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Razmajane stopnice se povežejo z vhodom v grobnico, preden se spustite v okrašeno pogrebno komoro. | Stopnice, ki povezujejo grobnico z vhodom, so precej nevarne za hojo. | neutral | mnli | A rickety flight of steps links with the tomb entrance before you make your way down inside to the ornate burial chamber. | The steps which link the burial chamber to the entrance are quite dangerous to walk on. | 500 |
ja, vendar se razlikujejo od kraja do kraja, težko je reči, saj veste, kako dobro so bili vzdrževani, koliko so stari in to so verjetno oh, eni najlepših, kar sem jih našel in uh | Težko je povedati, kako so se stvari obdržale in kako starajo, ker se od kraja do kraja zelo razlikujejo. | entailment | mnli | yeah but well they vary from from place to place it's hard to tell you know how well they've been kept up how old they are and these are probably oh one of the nicest that i found and uh | It's hard to tell how things have been kept up and their age because they vary so much from place to place. | 501 |
Torej bi lahko bila obratna hipoteza enako veljavna. | Nasprotna teorija bi lahko bila enako veljavna ali še hujša. | neutral | mnli | So the reverse hypothesis could be just as valid. | The opposite theory could be just as valid or worse. | 502 |
V novi različici se Reich drži prepisa in natančno citira Saxtona, ki na dolgo in široko brne o študiju in Godfather's Pizza. | Reichova različica je točna. | neutral | mnli | In the new version, Reich sticks to the transcript and accurately quotes Saxton droning on at length about studies and Godfather's Pizza. | Reich's version is accurate. | 503 |
hm, ne vem, veste, slišal sem zelo zanimivo in morda je to samo televizijska oddaja ali film, ki sem ga gledal, da so šli skozi sojenje in mislim, da je bilo kot v eni od dokumentarnih televizijskih oddaj, kjer zahtevajo razsodba porote | Zanimivo, slišal sem med gledanjem televizije. | entailment | mnli | um i don't know i you know i heard a very interesting and maybe it's just the TV show or movie i was watching they were going through a trial and i think it was like on one of the the documentary TV shows where they ask for the the verdict by the jury | It's interesting, I heard it while watching the TV. | 504 |
Kaj pa drugi uredniki Daily Cal, ki niso mogli reči, da so bili mučeni v kampusu, ki je bil nekoč znan po svojem levičarstvu? | Nekateri uredniki Daily Cal so omenili, da je bil kampus nekoč levičarski. | neutral | mnli | But what about the other editors of the Daily Cal who couldn't say they'd been martyred at a campus once renowned for its leftism? | Some editors of the Daily Cal mentioned that the campus was once leftist. | 505 |
Z oken v zgornjem nadstropju so na ulice metali odplake, spremljali pa so jih vzkliki Gardeyloo! | Odplake so se zlivale v okna v zgornjem nadstropju z ulic, medtem ko so ljudje šepetali med seboj. | contradiction | mnli | Sewage was thrown into the streets from upstairs windows, accompanied by shouts of Gardeyloo! | Sewage poured into upstairs windows from the streets while people whispered to each other. | 506 |
Takšen program bi skupaj z ustreznimi ukrepi za reševanje lokalnih težav zagotovil pomembne koristi za zdravje, tudi če povečamo oskrbo z energijo in ohranimo razumne cene električne energije. | Pomembne koristi za zdravje so vredne številnih stroškov, saj gospodarstvu vseeno prihranijo veliko denarja. | neutral | mnli | Such a program, coupled with appropriate measures to address local concerns, would provide significant health benefits even as we increase energy supplies and maintain reasonable electricity rates. | Significant health benefits are worth many costs, as they save the economy a lot of money anyway. | 507 |
Sprva je to povzročilo neodvisno kraljestvo Mallorca pod Jaumejem II., ki sta mu sledila Sanc in Jaume III. | Jaume II je sledil Jaumeju III kot vodja Mallorce. | contradiction | mnli | At first this resulted in an Independent Kingdom of Mallorca, under Jaume II, followed by Sanc and Jaume III. | Jaume II followed Jaume III as leader of Mallorca. | 508 |
Okoljski strokovnjak bo morda preučil vetrove, ki so tekli iz dimnikov stare sežigalnice odlagališča Wingate, in identificiral široka območja, kjer so bili ljudje morda izpostavljeni strupenim kemikalijam. | Nemogoče je poskušati identificirati kraj, kjer bi lahko bili ljudje izpostavljeni strupenim kemikalijam. | contradiction | mnli | An environmental expert may study the winds that flowed from the old Wingate landfill incinerator's smokestacks, and identify wide areas where people may have been exposed to toxic chemicals. | Trying to identify placed where people could have been exposed to toxic chemicals is impossible. | 509 |
