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Tu je leta 1598 umrl sam kralj, ki je bil pokopan v družinski grobnici pod velikim oltarjem bazilike. | Kralj je umrl leta 1598 in bil pokopan v družinski grobnici. | entailment | mnli | The king himself died here in 1598, to be buried in a family tomb beneath the high altar of the basilica. | The king died in 1598 and was buried in a family tomb. | 1,000 |
Sredstva, potrebna za namestitev nadzornih tehnologij za doseganje zmanjšanja emisij v skladu z Zakonom o čistem nebu, so bila ocenjena in primerjana z njihovo trenutno razpoložljivostjo na trgu. | Vgradnja nadzornih tehnologij za zmanjšanje emisij zahteva sredstva. | entailment | mnli | The resources required for the installation of control technologies to achieve the emission reductions under the Clear Skies Act were estimated and compared to their current market availability. | Installing control technologies in order to reduce emissions required resources. | 1,001 |
Približno 2500 žrtev revolucionarne giljotine je zadnje ure preživelo v Conciergerie. | Med francosko revolucijo so Conciergerie zadnjič uporabljali za pridržanje zapornikov. | neutral | mnli | About 2,500 victims of the Revolutionary guillotine spent their last hours in the Conciergerie. | The French Revolution was the last time the Conciergerie was used to hold prisoners. | 1,002 |
Bretansko podeželje je bolj divje in manj civilizirano, z razgibano obalo temu primerno. | Brittanyjino podeželje je dolgočasno in vsakdanje. | contradiction | mnli | Brittany's countryside is wilder and less civilized, with a jagged coastline to match. | Brittany's countryside is boring and mundane. | 1,003 |
77 »Cena bi morala biti v vsakem primeru ogromna,« je lahkotno rekla. | V poletnem času se ji zdi cena v vsakem primeru enormna. | neutral | mnli | 77 "The price, at any rate, would have to be enormous," she said lightly. | She thinks the price, at any rate, is enormous in the summer time. | 1,004 |
da je to prav, oh, to je zanje veliko vznemirjenje | Mislili so, da je dolgočasno. | contradiction | mnli | that that's right oh that's a big thrill for them | They thought it was boring. | 1,005 |
uh-huh vem, da Kostarika ne dovoli nikomur, da pride noter, da um, da pridejo kakršni koli uh, kako se imenujejo priseljenci, ne dovolijo česa takega, kot da nisem mogel iti v Kostariko in živim kot ameriški državljan, ne bi mi dovolili, da se preselim tja, da bi delal, ne bi, njihova delovna mesta so tam za Kostaričane, ljudem ne dovolijo, da se preselijo kot manj narodi, ki jih poznate, in sprejmejo službe | V Kostariki je priseljevanje ameriških državljanov prepovedano. | entailment | mnli | uh-huh i know that Costa Rica they don't allow anybody to come in that um to come in any uh what do you call what do you call immigrants they don't allow anything like that like i could not go to Costa Rica and live as an American citizen they would not permit me to move there to work they wouldn't their jobs are there for Costa Ricans they don't allow people to move in like less nations you know and take the jobs | In Costa Rica, immigration by American citizens is forbidden. | 1,006 |
Druga izjava je, da bi morala biti razlika v stopnji enaka povprečnim dodatnim prihrankom za program delitve dela. | Razlika v stopnji bi morala biti enaka povprečnemu dodatnemu prihranku. | entailment | mnli | The second statement is that the rate difference should be equal to the average incremental savings for the worksharing program. | The rate difference should be equivalent to the average incremental savings. | 1,007 |
Nosim krvavo žrebe, razmišljam. | Krvavo žrebe se je pravkar rodilo. | neutral | mnli | Carryin' a blood foal, I'm thinkin'. | The blood foal was just born. | 1,008 |
V velikem finalu, ko moški in ženske v majhnih kopalkah izvajajo skoraj pornografski vodni balet v ogromnem rezervoarju s steklenimi stenami, vrsta deklet zgoraj brez deklet prihrumi na oder na Harley Davidsonih, medtem ko laserji sledijo ameriškim ikonam - Kipu svobode, profilov Washingtona in Lincolna, dvig zastave na Iwo Jimi - na krilih odra in 15-članska zasedba igra Brucea Springsteena Born in the U.S.A. Pohlep, alkohol, šingoizem, slab okus in skrajno prepričljiva zabava. | Finale je bil grd in odvraten z veliko golote. | neutral | mnli | In the big finale, as men and women in tiny swimsuits perform a nearly pornographic water ballet in a giant glass-walled tank, a row of topless showgirls roars onto the stage on Harley Davidsons while lasers trace American Icons--the Statue of Liberty, profiles of Washington and Lincoln, the flag-raising on Iwo Jima--onto the wings of the stage, and a 15-piece pit band plays Bruce Springsteen's Born in the U.S.A. Greed, liquor, jingoism, bad taste, and utterly compelling entertainment. | The finale was crass and disgusting with lots of nudity. | 1,009 |
