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This is certainly a major departure from the past. Muluzi is more open to the media and relates well to scholars and students, unlike Banda who had clearly lost touch with the people and was immersed in the world of sycophants
Izi ndizosiyana ndi mmene zinaliri mbuyomu. Muluzi ndi omasuka ndi olemba nkhani ndipo amagwirizana bwino ndi aphunzitsi komanso ophunzira kusiyana ndi Banda yemwe anasiya kumva za anthu ndipo anadzikuta mdziko lakelake la anthu omutamanda
Online sources
However, the corruption issue mentioned earlier and some cases of human rights abuses continue to cast a shadow on how open the UDF government is willing to be and how much it is willing to invest in strengthening civil society
Komabe nkhani yakatangale yomwe yanenedwa poyambilira ndi nkhani zina zophwanya ufulu wa anthu zikupitilira kubweletsa kukayikira ngati boma la UDF ndilokonzeka kumasuka ndiponso liri ndi chidwi kulimbikitsa ntchito za mabungwe omenyera ufulu
Online sources
Only one religious radio station has been licensed so far, thus protecting the monopoly of the state broadcasting service
Ndi wayilesi imodzi yokha yachipembezo yomwe yapatsidwa chiphaso chogwilira ntchito kufika pano, kotero kuteteza kuphangira kwa wayilesi ya boma
Online sources
There is as yet no indication of a serious commitment to the mass education and mobilisation of the people and to their involvement in decision making
Pakali pano palibe chisonyezo chakudzipeleka kwenikweni kophunzitsa anthu ndi kumemeza anthu ndiponso kutenga kwawo gawo popanga ziganizo
Online sources
Though newspapers now proliferate, many are owned by powerful politicians and ministers or their business associates
Ngakhale ma nyuzipepala afalikira, ambiri eni ake andale akuluakulu ndi nduna kapena anzawo ochita zamalonda
Online sources
Some `journalists still find it difficult to exercise independent editorial judgement. The country’ s only two newspaper printing presses are owned by politicians
Atolankhani ena akumavutikabe kuunika ndi kutsindikiza nkhani moyima paokha. Nyumba ziwiri zokha zotsindikiza nkhani mdziko muno eni ake ndi andale
Online sources
Before candidates hit the campaign trail and voters go to the polls, the government has to end all business in Parliament. Dissolution is the process of stopping parliamentary business to prepare for an election
Oyimira pampando asanayambe misonkhano yokopa anthu ndipo ovota asanapite kukachita chisankho, boma likuyenera kuthetsa ntchito zonse za nyumba yamalamulo. Kuthetsa ndi ndondomeko zoyimitsa ntchito zonse zanyumba yamalamulo pokonzekera chisankho
Online sources
Political parties need to choose candidates to run in an election. As soon as the election writs are issued, each party must decide who will be its candidate for each riding
Zipani ziyenera kusankha oyimira kuti adzapikisane pachisankho. Akangotsegula nthawi yachisankho, chipani chilichonse chikuyenera kuoeza omwe adzachiyimire pa mpando uliwonse
Online sources
A candidate can also run for election without being affiliated with a party, as either an “independent” candidate or a candidate with “no affiliation
Oyimira chisankho akhoza kupikisana nawo popanda kukhala membala wachipani, ngati woyima oyimira woyima payekha kapena ngati oyimira opanda mbali
Online sources
Once the election writs are issued, candidates start campaigning. The election or campaign period must be at least 37 days and no more than 51 days
Akangotsegula nthawi yachisankho, oyimira chisankho amayamba misonkhano yokopa anthu. Nthawi ya chisankho kapena misonkhano yokopa anthu iyenera kukhala yosachepera masiku 37 komanso yosaposa masiku 51
Online sources
During the campaign, the goal of the parties and candidates is to convince voters that they are the best party or person for the job
Panthawi yamisonkhano yokopa anthu, cholinga chachikulu cha zipani ndi oyimira ndi kutsimikizira ovota kuti chipani chawo kapena iwo ndi oyenera kuposa ena pa ntchitoyo
Online sources
A manifesto is a document that parties use to tell voters about their goals, ideas and principles—it is a way for parties to put in writing what they would do if they are elected. Go door to door in their riding to meet with voters. Take part in debates with candidates of other parties
Mfundo zokopera anthu ndi chikalata chomwe zipani zimagwiritsa ntchito kuuza ovota za zolinga zawo, maganizo awo komanso mfundo zawo - ndi njira yoti zipani zilembe zomwe zikufuna kudzachita zikasankhidwa. Pitani khomo ndi khomo pokopa anthu kuti mukumane ndi ovota. Tengani mbali pamitsutso ndi oyimira a zipani zina
Online sources
Everyone votes in secret. They have the right to choose their preferred candidate free of anyone else’s influence. To vote, people must show proof of their identity and address. Each voter gets a ballot from an election officer
Aliyense amaponya voti yake mwachinsinsi. Ali ndi ufulu wosankha wopikisana nawo yemwe akumufuna mopanda kukakamizidwa ndi wina aliyense. Kuti aponye voti, anthu amayenera kuonetsa umboni wa chiphatso ndi komwe akukhala. Ovota aliyense amalandita chikalata choponyera voti kuchikera kwa woyendetsa chisankho
Online sources
The voter takes the ballot behind a voting screen and marks an X beside the name of their chosen candidate. The voter places their ballot in a ballot box
Woponya voti amatenga chikalata choponyera voti kukayima kuseri kwa chipinda choponyera voti ndipo amayika chizindikiro cha X pa munthu yemwe akumufuna. Kenako woponya voti amayika chikalata choponyera voti mu bokosi loponyera voti
Online sources
Once the polls close, it is time to count the ballots and find out who won. During this time, the doors of the polling station are locked: no one is allowed to enter or leave until the counting is done.
