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Notri se je z ogromno dvoročno sekiro bojevala ogromna gora človeka, celo večja od Trna. | Človek je bil izjemno velik. | entailment | mnli | Inside, a huge mountain of a man, even bigger than Thorn, fought with a huge two-handed axe. | The man was extremely large. | 300 |
Jon je v življenju videl samo dva človeka, ki sta se premikala tako hitro | Jon je z enako hitrostjo poznal vsaj 500 ljudi. | contradiction | mnli | Jon had only seen two people move that fast in his life | Jon knew at least 500 people with the same speed. | 301 |
Razvili smo sredstva tehnične pomoči za projekte kreativnega načrtovanja in pridobili 15 $. | Sredstva tehnične pomoči za ustvarjalne projekte niso bila razvita. | contradiction | mnli | We developed technical assistance funds for creative planning projects and obtained a $15. | No technical assistance funds for creative projects were developed. | 302 |
Naredil sem vse, da sem ciljal na nenaseljena območja ob nenaseljenih obdobjih, a krivda še vedno bremeni mojo dušo.' | Veliko ljudi je umrlo, čeprav naj bi bila območja neposeljena. | neutral | mnli | I have done my best to target unpopulated areas at unpopulated times, but the guilt still weights heavy on my soul.' | Many people have died even though the areas were supposed to be unpopulated. | 303 |
5 milijard, vendar se je premoženje gospodinjstev zmanjšalo za skoraj 842 milijard dolarjev (2 odstotka), predvsem zaradi padca tržne vrednosti delnic gospodinjstev. | Vrednost delnic gospodinjstev je padla, kar je prispevalo k zmanjšanju premoženja gospodinjstev. | entailment | mnli | 5 billion, but households' wealth declined by nearly $842 billion (2 percent) largely as a result of the drop in the market value of households' stock holdings. | The value of households' stock holdings dropped and this contributed to a decline in household wealth. | 304 |
Thurmond je pred nekaj tedni napovedal, da ne bo več kandidiral. | Thurmond je bil poražen na šestih prejšnjih volitvah. | neutral | mnli | Thurmond announced a few weeks ago that he won't run again. | Thurmond was defeated in six previous elections. | 305 |
Revizorji bodo morali uporabiti strokovno presojo pri ocenjevanju pomembnosti revizijskih rezultatov ali ugotovitev. | Revizorji niso odgovorni za oceno rezultatov revizije. | contradiction | mnli | Auditors will need to exercise professional judgment in assessing the significance of audit results or findings. | Auditors are not responsible for the assessment of audit results. | 306 |
Čeprav je bilo veliko pozornosti namenjene učinku bogastva zaradi razcveta delniškega trga v devetdesetih letih prejšnjega stoletja, glede na raziskavo o potrošniških financah iz leta 1998 polovica ameriških gospodinjstev od leta 1998 ni imela delnic. | V devetdesetih letih ni bilo borznega razmaha. | contradiction | mnli | Although a great deal of attention has been paid to the wealth effect from the stock market boom of the 1990s, half of American households did not own stocks as of 1998, according to the 1998 Survey of Consumer Finance. | There was no stock market boom in the 1990s. | 307 |
Kje je Tommy? | Ali veš, kje je Tommy? | entailment | mnli | Where's Tommy? | Do you know where Tommy is? | 308 |
Poleg tega nam bo prerazporeditev pomagala izboljšati našo dolgoročno zmogljivost z izboljšanjem zaposlovanja in ohranjanja zaposlenih; izdelava načrta nasledstva; osredotočanje na nastajajoče težave; in izkoriščanje tehnoloških priložnosti za izboljšave strank, procesov in zaposlenih. | Dolgoročna zmogljivost se bo s prerazporeditvijo izboljšala. | entailment | mnli | Moreover, the realignment will help us to enhance our longterm capacity by improving recruitment and retention; building a succession plan; focusing on emerging issues; and leveraging technology opportunities for improvements to clients, processes, and employees. | Long term capacity will be improved by the realignment. | 309 |
Zemljišče, na katerem se gradi, je bilo prazno. | Parcela je bila prazna. | entailment | mnli | The lot upon which it is being built had been vacant. | The lot had been vacant. | 310 |
da če bi živel v Mehiki in poskušal vzgajati več otrok in bi videl čez mejo, kje bi bilo dobro življenje za moje otroke | Verjamem, da je Mehika najboljše mesto za vzgojo otrok. | contradiction | mnli | that if i were living in Mexico and trying to raise several children and i could see across the border where the good life would be for my children | I believe Mexico is the best place to raise children. | 311 |
Ali pa o tem ni zares dobro premislil, kar bi samo dvomilo o globini njegove vere. | Njegova vera morda manjka. | entailment | mnli | Or he hasn't really thought it through, which itself would cast doubt on the depth of his faith. | His faith may be lacking. | 312 |
