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hm ja, uživam v odbojki, samo nisem zelo dober v njej in končam preprosto | V odbojki sem boljši od drugih. | neutral | mnli | hm yeah i i enjoy volleyball i'm just not very good at it and i end up just | I'm better at volleyball than others. | 700 |
No, kaj pa? | Kaj je to? | contradiction | mnli | Well what of it? | What is it? | 701 |
Zvezni zakon o racionalizaciji pridobivanja iz leta 1994 (FASA) (javno pravo 103-355) a Ta zakon od agencij zahteva, da določijo stroške, časovni razpored in cilje uspešnosti za zvezne programe pridobivanja (da vključujejo projekte IT) in spremljajo te programe, da zagotovijo, da ostanejo znotraj predpisane tolerance. | Ta zakon od agencij zahteva, da opredelijo različne cilje za programe pridobivanja. | entailment | mnli | Federal Acquisition Streamlining Act of 1994 (FASA) (Public Law 103-355) a This law requires agencies to define cost, schedule, and performance goals for federal acquisition programs (to include IT projects) and monitor These programs to ensure that they remain within prescribed tolerances. | This law demands agencies define various goals for acquisition programs. | 702 |
veš, dvajset dolarjev za teste in štirideset dolarjev za to in in veš in priplazi se ti ne veš, da veš, da res ti ne veš, koliko bo to stalo, dokler ni vsega konec | Skozi celoten postopek natančno veste, koliko bo to stalo. | contradiction | mnli | you know twenty dollars for tests and forty dollars for this and and you know and it creeps up on you you don't know that you know you really you you don't know what it's gonna cost until it's all over | You know exactly how much it will cost throughout the whole process. | 703 |
Ta prvi pogled na visoko stolpasto opatijo, ki se dviga iz morja na svoji skali, je trenutek, ki ga ne boste pozabili. | Večina ljudi, ki so si ogledali opatijo, ki se dviga iz oceana, komentira, da je to izkušnja, ki jim spremeni življenje. | neutral | mnli | That first glimpse of the towering, steepled abbey rising from the sea on its rock is a moment you will not forget. | Most people who have viewed the abbey rising from the ocean comment that it is a life-changing experience. | 704 |
Pomembni sta dve dejstvi." | Še vedno nimamo nobenih dejstev. | contradiction | mnli | There are two facts of significance." | We still don't have any facts. | 705 |
Vse to je čisto visokotonsko in dražeče, vibrira s komajda okrnjenim snobizmom, a tudi s trdimi vprašanji in nepriljubljenimi odgovori. | To je nesramno in snobovsko. | entailment | mnli | This is all pure high-toned and irritating, vibrating with barely curtailed snobbism, but also venturing hard queries and unpopular responses. | This is obnoxious and snobby. | 706 |
Cold Mountain je napreden humbug. | Advanced humbug pomeni Cold Mountain. | entailment | mnli | Cold Mountain is advanced humbug. | Advanced humbug means Cold Mountain. | 707 |
Na žalost so to pasti, ki imajo priložene cene v milijardah dolarjev. | Te pasti izvirajo iz milijardnih cen, povezanih z njimi. | entailment | mnli | Unfortunately, these are trappings that come with billion-dollar price tags attached. | These trappings are what come from the billion-dollar price tags associated with them. | 708 |
S spoštovanjem, | Nespoštljivo vaš | contradiction | mnli | Respectfully yours, | Disrespectfully yours | 709 |
ja, to je enostavno narediti, to je zelo enostavno narediti, in to je jaz ne ali se vam zdi lažje, mislim, naredite s proračunom, ali se počutite, kot da ste, mislim, vem, da ste rekli, da imate boljši nadzor, vendar | Če imate zelo majhen proračun, je to oteženo. | neutral | mnli | yeah that's easy to do it's very easy to do and it's i don't it do you find it easier to i mean do with a budget do you feel like you're you do i mean i know you said you have better control but | If you have a very small budget, it makes it difficult. | 710 |
Zdravniki verjetno ne bodo preverjali, če to vpliva na njihova upravičena pričakovanja glede finančnega plačila za oskrbo bolnikov. | Zdravniki so zdravniki za otroke. | entailment | mnli | Physicians are unlikely to screen if it affects their legitimate expectation for financial remuneration for patient care. | Physicians are doctors for children. | 711 |
Vedno sem slišal, da ste revolucionarji imeli življenje za poceni, vendar se zdi, da je razlika, ko gre za vaše lastno življenje. | Neprestano sem slišal, da vi revolucionarji zelo cenite življenje. | contradiction | mnli | I've always heard you Revolutionists held life cheap, but it seems there's a difference when it's your own life 197 in question. | I've constantly heard that you Revolutionists value life greatly. | 712 |
Vmes je bila kolona jezdecev, ki je hitro streljala in se je lahko ujela vsakemu odporu, na katerega sta naleteli dve skupini pešcev. | Med svetlobo je bilo veliko jezdecev, ki so hitro jezdili skozi skupine pešcev. | entailment | mnli | In between was a column of riders, lighting fast and able to cleave into any resistance the two groups of foot soldiers ran into. | Between the light, there were many riders, quickly riding through the groups of foot soldiers. | 713 |