s prirejanjem različnih družinskih srečanj in srečanj razredov po vsej državi, ja, vedno sem mislil, da bi bilo to lahko nekako zabavno, saj veste, še posebej pri razrednih srečanjih, kjer | Zelo se veselim razrednih srečanj. | entailment | mnli | by arranging for different family reunions and class reunions all over the country yeah i always thought that would be kind of might be kind of fun you know especially with a class reunion where | I really look forward to class reunions. | 1,010 |
Pojdite s tekočimi stopnicami Mid-Levels do ulice Hollywood, znane po nakupovanju starin in zanimivosti. | Hollywoodska cesta se nahaja v središču mesta. | neutral | mnli | Take the Mid-Levels Escalator to Hollywood road, known for its antiques and curio shopping. | Hollywood road is located in the center of the city. | 1,011 |
Zahodno od utrdbe je nekdanja kraljeva palača Ras El-Tin, zgrajena za Mohammeda Alija leta 1834. | Mohammed Ali je bil dovolj bogat, da si je zgradil palačo. | neutral | mnli | Just west of the fort is the former royal palace of Ras El-Tin, built for Mohammed Ali in 1834. | Mohammed Ali was rich enough to have a palace built for himself. | 1,012 |
ja, poglejmo, katere druge družbene spremembe so bile v zadnjih desetih letih, verjetno med moškimi in ženskami, videl sem veliko sprememb v smislu žensk, ki se počutijo, kot da morajo imeti kariero, biti mama, biti vse, superoseba | Dandanes se zdi, da več moških čuti pritisk, da morajo ostati doma in skrbeti za svoje otroke. | contradiction | mnli | yeah yeah let's see what other social changes in the past ten years oh i guess between men and women i've seen a lot of changes in terms of women feeling like they have to have a career be mom be everything superperson | Nowadays, it seems that more men feel pressure to stay home and take care of their kids. | 1,013 |
Nikomur ni treba sedeti. | Vstani. | contradiction | mnli | No one need sit up. | Sit up. | 1,014 |
Bila sva sama na hodniku. | Stala sva na polnem hodniku. | contradiction | mnli | We were alone in a corridor. | We stood in the crowded hallway. | 1,015 |
Jesse Helms nasprotuje podelitvi trajnega statusa države največje ugodnosti Kitajske, saj to imenuje nagrada za slabo vedenje. | Kitajska ima stalen status MFN. | contradiction | mnli | Jesse Helms opposes granting China permanent MFN status, calling it a reward for bad behavior. | China has permanent MFN status. | 1,016 |
Oblasti verjamejo, da so lovci na glave svoj poklic uporabili kot krinko za oborožen rop. | Lovci na ujetnike niso vedno čisti. | neutral | mnli | The authorities believe that the bounty hunters used their profession as a cover for armed robbery. | Bountry hunters aren't always pure. | 1,017 |
vendar so si prizadevali za to celotno sezono in imeli so vse te situacije, potem pa so na koncu sezone ugotovili, da je Pam vse to le sanje | Celotna sezona se je odigrala, preden se je razkrilo, da so bile to sanje, ki jih ima Pam. | entailment | mnli | but they went for this whole season and they had all these situations and then to end the season come to find out Pam it was all a dream | The entire season played out before it was revealed that it was a dream Pam was having. | 1,018 |
ceste. | Materiali ceste | neutral | mnli | of the road. | Materials of the road | 1,019 |
Sam rt je zatočišče divjih koz in kraj osamljenega svetilnika ter stražnega stolpa, zgrajenega visoko nad morjem. | Na rtu so divje koze in izolirani svetilnik ter stražni stolp. | entailment | mnli | The cape itself is the haunt of wild goats and the site of an isolated lighthouse and a watchtower, built high above the sea. | The cape contains wild goats and an isolated lighthouse and a watchtower. | 1,020 |
Nekateri so bili muzejski eksponati. | Nekaj jih je bilo iz muzejev. | entailment | mnli | Some were museum pieces. | A few of them were pieces from museums. | 1,021 |
in uh imamo veliko slabih stvari, res me spravi v depresijo, že ko to gledam | Novica me jezi. | neutral | mnli | and uh we have a lot of bad stuff it just really gets me depressed even to watch it | The news depresses me. | 1,022 |
in bila je tako prijazna in vprašal sem upravitelja, ko smo odhajali, rekel sem, da je ta gospa balerina ali kaj in on je rekel, da ne, ona je bulimična | Vodja mi je rekel, da je ona balerina, o kateri govorim. | contradiction | mnli | and um she was just so friendly and i asked the manager as we checked out i said is that lady a ballerina or what and he goes he said no she's a bulimic | The manager told me that she was the lady ballerina I was referring to. | 1,023 |