Prisotni so omrežni zunanji učinki. | Javnost ni obveščena o delovanju omrežja. | neutral | mnli | Network externalities are in. | The public is not informed how the network works. | 313 |
Lahko bi uporabili njihovo pomoč, če bi jo potrebovali. | Morda potrebujemo pomoč vsak dan. | neutral | mnli | We could use their assistance should it be needed. | We might need help every day. | 314 |
Obeti niso prijetni in se jim ni zlahka izogniti --- niti z nobenim paketom reform ali predlogom, ki sem jih videl. | Možnosti se lahko izognete tako, da preprosto sledite zelo veljavnim prejetim predlogom. | contradiction | mnli | Not a pleasant prospect and not one easily avoided---not even by any reform package or proposal that I've seen. | The prospect can be avoided by simply following the very valid proposals received. | 315 |
hm-hm, ja, na koncu sem dobro, ja, mislim, počnem veliko podobnih stvari, kot so celo vikendi, grem ven samo za eno ali dve noči, uh, to ni moja najljubša stvar, vendar lahko to počnem veliko pogosteje, tako da kot na uh, še posebej jeseni in spomladi, ko žuželke še niso prišle ven uh, kam so že odšle uh, saj veste, da skoraj vsak vikend preživim v gorah in domnevam, da živim približno pet ur stran od nekega kraja da grem na pohod, kjer sem zdaj | Ne moti me kampiranje za nekaj noči jeseni in spomladi. | entailment | mnli | um-hum yeah i end up well yeah i mean i do a lot of like even weekender kind of things i go out for just one or two nights uh it's not my favorite thing but i can do it a lot more often so like over at the uh particularly in the uh the fall and spring when the insects haven't come out yet uh where they're already gone uh you know i spend almost every weekend up in the mountains and i guess i live about five hours away from some place to go hiking where i am now | I don't mind camping for a couple nights in the fall and spring. | 316 |
Rezultat so bile štiri Rafaelove sobe (Stanze di Raffaello). | Rezultat so bile 3 sobe Raphael. | contradiction | mnli | The result was the four Raphael Rooms (Stanze di Raffaello). | The result was 3 Raphael Rooms. | 317 |
Kljub temu se na podlagi razprav z več državami ocenjuje, da bo postopek pregleda vloge trajal približno 38 tednov (9–10 mesecev). | O postopku pregleda vlog so se pogovarjali le s korporacijami. | contradiction | mnli | Nonetheless, based on discussions with several states, the application review process is estimated to take approximately 38 weeks (9-10 months). | The application review process was discussed only with corporations. | 318 |
to je lahko zmešnjava, nekoč smo kampirali na plaži in to je bilo nekako bedno, preprosto nisi mogel, kamor koli si šel, je bil pesek, nisi ga mogel niti ko si ga jedel, bil je v tvoji postelji | Kampirati in jesti na plaži je slaba ideja. | neutral | mnli | that can be a mess we camped at the beach one time and that was sort of miserable you just couldn't everywhere you went there was sand you couldn't even when you're eating it it was in your bed | It is a bad idea to camp and eat on a beach. | 319 |
Velika vrsta! | Bila je dobra vrsta, vendar bi lahko bilo boljše. | neutral | mnli | Grand row! | It was a good row, but it could've been better. | 320 |
Kislo usedanje ali kisli dež nastane, ko SO2 in NOx v atmosferi reagirata z vodo, kisikom in oksidanti, da tvorita kisle spojine. | Voda in dušik v ozračju povzročata kisli dež. | contradiction | mnli | Acidic deposition or acid rain occurs when SO2 and NOx in the atmosphere react with water, oxygen, and oxidants to form acidic compounds. | Water and nitrogen in the atmosphere cause the acid rain. | 321 |
Katedrala Pointe Pitre, bazilika Saint-Pierre et Saint-Paul, ima nenavadne kovinske stebre in balkone. | Nenavadne polistirenske stebre in balkone bazilike Saint-Pierre et Saint-Paul najdete v Pointe Pitre. | contradiction | mnli | Pointe Pitre's cathedral, the Basilique Saint-Pierre et Saint-Paul, features unusual metal columns and balconies. | The unusual polystyrene columns and balconies of the Basilique Saint-Pierre et Saint-Paul can be found in Pointe Pitre. | 322 |
Ali je bil ta pikantni ciganski obraz na dnu zločina ali je bil 73 nizkotni vir denarja? | Je bil tisti ciganski obraz odgovoren za zločin nad starko? | neutral | mnli | Had that piquant gipsy face been at the bottom of the crime, or was it 73 the baser mainspring of money? | Was that gipsy face responsible for the crime against the old woman? | 323 |
