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In April 2020, the government announced some measures to curb the spread of Covid-19 pandemic. One of the preventive measures was restriction on the number of gatherings and accordingly, the Commission dropped off some of the strategies used in mobilizing voters like road shows, drama shows in order to address issues of social distance
Mu April 2020, boma linalengeza ndondomeko zina zofuna kuchepetsa kufala kwa mliri wa Covid-19. Imodzi mwa njira zopewera inali kuchepetsa kuchuluka kwa anthu osonkhana pamalo amodzi, motero bungweli linachotsa njira zina zomemezera anthu monga zionetsero zammiseu, zisuzo ndi cholinga chofuna kutsatira nkhani zokhala motalikirana
Online sources
Although the other strategies were enhanced to ensure adequate coverage and delivery, a reduction in the cost was still recorded
Ngakhale njira zina zinalimbikitsidwa kuti afikire madera ambiri komanso anthu ambiri, ndalama zogwilira ntchito zinachepabe
Online sources
Due to the Covid-19 pandemic and the closure of airspace coupled with the need for 14- day quarantine, it was impossible to physically monitor the printing of ballot papers hence the affected budget line was intact
Chifukwa cha mliri wa Covid-19 komanso kutsekedwa kwa maulendo a mlengalenga kuphatikizapo kufunika kokhala modzipatula kwa masiku khumi ndi anayi, kunali kosatheka kupita kukaonelera kutsindika zikalata zoponyera voti kotero ndalama za ntchito imeneyi zinalipo zonse
Online sources
The FPE especially after the Supreme Court judgement and subsequent setting of the date by Parliament led to activities being implemented concurrently to satisfy the set date. The resources meant for one activity ended up being enough for more others.
Chisankho chatsopano cha mtsogoleri wa dziko makamaka pambuyo pa chigamulo cha bwalo lalikulu la milandu ndi kutsatira nyumba yamalamulo kukhadzikitsa tsiku zinachititsa kuti ntchito zigwiridwe pamodzi kuti akwaniritse tsiku lokhadzikitsidwalo. Zipangizo za ntchito imodzi zimakwanira kuchitira ntchito zingapo
Online sources
For example, The Commission monitored campaign activities concurrently with the implementation of other electoral activities leading underutilisation of campaign monitoring budget provision
Mwachitsanzo, bungweli linayang'anira misonkhano yokopa anthu panthawi yomwe limagwiranso ntchito zina zokonzekera zisankho zomwe zinachititsa kuti ligwiritse ntchito ndalama zochepa pa ndalama zomwe zimayenera kugwira ntchito yoyang'anira misonkhano yokopa anthu
Online sources
Following the delivery of the court judgements the Commission initiated the review of the Polling Procedures Manual and election forms. This was done to ensure compliance with court directives in the conduct of Fresh Presidential Elections
Potsatira kupeleka kwa chigamulo ndi bwalo la milandu, bungweli linayambitsa kuunika mabuku ofotokozera kaponyedwe ka mavoti ndi zikalata za masankho. Izi zinachitidwa poonetsetsa kuti atsatira zomwe bwalo la milandu linalamula kuchitika pa chisankho chatsopano cha mtsogoleri wa dziko
Online sources
At some point the government instituted lockdown order the measures of which meant effectively stopping the electoral process
Panthawi ina boma linayika lamulo loti aliyense asayende zomwe zinkantanthauza kuti kuyimitsa zokonzekera chisankho
Online sources
However, this was challenged in Court. On the part of the Commission, being a public institution, it meant conducting the process with full cautious of protecting the voters and candidates
Komabe izi zinatsutsidwa ndi ku bwalo lamilandu. Kumbali ya bungwe, pokhala yogwira ntchito ndi anthu, imayenera kuchita zokonzekera mosamala kwambiri kuti atetedze anthu oponya voti komanso opikisana pachisankho
Online sources
Many ways of doing things changed including dropping off some strategies in voter education and provision of personal protectives equipment or measures to electoral staff and stakeholders. It was observed that covid-19 measures and guidelines were not fully observed during political campaign activities
Njira zambiri zochitira zinthu zinasintha kuphatikiza kuchotsa ndondomeko zina pophunzitsa anthu zakavotedwe ndi kugawa zodzitetezera kumatenda kapena njira zopewera kwa ogwira ntchito zachisankho ndi onse okhuzidwa. Zinadziwika kuti njira zopewere ndi ndondomeko za Covid-19 sidzimatsatidwa panthawi ya zochitika za ndale zokopa anthu
Online sources
The Commission conducted phase 1 of voter registration for 13 days before stopping following pending lockdown due to Covid-19
Bungweli linachita gawo loyamba lakalembera mukaundula wamasankho kwa masiku khumi ndi atatu asanayimitse kutsatira chiletso choyenda chifukwa cha Covid-19
Online sources
The registration resumed following an injunction restraining the implementation of the lockdown. On 8th May 2020, with two days to the phase two voter registration, the Supreme Court issued its ruling on the Presidential Elections case appeal
Kalembera anayambiranso potsatira chiletso, kukaniza lamulo loti anthu asamayende. Pa 8 May 2020, pali masiku awiri kuti gawo lachiwiri lakalembera wamavoti liyambe, bwalo lalikulu lamilandi linalengeza chigamulo chake pa mlandu wa chisankho cha mtsogoleri wa dziko
Online sources
In the judgement, the Supreme Court ordered that the franchise should be restricted to 2019 election registrants
Mu chigamulochi, bwalo lalikulu la milanduli linalamula kuti alole okhawo omwe analembetsa pa chisankho cha 2019
Online sources
All those who registered in phase one and two were therefore quarantined and not added to the voters register to be used for the Fresh Presidential Elections
Onse omwe analembetsa mu gawo loyamba ndi lachiwiri analetsedwa ndipo sanaphatikizidwe mukaundula wamavoti woti agwiritsidwe ntchito pa chisankho chatsopno cha mtsogoleri wa dziko
Online sources
The voter population used in the 2020 Fresh Presidential Election was therefore the same as in the May 2019 elections which was 6,859,570
Chiwerengero cha anthu oponya mavoti chogwiritsidwa mu chisankho chatsopano cha mtsogoleri wa dziko mu 2020 choncho chinali chomwecho cha chisankho cha mwezi wa May 2019 chomwe chinali 6,859,570
Online sources
Inspection Supervisors were provided with inspection guidelines instead of face-to-face training sessions as there was limited time
Oyendera anapatsidwa ndondomeko zoyendera mmalo mwa maphunziro okumana pamodzi chifukwa panalibe nthawi yokwanira
Online sources
No vehicles were used to distribute and retrieve voters register and inspection materials instead inspection. Supervisors used public transport and were given transport refunds based on distances.