Akatseka kuponya mavoti, imakhala nthawi yoti awerenge zikalala zovotedwa kuti apeze yemwe wapambana. Panthawi imeneyi, zitseko zolowera pamalo oponyera mavoti zimakhala zokhoma; palibe wololedwa kulowa kapena kutuluka mpaka kuwerengera kutatha
Online sources
First, election officers open the ballot boxes and count the ballots. The election officers record the number of votes for each candidate on a Statement of the Vote. They also record the number of rejected ballots
Poyamba, oyendetsa chisankho amaotsegula mabokosi oponyera mavoti ndi kuwerenga zikalata zonse. Oyendetsa chisankho amalemba m'buku kuchuluka kwa mavoti a wopikisana nawo aliyense patsamba lolembedwa Kufotokozera ma voti". Amalembanso zikalata zovotera zokanidwa
Online sources
The ballots and other election documents are sealed in the ballot box and delivered to the returning officer
Zikalata zoponyera voti ndi zikalata zina zonse zachisankho zimamatidwa mu bokosi loponyera voti ndikukapelekedwa kwa wolandira zotsatira zachisankho
Online sources
In most cases, a clear winner emerges after the ballots are counted, but sometimes the vote count is very close or even tied
Nthawi zambiri, wopambana amadziwika bwino akamaliza kuwerengera zikalata zonse zoponyera voti, koma nthawi zina pamakhala kuyandikana kwambiri pakuchuluka kwa mavoti omwe opikisana apeza kapenanso kufanana kumene
Online sources
If there is a tie or a close vote, the ballots need to be counted again in a judicial recount. For example, in an electoral district with 40,000 votes cast, a judicial recount would be required if a candidate won by fewer than 40 votes. A judge presides over these recounts
Ngati pali kufanana kapena kuyandikana kwambiri pa mavoti, zikalata zoponyera voti zimayenera ziwerengedwenso motsogozedwa ndi azamalamulo. Mwachitsanzo, kudera komwe kunali mavoti 40,000 oponyedwa, kuwerenganso kotsogozedwa ndi azamalamulo kuyenera kuchitika ngati wopikisana nawo wapambana ndi mavoti wosakwana 40. Oweruza milandu kubwalo lalikulu lamilandu amayang'anira kuwerengaku
Online sources
For some people, the most exciting part of the election process is the announcing of the results. On election night, once the polls in a riding are closed, preliminary results are announced and published on Elections Canada’s website as they become available
Kwa anthu ena, gawo losangalatsa kwambiri pa chisankho ndi kulengeza zotsatira. Pa usiku wachisankho, pamene atseka kuponya voti, zotsatira zosatsimikizika zimalengezedwa ndi kutsindikizidwa patsamba la internet la Canada pamene zikupelekedwa
Online sources
These results are shared by media outlets, such as TV stations, newspapers and social media. Every returning officer validates the results and announces them to the candidates
Zotsatira zimalengezedwa ndi nyumba zowulutsira mawu, monga nyumba za kanema, ma nyuzipepala komanso masamba a mchezo. Wogwira ntchito zachisankho amatsimikiza zotsatirazi ndipo amaulutsa kwa oyimira pachisankho
Online sources
Once the votes are counted and the results announced, people learn who their government will be. The candidate who receives the most votes in their constituency becomes the member of Parliament. The political party that has the most MPs usually forms the government. The leader of that party normally becomes the Prime Minister
Mavoti akawerengedwa ndipo zotsatira kulengezedwa, anthu amadziwa kuti boma lawo likhala liti. Wopikisana nawo yemwe amapeza mavoti ochuluka ku dera kwake amadzakhala phungu wanyumba yamalamulo. Chipani chomwe chapeza mipando yambiri ya aphungu chimakhala cholamula boma. Mtsogoleri wa chipani chimenezo nthawi zambiri amakhala nduna yayikulu
Online sources
The powers of the presidency include: execution of federal law, appointing federal ministers, and members of the judiciary, and negotiating treaties with foreign powers
Mphamvu za mtsogoleri wa dziko ndi monga: kulimbikitsa kutsatira malamulo a dziko, kusankha nduna ndi oweruza milandu, kukambirana mapangano ndi mayiko ena akunja
Online sources
The president also has the power to grant federal pardons and reprieves, and to convene. The president also appoints the prime minister who directs domestic policy of the Russian Federation alongside the president
Mtsogoleri wa dziko ali ndi mphamvu zokhululukira komanso kutethetsa milandu, ndi kuyitanitsa. Mtsogoleri wa dziko amasankhanso nduna ya dziko yomwe imalamula kayendetsedwe kazinthu mdziko pamodzi ndi mtsogoleri wa dziko
Online sources
The president is elected directly through a popular vote to a six-year term. Previously, the Constitution established term limit for the presidency restricting the officeholder to serve no more than two terms
Mtsogoler wa dziko amasankhidwa ndi anthu kulamula zaka zisanu ndi chimodzi. Mbuyomu, malamulo aakulu a dziko anakhazikitsa malire okhala pampando pa utsogoleri wa dziko, kuletsa yemwe akulamula kuti asalamule koptilira awiri
Online sources
However, this limitation has since been overhauled in large part due to the constitutional amendments that were ratified in 2020
Komabe, kuletsa uku kwachotsedwa kwakukulu chifukwa cha kusintha kwa malamulo aakulu a dziko komwe kunavomerezedwa mu 2020
Online sources
The inauguration of the president of Russia is conducted six years after the previous inauguration. If the president was elected in early elections they take the oath thirty days after the announcement of the results