Nekako bi rad razmišljal o nečem v smislu uh uh neke vrste športnega avtomobila, vendar ne katerega koli ne, saj veste, luksuznega tipa športnega, ampak um | Razmišljam o zelo funkcionalnem, navadnem tipu avtomobila, vendar ne bi imel nič proti niti luksuznemu avtu | contradiction | mnli | i would sort of like to uh think about something in the way of uh uh sort of a sporty car but not any not you know a luxury type sporty one but um | I'm thinking about a very functional, ordinary type of car but I wouldn't mind a luxury car either | 324 |
uh ne nisem | Odločil sem se za to in tako sem tudi storil. | contradiction | mnli | uh no i didn't | I decided to do it and so I did. | 325 |
vozimo se petinšestdeset, ja, dobro | Vozilo je bilo hibrid, v katerem smo se vozili 65. | neutral | mnli | we drive sixty five oh yes well | The vehicle was a hybrid in which we drove 65. | 326 |
Večje turistične trgovine imajo obrazce in podatke. | Večje turistične trgovine nimajo obrazcev. | contradiction | mnli | Major tourist shops have forms and details. | The major tourist shops don't have forms. | 327 |
Zaključek Randyjeve težke ljubezni | Prva različica zaključka Randyjeve težke ljubezni. | neutral | mnli | Randy's Tough Love Wrap-Up | The first version of the Wrap-up of Randy's Tough Love. | 328 |
ja, sem v Severni Karolini | Sem v Južni Karolini. | contradiction | mnli | yeah i'm in North Carolina | I'm in South Carolina. | 329 |
Ima toliko izkušenj in, kot je pokazal zadnji intervju, nas je veliko, ki bi nam to lahko koristilo. | Iz intervjuja je bilo očitno, da ni preveč izkušen in da se ljudje ne bi smeli zgledovati po njem. | contradiction | mnli | He has so much experience and, as shown by the last interview, there are a lot of us out there who could benefit from it. | It was obvious from the interview that he was not very experienced and people should not look up to him. | 330 |
Resno avtomobilsko dirkanje je prispelo v Las Vegas leta 1996 z odprtjem dirkališča Las Vegas Motor Speedway, 17 milj (27 km) severno od središča mesta na Interstate 15. | Las Vegas Motor Speedway je še naprej glavna turistična atrakcija mesta. | neutral | mnli | Serious auto racing arrived in Las Vegas in 1996 with the opening of the Las Vegas Motor Speedway, 17 miles (27 km) north of Downtown on Interstate 15. | The Las Vegas Motor Speedway continues to be the city's top tourist attraction. | 331 |
Opazoval je Mullerja, kot da bi bil narednik in ne njegovi možje osrednja točka vsakega prihodnjega napada. | Muller je imel na sebi nekaj fascinantnega, zato je pritegnil vso pozornost. | neutral | mnli | He was watching Muller as if the sergeant, rather than his men, was the focal point of any future attack. | Muller had something fascinating about him, so he attracted all the attention. | 332 |
Čutila sem poglede na hrbtu; ljudje, ki kukajo izza zaves, kradejo poglede skozi poštne nabiralnike. | Zelo čudno je bilo čutiti, da nas ljudje opazujejo. | neutral | mnli | I could feel gazes on my back; people peering out from between curtains, stealing glimpses through letterboxes. | It was very strange to feel like people were watching us. | 333 |
Dobro.' Natalia je ošvrknila. | Natalija se je nasmehnila. | contradiction | mnli | Good.' Natalia glared. | Natalia smiled. | 334 |
Za razločevanje kompleksnih interakcij med temi spremenljivkami so potrebne sofisticirane raziskave. | Spremenljivke so pravzaprav precej preproste in lahko razumljive. | contradiction | mnli | Sophisticated research is required to tease apart the complex interactions between These variables. | The variables are actually quite simple and easy to understand. | 335 |
Kaj pa jaz? | Jaz tudi? | entailment | mnli | What about me? | Me too? | 336 |
uporabljajo injekcijo ali karkoli že je | Uporabljajo smrtonosno injekcijo. | entailment | mnli | they use the the injection thing or whatever it is | They use lethal injection. | 337 |
Tukaj je bil manj kot dva dni in že je mislil na to mesto kot na dom, nekaj, kar je želel zaščititi. | Moški je mesto zapustil po 24 urah. | contradiction | mnli | He was here less than two days and already he thought of this town as home, something he wished to protect. | The man left the town after 24 hours. | 338 |
"To so vsi, katerih prava imena so lahko našli," je popravil Garm. | Knjigi je bilo dodano pravo ime vseh, ki so jih lahko našli. | neutral | mnli | "All whose true names they could find, that is," Garm amended. | Everyone's true name they could find was added to the book. | 339 |
Od leta 1917 Grand Central Market (na naslovu 317 South Broadway) daje mestu dnevno obilico vabljivih svežih proizvodov, rib, perutnine, mesa in eksotičnih živil. | Do leta 1917 so na osrednji tržnici delili brezplačno hrano. | contradiction | mnli | Since 1917, Grand Central Market (at 317 South Broadway) has provided the city with a daily cornucopia of enticing fresh produce, fish, poultry, meat, and exotic foodstuffs. | Up until 1917 was when the Central Market gave away free food. | 340 |
