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Ko je ameriški diplomat, ki nadzoruje mednarodne mirovne opazovalce na Kosovu, za pokol obtožil srbsko policijo, je jugoslovanska (tj. | Ameriški diplomat je izjemno zadovoljen s svojo službo in dosežki. | neutral | mnli | When the American diplomat who supervises the international peace monitors in Kosovo accused Serb police of the massacre, the Yugoslav (i.e. | The American diplomat is extremely happy with his job and accomplishments. | 600 |
Danes je Loire zaspana vodna pot, ki teče globoko le ob močnem deževju ali spomladanskih otoplitvah, njeni peščeni brežini in blatne ravnine pa poleti postanejo otoki. | Peščeni bregovi Loare poleti postanejo otoki. | entailment | mnli | Today, the Loire is a sleepy waterway, running deep only with heavy rains or spring thaws, and its sandbanks and mud flats become islands during the summer. | The Loire's sandbanks become islands in the summer. | 601 |
Včasih ljudje, ki se zastopajo sami, niti ne poznajo pomembnih dejstev svojega primera. | Zakon je zelo enostaven za razumevanje, zato je zastopanje na sodišču najboljši način za zmago v zadevi. | contradiction | mnli | Sometimes the people who represent themselves don't even know the significant facts of their case. | The law is very easy to understand, so representing yourself in court is the best way to win a case. | 602 |
Uporaba nižjih točk za ženske lahko poveča učinkovitost presejalnega testa. | Ženske bi lahko bile na presejalnih testih boljše, če bi bile mejne vrednosti zmanjšane. | entailment | mnli | Using lower cut points for females may maximize screening test performance. | Females might perform higher on the screening tests if the cut points are reduced. | 603 |
Za nekatere vrste dela, ki se izvajajo v agenciji, lahko GAO na začetku zagotovi samo obvestilo po telefonu ali e-pošti. | GAO lahko posreduje le telefonska ali e-poštna sporočila. | entailment | mnli | For certain types of work to be performed at an agency, GAO may initially provide only telephone or e-mail message notification. | GAO might only give telephone or email messages. | 604 |
Nahaja se 85 km (53 milj) severozahodno od Pariza po A13, D181 in D5 ali z vlakom od Gare St-Lazare do Vernona z avtobusom od postaje do Givernyja. | Do mesta je mogoče priti le s helikopterjem. | contradiction | mnli | Situated 85 km (53 miles) northwest of Paris by the A13, D181, and D5, or by train from Gare St-Lazare to Vernon with a shuttle bus from the station to Giverny. | The site can only be reached by helicopter. | 605 |
Ca'daan je začutil, kako mu poskoči srce. | Ca'daan je imel počasen, enakomeren utrip. | contradiction | mnli | Ca'daan felt his heart jump. | Ca'daan had a slow, steady pulse. | 606 |
Primere tega imamo na zunanjih velikanskih planetih. | Obstajajo primeri tega v nekaterih velikih telesih. | entailment | mnli | We have examples of these in the giant outer planets. | There are instances of this in some large bodies. | 607 |
v redu uh ali si na trgu za nov avto | Iščete nov avto? | entailment | mnli | okay uh are you in the market for a new car | Are you looking for a new car? | 608 |
Beli je prikimal. | White je zmajal z glavo. | contradiction | mnli | White nodded. | White shook his head no. | 609 |
um, trdno verjamem v to, da če imaš, porabi | Če ga imaš, ga porabi. | entailment | mnli | um me i'm a firm believer in that if you got it spend it | If you've got it, spend it. | 610 |
Ustrezen DO se vzdržuje z zamenjavo zraka nad vodo v vrečah s kisikom iz jeklenke s stisnjenim plinom in zapiranjem vreč ali z uporabo zračnega kamna, ki ga dovaja prenosna črpalka. | Ustrezna DO nadomešča zrak z vodo. | contradiction | mnli | Adequate DO is maintained by replacing the air above the water in the bags with oxygen from a compressed gas cylinder, and sealing the bags or by use of an airstone supplied by a portable pump. | Adequate DO replaces the air with water. | 611 |
Vse neresnice seveda niso laži (ključna sestavina laži je naklep). | Vse neresnice so laži, ne glede na namen. | contradiction | mnli | Not all falsehoods, of course, are lies (the key ingredient in a lie is intentionality). | All falsehoods are lie, regardless of intentionality. | 612 |
V redu so pospeševali tempo. | Priganjali so tempo. | entailment | mnli | They were pushing the pace all right. | They were pushing the pace. | 613 |
Emisije toplogrednih plinov je treba obravnavati v okviru podnebnih sprememb, ki jih izvaja delovna skupina na ravni predsednikovega kabineta. | S toplogrednimi plini in podnebnimi spremembami se ukvarja predsednikov kabinet. | entailment | mnli | Greenhouse gas emissions should be addressed in the context of climate change, which is being undertaken by the President's Cabinet level working group. | Greenhouse gases and climate change are being worked on by the President's Cabinet. | 614 |
