8 values
17 values
Because the situation on the ground does not really show that people are looking to DPP for a solution to our situation. No, because the surveys around can show clearly that Malawians are not on Peter Mutharika and DPP, they are on somebody else
Chifukwa mmene ziliri mdziko muno palibe chisonyezo kuti anthu akuyang'ana ku DPP kuti apeze mayankho. Ayi, chifukwa kafukufuku akuonetsa poyera kuti mtima wa amalawi suli pa Peter Mutharika ndi DPP, maso awo ali pa wina
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People are saying leave the current government until 2025 when we will have the power to bring it back or to throw it out. So, it is only when we vote that a government can get out or can remain
Anthu akuyankhula kuti alisiye bomali mpaka mu 2025 pomwe tidzakhale ndi mphamvu zolibwezeretsa pampando kapena kulichotsa. Ndiye, ndi pokhapokha titakaponya mavoti pamene boma lingachoke kapena kukhala
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Malawi’s agricultural sector suffered severe devastation in March due to Cyclone Freddy — the country's fifth extreme weather event since 2016 — which claimed some 500 lives and displaced hundreds of thousands
Ntchito za ulimi mMalawi muno zinasokonekera mu mwezi wa March kamba ka namondwe wa Freddy - kusokonekera kwakukulu nyengo kwa chisanu kuchokera chaka cha 2016 - pomwe miyoyo zikwi zisanu inatayika ndipo ambiri zikwi zambiri anasowa pokhala
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The cyclone came at a time when Malawi was facing several other crises, including inflated food prices and the worst cholera epidemic in decades
Namondweyu anadza pamene dziko la Malawi limakumana ndi mavuto ena ochuluka kuphatikizirapo kukwera kwa mitengo yazakudya komanso nthenda ya kolera yomwe inafka pachimake kuposa zaka zonse m'mbuyomu
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Phiri said that, in the meantime, the Chakwera administration should work on fixing the country’s economic problems if it wants to win back people’s confidence
Phiri anati pakali pano boma la Chakwera ligwire ntchito yokonza mavuto a zachuma mdziko muno ngati akufuna kuti anthu ayambenso kulikhulupilira
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I stand here carrying the hopes and aspirations of many young people in this country. I feel the weight on my shoulders to deliver change and I will do the best I humanly cannot to betray the trust that the president has bestowed upon me to carry the flag on behalf of many equally deserving young people in this country
Ndayima pano, ndasenza chiyembekezo ndi zokhumba za ambiri achinyamata mdziko muno. Ndikumva kulemelera kwa ntchitoyi pamapewa anga kuti ndisinthe zinthu ndipo ndiyetsetsa kuposa paumunthu wanga kuti ndisataye chikhulupiliro chomwe mtsogoleri wa dziko wachiyika mwa ine kuti ndinyamule mbendera mmalo mwa achinyamata ambiri mdziko muno omwe alinso oyenera kusankhidwa
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In appointing me as his Minister of Finance and Economic Affairs, President Chakwera has demonstrated his resolve to include the youth as part of the long walk to this country’s economic and developmental emancipation
Pondisankha kukhala nduna yazachuma ndi chitukuko, mtsogoleri wa dziko Chakwera wasonyeza khama lake lofuna kuti achinyamata akhale nawo paulendo wautaliwu wodziumbala pa chuma cha dziko ndi chitukuko
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I most sincerely thank the president for his trust in me in particular, and the youth in this country in general
Ndithokoze koposa mtsogoleri wa dziko pondikhulupilira ine, komanso achinyamata onse mdziko muno
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I pledge to do my best to ensure that the agenda of the Tonse Alliance Government led by His Excellency the State President is fulfilled in totality sooner than later
Ndikulonjeza kuchita zothekera kuti mfundo za boma mu mgwirizano wa Tonse motsogozedwa ndi wolemekezeka mtsogoleri wa dziko lino zakwaniritsidwa kwathunthu munthawi yake
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Malawians deserve quality and efficient public service delivery. They deserve a conducive and enabling environment that guarantees wealth creation, job creation and food security
Amalawi ngoyenera kutumikiridwa ndi ntchito zaboma zapamwamba komanso zachangu. Ngoyenera kukhala ndi zonse zofunikira komanso zothandizira pogwira ntchito zokuza chuma, kupezetsa ntchito ena komanso kukhala odzidalira pachakudya
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The 2022/2023 financial plan, therefore, has been developed to continue fulfilling the campaign promises that this Administration made when it was ushered into Government
Ndondomeko zachuma mu chaka cha 2022 kufika 2023, yakonzedwa kuti ipitirile kukwaniritsa malonjezo omwe boma linapanga pamisonkhano yokopa anthu pamene malowa m'boma
Online sources
