involve direktamente iha diverjensia ne'e mate hotu ona, ne'e duni labele ona esklarese ho loloos razaun husi jogu sira ne'e. Maski nune’e, iha faktu ida, Hodu Ran Kadalak mate iha militar Indonezia ho milisia sira pro-autonomia nia liman. Ida ne’e hatudu katak Hodu la husik hela luta ba ukun-rasik-an”. Ne’e ha’u hakarak hateten katak Hodu la trai luta no la trai nia companheiros de luta sira e nia mate hanesan eroi ida.\nKomandante Konis Santana la’os politiku simples ida nune’e mos la’os soldado simples ida. Nia hanesan Secretario Comissão Directiva FRETILIN nian, nia hanesan Chefe Conselho Executivo Frente Armada nian no hanesan mos Secretario Comite Executivo da Luta Frente Klandestina nian. Nudar ema baibain ida, nia la sei fo ordem ba ema ruma, maibe ho pozisaun sira hanesan nia okupa mak hasai surat ida, ha’u bele interpreta hanesan pozisaun ida reflekte pozisaun FRETILIN ho FALINTIL nian. Maski nune’e ha’u mos la iha garantia katak nein FRETILIN tomak, nein FALINTIL tomak hanoin hanesan Komandante Konis hanoin, tanba ne’e mak iha ha’u nia livru, ha’u hakerek “lakon konfiansa”, ha’u hakerek “dalam tanda kutip” ka “entre aspas”. Ne’e signifika, pessoalmente ha’u labele dehan afirmativamente katak FALINTIL lakon tomak konfiansa ba maun Hodu.\nLa iha lei ruma obriga ema atu hakerek istória ruma tuir interpretasaun unika. Bazeia ba surat Komandante Konis nian mak ha’u halo interpretasaun iha “dalam tanda kutip” katak FALINTIL “lakon konfiansa” ba maun Hodu. Agora sira ne’ebé la aseita ho ha’u nia interpretasaun, sira bele interpreta tuir sira nian hakarak. Ha’u nia interpretasaun bazeia iha faktu ida, faktu mak surat ne. Sera ke surat husi Komandante Konis nian ne’e hanesan fonte ida la kredivel? Ha’u sei fiar liu fonte husi Komandante Konis Santana nian duke fonte husi sira ne’ebé la iha kredibilidade nian ruma.\nIha surat ne’e Komandante Konis Santana temi OJECTIL maibe ha’u fiar nia halo referensia ba OJETIL tanba tuir mos interpretasaun balun katak OJETIL mai husi OJECTIL e iha realidade maun Hodu hamutuk ho OJETIL duni, tanba mos ida ne’e mak ha’u temi OJETIL, la’os OJECTIL.\nTimor Post: Deputadu sira kestiona tanbasa la konfirma ho sasin moris sira? Se mak sasin sira moris? Sera ke momentu Komandante Konis hakerek ne’e sira ba tuur e diskute ho Komandante Konis molok hasai surat ne’e?\nCarlos Saky: Agora ha’u hakarak husu fali ba sira oinsa mak sira interpreta surat Komandante Konis nian ne’ebé hakerek ho klaru tebes? Ba husu tok ba lider sira OPJLATIL nian iha diferensa ruma entre Komandante Konis ho Mau Hodu ka lae? Istoria la’os atu hakerek deit buat ne’ebé diak, maibe hakerek mos buat ne’ebé aat. Ha’u mos hakerek konaba buat aat balun ne’ebé mosu iha RENETIL nia laran tuir ha’u nia interpretasaun e companheiro sira seluk bele la konkorda ho ha’u. Naran interpretasaun ne ita ida-idak interpreta tuir ita nia haree. Importante ne mak iha faktu ka lae? Faktu mak iha surat Komandante Konis nian hatudu iha diverjensia ida to’o nia haruka atu ilimina fizikamente se kontinua dezakredita lider sira rezistensia nian no desmobiliza juventude sira. Klaru iha momentu ida ba momento seluk la hanesan. Ha’u halo referensia ba surat husi Komandante Konis Santana nian ne’ebé hasai iha 1997, la’os 1998 mai oin. Klaru ke antes mai iha vila, e depois de 1998, ema ruma la nega maun Hodu nian kontribuisaun ba luta. Iha livru laran mos ha’u la nega kontribuisaun ruma husi maun Hodu nian, ha’u so halo referensia ba periudu ida, periudu ne’ebé, mosu diverjensia entre lider sira rezistensia nian, liuliu iha periudu ne’ebé Hodu mai tiha vila to’o iha 1997. Depois de ida ne’e situasaun sai diferente. Ha’u rasik mos hetan maun Hudu Ran Kadalak iha Workshop ida iha Camberra Australia, ami rua koalia, nia kontinua hanesan ema defensor ba ukun-rasik-an. Se sasin moris sira hatene ho serteza kona-ba diverjensia sira ne’e, sira bele hakerek livru seluk hodi hato’o sira nia versaun. Tanba sira mos nudar autor ba luta libertasaun nian, sira iha dever moral atu hakerek, atu halu los buat sira ne’ebé lalos. No laiha mos ema ida mai hatete ho loko-an katak ha’u nia interpretasaun ne’e sala tomak. Pelo menos ba ha’u, Komandante Konis Santana hatudu lakon konfiansa ba maun Hodu, tanba ema konfia malu labele hakerek hanesan Komandante Konis Santana hakerek ne’e. Ha’u hakerek deit “lakon konfiansa” mos sei iha “dalam tanda petik” maibe Komandante Konis fo ordem oho se kontinua dezakredita nia ho Manu Bui no desmobiliza juventudi sira.\nTimor Post: Deputado sira husu autor (hakerek na’in) atu dada fali livru ne’e tanba sira konsidera la iha fundamentu no destroi istoria TL?\nCarlos Saky: Laiha fundamentu oinsa? Agora sira mak tenki esplika iha diverjensia ka lae? Ba ha’u iha diverjensia e surat Komandante Konis nian hatudu momos lakon konfiansa, tanba ita hanoin atu oho ema ida, la’os atu oho ida ne’ebé ita konfia, maibe oho ida ne’ebé atu halo aat ita. Ha’u rasik la to’o iha konkluzaun katak Hodu trai ona luta, maibe ha’u foti kestaun ne tanba ha’u haree grave tebes tanba iha surat ida husi Komandante Konis nian.\nHa’u la destroe istoria Timor nian, maibe ha’u konstroe husi istoria rahun-rahun sira ne’ebé iha, husi aat ho diak sira nian hotu. Se mak destroe istoria mak sira ne’ebé hakarak subar istoria, manipula historia no destroe dokumentu historiku sira kona ba buat aat sira hodi hatudu deit katak buat hotu la’o kaber los iha tempu Rezistensia nian. Ne la’os istoria ne’ebé loloos, historia lolos mak ita nia funu hasoru obstakulu barak, balu terus no mate iha dalan klaran, balu rende, balu luta nafatin no balu serbisu ho Indonezia 100%, no balu halo jogo duplo hodi moris ou deskobre estratejia funumaluk nian.\nTanba ne’e, ha’u la sei dada livru ne’e, tanba buat ne’ebé ha’u hakerek bazeia iha faktu istoriku ida, bazeia iha dokumentu istoriku ida. Ha’u hein atu deputadu sira ne’ebé la simu ne hodi sira bele hakerek fali livru seluk e hakerek barak liu tan hodi hakompleta ou hariku liu tan buat sira ne’ebé seidauk kompletu husi ha’u nia livro, inklui mos halu los buat ne’ebé laloos iha ha’u nia livru, depois husik ba ema ida-idak interpreta. So ditador sira mak haruka ita hakerek istoria tuir deit sira nia versaun. Ita moris iha Timor, iha rai demokratiku ida ne’ebé Konstituisaun rasik garante liberdade de expresaun, ita la moris iha rejimi Soeharto nia tempo, ita mos la moris iha Correia do Norte ne’ebé interpretasaun husi so husi deit Kim Jong-Un mak uniku no loos liu. Iha rai demokratiku ema hakerek livru no ida-idak halu interpretasaun tuir nia versaun, sani-na’in ka leitor sira mak ida-idak sei hola konkluzaun katak ida ne’ebé mak los. Se lakonkorda, iha dalan bele tuir. Lalika gasta osan hodi sosa livru ne’e, lalika lakon tempu hodi le livru ne’e, ou hakerek livru seluk mai ho data sira hodi hateten katak ha’u nia interpretasaun ne’e sala. Keta halu sira mos to’o ikus dehan maun Mau Hodu la trai ukun-an tanba ne mak militar Indonezia ho milisia sira oho nian. Karik sira hola konkluzaun ba ida ne’e, entaun sira lalika halo kolen an tanba ha’u nia livru ha’u hola tiha ona konkluzaun ba ida ne’e iha pajina 84.\nEdisuan Quinta-feira (28/05/2015)\nPaginas 1 & 11\nPublicada por FORUM HAKSESUK à(s) 5:23 da manhã | [
"FORUM HAKSESUK: Entrevista Exclusivo Timor Post ho Carlos Saky nebe Publika iha Headline Jornal ne'e nian iha loron 28 Maiu 2015 Entrevista Exclusivo Timor Post ho Carlos Saky nebe Publika iha Headline Jornal ne'e nian iha loron 28 Maiu 2015 Carlos Saky: Mau Hodu Mate Hanesan Heroi Carlos Saky Autor livru: RENETIL Iha Luta Libertasaun Timor Lorosa'e ho sub titulu \"antes sem titulo do que sem patria\" Dili - Hakerek nai'in livru RENETIL ho titulu \"RENETIL Iha Luta Libertasaun Timor Lorosa'e ho sub titulu \"antes sem titulo do que sem patria,\" Carlos da Silva Lopes Saky esplika, Mau Hodu la trai luta no la trai nia kompaneiru de luta sira i nia mate hanesan eroi ida.",
"Carlos Saky nia esplikasaun ne'e relasiona ho kritika barak husi deputadu balun iha Parlamento Nasional hasoru livru ne'ebe nia hakerek no lansa ona hosi Primeiru Ministru, Rui Maria de Araujo, iha loron 22/05/2015, iha Muzeum Rezistensia.",
"Tuir deputadu sira, iha livru ne'e sira interpreta hakerek nain minimiza kontribuisaun luta ba libertasaun nasional hosi Hodu.",
"Tuir mai akompana entrevista eskluzivu Timor Post ho Carlos Saky, iha Fundasaun Haburas, Dili Timor Post: Explika razaun hakerek iha livru ne'e kona-ba Mau Hodu nia partisipasaun iha funu?",
"Carlos Saky: Uluk nana'i ha'u hakarak agradese ba deputadu sira ne'ebe kritika livru ne'ebe ha'u hakerek tanba sira iha duni interesse hakarak sani saida mak ha'u hakerek iha livru ne'e nia laran.",
"Tuir mai, ha'u apresia deputadu sira ne'e tanba sira gosta sani duni livru ne'e.",
"Ha'u mos hakarak hato'o admirasaun maka'as ba distintu deputadu sira tanba sira nia kapasidade estraordinariu atu sani ka lee livru mahar boot ne'e ho lais no to'o ramata hodi fo konkluzaun.",
"Infelizmente, ha'u hakarak hatudu ha'u nia diskordansia ho distintu deputadu sira nia konkluzaun ne'ebe dehan katak livru ne'e destroe istoria Timor nian no dezakredita Saudozu Hodu Ran Kadalak.",
"Konkluzaun ida ne'e, halu ha'u mos halu konkluzaun katak deputadu sira seidauk sani livru ne'e ho didiak no to'o remata.",
"Ha'u deskonfia, keta sira le paragrafu ida ka rua de'it karik.",
"Tanba ne'e mak sira lakonsegue identifika iha pajina sira seluk ne'ebe ha'u hakerek konaba diverjensia sira ne'ebe iha no halu referensia ba dokumentu ne'ebe sai ha'u nia fundamentu ba ha'u hodi hakerek.",
"Hakerek livru nu'udar exersisiu intelektual ida, ne'ebe nakloke ba kritika no komentar analitik sira.",
"Tanba ne'e, ha'u aseita kritika hotu-hotu husi ne'ebe de'it hodi hariku liu tan istoria Timor-Lorosa'e nian.",
"Ho hanoin ida ne'e, ha'u hein atu livru ida ne'e bele hetan kritika nafatin lor-loron husi ne'ebe deit hodi halo livru ne'e bele sai perfeitu no halo ema hotu kontente.",
"Maski nune'e, ha'u hakarak dehan deit katak, la existe iha mundu ne'e livru perfeitu ruma.",
"Atu istoriador ida matenek to'o fali iha ne'ebe mos nia la sei hakerek istoria ida hodi satisfaz ema hotu-hotu nia laran.",
"Maski renkonhese-an katak, por natureza, ha'u la'os istoriador, maibe ha'u fiar katak la iha evidensia akademik ka literatura ne'ebe prova katak istoria, atu konta ka hakerek, tenki entrega tomak ba ema istoriador sira.",
"Ohin loron ema hotu bele hakerek istoria tuir ida-idak nia versaun.",
