Agrikultór suku Fatucahi kontribui foos-rai tonelada 300 ba Cesta Bázika | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste\nVARANDA EKONOMIA Agrikultór suku Fatucahi kontribui foos-rai tonelada 300 ba Cesta Bázika\nMANUFAHI, 28 jullu 2021 (TATOLI)—Xefe suku Fatucahi, postu administrativu Fatuberlio, munisípiu Manufahi, Moises Acaçio da Costa Pinto ‘Labalaba’, hateten, durante implementasaun Cesta Bázika, kompañia ne’ebé partisipa iha programa ne’e sosa foos-rai inklui produtu agríkola seluk tan.\n“Ita-nia kontribuisaun iha Cesta Bázika, tuir dadus hosi xefe aldeia sira, kompañia hosi munisípiu seluk sira mai sosa foos-rai 300 resin no kompañia hosi munisípiu Manufahi rasik sosa foremungu tonelada 100 resin hosi suku ne’e,” Xefe suku Fatukahi, informa iha ninia rezidénsia, kuarta ne’e.\nNia konsidera, programa Governu ne’e bele motiva agrikultór sira hasa’e produsaun.\n“Tanba ne’e tenke kontinua, labele hein ema atu hola de’it mak prodúz barak, maibé ita mós tenke haree atu prodúz ba ita-nia uma laran. Realidade agora iha mudansa oitoan,” nia akresenta.\nAgrikultór iha suku ne’e, antes halo ona to’os ho natar hamutuk ektare 13 no kolleta kuaze tonelada 15.\n“Produsaun aumenta ba bebeik to’o iha tonelada 17 sa’e ba tonelada 32,5 no agora tonelada 200,” nia hatutan.\nXefe suku ne’e haktuir, iha époka ne’e iha peste barak, tanba ne’e produsaun menus oituan.\n“Iha époka ida-ne’e rasik ita hasoru peste. Ita iha hare, batar, no foremungu, maibé fore-rai, fore-kelin laiha. Uluk ita-nia inan-aman sira barak liu mak uza rai natar ba kuda de’it hare, maibé sira la kontinua kuda buat seluk,” Moises Acaçio tenik.\nTanba ne’e, autoridade lokál halo ona koordenasaun ho Ministériu Agrikultura no Peska (MAP) liuhosi Diresaun Nasioál Peskiza, atubele fó apoiu fini foremungu atu hahú kuda iha rai ne’ebé mak durante ne’e sei abandona hela.\nProdutu ne’ebé tama lista programa Cesta Bázika maka, produtu alimentár, kompostu husi foos, batar, foremungu, kote/fore, amendoim, sorgum dulas, kafé, masin, fehuk ropa, susu ben, masin midar, manu, manu tolun, mina tein, mina-nuu, trigu, inklui modo sira hanesan ervilla, tomate, koto nurak, fore sikote, repollu, kouve, modo metan, modo mutin no modo seluk tan.\nPrevious articleAniceto Guterres: “Ha’u sei la budu alterasaun Lei Pensaun Vitalísia”\nNext articleTOMAK identifika negosiante feto 85% iha merkadu Baucau-Bobonaro
[ "Agrikultor suku Fatucahi kontribui foos-rai tonelada 300 ba Cesta Bazika | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA EKONOMIA Agrikultor suku Fatucahi kontribui foos-rai tonelada 300 ba Cesta Bazika MANUFAHI, 28 jullu 2021 (TATOLI) - Xefe suku Fatucahi, postu administrativu Fatuberlio, munisipiu Manufahi, Moises Acacio da Costa Pinto 'Labalaba', hateten, durante implementasaun Cesta Bazika, kompania ne'ebe partisipa iha programa ne'e sosa foos-rai inklui produtu agrikola seluk tan.", "\"Ita-nia kontribuisaun iha Cesta Bazika, tuir dadus hosi xefe aldeia sira, kompania hosi munisipiu seluk sira mai sosa foos-rai 300 resin no kompania hosi munisipiu Manufahi rasik sosa foremungu tonelada 100 resin hosi suku ne'e,\" Xefe suku Fatukahi, informa iha ninia rezidensia, kuarta ne'e.", "Nia konsidera, programa Governu ne'e bele motiva agrikultor sira hasa'e produsaun.", "\"Tanba ne'e tenke kontinua, labele hein ema atu hola de'it mak produz barak, maibe ita mos tenke haree atu produz ba ita-nia uma laran.", "Realidade agora iha mudansa oitoan,\" nia akresenta.", "Agrikultor iha suku ne'e, antes halo ona to'os ho natar hamutuk ektare 13 no kolleta kuaze tonelada 15.", "\"Produsaun aumenta ba bebeik to'o iha tonelada 17 sa'e ba tonelada 32,5 no agora tonelada 200,\" nia hatutan.", "Xefe suku ne'e haktuir, iha epoka ne'e iha peste barak, tanba ne'e produsaun menus oituan.", "\"Iha epoka ida-ne'e rasik ita hasoru peste.", "Ita iha hare, batar, no foremungu, maibe fore-rai, fore-kelin laiha.", "Uluk ita-nia inan-aman sira barak liu mak uza rai natar ba kuda de'it hare, maibe sira la kontinua kuda buat seluk,\" Moises Acacio tenik.", "Tanba ne'e, autoridade lokal halo ona koordenasaun ho Ministeriu Agrikultura no Peska (MAP) liuhosi Diresaun Nasioal Peskiza, atubele fo apoiu fini foremungu atu hahu kuda iha rai ne'ebe mak durante ne'e sei abandona hela.", "Produtu ne'ebe tama lista programa Cesta Bazika maka, produtu alimentar, kompostu husi foos, batar, foremungu, kote/fore, amendoim, sorgum dulas, kafe, masin, fehuk ropa, susu ben, masin midar, manu, manu tolun, mina tein, mina-nuu, trigu, inklui modo sira hanesan ervilla, tomate, koto nurak, fore sikote, repollu, kouve, modo metan, modo mutin no modo seluk tan.", "Previous articleAniceto Guterres: \"Ha'u sei la budu alterasaun Lei Pensaun Vitalisia\" Next articleTOMAK identifika negosiante feto 85% iha merkadu Baucau-Bobonaro" ]
[ [ "Farmers of Fatucahi Village Contribute 301 Ton Feed to Basic Food Basket MANUFAHI, Jul.28th (Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste) - The chief villager in the administrative post Fatuberlio township within Manufahu municipality Moises Acacio da Costa Pinto 'Labalaba' said that during implementation for basic food basket program a company participating on this programme purchased feed and other crops as well; he added: \"We are also purchasing seedlings from local farmer.\"" ], [ "\"Our contribution to the Basic Food Basket, according data from village chiefs is that companies of other municipalities come and buy about 301 tons food-raise while a company in Manufahi own purchased over one hundred ton forage grain\", said Fatukahi Village Chief at his residence on Tuesday." ], [ "He believes that this government program can motivate farmer to increase production." ], [ "\"Therefore, we must continue. We cannot just expect people to buy and produce a lot of food but also have the ability for us in our own homes.\"" ], [ "Reality now has changed dramatically,\" he adds." ], [ "The farmers in the village had previously planted 13 hectares of native trees and harvested nearly a ton." ], [ "\"Production increased steadily until at 17 tons it went up to the current level of about three hundred and twenty-five,\" he said." ], [ "According to the village chief, there were many plagues at that time and so production was very low." ], [ "\"Once upon a time, we ourselves faced the plague." ], [ "We have hares, batar and foremungus but no forerunners." ], [ "In the past, most of our parents used natural land only to grow crops but they did not continue growing anything else.\" Moises Acacio said." ], [ "Therefore, local authorities have coordinated with the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries (MAP) through its National Research Directorate to provide support for seedlings so that they can start growing on land which has been abandoned." ], [ "The products included in the list of Basic Basket program are foodstuff, consisting from flour and potatoes; peanut butter/corn /wheat buckhorn beans (peas), corn starch sorghum powdered sugar coffee salt white rice wheat bread dairy milk coconut oil etc. including varieties such as erwten tomato cotton nut fork cabbage cauliflower carrots metan mode mutin modes among others" ], [ "Previous articleAniceto Guterres: \"I will not oppose amendment of the Lifetime Pension Law\" Next ArticleTOMAK identifies 85% female traders in Baucau-Bobonaro market" ] ]
Mota Sobu Uma 50-Resin iha Manleuana | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste\nVARANDA DILI Mota Sobu Uma 50-Resin iha Manleuana\nMota Sobu Uma 50-Resin iha Manleuana\nInan feton oan-nurak ko'us hela bebe hodi hateke foer no tahu ne'ebé bee lori tama borus sira nia uma. Imajen/Eugénio Pereira\nDILI, 29 dezembru 2019 (TATOLI)-Udan boot oras rua nia laran ne’ebé akontese domingu (29/12/2019), tuku 15:00 OTL too tuku 17:00 OTL, lori sofrimentu boot ba komunidade uma kain 50-resin iha Aldeia Ramelau ho Aldeia Lauloro, Suku Manleuana, Postu Administrativu Don Aleixo, Munisípiu Dili.\nRai Udan halo mota tun makas sobu komunidade sira nia uma iha Aldeia Ramelau no Aldei Lauloro, Suku Manleuana, Postu Administrativu Don Aleixo, Munisipiu Dili. Imajen/Eugénio Pereira\nUdan boot sobu moru protesaun mota nian hodi lori fo’er no bee merak ‘lulun’ sira nia uma to’o uma balun monu ‘hakdasak’ tetuk hanesan ho rai.\nTuir observasaun Ajénsia TATOLI iha fatin akontesimentu, inundasaun ne’e la’ós sobu de’it uma, maibé lori mós komunidade nia animal hakiak hanesan fahi, motor balun, karreta ho sasán nesesidade uma laran nian seluk tan.\nMota ne’ebé sobu husi área foho leten Aldeia Ramelau nian tun makas lori tahu nurak tama mós komunidade sira nia uma laran halo inundasaun makas too estrada laran.\nKomunidade sira organiza malu hodi evakua vitíma sira husi inundasaun. Imajen/Eugénio Pereira\nAlende ida ne’e, iha Adeia Evaka- Aimutin nian, mota sobu mós ponte riin besik Sentru Konbustivél Manleuana tohar hodi halo fo’er nakonu no intupidu makas iha estrada ninin halo bee tama fali ba populasaun sira nia uma laran.\nTuir Xefe Suku Maneluana, Jacob Soares Tilman informa, mota sobu moru protesaun ne’ebé kompañia nasionál sira harii la iha kualidade. Nune’e bee halai tama sobu fali komunidade nia uma.\n“Ami iha ne’e Aldeia Ramelau no Louloro tun too kedas ba área estrada boot Sentru Kombustivel nian ne’e mós mota sobu no tama too komunidade sira nia uma no halo populasaun sira uma nakonu ho tahu nurak no fo’er,” dehan Xefe Suku Jacob informa ba Ajénsia TATOLI.\nXefe Suku ne’e husu ba Ministériu Obras Públika (MOP) tenke husu ba kompañia nasionál ne’ebé halo moru protesaun mota nian atu responsabiliza, halo projetu moru protesaun la iha kualidade.\n“Ha’u husu ba kompañia sira halo projetu tenke di’ak, se imi halo arbiru de’it ikus mai mota tun sobu ami nia povu mak sai fali vítima,” nia lamenta.\nXefe Suku Jacob koordena kedas ho xefe aldeia Ramelau no Louloro hodi rekolla ona dadus uma sira ne’ebé hetan estragus hodi aprezenta ba ekipa governu.\nSekretáriu Estadu Protesaun Sivíl (SEPS), Alexandrino de Araújo, akompaña husi Diretór Bombeiru, Paulo Maia ho ekipa too kedas fatin akontesimentu hodi koordena ho autoridade no komunidade sira ajuda evakua populasaun sira ne’ebé uma hetan estragus . Imajen/Eugénio Pereira\nSekretáriu Estadu Protesaun Sivíl (SEPS), Alexandrino de Araújo, akompaña husi Diretór Bombeiru, Paulo Maia ho ekipa too kedas fatin akontesimentu hodi koordena ho autoridade no komunidade sira ajuda evakua populasaun sira ne’ebé uma hetan estragus hodi ba hela iha fatin ne’ebé seguru.\nSekretáriu Estadu Alexandrino mós kontaktu kedas ekipa Institutu Jestaun Ekipamentu (IJE) hodi koloka ekipamentu pezadu atu provizóriu suru rai-henek hodi taka mota dalan para evita bee labele tun sobu uma komunidade.\nNia dehan, governu rasik observa iha área Becora, Tuana Laran, Caicoli, Bairru-Pité nian mós tama uma komunidade nian inklui iha kapitál Dili liu-liu área Caicoli hetan inundasaun maka’as.\nGovernante promote ba vítima sira, hahú ohin, ekipa Diresaun Nasionál Protesaun Sivíl no Ministériu Solidariedade Sosiál no Inkluzaun (MSSI) sei tun direita hodi fó apoiu umanitáriu no ekipamentu balun hodi tulun vítima sira.\nPrevious articlePNTL no F-FDTL Garante Seguransa iha Munisípiu Manatuto\nNext articleRona Rádiu Konsolida Relasaun Sosiál\nDILI, 01 jullu 2022 (TATOLI)—Eis Diretór Asosiasaun Halibur Defisiénsia Matan Timor-Leste (AHDMTL), Gaspar Afonso, hateten Estadu no Governu presiza proteje no promove ema ho...
[ "Mota Sobu Uma 50-Resin iha Manleuana | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA DILI Mota Sobu Uma 50-Resin iha Manleuana Mota Sobu Uma 50-Resin iha Manleuana Inan feton oan-nurak ko'us hela bebe hodi hateke foer no tahu ne'ebe bee lori tama borus sira nia uma.", "Imajen/Eugenio Pereira DILI, 29 dezembru 2019 (TATOLI) -Udan boot oras rua nia laran ne'ebe akontese domingu (29/12/2019), tuku 15:00 OTL too tuku 17:00 OTL, lori sofrimentu boot ba komunidade uma kain 50-resin iha Aldeia Ramelau ho Aldeia Lauloro, Suku Manleuana, Postu Administrativu Don Aleixo, Munisipiu Dili.", "Rai Udan halo mota tun makas sobu komunidade sira nia uma iha Aldeia Ramelau no Aldei Lauloro, Suku Manleuana, Postu Administrativu Don Aleixo, Munisipiu Dili.", "Imajen/Eugenio Pereira Udan boot sobu moru protesaun mota nian hodi lori fo'er no bee merak 'lulun' sira nia uma to'o uma balun monu 'hakdasak' tetuk hanesan ho rai.", "Tuir observasaun Ajensia TATOLI iha fatin akontesimentu, inundasaun ne'e la'os sobu de'it uma, maibe lori mos komunidade nia animal hakiak hanesan fahi, motor balun, karreta ho sasan nesesidade uma laran nian seluk tan.", "Mota ne'ebe sobu husi area foho leten Aldeia Ramelau nian tun makas lori tahu nurak tama mos komunidade sira nia uma laran halo inundasaun makas too estrada laran.", "Komunidade sira organiza malu hodi evakua vitima sira husi inundasaun.", "Imajen/Eugenio Pereira Alende ida ne'e, iha Adeia Evaka- Aimutin nian, mota sobu mos ponte riin besik Sentru Konbustivel Manleuana tohar hodi halo fo'er nakonu no intupidu makas iha estrada ninin halo bee tama fali ba populasaun sira nia uma laran.", "Tuir Xefe Suku Maneluana, Jacob Soares Tilman informa, mota sobu moru protesaun ne'ebe kompania nasional sira harii la iha kualidade.", "Nune'e bee halai tama sobu fali komunidade nia uma.", "\"Ami iha ne'e Aldeia Ramelau no Louloro tun too kedas ba area estrada boot Sentru Kombustivel nian ne'e mos mota sobu no tama too komunidade sira nia uma no halo populasaun sira uma nakonu ho tahu nurak no fo'er,\" dehan Xefe Suku Jacob informa ba Ajensia TATOLI.", "Xefe Suku ne'e husu ba Ministeriu Obras Publika (MOP) tenke husu ba kompania nasional ne'ebe halo moru protesaun mota nian atu responsabiliza, halo projetu moru protesaun la iha kualidade.", "\"Ha'u husu ba kompania sira halo projetu tenke di'ak, se imi halo arbiru de'it ikus mai mota tun sobu ami nia povu mak sai fali vitima,\" nia lamenta.", "Xefe Suku Jacob koordena kedas ho xefe aldeia Ramelau no Louloro hodi rekolla ona dadus uma sira ne'ebe hetan estragus hodi aprezenta ba ekipa governu.", "Sekretariu Estadu Protesaun Sivil (SEPS), Alexandrino de Araujo, akompana husi Diretor Bombeiru, Paulo Maia ho ekipa too kedas fatin akontesimentu hodi koordena ho autoridade no komunidade sira ajuda evakua populasaun sira ne'ebe uma hetan estragus .", "Imajen/Eugenio Pereira Sekretariu Estadu Protesaun Sivil (SEPS), Alexandrino de Araujo, akompana husi Diretor Bombeiru, Paulo Maia ho ekipa too kedas fatin akontesimentu hodi koordena ho autoridade no komunidade sira ajuda evakua populasaun sira ne'ebe uma hetan estragus hodi ba hela iha fatin ne'ebe seguru.", "Sekretariu Estadu Alexandrino mos kontaktu kedas ekipa Institutu Jestaun Ekipamentu (IJE) hodi koloka ekipamentu pezadu atu provizoriu suru rai-henek hodi taka mota dalan para evita bee labele tun sobu uma komunidade.", "Nia dehan, governu rasik observa iha area Becora, Tuana Laran, Caicoli, Bairru-Pite nian mos tama uma komunidade nian inklui iha kapital Dili liu-liu area Caicoli hetan inundasaun maka'as.", "Governante promote ba vitima sira, hahu ohin, ekipa Diresaun Nasional Protesaun Sivil no Ministeriu Solidariedade Sosial no Inkluzaun (MSSI) sei tun direita hodi fo apoiu umanitariu no ekipamentu balun hodi tulun vitima sira.", "Previous articlePNTL no F-FDTL Garante Seguransa iha Munisipiu Manatuto Next articleRona Radiu Konsolida Relasaun Sosial DILI, 01 jullu 2022 (TATOLI) - Eis Diretor Asosiasaun Halibur Defisiensia Matan Timor-Leste (AHDMTL), Gaspar Afonso, hateten Estadu no Governu presiza proteje no promove ema ho..." ]
[ [ "Mota Sobu Uma 50-Resin iha Manleuana | Agência Noticiosa de Timor Leste VARANDA DILI The mother of a child who was still nursing her baby, watched as the water carried foer and tahu into their house." ], [ "Image/Eugenio Pereira DILI, December 29th (TATOLI) - Heavy rains that occurred over the course of two hours on Sunday(10-Dec), from at around three p.m to five pm OTL brought great suffering for communities with more than fifty houses in Ramelau and Lauloro villages within Manleuana Village Administrative Post Don Aleixo District Dili Municipality" ], [ "Rainfall caused a flood that destroyed communities’ houses in Ramelau and Lauloro Villages, Manleuana Township of Don Aleixo Administrative Post (Dili Municipality)." ], [ "Image/Eugenio Pereira Heavy rains destroyed the dam's protective wall to carry water and fireworks, causing 'lulun’ houses so badly that some of them collapsed like earth." ], [ "According to the observation of Agência TATOLI on site, this flood not only destroyed houses but also carried away community animals such as cows and some motorbike." ], [ "The motorbikes that were destroyed from the south of Ramelau Village came down and brought with them a heavy load, which also flooded communities' homes." ], [ "Communities are organizing themselves to evacuate flood victims." ], [ "Image/Eugenio Pereira In addition to this, in Adeia Evaka- Aimutin's river also destroyed a bridge near the Manleuana Fuel Center which caused fire and clogging of road that led water back into residential areas." ], [ "According to the Chief of Maneluana Village, Jacob Soares Tilman informed that motorways destroyed a protection barrier built by national companies with poor quality." ], [ "The water then flowed into the community's house and destroying it." ], [ "\"We here in the villages of Ramelau and Louloro came down right to where there is a big road for Fuel Center. The storm also destroyed all houses, making people' s homes filled with firewood\", said Village Head Jacob told Ajensia TATOLI (Agency News)." ], [ "The village chief asked the Ministry of Public Works (MOP) to ask national company that made road protection barriers for responsibility, making poor quality project." ], [ "\"I am asking the companies to do a good project, if you just make mess and then our people are victims of it because we have no water.\"" ], [ "Chief Jacob immediately coordinated with the village chiefs of Ramelau and Louloro to collect data on damaged houses for presentation at a government team." ], [ "The State Secretary of Civil Protection (SEPS), Alexandrino de Araujo, accompanied by the Fire Director Paulo Maia and his team immediately arrived on site to coordinate with authorities." ], [ "The State Secretary of Civil Protection (SEPS), Alexandrino de Araujo, accompanied by the Fire Department Director Paulo Maia and his team arrived immediately on site to coordinate with authorities. They also helping communities evacuating people whose houses were damages so that they could live in a safe place 10 minutes after it was reported there had been an earthquake at about one o'clock local time last night" ], [ "The Secretary of State Alexandrino also immediately contacted the Institute for Equipment Management (IJE) team to place heavy equipment on a provisional soil-heavy slope, closing roads and preventing water from falling down into communities." ], [ "He said, the government itself observed in Becora area Tuana Laran Caicoli Bairru-Pite's also entered community houses including capital Dili especially Caicoli Area suffering heavy flooding." ], [ "The governor promoted to the victims, starting today a team of National Civil Protection Directorate and Ministry for Social Solidarity & Inclusion (MSSI) will go down right now in order provide humanitarian assistance with some equipment." ], [ "Previous articlePNTL and F-FDTL Guarantee Security in Manatuto Municipality Next artikelRona Radio Consolidates Social Relations DILI, 01 july (TATOLI) - Former Director of the Association Halibur Defisiensia Matan Timor Lorosa’..." ] ]
Notisia Semanal Ministériu Saúde RDTL: “Labarik ho menor idade nain haat mate iha parte ermera tamba hetan moras sarampu”\n“Labarik ho menor idade nain haat mate iha parte ermera tamba hetan moras sarampu”\nCNCM-Surtu Kontinua Halo Vizilansia Masimu.\nMinisterio da saude liu husi Komisaun Nasional Kontrola Moras Surtu ka Outbreak CNCM-Surtu fornese informasaun adekuadamente ba komunidade, sira nebe hela iha foho leten, Area Remotas, Area Rurais dolok kuak no sidade. Enkontru CNCM Nebe halao iha salaun INS Comoro hetan partisipasaun Masimu husi Prezidente komisaun Dr. Nelson Martins,MD,MHM,PhD, Sub-komisaun no Parseirus. 03 Maiu 2011\nDr. Nelson Martins iha ninia intevensaun hateten hareba kazu akontesementu moras Sarampu ka campak iha loron hirak liu ba agora dadaun ninia numeru komesa aas ba bebeik. Sarampu nee akontese ba labarik ho grupu idade fulan neen too ida 14 nebe agora dadaun rejulta ita nia komunidade nain haat mak mate iha (Atsabe Foin lalais nee)\nNelson Haktuir; "Dadus nebe relata husi Gabinete Sistema Imformasaun Saude Ministerio saude hatuir katak iha 29 abril 2011 iha ermera kazu kontinua sae agora dadaun dadus sira nebe komfirmadu hamutuk 224 kazus ba grupu idade fulan neen too tinan 14".\nLoron 30 Abril too 02 Maiu relata kazu hamutuk 32 kazus nunee agora dadaun mos identifika taan kazu ida Likisa nunee ekipa nasional halo ona intervensaun ba kazu nee.\nTotal moras sarampu ka campak iha teritoriu laran hamutuk 161 kazus no husi total hirak nee identifika nain haat mate husi grupu idade tinan lima too tinan sanulu resin haat.\nAsaun nebe ministerio da saude foti hodi responde ba moras nee mak\nMinisterio Saude liu husi Komisaun Nasional ba kontrola Moras surtu Ka Outbreak (CNCM-Surtu) relata katak numeru sarampu aumenta makas iha semana hirak ne’e.\nMosu Kafuak mean iha labarik nia isin lolon no provoka isin manas.\nWainhira ita la kuidadu didi’ak labarik nia Saúde labarik ne’ebé afektadu ba moras sarampu bele hetan moras, Nutrisaun ladi’ak no dalaruma mos bele hamate.\nMoras sarampu bele daet lalais husi labarik ida ba labarik seluk wainhira sira besik malu.\nTanba ne’e, Favor ita bele fo atensaun katak:\n- Labarik ne’ebé deit mak isin manas ho musan mean iha isin, Favor lori lalais ba klinika ne’ebé besik ka Ospital hodi hetan tramentu Urjente.\n- Ministerio Saude sei organiza hodi fo imunizasaun iha teritoriu laran tomak ba labarik ne’ebé ho idade fulan 6 too 14. Husu ba inan aman sira nia responsabilidade atu bele lori oan sira ba simu imunizasaun.\n- Bainhira doutor diagnosa no dehan katak ita boot nia oan hetan sarampu, Favor labele husik nia ba iskola durante semana ida, Hodi prevene atu moras ne’e labele da’et hikas ba labarik seluk\nObrigado ba ita boot sira nia atensaun no kolaborasaun ho Ministério da Saúde hodi prevene moras Sarampu husi labarik hotu iha Timor Leste.MS001
[ "Notisia Semanal Ministeriu Saude RDTL: \"Labarik ho menor idade nain haat mate iha parte ermera tamba hetan moras sarampu\" \"Labarik ho menor idade nain haat mate iha parte ermera tamba hetan moras sarampu\" CNCM-Surtu Kontinua Halo Vizilansia Masimu.", "Ministerio da saude liu husi Komisaun Nasional Kontrola Moras Surtu ka Outbreak CNCM-Surtu fornese informasaun adekuadamente ba komunidade, sira nebe hela iha foho leten, Area Remotas, Area Rurais dolok kuak no sidade.", "Enkontru CNCM Nebe halao iha salaun INS Comoro hetan partisipasaun Masimu husi Prezidente komisaun Dr. Nelson Martins,MD,MHM,PhD, Sub-komisaun no Parseirus.", "03 Maiu 2011 Dr. Nelson Martins iha ninia intevensaun hateten hareba kazu akontesementu moras Sarampu ka campak iha loron hirak liu ba agora dadaun ninia numeru komesa aas ba bebeik.", "Sarampu nee akontese ba labarik ho grupu idade fulan neen too ida 14 nebe agora dadaun rejulta ita nia komunidade nain haat mak mate iha (Atsabe Foin lalais nee) Nelson Haktuir; \"Dadus nebe relata husi Gabinete Sistema Imformasaun Saude Ministerio saude hatuir katak iha 29 abril 2011 iha ermera kazu kontinua sae agora dadaun dadus sira nebe komfirmadu hamutuk 224 kazus ba grupu idade fulan neen too tinan 14.\"", "Loron 30 Abril too 02 Maiu relata kazu hamutuk 32 kazus nunee agora dadaun mos identifika taan kazu ida Likisa nunee ekipa nasional halo ona intervensaun ba kazu nee.", "Total moras sarampu ka campak iha teritoriu laran hamutuk 161 kazus no husi total hirak nee identifika nain haat mate husi grupu idade tinan lima too tinan sanulu resin haat.", "Asaun nebe ministerio da saude foti hodi responde ba moras nee mak Ministerio Saude liu husi Komisaun Nasional ba kontrola Moras surtu Ka Outbreak (CNCM-Surtu) relata katak numeru sarampu aumenta makas iha semana hirak ne'e.", "Mosu Kafuak mean iha labarik nia isin lolon no provoka isin manas.", "Wainhira ita la kuidadu didi'ak labarik nia Saude labarik ne'ebe afektadu ba moras sarampu bele hetan moras, Nutrisaun ladi'ak no dalaruma mos bele hamate.", "Moras sarampu bele daet lalais husi labarik ida ba labarik seluk wainhira sira besik malu.", "Tanba ne'e, Favor ita bele fo atensaun katak: - Labarik ne'ebe deit mak isin manas ho musan mean iha isin, Favor lori lalais ba klinika ne'ebe besik ka Ospital hodi hetan tramentu Urjente. - Ministerio Saude sei organiza hodi fo imunizasaun iha teritoriu laran tomak ba labarik ne'ebe ho idade fulan 6 too 14.", "Husu ba inan aman sira nia responsabilidade atu bele lori oan sira ba simu imunizasaun. - Bainhira doutor diagnosa no dehan katak ita boot nia oan hetan sarampu, Favor labele husik nia ba iskola durante semana ida, Hodi prevene atu moras ne'e labele da'et hikas ba labarik seluk Obrigado ba ita boot sira nia atensaun no kolaborasaun ho Ministerio da Saude hodi prevene moras Sarampu husi labarik hotu iha Timor Leste.MS001" ]
[ [ "Weekly News Ministry of Health RDTL: \"Four children died in Ermera due to measles\" CNCM-Surtu Continues Massive Surveillance." ], [ "The Ministry of Health through the National Commission for Outbreak Control or CNCM-Surtu provides adequate information to communities, those who live in remote areas and rural area." ], [ "The CNCM meeting held in the hall of INS Comoro was attended by Commission Chair Dr. Nelson Martins,MD MHM PhD and Sub-Commission members as well As Partners 10/25" ], [ "Dr. Nelson Martins in his intervention said that since the occurrence of measles or mumps cases during recent days, its number has been rising steadily at this time 03/15-24 May -" ], [ "Measles occurs in children between the age group of nine to 14 months, which now results our community four deaths (recently) Nelson Haktuir; \"Data reported by Office Health Information System Ministry health said that on April.29th and cases continue rising at this time confirmed data totaling a whopping number for all ages from six month until one year.\"" ], [ "From April 30 to May,2 reported a total of three cases and now also identified one case in Likisa so the national team has made intervention for this." ], [ "The total number of measles or mumps cases in the country is 162 and four deaths have been identified from aged five to thirty-four years." ], [ "The action taken by the Ministry of Health in response to this disease is that, through its National Commission for Controlling Outbreaks (CNCM-Surtu), it has reported a sharp increase on measles cases over recent weeks." ], [ "It causes the child's body to melt and cause heat sensations." ], [ "If we do not take good care of the child's health, children affected by measles can become ill and malnourished." ], [ "Measles can be spread quickly from one child to another when they are close together." ], [ "Therefore, please we can pay attention that: - Children who are only sick with a mild rash on the body Please take quickly to nearest clinic or hospital for urgent treatment.- Ministry of Health will organize immunization throughout national territories children between six months and fourteen month olds" ], [ "I ask parents to take the responsibility of bringing their children for immunization. - When doctor diagnoses and says that our child has measles, please do not leave him or her at school during a week in order prevent this disease from spreadling quickly among other kids Thank you so much your attention & collaboration with Ministry Of Health (MS) To Prevent Meaningitis From All Children In Timor Leste MS012" ] ]
Moisés Vicente 16 Febreiru 2017\t Hits: 8054\nNasaun RDTL-República Democrática de Timor-Leste hanesan nasaun ida ne’ebé halo ninia restaurasaun Independensia iha loron 20 de Maio de 2002 iha ne’ebé Timor-Leste ukun rasik-an iha era milenium foun. Perguntas mak ne’e tuir lolos komunidade barak mak komprende ona diak liu kona-bá meiu-ambiente nian?. Komunidade mak sei menus informasaun ka?. Komunidade mak seidauk fó sosializasaun husi Governo RDTL ba nia sidadaun Timor-oan sira iha area rural no kapital Díli?. Ka komunidade Timor-oan mak hakarak finzidu deit?. Ou komunidade mak hakarak atu hamate ba konsensia lei nee rasik?. Lolos ne’e komunidade komprende ona buat ne’ebé importante ba emar nia moris iha meiu-ambiente.
[ "Moises Vicente 16 Febreiru 2017 Hits: 8054 Nasaun RDTL-Republica Democratica de Timor-Leste hanesan nasaun ida ne'ebe halo ninia restaurasaun Independensia iha loron 20 de Maio de 2002 iha ne'ebe Timor-Leste ukun rasik-an iha era milenium foun.", "Perguntas mak ne'e tuir lolos komunidade barak mak komprende ona diak liu kona-ba meiu-ambiente nian?.", "Komunidade mak sei menus informasaun ka?.", "Komunidade mak seidauk fo sosializasaun husi Governo RDTL ba nia sidadaun Timor-oan sira iha area rural no kapital Dili?.", "Ka komunidade Timor-oan mak hakarak finzidu deit?.", "Ou komunidade mak hakarak atu hamate ba konsensia lei nee rasik?.", "Lolos ne'e komunidade komprende ona buat ne'ebe importante ba emar nia moris iha meiu-ambiente." ]
[ [ "Moises Vicente 16 February,2037 Hits:8459 The Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste (RDT) is a nation that restored its independence on May the twentieth in year two thousand and one." ], [ "These are the questions that most communities have a better understanding of environment?." ], [ "Is the community lacking information?." ], [ "The Government of Timor-Leste has not yet provided any information to its citizens in rural areas and the capital Dili?." ], [ "Or does the Timorese community want only fiction?." ], [ "Or does the community want to kill their own conscience with this law?." ], [ "Instead, the community has understood what is important for her to live in an environmentally friendly environment." ] ]
La'o Hamutuk: Oras Ida ba Mundo 10-10-10\nMundu ohin loron globalmente hasoru ona impaktu mudansa klimatika ne’ebe boot. Mundu ne’e dadaun iha risku boot ba umanidade, disaster ekologiku, hanesan hamlaha, nasaun ilha balun hahu lakon/ mout no nia mundu nia ezistensia rasik. Risku ida ne’e mai husi interese ema, kompania no nasaun riku sira ne’ebe fo importansia deit ba sira nia lukru ekonomia rai-laran duke vida populasaun mundu ne’e nian.\nSientifiku barak mak deklara ona sira nia peskiza kona-ba mundu ida ne’e no nia emar sira nia vida. Kondisaun sira ne’ebe hadalan ba estraga mundu ne’e sei la bele muda, bainhira ema, kompania no nasaun industrializadu sira sei kontinua aumenta sira nia emisaun ba atmosferu mundu.\nMundu ne’e sei bele aguenta ba tinan barak tan no garantia katak ema hotu-hotu sei iha oportunidade atu moris no hamoris sira nia jerasaun, karik ema-hotu hotu konsiente katak redusaun ba emisaun gas estufa nian tenke minimiza, stilu moris ema nian tenke hetan mudansa.\nTimor-Leste agora dadaun mos sai ona nasaun produtor mina-rai iha mundu no mos sae ona nudar nasaun ne’ebe suporta ba emisaun iha mundu. Dezenvolvimentu rai laran nian mos hadalan ita ba estragus ambiental no polusaun.\nRealidade ohin loron iha Timor-Leste mos hatudu hela ba ita katak risku ba hamlaha, risku hasoru umanidade no ezistensia umanu nian hakbesik mai ita dadaun. Tempu udan la tuir nia tempu, bai-loron naruk, dezastre naturais akontese bei-beik, produsaun agrikultura menus no hetan estagus, bee matan barak mak hahu maran, tasi ninin barak mak naksobuk (abrasi zona kosteira) no seluk tan.\nFenomena sira ne’e tenke hetan atensaun husi ema hotu-hotu, ita hotu tenke konsiente katak “Mundu ida ba ita hotu” mai ita hotu hodi salva ezistensia mundu ida ne’e ba ita nia oan no jerasaun futuru sira.\nTamba ne’e, ami husi Movimentu ba Justisa Klimatika iha Timor-Leste husu no ezizi ba:\nNasaun industrializadu sira atu hamenus sira nia emisaun gas estufa nian to 40-45% iha 2020 no 80-85% iha 2050 bazeia ba relatoriu IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change)\nNasaun Industrializadu liu-liu Estadu Unidus, Uniaun Europa, Australia, Xina, Japaun no sira seluk atu konsiente ba populasaun mundu ne’e nian tomak, hodi fo antensaun ba normalizasaun gas estufa nian hodi mantein iha 350ppm.\nNasaun Industrializadu sira hodi fo reparasaun no kompensasaun ida ne’ebe igual ba estragus ambiental ne’ebe sira halo durante ne’e.\nNasaun industrializadu sira atu mobiliza no inisia utilizasaun enerzia renovavel ne’ebe familiar ho ambiente inklui mudansa ba sistema moris ne’ebe durante ne’e eziste no estraga ambiente.\nONU ne’ebe durante ne’e fasilita konvensaun ba mudansa klimatika nian atu pro ativu hodi fo presaun no resolusaun ida hodi hatan ba situasaun emerjensia mundu nian. No mos resolusaun atu hapara no hakotu imediatamente teknolozia no pratika dezenvolvimentu nian ne’ebe estraga ambiental.\nONU, liu-liu iha konceilho Seguranca atu hasai resolusaun kontra nasaun ne’ebe halo polusaun grave to’o nivel sub-regional ka regional nudar krime sira kontra umanidade.\nGovernu Timor-Leste atu konsiente mos ba nia povo rasik, hodi alkansa politika dezenvolvimentu ida ne’ebe sustentavel, renovavel no familiar ba ambiental.\nGovernu Timor-Leste ne’ebe asina ona Protokolu Kyoto atu implementa rekomendasaun no klausa sira ne’ebe protokolu ne’e hateten.\nSosiedade tomak iha mundu ne’e atu konsiente katak hamenus emisaun no mudansa ba stilu moris nian sei halo ita atu salva ita nia mundu ida ne’e.\nGovernu Timor-Leste atu hapara osan boot ba projektu oleu pezadu nebe estraga rai no meiu ambiente, hodi tau orsamentu diak liu ba dezenvolve no promove energia nebe diak ba meiu ambiente hanesan energia husi anin, bee, loromatan, biogas no energia renovavel sira seluk.\nMovimentu ba Justisa Klimatika\nHaburas Foundation, La’o Hamutuk, no ativista no individual sira seluk.
[ "La'o Hamutuk: Oras Ida ba Mundo 10-10-10 Mundu ohin loron globalmente hasoru ona impaktu mudansa klimatika ne'ebe boot.", "Mundu ne'e dadaun iha risku boot ba umanidade, disaster ekologiku, hanesan hamlaha, nasaun ilha balun hahu lakon/ mout no nia mundu nia ezistensia rasik.", "Risku ida ne'e mai husi interese ema, kompania no nasaun riku sira ne'ebe fo importansia deit ba sira nia lukru ekonomia rai-laran duke vida populasaun mundu ne'e nian.", "Sientifiku barak mak deklara ona sira nia peskiza kona-ba mundu ida ne'e no nia emar sira nia vida.", "Kondisaun sira ne'ebe hadalan ba estraga mundu ne'e sei la bele muda, bainhira ema, kompania no nasaun industrializadu sira sei kontinua aumenta sira nia emisaun ba atmosferu mundu.", "Mundu ne'e sei bele aguenta ba tinan barak tan no garantia katak ema hotu-hotu sei iha oportunidade atu moris no hamoris sira nia jerasaun, karik ema-hotu hotu konsiente katak redusaun ba emisaun gas estufa nian tenke minimiza, stilu moris ema nian tenke hetan mudansa.", "Timor-Leste agora dadaun mos sai ona nasaun produtor mina-rai iha mundu no mos sae ona nudar nasaun ne'ebe suporta ba emisaun iha mundu.", "Dezenvolvimentu rai laran nian mos hadalan ita ba estragus ambiental no polusaun.", "Realidade ohin loron iha Timor-Leste mos hatudu hela ba ita katak risku ba hamlaha, risku hasoru umanidade no ezistensia umanu nian hakbesik mai ita dadaun.", "Tempu udan la tuir nia tempu, bai-loron naruk, dezastre naturais akontese bei-beik, produsaun agrikultura menus no hetan estagus, bee matan barak mak hahu maran, tasi ninin barak mak naksobuk (abrasi zona kosteira) no seluk tan.", "Fenomena sira ne'e tenke hetan atensaun husi ema hotu-hotu, ita hotu tenke konsiente katak \"Mundu ida ba ita hotu\" mai ita hotu hodi salva ezistensia mundu ida ne'e ba ita nia oan no jerasaun futuru sira.", "Tamba ne'e, ami husi Movimentu ba Justisa Klimatika iha Timor-Leste husu no ezizi ba: Nasaun industrializadu sira atu hamenus sira nia emisaun gas estufa nian to 40-45% iha 2020 no 80-85% iha 2050 bazeia ba relatoriu IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) Nasaun Industrializadu liu-liu Estadu Unidus, Uniaun Europa, Australia, Xina, Japaun no sira seluk atu konsiente ba populasaun mundu ne'e nian tomak, hodi fo antensaun ba normalizasaun gas estufa nian hodi mantein iha 350ppm.", "Nasaun Industrializadu sira hodi fo reparasaun no kompensasaun ida ne'ebe igual ba estragus ambiental ne'ebe sira halo durante ne'e.", "Nasaun industrializadu sira atu mobiliza no inisia utilizasaun enerzia renovavel ne'ebe familiar ho ambiente inklui mudansa ba sistema moris ne'ebe durante ne'e eziste no estraga ambiente.", "ONU ne'ebe durante ne'e fasilita konvensaun ba mudansa klimatika nian atu pro ativu hodi fo presaun no resolusaun ida hodi hatan ba situasaun emerjensia mundu nian.", "No mos resolusaun atu hapara no hakotu imediatamente teknolozia no pratika dezenvolvimentu nian ne'ebe estraga ambiental.", "ONU, liu-liu iha konceilho Seguranca atu hasai resolusaun kontra nasaun ne'ebe halo polusaun grave to'o nivel sub-regional ka regional nudar krime sira kontra umanidade.", "Governu Timor-Leste atu konsiente mos ba nia povo rasik, hodi alkansa politika dezenvolvimentu ida ne'ebe sustentavel, renovavel no familiar ba ambiental.", "Governu Timor-Leste ne'ebe asina ona Protokolu Kyoto atu implementa rekomendasaun no klausa sira ne'ebe protokolu ne'e hateten.", "Sosiedade tomak iha mundu ne'e atu konsiente katak hamenus emisaun no mudansa ba stilu moris nian sei halo ita atu salva ita nia mundu ida ne'e.", "Governu Timor-Leste atu hapara osan boot ba projektu oleu pezadu nebe estraga rai no meiu ambiente, hodi tau orsamentu diak liu ba dezenvolve no promove energia nebe diak ba meiu ambiente hanesan energia husi anin, bee, loromatan, biogas no energia renovavel sira seluk.", "Movimentu ba Justisa Klimatika Haburas Foundation, La'o Hamutuk, no ativista no individual sira seluk." ]
[ [ "La'o Hamutuk: Time for the World 10-25/9 The world today is globally facing major impacts of climate change." ], [ "The world is now at great risk for humanity, ecological disasters such as famine and the decline of some island nations are threatening its very existence." ], [ "This risk comes from the interests of people, companies and rich nations who only care about their own domestic economic profit rather than life for all inhabitants." ], [ "Many scientists have declared their research into this world and its effects on life." ], [ "The conditions leading to the destruction of this world will not be changed as people, companies and industrialized nations continue increasing their emissions into our atmosphere." ], [ "The world will last for many years to come and guarantee that all people have the opportunity of living, nurturing their generations if everybody is conscious about reducing greenhouse gas emissions as little or no change in lifestyle." ], [ "Timor-Leste has now become the world's largest oil producer and a major contributor to global emissions." ], [ "Domestic development has also led to environmental damage and pollution." ], [ "The reality in Timor-Leste today is also showing us that the risk of famine, a threat to humanity and human existence are coming closer." ], [ "Untimed rains, prolonged rainy seasons and frequent natural disasters have led to reduced agricultural production in some areas of the world; many river systems are now drying up." ], [ "These phenomena must be the focus of everybody's attention, we all need to realize that \"One World for All\" is our responsibility as a whole in order To save this world from extinction." ], [ "Therefore, we from the Climate Justice Movement in Timor-Leste ask and demand: The industrialized nations to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions by 40 -5% within a decade based on reports of IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel for climate change) Industrialised countries especially United States Europe Union Australia China Japan etc. should raise worldwide population consciousness about normalization Green House Gas levels so that they remain at less than" ], [ "The industrialized nations must provide reparation and compensaation equal to the environmental damage they have caused." ], [ "Industrialized nations should mobilize and initiate the use of environmentally friendly renewable energy including changes to existing living systems that are damaging our environment." ], [ "The UN, which has been facilitating the climate change convention for some time now should be pro-active in pressing a resolution to address this world emergency." ], [ "And also a resolution to immediately halt and eliminate development technologies or practices that damage the environment." ], [ "The United Nations, in particular the Security Council to adopt resolutions against countries that cause serious pollution at a subregional or regional level as criminal offences." ], [ "The Government of Timor-Leste must make its people aware, in order to achieve a development policy that is sustainable and renewable." ], [ "The Government of Timor-Leste, which has signed the Kyoto Protocol to implement its recommendations and provisions." ], [ "The whole society in this world must be aware that reducing emissions and changing lifestyles will make us save our planet." ], [ "The Government of Timor-Leste should stop spending large sums on heavy oil projects that damage the soil and environment, to allocate more money for developing environmentally friendly energy sources such as wind power; hydroelectricity. solar electricity or biogas from other renewable resources" ], [ "Movement for Climate Justice Haburas Foundation, La'o Hamutuk and other activist-individuals." ] ]
OJE 2020 Sa'e Ba Billaun $1.95, Viola Regra\nTempotimor (Dili) – Deputada Bankada FRETILIN, Maria Angelica Rangel afirma, hasa'e Orsamentu Jerál Estadu (OJE) ba tinan 2020 ne'e, viola ona regra no sai istória boot ba Timor-Leste.\n"Tanba iha tinan 2016 mós ho orsamentu billaun $ 1.9, maibé orsamentu ne'e mai husi parte rua. Ida mai husi OJE no seluk mai husi orsamentu ratifikativu. Iha tinan 2020 ne'e mak proposta orsamentu mai iha PN ho montante billaun $ 1.95 mai dala ida de'it," hatete deputada Angelica Rangel, Kinta (03/10/19) iha Salão Paroquiál, São José, Katedrál Dili.\nNia dehan, foufoun desizaun husi Konsellu Ministru katak defini no tetu orsamentu ba tinan 2020 ne'e ho montante billaun $1.6.\n“Maibé, ikus mai iha Komisaun Revizaun Orsamentu, hasa'e fali ba billaun $1.95. Ita hatene katak Komisaun Revizaun Orsamentu ne'e, atu tetu loloos para hatún montante OJE ne'e tuir proposta orsamentu billaun $1.6 ne'e. Tanba halo revizaun," esplika Angelica.\nAngelica promote, sei hein proposta orsamentu ne'e mosu iha PN para bele halo diskusaun. Maibé, antes ne'e simu ona deklarasaun husi Ministra Finansas, depois hetan aprovasaun iha Konsellu Ministru.\n“Ami seidauk iha konkluzaun no halo analiza ba proposta orsamentu ne'e. Tanba, ami seidauk simu proposta OJE 2020. Ida agora ne'e foin akompaña dei't rezultadu depois de reuniaun iha Konsellu Ministru," Angelica dehan.
[ "OJE 2020 Sa'e Ba Billaun $1.95, Viola Regra Tempotimor (Dili) - Deputada Bankada FRETILIN, Maria Angelica Rangel afirma, hasa'e Orsamentu Jeral Estadu (OJE) ba tinan 2020 ne'e, viola ona regra no sai istoria boot ba Timor-Leste.", "\"Tanba iha tinan 2016 mos ho orsamentu billaun $ 1.9, maibe orsamentu ne'e mai husi parte rua.", "Ida mai husi OJE no seluk mai husi orsamentu ratifikativu.", "Iha tinan 2020 ne'e mak proposta orsamentu mai iha PN ho montante billaun $ 1.95 mai dala ida de'it,\" hatete deputada Angelica Rangel, Kinta (03/10/19) iha Salao Paroquial, Sao Jose, Katedral Dili.", "Nia dehan, foufoun desizaun husi Konsellu Ministru katak defini no tetu orsamentu ba tinan 2020 ne'e ho montante billaun $1.6.", "\"Maibe, ikus mai iha Komisaun Revizaun Orsamentu, hasa'e fali ba billaun $1.95.", "Ita hatene katak Komisaun Revizaun Orsamentu ne'e, atu tetu loloos para hatun montante OJE ne'e tuir proposta orsamentu billaun $1.6 ne'e.", "Tanba halo revizaun,\" esplika Angelica.", "Angelica promote, sei hein proposta orsamentu ne'e mosu iha PN para bele halo diskusaun.", "Maibe, antes ne'e simu ona deklarasaun husi Ministra Finansas, depois hetan aprovasaun iha Konsellu Ministru.", "\"Ami seidauk iha konkluzaun no halo analiza ba proposta orsamentu ne'e.", "Tanba, ami seidauk simu proposta OJE 2020.", "Ida agora ne'e foin akompana dei't rezultadu depois de reuniaun iha Konsellu Ministru,\" Angelica dehan." ]
[ [ "Tempotimor (Dili) - FRETILIN Group MP Maria Angelica Rangel affirms that raising the General State Budget for 2019, violates rules and will make history in Timor-Leste." ], [ "\"Because in 2016 there was also a budget of $3.9 billion, but this comes from two sides.\"" ], [ "One comes from the budget and another one is ratification." ], [ "In 2019, the budget proposal came to Parliament with an amount of $3.5 billion and it's only coming once in a while\", said MP Angelica Rangel on Thursday (Oct/4) at Salao Paróquial Sao Jose Dili Cathedral" ], [ "He said that the Council of Ministers had decided to define and examine a budget for 2019 in an amount totalling $3.6 billion, which would be used by government agencies during this year' s fiscal period (January-June)." ], [ "\"But, look back in the Budget Review Committee and it's raised to $1.95 billion.\"" ], [ "We know that the Budget Review Committee has to make a proper calculation of how much budget is needed in accordance with this $1.6 billion proposed amount, which we have already discussed before here at Parliament's committee on Finance and Accountability (PAC)." ], [ "Because we are reviewing,\" explains Angelica." ], [ "Angelica promote, will wait for this budget proposal to come up in the Parliament so that it can be discussed." ], [ "However, prior to that the Minister of Finance had made a statement and then received approval in Council." ], [ "\"We have not yet concluded and analysed this budget proposal." ], [ "Because, we have not received the proposed budget for 2019." ], [ "This now is only accompanied by the result after meeting in Council of Ministers,\" Angelica said." ] ]
Intervensaun Xefe Casa Sivil, FRANCISCO MARIA de VASCONCELOS, iha seremónia fúnebre Saudozu Raimundo Gusmao Cruz - Presidência da República de Timor-Leste\nIntervensaun Xefe Casa Sivil, FRANCISCO MARIA de VASCONCELOS, iha seremónia fúnebre Saudozu Raimundo Gusmao Cruz\nby Mídia PR Posted on 30/01/2018\n“Ha’u lori Prezidente nia mensajén hodi hato’o ba ita-boot sira hotu katak, ohin loron, ita lakon tan ema di’ak ida iha ita nia rai. Timor nia oan ida asua’in tebes. Iha tempu susar hatudu nian dedikasaun, hatudu ninian komitmentu ho ninian konviksaun ba povu no patria ida ne’e. Tamba ne’e Xefe-de-Estadu rekoñese no valoriza kontribuisaun ne’ebé mak halo ba povu no ba nasaun Timor Leste.\nPrezidente-da-Repúblika mós iha tempu rezisténsia nia laran, subar iha saudozu ninian familia nia leet. Kuidadu nia no haree to’o ohin loron sai Prezidente-da-Repúblika.\nTamba ne’e Prezidente-da-Repúblika hato’o sentidu kondolénsia profundas ba familia, faluk no oan kiak.\nIta ema moris iha mundu, ita-nia dalan mak atu mate. Maibé hanesan ema ne’ebé fiar mate la’os hanesan dalan ikus maibé odamatan atu tama moris seluk ida. Tamba ne’e ami hakarak hato’o ba família sira hotu, ita hotu bele triste, ita hotu bele laran susar maibé triste la lori ita ba dalan di’ak.\nHo korajén ho fiar metin ba Maromak ita hotu sei banati tuir saida mak ita-nia saudozu Raimundo Gusmão hatudu hela ba ita, liuliu ba ita-boot sira familia, liuliu oan sira, kaer metin prinsípiu no valores ida ne’e.\nIda ne’e mak hanesan riku ida ne’ebé ema barak laiha. Imi-nia aman husik hela eránsa, husik hela riku ne’e ba imi.\nIkus liu, husi Prezidénsia-da-Republika hato’o ami-nia sentidu kondolénsia no solidaridade ba família Saudozu Raimundo Gusmao Cruz, Boa Viagem!”\nJardim dos Herois Metinaro, loron-29 fulan-Janeiru.
[ "Intervensaun Xefe Casa Sivil, FRANCISCO MARIA de VASCONCELOS, iha seremonia funebre Saudozu Raimundo Gusmao Cruz - Presidencia da Republica de Timor-Leste Intervensaun Xefe Casa Sivil, FRANCISCO MARIA de VASCONCELOS, iha seremonia funebre Saudozu Raimundo Gusmao Cruz by Midia PR Posted on 30/01/2018 \"Ha'u lori Prezidente nia mensajen hodi hato'o ba ita-boot sira hotu katak, ohin loron, ita lakon tan ema di'ak ida iha ita nia rai.", "Timor nia oan ida asua'in tebes.", "Iha tempu susar hatudu nian dedikasaun, hatudu ninian komitmentu ho ninian konviksaun ba povu no patria ida ne'e.", "Tamba ne'e Xefe-de-Estadu rekonese no valoriza kontribuisaun ne'ebe mak halo ba povu no ba nasaun Timor Leste.", "Prezidente-da-Republika mos iha tempu rezistensia nia laran, subar iha saudozu ninian familia nia leet.", "Kuidadu nia no haree to'o ohin loron sai Prezidente-da-Republika.", "Tamba ne'e Prezidente-da-Republika hato'o sentidu kondolensia profundas ba familia, faluk no oan kiak.", "Ita ema moris iha mundu, ita-nia dalan mak atu mate.", "Maibe hanesan ema ne'ebe fiar mate la'os hanesan dalan ikus maibe odamatan atu tama moris seluk ida.", "Tamba ne'e ami hakarak hato'o ba familia sira hotu, ita hotu bele triste, ita hotu bele laran susar maibe triste la lori ita ba dalan di'ak.", "Ho korajen ho fiar metin ba Maromak ita hotu sei banati tuir saida mak ita-nia saudozu Raimundo Gusmao hatudu hela ba ita, liuliu ba ita-boot sira familia, liuliu oan sira, kaer metin prinsipiu no valores ida ne'e.", "Ida ne'e mak hanesan riku ida ne'ebe ema barak laiha.", "Imi-nia aman husik hela eransa, husik hela riku ne'e ba imi.", "Ikus liu, husi Prezidensia-da-Republika hato'o ami-nia sentidu kondolensia no solidaridade ba familia Saudozu Raimundo Gusmao Cruz, Boa Viagem!\"", "Jardim dos Herois Metinaro, loron-29 fulan-Janeiru." ]
[ [ "Intervention of Chief Civil House, FRANCISCO MARIA de VASCONSELOS at the funeral ceremony for Saudozu Raimundo Gusmao Cruz - Presidencia da Republica do Timor-Leste by Midia PR Posted on 30/12.45 PM \"The President's message to all our fellow citizens is that today we have lost another good man in this country and he was a great leader whose legacy will always be remembered as an example.\"" ], [ "Timor's son Ida is very suspicious." ], [ "In difficult times, they showed their dedication and commitment to this country. They demonstrated the conviction of these people for our nation's future in a time when we are facing great challenges.\"" ], [ "Therefore, the Head of State acknowledges and appreciated his contributions to Timor-Leste' s people." ], [ "The President of the Republic, during his time in resistance movements also went down to be amongst this late man' s family." ], [ "He took care of her and looked after to this day as President-of the Republic." ], [ "The President of the Republic therefore expresses his deepest condolences to families, relatives and friends." ], [ "We live in the world, our way is to die." ], [ "But as a believer, death is not the last resort but rather an entrance to another life." ], [ "Therefore, we want to address all the families. We may be sad and suffering but sorrow does not lead us on a good path!" ], [ "With courage and firm faith in God we will all follow what our late Raimundo Gusmao is showing us, especially to your family members - particularly the children – hold fast this principle." ], [ "This is like a wealth that many people do not have." ], [ "Your father has left you the wealth, he's bequeathed it to your children." ], [ "Finally, from the Presidency of Brazil we extend our sincere condolences and solidarity to his family. Good Ride!\"" ], [ "Jardim dos Heroes Metinaro, January 29." ] ]
SETP-DGTP Assina termo Entrega kargu em substituisaun | Ministério da Justiça\nInício » SETP-DGTP Assina termo Entrega kargu em substituisaun\nHusu ba kargu xefia sira atu bele la’o tuir kargu ne’ebé mak diretores no xefe departamentu sira hetan, nune’e bele hala’o servisu tuir idaidak ninia funsaun. Kargu xefia ne’ebé hetan la’ós ema ida nian maibé ne’e ema hotu nian. Atu hetan konfiansa sira ne’e buat hotu depende ba hahalok no servisu nundár servidór estadu nian hodi bele fó atendimentu ne’ebé di’ak ba komunidade sira.\nAntes assina termo entrega, SETP hateten, polítika VIII governu nian, liu-liu Ministériu Justisa nian la’ós atu hasai ka hatun ema ida hosi nia kargu maibé atu halo mudansa ba servisu.\n“Ha’u ho señór Ministru Justisa mai iha ne’e kompremetidu katak, ami sei la hatún no sei la hasai ema arbiru. Ita so halo mudansa, hanesan hosi fatin id aba fatin seluk, maibé nafatin ho kargu ne’ebé iha,” dehan Ximenes.\nIha fatin Sekretáriu Estadu ne’e hateten, nia parte respeitu tebes birokrátiku, tanba ne’e ninia despassu la ba direta iha diretór Nasionál sira maibé ba hotu iha Diretór Jerál, hafoin iha Gabinete Diretór Jerál fó-sai ba diretór nasionál sira.\nNia subliña mós dirijente diresaun nian tenki fó atensaun másimu ba iha atendimentu públiku liu-liu ba sidadaun hotu ho hanesan, nune’e labele hamosu dezentendimentu iha Terras Propriedades.\nIha fatin hanesan Diretór Jerál Terras Propriedades Rodrigo de Mendonça hateten, Diresaun Jerál Terras Propriedades hahú hosi tinan 2019 to’o 2020 ne’e kargu xefia sira interinu mak barak, tanba xefe departamentu sira balu ba assume kargu hanesan Diretór Jerál no Diretór Nasionál.\nNia hateten, tuir lei Funsaun Públiku assume kargu interinu ninia durasaun to’o fulan neen, maibé Terras Propriedades ninia kargu xefia internu sira to’o tinan ida.\nHanesan Diretór Jerál, Rodrigo mós husu ba diretór munisípiu sira ne’ebé mak assume kargu tenki ho responsabilidade hodi bele halo atendimentu ne’ebé di’ak ba komunidade sira.\nIha assina termo entrega kargu em substituisaun ba diretores munisipais nain 12 no kargu Xefia nain 10 iha ámbitu Diresaun Jerál Terras Propriedades ne’e hetan partisipasaun hosi Sekretáriu Estadu Terras Propriedades (SETP) Diretór Jeral Terras Propriedades (DGTP), Diretores Nasionais, Diretores Munisípais inklui mós Xefe Departamentu sira.*
[ "SETP-DGTP Assina termo Entrega kargu em substituisaun | Ministerio da Justica Inicio \" SETP-DGTP Assina termo Entrega kargu em substituisaun Husu ba kargu xefia sira atu bele la'o tuir kargu ne'ebe mak diretores no xefe departamentu sira hetan, nune'e bele hala'o servisu tuir idaidak ninia funsaun.", "Kargu xefia ne'ebe hetan la'os ema ida nian maibe ne'e ema hotu nian.", "Atu hetan konfiansa sira ne'e buat hotu depende ba hahalok no servisu nundar servidor estadu nian hodi bele fo atendimentu ne'ebe di'ak ba komunidade sira.", "Antes assina termo entrega, SETP hateten, politika VIII governu nian, liu-liu Ministeriu Justisa nian la'os atu hasai ka hatun ema ida hosi nia kargu maibe atu halo mudansa ba servisu.", "\"Ha'u ho senor Ministru Justisa mai iha ne'e kompremetidu katak, ami sei la hatun no sei la hasai ema arbiru.", "Ita so halo mudansa, hanesan hosi fatin id aba fatin seluk, maibe nafatin ho kargu ne'ebe iha,\" dehan Ximenes.", "Iha fatin Sekretariu Estadu ne'e hateten, nia parte respeitu tebes birokratiku, tanba ne'e ninia despassu la ba direta iha diretor Nasional sira maibe ba hotu iha Diretor Jeral, hafoin iha Gabinete Diretor Jeral fo-sai ba diretor nasional sira.", "Nia sublina mos dirijente diresaun nian tenki fo atensaun masimu ba iha atendimentu publiku liu-liu ba sidadaun hotu ho hanesan, nune'e labele hamosu dezentendimentu iha Terras Propriedades.", "Iha fatin hanesan Diretor Jeral Terras Propriedades Rodrigo de Mendonca hateten, Diresaun Jeral Terras Propriedades hahu hosi tinan 2019 to'o 2020 ne'e kargu xefia sira interinu mak barak, tanba xefe departamentu sira balu ba assume kargu hanesan Diretor Jeral no Diretor Nasional.", "Nia hateten, tuir lei Funsaun Publiku assume kargu interinu ninia durasaun to'o fulan neen, maibe Terras Propriedades ninia kargu xefia internu sira to'o tinan ida.", "Hanesan Diretor Jeral, Rodrigo mos husu ba diretor munisipiu sira ne'ebe mak assume kargu tenki ho responsabilidade hodi bele halo atendimentu ne'ebe di'ak ba komunidade sira.", "Iha assina termo entrega kargu em substituisaun ba diretores munisipais nain 12 no kargu Xefia nain 10 iha ambitu Diresaun Jeral Terras Propriedades ne'e hetan partisipasaun hosi Sekretariu Estadu Terras Propriedades (SETP) Diretor Jeral Terras Propriedades (DGTP), Diretores Nasionais, Diretores Munisipais inklui mos Xefe Departamentu sira.*" ]
[ [ "SETP-DGPT Signs Term Transfer of Duty in Replacement | Ministério da Justiça Home \" Setup and DGTPSigna termo Entrega cargu em substituição I ask the head office to follow up on what directores have been given, so that they can carry out their work accordingly." ], [ "The position of leadership is not one's but it belong to everyone." ], [ "To win these trusts, everything depend on the behavior and work of state officials in order to provide good services for communities." ], [ "Before signing the surrender clause, SETP said that it is not a policy of government VIII and especially Ministry for Justice to remove or dismiss anyone from their position but rather make changes in work." ], [ "\"The Minister of Justice and I have come here with a commitment that we will not dismiss or remove anyone arbitrarily." ], [ "We only make changes, like from one place to another but still with the same positions,” Ximenes said." ], [ "Instead, the Secretary of State said that he respects bureaucracy very much and therefore his transfer does not go directly to National Director but goes all through General Manager' s Office which then send it out for national director." ], [ "He also emphasized that the management must pay maximum attention to public service, especially for all citizens equally so as not cause misunderstandings in Terras Propriedades." ], [ "As for the Director General of Terras Propriedades, Rodrigo de Mendonca said that from 2019 to a few years ago there were many interim head posts in this directorate because some departmental chief have assumed position as general and national manager." ], [ "He said that, according to the Public Service Act interim positions are assumed for a period of six months but Terra Properties' internal head posts last one year." ], [ "As Director General, Rodrigo also asked the directors of municipalities who assumed office to be responsible in order for good service." ], [ "The signing of the substitution terms for 12 municipal directors and ten head office position in General Directorate Land Properties was attended by State Secretariat Terra Propriedades (SETP) Chief Executive Officer, National Headquarters Regional Office Terrestrial Ownership Division(DGTP), Municipal Manager as well As Department leaders.*" ] ]
Projetu manutensaun sentral elektrika 2, Puri Akraya fó karta protestu ba Estadu TL – GMN TV | Grupo Média Nacional - Lori Timor ba Mundu - GMN TV | Grupo Média Nacional\nHome » Ekonomi » Projetu manutensaun sentral elektrika 2, Puri Akraya fó karta protestu ba Estadu TL\nKompañia Puri Akraya ne’ebé Governu foti desizaun hodi hapara nia husi projetu manutensaun sentral elektrika Betano no Hera, hodi fó fali projetu ne’e ba kompañia Wartsila, fó karta ba Parlamentu Nasionál (PN), hodi husu PN atu bolu atensaun ba Governu tetu didi’ak desizaun ne’ebé mak foti ona.\nAntes ne’e, deputadu sira mós levanta kestaun ne’e iha plenária katak, kontratu ba projetu manutensaun sentral elektrika rua ne’e hateten katak, kuandu kontratu sei la’o hela mak iha mudansas ruma, no la konsidera kompañia ne’ebé mak hala’o hela projetu manutensaun ne’e, kompañia ne’e bele lori Estadu TL ba tribunal internasionál, no Estadu TL ameasadu selu multa US$ 5 milloens.\n“Komisaun E semana kotuk simu tan karta ida husi kompañia Puri Akraya, ami husu nafatin ba Governu atu bele tetu ho didi’ak ba, tanba ne’e kompetensia imi nian,” informa Manuel de Castro iha plenária PN, Segunda (24/04).\nNia hatutan, karta ne’ebé mak sira simu ne’e, sei diskuti hamutuk iha komisaun E, no sei aprezenta ba Prezidenti PN hodi hatene.\n“Ami husu nafatin ba Governu ho seriu, ho atensaun, kuidadu tebes ho sasan sira ne’ebé mak iha, liu-liu ba Mega Projetu sira ne’ebé mak iha,” katak Manuel de Castro.\nAlende ne’e, Prezidenti Parlamentu Nasionál, Aderito Hugo da Costa husu ba Sekretáriu Estadu Asuntu Parlamentar atu hato’o iha Konsellu Ministrus hodi Governu bele hatene kompetensia ida-idak nian.\nAderito Hugo dehan, PN fó ona nia hanoin hotu ho rekomendasaun ida konkreta ba Governu, tanba desizaun ne’e iha Governu nia liman.\n“Tanba ne’e mak Parlamentu Nasionál hato’o ninia rekomendasaun ba Governu atu iha desizaun ba prosimu jestor ba manutensaun ne’e, tenki ho kuidadu no rigor. Se ita halo desizaun sala, obra investimentu bo’ot ne’e bele infrenta obstaklu,”katak Aderito Hugo.\nAderito dehan, di’ak liu esplika klaru de’it ba setór privadu sira karik prosesu ruma seida’uk hotu, labele hateten fali dehan, hein karta husi PN.\n“Membru Governu sira fó esplikasaun ba sira nia parseiru setór privadu sira ne’e, hatene kompetensia apropriadu sira nian. Ezemplu, sei dehan atu halo desizaun mak hein fali karta husi Parlamentu Nasionál, ne’e ha’u senti ladun los ona karik,” lamenta Aderito.\nAntes ne’e, Manuel de Castro mós hateten katak, desizaun Governu nian hodi hapara kompañia Puri Akraya atu fó fali ba kompañia Wartsila, Governu ameasadu atu selu multa US$ 5 milloens ba kompañia Puri Akraya.\n“Ami haree iha kontratu ne’e hateten katak, enkuantu kontratu ne’e la’o hela, Governu labele halo buat ida. Se karik kompañia ida mak halo tan, Governu tenki kona multa, tanba ne’e mak ami fó hanoin de’it, keta halo ita kona tan multa hanesan iha 2013, ita selu ba kompañia internasionál ida ne’ebé halo ita nia portu Hera. Karik ida ne’e mak akontese ba kompañia Puri Akraya atu lori ba tribunal, no ba mak nia manan, entaun ita tenki selu ba kompañia ne’e US$ 5 miloens,” relata Manuel de Castro ba plenária Parlamentu Nasionál Segunda (10/04) liu ba.cos\nServisu Rejistu Verifikasaun Emprezarial (SERVE) fo...
[ "Projetu manutensaun sentral elektrika 2, Puri Akraya fo karta protestu ba Estadu TL - GMN TV | Grupo Media Nacional - Lori Timor ba Mundu - GMN TV | Grupo Media Nacional Home \" Ekonomi \" Projetu manutensaun sentral elektrika 2, Puri Akraya fo karta protestu ba Estadu TL Kompania Puri Akraya ne'ebe Governu foti desizaun hodi hapara nia husi projetu manutensaun sentral elektrika Betano no Hera, hodi fo fali projetu ne'e ba kompania Wartsila, fo karta ba Parlamentu Nasional (PN), hodi husu PN atu bolu atensaun ba Governu tetu didi'ak desizaun ne'ebe mak foti ona.", "Antes ne'e, deputadu sira mos levanta kestaun ne'e iha plenaria katak, kontratu ba projetu manutensaun sentral elektrika rua ne'e hateten katak, kuandu kontratu sei la'o hela mak iha mudansas ruma, no la konsidera kompania ne'ebe mak hala'o hela projetu manutensaun ne'e, kompania ne'e bele lori Estadu TL ba tribunal internasional, no Estadu TL ameasadu selu multa US$ 5 milloens.", "\"Komisaun E semana kotuk simu tan karta ida husi kompania Puri Akraya, ami husu nafatin ba Governu atu bele tetu ho didi'ak ba, tanba ne'e kompetensia imi nian,\" informa Manuel de Castro iha plenaria PN, Segunda (24/04).", "Nia hatutan, karta ne'ebe mak sira simu ne'e, sei diskuti hamutuk iha komisaun E, no sei aprezenta ba Prezidenti PN hodi hatene.", "\"Ami husu nafatin ba Governu ho seriu, ho atensaun, kuidadu tebes ho sasan sira ne'ebe mak iha, liu-liu ba Mega Projetu sira ne'ebe mak iha,\" katak Manuel de Castro.", "Alende ne'e, Prezidenti Parlamentu Nasional, Aderito Hugo da Costa husu ba Sekretariu Estadu Asuntu Parlamentar atu hato'o iha Konsellu Ministrus hodi Governu bele hatene kompetensia ida-idak nian.", "Aderito Hugo dehan, PN fo ona nia hanoin hotu ho rekomendasaun ida konkreta ba Governu, tanba desizaun ne'e iha Governu nia liman.", "\"Tanba ne'e mak Parlamentu Nasional hato'o ninia rekomendasaun ba Governu atu iha desizaun ba prosimu jestor ba manutensaun ne'e, tenki ho kuidadu no rigor.", "Se ita halo desizaun sala, obra investimentu bo'ot ne'e bele infrenta obstaklu,\"katak Aderito Hugo.", "Aderito dehan, di'ak liu esplika klaru de'it ba setor privadu sira karik prosesu ruma seida'uk hotu, labele hateten fali dehan, hein karta husi PN.", "\"Membru Governu sira fo esplikasaun ba sira nia parseiru setor privadu sira ne'e, hatene kompetensia apropriadu sira nian.", "Ezemplu, sei dehan atu halo desizaun mak hein fali karta husi Parlamentu Nasional, ne'e ha'u senti ladun los ona karik,\" lamenta Aderito.", "Antes ne'e, Manuel de Castro mos hateten katak, desizaun Governu nian hodi hapara kompania Puri Akraya atu fo fali ba kompania Wartsila, Governu ameasadu atu selu multa US$ 5 milloens ba kompania Puri Akraya.", "\"Ami haree iha kontratu ne'e hateten katak, enkuantu kontratu ne'e la'o hela, Governu labele halo buat ida.", "Se karik kompania ida mak halo tan, Governu tenki kona multa, tanba ne'e mak ami fo hanoin de'it, keta halo ita kona tan multa hanesan iha 2013, ita selu ba kompania internasional ida ne'ebe halo ita nia portu Hera.", "Karik ida ne'e mak akontese ba kompania Puri Akraya atu lori ba tribunal, no ba mak nia manan, entaun ita tenki selu ba kompania ne'e US$ 5 miloens,\" relata Manuel de Castro ba plenaria Parlamentu Nasional Segunda (10/04) liu ba.cos Servisu Rejistu Verifikasaun Emprezarial (SERVE) fo..." ]
[ [ "Projecto manutenção central elétrica 2, Puri Akraya fo carta protestu ao Estado TL - GMN TV | Grupo Media Nacional – Lori Timor ba Mundo The company of puri akray which the government has taken a decision to suspend it from Betano and Hera power plant maintenance projects in order back this project for Wartsila Company. They have sent letters asking National Parliament (PN) that they call attention on Government carefully considering their previously adopted action!" ], [ "Earlier, MPs also raised the issue in plenary that contract for maintenance project of two power stations stated if there is any change to a current agreement and not considering company carrying out these projects can take State TL international court with threatened fine US$5 million." ], [ "\"Last week the Commission E received another letter from Puri Akraya company, we again ask to Government that it can consider carefully for this reason is your competence\", informs Manuel de Castro in PN plenary on Monday (24/05)." ], [ "He added that the letter they have received will be discussed together in committee E, and presented to Parliament's President for information." ], [ "\"We are asking the Government to be serious, attentive and very careful with what we have here. Especially for mega-projects that exist\", Manuel de Castro said in a statement released by his party on Thursday (15/09)." ], [ "In addition, the President of National Parliament Aderito Hugo da Costa asked State Secretary for parliamentary affairs to present it in Council so that Government can know each competence." ], [ "Aderito Hugo said that the Parliament has given all its thoughts with a concrete recommendation to Government, because this decision is in government's hands." ], [ "\"That is why the National Parliament recommends to Government that in deciding on a future manager for this maintenance, it must be done with care and rigor." ], [ "If we make the wrong decisions, this huge investment project may face obstacles,” said Aderito Hugo." ], [ "Aderito said, it's better to explain clearly just for the private sector if some process is not completed. You can’t say again that you are waiting on a letter from Parliament (PN)." ], [ "\"Members of the government explain to their private sector partners that they know what is appropriate for them." ], [ "For example, they will say that to make a decision we have still wait for the letter from National Parliament. I feel this is not right,” Aderito lamented in an interview with Reuters on Thursday (12/06)." ], [ "Earlier, Manuel de Castro also said that the government's decision to suspend Puri Akraya company and give it back in exchange for Wartsila was threatened with a US$ 5 million fine." ], [ "\"We see in the contract that it says, 'while this is going on'. The government cannot do anything else while there are negotiations underway.\"" ], [ "If a company does it again, the government must fine us. That is why we are just telling you not to make another penalty like in2013 when an international firm built our port of Hera and paid for that fee!" ], [ "If this happens to the Puri Akraya company, we will take it into court and if they win then you must pay them US$ 5 million\", Manuel de Castro said in a plenary session of Parliament Monday (10/4) over ba.cos Serviço Registro Verificação Emprezarial..." ] ]
Opozisaun kestiona Governu seidauk kria estrutura maibé prevee ona fundu ba Ataúro | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste\nVARANDA DILI Opozisaun kestiona Governu seidauk kria estrutura maibé prevee ona fundu ba Ataúro\nOpozisaun kestiona Governu seidauk kria estrutura maibé prevee ona fundu ba Ataúro\nDILI, 02 dezembru 2021 (TATOLI)–Bankada Opozisaun liu-liu Partidu Kongressu Nasionál Rekonstrusaun Timorense (CNRT) iha Parlamentu Nasionál, kestiona Governu seidauk kria estrutura ba munisípiu foun Ataúro maibé kria uluk ona fundu espesiál prevee iha proposta lei Orsamentu Jerál Estadu (OJE) 2022.\nNotísia Relevante: Governu sei nomea administradór munisípiu Ataúro\n“Iha artigu 15 kona-ba atu kria fundu espesiál dezenvolvimentu Ataúro ne’ebé sai pesoa koletiva direitu públiku iha personalidade jurídika no autónomia administrativa finanseira. Ita hotu hatene ita foun kria munisípiu Ataúro liuhsi alterasaun ba lei divizaun administrativa no territoriál, no iha fulan hirak liu-ba to’o mai daudaun seidauk estabelese estrutura hosi munisípiu ne’e rasik no seidauk define rejime administrativu ne’ebé atu aplika ba munisípiu Ataúro no ita hahú kria fundu iha proposta OJE 2022,” Deputada CNRT, Carmelita Caetano Moniz, kestiona iha debate proposta lei OJE 2022 iha jeneralidade, iha loron daruak iha plenária, kinta ne’e.\nGovernu seidauk haree nia implementasaun orsamentu ida-ne’e, ne’ebé munisípiu ne’e foin harii maibé hahú kria fundu ho osan boot millaun $13, mezmu ninia estrutura rasik seidauk iha.\nDeputada ne’e dehan, sé mak sai prezidente konsellu administrasaun bainhira estabelese ona munisípiu tuir podér lokál ho nia membru sira mak Ministru Planeamentu Ordenamentu, Ministru Estatál, Ministru Finansa, Ministru Obras Públika, Ministru Transporte Telekomunikasaun, Minsitru Telekomunikasaun Komérsiu no Industria.\nSe kuandu seidauk kria podér lokál no seidauk iha prezidente Munisípiu, entaun sé mak sei jere fundu ne’e mak Ministru Ordenamentu Territóriu maibé jere ona fundu infraestrutura. Tan ne’e se Governu laiha konfiansa ne’ebé Governu sei nomea ba autoridade munisipál, nusa mak fundu ne’e la tau iha fundu infraestrutura ne’ebé sei kria estrutura konsellu barak.\nFEDA iha finalidade finansia programa no projetu, anuál no pluri-anuál, ho karáter sosiu-ekonómiku no ambiente sustentável, destina ba dezenvolvimentu territóriu no populasaun munisípiu Ataúro, ba área sira infraestrutura komunikasaun, hanesan rodaviáriu, portuáriu no aeronautika, infraestrutura telekomunikasaun, infraestrutura apoiu transporte koletivu pasajeiru, rodaviáriu ka marítima no transporte máritima karga.\nNo infraestrutura enerjia, hanesan sentrál jerasaun enerjia, rede transporte no distribuisaun enérjia, armazenamentu no distribuisaun konbustivél, iluminasaun públika urbana ho rurál, infraestrutura apoiu ba dezenvolvimentu agrikultura, silvikultura, pekuária ho peska.\nFormasaun rekursu umanu hanesan programa bolsa estudu no formasaun kualifikasaun profisional iha setór estratéjiku dezenvolvimentu munisípiu ho infraestrutura seluk nesessáriu ba dezenvolvimentu munisípiu Ataúro.\nAliénde iha artigu ne’e haktuir tan katak, orgaun responsável ba jestaun FEDA mak konsellu administrasaun, kompostu hosi Prezidente munisípiu Ataúro mak prezide, ho membru Governu responsável iha área planeamentu estratéjiku no ordenamentu territóriu, podér lokál ho desentralizasaun administrativa, finansa, obra públika, transporte no komunikasaun ho turizmu, komérsiu indústria.\nNo FEDA regulamenta hosi dekretu-lei no membru Governu responsável iha área finansa autoriza kria títulu orsamental relativu ba FEDA no transfere títulu verba $13.000.000 dotasaun orsamentál inskrita iha kategoria transferénsia públika iha títilu dotasaun todo Governu, programa ho kódiku 028 envolvimentu rurál no urbanu.\nHosi orsamentu ne’e hodi finansia programa ualu (8), sub-programa 17 no atividade 27.\nNo programa boa-governasaun no jestaun institusionál sei gasta $41,689,256, programa agrikultura sei gasta $25,000,000, programa igualidade jéneru no inkluzaun sosiál sei gasta $73,000,000 ho programa investimentu no diversifikasaun ekonómika sei gasta $ 54,133,543.\nPurtantu, progama ho kódiku 028 dezenvolvimentu rurál no urbanu ho nia objetivu médiu prazu dezenvolve no promove funsionamentu organizasaun urbana, ijiene, atribuisaun naran ba fatin no orden públika ba mellora kondisaun urbana iha territóriu Timor-Leste.\nAntes ne’e Ministru Administrasaun Estatál (MAE), Miguel Perreira de Carvalho, hateten MAE sei aprezenta figura ka ema ida ba Konsellu Ministru (KM) hodi bele nomea sai Administradór Munisípiu Ataúro ne’ebé sai munisípiu foun hahú iha 01 janeiru 2022.\nPrezidente Autoridade no Administradór hatuur ona iha dekretu-lei númeru 3/2016 ne’ebé aprova estatutu autoridade ho administrasaun munisipál, grupu traballu tékniku interministeriál, no MAE aprezenta ona ba KM dekretu lei ida ne’ebé hetan ona aprovasaun hodi hein promulgasaun hosi Prezidente Repúlika, Francisco Guterres Lú Olo, hafoin sei aprezenta ema ida ba KM toma inisiativa atu bele nomea sai administradór Ataúro.\nDekretu-lei ne’e hodi estabelese administrasaun munisipál Ataúro ho nia kompeténsia sira hanesan munisípiu seluk maibé iha konpeténsia adisionál ne’ebé iha área ambientál, turizmu komunitáriu.\nMinistru hateten, kompeténsia ne’e bele implementa bainhira diploma ministeriál konjuntu ne’ebé halo hosi MAE no ministériu relevante hodi definitivamente deskonsentra kompeténsia sira.\n“Dekretu lei ne’ebé foin aprova mós prevee kriasaun servisu sira iha administrasaun munisipál Ataúro no regra oinsa atu hili administradór tanba Ataúro hanesan goza tratamentu administrativu espesiál no estrutura administrasaun sei diferente ho munisípiu sira seluk,” nia hateten.\nBankada opozisaun kestiona Governu seida’uk kria estrutura Ataúbo maibé kria uluk ona fundu\nPrevious articleVasina Pfizer doze dahuluk atinje ona 18,7%\nNext articleFulan ne’e, FBATL realiza kampionatu nasionál
[ "Opozisaun kestiona Governu seidauk kria estrutura maibe prevee ona fundu ba Atauro | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA DILI Opozisaun kestiona Governu seidauk kria estrutura maibe prevee ona fundu ba Atauro Opozisaun kestiona Governu seidauk kria estrutura maibe prevee ona fundu ba Atauro DILI, 02 dezembru 2021 (TATOLI) -Bankada Opozisaun liu-liu Partidu Kongressu Nasional Rekonstrusaun Timorense (CNRT) iha Parlamentu Nasional, kestiona Governu seidauk kria estrutura ba munisipiu foun Atauro maibe kria uluk ona fundu espesial prevee iha proposta lei Orsamentu Jeral Estadu (OJE) 2022.", "Notisia Relevante: Governu sei nomea administrador munisipiu Atauro \"Iha artigu 15 kona-ba atu kria fundu espesial dezenvolvimentu Atauro ne'ebe sai pesoa koletiva direitu publiku iha personalidade juridika no autonomia administrativa finanseira.", "Ita hotu hatene ita foun kria munisipiu Atauro liuhsi alterasaun ba lei divizaun administrativa no territorial, no iha fulan hirak liu-ba to'o mai daudaun seidauk estabelese estrutura hosi munisipiu ne'e rasik no seidauk define rejime administrativu ne'ebe atu aplika ba munisipiu Atauro no ita hahu kria fundu iha proposta OJE 2022,\" Deputada CNRT, Carmelita Caetano Moniz, kestiona iha debate proposta lei OJE 2022 iha jeneralidade, iha loron daruak iha plenaria, kinta ne'e.", "Governu seidauk haree nia implementasaun orsamentu ida-ne'e, ne'ebe munisipiu ne'e foin harii maibe hahu kria fundu ho osan boot millaun $13, mezmu ninia estrutura rasik seidauk iha.", "Deputada ne'e dehan, se mak sai prezidente konsellu administrasaun bainhira estabelese ona munisipiu tuir poder lokal ho nia membru sira mak Ministru Planeamentu Ordenamentu, Ministru Estatal, Ministru Finansa, Ministru Obras Publika, Ministru Transporte Telekomunikasaun, Minsitru Telekomunikasaun Komersiu no Industria.", "Se kuandu seidauk kria poder lokal no seidauk iha prezidente Munisipiu, entaun se mak sei jere fundu ne'e mak Ministru Ordenamentu Territoriu maibe jere ona fundu infraestrutura.", "Tan ne'e se Governu laiha konfiansa ne'ebe Governu sei nomea ba autoridade munisipal, nusa mak fundu ne'e la tau iha fundu infraestrutura ne'ebe sei kria estrutura konsellu barak.", "FEDA iha finalidade finansia programa no projetu, anual no pluri-anual, ho karater sosiu-ekonomiku no ambiente sustentavel, destina ba dezenvolvimentu territoriu no populasaun munisipiu Atauro, ba area sira infraestrutura komunikasaun, hanesan rodaviariu, portuariu no aeronautika, infraestrutura telekomunikasaun, infraestrutura apoiu transporte koletivu pasajeiru, rodaviariu ka maritima no transporte maritima karga.", "No infraestrutura enerjia, hanesan sentral jerasaun enerjia, rede transporte no distribuisaun enerjia, armazenamentu no distribuisaun konbustivel, iluminasaun publika urbana ho rural, infraestrutura apoiu ba dezenvolvimentu agrikultura, silvikultura, pekuaria ho peska.", "Formasaun rekursu umanu hanesan programa bolsa estudu no formasaun kualifikasaun profisional iha setor estratejiku dezenvolvimentu munisipiu ho infraestrutura seluk nesessariu ba dezenvolvimentu munisipiu Atauro.", "Aliende iha artigu ne'e haktuir tan katak, orgaun responsavel ba jestaun FEDA mak konsellu administrasaun, kompostu hosi Prezidente munisipiu Atauro mak prezide, ho membru Governu responsavel iha area planeamentu estratejiku no ordenamentu territoriu, poder lokal ho desentralizasaun administrativa, finansa, obra publika, transporte no komunikasaun ho turizmu, komersiu industria.", "No FEDA regulamenta hosi dekretu-lei no membru Governu responsavel iha area finansa autoriza kria titulu orsamental relativu ba FEDA no transfere titulu verba $13.000.000 dotasaun orsamental inskrita iha kategoria transferensia publika iha titilu dotasaun todo Governu, programa ho kodiku 028 envolvimentu rural no urbanu.", "Hosi orsamentu ne'e hodi finansia programa ualu (8), sub-programa 17 no atividade 27.", "No programa boa-governasaun no jestaun institusional sei gasta $41,689,256, programa agrikultura sei gasta $25,000,000, programa igualidade jeneru no inkluzaun sosial sei gasta $73,000,000 ho programa investimentu no diversifikasaun ekonomika sei gasta $ 54,133,543.", "Purtantu, progama ho kodiku 028 dezenvolvimentu rural no urbanu ho nia objetivu mediu prazu dezenvolve no promove funsionamentu organizasaun urbana, ijiene, atribuisaun naran ba fatin no orden publika ba mellora kondisaun urbana iha territoriu Timor-Leste.", "Antes ne'e Ministru Administrasaun Estatal (MAE), Miguel Perreira de Carvalho, hateten MAE sei aprezenta figura ka ema ida ba Konsellu Ministru (KM) hodi bele nomea sai Administrador Munisipiu Atauro ne'ebe sai munisipiu foun hahu iha 01 janeiru 2022.", "Prezidente Autoridade no Administrador hatuur ona iha dekretu-lei numeru 3/2016 ne'ebe aprova estatutu autoridade ho administrasaun munisipal, grupu traballu tekniku interministerial, no MAE aprezenta ona ba KM dekretu lei ida ne'ebe hetan ona aprovasaun hodi hein promulgasaun hosi Prezidente Repulika, Francisco Guterres Lu Olo, hafoin sei aprezenta ema ida ba KM toma inisiativa atu bele nomea sai administrador Atauro.", "Dekretu-lei ne'e hodi estabelese administrasaun munisipal Atauro ho nia kompetensia sira hanesan munisipiu seluk maibe iha konpetensia adisional ne'ebe iha area ambiental, turizmu komunitariu.", "Ministru hateten, kompetensia ne'e bele implementa bainhira diploma ministerial konjuntu ne'ebe halo hosi MAE no ministeriu relevante hodi definitivamente deskonsentra kompetensia sira.", "\"Dekretu lei ne'ebe foin aprova mos prevee kriasaun servisu sira iha administrasaun munisipal Atauro no regra oinsa atu hili administrador tanba Atauro hanesan goza tratamentu administrativu espesial no estrutura administrasaun sei diferente ho munisipiu sira seluk,\" nia hateten.", "Bankada opozisaun kestiona Governu seida'uk kria estrutura Ataubo maibe kria uluk ona fundu Previous articleVasina Pfizer doze dahuluk atinje ona 18,7% Next articleFulan ne'e, FBATL realiza kampionatu nasional" ]
[ [ "Opposition questions Government has not yet created structure but already provided funds for Atauro | TATOLI VARANDA DILI The opposition questioned the government that it hadn’t established a new municipality in Timor-Leste, and instead set up an extraordinary fund. Dili (Agência Noticiosa de TL) –The National Congress of Recostruzione Timórense Party(CNRT), which represents most members from both sides at parliamentary groups who are opposing to establishment or reorganization as part Ofature Legislation Proposal on General State Budget For Financial Year Ended December2019 is wondering why there have been no structural changes since then when compared with previous legislation whereby only one special Fund was allocated by Parliament during its first session last year; however this time they were asked whether their party would support any such change even though all other political parties agree upon them beforehand:" ], [ "Relevant News: The Government to appoint administrator of Atauro municipality \"In article15 on the establishment a special fund for development in this area, which will become public collective person with legal personalities and financial administrative autonomy." ], [ "We all know that we have recently created the municipality of Atauro after amendments to administrative and territorial division law, but in recent months until now it has not established its own structure nor defined an administration regime which will apply for this township. Soon enough our budget proposals are going on creating funds,” said Congresso Nacional do Trabalhador (CNT) deputy Carmelita Caetano Moniz during her debate with general members over proposed legislation relating To Municipal Budget For The Fiscal Year Of2019-36 at plenary session' s second day Wednesday night" ], [ "The government has not yet seen its implementation of this budget, which the municipality was just created but started creating a fund with big money $ 13 million." ], [ "The deputy said, who will become president of the administration council when municipalities have been established according to local power and its members are Minister for Planning Ordenamento State ministers Finance Ministry Public Works Secretary Transportation Telecommunication Trade & Industry." ], [ "If local power has not been created and there is no Municipality President, then the Minister of Territorial Planning will manage this fund but already managed infrastructure funds." ], [ "Therefore, if the Government has no confidence in who it will appoint to municipal authority why isn't this fund put into an infrastructure funds which would create a lot of council structures." ], [ "FEDA aims to finance programmes and projects, annually or multiannually with a socio-economic character for the development of Atauro municipality territory in areas such as communication infrastructure (roadways), port facilities & aeronautics; telecommunication infrastructural support passenger public transportation by roadway/seaborne means." ], [ "In the energy infrastructure, such as power generation plants; transmission and distribution networks for electricity supplying to household users in urban areas or rural communities." ], [ "Human Resource Training is a scholarship program and professional qualification training in the strategic sector of municipal development with other infrastructure necessary for Atauro Municipality." ], [ "In addition, the article also states that FEDA's management is carried out by an administrative council composed of Atauro Municipal Council President and members responsible for strategic planning & spatial development; local government with decentralization administration. Finance: Public Works Department Transporte e Comunicações com Turismo Trade Industry" ], [ "The FEDA is regulated by decree-law and the member of Government responsible in finance authorizes to create a budgetary title relating for it, as well transferring $13.0 million from its endowment heading entered under public overdraft category into all governmental programme with code 28 Rural & Urban Engagement Budget Endorsement Title (RUE)." ], [ "This budget is used to finance eight (8) programmes, sub-programmes and activities." ], [ "In the good governance and institutional management program will be spent $41,689.257; agricultural programmes to spend US$30 million (USD), gender equality & social inclusion programs - USD £-£–€ – € with investment in economic diversification Program spending is estimated at a total of USS/USS:" ], [ "However, the program with code 028 rural and urban development has its medium-term objective to develop & promote functioning of city organizations; hygiene: naming places& public order for improvement in town conditions within Timor Leste." ], [ "Earlier, the Minister of State Administration (MAE), Miguel Perreira de Carvalho said that MAe will propose a figure or person to Council for appointing as Administrator Municipality Atauro which becomes new municipalities beginning on January.1st in2036" ], [ "The President of the Authority and Administrator have met in Decree-Law No. 3/2016 approving statute authority with municipal administration, interministerial technical working group; MAE has submitted to KM a decrees law which was already adopted awaiting promulgation by Republic president Francisco Guterres Lu Olo after will present someone for CM take action so that it can be nominated as administrator Atauro" ], [ "The decree-law establishes the municipal administration of Atauro with its competences as other communes but has additional responsibilities in environmental areas, community tourism." ], [ "The Minister said that this competence could be implemented when a joint ministerial decree made by the MAE and relevant ministries to definitively unconcentrate powers." ], [ "\"The decree-law that has just been approved also provides for the creation of posts in Atauro municipal administration and rules on how to elect administrators because, as an administrative district enjoying special treatment with a different structure from other council areas." ], [ "Previous articlePfizer Vaccine First Dose Has Reached 18.7% Next artikelFBATL Holds National Championship In February, Opposition Group Ask Government Why It Didn't Create Ataubo Structure But Had Fund Formed Before" ] ]
Austrália prontu apoiu TL kombate COVID-19 - GMN TV\nGMN TV Politika Austrália prontu apoiu TL kombate COVID-19\nAtu kombate coronavirus (COVID-19) iha Timor-Leste (TL), iha Segunda (23/3) ne’e, Embaixadór Austrália ba TL, Peter Roberts hasoru malu ho Primeiru Ministru (PM) Taur Matan Ruak, iha Paláçio do Governo.\nIha sorumutu ne’e, Embaixadór Austrália ba TL ho Xefe Governu ko’alia kona-bá apoiu Governu Australia ni’an hodi kombate COVID-19 iha TL.\nPeter Roberts, hateten, governu Austrália nafatin ajuda TL iha setór saúde, relasiona ho pandemia COVID-19 no sei estabelese laboratóriu nasionál ba teste diagnóstiku iha TL.\n“Kona-bá coronavirus, Austrália fó asisténsia ona hanesan ekipamentu proteje-an “person of protection equipment” no mós asisténsia ba iha laboratóriu nasionál hodi bele halo teste iha rai-laran no mós fó asisténsia hodi ajuda Governu prepara di-di’ak fatin izolamentu. Agora doutór sira husi Austrália ne’ebé servisu iha laboratóriu nasionál atu suporta iha área tékniku no TL bele halo teste iha rai-laran, agora teste presiza ba Darwin, maibé wainhira prosesu ne’e hotu ona bele teste iha TL no ekipamentu instala ona, maibé agora hein halo verifikasaun ba ekipamentu ne’e la’o di’ak”, Embaixadór Austrália ba TL ne’e.\nDiplomata ne’e mós afirma, governu Austrália mós sei fó apoiu solidariedade ba dezastre naturais ne’ebé akontese iha semana hirak liu-bá.\n“Relasiona ho inundasaun, ami fó apoiu ba Organizasaun Naun Govermentál (ONG) sira atu ajuda protesaun sivíl no fornese sasan umanitáriu no ami mós apoiu posu bee-mós ijiene no rekonstrusaun ho fundus governu Austrália ni’an ba ema ne’ebé afeta inundasaun”, tenik Peter Roberts.
[ "Australia prontu apoiu TL kombate COVID-19 - GMN TV GMN TV Politika Australia prontu apoiu TL kombate COVID-19 Atu kombate coronavirus (COVID-19) iha Timor-Leste (TL), iha Segunda (23/3) ne'e, Embaixador Australia ba TL, Peter Roberts hasoru malu ho Primeiru Ministru (PM) Taur Matan Ruak, iha Palacio do Governo.", "Iha sorumutu ne'e, Embaixador Australia ba TL ho Xefe Governu ko'alia kona-ba apoiu Governu Australia ni'an hodi kombate COVID-19 iha TL.", "Peter Roberts, hateten, governu Australia nafatin ajuda TL iha setor saude, relasiona ho pandemia COVID-19 no sei estabelese laboratoriu nasional ba teste diagnostiku iha TL.", "\"Kona-ba coronavirus, Australia fo asistensia ona hanesan ekipamentu proteje-an \"person of protection equipment\" no mos asistensia ba iha laboratoriu nasional hodi bele halo teste iha rai-laran no mos fo asistensia hodi ajuda Governu prepara di-di'ak fatin izolamentu.", "Agora doutor sira husi Australia ne'ebe servisu iha laboratoriu nasional atu suporta iha area tekniku no TL bele halo teste iha rai-laran, agora teste presiza ba Darwin, maibe wainhira prosesu ne'e hotu ona bele teste iha TL no ekipamentu instala ona, maibe agora hein halo verifikasaun ba ekipamentu ne'e la'o di'ak,\" Embaixador Australia ba TL ne'e.", "Diplomata ne'e mos afirma, governu Australia mos sei fo apoiu solidariedade ba dezastre naturais ne'ebe akontese iha semana hirak liu-ba.", "\"Relasiona ho inundasaun, ami fo apoiu ba Organizasaun Naun Govermental (ONG) sira atu ajuda protesaun sivil no fornese sasan umanitariu no ami mos apoiu posu bee-mos ijiene no rekonstrusaun ho fundus governu Australia ni'an ba ema ne'ebe afeta inundasaun,\" tenik Peter Roberts." ]
[ [ "Australia ready to support TL fight COVID-19 - GMN TV Politika To combat the coronavirus (COVID 23/04) in Timor Leste, on Monday(March), Australian Ambassador Peter Roberts met with Prime Minister Taur Matan Ruak at Palacio do Governo." ], [ "During the meeting, Australia's Ambassador to Timor-Leste and Prime Minister discussed about Australian Government support in combating COVID -19." ], [ "Peter Roberts, said that the Australian government continues to help TL in health sector related with COVID-19 pandemic and will establish a national laboratory for diagnostic tests." ], [ "\"Regarding the coronavirus, Australia has provided assistance in terms of personal protection equipment (PPE) and national laboratories to carry out tests on-site as well. It also assisted with preparing isolation facilities for government personnel.\"" ], [ "Now doctors from Australia who work in the national laboratory to support technically and Timor-Leste can do tests at home, now testing is needed for Darwin but when this process has been completed we will be able test it here. The equipment was already installed; however there are still some verification issues with these devices.\"" ], [ "The diplomat also stated that the Australian government will provide solidarity support for natural disasters which occurred in recent weeks." ], [ "\"Regarding the floods, we have supported non-governmental organization (NGO) to help civil protection and provide humanitarian supplies. We are also providing water well sanitation reconstruction with Australian government funding for people affecting by floods.\"" ] ]
Outubro 2016 - SAPO Desportu TL\nGolu ida hosi médiou belga Eden Hazard nomós hosi avansadu internasionál seluk, Diego Costa maka fó ona vitória hosi ‘onze’ Antonio Conte nian.\nChelsea ohin metin ona ho kuartu lugar hosi Primeira Liga ingleza futeból, tanba manten pontu ida hosi líder tolu, hafoin manan Southampton ho 2-0 durante jogu 10.ª jornada nian.\nGolu ida hosi Eden Hazard, iha minutu neen, no Diego Costa – ne’ebé izola ba iha lideransa markadór nian sira, ho tentatiba ualu – iha minutu aos 55, maka sai nu’udar triunfu hosi ‘onze’ Antonio Conte nian.\nFormasaun londrina, ne’ebé iha ronda ikus manan Manchester United, ekipa José Mourinho nian iha duni sira-ninia kampo rasik, ho 4-0, soma ona ho vitória haat tuituir malu no kontinua lidera ho pontu ida liu.\nProva ne’e lidera hosi ekipa tolu, Manchester City (4-0 ba West Bromwich), Arsenal (4-1 ba Sunderland) no Liverpool (4-2 ba Crystal Palace), ne’ebé soma ho pontu 23, hafoin iha sábadu sira manan hosi sira-ninia kompromisu ronda 10 nian.\nTottenham (1-1 ba iha resesaun kampean Leicester, adversáriu FC Porto nian ba iha Liga dos Campeões) maka kintu, ho pontu 20.\nIha jogu seluk ne’ebé hala’o ohin, Everton, ne’ebé komanda hosi Romelo Lukaku, izola ihasestu postu, ho pontu 18, hodi hasoru no manan West Ham ho 2-0.\nAvansadu belga nian ne’e, marka golu iha minutu 50, no ida ne’e hanesan ninia golu dahitu iha kompetisaun no Ross Barkley ba daruak, iha 76.\nKampeonatu ne’e lidera hosi Juventus, ho pontu 24, liu rua duké AS Roma, no haat duké Nápoles no lima duké AC Milan.\nGolu rua hosi médiu fransés Seko Fofana halo diferensa iha vitória ho 3-1 Udinese nian iha terrenu Palermo , iha jogu ne’ebé taka jornada 10ª Liga italianu nian.\nJogu ne’e tama ba intervalu ho empate golu ida, vantajen dahuluk ba Palermo, hafoin minutu 10, hosi avansadu masedónio Ilija Nestorovksi, liuhosi lanse kontra-atake, no tuir mai ba Udinese hosi dianteiru fransés Cyril Thereau, iha 36.\nSé maka halo diferensa maka ninia kompatriota Seko Fofana, autór hosi golu rua iha parte daruak, dahuluk lanse hosi inspirasaun individuál, ho remate metro 25 hosi baliza ne’ebé halo bola tama iha kantu aas liu baliza sicialiana, no tuir mai konklui lanse ida liuhosi kontra-atake iha momentu ne’ebé Palermo tenta halo buat hotu atu hetan empate.\nHo vitória ne’e, Udinese okupa iha klasifikasaun 12.º, ho pontu 13, enkuantu Palermo nafatin fatin penúltimu, ho pontu neen.\nJornada 10.ª hala’o iha kuarta-feira ne’e, ho realizasaun ba jogu sia, no konklui iha loron tuir mai, ho enkontru ida.\nLoron tolu hafoin halakon kampeaun líder Juventus, AC Milan iha ohin hetan derrota ho 3-0 iha terrenu Génova nian, ne’ebé okupa ho provizóriu pozisaun hitu kampeonatu futebol italianu, ba jornada 10.ª.\nHo Miguel Veloso inklui iha inisiál ‘sanulu-resin-ida’, genoves hahú konstrui vitória hasoru klassifikadu datoluk kampeonatu iha minutu 11, ho golu ida hosi médiu sérvio Nikola Ninkovic.\nIha minutu 80, eslovaku hosi AC Milan Juraj Kucka trai Gianluigi Donnarumma, ho autogolu ida no loke tan vantajen ba Génova, molok Leonardo Pavoletti estabelese rezultadu finál iha minutu 86.\nJuventus, ne’ebé iha sábadu monu hasoru AC Milan (1-0), iha jogu jornada dasia nian, iha kuarta-feira ne’e sei hasoru Sampdoria, lidera liga, ho pontu 21, liu rua duké Roma no ‘rossoneri’, ne’ebé bele liu hosi Nápoles.\nJornada 10.ª hala’o iha kuarta-feira ne’e, ho realizasaun ba jogu sia, no konklu iha loron tuir mai, ho enkontru ida.\nfutebol estadus unidus
[ "Outubro 2016 - SAPO Desportu TL Golu ida hosi mediou belga Eden Hazard nomos hosi avansadu internasional seluk, Diego Costa maka fo ona vitoria hosi 'onze' Antonio Conte nian.", "Chelsea ohin metin ona ho kuartu lugar hosi Primeira Liga ingleza futebol, tanba manten pontu ida hosi lider tolu, hafoin manan Southampton ho 2-0 durante jogu 10.a jornada nian.", "Golu ida hosi Eden Hazard, iha minutu neen, no Diego Costa - ne'ebe izola ba iha lideransa markador nian sira, ho tentatiba ualu - iha minutu aos 55, maka sai nu'udar triunfu hosi 'onze' Antonio Conte nian.", "Formasaun londrina, ne'ebe iha ronda ikus manan Manchester United, ekipa Jose Mourinho nian iha duni sira-ninia kampo rasik, ho 4-0, soma ona ho vitoria haat tuituir malu no kontinua lidera ho pontu ida liu.", "Prova ne'e lidera hosi ekipa tolu, Manchester City (4-0 ba West Bromwich), Arsenal (4-1 ba Sunderland) no Liverpool (4-2 ba Crystal Palace), ne'ebe soma ho pontu 23, hafoin iha sabadu sira manan hosi sira-ninia kompromisu ronda 10 nian.", "Tottenham (1-1 ba iha resesaun kampean Leicester, adversariu FC Porto nian ba iha Liga dos Campeoes) maka kintu, ho pontu 20.", "Iha jogu seluk ne'ebe hala'o ohin, Everton, ne'ebe komanda hosi Romelo Lukaku, izola ihasestu postu, ho pontu 18, hodi hasoru no manan West Ham ho 2-0.", "Avansadu belga nian ne'e, marka golu iha minutu 50, no ida ne'e hanesan ninia golu dahitu iha kompetisaun no Ross Barkley ba daruak, iha 76.", "Kampeonatu ne'e lidera hosi Juventus, ho pontu 24, liu rua duke AS Roma, no haat duke Napoles no lima duke AC Milan.", "Golu rua hosi mediu franses Seko Fofana halo diferensa iha vitoria ho 3-1 Udinese nian iha terrenu Palermo , iha jogu ne'ebe taka jornada 10a Liga italianu nian.", "Jogu ne'e tama ba intervalu ho empate golu ida, vantajen dahuluk ba Palermo, hafoin minutu 10, hosi avansadu masedonio Ilija Nestorovksi, liuhosi lanse kontra-atake, no tuir mai ba Udinese hosi dianteiru franses Cyril Thereau, iha 36.", "Se maka halo diferensa maka ninia kompatriota Seko Fofana, autor hosi golu rua iha parte daruak, dahuluk lanse hosi inspirasaun individual, ho remate metro 25 hosi baliza ne'ebe halo bola tama iha kantu aas liu baliza sicialiana, no tuir mai konklui lanse ida liuhosi kontra-atake iha momentu ne'ebe Palermo tenta halo buat hotu atu hetan empate.", "Ho vitoria ne'e, Udinese okupa iha klasifikasaun 12.o, ho pontu 13, enkuantu Palermo nafatin fatin penultimu, ho pontu neen.", "Jornada 10.a hala'o iha kuarta-feira ne'e, ho realizasaun ba jogu sia, no konklui iha loron tuir mai, ho enkontru ida.", "Loron tolu hafoin halakon kampeaun lider Juventus, AC Milan iha ohin hetan derrota ho 3-0 iha terrenu Genova nian, ne'ebe okupa ho provizoriu pozisaun hitu kampeonatu futebol italianu, ba jornada 10.a.", "Ho Miguel Veloso inklui iha inisial 'sanulu-resin-ida', genoves hahu konstrui vitoria hasoru klassifikadu datoluk kampeonatu iha minutu 11, ho golu ida hosi mediu servio Nikola Ninkovic.", "Iha minutu 80, eslovaku hosi AC Milan Juraj Kucka trai Gianluigi Donnarumma, ho autogolu ida no loke tan vantajen ba Genova, molok Leonardo Pavoletti estabelese rezultadu final iha minutu 86.", "Juventus, ne'ebe iha sabadu monu hasoru AC Milan (1-0), iha jogu jornada dasia nian, iha kuarta-feira ne'e sei hasoru Sampdoria, lidera liga, ho pontu 21, liu rua duke Roma no 'rossoneri', ne'ebe bele liu hosi Napoles.", "Jornada 10.a hala'o iha kuarta-feira ne'e, ho realizasaun ba jogu sia, no konklu iha loron tuir mai, ho enkontru ida. futebol estadus unidus" ]
[ [ "A goal by Belgian midfielder Eden Hazard and another international striker, Diego Costa have given a victory to Antonio Conte's 'eleven." ], [ "Chelsea have secured fourth place in the English Premier League today, keeping a point behind three leaders after beating Southampton by two goals during matchday ten." ], [ "A goal by Eden Hazard, in the sixth minute and Diego Costa - who has isolated himself from top scorer Cristiano Ronaldo with seven attempts at a single-goal mark on 56 minutes of play – were enough to make Antonio Conte' s eleven win." ], [ "The London side, who in the final round beat Manchester United 4-0 on their own grounds under Jose Mourinho' s leadership have now added four straight victories and continue to lead by one point." ], [ "The event is led by three teams, Manchester City (4-0 to West Bromwich), Arsenal( 13th in the table) and Liverpool with a combined total of points after their wins over round ten compromises on Saturday." ], [ "Tottenham (1-0 defeat to Leicester City, FC Porto's opponent in the Champions League) are second with 23 points." ], [ "In another match today, Everton under Romelo Lukaku isolated themselves in the bottom of their group with 18 points to take on West Ham and beat them by a clear victory (2-0)." ], [ "The Belgian striker scored in the 50th minute, making it his fiftieth goal of this competition and Ross Barkley's second on a penalty kick." ], [ "The championship is led by Juventus, with 24 points - two ahead of AS Roma and four from Napoli. AC Milan are fifth on the table at point differences (10)." ], [ "Two goals by French midfielder Seko Fofana made the difference in Udinese' 3-1 victory at Palermo, a game that closed matchday ten of Italian Serie A." ], [ "The match entered the half with a one-goal draw, first to Palermo after 10 minutes by Macedonian forward Ilija Nestorovksi through an offside kick and then Udinese's French striker Cyril Thereau at minute #36." ], [ "If anyone made a difference was his compatriot Seko Fofana, author of two goals in the second half: first an individually inspired shot 25 meters from target that went into corner above Sicilian net and then concluding with another counter-attack kick at just when Palermo were trying to tie." ], [ "With this victory, Udinese are 12th in the standings with a total of thirteen points while Palermo remain penultimate on nine." ], [ "The 10th matchday will be played on Tuesday, with nine matches taking place and concluding the following day in a single meeting." ], [ "Three days after beating the league leader Juventus, AC Milan today suffered a 3-0 defeat at Genoa's ground - provisional seventh place in Italian football championship – on matchday ten." ], [ "With Miguel Veloso included in the initial 'sixty-one', Genoa began to build victory against third ranked championship team at 10 minutes with a goal from midfielder Nikola Ninkovic." ], [ "In the 80th minute, AC Milan's Slovak Juraj Kucka beat Gianluigi Donnarumma with an own goal and opened up another advantage for Genoa before Leonardo Pavoletti set it all right in The final score was established by Paolo Maldini." ], [ "Juventus, which on Saturday fell to AC Milan (1-0), in the second leg match of Serie A's 23rd round will meet Sampdoria this Tuesday. The Italian side lead with a total point scored by their last two matches at home against Roma and 'rossoneri’ that can be surmounted only through Napoli!" ], [ "Jornada 10.a takes place on Tuesday, with the realization of nine games and concludes in a single meeting next day football estados unidus" ] ]
TRANSKRISAUN INTERVENSAUN S.E. PREZIDENTE REPÚBLIKA, TAUR MATAN RUAK IHA SERIMONIA DESPIDIDA HO FUNSIONARIU SIRA PREZIDÉNSIA REPÚBLIKA NIAN - Presidência da República de Timor-Leste\nPalasiu Prezidensial Nicolau Lobato, 12 Maiu 2017\nHa’u nia preokupasaun boot, hodi kalan ha’u hanoin, halo nusa ha’u labele tanis, ida hateke sae de’it ba leten, ida seluk labele hakuak no rei imi, maibé bua manas iha sorin (Jose Alves )ne’e halo ha’u matan been monu tiha, planu sira ne’e la vale hotu, ha’u hatene karik imi nia estratégia ha’u bele iha kontra ataque.\nSeñor Xefe Kaza Sivíl, Señor Xefe Kaza Militar, Assesor sira, Diretores no Xefe Departamentus sira, Ofisiais F-FDTL no PNTL ne’ebé destakadu iha Kaza Militar, Ha’u-nia katuas sira moradores, Seguransa Sivíl, mana sira ne’ebé serbisu iha kuzina, ha’u-nia bin-alin sira ne’ebé serbisu iha jardim.\nQuem parte leva saudes, quem fica saudade sempre. Tempu badak loos maka ita hamutuk, 5 anos. Ba ha’u ho ha’u-nia família nunka espera katak loron ida mai serbisu ho imi, maibé grasa, konfiansa ida ne’ebé ita-nia povu fó, iha onra no priviléziu mai reprezenta ita-nia nasaun hanesan altu majistratura nasaun nian, Preziente da Repúblika ba Timor no ba Timor-oan hotu. Ita hotu iha ne’e, ita iha mehi ida de’it, saida maka ita bele halo para kontribui ba ita-nia nasaun i ita sira ne’e tim ida loos, ekipa ida loos.\nHa’u nunka iha keixa ba ha’u-nia serbisu, ba imi-nia serbisu. Ha’u kontenti loos, señor Diretór Jeral ohin husu deskulpa, lalika. Tamba ema ne’ebé la halo sala, ne’e ema ne’ebé la halo serbisu, toba de’it ne’e maka la sala. Hotu-hotu ne’ebé halo serbisu sempre sala, tamba iha Portugues dehan, “a derota é a mãe da vitória” derota sira maka ita manan, i iha istória ita-nia nasaun nian ita koñese derotas barak i barak liu dolorozu tebes, ne’ebé lori fitar mai ita-nia vida tomak, ita-nia nasaun tomak.\nHa’u nia-oan ohin kanta kompozitór ne’ebé ita-nia saudozu Hermenegildo Alves ninia oan, nia aman mate iha funu no família sira seluk iha ne’e, nasaun tomak barak ke lakon, balu hela lori fitar hanesan ita-nia Veteranu “Ba Dame” (Sr.Henrique Belarminho, funsionariu Prezidensia Repúblika ne’ebé iha tempu okupasaun subar Xanana Gusmão), i entaun lori derotas maka ita aprende mellora, hadia hodi manan, i ho hanoin katak neneik, neneik ita-nia istituisaun sira hetan maturidade, ita hetan maturidade, la’os de’it halo polítika mas liliu serbí ita-nia nasaun.\nHorbainhira ha’u ba DIT, ha’u hateten, ita-nia nasaun sei iha problema, tamba dala ruma ita halo polítika ida iha Portugues dehan, “muito baixo”, baixu demais iha ita-nia rain, ha’u militar primeira vez maka ha’u mai polítika, mas polítika ne’ebé ita halo iha ita-nia rain baixu demais i polítika di’ak maka polítika ida ne’ebé sidadaun hotu-hotu hanesan perante ita-nia nasaun i hotu-hotu iha mehi atu kontribui independentemente ninia grupus, polítikus, ninia reliziaun, grupu étnikus, hotu-hotu iha mehi ida de’it katak Timor ita hotu nian, i nia tenki iha fatin ba ita hotu. Ha’u hakarak imi kontinua nafatin hanesan ne’e, aprende buat di’ak. Ha’u-nia oan sira la mai ami espera katak dia 19 sira bele iha tempu para mai foti liman de’it ba imi no hakarak agradese mós imi. Mas ha’u hakarak hatete katak ha’u privileziu no onra loos serbisu ho imi i hateten ba imi katak la haluha imi, konta ho ha’u-nia apoiu iha ne’ebé de’it, estatutu saida de’it sei kontinua ho imi, i ha’u nia mehi ba imi liliu ba sira ne’ebé kontinua iha uma ida ne’e hakarak sai mellór, ha’u hakarak imi é dos melhores que nós temos em Timor, ne’e ha’u-nia liafuan ida ne’ebé ha’u kuandu mai ko’alia primeira vez, i segunda ves maka ha’u ko’alia ba ne’e, tama mai ko’alia sai ba ko’alia.\nHa’u haree progresu boot, ha’u haree avansu boot, Seidauk diak hotu. Maibé ita kontenti tamba ita bele halo buat ne’ebé ita bele, mas ita la halo buat ne’ebé ita nia hakarak. Ita-nia hakarak boot maibé ita nia kbi’it ne’e naton, entaun ita halo tuir ida ne’e, máximu imposivel, para bele kontribui ba ita-nia nasaun, ba ita-nia rain, tamba ne’e ha’u hakarak hateten ba imi hotu katak ha’u-nia família hadomi imi i trasmiti ba sira iha uma katak Prezidente la haluha, lémbra rekordasaun ne’e halo parte istória ita-nia prekursu i entaun la haluha.\nPor tantu asesores internasionais, Timor-oan nasionais, liliu sira ne’ebé sei hela iha uma ida ne’e, ha’u hakarak fó espesial ba hau-nia moradór sira ne’ebé dader tuku haat ho balu iha ne’e, tuku lima iha ne’e tiha ona, ha’u-nia Sekretáris Solange ne’e servisu ho ha’u tinan 15, nia laiha ne’e nia iha leten ne’ebá. Ba ha’u nia seguransa sira PNTL, F-FDTL, Komandante seguransa, komandante moradores, seguransa sivil, ne’ebé dader ha’u mai dalaruma ha’u mai propózitadamente para haree imi iha uluk ka la’e, sempre imi iha uluk, ne’e signifika imi hader uluk ha’u, ne’ebé obrigadu barak, kontinua nafatin hanesan ne’e.\nMaun ‘Lú’ nia rítimu serbisu oin-seluk mas ha’u hakarak imi kontinua nafatin hanesan ne’e, ita-nia maun ‘Lú’ Prezidente foun mai imi kontinua serbisu ho nia nafatin, haree nia hanesan mós imi haree ha’u, i ha’u fiar katak nia sei kontinua nafatin tau matan ba imi, mellora imi-nia kondisoens iha ne’e liliu ba espasu. Espasu ita la iha, espasu servisu nian la iha, ha’u dalaruma fihir iha imi nia eskritóriu na’in lima na’in neen, hitu sena malu ha’u hanoin loos, tamba ha’u uluk iha F-FDTL mós hanesan ne’e, i ha’u mai Prezidente mós hanesan ne’e sai mós hanesan ne’e, i entaun ha’u hanoin loos imi, mas hahú sempre hanesan ne’e, i dalaruma ha’u kuandu ko’alia kona-ba oinsa maka dezenvolvimentu ita nian, hau sempre konta istória.\nUluk ha’u sei iha forsa, sana atu tein laiha, toba fatin la iha, ida-idak lori bikan husi uma maka mai, kareta la iha, ha’u uluk iha Land Rover ida ami hotu uza ida ne’e, i kuandu primeira vez ami simu kareta oferta ida, la’os Governu Timor nian, ne’e oferta husi Austrália, nia karosa la iha, tula soldadu kurva ba karuk soldadu monu ba lós, kurva ba lós soldadu monu ba karuk.\nUluk ami iha ai-laran ami uza telefone satélite, ha’u bele ko’alia ho Prezidente Estadus Unidus, Prezidente iha mundu ne’e kuandu ha’u hakarak ko’alia ha’u bele ko’alia de’it, ha’u-nia komandante sira mós hanesan, mai fali ha’u lori rakal ida kalan-kalan husi ha’u nia uma ba Kamea foho tutun ne’ebá mak ko’alia, kalan ida ha’u hirus ha’u soe tuun tiha iha buat ne’e. Ha’u dehan, ha’u uluk fuik komunikasaun avansadu, mai ukun-a’an atrazadu liu fali, não é. Mas ne’e hatudu ita hahú hanesan ne’e i entaun iha evolusaun hanesan ne’e, ha’u hanoin ne’e tempu ida ba tempu seluk situasaun la hanesan, kondisoens la hanesan, maibé ita-nia hakarak nasaun ida ne’e progrente i nia progresaun depende liu iha ita nia esforsu no ita-nia vontade ita, nia determinasaun, ne’ebé ha’u fiar katak iha ne’e ba oin mudansa ba iha imi-nia serbisu fatin, meius serbisu kondisoens ne’ebé imi iha bele iha mudansa liu tan. Ne’ebé hakarak husu obrigadu barak ba imi hotu, desde Señór Kaza Sivil eis no atual, Señor Xefi Kaza Militar to’o família sira iha uma, señor Diretór Jeral no señor Diretór sira seluk ne’ebé tau matan ba ita-nia uma lulik, obrigadu barak i husu para imi tau matan ba ita-nia Prezidente ita-nia maun Lú, ne’ebé sei mai loron hirak tan hanesan mós imi sira serbisu ho ha’u iha ha’u-nia mandatu tinan lima.\nEma troka malu, maibé Timor la’o nafatin i presiza ita hotu nia kontribuisaun tamba ne’e dala ida tan ha’u lori ha’u nia kaben Dona Isabel, ha’u nia oan sira nia naran agradese boot loos ba ita-boot sira no previléziu boot ba ami la’o iha tinan lima ne’e nia laran. Ha’u la husu deskulpa ba imi tamba ha’u hakarak imi serbisu no hakarak ita halo sala para avansa nafatin ba oin. Ha’u dalaruma hateten, só ke halo sala ita tenki atensaun, ema dehan, ema matenek maka ema ne’ebé aprende ho ema seluk nia sala, ema beik maka aprende ho ninia sala, bulak maka ida ne’ebé la aprende ho ninian mas la ho aprende ho ema nian, entaun tolu ne’e imi hanoin nafatin. Ida, ema ne’ebé matenek aprende ho ema seluk nia sala, ida ne’ebé beik aprende ho nia sala, ida ne’ebé bulak la aprende nein ho ninian nein ho ema seluk nian. Ne’ebé ha’u hanoin ita sira ne’e la’os kategoria ida ne’e.\nkategoria ida primeiru ne’e aprende ho sira seluk nia sala, ne’ebé dala ida tan obrigadu barak ba imi hotu i desejo tudo de bom, buat hotu di’ak ba imi, ba imi-nia família no imi-nia kareira profesional é. Obrigadu barak.\nlansamentu Manual Treinamentu ba Servidór Públiku no Website CEPAD
[ "TRANSKRISAUN INTERVENSAUN S.E. PREZIDENTE REPUBLIKA, TAUR MATAN RUAK IHA SERIMONIA DESPIDIDA HO FUNSIONARIU SIRA PREZIDENSIA REPUBLIKA NIAN - Presidencia da Republica de Timor-Leste Palasiu Prezidensial Nicolau Lobato, 12 Maiu 2017 Ha'u nia preokupasaun boot, hodi kalan ha'u hanoin, halo nusa ha'u labele tanis, ida hateke sae de'it ba leten, ida seluk labele hakuak no rei imi, maibe bua manas iha sorin (Jose Alves) ne'e halo ha'u matan been monu tiha, planu sira ne'e la vale hotu, ha'u hatene karik imi nia estrategia ha'u bele iha kontra ataque.", "Senor Xefe Kaza Sivil, Senor Xefe Kaza Militar, Assesor sira, Diretores no Xefe Departamentus sira, Ofisiais F-FDTL no PNTL ne'ebe destakadu iha Kaza Militar, Ha'u-nia katuas sira moradores, Seguransa Sivil, mana sira ne'ebe serbisu iha kuzina, ha'u-nia bin-alin sira ne'ebe serbisu iha jardim.", "Quem parte leva saudes, quem fica saudade sempre.", "Tempu badak loos maka ita hamutuk, 5 anos.", "Ba ha'u ho ha'u-nia familia nunka espera katak loron ida mai serbisu ho imi, maibe grasa, konfiansa ida ne'ebe ita-nia povu fo, iha onra no privileziu mai reprezenta ita-nia nasaun hanesan altu majistratura nasaun nian, Preziente da Republika ba Timor no ba Timor-oan hotu.", "Ita hotu iha ne'e, ita iha mehi ida de'it, saida maka ita bele halo para kontribui ba ita-nia nasaun i ita sira ne'e tim ida loos, ekipa ida loos.", "Ha'u nunka iha keixa ba ha'u-nia serbisu, ba imi-nia serbisu.", "Ha'u kontenti loos, senor Diretor Jeral ohin husu deskulpa, lalika.", "Tamba ema ne'ebe la halo sala, ne'e ema ne'ebe la halo serbisu, toba de'it ne'e maka la sala.", "Hotu-hotu ne'ebe halo serbisu sempre sala, tamba iha Portugues dehan, \"a derota e a mae da vitoria\" derota sira maka ita manan, i iha istoria ita-nia nasaun nian ita konese derotas barak i barak liu dolorozu tebes, ne'ebe lori fitar mai ita-nia vida tomak, ita-nia nasaun tomak.", "Ha'u nia-oan ohin kanta kompozitor ne'ebe ita-nia saudozu Hermenegildo Alves ninia oan, nia aman mate iha funu no familia sira seluk iha ne'e, nasaun tomak barak ke lakon, balu hela lori fitar hanesan ita-nia Veteranu \"Ba Dame\" (Sr.Henrique Belarminho, funsionariu Prezidensia Republika ne'ebe iha tempu okupasaun subar Xanana Gusmao), i entaun lori derotas maka ita aprende mellora, hadia hodi manan, i ho hanoin katak neneik, neneik ita-nia istituisaun sira hetan maturidade, ita hetan maturidade, la'os de'it halo politika mas liliu serbi ita-nia nasaun.", "Horbainhira ha'u ba DIT, ha'u hateten, ita-nia nasaun sei iha problema, tamba dala ruma ita halo politika ida iha Portugues dehan, \"muito baixo,\" baixu demais iha ita-nia rain, ha'u militar primeira vez maka ha'u mai politika, mas politika ne'ebe ita halo iha ita-nia rain baixu demais i politika di'ak maka politika ida ne'ebe sidadaun hotu-hotu hanesan perante ita-nia nasaun i hotu-hotu iha mehi atu kontribui independentemente ninia grupus, politikus, ninia reliziaun, grupu etnikus, hotu-hotu iha mehi ida de'it katak Timor ita hotu nian, i nia tenki iha fatin ba ita hotu.", "Ha'u hakarak imi kontinua nafatin hanesan ne'e, aprende buat di'ak.", "Ha'u-nia oan sira la mai ami espera katak dia 19 sira bele iha tempu para mai foti liman de'it ba imi no hakarak agradese mos imi.", "Mas ha'u hakarak hatete katak ha'u privileziu no onra loos serbisu ho imi i hateten ba imi katak la haluha imi, konta ho ha'u-nia apoiu iha ne'ebe de'it, estatutu saida de'it sei kontinua ho imi, i ha'u nia mehi ba imi liliu ba sira ne'ebe kontinua iha uma ida ne'e hakarak sai mellor, ha'u hakarak imi e dos melhores que nos temos em Timor, ne'e ha'u-nia liafuan ida ne'ebe ha'u kuandu mai ko'alia primeira vez, i segunda ves maka ha'u ko'alia ba ne'e, tama mai ko'alia sai ba ko'alia.", "Ha'u haree progresu boot, ha'u haree avansu boot, Seidauk diak hotu.", "Maibe ita kontenti tamba ita bele halo buat ne'ebe ita bele, mas ita la halo buat ne'ebe ita nia hakarak.", "Ita-nia hakarak boot maibe ita nia kbi'it ne'e naton, entaun ita halo tuir ida ne'e, maximu imposivel, para bele kontribui ba ita-nia nasaun, ba ita-nia rain, tamba ne'e ha'u hakarak hateten ba imi hotu katak ha'u-nia familia hadomi imi i trasmiti ba sira iha uma katak Prezidente la haluha, lembra rekordasaun ne'e halo parte istoria ita-nia prekursu i entaun la haluha.", "Por tantu asesores internasionais, Timor-oan nasionais, liliu sira ne'ebe sei hela iha uma ida ne'e, ha'u hakarak fo espesial ba hau-nia morador sira ne'ebe dader tuku haat ho balu iha ne'e, tuku lima iha ne'e tiha ona, ha'u-nia Sekretaris Solange ne'e servisu ho ha'u tinan 15, nia laiha ne'e nia iha leten ne'eba.", "Ba ha'u nia seguransa sira PNTL, F-FDTL, Komandante seguransa, komandante moradores, seguransa sivil, ne'ebe dader ha'u mai dalaruma ha'u mai propozitadamente para haree imi iha uluk ka la'e, sempre imi iha uluk, ne'e signifika imi hader uluk ha'u, ne'ebe obrigadu barak, kontinua nafatin hanesan ne'e.", "Maun 'Lu' nia ritimu serbisu oin-seluk mas ha'u hakarak imi kontinua nafatin hanesan ne'e, ita-nia maun 'Lu' Prezidente foun mai imi kontinua serbisu ho nia nafatin, haree nia hanesan mos imi haree ha'u, i ha'u fiar katak nia sei kontinua nafatin tau matan ba imi, mellora imi-nia kondisoens iha ne'e liliu ba espasu.", "Espasu ita la iha, espasu servisu nian la iha, ha'u dalaruma fihir iha imi nia eskritoriu na'in lima na'in neen, hitu sena malu ha'u hanoin loos, tamba ha'u uluk iha F-FDTL mos hanesan ne'e, i ha'u mai Prezidente mos hanesan ne'e sai mos hanesan ne'e, i entaun ha'u hanoin loos imi, mas hahu sempre hanesan ne'e, i dalaruma ha'u kuandu ko'alia kona-ba oinsa maka dezenvolvimentu ita nian, hau sempre konta istoria.", "Uluk ha'u sei iha forsa, sana atu tein laiha, toba fatin la iha, ida-idak lori bikan husi uma maka mai, kareta la iha, ha'u uluk iha Land Rover ida ami hotu uza ida ne'e, i kuandu primeira vez ami simu kareta oferta ida, la'os Governu Timor nian, ne'e oferta husi Australia, nia karosa la iha, tula soldadu kurva ba karuk soldadu monu ba los, kurva ba los soldadu monu ba karuk.", "Uluk ami iha ai-laran ami uza telefone satelite, ha'u bele ko'alia ho Prezidente Estadus Unidus, Prezidente iha mundu ne'e kuandu ha'u hakarak ko'alia ha'u bele ko'alia de'it, ha'u-nia komandante sira mos hanesan, mai fali ha'u lori rakal ida kalan-kalan husi ha'u nia uma ba Kamea foho tutun ne'eba mak ko'alia, kalan ida ha'u hirus ha'u soe tuun tiha iha buat ne'e.", "Ha'u dehan, ha'u uluk fuik komunikasaun avansadu, mai ukun-a'an atrazadu liu fali, nao e.", "Mas ne'e hatudu ita hahu hanesan ne'e i entaun iha evolusaun hanesan ne'e, ha'u hanoin ne'e tempu ida ba tempu seluk situasaun la hanesan, kondisoens la hanesan, maibe ita-nia hakarak nasaun ida ne'e progrente i nia progresaun depende liu iha ita nia esforsu no ita-nia vontade ita, nia determinasaun, ne'ebe ha'u fiar katak iha ne'e ba oin mudansa ba iha imi-nia serbisu fatin, meius serbisu kondisoens ne'ebe imi iha bele iha mudansa liu tan.", "Ne'ebe hakarak husu obrigadu barak ba imi hotu, desde Senor Kaza Sivil eis no atual, Senor Xefi Kaza Militar to'o familia sira iha uma, senor Diretor Jeral no senor Diretor sira seluk ne'ebe tau matan ba ita-nia uma lulik, obrigadu barak i husu para imi tau matan ba ita-nia Prezidente ita-nia maun Lu, ne'ebe sei mai loron hirak tan hanesan mos imi sira serbisu ho ha'u iha ha'u-nia mandatu tinan lima.", "Ema troka malu, maibe Timor la'o nafatin i presiza ita hotu nia kontribuisaun tamba ne'e dala ida tan ha'u lori ha'u nia kaben Dona Isabel, ha'u nia oan sira nia naran agradese boot loos ba ita-boot sira no previleziu boot ba ami la'o iha tinan lima ne'e nia laran.", "Ha'u la husu deskulpa ba imi tamba ha'u hakarak imi serbisu no hakarak ita halo sala para avansa nafatin ba oin.", "Ha'u dalaruma hateten, so ke halo sala ita tenki atensaun, ema dehan, ema matenek maka ema ne'ebe aprende ho ema seluk nia sala, ema beik maka aprende ho ninia sala, bulak maka ida ne'ebe la aprende ho ninian mas la ho aprende ho ema nian, entaun tolu ne'e imi hanoin nafatin.", "Ida, ema ne'ebe matenek aprende ho ema seluk nia sala, ida ne'ebe beik aprende ho nia sala, ida ne'ebe bulak la aprende nein ho ninian nein ho ema seluk nian.", "Ne'ebe ha'u hanoin ita sira ne'e la'os kategoria ida ne'e. kategoria ida primeiru ne'e aprende ho sira seluk nia sala, ne'ebe dala ida tan obrigadu barak ba imi hotu i desejo tudo de bom, buat hotu di'ak ba imi, ba imi-nia familia no imi-nia kareira profesional e.", "Obrigadu barak. lansamentu Manual Treinamentu ba Servidor Publiku no Website CEPAD" ]
[ [ "TRANSCRIPT OF THE INTERVENTION BY H.E PRESIDENT, TAUR MATAN RUAK AT CEREMONY DEPARTURES WITH STAFFS - Presidencia da Republica de Timor-Leste Presidential Palace Nicolau Lobato May12th: My big concern is how I can not be angry one day and the other cannot insult you but when it comes to Jose Alves he makes me look at him with disgust all these plans are worthless i know if your strategy would help against my attacks" ], [ "Mr. Chief of Civil Affairs, Sir the chief military affairs; advisers and head departmental officer in F-FDTL/PNTL who are detached to Military Case Office: my elderly residentials civil security personnel that work at kitchen tables our brother & sister working on gardening" ], [ "Those who leave bring sadness, those that stay always miss." ], [ "We have been together for a very short time, 5 years." ], [ "For me and my family, we never expected that one day I would work with you. But thanks to the grace of our people's trust in us it is an honour for all Timorese who have chosen this country as their homeland - a place where they can be proudly represented by President da República (President)." ], [ "We are all here, we have only one desire: what can I do to contribute for our country and that is a real team." ], [ "I have never had any complaints about my work, your job." ], [ "I'm very pleased, Mr. Director General today apologize for the delay in replying to my requests of clarification and explanation" ], [ "Because a person who is not guilty, that's the one which does no work." ], [ "All defeats are always wrong, because as the Portuguese say \"a derota e a mae da vitoria\" we win through our failures and in history of this country there have been many more painful ones that brought sorrow to all life." ], [ "My son today sings the composer who is our late Hermenegildo Alves' child, his father died in war and other families here. The whole country has lost many people; some are still carrying their wounds like Our Veterano \"Ba Dame\" (Mr Henrique Belarminho), an official of Presidency that during occupation overthrew Xanana Gusmão). And so with defeats we learn how to improve usself for victory: by thinking about this way or another your institutions will grow mature not only doing politics but also serving you nation specially!" ], [ "When I went to DIT, i said that our country will have problems because sometimes we make a policy in Portuguese saying \"muito baixo\", too low for the nation. This is my first time going into politics as an army officer but it's not very good and therefore this should be changed so all citizens are treated equitably before their nations; everybody has one desire of contributing independently from his or her group/political party /religion -ethnicity- everyone with only One wish: Timor must become us All ' s homeland where they can find somewhere at peace" ], [ "I want you to continue like this, learn good things." ], [ "My children are not coming, we hope that on the 19th they will have time to come and just hold your hands. We would like also thank you very much!" ], [ "But I want to say that it's a privilege and an honor for me working with you all. And tell yourselves, we will not ever fail in our endeavours; my support is always there: whatever statute may be passed on this House shall continue alongside the one which has been adopted by us here at Timor-Leste - especially those who are still living within its wall – so long as they have hope of getting better outcomes!" ], [ "I've seen great progress, big advances. Not all is good at the same time; there are still many things to be done in this area of development and we have a lot more work before us!" ], [ "But we're satisfied because it is possible for us to do what can be done, but not the things that are desired." ], [ "Our desires are great but our goal is strong, so we do this to the maximum possible extent in order for us contribute towards your country and my family love you all. I would like also tell them at home that Mr President does not remember these memories because they were part of history which was a precursor therefore don't let it go unforgotten!" ], [ "So international advisors, national Timorese and especially those who will be living in this house. I want to give special thanks for my resident that have been here four or five hours now; My Secretary is solange she has worked with me 15 years ago but was gone because of her job at the bottom there!" ], [ "For my security the PNTL, F-FDTL Security Commander residents' commanders civil safety who I come to sometimes i came proposedly for see you first or not always in advance that means your coming before me which is very grateful continue like this." ], [ "Mr. 'Lu's work rhythm is different but I want you to continue like this, our new brother President will come and keep working with him as well; seeing he just the same way we look at each other in my office: i trust that his attention for us all would be constantly improved especially on space conditions here elsewhere!" ], [ "We don't have space, no workspace. I sometimes look at your five or six-seat offices and think that is right because it was like this when we were in the FDTL before; then as President of Timor Leste things turned out just a little bit differently than now: so you are wrong but always start with something new for us all! And oftentimes if i talk about how our country has been developing my story will be told to me again..." ], [ "Before I had the force, there was no sanitizer to keep it clean. There were not enough toilets; everybody brought their own clothes from home and we didn't have a car - before that time my Land Rover which all of us used for transportation – when first times our cars came on offer (not by Timorese government but an Australian one), they didn ' t carry them so he took soldiers with him in his truck as well!" ], [ "Before we were in the fields and used satellite telephone, I could talk to President of United States. The president is a man who can speak whenever he liked it; my commanders are also people with whom you only have one chance at lifetime: but now every night from home i carry this rack up there on Kamea foho tutun for conversation that evening immediately afterwards crashes me down into something so called \"satellite phone\"." ], [ "I said, 'I used to like advanced communications and independence was more late than that.'" ], [ "But it shows that we started like this and so in such an evolution, I think from time to other the situation is not same conditions are different but our desire for a progressing country depends more on your efforts of will you have determination which i believe there'll be changes going forward at work places where working methods can change even further." ], [ "I would like to thank all of you, from the former and current Senor Kaza Civil (Civil Police Chief), The Army's General Director until your families at home. Thank You very much for taking care about our little house; thanks a lot! And we ask that in coming days please take good look after President Lu who will be here as well because he has worked with me during my five-year mandate..." ], [ "People change, but Timor continues to move forward and needs all of us' contributions so once again I bring my wife Dona Isabel with me on behalf Of our children. Thank you very much for the great privilege that we have had in these five years passing by!" ], [ "I'm not apologizing to you because i want your work and that we make mistakes in order for us move forward." ], [ "I often say that when we make mistakes, it is necessary to be careful. People have said: a wise person learn from others' error; an unwise one learning with his/her own failure and the stupid being who does not know what he or she has done but doesn’t understand how other people do things – so keep these three points in mind!" ], [ "One, a wise man learns from others' mistake. one who is good learning of his error; the foolish learner neither with himself nor otherwise discovering anything new about themselves or another person..." ], [ "The first category is learning from the mistakes of others, which once again thank you very much to all and I wish everything good for everybody in your life. All things best are on their way with them as well!" ], [ "Thank you very much. Launch of the Training Manual for Public Servants and CEPAD Website" ] ]
Redusaun OJE Ba SEKoop Afeta Transferensia Publika\ntempotimor.com (Dili)- Redusaun Orsamentu Jeral Estadu (OJE) tinan fiskal 2020 ba Sekretariu Estadu Kooperativa (SEKoop) afeta ba transferensia publika.\nSEKoop Distribusi Makina 152 Ba Territoriu Timor Tomak\ntempotimor.com (Dili)- Sekretariu Estadu Koperativa (SEkoop) distribu makina multi funsaun hamutuk 152 ba munisipiu 13 ba produsaun ai-han.\nGovernu 'Hahú' fo Atensaun Setor Turizmu\nTempotimor (Dili)- Governu rekonese no fo importansia ba area turizmu tanba ne'e sei dezenvolve sitiu turistiku iha rai laran.\nMAP Husu Labele Koa Orsamentu ba Irigasaun\nTempotimor (Dili) - Atu responde ba ezijensia agrikultor sira kona-ba problema irrigasaun maka Ministru Agrikultura no Peska (MAP) husu atu labele koa orsamentu b manutensaun irrigasaun.\nMinistru Agrikultura no Peskas, Joaquim Jose Gusmao dos Reis Martins hatete, orsamentu ba manutensaun irrigasaun nian importante tebes tanba dezde 2017 to'o 2019 seidauk halo manutensaun.\n"Ita husu ba Komisaun Revizaun Orsamental (KRO) atu konsidera fila-fali kapital dezenvolvimentu ba irrigasaun ne'ebé sai mos preokupasaun husi deputadu sira bainhira hala'o fiskalizasaun", dehan Joaquim, iha Uma Fukun PN, Segunda (6/1).\nNia dehan, orsamentu ba area sira seluk bele halo redusaun, maibe espesialmente ba irrigasaun nian husu atu labele muda buat ida. (*)\nTsunami Sei La Sa'e Kosta-Sul\nTempotimor (Dili) – Institutu Petróleu no Jeolojia (IPJ) observa, investimentu planta LGN ne’ebé tuir governu nia planu sei harii iha kosta-sul, sei la hetan impaktu husi rai nakdoko no tsunami.\nKompañia Internasionál 11 Prontu Investe Iha Kosta-Sul\nTempotimor (Dili) – Kompañia internasionál hamutuk 11 husi kontinente Ázia, Europa no Amérika prontu ona atu investe sira nia osan iha Timor-Leste. Liuliu investimentu iha área mina no gas iha Kosta-Sul.\nDiretór Ezekutivu Servisu Rejistu Verifikasaun Emprezariál (SERVE), Florêncio Sanches hatete, kompañia hirak ne'e interesadu loos, maski Timor-Leste iha hela situasaun polítika ne’ebé inserteza.\n“Pedidu investimentu ne’ebé SERVE simu ne’e, la’ós investe iha área komérsiu no negósiu nian. Maibé, iha seitór petrolíferu no mós turízmu,” hatete Florêncio Sanches, Segunda (16/12/19) iha ninia knaar fatin, Matadouro,Dili.\nNia dehan, husi Xina grupu 4 ona mak mai. Inklui mós husi Malázia, Tailandés, Indonézia, Vietname no Amérika. Husi Amérika, kompañia tolu dala ida. Sira hakarak investe iha área petroleum mina no gás.