Po navedbah osebja HUD je HUD po predložitvi ekonomske analize OMB naredil spremembe v analizi, da bi ohranil njeno skladnost s pravilom, v katerem so bile narejene manjše spremembe, kot je opisano spodaj. | Osebje je potrebovalo en mesec, da je spremenilo ekonomsko analizo. | neutral | mnli | According to HUD staff, after the Economic Analysis was submitted to OMB, HUD made changes in the Analysis to maintain its consistency with the rule, to which minor changes had been made as described below. | It took staff one month to make the changes to the Economic Analysis. | 341 |
Ali so imeli kakšno sled, ali bi 103 vse skupaj ostalo v kategoriji neodkritih zločinov? | Ti zlikovci so vsako leto bolj naivni. | neutral | mnli | Had they any clue, or 103 would the whole thing remain in the category of undiscovered crimes? | These villains get more naive every year. | 342 |
Ko se je leta 1901 poročil, sta z ženo (Olgo Knipper iz Moskovskega umetniškega gledališča) odšla neposredno s slovesnosti na medene tedne v sanatorij. | Njegova žena ni nikoli hodila v sanatorij. | contradiction | mnli | When he married in 1901, he and his wife (Olga Knipper of the Moscow Art Theater) went directly from the ceremony to a honeymoon in a sanitarium. | His wife has never went to a sanitarium. | 343 |
2) Predsednik pravosodnega odbora predstavniškega doma Henry Hyde je dejal, da je začel preučevati postopke obtožbe, če so upravičeni. | Henry Hyde je novo hišno sodstvo. | neutral | mnli | 2) House Judiciary Committee Chairman Henry Hyde said he has begun to examine impeachment procedures in the event they are justified. | Henry Hyde is a new house judiciary. | 344 |
Nekaj šol, vključno z univerzami Harvard, New York in Georgetown, jih že ima. | So že na univerzah Harvard, New York in Georgetown. | entailment | mnli | A few schools, including Harvard, New York and Georgetown universities, already have them. | They are already in Harvard, New York and Georgetown universities. | 345 |
V takšnih okoliščinah lahko revizorji izdajo poročilo za omejeno uradno uporabo, ki vsebuje takšne informacije, in poročilo razdelijo le tistim stranem, ki so odgovorne za ukrepanje po priporočilih revizorjev. | Revizorji lahko izdajo poročilo o omejeni uradni uporabi, ki vsebuje takšne informacije. | entailment | mnli | In such circumstances, auditors may issue a limited official use report containing such information and distribute the report only to those parties responsible for acting on the auditors' recommendations. | Auditors can issue a limited official use report that has such information. | 346 |
Bistvo ni v tem, da so ankete nepoštene. | Nepoštene ankete niso bistvo. | entailment | mnli | The point isn't that polls are dishonest. | Dishonest polls is not the point being made. | 347 |
ampak kaj je to | Vendar, kaj je to? | entailment | mnli | but uh what's that | However, what is that? | 348 |
APHIS je prvo alternativo zavrnil, ker je verjel, da znanstveni dokazi dovoljujejo uvoz govejega mesa iz Argentine pod določenimi pogoji in da bi bila nedovolitev takega uvoza v nasprotju s trgovinskimi sporazumi, ki so jih sklenile Združene države. | Trgovinski sporazumi bi bili v povezavi s sporazumom. | contradiction | mnli | APHIS rejected the first alternative because it believed scientific evidence permitted importation of beef from Argentina under certain conditions and not permitting such importation would be contrary to trade agreements entered into by the United States. | The trade agreements would be in conjunction with the agreement. | 349 |
in gredo ja, ampak na splošno rad telovadim. Zelo rad imam ples, zato mislim, da je aerobika nekaj, čemur bi se rad odrekel, a | Sovražim telovadbo. | contradiction | mnli | and they're going yes but in general i like to exercise i i like dance a lot so i mean i aerobics is something i'd hate to give up but | I hate exerising. | 350 |
Pisal je opozorilo, ne recepta. | Policist je pisal opozorilni list, ne recepta od zdravnika. | neutral | mnli | He was writing a warning, not a prescription. | The police officer was writing a warning ticket, not a prescription from a doctor. | 351 |
119 Cynthia se je vrnila iz bolnišnice, poleg nje sem postavil svoj stol in ji povedal, da Poirot želi obiskati ambulanto. | Poirot se je sam pogovarjal s Cynthio in jo prosil, da jo obišče na delovnem mestu v bolnišnici. | contradiction | mnli | 119 Cynthia was back from the hospital, and I placed my chair beside her, and told her of Poirot's wish to visit the dispensary. | Poirot talked to Cynthia himself, asking to visit her at work at the hospital. | 352 |