Panalibe galimoto zogwira ntchito kugawa ndi kutolera mabuku a mavoti komanso zida zogwiritsa ntchito poyang'anira masankho mmalo mwake oyang'anira masankho anagwiritsa ntchito mayendedwe wamba ndipo anabwezeredwa ndalama zawo kutengera mtunda womwe anayenda
Online sources
There was also an online platform set up using dialing code *720# to enable voters verify their details and to know their polling station number
Panalinso tsamba la internet lomwe anthu amayimba ku *720# kulola ovota kutsimikiza mayina awo ndikudziwa mzere womwe adzayime poponya voti
Online sources
Non-availability of security personnel in registration centres especially in phase two of the registration compromised security of staff and equipment
Kusapezeka kwa a chitetezo mmalo olembetsera mavoti makamaka gawo lachiwiri lakalembera kunachepetsa chitetezo cha ogwira ntchito komanso zida
Online sources
In accordance with the applicable electoral law for one to contest as a presidential candidate, the aspirant could stand in the fresh presidential election after being nominated by a registered political party or stand as an independent candidate
Potsatira malamulo oyendetsera chisankho kuti munthu apikisane nawo ngati mtsogoleri wa dziko, wofunayu akanatha kuyima pa chisankho chatsopano cha mtsogoleri wa dziko atasankhidwa ndi chipani chomwe chili mukaundula wa zipani kapena kupikisana nawo ngati woyima payekha
Online sources
The Commission received nomination papers from three candidates on 6th and 7th May, 2020 at Mount Soche Hotel in Blantyre. This was out of nine candidates who had collected nomination papers and expressed readiness to present their nomination papers
Bungweli linalandira zikalata zofuna kupikisana kuchokera kwa opikisana atatu pa 6 ndi 7 May 2020 ku malo ogona alendo a Mount Soche ku Blantyre. Awa anali mwa opikisana asanu ndi anayi omwe anatenga zikalata zofuna kupikisana ndi kuonetsa kukonzeka kupeleka zikalata zawo zofuna kuyima nawo
Online sources
As it turned out, on 8th May, 2020 the Supreme Court delivered its judgment on the presidential election appeal case which gave new direction regarding candidates
Mmene zinakhalira, pa 8 May 2020, bwalo lamilandu lalikulu linapeleka chigamulo chake pa mlandu wa chisankho cha mtsogoleri wa dziko chomwe chinapeleka chitsogozo pa opikisana pa chisankho
Online sources
The court directed that only candidates who contested in 2019 presidential elections were eligible to contest in the Fresh Presidential polls. Fortunately, there were no new entrants among the three candidates who submitted their nomination papers on 6th and 7th March, 2020
Bwalo linalamula kuti okhawo omwe anapikisana nawo pa chisankho cha mtsogoleri wa dziko mu 2019 anali oyenera kupikisana nawo pa chisankho chatsopano cha mtsogoleri wa dziko. Mwamwayi, panabe olowa nawo atsopano mwa opikisana atatuwa omwe anakapeleka zikalata zofuna kupikisana nawo pa 6 ndi 7 May 2020
Online sources
The Commission hesitated in making decision on the commencement of the printing due to uncertainties surrounding the date of polling
Bungweli linakayika kupanga chiganizo cha nthawi yoyamba kutsindikiza zikalata zovotera chifukwa cha kusakhazikika kwa tsiku loponyera voti
Online sources
The Commission granted the authority for commencement of the printing of ballot papers on the same date of 11th June 2020. The Commission authorised printing on the basis of the representations of the Printer
Bungweli linapeleka chilolezo kuyamba kutsindikiza zikalata zovotera patsiku lomwelo la 11 June 2020. Bungweli linaloleza kutsindikiza potengera dandaulo la wotsindikiza
Online sources
Among others the printer had indicated that any further delay in giving printing instructions would have increased the cost of the work exponentially, since there would be need to charter a delivery airplane
Mwa zina, wotsindikiza ananena kuti kupitilira kuchedwa kupeleka chilolezo chotsindikiza zikweza ndalama zogwilira ntchito kwambiri, chifukwa padzafunika kupeza ndege yapadera yodzasiya
Online sources
The cost of that airplane would have to be paid for upfront before airlifting of the materials in Dubai for delivery of the ballot papers in the country on 19th June 2020 which was four days to the Polling Day
Ndalama zolipira ndege imeneyi zikuyeneranso kupelekedwa asananyamule katundu kuchokera ku Dubai kuti zikalata zovotera zidzafike mdziko muno pa 19 June 2020 yomwe inali masiku anayi kufika tsiku lachisankho
Online sources
