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Samo nekaj sem ti hotel povedati. | Edina stvar, ki sem jo hotel storiti, je, da ti nekaj povem. | entailment | mnli | I only wanted to tell you something. | The only thing I wanted to do, was tell you something. | 800 |
Na mestu, ki je že dolgo romarski kraj, je zdaj kapela, vendar temelji stavbe morda izvirajo iz prvega stoletja. | Na tem mestu je zdaj kapela, temelj pa bi lahko bil star vsaj stoletje. | entailment | mnli | There is now a chapel occupying the site, which has long been a place of pilgrimage, but the building's foundations may date from the first century. | The site is now occupied by a chapel, the foundation might be a century old at the very least. | 801 |
Sindikalno združevanje je slaba ideja, ki bo stvari samo poslabšala. | Sindikati bodo stvari še poslabšali, slabi so. | entailment | mnli | Unionization is a bad idea that will only make things worse. | Unions will make things worse, they are bad. | 802 |
zagovarjanje odločitve o zavrnitvi ugodnosti bo sporočilo vlade v sodnem sporu. | Sporočilo vlade je bilo zavrnitev ugodnosti. | contradiction | mnli | defending the decision to deny benefits will deliver the government's message in the litigation. | The governments message was to deny benefits. | 803 |
Na njegovem južnem koncu boste našli hotel The Old Cataract, ki spominja na čase edvardijanske elegance. | Na njegovem južnem koncu je hotel Old Cataract. | entailment | mnli | At its southern end you'll find The Old Cataract Hotel, harking back to the days of Edwardian elegance. | The Old Cataract Hotel is at its southern end. | 804 |
o ja, preden so začeli vse te stvari | Preden so začeli vse te stvari, so počeli nekaj nezakonitega. | neutral | mnli | oh yeah before they started all this stuff | They were doing something illegal before they started all this stuff. | 805 |
V času pripomb je APHIS izvedel tudi štiri javne obravnave, na katerih so bile prejete tako ustne kot pisne pripombe. | APHIS je v obdobju komentiranja izvedel več kot tri javna zaslišanja. | entailment | mnli | During the comment period APHIS also held four public hearings at which both oral and written comments were received. | The APHIS held more than three public hears during the comment period. | 806 |
Njegova prostrana zemljišča so čudovit primer sprehajalnih vrtov, priljubljenih v obdobju Edo. | V obdobju Edo so bili vrtovi priljubljeni in zgrajeni na prostranih zemljiščih. | entailment | mnli | Its spacious grounds are a magnificent example of the strolling gardens favored during the Edo period. | In the Edo period, gardens were favored and built on spacious grounds. | 807 |
Dodatne okoliščine, povezane z javno varnostjo in skrbmi za varnost, bi prav tako lahko upravičile izključitev nekaterih informacij v poročilu. | Izključene informacije so bile v zvezi s posamezniki, ki so delali za vlado na sovražnih območjih. | neutral | mnli | Additional circumstances associated with public safety and security concerns could also justify the exclusion of certain information in the report. | The information excluded was in regards to individuals who were working for the government in hostile areas. | 808 |
Kako grozno je doživeti konec svojega življenja, je Monet zapisal leta 1899, po smrti krajinarja Alfreda Sisleyja. | Monet je pisal o tragediji, ki se bliža koncu lastnega življenja. | entailment | mnli | How terrible it is to reach the end of one's life, Monet had written in 1899, after the death of the landscapist Alfred Sisley. | Monet wrote about the tragedy that is reaching the end of one's own life. | 809 |
in tako hm ja uh ja mislim da ponavadi rad kuham hm težke omake in hm | Nasploh rada pripravljam težke omake. | entailment | mnli | and so um yeah uh yeah i guess i usually do i like to cook um heavy sauces and um | I generally like to prepare heavy sauces. | 810 |
to bi lahko bilo to | Ne, to ne bi moglo biti. | contradiction | mnli | that could be it could be it | No, that couldn't be. | 811 |
Usnjeni izdelki. | Izdelki iz pravega usnja. | entailment | mnli | Leather Goods. | Genuine Leather Goods. | 812 |