Osebje FEMA bo na voljo za srečanje z žrtvami poplav, da bi odgovorili na vprašanja in zagotovili informacije o obnovi ter pisna gradiva o različnih programih pomoči. | FEMA noče pomagati žrtvam poplav. | contradiction | mnli | FEMA personnel will be on hand to meet with flood victims to answer questions and provide recovery information and written materials about various assistance programs. | FEMA refuses to help flood victims. | 714 |
Ne potrebuje naslovnice ali druge službe kot visoko zmogljiv medijski direktor, zato nima nobene spodbude, da bi lagal o svojem odhodu. | Ne namerava zapustiti podjetja. | contradiction | mnli | He doesn't need a cover story or another job as a high-powered media executive, so he has no incentive to lie about his departure. | He is not going to leave the company. | 715 |
ja, samo želim si, da bi bilo malo bolj priročno priročno, da veš | Želim, da bi bilo lažje narediti. | entailment | mnli | yeah i just wish it was a little more convenient convenient to do you know | I want it to be easier to do. | 716 |
Ko so v proizvodnji, bodo programi zmanjšali količine, da bi ohranili financiranje, ali ko so na voljo, se zanašajo na proračun za operacije in vzdrževanje za plačilo težav z zanesljivostjo, ki niso rešene v razvoju. | Ko bo enkrat v proizvodnji, programi ne bodo zmanjšali njegovih količin. | contradiction | mnli | Once in production, programs will cut quantities to maintain funding or once fielded, they rely on the operations and maintenance budget to pay for reliability problems not solved in development. | Once in production, the programs will not cut its quantities. | 717 |
Opozoril je tudi, da bi bila kakršna koli taka nadgradnja velik in drag napor in da ni jasno, kdaj bodo hipertekstne povezave dodane v zvezni register, če sploh kdaj. | Nadgradnje so glavobol. | neutral | mnli | He also noted that any such upgrade would be a large and expensive effort, and that it was unclear when, if ever, hypertext links could be added to the Federal Register. | Ugrades are a headache. | 718 |
Pripombe o zaupnih ali omejenih poročilih je treba posredovati na način, o katerem se dogovorita GAO in agencija. | Za tajna poročila obstajajo posebne metodologije prenosa. | entailment | mnli | Comments on classified or restricted reports should be transmitted in the manner agreed to by GAO and the agency. | There are specific transmission methodologies for classified reports. | 719 |
Da bi bralcu dali osnovo za presojo razširjenosti in posledic teh ugotovitev, bi morali biti ugotovljeni primeri povezani s populacijo ali številom pregledanih primerov in kvantificirani v dolarjih. | Tam prebivalstva ni mogoče kvantificirati v dolarjih. | contradiction | mnli | To give the reader a basis for judging the prevalence and consequences of these findings, the instances identified should be related to the population or the number of cases examined and be quantified in terms of dollar | There population cannot be quantified into dollars. | 720 |
Najboljša knjiga v mnogih letih v washingtonskih medijih, pravi Andrew Ferguson iz Weekly Standarda. | Najboljša knjiga v zadnjih letih v washingtonskih medijih po mnenju vseh razen Andrewa Fergusona. | contradiction | mnli | The best book in many years on Washington media, says the Weekly Standard 's Andrew Ferguson. | The best book in years on Washington media according to everyone except Andrew Ferguson. | 721 |
Profesor Cleveland je dve leti (1994-1996) delal za Florida Legal Services kot Skadden Fellow in vodil civilnopravne spore v imenu karibskih delavcev migrantov H-2A v jugovzhodnih ZDA. | Profesor Cleveland je dve leti delal kot Skadden Fellow. | entailment | mnli | Professor Cleveland worked for two years (1994-1996) for Florida Legal Services as a Skadden Fellow, conducting civil impact litigation on behalf of Caribbean H-2A migrant farmworkers in the southeastern U.S. | Professor Cleveland worked as a Skadden Fellow for two years. | 722 |
Slika 6-3 primerja razpoložljivo delovno silo proizvajalcev kotlov s povpraševanjem industrije električne energije, ki vključuje naknadne vgradnje iz zakona o čistem nebu. | Nadgradnja iz zakona o čistem nebu ni spremenila povpraševanja. | contradiction | mnli | Figure 6-3 compares the available boilermaker labor to the demand from the electric utility industry which includes the retrofits from the Clear Skies Act. | Retrofits from the Clear Skies Act did not change demand. | 723 |
On in njegova žena učiteljica Linda verjetno nista vedela, da sta začela na revni strani. | Njegova žena Linda je bila učiteljica. | entailment | mnli | He and his schoolteacher wife, Linda, probably didn't know they were starting out on the poor side. | His wife, Linda, was a teacher. | 724 |