The printing of ballot papers proceeded without the supervision of the Commission and monitoring by contesting political party representatives due to travel restrictions in view of the covid-19 pandemic
Kutsindikiza zikalata zovotera kunapitilira popanda oyang'anira kuchokera ku bungweli ndiponso kuonelera ndi oyimira zipani zandale zomwe zimapikisana chifukwa cha ziletso za maulendo potsatira mliri wa Covid-19
Online sources
The ballot papers arrived in Malawi through Kamuzu International Airport in Lilongwe on 19th June 2020 from where distribution to constituency nerve centres started immediately witnessed by political party representatives from the contesting parties
Zikalata zovotera zinafika ku Malawi kudzera pa bwalo la ndege la Kamuzu ku Lilongwe pa 19 June 2020 komwe zinayamba kugawidwa nthawi yomweyo kupita madera ovotera komwe oyimira zipani za ndale zomwe zimapikisana anachitira umboni
Online sources
Campaigning affords contestants an opportunity to sell themselves and articulate their policies to the electorate.
Misonkhano yokopa anthu imapeleka mwayi kwa opikisana kudzigulitsa okha ndi kufotokozera mfundo zawo kwa ovota
Online sources
In addition, campaigning allows citizens to make informed decisions on their choices on prospective representatives who will govern them
Kuphatikiza apa, misonkhano yokopa anthu imathandiza anthu kupanga chiganizo choyenera pa zomwe akufuna pa omwe adzawalamulire
Online sources
The voter education was also designed and conducted to empower the general public with voter information as the law stipulates, thereby reducing the number of null and void votes below the 1.9% achieved in 2019
Maphunziro akavotedwe anakonzedwanso ndi kuchitidwa kuti apeleke mphamvu kwa anthu powapatsa uthenga wakasankhidwe monga mmene malamulo akunenera, potero kuchepetsa mavoti owonongeka ndi osavomerezeka kuti asapyole 1.9% ya 2019
Online sources
The Commission also facilitated the monitoring and observation by stakeholders in various electoral processes
Bungweli linatsogoleranso kuyang'anira ndi kuonelera kwa magulu okhuzidwa pa zochitika zosiyanasiyana za chisankho
Online sources
The Commission implemented several media and public relations initiatives during the 2020 Fresh Presidential election
Bungweli linagwira ntchito zofalitsa mauthenga ndi kulumikizana ndi anthu panthawi ya chisankho chatsopano cha mtsogoleri wa dziko cha 2020
Online sources
As one way of keeping the electorate informed, there were recorded programmes as well as television and radio jingles produced for all major electoral activities
Ngati njira imodzi yodziwitsa ovota, panali mauthenga ojambulidwa komanso mauthenga apa kanema ndi wayilesi omwe anakonzedwa pa zochitika zikuluzikulu zonse zachisankho
Online sources
The Commission also placed adverts in the newspapers, which were mostly in the form of press statements
Bungweli linayikanso malonda mmanyuzipepala, omwe kwakukulu anali ngati mauthenga apadera
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Dependant: A person who relies on another for support. In the migration context, a spouse and minor children are generally considered “dependants”, even if the spouse is not financially dependent
Wodalira: Munthu yemwe akudalira wina pa chithandizo. Pa nkhani zochoka mdziko, mkazi kapena mwamuna wako ndi ana ang'onoang'ono amatengedwa kuti ndiwodalira, ngakhale mkazi/mwamuna wakoyo sakudalira iweyo pachuma
Online sources
Detention: Restriction on freedom of movement, usually through confinement, of a person by government authorities
Kusingidwa mowumirizidwa: Kuletsa ufulu woyenda, makamaka posunga payekha munthu ndi nthambi za boma
Online sources
Exclusion clause: Legal provisions that deny the benefits of international protection to persons who would otherwise satisfy the criteria for refugee status
Kupatula/kusalidwa: Gawo lamalamulo lomwe limakaniza kulandira chitetezo cha mayiko kwa anthu omwe akanakwaniritsa zofunikira za wothawa mdziko lakwawo
Online sources
Expulsion: An act by an authority of the State with the intention and with the effect of securing the removal of a person or persons (usually non-nationals or stateless persons) against their will from the territory of that State
Kuthamangitsidwa: Mchitidwe wa bungwe la boma ndi cholinga komanso kufuna kuchotsa munthu kapena anthu makamaka omwe simzika za dzikolo mowawumiriza kuchoka mdzikomo
Online sources
Family reunification: Process whereby family members separated through forced or voluntary migration regroup in a country other than the one of their origin.