City Residential, Business All Businessb in Mixed Rural Park & Skupaj Vse zanke za stopala Skupaj | V Chicagu je mestno stanovanjsko in poslovno območje. | neutral | mnli | City Residential, Business All Businessb and Mixed Rural Park & Total All Foot Curb Loop Total | There is city residential and business zoning in Chicago. | 813 |
Pobuda LSC za državno načrtovanje temelji na prepričanju, da programe financira LSC | LSC ne daje nobenih sredstev. | contradiction | mnli | LSC's State Planning Initiative is premised on the belief that LSC-funded programs | LSC gives out no funding. | 814 |
oh to je nočna mora | To me je spomnilo na številne pretekle tragedije. | neutral | mnli | oh that's a nightmare | This reminded me of many past tragedies. | 815 |
Nato je, pri nebesih, zarenčal Rus, "bomo videli. " Toda tudi gospa Vandemeyer je vstala, oči so se ji bliskale. | Gospa Vandemeyer ne more stati na nogah. | contradiction | mnli | Then, by Heaven, snarled the Russian, "we will see " But Mrs. Vandemeyer also rose to her feet, her eyes flashing. | Mrs. Vandemeyer is unable to stand on her feet. | 816 |
Ključne kompetence in podpora Agencije so opredelile ključne kompetence in podporna vedenja, ki naj bi jih upoštevali višji vodstveni delavci in naj bi prispevali k doseganju ciljev uspešnosti njihovih agencij. | Agencije imajo niz ciljev uspešnosti, ki bi jih morali višji vodstveni delavci pomagati doseči. | entailment | mnli | Core competencies and supporting The agencies identified core competencies and supporting behaviors for senior executives to follow that are intended to contribute to their agencies' achievement of performance goals. | Agencies have a set of performance goals that senior executives should help achieve. | 817 |
Za tiste, ki imate radi druge jahalne aktivnosti, je na voljo tudi konjeniški center, ki organizira razburljivo jahanje na plaži in izlete po vodenih poteh po okoliških hribih. | Konji niso dovoljeni na nobeni lokalni plaži. | contradiction | mnli | For those who like other horse-riding activities, there is also an equestrian center that organizes exhilarating rides on the beach and trips along guided trails through the surrounding hills. | Horses are not allowed on any beaches locally. | 818 |
Zdaj sprejemamo svoj položaj in omejitve. | Ena od omejitev je bila, da niso mogli uporabljati orožja. | neutral | mnli | Now we accept our standing and limitations. | One of the limitations was that they couldn't use weapons. | 819 |
in sedim tam in razmišljam sam pri sebi uh-huh seveda | Bil sem tako utrujen od vseh teh sem in tja. | neutral | mnli | and i'm sitting there thinking to myself uh-huh sure | I was so tired of all of these back and forths. | 820 |
Zagotovo je, je potegnila Tuppence, "še posebej, ko stari Rysdale podpre račun. | "Stari Rysdale podpira račun," je izjavil Tuppence. | entailment | mnli | It sure is, drawled Tuppence, "especially when old man Rysdale backs the bill. | "Old man Rysdale backs the bill," Tuppence stated. | 821 |
Po drugi strani pa gospa Inglethorp v sobi ni imela svečnika, le bralno svetilko." | Gospa Inglethorp je imela v svoji sobi veliko sveč. | contradiction | mnli | On the other hand, Mrs. Inglethorp had no candlestick in the room, only a readinglamp." | Mrs. Inglethorp had lots of candles in her room. | 822 |
Kal je z eno močno roko odrinil Ca'daana. | Ca'daana je Kalova močna roka odrinila in podrla na tla. | neutral | mnli | The Kal pushed Ca'daan aside with one powerful hand. | Ca'daan was pushed aside and knocked to the ground by the Kal's powerful hand. | 823 |
ne vem, mislim, da bodo šli, mislim, da bodo, dobri so, vendar niso odlični, vendar mislim, da bodo | Mislim, da ne bodo šli, ker so zanič ekipa. | contradiction | mnli | i don't know i think they'll go i think they'll they're good but they're not great but i think they'll | I don't think they'll go because they're a lousy team. | 824 |
obnova njegovega doma, mislim, da so jo odpoklicali zaradi vseh napak, ki so jih prejeli, vendar je to še en izmed velikih primerov, zakaj smo v takšni dilemi | Vsi so jim podelili priznanja. | contradiction | mnli | restoration to his home i think that was called back because of all the flack they received but but that's the another one of the big examples of why we're in such dilemma | Everyone gave them accolades. | 825 |