Ti in Tuppence sta držala skupaj kot siamska dvojčka. | Ti in Tuppence sta se komaj videla. | contradiction | mnli | You and Tuppence have been sticking together like Siamese twins. | You and Tuppence have barely seen each other. | 510 |
če je oseba storila tako hudo kaznivo dejanje, da ji porota zdaj izreče smrtno kazen, vrhovno sodišče pravi, da ji moramo vložiti eno pritožbo, v redu, strinjam se, da ji vložimo eno pritožbo, ko ta pritožba ne uspe v tridesetih dneh izvršitev kazni | Na smrtno obsodbo se lahko pritožite. | entailment | mnli | if a person has done a crime so bad that the jury gives them the death penalty now the Supreme Court says we've got to give them one appeal okay i agree give them one appeal when that appeal fails within thirty days execution of sentence | You are allowed to appeal the death sentence. | 511 |
misliš, da je kot tujec popoln tujec | Misliš, da je kot tvoj najboljši prijatelj iz otroštva? | contradiction | mnli | you mean it's that at a like a stranger a total stranger | You mean it's like your childhood best friend? | 512 |
Western Spruce Budworm v Carson National | V Carson National, Western Spruce Budworm, je nadaljevala voditeljica | neutral | mnli | Western Spruce Budworm in the Carson National | In the Carson National, Western Spruce Budworm, continued the presenter | 513 |
Novinarska poročila se strinjajo, da je Arafat končno izgubil svojo podobo terorista in da ga Bela hiša zdaj ne izkazuje le kot virtualnega voditelja države, ampak kot nepogrešljivega akterja v mirovnem procesu. | Arafat sovraži terorizem in želi biti mir v Ameriki | neutral | mnli | News accounts agree that Arafat has finally shed his image as a terrorist and is now being honored by the White House not only as a virtual head of state but as the indispensable player in the peace process. | Arafat has a distaste for terrorism and wants to be peaceful in america | 514 |
Nocoj imamo prednost. | Nocoj nimamo prednosti. | contradiction | mnli | We have the advantage tonight. | We do not have the advantage tonight. | 515 |
Zaklenjeno v pisalni mizi v budoarju so našli oporoko gospe Inglethorp, datirano pred njeno poroko, v kateri je svoje bogastvo zapustila Alfredu Inglethorpu. | Našli so oporoko gospe Inglethorp, ki je vse svoje premoženje zapustila Alfredu Inglethorpu. | entailment | mnli | Locked up in the desk in the boudoir, they found a will of Mrs. Inglethorp's, dated before her marriage, leaving her fortune to Alfred Inglethorp. | They found Mrs. Inglethorp's will, which left all her fortune to Alfred Inglethorp. | 516 |
Njegova naslednja dva strela sta pristala v prsih dveh jezdecev, ki sta nosila dolge palice z rezili. | Jezdece je povsem pogrešal. | contradiction | mnli | His next two shots landed in the chests of two riders carrying long bladed sticks. | He missed the riders completely. | 517 |
hm, nisem sledil uh teksaški politiki, razen tistega umazanega malega uh guvernerskega boja | V teksaški politiki je bil guvernerski boj | entailment | mnli | um i haven't kept up with uh the Texas politics other than that dirty little uh governor fight | There was a governor fight in Texan politics | 518 |
Finančni pregled računovodskih izkazov IRS za proračunsko leto 1995 (GAO/AIMD-96-101, 11. julij 1996) | Izpita letnika 1995 ni bilo. | contradiction | mnli | Financial Examination of IRS' Fiscal Year 1995 Financial Statements (GAO/AIMD-96-101, July 11, 1996) | There was no examination of the 1995 year. | 519 |
Kolikor najboljše japonske korporacije niso globalni hegemoni, kot smo nekoč mislili, da bodo, je to morda zato, ker so se vsi drugi učili od njih, kar je seveda točno to, kako naj bi konkurenčni trgi delovali. | Japonske korporacije so bile v 20. stoletju vodilne na svetu. | neutral | mnli | Insofar as the best Japanese corporations are not the global hegemons we once thought they would be, it may be because everyone else has learned from them, which is of course exactly how competitive markets are supposed to work. | Japanese corporations were global leaders in the 20th century. | 520 |
uh naj te nekaj vprašam, si že dobil katalog ali kaj od teh ljudi | So vam ti ljudje kaj poslali? | neutral | mnli | uh let me ask you something did you get a catalog or something from these people yet | Did those people send you anything? | 521 |
Bomo uredili to.' | To je za nas preveč. | contradiction | mnli | We'll handle this.' | It is too much for us. | 522 |
Vsako leto izvaja številna akreditirana usposabljanja CLE in koordinira dvomesečne sestanke delovne skupine po vsej državi na področjih družine, stanovanj, javnih prejemkov, prava potrošnikov, priseljevanja in starejših. | Veliko ljudi se udeležuje sestankov delovne skupine po vsej državi za vse ponujene teme. | neutral | mnli | It conducts numerous CLE accredited trainings each year, and coordinates bi-monthly statewide task force meetings in the areas of family, housing, public benefits, consumer, immigration and seniors law. | Many people attend statewide task force meetings in all offered topics. | 523 |