"Importante mak istoria sira ne'ebe ita konta ka hakerek iha faktu istoriku sira tanba ita koalia kona-ba istoria, ita koalia konaba faktu.",
"Istoria la'os politik ne'ebe presiza retorika.",
"Iha retorika nia laran bele iha mos manipulasaun ba faktus.",
"Agora ha'u hakarak esplika konaba referensia ne'ebe ha'u halu iha ha'u nia livru laran konaba Saudozu Hodu Ran Kadalak.",
"Ha'u nudar admirador ida ba maun Hodu nune'e mos ba maun Konis Santana ho maun Sabalae.",
"Sira na'in tolu agora la hamutuk ona ho ita.",
"Sira hotu kontribui maka'as iha luta libertasaun Timor-Lorosa'e nian.",
"Husi referensia ne'ebe ha'u hetan iha periodu ida hafoin maun Hodu mai vila, mosu dezentendimentu, dalaruma to'o frontal ne'ebe maun Hodu halu ho Komandante Konis Santana ho Sekretariu Executivo CEL/FC, Keri Laran Sabalae.",
"Ha'u hanoin destintus deputados sira ne'ebe kritika makas ha'u nia livru, ha'u hanoin sira le deit tahan ida, la le tomak livru ne'e.",
"Ou le de'it paragrafu ida ne'ebe ha'u hakerek hanesan ne'e iha pajina 384: \"Komandanti Konis Santana ho Sabalae halu esforsu maka'as atu halu unifikasaun ba organizasaun sira juventudi nian iha rai-laran, maibe ulun sira OJETIL nian la simu OPJLATIL ne'ebe foin mosu.",
"OJETIL mantein nafatin ninia ezistensia tanba, Hodu Ran Kadalak ne'ebe \"lakon konfiansa\" husi FALINTIL sira, hafoin nia lakohi fila-hikas ba ai-laran to'o militar sira kaer iha Dili, nia kaer metin organizasaun ne'e hodi hatudu katak, nia iha influensia ba joven sira, nune'e hodi bele halu presaun ba Comando Superior da Luta atu bele hetan hikas konfiansa ne'ebe nia lakon.\"",
"Maibe, ha'u fiar katak distintu deputadu sira sei la fo sala ha'u bainhira sira mos sani saida mak ha'u hakerek iha pajina 84 ho 85 ne'ebe lori ha'u ba hanoin ida katak FALINTIL \"lakon konfiansa\" ba maun Hodu Ran Kadalak.",
"Ha'u nia referensia mak surat ida, ho data 16 de Maio de 1997, husi Komandante Konis Santana haruka ba Maun Boot Xanana Gusmao iha kadeia Indonezia, Cipinang.",
"Iha surat ne'e Maun Konis Santana uza naran kodigu \"Vero Lata\" no Maun Boot Xanana uza naran kodigu \"Funu Litik.\"",
"Konteudu surat ne'e mak ha'u foti nudar referensia iha livru ne'e.",
"Iha surat ne'e Vero Lata hakerek hanesan ne'e: \"O Mau Hodu parece estar a criar muitas deficuldades ao CEL/FC!",
"Esta ou parece estar muito comprometido com regime indonesio!",
"E firme apoiante do Partido Golkar!",
"Esta desencorajando muitos jovens a nao fazerem nada e a resignarem-se perante o IN!",
"Ele esta na origem das divergencias entre a \"OJECTIL\" e a OPJLATIL!",
"Procura desacreditar-me e o Manu-Bui!",
"Eu nao posso admitir mais essas atitudes!",
"E ja ordenei o Manu Date para elimina-lo fisicamente, caso o Mau Hodu continuar a desacreditar-me e a desencorajar e desmobilizar a juventude!",
"Bele haree surat ne'e iha AMRT ho numeru referensia DRT 06229.103.",
"Ha'u la presiza halu tradusaun ba Tetun, tan ha'u fiar katak deputadu sira iha kapasidade natoon atu entende.",
"Dokumentu ida ne'e hanesan faktu ida.",
"Ha'u hakerek bazeia ba faktu ida ne'e.",
"Buat ida naran faktu ne'e tanba existe surat ida.",
"Agora fila fali ba ema ida-idak nia interpretasaun.",
"Faktu ne'e bele diak ou bele aat, faktu la'os buat diak de'it.",
"Ha'u ajuda konserva istoria Timor nian, liu husi hakerek livru no entrega dokumentos mahar boot Rezistensia nian ba iha Fundacao Mario Soares nian ne'ebe ohin loron ita bele hetan iha Arquivo e Museu da Resistencia Timorense (AMRT).",
"Bainhira ita koalia destroe istoria signifika ita subar faktu sira.",
"Ita buka hakerek mak ida diak de'it.",
"Sira be ita la gosta ne'e \"hakoi\" tiha.",
"Buat aat ka diak nudar faktu istoriku, buat sira ne'e mak halo Timor nia historia sai interessante no riku.",
"Se mak bele garante mai ha'u katak ha'u nia fonte ne'e la kredivel?",
"Keta haluha, momento Komandante Konis Santana hakerek surat ne'ebe ha'u halo ba referensia ne'e, nia okupa pozisaun importante hotu de'it, nia nudar Chefe Conselho Executivo da Luta/Frente Armada nian, nia mos akumula Sekretario Comite Executivo da Luta/Frente Clandestina nian no nia mos hanesan Sekretariu Comissao Directiva da FRETILIN nian.",
"Hakarak hatete mos katak, la existe interpretasaun uniku ba faktu ida.",
"Tanba ne'e mak ema dehan istoria ne'e hanesan konflitu ida, la iha konsensu ruma kona-ba istoria, tanba interpretasaun sira ne'ebe la hanesan ne'e.",
"So iha Korreia do Norte mak iha interpretasaun uniku ba faktu ida, interpreta tuir rejimi Kim Jong-Un nia gostu.",
"Se iha interpretasaun seluk ne'e sala, tenki oho tiha.",
"Ministro Defeza Correia do Norte nian tanba dukur iha reuniaun hetan akuzasaun nudar traidor tanba ne'e lori kilat anti-aerea nian mak hodi tiru.",
"Karik ita interpreta tuir istoria tuir Kim Jong-Un nian mak destintos deputados sira ne'ebe dukur iha plenaria laran, ohin loron barak hetan susar ona.",
"Tan ha'u hakerek kona-ba RENETIL, ne'e duni ha'u la halu investigasaun barak ka klean ruma kona-ba diverjensia sira ne'ebe involve maun Hodu Ran Kadalak nian.",
"Se ha'u hakerek kona ba Resistensia Klandestina ho Armada nian, ha'u iha pergunta barak kona-ba maun Mau Hodu nia mate.",
"Ha'u bele hakerek barak liu tan kona-ba sira nia diverjensia no buka hatene ninia razaun hodi marka nia pozisaun frontal ho Komandante Konis Santana.",
"Ha'u fiar katak maluk sira ne'ebe besik Saudozu Hodu bele iha faktu hodi justifika.",
"Se mak bele esplika ida ne'e?",
"Destintos deputados sira ne'ebe dehan hatene istoria Timor nian tomak husi inisiu kedas bele halo esplikasaun ba ida ne'e.",
"Ha'u nudar admirador ida ba maun Hodu nian nune'e mos admirador ba maun Konis Santana ho maun Sabalae nian.",
"Tanba nudar admirador mak iha ha'u nia livru iha pajina 84, ha'u hakerek hanesan ne'e: \"Surat Komandanti Konis Santana nian ne'e tau iha kauza tebes eis-Vise-Sekretariu CDF, Hodu Ran Kadalak ninia integridadi politik nudar kombatenti libertasaun nasional nian.",
"Ita lahatene jogu Hodu nian.",
"Nia halu nune'e tanba nia muda tiha ona ninia prinsipiu ka halu nune'e hodi bele hetan konfiansa husi militar sira Indonezia nian hodi labele halu aat ba nia.",
"Husik ba tempu mak sei julga manobra sira ne'ebe Hodu halu ne'e loos ka sala.",
"Maibe tenki rekuinese katak buat ne'ebe Hodu halu hamosu tiha problema iha Rezistensia nia leet.",
"Infelizmente sira na'in 3, Hodu, Konis ho Sabalae, ne'ebe involve direktamente iha diverjensia ne'e mate hotu ona, ne'e duni labele ona esklarese ho loloos razaun husi jogu sira ne'e.",
"Maski nune'e, iha faktu ida, Hodu Ran Kadalak mate iha militar Indonezia ho milisia sira pro-autonomia nia liman.",
"Ida ne'e hatudu katak Hodu la husik hela luta ba ukun-rasik-an.\"",
"Ne'e ha'u hakarak hateten katak Hodu la trai luta no la trai nia companheiros de luta sira e nia mate hanesan eroi ida.",
"Komandante Konis Santana la'os politiku simples ida nune'e mos la'os soldado simples ida.",
"Nia hanesan Secretario Comissao Directiva FRETILIN nian, nia hanesan Chefe Conselho Executivo Frente Armada nian no hanesan mos Secretario Comite Executivo da Luta Frente Klandestina nian.",
"Nudar ema baibain ida, nia la sei fo ordem ba ema ruma, maibe ho pozisaun sira hanesan nia okupa mak hasai surat ida, ha'u bele interpreta hanesan pozisaun ida reflekte pozisaun FRETILIN ho FALINTIL nian.",
"Maski nune'e ha'u mos la iha garantia katak nein FRETILIN tomak, nein FALINTIL tomak hanoin hanesan Komandante Konis hanoin, tanba ne'e mak iha ha'u nia livru, ha'u hakerek \"lakon konfiansa,\" ha'u hakerek \"dalam tanda kutip\" ka \"entre aspas.\"",
"Ne'e signifika, pessoalmente ha'u labele dehan afirmativamente katak FALINTIL lakon tomak konfiansa ba maun Hodu.",
"La iha lei ruma obriga ema atu hakerek istoria ruma tuir interpretasaun unika.",
"Bazeia ba surat Komandante Konis nian mak ha'u halo interpretasaun iha \"dalam tanda kutip\" katak FALINTIL \"lakon konfiansa\" ba maun Hodu.",
"Agora sira ne'ebe la aseita ho ha'u nia interpretasaun, sira bele interpreta tuir sira nian hakarak.",
"Ha'u nia interpretasaun bazeia iha faktu ida, faktu mak surat ne.",
"Sera ke surat husi Komandante Konis nian ne'e hanesan fonte ida la kredivel?",
"Ha'u sei fiar liu fonte husi Komandante Konis Santana nian duke fonte husi sira ne'ebe la iha kredibilidade nian ruma.",
"Iha surat ne'e Komandante Konis Santana temi OJECTIL maibe ha'u fiar nia halo referensia ba OJETIL tanba tuir mos interpretasaun balun katak OJETIL mai husi OJECTIL e iha realidade maun Hodu hamutuk ho OJETIL duni, tanba mos ida ne'e mak ha'u temi OJETIL, la'os OJECTIL.",
"Timor Post: Deputadu sira kestiona tanbasa la konfirma ho sasin moris sira?",
"Se mak sasin sira moris?",
"Sera ke momentu Komandante Konis hakerek ne'e sira ba tuur e diskute ho Komandante Konis molok hasai surat ne'e?",
"Carlos Saky: Agora ha'u hakarak husu fali ba sira oinsa mak sira interpreta surat Komandante Konis nian ne'ebe hakerek ho klaru tebes?",
"Ba husu tok ba lider sira OPJLATIL nian iha diferensa ruma entre Komandante Konis ho Mau Hodu ka lae?",
"Istoria la'os atu hakerek deit buat ne'ebe diak, maibe hakerek mos buat ne'ebe aat.",
"Ha'u mos hakerek konaba buat aat balun ne'ebe mosu iha RENETIL nia laran tuir ha'u nia interpretasaun e companheiro sira seluk bele la konkorda ho ha'u.",
"Naran interpretasaun ne ita ida-idak interpreta tuir ita nia haree.",
"Importante ne mak iha faktu ka lae?",
"Faktu mak iha surat Komandante Konis nian hatudu iha diverjensia ida to'o nia haruka atu ilimina fizikamente se kontinua dezakredita lider sira rezistensia nian no desmobiliza juventude sira.",
"Klaru iha momentu ida ba momento seluk la hanesan.",
"Ha'u halo referensia ba surat husi Komandante Konis Santana nian ne'ebe hasai iha 1997, la'os 1998 mai oin.",
"Klaru ke antes mai iha vila, e depois de 1998, ema ruma la nega maun Hodu nian kontribuisaun ba luta.",
"Iha livru laran mos ha'u la nega kontribuisaun ruma husi maun Hodu nian, ha'u so halo referensia ba periudu ida, periudu ne'ebe, mosu diverjensia entre lider sira rezistensia nian, liuliu iha periudu ne'ebe Hodu mai tiha vila to'o iha 1997.",
"Depois de ida ne'e situasaun sai diferente.",
"Ha'u rasik mos hetan maun Hudu Ran Kadalak iha Workshop ida iha Camberra Australia, ami rua koalia, nia kontinua hanesan ema defensor ba ukun-rasik-an.",
"Se sasin moris sira hatene ho serteza kona-ba diverjensia sira ne'e, sira bele hakerek livru seluk hodi hato'o sira nia versaun.",