Seveda bi lahko glede tega kaj naredili, če bi se res spreobrnil. | Če ste se resnično spreobrnili v krščanstvo, bi morda lahko kaj storili glede tega. | neutral | mnli | Of course, we might do something about it, if you really converted. | If you truly converted to Christianity, maybe something could be done about it. | 826 |
Toda resnična težava diGenove in Toensinga ni njuna odvisnost od strokovnjakov ali njuno zanemarjanje preiskave, ki bi jo demokrati tako ali tako zanemarili. | Tako diGenova kot Toensing nimata osebnih razlogov, da bi bili pozorni na preiskavo. | neutral | mnli | But the real problem with diGenova and Toensing isn't their pundit addiction or their neglect of an investigation that Democrats would just as soon they neglect anyhow. | Both diGenova and Toensing have no personal reason to pay attention to the investigation. | 827 |
Morate imeti odvetnika, da jim pokažete, da mislite resno. | Da bi jim pokazali, da mislite resno, potrebujete odvetnika. | entailment | mnli | You have to have a lawyer to show them you mean business. | To show them you mean business, you need a lawyer. | 828 |
LETNE INFORMACIJE O SKRBNIŠTVU ZA RAZISKAVE IN RAZVOJ za proračunsko leto, ki se je končalo septembra | LETNE INFORMACIJE O SKRBNIŠTVU ZA RAZISKAVE IN RAZVOJ Za proračunsko leto, ki se konča septembra vsako leto od leta 1912. | neutral | mnli | RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT ANNUAL STEWARDSHIP INFORMATION For the Fiscal Year Ended September | RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT ANNUAL STEWARDSHIP INFORMATION For the Fiscal Year Ended September every year since 1912. | 829 |
'Danijel!' sem siknila in za seboj zaloputnila vrata. | Vrata sem zaprl kar se da previdno. | contradiction | mnli | 'Daniel!' I hissed, slamming the door shut behind me. | I closed the door as gingerly as possible. | 830 |
Vsi moški so ga še naprej opazovali, kot da bi bila njegova dejanja zelo pomembna. | Vsi moški so ga ta dan popolnoma ignorirali. | contradiction | mnli | All of the men continued to watch him as if his actions were highly significant. | All of the men completely ignored him for the day. | 831 |
Za trenutek se je zdelo, da je v njih nekaj prijaznosti in spoštovanja, vendar je bilo nekaj drugega, kar je bilo Hansonu veliko manj všeč. | V njihovem impozantnem obnašanju ni bilo prav nič prijaznosti ali spoštovanja. | contradiction | mnli | For a moment, there seemed to be a touch of friendliness and respect in them, but there was something else that Hanson liked far less. | Their imposing manner didn't have any friendliness or respect in it at all. | 832 |
Campbellovega trupla niso nikoli našli. | Le nekaj minut po tem, ko je udaril v vodo, so Campbella našli živega in zdravega. | contradiction | mnli | Campbell's body was never recovered. | Just minutes after he hit the water, Campbell was recovered safe and sound. | 833 |
in uh, to počnemo za skupnost, v katero so jih postavili, tako da mislim, da veste, da verjetno dosegamo uspešno stopnjo in mislim, da samo prostovoljno | To se naredi v interesu skupnosti. | entailment | mnli | and uh we do this for the community they put those on so i so i think you know we're probably reaching a successful stage and and just with voluntary i think | This is done for the interests of the community. | 834 |
V istem smislu sem bil pred kratkim v trgovini na drobno in prodajalka je imela oblečeno poletno obleko. | Uslužbenka ni imela oblečene poletne obleke. | contradiction | mnli | Along these same lines, I was recently in a retail store and the clerk had on a summer dress. | The clerk did not have on a summer dress. | 835 |
Zakaj ne? Deklica je oklevala. | To ji je dalo premor. | entailment | mnli | Why not? The girl hesitated. | It gave her pause. | 836 |
Na desni boste prišli do stolpa YMCA v bizantinskem slogu v slogu art deco, ki ga je zasnovalo podjetje, ki je načrtovalo tudi newyorški Empire State Building. | Stolp stavbe YMCA je bil zasnovan v klasičnem grško-rimskem slogu. | contradiction | mnli | On the right, you'll come to the Art Deco Byzantine-style tower of the YMCA, designed by the firm that also planned New York's Empire State Building. | The tower of the YMCA building was designed in a classic Greco-Roman style. | 837 |