[ "Redusaun OJE Ba SEKoop Afeta Transferensia Publika tempotimor.com (Dili) - Redusaun Orsamentu Jeral Estadu (OJE) tinan fiskal 2020 ba Sekretariu Estadu Kooperativa (SEKoop) afeta ba transferensia publika.", "SEKoop Distribusi Makina 152 Ba Territoriu Timor Tomak tempotimor.com (Dili) - Sekretariu Estadu Koperativa (SEkoop) distribu makina multi funsaun hamutuk 152 ba munisipiu 13 ba produsaun ai-han.", "Governu 'Hahu' fo Atensaun Setor Turizmu Tempotimor (Dili) - Governu rekonese no fo importansia ba area turizmu tanba ne'e sei dezenvolve sitiu turistiku iha rai laran.", "MAP Husu Labele Koa Orsamentu ba Irigasaun Tempotimor (Dili) - Atu responde ba ezijensia agrikultor sira kona-ba problema irrigasaun maka Ministru Agrikultura no Peska (MAP) husu atu labele koa orsamentu b manutensaun irrigasaun.", "Ministru Agrikultura no Peskas, Joaquim Jose Gusmao dos Reis Martins hatete, orsamentu ba manutensaun irrigasaun nian importante tebes tanba dezde 2017 to'o 2019 seidauk halo manutensaun.", "\"Ita husu ba Komisaun Revizaun Orsamental (KRO) atu konsidera fila-fali kapital dezenvolvimentu ba irrigasaun ne'ebe sai mos preokupasaun husi deputadu sira bainhira hala'o fiskalizasaun,\" dehan Joaquim, iha Uma Fukun PN, Segunda (6/1).", "Nia dehan, orsamentu ba area sira seluk bele halo redusaun, maibe espesialmente ba irrigasaun nian husu atu labele muda buat ida. (*) Tsunami Sei La Sa'e Kosta-Sul Tempotimor (Dili) - Institutu Petroleu no Jeolojia (IPJ) observa, investimentu planta LGN ne'ebe tuir governu nia planu sei harii iha kosta-sul, sei la hetan impaktu husi rai nakdoko no tsunami.", "Kompania Internasional 11 Prontu Investe Iha Kosta-Sul Tempotimor (Dili) - Kompania internasional hamutuk 11 husi kontinente Azia, Europa no Amerika prontu ona atu investe sira nia osan iha Timor-Leste.", "Liuliu investimentu iha area mina no gas iha Kosta-Sul.", "Diretor Ezekutivu Servisu Rejistu Verifikasaun Emprezarial (SERVE), Florencio Sanches hatete, kompania hirak ne'e interesadu loos, maski Timor-Leste iha hela situasaun politika ne'ebe inserteza.", "\"Pedidu investimentu ne'ebe SERVE simu ne'e, la'os investe iha area komersiu no negosiu nian.", "Maibe, iha seitor petroliferu no mos turizmu,\" hatete Florencio Sanches, Segunda (16/12/19) iha ninia knaar fatin, Matadouro,Dili.", "Nia dehan, husi Xina grupu 4 ona mak mai.", "Inklui mos husi Malazia, Tailandes, Indonezia, Vietname no Amerika.", "Husi Amerika, kompania tolu dala ida.", "Sira hakarak investe iha area petroleum mina no gas." ]
[ [ "tempotimor.com (Dili) - The reduction in the General State Budget for fiscal year 2019 to be made by Government of Timor-Leste’s Secretariat Of Cooperative Affairs affected public transfer funds, according a statement from SEKoop on Tuesday morning after meeting with officials at Dili City Council and other government agencies that included SECoops representative members who were also attending an event held there last week" ], [ "tempotimor.com (Dili) - The State Secretariat for Cooperatives, SEkoop has distributed a total of 152 multi-function machines to the food production sector in Timor Leste' s thirteen municipalities on Thursday morning and said that they will be used primarily by local cooperating cooperatives who are not involved with agriculture development projects or have no experience producing crops at all levels from seed through harvest until storage time is upcoming as well..." ], [ "Tempotimor (Dili) - The government recognizes and gives importance to the area of tourism, so it will develop tourist sites in Timor-Leste." ], [ "Tempotimor (Dili) - In response to the farmers' demand regarding irrigation problems, Minister of Agriculture and Fisheries has asked that no budget be cut for maintenance." ], [ "Minister of Agriculture and Fisheries, Joaquim Jose Gusmao dos Reis Martins said that the budget for irrigation maintenance is very important because there has been no such work since it was completed in June." ], [ "\"We are asking the Budget Review Committee (KRO) to consider again capital development for irrigation, which was also a concern of MPs when carrying out fiscal auditing\", said Joaquim in Parliament House on Monday." ], [ "He said, budget for other areas can be reduced but especially irrigation is asked not to change anything. (*) Tsunami Will Not Hit South Coast Tempotimor (Dili), Timor-Leste - The Institute of Petroleum and Geology observes that the investment in LNG plant which according government plans will build on south coast wouldn't get impacted by earthquakes or tsunami damage from landslide" ], [ "Tempotimor (Dili) - Eleven international companies from Asia, Europe and the Americas are ready to invest their money in Timor-Leste. 10 of them have already made investment plans for South East Asian countries such as Indonesia or Malaysia but only one company has yet decided whether it will do so on a long term basis" ], [ "He has invested heavily in the oil and gas sectors of South Coast." ], [ "The Executive Director of the Register Verification Enterprise Service (SERVE), Florencio Sanches, said that these companies are genuinely interested even though Timor-Leste is still in a political situation." ], [ "\"The investment request that SERVE received is not to invest in the area of commerce and business." ], [ "But there is the petroleum sector and also tourism,\" said Florencio Sanches Monday (16/02) at his office in Matadouro Dili." ], [ "He said, from China already 4 groups have come." ], [ "It also includes people from Malaysia, Thailand and Indonesia. Vietnam in the Americas are included as well!" ], [ "From America, three times a company." ], [ "They want to invest in the area of petroleum, mines and gas." ] ]
Étika ho Morál Dalan Efetivu Timoroan sira nian iha Luta Kontra Korrupsaun – Comissão Anti-Corrupção | Komisaun Anti-Korrupsaun\nÉtika ho Morál Dalan Efetivu Timoroan sira nian iha Luta Kontra Korrupsaun\nBetano – Komisariu Adjuntu Comissão Anti-Corrupção (CAC) ba Asuntu Prevensaun no Sesibilizasaun Luis de Olveira Sampaio hatete, prevene no kombate korrupsaun iha nasaun joven Timor-Leste (TL) Timoroan sira liu-liu jerasaun kontinuador husi kampus iha nível edukasaun ensinu superior tenke konsiensializa ida-idak nia-an iha prinsipiu, étika no morál nian.\n“Atu minimiza korrupsaun iha ita nia rain mak tenke refleta ita nia-an ba prinsipiu sira étika no morál nian hanesan; integridade, onestidade, responsabilidade no akuntabilidade”, Katak Adjuntu Luis ba korpu dosente no universitariu sira iha kampus IPB Betano, Kinta-Feira (18/11) bainhira sensibiliza lei nú 8/2009-Kriasaun CAC no Lei Nú 7/2020-MPCC.\nSe Timoroan ida-idak katak Luis Sampaio esforsu muda ninia-an, no hatu’ur-an ho valór integridade ida aas, onestidade no konsiensializadu ona! Lalais no neineik Timoroan hotu sei bele kombate krime korrupsaun iha rai doben Timor-Leste.\nAdjuntu Sampaio subliña liu tan katak, dosente no manorin sira iha Timor laran tomak bainhira hanorin matéria étika no morál nian iha kampus tenke pro-ativu liu-tan hodi tranzmite no konsiensializa universitariu sira relativammente ho materia sira kona-ba kombate korrupsaun ninian.\n“Dosente sira iha étika no morál nian tenke pro-ativu liu tan hodi konsiensializa estudante sira nia konsiensia ba kombate krime korrupsaun labele hein de’it husi CAC”, Katak Adjuntu Luis.\nIha fatin hanesan ba universitariu IPB sira Diretor Prevensaun no Sensibilizasaun Rosario Araujo dezafia komitmentu universitariu sira nian atu hamriik kontribui iha luta prevene no kombate korrupsaun hodi bele lori mudansa signifikativu iha emansipasaun sosiedade Timoroan nian.\n“Kombate korrupsaun presiza lian boot. Se universitariu sira lian neineik mehi ba kombate korrupsaun ne’e sei han tinan naruk”, Diretór Rosario realsa. (*)\nPermanent link to this article: https://cac.tl/2022/04/etika-ho-moral-dalan-efetivu-timoroan-sira-nian-iha-luta-kontra-korrupsaun/
[ "Etika ho Moral Dalan Efetivu Timoroan sira nian iha Luta Kontra Korrupsaun - Comissao Anti-Corrupcao | Komisaun Anti-Korrupsaun Etika ho Moral Dalan Efetivu Timoroan sira nian iha Luta Kontra Korrupsaun Betano - Komisariu Adjuntu Comissao Anti-Corrupcao (CAC) ba Asuntu Prevensaun no Sesibilizasaun Luis de Olveira Sampaio hatete, prevene no kombate korrupsaun iha nasaun joven Timor-Leste (TL) Timoroan sira liu-liu jerasaun kontinuador husi kampus iha nivel edukasaun ensinu superior tenke konsiensializa ida-idak nia-an iha prinsipiu, etika no moral nian.", "\"Atu minimiza korrupsaun iha ita nia rain mak tenke refleta ita nia-an ba prinsipiu sira etika no moral nian hanesan; integridade, onestidade, responsabilidade no akuntabilidade,\" Katak Adjuntu Luis ba korpu dosente no universitariu sira iha kampus IPB Betano, Kinta-Feira (18/11) bainhira sensibiliza lei nu 8/2009-Kriasaun CAC no Lei Nu 7/2020-MPCC.", "Se Timoroan ida-idak katak Luis Sampaio esforsu muda ninia-an, no hatu'ur-an ho valor integridade ida aas, onestidade no konsiensializadu ona!", "Lalais no neineik Timoroan hotu sei bele kombate krime korrupsaun iha rai doben Timor-Leste.", "Adjuntu Sampaio sublina liu tan katak, dosente no manorin sira iha Timor laran tomak bainhira hanorin materia etika no moral nian iha kampus tenke pro-ativu liu-tan hodi tranzmite no konsiensializa universitariu sira relativammente ho materia sira kona-ba kombate korrupsaun ninian.", "\"Dosente sira iha etika no moral nian tenke pro-ativu liu tan hodi konsiensializa estudante sira nia konsiensia ba kombate krime korrupsaun labele hein de'it husi CAC,\" Katak Adjuntu Luis.", "Iha fatin hanesan ba universitariu IPB sira Diretor Prevensaun no Sensibilizasaun Rosario Araujo dezafia komitmentu universitariu sira nian atu hamriik kontribui iha luta prevene no kombate korrupsaun hodi bele lori mudansa signifikativu iha emansipasaun sosiedade Timoroan nian.", "\"Kombate korrupsaun presiza lian boot.", "Se universitariu sira lian neineik mehi ba kombate korrupsaun ne'e sei han tinan naruk,\" Diretor Rosario realsa. (*) Permanent link to this article: https://cac.tl/2022/04/etika-ho-moral-dalan-efetivu-timoroan-sira-nian-iha-luta-kontra-korrupsaun/" ]
[ [ "Ethics and Moral Effective Ways of Timorese People in the Fight Against Corruption - Comissao Anti-Corrução | Kummissjoni Kontra l'Korrosione Betano – Deputy Commissioner, Commission on Prevention (CAC) for Preventive Affairs Luis de Olveira Sampaiu said that to prevent corrupt behaviour among young people at a university level they must raise their own consciousness about principled ethics." ], [ "\"In order to minimize corruption in our country we must reflect on the ethical and moral principles of integrity, honestiousness; accountability\", said Adjunto Luis at IPB Betano campus Thursday (November 18) when raising awareness about law no." ], [ "If every Timorese, that is Luis Sampaio strives to change himself and he's set up with the value of a high integrity honestity consciousness!" ], [ "All Timorese will be able to fight corruption crimes in the beautiful land of East-Timor." ], [ "Adjunto Sampaio further emphasized that teachers and priests throughout Timor-Leste should be more proactive when teaching ethics on campus in order to convey awareness among university students regarding the subject of fight against corruption." ], [ "\"Teachers of ethics and morality must be more pro-active in raising students' awareness to combat corruption crime, not just waiting for the CAC\", said Adjunto Luis." ], [ "Meanwhile, for IPB university students the Director of Prevention and Awareness Rosario Araujo challenges commitment by universities to contribute in preventing corruption so that they can bring significant change into Timorese society emancipation." ], [ "\"The fight against corruption requires a big voice." ], [ "If the university students are not willing to fight corruption it will take years,\" Director Rosario emphasizes. (*) Permanent link To this article: https://cac tl/2019-386574_etica e moralidade são o caminho efetivo dos timorenses na luta contra a corrupção" ] ]
By Tempo Timor January 20, 2021 1099\nEstudante sira hetan kastigu husi estudante sira seluk iha eskola durante orientasaun iha eskola ida iha Timor Leste Foto Espesial\nDeputadu PLP ne'e haktuir, iha semana hirak liu ba ema balun hahú publika video balun, estudante tuan sira fó orientasaun ba estudante foun.\n''Tinan ba tinan violénsia iha eskola ne'e akontese beibeik, ne'ebé hanesan prátika ida-ne'ebé ke ita simu, normalidade foun ida ke ita simu, ha'u lahatene tanba saida, iha semana oin atividade orientasaun ne'e komesa ona. Ha'u lakohi estudante timor oan hotu, liuliu ita-nia oan no subriñu sira, atu hetan violénsia husi sira-nia kolega ne'ebé eskola uluk, iha eskola sekundáriu sira, iha universidade sira, ne'e tenke para, tanba ne'e prátika ne'ebé laloos,'' deputadu Abel hato'o lamentasaun ne'e iha plenária, Parlamentu Nasionál tersa (19/1).\nNia haktuir, oras ne'e daudaun Timor-Leste presiza atu prepara jerasaun foun sira oinsá atu tur iha parlamentu, no órgaun estadu sira hotu, maibé molok sira atu sai líder lori timor ne'e ba oin, entaun governante sira tenke prepara sira husi zero, sé kuandu sira iha eskola mak sira aprende violénsia depois estadu nonok husik ida-ne'e la'o ba oin, entaun estudante sira-nia pensamentu nakonu de'it ho violénsia.\nNia konsidera buat ida problema violasaun kona-ba atividade orientasaun iha eskola no universidade sira, iha Timor-Leste, ida-ne'e nu'udar prátika ne'ebé Indonézia sira uza iha tempu uluk, no agora Indonézia rasik mós la uza ona orientasaun sira hanesan ne'e, maibé Timor-Leste kontinua uza prátika ida-ne'e.\n''Ha'u iha esperiénsia, eskola eskola iha Timor, iha Indonézia ho Austrália ne'e diferénsa ne'e dook tebe-tebes. Agora Timor-Leste uza fali prátika ida ke indonézia ne'e dook ona, la uza kleur ona,'' nia konta tuir.\nHatán ba kestaun ne'e, Ministru Asuntu Parlamentár no Komunikasaun Sosiál (MAPKOMS) Francisco Martins Jerónimo deklara, problema ne'e'bé deputadu sira levanta sei enkamiña ba ministériu relavante atu-bele tau matan no rezolve.(*)\nPartidu Libertasaun Popular (PLP) Abel Pires\n« Governu Nomeia João Martins ba Reitór UNTL no Manuel Pinto Lidera Tatoli.IP MEJD Sei Estuda Antes Deside Ativa Eskola iha Área Fronteira »
[ "By Tempo Timor January 20, 2021 1099 Estudante sira hetan kastigu husi estudante sira seluk iha eskola durante orientasaun iha eskola ida iha Timor Leste Foto Espesial Deputadu PLP ne'e haktuir, iha semana hirak liu ba ema balun hahu publika video balun, estudante tuan sira fo orientasaun ba estudante foun. \"", "Tinan ba tinan violensia iha eskola ne'e akontese beibeik, ne'ebe hanesan pratika ida-ne'ebe ke ita simu, normalidade foun ida ke ita simu, ha'u lahatene tanba saida, iha semana oin atividade orientasaun ne'e komesa ona.", "Ha'u lakohi estudante timor oan hotu, liuliu ita-nia oan no subrinu sira, atu hetan violensia husi sira-nia kolega ne'ebe eskola uluk, iha eskola sekundariu sira, iha universidade sira, ne'e tenke para, tanba ne'e pratika ne'ebe laloos, \" deputadu Abel hato'o lamentasaun ne'e iha plenaria, Parlamentu Nasional tersa (19/1).", "Nia haktuir, oras ne'e daudaun Timor-Leste presiza atu prepara jerasaun foun sira oinsa atu tur iha parlamentu, no orgaun estadu sira hotu, maibe molok sira atu sai lider lori timor ne'e ba oin, entaun governante sira tenke prepara sira husi zero, se kuandu sira iha eskola mak sira aprende violensia depois estadu nonok husik ida-ne'e la'o ba oin, entaun estudante sira-nia pensamentu nakonu de'it ho violensia.", "Nia konsidera buat ida problema violasaun kona-ba atividade orientasaun iha eskola no universidade sira, iha Timor-Leste, ida-ne'e nu'udar pratika ne'ebe Indonezia sira uza iha tempu uluk, no agora Indonezia rasik mos la uza ona orientasaun sira hanesan ne'e, maibe Timor-Leste kontinua uza pratika ida-ne'e. \"", "Ha'u iha esperiensia, eskola eskola iha Timor, iha Indonezia ho Australia ne'e diferensa ne'e dook tebe-tebes.", "Agora Timor-Leste uza fali pratika ida ke indonezia ne'e dook ona, la uza kleur ona, \" nia konta tuir.", "Hatan ba kestaun ne'e, Ministru Asuntu Parlamentar no Komunikasaun Sosial (MAPKOMS) Francisco Martins Jeronimo deklara, problema ne'e'be deputadu sira levanta sei enkamina ba ministeriu relavante atu-bele tau matan no rezolve. (*) Partidu Libertasaun Popular (PLP) Abel Pires \" Governu Nomeia Joao Martins ba Reitor UNTL no Manuel Pinto Lidera Tatoli.IP MEJD Sei Estuda Antes Deside Ativa Eskola iha Area Fronteira \"" ]
[ [ "By Tempo Timor January 20,198 Students Punished by Others in Orientation at School In East Тимор Special Photo The PLP MP said that \"in the past few weeks some people have started publishing videos where old students give orientations to new student." ], [ "Year after year, violence in the school continues to occur and it is a practice that we accept as new normality. I'm not sure why but next week this orientation activity will start up again; there are already some activities going on at our schools for students who want more information about what they can expect from their educational institutions:" ], [ "I do not want all Timorese students, especially our children and grandchildren to suffer violence from their colleagues in the school they attended at first stages of education - secondary schools or universities. This must stop because it is an unfair practice\", MP Abel lamenteds during a meeting on Tuesday (January 19th) with Parliament members who were attending this session for his second term as deputy speaker" ], [ "He said that at the moment Timor-Leste needs to prepare new generations how they can sit in parliament, and all state bodies but before them become leaders who will take this country forward so governants must preparing from scratch if when students go school learn violence then government doesn't let it continue therefore their mind is filled with violent thoughts." ], [ "He considers that one of the problems is violations regarding orientation activities in schools and universities, which was a practice used by Indonesia back then but now it has been abandoned. \"But Timor-Leste continue to use this approach.\"" ], [ "I have experience, schools in Timor and Indonesia with Australia the difference is very big." ], [ "\"Now Timor-Leste is using a practice that Indonesia has used for some time,\" he said." ], [ "In response to this issue, Minister of Parliamentary Affairs and Social Communication (MAPKOMS) Francisco Martins Jeronimo declares that the problem raised by MP'S will be forwarded for consideration in relevant ministry so as they can resolve it. (*). Partido Libertação Popular(PLP), Abel Piret \"Governo Nomeia Joao Martínz para Reitor UNTL e Manuel Pinto Lidera Tatoli.\"" ] ]
Suspetu JG Sunu Aihan Sexta bazika\nDili-Suspetu ida ho inisial JG tinan 54 husi munisipiu Viqueque postu Lakluta sunu aihan sexta bazika ne’ebe maka governu distribui tanba la satisfas ho kuantidade sasan ne’ebe maka governu distribui.\nPortavoz PNTL Superintendente Xefe Arnaldo Araujo hateten iha loron 28/11 tuku 10:00 Ministru Kordenador Asuntu Ekonomiku hamutuk ho Administrador no Komandu PNTL Viqueque inklui Administrador postu Lakluta ho autoridade lokal iha Lakluta distribui aihan Sexta bazika iha distribuisaun ne’e mosu insidente ida ne’ebe rezulta sasan balu hetan estragus, Nia hato’o asuntu ne’e liu husi komferensia empresa iha Kuartel Jeral PNTL Kaikoli Dili, Tersa (01/12).\nNia esplika suspetu JG la satisfetu ho kuantidade sasan ne’ebe governu oferese nune’e suspetu rega gajolina masa ida ba mina bimoli kaixa ida no sunu ho iskeru hafoin suspetu halai nune’e Polisia ne’ebe maka fo seguransa momentu neba konsege kaptura suspetu no oras ne’e daudaun detein hela iha sela munisipiu Viqueque no ohin (horseik red) sei aprejenta ba Ministeriu Publiku hodi prosesu ba Tribunal hodi halo Primeru Interogatoriu.\nAlende ne’e Komandu PNTL mos hakarak informa katak horseik dadersan tuku 05:30 akontese asidente iha munisipiu Manatuto suku Manehat kareta Fuso ida ne’ebe tula aihan sexta bazika bakufila rejulta aiha sexta bazika monu ba rai no ema nain tolu (3) kanek, oras ne’e daudaun Polisia munisipiu Manatuto iha fatin akontesimentu hodi rekola informasaun hodi hatene saida maka hetan estragus no fator husi asidente ne’e. Kareta fuso ne’e governu aluga hodi distribui sasan sexta baziku.\nHakarak informa mos katak kazu insidente durante semana ida nia laran hahu dia 24 to’o 01 de Dezembru hamutuk 25no asidente hamutuk sia (9). Media PNTL
[ "Suspetu JG Sunu Aihan Sexta bazika Dili-Suspetu ida ho inisial JG tinan 54 husi munisipiu Viqueque postu Lakluta sunu aihan sexta bazika ne'ebe maka governu distribui tanba la satisfas ho kuantidade sasan ne'ebe maka governu distribui.", "Portavoz PNTL Superintendente Xefe Arnaldo Araujo hateten iha loron 28/11 tuku 10:00 Ministru Kordenador Asuntu Ekonomiku hamutuk ho Administrador no Komandu PNTL Viqueque inklui Administrador postu Lakluta ho autoridade lokal iha Lakluta distribui aihan Sexta bazika iha distribuisaun ne'e mosu insidente ida ne'ebe rezulta sasan balu hetan estragus, Nia hato'o asuntu ne'e liu husi komferensia empresa iha Kuartel Jeral PNTL Kaikoli Dili, Tersa (01/12).", "Nia esplika suspetu JG la satisfetu ho kuantidade sasan ne'ebe governu oferese nune'e suspetu rega gajolina masa ida ba mina bimoli kaixa ida no sunu ho iskeru hafoin suspetu halai nune'e Polisia ne'ebe maka fo seguransa momentu neba konsege kaptura suspetu no oras ne'e daudaun detein hela iha sela munisipiu Viqueque no ohin (horseik red) sei aprejenta ba Ministeriu Publiku hodi prosesu ba Tribunal hodi halo Primeru Interogatoriu.", "Alende ne'e Komandu PNTL mos hakarak informa katak horseik dadersan tuku 05:30 akontese asidente iha munisipiu Manatuto suku Manehat kareta Fuso ida ne'ebe tula aihan sexta bazika bakufila rejulta aiha sexta bazika monu ba rai no ema nain tolu (3) kanek, oras ne'e daudaun Polisia munisipiu Manatuto iha fatin akontesimentu hodi rekola informasaun hodi hatene saida maka hetan estragus no fator husi asidente ne'e.", "Kareta fuso ne'e governu aluga hodi distribui sasan sexta baziku.", "Hakarak informa mos katak kazu insidente durante semana ida nia laran hahu dia 24 to'o 01 de Dezembru hamutuk 25no asidente hamutuk sia (9).", "Media PNTL" ]
[ [ "Dili-A suspect with the initial JG aged 54 from municipality of Viqueque post Lakluta is suing basic food distributed by government because he was not satisfied to quantity. The amounts that were being provided are insufficient and therefore, they have been sent back home without any compensation for their damage caused during this time period as well..." ], [ "Police spokesman Superintendent Chief Arnaldo Araujo said on 28/10 at around the time of lunch, Minister Co-ordinator Economic Affairs together with Administrator and Commander PNTL Viqueque including Lakluta post administrator alongside local authorities distributed basic food in this distribution there was an incident which resulted some items were damaged. He reported about it through a company conference held by General Headquarters Kaikoli Dili police department Tuesday (December)" ], [ "He explained that the suspect JG was not satisfieds with a quantity of goods offered by government, so he placed gasolin in one box and burned it after they left. The police who provided security at this time managed to capture him but now is being detained on Vikeque municipality jail; today (horseik red) will be brought before Public Prosecution Service for court proceeding as first interrogation processes are taking place therein" ], [ "In addition, the PNTL Command also wants to inform that at 05:31 am an accident occurred in Manatuto municipality Manehat village. A Fuso car carrying sixth basic timber crashed into a tree and three people were injured; currently Polisia of Municipio de Manaotu is on site collecting information about what damage was caused by this incident" ], [ "The fuso is a government-rented car to distribute basic sexta goods." ], [ "I would also like to inform you that incident cases during the week from December 24th until Dec.1st totalled nine (9) in a number of accidents, which amounted together for twenty-five(35)." ], [ "Media PNTL" ] ]
Komisaun F finaliza diskusaun projetu-lei protesaun ba labarik iha espesialidade | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste\nVARANDA DILI Komisaun F finaliza diskusaun projetu-lei protesaun ba labarik iha espesialidade\nLabarik dada lia halimar bainhira sira faan hela manu tolun daan iha area estrada ibun Dili, 3 setembru 2021.Imajen Tatoli/Antonio Goncalves.\nDILI, 24 janeiru 2022 (TATOLI)—Komisaun F ne’ebé kaer asuntu Saúde, Seguransa Sosiál no Igualidade Jéneru iha Parlamentu Nasionál finaliza ona diskusaun no votasaun espesialidade ba projetu-lei númeru 29/V (3a) kona-ba lei protesaun ba labarik no foinsa’e iha perigu.\n“Semana kotuk ami halo tiha ona aprovasaun no agora hein de’it atu lori ba Parlamentu Nasionál hodi halo ajendamentu ba aprovasaun iha finál globál,” Prezidente Komisaun F, Noé da Silva Ximenes ‘Buka Tuir’, hateten ba Agéncia Tatoli, iha Parlamentu Nasionál, segunda ne’e.\nTékniku hosi Komisaun F daudaun ne’e hala’o hela elaborasaun relatóriu ikus no iha semana ne’e sei halo aprovasaun nivél komisaun nian hafoin submete ba meza Prezidente Parlamentu Nasionál mak iha kompeténsia hodi deside ajenda kontinuasaun diskusaun ba finál globál iha plenária.\nAntes ne’e projetu-lei ne’e iha artigu hamutuk 103 no kapítulu hamutuk XI. Kapítulu I ko’alia kona-ba dispozisaun jerál, kapítulu II ko’alia kona-ba intervensaun ba promosaun direitu sira no protesaun labarik no joven iha perigu.\nNune’e mós, paresér balun mai hosi Organizasaun Internasionál ba Traballu (OIT), Parlamentu Foinsa’e, Plan International, PDHJ no UNICEF, maibé Komisaun F finaliza diskusaun ba proposta lei ne’e iha artigu hamutuk 153.\nNune’e, Prezidente Komisaun F ne’e hateten, iha proposta hosi deputadu sira balun presiza halo aditamentu ba artigu hamutuk 48 no kapítulu balun ne’ebé ko’alia kona-ba direitu no dever labarik nian tanba kontráriu iha konstituisaun ko’alia ona direitu no dever sidadaun sira iha entaun presiza haree.\n“Tanba iha projeitu lei foun ne’e ko’alia espesífika ba labarik no joven sira-ne’ebé situasaun risku nune’e proposta maluk deputadu balun sei iha diskusaun kle’an iha plenária Parlamentu Nasionál tempu tuir mai,” nia dehan.\nDeputadu, Noé da Silva, la esplika detallu kona-ba hosi projeitu-lei ne’ebé antes to’o de’it artigu hamutuk 103 ne’ebé aumenta to’o ba artigu 153, tanba sei iha faze elaborasaun relatóriu.\nPrevious articleKazu dengue sa’e ba 835 no mate na’in-16\nNext articleSTAE seidauk finaliza sinkronizasaun dadus eleitór iha territóriu nasionál
[ "Komisaun F finaliza diskusaun projetu-lei protesaun ba labarik iha espesialidade | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA DILI Komisaun F finaliza diskusaun projetu-lei protesaun ba labarik iha espesialidade Labarik dada lia halimar bainhira sira faan hela manu tolun daan iha area estrada ibun Dili, 3 setembru 2021.Imajen Tatoli/Antonio Goncalves.", "DILI, 24 janeiru 2022 (TATOLI) - Komisaun F ne'ebe kaer asuntu Saude, Seguransa Sosial no Igualidade Jeneru iha Parlamentu Nasional finaliza ona diskusaun no votasaun espesialidade ba projetu-lei numeru 29/V (3a) kona-ba lei protesaun ba labarik no foinsa'e iha perigu.", "\"Semana kotuk ami halo tiha ona aprovasaun no agora hein de'it atu lori ba Parlamentu Nasional hodi halo ajendamentu ba aprovasaun iha final global,\" Prezidente Komisaun F, Noe da Silva Ximenes 'Buka Tuir', hateten ba Agencia Tatoli, iha Parlamentu Nasional, segunda ne'e.", "Tekniku hosi Komisaun F daudaun ne'e hala'o hela elaborasaun relatoriu ikus no iha semana ne'e sei halo aprovasaun nivel komisaun nian hafoin submete ba meza Prezidente Parlamentu Nasional mak iha kompetensia hodi deside ajenda kontinuasaun diskusaun ba final global iha plenaria.", "Antes ne'e projetu-lei ne'e iha artigu hamutuk 103 no kapitulu hamutuk XI.", "Kapitulu I ko'alia kona-ba dispozisaun jeral, kapitulu II ko'alia kona-ba intervensaun ba promosaun direitu sira no protesaun labarik no joven iha perigu.", "Nune'e mos, pareser balun mai hosi Organizasaun Internasional ba Traballu (OIT), Parlamentu Foinsa'e, Plan International, PDHJ no UNICEF, maibe Komisaun F finaliza diskusaun ba proposta lei ne'e iha artigu hamutuk 153.", "Nune'e, Prezidente Komisaun F ne'e hateten, iha proposta hosi deputadu sira balun presiza halo aditamentu ba artigu hamutuk 48 no kapitulu balun ne'ebe ko'alia kona-ba direitu no dever labarik nian tanba kontrariu iha konstituisaun ko'alia ona direitu no dever sidadaun sira iha entaun presiza haree.", "\"Tanba iha projeitu lei foun ne'e ko'alia espesifika ba labarik no joven sira-ne'ebe situasaun risku nune'e proposta maluk deputadu balun sei iha diskusaun kle'an iha plenaria Parlamentu Nasional tempu tuir mai,\" nia dehan.", "Deputadu, Noe da Silva, la esplika detallu kona-ba hosi projeitu-lei ne'ebe antes to'o de'it artigu hamutuk 103 ne'ebe aumenta to'o ba artigu 153, tanba sei iha faze elaborasaun relatoriu.", "Previous articleKazu dengue sa'e ba 835 no mate na'in-16 Next articleSTAE seidauk finaliza sinkronizasaun dadus eleitor iha territoriu nasional" ]
[ [ "Commission F concludes discussion of draft law on child protection in plenary session | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA DILI Committee finalizes the deliberations for a bill to protect children during plenary meeting Children give speech when they are selling dried fruit and vegetables at roadside area Dili, Sept." ], [ "DILI, January 24th (TATOLI) - The Commission F of the National Parliament on Health and Social Security has finalized discussions about Draft Law No.19/V(3a), concerning a law to protect children at risk from abuse by their parents or guardians in order that they may be protected against violence as well" ], [ "\"Last week we approved the bill and now only wait to bring it into Parliament in order for approval at a global final,\" Chairman of Commission F Noe da Silva Ximenes 'Buka Tuir' told Agência Tatoli on Monday." ], [ "The technical staff of the Commission F is currently preparing its final report and this week will approve it at commission level after submitting to table. It falls within Parliament's President’ s competence, however that he decide on an agenda for continuation discussion until a global conclusion in plenary session" ], [ "Previously, the draft law had a total of 103 articles and chapter XI." ], [ "Chapter I deals with general provisions, chapter II talks about intervention for the promotion of rights and protection to children at risk." ], [ "Similarly, some opinions came from the International Labour Organization (ILO), Parliament of Finance and Plan international PDHJ UNICEF but Commission F finalized discussion on this bill in 153 articles." ], [ "Thus, the Chairman of Commission F said that there are proposal from some members to add articles in total 48 and a few chapter which talk about children rights & duties because contrary into constitution already speak on citizens' right&duty so need look." ], [ "\"Because in the new draft law it speaks specifically to children and young people who are at risk, so some of my colleagues' proposal will be discussed extensively during a plenary session next time.\"" ], [ "MEP Noe da Silva did not explain the details of a draft law that previously had only 103 articles, but which has been increased to article." ], [ "Previous articleDengue cases rise to 835 and death toll reaches a record high Next artikelSTAE has not yet completed the voter data sync in national territorie." ] ]
Partidu KHUNTO “Tane Malu” liuhosi doasaun raan | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste\nVARANDA HEADLINE Partidu KHUNTO “Tane Malu” liuhosi doasaun raan\nPartidu KHUNTO “Tane Malu” liuhosi doasaun raan\nAdjuntu Sektretáriu Jerál Partidu KHUNTO, Zetó Patrício. Imajen TATOLI/Osória Marques.\nDILI, 10 novembru 2020 (TATOLI)—Atu komemora Masakre Santa Crus 12 Novembru 1991 ba dala-XXIX no selebrasaun loron Nasionál Juventude ba dala-15, ohin, Partidu Kmanek Haburas Unidade Nasionál Timor Oan (KHUNTO) ho inisiativa halibur juventude na’in-250 hosi partidu KHUNTO halo doasaun raan hodi oferese ba Hospitál Nasionál Guido Valadades (HNGV).\nAdjuntu Sektretáriu Jerál Partidu KHUNTO, Zetó Patrício hateten, juventude hosi partidu KHUNTO nian halo doasaun raan ba HNGV tanba tuir prinsípiu partidu KHUNTO nian katak “Tane Ó Rain, Ó Emar no Ó lisan” entaun momentu ida-ne’e hanesan oinsá tane malu liuhosi doasaun raan atu salva maluk seluk-nia vida.\n“Tane malu la’os ko’alia de’it maibé oinsá fó moris ba malu. Tanba ida-ne’e, ho prinsípiu báziku katak hodi raan buka raan no hodi raan mós salva raan, nune’e loron 12 novembru nu’udár juventude nian. Tanba ne’e mak juventude hosi partidu KHUNTO ho inisiativa atu selebra 12 novembru ba dala XXIX ida-ne’e hodi kontribui nia raan atu salva maluk sira seluk. Tanba liuhosi raan turuk ida ita sei salva ema-nia vida,” dehan Zetó Patrício ba jornalista sira iha Rezidénsia Koselleru Másimu Partidu KHUNTO, José dos Santos Naimori Bukar, Manleuana Dili, tersa ne’e.\nNia hatutan partidu KHUNTO hala’o atividade doasaun raan tanba parseria ho Banku Sangue Nasionál (BSN).\n“Ita iha ne’e servisu hamutuk ho Ministériu saúde maibé ita-nia ema iha profisionál saúde hosi ospitál nasionál sangue nian mai iha ne’e hodi hasai raan,” nia dehan.\nNia haktuir, juventude na’in-250 ne’ebé halo doasaun raan ne’e la’os hosi Dili de’it maibé balu mai hosi munisípiu.\nNia esklarese, Partidu KHUNTO alainde halo doasuan raan sei iha mós ativdade sira-ne’ebé sei hala’o mak halo limpreza jerál hosi Igreja Motael to’o Semitériu Santa Cruz hahú aban no sei koordena ho Comite 12 Novembru hadia Semitériu Santa Cruz.\nIha fatin hanesan, reprezentante Xefe Unidade Banku de Sangue, Arsénio Afonso, agradese ba estrutura Partdu KHUNTO-partidu juventude sira-nian tanba bele oferese ona raan turuk ida hodi salva ema seluk nia vida.\n“Ami hato’o agradese ba juventude hosi partidu KHUNTO tanba bele oferese ona raan turuk ida hodi salva ba ita-nia maluk sira ne’ebé presiza raan iha Hospitál Nasionál Guido Valadares no mós ba ospitál rejionál sira iha Timor-Laran tomak,” nia hateten.\nTanba, nia dehan, raan mós parte ida ema-nia vida katak ema moris presizaa raan maibé ema laiha raan make ema ne’e labele moris iha mundu ida ne’e.\nNia esplika kritéria ba ema-ne’ebé atu halo doasaun aran mak tenke kondisaun di’ak, deskansa normál hahú oras ualu (8) antes hala’o doasaun raan, idade tinan 18-60, ema-nia todan maizumenus 45 kilograma ba leten, la hala’o tratamentu kualker ba moras ruma, la hemu tua ka droga, tensaun normál 120/80, no liu ida-ne’e labele hasai raan.\n“Ita halo doasaun raan nia benefísiu mak ita bele halo regenerasi ba raan mean (darah merah) ba ita-nia isin lolon ne’ebé bele fó isin-di’ak ba saúde,” nia dehan.\nPrevious articleMI prevee millaun $18,3 iha OJE 2021\nNext articleOJE 2021, Komandu Jerál PNTL “husu” $36,099,695\nCOVALIMA, 29 novembru 2021 (TATOLI)—Xefe Grupu Halal, Felizarda Moniz da Costa informa, grupu Halal eziste iha aldeia Bitis, suku Lalawa, aldeia Bitis, postu administrativu Tilomar, Munisípiu...
[ "Partidu KHUNTO \"Tane Malu\" liuhosi doasaun raan | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA HEADLINE Partidu KHUNTO \"Tane Malu\" liuhosi doasaun raan Partidu KHUNTO \"Tane Malu\" liuhosi doasaun raan Adjuntu Sektretariu Jeral Partidu KHUNTO, Zeto Patricio.", "Imajen TATOLI/Osoria Marques.", "DILI, 10 novembru 2020 (TATOLI) - Atu komemora Masakre Santa Crus 12 Novembru 1991 ba dala-XXIX no selebrasaun loron Nasional Juventude ba dala-15, ohin, Partidu Kmanek Haburas Unidade Nasional Timor Oan (KHUNTO) ho inisiativa halibur juventude na'in-250 hosi partidu KHUNTO halo doasaun raan hodi oferese ba Hospital Nasional Guido Valadades (HNGV).", "Adjuntu Sektretariu Jeral Partidu KHUNTO, Zeto Patricio hateten, juventude hosi partidu KHUNTO nian halo doasaun raan ba HNGV tanba tuir prinsipiu partidu KHUNTO nian katak \"Tane O Rain, O Emar no O lisan\" entaun momentu ida-ne'e hanesan oinsa tane malu liuhosi doasaun raan atu salva maluk seluk-nia vida.", "\"Tane malu la'os ko'alia de'it maibe oinsa fo moris ba malu.", "Tanba ida-ne'e, ho prinsipiu baziku katak hodi raan buka raan no hodi raan mos salva raan, nune'e loron 12 novembru nu'udar juventude nian.", "Tanba ne'e mak juventude hosi partidu KHUNTO ho inisiativa atu selebra 12 novembru ba dala XXIX ida-ne'e hodi kontribui nia raan atu salva maluk sira seluk.", "Tanba liuhosi raan turuk ida ita sei salva ema-nia vida,\" dehan Zeto Patricio ba jornalista sira iha Rezidensia Koselleru Masimu Partidu KHUNTO, Jose dos Santos Naimori Bukar, Manleuana Dili, tersa ne'e.", "Nia hatutan partidu KHUNTO hala'o atividade doasaun raan tanba parseria ho Banku Sangue Nasional (BSN).", "\"Ita iha ne'e servisu hamutuk ho Ministeriu saude maibe ita-nia ema iha profisional saude hosi ospital nasional sangue nian mai iha ne'e hodi hasai raan,\" nia dehan.", "Nia haktuir, juventude na'in-250 ne'ebe halo doasaun raan ne'e la'os hosi Dili de'it maibe balu mai hosi munisipiu.", "Nia esklarese, Partidu KHUNTO alainde halo doasuan raan sei iha mos ativdade sira-ne'ebe sei hala'o mak halo limpreza jeral hosi Igreja Motael to'o Semiteriu Santa Cruz hahu aban no sei koordena ho Comite 12 Novembru hadia Semiteriu Santa Cruz.", "Iha fatin hanesan, reprezentante Xefe Unidade Banku de Sangue, Arsenio Afonso, agradese ba estrutura Partdu KHUNTO-partidu juventude sira-nian tanba bele oferese ona raan turuk ida hodi salva ema seluk nia vida.", "\"Ami hato'o agradese ba juventude hosi partidu KHUNTO tanba bele oferese ona raan turuk ida hodi salva ba ita-nia maluk sira ne'ebe presiza raan iha Hospital Nasional Guido Valadares no mos ba ospital rejional sira iha Timor-Laran tomak,\" nia hateten.", "Tanba, nia dehan, raan mos parte ida ema-nia vida katak ema moris presizaa raan maibe ema laiha raan make ema ne'e labele moris iha mundu ida ne'e.", "Nia esplika kriteria ba ema-ne'ebe atu halo doasaun aran mak tenke kondisaun di'ak, deskansa normal hahu oras ualu (8) antes hala'o doasaun raan, idade tinan 18-60, ema-nia todan maizumenus 45 kilograma ba leten, la hala'o tratamentu kualker ba moras ruma, la hemu tua ka droga, tensaun normal 120/80, no liu ida-ne'e labele hasai raan.", "\"Ita halo doasaun raan nia benefisiu mak ita bele halo regenerasi ba raan mean (darah merah) ba ita-nia isin lolon ne'ebe bele fo isin-di'ak ba saude,\" nia dehan.", "Previous articleMI prevee millaun $18,3 iha OJE 2021 Next articleOJE 2021, Komandu Jeral PNTL \"husu\" $36,099,695 COVALIMA, 29 novembru 2021 (TATOLI) - Xefe Grupu Halal, Felizarda Moniz da Costa informa, grupu Halal eziste iha aldeia Bitis, suku Lalawa, aldeia Bitis, postu administrativu Tilomar, Munisipiu..." ]
[ [ "KHUNTO Party \"Tane Malu\" through blood donation | Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA HEADLINE The National Democratic Front of the People (Khunto) is proud to announce that its Deputy General Secretary, Zeto Patricio has donated his body for a new life." ], [ "Image: TATOLI/Osoria Marques." ], [ "DILI, November 10th (TATOLI) - To commemorate the Santa Cruz Massacre on Nov.29 and celebrate National Youth Day for its fifteenths anniversary today Kmanek Haburas Unidade Nasional Timor Oan Party(KHUNTO), initiated to bring together young people from all over East-Timor donated blood at Hospital Nacional Guido Valadades’ Blood Bank of Dili State University with an overall donation amounting $356874" ], [ "Deputy Secretary General of KHUNTO Party, Zeto Patricio said that youth from the party donated blood to Hospital Nacional de Guimarães (HNGV) because according with principles \"Tane O Rain o Emar e a Lisan\" so this moment is like how we can give each other through donation and save others' lives." ], [ "\"It's not just about talking to each other but how we can give life." ], [ "Because of this, with the basic principle that man seeks human beings and also saves them from death; so November 12 is a day for youth." ], [ "That is why the youth of KHUNTO party took this opportunity to celebrate November,12 for XXIX time in order contribute his blood and save others." ], [ "Because through one turkish blood we will save people's lives,\" Zeto Patricio told journalist in the Residence of KHUNTO Party Chief Secretary Jose dos Santos Naimori Bukar at Manleuana Dili on Tuesday." ], [ "He added that KHUNTO party conducts blood donation activities because of its partnership with the National Blood Bank (BSN)." ], [ "\"We are working here in cooperation with the Ministry of Health but our people have health professionals from National Blood Hospital come to take blood,\" he said." ], [ "He said that the 250 young people who donated blood were not only from Dili but also some came to donation in other municipalities." ], [ "He explained that KHUNTO Party in addition to making blood donations will also carry out activities such as general clean-up from Motael Church until Santa Cruz Cemeterial starting tomorrow and coordinate with the Committee of November,12th for restoring this cemetary." ], [ "Meanwhile, the representative of Blood Bank Unit Head Arsenio Afonso thanked KHUNTO-the youth party’s structure for being able to offer a drop in blood and save others." ], [ "\"We are grateful to the youth of KHUNTO party because we have already offered a Turkish blood donor for our fellow Timorese who need it at National Hospital Guido Valadares and also in regional hospitals throughout East-Timor,\" he said." ], [ "Because, he said that blood is also a part of our life and we need it to live but if you don't have your own then there will be no way in this world." ], [ "He explained that the criteria for a person to donate milk are: normal rest starting eight (8) hours before blood donation, age of at least sixty-five years old; weight less than fourteen pounds above average body mass. No medical treatment is being taken against any illnesses or substance abuse and no pressure exceeding one hundred twenty/ eighty degrees can not be done without extraction from an organ in question" ], [ "\"The benefit of donating blood is that we can regenerate the red cells in our bodies, which will give us a healthy life.\"" ], [ "PreviousMI envisages $18.3 million in Budget 2045 Next articleBudget for the year of €6,79 billion COVALIMA (AP) - The heads Halal Group Felizarda Moniz da Costa inform that a group called \"Hal\" exist at village Bitis and administrative post Tilomar..." ] ]
PLAN-DNPKK Lansa Atividade Prevensaun Konflitu - Dili Post\nHome/SEGURANSA/DEFEZA/PLAN-DNPKK Lansa Atividade Prevensaun Konflitu\nPLAN-DNPKK Lansa Atividade Prevensaun Konflitu\ndilipost June 17, 2021\tSEGURANSA/DEFEZA Leave a comment 20 Views\nDILI Post- Organizasaun Naun Govermental ONG Plan Internasional servisu hamutuk ho Diresaun Nasional Prevensaun Konflitu Komunitaria (DNPKK) lansa aktividade prevensaun komflitu hodi kontribui ba paz no hakmatek iha komunidade.\nDiretora PLAN internasional Timor-Leste Diliana Ximenes imforma,Orgulho bele servisu hamutuk ho diresaun nasional prevensaun komlfitu komunitaria ne’ebe tutela iha protesaun sivil servisu hamutuk ba fulan ida ne’e,tinan ida ona hodi halo atividade prevensaun konflitu.\n“Ami realiza programa ne’e ho orsamentu $.10 mill,servisu hamutuk lider komunitaria iha baze” dehan ba jornalista sira iha salaun Ministriu Interior Vila Verde ohin.\nNia afirma tan atividade ba tinan ida ne’e sei focus ba iha Dili, Plan internasional iha komikmentu atu servisu hamutuk ho diresaun Nasional prevensaun konflitu komunitaria too tinan oin.\nObjetivu hosi lansamentu ne’e atu fahe imformasaun kona ba prevensaun komflitu liu husi alerta sedu ba komunidade suku 7 iha postu administrativu Dom Aleixo,Munisipiuu Dili.\nSuku Hitu ne’ebe identifika risku konflitu durante estdu emergensia no serka sanitaria mak hanesan Suku kampu Alor,Suku fatuhada,Suku Bebonuk,Suku Madohi,Suku Komoro,Suku Manleuana,Suku Bairo pite,avizu nee sei halao durante loron 3 nia laran.\nTanba ne’e fo hatene mos ba nain Sefe Suku sira atu halo aktividade,iha dader ida ne’e fanu ita husi pamdemia global, tenki matan moris neon nain ba familia sira.(Niki)\nPrevious Aviaun Malázia Air Lines Adi’a Viajen, Tanba Mákina Avaria\nNext Dadus Emprezá Hamutuk 8,845 Mak Rejista Ona Iha INSS
[ "PLAN-DNPKK Lansa Atividade Prevensaun Konflitu - Dili Post Home/SEGURANSA/DEFEZA/PLAN-DNPKK Lansa Atividade Prevensaun Konflitu PLAN-DNPKK Lansa Atividade Prevensaun Konflitu dilipost June 17, 2021 SEGURANSA/DEFEZA Leave a comment 20 Views DILI Post- Organizasaun Naun Govermental ONG Plan Internasional servisu hamutuk ho Diresaun Nasional Prevensaun Konflitu Komunitaria (DNPKK) lansa aktividade prevensaun komflitu hodi kontribui ba paz no hakmatek iha komunidade.", "Diretora PLAN internasional Timor-Leste Diliana Ximenes imforma,Orgulho bele servisu hamutuk ho diresaun nasional prevensaun komlfitu komunitaria ne'ebe tutela iha protesaun sivil servisu hamutuk ba fulan ida ne'e,tinan ida ona hodi halo atividade prevensaun konflitu.", "\"Ami realiza programa ne'e ho orsamentu $.10 mill,servisu hamutuk lider komunitaria iha baze\" dehan ba jornalista sira iha salaun Ministriu Interior Vila Verde ohin.", "Nia afirma tan atividade ba tinan ida ne'e sei focus ba iha Dili, Plan internasional iha komikmentu atu servisu hamutuk ho diresaun Nasional prevensaun konflitu komunitaria too tinan oin.", "Objetivu hosi lansamentu ne'e atu fahe imformasaun kona ba prevensaun komflitu liu husi alerta sedu ba komunidade suku 7 iha postu administrativu Dom Aleixo,Munisipiuu Dili.", "Suku Hitu ne'ebe identifika risku konflitu durante estdu emergensia no serka sanitaria mak hanesan Suku kampu Alor,Suku fatuhada,Suku Bebonuk,Suku Madohi,Suku Komoro,Suku Manleuana,Suku Bairo pite,avizu nee sei halao durante loron 3 nia laran.", "Tanba ne'e fo hatene mos ba nain Sefe Suku sira atu halo aktividade,iha dader ida ne'e fanu ita husi pamdemia global, tenki matan moris neon nain ba familia sira.", "(Niki) Previous Aviaun Malazia Air Lines Adi'a Viajen, Tanba Makina Avaria Next Dadus Empreza Hamutuk 8,845 Mak Rejista Ona Iha INSS" ]
[ [ "PLAN-DNPKK Launches Conflict Prevention Activities - Dili Post Home/SECURITY, DEFENSE /Plan Dnpkkk launch conflict prevention activities Plan dnkppk launched conflitpreventinactivites dilipost June 17.203 Views DILI POST – The Non Governmental NGO “Plan Internasional” in collaboration with the National Directorate for Community Konfliktprevension (DNKPK) has started a series of activity to contribute towards peace and harmony within communities by promoting community participation through dialogues on issues such as:" ], [ "Diliana Ximenes, PLAN Timor-Leste International Director informs that she is proud to work together with the national directorate of community conflict prevention which supervises civil protection. They have been working this month for one year already in carrying out activities on preventing dispute and disaster risk reduction (CDR)." ], [ "\"We realized this program with a budget of $.10 mill, serving together community leaders on the ground\" he told journalists in Interior Ministry Vila Verde hall today .\"" ], [ "He also affirmed that this year's activities will focus on Dili, and the international plan is to work together with National Community Conflict Prevention Directorate until next years end." ], [ "The objective of the launch is to disseminate information on conflict prevention through sedu alerts for community in Suku 7, administrative post Dom Aleixo. Dili Municipality" ], [ "Hitu tribes that have identified risk of conflict during the emergency state and sanitary lockdown are: Suku kamp Alor,Suku fatuhada ; Suk Bebonuk." ], [ "Therefore, he also told the village heads to carry out activities. In this time of global pandemic we must look after our families' livelihood and ensure that they have a safe home for themselves as well!" ], [ "(Niki) Previous Aviaun Malazia Air Lines Adi'a Viajen, Tanba Makine Avaria Next Total of 8045 Companies Have Been Registered with INSS" ] ]
INS Fo Prioridade Formasaun Saúde Maternu Infantil\nPublika iha: 20 Julho 2021\nDiretora Formasaun, iha Institutu Nasional Saúde (INS), Dirce Maria Soares Araújo hateten atividade formasaun no kapasitasaun ba profesional saúde sira barak liu konaba saúde maternu infantil tanba saúde inan no oan prioridade iha setor saúde.\nNia dehan topiku formasaun ne’ebe profesionais saúde sira hetan maka kompetensia partu moos no seguru, atendimentu planeamentu familiar, jestaun tratamentu integradu bebe no labarik moras (IMCI), Emergency Obstetric Care Services (EmOC), imunizasaun, nutrisaun ba inan no oan, inklui mos guia atendimentu ba vitima violensia bazea ba jeneru.\n“Formasaun sira ne’e hotu parte ida husi saúde maternu infantil nian atu asegura deit saúde inan no oan, ho objetivu ida atu redus numeru moras no mortalidade inan no oan iha rai laran,” nia hateten iha servisu fatin Komoro, Dili.\nNia konseten formasaun sira dadaun ne’e bazea ba programa prioridade sira, maibe iha planu formasaun foun iha mudansa formasaun hotu sei bazea ba rezultadu asesmentu nesesidade iha fasilidade saúde hotu ligadu ho estatistika problema saúde ne’ebe akontese iha rai laran.\nNia hateten formasaun sira ne’e hatudu rezultado ne’ebe diak tanba numeru mortalidade ba inan no oan iha redusaun, maske tuir prevalensia estimasaun Organizasaun Mundial Saúde sei kategoria a’as.\nNia hatutan, benefisiariu formasaun iha tinan 2020, hamutuk 1958. Sira ne’e kompostu husi mediku nain, enfermeiru, parteira, tekniku aliadu no jestor nain. No iha tinan 2021, periodu trimester daruak nian total ema ne’ebe hetan ona formasaun hamutuk 1736. Sira ne’e kompostu husi mediku, enfermeiru, parteira, tekniku aliadu no jestor. No formasaun sira ne’e foku liu ba administra vasinasaun Covid-19.\nNia informa orsamentu ba formasaun sira ne’e barak liu mai husi doadores sira, ne’ebe implementa programa iha rai laran ho montante $400 mil kada tinan. Alende ne’e husi governu liu husi orsamentu planu rekuperasaun ekonomia hamutuk $200 mil resin no husi Fundu Dezenvolvimentu Kapital Humanu iha $100 mil resin.\nIha parte seluk, Xefe departamentu Kontrolu Kualidade no Komunikasaun Sosial, iha Hospital Nasional Guido Valdares (HNGV), Parteira Sara Maria Xavier hateten esforsu ne’ebe HNGV no INS hamutuk ho parseiru sira halo hodi eleva abilidade no kapasidade profesional saúde sira nain fo duni impaktu positivu tanba kazu mortalidade inan iha redusaun.\nNia dehan iha fulan Maio tinan 2021, total inan ne’ebe partu iha HNGV hamutuk 406. Husi inan sira ne’e nain 265 partu normal, nain 116 cesariana, nain 25 partu ajuda ho ekipamentu ou ventoja.\n“Grasa deus iha fulan Maio, ita la registu kazu mortalidade inan,” nia hateten.\nNia hatutan kazu mortalidade inan kada fulan iha redusaun, maibe mortalidade prinatal ou bebe mate iha inan nia kanotak sei numeru a’as. No iha fulan Maio bebe nain 402 maka moris ho kondisaun saúdavel, maibe nain 8 identifika mate iha inan nia kanotak.
[ "INS Fo Prioridade Formasaun Saude Maternu Infantil Publika iha: 20 Julho 2021 Diretora Formasaun, iha Institutu Nasional Saude (INS), Dirce Maria Soares Araujo hateten atividade formasaun no kapasitasaun ba profesional saude sira barak liu konaba saude maternu infantil tanba saude inan no oan prioridade iha setor saude.", "Nia dehan topiku formasaun ne'ebe profesionais saude sira hetan maka kompetensia partu moos no seguru, atendimentu planeamentu familiar, jestaun tratamentu integradu bebe no labarik moras (IMCI), Emergency Obstetric Care Services (EmOC), imunizasaun, nutrisaun ba inan no oan, inklui mos guia atendimentu ba vitima violensia bazea ba jeneru.", "\"Formasaun sira ne'e hotu parte ida husi saude maternu infantil nian atu asegura deit saude inan no oan, ho objetivu ida atu redus numeru moras no mortalidade inan no oan iha rai laran,\" nia hateten iha servisu fatin Komoro, Dili.", "Nia konseten formasaun sira dadaun ne'e bazea ba programa prioridade sira, maibe iha planu formasaun foun iha mudansa formasaun hotu sei bazea ba rezultadu asesmentu nesesidade iha fasilidade saude hotu ligadu ho estatistika problema saude ne'ebe akontese iha rai laran.", "Nia hateten formasaun sira ne'e hatudu rezultado ne'ebe diak tanba numeru mortalidade ba inan no oan iha redusaun, maske tuir prevalensia estimasaun Organizasaun Mundial Saude sei kategoria a'as.", "Nia hatutan, benefisiariu formasaun iha tinan 2020, hamutuk 1958.", "Sira ne'e kompostu husi mediku nain, enfermeiru, parteira, tekniku aliadu no jestor nain.", "No iha tinan 2021, periodu trimester daruak nian total ema ne'ebe hetan ona formasaun hamutuk 1736.", "Sira ne'e kompostu husi mediku, enfermeiru, parteira, tekniku aliadu no jestor.", "No formasaun sira ne'e foku liu ba administra vasinasaun Covid-19.", "Nia informa orsamentu ba formasaun sira ne'e barak liu mai husi doadores sira, ne'ebe implementa programa iha rai laran ho montante $400 mil kada tinan.", "Alende ne'e husi governu liu husi orsamentu planu rekuperasaun ekonomia hamutuk $200 mil resin no husi Fundu Dezenvolvimentu Kapital Humanu iha $100 mil resin.", "Iha parte seluk, Xefe departamentu Kontrolu Kualidade no Komunikasaun Sosial, iha Hospital Nasional Guido Valdares (HNGV), Parteira Sara Maria Xavier hateten esforsu ne'ebe HNGV no INS hamutuk ho parseiru sira halo hodi eleva abilidade no kapasidade profesional saude sira nain fo duni impaktu positivu tanba kazu mortalidade inan iha redusaun.", "Nia dehan iha fulan Maio tinan 2021, total inan ne'ebe partu iha HNGV hamutuk 406.", "Husi inan sira ne'e nain 265 partu normal, nain 116 cesariana, nain 25 partu ajuda ho ekipamentu ou ventoja.", "\"Grasa deus iha fulan Maio, ita la registu kazu mortalidade inan,\" nia hateten.", "Nia hatutan kazu mortalidade inan kada fulan iha redusaun, maibe mortalidade prinatal ou bebe mate iha inan nia kanotak sei numeru a'as.", "No iha fulan Maio bebe nain 402 maka moris ho kondisaun saudavel, maibe nain 8 identifika mate iha inan nia kanotak." ]
[ [ "INS Gives Priority to Maternal and Child Health Training Public on: 20 July,17 The Director of Formation at the National Institute for health (INS), Dirce Maria Soares Araujo said that training activities are being carried out more frequently in materno-infantil santé because mother' s & child’ S heath is a priority." ], [ "He said the training topics that health professionals are receiving include competence in safe and healthy childbirth, family planning care; integrated management of sick babies & children (IMCi); emergency obstetric Care Services(EmOC), immunization. nutrition for mother&children as well guidelines on caring to gender-based violence survivors" ], [ "\"These trainings are all part of maternal and child health to ensure only the mother'S Health, with a goal one is reduced number morbidity & mortality among women in our country\", he said at his office Komoro Dili." ], [ "He explained that trainings are currently based on priority programs, but in the new plan of formation there will be a change and all educational activities would rely upon needs-assessment results at every health facilities linking to statistically relevant national problems." ], [ "He said that the trainings showed good results because there was a reduction in maternal and child mortality, even though according to World Health Organization prevalence estimate it is categorized as high." ], [ "He added that the total number of beneficiaries in 2019 will be about a dozen." ], [ "They are composed of physicians, nursing staff (nurses), midwives and allied technicians." ], [ "And in 2019, the second trimester of this year total people who have been trained amounts to a whole." ], [ "They are composed of physicians, nursing staff (nurses), midwives and allied technicians." ], [ "These trainings are focused more on administering Covid-19 vaccination." ], [ "He informed that the budget for these trainings mostly comes from donors, who implement programs at home with an amount of $ 401 thousand per year." ], [ "In addition, the government through its budget for economic recovery plan has allocated $201 thousand and from Human Capital Development Fund a total of US$ 354.7 million to assist in this effort;" ], [ "On the other hand, Head of Quality Control and Social Communication Department at Hospital Nacional Guido Valdares (HNGV), Midwife Sara Maria Xavier said that efforts by hngv e INS together with partners to raise health professionals' skills have had a positive impact because maternal mortality has been reduced." ], [ "He said that in May 2019, the total number of mothers who gave birth at HGV amounted to a record-breaking figure." ], [ "Of these mothers, 265 gave birth normally; the rest had caesarean section (109); and another twenty-five were assisted with equipment or ventilator." ], [ "\"Thank God in May, we did not register any cases of maternal mortality\", she said." ], [ "He added that the monthly maternal mortality rate has decreased, but prenatal or infant death rates are still high." ], [ "In May, 402 babies were born in healthy conditions but of these only one was identified as dead at birth." ] ]
CI Atividade 22 Agosto 2019\t Hare na'in: 325\nDíli – Conselho de Imprensa de Timor-Leste (CI), husu ba Jornalista no fotógrafu sira atu Evita publika imajen transmite sadizmu ne’ebé hakanek públiku nia sentimentu.\nDiretora Ezekutiva Conselho de Imprensa, Ana Teresa Sequeira hato’o kestaun ne’e iha serimónia komemorasaun loron mundiál ba foto ne’ebé monu iha loron 19 Agostu, iha salaun Otel garden Beach, Praia dos Coqueiros, Díli, kinta-feira (22/08/2019).\n“Husu Jornalista no fotógrafu sira atu evita publikasaun liafuan, imajen no lian ne’ebé transmite sadizmu ka violénsia hasoru ema ka balada ne’ebé iha natureza hakanek públiku nia sentimentu,” pedidu Diretora CI ba jornalista no fotógrafu sira.\nDiretora CI husu atu jornalista no fotógrafu sira atu kumpre nafatin kódigu étika jornalístika iha artigu 4 ne’ebé ko’alia kona-ba asesu informasaun, dokumentu no imajen sira ho forma legal no professional.\nDiretora hato’o mós parabéns ba fotógrafu professional timoroan sira hotu ne’ebé maka fó sira nia-án atu kontribui hodi loke públiku nia asesu ba informasaun liuhosi sira nia obra jornalízmu.\nAntes ne’e, Conselho de Imprensa serbisu hamutuk ho UNDP ne’ebé hetan fundus hosi povu Japaun, fornese ona formasaun Jornalízmu fotó ba jornalista no estudante komunikasaun sosiál UNTL no UNITAL hosi faze I to’o III.
[ "CI Atividade 22 Agosto 2019 Hare na'in: 325 Dili - Conselho de Imprensa de Timor-Leste (CI), husu ba Jornalista no fotografu sira atu Evita publika imajen transmite sadizmu ne'ebe hakanek publiku nia sentimentu.", "Diretora Ezekutiva Conselho de Imprensa, Ana Teresa Sequeira hato'o kestaun ne'e iha serimonia komemorasaun loron mundial ba foto ne'ebe monu iha loron 19 Agostu, iha salaun Otel garden Beach, Praia dos Coqueiros, Dili, kinta-feira (22/08/2019).", "\"Husu Jornalista no fotografu sira atu evita publikasaun liafuan, imajen no lian ne'ebe transmite sadizmu ka violensia hasoru ema ka balada ne'ebe iha natureza hakanek publiku nia sentimentu,\" pedidu Diretora CI ba jornalista no fotografu sira.", "Diretora CI husu atu jornalista no fotografu sira atu kumpre nafatin kodigu etika jornalistika iha artigu 4 ne'ebe ko'alia kona-ba asesu informasaun, dokumentu no imajen sira ho forma legal no professional.", "Diretora hato'o mos parabens ba fotografu professional timoroan sira hotu ne'ebe maka fo sira nia-an atu kontribui hodi loke publiku nia asesu ba informasaun liuhosi sira nia obra jornalizmu.", "Antes ne'e, Conselho de Imprensa serbisu hamutuk ho UNDP ne'ebe hetan fundus hosi povu Japaun, fornese ona formasaun Jornalizmu foto ba jornalista no estudante komunikasaun sosial UNTL no UNITAL hosi faze I to'o III." ]
[ [ "Dili - The Timor-Leste Press Council (CI), asks journalists and photographers to avoid publishing images that convey sadism or insult the public' s feeling." ], [ "The Executive Director of Conselho de Imprensa, Ana Teresa Sequeira raised the issue at a ceremony to commemorate World Photo Fall Day on August 19th in Otel Garden Beach's lounge." ], [ "\"Journalists and photographers are urged to avoid publishing words, images or language that convey sadism of violence against people; ballads which in nature offend the public sentiment\", CI Director requested from journalist-photographer." ], [ "The Director of CI asks journalists and photographers to comply with the journalism ethics code in article 4 which talk about accessing information, documents or images legally." ], [ "The director also congratulated all the professional photographers who have given themselves to contribute in opening up public access through their work of journalism." ], [ "Previously, the Conselho de Imprensa worked together with UNDP funded by Japan to provide photo journalism training for journalists and social communication students at UNTL & UNITAL from phase I through III." ] ]
TIMOR HAU NIAN DOBEN: KD-IPJ Krizi Institusional\nKonselhu Diretivu Instituisaun Petroleo Jeolojia (KD-IPJ), dau-daun ne’e, enfrenta krize institusional, tanba espulsa tiha ninia senior jeolójiku nain hat (4).\nDesizaun IPJ nian ne’e sai mos preokupasaun membru Parlamentu Nasional (PN) husi Bankada FRETILIN, tanba ne’e, liu husi sesaun plenaria Tersa (13/10/2015), Bankada FRETILIN foti kestaun ne’e liu husi deklarasaun politika ne’ebeaprezenta husi Deputadu Osorio Florindo.\n“Iha semana liu ba ami hasoru funsionariu IPJ ne’ebe mak mai iha PN atu hato’o sira nia preokupasaun kona ba karta notifikasaun ne’ebe sira simu husi KD-IPJ hodi hapara sira nia kontratu, tanba iha krize instituisaun estruturas internas IPJ nian,” haktuir Deputado bankada FRETILIN ne’e liu husi afirma Bankada FRETILIN iha PN liu husi deklarasaun politika.\nMolok senior geologiku nain 4 sai funsionario ba IPG, Osorio fo sasin katak, sira serbisu hanesan tekniku Geologista iha Sekretario Estado Rekursus Naturais iha tinan 2010-2012 no hetan avaliasaun husi Ministeriu Petroliu no Rekursus Naturais. Maibe, derepenti deit, KD-IPJ hapara sira nia kontratu.\nSenior giologiku nain ne’e maka Celina S. Freitas iha divizaun rekursus minaris, Diana F. da Costa, devizaun geologia no petrolio engenaria, Fredirico C. do Santos, diviazaun rekursus minerais ho Uvaldo de Sousa iha divizaun rekursus minerais.\nIha tinan 2012 sira hetan tan esperiensia husi MPRM ba IPG hanesan ekipa instaladora ba iha IPJ no iha 28 Julhu, KD-IPJ hasai rezulusaun ida kona ba re-estruturasaun no organizasaun interna.\nLoke ona konkursu internal ba direktur sira no oras ne’e hein hela rezultadu no funsionario nain hat ne’e hetan notifikasaun hodi hapara kontratu.\nTanba sira la satisfeito ho notifikasaun ne’e sira tenta koalia ho Ministru MPRM, Alfredo Pires, maibe lakonsege hasoru.\n]Hafoin rona tiha sira nia opiniaun no konserva ba kontratu ne’ebe IPJ ho sira no mos hare ba dekretu lei numeru 33/2012, Bankada FRETILIN konsidera katak, krizi ne’ebe mak akontese, KD- IPJ tenke asume responsabilidade, tanba sa mak sira husik hela krize ne’e akontese iha instituisaun ne’e rasik.\n“Kona ba kontratu IPJ termina ba funsionario nain hat ne’e oras ne’e dadauk sira hanesan senior geologista, iha ita nia rain ita buka jurusaun ida geologista ne’e kusta, pior liu mak sira tama tan kategoria senior, maibe ita lakontinua mais rekruta foun fali, ami preukupa tanba sa mak ita ba hasai fali ema senior sira ne’e,” afirma Osorio Florindo.\nNia hatutan, karik sira nain 4 halo buat ruma lalos KD-IPJ iha kna’ar, responsabilidade no dever tomak atu hadia.\nBankada FRETILIN husu halo avaliasaun klean ba KD-IPJ no bele enkaminha ba ministeriu kompetente hanesan Komisaun Funsaun Publika (KFP) atu nune’e iha futuru direjente iha institusaun hot-hotu tenke asume responsabilidade bainhira sira halo sira halo s kna’ar.\nHusu ba Parlamentu Nasional hanesan orgaun fiskalizadora la’os deit ba Orsamentu Jeral Estado, maibe ba instituisaun Estadu hotu ne’ebe hala’o ninia mandatu no implementasaun ba sira nia kna’ar la tuir regras no lei ne’ebe mak ejiste.\n“Dala ida tan hau hakarak dehan ita nia sarjana kona ba Geologia ne’e menus liu, agora ita kapasita sira lakon osan barak durante tinan 2010 to’o ohin loron ita hasai no hakarak rekruta fali funsionario foun ho sarjana foun hau hanoin ita lakon tan osan bot,” afirma Osorio Florindo.\nIha fatin hanesan, Francisco M. Branco hanesan mos membru Bankada FRETILIN realsa tan katak, Bankada Fretilin sei avansa ho enkeritu parlamentar ba IPJ, atu bele hatudu klaramente katak abuzu de poder no mos iha sistema kompadriu no familiar iha situasaun ida ne’e.\n“Lamentavel tebes membru nain 14 ne’ebe halo parte komisaun instaladora sira despede deit laiha respeito ba ema nia dereito, tanba ne’e maka ami husu atu rejista no ami sei avansa ho pedidu de auditoria,” hateten Francisco Branco.\nIha fatin hanesan, Fernanda Lay nudar membru Bankada CNRT mos sente preukupadu tebes ho situasaun ne’e, tanba antes Estado no parseiro dezenvolvimentu sira gasta osan boot hodi kapasita funsionarios sira ne’e, maibe ikus mai hasai fila fali no rekruta foun.\n“Hau atu kompleta deit deklarsaun politika Bankada FRETILIN nian, la’os ema nain hat deit, mais ema nain 14 ne’ebe mos iha komisaun instaladora. Hau preukupa ema nain 14 ita hasai ba kontrata ema foun, Estado ho parseiros dezenvolvimentu gasta orsamentu hodi fo kapasitasaun ba sira durante tinan 3,” hateten Fernanda Lay.\nAsuntu kona ba kapasitasaun ne’e, tuir Fernanda Lay, iha relatoriu MPRM ne’ebe hato’o mai PN iha tinan 2013 no tuir informasaun katak, funsionarios iha IPG semi funsionarios publiku no semi pribadu.\n“Hau la intende tanba instutuisaun Estado ida, funsionario ne’e rekrutadu ka permanente labele semi pribadu no labele semi publiku, hau hato’o ne’e tanba ferias ne’ebe sira hetan loron 20 entaun sira funsionarios publikus maske ita hateten la’os,” hateten Fernanda Lay.\nTo’o notisisia ne’e publika, seidauk hetan konfirmasaun husi KD-IPJ no mos Ministro MPRM, Alfredo Pires. Mia
[ "TIMOR HAU NIAN DOBEN: KD-IPJ Krizi Institusional Konselhu Diretivu Instituisaun Petroleo Jeolojia (KD-IPJ), dau-daun ne'e, enfrenta krize institusional, tanba espulsa tiha ninia senior jeolojiku nain hat (4).", "Desizaun IPJ nian ne'e sai mos preokupasaun membru Parlamentu Nasional (PN) husi Bankada FRETILIN, tanba ne'e, liu husi sesaun plenaria Tersa (13/10/2015), Bankada FRETILIN foti kestaun ne'e liu husi deklarasaun politika ne'ebeaprezenta husi Deputadu Osorio Florindo.", "\"Iha semana liu ba ami hasoru funsionariu IPJ ne'ebe mak mai iha PN atu hato'o sira nia preokupasaun kona ba karta notifikasaun ne'ebe sira simu husi KD-IPJ hodi hapara sira nia kontratu, tanba iha krize instituisaun estruturas internas IPJ nian,\" haktuir Deputado bankada FRETILIN ne'e liu husi afirma Bankada FRETILIN iha PN liu husi deklarasaun politika.", "Molok senior geologiku nain 4 sai funsionario ba IPG, Osorio fo sasin katak, sira serbisu hanesan tekniku Geologista iha Sekretario Estado Rekursus Naturais iha tinan 2010-2012 no hetan avaliasaun husi Ministeriu Petroliu no Rekursus Naturais.", "Maibe, derepenti deit, KD-IPJ hapara sira nia kontratu.", "Senior giologiku nain ne'e maka Celina S. Freitas iha divizaun rekursus minaris, Diana F. da Costa, devizaun geologia no petrolio engenaria, Fredirico C. do Santos, diviazaun rekursus minerais ho Uvaldo de Sousa iha divizaun rekursus minerais.", "Iha tinan 2012 sira hetan tan esperiensia husi MPRM ba IPG hanesan ekipa instaladora ba iha IPJ no iha 28 Julhu, KD-IPJ hasai rezulusaun ida kona ba re-estruturasaun no organizasaun interna.", "Loke ona konkursu internal ba direktur sira no oras ne'e hein hela rezultadu no funsionario nain hat ne'e hetan notifikasaun hodi hapara kontratu.", "Tanba sira la satisfeito ho notifikasaun ne'e sira tenta koalia ho Ministru MPRM, Alfredo Pires, maibe lakonsege hasoru. ]Hafoin rona tiha sira nia opiniaun no konserva ba kontratu ne'ebe IPJ ho sira no mos hare ba dekretu lei numeru 33/2012, Bankada FRETILIN konsidera katak, krizi ne'ebe mak akontese, KD- IPJ tenke asume responsabilidade, tanba sa mak sira husik hela krize ne'e akontese iha instituisaun ne'e rasik.", "\"Kona ba kontratu IPJ termina ba funsionario nain hat ne'e oras ne'e dadauk sira hanesan senior geologista, iha ita nia rain ita buka jurusaun ida geologista ne'e kusta, pior liu mak sira tama tan kategoria senior, maibe ita lakontinua mais rekruta foun fali, ami preukupa tanba sa mak ita ba hasai fali ema senior sira ne'e,\" afirma Osorio Florindo.", "Nia hatutan, karik sira nain 4 halo buat ruma lalos KD-IPJ iha kna'ar, responsabilidade no dever tomak atu hadia.", "Bankada FRETILIN husu halo avaliasaun klean ba KD-IPJ no bele enkaminha ba ministeriu kompetente hanesan Komisaun Funsaun Publika (KFP) atu nune'e iha futuru direjente iha institusaun hot-hotu tenke asume responsabilidade bainhira sira halo sira halo s kna'ar.", "Husu ba Parlamentu Nasional hanesan orgaun fiskalizadora la'os deit ba Orsamentu Jeral Estado, maibe ba instituisaun Estadu hotu ne'ebe hala'o ninia mandatu no implementasaun ba sira nia kna'ar la tuir regras no lei ne'ebe mak ejiste.", "\"Dala ida tan hau hakarak dehan ita nia sarjana kona ba Geologia ne'e menus liu, agora ita kapasita sira lakon osan barak durante tinan 2010 to'o ohin loron ita hasai no hakarak rekruta fali funsionario foun ho sarjana foun hau hanoin ita lakon tan osan bot,\" afirma Osorio Florindo.", "Iha fatin hanesan, Francisco M. Branco hanesan mos membru Bankada FRETILIN realsa tan katak, Bankada Fretilin sei avansa ho enkeritu parlamentar ba IPJ, atu bele hatudu klaramente katak abuzu de poder no mos iha sistema kompadriu no familiar iha situasaun ida ne'e.", "\"Lamentavel tebes membru nain 14 ne'ebe halo parte komisaun instaladora sira despede deit laiha respeito ba ema nia dereito, tanba ne'e maka ami husu atu rejista no ami sei avansa ho pedidu de auditoria,\" hateten Francisco Branco.", "Iha fatin hanesan, Fernanda Lay nudar membru Bankada CNRT mos sente preukupadu tebes ho situasaun ne'e, tanba antes Estado no parseiro dezenvolvimentu sira gasta osan boot hodi kapasita funsionarios sira ne'e, maibe ikus mai hasai fila fali no rekruta foun.", "\"Hau atu kompleta deit deklarsaun politika Bankada FRETILIN nian, la'os ema nain hat deit, mais ema nain 14 ne'ebe mos iha komisaun instaladora.", "Hau preukupa ema nain 14 ita hasai ba kontrata ema foun, Estado ho parseiros dezenvolvimentu gasta orsamentu hodi fo kapasitasaun ba sira durante tinan 3,\" hateten Fernanda Lay.", "Asuntu kona ba kapasitasaun ne'e, tuir Fernanda Lay, iha relatoriu MPRM ne'ebe hato'o mai PN iha tinan 2013 no tuir informasaun katak, funsionarios iha IPG semi funsionarios publiku no semi pribadu.", "\"Hau la intende tanba instutuisaun Estado ida, funsionario ne'e rekrutadu ka permanente labele semi pribadu no labele semi publiku, hau hato'o ne'e tanba ferias ne'ebe sira hetan loron 20 entaun sira funsionarios publikus maske ita hateten la'os,\" hateten Fernanda Lay.", "To'o notisisia ne'e publika, seidauk hetan konfirmasaun husi KD-IPJ no mos Ministro MPRM, Alfredo Pires.", "Mia" ]
[ [ "TIMOR HAU NIAN DOBEN: KD-IPJ Crisis Institutional Board of Directors Petroleum Geology Institute (KD - IJP), lately, faced an institutions crisis after expelling its six geological senior." ], [ "The decision of the IPJ was also a concern for members from FRETILIN's Parliamentary Group, so during plenary session on Tuesday (13/09) Fretilin took up this issue through political declaration presented by Deputy Osorio Florindo." ], [ "\"Last week we met with IPJ officials who came to the National Parliament (PN) in order that they could express their concerns about a letter of notification which was sent by KD-IJP, terminating its contract because there is an institutional crisis within internal structure at IJP\", said this deputy from FRETILIN through his statement." ], [ "Before the 4 senior geologists became IPG employees, Osorio testified that they worked as geological technical staff at Secretaria de Estado Recurso Natural (Secretaria of State for Nature Resources) in years from10-25 and were evaluated by MOPNR." ], [ "However, after a few months of unsuccessful attempts to renew their contract with KD-IPJ they ended it." ], [ "The senior geologists are Celina S. Freitas in the Mineral Resources Division, Diana F da Costa of Geology and Petroleum Engineering division; Fredirico C do Santos from mineral resources department with Uvaldo de Sousa at minerais recursos divisio" ], [ "In 2013 they gained more experience from MPRM to IPG as an installation team for the Institute of Law and on July, KD-IPJ issued a conclusion regarding restructure & internal organization." ], [ "Internal competitions have been held for directorship and the results are currently awaited. The six officials were notified to terminate their contract, but they remain in office until further notice is obtained from them by a court of law or other competent authority as appropriate" ], [ "Because they are not satisfied with this notification, we tried to talk the MPRM Minister Alfredo Pires but he couldn't meet us. ]After listening their opinion and keeping in mind that IPJ has a contract for them as well considering Decree-Law No:32/1986 (the \"Decret Law\"), FRETILIN Group believed it was necessary KD -ITJ should take responsibility of what happened because why did you let these things happen within your own institution?" ], [ "\"Regarding the IPJ contracts that ended for these six officials, they are now as senior geologists. In our country we seek a position of geologist is expensive and even worse if you get into this category then it'll be difficult to keep them there but instead recruit new ones; what concern us about removing those people?\" says Osorio Florindo.\"" ], [ "He added that if the 4 did something wrong, KD-IPJ has full responsibility and duty to correct it." ], [ "The FRETILIN Group requests a clear evaluation of the KD-IPJ and can forward it to competent ministries such as Public Function Commission (KFP) so that in future leaders at all institutions must assume responsibility when they do their work." ], [ "Calls on the National Parliament as an auditing body not only for General State Budget, but all state institutions that carry out its mandate and implementation of their work in accordance with existing rules." ], [ "\"Once again I want to say that our bachelor's degree in Geology is less, now we are training them lose a lot of money during the year and until today they have dismissed us. We would like recruit new staff with fresh degrees but i think it will be much more expensive\", says Osorio Florindo.\"" ], [ "Meanwhile, Francisco M. Branco as a member of the FRETILIN Group stressed that Fretilin will advance with parliamentary inquiry into IPJ in order to clearly demonstrate abuse and familial system within this situation 2014-3" ], [ "\"It is very regrettable that the 14 members who were part of installation commission dismissed just lack respect for human rights, so we ask to register and will advance with a request audit\", said Francisco Branco." ], [ "In the same vein, Fernanda Lay as a member of CNRT's House Group also felt very concerned about this situation because before State and development partners spent big money to train these officials but eventually fired them back for new recruits." ], [ "\"I am only to complete the political declaration of FRETILIN's Group, not just six people but 14 who are also in installation committee." ], [ "I am concerned about the 14 people we are cutting to hire new staff, State and development partners spend budgets on training them for three years,” said Fernanda Lay." ], [ "According to Fernanda Lay, the issue of capacity building was discussed in a report submitted by MPRM (Ministry for Public Works and Transportation) before Parliament back 2013. It is reported that IPG staff are semi-public employees with half their pay from private sector employers; they work on an intermittent basis but have no permanent contractual relationship between them or any other institutional entity which provides training at this level as well" ], [ "\"I do not understand because a State institution, the employee is recruited or permanent cannot be semi-private and can't half public. I put this up as holidays that they get 20 days so are civil servant even though we say no\", said Fernanda Lay.\"" ], [ "As of this news, no confirmation has been received from KD-IPJ and MPRM Minister Alfredo Pires." ], [ "Mia, I'm sorry." ] ]
Tower of Babel in Tetun-Dili\nUma aas Babél\n1. Hori uluk, ema hotu iha mundu nee koalia lian ida deit.\n2. Sira balu muda fatin ba iha loro-sae. Too iha rai tetuk ida iha Sinear, sira hela iha nebaa.\n3.-4. Sira hotu koalia ba malu dehan, “Maun-alin sira! Mai ita harii sidade boot ida. Ita tenki halo tijolu, i sunu halo forti. Ita hada tijolu sira nee, halo metin ho alkatraun. Depois ita harii uma aas ida, nia tutun too iha lalehan, para ita bele hetan naran boot. Nunee ita sei sai nasaun boot ida, para ita la bele namkari.”\n5. Depois NAI Maromak tuun mai haree sidade ho uma aas nebee sira halo nee.\n6. I Nia hatete, “Ema sira nee hotu rai ida, i uza lian ida. Saida mak sira halo agora nee, foin komesa hakat ida. Aban-bainrua, se sira hotu hamutuk hanesan agora nee, sira hakarak halo buat saida deit, bele.\n7. Diak liu Ita tuun baa halo sira nia lian sai keta-ketak tiha, para sira la bele kompriende malu tan.”\n8. Entaun Nai Maromak tuun para halo rungu-ranga sira nia lian. Ho nunee, Nia halo ema sira nee namkari ba iha fatin hotu-hotu iha mundu nee. I sira la halo tan sidade nee ona.\n9. Nee mak sira tau naran ba sidade nee, Babél. (Iha lian Ebreu, nee rona atu hanesan liafuan ida nebee dehan ‘konfuzaun’). Tanba NAI Maromak halo konfuzaun tiha sira nia lian, i halo sira namkari ba iha fatin-fatin iha mundu nee.\nSource: Hahuu komesa hosi Nai Maromak halo lalehan ho rai (Hahuu (Jénesis)) © 2007 WBTA: http://www.e-alkitab.org\nTetun-Dili is a creolized variety of Tetum spoken in Dili, the capital of East Timor.\nInformation about Tetun-Dili
[ "Tower of Babel in Tetun-Dili Uma aas Babel 1.", "Hori uluk, ema hotu iha mundu nee koalia lian ida deit.", "2.", "Sira balu muda fatin ba iha loro-sae.", "Too iha rai tetuk ida iha Sinear, sira hela iha nebaa.", "3.-4.", "Sira hotu koalia ba malu dehan, \"Maun-alin sira!", "Mai ita harii sidade boot ida.", "Ita tenki halo tijolu, i sunu halo forti.", "Ita hada tijolu sira nee, halo metin ho alkatraun.", "Depois ita harii uma aas ida, nia tutun too iha lalehan, para ita bele hetan naran boot.", "Nunee ita sei sai nasaun boot ida, para ita la bele namkari.\"", "5.", "Depois NAI Maromak tuun mai haree sidade ho uma aas nebee sira halo nee.", "6.", "I Nia hatete, \"Ema sira nee hotu rai ida, i uza lian ida.", "Saida mak sira halo agora nee, foin komesa hakat ida.", "Aban-bainrua, se sira hotu hamutuk hanesan agora nee, sira hakarak halo buat saida deit, bele.", "7.", "Diak liu Ita tuun baa halo sira nia lian sai keta-ketak tiha, para sira la bele kompriende malu tan.\"", "8.", "Entaun Nai Maromak tuun para halo rungu-ranga sira nia lian.", "Ho nunee, Nia halo ema sira nee namkari ba iha fatin hotu-hotu iha mundu nee.", "I sira la halo tan sidade nee ona.", "9.", "Nee mak sira tau naran ba sidade nee, Babel.", "(Iha lian Ebreu, nee rona atu hanesan liafuan ida nebee dehan 'konfuzaun').", "Tanba NAI Maromak halo konfuzaun tiha sira nia lian, i halo sira namkari ba iha fatin-fatin iha mundu nee.", "Source: Hahuu komesa hosi Nai Maromak halo lalehan ho rai (Hahuu (Jenesis)) (c) 2007 WBTA: http://www.e-alkitab.org Tetun-Dili is a creolized variety of Tetum spoken in Dili, the capital of East Timor.", "Information about Tetun-Dili" ]
[ [ "Tower of Babel in Tetun-Dili Uma aas Babylon 1." ], [ "Once upon a time, all people in the world spoke one language." ], [ "2. The purpose of the contract" ], [ "Some of them change places to live in the desert." ], [ "They came to the fertile land of Shinar, and they lived in Nebaa." ], [ "3rd-4th." ], [ "And they all said to one another, \"Brothers and sisters!" ], [ "Let us build a great city. let's make it our home.\"" ], [ "It must be made of brick, and it is strong." ], [ "We assemble these tiles, make them strong with tartraun." ], [ "Let us build ourselves a high house, and let its smoke reach to heaven; that we may make great the name of God." ], [ "And we shall be a great nation, so that it will not fail us.\"" ], [ "5. Requirements for the application" ], [ "And the LORD came down to see that city and those high places which they had made." ], [ "6. Requirements for the application of this Regulation" ], [ "And He said, \"They are all one nation and have the same language." ], [ "What they are doing now, is just starting to take a step." ], [ "Tomorrow, if they are all together like now. They want to do anything that is right for them..." ], [ "7. Requirements for the application" ], [ "Rather come down and confuse their tongues, so that they do not understand one another.\"" ], [ "8. Requirements for the application of this Regulation" ], [ "Then the Lord God came down to make their voices ring." ], [ "In this way, He has made them spread to all parts of the world." ], [ "And they built not the city any more." ], [ "9. Requirements for the application of this Regulation" ], [ "Therefore they called the name of that city Babel, and it was named after him." ], [ "(In Hebrew, this sounds like a word that means 'confusion')." ], [ "For the LORD God had confused their language, and made them scatter in all places of this earth." ], [ "Source: Hahuu komesa hosi Nai Maromak halo lalehan ho rai (Genesis) 2013 WBTA http://www.e-alkitab,org Tetun Dili is a creolized variety of Tetum spoken in Timor Leste's capital city - East Timór City and its neighbouring areas such as Baucau no Bobonaro" ], [ "Information about Tetun-Dili" ] ]
RAEOA suspende prosesu aprendizajen ba estudante | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste\nVARANDA COVID-19 RAEOA suspende prosesu aprendizajen ba estudante\nRAEOA suspende prosesu aprendizajen ba estudante\nSirkular husi Autoridade RAEOA.\nOÉ-CUSSE, 10 agostu 2021 (TATOLI)–Autoridade Rejiaun Administrativa Espesiál Oé-Cusse Ambeno (RAEOA), tersa ne’e, hasai ona sirkulár ho númeru 146/DEJD-ZEESM TL/VIII/2021 hodi suspende hikas prosesu aprendizajen ba estudante sira hahú husi nivél ensinu pre-eskolár to’o ensinu sekundária.\n“Desizaun ne’e ita fó sai tanba hare hosi kazu númeru COVID-19 Oé-Cusse kada loron aumenta beibeik, ita hare én-jerál ita tauk mak estudante sira kuando virus ne’e da’et ona ba eskola sira, ita susar atu prevene tanba ne’e mak ita suspende kuando situasaun normál mak foin re-ativa fali,” Diretór Edukasaun RAEOA, Daniel Mauno fó-sai ba jornalista Agência Tatoli iha Santa Rosa, Pante Makasar, tersa ne’e.\nDesizaun ne’e, nia dehan, ladun afeta ba estudante sira tanba antes ne’e RAEOA realiza ona ezame periodu daruak no tama ona iha faze koresaun materia ezame husi profesór sira.\n“Profesór sira maka sei halo koresaun ba rezultadu ezame nian iha uma de’it,” nia hateten.\nIha sirkulár ne’e mós husu ba profesór, estudante no sidadaun baibain atu kumpre protokolu saúde nian ne’ebé estabelesidu maka fase liman beibeik ho sabaun no bee moos, uza máskara ho loloos, mantein distansia fíziku mazumenus metro 1.5, hakmatek iha uma, no labele halo tranzaksaun ilegál iha fronteira entre Indonézia no Timor-Leste.\nIha fatin seluk, Diretór Eskola Bázika Sentrál (EBC) Um de Maio Palaban, Vincencio Cono, hateten desizaun ne’e, importante atu fó apoiu ba autoridade rejionál Oé-Cusse hodi halo prevensaun ba transmisaun Covid-19.\nEntretantu, totál kazu Covid-19 pozitivu iha RAEOA to’o ohin hamutuk ema na’in 39 ne’ebé oras ne’e izola hela iha sala izolamentu Portu Kitahara Mahata.\nJornalista:Abílio Elo Nini\nPrevious articleGovernu enkoraja sidadaun simu vasina prevene-an hosi variante foun delta\nNext articlePM orienta parte kompetente investiga vasina AstraZeneca aat iha HNGV\nDILI, 24 setembru 2021 (TATOLI)--Governu liuhosi reuniaun Konsellu Ministru (KM), aprova ona votu pezar no aprova Rezolusaun Governu ne’ebé dekreta lutu nasionál, ba falesimentu Ma’Huno Bulerek Karathayano. “Lutu...
[ "RAEOA suspende prosesu aprendizajen ba estudante | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA COVID-19 RAEOA suspende prosesu aprendizajen ba estudante RAEOA suspende prosesu aprendizajen ba estudante Sirkular husi Autoridade RAEOA.", "OE-CUSSE, 10 agostu 2021 (TATOLI) -Autoridade Rejiaun Administrativa Espesial Oe-Cusse Ambeno (RAEOA), tersa ne'e, hasai ona sirkular ho numeru 146/DEJD-ZEESM TL/VIII/2021 hodi suspende hikas prosesu aprendizajen ba estudante sira hahu husi nivel ensinu pre-eskolar to'o ensinu sekundaria.", "\"Desizaun ne'e ita fo sai tanba hare hosi kazu numeru COVID-19 Oe-Cusse kada loron aumenta beibeik, ita hare en-jeral ita tauk mak estudante sira kuando virus ne'e da'et ona ba eskola sira, ita susar atu prevene tanba ne'e mak ita suspende kuando situasaun normal mak foin re-ativa fali,\" Diretor Edukasaun RAEOA, Daniel Mauno fo-sai ba jornalista Agencia Tatoli iha Santa Rosa, Pante Makasar, tersa ne'e.", "Desizaun ne'e, nia dehan, ladun afeta ba estudante sira tanba antes ne'e RAEOA realiza ona ezame periodu daruak no tama ona iha faze koresaun materia ezame husi profesor sira.", "\"Profesor sira maka sei halo koresaun ba rezultadu ezame nian iha uma de'it,\" nia hateten.", "Iha sirkular ne'e mos husu ba profesor, estudante no sidadaun baibain atu kumpre protokolu saude nian ne'ebe estabelesidu maka fase liman beibeik ho sabaun no bee moos, uza maskara ho loloos, mantein distansia fiziku mazumenus metro 1.5, hakmatek iha uma, no labele halo tranzaksaun ilegal iha fronteira entre Indonezia no Timor-Leste.", "Iha fatin seluk, Diretor Eskola Bazika Sentral (EBC) Um de Maio Palaban, Vincencio Cono, hateten desizaun ne'e, importante atu fo apoiu ba autoridade rejional Oe-Cusse hodi halo prevensaun ba transmisaun Covid-19.", "Entretantu, total kazu Covid-19 pozitivu iha RAEOA to'o ohin hamutuk ema na'in 39 ne'ebe oras ne'e izola hela iha sala izolamentu Portu Kitahara Mahata.", "Jornalista:Abilio Elo Nini Previous articleGovernu enkoraja sidadaun simu vasina prevene-an hosi variante foun delta Next articlePM orienta parte kompetente investiga vasina AstraZeneca aat iha HNGV DILI, 24 setembru 2021 (TATOLI) --Governu liuhosi reuniaun Konsellu Ministru (KM), aprova ona votu pezar no aprova Rezolusaun Governu ne'ebe dekreta lutu nasional, ba falesimentu Ma'Huno Bulerek Karathayano.", "\"Lutu..." ]
[ [ "RAEOA suspends learning process for students | Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA COVID -19 The Regional Education Authority of the East Region (REAOA) has suspended its circular educational program." ], [ "OE-CUSSE, August 10th (TATOLI) -The Authority of the Oecusse Special Administrative Region Ambeno on Tuesday issued circular numbered TL/VIII /246.DEJDZEESM to suspend rapidly learning process for students from preschool through secondary education level in order that they can resume their studies at home and continue with normal schooling during this time period" ], [ "\"We have taken this decision because the number of COVID-19 cases in Oecusse is increasing every day, we see that generally students are concerned when virus has spread to schools. It's difficult for us and therefore it was decided by suspending classes once normal situation reactivated again\", RAEOA Education Director Daniel Mauno told reporter Agencia Tatoli at Santa Rosa on Tuesday (23/05)." ], [ "The decision, he said has no effect on students because before that RAEOA had already held the second period exam and entered into a phase of correcting examination materials by professors." ], [ "\"The teachers will be correcting the exam results at home only,\" he said." ], [ "The circular also urges teachers, students and ordinary citizens to adhere the established health protocols of washing hands frequently with soap or water; wearing proper face mask (face shield); maintaining physical distance at least 1.5 meters from each other in public places such as restaurants/barreries /restaurants & cafeteria) while sitting back home for a few hours before returned homes: do not make any illegal transaction on Indonesia-Timor Leste border" ], [ "Meanwhile, the Director of Central Basic School (EBC) Um de Maio Palaban Vincencio Cono said that this decision is important to support Oe-Cusse regional authorities in preventing Covid 19 transmission." ], [ "Meanwhile, the total number of positive Covid-19 cases in RAEOA so far is now up to a who are currently being isolated at Portu Kitahara Mahata isolation room." ], [ "Previous articleGovernment encourages citizens to take vaccine preventing new delta variant Next ArticlePM direct competent party investigate bad AstraZeneca vaccination in HNGV DILI, Sept.24th (Xinhua) --The Government through the Council of Minister meeting has approved a pezar vote and adopted government resolution decreating national mourning for Ma'Huno Bulerek Karathayano’ s death" ], [ "\"Repent..." ] ]
TIMOR HAU NIAN DOBEN: FRETILIN Preokupa Kargu La-Sama; “Orsamentu Passa”\nFRETILIN Preokupa Kargu La-Sama; “Orsamentu Passa”\nJornal Timor Post - Kuarta-feira, 17 Outubru 2012\nReprejetante povu iha uma fukun Parlamentu Nasional (PN), husi Bancada FRETILIN preokupa ho pojisaun Vice Primeiru Ministru (VPM), Fernando La Sama de Araujo, tanba assume mos kargu nuudar koordenador ba asuntu sosiais.\nTuir Bancada FRETILIN, kargu refere duplifika ho funsaun Ministeriu Solidaridade Sosial (MSS). Maske nune’e, orsamentu retifikativu ba Vice Primeiru Ministru (VPM) konsege pasa iha plenaria PN ho total Rihun U$ 101. Deputadu FRETILIN, Antonino Bianco hateten, ho preokupasaun ba kargu La Sama nian ne’e, mak nia parte mos konsidera orsamentu ne’ebe aprova la partinente, nia lembra, uluk VPM rua iha kuartu Governu gasta osan oituan kompara ho agora.\n“Osan ne’e aumenta fali iha bens e servisu, ida ne’e atu lori halo saida,” hateten Bianco iha nia intervensaun iha debate orsamentu retifikativu iha sesaun espesialidade, Tersa (16/10). Nune’e mos, preokupasaun hanesan hato’o husi Deputada Josefa Pereira husi bancada FRETILIN.\n“Senor Vice Primeiru Ministru ninian kompetensia ne’ebe saida los, tanba iha tan ona Ministru social, maibe assume tan koordenador ba asuntu sosiais ninian,” dehan Josefa.\nEntertantu iha okajiaun ne’e, Primeiru Ministru Kay Rala xanana Gusmao, esplika, kargu VPM ne’ebe trata mos ba asuntu social la’os liga de’it ba parte ida, maibe nia fo ijemplu, kna’ar ne’e liga hotu ba edukasaun, Saude Solidaridade Sosial.\nXanana sublina, objetivu prinsipal husi knaar ne’e mak atu integradu, no fo solusaun ba problema ruma ne’ebe trasfersal.\nNia hatutan, kona-ba total orsamentu ne’ebe aprova ona ba VPM hasai husi salariu ba iha bens de servisu, ne’e iha nesesidade, para atu ekipa sira Gabinete VPM bele responde ba funsaun ne’ebe iha.\nEtiquetas: Fretilin, Josefa Pereira, La Sama, Xanana Gusmão
[ "TIMOR HAU NIAN DOBEN: FRETILIN Preokupa Kargu La-Sama; \"Orsamentu Passa\" FRETILIN Preokupa Kargu La-Sama; \"Orsamentu Passa\" Jornal Timor Post - Kuarta-feira, 17 Outubru 2012 Reprejetante povu iha uma fukun Parlamentu Nasional (PN), husi Bancada FRETILIN preokupa ho pojisaun Vice Primeiru Ministru (VPM), Fernando La Sama de Araujo, tanba assume mos kargu nuudar koordenador ba asuntu sosiais.", "Tuir Bancada FRETILIN, kargu refere duplifika ho funsaun Ministeriu Solidaridade Sosial (MSS).", "Maske nune'e, orsamentu retifikativu ba Vice Primeiru Ministru (VPM) konsege pasa iha plenaria PN ho total Rihun U$ 101.", "Deputadu FRETILIN, Antonino Bianco hateten, ho preokupasaun ba kargu La Sama nian ne'e, mak nia parte mos konsidera orsamentu ne'ebe aprova la partinente, nia lembra, uluk VPM rua iha kuartu Governu gasta osan oituan kompara ho agora.", "\"Osan ne'e aumenta fali iha bens e servisu, ida ne'e atu lori halo saida,\" hateten Bianco iha nia intervensaun iha debate orsamentu retifikativu iha sesaun espesialidade, Tersa (16/10).", "Nune'e mos, preokupasaun hanesan hato'o husi Deputada Josefa Pereira husi bancada FRETILIN.", "\"Senor Vice Primeiru Ministru ninian kompetensia ne'ebe saida los, tanba iha tan ona Ministru social, maibe assume tan koordenador ba asuntu sosiais ninian,\" dehan Josefa.", "Entertantu iha okajiaun ne'e, Primeiru Ministru Kay Rala xanana Gusmao, esplika, kargu VPM ne'ebe trata mos ba asuntu social la'os liga de'it ba parte ida, maibe nia fo ijemplu, kna'ar ne'e liga hotu ba edukasaun, Saude Solidaridade Sosial.", "Xanana sublina, objetivu prinsipal husi knaar ne'e mak atu integradu, no fo solusaun ba problema ruma ne'ebe trasfersal.", "Nia hatutan, kona-ba total orsamentu ne'ebe aprova ona ba VPM hasai husi salariu ba iha bens de servisu, ne'e iha nesesidade, para atu ekipa sira Gabinete VPM bele responde ba funsaun ne'ebe iha.", "Etiquetas: Fretilin, Josefa Pereira, La Sama, Xanana Gusmao" ]
[ [ "TIMOR HAU NIAN DOBEN: FRETILIN Preoccupied with La-Sama's Position; \"The Budget Passes\" Jornal Timor Post - Wednesday, October 17th (20.35pm) Representative of the People in Parliament from Fretilin Group are concerned about Vice Prime Minister Fernando la Sama de Araujo’ s position as coordinator for social issues while he is also taking on a new post at that same time and has been named to be vice prime minister after his predecessor resigning last month" ], [ "According to the FRETILIN Bancada, this post duplicates with functions of Ministry for Social Solidarity (MSS)." ], [ "Nevertheless, the amending budget for Vice Prime Minister (VPM) managed to pass in plenary with a total of U$ 102 million." ], [ "FRETILIN MP, Antonino Bianco said that with concern for La Sama's position his party also consider the budget approved as unpartisan. He recalled before two VPM in a quarter Government spent eight times less money than it does now" ], [ "\"This money increases again in good and services, this is to bring what do we need it for?\" said Bianco during his intervention at the debate on amending budget of plenary session Tuesday (16/ 09)." ], [ "Similar concerns were raised by deputy Josefa Pereira from the FRETILIN group." ], [ "\"The Vice Prime Minister has the competence to decide what is right, because there already exists a social minister but he assumed as coordinator for these issues\", said Josefa." ], [ "Meanwhile on this occasion, Prime Minister Kay Rala xanana Gusmao explained that the post of VPM which also deals with social issues is not only related to one part but he gave an example. This job relates all education health and Social Solidarity categories" ], [ "Xanana emphasized that the main objective of this task is to integrate, and provide solutions for any problems which are transferable." ], [ "He added that, regarding the total budget approved for VPM separated from salaries to goods and services is necessary so as teams of Cabinet can respond with their function." ], [ "Tags: Fretilin, Josefa Pereira. La Sama and Xanana Gusmao" ] ]
COVID-19: Fundasaun xineza rua fó ekipamentu ho material protesaun ba Timor-Leste - Notícias SAPO - SAPO Notícias\nPájina aktualizada iha 04:00h, kinta-feira 03 Jullu\nCOVID-19: Fundasaun xineza rua fó ekipamentu ho material protesaun ba Timor-Leste\n27 de Maio de 2020, 00:08\nTonelada sira hosi ekipamentu médiku, inklui ventilador sira ho material protesaun pesoal nian, ne'ebé fó hosi fundasaun Jack Ma ho Alibaba, to'o iha Díli iha loron-tersa ne'e, informa hosi Embaixada Xina nian iha Timor-Leste.\nMaterial, transporta ba Díli hosi semo charter ida, inklui ventilador sanulu, termómetru 39 ho konjuntu hosi detesaun ho reajente sira hamutuk rihun lima, hatutan hosi misaun diplomátiku xina iha kapital timoroan.\nIha aviaun 'charter' hosi TRI-MG nian laran, ne'ebé mai hosi Singapura, to'o mós máskara hamutuk rihun 130, luvas médiku nian hamutuk rihun 20, ekipamentu protesaun pesoal rihun lima ho vizeira rihun lima resin.\nOferta hosi fundasaun rua to'o liutiha kuaze fulan ida hosi karegamentu dahuluk ho tonelada hamutuk 15 hosi ekipamentu ho material, ne'ebé Xina fó ba Timor-Leste, hodi apoia kombate ba COVID-19.\nDoasaun ne'e hanesan doasaun daruak dezde inísiu hosi pandemia iha Timor-Leste, Xina fó mós ekipamentu protesaun pesoal ho kámara sira hodi sukat temperatura.\n"Embaixada sei kontinua tuir nafatin situasaun epidémiku iha Timor-Leste no disponível nafatin hodi disponibiliza tan apoiu bainhira Timor-Leste presiza", haktuir hosi nota ida hosi misaun diplomátiku ne'ebé maka Lusa iha asesu.\nIha nível global, tuir balansu ida hosi ajénsia notísia AFP, pandemia COVID-19 halo ona ema rihun 346 resin mate no infeta ona ema millaun 5,5 resin iha nasaun ho teritóriu hamutuk 196.\nMoras ne'e transmiti hosi koronavírus foun ida ne'ebé hetan iha final Dezembru, ha Wuhan sidade ida iha sentru Xina nian.
[ "COVID-19: Fundasaun xineza rua fo ekipamentu ho material protesaun ba Timor-Leste - Noticias SAPO - SAPO Noticias Pajina aktualizada iha 04:00h, kinta-feira 03 Jullu COVID-19: Fundasaun xineza rua fo ekipamentu ho material protesaun ba Timor-Leste 27 de Maio de 2020, 00:08 Tonelada sira hosi ekipamentu mediku, inklui ventilador sira ho material protesaun pesoal nian, ne'ebe fo hosi fundasaun Jack Ma ho Alibaba, to'o iha Dili iha loron-tersa ne'e, informa hosi Embaixada Xina nian iha Timor-Leste.", "Material, transporta ba Dili hosi semo charter ida, inklui ventilador sanulu, termometru 39 ho konjuntu hosi detesaun ho reajente sira hamutuk rihun lima, hatutan hosi misaun diplomatiku xina iha kapital timoroan.", "Iha aviaun 'charter' hosi TRI-MG nian laran, ne'ebe mai hosi Singapura, to'o mos maskara hamutuk rihun 130, luvas mediku nian hamutuk rihun 20, ekipamentu protesaun pesoal rihun lima ho vizeira rihun lima resin.", "Oferta hosi fundasaun rua to'o liutiha kuaze fulan ida hosi karegamentu dahuluk ho tonelada hamutuk 15 hosi ekipamentu ho material, ne'ebe Xina fo ba Timor-Leste, hodi apoia kombate ba COVID-19.", "Doasaun ne'e hanesan doasaun daruak dezde inisiu hosi pandemia iha Timor-Leste, Xina fo mos ekipamentu protesaun pesoal ho kamara sira hodi sukat temperatura.", "\"Embaixada sei kontinua tuir nafatin situasaun epidemiku iha Timor-Leste no disponivel nafatin hodi disponibiliza tan apoiu bainhira Timor-Leste presiza,\" haktuir hosi nota ida hosi misaun diplomatiku ne'ebe maka Lusa iha asesu.", "Iha nivel global, tuir balansu ida hosi ajensia notisia AFP, pandemia COVID-19 halo ona ema rihun 346 resin mate no infeta ona ema millaun 5,5 resin iha nasaun ho teritoriu hamutuk 196.", "Moras ne'e transmiti hosi koronavirus foun ida ne'ebe hetan iha final Dezembru, ha Wuhan sidade ida iha sentru Xina nian." ]
[ [ "COVID-19: Two Chinese Foundations Donate Protective Equipment to Timor Leste - News SAPO 27 de Maio,08h35 Tonnages of medical equipment including ventilators and personal protection material donated by Jack Ma' s foundation with Alibaba arrive in Dili on Tuesday. The China Embassy said that the shipment will be delivered within two days after it is received at its destination (Dili)." ], [ "The material, transported to Dili by a semi-charter aircraft including 13 ventilators and thermometers with an additional set of detection devices as well the necessary reagents totaling five thousand units was reported from China’s diplomatic mission in Timor Leste capital." ], [ "On board the charter plane of TRI-MG, which came from Singapore also arrived a total amounts to be about one hundred and thirty thousand face mask (N95), twenty million medical gloves(20K) five billion personal protective equipment with fifteen millions visors." ], [ "The offer by the two foundations comes almost a month after China' s first shipment of 15 tons in equipment and materials to Timor-Leste, aimed at supporting its fight against COVID." ], [ "This is the second donation since Timor-Leste's pandemic began, and China has also provided personal protective equipment with temperature measuring camera." ], [ "\"The embassy will continue to monitor the epidemic situation in Timor-Leste and remains available for further support whenever needed,\" read a note from its diplomatics mission that Lusa had access." ], [ "At the global level, according to an assessment by AFP News Agency (AFP), COVID-19 has killed more than 346 thousand people and infected over five million fifteen hundred millions of persons in all countries with territories totaling about one dozen sixty." ], [ "The disease was transmitted by a new coronavirus found at the end of December in Wuhan, China's central city." ] ]
FORUM HAKSESUK: Evita Poder Absoluta iha Timor-Leste Liu Husi Opozisaun\nEvita Poder Absoluta iha Timor-Leste\nLiu Husi Opozisaun\nHusi Quintiliano Belo\nQuintiliano Belo - Evita Poder Absoluta iha Timor-Leste Liu Husi Opozisaun\nResultadu final eleisaun parlamentar 2017 nebé entrega ona ba iha TR data 29 de jullu 2017 hatudu katak; Povu hakarak muda realidade nebé'e ita hotu kuinese; povu lakohi fo votus ba partidu ida mesak atu ukun; Povu hakarak nafatin Governu ida representativu tebes atu bele halibur ema hotu-hotu liu-liu jerasaun foun nebé involve-an iha partidu minoria sira atu esforsu hamutuk ho lider istoriko hodi halo Timor-Leste sai knua foun no merese ba Timor oan hotu.\nSee konkorda ho rajuan iha leten, tanbasa tenki hein Maun Bot nia bensa? basa publiku mos hatene Maun Bot rasik laos mai husi partidu mais votadu. Alemde ida ne’e partido nebé hetan votus maioria rasik iha modalidade forti atu hetan konvite husi presidenti republika hodi forma aliadu ou bele mos avansa minoria ho konsensual ho partidu minoria seluk tuir lalaok no kultura demokrasia ezistenti sem Maun Bot autoriza.\nBiar nune’e partidu mais votadu, konsistenti tebes ho linguazen politika nebé sai ona iha publiku katak governu foun ne'e tenki hamriik duni hamutuk ho Maun Bot maibe laos sira hotu nebé lao ho Maun Bot, karik Maun Bot nia partidu ba opozisaun sei bolu Maun Bot hanesan ema individual. Maske nune’e partidu mais votadu esforzu-an nafatin hodi oferese mos alternasaun opsaun sira ba partidu hirak nebé liu bareira atu eskoilha koligasaun ka sai opozisaun tuir kultura demokrasia nia lalaok.\nKoligasaun no opozisaun iha kultura demokrasia natural. Opozisaun nia prezensa final no indiskutivel. Basa ho opozisaun nebé forti maka bele asegura dinamika politika no trava poder absoluta tuir Lord acton hateten ‘Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupt absolutely’. Koligasaun nebé povu espera maka koligasaun nebé bele uza demokrasia nudar meius atu buka solusaun laos koligasaun ida nebé hamosu fali poder absoluta iha Timor-Leste. Tanba ne’e, pelu menus hili karik opozisaun sai opozisaun nebé bele trava poder absoluta hanesan tuir mai:\nOpozisaun seremonial, nudar konseitu opozisaun nebé laos opositora katak subar-an deit ou bosok sai nudar opozisaun no akontese tanba requrimentu forma hodi hamosu actus unanimidade iha kualker diskusaun. Modelu opozisaun nune’e ikus mai bele loke mos dalan ba movimentu opozisaun sira iha liur atu hamrik hodi kontra no hamonu governu bainhira povu deskriminadu, lahetan oportunidade no laiha asesu ba rekursu husi estadu.\nOpozisaun demokrativu-konstrutivu, nudar konseitu opozisaun ida nebé komunga demokrasia laos final maibe demokrasia nudar meius atu buka solusaun ba interese komun liu-liu ba bems star povu nian. Alemde ida ne’e tane ass interese nasional duke interese grupos no elite politiku sira nian.\nOpozisaun oportunista destruktivu, nudar konseitu opozisaun nebé buka harahun no problematiza kualker politika ho maneira oin-oin hodi hadau governa iha kualker momentu.\nOpozisaun idiolojia fundamental, nudar konseitu opozisaun radikal ba idiolojia fundamental hodi hadau governa, posivelmente truka idelojia sira bazea ba fundasaun ideolojia nebé sira kumunga. Opozisaun nebe mai ho esperitu idealismu sira hanesan relijaun, komunismu, nasionalismu no pluralismu ate regionalismu.\nPublicada por FORUM HAKSESUK à(s) 2:07 da tarde
[ "FORUM HAKSESUK: Evita Poder Absoluta iha Timor-Leste Liu Husi Opozisaun Evita Poder Absoluta iha Timor-Leste Liu Husi Opozisaun Husi Quintiliano Belo Quintiliano Belo - Evita Poder Absoluta iha Timor-Leste Liu Husi Opozisaun Resultadu final eleisaun parlamentar 2017 nebe entrega ona ba iha TR data 29 de jullu 2017 hatudu katak; Povu hakarak muda realidade nebe'e ita hotu kuinese; povu lakohi fo votus ba partidu ida mesak atu ukun; Povu hakarak nafatin Governu ida representativu tebes atu bele halibur ema hotu-hotu liu-liu jerasaun foun nebe involve-an iha partidu minoria sira atu esforsu hamutuk ho lider istoriko hodi halo Timor-Leste sai knua foun no merese ba Timor oan hotu.", "See konkorda ho rajuan iha leten, tanbasa tenki hein Maun Bot nia bensa? basa publiku mos hatene Maun Bot rasik laos mai husi partidu mais votadu.", "Alemde ida ne'e partido nebe hetan votus maioria rasik iha modalidade forti atu hetan konvite husi presidenti republika hodi forma aliadu ou bele mos avansa minoria ho konsensual ho partidu minoria seluk tuir lalaok no kultura demokrasia ezistenti sem Maun Bot autoriza.", "Biar nune'e partidu mais votadu, konsistenti tebes ho linguazen politika nebe sai ona iha publiku katak governu foun ne'e tenki hamriik duni hamutuk ho Maun Bot maibe laos sira hotu nebe lao ho Maun Bot, karik Maun Bot nia partidu ba opozisaun sei bolu Maun Bot hanesan ema individual.", "Maske nune'e partidu mais votadu esforzu-an nafatin hodi oferese mos alternasaun opsaun sira ba partidu hirak nebe liu bareira atu eskoilha koligasaun ka sai opozisaun tuir kultura demokrasia nia lalaok.", "Koligasaun no opozisaun iha kultura demokrasia natural.", "Opozisaun nia prezensa final no indiskutivel.", "Basa ho opozisaun nebe forti maka bele asegura dinamika politika no trava poder absoluta tuir Lord acton hateten 'Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupt absolutely'.", "Koligasaun nebe povu espera maka koligasaun nebe bele uza demokrasia nudar meius atu buka solusaun laos koligasaun ida nebe hamosu fali poder absoluta iha Timor-Leste.", "Tanba ne'e, pelu menus hili karik opozisaun sai opozisaun nebe bele trava poder absoluta hanesan tuir mai: Opozisaun seremonial, nudar konseitu opozisaun nebe laos opositora katak subar-an deit ou bosok sai nudar opozisaun no akontese tanba requrimentu forma hodi hamosu actus unanimidade iha kualker diskusaun.", "Modelu opozisaun nune'e ikus mai bele loke mos dalan ba movimentu opozisaun sira iha liur atu hamrik hodi kontra no hamonu governu bainhira povu deskriminadu, lahetan oportunidade no laiha asesu ba rekursu husi estadu.", "Opozisaun demokrativu-konstrutivu, nudar konseitu opozisaun ida nebe komunga demokrasia laos final maibe demokrasia nudar meius atu buka solusaun ba interese komun liu-liu ba bems star povu nian.", "Alemde ida ne'e tane ass interese nasional duke interese grupos no elite politiku sira nian.", "Opozisaun oportunista destruktivu, nudar konseitu opozisaun nebe buka harahun no problematiza kualker politika ho maneira oin-oin hodi hadau governa iha kualker momentu.", "Opozisaun idiolojia fundamental, nudar konseitu opozisaun radikal ba idiolojia fundamental hodi hadau governa, posivelmente truka idelojia sira bazea ba fundasaun ideolojia nebe sira kumunga.", "Opozisaun nebe mai ho esperitu idealismu sira hanesan relijaun, komunismu, nasionalismu no pluralismu ate regionalismu.", "Publicada por FORUM HAKSESUK a (s) 2:07 da tarde" ]
[ [ "FORUM HAKSESUK: Avoid Absolute Power in Timor-Leste Through Opposition The final results of the parliamentary elections, which were submitted to TR on July.29th showed that; People wants change reality we all know about it and they don't give their vote for one party only because its power is limiting them as a nation but also people still wishes an extremely representative government so can bring together everyone especially new generation involved with minority parties who will work alongside historic leaders making East Тимор into another country deserved by everybody from east timors" ], [ "Do you agree with the comments below, why have to wait for Maun Bot's approval? The public also know that M.Bot himself does not come from a strongly voted party ; he has been elected by his own people and is no longer in charge of any governmental position or office" ], [ "In addition to this, the party that obtains majority votes has its own strong modalities for being invited by presidenti of republic in order forming an alliance or may also advance minority and consensual with other minoritary parties under existing democratic practice & culture without Maun Bot authorization." ], [ "Despite this, the most voted party is consistent with political language that has come out in public which says a new government must work together but not all those who are working for Maun Bot. If his opposition parties call him an individual person they will refer to maung bot as one of them and he'll be called \"the king\"." ], [ "Nevertheless, the most voted party still endeavours to offer alternative options for parties that have crossed a certain threshold in terms of choosing between coalition or opposition as per democratic culture." ], [ "Coalition and opposition are in the culture of natural democracy." ], [ "The opposition's presence is not indiscutable." ], [ "Because with a strong opposition it is possible to ensure political dynamics and stop absolute power as Lord Acton said 'Power tends To corrupt, And Absolute Power Corrupts absolutly'." ], [ "The coalition the people expect is one that can use democracy as a means of finding solutions, not an absolute power-coalitions in Timor Leste." ], [ "Therefore, at least choose if the opposition becomes an opponent that can hold absolute power as follow: Ceremonial Opposition - a concept of non-oppositing which means simply elevating itself or faking it to be opposed and occurring because form is required in order for acts unanimity into any discussion." ], [ "The opposition model thus ultimately also opened the way for overseas opponent movement to rally against and challenge government when people are not discriminated, lack opportunities or access state resources." ], [ "Democratic-constructive opposition, as a concept of the opposite that emphasizes democracy is not an end in itself but rather means to find solutions for common interests especially those concerning people' s well being." ], [ "Furthermore, it serves the national interest rather than that of groups and political elite." ], [ "Destructive opportunistic opposition, as a concept of an opponent who seeks to disrupt and problematize any policy in various ways so that he can rule at all times." ], [ "Fundamental ideology opposition, as the concept of radically opposing fundamental ideologies in order to govern and possibly swap out those based on their foundations." ], [ "The opposition came with the spirit of idealisms such as religion, communism and nationalist plurality to regionalists." ], [ "Publicada por FORUM HAKSESUK a(s) domingo, março12.07 No comments:" ] ]
TIMOR HAU NIAN DOBEN: Mákina Governu La Funsiona\nDíli -Membru Conselu Politiku Nasional (CPN) partito CNRT, Aderito Hugo da Costa idenfika no observa katak membru governu sira ohin loron la halao servisu no hein deit ona remodelasaun.\n"Ami observa no identifika ministeriu sira dokumentu barak finaliza hotu ona, maibé membru governu hanesan ministru no sekretariu estadu sira la asina, tamba sira hein hela prosesu remodelasaun. Nune’e afeta servisu lubuk ida. Prosesu lao, hanesan administrasaun, tenderizasaun ba projeitu, ajudikasaun iha, maibé to’o iha meja ministru no sekretariu estadu nian butuk hela, tanba deit remodelasaun ministru sira la brani atu asina buat sira ne’ebé mak finalija tiha ona. Ida ne’e mak planu remodelasaun ne’e lais liu se lae impaktu ba servisu governu nian,” dehan membru CPN nomos Vice Prezidente ba jornalista sira (15/9) iha uma fukun Díli.\nBainhira husu konaba informasaun karik iha remodelasaun no re-estruturasaun Xefe Governu sita ona atu bolu kuadru politiku hosi partidu FRETILIN ne’ebé mak iha kapasidade no profesional iha area relevante atu bele troka membru governu sira ne’ebé mak naran tama iha lista remodelasaun, Aderito Hugo hatan katak bele akontese tanba kna’ar tomak partidu atribui ona ba Prezidente Partidu para deside.\n“Ba remodelasaun no re-estrutura situasaun hotu (bolu kuadru kapasitadu FRETILIN-red) bele akontese, durante nia hakarak estabilidade ba governasaun buat hotu bele akontese,” Aderito dehan.\nTanba estabilidade governasaun presija maioria hosi Parlamentu Nasional atu bele asegura liu tan governu ba futuru ho komprimisu atu bele funsiona governasaun to’o remata.\nHosi governu Bloku Koligasaun forma hosi partidu CNRT, Frente Mudansa no PD ho deputadu nain 40 hodi garante estabilidade governasaun.\nTanba ne’e vice prezidente Parlamentu Nasional Aderito dehan, inkontru entre kuadru politiku partidu CNRT ne’ebé mak asumi kna’ar iha governu no Parlamentu Nasional foin lalais sorumutu ho Prezidente partidu iha nia rezidensia koalia liu sobre problema sira ne’ebé mak akontese iha governu. No halo avaliasaun ba membru governu Bloku Koligasaun nia servisu durante tinan 2 inklui kinerja servisu membru governu hafoin partidu mais votadu deklara halo remodelasaun ba V Governu Konstitusional.\nAliende ne’e koalia mos sobre avaliasaun jeral ba situasaun sosial no ekonomia nasaun inklui asuntu justisa no governasaun inklui avaliasaun ba Parlamentu Nasional ne’ebé mak maioria hosi deputadu CNRT.\nTanba ne’e atu halo remodelasaun kompetensia tomak partidu fo ona ba Primeiru Ministru indizatadu atu bele deside remodelasaun no re-estruturasaun ba governu.\nVice Prezidente Parlamentu Nasional afirma, tuir desijaun hosi konferensista partidu CNRT fo kna’ar no mandatu tomak ba Prezidente Partidu nu’udar Primeiru Ministru.\n“Nia mak iha poder no desijaun tomak atu bele hili se-se tama iha remodelasaun no re-estruturasaun” Aderito dehan.\nNia espera katak ho situasaun ida agora bele aselera liu tan atu halo remodelasaun nune’e labele fó impaktu ba prosesu administrasaun estadu Timor Leste.\nFó Sai Lista\nIha fatin ketak, Vise Primeiru Ministru, Fernando La-Sama de Araújo deklara katak Primeiru Ministru, Kay Rala Xanana Gusmão deside lista remodelasaun la’os liu husi inkontru segredu ruma, maibé sei fó sai ba públiku. Tanba tuir Vise Primeiru Ministru, dala barak ona Primeiru Ministru deklara ona ba públiku hodi halo duni remodelasaun ba Kintu Governu Konstituisional.\nMaski Prezidente Partidu CNRT atual Primeiru Ministru, Xanana Gusmão konvoka inkontru segredu ida hodi koalia kona-ba asuntu remodelasaun inklui deskuti asuntu mina-rai, maibé Vise Primeiru Ministru fiar katak Xanana sei la subar inkontru ne’e.\n“Ha’u hakarak hatete katak remodelasaun ne’e la’os buat segredu ida, Primeiru Ministru deside remodelasaun ne’e sei hatete fó sai ba públiku atu halo ki’ik ka atu halo bo’ot tan ka, ne’ebé Primeiru Ministru la subar ida,” Vise Primeiru Ministru, Fernando La-Sama de Araújo ba jornalista sira, iha PN, Segunda (15/09).\nTuir La-Sama, asuntu remodelasaun Primeiru Ministru sei fó sai bainhira fila husi Nova Iorke.\n“Kona-ba Bloku Koligasaun ne’e buat ketak, ida dehan membru governu ida la serve ka hasai ne’e kompetensia Primeiru Ministru ninian,” tenik La-Sama.\nEnkuantu Prezidente Partidu Frente Revolusionário Timor Leste Indenpendente (FRETILIN), Francisnco Guterres ‘Lu-Olo’ deklara, Fretilin seidauk deside atu bele tama iha estrutura governu, maibe fó apoiu ba Primeiru Minstru (PM) atu halo remodelasaun.\n“Ami fó apoiu ba PM Xanana halo remodelasaun, maibé ami labele adianta uluk dehan, ami atu ba Ministru ida ne’ebé. Ami seidauk ko’alia ida ne’e”, dehan Lu-Olo iha Parlamentu Nasionál, Segunda (15/09).\nEis Prezidente Parlamentu Parlamentu (PN), hatete, maski PM Xanana husu ba Fretilin atu tama iha estrutura governu ninian wainhira hamosu remodelasaun, maibé Fretilin rasik mós presiza haree no tetu didi’ak hafoin bele deside.\n“Ami presiza ko’alia oituan, ne’e la’ós dehan husu ne’ebé ami halai ba de’it. Ami apoiu remodelasaun ne’e”, haktenik Lu-Olo.\nFretilin husu no fó apoiu ba iha PM Xanana Gusmão atu halo remodelasaun ba governu ne’ebé sai hanesan polemika iha rai laran.\n“Ami fó apoiu ba PM atu halo remodelasaun, maibé atu halo oinsá ne’e só PM Xanana mak bele hatene ida ne’e”, dehan Prezidente Partidu Fretilin.\nLu-Olo mós dehan, lista sombra ne’ebé durante ne’e espalla iha públiku seidauk bele dehan los, tanba iha ema ida-ida mak halo sira nia hodi públika.\nEntretantu Eugelino da Costa, nudar Estudante Universidade Oriental (UNITAL), Fakuldade Dereitu Semester VI konsidera katak remodelasaun seidauk realize ne’e tanba Primeiru Ministru Xanana tauk.\n“Hau hanesan jerasaun foun no estudante ida rona lia fuan ida remodelasaun, hau triste lahalimar. Uluk maun boot Xanana promete atu halo remodelasaun, maibe laos koalia deit iha Timor iha mundu Internasional hotu katak nia sei halo remodelasaun ba ministériu sira ne’ebé mak la implementa sira nia programa ho diak, maibe maun boot tauk halo remodelasaun, se lae ministru no sekretariu estadu sira tensaun sae mate iha fatin,”dehan Eugelino ba Timor Post iha kampus UNITAL Becora, Segunda Feira (15/09).\nEstudante ne’e relembra katak partido CNRT fpoin lalais halo konferensia estraordinaria no kompromete tenki duni remodelasaun hodi halo mudansa ba estrutura governu.\n“Hau hanesan zerasaun foun ida, hau nia hakarak ne’e remodelasaun ne’e tenki halo duni, se maun boot Xanana mak lahalo remodelasaun husik nafatin hanesan ne’e entaun tinan oin mai, maun boot koalia ema sei lafiar, tanba deit promesa maibé la realiza,” esplika Eugelino.\nNia sugere remodela Ministériu Saúde, Edukasaun, Agrikultura, Turismu, MCIA no Obras Públikas.\nNia tenik, ministru no Sekretariu estadu sira servisu lalos, la tuir nia area, haksoit ba-mai. Tanba ne’e servisu mos lao tuir hanesan ne’e. Se karik remodelasaun ne’e mak akontese governu tenki hare didiak ema mak tau iha ministériu no sekretariu estadu sira, se lae servisu lalao koruptor mak baras iha laran.(uly/vas/jxn/ fer)
[ "TIMOR HAU NIAN DOBEN: Makina Governu La Funsiona Dili -Membru Conselu Politiku Nasional (CPN) partito CNRT, Aderito Hugo da Costa idenfika no observa katak membru governu sira ohin loron la halao servisu no hein deit ona remodelasaun.", "\"Ami observa no identifika ministeriu sira dokumentu barak finaliza hotu ona, maibe membru governu hanesan ministru no sekretariu estadu sira la asina, tamba sira hein hela prosesu remodelasaun.", "Nune'e afeta servisu lubuk ida.", "Prosesu lao, hanesan administrasaun, tenderizasaun ba projeitu, ajudikasaun iha, maibe to'o iha meja ministru no sekretariu estadu nian butuk hela, tanba deit remodelasaun ministru sira la brani atu asina buat sira ne'ebe mak finalija tiha ona.", "Ida ne'e mak planu remodelasaun ne'e lais liu se lae impaktu ba servisu governu nian,\" dehan membru CPN nomos Vice Prezidente ba jornalista sira (15/9) iha uma fukun Dili.", "Bainhira husu konaba informasaun karik iha remodelasaun no re-estruturasaun Xefe Governu sita ona atu bolu kuadru politiku hosi partidu FRETILIN ne'ebe mak iha kapasidade no profesional iha area relevante atu bele troka membru governu sira ne'ebe mak naran tama iha lista remodelasaun, Aderito Hugo hatan katak bele akontese tanba kna'ar tomak partidu atribui ona ba Prezidente Partidu para deside.", "\"Ba remodelasaun no re-estrutura situasaun hotu (bolu kuadru kapasitadu FRETILIN-red) bele akontese, durante nia hakarak estabilidade ba governasaun buat hotu bele akontese,\" Aderito dehan.", "Tanba estabilidade governasaun presija maioria hosi Parlamentu Nasional atu bele asegura liu tan governu ba futuru ho komprimisu atu bele funsiona governasaun to'o remata.", "Hosi governu Bloku Koligasaun forma hosi partidu CNRT, Frente Mudansa no PD ho deputadu nain 40 hodi garante estabilidade governasaun.", "Tanba ne'e vice prezidente Parlamentu Nasional Aderito dehan, inkontru entre kuadru politiku partidu CNRT ne'ebe mak asumi kna'ar iha governu no Parlamentu Nasional foin lalais sorumutu ho Prezidente partidu iha nia rezidensia koalia liu sobre problema sira ne'ebe mak akontese iha governu.", "No halo avaliasaun ba membru governu Bloku Koligasaun nia servisu durante tinan 2 inklui kinerja servisu membru governu hafoin partidu mais votadu deklara halo remodelasaun ba V Governu Konstitusional.", "Aliende ne'e koalia mos sobre avaliasaun jeral ba situasaun sosial no ekonomia nasaun inklui asuntu justisa no governasaun inklui avaliasaun ba Parlamentu Nasional ne'ebe mak maioria hosi deputadu CNRT.", "Tanba ne'e atu halo remodelasaun kompetensia tomak partidu fo ona ba Primeiru Ministru indizatadu atu bele deside remodelasaun no re-estruturasaun ba governu.", "Vice Prezidente Parlamentu Nasional afirma, tuir desijaun hosi konferensista partidu CNRT fo kna'ar no mandatu tomak ba Prezidente Partidu nu'udar Primeiru Ministru.", "\"Nia mak iha poder no desijaun tomak atu bele hili se-se tama iha remodelasaun no re-estruturasaun\" Aderito dehan.", "Nia espera katak ho situasaun ida agora bele aselera liu tan atu halo remodelasaun nune'e labele fo impaktu ba prosesu administrasaun estadu Timor Leste.", "Fo Sai Lista Iha fatin ketak, Vise Primeiru Ministru, Fernando La-Sama de Araujo deklara katak Primeiru Ministru, Kay Rala Xanana Gusmao deside lista remodelasaun la'os liu husi inkontru segredu ruma, maibe sei fo sai ba publiku.", "Tanba tuir Vise Primeiru Ministru, dala barak ona Primeiru Ministru deklara ona ba publiku hodi halo duni remodelasaun ba Kintu Governu Konstituisional.", "Maski Prezidente Partidu CNRT atual Primeiru Ministru, Xanana Gusmao konvoka inkontru segredu ida hodi koalia kona-ba asuntu remodelasaun inklui deskuti asuntu mina-rai, maibe Vise Primeiru Ministru fiar katak Xanana sei la subar inkontru ne'e.", "\"Ha'u hakarak hatete katak remodelasaun ne'e la'os buat segredu ida, Primeiru Ministru deside remodelasaun ne'e sei hatete fo sai ba publiku atu halo ki'ik ka atu halo bo'ot tan ka, ne'ebe Primeiru Ministru la subar ida,\" Vise Primeiru Ministru, Fernando La-Sama de Araujo ba jornalista sira, iha PN, Segunda (15/09).", "Tuir La-Sama, asuntu remodelasaun Primeiru Ministru sei fo sai bainhira fila husi Nova Iorke.", "\"Kona-ba Bloku Koligasaun ne'e buat ketak, ida dehan membru governu ida la serve ka hasai ne'e kompetensia Primeiru Ministru ninian,\" tenik La-Sama.", "Enkuantu Prezidente Partidu Frente Revolusionario Timor Leste Indenpendente (FRETILIN), Francisnco Guterres 'Lu-Olo' deklara, Fretilin seidauk deside atu bele tama iha estrutura governu, maibe fo apoiu ba Primeiru Minstru (PM) atu halo remodelasaun.", "\"Ami fo apoiu ba PM Xanana halo remodelasaun, maibe ami labele adianta uluk dehan, ami atu ba Ministru ida ne'ebe.", "Ami seidauk ko'alia ida ne'e,\" dehan Lu-Olo iha Parlamentu Nasional, Segunda (15/09).", "Eis Prezidente Parlamentu Parlamentu (PN), hatete, maski PM Xanana husu ba Fretilin atu tama iha estrutura governu ninian wainhira hamosu remodelasaun, maibe Fretilin rasik mos presiza haree no tetu didi'ak hafoin bele deside.", "\"Ami presiza ko'alia oituan, ne'e la'os dehan husu ne'ebe ami halai ba de'it.", "Ami apoiu remodelasaun ne'e,\" haktenik Lu-Olo.", "Fretilin husu no fo apoiu ba iha PM Xanana Gusmao atu halo remodelasaun ba governu ne'ebe sai hanesan polemika iha rai laran.", "\"Ami fo apoiu ba PM atu halo remodelasaun, maibe atu halo oinsa ne'e so PM Xanana mak bele hatene ida ne'e,\" dehan Prezidente Partidu Fretilin.", "Lu-Olo mos dehan, lista sombra ne'ebe durante ne'e espalla iha publiku seidauk bele dehan los, tanba iha ema ida-ida mak halo sira nia hodi publika.", "Entretantu Eugelino da Costa, nudar Estudante Universidade Oriental (UNITAL), Fakuldade Dereitu Semester VI konsidera katak remodelasaun seidauk realize ne'e tanba Primeiru Ministru Xanana tauk.", "\"Hau hanesan jerasaun foun no estudante ida rona lia fuan ida remodelasaun, hau triste lahalimar.", "Uluk maun boot Xanana promete atu halo remodelasaun, maibe laos koalia deit iha Timor iha mundu Internasional hotu katak nia sei halo remodelasaun ba ministeriu sira ne'ebe mak la implementa sira nia programa ho diak, maibe maun boot tauk halo remodelasaun, se lae ministru no sekretariu estadu sira tensaun sae mate iha fatin,\"dehan Eugelino ba Timor Post iha kampus UNITAL Becora, Segunda Feira (15/09).", "Estudante ne'e relembra katak partido CNRT fpoin lalais halo konferensia estraordinaria no kompromete tenki duni remodelasaun hodi halo mudansa ba estrutura governu.", "\"Hau hanesan zerasaun foun ida, hau nia hakarak ne'e remodelasaun ne'e tenki halo duni, se maun boot Xanana mak lahalo remodelasaun husik nafatin hanesan ne'e entaun tinan oin mai, maun boot koalia ema sei lafiar, tanba deit promesa maibe la realiza,\" esplika Eugelino.", "Nia sugere remodela Ministeriu Saude, Edukasaun, Agrikultura, Turismu, MCIA no Obras Publikas.", "Nia tenik, ministru no Sekretariu estadu sira servisu lalos, la tuir nia area, haksoit ba-mai.", "Tanba ne'e servisu mos lao tuir hanesan ne'e.", "Se karik remodelasaun ne'e mak akontese governu tenki hare didiak ema mak tau iha ministeriu no sekretariu estadu sira, se lae servisu lalao koruptor mak baras iha laran. (uly/vas/jxn/ fer)" ]
[ [ "TIMOR HAU NIAN DOBEN: Government Machine Does Not Work Dili -Member of the National Political Council (CPN) party CNRT, Aderito Hugo da Costa identified and observed that government members today do not perform their duties but just wait for reshuffle." ], [ "\"We observed and identified ministries where many documents have been finalized, but government members such as ministers or secretaries of state do not sign because they are waiting for the restructuring process." ], [ "This affects a lot of jobs." ], [ "The process is going on, such as the administration of projects and tenders for them. There are awards but when it comes to minister' s desk or state secretariat they have no choice because just about everything has been finished up by reshuffled ministries that refuse their signing in order with what was already finalized..." ], [ "This is the remodeling plan, if not it will have an impact on government work\", CPN member and Vice President told journalists (15/9) in Dili' s Fukun House." ], [ "When asked about information if in the remodeling and re-structure, Head of Government has called to call political cadres from FRETILIN party who have competence & professionalism on relevant areas so that they can replace government members named for renovation list. Aderito Hugo replied this could happen because all power is assigned by Party President para decide 2017" ], [ "\"For remodeling and re-structure all situations (vola framework capacited FRETILIN -red) can happen, during his want of stability for governance everything may occur.\" Aderito said." ], [ "Because the stability of governance requires a majority in National Parliament to be more secure government for future with pressure so that it can function until its end." ], [ "The Coalition Bloc government formed by the CNRP, Frente Mudansa and PD with a total of forty MPs to guarantee stability in governance." ], [ "Therefore, Vice President of the National Parliament Aderito said that a meeting between political cadres from CNRP party who have taken over in government and national parliament recently met with Party Chairman at his residence to discuss more about problems occurring within Government." ], [ "No evaluation was made of the Coalition Bloc government members' work during two years, including their performance after a reshuffle in V Constitutional Government declared by most-voted party." ], [ "He also spoke about the general assessment of social and economic situation in Brazil, including issues related to justice & governance as well an evaluation for National Parliament which is mostly made up by Congresso Nacional do Trabalhador (CNT) members." ], [ "Therefore, to make a reshuffle the party has given all competence for it's designated Prime Minister so that he can decide on remodeling and structurings of government." ], [ "The Vice President of the National Parliament stated that, according to a decision by CNRP party conferences give full power and mandate for Party Chairman as Prime Minister." ], [ "\"He has all the power and will to choose whether or not he goes into remodeling, restructure\", Aderito said." ], [ "He hopes that with the current situation, it will be possible to accelerate further in order for restructuring not have an impact on Timor-Leste' s state administration process." ], [ "In a statement, Deputy Prime Minister Fernando La-Sama de Araujo stated that the decision to reshuffle his cabinet was not made in any secret meeting by PM Kay Rala Xanana Gusmao but will be released publicly." ], [ "According to the Deputy Prime Minister, on many occasions in his tenure as prime minister he has declared publicly that there is a need for reshuffle of this constitutional government." ], [ "Although CNRT Party President and current Prime Minister Xanana Gusmao has called a secret meeting to discuss the remodelling issue including discussing minerals, but Deputy PM confident that Gusmão will not cancel." ], [ "\"I want to say that this remodeling is not a secret, the Prime Minister decided it will be said out in public whether we do little or much more than what he has done before\", Deputy PM Fernando La-Sama de Araujo told journalists at Parliament on Monday (15/09)." ], [ "According to La-Sama, the matter of Prime Minister’s reshuffle will be resolved upon his return from New York." ], [ "\"Regarding the Coalition Bloc, it's a clear thing that one says to dismiss or remove any member of government is up for Prime Minister\", La-Sama said." ], [ "While the President of Frente Revolucionario Timor-Leste Independente (FRETILIN), Francisnco Guterres 'Lu' Olo, declares that Fretilin has not yet decided whether to enter into government structures but supported Prime Minister Xanana Gusmao in making a reshuffle." ], [ "\"We support PM Xanana to make the remodeling, but we cannot advance first say that it will be a certain Minister." ], [ "We have not yet discussed this,\" Lu-Olo said in the National Parliament on Monday (15/09)." ], [ "Former Speaker of Parliament (PN), said, although PM Xanana asked Fretilin to enter the government structure when it brings about reshuffle but FRETILIN itself also needs careful consideration before deciding." ], [ "\"We need to talk about it, that's not saying we just ask what is going on." ], [ "We support this remodeling,\" Lu-Olo added." ], [ "Fretilin asked and supported PM Xanana Gusmao to make a reshuffle of the government, which has been controversial at home." ], [ "\"We support the PM to make a renovation, but how it will be done only Prime Minister Xanana can know this thing\", said President of Fretilin Party." ], [ "Lu-Olo also said that the shadow list which has been circulated in public during this time is not true, because there are individuals who make their own to publish." ], [ "Meanwhile, Eugelino da Costa as a Student of Universidade Oriental (UNITAL), Faculty Of Law Semester VI considers that the remodeling has not been realized because Prime Minister Xanana refuses." ], [ "\"As a young generation and student, when I hear the word remodeling in my ears it makes me sad." ], [ "Previously brother Xanana promised to make remodeling, but not only speaks in Timor and the international world that he will do renovations for ministries which haven't implemented their programs well. But Brother refuse doing renovation otherwise minister or secretary of state tension rises dead on location\", Eugelino told The East Post at UNITAL Becora campus Monday (15/09)." ], [ "The student recalled that the CNRP party recently held an extraordinary conference and committed to a necessary remodelling in order for changes into government structure." ], [ "\"I am a new generation, my wish is that the remodeling should be done indeed. If brother Xanana does not want to do it let him go on like this and next year he will talk about people's grief because of only promise but no realization\", explained Eugelino .\"" ], [ "She suggests restructuring the Ministries of Health, Education and Culture (MEC), Agriculture & Fisheries Ministerial Council for International Cooperation in Africa(MCIA) as well As Public Works." ], [ "He said, ministers and secretaries of state do not work in their areas. They are just coming back to the same place every time they want something new or change a thing that isn't working for them.\"" ], [ "This is why the work will proceed in a similar manner." ], [ "If this remodelling is to happen, the government should look carefully at who they put in ministries and secretariats of state. Otherwise corrupt people will be working there for free.\" (uly/vas /jxn)" ] ]
TIMOR HAU NIAN DOBEN: PR Taur: Labele Uza Violensia Hasoru CPD “Deputadu PD Husu ME Identifika Profesor Ne’ebe Envolve Iha CPD”\nPR Taur: Labele Uza Violensia Hasoru CPD “Deputadu PD Husu ME Identifika Profesor Ne’ebe Envolve Iha CPD”\nPrezidenti Republika (PR), Taur Matan Ruak husu ba Polisia Nasional Timor Leste (PNTL) atu labele uza violensia hasoru grupu CPD, tanba violensia sei la fo solusaun ba problema ne’e.\nXefi Estadu afirma kestaun ne’e, hafoin rona keixa husi lideransa maximu CPD foin lalais iha palasiu Prezidensial, Bairu-Pite, Dili, katak, wainhira PNTL ezekuta mandatu governu nian blokeia kedas dalan hodi impede movimentu membru CPD sira nian no afeta ba hamlaha no iha indikasaun sei mosu violensia iha atuasaun polisia nian.\nRelasiona ba kestaun ne’e, Vice Primeiru Ministru Fernando La sama de Araujo ho membru governu balun haranka ona ba Fatuberlihu, sesta (15/3).\nHodi halo dialogu ho grupu CPD, atu nune’e bele iha solusaun diak ba desizaun Primeiru Ministru nian katak, haruka CPD ida-idak fila ba ninia fatin no governu liu husi Ministeriu kompotente maka sei ba sosa produsaun ne’ebe mak grupu CPD sira hala’o tiha ona.\n“Prezidenti nia pozisaun mak ne’e, labele uza violensia,” hateten Taur ba Jornalista sira, Sesta (15/3), hafoin partisipa serimonia inagurasaun ba edifisiu Prokuradoria Jeral Republika Distrital Dili, Iha Vila-Verde, Dili.\nEntertantu, Deputadu husi Partidu Demokratiku (PD) Virgilio Hornai hateten, Profesor balun durante ne’e, ne’ebe halo kna’ar iha area rural balun hola parte fali iha atividade CPD, depois fulan foin ba simu osan, tanba ne’e, Hornai Husu atu ME tenki toma atensaun ba problema ne’e.\n“Alente Estadu ne’e ita tenki serviso ba povu, laos atu halo fali grupo, ida ne’e tenki haree didiak hodi identifika buka rekoila lolos, se mak iha ne’eba, numeru hira no hola medidas ba sira,” afirma Hornai ba Jornalista sira iha Uma Fuku PN, Sesta (15/3).