Kulumbiritsa mtsogoleri wa dziko la Russia kumachitika zaka zisanu ndi chimodzi pambuyo pa kulumbiritsa komaliza. Ngati mtsogoleri wa dziko anasankhidwa pachisankho choyambilira, amachita malumbiro pakadutsa masiku makumi atatu pambuyo polengeze zotsatira
Online sources
Before executing the powers of the office, a president is constitutionally required to take the presidential oath
Asanayambe kugwira ntchito zake, mtsogoleri wa dziko amayenera kulumbira malumbiro a utsogoleri wa dziko potsata malamulo
Online sources
I swear in exercising the powers of the President of the Russian Federation to respect and safeguard the rights and freedoms of man and citizen, to observe and protect the Constitution of the Russian Federation, to protect the sovereignty and independence, security and integrity of the State, to faithfully serve the people
Ndikulumbira kugwiritsa ntchito mphamvu za utsogoleri wa dziko la mgwirizano wa Russia kulemekeza komanso kuteteza ufulu ndi wa munthu ndi mzika, kutsatira ndi kuteteza malamulo a dziko la mgwirizano wa Russia, kuteteza ulamuliro ndi kudziyimira patokha, chitetezo ndi ulemu wa dziko, kutumikira anthu mwachilungamo
Online sources
Due to the central role of the president of Russia in the political system, the activities of the executive branch (including the prime minister) are significantly influenced by the head of state
Chifukwa cha kufunikira kwakukulu komwe mtsogoleri wa dziko la Russia ali nako mu ndale, ntchito za nthambi za boma kuphatikizirapo nduna yayikulu zimatsatira kwambiri ku zofuna za mtsogoleri wa dziko
Online sources
For example, it is the president who appoints and dismisses the prime minister and other members of the government
Mwachitsanzo, ndi mtsogoleri wa dziko yemwe amasankha ndi kuchotsa ndunda yayikulu komanso ogwira ntchito ena a boma
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The president may chair the meetings of the cabinet and give obligatory orders to the prime minister and other members of the government
Mtsogoleri wa dziko angasogolere misonkhano ya nduna ndi kulamula nduna ndi ena ogwira ntchito za boma zoti achite
Online sources
The president may also revoke any act of the government. The use of the term prime minister is strictly informal and is never used in the constitution
Mtsogoleri wa dziko angachotse lamulo lina lirilonse la boma. Kagwiritsidwe ntchito ka mawu oti nduna yayikulu ndi kongoyerekeza chabe ndipo samagwiritsidwa ntchito malamulo a dziko
Online sources
Determines the operating priorities of the government and organizes its work in accordance with the Constitution, aside from running the day-to-day affairs of the government
Amanena ntchito zofunikira zoti boma lichite ndi kukonza kagwiridwe kake ka ntchito potengera malamulo a dziko, kupatula kuyendetsa ntchito za tsiku ndi tsiku za boma
Online sources
Submits to the president proposals on the structure and functions of the central institutions of the executive branch (e.g. ministries and federal agencies)
Amapeleka kwa mtsogoleri wa dziko pempho la maudindo ndi ntchito za nthambi zikuluzikulu za boma monga maunduna ndi nthambi zina zikuluzikulu
Online sources
Nominates the vice prime ministers, federal ministers and other officers and presents them to the president;
Amasankha wachiwiri kwa nduna yayikulu, nduna za nthambi za boma ndi ogwira ntchito ena ndikupeleka kwa mtsogoleri wa dziko
Online sources
Submits to the president proposals on punishment and rewards of the government members; represents the government as an institution in foreign relations and inside the country
Amapeleka kwa mtsogoleri wa dziko pempho pa zilango ndi mphoto kwa mamembala a boma; amayimilira boma ku ubale ndi mayiko ena ndi mkati mwa dziko
Online sources
Heads the sessions of the government and its Presidium where he has the decisive vote; signs the acts of the government; distributes duties among members of the government; systematically informs the president about the government activities
Amatsogolera zokambirana za boma ndi komiti yayikulu komwe ali ndi voti yomaliza; amavomereza malamulo a boma; amagawa ntchito kwa mamembala a boma; amadziwitsa mwandongosolo mtsogoleri wa dziko zokhuza ntchito za boma
Online sources
Some of the attendees stated that they had been paid to come, were forced to come by their employers, or were misled into believing that they were going to attend a folk festival instead
Zina mwa mthumwi zinanena kuti zinapatsidwa malipiro kuti zibwere, zinakakamizidwa kuti zibwere ndi owalemba ntchito, kapena zinakakamizidwa kuti zikhulupilire kuti zikukadkhala nawo pa chikondwelero cha chikhalidwe
Online sources
The Constitution states that justice is administered in the name of the people and that judges are subject only to the law
Malamulo a dziko amanena kuto chilungamo chimapelekedwa mdzina la anthu ndipo oweruza ayenera kutsatira lamulo lokha
Online sources
So the judiciary is a branch that is completely autonomous and independent of all other branches of power, even though the Minister of Justice is responsible for the organization and functioning of those services involved with justice and has the power to originate disciplinary actions against judges, which are then administered by the High Council of the Judiciary, presided over by the President