To je škoda, kajti njegov jedki ton in plitki sijaji spodkopavajo tisto, kar je drzno in vredno napisati berljivo enodelno zgodovino ameriškega ljudstva. | Knjiga je bila fenomenalna brez napak. | contradiction | mnli | This is a pity, for his caustic tone and shallow glosses undermine what is a bold and worthy to write a readable one-volume history of the American people. | The book was phenomenal with no faults. | 725 |
in bilo je poletje klimatska naprava je bila na vratih zaprta in nisem mogel potrkati ker sem moral držati dvigalko z drugo roko končno sem s komolcem pozvonil na vrata in mama je prišla na vrata | Pozimi je, ko je bila klima prižgana, nisem mogel pozvoniti na vrata, ker je bila zmrznjena. | contradiction | mnli | and it was summertime the air conditioner was on the door was closed and i couldn't knock because i had to hold the jack with the other hand i finally with my elbow rang the doorbell and mother came to the door | The wintertime is when the air conditioning was on, I couldn't ring the doorbell because it was frozen. | 726 |
Vsaka zanesljiva stvar pritegne preveč otrcanih idej, kot je Wolffova, in preveč neumnega denarja. | Ko je nekaj gotovo, bodo zagotovo sledile trapaste ideje in nespameten denar. | entailment | mnli | Any sure thing attracts too many hackneyed ideas, like Wolff's, and too much foolish money. | When something is a sure thing, hackneyed ideas and foolish money is sure to follow. | 727 |
Zato razprava o nekaterih aplikacijah, opisanih tukaj, temelji na razmeroma obsežnih izkušnjah s terena (z vprašanji na področjih, kot so pravosodje, izobraževanje, blaginja, okolje, stanovanja in tuja pomoč), medtem ko razprava o nekaterih drugih aplikacijah temelji na na bolj omejenih izkušnjah. | Razprava temelji izključno na bogatih izkušnjah, kot so stanovanja ali izobraževanje. | contradiction | mnli | Therefore, discussion of some of the applications described here is based on relatively extensive field experience (with questions in such domains as justice, education, welfare, environment, housing, and foreign aid), while the discussion of some of the other applications is based on more constrained experience. | Discussion is solely based on extensive experience like from housing or education. | 728 |
Trgovine so praviloma odprte od 9.30 do 19.00. | Trgovine redko podaljšajo svoj delovni čas za predpraznične dni. | neutral | mnli | Shops are generally open from 9:30 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. | Shops rarely extend their business hours for eves of holidays. | 729 |
ali bodisi jaz oni oni ne vem ne vem kako lahko kdo pade v to dobiš denar nazaj in kupiš to, ker | Velikokrat sem nasedel prevari, da dobiš denar nazaj. | contradiction | mnli | either either do i they they i don't know i don't know how anybody can fall into this you get cash back and buy into that because | I have fallen for the 'you get cash back' scam a lot of times. | 730 |
Oglas, je nemudoma odgovorila Tuppence. | Tuppence je takoj odgovorila. | entailment | mnli | Advertisement, replied Tuppence promptly. | Tuppence replied right away. | 731 |
In čisto drugačen razred od njih dveh detektivov iz Londona, kaj radovedno zanima in postavlja vprašanja. | Londonski detektivi so zelo nevšečni, ker so preveč radovedni. | neutral | mnli | And quite a different class from them two detectives from London, what goes prying about, and asking questions. | The London detectives are very unlikable because they are too curious. | 732 |
Uprava ne bo podprla nobene zakonodaje, ki bi povzročila znatno zmanjšanje zmožnosti naše države za uporabo premoga kot glavnega vira sedanje in prihodnje električne energije. | Zakonodaje, ki bi povzročila zmanjšanje rabe premoga kot vira energije, uprava ne bo podprla. | entailment | mnli | The Administration will not support any legislation that would cause a significant decline in our nation's ability to use coal as a major source of current and future electricity. | Legislation that would cause a decline in using coal as a source of energy will not be supported by the Administration. | 733 |
Druge publikacije so lahko kavalirske, ne da bi vas skrbelo, da bi uničile avtorjevo nadobudno kariero. | Nekatere publikacije so lahko precej kavalirske brez strahu. | entailment | mnli | Other publications can be cavalier without worrying about squashing an author's budding career. | Some publications can be rather cavalier without fear. | 734 |
Kaj pa obroki? je vprašal praktični Tommy. | Nepraktični Tommy je spraševal po obroku. | contradiction | mnli | What about meals? inquired the practical Tommy. | The impractical Tommy inquired after meals. | 735 |
Številne šesterokrake zvezde, postavljene v opornike glavnih lokov, niso judovska Davidova zvezda, temveč ezoterični simbol, ki ga boste videli po vsej državi. | Šesterokrake zvezde, ki jih boste videli po vsej državi, so podobne judovski Davidovi zvezdi. | entailment | mnli | The numerous six-pointed stars set in the abutments of the main arches are not the Jewish Star of David but an esoteric emblem that you'll see all over the country. | The six-pointed stars that you'll see all over the country look similar to the Jewish Star of David. | 736 |