Včasih so takšna sredstva namenjena preusposabljanju obstoječega netehničnega osebja, da bi mu zagotovili strokovno znanje o IT. | Včasih so sredstva namenjena preusposabljanju obstoječega netehničnega osebja, da razume, kako programirati svoje računalnike. | neutral | mnli | Sometimes such funds are devoted to retraining existing nontechnical personnel to supply them with IT expertise. | Sometimes the funds are devoted to retraining existing nontechnical personnel so they understand how to program their computers. | 353 |
Rips je bil dovolj razjezen, ker je Statistical Science sprejel zavrnilni dokument, da je najel odvetnika, ki je reviji svetoval, naj obtožbe v članku, ki bo kmalu objavljen ... | Ripsa je razjezilo to, da sta Stastical Science sprejela zavrnitev in njihov brezbrižni odnos, zato je najel odvetnika, ki bi reviji svetoval, naj obtožbe, ki bodo kmalu objavljene... | neutral | mnli | Rips was sufficiently enraged by Statistical Science 's acceptance of the rebuttal paper that he retained a lawyer, who advised the journal that the accusations in the article about to be published ... | Rips was enraged by Stastical Science's acceptance of the rebuttal and their nonchalant attitude so he retained a lawyer who would advise the journal that accusations about to be published... | 354 |
Nehaj kriviti Johna. | Nehaj imeti Johna za odgovornega. | entailment | mnli | Stop blaming John. | Quit holding John responsible. | 355 |
mislim, da je na lokalnih volitvah pravzaprav hm. potem bo cela država rešena, vendar menijo, da lokalne volitve ne pomenijo toliko, tako da ljudje res ne skrbijo za svojega lokalnega župana ali kaj podobnega, kar veste, hm, in mislim, da napačno sklepam, da je dobro, kaj je dobro Župan bo vseeno naredil, ker so naši zvezni davki trenutno pomembnejši in veste in podobne stvari, zato ljudje mislijo, da tega nimajo, hm, da to ni tako pomembno, medtem ko mislim, da je verjetno Ravno nasprotno je res, mislim, da bi verjetno imeli ljudje večji učinek na lokalni ravni | Mislim, da na predsedniških volitvah voli več ljudi kot na lokalnih. | entailment | mnli | i think on the local elections it's actually um i think um i think people vote in the larger elections because they feel like well you know the country's real important and you know if i elect if we help elect a president who's going to save us then the then the whole country will be saved but they figure local elections don't mean that much i suspect so people don't really worry about their local mayor or something figuring that you know um and i think wrongly figuring that that well what good is another mayor going to do anyway because our federal taxes are more important right now and you know and stuff like that so people think that that that they don't have um that that it doesn't doesn't matter as much whereas i think it's probably just the opposite is true i think it's probably the case that people could have more effect on a local level | I think more people vote during the presidential elections than local elections. | 356 |
Kašmir je ostal nerešen problem razdelitve. | Problem delitve Kašmirja je ostal nerešen. | entailment | mnli | Kashmir remained an unresolved problem of Partition. | The partition problem of Kashmir remained unresolved. | 357 |
Glede na predpostavke in gospodarska gonila v vsakem od scenarijev model AMIGA izračuna kapitalske naložbe, delovanje in vzdrževanje ter stroške goriva, potrebne za zadovoljitev povpraševanja potrošnikov po električni energiji. | Model AMIGA najde kapitalski vložek. | entailment | mnli | Given the assumptions and economic drivers in each of the scenarios, the AMIGA model calculates the capital investment, operation and maintenance, and fuel costs necessary to meet consumer demand for electricity. | The AMIGA model finds the capital investment. | 358 |
in potem imam cvetačo, v kateri bi skuhal česnov kruh, zeleno solato, čaj, za sladico pa bi imeli limonino pito | Za tvojo rojstnodnevno večerjo bom pripravila cvetačo, česnov kruh in zeleno solato s čajem za pijačo ter limonino pito za sladico. | neutral | mnli | and then i have a cauliflower that i would cook garlic bread green salad tea and we'd have a lemon pie for dessert | For your birthday dinner, I will make cauliflower, garlic bread, and green salad with tea to drink, and lemon pie for dessert. | 359 |
Vsa odkritja je naredil Japp in Japp bo prevzel vse zasluge. | Japp ni odkril nobenega odkritja in ne bo počaščen. | contradiction | mnli | All the discoveries have been made by Japp, and Japp will take all the credit. | Japp made no discoveries, and will not be honored. | 360 |
Prelisičil si me. | Nikoli me nisi prelisičil. | contradiction | mnli | You outwitted me. | You have never outwitted me. | 361 |
ja, ampak to je res za vse | To je laž. | contradiction | mnli | yeah but that's that's true just about every | That is false. | 362 |