"Tanba sira mos nudar autor ba luta libertasaun nian, sira iha dever moral atu hakerek, atu halu los buat sira ne'ebe lalos.",
"No laiha mos ema ida mai hatete ho loko-an katak ha'u nia interpretasaun ne'e sala tomak.",
"Pelo menos ba ha'u, Komandante Konis Santana hatudu lakon konfiansa ba maun Hodu, tanba ema konfia malu labele hakerek hanesan Komandante Konis Santana hakerek ne'e.",
"Ha'u hakerek deit \"lakon konfiansa\" mos sei iha \"dalam tanda petik\" maibe Komandante Konis fo ordem oho se kontinua dezakredita nia ho Manu Bui no desmobiliza juventudi sira.",
"Timor Post: Deputado sira husu autor (hakerek na'in) atu dada fali livru ne'e tanba sira konsidera la iha fundamentu no destroi istoria TL?",
"Carlos Saky: Laiha fundamentu oinsa?",
"Agora sira mak tenki esplika iha diverjensia ka lae?",
"Ba ha'u iha diverjensia e surat Komandante Konis nian hatudu momos lakon konfiansa, tanba ita hanoin atu oho ema ida, la'os atu oho ida ne'ebe ita konfia, maibe oho ida ne'ebe atu halo aat ita.",
"Ha'u rasik la to'o iha konkluzaun katak Hodu trai ona luta, maibe ha'u foti kestaun ne tanba ha'u haree grave tebes tanba iha surat ida husi Komandante Konis nian.",
"Ha'u la destroe istoria Timor nian, maibe ha'u konstroe husi istoria rahun-rahun sira ne'ebe iha, husi aat ho diak sira nian hotu.",
"Se mak destroe istoria mak sira ne'ebe hakarak subar istoria, manipula historia no destroe dokumentu historiku sira kona ba buat aat sira hodi hatudu deit katak buat hotu la'o kaber los iha tempu Rezistensia nian.",
"Ne la'os istoria ne'ebe loloos, historia lolos mak ita nia funu hasoru obstakulu barak, balu terus no mate iha dalan klaran, balu rende, balu luta nafatin no balu serbisu ho Indonezia 100%, no balu halo jogo duplo hodi moris ou deskobre estratejia funumaluk nian.",
"Tanba ne'e, ha'u la sei dada livru ne'e, tanba buat ne'ebe ha'u hakerek bazeia iha faktu istoriku ida, bazeia iha dokumentu istoriku ida.",
"Ha'u hein atu deputadu sira ne'ebe la simu ne hodi sira bele hakerek fali livru seluk e hakerek barak liu tan hodi hakompleta ou hariku liu tan buat sira ne'ebe seidauk kompletu husi ha'u nia livro, inklui mos halu los buat ne'ebe laloos iha ha'u nia livru, depois husik ba ema ida-idak interpreta.",
"So ditador sira mak haruka ita hakerek istoria tuir deit sira nia versaun.",
"Ita moris iha Timor, iha rai demokratiku ida ne'ebe Konstituisaun rasik garante liberdade de expresaun, ita la moris iha rejimi Soeharto nia tempo, ita mos la moris iha Correia do Norte ne'ebe interpretasaun husi so husi deit Kim Jong-Un mak uniku no loos liu.",
"Iha rai demokratiku ema hakerek livru no ida-idak halu interpretasaun tuir nia versaun, sani-na'in ka leitor sira mak ida-idak sei hola konkluzaun katak ida ne'ebe mak los.",
"Se lakonkorda, iha dalan bele tuir.",
"Lalika gasta osan hodi sosa livru ne'e, lalika lakon tempu hodi le livru ne'e, ou hakerek livru seluk mai ho data sira hodi hateten katak ha'u nia interpretasaun ne'e sala.",
"Keta halu sira mos to'o ikus dehan maun Mau Hodu la trai ukun-an tanba ne mak militar Indonezia ho milisia sira oho nian.",
"Karik sira hola konkluzaun ba ida ne'e, entaun sira lalika halo kolen an tanba ha'u nia livru ha'u hola tiha ona konkluzaun ba ida ne'e iha pajina 84.",
"Edisuan Quinta-feira (28/05/2015) Paginas 1 & 11 Publicada por FORUM HAKSESUK a (s) 5:23 da manha"
] | [
"FORUM HAKSESUK: Timor Post Exclusive Interview with Carlos Saky Published in the Headline of this Newspaper on May,28th.15 Entrevista Exclusiva de o jornal \"Timor-Post\" com a autoria do autor da obra RENETIL na Luta Libertação Timór Lorosa'e sub título “antes sem Título que Sem Pátria” Dili - The author and publisher by Renetil book entitled RENETIL Na Luita pela Liberação De Timoro Leste (RENETEL In Freedom Struggle Of South East Asia) under titles before without Title than Without Fatherland explained that Mau Hodu did not betray his struggling companions nor he was traitor to their fighting spirit but died as an hero!"
"Carlos Saky's explanation is related to the many criticism from some members of Parliament against a book he wrote and launched by Prime Minister, Rui Maria de Araujo on 2015/3-4 at Resistance Museum."
"According to MPs, in this book they interpret the author minimizes contributions of Hodu' s struggle for national liberation."
"Following is an exclusive Timor Post interview with Carlos Saky, at the Haburas Foundation in Dili: Do you explain why this book was written about Mau Hodu' s participation?"
"Carlos Saky: First of all I want to thank the members who have criticized my book because they are really interested in what is written there."
"Next, I appreciate these MEPs because they really liked the book."
"I would also like to express my great admiration for the distinguished Members of Parliament, who have shown an extraordinary ability in reading this huge book thoroughly and drawing their own conclusion."
"Unfortunately, I would like to express my disagreement with the conclusion of distinguished Members who say that this book destroying Timorese history and discredit Hodu Ran Kadalak."
"This is my conclusion, and I also conclude that the MPs have not read this book properly until it has been finished."
"I'm afraid they might just read a paragraph or two."
"That is why they are unable to identify in other pages that I have written about the divergences and fail references of documents which served as my basis for writing."
"Writing a book is an intellectual exercise, open to criticism and analytical commentary."
"Therefore, I accept all criticisms from those who only want to improve the history of Timor-Leste."
"With this in mind, I hope that the book will continue to receive daily criticism from all those who want it perfect and make everyone happy."
"However, I just want to say that there is no perfect book in the world."
"For a wise historian to go back in time he will not write history that satisfies everyone."
"While I acknowledge that, by nature i am not a historian but believe there is no academic evidence or literature to prove history should be told and written entirely in the hands of Historians."
"Nowadays, everyone can write their own version of history."
"It is important that the stories we tell or write are historical facts, because when you talk about history it' s not just a matter of factual information."
"History is not politics that needs rhetoric."
"In his rhetoric, he may also manipulate facts."
"Now I want to explain about the references that i have found in my book on Saudozu Hodu Ran Kadalak."
"I am an admirer of brother Hodu and also Brother Konis Santana, Brothers Sabalae."
"The three of them are no longer with us."
"They all contributed greatly to the struggle for Timor-Leste's liberation."
"From the references I obtained, in a period after Hodu came to town there were misunderstandings and sometimes frontal clashes between him with Commander Konis Santana of CEL/FC Executive Secretary Keri Laran Sabalae."
"I think that the destintus deputies who have been so critical of my book, i believe they only read a few pages and not all."
"Or just read this paragraph that I wrote on page 384: \"Komandanti Konis Santana and Sabalae made great efforts to unify the youth organizations in Timor-Leste, but leaders of OJETIL did not accept a newly emerged OPJLAtil."
"OJETIL maintained its existence because, Hodu Ran Kadalak who \"lost the confidence\" of FALINtils after he refuses to return home until military captured him in Dili. He held firmly on this organization and show that it has influence over young people so as also put pressure upon Comando Superior da Luta (Supreme Fighting Command) for a quick re-establishment.\""
"However, I am confident that the distinguished Members of Parliament will not blame me if they also note what i have written on pages 84 and25 which lead to a thought about FALINTIL \"leaving trust\" in Brother Hodu Ran Kadalak."
"My reference is a letter, dated May 16th of '97 from Commander Konis Santana to Maun Boot Xanana Gusmao in the Indonesian prison Cipinang."
"In the letter, Maun Konis Santana uses code name \"Vero Lata\" and ma'n Boot Xanana used its own Code Name: Funu Litik."
"The contents of this letter I have used as a reference in the book."
"In the letter, Vero Lata wrote: \"The Bad Hodu seems to be creating many difficulties for CEL/FC!"
"This or seems to be very committed with Indonesian regime!"
"And a firm supporter of the Golkar Party!"
"It is discouraging many young people to do nothing and resign themselves before the IN!"
"He is at the origin of differences between \"OJECTIL\" and OPJLAtil!"
"Trying to discredit me and Manu-Bui!"
"I can't admit these attitudes anymore!"
"And I have already ordered Manu Date to physically eliminate him, if Mau Hodu continues discrediting me and discouraging the youth!"
"The letter can be viewed at AMRT with reference number Drt 06219.354, and is available for consultation on the website of PMR under this link:"
"I don't need to translate into Tetun, because my confidence is that the Members have a great deal of understanding."
"This document is a fact."
"I am writing based on this fact."
"Something is called fact because there's a letter."
"Now back to each person's interpretation."
"The facts can be good or bad, but they're not just a thing of the past."
"I helped to preserve Timorese history by writing books and giving a large number of documents about the Resistance, which can be found today in Arquivo e Museu da Resistência timorense (AMRT) at Fundação Mario Soares."
"When we talk about destroying history, it means that the facts are being demolished."
"We're just trying to write a better one."
"If they don't like it, \"hakoi\" them."
"The good and the bad as historical facts, these are things that make Timorese history interesting or rich."
"Who can guarantee me that my source is not credible?"
"Do not forget, at the time Commander Konis Santana wrote this letter I made to you as a reference he occupied all important positions. He was Head of Conselho Executivo da Luta/Frente Armada (Executive Council on Struggle / Armed Front), Secretary-General and Executive Committee Member in Frente Clandestina e Luta Independentista de Timor Leste - FRELIMO; also secretary General & Secretariat member"
"I would like to point out that there is no single interpretation of the fact."
"This is why people say that history was a conflict, there's no consensus about it because of the different interpretations."