Še kaj? | Vprašanje je, ali obstaja še kje. | contradiction | mnli | Anything else? | The question asks if there is anywhere else. | 1,024 |
F/A-18E/F je imel dokončanih 56 odstotkov risb in prav tako je imel dokončanih več kot 90 odstotkov risb vmesnika višje ravni, kar je dodalo zaupanje v zasnovo sistema. | Risbe lahko trajajo tedne. | neutral | mnli | The F/A-18E/F had 56 percent of its drawings completed and also had over 90 percent of its higher level interface drawings completed, adding confidence in the system design. | Drawings can take weeks to complete. | 1,025 |
Po drugi strani pa so bili konji iste kombinacije ponos več drugih družin, ki so živele okoli Lexingtona. | Družine v Lexingtonu so imele konje. | entailment | mnli | On the other hand, horses of the same combination were the pride of several other families living around Lexington. | Families in Lexington had horses. | 1,026 |
In glasovi tega meseca so le spopad v križarskih vojnah. | Glasovi tega meseca so nepomembni. | entailment | mnli | And this month's votes are but a skirmish in the crusades. | The votes of this month are unimportant. | 1,027 |
Saint-Malo ostaja pomembno ribiško pristanišče, trajektni terminal in pristanišče za jahte. | Saint-Malo je še vedno znan kot pomembno ribiško pristanišče. | entailment | mnli | Saint-Malo remains an important fishing port, ferry terminal, and yacht harbor. | Saint-Malo is still known as a fishing port of some importance. | 1,028 |
Bogovi, je rekel San'doro. | San'doro je rekel Bogovi. | entailment | mnli | Gods, said San'doro. | San'doro said Gods. | 1,029 |
Drugi so po njegovih besedah izgubili imetje zaradi roparjev po požaru 23. marca, zaradi katerega je 78 ljudi začasno ostalo brez strehe nad glavo. | Vsi so bili obtoženi vdora, ko so se vrnili na svoje domove, je dejal. | contradiction | mnli | Others, he said, lost possessions to looters after the March 23 blaze, which left 78 people temporarily homeless. | They all had been charged with trespassing when they returned to their homes, he said. | 1,030 |
in mislim, da se zdaj vse vrača k meni, kaj ni bilo The Deep, ampak The Abyss | Ne spomnim se ničesar o tem. | contradiction | mnli | and well i think the now it's all coming back to me what was the one not The Deep but The Abyss | I don't remember anything abou it. | 1,031 |
prejemati informacije. | Obstaja povpraševanje po informacijah. | entailment | mnli | receive information. | There is a demand of information. | 1,032 |
hm-hm, običajno samo poskušam razmišljati o tem, mislim, da bi se bolj nagibal k podobnim trem | Moja mnenja o stvareh se zelo razlikujejo glede na to, kako se počutim. | neutral | mnli | um-hum i usually just i'm trying to think of i guess i would tend myself to be more towards the the like three | My opinions on things vary greatly depending on how I am feeling. | 1,033 |
Ta odločitev o dvoletnem financiranju je bila sprejeta, da bi programom pravnih storitev v Missouriju omogočili čas in priložnost za razvoj izvedljivega, učinkovitega in celovitega državnega načrta. | Zakonodajalci v Missouriju so vedeli, da bo potreben čas za uresničitev učinkovitega državnega načrta. | neutral | mnli | This two-year funding decision was made to allow the Missouri legal services programs the time and the opportunity to develop a viable, effective and comprehensive state plan. | The Missouri legislatures knew that it would take time to put an effective state plan into action. | 1,034 |
Barry se je strinjal, da težki primeri res vzamejo večino časa in sredstev, ki se trenutno porabijo za težave z alkoholom v ED. | Težki primeri ne vzamejo veliko časa. | contradiction | mnli | Barry agreed that difficult cases do take most of the time and resources currently spent on alcohol problems in the ED. | The difficult cases do not take up much time. | 1,035 |
Zdaj trdijo, da en sam subjekt zavira plače in krši protimonopolne zakone. | Pravijo, da subjekt krši protimonopolne zakone, ki so bili sprejeti pred veliko depresijo. | neutral | mnli | Now they argue that the single entity suppresses salaries and violates antitrust laws. | They're saying that the entity is in violation of antitrust laws put in place before the Great Depression. | 1,036 |
ali jih ima tudi on | Jih nima? | contradiction | mnli | does he have those as well | He doesn't have them? | 1,037 |