Kubwelera pabanja: Ndondomeko zomwe anthu apabanja omwe analekana chifukwa chokakamizidwa kapena kuchoka kwawo amakumananso mdziko lomwe silakwawo
Online sources
Freedom of movement: freedom of movement and residence within the borders of each State.”
Ufulu woyenda: Ufulu woyenda ndi kukhala paliponse mdziko
Online sources
Group-based protection: Approaches whereby the protection and assistance needs of refugees are addressed without previously determining their status on an individual basis
Chitetezo chotengera gulu: ndondomeko zomwe zofunika pa chitetezo ndi thandizo kwa mzika zothawa kwawo zimapelekedwa posayanga'anira zosoweka pamunthu aliyense payekhapayekha
Online sources
Integration: Generally, the process by which migrants become accepted into society, both as individuals and groups. Integration implies consideration of the rights and obligations of migrants and host societies, of access to different kinds of services and the labour market, and of identification and respect for a core set of values that bind migrants and host communities in a common purpose
Kulowelerana: Kwambiri, ndondomeko zomwe mzika za mayiko ena zimaloledwa kukhala pakati pa anthu, ngati munthu payekha kapena ngati gulu. Kulowelerana kumatanthauza kuganizira ufulu ndi zofunikira za mzika za mayiko ena ndi anthu omwe akukhalanawo, kapezedwe ka zinthu zosiyanasiyana komanso misika yantchito, komanso kuzindikira ndi kulemekeza zikhalidwe zonse zomwe zimatsogolera mzika za mayiko ena ndi anthu omwe akukhala nawo nawo kumachita zofanana
Online sources
Interception: Any measure applied by a State outside its national territory to prevent, interrupt, or stop the movement of persons without required documentation from crossing borders by land, air or sea, and making their way to the country of prospective destination
Kugwidwa: Njira zina zilizonse zomwe dziko limatsatira kunja kwa dziko lake kupewa, kusokoneza, kapena kuyimitsa kuyenda kwa anthu popanda zikalata zovomerezeka ndi kudutsa mmalire podzera panthaka, mlengalenga kapena pamadzi, popita kudziko komwe akulakalaka kukafikira
Online sources
Judicial Review: A court’s review of a lower court’s or an administrative body’s factual or legal findings
Kuunika malamulo: Kuunika ndi bwalo lalikulu lamilamdu chigamulo cha bwalo la milandu laling'ono
Online sources
Permanent residence: The right, granted by the authorities of a host country to a non-national, to live and work in the territory on a permanent (unlimited or indefinite) basis
Kukhazikika mdziko: Ufulu wopelekedwa ndi ulamuliro wa dziko lomwe likusunga munthu yemwe simzika, kuti adzikhala ndikugwira ntchito mmadera a mdzikolo kwanthawi zonse, popanda malire a nthawi
Online sources
Readmission agreement: Agreement that addresses procedures, on a reciprocal basis, for one State to return non-nationals in an irregular situation to their home State or a State through which they have transited
Mgwirizano wololedwanso: mgwirizano womwe umaunika ndondomeko, munjira yochitirana, kuti dziko lina libweze anthu omwe simzika ndipo alibe pogwira kudziko lakwawo kapena kudziko lomwe adutsirako
Online sources
Reception centre: A location with facilities for receiving, processing and attending to the immediate needs of refugees or asylum-seekers as they arrive in a country of asylum
Malo olandilira: Awa ndi malo omwe ali ndi gawo lolandilira, kuthandiza komanso kumva zofunika za mzika zothawa kwawo kapena osaka malo pamene akufika mdziko lomwe athawira
Online sources
Removal: The act of a State in the exercise of its sovereignty in removing a non-national from its territory to his or her country of origin or a third country after refusal of admission or termination of permission to remain
Kuchotsedwa: Nchitidwe wa dziko, poonetsa kuyima palokha, kuchotsa omwe simzika kuchoka mmadera ake kumupititsa dziko lakwawo kapena dziko lina atakanidwa kuti akhale kapena atachotsa chilolezo choti akhale
Online sources
Resettlement: The transfer of refugees from the country in which they have sought refuge to another State that has agreed to admit them. The refugeeswill usually be granted asylum or some other form of long-term rights
Kupititsa anthu kudera lina: Kunyamula anthu othawa kwawo kuchoka dziko lomwe akusungidwa kuwapititsa ku dziko lina komwe avomera kuti awasunga. Mzika zothawa kwawo nthawi zambiri zimapatsidwa mwayi wokhala kapena maufulu ena a nthawi yayitali
Online sources
Return: The act of a person returning to his or her country or place of origin or habitual residence. See also Voluntary return
Kubwelera: Zochita za munthu pakubwelera ku dziko kapena dera lomwe amakhala. Onaninso kubwelera mwakufuna yekha
Online sources
Revocation: Rescinding, withdrawing or cancelling of permission or status granted
Kulandidwa: Kubweza, kuchotsa, kulepheretsa chilolezo kapena mwayi wopelekedwa
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Safe country of origin: The country of a person’s nationality or habitual residence where effective protection can be sought and secured. A safe country of origin does not generally produce refugees
Dziko la chitetezo lochokera: Dziko lobadwira munthu kapena komwe amakhala kumene angafunsire ndi kupeza chitetezo. Dziko lachitetezo lochokera kwambiri sikuchokera anthu othawa kwawo
Online sources
Safe third country: A country in which an asylum-seeker could have had access to an effective asylum regime, and in which he or she has been physically present prior to arriving in the country in which he or she is applying for asylum