"Only in North Korea does there exist a single interpretation of the fact, interpreted according to Kim Jong-Un's regime."
"If any other interpretation is wrong, it must be removed."
"Correia do Norte's Minister of Defence was accused as a traitor for attending the meeting, so he carried an anti-aircraft gun and fireds."
"If we interpret history according to Kim Jong-Un's fate of the deputies sitting in plenary, many are now facing difficulty."
"Since I've written about RENETIL, therefore i have not forgotten much or any clear investigation on the differences involving Hodu Ran Kadalak brother."
"If I am writing about the Clandestine Resistance and Armada, then there are many questions to be asked regarding Brother Mau Hodu's death."
"I could write much more about their divergences and seek out his reasons for marking the front line with Commander Konis Santana."
"I am confident that those who are close to Mr. Hodu will have the facts in their hands for justification of his actions, and he is not alone on this issue!"
"Who can explain this?"
"Destinos deputies who say they know the history of Timor from its very beginning can explain this."
"I am an admirer of brother Hodu and also a great admirator to Konis Santana & Sabalae."
"Because as an admirer of my book on page 84, I wrote this: \"The letter from the Commandant Konis Santana is a serious threat to former CDF Vice-Secretary Hodu Ran Kadalak's political integrity in his capacity for national liberation."
"Let's take a look at the Hodu game."
"He did this because he had changed his principles or so, in order to gain the confidence of Indonesian soldiers and not be hurt."
"Time will tell us if Hodu's manoeuvres are right or wrong."
"However, it must be acknowledged that what Hodu did created problems within the Resistance."
"Unfortunately, the three owners Hodu Konis and Sabalae who were directly involved in this divergence have all died so it is not possible to explain exactly why they played these games."
"However, in fact Hodu Ran Kadalak died at the hands of Indonesian military and pro-autonomie militias."
"This shows that Hodu has not given up on the struggle for independence.\""
"This I mean to say that Hodu did not betray the struggle or his fellow fighters and he died as a hero."
"Commander Konis Santana is not a simple politician, nor does he belong to the ordinary soldiers."
"He was Secretary of the Executive Committee for FRETILIN, he served as Chief Executive Councilman to Frente Armada and also Secretario do Comitê executivo da Luta Fronte Klandestina."
"As an ordinary person, he would not give orders to anyone but with the position as occupied by him issuing a letter I can interpret that it is reflective of both FRETILIN and FALINTIL."
"Even so, I have no guarantee that neither the whole of FRETILIN nor FALINTIL thinks as Commander Konis thought. That is why in my book i write \"consensus agreement\" or what it was written with quote marks and/or between commas (quotes)."
"This means, personally I cannot say affirmative that FALINTIL has lost all confidence in Brother Hodu."
"There is no law that requires people to write a story according the unique interpretation."
"Based on the letter from Commander Konis, I interpreted \"in quotation mark\" as meaning that FALINTIL had “confidence” in Brother Hodu."
"Now those who do not agree with my interpretation can interpret it as they please."
"My interpretation is based on one fact, the letter itself."
"Is the letter from Commander Konis an unreliable source?"
"I would trust more the sources of Commander Konis Santana than those who lack any credibility."
"In the letter, Commander Konis Santana mentioned OJECTIL but I believe he was referring to it because there are some interpretations that said they came from Ojetil and in reality brother Hodu worked with them. That's why this is what i am talking about - not ojegtiil!"
"Timor Post: MPs question why witnesses do not confirm their deaths?"
"Who are the living witnesses?"
"When Commander Konis wrote this letter, did they sit down and discuss it with him before removing the note?"
"Carlos Saky: Now I would like to ask them again how do they interpret the letter of Commander Konis, which is written very clearly?"
"Let me ask the leaders of OPJLATIL, is there any difference between Commander Konis and Mau Hodu?"
"History is not just about writing good things, but also bad ones."
"I also write about some bad things that have happened in RENETIL according to my interpretation and other comrades may not agree with me."
"Interpretation is what each of us interprets as we see it."
"Is it important that there are facts?"
"In fact, Commander Konis's letter indicated a divergence as he ordered to physically eliminate if they continued discrediting the leaders of resistance and demobilizing youth."
"Of course, from one moment to another is not the same."
"I referred to a letter from Commander Konis Santana that was issued in 1976, not after the year of his death."
"Of course before he came to the village, and after 1986 no one denies Brother Hodu's contribution in this struggle."
"In the book, I do not deny any contribution by Brother Hodu; in fact it is a reference to one period when there were differences between resistance leaders and particularly from 1976 until he came back."
"After this trip the situation is different."
"I myself met Brother Hudu Ran Kadalak at a Workshop in Canberra Australia, we talked about it and he continues to be an advocate for self-determination."
"If the living witnesses know with certainty about these divergences, they may write another book to present their version."
"As authors of the liberation struggle, they have a moral duty to write and correct what is wrong."
"And no one has come and said to me that my interpretation is completely wrong."
"At least to me, Commander Konis Santana showed a loss of confidence in brother Hodu because people who trust each other cannot write like the way that he does."
"I just wrote \"take confidence\" and it would be in the phrase but Commander Konis gave orders to kill if he continued discrediting him with Manu Bui, demobilizing his youth."
"Timor Post: Deputies ask the author to give back this book because they consider it unfounded and destroys TL history?"
"Carlos Saky: No basis, how?"
"Now they have to explain the divergence, right?"
"For me, the difference and Commander Konis's letter show a great loss of confidence because we think that killing someone is not to murder one in whom you trust but who will hurt us."
"I myself did not come to the conclusion that Hodu had betrayed his struggle, but i took up this matter because it was very serious for me due a letter from Commander Konis."
"I have not destroyed the history of Timor, but rather built it from all its ruins. From their good and evil parts alike..."
"Whoever destroys history is those who want to overturn it, manipulate the story and ruin historical documents about bad things just in order that everything went well during Resistance."
"This is not the true history, it's our struggle against many obstacles. Some suffered and died on their way to freedom; some surrendered but others continued fighting for Indonesia 102%, while other players played double games in order either survive or uncover new strategy of independence from colonial rule"
"Therefore, I will not give the book to you because everything that is written by me based on a historical fact and document."
"I hope that those MPs who did not accept it will re-write another book and write more to complete or improve the incomplete parts of my books, including correcting any error in them. Then let each person interpret what they see is wrong with their own interpretation!"
"It is only the dictators who tell us to write history in their version."
"We live in Timor, a democratic country where the Constitution itself guarantees freedom of expression; we don't have Soeharto or Correia do Norte whose interpretation by Kim Jong-Un is unique and true."
"In a democratic country, people write books and each one interprets them according to his or her own version; it is the owner of that book who will conclude which interpretation was correct."
"If you don't agree, there is a way to follow."
"Don't spend money to buy this book, don’ts waste time reading it or write another one with dates saying that my interpretation is wrong."
"They also claimed that Mau Hodu did not betray his sovereignty because it was the Indonesian military and militia who killed him."
"If they draw conclusions on this, then don't be afraid because in my book I have already concluded about it at page 84."
"Edisuan Thursday (28/05-16) Pages 3 &4 Posted by FORUM HAKSESUĞUK at the time:"
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Governu Halo Esforsu Hasa’e Kobertura Vasinasaun Covid-19\nPrimeiru Ministru Taur Matan Ruak hateten governu ho apoiu nasaun amigu sira no parseiru sira halo esforsu tomak mobiliza vasina atu hasa’e kobertura vasinasaun Covid-19 iha teritorio nasional, hodi redus propagasaun virus no risku mortalidade tanba komportamentu sosiedade no vasina maka meus efetivu atu luta hasoru surtu Covid-19.\nPrimeiru Ministru Taur Matan Ruak hateten governu ho apoiu nasaun amigu sira no parseiru sira halo esforsu tomak mobiliza vasina atu hasa’e kobertura vasinasaun Covid-19 iha teritorio nasional.\nNia dehan apoia husi Covax facility komitmentu apoia miliaun doze vasina AstraZeneca kobre 20% populasaun, ne’ebe iha inisiu hetan ona 24,000 doze hodi fo ba ekipa liña frente sira, no iha fulan oin sei to’o tan 100,800. Alende ne’e governu Australia apoia ona 40,000 doze AstraZeneca no sira komprometidu atu nafatin suporta kampanha vasinasaun iha Timor-Leste. No iha mos apoia 100,000 doze vasina Sinovac husi governu China, ne’ebe sei to’o iha fulan oin.\n“Estratejia vasina nian inisiu ministerio da saúde deside hare uluk grupo risku sira, maibe lori tempu naruk, entau governu husu atu organiza sosiedade ba grupo tolu maka grupo aseita, grupo duvidozu no grupo atrazadu. Grupo atrazadu ne’e lakohi husik ba ikus liu kuandu nia hakarak maka simu lakohi ne’e problema ninian, ita la fo maka ita sala entau ita fo uluk maka isra ne’ebe hakarak,”\n“Governu hakarak vasina ema hotu, maibe se maka lakohi ne’e governu sei la ba monu ain hsuu atu vasina. Governu ida hau lidera ne’e sei la ba hakneak iha populasaun nia ain dehan favor ida vasina, sira sei la ba husu tanba nia maka lakohi laos hau maka la fo, nia maka lakohi obrigado taan,” nia hateten wainhira partisipa iha plenaria extraordinaria konaba extensaun Estado Emergensia ba dala 14 iha Parlamentu Nasional, Dili.\nNia dehan iha orsamentu ratifikativu parlamentu nasional aprova $13 miloens atu sosa tan vasina, no governu hare hela ona mekanismu sira atu sosa vasina ne’ebe bele fo ba sidadaun sira idade tinan 18 mai kraik tanba vasina ne’ebe dadaun ne’e implementa esclui hela sira idade tinan 18 mai kraik no inan isin rua, inan fo susu sira.\nEntertantu, Diretora Jeral Prestasaun Servisu Saúde, iha Ministerio da Saúde, Doutora Odete Viegas da Silva hateten hahu implementasaun kampanha vasinasaun Covid-19, liu-liu vasina 24,000 doze husi Covax no 40,000 doze husi Australia konsege vasina ona ema nain 76,683 iha teritorio tomak inklui nain 63,849 iha munisipiu Dili.\n“Hahu iha loron 7 fulan Abril, ita konsege atinji 63,849 iha munisipio Dili. Ita konta ho munisipiu hotu to’o agora Timor-Leste konsege atinji ona 76,683 ema ne’ebe hetan ona vasina doze dahuluk. Ohin ita sei hetan tan 20,000 doze husi governu Australia, ne’ebe ita sei hahu implementa iha segunda feira,” nia hateten.\nNia dehan vasina husi governu Australia ne’e sei foku iha munisipiu Dili tanba statistika hatudu taxa insidensia kazu sa’e makas no numeru kazu moderadu no kritiku mos a’as ba beibeik.\nIha parte seluk, membru Parlamentu, deputado Domingos de Carvalho husu governu atu labele obriga sidadaun sira simu vasina tanba ema ida-ida iha kondisaun saúde ne’ebe la hanesan, ne’ebe bele prejudika sira nia moris.\n“Labele obriga ema ba tuir vasina kuandu ema ne’e hetan moras komplikadu, favor bo’ot ida. ne’e hanesan ameasa bo’ot ida ba funsionario publiku sira para hodi labele tama servisu, la bele,” nia hateten.\nTuir dadus komulativu kazu Covid-19 iha Timor-Leste, hahu loron 21 fulan Marsu tinan 2020, to’o loron 28 fulan Maio tinan 2021, hatudu total kazu konfirmadu sae ona ba 6,622. No husi numeru ne’e nain 3,915 maka rekuperado ona, nain 2,692 maka ativu hetan tratamentu iha fatin izolamentu, no nain 15 maka mate ona ho Covid-19. | [