ampak zdi se mi, da je, veš, precej hitra in pametna in že bere in piše in podobne stvari in prejšnji mesec je dopolnila pet let | Sploh ne zna brati. | contradiction | mnli | but she seems to me to be you know pretty quick and smart and she's already reading and writing and stuff like that and she just turned five last month | She can't read at all. | 524 |
Na primer, ena organizacija za študijo primera v panogi sponzorira 3-mesečni tečaj za prekvalificiranje približno 2000 starih zaposlenih v veščinah vodenja projektov. | Ena organizacija za študijo primera sponzorira tečaj, ki traja 3 mesece in stane 10.000 $ za podjetje, da se vpiše. | neutral | mnli | For example, one industry case study organization sponsors a 3-month course to retrain about 2,000 legacy employees in project management skills. | One case study organization sponsors a course that lasts 3 months and costs $10,000 for the company to enroll in. | 525 |
Velike valovite proge plamena, ki se vijejo v nebo in se vijejo v nebo. | Ognja, dima ali plamenov ni bilo. | contradiction | mnli | Great billowing streaks of flame, snaking to heaven and coiling up the sky. | There was no fire, smoke or flames. | 526 |
TV je najpomembnejši medij za posredovanje zgodovine. | TV je najpomembnejši medij za prikaz zgodovine. | entailment | mnli | TV is the most important medium for conveying history. | TV is the most important medium for showing history. | 527 |
Posebej je znan kot zadnji center za usposabljanje najbolj slavnih prebivalcev mesta, gejši. | Gejše tam niso nikoli trenirale. | contradiction | mnli | It is especially renowned as the last center of training for the city's most celebrated residents, the geisha. | Geisha have never trained there. | 528 |
Lahko bi pomislili, da se bodo združili, da bi prikazali mesečno predstavo Johna Gielguda, ki sedi na stolu Archieja Bunkerja in mimoidočim razlaga romarje. | Predstava je bila narejena. | neutral | mnli | One might think they'd team up, to feature a monthlong show of John Gielgud, sitting in Archie Bunker's chair, explaining the pilgrims to passers-by. | The show was made. | 529 |
Izraelci so navdušeni, da ljudje od vsepovsod obiščejo njihovo državo, in vas sprejmejo s pristno toplino. | Izraelci so do popotnikov hladni. | contradiction | mnli | Israelis are delighted that people from everywhere visit their country, and welcome you with genuine warmth. | Israelis are cold toward travelers. | 530 |
No, če nama ni usojeno zakonsko zvezo v tem življenju, mi bodo morda okoliščine nekoč dovolile, da te častim s pivom ali Dr. Pepperjem ali kaj podobnega. | Če sva poročena, ti bom privoščil pivo ali Dr. Pepper. | contradiction | mnli | Oh well, if we're not destined for matrimony in this lifetime, perhaps circumstances will someday allow me to buy you a beer or Dr Pepper or something. | If we are married, I will buy you a beer or a Dr. Pepper. | 531 |
Adrin ni rekel ničesar in Gabriel je nadaljeval. | Gabriel je tiho poslušal Adrina, ki je recitiral svojo pesem. | contradiction | mnli | Adrin said nothing and Gabriel continued. | Gabriel quietly listened to Adrin recite his poem. | 532 |
ja tudi to delam | Ja, tudi to počnem. | entailment | mnli | yeah i do that too | Yes, I do that as well. | 533 |
Pohvala gre Kirstie Alley, ki igra postarano bivšo manekenko, zdaj v spodnjem perilu. Manj frenetična kot Lucy, zrelejša od Mary (Richard Corliss, Čas). Tom Shales iz Washington Posta se ne strinja in je Alleyja označil za neogledljivo nevrotičnega in tako rekoč nenehno vročičastega. | Kirstie Alley v televizijski oddaji igra starejšo bivšo manekenko. | entailment | mnli | Praise goes to Kirstie Alley, who plays an aging ex-model now in the lingerie Less frenetic than Lucy, more mature than Mary (Richard Corliss, Time ). The Washington Post 's Tom Shales dissents, calling Alley unwatchably neurotic and in a virtually perpetual feverish tizzy. | Kirstie Alley plays an older ex-model in the tv show. | 534 |
Panožne založbe so prodale 5 odstotkov manj knjig kot leto prej. | Prodajni tečaj trgovskega založnika se v primerjavi z lanskim letom povečuje. | contradiction | mnli | Trade publishers sold 5 percent fewer books than they did the year before. | Trade publisher's sell rate is increasing when compared to last year's. | 535 |
oh ja, da ja, samo tekajo vsepovsod, kajne | Ali ne tečejo vsepovsod? | entailment | mnli | oh yeah that yeah they they just run all over the place don't they | Don't they just run all over the place? | 536 |