In accordance with the requirement of Section 21, Subsection 3, of the Public Finance Management Act of 2003, I stand here today before this August House to present the 2022/2023 financial plan
Potsatira ndondomeko za gawo 21, gawo laling'ono 3 la malamulo oyendetsera chuma cha dziko, ndayima pano, pambuyo pa nyumba ino yamalamulo kuti ndipeleke ndondomeko zachuma cha 2022 mpaka 2023
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The Plan contains a statement of the estimated tax revenues, grants and all other revenues as well as details of the Government's proposal on how the available resources will be utilized
Ndondomekoyi ili ndi kufotokozera pa misonkho yomwe tikuyembekezera, thandizo ndi ndalama zina zonse zolowa komanso tsatanetsatane wa mmene Boma likufuna kugwiritsa ntchito zinthuzi
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My Ministry consulted extensively with various stakeholders who made valuable contributions, some of which have been incorporated into this budget while others will form part of future budget processes to allow for further comprehensive analysis. This budget therefore reflects those aspirations and how they will be achieved
Unduna wanga wafunsa maganizo mokwanira kuchokera kwa anthu osiyanasiyana omwe anapeleka mfundo zapamwamba kwambiri, ndipo zina mwa izo zayikidwa mu ndondomeko yazachumayi pamene zina zidzagwiritsidwa ntchito pokonza ndondomeko zachuma mtsogolo muno popeleka mpata kuti ziwunikidwe mozama. Choncho ndondomeko yazachuma iyi ndi chithunzithunzi cha zokhumba zimenezo ndiponso mmene zokhumbazo zingakwaniritsidwe
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The total domestic revenues, tax revenues are projected at K1.044 trillion or 94.8 percent of total domestic revenue while other revenues are estimated to end the fiscal year at K56.9 billion representing 5.2 percent of total domestic revenues
Pa ndalama zonse zotolera mdziko muno, misonkho yotoleredwa yayikidwa pa MK1,044,000,000,000.00 kapena kuti MK94.80 pa MK100.00 iliyonse mwa ndalama zonse zotoleredwa mdziko muno pamene ndalama zina zotoleredwa kufika kumathero a ndondomeko zachuma mchakachi zayikidwa pa MK56,900,000,000.00 kapena kuti MK5.20 pa MK100.00 iliyonse mwa ndalama zonse zotoleredwa mdziko muno
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Honourable Members may wish to know that both tax and other revenues are expected to meet their approved targets
Wolemekezeka nonse, mufuna kudziwa kuti ndalama zamisonkho komanso zina zonse zotoleredwa zikuyembeza kufikira mulingo wake wovomerezedwa
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The increase in deficit was mainly on account of higher than planned salary adjustment and increased critical expenditure needs
Kukula kwa ndalama zopelewera kunadza kwakukulu kamba ka malipiro okwera kuposa omwe anakonzedwa pachiyambi komanso kuchuluka kwa ndalama zogwira ntchito mmagawo ofunikira kwambiri
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Government has made substantial progress in some of the projects that were budgeted for in the 2021/2022 financial year. Let me now highlight progress made during the year in some of the projects
Boma lakwanitsa kupititsa patsogolo ntchito zina zachitukuko zomwe zinayikidwa mu ndondomeko zachuma za 2021/2022. Mundilole tsopano ndifotokozere zomwe takwaniritsa mu chaka chimenechi mu zina mwa zitukuko
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In the health sector, progress has been made. Construction of Phalombe District hospital has been completed and currently placement of human resources is underway
Ku gawo la zaumoyo, kusintha kulipo. Kumanga chipatala chachikulu cha Phalombe kwatha ndipo padakali pono akulemba anthu ogwira ntchito
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Additionally, construction of superstructures at Mponela Community hospital has started while construction of Domasi Community hospital is continuing
Kuwonjezera apa, kumangidwa kwa makoma a chipatala chakumudzi ku Mponela kwayamba pamene kumanga chipatala chakumudzi cha Domasi kukupitilira
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Construction of 1,000 houses under the first phase is currently under way. Over 30 percent of the houses in this phase will be completed by end February, 2022
Kumanga nyumba 1000 mugawo loyamba kukuchitika. Kupitilira yanyumba makumi atatu pa makumi khumi zilizonse zikhala zitatha kumangidwa pofika kumapeto kwa February, 2022
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To secure the lives of fellow Malawians with albinism, Government has embarked on a project to construct houses for people with albinism
Poteteza miyoyo ya a Malawi anzanga omwe ali ndi khungu la chialbino, boma layamba ntchito yomanga nyumba za anthu achialbino
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In the first phase, Government has commenced the construction of 28 houses in 13 District Councils.