Imel sem kup udobnih sob z blazinami povsod in hladilnik, ki je bil večno založen z mastno hrano. | V hladilniku so bila živila za pitanje. | entailment | mnli | I had a slew of comfortable rooms with cushions everywhere, and a fridge forever stocked with fatty foods. | There were fattening foods in the refrigerator. | 615 |
Neto osebni prihranki | Obstajajo samo državni in državni prihranki. | contradiction | mnli | Net personal savings | There is only national and government savings. | 616 |
1.7, prej dokument o prenosu metodologije 7. | Včasih je bil papir 7. | entailment | mnli | 1.7, formerly methodology transfer paper 7. | It used to be paper 7. | 617 |
V zadnjih dveh desetletjih je Comart opazil, da se je vloga Pine Tree spremenila kot odziv na zmanjšanje zveznega financiranja in strožje predpise. | Vloga Pine Tree se je v zadnjih dvajsetih letih spremenila. | entailment | mnli | Over the past two decades, Comart has seen the role of Pine Tree change in response to federal funding cuts and stricter regulations. | The role of Pine Tree has changed over the past twenty years. | 618 |
Mangrova drevesa in grmi rastejo na obalnem močvirju v somornici med morjem in sladko vodo. | Mangrove rastejo na obali in nudijo domove številnim morskim življenjem. | neutral | mnli | Mangrove trees and shrubs grow on coastal marshland in the brackish zone between the sea and fresh water. | Mangrove trees grow on the coast and provide homes for lots of marine life. | 619 |
lahko ga priključimo na naš uh video ali uh stereo sistem in uh damo glasbo v film in to bo izločilo vse ozadje hrup uh delujočega snemalnika in to | Ko ga vključimo, lahko izločimo ves hrup v ozadju. | entailment | mnli | we can hook it into our uh a video or uh stereo system and uh put music to the film and that will cut out all the background the noise of the uh recorder running and that | We can cut out all the background noise when we hook it in. | 620 |
Inženirski zbor ameriške vojske (USACE), Inštitut za gradbeno industrijo (CII)3 in druga prizadevanja FFC ter drugi, da bi razširili študijo. | FFC dopolnjuje študijo s financiranjem prvotnih raziskovalcev še tri leta. | neutral | mnli | U. S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), Construction Industry Institute (CII),3 and other FFC efforts, as well as others, to augment the study. | The FFC is augmenting the study by funding the original researchers for three more years. | 621 |
V skladu z veljavno zakonodajo lahko prejemniki LSC nudijo pravno pomoč tujcu, če je tujec prisoten v Združenih državah in spada v enega od več določenih | Prejemniki LSC lahko nudijo pravno pomoč tujcem. | entailment | mnli | Under current law, LSC recipients may provide legal assistance to an alien if the alien is present in the United States and falls within one of several designated | LSC recipients may provide legal aid to foreign people. | 622 |
V edinburškem živalskem vrtu poleti vsak dan poteka parada pingvinov. | Vse poletne obiskovalci edinburškega živalskega vrta vidijo parade pingvinov. | neutral | mnli | Edinburgh Zoo has a penguin parade every day during the summer. | All summer visitors to the Edinburgh Zoo see the penguin parades. | 623 |
Njegov problem je po njegovih besedah trenutna zamrznitev zaposlovanja, ki velja za vse mestne agencije. | Zaradi zamrznitve zaposlovanja je imel težave pri iskanju službe. | neutral | mnli | His problem, he said, is the current hiring freeze imposed on all city agencies. | He had a problem finding a job because of the hiring freeze. | 624 |
Toda podrobnejša analiza vremenske karte kaže, da je mati narava letos dejansko naklonjena demokratom. | Mati narava je že leta demokrat. | neutral | mnli | But a closer analysis of the weather map suggests Mother Nature actually favors the Democrats this year. | Mother Nature has been a democrat for years. | 625 |
Drugod so veliki dogodki spreminjali podobo sveta. | Veliki dogodki, ki so se dogajali, so bili pomembni. | neutral | mnli | Elsewhere, great events were changing the shape of the world. | The great events that were occurring were important. | 626 |
Shenzhen je bila prva posebna gospodarska cona Kitajske. | Znotraj Kitajske je bil Shenzhen in to je bila prva in edina posebna gospodarska cona na Kitajskem. | neutral | mnli | Shenzhen was China's first Special Economic Zone. | Within China was Shenzhen, and it was China's first and only Special Economic Zone. | 627 |