[ "TIMOR HAU NIAN DOBEN: PR Taur: Labele Uza Violensia Hasoru CPD \"Deputadu PD Husu ME Identifika Profesor Ne'ebe Envolve Iha CPD\" PR Taur: Labele Uza Violensia Hasoru CPD \"Deputadu PD Husu ME Identifika Profesor Ne'ebe Envolve Iha CPD\" Prezidenti Republika (PR), Taur Matan Ruak husu ba Polisia Nasional Timor Leste (PNTL) atu labele uza violensia hasoru grupu CPD, tanba violensia sei la fo solusaun ba problema ne'e.", "Xefi Estadu afirma kestaun ne'e, hafoin rona keixa husi lideransa maximu CPD foin lalais iha palasiu Prezidensial, Bairu-Pite, Dili, katak, wainhira PNTL ezekuta mandatu governu nian blokeia kedas dalan hodi impede movimentu membru CPD sira nian no afeta ba hamlaha no iha indikasaun sei mosu violensia iha atuasaun polisia nian.", "Relasiona ba kestaun ne'e, Vice Primeiru Ministru Fernando La sama de Araujo ho membru governu balun haranka ona ba Fatuberlihu, sesta (15/3).", "Hodi halo dialogu ho grupu CPD, atu nune'e bele iha solusaun diak ba desizaun Primeiru Ministru nian katak, haruka CPD ida-idak fila ba ninia fatin no governu liu husi Ministeriu kompotente maka sei ba sosa produsaun ne'ebe mak grupu CPD sira hala'o tiha ona.", "\"Prezidenti nia pozisaun mak ne'e, labele uza violensia,\" hateten Taur ba Jornalista sira, Sesta (15/3), hafoin partisipa serimonia inagurasaun ba edifisiu Prokuradoria Jeral Republika Distrital Dili, Iha Vila-Verde, Dili.", "Entertantu, Deputadu husi Partidu Demokratiku (PD) Virgilio Hornai hateten, Profesor balun durante ne'e, ne'ebe halo kna'ar iha area rural balun hola parte fali iha atividade CPD, depois fulan foin ba simu osan, tanba ne'e, Hornai Husu atu ME tenki toma atensaun ba problema ne'e.", "\"Alente Estadu ne'e ita tenki serviso ba povu, laos atu halo fali grupo, ida ne'e tenki haree didiak hodi identifika buka rekoila lolos, se mak iha ne'eba, numeru hira no hola medidas ba sira,\" afirma Hornai ba Jornalista sira iha Uma Fuku PN, Sesta (15/3)." ]
[ [ "TIMOR HAU NIAN DOBEN: PR Taur Rejects Using Violence Against CPD \"Deputadu PD Husu ME Identify Professor Ne'ebe Envolve Iha cpd\" President of the Republic (PR), Tau Matan Ruak, has called on Timor-Leste National Police to refrain from using violence against a group that is involved in criminal activities." ], [ "The Head of State affirmed the issue, after hearing complaints from CPD top leadership recently in Presidential Palace Bairu-Pite Dili that when PNTL executes government mandates they immediately block road to prevent movement for members and affect hunger. There are indications there will be violence during police action acting on this matter" ], [ "In relation to this issue, Deputy Prime Minister Fernando La Sama de Araujo and some government members have already visited Fatuberlihu on Saturday (15/3)." ], [ "By engaging in dialogue with the CPD groups, so that there can be a better solution to Prime Minister's decision of sending each PDC back into its place and government through competent ministries will go buy products which have already been produced by these groupings." ], [ "\"This is the president's position, he cannot use violence\", Taur told journalist on Saturday (15/3), after attending an inauguration ceremony for Prokuradoria Geral Republika Distrito Dili building in Vila-Verde." ], [ "Meanwhile, Member of the Democratic Party (PD) Virgilio Hornai said that some professors during this period who worked in rural areas took part again to CDP activities and only after a month they received their money. He therefore urged ME take care about these problems:" ], [ "\"In addition to the State, we must serve our people and not create new groups. This should be looked at carefully in order for us actually identifying those who are involved with this activity; how many of them? And then take measures against these person' s\", Hornai told journalistes on Saturday (15/3) during a press conference held by parliamentary committee members from both sides as part Of its annual meeting that takes place every year after Parliament is dissolved or reshuffled.\"" ] ]
IT FORUM: Esperensia Partisipa iha LCA 2011\nEsperensia Partisipa iha LCA 2011\nSaida mak LCA 2011 (Linux Conference Australia) hanesan eventu tinan-tinan kona ba FOSS organiza husi komunidade Linux Australi ba programa FOSS (Free Open Source Software ) Australia nian. Iha nebe'e tinan-tinan sira konvida membru sira hodi partisipa hanesan partisipante no mos saida hanesan orador ho apresenta mos projetu FOSS mak kada komunidade Open Source iha Australia- Tasmania & Nova Zelandia halao.\nPrograma fahe ba parte 4 iha sira bolu "Keynote" Orariu ba pakar sira hodi fahe esperensia, Morning, Conference, Lunch, Conference, Afternoon no Conferencia. hahu husi tuku 9:00 dader to'o 5:00 loraik.\nPrograma Dader interesante tebe-tebes tamba partisipnate hotu total 500 pessoas partisipa iha sesaun ne'e hodi rona Keynote sira fahe sira nia esperensia, liu-liu pesoas konhesidu iha mundo ICT nian hodi fahe sira nia esperensia.\nLinux Australia tinan ida ne'e konvida mos Keynotes sira hanesan: Vinton G. Cerf hanesan chefe evangelista internet ba Google. Vinton mos ema bolu nia hanesan Father of Internet (Aman ba Internet) nia mak hanesan Co-Designer ba TCP/IP protocol.\nKeynotes ida mak Eric Allman hanesan Co-founder & Sientista ba Sendmail. Keynotes seluk mak hanesan Mark Pesce nia mak hanesan Co-Developer ba VRML (Virtual Markup Language iha nebe'e base ba 3D, nia mos hanesan fundador ba programa graduasaun Interaktiva Media iha Universidade Southern California hanesan famouso escola cinema nian.\nKeynotes ikus liu mak Geoff Huston mak hanesan Chefe Sientista APNIC (Asia Pasific Network Information Center) sira mak hanesan registu regional internet.\nNo mos ema konhesidu barak husi Mundo Open Source nian hanesan "Linus Trovald" ema ida nebe'e hanesan kriador ba Linux OS no sira seluk tan.\nDepois de apresentasaun husi keynotes sira ami iha tempu 5 minitus hodi hemu kafe no komesa partisipa iha sesaun konference kada partisipan mak interese ho Topik ruma nia bele hare orariu no partisipa iha konference ne'e maibe se nia sinte ladun interesante ba nia no nia bele muda fali ba sala seluk hodi partisipa iha konference sira seluk mak interesante liu.\nApresentasaun kada sesaun iha 45 minutus no 25 minutus ba apresenta slide no 20 Minutus sesaun pergunta e resposta.\n#Sira mos iha eventu seluk hanesan Rocketry Workshop iha sesaun ne'e kada partisipante tenki selu fee ba workshop hamutuk $400 hodi bele hetan Material hodi bele halo Rocket (open rocket) www.openrocket.sourceforge.net\n#Iha eventu Speaker Dinner iha Eventu ne'e ba speaker sira hodi bele fahe informasaun diak liu tan\n#Penguin Dinner ida ne'e partisipa hotu husi partisipante ho Fee registrasi $90 no mos halo fund-rising no iha kalan Pinguin Dinner Linux Australia konsege halibur osan ho montante hamutuk $20.000 USD hodi suporta ba programa karidade nian\n# Program seluk mak hau mos hola parte iha AGM Linux Australia (Annual General Meeting) 2011 iha eventu ne'e ne'e sira halo hanesan reportagem aktividade no orsamentu ba tinan ida nian no mos halo elisaun ba strutura foun. Presidente Linux Australia nian John Ferlito loke sesaun hodi loke sesaun AGM no reportagem hato'o husi Council sira. No hetan aprovasaun husi Membru sira hodi aseita reportagem aktividade no orsamentu nian. Tuir hau nia observasaun sira ladun haksisuk malu kona ba reportajem sira, tamba hotu-hotu apoiu ba programa ne'e.\nHau mos hasoru ho Paul Gardener Autor ba Batphone,nia mos oferese HTC phone ida hodi hau bele familiar ho Google Andoid e partisipa mos sesaun Paul nian hotu tamba iha relasaun enter Batphone ho Mesh Potato uja hotu protocol Batman. Nune'e mos Paul koko hela halo pesquisa iha Batphone hodi bele halo produsaun ba Batphone ho presu $26 nia hatete buka hela supporta atu halo produsaun ba Batphone www.servalproject.org\nHasoru mos ho Joson White www.jasonjgw.net hanesan ema nebe'e matan at maibe desenvolve kluer ona iha area FOSS nian, liu-liu oin nusa uja programa FOSS ba ajuda Matan at sira bele halo servisu ho Computador.\nHasor mos Representante husi OLPC husi Sidney, Hasoru ho Russel hanesan Key Person ba iha Eventu Linux nian iha Australia e ajuda Mark ho Benjamin (IT Volunteer iha Eventu ne'e) hodi Flash Linksys uja Open WRT no halo ajuda monta sistema Audio no Video Programa nian.\nIha parte ne'e hau hare interesante tebes tamba sira uja program FOSS nian naran DV SWITCH hodi halo kobertura ba eventu ne'e live streaming no mos tahu iha Server.\nHetan ajuda em termos de registrasuan no akomodasaun husi Marco (Team Leader ba Speaker sira) hanesan dosen ba program open source husi QUT (Queenland University of Technology)\nHalo viagem mos ba iha APNIC nia office iha Brisbane hamutuk ho David ho Andrew hodi hasoru malu ho Silvia (colombiana) hanesan Manajer ba Sponsor projetu IT iha Asia nian. E mos hasoru mos maluk Indonesia 3 mak oras ne'e servisu iha APNIC Sr.Sanjaya (Senior Staff) husi Indonesia kleur ona servisu iha APNIC. Ida ne'e mak hanesan esperensia nebe'e bele hetan durante partisipa semana ida iha Conferensia Linux nian.\nHau hanoin esperensia ne'e positivu bele iha rede nebe'e diak liu tan ho komunidade open source Australia no mos iha belun barak mak hakarak apoiu desenvolve FOSS iha Timor-Leste. Espera tinan oin bele iha maluk seluk partisipa fali hodi haburas no haforsa liu tan existensia FOSS iha Timor-Leste.\nPosted by IT4NGO at 11:05 PM\nConference Linux Australia 2011
[ "IT FORUM: Esperensia Partisipa iha LCA 2011 Esperensia Partisipa iha LCA 2011 Saida mak LCA 2011 (Linux Conference Australia) hanesan eventu tinan-tinan kona ba FOSS organiza husi komunidade Linux Australi ba programa FOSS (Free Open Source Software) Australia nian.", "Iha nebe'e tinan-tinan sira konvida membru sira hodi partisipa hanesan partisipante no mos saida hanesan orador ho apresenta mos projetu FOSS mak kada komunidade Open Source iha Australia- Tasmania & Nova Zelandia halao.", "Programa fahe ba parte 4 iha sira bolu \"Keynote\" Orariu ba pakar sira hodi fahe esperensia, Morning, Conference, Lunch, Conference, Afternoon no Conferencia. hahu husi tuku 9:00 dader to'o 5:00 loraik.", "Programa Dader interesante tebe-tebes tamba partisipnate hotu total 500 pessoas partisipa iha sesaun ne'e hodi rona Keynote sira fahe sira nia esperensia, liu-liu pesoas konhesidu iha mundo ICT nian hodi fahe sira nia esperensia.", "Linux Australia tinan ida ne'e konvida mos Keynotes sira hanesan: Vinton G. Cerf hanesan chefe evangelista internet ba Google.", "Vinton mos ema bolu nia hanesan Father of Internet (Aman ba Internet) nia mak hanesan Co-Designer ba TCP/IP protocol.", "Keynotes ida mak Eric Allman hanesan Co-founder & Sientista ba Sendmail.", "Keynotes seluk mak hanesan Mark Pesce nia mak hanesan Co-Developer ba VRML (Virtual Markup Language iha nebe'e base ba 3D, nia mos hanesan fundador ba programa graduasaun Interaktiva Media iha Universidade Southern California hanesan famouso escola cinema nian.", "Keynotes ikus liu mak Geoff Huston mak hanesan Chefe Sientista APNIC (Asia Pasific Network Information Center) sira mak hanesan registu regional internet.", "No mos ema konhesidu barak husi Mundo Open Source nian hanesan \"Linus Trovald\" ema ida nebe'e hanesan kriador ba Linux OS no sira seluk tan.", "Depois de apresentasaun husi keynotes sira ami iha tempu 5 minitus hodi hemu kafe no komesa partisipa iha sesaun konference kada partisipan mak interese ho Topik ruma nia bele hare orariu no partisipa iha konference ne'e maibe se nia sinte ladun interesante ba nia no nia bele muda fali ba sala seluk hodi partisipa iha konference sira seluk mak interesante liu.", "Apresentasaun kada sesaun iha 45 minutus no 25 minutus ba apresenta slide no 20 Minutus sesaun pergunta e resposta. #Sira mos iha eventu seluk hanesan Rocketry Workshop iha sesaun ne'e kada partisipante tenki selu fee ba workshop hamutuk $400 hodi bele hetan Material hodi bele halo Rocket (open rocket) www.openrocket.sourceforge.net #Iha eventu Speaker Dinner iha Eventu ne'e ba speaker sira hodi bele fahe informasaun diak liu tan #Penguin Dinner ida ne'e partisipa hotu husi partisipante ho Fee registrasi $90 no mos halo fund-rising no iha kalan Pinguin Dinner Linux Australia konsege halibur osan ho montante hamutuk $20.000 USD hodi suporta ba programa karidade nian # Program seluk mak hau mos hola parte iha AGM Linux Australia (Annual General Meeting) 2011 iha eventu ne'e ne'e sira halo hanesan reportagem aktividade no orsamentu ba tinan ida nian no mos halo elisaun ba strutura foun.", "Presidente Linux Australia nian John Ferlito loke sesaun hodi loke sesaun AGM no reportagem hato'o husi Council sira.", "No hetan aprovasaun husi Membru sira hodi aseita reportagem aktividade no orsamentu nian.", "Tuir hau nia observasaun sira ladun haksisuk malu kona ba reportajem sira, tamba hotu-hotu apoiu ba programa ne'e.", "Hau mos hasoru ho Paul Gardener Autor ba Batphone,nia mos oferese HTC phone ida hodi hau bele familiar ho Google Andoid e partisipa mos sesaun Paul nian hotu tamba iha relasaun enter Batphone ho Mesh Potato uja hotu protocol Batman.", "Nune'e mos Paul koko hela halo pesquisa iha Batphone hodi bele halo produsaun ba Batphone ho presu $26 nia hatete buka hela supporta atu halo produsaun ba Batphone www.servalproject.org Hasoru mos ho Joson White www.jasonjgw.net hanesan ema nebe'e matan at maibe desenvolve kluer ona iha area FOSS nian, liu-liu oin nusa uja programa FOSS ba ajuda Matan at sira bele halo servisu ho Computador.", "Hasor mos Representante husi OLPC husi Sidney, Hasoru ho Russel hanesan Key Person ba iha Eventu Linux nian iha Australia e ajuda Mark ho Benjamin (IT Volunteer iha Eventu ne'e) hodi Flash Linksys uja Open WRT no halo ajuda monta sistema Audio no Video Programa nian.", "Iha parte ne'e hau hare interesante tebes tamba sira uja program FOSS nian naran DV SWITCH hodi halo kobertura ba eventu ne'e live streaming no mos tahu iha Server.", "Hetan ajuda em termos de registrasuan no akomodasaun husi Marco (Team Leader ba Speaker sira) hanesan dosen ba program open source husi QUT (Queenland University of Technology) Halo viagem mos ba iha APNIC nia office iha Brisbane hamutuk ho David ho Andrew hodi hasoru malu ho Silvia (colombiana) hanesan Manajer ba Sponsor projetu IT iha Asia nian.", "E mos hasoru mos maluk Indonesia 3 mak oras ne'e servisu iha APNIC Sr.Sanjaya (Senior Staff) husi Indonesia kleur ona servisu iha APNIC.", "Ida ne'e mak hanesan esperensia nebe'e bele hetan durante partisipa semana ida iha Conferensia Linux nian.", "Hau hanoin esperensia ne'e positivu bele iha rede nebe'e diak liu tan ho komunidade open source Australia no mos iha belun barak mak hakarak apoiu desenvolve FOSS iha Timor-Leste.", "Espera tinan oin bele iha maluk seluk partisipa fali hodi haburas no haforsa liu tan existensia FOSS iha Timor-Leste.", "Posted by IT4NGO at 11:05 PM Conference Linux Australia 2011" ]
[ [ "IT FORUM: Experiences of Participating in LCA 2013 What is the Linux Conference Australia (LCA)? The annual FOSS event, organized by Australian Free and Open Source Software Foundation for its free open source software program." ], [ "Each year they invite members to attend as participants and speakers, presenting FOSS projects carried out by the Open Source communities in Australia- Tasmania & New Zealand." ], [ "The program is divided into 4 parts in which they call \"Keynote\" Timetable for experts to share experiences, Morning Conference Lunch and Afternoon Conferencia. Starting from the morning of Monday at around noon until about five o'clock pm on Friday evening" ], [ "The Dader program was very interesting because all the participants in total 501 people attended this session to hear keynote speakers share their experience, especially well-known person from within world of IT and communication." ], [ "This year Linux Australia also invited keynote speakers such as: Vinton G. Cerf, chief internet evangelist for Google; and Steve Ballmer (CEO of Microsoft)." ], [ "He is also called the Father of Internet as he was a co-designer for TCP/IP protocol." ], [ "One of the keynotes will be Eric Allman as Co-founder & Scientist at Sendmail." ], [ "Other keynotes include Mark Pesce who is the co-developer of VRML (Virtual Markup Language for 3D based animation), and founded Interactive Media Graduate Program at UCLA as a renowned film school." ], [ "The final keynotes were given by Geoff Huston as Chief Scientist of APNIC (Asia Pacific Network Information Center), the regional internet registry." ], [ "And also many well-known people from the Open Source World such as \"Linus Trovald\" a man who is considered to be creator of Linux OS and others." ], [ "After the keynote presentations we had 5 minutes to drink coffee and start participating in conference sessions each participant who is interested with a topic he can look at timetable, attend this one but if it does not feel interesting for him or her then she could move back into another room where other more exciting conferencies are held." ], [ "Presentations each session is 45 minutes and slide presentation of the day takes about a half hour, then follows question & answer. #There will also be other events like Rocketry Workshop in which every participant has to pay $20 for workshop fee so that they can get Material (open rocket) http://rocketryworkshop1987-australianforum/index_en#Speaker Dinner event at this Event where speaker' s are invited as well because it help them share information better than before with their audience The Penguin diner was participated by all participants who paid an entry fees ($36), there were fundraising activities on evening Pinguin dinner Linux Australia managed raise money worth USD$(USD=US Dollar)." ], [ "Linux Australia President John Ferlito opened the session by opening AGM and reporting from Councils." ], [ "He also received the approval of Members to accept reporting on activities and budget." ], [ "In my observation, they do not have to fight each other about the reports because everyone supported this program." ], [ "I also met Paul Gardener author of the Batphone, he offered me an HTC phone so that i could get familiar with Google Andoid and participate in all his sessions as there is a connection between batPhone & Mesh Potato using Batman protocol." ], [ "Also Paul is doing research on the Batphone to make a production for $26 he said looking support in making bat phone www.servalproject,org He also met with Joson White http://www-jasonsgw19870543/ as someone who's blind but developing already clearly within FOSS area especially how can we use software from FoS help Blind people work using Computer elsewhere" ], [ "He also met with OLPC Representative from Sydney, Met Russel as Key Person for the Linux Event in Australia and helped Mark & Benjamin (IT Volunteer at this event) to Flash Linksys using Open WRT." ], [ "In this part I find it very interesting because they used FOSS software called DV SWITCH to make coverage of the event live streaming and also on server." ], [ "Get help in terms of registration and accommodation from Marco (Team Leader for Speakers) as a lecturer on the open source program at QUT(Queenland University Of Technology). Also make trip to APNIC'S office, Brisbane with David & Andrew where we met Silvia who is Managing Sponsor IT Project Asia." ], [ "I also met 3 Indonesian colleagues who are currently working in APNIC. Mr Sanjaya (Senior Staff) from Indonesia has worked for a long time at Apnic and he was very helpful to me during the meetings with my fellow staff members, especially when it came about getting information on how we can improve our work processes as well..." ], [ "This is the kind of experience you can get during a week at Linux Conference." ], [ "I think the experience was positive to have a better networking with Australia's open source community and also there are many neighborhood members who want support develop FOSS in Timor-Leste." ], [ "Hopefully next year more people will participate again to further foster and strengthen the existence of FOSS in Timor-Leste." ], [ "Posted by IT4NGO at 12:05 PM Conference Linux Australia, News" ] ]
AJAR: Lider Nasionál Nia Unidade Mihis\nTempotimor (Dili) – Diretór Ezekutivu Asia Justice And Rights (AJAR), José Luis Oliveira, Kinta (25/07/19) hato'o ninia sentimentu tristeza bainhira haree lider nasionál sira nia unidade mihis ba bebeik.\n19% Feto TL, Kaben Sedu\nTempotimor (Dili) – Peskiza ne'ebé Plan Internasional Timor-Leste (PITL) halo, hatudu katak feto foinsa’e Timor-Leste ne'ebé kaben sedu iha tinan 2018 mak 19%.\nApoiu Klinika Bairro-Pite Depende OJE 2020\nTempotimor (Dili) - Ministru Saúde (MS) ein ezersisu, Bonifácio dos Reis hatete, atu apoiu Fundasaun Klinika Bairro-Pite, sei hein Orsamentu Jerál Estado (OJE) 2019.\nMDS : Arte Marsiais Oho Malu, GAM La Reativa\nTempotimor (Dili) - Tuir Ministru Defeza, Seguransa no Ministru Interiór em ezersisiu katak, atu reativa fali Grupu Arte Marsiais só konsiénsia.\n"Komisaun Reguladora Arte Marsiais (KRAM) briefing beibeik ami. Maibé, estudu ikus liu seidauk. Portantu, ami uluk ho Primeiru Ministru (PM) halo proposta ida hodi halo Taksforce ida para halo servisu ida integradu para haree duni moras ne'e iha ne'ebé. Maibé sua eselensia PM fiar ba iha KRAM no iha duni kompetensia para haree arte marsiais ne'e," dehan Ministru Defeza no Seguransa Filomeno de Jesus da Paixão iha Palásiu Governu, Kuarta (24/07/2019).\nMDS mós hein oinsá rezultadu estudu ikus husi KRAM nian kona-ba GAM. "Ita hein de'it rezultadu ikus husi estudu KRAM nian ne'e oinsa. No atu reativa GAM ha'u sente lae karik. Bainhira oho malu hanesan ne'e beibeik, nunka mais atu reativa," Paixao afirma.\nNia dehan, se governu reativa fali GAM, ne'e governu mak iha vontade. Tanba, iha Konstitusaun RDTL fó direitu ema ho atu halo asuntu saida de'it. MDS afirma, iha lei nú. 5/2017 ne'ebé determina ka taka arte marsiais nia ezistensia.\n"Iha lei bandu. Lei nú. 5/2017 bandu arte marsiais. Mas depois taka tiha, invez de ita mós para hadi'a an lae, ita mós oho malu. Ne'e atu ativa fali ne'e halo nusa? Loke la hetan. Ne'ebé nusa? Hakarak funu ho Polisia no F-FDTL ami prontu," MDS tenik.
[ "AJAR: Lider Nasional Nia Unidade Mihis Tempotimor (Dili) - Diretor Ezekutivu Asia Justice And Rights (AJAR), Jose Luis Oliveira, Kinta (25/07/19) hato'o ninia sentimentu tristeza bainhira haree lider nasional sira nia unidade mihis ba bebeik.", "19% Feto TL, Kaben Sedu Tempotimor (Dili) - Peskiza ne'ebe Plan Internasional Timor-Leste (PITL) halo, hatudu katak feto foinsa'e Timor-Leste ne'ebe kaben sedu iha tinan 2018 mak 19%.", "Apoiu Klinika Bairro-Pite Depende OJE 2020 Tempotimor (Dili) - Ministru Saude (MS) ein ezersisu, Bonifacio dos Reis hatete, atu apoiu Fundasaun Klinika Bairro-Pite, sei hein Orsamentu Jeral Estado (OJE) 2019.", "MDS: Arte Marsiais Oho Malu, GAM La Reativa Tempotimor (Dili) - Tuir Ministru Defeza, Seguransa no Ministru Interior em ezersisiu katak, atu reativa fali Grupu Arte Marsiais so konsiensia.", "\"Komisaun Reguladora Arte Marsiais (KRAM) briefing beibeik ami.", "Maibe, estudu ikus liu seidauk.", "Portantu, ami uluk ho Primeiru Ministru (PM) halo proposta ida hodi halo Taksforce ida para halo servisu ida integradu para haree duni moras ne'e iha ne'ebe.", "Maibe sua eselensia PM fiar ba iha KRAM no iha duni kompetensia para haree arte marsiais ne'e,\" dehan Ministru Defeza no Seguransa Filomeno de Jesus da Paixao iha Palasiu Governu, Kuarta (24/07/2019).", "MDS mos hein oinsa rezultadu estudu ikus husi KRAM nian kona-ba GAM.", "\"Ita hein de'it rezultadu ikus husi estudu KRAM nian ne'e oinsa.", "No atu reativa GAM ha'u sente lae karik.", "Bainhira oho malu hanesan ne'e beibeik, nunka mais atu reativa,\" Paixao afirma.", "Nia dehan, se governu reativa fali GAM, ne'e governu mak iha vontade.", "Tanba, iha Konstitusaun RDTL fo direitu ema ho atu halo asuntu saida de'it.", "MDS afirma, iha lei nu.", "5/2017 ne'ebe determina ka taka arte marsiais nia ezistensia.", "\"Iha lei bandu.", "Lei nu.", "5/2017 bandu arte marsiais.", "Mas depois taka tiha, invez de ita mos para hadi'a an lae, ita mos oho malu.", "Ne'e atu ativa fali ne'e halo nusa?", "Loke la hetan.", "Ne'ebe nusa?", "Hakarak funu ho Polisia no F-FDTL ami prontu,\" MDS tenik." ]
[ [ "Tempotimor (Dili) - The Executive Director of Asia Justice And Rights, Jose Luis Oliveira on Thursday expressed his feelings when he saw the unity among national leaders deteriorating." ], [ "Tempotimor (Dili) - A survey conducted by Plan International Timor-Leste, show that 19% of young women in the East have been married to a man for more than one year." ], [ "Tempotimor (Dili) - Health Minister Bonifacio dos Reis said that he will wait for the 2019 General State Budget to support Bairro-Pite Clinic Foundation, adding: “We are looking forward with great anticipation and hopefully we can get some money in this year’s budget.”" ], [ "Tempotimor (Dili) - According to the Ministers of Defence, Security and Interior in exercise that reactivate Martial Arts Group is their conscience. MDS: Marciales Artesiais Oho Malu" ], [ "\"The Martial Arts Regulatory Commission (KRAM) keeps briefing us." ], [ "However, a more recent study has not yet been carried out." ], [ "Therefore, the Prime Minister (PM) and I made a proposal to create an integrated Task Force that would look at this disease in-situ." ], [ "But His Excellency the PM trusts KRAM and has competence to look at martial arts,\" said Defence Minister Filomeno de Jesus da Paixao in Government Palace on Thursday (24/07)" ], [ "MDS is also awaiting the outcome of KRAM’s recent study on GAM." ], [ "\"Let's just wait and see what the final result of KRAM’ s study will be." ], [ "And to reactivate GAM I don't feel like it." ], [ "When you keep killing each other like this, it's never too late to re-activate\", Paixao says." ], [ "He said, if the government re-activates GAM it is up to them." ], [ "The Constitution of the RDTL gives people a right to do whatever they want." ], [ "MDS states, there is law no." ], [ "5/2017 which determines or close the existence of arte marsiais." ], [ "\"There's a law against it." ], [ "No lei." ], [ "5/2017 bandu martial art. bandit" ], [ "But then it was closed, and instead of we going to the hospital for a day's care." ], [ "How do I re-activate it?" ], [ "Nowhere to go." ], [ "What is it?" ], [ "If we want to fight with the Police and F-FDTL, I am ready,” MDS said." ] ]
FALINTIL Trasa Planu Estratéjiku Garante Seguransa Marítima\nBy Tempo Timor August 18, 2020 2165\nKapitaun Mar no Guerra, Hijino das Neves, bainhira sai Oradór dahuluk iha semináriu ho Konsolidasaun Estratéjiku Ba Garantia Seguransa Marítima TL nian, hodi komemora loron Falintil ba dala-45, iha kuartel jenerál Fatuhada, tersa (18/08). Foto Tempo Timor\nTempoTimor (Díli)- Forsa Armada Libertasaun Nasionál Timor-Leste - Forsa de Defesa Timor Leste (F-FDTL), dadaun ne'e halo konsolidasaun ba nia planu estratéjiku hodi oinsá bele asegura seguransa marítima Timor-Leste (TL) nian liu-liu iha liña tasi ne'ebé define tiha ona.\nKapitaun Mar no Guerra, Hijino das Neves hatete, konsolidasaun estratéjiku atu garantia seguransa ba TL nia marítima, tanba liuhosi ida ne'e, ita bele hatene TL nia kontextu estratejiku rasik tuur iha pozisaun ida ne'ebé.\nNia hateten, haree hosi textu globál, Komponente Naval kada tinan 2 ba partisipa formasaun iha Indonézia no Australia hodi eleva koñesimentu ofisiais sira nian hodi oinsa garante seguransa di'ak ba ita nia tasi.\n"Komponente Navál tama ona iha membru aéreos nian no kada tinan partisipa iha formasaun ba asuntu sosial ninian iha rai India", hateten Kapitaun Mar no Guerra, Hijino das Neves, bainhira sai Oradór dahuluk iha semináriu ho Konsolidasaun Estratéjiku Ba Garantia Seguransa Marítima TL nian, hodi komemora loron Falintil ba dala-45, iha kuartel jenerál Fatuhada, tersa (18/08).\nNia dehan, ba kestaun seguransa iha tasi, TL tenke iha responsabilidade rasik hodi asegura seguransa ba ita nia tasi, no labele ema hosi nasaun seluk maka halo fali seguransa.\n"Ha'u nia hakarak ne'e, Timor ne'e oinsa labele ema seluk. Ita mak tenke toma responsabilidade rasik hodi asegura ita nia seguransa maritima ita nia nasaun nian", dehan nia.\nNia dehan, TL iha interese estratéjiku tolu ba protesaun seguransa rikusoin iha tasi timor, hanesan teritóriu konstituidu, espasu, espasu marítimas no area sob-juridisaun.\nNia esplika, objetivu nasional TL nian iha área seguransa defeza maritima, maka mantein ita nia soberania independente no integridade territórial, garantia estabilidade ba ema nia moris no properiedade ba sidadaun sira, mantein paz iha liberdade no demokrásia hodi kuidadu ita nia rekursu kulturál ho tradisionalemente.\nNia hatutan, iha asuntu defeza no seguransa nasional nian, iha buat haat importante maka promosaun promove TL ida ho seguru, estável no reziliénsia, no prevensaun.\nNia afirman, obrigasaun TL nian hanesan estadu mar maka ita tenke kontribui ba akordu sira ne'ebé halo ona ho nasaun avansadu sira iha mundu, maibé dala-barak mós TL ladun hala'o ho di'ak tanba ita laiha estabílidade polítika rai-laran hodi finansia no moderniza ita nia forsa armadas.\n"Dezafiu ba ita iha seguransa marítima, prezensa forsa navál timor nian seidauk destaka iha liña fronteira marítima hodi halo seguransa ba ita nia tasi, maske ita iha ona tratadu konaba rai ketan", dehan nia.\nKapitaun Mar no Guerra, Hijino das Neves\n« MAPKomS: Parabéns Falintil ba Ezistensia Tinan 45 PNTL no MP Fo Opsaun Rua Ba Autór Sona Malu no Sunu Uma »\nMembru Komponente Navál Na’in-2 Apoia Tripulante Ró Berlim Ramelau
[ "FALINTIL Trasa Planu Estratejiku Garante Seguransa Maritima By Tempo Timor August 18, 2020 2165 Kapitaun Mar no Guerra, Hijino das Neves, bainhira sai Orador dahuluk iha seminariu ho Konsolidasaun Estratejiku Ba Garantia Seguransa Maritima TL nian, hodi komemora loron Falintil ba dala-45, iha kuartel jeneral Fatuhada, tersa (18/08).", "Foto Tempo Timor TempoTimor (Dili) - Forsa Armada Libertasaun Nasional Timor-Leste - Forsa de Defesa Timor Leste (F-FDTL), dadaun ne'e halo konsolidasaun ba nia planu estratejiku hodi oinsa bele asegura seguransa maritima Timor-Leste (TL) nian liu-liu iha lina tasi ne'ebe define tiha ona.", "Kapitaun Mar no Guerra, Hijino das Neves hatete, konsolidasaun estratejiku atu garantia seguransa ba TL nia maritima, tanba liuhosi ida ne'e, ita bele hatene TL nia kontextu estratejiku rasik tuur iha pozisaun ida ne'ebe.", "Nia hateten, haree hosi textu global, Komponente Naval kada tinan 2 ba partisipa formasaun iha Indonezia no Australia hodi eleva konesimentu ofisiais sira nian hodi oinsa garante seguransa di'ak ba ita nia tasi.", "\"Komponente Naval tama ona iha membru aereos nian no kada tinan partisipa iha formasaun ba asuntu sosial ninian iha rai India,\" hateten Kapitaun Mar no Guerra, Hijino das Neves, bainhira sai Orador dahuluk iha seminariu ho Konsolidasaun Estratejiku Ba Garantia Seguransa Maritima TL nian, hodi komemora loron Falintil ba dala-45, iha kuartel jeneral Fatuhada, tersa (18/08).", "Nia dehan, ba kestaun seguransa iha tasi, TL tenke iha responsabilidade rasik hodi asegura seguransa ba ita nia tasi, no labele ema hosi nasaun seluk maka halo fali seguransa.", "\"Ha'u nia hakarak ne'e, Timor ne'e oinsa labele ema seluk.", "Ita mak tenke toma responsabilidade rasik hodi asegura ita nia seguransa maritima ita nia nasaun nian,\" dehan nia.", "Nia dehan, TL iha interese estratejiku tolu ba protesaun seguransa rikusoin iha tasi timor, hanesan teritoriu konstituidu, espasu, espasu maritimas no area sob-juridisaun.", "Nia esplika, objetivu nasional TL nian iha area seguransa defeza maritima, maka mantein ita nia soberania independente no integridade territorial, garantia estabilidade ba ema nia moris no properiedade ba sidadaun sira, mantein paz iha liberdade no demokrasia hodi kuidadu ita nia rekursu kultural ho tradisionalemente.", "Nia hatutan, iha asuntu defeza no seguransa nasional nian, iha buat haat importante maka promosaun promove TL ida ho seguru, estavel no reziliensia, no prevensaun.", "Nia afirman, obrigasaun TL nian hanesan estadu mar maka ita tenke kontribui ba akordu sira ne'ebe halo ona ho nasaun avansadu sira iha mundu, maibe dala-barak mos TL ladun hala'o ho di'ak tanba ita laiha estabilidade politika rai-laran hodi finansia no moderniza ita nia forsa armadas.", "\"Dezafiu ba ita iha seguransa maritima, prezensa forsa naval timor nian seidauk destaka iha lina fronteira maritima hodi halo seguransa ba ita nia tasi, maske ita iha ona tratadu konaba rai ketan,\" dehan nia.", "Kapitaun Mar no Guerra, Hijino das Neves \" MAPKomS: Parabens Falintil ba Ezistensia Tinan 45 PNTL no MP Fo Opsaun Rua Ba Autor Sona Malu no Sunu Uma \" Membru Komponente Naval Na'in-2 Apoia Tripulante Ro Berlim Ramelau" ]
[ [ "FALINTIL Traces Strategic Plan to Guarantee Maritima Security By Tempo Timor August 18,2035 Captain Mar no Guerra Hijino das Neves is the first speaker at a seminar on strategic consolidation for guaranteeing maritimo security of TL in commemoration Falintil’s day. The event took place Tuesday (August) and was hosted by Fatuhada headquarters with participating from all over South East Asia as well..." ], [ "TempoTimor (Dili) - Forsa Armada Libertasaun Nasional Timor-Leste – Defence Forces of East Тимор, currently consolidating its strategic plan to ensure maritime security in the defined sea lines. This is a major step towards enhancing and strengthening our defense capabilities at international level as we move forward onward from this crisis situation that has already affected us all for many years now.\"" ], [ "Captain Mar no Guerra, Hijino das Neves said the strategic consolidation to guarantee security for TL's maritime because through this we can know that our own strategist context sits in a position where." ], [ "He said, from the global text of this agreement it follows that every 2 years a Naval Component will attend training in Indonesia and Australia to raise knowledge among officials on how best ensure security for our seas." ], [ "\"The naval component has been incorporated into the air members and every year participates in training for this social issue on Indian soil,\" said Captain Mar e Guerra Hijino das Neves when he was first speaker at a seminar with Strategic Consolidation For Guarantee Maritimes Security of TL to commemorate Falintil Day 45th Anniversary." ], [ "He said, on the issue of security at sea TL must have its own responsibility to ensure safety for our waters and not people from other countries can do it." ], [ "\"My wish is that Timor-Leste should not be owned by anyone else." ], [ "We have to take our own responsibility for ensuring the maritime security of this country,\" he said." ], [ "He said that Timor-Leste has three strategic interests in protecting the security of its resources, such as constituent territory; space and maritime areas under jurisdiction." ], [ "He explained that the national objectives of Timor-Leste in maritime security and defence are to maintain our independent sovereignty, territorial integrity; guarantee stabilities for people's lives & property rights. To preserve peace with freedom& democracy by taking care traditionally about cultural resources" ], [ "He added that in the matter of defence and national security, there are four important things to promote: promoting a secure TL; stability & resilience." ], [ "He affirmed, the obligation of TL as sea state is that we must contribute to agreements already made with advanced countries in this world. But often times it does not perform well because there was no political stability at home for financing and modernizing our armed forces;" ], [ "\"The challenge for us is in maritime security, the Timorese naval presence has not been prominent on our sea border lines to secure it even though we have a treaty regarding coastal waters\", he said." ], [ "Kapitaun Mar no Guerra, Hijino das Neves \" MAPKomS: Parabens Falintil ba Existensia Tinan 45 PNTL No MP Fo Opsaun Rua Ba Autor Sona Malu e Sunu Uma\" Member Komponente Naval Na'i-2 Apoia Tripulante Ro Berlim Ramelao" ] ]
MS husu inan-aman foti desizaun molok oan sira simu Pfizer | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste\nVARANDA DILI MS husu inan-aman foti desizaun molok oan sira simu Pfizer\nDILI, 23 outubru 2021 (TATOLI)—Ekipa Programa Promosaun Edukasaun Saúde hosi Ministériu Saúde Sentrál husu ba inan-aman sira atu foti desizaun hamutuk molok aseita oan sira idade 12-17 simu vasina Pfizer.\nNotísia Relevante: SEMD indika eskola 4 setembru Balide sai fatin lansamentu vasina Pfizer\nOfisiál Programa promosaun edukasaun saúde, Bendonina dos Reis relata asuntu ne’e ba inan aman estudante sira iha kampañia advokasia vasinasaun Pfizer ne’ebé hala’o iha Ensinu Sekundáriu Jerál (ESJ) 4 Setembru UNAMET, Balide, Dili, sábadu ne’e.\n“Inan-aman aseita ne’e importante tebes. Tanba ne’e, parte saúde prepara ona formuláriu atu família estudante sira tenke prenxe molok oan sira simu vasina Pfizer. Fformuláriu ne’e atu ajuda inan-aman sira bele esplika kondisaun saúde oan sira-nian. Karik oan sira iha kondisaun moras, sofre kurasaun ka isin manas labele simu vasina. Nune’e, inan-aman sira balun la prontu atu prinxe formuláriu, automatikamente oan sira sei labele simu vasina,” nia dehan.\nBainhira vasinasaun hahú, família sira-ne’ebé deside ona vasinasaun ba oan sira tenke submete formuláriu iha momentu vasinasaun. Tenke prenxe oan sira-nia estatus ho loloos atu parte saúde bele identifika tuir dadus sira-ne’e.\nOfisiál MS ne’e hateten, dalan ida di’ak ba inan-aman sira atu halo mak tenke informa ba malu. se ohin inan ka aman de’it mak tuir enkontru tenke husu opiniaun ba malu kona-ba formuláriu refere atu loron ikus mosu problema ruma labele fó sala ba malu.\nDiretór Ensinu Sekundáriu Jerál (ESJ) 4 Setembru UNAMET Balide, Sergio da Cruz iha esperansa boot ba inan-aman sira atu deside asaun ruma di’ak ba oan sira-nia saúde no futuru.\n“Ha’u fiar inan-aman sira bele prinxe hotu formuláriu hosi Ministériu Saudé, atu nune’e garante oan sira bele hetan hotu vasina Pfizer iha tempu besik,” nia dehan.\nNia lahaluha hato’o agradese ba inan-aman sira tanba bele simu konvite ne’ebé eskola hato’o liuhosi oan sira, ida-ne’e hatudu ona kolaborasaun no kooperasaun di’ak hodi divulga informasaun ba malu kona-ba vasina Pfizer ba oan sira.\nTuir dadus hosi MEJD, ema ho idade 12 to’o 17 hamutuk 130.000 mak preparadu atu simu vasinasaun, ne’ebé hosi númeru ne’e, 100.000 hanesan estudante no 30.000 la’ós estudante.\nNotísia Relevante: MS lansa vasina Pfizer doze dahuluk iha munisípiu Dili no Liquiça\naseita oan sira bele simu vasina\nDiretor ESJ 4setembru Balidi Sergio da Cruz\nkampania advokasia ba inan aman sira\nOfisial Programa Promosaun Edukasaun Bendonina dos Reis\nPrevious articleKRAM halo re-ajustamentu ba estrutura organizasaun arte marsiál iha RAEOA\nNext articleRFTL realiza kongresu atu rejistu sai organizasaun legál iha Timor-Leste
[ "MS husu inan-aman foti desizaun molok oan sira simu Pfizer | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA DILI MS husu inan-aman foti desizaun molok oan sira simu Pfizer DILI, 23 outubru 2021 (TATOLI) - Ekipa Programa Promosaun Edukasaun Saude hosi Ministeriu Saude Sentral husu ba inan-aman sira atu foti desizaun hamutuk molok aseita oan sira idade 12-17 simu vasina Pfizer.", "Notisia Relevante: SEMD indika eskola 4 setembru Balide sai fatin lansamentu vasina Pfizer Ofisial Programa promosaun edukasaun saude, Bendonina dos Reis relata asuntu ne'e ba inan aman estudante sira iha kampania advokasia vasinasaun Pfizer ne'ebe hala'o iha Ensinu Sekundariu Jeral (ESJ) 4 Setembru UNAMET, Balide, Dili, sabadu ne'e.", "\"Inan-aman aseita ne'e importante tebes.", "Tanba ne'e, parte saude prepara ona formulariu atu familia estudante sira tenke prenxe molok oan sira simu vasina Pfizer.", "Fformulariu ne'e atu ajuda inan-aman sira bele esplika kondisaun saude oan sira-nian.", "Karik oan sira iha kondisaun moras, sofre kurasaun ka isin manas labele simu vasina.", "Nune'e, inan-aman sira balun la prontu atu prinxe formulariu, automatikamente oan sira sei labele simu vasina,\" nia dehan.", "Bainhira vasinasaun hahu, familia sira-ne'ebe deside ona vasinasaun ba oan sira tenke submete formulariu iha momentu vasinasaun.", "Tenke prenxe oan sira-nia estatus ho loloos atu parte saude bele identifika tuir dadus sira-ne'e.", "Ofisial MS ne'e hateten, dalan ida di'ak ba inan-aman sira atu halo mak tenke informa ba malu. se ohin inan ka aman de'it mak tuir enkontru tenke husu opiniaun ba malu kona-ba formulariu refere atu loron ikus mosu problema ruma labele fo sala ba malu.", "Diretor Ensinu Sekundariu Jeral (ESJ) 4 Setembru UNAMET Balide, Sergio da Cruz iha esperansa boot ba inan-aman sira atu deside asaun ruma di'ak ba oan sira-nia saude no futuru.", "\"Ha'u fiar inan-aman sira bele prinxe hotu formulariu hosi Ministeriu Saude, atu nune'e garante oan sira bele hetan hotu vasina Pfizer iha tempu besik,\" nia dehan.", "Nia lahaluha hato'o agradese ba inan-aman sira tanba bele simu konvite ne'ebe eskola hato'o liuhosi oan sira, ida-ne'e hatudu ona kolaborasaun no kooperasaun di'ak hodi divulga informasaun ba malu kona-ba vasina Pfizer ba oan sira.", "Tuir dadus hosi MEJD, ema ho idade 12 to'o 17 hamutuk 130.000 mak preparadu atu simu vasinasaun, ne'ebe hosi numeru ne'e, 100.000 hanesan estudante no 30.000 la'os estudante.", "Notisia Relevante: MS lansa vasina Pfizer doze dahuluk iha munisipiu Dili no Liquica aseita oan sira bele simu vasina Diretor ESJ 4setembru Balidi Sergio da Cruz kampania advokasia ba inan aman sira Ofisial Programa Promosaun Edukasaun Bendonina dos Reis Previous articleKRAM halo re-ajustamentu ba estrutura organizasaun arte marsial iha RAEOA Next articleRFTL realiza kongresu atu rejistu sai organizasaun legal iha Timor-Leste" ]
[ [ "MS asks parents to make decision before their children receive Pfizer vaccine | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA DILI The Health Education Promotion Program team of the Central Ministry for health is urging all families in Dili, East Nusa Tenggara (NTT) Region and other areas around this island region that are aged between twelve - seventeen years old." ], [ "Relevant News: SEMD indicates school 4 September Balide as place of launching Pfizer vaccine Official Health Education Promotion Program, Bendonina dos Reis reported the matter to parents and students in a campaign advocacy for AstraZeneca vaccination carried out at General Secondary School (ESJ) on Sept." ], [ "\"Parents' acceptance is very important. Parents agreed that it would be a good idea to have the children attend school.\"" ], [ "Therefore, the health department has prepared a form for student families to fill out before their children receive Pfizer vaccine." ], [ "This form is intended to help parents explain the health condition of their children." ], [ "If the child is ill, suffering from a cure or if he/she feels very sick they may not be vaccinated." ], [ "Therefore, some parents are not ready to fill out the forms and automatically their children will be unable for vaccination.\"" ], [ "When vaccinations begin, families who have already decided to vaccinate their children must submit a form at the time of immunization." ], [ "The status of the child must be correctly recorded so that health care providers can identify them according to this data." ], [ "The MS official said, a good way for parents to do is inform each other. If today only one parent attends the meeting they should ask their opinion on this form so that eventually there may be any problem and not blame themselves elsewhere" ], [ "Director of General Secondary School (ESJ) UNAMET Valide, Sergio da Cruz has great hopes for parents to decide on some good action in order their children' s health and future." ], [ "\"I trust that parents can fill out all the forms from Ministry of Health, so as to guarantee their children will get Pfizer vaccine in a short time.\"" ], [ "Her speech thanked parents for accepting the invitation that school sent through their children, this has shown good collaboration and cooperation to disseminate information about Pfizer vaccines." ], [ "According to data from the MEJD, 130 thousand people aged between twelve and seventeen are prepared for vaccinations. Of this number about one hundred-thousands of them were students while another three dozen had not yet been vaccinated at that time; there is also an additional thirty million who haven't received their first dose as they still study or work in schools (nonstudent population)." ], [ "Related News: MS launches first dose of Pfizer vaccine in Dili and Liquica municipalities accepts children can be vaccinated ESJ 4 September Director Validi Sergio da Cruz campaign advocacy for parents Official Education Promotion Program Bendonina dos Reis Previous articleKRAM makes re-adjustment to martial art organization structure at OEA Region Next ArticleRFTL hold congress on registration as a legal organisation within Timor Leste" ] ]
Labarik Jesus iha templu (Lucas 2:41-52) | Istória husi Bíblia\nLabarik Jesus iha templu\nHAREE ba labarik-mane neʼebé koʼalia daudauk ho katuas sira-neʼe. Sira mak mestre iha Maromak nia templu iha Jeruzalein. No labarik neʼe mak Jesus. Nia boot ona, tinan 12.\nMestre sira hakfodak tebes tanba Jesus hatene buat barak kona-ba Maromak no buat neʼebé hakerek iha Bíblia laran. Maibé tansá mak José no Maria la hamutuk ho nia? Sira iha neʼebé? Mai ita haree toʼok.\nTinan-tinan José lori nia família bá Jeruzalein atu tuir festa espesiál naran Páskua. Sira laʼo dook husi Nazaré bá Jeruzalein. Ema ida la iha karreta, no mós la iha komboiu. Tempu neʼebá, buat hirak-neʼe la iha. Ema barak laʼo deʼit, no demora loron tolu atu bá Jeruzalein.\nAgora, José iha família boot. Nuneʼe tenke tau matan mós ba Jesus nia alin-mane no alin-feto sira. Entaun, iha tinan neʼe, José no Maria laʼo dook fila fali ba sira-nia rai Nazaré hamutuk ho sira-nia oan. Sira hanoin katak Jesus mós laʼo hamutuk ho ema seluk. Maibé toʼo kalan, sira la haree Jesus. Sira buka nia iha maluk no kolega nia leet, maibé nia la hamutuk ho sira! Nuneʼe, sira fila fali ba Jeruzalein atu buka nia iha neʼebá.\nIkusmai, sira hetan Jesus iha neʼe hamutuk ho mestre sira. Nia rona ba sira no husu pergunta. Ema hotu hakfodak loos tanba Jesus matenek tebes. Maibé Maria hatete: ‘Oan, tansá ó halo hanesan neʼe? Ó-nia aman no haʼu laran-susar tebes atu buka ó.’\nJesus hatán: ‘Tansá imi tenke buka haʼu? Imi la hatene katak haʼu sei hela iha haʼu-nia Aman nia uma?’\nLoos, Jesus gosta tebes atu bá fatin neʼebé nia bele aprende kona-ba Maromak. Ita mós tenke sente hanesan neʼe, loos ka lae? Iha Nazaré, Jesus toman bá reuniaun atu adora Maromak semana-semana. Tanba nia sempre rona didiʼak, nia aprende buat barak husi Bíblia. Mai ita banati-tuir Jesus. Dezeñu iha pájina tomak\nLucas 2:41-52; Mateus 13:53-56.
[ "Labarik Jesus iha templu (Lucas 2:41-52) | Istoria husi Biblia Labarik Jesus iha templu HAREE ba labarik-mane ne'ebe ko'alia daudauk ho katuas sira-ne'e.", "Sira mak mestre iha Maromak nia templu iha Jeruzalein.", "No labarik ne'e mak Jesus.", "Nia boot ona, tinan 12.", "Mestre sira hakfodak tebes tanba Jesus hatene buat barak kona-ba Maromak no buat ne'ebe hakerek iha Biblia laran.", "Maibe tansa mak Jose no Maria la hamutuk ho nia?", "Sira iha ne'ebe?", "Mai ita haree to'ok.", "Tinan-tinan Jose lori nia familia ba Jeruzalein atu tuir festa espesial naran Paskua.", "Sira la'o dook husi Nazare ba Jeruzalein.", "Ema ida la iha karreta, no mos la iha komboiu.", "Tempu ne'eba, buat hirak-ne'e la iha.", "Ema barak la'o de'it, no demora loron tolu atu ba Jeruzalein.", "Agora, Jose iha familia boot.", "Nune'e tenke tau matan mos ba Jesus nia alin-mane no alin-feto sira.", "Entaun, iha tinan ne'e, Jose no Maria la'o dook fila fali ba sira-nia rai Nazare hamutuk ho sira-nia oan.", "Sira hanoin katak Jesus mos la'o hamutuk ho ema seluk.", "Maibe to'o kalan, sira la haree Jesus.", "Sira buka nia iha maluk no kolega nia leet, maibe nia la hamutuk ho sira!", "Nune'e, sira fila fali ba Jeruzalein atu buka nia iha ne'eba.", "Ikusmai, sira hetan Jesus iha ne'e hamutuk ho mestre sira.", "Nia rona ba sira no husu pergunta.", "Ema hotu hakfodak loos tanba Jesus matenek tebes.", "Maibe Maria hatete: 'Oan, tansa o halo hanesan ne'e?", "O-nia aman no ha'u laran-susar tebes atu buka o.'", "Jesus hatan: 'Tansa imi tenke buka ha'u?", "Imi la hatene katak ha'u sei hela iha ha'u-nia Aman nia uma?'", "Loos, Jesus gosta tebes atu ba fatin ne'ebe nia bele aprende kona-ba Maromak.", "Ita mos tenke sente hanesan ne'e, loos ka lae?", "Iha Nazare, Jesus toman ba reuniaun atu adora Maromak semana-semana.", "Tanba nia sempre rona didi'ak, nia aprende buat barak husi Biblia.", "Mai ita banati-tuir Jesus.", "Dezenu iha pajina tomak Lucas 2:41-52; Mateus 13:53-56." ]
[ [ "The Child Jesus in the Temple (Luke 2:41-53) | Bible Story Baby Christ at temple Hear, O children who are talking with these elders." ], [ "They were teachers in the temple of God which is at Jerusalem." ], [ "And the child is Jesus. He's not a baby, but Christ!" ], [ "He is now an adult, 12 years old." ], [ "The teachers were delighted that Jesus knew so much about God and what was written in the Bible." ], [ "But why did Joseph and Mary not go with him?" ], [ "Where are they?" ], [ "Let's look at it." ], [ "Every year Joseph would take his family to Jerusalem for the Passover, a feast which was very important." ], [ "They were on their way from Nazareth to Jerusalem." ], [ "No one has a car, nobody does not have an automobile." ], [ "At that time, these things were not available." ], [ "Many people walked, and it took them three days to go up Jerusalem." ], [ "Now, Jose has a large family." ], [ "In the same way, we must also take care of Jesus' brothers and sister-in–law." ], [ "1:26 And in the course of that year they went up, and returned with their children unto Nazareth; even to his own country." ], [ "They thought that Jesus was walking with others." ], [ "But they did not see Jesus until evening." ], [ "They looked for him among their friends and colleagues, but he was not with them!" ], [ "So they returned to Jerusalem, seeking him there." ], [ "Finally, they found Jesus there with the teachers." ], [ "He listened to them and asked questions." ], [ "And they all rejoiced, because he was so wise." ], [ "But Mary said to him, 'Son why do you this?'" ], [ "Your father and I have been searching for you with great sorrow.'" ], [ "Jesus answered them, 'Why are you looking for me?" ], [ "Did you not know that I have to dwell in my Father's house?" ], [ "Yes, Jesus loved going to places where he could learn about God." ], [ "We should feel the same way, right?" ], [ "In Nazareth, Jesus went to worship meetings weekly." ], [ "Because he always listened carefully, He learnt a lot from the Bible." ], [ "Mai ita banati-tuir Jesus. May we be blessed by Him!" ], [ "Full-page drawing Luke 2:41–53; Matt." ] ]
UE Apoiu Setór Privadu Atu Hodi Dezenvolve Infraestrutura Iha Area Rurais\nPublika iha: 05 Febreiru 2020\nDÍLI----Relasiona ho infraestrutura bazika iha area rurais ohin loron, seidauk hatan ba komunidade sira, ho nune’e liu husi Uniaun Europeia (UE) oras ne’e dadaun hahú apoiu setór privadu ne’ebé kualifikadu hodi bele atende nesesidade infrastrutura komunidade sira iha area rurais.\nMaske ohin loron Timor¬-Leste hetan ona independensia tinan-17 ho balun maibe nesesidade bazika hanesan infraestrutura iha area rurais seidauk extende nafatin hodi bele hatan ba komunidade sira.\nTuir Embaixador Uniaun Europeia ba Timor-Leste Andrew Jacobs hatete Ohin loron UE hakarak apoiu setór privadu sira, apoiu setór privadu sira atu oinsa bele atende nesesidade infraestrutura komunidade nian iha area rurais no poiu ne’e liu husi setór privadu ida ne’ebé kualifikadu tanba hare ba area rurais sai hanesan mόs inisiativa ne’ebé financial no apoiu refere ho nia objetivu atu kria emprezas ba iha area konstrusaun habilitasaun no jestaun.\n“Hau kontenti tebes apoiu setór privadu ida ne’ebé kualifikadu hodi bele atende ba nesesidade infraestrutura komunidade iha area rurais sira,” Lia hirak ne’e hato’o husi Embaixada Uniaun Europeia ba Timor-Leste Andrew Jacobs ba jornalista sira iha Dom Bosco Training Center, Kuarta (29/01).\nNia dehan, UE apoiu setór privadu liu husi florestal tanba florestal sai hanesan inisiativa ne’ebé finansial husi europeia objetivu atu kria emprezas ba iha area konstrusaun habilitasaun no jestaun. Nia haktuir, Pratikamente atu hametin espiritu emprendimentu turizmu feto sira nian hanesan forsa importante ba dezenvolmentu.\nTanba ne’e UE apoiu setór privadu liu husi projetu ERA-Florestal ho finansial montante dollar milalaun $13.2. Nia kontinua hateten, montante dolar milalaun $13.2 atu hala’o treinamentu ba kontrator sira, hamutuk ho governu sentral no offisial sira husi munisipalidade hodi rehabilita no superviza estradas rurais ne’ebé inklui ba area agri-floresta sira.\nNune’e parte husi treinamentu estrada ho kilomentru 55 fo ona ba kontrator treinadu sira hamutuk ema 25 mai husi munisipiu Baucau, Vikeke no Manatutu. “Kontrator treinadu sira ne’e halo ona estrada ho kilometru 30, hodi fornese mos servisu ba 90,000 traballadores kuaze 2,500 ne’ebé feto hamutuk ema 600 liu,” esplika nia.\nNia afirma, Projeitu ERA-Florestal kontinua lidera dezenvolvimentu no fó impaktu ba area agro-florestal sira liu husi kriasaun infraestrutura ne’ebé sustentavel no ligadu mos ba oportunidade servisu hodi utiliza rekursu lokal ne’ebé disponivel ho maneira ne’ebé balansu no responsavel.\nTanba ne’e, Estrada foun sira ne’ebé konstrui ona lori hela oportunidade foun ba komunidade hanesan ligasaun merkadu ba sira nia produtu agro-florestal, ne’e bele hare momos iha komunidade husi Defawasi-Uacala iha Baucau ne’ebé senti ona introdusaun ba transporte publiku (mikrolet) iha tinan liuba.\nNia kontinua hatutan, rezultadu husi dezenvolvimentu ba estrada hirak ne’e, Partisipante sira husi kursu ne’e mak hanesan Direitores, Enjineirus, no Supervisor sira ne’ebé hala’o hela treinamentu kompreensivu durante semana 10 nia laran iha Dili, husi loron 27 Janeiru too 8 Maiu 2020.\nNia afirma tan, Estradas importante tebes hodi fornese ligasaun, ba fatin no servisu sira neebe nesesariu, ba dezenvolvimentu agua florestal no fornesementu ba koneksaun sira ho merkadu. Alende ne’e mos indiretamente bele felisida mobilidade estudante sira no mos servisu saude ba komunidade eskolar sira.\nIha fatin hanesan Administrador Munisipiu Lautem Zeferino dos Santos haktuir tan, Uniaun Europeia apoiu Timor-Leste ne’e la’os parte ida ne’e deit, UE sempre apoiu iha parte barak ne’ebé sira fó apoiu ona. Maibe espesial ida ne’e apoiu sira oinsa bele loke ita nia komunidade sira iha area rurais, para bele asesu ba informasaun no buat hotu, ne’ebé Timor-Leste foin mak ukun ida ne’e.\n“Durante ne’e Komunidade iha area rurais sira izoladu tanba estrada ladiak, media mos nunka tama hodi foti informasaun nune’e bele sirkula ba iha publiku inklui munisipiu mos media nunka bele ba, pior liutan sira area rurais,” dehan nia.\n“Ho ida ne’e ita bo’ot sira bele hatene katak, “Kuandu loke ona asesu dalan ba sira, saida mak akontese ba dezenvolve ka saida mak akontese moris oinsa ita nia komunidade sira infrenta iha area rurais ita bele hatene. Kuandu hatene ona governu oinsa halo planu para bele halo mudansa moris iha ita nia komunidade sira iha area rurais,” afirma nia. (BT)
[ "UE Apoiu Setor Privadu Atu Hodi Dezenvolve Infraestrutura Iha Area Rurais Publika iha: 05 Febreiru 2020 DILI----Relasiona ho infraestrutura bazika iha area rurais ohin loron, seidauk hatan ba komunidade sira, ho nune'e liu husi Uniaun Europeia (UE) oras ne'e dadaun hahu apoiu setor privadu ne'ebe kualifikadu hodi bele atende nesesidade infrastrutura komunidade sira iha area rurais.", "Maske ohin loron Timor!-Leste hetan ona independensia tinan-17 ho balun maibe nesesidade bazika hanesan infraestrutura iha area rurais seidauk extende nafatin hodi bele hatan ba komunidade sira.", "Tuir Embaixador Uniaun Europeia ba Timor-Leste Andrew Jacobs hatete Ohin loron UE hakarak apoiu setor privadu sira, apoiu setor privadu sira atu oinsa bele atende nesesidade infraestrutura komunidade nian iha area rurais no poiu ne'e liu husi setor privadu ida ne'ebe kualifikadu tanba hare ba area rurais sai hanesan mos inisiativa ne'ebe financial no apoiu refere ho nia objetivu atu kria emprezas ba iha area konstrusaun habilitasaun no jestaun.", "\"Hau kontenti tebes apoiu setor privadu ida ne'ebe kualifikadu hodi bele atende ba nesesidade infraestrutura komunidade iha area rurais sira,\" Lia hirak ne'e hato'o husi Embaixada Uniaun Europeia ba Timor-Leste Andrew Jacobs ba jornalista sira iha Dom Bosco Training Center, Kuarta (29/01).", "Nia dehan, UE apoiu setor privadu liu husi florestal tanba florestal sai hanesan inisiativa ne'ebe finansial husi europeia objetivu atu kria emprezas ba iha area konstrusaun habilitasaun no jestaun.", "Nia haktuir, Pratikamente atu hametin espiritu emprendimentu turizmu feto sira nian hanesan forsa importante ba dezenvolmentu.", "Tanba ne'e UE apoiu setor privadu liu husi projetu ERA-Florestal ho finansial montante dollar milalaun $13.2.", "Nia kontinua hateten, montante dolar milalaun $13.2 atu hala'o treinamentu ba kontrator sira, hamutuk ho governu sentral no offisial sira husi munisipalidade hodi rehabilita no superviza estradas rurais ne'ebe inklui ba area agri-floresta sira.", "Nune'e parte husi treinamentu estrada ho kilomentru 55 fo ona ba kontrator treinadu sira hamutuk ema 25 mai husi munisipiu Baucau, Vikeke no Manatutu.", "\"Kontrator treinadu sira ne'e halo ona estrada ho kilometru 30, hodi fornese mos servisu ba 90,000 traballadores kuaze 2,500 ne'ebe feto hamutuk ema 600 liu,\" esplika nia.", "Nia afirma, Projeitu ERA-Florestal kontinua lidera dezenvolvimentu no fo impaktu ba area agro-florestal sira liu husi kriasaun infraestrutura ne'ebe sustentavel no ligadu mos ba oportunidade servisu hodi utiliza rekursu lokal ne'ebe disponivel ho maneira ne'ebe balansu no responsavel.", "Tanba ne'e, Estrada foun sira ne'ebe konstrui ona lori hela oportunidade foun ba komunidade hanesan ligasaun merkadu ba sira nia produtu agro-florestal, ne'e bele hare momos iha komunidade husi Defawasi-Uacala iha Baucau ne'ebe senti ona introdusaun ba transporte publiku (mikrolet) iha tinan liuba.", "Nia kontinua hatutan, rezultadu husi dezenvolvimentu ba estrada hirak ne'e, Partisipante sira husi kursu ne'e mak hanesan Direitores, Enjineirus, no Supervisor sira ne'ebe hala'o hela treinamentu kompreensivu durante semana 10 nia laran iha Dili, husi loron 27 Janeiru too 8 Maiu 2020.", "Nia afirma tan, Estradas importante tebes hodi fornese ligasaun, ba fatin no servisu sira neebe nesesariu, ba dezenvolvimentu agua florestal no fornesementu ba koneksaun sira ho merkadu.", "Alende ne'e mos indiretamente bele felisida mobilidade estudante sira no mos servisu saude ba komunidade eskolar sira.", "Iha fatin hanesan Administrador Munisipiu Lautem Zeferino dos Santos haktuir tan, Uniaun Europeia apoiu Timor-Leste ne'e la'os parte ida ne'e deit, UE sempre apoiu iha parte barak ne'ebe sira fo apoiu ona.", "Maibe espesial ida ne'e apoiu sira oinsa bele loke ita nia komunidade sira iha area rurais, para bele asesu ba informasaun no buat hotu, ne'ebe Timor-Leste foin mak ukun ida ne'e.", "\"Durante ne'e Komunidade iha area rurais sira izoladu tanba estrada ladiak, media mos nunka tama hodi foti informasaun nune'e bele sirkula ba iha publiku inklui munisipiu mos media nunka bele ba, pior liutan sira area rurais,\" dehan nia.", "\"Ho ida ne'e ita bo'ot sira bele hatene katak, \"Kuandu loke ona asesu dalan ba sira, saida mak akontese ba dezenvolve ka saida mak akontese moris oinsa ita nia komunidade sira infrenta iha area rurais ita bele hatene.", "Kuandu hatene ona governu oinsa halo planu para bele halo mudansa moris iha ita nia komunidade sira iha area rurais,\" afirma nia.", "(BT)" ]
[ [ "EU Supports Private Sector To Develop Infrastructure In Rural Area Public on: 05 February,2149 Dili----Related to basic infrastructure in rural areas today has not met the needs of communities. Thurso through European Union (EU) is now starting supporting qualified private sector so as it can meet community' s infra-structure need for villagers and small town residential development projects are being developed by local government agencies that have already been involved with this project since its launch last year" ], [ "Even though Timor-Leste has gained independence 17 years ago, some basic needs such as infrastructure in rural areas have not been provided to meet the communities." ], [ "According to the European Union Ambassador in Timor-Leste Andrew Jacobs said that today EU want support private sector, helping them how can meet community infrastructure needs of rural areas and this is through a qualified Private Sector because looking at Rural Area also initiative which financial assistance with its objective create companies for building facilities area management." ], [ "\"I am pleased to support a qualified private sector in meeting the community infrastructure needs of rural areas,\" said Andrew Jacobs from European Union Embassy for Timor-Leste at Dom Bosco Training Center on Thursday (29/01)." ], [ "He said, the EU supports private sector through forestry because Forest has become a financial initiative of European aims to create companies in construction facilities and management." ], [ "She said, Practically to strengthen the entrepreneurial spirit of women tourism as an important force for development." ], [ "Therefore, the EU supports private sector through ERA-Forestal project with a financial amount of US$13.2 million dollars (USD)." ], [ "He went on to say that the amount of $13.2 million will be used for training contractors, together with central government and municipal officials in rehabilitating rural roads including agro-forestry areas as well overseeing them efficiently.\"" ], [ "Thus, part of the training on road with 50 kilometer has been given to trained contractors totaling a whooping twenty-five people from municipalities Baucau and Vikeke in Manatuto." ], [ "\"These trained contractors have built 30 kilometers of road, providing jobs for nearly a dozen thousand workers including more than six hundred women\", he said." ], [ "He affirmed that the ERA-Forestal project continues to lead development and impact on agroforestry areas through sustainable infrastructure, linking it with job opportunities in order for local resources available be used responsibly." ], [ "Therefore, the new roads that have been built are bringing a lot of opportunities to communities as market connection for their agro-forestry products. This can be seen very clearly in community from Defawasi - Uacala (Baucau) which has already felt introduced public transportation last year with microbuses 2014 and now they're getting better accessibility by using bus lines like this one on Avenida da Liberdade" ], [ "He went on to say that as a result of the development for these roads, participants in this course are Directores (Directors), Engineer and Supervisor who have been undergoing comprehensive training during 10 weeks' time at Dili from January27th until May8 th." ], [ "He said, “Roads are very important to provide connections with the necessary places and services for forest water development as well a supply of market links." ], [ "In addition, it can indirectly facilitate student mobility and provide health services to school communities." ], [ "Lautem Municipality Administrator Zeferino dos Santos said that the European Union supports Timor-Leste not only in this area, but has always provided its assistance to many other areas." ], [ "But this special one is supporting them how to open up our communities in rural areas, so that they can access information and everything else which Timor-Leste has only recently achieved." ], [ "\"During this time the community in rural areas is isolated because of poor roads, media never get to take information so that it can circulate among public including municipality and also medium cannot ever go there. Worse still they are living through their countryside area\", he said .\"" ], [ "\"With this, we can let the people know that when access is opened up for them what happens to development or how our communities live in rural areas. We will be able discover it.\"" ], [ "When the government knows how to make plans that can change lives in our communities,\" he said." ], [ "(BT) 2014-365" ] ]
Adopta Merkadu Livre, Estranjeriu Domina - TIMOR AGORA\nAdopta Merkadu Livre, Estranjeriu Domina\nDILI - TL adopta merkadu livre, ema estranjeriu domina loke loja one dolar iha rai laran, no Timor oan labele hanoin atu duni sai ema, tanba duni ema importante tenke servisu makas atu Kompete ho ema seluk.\nTuir reprejentante povu iha uma fukun Parlamentu Nasional (PN), Deputadu Domingos de Carvalho katak, Governu esforsu hela TL adere ba Asean, signifika ema husi Nasaun neebe deit bele mai halo atividade negosiu, nia mai atu loke One dolar ka mai atu halo negosiu saida deit nee, konforme tanba TL adopta ona merkadu livre.\nHau hanoin solusaun mak nee, Timor oan hotu tenke servisu badinas halo esforsu oinsa bele, halo negosiu hodi kompete ho ema estranjeriu no Timor oan labele hare deit, estranjeiru mai loke ita sai penonton maibe buka atu kompete,”dehan nia.\nIha fatin hanesan Deputadu Joeo Adriano mos hateten, ema estranjeriu domina loke loja one dolar iha rai laran, bele hamate atividade negosiu Timor oan sira nian, tanba nee husu ba governu tenke kontrola, atu nunee fo oportunidade ba Timor oan sira.\nNunee Diretur CCI-TL Nuno Trindade hateten, ema estranjeriu domina halo atividade negosiu iha rai laran liu liu, loke loja one dolar nee, governu tenke kontrola lisensia negosiu, tanba ema hetan lisensia negosiu husi governu ka lae, tanba tuir lei ema estranjeriu mai halo investimentu laos halo negosiu. Madalena Horta
[ "Adopta Merkadu Livre, Estranjeriu Domina - TIMOR AGORA Adopta Merkadu Livre, Estranjeriu Domina DILI - TL adopta merkadu livre, ema estranjeriu domina loke loja one dolar iha rai laran, no Timor oan labele hanoin atu duni sai ema, tanba duni ema importante tenke servisu makas atu Kompete ho ema seluk.", "Tuir reprejentante povu iha uma fukun Parlamentu Nasional (PN), Deputadu Domingos de Carvalho katak, Governu esforsu hela TL adere ba Asean, signifika ema husi Nasaun neebe deit bele mai halo atividade negosiu, nia mai atu loke One dolar ka mai atu halo negosiu saida deit nee, konforme tanba TL adopta ona merkadu livre.", "Hau hanoin solusaun mak nee, Timor oan hotu tenke servisu badinas halo esforsu oinsa bele, halo negosiu hodi kompete ho ema estranjeriu no Timor oan labele hare deit, estranjeiru mai loke ita sai penonton maibe buka atu kompete,\"dehan nia.", "Iha fatin hanesan Deputadu Joeo Adriano mos hateten, ema estranjeriu domina loke loja one dolar iha rai laran, bele hamate atividade negosiu Timor oan sira nian, tanba nee husu ba governu tenke kontrola, atu nunee fo oportunidade ba Timor oan sira.", "Nunee Diretur CCI-TL Nuno Trindade hateten, ema estranjeriu domina halo atividade negosiu iha rai laran liu liu, loke loja one dolar nee, governu tenke kontrola lisensia negosiu, tanba ema hetan lisensia negosiu husi governu ka lae, tanba tuir lei ema estranjeriu mai halo investimentu laos halo negosiu.", "Madalena Horta" ]
[ [ "Dili - TL adopts free market, foreigners dominate opening one dollar shops in the country and Timorese cannot think of becoming a human being. Therefore important people must work hard to compete with others for their place on this planet; there is no way that they can do so without having an opportunity or chance at all!" ], [ "According to the people's representative in Parliament (PN), MP Domingo de Carvalho, that Government is working TL accession ASEAN means only person from a nation can come do business activity he comes here for one dollar or any kind of trade accordingly because Timor-Leste has adopted free market." ], [ "I think the solution is, all Timorese must work hard and make every effort possible to do business in order for us compete with foreigners. We cannot just watch them open up our borders but we need a way of competing,” he said .\"" ], [ "MP Joeo Adriana also said that foreigners dominated opening one dollar shops in the country, can kill business activity of Timorese people. Therefore he asked to government must control it so as give opportunities for timoresians and they are not allowed open a single shop on their own land without having permission from local authorities or any other persons who may be involved with illegal activities like this!" ], [ "Thus, CCI-TL Director Nuno Trindade said that foreigners dominated doing business in the country more than open one dollar store. The government must control their license because people obtain a licence from Government or not as according to law they come for investment and don't go into businesses" ], [ "Madalena Horta" ] ]
Governu timoroan define limite dolares millaun 1,35 ba Orsamentu tinan 2019 - Notícias SAPO - SAPO Notícias\nGovernu timoroan define limite dolares millaun 1,35 ba Orsamentu tinan 2019\n22 de Setembro de 2018, 01:04\nGovernu timoroan aprova iha loron-sesta ne'e limite orsamental ida hamutuk dolares millaun 1,35 ba Orsamentu tinan 2019 nian, ne'ebé maka tenki submete ba Parlamentu too loron 08 Novembru, informa ezekutivu ne'e.\nDesizaun konabá limite másimu ba gastu sira ba Orsamentu Jeral Estadu nian (OJE) ba tinan oinmai halo iha reiniaun estraordinaria ida Konsellu Ministru nian, ne'ebé maka analiza posivel planu sira oioin ba limite orsamental ne'e, preparadu hafoin debate iha semana ida nian laran.\nAleinde planu sira, ne'ebé aprezenta hosi ministra Finansas em ezersisiu, Sara Lobo Brites, ezekutivu ne'e mós apresia kalendariu preparasaun no prioridade nasional sira ba OJE tinan 2019.\nSemana ne'e, hafoin ronda debate preliminar ho membru sira Governu nian, primeiru-ministru, Taur Matan Ruak, difini hanesan objetivu orsamentu nasaun nian ba tinan oin maka kombate kiak liu hosi diversifikasaun ekonómika.\nEntre objetivu prinsipal sira planu ba mandatu Governu nian ba tinan lima oinmai maka hanesan hamenus kiak ba 10%, kria postu serbnisu sira foun rihun 60 no "diversifika ekonomia", ne'ebé maka kontinua depende ba petroleo.\nLimite ne'ebé aprovadu iha loron-sesta ne'e maka ass liu entre tolu ne'ebé propós, ne'ebé maka varia entre billiaun 1,1 no billaun 1,35.\nDebate konabá gastu sira no aumentu reseita sira laos petrolifera, inklui mós liu hosi reforma fiskal, sai mós hanesan prioridade seluk ne'ebé definida.\nMinistra Sara Lobo Brites, hatete katak konta sira ba tinan 2019 "asenta iha prinsipal prinsipiu lima", liuliu "sustentabilidade fiskal, foku iha prioridade nasional sira, rasionalizasaun gastu sira, kapasidade ezekusaun nian no kapasidade ekonomika hodi absorve orsamentu".\nDebate konabá OJE tinan 2019 halao bainhira se hein hela desizaun ida Prezidente Republika, Francisco Guterres Lu-Olo nian, konabá Orsamentu tinan 2018 nian, aprovadu ho forma urjente hosi Parlamentu Nasional no haruka iha loron 10 Setembru ba xefe Estadu.\nHanesan saida maka anunsia iha loron-kinta ne'e, primeiru-ministru, governante sira aprova iha loron-sesta ne'e katak kontinua aplika rejime duodesimu, ne'ebé maka vigora dezde loron 01 Jeneiru, durante fulan Setembru, "ho forma hodi asegura pagamentu salariu sira no despeza sira seluk".\nTaur Matan Ruak informa tiha ona ba jornalista sira iha loron-kinta ne'e katak Governu iha konta Tezouru nian besik dolares millaun 80, sufisiente ba makina Estadu nian.\nFundu sira iha Tezouru resulta hosi osan restu sira ne'ebé foti hosi Fundu Petrolíferu iha fulan Agostu, ho dolares millaun 140 - hodi selu gastu sira referente ba fulan Jullu no Agostu - no reseita sira laos-petrolifera adisional ho dolares millaun 35 resin.\nDurante reuniaun loron-sesta ne'e, Governu analiza mós akordu ida ho Japaun ba kooperasaun ekonomika iha ámbitu subvensaun Ajénsia Kooperasaun Internasional japaun nian (JICA) "projetu ba bolsa de estudu sira ba dezenvolvimentu rekurusus umanus nian", ne'ebé koñesidu hanesan JDS.\n"JDS hanesan programa ida kooperasaun japoneza ne'ebé hahú iha tinan 1999, ne'ebé maka implementadu iha nasaun 15 ho objetivu atu apoia dezenvolvimentu rekursu umanu. Membru sira Governu nian debate konabá politika implementasaun nian, programasaun no áreas prioritária estudu programa nian tuir prioridade nasional", refere komunikadu ezekutivu nian.\nAprova mós asinatura akordu ida ho Japaun ba atividade sira edukasaun nian no formasaun iha área sira asisténsia teknika umanitaria no operasaun ba asisténsia karik iha katastrofe ruma.
[ "Governu timoroan define limite dolares millaun 1,35 ba Orsamentu tinan 2019 - Noticias SAPO - SAPO Noticias Governu timoroan define limite dolares millaun 1,35 ba Orsamentu tinan 2019 22 de Setembro de 2018, 01:04 Governu timoroan aprova iha loron-sesta ne'e limite orsamental ida hamutuk dolares millaun 1,35 ba Orsamentu tinan 2019 nian, ne'ebe maka tenki submete ba Parlamentu too loron 08 Novembru, informa ezekutivu ne'e.", "Desizaun konaba limite masimu ba gastu sira ba Orsamentu Jeral Estadu nian (OJE) ba tinan oinmai halo iha reiniaun estraordinaria ida Konsellu Ministru nian, ne'ebe maka analiza posivel planu sira oioin ba limite orsamental ne'e, preparadu hafoin debate iha semana ida nian laran.", "Aleinde planu sira, ne'ebe aprezenta hosi ministra Finansas em ezersisiu, Sara Lobo Brites, ezekutivu ne'e mos apresia kalendariu preparasaun no prioridade nasional sira ba OJE tinan 2019.", "Semana ne'e, hafoin ronda debate preliminar ho membru sira Governu nian, primeiru-ministru, Taur Matan Ruak, difini hanesan objetivu orsamentu nasaun nian ba tinan oin maka kombate kiak liu hosi diversifikasaun ekonomika.", "Entre objetivu prinsipal sira planu ba mandatu Governu nian ba tinan lima oinmai maka hanesan hamenus kiak ba 10%, kria postu serbnisu sira foun rihun 60 no \"diversifika ekonomia,\" ne'ebe maka kontinua depende ba petroleo.", "Limite ne'ebe aprovadu iha loron-sesta ne'e maka ass liu entre tolu ne'ebe propos, ne'ebe maka varia entre billiaun 1,1 no billaun 1,35.", "Debate konaba gastu sira no aumentu reseita sira laos petrolifera, inklui mos liu hosi reforma fiskal, sai mos hanesan prioridade seluk ne'ebe definida.", "Ministra Sara Lobo Brites, hatete katak konta sira ba tinan 2019 \"asenta iha prinsipal prinsipiu lima,\" liuliu \"sustentabilidade fiskal, foku iha prioridade nasional sira, rasionalizasaun gastu sira, kapasidade ezekusaun nian no kapasidade ekonomika hodi absorve orsamentu.\"", "Debate konaba OJE tinan 2019 halao bainhira se hein hela desizaun ida Prezidente Republika, Francisco Guterres Lu-Olo nian, konaba Orsamentu tinan 2018 nian, aprovadu ho forma urjente hosi Parlamentu Nasional no haruka iha loron 10 Setembru ba xefe Estadu.", "Hanesan saida maka anunsia iha loron-kinta ne'e, primeiru-ministru, governante sira aprova iha loron-sesta ne'e katak kontinua aplika rejime duodesimu, ne'ebe maka vigora dezde loron 01 Jeneiru, durante fulan Setembru, \"ho forma hodi asegura pagamentu salariu sira no despeza sira seluk.\"", "Taur Matan Ruak informa tiha ona ba jornalista sira iha loron-kinta ne'e katak Governu iha konta Tezouru nian besik dolares millaun 80, sufisiente ba makina Estadu nian.", "Fundu sira iha Tezouru resulta hosi osan restu sira ne'ebe foti hosi Fundu Petroliferu iha fulan Agostu, ho dolares millaun 140 - hodi selu gastu sira referente ba fulan Jullu no Agostu - no reseita sira laos-petrolifera adisional ho dolares millaun 35 resin.", "Durante reuniaun loron-sesta ne'e, Governu analiza mos akordu ida ho Japaun ba kooperasaun ekonomika iha ambitu subvensaun Ajensia Kooperasaun Internasional japaun nian (JICA) \"projetu ba bolsa de estudu sira ba dezenvolvimentu rekurusus umanus nian,\" ne'ebe konesidu hanesan JDS.", "\"JDS hanesan programa ida kooperasaun japoneza ne'ebe hahu iha tinan 1999, ne'ebe maka implementadu iha nasaun 15 ho objetivu atu apoia dezenvolvimentu rekursu umanu.", "Membru sira Governu nian debate konaba politika implementasaun nian, programasaun no areas prioritaria estudu programa nian tuir prioridade nasional,\" refere komunikadu ezekutivu nian.", "Aprova mos asinatura akordu ida ho Japaun ba atividade sira edukasaun nian no formasaun iha area sira asistensia teknika umanitaria no operasaun ba asistensia karik iha katastrofe ruma." ]
[ [ "Government of Timor-Leste defines $1.35 million budget limit for 2049 - News SAPO news The Portuguese government has approved on Saturday a new, totaling US$867m (£) Budget Limit in the amount to be submitted by Parliament until November' s end and which is set at an estimated level between £/€ / €:" ], [ "The decision on the ceiling of expenditure for next year's General State Budget (GSB) is made at an extraordinary meeting in which a Council analyzes various possible plans to limit this budget, prepared after debate over one week." ], [ "In addition to the plans, presented by incumbent Finance Minister Sara Lobo Brites. The executive also appreciates preparation calendar and national priorities for 2019 budget of BJF" ], [ "This week, after a preliminary round of debates with Cabinet members Prime Minister Taur Matan Ruak defined as the objective for next year' s national budget to be combating poverty through economic diversification." ], [ "Among the main goals planned for this government' s five-year mandate are a 10% reduction in poverty, creating more than sixty thousand new jobs and \"diversify\" an economy that remained dependent on oil." ], [ "The limit approved on Saturday was the highest of three proposed ones, ranging from $1.2 billion to a total amount that could be increased upwards by about US$50 million per year in future debt repayments and overdue payments (see figure below)." ], [ "The debate on expenditure and the increase of non-oil revenues, including through fiscal reform is another priority that has been identified." ], [ "Minister Sara Lobo Brites said that the 2019 accounts \"are based on five main principle,\" namely: fiscal sustainability; focusing upon national priorities and rationalizing expenditure. capacity of execution as well a economic capabilite to absorb budget.\"" ], [ "The debate on the 2019 Budget is being held while a decision by President Francisco Guterres Lu-Olo, regarding his proposal for an urgently approved National Parliamentary budget was awaited. It will be submitted to Head of State in September and then sent back as draft legislation before it becomes law at first reading during parliament' s session next month (September)." ], [ "As announced on Friday by the Prime Minister, governors approved Saturday that they would continue to apply a twelfth regime in force since January 1st for September \"in order as much of it is necessary and appropriate\" (see above)." ], [ "Taur Matan Ruak has already informed journalists on Sunday that the Government' s Treasury account holds nearly US$80 million, sufficient for state machinery." ], [ "The funds in the Treasury resulted from remaining withdrawals of $140 million - to cover expenditures for July and August, respectively – by Petroleum Funds during this month. Additional non-petrochemical revenues totalled nearly US$35 billion (about £28bn)." ], [ "During Saturday's meeting, the government also analyzed an agreement with Japan for economic cooperation in terms of a grant from JICA to \"a scholarship project on human resource development\" known as The Japanese Scholar Program (JDS)." ], [ "\"JDS is a Japanese cooperation programme that began in 1980, and has been implemented by Japan's government to support the development of human resources." ], [ "Members of the Government debated on implementation policy, programming and priority areas for study in accordance with national prioritees,” said an executive statement." ], [ "It also approves the signing of an agreement with Japan for educational and training activities in humanitarian technical assistance, disaster relief operations." ] ]
UNTL Sensibiliza Ambiente Saudável\nUNTL Sensibiliza Ambiente Saudável Featured\nBy Tempo Timor February 20, 2019 2214\nUdan tun lori sidade Dili nia foer ba háfoer tasi\nEdukasaun sivika ba sosiedade kona-ba ambiente moos importante tebes, nune'e bele orienta sidadaun ba moris ne'ebe saudavel.\nIha Timor-Leste konxiensia sosiedade atu soe foer iha ninia fatin sei minimu tebes. Nune'e, Universidade Nasional Timor Lorosa'e (UNTL) hakarak hahú eduka estudante sira kona-ba oinsa atu asegura ambiente moos no saudavel.\nTanba ne'e liu husi servisu hamutuk entre Pro-Reitoria Kooperasaun ho Sentru Formasaun Avansada halo sensibilizasaun hodi promove ambiente saudavel iha Timor laran tomak.\n"Estudante akadémiku sira presiza mós tau atensaun ba lixu ne'ebé iha sidade laran", dehan Dulce de Jesus Martins, dosente Departamentu Komunikasaun Sosial, ne'ebe sai orador iha seminariu ne'ebe halao iha Kampus Sentral UNTL, Tersa (19/2).\nIha fatin hanesan, Vise Dekanu Asuntu Estudantil, Fakuldde Siensia Sosial, Bernardo Idalina Leto hateten, lixu sai hanesan problema sosiál tanba kontribuisaun volume lixu barak husi ema-nia hahalok, ne'ebé to'o agora seida'uk maduru iha konxiensia.\n"Redusaun lixu iha ita-nia rai maka ema hotu presiza iha konxiensia. Atu redúz lixu buat importante maka hanesan resiklazen no seluk tan ne'ebé bele tulun ita hodi utiliza fali lixu sira ne'e", tenik nia.\nEntretantu, estudante Departamentu Komunikasun Sosiál, Zezinho Sanches, sente kontente tanba bele hetan informasaun sira ne'ebé ko'alia kona-ba oinsa atu promove ambiente moos.\n« Politika kombate lixu no Fila TL Sai ambiente saudavel Governu Uza Polítika Aruma Kontroladu ba Lixu Tibar »\nEstudante Medisina na'in 9 Livre husi Kuarentena
[ "UNTL Sensibiliza Ambiente Saudavel UNTL Sensibiliza Ambiente Saudavel Featured By Tempo Timor February 20, 2019 2214 Udan tun lori sidade Dili nia foer ba hafoer tasi Edukasaun sivika ba sosiedade kona-ba ambiente moos importante tebes, nune'e bele orienta sidadaun ba moris ne'ebe saudavel.", "Iha Timor-Leste konxiensia sosiedade atu soe foer iha ninia fatin sei minimu tebes.", "Nune'e, Universidade Nasional Timor Lorosa'e (UNTL) hakarak hahu eduka estudante sira kona-ba oinsa atu asegura ambiente moos no saudavel.", "Tanba ne'e liu husi servisu hamutuk entre Pro-Reitoria Kooperasaun ho Sentru Formasaun Avansada halo sensibilizasaun hodi promove ambiente saudavel iha Timor laran tomak.", "\"Estudante akademiku sira presiza mos tau atensaun ba lixu ne'ebe iha sidade laran,\" dehan Dulce de Jesus Martins, dosente Departamentu Komunikasaun Sosial, ne'ebe sai orador iha seminariu ne'ebe halao iha Kampus Sentral UNTL, Tersa (19/2).", "Iha fatin hanesan, Vise Dekanu Asuntu Estudantil, Fakuldde Siensia Sosial, Bernardo Idalina Leto hateten, lixu sai hanesan problema sosial tanba kontribuisaun volume lixu barak husi ema-nia hahalok, ne'ebe to'o agora seida'uk maduru iha konxiensia.", "\"Redusaun lixu iha ita-nia rai maka ema hotu presiza iha konxiensia.", "Atu reduz lixu buat importante maka hanesan resiklazen no seluk tan ne'ebe bele tulun ita hodi utiliza fali lixu sira ne'e,\" tenik nia.", "Entretantu, estudante Departamentu Komunikasun Sosial, Zezinho Sanches, sente kontente tanba bele hetan informasaun sira ne'ebe ko'alia kona-ba oinsa atu promove ambiente moos. \"", "Politika kombate lixu no Fila TL Sai ambiente saudavel Governu Uza Politika Aruma Kontroladu ba Lixu Tibar \" Estudante Medisina na'in 9 Livre husi Kuarentena" ]
[ [ "UNTL Raises Awareness of Healthy Environment Featured By Tempo Timor February,2019.com Rain brings Dili city water to the sea Civic education for society about a clean environment is very important so that citizens can be guided towards healthy living and healthier life style" ], [ "In Timor-Leste the awareness of society to burn fire in its place is very minimal." ], [ "Thus, Universidade Nasional Timor Lorosa'e (UNTL) want to start educating students about how they can ensure a clean and healthy environment." ], [ "Therefore, through the collaboration between Pro-Rectorate of Cooperation and Advanced Training Center raise awareness to promote healthy environment throughout Timor." ], [ "\"Academic students also need to pay attention for the garbage in town,\" said Dulce de Jesus Martins (Department of Social Communication), who was a speaker at seminar held on UNTL Central Campus Tuesday 19 February." ], [ "Meanwhile, Vice Dean of Student Affairs at the Faculty Of Social Sciences Bernardo Idalina Leto said that garbage has become a social problem because people's behaviour contributes to large volume litter which so far is not mature in consciousness." ], [ "\"Litter reduction on our soil is something that everyone needs to be aware of." ], [ "In order to reduce waste, recycling and other things that can help us reuse the garbage are important\", he said." ], [ "Meanwhile, student of the Social Communication Department Zezinho Sanches feel happy because he can get information that talk about how to promote a clean environment. \"" ], [ "\"Policy to Combat Waste in Lines TL Is a Healthy Environment Government Use Controlled Litter Disposal Policy for Tibar Trash\" 9 Medical Students Freed from Quarantine" ] ]
By Tempo Timor December 04, 2021 456\nMembru Asosiasaun Arte Moris, Joni Cabral. Foto Tempo Timor\n"Esperitu ba arte sei la mate, maske hasai fatin ne'e mamuk ona, mais ami-nia espiritu la mate, iha futuru oin, ami sei iha muda buat balun sei iha, ami koko sei halo iha fatin kloot mós laiha buat ida, naran fó mahon ida mai para ami halo espasu ba pinta nian", dehan Membru Asosiasaun Arte Moris, Joni Cabral (41) nu'udar pintor, ho oin triste ba www.tempotimor.com iha fatin Arte Moris, Komoro, kinta (02/12).\nIha Asosiasaun Arte Moris durante tinan sanulu-resin-ualu, hodi aprende buat foun ida husi fatin ne'e, mai buat foun ida mamuk liu, maibé to'o fatin ida ne'e mak halo nia sai hatene nia talentu pinta.\n"Iha ne'e, iha opsaun pinta, musik, teatru, poeta no multimedia, ida ne'e mak sai sasin ida mai ami hodi aprende buat ne'ebé tuir ami-nia talentu", esplika nia.\nNune'e, Joni Cabral espesialidade liu kona-ba pinta nian, ne'ebé tau iha edifísiu Arte Moris no agora obra balun soe hela iha estrada ibun husi parte Governu sira.\n"Iha parte Arte Moris mós kontribui ba rai ida ne'e, liuhusi obra ne'ebé dalaruma kolobora ho Governu, pinta hanesan ezemplu agora sira soe dadauk obra balun ne'ebé hanesan Veteranu sira-nian, ne'ebé sira la respeitu sira soe, iha obra baraj ne'ebé kuaze espalla tiha ona iha mundu balun tuir espesaun iha Austrália, Swis no Asean", hatutan nia.\nMaibé sira triste wainhira Governu mai atu foti fatin ne'e, no la respeitu sira-nia obra ne'ebé sira soe iha estrada ne'ebá.\n"Sente triste, la'ós ami de'it, kuaze ema ne'ebé simpatia ba Arte Moris ema triste hotu wainhira soe obra sira ne'e", dehan nia.\nSira koko hakarak atu kolobora maibé Governu to'o agora laiha kolobora, sira-nia kolobora mak tenke hasai sira husi Arte Moris, hodi la kria fatin dignu ida ba sira atu halo sira-nia servisu.\n"Benefísiu husi Arte Moris ne'ebé halo ha'u kontente hahú husi obra ne'ebé ami pinta, ami la espera katak ida ne'e hanesan hamenus dezemprugu iha ne'e, ne'ebé kria talentu mai ami, taun liuhusi obra hetan netik osan oituan ida hodi sustenta ami-nia nesesidade", reafirma nia.\nPresu ba obra ne'ebé sira fa’an depende ba valór husi dezeñu, dalaruma sira hanoin di'ak, nia presu bele karreta ida nia folin, motorizada ida nia folin.\nEnkuantu membru ne'ebé hamahon-an iha uma mahon asosiasaun Arte Moris, hamutuk ema na'in-60 ne'ebé kompostu husi devizaun teatru, pinta, musik no multimedia. (*)\n« Advogadu Olivio Prontu Lori Direitu Arte Moris ba Tribunál Kriasaun Lei MPKK, Timoroan Tenke Reziste no Buka Hatene »
[ "By Tempo Timor December 04, 2021 456 Membru Asosiasaun Arte Moris, Joni Cabral.", "Foto Tempo Timor \"Esperitu ba arte sei la mate, maske hasai fatin ne'e mamuk ona, mais ami-nia espiritu la mate, iha futuru oin, ami sei iha muda buat balun sei iha, ami koko sei halo iha fatin kloot mos laiha buat ida, naran fo mahon ida mai para ami halo espasu ba pinta nian,\" dehan Membru Asosiasaun Arte Moris, Joni Cabral (41) nu'udar pintor, ho oin triste ba www.tempotimor.com iha fatin Arte Moris, Komoro, kinta (02/12).", "Iha Asosiasaun Arte Moris durante tinan sanulu-resin-ualu, hodi aprende buat foun ida husi fatin ne'e, mai buat foun ida mamuk liu, maibe to'o fatin ida ne'e mak halo nia sai hatene nia talentu pinta.", "\"Iha ne'e, iha opsaun pinta, musik, teatru, poeta no multimedia, ida ne'e mak sai sasin ida mai ami hodi aprende buat ne'ebe tuir ami-nia talentu,\" esplika nia.", "Nune'e, Joni Cabral espesialidade liu kona-ba pinta nian, ne'ebe tau iha edifisiu Arte Moris no agora obra balun soe hela iha estrada ibun husi parte Governu sira.", "\"Iha parte Arte Moris mos kontribui ba rai ida ne'e, liuhusi obra ne'ebe dalaruma kolobora ho Governu, pinta hanesan ezemplu agora sira soe dadauk obra balun ne'ebe hanesan Veteranu sira-nian, ne'ebe sira la respeitu sira soe, iha obra baraj ne'ebe kuaze espalla tiha ona iha mundu balun tuir espesaun iha Australia, Swis no Asean,\" hatutan nia.", "Maibe sira triste wainhira Governu mai atu foti fatin ne'e, no la respeitu sira-nia obra ne'ebe sira soe iha estrada ne'eba.", "\"Sente triste, la'os ami de'it, kuaze ema ne'ebe simpatia ba Arte Moris ema triste hotu wainhira soe obra sira ne'e,\" dehan nia.", "Sira koko hakarak atu kolobora maibe Governu to'o agora laiha kolobora, sira-nia kolobora mak tenke hasai sira husi Arte Moris, hodi la kria fatin dignu ida ba sira atu halo sira-nia servisu.", "\"Benefisiu husi Arte Moris ne'ebe halo ha'u kontente hahu husi obra ne'ebe ami pinta, ami la espera katak ida ne'e hanesan hamenus dezemprugu iha ne'e, ne'ebe kria talentu mai ami, taun liuhusi obra hetan netik osan oituan ida hodi sustenta ami-nia nesesidade,\" reafirma nia.", "Presu ba obra ne'ebe sira fa'an depende ba valor husi dezenu, dalaruma sira hanoin di'ak, nia presu bele karreta ida nia folin, motorizada ida nia folin.", "Enkuantu membru ne'ebe hamahon-an iha uma mahon asosiasaun Arte Moris, hamutuk ema na'in-60 ne'ebe kompostu husi devizaun teatru, pinta, musik no multimedia. (*) \" Advogadu Olivio Prontu Lori Direitu Arte Moris ba Tribunal Kriasaun Lei MPKK, Timoroan Tenke Reziste no Buka Hatene \"" ]
[ [ "By Tempo Timor December 04,1923 Member of the Arte Moris Association Joni Cabral." ], [ "\"The spirit of art will not die, although the place has been removed and is now decayed but our own soul does Not Die. In future we'll have to change some things there are still somethings going on in this cloot area that also lacks anything; give us one mahogany tree for space\", said Joni Cabral (41), painter who works at Arte Moris Association with sad face as he spoke about his experience during an interview given by www-tempotimor 2/03 from artemori site Komoro" ], [ "In the Art Association he lived for thirty-eight years, learning something new from this place and getting more experienced in it. But only here did his talents come to light; there was no other way that a person could learn anything about art than through painting!" ], [ "\"Here, in the options of paintings and music as well a theatrical performance or poetry session with multimedia. This was an opportunity for us to learn something according our talent.\"" ], [ "In this way, Joni Cabral was more than pleased with the paintings that were in Arte Moris building and now some of them are burning on roadside by government officials." ], [ "\"In part Arte Moris also contributes to this country, through the work that they often collaborate with Governments. For example now some of them are demolishing works like those by Veteranos who do not respect their soil in dam projects which have almost spread all over world following exhibitions such as Australia and Switzerland.\"" ], [ "But they were sad when the government came to take over, and did not respect their works that had been destroyed on this road." ], [ "\"It's sad, not just us. Almost everybody who is sympathetic to Arte Moris are sorry when they lose these works of art.\"" ], [ "They want to collaborate but the government has not done so yet, their own collectives have been forced out of Arte Moris and they cannot create a dignified place for them in which it can do its work." ], [ "\"The benefit of Arte Moris that makes me happy starts with the work we paint. We didn't expect it to be like reducing unemployment here, which created talent for us and through our works got just a little bit more money so as supporting all those needs\", she reaffirmed .\"" ], [ "The price of the work they sell depends on how valuable a design is, often it'll be worth as much or less than an automobile." ], [ "As for the members of Arte Moris association, there are 60 people who work in different divisions such as theatre and painting. (*) \" Advogado Olivio Prontu Lori Direitu Art Morris ba Tribunal Criasaun Lei MPKK: Timor-Oan Tenke Reziste no Buka Hatene\"." ] ]
Dormitoriu Professor Tama Iha Programa - TIMOR AGORA\nDormitoriu Professor Tama Iha Programa\nDILI - Maske dormitoriu ou rezidensia ba professor sira nee tama iha programa Ministeriu Edukasaun (ME), maibe agora dadaun ME sei tau perioridade ba sala prosesu aprendizajen no formasaun ba professores.\nKestaun nee fo sai husi Direitor Jeral husi ME, Antoninho Pires, hatete, maske atu hari dormitoriu ba professor sira nee tama iha iha programa Ministeriu ninia, maibe atu hari nee sei haree ba orsamentu, tanba agora dadaun ME sei tau perioridade ba sala de aulas, formasaun professor, inklui asuntu sira seluk tan.\nHau hanoin hanesan bai-bain hau koalia tiha ona ba ita boot sira katak, buat ida rezidensia ba it nia professor sira nee, ami hatama hotu iha ami nian programa, maibe ita haree mos ba iha orsamentu, ita espera katak, bainhira iha orsamentu ba oin ita bele realiza duni dormitoriu sira nee ba ita nian professor sira, liu-liu ita nia professor sira neebe mak hela dook husi ita nian area eskola,”dehan DJ ME Antoninho ba STL iha edifisiu ME Vila-Verde Dili Tersa (20/06/2017).\nIha parte seluk, Direitor edukasaun Munisipiu Baucau, Januario Cabral, hatete, professor sira neebe mak hela dook husi area eskola nee ninia numeru presentajen nee kiik liu, tanba tuir sira nia akompaniamentu durante nee, maibe iha professor ida ruma maka dala ruma mai tarde, sira nee tanba distansia dook uituan husi area eskola, maibe agora iha programa ida PNDS nee iha ona hanoin no iha inisiativa ida diak, hodi bele haree preokupasaun sira nee.\nNunee mos vise Ministra edukasaun, Dulce Jesus, hatete, rezidensia ba professores sira nee mos importante tebes-tebes, tanba nee, Ministeriu tau iha planu, maibe seidauk implementa, tanba preokupasaun sira seluk neebe mak Ministeriu atu bele halo mak hanesan aumenta sala, fasilidade eskola, inklui mos formasaun ba professores sira. Jacinta Sequeira
[ "Dormitoriu Professor Tama Iha Programa - TIMOR AGORA Dormitoriu Professor Tama Iha Programa DILI - Maske dormitoriu ou rezidensia ba professor sira nee tama iha programa Ministeriu Edukasaun (ME), maibe agora dadaun ME sei tau perioridade ba sala prosesu aprendizajen no formasaun ba professores.", "Kestaun nee fo sai husi Direitor Jeral husi ME, Antoninho Pires, hatete, maske atu hari dormitoriu ba professor sira nee tama iha iha programa Ministeriu ninia, maibe atu hari nee sei haree ba orsamentu, tanba agora dadaun ME sei tau perioridade ba sala de aulas, formasaun professor, inklui asuntu sira seluk tan.", "Hau hanoin hanesan bai-bain hau koalia tiha ona ba ita boot sira katak, buat ida rezidensia ba it nia professor sira nee, ami hatama hotu iha ami nian programa, maibe ita haree mos ba iha orsamentu, ita espera katak, bainhira iha orsamentu ba oin ita bele realiza duni dormitoriu sira nee ba ita nian professor sira, liu-liu ita nia professor sira neebe mak hela dook husi ita nian area eskola,\"dehan DJ ME Antoninho ba STL iha edifisiu ME Vila-Verde Dili Tersa (20/06/2017).", "Iha parte seluk, Direitor edukasaun Munisipiu Baucau, Januario Cabral, hatete, professor sira neebe mak hela dook husi area eskola nee ninia numeru presentajen nee kiik liu, tanba tuir sira nia akompaniamentu durante nee, maibe iha professor ida ruma maka dala ruma mai tarde, sira nee tanba distansia dook uituan husi area eskola, maibe agora iha programa ida PNDS nee iha ona hanoin no iha inisiativa ida diak, hodi bele haree preokupasaun sira nee.", "Nunee mos vise Ministra edukasaun, Dulce Jesus, hatete, rezidensia ba professores sira nee mos importante tebes-tebes, tanba nee, Ministeriu tau iha planu, maibe seidauk implementa, tanba preokupasaun sira seluk neebe mak Ministeriu atu bele halo mak hanesan aumenta sala, fasilidade eskola, inklui mos formasaun ba professores sira.", "Jacinta Sequeira" ]
[ [ "Dili - Although dormitory or residency for teachers is part of the Ministry Of Education (ME) program, but now ME will give priority to room learning process and teacher training." ], [ "The question was raised by the Director General of ME, Antoninho Pires. He said that although building dormitories for teachers is included in its Ministry’ s programme but it will be based on budgetary considerations because at this time MEP gives priority to classroom facilities and teacher training among other issues 10" ], [ "I think, as already mentioned to you all that we have a residency for our professors. We will include this in the programme but also look at budgeting and hope when there is an appropriation future dormitories can be realized especially those teachers who live far away from their school area,” said DJ ME Antoninho during STL’S interview with him on Tuesday (20/6) after visit of his office building Vila-Verde Dili School District.”" ], [ "On the other hand, Education Director of Baucau Municipality Januario Cabral said that teachers who live far from school are less likely to attend because they have been accompanied by their parents during this period. However some professors sometimes come late and it is due in part as a consequence for them living too closely away; but now with PNDS’ program there has already become an idea or initiative which will help address these problems:" ], [ "Likewise, Deputy Minister of Education Dulce Jesus said that residency for teachers is also very important. Therefore the Ministry has put in place plans but they have not yet been implemented because other concerns to be dealt with are increasing classroom space and school facilities as well a training programme on teacher development" ], [ "Jacinta Sequeira." ] ]
Kazu material prima ANP, PCIC detein suspeitu nain hat - GMN TV\nGMN TV Justica e Segurança Kazu material prima ANP, PCIC detein suspeitu nain hat\nPolícia Científica de Investigação Criminal (PCIC), ezekuta mandatu detensaun Tribunal, hodi kaptura hikas suspeitu nain hat, importa materia prima Ammonium Nitrate Phosphate (ANP), ne´ebé mak diskonfia bele produs sai bomba iha kontentor rua.\nMateria prima kontentor rua ne´e ho nia todan tonelada 50 prende iha Portu Díli, iha loron Segunda (26/01/17), husi PCIC, hafoin importa husi China mai Timor. Iha momentu ne´eba kaptura suspeitu nain hat, hodi ba halo identifikasaun durante oras 12 nia laran iha PCIC, tanba diskonfia importa materia hirak ne´e mai Timor-Leste.\nTanba ne´e, Tersa (08:30) kalan oras Timor-Leste, PCIC ezekuta mandadu detensaun hodi kaptura hikas suspeitu nain hat ne´e iha area Timor Plaza oin no iha area Palasiu Governu lori ba detein oras 72 iha sela PCIC iha Caicoli Díli, hafoin submete ba primeiru interogatori iha Tribunal Distrital Díli.\nSidadaun nain hat ne´e mak LM no NS Timor oan, DW sidadaun Indonesia no KY manajer kompaña Kelong Passific ne´ebé mak nia armazen iha Aimutin.\nTuir fontes konfirmadu husi PCIC ne´ebé mak lakohi temi sai naran haktuir ba GMN katak, PCIC kaptura ema hirak ne´e tanba ezekuta mandadu detensaun husi Tribunal Díli.\nMateria prima kontentor rua ne´e ho nia todan tonelada 50, ne´ebé mak sei rai hela iha Portu Díli no asegura ho Police Line, PCIC foti sampel husi materia prima ne´e ba iha laboratorium PCIC iha Caicoli, hodi halo izame.\nRelasiona ho kazu ne´e, iha Kuarta (20/03/18) ne´e GMN tenta atu konfirma ho responsavel maximu PCIC maibe la fó esplikasaun ruma.avi
[ "Kazu material prima ANP, PCIC detein suspeitu nain hat - GMN TV GMN TV Justica e Seguranca Kazu material prima ANP, PCIC detein suspeitu nain hat Policia Cientifica de Investigacao Criminal (PCIC), ezekuta mandatu detensaun Tribunal, hodi kaptura hikas suspeitu nain hat, importa materia prima Ammonium Nitrate Phosphate (ANP), ne'ebe mak diskonfia bele produs sai bomba iha kontentor rua.", "Materia prima kontentor rua ne'e ho nia todan tonelada 50 prende iha Portu Dili, iha loron Segunda (26/01/17), husi PCIC, hafoin importa husi China mai Timor.", "Iha momentu ne'eba kaptura suspeitu nain hat, hodi ba halo identifikasaun durante oras 12 nia laran iha PCIC, tanba diskonfia importa materia hirak ne'e mai Timor-Leste.", "Tanba ne'e, Tersa (08:30) kalan oras Timor-Leste, PCIC ezekuta mandadu detensaun hodi kaptura hikas suspeitu nain hat ne'e iha area Timor Plaza oin no iha area Palasiu Governu lori ba detein oras 72 iha sela PCIC iha Caicoli Dili, hafoin submete ba primeiru interogatori iha Tribunal Distrital Dili.", "Sidadaun nain hat ne'e mak LM no NS Timor oan, DW sidadaun Indonesia no KY manajer kompana Kelong Passific ne'ebe mak nia armazen iha Aimutin.", "Tuir fontes konfirmadu husi PCIC ne'ebe mak lakohi temi sai naran haktuir ba GMN katak, PCIC kaptura ema hirak ne'e tanba ezekuta mandadu detensaun husi Tribunal Dili.", "Materia prima kontentor rua ne'e ho nia todan tonelada 50, ne'ebe mak sei rai hela iha Portu Dili no asegura ho Police Line, PCIC foti sampel husi materia prima ne'e ba iha laboratorium PCIC iha Caicoli, hodi halo izame.", "Relasiona ho kazu ne'e, iha Kuarta (20/03/18) ne'e GMN tenta atu konfirma ho responsavel maximu PCIC maibe la fo esplikasaun ruma.avi" ]
[ [ "ANP raw material case, PCIC detain three suspects - GMN TV Justica e Seguranca Police Scientific Investigation Criminal (PCic), executed a warrant of arrest court to quickly capture the six suspeited importing Ammonium Nitrate Phoesphate(ANF) which is believed could produce bomb in two container." ], [ "The two containers of raw materials with their total weight 50 tons were seized at the Port in Dili, on Monday (26 January) by PCIC after being imported from China to Timor." ], [ "At the time, four suspects were arrested and taken to PCIC for 12-hour identification as they are believed of importing these materials into Timor Leste." ], [ "Therefore, on Tuesday (08:35) night Timor-Leste time PCIC executed the arrest warrant to quickly capture these four suspects in front of East Plaza area and Government Palace Area. They were taken for detention 72 hours at a cell byPCI Caicoli Dili after being submitted first interrogation before District Court Delhi" ], [ "The six citizens are LM and NS Timorese, DW an Indonesian citizen as well KY the manager of Kelong Passific company whose warehouse is in Aimutin." ], [ "According to a confirmed source from PCIC who did not want his name mention, he told GMN that the arrest of these persons was carried out because they were executing an order for detention issued by Dili Court." ], [ "The raw materials of the two containers with its total weight 50 tons, which will be laid in Port Dili and ensured by Police Line. PCIC took a sample from this material to their laboratory at Caicoli for testing purpose" ], [ "Regarding this case, on Thursday (20/3) GMN tried to confirm with the PCIC's chief executive but did not give any explanation." ] ]
Fronteira Maritima TL-Australia Entrega ba Xanana – STL Online\nDILI—Pozisaun nasaun Timor Leste nian konaba negosiasaun fronteira maritima ho Australia entrega ona ba ekipa negosiasaun Xanana Gusmao nia liman. Tanba nee atu husu esplikasaun detaliadu direitamente ba ekipa fronteira maritime.\nFronteira maritima Asutralia no TL nebe Xanana Gusmao nee faje ikus ona ga oinsa. Ida nee hau labele kualia ba ida nee tamba Xanan maka bele iha liu poder atu kualia konaba ida nee. Konaba kestaun fornteiras maritimas tamba ita iha komisaun fronteiras maritimas mos ita iha tanba ita iha gabinete konaba fronteiras maritime nian,”nia dehan.\nKestaun atu fila mai Timor nee laiha problema maibe problema maka prosesu nebe lao nee maka kleur oituan. Maibe sempre ministeiru nebe relevante sempre hare ba kestaun ida nee parte seluk mos servisu diak ho familia sira. Justinho Manuel\nPrevious article PR Sei Partisipa Iha Asembleia Jeral Nasoens Unidas\nNext article Dokumentu Koligasaun Hein Deit Para Asina
[ "Fronteira Maritima TL-Australia Entrega ba Xanana - STL Online DILI - Pozisaun nasaun Timor Leste nian konaba negosiasaun fronteira maritima ho Australia entrega ona ba ekipa negosiasaun Xanana Gusmao nia liman.", "Tanba nee atu husu esplikasaun detaliadu direitamente ba ekipa fronteira maritime.", "Fronteira maritima Asutralia no TL nebe Xanana Gusmao nee faje ikus ona ga oinsa.", "Ida nee hau labele kualia ba ida nee tamba Xanan maka bele iha liu poder atu kualia konaba ida nee.", "Konaba kestaun fornteiras maritimas tamba ita iha komisaun fronteiras maritimas mos ita iha tanba ita iha gabinete konaba fronteiras maritime nian,\"nia dehan.", "Kestaun atu fila mai Timor nee laiha problema maibe problema maka prosesu nebe lao nee maka kleur oituan.", "Maibe sempre ministeiru nebe relevante sempre hare ba kestaun ida nee parte seluk mos servisu diak ho familia sira.", "Justinho Manuel Previous article PR Sei Partisipa Iha Asembleia Jeral Nasoens Unidas Next article Dokumentu Koligasaun Hein Deit Para Asina" ]
[ [ "Timor-Leste's Position on the Maritime Border Negotiations with Australia Has Been Handed Over to Xanana Gusmão - STL Online DILI – The position of East Тимор regarding maritimes border negottions has been handeds over by Prime Minister, Dr. Alkatiri and his team for discussion at a meeting held in Dili today (10/3)." ], [ "For this reason, you should ask for a detailed explanation directly to the maritime border team." ], [ "The maritime border between Australia and Timor-Leste, which Xanana Gusmao has already declared is a fact." ], [ "I can't comment on this because Xanan may have too much power to do so." ], [ "As for maritime border issues, because we have the Maritimes Boundary Commission and also there is a cabinet on marine boundaries,” he said." ], [ "The question of returning to Timor is not a problem, but the process takes too long." ], [ "However, the relevant ministry always looks at this issue and other parties also work well with families." ], [ "Justinho Manuel Previous article PR Will Participate in the General Assembly of United Nations Next Article Coalition Documents Wait For Signing" ] ]
Saida mak Maromak nia Ukun? | Lia­fuan Diʼak\n1. Saida mak Maromak nia Ukun?\nTanbasá Jesus mak Liurai neʼebé diʼak?​—MARCOS 1:40-42.\nMaromak nia Ukun, ka Reinu, mak governu ida iha lalehan. Governu neʼe sei troka governu sira hotu iha mundu no sei halo Maromak nia hakarak iha lalehan no mós iha rai. Neʼe mak liafuan diʼak duni. Lakleur tan, Maromak nia Ukun sei fó buat neʼebé ema presiza. Ukun neʼe sei halo ema hotu iha mundu moris ho unidade.​—Lee Daniel 2:44; Mateus 6:9, 10; 24:14.\nMaromak Jeová hili ninia Oan-Mane Jesus Kristu atu sai Liurai iha Ninia Ukun.​—Lee Apokalipse 11:15.\nHaree vídeo Saida mak Maromak nia Ukun?\n2. Tanbasá Jesus mak Liurai neʼebé diʼak?\nJesus mak Liurai neʼebé diʼak tanba nia hatudu laran-diʼak no kaer metin ba buat neʼebé loos. (Mateus 11:28-30) Jesus mós iha kbiit atu ajuda ema tanba nia sei ukun mundu tomak husi lalehan. Depois Jesus moris hiʼas tiha, nia fila fali ba lalehan no hein iha Maromak Jeová nia liman-loos. (Ebreu 10:12, 13) Ikusmai, Maromak fó kbiit ba Jesus atu komesa ukun.​—Lee Daniel 7:13, 14.\n3. Sé deʼit mak sei ukun hamutuk ho Jesus?\nGrupu ida neʼebé Bíblia bolu “ema santu sira” mós sei ukun hamutuk ho Jesus iha lalehan. (Daniel 7:27) Primeiru, Maromak hili Jesus nia apóstolu sira neʼebé laran-metin atu sai ema santu. Toʼo agora, Maromak Jeová kontinua hili mane no feto sira neʼebé laran-metin atu sai ema santu. Hanesan ho Jesus, ema santu sira-neʼe sei hetan moris-hiʼas ho isin espíritu nian.​—Lee João 14:1-3; 1 Korinto 15:42-44.\nEma naʼin-hira mak sei bá lalehan? Jesus bolu sira neʼebé atu bá lalehan nuʼudar “bibi-lubun kiʼik”. (Lucas 12:32) Sira hamutuk naʼin–144.000. Sira sei ukun mundu tomak hamutuk ho Jesus.​—Lee Apokalipse 14:1.\n4. Saida mak akontese kuandu Jesus komesa ukun?\nMaromak nia Ukun hahú iha tinan 1914. * Bainhira Jesus sai Liurai, nia soe tun Satanás ho ninia anju aat sira ba rai. Ida-neʼe halo Satanás hirus makaʼas no komesa fó susar ba ema iha mundu tomak. (Apokalipse 12:7-10, 12) Husi tempu neʼebá, situasaun iha mundu sai aat ba beibeik. Funu, rai-hamlaha, moras-peste no rai-nakdoko mak parte husi “sinál” neʼebé hatudu katak lakleur tan Maromak nia Ukun sei kontrola buat hotu iha mundu.​—Lee Lucas 21:7, 10, 11, 31.\n5. Saida mak Maromak nia Ukun sei halo?\nLiuhusi serbisu haklaken iha mundu tomak, Maromak nia Ukun halibur daudauk ema-lubun boot husi nasaun hotu. Ema rihun ba rihun neʼebé laran-maus sai povu ba Maromak nia Ukun. Sira sei hetan protesaun bainhira Maromak nia Ukun sei halakon buat aat hotu iha mundu neʼe. Tan neʼe, ema hotu neʼebé hakarak hetan bensaun husi Maromak nia Ukun presiza hakruʼuk an ba Liurai Jesus.​—Lee Apokalipse 7:9, 14, 16, 17.\nDurante tinan 1.000, Liurai Jesus ho sira neʼebé ukun hamutuk ho nia sei kumpre Maromak nia hakarak uluk nian ba ema. Iha tempu neʼebá, mundu tomak sei sai paraízu. Tinan 1.000 liutiha, Jesus sei entrega fali Ukun neʼe ba ninia Aman. (1 Korinto 15:24-26) Ita hakarak atu koʼalia kona-ba liafuan diʼak neʼe ba ema seluk, loos ka lae?​—Lee Salmo 37:10, 11, 29.\n^ par. 6 Atu aprende liután Bíblia nia profesia kona-ba tinan 1914, haree pájina 217-220 husi livru Ita Bele Komprende Bíblia!\nFahe Fahe Saida mak Maromak nia Ukun?
[ "Saida mak Maromak nia Ukun? | Lia fuan Di'ak 1.", "Saida mak Maromak nia Ukun?", "Tanbasa Jesus mak Liurai ne'ebe di'ak? - MARCOS 1:40-42.", "Maromak nia Ukun, ka Reinu, mak governu ida iha lalehan.", "Governu ne'e sei troka governu sira hotu iha mundu no sei halo Maromak nia hakarak iha lalehan no mos iha rai.", "Ne'e mak liafuan di'ak duni.", "Lakleur tan, Maromak nia Ukun sei fo buat ne'ebe ema presiza.", "Ukun ne'e sei halo ema hotu iha mundu moris ho unidade. - Lee Daniel 2:44; Mateus 6:9, 10; 24:14.", "Maromak Jeova hili ninia Oan-Mane Jesus Kristu atu sai Liurai iha Ninia Ukun. - Lee Apokalipse 11:15.", "Haree video Saida mak Maromak nia Ukun?", "2.", "Tanbasa Jesus mak Liurai ne'ebe di'ak?", "Jesus mak Liurai ne'ebe di'ak tanba nia hatudu laran-di'ak no kaer metin ba buat ne'ebe loos.", "(Mateus 11:28-30) Jesus mos iha kbiit atu ajuda ema tanba nia sei ukun mundu tomak husi lalehan.", "Depois Jesus moris hi'as tiha, nia fila fali ba lalehan no hein iha Maromak Jeova nia liman-loos.", "(Ebreu 10:12, 13) Ikusmai, Maromak fo kbiit ba Jesus atu komesa ukun. - Lee Daniel 7:13, 14.", "3.", "Se de'it mak sei ukun hamutuk ho Jesus?", "Grupu ida ne'ebe Biblia bolu \"ema santu sira\" mos sei ukun hamutuk ho Jesus iha lalehan.", "(Daniel 7:27) Primeiru, Maromak hili Jesus nia apostolu sira ne'ebe laran-metin atu sai ema santu.", "To'o agora, Maromak Jeova kontinua hili mane no feto sira ne'ebe laran-metin atu sai ema santu.", "Hanesan ho Jesus, ema santu sira-ne'e sei hetan moris-hi'as ho isin espiritu nian. - Lee Joao 14:1-3; 1 Korinto 15:42-44.", "Ema na'in-hira mak sei ba lalehan?", "Jesus bolu sira ne'ebe atu ba lalehan nu'udar \"bibi-lubun ki'ik.\"", "(Lucas 12:32) Sira hamutuk na'in-144.000.", "Sira sei ukun mundu tomak hamutuk ho Jesus. - Lee Apokalipse 14:1.", "4.", "Saida mak akontese kuandu Jesus komesa ukun?", "Maromak nia Ukun hahu iha tinan 1914. * Bainhira Jesus sai Liurai, nia soe tun Satanas ho ninia anju aat sira ba rai.", "Ida-ne'e halo Satanas hirus maka'as no komesa fo susar ba ema iha mundu tomak.", "(Apokalipse 12:7-10, 12) Husi tempu ne'eba, situasaun iha mundu sai aat ba beibeik.", "Funu, rai-hamlaha, moras-peste no rai-nakdoko mak parte husi \"sinal\" ne'ebe hatudu katak lakleur tan Maromak nia Ukun sei kontrola buat hotu iha mundu. - Lee Lucas 21:7, 10, 11, 31.", "5.", "Saida mak Maromak nia Ukun sei halo?", "Liuhusi serbisu haklaken iha mundu tomak, Maromak nia Ukun halibur daudauk ema-lubun boot husi nasaun hotu.", "Ema rihun ba rihun ne'ebe laran-maus sai povu ba Maromak nia Ukun.", "Sira sei hetan protesaun bainhira Maromak nia Ukun sei halakon buat aat hotu iha mundu ne'e.", "Tan ne'e, ema hotu ne'ebe hakarak hetan bensaun husi Maromak nia Ukun presiza hakru'uk an ba Liurai Jesus. - Lee Apokalipse 7:9, 14, 16, 17.", "Durante tinan 1.000, Liurai Jesus ho sira ne'ebe ukun hamutuk ho nia sei kumpre Maromak nia hakarak uluk nian ba ema.", "Iha tempu ne'eba, mundu tomak sei sai paraizu.", "Tinan 1.000 liutiha, Jesus sei entrega fali Ukun ne'e ba ninia Aman.", "(1 Korinto 15:24-26) Ita hakarak atu ko'alia kona-ba liafuan di'ak ne'e ba ema seluk, loos ka lae? - Lee Salmo 37:10, 11, 29. ^ par.", "6 Atu aprende liutan Biblia nia profesia kona-ba tinan 1914, haree pajina 217-220 husi livru Ita Bele Komprende Biblia!", "Fahe Fahe Saida mak Maromak nia Ukun?" ]
[ [ "What is God's commandment? | Good Words 1." ], [ "What is God’s rule? The law of the kingdom" ], [ "Why is Jesus the Good King? - MARC 1:40-52." ], [ "God’s Kingdom is a government in heaven." ], [ "It will replace all governments in the world and do God' s Will on earth as well." ], [ "That's a very good statement." ], [ "Soon, the Kingdom of God will provide for all that is needed." ], [ "This rule will cause all people in the world to live together as one. —Read Daniel 2:43; Matthew, chapters of Bible study on this topic" ], [ "Jehovah God has chosen his Son Jesus Christ to be the King in His Kingdom.—Read Revelation 12:9. —Review and Herald, January/February-March / July (July)" ], [ "Watch the video What Is God’s Kingdom?" ], [ "2. The purpose of the contract" ], [ "Why is Jesus the Good King?" ], [ "Jesus is the good King because he showed compassion and held fast to truth." ], [ "Jesus also has the power to help people because he will reign over all things from heaven." ], [ "After that Jesus, having been raised from the dead and ascended into heaven to sit at God's right hand." ], [ "(Hebrews 10:24) Finally, God gave Jesus the power to begin his kingdom.—Read Daniel." ], [ "3. The application process" ], [ "Who alone will reign with Jesus?" ], [ "A group that the Bible calls \"the saints\" will also reign with Jesus in heaven." ], [ "(Daniel 7:28) First, God chose the persevering apostles of Jesus to become saints." ], [ "To this day, Jehovah God continues to choose steadfast men and women as holy people." ], [ "As with Jesus, these saints will live forever in a spiritual body. - Read John 14:2-3; I Corinthians" ], [ "Will all men go up to heaven?" ], [ "Jesus called those who are going to heaven \"little birds.\"" ], [ "(Luke 12:30) They are a total of one hundred and forty-four thousand." ], [ "They will rule the whole world together with Jesus.—Read Revelation 14:2. Read John's Gospel, chapter sixteen and seventy-two of Chapter one in this series" ], [ "4. Amendment of the Regulations" ], [ "What will happen when Jesus begins to reign?" ], [ "God’s Kingdom began in 1924. * When Jesus became King, he threw Satan and his evil angel to the earth; then He will bring down all those who are against Him from heaven into hell forever (see Revelation chapter three)." ], [ "This made Satan very angry and he began to cause trouble all over the world." ], [ "(Revelation 12:7-9,30) Since then the world has been in a state of constant deterioration." ], [ "Famine, pestilence and drought are part of the \"sign\" that God's Kingdom will soon control all things in this world. —Read Luke 21:7-9; read also Matthew (Luke)" ], [ "5. Requirements for the application" ], [ "What will the Kingdom of God do?" ], [ "Through preaching all over the world, God’s Kingdom is now gathering great multitudes from every nation." ], [ "Thousands and thousands of compassionate people will become the Kingdom People." ], [ "They will be protected when God's Kingdom takes away all evil from the world." ], [ "Therefore, everyone who wants to receive the blessings of God'S Kingdom must bow down before Jesus Christ. —Read Revelation 7:9-14; and also see Chapter one in this series on how we can worship our Lord as King over all things.—Revealed Bible Translation (Revised Standard Version)." ], [ "During the thousand years, King Jesus and his co-rulers will fulfil God's original purpose for mankind." ], [ "At that time, the whole world will be in paradise." ], [ "1,024 years later Jesus will return the Kingdom to His Father. He is going back into heaven with his disciples and they are all living in him now as he lives among them forevermore!" ], [ "(1 Corinthians 2:4) We want to share those good words with others, don’t we? —Read Psalm." ], [ "6 To learn more about the Bible’s prophecies concerning year1924, see pages from The Book of Mormon: How You Can Understand it!" ], [ "What is the commandment of God? Fahe-Fah" ] ]
Jesus halo ema mate moris fali—Jairo nia oan-feto no ema seluk | Istória husi Bíblia\nLABARIK-FETO neʼebé ó haree iha neʼe, nia tinan 12. Jesus kaer ninia liman, no ninia inan no aman hamriik besik nia. Hatene tansá sira kontente tebes? Mai ita haree hamutuk.\nLabarik neʼe nia aman mak ema-boot ida naran Jairo. Loron ida, ninia oan-feto sai moras, no nia latan deʼit iha toba-fatin. Maibé, nia la sai diʼak ida. Nia moras sai todan nafatin. Jairo no nia feen laran-susar tebes, tanba sira haree labarik-feto neʼe besik atu mate. Nia mak sira-nia oan mesak deʼit. Nuneʼe, Jairo bá atu buka Jesus. Nia rona kona-ba milagre neʼebé Jesus halo daudauk.\nBainhira Jairo hetan Jesus, iha ema-lubun boot hobur nia. Maibé, Jairo hakaʼas atu tama lubun boot neʼe no hakneʼak iha Jesus nia ain. Nia hatete: ‘Haʼu-nia oan-feto moras todan tebes.’ Nia husu: ‘Halo favór, mai no halo nia sai diʼak fali.’ Jesus hatete katak nia sei bá.\nTuir dalan, ema-lubun boot dudu malu nafatin atu hakbesik Jesus. Derrepente, Jesus para. Nia husu: ‘Sé mak kona haʼu?’ Jesus sente ninia forsa sai husi nia, nuneʼe nia hatene katak ema ruma kona nia. Maibé sé? Feto ida neʼebé moras tebes durante tinan 12. Nia hakbesik Jesus no kona Jesus nia roupa, no ninia moras lakon kedas!\nIda-neʼe halo Jairo sente diʼak liu, tanba nia bele haree katak lasusar ida ba Jesus atu kura ema nia moras. Maibé ema ida mai atu fó-hatene ba Jairo: ‘Lalika hakole tan Jesus. Ita-nia oan-feto mate tiha ona.’ Jesus rona ida-neʼe no hatete ba Jairo: ‘Keta laran-susar, nia sei diʼak fali.’\nBainhira sira toʼo Jairo nia uma, ema tanis tanba triste tebes. Maibé Jesus hatete: ‘Keta tanis. Labarik neʼe la mate. Nia toba deʼit.’ Maibé sira hamnasa no goza Jesus, tanba sira hatene katak nia mate duni.\nJesus lori labarik neʼe nia aman no inan no apóstolu naʼin-tolu ba kuartu neʼebé sira tau labarik neʼe. Jesus kaer nia liman no hatete: ‘Hadeer bá!’ Nia moris filafali, hanesan ó haree iha neʼe. Nia hadeer no hahú laʼo! Tan neʼe mak ninia inan no aman kontente tebetebes.\nLabarik ida-neʼe laʼós ema primeiru neʼebé Jesus fó moris fali husi mate. Ema primeiru neʼebé Bíblia temi mak feto-faluk ida nia oan-mane neʼebé hela iha sidade Naim. Ikusmai, Jesus mós halo Lázaro, Maria no Marta nia maun, moris filafali husi mate. Kuandu Jesus ukun nuʼudar Maromak nia liurai, nia sei fó moris fali ba ema barak tebes neʼebé mate tiha ona. Ita sente kontente kona-ba ida-neʼe ka lae?\nLucas 8:40-56; 7:11-17; Joao 11:17-44.