Dziko lina lachitetezo: Dziko kumene ofunsira chitetezo akanapeza mwayi wolandira chitetezo chabwino, kumene iye wakhalako asafike mdziko lomwe akufunsira kuti adzakhale ngati mzika yothawa kwawo
Online sources
Stateless person: A person who is not considered a national by any State under the operation of its law
Munthu wopanda kwawo: Munthu yemwe alibe umzika uliwonse ku dziko lina lirilonse potengera malamulo awo
Online sources
Temporary protection: Generally speaking, an arrangement developed by States to offer protection of a temporary nature to persons arriving from situations of conflict or generalised violence, often without prior individual status determination, or individually to persons who cannot return because of a generalised risk to the population in the country of origin
Chitetezo choyembekezera: Kunena zoona, chikonzero cha mayiko kuti adzipeleka chitetezo choyembekezera kwa anthu ofika kuchokera kumadera omwe kuli kusamvana kapena zipolowe, asanafufudze za munthuyo, kapena payekhapayekha kwa anthu omwe sangabwelere chifukwa cha chiopsezo chomwe mzika za dziko lochokeralo chili nazo
Online sources
Unaccompanied minor: A person below the legal age of majority who is not accompanied by a parent, guardian, or other adult who by law or custom is responsible for the minor
Ana oyenda okha: Munthu yemwe sanafike msinkhu womwe anthu ambiri ali, yemwe sakupelekezedwa ndi kholo, womuyang'anira kapena wina wamkulu yemwe pamalamulo kapena chikhalidwe ali ndi udindo wosamalira mwanayu
Online sources
Unauthorised entry: Act of crossing the borders of a State without complying with the necessary requirements for legal entry of that State
Kulowa opanda chilolezo: Mchitidwe wooloka mmalire a dziko popanda kutsatira zoyenelela zoti alowere motsata malamulo a dzikolo
Online sources
Visa: An endorsement by a consular officer in a passport or a certificate of identity that indicates that the officer, at the time of issuance, believes the holder to fall within a category of non-nationals who can be admitted under the State’s laws
Visa: Chilolezo chopelekedwa ndi wogwira ntchito za ukazembe mu chiphaso choyendera kapena chiphaso chozindikiritsa kuti wogwira ntchito, panthawi yopeleka, akukhulupilira kuti mwini wake ali gulu lomwe simzika, yemwe angaloledwe kulowa potsatira malamulo adzikolo
Online sources
Voluntary return: The assisted or independent return to the country of origin based on the refugee’s free and informed decision
Kubwelera mwakufuna: Kubwelera kothandizidwa kapena kwa iye mwini ku dziko lochokera potengera ufulu ndi chiganizo cha wothawa kwawo
Online sources
One of the most striking observations is the continuous decline in applications received from Somalia and Iraq. Both countries of origin still remain in the top 10 countries but are no longer part of the top three countries, and in 2012, even fell out of the top five
Chimodzi mwa zinthu zomwe zaoneka ndi kupitilira kuchepa kwa makalata ofunsira olandilidwa kuchokera ku Somalia ndi Iraq. Mayiko awiri ochokerawa akhalabe mu mayiko khumi oyambilira koma pano salinso amodzi mwa atatu oyambilira ndipo mu 2012 anachoka pa mayiko asanu oyambilira
Online sources
Participating States are increasingly recognising the need to monitor, maintain and improve the quality of refugee status determination processes. Several States have quality-assurance systems in place that go beyond the regular supervision of caseworkers and draft decisions. Some, such as Ireland, have separate quality units or quality managers
Mayiko otenga mbali akupitlirabe kuvomereza kufunuka koyang'anira, kusamala komanso kupititsa patsogolo ntchito zounikira zilolezo za anthu othawa kwawo. Mayiko ambiri anayika njira zopimira ntchito kuti zikhale zapamwamba zomwe zimapyola kungoyang'anira ogwira ntchito zowunikira komanso kupanga ziganizo. Ena monga Ireland ali ndi nthambi zoyima pazokha kapena ogwira ntchito owunika kagwiridwe kantchito
Online sources
There is growing attention being paid to the vulnerability of certain asylum-seekers, and to the negative impact this vulnerability may have on their access to protection
Pali kukula kwa chidwi chomwe chikuyikidwa pa kusowa kuthekera kwa othawa kwawo, ndipo zosamwitsa zomwe kusowa kuthekeraku kukubweretsa pa kapezedwe ka chitetezo
Online sources
This is clearly the case for unaccompanied minors and victims of human trafficking, but also for asylum-seekers whose claims are based on gender issues, sexual orientation or gender identity
Izi zikuonekeratu poyera pa nkhani za ana omwe ali okha ndiponso anthu ozembetsedwa kwawo komanso othawa kwawo omwe zoyankhula zawo zikutsamira pa nkhani za kusasiyana pakati pa amuna ndi akazi, chibadwidwe kapena chikhalidwe
Online sources
Participating States such as Australia, Canada, Germany, Spain and Switzerland have developed specific guidance
Mayiko otenga mbali monga Australia, Canada, Germany, Spain and Switzerland anakhadzikitsa mfundo zowatsogolera
Online sources
Better cooperation between services or departments responsible for different asylum-related tasks is instrumental to increasing efficiency, as progress in one part of the chain is only useful if the other parts follow