ja, niso in nisem prepričan, kaj je z njim. Mislim, da je bil poškodovan, vendar ni igral. Ni igral že verjetno dva meseca, jaz pa sem šel na približno tri oz. štiri njihove tekme in sploh ne mislim, da je bil na stranskem tiru, zato mislim, da si je poškodoval koleno ali kaj podobnega, toda zagotovo se ni izkazal tako, kot bi moral, uh | Igral je po svojih najboljših močeh, a mislim, da potrebuje malo več časa. | neutral | mnli | yeah they didn't and i'm not for sure what the deal is on him i think he's been hurt but he hadn't played he hadn't played in probably two months and i've i've gone to about three or four of their games and i don't even think he was on the sidelines so i i think he hurt his knee or something but he he definitely didn't turn out to be anything like he was supposed to so uh | He played the best he could, but I think he needs a bit more time off. | 1,038 |
VA je svojo prvo nagrado Carey Award razglasila leta 1992. | VA je leta 1992 prvo nagrado Carey podelila. | entailment | mnli | VA announced its first Carey Award in 1992. | The first Carey Award was held by VA in 1992. | 1,039 |
Ta pomembna pobuda, ki jo je zasnoval sodnik vrhovnega sodišča Anthony M. Kennedy, je glavna akcija ameriške odvetniške zbornice ob letošnjem dnevu prava. | Kennedy in ABA sta sodelovala. | entailment | mnli | This major initiative, conceived by Supreme Court Justice Anthony M. Kennedy, is the American Bar Association's principal Law Day outreach this year. | Kennedy and the ABA worked together. | 1,040 |
Z brisačo in kopalnimi coklami vas bodo odpeljali v soparno marmorno stranišče, kjer vas bodo polili z vedri vroče vode, preden se bo spremljevalec z grobo rokavico lotil dela, odstranil umazanijo in odmrlo kožo ter vas pustil rožnate in sijoče . | Po polivanju z vročo vodo po celem telesu vam bo spremljevalec v rokavicah naredil piling kože, dokler ne boste rožnati in sijoči. | entailment | mnli | Wearing a towel and bath-clogs, you will be shown to the steamy marble washroom, where buckets of hot water will be poured over you before an attendant sets to work with a coarse glove, removing dirt and dead skin and leaving you pink and glowing. | After pouring hot water all over your body, a gloved attendant will exfoliate your skin until you are pink and glowing. | 1,041 |
Vse tiste zgodbe o Apačih, ki so se približali stražarju v Trdnjavi... Šele lani so mlajšemu dečku iz Rivasa prerezali grlo na polju sena pred njegovim domom! | Fant Rivas je bil ubit pred letom dni. | entailment | mnli | All those stories of Apaches weaseling into touching distance of the guard at the Stronghold.... Why, only last year the younger Rivas boy had had his throat slit out in the hay field within sight of his home! | The Rivas boy was killed a year ago. | 1,042 |
Drugi strah pred pedofilijo je služil bolj pragmatičnemu zakonodajnemu izsiljevanju. | Doslej je bil samo en strah pred pedofilijo. | contradiction | mnli | The second pedophilia scare has served a more pragmatic legislative blackmail. | There has only ever been one pedophilia scare. | 1,043 |
v redu, živim v Carrolltonu | Imam hišo v Carrolltonu. | neutral | mnli | okay well i live in Carrollton | I have a house in Carrollton. | 1,044 |
Rekel si, da je šel na sever. | Rekli ste, da je šel proti severu. | entailment | mnli | You said he went north. | You said that he went northward. | 1,045 |
Ker se zavedamo, da se te druge utemeljitve prekrivajo in morda ne veljajo za osnovna izhodišča, jih je vredno navesti. | Te utemeljitve niso izhodišča, ker so preveč poglobljene. | neutral | mnli | Recognizing that these other justifications overlap and may not all qualify as basic starting points, it is worthwhile to list them. | These justifications are not starting points, because they are too indepth. | 1,046 |
Prav tako bogati niso ohranili tistega zvočnega indikatorja, tistega kvazi-angleškega, kvazi-čeljustnega naglasa, ki so ga imeli vsi nabreknjeni v filmih iz obdobja depresije. | Naglasov v filmih iz obdobja depresije ni več, ker so z leti pozabljeni. | neutral | mnli | Nor have the rich maintained that audible indicator, that quasi-English, quasi-lockjawed accent that the swells all had in Depression-era movies. | The accents in the Depression-era movies are gone because as years go by it has been forgotten. | 1,047 |
Obupno sem plezal proti vrhu vlaka in se približal oknu. | Na vlak sem vstopil po stopnicah prvega vagona. | contradiction | mnli | Desperately clambering toward the top of the train, I came close to a window. | I boarded the train via the steps on the first car. | 1,048 |