"Governu Halo Esforsu Hasa'e Kobertura Vasinasaun Covid-19 Primeiru Ministru Taur Matan Ruak hateten governu ho apoiu nasaun amigu sira no parseiru sira halo esforsu tomak mobiliza vasina atu hasa'e kobertura vasinasaun Covid-19 iha teritorio nasional, hodi redus propagasaun virus no risku mortalidade tanba komportamentu sosiedade no vasina maka meus efetivu atu luta hasoru surtu Covid-19.",
"Primeiru Ministru Taur Matan Ruak hateten governu ho apoiu nasaun amigu sira no parseiru sira halo esforsu tomak mobiliza vasina atu hasa'e kobertura vasinasaun Covid-19 iha teritorio nasional.",
"Nia dehan apoia husi Covax facility komitmentu apoia miliaun doze vasina AstraZeneca kobre 20% populasaun, ne'ebe iha inisiu hetan ona 24,000 doze hodi fo ba ekipa lina frente sira, no iha fulan oin sei to'o tan 100,800.",
"Alende ne'e governu Australia apoia ona 40,000 doze AstraZeneca no sira komprometidu atu nafatin suporta kampanha vasinasaun iha Timor-Leste.",
"No iha mos apoia 100,000 doze vasina Sinovac husi governu China, ne'ebe sei to'o iha fulan oin.",
"\"Estratejia vasina nian inisiu ministerio da saude deside hare uluk grupo risku sira, maibe lori tempu naruk, entau governu husu atu organiza sosiedade ba grupo tolu maka grupo aseita, grupo duvidozu no grupo atrazadu.",
"Grupo atrazadu ne'e lakohi husik ba ikus liu kuandu nia hakarak maka simu lakohi ne'e problema ninian, ita la fo maka ita sala entau ita fo uluk maka isra ne'ebe hakarak,\" \"Governu hakarak vasina ema hotu, maibe se maka lakohi ne'e governu sei la ba monu ain hsuu atu vasina.",
"Governu ida hau lidera ne'e sei la ba hakneak iha populasaun nia ain dehan favor ida vasina, sira sei la ba husu tanba nia maka lakohi laos hau maka la fo, nia maka lakohi obrigado taan,\" nia hateten wainhira partisipa iha plenaria extraordinaria konaba extensaun Estado Emergensia ba dala 14 iha Parlamentu Nasional, Dili.",
"Nia dehan iha orsamentu ratifikativu parlamentu nasional aprova $13 miloens atu sosa tan vasina, no governu hare hela ona mekanismu sira atu sosa vasina ne'ebe bele fo ba sidadaun sira idade tinan 18 mai kraik tanba vasina ne'ebe dadaun ne'e implementa esclui hela sira idade tinan 18 mai kraik no inan isin rua, inan fo susu sira.",
"Entertantu, Diretora Jeral Prestasaun Servisu Saude, iha Ministerio da Saude, Doutora Odete Viegas da Silva hateten hahu implementasaun kampanha vasinasaun Covid-19, liu-liu vasina 24,000 doze husi Covax no 40,000 doze husi Australia konsege vasina ona ema nain 76,683 iha teritorio tomak inklui nain 63,849 iha munisipiu Dili.",
"\"Hahu iha loron 7 fulan Abril, ita konsege atinji 63,849 iha munisipio Dili.",
"Ita konta ho munisipiu hotu to'o agora Timor-Leste konsege atinji ona 76,683 ema ne'ebe hetan ona vasina doze dahuluk.",
"Ohin ita sei hetan tan 20,000 doze husi governu Australia, ne'ebe ita sei hahu implementa iha segunda feira,\" nia hateten.",
"Nia dehan vasina husi governu Australia ne'e sei foku iha munisipiu Dili tanba statistika hatudu taxa insidensia kazu sa'e makas no numeru kazu moderadu no kritiku mos a'as ba beibeik.",
"Iha parte seluk, membru Parlamentu, deputado Domingos de Carvalho husu governu atu labele obriga sidadaun sira simu vasina tanba ema ida-ida iha kondisaun saude ne'ebe la hanesan, ne'ebe bele prejudika sira nia moris.",
"\"Labele obriga ema ba tuir vasina kuandu ema ne'e hetan moras komplikadu, favor bo'ot ida. ne'e hanesan ameasa bo'ot ida ba funsionario publiku sira para hodi labele tama servisu, la bele,\" nia hateten.",
"Tuir dadus komulativu kazu Covid-19 iha Timor-Leste, hahu loron 21 fulan Marsu tinan 2020, to'o loron 28 fulan Maio tinan 2021, hatudu total kazu konfirmadu sae ona ba 6,622.",
"No husi numeru ne'e nain 3,915 maka rekuperado ona, nain 2,692 maka ativu hetan tratamentu iha fatin izolamentu, no nain 15 maka mate ona ho Covid-19."
] | [
"Prime Minister Taur Matan Ruak said that the government with support from friendly countries and partners is making every effort to mobilize vaccines in order for increased Covid-19 vaccination coverage on national territory, reducing virus spreading risk of mortality because social behaviour as well vaccinating are most effective ways against outbreak."
"Prime Minister Taur Matan Ruak said that the government with support from friendly countries and partners is making every effort to mobilize vaccines in order To increase Covid-19 vaccination coverage on national territory."
"He said that the Covax facility's support is committed to providing one million doses of AstraZeneca vaccine covering 20% population, which has already received an initial supply for front-line teams in amounted at around $1.5 billion and will reach a further delivery by next month with another £98m (US$364million)."
"In addition, the Australian government has already supported 40-thousand doses of AstraZeneca and is committed to continuing its assistance in Timor Leste's vaccination campaign."
"And there is also the support of 102,546 doses Sinovac vaccine from China's government which will arrive next month."
"\"The vaccination strategy initially the ministry of health decided to look first at risk groups, but it took a long time. Therefore government asked that society be organized into three categories: accepted group; doubtful and delayed Groups.\""
"The late group did not want to let it go and finally when he wanted, they refused. This is the problem of this situation; we are faulty in our failures but first give what you need.\" \"The government wishes everyone be vaccinated - if people don't do so then there will no further action on their part from that point forward\"."
"The government that I lead will not be hacking in the face of people saying favor a vaccine, they won't ask because it is he who does NOT want to get vaccinated. It wasn ' t me giving him vaccinations but his wishes which made them unwilling.\" He said this while participating at an extraordinary plenaries session on extending state emergency for fourteenth time (2019) during Parliamentary Session held today morning(4/3)."
"He said that in the ratification budget, national parliament approved $13 million to buy more vaccines and government is looking at mechanism for purchasing vaccination which can be given by citizens aged eighteen years or younger because current implementation of vaccinations excludes those under age twenty-one as well pregnant women."
"Meanwhile, the Director General of Health Service Provision at Ministry Of health Dr. Odete Viegas da Silva said that they have started implementing a Covid-19 vaccination campaign and in particular 24 thousand doses from Covax vaccines as well to Australia' s dose package which includes also another fourty hundred (068) dozes for Australian citizens who are not vaccinated with AstraZeneca or Pfizer/BioNTech Vaccine will be delivered on Monday afternoon through Dili Municipality Hospital where it is planned their first injection would take place tomorrow morning before being transferred into other hospital facilities throughout Timor Leste"
"\"On April 7, we managed to reach a total of about (63.849) in Dili City.\""
"With all the municipalities counted, so far Timor-Leste has managed to reach 76.83 million people who have received their first dose of vaccines against COVID -19 in a single day (24 hours)."
"Today we will receive another 20,154 doses from the Australian government which are to be started on Monday.\""
"He said that the Australian government's vaccination will focus on Dili municipality because statistical data showed a sharp rise in case incidence rates and an increasing number of moderate to critical cases."
"On the other hand, Member of Parliament Domingos de Carvalho asked that government should not force citizens to be vaccinated because each person has different health conditions which can jeopardize their lives."
"\"You can't force people to get vaccinated when they have a complicated illness, it is an enormous favor. It would be like threatening public servants so that you cannot go into the workplace.\""
"According to the cumulative data of Covid-19 cases in Timor Leste, from March 20th until May (3rd), showing that total confirmed case number has risen by more than one thousand."
"And of this number, 3.915 have recovered from the disease; and there are currently at least other persons in isolation for treatment (2687) while a further fifteen people died due to Covid-4"
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Rona realidade no kultura emerjente atu identifika dezafiu urjente liu | fmatin.org\nRona realidade no kultura emerjente atu identifika dezafiu urjente liu\nDili – Loron daruak Kapítulu nian (26 Outubru 2019), hahú Eukaristia no Laudes, ne’ebé selebra husi Amu Apolinário Neto, Padre Provinsiál SDB nian.\nLoron daruak Kapítulu nia serbisu foka ba dezafiu urjente sira ne’ebé ita hasoru iha kontemporaneidade no interpela ita-nia moris nu’udar FMA. Loron ne’e, hanesan Regulamentu dehan, hahú ho orasaun entronizasaun Liafuan nian, invokasaun Espíritu Santu no presenza moris Na’i-Feto nian, “Hodigitria”, matadalan ba eskolante sira.\nHafoin Me. Provinsiál aprezenta Me. Jerál, Me. Yvonne Reungoat nia mensajen ba Kapitulár sira. Uluknanai Madre Yvonne fó parabens no apresia ba partisipasaun Leigu sira husi Família Saleziana no foin-sa’e sira no mós Padre SDB sira. Madre kontinua: “Momentu ne’e mak momentu grasa nian ne’ebé la’o hamutuk ho selebrasaun tinan 150 fundasaun Institutu nian no tempu hanesan hala’o daudaun Kapítulu Inspetoria nian hodi hateke ba ezijénsia realidade iha imi nia Inspetoria. Iha serteza katak Na’i-Feto la’o hamutuk ho imi.”\nTuir mai, lee Verbál prepara husi ekipa Sekretariadu Kapítulu Inspetoriál.\nTanba loron ne’e reflete kona-ba dezafiu sira, Komisaun preparasaun ba Kapítulu konvida Me. Guilhermina Marçal, FDCC atu aprezenta kona ba dezafiu sira iha rai laran enjer’al liu-liu depois de Independénsia no durante krize 2006-2009. Tuir Madre Guilhermina “realidade moris família nian, ne’ebé fó impaktu ba foin-sa’e sira nia moris ohin loron nian, basá inan-aman sira tempu ne’e nian mak sira ne’ebé iha foka ba libertasaun nasaun nian, nune’e la hetan formasaun adekuadu, nune’e, sira mós la fó formasaun di’ak ba oan sira”.\nAleinde ne’e, pobreza ne’ebé liga ho polítika ekonomia no distribuisaun rikusoin ne’ebé la justu: iha balun riku liu, balun iha klasse média no seluk, grupu boot liu kiak rabat rai.\nDezafiu seluk mak edukasaun ne’ebé la iha kualidade; kona-ba saúde ita hetan malnutrisaun.;. Buat ne’ebé ita haree no assite beibeik mak degradasaun morál, ho situasaun deviasaun juveníl, seksu livre, violénsia, omísidiu, tráfiku umanu. Tuir Madre Guilhermina, grupo oinoin “Arte Marciais” no “satániku”, hatudu katak foin-sa’e sira barak hetan influénsia husi li’ur, tanba la krize iha identidade.\nAtu hatán ba dezafiu hirak ne’e Me. Guilhermina propoin “Pastorál, Edukasaun no Aprosimasaun kordiál”.\nHotu tiha konferénsia husi Madre Guilhermina Marçal FDCC, kapituár sira reflete kona-ba dezafiu sira ne’ebé hetan iha “Instrumento de trabalho” no husi input ne’ebé foin simu. Metodolojia ne’ebé uza mak ho “semáforo” (Mean, kinur no verde). Mean nudar dezafiu ne’ebé urjente liu, Kinur dezafiu ne’ebé ladún urjente maié presiza atensaun no Verde katak fini pozitivu ne’ebé iha ona no fó esperansa. Serbisu hala’o iha grupu lima nia laran no hafoin aprezenta ba Asembleia. Rezultadu diskusaun entrega ba “Komisaun Redasaun” atu elabora resposta, hafoin fó hikas fali ba asembleia ba sira-nia apresiasaun. Kapitulár sira remata loron ne’e ho “Rozáriu espesiál” no “Selebrasaun Dezafiu sira nu’udar oportunidade ba kreximentu”, ba “ita-nia sai evanjelizadora no edukadora di’ak liután”.\nIha “buonanotte”, Ir Alma, hodi prepara ba loron datoluk, aprezenta videoclip ida kona-ba “akompañamentu”, iha-ne’ebé ho imajen sira-ne’e hatudu konseitu “akompañamentu resíproku”.\n(Komisaun Komunikasaun Kapítulu Inspetoriál)\nTags:\tdezafiu, Kapítulu Inspetoriál 2019 | [