Mgwirizano wabwino pakati pa ntchito kapena nthambi zoyang'anira ntchito zosiyanasiyana zoona othawa kwawo ndiwofunika kuti upititse patsogolo kuchita zinthu mwachangu, pakuti kutsogola kwa mbali imodzi kungakhale kofunikira ngati mbali zina zikuchita chimodzimodzi
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This form of chain management within the asylum system can be facilitated by concentrating different services in the same location (e.g. the Police and the Immigration Service share the same building, next to the main reception centre), and by digitising the asylum file and allowing all relevant actors access to this information
Ndondomeko iyi yopangira zinthu motsogozana mu ntchito zothandiza othawa kwawo ikhoza kufulumira ngati onse othandiza ali pamalo amodzi; mwachitsanzo achitetezo ndi owona anthu olowa ndi kutuluka mdziko akhale mnyumba imodzi, pafupi ndi malo olandilira anthu; komanso pogwiritsa ntchito ma computer kulembera othawa kwawo ndi kulola kuti onse otengapo mbali adzipeza mauthengawa
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If a person complies with the immigration process and is found not to be a risk to the community, they remain in the community until their immigration status is quickly and effectively resolved
Ngati munthu wakwaniritsa magawo onse a kulowa mdziko ndipo sakubweretsa chiopsezo kudera komwe ali, akhalebe kudera komweko mpaka kufunsira kwawo malo mdzikomo kuyankhidwe
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This community status resolution model manages non-vulnerable clients in the community, including unlawful non-citizens, who require a level of intervention to facilitate resolution of their case to a substantive immigration outcome
Njira yowasungira anthu kumadera komwe akukhala imayika chidwi pa omwe sali pachiosezo muderamo kuphatikizirapo omwe ndi mzika zosavomerezeka, omwe akufunika kuthandizidwa kuti nkhani zawo zikonzedwe kuti akhale pa ndandanda wa anthu olowa mdziko
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The service is premised on early engagement with the client, implementing a client plan, and cases being managed as quickly as practicable to a substantive immigration outcome. Clients are managed in ways that recognise their individual circumstances
Zochitika zatsamira pa kulumikizana mwansanga ndi wofuna kuthandizidwa, kukwaniritsa ndondomeko zothandizira, ndiponso nkhani zawo kukambidwa mwachangu kufika pakuti zikumveka. Ofuna thandizo athandizidwe munjira zomwe zikuzindikira zimene akukumana nazo payekhapayekha
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Where the case is assessed to meet the guidelines for referral to the Minister, the case is forwarded to the Minister in the form of a submission summarising the particulars of the case and the person’s immigration history when new information in support of the applicant’s claims for protection becomes available, or if there has been a change of circumstances in the applicant’s country of nationality, or habitual residence, and the information appears to be credible
Pomwe nkhani yaunikiridwa ndipo ikukwaniritsa zoyenereza kuti ipititsidwe kwa nduna, nkhaniyi imapititsidwa kwa nduna munjira ya pempho, kufotokoza zonse zokhuza nkhaniyi ndi mbiri ya ofuna chilolezo pamene umboni watsopano woyikira kumbuyo pempho lofuna chitetezo wapezeka kapena ngati pali kusintha kwa zinthu ku dziko lobadwira la ofunsira malo, kapena malo okhala ndipo umboniwu ukuoneka woona
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The information raised must also meet one of the following requirements: It was not known to the applicant during the consideration of the previous application;
Umboni womwe wapezeka ukwaniritse zinthu zofunika zotsatirazi: Sidzimadziwika kwa ofunsira panthawi yomwe pempho lake lambuyo limaganiziridwa
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It was available to the applicant, but for plausible and compelling reasons, was not provided earlier. If the applicant has not exercised that right, they are not considered to be a person to whom the country has protection obligations and the application must be refused on the basis of section 36 (3) of the Act
Unalipo kwa wofunsira, koma pa zifukwa zomveka ndiponso zopatsa chidwi, sanaupeleke. Ngati wofunsira sanagwiritse ntchito ufulu wakewu, samatengedwa ngati munthu yemwe dzikolo likuyenera kumupatsa chitetezo ndipo wofunsira maloyu akanidwe potsatira gawo 36 (3) lamalamulo
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When undertaking an assessment of whether an applicant will have effective protection in a safe third country, decision-makers refer to the facts and circumstances of each application
Pochita kafukufuku woti ofunsira apatsidwe chitetezo mdziko lina, opanga ziganizo agwiritse ntchito umboni woona ndi mmene zinthu ziliri kumbali ya ofunsira malo
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Decisionmakers will consider information provided by the applicant, including visa and passport evidence, as well as take into account comprehensive up-to-date country information
Opanga ziganizo adzagwiritsa ntchito umboni womwe wapelekedwa ndi ofunsira kuphatikiza umboni wa zikalata ndi ziphaso, komanso kugwiritsa ntchito uthenga uliwonse wokhuza dziko lomwe akuchokera
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If a decision has been made to return a person to a safe third country, the applicant may have that decision reviewed in light of any new information or change in circumstance