ja, ti ljudje imajo velike zvočnike, ker imajo uh demokratičen sistem, tako kot naš, kjer volijo svoje župane in svoje svetnike, to je res smešno, to je nekakšen vdor v vašo zasebnost, tudi v zasebnost gredo po teh ulicah z ti res glasni zvočniki | Tisti ljudje z zvočniki so zelo nadležni. | neutral | mnli | yeah these these people they have the big loudspeakers because they have uh democratic system just like ours where they elect their mayors and their councilmens it's really kind of funny it's it's kind of an invasion of your privacy privacy too they're going down these streets with these really loud speakers | Those people with the loudspeakers are very annoying. | 537 |
Lahko bi. | Lahko. | entailment | mnli | I could. | I am able to. | 538 |
Iz istega razloga v zvezi z zakonsko predpisanim datumom veljavnosti je 30-dnevna zamuda pri datumu začetka veljavnosti pravila, ki ga zahteva 5 U.S.C. | Pravilo je začelo veljati takoj. | contradiction | mnli | For the same reason regarding the statutorily mandated effective date, the 30-day delay in the effective date of a rule required by 5 U.S.C. | The rule came into immediate effect. | 539 |
Za območja s stroški storitev (kjer se bo verjetno zgodila večina prodaje električne energije) predpostavlja, da dodelitve pravic ne bodo spremenile cen električne energije. | Dodelitev pravic zagotovo ne bo spremenila cen električne energije na stroškovnih področjih. | neutral | mnli | It assumes for cost-of-service areas (where most of power sales are likely to occur) that allowance allocations will not alter pricing of electricity. | Allowance allocations will definitely not alter the pricing of electricity in cost-of-service areas. | 540 |
ne, uh, lahko si najamete peč ljudi, oni uh, odnesete svoje kose v njihovo hišo ali v njihovo trgovino s keramiko in jim plačate, tam je ena ženska, ki zaračuna deset dolarjev na mesec za ogenj, vse, kar sem hotel | Obstajajo ljudje, ki vam dovolijo najem njihovih peči za dokončanje kosov v njihovi trgovini. | entailment | mnli | no i've uh you you can rent people's kiln they they uh you take your pieces to their house or their ceramic shop and uh pay them there's one woman that charge ten dollars a month for fire all that i wanted | There are people that let you rent their kilns to finish pieces at their shop. | 541 |
No, še ena stvar, ki smo jo opazili, da se je z leti spremenila in nismo prav prepričani, kaj nameravamo narediti, kaj želimo narediti s tem javno, ampak uh učenja uh ideje, ki se jih učijo uh ne se vedno strinjajo s tem, kar bi jih naučili bodisi s stališča morale bodisi s stališča, kako ravnati v dani situaciji | Opazili smo, da učitelji govorijo stvari, s katerimi se ne strinjamo. | entailment | mnli | well another thing that we've noticed that's uh changed over the years and uh we're not really sure exactly what we're going what we want to do with it publicly but uh the teachings uh the ideas that are taught uh don't always agree with what we would teach them either from a standpoint of morals or from a standpoint of how to handle a given situation | We noticed that the teachers say things we don't agree with. | 542 |
Moj ljubljeni Sox je premagal Indijance. | Soxi nikoli niso igrali proti Indijancem. | contradiction | mnli | My beloved Sox beat the Indians. | The Sox have never played the Indians. | 543 |
Jaz, Dave Hanson. | Dave Hanson ni hotel priznati ničesar. | contradiction | mnli | I do, Dave Hanson. | Dave Hanson refused to admit anything at all. | 544 |
Potem ko so se Benetke zanašale izključno na čezmorsko trgovino, so s to širitvijo ustvarile novo zemljiško lastniško aristokracijo. | Benetke nikoli niso trgovale z nikomer. | contradiction | mnli | After relying exclusively on overseas trade, Venice created a new land-owning aristocracy through this expansion. | Venice never traded with anyone. | 545 |
On je čudaški Peter Pan - mladoletni prestopnik, ki noče odrasti. | Vedno se obnaša zelo resno in nikoli se ni obnašal otročje. | contradiction | mnli | He's a freakish Peter Pan--the juvenile delinquent who wouldn't grow up. | He always acts very seriously and has never behaved childishly. | 546 |
o ja, lani so porabili več denarja kot katera koli druga ekipa v ligi in bili so, kot veste, proti dnu lige, uh, tako da kot sem rekel, poraba denarja vam ne zagotavlja, uh, osvojitve zastavice, res je tako | Znesek denarja, ki ga porabite, ne kaže vedno na vašo stopnjo uspeha. | entailment | mnli | oh yeah they they spent more money last year than any other team in the in the league and they were you know toward the bottom of the league uh so it's like i said spending money doesn't guarantee you uh winning a pennant it really doesn't so | The amount of money you spend does not always indicate your level of success. | 547 |