res ne gledam toliko televizije, kar počnem je, da posnamem programe, ki jih želim gledati, in potem ob nočeh, ko lahko gledam, izberem nekaj, ampak hm | Nimam veliko časa za gledanje televizije. | neutral | mnli | i really don't watch that much TV what i do is i tape the programs i want to watch and then on the nights i can watch i'll pick out something but um | I don't have a lot of time to watch TV. | 838 |
Leta so se zvezne agencije borile z zagotavljanjem obljubljenih sistemskih zmogljivosti pravočasno in v okviru proračuna. | Zvezne agencije imajo že dolgo težave s pravočasnim zagotavljanjem zmogljivosti. | entailment | mnli | For years, federal agencies have struggled with delivering promised system capabilities on time and within budget. | Federal agencies have long had difficulty delivering capabilities on time. | 839 |
Govori se, da se Rupert Murdoch zanima za nakup in preoblikovanje v različico New York Posta za zahodno obalo. Naklade lačni Willes proti grabežljivim Takšen boj potrebuje ameriška časopisna industrija. | Govori se, da bi ga Rupert Murdoch želel kupiti in ga spremeniti v različico New York Posta na zahodni obali. | entailment | mnli | Rupert Murdoch is rumored to be interested in buying it and turning it into a West Coast version of the New York Post . A circulation-hungry Willes vs. the rapacious That's just the kind of fight the American newspaper industry needs. | It is rumored that Rupert Murdoch is interested in buying it and turning it into a West Coast version of the New York Post. | 840 |
Objavlja oglase za svoje podpornike na vrhu oddaj in sklepa poslovne dogovore z MCI, TCI in Disney, vendar še vedno vztraja, da ni komercialen. | Za svoje podpornike prikazuje oglase na predstavah in sklepa poslovne dogovore, vendar vztraja, da ni komercialna. | entailment | mnli | It runs advertisements for its supporters at the top of shows and strikes business deals with MCI, TCI, and Disney, but still insists it's not commercial. | It runs ads for its supporters at shows and strikes business deals, but insists it is not commercial. | 841 |
kaj misliš | Kdaj je bilo? | contradiction | mnli | What do you mean? | When was it? | 842 |
Ko pišem, hiša živi od cvetja in listja, spet je začelo snežiti. | Zunaj je sončno in vroče. | contradiction | mnli | As I write, the house is alive with flowers and foliage, and it is starting to snow again. | It is sunny and hot outside. | 843 |
ja, nikomur ne pomagajo, to je bistvo, da ne naredijo ničesar za nikogar, razen za sebe | Ljudstvo potrebuje pomoč. | neutral | mnli | yeah i mean they're not helping anybody that's the that's the whole point they're not doing anything for anybody except themselves | The people need help. | 844 |
Na Pico dos Barcelos lahko uživate v prav tako osupljivem razgledu na Funchal in okolico. | Pico dos Barcelos ponuja osupljiv razgled na okolico Funchala, ne pa tudi na samo mesto. | contradiction | mnli | Equally stunning views of Funchal and surroundings can be enjoyed at Pico dos Barcelos. | Pico dos Barcelos offers a stunning view of Funchal's surroundings although not of the city itself. | 845 |
poskrbite, da jim tega ne bo treba znova narediti hrenovk ali krompirjevega čipsa oz | Poskrbite za zrezke in krompir. | contradiction | mnli | make sure that they didn't have to do it again make hot dogs or some potato chips or | Make sure to have steaks and potatoes. | 846 |
Zaradi zaokroževanja se vsote morda ne bodo seštevale. | Zaokroževanje lahko povzroči netočne vsote. | entailment | mnli | Totals may not sum due to rounding. | Rounding may cause inaccurate totals. | 847 |
in težko je bilo razumeti te ljudi | Razumeti te ljudi je bilo lahko. | contradiction | mnli | and it it was tough understanding understanding those folks | Understanding those people was easy. | 848 |
In nihče ne bo lepši. | In nobena oseba ne bo ravnala bolj prijazno. | entailment | mnli | And no one will be nicer. | And not a single person will act in a more kind manner. | 849 |