Mugawo loyamba, boma layamba kumanga nyumba 28 mu maboma 13
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Implementation progress of these houses are at different stages
Nyumba zimenezi zili mmagawo osiyanasiyana omangidwa
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Government is aware of the need to increase the reliability, security, efficiency and utilization of electricity in the country
Boma likudziwa kufunika kowonjezera kudalilika, chitetezo, phundi ndi kagwiritsidwe ntchito ka magetsi mdziko muno
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The road transport sector continues to be the predominant mode of transport in the country. The social economic benefits that good accessible roads bring are a catalyst for our accelerated development
Gawo lamayendedwe apanseu likupitilira kukhala njira yayikulu yodalilika pamayendedwe mdziko muno. Phindu pachuma komanso umoyo wa anthu lomwe misewu yabwino imabweretsa ndi chikoka chopititsa patsogolo chitukuko
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It is in this vein that Government prioritized investment in the maintenance and upgrading of the road network to fully support economic development and the general social welfare of our people
Pachifukwa ichi boma layika patsogolo chitukuko chofuka kukonza ndi kukuza misewu kuti ithandize ntchito zachuma ndi kutukula miyoyo ya anthu ake
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In rail sub-sector, progress of rehabilitation of Nkaya – Chipala railway line and Chipala – Mchinji border railway line is at 85 percent and 15 percent, respectively
Pankhani za njanji, kukonza njanji ya Nkaya-Chipala ndi Chipala-Mchinji kufika kulamire a dziko kukupitilira ndipo ili pa 85% ndi 15% iliyonse payokha
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Under a concession agreement, Government is also rehabilitating the 72-Kilometre railway section from Limbe to Sandama. The project is at 80 percent completion status
Ma mgwirizanowu, boma likukonzanso 72km ya njanji kuchokera ku Limbe kufika ku Sandama. Ntchitoyi ili pa 80% kuti ithe
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In addition to the rehabilitation of the railway lines I have mentioned, construction of a 170-metre bridge across the Ruo river at Osiyana in Nsanje is also continuing and currently progress is at 65 percent. This bridge will accommodate both vehicles and trains
Kuwonjezera pa ntchito zokonza njanji zomwe ndakamba, kumanga mlatho wa 70 meters kuwoloka mtsinje wa Ruo kwa Osiyana ku Nsanje kukupitilira ndipo pakadali pano ili pa 65% kuti ithe. Mlathowu pazidzadutsa galimoto komanso sitima zapamtunda
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Malawi is among the countries with a large proportion of a youthful population. To reap the benefits of the demographic dividend, the Government recognizes that it is important to empower youth and the need to remove all obstacles to ensure their full participation in the social-economic development of the country in line with the Malawi 2063, which is a youth-centric vision
Malawi ndi limodzi mwa mayiko omwe ali ndi achiyamata ochuluka. Kuti lipeze phindu kuchokera kwa achinyamatawa, boma likuzindikira kuti ndikofunika kupeleka mphamvu kwa achinyamata ndipo ndikoyenera kuchotsa zotchinga zonse kuti adzitenga mbali pa chitukuko cha chuma cha dziko lino mogwirizana ndi Malawi 2063, omwe ndi masomphenya otsamira pa achinyamata
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The Sub-Saharan Africa economy is expected to grow by 4.0 percent in 2021 and by 3.7 percent in 2022. This rebound follows a sharp slump in 2020 when growth was -1.7 percent
Chuma cha dera la Africa kunsi kwa Sahara chikuyembezeka kukwera ndi 4% mu 2021 ndipo 3.7% mu 2022. Kukweraku kukutsatira kugwa kwa chuma komwe kunalipo mu 2020 pamene chinakula ndi 1.7%
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The region rebound is a result of a sharp improvement in global trade and commodity prices. Favourable harvests have also helped in lifting agricultural production
Kukwera mu derali kwachitika chifukwa cha kukwera kwa malonda padziko lonse komanso kukwera kwa mitengo yakatundu. Zokolola zabwino zathandizanso kukweza ntchito zaulimi
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Honourable Members may wish to note that my Ministry is currently reviewing our domestic debt profiles with a view of restructuring debt towards longer maturity period
Olemekezeka mamembala, mufunanso kudziwa kuti unduna wanga ukuwunika ngongole zomwe tatenga mdziko momwe muno ndi cholinga chofuna kukonza ngongolezi kuti zikhale zoyamba kubweza nthawi yayitali
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In addition to debt restructuring, the Government will in the 2022/2023 fiscal year continue to exercise fiscal discipline, avoid debt creating policies, and reduce granting of extra budgetary financing at Treasury
Kuphatikizira pakuunikanso ngongole, boma mu chaka chachuma cha 2022/2023 lipitilira kutsatira ndondomeko zoteteza chuma, kupewa mfundo zowonjezera ngongole, ndi kuchepetsa kupeleka ndalama zomwe sizili ndi ndondomeko yachuma ndi nthambi yogawa chuma chaboma
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The Public Finance Management Act (2003) is also being reviewed to address gaps that have been observed in the current legal framework on issues of contracting public debt
Malamulo oyendetsera chuma cha dziko a 2003 akuunikidwanso kuti akonze zofooka zomwe zinaonedwa mmalamulo atsopano pa nkhani katengedwe ka ngongole zaboma
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High level of external debt is also a matter of concern for this Government and particular attention will be paid to make our external debt sustainable
Kukwera kwa ngongole zakunja ndi nkhano yodandaulitsa ku boma ili ndipo chidwi chachikulu chiyikidwa poonetsetsa kuti ngongole zakunja ndizokonzeka
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The initiative was aimed at supporting poor countries to overcome the intertwined health and economic effects of covid-19 pandemic