Bil je pohoten in čuden. | Imel je normalen odnos. | contradiction | mnli | He was lecherous and strange. | He had a normal attitude. | 363 |
Za stolpce od 5 do 8 so edini zneski, ki se spremenijo v vrsticah 1 in 2 v primerjavi s stolpci od 1 do 4, odhodni pripisani stroški in vhodni prihodki. | V vrsticah 1 in 2 v stolpcih od 5 do 8 se spremenijo samo izhodni pripisljivi stroški in vhodni prihodki. | entailment | mnli | For Columns 5 though 8, the only amounts that change in lines 1 and 2, compared to columns 1 through 4, are outbound attributable cost and inbound revenue. | Only the outbound attributable cost and inbound revenue change in lines 1 and 2 in columns 5 through 8. | 364 |
Danes popoldne niste omenili njegovega imena, sicer bi vam predlagal, da greste k njemu po dodatne informacije z mojo kartico kot uvodom. | Z njim sva dobra prijatelja. | neutral | mnli | You did not mention his name this afternoon, or I would have suggested your going to him for further information with my card as introduction. | He and I are good friends. | 365 |
To je povzročilo majhno število artikuliranih razhajanj. | To je vzbujalo vesele občutke in toplino. | contradiction | mnli | This brought forth a small number of articulate dissensions. | This brought up happy feelings and warmth. | 366 |
o ja ne to je uh to je res zanimiv film in ima dobro zgodovinsko perspektivo | Mislili so, da je ta film izzval in prinesel veliko dobrih točk. | neutral | mnli | oh yeah no that's uh that's a that's a real interesting movie and it's got a good historical perspective to it | That movie was thought to provoke and brought up many good points. | 367 |
Vojaki za Mullerjem so se otrdeli v lesene vojake, ves izraz je izginil z njihovih obrazov, dokler se niso ujemali drug z drugim v popolni anonimnosti. | Muller je bil z vojaki. | entailment | mnli | The troopers behind Muller stiffened into wooden soldiers, all expression vanishing from their features until they matched each other in exact anonymity. | Muller was with soldiers. | 368 |
Medtem so bili odvetniki na prvem mestu. Indijci obožujejo sodne spore in to je bilo idealno usposabljanje za bodoče politike, politika pa je bila tajna, saj je bilo pogosto usodno izraziti mnenje na napačni (tj. poraženi) strani. | Odvetniki so bili na prvem mestu in to je bil idealen trening za bodoče politike in politiko. | entailment | mnli | Meanwhile, lawyers were at a premium Indians love litigation and it was ideal training for future politicians and politics had been clandestine, because it was so often fatal to express an opinion on the wrong (i.e. , losing) side. | Lawyers were at a premium and it was ideal training for future politicians and politics. | 369 |
V nekaterih državah je morda mogoče razviti in izvajati pobude na ravni države za izboljšanje zagotavljanja storitev, povečanje virov in izboljšanje zmogljivosti sistema za izpolnjevanje civilnopravnih potreb vseh ljudi z nizkimi dohodki brez spreminjanja območij storitev ali zgodovinskih odnosov. | V nobeni državi ne bo treba razvijati in izvajati državnih pobud. | contradiction | mnli | In some states, it may be possible to develop and implement statewide initiatives to improve service delivery, increase resources, and enhance the capacity of the system to meet the civil legal needs of all low-income people without altering service areas or historical relationships. | In no states will it be necessary to develop and implement statewide initiatives. | 370 |
Vaše ugibanje je tako dobro kot moje. | Ne vem, koliko glasov je dobil. | neutral | mnli | Your guess is as good as mine. | I don't know how many votes he got. | 371 |
Nekdo je ploskal. | Oseba je zaploskala. | entailment | mnli | Someone was applauding. | A person applauded. | 372 |
moj oče ima novega um, mislim, da je devetinosemdeset ali devetdeset uh Chrysler nekaj ali drugega, to je eden tistih prečno nameščenih V šestice s prednjim pogonom | Moj oče ima novega Chryslerja devetinosemdeset ali devetdeset s prečno nameščenim V in pogonom na prednja kolesa. | entailment | mnli | my dad's got a new um i guess it's an eighty nine or ninety uh Chrysler something or other it's one those transverse mounted V sixes front wheel drive | My dad has a new eighty nine or ninety Chrysler with a transverse mounted V and front wheel drive. | 373 |
Pet vilic zagotavlja resnično udobje, vendar hrana ne bo nujno boljša kot v restavraciji z dvema ali tremi vilicami, samo dražja. | Pet restavracij z vilicami je ocenjenih višje, ker so bolj priljubljene in v njih nastopajo zvezdniki. | neutral | mnli | Five forks guarantee real comfort, but the food will not necessarily be better than in a two-or three-fork establishment, just more expensive. | Five fork restaurants are rated higher because they are more popular and have celebrity appearances. | 374 |