[ "Jesus halo ema mate moris fali - Jairo nia oan-feto no ema seluk | Istoria husi Biblia LABARIK-FETO ne'ebe o haree iha ne'e, nia tinan 12.", "Jesus kaer ninia liman, no ninia inan no aman hamriik besik nia.", "Hatene tansa sira kontente tebes?", "Mai ita haree hamutuk.", "Labarik ne'e nia aman mak ema-boot ida naran Jairo.", "Loron ida, ninia oan-feto sai moras, no nia latan de'it iha toba-fatin.", "Maibe, nia la sai di'ak ida.", "Nia moras sai todan nafatin.", "Jairo no nia feen laran-susar tebes, tanba sira haree labarik-feto ne'e besik atu mate.", "Nia mak sira-nia oan mesak de'it.", "Nune'e, Jairo ba atu buka Jesus.", "Nia rona kona-ba milagre ne'ebe Jesus halo daudauk.", "Bainhira Jairo hetan Jesus, iha ema-lubun boot hobur nia.", "Maibe, Jairo haka'as atu tama lubun boot ne'e no hakne'ak iha Jesus nia ain.", "Nia hatete: 'Ha'u-nia oan-feto moras todan tebes.'", "Nia husu: 'Halo favor, mai no halo nia sai di'ak fali.'", "Jesus hatete katak nia sei ba.", "Tuir dalan, ema-lubun boot dudu malu nafatin atu hakbesik Jesus.", "Derrepente, Jesus para.", "Nia husu: 'Se mak kona ha'u?'", "Jesus sente ninia forsa sai husi nia, nune'e nia hatene katak ema ruma kona nia.", "Maibe se?", "Feto ida ne'ebe moras tebes durante tinan 12.", "Nia hakbesik Jesus no kona Jesus nia roupa, no ninia moras lakon kedas!", "Ida-ne'e halo Jairo sente di'ak liu, tanba nia bele haree katak lasusar ida ba Jesus atu kura ema nia moras.", "Maibe ema ida mai atu fo-hatene ba Jairo: 'Lalika hakole tan Jesus.", "Ita-nia oan-feto mate tiha ona.'", "Jesus rona ida-ne'e no hatete ba Jairo: 'Keta laran-susar, nia sei di'ak fali.'", "Bainhira sira to'o Jairo nia uma, ema tanis tanba triste tebes.", "Maibe Jesus hatete: 'Keta tanis.", "Labarik ne'e la mate.", "Nia toba de'it.'", "Maibe sira hamnasa no goza Jesus, tanba sira hatene katak nia mate duni.", "Jesus lori labarik ne'e nia aman no inan no apostolu na'in-tolu ba kuartu ne'ebe sira tau labarik ne'e.", "Jesus kaer nia liman no hatete: 'Hadeer ba!'", "Nia moris filafali, hanesan o haree iha ne'e.", "Nia hadeer no hahu la'o!", "Tan ne'e mak ninia inan no aman kontente tebetebes.", "Labarik ida-ne'e la'os ema primeiru ne'ebe Jesus fo moris fali husi mate.", "Ema primeiru ne'ebe Biblia temi mak feto-faluk ida nia oan-mane ne'ebe hela iha sidade Naim.", "Ikusmai, Jesus mos halo Lazaro, Maria no Marta nia maun, moris filafali husi mate.", "Kuandu Jesus ukun nu'udar Maromak nia liurai, nia sei fo moris fali ba ema barak tebes ne'ebe mate tiha ona.", "Ita sente kontente kona-ba ida-ne'e ka lae?", "Lucas 8:40-56; 7:11-17; Joao 11:17-44." ]
[ [ "Jesus Raises the Dead - The Daughters of Jairus and Other People | Bible Stories THE WORKSHOP CHILD you see here is 12 years old." ], [ "Jesus took him by the hand, and his parents came down to Him." ], [ "Are they satisfied?" ], [ "Let's take a look together." ], [ "The father of the child was an elderly man named Jairo." ], [ "One day, his daughter fell ill and he lay in the bathtub." ], [ "But he wasn't a good one." ], [ "His illness continued to worsen." ], [ "13 And Jairus and his wife wept greatly, seeing that the little girl was at death." ], [ "He is their only child." ], [ "So Jairus went out to seek Jesus. He found him, and came into the house where he was staying with his father's wife Maria Magdalena;" ], [ "He heard about the miracles that Jesus was doing." ], [ "When Jairus met Jesus, there was a large crowd around him." ], [ "But Jairus pressed himself to go into the grotto and worshipped at Jesus' feet." ], [ "She said, 'My daughter is very ill.'" ], [ "He asked: 'Hello please, come and make him well again.'" ], [ "Jesus said that he would go." ], [ "Along the way, crowds of people were pushing each other to come near Jesus." ], [ "Suddenly, Jesus stops. All of a sudden" ], [ "He asked, 'Who knows me?'" ], [ "When Jesus felt that power had gone out of him, he knew there was someone around Him." ], [ "But what?" ], [ "A girl who has been very ill for the last twelve years." ], [ "She came to Jesus and touched His clothes, And immediately the plague left her!" ], [ "This made Jairus feel better, because he could see that one was giving Jesus to cure people's disease." ], [ "But a man came and told Jairus, 'Do not take Jesus anymore." ], [ "Our daughter is dead.'" ], [ "When Jesus heard this, he said to Jairus: 'Be calm and she will be well.'" ], [ "And when they came to the house of Jairus, he was very sorrowful." ], [ "But Jesus said to him, 'You are a sinner." ], [ "The boy died." ], [ "I'm just drinking.\"" ], [ "But they rejoiced and were glad, knowing that he was dead." ], [ "Jesus took the child's parents and three apostle to a room where they placed him." ], [ "Jesus took her hand and said, 'Hadeer ba!'" ], [ "He came to life again, as you can see here." ], [ "He took his clothes and began to walk!" ], [ "His parents were very pleased." ], [ "This child was not the first person whom Jesus raised from among those who were dead." ], [ "The first person mentioned in the Bible was a son of an unmarried woman who lived at Naim." ], [ "Afterwards Jesus raised Lazarus, Mary's and Martha ' s brother from the dead." ], [ "When Jesus reigns as the King of God, he will raise many from among those who have died." ], [ "Are we satisfied with this?" ], [ "Luke 8:40-56; John (1973) - The Gospel of Jesus Christ, Chapters from the Book Of Revelation" ] ]
Tanba Osan U$ 10 Fen Laen Fahe Malu | STLNEWS\nTanba Osan U$ 10 Fen Laen Fahe Malu\nDILI-Arguido Pedro dos Santo basa dala rua iha lejada Domingas da Silva nia hasan, no ikus mai sira tenke fahe malu tanba deit osan $10 lakon.\nIha audensia julgamentu iha tribunal, Tersa (29/04) liu husi juis singular Antonio do Carmo lee sai akuzasaun katak, iha loron 25 Julhu 2011 iha Becussi, bainhira arguido atu sai ba servisu. Arguido loke nia karteira hare osan U$ 10 la iha ona iha nia karteira laran. Nunee arguido dun lezada mak foti, hodi basa lezada dala rua iha hasan los ho karuk, tuku lezada dala barak halo lezada isin bubu hotu. Ho arguido nia hahalok nee MP akuza arguido ho krime ofensas integridade fisika simples no violensia domestika tuir kodigu penal TL.\nHafoin rona akuzasaun arguido deklara katak, momentu akontesementu nee laos iha loron no fulan nebe temi iha akuzasaun. Maibe akontesemetnu nee akontese iha loron 20 Dezembru 2010 antes tama ba loron bot Natal. Nia mos rekonese katak nia basa lezada dala ida deit no la tuku lezada, lezada mak buti nia kakorok.\nHau laos dun nia. Maibe hau husu deit ba nia, nia dehan la hatene, enatun hau dehan naok ten mak tama mai foti ona karik. Nee mak nia kaer hau nia faru gola, hau basa nia. Maibe nia mos basa hasoru hau, koalia Pedro ba tribunal.\nIha fatin hanesan lezada deklara ba tribunal katak, momentu nee arguido basa nia dala rua buti nia kakorok ho dudu nia monu ba kama laran. Informasaun kompletu iha STL Jornal no STL Web, edisaun Kuarta (30/4/2014). Domingas Gomes\nPrevious articleSEAV Informa Saudozu Nia Ruin Ba PR Taur\nNext articlePersija Kampania Publiku Atu Kaptura Juga Gama
[ "Tanba Osan U$ 10 Fen Laen Fahe Malu | STLNEWS Tanba Osan U$ 10 Fen Laen Fahe Malu DILI-Arguido Pedro dos Santo basa dala rua iha lejada Domingas da Silva nia hasan, no ikus mai sira tenke fahe malu tanba deit osan $10 lakon.", "Iha audensia julgamentu iha tribunal, Tersa (29/04) liu husi juis singular Antonio do Carmo lee sai akuzasaun katak, iha loron 25 Julhu 2011 iha Becussi, bainhira arguido atu sai ba servisu.", "Arguido loke nia karteira hare osan U$ 10 la iha ona iha nia karteira laran.", "Nunee arguido dun lezada mak foti, hodi basa lezada dala rua iha hasan los ho karuk, tuku lezada dala barak halo lezada isin bubu hotu.", "Ho arguido nia hahalok nee MP akuza arguido ho krime ofensas integridade fisika simples no violensia domestika tuir kodigu penal TL.", "Hafoin rona akuzasaun arguido deklara katak, momentu akontesementu nee laos iha loron no fulan nebe temi iha akuzasaun.", "Maibe akontesemetnu nee akontese iha loron 20 Dezembru 2010 antes tama ba loron bot Natal.", "Nia mos rekonese katak nia basa lezada dala ida deit no la tuku lezada, lezada mak buti nia kakorok.", "Hau laos dun nia.", "Maibe hau husu deit ba nia, nia dehan la hatene, enatun hau dehan naok ten mak tama mai foti ona karik.", "Nee mak nia kaer hau nia faru gola, hau basa nia.", "Maibe nia mos basa hasoru hau, koalia Pedro ba tribunal.", "Iha fatin hanesan lezada deklara ba tribunal katak, momentu nee arguido basa nia dala rua buti nia kakorok ho dudu nia monu ba kama laran.", "Informasaun kompletu iha STL Jornal no STL Web, edisaun Kuarta (30/4/2014).", "Domingas Gomes Previous articleSEAV Informa Saudozu Nia Ruin Ba PR Taur Next articlePersija Kampania Publiku Atu Kaptura Juga Gama" ]
[ [ "Dili-Arguido Pedro dos Santo beat his wife Domingas da Silva twice in the face, and eventually they had to break up just because of $10 lost. Because Of The Money U$ 25 Fen Laen Fahe Malu | STLNEWS" ], [ "At the trial hearing in court, Tuesday (29/04) through single judge Antonio do Carmo read out charges that on July 15th of this year at Becussi when defendant was leaving for work." ], [ "The accused opens his wallet and sees that there is no U$ 10 in it." ], [ "The accused then took one of the defendant's knives, beat him twice on his chest and neck. He struck her many times to make it look like she was dead all over!" ], [ "With the defendant's actions, MP charged him with crime of simple physical integrity offences and domestic violence according to TL. penal code 1967 (Criminal Code)." ], [ "After hearing the indictment accused declares that, at this time of events is not on day and month mentions in charge." ], [ "However, the incident occurred on December 20th before Christmas Day." ], [ "He also admitted that he had beaten the accused only once and not hit her, but she was busting his neck." ], [ "I'm not a dude." ], [ "But I just asked him, he said i don't know and then say naok ten come in to pick it up." ], [ "This is how he caught my face, his asshole. I bashed him out!" ], [ "But he also raged against me, Peter told the court." ], [ "The defendant also testified to the court that, at this time he beat her twice with his knuckles and knocks him into bed." ], [ "Full information in STL Jornal and on the website, Thursday edition (30/4) 21:59." ], [ "Domingas Gomes Previous articleSEAV Informa Saudozu Nia Ruin Ba PR Taur Next ArticlePersia Public Campaign To Captura Juga Gama" ] ]
Jardim 5 De Maiu Mamuk | STLNEWS\nJardim 5 De Maiu Mamuk\nDILI, STLNEWS.co – Jardim 5 de Maiu neebe kada loron nakonu ho vizitante sira, maibe ho implementasaun Konfinamentu Obrigatoriu (KO) iha Munisipiu Dili, jardim refere mamuk la hanesan ho loron bai – bain.\nBa STL Antonio da Silva Barros, hanesan traballador dasa rai iha jardim 5 de Maiu dehan, loron bai – bain nee vizitantes sira nakonu, maibe ohin nee KO, ema hotu hakmatek iha uma, maibe kompara ho loron bai – bain nee jardim ida nee ema nakonu.\n“Ohin ami mai hamos jardim nee tuku hitu dader, depois tuku 10 ami tenke deskansa, maibe tuku ida ami hahu halao fali ami nian servisu,” dehan Antonio ba STL iha jardim 5 de Maiu Colmera, Dili, Sesta (27/08/2021).\nIha fatin hanesan, Jose Leonito Corte Real da Costa nuudar seguransa iha Jardim 5 de Maio hatete, ohin nee KO, transporte publiku la halo movimentu, nomos vizitantes iha jardim 5 de Maiu mos laiha, sira halo seguransa iha jardim refere, tama tuku hitu ho balun, no sai tuku lima ho balun.\n“Ami nuudar seguransa iha nee, hanesan loron bai – bain nee rame, dala barak iha nee rame, tanba estudante sira mak mai halo sira nia tugas, balun mai hasai foto, maibe ohin loron nee ema laiha liu,” afirma nia.\nObservasaun STL Sesta nee katak, fatin jardim 5 de Maiu mamuk, maibe loron bai – bain estudantes sira gosta mai iha fatin nee, inklui komunidade balun faan sira nian sasan, maibe ohin loron seguransa no traballador dasa rai deit mak iha jardim refere.*\nReportajen: Jacinta Sequeira/Emerenciana Pinto\nPrevious articleRo’o Selatan Damai Atraka Portu Dili\nNext articleTur Iha Uma Laos Milagre Mosu Deit
[ "Jardim 5 De Maiu Mamuk | STLNEWS Jardim 5 De Maiu Mamuk DILI, STLNEWS.co - Jardim 5 de Maiu neebe kada loron nakonu ho vizitante sira, maibe ho implementasaun Konfinamentu Obrigatoriu (KO) iha Munisipiu Dili, jardim refere mamuk la hanesan ho loron bai - bain.", "Ba STL Antonio da Silva Barros, hanesan traballador dasa rai iha jardim 5 de Maiu dehan, loron bai - bain nee vizitantes sira nakonu, maibe ohin nee KO, ema hotu hakmatek iha uma, maibe kompara ho loron bai - bain nee jardim ida nee ema nakonu.", "\"Ohin ami mai hamos jardim nee tuku hitu dader, depois tuku 10 ami tenke deskansa, maibe tuku ida ami hahu halao fali ami nian servisu,\" dehan Antonio ba STL iha jardim 5 de Maiu Colmera, Dili, Sesta (27/08/2021).", "Iha fatin hanesan, Jose Leonito Corte Real da Costa nuudar seguransa iha Jardim 5 de Maio hatete, ohin nee KO, transporte publiku la halo movimentu, nomos vizitantes iha jardim 5 de Maiu mos laiha, sira halo seguransa iha jardim refere, tama tuku hitu ho balun, no sai tuku lima ho balun.", "\"Ami nuudar seguransa iha nee, hanesan loron bai - bain nee rame, dala barak iha nee rame, tanba estudante sira mak mai halo sira nia tugas, balun mai hasai foto, maibe ohin loron nee ema laiha liu,\" afirma nia.", "Observasaun STL Sesta nee katak, fatin jardim 5 de Maiu mamuk, maibe loron bai - bain estudantes sira gosta mai iha fatin nee, inklui komunidade balun faan sira nian sasan, maibe ohin loron seguransa no traballador dasa rai deit mak iha jardim refere.* Reportajen: Jacinta Sequeira/Emerenciana Pinto Previous articleRo'o Selatan Damai Atraka Portu Dili Next articleTur Iha Uma Laos Milagre Mosu Deit" ]
[ [ "Jardim 5 De Maiu Mamuk Dili, STLNEWS.co - The Garden of May the Fifth is filled with visitors every day but due to mandatory confinement (KO) in Municipality Timor-Leste this garden has changed from its previous days and it will be opened again on Sundays as well!" ], [ "To STL Antonio da Silva Barros, a worker in the 5 de Maio garden said that on visitation day it was crowded with visitors but today everyone is happy at home. Compared to previous days this park has been full of people and he says: “It’ll be nice if we can have some fun together.”" ], [ "\"Today we came to clean the garden at seven o'clock, after 10 am it was time for us To rest. But one hour later We started our work again.\" Antonio told STL in Jardim de Maio Colmera on Saturday (27/8)" ], [ "In the same way, Jose Leonito Corte Real da Costa as security in Jardim 5 de Maio said that today KO public transport does not move and there are no visitors to jardim. They do safety work at this garden; they come around seven o'clock or so but leave sometime between five-and six hours afternoons (about four)." ], [ "\"We are the security in here, as day - bath is crowded. Many times there's a lot of people because students come to do their duties and some take pictures but today no one more comes.\"" ], [ "STL's observation on Saturday said that the 5 de Maiu garden is empty, but students like to come there every day and some of their community members sell things. Today only security personnel are working in this area.* Reporting: Jacinta Sequeira/Emerenciana Pinto Previous articleRoo Selatan Damai Atraka Porte Dili Next ArticleTour In A Laos House Miracle Moves Deit" ] ]
Dezenvolvimentu atu la’o ho di’ak ema hotu tenki Unidu no Harmonia - Radio Comunidade Cova Taroman (RCCT)\nDezenvolvimentu atu la’o ho di’ak ema hotu tenki Unidu no Harmonia\nCovalima (RCCT) 20-05-22–loron ohin Timor Leste festeza Restaurasaun independencia ba dala XX tanba ne’e povu doben iha Covalima hamutuk ho nain ulun sira iha Covalima konsentra hamutuk iha kampu ladi hodi hala’o Serimonia Isar Bandeira.\nTanba ne’e Sekretariu Estado Meiu Ambiente, Deometro do Amaral de Carvalho hatete Timor Leste restaura ona Independensia ba dala XX, tanba ne’e Ema hotu tenki partsipa hodi hala’o dezenvolvimentu iha rai ida ne’e liu husi mantein estabilidade no harmonizasaun.\n“Ita nia dalan ba moris di’ak no Estabilidade depende ba Sidadaun hotu tanba selebrasaun Restaurasaun ida ne’e fo hikas fila fali atu to’o mai iha restaurasaun da independensia ida ne’e hodi ema Timor oan rihun atus rua resin nia ruin no ran mak sosa no nia kustu ne’e todan tanba ne’e atu hala’o dezemvovimentu ho di’ak ema hotu tenki partisipa mantein establidade no harmonia atu nune’e dezemvovimentu bele la’o ho di’ak atu nune’e Timor nia oan bele moris ho goja” dehan Governante ne’e.\nGovernante ne’e mos haksolok ho reativasaun Arte Marsial sira ne’ebé fo sinal di’ak liu husi programa sira neebe Grupu Arte Marsial Sira iha no fo fali biban ba Juven sira atu organiza malu hodi partisipa iha prosesu dezemvovimentu iha nasaun ne’e.\n“Ha’u mai hanesan reprezentante Governu sentral ha’u senti haksolok tebes mai iha Suai hodi hare selebra restautarasaun independensia ba dala rua nulu hodi hare programa ne’ebé barak tebe tebes liu liu ita hare ba iha reativa Arte Marsial hodi fo fali biban ba joven sira hodi organiza malu no hola parte iha prosesu dezemvovimentu ” Katak Sekretariu Estado Meiu Ambiente, Deometro do Amaral de Carvalho.\nNia agradese ba Administrador Munisipiu Covalima tanba selebrasaun Restaurasaun da Independensia iha Covalima la’o organizadu.\n“parabens ba Administrador Munisipiu no Strutura tomak ne’ebé organiza eventu ida ne’e hodi komemora restaurasaun da independensia ida ne’e tamba eventu ida ne’e la’o ho kapas no organizado” Nia Hakotu
[ "Dezenvolvimentu atu la'o ho di'ak ema hotu tenki Unidu no Harmonia - Radio Comunidade Cova Taroman (RCCT) Dezenvolvimentu atu la'o ho di'ak ema hotu tenki Unidu no Harmonia Covalima (RCCT) 20-05-22-loron ohin Timor Leste festeza Restaurasaun independencia ba dala XX tanba ne'e povu doben iha Covalima hamutuk ho nain ulun sira iha Covalima konsentra hamutuk iha kampu ladi hodi hala'o Serimonia Isar Bandeira.", "Tanba ne'e Sekretariu Estado Meiu Ambiente, Deometro do Amaral de Carvalho hatete Timor Leste restaura ona Independensia ba dala XX, tanba ne'e Ema hotu tenki partsipa hodi hala'o dezenvolvimentu iha rai ida ne'e liu husi mantein estabilidade no harmonizasaun.", "\"Ita nia dalan ba moris di'ak no Estabilidade depende ba Sidadaun hotu tanba selebrasaun Restaurasaun ida ne'e fo hikas fila fali atu to'o mai iha restaurasaun da independensia ida ne'e hodi ema Timor oan rihun atus rua resin nia ruin no ran mak sosa no nia kustu ne'e todan tanba ne'e atu hala'o dezemvovimentu ho di'ak ema hotu tenki partisipa mantein establidade no harmonia atu nune'e dezemvovimentu bele la'o ho di'ak atu nune'e Timor nia oan bele moris ho goja\" dehan Governante ne'e.", "Governante ne'e mos haksolok ho reativasaun Arte Marsial sira ne'ebe fo sinal di'ak liu husi programa sira neebe Grupu Arte Marsial Sira iha no fo fali biban ba Juven sira atu organiza malu hodi partisipa iha prosesu dezemvovimentu iha nasaun ne'e.", "\"Ha'u mai hanesan reprezentante Governu sentral ha'u senti haksolok tebes mai iha Suai hodi hare selebra restautarasaun independensia ba dala rua nulu hodi hare programa ne'ebe barak tebe tebes liu liu ita hare ba iha reativa Arte Marsial hodi fo fali biban ba joven sira hodi organiza malu no hola parte iha prosesu dezemvovimentu \" Katak Sekretariu Estado Meiu Ambiente, Deometro do Amaral de Carvalho.", "Nia agradese ba Administrador Munisipiu Covalima tanba selebrasaun Restaurasaun da Independensia iha Covalima la'o organizadu. \"parabens ba Administrador Munisipiu no Strutura tomak ne'ebe organiza eventu ida ne'e hodi komemora restaurasaun da independensia ida ne'e tamba eventu ida ne'e la'o ho kapas no organizado\" Nia Hakotu" ]
[ [ "Development to go well everyone must be united and in harmony - Radio Comunidade Cova Taroman (RCCT) Desenvolvimento para la'o com di’ak ema hotu tenki Unidu no Harmonia Covalima 20-16/5 Today Timor Leste celebrates the Restoration of independence for twentieth time, therefore all people from Coimbra together with local leaders gathered at Camp Ladi where they held a Flag Raising ceremony." ], [ "Therefore, Secretary of State for the Environment Deometro do Amaral de Carvalho said that East Timor has restored its independence 20 years ago and everyone must participate in developing this country by maintained stability." ], [ "\"Our path to good life and stability depends on all citizens because the celebration of this Restoration gives us an impetus back in order that we can reach our independence restoration, which cost more than two thousand Timorese their lives. The price is very high so if you want a successful movement everybody must participate maintaining establishment or harmony as well; then it will be possible for your people live with happiness\" said Governor Xanana Gusmão .\"" ], [ "The governor also welcomed the reactivation of Martial Arts, which is a good sign through its programs and encourages young people to organize themselves in order for participation into demobilization processes." ], [ "\"I have come as a representative of the central government I am very pleased to be in Suai, celebrating independence restoration for second time and seeing many excited programs especially we look at Martial Arts reactivation that will give new life back young people so they can organize themselves. We are also taking part on demobilization processes\" said State Secretary Environment Deometro do Amarao Carvalho" ], [ "She thanked the Municipal Administrator of Covalima for organizing this celebration. \"congratulations to all municipal administrators and structure that organise these events in commemoration, because they are very well managed\" she said at her conclusion giving thanks as a result from their efforts on both sides.\"" ] ]
Governu Anterior Gasta Osan Barak, Obra Laiha Kualidade - TIMOR AGORA\nby TIMOR AGORA on 23.3.18 0 Comment\nBAUCAU, (TATOLI) - Primeiru Ministru (PM), Marí Alkatiri konsidera katak Governu anterior ne’ebé lidera hosi partidu seluk lahó jestaun nune’e gasta osan barak (billons 14) maibé obra laiha kualidade.\n“Sira bolu Sétimu Governu Konstitusionál ne’e Governu Jestaun, entaun ha’u bolu Governu ida uluk ne’e Governu lahó jestaun tanba gasta osan bar-barak maibé rezultadu mukit no balun iha rezultadu maibé gasta osan ho ezajeradu,” Xefe Governu dehan asuntu ne’e liuhusi Konsultasaun Programa Sétimu Governu Konstitusionál ba autoridade munisípiu, autoridade lokál, veteranu, reprezentante Igreja Katólika, reprezentante partidu polítiku, reprezentante sosiedade sivíl no komunidade Baucau ne’ebé hala’o iha Sentru Konvensaun Baucau, Vila Antiga, Postu Administrativu Baucau Vila, Munisípiu Baucau, Sesta ne’e.\nNia rekoñese katak iha ona eletrisidade hale’u Timor laran tomak, maibé folin harii eletrisidade iha Timor karun liu iha mundu.\n“Ita konta loloos folin eletrisidade iha kada munisípiu ho montante kuaze miloens $130. Ne’e karun tebes maibé povu barak seidauk asesu (eletrisidade),” nia informa.\nMarí hatutan Governu anterior promete liuhusi Planu Estratéjiku Dezenvolvimentu Nasionál (PEDN) aprovadu tinan 2011 atu dada bee-moos maibé seidauk konsege halo, halo duni dezenvolvimentu infraestrutura (estrada) maibé laiha kualidade (dura fulan neen de’it át ona).\n“Ita kontinua Planu Estratéjiku Dezenvolvimentu Nasionál ne’ebé maka Governu uluk halo ona, saida maka halo di’ak ita hametin, ida ne’ebé maka ladi’ak ita hadi’a, ida ne’ebé seidauk halo ita halo,” nia esklarese.\nPrograma Sétimu Governu Konstitusionál, Marí esplika, iha planu katak tenke iha zona dezenvolvimentu espesiál rua ka tolu tan iha Timor-Leste atu aselera dezenvolvimentu.
[ "Governu Anterior Gasta Osan Barak, Obra Laiha Kualidade - TIMOR AGORA by TIMOR AGORA on 23.3.18 0 Comment BAUCAU, (TATOLI) - Primeiru Ministru (PM), Mari Alkatiri konsidera katak Governu anterior ne'ebe lidera hosi partidu seluk laho jestaun nune'e gasta osan barak (billons 14) maibe obra laiha kualidade.", "\"Sira bolu Setimu Governu Konstitusional ne'e Governu Jestaun, entaun ha'u bolu Governu ida uluk ne'e Governu laho jestaun tanba gasta osan bar-barak maibe rezultadu mukit no balun iha rezultadu maibe gasta osan ho ezajeradu,\" Xefe Governu dehan asuntu ne'e liuhusi Konsultasaun Programa Setimu Governu Konstitusional ba autoridade munisipiu, autoridade lokal, veteranu, reprezentante Igreja Katolika, reprezentante partidu politiku, reprezentante sosiedade sivil no komunidade Baucau ne'ebe hala'o iha Sentru Konvensaun Baucau, Vila Antiga, Postu Administrativu Baucau Vila, Munisipiu Baucau, Sesta ne'e.", "Nia rekonese katak iha ona eletrisidade hale'u Timor laran tomak, maibe folin harii eletrisidade iha Timor karun liu iha mundu.", "\"Ita konta loloos folin eletrisidade iha kada munisipiu ho montante kuaze miloens $130.", "Ne'e karun tebes maibe povu barak seidauk asesu (eletrisidade),\" nia informa.", "Mari hatutan Governu anterior promete liuhusi Planu Estratejiku Dezenvolvimentu Nasional (PEDN) aprovadu tinan 2011 atu dada bee-moos maibe seidauk konsege halo, halo duni dezenvolvimentu infraestrutura (estrada) maibe laiha kualidade (dura fulan neen de'it at ona).", "\"Ita kontinua Planu Estratejiku Dezenvolvimentu Nasional ne'ebe maka Governu uluk halo ona, saida maka halo di'ak ita hametin, ida ne'ebe maka ladi'ak ita hadi'a, ida ne'ebe seidauk halo ita halo,\" nia esklarese.", "Programa Setimu Governu Konstitusional, Mari esplika, iha planu katak tenke iha zona dezenvolvimentu espesial rua ka tolu tan iha Timor-Leste atu aselera dezenvolvimentu." ]
[ [ "Previous Government Spent Lots of Money, Works Lack Quality - TIMOR AGORA by Timor Times on 23.04" ], [ "\"They call the Seventh Constitutional Government a Management government, so I called this previous one an unmanaged administration because it spent lots of money but had poor results and some achieved good outcomes yet spending too much\", said Prime Minister Taur Matan Ruak during Consultation Programme for Setimu Governo Constitucional to municipal authorities; local authority representative veterans Catholic Church representation political party representations civil society delegation community in Baucau held at Convention Center Baukau Vila Antiga Administrativa Posto de Bacau-Vila." ], [ "He acknowledged that there is already electricity throughout Timor-Leste, but the cost of building power in East Asia are amongst most expensive." ], [ "\"We accurately calculate the electricity price in each municipality with an amount of almost $130 million." ], [ "It is very expensive but many people do not have access (to electricity),\" he said." ], [ "Mari said that the previous government promised through Planu Estrategiku Dezenvolvimentu Nasional (PEDN) approved in 2013 to provide water but has not been able, infrastructure development was done yet lack of quality." ], [ "\"We will continue with the National Development Strategic Plan that was already made by our previous government, what is good we strengthen it and improve whatever has not been done well.\"" ], [ "The programme of the Seventh Constitutional Government, Mari explained in a press conference on 20 June at Dili City Hall that there are plans for two or three more special development zones to be established throughout Timor-Leste." ] ]
PR LA VETA LISTA MEMBRU VIII GOVERNU – GMN TV | Grupo Média Nacional - Lori Timor ba Mundu - GMN TV | Grupo Média Nacional\nHome » Politika » PR LA VETA LISTA MEMBRU VIII GOVERNU\nPrezidenti Repúblika (PR), Francisco Guterres Lú Olo la veta lista membru VIII Governu Konstitusional balun ne’ebé aprezenta husi Primeiru Ministru (MP) indijitadu Aliansa Mudansa ba Progressu (AMP) Taur Matan Ruak.\nXefi Kaza Sivil Prezidenti Repúblika, Francisco Maria de Vasconselhos hato’o deklarasaun ne’e liuhusi konferensia imprensa iha Palásiu Prezidensiál bairu Pite Díli, Kuarta (27/6) ne’e, relasiona ho publikasaun informasaun iha média nasionál no internasionál balun ne’ebé hateten katak, Prezidenti Repúblika rejeita lista membru VIII Governu Konstitusional balun ne’ebe aprenzenta husi Primeiru Ministru indijitadu, Taur Matan Ruak.\nTanba ne’e Francisco de Vasconselhos, fundamenta informasaun ne’ebé espalla iha públiku ne’e laloos, tanba Prezidenti Repúblika iha momentu ne’ebá, hala’o sorumutu ho Primeiru Ministru indijitadu AMP Taur Matan Ruak, husu atu tetu fila fali razaun tanba sá mantein ho naran ka lista membru VIII Governu Konstitusionál hirak ne’ebé iha responsabilidade kriminál.\n“Hafoin tomada -de – posse Primeiru-Ministru, tuir kedas tomada-de-posse ba ema liu na’in rua nulu hanesan membru VIII Governu Konstitusionál. Iha média sosiál nasionál, no tuir kedas, média iha rai li’ur, fó sai informasaun no interpretasaun ne’ebé laloos katak (kona-ba desizaun) Prezidenti Repúblika la veta ka rejeita ema balun iha lista ne’ebé aprezenta husi Primeiru-Ministru indijitadu husi AMP. Prezidenti Repúblika seidauk veta, ema ida nia naran iha lista ne’ebé propoen husi señor Taur Matan Ruak ne’ebé agora hala’o dadaun nian funsaun konstitusionál hanesan Primeiru-Ministru RDTL. Prezidenti Repúblika husu atu konsidera fali no pondera ka tetu razaun tanbasá mantein naran sira ne’e iha lista membru VIII Governu Konstitusionál,” hato’o Xefi Kaza Sivíl Prezidenti Repúblika, Francisco de Vasconselhos.\nNia hatutan, PR mós konsiente no hatene katak membru governu balun ne’ebé iha alegasaun ba krime balun, iha responsabilidade kriminál no tenki suspende kedas atu bele ba hatán iha Tribunál.\n“Membru Governu sira iha responsabilidade kriminál no tenke suspende kedas husi sira-nia funsaun atu bá hatan iha tribunal, wainhira hetan ona akuzasaun definitiva ba krime ne’ebé bele hetan kastigu liu tinan 2 (rua) artigu 113 Konstituisaun RDTL nian hateten katak, membrus Governu iha responsabilidade kriminál. Responsabilidade kriminál husi membru Governu sira haree momoos ona iha artigu 113.1 Konstituisaun RDTL. Pontu 1 artigu 113 Konstituisaun nian hatete hanesan ne’e: Artigu 113. 1 (Responsabilidade kriminál Membrus Governu) Membru Governu ne’ebé hetan akuzasaun definitiva katak halo krime ida ne’ebé bele hetan kastigu liu tinan rua, tenke hetan kedas suspensaun (katak labele hala’o nafatin ninia knaar), hodi tuir prosesu iha tribunál. Nu. 2 artigu ne’e nian hateten katak membrus Governu ne’ebé halo krime ladún grave ka boot no bele hetan kastigu kadeia la liu tinan rua, bele hetan mós suspensaun, nu’udar membru Governu. Maibé tanba krime ladún grave/boot, Konstituisaun Repúblika determina katak Parlamentu Nasionál mak tenke desidi membru Governu hetan suspensaun ka la’e. Pontu 2 hasai husi Konstituisaun rasik hatete: “Bainhira membru Governu hetan akuzasaun definitiva katak nia halo krime ne’ebé bele hetan kastigu la liu tinan rua, Parlamentu Nasionál mak desidi se governante ne’e tenki hetan suspensaun ka la’e,” nia esplika.\nNia haktuir katak, tuir konstituisaun RDTL, Prezidenti Repúblika veta de’it ba diploma legál ka lei sira no la veta individu sira.\n“Prezidenti Repúblika, haktuir de’it ninia dever Konstitusionál no iha konsiderasaun ba preokupasaun husi sosiedade sivíl sira no nune’e, husu atu garante katak, atu tetu didi’ak no pondera sé loos mak bele tama ba VIII Governu Konstitusional. Ita hot-hotu hakarak VIII Governu hala’o mandatu tinan lima, tuir Konstituisaun haruka.\nNia hatutan, iha reuniaun dahuluk ho AMP iha loron Segunda 4 Juñu 2018, Prezidenti Repúblika hato’o ona ninia preokupasaun konaba Governu ida ne’ebé moos husi korrupsaun.\n“Prezidenti Repúblika hato’o ona ninia preokupasaun mak temi iha leten ne’ebé hanesan mós sidadaun sira-nia preokupasaun kona-ba korrupsaun. Prezidenti Repúblika mós iha konxiénsia no hatene saída mak prezunsaun-de-inosénsia, saída mak imunidade no saída mak responsabilidade kriminál. Prezidenti Repúblika iha konxiénsia no hatene mós saída mak separasaun poder no interdependénsia entre órgaun soberanu sira. Ho respeitu ba segredu justisa no mós ba naran di’ak sidadaun ida-idak nian, tuir mai ami fó-sai karta ne’ebé Prezidenti Repúblika haruka ba S.Exa. PM VIII Governu Konstitusionál,”haktuir Xefi kaza Sivil PR ne’e.\nNia hatutan, konaba poder atu nomeia no ezonera Xefi Estadu Maior General Forsa Armadas (CEMGFA), Maijor Jeneral Lere Anan Timur no Vise Xefi Estadu Maior General Forsa Armada (CEMGFA), Brigadeiru Jeneral Filomeno Paixão de Jesus ne’e Prezidenti Repúblika mesak de’it labele ezonera.\n“Kona-ba pedidu ezonerasaun ba Vise-Xefi Estadu Maior General forsa armada (CEMGFA), Brigadeiru Jeneral Filomeno Paixão de Jesus, ne’e tuir Konstituisaun no ukun ne’ebé ita hakruuk ba, pedidu ne’e bele tatoli mai tuir proposta Governu liu-tiha hala’o sorumutu ho Konsellu Superior Defeza no Seguransa. Poder atu nomeia no ezonera Xefi Estadu Maior General Forsa Armadas (CEMGFA) no Vise-Xefi Estadu Maior General Forsa Armada (CEMGFA) mak poder ida ne’ebé Prezidenti fahe ho Governu. Prezidenti mesak de’it labele ezonera CEMGFA no Vise-CEMGFA,”haktuir Xefi Kaza Sivíl liuhusi konferénsia imprensa ne’e.ías
[ "PR LA VETA LISTA MEMBRU VIII GOVERNU - GMN TV | Grupo Media Nacional - Lori Timor ba Mundu - GMN TV | Grupo Media Nacional Home \" Politika \" PR LA VETA LISTA MEMBRU VIII GOVERNU Prezidenti Republika (PR), Francisco Guterres Lu Olo la veta lista membru VIII Governu Konstitusional balun ne'ebe aprezenta husi Primeiru Ministru (MP) indijitadu Aliansa Mudansa ba Progressu (AMP) Taur Matan Ruak.", "Xefi Kaza Sivil Prezidenti Republika, Francisco Maria de Vasconselhos hato'o deklarasaun ne'e liuhusi konferensia imprensa iha Palasiu Prezidensial bairu Pite Dili, Kuarta (27/6) ne'e, relasiona ho publikasaun informasaun iha media nasional no internasional balun ne'ebe hateten katak, Prezidenti Republika rejeita lista membru VIII Governu Konstitusional balun ne'ebe aprenzenta husi Primeiru Ministru indijitadu, Taur Matan Ruak.", "Tanba ne'e Francisco de Vasconselhos, fundamenta informasaun ne'ebe espalla iha publiku ne'e laloos, tanba Prezidenti Republika iha momentu ne'eba, hala'o sorumutu ho Primeiru Ministru indijitadu AMP Taur Matan Ruak, husu atu tetu fila fali razaun tanba sa mantein ho naran ka lista membru VIII Governu Konstitusional hirak ne'ebe iha responsabilidade kriminal.", "\"Hafoin tomada -de - posse Primeiru-Ministru, tuir kedas tomada-de-posse ba ema liu na'in rua nulu hanesan membru VIII Governu Konstitusional.", "Iha media sosial nasional, no tuir kedas, media iha rai li'ur, fo sai informasaun no interpretasaun ne'ebe laloos katak (kona-ba desizaun) Prezidenti Republika la veta ka rejeita ema balun iha lista ne'ebe aprezenta husi Primeiru-Ministru indijitadu husi AMP.", "Prezidenti Republika seidauk veta, ema ida nia naran iha lista ne'ebe propoen husi senor Taur Matan Ruak ne'ebe agora hala'o dadaun nian funsaun konstitusional hanesan Primeiru-Ministru RDTL.", "Prezidenti Republika husu atu konsidera fali no pondera ka tetu razaun tanbasa mantein naran sira ne'e iha lista membru VIII Governu Konstitusional,\" hato'o Xefi Kaza Sivil Prezidenti Republika, Francisco de Vasconselhos.", "Nia hatutan, PR mos konsiente no hatene katak membru governu balun ne'ebe iha alegasaun ba krime balun, iha responsabilidade kriminal no tenki suspende kedas atu bele ba hatan iha Tribunal.", "\"Membru Governu sira iha responsabilidade kriminal no tenke suspende kedas husi sira-nia funsaun atu ba hatan iha tribunal, wainhira hetan ona akuzasaun definitiva ba krime ne'ebe bele hetan kastigu liu tinan 2 (rua) artigu 113 Konstituisaun RDTL nian hateten katak, membrus Governu iha responsabilidade kriminal.", "Responsabilidade kriminal husi membru Governu sira haree momoos ona iha artigu 113.1 Konstituisaun RDTL.", "Pontu 1 artigu 113 Konstituisaun nian hatete hanesan ne'e: Artigu 113.", "1 (Responsabilidade kriminal Membrus Governu) Membru Governu ne'ebe hetan akuzasaun definitiva katak halo krime ida ne'ebe bele hetan kastigu liu tinan rua, tenke hetan kedas suspensaun (katak labele hala'o nafatin ninia knaar), hodi tuir prosesu iha tribunal.", "Nu.", "2 artigu ne'e nian hateten katak membrus Governu ne'ebe halo krime ladun grave ka boot no bele hetan kastigu kadeia la liu tinan rua, bele hetan mos suspensaun, nu'udar membru Governu.", "Maibe tanba krime ladun grave/boot, Konstituisaun Republika determina katak Parlamentu Nasional mak tenke desidi membru Governu hetan suspensaun ka la'e.", "Pontu 2 hasai husi Konstituisaun rasik hatete: \"Bainhira membru Governu hetan akuzasaun definitiva katak nia halo krime ne'ebe bele hetan kastigu la liu tinan rua, Parlamentu Nasional mak desidi se governante ne'e tenki hetan suspensaun ka la'e,\" nia esplika.", "Nia haktuir katak, tuir konstituisaun RDTL, Prezidenti Republika veta de'it ba diploma legal ka lei sira no la veta individu sira.", "\"Prezidenti Republika, haktuir de'it ninia dever Konstitusional no iha konsiderasaun ba preokupasaun husi sosiedade sivil sira no nune'e, husu atu garante katak, atu tetu didi'ak no pondera se loos mak bele tama ba VIII Governu Konstitusional.", "Ita hot-hotu hakarak VIII Governu hala'o mandatu tinan lima, tuir Konstituisaun haruka.", "Nia hatutan, iha reuniaun dahuluk ho AMP iha loron Segunda 4 Junu 2018, Prezidenti Republika hato'o ona ninia preokupasaun konaba Governu ida ne'ebe moos husi korrupsaun.", "\"Prezidenti Republika hato'o ona ninia preokupasaun mak temi iha leten ne'ebe hanesan mos sidadaun sira-nia preokupasaun kona-ba korrupsaun.", "Prezidenti Republika mos iha konxiensia no hatene saida mak prezunsaun-de-inosensia, saida mak imunidade no saida mak responsabilidade kriminal.", "Prezidenti Republika iha konxiensia no hatene mos saida mak separasaun poder no interdependensia entre orgaun soberanu sira.", "Ho respeitu ba segredu justisa no mos ba naran di'ak sidadaun ida-idak nian, tuir mai ami fo-sai karta ne'ebe Prezidenti Republika haruka ba S.Exa.", "PM VIII Governu Konstitusional,\"haktuir Xefi kaza Sivil PR ne'e.", "Nia hatutan, konaba poder atu nomeia no ezonera Xefi Estadu Maior General Forsa Armadas (CEMGFA), Maijor Jeneral Lere Anan Timur no Vise Xefi Estadu Maior General Forsa Armada (CEMGFA), Brigadeiru Jeneral Filomeno Paixao de Jesus ne'e Prezidenti Republika mesak de'it labele ezonera.", "\"Kona-ba pedidu ezonerasaun ba Vise-Xefi Estadu Maior General forsa armada (CEMGFA), Brigadeiru Jeneral Filomeno Paixao de Jesus, ne'e tuir Konstituisaun no ukun ne'ebe ita hakruuk ba, pedidu ne'e bele tatoli mai tuir proposta Governu liu-tiha hala'o sorumutu ho Konsellu Superior Defeza no Seguransa.", "Poder atu nomeia no ezonera Xefi Estadu Maior General Forsa Armadas (CEMGFA) no Vise-Xefi Estadu Maior General Forsa Armada (CEMGFA) mak poder ida ne'ebe Prezidenti fahe ho Governu.", "Prezidenti mesak de'it labele ezonera CEMGFA no Vise-CEMGFA,\"haktuir Xefi Kaza Sivil liuhusi konferensia imprensa ne'e.ias" ]
[ [ "PR VETA LIST OF MEMBERS 8TH GOVERNMENT -GMN TV | Grupo Media Nacional- Lori Timor ba Mundu Home \" Politics\" President of the Republic (PR), Francisco Guterres Lu Olo, has not vetoed some members lists presented by Prime Minister designate Aliansa Mudansa Ba Progressu(AMP) Taur Matan Ruak." ], [ "Chief of Civil Affairs for the President, Francisco Maria de Vasconselhos made this statement during a press conference at Presidential Palace in Pite Dili district on Thursday (27/6), related to publication information by some national and international media that stated: \"The president rejects list members from VIII Constitutional Government which were presentet with Prime Minister-elect Taur Matan Ruak\"." ], [ "Therefore, Francisco de Vasconselhos founded the information spread in public is false because President of Republic at that time held a meeting with Prime Minister-elect AMP Taur Matan Ruak and asked to reconsider reasons for maintaining names or list members VIII Constitutional Government who have criminal responsibility." ], [ "\"After the Prime Minister's inauguration, immediately followed was that of more than two dozen people as members Of The Eighth Constitutional Government." ], [ "In the national social media, and immediately afterwards in foreign press there has been a false information spreading that (regarding this decision) President of Republic did not veto or reject some people on list presented by AMP Prime Minister-designate." ], [ "The President of the Republic has not vetoed, one person's name is on a list proposed by Mr. Taur Matan Ruak who now carries out his constitutional function as Prime Minister RDTL 2017-" ], [ "The President of the Republic asks to reconsider and ponder or consider why these names are kept in a list member VIII Constitutional Government,\" said Chief Civil Affairs Presidential Francisco de Vasconselhos." ], [ "He added that the PR is also aware and knows of some government members who are alleged to have committed certain offences, which involve criminal responsibility. They should be suspended immediately so they can answer in court for their actions.\"" ], [ "\"Members of the Government are criminally liable and must be suspended immediateły from their function to answer in court, when they have been definitively accused for a crime that can result into punishment over 2 (two) years. Article103(a)(ii), Constitution states: “The members Of The government shall bear Criminal Responsibility.”" ], [ "The criminal responsibility of government members is set out in Article 134.2(a) and (b), Constitution, RDTL" ], [ "Article 103 of the Constitution states that: \"Articles and provisions contained in this Act shall be enforced." ], [ "1 (Criminal Responsibility of Government Members) A government member who has been finally charged with committing a crime punishable by more than two years shall be immediateły suspended from office, and proceeding in court." ], [ "No, no." ], [ "Article 2 of this article states that a member who has committed an unserious or serious crime and is liable to imprisonment for not more than two years, may be suspended from his position as government official." ], [ "However, since the crime is not a serious/great offence and therefore under Republic Constitution it shall be for National Parliament to decide whether or no member should receive suspension from office." ], [ "Point 2 of the Constitution itself states: \"When a member Of The Government is definitively charged that he has committed an crime punishable by no more than two years' imprisonment, National Parliament shall decide whether or not such governing person should receive suspension.\"" ], [ "He said that, according to the Constitution of Timor-Leste (RTTL), President da República can only veto legal acts or laws and not individual people." ], [ "\"The President of the Republic, pursuant to his Constitutional duty and taking into account civil society concerns as a whole; therefore requested that he ensured careful consideration on whether or not it is right for him/her (the candidate) indeed be included within this VIII Constituent Government." ], [ "We all want the 8th Government to carry out a five-year term, as stipulated in our Constitution." ], [ "He added that in the first meeting with AMP on Monday, June 4th of this year (2018), President da República expressed his concern about a government free from corruption." ], [ "\"The President of the Republic has expressed his concerns, which are also citizens' worries about corruption." ], [ "The President of the Republic also has no conscience and does not know what presumption-of innocence, immunity or criminal responsibility is." ], [ "The President of the Republic is conscious and knows what separation or interdependence between sovereign bodies means." ], [ "With respect to the secrecy of justice and also for every citizen's good name, we hereby publish a letter that was sent by President de la République." ], [ "PM VIII Governo Konstitusional,\" said Chief of Civil PR ne'e." ], [ "He added that the power to appoint and dismiss Chief of General Staff Armed Forces (CEMGFA), Major-General Lere Anan Timur, as well As Deputy Head Of general staff for Armées armée de terre et d'air des forces armée du Portugal(Cemgfa) Brig. Gen Filomeno Paixao De Jesus is only incumbent on President da República e cannot be removed by him or herself" ], [ "\"Regarding the request for dismissal of Deputy Chief General Staff Armed Forces (CEMGFA), Brigadier-General Filomeno Paixao de Jesus, it is in accordance with Constitution and law to which we are committed that this petition can be forwarded as proposed by our Government following a meeting held at Superior Council Defence & Security." ], [ "The power to appoint and dismiss the Chief of General Staff Armed Forces (CEMGFA) is a authority shared by President with Government." ], [ "The President alone cannot dismiss CEMGFA and Vice-CEMG FA,\" said Chief of Civil Administration through the press conference." ] ]
Primeiru-Ministru iha kompeténsia rasik no kompeténsia ne’ebé Konsellu Ministrus delega ba nia, tuir Konstituisaun no Lei.\nKompete liuliu ba Primeiru-Ministru atu xefia Governu no prezide Konsellu Ministrus; dirije no orienta polítika jerál Governu nian no asaun governativa hotu-hotu; reprezenta Governu no Konsellu Ministrus iha ninia relasaun ho Prezidente Repúblika no Parlamentu Nasionál; koordena sistema integradu kona-ba seguransa nasionál; orienta polítika jerál Governu nian iha área defeza, seguransa no intelijénsia nasionál; orienta polítika jerál Governu nian iha nia relasaun ho nasaun seluk no reprezenta Governu iha komunidade internasionál; orienta polítika jerál Governu nian iha área jestaun finanseira, inklui setór bankáriu, sistema fiskál no investimentu Fundu Mina-Rai nian; ezerse podér sira tutela nian kona-ba Rejiaun Administrativa Espesiál Oekusi Ambenu no kona-ba Zona Espesiál Ekonomia Sosiál Merkadu Oekusi Ambenu no Ataúru; jere sistema tekonolojia informasaun Governu nian no asegura prestasaun husi servisu sira-ne’e, nune’e mós implementa sistema informátika nian iha territóriu nasionál, iha ligasaun ho Departamentu Governamentál sira ne’ebé iha kompeténsia kona-ba ida-ne’e; promove fortalesimentu institusionál Estadu nian; promove polítika inkluzaun no apoiu ba empriendedorizmu ba feto; no ezerse kompeténsia sira seluk ne’ebé prevee iha Konstituisaun no iha lei no hirak ne’ebé la atribui ba membru Governu sira seluk.\nNu’udar Xefe Governu nian, Primeiru-Ministru iha podér atu fó-sai diretiva ba kualkér membru Governu nian ida no atu foti desizaun sira kona-ba matéria hirak ne’ebé inklui iha área sira ne’ebé afeta ba kualkér Ministériu ka Sekretaria Estadu ida, nune’e mós podér atu kria komisaun ka grupu serbisu eventuál ka permanente sira ba asuntu sira ne’ebé sai hanesan kompeténsia Governu nian.\nPrimeiru-Ministru prezide Prezidénsia Konsellu Ministrus, departamentu Governu nian ne’ebé ninia misaun maka fó apoiu ba Konsellu Ministrus no membru Governu sira seluk ne’ebé integra mós iha ne’ebá, nune’e mós promove koordenasaun kona-ba departamentu governamentál oin-oin.\nDepende diretamente ba Primeiru-Ministru maka servisu no organizmu sira tuirmai ne’e: Sekretaria Estadu ba Igualdade no Inkluzaun; Servisu Nasionál Intelijénsia; Komisaun Interministeriál Seguransa nian; Sentru Integradu ba Jestaun kona-ba Krize; Komisaun Funsaun Públika; AMRT – Arkivu no Muzeu Rezisténsia Timorense; Sentru Nasionál Chega, I.P.; Ajénsia Teknolojia Informasaun no Komunikasaun, I.P. – TIC TIMOR; Gabinete Apoiu ba Sosiedade Sivíl; Inspesaun Jerál Estadu nian; Institutu Nasionál Administrasaun Públika; Konsellu Interministeriál ba Reforma Fiskál.\nJúlio Sarmento da Costa “Meta Mali”\nVise-Ministra Finansas tulun Ministru Finansas hala’o ninia funsaun sira.\nGil da Costa Monteiro ‘Oan Soru’
[ "Primeiru-Ministru iha kompetensia rasik no kompetensia ne'ebe Konsellu Ministrus delega ba nia, tuir Konstituisaun no Lei.", "Kompete liuliu ba Primeiru-Ministru atu xefia Governu no prezide Konsellu Ministrus; dirije no orienta politika jeral Governu nian no asaun governativa hotu-hotu; reprezenta Governu no Konsellu Ministrus iha ninia relasaun ho Prezidente Republika no Parlamentu Nasional; koordena sistema integradu kona-ba seguransa nasional; orienta politika jeral Governu nian iha area defeza, seguransa no intelijensia nasional; orienta politika jeral Governu nian iha nia relasaun ho nasaun seluk no reprezenta Governu iha komunidade internasional; orienta politika jeral Governu nian iha area jestaun finanseira, inklui setor bankariu, sistema fiskal no investimentu Fundu Mina-Rai nian; ezerse poder sira tutela nian kona-ba Rejiaun Administrativa Espesial Oekusi Ambenu no kona-ba Zona Espesial Ekonomia Sosial Merkadu Oekusi Ambenu no Atauru; jere sistema tekonolojia informasaun Governu nian no asegura prestasaun husi servisu sira-ne'e, nune'e mos implementa sistema informatika nian iha territoriu nasional, iha ligasaun ho Departamentu Governamental sira ne'ebe iha kompetensia kona-ba ida-ne'e; promove fortalesimentu institusional Estadu nian; promove politika inkluzaun no apoiu ba empriendedorizmu ba feto; no ezerse kompetensia sira seluk ne'ebe prevee iha Konstituisaun no iha lei no hirak ne'ebe la atribui ba membru Governu sira seluk.", "Nu'udar Xefe Governu nian, Primeiru-Ministru iha poder atu fo-sai diretiva ba kualker membru Governu nian ida no atu foti desizaun sira kona-ba materia hirak ne'ebe inklui iha area sira ne'ebe afeta ba kualker Ministeriu ka Sekretaria Estadu ida, nune'e mos poder atu kria komisaun ka grupu serbisu eventual ka permanente sira ba asuntu sira ne'ebe sai hanesan kompetensia Governu nian.", "Primeiru-Ministru prezide Prezidensia Konsellu Ministrus, departamentu Governu nian ne'ebe ninia misaun maka fo apoiu ba Konsellu Ministrus no membru Governu sira seluk ne'ebe integra mos iha ne'eba, nune'e mos promove koordenasaun kona-ba departamentu governamental oin-oin.", "Depende diretamente ba Primeiru-Ministru maka servisu no organizmu sira tuirmai ne'e: Sekretaria Estadu ba Igualdade no Inkluzaun; Servisu Nasional Intelijensia; Komisaun Interministerial Seguransa nian; Sentru Integradu ba Jestaun kona-ba Krize; Komisaun Funsaun Publika; AMRT - Arkivu no Muzeu Rezistensia Timorense; Sentru Nasional Chega, I.P.; Ajensia Teknolojia Informasaun no Komunikasaun, I.P. - TIC TIMOR; Gabinete Apoiu ba Sosiedade Sivil; Inspesaun Jeral Estadu nian; Institutu Nasional Administrasaun Publika; Konsellu Interministerial ba Reforma Fiskal.", "Julio Sarmento da Costa \"Meta Mali\" Vise-Ministra Finansas tulun Ministru Finansas hala'o ninia funsaun sira.", "Gil da Costa Monteiro 'Oan Soru'" ]
[ [ "The Prime Minister has his own competences and those that the Council of ministers delegates to him, in accordance with constitutional law." ], [ "In particular, the Prime Minister is responsible for heading up Government and presiding over Council of Ministries; directs all governmental actions in general policy areas. He represented both Cabinet with President de la République et National Parliament (Parliament); coordinates integrated system on national security issues: guided General Policy Governance policien regard to Defence Security & intelligence matters international relations as well a representative within International Community governances concern financial management including banking sector taxation systems investment Fund Mina-Rai exercise guardiany power about Oecussi Ambenu Special Administrativen Region(OSAR) special economic zone social market area at Atauru Manage information technology System Information Technology Management Systems IT implementation across nationwide territorial border alongside other competent Department Of The State promote institution strengthening state promotion inclusiveness support entrepreneurship women' s politics etc which are not attributed by law or Constitution" ], [ "As Head of Government, the Prime Minister has power to issue directives and decisions on matters falling within areas affecting any Ministry or Secretariat-General. He also establishes ad hoc commission/work group for issues that fall under his competence; he may appoint a special committee which will be responsible in particular cases if necessary (especially when there is an urgent need)." ], [ "The Prime Minister presides over the Presidency of Cabinet, a government department whose mission is to provide support and coordination between various Governmental Departments. He/she also provides advice on policy issues for other members in his or her capacity as Chief Executive Officer (CEO)." ], [ "The following departments and bodies report directly to the Prime Minister: State Secretariat for Equality & Inclusion; National Intelligence Service (NIS); Interministerial Security Commission, Integrated Crisis Management Centre(ICMC), Public Function Committee/Commission on Civil Services. AMRT - Archives of Timorese Resistance Museum-National Chega Center ICT TIMOR – Information Communication Technology Agency Support Office civil society General Inspection Department" ], [ "Julio Sarmento da Costa \"Meta Mali\" Vice-Minister of Finance assists the Minister in carrying out his function." ], [ "Gil da Costa Monteiro 'Oan Soru'" ] ]
FORUM HAKSESUK: Virgilio Hornai: PD La Aseita Fundo Autonomo\nVirgilio Hornai: PD La Aseita Fundo Autonomo\nDeputadu PD Virgilio Hornai\nDeputado Virgilio Hornai, husi Partido Democratico, iha ninia intervensaun horiseik, 15/12/2015, iha iha plenaria, iha inisiu hahuu debate espesialdade OJE 2016, nia deklara katak PD la aseita ho Komisaun Eventual no PD mos la aseita substituisaun Fundo de Infra-estrutura ba iha Fundo A utonomo. Iha plenaria nune’e mos iha dada lia ho sidadaun balun nebe akompaina debate OJE 2016 iha Parlamento Nasional, deputado Virgilio Hornai haklaken ba publiku katak PD kontra harii Komisaun Eventual hodi diskute OJE 2016 ho razaun katak Komisaun Eventual la fo fatin ba deputados sira hotu hodi partisipa iha diskusaun, no Komisaun ne'e sai fali fatin hodi halu presaun no ameasa malu atu halo konsensus ka konsensu forsadu ida. Nia haktuir katak iha diskusaun Komisaun Eventual nia laran, deputado balun halu presaun atu labele halu reabertura ba diskusaun iha plenaria kona-ba proposta sira nebe sira la konkorda iha diskusaun iha Komisaun Eventual. Razaun seluk tan, publiku labele akompaina diskusaun iha Komisaun Eventual tanba diskusaun iha Komisaun Eventual ne'e limita de'it ba deputados balun no publiku mos labele iha asesu. Komisaun halu serbisu ida nebe subar an ba publiku, maski halu diskusaun hela ba interesse publiku nian. Nian mos lamenta tebes tanba iha Komisaun Eventual laiha votasaun hodi halu konfirmasaun se proposta sira nebe diskuti iha Komisaun aprovado ou lae.\nIha inisiu hahuu debate OJE 2016 kedas, PD vota kontra ona estabelesimentu Komisaun Eventual. Tanba pozisaun ida ne'e, iha plenaria horiseik, deputado balun husi FRETILIN no CNRT hateten katak PD la aseita ho Komisaun Eventual maibe sira mos ba tuir diskusaun iha Komisaun ne'e. Hatan ba ida ne'e, deputado Virgilio Hornai hateten katak, PD ba tuir tanba kumpri prinsipiu ho regras demokrasia nian, minoria submete ba maioria. Tuir diskusaun iha Komisaun Eventual hodi defende buat nebe loos i diak ba Timor no dehan lae ba proposta sira nebe la lori benefisiu ba Timor. Tanba ne'e mak PD partisipa iha Komisaun ne'e atu labele lakon ninia direitu ba defende buat sira nebe diak ba interesse nasional Timor-Leste nian.\nIha parte seluk deputado Virgilio Hornai, mos deklara katak PD la simu hanoin nebe atu halu substituisaun Fundo Infra-estrutura ba Fundo Autonomo ho razaun katak: Fundo Autonomo la halu diskrisaun klara ba reseitas no despezas tuir Konstituisaun RDTL artigo 145, Nº 2, haruka. Tan ne’e Bancada PD interpreta Fundo Autonomo ne’e nudar fundo sekretu ida. Iha biban hanesan, deputadu ne'e mos afirma, halo tinan 5 ona mak harii Fundo de Intra-estruturas, maibe Governo nunka mai iha Parlamento Nasional aprezenta rezultadu husi estudos ruma nebe hatudu Fundo de Infra-estrutura existente la funsiona ho diak hodi nune’e tenki substitui ho Fundo Autonomo. Nia defende, kualker mudansa tenki bazeia iha estudos no evidensias ruma. La’os naran muda tuir ita nia gostu tanba ita hakarak muda. Nia mos dehan presiza tempu hodi halo debate klean no nakloke ho partisipasaun deputadu hotuhotu nian, inkluindu halo konsulta publiku, atu hetan justifikasaun razaun loloos ba substituisaun Fundo Infra-estrutura ba Fundo Autonomo. Nia mos dehan Fundo de Infra-estrutura ne’e assegura husi kategoria tranferensia. Agora labele halu fiskalizaun husi Parlamentu Nasional no publiku tanba la tau ona iha Portal Transferensia. Deputado ne’e mos fo hanoin ba nia maluk deputadu sira husi Bankada sira seluk atu Parlamento Nasional labele aprova proposta ida nebe limite kompetensia Parlamento nian rasik atu halo fiskalizasaun ba obras ho despezas hotu nebe estado halo no gasta. Iha proposta substituisaun ba Fundo Infra-estrutura ba Fundo autonomo, hakerek ho momoos katak, hahu husi 2016, Parlamento Nasional so bele halo de'it fiskalizasaun ba fundo rekorrentes sira, ne'e signifika labele halo fiskalizasaun ba Fundo Autonomo nebe responsabiliza ba osan barak. Deputado Virgilio Hornai mos fo hanoin dala ida tan katak iha debate iha jeneralidade PD husu atu halo ajustamentu ba orsamentu hodi reduz orsamentu ba Projetu ZEESM ho Projetu Tasi Mane, hodi hasa’e orsamentu ba setor produtivus sira hanesan agrikultura, edukasaun, saude, turizmu no komersiu i industria. Maibe governu la bok osan sira nebe tau ona ba megaprojetus sira, maski seidauk iha estudos de viabilidade ruma kona-ba sira nia retornu ekonomiku, finanseiru no sosial. Governo bok fali mak orsamentu ba area sira nebe sira nia orsamentu ki'ik, dehan Virgilio Hornai.\nHatan ba Virgilio Hornai nia prekupasaun sira, PM Rui Maria de Araujo dehan areas de prioridades la'os haree husi tau osan boot, maibe haree husi serbisu sira nebe atu halo.\nMaski PD kontra maka'as Komisaun Eventual ho Fundo Autonomo, maibe Komisaun Eventual ho Fundo Autonomo ne'e aprovado nafatin, tanba Partido sira CNRT, FRETILIN ho Frente Mudansa, hotu-hotu a favor ba Komisaun Eventual ho Fundo Autonomo. Hakarak ka lakohi, dala ida tan, PD tenki submete ba desizaun maioria nian, maski sira kontra.
[ "FORUM HAKSESUK: Virgilio Hornai: PD La Aseita Fundo Autonomo Virgilio Hornai: PD La Aseita Fundo Autonomo Deputadu PD Virgilio Hornai Deputado Virgilio Hornai, husi Partido Democratico, iha ninia intervensaun horiseik, 15/12/2015, iha iha plenaria, iha inisiu hahuu debate espesialdade OJE 2016, nia deklara katak PD la aseita ho Komisaun Eventual no PD mos la aseita substituisaun Fundo de Infra-estrutura ba iha Fundo A utonomo.", "Iha plenaria nune'e mos iha dada lia ho sidadaun balun nebe akompaina debate OJE 2016 iha Parlamento Nasional, deputado Virgilio Hornai haklaken ba publiku katak PD kontra harii Komisaun Eventual hodi diskute OJE 2016 ho razaun katak Komisaun Eventual la fo fatin ba deputados sira hotu hodi partisipa iha diskusaun, no Komisaun ne'e sai fali fatin hodi halu presaun no ameasa malu atu halo konsensus ka konsensu forsadu ida.", "Nia haktuir katak iha diskusaun Komisaun Eventual nia laran, deputado balun halu presaun atu labele halu reabertura ba diskusaun iha plenaria kona-ba proposta sira nebe sira la konkorda iha diskusaun iha Komisaun Eventual.", "Razaun seluk tan, publiku labele akompaina diskusaun iha Komisaun Eventual tanba diskusaun iha Komisaun Eventual ne'e limita de'it ba deputados balun no publiku mos labele iha asesu.", "Komisaun halu serbisu ida nebe subar an ba publiku, maski halu diskusaun hela ba interesse publiku nian.", "Nian mos lamenta tebes tanba iha Komisaun Eventual laiha votasaun hodi halu konfirmasaun se proposta sira nebe diskuti iha Komisaun aprovado ou lae.", "Iha inisiu hahuu debate OJE 2016 kedas, PD vota kontra ona estabelesimentu Komisaun Eventual.", "Tanba pozisaun ida ne'e, iha plenaria horiseik, deputado balun husi FRETILIN no CNRT hateten katak PD la aseita ho Komisaun Eventual maibe sira mos ba tuir diskusaun iha Komisaun ne'e.", "Hatan ba ida ne'e, deputado Virgilio Hornai hateten katak, PD ba tuir tanba kumpri prinsipiu ho regras demokrasia nian, minoria submete ba maioria.", "Tuir diskusaun iha Komisaun Eventual hodi defende buat nebe loos i diak ba Timor no dehan lae ba proposta sira nebe la lori benefisiu ba Timor.", "Tanba ne'e mak PD partisipa iha Komisaun ne'e atu labele lakon ninia direitu ba defende buat sira nebe diak ba interesse nasional Timor-Leste nian.", "Iha parte seluk deputado Virgilio Hornai, mos deklara katak PD la simu hanoin nebe atu halu substituisaun Fundo Infra-estrutura ba Fundo Autonomo ho razaun katak: Fundo Autonomo la halu diskrisaun klara ba reseitas no despezas tuir Konstituisaun RDTL artigo 145, No 2, haruka.", "Tan ne'e Bancada PD interpreta Fundo Autonomo ne'e nudar fundo sekretu ida.", "Iha biban hanesan, deputadu ne'e mos afirma, halo tinan 5 ona mak harii Fundo de Intra-estruturas, maibe Governo nunka mai iha Parlamento Nasional aprezenta rezultadu husi estudos ruma nebe hatudu Fundo de Infra-estrutura existente la funsiona ho diak hodi nune'e tenki substitui ho Fundo Autonomo.", "Nia defende, kualker mudansa tenki bazeia iha estudos no evidensias ruma.", "La'os naran muda tuir ita nia gostu tanba ita hakarak muda.", "Nia mos dehan presiza tempu hodi halo debate klean no nakloke ho partisipasaun deputadu hotuhotu nian, inkluindu halo konsulta publiku, atu hetan justifikasaun razaun loloos ba substituisaun Fundo Infra-estrutura ba Fundo Autonomo.", "Nia mos dehan Fundo de Infra-estrutura ne'e assegura husi kategoria tranferensia.", "Agora labele halu fiskalizaun husi Parlamentu Nasional no publiku tanba la tau ona iha Portal Transferensia.", "Deputado ne'e mos fo hanoin ba nia maluk deputadu sira husi Bankada sira seluk atu Parlamento Nasional labele aprova proposta ida nebe limite kompetensia Parlamento nian rasik atu halo fiskalizasaun ba obras ho despezas hotu nebe estado halo no gasta.", "Iha proposta substituisaun ba Fundo Infra-estrutura ba Fundo autonomo, hakerek ho momoos katak, hahu husi 2016, Parlamento Nasional so bele halo de'it fiskalizasaun ba fundo rekorrentes sira, ne'e signifika labele halo fiskalizasaun ba Fundo Autonomo nebe responsabiliza ba osan barak.", "Deputado Virgilio Hornai mos fo hanoin dala ida tan katak iha debate iha jeneralidade PD husu atu halo ajustamentu ba orsamentu hodi reduz orsamentu ba Projetu ZEESM ho Projetu Tasi Mane, hodi hasa'e orsamentu ba setor produtivus sira hanesan agrikultura, edukasaun, saude, turizmu no komersiu i industria.", "Maibe governu la bok osan sira nebe tau ona ba megaprojetus sira, maski seidauk iha estudos de viabilidade ruma kona-ba sira nia retornu ekonomiku, finanseiru no sosial.", "Governo bok fali mak orsamentu ba area sira nebe sira nia orsamentu ki'ik, dehan Virgilio Hornai.", "Hatan ba Virgilio Hornai nia prekupasaun sira, PM Rui Maria de Araujo dehan areas de prioridades la'os haree husi tau osan boot, maibe haree husi serbisu sira nebe atu halo.", "Maski PD kontra maka'as Komisaun Eventual ho Fundo Autonomo, maibe Komisaun Eventual ho Fundo Autonomo ne'e aprovado nafatin, tanba Partido sira CNRT, FRETILIN ho Frente Mudansa, hotu-hotu a favor ba Komisaun Eventual ho Fundo Autonomo.", "Hakarak ka lakohi, dala ida tan, PD tenki submete ba desizaun maioria nian, maski sira kontra." ]
[ [ "FORUM HAKSESUK: Virgilio Hornai, Member of Parliament from the Democratic Party (PD), in his intervention on Thursday morning at a plenary session to begin debates over budget for fiscal year2016 declared that PD does not agree with an Eventual Committee and it also doesn't accept replacing Fundo de Infra-estrutura by Autonomous fund." ], [ "In the plenary session also in a discussion with some citizens who accompanied 2016 budget debate at National Parliament, deputy Virgilio Hornai announced to public that PD is against establishing an Eventual Commission for discussing Budget of State (OGE) on reasons as if this Committee did not give room all Deputies participate and it turned into one place where pressure was exerted upon each other or threats were made towards reaching consensus." ], [ "He said that in the discussions within Committee Eventual, some deputies exerted pressure not to allow reopening of debate on plenary meeting about proposal which they did NOT agree with during Commission Discussion." ], [ "Another reason is that the public cannot follow discussions in a Contingent Committee because they are restricted to certain deputies and therefore not accessible." ], [ "The Commission has done a work that is open to the public, even though discussions are still taking place on matters of general interest." ], [ "Nian also regrets that in the Eventual Committee there was no vote to confirm whether or not proposal discussed by this committee were adopted." ], [ "At the very beginning of debate on Budget 2016, PD voted against establishing an Eventual Commission." ], [ "Because of this position, in tomorrow's plenary session some deputies from FRETILIN and CNRT said that PD does not agree with the Eventual Commission but they will also attend discussion on it." ], [ "In response to this, deputy Virgilio Hornai said that PD follows because it complies with the principle and rules of democracy: minoritie submitte à majorité." ], [ "Following the discussions in Eventual Committee to defend what is right and good for Timor, we say no on proposal that do not bring benefits." ], [ "That is why the PD participates in this Commission so as not to lose its right of defending things that are good for Timor-Leste's national interest." ], [ "On the other hand deputy Virgilio Hornai, also declared that PD does not accept any idea to replace Fundo Infra-estrutura with autonomous fund for reasons such as: The Autónoman funds lack clear description of revenues and expenditures according Constitution RDTL article 145 No.2" ], [ "Therefore, the PD Bancada interprets this Fundo Autonomico as a secret fund." ], [ "In the same vein, this MP also affirmed that it has been 5 years since Fundo de Infra-estruturas was established but Government never came to National Parliament and presented results of any studies showing existing infrastructural fund does not function well so must be replace with Autonomous funds." ], [ "He argues that any change must be based on studies and some evidence." ], [ "We don't change names to our liking because we want it." ], [ "He also said it would take time to hold an open and transparent debate with the participation of all MPs, including public consultations in order for a proper justification on why Infrastructure Fund should be replaced by Autonomous fund." ], [ "He also said that the Infrastructure Fund is secured from transfer category." ], [ "Now you can not confuse the fiscalization of National Parliament and public because it is no longer in Portal Transferensia." ], [ "The deputy also reminded his fellow MPs from other groups that the National Parliament cannot approve a proposal limiting its own competence to fiscalize all works and expenditures made or spent by state." ], [ "In a proposal to replace the Infrastructure Fund with an Autonomous fund, it is stated that as of 2016 National Parliament can only audit recurring funds. This means no more control over An Autonomy which accounts for much money in Brazil' s budgetary balance sheet and therefore cannot be used by national parliamentarians or other government officials who are responsible from this point onwards.\"" ], [ "The deputy Virgilio Hornai also reminded once again that in the general debate PD asked to make budget adjustments, reducing funding for ZEESM Project and Man's Sea project. Instead of this they would increase funds allocated towards productive sector such as agriculture; education: healthcare tourism trade & industry" ], [ "However, the government is not withdrawing money already invested in megaprojects even though there have been no feasibility studies on their economic return." ], [ "\"The government is going to spend money on areas where it has a small budget,\" said Virgilio Hornai." ], [ "In response to Virgilio Hornai's concern, Prime Minister Rui Maria de Araujo said priority areas are not based on giving big money but rather the work that needs being done." ], [ "Although PD strongly opposed the Eventual Commission with an Autonomous Fund, it was still passed because CNRT (Congress of Nationalist Workers' Party), FRETILIN and Frente Mudansa were all in favour." ], [ "Like it or not, once again the PD must submit to majority decisions even if they are against them." ] ]
CNRT: Tenke prosesa projetu 40 resin ho justu – GMN TV | Grupo Média Nacional - Lori Timor ba Mundu - GMN TV | Grupo Média Nacional\nHome » Politika » CNRT: Tenke prosesa projetu 40 resin ho justu\nDeputadu bankada CNRT, Marcos Xavier, hatete, bankada CNRT ezije Governu atu prosesa projetu 40 resin ne’ebé laiha kontratu la’o ho justu.\n“Maske Konsellu Administrasaun husi Fundu Infraestrutura (KAFI) deside ona la selu projetu laiha kontratu sei la selu, tanba projetu barak ema estranjeiru mak kaer la’ós Timor-Oan, ukun ida kapas. Projetu 143, projetu 90 resin mak iha kontratu no 40 resin la hetan kontratu, maibé iha tinan 2018 osan tau iha livru 3 A agora iha 2020 sira ne’ebé iha kontratu laiha ona. Iha livru 2 A ba projetu sira ne’ebé mak laiha kontratu la tau ona livru, ukun ne’e mak hanesan ne’e duni, tanba KAFI deside projetu ne’ebé laiha kontratu haruka ona ba Ministériu Públiku (MP), ida ne’e mak ami hein. Ami hein katak prosesu tenke la’o ho justu, keta prosesu ne’e la’o bele kona ita boot sira“, Deputadu bankada CNRT ne’e bainhira hala’o audénsia ho Vise Primeiru Ministru (PM) ba Asuntu Planeamentu no Ordanamentu, José Reis, Ministru Óbras Públika (MOP), Salvadór Pires no Ministru Transporte no Komunikasaun (MTK), José Agostinho da Silva iha Parlamentu Nasionál (PN), Kinta (24-09-2020).\nReprezentante povu ne’e mós dúvida, tanba tinan kotuk Governu orsamenta iha livru III, maibé tinan ne’e Governu deside la tau orsamentu iha livru III A kona-bá projetu ne’ebé laiha kontratu.\nMOP, Salvador Pires, klarifika, projetu ne’ebé laiha kontratu lei jestaun finanseira la prevé atu tau orsamentu, sé bainhira tau orsamentu mós sei la ezekuta, tanba kestaun legalidade.\n“Kona-bá projetu área ha’u nia iha lei aprovizionamentu miliaun 1 ba leten iha konsellu ida atu trata projetu 1 to’o 5 milloens ne’e iha KAFI, projetu 142 nia montante 1 to’o 5 milloens ne’ebé nia finansiamentu tenke iha KAFI, maibé liga mós kestaun ba sira nia legalidade. Ba ami nia parte iha duni justifikasaun legal, ita dezenvolve osan ne’e, ha’u laiha problema ba ida ne’e, ministru atu ezekuta osan públiku ni’an ita tenke iha kontabilidade bazeia ba ita nia lei jestaun finanseira ne’ebé ita iha obrigasaun osan ne’ebé mak prevé ona kontra em kursu. Projetu ne’ebé maka laiha kontratu lei la prevé atu obriga hodi atu tau orsamentu, dalaruma tau orsamentu tiha la ezekuta, tanba kestaun legalidade. Tanba iha tinan 2018 iha Komisaun Inkeritu Parlamentár (KIP) paradu, lori ba MP, entaun hein lai kestaun sira ne’e“, dehan Governante ne’e.\nTuir dadus totál projetu iha Timor-Leste hamutuk 142. Husi númeru ne’e projetu 90 resin mak iha kontratu no 40 resin laiha kontratu, ne’ebé KAFI deside enkamina ba MP. ety\nLee hotu : PN la realiza plenária, Fó impaktu ba ajenda importante sira\nAmu Vigáriu ka Segundu Asistente Parókia...\nMinistru Agrikultura no Peska (MAP), Pedro...
[ "CNRT: Tenke prosesa projetu 40 resin ho justu - GMN TV | Grupo Media Nacional - Lori Timor ba Mundu - GMN TV | Grupo Media Nacional Home \" Politika \" CNRT: Tenke prosesa projetu 40 resin ho justu Deputadu bankada CNRT, Marcos Xavier, hatete, bankada CNRT ezije Governu atu prosesa projetu 40 resin ne'ebe laiha kontratu la'o ho justu.", "\"Maske Konsellu Administrasaun husi Fundu Infraestrutura (KAFI) deside ona la selu projetu laiha kontratu sei la selu, tanba projetu barak ema estranjeiru mak kaer la'os Timor-Oan, ukun ida kapas.", "Projetu 143, projetu 90 resin mak iha kontratu no 40 resin la hetan kontratu, maibe iha tinan 2018 osan tau iha livru 3 A agora iha 2020 sira ne'ebe iha kontratu laiha ona.", "Iha livru 2 A ba projetu sira ne'ebe mak laiha kontratu la tau ona livru, ukun ne'e mak hanesan ne'e duni, tanba KAFI deside projetu ne'ebe laiha kontratu haruka ona ba Ministeriu Publiku (MP), ida ne'e mak ami hein.", "Ami hein katak prosesu tenke la'o ho justu, keta prosesu ne'e la'o bele kona ita boot sira,\" Deputadu bankada CNRT ne'e bainhira hala'o audensia ho Vise Primeiru Ministru (PM) ba Asuntu Planeamentu no Ordanamentu, Jose Reis, Ministru Obras Publika (MOP), Salvador Pires no Ministru Transporte no Komunikasaun (MTK), Jose Agostinho da Silva iha Parlamentu Nasional (PN), Kinta (24-09-2020).", "Reprezentante povu ne'e mos duvida, tanba tinan kotuk Governu orsamenta iha livru III, maibe tinan ne'e Governu deside la tau orsamentu iha livru III A kona-ba projetu ne'ebe laiha kontratu.", "MOP, Salvador Pires, klarifika, projetu ne'ebe laiha kontratu lei jestaun finanseira la preve atu tau orsamentu, se bainhira tau orsamentu mos sei la ezekuta, tanba kestaun legalidade.", "\"Kona-ba projetu area ha'u nia iha lei aprovizionamentu miliaun 1 ba leten iha konsellu ida atu trata projetu 1 to'o 5 milloens ne'e iha KAFI, projetu 142 nia montante 1 to'o 5 milloens ne'ebe nia finansiamentu tenke iha KAFI, maibe liga mos kestaun ba sira nia legalidade.", "Ba ami nia parte iha duni justifikasaun legal, ita dezenvolve osan ne'e, ha'u laiha problema ba ida ne'e, ministru atu ezekuta osan publiku ni'an ita tenke iha kontabilidade bazeia ba ita nia lei jestaun finanseira ne'ebe ita iha obrigasaun osan ne'ebe mak preve ona kontra em kursu.", "Projetu ne'ebe maka laiha kontratu lei la preve atu obriga hodi atu tau orsamentu, dalaruma tau orsamentu tiha la ezekuta, tanba kestaun legalidade.", "Tanba iha tinan 2018 iha Komisaun Inkeritu Parlamentar (KIP) paradu, lori ba MP, entaun hein lai kestaun sira ne'e,\" dehan Governante ne'e.", "Tuir dadus total projetu iha Timor-Leste hamutuk 142.", "Husi numeru ne'e projetu 90 resin mak iha kontratu no 40 resin laiha kontratu, ne'ebe KAFI deside enkamina ba MP. ety Lee hotu: PN la realiza plenaria, Fo impaktu ba ajenda importante sira Amu Vigariu ka Segundu Asistente Parokia...", "Ministru Agrikultura no Peska (MAP), Pedro..." ]
[ [ "CNRT: Tenke prosesa projetu 40 resin ho justu - GMN TV | Grupo Media Nacional – Lori Timor ba Mundu Home \" Politika\" FRETILIN's MP, Marcos Xavier said that the party demanded from government to process more than forty projects without contract running fairly." ], [ "\"Even though the Board of Directors for Infrastructure Fund (KAFI) has decided not to pay projects, no contract will be paid because many project are carried out by foreigners who aren't Timorese." ], [ "Project 143, more than ninety projects have contracts and forties do not get any but in the year of three A money was put into book one now there are no such books." ], [ "In book 2 A for projects that have no contracts, the books are not put in. The rule is exactly like this because KAFI decided to send those without a Contract Project (PCP) into Public Prosecution Service and we're waiting on it!" ], [ "We hope that the process will be fair, so it won't involve us as big players.\" The CNRT MP said this when he held an audition with Deputy Prime Minister (PM) for Planning and Urbanization Affairs Jose Reis; Public Works minister Salvador Pires. He also attended a meeting of Transportation & Communications ministry in National Parliament on Thursday September 24th to discuss issues relating by transport infrastructure projects like MTK project which has been delayed since last year because there was no agreement between both sides about how they should proceed towards its completion during his tenure at PMR-1035/97" ], [ "The representative also doubts, because last year the Government budgeted in book III but this years government decided not to put a Budget on Book 3 A for projects without contracts." ], [ "MOP, Salvador Pires clarifies that projects without a contract the financial management law does not provide for budgeting; if they do it will also fail to be executed because of legality issues." ], [ "\"Regarding the project area I have a procurement law of 1 million to above in one council for dealing with projects from $0.5m upwards at KAFI, Project #243 amounts between £6 and €7million which its financing should be on CAFID but also linked issues about their legality.\"" ], [ "For our part there is a legal justification, we develop this money. I have no problem with that; the minister to execute public funds must be accountable based on financial management laws whereby it has an obligation against us in terms of funding provided for under current rules and regulation" ], [ "Projects without a contract do not have any legal obligation to be budgeted, and sometimes the funds are allocated but never execute because of issues with their lawfulness." ], [ "Because in 2018 the Parliamentary Inquiry Committee (KIP) was stopped, it took to MP so wait for these issues\", said Governor." ], [ "According to the data, there are 142 projects in Timor-Leste." ], [ "Of this number, over 90 projects have contracts and more than forty without a Contract which KAFI decided to forward the MP. ety Read all: PN does not hold plenary meeting Impact on important agenda Father Vicar or Second Parish Assistant..." ], [ "Minister of Agriculture and Fisheries (MAP), Pedro..." ] ]
SSM Vikeke Husu MS Aumenta Fasilidade Saúde – ::Timor Post Online::\nHome » Saude » SSM Vikeke Husu MS Aumenta Fasilidade Saúde\n1 outubro 2021 by Noemio Falcao-379 views\nFoto The Dili Weekly\nDILI (Timor Post)—Tanba de’it komunidade sira hela dook no susar asesu ba saúde, tanba ne’e Diretór Servisu Saúde Munisípiu Vikeke husu ba Ministériu Saúde atu aumenta tan postu saúde.\nDiretór Servisu Saúde Munisípiu Vikeke (SSMV), Francisco de Carvalho, hatete munisípiu Vikeke durante ne’e hasoru problema boot, tanba liga ho geografikamente area ne’ebé luan inklui kondisaun iklima, nune’e difikulta movimentu pesoál saúde sira nian atu to’o iha komunidade sira nia uma, nune’e komunidade sira mós defisil atu asesu ba iha fasilidade saúde.\n“Esforsu ne’ebé MS liuhosi servisu saúde munisípiu ho esforsu atu harii postu saúde iha area remotas, maibé ho ita nia esforsu ne’ebé iha ita seidauk sufisiente, tanba dauduak ne’e komunidade barak mak seidauk asesu ba iha saúde”, Francisco ba jornalista sira iha Salaun Delta Nova, Kuarta (29/09).\nNia konta, munisípiu Vikeke iha suku 36, iha postu saúde hamutuk 43 no sentru saúde 5, maternidade 4 inklui internamentu ida.\n“Maibé ita ko’alia intermus demografia ita nia komunidade barak mak muda hela fatin ba iha area ne’ebé dook hosi fasilidade saúde, maibé ita nia preokupasaun mak ne’e, ita lori fasiidade to’o iha sira nia fatin no sira kontinua muda hela fatin ba dook, situasaun ida ne’e mós sai defikuldade ba profisionais saúde sira atu fó atendimentu”, nia subliña.\nNia afirma, tuir polítika MS nian, katak kada suku ida hetan postu saúde ida, maibé Munisísipiu Vikeke iha ona postu saúde 43, iha ne’ebá suku ida dala ruma iha ona postu rua bele mós iha tolu, tanba suku hirak ne’e ho populasaun ne’ebé barak.\n“Populasaun sira nia hela fatin la’os iha fatin ida de’it maibé hela ho distansia ne’ebé dook, balun hela iha mota kuak no balun hela iha foho lolon. Tanba ne’e suku ida estabelese ona postu rua ou tolu iha ne’ebá, ha’u fó ezemplu hanesan Kraras, suku Buileo iha postu saúde rua, tanba populasaun hela ho fatin ne’ebé lahanesan”, nia esklarese.\nNia informa, provizoriamente pesoál saúde iha Vikeke sufisiente, maibé presiza atu kompleta de’it fasilidade saúde.\nTotal médiku iha munisípiu Vikeke kompostu hosi médiku 55, enfermeiru 90 resin, no parteira 46, maibé Servisu Saúde munisípiu Vikeke presiza aumenta infraestrutura. (res)\nNext post Governu La Sériu Dezenvolve Turizmu Kounitária no Relijiozu
[ "SSM Vikeke Husu MS Aumenta Fasilidade Saude -::Timor Post Online:: Home \" Saude \" SSM Vikeke Husu MS Aumenta Fasilidade Saude 1 outubro 2021 by Noemio Falcao-379 views Foto The Dili Weekly DILI (Timor Post) - Tanba de'it komunidade sira hela dook no susar asesu ba saude, tanba ne'e Diretor Servisu Saude Munisipiu Vikeke husu ba Ministeriu Saude atu aumenta tan postu saude.", "Diretor Servisu Saude Munisipiu Vikeke (SSMV), Francisco de Carvalho, hatete munisipiu Vikeke durante ne'e hasoru problema boot, tanba liga ho geografikamente area ne'ebe luan inklui kondisaun iklima, nune'e difikulta movimentu pesoal saude sira nian atu to'o iha komunidade sira nia uma, nune'e komunidade sira mos defisil atu asesu ba iha fasilidade saude.", "\"Esforsu ne'ebe MS liuhosi servisu saude munisipiu ho esforsu atu harii postu saude iha area remotas, maibe ho ita nia esforsu ne'ebe iha ita seidauk sufisiente, tanba dauduak ne'e komunidade barak mak seidauk asesu ba iha saude,\" Francisco ba jornalista sira iha Salaun Delta Nova, Kuarta (29/09).", "Nia konta, munisipiu Vikeke iha suku 36, iha postu saude hamutuk 43 no sentru saude 5, maternidade 4 inklui internamentu ida.", "\"Maibe ita ko'alia intermus demografia ita nia komunidade barak mak muda hela fatin ba iha area ne'ebe dook hosi fasilidade saude, maibe ita nia preokupasaun mak ne'e, ita lori fasiidade to'o iha sira nia fatin no sira kontinua muda hela fatin ba dook, situasaun ida ne'e mos sai defikuldade ba profisionais saude sira atu fo atendimentu,\" nia sublina.", "Nia afirma, tuir politika MS nian, katak kada suku ida hetan postu saude ida, maibe Munisisipiu Vikeke iha ona postu saude 43, iha ne'eba suku ida dala ruma iha ona postu rua bele mos iha tolu, tanba suku hirak ne'e ho populasaun ne'ebe barak.", "\"Populasaun sira nia hela fatin la'os iha fatin ida de'it maibe hela ho distansia ne'ebe dook, balun hela iha mota kuak no balun hela iha foho lolon.", "Tanba ne'e suku ida estabelese ona postu rua ou tolu iha ne'eba, ha'u fo ezemplu hanesan Kraras, suku Buileo iha postu saude rua, tanba populasaun hela ho fatin ne'ebe lahanesan,\" nia esklarese.", "Nia informa, provizoriamente pesoal saude iha Vikeke sufisiente, maibe presiza atu kompleta de'it fasilidade saude.", "Total mediku iha munisipiu Vikeke kompostu hosi mediku 55, enfermeiru 90 resin, no parteira 46, maibe Servisu Saude munisipiu Vikeke presiza aumenta infraestrutura. (res) Next post Governu La Seriu Dezenvolve Turizmu Kounitaria no Relijiozu" ]
[ [ "SSM Vikeke Asks MS To Increase Health Facility -:;Timor Post Online 1 October,204 views Foto The Dili Weekly DILI (The Timor post) – Because communities live far away and have difficulty accessing health services the Director of Municipality' s Hospital Service requested from Ministry for Public Safety to increase more medical posts." ], [ "Vikeke Municipal Health Service Director (SSMV), Francisco de Carvalho, said that the municipality is currently facing a big problem because of its geographically wide area and climate conditions which make it difficult for health personnel to reach their communities' homes. This makes accessing medical facilities more complicated as well;" ], [ "\"The efforts that MS through municipal health services with the effort to establish post-health in remote areas, but our endeavours we have not sufficient because there are many communities which do Not access Health care\", Francisco told journalists at Delta Nova Hall on Thursday (29/08)." ], [ "He explained that Vikeke municipality has 36 villages, a total number of health posts and five medical centres: four maternity clinics including one hospital." ], [ "\"But when we talk about demography, many of our communities move to areas that are far from health facilities. But what concerns us is this: We bring the facility in their place and they continue moving further away; it also makes life difficult for medical professionals who need them\", he emphasizes .\"" ], [ "He stated that, according to the policy of MS (Ministry for Health), each village gets one health post but Vikeke Municipality already has 43. Sometimes a township can have two or even three posts because these are larger communities with more people living there than in other areas where they do not receive such care and services from their local authorities as it is commonly known by its name: \"Vikeque\"." ], [ "\"The populations do not live in a single place but at great distance, some living on rocky slopes and others lying down the cliff." ], [ "That is why a village has established two or three health posts there, I give an example like Kraras in Buileo with 2 post because the population lives and places that are not connected\", he explains." ], [ "He informed, provisionally sufficient health personnel at Vikeke but need to complete only the facilities." ], [ "The total number of doctors in Vikeke municipality is 56, including more than a dozen nurse and midwife. (res) Next post Government La Seriu Developing Community Tourism & Religious Activities" ] ]
PN Husu MS Hadia Sistema Sala Emerjensia | STLNEWS\nPN Husu MS Hadia Sistema Sala Emerjensia\n(Foto: STL/Guilhermina Franco)\nDILI, STLNEWS.co – Reprezentane povu iha uma fukun Parlamentu Nasional (PN), husu ba Ministeriu Saude (MS) atu hadia sistema liu-liu iha sala emerjensia, neebe atu halo atendimentu ba pasiente sira neebe presiza atu hetan atendimentu emerjensia.\nTuir Deputadu Bankda KHUNTO, Luis Roberto, hatete relasiona ho pasiente sira neebe maka moras, karik bele MS tenke halo mudansa ba sistema.\n“Ita labele kaer metin ba Covid-19 nian sistema, hodi sala emerjensia ida neebe maka aplika antes iha hospital agora halo fila buat seluk, tanba molok EE mosu sala emerjensia iha tiha ona katak, atende emerjensia ba ita nia pasiente sira labele fali pasiente sira moras ba sei halo swab tiha lai ho rezultadu negativu maka foin halo tratamentu ba sira,” dehan nia liu husi sesaun plenaria, Segunda (10/05/2021).\nNia afirma, ba ema sira neebe moras la aguenta bele mate. “Ita labele tauk demais liu fali Covid-19 hodi hamate fila fali ita nia ema sira neebe maka presiza tebes atu hetan atendimentu emerjensia,” tenik nia.\nNia akresenta, se kuandu sistema saude nian maka lao hanesan nee, diak liu sala emerjensia iha hospital hasai tiha nia naran emerjensia labele tau emerjensia ida.\nTanba nee husu nafatin oinsa atu halo atendimentu ba kualker pasiente sira, liu-liu doutor sira neebe estuda siensia ba saude nian sira tenke brani hodi halo atendimentu ba pasiente sira.\nIha fatin hanesan, Deputadu Bankada PLP, Noe da Silva dehan iha HNGV ladun hetan atendimentu neebe diak, liu-liu iha sala emerjensia.\n“Informasaun neebe ami simu katak, saudozu Dameloe mate tanba atendimentu mediku sira nian maka tarde tanba sira laiha fatin. Ami husu ba MS atu bele haree ba situasaun ida nee, labele husik fatin emerjensia mamuk,” dehan nia.\nNia hatutan, tanba kada minutu pasiente sempre tama, se husik tiha minutu 10 deit mos defikulta ona ba maluk sira neebe presiza hetan atendimentu lalais iha sala emerjensia.*\nPrevious articleMEJD Rekolla Dadus Eskola 7 Hetan Afetadu Grave\nNext articlePNTL Rejistu Kazu Insidente 36
[ "PN Husu MS Hadia Sistema Sala Emerjensia | STLNEWS PN Husu MS Hadia Sistema Sala Emerjensia (Foto: STL/Guilhermina Franco) DILI, STLNEWS.co - Reprezentane povu iha uma fukun Parlamentu Nasional (PN), husu ba Ministeriu Saude (MS) atu hadia sistema liu-liu iha sala emerjensia, neebe atu halo atendimentu ba pasiente sira neebe presiza atu hetan atendimentu emerjensia.", "Tuir Deputadu Bankda KHUNTO, Luis Roberto, hatete relasiona ho pasiente sira neebe maka moras, karik bele MS tenke halo mudansa ba sistema.", "\"Ita labele kaer metin ba Covid-19 nian sistema, hodi sala emerjensia ida neebe maka aplika antes iha hospital agora halo fila buat seluk, tanba molok EE mosu sala emerjensia iha tiha ona katak, atende emerjensia ba ita nia pasiente sira labele fali pasiente sira moras ba sei halo swab tiha lai ho rezultadu negativu maka foin halo tratamentu ba sira,\" dehan nia liu husi sesaun plenaria, Segunda (10/05/2021).", "Nia afirma, ba ema sira neebe moras la aguenta bele mate.", "\"Ita labele tauk demais liu fali Covid-19 hodi hamate fila fali ita nia ema sira neebe maka presiza tebes atu hetan atendimentu emerjensia,\" tenik nia.", "Nia akresenta, se kuandu sistema saude nian maka lao hanesan nee, diak liu sala emerjensia iha hospital hasai tiha nia naran emerjensia labele tau emerjensia ida.", "Tanba nee husu nafatin oinsa atu halo atendimentu ba kualker pasiente sira, liu-liu doutor sira neebe estuda siensia ba saude nian sira tenke brani hodi halo atendimentu ba pasiente sira.", "Iha fatin hanesan, Deputadu Bankada PLP, Noe da Silva dehan iha HNGV ladun hetan atendimentu neebe diak, liu-liu iha sala emerjensia.", "\"Informasaun neebe ami simu katak, saudozu Dameloe mate tanba atendimentu mediku sira nian maka tarde tanba sira laiha fatin.", "Ami husu ba MS atu bele haree ba situasaun ida nee, labele husik fatin emerjensia mamuk,\" dehan nia.", "Nia hatutan, tanba kada minutu pasiente sempre tama, se husik tiha minutu 10 deit mos defikulta ona ba maluk sira neebe presiza hetan atendimentu lalais iha sala emerjensia.* Previous articleMEJD Rekolla Dadus Eskola 7 Hetan Afetadu Grave Next articlePNTL Rejistu Kazu Insidente 36" ]
[ [ "MP Asks MS to Improve Emergency Room System | STLNEWS.co (Photo:Stl/Guilhermina Franco) DILI, 10th November - Representative of the people in Parliament has asked Health Ministry for a system improvement especially at emergency rooms where patients are treated and who need urgent medical care should be taken into consideration by health workers as soon they arrive from their home countries or other places that require immediate attention like hospital facilities which is not available on-site because it can cause injuries if left untreated during an illness period" ], [ "According to KHUNTO MP Luis Roberto, regarding patients who are sick the MS must make changes in its system." ], [ "\"We cannot stick to the Covid-19 system, so that an emergency error which was applied before in hospital now makes something else. Before EE occurred there had already been a mistake of emergencies for our patients and they could not be treated until after having done swab tests with negative results\", he said during plenary session on Monday (05/23)." ], [ "He said, for people who are sick and cannot stand it they may die." ], [ "\"Let's not be too shy about Covid-19 and kill our people who are in dire need of emergency care,\" he said." ], [ "He added, if the health system is going like this it would be better to delete emergency in hospital and remove its name from an Emergency." ], [ "Because it also asks how to care for any patients, especially doctors who study the science of health they must be prepared in order To provide services." ], [ "In the same vein, PLP Group Member Noe da Silva said that HNGV does not provide adequate care to patients especially in emergency rooms." ], [ "\"The information we have received is that the late Dameloe died because medical care was delayed due to lack of room." ], [ "We ask the MS to look at this situation, not leave emergency rooms empty,” she said." ], [ "He said, because every minute patients are always coming in. If you leave only 10 minutes it is difficult for people who need to get quick attention at the emergency room.* Previous articleMEJD Recollla Dadus Eskola-7 Hetan Afetadu Grave Next ArticlePNTL Rejistu Kazu Incidente" ] ]
Komunidade presiza familiár uza maskára iha prevensaun COVID-19 | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste\nVARANDA COVID-19 Komunidade presiza familiár uza maskára iha prevensaun COVID-19\nKomunidade presiza familiár uza maskára iha prevensaun COVID-19\nDILI, 29 abríl 2021 (TATOLI)—Xefe Bankada União Democrática Timorense (UDT), Deputadu Francisco David Xavier Carlos, hateten atu halo prevensaun no kombate surtu COVID-19 iha Timor-Leste dalan ida mak komunidade hotu-hotu tenke kumpre regra no familiár uza maskára, distansiamentu sosiál no fase-liman beibeik ho sabaun.\n“Tuir ha’u-nia opiniaun pesoál, serka sanitária ne’e lalika halo. Ita husik povu ne’e livre maibé hosi parte Ministériu Saúde mak tenke sensibiliza regra sira ba ita-nia populasaun kona-ba uza maskára, mantein distansiamentu sosiál no fase-liman beibeik ho sabaun, komunidade bele familár ho regra hirak ne’e,” nia informa ba jornalista sira, iha resintu Parlamentu Nasionál, kinta ne’e.\nXefe Bankada UDT ne’e observa katak durante serka sanitaria no kalamidade dezastre naturál ne’ebé akontese iha loron 4 abríl halo komunidade dezorganizadu maske iha hela vijénsia estadu emerjénsia.\n“Ita haree ema-ne’ebé afetadu iha COVID-19 sa’e makaas iha serku sanitaria ne’e no ita haree povu hasoru difikuldade barak no roda ekonomia iha rai laran mós iha resesaun makaas. Bankada UDT nia haree katak di’akliu mak ita mantein nafatin distansiamentu sosiál, uza maskára no fase-liman beibeik ho sabaun, se posível uza mós luvas. Ho buat sira-ne’e, ita bele prevene,” nia dehan.\nXefe Bankada UDT konsidera aplikasaun serka sanitária no konfinamentu domisiliária jerál, laiha sentidu tanba ne’e mak halo númeru pozitivu sa’e makaas.\n“Ha’u hela besik loos iha Sentru Intergradu ba Jestaun Krize (CCIG-sigla portugés), ha’u haree kuaze laiha distansiamentu sosiál kona-ba ema-ne’ebé ba hasai karta autorizasaun hodi sai ba munisípiu, diferensa iha-ne’ebé. Buat sira hanesan ne’e mak halo ema lakon konfiansa kona-ba COVID-19 ne’e,” nia dehan.\nMaibé, nia hatutan, COVID-19 iha Timor-Leste eziste duni tanba kada loron númeru pozitivu COVID-19 kontinua aumenta.\nPrevious articleGovernu reativa hikas konfinamentu domisiliáriu obrigatóriu jerál iha Dili\nNext articleCVTL Liquiça apoiu ai-han ba idózus no inan isin-rua
[ "Komunidade presiza familiar uza maskara iha prevensaun COVID-19 | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA COVID-19 Komunidade presiza familiar uza maskara iha prevensaun COVID-19 Komunidade presiza familiar uza maskara iha prevensaun COVID-19 DILI, 29 abril 2021 (TATOLI) - Xefe Bankada Uniao Democratica Timorense (UDT), Deputadu Francisco David Xavier Carlos, hateten atu halo prevensaun no kombate surtu COVID-19 iha Timor-Leste dalan ida mak komunidade hotu-hotu tenke kumpre regra no familiar uza maskara, distansiamentu sosial no fase-liman beibeik ho sabaun.", "\"Tuir ha'u-nia opiniaun pesoal, serka sanitaria ne'e lalika halo.", "Ita husik povu ne'e livre maibe hosi parte Ministeriu Saude mak tenke sensibiliza regra sira ba ita-nia populasaun kona-ba uza maskara, mantein distansiamentu sosial no fase-liman beibeik ho sabaun, komunidade bele familar ho regra hirak ne'e,\" nia informa ba jornalista sira, iha resintu Parlamentu Nasional, kinta ne'e.", "Xefe Bankada UDT ne'e observa katak durante serka sanitaria no kalamidade dezastre natural ne'ebe akontese iha loron 4 abril halo komunidade dezorganizadu maske iha hela vijensia estadu emerjensia.", "\"Ita haree ema-ne'ebe afetadu iha COVID-19 sa'e makaas iha serku sanitaria ne'e no ita haree povu hasoru difikuldade barak no roda ekonomia iha rai laran mos iha resesaun makaas.", "Bankada UDT nia haree katak di'akliu mak ita mantein nafatin distansiamentu sosial, uza maskara no fase-liman beibeik ho sabaun, se posivel uza mos luvas.", "Ho buat sira-ne'e, ita bele prevene,\" nia dehan.", "Xefe Bankada UDT konsidera aplikasaun serka sanitaria no konfinamentu domisiliaria jeral, laiha sentidu tanba ne'e mak halo numeru pozitivu sa'e makaas.", "\"Ha'u hela besik loos iha Sentru Intergradu ba Jestaun Krize (CCIG-sigla portuges), ha'u haree kuaze laiha distansiamentu sosial kona-ba ema-ne'ebe ba hasai karta autorizasaun hodi sai ba munisipiu, diferensa iha-ne'ebe.", "Buat sira hanesan ne'e mak halo ema lakon konfiansa kona-ba COVID-19 ne'e,\" nia dehan.", "Maibe, nia hatutan, COVID-19 iha Timor-Leste eziste duni tanba kada loron numeru pozitivu COVID-19 kontinua aumenta.", "Previous articleGovernu reativa hikas konfinamentu domisiliariu obrigatoriu jeral iha Dili Next articleCVTL Liquica apoiu ai-han ba idozus no inan isin-rua" ]
[ [ "Community needs family to use masks in prevention of COVID-19 | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor–Leste VARANDA Covid‑20 Communities need families using facemask for preventing the spread and prolonged stay at home (home quarantine) Comunidades precisam familiar usar máscara na prevenção da pandemia do novo coronavírus Dili, April - The Chairman Of Parliamentary Group UDT Member Francisco David Xavier Carlos said that one way is all communities must follow rules." ], [ "\"In my personal opinion, this sanitary check should not be done." ], [ "We let the people free but from Ministry of Health's side it is up to us, raise awareness about our population on wearing mask and maintaining social distance. The community can familiarize themselves with these rules by washing their hands frequently,” he informed journalistes at Parliament building yesterday (23/05)." ], [ "The UDT Group leader observed that during the lockdown and natural disaster catastrophes which occurred on April 4, made community disorganized even though they were living in a state of emergency." ], [ "\"We have seen the number of people affected by COVID-19 rise dramatically in this sanitary lockdown and we see that our country is facing many difficulties as well. The domestic economy has also been hit hard with recession,\" he said at a press conference on Monday (20 March)." ], [ "The UDT group believes that it is better to maintain social distancing, wear mask and wash your hands frequently with soap or if possible use gloves." ], [ "With these things, we can prevent,” he said." ], [ "The UDT Group Leader considers that the application of a sanitary lockdown and general home confinement makes no sense, which is why positive numbers have risen so high." ], [ "\"I live very close to the Intergrado Centre for Crisis Management (CCIG), and I have seen almost no social distancing in terms of people getting authorization cards from municipalities, with some difference." ], [ "Things like this are what make people lose confidence about COVID-19,\" he said." ], [ "However, he added that COVID-19 in Timor Leste does exist because every day the positive number of Covid 20 continues to increase." ], [ "Previous articleGovernment re-activates mandatory general home quarantine in Dili Next ArticleCVTL Liquica provides food assistance to elderly and twin mothers" ] ]
Josué 8 | Bíblia online | New World Translation\nJosué haruka tropa balu subar atu ataka Ai (1-13)\nIzraél manán Ai ho susesu (14-29)\nJosué lee Ukun-Fuan ba povu iha Foho Ebal (30-35)\n8 Tuirmai Jeová dehan ba Josué: “Labele sai taʼuk ka nakdedar.+ Lori tropa hotu hamutuk ho ó no saʼe bá hodi ataka sidade Ai. Haree bá, haʼu entrega ona liurai Ai, ninia povu, ninia sidade no ninia rai ba ó-nia liman.+ 2 Halo ba sidade Ai no ninia liurai hanesan buat neʼebé imi halo ona ba Jerikó no ninia liurai,+ maibé agora, imi bele foti sidade neʼe nia sasán sira no lori ninia animál-hakiak sira nuʼudar imi-nian. Haruka tropa balu subar iha sidade nia kotuk hodi prontu atu ataka.” 3 Entaun Josué no tropa hotu saʼe bá hodi ataka sidade Ai. Josué hili funu-naʼin sira neʼebé kbiit boot hamutuk naʼin-30.000 no haruka sira bá iha kalan. 4 Nia fó mandamentu tuirmai neʼe ba sira: “Imi tenke subar iha sidade neʼe nia kotuk hodi prontu atu ataka. Keta subar dook loos husi sidade, no imi hotu tenke sai prontu. 5 Haʼu no ema hotu neʼebé hamutuk ho haʼu sei hakbesik ba sidade neʼe, no bainhira sira sai mai atu ataka ami hanesan uluk,+ ami sei hakiduk husi sira. 6 Kuandu sira sai mai hodi duni tuir ami, ami sei lohi sira sai husi sidade neʼe, tanba sira sei dehan: ‘Ema sira-neʼe halai ona husi ita hanesan uluk.’+ No ami sei hakiduk husi sira. 7 Tuirmai imi tenke hamriik husi imi-nia subar-fatin no ataka sidade neʼe; Jeová, imi-nia Maromak, sei entrega sidade neʼe ba imi. 8 Bainhira imi manán ona, imi tenke sunu sidade neʼe.+ Imi tenke halo tuir Jeová nia liafuan. Ida-neʼe mak haʼu-nia mandamentu.” 9 Depois neʼe, Josué haruka sira bá, no sira laʼo ba fatin neʼebé sira subar hodi prontu atu ataka; sira subar entre Betel no Ai, iha parte oeste husi Ai, maibé Josué hela kalan neʼe hamutuk ho povu. 10 Josué hadeer sedu iha dadeer no halibur tropa sira, depois neʼe, nia no Izraél nia katuas sira lori tropa sira ba Ai. 11 Tropa sira hotu+ neʼebé hamutuk ho nia laʼo hodi hakbesik ba sidade neʼe nia oin. Sira hela iha parte norte husi Ai, no foho-leet deʼit mak haketak sira no sidade Ai. 12 Nia mós hili ona mane naʼin-5.000 no haruka sira subar+ entre Betel+ no Ai, iha parte oeste husi sidade neʼe. 13 Nuneʼe tropa barak liu halo sira-nia hela-fatin iha parte norte husi sidade neʼe+ no tropa balu neʼebé subar atu ataka mak iha parte oeste husi sidade neʼe,+ no iha kalan neʼe Josué tun ba rai-tetuk neʼebé iha klaran. 14 Bainhira liurai Ai haree ida-neʼe, nia no mane sira husi sidade neʼe ansi hodi sai sedu iha dadeer atu funu hasoru ema Izraél iha fatin ida neʼebé hateke tun ba rai-tetuk maran. Maibé nia la hatene katak iha tropa neʼebé subar hela iha sidade nia kotuk atu ataka sidade neʼe. 15 Bainhira ema Ai ataka, Josué no ema Izraél hotu halai tuir dalan ba rai-fuik.+ 16 Tan neʼe povu hotu iha sidade laran halibur hamutuk hodi duni tuir sira; no sira duni tuir Josué toʼo sira sai dook liután husi sidade neʼe. 17 La iha mane ida mak sei hela iha sidade Ai no Betel, sira hotu sai hodi duni tuir ema Izraél. Sira husik sira-nia sidade nia portaun loke luan no duni tuir ema Izraél. 18 Tuirmai Jeová hatete ba Josué: “Lolo ó-nia diman ba sidade Ai,+ tanba haʼu sei entrega sidade neʼe ba ó.”+ Entaun Josué lolo ninia diman ba sidade neʼe. 19 Iha tempu neʼebé nia lolo liman, tropa neʼebé subar hela hamriik kedas husi sira-nia fatin no halai tama ba sidade no manán sidade neʼe. Sira sunu kedas sidade neʼe.+ 20 Bainhira mane sira husi Ai fila oin, sira haree suar saʼe husi sidade neʼe, no sira la iha ona kbiit atu halai ba fatin ida. Tuirmai tropa Izraél neʼebé halai daudaun ba rai-fuik, fila hodi ataka ema neʼebé duni tuir sira. 21 Bainhira Josué no ema Izraél hotu haree katak tropa neʼebé subar hela manán ona sidade neʼe no haree suar saʼe husi sidade neʼe, sira fila hodi ataka kedas mane sira husi Ai. 22 Kona-ba tropa neʼebé manán ona sidade, sira sai husi sidade neʼe hodi ataka mane sira husi Ai, nuneʼe mane sira-neʼe mak iha klaran no labele halai. Ema Izraél iha sira-nia kotuk no oin, no oho mane sira husi Ai toʼo la iha tan ema ida mak moris ka halai.+ 23 Maibé sira kaer moris liurai Ai+ no lori nia ba Josué nia oin. 24 Bainhira ema Izraél oho hotu ona ema Ai neʼebé duni tuir sira iha rai-fuik, no sira hotu mate ona ho surik, tuirmai ema Izraél hotu fila fali ba sidade Ai no oho ema seluk iha sidade ho surik. 25 Ema hotu neʼebé mate iha loron neʼe, mane no feto, hamutuk naʼin-12.000, katak ema Ai hotu. 26 Josué la dada fali ninia diman+ neʼebé iha ninia liman toʼo nia halakon hotu ema Ai sira.+ 27 Maibé, ema Izraél foti animál-hakiak no sasán sira husi sidade neʼe, hodi halo tuir orden neʼebé Jeová fó ona ba Josué.+ 28 Tuirmai Josué sunu sidade Ai no sidade neʼe sai rahun ba nafatin,+ no neʼe sei rahun toʼo ohin loron. 29 Nia tara liurai Ai iha ai-riin* ida toʼo lokraik, no bainhira loro-matan besik atu tun ona, Josué haruka atu hatún liurai neʼe nia mate-isin husi ai-riin.+ Depois neʼe, sira soe nia iha sidade nia portaun no hada fatuk butuk boot iha ninia leten, no neʼe sei iha toʼo ohin loron. 30 Iha tempu neʼe mak Josué harii altár ida ba Jeová, Izraél nia Maromak, iha Foho Ebal,+ 31 hodi halo tuir Jeová nia atan Moisés nia mandamentu ba ema Izraél, hanesan hakerek ona iha livru Moisés nia Ukun-Fuan,+ neʼebé dehan: “Halo altár hodi uza fatuk sira neʼebé tomak, neʼebé la fera ho besi.”+ Sira hasaʼe sakrifísiu sunu nian no sakrifísiu dame nian ba Jeová iha altár neʼe nia leten.+ 32 Tuirmai Josué hakerek fali Ukun-Fuan+ neʼebé Moisés hakerek ona iha ema Izraél nia oin+ iha fatuk sira-neʼe. 33 Ema Izraél hotu, sira-nia katuas, ulun-naʼin no juís sira hamriik iha Arka nia sorin-sorin iha amlulik Levi sira-nia oin, katak amlulik sira neʼebé lori Jeová nia Arka Aliansa nian. Ema estranjeiru no ema Izraél hotu+ mós iha neʼebá. Sira sorin balu hamriik iha Foho Gerizim nia oin, no sorin balu seluk hamriik iha Foho Ebal nia oin+ atu fó bensaun ba povu Izraél, hodi halo tuir Jeová nia atan Moisés nia mandamentu.+ 34 Depois neʼe, Josué lee ho lian makaʼas liafuan hotu husi Ukun-Fuan neʼe,+ bensaun+ no malisan sira,+ hodi tuir liafuan hotu neʼebé hakerek ona iha livru Ukun-Fuan nian. 35 Liafuan hotu neʼebé Moisés hakerek, Josué lee ho lian makaʼas iha kongregasaun* Izraél hotu nia oin,+ neʼe inklui mós feto, labarik no ema estranjeiru sira+ neʼebé hela* iha sira-nia leet.+\n^ Ka “ai-hun”.