Cholinga cha ntchitoyi chinali kufuna kuthandiza mayiko osauka kuthana ndi mavuto ophathana a zaumoyo ndi zachuma chifukwa cha mliri wa Covid-19
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The country is emerging from the pandemic with worryingly low foreign reserve levels due to the rising external payment requirements, driven by a surge in global commodity prices
Dziko lino likuchoka pa mliriwu ndi nkhawa zakuchepa kwa ndalama zakunja chifukwa cha kukula kwa ndalama zoyenera kulipira kunja, zochitika makamaka chifukwa cha kukwera kwa mitengo ya zinthu pa dziko lapansi
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The increase in global commodity prices over the past few months is being driven by a sharp recovery in demand as economies bounce back from a Covid-19-induced slump
Kukwera kwa mitengo yazinthu padziko lapansi mu miyezi yochepa yapitayi kukuchitika chifukwa chakukulanso kofuna zinthu pamene chuma chammayiko chayamba kuyenda bwino pambuyo pakugwa chifukwa cha Covid-19
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Consequently, the Kwacha continued to lose its value and depreciated cumulatively by about 6.4 percent against the US dollar in 2021, reflecting excess demand for foreign exchange
Zotsatira zake ndi zakuti ndalama ya kwacha inapitilira kugwa ndipo inatsika mphamvu ndi 6.4% kuyeleka ndi ndalama yaku America mu 2021, kusonyeza kuti pali kufunika kwa ndalama zakunja kopitilira muyezo
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Government will continue to put in place policies and measures aimed at increasing export revenue generation in order to enhance availability of foreign exchange in the market, while re-building gross official reserves to the minimum requirement of three months of imports in the medium term
Boma lipitiriza kuyika mfundo ndi ndondomeko zowonjezera katundu wogulitsidwa kunja kwa dziko lino kuti ndalama zamayiko akunja zidzipezeka mmisika, kwinaku likusunga ndalama kufika pamulingo wovomerezeka wa ndalama zogulira katundu kunja kwa miyezi itatu
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To achieve this, Government is committed to implement the National Export Strategy II as we continue supporting the Export Development Fund as a vehicle for promoting exports
Kuti likwaniritse izi, boma ladzipeleka kugwira ntchito za mundondomeko ya National Export yachiwiri pamene tikupitilira kuthandiza nthambi ya Export Development ngati chida chokuzira katundu wogulitsa kunja
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To enhance the quality of life in rural communities and to recognize rural standards of living as a key indicator of success of government policies
Potukula miyoyo ya anthu mmadera akumidzi komanso kuzindikira kuti mmene ikuyendera miyoyo ya anthu kumidzi ndi mulingo wakupambana kwa mfundo za boma
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All persons and peoples have a right to development and therefore to the enjoyment of economic, social, cultural and political development ….The state shall take measures to introduce reforms aimed at eradicating social injustices and inequalities
Anthu onse ali ndi ufulu kulandira chitukuko ndipo akuyenera kudyelera kutukuka pachuma, chikhalidwe komanso pandale…..Boma lidzayika ndondomeko ndikubweretsa mfundo zofuna kuthetsa zoyipa pakati pa anthu komanso kusiyana
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Such instability has made it difficult for the continent to form an influential bloc, despite estimates that it collectively represents the fifth-largest global economy
Kusakhadzikikaku kwachititsa kuti kukhale kovuta mayiko mderali kukhadzikitsa mgwirizano wothandiza, ngakhale kafukufuku akuonetsa kuti pamodzi mayikowa akuyimira dziko lachisanu lolemera kwambiri padziko lonse
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Canada has reckoned with this history in the past through a commission in 1985, which was tasked with investigating allegations that Canada had become a haven for Nazi war criminals
Canada inasinkhasinkha za mbiri imeneyi mmbuyomu kudzera mu bungwe la 1985, lomwe linapatsidwa ntchito yofufudza milandu yoti Canada inasanduka kobisala zigawenga zankhondo za Nazi
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A report released by the commission the following year concluded that there is no evidence tying Ukrainians who fought with Nazi Germany to specific war crimes
Lipoti lomwe bungwe lofufudza linatulutsa chaka chotsatiracho linanena kuti panalibe umboni woti nzika zaku Ukraine zomwe zinamenya nkhondo ndi ma Nazi aku Germany zinali ndi milandu yakunkhondo
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Unlike other parts of the world, Latin America is free of war. Yet it is a region plagued by inequality, crime, corruption, drug trafficking and social upheaval. Political stability and strong democratic institutions are more the exception than the rule
Kusiyana ndi mbali zina pa dziko lapansi, ku Latin America kulibe nkhondo. Komabe ndi chigawo chimene kuli kusiyana pakati pa anthu, umbanda, katangale, kugulitsa mankhwala ozunguza bongo komanso zionetsero zambiri. Kukhazikika pandale ndiponso nthambi zolimbikitsa ufulu wa anthu zamphamvu zilipo kuposa kutsatira malamulowo
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South America, in particular, never seems to stop moving from one extreme to the other, shifting from the political left to the right and back again, without addressing the social and economic demands responsible for moving the pendulum
Makamaka kummwera kwa America sikunasiye kutengeka pandale, akungosinthasintha ndale zawo, popanda kukonza mavuto a anthu komanso a zachuma omwe akupangitsa kuti ndale zisakhazikike
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During WWII, millions of Ukrainians served in the Soviet Red Army, but thousands of others fought on the German side under the Galicia Division.