Zagotavljanje učinkovitega nadzora nad DesignReview določanje zahtev glede objekta v zvezi s poslanstvom agencije, ocenjevanje vplivov poslanstva, povezanih z objektom, in izvajanje strateških objektov | Lahko določijo zahteve objekta glede kvadrature. | neutral | mnli | to Provide Effective OversightofDesignReview define facility requirements in relation to the agency's mission, assess facilityrelated mission impacts, and conduct facilityrelated strategic | They can define the facility requirements for square footage. | 850 |
Jon je položil roko na San'dorovo ramo in vstal. | San'doro je dvignil Jona, da je lahko stal. | contradiction | mnli | Jon placed a hand on San'doro's shoulder and stood. | San'doro picked up Jon so he could stand. | 851 |
Pro se pomoč omogoča ljudem, da si pomagajo sami, in izboljša delovanje našega sodnega sistema. | Pro se pomoč ljudem omogoča, da dobijo pomoč in izboljša delovanje sodnega sistema. | entailment | mnli | Pro se assistance empowers people to help themselves and makes our court system work better. | Pro se assistance empowers people to get help and make the court system work better. | 852 |
ja, poglejmo, naša tema so volitve | Naša tema je izobraževanje. | contradiction | mnli | yeah well let's see our our topic is uh elections | Our topic is education. | 853 |
Križarjenja okoli jezera Annecy se začnejo z reke Thiou. | Križarjenja potekajo okoli jezera Annecy, ki se začne z reko Thiou. | entailment | mnli | Cruises around Lake Annecy start from the Thiou river. | Cruises go around Lake Annecy which begin from the Thiou river. | 854 |
Drugič, ukinili bi več ureditev posebnih cen. | Veliko ureditev posebnih cen bi bilo ustavljenih. | entailment | mnli | Second, several special rate arrangements would be discontinued. | Many special rate arrangements would be stopped. | 855 |
Dober meč, višina ali izjemna spretnost lahko povečajo možnosti, vendar nikoli veliko. | Dober meč daje ljudem rahlo prednost, če je iz jekla. | neutral | mnli | A good sword, high ground, or exceptional skill may push the odds but never by much. | A good sword gives people the slight edge if it is made of steel. | 856 |
Mais me voila. Vrata so se zaprla. | Ponavadi pustijo vrata odprta. | neutral | mnli | Mais me voila. The door shut. | They typically leave the door open. | 857 |
Njegovo obnašanje je bilo neposrečeno, sem zamišljeno opazil. | Nisem mogel ugotoviti, kakšne manire je imel. | contradiction | mnli | His manner was unfortunate, I observed thoughtfully. | I could not pick out what kind of manner he had. | 858 |
Ni bilo razloga, da bi zahteval sorodstvo. | Nobenega razloga ni imel, da bi zahteval sorodstvo. | entailment | mnli | There was no reason for him to claim the kinship. | He had no reason to claim the kinship. | 859 |
Ko agencije izgubijo večje račune, pogosto odpustijo skoraj vse, ki so povezani z računom. | Če agencija izgubi velik račun, ni neobičajno, da odpusti vse, ki so bili povezani s tem računom. | entailment | mnli | When agencies lose major accounts, they often fire nearly everyone involved with the account. | If an agency loses a big account, it's not uncommon for them to fire everyone who was associated with that account. | 860 |
To je tako super, ker zadnje čase nisem dobil nič od tega. | Super je, čeprav sem jih nekaj dobival. | contradiction | mnli | This is so great because I haven't been getting any of this lately. | Its great even though I've been getting some. | 861 |
'Lepo vas je vse videti.' | Nočem te videti. | contradiction | mnli | 'It's nice to see you all.' | I don't want to see you. | 862 |
Po uspešno zaključenem obdobju ocenjevanja delovne uspešnosti začne zaposleni prejemati polno plačo. | Po zaključku ocenjevalnega obdobja zaposleni prejme plačilo v celoti. | entailment | mnli | After successfully completing the performance evaluation period, the employee then begins earning a full salary. | After completing the performance evaluation period, the employee gets paid the full amount. | 863 |
Videti sebe neprivlačno predstavljenega v stotinah uredniških karikatur kot pol človeka, pol slona z usnjatim obrazom. | Nekatere uredniške karikature prikazujejo ljudi neprivlačno. | entailment | mnli | Seeing himself unattractively represented in hundreds of editorial cartoons as a leathery-faced half-man, half-elephant. | Some editorial cartoons show people unattractively. | 864 |