Le škrtači bodo ugovarjali orjaškim krastačam in nenevarnim malim belim jamskim kačam. | Male bele jamske kače so škodljive. | contradiction | mnli | Only the squeamish will object to the giant toads and harmless little white cave-racer snakes. | The little white cave-racer snakes are harmful. | 737 |
Obresti na državne vrednostne papirje v lasti obnovljivih skladov. | Obresti na državne vrednostne papirje v lasti obnovljivih skladov. | entailment | mnli | Interest on Treasury securities held by revolving funds. | Treasury securities interest held by revolving funds. | 738 |
V skladu s tem predložimo skupno 924.000 zaključenih primerov za leto 1999. | Leta 1999 je bilo zaključenih 924.000 primerov. | entailment | mnli | Accordingly, we submit a total of cases closed for 1999 of 924,000. | 924,000 cases were closed in 1999. | 739 |
Nizek človek tam--on je Garm. | Garm je nizek, a zajeten človek. | neutral | mnli | The short man there--he's Garm. | Garm is a short but bulky man. | 740 |
Videli smo umor v njihovih očeh in kri na njihovih rokah. | Videli smo kri na njihovih demonskih rokah in umor v njihovih zlobnih očeh. | neutral | mnli | We saw the murder in their eyes and the blood on their hands. | We saw blood on their demon hands and murder in their evil eyes. | 741 |
ja, res je in tako res ne zamudimo ničesar, veš o teh otrocih, uh-huh | Pravzaprav ne pogrešamo dodatkov za varstvo otrok. | neutral | mnli | yes it really is and that way we're not really missing anything out you know of those children uh-huh | We're not really missing out on childcare benefits. | 742 |
ne ne jaz sem New England Massachusetts | Ne, sem na zahodu, Nova Mehika. | contradiction | mnli | no no i'm i'm New England Massachusetts | No I am in the west, New Mexico. | 743 |
Predvsem zaradi aktivnosti matere. Vas Styles St. Mary se je nahajala približno dve milji od majhne postaje, Styles Court pa je ležal miljo na drugi strani nje. | Styles St. Mary je bil dlje od postaje kot Styles Court. | entailment | mnli | Mainly owing to the mater's activities. The village of Styles St. Mary was situated about two miles from the little station, and Styles Court lay a mile the other side of it. | Styles St. Mary was further from the station than Styles Court. | 744 |
Poleg tega se podjetje z amoniakom v ZDA in po vsem svetu spopada s težavami zaradi upada domačega povpraševanja in povečane svetovne zmogljivosti za izdelek in druga dušikova gnojila, pridobljena iz njega, kot je sečnina. | Posel z amoniakom se sooča s konkurenco v poslu s sečnino. | entailment | mnli | Moreover, the U.S. and worldwide ammonia business is struggling because of slumping domestic demand and increased global capacity for the product and other nitrogen fertilizers derived from it, such as urea. | The ammonia business has been facing competition from the urea business. | 745 |
Pregled zgodovine Španije, njene tradicije, veličine, umetnosti, arhitekture in mešanice kultur, je strnjen v tem majhnem mestu na vrhu kastiljskega hriba. | Mesto je znano po tem, da je res ogromno. | contradiction | mnli | A survey of the history of Spain its tradition, grandeur, art, architecture and mix of cultures is crammed into this small city on a Castilian hilltop. | The city is known for being really huge. | 746 |
Vsi smo vedeli, da prihaja. | Vsi smo slišali, da prihaja. | neutral | mnli | We all knowed he was comin'. | We all had heard that he was coming. | 747 |
'Ubil si mojega prijatelja. | Ubil sem svojega prijatelja. | contradiction | mnli | 'You killed my friend. | I killed my friend. | 748 |
Za odrom je bila Gladiatorska baraka, kjer so našli 63 okostij. | 63 okostij je bilo najdenih onkraj odra, v Gladiatorjevi baraki. | entailment | mnli | Behind the stage was the Gladiators' Barracks, where 63 skeletons were found. | 63 skeletons were found beyond the stage, in the Gladiator's Barracks. | 749 |
uh uh moj mož se je upokojil, vendar ni vrtnar he he on mi je več pomagal ampak res ni res uh res nor na vrtnarjenje | Mož mi pomaga pri vrtnarjenju, vendar mu to ni ravno všeč. | entailment | mnli | uh uh my husbands retired but he's not a gardener he he he's been helping me more but he really isn't real uh real crazy about gardening | My husband is helping me with he garden, but he doesn't really love doing it. | 750 |
in uh, to je ena stvar, ki je dobra | To je slaba stvar. | contradiction | mnli | and uh so that's that's one thing that's good | That is a bad thing. | 751 |
Ne bi me skrbelo za mojega podmladka. | Skrbi za mojega mladeniča. | contradiction | mnli | I wouldn't worry about my youngster. | Worry about my youngster. | 752 |
dva ja ja in potem seveda Indianapolis, ki je le sto milj stran od nas ima Colte ja | Bomo šli v Indianapolis pogledat Coltse. | neutral | mnli | two yeah yeah and then of course Indianapolis which is only a hundred miles away from us has the Colts yeah | We ill go to Indianapolis to see the Colts. | 753 |