Rezervacije za hotele, prenočišča v džungli in lete v in znotraj Nepala je lahko težko potrditi v najbolj obremenjenih sezonah, če čakate predolgo. | V Nepalu ni turističnega zanimanja in v zadnjih desetletjih ga je komaj kdo obiskal. | contradiction | mnli | Reservations for hotels, jungle lodges, and flights to and within Nepal can be hard to confirm in the busiest seasons if you wait too long. | There is no touristic interest in Nepal and scarcely anyone has visited in decades. | 628 |
Katere misije ali funkcije podpira pridobitev? | Kakšen je namen pridobitve za podporo? | entailment | mnli | What missions or functions is the acquisition to support? | What is the purpose of acquisition to support? | 629 |
Morda jih je tja pospravil v naglici. | Morda so jih dali tja v naglici. | entailment | mnli | He might have stowed them there in a hurry. | They might have been put there in a rush. | 630 |
Kljub temu bodo Johnnijevi zdaj počakali." V splošnem olajšanju ob bližajočem se Inglethorpovem odhodu smo imeli najbolj prisrčen zajtrk, kar smo jih doživeli od te tragedije. | Priredili smo prijateljski jutranji obrok, enega najboljših odkar se je dogodek zgodil. | entailment | mnli | Still, the Johnnies will wait now." In the general relief at Inglethorp's approaching departure, we had the most genial breakfast we had experienced since the tragedy. | We held a friendly morning meal, one of the best since the event occurred. | 631 |
o krompir, kakršen je bil, okusen je, a zdi se, da ne dobiš toliko za prostor, ki ga imajo | Krompir potrebuje veliko prostora za rast. | neutral | mnli | oh the potato they were they're delicious but they you don't get seem to get that much for the space they they do | Potatoes need a lot of space to grow. | 632 |
Lokalni kolumnisti so opozorili na številne napake in neutemeljene zgodbe v Davisovih dveh knjigah o Los City of Quartz (1990) in Ecology of Fear (1998). | Ecology of Fear je po mnenju kolumnistov vseboval napake, Los City of Quartz pa ne. | contradiction | mnli | Local columnists have pointed out a number of errors and unsubstantiated stories in Davis' two books about Los City of Quartz (1990) and Ecology of Fear (1998). | Ecology of Fear, according to the columnists, contained errors but Los City of Quartz didn't. | 633 |
Če pa so podatki pridobljeni za vključitev pacienta v zdravljenje, so podatki zaščiteni v skladu z zgornjimi zveznimi predpisi, ki zahtevajo izrecno pisno dovoljenje pacienta, preden se lahko delijo z drugimi. | Če je treba vzpostaviti stik z bolnikom, informacije ne bodo uhajale. | entailment | mnli | However, if it is obtained in order to engage the patient in treatment, the information is protected under the above federal regulations that require the express, written permission of the patient before it can be shared with others. | If it is needed to contact the patient the information will not be leaked. | 634 |
Ko vsi odidejo, ostanite in si v miru ogledate čudovit izklesan Angelov steber iz 13. stoletja (Pilier des Anges). | Vedno je velika množica ljudi, ki čakajo na ogled angelskega stebra. | neutral | mnli | Then after everyone's gone, stay on to see the marvelous 13th-century sculpted Angel's Pillar (Pilier des Anges) in peace. | There is always a large crowd of people waiting to see the Angel's Pillar. | 635 |
Sedem tisoč vojakov pod Sir Ralphom Abercrombyjem se je izkrcalo vzhodno od San Juana in blokiralo mesto. | Sedem tisoč mož je blokiralo mesto. | entailment | mnli | Seven thousand troops under Sir Ralph Abercromby landed east of San Juan and blockaded the city. | Seven thousand men blockaded the city. | 636 |
Znesek, ki ga zabeležita oba subjekta, je knjigovodska vrednost sredstva prenosnega subjekta. | Zabeleženi znesek je bil dobrih 100.000 dolarjev. | neutral | mnli | The amount recorded by both entities is the transferring entity's book value of the asset. | The amount recorded was well over $100,000. | 637 |
Druga možnost je, da bi svoj nagovor krščanski koaliciji prejšnji petek uporabil za kritiko verske nestrpnosti. | Lahko bi govoril o strpnosti koalicije. | contradiction | mnli | Alternatively, he could have used his address to the Christian Coalition last Friday to criticize religious intolerance. | He could have talked about how tolerant the coalition was. | 638 |
Wordsworthu so bili zelo všeč dolina Duddon in valovita pobočja okoli vasi Ulpha. | Wordsworth je pogosto grajal dolino Duddon zaradi njenih pobočij. | contradiction | mnli | The Duddon Valley and the rolling hillsides around the village of Ulpha were much favored by Wordsworth. | Wordsworth frequently lambasted the Duddon Valley because of its hillsides. | 639 |