Ngati chiganizo chapangidwa kuti munthuyo abwezedwe kudziko lina lopanda chiopsezo, wofunsira akhoza kupempha kuti ganizoli liwunikidwenso potengera umboni wina watsopano kapena kusintha kwa zinthu
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Persons who are found not to have engaged in the country’s protection obligations process may be returned to a country where they have a right of entry and long-term residence
Anthu omwe apezeka kuti sanagwiritse ntchito ndondomeko za chitetezo za dzikolo angathe kubwezedwa ku dziko komwe ali ndi ufulu wolowa komanso akhalako nthawi yayitali
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For those asylum-seekers who are subject to regional processing arrangements, processes are in place to ensure that transfers to a regional processing country are consistent with the country’s obligations, both in relation to the processing country and to countries where they may be subsequently sent
Kwa othawa kwawo omwe akuyenera kuthandizidwa kudzera mu ndondomeko za mayiko ena, payikidwe ndondomeko zoonetsetsa kuti nkhani yawo yapititsidwa ku dziko lomwe akathandizidwe motsatira malamulo a dziko limenelo, polingalira za dziko lomwe likuthandizalo komanso komwe angatumizidwe
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Asylum-seekers will not be expelled or returned to another country where their life or freedom would be threatened on account of their race, religion, nationality, membership of a particular social group or political opinion; or where there is a real risk that they will be subjected to torture, cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment, arbitrary deprivation of life or the imposition of the death penalty
Othawa dziko lakwawo sadzathamangitsidwa kapena kubwezedwa ku dziko lina komwe moyo wawo kapena maufulu awo akakhala pachiopsezo potengera mtundu, chipembezo, kobadwira, umembala wa magulu kapena maganizo awo pa ndale; kapena komwe kuli chiopsezo chenicheni kuti akakumana ndi kuzunzidwa, nkhanza, kunyazitsidwa kapena kulangidwa, kuphedwa mosalabira kapena kugamulidwa kuti akaphedwe
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That section requires officers of the Department to remove an unlawful non-citizen as soon as is reasonably practicable
Gawo limeneli limafuna ogwira ntchito ku nthambiyi athamangitse anthu onse omwe simzika zamdziko ndipo akukhala mopanda chilolezo mwachangu
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The Act does not define a period of time that is considered as soon as reasonably practicable, but officers must ensure that there are no unwarranted delays in progressing and effecting a removal
Lamuloli silinayike nthawi yomwe ili yachangu koma ogwira ntchito aonetsetse kuti palibe zochedwetsa zopandapake kupitilira ndi kuthamangitsa anthu
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Where a person’s claims have been fully assessed and the Government has determined that the person is not owed protection, a pre-removal clearance is conducted as a final measure prior to removal, if the person engages in particular risk factors
Pomwe madandaulo a munthu afufuzidwa mokwanira ndipo boma laona kuti munthuyo sakuyenera kupatsidwa chitetezo, adzachita dongosolo lovomereza ngati njira yotsikimizira asanamuchotse, ngati munthuyo akuchita zobweretsa chiopsezo
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It is designed to identify any changes in the person’s circumstances or in the country of return that may give rise to protection or humanitarian issues, and is independent of any other processes initiated by the person
Inapangidwa kuti izizindikira kusintha kulikonse pa zochitika pa munthu kapena ku dziko komwe akubwelera zomwe zingadzetse nkhani za chitetezo kapena kuzunzika kwa munthu ndipo sidalira ndondomeko zili zonse zoyambitsidwa ndi munthuyo
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In addition, at any stage a client can submit reasons why they cannot be removed from the country, which are assessed prior to removal
Moonjezera, munthu angathe kupeleka zifukwa panthawi ina iliyonse zoti asamuchotse mdziko, zomwe zimaunikidwa asachotsedwe
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There are no restrictions on the freedom of movement of those applicants who entered the country lawfully and maintain their lawful status
Palibe zoletsa pa ufulu oyenda kwa onse ofunsira chilolezo omwe analowa mdziko motsata malamulo komanso akukhala motsatira malamulo
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However, with undocumented arrivals or where entry has been denied and they have requested protection, applicants will be detained to conduct health, character and security checks
Komabe, ndikufika kwa anthu mozemba kapena pomwe akanizidwa kulowa mdziko ndipo apempha chitetezo, ofunsa chilolezo adzasungidwa mokakamizidwa mpaka atayezedwa umoyo wawo, makhalidwe awo komanso kufufuza mbiri yawo
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If these persons pose no risk to the national interest or the community, they will be allowed to live in the community while their applications for refugee status are being considered
Ngati anthu amenewa sakubweretsa chiopsezo mdziko kapena mmadera omwe akukhala, adzaloledwa kukhala mmaderawo kwinaku pempho lawo lowalola kukhala ngati mzika zothawa kwawo likuuniridwa