Tik pred čajem sem stopil dol, da bi Poirotu povedal za novo razočaranje, a sem na svojo jezo ugotovil, da je spet zunaj. | Poirot se je vrnil čez eno uro, da mu lahko povem novico. | neutral | mnli | Just before tea, I strolled down to tell Poirot of the new disappointment, but found, to my annoyance, that he was once more out. | Poirot has returned an hour later so that I can tell him the news. | 754 |
pogosto hodite v London in si tam doli ogledujte predstave | Pogosto sem gledal predstave v Londonu. | entailment | mnli | go to London quite a lot and see shows down there | I would see shows in London often. | 755 |
Klet je velika kvadratni kilometer in to je laboratorij. | Klet je majhna. | contradiction | mnli | The basement is a square kilometre in size, and that's the lab. | The basement is tiny. | 756 |
ja, vročina me ne moti tako zelo, ne moti me toliko hladno vreme, samo ne vem, preprosto ne prenesem preveč s | V vročem vremenu sem v redu, vendar težko prenašam hladno vreme. | entailment | mnli | yeah i don't mind the heat that much it doesn't bother me that much cold weather i just i don't know i just can't tolerate too much with the | I am alright in hot weather but it is hard for me to tolerate cold weather. | 757 |
V bližini osrednje locirane japonske železniške postaje je prvi znak portugalske vloge v zanimivi zgodovini mesta. | V bližini železniške postaje je tabla, ki prikazuje portugalsko vpletenost na Japonsko. | entailment | mnli | Near the centrally located Japan Railways station is the first sign of the Portuguese role in the city's fascinating history. | There is a sign near the railway station that depicts the portuguese involvement in Japan. | 758 |
Upravni odbor Legal Services Corporation je 16. novembra 1998 sprejel Resolucijo 98-011, ki daje pooblastilo za ustanovitev Komisije z izrecnim namenom proučevanja zahteve glede prisotnosti za zastopanje upravičenih tujcev. | Resolucija 98-011 se osredotoča na zahtevo po prisotnosti za predstavitve tujcev. | entailment | mnli | The Legal Services Corporation Board of Directors adopted Resolution 98-011, on November 16, 1998, providing authority to establish the Commission with the express purpose of studying the presence requirement for the representation of eligible aliens. | Resolution 98-011 focuses on the presence requirement for representations of aliens. | 759 |
LSC od svojih prejemnikov štipendij v vsaki zvezni državi zahteva, da sodelujejo med seboj in z enakimi zainteresiranimi stranmi na področju pravosodja, da razvijejo skupnosti pravosodja, ki se najbolje odzivajo na najnujnejše potrebe strank, zagotavljajo najbolj strateško in stroškovno učinkovito uporabo vseh razpoložljivih virov ter povečajo priložnost za stranke po vsej državi za pravočasne, učinkovite in ustrezne pravne storitve. | Pravne storitve vključujejo najboljše odvetnike v mestu. | neutral | mnli | LSC requires its grantees in each state to work with each other and equal justice stakeholders to develop justice communities that best respond to clients' most compelling needs, ensure the most strategic and cost-effective use of all available resources, and maximize the opportunity for clients statewide to receive timely, effective, and appropriate legal services. | Legal services include the best lawyers in town. | 760 |
Posledično motivacijski mehanizem ni jasen. | Motivacijski mehanizem nam je zelo jasen. | contradiction | mnli | Consequently, the motivational mechanism is not clear. | We have great clarity on the motivational mechanism. | 761 |
Moškim in ženskam, ki jih vidite delati na poljih pod žgočim soncem, ne boste zavidali, vendar nikoli niso preveč utrujeni, da bi vam vrnili mah z nasmehom. | Ljudje, ki delajo zunaj, so optimistični in prijazni. | entailment | mnli | You won't envy the men and women you see working in the fields under the blazing sun, but they're never too tired to return your wave with a smile. | The people who labor outside are optimistic and kind. | 762 |
Večina restavracij v Istanbulu in egejskih letoviščih ponuja standardne jedi kruha, solat, kebabov in morskih sadežev. | Zelo malo restavracij v Istanbulu streže kebab. | contradiction | mnli | The majority of eating places in Istanbul and the Aegean resorts offer the standard fare of bread, salads, kebabs, and seafood. | Very few eating places in Istanbul serve kebabs. | 763 |
To običajno ne zavzame toliko prostora kot sam reaktor SCR. | Tudi to zavzame veliko prostora. | neutral | mnli | This usually does not take up as much room as the SCR reactor itself. | This takes up a lot of space too. | 764 |