Toda zmanjševanje prepogosto pomeni, da ima v Union Pacificu manj ljudi, ki opravljajo več dela. | Zmanjšanje števila zaposlenih v Union Pacific vodi do tega, da več ljudi opravlja manj dela. | contradiction | mnli | But too often downsizing means what it has in the Union Pacific fewer people doing more work. | Downsizing in the Union Pacific leads to more people doing less work. | 548 |
tako da poznam ljudi v TI, ki to počnejo in slišal sem za to, zato sem jih poklical in vprašal, če lahko sodelujem in uh | Na TI ne poznam nikogar in je v redu, ker tako ali tako ne želim sodelovati. | contradiction | mnli | so i i know the people at TI who are doing this and i heard about it so i called them and ask if i could could participate and uh | I don't know anyone at TI and that's okay because I don't want to participate anyway. | 549 |
Vendar se WTP na splošno šteje za lažje merljivo in konzervativno merilo koristi. | WTP velja za izjemno nenatančen način merjenja koristi. | contradiction | mnli | However, WTP is generally considered to be a more readily measurable and conservative measure of benefits. | WTP is considered to be a wildly inaccurate way to measure benefits. | 550 |
Kakšnih 30 let po njegovi smrti so bila gledališča uničena, igralci odpuščeni, dramatiki pa poslani v izgnanstvo. | Tudi 30 let po njegovi smrti so gledališča še vedno stala. | contradiction | mnli | Some 30 years after his death, the theaters had been destroyed, the actors dismissed and the playwrights sent into exile. | Even 30 years after he died, the theaters were still standing. | 551 |
Toda če so si Kitajci res poskušali pridobiti naklonjenost demokratov, je bilo to morda zato, ker so bili že lastniki republikancev. | Če so si Kitajci poskušali kupiti naklonjenost demokratov, je to zato, ker so jih republikanci zavrnili. | contradiction | mnli | But if the Chinese did try to buy favor with the Democrats, it may have been because they already owned the Republicans. | If the Chinese tried to buy favor with the Democrats, it's because the Republicans rejected them. | 552 |
Pokažemo tudi, kako zagovorniška komponenta državnih spletnih mest spodbuja učinkovito zastopanje z izmenjavo pravnih virov in strokovnega znanja – na splošno je funkcija nadzornikov pravnega dela. | Nadzorniki pravnega dela so običajno zadolženi za izmenjavo pravnih nasvetov in virov. | neutral | mnli | We also show how the advocate component of statewide websites promotes effective representation by sharing legal resources and expertise - generally a function of legal work supervisors. | Legal work supervisors are usually tasked with sharing legal advice and resources. | 553 |
Kagošima prevladuje na vrhu globoke vdolbine na južni konici Kjušuja, njegovo pristanišče pa je igralo pomembno vlogo v japonski vojaški zgodovini. | Južni del Kjušuja je poln turističnih znamenitosti. | neutral | mnli | Kagoshima dominates the head of a deep indentation at the southern tip of Kyushu, and its harbor has played a prominent role in Japanese military history. | The southern tip of Kyushu is full of tourist attractions. | 554 |
Korida se vedno začne pravočasno, tudi če je treba občasno ustaviti uro. | Ponastavitev ure je pogost pojav. | neutral | mnli | The corrida always starts on time even if the clock occasionally has to be stopped. | Resetting the clock is a common occurrence. | 555 |
Namesto tega Intel izdeluje prave stvari. | Intel namesto tega dela dejanske stvari, glede na novice. | neutral | mnli | Instead, Intel makes real things. | Intel makes actual things instead, accoding to the news. | 556 |
Nova ozemlja lahko raziščete tako, da se zapeljete s kantonsko železnico Kowloon (KCR), ki naredi 10 postankov med postajo v Kowloonu in Sheung Shui, zadnjo postajo pred vstopom na Kitajsko. | Kantonska železnica Kowloon naredi več kot pet postankov med postajo in Sheung Shui. | entailment | mnli | The New Territories can be explored by taking the Kowloon Canton Railway (KCR), which makes 10 stops between the station in Kowloon and Sheung Shui, the last stop before entering China. | The Kowloon Canton Railway makes over five stops between the station and Sheung Shui. | 557 |
Ker Mademoiselle Cynthia ne jemlje sladkorja v svojo kavo. | Cynthia zaradi svoje diete ne sme jesti sladkorja v kavi. | neutral | mnli | Because Mademoiselle Cynthia does not take sugar in her coffee. | Cynthia can't have sugar in her coffee due to her diet. | 558 |
Kongres si že leta prizadeva povečati učinkovitost upravljanja informacij in tehnologije v zvezni vladi. | Kongres ima poseben proračun za upravljanje informacij in tehnologije v zvezni vladi. | neutral | mnli | For years, Congress has been working to increase the effectiveness of information and technology management in the federal government. | Congress has a special budget for information and technology management in the federal government. | 559 |