Ndiye owona za malamulo ndi nthambi yoyima payokha ndipo siyilamulidwa ndi nthambi zina zonse zomwe zili ndi mphamvu, ngakhale nduna ya zamalamulo ili ndi udindo pakakonzedwe ndi kagwiridwe ntchito ka onse omwe akutengapo mbali pa zachilungamo ndipo ili ndi mphamvu zoyambitsa ndondomeko zolanga oweruza, zomwe zimatsatidwa ndi komiti yayikulu ya oweruza, motsogozedwa ndi mtsogoleri wa dziko
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That process will now be delayed because Italy’s president has dissolved parliament in advance of the September elections
Ndondomeko imeneyi pano ichedwerapo chifukwa mtsogoleri wa dziko la Italy wathetsa nyumba yamalamulo chisankho cha September chisanafike
Online sources
Instead of fighting inflation, scrambling for ways to get through a difficult winter without Russian energy supplies, and helping consumers by fighting inflation, Italy’s leaders will be politicking, trading insults, and issuing political threats. Even after the votes are counted, it will take weeks to form a new government and to get it up and running
Mmalo mothana ndi kukwera mitengo kwa katundu, kukanganira njira zodutsira mu nyengo yozizira opanda kulandira mphamvu magetsi aku Russia, ndi kuthandiza ogula kuthana ndi kukwera mitengo kwa katundu, mtsogoleri waku Italy akhala akuchita ndale, kulalatirana, ndi kupeleka ziopsezo za ndale. Ngakhale pambuyo powerenga mavoti, zitenga sabata ziwiri kuti boma latsopano likhazikitsidwe ndipo liyambe kugwira ntchito
Online sources
In units of thirty men, they would hit constantly at Arab villages, bridges and bases, as well as ambush the traffic between Arab villages and bases
Mmagulu a azibambo makumi atatu, amawombera mosadukiza midzi ya Aluya, milatho ndi malo okhala asirikali, komanso kuchita chiwembu galimoto pakati pa midzi ya Aluya ndi malo a asirikali
Online sources
We had become skilled at finding our way in the darkest nights and gradually we built up the strength and endurance these kind of operations required
Tinakhala akatswiri kupeza njira usiku, mumdima wandiweyani ndipo pang'ono ndi pang'ono tinapeza mphamvu ndi kupilira komwe kumafunika pantchito ngati izi.
Online sources
Under the stress of constant combat we drew closer to one another and began to operate not just as a military unit but almost as a family
Chifukwa cholema ndi kumenyana kosalekeza tinazolowerana ndi kuyamba kuchita zinthu osati ngati gulu lankhondo chabe koma pafupifupi ngati banja limodzi
Online sources
We were in combat almost every day. Ambushes and battles followed each other until they all seemed to run together
Tinali kumenya nkhondo pafupifupi tsiku lirilonse. Ziwembu ndi kumenyana zimasinthana mpaka kufika pomachitikira pamodzi
Online sources
He was regarded as a hardened and aggressive soldier, swiftly moving up the ranks during the war
Amatengedwa ngati msirikali wakhama komanso wolimba mtima, kumakwera maudindo mwachangu panthawi yankhondoyo
Online sources
I captured him, I healed his wounds. In 1994 and during the peace treaty signing ceremony with Jordan, he wanted to get in touch with his former captor, but the latter determinedly refused to discuss the incident publicly
Ndinamugwira, ndinachiza mabala ake. Mu 1994 ndiponso pa mwambo wosayinira pangano la mtendere ndi Jordan, iye ankafuna kumukhuza yemwe anamugwira kunkhondo, koma winayo anakana motsindika kukambirana za nkhani imeneyi pagulu
Online sources
After recovering from the wounds, he resumed command of his patrol unit. On 28 December 1948, his platoon attempted to break through an Egyptian stronghold
Atachira ku mabala ake, anayambiranso kulamulira gulu lake la asirikali olondera. Pa 28 December 1948, gulu lake lankhondo linayesera kudutsa pa linga la a nkhondo aku Egypt
Online sources
Sharon's subsequent military career would be characterized by insubordination, aggression and disobedience, but he was brilliant as a commander
Ntchito zotsatira za Sharon ku usirikali zimadziwika bwino ndi kugalukira omuyang'anira, opsa mtima ndi kusamvera koma anali wanzeru ngati mkulu wa asirikali
Online sources
They were armed with non-standard weapons and tasked with carrying out special reprisals across the state's borders—mainly establishing small unit maneuvers, activation and insertion tactics
Anapatsidwa zida zosayenera ndipo anatumidwa kukabwezera mmadera onse a mmalire ndi dziko makamaka kukhadzikitsa kamenyedwe kankhondo ndi asirikali ochepa, kudzutsa ndi kulowelera
Online sources
The new recruits began a harsh regimen of day and night training, their orientation and navigation exercises often taking them across the border; encounters with enemy patrols or village watchmen were regarded as the best preparation for the missions that lay ahead
Oyamba kumene ntchito ankayamba maphunziro ovuta a usana ndi usiku, maphunziro awo odziwa komwe ali ndi madera nthawi zambiri ankawatengera kudutsa malire a dziko; kukumana ndi asirikali olondera malire kapena alonda a mmudzi kunkatengedwa ngati mwayi wokonzekera bwino pa maulendo omwe anali patsogolo pawo
Online sources
The raids also helped bolster Israeli morale and convince Arab states that the fledgling nation was capable of long-range military action