veš, da sem jo pogosto igral, ko sem bil v šoli, zdaj pa, ko sem poročen in podobno | Nehala sem jo igrati na dan, ko sem se poročila. | neutral | mnli | you know used to play it a lot when i was in school but now that i'm married and stuff i | I stopped playing it the day I got married. | 375 |
To je barvita bližnjevzhodna jemenska restavracija (kjer je spodaj drago, zgoraj pa manj formalno) z zanimivim menijem mesa in drobovine. | Restavracija streže bližnjevzhodne jemenske jedi. | entailment | mnli | This is a colourful Middle Eastern-Yemenite restaurant (where the downstairs is expensive, and the upstairs is less formal) with an interesting menu of meat and offal. | The restaurant serves Middle Eastern-Yemenite food. | 376 |
Tabela 7-1 prikazuje povzetek povpraševanja po virih in njegov učinek na trenutno ponudbo. | Tabela prikazuje povzetek virov, ki jih potrebujete. | entailment | mnli | Table 7-1 shows a summary of resource demand and its effect on current supply. | The table shows a summary of the resources in demand. | 377 |
Starost, zdravje in pripravljenost plačati za tveganje smrtnosti Kontingent A | Starost, zdravje in pripravljenost plačati za kontingent tveganja smrtnosti A so zelo pomembne teme, o katerih se govori po vsem svetu. | neutral | mnli | Age, Health, and the Willingness to Pay for Mortality Risk A Contingent | Age, Health, and the Willingness to Pay for Mortality Risk A Contingent are very important topics being talked about worldwide. | 378 |
Da, je nadaljeval Whittington. | Whittington je rekel ne. | contradiction | mnli | Yes, continued Whittington. | Whittington said no. | 379 |
Če ni drugače navedeno, hoteli sprejemajo vse glavne kreditne kartice. | Hoteli kot plačilo sprejemajo kreditne kartice, razen če ni navedeno drugače. | entailment | mnli | Unless otherwise noted, hotels take all major credit cards. | Hotels accept credit cards as payment unless otherwise stated. | 380 |
Seveda vedno obstaja možnost, da se je vodstvu podjetja preprosto zmešalo. | Možno je, da podjetje sploh ni prizadeto. | contradiction | mnli | Of course, there is always the chance that the company's management has simply gone mad. | It's possible that the company is not affected at all. | 381 |
Ta dejanski zapis je zagotovil pomemben kontekst za obravnavo pravnega vprašanja pomena zahteve po prisotnosti. | Zapisnik ni vseboval konteksta glede pravnega vprašanja. | contradiction | mnli | This factual record provided an important context for consideration of the legal question of the meaning of the presence requirement. | The record gave no context regarding the legal question. | 382 |
Preostali del industrije čaka, da vidi, koliko nadzora vlada zahteva nad obnovljenimi ključi. | Industrija ne čaka na nič. | contradiction | mnli | The rest of the industry is waiting to see how much control the government demands over recovered keys. | The industry waits for nothing. | 383 |
Mošeja je v Kairu nenavadna, saj nima fasade, skrita je za zaščitnim zidom z devetnajstimi odprtinami. | Mošeja v Kairu je zaščitena z obzidjem. | entailment | mnli | The mosque is unusual in Cairo in that it has no facade it is hidden behind a protective wall with nineteen openings. | The mosque in cairo is protected by walls. | 384 |
Ne opozarjaj na Apače, to je gotovo. | Seveda niso bili Apači. | entailment | mnli | Warn't no Apaches, that's for certain. | It wasn't the Apaches, certainly. | 385 |
Komisija je pripravila končno analizo regulativne prožnosti v skladu z oddelkom 604. | Komisija je sestavila končno analizo regulativne prožnosti, ki je bila v nasprotju z oddelkom 604. | contradiction | mnli | The Commission prepared a Final Regulatory Flexibility Analysis pursuant to section 604. | The Commission put together a Final Regulatory Flexibility Analysis that went against Section 604. | 386 |
Kuala Kangsar je že dolgo znan po malajskem kolidžu, postavljenem sredi prostranega posestva blizu središča mesta, prestižni in ekskluzivni šoli za malajsko aristokracijo, odkar so jo leta 1904 ustanovili Britanci. | Malay College je bil znan po tem, da sprejme vsakega študenta ne glede na njihovo ozadje. | contradiction | mnli | Kuala Kangsar has long been famous for Malay College, set amid spacious grounds near the center of town, a prestigious and exclusive school for the Malay aristocracy since it was founded by the British in 1904. | Malay College was know for taking in any student regardless of their background. | 387 |
Do 11. stoletja je kalifat na eni točki razpadel na mozaik razdrobljenih držav 26 in Baleari so postali neodvisen emirat. | Kalif je bil še vedno zelo pomemben oblastni položaj. | neutral | mnli | By the 11th century, the caliphate had splintered into a mosaic of fractious states 26 at one point, and the Balearics became an independent emirate. | The caliph was still a very important position of power. | 388 |