NJP upravlja CLEAR – Usklajeni pravni izobraževalni in napotitveni sistem – za zagotavljanje telefonskih in internetnih napotitev, nasvetov, kratkih storitev, pravne izobrazbe skupnosti in storitev sprejema po vsej državi. | NJP nudi internetno pomoč in pomoč tistim, ki iščejo pravno pomoč. | entailment | mnli | NJP operates CLEAR--Coordinated Legal Education and Referral System-- to provide telephone and internet-based referral, advice, brief service, community legal education and intake services throughout the state. | NJP provides internet-based help and assistance for those seeking legal help. | 560 |
imaš veliko srečo, naletel sem na težavo z avtom, uh, seveda imamo malo hladnejše vreme tukaj gor in nastavil sem zasilno zavoro, potem ko je očitno padal leden dež | V mrzlem vremenu sem imel težave z avtomobilom. | entailment | mnli | you're very fortunate well i ran into a problem with my car uh course we have a little colder weather up here and i had set the emergency brake after we'd had a freezing rain apparently | I had car trouble in the cold weather. | 561 |
Je divje in vetrovno, njegova omejena vegetacija pa je daleč od bujne zelene notranjosti. | Kmetje so zaradi tega dolgo raje gradili svoje hiše v notranjosti. | neutral | mnli | It is wild and windswept, and its limited vegetation a far cry from the lush green interior. | Farmers have long preferred building their houses in the interior because of this. | 562 |
Republikanci se soočajo z možnostjo, da bodo leta 1998 kandidirali z diskreditiranim, nepriljubljenim govornikom, ki ga je kljub temu nemogoče odstraniti s prestola, in brez zapisov o dosežkih. | Republikanski predsednik ima samo 27-odstotno podporo. | neutral | mnli | Republicans face the prospect of running in 1998 with a discredited, unpopular speaker who is nonetheless impossible to dethrone, and with no record of accomplishment. | The Republican speaker has an approval rating of just 27%. | 563 |
Od peščenih plaž, širokih rjavih rek in globokih gozdov do naraščajočih nebotičnikov in širokih hitrih cest bo Malezija presegla pričakovanja obiskovalcev. | Malezija je polna naravnih in umetnih čudes, ki bodo presegla pričakovanja turistov. | entailment | mnli | From sandy beaches, broad brown rivers, and deep forests, to rising skyscrapers and wide expressways, Malaysia is set to exceed visitors' expectations. | Malaysia is filled with so many natural and man-made wonders that's set to go beyond its tourist's expectations. | 564 |
Pred letom 1980 je zvezni zakon prepovedoval ustvarjanje obresti na tekočih računih, ki jih vodijo zvezno zavarovane banke. | Zvezni zakon je prepovedal ustvarjanje obresti na tekočih računih, zdaj pa je to običajna praksa. | neutral | mnli | Before 1980, federal law prohibited interest to be generated on checking accounts maintained by federally insured banks. | Federal Law prohibited interest to be generated on checking accounts, but now it's common practice. | 565 |
Tri stoletja pozneje se ni toliko spremenilo - tu ima svoje pisarne številne mednarodne banke, slavni draguljarji, ministrstvo za pravosodje in hotel Ritz. | Tukaj je sedemnajst mednarodnih bank. | neutral | mnli | Three centuries later, not that much has changed ' a score of international banks have their offices here, along with celebrated jewelers, the Ministry of Justice, and the Ritz Hotel. | Seventeen international banks can be found here. | 566 |
Lahko celo sedijo poleg voznika. | Sedež poleg voznika nudi najboljši razgled. | neutral | mnli | They can even sit next to the driver. | The seat next to the driver gives the best views. | 567 |
tako da nimaš občutka, da res trdo delaš, ko si v vodi | Je plavanje tako dobra vadba kot aerobika? | neutral | mnli | so you don't really feel like you're really working that hard do you when you're in the water | Is swimming just as great an exercise as aerobics? | 568 |
Jon, ki je še vedno gledal skozi Adrinove oči, je zagledal hudobno ostro rezilo, ki se je prebilo skozi Kalove prsi. | Rezilo je šlo skozi Kalove prsi. | entailment | mnli | Jon, still looking through Adrin's eyes, saw a wicked sharp blade burst through the Kal's chest. | A blade went through Kal's chest. | 569 |
Naša analiza zakona o čistem nebu vključuje kvantitativno oceno samo dveh okoljskih rekreacijskih učinkov in učinkov ozona na kmetijstvo. | V našo analizo je vključena kvalitativna ocena le dveh okoljskih rekreacijskih vidnosti in učinkov ozona na kmetijstvo. | contradiction | mnli | Our analysis of the Clear Skies Act includes a quantitative estimate of only two environmental recreational visibility and ozone effects on agriculture. | A qualitative estimate of only two environmental recreational visibility and ozone effects on agriculture is included in our analysis. | 570 |