"Rona realidade no kultura emerjente atu identifika dezafiu urjente liu | fmatin.org Rona realidade no kultura emerjente atu identifika dezafiu urjente liu Dili - Loron daruak Kapitulu nian (26 Outubru 2019), hahu Eukaristia no Laudes, ne'ebe selebra husi Amu Apolinario Neto, Padre Provinsial SDB nian.",
"Loron daruak Kapitulu nia serbisu foka ba dezafiu urjente sira ne'ebe ita hasoru iha kontemporaneidade no interpela ita-nia moris nu'udar FMA.",
"Loron ne'e, hanesan Regulamentu dehan, hahu ho orasaun entronizasaun Liafuan nian, invokasaun Espiritu Santu no presenza moris Na'i-Feto nian, \"Hodigitria,\" matadalan ba eskolante sira.",
"Hafoin Me.",
"Provinsial aprezenta Me.",
"Jeral, Me.",
"Yvonne Reungoat nia mensajen ba Kapitular sira.",
"Uluknanai Madre Yvonne fo parabens no apresia ba partisipasaun Leigu sira husi Familia Saleziana no foin-sa'e sira no mos Padre SDB sira.",
"Madre kontinua: \"Momentu ne'e mak momentu grasa nian ne'ebe la'o hamutuk ho selebrasaun tinan 150 fundasaun Institutu nian no tempu hanesan hala'o daudaun Kapitulu Inspetoria nian hodi hateke ba ezijensia realidade iha imi nia Inspetoria.",
"Iha serteza katak Na'i-Feto la'o hamutuk ho imi.\"",
"Tuir mai, lee Verbal prepara husi ekipa Sekretariadu Kapitulu Inspetorial.",
"Tanba loron ne'e reflete kona-ba dezafiu sira, Komisaun preparasaun ba Kapitulu konvida Me.",
"Guilhermina Marcal, FDCC atu aprezenta kona ba dezafiu sira iha rai laran enjer'al liu-liu depois de Independensia no durante krize 2006-2009.",
"Tuir Madre Guilhermina \"realidade moris familia nian, ne'ebe fo impaktu ba foin-sa'e sira nia moris ohin loron nian, basa inan-aman sira tempu ne'e nian mak sira ne'ebe iha foka ba libertasaun nasaun nian, nune'e la hetan formasaun adekuadu, nune'e, sira mos la fo formasaun di'ak ba oan sira.\"",
"Aleinde ne'e, pobreza ne'ebe liga ho politika ekonomia no distribuisaun rikusoin ne'ebe la justu: iha balun riku liu, balun iha klasse media no seluk, grupu boot liu kiak rabat rai.",
"Dezafiu seluk mak edukasaun ne'ebe la iha kualidade; kona-ba saude ita hetan malnutrisaun.;.",
"Buat ne'ebe ita haree no assite beibeik mak degradasaun moral, ho situasaun deviasaun juvenil, seksu livre, violensia, omisidiu, trafiku umanu.",
"Tuir Madre Guilhermina, grupo oinoin \"Arte Marciais\" no \"sataniku,\" hatudu katak foin-sa'e sira barak hetan influensia husi li'ur, tanba la krize iha identidade.",
"Atu hatan ba dezafiu hirak ne'e Me.",
"Guilhermina propoin \"Pastoral, Edukasaun no Aprosimasaun kordial.\"",
"Hotu tiha konferensia husi Madre Guilhermina Marcal FDCC, kapituar sira reflete kona-ba dezafiu sira ne'ebe hetan iha \"Instrumento de trabalho\" no husi input ne'ebe foin simu.",
"Metodolojia ne'ebe uza mak ho \"semaforo\" (Mean, kinur no verde).",
"Mean nudar dezafiu ne'ebe urjente liu, Kinur dezafiu ne'ebe ladun urjente maie presiza atensaun no Verde katak fini pozitivu ne'ebe iha ona no fo esperansa.",
"Serbisu hala'o iha grupu lima nia laran no hafoin aprezenta ba Asembleia.",
"Rezultadu diskusaun entrega ba \"Komisaun Redasaun\" atu elabora resposta, hafoin fo hikas fali ba asembleia ba sira-nia apresiasaun.",
"Kapitular sira remata loron ne'e ho \"Rozariu espesial\" no \"Selebrasaun Dezafiu sira nu'udar oportunidade ba kreximentu,\" ba \"ita-nia sai evanjelizadora no edukadora di'ak liutan.\"",
"Iha \"buonanotte,\" Ir Alma, hodi prepara ba loron datoluk, aprezenta videoclip ida kona-ba \"akompanamentu,\" iha-ne'ebe ho imajen sira-ne'e hatudu konseitu \"akompanamentu resiproku.\"",
"(Komisaun Komunikasaun Kapitulu Inspetorial) Tags: dezafiu, Kapitulu Inspetorial 2019"
] | [
"Hearing emerging reality and culture to identify the most urgent challenges Dili - The second day of Chapter (October 26,19), began with Eucharist & Laudes celebrated by Fr. Apolinario Neto SDB Provincial Father; he was accompanied on his way from São Tomé da Cachoeira for a prayer session at St Paul's Cathedral in Belém do Pará"
"The second day of the Chapter's work focused on urgent challenges we face in our contemporaneity and interpelled us as AFM."
"The day, as the Regulations stated it would begin with a prayer of enthronement to our Lord Jesus Christ and invocation for His Holy Spirit."
"Hafoin Me. Have faith in me!"
"Provincial presented Me."
"Jeral, Me."
"Yvonne Reungoat delivered her message to the Chapter members."
"Uluknanai Mother Yvonne congratulated and appreciated the participation of lay people from Salesian Family, youngsters as well SDBs."
"Mother continues: \"This is a moment of grace that goes hand in hands with the celebration for 150 years since our Institute was founded and at this time you are also conducting your Provincial Chapter to address real needs within Your Province."
"There is no doubt that the Virgin Mary will walk with you.\""
"Next, read the Verbal prepared by a team of Inspectorial Chapter Secretariat."
"Because this day reflects on the challenges, Chapter Preparatory Committee invited Me."
"Guilhermina Marcal, FDCC to present on the challenges in general domestically especially after Independence and during crisis 2016-9."
"According to Mother Guilhermina \"the reality of family life, which has an impact on the young people's lives today is that parents at this time are those who have a focus for national liberation and therefore do not receive adequate training so they also don’t give their children good education.\""
"In addition, poverty is linked to economic policies and the unfair distribution of wealth: some are richer than others; a few belong in middle classes while another larger group get poorer."
"Another challenge is the lack of quality education; in health we have malnutrition."
"What we see and witness constantly is the moral degradation, with situation of juvenile deviation; free sex: violence. homicide human trafficking..."
"According to Madre Guilhermina, groups like the \"Arte Marciais\" and “Satanic,” show that many young people are influenced from outside because of their identity crisis."
"In order to meet these challenges, Me."
"Guilhermina proposes \"Pastoral, Education and Cordially Approaching.\""
"Following the lecture by Mother Guilhermina Marcal FDCC, chapter members reflected on challenges encounters in \"Instrumento de trabalho\" and from input just received."
"The methodology used is the \"traffic light\" (mean, kinur no green)."
"Mean as the most urgent challenge, Green is a non-urgent one that needs attention and green represents an existing positive aspect which gives hope."
"The service is carried out within the group of five and then presented to Assembly."
"The outcome of the discussion is submitted to a \"Drafting Committee\" for elaboration, and then returned back into assembly on their own appreciation."
"The capitulars concluded the day with a \"special Rosary\" and “a celebration of challenges as opportunities for growth,” in order to become better evangelizers, educators on their own."
"In \"buonanotte,\" Sr. Alma presented a video clip on the subject of accompaniment in preparation for day three where she illustrated with images what is meant by this concept: reciprocal companions.\""
"(Communication Commission Provincial Chapter) Tags: challenge, 2019 provincial chapter"
] |
By Media DNICT 23 Desembru 2020, 12:26:13 TLs\tDESPORTU\nSekretáriu Estadu Juventude no Desportu, Eng. Abrão Nokosiku Saldanha hato’o hela lia-menon iha abertura ba aktividade formasaun ba manorin edukasaun fízika no desportu siha eskola sekundaria iha Fundasaun Oriente Dili (14/12/2020). Imajen/DNICT\nDILI- Sekretáriu Estadu Juventude no Desportu, Eng. Abrão Nokosiku Saldanha halo abertura ba aktividade formasaun ba manorin edukasaun fízika no desportu iha eskola sekundaria sira ne’ebé hala’o iha Fundasaun Oriente Dili iha loron 14 Dezembru 2020. Formasaun ida ne’e hala’o ho objetivu atu hasa’e profesores sira nia konesementu iha area desportu, ne’ebé sira sei implemente iha eskola sira.\nIha ninia diskursu abertura, Sekretariu Estadu hatete katak prosesu ida ne’e hola parte iha polítika 'Desportu iha Sosiedade no Prestasaun' ne’ebé mak ho intensaun atu haboot desportu nia baze. “Ho formasaun ida ne’e, ita halo virajen atu haboot desportu iha baze ne’ebé mak fahe ba parte boot rua; desportu iha komunidade no desportu iha eskola sira,” Sekretariu Estadu esplika. Formasaun ba profesor sira ne’e fokus ba desportu iha eskola sira.\nSekretariu Estadu mós hatete katak importante tebtebes ba programa formasaun ida ne’e atu tama iha planu no programa INFORDEPE nian, nune’e governu bele regularmente fo formasaun ba profesor sira iha area edukasaun fízika no desportu. Formasaun ida ne'e sei hala'o durante semana ida hodi kompleta semana rua atividade formasaun ba manorin adukasaun fizika no desporto.ne'ebe realiza tiha ona ba manorin ensinu baziku sira iha loron 30 novembro – 04 Dezembro 2020. | [
"By Media DNICT 23 Desembru 2020, 12:26:13 TLs DESPORTU Sekretariu Estadu Juventude no Desportu, Eng.",
"Abrao Nokosiku Saldanha hato'o hela lia-menon iha abertura ba aktividade formasaun ba manorin edukasaun fizika no desportu siha eskola sekundaria iha Fundasaun Oriente Dili (14/12/2020).",
"Imajen/DNICT DILI- Sekretariu Estadu Juventude no Desportu, Eng.",
"Abrao Nokosiku Saldanha halo abertura ba aktividade formasaun ba manorin edukasaun fizika no desportu iha eskola sekundaria sira ne'ebe hala'o iha Fundasaun Oriente Dili iha loron 14 Dezembru 2020.",
"Formasaun ida ne'e hala'o ho objetivu atu hasa'e profesores sira nia konesementu iha area desportu, ne'ebe sira sei implemente iha eskola sira.",
"Iha ninia diskursu abertura, Sekretariu Estadu hatete katak prosesu ida ne'e hola parte iha politika 'Desportu iha Sosiedade no Prestasaun' ne'ebe mak ho intensaun atu haboot desportu nia baze.",
"\"Ho formasaun ida ne'e, ita halo virajen atu haboot desportu iha baze ne'ebe mak fahe ba parte boot rua; desportu iha komunidade no desportu iha eskola sira,\" Sekretariu Estadu esplika.",
"Formasaun ba profesor sira ne'e fokus ba desportu iha eskola sira.",
"Sekretariu Estadu mos hatete katak importante tebtebes ba programa formasaun ida ne'e atu tama iha planu no programa INFORDEPE nian, nune'e governu bele regularmente fo formasaun ba profesor sira iha area edukasaun fizika no desportu.",
"Formasaun ida ne'e sei hala'o durante semana ida hodi kompleta semana rua atividade formasaun ba manorin adukasaun fizika no desporto.ne'ebe realiza tiha ona ba manorin ensinu baziku sira iha loron 30 novembro - 04 Dezembro 2020."
] | [
"By Media DNICT 23 December,10:56 PM TLs DESPORTU State Secretary for Youth and Sports Eng."
"Abrao Nokosiku Saldanha delivers a speech at the opening of training activities for physical education and sports teachers in secondary schools, Fundação Oriente Dili (14/20)."