Obstajajo pa različne vrste ribolova. | Obstajajo različni načini ribolova. | entailment | mnli | But there are different kinds of fishing. | There are different ways to fish. | 640 |
Kupite kmalu, sicer boste zamudili priložnost. | Ne kupujte, ne boste zgrešili. | contradiction | mnli | Buy soon or you may miss the chance. | Don't buy, you won't miss it. | 641 |
Ker emisije NOx povzročajo nastajanje prizemnega ozona, bo zmanjšanje emisij NOx zmanjšalo ravni ozona in tako zmanjšalo škodljive učinke ozona na zdravje ljudi in ekosisteme. | Zmanjšanje emisij NOx ne bo vplivalo na zdravje ljudi. | contradiction | mnli | Since NOx emissions result in formation of ground-level ozone, reducing NOx emissions will reduce ozone levels and thus reduce the deleterious effects of ozone on human health and ecosystems. | Reducing NOx emissions will have no effect on human health. | 642 |
Mislim, da če poznate mesta lokalno, veste, da bi uvedli več programov, da bi lahko to storili, bi bilo veliko lažje, tako da | Če bi mesta uvedla več programov za otroke, bi bilo bolj priročno. | neutral | mnli | i think if you know the cities locally you know they'd get more programs going so that you could do that it'd make it a lot easier so | If the cities started more programs for children it would be more convenient. | 643 |
White me je čisto počasi pogledal. | White je počasi dvignil oči proti mojim. | entailment | mnli | White looked up at me, quite slowly. | White raised his eyes to mine slowly. | 644 |
Izkušen potapljač se morda raje preseli na Sinaj, kjer je potapljanje še boljše. | Potapljaška izkušnja velja za boljšo na Sinaju. | entailment | mnli | An experienced diver may prefer moving onto the Sinai, where the diving is even better. | The diving experience is considered better in Sinai. | 645 |
Vrednost Phillyjevega programa, opaža nekdanji sodnik višjega sodišča v New Jerseyju Daniel R. Coburn, je v tem, da ločuje male pse od morskih psov, jih nato kliče na odgovornost in je zato manj verjetno, da bodo postali morski psi, kaj šele, da bi postali plenilski veliki belci, ki jih moramo zaprti. | Vrednost Phillyjevega programa je v tem, da ne ločuje malenkosti od morskih psov. | contradiction | mnli | The value of Philly's program, observes former New Jersey Superior Court Judge Daniel R. Coburn, is that it separates the minnows from the sharks, then holds the minnows accountable and hence less likely to become sharks, let alone become the predatory Great Whites we must incarcerate. | The value of Philly's program is that it doesn't separate the minnows from the sharks. | 646 |
Kot Krišna je običajno upodobljen z modrim obrazom, kar je posledica zaužitja strupa, ki je ogrožal svet, pogosto pa je predstavljen tudi med igranjem na flavto ali športnim igranjem z mlekaricami, ki jih je zapeljal. | Običajno je upodobljen z modrim obrazom kot Krišna, posledica zaužitja strupa, ki je ogrožal svet, pogosto pa je predstavljen v športu z mlekaricami, ki jih je zapeljal, ali igranje na flavto. | entailment | mnli | As Krishna, he is usually depicted with a blue face, an after-effect of swallowing a poison that threatened the world, and is often represented playing a flute or sporting with the milkmaids he seduced. | He is usually depicted with the blue face as Krishna, an after-effect of swallowing a poison that threatened the world, and is often represented sporting with the milkmaids he seduced, or playing a flute. | 647 |
MSNBC, USA Today in Yahoo! | Obstajajo novičarske mreže. | entailment | mnli | MSNBC, USA Today, and Yahoo! | There are news networks. | 648 |
(5)(A) Izraz izhodiščna vhodna toplota pomeni, razen v poddelu 1 dela B in razdelku 407, povprečno letno vneseno toploto, ki jo je enota porabila v treh letih, v katerih je imela enota največjo vneseno toploto v obdobju 1997. do leta 2001. | Izhodiščna dovedena toplota je najnižja letna dovedena toplota v zadnjih 3 letih. | contradiction | mnli | (5)(A) The term baseline heat input means, except under subpart 1 of part B and section 407, the average annual heat input used by a unit during the three years in which the unit had the highest heat input for the period 1997 through 2001. | The baseline heat input is the lowest annual heat input over 3 years. | 649 |
Ko se je evropsko posredovanje moči spremenilo v prvo svetovno vojno, je Egipt postal ključnega pomena za Britance, saj je bil blizu sovražnega otomanskega osrčja in je omogočal hiter prehod skozi Sueški prekop do svojih dominionov v Indiji, Daljnem vzhodu, Avstraliji in Novi Zelandiji. | Prva svetovna vojna se je končala. | contradiction | mnli | As European power-brokering turned into World War I, Egypt became vital to the British, being close to the enemy Ottoman heartland, and allowing quick passage through the Suez Canal to her dominions in India, the Far East, Australia, and New Zealand. | World War I ended. | 650 |