Zantopolazi zinathandiza kuwonjezera mangolomera kumbali ya Israel ndi kutsimikizira mayiko a Aluya kuti dziko latsopanoli linali ndi kuthekera komenya nkhondo pamtunda wautali
Online sources
Known for raids against Arab civilians and military targets, the unit is held responsible for the widely condemned Qibya massacre in the fall of 1953
Podziwika bwino ndizantopola kuchitira Aluya ndi malo a ankhondo, gululi likukhudzidwa ndi kuphedwa kwa anthu ku Qibya kumapeto kwa 1953 komwe kunadzudzulidwa kwambiri
Online sources
By various accounts of the ensuing attack, 65 to 70 civilians, half of them women and children, were killed when his troops dynamited 45 houses and a school
Mu mbiri zosiyanasiyana zokhuza chiwembucho, anthu wamba 65-70, theka la iwo azimayi ndi ana, anaphedwa pamene ankhondo anaphulitsa nyumba 45 ndi sukulu imodzi
Online sources
He had checked all the houses before detonating the explosives and that he thought the houses were empty. Although he admitted the results were tragic, he defended the attack
Anali atafufudza nyumba zonse asanaphulitse bomba ndipo anaganiza kuti nyumbazo munalibe anthu. Ngakhale anavomera zotsatira kuti zinali zoyipa, anayikira kumbuyo chiwembucho
Online sources
Now people could feel that the terrorist gangs would think twice before striking, now that they knew for sure they would be hit back
Pamenepo anthu ankaganiza kuti magulu achifwamba angathe kuganiza kawiri asanachite chiwembu, popeza ankadziwa kuti abwezeredwa
Online sources
Sharon asked for permission to attack the pass several times, but his requests were denied, though he was allowed to check its status so that if the pass was empty, he could receive permission to take it later
Sharon anapempha chilolezo kuti athire nkhondo powolokerapo kambirimbiri koma mapempho lake akanidwa, ngakhale analoledwa kuti afufudze mmene malo owolokerawa analili ndi cholinga choti ngati panalibe ena odutsa, akanatha kuloledwa kuti akalande malowa
Online sources
Sharon sent a small scout force, which was met with heavy fire and became bogged down due to vehicle malfunction in the middle of the pass
Sharon anatumiza gulu lochepa la akasodze omwe anakumana ndi kuombera kwakukulu ndipo anagonja kamba kakuonongeka kwa galimoto zawo zankhondo pakatikati pamalo owolekerawa
Online sources
Sharon ordered the rest of his troops to attack to aid their comrades. Sharon was criticized by his superiors and was damaged by allegations several years later made by several former subordinates, who claimed that Sharon tried to provoke the Egyptians and sent out the scouts in bad faith, ensuring that a battle would ensue
Sharon analamula ankhondo ena onse kuti akamenye nkhondo pofuna kuthandiza anzawo aja. Sharon anadzudzulidwa ndi akuluakulu ake ndipo mbiri yale inayipa patapita zaka zambiri potsatira madandaulo a anthu ochuluka omwe ankawayang'anira, omwe anati Sharon anayesera kuwaputa anthu a ku Egypt potumiza akasodze ndi mtima wakaduka, kuonetsetsa kuti nkhondo ichitikedi
Online sources
It was a simultaneous attack by a multiplicity of small forces, each with a specific aim, attacking a particular unit in a synergistic Egyptian defense network
Inali nkhondo yochitikira pamodzi ndi magulu ang'onoang'ono a nkhondo, gulu lirilonse ndi zolinga zake, pothira nkhondo gulu lomwe anauzidwa, kugonjetsa chitetezo cha Egypt
Online sources
As a result, instead of supporting and covering each other as they were designed to do, each Egyptian unit was left fighting for its own life
Zotsatira zake zinali zakuti, mmalo mothandizana komanso kutetezana ngati mmene amayenera kuchitira, gulu lirilonse la ankhondo aku Egypt linkamenya nkhondo palokha pofuna kudzipulumutsa
Online sources
The commission also concluded that Sharon bore personal responsibility for ignoring the danger of bloodshed and revenge [and] not taking appropriate measures to prevent bloodshed
Bungwe lofufudzi linapeza kuti a Sharon amayenera kuvala udindo wosalabadira za kuopsa kokhetsa mwazi ndi kubwezera komanso osatsatira njira zoyenera kupewa kukhetsa mwazi
Online sources
I begin with the basic conviction that Jews and Arabs can live together. I have repeated that at every opportunity, not for journalists and not for popular consumption, but because I have never believed differently or thought differently from my childhood
Ndiyamba ndi chikhulupiliro chakuti Ayuda ndi Aluya angathe kukhala limodzi. Ndabwereza zimenezo paliponse pomwe ndapeza mwayi, osati chifukwa cha atolankhani ndipo osatinso kuti nditchuke koma chifukwa sindinakhulupilirepo mosiyana kapena kuganiza mosiyana kuyambira umwana wanga
Online sources
I know that we are both inhabitants of the land, and although the state is Jewish, that does not mean that Arabs should not be full citizens
Ndikudziwa kuti mzika ndife mzika za dera lino, ndipo ngakhale ndi dera la Ayuda, izi sidzitanthauza kuti Aluya asakhale mzika zenizeni
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Rumours of Chakwera's intention to run in the MCP's presidential race were first reported in online media on 9 April 2013
Mphekesera zoti Chakwera ali ndi ganizo lodzayima nawo pa chisankho cha mtsogoleri wa MCP zinatsikindikizidwa koyamba pa tsamba lofalitsa nkhani la intaneti pa 9 April 2013