"Image/DNICT DILI- State Secretary for Youth and Sports, Eng."
"Abrao Nokosiku Saldanha opened the training activity for physical education and sports teachers in secondary schools held at Fundação Oriente Dili on December 14,203."
"This training is carried out with the aim of increasing teachers' knowledge in sports, which they will implement at their schools."
"In his opening remarks, the Secretary of State said that this process is part and parcel with 'Sport in Society & Performance' policy which intends to strengthen sports base."
"\"With this training, we are turning to developing sport at the grassroots level which is divided into two big parts; community sports and school-based activities\", explained Secretary of State."
"The training for teachers is focused on sports in schools."
"The Secretary of State also said that it is very important for this training program to be included in the plan and programme INFORDEPE, so government can regularly train teachers on physical education."
"This training will be held for one week to complete the two-weeks of physical education and sport activities that were already conducted from November 30th - December,1st."
] |
Vise MS Elia Halai husi Enkontru iha Jenebra Mai Pasiar iha Bali Featured\nBy Tempo Timor May 31, 2019 11549\nSorumutuk loron daruak Organizasaun Mundial da Saude hodi deskute no aprova programa ho orsamentu ba tinan 2020-2021 ninian (21/05) Foto : WHO/L. Cipriani\nIha fulan Abril tinan ne’e, Primeiru Ministru Taur Matan Ruak hasai despaisu ida hodi delega Vise Ministra Saúde Elia A.A. dos Reis Amaral ne’ebé mai husi CNRT atu ba partisipa iha reuniaun Organizasaun Mundial Saúde ne’ebé hala’o iha Jenebra hahu husi 20 Maiu 2019.\nHo despaisu ne’e, iha 17 Maiu 2019, Vise MS Elia ho komitiva dezloka ba Jenebra hodi partisipa iha enkontru Asembleia Mundial Saúde ba dala 72 ne’ebé partisipa husi Ministériu Saúde husi nasaun 194 ne’ebé sai nu’udar membru WHO.\nTuir orariu husi Minstériu Saúde, delegasaun Timor Leste ne’ebé xefia husi Vise MS Elia aranka ba Jenebra iha 17 Maiu no sei fila fali mai iha Timor Leste iha 28 Maiu 2019.\nMaibé iha 25 Maiu 2019, Vise MS Elia telefone mai Diretór Aprovizionamentu no Diretór Finansas MS nian atu muda nia bilete aviaun nian atu nia bele halai fila uluk.\n“Iha 25 Maiu kalan, Vise Elia ho nia asistente ho tan deputada ida to’o tiha ona iha Bali,” informa fonte husi MS ne’ebé lakohi públika nia identidade ba tempotimor.\nTuir informasaun ne’ebé fonte ne’e hetan, Vise MS Elia sei halimar iha Bali to’o 31 Maiu, maibe hafoin fila fali mai Timor Leste iha 29 Maiu.\nFonte ne’e dehan, Vise MS halo mudansa orariu serbisu no viajen sein koordena ho Ministru Saúde Interino Bonifacio Maucoli dos Reis.\n“Loloos kuandu hakarak halo mudansa, nia tenke husu autorizasaun husi Ministru Interinu, tanba Vise Elia ba ne’e reprezenta Ministru Saúde, no mudansa sira ne’e iha implikasaun finanseira ba governu,” dehan fonte ne’e.\nIha fatin ketak, Ministru Saúde Interinu hatete katak nia delega duni Vise MS Elia hodi ba partisipa reuniaun Organizasaun Mundial Saúde (OMS) iha Jenebra, maibé Vise MS ne’e fila uluk.\n“Ha’u delega nia ba partisipa iha reuniaun OMS iha Jenebra. Maibé nia halai tiha de’it husik diretór ida ho asesor mak partisipa, tanba reuniaun ohin mak finaliza. Nia mai pasiar tiha iha Denpasar (Bali),” dehan Ministru bainhira hetan konfirmasaun husi tempotimor.\nHahalok Vise MS ne’e hetan mós kritika husi membru PN no kuadru CNRT balun.\nKuadru CNRT ida lamenta ho atetude husi Vise MS ne’ebé la hatudu ninia responsabilidade iha eventu internasionál, sa tan nia ba lori governu no povu Timor Leste tomak nia naran.\nTuir membru PN no kuadru CNRT ne’e, hahalok Vise MS ne’e hatudu katak Xefe Governu la konsege kontrola nia membru sira.\n“Vise Ministra ne’e nia hahalok at ne’e la’os foin dala ida. Uluk nia perna hatudu hahalok la respeitu ba Primeiru Ministru,” dehan fonte ne’e maibé la esplika detallu hahalok la respitu oinsa.\n“Daudauk ne’e nia halo tan hahalok ne’ebé hamoe ita. Gasta osan estadu ba pasiar iha Bali,” dehan fonte ne’e.\nFonte ne’e husu atual Xefe Governu ne’ebé nu’udar eis Komandante F-FDTL mak koñesidu ho disiplina maka’as ne'e atu kontrola no kuda disiplina iha membru governasaun Aliansa Mudansa ba Progresu (AMP).\nTan ne’e, nia husu ba PM Taur Matan Ruak atu labele “mamar” demais ba nia membru governu sira, liu-liu sira ne’ebé la hatudu respeita ba knar no fiar ne’ebé sira simu ona.\nEntretantu, tempotimor koko haruka pergunta balun liu husi WhatsApp ba Vise Ministra Saúde atu konfirma kona-ba reuniaun iha Jenebra no tanba sa mak nia fila uluk, maibé maske iha sinal ne’ebé hatudu Vise MS ne’e lee ona mensajen refere, maibé nia la fó resposta.\nHanesan informasaun, AMS nu’udar reuniaun entre ministériu saúde husi nasaun ne’ebé sai membru WHO ne’ebé hala’o kada tinan iha Jenebra.\nBa tinan ida ne’e, AMS ne’ebé lidera husi Ministru Saúde Laos hodi troka MS Zimbawe, foti tema “Kobertura Universal Saúde: La Husik Ema Ida iha Kotuk” (Universal Health Coverage: Leaving No One Behind).\nLast modified on Saturday, 01 June 2019 00:03\n« Lu Olo Telefone Jokowi, Kongratula ba Konfiansa Povu Indonezia iha Eleisaun "Malisan" Fahe Ukun ba Familia, Da'et ba PM Taur » | [
"Vise MS Elia Halai husi Enkontru iha Jenebra Mai Pasiar iha Bali Featured By Tempo Timor May 31, 2019 11549 Sorumutuk loron daruak Organizasaun Mundial da Saude hodi deskute no aprova programa ho orsamentu ba tinan 2020-2021 ninian (21/05) Foto: WHO/L. Cipriani Iha fulan Abril tinan ne'e, Primeiru Ministru Taur Matan Ruak hasai despaisu ida hodi delega Vise Ministra Saude Elia A.A. dos Reis Amaral ne'ebe mai husi CNRT atu ba partisipa iha reuniaun Organizasaun Mundial Saude ne'ebe hala'o iha Jenebra hahu husi 20 Maiu 2019.",
"Ho despaisu ne'e, iha 17 Maiu 2019, Vise MS Elia ho komitiva dezloka ba Jenebra hodi partisipa iha enkontru Asembleia Mundial Saude ba dala 72 ne'ebe partisipa husi Ministeriu Saude husi nasaun 194 ne'ebe sai nu'udar membru WHO.",
"Tuir orariu husi Minsteriu Saude, delegasaun Timor Leste ne'ebe xefia husi Vise MS Elia aranka ba Jenebra iha 17 Maiu no sei fila fali mai iha Timor Leste iha 28 Maiu 2019.",
"Maibe iha 25 Maiu 2019, Vise MS Elia telefone mai Diretor Aprovizionamentu no Diretor Finansas MS nian atu muda nia bilete aviaun nian atu nia bele halai fila uluk.",
"\"Iha 25 Maiu kalan, Vise Elia ho nia asistente ho tan deputada ida to'o tiha ona iha Bali,\" informa fonte husi MS ne'ebe lakohi publika nia identidade ba tempotimor.",
"Tuir informasaun ne'ebe fonte ne'e hetan, Vise MS Elia sei halimar iha Bali to'o 31 Maiu, maibe hafoin fila fali mai Timor Leste iha 29 Maiu.",
"Fonte ne'e dehan, Vise MS halo mudansa orariu serbisu no viajen sein koordena ho Ministru Saude Interino Bonifacio Maucoli dos Reis.",
"\"Loloos kuandu hakarak halo mudansa, nia tenke husu autorizasaun husi Ministru Interinu, tanba Vise Elia ba ne'e reprezenta Ministru Saude, no mudansa sira ne'e iha implikasaun finanseira ba governu,\" dehan fonte ne'e.",
"Iha fatin ketak, Ministru Saude Interinu hatete katak nia delega duni Vise MS Elia hodi ba partisipa reuniaun Organizasaun Mundial Saude (OMS) iha Jenebra, maibe Vise MS ne'e fila uluk.",
"\"Ha'u delega nia ba partisipa iha reuniaun OMS iha Jenebra.",
"Maibe nia halai tiha de'it husik diretor ida ho asesor mak partisipa, tanba reuniaun ohin mak finaliza.",
"Nia mai pasiar tiha iha Denpasar (Bali),\" dehan Ministru bainhira hetan konfirmasaun husi tempotimor.",
"Hahalok Vise MS ne'e hetan mos kritika husi membru PN no kuadru CNRT balun.",
"Kuadru CNRT ida lamenta ho atetude husi Vise MS ne'ebe la hatudu ninia responsabilidade iha eventu internasional, sa tan nia ba lori governu no povu Timor Leste tomak nia naran.",
"Tuir membru PN no kuadru CNRT ne'e, hahalok Vise MS ne'e hatudu katak Xefe Governu la konsege kontrola nia membru sira.",
"\"Vise Ministra ne'e nia hahalok at ne'e la'os foin dala ida.",
"Uluk nia perna hatudu hahalok la respeitu ba Primeiru Ministru,\" dehan fonte ne'e maibe la esplika detallu hahalok la respitu oinsa.",
"\"Daudauk ne'e nia halo tan hahalok ne'ebe hamoe ita.",
"Gasta osan estadu ba pasiar iha Bali,\" dehan fonte ne'e.",
"Fonte ne'e husu atual Xefe Governu ne'ebe nu'udar eis Komandante F-FDTL mak konesidu ho disiplina maka'as ne'e atu kontrola no kuda disiplina iha membru governasaun Aliansa Mudansa ba Progresu (AMP).",
"Tan ne'e, nia husu ba PM Taur Matan Ruak atu labele \"mamar\" demais ba nia membru governu sira, liu-liu sira ne'ebe la hatudu respeita ba knar no fiar ne'ebe sira simu ona.",
"Entretantu, tempotimor koko haruka pergunta balun liu husi WhatsApp ba Vise Ministra Saude atu konfirma kona-ba reuniaun iha Jenebra no tanba sa mak nia fila uluk, maibe maske iha sinal ne'ebe hatudu Vise MS ne'e lee ona mensajen refere, maibe nia la fo resposta.",
"Hanesan informasaun, AMS nu'udar reuniaun entre ministeriu saude husi nasaun ne'ebe sai membru WHO ne'ebe hala'o kada tinan iha Jenebra.",
"Ba tinan ida ne'e, AMS ne'ebe lidera husi Ministru Saude Laos hodi troka MS Zimbawe, foti tema \"Kobertura Universal Saude: La Husik Ema Ida iha Kotuk\" (Universal Health Coverage: Leaving No One Behind).",
"Last modified on Saturday, 01 June 2019 00:03 \" Lu Olo Telefone Jokowi, Kongratula ba Konfiansa Povu Indonezia iha Eleisaun \"Malisan\" Fahe Ukun ba Familia, Da'et ba PM Taur \""
] | [
"Vice-Health Minister Elia Leaves Meeting in Geneva, Goes to Bali Featured By Tempo Timor May.31st (20/5) Photo: WHO / L Cipriani In April of this year Prime Ministru Taur Matan Ruak issued a dispatch delegating the Deputy Health Secretary Elias dos Reis Amaral from CNRT for participation at meeting held by World health organization which took place on June and July during his tenure as PM between January - March last years; he was then transferred back home after being denied entry into hospital due its poor condition that had been delayed since December before it could be admitted again until February following an investigative report about her sexual assault case against him under Article II(4)(a)."