Nthawi ya nkhondo yachiwiri ya dziko lonse lapansi, mazanamazana a mzika za ku Ukraine zinamenya pamodzi ndi ankhondo a Soviet Red, koma zikwizikwi za ena zinamenya nkhondo ku mbali ya Germany pansi pa gulu la Galacia
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Those who fought with Germany believed it would grant them an independent state free from Soviet rule. At the time, Ukrainians resented the Soviets for their role in the Great Ukrainian Famine of 1932-33
Omwe anamenya mbali ya Germany ankakhulupilira kuti adzapatsidwa ufulu wodzilamulira okha kuchoka ku ulamuliro wa Soviet. Panthawi imemeyi, mzika za ku Ukraine zinkadana ndi mzika za ku Soviet chifukwa chakutengapo gawo pa njala yayikulu yaku Ukraine mzaka za 1932 mpaka 1933
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Several monuments dedicated to Ukrainian WWII veterans who served in the Galicia Division exist across the country
Zikumbutso zambiri zokumbukira omwe anamenya nkhondo yadziko lonse lapansi yachiwiri ndipo anagwira ntchito mu gulu la Galacia zilipobe mmadera onse a dzikolo
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Jewish groups have long denounced these dedications, arguing soldiers in the Galicia Division swore allegiance to Adolf Hitler, and were either complicit in Nazi Germany's crimes or had committed crimes themselves
Magulu a ayuda akhala akudzudzula zikumbutsozi, kunena kuti asirikali ambiri mugulu la Galacia analumbira kutumikira Adolf Hitler ndipo anawonelela zaupandu zomwe Germany inachita kapena anachita zauanduzo paokha
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But for some Ukrainians, these veterans are viewed as freedom fighters, who only fought alongside the Nazis to resist the Soviets in their quest for an independent Ukraine
Kwa mzika zina zaku Ukraine, akaswiri awa amatengedwa kuti ndi omenyera ufulu, omwe anamenya nkhondo pamodzi ndi ma Nazi, kuphelela ankhondo a Soviet pamene anali kufuna Ukraine wodzilamulira yekha
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During the same meeting in Sochi, Mr Putin said the plane crash that killed Wagner Group leader Yevgeny Prigozhin in August was not caused by "outside interference" such as a missile attack
Pamsonkhano womwewo ku Sochi, Mr Putin ananena kuti kugwa kwa ndege yomwe inapha mtsogoleri wa gulu la Wagner a Yevgeny Prigozhin mu August sinachitike chifukwa cha zinthu zina zakunja monga bomba
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He said the mercenary chief and others who died in the crash had been found to have "hand grenade fragments" in their bodies, adding: "The head of the Investigations Committee reported this to me just the other day
Iye anayankhula kuti mkulu wa ankhondo ochita zantopolayu ndi ena omwe anafa pakugwa kwandegeyi anapezeka ali ndi mabomba oponya ndi manja mmatupi mwawo, poonjezera kuti: "Mkulu wa komiti yofufuza anapeleka lipoti imeneyi kwa ine masiku apitawa"
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And in recent months the US has sent state of the art equipment to Kyiv - including long-range missiles and Abrams tanks. It comes as Kyiv's forces continue to launch a slow moving counter-offensive in the south of the country
Ndipo pa miyezi yadutsayi, US yatumiza zipangizo zamakono ku Kyiv- kuphatikizirapo mabomba owuluka mtunda wautali ndi akasinja amtundu wa Abrams. Izi zikudza pamene ankhondo ku Kyiv akupitiriza kumenya nkhondo yobwezera mwachifatse kummwera kwa dzikolo
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But Saturday's temporary budget agreement - which will fund the US federal government for 45 days - stripped out continued military funding for the time being
Koma pangano landondomeko za chuma la Lowerukali - lomwe lipeleke ndalama zogwilira ntchito ku boma la US kwa masiku 45 - linachotsa ndalama zopita kunkhondo moyembekezera
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Senior Senate leaders from both parties released a joint statement signalling their intention to "ensure the US government continues to provide" support to Ukraine in the coming weeks
Koma pangano landondomeko za chuma la Lowerukali - lomwe lipeleke ndalama zogwilira ntchito ku boma la US kwa masiku 45 - linachotsa ndalama zopita kunkhondo moyembekezera
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President Joe Biden has vowed continued US support for Ukraine, after further military funding was excluded from a last-minute congressional budget deal.