Izgubila je svoj imperij v Ameriki in na Pacifiku, nato pa je leta 1923 v Maroku doživela ponižujoč poraz od lokalnih upornikov. | Lokalni maroški uporniki so ga leta 1923 porazili. | entailment | mnli | It lost its empire in America and the Pacific, and then in 1923 suffered a humiliating defeat in Morocco at the hands of local rebels. | Local Moroccan rebels defeated it in 1923. | 1,049 |
Del te aktuarske sedanje vrednosti, dodeljen letu vrednotenja, se imenuje normalni strošek. | Običajni stroški so velik del aktuarske sedanje vrednosti. | neutral | mnli | The portion of this actuarial present value allocated to a valuation year is called the normal cost. | Normal cost is a large part of the actuarial present value. | 1,050 |
ampak on je zvezda te uh ekipe, njihovega osebja za nalaganje, in ko sedi zunaj, pojenjajo | Nikoli jim ni uspelo, ko je odsedel. | neutral | mnli | but he's the star of that uh team their pitching staff and when he sits out they fizzle | They have never once succeeded when he has sat out. | 1,051 |
Prvi del bi predstavljal osnovno poročanje, ki bi veljalo za vsa javna podjetja. | Novinarji sledijo okviru, ki opisuje osnovna načela. | entailment | mnli | The first prong would represent basic reporting applicable to all public companies. | Reporters follow a framework outlining basic principles. | 1,052 |
Poleg tega, čeprav se te agencije ukvarjajo s partnerstvom s strankami in drugimi zainteresiranimi stranmi, je treba večji poudarek dati spodbujanju sodelovanja znotraj in prek organizacijskih meja za doseganje rezultatov. | Agencije sodelujejo s strankami in drugimi zainteresiranimi stranmi. | entailment | mnli | In addition, while these agencies address partnering with customers and other stakeholders, greater emphasis should be placed in fostering the collaboration within and across organizational boundaries to achieve results. | The agencies work to partner with customers and other stakeholders. | 1,053 |
Nenadoma je Tuppence zajokala. | Tuppence je sedel na nekaj ostrega, zaradi česar je skočil. | neutral | mnli | Suddenly Tuppence sprang up with a cry. | Tuppence sat on something sharp, causing him to spring up. | 1,054 |
Nekatera pravila agencij s svojimi namenskimi spletnimi stranmi so zagotavljala ločene povezave do pravil in postopkov elektronskih komentarjev (npr. | Spletna mesta nekaterih agencij vsebujejo ločene povezave za vsako od njihovih pravil in postopkov. | entailment | mnli | Some of the agencies rules with their own dedicated web sites provided separate links to both the rules and electronic comment procedures (e.g. | Some agencies' websites contain separate links for each of their rules and procedures. | 1,055 |
Adrin se je sklonil pod, se zavrtel in moška sta se znova spopadla. | Adrin je preskočil moškega in se ga začel oprijeti. | contradiction | mnli | Adrin ducked underneath, spun, and the two men grappled again. | Adrin jumped over top the man and started grappling him. | 1,056 |
ja dobro in nizko | Ne, slabo in visoko. | contradiction | mnli | yeah good and low | No, bad and high. | 1,057 |
Če ste se zaljubili v italijansko kavo, zakaj ne bi kupili kompaktne različice aparata za espresso ali pakiranih praženih zrn? | Na žalost espressa ne morete pripraviti sami. | contradiction | mnli | If you've fallen in love with Italian coffee, why not buy a compact version of the espresso machine or packaged roasted beans? | Unfortunately there is no way to make espressos on your own. | 1,058 |
Vendar je imel svoj ukaz: brez stika s tremi popotniki, razen če obstaja strah pred napadom. | Imel je ukaz, da ne sme imeti nobenega stika s tremi popotniki, razen če se boji napada. | entailment | mnli | But he had had his orders: no contact with the three travelers unless there was fear of attack. | He was under order to not have any contact with the three travelers unless he was afraid of an attack. | 1,059 |
6 milijonov iz financiranja odvetnikov, imenovanih s strani sodišča, za društvo za pravno pomoč. | 6 milijonov je bilo predanih Društvu za pravno pomoč za odvetnike po sodišču. | entailment | mnli | 6 million from funding for court-appointed lawyers to the Legal Aid Society. | 6 million was handed to the Legal Aid Society for court-appointed lawyers. | 1,060 |
V zadnjih dveh desetletjih se je pred prekomerno rastjo rastlin rešil 12 km (7 milj) od Ipoha Kellie's Castle, dvorec, katerega gradnja je bila ustavljena, ko je njegov lastnik William Kellie Smith, sadilec kavčuka, umrl med obiskom Škotske sredi leta -1920. | William Kellie Smith je bil sadilec kavčuka, ki je umrl med obiskom Škotske sredi dvajsetih let prejšnjega stoletja. | entailment | mnli | Saved from the plant over-growth in the past two decades, 12 km (7 miles) from Ipoh is Kellie's Castle, a mansion whose construction was halted when its owner, William Kellie Smith, a rubber planter, died while visiting Scotland in the mid-1920s. | William Kellie Smith was a rubber planter who died while he was visiting Scotland in the mid-1920s. | 1,061 |