Zaklenili so prostor. | Zapor je bil zaprt. | neutral | mnli | They were locking the place down. | The prison was on lockdown. | 865 |
Za območja s stroški storitev (kjer se bo verjetno zgodila večina prodaje električne energije) predpostavlja, da dodelitve pravic ne bodo spremenile cen električne energije. | Območja stroškov storitev so območja, kjer je verjetno, da bo prišlo do največje prodaje električne energije. | entailment | mnli | It assumes for cost-of-service areas (where most of power sales are likely to occur) that allowance allocations will not alter pricing of electricity. | Cost-of-services areas are areas where most of power sales are likely to occur. | 866 |
Ca'daan je šokirano pogledal čez tabor. | Ca'daan je pogledal proti kampu. | entailment | mnli | Ca'daan looked over the camp in shock. | Ca'daan looked towards the campsite. | 867 |
Z eno samo izjemo. | Izjema je bila zapisana v kamen. | neutral | mnli | With just one exception. | The exception was written in stone. | 868 |
Izdelal je skrben načrt za naslednji večer. | Ustvaril je zapleten načrt za naslednjo noč. | entailment | mnli | He had elaborated a careful plan for the following evening. | He created an intricate plan for the next night. | 869 |
Vodniki Inštituta radi izpostavijo vzhodni paviljon, mesto starega Tour de Nesle iz 14. stoletja. | Tour de Nesle je bil zgrajen kot obrambna struktura. | neutral | mnli | Guides to the Institut like to point out the east pavilion, site of the old 14th-century Tour de Nesle. | The Tour de Nesle was built as a defensive structure. | 870 |
Seveda bi bila obljuba brez pomilostitve nesmiselna; Clinton bi ga lahko preprosto zlomil zadnji dan mandata. | Obljuba brez pomilostitve bi imela veliko smisla in pomena. | contradiction | mnli | Of course, a no-pardon promise would be meaningless; Clinton could simply break it on his last day of office. | There would be a lot of meaningfulness and significance to a no-pardon promise. | 871 |
sprašujem se, kako dolgo to traja | Mislim, da ne bo trajalo. | contradiction | mnli | i wonder how long that last | I don't think it will last. | 872 |
o ja, ja, hm, seveda, na zeleni karti jo moraš plačati, ko pride račun, tako da ga ni, ampak na kartici Optima je, hm, poglejmo zdaj, približno teče, ni tako slabo, pravzaprav je približno šestnajst odstotkov in pol, kar je precej dobro, kar zadeva kreditne kartice | Trenutno je zelo visoko. | contradiction | mnli | oh yeah yeah it's um well of course on the green card you have to pay it when the bill comes in so there isn't any but on the Optima card it's um let's see right now it's running at about it's not too bad it's actually it's about sixteen and a half percent which is pretty good as far as credit cards go | It's running very high at the moment. | 873 |
saj veš, da imaš čas, ko imaš mlajše, ki skrbijo zate, morda si včasih ne vzameš toliko časa za starejše, ampak uh, bili smo zelo aktivni, seveda smo v cerkvi in uh skavtstvo in skavtinje Four H | Čas je dobro preživet z otroki, manj pa s starejšimi. | neutral | mnli | you know having the time when you have younger ones to take care of you maybe sometimes do not take as much time for the older ones but uh we were we're very active of course at church and uh Boy Scouting and Girl Scouts Four H | The time is well spent with the kids but less is spent with the older ones. | 874 |
No, težava, ki sem jo imel s filmom, je bila težava, ki sem jo imel z veliko, mislim, hollywoodskimi filmi, kar je, saj veste, da je film s formulo in film snemajo po določeni formuli, ki je dobra formula, vendar zdi se, da | Film je bil izviren s preobratnim koncem. | contradiction | mnli | well the the problem i had with the movie was the problem i've had with a lot of uh i guess Hollywood movies which is you know it's a formula movie and they're making the movie according to a certain formula that's a good formula but they seem to | The movie was original with a twist ending. | 875 |
vidim o moj | Vidim, vau. | entailment | mnli | i see oh my | I see, wow. | 876 |