V mestu je tudi več kot ducat specializiranih knjigarn; dva izmed najbolj znanih sta Bodhi Tree na Melrose, ki nosi metafizične in novodobne naslove, in Book Soup na Sunset Boulevard, ki nosi tudi mednarodne časopise in periodične publikacije. | Book Soup na Sunset Boulevard ne prodaja nobenih časopisov ali revij. | contradiction | mnli | The city also has more than a dozen specialized book shops; two of the most famous are the Bodhi Tree on Melrose which carries metaphysical and New Age titles, and Book Soup on Sunset Boulevard, which also carries international newspapers and periodicals. | Book Soup on Sunset Boulevard doesn't sell any newspapers or magazines. | 765 |
Ne glede na čas beleženja podatkov T in A mora imeti vodstvo vzpostavljen sistem nadzornih tehnik, ki daje razumno zagotovilo, da zabeležene informacije odražajo opravljeni čas, izkoriščen dopust ali druge odsotnosti. | Ni potrebe po sistemu nadzornih tehnik, ker so obstoječe prakse vedno točne. | contradiction | mnli | Regardless of the timing of recording T and A data, management must have in place a system of control techniques that gives reasonable assurance that the recorded information reflects time worked, leave taken, or other absences. | There is no need for a system of control techniques because the existing practices are always accurate. | 766 |
Nenadoma se je Julius tako nenadoma ustavil, da se je Tommy zaletel vanj. | Tommy ni gledal, kam hodi. | neutral | mnli | Suddenly Julius came to such an abrupt halt that Tommy cannoned into him. | Tommy wasn't watching where he was walking. | 767 |
Pravi žad je izjemno drag in morda vam bodo ponudili ponarejen žad, ki je popolnoma podoben pristnemu izdelku. | Ljudje vam bodo radi prodali ponarejen žad, ki ga je težko ločiti od pravega izdelka. | neutral | mnli | Real jade is extremely expensive, and you may be offered counterfeit jade, which looks exactly like the genuine article. | People will tend to sell you fake jade, which is hard to distinguish from the real article. | 768 |
No, vedno sem skrivaj hrepenel po tem, da bi bil detektiv! | Vedno sem imel skrito željo po reševanju zločinov. | entailment | mnli | Well, I've always had a secret hankering to be a detective! | I've always had a hidden desire to solve crimes. | 769 |
Imel sem stvari za Sangerja Harrisa in veste, da je naraslo na nekaj sto dolarjev in mislil sem, da je to v redu, ker so hoteli le deset dolarjev na mesec, kajne, o tem nisem razmišljal | Nisem vedel, da je deset pravzaprav tisoč. | neutral | mnli | i had stuff for like Sanger Harris and you know it got up like to couple of hundred dollars and i thought well that's okay cause all they wanted was ten dollars a month right i wasn't thinking a thing about it | Little did I know that the ten was actually a one thousand. | 770 |
Povedali so nam o Estellinem notranjem boju – o vlečenju vrvi med kaznovalnim zbadanjem s petelinom, v katerega jo je pripravila njena teta, in njeno inherentno spodobnostjo – vendar konflikt ni otipljiv v Paltrowinem bednem nastopu. | Na koncu filma Estella sprejme svojo inherentno spodobnost in naredi pravo stvar. | neutral | mnli | We're told of Estella's inner struggle--of the tug of war between the punishing cock-tease that her aunt has engineered her to be and her inherent decency--but the conflict isn't palpable in Paltrow's paltry performance. | At the end of the movie, Estella embraces her inherent decency and does the right thing. | 771 |
Že 20 let ni imel nobene nove misli. | Vsak dan ima nove misli. | contradiction | mnli | He hasn't had a new thought for 20 years. | He has new thoughts every day. | 772 |
Petdeset kilometrov (30 milj) južneje je tempelj Edfu, drugi največji tempelj v Egiptu in eden najbolje ohranjenih. | Tempelj Edfu ni dobro ohranjen. | contradiction | mnli | Fifty km (30 miles) further south is the Temple of Edfu, the second biggest temple in Egypt, and one of the best-preserved. | The Temple of Edfu is not well preserved. | 773 |
ali so oni ja v redu so torej so še vedno on to še vedno počne potem huh oh moram se vključiti | Tega ne počnejo več. Ne bom poslušal | contradiction | mnli | do they are they yeah okay they're so they're still he's still doing it then huh oh i'll have to tune in | They don't do it anymore I will not listen | 774 |
Njena dva kina predstavljata pester program novih mednarodnih in arhivskih filmov. | Trije kinematografi prikazujejo samo stare filme. | contradiction | mnli | Its two cinemas present a varied program of new international and archival films. | It's three cinemas show old films only. | 775 |
oh, razumem, če imate svežo umazanijo, jo bodo | Če imate svežo umazanijo, lahko to vidim. | entailment | mnli | oh i see so if you have fresh dirt they'll | If you have fresh dirt I can see that. | 776 |