saj poznate otroke | Predvidite lahko, kaj bodo ti otroci želeli narediti naslednje. | neutral | mnli | you know kids | You can predict what these kids will want to do next. | 651 |
del svoje infrastrukture za pomoč menedžerjem pri vodenju subjekta in stalnem doseganju njihovih ciljev. | Nova infrastruktura bo ustvarila več priložnosti za upravitelje. | neutral | mnli | part of its infrastructure to help managers run the entity and achieve their aims on an ongoing basis. | The new infrastructure will create more opportunities for the managers. | 652 |
Kdo je Stark? je vprašal Jon. | Jon je vprašal, kdo je Stark in s čim se preživlja. | neutral | mnli | Who is Stark? asked Jon. | Jon asked who Stark was and what he did for a living. | 653 |
Če želite bolj nov način raziskovanja puščave z lastnim pogonom, najemite Quad Runnerja. | Najemite tekača s štirikolesniki, da raziščete puščavo na bolj nov in samovozeč način. | entailment | mnli | If you would like a more novel, self-drive way of exploring the desert, hire a Quad Runner. | Hire a Quad Runner to explore the desert in a more novel, self-drive way. | 654 |
Ker podjetja vedo, da morajo zagotoviti visokokakovostne izdelke hitro in po ugodni ceni, omejujejo izzive za svoje vodje programov in zagotavljajo močne spodbude za zajemanje znanja o oblikovanju in proizvodnji zgodaj v procesu. | Podjetja vedo, da morajo hitro dostaviti izdelke najboljše kakovosti. | entailment | mnli | Because companies know they have to deliver high-quality products quickly and affordably, they limit the challenge for their program managers and provide strong incentives to capture design and manufacturing knowledge early in the process. | Companies know that they have to deliver the best quality products quickly. | 655 |
Vstopite skozi Kočijaška vrata, kjer so ženske v redkih primerih, ko jim je bilo dovoljeno ven, sedle na kočije. | Ženskam pogosto ni bilo dovoljeno zunaj, ne da bi nosile ustrezno obleko. | neutral | mnli | You enter by the Carriage Gate, where, on the rare occasions they were permitted outside, the women moun?δed their carriages. | Women were not often permitted outside without wearing the proper attire. | 656 |
Hinduistična etika pravi, da ima pot do odrešitve tri pravičnost, pošteno doseženo blaginjo in ne nazadnje užitek. | Način, kako pošteno doseči blaginjo, je zapisan v hindujskih besedilih. | neutral | mnli | Hindu ethics say that the path to salvation has three righteousness, prosperity honestly achieved, and, not least, pleasure. | The way to achieve prosperity honestly is written in Hindu texts. | 657 |
Nekaj pametnih ljudi - predvsem Jeffrey Sachs s Harvarda - verjame v to, toda moje mnenje je, da so azijska gospodarstva resno zašla s tira že pred lanskim poletjem in da je bila nekakšna neprijetna povračila neizogibna. | Mislim, da gre azijskim gospodarstvom odlično. | contradiction | mnli | There are some smart people--most notably Harvard's Jeffrey Sachs--who believe that, but my view is that Asian economies had gone seriously off the rails well before last summer, and that some kind of unpleasant comeuppance was inevitable. | I think Asian economies are doing great. | 658 |
Slavijo primerjalno nedolžnost ameriških žensk. | Ameriške ženske grajajo zaradi njihove primerjalne nedolžnosti. | contradiction | mnli | They celebrate the U.S. women's comparative innocence. | They berate the U.S women for their comparative innocence. | 659 |
Tam sva našla odprta vrata, ki so plapolala v vetru. | Vrata so bila tesno zaprta. | contradiction | mnli | There we found an open door, flapping in the breeze. | The door was closed tightly. | 660 |
uh, nisem prepričan, da so današnja mlada dekleta prisiljena na trg dela, kot jih veliko namiguje, mislim, da gredo na trg po lastni izbiri | Danes so vedno na voljo službe za mlada dekleta. | neutral | mnli | uh i'm i'm not real sure that the young girls of today are being forced into the job market as many of them imply i think they're going in by choice | There are always jobs available for young girls today. | 661 |
Ta prekleti hrčkov ples. | Ta prekleti živalski ples. | entailment | mnli | That goddamned hamster dance. | That darn little animal dance. | 662 |
Na 1.467 m (4.813 ft) dominira bujnem in razgibanem jugu Basse Terre. | Nahaja se severno od Basse Terre. | contradiction | mnli | At 1,467 m (4,813 ft) it dominates the lush and rugged south of Basse Terre. | It is located north of Basse Terre. | 663 |