Mtsogoleri wa dziko Joe Biden wanenetsa kuti US ipitiriza kuthandiza Ukraine, pomwe ndalama zopita ku nkhondo zachotsedwa mumphindi zomaliza za pangano la chuma ndi Congress
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The temporary measure, pushed through to avert a government shutdown, did not include $6bn in military aid for Kyiv - a top White House priority
Pangano longoyembekezerali, lochitidwa mokakamiza kuopa kutseka ntchito zaboma, silinayike $6,000,000,000 yathandizo lankhondo ku Kyiv - yomwe ndi mfundo yofunikira kwambiri ku White House
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Hardline Republicans oppose further military aid, with many openly opposing Mr Biden's approach to the war. But on Sunday Mr Biden said Ukraine could "count on" US support
Ma Republican enieni akutsutsa thandizo lina lankhondo, pemene ambiri akutsutsa mmene Mr Biden akuchitira pankhodoyi. Koma Lamulungu Mr Biden ananena kuti Ukraine idalire pathandizo la US
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Diplomats said it was hoping to regain some international credibility after being accused of widespread rights abuses in Ukraine and inside its own borders
Diplomats ananena kuti zinali zopats chilimbikitso kuti mayiko adzikhulupiranso dzikoli pambuyo polidzudzula kuti limaphwanya ufulu wa anthu ku Ukraine ndi mdziko mwake momwe
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Russia had claimed it would win the votes of many member states - particularly developing nations - in the secret ballot, suggesting they privately sympathised with Moscow but avoided doing so in public to avoid angering Western states
Russia inanena kuti ipeza mavoti kuchokera ku mayiko ambiri-makamaka mayiko omwe akukwera kumene-pachisankho chachinsinsi, kubweretsa maganizo akuti ankayikira kumbuyo Moscow mwanchinsinsi koma ankapewa kupanga izi poyera kuopa kudana ndi mayiko a kuzambwe
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Russia is said to have campaigned aggressively, offering small countries grain and arms in return for their votes
Russia ikuganiziridwa kuti inakopa mwakhama mayikowa, popeleka kumayiko ang'onoang'ono zakudya ndi zida pofuna mavoti awo
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Moscow's ambassador to the UN, Vassily Nebenzia, accused the US of leading a campaign to stop them from returning to the council
Kazembe wa Moscow ku UN, Vassily Nebenzia, anadzudzula dziko la US chifukwa chotsogolera kukopa mayiko kuti asiye kubwelera ku nthambiyi
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The state was suspended from the human rights council in April 2022 with 93 members of the UN general assembly voting in favour, 24 against and 58 abstaining
Dzikoli linayimitsidwa mu komiti yoona za ufulu mu April 2022 pamene mamembala 93 amu msonkhano waukulu wa UN anaponya voti mogwirizana nazo, 24 kutsutsana nazo ndi 58 sanaponye voti
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The state was expelled from the top human rights body last April after its forces invaded Ukraine. It had hoped getting a fresh three-year term would highlight divisions between UN member states over whether or not to keep supporting Ukraine
Bomali linatulutsidwa mu nthambi yayikulu yoona za ufuluyi mu April 2022 pambuyo pakuti ankhondo ake anakathira nkhondo ku Ukraine. Linkaganiza kuti kupeza mwayi watsopano wa zaka zitatu zikanaonetsa poyera kugawikana komwe kunalipo pakati pa mayiko omwe ndi mamembala a UN pankhani yoti apitilire kuthandiza Ukraine kapena ayi
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But Bulgaria and Albania won the two seats allocated for Eastern European countries instead. The vote came days after a Russian missile attack that killed 52 people in the north-eastern Ukrainian village of Hroza.
Koma Bulgaria ndi Albania inapeza mipando iwiri yomwe inapatsidwa kumayiko aku chigawo chakummawa kwa Europe. Chisankhochi chinachitika patadutsa masiku bomba lochoka lu Russia litapha anthu 52 kuchigawo chaku mpoto kwa mudzi wa Hroza ku Ukraine
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Russia received 83 votes in favour from the UN's 193 general assembly members, while Bulgaria got 160 and Albania got 123. Earlier, Albania's ambassador Ferit Hoxha had said it was important for member states to show it was not ready to "take an arsonist for a firefighter’
Russia inalandira mavoti 83 oyikomera kuchokera ku mayiko 193, pamene Bulgaria inapeza 160 ndipo Albania inapeza 123. Poyambilira, kazembe wa Albania Ferit Hoxha anali anayankhula kuti kunali kofunika kuti mayiko awonetse kuti sanali okonzeka "kutenga woyatsa moto ngati wothimitsa moto"
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Russia had promised to find "adequate solutions for human rights issues" and said it wanted to stop the body becoming an "instrument which serves political wills of one group of countries"
Russia inalonjeza kuti ipeza "mayankho okwanira pa nkhani za maufulu a anthu" ndipo inanena kuti imafuna kuyimitsa bungweli kusanduka "chida chomwe chikutumikira zofuna za a ndale kuchokera kugulu limodzi lamayiko"
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The engagement seeks to contribute towards developing the 2025 agenda for women with the aim of getting them organised in readiness for the next general elections
Zokambiranazi zikufuna kuthandiza kupeza mitu ikuluikulu ya 2025 yokhuza amayi, ndi cholinga chowakonzekeretsa podikira chisankho cha dziko chikubwerachi
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Participants at the meeting are dissecting some of their major impediments to political participation that manifest in the form of political, cultural and economic factor
Otenga mbali pamsonkhanowu akuphwasula zina mwa zowalepheretsa kutenga nawo mbali pa ndale zomwe zimaonekera mu njira ngati ndale, chikhalidwe komanso nkhani zachuma
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Finally, several Participating States have undertaken special measures in recent years to reduce the number of pending cases