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They were confirmed on 14 April 2013. Chakwera later submitted his nomination papers while still at the helm of the Malawi Assemblies of God
Zinatsimikika pa 14 April 2013. Pambuyo pake Chakwera anapeleka zikalata zoti amusankhe panthawi yomwe anali ali mtsogoleri wa mpingo wa Malawi Assemblies of God
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The MCP convention slated for 27 April 2013 was later postponed to 10 and 11 August where he was elected as the president of MCP and he represented the party in the 2014 general election
Msonkhano waukulu wa MCP womwe unayikidwa pa 27 April 2013 unalepheleka kufikira pa 10 ndi 11 August pomwe iwo anasankhidwa kukhala mtsogoleri wa MCP ndipo anakayimira chipanichi pa chisankho cha atsogoleri a dziko cha 2014
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During 2014 Malawi General elections, rumors speculated in different platforms that the elections were rigged. Chakwera told all Malawians to remain peaceful, accept the outcome, and wait for the next coming elections
Munthawi ya zisankho cha 2014, mphekesera zinamveka mmadera osiyanasiyana kuti zisankho zinabeledwa. Chakwera anauza mtundu wonse wa a Malawi kuti asunge mtendere, avomereze zotsatira ndipo adikire zisankho zotsatira
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Besides being successful as the main opposition party president, he also served as a member of parliament for the Lilongwe North West Constituency
Kupatula kupambana ngati mtsogoleri wa chipani chachikulu chotsutsa boma, iwo anatumikira ngati phungu wa nyumba ya malamulo ku chigawo chakumadzulo kumpoto kwa Lilongwe
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Chakwera announced his resignation as the Head of the Malawian Assemblies of God, effective 14 May 2013. This happened when Court ruled out the 2019 General elections due to massive irregularities after DPP claimed victory
Chakwera analengeza kutila pansi udindo wa mkulu wa mpingo wa Malawi Assemblies of God kuyambira pa 14 May 2013. Izi zinachitika pamene bwalo lamilandu linalamula kuti chisankho cha 2019 chinadzadza ndi zofooka zambiri pamene chipani cha DPP chinati chinapambana
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He said this would enable him to concentrate more on front-line politics, taking the view that he was still serving God in another context
Iye anati izi zithandiza kuti ayike chidwi kwambiri pandale, kunena kuti apa anali akutumikiranso Mulungu munjira ina
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Chakwera joined forces with UTM leader Saulos Chilima and multiple other parties to form the 'Tonse Alliance' in preparation for the June 2020 Malawi General elections, with Chilima running as vice president
Chakwera anachita mgwirizano ndi mtsogoleri wa UTM a Saulos Chilima komanso zipani zina zingapo ndikupanga mgwirizano wa Tonse pokonzekera chisankho cha June 2020, chomwe Chilima anayima ngati wachiwiri kwa mtsogoleri wa dziko
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Chakwera defeated incumbent president Peter Mutharika in the 2020 election, having obtained almost 59% of the vote
Chakwera anagonjetsa yemwe anali mtsogoleri wa dziko a Peter Mutharika pa chisankho cha 2020, pamene anapeza mavoti 59 pa 100 aliwonse
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Chakwera was sworn in as the sixth president of Malawi on 28 June. On this occasion, Malawi became the first African Country to have its presidential election result overturned due to irregularities and an opposition leader went on to win the rerun election
Chakwera analumbiritsidwa kukhala mtsogoleri wa dziko la Malawi wa chisanu ndi chimodzi pa 28 June. Panthawiyi, dziko la Malawi linali loyamba muno mu Africa kuonelera chisankho cha mtsogoleri wa dziko chikukanidwa ndikukhalanso ngati sanaponye voti chifukwa cha zolakwika ndipo otsutsa boma anapambana pachisankho chobwereza
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The Republic of Kenya's Supreme Court had been the very first to nullify in 2017, but the rerun election therefrom was never won by the opposition leader
Bwalo lamilandu lalikulu mdziko la Kenya linali loyamba kugamula kuti chisankho chichitikenso mu 2017, koma otsutsa boma sanapambane pa chisankho chachibwereza
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Soon after Chakwera's election as president, he became subject to criticism over appointing mutually related family members to cabinet
Chakwera atangosankhidwa kukhala mtsogoleri wa dziko, anadzudzulidwa kwambiri chifukwa chosankha anthu ena ochokera mbanja limodzi kukhala nduna
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Chakwera's 31 member cabinet announced after inauguration had six members all of whom are relatives with another member of the cabinet
Nduna 31 zomwe Chakwera analengeza atalumbiritsidwa zinali ndi anthu asanu ndi mmodzi omwe anali paubale ndi ena mwa nduna zake
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Activists and organisations working on gender equality organised public demonstrations in October 2020 protesting against gender imbalance in public service appointments that Chakwera had made