Več nedavno prenovljenih sob prikazuje več kot 1700 predmetov, ki jih je leta 1922 v Tutankamonovi grobnici našel Howard Ceter. | Številne sobe so bile nedavno prenovljene, vendar ne ta. | neutral | mnli | Several recently refurbished rooms display over 1,700 objects found at the tomb of Tutankhamun by Howard Ceter in 1922. | Many rooms have recently been refurbished, but not this one. | 571 |
To je 'na njih', "kot praviš tukaj." Nato je nenadoma vprašal: "Ali ti ocenjuješ prstne sledi, prijatelj?" | Ali ste sposobni presojati sledi prstov? | entailment | mnli | It is 'up to them' ”as you say over here." Then, suddenly, he asked: "Are you a judge of finger-marks, my friend?" | Are you capable of passing judgment on markings of fingers? | 572 |
Tako imenovani Houston! Ta ena težava, Denise ali morda Dennis, se je ponavljala. | Obstaja vprašanje o spolu napovedovalca. | entailment | mnli | So-called Houston! This one problem, Denise, or maybe Dennis, was repeating. | There is a question about the gender of the announcer. | 573 |
Analiza teh informacij je razkrila, da nobena od teh organizacij ni opredelila postopka pregleda zasnove in njegovih različnih elementov na povsem enak način. | Številne organizacije imajo radikalno drugačen pristop k procesu pregleda zasnove. | neutral | mnli | Analysis of this information revealed that no two of these organizations defined the design review process and its various elements in exactly the same manner. | Many organizations have a radically different approach to their design review process. | 574 |
Upal sem in molil, da to ne bi prišlo na misel tudi Johnu. | Upajmo, da se bo tega tudi Janez zavedal. | contradiction | mnli | I hoped and prayed it would not occur to John also. | Hopefully John would realize it as well. | 575 |
Je tudi del stalne zbirke revije Slate, a k a The Compost, ponovno pa si ga lahko ogledate s klikom tukaj. | Slate Magazine nima stalne zbirke. | contradiction | mnli | It is also part of the Slate magazine permanent collection, a k a The Compost, and you can see it again by clicking here. | Slate Magazine does not have a permanent collection. | 576 |
v redu jaz imam skupaj pet otrok | Nimam otrok. | contradiction | mnli | okay i uh i have five children all together | I do not have any children. | 577 |
Vendar naj vas to ne vzame poguma. | Težko je in marsikdo je zaradi tega malodušen. | neutral | mnli | But don't let that discourage you. | It is hard and many people are discouraged because of it. | 578 |
Popolnoma nevzdržno je, da vas natančno citirajo in vidijo – tudi vi sami – da niste nič boljši, kot v resnici ste. | Popolnoma nevzdržno je biti natančno citiran in še vedno izpasti slabo. | neutral | mnli | What's completely intolerable is to be accurately quoted and seen--even by yourself--to be no better than you actually are. | What's completely intolerable is to be accurately quoted and still come off badly. | 579 |
Ko pa je Mir lebdel v orbiti, je Sovjetska zveza razpadla. | Mir je v orbito izstrelila Sovjetska zveza. | entailment | mnli | But as Mir floated in orbit, the Soviet Union fell apart. | The Mir was launched into orbit by the Soviet Union. | 580 |
Tako je ob natančnem pregledu končno razkritje Zapruderjevega filma, da je bil Abraham Zapruder sam zarotnik. | V filmu Zapruder se razkrije, da je bil zarotnik, kar je bil šok za javnost. | neutral | mnli | Thus, on close scrutiny, the Zapruder film's ultimate revelation is that Abraham Zapruder was himself a conspirator. | In the Zapruder film is revealed that he was a conspirator, this was a shock for the public. | 581 |
ven smo vzeli kabelski snop in motor, menjalnik in vse ostalo ter ga dali v ohišje, ki je bilo zažgano, dali smo ohišje peskati in pobarvati in on mi je skoraj naredil avto, tako da | Motor in menjalnik smo prestavili v drugo karoserijo. | entailment | mnli | so we took the wiring harness out and the engine and the transmission and everything else and we put it into the the the shell that was burned we had the shell all sandblasted and painted and he he pretty much built me a car so | We transferred the engine and transmission into another body. | 582 |
Utility Maximizer želi pridobiti veliko stvari, vključno z denarjem, pa tudi stvari, kot so izleti na plažo, čas za gledanje televizije, čudoviti vnuki in (verjetno najpomembnejše v tem primeru) poklicni prestiž. | Nekdo, ki ne želi pridobiti veliko stvari, je Utility Maximizer. | contradiction | mnli | A Utility Maximizer wants to acquire many things, including cash, but also such things as trips to the beach, time to watch TV, adorable grandkids, and (probably most important in this case) professional prestige. | Someone who does not want to acquire many things is a Utility Maximizer. | 583 |