Rdeča zastava pomeni, da je kopanje nevarno, črna zastava pa, da kopanje ni dovoljeno. | Rdeča zastavica lahko pomeni, da je voda varna za kopanje. | contradiction | mnli | A red flag means that swimming is dangerous and a black flag means that no swimming is allowed. | A red flag can indicate that the water is safe to swim in. | 1,062 |
Vode Algarve nudijo nekaj najboljšega ribolova velike divjadi v Evropi. | Nekaj najboljših lovov na velike divjadi v Evropi je mogoče najti ob obali Algarve. | entailment | mnli | The waters of the Algarve provide some of the best big-game fishing in Europe. | Some of the best big-game fishing in Europe is found off the coast of Algarve. | 1,063 |
Večja uporaba širokopasovnih povezav je ena od možnosti, ki si zasluži razpravo. | Ni drugih možnosti, o katerih bi bilo treba razpravljati. | neutral | mnli | The greater use of broadbanding is one of the options that deserves to be discussed. | There are no other options that need to be discussed. | 1,064 |
vse gre, ko je mama na telefonu | Vse stave so izključene, ko govoriš z mamo po telefonu. | entailment | mnli | anything goes when mom's on the phone | All bets are off when on the phone with Mom. | 1,065 |
Iz definicije zemljišča so izključeni naravni viri (tj. izčrpni viri, kot so nahajališča mineralov in nafta; obnovljivi viri, kot je les, in viri zunanjega epikontinentalnega pasu), povezani z zemljo. | Izčrpni in obnovljivi viri niso izključeni iz definicije zemljišča. | contradiction | mnli | Excluded from the definition of land are the natural resources (that is, depletable resources such as mineral deposits and petroleum; renewable resources such as timber, and the outer-continental shelf resources) related to land. | Depletable and renewable resources are not excluded from the definition of land. | 1,066 |
5 koncentracije in usedline so navedene kot odstotek zmanjšanja. | Koncentracije in usedline se bodo poročale kot odstotek zmanjšanja. | entailment | mnli | 5 concentrations and deposition are reported as a percent reduction. | Concentrations and depositions will be reported as a percent reduction. | 1,067 |
Gauve se je zasmejal in Celeste je zardela. | Celeste je bilo v zadregi. | entailment | mnli | Gauve laughed and Celeste blushed. | Celeste was embarrassed. | 1,068 |
6 odstotkov leta 1997. NHH-to-NHH (poslovna pošta) je edini sektor prvorazredne pošte, ki je v 90. letih doživel zdravo rast. | NHH-to-NHH (poslovna pošta) je v 90. letih poznala 15-odstotno rast. | contradiction | mnli | 6 percent in 1997.NHH-to-NHH (business mail) is the only sector of First-Class Mail that has experienced healthy growth in the 90s. | NHH-to-NHH (business mail) knew a growth in the 90s of 15 percent. | 1,069 |
Zaposlovanje in ohranjanje raznolikega vodstva/upravljanja | Če se želite prijaviti na delovno mesto, morate obiskati spletno mesto Recruitment and Retention of Diverse Leadership/Governance. | neutral | mnli | Recruitment and Retention of Diverse Leadership/Governance | To apply for the job one has to visit the Recruitment and Retention of Diverse Leadership/Governance site. | 1,070 |
in njihovi otroci zdaj živijo tam v redu | Njihovi otroci tam živijo v redu. | entailment | mnli | and their children are now living there okay | Their children are living okay there. | 1,071 |
kot da veste, čeprav je dvesto petdeset tisoč ljudi umrlo nekje drugje, vam ne bodo povedali, saj veste, da bodo porabili več časa za nekaj na križnem stražaru, ki je star sto pet let kot so na čemer koli drugem, kar poznate | Nekje drugje ni umrlo veliko ljudi. | contradiction | mnli | it's like you know even though two hundred and fifty thousand people died somewhere else they're not going to tell you you know they're going to spend more time on doing a a thing on a on a cross guard who's a hundred and five years old than they are on anything else you know | Not many people died somewhere else. | 1,072 |
V kamnitih zidovih lahko opazite majhne izklesane glave angelov ali demonov, cvetlične motive ali školjko pokrovače (coquille Saint-Jacques), ki označuje pot srednjeveških romarjev v Santiago de Compostela v Španiji. | Pot srednjeveških romarjev v Santiago de Compostela povezuje Španijo z Nemčijo. | neutral | mnli | You can spot, set in the stone walls, little sculpted heads of angels or demons, floral motifs, or the scallop shell (coquille Saint-Jacques) marking the route of medieval pilgrims to Santiago de Compostela in Spain. | The route of medieval pilgrims to Santiago de Compostela connects Spain to Germany. | 1,073 |