Omenyera ufulu ndi mabungwe omwe si aboma ogwira ntchito zoona kuti pasakhale kusiyana pakati pa amuna ndi akazi akonza zionetsero pa 20 October zosonyeza kukwiya ndi kusiyana pakati pa amayi ndi abambo pakasankhidwe ka akuluakulu a boma omwe Chakwera wasankha
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The activists accused President Chakwera of disregarding the Malawi Gender Equality Act that demands that women should make at least 40 per cent of all public appointments. The activists sued the President over the gender imbalance in his appointments
Omenyera ufuluwa adzudzula mtsogoleri wa dziko a Chakwera chifukwa chosalabadira ndondomeko zakusasiyana pakati pa amuna ndi akazi zomwe zimafotokoza kuti posankha oyendetsa ntchito zaboma, amayi akhale 40 pa anthu 100 aliwonse. Omenyera ufuluwa asumira mtsogoleri wa dzikoyu chifukwa chopititsa patsogolo kusiyana pakati pa amuna ndi akazi posankha oyendetsa ntchito zaboma
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Chakwera has faced criticism for appointing his daughter and vice president Saulos Chilima's mother-in-law to diplomatic positions. The president appointed his daughter Violet Chakwera as a diplomatic secretary to Brussels and for the EU
Chakwera akudzudzulidwanso posankha mwana wake wamkazi komanso mpongozi wawo wa wachiwiri kwa mtsogoleri wa dziko lino kukagwira ntchito za ukazembe. Mtsogoleri wa dzikoyu anasankha mwana wake Violet Chakwera kukakhala mlembi wamkulu wa akazembe mdziko la Brussels komanso ku bungwe la EU
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However, the president vehemently refuted these reports as baseless and stated so on a BBC interview during his visit to the UK in 2021. Published media reports indicate that his daughter is not qualified for the job, having obtained her degree from an unaccredited institution
Komabe mtsogoeri wa dzikoyu wakanitsitsa nkhanizi ndipo wati nzopanda pake ndipo iye anayankhula ndi wayilesi ya BBC paulendo wake ku chaka cha UK mu 2021. Nkhani zotsindikizidwa ndi olemba nkhani zaonetsa kuti mwana wawo wamkaziyu alibe zomuneyereza kukagwira ntchitoyi, kamba kakuti anatenga ukachenjede wake kusukulu yosavomerezeka
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President Chakwera formed a strong and positive relationship with British Prime Minister Boris Johnson, describing their partnership as "crucial
Mtsogoleri wa dziko Chakwera wakhadzikitsa ubale wolimba komanso wothandiza ndi nduna yayikulu ya dziko la Britain a Boris Johnson, kunena kuti ubalewu ndi wofunikira kwambiri
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Prime Minister Boris Johnson expressed hope for a long-term UK-Malawi partnership that focused on promoting green technologies in Malawi, and Malawi's Government Spokesperson and Minister of Information said that Prime Minister Johnson and President Chakwera would discuss "various development, trade and investment deals, which so far has been a great success and Malawi stands to benefit more and better
Nduna yayikulu ya dziko la Britain inafotokoza chiyembekezo pa ubale wanthawi yayitali pakati pa UK ndi Malawi womwe unayika chidwi pakupititsa patsogolo ntchito zoteteza chilengedwe mMalawi, ndipo mneneri wa boma la Malawi ndi nduna yofalitsa nkhani wanena kuti nduna yayikulu a Boris Johnson ndi mtsogoleri wa dziko lino a Chakwera akambirana ntchito zachitukuko zosiyanasiyana, zamalonda komanso ntchito zachuma, zomwe kufika pano zakhala zopambana kwambiri ndipo dziko la Malawi lipindula kwambiri kuposa kale
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The pattern of peaceful transitions of power we have been seeing in our region in recent years, ... (with) Zambia being the latest member to embody that, are worthy of global acclaim and our applause
Kupatsirana maudindo wamtendere komwe takhala tikukuona mchigawo chathu chino mzaka zino, pomwe Zambia ili yatsopano kuchita izi, ndikoyenera kutamandidwa dziko lonse lapansi komanso kuyamikiridwa
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In interview with Zodiak Broadcasting Station, a local radio station, Chakwera remarked that it will be up to the people to re-elect him in 2025 when Malawi holds the next presidential elections
Poyankhula ndi wayilesi ya Zodiak, nyumba yofalitsa nkhani mdziko muno, Chakwera wati zili kwa anthu kudzamusankhanso mu chaka cha 2025 pamene dziko la Malawi lidzachite chisankho chosankha mtsogoleri wa dziko
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Similarly, other senior members of his Malawi Congress Party have indicated that Chakwera will stand in 2025 because he is allowed to do so by his party's constitution
Chimodzimodzi akuluakulu ena a chipani cha Malawi Congress anena kuti Chakwera adzayimenso mu 2025 chifukwa malamulo oyendetsera chipani akumulola kutero
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This has the potential to cause a rift between Chakwera and vice president Chilima. It is understood that the two had agreed to rotate the presidency between them prior to formation of their electoral alliance
Izi zili ndi kuthekera kobweretsa kugawikana pakati pa Chakwera ndi wachiwiri kwa mtsogoleri wa dziko, a Chilima. Zadziwika kuti awiriwa anagwirizana zopatsirana udindo wa mtsogoleri wa dziko pakati pawo pamene amakhadzikitsa mgwirizano pa masankho