Danes ekonomija resnice včasih pomeni le laž, čeprav je resnost te lahko sporna. | Današnji politiki težko opazijo razliko med ekonomijo resnice in ekonomijo laži. | neutral | mnli | Today an economy of truth sometimes just means a lie, albeit one whose seriousness may be debatable. | Politicians these days have a hard time noticing the difference between an economy of truth and one of lies. | 877 |
Druga polovica je, od kod prihajajo hazarderji, kako pridejo sem in kako jih postrežejo, ko pridejo. | Druga polovica je kraj, kjer se igralci radi zbirajo in igrajo svoje igre na srečo. | neutral | mnli | The other half is where the gamblers come from, how they arrive here, and how they are served once they arrive. | The other half is where the gamblers like to congregate to do their gambling. | 878 |
Na žalost civilne pravne potrebe vseh Američanov z nizkimi dohodki niso ustrezno izpolnjene zaradi velikega pomanjkanja sredstev na zvezni in državni ravni. | Na srečo Američanov z nizkimi dohodki bodo vse njihove civilne pravne potrebe izpolnjene brezplačno. | contradiction | mnli | Unfortunately, the civil legal needs of all low-income Americans are not being adequately met due to severe funding shortages at the federal and state level. | Fortunately for low-income Americans, all of their civil legal needs will be met free of charge. | 879 |
Samo nekako sem ga potreboval." | Nisem ga potreboval, vendar je izgledal dobro, zato sem ga vzel. | contradiction | mnli | I just sort of needed it." | I didn't need it, but it looked good so I took it. | 880 |
ostro vreme | lepo vreme. | contradiction | mnli | harsh weather | good weather. | 881 |
Da bi to dosegel, mora upravni odbor zvišati ali znižati obrestne mere, da bodo prihranki in naložbe pri tej ciljni stopnji brezposelnosti usklajeni. | Uresničiti to je bil cilj uprave že zelo dolgo. | neutral | mnli | To accomplish this, the board must raise or lower interest rates to bring savings and investment at that target unemployment rate in line with each other. | Accomplishing that has been the board's goal for a very long time. | 882 |
Zato je domneval, da bi lahko bilo zmanjšanje recidivizma primeren rezultat za urgentne zdravnike. | Zdravniki potrebujejo veliko stvari za delovanje | neutral | mnli | He surmised, therefore, that reduction in recidivism might be a suitable outcome for emergency physicians. | The doctors require a lot of things to work | 883 |
Začel sem se znajti v istem krogu, v katerem sem bil prej. | Vrnil sem se v isti krog prijateljev, kot sem ga imel v srednji šoli. | neutral | mnli | I began to find myself in the same circle that I was in before. | I had returned to the same circle of friends that I had in high school. | 884 |
Mislim, da je uspelo,« je rekla kakšen mesec pozneje, preden je šla v klub, njen oče pa je imel nejasen vtis, da ima njegova hčerka na obrazu več ali manj tri akne manj. | Oče je mislil, da ima njegova hčerka običajno veliko aken. | neutral | mnli | I think it's worked,' she said about a month later before going out to a club, and her father had a vague impression that there were more or less three zits less on his daughter's face. | The father thought his daughter typically had a lot of zits. | 885 |
Kratko razdaljo severno od parka Timna je rezervat divjih živali Hai Bar, kjer redijo redke in ogrožene avtohtone živali za morebitno izpustitev nazaj v naravo. | Rezervat divjih živali Hai Bar je živalski vrt, kjer so vse živali v ujetništvu celo življenje. | contradiction | mnli | A short distance north of Timna Park is the Hai Bar Wildlife Reserve, where rare and endangered indigenous animals are bred for eventual release back into the wild. | The Hai Bar Wildlife Reserve is a zoo where all animals are kept in captivity their whole lives. | 886 |
V nekaterih primerih so na njihovem mestu zrasle moderne zgradbe, ki jih danes ne občudujemo. | Nekatere sodobne stavbe, ki so bile postavljene na njihovem mestu, danes niso občudovane. | entailment | mnli | In some cases, modern buildings were erected in their place that are not admired today. | Some of the modern buildings that were erected in their place are not admired today. | 887 |