Pripraviti se moramo na to, da bodo ljudje odšli v rudnike. | Ljudi moramo pripraviti, da gredo v rudnike. | entailment | mnli | We have to prepare for people to go to the mines. | We have to prepare people to go into the mines. | 1,074 |
LSC se je pridružil komisiji ABA za odplačilo in odpuščanje posojil, da bi preučili to težavo in priporočili rešitve. | LSC ne želi sodelovati s komisijo ABA. | contradiction | mnli | LSC has joined with the ABA Commission on Loan Repayment and Forgiveness to study this problem and to recommend solutions. | LSC doesn't want to be involved with ABA Comission. | 1,075 |
Visok moški v še višjem klobuku. | Ta moški je visok približno 6′ 6″ in nosi črn visok klobuk. | neutral | mnli | A tall man in an even taller hat. | That man's height is about 6′ 6″ and he wears a black tall hat. | 1,076 |
Torej, sčasoma, ko prideš do tega, kupi svoji mami nekaj lepega. | Nikoli ne kupuj mami ničesar lepega. | contradiction | mnli | So, buy your mom something nice, eventually, when you get around to it. | Never buy your mom anything nice. | 1,077 |
Toda evangeličanski voditelji, ki so po mojih izkušnjah enako prijazni in velikodušni v svojih osebnih odnosih, so lahko tudi strašno zoprni v svojih odnosih z Judi. | evangeličanski voditelji so kreteni za vse. | contradiction | mnli | But evangelical leaders, who are, in my experience, uniformly kind and generous in their personal relations, can also be terribly obnoxious in their relations with Jews. | evangelical leaders are jerks to everyone. | 1,078 |
To je vidno mesto na razstavi v galeriji Tate v Londonu in naj bi bila postelja, v kateri je umetnica teden dni razmišljala o samomoru po razhodu s fantom. | Galerija Tate je imela razstavo. | entailment | mnli | Featuring prominently in an exhibition at the Tate Gallery in London, it is said to be the bed in which the artist spent a week contemplating suicide after breaking up with a boyfriend. | The Tate Gallery had an exhibit. | 1,079 |
Rezultat je fascinanten, ne da bi bil ravno premikajoč. | Rezultat je bil nezanimiv. | contradiction | mnli | The result is fascinating without being exactly moving. | The result was uninteresting. | 1,080 |
No, nisem se začel ukvarjati z nogometom do približno prvega leta Dannyja Dana Marina | Prvo leto Dannyja Dana Marina je bilo obdobje, ko sem se začel ukvarjati z nogometom | entailment | mnli | well i didn't get uh into football until about Danny Dan Marino's first year | Danny Dan Marino's first year was the time when I got into football | 1,081 |
Namestnik generalnega državnega tožilca Eric Holder, ki je predlagal, naj pravosodno ministrstvo namesto pristranskega neodvisnega svetovalca preišče Baitgate. | Eric Holder je predvidljivo predlagal, da bi moralo pravosodno ministrstvo preiskati in ne katera koli druga agencija. | neutral | mnli | Deputy Attorney General Eric Holder, who suggested that the Justice Department, rather than a biased independent counsel, should investigate Baitgate. | Eric Holder predictably suggested that the Justice Department should investigate rather than any other agency. | 1,082 |
Vrata so bila enaka, vendar sem začutil nekaj v zraku. | Vedel sem, da je problem, ker so bila vrata premaknjena. | contradiction | mnli | The door was the same but I felt something in the air. | I knew there was a problem because the door was moved. | 1,083 |
no, kaj, katero znamko mislim, kateri model bi pogledal | Kakšno si dobil? | neutral | mnli | well what what what brand i mean what model would you look | What kind did you get? | 1,084 |
Hvala za vaš čas in pozornost tej pomembni zadevi. | Za zadevo je bil potreben vaš čas | neutral | mnli | Thank you for your time and attention to this important matter. | Your time in the matter was needed | 1,085 |
uh ne, ne | Uh ja, imamo. | contradiction | mnli | uh no we don't | Uh yes we do. | 1,086 |
Želite dohiteti najbolj vroč neodvisni film, plačati le 3 $ za zadržani film v Lowe's Cineplex Fairfax, si privoščiti nekaj klimatiziranih ur z mednarodnim filmom ali si ogledati uspešnico v zgodovinskem Mann's Chinese Theatre ali El Capitan? | Bi radi šli ven in pobegnili od tehnologije? | contradiction | mnli | Want to catch up on the hottest independent film, pay a mere $3 for a held-over feature at the Lowe's Cineplex Fairfax, grab a few air-conditioned hours with an international flick, or watch a blockbuster in the historic Mann's Chinese Theater or El Capitan? | Would you like to go outside and get away from technology? | 1,087 |