"With this dispatch, on May 17th of the same year Deputy Health Minister Elia and his delegation travelled to Geneva for participation in a meeting held by WHO's World health Assembly at its seventy-second session. The Meeting was attended from all ministries that have become member states (WHO has currently members countries numbering more than one hundred)."
"According to the timetable of Health Ministry, a Timorese delegation headed by Vice MS Elia will depart for Geneva on May 17 and returning back in East Тимор may be held again."
"However, on May 25th of the same year Vice-Minister Elia phoned MS Procurement Director and Finance Manager to change his plane ticket so that he could go home first."
"\"On the night of May 25, Vice Elia and his assistant with another deputy had already arrived in Bali\", a source from MS who declined to publish her identity told tempotimor."
"According to the information this source obtained, Vice MS Elia will be staying in Bali until May 31st but then returns back home on may.29th"
"The source said, Vice MS made changes to work schedule and travel without coordination with Acting Health Minister Bonifacio Maucoli dos Reis."
"\"Loloos whenever he wants to make changes, must ask for authorization from the Interim Minister because Vice Elia represented Health on that occasion and these change have financial implications in terms of government spending.\""
"In a separate statement, the Acting Minister of Health said that he had indeed delegated Deputy Chief Medical Officer Elia to attend meetings with WHO representatives at Geneva but this was delayed."
"\"I have delegated him to attend the WHO meeting in Geneva."
"But he just left, leaving a director and an adviser to attend because the meeting ended today."
"He arrived by sea in Denpasar (Bali),\" said the Minister when confirmed from tempotimor."
"The Vice-Minister's actions have also been criticized by members of the Parliament and some CNRT cadre."
"A CNRT cadre lamented the attitude of Vice-Minister who did not show his responsibility in international events, so he went to bring on behalf all government and people East Timor."
"According to the MP and CNRP cadre, Vice-Minister's behaviour showed that he was unable in controlling his members."
"\"This is not the first time that this Vice Minister has behaved in such a way."
"His left leg showed disrespect for the Prime Minister,\" said this source but did not explain in detail how."
"\"Then he did the same thing that we hate."
"Spending state money on a vacation in Bali,\" the source said."
"The source asks the current Head of Government, who is a former F-FDTL Commander connected with this high discipline to control and cultivate disciplining among members in AMP's government."
"Therefore, he urged PM Taur Matan Ruak not to be too \"mommy\" with his cabinet members especially those who have shown no respect for the powers and trust they've received."
"Meanwhile, tempotimor sent some questions via WhatsApp to the Deputy Minister of Health in order for him/her confirm about meetings at Geneva and why he went first but despite a sign showing that Vice-Minister has read this message she did not respond."
"For information, AMS is an annual meeting of the ministries for health from WHO member countries that takes place in Geneva."
"For this year, the AMS which is led by Laos' Minister of Health to replace MS Zimbabwe has chosen \"Universal health coverage: leaving no one behind\" as its theme."
"Last modified on Saturday, 01 June. \" Lu Olo Calls Jokowi and Congratulates for Confidence of Indonesian People in the Election “Malisan” Fahe Ukun to Family; Da'et ba PM Taur\""
] |
By Tempo Timor April 23, 2021 1350\nHafoin finaliza kontajen ba votu, Prezidente Parlamentu Nasioná, Aniceto Guteres, husu governu atu implementa medida politika tuir rekomendasaun PN nian.\n“Ho nune’e orsamentu rektifikativu aprovadu. Husu Governu implementa medida polítika ne’ebé aprova hamutuk iha orsamentu ida-ne’e no kumpre rekomendasaun husi deputadu sira”, deklara Aniceto iha plenária PN, sesta (23/04).\nDeputada Bankada CNRT, Virgínia Ana Belo hatete, pozisaun Bankada CNRT ba aprovasaun Finál Global Proposta Orsamentu Rektifikativu 2021 ne’e hodi fó votu abstensaun.\n“Ohin Bankada CNRT la fó votu afavór maibé fó votu abstensaun tanba razaun orsamentu rektifikativu ne’ebé aprezenta iha trimestre dahuluk ba ano fiskál 2021 ne’e justifika loloos pozisaun Bankada CNRT ne’ebé halo walkout ba OJE 2021”, dehan nia.\nTanba OJE 2021 la tuir estrutura, la reflete ba realidade, la tau osan ba COVID-19, no la-prevee osan ba kalamidade mezmu iha Marsu 2020 mosu ona dezastre Naturál hanesan alerta ida ba Governu no ba entidade sira hotu.\nAleinde Deputada Bankada Partidu Libertasaun Populár (PLP), Maria Angelina Lopes Sarmento, louva Governu daualu ne’ebé lori proposta orsamentu retifikativu atubele fó resposta imediata ba evolusaun surtu COVID-19 no kalamidade inundasaun ne’ebé povu Timor-Leste enfrenta iha loron 4 fulan-abríl.\nHo ida ne'e, Bankada PLP espera Governu uza orsamentu ne’ebé aumenta iha rezerva kontinjénsia responde kestaun emerjénsia sira-ne’ebé mak Governu presiza duni rekursu sufisiente atubele resposta imediata ba povu ida-ne’e.\nEnkuantu Orsamentu Rektifikativu ne’e altera OJE 2021 ho montante billaun US$1,895 hodi prevee ba kombate surtu COVID-19 no problema cheias (dezastre naturál) no inundasaun.\nIha proposta Governu propoin tokon US$223,8 prevee ba fundu COVID-19 ne’ebé aumenta tán ba orsamentu orijinál, no integrasaun saldu jerénsia ne’ebé la inskritu iha OJE 2021 ho montante tokon US$135,3.\nNune’e mós altera OJE 2021 ne’e foti hosi fundu infraestrutura tokon US$54 no ministériu sira hamutuk tokon US$65,152 nune’e rezerva kontinjénsia sa’e ona tokon US$100-resin hodi fó resposta ba problema cheias no inundasaun ne’ebé akontese iha loron 4 fulan-abríl liubá. Hosi ajustamentu hirak ne’e inklui saldu jerénsia tokon US$135,3 ne’e OJE 2021 sa’e ba billaun US$2.1\nNune'e tuir planu, diploma kona-ba lei ne’e sei submete ba Prezidente Repúblika iha segunda (26/04).(*)\n« Serka Sanitária Difikulta Kompaña Distributór Sesta Bázika PN Kontra Subsidiu Ba Estudante hela Kos, TLCE 'Eziji' Deputadu Responsabliza » | [
"By Tempo Timor April 23, 2021 1350 Hafoin finaliza kontajen ba votu, Prezidente Parlamentu Nasiona, Aniceto Guteres, husu governu atu implementa medida politika tuir rekomendasaun PN nian.",
"\"Ho nune'e orsamentu rektifikativu aprovadu.",
"Husu Governu implementa medida politika ne'ebe aprova hamutuk iha orsamentu ida-ne'e no kumpre rekomendasaun husi deputadu sira,\" deklara Aniceto iha plenaria PN, sesta (23/04).",
"Deputada Bankada CNRT, Virginia Ana Belo hatete, pozisaun Bankada CNRT ba aprovasaun Final Global Proposta Orsamentu Rektifikativu 2021 ne'e hodi fo votu abstensaun.",
"\"Ohin Bankada CNRT la fo votu afavor maibe fo votu abstensaun tanba razaun orsamentu rektifikativu ne'ebe aprezenta iha trimestre dahuluk ba ano fiskal 2021 ne'e justifika loloos pozisaun Bankada CNRT ne'ebe halo walkout ba OJE 2021,\" dehan nia.",
"Tanba OJE 2021 la tuir estrutura, la reflete ba realidade, la tau osan ba COVID-19, no la-prevee osan ba kalamidade mezmu iha Marsu 2020 mosu ona dezastre Natural hanesan alerta ida ba Governu no ba entidade sira hotu.",
"Aleinde Deputada Bankada Partidu Libertasaun Popular (PLP), Maria Angelina Lopes Sarmento, louva Governu daualu ne'ebe lori proposta orsamentu retifikativu atubele fo resposta imediata ba evolusaun surtu COVID-19 no kalamidade inundasaun ne'ebe povu Timor-Leste enfrenta iha loron 4 fulan-abril.",
"Ho ida ne'e, Bankada PLP espera Governu uza orsamentu ne'ebe aumenta iha rezerva kontinjensia responde kestaun emerjensia sira-ne'ebe mak Governu presiza duni rekursu sufisiente atubele resposta imediata ba povu ida-ne'e.",
"Enkuantu Orsamentu Rektifikativu ne'e altera OJE 2021 ho montante billaun US$1,895 hodi prevee ba kombate surtu COVID-19 no problema cheias (dezastre natural) no inundasaun.",
"Iha proposta Governu propoin tokon US$223,8 prevee ba fundu COVID-19 ne'ebe aumenta tan ba orsamentu orijinal, no integrasaun saldu jerensia ne'ebe la inskritu iha OJE 2021 ho montante tokon US$135,3.",
"Nune'e mos altera OJE 2021 ne'e foti hosi fundu infraestrutura tokon US$54 no ministeriu sira hamutuk tokon US$65,152 nune'e rezerva kontinjensia sa'e ona tokon US$100-resin hodi fo resposta ba problema cheias no inundasaun ne'ebe akontese iha loron 4 fulan-abril liuba.",
"Hosi ajustamentu hirak ne'e inklui saldu jerensia tokon US$135,3 ne'e OJE 2021 sa'e ba billaun US$2.1 Nune'e tuir planu, diploma kona-ba lei ne'e sei submete ba Prezidente Republika iha segunda (26/04). (*) \" Serka Sanitaria Difikulta Kompana Distributor Sesta Bazika PN Kontra Subsidiu Ba Estudante hela Kos, TLCE 'Eziji' Deputadu Responsabliza \""
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"By Tempo Timor April 23,198 After the final counting of votes for parliamentary elections in East and South-East Asia (ASEAN), President Aniceto Guterres urged government to implement political measure according PN recommendations."
"\"The amending budget is thus approved."
"I call on the Government to implement political measures that have been approved jointly in this budget and comply with recommendations of MP,\" declares Aniceto at PN plenary session Saturday (23/04)."
"Congresso Nacional de Reconstrução do Timor-Leste (CNRT) Group MP, Virginia Ana Belo said that the position of CNRT group on final global approval Proposal Amending Budget 2019 is to vote abstention."
"\"Today, the CNRT Group did not vote in favour but abstained because of reason that amending budget presented during first quarter for fiscal year 2019 properly justifies position CNRT group who made a walkout to Budget-Grossmanage."
"Because the 2019 budget does not follow structure, it doesn’t reflect reality and there is no money for COVID-35 or disaster relief even though in March of this year a natural catastrophe occurred as an alert to governments."
"In addition, the People's Liberation Party (PLP) Group Member of Parliament Maria Angelina Lopez Sarmento praised Government 2.0 for bringing forward an amending budget proposal in order to give immediate response on April4th towards COVID-19 outbreak and flood disaster facing Timorese people"
"With this, the PLP Group expects that Government will use increased budget in contingency reserve to respond emergency issues which require sufficient resources so as immediately answer these people."
"In contrast, the Amending Budget alters budget 2019 by US$3.5 billion to provide for COVID-4 outbreak and flood problems (natural disaster)."
"In the Government proposal, US$235.8 million is proposed for COVID-19 fund which increases over original budget and integration of general balance not enrolled in GHQ’S BUDGET FOR THE YEAR OF FUTURE with an amount $US407mn"
"Also amended the 2019 budget is taken from infrastructure fund US$54 million and ministries totals $63,87 millions so contingency reserve has risen by more than U.S USD-to respond to flood problems that occurred on April of last year in Brazil (April)."
"These adjustments include a surplus balance of US$ 135.2 million, which will raise the budget for this year to $407mn (US£698million). Thus as planned an executive order regarding these changes is being submitted by President da República on Monday(April) \"Serka Sanitaria Dificilta Kompana Distributor Sesta Bazika PN Contra Subsidio Para Estudante Vive Kos; TLCE 'Eziji' Deputabliza Responsabiliza\""
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Subsets and Splits