Pomaliza, mayiko ambiri otenga mbali ayika njira zapadera muzaka zaposachedwazi kuchepetsa kuchuluka kwa nkhani zomwe sidzinathe
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Among others, participants have observed that the projects have inculcated an understanding of the basic principles of democracy which has led to inter and intra party tolerance, policy advocacy and helped build confidence among women and youth in political participation
Mwa zina, nthumwi zaona kuti ntchitozi zabweretsa kuzindikira pa mfundo za ulamuliro wokomera anthu onse zomwe zadzetsa kulolerana pakati pa zipani komanso mkati mwa zipani, kumenyera kusintha mfundo ndi malamulo ndikuthandiza kubwezeretsa chikhulupiliro mwa azimayi ndi achinyamata kutenga mbali pa ndale
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The meetings are part of a series of meetings with party leaders that are intended to lobby with them for their buy-in into the idea of establishing a Platform for Dialogue for Party Leaders
Misonkhanoyi ndi mbali ya misonkhano yambiri ndi atsogoleri a zipani yomwe cholinga chake ndikumemeza kuti ayikire kumbuyo ganizo lofuna kukhadzikitsa bwalo lazokambirana la atsogoleri a zipani
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Once established, the Platform for Dialogue for Party Leaders will provide a platform for them to engage in a constructive way to ensure that they are rallying the country towards a shared development vision
Likakhadzikitsidwa, bwalo lazokambirana la atsogoleri a zipanili lipeleka mwayi kuti adzikambirana zakupsa pofuna kuonetsetsa kuti akukopa dziko kuti likhale ndi masomphenya ovomerezeka a chitukuko
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After going through back to back elections in 2019 and 2020, political parties under their umbrella secretariat of the Centre for Multiparty Democracy sat down do to some soul searching
Pambuyo podutsa mu zisankho zotsatizana mu 2019 ndi 2020, zipani zandale pansi pa mlembi wa zipani, Centre for Multiparty Democracy, anakhala panzi kuti adzifunse paokha mmene zinayendera
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To some parties, it was about finding ways of consolidating their gains while to others it was an opportunity to revisit the past to see what went wrong so as to right the future. The sessions, surely, were so loaded and encompassing
Kwa zipani zina, inali njira yoyika pamodzi zabwino zomwe apeza pamene kwa ena unali mwayi woti abwelere mbuyo ndikuona zomwe zinalakwika ndicholinga chokonza za mtsogolo. Misonkhanoyi, ndithu, inali yothandiza komanso yokhuza magawo ambiri
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However, the common denominator was to ensure that democracy continues to thrive through the nurturing of resilient political blocks
Komabe, mfundo yayikulu inali yofuna kuonetsetsa kuti ulamuliro wokomera anthu onse ukupitilira kukhadzikika kudzera mukukometsa zochitika mzipani
Online sources
The meetings brought together district governors, directors of women, and directors of youth from 17 districts of the country to interface with the respective senior members of their political parties who are also members of the board of CMD
Misonkhanoyi inabweretsa pamodzi atsogoleri a mmaboma, atsogoleri a amayi, atsogoleri a achinyamata kuchokera mmaboma 17 a mdziko muno kuti akambirane maso ndi maso ndi akuluakulu azipani zawo zandale omwenso ndi mamembala a bungwe la CMD
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The reflection sessions also dubbed Post-election healing sessions were conducted in Mzuzu, targeting northern region districts, in Lilongwe, targeting central region districts, and in Blantyre targeting southern region districts
Misonkhano yolingalira yi yomwenso inatchulidwa kuti kuchira pambuyo pachisankho inachitikira ku Mzuzu kutsatira maboma a chigawo chakumpoto, ku Lilongwe kutsatira maboma a chigawo chapakati komanso ku Blantyre kutsatira maboma a chigawo chakummwera
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Political parties which included AFORD, DPP, MCP, PP, UDF, and UTM embraced this opportunity to seriously reflect on their strength and weaknesses during the past elections
Zipani zandale zomwe zinali AFORD, DPP, MCP, PP, UDF ndi UTM zinalandira mwayi umenewu kuti zilingalire za mphamvu ndi kufooka kwawo mu zisankho zambuyo
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They also engaged themselves in attempts to figure out lessons that they have learned and actions for successful performance in future elections
Anafunsananso okhaokha poyesera kupeza maphunziro omwe aphunzira ndi zomwe angachite kuti adzapambane pazisankho zamtsogolo
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During these sessions, views and experiences from the district governors/chairpersons, directors of women, and directors of youth were shared with members of Executive committees
Pa misonkhano imeneyi, apampando a mmaboma, apampando a amayi ndi apampando a achinyamata anagawana maganizo komanso zomwe akhala akuona ndi mamembala a komiti yayikulu
Online sources
When completed the guidelines will help give guidance on how best youth wings can be run so that they are productive and instrumental to the realization of shared vision of the main parties
Akamaliza, ndondomekozi zidzathandiza kuwongolera mmene angayendetsere nthambi za achinyamata ndi cholinga chakuti adzikhala opindulitsa ndi othandiza pokwaniritsa masomphenya a zipani zikuluzikulu
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Until the Supreme Court delivered its judgment, the Commission believed that it had a legal duty to establish when the election should have been held and placed 2nd July, 2020 as date for Fresh Presidential Elections
Kufika pomwe bwalo lalikulu la milandu linapeleka chigamulo chake, bungweli linkakhulupilira kuti linali ndi udindo pa malamulo kukhadzikitsa nthawi yomwe chisankho chidzachitike ndipo anasankha pa 2 July 2020 ngati tsiku la chisankho chatsopano cha mtsogoleri wa dziko