13 Takšne težave bi se lahko pojavile, če bi se storitev pogajala o znižanih cenah – brez spremembe pogojev storitve, ki bi zagotovila utemeljitev stroškov ali prihodkov. | Lahko pride do težav, če se lahko storitev pogaja o cenah brez spremembe pogojev storitve. | neutral | mnli | 13 Such problems might well arise if the Service were to negotiate discounted rates-unaccompanied by a change in service conditions that provided cost or revenue justification. | There might be problems if the service can negotiate rates without a change in the service conditions. | 1,088 |
Starrjevi kritiki menijo, da so zaradi teh ekscesov in neuspehov slab človek. | Njegovi kritiki menijo, da ga opredeljujejo njegovi neuspehi. | entailment | mnli | Starr's critics think these excesses and failures make him a bad man. | His critics think his failures define him. | 1,089 |
Ko so dokazi bolj nedosledni kot dosledni, je vzorec zavrnjen. | Vzorec se zavrže, če so dokazi preveč nedosledni. | entailment | mnli | When the evidence is more inconsistent than consistent, the pattern is rejected. | The pattern is thrown out if the evidence is overly inconsistent. | 1,090 |
To letovišče, ki ga je leta 1965 zgradil Laurance Rockefeller, je bilo prvo veliko letovišče, izklesano iz lave na obali Kohala. | Na obali Kohala ni bilo zgrajenih letovišč. | contradiction | mnli | Built in 1965 by Laurance Rockefeller, this was the first great resort to be carved out of the lava on the Kohala Coast. | There were no resorts built on the Kohala Coast. | 1,091 |
Slikarski učinek ožgane siene žari iz arkadne gotske palače Palazzo Pubblico nasproti s čudovitim 102 m (335 čevljev) visokim Torre del Mangia (povzpnite se na prvo raven na 88 m [288 čevljev] za čudovit razgled mesta in podeželja zunaj njega). | Torre del Mangia je visok petnajst metrov, na prvo raven se povzpnite na pet metrov. | contradiction | mnli | The painterly impact of the burnt sienna glows from the arcaded Gothic Palazzo Pubblico opposite, with its splendid 102-m- (335-ft-) high Torre del Mangia (climb to its first tier at 88 m [288 ft] for a magnificent view of the city and countryside beyond). | The Torre del Mangia is fifteen feet high, climb to its first tier at five feet. | 1,092 |
Številni zvezni direktorji informatike so v običajnem poteku lastnih prizadevanj že začeli delati v skladu z nasveti v tem priročniku. | Zvezni CIO še niso začeli uporabljati nasveta. | contradiction | mnli | Many federal CIOs, in the normal course of their own efforts, have already begun working along the lines of the advice provided in this guide. | Federal CIOs have not begun using the advice. | 1,093 |
Po mnenju mnogih je Kuba izoliran socialistični dinozaver. | Le redki menijo, da je Kuba izoliran socialistični dinozaver. | contradiction | mnli | In the opinion of many, Cuba is an isolated socialist dinosaur. | Cuba is thought to be an isolated socialist dinosaur by few. | 1,094 |
oh ja, gospodarstvo, o čemer sem razmišljal, je gospodarsko vprašanje, uh | To ni ekonomsko vprašanje. | contradiction | mnli | oh yeah the economy uh what i was thinking about is an economical issue concerning it uh | It's not an economical issue. | 1,095 |
Vse znane tarče, razen Pelosi, so glasovale za MFN in so bile ves čas močne zagovornice MFN. | Pelosi je glasovala za MFN | contradiction | mnli | All known targets, except Pelosi, did vote for MFN and had been strong MFN supporters all along. | Pelosi voted MFN | 1,096 |
Nemogoče je potegniti svetlo črto med ultimate fightingom in boksom. | Razlik med ultimate fightingom in boksom je malo. | entailment | mnli | It is impossible to draw a bright line between ultimate fighting and boxing. | The differences between ultimate fighting and boxing are few. | 1,097 |
postali bolj uh civilizirani in uh jim dali smrtonosno injekcijo, da bomo zagotovo imeli uh smrtno kazen | To počnemo s smrtonosno injekcijo in je bolj civilizirano. | entailment | mnli | got more uh civilized and uh give them lethal injection so we definitely do have uh capital punishment | We do it by lethal injection and it is more civilized. | 1,098 |
Za upravičenost do pravne pomoči mora biti njegov dohodek enak ali nižji od 125 odstotkov ravni revščine, kot jo določi zvezna vlada. | Osebi ni zagotovljena brezplačna pravna pomoč, ne glede na to, kako malo zasluži. | contradiction | mnli | To qualify for legal assistance, one's income must be at or below 125 percent of the poverty level, as determined by the federal government. | A person is not given free legal assistance, regardless of how little they make. | 1,099 |