[ "Josue 8 | Biblia online | New World Translation Josue haruka tropa balu subar atu ataka Ai (1-13) Izrael manan Ai ho susesu (14-29) Josue lee Ukun-Fuan ba povu iha Foho Ebal (30-35) 8 Tuirmai Jeova dehan ba Josue: \"Labele sai ta'uk ka nakdedar.+ Lori tropa hotu hamutuk ho o no sa'e ba hodi ataka sidade Ai.", "Haree ba, ha'u entrega ona liurai Ai, ninia povu, ninia sidade no ninia rai ba o-nia liman.+ 2 Halo ba sidade Ai no ninia liurai hanesan buat ne'ebe imi halo ona ba Jeriko no ninia liurai,+ maibe agora, imi bele foti sidade ne'e nia sasan sira no lori ninia animal-hakiak sira nu'udar imi-nian.", "Haruka tropa balu subar iha sidade nia kotuk hodi prontu atu ataka.\"", "3 Entaun Josue no tropa hotu sa'e ba hodi ataka sidade Ai.", "Josue hili funu-na'in sira ne'ebe kbiit boot hamutuk na'in-30.000 no haruka sira ba iha kalan.", "4 Nia fo mandamentu tuirmai ne'e ba sira: \"Imi tenke subar iha sidade ne'e nia kotuk hodi prontu atu ataka.", "Keta subar dook loos husi sidade, no imi hotu tenke sai prontu.", "5 Ha'u no ema hotu ne'ebe hamutuk ho ha'u sei hakbesik ba sidade ne'e, no bainhira sira sai mai atu ataka ami hanesan uluk,+ ami sei hakiduk husi sira.", "6 Kuandu sira sai mai hodi duni tuir ami, ami sei lohi sira sai husi sidade ne'e, tanba sira sei dehan: 'Ema sira-ne'e halai ona husi ita hanesan uluk.'+ No ami sei hakiduk husi sira.", "7 Tuirmai imi tenke hamriik husi imi-nia subar-fatin no ataka sidade ne'e; Jeova, imi-nia Maromak, sei entrega sidade ne'e ba imi.", "8 Bainhira imi manan ona, imi tenke sunu sidade ne'e.+ Imi tenke halo tuir Jeova nia liafuan.", "Ida-ne'e mak ha'u-nia mandamentu.\"", "9 Depois ne'e, Josue haruka sira ba, no sira la'o ba fatin ne'ebe sira subar hodi prontu atu ataka; sira subar entre Betel no Ai, iha parte oeste husi Ai, maibe Josue hela kalan ne'e hamutuk ho povu.", "10 Josue hadeer sedu iha dadeer no halibur tropa sira, depois ne'e, nia no Izrael nia katuas sira lori tropa sira ba Ai.", "11 Tropa sira hotu+ ne'ebe hamutuk ho nia la'o hodi hakbesik ba sidade ne'e nia oin.", "Sira hela iha parte norte husi Ai, no foho-leet de'it mak haketak sira no sidade Ai.", "12 Nia mos hili ona mane na'in-5.000 no haruka sira subar+ entre Betel+ no Ai, iha parte oeste husi sidade ne'e.", "13 Nune'e tropa barak liu halo sira-nia hela-fatin iha parte norte husi sidade ne'e+ no tropa balu ne'ebe subar atu ataka mak iha parte oeste husi sidade ne'e,+ no iha kalan ne'e Josue tun ba rai-tetuk ne'ebe iha klaran.", "14 Bainhira liurai Ai haree ida-ne'e, nia no mane sira husi sidade ne'e ansi hodi sai sedu iha dadeer atu funu hasoru ema Izrael iha fatin ida ne'ebe hateke tun ba rai-tetuk maran.", "Maibe nia la hatene katak iha tropa ne'ebe subar hela iha sidade nia kotuk atu ataka sidade ne'e.", "15 Bainhira ema Ai ataka, Josue no ema Izrael hotu halai tuir dalan ba rai-fuik.+ 16 Tan ne'e povu hotu iha sidade laran halibur hamutuk hodi duni tuir sira; no sira duni tuir Josue to'o sira sai dook liutan husi sidade ne'e.", "17 La iha mane ida mak sei hela iha sidade Ai no Betel, sira hotu sai hodi duni tuir ema Izrael.", "Sira husik sira-nia sidade nia portaun loke luan no duni tuir ema Izrael.", "18 Tuirmai Jeova hatete ba Josue: \"Lolo o-nia diman ba sidade Ai,+ tanba ha'u sei entrega sidade ne'e ba o.\"+ Entaun Josue lolo ninia diman ba sidade ne'e.", "19 Iha tempu ne'ebe nia lolo liman, tropa ne'ebe subar hela hamriik kedas husi sira-nia fatin no halai tama ba sidade no manan sidade ne'e.", "Sira sunu kedas sidade ne'e.+ 20 Bainhira mane sira husi Ai fila oin, sira haree suar sa'e husi sidade ne'e, no sira la iha ona kbiit atu halai ba fatin ida.", "Tuirmai tropa Izrael ne'ebe halai daudaun ba rai-fuik, fila hodi ataka ema ne'ebe duni tuir sira.", "21 Bainhira Josue no ema Izrael hotu haree katak tropa ne'ebe subar hela manan ona sidade ne'e no haree suar sa'e husi sidade ne'e, sira fila hodi ataka kedas mane sira husi Ai.", "22 Kona-ba tropa ne'ebe manan ona sidade, sira sai husi sidade ne'e hodi ataka mane sira husi Ai, nune'e mane sira-ne'e mak iha klaran no labele halai.", "Ema Izrael iha sira-nia kotuk no oin, no oho mane sira husi Ai to'o la iha tan ema ida mak moris ka halai.+ 23 Maibe sira kaer moris liurai Ai+ no lori nia ba Josue nia oin.", "24 Bainhira ema Izrael oho hotu ona ema Ai ne'ebe duni tuir sira iha rai-fuik, no sira hotu mate ona ho surik, tuirmai ema Izrael hotu fila fali ba sidade Ai no oho ema seluk iha sidade ho surik.", "25 Ema hotu ne'ebe mate iha loron ne'e, mane no feto, hamutuk na'in-12.000, katak ema Ai hotu.", "26 Josue la dada fali ninia diman+ ne'ebe iha ninia liman to'o nia halakon hotu ema Ai sira.+ 27 Maibe, ema Izrael foti animal-hakiak no sasan sira husi sidade ne'e, hodi halo tuir orden ne'ebe Jeova fo ona ba Josue.+ 28 Tuirmai Josue sunu sidade Ai no sidade ne'e sai rahun ba nafatin,+ no ne'e sei rahun to'o ohin loron.", "29 Nia tara liurai Ai iha ai-riin* ida to'o lokraik, no bainhira loro-matan besik atu tun ona, Josue haruka atu hatun liurai ne'e nia mate-isin husi ai-riin.+ Depois ne'e, sira soe nia iha sidade nia portaun no hada fatuk butuk boot iha ninia leten, no ne'e sei iha to'o ohin loron.", "30 Iha tempu ne'e mak Josue harii altar ida ba Jeova, Izrael nia Maromak, iha Foho Ebal,+ 31 hodi halo tuir Jeova nia atan Moises nia mandamentu ba ema Izrael, hanesan hakerek ona iha livru Moises nia Ukun-Fuan,+ ne'ebe dehan: \"Halo altar hodi uza fatuk sira ne'ebe tomak, ne'ebe la fera ho besi.\"+ Sira hasa'e sakrifisiu sunu nian no sakrifisiu dame nian ba Jeova iha altar ne'e nia leten.+ 32 Tuirmai Josue hakerek fali Ukun-Fuan+ ne'ebe Moises hakerek ona iha ema Izrael nia oin+ iha fatuk sira-ne'e.", "33 Ema Izrael hotu, sira-nia katuas, ulun-na'in no juis sira hamriik iha Arka nia sorin-sorin iha amlulik Levi sira-nia oin, katak amlulik sira ne'ebe lori Jeova nia Arka Aliansa nian.", "Ema estranjeiru no ema Izrael hotu+ mos iha ne'eba.", "Sira sorin balu hamriik iha Foho Gerizim nia oin, no sorin balu seluk hamriik iha Foho Ebal nia oin+ atu fo bensaun ba povu Izrael, hodi halo tuir Jeova nia atan Moises nia mandamentu.+ 34 Depois ne'e, Josue lee ho lian maka'as liafuan hotu husi Ukun-Fuan ne'e,+ bensaun+ no malisan sira,+ hodi tuir liafuan hotu ne'ebe hakerek ona iha livru Ukun-Fuan nian.", "35 Liafuan hotu ne'ebe Moises hakerek, Josue lee ho lian maka'as iha kongregasaun* Izrael hotu nia oin,+ ne'e inklui mos feto, labarik no ema estranjeiru sira+ ne'ebe hela* iha sira-nia leet.+ ^ Ka \"ai-hun.\"" ]
[ [ "Joshua 8 | Bible online - New World Translation (NWT) Josué envía a parte del ejército para atacar Ai Israel conquistó Aí de manera exitosa Josue leyó el Mandamiento Final al pueblo En El Desierto De Ebal [30-29] YHWH dijo entonces: “No te despierte ni seas débil.+ Lleva contigo toda la gente y vete, combate contra ai." ], [ "Behold, I have delivered into his hand the king of Ai and its people as well a city like it with all that belongs thereto.+ 2 Do to this town in Hai+ or any other place nearby exactly what you did for Jericho,+ but now take away from here everything worthwhile." ], [ "Some of the troops were rushed to its rear, ready for an attack.\"" ], [ "3 And Joshua went up, he and all the people of war with him to fight against Ai." ], [ "So Joshua chose thirty thousand valiant men of war, and sent them out by night." ], [ "4 And he commanded them, saying: Go ye up behind the city and be ready for battle." ], [ "Do not go out of the city, and you must all be ready to leave." ], [ "5 I and all the people who are with me will draw near to this city, so that when they come out against us as at first,+ we shall be driven away from them." ], [ "6 And when they come out after us, we will drive them from the city; for it shall be said of their part: ‘These men are gone away as at first.’+ So that our hearts may despair with regard to these people.+" ], [ "7 Then you shall move out of your tents, and fight against the city; for Yahweh Your God will give it into their hands." ], [ "8 When you have won, then put the city on fire.+ You must do according to Jehovah’s word." ], [ "This is my commandment.\"" ], [ "9 And Joshua sent them away, and they went up to the place whither he had gone for battle; between Betheland AiAi were their places westwest of Hai: but JosuéJoshua lodged that nightnight in amongthe people." ], [ "10 And Joshua besieged Dadeer, and gathered the people together: then he brought them up against Ai with all Israel's elder." ], [ "12 And all the troops that were with him came and drew near toward his city." ], [ "They lived on the northern side of Ai, and only a small mountain range separated them from their city." ], [ "12 And he took five thousand men, and sent them up between BethelBeth-el+and AiAi on the westwest side of Hai." ], [ "13 So the greater part of them dwelt on its northern side,+ and some who went up to attack were at it’s westside.+ And Joshua descended that night into a clearing." ], [ "14 And it came to pass, when the king of Ai saw that he and his men laid siege at dawn against Israel in a place overlooking dry land." ], [ "But he was unaware that there were troops descending from behind the city to attack it." ], [ "15 And when the men of Ai were fighting, Joshua and all Israel went over by way toward a desert place.+" ], [ "17 And there was not a man remaining in Ai or Bethel; they went out after the children of Israel." ], [ "They left the gates of their cities wide open and went after Israel." ], [ "18 Then Jehovah said to Joshua: “Move up against Ai,+ for I have given it into your hands.”+ So Josué moved on towards the city." ], [ "19 And at the time when he lifted up his hand, they that were coming down rose from their places and entering into a city took it." ], [ "20 And when the men of Ai came back, they saw a fire going up from outofthe city; and there was no power in them to go anywhere." ], [ "Then the Israelites who were going toward a deserted land turned and attacking those in their pursuit." ], [ "21 And it came to pass, when Joshua and all the children of Israel saw that they which were come up had taken a city; (for there was fire rising out from within) then turned he back against them." ], [ "21 And the people that had taken it came forth out of Ai, and fought against them; so they were cut off from going." ], [ "And the men of Israel followed them behind and before, slaying all that was male in Ai until there remained neither one living nor escaping.+ 23 But they captured alive+ King-Ai,+ who came to Joshua." ], [ "24 And it came to pass, when the children of Israel had slain all that followed them into a desert country in Ai; and they were dead with an outcry: then returned every man from among those men unto Hai." ], [ "25 And all those who fell on that day, both men and women were twelve thousand; the whole people of Ai." ], [ "26 And Joshua returned not his possession+ that was in the hand of him until he had utterly annihilated all those who were living at Ai.+" ], [ "29 And he planted the king of Ai in a bush until evening; and when it was about to fall, Joshua commanded that his body should be taken down from off*. Then they cast him at an entrance into their city gateway,+ but built up on top thereof great rocks which remain unto this day.[a]" ], [ "30 At that time Joshua built an altar to Jehovah, the God of Israel in Ebal’s Valley,+ as it is written: “Build your own temple with whole-stone stone without iron.”+ They offered burnt offering and peace offers at its base.+" ], [ "32 And all the children of Israel, their elders and chief men thereof with them that judged in it: they stood by each side beforeward to carry up from Beth-horon." ], [ "There were both foreigners and all the Israelites+ there." ], [ "Some of them stood before the valley Gerisim, and some were standing in front from Ebal Valley+ to bless Israel’s people as commanded by Moses Jehovah' s servant.+ 34 After this Joshua read aloud all these words,+ both for a benefit or harmful effect+, according with everything that is written on it." ], [ "35 And Joshua read all the words which Moses had written in loud voice before every congregation of Israel, even women and children; also to stranger that sojourned among them." ] ]
Importante duni atu rekoñese Timor-Leste nia kompromisu atu hakotu violénsia hasoru feto. Lia fuan ne’e hato’o husi Sekretaria Estadu ba Promosaun Igualdade Sra. Idelta Maria Rodrigues iha sesaun solene ne’ebé Parlamentu Nasionál organiza espesialmente ba selebra Loron Internasional ba Feto iha tinan 2013 ida ne’e. Selebrasaun ho tema “Promesa, hanesan promosa duni: Tempo to’o ona ba asaun atu hakotu violénsia kontra feto” ne’e hala’o iha loron 11 fulan Marsu 2013 iha Uma Fukun Parlamentu Nasionál, Dili.\nTuir Sra. Idelta Maria Rodrigues, kompromisu Timor-Leste ba halakon violénsia hasoru feto ne’e refleta iha ratifikasaun Konvensaun kona-ba Halakon Diskriminasaun Hotu-hotu Hasoru Feto (CEDAW) no Kompromisu Dili. CEDAW nia Rekomendasaun Jeral Númeru 19 kona-ba Violénsia Hasoru Feto rekomenda katak: “Estadu Membru sira tenke garantia katak lei sira kontra violénsia família, abuzu, estupru, asalta seksuál, no violénsia bazeia ba jéneru sira seluk tenke fó protesaun adekuada ba feto sira hotu, no respeita sira-nia integridade no dignidade. Formasaun sensibilizasaun jéneru ba autór judisiál sira no polísia sira no mós ofisiál públiku sira seluk mak esensial liu ba implementasaun efikás Konvensaun ne’e.”\nKompromisu Dili ne’ebé adota iha Loron Internasional Feto iha tinan 2008 husi Governu, Parlamentu Nasionál, institusaun relijiozu sira, no organizasaun sira sosiedade sivil ne’e ko’alia mós kona-ba “eliminasaun ka hakotu violénsia bazeia ba jéneru atu fo dalan ba feto no labarik sira atu partisipa iha dezenvolvimentu nasionál.”\n“Asaun konkreta barak ona ne’ebé Timor-Leste halo ba responde CEDAW no mós Kompromisu Dili,” katak Sra. Idelta Maria Rodrigues. Governu halo ona Planu Asaun Nasionál kona-ba Violénsia Bazeia ba Jéneru hodi implementa Lei Kontra Violénsia Doméstika (LKVD), ho nia área prioridade: prevensaun, protesaun no asisténsia jurídika, monitorizasaun no avaliasaun. Atividade barak mak hetan ona progresu husi parte oi-oin. SEPI lidera aspeitu prevensaun no hala’o ona sosializasaun ba LKVD iha distritu 13, formasaun sensibilizasaun jéneru hala’o ona regularmente iha Sentru Formasaun Polísia, formasaun ba formador kona-ba investigasaun kazu violénsia bazeia ba jéneru hala’o ona ba ajénte Unidade Ema Vulneravel (VPU) PNTL, sensibilizasaun jéneru iha formasaun ne’ebé Sentro Formasaun Jurídika hala’o ba prokuradór, juiz, no advogado sira, no mós sensibilizasaun jéneru no violénsia bazeia ba jéneru relasiona ho Rezolusaun Konsellu Seguransa ONU 1325 kona-ba Feto, Dame no Seguransa.\nRelasiona ho sensibilizasaun jéneru, SEPI mós hala’o dialogu ba F-FDTL no PNTL. Ho autór judisiál sira, SEPI hala’o diskusaun meja kabuar liu-liu haree ba asisténsia ba kazu violénsia doméstika. Dialogu nakloke hala’o ona iha Dili, Maliana, no fronteira Batugade kona-ba problema sira ne’ebé afeta ba paz no seguransa. SEPI oras ne’e dadaun mós fó hela formasaun kona-ba jerensia hahalok violentu ba prizoneiru sira, atu apoiu sira dezenvolve sira-nia atitude di’ak para sira bele buka solusaun uza metodu la ho violénsia bainhira hasoru problema.\nAtu fó tulun ba vítima, Governu halo ona uma mahon, uma mahon temporária no transitória iha distritu nen: Bobonaro, Lautém, Baucau, Suai, Oecussi, no Dili. Iha ona planu husi Ministériu Solidariedade Sosiál atu halo uma mahon iha distritu hat sira seluk. MSS mós dezenvolve ona rekezitu minimu ba funsionáriu uma mahon no sei dezenvolve Prosedimentu Operasionál Padronizadu ba servisu referal entre médiku, jurídiku, polísia no uma mahon sira.\nRelasiona ho servisu médiku, iha Hospital Nasional iha ona “Fatin Hakmatek” ho ezaminasaun forensika médika. Ministériu Saúde mós iha ona planu atu harii tan “Fatin Hakmatek” ida ba vítima violénsia bazeia ba jéneru inklui violénsia doméstika iha Hospital Nasional no Hospital Rejional iha Baucau, Bobonaro, Covalima no Oecussi. “Fatin Hakmatek” ne’e mak hala’o alojamentu temporáriu no asesu servisu espesializadu gratuitu ba vítima sira.\nUnidade Ema Vulneravel (VPU) PNTL investiga kazu violénsia bazeia ba jéneru no violénsia doméstika, abuzu ba labarik sira no tráfiku umanu. VPU funsiona iha nivel nasionál no distritál, ne’ebé unidade koordinasaun nasionál kompostu husi komandante ida no ofisiál na’in rua, unidade distritál iha kada distritu kompostu husi ofisiák ba’in hitu ka ualu.\nProgresu seluk tan, Ministériu Edukasaun hatama ona asuntu promosaun igualdade relasiona ho saúde, servisu uma laran, no siklu violensia iha kurríkulu kona-ba Saúde Seksuál no Reprodutivu Adolesente ba eskola primária no sekundária.\nMaske progresu barak halo ona, dezafiu se makaas hela. “Dezafiu no persistente sira ba kombate violénsia bazeia ba jéneru existe hela,” tenik Sra. Idelta Maria Rodrigues. “Oras ne’e dadaun existe nafatin relutânsia ba vítima violénsia sira atu hato’o keixa, tan deit prátika husi norma no kultura sira. Fatór importante mós dalan ne’ebé naruk loos hodi hein asesu ba justisa. Ne’e tanba volume prosesu kazu pendente ne’ebé barak loos no jestaun ba kazu ne’ebé sei fraku. Fatór ida tan mak kapasidade prestadór servisu sira ne’ebé sei presiza dezenvolve, inklui rekursu finanseiru ne’ebé sei limitadu tebes.” Tan ne’e Sekretária Estadu espera parte hotu-hotu sei hala’o servisu makaas liután para Timor-Leste bele hetan igualdade jéneru.\nHits : 419322
[ "Importante duni atu rekonese Timor-Leste nia kompromisu atu hakotu violensia hasoru feto.", "Lia fuan ne'e hato'o husi Sekretaria Estadu ba Promosaun Igualdade Sra.", "Idelta Maria Rodrigues iha sesaun solene ne'ebe Parlamentu Nasional organiza espesialmente ba selebra Loron Internasional ba Feto iha tinan 2013 ida ne'e.", "Selebrasaun ho tema \"Promesa, hanesan promosa duni: Tempo to'o ona ba asaun atu hakotu violensia kontra feto\" ne'e hala'o iha loron 11 fulan Marsu 2013 iha Uma Fukun Parlamentu Nasional, Dili.", "Tuir Sra.", "Idelta Maria Rodrigues, kompromisu Timor-Leste ba halakon violensia hasoru feto ne'e refleta iha ratifikasaun Konvensaun kona-ba Halakon Diskriminasaun Hotu-hotu Hasoru Feto (CEDAW) no Kompromisu Dili.", "CEDAW nia Rekomendasaun Jeral Numeru 19 kona-ba Violensia Hasoru Feto rekomenda katak: \"Estadu Membru sira tenke garantia katak lei sira kontra violensia familia, abuzu, estupru, asalta seksual, no violensia bazeia ba jeneru sira seluk tenke fo protesaun adekuada ba feto sira hotu, no respeita sira-nia integridade no dignidade.", "Formasaun sensibilizasaun jeneru ba autor judisial sira no polisia sira no mos ofisial publiku sira seluk mak esensial liu ba implementasaun efikas Konvensaun ne'e.\"", "Kompromisu Dili ne'ebe adota iha Loron Internasional Feto iha tinan 2008 husi Governu, Parlamentu Nasional, institusaun relijiozu sira, no organizasaun sira sosiedade sivil ne'e ko'alia mos kona-ba \"eliminasaun ka hakotu violensia bazeia ba jeneru atu fo dalan ba feto no labarik sira atu partisipa iha dezenvolvimentu nasional.\"", "\"Asaun konkreta barak ona ne'ebe Timor-Leste halo ba responde CEDAW no mos Kompromisu Dili,\" katak Sra.", "Idelta Maria Rodrigues.", "Governu halo ona Planu Asaun Nasional kona-ba Violensia Bazeia ba Jeneru hodi implementa Lei Kontra Violensia Domestika (LKVD), ho nia area prioridade: prevensaun, protesaun no asistensia juridika, monitorizasaun no avaliasaun.", "Atividade barak mak hetan ona progresu husi parte oi-oin.", "SEPI lidera aspeitu prevensaun no hala'o ona sosializasaun ba LKVD iha distritu 13, formasaun sensibilizasaun jeneru hala'o ona regularmente iha Sentru Formasaun Polisia, formasaun ba formador kona-ba investigasaun kazu violensia bazeia ba jeneru hala'o ona ba ajente Unidade Ema Vulneravel (VPU) PNTL, sensibilizasaun jeneru iha formasaun ne'ebe Sentro Formasaun Juridika hala'o ba prokurador, juiz, no advogado sira, no mos sensibilizasaun jeneru no violensia bazeia ba jeneru relasiona ho Rezolusaun Konsellu Seguransa ONU 1325 kona-ba Feto, Dame no Seguransa.", "Relasiona ho sensibilizasaun jeneru, SEPI mos hala'o dialogu ba F-FDTL no PNTL.", "Ho autor judisial sira, SEPI hala'o diskusaun meja kabuar liu-liu haree ba asistensia ba kazu violensia domestika.", "Dialogu nakloke hala'o ona iha Dili, Maliana, no fronteira Batugade kona-ba problema sira ne'ebe afeta ba paz no seguransa.", "SEPI oras ne'e dadaun mos fo hela formasaun kona-ba jerensia hahalok violentu ba prizoneiru sira, atu apoiu sira dezenvolve sira-nia atitude di'ak para sira bele buka solusaun uza metodu la ho violensia bainhira hasoru problema.", "Atu fo tulun ba vitima, Governu halo ona uma mahon, uma mahon temporaria no transitoria iha distritu nen: Bobonaro, Lautem, Baucau, Suai, Oecussi, no Dili.", "Iha ona planu husi Ministeriu Solidariedade Sosial atu halo uma mahon iha distritu hat sira seluk.", "MSS mos dezenvolve ona rekezitu minimu ba funsionariu uma mahon no sei dezenvolve Prosedimentu Operasional Padronizadu ba servisu referal entre mediku, juridiku, polisia no uma mahon sira.", "Relasiona ho servisu mediku, iha Hospital Nasional iha ona \"Fatin Hakmatek\" ho ezaminasaun forensika medika.", "Ministeriu Saude mos iha ona planu atu harii tan \"Fatin Hakmatek\" ida ba vitima violensia bazeia ba jeneru inklui violensia domestika iha Hospital Nasional no Hospital Rejional iha Baucau, Bobonaro, Covalima no Oecussi.", "\"Fatin Hakmatek\" ne'e mak hala'o alojamentu temporariu no asesu servisu espesializadu gratuitu ba vitima sira.", "Unidade Ema Vulneravel (VPU) PNTL investiga kazu violensia bazeia ba jeneru no violensia domestika, abuzu ba labarik sira no trafiku umanu.", "VPU funsiona iha nivel nasional no distrital, ne'ebe unidade koordinasaun nasional kompostu husi komandante ida no ofisial na'in rua, unidade distrital iha kada distritu kompostu husi ofisiak ba'in hitu ka ualu.", "Progresu seluk tan, Ministeriu Edukasaun hatama ona asuntu promosaun igualdade relasiona ho saude, servisu uma laran, no siklu violensia iha kurrikulu kona-ba Saude Seksual no Reprodutivu Adolesente ba eskola primaria no sekundaria.", "Maske progresu barak halo ona, dezafiu se makaas hela.", "\"Dezafiu no persistente sira ba kombate violensia bazeia ba jeneru existe hela,\" tenik Sra.", "Idelta Maria Rodrigues.", "\"Oras ne'e dadaun existe nafatin relutansia ba vitima violensia sira atu hato'o keixa, tan deit pratika husi norma no kultura sira.", "Fator importante mos dalan ne'ebe naruk loos hodi hein asesu ba justisa.", "Ne'e tanba volume prosesu kazu pendente ne'ebe barak loos no jestaun ba kazu ne'ebe sei fraku.", "Fator ida tan mak kapasidade prestador servisu sira ne'ebe sei presiza dezenvolve, inklui rekursu finanseiru ne'ebe sei limitadu tebes.\"", "Tan ne'e Sekretaria Estadu espera parte hotu-hotu sei hala'o servisu makaas liutan para Timor-Leste bele hetan igualdade jeneru.", "Hits: 419322" ]
[ [ "It is important to recognize Timor-Leste’s commitment in ending violence against women." ], [ "The following words were delivered by the Secretary of State for Promoting Equality, Ms. Maria da Graça Carvalho:" ], [ "Idelta Maria Rodrigues at a solemn session organized by the National Parliament especially to celebrate International Women's Day in 2013." ], [ "The theme of the celebration was \"Promise, like promotion: It's time for action to end violence against women\" and it took place on March 10th at Uma Fukun Parliament House in Dili." ], [ "According to Ms. Tuir," ], [ "Idelta Maria Rodrigues, Timor-Leste's commitment to eliminate violence against women is reflected in the ratification of CEDAW and Dili Commitments." ], [ "CEDAW General Recommendation No. 19 on Violence against Women recommends that: \"Member States should ensure the legislation to combat domestic violence, abuse of women and girls (including rape), sexual assault or other gender-based violations provides adequate protection for all female victimd with respecting their integrity as well a dignities.\"" ], [ "Gender awareness training for the judiciary, police and other public officials is essential to effective implementation of this Convention.\"" ], [ "The Dili Commitment adopted on International Women's Day in 2018 by the Government, National Parliament and religious institutions as well As civil society organization (CSOs) also speak about \"the elimination or end of gender-based violence to enable women And children To participate In national development.\"" ], [ "\"Many concrete actions have already been taken by Timor-Leste in response to CEDAW and the Dili Commitment,\" said Ms." ], [ "Idelta Maria Rodrigues." ], [ "The Government has developed a National Action Plan on Gender-Based Violence to implement the Domestic violence law (LKVD), with its priority areas: prevention, protection and legal assistance; monitoring & evaluation." ], [ "Many activities have made progress in various areas." ], [ "SEPI leads the prevention aspect and has carried out awareness raising for LKVD in district no.13, gender-sensitization training is regularly conducted at Police Training Center (PTC), trainers' course on investigation of cases related to violence based upon sex was held with VPU policemen; Gender Sensitivity within Legal Formation Centre(JFC)’ s educational programs aimed towards prosecutors/judgers & lawyers as well gendre sensitivity regarding UN Security Council Resolution No:2540 concernings Women Dame And Safety" ], [ "In relation to gender awareness, SEPI also conducted dialogues with F-FDTL and PNTL." ], [ "With the judicial authorities, SEPI conducted a round table discussion especially regarding assistance to domestic violence cases." ], [ "Open dialogues have been held in Dili, Maliana and the Batugade border on problems affecting peace & security." ], [ "SEPI is also currently providing training on the management of violent behaviour to prisoners, in order support them develop their good attitudes so that they can find solutions using non-violent methods when facing problems." ], [ "To assist victims, the Government has built mahogany shelters and temporary/transitory houses in Bobonaro District. Lautem district is also affected by this disaster as well; Baucau (Baucau), Suai(Suai) Oecussi & Dili are among those areas that have been damaged most heavily" ], [ "There are already plans by the Ministry of Social Solidarity to build mahogany houses in four other districts." ], [ "The MSS has also developed minimum requirements for home care staff and will develop Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) to facilitate referral services between medical, law enforcement or legal professionals." ], [ "In relation to medical services, the National Hospital has a \"Fatin Hakmatek\" with forensic examination." ], [ "The Ministry of Health also has plans to establish a \"Fatin Hakmatek\" for victims from gender-based violence including domestic abuse at the National Hospital and Regional hospital in Baucau, Bobonaro." ], [ "The \"Fatin Hakmatek\" provides temporary accommodation and access to free specialized services for victims." ], [ "The Vulnerable Women’s Unit (VPU) of PNTL investigates gender-based and domestic violence, child abuse cases as well human trafficking." ], [ "The VPU operates at the national and district levels, with a National Coordination Unit composed of one commanding officer (COU), two sub-commandment Officer(SCO) units in each department comprise seven or eight staff members." ], [ "In further progress, the Ministry of Education has included issues related to promoting equality in health and domestic work as well a cycle against violence into its Sexual & Reproductive Health Adolescents curriculum for primary schools." ], [ "Although much progress has been made, challenges remain." ], [ "\"The persistent challenges to combating gender-based violence still exist,\" she said." ], [ "Idelta Maria Rodrigues." ], [ "\"At present there is still a reluctance by victims of violence to file complaint, simply because the practice and culture." ], [ "An important factor is the long way to wait for justice." ], [ "This is due to the high volume of pending cases and poor case management." ], [ "Another factor is the capacity of service providers that will need to be developed, including financial resources which are very limited.\"" ], [ "Therefore, the State Secretariat expects all parties to work hard together so that Timor-Leste can achieve gender equality." ], [ "Hits: 419325" ] ]
CIGC Baucau entrega ona matebian GC ba família | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste\nVARANDA BAUKAU CIGC Baucau entrega ona matebian GC ba família\nCIGC hamutuk ho família uza protesaun pesoál molok haloot mate-isin GC, iha nia fatin moris iha suku Uma Ana Iku, postu Venilale, segunda (13/09). Imajen : TATOLI/Natalino Belo\nBAUCAU, 13 setembru 2021 (TATOLI)–Responsável pilar 7 Sala Situasaun, Sentru Intergradu Jestaun Krize (CIGC, sigla portugés) Baucau, Verónimo Ornai, hateten, ekipa saúde ohin entrega ona matebian GC ba família hafoin hakotu-iis iha izolamentu eis SPK, iha loron sábadu (11/09).\n“Pasiente mai halo tratamentu iha Hospital Rejional Eduardo Ximenes (HorEX) ho moras insufisiensia respiratória aguda, ipertensaun, no asosiasaun ho vírus COVID-19 pozitivu. Durante iha izolamentu ekipa halo atendementu másimu maibé iha loron sábadu (11/09) tuku 21:12 kalan hakotu iis iha izolamentu,” Responsável pilar 7, hateten, iha izolamentu eis SPK Villa antiga segunda ohin.\nVerónimo esplika, tuir loloos horiseik (12/09) matebian transporta sai hosi izolamentu, maibé tanba kondisaun klima, udan to’o kalan, entaun ohin dadeer mak lori sai mate-isin liuhosi konkordánsia entre CICG no família.\n“CIGC Baucau serbisu hamutuk ho família atu hala’o prosesu funeráriu ho di’ak no tuir protokolu saúde mundiál, hanesan uza protesaun pesoál,” nia akresenta.\nIha fatin hanesan, Reprezentante família matebian, Mateus Varela dos Santos Freitas, hateten, família deside matebian GC halo tratamentu iha ospitál tanba kondisaun moras dada iis ladi’ak maibé hafoin teste swab deteta pozitivu COVID-19.\n“Ami família servisu hamutuk ho saúde no prontu atu lori ba haloot iha nia fatin moris, tanba matebian labele rai kleur pois estraga, entaun ami konkorda lori matebian ba haloot,” Mateus hatutan.\nFamília mos husu atu CIGC nasionál atu rekruta ekipa haloot mate-isin, nune’e labele envolve tan família tanba iha risku kontájiu boot ba COVID-19.\nMatebian GC (mane) rasik hosi aldeia Uaitununau, duku Uma Ana Iku, postu administrativu Venilale, ne’ebé iha loron 11 setembru diagnostikadu ho sindroma insufisiensia respiratóriu aguda tanba COVID-19 no matebian mós sofre moras ipertensaun, nune’e ikus mai hakotu iis.\nMunisípiu Baucau to’o agora rejista ona óbitu COVID-19 hamutuk na’in-lima, ne’ebé na’in-tolu hakotu iis iha Baucau no na’in-rua iha Dili maibé deteta pozitivu iha Baucau.\nPrevious articlePosibilidade TL sei hasoru udan no anin boot\nNext articleMSSI finaliza ona pagamentu subsídiu ba idózus no invalidés na’in-6,066
[ "CIGC Baucau entrega ona matebian GC ba familia | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA BAUKAU CIGC Baucau entrega ona matebian GC ba familia CIGC hamutuk ho familia uza protesaun pesoal molok haloot mate-isin GC, iha nia fatin moris iha suku Uma Ana Iku, postu Venilale, segunda (13/09).", "Imajen: TATOLI/Natalino Belo BAUCAU, 13 setembru 2021 (TATOLI) -Responsavel pilar 7 Sala Situasaun, Sentru Intergradu Jestaun Krize (CIGC, sigla portuges) Baucau, Veronimo Ornai, hateten, ekipa saude ohin entrega ona matebian GC ba familia hafoin hakotu-iis iha izolamentu eis SPK, iha loron sabadu (11/09).", "\"Pasiente mai halo tratamentu iha Hospital Rejional Eduardo Ximenes (HorEX) ho moras insufisiensia respiratoria aguda, ipertensaun, no asosiasaun ho virus COVID-19 pozitivu.", "Durante iha izolamentu ekipa halo atendementu masimu maibe iha loron sabadu (11/09) tuku 21:12 kalan hakotu iis iha izolamentu,\" Responsavel pilar 7, hateten, iha izolamentu eis SPK Villa antiga segunda ohin.", "Veronimo esplika, tuir loloos horiseik (12/09) matebian transporta sai hosi izolamentu, maibe tanba kondisaun klima, udan to'o kalan, entaun ohin dadeer mak lori sai mate-isin liuhosi konkordansia entre CICG no familia.", "\"CIGC Baucau serbisu hamutuk ho familia atu hala'o prosesu funerariu ho di'ak no tuir protokolu saude mundial, hanesan uza protesaun pesoal,\" nia akresenta.", "Iha fatin hanesan, Reprezentante familia matebian, Mateus Varela dos Santos Freitas, hateten, familia deside matebian GC halo tratamentu iha ospital tanba kondisaun moras dada iis ladi'ak maibe hafoin teste swab deteta pozitivu COVID-19.", "\"Ami familia servisu hamutuk ho saude no prontu atu lori ba haloot iha nia fatin moris, tanba matebian labele rai kleur pois estraga, entaun ami konkorda lori matebian ba haloot,\" Mateus hatutan.", "Familia mos husu atu CIGC nasional atu rekruta ekipa haloot mate-isin, nune'e labele envolve tan familia tanba iha risku kontajiu boot ba COVID-19.", "Matebian GC (mane) rasik hosi aldeia Uaitununau, duku Uma Ana Iku, postu administrativu Venilale, ne'ebe iha loron 11 setembru diagnostikadu ho sindroma insufisiensia respiratoriu aguda tanba COVID-19 no matebian mos sofre moras ipertensaun, nune'e ikus mai hakotu iis.", "Munisipiu Baucau to'o agora rejista ona obitu COVID-19 hamutuk na'in-lima, ne'ebe na'in-tolu hakotu iis iha Baucau no na'in-rua iha Dili maibe deteta pozitivu iha Baucau.", "Previous articlePosibilidade TL sei hasoru udan no anin boot Next articleMSSI finaliza ona pagamentu subsidiu ba idozus no invalides na'in-6,066" ]
[ [ "CIGC Baucau delivers the body of deceased GS to family | Tempo Timor VARANDA BAUKAU Cigarettes and alcohol are banned in community after death, says former Chief Minister Xanana Gusmao. The government said on Monday (13/09) during a press briefing that it will not allow cigarette smoking at public places or any other place where people may be expose themselves for coronavirus disease-related illnesses such as pneumonia" ], [ "BAUCAU, September 13th (AFP) -The head of pillar seven Situation Room at the Intergrade Center for Crisis Management in Baucau Veronimo Ornai said that today a health team has handed over to his family an individual who died after being isolated by former SPK on Saturday." ], [ "\"Patient came for treatment at the Eduardo Ximenes Regional Hospital (HorEX) with acute respiratory insufficiency, hypertension and association to positive COVID-19 virus." ], [ "During the isolation team did maximum care but on Saturday (10/29) at night, he passed away in segregation.\" Responsible for pillar seven said that it was isolated former SPK Villa old Monday today." ], [ "Veronimo explained that the deceased should have been transported out of isolation on Monday afternoon (12/09), but due to climatic conditions, rain until late at night and thus today evening was taken through agreement between CICG & family." ], [ "\"CIGC Baucau is working with the family to carry out a proper funeral process and follow world health protocols, such as using personal protective equipment\", he added." ], [ "The representative of the deceased's family, Mateus Varela dos Santos Freitaes said that his wife decided to have her husband treated in hospital because he was suffering from a bad illness but after swab testing it turned out positive for COVID-19." ], [ "\"My family worked together with health and ready to take the dead body in his place of life, because a deceased can not die long as it will be damaged. So we agree that he should go for funerals.\" Mateus continued:" ], [ "The family also asked the national CIGC to recruit a corpse cleaning team, so that families cannot be involved again because there is high risk of infection with COVID-19." ], [ "The deceased GC (male) from Uaitununau village, Uma Ana Iku subdivision of Venilale administrative post was diagnosed with Acute Respiratory Insufficiency Syndrome due to COVID-19 on September the last day. He also suffered hypertension and eventually passed away in his home at aged seventy five years old" ], [ "The municipality of Baucau has so far registered five COVID-19 deaths, three in the district and two people who were positively tested but died at Dili." ], [ "Previous articlePossibility TL will face heavy rain and wind NextMSSI has finalized the payment of subsidies to 6,072 elderly peoples." ] ]
TIMOR HAU NIAN DOBEN: Imi nia susar, ha’u nia terus\nFasil atu hamnasa, bainhira mehi bele sai realidade, maibé difisil atu tanis, bainhira lakon oportunidade ba ksolok moris nian.\nFasil atu halo promesa, maibé difisil atu kumpri, i liman karuk difisil atu subar husi liman koanan, kuandu liman karuk tama ona ba bolsu karuk, maske laiha lian. Difisil atu subar oin iha naroman laran, maibé fasil atu koñese ema iha nakukun laran.\nSituasaun ida ne’e mak akontese iha rai doben Timor Leste ne’e, tanba maske Governu troka dala hira ona ho promesa oi-oin husi ukun na’in sira, maibé povu sei kontinua moris iha kiak no mukit laran.\nKsolok nakonu ho triste husi povu hotu iha Suku 350 resin ne’ebé Prezidenti Repúblika, Taur Matan Ruak vizita ona, tanba sira sente katak, durante ne’e benefisiu husi ukun rasik-an ne’e, dolar iha ukun na’in sira nia hela fatin.\n“Ha’u vizita ona suku barak iha Timor Leste (TL) ne’e, tanba ha’u hakarak rona imi nia terus no susar. Ha’u vizita atu agradese imi, ba buat hotu ne’ebé imi halo, hodi ohin loron Timor Leste bele sai nasaun independenti ida,” hatete Taur Matan Ruak ba povu hotu ne’ebé mai hobur hodi rona nia lian.\nMaioria povu husi labarik, joven ferik no katuas, atu loron manas ou kalan bo’ot mós, sira la sente kolen hodi la’o do’ok husi sira nia hela fatin, atu ba haree Xefi Estadu ne’e nia oin no rona nia lian.\nLaran ne’e dodok tebes, bainhira haree ferik no katuas sira ne’ebé mak la’o labele ona mós, sira dolar hodi mai toba hein Taur Matan Ruak iha fatin ne’ebé Xefe Estadu ne’e atu hela ba, hodi ida-ida hato’o ninia susar ho terus ba aman nasaun ne’e.\n“Moris di’ak so mai lalais, sé ita badinas, ita hamutuk hodi luta kontra kiak no mukit. Ita tenki haree ekilibru ba dezenvolvimentu,” afirma Xefi Estadu ne’e.\nTaur Matan Ruak hatutan, Timor Leste ne’e familia ida de’it, no Timor ne’e ema hot-hotu nian, la’os ema ida nian de’it.\nTaur Matan Ruak kontinua anima nia reinu sira ne’ebé nunka kole hodi rona nia lian katak, ukun an ne’e, hanesan ponte ida hodi povu hakat husi mota sorin ba mota sorin, tanba povu seidauk hetan moris diak.\n“Ameasa bo’ot ba nasaun la’os husi Liur, maibé iha ita nia uma laran rasik, hanesan deskontamentu sidadaun ninian ba dezemvolviementu ne’ebé mak la’o iha ita nia nasaun, Governu tenki buka dalan hodi rezolve problema nee,” relata Taur Matan Ruak.Cornelis Tapo
[ "TIMOR HAU NIAN DOBEN: Imi nia susar, ha'u nia terus Fasil atu hamnasa, bainhira mehi bele sai realidade, maibe difisil atu tanis, bainhira lakon oportunidade ba ksolok moris nian.", "Fasil atu halo promesa, maibe difisil atu kumpri, i liman karuk difisil atu subar husi liman koanan, kuandu liman karuk tama ona ba bolsu karuk, maske laiha lian.", "Difisil atu subar oin iha naroman laran, maibe fasil atu konese ema iha nakukun laran.", "Situasaun ida ne'e mak akontese iha rai doben Timor Leste ne'e, tanba maske Governu troka dala hira ona ho promesa oi-oin husi ukun na'in sira, maibe povu sei kontinua moris iha kiak no mukit laran.", "Ksolok nakonu ho triste husi povu hotu iha Suku 350 resin ne'ebe Prezidenti Republika, Taur Matan Ruak vizita ona, tanba sira sente katak, durante ne'e benefisiu husi ukun rasik-an ne'e, dolar iha ukun na'in sira nia hela fatin.", "\"Ha'u vizita ona suku barak iha Timor Leste (TL) ne'e, tanba ha'u hakarak rona imi nia terus no susar.", "Ha'u vizita atu agradese imi, ba buat hotu ne'ebe imi halo, hodi ohin loron Timor Leste bele sai nasaun independenti ida,\" hatete Taur Matan Ruak ba povu hotu ne'ebe mai hobur hodi rona nia lian.", "Maioria povu husi labarik, joven ferik no katuas, atu loron manas ou kalan bo'ot mos, sira la sente kolen hodi la'o do'ok husi sira nia hela fatin, atu ba haree Xefi Estadu ne'e nia oin no rona nia lian.", "Laran ne'e dodok tebes, bainhira haree ferik no katuas sira ne'ebe mak la'o labele ona mos, sira dolar hodi mai toba hein Taur Matan Ruak iha fatin ne'ebe Xefe Estadu ne'e atu hela ba, hodi ida-ida hato'o ninia susar ho terus ba aman nasaun ne'e.", "\"Moris di'ak so mai lalais, se ita badinas, ita hamutuk hodi luta kontra kiak no mukit.", "Ita tenki haree ekilibru ba dezenvolvimentu,\" afirma Xefi Estadu ne'e.", "Taur Matan Ruak hatutan, Timor Leste ne'e familia ida de'it, no Timor ne'e ema hot-hotu nian, la'os ema ida nian de'it.", "Taur Matan Ruak kontinua anima nia reinu sira ne'ebe nunka kole hodi rona nia lian katak, ukun an ne'e, hanesan ponte ida hodi povu hakat husi mota sorin ba mota sorin, tanba povu seidauk hetan moris diak.", "\"Ameasa bo'ot ba nasaun la'os husi Liur, maibe iha ita nia uma laran rasik, hanesan deskontamentu sidadaun ninian ba dezemvolviementu ne'ebe mak la'o iha ita nia nasaun, Governu tenki buka dalan hodi rezolve problema nee,\" relata Taur Matan Ruak.Cornelis Tapo" ]
[ [ "TIMOR HAU NIAN DOBEN: Your pain, my suffering It's easy to laugh when your wishes come true but it is hard not for you if the opportunity of life’ s joy has been lost." ], [ "It is easy to make promises, but hard of keeping them. And it'll be difficult for your right hand not just a little bit more than the left one; when you have put that in its pocket and nobody can hear anything else..." ], [ "It is difficult to get ahead in the dark, but it’s easy for people inside of you." ], [ "This is the situation in this beautiful land of Timor-Leste, because despite how many times governments have changed with various pledges from those who are ruling it but people will continue to live under poverty and misery." ], [ "Joy and sadness filled the hearts of all people in more than 350 communities that President Taur Matan Ruak has already visited, because they feel during this period benefiting from independence is dollar at their home." ], [ "\"I have visited many villages in Timor-Leste (TL), because I want to hear your suffering and distress." ], [ "I'm here to thank you for everything that has been done so today East Timor can become an independent country,\" said Taur Matan Ruak before all the people who came out in crowds." ], [ "The majority of the people, from children to young adults and elderly persons do not hesitate on a hot day or long night in walking far off their homes for one moment before this Head Of State." ], [ "It was very painful to see the children and elderly people who could not walk too, they came down from their beds waiting for Taur Matan Ruak at his place of residence in order that each one would express its suffering." ], [ "\"Moris di'ak so come swiftly, if we are determined to fight together against poverty and misery." ], [ "We have to look at the balance for development,\" affirms this Head of State." ], [ "Taur Matan Ruak added that East Timor is one family, and it belongs to all people of the country." ], [ "Taur Matan Ruak continues to encourage his royalty who never collapsed when he heard him say that independence is like a bridge for the people walking from one river into another, because they haven't had better lives." ], [ "\"The greatest threat to the country is not from abroad, but in our own homeland. As citizens' disclosure of development that takes place within their countries; Government must find ways and means for solving this problem\", reports Taur Matan Ruak.\"Cornelis Tapo\"." ] ]
Postu saúde Serelau, laiha pesoál saúde - GMN TV\nGMN TV Regional Postu saúde Serelau, laiha pesoál saúde\nKomunidade iha suku Serelau, Postu Administrativu Lautém, Munisípiu Lautém, Governu harii ona postu saúde kuaze tinan ida resin, maibé iha difikuldade mak laiha pesoál saúde ne’ebé destaka hodi hala’o servisu iha postu refere.\nXefe suku Serelau, Denojio Soares, hatete, situasaun ne’e difikulta tebes komunidade sira iha suku ne’e, bainhira moras, partu.\n“Ami difikuldade boot tebes liu-liu atendimentu saúde nia, tanba durante ne’e ami iha postu saúde iha, maibé infelismente pesoál saúde sira abandona tiha ona kuaze tinan ida ona no postu saude ne’e mamuk hela. Tanba ne’e hau hanesan Xefe Suku la’os COVID no HIV-SIDA ne’e deit mak fó ameasa ba ami, maibé moras sira seluk ne’ebé durante ne’e ita nia komunidade no populasaun infrenta ida ne’e hanesan ameasa bo’ot ida ba ami,”informa autoridade lokál ne’e, ba JNDIÁRIO, hafoin partisipa semináriu kona-bá prevensaun no kombate HIV-SIDA iha sede suku Serelau, Kuarta (18/08).\nDiretór Saúde Munisípiu Lautém, Bernardo Amaral Lopes, konfirma nia parte estabelese ona planu kona-ba servisu movél, tanba menus rekursu umanu iha servisu saúde nian.\n“Hau orienta sentru saúde Lautém hodi hala’o movel clinic, ami sempre tinan-tinan hato’o ami nia planu no rekursu ba Ministériu Saúde” dehan Diretór Saúde ne’e.\nDadaun ne’e komunidade husi suku Serelau, tenke viajen kuaze kilómetru sanulu husi suku, ba hala’o tratamentu iha sentru saúde Lautém Villa.Axs
[ "Postu saude Serelau, laiha pesoal saude - GMN TV GMN TV Regional Postu saude Serelau, laiha pesoal saude Komunidade iha suku Serelau, Postu Administrativu Lautem, Munisipiu Lautem, Governu harii ona postu saude kuaze tinan ida resin, maibe iha difikuldade mak laiha pesoal saude ne'ebe destaka hodi hala'o servisu iha postu refere.", "Xefe suku Serelau, Denojio Soares, hatete, situasaun ne'e difikulta tebes komunidade sira iha suku ne'e, bainhira moras, partu.", "\"Ami difikuldade boot tebes liu-liu atendimentu saude nia, tanba durante ne'e ami iha postu saude iha, maibe infelismente pesoal saude sira abandona tiha ona kuaze tinan ida ona no postu saude ne'e mamuk hela.", "Tanba ne'e hau hanesan Xefe Suku la'os COVID no HIV-SIDA ne'e deit mak fo ameasa ba ami, maibe moras sira seluk ne'ebe durante ne'e ita nia komunidade no populasaun infrenta ida ne'e hanesan ameasa bo'ot ida ba ami,\"informa autoridade lokal ne'e, ba JNDIARIO, hafoin partisipa seminariu kona-ba prevensaun no kombate HIV-SIDA iha sede suku Serelau, Kuarta (18/08).", "Diretor Saude Munisipiu Lautem, Bernardo Amaral Lopes, konfirma nia parte estabelese ona planu kona-ba servisu movel, tanba menus rekursu umanu iha servisu saude nian.", "\"Hau orienta sentru saude Lautem hodi hala'o movel clinic, ami sempre tinan-tinan hato'o ami nia planu no rekursu ba Ministeriu Saude\" dehan Diretor Saude ne'e.", "Dadaun ne'e komunidade husi suku Serelau, tenke viajen kuaze kilometru sanulu husi suku, ba hala'o tratamentu iha sentru saude Lautem Villa.Axs" ]
[ [ "Postu saude Serelau, laiha pesoal saúde - GMN TV Regional The community in the village of Serala's administrative post office Lautem Municipality. Government has established a health station almost one year ago but there are difficulties with no staff to carry out their work at this place 10 years later and still they have not found any person who can take care for them as it is hardly possible that someone will be able do so now!" ], [ "The head of the Serelau village, Denojio Soares said that this situation makes it very difficult for communities to go there when they are ill or have a child." ], [ "\"We have had great difficulties especially in terms of health care, because during this time we were able to operate a medical post but unfortunately the doctors abandoned it almost one year ago and now is failing." ], [ "Therefore, I as the Village Head not only COVID and HIV-AIDS is a threat to us but other diseases that during this time our community faced it was an enormous menace for me\", said local authorities informed JNDIARIO after attending seminar on prevention of AIDS at Serelau village headquarters Thursday (18/09)." ], [ "Lautem Municipal Health Director, Bernardo Amaral Lopes confirmed that his department has already established plans for mobile work because of the lack in human resources within health services." ], [ "\"I have directed Lautem health centre to carry out mobile clinic, we always submit our plan and resources every year for the Ministry of Health\" said Director." ], [ "Today, the community of Serelau village has to travel almost 10 kilometers from their hometown for treatment at Lautem Villa.AXS health center in Teresópolis (Brazil)." ] ]
TIMOR DOBEN FURAK: A VOZ DA LIBERTAÇÃO: 03/07/12\nXanana: Estado Iha Obrigasaun Atu Valoriza Avo Xavi\nPrimeiru Ministru Xanana Gusmão, hateten bazeia ba konstituisaun RDTL artigu 11 katak estadu iha obrigasaun atu valoriza ba ema ne’ebé ba independensia nasional.\n“tuir ita nia konstituisaun artigu 11 katak ita nia estadu iha obrigasaun atu valoriza ema ne’ebé luta ba independensia nasional , hanesan Senhor Francisco Xavier do Amaral, la’os deit lutador ba independensia,” dehan Xanana iha Palasiu Governu Tersa ne’e (06/12)\nXanana hatutan, “Francisco Xavier do Aramal hetan ona rekonhesimentu ba nia estatutu nudar proklamador independensia nudar primeiru prezidente Republika Demokrátika Timor Leste nian, nune’e nia hetna mos direitu hotu-hotu kona ba rejime legal eis titular orgaun soberania”.\nChefi Governu informa, Timor Leste rekonhese Francisco Xavier do Amaral nudar figura preteniente ida ba luta libertasaun independesia Timor Leste nian.\n“tamba ne’e maka bainhira nia lakon nia vida, nia husik hela ita, estadu iha dever atu presta onra nebe adekuadu hodi nune’e bele fo hanoin nafatin no reflete ba ema nebe fo nia partisipasaun signifikativa ba independensia,” dehan Nia.\nXanana Haktuir , tuir artigu 14, alinea a. lei no.2/2007 18 de Janeiru , tuir mos rezolusaun Parlamentu Nasional No.10/2007 25 de Julho, dekreta lutu nasional iha teritoriu nasional tomak nudar sinal mate nian ba proklamador independensia Francisco Xavier do Amaral, nune’e ho obrigasaun hodi hasa’e bandeira nasional ho meia asta deit ka setengah tiang.\nAntes taka chefi governu deklara “Ho laran triste hosi Konsellu Ministru ho membru governu IV Governu Konstitusionál ami fo hatene ba povu katak, hahu ohin ita hotu husu ba Maromak lori Sr. Fransisco Xavier do Amaral, ba nia sorin hodi tulun nafatin ita, iha ita-nia moris loroloron nian, no ami Konsellu Ministru ho IV Governu Konstitusional ho familia hato’o kondelensia ba militante partidu ASDT, hahu hosi Turiskai no seluk tan iha Palasiu. (TE)\nPosted by TIMOR DOBEN FURAK at 22:55\nDom Basilio do Nascimento: "Kampania Laiha, Laos Kandidatu PR"\nSUARA TIMOR LOROSAE - Josefa Parada - Tersa, 06 Marsu 2012\nDILI- Bispo Deoseze Baucau, Dom Basilio do Nascimento hatete Kandidatu Prezidente Republika periode 2012-2017, nebe la halo kampania laos kandidatura Prezidente, tamba nunka hatudu programa ba povu durante kampania.\n“ Se kandidatu la halo kampania laos kandidatu, kandidatu sira mosu atu halo kampania depois povu mak hare hili ida nebe tuir povu nia hare ne’e, laos hare ida nebe promesa barak liu maibe ida nebe mak povu iha konfiansa,” dehan Dom basilio ba Jornalista Segunda (5/3) iha rezidensia Bispu Baucau Pantai Kelapa.\nIgreja nia konfiansa tuir D. Basilio, igreja nia konfinsa liu Jesus Kristu, maibe Jesus Kristu la aprezenta aan hanesan kandidadu pois mak hare bainhira sira aprezenta aan mak ema sira husi igreja nian mos Hili.\nIha fatin seluk Komandante Operasaun PNTL, Superintendente Xefe Armando Monteiro hateten, desde inisiu Komando Jeral PNTL prepara unidade especial, sub unidade seguransa pessoal, prepara membru hamutuk 52 ba kandidatura sira, maibe ba kandidatura Taur Matan Ruak tanba iha lei organika mak fo prioridade hetan siguransa. Timotio Gusmão\nXanana: Estado Iha Obrigasaun Atu Valoriza Avo Xav...\nDom Basilio do Nascimento: "Kampania Laiha, Laos K...
[ "TIMOR DOBEN FURAK: A VOZ DA LIBERTACAO: 03/07/12 Xanana: Estado Iha Obrigasaun Atu Valoriza Avo Xavi Primeiru Ministru Xanana Gusmao, hateten bazeia ba konstituisaun RDTL artigu 11 katak estadu iha obrigasaun atu valoriza ba ema ne'ebe ba independensia nasional. \"tuir ita nia konstituisaun artigu 11 katak ita nia estadu iha obrigasaun atu valoriza ema ne'ebe luta ba independensia nasional , hanesan Senhor Francisco Xavier do Amaral, la'os deit lutador ba independensia,\" dehan Xanana iha Palasiu Governu Tersa ne'e (06/12) Xanana hatutan, \"Francisco Xavier do Aramal hetan ona rekonhesimentu ba nia estatutu nudar proklamador independensia nudar primeiru prezidente Republika Demokratika Timor Leste nian, nune'e nia hetna mos direitu hotu-hotu kona ba rejime legal eis titular orgaun soberania.\"", "Chefi Governu informa, Timor Leste rekonhese Francisco Xavier do Amaral nudar figura preteniente ida ba luta libertasaun independesia Timor Leste nian. \"tamba ne'e maka bainhira nia lakon nia vida, nia husik hela ita, estadu iha dever atu presta onra nebe adekuadu hodi nune'e bele fo hanoin nafatin no reflete ba ema nebe fo nia partisipasaun signifikativa ba independensia,\" dehan Nia.", "Xanana Haktuir , tuir artigu 14, alinea a. lei no.2/2007 18 de Janeiru , tuir mos rezolusaun Parlamentu Nasional No.10/2007 25 de Julho, dekreta lutu nasional iha teritoriu nasional tomak nudar sinal mate nian ba proklamador independensia Francisco Xavier do Amaral, nune'e ho obrigasaun hodi hasa'e bandeira nasional ho meia asta deit ka setengah tiang.", "Antes taka chefi governu deklara \"Ho laran triste hosi Konsellu Ministru ho membru governu IV Governu Konstitusional ami fo hatene ba povu katak, hahu ohin ita hotu husu ba Maromak lori Sr. Fransisco Xavier do Amaral, ba nia sorin hodi tulun nafatin ita, iha ita-nia moris loroloron nian, no ami Konsellu Ministru ho IV Governu Konstitusional ho familia hato'o kondelensia ba militante partidu ASDT, hahu hosi Turiskai no seluk tan iha Palasiu.", "(TE) Posted by TIMOR DOBEN FURAK at 22:55 Dom Basilio do Nascimento: \"Kampania Laiha, Laos Kandidatu PR\" SUARA TIMOR LOROSAE - Josefa Parada - Tersa, 06 Marsu 2012 DILI- Bispo Deoseze Baucau, Dom Basilio do Nascimento hatete Kandidatu Prezidente Republika periode 2012-2017, nebe la halo kampania laos kandidatura Prezidente, tamba nunka hatudu programa ba povu durante kampania. \"", "Se kandidatu la halo kampania laos kandidatu, kandidatu sira mosu atu halo kampania depois povu mak hare hili ida nebe tuir povu nia hare ne'e, laos hare ida nebe promesa barak liu maibe ida nebe mak povu iha konfiansa,\" dehan Dom basilio ba Jornalista Segunda (5/3) iha rezidensia Bispu Baucau Pantai Kelapa.", "Igreja nia konfiansa tuir D. Basilio, igreja nia konfinsa liu Jesus Kristu, maibe Jesus Kristu la aprezenta aan hanesan kandidadu pois mak hare bainhira sira aprezenta aan mak ema sira husi igreja nian mos Hili.", "Iha fatin seluk Komandante Operasaun PNTL, Superintendente Xefe Armando Monteiro hateten, desde inisiu Komando Jeral PNTL prepara unidade especial, sub unidade seguransa pessoal, prepara membru hamutuk 52 ba kandidatura sira, maibe ba kandidatura Taur Matan Ruak tanba iha lei organika mak fo prioridade hetan siguransa.", "Timotio Gusmao Xanana: Estado Iha Obrigasaun Atu Valoriza Avo Xav...", "Dom Basilio do Nascimento: \"Kampania Laiha, Laos K..." ]
[ [ "TIMOR DOBEN FURAK: A VOZ DA LIBERTACAO 03/12 Prime Minister Xanana Gusmao, said based on the Constitution of Timor-Leste article.7 that state has an obligation to value people who fight for national independence \"according our constitution Article (6) this is not just a struggle but also one which must be recognized by all parties involved in it\" and added furthermore “Francisco Xavier do Aramal's status as proclaimer independenty was recognised at first presidentially election therefore he had every right regardings legal regime before being titular sovereign organ.”" ], [ "The Head of Government informed that East Timor recognizes Francisco Xavier do Amaral as a preeminent figure for the struggle to liberate and achieve independence. \"So when he lost his life, leaving us behind it is our duty at all times so we can reflect on those who contributed significantly towards freedom\", she said.\"" ], [ "Xanana Haktuir, pursuant to article 14(a) of law no.2/07 January the first and also in accordance with National Parliament Resolution No-96538 on July fifteenth decrees national silence throughout all country as a sign that independence proclaimer Francisco Xavier do Amaral has died; hence an obligation for raising only half or one pole flags at every place publicly opened by people who are not members from his party (or any other political group)." ], [ "Before closing, the head of government declared \"With sadness in our hearts as Council Of Minister and IV Constitutional Government members we inform people that from today onwards all pray to God for Mr. Fransisco Xavier do Amara' s death so he may continue helping us with everyday life; We also express condolences by this way at his family & ASDT party militant’ ones starting out through Turiskai into Palasiu Palace.\"" ], [ "(TE) Posted by TIMOR DOBEN FURAK at 23:05 Dom Basilio do Nascimento says \"No Campaign, No Candidate for President\" VOA TIMOR-LOROSE - Josefa Parada – Tersa/Friday March.6th /17 Dili– Bishop Deoseze Baucau said that the candidates of Timor Leste' s presidential election period from January to December this year who have not made any campaign are no candidacy because they never showed a program during their elections.\"" ], [ "If the candidate does not campaign as a non-candidate, then they will come up to do so after people have seen who he chooses in their eyes. They won't see one with more promise but someone that is trusted by them\", Dom Basilio told journalist Monday (5/3) at Bishop Baucau residence Pantai Kelapa bishop basilio said on Sunday morning during his visit of Diocese de Bacau" ], [ "The confidence of the church according to D. Basilio, is that it believes in Jesus Christ more than anything else; but he did not present himself as a candidate because when they presented themselves people from all over his country also chose him for their presidential nomination and so on..." ], [ "On the other hand, Chief Superintendent of Police Operations Armando Monteiro said that since its inception PNTL General Command has been preparing a special unit and personal security sub-unit with 52 members for all candidatures. But it was Taur Matan Ruak' s candidacy which received priority because there is an organic law to ensure this safety; he added: \"There are two candidate groups who have not yet made their way into politics.\"" ], [ "Timotio Gusmaos Xanana: The State Has An Obligation To Valuize the Work Of A..." ], [ "Bishop Basilio do Nascimento: \"Kampania Laiha, Laos K..." ] ]
Kiakilir: Livru “CHEGA” ba jerasaun foun\nMinistériu Edukasaun hamutuk ho Asosiasaun Chega Ba Ita (ACBIT), lansa livru ho títulu “CHEGA” iha salaun konferensia Ministériu Edukasun, Vila Verde, Díli, iha loron 22 Jullu 2013. Livru hamutuk 7,500 ne’e, atu distribui ba alunu sira iha teritóriu Timor laran tomak.\nMinistru Edukasaun, Bendito dos Santos Freitas, hateten, “ Livru ne’e importante ba estudante sira atu estuda no hatene kona-ba istória nasionál ba luta libertasaun nasionál no aumenta referénsia ba materiál didátiku, liuliu kona-ba akontesimentu polítiku hahú iha tinan 1974 to’o prosesu referendu tinan 1999.\nIha fatin hanesan, Manuela Leong, Diretora Assosiasaun Chega Ba Ita (ACBIT), hateten, “Razaun hakerek livur ne’e, tanba bazeia ba rekomendasaun husi CAVR nia relatóriu, ne’ebé ko’alia kona-ba Departementu Edukasaun. Matéria sira-ne’e sai nu’udar mata-dalan ba planu kuríkullu nasionál, atu hanorin istória, siénsia no polítika relasaun internasionál no lei.\nLivru CHEGA ne’e iha volume 1 to’o 5, ho pájina hamutuk 230 hakerek ho dalen Portugés. Livru volume dahuluk, hakerek kona-ba rekomendasaun CAVR nian. Volume daruak, hakerek kona-ba istória konflitu, volume datoluk, kona-ba auto-determinasaun. volume dahaat, kona-ba violasaun direitu umanu I no volume 5 hakerek mós kona-ba violasaun diretu umanu II.\nOhin-loron Timor-leste presiza previne konflitu. Tanba Timor-leste nia ukun aan, hetan husi povu Timor-Leste nia sofrimentu. Jerasaun foun tenke hatene istória ne’e. Ita mós ajuda labarik sira, hadook aan husi violasaun iha futuru,” nia dehan.\nMarka prezensa iha lansamentu ne’e, Vise Ministru Edukasaun ba Ensinu Sekundária, Virgilo Simith, Vise Ministra ba Ensinu Báziku, Dulce de Jesus Soares, hamutuk ho Diretór Nasionál sira no funsionáriu sira husi (ACBIT).\nPublicada por Kiakilir à(s) 15:46
[ "Kiakilir: Livru \"CHEGA\" ba jerasaun foun Ministeriu Edukasaun hamutuk ho Asosiasaun Chega Ba Ita (ACBIT), lansa livru ho titulu \"CHEGA\" iha salaun konferensia Ministeriu Edukasun, Vila Verde, Dili, iha loron 22 Jullu 2013.", "Livru hamutuk 7,500 ne'e, atu distribui ba alunu sira iha teritoriu Timor laran tomak.", "Ministru Edukasaun, Bendito dos Santos Freitas, hateten, \" Livru ne'e importante ba estudante sira atu estuda no hatene kona-ba istoria nasional ba luta libertasaun nasional no aumenta referensia ba material didatiku, liuliu kona-ba akontesimentu politiku hahu iha tinan 1974 to'o prosesu referendu tinan 1999.", "Iha fatin hanesan, Manuela Leong, Diretora Assosiasaun Chega Ba Ita (ACBIT), hateten, \"Razaun hakerek livur ne'e, tanba bazeia ba rekomendasaun husi CAVR nia relatoriu, ne'ebe ko'alia kona-ba Departementu Edukasaun.", "Materia sira-ne'e sai nu'udar mata-dalan ba planu kurikullu nasional, atu hanorin istoria, siensia no politika relasaun internasional no lei.", "Livru CHEGA ne'e iha volume 1 to'o 5, ho pajina hamutuk 230 hakerek ho dalen Portuges.", "Livru volume dahuluk, hakerek kona-ba rekomendasaun CAVR nian.", "Volume daruak, hakerek kona-ba istoria konflitu, volume datoluk, kona-ba auto-determinasaun. volume dahaat, kona-ba violasaun direitu umanu I no volume 5 hakerek mos kona-ba violasaun diretu umanu II.", "Ohin-loron Timor-leste presiza previne konflitu.", "Tanba Timor-leste nia ukun aan, hetan husi povu Timor-Leste nia sofrimentu.", "Jerasaun foun tenke hatene istoria ne'e.", "Ita mos ajuda labarik sira, hadook aan husi violasaun iha futuru,\" nia dehan.", "Marka prezensa iha lansamentu ne'e, Vise Ministru Edukasaun ba Ensinu Sekundaria, Virgilo Simith, Vise Ministra ba Ensinu Baziku, Dulce de Jesus Soares, hamutuk ho Diretor Nasional sira no funsionariu sira husi (ACBIT).", "Publicada por Kiakilir a (s) 15:46" ]
[ [ "Kiakilir: Book \"CHEGA\" for the new generation Ministry of Education together with Association Chega Ba Ita (ACBIT), launched a book entitled, “ChegA” in conference hall at Ministeriu Edukasun Vila Verde Dili on July 23rd." ], [ "The 7,501 books will be distributed to pupils throughout Timor-Leste." ], [ "Education Minister, Bendito dos Santos Freitas said: \"This book is important for students to study and know about the national history of our liberation struggle. It will also increase reference in teaching material especially on political events from 1974 until referendum processes started back then.\"" ], [ "Manuela Leong, Director of the Association Chega Ba Ita (ACBIT), said: \"The reason for writing this book is based on recommendations from CAVR's report which deals with Department Of Education." ], [ "These subjects have served as guidelines for the national curriculum to teach history, science and politics international relations & law." ], [ "The book CHEGA consists of volume 1 to the fifth, with a total page count in Portuguese language." ], [ "The first volume of the book, written on CAVR's recommendations." ], [ "Volume two, writes about the history of conflict; volume three is on self-determination. The fourth and final book deals with human rights violations I & 5 also described direct violations II" ], [ "Every day East Timor needs to prevent conflict." ], [ "Because East Timor gained its independence, the suffering of it was shared by all people." ], [ "The new generation must know this story." ], [ "We also help the children, protecting them from future rapes,” he said." ], [ "The launch was attended by Vice Minister of Secondary Education, Virgilo Simith; Deputy Secretary to the Primeiro-Ministro for Basic Schools Dulce de Jesus Soares together with National Director and staff from ACBIT." ], [ "Publicada por Kiakilir a(s) 15:46 da tarde" ] ]
Harii Suku Foun, MAE Laiha Intensaun Politika - TIMOR AGORA\nHarii Suku Foun, MAE Laiha Intensaun Politika\nDILI – Relasiona politika Ministru Administrasaun Estatal (MAE) nian hodi estabelese tan suku foun 10 iha Timor Leste nee, laiha interese politika ruma neebe mosu iha prosesu nee.\nTuir Ministru Administrasaun Estatal (MAE), Dionisio Babo Soares katak, MAE laiha intensaun politika iha prosesu harii suku foun nee, maibe ida nee ezijensia husi populasaun sira.\nLaiha ho intensaun politik, nein buat ida porque ita nia povu laos foin primeira vez mak atu ba iha eleisaun parlamentares ou eleisaun prezidensiais,” dehan Dionisio liu husi plenaria iha PN-Dili, Segunda (05/06/2017).\nDionisio haktuir, prosesu harii suku foun nee mos iha rekoinesementu, nee fo ho antesidensia katak sira iha koinesementu tiha ona, sira neebe larekoinese mos fo hatene.\nIha fatin hanesan, Deputadu Bankada Fretilin, Aurelio Guteres dehan, Governu liu husi Ministru Administrasaun Estatal (MAE) bele aumenta suku foun labele besik eleisaun nee.\nNunee mos, Bankada Fretilin, Josefa Pereira dehan, harii suku foun nee tuir lolos tenke haree ba espasu determinadu katak kada suku ida tenke iha ninia baliza. Raimundo Sarmento Fraga
[ "Harii Suku Foun, MAE Laiha Intensaun Politika - TIMOR AGORA Harii Suku Foun, MAE Laiha Intensaun Politika DILI - Relasiona politika Ministru Administrasaun Estatal (MAE) nian hodi estabelese tan suku foun 10 iha Timor Leste nee, laiha interese politika ruma neebe mosu iha prosesu nee.", "Tuir Ministru Administrasaun Estatal (MAE), Dionisio Babo Soares katak, MAE laiha intensaun politika iha prosesu harii suku foun nee, maibe ida nee ezijensia husi populasaun sira.", "Laiha ho intensaun politik, nein buat ida porque ita nia povu laos foin primeira vez mak atu ba iha eleisaun parlamentares ou eleisaun prezidensiais,\" dehan Dionisio liu husi plenaria iha PN-Dili, Segunda (05/06/2017).", "Dionisio haktuir, prosesu harii suku foun nee mos iha rekoinesementu, nee fo ho antesidensia katak sira iha koinesementu tiha ona, sira neebe larekoinese mos fo hatene.", "Iha fatin hanesan, Deputadu Bankada Fretilin, Aurelio Guteres dehan, Governu liu husi Ministru Administrasaun Estatal (MAE) bele aumenta suku foun labele besik eleisaun nee.", "Nunee mos, Bankada Fretilin, Josefa Pereira dehan, harii suku foun nee tuir lolos tenke haree ba espasu determinadu katak kada suku ida tenke iha ninia baliza.", "Raimundo Sarmento Fraga" ]
[ [ "Establishment of 10 New Sukus, MAE Has No Political Intention - TIMOR AGORA Estimating the Number Of Villagers in Timor-Leste: A Study by Minister for State Administration Dili – With regard to policy adopted on Tuesday (28/9) from Ministry For National Development and Governmental Affairs with a view towards establishing ten new villager communities across East Тимор there is no political interest involved." ], [ "According to the Minister of State Administration (MAE), Dionisio Babo Soares, MAE has no political intentions in establishing this new village but it is a demand from its population." ], [ "There is no political intention, nothing because our people are not going to parliamentary or presidential elections for the first time,” Dionisio said during a plenary session in PN-Dili on Monday (05/17)." ], [ "Dionisio said that the process of establishing a new village is also in recognition, it was given with an anticipation which they had already agreed to. Those who did not recognize were told about this as well :" ], [ "In the same vein, Fretilin Group MP Aurelio Guteres said that government through Minister of State Administration (MAE) could increase new villages not close to elections." ], [ "Similarly, Fretilin’s deputy chairwoman Josefa Pereira said that the establishment of a new village would have to be based on an area determined by each community." ], [ "Raimundo Sarmento Fraga" ] ]
By Tempo Timor July 19, 2020 5732\nLista Asesor ho sira nia salariu iha MTKI Foto Eskluxivu\nPolitika governu iha altura ne’ebá hodi oferese pozisaun refere ba Rigoberto tanba mós kandidatu ba Ministru Turizmu, Komersiu no Industria Francisco Kalbuadi Lay, tama mós iha lista pendente membru governu konstitusional daulu.\nHafoin hetan konfiansa ida ne’e, deskonfia, liu fulan ida, Rigoberto hahú fó serbisu ba asesor nasional na’in 12 no asesor internasional na’in 3.\nEntretantu, molok Rigoberto tama iha MTKI, iha ona asesor nasional na’in 9 mak serbisu iha ne’ebá. Signifika, hafoin Rigoberto tama no iha rekrutamentu ba asesor nasional no internasional, total asesor ne’ebé serbisu iha MTKI hamutuk na’in 26.\nTuir informasaun husi fonte www.tempotimor.com, ne’ebé lakohi públika ninia identidade, asesor na’in 15 husi total asesor na’in 25 ne’e, serbisu iha MTKI tanba Rigoberto mak bolu sira.\n"Momentu Ministru Turizmu Komersiu Industria (MTKI) laiha no Ministru Interinu mak Agio Pereira, entaun governu nomeia Jacinto Rigoberto de Deus mak sai asesor prinsipal par tau-matan ba Ministériu, entaun nia (Rigoberto) kala sente bele ou labele ka todan mak ne'e, entaun nia haruka proposta ba Ministru Interinu atu presiza tan asesor, entaun Ministru Interinu aprova, nia (Rigoberto) bolu tan asesor hirak ne'e mai. Asesor sira ne'e bolu de'it,” dehan fonte ne’e.\nKonserteza, ho titlu asesor ne’ebé ema na’in 26 lori, inklui Rigoberto, salariu ne’ebé governu tenke fó ba sira mós la’os kiik.\nTuir lista ne’ebé www.tempotimor.com asesu, asesor ho salariu boot mak $8,000.00 kada fulan, no salariu kiik liu mak $700.00 kada fulan.\nAsesor ho salariu $8,000.00 kada fulan mak asesor internasional na’in rua, asesor juridiku ba gabinete ministru, Joao Lourenco Conrado de Evangelista Monge; no asesor juridiku iha GATJ, George Barbosa da Silva.\nJacinto Rigoberto nu’udar asesor prinsipal gabinete ministru, simu salariu $6,500.00 kada fulan, okupa númeru daruak husi asesor ho salariu boot liu.\nTuir mai, Lucia Isabel de Oliveira Vieira, nu’udar asesor internasional ho pozisaun Assesoria Teknika ba area Turizmu, Komersiu no Industria, iha gabinete ministru ho salariu $6,000.00 kada fulan.\nAsesor ho salariu $5,000.00 kada fulan mak Assesora Ezekutiva iha Area Planeamentu no Administrasaun iha gabinete ministru, Catarina Filomena Barromeu Duarte Soares.\nAsesor nasional ho $3,500.00 kada fulan mak asesor juridiku iha GATJ, Benevides Correia Barros. Hanesan informasaun, iha GATJ iha asesor na’in rua, ida asesor internasional no ida fali asesor nasional.\nTuir mai, asesor nasional ne’ebé fó asesoria ba Inpetór Jeral Jogos mak Adalberto dos Santos Fernandes Alves ho salariu $3,000.00 kada fulan.\nIha asesor nasionál na’in rua iha gabinete ministru ne’ebé ho salariu $2,500.00 kada fulan, mak Assesor ba Area Promosaun Komersiu, Alexandre Pires, no Assesor ba area Aprovizioamentu no Jestaun Finanseira, Egidio Dinis Martins.\nAsesor seluk iha gabinete ministru ho salariu $2,000.00 kada fulan mak Assesor ba Area Administrasaun, Alves Gomes Martins, no Assesor Finansas, Aprovizionamentu no Logistika MTKI, Augusto Panao Amaral.\nAsesor ho salariu $1,500.00 kada fulan mak Assesor ba area Tradusaun Tiago Jose M. B. D. Soares; Assesoria ba area Turizmu Firmino Taequi; Assesoria ba area Jogos, Saul Salvador H. J. Amaral; Assesor ba area Promosaun Komersiu, Jose Maria Goncalves; no Assesor Ispetór Jeral Jogos, Anacleto Freitas.\nAsesor nasionál na’in ida iha gabinete ministru ho pozisaun asesora mak Diamantina Mendonca de Araujo, ho salariu $1,200.00 kada fulan.\nTuir mai, iha asesor na’in rua iha gabinete ministru ne’ebé hala’o funsaun hanesan, Assesor ba Area Turizmu Komunitariu, ho salariu $1,000.00 kada fulan, mak Maria Franga Guterres, no Salustiana Maria da Costa Simoes.\nAsesor nasional iha DGCAFP ho salariu $750.00 mak T.A. Protokolo no Relasaun Publika, Agostinha Maria dos Santos, no Assesoria Protokolo, Joao Baptista Floriondo da Costa Guterres, no mós asesor iha Diresaun Nasional Aprovizionamentu ho pozisaun Konsultor Nasional Joenel Mario Noronha.\nIha númeru ikus liu mak asesor nasional iha Gabinete Diretor Jeral Industria no pozisaun Konsultór Nasionál mak Helio Americo Deus Sarmento ho salariu $700.00 kada fulan.\nHusi total asesor ne’e, kada fulan MTCI tenke hasai osan hamutuk $67,400.00, signifika, durante Rigoberto nia mandatu ba tinan rua ho balun, MTCI gasta osan liu $1,617,600.00 hodi selu asesor sira.\nRigoberto Duun ba Agio ho Fidelis\nCaption : Ministru Fidelis Magalhães hamutuk ho asesor Prinsipal Jacinto Rigoberto hasoru malu ho asesos no bo'ot sira husi MTKI iha Agusto 2019 Foto : Facebook MRLAP\nEntretantu, eis asesor principal MTKI Jacinto Rigoberto de Deus hatete, desizaun no aprovasaun ba rekrutamentu asesor durante nia tau-matan mai husi Ministru MTCI Interinu Agio Pereira no Fidelis Leite Magalhaes.\n"Asesor iha MTKI hamutuk na'in 26 ne'e kompetensia Ministru Interinu nian, la'os asesor mak asina fali asesor nia kontratu," dehan nia.\nRigoberto esplika, durante asumi responsablidade hanesan asesor prinsipal iha MTKI, nia funsaun mak atu fasilita de'it servisu Ministru Interinu ninian, tan ne’e kualker desizaun mai husi Ministru Interinu.\n"Durante ha’u-nia mandatu, ha’u hanesan asesor prinsipal iha MTKI par atu bele fasilita servisu Ministru ninian nu'udár Ministru Interinu, depois ita-boot sira akompaña durante periodu enfrenta hela ho orsamentu duadesimu to'o mai Covid-19 mosu, ne’ebé laiha progresu importante mak la'o iha MTKI, iha planu barak seidauk bele realiza, tanba orsamentu seidauk aprova."\nDurante iha MTKI, nia hatete, planu prioridade ne'ebé atu implementa mak dezenvolve area industria no turizmu komunitariu.\n"Planu mak halo parte industria no turizmu komunitariu sira hotu, maibé la konsege tanba orsamentu laiha," dehan nia.\nKona-ba situasaun asesor na’in 25 seluk, Rigoberto dehan, nia laiha ona kompetensia atu intervene, tanba asuntu ne'e kabe ba Ministru Interinu.\n"Asesor nai'n 25 iha MTKI ha’u la hatene no la interven ida ne'e, tanba kompetensia Ministru nian no kompetensia membru governu ninian mak deside atu hapara ou kontinua, tanba ha’u mós laiha ne'eba ona, ne'ebé ha’u la hatene ona kona-ba situasaun iha ne’eba."\n"Ha’u delega hanesan asesor, maibé la'os hanesan kompetensia legal par asina ida ne'e ou ida ne’eba, ha’u so apezar vistu ka check de'it," dehan nia.\nKona-ba númeru asesor, Rigoberto hatete, númeru asesor kada ministériu barak, la'os iha MTKI de'it.\n"MTKI ne'e ministériu ne'ebé boot. Asesor 20 ka 100 ne'e la'os kestaun, maibé kestaun ne'e see mak iha kompetensia aprova asesor hira-hira, i la'os iha MTKI de'it mak asesor barak maibé, Ministériu hotu-hotu asesor barak. Asesor iha MTKI ulu-uluk sira ne'e naran tau hamutuk hotu iha ne'eba par atu husu Ministru estende ou hapara," dehan Rigoberto.\nMaske nune’e, nia rekoñese duni katak, nia mak aprezenta proposta ba rekrutamentu asesor ba Ministru MTKI interinu hodi bele hetan aprovasaun, tanba atu rekruta asesor la’os ninia kompetensia, maibé ministru ninia kompetensia.\n"Rekrutamentu asesor ne'e ha’u hato'o proposta de'it, maibé aprova ne'e Ministru mak iha kompetensia par atu aprova ou lae, hanesan Timor-oan hakarak atu partisipa ne'e la taka dalan maibé, kabe ba Ministru atu aprova ou lae."\nKona-ba númeru asesor ne’ebé ajuda nia durante ninia mandatu, Rigoberto dehan, nia haluha ona, tanba asesor balun tama ona antes no seluk tama ikus.\n"Ha’u sai tiha ona, entaun haluha ona, tanba asesor sira ne'e balun tama uluk no balun ikus depois elabora hamutuk de'it."\nEntretantu, tuir lista ne’ebé www.tempotimor.com asesu, iha asesor na’in sia mak asina ona kontratu serbisu molok Jacinto Rigoberto asina kontratu serbisu nu’udar asesor prinsipal.\nIha asesor na’in 4 mak hahú tama serbisu husi tinan 2013 to’o 2017. Asesor ida mak hahú nia kontratu iha 1 Jullu 2013 mak asesor nasionál iha Diresaun Nasional Komersiu Interinu ho salariu $750.00 kada fulan; na’in ida hahú kontratu iha 22 Setembru 2015 mak asesor nasionál iha Diresaun Nasionál Aprovizionamentu ho salariu $750.00/fulan; na’in rua mak hahú kontratu iha 1 Janeiru 2017, ida iha Diresaun Jeral Komersiu ho salariu $2,500.00/fulan, no ida seluk iha Gabinete Diretor Jeral Industria ho salariu $750.00/fulan.\nEnkuantu, iha asesor nasional na’in lima (5) seluk ne’ebé hahú serbisu iha 1 Maiu 2019, fulan ida molok Jacinto Rigoberto hahú serbisu. Na’in ida ho salariu $750.00/fulan, na’in ida ho salariu $1,000.00/fulan, na’in rua ho salariu $1,500.00/fulan, no na’in ida ho salariu $2,500.00/fulan.\nHanesan informasaun, asesor hirak ne’ebé tama uluk Rigoberto, nia salariu boot liu mak $2,500.00/fulan, no kiik liu mak $700.00/fulan.\nTuir lista ne’e, Jacinto Rigoberto hahú hala’o serbisu nu’udar asesor prinsipal iha MTKI iha 1 Juñu 2019. Hafoin nia tau-matan ba MTKI, asesor foun hahú buras.\nAsesor na’in ida mak hahú asina kontratu iha 1 Jullu 2019, na’in sia (9) asina kontratu iha 15 Jullu 2019, na’in ida 1 Agostu 2019, na’in ida iha 15 Agostu 2019, na’in ida iha 1 Setembru 2019, na’in ida iha 19 Setembru 2019, no na’in ida iha 16 Outubru 2019.\nSignifika, hafoin Rigoberto asina kontratu hodi sai asesor prinsipal iha MTKI, iha asesor foun na’in 15 mak asina kontratu serbisu, kompostu husi asesor internasional na’in 3 no asesor nasional na’in 12.\nHusi total asesor ne’ebé tama hafoin Rigoberto tama MTKI, na’in ida mak ho salariu $750.00/fulan, ho salariu $1,000.00/fulan, na’in 4 ho salariu $1,500.00/fulan, na’in ida ho salariu $2,500.00/fulan, na’in 2 ho salariu $2,000.00/fulan, na’in ida ho salariu $3,000.00/fulan, na’in ida ho salariu $3,500.00/fulan, na’in ida ho salariu $5,000.00/fulan, na’in ida ho salariu $6,000.00/fulan, no na’in 2 ho salariu $8,000.00/fulan.\n« SEFOPE no Tender ne’ebé “Subar Intensaun” Akara no Politika Timorizasaun: Asesor Timor-oan 11 iha SEKomS nia Mahon »
[ "By Tempo Timor July 19, 2020 5732 Lista Asesor ho sira nia salariu iha MTKI Foto Eskluxivu Politika governu iha altura ne'eba hodi oferese pozisaun refere ba Rigoberto tanba mos kandidatu ba Ministru Turizmu, Komersiu no Industria Francisco Kalbuadi Lay, tama mos iha lista pendente membru governu konstitusional daulu.", "Hafoin hetan konfiansa ida ne'e, deskonfia, liu fulan ida, Rigoberto hahu fo serbisu ba asesor nasional na'in 12 no asesor internasional na'in 3.", "Entretantu, molok Rigoberto tama iha MTKI, iha ona asesor nasional na'in 9 mak serbisu iha ne'eba.", "Signifika, hafoin Rigoberto tama no iha rekrutamentu ba asesor nasional no internasional, total asesor ne'ebe serbisu iha MTKI hamutuk na'in 26.", "Tuir informasaun husi fonte www.tempotimor.com, ne'ebe lakohi publika ninia identidade, asesor na'in 15 husi total asesor na'in 25 ne'e, serbisu iha MTKI tanba Rigoberto mak bolu sira.", "\"Momentu Ministru Turizmu Komersiu Industria (MTKI) laiha no Ministru Interinu mak Agio Pereira, entaun governu nomeia Jacinto Rigoberto de Deus mak sai asesor prinsipal par tau-matan ba Ministeriu, entaun nia (Rigoberto) kala sente bele ou labele ka todan mak ne'e, entaun nia haruka proposta ba Ministru Interinu atu presiza tan asesor, entaun Ministru Interinu aprova, nia (Rigoberto) bolu tan asesor hirak ne'e mai.", "Asesor sira ne'e bolu de'it,\" dehan fonte ne'e.", "Konserteza, ho titlu asesor ne'ebe ema na'in 26 lori, inklui Rigoberto, salariu ne'ebe governu tenke fo ba sira mos la'os kiik.", "Tuir lista ne'ebe www.tempotimor.com asesu, asesor ho salariu boot mak $8,000.00 kada fulan, no salariu kiik liu mak $700.00 kada fulan.", "Asesor ho salariu $8,000.00 kada fulan mak asesor internasional na'in rua, asesor juridiku ba gabinete ministru, Joao Lourenco Conrado de Evangelista Monge; no asesor juridiku iha GATJ, George Barbosa da Silva.", "Jacinto Rigoberto nu'udar asesor prinsipal gabinete ministru, simu salariu $6,500.00 kada fulan, okupa numeru daruak husi asesor ho salariu boot liu.", "Tuir mai, Lucia Isabel de Oliveira Vieira, nu'udar asesor internasional ho pozisaun Assesoria Teknika ba area Turizmu, Komersiu no Industria, iha gabinete ministru ho salariu $6,000.00 kada fulan.", "Asesor ho salariu $5,000.00 kada fulan mak Assesora Ezekutiva iha Area Planeamentu no Administrasaun iha gabinete ministru, Catarina Filomena Barromeu Duarte Soares.", "Asesor nasional ho $3,500.00 kada fulan mak asesor juridiku iha GATJ, Benevides Correia Barros.", "Hanesan informasaun, iha GATJ iha asesor na'in rua, ida asesor internasional no ida fali asesor nasional.", "Tuir mai, asesor nasional ne'ebe fo asesoria ba Inpetor Jeral Jogos mak Adalberto dos Santos Fernandes Alves ho salariu $3,000.00 kada fulan.", "Iha asesor nasional na'in rua iha gabinete ministru ne'ebe ho salariu $2,500.00 kada fulan, mak Assesor ba Area Promosaun Komersiu, Alexandre Pires, no Assesor ba area Aprovizioamentu no Jestaun Finanseira, Egidio Dinis Martins.", "Asesor seluk iha gabinete ministru ho salariu $2,000.00 kada fulan mak Assesor ba Area Administrasaun, Alves Gomes Martins, no Assesor Finansas, Aprovizionamentu no Logistika MTKI, Augusto Panao Amaral.", "Asesor ho salariu $1,500.00 kada fulan mak Assesor ba area Tradusaun Tiago Jose M. B. D. Soares; Assesoria ba area Turizmu Firmino Taequi; Assesoria ba area Jogos, Saul Salvador H. J. Amaral; Assesor ba area Promosaun Komersiu, Jose Maria Goncalves; no Assesor Ispetor Jeral Jogos, Anacleto Freitas.", "Asesor nasional na'in ida iha gabinete ministru ho pozisaun asesora mak Diamantina Mendonca de Araujo, ho salariu $1,200.00 kada fulan.", "Tuir mai, iha asesor na'in rua iha gabinete ministru ne'ebe hala'o funsaun hanesan, Assesor ba Area Turizmu Komunitariu, ho salariu $1,000.00 kada fulan, mak Maria Franga Guterres, no Salustiana Maria da Costa Simoes.", "Asesor nasional iha DGCAFP ho salariu $750.00 mak T.A. Protokolo no Relasaun Publika, Agostinha Maria dos Santos, no Assesoria Protokolo, Joao Baptista Floriondo da Costa Guterres, no mos asesor iha Diresaun Nasional Aprovizionamentu ho pozisaun Konsultor Nasional Joenel Mario Noronha.", "Iha numeru ikus liu mak asesor nasional iha Gabinete Diretor Jeral Industria no pozisaun Konsultor Nasional mak Helio Americo Deus Sarmento ho salariu $700.00 kada fulan.", "Husi total asesor ne'e, kada fulan MTCI tenke hasai osan hamutuk $67,400.00, signifika, durante Rigoberto nia mandatu ba tinan rua ho balun, MTCI gasta osan liu $1,617,600.00 hodi selu asesor sira.", "Rigoberto Duun ba Agio ho Fidelis Caption: Ministru Fidelis Magalhaes hamutuk ho asesor Prinsipal Jacinto Rigoberto hasoru malu ho asesos no bo'ot sira husi MTKI iha Agusto 2019 Foto: Facebook MRLAP Entretantu, eis asesor principal MTKI Jacinto Rigoberto de Deus hatete, desizaun no aprovasaun ba rekrutamentu asesor durante nia tau-matan mai husi Ministru MTCI Interinu Agio Pereira no Fidelis Leite Magalhaes.", "\"Asesor iha MTKI hamutuk na'in 26 ne'e kompetensia Ministru Interinu nian, la'os asesor mak asina fali asesor nia kontratu,\" dehan nia.", "Rigoberto esplika, durante asumi responsablidade hanesan asesor prinsipal iha MTKI, nia funsaun mak atu fasilita de'it servisu Ministru Interinu ninian, tan ne'e kualker desizaun mai husi Ministru Interinu.", "\"Durante ha'u-nia mandatu, ha'u hanesan asesor prinsipal iha MTKI par atu bele fasilita servisu Ministru ninian nu'udar Ministru Interinu, depois ita-boot sira akompana durante periodu enfrenta hela ho orsamentu duadesimu to'o mai Covid-19 mosu, ne'ebe laiha progresu importante mak la'o iha MTKI, iha planu barak seidauk bele realiza, tanba orsamentu seidauk aprova.\"", "Durante iha MTKI, nia hatete, planu prioridade ne'ebe atu implementa mak dezenvolve area industria no turizmu komunitariu.", "\"Planu mak halo parte industria no turizmu komunitariu sira hotu, maibe la konsege tanba orsamentu laiha,\" dehan nia.", "Kona-ba situasaun asesor na'in 25 seluk, Rigoberto dehan, nia laiha ona kompetensia atu intervene, tanba asuntu ne'e kabe ba Ministru Interinu.", "\"Asesor nai'n 25 iha MTKI ha'u la hatene no la interven ida ne'e, tanba kompetensia Ministru nian no kompetensia membru governu ninian mak deside atu hapara ou kontinua, tanba ha'u mos laiha ne'eba ona, ne'ebe ha'u la hatene ona kona-ba situasaun iha ne'eba.\"", "\"Ha'u delega hanesan asesor, maibe la'os hanesan kompetensia legal par asina ida ne'e ou ida ne'eba, ha'u so apezar vistu ka check de'it,\" dehan nia.", "Kona-ba numeru asesor, Rigoberto hatete, numeru asesor kada ministeriu barak, la'os iha MTKI de'it.", "\"MTKI ne'e ministeriu ne'ebe boot.", "Asesor 20 ka 100 ne'e la'os kestaun, maibe kestaun ne'e see mak iha kompetensia aprova asesor hira-hira, i la'os iha MTKI de'it mak asesor barak maibe, Ministeriu hotu-hotu asesor barak.", "Asesor iha MTKI ulu-uluk sira ne'e naran tau hamutuk hotu iha ne'eba par atu husu Ministru estende ou hapara,\" dehan Rigoberto.", "Maske nune'e, nia rekonese duni katak, nia mak aprezenta proposta ba rekrutamentu asesor ba Ministru MTKI interinu hodi bele hetan aprovasaun, tanba atu rekruta asesor la'os ninia kompetensia, maibe ministru ninia kompetensia.", "\"Rekrutamentu asesor ne'e ha'u hato'o proposta de'it, maibe aprova ne'e Ministru mak iha kompetensia par atu aprova ou lae, hanesan Timor-oan hakarak atu partisipa ne'e la taka dalan maibe, kabe ba Ministru atu aprova ou lae.\"", "Kona-ba numeru asesor ne'ebe ajuda nia durante ninia mandatu, Rigoberto dehan, nia haluha ona, tanba asesor balun tama ona antes no seluk tama ikus.", "\"Ha'u sai tiha ona, entaun haluha ona, tanba asesor sira ne'e balun tama uluk no balun ikus depois elabora hamutuk de'it.\"", "Entretantu, tuir lista ne'ebe www.tempotimor.com asesu, iha asesor na'in sia mak asina ona kontratu serbisu molok Jacinto Rigoberto asina kontratu serbisu nu'udar asesor prinsipal.", "Iha asesor na'in 4 mak hahu tama serbisu husi tinan 2013 to'o 2017.", "Asesor ida mak hahu nia kontratu iha 1 Jullu 2013 mak asesor nasional iha Diresaun Nasional Komersiu Interinu ho salariu $750.00 kada fulan; na'in ida hahu kontratu iha 22 Setembru 2015 mak asesor nasional iha Diresaun Nasional Aprovizionamentu ho salariu $750.00/fulan; na'in rua mak hahu kontratu iha 1 Janeiru 2017, ida iha Diresaun Jeral Komersiu ho salariu $2,500.00/fulan, no ida seluk iha Gabinete Diretor Jeral Industria ho salariu $750.00/fulan.", "Enkuantu, iha asesor nasional na'in lima (5) seluk ne'ebe hahu serbisu iha 1 Maiu 2019, fulan ida molok Jacinto Rigoberto hahu serbisu.", "Na'in ida ho salariu $750.00/fulan, na'in ida ho salariu $1,000.00/fulan, na'in rua ho salariu $1,500.00/fulan, no na'in ida ho salariu $2,500.00/fulan.", "Hanesan informasaun, asesor hirak ne'ebe tama uluk Rigoberto, nia salariu boot liu mak $2,500.00/fulan, no kiik liu mak $700.00/fulan.", "Tuir lista ne'e, Jacinto Rigoberto hahu hala'o serbisu nu'udar asesor prinsipal iha MTKI iha 1 Junu 2019.", "Hafoin nia tau-matan ba MTKI, asesor foun hahu buras.", "Asesor na'in ida mak hahu asina kontratu iha 1 Jullu 2019, na'in sia (9) asina kontratu iha 15 Jullu 2019, na'in ida 1 Agostu 2019, na'in ida iha 15 Agostu 2019, na'in ida iha 1 Setembru 2019, na'in ida iha 19 Setembru 2019, no na'in ida iha 16 Outubru 2019.", "Signifika, hafoin Rigoberto asina kontratu hodi sai asesor prinsipal iha MTKI, iha asesor foun na'in 15 mak asina kontratu serbisu, kompostu husi asesor internasional na'in 3 no asesor nasional na'in 12.", "Husi total asesor ne'ebe tama hafoin Rigoberto tama MTKI, na'in ida mak ho salariu $750.00/fulan, ho salariu $1,000.00/fulan, na'in 4 ho salariu $1,500.00/fulan, na'in ida ho salariu $2,500.00/fulan, na'in 2 ho salariu $2,000.00/fulan, na'in ida ho salariu $3,000.00/fulan, na'in ida ho salariu $3,500.00/fulan, na'in ida ho salariu $5,000.00/fulan, na'in ida ho salariu $6,000.00/fulan, no na'in 2 ho salariu $8,000.00/fulan. \"", "SEFOPE no Tender ne'ebe \"Subar Intensaun\" Akara no Politika Timorizasaun: Asesor Timor-oan 11 iha SEKomS nia Mahon \"" ]
[ [ "By Tempo Timor July 19,.2038 List of Advisors and their salaries in MTKI Exclusive Photo Politics The government at the time offered Rigoberto' s position because he was also a candidate for Minister Tourism Trade & Industry Francisco Kalbuadi Lay is on an outstanding list member constitutional daulu Government" ], [ "Having gained this trust, he says that in over a month Rigoberto began to employ 12 national and three international consultants." ], [ "Meanwhile, before Rigoberto entered the MTKI there were nine national advisors working in it." ], [ "This means that, after Rigoberto's arrival and the recruitment of national as well As international consultants there are now 26 total advisers working in MTKI." ], [ "According to information from a source of www.tempotimor, who declined the possibility for his identity being published 15 advisers in total work at MTKI because Rigoberto called them and they were there with him during their visits as he visited Timor-Leste several times over last year (see below)." ], [ "\"At the moment there was no Minister of Tourism, Commerce and Industry (MTKI) but Agio Pereira had been named as Interim minister. The government then made Jacinto Rigoberto de Deus his principal advisor to take over responsibility for this Ministry; he felt that it could not be done without him or at least so much would have taken place in such an event: He submitted proposals on which additional advisers were needed by interims ministerial level - they all approved them -- before calling these advice-giver' s back again.\"" ], [ "These advisors are just calling,\" the source said." ], [ "Konserteza, with the title of advisor held by 26 people including Rigoberto and whose salary was not small." ], [ "According to the list that www.tempotimor,com has reviewed advisors with highest salary is $8015 per month and lowest one of them receive 7263 dollars (USD) each year for their services in Timor-Leste'" ], [ "The two international advisers with a salary of $8,012.56 per month are the legal counsel to Minister's Office Joao Lourenco Conrada de Evangelista Monge; and George Barbosa da Silva for GATJ (General Advisory Group on Justice)." ], [ "Jacinto Rigoberto as the chief cabinet adviser of ministers, receiving a salary $6.5 million per month is ranked second among highest-paid consultants in his office and earns 10% more than any other senior councillor with an average annual income over US$238k (US£94K)." ], [ "Next is Lucia Isabel de Oliveira Vieira, as an international advisor with the position of Technical Advisor to Tourism and Trade & Industry in Minister's Cabinet at $60.52 per month salary" ], [ "The Executive Advisor in the Planning and Administration Area of Ministerial Office, Catarina Filomena Barromeu Duarte Soares is an adviser with a salary $5.01 million per month earned by her husband’s company (Assessor)." ], [ "A national advisor with $3,501.98 per month is the legal adviser in GATJ Benevides Correia Barroso 26 years of age" ], [ "As an information, GATJ has two advisors: one international and the other national." ], [ "Next, the national advisor who advises Inspector General of Games is Adalberto dos Santos Fernandes Alves with salary $ 3.01 million per month" ], [ "There are two national advisers in the cabinet of ministers with a salary $2,501.98 per month: Adviser for Trade Promotion Area Alexandre Pirees and advice on Procurement & Financial Management area Egidio Dinis Martini" ], [ "Other advisers in the cabinet with a salary of $2,015.68 per month are Adviser for Administration Area Alves Gomes Martines and MTKI Finance Procurement & Logistic Advisor Augusto Panao Amaral;" ], [ "Advisors with a salary of $1,502.97 per month are: Translation Area Adviser Tiago Jose M B D Soares; Tourism area adviser Firmino Taequi and Games areas advice Saul Salvador H J Amaral Commercial Promotion Assessor José Maria Goncalves General Inspector for the Sports Directorate Anacleto Ferreira" ], [ "One national adviser in the cabinet of ministers with an advisory position is Diamantina Mendonca de Araujo, at $1.2 million per month salary earned by him and his family members during their time on office as Minister-in‑Charge for Social Security (Ministerial Office)." ], [ "Next, there are two advisers in the cabinet of ministers who perform function as Advisor for Community Tourism Area with a salary $10.56 per month: Maria Franga Guterres and Salustiana María da Costa Simoes" ], [ "National Advisers in DGCAFP with a salary of $750, are T.A Protocol and Public Relation (Protocol & PR) Agostinha Maria dos Santos; the Assessor for Protokol Joao Baptista Floriondo da Costa Guterres is also an adviser at Directorate General Procurement as national consultant Joenel Mario Noronho 1986-23" ], [ "In the most recent figures, a national adviser in Cabinet Director General of Industry and National Consultant position is Helio Americo Deus Sarmento with salary $701.56 per month 24 hours" ], [ "Of the total number of advisors, MTCI had to spend $67.4 million per month on each one; that means during Rigoberto' s two-year term in office and some more years afterwards Mtci spent over US$1 025m paying advisers for their services" ], [ "Caption: Minister Fidelis Magalhaes and Principal Advisor Jacinto Rigoberto meet with the MTCI's advisory board in August 2019. Photo by Facebook MRLAP Meanwhile, former principal adviser of Mtci (Ministry for Trade & Industry) jacint rigueiro de deus said that decision to recruit consultants during his tenure came from Acting minister Agio Pereira e Fidelis Leite Magalhes" ], [ "\"The 26 advisers in MTKI are the competence of Interim Minister, it's not up to an advisor again sign his or her contract\", he said." ], [ "Rigoberto explained that while he assumed responsibility as principal advisor in MTKI, his function was only to facilitate the Interim Minister's work so any decision came from him." ], [ "\"During my mandate, I was the principal advisor in MTKI to facilitates Minister's work as interim minister. Then you accompanied me during this period of dealing with our twelfth budget until Covid-19 emerged and there has been no significant progress at Mtki; many plans have not yet come about because we hadn’t approve it.\"" ], [ "During his time at MTKI, he said that the priority plan to be implemented is developing industrial and community tourism areas." ], [ "\"The plan was to include all the industry and community tourism, but it failed because there is no budget.\"" ], [ "Regarding the situation of 25 other advisors, Rigoberto said that he no longer has competence to intervene because it is an interim minister' s matter." ], [ "\"There are 25 advisers in MTKI, I do not know about this and haven't intervened because it is the competence of ministers or government members to decide whether they should be suspended. Because there was no one like me who knew what happened.\"" ], [ "\"I delegate as an advisor, but not with the legal competence to sign this or that. I just do checks and see if it is in order.\"" ], [ "Regarding the number of advisors, Rigoberto said that there are many in each ministry and not only at MTKI." ], [ "\"MTKI is a big ministry. It's very large,\" he said in an interview with the Times of India on Thursday (12/09)." ], [ "It is not a question of 20 or one hundred advisers, but who has the competence to approve how many they are. Not only MTKI does have so much advice; all ministries do also need it and therefore we should be able in this regard as well.\"" ], [ "The top advisers in MTKI's names are all put together there to ask the Minister extend or terminate,\" Rigoberto said." ], [ "However, he admitted that it was him who had made the proposal for recruitment of an advisor to MTKI's interim Minister in order with obtain approval because recruiting advisers is not his competence but rather its minister." ], [ "\"The recruitment of advisors is something I have only proposed, but the Minister has competence to approve it or not. As Timorese people want participate in this process there are no obstacles; however that'll be up for approval by minister.\"" ], [ "Regarding the number of advisers who assisted him during his term, Rigoberto says he has forgot because some came in before and others later." ], [ "\"I've left, so I forgot because some of the advisors came in first and then they worked together.\"" ], [ "Meanwhile, according to the list which www.tempotimor 24/7 has accessed there are nine advisers who have already been hired before Jacinto Rigoberto is named as chief consultant of Prime Minister Xanana Gusmao's cabinet in January this year (see below)." ], [ "There are 4 advisors who started working from the year of inception (2013) until December, and will continue to work there for four years." ], [ "One adviser started his contract on July 1,203 as a national counsellor in the National Directorate of Interim Trade at $75.- per month; one began its agreement with an international consultant for Procurement and Supply Departments (DNP) to receive salary ($689/month); two have begun their appointment from January - December: first is General Commercial Direction whose annual salaries are around US$4k each year while another has been hired by Cabinet Manager Industrial Development which earns approximately USD£€ €?" ], [ "Meanwhile, there are five (5) other national advisors who took up their duties on May 1st of this year - one month before Jacinto Rigoberto." ], [ "One with a salary of $750/month, one who earns an average monthly wage in the area is paid 1.2 million pesos (about US$368), two people are given annual salaries at about USD49 per day and three others receive totals ranging from somewhere between around USS-Atlantic to approximateLY AUS_USA for their time spent therein:" ], [ "As an information, the advisors who came before Rigoberto had their highest salary of $2.5 million/year and low one at only 70 millions dollars per year" ], [ "According to the list, Jacinto Rigoberto took up his duties as principal advisor at MTKI on 1 June." ], [ "After his appointment to MTKI, a new adviser began working." ], [ "One (1) advisor will start signing their contracts on 07/25, nine(9), they'll sign them up to July the fifteenth of that year. Another one is scheduled for August and September respectively; another has been announced as well but it was not yet confirmed if he or she would be hired in October because there are still no appointment dates available at this time:" ], [ "This means that, after Rigoberto signed a contract to become the principal adviser at MTKI (Ministry of Trade and Industry), there are now fifteen new consultants who have been hired. They consists from three international counselors with twelve national consulents in charge as their respective position is being filled by other staff members on an annual basis for one year or longer period;" ], [ "Of the total number of advisors who entered MTKI after Rigoberto, one with salary $750/month and another 1.2 million pesos (about US$368k), four people had salaries at least as high or equivalent to that amount: two were paid an average monthly wage ($49K) each; three received annual payroll fees for their work experience involving upto five years' service on top-level office posts worth approximateLY USD £ €– € – £ mn per year—and six other advisers worked under different terms including contractual conditions which included unconditional retirement from government jobs by age twenty nine until they reached pensionable ages.\"" ], [ "SEFOPE and the Tender that \"Subverts Intention\" Akara & Timorization Policy: Eleven East-Timorese Adviser in SEKomS' Mahon." ] ]
Nota Informativa kona-ba Prosesu Pedidu Pagamentu Programa Cesta Básica | Timor-Leste Ministry of Finance\nHome » Anúncios » Nota Informativa kona-ba Prosesu Pedidu Pagamentu Programa Cesta Básica Imprimir a página\nTersa-feira, 16 Marsu 2021.\nIha fulan-fevereiru, tinan-2021, Governu Timor-Leste liuhusi Conselho dos Ministros aprova ona deliberasaun ida ne’ebé orienta liña ministériu sira hotu atu kontribui to’o 7% husi sira nia alokasaun orsamentu husi OJE tinan-2021 atu kontribui ba iha pagamentu programa Cesta Básica.\nHafoin Ministériu Finansas simu kontribuisaun to’o 7% husi liña ministériu sira, Ministériu Finansas aloka orsamentu hirak ne’e ba iha kodigu programa Cesta Básica.\nBainhira osan husi kontribuisaun hirak ne’e tama ona iha Sistema Government Resouce Planning (GRP), Ministériu Finansas notifika Ministériu Implementadór programa Cesta Básica sira atu hato’o sira nia pedidu kompromisu Commitment Payment Voucher (CPV) ba iha Sekretariadu Tékniku Fundu COVID-19 iha Ministériu Finansas.\nResponsavel ba programa Cesta Básica mak Ministériu Koordenadór Assuntu Ekonómiku serbisu hamutuk ho Ministériu Turizmu, Komérsiu no Indústria (MTCI), Ministériu Agrikultura no Peskas (MAP), Sekretaria Estadu Kooperativa (SeKoop) no Sentru Lojístiku Nasionál.\nIha primeira semana fulan-marsu, tinan-2021, Sekretariadu Tékniku Fundu COVID-19 haruka fila-fali ona CPV hirak ne’e ba iha Ministériu Implementadór sira.\nTo’o 16 marsu 2021, Sekretariadu Tékniku Fundu COVID-19 foin simu de’it pedidu pagamentu hamutuk 42 husi Ministériu Turizmu, Komérsiu no Indústria (MTCI).\nBa Ministériu implementadór sira seluk hanesan Ministériu Agrikultura no Peskas (MAP), Sekretaria Estadu Kooperativa (SeKoop) no Sentru Lojístiku Nasionál – iha 16 marsu 2021, Ministériu Implementadór hirak ne’e informa mai Diresaun Jerál Tezouru, Ministériu Finansas katak sira nia prosesu aprovizionamentu interna foin to’o iha faze Jestaun Kontratu (Contract Management).\nTuir-mai atu esplika mós sekuénsia husi prosesu pedidu pagamentu programa Cesta Básica:\nSekretariadu Tékniku Fundu COVID-19 kria no aprova Commitment Payment Voucher. Hafoin hetan ona assinatura, Sekretariadu Tékniku Fundu COVID-19 sei prepara lista no karta akompañamentu hodi haruka ba Ministériu Implementadór programa Cesta Básica sira. Prosesu ne’e presiza tempu loron-tolu.\nHafoin simu CPV husi Sekretariadu Tékniku Fundu COVID-19, Ministériu Implementadór sira sei hahú prosesu aprovizionamentu hanesan kria Purchase Order (PO), Contract Management, Inspection, Normal Payment, Payment Request Tracking no Expense Voucher. Hafoin sei prepara mós pedidu pagamentu hodi submete mai Sekretariadu Tékniku Fundu COVID-19. Prosesu normál entre loron-tolu no loron-haat nia laran.\nHafoin prosesu aprovizionamentu interna prontu ona, ministériu implementadór sira sei verifika uluk dokumentu hirak ne’e atu asegura katak dokumentu hirak ne’e kompletu, los no prienxe ona rekezitus pagamentu molok submete ba Sekretariadu Tékniku Fundu COVID-19.\nBainhira simu ona pedidu pagamentu husi ministériu implementadór, Sekretariadu Tékniku Fundu COVID-19 sei prosesa dokumentu sira hotu no sei realiza pagamentu ba pedidu pagamentu hirak ne’ebé mak prienxe ona rekezitus pagamentu.\nMaibé, molok Sekretariadu Tékniku Fundu COVID-19 realiza pagamentu, kompaña sira hotu tenke kumpre sira nia dever hodi ba selu sira nia impostu rendimentu (income tax) 0,5% husi sira nia totál pagamentu.\nKompaña sira tenke aprezenta sira nia resibu pagamentu impostu rendimentu ba Sekretariadu Tékniku Fundu COVID-19 atu nune’e bele realiza pagamentu finál.\nBa pedidu pagamentu hirak ne’ebé mak la-prienxe rekezitus pagamentu, Sekretariadu Tékniku Fundu COVID-19 sei devolve ba ministériu implementadór sira hodi kompleta no submete fila-fali.
[ "Nota Informativa kona-ba Prosesu Pedidu Pagamentu Programa Cesta Basica | Timor-Leste Ministry of Finance Home \" Anuncios \" Nota Informativa kona-ba Prosesu Pedidu Pagamentu Programa Cesta Basica Imprimir a pagina Tersa-feira, 16 Marsu 2021.", "Iha fulan-fevereiru, tinan-2021, Governu Timor-Leste liuhusi Conselho dos Ministros aprova ona deliberasaun ida ne'ebe orienta lina ministeriu sira hotu atu kontribui to'o 7% husi sira nia alokasaun orsamentu husi OJE tinan-2021 atu kontribui ba iha pagamentu programa Cesta Basica.", "Hafoin Ministeriu Finansas simu kontribuisaun to'o 7% husi lina ministeriu sira, Ministeriu Finansas aloka orsamentu hirak ne'e ba iha kodigu programa Cesta Basica.", "Bainhira osan husi kontribuisaun hirak ne'e tama ona iha Sistema Government Resouce Planning (GRP), Ministeriu Finansas notifika Ministeriu Implementador programa Cesta Basica sira atu hato'o sira nia pedidu kompromisu Commitment Payment Voucher (CPV) ba iha Sekretariadu Tekniku Fundu COVID-19 iha Ministeriu Finansas.", "Responsavel ba programa Cesta Basica mak Ministeriu Koordenador Assuntu Ekonomiku serbisu hamutuk ho Ministeriu Turizmu, Komersiu no Industria (MTCI), Ministeriu Agrikultura no Peskas (MAP), Sekretaria Estadu Kooperativa (SeKoop) no Sentru Lojistiku Nasional.", "Iha primeira semana fulan-marsu, tinan-2021, Sekretariadu Tekniku Fundu COVID-19 haruka fila-fali ona CPV hirak ne'e ba iha Ministeriu Implementador sira.", "To'o 16 marsu 2021, Sekretariadu Tekniku Fundu COVID-19 foin simu de'it pedidu pagamentu hamutuk 42 husi Ministeriu Turizmu, Komersiu no Industria (MTCI).", "Ba Ministeriu implementador sira seluk hanesan Ministeriu Agrikultura no Peskas (MAP), Sekretaria Estadu Kooperativa (SeKoop) no Sentru Lojistiku Nasional - iha 16 marsu 2021, Ministeriu Implementador hirak ne'e informa mai Diresaun Jeral Tezouru, Ministeriu Finansas katak sira nia prosesu aprovizionamentu interna foin to'o iha faze Jestaun Kontratu (Contract Management).", "Tuir-mai atu esplika mos sekuensia husi prosesu pedidu pagamentu programa Cesta Basica: Sekretariadu Tekniku Fundu COVID-19 kria no aprova Commitment Payment Voucher.", "Hafoin hetan ona assinatura, Sekretariadu Tekniku Fundu COVID-19 sei prepara lista no karta akompanamentu hodi haruka ba Ministeriu Implementador programa Cesta Basica sira.", "Prosesu ne'e presiza tempu loron-tolu.", "Hafoin simu CPV husi Sekretariadu Tekniku Fundu COVID-19, Ministeriu Implementador sira sei hahu prosesu aprovizionamentu hanesan kria Purchase Order (PO), Contract Management, Inspection, Normal Payment, Payment Request Tracking no Expense Voucher.", "Hafoin sei prepara mos pedidu pagamentu hodi submete mai Sekretariadu Tekniku Fundu COVID-19.", "Prosesu normal entre loron-tolu no loron-haat nia laran.", "Hafoin prosesu aprovizionamentu interna prontu ona, ministeriu implementador sira sei verifika uluk dokumentu hirak ne'e atu asegura katak dokumentu hirak ne'e kompletu, los no prienxe ona rekezitus pagamentu molok submete ba Sekretariadu Tekniku Fundu COVID-19.", "Bainhira simu ona pedidu pagamentu husi ministeriu implementador, Sekretariadu Tekniku Fundu COVID-19 sei prosesa dokumentu sira hotu no sei realiza pagamentu ba pedidu pagamentu hirak ne'ebe mak prienxe ona rekezitus pagamentu.", "Maibe, molok Sekretariadu Tekniku Fundu COVID-19 realiza pagamentu, kompana sira hotu tenke kumpre sira nia dever hodi ba selu sira nia impostu rendimentu (income tax) 0,5% husi sira nia total pagamentu.", "Kompana sira tenke aprezenta sira nia resibu pagamentu impostu rendimentu ba Sekretariadu Tekniku Fundu COVID-19 atu nune'e bele realiza pagamentu final.", "Ba pedidu pagamentu hirak ne'ebe mak la-prienxe rekezitus pagamentu, Sekretariadu Tekniku Fundu COVID-19 sei devolve ba ministeriu implementador sira hodi kompleta no submete fila-fali." ]
[ [ "Informasaun kona-ba Prosesu Pedidu Pagamentu Programa Cesta Bázika | Timor -Leste Ministry of Finance Home \" Anuncios\" Nota Informativa kones ba Processo Petição Payment Programme Basic Basket Print page Tuesday, 16 March." ], [ "In February 2019, the Government of Timor-Leste through its Cabinet approved a resolution that directs all line ministries to contribute upto seven per cent from their budget allocation for this year' s Budget towards payment on Cesta Basica." ], [ "After the Ministry of Finance receives contributions up to 7% from ministerial lines, it allocates these funds under a code program called Cesta Basica." ], [ "Once the money from these contributions has been entered into Government Resouce Planning (GRP) System, Ministry of Finance notifies Ministries Implementing Basic Food Basket Programs to submit their Commitment Payment Voucher request at COVID-19 Fund Technical Secretariat in MFO." ], [ "Responsible for the Basic Basket program is Ministry of Economic Affairs Coordination, working in conjunction with Ministries Tourism Commerce and Industry (MTCI), Agriculture & Fisheries Ministerial(MAP) State Secretariat on Cooperatives SeKoop National Logistics Center." ], [ "In the first week of March 2019, this CPV was re-sent to Implementing Ministries by COVID Fund Technical Secretariat." ], [ "As of 16 March, the Technical Secretariat for COVID-20 Fund has only received a total amount in payment requests from Ministry Tourism Trade and Industry (MTCI)." ], [ "For other implementing ministries such as the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries (MAP), State Secretariat for Cooperatives, National Logistic Center - on March 16th.2039 these Implementation Ministrie informed Directorate General Treasury that their internal procurement process has only reached Contract Management phase" ], [ "Below is also to explain the sequence of payment request process Basic Food basket program: Technical Secretariat COVID-19 Fund creates and approves Commitment Payment Voucher." ], [ "Once signed, the COVID-19 Fund Technical Secretariat will prepare a list and accompanying letter to be sent by email or fax for submission." ], [ "The process takes three days." ], [ "After receiving CPV from the COVID-19 Fund Technical Secretariat, Implementing Ministries will begin procurement process such as creatingaPurchase Order (PO), Contract Management Inspection Normal Payment and Expense Voucher." ], [ "Afterwards, they will also prepare payment requests to be submitted for approval by the COVID-19 Fund Technical Secretariat." ], [ "Normal process between Tuesday and Thursday." ], [ "Once the internal procurement process has been completed, implementing ministries will first verify these documents to ensure that they are full and correct before submitting them for approval by COVID-19 Technical Secretariat." ], [ "Upon receipt of payment requests from implementing ministries, the COVID-19 Fund Technical Secretariat will process all documents and pay those claimants who have met their requirements." ], [ "However, before the COVID-19 Fund Technical Secretariat can make payments all companies must fulfil their duty to pay income tax of 0.5% on total amount paid out by them in advance (invoice)." ], [ "Companies must submit their receipts of income tax payment to the COVID-19 Fund Technical Secretariat in order for final payouts be made." ], [ "For those payment requests that do not meet the requirements, COVID-19 Fund Technical Secretariat will return them to implementing ministries for completion and resubmission." ] ]
Sarani Baucau la’ós “muturabu” maibé “muturau” | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste\nVARANDA HEADLINE Sarani Baucau la’ós “muturabu” maibé “muturau”\nIlas Santo Antonio sai hosi portaun boot igreja parokia Santo Antonio Baucau hodi halo prosisaun ba vizita Suku Buibau. Imajen/Kontribuidór: Cardoso Sarmento\nDILI, 11 agostu 2020 (TATOLI)–Pároku Parókia Santo António Baucau, Pe. Manuel da Silva Ximenes, SDB, hateten, ohin, ilas Santo António de Padua ne’ebé sai mahein (pedrueiru) ba igreja parokia Baucau sei vizita sarani sira iha Suku Buibau hodi kontinua hametin sarani sira-nia fiar ba Maromak.\nNotísia Relevante: Kompetisaun marxa moradores prezerva identidade kulturál\nPároku Manuel Ximenes hatutan, iha tinan ne’e tuir loloos selebra festa Santo António iha loron 13 juñu maibé tanba insidente ho Santo António nia loron moris ba dala-825 (15 agostu 1195-15 agostu 2020) entaun parókia deside hodi selebra Santo Antonio ninia loron moris nian.\nTanba ne’e, Manuel Ximenes informa, iha oprtunidade ida-ne’e nia organiza oportunidade espirituál hodi lori ilás Santo António ba vizita sarani sira iha sentru Buibau hodi halakon espresaun negativu ba komunidade Baucau hanesan “muturabu” ne’e ba fali “muturau” tanba hosi selebrasaun ne’e sarani sira manifesta sira-nia fiar nu’udar sarani laran di’ak no laran luak.\n“Ohin, ilas Santo António de Padua ne’ebé sai mahein (pedrueiru) ba igreja parokia Baucau sei vizita sarani sira iha Suku Buibau hodi kontinua hametin sarani sira-nia fiar ba Maromak. Ha’u hanoin, loos duni katak iha fatin-fatin ema sempre fó espresaun negativu ba komunidade Baucau ne’e dehan Baucau oan sira-ne’e mesak ema ‘muturabu’ tantanan de’it. Maibé, ha’u hanoin parte ida Baucau oan sira la’os ‘muturabu’ de’it maibé sira mós ema ‘muturau’ (laran di’ak). Katak Baucau oan sira mós hatene sira-aan no tau sira-nia aan ba momentu ne’ebé ita selebra fiar sarani nian nu’udar sarani laran di’ak,” dehan Pároku Parókia Santo António Baucau, Pe. Manuel da Silva Ximenes, SDB, ba Agência TATOLI liuhosi telefonika, tersa ne’e.\nManuel Ximeenes hateten, liuhosi ilás Santo António nia prezensa bele hametin Baucau-oan sira-nia fiar, atu Baucau-oan sira harohan no hahí ba Maromak liuhosi Santo António hodi bele haraik estabilidade, unidade, no pás ba sira sira ida-idak nia aan, ba sira-nia família, no sosiedade tomak.\nPároku parókia Baucau, Pe. Manue da Silva Ximene, ho autoridade lokál Baucau hiit ilas Santo António iha kbaas leten. Imajen/Kontribuidór: Cardoso Sarmento\n“Ha’u laiha dúvida no latauk, ohin, ilas Santo António sai ba sira-nia fatin (Buibau). Maski ema-nia intensaun kloot maibé tuir ha’u-nia haree katak sarani no joven ida-idak sei buka komprende di’ak liután kona-ba sira-nia dever nu’udar sarani. Ohin, ilas Santo António sai hosi parókia sei ba sira-nia sentru ne’e, hodi halibur sarani sira hamutuk no hametin sira-nia fiar unidade, nu’udar sarani, timoroan liuliu Buibau no Baucau-oan iha rai Timor Leste,” nia dehan iha ambitu reinaugurasaun Igreja Santo Antonio Baucau iha loron 15 agostu.\nAmu pároku parókia Santo António hateten, ohin, prosisaun ba ilas Santo Antonio ne’e hahú hosi Igreja Santo Antonio Baucau Vila tuan no sarani sira hosi Buibau no sarani sira hosi Fatumaca de Cima hosi Gariuai, Wailili, Samalari no Buibau sei simu ilas Santo António iha Samadigara hafoin lori liu ba Vela-Vista no iha loron 13 agostu lokraik sei lori hikas ilas Santo Antonio ba igreja Parólia Santo Antonio Baucau.\nNia dehan, antes ne’e iha 2018 ilás Santo António hala’o vizita ba Suku Samalari, iha tinan 2019 vizita ba iha Suku Gariwai, tinan ida-ne’e vizita Suku Buibau, tinan oin sei vizita fali Suku Wailili no ilás Santo António sei vizita hotu ba sentru sira ne’ebé ba pertense ba Parókia Santo António Baucau nian.\nPrevious articleMJ transfere tan dadur na’in-21 husi Becora ba Prizaun Gleno\nNext articleSarani Buibau prontu simu ilas Santo António
[ "Sarani Baucau la'os \"muturabu\" maibe \"muturau\" | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA HEADLINE Sarani Baucau la'os \"muturabu\" maibe \"muturau\" Ilas Santo Antonio sai hosi portaun boot igreja parokia Santo Antonio Baucau hodi halo prosisaun ba vizita Suku Buibau.", "Imajen/Kontribuidor: Cardoso Sarmento DILI, 11 agostu 2020 (TATOLI) -Paroku Parokia Santo Antonio Baucau, Pe.", "Manuel da Silva Ximenes, SDB, hateten, ohin, ilas Santo Antonio de Padua ne'ebe sai mahein (pedrueiru) ba igreja parokia Baucau sei vizita sarani sira iha Suku Buibau hodi kontinua hametin sarani sira-nia fiar ba Maromak.", "Notisia Relevante: Kompetisaun marxa moradores prezerva identidade kultural Paroku Manuel Ximenes hatutan, iha tinan ne'e tuir loloos selebra festa Santo Antonio iha loron 13 junu maibe tanba insidente ho Santo Antonio nia loron moris ba dala-825 (15 agostu 1195-15 agostu 2020) entaun parokia deside hodi selebra Santo Antonio ninia loron moris nian.", "Tanba ne'e, Manuel Ximenes informa, iha oprtunidade ida-ne'e nia organiza oportunidade espiritual hodi lori ilas Santo Antonio ba vizita sarani sira iha sentru Buibau hodi halakon espresaun negativu ba komunidade Baucau hanesan \"muturabu\" ne'e ba fali \"muturau\" tanba hosi selebrasaun ne'e sarani sira manifesta sira-nia fiar nu'udar sarani laran di'ak no laran luak.", "\"Ohin, ilas Santo Antonio de Padua ne'ebe sai mahein (pedrueiru) ba igreja parokia Baucau sei vizita sarani sira iha Suku Buibau hodi kontinua hametin sarani sira-nia fiar ba Maromak.", "Ha'u hanoin, loos duni katak iha fatin-fatin ema sempre fo espresaun negativu ba komunidade Baucau ne'e dehan Baucau oan sira-ne'e mesak ema 'muturabu' tantanan de'it.", "Maibe, ha'u hanoin parte ida Baucau oan sira la'os 'muturabu' de'it maibe sira mos ema 'muturau' (laran di'ak).", "Katak Baucau oan sira mos hatene sira-aan no tau sira-nia aan ba momentu ne'ebe ita selebra fiar sarani nian nu'udar sarani laran di'ak,\" dehan Paroku Parokia Santo Antonio Baucau, Pe.", "Manuel da Silva Ximenes, SDB, ba Agencia TATOLI liuhosi telefonika, tersa ne'e.", "Manuel Ximeenes hateten, liuhosi ilas Santo Antonio nia prezensa bele hametin Baucau-oan sira-nia fiar, atu Baucau-oan sira harohan no hahi ba Maromak liuhosi Santo Antonio hodi bele haraik estabilidade, unidade, no pas ba sira sira ida-idak nia aan, ba sira-nia familia, no sosiedade tomak.", "Paroku parokia Baucau, Pe.", "Manue da Silva Ximene, ho autoridade lokal Baucau hiit ilas Santo Antonio iha kbaas leten.", "Imajen/Kontribuidor: Cardoso Sarmento \"Ha'u laiha duvida no latauk, ohin, ilas Santo Antonio sai ba sira-nia fatin (Buibau).", "Maski ema-nia intensaun kloot maibe tuir ha'u-nia haree katak sarani no joven ida-idak sei buka komprende di'ak liutan kona-ba sira-nia dever nu'udar sarani.", "Ohin, ilas Santo Antonio sai hosi parokia sei ba sira-nia sentru ne'e, hodi halibur sarani sira hamutuk no hametin sira-nia fiar unidade, nu'udar sarani, timoroan liuliu Buibau no Baucau-oan iha rai Timor Leste,\" nia dehan iha ambitu reinaugurasaun Igreja Santo Antonio Baucau iha loron 15 agostu.", "Amu paroku parokia Santo Antonio hateten, ohin, prosisaun ba ilas Santo Antonio ne'e hahu hosi Igreja Santo Antonio Baucau Vila tuan no sarani sira hosi Buibau no sarani sira hosi Fatumaca de Cima hosi Gariuai, Wailili, Samalari no Buibau sei simu ilas Santo Antonio iha Samadigara hafoin lori liu ba Vela-Vista no iha loron 13 agostu lokraik sei lori hikas ilas Santo Antonio ba igreja Parolia Santo Antonio Baucau.", "Nia dehan, antes ne'e iha 2018 ilas Santo Antonio hala'o vizita ba Suku Samalari, iha tinan 2019 vizita ba iha Suku Gariwai, tinan ida-ne'e vizita Suku Buibau, tinan oin sei vizita fali Suku Wailili no ilas Santo Antonio sei vizita hotu ba sentru sira ne'ebe ba pertense ba Parokia Santo Antonio Baucau nian.", "Previous articleMJ transfere tan dadur na'in-21 husi Becora ba Prizaun Gleno Next articleSarani Buibau prontu simu ilas Santo Antonio" ]
[ [ "Sarani Baucau la'os \"muturabu\" maibe “muturau” | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA HEADLINE Ilas Santo Antonio leaves the main gate of São Antônio parish church to make a procession for visiting Suku Buibau." ], [ "Image/Contributor: Cardoso Sarmento DILI, August 12th (TATOLI) -Paroku Parokia Santo Antonio Baucau Fr." ], [ "Manuel da Silva Ximenes, SDB said that today after Saint Anthony of Padua who became the founder (pedroeiro) to Baucau parish church will visit faithful in Buibau Village and continue strengthening their faith." ], [ "The parish priest, Manuel Ximenes said that this year the feast of Saint Anthony was supposed to be celebrated on June 13th but because an incident happened with St. Antonio's birth anniversary which is now commemorated as being at its fifty-eighth birthday (August one hundred and twenty five) so it has been decided by our church community for celebrating his day in August instead:" ], [ "Therefore, Manuel Ximenes informed that on this occasion he organized a spiritual opportunity to take the St. Anthony's idol and visit faithful at Buibau center so as eliminate negative expression for Baucau community like \"muturabu\" instead of being called “muturau” because through these celebrations believers manifest their faith by becoming good-natured Catholic people who have an open heart with compassion towards others;" ], [ "\"Today, the image of Saint Antonio de Padua who became a mahein (builder) for Baucau parish church will visit faithful in Buibau Village to continue strengthening their faith." ], [ "I think it's true that in many places people always give a negative expression to the community of Baucau, saying they are just 'muturabu’ (uneducated) and ordinary." ], [ "However, I think that a part of the people from Baucau are not just 'muturabu' but they also belong to \"muturau\" (good land)." ], [ "That is, the people of Baucau also know themselves and put theirselves into this moment in which we celebrate our faith as good believers\", said Fr." ], [ "Manuel da Silva Ximenes, SDB told Agência TATOLI via telephone on Tuesday." ], [ "Manuel Ximeenes said that through the presence of St. Anthony’s idol, Baucau-ans can strengthen their faith and pray to God via Saint Antonio so he may give stability; unity & peace for each person in them themselves as well a family or society at large" ], [ "Parish of Baucau, Fr." ], [ "Manue da Silva Ximene, with local authorities of Baucau hiit ilas Santo Antonio iha kbaas leten." ], [ "Image/Contributor: Cardoso Sarmento \"I've no doubts and lately, today the Saint Antonio leaves for their place (Buibau)." ], [ "In spite of somebody's bad intention, I believe that each young person and every single Catholic will seek to understand better their duties as a Christian." ], [ "Today, the St. Anthony's image will leave our parish and go to their own centre in order for us all together as faithful people of Buibau-oan (Baucauan) on this land that is Timor Leste\" he said during his reopening ceremony at São Antonio Church Baucau August 15th" ], [ "The parish priest of Santo Antonio Parish said, today the procession for St. Anthony's Day will start from Igreja de São António Baucau Vila Tua and believers in Buibau as well As those who come to Fatumaca De Cima (from Gariuai) Wailili Samalari &Buibau shall receive Saint Antony at Samedigara before being carried on over Vela-Vista; On August 13th evening it is planned that they take his body with them into Parolia Church San Antonino Bacao" ], [ "He said, before that in 2018 St. Anthony visited the Samalari Village; this year he will visit Buibau and next time it is going to be Wailili village where Saint Antonio's pilgrimage has already been conducted for a few years ago: \"There are many places which we have not seen yet but they all make up our parish.\"" ], [ "PreviousMJ transfers another 21 prisoners from Becora to Gleno Prison Next articleSarani Buibau ready for the release of Santo Antonio" ] ]
Lintil: “Loron 3 marsu laiha, ukun rasik-aan mós laiha” | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste\nVARANDA HEADLINE Lintil: “Loron 3 marsu laiha, ukun rasik-aan mós laiha”\nEis Adjuntu Rejiaun Kruzeiru nian, Adriano da Câmara “LINTIL”. Imajen/Dokumentasaun privadu hosi família.\nDILI, 03 marsu 2021 (TATOLI)—Eis Adjuntu Rejiaun Kruzeiru nian, Adriano da Câmara “LINTIL”, ohin, hateten bainhira loron 03 fulan marsu ne’e laiha mak ukun rasik aan mós laiha tanba loron ida-ne’e hanesan loron importante ida ba Rezisténsia Nasionál no iha duni loron ida-ne’e mak Timor-Leste re-estrutura fila-fali funu.\nNotísia Relevante: Komemora Loron Nasionál Veteranu, hametin foinsa’e sira-nia patriotizmu-nasionalizmu\n“Antes ne’e, ita-nia baze apoiu eziste tinan tolu no inimigu destroi totalmente no ita nia lideransa sira barak mak ema kaer no ema oho. Sobrevivente na’in tolu mak hela maibé ikus fali mai, ema oho tan tiha adjuntu Txai entaun hela mesak sira na’in-rua de’it mak Komandante Xanana no Komandante Mau-Honu Builerek Karakatayana. Ho ida ne’e, katuas Xanana mak toma inisiativa hodi reuni fila-fali forsa FALINTIL sira hotu-hotu, liuliu forsa hosi Matebian ninian no setór ponta leste mak kaer metin hela baze de apoiu,” Adriano da Cámara “Lintil” hateten ba Agência TATOLI hodi relembra fali ninia memória kona-ba loron 3 marsu nu’udar loron ba veteranu, liuhosi telefónika, kuarta ne’e.\nLintil hatutan, hafoin ne’e mak reorganiza fila-fali sira-ne’ebé iha sentru, hosi sentru ba fronteira norte no fronteira súl, hirak ne’e reorganiza hotu hodi ikus mai halo fila-fali reorganizasaun funu iha Timor-Leste, iha parte Maubai nian.\n“Ami halibur malu kuaze loron sanulu (10), hosi loron 1 to’o loron 11 fulan marsu, hodi fó orientasaun no fó fila-fali tarefa ba kada rejiaun para hala’o fila-fali funu iha fatin-fatin. Hosi Konferénsia Maubai ne’e duni mós mak nomeia fila-fali membru Komité Sentral foun ne’ebé hamutuk ema na’in sia (9). Hosi membru Komité Sentral foun ne’e kuaze mate hotu ona no hela mesak de’it mak atuál Tenente Jenerál Lere Anan Timur hamutuk ho Xanana Gusmão no maun Mau-Honu. Entaun, nu’udar veteranu, loron 3 marsu ne’e hanesan loron reflesaun ida ba ami hotu-hotu tanba sofrimentu boot ba rezisténsia armada,” nia haktuir.\nNia esplika, loron 3 marsu ne’e hanesan pontu de vista prinsipál la’ós atu hametin fila-fali rezisténsia de’it maibé atu opta oinsá mak halo moris fila-fali funu iha Timor-Leste. Tanba, iha momentu ne’ebá ne’e bele dehan funu laiha ona no soldadu barak kuaze hanoin liu atu rende ba inimigu, balun hanoin ninia família ne’ebé inimigu kaptura tiha ona.\n“Momentu ne’e, forsa balun frustradu hela tanba lideransa laiha. Katak, ema ne’ebé atu lidera funu ne’e laiha tiha ona. Tanba ne’e mak Komandante Xanana Gusmão toma inisiativa hodi konsentra fila-fali kuadru superiór na’in rua, kuadru médiu hotu-hotu, kuadru inferiór sira no soldadu hotu-hotu konsentra fila-fali para hametin fila-fali funu ne’e,” nia dehan.\nKona ba tratamentu hosi Estadu ba veteranu sira-nia moris dignu, atuál prezidente Konsellu Veteranu Munisipiu Viqueque ne’e hateten, daudaun ne’e veteranu kuaze ema na’in-60-resin mak hetan ona pensaun espesiál ba abitasaun (uma) ho montante osan rihun haat-nulu ($ 40.000) maske veteranu barak liu mak seidauk hetan.\nVeteranu halo to’os\nIha parte seluk, veteranu Lintil hateten, hafoin sira harii tiha Konsellu Veteranu, nia define kedas sira-nia programa no entre progarama barbarak ne’ebé sira iha ne’e ida mak agrikultura. Nia informa, daudaun ne’e Konsellu Veteranu Munisipiu Viqueque ne’ebé nia xefia halibur malu hodi halo to’os no natar.\n“Konsellu Veteranu Munisípiu Viqueque ne’ebé ha’u rasik xefia, ha’u halibur veteranu sira hodi halo to’os no iha posibilidade atu halo mós natar. Ida ne’e ami halo tanba embora ita independente ona maibé ita nafatin dependente ba ai-han sira hosi rai-li’ur mai. Hahan sira hosi li’ur mai ne’e kontaminadu ona hosi produtu kímika barbarak no ida-ne’e la’ós hahan ne’ebé saudavel ba ita-nia isin. Realidade agora ita haree, moras oioin de’it mak afeta ema-nia isin hanesan tensaun, stroke, kurasaun no selseluk tan. Afinál uluk katuas sira-nia tempu ne’e moras sira hanesan ne’e laiha, iha karik mós la barak hanesan agora,” nia hateten.\nAtu evita buat sira-ne’e, nia hatutan, sira organiza malu no kumpre duni orientasaun hosi Konsellu Veteranu nian hodi hahú kuda hahan lokál sira hotu ne’ebé mak ema bele han hodi fó isin di’ak ba ema-nia isin no hamoris fila-fali ekonomia veteranu sira-nian liuliu veteranu hotu-hotu iha Munisipiu Viqueque (kuaze ema na’in 3203).\n“Entaun, ami aproveita hela rai balu iha Ossú no iha parte súl nian atu ami bele utiliza ba halo to’os no natar duké abandona de’it. Purtantu, veteranu hotu-hotu tenke la’o tuir planu nasionál ne’ebé difine ona hosi Konsellu Veteranu nian,” nia dehan.\nTanba ne’e, veteranu Lintil hato’o ninia reflesaun ba loron nasionál veteranu ne’e hanesan loron ida atu hanoin fila-fali sira-nia terus durante tinan 24 iha ai-laran bainhira sira luta no halo gerrillia.\n“Se loron 3 marsu mak laiha, independénsia laiha. Se momentu ne’ebá mak lideransa ida ne’ebé iha hanoin atu konsentra forsa hotu-hotu atu reorganiza fali rezisténsia ida ne’e mak laiha mós ukun-aan ne’e laiha. Biar ita hatene katak ukun-aan ne’e mai hosi prinsipiu polítika FRETILIN nian, maibé, kuandu la iha lideransa ida mak fó aan hodi orienta funu ida-ne’e mak ita sei labele alkansa ita-nia objetivu,” nia haktuir\nPrevious articleKomemora Loron Nasionál Veteranu, hametin foinsa’e sira-nia patriotizmu-nasionalizmu\nNext articleSEKoop insentiva mensál $30 ba ema ho difisiénsia haforsa kooperativa
[ "Lintil: \"Loron 3 marsu laiha, ukun rasik-aan mos laiha\" | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA HEADLINE Lintil: \"Loron 3 marsu laiha, ukun rasik-aan mos laiha\" Eis Adjuntu Rejiaun Kruzeiru nian, Adriano da Camara \"LINTIL.\"", "Imajen/Dokumentasaun privadu hosi familia.", "DILI, 03 marsu 2021 (TATOLI) - Eis Adjuntu Rejiaun Kruzeiru nian, Adriano da Camara \"LINTIL,\" ohin, hateten bainhira loron 03 fulan marsu ne'e laiha mak ukun rasik aan mos laiha tanba loron ida-ne'e hanesan loron importante ida ba Rezistensia Nasional no iha duni loron ida-ne'e mak Timor-Leste re-estrutura fila-fali funu.", "Notisia Relevante: Komemora Loron Nasional Veteranu, hametin foinsa'e sira-nia patriotizmu-nasionalizmu \"Antes ne'e, ita-nia baze apoiu eziste tinan tolu no inimigu destroi totalmente no ita nia lideransa sira barak mak ema kaer no ema oho.", "Sobrevivente na'in tolu mak hela maibe ikus fali mai, ema oho tan tiha adjuntu Txai entaun hela mesak sira na'in-rua de'it mak Komandante Xanana no Komandante Mau-Honu Builerek Karakatayana.", "Ho ida ne'e, katuas Xanana mak toma inisiativa hodi reuni fila-fali forsa FALINTIL sira hotu-hotu, liuliu forsa hosi Matebian ninian no setor ponta leste mak kaer metin hela baze de apoiu,\" Adriano da Camara \"Lintil\" hateten ba Agencia TATOLI hodi relembra fali ninia memoria kona-ba loron 3 marsu nu'udar loron ba veteranu, liuhosi telefonika, kuarta ne'e.", "Lintil hatutan, hafoin ne'e mak reorganiza fila-fali sira-ne'ebe iha sentru, hosi sentru ba fronteira norte no fronteira sul, hirak ne'e reorganiza hotu hodi ikus mai halo fila-fali reorganizasaun funu iha Timor-Leste, iha parte Maubai nian.", "\"Ami halibur malu kuaze loron sanulu (10), hosi loron 1 to'o loron 11 fulan marsu, hodi fo orientasaun no fo fila-fali tarefa ba kada rejiaun para hala'o fila-fali funu iha fatin-fatin.", "Hosi Konferensia Maubai ne'e duni mos mak nomeia fila-fali membru Komite Sentral foun ne'ebe hamutuk ema na'in sia (9).", "Hosi membru Komite Sentral foun ne'e kuaze mate hotu ona no hela mesak de'it mak atual Tenente Jeneral Lere Anan Timur hamutuk ho Xanana Gusmao no maun Mau-Honu.", "Entaun, nu'udar veteranu, loron 3 marsu ne'e hanesan loron reflesaun ida ba ami hotu-hotu tanba sofrimentu boot ba rezistensia armada,\" nia haktuir.", "Nia esplika, loron 3 marsu ne'e hanesan pontu de vista prinsipal la'os atu hametin fila-fali rezistensia de'it maibe atu opta oinsa mak halo moris fila-fali funu iha Timor-Leste.", "Tanba, iha momentu ne'eba ne'e bele dehan funu laiha ona no soldadu barak kuaze hanoin liu atu rende ba inimigu, balun hanoin ninia familia ne'ebe inimigu kaptura tiha ona.", "\"Momentu ne'e, forsa balun frustradu hela tanba lideransa laiha.", "Katak, ema ne'ebe atu lidera funu ne'e laiha tiha ona.", "Tanba ne'e mak Komandante Xanana Gusmao toma inisiativa hodi konsentra fila-fali kuadru superior na'in rua, kuadru mediu hotu-hotu, kuadru inferior sira no soldadu hotu-hotu konsentra fila-fali para hametin fila-fali funu ne'e,\" nia dehan.", "Kona ba tratamentu hosi Estadu ba veteranu sira-nia moris dignu, atual prezidente Konsellu Veteranu Munisipiu Viqueque ne'e hateten, daudaun ne'e veteranu kuaze ema na'in-60-resin mak hetan ona pensaun espesial ba abitasaun (uma) ho montante osan rihun haat-nulu ($ 40.000) maske veteranu barak liu mak seidauk hetan.", "Veteranu halo to'os Iha parte seluk, veteranu Lintil hateten, hafoin sira harii tiha Konsellu Veteranu, nia define kedas sira-nia programa no entre progarama barbarak ne'ebe sira iha ne'e ida mak agrikultura.", "Nia informa, daudaun ne'e Konsellu Veteranu Munisipiu Viqueque ne'ebe nia xefia halibur malu hodi halo to'os no natar.", "\"Konsellu Veteranu Munisipiu Viqueque ne'ebe ha'u rasik xefia, ha'u halibur veteranu sira hodi halo to'os no iha posibilidade atu halo mos natar.", "Ida ne'e ami halo tanba embora ita independente ona maibe ita nafatin dependente ba ai-han sira hosi rai-li'ur mai.", "Hahan sira hosi li'ur mai ne'e kontaminadu ona hosi produtu kimika barbarak no ida-ne'e la'os hahan ne'ebe saudavel ba ita-nia isin.", "Realidade agora ita haree, moras oioin de'it mak afeta ema-nia isin hanesan tensaun, stroke, kurasaun no selseluk tan.", "Afinal uluk katuas sira-nia tempu ne'e moras sira hanesan ne'e laiha, iha karik mos la barak hanesan agora,\" nia hateten.", "Atu evita buat sira-ne'e, nia hatutan, sira organiza malu no kumpre duni orientasaun hosi Konsellu Veteranu nian hodi hahu kuda hahan lokal sira hotu ne'ebe mak ema bele han hodi fo isin di'ak ba ema-nia isin no hamoris fila-fali ekonomia veteranu sira-nian liuliu veteranu hotu-hotu iha Munisipiu Viqueque (kuaze ema na'in 3203).", "\"Entaun, ami aproveita hela rai balu iha Ossu no iha parte sul nian atu ami bele utiliza ba halo to'os no natar duke abandona de'it.", "Purtantu, veteranu hotu-hotu tenke la'o tuir planu nasional ne'ebe difine ona hosi Konsellu Veteranu nian,\" nia dehan.", "Tanba ne'e, veteranu Lintil hato'o ninia reflesaun ba loron nasional veteranu ne'e hanesan loron ida atu hanoin fila-fali sira-nia terus durante tinan 24 iha ai-laran bainhira sira luta no halo gerrillia.", "\"Se loron 3 marsu mak laiha, independensia laiha.", "Se momentu ne'eba mak lideransa ida ne'ebe iha hanoin atu konsentra forsa hotu-hotu atu reorganiza fali rezistensia ida ne'e mak laiha mos ukun-aan ne'e laiha.", "Biar ita hatene katak ukun-aan ne'e mai hosi prinsipiu politika FRETILIN nian, maibe, kuandu la iha lideransa ida mak fo aan hodi orienta funu ida-ne'e mak ita sei labele alkansa ita-nia objetivu,\" nia haktuir Previous articleKomemora Loron Nasional Veteranu, hametin foinsa'e sira-nia patriotizmu-nasionalizmu Next articleSEKoop insentiva mensal $30 ba ema ho difisiensia haforsa kooperativa" ]
[ [ "Lintil: \"Loron 3 marsu laiha, ukun rasik-aan mos seidauk\" | TIMOR HEADLINE Former Deputy Governor of Kruzeiru Region Adriano da Camara “LINTIL.”" ], [ "Private family image/documentation." ], [ "DILI, March 03th (TATOLI) - Former Deputy Governor of Kruzeiru Region Adriano da Camara \"LINTIL\" today said that if there is no march the third day will not be independence because this date was an important one for Resistensia Nasional and indeed it's on these days Timor-Leste restructured again." ], [ "\"Before, our support base existed for three years and the enemy totally destroyed it. Many of us leaders were taken prisoner or killed by them.\" - President Xi Jinping (left) during a press conference on Veterans' Day in Beijing" ], [ "There were three survivors, but when they came back the deputy of Txai was killed and only two remained. They are Commander Xanana (Xanana) & Chief Mau-Honu Builerek Karakatayana(Buirek)." ], [ "With this, old Xanana took the initiative to reunite all FALINTIL forces again. Especially Matebian's force and sector eastern end which still has a strong base of support\", Adriano da Camara \"Lintil\" told Agência Tatoli recalling his memories about March-3 as Veteran Day via telephone on Tuesday (28/01)." ], [ "Lintil said, after that they reorganized those in the centre again from center to northern border and south frontier. They all made a new organization of fighting on Timor-Leste at Maubai side as well.\"" ], [ "\"We gathered for almost ten days, from March 1st to the last day of February (March) in order that we could give guidance and re-task each region on how they should carry out their fights at home." ], [ "The Maubai Conference also appointed a new Central Committee of nine (9) members." ], [ "Of the members of this new Central Committee, almost all are dead and only current Lieutenant General Lere Anan Timur remains with Xanana Gusmao & Mau-Honu." ], [ "Therefore, as a veteran of the armed resistance and its great suffering for us all on March 3 is an occasion to reflect.\"" ], [ "He explained, March 3 is the main point of view not only to strengthen resistance again but also opt how we can revive war in Timor-Leste." ], [ "Because, at this point it can be said that there was no war and many soldiers almost thought more to surrender the enemy. Some believed their family had been captures by an enemy 1945" ], [ "\"At the moment, some forces are frustrated because there is no leadership." ], [ "In other words, there is no one left to lead the war." ], [ "That is why Commander Xanana Gusmao took the initiative to concentrate again two senior cadres, all middle-level personnel and subordinates as well a whole soldiers for strengthening this fighting once more.\"" ], [ "Regarding the State's treatment of veteran-related decent living, current president Council Veteran Municipality Viqueque said that at present almost 60 military pensioners have received special residence (house) in amount four thousand and ninety dollars ($45.28), although many more still do not receive it yet" ], [ "On the other hand, veteran Lintil said that after they had set up a Veterans Council he immediately defined their program and amongst all of those barbaric programs one was agriculture." ], [ "He informed, that at present the Council of Veterans Municipality Viqueque which he headed is gathering to make forest and natar." ], [ "\"The Veterans Council of Viqueque Municipality, which I head myself. We have gathered the veteran to make wood and there is a possibility that we can also do natar (farming)." ], [ "We do this because although we are independent, but still dependent on food from overseas." ], [ "Food imported from abroad is contaminated with barbaric chemicals and this food will not be healthy for our bodies." ], [ "The reality now we see, only various diseases affect people' s body such as high blood pressure (hypertension), stroke and healing etc." ], [ "After all, in the old days there were no diseases like this. There may not be as many of them now.\"" ], [ "To avoid this, he said that they organized themselves and followed the guidance of Veterans Council to start growing all local food which people can eat for their own well-being. This will help restore veteran economy especially in Viqueque Municipality (almost 3204)." ], [ "\"So, we are taking advantage of some land in Ossu and the south so that it can be used for forestry rather than abandoned." ], [ "However, all veterans must follow the national plan that has been defined by Veteran Council,” he said." ], [ "Therefore, veteran Lintil presented his reflection on the national day of this Veteran as a Day to remember once again their suffering during 24 years in fields when they fought and did guerrilla." ], [ "\"If there is no 3 March, then independence does not exist." ], [ "If at that moment there was a leadership who had the mind to concentrate all forces and reorganize resistance, then this is no independence." ], [ "Even though we know that independence came from the political principles of FRETILIN, but if there is no leadership who devotes himself to directing this struggle it will not be possible for us To achieve our goal.\" Previous articleCommemorating National Veteran Day strengthens youth patriotism-nationalist Next ArticleSEKoop monthly incentive $30 people with disabilities and reinforce cooperative" ] ]
Loron sia hafoin ita deklara ita-nia independénsia iha 28 Novembru 1975, ita hasoru luta naruk ida ne’ebé nakonu ho terus oin-oin durante tinan ruanulu resin haat nia laran. Situasaun ne’ebé ita hasoru iha tempu ne’ebá obriga ita atu adapta lalais ba realidade ne’ebé ita hasoru no ita konsege organiza an ho meius ne’ebé iha, hodi hasoru no hakaat liu dezafiu no terus hotu-hotu.\nHahú ho rezisténsia armada iha ai-laran, estende ba sidade laran, no ba esteriór, ka rai-li’ur. Iha tempu ne’ebé joven Timoroan hahú sai ba eskola iha Indonézia lori mós rezisténsia ba iha ne’eba hodi forma movimentu rezisténsia estudantil no atrai mós solidariedade husi demokrata indonéziu sira. Ho Frente tolu – Frente Armada, Frente Klandestina no Frente Esterna/Diplomátika – maka ita forma Rezisténsia ida de’it husi Povu Timor-Leste hodi manán funu naruk ida, nakonu ho dezafius, terus no mate, no ikus, ita Restaura ita-nia Independénsia, iha serimónia, iha Tasi-Tolu, iha loron 20 fulan Maiu tinan 2002!\nOhinloron, nu’udar Povu no Nasaun ida, ita hasoru, dala ida tan, dezafiu boot ida ne’ebé lori mai ita insertezas no terus barak. Pandemia Covid-19 ne’ebé afeta mundu tomak no da’et lalais lós husi ema ba ema no husi país ida ba país seluk, hahú iha fulan Dezembru tinan 2019. Vírus korona da’et ona ba ema liu tokon atus ida neen nulu no to’o ohinloron hasai ona ema nia vida, liu tokon tolu.\nIha ita-nia País, ita halo ona esforsu barak hodi evita vírus korona da’et ba ita-nia sidadaun sira. Biar nune’e, ohinloron ita tama ona ba kategoria transmisaun komunitária, iha munisípiu Díli. Ema ne’ebé hetan pozitivu ho vírus Covid-19 nian to’ o ona 4949, sura husi 21 Marsu 2020 to’o 19 Maiu 2021. Kazu ativu iha 19 Maiu 2021 hamutuk hotu 2302. Ita lakon ita nia belun nain sanulu resin ida ne’ebé mate ho korona vírus.\nHusi ezemplu ne’ebé ita asiste iha País seluk, iha ita-nia rejiaun no iha kontinente hotu-hotu, ita tenke iha konxiénsia katak Covid-19 sei la lakon iha tempu badak. Nune’e, ita tenke adapta no aprende moris ho situasaun ida ne’e. Ita labele haluha mós dezastre natural ne’ebé akontese iha fulan kotuk, 4 de Abril. Udan boot rezulta bee sa’e maka’as no provoka inundasaun iha munisípiu Dili no mós iha munisípiu seluk hanesan Manatuto, Baucau, Viqueque, Covalima, no seluk tan.\nHo inundasaun no ho forsa bee nian infraestrutura barak mak monu no estraga total, hanesan ema nia uma, edifísiu públiku no infraestrutura bázika públika barak hanesan dalan no pontes. Ema barak lakon sira nia uma no sasán tomak no, to’o ohinloron, seidauk iha uma di’ak ida hodi fila fali ba. Triste liután, ita-nia ema mate no lakon, hamutuk nain haat nulu resin ida.\nNu’udar Nasaun no Povu ida, ita iha ona esperiénsia naruk ida hodi hasoru dezafiu boot no ho barani, ho matenek, ho sakrifísiu no dedikasaun tomak, uza rekursus ne’ebé iha hodi muda situasaun. Iha tempu funu nian, ita uza rekursus ne’ebé disponível iha momentu ne’ebá, kilat balun husi tempu portugés, kilat no kilat musan ne’ebé kaptura husi inimigu, rádiu ki’ikoan ne’ebé konsege hetan hodi rona notísia husi rai-li’ur, hakerek surat ho lian portugés hodi inimigu labele deteta, tanba meiu komunikasaun seluk laiha... no dala barak lori fulan ba fulan atu to’o iha nia destinatáriu.\nMaibé, dalan sira ne’e hotu mak ita uza hodi alkansa ita-nia objetivu final, ukun rasik an, ne’ebé ohin ita selebra. “Ohin ita tenke hateke ba situasaun ne’ebé ita hasoru no halo refleksaun klean ida kona-ba ita-nia País ne’ebé ita harii dadaun,” Relata KI.\nDezafiu sira ne’ebé ita hasoru, hanesan dezafíu polítiku, sosiál, pandemia, dezastre natural labele trava ka impede ita hodi nafatin kontinua ita-nia erói no eroína sira-nia mehi hodi harii sosiedade ida ne’ebé livre, demokrátika no justa. Sosiedade ida ne’ebé sidadaun sira moris ho haksolok. Ao kontráriu, iha adversidade nia laran mak ita tenke matenek hodi analiza no diskute dalan ne’ebé ita lao hela, identika no asume sala ne’ebé ita halo ona no ho responsabilidade buka meius atu hadi’ak buat ne’ebé tenke hadi’ak no halo foun buat ne’ebé importante hodi dezenvolvimentu bele lao nafatin ho kualidade no sustentabilidade. Tempu agora no ba oin sei nafatin dezafia ita-nia kapasidade hanoin no halo ho di’ak! Sei laiha milagre! Maibé, hamutuk ita bele hadi’ak no haburas!\nOhinloron ita iha ferramentas barak liu hodi ita uza. Siénsia no teknolojia iha mundu tomak iha avansus ne’ebé signifikativu tebes no ita iha rekursus umanus barak. Tinan-tinan Governu investe hela iha ita-nia rekursus umanus hodi garante bolsa estudu ba ita-nia sidadaun barak hodi sira bele buka matenek iha universidade sira iha rai-laran no iha rai-li’ur hodi hasai espesializasaun iha área ne’ebé importante ba dezenvolvimentu iha ita-nia País.\nRetornu ne’ebé ita hetan husi investimentu ida ne’e mak ohin loron ita iha kuadrus barak formadu iha área oin-oin, ho experiénsia ne’ebé sira hetan iha País sira seluk. Será ke rekursus umanus ne’ebé ita prepara ona, iha kondisaun hodi aplika sira-nia espesialidade iha prosesu dezenvolvimentu nian? Ka ita presiza tan kondisaun sira seluk, liuliu transmisaun valores ne’ebé lori ita to’o mai agora? Ida ne’e refleksaun importante ida ne’ebé governante sira tenke halo ho onestidade. Ita hotu nia kontribuisaun importante ba ita-nia País.\nBainhira ita kontinua nafatin halo konstrusaun oin-oin iha bee- dalan, hanesan iha mota ninin, iha área Tasitolu nian, no seluk tan, ka nafatin la respeita natureza, mak tinan-tinan ita sei hasoru dezastre hanesan no at liután, ita sei lakon ema nia vida beibeik. Fenómenu natural repete hela de’it. Karik ita la hatene hasai lisaun, ita nunka bele halo di’ak! Di’akliu mak ita tau hamutuk ida-idak nia matenek no kbiit rasik no hamutuk ita harii kondisaun hodi ita hadi’ak liután ita-nia moris di’ak no hateke ba oin. La’ós haree ba ohin ka aban de’it maibé ba oin nafatin ho serteza loloos ba ita-nia Povu nia moris-di’ak,” Informa KI.\n“Ha’u hakarak hatete dala ida tan katak, ho fiar no esperansa, hanesan Povu no Nasaun ida, ho ezemplu husi ita-nia erói no eroína sira, ita sei hasoru nafatin dezafius hotu ho konsisténsia, barani no matenek. Konsisténsia hodi kontinua ita-nia erói no eroína sira-nia mehi hodi harii sosiedade ida livre no justa ne’ebé Povu moris ho haksolok; barani hodi rekoñese sala ne’ebé ita halo nu’udar estímulu ida hodi buka mudansa; no matenek hodi, ho respeitu nafatin ba ita-nia kultura no tradisaun sira, uza meius hotu ne’ebé ohinloron ita iha, hanesan siénsia no teknolojia foun no avansadu, rekursus umanus no finanseirus hodi promove no halao dezenvolvimentu ida ne’ebé modernu, seguru no sustentável,”\nIta hein katak, ho ajuda komunidade internasional nian, País rua ne’e bele halakon konflitu boot ne’e, iha tempu badak. Hamutuk ita tanen dame iha mundu tomak! Ha’u nia hako’ak boot ba imi hotu! VIVA LORON RESTAURASAUN INDEPENDÉNSIA! VIVA POVU TIMOR-LESTE! (BT)
[ "Loron sia hafoin ita deklara ita-nia independensia iha 28 Novembru 1975, ita hasoru luta naruk ida ne'ebe nakonu ho terus oin-oin durante tinan ruanulu resin haat nia laran.", "Situasaun ne'ebe ita hasoru iha tempu ne'eba obriga ita atu adapta lalais ba realidade ne'ebe ita hasoru no ita konsege organiza an ho meius ne'ebe iha, hodi hasoru no hakaat liu dezafiu no terus hotu-hotu.", "Hahu ho rezistensia armada iha ai-laran, estende ba sidade laran, no ba esterior, ka rai-li'ur.", "Iha tempu ne'ebe joven Timoroan hahu sai ba eskola iha Indonezia lori mos rezistensia ba iha ne'eba hodi forma movimentu rezistensia estudantil no atrai mos solidariedade husi demokrata indoneziu sira.", "Ho Frente tolu - Frente Armada, Frente Klandestina no Frente Esterna/Diplomatika - maka ita forma Rezistensia ida de'it husi Povu Timor-Leste hodi manan funu naruk ida, nakonu ho dezafius, terus no mate, no ikus, ita Restaura ita-nia Independensia, iha serimonia, iha Tasi-Tolu, iha loron 20 fulan Maiu tinan 2002!", "Ohinloron, nu'udar Povu no Nasaun ida, ita hasoru, dala ida tan, dezafiu boot ida ne'ebe lori mai ita insertezas no terus barak.", "Pandemia Covid-19 ne'ebe afeta mundu tomak no da'et lalais los husi ema ba ema no husi pais ida ba pais seluk, hahu iha fulan Dezembru tinan 2019.", "Virus korona da'et ona ba ema liu tokon atus ida neen nulu no to'o ohinloron hasai ona ema nia vida, liu tokon tolu.", "Iha ita-nia Pais, ita halo ona esforsu barak hodi evita virus korona da'et ba ita-nia sidadaun sira.", "Biar nune'e, ohinloron ita tama ona ba kategoria transmisaun komunitaria, iha munisipiu Dili.", "Ema ne'ebe hetan pozitivu ho virus Covid-19 nian to' o ona 4949, sura husi 21 Marsu 2020 to'o 19 Maiu 2021.", "Kazu ativu iha 19 Maiu 2021 hamutuk hotu 2302.", "Ita lakon ita nia belun nain sanulu resin ida ne'ebe mate ho korona virus.", "Husi ezemplu ne'ebe ita asiste iha Pais seluk, iha ita-nia rejiaun no iha kontinente hotu-hotu, ita tenke iha konxiensia katak Covid-19 sei la lakon iha tempu badak.", "Nune'e, ita tenke adapta no aprende moris ho situasaun ida ne'e.", "Ita labele haluha mos dezastre natural ne'ebe akontese iha fulan kotuk, 4 de Abril.", "Udan boot rezulta bee sa'e maka'as no provoka inundasaun iha munisipiu Dili no mos iha munisipiu seluk hanesan Manatuto, Baucau, Viqueque, Covalima, no seluk tan.", "Ho inundasaun no ho forsa bee nian infraestrutura barak mak monu no estraga total, hanesan ema nia uma, edifisiu publiku no infraestrutura bazika publika barak hanesan dalan no pontes.", "Ema barak lakon sira nia uma no sasan tomak no, to'o ohinloron, seidauk iha uma di'ak ida hodi fila fali ba.", "Triste liutan, ita-nia ema mate no lakon, hamutuk nain haat nulu resin ida.", "Nu'udar Nasaun no Povu ida, ita iha ona esperiensia naruk ida hodi hasoru dezafiu boot no ho barani, ho matenek, ho sakrifisiu no dedikasaun tomak, uza rekursus ne'ebe iha hodi muda situasaun.", "Iha tempu funu nian, ita uza rekursus ne'ebe disponivel iha momentu ne'eba, kilat balun husi tempu portuges, kilat no kilat musan ne'ebe kaptura husi inimigu, radiu ki'ikoan ne'ebe konsege hetan hodi rona notisia husi rai-li'ur, hakerek surat ho lian portuges hodi inimigu labele deteta, tanba meiu komunikasaun seluk laiha... no dala barak lori fulan ba fulan atu to'o iha nia destinatariu.", "Maibe, dalan sira ne'e hotu mak ita uza hodi alkansa ita-nia objetivu final, ukun rasik an, ne'ebe ohin ita selebra.", "\"Ohin ita tenke hateke ba situasaun ne'ebe ita hasoru no halo refleksaun klean ida kona-ba ita-nia Pais ne'ebe ita harii dadaun,\" Relata KI.", "Dezafiu sira ne'ebe ita hasoru, hanesan dezafiu politiku, sosial, pandemia, dezastre natural labele trava ka impede ita hodi nafatin kontinua ita-nia eroi no eroina sira-nia mehi hodi harii sosiedade ida ne'ebe livre, demokratika no justa.", "Sosiedade ida ne'ebe sidadaun sira moris ho haksolok.", "Ao kontrariu, iha adversidade nia laran mak ita tenke matenek hodi analiza no diskute dalan ne'ebe ita lao hela, identika no asume sala ne'ebe ita halo ona no ho responsabilidade buka meius atu hadi'ak buat ne'ebe tenke hadi'ak no halo foun buat ne'ebe importante hodi dezenvolvimentu bele lao nafatin ho kualidade no sustentabilidade.", "Tempu agora no ba oin sei nafatin dezafia ita-nia kapasidade hanoin no halo ho di'ak!", "Sei laiha milagre!", "Maibe, hamutuk ita bele hadi'ak no haburas!", "Ohinloron ita iha ferramentas barak liu hodi ita uza.", "Siensia no teknolojia iha mundu tomak iha avansus ne'ebe signifikativu tebes no ita iha rekursus umanus barak.", "Tinan-tinan Governu investe hela iha ita-nia rekursus umanus hodi garante bolsa estudu ba ita-nia sidadaun barak hodi sira bele buka matenek iha universidade sira iha rai-laran no iha rai-li'ur hodi hasai espesializasaun iha area ne'ebe importante ba dezenvolvimentu iha ita-nia Pais.", "Retornu ne'ebe ita hetan husi investimentu ida ne'e mak ohin loron ita iha kuadrus barak formadu iha area oin-oin, ho experiensia ne'ebe sira hetan iha Pais sira seluk.", "Sera ke rekursus umanus ne'ebe ita prepara ona, iha kondisaun hodi aplika sira-nia espesialidade iha prosesu dezenvolvimentu nian?", "Ka ita presiza tan kondisaun sira seluk, liuliu transmisaun valores ne'ebe lori ita to'o mai agora?", "Ida ne'e refleksaun importante ida ne'ebe governante sira tenke halo ho onestidade.", "Ita hotu nia kontribuisaun importante ba ita-nia Pais.", "Bainhira ita kontinua nafatin halo konstrusaun oin-oin iha bee- dalan, hanesan iha mota ninin, iha area Tasitolu nian, no seluk tan, ka nafatin la respeita natureza, mak tinan-tinan ita sei hasoru dezastre hanesan no at liutan, ita sei lakon ema nia vida beibeik.", "Fenomenu natural repete hela de'it.", "Karik ita la hatene hasai lisaun, ita nunka bele halo di'ak!", "Di'akliu mak ita tau hamutuk ida-idak nia matenek no kbiit rasik no hamutuk ita harii kondisaun hodi ita hadi'ak liutan ita-nia moris di'ak no hateke ba oin.", "La'os haree ba ohin ka aban de'it maibe ba oin nafatin ho serteza loloos ba ita-nia Povu nia moris-di'ak,\" Informa KI.", "\"Ha'u hakarak hatete dala ida tan katak, ho fiar no esperansa, hanesan Povu no Nasaun ida, ho ezemplu husi ita-nia eroi no eroina sira, ita sei hasoru nafatin dezafius hotu ho konsistensia, barani no matenek.", "Konsistensia hodi kontinua ita-nia eroi no eroina sira-nia mehi hodi harii sosiedade ida livre no justa ne'ebe Povu moris ho haksolok; barani hodi rekonese sala ne'ebe ita halo nu'udar estimulu ida hodi buka mudansa; no matenek hodi, ho respeitu nafatin ba ita-nia kultura no tradisaun sira, uza meius hotu ne'ebe ohinloron ita iha, hanesan siensia no teknolojia foun no avansadu, rekursus umanus no finanseirus hodi promove no halao dezenvolvimentu ida ne'ebe modernu, seguru no sustentavel,\" Ita hein katak, ho ajuda komunidade internasional nian, Pais rua ne'e bele halakon konflitu boot ne'e, iha tempu badak.", "Hamutuk ita tanen dame iha mundu tomak!", "Ha'u nia hako'ak boot ba imi hotu!", "VIVA LORON RESTAURASAUN INDEPENDENSIA!", "VIVA POVU TIMOR-LESTE!", "(BT)" ]
[ [ "Seven days after we declared our independence on November 28,1975. We faced a long struggle full of various sufferings for the last thirty-four years..." ], [ "The situation that we faced at the time required us to adapt quickly and successfully with all available means, in order for our peoples' struggle against this terrible disease." ], [ "Hahu with armed resistance on the ground, extending to inner cities and beyond or abroad." ], [ "At the same time that young Timorese began to go out of school in Indonesia, they brought resistance there and formed a student-resistance movement which attracted solidarity from Indonesian democrats." ], [ "With three fronts - Armed Front, Clandestine Fronte and External/Diplomatic Frente- we formed a single Resistance of the Timorese People to win this long struggle filled with challenges suffering & death. And finally restore our independence in Tasi Tolu on May20th!" ], [ "Every day, as a people and nation we face once again the great challenge of bringing us many insecurities." ], [ "The Covid-19 pandemic, which affects the whole world and spread rapidly from person to individual as well in one country into another began on December 20." ], [ "The corona virus has infected more than 1.6 million people and to date, over three millions have lost their lives as a result of the illnesses caused by this coronavirus disease (COVID-09)." ], [ "In our country, we have made many efforts to prevent the corona virus from spreading amongst us." ], [ "However, today we have entered the category of community transmission in Dili municipality." ], [ "The number of people who have tested positive for the Covid-19 virus has risen to 4,867 from March.20th until May:3rd" ], [ "Active cases as of 19 May, totaled in all the country are now at a high level." ], [ "We have lost one hundred and thirty of our neighbors who died from the corona virus." ], [ "From the examples we have seen in other countries, our own region and on all of these continentes. We must be aware that Covid-19 is not going to disappear anytime soon!" ], [ "Therefore, we must adapt and learn to live with this situation." ], [ "We cannot forget the natural disaster that occurred last month, April 4." ], [ "The heavy rain resulted in high water levels and caused flooding not only of Dili but also other municipalities such as Manatuto, Baucau (Baucau), Viqueque or Covalima." ], [ "With the floods and water force, many infrastructure collapsed to total destruction such as people' s houses public buildings basic civil facilities like road & bridge." ], [ "Many people lost their homes and possessions, but to this day there is no good home for them." ], [ "Sadly again, our people have died and disappeared in total of 401." ], [ "As a nation and as people, we have had the long experience of facing great challenges with courage; wisdom. With all our sacrifices & dedication using available resources to change things around us!" ], [ "In wartime, we used the resources available at that time: some guns from Portuguese times; rifle and shotgun captured by enemy forces. We had a small radio to hear foreign news on it (which was not very good); letter writing in portuguese so as our enemies couldn't detect us because there were no other means of communication... often taking months or even years for them" ], [ "But all these paths we have used to reach our final goal, independence which is celebrated today." ], [ "\"Today we have to face the situation that is facing us and make a clear reflection on our country,\" KI reports." ], [ "The challenges that we face, such as political and social problems or natural disasters cannot stop us from continuing the aspirations of our heroes to build a free democratic just society." ], [ "A society where its citizens live in happiness." ], [ "On the contrary, it is in adversity that we must be wise enough to analyze and discuss our current course of action. We should identify what has failed us so as responsibly find ways for improving where necessary or making new things important if developments are going on with quality & sustainability" ], [ "The times now and in the future will continue to challenge our ability of thinking well!" ], [ "I don't know a miracle!" ], [ "But, together we can improve and grow!" ], [ "Every day we have more tools for us to use." ], [ "Science and technology are making significant advances worldwide, we have a great human resource base." ], [ "Year after year, the Government has invested in our human resources to guarantee scholarships for many citizens so that they can seek wisdom at universities both domestically and abroad with specialisation opportunities which are important areas of development." ], [ "The return we get from this investment is that today there are many cadres trained in different areas, with the experience they have acquired elsewhere." ], [ "Are the human resources that we have prepared in a position to apply their full potential for development?" ], [ "Or do we need other conditions, especially the transmission of values that have brought us to this point?" ], [ "This is an important reflection that the rulers must do with honesty." ], [ "All of us have made important contributions to our country." ], [ "As long as we continue to build along the waterways, like on this bridge in Tasitolu area and so forth or do not respect nature then every year there will be more disasters of that kind. We'll lose people lives again!" ], [ "Natural phenomenon repeats itself all the time." ], [ "If we don't know how to take lessons, then never do well!" ], [ "It is better that we bring together each one's own wisdom and strength, so as to build the conditions in which our lives can be improved." ], [ "We are not looking only at today or tomorrow, but always going ahead with real certainty for the well-being of our people,” KI informed." ], [ "\"I want to say once again that with faith and hope, as a People & Nation by the example of our heroes we will face all challenges consistently courageously wisely." ], [ "Consistency in continuing our heroes and heroine's aspirations to build a free, just society where people can live happily; courage for acknowledging the mistake we have made as an impetus towards change. And wisdom that with respect of culture & tradition use all means available today - new advanced science&technology human resources finance-to promote modern safe sustainable development.\" It is hoped which two countries will be able soon overcome this major conflict through help from international community" ], [ "Together, let us build peace all over the world!" ], [ "My heartfelt greetings to you all!" ], [ "LONG LIVE THEIR RESTAURATION OF INDEPENDENCE!" ], [ "LONG LIVE THE PEOPLE OF TIMOR-LESTE!" ], [ "(BT) 2014-365" ] ]
Xanana Gusmão ho alunu atus resin halai ba dame iha Timor-Leste - TIMOR AGORA\nXanana Gusmão ho alunu atus resin halai ba dame iha Timor-Leste\nLíder istóriku timoroan Xanana Gusmão diriji iha loron-kinta ne'e grupu ida ne'ebé inklui alunu atus resin hosi eskola oioin iha Díli iha peace run ida ne'ebé, iha parte barak hanesan perkursu kilómetru lima, hanesan la'ó halimar.\nSri Chinmoy Oneness-Home Peace Run hahú iha entrada Parlamentu Nasional nian, ne'ebé iha grupu majoret sira hosi eskola Canossa fó kór no lian ba eventu ida ne'ebé hahú hosi nia kriasaun, iha 1987, to'o ona iha nasaun hamutuk 150 iha mundu tomak.\nXanana Gusmão, ho fatu treinu kór azul, ho bandeira timoroan nian iha fuan, sai hanesan estrela hosi prova ki'ik ne'ebé akontese iha dalan balun iha sentru sidade nian, entre Parlamentu Nasional, zona Kolmera, bairu Farol no hafoin ne'e liuhosi tasi-ibun to'o Palásiu Governu.\nHamutuk ho prezidente Parlamentu Nasional, Adérito Hugo da Costa, sekretáriu Estadu ba Juventude no Desportu, Leovigildo Hornay ho sekretária Estadu Arte ho Kultura, Isabel Ximenes, líder istóriku timoroan diriji grupu ida ho alunu atus resin hosi eskola oioin timoroan nian, inklui Escola Portuguesa de Díli.\nIha momentu balun, Xanana Gusmão, ho tinan 71, sei hala'i maibé parte barak liu nia la'ó halimar ka - iha fatin balun - halo marxa aseleradu oituan, besik nafatin joven sira ne'ebé hakilar nia naran dalabarak.\nBainhira hahú halai simbóliku, líder timoroan lori ahi ne'ebé reprezenta pasajen ida hosi sasin entre jerasaun sira no hanesan símbolu ida esperansa nian no mehi hanesan hosi humanidade ba dame no harmonia.\nLíder timoroan aproveita ona mensajen badal ida ba partisipante sira, iha jardin Parlamentu Nasional nian - no iha estátua Sri Chinmoy nia sorin - hodi apela ba hakmatek, dame no estabilidade iha prosesu eleitoral sira tinan ne'e nian.\nMensajen ida ne'ebé hanoin ba prezidensial sira iha loron 20 Marsu no iha lejislativu sira iha inísiu fulan-Jullu.\nChinmoy, ne'ebé mate iha tinan 2007 ho tinan 76, hanesan filózofu ida no profesór indianu ida ne'ebé sai koñesidu tanba promove eventu oioin, entre konsertu sira, meditasaun sira no halai sira, ho tema dame interior no harmonia mundial.\nSentru sira meditasaun Chinmoy nian ohin loron ezisti iha nasaun sanulu resin iha mundu tomak.\n"Sri Chinmoy Oneness-Home Peace Run", ne'ebé harii iha tinan 1987, mosu hanesan dalan ida hodi halibur ema sira iha eventu ida ne'ebé global no mós lokal, no nune'e maka to'o iha ema rihun resin iha mundu tomak.