uh, delam sam, imam tisoč devetsto osemdeset Trans Am, ki ga imam odkar je bil nov | Delam samostojno in imam tudi Trans Am iz leta 1980. | entailment | mnli | uh i work on my own i've got an nineteen eighty Trans Am that i've had uh since it was new | I work solo and also own a 1980 Trans Am. | 664 |
Rock, folk in The Royal Dublin Society v Ballsbridgeu prirejajo ogromne koncerte na prostem, vključno z rockom, folkom in džezom. | V Ballsbridgeu so koncerti na prostem. | entailment | mnli | Rock, Folk, and The Royal Dublin Society in Ballsbridge holds huge open-air concerts, including rock, folk, and jazz. | There are open-air concerts in Ballsbridge. | 665 |
Hughes, zakonit poslovnež, je bil kljub temu ekscentričen in dramatičen, slog, ki je ustrezal etosu Las Vegasa. | Las Vegas nima etosa o tem. | contradiction | mnli | A legitimate businessman, Hughes was nonetheless eccentric and dramatic, a style suited to the Las Vegas ethos. | Las vegas does not have an ethos about it. | 666 |
...Roman, da imaš ogromno izkušenj na področju telekomunikacij. | Roman ima veliko izkušenj. | entailment | mnli | ...Roman, that you have an enormous amount of experience in the field of telecommunications. | Roman has a lot of experience. | 667 |
ja, uh, ja, nismo preveč zaostajali, diplomiral sem leta 71, tako da sem, sem ista generacija, to bo kratek pogovor, ker se strinjam s teboj, mislim, uh, ne niti ne mislite, da bi moralo biti uh prostovoljno, mislim, da bi moralo biti obvezno | Diplomiral sem leta enaindevetdeset, tako da sva odraščala v različnih generacijah. | contradiction | mnli | yeah uh-huh yeah we're not too far behind i graduated in seventy one so i'm i'm same generation i i'm it's going to be a short conversation because i agree with you i i think uh i don't i don't even think it ought to be uh voluntary i think it ought to be mandatory | I graduated in ninety-one so we grew up in different generations. | 668 |
Torej, uh, Denny Crum je malo preveč šel z usti | Denny Crum je govoril le, ko je moral. | contradiction | mnli | so but uh Denny Crum ran his mouth a little bit too much | Denny Crum talked only when he had to. | 669 |
ja, približno v istem času so veje odpadale povsod in dejansko smo bili dva tedna v izrednem stanju | Veje, ki so padle, so zasule dovoze in otežile vožnjo. | neutral | mnli | yeah well about that same time branches were falling off ev erywhere and we were actually in a state of emergency for two weeks | Branches that have fallen littered the driveways and made it a challenge to commute. | 670 |
To je najlažje dostopna med obzidanimi vasmi Novega ozemlja. | Druge vasi Novega ozemlja so težko dostopne. | entailment | mnli | This is the most easily accessible of the New Territories' walled villages. | Other New Territories villages are hard to access. | 671 |
Ena od njegovih rok je bila kljuka. | Za eno roko je imel kavelj. | entailment | mnli | One of his arms was a hook. | He had a hook for one arm. | 672 |
LSC močno spodbuja vse svoje štipendiste, da pridobijo druga sredstva za skupnost strank, za katero je kongres določil, da je upravičena do financiranja LSC. | KSC pomaga svojim štipendistom pridobiti sredstva | neutral | mnli | LSC strongly encourages all its grantees to obtain other funding for the client community that Congress has legislated is eligible for LSC funding. | KSC helps its grantees obtain funds | 673 |
Ne, ne morem reči, da je. | Ni bilo namigov. | neutral | mnli | No, I can't say it did. | There were no clues. | 674 |
in uh, saj veste, da ljudje pravijo, da veste, da je drago poslati otroke na kolidž, toda če bi bili vsi malo odgovorni, veste, da je tako, koliko stane, stane petsto dolarjev na semester, recimo, da gredo v državo fakulteto in živijo doma | Ljudje pravijo, da je fakulteta draga. | entailment | mnli | and uh you know people say you know it's expensive for to send kids to college but if if an everybody would be a little bit responsible you know it's like what what does it cost it costs five hundred dollars a semester suppose that they go to a state college and they live at home | People say college is expensive. | 675 |
Zavedamo se, da bi zvezne agencije, vključno z GAO, morda lahko dosegle nekaj dodatnih prihrankov, če bi bolje izkoristile milje za pogoste potnike za državna potovanja. | GAO bo na koncu porabil več denarja za državne potne stroške, če bo uporabljal milje za pogoste potnike. | contradiction | mnli | We recognize that federal agencies, including GAO, might be able to achieve some additional savings by taking more advantage of frequent flyer miles for government travel. | GAO will end up spending more money on government travel costs if they use frequent flyer miles. | 676 |