prav, mislim, da bi imeli enake težave, recimo z Mehiko, uh, Kanada na drugi strani uh, angleščina je eden od njihovih nacionalnih jezikov, ki jih imajo | Verjetno imamo enake težave kot Mehika in Kanada glede uporabe angleškega jezika. | entailment | mnli | right i think we'd have the same type of problem say with Mexico uh Canada on the other hand uh English is one of their national languages they have | We probably have the same issues as Mexico and Canada with regards to the use of the English language. | 389 |
V tem članku preučujemo hipotezo, da stroškovni model zagotavlja razumne ocene stroškov na enoto drugih delovnih mest v industrializiranih državah. | Stroškov ni mogoče oceniti, ne da bi pregledali proračunski urad posamezne države. | contradiction | mnli | In this paper we examine the hypothesis that the cost model provides reasonable estimates of the unit costs of other posts of industrialized countries. | It isn't possible to estimate costs without going through the budget office of each country. | 390 |
Ali naj intervencija vključuje družino? | Ali naj intervencija vključuje družino dekleta? | contradiction | mnli | Should the intervention include the family? | Should the intervention include the girlfriend's family? | 391 |
Zdaj je to šola, Colegio de Santo Domingo. | Ustanovljen je bil leta 1854. | neutral | mnli | It's now a school, the Colegio de Santo Domingo. | It was established in 1854. | 392 |
Ti zakoni poudarjajo vključevanje višjih vodilnih delavcev v odločitve o upravljanju informacij, imenovanje vodilnih informacijskih uradnikov na višjih ravneh in uporabo meril uspešnosti za oceno prispevka tehnologije pri doseganju rezultatov misije. | Obstajajo zakoni, ki določajo, kako višji vodstveni delavci sprejemajo odločitve o upravljanju informacij v javnih podjetjih. | neutral | mnli | These laws emphasize involving senior executives in information management decisions, appointing senior-level chief information officers, and using performance measures to assess the contribution of technology in achieving mission results. | There are laws that involve how senior executives make information management decisions in public companies. | 393 |
Mislim, da je to potem korak stran od celo dolžnosti. Mislim, da sploh nimajo občutka za odgovornost | Mislim, da se ne čutijo odgovorne za varnost drugih. | neutral | mnli | i think then that's a step away from even duty i don't think they even have a sense of the responsibility | I don't think they feel responsible for keeping others safe. | 394 |
Bila je manjša soba od tiste spodaj in v njeni atmosferi je bilo nekaj nenavadno brezzračnega. | V sobi je bilo zadušljivo vzdušje z zaklenjenim oknom. | neutral | mnli | It was a smaller room than the one downstairs, and there was something peculiarly airless about the atmosphere of it. | The room had a stifling atmosphere with a boarded up window. | 395 |
Čudovita serija dioram nato med drugim predstavi Petra Rabbita, gospo Tiggi-Winkle in Squirrel Nutkin, postavljene v prizore iz Potterjevih knjig. | Potterjev zajec Peter je priljubljen lik iz otroštva. | neutral | mnli | A delightful series of dioramas then introduce Peter Rabbit, Mrs. Tiggi-Winkle, and Squirrel Nutkin, among others, set in scenes taken from Potter's books. | Potter's Peter Rabbit is a popular childhood character. | 396 |
Iztegnil je roko do močerada, ga pobožal do nežnega sijaja in ga položil nazaj na Daveove prsi. | Salamander je bil dojemljiv za njegove prijazne geste. | neutral | mnli | He held out a hand to the salamander, petted it to a gentle glow and put it back over Dave's chest. | The salamander was receptive to his friendly gestures. | 397 |
hm, ja, zahteva veliko koncentracije, mislim, da je bila takšna stvar, kot sem bila, delala sem nekaj malenkosti za božič in naredila sem tudi malenkost za darilo za dojenčka in mislila sem si, da lahko to počnem, medtem ko narobe gledati televizijo | Delal sem nekaj stvari za darila. | entailment | mnli | um-hum yeah it takes a lot of concentration i mean it was the type of thing i was i was making some little things for Christmas and i also made a little thing for a baby gift and uh i thought oh i can do this while i watch TV wrong | I was making some things for gifts. | 398 |
Njen glavni poročevalec o škandalih Ambrose Evans-Pritchard je objavil veliko zgodb o samomoru. | Samomor, o katerem poročajo, je povzročila strelna rana v glavo. | neutral | mnli | Its principal scandal reporter, Ambrose Evans-Pritchard, has published lots of stories on the suicide. | The suicide being covered was caused by a self-inflicted gunshot wound to the head. | 399 |