Kakor koli že, lastnika ali lastnike ni mogoče identificirati "Anse je pobral tri mušketirje. | Obstaja zanesljiv način za identifikacijo lastnika. Anse je odložil knjigo. | contradiction | mnli | Anyway, there's no way to identify the owner or owners "Anse picked up The Three Musketeers . | There is a sure fire way to identify the owner. Anse put the book down. | 584 |
4 milijone, ki bodo razdeljeni po vsej državi. | 4 milijone bodo razdelili po vsej državi, je dejal nemški premier. | neutral | mnli | 4 million, which will be divvied up nationwide. | 4 million will be divided nationwide, according to the German Prime Minister. | 585 |
ja, ker vsi drugi rastejo | ja, vsi drugi nikoli ne rastejo | contradiction | mnli | yeah because everybody else is growing | yes, everybody else is never growing | 586 |
Prisluhnejo pozivu vse večjega števila pravnih fakultet, ki diplomante prvič usmerjajo v novo smer in jih učijo, kako do tja priti. | Ne odzivajo se na poziv združenja pravnih fakultet. | contradiction | mnli | They are heeding the call of a growing pool of law schools, which are for the first time pointing graduates in a new direction and teaching them how to get there. | They are not answering the call of the pool of the law schools. | 587 |
Imel sem priložnost Imel sem priložnost prekiniti in uh L O A in nazaj v L O A | Nikoli nisem imel priložnosti končati LOA. | contradiction | mnli | i've had a chance to i had a chance to terminate and uh L O A and back to L O A | I never had any opportunity to end LOA. | 588 |
ne, nisem v Cape Codu, sem, uh, približno pet minut vožnje od Rhode Islanda | Sem približno pet minut od Rhode Islanda, ne v Cape Codu. | entailment | mnli | no i'm not in Cape Cod i'm uh oh about a you know five minute ride from Rhode Island | I am about five minutes from Rhode Island, not in Cape Cod. | 589 |
Da ceniš svoj izvor, da v zibelko polagaš stare zgodbe in se spominjaš stare morale. | Zelo cenite svoje poreklo. | entailment | mnli | That you value your origins, that you cradle old stories and remember old morals. | You value your origins a lot. | 590 |
Potem mora svojo vero zamolčati, da je ljudje, ki je ne delijo, ne bodo jemali resno. | Pazi, kaj govori drugim ljudem, da jih ne užali. | neutral | mnli | Then he has to fudge his faith so that people who don't share it won't take it seriously. | He watches what he says to other people to not offend them. | 591 |
Zažgite vžigalico, da vidite učinek. | Če želite videti, kaj se zgodi, prižgite vžigalico. | entailment | mnli | Strike a match to see the effect. | If you want to see what happens, strike the match. | 592 |
Za merjenje sprememb vidljivosti, povezanih z zmanjšanimi koncentracijami drobnih delcev, je mogoče uporabiti številne povezane ukrepe. | Prva metoda je najboljša za uporabo. | neutral | mnli | A number of related measures can be used to measure changes in visibility associated with reduced fine particle concentrations. | The first method is the best one to use. | 593 |
'Točno tako,' je prikimal. | Odzval se je. | entailment | mnli | 'Exactly,' he nodded. | He responded. | 594 |
Kot primer nujne pro bono potrebe je Dean Glen navedel civilno sodišče v New Yorku, ki je najbolj zaposleno v državi. | Potreba po pro bono je nujna. | entailment | mnli | As an example of urgent pro bono need, Dean Glen cited the Civil Court of New York, the nation's busiest. | The pro bono need is urgent. | 595 |
Julius, je odločno rekla Tuppence, "nehaj hoditi gor in dol. | Še naprej hodi gor in dol Julius! | contradiction | mnli | Julius, said Tuppence firmly, "stop walking up and down. | Keep walking up and down Julius! | 596 |
Gaaaaandhi, odšel je odšel. | Gandhi je poleg mene. | contradiction | mnli | Gaaaaandhi, gone gone gone. | Gandhi is next to me. | 597 |
Čas ponesrečen pristanek opiše z živimi podrobnostmi (vse do nezemljana, ki daje prvo pomoč ranjenemu kolegu), nato pa prizna, da je bilo sestreljeno vesoljsko plovilo nedvomno vojaški balon. | Čas namerno zavaja bralca, da verjame zgodbi o nezemljanih. | neutral | mnli | Time describes the crash landing in vivid detail (right down to an alien giving first aid to a wounded colleague), then concedes that the downed spacecraft was undoubtedly a military balloon. | Time intentionally misleads the reader into believing the alien story. | 598 |
Za to bodo morali podpisati določene pogodbe.« | Za nadaljevanje bo treba podpisati določene pogodbe. | entailment | mnli | For that, they'll need to sign certain contracts.' | Certain contracts are going to need to be signed to proceed. | 599 |