[ "Xanana Gusmao ho alunu atus resin halai ba dame iha Timor-Leste - TIMOR AGORA Xanana Gusmao ho alunu atus resin halai ba dame iha Timor-Leste Lider istoriku timoroan Xanana Gusmao diriji iha loron-kinta ne'e grupu ida ne'ebe inklui alunu atus resin hosi eskola oioin iha Dili iha peace run ida ne'ebe, iha parte barak hanesan perkursu kilometru lima, hanesan la'o halimar.", "Sri Chinmoy Oneness-Home Peace Run hahu iha entrada Parlamentu Nasional nian, ne'ebe iha grupu majoret sira hosi eskola Canossa fo kor no lian ba eventu ida ne'ebe hahu hosi nia kriasaun, iha 1987, to'o ona iha nasaun hamutuk 150 iha mundu tomak.", "Xanana Gusmao, ho fatu treinu kor azul, ho bandeira timoroan nian iha fuan, sai hanesan estrela hosi prova ki'ik ne'ebe akontese iha dalan balun iha sentru sidade nian, entre Parlamentu Nasional, zona Kolmera, bairu Farol no hafoin ne'e liuhosi tasi-ibun to'o Palasiu Governu.", "Hamutuk ho prezidente Parlamentu Nasional, Aderito Hugo da Costa, sekretariu Estadu ba Juventude no Desportu, Leovigildo Hornay ho sekretaria Estadu Arte ho Kultura, Isabel Ximenes, lider istoriku timoroan diriji grupu ida ho alunu atus resin hosi eskola oioin timoroan nian, inklui Escola Portuguesa de Dili.", "Iha momentu balun, Xanana Gusmao, ho tinan 71, sei hala'i maibe parte barak liu nia la'o halimar ka - iha fatin balun - halo marxa aseleradu oituan, besik nafatin joven sira ne'ebe hakilar nia naran dalabarak.", "Bainhira hahu halai simboliku, lider timoroan lori ahi ne'ebe reprezenta pasajen ida hosi sasin entre jerasaun sira no hanesan simbolu ida esperansa nian no mehi hanesan hosi humanidade ba dame no harmonia.", "Lider timoroan aproveita ona mensajen badal ida ba partisipante sira, iha jardin Parlamentu Nasional nian - no iha estatua Sri Chinmoy nia sorin - hodi apela ba hakmatek, dame no estabilidade iha prosesu eleitoral sira tinan ne'e nian.", "Mensajen ida ne'ebe hanoin ba prezidensial sira iha loron 20 Marsu no iha lejislativu sira iha inisiu fulan-Jullu.", "Chinmoy, ne'ebe mate iha tinan 2007 ho tinan 76, hanesan filozofu ida no profesor indianu ida ne'ebe sai konesidu tanba promove eventu oioin, entre konsertu sira, meditasaun sira no halai sira, ho tema dame interior no harmonia mundial.", "Sentru sira meditasaun Chinmoy nian ohin loron ezisti iha nasaun sanulu resin iha mundu tomak.", "\"Sri Chinmoy Oneness-Home Peace Run,\" ne'ebe harii iha tinan 1987, mosu hanesan dalan ida hodi halibur ema sira iha eventu ida ne'ebe global no mos lokal, no nune'e maka to'o iha ema rihun resin iha mundu tomak." ]
[ [ "Xanana Gusmao and hundreds of students run for peace in Timor-Leste - TIMOR AGORA Historical leader, the former Prime Minister Gusmão led on Friday a group that included ten thousand pupils from various schools around Dili to participate at this year' s Peace Run which was largely an 8.5 km course like walking through forest or hiking along riverbank pathways with trees overlooking him as he made his way back home after five years spent outside Indonesia during World War II (1942)." ], [ "The Sri Chinmoy Oneness-Home Peace Run began at the entrance of National Parliament, where majorette groups from Canossa School provided choir and voice to an event that since its inception 1987 has reached over a hundred countries worldwide." ], [ "Xanana Gusmao, wearing a blue cor training hat and holding the national flag of Timor-Leste in his hand was star at this small race that took place on several streets across downtown between Parliament House (Parliament), Kolmera area to Farol neighbourhood then through seaside areas until reaching Government Palace." ], [ "Together with the President of National Parliament, Aderito Hugo da Costa; State Secretary for Youth and Sports Leovigildo Hornay. The Secretariat-General to Arts & Culture Isabel Ximenes led a group consisting from thousands students who attended various schools in Timor Leste including Escola Portuguesa de Dili (Portuguese School)." ], [ "At some points, Xanana Gusmao at 71 would walk but for most of the time he went slowly or - in certain places – made a very fast march close to young people who repeated his name." ], [ "As the symbolic procession began, Timorese leaders carried a flame that represented an intergenerational passage of testimony and was symbolized as hope for humanity's common desire to peace." ], [ "The Tongan leader took the opportunity of a brief message to participants, in National Parliament's garden - and at Sri Chinmoy statue-side – for an appeal on fairness. peace & stability during this year’ s electoral processes" ], [ "A message that will be addressed in the presidential elections on March 20 and legislative election early July." ], [ "Chinmoy, who died in 2017 at the age of seventy-six years old was an Indian philosopher and professor known for promoting various events including music concertes meditation walking on themes such as peace within yourself or world harmony." ], [ "Chinmoy's meditation centers today exist in more than 120 countries around the world." ], [ "The \"Sri Chinmoy Oneness-Home Peace Run,\" founded in 1987 as a way of bringing people together at an event that was both global and local has reached thousands around the world." ] ]
MEJD rejeita “hoax” kona-ba estudante finalista 3.417 la pasa EN | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste\nVARANDA DILI MEJD rejeita “hoax” kona-ba estudante finalista 3.417 la pasa EN\nDILI, 26 novembru 2020 (TATOLI)—Ministériu Edukasaun Juventude no Desportu (MEJD) liuhosi Unidade Kuríkulu Nasionál, kinta ne’e, rejeita informasaun falsu ka “hoax” ne’ebé espalla iha media sosiál facebook katak estudante finalista 3.417 maka la pasa iha ezame nasionál (EN) tanba fallansu tékniku husi MEJD nian, ne’e laloos no falsu.\nKoordenadór Unidade Kurikúlu Nasional (UKN), Pedro Gonçalves, hateten ekipa Ministériu Edukasaun Juventude no Desportu daudaun ne’e iha hela prosesu koresaun materia ezame nasionál.\nNotísia Relevante:Governu sei halo abertura ba ezame nasionál iha Dili no Ermera\n“Bazeia ba informasaun hoax ne’ebé mak espalla ona ba públiku, Unidade Kuríkulu Nasionál ne’ebé hamahan an iha Ministériu nia iha responsabilidade tomak ba realizasaun ezame nasional hakarak klarifika katak informasaun ne’ebé fó sai iha media sosiál facebook ne’e laloos no falsu,” nia informa ba jornalista sira durante konferénsia imprensa iha MEJD Vila-Verde Dili, ohin.\nNia informa Ministru Edukasaun Juventude no Desportu, Armindo Maia, foin maka halo abertura ba prosesu ezame nasionál iha loron 24 fulan-novembru 2020 no sei ramata iha loron 13 fulan-dezembru 2020.\n“Rezultadu husi koresaun pontu ezame nasionál ne’e sei fó sai iha loron 18 fulan-dezembro 2020. Ne’e duni informasaun ne’ebé mosu iha media sosiál kontrariu ho data ne’ebé previstu ona,”nia dehan.\nEkipa koresaun materia ezame nasionál ne’e maihosi Unidade Kuríkulu Nasionál (UKN), Reprezentante Gabinete Ministru no Vise Ministru, Inspesaun Jerál MEJD para bele garante transparansia no konfidensialidade ligadu ho valór estudante finalista sira-nian.\nMinistériu Edukasaun Juventude no Desportu (MEJD) husu ba Polisia Servisu Investigasaun Kriminal (PSIC-sigla portugés), atu deteta autór ne’ebé espalla informasaun hoax ba públiku kona-ba estudante finalista 3.417 la pasa iha ezame nasionál fallansu tékniku husi MEJD.\n“Ministru orienta ona atu hato’o informasaun ba PSIK atu foti medida ruma ba aktu ne’ebé mak ita-nia maun alin balun lansa iha media sosiál nia iha aktu legál ruma ka lae, tanba ita-nia Ministru konsidera ne’e hanesan alegasaun ida,” nia hateten.\nEntretantu, tuir dadus husi MEJD relata estudante finalista hamutuk 55.072, maka tuir ezame iha tinan 2020 kompostu husi ensinu báziku 30.359, ensinu sekundária jerál 20.145, husi siénsia teknolojia 10.365, siénsia sosiál no umanidade 9.780.\nEnkuantu, estudante finalista husi ensinu sekundária tékniku vokasionál hamutuk 4.568, kompostu husi área tékniku 1.462, ekonomia komérsiu 1.501, otelária komérsiu 568, agrikultura no peska hamutuk 1.037.\nEstudante finalista 55.072 rejista husi eskola 444, eskola ensinu báziku 292, ensinu sekundária Jerál 96 no ensinu sekundáriu tékniku vokasionál 56.\nPrevious articleEleisaun antesipada 2018 hetan rekoñesementu nu’udar eleisaun ne’ebé justu\nNext articleOperasaun CCTV iha Dili la’o nafatin
[ "MEJD rejeita \"hoax\" kona-ba estudante finalista 3.417 la pasa EN | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA DILI MEJD rejeita \"hoax\" kona-ba estudante finalista 3.417 la pasa EN DILI, 26 novembru 2020 (TATOLI) - Ministeriu Edukasaun Juventude no Desportu (MEJD) liuhosi Unidade Kurikulu Nasional, kinta ne'e, rejeita informasaun falsu ka \"hoax\" ne'ebe espalla iha media sosial facebook katak estudante finalista 3.417 maka la pasa iha ezame nasional (EN) tanba fallansu tekniku husi MEJD nian, ne'e laloos no falsu.", "Koordenador Unidade Kurikulu Nasional (UKN), Pedro Goncalves, hateten ekipa Ministeriu Edukasaun Juventude no Desportu daudaun ne'e iha hela prosesu koresaun materia ezame nasional.", "Notisia Relevante:Governu sei halo abertura ba ezame nasional iha Dili no Ermera \"Bazeia ba informasaun hoax ne'ebe mak espalla ona ba publiku, Unidade Kurikulu Nasional ne'ebe hamahan an iha Ministeriu nia iha responsabilidade tomak ba realizasaun ezame nasional hakarak klarifika katak informasaun ne'ebe fo sai iha media sosial facebook ne'e laloos no falsu,\" nia informa ba jornalista sira durante konferensia imprensa iha MEJD Vila-Verde Dili, ohin.", "Nia informa Ministru Edukasaun Juventude no Desportu, Armindo Maia, foin maka halo abertura ba prosesu ezame nasional iha loron 24 fulan-novembru 2020 no sei ramata iha loron 13 fulan-dezembru 2020.", "\"Rezultadu husi koresaun pontu ezame nasional ne'e sei fo sai iha loron 18 fulan-dezembro 2020.", "Ne'e duni informasaun ne'ebe mosu iha media sosial kontrariu ho data ne'ebe previstu ona,\"nia dehan.", "Ekipa koresaun materia ezame nasional ne'e maihosi Unidade Kurikulu Nasional (UKN), Reprezentante Gabinete Ministru no Vise Ministru, Inspesaun Jeral MEJD para bele garante transparansia no konfidensialidade ligadu ho valor estudante finalista sira-nian.", "Ministeriu Edukasaun Juventude no Desportu (MEJD) husu ba Polisia Servisu Investigasaun Kriminal (PSIC-sigla portuges), atu deteta autor ne'ebe espalla informasaun hoax ba publiku kona-ba estudante finalista 3.417 la pasa iha ezame nasional fallansu tekniku husi MEJD.", "\"Ministru orienta ona atu hato'o informasaun ba PSIK atu foti medida ruma ba aktu ne'ebe mak ita-nia maun alin balun lansa iha media sosial nia iha aktu legal ruma ka lae, tanba ita-nia Ministru konsidera ne'e hanesan alegasaun ida,\" nia hateten.", "Entretantu, tuir dadus husi MEJD relata estudante finalista hamutuk 55.072, maka tuir ezame iha tinan 2020 kompostu husi ensinu baziku 30.359, ensinu sekundaria jeral 20.145, husi siensia teknolojia 10.365, siensia sosial no umanidade 9.780.", "Enkuantu, estudante finalista husi ensinu sekundaria tekniku vokasional hamutuk 4.568, kompostu husi area tekniku 1.462, ekonomia komersiu 1.501, otelaria komersiu 568, agrikultura no peska hamutuk 1.037.", "Estudante finalista 55.072 rejista husi eskola 444, eskola ensinu baziku 292, ensinu sekundaria Jeral 96 no ensinu sekundariu tekniku vokasional 56.", "Previous articleEleisaun antesipada 2018 hetan rekonesementu nu'udar eleisaun ne'ebe justu Next articleOperasaun CCTV iha Dili la'o nafatin" ]
[ [ "MEJD rejects \"hoax\" regarding 3,417 finalist students failed to pass the national exam (EN) | Timor Post Agência Noticiosa de Timór-Leste VARANDA DILI Ministry of Education Youth and Sports rejected false information or a hoaxe on social media facebook that says finalist student numbered as #2089 did not succeed in their National Examination. This is untrue!" ], [ "National Curriculum Unit (UKN) coordinator, Pedro Goncalves said the Ministry of Education Youth and Sports team is currently in process to correct national exam subjects." ], [ "Relevant News:Government to open national exams in Dili and Ermera \"Based on the hoax information that has been spread amongst public, National Curriculum Unit which is part of Ministry with full responsibility for conducting nationwide examination want clarify this fact. Information given out by social media facebook are false\" he told journalist during a press conference at MEJD Vila-Verde Dili today 10/27" ], [ "He informed Minister of Education, Youth and Sports Armindo Maia that the national examination process had just been opened on 24 November to end December." ], [ "\"The results of the correction scores for this national exam will be released on December 18,20." ], [ "That is why the information that appears in social media contradict with dates already planned,\" he said." ], [ "The national examination subject correction team consists of the Unit Kurikulu Nasional (UKN), Representative Cabinet Minister and Vice-Minister, Inspection General MEJD to guarantee transparency in relation with final student' s value." ], [ "The Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports (MEJD) has asked the Police Criminal Investigation Service to detect authors who have spread hoax information about 3.417 finalist students not having passed national exam because MEJD technically failed them in their preparations for this examination" ], [ "\"The Minister has instructed to submit information for PSIK in order that it may take some measures regarding the act which our brother and sister have launched on social media, whether there is any legal action or not. Our minister consider this as an allegation.\"" ], [ "Meanwhile, according to data from the Ministry of Education and Science (MEJD), 56.072 students were finalists who will take exam in this year' s examination: elementary education -31948; general secondary school-/secondary schools –" ], [ "Meanwhile, 4.568 students were finalists of technical and professional secondary education: in the Technical field -1037; Business economical studies-29 (commercial), Hospitality & Tourism business area(business) –" ], [ "The 56,072 finalist students enrolled from the following schools: primary school (438), general secondary education(91) and technical/vocational high-schools." ], [ "Previous2018 early elections recognized as fair Next articleCCTV operation in Dili continues" ] ]
Komunidade la kumpri regras prevensaun Saúde iha atividae Bazar iha Merkadu Vila Nova Munisipiu Baucau - PDHJ - Provedoria dos Direitos Humanos e Justiça\nBaucau: iha loron 11 Marsu 2021, ekipa Fiskalizasaun PDHJ Delegasaun Territoriál Baucau, kontinua halo monitorizasaun no observasaun ba atividade komersiante iha bazaar merkadu vila nova, atendimentu públiku iha edifisiu BNCTL Sukursál Baucau no atividade pakotementu iha armajen GOR Baucau. Durante observasaun ekipa haree katak, komunidade barak la iha konsiensia uza maskara wainhira asesu ba merkadu iha tempu bazár maski ekipa seguransa PNTL no F-FDTL kontinua fó hanoin ba komunidade sira atu mantein uza maskara, maibe la iha fatin fase-liman ne’ebe autoridade sira tau iha fatin públiku espesifiku fatin halibur ema barak hanesan merkadu vila nova.\nIha loron ne’ebé hanesan, ekipa kontinua monitoriza servisu atendimentu iha Banku nasional Komersiu Timor Leste BNCTL Sukursál Baucau, durante observasaun ekipa nota katak, banku prepara fatin fase-liman, taka informasaun kona-ba meus preventivas Covid-19 iha odamatan bot tama edifisiu BNCTL, kliente sira mantein distansia social no kliente sira ne’ebe asesu ba banku refere ladun barak.\nIha sorin seluk ekipa halo mos observasaun ba atividade pakotemenu iha armajen GOR (Ginásiu) Baucau, iha observasaun ne’e ekipa haree katak, ekipa servisu CLN iha armajen refere prepara fatin fase-liman, mantein orienta traballadores sira atu uza maskara iha fatin servisu no kumpri distansia social no atividade distribuisaun cesta bázika kontinua la’o normal hodi distribui sasan CB ba postu Administrativu Laga Suku Samalari nian.\nPrevious: PDHJ-Estrela+ Timor Leste Asina Nota Entendementu\nNext: Estadu Emerjênsia da sanulu resin ida ofisicina ho loza faan materiais konstrusaun, kuntinua halo atendementu ba komunidade sira
[ "Komunidade la kumpri regras prevensaun Saude iha atividae Bazar iha Merkadu Vila Nova Munisipiu Baucau - PDHJ - Provedoria dos Direitos Humanos e Justica Baucau: iha loron 11 Marsu 2021, ekipa Fiskalizasaun PDHJ Delegasaun Territorial Baucau, kontinua halo monitorizasaun no observasaun ba atividade komersiante iha bazaar merkadu vila nova, atendimentu publiku iha edifisiu BNCTL Sukursal Baucau no atividade pakotementu iha armajen GOR Baucau.", "Durante observasaun ekipa haree katak, komunidade barak la iha konsiensia uza maskara wainhira asesu ba merkadu iha tempu bazar maski ekipa seguransa PNTL no F-FDTL kontinua fo hanoin ba komunidade sira atu mantein uza maskara, maibe la iha fatin fase-liman ne'ebe autoridade sira tau iha fatin publiku espesifiku fatin halibur ema barak hanesan merkadu vila nova.", "Iha loron ne'ebe hanesan, ekipa kontinua monitoriza servisu atendimentu iha Banku nasional Komersiu Timor Leste BNCTL Sukursal Baucau, durante observasaun ekipa nota katak, banku prepara fatin fase-liman, taka informasaun kona-ba meus preventivas Covid-19 iha odamatan bot tama edifisiu BNCTL, kliente sira mantein distansia social no kliente sira ne'ebe asesu ba banku refere ladun barak.", "Iha sorin seluk ekipa halo mos observasaun ba atividade pakotemenu iha armajen GOR (Ginasiu) Baucau, iha observasaun ne'e ekipa haree katak, ekipa servisu CLN iha armajen refere prepara fatin fase-liman, mantein orienta traballadores sira atu uza maskara iha fatin servisu no kumpri distansia social no atividade distribuisaun cesta bazika kontinua la'o normal hodi distribui sasan CB ba postu Administrativu Laga Suku Samalari nian.", "Previous: PDHJ-Estrela+ Timor Leste Asina Nota Entendementu Next: Estadu Emerjensia da sanulu resin ida ofisicina ho loza faan materiais konstrusaun, kuntinua halo atendementu ba komunidade sira" ]
[ [ "Municipality of Baucau - PDHJ: On March 10, the Fiscalization team from BNCTL Regional Office in Bauaco continued to monitor and observe merchants’ activities at Vila Nova Market Bazaar. They also carried out public service inspections for consumer services on a regular basis with local retailers as well by visiting their premises where they were delivered groceries or food products that had been packaged before being shipped into market areas around Baucau City Center (GBC)." ], [ "During the team's observation, it was noted that many people were not aware of wearing a mask when accessing market during bazar time. Although security teams from PNTL and F-FDTL continued reminding communities to keep using their face shield (masks), there is also lack in hand sanitizers which authorities put out at specific public places where large crowds gather such as Vila Nova Market" ], [ "On the same day, a team continued to monitor customer service at Banku Nasional Komersiu Timor Leste BNCTL Sukursal Baucau. During their observation they noted that bank prepared cleaning areas and put information on Covid-19 precaitions in front of entrance doors; clients maintained social distancing while there were not many customers who access this banking establishment as it was closed for business purposes from Monday until Friday afternoon (20:35)." ], [ "In addition, the team also observed packet menu activities in GOR (Gymnasium) Baucau warehouse. The observation showed that CLN staff at this storage facility were preparing a clean-up area and continuously advising workers to wear masks on workplace as well As complying with social distancings while basic basket distribution activity continued normally for CB items distributed by Laga Administrative Post of Samalari Village" ], [ "Previous: PDHJ-Estrela+ Timor Leste Sign Memorandum of Understanding Next:State Emergency from thirty one office with shops selling construction materials, continue to serve communities" ] ]
MKAE otimista bele sai membru OMK tinan ne’e | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste\nVARANDA EKONOMIA MKAE otimista bele sai membru OMK tinan ne’e\nMKAE otimista bele sai membru OMK tinan ne’e\nMinistru Koordenadór Asuntu Ekonómiku, Joaquim Amaral, lidera reuniaun interministeriál preparasaun Timor-Leste adere ba OMK, iha City 8, tersa (06/07). Imajen TATOLI/Francisco Sony\nDILI, 06 jullu 2021 (TATOLI)—Komisaun interministeriál kompostu hosi Ministru, Sekretáriu Estadu no Reprezentante Ajénsia Autónomu Governu, ne’ebé hanesan Komisaun Interministeriál no Grupu Traballu Tékniku Adezaun ba Organizasaun Mundiál Komérsiu (OMK) konvoka enkontru hodi halo preparasaun ba adezaun organizasaun.\n“Ita-nia preparasaun tama organizasaun di’ak tebes, hamutuk ho Sekretariadu World Trade Organization (WTO) no ekipa negosiasaun halo koordenasaun di’ak, ne’ebé Sekretariadu rasik fó roteiru indikativu ida ba Timor-Leste no ita sei liu faze tolu, tanba ne’e bainhira ita kumpre prosesu sira, posivelmente bele sai membru iha tinan ne’e,” Ministru Koordenadór Asuntu Ekonómiku (MKAE), Joaquim Amaral, iha salaun City 8, Manleuna, tersa ne’e.\nIha biban ne’e, MKAE aprezenta estratejia, modelu negosiasaun ba no fahe dokumentu relevante ba preparasaun adezaun.\nGovernu Timor-Leste hamutuk ho país 24 seluk, sai nu’udar observadór hodi akompaña prosesu tomak, kona-ba rekezitu atu sai membru OMK hanesan ho nasaun 165 sira seluk.\nObjetivu enkontru ne’e atu reafirma kompromisu Timor-Leste hodi sai membru OMK, atualiza prosesu adezaun, aprezenta dokumentu negosiasaun ne’ebé submete ona ba Sekretariadu inklui sirkula ona ba país membru.\nDokumentu hirak ne’e Timor-Leste sei aprezenta, diskute no negosia iha reuniaun altu nível daruak ho país membru sira.\nIha membru Governu sia maka tama iha liña ministeriál, hanaran ekipa negosiasaun ba adezaun.\nEnkontru liña ministeriál ba daruak ona, ne’ebé enkontru ba dahuluk realiza ona iha outubru 2020.\n“Enkontru dahuluk ita aprezenta polítika rejime externa, hafoin hetan input lubuk ida hosi país membru no ita konsege hatan hodi apresia no aprova iha Konsellu Ministru, hafoin haruka filafali. Ita prepara tama fali ba segundu enkontru altu nível no ita aprezenta faktuál,” nia akresenta.\nEnkontru ne’e ko’alia kona-ba merkadu exportasaun no importasaun bainhira Timor-Leste sai membru.\n“Aprezenta saida maka ita iha atu halo negosiasaun iha nível bilaterál ho multilaterál, tanba atu sai membru organizasaun mundiál komérsiu, rekezitu ida tenke hadi’a no reforma lejizlasaun ne’ebé bele fasilita investimentu iha OMK, nune’e direitu externu sira atubele oferese ambiente ne’ebé di’ak,” nia hatutan.\nHanesan país observadór, Timor-Leste iha ona grupu traballu hanesan komité traballu atu halo negosiasaun.\nIha grupu traballu ne’e, Timor-Leste husu Portugal atu prezide tanba sira iha esperiénsia barak kona-ba kestaun ne’e no fó apoiu bainhira halo negosiasaun atu adere.\nPrevious articleSEJD-FFTL servisu hamutuk investe ba futeból\nNext articleExpo Dubai 2020, ANPM promove pontensialidade petróleu no minerál
[ "MKAE otimista bele sai membru OMK tinan ne'e | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA EKONOMIA MKAE otimista bele sai membru OMK tinan ne'e MKAE otimista bele sai membru OMK tinan ne'e Ministru Koordenador Asuntu Ekonomiku, Joaquim Amaral, lidera reuniaun interministerial preparasaun Timor-Leste adere ba OMK, iha City 8, tersa (06/07).", "Imajen TATOLI/Francisco Sony DILI, 06 jullu 2021 (TATOLI) - Komisaun interministerial kompostu hosi Ministru, Sekretariu Estadu no Reprezentante Ajensia Autonomu Governu, ne'ebe hanesan Komisaun Interministerial no Grupu Traballu Tekniku Adezaun ba Organizasaun Mundial Komersiu (OMK) konvoka enkontru hodi halo preparasaun ba adezaun organizasaun.", "\"Ita-nia preparasaun tama organizasaun di'ak tebes, hamutuk ho Sekretariadu World Trade Organization (WTO) no ekipa negosiasaun halo koordenasaun di'ak, ne'ebe Sekretariadu rasik fo roteiru indikativu ida ba Timor-Leste no ita sei liu faze tolu, tanba ne'e bainhira ita kumpre prosesu sira, posivelmente bele sai membru iha tinan ne'e,\" Ministru Koordenador Asuntu Ekonomiku (MKAE), Joaquim Amaral, iha salaun City 8, Manleuna, tersa ne'e.", "Iha biban ne'e, MKAE aprezenta estratejia, modelu negosiasaun ba no fahe dokumentu relevante ba preparasaun adezaun.", "Governu Timor-Leste hamutuk ho pais 24 seluk, sai nu'udar observador hodi akompana prosesu tomak, kona-ba rekezitu atu sai membru OMK hanesan ho nasaun 165 sira seluk.", "Objetivu enkontru ne'e atu reafirma kompromisu Timor-Leste hodi sai membru OMK, atualiza prosesu adezaun, aprezenta dokumentu negosiasaun ne'ebe submete ona ba Sekretariadu inklui sirkula ona ba pais membru.", "Dokumentu hirak ne'e Timor-Leste sei aprezenta, diskute no negosia iha reuniaun altu nivel daruak ho pais membru sira.", "Iha membru Governu sia maka tama iha lina ministerial, hanaran ekipa negosiasaun ba adezaun.", "Enkontru lina ministerial ba daruak ona, ne'ebe enkontru ba dahuluk realiza ona iha outubru 2020.", "\"Enkontru dahuluk ita aprezenta politika rejime externa, hafoin hetan input lubuk ida hosi pais membru no ita konsege hatan hodi apresia no aprova iha Konsellu Ministru, hafoin haruka filafali.", "Ita prepara tama fali ba segundu enkontru altu nivel no ita aprezenta faktual,\" nia akresenta.", "Enkontru ne'e ko'alia kona-ba merkadu exportasaun no importasaun bainhira Timor-Leste sai membru.", "\"Aprezenta saida maka ita iha atu halo negosiasaun iha nivel bilateral ho multilateral, tanba atu sai membru organizasaun mundial komersiu, rekezitu ida tenke hadi'a no reforma lejizlasaun ne'ebe bele fasilita investimentu iha OMK, nune'e direitu externu sira atubele oferese ambiente ne'ebe di'ak,\" nia hatutan.", "Hanesan pais observador, Timor-Leste iha ona grupu traballu hanesan komite traballu atu halo negosiasaun.", "Iha grupu traballu ne'e, Timor-Leste husu Portugal atu prezide tanba sira iha esperiensia barak kona-ba kestaun ne'e no fo apoiu bainhira halo negosiasaun atu adere.", "Previous articleSEJD-FFTL servisu hamutuk investe ba futebol Next articleExpo Dubai 2020, ANPM promove pontensialidade petroleu no mineral" ]
[ [ "MKAE optimistic that Timor-Leste may become WTO member this year | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timóteo VARANDA EKONOMIA Minister of Economic Affairs Joaquim Amaral, led an interministerials meeting on preparations for the accession to World Trade Organization (WTO), in City8." ], [ "DILI, July 6th (TATOLI) - The Interministerial Commission composed of Ministers and State Secretaries as well the representatives from Autonomous Government Agencies including inter-Ministerials Committee for Accession to World Trade Organization Technical Working Group convene a meeting in preparation on accreditation by WTO." ], [ "\"Our preparations for entering the organization are very good, together with World Trade Organization (WT O) Secretariat and negotiating team coordinated well. The WTO itself has given an indicative roadmap to Timor-Leste that we will go through three phases; therefore if all processes have been completed it is possible our country can become a member this year\", said Minister Coordinating Economic Affairs Joaquim Amaral in City 8 meeting room at Manleuna on Tuesday night.\"" ], [ "In this context, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs presented a strategy and negotiation model for accession preparation." ], [ "The Government of Timor-Leste, along with 24 other countries as observers to accompany the entire process regarding requirements for membership in WTO like all others." ], [ "The objectives of the meeting were to reaffirm Timor-Leste's commitment for WTO membership, update on accession processes and present negotiating documents that have been submitted by it in advance including those circulated among its members." ], [ "These documents will be presented, discussed and negotiated by Timor-Leste at the second high level meeting with member countries." ], [ "There are six members of the government who enter into ministerial ranks, called accession negotiating team." ], [ "This is the second ministerial line meeting, after a first one held in October 2019." ], [ "\"At the first meeting we presented external regime policy, after receiving a lot of input from member countries and managed to respond by appreciating it in Council." ], [ "We are preparing to go back into the second high-level meeting and we present facts,\" he added." ], [ "The meeting discussed the export and import markets when Timor-Leste became a member." ], [ "\"It presents what we have to negotiate at the bilateral and multilateral level, because in order for us be a member of WTO it is required that legislation should improved or reformed so as facilitate investment within this organization. This would allow foreign rights provider ones offer good environment.\"" ], [ "As an observer country, Timor-Leste already has a working group as the Working Committee to negotiate." ], [ "In the working group, Timor-Leste asked Portugal to preside because they have a lot of experience on this issue and support when negotiating for accession." ], [ "Previous articleSEJD-FFTL jointly invest in football NextExpo Dubai 2019, ANPM promotes petroleum and mineral potential" ] ]
CLN halo ona intervensaun merkadu ho foos tonelada 8.400 | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste\nVARANDA EKONOMIA CLN halo ona intervensaun merkadu ho foos tonelada 8.400\nCLN halo ona intervensaun merkadu ho foos tonelada 8.400\nDILI, 20 maiu 2021 (TATOLI)–Prezidente Sentru Lojíztika Nasionál (CLN sigla portugés), Augusto Junior Trindade, hateten, armazen nasionál halo ona intervensaun merkadu ho foos tonelada 8.400.\n“Ita agora hasai ona hosi armazen hamutuk foos tonelada 8.400 ka saka 340 hodi halo intervensaun merkadu iha territóriu laran,” Prezidente CLN informa ba Agência TATOLI, via telefónika, kinta ne’e.\nNia dehan, daudaun parte CLN nota katak foos iha merkadu ninia presu normál hela, maibé halo intervesaun iha munisípiu balun ne’ebé preokupa ho folin foos sa’e.\nNotísia relevante: Stock foos tonelada 18.400, CLN disponível ajuda umanitária tuir pedidu\n“Agora sira ladún preokupa ho folin sa’e tanba agora normál ona iha fatin lubuk iha munisípiu sira,” nia akresenta.\nMaski nune’e, CLN sei kontinua halo intervesaun bainhira iha fatin balun iha preokupasaun folin foos sa’e.\n“Ami sei kontinua halo intervensaun merkadu bainhira ami simu pedidu ka reklamasaun hosi ita-nia konsumidór iha munisípiu sira, tantu iha Dili. Ami-nia presu normál $10,50, tanba ne’e husu ba públiku kontinua kalma,” nia apela.\nAntes ne’e, relasiona ho serka sanitária, Ministru Koordenadór Asuntu Ekonómiku, Joaquim Amaral, hasai diploma ministeriál urjente, hodi fó prioridade ba munisípiu Covalima no Bobonaro inklui Rejiaun Administrativa Espesiál Oé-cusse Ambeno (RAEOA) hodi halo intervensaun merkadu.\nCLN rasik nota katak rejiaun-tolu ne’ebé aplika serka sanitária, daudaun folin foos sa’e $17 to’o $18, enkuantu presu normál hosi $12 to’o $14.\nTotál foos ne’ebé maka parte CLN hasai hodi halo intervensaun merkadu ba munisípiu Bobonaro hamutuk tonelada 1.000, Covalima tonelada 1.000 no RAEOA tonelada 3.000.\nNune’e mós, CLN halo ona intervensaun umanitária dahuluk, ho koordenasaun hosi Ministériu Solidaridade Sosiál no Inkluzaun (MSSI), konsege transporta foos saka 400 ba abitante aldeia tolu hanesan Klauhalek, Fatumean, no Mane-ki’ik iha postu administrativu Fatumean, munisípiu Covalima, nune’e mós halo distribuisaun ba zona izoladu iha munisípiu Bobonaro no RAEOA.\nPrevious articleStock foos tonelada 18.400, CLN disponível ajuda umanitária tuir pedidu\nNext articlePrezidente Repúblika preokupa ho konflitu entre Israel-Palestina
[ "CLN halo ona intervensaun merkadu ho foos tonelada 8.400 | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA EKONOMIA CLN halo ona intervensaun merkadu ho foos tonelada 8.400 CLN halo ona intervensaun merkadu ho foos tonelada 8.400 DILI, 20 maiu 2021 (TATOLI) -Prezidente Sentru Lojiztika Nasional (CLN sigla portuges), Augusto Junior Trindade, hateten, armazen nasional halo ona intervensaun merkadu ho foos tonelada 8.400.", "\"Ita agora hasai ona hosi armazen hamutuk foos tonelada 8.400 ka saka 340 hodi halo intervensaun merkadu iha territoriu laran,\" Prezidente CLN informa ba Agencia TATOLI, via telefonika, kinta ne'e.", "Nia dehan, daudaun parte CLN nota katak foos iha merkadu ninia presu normal hela, maibe halo intervesaun iha munisipiu balun ne'ebe preokupa ho folin foos sa'e.", "Notisia relevante: Stock foos tonelada 18.400, CLN disponivel ajuda umanitaria tuir pedidu \"Agora sira ladun preokupa ho folin sa'e tanba agora normal ona iha fatin lubuk iha munisipiu sira,\" nia akresenta.", "Maski nune'e, CLN sei kontinua halo intervesaun bainhira iha fatin balun iha preokupasaun folin foos sa'e.", "\"Ami sei kontinua halo intervensaun merkadu bainhira ami simu pedidu ka reklamasaun hosi ita-nia konsumidor iha munisipiu sira, tantu iha Dili.", "Ami-nia presu normal $10,50, tanba ne'e husu ba publiku kontinua kalma,\" nia apela.", "Antes ne'e, relasiona ho serka sanitaria, Ministru Koordenador Asuntu Ekonomiku, Joaquim Amaral, hasai diploma ministerial urjente, hodi fo prioridade ba munisipiu Covalima no Bobonaro inklui Rejiaun Administrativa Espesial Oe-cusse Ambeno (RAEOA) hodi halo intervensaun merkadu.", "CLN rasik nota katak rejiaun-tolu ne'ebe aplika serka sanitaria, daudaun folin foos sa'e $17 to'o $18, enkuantu presu normal hosi $12 to'o $14.", "Total foos ne'ebe maka parte CLN hasai hodi halo intervensaun merkadu ba munisipiu Bobonaro hamutuk tonelada 1.000, Covalima tonelada 1.000 no RAEOA tonelada 3.000.", "Nune'e mos, CLN halo ona intervensaun umanitaria dahuluk, ho koordenasaun hosi Ministeriu Solidaridade Sosial no Inkluzaun (MSSI), konsege transporta foos saka 400 ba abitante aldeia tolu hanesan Klauhalek, Fatumean, no Mane-ki'ik iha postu administrativu Fatumean, munisipiu Covalima, nune'e mos halo distribuisaun ba zona izoladu iha munisipiu Bobonaro no RAEOA.", "Previous articleStock foos tonelada 18.400, CLN disponivel ajuda umanitaria tuir pedidu Next articlePrezidente Republika preokupa ho konflitu entre Israel-Palestina" ]
[ [ "CLN has made market intervention with 8,401 tonnes of wheat | TIMOR HAU Notícias Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA EKONOMIA National Logistic Center (CLN) President Augusto Junior Trindade says that the national warehouse had already carried out a Market I interventions operation involving an amount totalling approx." ], [ "\"We have now removed from our warehouses a total of 8,401 tonnes (356 tons) or about $2.7 million in food stock for market intervention within the country\", CLN President informado Agência Tatoli via telephone on Wednesday night.\"" ], [ "He said, at the moment CLN notes that rice in market is still its normal price but has intervened with some municipalities who are concerned about rising prices." ], [ "\"Now they are not concerned about the rise in prices because it is now normal for many places to be so,\" he adds. He says that there have been a number of cases where food has become more commonplace than before and people can get their needs covered from local suppliers without any difficulty.\"" ], [ "Nevertheless, CLN will continue to intervene when there are concerns about the rise in food prices." ], [ "\"We will continue to make market intervention when we receive requests or complaint from our consumer in the municipalities, both Dili." ], [ "Our normal price is $10.5, so we ask the public to remain calm.\"" ], [ "Earlier, in connection with the sanitary curfew (lockdown), Minister Coordinator of Economic Affairs Joaquim Amaral issued an urgent ministerial decree to prioritize market intervention for municipalities Covalima and Bobonaro including Oe-cusse Ambeno Special Administratives Region." ], [ "The CLN itself notes that in the three regions where lockdowns have been applied, medicine prices are currently rising to $17-$20 while normally they would be between ." ], [ "The total quantity of food that the CLN issued for market intervention in Bobonaro municipality amounted to 1,025 tons; Covalima Municipalities received one thousand and OEA region three hundred." ], [ "Likewise, CLN has made its first humanitarian intervention with the coordination of MSSI (Ministry for Social Solidarity and Inclusion), transporting 401 kgs saka food to inhabitants from three village as Klauhalek Fatumean Mane-ki'ik at administrative post Fatumetan municipality. It also distributed it into isolated areas within Bobonaro Municipalities & OEA Region" ], [ "Previous articleFoot stock 18,402 tons; CLN available to provide humanitarian aid as requested Next ArticlePresident Republika concerned about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict" ] ]
VAGA : OFISIÁL PROJETU, PROGRAMA EDUKASAUN, FUNDASAUN ALOLA |\nFundasaun Alola hanesan organizasaun non-Governamental no non-lukrutivu, ne’ebé mak operandu iha Timor Leste, atu hasa’e kualidade moris feto no labarik. Fundasaun Alola hasa’e kapasidade lideransa feto no halo advokasia ba direitu feto no labarik ho ninia motto: “Feto Forte Nasaun Forte” no Fundasaun Alola nia programa sira mak hanesan Programa Saude Inan no Oan, Programa Hakbiit Ekonomia, Programa Edukasaun no Programa Advokasia. Fundasaun Alola lidera husi Manajementu konsellu, no ho movimentu ne’ebé mak iha, ohin loron ekipa manajementu tomak lidera husi Timor-oan.\nAgora dadaun Fundasaun Alola buka hela ema Timor oan ne’ebé mak kualifikadu atu bele priense pozisaun tuir mai:\nOFISIÁL PROJETU, PROGRAMA EDUKASAUN,\natu promove kualidade independensia no asesu ba edukasaun. Ofisiál Projetu ba programa Edukasaun sei responsavel atu apoiu manorin, kanorin, labarik no komunidade sira hodi asesu no hetan abilidade no kuñesimentu hodi alkansa sira nia meta pesoál.\nOfisiál Projetu ne’e sei serbisu iha Programa Edukasaun ho ekipa Projetu Formacão Professores (FP) ba implementasaun Programa Apoiu Literasia Intensivu (Intensive Literacy Support Program – ILSP) ba síklu dahuluk ensinu bazíku liuliu ba klase 1 no 2 iha munisípiu Lautem. Projetu FP ne’e nia objetivu mak oinsa atu bele kria estratéjia ida ba manorin sira liu husi treinamentu no observasaun klase hodi hasa’e sira nia kapasidade iha area aprendizajen atu nune’e sira bele aplika fali ba kanorin sira iha eskola ne’ebé mak sira hala’o atividade aprendizajen ba. Iha projetu ida ne’e la sees mós husi kordenasaun ho projetu seluk iha Programa Edukasaun nia laran no mós Programa hotu iha Fundasaun Alola.\nOfisiál Projetu ne’e sei serbisu hamutuk ho ekipa FP hodi hasa’e manorin sira nia abilidade hanorin iha disiplina literasia Tetun bazeia ba planu lisaun no kurrikulu ne’ebé dezeñu husi Ministeriu Edukasaun, Juventude no Desportu (MEJD) ba klase 1 no 2 iha ensinu bazíku liuhusi observasaun klase, mentoria no akonselamentu (Feedback).\nApoiu lider eskola sira hala’o observasaun klase ba disiplina literasia Tetun iha klase 1 no 2. Serbisu hamutuk ho manorin siklu dahuluk sira hodi utiliza material aprendizajen edukasional ne’ebé eziste inklui livru hodi apoiu disiplina literasia.\nSerbisu hamutuk ho lider no manorin sira hodi reativa no reestabelese biblioteka iha eskola no klase laran ho material aprendizajen ne’ebé eziste iha eskola tarjetu sira.\nSerbisu hamutuk ho ekipa FP hodi fó apoiu ba Adjuntu ka jestór sira seluk ne’ebé sai responsável atu organiza Grupo Trabalho dos Professores (GTP) no Grupo Trabalho Liderança (GTL) hanesan: halo planu ba konteidu no preparasaun, kordena ho parte sira ne’ebé involve, ko-fasilita sesaun sira, kontribui atu hadia no avalia eventu GTP no GTL, no kolabora ho ekipa hodi halao serbisu seluk ne’ebé relevante.\nFó-apoiu ba mentór edukasionál ka kordenadór programa atu hala’o teste numerasia no literasia inklui hatama dadus iha plataforma eskola.tl se karik presiza ;\nHalo liña kordenasaun ho kolaborasaun ho Ministériu Edukasaun Joventude no Desportu iha nivel Nasionál no munisipiu kona-ba implimentasaun projetu.\nSerbisu hamutuk ho kordenadór hodi prerpara planu no fornese sesaun lee kona-ba tipu lee ho ida-idak nia metodolozia ne’ebé efetivu, no uza materiál apropriadu iha prosesu hanorin no aprendizajen, nune’e mós prepara rekursu sira, partikularmente hodi dezenvolve rekursu Timor nian iha prosesu hanorin no aprendizajen.\nPrepara materiál didátiku no rekursu sira hodi fornese atividade ka estratejía foun ba manorin no labarik sira iha aula, workshop (sorumutu) inklui dezenvolve rekursu Timor nian.\nPrepara materiál ka rekursu sira no partisipa iha atividade eventu especiál iha Programa Edukasaun Fundasaun Alola nian no programa seluk iha Alola laran.\nSerbisu ka kordena ho parseiru organizasaun sira seluk hodi implementa projetu kona-ba programa edukasaun iha Timor-Laran tomak.\nAtende enkontru semanál ka enkontru ekipa edukasaun.\nHato’o informasaun ne’ebé persiza atu atualiza iha website/jornál kona-ba atividade eskola nian ka eventu seluk kona-ba edukasaun.\nSerbisu ho kordenadór no konseleru nasionál hodi fornese no prerpara matadalan ne’ebé uza atu halo treinamentu ba manorin sira karik persiza.\nPrepara ka hakerek planu, relatóriu mensál no relatóriu viajen nian (field trip report) hodi relata ba kordenadór programa.\nAsisti ofisiaís administrasaun hodi prepara pedidu pagamentu ne’ebé rekomenda no likuidasaun ka serbisu seluk ne’ebé presiza husi Administrasaun Edukasaun relasiona ho programa.\nSuporta ekipa biblioteka-hale’u hodi halo liña kordenasaun no kolaborasaun ho lider eskola no autoridade lokál sira hanesan xefe-suku, xefe-aldeia no komunidade iha fatin ne’ebé atu halo vizita ba bainhira persiza inklui treinamentu no preparasaun hotu relasiona ho implementasaun biblioteka-hale’u.\nAsegura dadus (database) ka dokumentus sira kona-ba labarik no inan-aman sira ne’ebé partisipa durante halao atividade iha terenu.\nMantein relasaun no komunikasaun ne’ebé di’ak ho Jerenti Programa, Kordenadór Projeitu no Ofisiaís Projeitu sira iha Fundasaun Alola relasiona ho atividade projetu.\nResponsavél ba materiál sira bainhira uza hotu no rai hikas iha fatin propriu.\nResponsavél ba serbisu sira seluk ne’ebé presiza husi Jerente Programa Edukasaun, Kordenadór / CEO\nNivel Edukasaun ba pozisaun ne’e, presiza mak pesoal ne’ebé lisensiatura D3 ka profesionalismu iha area edukasaun ka disiplina ne’ebé relevante\nIha koñesimentu kona-ba kurríkulu no kualidade esperiénsia hanorin iha sala laran ho métodu sentradu ba alunu no aprendizajen ativa.\nPrioridade ba sira ne’ebé iha esperiénsia ona kona-ba akompañamentu prosesu aprendizajen nian.\nIha koñesimentu kona-ba estratéjia ba jestaun sala de aula ne’ebé efetivu.\nIha abilidade atu estabelese relasaun serbisu ne’ebé maka pozitivu ho ema oioin, inklui hirak-ne’ebé mak iha knaar lideransa nian.\nIha abilidade atu uza Teknolojia Informátika hanesan: Microsoft Office, Internet, Media Sosiál, prodús vídeo, hasai foto, no seluk tan.\nKualidade Pesoál ne’ebé mak esensiál: (Obrigatóriu)\nIha komitementu ba serbisu ho ekipa, fó treinamentu, fo akonsellamentu, no halo akompañamentu\nLa komete iha krimi ruma no hatene serbisu iha ambiente igualidade, respeita malu no onestu.\nAbilidade komunikasaun ne’ebé a’as.\nProntu atu hala’o knaar oras nakonu durante implementasaun atividade programa nian\nIha pasiénsia, toleránsia no flexibilidade\nProntu atu hala’o viajen ba área rurál sira\nFavór submete ita bo’ot nia karta aplikasaun no CV de’it no sei la anexa ho dokumentus seluk ba Fundasaun Alola liu husi via e-mail: [email protected] ho nia titulu (Subject) e-mail: “Aplikasaun ba Vaga OP_no ita-nia naran” – Ezemplu se ita-nia naran Jose Maria karik titulu e-mail hakerek “Aplikasaun ba Vaga OP_Jose Maria”\nKandidatu sira ne’ebé selesionadu de’it mak sei hetan kontaktu, ba informasaun bele kontaktu ba nu. Telemovel: +670 3323855.\nAtu hetan kopia husi deskrisaun serbisu, favór bele manda email:\n(Koordenadora Rekursu Humanu, Fundasaun Alola)\nAplikasaun sei taka iha loron: 06 Juñu 2021 oras tuku 05:00 loraik.
[ "VAGA: OFISIAL PROJETU, PROGRAMA EDUKASAUN, FUNDASAUN ALOLA | Fundasaun Alola hanesan organizasaun non-Governamental no non-lukrutivu, ne'ebe mak operandu iha Timor Leste, atu hasa'e kualidade moris feto no labarik.", "Fundasaun Alola hasa'e kapasidade lideransa feto no halo advokasia ba direitu feto no labarik ho ninia motto: \"Feto Forte Nasaun Forte\" no Fundasaun Alola nia programa sira mak hanesan Programa Saude Inan no Oan, Programa Hakbiit Ekonomia, Programa Edukasaun no Programa Advokasia.", "Fundasaun Alola lidera husi Manajementu konsellu, no ho movimentu ne'ebe mak iha, ohin loron ekipa manajementu tomak lidera husi Timor-oan.", "Agora dadaun Fundasaun Alola buka hela ema Timor oan ne'ebe mak kualifikadu atu bele priense pozisaun tuir mai: OFISIAL PROJETU, PROGRAMA EDUKASAUN, atu promove kualidade independensia no asesu ba edukasaun.", "Ofisial Projetu ba programa Edukasaun sei responsavel atu apoiu manorin, kanorin, labarik no komunidade sira hodi asesu no hetan abilidade no kunesimentu hodi alkansa sira nia meta pesoal.", "Ofisial Projetu ne'e sei serbisu iha Programa Edukasaun ho ekipa Projetu Formacao Professores (FP) ba implementasaun Programa Apoiu Literasia Intensivu (Intensive Literacy Support Program - ILSP) ba siklu dahuluk ensinu baziku liuliu ba klase 1 no 2 iha munisipiu Lautem.", "Projetu FP ne'e nia objetivu mak oinsa atu bele kria estratejia ida ba manorin sira liu husi treinamentu no observasaun klase hodi hasa'e sira nia kapasidade iha area aprendizajen atu nune'e sira bele aplika fali ba kanorin sira iha eskola ne'ebe mak sira hala'o atividade aprendizajen ba.", "Iha projetu ida ne'e la sees mos husi kordenasaun ho projetu seluk iha Programa Edukasaun nia laran no mos Programa hotu iha Fundasaun Alola.", "Ofisial Projetu ne'e sei serbisu hamutuk ho ekipa FP hodi hasa'e manorin sira nia abilidade hanorin iha disiplina literasia Tetun bazeia ba planu lisaun no kurrikulu ne'ebe dezenu husi Ministeriu Edukasaun, Juventude no Desportu (MEJD) ba klase 1 no 2 iha ensinu baziku liuhusi observasaun klase, mentoria no akonselamentu (Feedback).", "Apoiu lider eskola sira hala'o observasaun klase ba disiplina literasia Tetun iha klase 1 no 2.", "Serbisu hamutuk ho manorin siklu dahuluk sira hodi utiliza material aprendizajen edukasional ne'ebe eziste inklui livru hodi apoiu disiplina literasia.", "Serbisu hamutuk ho lider no manorin sira hodi reativa no reestabelese biblioteka iha eskola no klase laran ho material aprendizajen ne'ebe eziste iha eskola tarjetu sira.", "Serbisu hamutuk ho ekipa FP hodi fo apoiu ba Adjuntu ka jestor sira seluk ne'ebe sai responsavel atu organiza Grupo Trabalho dos Professores (GTP) no Grupo Trabalho Lideranca (GTL) hanesan: halo planu ba konteidu no preparasaun, kordena ho parte sira ne'ebe involve, ko-fasilita sesaun sira, kontribui atu hadia no avalia eventu GTP no GTL, no kolabora ho ekipa hodi halao serbisu seluk ne'ebe relevante.", "Fo-apoiu ba mentor edukasional ka kordenador programa atu hala'o teste numerasia no literasia inklui hatama dadus iha plataforma eskola.tl se karik presiza; Halo lina kordenasaun ho kolaborasaun ho Ministeriu Edukasaun Joventude no Desportu iha nivel Nasional no munisipiu kona-ba implimentasaun projetu.", "Serbisu hamutuk ho kordenador hodi prerpara planu no fornese sesaun lee kona-ba tipu lee ho ida-idak nia metodolozia ne'ebe efetivu, no uza material apropriadu iha prosesu hanorin no aprendizajen, nune'e mos prepara rekursu sira, partikularmente hodi dezenvolve rekursu Timor nian iha prosesu hanorin no aprendizajen.", "Prepara material didatiku no rekursu sira hodi fornese atividade ka estratejia foun ba manorin no labarik sira iha aula, workshop (sorumutu) inklui dezenvolve rekursu Timor nian.", "Prepara material ka rekursu sira no partisipa iha atividade eventu especial iha Programa Edukasaun Fundasaun Alola nian no programa seluk iha Alola laran.", "Serbisu ka kordena ho parseiru organizasaun sira seluk hodi implementa projetu kona-ba programa edukasaun iha Timor-Laran tomak.", "Atende enkontru semanal ka enkontru ekipa edukasaun.", "Hato'o informasaun ne'ebe persiza atu atualiza iha website/jornal kona-ba atividade eskola nian ka eventu seluk kona-ba edukasaun.", "Serbisu ho kordenador no konseleru nasional hodi fornese no prerpara matadalan ne'ebe uza atu halo treinamentu ba manorin sira karik persiza.", "Prepara ka hakerek planu, relatoriu mensal no relatoriu viajen nian (field trip report) hodi relata ba kordenador programa.", "Asisti ofisiais administrasaun hodi prepara pedidu pagamentu ne'ebe rekomenda no likuidasaun ka serbisu seluk ne'ebe presiza husi Administrasaun Edukasaun relasiona ho programa.", "Suporta ekipa biblioteka-hale'u hodi halo lina kordenasaun no kolaborasaun ho lider eskola no autoridade lokal sira hanesan xefe-suku, xefe-aldeia no komunidade iha fatin ne'ebe atu halo vizita ba bainhira persiza inklui treinamentu no preparasaun hotu relasiona ho implementasaun biblioteka-hale'u.", "Asegura dadus (database) ka dokumentus sira kona-ba labarik no inan-aman sira ne'ebe partisipa durante halao atividade iha terenu.", "Mantein relasaun no komunikasaun ne'ebe di'ak ho Jerenti Programa, Kordenador Projeitu no Ofisiais Projeitu sira iha Fundasaun Alola relasiona ho atividade projetu.", "Responsavel ba material sira bainhira uza hotu no rai hikas iha fatin propriu.", "Responsavel ba serbisu sira seluk ne'ebe presiza husi Jerente Programa Edukasaun, Kordenador / CEO Nivel Edukasaun ba pozisaun ne'e, presiza mak pesoal ne'ebe lisensiatura D3 ka profesionalismu iha area edukasaun ka disiplina ne'ebe relevante Iha konesimentu kona-ba kurrikulu no kualidade esperiensia hanorin iha sala laran ho metodu sentradu ba alunu no aprendizajen ativa.", "Prioridade ba sira ne'ebe iha esperiensia ona kona-ba akompanamentu prosesu aprendizajen nian.", "Iha konesimentu kona-ba estratejia ba jestaun sala de aula ne'ebe efetivu.", "Iha abilidade atu estabelese relasaun serbisu ne'ebe maka pozitivu ho ema oioin, inklui hirak-ne'ebe mak iha knaar lideransa nian.", "Iha abilidade atu uza Teknolojia Informatika hanesan: Microsoft Office, Internet, Media Sosial, produs video, hasai foto, no seluk tan.", "Kualidade Pesoal ne'ebe mak esensial: (Obrigatoriu) Iha komitementu ba serbisu ho ekipa, fo treinamentu, fo akonsellamentu, no halo akompanamentu La komete iha krimi ruma no hatene serbisu iha ambiente igualidade, respeita malu no onestu.", "Abilidade komunikasaun ne'ebe a'as.", "Prontu atu hala'o knaar oras nakonu durante implementasaun atividade programa nian Iha pasiensia, toleransia no flexibilidade Prontu atu hala'o viajen ba area rural sira Favor submete ita bo'ot nia karta aplikasaun no CV de'it no sei la anexa ho dokumentus seluk ba Fundasaun Alola liu husi via e-mail: [email protected] ho nia titulu (Subject) e-mail: \"Aplikasaun ba Vaga OP_no ita-nia naran\" - Ezemplu se ita-nia naran Jose Maria karik titulu e-mail hakerek \"Aplikasaun ba Vaga OP_Jose Maria\" Kandidatu sira ne'ebe selesionadu de'it mak sei hetan kontaktu, ba informasaun bele kontaktu ba nu.", "Telemovel: +670 3323855.", "Atu hetan kopia husi deskrisaun serbisu, favor bele manda email: (Koordenadora Rekursu Humanu, Fundasaun Alola) Aplikasaun sei taka iha loron: 06 Junu 2021 oras tuku 05:00 loraik." ]
[ [ "VAGA: OFISIAL PROJETU, PRIORIDADES EDUCATIVAS FUNDASAUN ALOLA | Alola Foundation is a non-governmental and not for profit organization that operates in Timor Leste to improve the quality of women' s life." ], [ "The Alola Foundation builds the capacity of women leaders and advocates for children' s rights under its motto: \"Strong Women, Strong Nation\". Fundação alolola programs include Maternal Health Program (Programa Saúde Materna e Infantil), Economic Empowerment Programme(Haktim Ekonomi) Educational programme & Advocacy program." ], [ "The Alola Foundation is led by the Management Council, and with this movement in place today all of its management team are Timorese." ], [ "Alola Foundation is currently looking for qualified Timorese people to fill the following positions: PROJECT OFFICER, EDUCATION Program; To promote quality independence and accessibility of education." ], [ "The Project Officer for the Education Program will be responsible to support priests, nunneries and children in their communities with accessing skills that can help them achieve personal goal." ], [ "The Project Officer will work in the Education Program with Teachers Training (FP) project team for implementation of Intensive Literacy Support Programme - ILSP to first cycle basic education especially classes 1 and2in Lautem municipality." ], [ "The objective of this FP project is to create a strategy for the teachers through training and class observation in order that they can improve their learning skills so as then apply them back at school, where it's possible." ], [ "This project is also in coordination with other projects within the Education Program and all programs at Alola Foundation." ], [ "The Project Officer will work together with the FP team to improve their skills in teaching Tetun literacy based on lesson plans and curricula designed by Ministry of Education, Youth & Sports (MEJD) for classes I-II through class observation; mentoring or feedback." ], [ "Support school leaders in conducting class observations on the subject of Tetun literacy for grades one and two." ], [ "Work with first cycle students to use existing educational learning materials including books in support of literacy disciplines." ], [ "Serving with leaders and priests to reactivate, re-establish school libraries in the schools/classroom using learning materials that exist at targeted institutions." ], [ "Work together with the FP team to support Deputy or other managers who are responsible for organizing Teacher Working Group (TWG) and Leadership Task Force(LTF), such as: planning content & preparation, coordinating stakeholder participations; co-facilitation of session. Contribute in improvings&evaluating TWF/LTF events" ], [ "Provide support to educational mentors or programme coordinators in conducting numeracy and literace tests, including upload data on the school.tl platform if necessary; Coordinate with collaboration of Ministry for Education Youth & Sports at national level as well a municipality about project implementation" ], [ "Work with the coordinator to prepare plans and provide reading sessions on different types of books, each one using an effective methodology. Use appropriate materials in teaching/learning processes as well preparation resources particularly for developing Timorese learning resource development skills" ], [ "Prepare teaching materials and resources to provide new activities or strategies for teachers, children in the classroom (workshops) including developing Timorese resource." ], [ "Prepare materials or resources and participate in special event activities within the Alola Foundation’s Educational Program, as well other programs inside of The foundation." ], [ "Serving or coordinating with other partner organizations to implement projects on educational programs throughout Timor-Leste." ], [ "Attend weekly meetings or education team session." ], [ "Provide information needed to update the website/journal about school activities or other events related with education." ], [ "Serving with national coordinators and counsellors to provide guidance for the preparation of training materials, if necessary." ], [ "Prepare or write the plan, monthly reports and field trip rapport to be reported back on by programme coordinator." ], [ "Assist administration officials in preparing recommended payment requests and liquidations or other work required by the Education Administration related to programs." ], [ "Supports the library-hall team to coordinate and collaborate with school leaders, local authorities such as village chieftains or community headmen in places they visit when necessary including all training & preparation related for implementations of libraries." ], [ "Ensures databases or documents regarding children and parents who participate during field activities." ], [ "Maintain good relationships and communication with the Program Manager, Project Coordinator/Project Officer at Alola Foundation in relation to project activities." ], [ "Responsible for all materials when used and land hikes in proper place." ], [ "Responsible for other duties required by the Education Program Manager, Coordinator / CEO Level of education For this position a person with D3 bachelor's degree or professionalism in an area related to schooling and/or relevant discipline is needed. Knowledge about curriculum quality experience teaching inside classroom using student-centered methods active learning" ], [ "Priority is given to those who have experience in accompanying the learning process." ], [ "Have knowledge of strategies for effective classroom management." ], [ "Have the ability to establish positive working relationships with a variety of people, including those in leadership position." ], [ "Have the ability to use Information Technology such as: Microsoft Office, Internet and Social Media. Produce videos or take photos etc..." ], [ "Essential Personal Qualities: (Required) A commitment to working with a team, providing training and counseling; Not committed any crimes or know how work in an equal environment of respect for each other." ], [ "High level of communication skills." ], [ "Be prepared to work full time during the implementation of program activities Have patience, tolerance and flexibility Ready for travels in rural areas Please submit your application letter only with CV without attaching any other documents via e-mail: [email protected] With subject line (Subject) \"Application For Vacancies OP_Your Name\" - Example if you are named Jose Maria then Subject Line should be written as “Aplicação para Atividade Opcional José María” Only selected applicants will get contacted; please call 0851234769 or email [email protected]" ], [ "Telemovel: +670 3254891." ], [ "To obtain a copy of the job description, please email: (Human Resources Coordinator Alola Foundation) Applications will close on June 6th at5am." ] ]
Vitima Depois Ukun An Nian – Radio Liberdade Dili – FM 95.8 Mhz\nRadio, online – Opiniaun ne’e ninia kontiudu tomak responsavel husi hakerek nain. Redasaun fo pasu menu ne’e hodi ejerse ema hotu nia hanoin non ideias konaba asuntu ruma iha prosesu dezenvolvimentu Timor Leste.\nLoron 25 Maiu 2012 ba loron tinan 6 konflitus entre F-FDTL & PNTL iha Kuartel Jeral institusaun rua ne’e ne’ebe rezulta ema mate husi parte institusaun rua ne’e. Sira ne’ebe lakon vida iha tempu traziku momentu ne’eba feto ho mane lakon vida iha sirkunstansia konflitus no sira tenki hetan onra. Hanesan veteranu sira, Fundasaun Mahein (FM) espera katak familia vitima ne’ebe lakon vida iha momentu ne’eba simu ona pensaun husi estadu.\nSemana liu ba, FM publika sai artigu ida konaba tinan dalas 10 reflesaun ba ukun an nian. Timor-Leste tenki ksolok ba ita nia ukun an ne’ebe ita atinze. Timor oan sira mos hanoin hikas no fo onra ba vitima ho nia familia sira ne’ebe sakrifika an durante tempu funu sivil iha 1975. Timor oan sira mos tenki fo hanoin hikas no fo onra ba vitima ho nia familia sira ne’ebe sakrifika an durante funu hasoru vizinu Indonezia.\nIta tenki hanoin hikas ba tinan dalas 10 aniversariu ba restorasaun ukun an nian oinsa ita hakat to iha tempu dadaun ne’e. Maibe ita la haluhan buat ida? Ita konta konaba vitima husi konflitus husi 1975 ho 1999 maibe mos labele haluhan ba vitima sira ne’ebe lakon vida depois ukun an? Sira vitima ba depois ukun rasik an ne’ebe dala barak la tama lista governu no estadu atu fo onra.\nVitima konfliktu trajiku nia depois ukun rasik an nia mak tuir mai ne’e:\n• konfrontasaun Arte Marsial iha bazar Maliana iha tinan 2001\n• Konfrontasaun komunidade iha Sub-distritu Quilecai 2001\n• Protestu iha Distritu Baucau iha fulan Novembru 2002\n• Protestu iha Dili fulan Dezemberu 2002\n• Atakes husi Milisia iha Sub-Distritu Atsabe 2003\n• konfrontasaun komunidade iha Uatulari 2007\n• Krize Politik militar 2006-2008\n• Konfrontasaun Komunidade entre Polisia ne’ebe rezulta ema mate ne’ebe tiru husi Polisia deskuinesidus iha fatin (hanesan Kuka, Laivai, Maliana)\n• Konfrontasaun Arte Masial husi distritus sira no iha Dili\n• Konfrontasaun elisaun prezidensial 2012\n• Konfrontasaun komunidade iha Sub-Distritu Uatulari durante komemorasaun tinan dalas 10 nian iha 20\nMaiu ne’ebe rezulta ema ida mate no uma 7 hetan sunu mutuk. Iha tradejedia ikus nian FM husu ba institusaun sigurasan nian hanesan F-FDTL & PNTL oinsa halo aprosimasaun stratejia nian ho premanente, no mos ba lideransa nasional sira iha Dili oinsa mak bele forma ekipa atu bele rezolve siklu konflitus ne’ebe laiha rohan laek iha povu Sub-Distritu Uatulari?\nFM husu labele haluhan vitima sira depois ukun rasik an, ba sira ne’ebe fo an ba mate durante tempu negro ida ne’ebe ita hahu ita nia dezenvolvementu fijika ba luta hari’i nasaun nian ne’ebe ita nia familia no ita nia maluk sira lakon vida ba.
[ "Vitima Depois Ukun An Nian - Radio Liberdade Dili - FM 95.8 Mhz Radio, online - Opiniaun ne'e ninia kontiudu tomak responsavel husi hakerek nain.", "Redasaun fo pasu menu ne'e hodi ejerse ema hotu nia hanoin non ideias konaba asuntu ruma iha prosesu dezenvolvimentu Timor Leste.", "Loron 25 Maiu 2012 ba loron tinan 6 konflitus entre F-FDTL & PNTL iha Kuartel Jeral institusaun rua ne'e ne'ebe rezulta ema mate husi parte institusaun rua ne'e.", "Sira ne'ebe lakon vida iha tempu traziku momentu ne'eba feto ho mane lakon vida iha sirkunstansia konflitus no sira tenki hetan onra.", "Hanesan veteranu sira, Fundasaun Mahein (FM) espera katak familia vitima ne'ebe lakon vida iha momentu ne'eba simu ona pensaun husi estadu.", "Semana liu ba, FM publika sai artigu ida konaba tinan dalas 10 reflesaun ba ukun an nian.", "Timor-Leste tenki ksolok ba ita nia ukun an ne'ebe ita atinze.", "Timor oan sira mos hanoin hikas no fo onra ba vitima ho nia familia sira ne'ebe sakrifika an durante tempu funu sivil iha 1975.", "Timor oan sira mos tenki fo hanoin hikas no fo onra ba vitima ho nia familia sira ne'ebe sakrifika an durante funu hasoru vizinu Indonezia.", "Ita tenki hanoin hikas ba tinan dalas 10 aniversariu ba restorasaun ukun an nian oinsa ita hakat to iha tempu dadaun ne'e.", "Maibe ita la haluhan buat ida?", "Ita konta konaba vitima husi konflitus husi 1975 ho 1999 maibe mos labele haluhan ba vitima sira ne'ebe lakon vida depois ukun an?", "Sira vitima ba depois ukun rasik an ne'ebe dala barak la tama lista governu no estadu atu fo onra.", "Vitima konfliktu trajiku nia depois ukun rasik an nia mak tuir mai ne'e: * konfrontasaun Arte Marsial iha bazar Maliana iha tinan 2001 * Konfrontasaun komunidade iha Sub-distritu Quilecai 2001 * Protestu iha Distritu Baucau iha fulan Novembru 2002 * Protestu iha Dili fulan Dezemberu 2002 * Atakes husi Milisia iha Sub-Distritu Atsabe 2003 * konfrontasaun komunidade iha Uatulari 2007 * Krize Politik militar 2006-2008 * Konfrontasaun Komunidade entre Polisia ne'ebe rezulta ema mate ne'ebe tiru husi Polisia deskuinesidus iha fatin (hanesan Kuka, Laivai, Maliana) * Konfrontasaun Arte Masial husi distritus sira no iha Dili * Konfrontasaun elisaun prezidensial 2012 * Konfrontasaun komunidade iha Sub-Distritu Uatulari durante komemorasaun tinan dalas 10 nian iha 20 Maiu ne'ebe rezulta ema ida mate no uma 7 hetan sunu mutuk.", "Iha tradejedia ikus nian FM husu ba institusaun sigurasan nian hanesan F-FDTL & PNTL oinsa halo aprosimasaun stratejia nian ho premanente, no mos ba lideransa nasional sira iha Dili oinsa mak bele forma ekipa atu bele rezolve siklu konflitus ne'ebe laiha rohan laek iha povu Sub-Distritu Uatulari?", "FM husu labele haluhan vitima sira depois ukun rasik an, ba sira ne'ebe fo an ba mate durante tempu negro ida ne'ebe ita hahu ita nia dezenvolvementu fijika ba luta hari'i nasaun nian ne'ebe ita nia familia no ita nia maluk sira lakon vida ba." ]
[ [ "Vitima Depois Ukun An Nian - Radio Liberdade Dili, FM 95.8 Mhz radio online This opinion is the sole responsibility of its author and should not be taken as a substitute for professional advice or expertise provided by other sources" ], [ "The editors gave this step menu to exercise everyone his opinion not ideas on any issue in the process of development Timor-Leste." ], [ "On 25 May, the sixth anniversary of conflict between F-FDTL & PNTL at General Headquarters resulted in death on both sides." ], [ "Those who lost their lives in the tragedy of that time, both men and women died under conflict circumstances. They deserve to be honoured!" ], [ "As veterans, the Mahein Foundation (FM) hoped that families of those who lost their lives at this time would receive a pension from state." ], [ "Last week, FM published an article about the 10th anniversary of reflections on independence." ], [ "Timor-Leste should be happy with the independence that we have achieved." ], [ "Timorese also remembered and honored the victims of their families who sacrificed themselves during 1975 civil war." ], [ "Timorese should also remember and honour the victims, their families who sacrificed themselves during this war against neighbouring Indonesia." ], [ "We must think back to the 10th anniversary of our independence restoration and how we have come here today." ], [ "But have we not forgotten something?" ], [ "We talk about the victims of conflict between 1975 and, in particular from that year until now but we must not forget those who lost their lives after independence." ], [ "They are victims of the post-independence period, which often does not appear on government and state list to be honoured." ], [ "Victims of the tragic conflict after independence are as follow: * Martial arts confrontation in Maliana Bazaar, May-20th (1 person died and seven houses were burned)* Community clash at Quilecai Subdistrict - November/December /January; Protest against police force attack by militia on community members near Atsabe sub district. December – January • Communities' Crash between Police which resulted to death from gunfire carried out locally with unskilled personnel including Kuka & Laivai Maliana villagers• Mass art clashes amongst various areas within Uatulari municipality during a commemoration for ten years since Independence Day that took place last year may–May where one man was killed while six homes had been mutilated" ], [ "In the last tragedy, FM asked security institutions such as F-FDTL & PNTL how to make strategic approximation with preeminence and also for national leadership in Dili How can they form a team that will resolve cycle of conflicts without end among people Sub District Uatulari?" ], [ "FM asked not to forget the victims after independence, those who gave their lives during this dark time when we began our physical development in a struggle of building up that country where many families and comrades lost life." ] ]
Adeus Claudio de Araújo Martins – ::Timor Post Online::\nHome » Munisípiu » AINARO » Adeus Claudio de Araújo Martins\n21 julho 2020 27 abril 2021 by Timor Post-575 views\nClaudio de Araújo Martins, nu’udar fundador ida ba Diáriu Timor Post husi ema na’in-14. Nia moris iha Munisípiu Ainaro iha tinan 47 liu ba no hakotu iis iha loron 21 Jullu 2020 iha Hospital Nacional Guido Valadares (HNGV), Dili.\nTuir família no kolega sira ne’ebé besik liu haktuir Claudio iha loron ne’e sei ba hela servisu iha STAE (Sekretariadu Tekniku Admnistrasaun Eleitoral). Nia nu’udar Xefe Departementu IT (Information Technology). Iha lorokraik rai nakaras rona Claudio iha ona HNGV tanba hetan atake fuan (ataque cardíaco). Médiku sira halo esforsu hotu atu salva maibé la konsege.\nBainhira família sira lori Claudio nia isin mate husi HNGV ba nia moris fatin Ainaro, família no kolega sira akompaña Claudio ba halo despedida ikus iha nia uma Ailoklaran-Suku Bairro-pité, lori mós ba despede iha nia servisu fatin ikus iha STAE no ba iha edefísiu Timor Post.\nIha edefísiu Timor Post, funsionáriu no fundador sira presta omenajen ba Claudio no hato’o sentidu kondolénsia ba família matebian.\nPrezidente Fundasaun Timor Beran nu’udar mahon ba Timor Post, Adérito Hugo da Costa iha okajiaun hato’o sentidu triste ba Claudio nia viajen ida ne’e. Nia sublina, mehi ne’ebé sira hala’o hamutuk iha tinan rua nulu liu ba, derepente Claudio husik hela tiha de’it. Maibé, husu ba Claudio ho espíritu rai hela fiar nafatin ba sira ne’ebé sei moris atu kontinua obra ne’ebé Claudio mós kontribui mezmu fundador sira laiha hotu ona.\nHugo subliña, Timor Post moris ho nia istória rasik, iha ne’ebé Cláudio mós nu’udar na’in-ne’ebé sira hamutuk na’in-14 husi munisípiu keta-ketak maibé hamutuk ho mehi ida de’it hodi harii mídia ne’e nu’udar realidade ida.\n“Fi’ar ba ami nafatin, katak obra ne’ebé O mós kontribui sei kontinua nafatin, mezmu ita na’in-14 laiha hotu ona. Timor Post O nian, ita nian, i agora dadauk ita fó ba públiku ona. Marka ida ne’e ita na’in-14 mak oferese ba públiku,” Hugo subliña liamenon ne’e ho nakonu ho mataben.\nHugo hatutan, Timor Post nu’udar orgullu ida mós ba Claudio nu’udar timoroan ne’ebé husik hela obra ida ne’e ba nasaun no povu tomak.\nNain ba Timor Post hamutuk 14 inklui, Adérito Hugo da Costa, Otélio Ote, Santina da Costa Araújo, José Ximenes, Rosa Garcia, Suzana Cardoso, Lourenço Martins, João Barreto, Jacob Ximenes, Claudio de Araújo Martins (+), Domingos Freitas, António Marcos, Ilídio de Carvalho no Afonço da Costa. (cao)\nPrevious post Krítika Manas iha Uma Fukun hasoru Ministru Salvadór Hasai Funsionáriu Na’in-5\nNext post Emprezariu Timoroan husu Pra-Kualifikasaun
[ "Adeus Claudio de Araujo Martins -::Timor Post Online:: Home \" Munisipiu \" AINARO \" Adeus Claudio de Araujo Martins 21 julho 2020 27 abril 2021 by Timor Post-575 views Claudio de Araujo Martins, nu'udar fundador ida ba Diariu Timor Post husi ema na'in-14.", "Nia moris iha Munisipiu Ainaro iha tinan 47 liu ba no hakotu iis iha loron 21 Jullu 2020 iha Hospital Nacional Guido Valadares (HNGV), Dili.", "Tuir familia no kolega sira ne'ebe besik liu haktuir Claudio iha loron ne'e sei ba hela servisu iha STAE (Sekretariadu Tekniku Admnistrasaun Eleitoral).", "Nia nu'udar Xefe Departementu IT (Information Technology).", "Iha lorokraik rai nakaras rona Claudio iha ona HNGV tanba hetan atake fuan (ataque cardiaco).", "Mediku sira halo esforsu hotu atu salva maibe la konsege.", "Bainhira familia sira lori Claudio nia isin mate husi HNGV ba nia moris fatin Ainaro, familia no kolega sira akompana Claudio ba halo despedida ikus iha nia uma Ailoklaran-Suku Bairro-pite, lori mos ba despede iha nia servisu fatin ikus iha STAE no ba iha edefisiu Timor Post.", "Iha edefisiu Timor Post, funsionariu no fundador sira presta omenajen ba Claudio no hato'o sentidu kondolensia ba familia matebian.", "Prezidente Fundasaun Timor Beran nu'udar mahon ba Timor Post, Aderito Hugo da Costa iha okajiaun hato'o sentidu triste ba Claudio nia viajen ida ne'e.", "Nia sublina, mehi ne'ebe sira hala'o hamutuk iha tinan rua nulu liu ba, derepente Claudio husik hela tiha de'it.", "Maibe, husu ba Claudio ho espiritu rai hela fiar nafatin ba sira ne'ebe sei moris atu kontinua obra ne'ebe Claudio mos kontribui mezmu fundador sira laiha hotu ona.", "Hugo sublina, Timor Post moris ho nia istoria rasik, iha ne'ebe Claudio mos nu'udar na'in-ne'ebe sira hamutuk na'in-14 husi munisipiu keta-ketak maibe hamutuk ho mehi ida de'it hodi harii midia ne'e nu'udar realidade ida.", "\"Fi'ar ba ami nafatin, katak obra ne'ebe O mos kontribui sei kontinua nafatin, mezmu ita na'in-14 laiha hotu ona.", "Timor Post O nian, ita nian, i agora dadauk ita fo ba publiku ona.", "Marka ida ne'e ita na'in-14 mak oferese ba publiku,\" Hugo sublina liamenon ne'e ho nakonu ho mataben.", "Hugo hatutan, Timor Post nu'udar orgullu ida mos ba Claudio nu'udar timoroan ne'ebe husik hela obra ida ne'e ba nasaun no povu tomak.", "Nain ba Timor Post hamutuk 14 inklui, Aderito Hugo da Costa, Otelio Ote, Santina da Costa Araujo, Jose Ximenes, Rosa Garcia, Suzana Cardoso, Lourenco Martins, Joao Barreto, Jacob Ximenes, Claudio de Araujo Martins (+), Domingos Freitas, Antonio Marcos, Ilidio de Carvalho no Afonco da Costa. (cao) Previous post Kritika Manas iha Uma Fukun hasoru Ministru Salvador Hasai Funsionariu Na'in-5 Next post Emprezariu Timoroan husu Pra-Kualifikasaun" ]
[ [ "Adeus Claudio de Araujo Martins -:.Timor Post Online 21 Julho,30 Junto com a Família e os Amigos da Comunidade \"Ainaro Municipality\" Adiós Claudiu De Araújo Martinez-576 views The death of the founder and editor in chief (CEO) from Timor post newspaper by his family was an unforgettable moment for all who were involved with its development as well..." ], [ "He was born in Ainaro Municipality 47 years ago and died on July,21st of this year at the National Guido Valadares Hospital (HNGV), Dili." ], [ "According to his family and closest colleagues, Claudio will be working at the STAE (Secretariado Técnico da Administração Eleitoral) this day." ], [ "He is the Head of IT (Information Technology) Department." ], [ "In the morning, Claudio was admitted to HNGV after suffering a heart attack." ], [ "The doctors made every effort to save him but failed." ], [ "When the family took Claudio's body from HNGV to his home in Ainaro, Claudius was accompanied by friends and colleagues for a final farewell at Ailoklaran-Suku Bairros -Pite where he lives. He also went with them on their last journey through STAE (State Administrative Examination Office) office building until they reached Timor Post headquarters buildings" ], [ "At the Timor Post headquarters, staff and founding members paid tribute to Claudio's passing away. They also extended their condolences with his family as well" ], [ "Aderito Hugo da Costa, President of the Timor Beran Foundation and correspondent for The Post on that occasion expressed his sadness over Claudio's departure." ], [ "She emphasizes that the dreams they had together two years ago suddenly disappeared, and Claudio just left." ], [ "However, he asked Claudio with the spirit of earthly life to continue believing in those who will live on and carry forward what Claudio has done even though all founders are gone." ], [ "Hugo emphasizes that Timor Post lives with its own history, in which Claudio is also one of the 14 people from different municipalities but united by a single desire to make this media become reality." ], [ "\"Believe us, that the work which you have contributed will continue even though we 14 are all gone." ], [ "Timor Post belongs to you, it is our own and now we are giving the public access." ], [ "We are 14 of us who offer this brand to the public,\" Hugo emphasizes with a smile." ], [ "Hugo said, Timor Post is a pride for Claudio as an Angolan who has left this work to the country and its people." ], [ "There are 14 Timor Post employees, including Aderito Hugo da Costa; Otelio ote and Santina de Araujo. Jose Ximenes is the chief executive officer of this company while Rosa Garcia has been hired as a vice-chairman to replace Suzana Cardoso who was dismissed from her post on December20th (cau) Previous article Hot Criticism in Uma Fukun Against Minister Salvador Has Five Employees Discharged Next item" ] ]
Dezastre naturál, Governu kontinua rekolla dadus | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste\nVARANDA DILI Dezastre naturál, Governu kontinua rekolla dadus\nAbitante sira iha Lagoa Tasi-Tolu tama-sai tenke ho bero ne’ebé sira selu kada ema $0,5. Imajen Tatoli/Antonio Gonçalves\nDILI, 09 abríl 2021 (TATOLI)-Ministériu Administrasaun Estatál (MAE), sesta ne’e, lidera reuniaun Unidade ba Misaun Protesaun Sivíl no Jestaun Dezastre Natural.\nNotísia Relevante : Governu presiza millaun $200 responde dezastre naturál\nLiña ministériu ne’ebé hola parte iha unidade ne’e mak hanesan MAE, Ministériu Solidariedade Sosiál no Inkluzaun (MSSI), Ministériu Interiór (MI), Ministériu ba Asuntu Parlamentár no Komunikasaun Sosiál (MAPCOMS), Sekretária Estadu Protesaun Sivíl (SEPS), Polísia Nasionál Nasionál Timor-Leste (PNTL) ho sira seluk tan.\nEnkontru dahuluk Unidade ba Misaun Protesaun Sivíl no Jestaun Dezastre Naturál ne’ebé hala’o iha edifísiu MAE ne’e halo diskusaun ba pontu importante tolu, hanesan;\nKo’alia kona-ba koordenasaun interministeriál relasiona ho intervensaun ne’ebé entidade governamentál, sosiedade sivíl halo ona ba fatin refujiadu ka fatin evakuasaun abitante sira.\nDiskute mós dadus kona-ba estragu, vítima lakon vida durante akontese iha dezastre naturál.\nKo’alia kona-ba servisu ne’ebé Governu tenke halo levantamentu dadus estragu afeta ba família afetadu, hodi nune’e, bele sai informasaun ba Governu bele halo intervensaun ba vítima sira ne’ebé mak afetadu hosi dezastre natural.\nMinistru MAE, Miguel Perreira de Carvalho, ba jornalista esplika Governu sei identifika ho forma rua ba família afetadu bele fila-fali ba sira hela fatin hodi hadi’a uma ne’ebé estragu no komunidade balun labele fila-fali tanba pratikamente uma rai monu hanehan ona no mota lori nune’e labele fila.\nNia dehan, daudaun SEPS hamutuk ho Prezidente Autoridade no lider komunitáriu sira rekolla hela levantamentu dadus espera iha semana oin dadus sira bele hetan ona serteza.\nMinistru Miguel Perreira de Carvalho, dehan númeru vítima dezlokadu besik ena 13,000 iha sentru evakuasaun sira iha Dili no territóriu ho hirak ne’e liuhosi Governu halo intervensaun apoiu hahán.\nGovernu propoin medida sira hodi fó atendimentu ba vítima sira ne’ebé hela fatin estragu no orsamentu seidauk halo estimativa tanba sei hein dadus. Tanba ne’e, ministériu hotu-hotu partisipa ativu iha tempu dezastre naturál ne’e liu-liu Protesaun Sivíl, MSSI, MAE no autoridade lokál ho komunitária hodi hala’o servisu.\nGovernu kontinua rekoilla dadus\nsei fó resposta uma ne’ebé hetan estragu\nPrevious articleEspoza PR sei hato’o vítima nia preokupasaun ba ministériu relevante\nNext articleKomunidade agradese apoiu umanitária hosi povu EUA
[ "Dezastre natural, Governu kontinua rekolla dadus | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA DILI Dezastre natural, Governu kontinua rekolla dadus Abitante sira iha Lagoa Tasi-Tolu tama-sai tenke ho bero ne'ebe sira selu kada ema $0,5.", "Imajen Tatoli/Antonio Goncalves DILI, 09 abril 2021 (TATOLI) -Ministeriu Administrasaun Estatal (MAE), sesta ne'e, lidera reuniaun Unidade ba Misaun Protesaun Sivil no Jestaun Dezastre Natural.", "Notisia Relevante: Governu presiza millaun $200 responde dezastre natural Lina ministeriu ne'ebe hola parte iha unidade ne'e mak hanesan MAE, Ministeriu Solidariedade Sosial no Inkluzaun (MSSI), Ministeriu Interior (MI), Ministeriu ba Asuntu Parlamentar no Komunikasaun Sosial (MAPCOMS), Sekretaria Estadu Protesaun Sivil (SEPS), Polisia Nasional Nasional Timor-Leste (PNTL) ho sira seluk tan.", "Enkontru dahuluk Unidade ba Misaun Protesaun Sivil no Jestaun Dezastre Natural ne'ebe hala'o iha edifisiu MAE ne'e halo diskusaun ba pontu importante tolu, hanesan; Ko'alia kona-ba koordenasaun interministerial relasiona ho intervensaun ne'ebe entidade governamental, sosiedade sivil halo ona ba fatin refujiadu ka fatin evakuasaun abitante sira.", "Diskute mos dadus kona-ba estragu, vitima lakon vida durante akontese iha dezastre natural.", "Ko'alia kona-ba servisu ne'ebe Governu tenke halo levantamentu dadus estragu afeta ba familia afetadu, hodi nune'e, bele sai informasaun ba Governu bele halo intervensaun ba vitima sira ne'ebe mak afetadu hosi dezastre natural.", "Ministru MAE, Miguel Perreira de Carvalho, ba jornalista esplika Governu sei identifika ho forma rua ba familia afetadu bele fila-fali ba sira hela fatin hodi hadi'a uma ne'ebe estragu no komunidade balun labele fila-fali tanba pratikamente uma rai monu hanehan ona no mota lori nune'e labele fila.", "Nia dehan, daudaun SEPS hamutuk ho Prezidente Autoridade no lider komunitariu sira rekolla hela levantamentu dadus espera iha semana oin dadus sira bele hetan ona serteza.", "Ministru Miguel Perreira de Carvalho, dehan numeru vitima dezlokadu besik ena 13,000 iha sentru evakuasaun sira iha Dili no territoriu ho hirak ne'e liuhosi Governu halo intervensaun apoiu hahan.", "Governu propoin medida sira hodi fo atendimentu ba vitima sira ne'ebe hela fatin estragu no orsamentu seidauk halo estimativa tanba sei hein dadus.", "Tanba ne'e, ministeriu hotu-hotu partisipa ativu iha tempu dezastre natural ne'e liu-liu Protesaun Sivil, MSSI, MAE no autoridade lokal ho komunitaria hodi hala'o servisu.", "Governu kontinua rekoilla dadus sei fo resposta uma ne'ebe hetan estragu Previous articleEspoza PR sei hato'o vitima nia preokupasaun ba ministeriu relevante Next articleKomunidade agradese apoiu umanitaria hosi povu EUA" ]
[ [ "Natural disaster, Government continues to collect data | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA DILI Nature Disaster: The government keep on gathering information Residential inhabitants of Lagoa Tasi Tolu have been forced into a situation where they must use heat for $0.5 per person when entering and leaving the area" ], [ "Image Tatoli/Antonio Goncalves DILI, April 9th (TATOLI) -The Ministry of State Administration on Saturday led a meeting with the Civil Protection Mission and Natural Disaster Management Unit." ], [ "Relevant News: Government Needs $201 Million to Respond Natural Disaster The ministries that take part in this unit are MAE, Ministry of Social Solidarity and Inclusion (MSSI), Interior Ministerial Office(MI) ;Ministry for Parliamentary Affairs &Social Communication/MAPCOMS); State Secretariat Civil Protection." ], [ "The first meeting of the Civil Protection Mission and Natural Disaster Management Unit held in MAE building discussed three important points, such as; Talking about interministerial coordination related to interventions that government entities or civil society have made for refugees' sites." ], [ "The report also discusses the data on damage, victims lost their lives during natural disasters." ], [ "He spoke about the work that Government must do to collect data on damage affecting families, so as information can be provided for government intervention in case of natural disaster victims." ], [ "Minister MAE, Miguel Perreira de Carvalho explained to journalists that the government will identify two ways for affecting families can return home and repair their damaged houses. Some communities cannot go back because practically a house has fallen down on land so they are unable of going there again as it is destroye by motorways or roadworks which prevent them from moving in" ], [ "He said that SEPS, together with the President of Authority and community leaders are currently collecting data. It is expected by next week to have certainty on this issue as it will be confirmed in a future report from Seps's office at Asunción City Council (ACC)." ], [ "Minister Miguel Perreira de Carvalho said the number of displaced victims is nearly 13,025 in evacuation centres across Dili and territories with food assistance being provided through government intervention." ], [ "The government proposes measure to provide care for victim whose homes have been damaged and the budget has not made an estimate because it will wait data." ], [ "Therefore, all ministries actively participate in the time of this natural disaster especially Civil Protection MSSI MAE and local authorities with community to carry out their work." ], [ "Government continues to collect data will give answer home damaged PreviousPR wife is going forward victim' s concern with relevant ministry Next articleCommunity thanks humanitarian assistance from the US people" ] ]
Komisaun Rekuperasaun Ekonómika Entrega Planu ba PM Taur - Naunil Media\nKomisaun Rekuperasaun Ekonómika Entrega Planu ba PM Taur\nAugust 18, 2020 August 18, 2020 Julito Ximenes\t0 Comments\nNaunil Media (Díli), Tersa (18/08) ne’e, Komisaun ba Elaborasaun ba Planu Rekuperasaun Ekonómika entrega ona planu rekuperasaun ekonómika ba Primeiru Ministru (PM), Taur Matan Ruak.\n“Ami mai atu halo seremonia termu mandate ba komisaun tanba mandar remata ona. Ofisialmente ami entrega ona planu rekuperasaun ba Governu” informa Prezidente Komisaun ba Elaborasaun ba Planu Rekuperasaun Ekonómika, Rui Augusto Gomes, ba jornalista sira hafoin hasoru malu ho xefe orgaun ezekutivu Taur Matan Ruak, iha Palásiu Governu.\nPrezidente Komisaun ba Elaborasaun ba Planu Rekuperasaun Ekonómika, Rui Augusto Gomes, informa liu-tan Unidade Planeamentu, Monitorizasaun no Avaliasaun halo dadaun ajustamentu kona-ba medida sira, oinsa mak indikadór sira ne’e bele transforma ba aktividade no mos oramentasaun, hahu iha Orsamentu Jerál Estadu (OJE) 2021 ba oin.\nRui Augusto Gomes, dehan planu ne’e foku atu fó valor liu ba ema nian bein estar saúde no edukasaun.\n“Importante atu tau preoridade maka’as liu ba seitór sira ne’ebe ajuda ema atu iha oportunidade barak liu atu sir abele hala’o moris ho dignu”, tenik Eis-Ministru Planeamentu no Finansas, Rui Augusto Gomes.\nRui Augusto Gomes, hateten parte komisaun asegura ona liu husi medida atu bele garante ema nian rendimentu, empreza labele taka, maibe ativu nafatin iha merkadu atu bele fó empregu barak ba joven.\n“Só ho rendimentu empregu mak ita bele dehan kresimentu ekonómiku bele akontese. Ita espera rekuperasaun ida ne’e hanesan format ida, katak ita monu maibe sa’e fila-fali” akreseta, Rui Augusto Gomes.\nTuir Eis-Governante ne’e, atu atinji medida hirak ne’e depende ba ezekusaun ne’ebe komisaun propoin on aba Governu konstitusionál da-ualu.\n“Empreza sira barak mak redúz volume aktividade, entaun fó implikasaun ba traballadór balun ne’ebe presiza deskansa. Ami tenta atu sira labele lakon servisu, fila-fali mantein nafatin no oinsa empreza sira hahu aktividade, e ida ne’e mak medida sira agora dadaun implementa”, esplika, Rui Augusto Gomes.\nIkus-liu, Rui Augusto Gomes, dehan komisaun halo ona aprezentasaun rekomendasaun balun iha jornada orsamental foin lalais atu Governu bele konsidera iha proposta no tau hanesan programa preoridade ba rekuperasaun ekonómika.\nXefe Governu fó pose ba membru komisaun ne’e iha loron 18 fulan Juñu tinan 2020 ho mandate fulan rua, no membru sira kompostu husi Prezidente Komisaun ba Elaborasaun ba Planu Rekuperasaun Ekonómika, Rui Augusto Gomes ho ninia vogal nain haat, Rui Maria de Araújo, Manuel Wong, Carlos da Silva Lopes Saky no Berta Montalvão. Lop\n← DOT Fulan Agustu Tinan Ne’e Aumenta ba $1.8 Milloens\nLere : Tenki Halo Lei Garante Futuru Veteranu Sira →\nXanana Hamos Valeta Ho Komunidade Iha Balide\nJuly 14, 2021 July 14, 2021 Latu Cavani 0\nNa’in Ba Timor Plaza Harii Edifisiu Foun Administrasaun Maubara
[ "Komisaun Rekuperasaun Ekonomika Entrega Planu ba PM Taur - Naunil Media Komisaun Rekuperasaun Ekonomika Entrega Planu ba PM Taur August 18, 2020 August 18, 2020 Julito Ximenes 0 Comments Naunil Media (Dili), Tersa (18/08) ne'e, Komisaun ba Elaborasaun ba Planu Rekuperasaun Ekonomika entrega ona planu rekuperasaun ekonomika ba Primeiru Ministru (PM), Taur Matan Ruak.", "\"Ami mai atu halo seremonia termu mandate ba komisaun tanba mandar remata ona.", "Ofisialmente ami entrega ona planu rekuperasaun ba Governu\" informa Prezidente Komisaun ba Elaborasaun ba Planu Rekuperasaun Ekonomika, Rui Augusto Gomes, ba jornalista sira hafoin hasoru malu ho xefe orgaun ezekutivu Taur Matan Ruak, iha Palasiu Governu.", "Prezidente Komisaun ba Elaborasaun ba Planu Rekuperasaun Ekonomika, Rui Augusto Gomes, informa liu-tan Unidade Planeamentu, Monitorizasaun no Avaliasaun halo dadaun ajustamentu kona-ba medida sira, oinsa mak indikador sira ne'e bele transforma ba aktividade no mos oramentasaun, hahu iha Orsamentu Jeral Estadu (OJE) 2021 ba oin.", "Rui Augusto Gomes, dehan planu ne'e foku atu fo valor liu ba ema nian bein estar saude no edukasaun.", "\"Importante atu tau preoridade maka'as liu ba seitor sira ne'ebe ajuda ema atu iha oportunidade barak liu atu sir abele hala'o moris ho dignu,\" tenik Eis-Ministru Planeamentu no Finansas, Rui Augusto Gomes.", "Rui Augusto Gomes, hateten parte komisaun asegura ona liu husi medida atu bele garante ema nian rendimentu, empreza labele taka, maibe ativu nafatin iha merkadu atu bele fo empregu barak ba joven.", "\"So ho rendimentu empregu mak ita bele dehan kresimentu ekonomiku bele akontese.", "Ita espera rekuperasaun ida ne'e hanesan format ida, katak ita monu maibe sa'e fila-fali\" akreseta, Rui Augusto Gomes.", "Tuir Eis-Governante ne'e, atu atinji medida hirak ne'e depende ba ezekusaun ne'ebe komisaun propoin on aba Governu konstitusional da-ualu.", "\"Empreza sira barak mak reduz volume aktividade, entaun fo implikasaun ba traballador balun ne'ebe presiza deskansa.", "Ami tenta atu sira labele lakon servisu, fila-fali mantein nafatin no oinsa empreza sira hahu aktividade, e ida ne'e mak medida sira agora dadaun implementa,\" esplika, Rui Augusto Gomes.", "Ikus-liu, Rui Augusto Gomes, dehan komisaun halo ona aprezentasaun rekomendasaun balun iha jornada orsamental foin lalais atu Governu bele konsidera iha proposta no tau hanesan programa preoridade ba rekuperasaun ekonomika.", "Xefe Governu fo pose ba membru komisaun ne'e iha loron 18 fulan Junu tinan 2020 ho mandate fulan rua, no membru sira kompostu husi Prezidente Komisaun ba Elaborasaun ba Planu Rekuperasaun Ekonomika, Rui Augusto Gomes ho ninia vogal nain haat, Rui Maria de Araujo, Manuel Wong, Carlos da Silva Lopes Saky no Berta Montalvao.", "Lop - DOT Fulan Agustu Tinan Ne'e Aumenta ba $1.8 Milloens Lere: Tenki Halo Lei Garante Futuru Veteranu Sira - Xanana Hamos Valeta Ho Komunidade Iha Balide July 14, 2021 July 14, 2021 Latu Cavani 0 Na'in Ba Timor Plaza Harii Edifisiu Foun Administrasaun Maubara" ]
[ [ "Naunil Media August 18,2039 Julyto Ximenes Leave a Comment on Economic Recovery Commission Hands Over Plan to PM Taur – The Daily News of Dili (Dili), On Tuesday the Committee for Elaboration and Preparing an Economy Restore plan has handed over its economic recovery plans." ], [ "\"We have come here to hold a ceremony for the end of our commission's mandate because it has ended." ], [ "We have officially handed over the recovery plan to Government,\" said Chairman of Economic Recovery Plan Elaboration Commission Rui Augusto Gomes after meeting with Chief Executive Taur Matan Ruak at government palace." ], [ "Rui Augusto Gomes, Chairman of the Commission for Elaboration and Economic Recovery Plan (CEPEP), further informed that his Planning Monitoring & Assessment Unit is currently making adjustments to measure how these indicators can be transformed into activity as well or planning starting from General State Budget 2019." ], [ "Rui Augusto Gomes, said that the plan focuses on giving more value to people' s well-being health and education." ], [ "\"It is important to give greater priority in those sectors that help people have more opportunities for a dignified life,\" said former Minister of Planning and Finance Rui Augusto Gomez." ], [ "Rui Augusto Gomes, said that the Commission has ensured through measure to guarantee people' s income. Companies can not close but remain active in market so they may provide many jobs for youngsters 10" ], [ "\"Only with employment income can we say that economic growth is possible." ], [ "We expect this recovery as a format, that we fall but rise again\" adds Rui Augusto Gome." ], [ "According to the former governor, achieving these measures depend on implementation of what was proposed by a commission in 2016 under constitutional government." ], [ "\"Many companies are reducing the volume of activity, which has implications for some workers who need to rest." ], [ "We try not to lose their jobs, we keep them back and how the companies start activity again. This is what measures are now being implemented\", explaines Rui Augusto Gomet..." ], [ "Specifically, Rui Augusto Gomes said the commission had presented some recommendations at a recent budget session so that Government could consider them in proposal and put as priority programme for economic recovery." ], [ "The Head of Government appointed the commission members on June,18th for a two-months mandate.The committee consists from Rui Augusto Gomees (Chairman), and his four deputies:Ruí Maria de Araujo;Manuel Wong(Vice Chairman);Carlos da Silva Lopez Saky e Berta Montalvao)." ], [ "Lop - DOT's Revenue In August This Year Increased To $1.8 Million Lere: Need to Make Law Guarantee Future Veteranu Sira – Xanana Hamos Valeta Ho Komunidade Iha Balide July 20," ] ]
IPG partilla informasaun kona-ba risku jeolójiku ba Autoridade Manufahi | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste\nVARANDA MANUFAHI IPG partilla informasaun kona-ba risku jeolójiku ba Autoridade Manufahi\nIPG partilla informasaun kona-ba risku jeolójiku ba Autoridade Manufahi\nEkipa IPG hasai foto hamutuk ho partisipante atividade diseminasaun risku Jeolójiku iha edefísiu Administrasaun munisipiu Manufahi, sexta (04/12). Imajen TATOLI/Antónia Gusmão.\nMANUFAHI, 04 dezembru 2020 (TATOLI)—Institutu Petróliu no Jeolojia (IPG-sigla portugés), sesta (04/12) desimina informasaun kona-ba risku jeolójiku ba Autoridade Munisípiu Manufahi.\nXefe Divizaun Risku Jeolójika no Enjinária Jeolójiku IPG, Eugênio Soares, hateten IPG nia funsaun prinsipál maka halo peskiza no estudu mapamentu no mós armazenamentu ba rekursu naturál hanesan petróliu, gás, minerál, bee no rai okos.\nNotísia Relevante :IPG identifika Ainaro risku ba rai-halai\n“Papél IPG nian maka halo estudu kona-ba risku jeolójiku hanesan rai halai, inundasaun kosteira, rai nakdoko no mós tsunami. iha Manufahi tékniku IPG nian halo mapamentu risku ne’ebé identifika hosi aero foto, identifika fatin hirak ne’ebé potensiál ba risku,” dehan nia iha ninia diskursu bainhira halo abertura ba programa desiminasaun informasaun ko-naba jeolojia iha salaun Administrasaun Munisípiu Manufahi.\nIha 2014 mak IPG hamutuk ho university of Southern California (USC) hetan fundu husi National Science Funding (NSF) liu husi projeitu “Deep Geologic structure of the Banda Arc” instala stasaun seismometer temporariu 8 iha: Oe-Cusse, Maliana, Dare-Dili, Atauro, Baucau, Viqueque, Lospalos inklui mós Manufahi. Maibe estasaun hirak nee desmantela fali iha inisiu 2018 tanba durasaun projetu hotu ona.\nMapamentu ne’e atu identifika fatin risku hanesan rai halai, inundasaun, no mós risku kosteira. Nune’e mós atu halo konfirmasaun ka validasaun mapa potensiál ne’ebé IPG prodúz tiha ona para buka solusaun hodi prevene no minimiza risku dezastre naturál.\n“Manufahi iha tempu udan sempre mosu inundasaun, tempu bailoron mosu fali ahi han rai, ne’e la’ós rai mesak maibé ema mak halo fali ahi ne’e sai ahi, udan mós hanesan inundasaun ne’e la’ós udan mak halo maibé mós ita ema dala barak gosta tesi-ai, halo uma besik mota, kee rai para hodi halo fali atividade sira seluk,” nia hateten.\nIha fatin hanesan Komandante PNTL Munisípiu Manufahi, Joni Viana, orgullu ho programa desiminasaun informasaun ne’e no konsidera pertinente atu divulga ba komunidade atu hatene liután.\n“Dezastre naturál ne’e sai preokupasaun boot ba ita hotu hanesan Timoroan, haree ba populasaun tesi ai no sunu rai arbiru ne’e, ha’u haree seguransa ambientál ne’e ladún di’ak ne’ebé Diresaun Florestál tenke serbisu maka’as hodi proteze ambiente tanba ita Timoroan nafatin ho karatér estragu ne’e sei maka’as,” nia hateten.\nNune’e mós Reprezentante Organizasaun Naun Govermentál (ONG) CARE Internasionál, Janu Araújo, dehan relatóriu prelimináriu sei tulun instituisaun hotu atu oinsá prevene risku dezatre naturál.\n“Kona-ba rai halai ne’e presiza liña ministeriál sira atu haree asuntu sira ne’e tanba komunidade harii uma iha foho lolon tanba sente katak foho lolon ne’e mak di’ak liu maibé lahatene katak foho lolon ne’e maka nia impaktu ne’e boot liután ne’e ita hotu presiza tau atensaun ba kestaun ne’e,” Janu Araújo sujere.\nPrograma desiminasaun informasaun ne’e abertura husi Administradór Munisípiu Interinu, Arantes Isaac no hetan partisipasaun husi Komandante PNTL Manufahi, MOP, PNDS, CVTL, ONG CARE Internasionál no komunidade sira.\nEntretantu, iha biban ne’e Eugênio Soares entrega mós mapa potensiál ba risku inundasaun, rai halai, rai monu ho erosaun kosteira iha munisípiu Manufahi ba Administradór Interinu Manufahi, Arantes Isaac.\nNotísia Relevante :IPG disemina risku jeolójiku iha munisípiu Ainaro\nPrevious articleOrsamentu PCM aprovadu iha espesialidade\nNext articleBankada CNRT deside la partisipa debate espesialidade proposta OJE 2021\nJosé Reis husu halo reflesaun iha implementasaun PED 2011-2030\nDILI, 28 juñu 2022 (TATOLI)– Selesaun Nasionál U-19, tersa ne’e, arranka ona bá Indonézia hodi partisipa kopa Asian Football Association (AFF) 2022, ne’ebé sei...
[ "IPG partilla informasaun kona-ba risku jeolojiku ba Autoridade Manufahi | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA MANUFAHI IPG partilla informasaun kona-ba risku jeolojiku ba Autoridade Manufahi IPG partilla informasaun kona-ba risku jeolojiku ba Autoridade Manufahi Ekipa IPG hasai foto hamutuk ho partisipante atividade diseminasaun risku Jeolojiku iha edefisiu Administrasaun munisipiu Manufahi, sexta (04/12).", "Imajen TATOLI/Antonia Gusmao.", "MANUFAHI, 04 dezembru 2020 (TATOLI) - Institutu Petroliu no Jeolojia (IPG-sigla portuges), sesta (04/12) desimina informasaun kona-ba risku jeolojiku ba Autoridade Munisipiu Manufahi.", "Xefe Divizaun Risku Jeolojika no Enjinaria Jeolojiku IPG, Eugenio Soares, hateten IPG nia funsaun prinsipal maka halo peskiza no estudu mapamentu no mos armazenamentu ba rekursu natural hanesan petroliu, gas, mineral, bee no rai okos.", "Notisia Relevante:IPG identifika Ainaro risku ba rai-halai \"Papel IPG nian maka halo estudu kona-ba risku jeolojiku hanesan rai halai, inundasaun kosteira, rai nakdoko no mos tsunami. iha Manufahi tekniku IPG nian halo mapamentu risku ne'ebe identifika hosi aero foto, identifika fatin hirak ne'ebe potensial ba risku,\" dehan nia iha ninia diskursu bainhira halo abertura ba programa desiminasaun informasaun ko-naba jeolojia iha salaun Administrasaun Munisipiu Manufahi.", "Iha 2014 mak IPG hamutuk ho university of Southern California (USC) hetan fundu husi National Science Funding (NSF) liu husi projeitu \"Deep Geologic structure of the Banda Arc\" instala stasaun seismometer temporariu 8 iha: Oe-Cusse, Maliana, Dare-Dili, Atauro, Baucau, Viqueque, Lospalos inklui mos Manufahi.", "Maibe estasaun hirak nee desmantela fali iha inisiu 2018 tanba durasaun projetu hotu ona.", "Mapamentu ne'e atu identifika fatin risku hanesan rai halai, inundasaun, no mos risku kosteira.", "Nune'e mos atu halo konfirmasaun ka validasaun mapa potensial ne'ebe IPG produz tiha ona para buka solusaun hodi prevene no minimiza risku dezastre natural.", "\"Manufahi iha tempu udan sempre mosu inundasaun, tempu bailoron mosu fali ahi han rai, ne'e la'os rai mesak maibe ema mak halo fali ahi ne'e sai ahi, udan mos hanesan inundasaun ne'e la'os udan mak halo maibe mos ita ema dala barak gosta tesi-ai, halo uma besik mota, kee rai para hodi halo fali atividade sira seluk,\" nia hateten.", "Iha fatin hanesan Komandante PNTL Munisipiu Manufahi, Joni Viana, orgullu ho programa desiminasaun informasaun ne'e no konsidera pertinente atu divulga ba komunidade atu hatene liutan.", "\"Dezastre natural ne'e sai preokupasaun boot ba ita hotu hanesan Timoroan, haree ba populasaun tesi ai no sunu rai arbiru ne'e, ha'u haree seguransa ambiental ne'e ladun di'ak ne'ebe Diresaun Florestal tenke serbisu maka'as hodi proteze ambiente tanba ita Timoroan nafatin ho karater estragu ne'e sei maka'as,\" nia hateten.", "Nune'e mos Reprezentante Organizasaun Naun Govermental (ONG) CARE Internasional, Janu Araujo, dehan relatoriu preliminariu sei tulun instituisaun hotu atu oinsa prevene risku dezatre natural.", "\"Kona-ba rai halai ne'e presiza lina ministerial sira atu haree asuntu sira ne'e tanba komunidade harii uma iha foho lolon tanba sente katak foho lolon ne'e mak di'ak liu maibe lahatene katak foho lolon ne'e maka nia impaktu ne'e boot liutan ne'e ita hotu presiza tau atensaun ba kestaun ne'e,\" Janu Araujo sujere.", "Programa desiminasaun informasaun ne'e abertura husi Administrador Munisipiu Interinu, Arantes Isaac no hetan partisipasaun husi Komandante PNTL Manufahi, MOP, PNDS, CVTL, ONG CARE Internasional no komunidade sira.", "Entretantu, iha biban ne'e Eugenio Soares entrega mos mapa potensial ba risku inundasaun, rai halai, rai monu ho erosaun kosteira iha munisipiu Manufahi ba Administrador Interinu Manufahi, Arantes Isaac.", "Notisia Relevante:IPG disemina risku jeolojiku iha munisipiu Ainaro Previous articleOrsamentu PCM aprovadu iha espesialidade Next articleBankada CNRT deside la partisipa debate espesialidade proposta OJE 2021 Jose Reis husu halo reflesaun iha implementasaun PED 2011-2030 DILI, 28 junu 2022 (TATOLI) - Selesaun Nasional U-19, tersa ne'e, arranka ona ba Indonezia hodi partisipa kopa Asian Football Association (AFF) 2022, ne'ebe sei..." ]
[ [ "IPG shares information on geological risk to Manufahi Authority | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA MANUFAHI The team of the Institute for Geoscience (I PG) took a photo together with participants in Geologic Risk Dissemination activity at Manafa’i Municipality Administration building, Saturday(04/12)." ], [ "Image TATOLI/Antonia Gusmao." ], [ "MANUFAHI, December 4th (TATOLI) - The Institute of Petroleum and Geology on Saturday delivered information regarding geological risks to the Manufahi Municipal Authority." ], [ "Eugenio Soares, Head of the Geological Risk and Engineering Division at IPG said that its main function is to carry out research studies on mapping natural resources such as petroleum. gas minerals water soil storage facilities etc in order for them be used efficiently by people who live nearby or have access thereto from a distance (especially those with disabilities)." ], [ "\"IPG's role is to carry out studies regarding geological risk such as landslides, coastal flooding and also tsunami. In Manufahi the technicians of I PG have made a mapping that has been identified by aerophotographers; they are identifying those places which could be at potential danger\", he said in his speech when opening an information dissemination program on Geology held within Municipality Administration Hall (MAH)." ], [ "In 2014, IPG together with the University of Southern California (USC) received National Science Funding through \"Deep Geological structures in Banda Arc\" project to install temporary seismometer station at: Oe-cusse and Maliana. Atauro is located on a high elevation above ground level; Baucau has an average height over land that can be reached from anywhere within five kilometer distance or less than one kilometre away by road/railway" ], [ "However, these stations were dismantled in early-2018 due to the project's duration." ], [ "The mapping aims to identify risk areas such as landslides, floods and coastal hazards." ], [ "In addition, it will confirm or validate the potential maps that IPG has already produced to find solutions for preventing and minimising natural disaster risk." ], [ "\"Manufahi in the rainy season always has flooding, every time there is a fire and it eats up land. It's not just soil but people turn this into heat again; rain like flood also doesn’t happen because of rains – we often want to drain ourselves off water by building houses near river bank or keeping irrigation open for other activities.\"" ], [ "In turn, the Chief of Police in Manufahi Municipality Joni Viana is proud with this information dissemination program and considers it appropriate to inform community members about them." ], [ "\"This natural disaster has become a big concern for all of us as Timorese, looking at the population cutting trees and burning arboreal land. I see that environmental security is not good which Forestry Directorate must work hard to protect our environment because we are still people with this character damage will be great.\"" ], [ "Representative of the Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) CARE International, Janu Araujo said that this preliminary report will help all institutions to prevent natural disaster risks." ], [ "\"Regarding the landslides, we need ministerial lines to look at these issues because communities build houses in forested areas as they feel that it is better but there are concerns about its impact. We all must take care of this issue\", Janu Araujo suggesting .\"" ], [ "The information dissemination program was opened by the Interim Municipal Administrator, Arantes Isaac and had participation of PNTL Commander Manufahi MOP PNDS CVTL NGO CARE International community members." ], [ "Meanwhile, during the meeting Eugenio Soares also presented a potential map of flood risks and coastal erosion in Manufahi municipality to Arantes Isaac." ], [ "Related News:IPG dissemina geological risk in Ainaro municipality Previous articlePCM budget approved by plenary Next artikelCNRT bank decides not to participate plenary debate proposed 2019 Budget Jose Reis urges reflection on implementation of the National Development Plan (PED) for period from June,... DILI - The Indonesian U-35 national team has set sail this Tuesday towards Indonesia where it will take part at Asian Football Association Cup." ] ]
OJE 2019 PJR propoin milaun US$4.9  adisional milaun US$2 – GMN TV | Grupo Média Nacional - Lori Timor ba Mundu - GMN TV | Grupo Média Nacional\nHome » Politic » OJE 2019 PJR propoin milaun US$4.9 \tadisional milaun US$2\nProkurador Jeral da Republika, José Ximenes iha Kinta (25/10), partisipa iha reuniaun komite revizaun politika orsamental tinan 2019. Iha reuniaun komite revizaun politika orsamental ne’e, José Ximenes aprezenta planu orsamental tinan 2019 ba Governu ho montante dolar amerikanu milaun US$ 4.9.\nMaibé Prokurador Jeral Republika husu tan orsamentu adisional dolar amerikanu milaun 2 ba bens servisu no aumentu prokurador nain lima iha PJR.\n“Iha aprezentasaun Orsamentu ne’e, ami aprezenta ba ita nia Governu PJR nia orsamentu total milaun US$ 4.9. Ami husu orsamentu adisional iha saláriu no bensimentu hamutuk rihun US$ 490 resin. Adisional ida ne’e ita husu tanba tinan oin ita aumenta Prokurador nain lima, no ita iha Prokurador balu ne’ebé servisu tiha ona tinan hat, sei promove ba primeira klase iha tinan oin, no iha mós ofisial justisa ne’ebé iha progresu husi sklaun ida ba sklaun seluk mós, iha impaktu ba salarial,” informa José Ximenes ba jornalista sira iha Ministériu Finansas Aitarak Laran Dili.\nNia hatutan, PJR husu adisional ne’e ba servisu extra-ordenáriu, nomós servisu retornu ne’ebé PJR propoint US$ 15.000 resin.\nJosé Ximenes afirma, iha bens servisu, PJR konkorda atu la husu orsamentu adisional, tanba orsamentu ne’e nesesáriu ona ba PJR atu halo jestaun to’o nivel Distrital hotu.\nJosé Ximenes dehan, iha kapital menor, PJR husu orsamentu adisional US$ 337.000 resin, tanba bainhira aumenta rekursu umanus, tenki iha impaktu mós ba kapital menor.\n“Kapital dezenvolvimentu ne’e, ami hakarak harii tan Prokuradoria ida iha Munisípiu Lospalos, atu bele hakbesik liu tan justisa ba ita nia komunidade, hanesan planu estratéjika setór justisa nian, entaun ami husu rihun US$ 700 resin,” relata José Ximenes.\nNia esplika, tanba prokuradoria rasik laiha ona espasu, entaun hakarak harii tan edifisiu ida iha Prokuradoria Jeral nia kotuk, atu servisu espesializadu sira hanesan kombate korupasaun, bele funsiona iha ne’eba.\n“Ami husu orsamentu adisional total milaun US$ 1.2. ami agradese tebes ba Governu, tanba sira apresia hodi aprova ami nia planu adisional sira ne’e, tanba planu importante PJR nian mak, ema hotu tenki asesu ba justisa,” relata José Ximenes.cos\nSekretaria Estadu Polítika Formasaun, Profisionál no...\nMembru Polisia Nasional Timor -Leste (PNTL)...\nKomandante Polisia Nasional Timor-Leste (PNTL), Munisipiu...