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During a political rally in the country's commercial city of Blantyre leading up to the presidential race in 2020, Chilima revealed that one of the basis for the formation of the Tonse Alliance between Malawi Congress Party and UTM was that after the first term of his presidency, Chakwera would pave way for Chilima to lead the pact in the 2025 presidential elections
Pa nthawi yamsonkhani wandale mu mzinda wa Blantyre pokonzekera chisankho cha mtsogoleri wa dziko mu chaka cha 2020, Chilima anaulula kuti msanamira imodzi yokhazikitsira mgwirizano wa Tonse pakati pa Malawi Congress ndi UTM ndi wakuti chigawo choyamba cholamula chikatha, Chakwera adzapeleka mpata kwa a Chilima kuti atsogolere mgwirizanowu pachisankho cha mtsogoleri wa dziko mu 2025
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Malawi’s main opposition party is pushing for the resignation of President Lazarus Chakwera over a looming economic crisis resulting in fuel shortages, a scarcity of foreign exchange and increased grain prices
Chipani chachikulu chotsutsa boma mMalawi chikufuna kuti mtsogoleri wa dziko Lazarus Chakwera atule pansi udindo wake chifukwa chakusokonekera kwa chuma dziko zomwe zadzetsa kusowa kwa mafuta a galimoto, kusowa kwa ndalama za maiko akunja komanso kukwera kwa mitengo yazakudya
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A government spokesperson said pushing Chakwera to resign is unrealistic. A presidential aspirant for the opposition Democratic Progressive Party (DPP), told reporters that the country’s economy is heading into a crisis
Mneneri wa boma wati kukakamiza kuti Chakwera atule pansi udindo ndizosamveka. Yemwe akufuna kudzatsogolera chipani chotsutsa cha Democratic Progressive anauza atolankhani kuti chuma cha dziko lino chikunka kumphompho
Online sources
To stabilize the economy, that's the big boy’s job to ensure that now you are opening up as many businesses as possible, you are developing as many mines as possible and in the agriculture sector you are producing large volumes of food and you are getting a lot of surplus for exports
Kuti chuma chikadzikike ndi ntchito ya akuluakulu okwima nzeru poonetsetsa kuti ntchito zamalonda zambiri zikukhazikitsidwa, mukukonza ntchito za migodi zochuluka komanso kumbali yaulimi mukulima chakudya chochuluka ndipo chotsala chikugulitsidwa kumisika yakunja
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DPP spokesperson said the president should resign so other people can take over and address the economic problems Malawians are facing
Mneneri wa DPP wati mtsogoleri wa dziko atule pansi udindo kuti anthu ena atsogolere ndikuthana ndi mavuto a zachuma omwe amalawi akukumana nawo
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A spokesperson for the Malawi Congress Party, a leading party in the governing Tonse Alliance, would not take a call from VOA to comment on the matter
Mneneri wa chipani cha Malawi Congress, chomwe chikutsogolera mgwirizano wa Tonse, sanayankhe lamya yochokera ku VOA kuti apeleke ndemanga pankhaniyi
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Government spokesperson told a local media outlet on Monday that DPP officials were making the remarks out of anger emanating from bitterness over losing elections in 2020
Mneneri wa boma wauza nyumba yotsindika nkhani mdziko muno lolemba kuti akuluakulu a DPP amayankhula izi powawidwa mtima chifukwa chogonja pa chisankho mu chaka 2020
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The minister of information, said Malawi faces economic challenges largely because of trends that have destabilized global economies. Pushing the president to resign is unrealistic, he said
Nduna yofalitsa nkhani yati Malawi akukumana ndi mavuto a zachuma kwakukulu chifukwa cha zochitika zomwe zagwedeza chuma pa dziko lonse lapansi. Kukakamiza mtsogoleri wa dziko kutula pansi udindo nzi zosamveka, iye anatero
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What we can say is that President has not failed to run the affairs of the country. The country has taken a path to recovery and we are not where we were when President came into office three years ago. This country was worse than where we are today
Zomwe tinganene ndi zakuti mtsogoleriyu sanalephere kuyendetsa zochitika mdziko muno. Dziko lino liri pa njira yobwezeretsa mchimake chuma ndipo pano sitili pomwe tinali pamene mtsogoleri wa dziko anayamba ntchito yake muzaka zitatu zapitazo. Dziko lino linali pamavuto aakulu kuposa pomwe tiri lero
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Chakwera later announced an anti-corruption campaign that saw several officials from the DPP arrested, a move that its president, Mutharika, called political persecution
Pambuyo pake Chakwera analengeza ntchito yothana ndi katangale imene inachititsa kuti ena mwa atsogoleri ochokera ku DPP amangidwe, zomwe mtsogoleri wawo a Mutharika anati ndi kugwebana pandale
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Political analyst told VOA it is unjustified for the opposition DPP to call for Chakwera’s resignation because it also messed up the economy
Katakwe pankhani zandale anauza VOA kuti nzosamveka kuti chipani cha DP chinene kuti Chakwera atule pansi udindo chifukwa iwonso anawononga ntchito za chuma
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