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There are also provisions in place to apply an accelerated procedure in cases where the asylum seeker is being held in a closed centre, is subject to a security measure or is detained in a penitentiary
Pali magawo ena olola kuti pempho liwunikiridwe mwachangu pamene ofunsira malo okhala akusungidwa kumalo aokhaokha, akusungidwa chifukwa ndondomeko zachitetezo cha mdziko kapena akusungidwa kundende
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A court session is normally organised in every appeal case. However, the Council has the possibility to treat an appeal merely on the basis of written documents
Bwalo lamilandu zimakhazikitsidwa pa mlandu wina uliwonse otsutsa chigamulo. Komabe oweruza ali kuthekera kowunikira kutsutsa kwa chigamulo pogwiritsa ntchito zikalata zokha
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Both the applicant and the deciding body nevertheless have the possibility to ask to be heard
Komabe opempha komanso opeleka chigamulo akhoza kupempha kuti mbali yawo imvedwe
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The appeal body then is obliged to organise a court session. Both parties – that is, the asylum-seeker and his or her representative are present at the hearing
Owunikira kutsutsa chigamulo ayenera kukonza bwalo la milandu. Mbali zonse ziwiri - ofunsira malo ndiponso womuyimilira apezeke panthawi yomva dandaulo
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The most pressing political challenge confronting President Joe Biden as he drifts uncontested toward renomination is that which he can do the least about: voters’ profound misgivings about his age and fitness to serve another full term
Vuto lalikulu pandale lomwe likumusautsa Joe Biden pamene akutsendera kukasankhidwa wopanda wopikisana naye ndi lomwe iye sangachitepo kanthu: kusakhutira kwa ovota ndi msinkhu wake komanso mphamvu mthupi mwake kuti alamule zaka zina
Yet what’s striking, and to his allies increasingly unnerving, is Biden’s unwillingness even to try to fully address questions about his capacity to run for reelection next year, when he’ll turn 82
Koma chopatsa chidwi, ndi chochititsa mantha kwa omwe akumutsatira, ndi kusafuna kwa Biden kuti ayankhe momveka mafunso okhuza kuthekera kwake kuyimanso pachisankho chaka cha mawa, pamene adzakwanitse zaka 82
Outside of testing a with-age-comes-wisdom riff in front of donors, the president has done little to confront perhaps the biggest threat to his reelection, let alone make any sustained effort to mitigate the concerns that dominate every survey and focus group
Pofuna kukwaniritsa mkuluwiko wakuti nzeru zimabwera ndi ukalamba pamaso pa magulu opeleka thandizo, mtsogoleri wa dzikoyu wachita zochepa kuthana ndi chiopsezo chachikulu pa kusankhidwa kwake kwachiwiri, koposaposa kuyesera kuti athetse nkhawa zomwe zikutuluka mu kafukufuku aliyense yemwe akuchitika komanso zokambirana za mmagulu
Biden has conducted little polling on how to reassure voters about his age, complains bitterly about his intra-party critics who raise the issue in public and is unwilling to consider hearing aids
Biden wachita kafukufuku wochepa wa mmene angatsimikizire ovota pa msinkhu wakw, amadandaula kwambiri za omudzudzula mchipani mwake omwe akutulutsa poyera nkhaniyi ndipo sakufuna kugwiritsa ntchito zipangizo zothandiza kumva
He can’t slow the march of time, of course, and nor can he fully defuse the issue. His own supporters and lawmakers are all but pleading with him to take the matter seriously, because simply saying “watch me,” as he often retorts when asked about his age, is precisely the problem: people are and it’s still the overriding issue troubling them the most about his candidacy
Sangayimitse kuyenda kwa nthawi, ndithu, ndipo sangayichepetse nkhaniyi. Omutsatira ake komanso opanga malamulo akumupempha kuti aganizire mozama zankhaniyi chifukwa kungonena kuti "ndiwoneni" ngati mmene amayankhira akafunsidwa za zaka zake, ndiye vutolo: anthu akuona kuti ili ndi vuto lalikulu lomwe likuwasautsa pa zakuyima kwake pachisankho
Only positive things could come from an open and competitive primary in the presidential election. It is a detriment to all of us if we are ignoring the concerns of the public around the president’s image
Ndi zokhazo zabwino zomwe zingabwere kuchokera mu mpikisano wa chisankho chachipulula cha mtsogoleri wa dziko. Ndi zobwezeretsa mbuyo kwa tonse ngati tisakulabadira nkhawa za anthu pa chithunzithunzi cha mtsogoleri wa dziko
Democrats, she said, should “get more people out there, what are we afraid of? It’s problematic that we’re ignoring it. It makes us look out of touch, it makes us look afraid.”
Iye anati ma Democrat akuyenera kumemeza anthu ambiri komwe aliko, akuopa chani? Ndi zovuta kuti sitikulabadira konse. Zikutipangitsa kuoneka kuti sitikudziwa chomwe tikuchita, zikutipangitsa kuoneka ngati tikuopa
Last month at the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee, many lawmakers watched livestreams of focus groups with voters in Nevada and Michigan
Mwezi watha pa msonkhano wakomiti ya Democratic Congressional, opanga malamulo ambiri anaonera mmakanema zokambirana zammagulu ndi ovota ku Nevada ndi Michigan
Nearly all of them responded to questions about Biden the same way voters do in every focus group: by bringing up his age
Pafupifupi onse anayankha mafunso okhuza Biden mofanana ndi mmene ovota amachitira pazokambirana za mmagulu; kutulutsa nkhani za zaka zake