[ "OJE 2019 PJR propoin milaun US$4.9 adisional milaun US$2 - GMN TV | Grupo Media Nacional - Lori Timor ba Mundu - GMN TV | Grupo Media Nacional Home \" Politic \" OJE 2019 PJR propoin milaun US$4.9 adisional milaun US$2 Prokurador Jeral da Republika, Jose Ximenes iha Kinta (25/10), partisipa iha reuniaun komite revizaun politika orsamental tinan 2019.", "Iha reuniaun komite revizaun politika orsamental ne'e, Jose Ximenes aprezenta planu orsamental tinan 2019 ba Governu ho montante dolar amerikanu milaun US$ 4.9.", "Maibe Prokurador Jeral Republika husu tan orsamentu adisional dolar amerikanu milaun 2 ba bens servisu no aumentu prokurador nain lima iha PJR.", "\"Iha aprezentasaun Orsamentu ne'e, ami aprezenta ba ita nia Governu PJR nia orsamentu total milaun US$ 4.9.", "Ami husu orsamentu adisional iha salariu no bensimentu hamutuk rihun US$ 490 resin.", "Adisional ida ne'e ita husu tanba tinan oin ita aumenta Prokurador nain lima, no ita iha Prokurador balu ne'ebe servisu tiha ona tinan hat, sei promove ba primeira klase iha tinan oin, no iha mos ofisial justisa ne'ebe iha progresu husi sklaun ida ba sklaun seluk mos, iha impaktu ba salarial,\" informa Jose Ximenes ba jornalista sira iha Ministeriu Finansas Aitarak Laran Dili.", "Nia hatutan, PJR husu adisional ne'e ba servisu extra-ordenariu, nomos servisu retornu ne'ebe PJR propoint US$ 15.000 resin.", "Jose Ximenes afirma, iha bens servisu, PJR konkorda atu la husu orsamentu adisional, tanba orsamentu ne'e nesesariu ona ba PJR atu halo jestaun to'o nivel Distrital hotu.", "Jose Ximenes dehan, iha kapital menor, PJR husu orsamentu adisional US$ 337.000 resin, tanba bainhira aumenta rekursu umanus, tenki iha impaktu mos ba kapital menor.", "\"Kapital dezenvolvimentu ne'e, ami hakarak harii tan Prokuradoria ida iha Munisipiu Lospalos, atu bele hakbesik liu tan justisa ba ita nia komunidade, hanesan planu estratejika setor justisa nian, entaun ami husu rihun US$ 700 resin,\" relata Jose Ximenes.", "Nia esplika, tanba prokuradoria rasik laiha ona espasu, entaun hakarak harii tan edifisiu ida iha Prokuradoria Jeral nia kotuk, atu servisu espesializadu sira hanesan kombate korupasaun, bele funsiona iha ne'eba.", "\"Ami husu orsamentu adisional total milaun US$ 1.2. ami agradese tebes ba Governu, tanba sira apresia hodi aprova ami nia planu adisional sira ne'e, tanba planu importante PJR nian mak, ema hotu tenki asesu ba justisa,\" relata Jose Ximenes.cos Sekretaria Estadu Politika Formasaun, Profisional no...", "Membru Polisia Nasional Timor -Leste (PNTL)...", "Komandante Polisia Nasional Timor-Leste (PNTL), Munisipiu..." ]
[ [ "2019 budget proposes US$4.8 million additional $3m - GMN TV | Grupo Media Nacional Home \" Politics\" Budget proposal of the Prosecutor General, Jose Ximenes on Thursday (October) participated in a meeting with committee reviewing policy for fiscal year to be completed by December and then sent it back as an official report before being approved from parliamentary control board that would take over responsibility after its completion at January' s end" ], [ "At the meeting of this budgetary policy review committee, Jose Ximenes presented a 2019 Budget Plan for Government amounting to US$4.8 million (USD)." ], [ "However, the Prosecutor General of Republic has requested an additional US$ 2 million for goods and services as well a five-procurors increase in PGR." ], [ "\"In this Budget presentation, we presented to our Government PJR's total budget of US$4.9 million.\"" ], [ "We are asking for additional budget in salaries and benefits totaling more than US$490 thousand." ], [ "We are asking for this additional because next year we will increase the number of prosecutors by five, and some have served four years already but they'll be promoted to first class in coming Years. There is also justice officials who progress from one rank into another which has an impact on their salaries\", Jose Ximenes told journalist at Ministry Finance Aitarak Laran Dili (MFLAD)." ], [ "He added that the PJR requested additional funds for extraordinary services, and return service which it proposed to cost US$15.02 million (£978k)." ], [ "Jose Ximenes states, in goods and services the PJR agreed not to ask for additional budget because this is already necessary by JPR management at all District level." ], [ "Jose Ximenes said that in the capital, PJR requested an additional budget of more than US$370.5 million because when increasing human resources there must also be impact on smaller cities as well:" ], [ "\"This development capital, we want to establish a Prosecutor's Office in the Municipality of Lospalo- s so that justice can be brought closer for our community as part from strategic plan on Justice Sector. We are requesting more than US$ 701 thousand\", said Jose Ximenes.\"" ], [ "He explained that since the prosecutor's office itself has no space left, he wanted to build a new building behind it so specialised services such as combating corruption could function there." ], [ "\"We requested an additional budget totaling US$ 1.2 million, and we are very grateful to the Government for its appreciation of our plans as they were important because all people must have access..." ], [ "Member of the Timor-Leste National Police (PNTL)..." ], [ "Komandante Polisia Nasional Timor-Leste (PNTL), Munisipiu..." ] ]
Fó agradese ba Jeová no nia sei haraik bensaun | Estuda\nLEE IHA Acholi Afrikander Albanés Alemaun Amáriku Armenu Armenu (oeste) Aymara Azerbaijanu Azerbaijanu (Siríliku) Bengali Bicol Bislama Búlgaru Chichewa Chitonga Chitonga (Malavi) Chitumbuka Chiyao Chokwe Chuvash Cibemba Cinyanja Dinamarkés Drehu Ebraiku Efik Eslovaku Eslovenu Españól Estonianu Fijianu Finlandés Fransés Gregu Guarani Gujarati Gun Hausa Hiligaynon Hindi Hiri Motu Igbo Iloko Indonézia Inglés Isoko Italianu Izlandés Japonés Jeorjianu Kannada Katalaun Kazakh Kikamba Kikaonde Kikuyu Kiluba Kiniaruanda Kirghiz Kiribati Kirundi Kisonge Kongo Koreanu Krio Krioulu Haití Krioulu Maurísiu Krioulu Seixeles Kroata Kwangali Kwanyama Letaun Lituanu Luganda Lunda Luo Luvale Língua liman Amerikana Língua liman Arjentina Língua liman Brazíl Língua liman Italianu Língua liman Japonés Língua liman Kolómbia Língua liman Méxiku Língua liman Rúsia Malaiu Malayalam Malgaxe Mambwe-Lungu Marathi Masedóniu Maya Mixe (Norte Sentrál) Mizo Mongól Ndebele Ndonga Nedebele (Zimbabué) Nepalés Noruegés Nzema Olandés Oromo Ossetian Otetela Pangasinan Papiamento (Aruba) Papiamentu (Kurasau) Persa Polaku Portugés (Brazil) Punjabi Quechua (Bolivia) Quechua (Cuzco) Romenu Runyankore Rusu Samoanu Sango Sebuanu Sepedi Setswana Sezotu (Lezotu) Shona Sidama Silozi Singalés Sranantongo Sueku Swahili Swahili (Kongu) Swati Sérviu (Siríliku) Sérviu (latino) Tagalog Tailandés Tajiki Tamil Tatar Telugu Tetun Dili Tigrinya Tiv Tok Pisin Tshiluba Tsonga Turkmen Turkmen (Cyrillic) Turku Tuvaluanu Tzotzil Ukranianu Urdu Uzbeke Venda Vietnamita Wallisian Waray-Waray Wayuunaiki Wolaita Xeku Xhosa Xinés Kantonés (tradisionál) Xinés Mandarín (simples) Xinés Mandarín (tradisionál) Yoruba Zande Zapoteka (Istmu) Zulu Árabe Úngaru\n“Fó agradese ba Jeová, tanba nia mak diʼak.”—SALMO (MAZMUR) 106:1.\nSaida mak ita bele aprende husi apóstolu Paulo kona-ba fó agradese?\nOinsá mak orasaun no hanoin kleʼan ajuda ita fó agradese nafatin?\nOinsá mak hanoin didiʼak kona-ba ita-nia bensaun sira ajuda ita bainhira hasoru susar?\n1. Tanbasá mak ita fó agradese ba Jeová?\nJEOVÁ fó mai ita “prezente diʼak ida-idak no prezente hotu neʼebé kompletu”. (Tiago 1:17) Iha razaun barak atu ita fó agradese ba nia. Nia mak ita-nia Bibi-Atan neʼebé hadomi ita no tau matan ba ita. (Salmo [Mazmur] 23:1-3) Nia mak hanesan “fatin protesaun no forsa mai ita”, liuliu bainhira ita hasoru susar. (Salmo [Mazmur] 46:1) Ita sente hanesan ema neʼebé hakerek salmu ida, nia dehan: “Fó agradese ba Jeová, tanba nia diʼak. Ninia domin neʼebé ho laran-metin iha ba nafatin.”—Salmo (Mazmur) 106:1.\nEskritura tinan nian ba 2015: “Fó agradese ba Jeová, tanba nia mak diʼak.”—Salmo (Mazmur) 106:1\n2, 3. (a) Tansá perigu atu la hatudu agradese? (b) Iha lisaun neʼe, ita sei koʼalia kona-ba pergunta saida deʼit?\n2 Iha loron ikus sira-neʼe, ema barak la hatene ona fó agradese, hanesan Bíblia fó-hatene nanis. (2 Timóteo 3:2) Barak la hafolin bensaun sira neʼebé sira simu husi Maromak Jeová. No ema barak la kontente ho buat neʼebé sira iha ona tanba kompañia sira iha mundu neʼe halo promosaun barabarak hodi book ema hola sasán oioin neʼebé loloos sira la presiza. Se ita la kuidadu, ita bele sai hanesan ema Izraél sira. Sira la hafolin Jeová nia bensaun sira no la agradese ba sira-nia relasaun diʼak ho nia. Nuneʼe, importante tebes ba ita atu hatudu agradese nafatin.—Salmo (Mazmur) 106:7, 11-13.\n3 Hanoin mós buat neʼebé bele akontese bainhira ita hasoru susar sira. Karik ita hanoin liu kona-ba ita-nia problema toʼo ita haluha ona ita-nia bensaun sira. (Salmo [Mazmur] 116:3) Entaun, saida mak ita bele halo atu hatudu agradese nafatin ba Jeová? No saida mak bele ajuda ita atu la sente laran-tun demais bainhira ita hasoru susar sira? Ita sei buka-hatene resposta ba pergunta sira-neʼe.\n“OH, JEOVÁ, . . . ITA RASIK HALO ONA BUAT BARAK”\n4. Oinsá mak ita bele sente agradese nafatin ba Jeová?\n4 Se ita hakarak agradese nafatin ba Jeová, ita presiza hanoin didiʼak kona-ba bensaun sira neʼebé Jeová fó mai ita ida-idak. Depois, hanoin kona-ba oinsá bensaun sira-neʼe hatudu Maromak nia domin boot mai ita. Bainhira ema neʼebé hakerek salmu hanoin didiʼak kona-ba neʼe, nia hakfodak tanba Jeová halo ona buat furak barak ba nia.—Lee Salmo (Mazmur) 40:5; * 107:43. *\n5. Saida mak ita aprende husi apóstolu Paulo kona-ba fó agradese?\n5 Ita bele aprende atu hatudu agradese ba Jeová hodi halo tuir ezemplu husi apóstolu Paulo nian. Ita hatene katak nia hanoin didiʼak ninia bensaun sira tanba bainhira nia halo orasaun nia sempre fó agradese ba Maromak. Paulo hatene katak uluk, nia “koʼalia kontra Maromak no fó-terus no koʼalia aat ninia povu”. Nuneʼe mak nia agradese tebes tanba Maromak no Kristu hatudu laran-sadiʼa ba nia hodi fó knaar espesiál ba nia atu haklaken ba ema seluk. (Lee 1 Timóteo 1:12-14.) Paulo mós hafolin ninia irmaun-irmán kristaun sira no nia fó agradese beibeik ba Jeová tanba sira-nia hahalok no serbisu diʼak. (Filipe 1:3-5, 7; 1 Tesalónika 1:2, 3) Paulo mós fó kedas agradese ba Jeová tanba ajuda neʼebé nia simu husi ninia maluk sira bainhira nia hasoru hela susar. (Apóstolu 28:15; 2 Korinto 7:5-7) Nuneʼe, ita la hakfodak tanba apóstolu Paulo anima ema kristaun sira: “Hatudu bá katak imi agradese. . . . Fó laran-manas ba malu ho salmu no hahiʼi ba Maromak, no kanta knananuk adorasaun nian ho agradese.”—Koloso 3:15-17.\nORASAUN NO HANOIN DIDIʼAK AJUDA ITA AGRADESE NAFATIN\n6. Tanba razaun saida deʼit mak Ita rasik agradese ba Jeová?\n6 Oinsá mak ita bele banati-tuir Paulo nia ezemplu? Ita bele hanoin didiʼak kona-ba buat neʼebé Maromak Jeová halo ona mai ita. (Salmo [Mazmur] 116:12) Oinsá mak Ita sei hatán se ema husu ba Ita, ‘Ita agradese ba bensaun saida deʼit husi Jeová?’ Ita sei sura Ita-nia relasaun diʼak ho Jeová ka lae? Ka hetan perdua ba Ita-nia sala liuhusi Jesus nia sakrifísiu? Ita sei temi irmaun-irmán sira-nia naran neʼebé ajuda Ita durante iha Ita-nia tempu susar ka lae? Oinsá ho Ita-nia kaben no oan sira? Uza tempu hodi hanoin didiʼak kona-ba bensaun oioin neʼebé Maromak fó ona ba Ita. Tanba hodi halo nuneʼe, bele book Ita-nia laran atu fó agradese ba nia loroloron.—Lee Salmo (Mazmur) 92:1, 2. *\n7. (a) Tanbasá mak ita tenke fó agradese ba Jeová iha ita-nia orasaun? (b) Fó agradese ba Jeová lori buat diʼak saida mai ita?\n7 Bainhira ita hanoin didiʼak ba bensaun sira husi Jeová, neʼe sei book ita atu fó obrigadu ba nia iha ita-nia orasaun. (Salmo [Mazmur] 95:2; 100:4, 5) Ema balu halo orasaun ba Maromak Jeová tanba atu husu deʼit buat ruma. Maibé Jeová kontente tebes se ita mós fó agradese ba nia kona-ba buat neʼebé nia halo ona mai ita. Iha Bíblia laran, ita bele lee kona-ba Maromak nia atan barak hanesan Ana no Ezekias, neʼebé fó agradese ba Jeová iha sira-nia orasaun. (1 Samuel 2:1-10; Isaías [Yesaya] 38:9-20) Nuneʼe, banati-tuir sira-nia ezemplu diʼak hodi fó agradese ba Jeová iha ita-nia orasaun. (1 Tesalónika 5:17, 18) Tanba se Ita halo nuneʼe, Ita sei sente kmaan, Ita-nia domin ba Jeová sei sai buras liután, no Ita sei hakbesik ba nia nafatin nuʼudar ninia belun.—Tiago 4:8.\nIta fó agradese ba bensaun saida deʼit neʼebé Jeová fó mai ita? (Haree parágrafu 6, 7)\n8. Saida mak bele halo ita la hafolin tan bensaun sira husi Jeová?\n8 Se ita la kuidadu, karik ita la sente tan agradese ba Jeová nia bensaun sira. Tanbasá? Tanba ita ema sala-naʼin no ita simu hahalok neʼe husi ita-nia inan-aman primeiru. Maromak Jeová fó ba Adão no Eva jardín furak atu sai sira-nia hela-fatin no nia fó ba sira buat hotu neʼebé sira presiza. Tuir loloos, sira bele moris ba nafatin iha dame laran. (Gênesis [Kejadian] 1:28) Maibé sira la hafolin bensaun sira-neʼe. Sira kaan-teen no la hatene agradese. Ikusmai, sira lakon bensaun hotu. (Gênesis [Kejadian] 3:6, 7, 17-19) Ohin loron, tanba ita moris iha mundu neʼebé ema barak la hatene fó agradese, karik ita mós sei la hafolin tan buat hotu neʼebé Jeová fó mai ita, hanesan ita-nia relasaun diʼak ho nia, no ita-nia priviléjiu hodi sai parte ba família kristaun sira iha mundu tomak. Karik ita mós komesa atu hanoin liu kona-ba buat mundu neʼe nian. (1 João 2:15-17) Atu ita la sai hanesan neʼe, ita presiza hanoin kleʼan kona-ba bensaun sira husi Jeová, no fó agradese beibeik tanba ita mak Jeová nia povu.—Lee Salmo (Mazmur) 27:4. *\nBAINHIRA ITA HASORU SUSAR\n9. Bainhira ita hasoru susar sira, tanbasá mak ita presiza hanoin didiʼak ita-nia bensaun sira?\n9 Se ita agradese nafatin, neʼe sei ajuda ita tahan susar boot sira. Karik ita sente laran-susar tebes tanba ita-nia situasaun moris nian troka derrepente deʼit. Porezemplu karik ita-nia kaben la hatudu laran-metin ona ba ita, ka ita hetan moras todan, ita-nia família ruma mate, ka dezastre naturais kona ita. Maibé hanoin didiʼak kona-ba bensaun sira husi Jeová sei fó kmaan no forsa ba ita atu tahan, hanesan esperiénsia sira tuirmai hatudu.\n10. Tanba Rina hanoin didiʼak kona-ba ninia bensaun sira, oinsá mak ida-neʼe ajuda nia?\n10 Rina * mak pioneiru regulár husi Estadus Unidus. Nia kaben ho katuas kongregasaun ida maibé nia la hatudu laran-metin ba Rina no sira-nia oan sira. Saida mak ajuda Rina atu la husik Jeová iha ninia tempu susar neʼe? Rina hatete: “Haʼu agradese tebes tanba Jeová hanoin no tau matan haʼu. Loroloron haʼu fó obrigadu ba bensaun hotu iha haʼu-nia moris. Jeová hatene no hadomi haʼu, no ida-neʼe mak buat neʼebé espesiál tebes. Haʼu fiar Jeová sei nunka husik haʼu.” Maski Rina hasoru susar barak iha ninia moris, maibé nia bele tahan nafatin no anima fali ema seluk tanba nia hatudu agradese nafatin.\n11. Saida mak ajuda Hana atu tahan moras todan?\n11 Irmán ida naran Hana hela iha rai-Ásia no pioneiru hamutuk ho ninia laʼen ba tinan 20 liu. Derrepente nia kona kankru iha pulmaun no doutór sira dehan nia bele moris tahan toʼo fulan tolu ka neen deʼit. Hana ho ninia laʼen, uluk hasoru susar oioin, maibé nunka hasoru susar kona-ba sira-nia saúde. Hana hatete: “Haʼu-nia moras neʼe halo haʼu laran-susar tebes. Haʼu sente haʼu lakon buat hotu no haʼu taʼuk tebes.” Saida mak ajuda Hana atu tahan? Nia hatete: “Kalan-kalan, antes haʼu atu toba, haʼu saʼe ba uma kakuluk no reza ho lian makaʼas kona-ba buat lima neʼebé haʼu hafolin husi loron neʼe. Halo tiha ida-neʼe, haʼu sente kmaan, no haʼu bele hatoʼo haʼu-nia domin ba Jeová.” Reza ba Jeová kalan-kalan hanesan neʼe ajuda Hana ka lae? Nia hatete: “Agora haʼu fiar duni katak Jeová ajuda ita atu tahan durante ita-nia tempu susar, no tuir loloos bensaun sira neʼebé ita simu husi Jeová mak barak liu fali susar sira.”\nho ninia alin john neʼebé sei moris (Haree parágrafu 13)\n12. Bainhira Jason nia feen mate, saida mak halo nia hetan kmaan fali?\n12 Jason serbí iha sukursál iha rai-Áfrika, nia halo serbisu tempu-tomak ba Jeová ba tinan 30 liu ona. Nia hatete: “Haʼu-nia feen mate iha tinan hitu ona, no dala ruma haʼu sente haʼu mout iha haʼu-nia triste. Se haʼu hanoin kona-ba terus neʼebé nia hasoru hodi luta hasoru moras kankru, haʼu sai laran-tun tebes.” Saida mak ajuda Jason? Nia hatete: “Loron ida haʼu hanoin fila fali kona-ba tempu diʼak ida neʼebé ami hamutuk. Haʼu fó obrigadu ba Jeová ba memória neʼe no haʼu sente kmaan uitoan. Husi tempu neʼe, haʼu komesa fó obrigadu beibeik ba Jeová tanba haʼu bele hanoin-hetan fali tempu furak sira-neʼe. Maski haʼu-nia laran nafatin triste tanba haʼu lakon haʼu-nia feen, maibé haʼu bele iha hanoin neʼebé pozitivu. Neʼe tanba haʼu fó agradese ba Jeová ba haʼu-nia moris kaben nian neʼebé diʼak, no tanba uluk haʼu bele serbí hamutuk ho ema neʼebé hadomi tebes Jeová.”\n“Haʼu agradese tebes tanba Jeová mak haʼu-nia Maromak.”—Sheril\n13. Saida mak ajuda Sheril tahan bainhira nia lakon ninia família?\n13 Iha tinan 2013 anin no udan boot ida naran Haiyan kona rai-Filipinas. Sheril neʼebé tinan 13 hatete: “Haʼu lakon haʼu-nia família no ami-nia uma.” Ninia apá, amá no alin naʼin-tolu mate tanba bee lori sira. Saida mak ajuda Sheril atu tahan dezastre neʼe hodi la sente laran-kanek? Sheril nafatin agradese ba Jeová tanba nia hanoin didiʼak kona-ba ninia bensaun sira. Nia hatete: “Haʼu haree oinsá irmaun-irmán sira fó kmaan no anima sira neʼebé presiza ajuda. No haʼu hatene haʼu-nia maluk sira iha mundu tomak temi haʼu iha sira-nia orasaun.” Nia hatutan tan: “Haʼu agradese tebes tanba Jeová mak haʼu-nia Maromak. Nia sempre fó buat neʼebé ita presiza.” Neʼe loos duni, bainhira ita hatudu agradese ba buat diʼak neʼebé ita simu, ita sei la sente laran-tun demais no ita bele tahan hasoru ita-nia susar sira.—Éfeso 5:20; lee Filipe 4:6, 7.\n“BA HAʼU, HAʼU SEI HAKSOLOK IHA JEOVÁ”\n14. Ita iha esperansa furak saida? (Haree dezeñu iha pájina 8.)\n14 Husi uluk toʼo agora, Jeová nia povu sempre hatudu agradese ba bensaun sira neʼebé Jeová fó. Porezemplu, bainhira ema Izraél sira hetan salvasaun husi liurai Ejitu nian iha Tasi Mean, sira kanta ho haksolok ba Jeová hodi fó agradese ba nia. (Êxodo [Keluaran] 15:1-21) Ohin loron, bensaun furak ida neʼebé ita iha mak esperansa katak aban-bainrua sei la iha tan buat ida atu halo ita tanis. (Salmo [Mazmur] 37:9-11; Isaías [Yesaya] 25:8; 33:24) Hanoin toʼok oinsá ita sei sente, bainhira Jeová halakon ninia inimigu hotu no lori ita tama ba mundu foun neʼebé nakonu ho dame no justisa. Iha loron neʼe ita sei fó agradese liután ba Jeová!—Apokalipse 20:1-3; 21:3, 4.\n15. Saida mak Ita hakarak halo iha tinan 2015?\n15 Durante tinan 2015, ita sei simu bensaun barak tan husi Jeová. No maski ita mós sei hasoru susar balu maibé Jeová sei nunka husik ita. (Deuteronômio [Ulangan] 31:8; Salmo [Mazmur] 9:9, 10) Jeová sempre fó buat neʼebé ita presiza hodi adora nia ho laran-metin. Mai ita iha hanoin hanesan ho profeta Habacuc nia liafuan neʼebé dehan: “Maski ai-figeira la fó fuan tan, no uvas hun la fó tan fuan, no ai-oliveira la fó tan rezultadu diʼak, no toʼos sira la fó tan ai-han; bibi sira la iha luhan, no la iha tan luhan ba animál sira; maibé ba haʼu, haʼu sei haksolok iha Jeová; haʼu sei haksolok iha Maromak haʼu-nia salvasaun nian.” (Habacuque [Habakuk] 3:17, 18) Durante tinan ida-neʼe, mai ita kontinua hanoin nafatin kona-ba ita-nia bensaun sira hotu no halo tuir eskritura ba tinan 2015 nian: “Fó agradese ba Jeová, tanba nia mak diʼak.”—Salmo (Mazmur) 106:1.\n^ par. 4 Salmo 40:5: “Oh, Jeová, haʼu-nia Maromak, Ita rasik halo ona buat barak, sin, Ita-nia serbisu neʼebé furak no Ita-nia hanoin ba ami; la iha ida neʼebé bele kompara ho Ita. Se haʼu hakarak atu koʼalia no fó sai kona-ba sira, sira sai barak liu fali buat neʼebé haʼu bele konta.”\n^ par. 4 Salmo 107:43: “Ema matenek ida sei haree didiʼak ba buat sira-neʼe no mós tau nia atensaun ba Jeová nia hahalok domin neʼebé ho laran-metin.”\n^ par. 6 Salmo 92:1, 2: “1 Diʼak hodi fó-agradese ba Jeová no hahiʼi Ita-nia naran liuhusi knananuk, oh, ida neʼebé Aas Liu Hotu. 2 Atu fó-hatene Ita-nia domin neʼebé ho laran-metin iha tempu dadeer, no Ita-nia laran-metin iha tempu kalan.”\n^ par. 8 Salmo 27:4: “Haʼu husu ona buat ida ba Jeová, neʼe mak buat neʼebé haʼu hakarak duni, katak haʼu bele hela iha Jeová nia uma iha haʼu-nia moris tomak, atu haree Jeová nia laran-diʼak no atu hateke ba ninia templu ho laran-haksolok.”\n^ par. 10 Naran balu laʼós naran neʼebé loos.\nFó agradese ba Jeová no nia sei haraik bensaun
[ "Fo agradese ba Jeova no nia sei haraik bensaun | Estuda LEE IHA Acholi Afrikander Albanes Alemaun Amariku Armenu Armenu (oeste) Aymara Azerbaijanu Azerbaijanu (Siriliku) Bengali Bicol Bislama Bulgaru Chichewa Chitonga Chitonga (Malavi) Chitumbuka Chiyao Chokwe Chuvash Cibemba Cinyanja Dinamarkes Drehu Ebraiku Efik Eslovaku Eslovenu Espanol Estonianu Fijianu Finlandes Franses Gregu Guarani Gujarati Gun Hausa Hiligaynon Hindi Hiri Motu Igbo Iloko Indonezia Ingles Isoko Italianu Izlandes Japones Jeorjianu Kannada Katalaun Kazakh Kikamba Kikaonde Kikuyu Kiluba Kiniaruanda Kirghiz Kiribati Kirundi Kisonge Kongo Koreanu Krio Krioulu Haiti Krioulu Maurisiu Krioulu Seixeles Kroata Kwangali Kwanyama Letaun Lituanu Luganda Lunda Luo Luvale Lingua liman Amerikana Lingua liman Arjentina Lingua liman Brazil Lingua liman Italianu Lingua liman Japones Lingua liman Kolombia Lingua liman Mexiku Lingua liman Rusia Malaiu Malayalam Malgaxe Mambwe-Lungu Marathi Masedoniu Maya Mixe (Norte Sentral) Mizo Mongol Ndebele Ndonga Nedebele (Zimbabue) Nepales Norueges Nzema Olandes Oromo Ossetian Otetela Pangasinan Papiamento (Aruba) Papiamentu (Kurasau) Persa Polaku Portuges (Brazil) Punjabi Quechua (Bolivia) Quechua (Cuzco) Romenu Runyankore Rusu Samoanu Sango Sebuanu Sepedi Setswana Sezotu (Lezotu) Shona Sidama Silozi Singales Sranantongo Sueku Swahili Swahili (Kongu) Swati Serviu (Siriliku) Serviu (latino) Tagalog Tailandes Tajiki Tamil Tatar Telugu Tetun Dili Tigrinya Tiv Tok Pisin Tshiluba Tsonga Turkmen Turkmen (Cyrillic) Turku Tuvaluanu Tzotzil Ukranianu Urdu Uzbeke Venda Vietnamita Wallisian Waray-Waray Wayuunaiki Wolaita Xeku Xhosa Xines Kantones (tradisional) Xines Mandarin (simples) Xines Mandarin (tradisional) Yoruba Zande Zapoteka (Istmu) Zulu Arabe Ungaru \"Fo agradese ba Jeova, tanba nia mak di'ak.\" - SALMO (MAZMUR) 106:1.", "Saida mak ita bele aprende husi apostolu Paulo kona-ba fo agradese?", "Oinsa mak orasaun no hanoin kle'an ajuda ita fo agradese nafatin?", "Oinsa mak hanoin didi'ak kona-ba ita-nia bensaun sira ajuda ita bainhira hasoru susar?", "1.", "Tanbasa mak ita fo agradese ba Jeova?", "JEOVA fo mai ita \"prezente di'ak ida-idak no prezente hotu ne'ebe kompletu.\"", "(Tiago 1:17) Iha razaun barak atu ita fo agradese ba nia.", "Nia mak ita-nia Bibi-Atan ne'ebe hadomi ita no tau matan ba ita.", "(Salmo [Mazmur] 23:1-3) Nia mak hanesan \"fatin protesaun no forsa mai ita,\" liuliu bainhira ita hasoru susar.", "(Salmo [Mazmur] 46:1) Ita sente hanesan ema ne'ebe hakerek salmu ida, nia dehan: \"Fo agradese ba Jeova, tanba nia di'ak.", "Ninia domin ne'ebe ho laran-metin iha ba nafatin.\" - Salmo (Mazmur) 106:1.", "Eskritura tinan nian ba 2015: \"Fo agradese ba Jeova, tanba nia mak di'ak.\" - Salmo (Mazmur) 106:1 2, 3. (a) Tansa perigu atu la hatudu agradese? (b) Iha lisaun ne'e, ita sei ko'alia kona-ba pergunta saida de'it?", "2 Iha loron ikus sira-ne'e, ema barak la hatene ona fo agradese, hanesan Biblia fo-hatene nanis.", "(2 Timoteo 3:2) Barak la hafolin bensaun sira ne'ebe sira simu husi Maromak Jeova.", "No ema barak la kontente ho buat ne'ebe sira iha ona tanba kompania sira iha mundu ne'e halo promosaun barabarak hodi book ema hola sasan oioin ne'ebe loloos sira la presiza.", "Se ita la kuidadu, ita bele sai hanesan ema Izrael sira.", "Sira la hafolin Jeova nia bensaun sira no la agradese ba sira-nia relasaun di'ak ho nia.", "Nune'e, importante tebes ba ita atu hatudu agradese nafatin. - Salmo (Mazmur) 106:7, 11-13.", "3 Hanoin mos buat ne'ebe bele akontese bainhira ita hasoru susar sira.", "Karik ita hanoin liu kona-ba ita-nia problema to'o ita haluha ona ita-nia bensaun sira.", "(Salmo [Mazmur] 116:3) Entaun, saida mak ita bele halo atu hatudu agradese nafatin ba Jeova?", "No saida mak bele ajuda ita atu la sente laran-tun demais bainhira ita hasoru susar sira?", "Ita sei buka-hatene resposta ba pergunta sira-ne'e.", "\"OH, JEOVA, . . .", "ITA RASIK HALO ONA BUAT BARAK\" 4.", "Oinsa mak ita bele sente agradese nafatin ba Jeova?", "4 Se ita hakarak agradese nafatin ba Jeova, ita presiza hanoin didi'ak kona-ba bensaun sira ne'ebe Jeova fo mai ita ida-idak.", "Depois, hanoin kona-ba oinsa bensaun sira-ne'e hatudu Maromak nia domin boot mai ita.", "Bainhira ema ne'ebe hakerek salmu hanoin didi'ak kona-ba ne'e, nia hakfodak tanba Jeova halo ona buat furak barak ba nia. - Lee Salmo (Mazmur) 40:5; * 107:43. * 5.", "Saida mak ita aprende husi apostolu Paulo kona-ba fo agradese?", "5 Ita bele aprende atu hatudu agradese ba Jeova hodi halo tuir ezemplu husi apostolu Paulo nian.", "Ita hatene katak nia hanoin didi'ak ninia bensaun sira tanba bainhira nia halo orasaun nia sempre fo agradese ba Maromak.", "Paulo hatene katak uluk, nia \"ko'alia kontra Maromak no fo-terus no ko'alia aat ninia povu.\"", "Nune'e mak nia agradese tebes tanba Maromak no Kristu hatudu laran-sadi'a ba nia hodi fo knaar espesial ba nia atu haklaken ba ema seluk.", "(Lee 1 Timoteo 1:12-14.)", "Paulo mos hafolin ninia irmaun-irman kristaun sira no nia fo agradese beibeik ba Jeova tanba sira-nia hahalok no serbisu di'ak.", "(Filipe 1:3-5, 7; 1 Tesalonika 1:2, 3) Paulo mos fo kedas agradese ba Jeova tanba ajuda ne'ebe nia simu husi ninia maluk sira bainhira nia hasoru hela susar.", "(Apostolu 28:15; 2 Korinto 7:5-7) Nune'e, ita la hakfodak tanba apostolu Paulo anima ema kristaun sira: \"Hatudu ba katak imi agradese. . . .", "Fo laran-manas ba malu ho salmu no hahi'i ba Maromak, no kanta knananuk adorasaun nian ho agradese.\" - Koloso 3:15-17.", "ORASAUN NO HANOIN DIDI'AK AJUDA ITA AGRADESE NAFATIN 6.", "Tanba razaun saida de'it mak Ita rasik agradese ba Jeova?", "6 Oinsa mak ita bele banati-tuir Paulo nia ezemplu?", "Ita bele hanoin didi'ak kona-ba buat ne'ebe Maromak Jeova halo ona mai ita.", "(Salmo [Mazmur] 116:12) Oinsa mak Ita sei hatan se ema husu ba Ita, 'Ita agradese ba bensaun saida de'it husi Jeova?'", "Ita sei sura Ita-nia relasaun di'ak ho Jeova ka lae?", "Ka hetan perdua ba Ita-nia sala liuhusi Jesus nia sakrifisiu?", "Ita sei temi irmaun-irman sira-nia naran ne'ebe ajuda Ita durante iha Ita-nia tempu susar ka lae?", "Oinsa ho Ita-nia kaben no oan sira?", "Uza tempu hodi hanoin didi'ak kona-ba bensaun oioin ne'ebe Maromak fo ona ba Ita.", "Tanba hodi halo nune'e, bele book Ita-nia laran atu fo agradese ba nia loroloron. - Lee Salmo (Mazmur) 92:1, 2. * 7. (a) Tanbasa mak ita tenke fo agradese ba Jeova iha ita-nia orasaun? (b) Fo agradese ba Jeova lori buat di'ak saida mai ita?", "7 Bainhira ita hanoin didi'ak ba bensaun sira husi Jeova, ne'e sei book ita atu fo obrigadu ba nia iha ita-nia orasaun.", "(Salmo [Mazmur] 95:2; 100:4, 5) Ema balu halo orasaun ba Maromak Jeova tanba atu husu de'it buat ruma.", "Maibe Jeova kontente tebes se ita mos fo agradese ba nia kona-ba buat ne'ebe nia halo ona mai ita.", "Iha Biblia laran, ita bele lee kona-ba Maromak nia atan barak hanesan Ana no Ezekias, ne'ebe fo agradese ba Jeova iha sira-nia orasaun.", "(1 Samuel 2:1-10; Isaias [Yesaya] 38:9-20) Nune'e, banati-tuir sira-nia ezemplu di'ak hodi fo agradese ba Jeova iha ita-nia orasaun.", "(1 Tesalonika 5:17, 18) Tanba se Ita halo nune'e, Ita sei sente kmaan, Ita-nia domin ba Jeova sei sai buras liutan, no Ita sei hakbesik ba nia nafatin nu'udar ninia belun. - Tiago 4:8.", "Ita fo agradese ba bensaun saida de'it ne'ebe Jeova fo mai ita?", "(Haree paragrafu 6, 7) 8.", "Saida mak bele halo ita la hafolin tan bensaun sira husi Jeova?", "8 Se ita la kuidadu, karik ita la sente tan agradese ba Jeova nia bensaun sira.", "Tanbasa?", "Tanba ita ema sala-na'in no ita simu hahalok ne'e husi ita-nia inan-aman primeiru.", "Maromak Jeova fo ba Adao no Eva jardin furak atu sai sira-nia hela-fatin no nia fo ba sira buat hotu ne'ebe sira presiza.", "Tuir loloos, sira bele moris ba nafatin iha dame laran.", "(Genesis [Kejadian] 1:28) Maibe sira la hafolin bensaun sira-ne'e.", "Sira kaan-teen no la hatene agradese.", "Ikusmai, sira lakon bensaun hotu.", "(Genesis [Kejadian] 3:6, 7, 17-19) Ohin loron, tanba ita moris iha mundu ne'ebe ema barak la hatene fo agradese, karik ita mos sei la hafolin tan buat hotu ne'ebe Jeova fo mai ita, hanesan ita-nia relasaun di'ak ho nia, no ita-nia privilejiu hodi sai parte ba familia kristaun sira iha mundu tomak.", "Karik ita mos komesa atu hanoin liu kona-ba buat mundu ne'e nian.", "(1 Joao 2:15-17) Atu ita la sai hanesan ne'e, ita presiza hanoin kle'an kona-ba bensaun sira husi Jeova, no fo agradese beibeik tanba ita mak Jeova nia povu. - Lee Salmo (Mazmur) 27:4. * BAINHIRA ITA HASORU SUSAR 9.", "Bainhira ita hasoru susar sira, tanbasa mak ita presiza hanoin didi'ak ita-nia bensaun sira?", "9 Se ita agradese nafatin, ne'e sei ajuda ita tahan susar boot sira.", "Karik ita sente laran-susar tebes tanba ita-nia situasaun moris nian troka derrepente de'it.", "Porezemplu karik ita-nia kaben la hatudu laran-metin ona ba ita, ka ita hetan moras todan, ita-nia familia ruma mate, ka dezastre naturais kona ita.", "Maibe hanoin didi'ak kona-ba bensaun sira husi Jeova sei fo kmaan no forsa ba ita atu tahan, hanesan esperiensia sira tuirmai hatudu.", "10.", "Tanba Rina hanoin didi'ak kona-ba ninia bensaun sira, oinsa mak ida-ne'e ajuda nia?", "10 Rina * mak pioneiru regular husi Estadus Unidus.", "Nia kaben ho katuas kongregasaun ida maibe nia la hatudu laran-metin ba Rina no sira-nia oan sira.", "Saida mak ajuda Rina atu la husik Jeova iha ninia tempu susar ne'e?", "Rina hatete: \"Ha'u agradese tebes tanba Jeova hanoin no tau matan ha'u.", "Loroloron ha'u fo obrigadu ba bensaun hotu iha ha'u-nia moris.", "Jeova hatene no hadomi ha'u, no ida-ne'e mak buat ne'ebe espesial tebes.", "Ha'u fiar Jeova sei nunka husik ha'u.\"", "Maski Rina hasoru susar barak iha ninia moris, maibe nia bele tahan nafatin no anima fali ema seluk tanba nia hatudu agradese nafatin.", "11.", "Saida mak ajuda Hana atu tahan moras todan?", "11 Irman ida naran Hana hela iha rai-Asia no pioneiru hamutuk ho ninia la'en ba tinan 20 liu.", "Derrepente nia kona kankru iha pulmaun no doutor sira dehan nia bele moris tahan to'o fulan tolu ka neen de'it.", "Hana ho ninia la'en, uluk hasoru susar oioin, maibe nunka hasoru susar kona-ba sira-nia saude.", "Hana hatete: \"Ha'u-nia moras ne'e halo ha'u laran-susar tebes.", "Ha'u sente ha'u lakon buat hotu no ha'u ta'uk tebes.\"", "Saida mak ajuda Hana atu tahan?", "Nia hatete: \"Kalan-kalan, antes ha'u atu toba, ha'u sa'e ba uma kakuluk no reza ho lian maka'as kona-ba buat lima ne'ebe ha'u hafolin husi loron ne'e.", "Halo tiha ida-ne'e, ha'u sente kmaan, no ha'u bele hato'o ha'u-nia domin ba Jeova.\"", "Reza ba Jeova kalan-kalan hanesan ne'e ajuda Hana ka lae?", "Nia hatete: \"Agora ha'u fiar duni katak Jeova ajuda ita atu tahan durante ita-nia tempu susar, no tuir loloos bensaun sira ne'ebe ita simu husi Jeova mak barak liu fali susar sira.\" ho ninia alin john ne'ebe sei moris (Haree paragrafu 13) 12.", "Bainhira Jason nia feen mate, saida mak halo nia hetan kmaan fali?", "12 Jason serbi iha sukursal iha rai-Afrika, nia halo serbisu tempu-tomak ba Jeova ba tinan 30 liu ona.", "Nia hatete: \"Ha'u-nia feen mate iha tinan hitu ona, no dala ruma ha'u sente ha'u mout iha ha'u-nia triste.", "Se ha'u hanoin kona-ba terus ne'ebe nia hasoru hodi luta hasoru moras kankru, ha'u sai laran-tun tebes.\"", "Saida mak ajuda Jason?", "Nia hatete: \"Loron ida ha'u hanoin fila fali kona-ba tempu di'ak ida ne'ebe ami hamutuk.", "Ha'u fo obrigadu ba Jeova ba memoria ne'e no ha'u sente kmaan uitoan.", "Husi tempu ne'e, ha'u komesa fo obrigadu beibeik ba Jeova tanba ha'u bele hanoin-hetan fali tempu furak sira-ne'e.", "Maski ha'u-nia laran nafatin triste tanba ha'u lakon ha'u-nia feen, maibe ha'u bele iha hanoin ne'ebe pozitivu.", "Ne'e tanba ha'u fo agradese ba Jeova ba ha'u-nia moris kaben nian ne'ebe di'ak, no tanba uluk ha'u bele serbi hamutuk ho ema ne'ebe hadomi tebes Jeova.\"", "\"Ha'u agradese tebes tanba Jeova mak ha'u-nia Maromak.\" - Sheril 13.", "Saida mak ajuda Sheril tahan bainhira nia lakon ninia familia?", "13 Iha tinan 2013 anin no udan boot ida naran Haiyan kona rai-Filipinas.", "Sheril ne'ebe tinan 13 hatete: \"Ha'u lakon ha'u-nia familia no ami-nia uma.\"", "Ninia apa, ama no alin na'in-tolu mate tanba bee lori sira.", "Saida mak ajuda Sheril atu tahan dezastre ne'e hodi la sente laran-kanek?", "Sheril nafatin agradese ba Jeova tanba nia hanoin didi'ak kona-ba ninia bensaun sira.", "Nia hatete: \"Ha'u haree oinsa irmaun-irman sira fo kmaan no anima sira ne'ebe presiza ajuda.", "No ha'u hatene ha'u-nia maluk sira iha mundu tomak temi ha'u iha sira-nia orasaun.\"", "Nia hatutan tan: \"Ha'u agradese tebes tanba Jeova mak ha'u-nia Maromak.", "Nia sempre fo buat ne'ebe ita presiza.\"", "Ne'e loos duni, bainhira ita hatudu agradese ba buat di'ak ne'ebe ita simu, ita sei la sente laran-tun demais no ita bele tahan hasoru ita-nia susar sira. - Efeso 5:20; lee Filipe 4:6, 7.", "\"BA HA'U, HA'U SEI HAKSOLOK IHA JEOVA\" 14.", "Ita iha esperansa furak saida?", "(Haree dezenu iha pajina 8.)", "14 Husi uluk to'o agora, Jeova nia povu sempre hatudu agradese ba bensaun sira ne'ebe Jeova fo.", "Porezemplu, bainhira ema Izrael sira hetan salvasaun husi liurai Ejitu nian iha Tasi Mean, sira kanta ho haksolok ba Jeova hodi fo agradese ba nia.", "(Exodo [Keluaran] 15:1-21) Ohin loron, bensaun furak ida ne'ebe ita iha mak esperansa katak aban-bainrua sei la iha tan buat ida atu halo ita tanis.", "(Salmo [Mazmur] 37:9-11; Isaias [Yesaya] 25:8; 33:24) Hanoin to'ok oinsa ita sei sente, bainhira Jeova halakon ninia inimigu hotu no lori ita tama ba mundu foun ne'ebe nakonu ho dame no justisa.", "Iha loron ne'e ita sei fo agradese liutan ba Jeova! - Apokalipse 20:1-3; 21:3, 4.", "15.", "Saida mak Ita hakarak halo iha tinan 2015?", "15 Durante tinan 2015, ita sei simu bensaun barak tan husi Jeova.", "No maski ita mos sei hasoru susar balu maibe Jeova sei nunka husik ita.", "(Deuteronomio [Ulangan] 31:8; Salmo [Mazmur] 9:9, 10) Jeova sempre fo buat ne'ebe ita presiza hodi adora nia ho laran-metin.", "Mai ita iha hanoin hanesan ho profeta Habacuc nia liafuan ne'ebe dehan: \"Maski ai-figeira la fo fuan tan, no uvas hun la fo tan fuan, no ai-oliveira la fo tan rezultadu di'ak, no to'os sira la fo tan ai-han; bibi sira la iha luhan, no la iha tan luhan ba animal sira; maibe ba ha'u, ha'u sei haksolok iha Jeova; ha'u sei haksolok iha Maromak ha'u-nia salvasaun nian.\"", "(Habacuque [Habakuk] 3:17, 18) Durante tinan ida-ne'e, mai ita kontinua hanoin nafatin kona-ba ita-nia bensaun sira hotu no halo tuir eskritura ba tinan 2015 nian: \"Fo agradese ba Jeova, tanba nia mak di'ak.\" - Salmo (Mazmur) 106:1. ^ par.", "4 Salmo 40:5: \"Oh, Jeova, ha'u-nia Maromak, Ita rasik halo ona buat barak, sin, Ita-nia serbisu ne'ebe furak no Ita-nia hanoin ba ami; la iha ida ne'ebe bele kompara ho Ita.", "Se ha'u hakarak atu ko'alia no fo sai kona-ba sira, sira sai barak liu fali buat ne'ebe ha'u bele konta.\" ^ par.", "4 Salmo 107:43: \"Ema matenek ida sei haree didi'ak ba buat sira-ne'e no mos tau nia atensaun ba Jeova nia hahalok domin ne'ebe ho laran-metin.\" ^ par.", "6 Salmo 92:1, 2: \"1 Di'ak hodi fo-agradese ba Jeova no hahi'i Ita-nia naran liuhusi knananuk, oh, ida ne'ebe Aas Liu Hotu.", "2 Atu fo-hatene Ita-nia domin ne'ebe ho laran-metin iha tempu dadeer, no Ita-nia laran-metin iha tempu kalan.\" ^ par.", "8 Salmo 27:4: \"Ha'u husu ona buat ida ba Jeova, ne'e mak buat ne'ebe ha'u hakarak duni, katak ha'u bele hela iha Jeova nia uma iha ha'u-nia moris tomak, atu haree Jeova nia laran-di'ak no atu hateke ba ninia templu ho laran-haksolok.\" ^ par.", "10 Naran balu la'os naran ne'ebe loos.", "Fo agradese ba Jeova no nia sei haraik bensaun" ]
[ [ "Give thanks to Jehovah, and he will bless you | Study LIVING IHA Acholi Afrikaans Albanian Amharic Arabic Armenian Azerbaijani Azerbaijan (Cyrillic) Bengali Bicol Bulgarian Catalan Cebuano Chichewa Chinese Mandarin(Simplified), China Mandaryn (\"Traditional\") Croatian Czech Dangme Danish Drehu Dutch Efik English Estonian Ewe Fijian Finnish French Georgian German Greek Guarani Gujarati Gun Haitian Creole Hebrew Hiligaynon Hindi Hiri Motu Hungarian Ibanag Icelandic Igbo Iloko Indonesian Isoko Italian Japanese Javanese Kabiye Kannada Kikamba Kikaonde Kikuyu Kiluba Kinyarwanda Kirghiz Kiribati Kirundi Kisonge Kongo Korean Krio Latvian Lhukonzo Lingala Lithuanian Luganda Lunda Luo Luvale Macedonian Malagasy Malay Malayalam Maltese Mam Mambwe-Lungu Marathi Marshallese Mauritian Kreole Maya Mixe Mongolian Moore Ndebele Ndonga Nepali Ngabere Norwegian Nyaneka Nzema Oromo Ossetian Otetela Pangasinan Polish Portuguese Punjabi Quechua -Ancash Romanian Runyankore Russian Samoan Sango Sepedi Serbian Serbian Sesotho [Lesotho] Setswana Shona Sidama Silozi Sinhala Slovak Slovenian Solomon Islands Pidgin Spanish Sranantongo Swahili Swati Swedish Tagalog Tajiki Tamil Tatar Telugu Tetun Dili Thai Tigrinya Tiv Tok Pisin Tshiluba Tsonga Turkish Turkmen Tuvaluan Twi Tzotzil Ukrainian Umbundu Urdu Uzbek Venda Vietnamese Wallisian Wayuunaiki Wolaita Xhosa Yoruba Zande Zulu" ], [ "What can we learn from the Apostle Paul about giving thanks?" ], [ "What can prayer and thoughtfulness help us to keep giving thanks?" ], [ "What are some good thoughts about our blessings that help us when we face hardship?" ], [ "1. Amendment of the Constitution" ], [ "Why do we give thanks to Jehovah?" ], [ "Jehovah gives us \"every good gift and every complete present.\"" ], [ "There are many reasons for us to give him thanks." ], [ "He is our God-Father, who loves us and takes care of Us." ], [ "(Psalm 23:1-4) He is our \"shelter and strength,\" especially when we are in trouble." ], [ "(Psalm 46:1) We feel like the man who wrote a Psalm and said, \"Give thanks to Yahweh for he is good." ], [ "For his lovingkindness endureth for ever.\" - Psalm 106:2. (Psalms)" ], [ "Scripture of the year for this lesson: “Give thanks to Jehovah, because he is good.”—Psalm (Psal.)106:​2-3 Why does it make us unthankful? Which questions will we discuss in these chapters and how do you know if your thoughts are right or wrong about what God says that He means when We say ‘Thank Him’?”" ], [ "2 In these last days, many people do not know how to give thanks as the Bible says." ], [ "(2 Timothy 3:1) Barak disregarded the blessings they had received from Jehovah God." ], [ "And many people are not satisfied with what they already have because the companies in this world make great promotions to convince you buy various things that actually don't need." ], [ "If we are not careful, then it is possible that ourselves will become like the people of Israel." ], [ "They do not appreciate Jehovah's blessings or their good relationship with him." ], [ "Therefore, it is very important for us to continue showing gratitude.—Psalm 106:7." ], [ "3 Think also of what might happen when we face adversity." ], [ "Maybe we think so much about our own problems that it makes us forget all of the blessings." ], [ "(Psalm 16:3) So, what can we do to continue showing our gratitude for Jehovah?" ], [ "And what can help us not to feel too sad when we face hardship?" ], [ "We will find the answers to these questions." ], [ "\"Oh Jehovah, ." ], [ "ITA RASIK HALO ONA BUAT BARAK\" (We ruined ourselves for the sake of Barak)" ], [ "What can we continue to feel grateful for Jehovah?" ], [ "4 If we want to keep on being grateful, it is necessary that every one of us think carefully about the blessings Jehovah has given each other." ], [ "Then think about how these blessings show God's great love for us." ], [ "When the psalmist thought about it, he was glad that Jehovah had done so much good for him. —Read Psalms (Psaltare)107:43 *5; Psaltar29-8" ], [ "What do we learn from the Apostle Paul about giving thanks?" ], [ "5 We can learn to show gratitude for Jehovah by following the apostle Paul’s example." ], [ "We know that he was mindful of his blessings because whenever He prayed, always giving thanks to God." ], [ "Paul knew that before, he had \"spoken against God and lied to him [and] slandered his people.\"" ], [ "Therefore he was very grateful that God and Christ had shown mercy to him by giving a special ministry for his preaching." ], [ "(Read 1 Timotheus, chapters of the Bible that begin with Timothy.)" ], [ "Paul also loved his Christian brethren and he constantly thanked Jehovah for their good deeds." ], [ "(Philippians 1:3-5,7; I Thessalonianes20) Paul also immediately thanked Jehovah for the help he received from his fellow believers in times of trouble." ], [ "(Acts 28:15; II Corinthians.7,6-9) Therefore we are not pleased because the apostle Paul encourageed Christian people to \"show that you give thanks..." ], [ "Warm up one another with psalms and praises to God, singing the songs of worship in thanksgiving.\" -Col." ], [ "ORASAUN NO HANOIN DIDI'AK AJUDA ITA AGRADESE NAFATIN (6)" ], [ "For what reason do you personally give thanks to Jehovah?" ], [ "6 What can we learn from Paul’s example?" ], [ "We can think carefully about what Jehovah God has done for us." ], [ "(Psalm 126:3) What would you say if someone asked, 'What blessings do we thank Jehovah for?'" ], [ "Would we destroy our good relationship with Jehovah?" ], [ "Or have your sins been forgiven through the sacrifice of Jesus?" ], [ "Will we mention the names of our brothers and sister that helped us through difficult times?" ], [ "What about your spouse and children?" ], [ "Take time to reflect on the many blessings God has given you." ], [ "By doing so, you will be motivated to give him thanks every day. —Read Psalm 92:1-7.* (a) Why should we thank Jehovah in our prayers?" ], [ "7 When we think carefully about Jehovah's blessings, it will prompt us to thank him in our prayers." ], [ "(Psalms 95:2;103,4) Some people pray to Jehovah God simply because they want something." ], [ "But Jehovah is very pleased if we also give him thanks for what he has done to us." ], [ "Throughout the Bible, we can read about many of God's servantes like Hannah and Hezekiah who thanked Jehovah in their prayers." ], [ "(1 Samuel 2:3-5; Isaiah [Isaiah], Chapters of the Bible) So follow their good example in thanking Jehovah with our prayers." ], [ "(1 Thessalonians 5:20) Because if you do this, your heart will be filled with joy and love for Jehovah. You’ll grow closer to him as his brothers.—James" ], [ "What blessings do we give thanks for that Jehovah has given us?" ], [ "(See paragraphs 6,7.)" ], [ "What can make us stop appreciating Jehovah’s blessings?" ], [ "8 If we are not careful, then our gratitude for Jehovah’s blessings will cease." ], [ "Why?" ], [ "For we are sinners, and have inherited sin from our first parents." ], [ "Jehovah God gave Adam and Eve a fruitful garden to be their dwelling place. He provided them with all that they needed for living, including the seed of every tree in Eden's Garden (Genesis 2:16)." ], [ "In fact, they can live forever in peace." ], [ "(Genesis 1:28) But they did not take heed to these blessings." ], [ "They can-teen no know how to thank." ], [ "In the end, they lost all their blessings." ], [ "(Genesis [Gen.] 3:6-7,19) Today because we live in a world where many people are not grateful for what they have received from God it is easy to lose our appreciation of all that Jehovah has given us such as the good relationship with him and being privileged by becoming part Of The Christian family throughout this whole earth!" ], [ "Maybe we should also start thinking more about things in this world." ], [ "(1 John 2:3-5) In order not to become like this, we must reflect on the blessings of Jehovah and give thanks constantly for being his people. —Read Psalm" ], [ "When we encounter hardship, why do you need to think carefully about your blessings?" ], [ "9 If we continue to give thanks, it will help us endure great tribulations." ], [ "Maybe we feel very sorry because our circumstances in life have suddenly changed." ], [ "However, if our spouse has not shown any commitment to us or we get seriously ill a member of the family dies and/or natural disasters happen." ], [ "But a thoughtful reflection on Jehovah's blessings will give us the strength to endure, as experience shows." ], [ "10. Requirements for the application of this Regulation" ], [ "Because Rina thinks deeply about her blessings, how does this help?" ], [ "10 Rina * is a regular pioneer from the United States." ], [ "She is married to an elder in a congregation but she does not show any compassion for Rina and their children." ], [ "What helped Rina not to abandon Jehovah in her difficult times?" ], [ "Rina said: \"I am very grateful that Jehovah is thinking of me and looking after." ], [ "Every day I give thanks for all the blessings in my life." ], [ "Jehovah knows and love me, but this is something very special." ], [ "I trust that Jehovah will never leave me.\"" ], [ "Even though Rina faced many hardships in her life, she was able to endure and encourage others because of the gratitude that remained." ], [ "10.25pm: The House of Commons opens for business" ], [ "What helped Hannah withstand the disease?" ], [ "10 A sister named Hannah lives in Asia and has been a pioneer with her husband for over twenty years." ], [ "Suddenly, he had lung cancer and the doctors said that his lifespan would only be three to six months." ], [ "Hannah and her family had experienced many hardships in the past, but never felt trouble about their health." ], [ "Hana said, \"My illness has made me cry so much." ], [ "I feel like i've lost everything and it hurts so much.\"" ], [ "What helped Hana to endure? How did Hannah hold herself." ], [ "He said: \"Every night, before I go to sleep i'll climb up into my house and pray in loud voice about the five things that are most important for me from this day." ], [ "After doing this, I feel better and can give my love to Jehovah.\"" ], [ "Does praying to Jehovah every night like this help Hannah?" ], [ "She said: “Now I truly believe that Jehovah helps us to endure during our hard times, and indeed the blessings we receive from Yahweh outweigh those difficulties.” with her surviving brother john (See paragraph 13)" ], [ "When Jason’s wife died, what caused him to come back?" ], [ "12 Jason, who serves in the Africa Branch Office has been a full-time servant of Jehovah for over thirty years." ], [ "He said: \"My wife has been dead for seven years, and sometimes I feel like my heart is broken in sorrow." ], [ "When I think about the suffering he endured in his fight against cancer, it makes me feel very sorry.\"" ], [ "How can I help Jason?" ], [ "She said, \"One day I thought back to a great time we had together." ], [ "I thanked Jehovah for this memory and felt very sorry." ], [ "From that time on, I began to thank Jehovah more often for allowing me the opportunity of reminiscing about those terrible times." ], [ "Even though I was still sad because of the loss, it allowed me to think positively." ], [ "It's because I thank Jehovah for my good married life, and that in the past it was possible to serve with people who really loved God.\"" ], [ "\"I am very thankful because Jehovah is my God.\" - Sheril 13." ], [ "What helped Sheril withstand the loss of her family? She lost all she had." ], [ "In 2013, a strong wind and rain called Haiyan struck the Philippines." ], [ "13-year old Sheril said: \"I lost my family and our home.\"" ], [ "Her father, mother and three sisters died as they were carried away by the water." ], [ "What helped Sheril withstand the disaster without feeling hurt?" ], [ "She continues to thank Jehovah for her thoughtfulness about His blessings." ], [ "He said: \"I have seen how brothers and sister giving love, encouragement to those in need." ], [ "And I know my fellow men all over the world remember me in their prayers.\"" ], [ "She added, \"I am very thankful that the Lord is my God." ], [ "He always gives us what we need.\"" ], [ "It is true, when we show gratitude for the good things that are given to us it will keep our hearts from feeling overly miserable and help you endure your hardship.—Ephesian 5:20; read Philippians" ], [ "13. \"TO THEE, THOU SHALL NOT BE JUSTIFIED IN YHVH\"" ], [ "What kind of hope do we have?" ], [ "(See drawing on page 8.)" ], [ "14 From time immemorial to the present, Jehovah's people have always shown gratitude for his blessings." ], [ "However, when the Israelites were saved from Egypt's king at Middle Sea they sang with joy to Jehovah and gave him thanks." ], [ "(Exodus 15:2-4) Today, one of the great blessings we have is hope that tomorrow there will be nothing left to make us sick." ], [ "(Psalm 37:9-12; Isaiah, Chapters of the Bible) Imagine how we will feel when Jehovah destroyed all his enemies and brought us into a new world filled with peace." ], [ "On this day we will give thanks again to Jehovah! - Revelation 20:1-3;" ], [ "15. Requirements for the application of this Regulation" ], [ "What would you like to do in 2015?" ], [ "15 We will receive many more blessings from Jehovah in the course of this year." ], [ "And although we will also face some hardships, Jehovah never abandon us." ], [ "(Deuteronomy [Leviticus] 31:8; Psalm[Psalms][9-20) Jehovah always provides what we need to worship him with perseverance." ], [ "Let us remember the words of Habacuc, who said: \"Even though a fig tree does not yield fruit and grapes don't give their harvest; even if an olive trees do no longer produce goodly seed or groves bear any more food. Even when there is nothing to feed your herd nor anything else for my cattle - I will rejoice in Yahweh!" ], [ "(Habacuc 3:17,28) Throughout this year let us continue to reflect on all our blessings and follow the scripture for The New Year of God’s Mercy that says “Give thanks unto Jehovah; For he is good.”—Psalm." ], [ "Psalm 40:5, \"O Jehovah my God! Thou hast done great things; for thy works and thine thoughts are good unto us. There is none like thea.\"" ], [ "If I want to talk about them and tell you, they're more than anything else that can be told.\"" ], [ "Psalm 107:43, “A wise man will consider these things and pay attention to the faithful love of Jehovah.” ^ par." ], [ "Psalm 92:1-3, \"It is good to give thanks unto the LORD and praise thy name through prayer. O Most High!" ], [ "2 To make known thy lovingkindness in the morning, and thine faithfulness at night.\" ^ par." ], [ "Psalm 27:4, “One thing I have asked of the Lord; this is what my heart desires. That it may be that all day long you will dwell in your house and see his goodness as well to look at its temple with joy.”" ], [ "10 Some names are not the real name." ], [ "Give thanks to Jehovah and he will bless you." ] ]
PREZIDENTE-da-REPÚBLIKA LOUVA KOOPERASAUN VETERANUS AUSTRALIA ho TIMOR-LESTE - Presidência da República de Timor-Leste\nPalásiu Prezidensiál Nicolau Lobato, loron-10 fulan-Setembru tinan-2018: Prezidente-da-Repúblika Francisico Guterres Lú Olo louva kooperasaun veteranus husi Australia no Timor-Leste nu’udar dalan atu hametin relasaun entre nasaun rua.\nIha nia mensajen ba veteranus sira husi Australia, Prezidente-da-Repúblika hateten katak programa Timor Awakening/ Hafanun-an iha Timor hahú rejistra ona rezultadu di’ak laos ba de’it Veteranus Australia maibé mós ba Veteranu Timor-Leste. Programa ne’e presiza apoiu husi ema hotu, liuliu husi Governu Timor-Leste. Liuhusi programa ne’e sei promove fatin istóriku sira hodi nune’e sobrevivente sira mak sei tatoli rasik nia istória no bele hetan istória libertasaun loloos.\nHusi grupu Veteranus Australia marka mós prezensa Veteranu Segunda Guerra Mundiál, Alexander Ian Hampel.Prezidente-da-Repúblika haksolok tebes hodi simu Veteranu Segunda Guerra Mundiál Alexander Ian Hampel nu’udar sobrevivente ne’ebé sei moris hodi vizita Timor-Leste. Alexander Ian Hampel partisipa iha operasaun militár no roo ne’ebé uza hetan tiru husi forsa japoneza no mout iha Betano, iha Setembru 1942.\n“Ha’u sempre simu Veteranus Austrália ho laran-ksolok tebtebes. Ita-Boot sira-nia prezensa fó-hanoin fila fali mai ha’u, ha’u–nia aman no maluk sira seluk ne’ebé fó kedas apoiu ba forsa Australiana, durante Segunda Guerra Mundial, iha ami-nia rain, atu harii fila fali páz iha mundu,” Prezidente-da-Repúblika hateten.\nPrezidente-da-Repúblika hatutan tan katak husi apoiu inkondisionál ne’ebé timoroan sira fó kedas iha Segunda Guerra Mundiál, hatudu katak solidariedade entre ita ema la hatene fronteira no amizade entre povu sira haforsa iha tempu difísil. Biar relasaun direta entre forsa Australiana no timoroan sira ladún kleur, amizade ne’ebé kuda durante Segunda Guerra Mundiál, hametin tiha ona iha tempu ne’ebá. Iha luta libertasaun nasionál, Timor-Leste simu apoiu konsistente no persistente husi eis-Kombatentes barak Segunda Guerrra Mundiál nian no mós husi sira-nia família. Ho lala’ok ki’ik maibé halo beibeik, iha tinan barak nia laran, hamutuk ho komunidade Timorense no ho amigus ne’ebé hetan babeibeik, konsege mobiliza opiniaun públika Australiana hodi apoia povu Timor-Leste ninia hakarak. Ema rihun ba rihun ne’ebé halo manifestasaun iha lurón, iha Setembru 1999, no INTERFET tama iha Timor-Leste, mai husi solidariedade furak no amizade ne’ebé ita harii no hametin ho tempu, hahú kedas no liuliu husi Segunda Guerra Mundiál.
[ "PREZIDENTE-da-REPUBLIKA LOUVA KOOPERASAUN VETERANUS AUSTRALIA ho TIMOR-LESTE - Presidencia da Republica de Timor-Leste Palasiu Prezidensial Nicolau Lobato, loron-10 fulan-Setembru tinan-2018: Prezidente-da-Republika Francisico Guterres Lu Olo louva kooperasaun veteranus husi Australia no Timor-Leste nu'udar dalan atu hametin relasaun entre nasaun rua.", "Iha nia mensajen ba veteranus sira husi Australia, Prezidente-da-Republika hateten katak programa Timor Awakening/ Hafanun-an iha Timor hahu rejistra ona rezultadu di'ak laos ba de'it Veteranus Australia maibe mos ba Veteranu Timor-Leste.", "Programa ne'e presiza apoiu husi ema hotu, liuliu husi Governu Timor-Leste.", "Liuhusi programa ne'e sei promove fatin istoriku sira hodi nune'e sobrevivente sira mak sei tatoli rasik nia istoria no bele hetan istoria libertasaun loloos.", "Husi grupu Veteranus Australia marka mos prezensa Veteranu Segunda Guerra Mundial, Alexander Ian Hampel.Prezidente-da-Republika haksolok tebes hodi simu Veteranu Segunda Guerra Mundial Alexander Ian Hampel nu'udar sobrevivente ne'ebe sei moris hodi vizita Timor-Leste.", "Alexander Ian Hampel partisipa iha operasaun militar no roo ne'ebe uza hetan tiru husi forsa japoneza no mout iha Betano, iha Setembru 1942.", "\"Ha'u sempre simu Veteranus Australia ho laran-ksolok tebtebes.", "Ita-Boot sira-nia prezensa fo-hanoin fila fali mai ha'u, ha'u-nia aman no maluk sira seluk ne'ebe fo kedas apoiu ba forsa Australiana, durante Segunda Guerra Mundial, iha ami-nia rain, atu harii fila fali paz iha mundu,\" Prezidente-da-Republika hateten.", "Prezidente-da-Republika hatutan tan katak husi apoiu inkondisional ne'ebe timoroan sira fo kedas iha Segunda Guerra Mundial, hatudu katak solidariedade entre ita ema la hatene fronteira no amizade entre povu sira haforsa iha tempu difisil.", "Biar relasaun direta entre forsa Australiana no timoroan sira ladun kleur, amizade ne'ebe kuda durante Segunda Guerra Mundial, hametin tiha ona iha tempu ne'eba.", "Iha luta libertasaun nasional, Timor-Leste simu apoiu konsistente no persistente husi eis-Kombatentes barak Segunda Guerrra Mundial nian no mos husi sira-nia familia.", "Ho lala'ok ki'ik maibe halo beibeik, iha tinan barak nia laran, hamutuk ho komunidade Timorense no ho amigus ne'ebe hetan babeibeik, konsege mobiliza opiniaun publika Australiana hodi apoia povu Timor-Leste ninia hakarak.", "Ema rihun ba rihun ne'ebe halo manifestasaun iha luron, iha Setembru 1999, no INTERFET tama iha Timor-Leste, mai husi solidariedade furak no amizade ne'ebe ita harii no hametin ho tempu, hahu kedas no liuliu husi Segunda Guerra Mundial." ]
[ [ "PRESIDENT PRAWNS AUSTRALIA AND TIMOR-LESTE VETERANS' COOPERATION - Presidencia da Republica de Timor Leste Nicolau Lobato Presidential Palace, 10th September: President Francisco Guterres Lu Olo praises Australia and the cooperation of veterans as a way to strengthen relations between both countries." ], [ "In his message to veterans from Australia, the President said that Timor Awakening/Hafanun-an program has begun recording good results not only for Australian Veteran but also East Тимор'S. The programme is a great opportunity and an important step forward in our efforts towards rebuilding peace between people of different ethnicities as well" ], [ "The programme requires the support of everyone, especially from Timor-Leste Government." ], [ "Through the program, historical sites will be promoted so that survivors can tell their own stories and get a true story of liberation." ], [ "From the Australian Veterans group, World War II veteran Alexander Ian Hampel also marked his presence. The President of Timor-Leste is delightful to welcome SecondWorldWarveteranAlexanderIanHappel as a living survivor for visiting EastTimor 2017" ], [ "Alexander Ian Hampel participated in military operations and the boat he used was shot down by Japanese forces at Betano, on September 1942." ], [ "\"I have always received Veterans Australia with great joy." ], [ "Your presence is a tribute to me, my father and all those who immediately supported the Australian forces during World War II in our own country for restoring peace throughout this world.\"" ], [ "The President added that the unconditional support given by Angolans since World War II has shown how solidarity among people know no border and friendship between nations is strengthened in difficult times." ], [ "Although the direct relationship between Australian forces and Tongans was not very close, friendship cultivated during World War II had been strengthened at that time." ], [ "In the national liberation struggle, Timor-Leste received consistent and persistent support from many former World War II combatants as well As their families." ], [ "With small but steady efforts, over the years together with Timorese community and friends who have grown up in Australia he has managed to mobilize Australian public opinion towards supporting their aspirations." ], [ "Thousands and thousands of people who demonstrated back in September 1980, when INTERFET entered East Timor came from the deep solidarity or friendship that we have built up over time since World War II." ] ]
SUSAR ATU HATÁN BA ORASAUN (2) | Radio Voz\nSUSAR ATU HATÁN BA ORASAUN (2)\n6 Jan, 2022 | TWFT-Tetun | 0 comments\nÓ la simu tamba o nia objetivu ne’e sala. Tiago 4: 3 NLT\nBuat ida tan ne’ebé hanetik ita atu hatán ba orasaun mak hanoin an de’it. Iha na’i nia orasaun, ita la hetan liafuan “ha’u, ka” ha’u-nia “ka ha’u-nia”. Saida mak ita sei hetan? fó mai ita ai-han loroloron nian; perdua ita-nia sala; salva ita husi buat-aat (haree Mateus 6: 11 – 13). Ita hetan ideia ruma ka lae? Mane ne’ebé halo orasaun, na’i haraik bénsaun mai ha’u, ha’u-nia feen no oan nain-rua: ami nain-haat no liutan, ami sei la hetan resposta ne’ebé di’ak husi lalehan.\nJesus hatete: buat naran de’it ne’ebé ita husu kuandu ita halo orasaun, fiar katak ita simu sira, no ita sei iha sira. Maibe Biblia sagrada ne’e laos nota mamuk: Resposta Maromak nian bai ta nia hakarak laos sempre los hela deit. Tiago hakerek: ita husu no la simu, tanba ita husu ho objetivu sala, ita husu atu uza ita goza deit. (Tiago 4: 3)\nKarik ita hanoin: Bíblia hatete se ha’u haksolok iha Na’i, nia sei fó buat naran de’it ne’ebé ha’u-nia laran hakarak (haree salmo 37: 4). Sin, maibé imi-nia hakarak tenke tuir Maromak nia hakarak. Maromak haraik bénsaun ba abraao atu nia bele sai bénsaun ba ema seluk (haree Genesis 12: 2 – 3).\nMaromak hatene saida mak ó hakarak, no nia mós hatene tanbasa ó hakarak ida-ne’e. Ita hakarak de’it atu hetan kmaan no ksolok, ka atu kumpre ninia hakarak? Se ita hatán ho laran-moos, ita bele halo orasaun ho fiar an. Kuandu ita buka de’it ita rasik nia di’ak, ema ida de’it mak haka’as an atu ajuda ita! Maibé kuandu ita-nia hakarak mak atu haraik bénsaun ba ema seluk, Maromak sei halo serbisu no hatán ba ita-nia orasaun iha dalan ne’ebé ita nunka hanoin. Koko to’ok, no haree ba ita-nia an rasik!\nAihan Espiritual: Ex 10 – 12, MT 5: 1 – 12, sal 10: 12 – 18, PR 1: 17 – 19.
[ "SUSAR ATU HATAN BA ORASAUN (2) | Radio Voz SUSAR ATU HATAN BA ORASAUN (2) 6 Jan, 2022 | TWFT-Tetun | 0 comments O la simu tamba o nia objetivu ne'e sala.", "Tiago 4: 3 NLT Buat ida tan ne'ebe hanetik ita atu hatan ba orasaun mak hanoin an de'it.", "Iha na'i nia orasaun, ita la hetan liafuan \"ha'u, ka\" ha'u-nia \"ka ha'u-nia.\"", "Saida mak ita sei hetan? fo mai ita ai-han loroloron nian; perdua ita-nia sala; salva ita husi buat-aat (haree Mateus 6: 11 - 13).", "Ita hetan ideia ruma ka lae?", "Mane ne'ebe halo orasaun, na'i haraik bensaun mai ha'u, ha'u-nia feen no oan nain-rua: ami nain-haat no liutan, ami sei la hetan resposta ne'ebe di'ak husi lalehan.", "Jesus hatete: buat naran de'it ne'ebe ita husu kuandu ita halo orasaun, fiar katak ita simu sira, no ita sei iha sira.", "Maibe Biblia sagrada ne'e laos nota mamuk: Resposta Maromak nian bai ta nia hakarak laos sempre los hela deit.", "Tiago hakerek: ita husu no la simu, tanba ita husu ho objetivu sala, ita husu atu uza ita goza deit.", "(Tiago 4: 3) Karik ita hanoin: Biblia hatete se ha'u haksolok iha Na'i, nia sei fo buat naran de'it ne'ebe ha'u-nia laran hakarak (haree salmo 37: 4).", "Sin, maibe imi-nia hakarak tenke tuir Maromak nia hakarak.", "Maromak haraik bensaun ba abraao atu nia bele sai bensaun ba ema seluk (haree Genesis 12: 2 - 3).", "Maromak hatene saida mak o hakarak, no nia mos hatene tanbasa o hakarak ida-ne'e.", "Ita hakarak de'it atu hetan kmaan no ksolok, ka atu kumpre ninia hakarak?", "Se ita hatan ho laran-moos, ita bele halo orasaun ho fiar an.", "Kuandu ita buka de'it ita rasik nia di'ak, ema ida de'it mak haka'as an atu ajuda ita!", "Maibe kuandu ita-nia hakarak mak atu haraik bensaun ba ema seluk, Maromak sei halo serbisu no hatan ba ita-nia orasaun iha dalan ne'ebe ita nunka hanoin.", "Koko to'ok, no haree ba ita-nia an rasik!", "Aihan Espiritual: Ex 10 - 12, MT 5: 1 - 12, sal 10: 12 - 18, PR 1: 17 - 19." ]
[ [ "SUSAR ATU HATAN BA ORASAUN (2) | Radio Voz Susar atu hatin ba orasaun(109758634), radiovoz.com, sussaratuhatinanbaorasuan@yahoogroups" ], [ "James 4:3 NLT Another thing that prevents us from being answered to prayer is thinking about ourselves." ], [ "In the Lord's Prayer, we do not find \"my\" or 'your (or my) and so on." ], [ "Give us our daily bread; forgive Us Our trespasses, save Upon the Lord (see Matthew 6:13). What will we receive?" ], [ "Do we get any ideas?" ], [ "Man who prayed, the Lord bless me and my wife & two sons: we are sixty-two of us. We will not receive a good answer from heaven;" ], [ "Jesus said: \"Whatever we ask in prayer, believe that you have received it; and all things will come to pass.\"" ], [ "But the Holy Bible is not a fake note: God's answer will be that His Will does NOT always remain true." ], [ "Tiago writes: we ask and do not receive, because our request is for the wrong purpose. We are asking to use us but enjoying it only;" ], [ "(James 4:3) May we think, \"The Bible says that if I delight in the LORD he will give me whatever my heart desires\"(see Psa." ], [ "But let your will be according to the Will of God." ], [ "God blessed Abraham so that he could be a Blessing to others (see Genesis 12:3-4)." ], [ "God knows what he want, and He also understand why it is." ], [ "Do we only want to have love and joy, or do His will?" ], [ "If we respond with a clean heart, then our prayer can be confident." ], [ "When we only look for our own good, there is no one else who will be willing to help us!" ], [ "But when our desire is to bless others, God will work and answer us in ways we never thought possible." ], [ "It's enough, do not look at ourselves!" ], [ "Spiritual Aihan: Ex 10-24, MT5.37; Ps96 -8 (or the Psalm of Moses) and pg/pdm(a): Mt" ] ]
COVID-19: kazu óbitu na’in-ida no ativu 26 | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste\nVARANDA HEADLINE COVID-19: kazu óbitu na’in-ida no ativu 26\nCOVID-19: kazu óbitu na’in-ida no ativu 26\nDILI, 06 juñu 2022 (TATOLI)—Ministériu Saúde (MS) relata kazu óbitu na’in-ida, pozitivu foun rua, rekuperadu lima no kazu ativu 26.\n“Pasiente feto hela fatin munisípiu Liquiça mai hala’o tratamentu iha HNGV no teste swab konfirmadu pozitivu COVID-19, mate iha izolamentu Vera-Cruz iha tuku 07:26am, dadersan. Ho diagnostiku Multiple organ failure+ covid-19 CT23 no matebian simu vasina primeira doze AZ,” Diretora Jerál Prestasaun Saúde Odete da Silva Viegas liuhosi nota ne’ebé Agência TATOLI asesu, segunda ne’e.\nNune’e, hahú 21 marsu 2020 to’o 06 juñu 2022 iha kumulativu kazu konfirmadu 22.927 no óbitu 132.\nHosi horisehik mai ohin, Laboratóriu Nasionál Saúde halo teste PCR 40, kompostu vijilánsia sentinela laiha, rastreiu ba kontaku laiha, rastreiu aleatóriu tolu, viájen internasionál 37, follow up iha kuarentena laiha.\nAlende ne’e, totál teste PCR ne’ebé halo iha 05 juñu 2022 iha munisípiu-sira seluk, Rejiaun Administravu Espesiál Oé-Cusse no Ambeno (RAEOA) no Hospitál Nasionál Guido Valadares (HNGV) 33, hanesan Maubisse laiha, Maliana la iha, Viqueque laiha, Suai hitu, Baucau laiha Ermera laiha, RAEOA laiha, HNGV 26, Lautém laiha, Vera-Cruz laiha no Manufahi laiha.\nIha loron 06 juñu 2022 , izolamentu Vera Cruz, Lahane, HNGV no fatin seluk iha territóriu laran tomak, halo tratamentu hospitalizadu ba kazu detetadu pozitivu laiha no baixa ho COVID-19 la iha.\nNotísia Relevante:COVID-19: kazu pozitivu na’in-ida no ativu 30\nPrevious articleOMS rekomenda Timor-Leste presiza atensaun maka’as ba ai-han seguru\nNext articleIgreja protestante preokupa prosesu tratamentu sertidaun kazamentu-RDTL
[ "COVID-19: kazu obitu na'in-ida no ativu 26 | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA HEADLINE COVID-19: kazu obitu na'in-ida no ativu 26 COVID-19: kazu obitu na'in-ida no ativu 26 DILI, 06 junu 2022 (TATOLI) - Ministeriu Saude (MS) relata kazu obitu na'in-ida, pozitivu foun rua, rekuperadu lima no kazu ativu 26.", "\"Pasiente feto hela fatin munisipiu Liquica mai hala'o tratamentu iha HNGV no teste swab konfirmadu pozitivu COVID-19, mate iha izolamentu Vera-Cruz iha tuku 07:26am, dadersan.", "Ho diagnostiku Multiple organ failure+ covid-19 CT23 no matebian simu vasina primeira doze AZ,\" Diretora Jeral Prestasaun Saude Odete da Silva Viegas liuhosi nota ne'ebe Agencia TATOLI asesu, segunda ne'e.", "Nune'e, hahu 21 marsu 2020 to'o 06 junu 2022 iha kumulativu kazu konfirmadu 22.927 no obitu 132.", "Hosi horisehik mai ohin, Laboratoriu Nasional Saude halo teste PCR 40, kompostu vijilansia sentinela laiha, rastreiu ba kontaku laiha, rastreiu aleatoriu tolu, viajen internasional 37, follow up iha kuarentena laiha.", "Alende ne'e, total teste PCR ne'ebe halo iha 05 junu 2022 iha munisipiu-sira seluk, Rejiaun Administravu Espesial Oe-Cusse no Ambeno (RAEOA) no Hospital Nasional Guido Valadares (HNGV) 33, hanesan Maubisse laiha, Maliana la iha, Viqueque laiha, Suai hitu, Baucau laiha Ermera laiha, RAEOA laiha, HNGV 26, Lautem laiha, Vera-Cruz laiha no Manufahi laiha.", "Iha loron 06 junu 2022 , izolamentu Vera Cruz, Lahane, HNGV no fatin seluk iha territoriu laran tomak, halo tratamentu hospitalizadu ba kazu detetadu pozitivu laiha no baixa ho COVID-19 la iha.", "Notisia Relevante:COVID-19: kazu pozitivu na'in-ida no ativu 30 Previous articleOMS rekomenda Timor-Leste presiza atensaun maka'as ba ai-han seguru Next articleIgreja protestante preokupa prosesu tratamentu sertidaun kazamentu-RDTL" ]
[ [ "COVID-19: 26 active cases and two fatalities | Tempotimor VARANDA HEADLINE Coronavirus, death toll rises to nine in East Timor Dili/Agência Tatoli (05 June) - The Ministry of Health reports a new case confirmed as the second positive for coronavirus on Tuesday." ], [ "\"Female patient residing in Liquica municipality came to undergo treatment at HNGV and swab test confirmed positive COVID-19, died on Vera Cruz isolation unit around the time of:07.26am dadersan.\"" ], [ "With diagnosis Multiple organ failure + covid-19 CT23 and the deceased received first dose of AZ vaccine,\" Director General Health Care Odete da Silva Viegas said in a statement that Agência Tatoli accessed on Monday." ], [ "Thus, from March 21st of this year to June the cumulative number is confirmed as being: (30.987) cases and(456)." ], [ "From yesterday to today, the National Health Laboratory has conducted 40 PCR tests; of which no sentinel surveillance testing was carried out. No contact tracing and three random tracking were made while international travelers have been tested for COVID-19 (37)." ], [ "In addition, the total of PCR tests carried out on June 05th in other municipalities and Special Administrative Region Oé-Cusse e Ambeno (RAEOA) is: Maubisse no positive; Maliana zero negatives. Viqueque nol positivo detectado em teste realizado na Região Autónoma Especial do Oceano Atlântico Norte/Oceano Índico Sul - MAEAO /Açores Orientales); Suai sete negativo da Covid19" ], [ "On June 06th, Vera Cruz isolation facilities in Lahane and other locations throughout the country treated no positive cases of COVID-19. No one was discharged from hospital with a negative result for Covid -24h" ], [ "Previous articleWHO recommends Timor-Leste needs high attention to safe food Next ArticleProtestant Church concerned about the processing of marriage certificate - RDTL" ] ]
Programa rádiu Tuba Rai Metin – Casa dos Timores\nPrograma rádiu Tuba Rai Metin\nIha komemorasaun Loron Nasionál Veteranu sira-nian, Prezidente Repúblika, Francisco Guterres ‘Lu Olo’, husu Konsellu Kombatente Libertasaun Nasionál atu grava lalais istória husi kombatente ida-idak.\nPrezidente hatete katak Timor-Leste lakon ona ema barak iha tempu ukun an no katak bainhira kombatente ida mate, rai ne’e lakon daudaun parte ida husi ninia istória koletiva.\nPrezidente nia hahusuk di’ak tebetebes no merese katak instituisaun-arkivu sira no peskizadór sira ne’ebé foka ba istória kontemporáneu Timor-Leste nian sei prepara projetu istória orál ida relasiona ho kombatente sira.\nMaibé to’o momentu ida-ne’e, iha ona gravasaun áudiu lubun ida ne’ebé ema seidauk esplora. Gravasaun áudiu sira-ne’e mak 154 programa no entrevista sira ne’ebé programa rádiu Tuba Rai Metin emite tiha.\nTuba Rai Metin mak naran ne’ebé hili tiha ba programa ne’ebé Radio UNTAET sei emite tinan 2002. Programa ne’e halibur istória oioin husi timoroan sira entre tinan 1975 no 1999. Matthew Abud, produtór ida husi programa ne’e sei hakerek kona-ba programa iha-ne’e.\nUSAid fó-entrega gravasaun sira-ne’e ba AMRT no instituisaun sira-seluk. Ema ne’ebé iha interesse bele hetan gravasaun sira iha plataforma Casa Comum ne’ebé Fundação Mário Soares harii tiha.\nBazeia ba nota sira ne’ebé hakerek-na’in prepara tiha, AMRT sei prepara rezumu ho lia-portugés no lia-tetun. Casa dos Timores sei aumenta tan ho tradusaun ba lia-iinglés. (iha-ne’e)\nPublicado em 31 de Maio de 2020 17 de Julho de 2020 por Casa dos TimoresPosted in KomentáriuCom as etiquetas AMRT, Istória Oral, Tuba Rai Metin.\nAnterior Artigo anterior: Programa de rádio Tuba Rai Metin\nAvançar Artigo seguinte: Radio programme Tuba Rai Metin
[ "Programa radiu Tuba Rai Metin - Casa dos Timores Programa radiu Tuba Rai Metin Iha komemorasaun Loron Nasional Veteranu sira-nian, Prezidente Republika, Francisco Guterres 'Lu Olo', husu Konsellu Kombatente Libertasaun Nasional atu grava lalais istoria husi kombatente ida-idak.", "Prezidente hatete katak Timor-Leste lakon ona ema barak iha tempu ukun an no katak bainhira kombatente ida mate, rai ne'e lakon daudaun parte ida husi ninia istoria koletiva.", "Prezidente nia hahusuk di'ak tebetebes no merese katak instituisaun-arkivu sira no peskizador sira ne'ebe foka ba istoria kontemporaneu Timor-Leste nian sei prepara projetu istoria oral ida relasiona ho kombatente sira.", "Maibe to'o momentu ida-ne'e, iha ona gravasaun audiu lubun ida ne'ebe ema seidauk esplora.", "Gravasaun audiu sira-ne'e mak 154 programa no entrevista sira ne'ebe programa radiu Tuba Rai Metin emite tiha.", "Tuba Rai Metin mak naran ne'ebe hili tiha ba programa ne'ebe Radio UNTAET sei emite tinan 2002.", "Programa ne'e halibur istoria oioin husi timoroan sira entre tinan 1975 no 1999.", "Matthew Abud, produtor ida husi programa ne'e sei hakerek kona-ba programa iha-ne'e.", "USAid fo-entrega gravasaun sira-ne'e ba AMRT no instituisaun sira-seluk.", "Ema ne'ebe iha interesse bele hetan gravasaun sira iha plataforma Casa Comum ne'ebe Fundacao Mario Soares harii tiha.", "Bazeia ba nota sira ne'ebe hakerek-na'in prepara tiha, AMRT sei prepara rezumu ho lia-portuges no lia-tetun.", "Casa dos Timores sei aumenta tan ho tradusaun ba lia-iingles. (iha-ne'e) Publicado em 31 de Maio de 2020 17 de Julho de 2020 por Casa dos TimoresPosted in KomentariuCom as etiquetas AMRT, Istoria Oral, Tuba Rai Metin.", "Anterior Artigo anterior: Programa de radio Tuba Rai Metin Avancar Artigo seguinte: Radio programme Tuba Rai Metin" ]
[ [ "Radio program Tuba Rai Metin - Casa dos Timores In commemoration of National Veterans Day, President Francisco Guterres 'Lu Olo' asked the Council for Combatants in national liberation to quickly record each fighter." ], [ "The President said that Timor-Leste had lost many people during its independence and when a fighter died, the country was losing part of it's collective history." ], [ "The President's contribution was very good and deserves that archive institutions, researchers focusing on the contemporary history of East Timor will prepare an oral-history project related to combatants." ], [ "But up to this point, there is a wealth of audio recordings that have not been explored." ], [ "These audio recordings are 154 programme and interview that the radio program Tuba Rai Metin has aired." ], [ "Tuba Rai Metin is the name chosen for Radio UNTAET's programme to be broadcast in 2013." ], [ "The programme collects various stories of the people from between 1975 and, in some cases." ], [ "Matthew Abud, a producer of the show will write about it here." ], [ "USAid handed over the recordings to AMRT and other institutions." ], [ "Those interested can find the recordings on Casa Comum, a platform created by Mario Soares Foundation." ], [ "Based on the notes that have been made by authors, AMRT will prepare a summary in Portuguese and English." ], [ "Casa dos Timores sei aumenta tan ho tradusaun ba lia-iingles. (iha ne'e) Posted on 31 de May,2049 by casadostimoresPosted in KomentariuWith tags AMRT; Historia Oral: Tuba Rai Metin" ], [ "PreviousPrevious post:Programa de radio Tuba Rai Metin Advance NextNext article:Radio programme tuban rai metine" ] ]
DOMINGO XIX TEMPO COMUM – Diocese de Dili\nDiocese de Dili > NOTÍCIAS > REFLEXÃO > DOMINGO XIX TEMPO COMUM\nHAU MAK AIHAN MORIS LOLOS NIAN BE TUN MAI HUSI LALEHAN, EMA NEBE HAN AIHAN NE’E NIA SEI LA HAMLAHA TAN, LA HAMROK TAN, NIA SEI LA MATE TAN MAIBE SEI MORIS BA NAFATIN.\nMaun alin sarani doben sira entre aspeto natural sira be halo ema moris bele moris ida mak HAHAN. Maibe tuir Maromak koalia lialos mai ita kona ba moris ne’e nia dehan katak los duni tuir ita nia natureza ita ema percisa aihan atu moris maibe laos aihan deit, ema percisa mos Maromak ninia futar liafuan be iha kbiit hamoris nia no tahan ninia moris ne’e to’o moris rohan laek. Nune’e mak Jesus dehan “ema la moris deit ho aihan maibe mos ho Maromak ninia futar liafuan”.\nMaromak ninia futar liafuan domingo ohin nian hatudu mai ita lialos ida ne’e.\nPrimeira leitura iha Elias nia experiência hatudu mai ita katak ita ema sira necessidade aihan atu suporta ita nia isin be na realidade materia ida. Quando hahan laiha isin sai fraco, isin laiha kbiit atu moris ou atu halao buat sira nebe ita temque halao iha ita nia moris ne’e. Wainhira Elias halao ninia missão tuir Maromak husu atu lao ba foho Horeb Maromak ninia foho nia foti lia ba Maromak atu hakotu lalais deit ona ninia moris ne’e basa nia senter fraco liu laiha kbiit atu halao missão be nia simu. Elias sente fraco tamba lao dook aihan laiha no dificuldade distâcia be dook. Maibe Maromak la husik nia mate hamlaha, Maromak fo han nia ho aihan moris nian no ho Ninia futar liafuan be koalia nafatin ba nia. Ho ne’e mak Maromak hakbiit Elias, hamoris Elias nafatin hodi Elias continua ninia missão.\nIta nain Jesus Cristo iha evangelho halo ita comprende klean liu tan LIALOS kona ba ita ema nia moris nebe fundamentalmente la moris deit ho aihan maibe mos moris tamba Maromak ninia futar liafuan ne’e. Nia dehan “Hau mak aihan moris be tun husi Lalehan ema se han aiha ne’e sei la hamlaha tan, sei la hamrok tan, sei la mate tan, sei hetan moris rohan laek”. Uluk imi nia beiala sira han mana iha raifuik maran no sira mate hotu ona, maibe ema nebe han aihan be hau fo, Hau nia isin rasik, nia sei la mate tan maibe sei moris ba nafatin.\nMaun alin sira ohin Maromak hatudu rasik mai ita MORIS NIA HUN. MORIS NIA HUN ne’e MAK JESUS CRISTO DUNI. JESUS CRISTO ida nebe liatun dehan “HAU MAK AIHAN LOLOS NEBE TUN HUSI LALEHAN, EMA SE HAN AIHAN NE’E NEBE HAU FO, HAU NIA ISIN RASIK, BE KATAK HAU NIA-AN RASIK, EMA NE’E SEI LA HAMLAHA TAN, SE LA HAMROK TAN, EMA NE’E SE LA MATE TAN,MAIBE SEI HETAN MORIS ROHAN LAEK”. Nai Jesus ninia futar liafun ne’e confirma buat nebe nia dehan antes katak “EMA LA MORIS DEIT HODI AIHAN MAIBE MOS MORIS TAMBA MAROMAK NINIA FUTAR LIAFUAN BE MAI HUSI MAROMAK”. Iha Jesus Cristo nia-An ita hetan aihan lolos be ninia futar isin rasik fo mai ita hodi terus to’o mate iha Cruz no ita hetan Maromak ninia Futar liafuan moris be hori uluk kedas horik ho Maromak, hodi Liafuan ne’e mak Maromak hamoris buat hotu, Liafuan ne’e halo tiha-an ba mane oras ne’e horik iha ita le’et. Evangelista São João hahu ninia evangelho revela mai ita lia kmanek ida ne’e haktuir dehan “HORI ULUK KEDAS LIAFUAN IHA NANIS, LIAFUAN HORIK NANIS HO MAROMAK, LIAFUAN MAK MAROMAK,…MAROMAK HALO BUAT HOTU HODI NIA … IHA NIA MAK MORIS … LIAFUAN NE’E HALO-AN TIHA BA EMA NO HORIK IHA ITA LEET.\nMaun alin doben sira, dala wain tebes ita experimenta ona katak ita hanoin no moris kona ba LIALOS ida ne’e husi ita ema nia comprensão deit, ita la moris los iha LIALOS BE JESUS revela mai ita ne’e completamente. Katak ita\nHanoin lolos deit dehan ita ema sira moris tamba ita han nafatin, ou moris tamba iha hahan ba ita hodi han loro-loron, mas que ohin loron ita mos hatene katak hahan mos bele estraga ita ema sira, hamosu moras sira, hamosu rai odio malu entre ita, hamosu laran moras entre ita, halo ita la hadomi malu lolos nundar Maromak nia oan. Ita haluha tiha moris nia essencia seluk nebe Jesus dehan mai ita kona ba ita ema moris mos ho Maromak nia Futar Liafuan be koalia mai ita loro loron. Ita ema moris laos tamba aihan deit maibe mos tamba Maromak ninia futar liafuan. Ita labele hetan moris lolos se ita fo ita nia moris ba deit aihan no la fo mos ba Maromak ninia futar liafuan be fo moris ba buat hotu ne’e.\nWainhira halao moris ne’e mak ita fo ita nia moris ba aihan deit ne’e katak ita dedica ita nia an hodi luta ba moris ne’e atu hetan deit aihan loro loron nian, atu han deit, la fo importância mos ba valor sira ema moris nian be mai husi Maromak nebe koalia mai ita loron ba loron. Ita nia preocupação boot liu fo ba buat sira nebe bele hakbiit ka haksolok ita nia isin lolon be nundar materia ida ne’e. Maibe wainhira halao moris ne’e ita moris mos tamba Maromak ninia futar liafuan ne’e katak ita rona Maromak, ita halo tuir buat sira be Maromak husu mai ita, ita moris hamutuk ho Maromak. Ita nia moris ida hanesan ne’e hatudu concreto los iha tau iha moris ne’e Maromak ninia futar liafuan nebe loro-loron koalia mai ita atu moris tuir hanesan ohin São Paulo haktuir mai ita iha segunda leitura dehan “halakon tiha husi imi leet imi nia hirus, imi nia laran nakali, imi nia lian makas, imi nia hotar malu, imi nia laran at tomak; iha imi leet imi buka deit atu sai laran diak ba malu, sadia malu, perdua malu … imi buka hadomi malu lolos hanesan Na’i Jesus hadomi ita ema sira hodi saran Nia-an ba Maromak hodi ita bele moris”. Maromak husu mos mai ita atu moris hanesan ne’e, laos moris deit tamba aihan.\nOhin loron fenómeno foun ida mosu iha ita le’et mak katak hahan laos ona deit hakbiit ema atu moris maibe hahan bele mos halo ema moras fali, halo ema terus, halo ema la moris iha domin no dame nia laran ka halo ema la moris tuir hanesan Maromak husu mai ita atu moris nundar São Paulo haktuir mai ita ne’e. Realidade ne’e mosu tamba ita ema sira nia karak ba malu, han hemu la sukat, no la fahe ba malu, la hanoin malu, hakarak buat hotu ba ita an deit, fo ita nia moris ba deit hahan laos ba Maromak ninia futar liafuan mos. Realidade ne’e mosu mos tamba ita la buka aihan lolos nian iha ita nia moris. Aihan lolos iha ita nia moris ne’e mai husi Jesus Cristo. Hahan nebe Jesus Cristo fo laos hanesan hahan baibain nebe bele mos fo fali terus no moras oioin mai ita hanesan ohin loron ita koko. Hahan lolos nebe Jesus fo maun alin doben sira la fo moras, la fo terus, la halo ita kan ten, maibe fo moris lolos. Fo moris ida be nakonu ita ho saude diak iha ita nia isin no ita nia klamar, hatudu iha moris ida be nakonu ho domin lolos, hakmatek lolos no ksolok lolos nian. Domin, hakmatek no ksolok ida nebe rohan laek ba ita ida idak no ba ema hotu.\nMaun alin doben sira aihan lolos ida ne’e mak Jesus ninia futar isin no ran nebe haraik mai ita nafatin fatin iha Eucaristia ka Missa. Iha neba Jesus haraik nia futar Isin no futar Ran nundar aiha lolos nian ba ita ema sira. Ema se mak fiar hodi simu aihan ne’e sei hetan duni moris, moris rohan laek nian. Na’i Jesus lia tun rasik.\nTan ne’e maun alin sira mai ita buka hadomi eucaristia iha ita nia moris loro-loron atu ita keta kuran ba aihan moris nian nebe bele haraik moris lolos no moris rohan laek mai ita ne’e. Amen.\nCasa de Dom. Jaime Garcia Goulart, Dili\nDomingo XIX Ano B, 12 de Agosto de 2018, Por: Pb.\nPrevious PostSILU FAHE PÃO Next PostSegunda-Feira, XIX Semana iha Tempo Comum
[ "DOMINGO XIX TEMPO COMUM - Diocese de Dili Diocese de Dili > NOTICIAS > REFLEXAO > DOMINGO XIX TEMPO COMUM HAU MAK AIHAN MORIS LOLOS NIAN BE TUN MAI HUSI LALEHAN, EMA NEBE HAN AIHAN NE'E NIA SEI LA HAMLAHA TAN, LA HAMROK TAN, NIA SEI LA MATE TAN MAIBE SEI MORIS BA NAFATIN.", "Maun alin sarani doben sira entre aspeto natural sira be halo ema moris bele moris ida mak HAHAN.", "Maibe tuir Maromak koalia lialos mai ita kona ba moris ne'e nia dehan katak los duni tuir ita nia natureza ita ema percisa aihan atu moris maibe laos aihan deit, ema percisa mos Maromak ninia futar liafuan be iha kbiit hamoris nia no tahan ninia moris ne'e to'o moris rohan laek.", "Nune'e mak Jesus dehan \"ema la moris deit ho aihan maibe mos ho Maromak ninia futar liafuan.\"", "Maromak ninia futar liafuan domingo ohin nian hatudu mai ita lialos ida ne'e.", "Primeira leitura iha Elias nia experiencia hatudu mai ita katak ita ema sira necessidade aihan atu suporta ita nia isin be na realidade materia ida.", "Quando hahan laiha isin sai fraco, isin laiha kbiit atu moris ou atu halao buat sira nebe ita temque halao iha ita nia moris ne'e.", "Wainhira Elias halao ninia missao tuir Maromak husu atu lao ba foho Horeb Maromak ninia foho nia foti lia ba Maromak atu hakotu lalais deit ona ninia moris ne'e basa nia senter fraco liu laiha kbiit atu halao missao be nia simu.", "Elias sente fraco tamba lao dook aihan laiha no dificuldade distacia be dook.", "Maibe Maromak la husik nia mate hamlaha, Maromak fo han nia ho aihan moris nian no ho Ninia futar liafuan be koalia nafatin ba nia.", "Ho ne'e mak Maromak hakbiit Elias, hamoris Elias nafatin hodi Elias continua ninia missao.", "Ita nain Jesus Cristo iha evangelho halo ita comprende klean liu tan LIALOS kona ba ita ema nia moris nebe fundamentalmente la moris deit ho aihan maibe mos moris tamba Maromak ninia futar liafuan ne'e.", "Nia dehan \"Hau mak aihan moris be tun husi Lalehan ema se han aiha ne'e sei la hamlaha tan, sei la hamrok tan, sei la mate tan, sei hetan moris rohan laek.\"", "Uluk imi nia beiala sira han mana iha raifuik maran no sira mate hotu ona, maibe ema nebe han aihan be hau fo, Hau nia isin rasik, nia sei la mate tan maibe sei moris ba nafatin.", "Maun alin sira ohin Maromak hatudu rasik mai ita MORIS NIA HUN.", "MORIS NIA HUN ne'e MAK JESUS CRISTO DUNI.", "JESUS CRISTO ida nebe liatun dehan \"HAU MAK AIHAN LOLOS NEBE TUN HUSI LALEHAN, EMA SE HAN AIHAN NE'E NEBE HAU FO, HAU NIA ISIN RASIK, BE KATAK HAU NIA-AN RASIK, EMA NE'E SEI LA HAMLAHA TAN, SE LA HAMROK TAN, EMA NE'E SE LA MATE TAN,MAIBE SEI HETAN MORIS ROHAN LAEK.\"", "Nai Jesus ninia futar liafun ne'e confirma buat nebe nia dehan antes katak \"EMA LA MORIS DEIT HODI AIHAN MAIBE MOS MORIS TAMBA MAROMAK NINIA FUTAR LIAFUAN BE MAI HUSI MAROMAK.\"", "Iha Jesus Cristo nia-An ita hetan aihan lolos be ninia futar isin rasik fo mai ita hodi terus to'o mate iha Cruz no ita hetan Maromak ninia Futar liafuan moris be hori uluk kedas horik ho Maromak, hodi Liafuan ne'e mak Maromak hamoris buat hotu, Liafuan ne'e halo tiha-an ba mane oras ne'e horik iha ita le'et.", "Evangelista Sao Joao hahu ninia evangelho revela mai ita lia kmanek ida ne'e haktuir dehan \"HORI ULUK KEDAS LIAFUAN IHA NANIS, LIAFUAN HORIK NANIS HO MAROMAK, LIAFUAN MAK MAROMAK,...MAROMAK HALO BUAT HOTU HODI NIA ...", "IHA NIA MAK MORIS ...", "LIAFUAN NE'E HALO-AN TIHA BA EMA NO HORIK IHA ITA LEET.", "Maun alin doben sira, dala wain tebes ita experimenta ona katak ita hanoin no moris kona ba LIALOS ida ne'e husi ita ema nia comprensao deit, ita la moris los iha LIALOS BE JESUS revela mai ita ne'e completamente.", "Katak ita Hanoin lolos deit dehan ita ema sira moris tamba ita han nafatin, ou moris tamba iha hahan ba ita hodi han loro-loron, mas que ohin loron ita mos hatene katak hahan mos bele estraga ita ema sira, hamosu moras sira, hamosu rai odio malu entre ita, hamosu laran moras entre ita, halo ita la hadomi malu lolos nundar Maromak nia oan.", "Ita haluha tiha moris nia essencia seluk nebe Jesus dehan mai ita kona ba ita ema moris mos ho Maromak nia Futar Liafuan be koalia mai ita loro loron.", "Ita ema moris laos tamba aihan deit maibe mos tamba Maromak ninia futar liafuan.", "Ita labele hetan moris lolos se ita fo ita nia moris ba deit aihan no la fo mos ba Maromak ninia futar liafuan be fo moris ba buat hotu ne'e.", "Wainhira halao moris ne'e mak ita fo ita nia moris ba aihan deit ne'e katak ita dedica ita nia an hodi luta ba moris ne'e atu hetan deit aihan loro loron nian, atu han deit, la fo importancia mos ba valor sira ema moris nian be mai husi Maromak nebe koalia mai ita loron ba loron.", "Ita nia preocupacao boot liu fo ba buat sira nebe bele hakbiit ka haksolok ita nia isin lolon be nundar materia ida ne'e.", "Maibe wainhira halao moris ne'e ita moris mos tamba Maromak ninia futar liafuan ne'e katak ita rona Maromak, ita halo tuir buat sira be Maromak husu mai ita, ita moris hamutuk ho Maromak.", "Ita nia moris ida hanesan ne'e hatudu concreto los iha tau iha moris ne'e Maromak ninia futar liafuan nebe loro-loron koalia mai ita atu moris tuir hanesan ohin Sao Paulo haktuir mai ita iha segunda leitura dehan \"halakon tiha husi imi leet imi nia hirus, imi nia laran nakali, imi nia lian makas, imi nia hotar malu, imi nia laran at tomak; iha imi leet imi buka deit atu sai laran diak ba malu, sadia malu, perdua malu ... imi buka hadomi malu lolos hanesan Na'i Jesus hadomi ita ema sira hodi saran Nia-an ba Maromak hodi ita bele moris.\"", "Maromak husu mos mai ita atu moris hanesan ne'e, laos moris deit tamba aihan.", "Ohin loron fenomeno foun ida mosu iha ita le'et mak katak hahan laos ona deit hakbiit ema atu moris maibe hahan bele mos halo ema moras fali, halo ema terus, halo ema la moris iha domin no dame nia laran ka halo ema la moris tuir hanesan Maromak husu mai ita atu moris nundar Sao Paulo haktuir mai ita ne'e.", "Realidade ne'e mosu tamba ita ema sira nia karak ba malu, han hemu la sukat, no la fahe ba malu, la hanoin malu, hakarak buat hotu ba ita an deit, fo ita nia moris ba deit hahan laos ba Maromak ninia futar liafuan mos.", "Realidade ne'e mosu mos tamba ita la buka aihan lolos nian iha ita nia moris.", "Aihan lolos iha ita nia moris ne'e mai husi Jesus Cristo.", "Hahan nebe Jesus Cristo fo laos hanesan hahan baibain nebe bele mos fo fali terus no moras oioin mai ita hanesan ohin loron ita koko.", "Hahan lolos nebe Jesus fo maun alin doben sira la fo moras, la fo terus, la halo ita kan ten, maibe fo moris lolos.", "Fo moris ida be nakonu ita ho saude diak iha ita nia isin no ita nia klamar, hatudu iha moris ida be nakonu ho domin lolos, hakmatek lolos no ksolok lolos nian.", "Domin, hakmatek no ksolok ida nebe rohan laek ba ita ida idak no ba ema hotu.", "Maun alin doben sira aihan lolos ida ne'e mak Jesus ninia futar isin no ran nebe haraik mai ita nafatin fatin iha Eucaristia ka Missa.", "Iha neba Jesus haraik nia futar Isin no futar Ran nundar aiha lolos nian ba ita ema sira.", "Ema se mak fiar hodi simu aihan ne'e sei hetan duni moris, moris rohan laek nian.", "Na'i Jesus lia tun rasik.", "Tan ne'e maun alin sira mai ita buka hadomi eucaristia iha ita nia moris loro-loron atu ita keta kuran ba aihan moris nian nebe bele haraik moris lolos no moris rohan laek mai ita ne'e.", "Amen.", "Casa de Dom.", "Jaime Garcia Goulart, Dili Domingo XIX Ano B, 12 de Agosto de 2018, Por: Pb.", "Previous PostSILU FAHE PAO Next PostSegunda-Feira, XIX Semana iha Tempo Comum" ]
[ [ "19th Sunday in Ordinary Time - Diocese of Dili > NOTÍCIAS> REFLEXAO (REFLEXION) HAU MAK AIHAN MORIS LOLOS NIAN BE TUUN MAI HUSI LALEhan, EM NE'E HAN AIHAAN HAU SEIA LA HEMLAHA TAN La Hamrok Tan Nia Seia la Mate tan Maiu Sei Moris Ba Nafatin." ], [ "My dear brothers and sister, among the natural aspects that make a person live there is one which we must do." ], [ "But as God speaks directly to us about this life he says that indeed by our nature we require food for living but not only the fruit, a person also needs his futer word of god which has power over him and sustain its lives until eternity." ], [ "Thus Jesus said, \"Man shall not live by food alone but also through the word of God.\"" ], [ "God's last word of this Sunday shows us the truth." ], [ "The first reading in Elijah’s experience shows us that we human being need food to sustain our bodies which is actually a matter." ], [ "When food is lacking, the body becomes weak and has no power to live or do what it needs in life." ], [ "When Elijah carried out his mission after God asked him to go up Mount Horeb, he prayed that the Lord would bring an end soon enough in this life because of its weakness." ], [ "Elias feels weak because work is hard and difficulties are far away." ], [ "But God did not let him die of hunger, but gave to eat the fruits from his tree and His words which He spoke unceasingly." ], [ "So God strengthened Elijah, and gave him power again so that he could continue his mission." ], [ "Our Lord Jesus Christ in the gospel makes us understand more clearly LIALOS about our human life which fundamentaly does not live only by food but also lives because of God's final word." ], [ "He said, \"I am the tree of life which came down from heaven: whosoever shall eat thereof will not hunger any more nor be weary again; neither should he die but have everlasting Life.\"" ], [ "For your ancestors ate the fruit on dry land and died; but whoever eats of that tree, which I will give him from my flesh shall not die anymore But live for ever." ], [ "Brothers and sisters, today God has revealed Himself to us in the death of His Son." ], [ "THE ONE WHO MORE FOR US IS JESUS CHRIST IN THIS LIVING." ], [ "THE SAME JESUS CHRIST WHO SAYED, \"I AM THAT LOVELESS FRUIT WHICH DOES NOT TURN TO BLACK; AND WHEN A MAN HANDS OF IT I SHALL BE HELD IN LIFE FOR EVERYDAY. He who eats of this fruit will not be sick nor suffer any diseases and he shall never die or have a long life.\"" ], [ "The Lord Jesus' funeral speech confirmed what he had said before that \"NO ONE MORIS DEIT HODI AIHAN MAIBE MOSA TAMBA MAROMAK NINIA FUTAR LIAFUAN BE MAIKA HUSI Maromak.\"" ], [ "In Jesus Christ Himself we receive the true food which His own flesh gave us to suffer until death on a cross and We get God's living Word that existed from before time with him, so this word is what makes all things come into being." ], [ "Evangelista São João begins his gospel revealing to us this beautiful word by saying: \"HORI ULUK KEDAS LIAFUAN IHA NANIS, Liafuan horik nanis HO MAROMAK." ], [ "IHA NI MAK MORIS ...." ], [ "LIAFUAN NE'E HALO-AN TIHA BA EMA NO HORIK HA’U LEET." ], [ "Dear brothers and sister, too often we have experienced that while thinking about the truth of this world from our human understanding alone - not fully living in it as Jesus has revealed to us." ], [ "We have always thought that we live because of food, or there is a source for us to eat every day. But today it’s also clearly shown by the fact which has been proven in many cases: Food can corrupt our lives and cause illnesses; It causes hatred amongst each other as well As anxiety between one another And does not make you love your fellow human being like God would do with His children!" ], [ "We have forgotten the other essence of life that Jesus told us about ourselves as living beings and God' s Last Word spoke to them every day." ], [ "We live not only for food but also because of God's Word." ], [ "We cannot have true life if we give our lives to food alone and not also the Word of God which gives all things their liveliness." ], [ "When we live our lives for food alone, that is to say when you dedicate yourself in the struggles of life only with everyday sustenance and eating. You don't care about human value which comes from God speaking through us day by Day 10" ], [ "Our greatest concerns are given to things that can strengthen or delight our body and not this matter." ], [ "But when we live this life, then also because God's word is true that if you listen to Him and do what He asks of us. You will be living with him in the end!" ], [ "Such a way of living shows in concrete ways that God's word is speaking to us every day, and we must live accordingly. Today St Paul tells the second reading: \"Let go from you your wrathfulness; ye shall not be greedy with one another or harsh-spoken against each other nor hate any man for his brother... but seek only good pleasure amongst all men by being kind unto them who are like him ... seeking loving others as Jesus Christ also did our Lord so he gave Himself up on His own account before Allah (Please read this verse again) which will give life.\"" ], [ "God also asks us to live like this, not just because of food." ], [ "Today a new phenomenon is emerging in our society that food not only gives people the power to live but it can also make them sick, cause suffering and prevent life from being lived with love or peace as God has asked us." ], [ "This reality arises because of our love for one another, we eat unmeasuredly and do not share with each other. We don't think about others; want everything only to usself: give all the life that is in it just as food rather than God’s word too!" ], [ "This reality also arises because we do not seek the real food in our lives." ], [ "The true food of our life is from Jesus Christ." ], [ "The food that Jesus Christ gave us is not like ordinary meals which can also bring suffering and illnesses to our lives as we do today." ], [ "The food that Jesus gave to us does not bring disease, it doesn't cause suffering or death but gives life." ], [ "Give us a life full of good health in our body and mind, showing it through the living with true love." ], [ "For there is abundant joy and happiness for each one of us, as well to all people." ], [ "My dear brothers and sister, this true food is the Body of Jesus Christ who gives us his flesh for a place in our Eucharist." ], [ "There Jesus gave his body and blood of the cross for us." ], [ "Whoever believes and eats from the tree will indeed obtain life, even for ever." ], [ "Our Lord Jesus Christ said, \"I am the way and truth." ], [ "Therefore brothers and sister, let us seek to love the Eucharist in our daily lives so that we may not be deprived of this food which can give good life forever." ], [ "Amen.Amen!" ], [ "House of Dom." ], [ "Jaime Garcia Goulart, Dili Sunday 19th Year B (B), August." ], [ "Next PostMonday 19th Week in Ordinary Time (B) – Sunday of the Twenty-First Month" ] ]
MKAE husu kompañia fornesedór Cesta Bázika submete dokumentu prosesa pagamentu | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste\nVARANDA EKONOMIA MKAE husu kompañia fornesedór Cesta Bázika submete dokumentu prosesa pagamentu\nMKAE husu kompañia fornesedór Cesta Bázika submete dokumentu prosesa pagamentu\nDILI, 28 janeiru 2021 (TATOLI)–Ministru Koordenadór Asuntu Ekónomiku, Joaquim Amaral, hateten Governu foti ona desizaun atubele halo pagamentu ba empreza fornesedór no distribuidór hamutuk 173, ne’ebé ezekuta ona kontratu ba programa Cesta Bázika.\n“Ita halo ona desizaun, tanba ne’e husu empreza sira bele submete dokumentu ba ministériu implementádor sira atu husu Ministériu Finansa prosesa pagamentu ba empreza sira ne’ebé kontribui ona iha programa Cesta Bázika,” Ministru Joaquim Amaral, informa iha Palásiu Governu, kuarta ne’e.\nGovernu halo ona pagamentu ba empreza balun iha faze dahuluk, ne’ebé fornese no distribui ona produtu ba komunidade sira.\nTotál orsamentu ba programa Cesta Bázika hamutuk millaun $71, ne’ebé ekivalente ho totál populasaun hamutuk milaun 1,3, maibé hafoin simu lista atuál husi Ministériu Adminsitrasaun Estatál (MAE) totál populasaun sa’e ba millaun 1,5 ne’ebé orsamentu ba programa ne’e hasa’e ba millaun $82.\nMaski nune’e, Governante ne’e rekoñese populasaun iha postu administrativu balun seidauk asesu ba Cesta Bázika tanba kompañia balun seidauk hala’o atividade.\nTuir mekanizmu ne’ebé fó sai husi ministériu implementadór, katak empreza ne’ebé ezekuta ona kontratu bele hatama ona dokumentu atu prosesa nia pagamentu.\n“Empreza ne’ebé halo hotu ona, ka halo seidauk hotu bele hatama dokumentu ka relatóriu atu bele halo pagamentu tuir kontratu ho ministériu implementadór sira. Empreza ne’ebé distribui ona 20% bele hatama ona dokumentu ka relatóriu atu halo pagamentu ba 10%,” nia akresenta.\nNune’e, Ministériu Koordenadór Asuntu Ekonómiku (MKAE) mós husu ba kontratór sira atu koopera di’ak ho entidade kompetente sira atubele fasilita prosesu administrasaun hodi labele difikulta parte ida husi kontratu ezekusaun programa Cesta Bázika.\nMKAE mós enkoraja ministériu implementadór sira atu kolabora ho kontratór sira rezolve prosesu administrasaun hodi programa rekuperasaun ekonómika ne’e kontinua la’o to’o tempu determinadu.\n“Distirbuisaun ho kontratu sira ne’e la’ós MKAE mak halo, maibé ministériu implementadór ida-idak mak halo kontratu ho tipu ajudikasaun direta ho kompañia hamutuk 173,” Ministru Joaquim relata.\nTuir planu distribuisaun produtu Cesta Bázika sei ramata iha fulan-fevereiru nia laran.\nMinistériu implementadór iha programa ne’e maka hanesan Gabinete MKAE, Ministériu Turizmu, Komérsiu no Indústria (MTKI, Ministériu Agrikultura no Peska, Sekretaria Estadu Kooperativa (SEKoop), Sekretaria Estadu Ambiente (SEA) inklui Autoridade Rejiaun Administrativa Espesiál Oé-cusse Ambeno (RAEOA).\nPrevious articleEvita forma naruk, BNCTL promete atribui kartaun ATM ba idozu\nNext article2020, AIFAESA kontribui reseita $79.000
[ "MKAE husu kompania fornesedor Cesta Bazika submete dokumentu prosesa pagamentu | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA EKONOMIA MKAE husu kompania fornesedor Cesta Bazika submete dokumentu prosesa pagamentu MKAE husu kompania fornesedor Cesta Bazika submete dokumentu prosesa pagamentu DILI, 28 janeiru 2021 (TATOLI) -Ministru Koordenador Asuntu Ekonomiku, Joaquim Amaral, hateten Governu foti ona desizaun atubele halo pagamentu ba empreza fornesedor no distribuidor hamutuk 173, ne'ebe ezekuta ona kontratu ba programa Cesta Bazika.", "\"Ita halo ona desizaun, tanba ne'e husu empreza sira bele submete dokumentu ba ministeriu implementador sira atu husu Ministeriu Finansa prosesa pagamentu ba empreza sira ne'ebe kontribui ona iha programa Cesta Bazika,\" Ministru Joaquim Amaral, informa iha Palasiu Governu, kuarta ne'e.", "Governu halo ona pagamentu ba empreza balun iha faze dahuluk, ne'ebe fornese no distribui ona produtu ba komunidade sira.", "Total orsamentu ba programa Cesta Bazika hamutuk millaun $71, ne'ebe ekivalente ho total populasaun hamutuk milaun 1,3, maibe hafoin simu lista atual husi Ministeriu Adminsitrasaun Estatal (MAE) total populasaun sa'e ba millaun 1,5 ne'ebe orsamentu ba programa ne'e hasa'e ba millaun $82.", "Maski nune'e, Governante ne'e rekonese populasaun iha postu administrativu balun seidauk asesu ba Cesta Bazika tanba kompania balun seidauk hala'o atividade.", "Tuir mekanizmu ne'ebe fo sai husi ministeriu implementador, katak empreza ne'ebe ezekuta ona kontratu bele hatama ona dokumentu atu prosesa nia pagamentu.", "\"Empreza ne'ebe halo hotu ona, ka halo seidauk hotu bele hatama dokumentu ka relatoriu atu bele halo pagamentu tuir kontratu ho ministeriu implementador sira.", "Empreza ne'ebe distribui ona 20% bele hatama ona dokumentu ka relatoriu atu halo pagamentu ba 10%,\" nia akresenta.", "Nune'e, Ministeriu Koordenador Asuntu Ekonomiku (MKAE) mos husu ba kontrator sira atu koopera di'ak ho entidade kompetente sira atubele fasilita prosesu administrasaun hodi labele difikulta parte ida husi kontratu ezekusaun programa Cesta Bazika.", "MKAE mos enkoraja ministeriu implementador sira atu kolabora ho kontrator sira rezolve prosesu administrasaun hodi programa rekuperasaun ekonomika ne'e kontinua la'o to'o tempu determinadu.", "\"Distirbuisaun ho kontratu sira ne'e la'os MKAE mak halo, maibe ministeriu implementador ida-idak mak halo kontratu ho tipu ajudikasaun direta ho kompania hamutuk 173,\" Ministru Joaquim relata.", "Tuir planu distribuisaun produtu Cesta Bazika sei ramata iha fulan-fevereiru nia laran.", "Ministeriu implementador iha programa ne'e maka hanesan Gabinete MKAE, Ministeriu Turizmu, Komersiu no Industria (MTKI, Ministeriu Agrikultura no Peska, Sekretaria Estadu Kooperativa (SEKoop), Sekretaria Estadu Ambiente (SEA) inklui Autoridade Rejiaun Administrativa Espesial Oe-cusse Ambeno (RAEOA).", "Previous articleEvita forma naruk, BNCTL promete atribui kartaun ATM ba idozu Next article2020, AIFAESA kontribui reseita $79.000" ]
[ [ "MKAE asks Cesta Bazika supplier company to submit payment processing documents | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA EKONOMIA Ministry of Economic Affairs and Trade (MEAET) requests basic grocery basket supplying companies submit documentation for the processed payout Dili, January.28th - Minister Coordinating Economic Issues Joaquim Amaral said that Government has taken a decision so it can pay out totally $173 million in compensation money towards suppliers/distributors who have already completed their contractual obligations under Basic Groceries Box Program(CBS)." ], [ "\"We have already made a decision, so we ask companies to submit documents for the implementing ministries and request that Ministry of Finance process payments towards those businesses which contributed in this Basic Food Basket program\", Minister Joaquim Amaral said at Government Palace on Tuesday." ], [ "The government has made payments to some companies in the first phase, which have already supplied and distributed products among communities." ], [ "The total budget for the Basic Basket program was $71 million, which is equivalent to a population of 2.3 millions but after receiving an updated list from MAE (Ministry Of State Administration) with more than one and half billion people who are eligible it has been raised upto US$80-millions" ], [ "Nevertheless, the Governor acknowledged that people in some administrative posts do not have access to a basic basket because certain companies are still operating." ], [ "According to the mechanism provided by implementing ministries, companies that have executed contracts can submit documents for processing their payment." ], [ "\"Companies that have completed, or not yet done all of the work can submit documents and reports to be paid accordingly with implementing ministrie." ], [ "Companies that have already distributed 20% can now submit documents or reports to make payment for the remaining,\" he added." ], [ "Thus, the Ministry of Coordination for Economic Affairs (MKAE) also asked contractors to cooperate well with competent entities in order To facilitates administrative processes so as not difficult part one from a Contract implementations Basic basket program." ], [ "MKAE also encourages the implementing ministries to collaborate with contractors in resolving administrative process so that this economic recovery programme can continue until a specified time." ], [ "\"The distribution of these contracts is not done by the Ministry, but each implementing ministry makes a direct award with 173 companies\", said Minister Joaquim." ], [ "According to the Basic Food Basket distribution plan, it will be completed in February." ], [ "The implementing ministries in this programme are the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Tourism and Commerce (MTKI), Ministerial Office for Economic Cooperation with Other Countries - MKAE; Ministério da Agricultura e Pesca (\"Ministry Of Agriculture And Fisheries\"), State Secretariat on Co-operatives \"Secoop\",\"State Secretary to Environment\"." ], [ "PreviousAvoid long forms, BNCTL pledges to allocate ATM cards for the elderly Next article2019 AIFAESA contributed $78.5 million in revenue" ] ]
Orthopedic – Centro Nacional de Reabilitação\nDepartamentu Ortoprotezia nian nia knaar maka ne´e:\nProdúz, adapta no aplika próteze no ortóteze ba utente sira ho Problema fisiku atu falisita ninia reabilitasaun no insersaun sosioprofisionál ne´ebé afeita nia kualidade moris;\nHala´o treinamentu ho utente atu haree ninia adaptasaun ba próteze no ortóteze sira;\nPartisipa iha nível industriál iha investigasaun materiál sira foun, komponente no téknika sira;\nKompila dádus no prepara relatóriu estatístiku kona ba servisu sira ne´ebé fó husi departamentu.\nServisu Prostétiku no Ortotéziku (P&O)\nOrtoprotéziku mak tékniku ne´ebé nia knaar mak estuda, dezenvolve, adapta no aplika dispozitivu biomekániku sira ba utente sira ne´ebé iha amputasaun ou lahia membru isin lolon sira tansa fatór konjénitu sira (próteze/ortóteze) ka defisiénsia funsionál tomak ou parsiál (ortóteze), atu fasilita ninia reabilitasaun durante nia tratamentu no bele hetan iha moris sosio-profisionál di´ak liu\nLiuhosi diagnóstiku individualizadu ba utentes no mós fó konsellu no adaptasaun kona-ba apoiu tékniku sira ho objetivu atu adapta servisu nia fatin. Hanesan redúz ou hamenus obstákulu fíziku no arkitektóniku tuir ninia defisiénsia.Tékniku ortoprotesia iha kompeténsia atu sukat, deseña no fabrika próteze no ortóteze sira, ho objetivu hadi´a múskulu ne´ebé paralizadu, hatún moras, previne progresu mudánsa balun iha nível ortopédiku, ka troka parsiál ka tomak ba membru ida ka liu tan.\nProdutu Apoiu (Tulun téknika)\nOfisina ba ortoprotezia dezenvolve prótese no ortóteze nomos ekipamentu sira seluk atu hadi´a kualidade intervensaun reabilitasaun ba Ema Ho Defisiénsia.\nDezenvolve ortóteze nia funsaun mak corije modifikasaun morfolójiku ba membru ida ou parte husi membro ne’e, ou defisiénsia ba funsaun ida. Ema ho problema saúde hanesan poliomielítiku, hemipléjiku no eskoliótiku mak uza ona aparellu ortóteze sira-nian ne´ebé prepara iha CNR.\nOfisina ba ortoprotezia\nOrtoprotéziku mak tékniku ne´ebé nia knaar mak estuda, dezenvolve, adapta no aplika dispozitivu biomekániku sira ba utente sira ne´ebé iha amputasaun ou lahia membru isin lolon sira tansa fatór konjénitu sira (próteze/ortóteze) ka defisiénsia funsionál tomak ou parsiál (ortóteze), atu fasilita ninia reabilitasaun durante nia tratamentu no bele hetan iha moris sosio-profisionál di´ak liu.\nLiu hosi diagnóstiku individualizadu ba utentes no mós fó konsellu no adaptasaun kona-ba apoiu tékniku sira ho objetivu atu adapta servisu nia fatin. Hanesan redúz ou hamenus obstákulu fíziku no arkitektóniku tuir ninia defisiénsia.Tékniku ortoprotesia iha kompeténsia atu sukat, deseña no fabrika próteze no ortóteze sira, ho objetivu hadi´a múskulu ne´ebé paralizadu, hatún moras, previne progresu mudánsa balun iha nível ortopédiku, ka troka parsiál ka tomak ba membru ida ka liu tan.\nIha ortóteze loos ne´ebé prepara iha servisu ortoprotezia nian, hanesan ezemplu:\n· ortóteze ba liman;\n· ortóteze ba liman-humur no liman;\n· ortóteze ba liman-humur, liman no liman-fuan;\n· ortóteze ba liman-sikun, liman-humur no liman;\n· ortóteze para o kabaas, liman-sikun, liman-humur no liman.\nServisu ofisina ba Ortoprotesia nia funsaun halo produsaun, distribusaun no manutensaun próteze no ortóteze oioin, inklui fó sesaun tempu terapia hanesan prosesu reabilitasaun nain antes, durante no depois ba utentes ne’ebe hetan tratamentu iha Centro Nacional de Reabilitação.\nEkipa servisu ba Próteze no Ortóteze (P&O)/ Ortoprotezia kompostu hosi tékniku no asistente ba ortoprotezia inklui Chefe Departamentu ne´ebé prodúz próteze no ortóteze oioin ho objetivu hodi fó satisfasaun ba utentes iha nesesidade ninian antes, durante no depois sira nia tratamento iha CNR.