v tolažbo mi je, ko vidim večjo zaskrbljenost glede nekaterih od teh stvari, ki nas stanejo denarja, še posebej, ko imamo vse manj virov, kot je nafta, ki nenadzorovano gori v Perzijskem zalivu in tako naprej, čisto vsaka malenkost zaradi tega se počutim bolje, zaradi tega se počutim dobro, morda bo nekaj ostalo za moje otroke, moje nečake in nečake in tako naprej | Lepo se počutim, ko vidim, da so ljudje zaskrbljeni zaradi stroškov naše države. | entailment | mnli | it is comforting to me to see uh more concern about some of these things that that cost us money especially when we have dwindling uh resources such as oil that's burning out of control in in the Persian Gulf and and so forth just just every little bit does it makes me feel better it it makes me feel like well there may be something left for my children my nieces and nephews and so forth | It makes me feel good to see people be concerned about our nation's expenses. | 777 |
prav, ja, ne, tukaj se strinjam s tabo, čeprav mislim, da si želijo izbrati to določeno vero, potem je to tudi zame v redu, veš, dokler me ne poskušajo potegniti vase in me vlečejo vase in in ni mi všeč način, na katerega to počnejo bodisi in in to je njihovo poslanstvo, saj gredo od vrat do vrat in gredo v javnost in dejansko imajo uh najstnike, ki služijo dve leti, kot bi rekli, kot v vojski in dve let hodim naokoli in opravljam misijonarsko delo in ne vem, samo hm, to me sploh ne zanima in da je to ena stvar, glede katere se zelo močno počutim, čeprav veš, da ljudje prihajajo k meni vrata, zlasti verske organizacije in želijo, uh veš, poskusiti me prepričati, da se jim pridružim, ali pa me zanima njihova vera, ker imam svojo | Zelo me zanima njihova vera in rad bi šel z njimi od vrat do vrat. | contradiction | mnli | right yeah yeah no i i agree with you there though i mean they want to choose that particular religion then that's fine with me too you know as long as they don't try and pull me in and drag me in and and i don't like the way that they do it either and and it's their mission as they do as they go door-to-door and they go out into the public and they actually have the uh teenagers serving two years like you would say like in an army and two years in going around and doing missionary type work and i don't know i just um i just don't particularly care for that at all and that that's one thing that i feel really strongly about though is uh you know people coming up to my door especially religious organizations and wanting to uh you know to try and get me to join or you know become interested in their religion because i have my own | I'm very interested in their religion and would like to go door-to-door with them. | 778 |
Ne glede na to, ali ga sprejmeta senat in predstavniški dom Združenih držav v kongresu, | Ameriški senatorji in kongresniki so se zbrali ter sprejeli in podpisali zakon | neutral | mnli | Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States in Congress assembled, | US Senators and Congressmen assembled and enacted and signed the bill | 779 |
(Pravzaprav bi lahko imeli kolikor želite sodnikov, če le ignorirate vse razen enega.) | Lahko imaš veliko sodnikov za svoj zločin. | neutral | mnli | (Actually, you could have as many judges as you wanted, as long as you ignored all but one of them.) | You can have a lot of judges for your crime. | 780 |
in kaj bo shot bo shot unča | Ne vem, kaj je strel. | contradiction | mnli | and what will a shot be will a shot be an ounce | I don't know what a shot is. | 781 |
Na Boulevard des Capucines se vrnite po stopinjah Renoirja, Maneta in Pissarra, ko so odnesli svoje slike v Nadarjevo hišo, označeno na številki 35, na zgodovinsko razstavo impresionizma leta 1874. | Slike Renoirja, Moneta in Pissarra so bile v Nadarjevi hiši. | entailment | mnli | On boulevard des Capucines, retrace the footsteps of Renoir, Manet, and Pissarro as they took their paintings to Nadar's house, signposted at number 35, for the historic 1874 exhibition of Impressionism. | The paintings of Renoir, Monet and Pissarro were at Nadar's house. | 782 |
Ob cesti sem videl pot. | Od ceste je vodila pot. | neutral | mnli | I saw a path at the side of the road. | There was a path leading away from the road. | 783 |
no, morda ja, mislim, da sčasoma, vendar nekateri moški ne vidijo, nekaterim moškim je vseeno | Zdi se, da je nekaterim moškim vseeno, a sčasoma tako mislim. | entailment | mnli | well they may yeah i think eventually but some men don't see some men just don't care | Some men do not seem to care, but eventually I think so. | 784 |
Na nasprotni skrajnosti so množične, skoraj nemirne procesije na tisoče revečih, prepotenih moških, ki se borijo, da bi prenesli ogromno prenosno svetišče po ulicah do simboličnega cilja. | Destinacija prenosnega svetišča, za katero se borijo, nima nobene simbolike. | contradiction | mnli | At the opposite extreme are massive, almost riotous processions of thousands of bellowing, sweat-drenched men fighting to carry a huge portable shrine through the streets to a symbolic destination. | The destination for the portable shrine being fought over has no symbolism to it. | 785 |
Liberalni humanitarci (ali rdečerepi jastrebi) | Konservativni humanitarci ali jastrebi z rdečim repom. | contradiction | mnli | The Liberal Humanitarians (a k a Red-Tailed Hawks) | Conservative humanitarians aka red tailed hawks. | 786 |