Danes replika iz železobetona ponazarja le velik petnadstropni stolp, visok 42 m (138 ft), obdan z jarki in z bršljanom poraslimi obzidji. | Obzidje, ki obdaja stolp, je dokaj novo. | neutral | mnli | Today, a reinforced-concrete replica reproduces only the great five-storied tower, 42 m (138 ft) high, surrounded by moats and ivy-covered ramparts. | The ramparts surrounding the tower are fairly new. | 677 |
Današnji obisk kamnolomov tik ob mestu razkrije nekaj skrivnosti o tem, kako so stari Egipčani obdelovali kamen. | Obisk kamnolomov je odličen način, da se naučite, kako so stari Egipčani delali s kamnom. | entailment | mnli | Today, a visit to the quarries, just outside town, reveals some of the secrets of how the ancient Egyptians worked the stone. | Visiting the quarries is a great way to learn how ancient Egyptians worked with stone. | 678 |
Poleg tega napihnjena osnovna vrednost CBO predpostavlja, da bo diskrecijska poraba – ki je nadzorovana z letnimi odobritvami – po letu 2002 rasla po stopnji inflacije. | Poleg tega napihnjena izhodiščna vrednost CBO predpostavlja, da bo diskrecijska poraba, ki je nadzorovana z letnimi odobritvami, po letu 2002 rasla po stopnji inflacije, morda še bolj, odvisno od tega, kako napihnjena bo izhodiščna vrednost zatem. | neutral | mnli | Moreover, CBO's inflated baseline assumes that discretionary spending-which is controlled through annual appropriations-will grow after 2002 at the rate of inflation. | Moreover, CBO's inflated baseline assumes that discretionary spending-which is controlled through annual appropriations-will grow after 2002 at the rate of inflation, perhaps even more, depending on how inflated the baseline becomes thereafter. | 679 |
ne ne nimajo in veš, da so samo pravi plitvi ljudje | So plitki ljudje. | entailment | mnli | no no they don't and you know they're just real shallow people | They are shallow people. | 680 |
ja, no, imam, uh, rekreacijski center, ki je skoraj čez cesto od naše uh pisarne | imamo dostop do rekreacijskega centra, ki je skoraj čez cesto od naše pisarne | entailment | mnli | yeah yeah well i have we have a uh recreation center which is almost right across the street from our uh office | we have access to a recreation center which is pretty much just across the street from our office | 681 |
Vendar je sodišče od takrat pojasnilo, da so svetovalne dejavnosti Rust pomenile vladni govor, ki podpira stališče | Sodišče je ugotovilo, da svetovalne dejavnosti Rust niso pomenile vladnega govora. | contradiction | mnli | However, the Court has since explained that the Rust counseling activities amounted to governmental speech, sustaining view | The Court found that the Rust counseling activities did not amount to governmental speech. | 682 |
ki dobijo takšno vrsto nadzora, ki je slaba, saj veste, in da lahko njihove vlade postanejo tako pokvarjene in je tako, uh, saj veste, da se počutim kot | Ni možnosti, da bi bila vlada skorumpirana. | contradiction | mnli | that get the kind of control that's bad you know and that their governments can become so corrupt and it's like well uh you know i use to feel like | There is no way that the government could be corrupted. | 683 |
1. Zdravniki urgentne medicine bi morali povečati svoje znanje, spretnosti in zaupanje v presejalne preglede in intervencije na alkohol. | Zdravniki urgentne medicine nimajo kaj pridobiti, če se poučijo o pregledu za alkohol. | contradiction | mnli | 1. Emergency medicine physicians should increase their knowledge, skills, and confidence in alcohol screening and intervention. | Emergency medicine physicians have nothing to gain by learning about alcohol screening. | 684 |
Kiosk, ki ga uporablja Williams, je del državnih prizadevanj za obvladovanje poplave tožnikov, ki si ne morejo privoščiti ali nočejo najeti odvetnikov. | Kiosk je poskus ublažitve poplave strank, ki ne morejo ali nočejo najeti odvetnikov. | entailment | mnli | The kiosk used by Williams is part of a statewide effort to cope with a flood of litigants who cannot afford or refuse to hire lawyers. | The kiosk is an attempt at easing the flood of litigants unable, or refusing, to hire attorneys. | 685 |
Ta velika civilizacija je doživela nenaden, katastrofalen konec okoli leta 1450 pr. | Vzrok njegovega konca je bila kuga, ki je popolnoma iztrebila prebivalstvo. | neutral | mnli | This great civilization came to a sudden, catastrophic end around 1450 b.c. | The cause of its end was a plague that completely wiped out the population. | 686 |
'Se mu je to zgodilo?' je vprašala Natalia in pokazala na okno. | Natalija je tiho strmela skozi okno. | contradiction | mnli | 'He did this happen?' Natalia asked, gesturing to a window. | Natalia silently stared out the window. | 687 |