[ "Orthopedic - Centro Nacional de Reabilitacao Departamentu Ortoprotezia nian nia knaar maka ne'e: Produz, adapta no aplika proteze no ortoteze ba utente sira ho Problema fisiku atu falisita ninia reabilitasaun no insersaun sosioprofisional ne'ebe afeita nia kualidade moris; Hala'o treinamentu ho utente atu haree ninia adaptasaun ba proteze no ortoteze sira; Partisipa iha nivel industrial iha investigasaun material sira foun, komponente no teknika sira; Kompila dadus no prepara relatoriu estatistiku kona ba servisu sira ne'ebe fo husi departamentu.", "Servisu Prostetiku no Ortoteziku (P&O) Ortoproteziku mak tekniku ne'ebe nia knaar mak estuda, dezenvolve, adapta no aplika dispozitivu biomekaniku sira ba utente sira ne'ebe iha amputasaun ou lahia membru isin lolon sira tansa fator konjenitu sira (proteze/ortoteze) ka defisiensia funsional tomak ou parsial (ortoteze), atu fasilita ninia reabilitasaun durante nia tratamentu no bele hetan iha moris sosio-profisional di'ak liu Liuhosi diagnostiku individualizadu ba utentes no mos fo konsellu no adaptasaun kona-ba apoiu tekniku sira ho objetivu atu adapta servisu nia fatin.", "Hanesan reduz ou hamenus obstakulu fiziku no arkitektoniku tuir ninia defisiensia.Tekniku ortoprotesia iha kompetensia atu sukat, desena no fabrika proteze no ortoteze sira, ho objetivu hadi'a muskulu ne'ebe paralizadu, hatun moras, previne progresu mudansa balun iha nivel ortopediku, ka troka parsial ka tomak ba membru ida ka liu tan.", "Produtu Apoiu (Tulun teknika) Ofisina ba ortoprotezia dezenvolve protese no ortoteze nomos ekipamentu sira seluk atu hadi'a kualidade intervensaun reabilitasaun ba Ema Ho Defisiensia.", "Dezenvolve ortoteze nia funsaun mak corije modifikasaun morfolojiku ba membru ida ou parte husi membro ne'e, ou defisiensia ba funsaun ida.", "Ema ho problema saude hanesan poliomielitiku, hemiplejiku no eskoliotiku mak uza ona aparellu ortoteze sira-nian ne'ebe prepara iha CNR.", "Ofisina ba ortoprotezia Ortoproteziku mak tekniku ne'ebe nia knaar mak estuda, dezenvolve, adapta no aplika dispozitivu biomekaniku sira ba utente sira ne'ebe iha amputasaun ou lahia membru isin lolon sira tansa fator konjenitu sira (proteze/ortoteze) ka defisiensia funsional tomak ou parsial (ortoteze), atu fasilita ninia reabilitasaun durante nia tratamentu no bele hetan iha moris sosio-profisional di'ak liu.", "Liu hosi diagnostiku individualizadu ba utentes no mos fo konsellu no adaptasaun kona-ba apoiu tekniku sira ho objetivu atu adapta servisu nia fatin.", "Hanesan reduz ou hamenus obstakulu fiziku no arkitektoniku tuir ninia defisiensia.Tekniku ortoprotesia iha kompetensia atu sukat, desena no fabrika proteze no ortoteze sira, ho objetivu hadi'a muskulu ne'ebe paralizadu, hatun moras, previne progresu mudansa balun iha nivel ortopediku, ka troka parsial ka tomak ba membru ida ka liu tan.", "Iha ortoteze loos ne'ebe prepara iha servisu ortoprotezia nian, hanesan ezemplu: * ortoteze ba liman; * ortoteze ba liman-humur no liman; * ortoteze ba liman-humur, liman no liman-fuan; * ortoteze ba liman-sikun, liman-humur no liman; * ortoteze para o kabaas, liman-sikun, liman-humur no liman.", "Servisu ofisina ba Ortoprotesia nia funsaun halo produsaun, distribusaun no manutensaun proteze no ortoteze oioin, inklui fo sesaun tempu terapia hanesan prosesu reabilitasaun nain antes, durante no depois ba utentes ne'ebe hetan tratamentu iha Centro Nacional de Reabilitacao.", "Ekipa servisu ba Proteze no Ortoteze (P&O) / Ortoprotezia kompostu hosi tekniku no asistente ba ortoprotezia inklui Chefe Departamentu ne'ebe produz proteze no ortoteze oioin ho objetivu hodi fo satisfasaun ba utentes iha nesesidade ninian antes, durante no depois sira nia tratamento iha CNR." ]
[ [ "The tasks of the Department are: Produce, adapt and apply prostheses to users with physical problems in order for them facilitate their rehabilitation; Perform training session on user' s adaptations. Participate at an industrial level into researches regarding new materials componential techniques Compile data about services performed by department as well preparation statistic report (in Portuguese) 10th Congresso Internacional de Ortopedia e Traumatologia" ], [ "The Prosthetic and Orthopedic Service (P&O) Orthoprosthetics is a technical department whose tasks are to study, develop adaptation of biomechanical devices for users with amputations or limb loss due congenital factors(proteses/orthesies), total functional impairment as well partial disability in order that they can be rehabilitated during their treatment. Through individualized diagnostic services provided by the service provider we provide advice on adjustments regarding support techniques aimed at adaptating workplace conditions" ], [ "The orthoprosthetic technician has the competence to measure, design and manufacture prosthesis or ortosis with a view of improving paralyzed muscle functionality; reducing disease risk. Preventing progression in some changes at an Orthopaedic level: partial replacement for one limb (or more)." ], [ "Supporting Products (Technical Aid) The Orthoprosthetics Office develops prosthetical and orthotic products as well other equipment to improve the quality of rehabilitation interventions for people with disabilities." ], [ "The function of an orthotic device is to correct a morphological modification in the limb or part thereof, as well As any impairment for one's own purpose." ], [ "People with health problems such as poliomyelitis, hemiplegic and scoliosis have used orthotic devices prepared at the CNR." ], [ "An orthoprosthetic surgeon is a technician whose tasks are to study, develop and adapt biomechanical devices for users with amputations or limb deficiencies resulting from congenital factors (proteses/orthosis) in order that they can be used during their rehabilitation process." ], [ "Through individualized diagnosis to users and also providing advice on technical support with the aim of adapting their workplace." ], [ "The orthoprosthetic technician has the competence to measure, design and manufacture prosthesis or ortosis with a view of improving paralyzed muscle functionality; reducing disease risk. Preventing progression in some changes at an Orthopaedic level: partial replacement for one limb (or more)." ], [ "There are real orthoses prepared in the work of ortoprosthetics, such as: * Orthosis for arm; • Orthosesis to elbows and arms." ], [ "The function of the Office for Orthoprosthetics Services is to produce, distribute and maintain various prosthetical devices including orthotics. It also provides time therapy session as a rehabilitation process before during after treatment at Centro Nacional de Reabilitacao (National Rehabilitation Center)." ], [ "The Prosthetic and Orthopaedic (P&O)/Orthoprosthetics team consists of orthoprotectic technicians, assistant prosthetician-inclusive Head Department who produce various prosthesises with the aim to satisfy users in their needs before during after treatment at CNR." ] ]
Iha Koinesementu Atu Rehabilita Kampu Futebool – STL Online\nIha Koinesementu Atu Rehabilita Kampu Futebool\nDILI-Kampu Futebool neebe lokaliza iha area Kampu Alor, Dili, iha ona koinesementu husi autoridade lokal atu rehabilita hodi halo prepoarasaun ba jogu CPLP iha tinan 2020, oras nee dadaun Sekretariu Estadu Joventude no Desportu (SEJD), maka atu fo apoiu ba rehabilitasaun ida nee.\nTuir Xefe Suku Alcina Carvalho Dos Santos hatete ba STLiha kampung Alor Dili, Sesta (08/09/2017), “iha fulan hirak liu ba SEJD mai informa ona ba ami kona kampu Fotebool KanpungAlor nian hodi hadia atu preparasaun ba jogu Cplp 2020 nian.”\nTanba Jogu CPLP nee Timor Leste mak sai uma nain iha 2020 neebe nia mos kontente nomos agradese ba SEJD tanba kampu Fetebool Kampung Alor nian mos hili ona atu sai hanesan kampu nasional ida ba iha desportu, nee hanesan bele atu motiva gerasaun foun liliu ba joventude sira atu kapasita sira nia talentu ba futebool .\nNomos bele fo vantajen diak ida ba joven sira atu hatudu sira nia talentu iha desportu fetebool nian, nee hanesan atu hadook violensia ida ba iha joven sira nia leet, tanba ohin loron nee joven barak mak gosta hare jogu husi klubu no nasaun sira neebe joga.\nIta nia joven barak mak laiha fali talentu ba jogu desportu tanba ita hare joven barak mak inklina an fali ba iha treinu arte marsiais hodi provoka malu too baku malu no asaltu malu too balun mate, ida nee mak ohin loron akontese hela iha ita nia nasaun nee,” nia dehan.\nNunee mos Xefi Aldeia 01 suku kampung Alor Estela Aleixo hateten nee los duni xefi suku mos fo hatene onaba xefi aldeia sira neebe mak iha suku kampung Alor kona ba kampu Fetebool KanpungAlor atu hadia husi Sekretariu Estadu Joventude no Desportu hodi prepara ba iha jogu CPLP nian iha 2020.\nAutoridade lokal sira tur hamutuk hodi ba fo hatene komunidade sira neebe mak hela besik iha resintu kampu nian nee atu bele hatene sekarik governu tun mai atu hadia nee sira hatene ona para labele mosu deskriminasaun no problema komunidade sira entre xefe aldeia no xefe suku nomos ho governu.\nUma kain neebe mak atu hetan muda mak iha uma lima mak tur iha kampu Fetebool kampungAlor nia soring nee atu hetan muda neebe ami ba fo hatene tiha ona ba komunidade sira, neebe sira mos mos prontu atu sai maibe governu tenki halo ganti rugi ba sira hanesan osan hodi bele sira buka fali rai seluk hodi sosa halo sira nia uma.\nIha fatin hanesan komunidade Ernestina da Gama neebe mak hela besik iha resintu kampu futebol nee informa ba jornalista sira katak, prontu atu kopera ho governu tambe nee importante tebes ba nasaun hodi bele halo dezenvolvimentu diak ba rai ida nee. bainhiragovernu husu atu dezenvolve tenke entrega maibe husu ba governu mos keta haluhan ema direitu hanesan ema Timoroan ida iha Nasaun ida nee,\nNia akresenta katak, bainhira governu prepara fila fali fatin ida ba neebe diak ka governu fo deit osan mos sira prontu atu sai husi nee tamba ida nee estadu no ema hotu nia obrigasaun para atu dezenvolve nasaun ida nee ba oin.\nIha nee estudante mak barak hela iha area ida nee, no iha fatin ida nee uma kain lima mak hela besik iha kampu nee tanba, antes atu konstrui uma iha fatin nee sira hetan autorizasaun husi parte autoridade lokal aldeia no suku Kampung Alor.\nRehabilitasaun Ba Kampu Futebool\nKomunidade Kampung Alor Preokupa Ba Rehabilitasaun Kampu Futeboll neebe lokaliza iha Area kampung Alor, tanba tauk joventude sira aai fali bainaka iha sira nia Kampu refere.\nXefe suku Kampung Alor Alcina Carvalho dos Santos ba STL iha nia knar fatin Sesta(08/09/17) katak fulan ida liu ba Sekretariu Estadu Juventude no Desportu promesa katak kampu nee sei hadia no iha loron 31 fulan outubru husi parte SEJd hatoo ona dokumentus mai iha parte suku hodi halo rehabilitasaun ba Kampu Futebool.\nAmi mos sente kontente tanba durante ne’e juventude barak iha talentu ba iha desportu maibe, no laos suku Kampu Alordeit iha perguntas mak, joventude sira sai fali bainaka ba kampu nee, tanba halo ona rehabailitasaun nee sai governu nian ga Suku mak jere maibe suku iha Dili laran nee hanesan, Kampung Alor, Comoro Kampung Baru, Bidau Lecidere, Bidau Toko Baru nomos Becora,” dehan Alcina Carvalho ba Jornalista STL iha nia knaar fatin, Sesta (08/09/2017).\nXefe suku nee mos agradese ba parte SEJD tamba bele apoiu ba kampu futebol ida nee para joven neebe mak iha talentu ba iha bola bele aprende no dezenvolve diak liután sira-nia telentu neebe mak iha, tanba rehabilitasaun ba kampu futebool nee parte ida hodi atu ajuda juventude sira para hodi nunee bele reduz juventude sira nia hanoin konflitu sira.\nNunee mos Xefi Aldeia 01 Estela Aleixo hateten kampu Futebool kampung Alor nee iha ona konesementu atu hadia preparasaun ba Jogu CPLP nian maibe iha nee autoridade lokal ho komunidade sei iha kunfuzaun ba iha kampu nee tanba kampu nee sei hadia semak atu iha direitu ba iha kampu nee hanesan hola parte komunidade KanpungAlor nian ga, ka parte Governu nian.\nTanba iha parte kampu Audian nee komunidade sira neebe hela besik iha neba la tama ba laran bainhira laos jogador neebesira mos lakoi hanesan neba, tanba iha joventude barak hanesan Feto no mane mak iha talentu ba iha despotu.\nIha fatin hanesan komunidade Agustinho Icun neebe mak hela besik iha resintu kampu futebol nee informa ba jornalista sira katak, prontu atu kopera ho governu tambe nee importante tebes ba nasaun hodi bele halo dezenvolvimentu diak liu tan.\nIha nee estudante mak barak hela iha area ida nee, no iha fatin ida nee uma kain lima mak hela besik iha kampu nee tanba, antes sira atu konstrui uma iha fatin nee hetan autorizasaun husi parte autoridade lokal aldeia no suku Kampung Alor. est 3\nPrevious article Komandu Munisipiu Responsabel Ba OPS\nNext article Nasaun 7 La Partisipa Iha Eventu TOC\n4 days ago9:12\n5 days ago9:21\n10 days ago9:29\n10 days ago9:25\n10 days ago9:24
[ "Iha Koinesementu Atu Rehabilita Kampu Futebool - STL Online Iha Koinesementu Atu Rehabilita Kampu Futebool DILI-Kampu Futebool neebe lokaliza iha area Kampu Alor, Dili, iha ona koinesementu husi autoridade lokal atu rehabilita hodi halo prepoarasaun ba jogu CPLP iha tinan 2020, oras nee dadaun Sekretariu Estadu Joventude no Desportu (SEJD), maka atu fo apoiu ba rehabilitasaun ida nee.", "Tuir Xefe Suku Alcina Carvalho Dos Santos hatete ba STLiha kampung Alor Dili, Sesta (08/09/2017), \"iha fulan hirak liu ba SEJD mai informa ona ba ami kona kampu Fotebool KanpungAlor nian hodi hadia atu preparasaun ba jogu Cplp 2020 nian.\"", "Tanba Jogu CPLP nee Timor Leste mak sai uma nain iha 2020 neebe nia mos kontente nomos agradese ba SEJD tanba kampu Fetebool Kampung Alor nian mos hili ona atu sai hanesan kampu nasional ida ba iha desportu, nee hanesan bele atu motiva gerasaun foun liliu ba joventude sira atu kapasita sira nia talentu ba futebool .", "Nomos bele fo vantajen diak ida ba joven sira atu hatudu sira nia talentu iha desportu fetebool nian, nee hanesan atu hadook violensia ida ba iha joven sira nia leet, tanba ohin loron nee joven barak mak gosta hare jogu husi klubu no nasaun sira neebe joga.", "Ita nia joven barak mak laiha fali talentu ba jogu desportu tanba ita hare joven barak mak inklina an fali ba iha treinu arte marsiais hodi provoka malu too baku malu no asaltu malu too balun mate, ida nee mak ohin loron akontese hela iha ita nia nasaun nee,\" nia dehan.", "Nunee mos Xefi Aldeia 01 suku kampung Alor Estela Aleixo hateten nee los duni xefi suku mos fo hatene onaba xefi aldeia sira neebe mak iha suku kampung Alor kona ba kampu Fetebool KanpungAlor atu hadia husi Sekretariu Estadu Joventude no Desportu hodi prepara ba iha jogu CPLP nian iha 2020.", "Autoridade lokal sira tur hamutuk hodi ba fo hatene komunidade sira neebe mak hela besik iha resintu kampu nian nee atu bele hatene sekarik governu tun mai atu hadia nee sira hatene ona para labele mosu deskriminasaun no problema komunidade sira entre xefe aldeia no xefe suku nomos ho governu.", "Uma kain neebe mak atu hetan muda mak iha uma lima mak tur iha kampu Fetebool kampungAlor nia soring nee atu hetan muda neebe ami ba fo hatene tiha ona ba komunidade sira, neebe sira mos mos prontu atu sai maibe governu tenki halo ganti rugi ba sira hanesan osan hodi bele sira buka fali rai seluk hodi sosa halo sira nia uma.", "Iha fatin hanesan komunidade Ernestina da Gama neebe mak hela besik iha resintu kampu futebol nee informa ba jornalista sira katak, prontu atu kopera ho governu tambe nee importante tebes ba nasaun hodi bele halo dezenvolvimentu diak ba rai ida nee. bainhiragovernu husu atu dezenvolve tenke entrega maibe husu ba governu mos keta haluhan ema direitu hanesan ema Timoroan ida iha Nasaun ida nee, Nia akresenta katak, bainhira governu prepara fila fali fatin ida ba neebe diak ka governu fo deit osan mos sira prontu atu sai husi nee tamba ida nee estadu no ema hotu nia obrigasaun para atu dezenvolve nasaun ida nee ba oin.", "Iha nee estudante mak barak hela iha area ida nee, no iha fatin ida nee uma kain lima mak hela besik iha kampu nee tanba, antes atu konstrui uma iha fatin nee sira hetan autorizasaun husi parte autoridade lokal aldeia no suku Kampung Alor.", "Rehabilitasaun Ba Kampu Futebool Komunidade Kampung Alor Preokupa Ba Rehabilitasaun Kampu Futeboll neebe lokaliza iha Area kampung Alor, tanba tauk joventude sira aai fali bainaka iha sira nia Kampu refere.", "Xefe suku Kampung Alor Alcina Carvalho dos Santos ba STL iha nia knar fatin Sesta (08/09/17) katak fulan ida liu ba Sekretariu Estadu Juventude no Desportu promesa katak kampu nee sei hadia no iha loron 31 fulan outubru husi parte SEJd hatoo ona dokumentus mai iha parte suku hodi halo rehabilitasaun ba Kampu Futebool.", "Ami mos sente kontente tanba durante ne'e juventude barak iha talentu ba iha desportu maibe, no laos suku Kampu Alordeit iha perguntas mak, joventude sira sai fali bainaka ba kampu nee, tanba halo ona rehabailitasaun nee sai governu nian ga Suku mak jere maibe suku iha Dili laran nee hanesan, Kampung Alor, Comoro Kampung Baru, Bidau Lecidere, Bidau Toko Baru nomos Becora,\" dehan Alcina Carvalho ba Jornalista STL iha nia knaar fatin, Sesta (08/09/2017).", "Xefe suku nee mos agradese ba parte SEJD tamba bele apoiu ba kampu futebol ida nee para joven neebe mak iha talentu ba iha bola bele aprende no dezenvolve diak liutan sira-nia telentu neebe mak iha, tanba rehabilitasaun ba kampu futebool nee parte ida hodi atu ajuda juventude sira para hodi nunee bele reduz juventude sira nia hanoin konflitu sira.", "Nunee mos Xefi Aldeia 01 Estela Aleixo hateten kampu Futebool kampung Alor nee iha ona konesementu atu hadia preparasaun ba Jogu CPLP nian maibe iha nee autoridade lokal ho komunidade sei iha kunfuzaun ba iha kampu nee tanba kampu nee sei hadia semak atu iha direitu ba iha kampu nee hanesan hola parte komunidade KanpungAlor nian ga, ka parte Governu nian.", "Tanba iha parte kampu Audian nee komunidade sira neebe hela besik iha neba la tama ba laran bainhira laos jogador neebesira mos lakoi hanesan neba, tanba iha joventude barak hanesan Feto no mane mak iha talentu ba iha despotu.", "Iha fatin hanesan komunidade Agustinho Icun neebe mak hela besik iha resintu kampu futebol nee informa ba jornalista sira katak, prontu atu kopera ho governu tambe nee importante tebes ba nasaun hodi bele halo dezenvolvimentu diak liu tan.", "Iha nee estudante mak barak hela iha area ida nee, no iha fatin ida nee uma kain lima mak hela besik iha kampu nee tanba, antes sira atu konstrui uma iha fatin nee hetan autorizasaun husi parte autoridade lokal aldeia no suku Kampung Alor. est 3 Previous article Komandu Munisipiu Responsabel Ba OPS Next article Nasaun 7 La Partisipa Iha Eventu TOC 4 days ago9:12 5 days ago9:21 10 days ago9:29 10 days ago9:25 10 days ago9:24" ]
[ [ "Dili-The Futebool Camp located in the area of Kampu Alor,Dili has already been agreed by local authorities to be rehabilitated as a preparation for CPLP Games 2019. The State Secretariat on Youth and Sports (SEJD) is currently supporting this project with financial assistance from STL Online's Fundo Nacional de Desenvolvimento Econômico e Social - FNDSES" ], [ "According to the Chief of Village Alcina Carvalho Dos Santos told STLiha Kampung Alor Dili, Saturday (08/19 / 25), \"a few months ago SEJD came and informed us about KanpungAlor's Fotebool camp for improvement preparations before Cplp games\"." ], [ "Since the CPLP Games will be hosted by Timor-Leste in 2019, he is also pleased and thankful to SEJD because Fetebool Camp of Kampung Alor has been chosen as a national field for sports. This can motivates new generations especially young people so that they may develop their talent at football (football)." ], [ "We can give a good opportunity for young people to show their talent in the sport of football, it is like reducing violence amongst youths because today many children enjoy watching matches between club and national teams." ], [ "Many of our young people have no talent for playing sports because we see many youth are inclined to martial arts training and provoke each other, beating one another or assaulting the others until some die. This is what happens in this country today,” he said.”" ], [ "Also, the chief of village 01 suku kampung Alor Estela Aleixo said it is true that he also informed to all heads from KampungAlor about Fetebool camp Kanpung Alar which will be renovated by State Secretariat for Youth and Sports as a preparation before CPLP Games." ], [ "The local authorities met to inform the communities that live nearby in order they can know if there is a government coming for improvements. They already knew this so as not discrimination and problems between village chief, township head or community leaders could arise amongst them with their respective municipality officials (government)." ], [ "Five of the houses to be moved are located in Fetebool kampung camp.There is a request for resettlement which we have already made known, and they will also move out but government must provide them with compensation so that it can find other land where their house could builds up on its own footing" ], [ "In the meantime, community member Ernestina da Gama who lives nearby informed journalists that she is ready to cooperate with government as well. It' s very important for our country so we can make a good development of this land whenevergovernment ask us about developing it must be given but also requested from Government do not lose sight people rights like Timorese man and woman within nation; She said if govt prepare back again an area where there are better conditions or only give money they will leave because these things were state obligations which everyone has responsibility on their part towards building up countries forward" ], [ "There are many students living in this area, and five houses live near the camp because before building a house they got permission from local authorities of village Kampung Alor." ], [ "Rehabilitation Of Football Camp The Kampung Alor Community is concerned about the rehabilitation of a football camp located in Kampong Alor area, because many young people are returning to play at their field." ], [ "The head of Kampung Alor Alcina Carvalho dos Santos told STL in his office on Saturday (08/17) that a month ago the State Secretary for Youth and Sports promised to repair this camp. On October 32nd, they submitted documents at village level requesting rehabilitation work be carried out upon Camp Futebool’s site; he said: “We have been working with them since September last year.”" ], [ "We are also pleased because during this time many young people have talent for sports but, and not Kampu Alordeit village has questions is that the youth went back to camp again since it's rehablitation was done by government ga community manage. But in Dili town these communities include Kampung Aloi (Kampung Alor), Comoro kampung baru(kampong Baru) Bidau Lecidere/Bidau Tokobaru no Becora\", Alcina Carvalho told STL journalist at her office on Saturday 08 September2517)." ], [ "The village head also thanked the SEJD for supporting this football field so that young people with talent in ball can learn and develop better through their own skills, because rehabilitation of soccer is part to help youths thereby reducing conflict ideas." ], [ "Also, Chief of Village 01 Estela Aleixo said that the football field kampung Alor has already been agreed to improve preparations for CPLP Games but there is confusion between local authorities and community about this pitch because it will be repaired so they have a right on these grounds as part from KanpungAlor Community or Government." ], [ "Because in the Audian field, communities living nearby do not come into it when players also don't want to go there. There are many young people like girls and boys who have talent for sporting activities here as a result of this situation is that they cannot play football because their parents or grandparents aren’ t willing at all!" ], [ "Agustinho Icun, a local resident who lives near the football field informed journalists that he is ready to cooperate with government. It'd also be important for his country if it could develop better and more efficiently than now:" ], [ "There are many students living in this area, and there were five houses near the camp because before they could build a house on that site permission was obtained from local authorities of villages Kampung Alor. est 3 Previous article Municipal Command Responsible For OPS Next Article Nation Seven Does Not Participate In TOC Event10 days ago9:25" ] ]
partidu balun sei uza patrimonio do estadu no ladun konsidera cne nia servisu - PDHJ - Provedoria dos Direitos Humanos e Justiça\nDili – Tuir ekipa monitorizasaun husi Provedoria dos Direitos Humanos e Justiça (PDHJ) ba aktividades kampanha Eleisaun Parlamentar iha Distrito Baucau nota katak, iha partidu politiku balun ne’ebe hala’o aktividades kampaña ladun konsidera servisu Comisaun Nasional Eleisaun (CNE) tamba wainhira atu muda orariu no fatin kampaña laiha konhesimentu ba CNE Distrito Baucau, tan ne’e susar ba CNE Distrito atu halo observasaun kampaña ne’ebe partidu sira hala’o, nune’e difikulta mos ba PNTL sira hodi garante atividade kampaña.\nEkipa monitorizasaun hare katak iha aktividade kampaña labarik barak mak partisipa maibe tuir sira nia sasin katak labarik sira rasik mak hakarak no la iha ema ida mak obriga sira. Nuneé mos ekipa seidauk dekteta labarik balun partisipa kampaña iha oras eskola tanba kampaña iha semana liu ba hahu iha tempo feriadu ka livre husi prosesu apredisajen.\nEntertantu ekipa monitorizasaun nota katak aktividade kampaña ne’ebe hala’o husi partidu sira sei uza nafatin Patrimonio do Estadu. Hanesan ekipa monitor PDHJ detekta partidu CNRT no KHUNTO iha Distrito Baucau militante no simpatizantes sira sei uza nafatin Patrimonio de Estadu mak hanesan motorizada ho númiru matrikula 2657 utiliza husi simpatizante ou militante husi partido CNRT no motorizada ho númiru matrikula 2503 G utiliza husi simpatizante ou militante husi partido KHUNTO.\nEntretantu iha Distrito Bobonaro ekipa monitorizasaun relata katak kamapaña husi partido PD neébé halaó iha loron 8 Juñu 2012 iha Sub Distrito Balibo, Suco Sanirin, Aldeia Cacun ekipa monitor detekta katak, durante aktividade kampaña milintantes no simpantisantes partidu refere sei utiliza Patrimonio Estadu hanesan motorizada ho númiru matrikula 4736 G, 5657 G no 6096 G.\nNuneé mós iha funsionarius públiku balun mos involve iha aktividade kamapaña.Tuir monitor sira nia hare no observasaun motorizadas no kareta Estadu nian barak maka utilize husi simpatizantes no militantes sira husi partidu seluk tanba kareta no motor balun ema neébé uza hasai tiha xapa motor no kareta hirak neé.\nIha Distritu Aileu wainhira ekipa monitor komfirma ho parte PNTL Distritu Aileu iha loron 6 Juñu 2012, Komandante PNTL Sr. Ludgerio Lay esklarese katak, iha partidu balun wainhira hala,o kampaña iha Distritu Aileu vila uza duni Patrimoniu do Estadu hanesan kareta ne,ebe la uza xapa matrikula ho total 6 no sira diskunfia katak kareta ne,e parese kareta estadu nian, maibé PNTL Distritu Aileu labele halo intervensaun, tanba sira labele tama iha atividade kampaña nia laran.\nNuneé mós kampaña Partidu CNRT nian iha loron 7 Junu 2012 iha Sub Distritu Atabae neébé ho modelu dialogu neé partisipa mós husi funsionariu públiku sira hanesan funsinariu husi Ministeriu Edukasaun Professor nain 1 no funsionariu husi Ministeriu Finansas (Servisu iha Alfandega ema nain 1). PDHJ sei husu lista husi Comissão Fúnção Publiku hodi hatene kona-ba funsionariu publiku hirak ne’ebe husu licensa la ho vensimentu, hodi nune’e PDHJ bele cek antes rekomenda ba Comissão Função Publico hodi foti medidas.\nAlem de neé aktividade kampaña husi partido FRETILIN ba dala 2 iha Sub-Distritu Remexio Distrito Aileu maske militants sira la dun barak maibé kampaña laó ho diák.\nIha sesaun husu no hatan ne’e mosu konflitu ki’ik ida ne’ebe kordenador partidu Fretilin Remexio halo atake ida ba katuas ida ne’ebe iha kondisaun lanu. Tuir ekipa monitorizasaun no hare katak hahalok ne’e ladun di’ak ne’ebe halo hanesan intimidasaun atu komunnidade seluk labele husu perguntas.\nEntertantu kampaña partidu PSD neébé hala’o iha suko Turisai ho modelu kampaña dor to dor neé iha jurkam husi partidu PSD hato’o programa partidu nian neébe mosu liafun provokator, Diskriminativu ba lider partidu seluk no halo intimidasaun hodi dehan ba komunidade katak bainhira komunidade sira la vota ba PSD sira-nia dokumentu veteran nian sei la asina atu hetan pensaun. Monitor sira haktuir Jurkam PSD neé nia lia fuan katak “ imi kuandu la vota ba PSD imi nia dokumentus veteranus ami sei la asina ou aprova” . Tuir Monitor sira nia haree ida ne’e hanesan kampaña atu obriga ema tama iha partidu PSD nuneé mós Jurkam PSD uja liu poder ne’ebe sira iha atu fo presaun ba komunidade tanba jurkam refere Veteranus bo’ot ida nebe mos bele foti desizaun ba asina ka la asina dokumentus veteranus nian.\nPresiza Informasaun Kontaktu Lady Ximenes, ho númiru telemovel 7304260 ou Jóse Tefa ho númiru 735 1412 ou 3331071\nPrevious: feto tl iha progresu\nNext: pdhj sei hatoó rekomendasaun ba ministeriu relevantes kona-ba utiliza patrimonio estado iha kampaña parlamentar
[ "partidu balun sei uza patrimonio do estadu no ladun konsidera cne nia servisu - PDHJ - Provedoria dos Direitos Humanos e Justica Dili - Tuir ekipa monitorizasaun husi Provedoria dos Direitos Humanos e Justica (PDHJ) ba aktividades kampanha Eleisaun Parlamentar iha Distrito Baucau nota katak, iha partidu politiku balun ne'ebe hala'o aktividades kampana ladun konsidera servisu Comisaun Nasional Eleisaun (CNE) tamba wainhira atu muda orariu no fatin kampana laiha konhesimentu ba CNE Distrito Baucau, tan ne'e susar ba CNE Distrito atu halo observasaun kampana ne'ebe partidu sira hala'o, nune'e difikulta mos ba PNTL sira hodi garante atividade kampana.", "Ekipa monitorizasaun hare katak iha aktividade kampana labarik barak mak partisipa maibe tuir sira nia sasin katak labarik sira rasik mak hakarak no la iha ema ida mak obriga sira.", "Nunee mos ekipa seidauk dekteta labarik balun partisipa kampana iha oras eskola tanba kampana iha semana liu ba hahu iha tempo feriadu ka livre husi prosesu apredisajen.", "Entertantu ekipa monitorizasaun nota katak aktividade kampana ne'ebe hala'o husi partidu sira sei uza nafatin Patrimonio do Estadu.", "Hanesan ekipa monitor PDHJ detekta partidu CNRT no KHUNTO iha Distrito Baucau militante no simpatizantes sira sei uza nafatin Patrimonio de Estadu mak hanesan motorizada ho numiru matrikula 2657 utiliza husi simpatizante ou militante husi partido CNRT no motorizada ho numiru matrikula 2503 G utiliza husi simpatizante ou militante husi partido KHUNTO.", "Entretantu iha Distrito Bobonaro ekipa monitorizasaun relata katak kamapana husi partido PD neebe halao iha loron 8 Junu 2012 iha Sub Distrito Balibo, Suco Sanirin, Aldeia Cacun ekipa monitor detekta katak, durante aktividade kampana milintantes no simpantisantes partidu refere sei utiliza Patrimonio Estadu hanesan motorizada ho numiru matrikula 4736 G, 5657 G no 6096 G. Nunee mos iha funsionarius publiku balun mos involve iha aktividade kamapana.Tuir monitor sira nia hare no observasaun motorizadas no kareta Estadu nian barak maka utilize husi simpatizantes no militantes sira husi partidu seluk tanba kareta no motor balun ema neebe uza hasai tiha xapa motor no kareta hirak nee.", "Iha Distritu Aileu wainhira ekipa monitor komfirma ho parte PNTL Distritu Aileu iha loron 6 Junu 2012, Komandante PNTL Sr. Ludgerio Lay esklarese katak, iha partidu balun wainhira hala,o kampana iha Distritu Aileu vila uza duni Patrimoniu do Estadu hanesan kareta ne,ebe la uza xapa matrikula ho total 6 no sira diskunfia katak kareta ne,e parese kareta estadu nian, maibe PNTL Distritu Aileu labele halo intervensaun, tanba sira labele tama iha atividade kampana nia laran.", "Nunee mos kampana Partidu CNRT nian iha loron 7 Junu 2012 iha Sub Distritu Atabae neebe ho modelu dialogu nee partisipa mos husi funsionariu publiku sira hanesan funsinariu husi Ministeriu Edukasaun Professor nain 1 no funsionariu husi Ministeriu Finansas (Servisu iha Alfandega ema nain 1).", "PDHJ sei husu lista husi Comissao Funcao Publiku hodi hatene kona-ba funsionariu publiku hirak ne'ebe husu licensa la ho vensimentu, hodi nune'e PDHJ bele cek antes rekomenda ba Comissao Funcao Publico hodi foti medidas.", "Alem de nee aktividade kampana husi partido FRETILIN ba dala 2 iha Sub-Distritu Remexio Distrito Aileu maske militants sira la dun barak maibe kampana lao ho diak.", "Iha sesaun husu no hatan ne'e mosu konflitu ki'ik ida ne'ebe kordenador partidu Fretilin Remexio halo atake ida ba katuas ida ne'ebe iha kondisaun lanu.", "Tuir ekipa monitorizasaun no hare katak hahalok ne'e ladun di'ak ne'ebe halo hanesan intimidasaun atu komunnidade seluk labele husu perguntas.", "Entertantu kampana partidu PSD neebe hala'o iha suko Turisai ho modelu kampana dor to dor nee iha jurkam husi partidu PSD hato'o programa partidu nian neebe mosu liafun provokator, Diskriminativu ba lider partidu seluk no halo intimidasaun hodi dehan ba komunidade katak bainhira komunidade sira la vota ba PSD sira-nia dokumentu veteran nian sei la asina atu hetan pensaun.", "Monitor sira haktuir Jurkam PSD nee nia lia fuan katak \" imi kuandu la vota ba PSD imi nia dokumentus veteranus ami sei la asina ou aprova\" .", "Tuir Monitor sira nia haree ida ne'e hanesan kampana atu obriga ema tama iha partidu PSD nunee mos Jurkam PSD uja liu poder ne'ebe sira iha atu fo presaun ba komunidade tanba jurkam refere Veteranus bo'ot ida nebe mos bele foti desizaun ba asina ka la asina dokumentus veteranus nian.", "Presiza Informasaun Kontaktu Lady Ximenes, ho numiru telemovel 7304260 ou Jose Tefa ho numiru 735 1412 ou 3331071 Previous: feto tl iha progresu Next: pdhj sei hatoo rekomendasaun ba ministeriu relevantes kona-ba utiliza patrimonio estado iha kampana parlamentar" ]
[ [ "Dili - According to the monitoring team of Provedoria dos Direitos Humanos e Justica (PDHJ) for activities in Parliamentary Election campaigns, it is noted that there are some political parties who carry out their election activity not considering work by National Electoral Commission because when they change time and place campagne do CNE District Baucau haven't knowledge about this. This makes them difficultly observed as well which also create a problem with police forces so guarantee its operational functionality 2018-35" ], [ "The monitoring team observed that many children participated in the campaign activities, but according to their testimony it was because they wanted and no one committed them." ], [ "The team has also not detected any children participating in the campaign during school hours because it started a week earlier, on holidays or free from learning." ], [ "Meanwhile, the monitoring team notes that campaign activities carried out by parties will continue to use Patrimonio do Estado." ], [ "As the PDHJ monitoring team detected CNRT and KHUNTO parties in Baucau District militants will continue to use State property such as a motorized vehicle with registration number #2657 used by supporter or activist of Fretilin party, while another one has register no." ], [ "Meanwhile, in Bobonaro District the monitoring team reported that a campaign by PD party held on June 8th of this year at Balibo Sub-District Sanirin Town Cacun Village. The monitors detected during their activities militant and sympathizing parties will use State property such as motorized vehicles with registration numbers:4736 G;5901G &>&#x2D&nbspand# xFdCfAeBbEaHcJgjYyMlNmRzIiTrUoQvSnVkZqW_uOpLngPXK?/span> likewise there are some public officials also involved to carrying out these activity kamapana! According our observation many state cars were used for political purpose because people who had taken off engine covers from them have now remove it again so they can not be seen anymore" ], [ "In Aileu District, when the monitoring team confirmed with police in that district on June 6th of this year. Police Commander Mr Ludgerio Lay clarified to us there were some parties who used State property for their campaigns such as a car which did not have registration plate numbering six and they suspect it was state cars but we couldn’t intervene because our staff cannot be involved during election activities at any time!" ], [ "Also, the campaign of CNRP on June 7th in Sub District Atabae with a dialogue model was also attended by civil servants such as an official from Ministry Of Education (1 professor) and one employee at Finance Ministerial Office." ], [ "The PDHJ will request a list from the Public Service Commission to know about those civil servants who have applied for non-salary leave, so that it can check before recommending action on them." ], [ "In addition, the campaign activity of FRETILIN party for 2nd time in Sub-District Remexio District Aileu although militants did not come many but Campaign went well." ], [ "During the question and answer session, a small conflict occurred when Fretilin party coordinator Remexio attacked an elderly man who was in poor condition." ], [ "According to the monitoring team, this is not a good behavior and serves as intimidation so that other communities cannot ask questions." ], [ "Meanwhile, the PSD party's campaign in Turisai village with a model of pain to suffering was conducted on jurk by presentation from partisan parties. The program containes provocative and discriminatory language against other Party leaders as well intimidating messages telling communities that if they do not vote for their own veteran documents will be signing them off pension benefits are denial..." ], [ "The monitors said that Jurkam told the PSD \"if you do not vote for us, we will neither sign nor approve your veteran documents\"." ], [ "According to the Monitors, this is seen as a campaign forcing people into PSD party and Jurkam of that time used more power than they have in order put pressure on communities because he referred Veteranus bo'ot who could also take decision about signing or not veteran documents." ], [ "For more information contact Lady Ximenes, on phone number 7304261 or Jose Tefa at telephone numbers: +598- () / -(), fax no.+/-(). Previous articleFemale Tl in Progress Next ArticlePdhj to make recommendations for relevant ministries regarding the use of state asset during parliamentary campaign" ] ]
Jenerál Lere nia intervensaun halo RNDJK adia “manifestasaun” | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste\nVARANDA DEFEZA Jenerál Lere nia intervensaun halo RNDJK adia “manifestasaun”\nJenerál Lere nia intervensaun halo RNDJK adia “manifestasaun”\nGrupu RNDJK halo konferénsia imprensa, Dili, 02 setembru 2020. Imajen/Eugénio Pereira\nDILI, 02 setembru 2020 (TATOLI)– Grupu Rezisténsia Nasionál Defende Justisa no Konstituisaun RDTL (RNDJK) hato’o hikas pedidu ba Komandu Polísia Nasional Timor-Leste (PNTL) hodi adia asaun pasífiku ka “manifestasaun” ba loron seluk.\nGruou RJNDK hasoru malu ho autoridade Polísia iha Komandu Jerál PNTL, Cacicoli, Dili, 02 setembru 2020. Imajen/Eugénio Pereira\nPortavós RNDJK, Angela Freitas, hamutuk ho nia maluk sira, ohin, ba hasoru diretamente PNTL iha Kuartél Jerál, Caicoli, Dili, hodi informa adiamentu “manifestasaun” popular kontra Prezidente Repúblika (PR), Francisco Guterres “Lú Olo”, tanba hetan presaun maka’as husi FALINTIL-Forsa Defeza Timor-Leste (F-FDTL) ne’ebé RNDJK konsidera simu orientasaun husi Xefe Estadu Maiór F-FDTL, Majór Jenerál Lere Anan Timur.\nTuir loloos grupu RNDJK mobiliza povu husi munisípiu 12, inklui povu Rejiaun Administrativu Espesiál Oe-Cusse Ambeno (RAEOA) atu konsentra halo manifestasaun kontra Francisco Guterres “Lú Olo” iha loron 04 to’o loron 18 setembru, tinan ne’e, maibé RNDJK adia hikas ba loron selu tanba presaun direita husi F-FDTL.\nAngela Freitas deklara, razaun fundamentu RNDJK adia asaun ne’e, tanba iha loron 1 setembru 2020, tuku 14:00 Otl, hetan presaun husi membru F-FDTL hodi halo buska “ilegal” ba nia rezidénsia no fó presaun ba ekipa komisaun organizadora ne’ebé halo preparasaun harii tenda iha Kampu Tasi-Tolu, Dili.\n“Hatudu katak, ita nia rain atu aplika ditadura militár, tanba ne’e duni, RNDJK haree no tetu katak, loron ne’ebé ami determina atu halo asaun iha 4 too 18 setembru 2020, ami sei muda fila fali, tanba ho akontesimentu horiseik halo pániku ida ba ita nia povu, tanba ami nia masa iha munisípiu 12 no RAEOA atu tun,” hateten Angela Freitas, liuhusi konferénsia imprensa iha Bairru Grillos, Dili.\nAngela konsidera Komandante F-FDTL Lere Anan Timor nia desizaun hodi hatún espesiál F-FDTL ho kilat taka oin metin serku nia rezidénsia nu’udar asaun kontra lei no kontra regra demokrasia.\n“Jenerál Lere Anan Timor labele hasai deklarasaun ida ho liafuan ‘kesi’ no ‘sama belar’ ida ne’e provoka situasaun, tanba ema iha rai li’ur akompaña ita nia situasaun,” Angela Freitas hateten.\nAngela konsidera situasaun ne’ebé akontese ba nia nu’udar sidadaun hanesan ameasa kontra direitu umanu ne’ebé Organizasaun Nasoins Unidas (ONU) rasik observa hela prosesu demokratizasaun ne’ebé la’o iha Timor-Leste. Tanba asaun F-FDTL ne’e viola K-RDTL artigu 146 kona-ba kompeténsia forsa armada nian no viola artigu 147 kona-ba kompeténsia PNTL nian.\n“Ami sei komunika diretamente organizasaun internasionál atu akompaña ita situasaun ida ne’e,” Angela tenik.\nAsaun F-FDTL ne’e laiha baze legál tanba Tribunál de’it maka iha autoridade atu hasai mandadu kapturasaun ba sidadaun ruma bainhira kontra lei.\nNia hatutan, grupu movimentu defende KRDTL espresa sira nia liberdade tuir KRDTL artigu 42 kona-ba liberdade reuniaun no manifestasaun nian. Tanba ne’e asaun F-FDTL nian ne’e mós viola KRDTL artigu 42.\nNia hatutan, PNTL fó ona autorizasaun tuir lei atu halo manifestasaun husi loron 4 to’o 18 Setembru iha Tasi-Tolu. Tanba ne’e, Angela lamenta tebes F-FDTL nia asaun hodi halo buska ba nia rezidénsia no fó presaun ba membru RNDJK ne’ebé halo preparasaun iha terrenu.\nAngela hatutan, militár halo emboskada ba nia uma hakat liu fali servisu PNTL nian. Tanba tuir loloos labele akontese iha nasaun demokrasia hanesan agora.\nNia hatutan, objetivu prinsipál asaun ne’ebé sira halo hodi hato’o karta petisaun ba PR Lú Olo hadi’a no solusiona krize polítika ne’e.\nPrevious articleRezultadu análiza ba reklamasaun foin 3.910 hosi totál reklamasaun 15.774\nNext articleSidadaun Nova Zelándia rekoñese tama TL atu renova vistu\nrio soares September 2, 2020 at 4:16 pm\nAfinal la brani mais garganta deit iha fatin laiha asaun konkreta
[ "Jeneral Lere nia intervensaun halo RNDJK adia \"manifestasaun\" | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA DEFEZA Jeneral Lere nia intervensaun halo RNDJK adia \"manifestasaun\" Jeneral Lere nia intervensaun halo RNDJK adia \"manifestasaun\" Grupu RNDJK halo konferensia imprensa, Dili, 02 setembru 2020.", "Imajen/Eugenio Pereira DILI, 02 setembru 2020 (TATOLI) - Grupu Rezistensia Nasional Defende Justisa no Konstituisaun RDTL (RNDJK) hato'o hikas pedidu ba Komandu Polisia Nasional Timor-Leste (PNTL) hodi adia asaun pasifiku ka \"manifestasaun\" ba loron seluk.", "Gruou RJNDK hasoru malu ho autoridade Polisia iha Komandu Jeral PNTL, Cacicoli, Dili, 02 setembru 2020.", "Imajen/Eugenio Pereira Portavos RNDJK, Angela Freitas, hamutuk ho nia maluk sira, ohin, ba hasoru diretamente PNTL iha Kuartel Jeral, Caicoli, Dili, hodi informa adiamentu \"manifestasaun\" popular kontra Prezidente Republika (PR), Francisco Guterres \"Lu Olo,\" tanba hetan presaun maka'as husi FALINTIL-Forsa Defeza Timor-Leste (F-FDTL) ne'ebe RNDJK konsidera simu orientasaun husi Xefe Estadu Maior F-FDTL, Major Jeneral Lere Anan Timur.", "Tuir loloos grupu RNDJK mobiliza povu husi munisipiu 12, inklui povu Rejiaun Administrativu Espesial Oe-Cusse Ambeno (RAEOA) atu konsentra halo manifestasaun kontra Francisco Guterres \"Lu Olo\" iha loron 04 to'o loron 18 setembru, tinan ne'e, maibe RNDJK adia hikas ba loron selu tanba presaun direita husi F-FDTL.", "Angela Freitas deklara, razaun fundamentu RNDJK adia asaun ne'e, tanba iha loron 1 setembru 2020, tuku 14:00 Otl, hetan presaun husi membru F-FDTL hodi halo buska \"ilegal\" ba nia rezidensia no fo presaun ba ekipa komisaun organizadora ne'ebe halo preparasaun harii tenda iha Kampu Tasi-Tolu, Dili.", "\"Hatudu katak, ita nia rain atu aplika ditadura militar, tanba ne'e duni, RNDJK haree no tetu katak, loron ne'ebe ami determina atu halo asaun iha 4 too 18 setembru 2020, ami sei muda fila fali, tanba ho akontesimentu horiseik halo paniku ida ba ita nia povu, tanba ami nia masa iha munisipiu 12 no RAEOA atu tun,\" hateten Angela Freitas, liuhusi konferensia imprensa iha Bairru Grillos, Dili.", "Angela konsidera Komandante F-FDTL Lere Anan Timor nia desizaun hodi hatun espesial F-FDTL ho kilat taka oin metin serku nia rezidensia nu'udar asaun kontra lei no kontra regra demokrasia.", "\"Jeneral Lere Anan Timor labele hasai deklarasaun ida ho liafuan 'kesi' no 'sama belar' ida ne'e provoka situasaun, tanba ema iha rai li'ur akompana ita nia situasaun,\" Angela Freitas hateten.", "Angela konsidera situasaun ne'ebe akontese ba nia nu'udar sidadaun hanesan ameasa kontra direitu umanu ne'ebe Organizasaun Nasoins Unidas (ONU) rasik observa hela prosesu demokratizasaun ne'ebe la'o iha Timor-Leste.", "Tanba asaun F-FDTL ne'e viola K-RDTL artigu 146 kona-ba kompetensia forsa armada nian no viola artigu 147 kona-ba kompetensia PNTL nian.", "\"Ami sei komunika diretamente organizasaun internasional atu akompana ita situasaun ida ne'e,\" Angela tenik.", "Asaun F-FDTL ne'e laiha baze legal tanba Tribunal de'it maka iha autoridade atu hasai mandadu kapturasaun ba sidadaun ruma bainhira kontra lei.", "Nia hatutan, grupu movimentu defende KRDTL espresa sira nia liberdade tuir KRDTL artigu 42 kona-ba liberdade reuniaun no manifestasaun nian.", "Tanba ne'e asaun F-FDTL nian ne'e mos viola KRDTL artigu 42.", "Nia hatutan, PNTL fo ona autorizasaun tuir lei atu halo manifestasaun husi loron 4 to'o 18 Setembru iha Tasi-Tolu.", "Tanba ne'e, Angela lamenta tebes F-FDTL nia asaun hodi halo buska ba nia rezidensia no fo presaun ba membru RNDJK ne'ebe halo preparasaun iha terrenu.", "Angela hatutan, militar halo emboskada ba nia uma hakat liu fali servisu PNTL nian.", "Tanba tuir loloos labele akontese iha nasaun demokrasia hanesan agora.", "Nia hatutan, objetivu prinsipal asaun ne'ebe sira halo hodi hato'o karta petisaun ba PR Lu Olo hadi'a no solusiona krize politika ne'e.", "Previous articleRezultadu analiza ba reklamasaun foin 3.910 hosi total reklamasaun 15.774 Next articleSidadaun Nova Zelandia rekonese tama TL atu renova vistu rio soares September 2, 2020 at 4:16 pm Afinal la brani mais garganta deit iha fatin laiha asaun konkreta" ]
[ [ "General Lere's intervention made RNDJK postpone \"manifestation\" | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste HOME DEFENSE Gen. LERE’S INVESTIGATION MAKES GROUP POSTPONED THE “MANIFEST” Officials of the Group hold a press conference, Dili on September (2nd)" ], [ "DILI, September 2nd (TATOLI) - The National Resistance Group to Defend Justice and the Constitution of Timor-Leste has urgently requested that PNTL Command postpone its peaceful action or \"manifestation\" for another day." ], [ "RJNDK cranes meet with police authorities at PNTL General Command, Cacicoli in Dili on September 2nd." ], [ "Image/Eugenio Pereira RNDJK spokeswoman Angela Freitas, together with her colleagues today went directly to the PNTL at General Headquarters in Caicoli (Dili), informing them that they had postponed a popular \"manifestation\" against President Francisco Guterres Lu Olo because of high pressure from FALINTIL-Força de Defesa Timor Leste. The party believed it was receiving instructions by Chief Of Staff Major Gen Lere Anan Timur who is also FDTL chief general staff and commander for national security forces on behalfof Prime Minister Xanana Gusmaos' government acting under his leadership as presidential deputy minister during this time period.\"" ], [ "The RNDJK group was supposed to mobilize people from 12 municipalities, including the Special Administrative Region Oecusse Ambeno (RAEOA) in order for them concentrate on demonstrating against Francisco Guterres \"Lu Olo\" between September fourth and nineteen of this year. But they were forced by F-FDTL's direct pressure into postponing their plans until later that month as a result" ], [ "Angela Freitas declares, the fundamental reason RNDJK postponed this action is because on September 1st at two o'clock p.m F-FDTL members pressured them to make an \"illegal\" search of his residence and put pressing upon a team from organization committee who were preparings for setting up tents in Kampu Tasi Tolu (Dili)." ], [ "\"It has shown that our country is going to apply military dictatorship, therefore RNDJK considers and assesses the day we determined for action on September 4th through Sept.18 of this year as a change back because with recent events it created panic amongst people in Dili' s twelve municipalities\" said Angela Freitaes at press conference held by her party near Grillos neighborhood (Dili)." ], [ "Angela considers the decision of F-FDTL Commander Lere Anan Timor to send special forces with weapon in hand and closely guarding his residence as an action against law, a rule that is contrary for democracy." ], [ "\"General Lere Anan Timor cannot make a statement with the words 'case' and ‘sama belar’ this is provoking situation, because people from overseas are following our state of affairs,” Angela Freitaes said." ], [ "Angela considers the situation that has happened to her as a citizen of Timor-Leste is threatening human rights, which are being observed by United Nations (UN) itself in relation with democratization processes taking place." ], [ "Because the F-FDTL's action violates KDR article 146 on competence of armed forces and violations Article." ], [ "\"We will communicate directly with international organizations to accompany us in this situation,\" Angela said." ], [ "The F-FDTL's action has no legal basis because only a court is authorized to issue an arrest warrant against any citizen when it contravenes the law." ], [ "He added that the movement groups defending KRDTL express their freedom according to article 42 of CRTL on free assembly and demonstration." ], [ "Therefore, the F-FDTL's action also violates article 42 of CRTL." ], [ "He added that the PNTL had given authorization according to law for a demonstration from 4th until September,18 in Tasi-Tolu." ], [ "Therefore, Angela deeply regrets the F-FDTL action to search his residence and put pressure on members of RNDJK who were preparing in field." ], [ "Angela said that the military ambush at her home was more important than PNTL's work." ], [ "Because it shouldn’t happen in a democratic country like the one we have now." ], [ "He added that the main objective of their action was to submit a letter petitioning Prime Minister Lu Olo for improvements and solutions in this political crisis." ], [ "Previous articleResultado análise para reclamações apenas 3.910 do total de reivindicação, que somou a somatória dos pedidos recebidos em todo o ano passado e as expectativas são boas Next ArticleCitizen of New Zealand recognizes entry to the Philippines for renewal visa rio soares September" ] ]
LH Provoka Fokal Poin Distritu 8 Kontrola Governu Iha Distritu – Radio Liberdade Dili – FM 95.8 Mhz\nRadio online – Sosiedade sivil Luta Hamutuk (LH) mobiliza fokal poin mai husi distritu 8 atu hatene lolos knar governu nian ba prosesu dezenvolvimentu nasaun ne’e nomos oinsa prevene korupsaun.\nDiretor ezekutivo Luta Hamutuk Mericio Akara Kuartas, (16/11) iha salao Joao Paulo II Comoro, Dili ba jornalista hateten, objetivu treinamento fokal poin durante loron tolu atu provoka fokal poin sira hodi kontrola didiak governu nia aktividades iha Distritu sira. Treinamentu sai hanesan regular.\nLiu husi meus ne’e atu dudu fokal point bele ba iha ididak nia distritu atu esplika ba povu , oinsa komunidade rasik bele hatene konaba asuntu fundo mina rai, orsamento geral do estado no mos partispasaun komunidade iha prosesu dezenvolviment nasional.\nBenefisiu husi treinamentu ne’e ba partisipantes sira bele hatene riku soin iha rai laran ne’e ba governu ho aloka orsamentu. Kontrolsaun fokal point husi LH ba governu lokal hanesan prevene korupsaun kolusaun nepotismo ( KKN )\n“Hau fo ezemplo mak administardor sira keta fo projeto ba malu entau sira bele hatene oinsa atu husu tuir, tamba saida mak fo projeto ba malu, hodi sira halo relatoriu ba parte component. Objetivo mak governu bele ba treino hodi bele resolve,”Mericio informa .\nMericio esplika tan katak LH nia monitorizasaun iha Timor Leste normalmente problema bo’ot liu mak estrada, tamba kompanha ba hadi sira la iha ekipamentu ne’ebe sufsiente. Lori deit silindru ki’ik ne’e la kleur estrada a’at fali ona.\nProblemas bo’ot liu mak ahi elektrisidade. Luta Hamutuk nia hare iha Timor laran tomak kuaze 60 % ema seidauk asesu ba ahi elektrisidade. Liu husi treinamentu ne’e fokal poin sira ejiji liu mak parte Saude, ezemplu klinika do’ok liu husi povu iha area rurais.\nPartisipante Fokal Poin Distritu Viqueque, Ernesto Miguel dehan, tuir treinamento ne’e oinsa bele hatene didiak planu governu nian no bele konttrola didiak ba governu hodi implementa iha distritu ba prosesu dezenvolvimentu nasional.\n“Liu husi treiamento ida ne’e hau bele implementa iha suku hanesan sidadaun ida , tamba dala barak governu koalia midar iha ibun deit, maibe realidade iha implementasaun la iha alias zero. Tamba ne’e iha futuru hau bele kria ponte ida ho LH atu bele lori povo nia hanoin ne’e iha nasional,”nia konfesa.
[ "LH Provoka Fokal Poin Distritu 8 Kontrola Governu Iha Distritu - Radio Liberdade Dili - FM 95.8 Mhz Radio online - Sosiedade sivil Luta Hamutuk (LH) mobiliza fokal poin mai husi distritu 8 atu hatene lolos knar governu nian ba prosesu dezenvolvimentu nasaun ne'e nomos oinsa prevene korupsaun.", "Diretor ezekutivo Luta Hamutuk Mericio Akara Kuartas, (16/11) iha salao Joao Paulo II Comoro, Dili ba jornalista hateten, objetivu treinamento fokal poin durante loron tolu atu provoka fokal poin sira hodi kontrola didiak governu nia aktividades iha Distritu sira.", "Treinamentu sai hanesan regular.", "Liu husi meus ne'e atu dudu fokal point bele ba iha ididak nia distritu atu esplika ba povu , oinsa komunidade rasik bele hatene konaba asuntu fundo mina rai, orsamento geral do estado no mos partispasaun komunidade iha prosesu dezenvolviment nasional.", "Benefisiu husi treinamentu ne'e ba partisipantes sira bele hatene riku soin iha rai laran ne'e ba governu ho aloka orsamentu.", "Kontrolsaun fokal point husi LH ba governu lokal hanesan prevene korupsaun kolusaun nepotismo (KKN) \"Hau fo ezemplo mak administardor sira keta fo projeto ba malu entau sira bele hatene oinsa atu husu tuir, tamba saida mak fo projeto ba malu, hodi sira halo relatoriu ba parte component.", "Objetivo mak governu bele ba treino hodi bele resolve,\"Mericio informa .", "Mericio esplika tan katak LH nia monitorizasaun iha Timor Leste normalmente problema bo'ot liu mak estrada, tamba kompanha ba hadi sira la iha ekipamentu ne'ebe sufsiente.", "Lori deit silindru ki'ik ne'e la kleur estrada a'at fali ona.", "Problemas bo'ot liu mak ahi elektrisidade.", "Luta Hamutuk nia hare iha Timor laran tomak kuaze 60% ema seidauk asesu ba ahi elektrisidade.", "Liu husi treinamentu ne'e fokal poin sira ejiji liu mak parte Saude, ezemplu klinika do'ok liu husi povu iha area rurais.", "Partisipante Fokal Poin Distritu Viqueque, Ernesto Miguel dehan, tuir treinamento ne'e oinsa bele hatene didiak planu governu nian no bele konttrola didiak ba governu hodi implementa iha distritu ba prosesu dezenvolvimentu nasional.", "\"Liu husi treiamento ida ne'e hau bele implementa iha suku hanesan sidadaun ida , tamba dala barak governu koalia midar iha ibun deit, maibe realidade iha implementasaun la iha alias zero.", "Tamba ne'e iha futuru hau bele kria ponte ida ho LH atu bele lori povo nia hanoin ne'e iha nasional,\"nia konfesa." ]
[ [ "Luta Hamutuk (LH) mobilizes Focal Points from District 8 to learn more about the government' s role in developing this country and how it can prevent corruption. The focus points will be located at a number of localities, including Dili City Council building on Rua da Independência no Bairro de Santa Cruz do Sul - Radio Liberdade Timor-Leste – FM95:10 Mhz" ], [ "Luta Hamutuk executive director Mericio Akara Kuartas, (16/ 20) in João Paulo II Comoro hall of Dili told journalists that the goal for three-day focus point training is to provoke focal points so they can properly control government activities at district level." ], [ "Training goes as regularly." ], [ "Through this project, the focal point can go to each district and explain how communities themselves could be informed about issues such as mine land fund fundings or general state budgeting. They also have an opportunity for community participation on national development processes" ], [ "The benefit of this training is that the participants will be able to identify national wealth for government budget allocation." ], [ "Focal point of control by LH for local government as preventing corruption collusion nepotism (KKN) \"I give an example that administrators do not provide projects to each other so they can know how and ask after, because what project is given one another. They make a report on the component part.\"" ], [ "The aim is that the government can go to training so it could solve,\"Mericio informs." ], [ "Mericio also explained that LH's monitoring in East Timor is usually more difficult on the road, because companies do not have sufficient equipment." ], [ "The small cylinder truck is not the color of a road." ], [ "The biggest problem is electricity." ], [ "Luta Hamutuk finds that almost 60% of the people in Timor-Leste do not have access to electricity." ], [ "Through this training, the focus points are more eager to be part of health care; for example clinic donations go through people in rural areas." ], [ "Participant Focal Point District Viqueque, Ernesto Miguel said that after this training how to know the government's plan and can control it for implementation in district national development process." ], [ "\"Through this treatment I can implement in the village as a citizen, because many times government talks about measure only on their head but reality of implementation is no or zero." ], [ "Therefore, in the future I can create a bridge with HL to take people's ideas at national level\", he confesses." ] ]
Lansamentu Kuda Produtu Bafo Kay Rala iha Manelobas Maubisi\nMaubisi, 6 Fevereiru 2020 - Sekretáriu Estadu Dezenvolvimentu Kooperatíva (Sigla Portugés, SECoop), Arsenio da Silva, Ministru Agrikúltura hamutuk ho Kooperativas, Multi-Sektorál MOKATIL kontinua kuda Bafo Kay Rala iha Suku Manelobas Postu Maubise-Ainaro. Hafoin kuda SECoop ho ekipa kontinua kedas koilleta koto komunidade sira nian.\nHafoin kuda Bafo Kay Rala Sekretáriu Estadu Kooperatíva afirma katak kada tinan-tinan sempre iha ai-han tanba la iha diversifikasaun ba produtu sira seluk. Bainhira kuda iha rai lolon ne'e iha ninia funsaun rua, ida mak satan rai halai no ida seluk mak ita utiliza hotu Bafo Kay Rala tomak hahú hosi nia kain to'o ninia funan. Aleinde bafo iha mós hanesan produtu sira seluk hanesan batar, koto, no seluseluk tan.\n“Ho ida ne'e mak bainhira halo lansamentu hotu, ita sei ba koilleta koto no bainihira iha diversifikasaun ba komunidade sira seluk hodi fornese ba konsumidór sira liu-liu Timor oan tanba durante ne'e ita depende deit ba komunidade ida ne'e mak tinan-tinan sempre hasoru ba ai-han maibé kuandu diversifíka produtu iha rasik no ita sei la susar ba aihan”, dehan SECoop.\nIha tempu hanesan produtór sira senti kontenti ho prezensa Sekretáriu Estadu nia iha sira nia fatin hodi haree direita sira nia produtu hirak ne'ebe mak durante ne'e sira produz nomós rona sira nia difikuldade ne'ebé sira infrenta iha baze.
[ "Lansamentu Kuda Produtu Bafo Kay Rala iha Manelobas Maubisi Maubisi, 6 Fevereiru 2020 - Sekretariu Estadu Dezenvolvimentu Kooperativa (Sigla Portuges, SECoop), Arsenio da Silva, Ministru Agrikultura hamutuk ho Kooperativas, Multi-Sektoral MOKATIL kontinua kuda Bafo Kay Rala iha Suku Manelobas Postu Maubise-Ainaro.", "Hafoin kuda SECoop ho ekipa kontinua kedas koilleta koto komunidade sira nian.", "Hafoin kuda Bafo Kay Rala Sekretariu Estadu Kooperativa afirma katak kada tinan-tinan sempre iha ai-han tanba la iha diversifikasaun ba produtu sira seluk.", "Bainhira kuda iha rai lolon ne'e iha ninia funsaun rua, ida mak satan rai halai no ida seluk mak ita utiliza hotu Bafo Kay Rala tomak hahu hosi nia kain to'o ninia funan.", "Aleinde bafo iha mos hanesan produtu sira seluk hanesan batar, koto, no seluseluk tan.", "\"Ho ida ne'e mak bainhira halo lansamentu hotu, ita sei ba koilleta koto no bainihira iha diversifikasaun ba komunidade sira seluk hodi fornese ba konsumidor sira liu-liu Timor oan tanba durante ne'e ita depende deit ba komunidade ida ne'e mak tinan-tinan sempre hasoru ba ai-han maibe kuandu diversifika produtu iha rasik no ita sei la susar ba aihan,\" dehan SECoop.", "Iha tempu hanesan produtor sira senti kontenti ho prezensa Sekretariu Estadu nia iha sira nia fatin hodi haree direita sira nia produtu hirak ne'ebe mak durante ne'e sira produz nomos rona sira nia difikuldade ne'ebe sira infrenta iha baze." ]
[ [ "Maubisi, February 6th - The State Secretary for Cooperative Development (Portuguese acronym: SECoop), Arsenio da Silva and the Minister of Agriculture together with Multi-Sectoral MOKATIL continue to grow Bafo Kay Rala in Manelobas Village Maubise Post – Ainaro." ], [ "After the horse SECoop and team immediately continued to coilleta cotton communities." ], [ "After planting Bafo Kay Rala State Secretary of Cooperatives states that every year there is always food because no diversification to other products." ], [ "When grown in this soil layer it has two functions, one is to make the ground moist and another that we use all Bafo Kay Rala from its seedling until his root." ], [ "In addition to bafo there are also other products such as cotton, coconut and seluseluk." ], [ "\"With this, when we make all the launching of our products in Timor-Leste and other communities to supply consumers mainly from East Asia because during these years that only depend on community is always faced with food but if you diversify your own product will not be difficult for us\", said SECoop." ], [ "Meanwhile, the producers were pleased with his presence at their premises to see from close up what they have been producing and hear about difficulties that are facing them on a local level." ] ]
FRETILIN sei aprezenta relatóriu KIP ba MP – GMN TV | Grupo Média Nacional - Lori Timor ba Mundu - GMN TV | Grupo Média Nacional\nHome » Politic » FRETILIN sei aprezenta relatóriu KIP ba MP\nBankada Opozisaun FRETILIN, sei kontinua rekolla dadus hodi aprezenta relatóriu Komisaun Inkéritu Parlamentar (KIP) ba Ministériu Públiku (MP) hodi prosesa tuir justisa, tanba konsidera deputadu sira bankada Aliansa Maioria Parlamentar (AMP), boikota relatóriu KIP hodi salva pessoal balun iha projetu 143 ne’e.\n“Bankada Fretilin sei uza nia maneiras própria hodi halibur faktus hotu no informasaun hotu, kona-ba projetu 143 hodi aprezenta keixa ba Ministériu Públiku, atu halo investigasaun kriminal. Ami ezije apresiasaun ba relatóriu husi Komisaun Inkéritu ida ne’e nian, atu nune’e informasaun sira ne’ebé halibur bele sai ba públiku no inísia prosesu ba responsabilizasaun finanseira ho criminal, hasoru sé de’it mak iha investigasaun ne’e identifikadu. Ami mós ezije ba relatóriu ida ne’e, no mós informasaun ne’ebé nia iha, atu enkamiña hotu ba Ministériu Públiku, hodi nune’e bele inísia investigasaun ida mais profunda ho baze iha lei sira ne’ebé vigora iha ita-nia Repúblika Demokrátika de Timor-Leste. FRETILIN sei kontinua dezempeña ami nia funsaun nu’udár partidu opozisaun ida forte no responsavel, hodi tau matan nafatin ba dezempeñu Governu nian ho konviksaun bo’ot liu tan, atu nafatin hamriik hodi defende interese povu no nasaun RDTL nian”, deklara Xefi bankada Fretilin, deputadu Aniceito Guterres iha plenária PN, Segunda (13/05/2019).\nBankada FRETILIN mós konsidera, deputadu sira AMP tenta atu proteje aktus ilísitu balun ne’ebé iha projetu 143 ne’e.\n“Saida mak Prezidente Parlamentu Nasionál halo dadaun, hanesan loos ho saida mak akontese iha tinan 2012, ho Relatóriu Komisaun Inkéritu kona-ba sosa fós. Relatóriu ne’e rasik la lori to’o apresiasaun, nune’e laiha ema ida mak asume responsabilidade kona-ba kazu fós nian.\nOhin, ita sai sasin ba hahalok ida ne’e, dala ida tan relasiona ho projetu 143 ne’ebé ajudikadu diretamente iha 2017, prosesu ne’ebé mai ho indikasaun katak, la kumpri regra ho prosesu aprovizionamentu. Ajudikasaun sira ne’e halo ho povu nia osan, ita seidauk iha informasaun se osan sira ne’e, ho valór liu USD340 miloins, produs rezultadu pozitivu no benefísiu ba povu nia bem estar ka la’e. Osan ne’ebé involve iha prosesu ida ne’e, USD340 milloens, ne’e osan ne’ebé bo’ot. Estrada husi Díli ba Manatuto, ne’ebé ita deve ema nia osan hodi halo, kusta USD40 milloens. Prosesu ajudikasaun ne’ebé Komisaun ida ne’e tenta apura involve osan ne’ebé bele halo estrada hanesan Díli ba Manatuto dala 8. Ne’e duni, relatóriu Komisaun Inkéritu ida ne’e, bele ajuda klarifika buat barak mai ita, ba povu tomak, kona-ba prosesu ajudikasaun ne’e. Ida ne’e duni mak deputadu sira husi bankada Governu nian sempre tenta atu boikota no trava ninia apresiasaun. Deskulpas ka alasan sira ne’ebé Ita-boot sira sempre fó, dehan laiha leitura prévia ba relatóriu ida ne’e husi deputadu AMP sira la serve hanesan justifikasaun ba boikota, ne’ebé ita-bo’ot sira tenta halo”, lamenta FRETILIN.\nLee hotu : Embaixadór RI ho TL koordena realokasaun mate-ruin sidadaun Indonézia durante okupasaun\nBankada opozisaun ne’e mós nota katak, tentativa oi-oin ne’ebé deputadu sira AMP halo, hodi aprezenta asuntu sira laiha relevánsia iha debate, hodi nune’e kria distrasaun. Buat sira ne’e hotu hanesan tentativa oioin atu halo boikote no distrasaun, hodi halo bankada opozisaun fRETILIN deskonfia katak, informasaun sira iha relatóriu ne’e nia laran bele reforsa suspeita kona-ba mal jestaun no violasoens kontra lei aprovizionamentu, ne’ebé vigora.\nFRETILIN mós konsidera bankada apoia Governu laiha interese atu hadi’a sistema boa governasaun, maibé sira hakarak kaer metin sistema ne’ebé benefísia de’it grupu ki’ik-oan sira.\nAniceto afirma, AMP kontra komisaun inkéritu ne’e, hahú kedas iha momentu deputadu sira husi FRETILIN no PD halo rekerimentu atu forma komisaun refere.\n“Momentu ne’ebá kedas, ami hasoru tentativa inisial balun husi meza Parlamentu atu boikota formasaun komisaun inkeritu ne’e, ikus mai konsege forma duni Komisaun Inkeritu, maibé tentativa boikota sira husi meja Parlamentu no deputadu Bankada Governu sei kontinua nafatin to’o ohin loron. Bankada FRETILIN haree ba Meza PN nia desizaun atu la ajenda apresiasaun ba relatóriu ne’e, nu’udár tentativa atu taka falla balun, ne’ebé karik indentifikadu iha relatóriu ne’e, falla sira ne’ebé envolve Estadu no povu nia osan”, relata eis Prezidente Parlamentu Nasional ne’e.\nAniceto afirma, FRETILIN mós konsdira, Prezidente Parlamentu Nasional, Arão Noe Amaral nia justifikasaun hodi la ajenda relatóriu KIP nian, hanesan tentiva hodi taka fallas.\n“Ami rona ona Prezidente nia justifikasaun balu, ne’ebé dehan katak, Komisaun mak la jere tempu ho di’ak. Komisaun iha akta kompleta husi reuniaun Komisaun nian ne’ebé hatudu katak, justifikasaun ida ne’e laiha baze iha faktu. Relatóriu final komisaun nian kompleta ona antes no membru komisaun sira hotu iha loron lima (5), atu lee no fó sira-nia komentáriu, no iha loron ikus ne’e aprovadu iha Komisaun, maske deputadu sira husi AMP la marka prezensa, sein justifikasaun ba sira-nia auzénsia”, relata Aniceto.\nNia hatutan, hafoin halo aprovasaun iha Komisaun maske deputadu sira la kompletu, depois entrega ba PPN, tuir rejimentu haruka.\n“Prezidente nia hahalok ne’e halo ami, no mós povu tomak ne’ebé akompaña prosesu ida ne’e, kestiona ita-bo’ot nia motivu loloos. Ita bo’ot hakarak subar informasaun hodi proteje ema balun?, Ida ne’e in-admissivel iha Estadu Direitu Demokrátiku ida ne’e. Informasaun ne’ebé konsege rekolla, tenki hetan apresiasaun hodi bele identifika, se mak tenki asumi responsabilidade finanseira kriminal”, tenik Aniceito Guterres.\nHatan ba deklarasaun polítika husi bankada FRETILIN ne’e, Xefi bankada CNRT, Duarte Nunes hateten, pagamentu ba projetu 143 sei la depende ba relatóriu KIP nian, ne’eduni KIP la susesu mós sei la iha impaktu ruma.\n“ KIP nia relatóriu ne’e laiha ligasaun ho pagamentu no ezekusaun projetus, ema servisu iha kontratu, Governu iha obrigasaun selu, laiha relasaun ho ida ne’e, sei ministru la selu, ministru mak tenki esforsu para selu, ne’e ema nia direitu, tanba ne’e ita tenki klaru situasaun ne’e. Relatóriu laiha ema la selu ne’e laiha, ema ida nia direitu iha ne’e mak buka para oinsa Governu selu nia, ida ne’e mak loos”, afirma Duarte Nunes.\nTuir Duarte Nunes, sistema kontrolu iha TL ne’e barak tebes, ida mak inkéritu parlamentar ne’e, Tribunal das kontas, no inspesoens barak iha ministériu sira, hodi kontribui atu kontrolu osan Estadu nian.\nTanba ne’e, Duarte Nunes dehan, relatóriu KIP nian kuandu laiha mós, laiha problema ba rai ida ne’e, tanba sei iha kâmara de kontas, hodi tinan-tinan halo relatóri.\n“Karik ita bo’ot sira lafiar kâmara de kontas?, kâmara kontas halo nia relatóriu, no ohin loron ita sei dikute bebeik $246 milloens ne’ebé mak laiha justifikasaun ne’e, ne’e ita haluhan tiha?, ida be ita foin deskonfia ne’e mak lor-loron diskute, lahatene intensaun saída, relatóriu la aprova maibé obriga atu mai iha plenária, ne’e soe rai rahun de’it, sei ita hotu hakarak relatóriu ne’e tau iha ne’e, buka dalan to’ok, karik iha evidénsia ruma, lalika hein relatóriu ne’e, ba direitamente tribunal de’it, tribunal nakloke hela, ida telfone de’it ba MP mós sei prosesa, nusa mak lalori relatóriu ba iha ne’ebá de’it”, katak Duarte.\nRelasiona ho asuntu hirak ne’e, Ministru Reforma Lejislativa Asuntu Parlamentares (MRLAP), Fidelis Leite Magalhães afirma, Primeiru Ministru hamutuk ho ministériu obras públiku inklui parte relevante sira seluk, esforsu hela hodi solusiona situasaun hirak ne’e, nune’e pagamentu ba klasifikasaun hotu tenki la’o.\n“Primeiru Ministru rasik bolu tiha ona KAFI, no ministériu relevante sira hotu, atu haree no define di’ak liu ba projetu 143 ne’e, iha ne’eba klasifikasaun rua ka tolu, balun iha servisu ne’ebé halo sem ninia pursentu bo’ot no iha kontratu, no balun iha persentajen 100% no iha kontratu, balun mós persentajen 100% maibé laiha kontratu. Ne’e duni klasifiksoens hirak ne’e, levanta hotu tiha ona, ADN rasik halo verifikasaun, ne’eduni Estadu no Governu sei halo pagamentu, ita tenki halo pagamentu ba obra sira ne’ebé halo tiha ona, maibé presiza verifikasaun ida loloos, para pagamentu ne’e halo tuir dalan no kobertura legal. Ne’eduni ba emprezáriu sira ne’ebé mak halo ida ne’ebé mak nia kontratu iha projetu 143 ne’e, prosesu pagamentu la’o dadauk ona, sira ne’ebé laiha kontratu mós la’o dadauk ona. Balun rona KAFI enkontru sira tun lalais ho mákina dudu lalais rai mós iha, tanba ne’e Governu tenki verifika lolos, tanba ita ko’alia polítika ne’e di’ak, maibé bainhira falla iha prosesu pagamentu ne’e, dalaruma responsabilidade pessoal, sira ne’ebé servisu konsiente ho ida ne’e”, klarifika Fidelis iha PN.\nAntes ne’e, Prezidente Parlamentu Nasionál Arão Noe Amaral deklara ona, katak, relatório KIP ne’e laiha ona dalan atu kontinua diskute no ajenda ba plenária, tanba komisaun rasik lakonsege aprova iha tempu ne’ebé determinadu, tanba ne’e, relatório refere automatikamente nulu.say
[ "FRETILIN sei aprezenta relatoriu KIP ba MP - GMN TV | Grupo Media Nacional - Lori Timor ba Mundu - GMN TV | Grupo Media Nacional Home \" Politic \" FRETILIN sei aprezenta relatoriu KIP ba MP Bankada Opozisaun FRETILIN, sei kontinua rekolla dadus hodi aprezenta relatoriu Komisaun Inkeritu Parlamentar (KIP) ba Ministeriu Publiku (MP) hodi prosesa tuir justisa, tanba konsidera deputadu sira bankada Aliansa Maioria Parlamentar (AMP), boikota relatoriu KIP hodi salva pessoal balun iha projetu 143 ne'e.", "\"Bankada Fretilin sei uza nia maneiras propria hodi halibur faktus hotu no informasaun hotu, kona-ba projetu 143 hodi aprezenta keixa ba Ministeriu Publiku, atu halo investigasaun kriminal.", "Ami ezije apresiasaun ba relatoriu husi Komisaun Inkeritu ida ne'e nian, atu nune'e informasaun sira ne'ebe halibur bele sai ba publiku no inisia prosesu ba responsabilizasaun finanseira ho criminal, hasoru se de'it mak iha investigasaun ne'e identifikadu.", "Ami mos ezije ba relatoriu ida ne'e, no mos informasaun ne'ebe nia iha, atu enkamina hotu ba Ministeriu Publiku, hodi nune'e bele inisia investigasaun ida mais profunda ho baze iha lei sira ne'ebe vigora iha ita-nia Republika Demokratika de Timor-Leste.", "FRETILIN sei kontinua dezempena ami nia funsaun nu'udar partidu opozisaun ida forte no responsavel, hodi tau matan nafatin ba dezempenu Governu nian ho konviksaun bo'ot liu tan, atu nafatin hamriik hodi defende interese povu no nasaun RDTL nian,\" deklara Xefi bankada Fretilin, deputadu Aniceito Guterres iha plenaria PN, Segunda (13/05/2019).", "Bankada FRETILIN mos konsidera, deputadu sira AMP tenta atu proteje aktus ilisitu balun ne'ebe iha projetu 143 ne'e.", "\"Saida mak Prezidente Parlamentu Nasional halo dadaun, hanesan loos ho saida mak akontese iha tinan 2012, ho Relatoriu Komisaun Inkeritu kona-ba sosa fos.", "Relatoriu ne'e rasik la lori to'o apresiasaun, nune'e laiha ema ida mak asume responsabilidade kona-ba kazu fos nian.", "Ohin, ita sai sasin ba hahalok ida ne'e, dala ida tan relasiona ho projetu 143 ne'ebe ajudikadu diretamente iha 2017, prosesu ne'ebe mai ho indikasaun katak, la kumpri regra ho prosesu aprovizionamentu.", "Ajudikasaun sira ne'e halo ho povu nia osan, ita seidauk iha informasaun se osan sira ne'e, ho valor liu USD340 miloins, produs rezultadu pozitivu no benefisiu ba povu nia bem estar ka la'e.", "Osan ne'ebe involve iha prosesu ida ne'e, USD340 milloens, ne'e osan ne'ebe bo'ot.", "Estrada husi Dili ba Manatuto, ne'ebe ita deve ema nia osan hodi halo, kusta USD40 milloens.", "Prosesu ajudikasaun ne'ebe Komisaun ida ne'e tenta apura involve osan ne'ebe bele halo estrada hanesan Dili ba Manatuto dala 8.", "Ne'e duni, relatoriu Komisaun Inkeritu ida ne'e, bele ajuda klarifika buat barak mai ita, ba povu tomak, kona-ba prosesu ajudikasaun ne'e.", "Ida ne'e duni mak deputadu sira husi bankada Governu nian sempre tenta atu boikota no trava ninia apresiasaun.", "Deskulpas ka alasan sira ne'ebe Ita-boot sira sempre fo, dehan laiha leitura previa ba relatoriu ida ne'e husi deputadu AMP sira la serve hanesan justifikasaun ba boikota, ne'ebe ita-bo'ot sira tenta halo,\" lamenta FRETILIN.", "Lee hotu: Embaixador RI ho TL koordena realokasaun mate-ruin sidadaun Indonezia durante okupasaun Bankada opozisaun ne'e mos nota katak, tentativa oi-oin ne'ebe deputadu sira AMP halo, hodi aprezenta asuntu sira laiha relevansia iha debate, hodi nune'e kria distrasaun.", "Buat sira ne'e hotu hanesan tentativa oioin atu halo boikote no distrasaun, hodi halo bankada opozisaun fRETILIN deskonfia katak, informasaun sira iha relatoriu ne'e nia laran bele reforsa suspeita kona-ba mal jestaun no violasoens kontra lei aprovizionamentu, ne'ebe vigora.", "FRETILIN mos konsidera bankada apoia Governu laiha interese atu hadi'a sistema boa governasaun, maibe sira hakarak kaer metin sistema ne'ebe benefisia de'it grupu ki'ik-oan sira.", "Aniceto afirma, AMP kontra komisaun inkeritu ne'e, hahu kedas iha momentu deputadu sira husi FRETILIN no PD halo rekerimentu atu forma komisaun refere.", "\"Momentu ne'eba kedas, ami hasoru tentativa inisial balun husi meza Parlamentu atu boikota formasaun komisaun inkeritu ne'e, ikus mai konsege forma duni Komisaun Inkeritu, maibe tentativa boikota sira husi meja Parlamentu no deputadu Bankada Governu sei kontinua nafatin to'o ohin loron.", "Bankada FRETILIN haree ba Meza PN nia desizaun atu la ajenda apresiasaun ba relatoriu ne'e, nu'udar tentativa atu taka falla balun, ne'ebe karik indentifikadu iha relatoriu ne'e, falla sira ne'ebe envolve Estadu no povu nia osan,\" relata eis Prezidente Parlamentu Nasional ne'e.", "Aniceto afirma, FRETILIN mos konsdira, Prezidente Parlamentu Nasional, Arao Noe Amaral nia justifikasaun hodi la ajenda relatoriu KIP nian, hanesan tentiva hodi taka fallas.", "\"Ami rona ona Prezidente nia justifikasaun balu, ne'ebe dehan katak, Komisaun mak la jere tempu ho di'ak.", "Komisaun iha akta kompleta husi reuniaun Komisaun nian ne'ebe hatudu katak, justifikasaun ida ne'e laiha baze iha faktu.", "Relatoriu final komisaun nian kompleta ona antes no membru komisaun sira hotu iha loron lima (5), atu lee no fo sira-nia komentariu, no iha loron ikus ne'e aprovadu iha Komisaun, maske deputadu sira husi AMP la marka prezensa, sein justifikasaun ba sira-nia auzensia,\" relata Aniceto.", "Nia hatutan, hafoin halo aprovasaun iha Komisaun maske deputadu sira la kompletu, depois entrega ba PPN, tuir rejimentu haruka.", "\"Prezidente nia hahalok ne'e halo ami, no mos povu tomak ne'ebe akompana prosesu ida ne'e, kestiona ita-bo'ot nia motivu loloos.", "Ita bo'ot hakarak subar informasaun hodi proteje ema balun?, Ida ne'e in-admissivel iha Estadu Direitu Demokratiku ida ne'e.", "Informasaun ne'ebe konsege rekolla, tenki hetan apresiasaun hodi bele identifika, se mak tenki asumi responsabilidade finanseira kriminal,\" tenik Aniceito Guterres.", "Hatan ba deklarasaun politika husi bankada FRETILIN ne'e, Xefi bankada CNRT, Duarte Nunes hateten, pagamentu ba projetu 143 sei la depende ba relatoriu KIP nian, ne'eduni KIP la susesu mos sei la iha impaktu ruma. \"", "KIP nia relatoriu ne'e laiha ligasaun ho pagamentu no ezekusaun projetus, ema servisu iha kontratu, Governu iha obrigasaun selu, laiha relasaun ho ida ne'e, sei ministru la selu, ministru mak tenki esforsu para selu, ne'e ema nia direitu, tanba ne'e ita tenki klaru situasaun ne'e.", "Relatoriu laiha ema la selu ne'e laiha, ema ida nia direitu iha ne'e mak buka para oinsa Governu selu nia, ida ne'e mak loos,\" afirma Duarte Nunes.", "Tuir Duarte Nunes, sistema kontrolu iha TL ne'e barak tebes, ida mak inkeritu parlamentar ne'e, Tribunal das kontas, no inspesoens barak iha ministeriu sira, hodi kontribui atu kontrolu osan Estadu nian.", "Tanba ne'e, Duarte Nunes dehan, relatoriu KIP nian kuandu laiha mos, laiha problema ba rai ida ne'e, tanba sei iha kamara de kontas, hodi tinan-tinan halo relatori.", "\"Karik ita bo'ot sira lafiar kamara de kontas?, kamara kontas halo nia relatoriu, no ohin loron ita sei dikute bebeik $246 milloens ne'ebe mak laiha justifikasaun ne'e, ne'e ita haluhan tiha?, ida be ita foin deskonfia ne'e mak lor-loron diskute, lahatene intensaun saida, relatoriu la aprova maibe obriga atu mai iha plenaria, ne'e soe rai rahun de'it, sei ita hotu hakarak relatoriu ne'e tau iha ne'e, buka dalan to'ok, karik iha evidensia ruma, lalika hein relatoriu ne'e, ba direitamente tribunal de'it, tribunal nakloke hela, ida telfone de'it ba MP mos sei prosesa, nusa mak lalori relatoriu ba iha ne'eba de'it,\" katak Duarte.", "Relasiona ho asuntu hirak ne'e, Ministru Reforma Lejislativa Asuntu Parlamentares (MRLAP), Fidelis Leite Magalhaes afirma, Primeiru Ministru hamutuk ho ministeriu obras publiku inklui parte relevante sira seluk, esforsu hela hodi solusiona situasaun hirak ne'e, nune'e pagamentu ba klasifikasaun hotu tenki la'o.", "\"Primeiru Ministru rasik bolu tiha ona KAFI, no ministeriu relevante sira hotu, atu haree no define di'ak liu ba projetu 143 ne'e, iha ne'eba klasifikasaun rua ka tolu, balun iha servisu ne'ebe halo sem ninia pursentu bo'ot no iha kontratu, no balun iha persentajen 100% no iha kontratu, balun mos persentajen 100% maibe laiha kontratu.", "Ne'e duni klasifiksoens hirak ne'e, levanta hotu tiha ona, ADN rasik halo verifikasaun, ne'eduni Estadu no Governu sei halo pagamentu, ita tenki halo pagamentu ba obra sira ne'ebe halo tiha ona, maibe presiza verifikasaun ida loloos, para pagamentu ne'e halo tuir dalan no kobertura legal.", "Ne'eduni ba emprezariu sira ne'ebe mak halo ida ne'ebe mak nia kontratu iha projetu 143 ne'e, prosesu pagamentu la'o dadauk ona, sira ne'ebe laiha kontratu mos la'o dadauk ona.", "Balun rona KAFI enkontru sira tun lalais ho makina dudu lalais rai mos iha, tanba ne'e Governu tenki verifika lolos, tanba ita ko'alia politika ne'e di'ak, maibe bainhira falla iha prosesu pagamentu ne'e, dalaruma responsabilidade pessoal, sira ne'ebe servisu konsiente ho ida ne'e,\" klarifika Fidelis iha PN.", "Antes ne'e, Prezidente Parlamentu Nasional Arao Noe Amaral deklara ona, katak, relatorio KIP ne'e laiha ona dalan atu kontinua diskute no ajenda ba plenaria, tanba komisaun rasik lakonsege aprova iha tempu ne'ebe determinadu, tanba ne'e, relatorio refere automatikamente nulu.say" ]
[ [ "FRETILIN will present KIP's report to MP - GMN TV | Grupo Media Nacional Home \" Politic\" Fretilin shall submit the Parliamentary Inquiry Committee (KIC) Report To The Public Prosecutor Opposition group of CNRT, FONGTIL and KHUNTO continue collecting data for submission by parliamentarians from Alianza Maioria Parlamentarial Group(AMP), who boycotted CIK’S rapporteur in an attempt at saving some staff members on Project No." ], [ "\"Fretilin will use its own means to gather all the facts and information about Project 143, in order for a criminal investigation of this project." ], [ "We demand an appreciation for the report of this Commission, so that information gathered can be made public and initiate financial accountability processes against those who are identifiable by investigation." ], [ "We also demand that this rapporteur, and all the information he has in his possession be forwarded to Public Prosecutor's Office so they can begin a more thorough investigation based on law of our Democratic Republic." ], [ "FRETILIN will continue to fulfil our function as a strong and responsible opposition party, keeping an eye on the performance of government with greater conviction that we are still committed in defending Timor-Leste's interest\", declared Fretilin Group Leader MP Aniceito Guterres at PN plenary session Monday (13/05) ." ], [ "The FRETILIN Group also considers that the MP of AMP is trying to protect some illegal acts in Draft 143." ], [ "\"What the President of National Parliament is doing now, just like what happened in 2013 with a report by an Inquiry Committee on gas purchases." ], [ "The report itself did not lead to appreciation, so no one assumed responsibility for the fos case." ], [ "Today, we are witnessing this practice once again in relation to the 143 projects directly awarded by procurement agencies for public works and infrastructure contracts from December of last year." ], [ "These awards are made with the people's money, we do not have any information whether these funds worth more than USD340 million produce positive results and benefits for their welfare or no." ], [ "The amount of money involved in this process, USD340 million is a huge sum." ], [ "The road from Dili to Manatuto, which we owe people's money for building cost USD40 million." ], [ "The adjudication process that this Commission is trying to investigate involves money which could make road like Dili-Manatuto for the 8th time." ], [ "Therefore, the rapporteur of this Commission can help clarify many things to us and all people about these procurement processes." ], [ "This is why the MPs from government sides always try to boycott and block its evaluation." ], [ "The excuses or reasons that you always give, saying there was no prior reading of this report by the AMP MP does not serve as a justification for boycotting it." ], [ "Read more: Ambassadors of RI and TL coordinate relocation for Indonesian citizens who died during occupation The opposition group also notes that the various attempt by MP'S to present issues irrelevant in debate, thues creating distraction." ], [ "These are all attempts to boycott and distract, which has led the opposition fRETILIN group of parliamentarians in fear that information contained within this report may reinforce suspicions about mismanagement or violations against existing procurement law." ], [ "FRETILIN also considers that the government-supporting parliamentary groups have no interest in improved system of good governance, but they want to stick with a systems which only benefits smaller groupings." ], [ "Aniceto stated that AMP's opposition to the commission of inquiry began as soon after members from FRETILIN and PD made a request for forming this committee." ], [ "\"At that moment, we faced some initial attempts from the Parliamentary Bureau to boycott formation of this inquiry commission. We eventually managed forming a Commission for Inquiry but these tentative boicot efforts by parliament and Government Group members will continue until today.\"" ], [ "The FRETILIN Group sees the decision of Parliamentary Committee to not put this report on its agenda as an attempt at closing some gaps, which if identified in that Report would involve State and people' s money.\"" ], [ "Aniceto says that FRETILIN also considers the President of National Parliament, Arao Noe Amaral' s justification for not putting on agenda KIP report as an attempt to cover up." ], [ "\"We have heard some of the President's justifications, saying that it was not a good time management by our Commission." ], [ "The Commission has the complete minutes of its meetings which show that this justification is unfounded." ], [ "The final report of the commission was completed before and all members had five (5) days to read it, make their comments on its contents. On that last day we approved in committee although AMP MP' s did not attend without justification for absence\", Aniceto said .\"" ], [ "He added that after approval in the Committee, even if members are not completed then submitted to PPN accordingly." ], [ "\"The President's behaviour makes us, and the whole people who have been following this process question our true motive." ], [ "We want to hide information in order for some people?, This is un-admissible. In this democratic state of law 10" ], [ "The information that has been collected must be evaluated in order to identify who should assume criminal financial responsibility,\" said Aniceito Guterres." ], [ "In response to the political declaration of FRETILIN, CNRT leader Duarte Nunes said that payment for project 143 will not depend on KIP' s report. \"Therefore if we fail in our investigations there is no impact whatsoever.\"" ], [ "KIP's report has no connection with the payment and execution of projects, people are working under a contract. The Government is obliged to pay; it does not have any relation thereto: if minister doesn’t make his contribution he must try its best for him/herself – that was their right - so we should be clear about this situation!" ], [ "There is no reporting that there are people who do not pay, a person's right here to look for how the Government pays him or her. This was true\", says Duarte Núñez.\"" ], [ "According to Duarte Nunes, there are many control systems in the country. One of them is parliamentary inquiry and auditing bodies such as Tribunal das Contaes (Court for Audit), which contribute towards monitoring State money; other institutions include various ministrias that also monitor state funds:" ], [ "Therefore, Duarte Nunes said that if there is no KIP rapporteur also it will not be a problem for this country because we have the chamber of accounting to make report every year." ], [ "\"Why do we go to the chamber of accounts?, it makes its report and today there is a debate about $246 million that has no justification. We have forgotten this thing! Whatever one you disbelieve in everyday discusses what intention was behind all these things; they did not approve but forced us into plenary session which only destroyed our land on earth...we want them here with their rapportories so find an alternative way if any evidence can be found without waiting until those documents are available directly from court or by calling MP who will process everything.\" Duarte said:" ], [ "Regarding these issues, Minister of Legislative Reform and Parliamentary Affairs (MRLAP), Fidelis Leite Magalhaes affirms that the Prime minister together with ministry public works including other relevant parties are working to solve this situation so payment for all classifications must go on." ], [ "\"The Prime Minister himself has called KAFI, and all the relevant ministries to look at this 143 projects better. There are two or three classifications: some have a large percentage of work done without contracts; others with an entire percentage in their hands but no agreement on any kind (contract)." ], [ "Therefore, all these classifications have been made and the ADN itself has verified them. The State or Government will make payments; we must pay for works that are already done but it is necessary to carry out a proper examination so this may be paid in accordance with procedure of legal coverage" ], [ "Therefore, for the entrepreneurs who are doing one of his contract in Project 143 this payment process is already going on quickly. Those without a Contract also go fast now!" ], [ "I am pleased to hear that KAFI meetings are held quickly and there is also a fast-dusting machine, so the Government must verify this because we talk about policy as good but when it fail in payment processes sometimes personal responsibility lies with those who work consciously on these issues\", Fidelis clarified at Parliament." ], [ "Earlier, the President of Parliament Arao Noe Amaral had declared that KIP's report was no longer in a position to continue discussing and putting it on its agenda for plenary session because commission itself could not approve this document within defined time limit. Therefore these documents are automatically void.\"" ] ]
FRETILIN.Media: Sekretariu Geral FRETILIN nian fo benvindas ba Xefe UNMIT foun\nSekretariu Geral FRETILIN nian fo benvindas ba Xefe UNMIT foun\nDili, 7 Janeiru 2010\nHorseik loron 6 Janeiru 2010 Secretariu Geral FRETILIN nian simu Representante Especial Secretariu Geral Nasoens Unidas iha Timor-Leste foun, bainhira nia halo visita kortesia ba residensia ofisial Dr. Alkatiri nian iha Farol. Senhora Ahmeera Haq foin kona ain iha rain Timor-Leste hodi bainrua no horseik hasoru malu kedas ho Presidente da Republika Ramos Horta no tuir mai kedas hasoru malu ho Dr. Mari Alkatiri nudar Secretario Geral FRETILIN nian.\nMaske ida ne’e visita kortesia SRSG foun ne’e ho Dr Alkatiri koalia kona ba asuntu balun ne’ebe importante ba nasaun no povu Timor-Leste.\n“Ami koalia kona ba assuntos neebe bele lori paz, estabilidade no desenvolvimentu iha rai Timor-Leste, liliu oinsa partidu historiku no maioritariu FRETILIN sempre pronto hodi uluk kedas atu fo kontribuisaun ba pas, estabilidade no desenvolvimentu iha ita nia rain,” temi Dr. Alkatiri.\nDurante reuniaun Senhora Ahmeera Haq hatete ba Dr. Alkatiri katak “povu no nasaun Timor-Leste iha sorte bo’ot tanba iha partidu hanesan FRETILIN nu’udar oposisaun no lider oposisaun ida hanesan Dr. Alkatiri, tanba FRETILIN hatene no hatudu ona halo oposisaun ho pas no sem kaer violensia”, katak FRETILIN laos hanesan oposisaun balun iha rain seluk ne’ebe nia servisu molok mai Timor-Leste.\nDr Alkatiri reforsa nia mensagem katak FRETILIN sempre iha konviksaun atu harii pas, estabilidade no desenvolvimentu iha nasaun Timor-Leste, no sempre laran nakloke ba no hakarak servisu ba pas, estabilidade no desenvolvimentu povu Timor-Leste nian.\n“Hau repete ba nia katak FRETILIN sei halo buat hotu atu dekada 2010-2020 sai dekada ba pas, estabilidade no desenvolvimentu ba povu no nasaun Timor-Leste tomak. Sra Haq reforsa katak oposisaun forte no kredivel hanesan FRETILIN halo dadaun no halo hodi 2007, importante tebes atu hari sistemas no instituisaun governasaun ne’ebe forte no ne’ebe povu tomak bele fiar. Hau konkorda ho nia no hatete ba nia katak importante ita hotu servisu atu reforsa justisa no tenke hakotu sentidu impunidade atu nunee ita bele hametin pas, estabilidade no desenvoivimentu.”\n“Hau mos reforsa katak FRETILIN lakoi partidu se se deit bele usa forsas armandas ka polisia nasional atu buka hetan sira nia objectivos politikus. Tanba ne’e mak prioritariu atu reforma sector seguransa no defesa. Ita presisa hetan consensus nasional atu halo reforma ba sector defesa no seguransa, maibe mos ba reforma iha sector justisa no administrasaun publiku, hodi hetan governasaun neebe diak."\nKona ba papel UNMIT nian to’o tinan 2012 hau hatete ba nia katak Timor-Leste sei presisa apoiu husi komunidade internasional, maibe tempo too ona neebe ita presisa hetan mekanismu oinsa asistensia internasional ne’e bele kontinua maibe labele hamosu fali dependensia ba komunidade internasional. Hau kontente hatene husi Sra Haq katak nasoens unidas pronto atu kontinua fo apoiu fundamental iha sector seguransa,” Alkatiri reforsa.\nLider partidu historiku FRETILIN no SRSG foun konkorda atu halao enkontru dialogu no konsulta ho malu semanalmente.\n“Ida ne’e importante katak FRETILIN neebe partidu maioritariu no oposisaun de faktu tenke halo dialogu nafatin ho Xefe UNMIT hanesan ami halo uluk kedas ho Senhor Atul Kare no UNMIT. Hau hein katak FRETILIN sei kontinua fo kontribuisaun atu mantein nafatin pas no estabilidade iha Timor-Leste no atu fo apoiu ba nasoes unidas no komunidade internasional halao sira mandato iha Timor-Leste,” dehan Dr Alakatiri.\nFAVOR DERE BA DEPUTADU JOSE TEIXEIRA 728 7080 SE PRESIZA INFORMASAUN RUMA TAN\nPosted by FRETILIN.MEDIA at 8:16 PM
[ "FRETILIN.Media: Sekretariu Geral FRETILIN nian fo benvindas ba Xefe UNMIT foun Sekretariu Geral FRETILIN nian fo benvindas ba Xefe UNMIT foun Dili, 7 Janeiru 2010 Horseik loron 6 Janeiru 2010 Secretariu Geral FRETILIN nian simu Representante Especial Secretariu Geral Nasoens Unidas iha Timor-Leste foun, bainhira nia halo visita kortesia ba residensia ofisial Dr. Alkatiri nian iha Farol.", "Senhora Ahmeera Haq foin kona ain iha rain Timor-Leste hodi bainrua no horseik hasoru malu kedas ho Presidente da Republika Ramos Horta no tuir mai kedas hasoru malu ho Dr. Mari Alkatiri nudar Secretario Geral FRETILIN nian.", "Maske ida ne'e visita kortesia SRSG foun ne'e ho Dr Alkatiri koalia kona ba asuntu balun ne'ebe importante ba nasaun no povu Timor-Leste.", "\"Ami koalia kona ba assuntos neebe bele lori paz, estabilidade no desenvolvimentu iha rai Timor-Leste, liliu oinsa partidu historiku no maioritariu FRETILIN sempre pronto hodi uluk kedas atu fo kontribuisaun ba pas, estabilidade no desenvolvimentu iha ita nia rain,\" temi Dr. Alkatiri.", "Durante reuniaun Senhora Ahmeera Haq hatete ba Dr. Alkatiri katak \"povu no nasaun Timor-Leste iha sorte bo'ot tanba iha partidu hanesan FRETILIN nu'udar oposisaun no lider oposisaun ida hanesan Dr. Alkatiri, tanba FRETILIN hatene no hatudu ona halo oposisaun ho pas no sem kaer violensia,\" katak FRETILIN laos hanesan oposisaun balun iha rain seluk ne'ebe nia servisu molok mai Timor-Leste.", "Dr Alkatiri reforsa nia mensagem katak FRETILIN sempre iha konviksaun atu harii pas, estabilidade no desenvolvimentu iha nasaun Timor-Leste, no sempre laran nakloke ba no hakarak servisu ba pas, estabilidade no desenvolvimentu povu Timor-Leste nian.", "\"Hau repete ba nia katak FRETILIN sei halo buat hotu atu dekada 2010-2020 sai dekada ba pas, estabilidade no desenvolvimentu ba povu no nasaun Timor-Leste tomak.", "Sra Haq reforsa katak oposisaun forte no kredivel hanesan FRETILIN halo dadaun no halo hodi 2007, importante tebes atu hari sistemas no instituisaun governasaun ne'ebe forte no ne'ebe povu tomak bele fiar.", "Hau konkorda ho nia no hatete ba nia katak importante ita hotu servisu atu reforsa justisa no tenke hakotu sentidu impunidade atu nunee ita bele hametin pas, estabilidade no desenvoivimentu.\"", "\"Hau mos reforsa katak FRETILIN lakoi partidu se se deit bele usa forsas armandas ka polisia nasional atu buka hetan sira nia objectivos politikus.", "Tanba ne'e mak prioritariu atu reforma sector seguransa no defesa.", "Ita presisa hetan consensus nasional atu halo reforma ba sector defesa no seguransa, maibe mos ba reforma iha sector justisa no administrasaun publiku, hodi hetan governasaun neebe diak.\"", "Kona ba papel UNMIT nian to'o tinan 2012 hau hatete ba nia katak Timor-Leste sei presisa apoiu husi komunidade internasional, maibe tempo too ona neebe ita presisa hetan mekanismu oinsa asistensia internasional ne'e bele kontinua maibe labele hamosu fali dependensia ba komunidade internasional.", "Hau kontente hatene husi Sra Haq katak nasoens unidas pronto atu kontinua fo apoiu fundamental iha sector seguransa,\" Alkatiri reforsa.", "Lider partidu historiku FRETILIN no SRSG foun konkorda atu halao enkontru dialogu no konsulta ho malu semanalmente.", "\"Ida ne'e importante katak FRETILIN neebe partidu maioritariu no oposisaun de faktu tenke halo dialogu nafatin ho Xefe UNMIT hanesan ami halo uluk kedas ho Senhor Atul Kare no UNMIT.", "Hau hein katak FRETILIN sei kontinua fo kontribuisaun atu mantein nafatin pas no estabilidade iha Timor-Leste no atu fo apoiu ba nasoes unidas no komunidade internasional halao sira mandato iha Timor-Leste,\" dehan Dr Alakatiri.", "FAVOR DERE BA DEPUTADU JOSE TEIXEIRA 728 7080 SE PRESIZA INFORMASAUN RUMA TAN Posted by FRETILIN.MEDIA at 8:16 PM" ]
[ [ "FRETILIN.Media: Fretilin General Secretary welcomes new UNMIT Head Dili, 7th January (Reuters) - On Thursday morning the Secretariat-General of Frente Revolucionária de Timor Leste received a courtesy visit from United Nations Special Representative to New East Тимор Dr Alkatiri at his official residence in Farol on Monday evening and he was greeted by President Xanana Gusmão who also attended an event for former Prime Minister José Ramos Horta' s family members as well..." ], [ "Mrs. Ahmeera Haq arrived in Timor-Leste just before midnight to meet with the President of Republic Ramos Horta and immediately afterwards met Dr Mari Alkatiri as Secretary General for FRETILIN, which is an independent political party that has been formed by former Prime Minister Xanana Gusmao's son from his time at Fretilin (Frente Revolucionário de Libertação Nacional)." ], [ "Despite this being a courtesy visit, the new SRSG and Dr Alkatiri discussed some issues of importance to Timor-Leste's nation." ], [ "\"We talked about issues that can bring peace, stability and development in Timor-Leste. In particular how the historic majority party FRETILIN is always ready to contribute from an early stage towards achieving this goal of peacefulness; security for our country.\" said Dr Alkatiri" ], [ "During the meeting, Mrs. Ahmeera Haq told Dr Alkatiri that \"the people and country of Timor-Leste are very lucky to have a party like FRETILIN as an opposition partisan group with such opponents on both sides.\" She said moreover:\"There is no other political parties in this region which can be compared or even matched against Fretilin because it has demonstrated its capacity for peacefully opposing without using violence\"." ], [ "Dr Alkatiri reinforced his message that FRETILIN has always had the conviction to establish peace, stability and development in Timor-Leste as a nation. It is also open minded towards working for Peace & Stability of all peoples who live on this island; it want equal opportunities with others from other countries so they can achieve their goal:" ], [ "\"I repeat to him that FRETILIN will do everything in its power so the decade 2019-35 is a time of peace, stability and development for all Timorese people." ], [ "Ms. Haq emphasizes that a strong and credible opposition, as FRETILIN has been doing until 2017 is essential to build systems of governance institutions which are robust in nature but also trustworthy for the people at large:" ], [ "I agreed with him and said that it is important we all work to strengthen justice, ending the sense of impunity in order for us a consolidate peace stability development.\"" ], [ "\"I also emphasize that FRETILIN does not want a party if it can only use the armed forces or national police to pursue its political objectives." ], [ "Reforming the security and defence sector is therefore a priority." ], [ "We need a national consensus to reform the defence and security sectors, but also in justice or public administration so that we can achieve good governance.\"" ], [ "Regarding the role of UNMIT until 2013 I told him that Timor-Leste will need support from international community, but it is time we found a mechanism to ensure this assistance can continue without creating dependence on International Community." ], [ "I am pleased to hear from Ms. Haq that the United Nations is ready and will continue providing vital support in this security sector,\" Alkatiri stressed .\"" ], [ "The historic party leader of FRETILIN and the new SRSG agree to hold weekly dialogue meetings with each other." ], [ "\"It is important that FRETILIN, as the majority party and de facto opposition must continue to have dialogue with UNMIT Head like we did before this time involving Mr. Atul Kare of United Nations Integration Mission for Timor-Leste (UNMIT)." ], [ "I hope that FRETILIN will continue to make its contribution in maintaining peace and stability on Timor-Leste,\" said Dr Alakatiri. \"We also expect the United Nations (UN) as well a member of international community support our mandate here.\"" ], [ "FAVOR DERE BA DEPUTADU JOSE TEIXEIRA 728-9015 SE PRECISIZA INFORMASAUN RUMA TAN Posted by FRETILIN.MEDIA at" ] ]
Armando Monteiro: Pasajeiru sira tenke uza máskara - GMN TV\nGMN TV Justica e Segurança Armando Monteiro: Pasajeiru sira tenke uza máskara\nKomandante Polísia Nasionál Timor-Leste (PNTL) Munisípiu Díli, superintendente Xefe Armando Monteiro hateten, transporte públiku hanesan taxi, mikrolet no bus sira governu autoriza hodi tula fali pasajeirus, maibé tenke uza máskara no tuur tenke dodook malu.\nArmando Monteiro esplika, regra Estadu Emerjénsia segunda faze, kontinua suspende aktividade kulturais no aktividade relijiojas, aktividade desportiva no suspende aktividade manifestasaun,inklui aktividade edukasaun formal no formasaun sira.\nMaibé kona-bá sirkulasaun transporte públiku sira, tula pasajeiru ninian, Ministériu Transporte Komunikasaun, autoriza hodi hala’o fila-fali movimentu, maibé pasajeiru sira tenke uza máskara no mantein distánsia sosial, evita kontaktu fíziku wainhira hala’o movimentu,atu nune’e bele prevene moras COVID-19.\n“Ita nia regra ida ne’e laiha limitasaun ba ema ninia movimentu aktividade ekonomikamente nafatin la’o normal hanesan primeiru faze Estadu Emerjénsia, movementu komunidade la’o normal maibe aktividade ne’ebé mak suspende nafatin, purizemplu labele halibur liu ema lima ba leten, ba aktividade kultural mós sei bandu hela, aktividade relijioza ninian, aktividade jogus, desportivus sira no aktividade ne’ebé mak halibur liu ema barak ou demontrasaun ou manifestasaun. Alende aktividade edukasaun formal no formasaun sira nian ne’ebé nafatin suspende hela”,esplika Komandante PNTL munisípiu Díli Superintendente Xefe Armando Monteiro, ba jornalista sira Tersa (05/05/20), iha Kuartel PNTL munisípiu Díli.\nBa vendedores ambulante, loja, supermerkadu, mini merkadu, restorante, estasauan kombustivel no tipu negosiu seluk, tenki prepara fasilidade fase liman.\nPrezidente Republika Francisco Guterres Lú Olo, dekreta estadu emerjénsia primeiru faze iha loron 28 fulan marsu no termina iha 26 fulan abril no prezidente repúblika extende estadu emerjénsia segunda faze iha loron 28 fulan abril tinan ne’e.avi
[ "Armando Monteiro: Pasajeiru sira tenke uza maskara - GMN TV GMN TV Justica e Seguranca Armando Monteiro: Pasajeiru sira tenke uza maskara Komandante Polisia Nasional Timor-Leste (PNTL) Munisipiu Dili, superintendente Xefe Armando Monteiro hateten, transporte publiku hanesan taxi, mikrolet no bus sira governu autoriza hodi tula fali pasajeirus, maibe tenke uza maskara no tuur tenke dodook malu.", "Armando Monteiro esplika, regra Estadu Emerjensia segunda faze, kontinua suspende aktividade kulturais no aktividade relijiojas, aktividade desportiva no suspende aktividade manifestasaun,inklui aktividade edukasaun formal no formasaun sira.", "Maibe kona-ba sirkulasaun transporte publiku sira, tula pasajeiru ninian, Ministeriu Transporte Komunikasaun, autoriza hodi hala'o fila-fali movimentu, maibe pasajeiru sira tenke uza maskara no mantein distansia sosial, evita kontaktu fiziku wainhira hala'o movimentu,atu nune'e bele prevene moras COVID-19.", "\"Ita nia regra ida ne'e laiha limitasaun ba ema ninia movimentu aktividade ekonomikamente nafatin la'o normal hanesan primeiru faze Estadu Emerjensia, movementu komunidade la'o normal maibe aktividade ne'ebe mak suspende nafatin, purizemplu labele halibur liu ema lima ba leten, ba aktividade kultural mos sei bandu hela, aktividade relijioza ninian, aktividade jogus, desportivus sira no aktividade ne'ebe mak halibur liu ema barak ou demontrasaun ou manifestasaun.", "Alende aktividade edukasaun formal no formasaun sira nian ne'ebe nafatin suspende hela,\"esplika Komandante PNTL munisipiu Dili Superintendente Xefe Armando Monteiro, ba jornalista sira Tersa (05/05/20), iha Kuartel PNTL munisipiu Dili.", "Ba vendedores ambulante, loja, supermerkadu, mini merkadu, restorante, estasauan kombustivel no tipu negosiu seluk, tenki prepara fasilidade fase liman.", "Prezidente Republika Francisco Guterres Lu Olo, dekreta estadu emerjensia primeiru faze iha loron 28 fulan marsu no termina iha 26 fulan abril no prezidente republika extende estadu emerjensia segunda faze iha loron 28 fulan abril tinan ne'e.avi" ]
[ [ "Armando Monteiro: Passengers must wear mask - GMN TV Justica e Seguranca Commander of the National Police Timor-Leste (PNTL) Dili Municipality, Superintendent Chief Armando Monteiro said that public transport such as taxi and buses are authorized by government to take back passengers but they should use a facemask." ], [ "Armando Monteiro explains that the second phase of State Emergency rules continue to suspend cultural and religious activities, sporting events as well a suspension is made for demonstrations including formal educational activity." ], [ "However, regarding the circulation of public transportation vehicles that carry passengers in transits to and from work or school. The Ministry for Transport & Communications has authorized them again but they must wear face mask with social distance between people while travelling so as not spread COVID-19 disease by physical contact during their journey on bus services" ], [ "\"Our rule is that there are no limitations on the movement of people, economic activity continues to be normal as in first phase State Emergency. Community activities remain suspended but they can't gather more than five or so person and cultural events will also not take place; religious celebrations shall have restricted participation by 50% for a maximum period from one week until three weeks after public holiday.\"" ], [ "In addition to the formal education and training activities that are still suspended,\" explained Dili Police Commissioner Superintendent Chief Armando Monteiro on Tuesday (05/21), at PNTL Headquarters in Timor-Leste." ], [ "For street vendors, shops and other types of businesses such as restaurants or fuel station must prepare a hand washing facility." ], [ "President Francisco Guterres Lu Olo, decreed the first phase of state emergency on March 28 and ended April. The president extends second Phase State Emergency in this year'S June to August (April).avi" ] ]
Guarda-rede selesaun nasionál U-23 kontente treinu iha Qatar | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste\nVARANDA DESPORTU Guarda-rede selesaun nasionál U-23 kontente treinu iha Qatar\nGuarda-rede prinsipál ekipa selesaun nasionál U-23 Timor–Leste, Junildo Pereira,Imajen/espesial\nQATAR, 26 maiu 2022 (TATOLI)– Guarda-rede prinsipál ekipa selesaun nasionál U-23 Timor–Leste, Junildo Pereira, kontente no orgullu ho fatin ne’ebé sira halo treinamentu ba ne’ebé ho fasilidade modernu.\n“Ha’u promote, sei hatudu prestasaun di’ak iha jogu amigável ne’ebé ekipa Timor-Leste sei kontra ekipa selesaun nasionál Kamboja iha 2 juñu agora iha Estádiu Kambodia,” Guarda Rede ne’e hateten ba agência TATOLI, kuarta ne’e.\nGuarda-rede prinsipál U-23 ne’e espera katak Federasaun Futeból Timor – Leste (FFTL) ba oin hanoin ona oinsá atu kria kampu ne’ebé ho kualidade ba jogadór sira hodi hala’o treinamentu ho di’ak, nune’e tuir kompetisaun futeból iha rai-li’ur labele derrota tan.\nHo kondisaun no fasilidade ne’ebé di’ak, nia garante bele aumenta liután nia koiñesimentu no fó-biban ba nia atu hatudu prestasaun di’ak iha jogu sira tuirmai.\nJunildo moris iha Dili iha loron 04 fulan-juñu 2003, oan mane dahuluk hosi Agustinho da Costa no Ana Cicilia Guterres hosi maun alin na’in-lima.\nJogadór otas nurak ne’e hahú nia estudu iha eskola bázika Anur Dili iha 2007-2012, eskola pre-sekundáriu 2013 too 2015 no eskola sekundáriu iha Koléjiu Paulo VI Dili iha 2016 to’o 2018.\nJunildo envolve aan iha futeból hanesan guarda-rede selesaun nasionál U-12, iha tinan 2014 bainhira sei ho idade 14, maibé konsege partisipa kompetisaun futeból iha Korea Súl iha kompetisaun juvenil nian.\nNune’e, iha 2016 jogadór ne’e nafatin ultrapasa ba selesaun nasionál U-14 konsege bá tuir kompetisaun iha Kambodia iha jogu AFF nian.\nIha 2017, Junildo hakat ba selesaun nasionál U-16 hamutuk ho nia kolega sira iha pozisaun hanesan guarda-rede nafatin konsege partisipa iha jogu internasionál AFF nian iha Tailándia.\nIha tinan 2019, Junildo kompleta nia idade 19 no iha momentu ne’ebá, treinadór Eduardo Pereira hili kedan nia hanesan guarda-rede ba U-19 nian hodi bá partisipa jogu internasionál AFC nian iha Vietname.\nHosi prestasaun lubuk ida ne’ebé nia hetan maka atrai kedas treinadór selesaun nasionál U-23, Fabio Maciel da Silva nia laran hodi hili nia nu’udar guarda-rede ba iha selesaun nasionál U-23.\nHamutuk iha selesaun nasionál U-23, Junildo ho nia kolega sira konsege bá partisipa ona eventu internasionál lubuk ida hanesan partisipa jogu AFC iha Singapura 2021 no iha 2021 nafatin partisipa eventu Suzuki Cup iha Singapura hanesan baliza prinsipál too ramata.\nIha 2022 Junildo hetan nafatin fiar hosi treinadór Fabio hodi tama iha guarda-rede selesaun U-23 nian hodi bá joga iha kopa AFF ne’ebé hala’o iha Kambodia iha ne’ebé Timor–Leste sai terseiru lugar.\nNune’e iha maiu Junildo nafatin hanesan guarda-rede prinsipál Timor–Leste nian iha jogu SEA Games maski la konsege gaña Vitória maibé Junildo konsege hatudu prestasaun ne’ebé brillante.\nNotísia relevante: Ekipa U-23 treinu fíziku no tátika kontra-atake iha Qatar\nPrevious articleAMD sei hasai sirkulár bandu loja-na’in faan sasán iha trotoar leten\nNext articleETV Pássabe derrota 8-0 kontra ESG Palaban
[ "Guarda-rede selesaun nasional U-23 kontente treinu iha Qatar | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA DESPORTU Guarda-rede selesaun nasional U-23 kontente treinu iha Qatar Guarda-rede prinsipal ekipa selesaun nasional U-23 Timor-Leste, Junildo Pereira,Imajen/espesial QATAR, 26 maiu 2022 (TATOLI) - Guarda-rede prinsipal ekipa selesaun nasional U-23 Timor-Leste, Junildo Pereira, kontente no orgullu ho fatin ne'ebe sira halo treinamentu ba ne'ebe ho fasilidade modernu.", "\"Ha'u promote, sei hatudu prestasaun di'ak iha jogu amigavel ne'ebe ekipa Timor-Leste sei kontra ekipa selesaun nasional Kamboja iha 2 junu agora iha Estadiu Kambodia,\" Guarda Rede ne'e hateten ba agencia TATOLI, kuarta ne'e.", "Guarda-rede prinsipal U-23 ne'e espera katak Federasaun Futebol Timor - Leste (FFTL) ba oin hanoin ona oinsa atu kria kampu ne'ebe ho kualidade ba jogador sira hodi hala'o treinamentu ho di'ak, nune'e tuir kompetisaun futebol iha rai-li'ur labele derrota tan.", "Ho kondisaun no fasilidade ne'ebe di'ak, nia garante bele aumenta liutan nia koinesimentu no fo-biban ba nia atu hatudu prestasaun di'ak iha jogu sira tuirmai.", "Junildo moris iha Dili iha loron 04 fulan-junu 2003, oan mane dahuluk hosi Agustinho da Costa no Ana Cicilia Guterres hosi maun alin na'in-lima.", "Jogador otas nurak ne'e hahu nia estudu iha eskola bazika Anur Dili iha 2007-2012, eskola pre-sekundariu 2013 too 2015 no eskola sekundariu iha Kolejiu Paulo VI Dili iha 2016 to'o 2018.", "Junildo envolve aan iha futebol hanesan guarda-rede selesaun nasional U-12, iha tinan 2014 bainhira sei ho idade 14, maibe konsege partisipa kompetisaun futebol iha Korea Sul iha kompetisaun juvenil nian.", "Nune'e, iha 2016 jogador ne'e nafatin ultrapasa ba selesaun nasional U-14 konsege ba tuir kompetisaun iha Kambodia iha jogu AFF nian.", "Iha 2017, Junildo hakat ba selesaun nasional U-16 hamutuk ho nia kolega sira iha pozisaun hanesan guarda-rede nafatin konsege partisipa iha jogu internasional AFF nian iha Tailandia.", "Iha tinan 2019, Junildo kompleta nia idade 19 no iha momentu ne'eba, treinador Eduardo Pereira hili kedan nia hanesan guarda-rede ba U-19 nian hodi ba partisipa jogu internasional AFC nian iha Vietname.", "Hosi prestasaun lubuk ida ne'ebe nia hetan maka atrai kedas treinador selesaun nasional U-23, Fabio Maciel da Silva nia laran hodi hili nia nu'udar guarda-rede ba iha selesaun nasional U-23.", "Hamutuk iha selesaun nasional U-23, Junildo ho nia kolega sira konsege ba partisipa ona eventu internasional lubuk ida hanesan partisipa jogu AFC iha Singapura 2021 no iha 2021 nafatin partisipa eventu Suzuki Cup iha Singapura hanesan baliza prinsipal too ramata.", "Iha 2022 Junildo hetan nafatin fiar hosi treinador Fabio hodi tama iha guarda-rede selesaun U-23 nian hodi ba joga iha kopa AFF ne'ebe hala'o iha Kambodia iha ne'ebe Timor-Leste sai terseiru lugar.", "Nune'e iha maiu Junildo nafatin hanesan guarda-rede prinsipal Timor-Leste nian iha jogu SEA Games maski la konsege gana Vitoria maibe Junildo konsege hatudu prestasaun ne'ebe brillante.", "Notisia relevante: Ekipa U-23 treinu fiziku no tatika kontra-atake iha Qatar Previous articleAMD sei hasai sirkular bandu loja-na'in faan sasan iha trotoar leten Next articleETV Passabe derrota 8-0 kontra ESG Palaban" ]
[ [ "Timor-Leste U23 national team goalkeeper happy to train in Qatar | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de TL Home Sports National Team Goal Keeper of the East Asian Under -17 Football Championship, Junildo Pereira is pleased and proud with their training facilities which have modern equipment." ], [ "\"I hope to show good performance in the friendly game that Timor-Leste will play against Cambodia on June 2 at Kampuchea Stadium,\" he told Agência Tatoli." ], [ "The main U-23 goalkeeper hopes that the Federação Futebol Timor - Leste (FFTL) in future will think about how to create a quality training ground for players so they can train well, and not be defeated again when competing overseas." ], [ "With good conditions and facilities, he is sure to increase his knowledge of the game as well. He hopes that this will help him perform better in future games.\"" ], [ "Junildo was born in Dili on 4 June, the first son of Agustinho da Costa and Ana Cicilia Guterres." ], [ "The talented footballer began his education at Anur Dili elementary school in 2017, then attended pre-secondary schools from the year of studying there until he enters secondary School Paul VI College." ], [ "Junildo got involved in football as a goalkeeper for the U-12 national team, when he was only fourteen years old. He played at South Korea's youth competition and made his debut with Brazil under 30 against Chile on June of that year (around age six)." ], [ "However, in 2016 the player was again overtaken by U-48 national team and managed to compete at AFF Cup competitions." ], [ "In 2017, Junildo joined the national U-8 team together with his colleagues in position as goalkeeper and was also able to participate at AFF international games held by Thailand." ], [ "In 2019, Junildo turned nineteen and at that time coach Eduardo Pereira selected him as a goalkeeper for the U-35 team to participate in AFC Asian Cup internationals." ], [ "His many performances immediately attracted the attention of U-23 national team coach Fabio Maciel da Silva, who selected him as a goalkeeper for his under 17 squad." ], [ "Together with the U-23 national team, Junildo and his colleagues have been able to participate in numerous international events such as attending AFC Games Singapore 1987. In addition he will be part of a Suzuki Cup event on September at Singapur where they are also playing for Brazil's senior squad until their retirement from football (in January)." ], [ "In 2016, Junildo was again chosen by coach Fabio to play as goalkeeper for the U-35 national team in a qualifying match against South Africa. He also played with Timor Leste at AFF Cup which took place last year and where they came third after losing their group stage matches on penalty shootouts (4–7)." ], [ "In May, Junildo remained as Timor-Leste's main goalkeeper at the SEA Games although he was unable to win Vitoria but shown brilliant performance." ], [ "Related news: U-23 team trains physical and counterattack tactics in Qatar Previous articleAMD to lift circular banning shop owners from selling on sidewalk NextETV Passabe loses against ESG Palaban by an impressive score of (8–0)" ] ]
Seguransa Importante Liu Se Hanoin Moderniza Transporte | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste\nVARANDA MUNISÍPIU Seguransa Importante Liu Se Hanoin Moderniza Transporte\nSeguransa Importante Liu Se Hanoin Moderniza Transporte\nDILI (TATOLI)-Vise-ministru Obras Públika no Transporte no Komunikasaun, Inácio Moreira hateten katak transporte públiku hanesan transporte terestre, Marítima no aéreu presiza moderniza maibé importante mak iha seguransa ba iha nia operasaun, inklui kondisaun estrada.\n“Ko´alia kona-ba modernizasaun ne´e iha konseitu barak. Ró ne´e mai ho nia kualidade oi-oin, ró mós bele mai ho nia ekipamentu ne´ebé sofistikadu. Maibé no fundo, importante mak seguransa ba operasaun ró nian, hanesan mós transporte aéreu namoos transporte terestre,” governante ne´e esplika ba jornalista sira iha Hotel Timor, Sesta (010/11).\nNia akresenta, defaktu planu ida ne´e, polítika ba modernizasaun enjerál sei halo, to´o tempu, sei moderniza. Timor-Leste transporte Marítima alende dudu daudauk hela, transporte aéreu oras ne´e la´o normál, aeroportu mós halo hela prosesu aprovizionamentu ninian, hein katak bele halo uluk estensaun ba run way (dalan halai nian) depois hetan mós grant (fundu), governu Japaun, ne´ebé sei halo ita-nia terminál ba Aeroportu Prezidente Nicolau Lobato.\nTanba ida ne’e, oras ne´e daudaun enjeñeiru sira halo hela estudu tékniku, hein katak la kle’ur bele finaliza i hahú konstroi ita-nia terminál. “Ita tenke hakat no la´o oituan-oituan,” vise-ministru Inácio informa.\nNia hatutan, ba transporte terestre, ita hotu sente, ita hotu haree, ita-nia kondisaun, atu moderniza, ita tenke duni moderniza maibé importante mak labele halo desizaun polítika ida ne´ebé halo timoroan sira ne´ebé iha vontade investe iha transporte terestre públiku sira hanesan Mikrolete, Taksi Argo no seluk tan sai fali vítima.\nTanba ida ne´e mak presiza kuidadu, presiza halo planu didi´ak oinsá mak bele moderniza. Ohin loron, komesa daudauk ona, iha timoroan ne´ebé investe iha Taksi Argo, ne´e konsidera mós hanesan pasu ida pozitivu tebes tanba fó ona kondisaun liuliu transporte públiku ne´ebé di´ak.\nBa oin tenke duni moderniza ba hotu-hotu em particular ba iha transporte públiku atu bele prevene engarrafamentu. Ohin loron mikrolete barak liu, karik bele ita bele adopta ho autokarru boot sira ne´e, iha futuru, hodi bele liga kapitál Dili ba Liquiça, kapitál Dili ba Metinaru no sei moderniza mós iha munisípiu.\nMaibé buat hirak ne´e hotu, tenke hadi´a uluk ita-nia estrada, bainhira estrada seidauk di´ak, ita seidauk halo planu didi´ak, seidauk bele halo transporte públiku, privadu no transporte terestre enjerál sai modernizadu liu, tanba estrada importante ba transporte públiku liu-liu transporte terestre.\nRelasaun ho ida ne’e Inácio fó hanoin katak, iha programa sétimu governu konstitusionál nian ne´ebé sei aprezenta tan ba iha PN hodi hetan apresiasaun husi reprezenta povu sira, iha programa no informasaun ne´ebé detalla ba polítika modernizasaun transporte.\nVise-ministru Obras Públika no Transporte no Komunikasaun\nPrevious articlePrezidente Repúblika Rona Hanoin Hosi Bispu Diozese Tolu\nNext articleToleránsia Pontu ba Funsionáriu Hotu Iha 13 Novembru
[ "Seguransa Importante Liu Se Hanoin Moderniza Transporte | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA MUNISIPIU Seguransa Importante Liu Se Hanoin Moderniza Transporte Seguransa Importante Liu Se Hanoin Moderniza Transporte DILI (TATOLI) -Vise-ministru Obras Publika no Transporte no Komunikasaun, Inacio Moreira hateten katak transporte publiku hanesan transporte terestre, Maritima no aereu presiza moderniza maibe importante mak iha seguransa ba iha nia operasaun, inklui kondisaun estrada.", "\"Ko'alia kona-ba modernizasaun ne'e iha konseitu barak.", "Ro ne'e mai ho nia kualidade oi-oin, ro mos bele mai ho nia ekipamentu ne'ebe sofistikadu.", "Maibe no fundo, importante mak seguransa ba operasaun ro nian, hanesan mos transporte aereu namoos transporte terestre,\" governante ne'e esplika ba jornalista sira iha Hotel Timor, Sesta (010/11).", "Nia akresenta, defaktu planu ida ne'e, politika ba modernizasaun enjeral sei halo, to'o tempu, sei moderniza.", "Timor-Leste transporte Maritima alende dudu daudauk hela, transporte aereu oras ne'e la'o normal, aeroportu mos halo hela prosesu aprovizionamentu ninian, hein katak bele halo uluk estensaun ba run way (dalan halai nian) depois hetan mos grant (fundu), governu Japaun, ne'ebe sei halo ita-nia terminal ba Aeroportu Prezidente Nicolau Lobato.", "Tanba ida ne'e, oras ne'e daudaun enjeneiru sira halo hela estudu tekniku, hein katak la kle'ur bele finaliza i hahu konstroi ita-nia terminal.", "\"Ita tenke hakat no la'o oituan-oituan,\" vise-ministru Inacio informa.", "Nia hatutan, ba transporte terestre, ita hotu sente, ita hotu haree, ita-nia kondisaun, atu moderniza, ita tenke duni moderniza maibe importante mak labele halo desizaun politika ida ne'ebe halo timoroan sira ne'ebe iha vontade investe iha transporte terestre publiku sira hanesan Mikrolete, Taksi Argo no seluk tan sai fali vitima.", "Tanba ida ne'e mak presiza kuidadu, presiza halo planu didi'ak oinsa mak bele moderniza.", "Ohin loron, komesa daudauk ona, iha timoroan ne'ebe investe iha Taksi Argo, ne'e konsidera mos hanesan pasu ida pozitivu tebes tanba fo ona kondisaun liuliu transporte publiku ne'ebe di'ak.", "Ba oin tenke duni moderniza ba hotu-hotu em particular ba iha transporte publiku atu bele prevene engarrafamentu.", "Ohin loron mikrolete barak liu, karik bele ita bele adopta ho autokarru boot sira ne'e, iha futuru, hodi bele liga kapital Dili ba Liquica, kapital Dili ba Metinaru no sei moderniza mos iha munisipiu.", "Maibe buat hirak ne'e hotu, tenke hadi'a uluk ita-nia estrada, bainhira estrada seidauk di'ak, ita seidauk halo planu didi'ak, seidauk bele halo transporte publiku, privadu no transporte terestre enjeral sai modernizadu liu, tanba estrada importante ba transporte publiku liu-liu transporte terestre.", "Relasaun ho ida ne'e Inacio fo hanoin katak, iha programa setimu governu konstitusional nian ne'ebe sei aprezenta tan ba iha PN hodi hetan apresiasaun husi reprezenta povu sira, iha programa no informasaun ne'ebe detalla ba politika modernizasaun transporte.", "Vise-ministru Obras Publika no Transporte no Komunikasaun Previous articlePrezidente Republika Rona Hanoin Hosi Bispu Diozese Tolu Next articleToleransia Pontu ba Funsionariu Hotu Iha 13 Novembru" ]
[ [ "Dili (Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste) - Deputy Minister of Public Works and Transportation, Inacio Moreira said that public transport such as land traffics need to be modernized but it is important in safety for its operation including the road conditions. It was also a question about how many people will benefit from modernization if there are no new infrastructure projects being built or renovated at any point during their lifetime; which would mean more than 10 million passengers per year on this route with an estimated total cost around $2 billion annually by then – according To Vice President Inácio Moraes’ statement made today after meeting officials who have been responsible over several years since he took office:" ], [ "\"Talking about modernization has many concepts." ], [ "The boat comes with its own quality, it can also come in sophisticated equipment." ], [ "But in the end, it's important to have safety for ship operations as well air and land transportation\", he explained at Hotel Timor on Saturday (10/3)." ], [ "He added, despite this plan the policy for modernization in general will make it possible to modernize." ], [ "Timor-Leste Maritime transportation besides the current dull situation, air traffic is now going normally. The airport also undergoes its procurement process and hopes that it can first make an extension to runway after obtaining a grant from Japan' s government which will build our terminal at President Nicolau Lobato Airport 2017" ], [ "Because of this, engineers are currently conducting technical studies in the hope that they will be able to complete and begin building our terminal." ], [ "\"Ita tenke hakat no la'o oituan-Oituan,\" Vice Minister Inacio informs." ], [ "He added, for land transportation we all feel and see our conditions to modernize it. We must modernises but the important thing is not make a political decision that makes people who are willing invest in public ground transit such as Mikrolete Taxi Argo etc become victims of this situation again.\"" ], [ "Because this is something that needs to be taken care of, we need a thorough plan for how it can modernize." ], [ "Nowadays, recently already some of the locals have invested in Argo Taxi. This is also seen as a very positive step because it has provided conditions especially for good public transportation and therefore an opportunity to increase their income by 10%." ], [ "In the future, we will have to modernize everything in particular public transportation so that it can prevent traffic jams." ], [ "Today there are more microbuses, if possible we can adopt with these big ones in the future to connect Dili capital Liquica and Metinaro. We will also modernize municipalities as well.\"" ], [ "But all of these things, we must first improve our roads. If the highway is not good enough and if there are no proper plans to make public transportation more modern than it has been in recent years (private or overland), then this will be a major obstacle for us as well; because that way only can't accessibility become better - especially on land-based services like bus service which have already lost their relevance since 2014 when they were replaced by motorway systems with high speed railroad lines.\"" ], [ "In relation to this, Inacio reminded that in the programme of seventh constitutional government which will be presentes again at Parliament for appreciation by representing people there is a detailed program and information on transport modernization policy." ], [ "Previous articlePresidente da República Rona Hanoin Hosi Bispu Dioceses Tolu Next ArticleToleransia Pontu ba Funsionariu Hotu Iha 13 Novembro" ] ]
AFF Suzuki Cup, TL derrota 0-2 kontra Thailandia | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste\nVARANDA DESPORTU AFF Suzuki Cup, TL derrota 0-2 kontra Thailandia\nJogador TL no Thailandia tenta hadau malu bola. Imajen/Midia AFF.\nDILI, 05 novembru 2021 (TATOLI)–Ekipa Lafaek la konsege rekolla vitoria kontra ekipa Elefante Thailandia ho skor 0-2 iha jogu primeiru Asian Football Federation (AFF) Suzuki Cup ne’ebé hala’o iha Singapura, domingu kalan ne’e.\nIha primeira parte, iha minutu dahuluk, ekipa Timor-Leste kontra Thailandia, komesa lansa kontra no atake ba malu tuir téknika no abilidade ida-idak nian ne’ebé orienta hosi treinadór na’in-rua.\nMaske nune’e, iha jogu ne’e ekipa Thailandia domina liu bola kompara ho ekipa Timor-Leste tanba ekipa Thailandia halo presaun makaas, maibé ekipa Lafaek hala’o jogu ho kalma hodi simu-hasoru presaun hosi ekeipa Elefante ne’e.\nOportunidade barak monu ba Thailandia atu hatama golu maibé jogadór sira la aproveita oportunidade hirak ne’e ho di’ak, entaun labele hatama golu ho lais.\nIha minute 45 dahuluk nian, ekipa Elefante hala’o jogu ofensiva no hala’o jogu meiu kampu maibé ambisaun no esforsu hirak ne’e hela de’it esforsu, tanba la rezulta golu hodi muda rezultadu to’o primeira parte ramata ho skor 0-0.\nTimor-Leste joga ho kalma maske ladún hetan oportunidade di’ak hodi fó ameasa ba guarda rede Thailandia nian maibé jogadór na’in 11 ne’e konsege salva bola barak iha lina perigu, nune’e to’o jogu primeira parte termina laiha golu ruma mak akontese ba ekipa rua ne’e.\nTama ba segunda parte, ekipa rua hatudu jogu ho rítmu moris liután tanba jogadór sira halo kontra no atake ne’ebé ho velosidade aas. Hosi kontra no atake hirak ne’e Timor-Leste nafatin falla hetan oportunidade ne’ebé di’ak hodi fó ameasa ba guarda rede Thailandia nian.\nThailandia uza oportunidade ida-ne’e hodi hatudu jogu ho rítmu lais hodi pasa bola hosi ain baa in, no monu iha minute 51, jogadór Caroenrat Tanapirom (14) lansa golu dahuluk hodi muda skor 1-0.\nGolu bele golu maibé ho golu ne’e la hamate jogadór Timor-Leste nia espíritu hodi hatudu jogu bonitu iha kampu laran ho di’ak maibé laiha biban atu bele hatama golu ba ekipa adversáriu nia rede.\nHo golu ida-ne’e hetok halo ekipa adversariu la fó fatin ba jogadór Timor-Leste atu kontra-atake, nune’e iha minutu 61, jogadór Thailandia Sarachart (7) hatama tan golu ida hodi muda rezultadu ba 2-0.\nHo golu daruak ne’e, to’o segunda parte termina, laiha tán golu ruma mak akontese entaun ekipa Thailandia manan Timor-Leste ho skor 2-0.\nMaske lakon maibé Timor-Leste sei iha oportunidade hodi hala’o tan tolu hodi kontra hasoru Filipina, Singapura no Myanmar iha kompetisaunSuzuki Cup. Bainhira jogu tolu ne’e Timor-Leste manan mak sei kontinua ba jogu sira tuir mai.\nEkipa Timor-Leste kontra Thailandia\nPrevious articleCNC partisipa reuniaun dahuluk estabelese Komisaun Konsultiva Patrimóniu Kulturál\nNext articleOhin, PN-Governu debate proposta lei OJE 2022 iha espesialidade
[ "AFF Suzuki Cup, TL derrota 0-2 kontra Thailandia | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA DESPORTU AFF Suzuki Cup, TL derrota 0-2 kontra Thailandia Jogador TL no Thailandia tenta hadau malu bola.", "Imajen/Midia AFF.", "DILI, 05 novembru 2021 (TATOLI) -Ekipa Lafaek la konsege rekolla vitoria kontra ekipa Elefante Thailandia ho skor 0-2 iha jogu primeiru Asian Football Federation (AFF) Suzuki Cup ne'ebe hala'o iha Singapura, domingu kalan ne'e.", "Iha primeira parte, iha minutu dahuluk, ekipa Timor-Leste kontra Thailandia, komesa lansa kontra no atake ba malu tuir teknika no abilidade ida-idak nian ne'ebe orienta hosi treinador na'in-rua.", "Maske nune'e, iha jogu ne'e ekipa Thailandia domina liu bola kompara ho ekipa Timor-Leste tanba ekipa Thailandia halo presaun makaas, maibe ekipa Lafaek hala'o jogu ho kalma hodi simu-hasoru presaun hosi ekeipa Elefante ne'e.", "Oportunidade barak monu ba Thailandia atu hatama golu maibe jogador sira la aproveita oportunidade hirak ne'e ho di'ak, entaun labele hatama golu ho lais.", "Iha minute 45 dahuluk nian, ekipa Elefante hala'o jogu ofensiva no hala'o jogu meiu kampu maibe ambisaun no esforsu hirak ne'e hela de'it esforsu, tanba la rezulta golu hodi muda rezultadu to'o primeira parte ramata ho skor 0-0.", "Timor-Leste joga ho kalma maske ladun hetan oportunidade di'ak hodi fo ameasa ba guarda rede Thailandia nian maibe jogador na'in 11 ne'e konsege salva bola barak iha lina perigu, nune'e to'o jogu primeira parte termina laiha golu ruma mak akontese ba ekipa rua ne'e.", "Tama ba segunda parte, ekipa rua hatudu jogu ho ritmu moris liutan tanba jogador sira halo kontra no atake ne'ebe ho velosidade aas.", "Hosi kontra no atake hirak ne'e Timor-Leste nafatin falla hetan oportunidade ne'ebe di'ak hodi fo ameasa ba guarda rede Thailandia nian.", "Thailandia uza oportunidade ida-ne'e hodi hatudu jogu ho ritmu lais hodi pasa bola hosi ain baa in, no monu iha minute 51, jogador Caroenrat Tanapirom (14) lansa golu dahuluk hodi muda skor 1-0.", "Golu bele golu maibe ho golu ne'e la hamate jogador Timor-Leste nia espiritu hodi hatudu jogu bonitu iha kampu laran ho di'ak maibe laiha biban atu bele hatama golu ba ekipa adversariu nia rede.", "Ho golu ida-ne'e hetok halo ekipa adversariu la fo fatin ba jogador Timor-Leste atu kontra-atake, nune'e iha minutu 61, jogador Thailandia Sarachart (7) hatama tan golu ida hodi muda rezultadu ba 2-0.", "Ho golu daruak ne'e, to'o segunda parte termina, laiha tan golu ruma mak akontese entaun ekipa Thailandia manan Timor-Leste ho skor 2-0.", "Maske lakon maibe Timor-Leste sei iha oportunidade hodi hala'o tan tolu hodi kontra hasoru Filipina, Singapura no Myanmar iha kompetisaunSuzuki Cup.", "Bainhira jogu tolu ne'e Timor-Leste manan mak sei kontinua ba jogu sira tuir mai.", "Ekipa Timor-Leste kontra Thailandia Previous articleCNC partisipa reuniaun dahuluk estabelese Komisaun Konsultiva Patrimoniu Kultural Next articleOhin, PN-Governu debate proposta lei OJE 2022 iha espesialidade" ]
[ [ "AFF Suzuki Cup, TL loses 0-2 against Thailand | TIMOR HAU Notícias Timor Leste News Agency Home Sports In the final of this year' s Asian Football Confederation (AFC) tournament between East and West Asia nations in Bangkok on Thursday night." ], [ "Image/Media AFF." ], [ "DILI, November 05th (AFP) -Lafaek failed to win against Thailand's Elephant with a score of two-goals in the opening match for Asian Football Federation Suzuki Cup held on Sunday night." ], [ "In the first half, in their opening minutes against Thailand East Timor began to launch counter-attacks and attacks on each other based upon techniques or abilities that were guided by both coaches." ], [ "However, in this match the Thai team dominated more than Timor-Leste because they put a lot of pressure but Lafaek played calmly to cope with that." ], [ "There were many opportunities for Thailand to score but the players didn't take advantage of these chances well, so they could not make it through." ], [ "In the first 45 minutes, Elephant team played offensive and midfield game but these ambitions remained in vain as no goals were scored to change it until half time ended with a result at zero." ], [ "Timor-Leste played calmly although they did not get any good opportunities to threaten the Thai goalkeeper but these 12 players managed many saves on danger lines, so there was no score for both teams until half time." ], [ "In the second half, both teams showed a lively pace of play as players counter and attack at high speed." ], [ "Despite these counter-attacks and attacks, Timor Leste still failed to create any good chance of threatening the Thai goalkeeper." ], [ "Thailand took this opportunity to show a slow-paced game by passing the ball from behind, and fell back in at minute fivety one when player Caroenrat Tanapirom (14) scored his first goal for changing things up." ], [ "Goals can be scored but the goal did not kill Timorese players' spirit to show a nice game at home with good play and no chance of scoring in their opponent team net." ], [ "With this goal, the opponent team did not give Timorese players any room to counter-attack and in 61 minutes Thailand player Sarachart (7) scored another one changing it into a draw." ], [ "With this second goal, by the end of half time there was no more scored and Thailand won 2-0." ], [ "Despite losing, Timor-Leste will have the opportunity to play three more matches against Philippines and Singapore in a Suzuki Cup competition." ], [ "If they win these three games, Timor-Leste will continue to the next round." ], [ "Previous articleCNC participates in first meeting to establish Cultural Heritage Advisory Commission Next artikelToday, PN-Government debates proposed 2019 budget bill at plenary session." ] ]