In ukradene mehiške hišice so se pripeljale sem gor in morda prodane nekaterim od istih fantov, ki so jih izgubili drugi. | Prodali so jih istim fantom, ki so izgubili druge za dvakrat višjo ceno. | neutral | mnli | An' th' stolen Mex hosses, they's drove up here an' maybe sold to some of th' same fellas what lost th' others. | They sold them to the same guys that lost the others for twice the normal price. | 787 |
svojemu možu sem rekla, da je to čudno, ker vidiš, česa ljudje ne razumejo, da bodo celo ljudje, ki delajo v domu za starejše, nekega dne stari | Možu sem rekla, da je to povsem normalno. | contradiction | mnli | i told my husband well is this weird because see what people don't understand is even the people that work in the nursing home they will get old one day | I told my husband it was totally normal. | 788 |
Tukaj je pol krone za moj delež." Tommy je zamišljeno držal papir. | Tommy je mečkal papir v roki in skoraj je padel na tla. | contradiction | mnli | Here's half a crown for my share." Tommy was holding the paper thoughtfully. | Tommy was crinkling the paper in his hand and it almost fell to the ground. | 789 |
to si kdaj sam postrežeš, ko imaš družbo | Si si kdaj sam to postregel, ko si imel družbo, to je grozno. | neutral | mnli | you ever serve that yourself when you have company | Did you ever serve that yourself when you had a company, it's awful. | 790 |
Eden najbolj priljubljenih izletov iz egejskih letovišč gre na spektakularne travertinske terase Pamukkale (bombažni grad), ki ležijo nad mestom Denizli, približno 200 km (125 milj) v notranjosti od Kuradase. | Malo ljudi se odpravi na izlet v Pamukkale, vendar letovišča to še vedno ponujajo. | contradiction | mnli | One of the most popular excursions from the Aegean resorts goes to the spectacular travertine terraces of Pamukkale (the Cotton Castle), which lie above the town of Denizli, about 200 km (125 miles) inland from Kuradase. | Not many people take the excursion to Pamukkale, but the resorts still offer it. | 791 |
Odvetniki zelono hvalijo za njeno temeljito razumevanje prava. | Zelon je bil zelo inteligenten | neutral | mnli | Attorneys praise Zelon for her thorough understanding of the law. | Zelon was very intelligent | 792 |
Nimamo veliko manevrskega prostora glede te "ene ali dveh pijač na dan," je dejal, in kar ni znano, je, ali bo spodbujanje zmernega pitja spodbudilo tudi prekomerno pitje. | Ugotovljeno dejstvo je, da spodbujanje zmernega pitja ne poveča stopnje čezmernega pitja. | contradiction | mnli | We don't have much leeway around that 'one or two drinks a day,' he said, and what isn't known is whether encouraging moderate drinking will also encourage excessive drinking. | It's an established fact that encouraging moderate drinking does not increase rates of binge drinking. | 793 |
Potem pa spoznam, kako površen je ta odnos. | Vsi so mislili, da je to odličen odnos. | contradiction | mnli | But then I realize how superficial that attitude is. | The all thought it was a great attitude to have. | 794 |
Verjetno te sploh nihče ne bo opazil." | Bilo bi noro, če bi te kdo opazil. | neutral | mnli | Probably no one will even notice you at all." | It would be crazy if anyone noticed you. | 795 |
Všeč mi je in razmišljal sem o tem, da bi bil prostovoljec za ta azijski center, ki ga je ustanovil doktor Falk, ki sodeluje s šolskim okrožjem in dela | Razmišljal sem o prostovoljstvu v Azijskem centru. | entailment | mnli | i like it and what i've been thinking about doing is volunteering for this uh Asian center that a Doctor Falk has started that works with the school district and doing what | I have been thinking about volunteering for the Asian center. | 796 |
Sir Ernest Heavywether ji je delal kratko in pod njegovim neusmiljenim ustrahovanjem si je brezupno nasprotovala in sir Ernest je spet sedel z zadovoljnim nasmehom na obrazu. | Sir Ernest Heavywether je užival v ustrahovanju žensk. | neutral | mnli | Sir Ernest Heavywether made short work of her, and under his unmerciful bullying she contradicted herself hopelessly, and Sir Ernest sat down again with a satisfied smile on his face. | Sir Ernest Heavywether enjoyed bullying women. | 797 |
veste, mislim, da je to vrsta stvari, ki jih poznate ljudje, ki jih hrani in kaže, da je bila to velika izguba časa, da je bila izguba papirja, da je bila izguba, veš, da bi kaj takega spremenila, tako da | Zapravila je čas in papir. | entailment | mnli | you know i mean that's the kind of things you know people that she's keeping and showing that this was a big waste of time it was a waste of paper it was a waste you know to change something like that so | She has wasted time and paper. | 798 |
Kar nas pripelje do tretje strani Rockefellerjeve osebnosti in glavne teme knjige, izgradnje imperija. | Rockefeller sploh ni bil zanimiv. | contradiction | mnli | Which brings us to the third side of Rockefeller's personality and the main theme of the book, that of empire-building. | Rockefeller was not interesting at all. | 799 |