uh-huh, tako da bi vas to morda pripeljalo do pristranske uh odločitve, če bi bili uh-huh | Prepričan sem, da boš pošten do obeh strani | contradiction | mnli | uh-huh so that might lead you to a biased uh decision perhaps if you were uh-huh | I'm sure you'll be fair to both parties | 688 |
oh, samo da vidim, samo da preverim laboratorij | Za ogled in pregled laboratorija. | entailment | mnli | oh just to see just just to check on a lab | To see and check the lab. | 689 |
Samo upam lahko, da jih bomo rešili, je pomislil Jon. | Jon jih je hotel rešiti pred jezno drhaljo. | neutral | mnli | I can only hope we can save them, thought Jon. | Jon wanted to save them from the angry mob. | 690 |
Zakaj me nisi takoj ubil, preden sem prišel k sebi?" Nemec je okleval in Tommy je izkoristil njegovo prednost. | Nemec je predolgo čakal in dal Tommyju prednost. | entailment | mnli | Why didn't you kill me off at once before I regained consciousness?" The German hesitated, and Tommy seized his advantage. | The German waited too long and gave Tommy an advantage. | 691 |
vendar mi je Bradshaw všeč kot podajalec in mislim, da je Joe Montana verjetno eden najboljših, John Elway pa verjamem, da bi bil ta tip, če bi imel nekaj drugačnih ljudi pred seboj, enak Joeju Montani, ker res mislim, da Denver ni naredil veliko za Elwayja in njegovo kariero, razen da je bil videti slab v trenutkih, ko res ne bi smel izgledati tako slabo | John Elway in Joe Montana sta skupaj igrala nogomet, | neutral | mnli | but i like Bradshaw as a quarterback and i think uh Joe Montana's probably one of the finest and John Elway i believe that fellow if he had some different people in front of him he would be on par with with Joe Montana because i really think that Denver did not do much for Elway and his career except make him look bad on times when he really should not have looked that bad | John Elway and Joe Montana played football together, | 692 |
uh streljaj, zdaj sploh ne morem razmišljati o imenu | Nikoli nisem vedel, kako se imenuje. | contradiction | mnli | uh shoot i can't even think of the name of it now | I never knew what it was called. | 693 |
Popolnoma mučen način, kako so se ti medeninasti klobuki vozili od vojnega urada do Savoya in od Savoya do vojnega urada! | Klobuki iz vojnega urada so bili usnjeni. | contradiction | mnli | Perfectly sickening the way those brass hats drove from the War Office to the Savoy, and from the Savoy to the War Office! | The hats from the War Office were made of leather. | 694 |
Pa vendar ... gledali so me s strahospoštovanjem. | Vsak izmed njih je bil slep in me ni mogel videti, ko stojim tam. | contradiction | mnli | And yet...they looked at me with awe. | Every single one of them was blind and could not see me standing there. | 695 |
oh, kar počnejo, diskontirajo za gotovino, tako so, ker mislim, da je dodajanje doplačila nezakonito, tako da | Dodajanje doplačila je bilo zlorabljeno, zato je zdaj nezakonito. | neutral | mnli | oh so what they're doing they're discounting for cash is the way they're because i think it is illegal to add a surcharge so | Adding a surcharge was abused so it is now illegal. | 696 |
AIB posreduje informacije v realnem času v pasici. | Pasica ne vključuje informacij AIB. | contradiction | mnli | The AIB delivers real-time information in the banner. | The banner does not include information from AIB. | 697 |
ja, hm, uh, ampak veste, nazaj k ideji o starših, moj osebni občutek je, da morajo starši prevzeti več odgovornosti. dobro učiti otroke to je naloga šole Mislim, da je čigava naloga dobro učiti otroke predvsem to je naloga staršev | Mislim, da imajo starši večjo odgovornost pri izobraževanju svojih otrok kot šola. | entailment | mnli | yes um-hum uh but you know back to the idea of parents i my my personal feelings is that parents need to be taking more responsibility i think the way i like to look at it you know a lot of people look at well whose job is it to teach the kids well it's the school's job i think whose job is it to teach the kids well primarily it's the parents job | I think parents have a greater responsibility in what concerns their children's education than school. | 698 |
ja, tudi to počnemo, imamo srečo, čeprav je letos nekako šele marec in smo že porabili ves znesek, ne vem, ali je to dobro ali slabo | Še vedno imamo dovolj sredstev, da nas lahko preživijo do konca tega meseca. | contradiction | mnli | yeah we do that too we're fortunate though this year somehow how it's only March and we've already used up our entire amount i don't know if that's good or bad | We still have ample funds that can sustain us till the end of this month. | 699 |