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After the delivery of judgment by the Supreme Court, it was settled that the National Assembly had the mandate to set the date for the Fresh Presidential Elections. The National Assembly, therefore set 23rd June, 2020 as date for the holding of Fresh Presidential Election
Bwalo lalikulu la milandu litapeleka chigamulo, zinakhazikitsidwa kuti nyumba ya malamulo inali ndi mphamvu zokhadzikitsa tsiku la chisankho chatsopano cha mtsgoleri wa dziko. Nyumba ya malamulo, choncho inakhadzikitsa 23 June 2020 ngati tsiku lodzachita chisankho chatsopano cha mtsogoleri wa dziko
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This report highlights all activities implemented during the Fresh Presidential Election including preparatory activities encompassing measures taken by the Commission to satisfy orders pronounced in the courts judgments. The last part of the report offers recommendations on the conduct of future elections
Lipoti ili likuonetsa ntchito zonse zomwe zinagwiridwa panthawi ya chisankho chatsopano cha mtsogoleri wa dziko kuphatikiza ntchito zokonzekera, ndinso ndondomeko zotsatidwa ndi bungweli kuti akwaniritse zigamulo za bwalo la milandu. Kumapeto kwake kuli malangizo a mmene zisankho zamtsogolo zingadzayendere
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Elections are a primary tool for increasing awareness and participation in political processes. The Fresh Presidential Elections recorded a 64% voter turnout and 1.26% of null and void votes
Chisankho ndi chida chokhacho chachikulu chowonjezera kudziwitsa anthu ndi kutenga mbali pa zochitika za ndale. Chisankho chatsopano cha mtsogoleri wa dziko chinali ndi anthu 64 pa 100 aliwonse omwe anabwera kudzaponya voti komanso 1.26% ya mavoti osavomerezeka
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That party monitors should be referred to as party representatives as provided in the Parliamentay and Presidential Elections Act (PPEA)
Oyimilira zipani za zisankho adzidziwika kuti oyimira zipani monga momwe malamulo oyendetsera zisankho za nyumba ya malamulo ndi mtsogoleri wa dziko akunenera
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That the Commission cannot delegate its quasi-judicial authority. It is the duty of the Commission to determine electoral complaints and petitions. That alterations made on electoral forms are unlawful and as such an irregularity
Kuti bungweli silingapeleke kwa ena mphamvu zake pa malamulo. Ndi udindo wa bungweli kugamula pa madandaulo ndi mapempho okuza zisankho. Kuti kusintha komwe kwachitika pa zikalata za zisankho kunali kosavomerezeka pa malamulo ndipo izi zinali zolakwika
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All Records must be preserved and kept and transferred to the Commission for purposes of determination of results. The Commission must determine all complaints and must present a summary of complaints received and how they have been resolved
Zikalata zonse zikuyenera kutetezedwa, kusungidwa komanso kupititsidwa ku bungweli kuti akadzigiwiritse ntchito kuona zotsatira. Bungweli likuyenera kuyankha madandaulo onse ndikulengeza mwachidule madandaulo onse omwe alandiridwa ndipo mmene athanirana nawo
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Determination of results must be from records received from all polling stations and districts. All forms must conform with the Regulations. Determination of winner to be based on 50% + One Vote
Kupeza zotsatira kuyenera kutsatire zonse zomwe alandira kuchokera mmalo oponyera mavoti komanso mmaboma onse. Zikalata zonse zitsatire malamulo. Kupeza wopambana kutsamire pa voti ya 50+1
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The Malawi Electoral Commission always strives towards attaining its vision to be a highly professional Electoral Management Body that delivers credible elections in Malawi
Bungwe la chisankho la Malawi Electral nthawi zonse limayetsetsa kukwaniritsa masomphenya ake ofuna kukhala akatakwe oyendetsa chisankho omwe amachititsa zisankho chovomerezeka
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The Commission also appointed constituency election coordinators for each constituency to support the Commission in implementing logistics in the constituency including distribution and retrieval of election materials in polling stations
Bungweli linasankhanso oyendetsa chisankho mmadera kuti athandizire bungweli kukwaniritsa ntchito zonse kuderako kuphatikizirapo kugawa ndi kutolera zipangizo zonse kuchokera mmalo oponyera voti
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There were uncertainties surrounding the date for the polling. Initially the Commission was working towards 2nd July 2020, however, eventually Parliament through a resolution set 23rd June 2020 as the date of polling
Panali kukayikira pa zatsiku loponyera voti. Poyambilira bungweli limagwira ntchito kukonzekera pa 2 July 2020 koma nyumba ya malamulo kudzera mu chigamulo anayika 23 June 2020 ngati tsiku lachisankho
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Subsequently, on the 11th of June 2020 the Commission met and resolved to gazette the 23rd June 2020 as the Polling Date in compliance with the resolution by Parliament. The Commission, therefore, adjusted its calendar accordingly
Potsatira izi, pa 11 June 2020 bungweli linakumana ndi kugwirizana kuti akhadzikitse pa mlozo wawo 23 June 2020 ngati tsiku lachisankho pokwaniritsa chigamulo cha nyumba yamalamulo. Choncho bungweli linasintha mlozo wake moyenera
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During the second phase of the registration, planned for the mandatory 14 days before the Supreme Court provided direction on the voters for the FPE, the Police pulled out the security provision function as they had indicated to have had their focus on covid-19 enforcement
Mu gawo lachiwiri lakalembera wachisankho, wokonzedwa kuti achitike masiku khumi ndi anayi oyikika bwalo lalikulu la milandu lisanapeleke chitsogozo pa za chisankho chatsopano cha mtsogoleri wa dziko, nthambi yachitetezo chamdziko inachotsa ntchito yawo ya chitetezo pakuti ananena kuti anatangwanika ndi kulimbikitsa malamulo a Covid-19
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