Čeprav sta manj zlovešča kot njegov vojni kij, sta dva zadetka Adrina dokazala, da je dobro služil svojemu delu. | Adrin je bil dvakrat zadet s sekiro. | neutral | mnli | Though less sinister than his war club, two hits on Adrin proved that it served the job well. | Adrin was hit twice with a hatchet. | 888 |
Nekaj let je bil na sodišču v Valladolidu, čeprav se je na koncu vrnil v Madrid. | Z veseljem se je vrnil na živahne ulice Madrida. | neutral | mnli | For several years he held court in Valladolid, though eventually he returned to Madrid. | He was very glad to return to the bustling streets of Madrid. | 889 |
(NBC promovira oddajo tukaj.) | NBC je zavrnil promocijo oddaje. | contradiction | mnli | (NBC promotes the show here.) | NBC have declined to promote the show. | 890 |
Helenistično in rimsko obdobje | Samo helenistično obdobje. | contradiction | mnli | Hellenistic and Roman Periods | Only the Hellenistic Period. | 891 |
Razliko, če obstaja, med ceno ponovnega nakupa in čisto knjigovodsko vrednostjo poravnanega dolga je treba pripoznati kot izgubo ali dobiček pri obračunavanju obresti na dolg državne blagajne. | To je najboljši način za zastopanje državnega dolga. | neutral | mnli | The difference, if any, between the reacquisition price and the net carrying value of the extinguished debt should be recognized as a loss or gain in accounting for interest on Treasury debt. | This is the best way to represent Treasury debt. | 892 |
Tam je bil tisti poročnik z oskrbovalnimi vozovi. | Tam je bil poročnik z oskrbovalnimi vozovi. | entailment | mnli | There was that lieutenant with the supply wagons. | The lieutenant with the supply wagons was there. | 893 |
Ni vam treba misliti, da me bo strah pred publiciteto ali škandal med možem in ženo odvrnil.« Potem se mi je zazdelo, da sem jih slišal prihajati ven, zato sem hitro odšel." | Zdelo se mi je, da sem jih slišal, zato sem hitro odšel. | entailment | mnli | You need not think that any fear of publicity, or scandal between husband and wife will deter me.' Then I thought I heard them coming out, so I went off quickly." | I thought I heard them so I left quickly. | 894 |
To je več kot le služba. | To je samo služba. | contradiction | mnli | This is more than just a job. | This is just simply a job. | 895 |
Povezuje ju Rim of the World Drive, slikovita avtocesta, ki sega do nadmorske višine 8000 ft (2440 m). | The Rim of the World Drive sega pod morsko gladino 8000 ft. | contradiction | mnli | They are connected by Rim of the World Drive, a scenic highway reaching elevations of 8,000 ft (2,440 m). | The Rim of the World Drive reaches below sea level of 8,000ft. | 896 |
Dva široka zaliva ponujata naravna pristanišča, majhen Navy Island pa leži tik ob obali. | Deset širokih zalivov ponuja umetna pristanišča, velik otok Navy Island pa je tik ob obali. | contradiction | mnli | Two wide bays offer natural harbors, and tiny Navy Island sits just offshore. | Ten wide bays offer artificial harbors, and the large Navy Island is just offshore. | 897 |
Dutch World, kjer se najrazličnejši izmišljeni liki, ki jih je ustvaril Edmund Morris, igrajo z otroki vseh starosti! | Edmund Morris je ustvaril svet, imenovan Dutch World, kraj, kjer se lahko izmišljeni liki igrajo z vsemi otroki. | entailment | mnli | Dutch World, where all sorts of fictional characters created by Edmund Morris come out to play with children of all ages! | Edmund Morris created a world called Dutch World, a place where made up characters can play with all children. | 898 |
Čeprav so se med štirimi programi nadaljevale razprave o združitvi, marca 2000 dva od programov nista glasovala za načrt združitve, zato se je načrt premaknil naprej le z dvema Legal Services Organisation of Indiana, Inc. in Legal Services of Northwest Indiana, Inc. | Med štirimi programi so se nadaljevale razprave o združitvi in 2 od programov marca 2000 nista glasovala. | entailment | mnli | Although merger discussions continued among the four programs, in March 2000 two of the programs did not vote in favor of the merger plan, and therefore the plan moved forward with only two Legal Services Organization of Indiana, Inc. and Legal Services of Northwest Indiana, Inc. | Among the four programs, merger discussions continued and 2 of the programs did not vote in march 2000. | 899 |