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The incident in September comes just under two months after a similar outbreak of violence between rival party followers in the capital, Monrovia, which reportedly resulted in numerous injuries and widespread condemnation from both the international community in Liberia and concerned citizens
Zomwe zinachitika mu Sepitembala zukudza pasanathe miyezi iwiri pamene zipolowe zotero zinabukanso pakati pa otsatira zipani ziwiri zosamvana mumzinda wa Monrovia, zomwe zinapangitsa anthu ambiri kuvulala ndipo izi zinadzudzulidwa ndi mzika zambiri mdziko la Liberia ndi anthu amayiko ena akunja
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All incidents of election-related violence must be fully and independently investigated and those found responsible held to account without undue delay
Mchitidwe wonse wa zipolowe wokhuza zisankho ufufuzidwe mwapadera ndipo onse okhuzidwa azengedwe milandu mwachangu
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Journalists were shown where inmates had built a swimming pool and several restaurants inside the prison walls in recent years
Atolankhani anaonetsedwa pomwe akaidi anamanga malo osambirapo (swimming pool) ndiponso malo odyera alendo ambirimbiri mkati nmwa ndendemo muzaka zangopitazi
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Officials released images after the raid of weapons seized from inmates, including automatic rifles, machine guns, and thousands of rounds of ammunition
Ogwira ntchito anatulutsa zinthunzi za zida zomwe zinalandidwa kwa akaidi mundendemo, kuphatikizirapo mfuti zikukuzikulu ndi zipolopolo mazanamazana
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Thousands of inmates were transferred to other prisons after the operation. However, relatives of inmates dispute these claims, saying they haven’t spoken to their relatives since the morning of the operation
Akaidi mazanamazana anasamutsidwa kupita kundende zina pambuyo pakulanda zida. Koma abale a akaidi atsutsa ndi izi, ndipo akuti sanapatsidwe mwayi woyankhula ndi abale awo kuyambira mmawa wa tsiku lolanda zidawo
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I haven’t heard anything since this whole thing started on Wednesday. I came yesterday and today, and nobody says anything
Sindinamve kalikonse kuyambira pomwe izi zinayamba lachitatu. Ndabwera dzulo ndi lero koma palibe akunena kanthu
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While it is not uncommon for gangs to run prisons, the penitentiary was notorious inside the country, and in recent years had become a symbol of the government’s inability to regain control
Ngakhale zili zosadabwitsa kuti magulu aupandu adziyendetsa ndende, ndendeyi inali yodziwika ndi mbiri zonyansa kwambiri mdzikomu ndipo muzaka zaposachedwapa inali ngati umboni wolephera Boma kulanda mphamvu zoyendetsera ndendeyi
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Staff are visiting pupils' homes, shortening days and running a food bank to help get children back to lessons at one school. Figures say one in six secondary pupils in Wales is now persistently absent
Pa sukulu ina, ogwira ntchito akuyendera makomo a ophunzira, kuchepetsa nthawi yophunzilira komanso kukhala ndi nkhonkwe yazakudya ndicholinga chothandiza ana kuti ayambenso kuphunzira . Chiwerengero chikuonetsa imodzi mwa sukulu za sekondale zisanu ndi imodzi mumzinda wa Wales palibe ana ophunzira
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Some call attendance rates a "national crisis" and the Welsh government has set up a group to examine why children are missing school.
Ena afotokoza kuti chiwerengero cha ana mmasukulu nchokhumudwitsa ndipo boma la Wales lakhazikitsa gulu loti lifufuze zifukwa chomwe ana sakupita kusukulu
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Rhyl High School deputy head teacher believes there has been an increase in mental health problems. She said attendance at the school in the school was 6% down from four years ago
Wachiwiri kwa mphunzitsi wamkulu wa sukulu ya sekondale ya Rhyl akukhulupilira kuti matenda a ubongo akuchuluka. Iye wati chiweregero chatsika ndi ana pa 100 aliwonse kuyerekeza ndi zaka zisanu ndi chimodzi zapitazi
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A lot of adjustments are needed for some children who are struggling with sleep routines, anxiety, perhaps needing to come in a bit later when they're not involved in the crowds
Kusintha kochuluka kuyenera kuchitika kuti ana omwe ali ndi vuto losowa tulo kapena nkhawa adzibwera paokha pamene kulibe anthu ambiri
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Malawi adopted a new constitution on 6 July 1966, in which the country was declared a republic
Dziko la Malawi linavomereza malamulo ake akulu (constitution) pa 6 July 1966, pamene dziko linalandira ufulu
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Banda was elected the country's first president for a five-year term; he was the only candidate. The new document granted Banda wide executive and legislative powers, and also formally made the MCP the only legal party
Banda anasinkhidwa kukhala mtsogoleri woyamba wa dziko lino kwa zaka zisanu, iye analipo yekha pachisankhochi. Chikalata chatsopanochi chinapeleka mphamvu zochuluka kwa Banda pamalamulo komanso kuyendetsa boma, ndipo chikhazikitsa chipani cha Malawi Congress kukhala chipani chokhako chovomerezeka
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However, the country had already been a de facto one-party state since independence. The new constitution effectively turned Banda's presidency into a legal dictatorship
Ngakhale zinali choncho, dziko lono linali likutsatira kale chipani chimodzi chomwecho kuchokera pomwe tinalandira ufulu wodzilamulira wokha. Malamulo atsopanowa anapeleka mphamvu zoposa pa utsogoleri wa Banda kukhala wankhanza zovomerezeka
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In 1970, a congress of the MCP declared Banda its president for life. In 1971, the legislature declared Banda President for Life of Malawi as well
Mchaka cha 1970, msonkhano wa atsogoleri a chipani cha MCP unavomereza kuti Banda akhale mtsogoleri wa wawo wamuyaya. Mchaka cha 1071, nyumba yamalamulo inalengeza kuti .Bbanda ndi mtsogoleri wamuyaya wa dziko la Malawi
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Banda was mostly viewed externally as a benign, albeit eccentric, leader, an image fostered by his English-style three-piece suits, matching handkerchiefs, walking stick and fly-whisk
Banda amaganiziridwa kuti anali wachikondi, koma wosazolowereka, wautsogoleri wachibadwa, womwe unkaonekera kudzera muzovala zake, mipango yopukutira thukuta komanso ndodo yake yoyendera ndi litchowa
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In June 1967, he was awarded an honorary doctorate by the University of Massachusetts with the encomium " ... pediatrician to his infant nation".
Mwezi wa June 1976, anapatsidwa satifiketi ya ulemu ya ukachenjede ndi sukulu yaukachenjede ya Massachusetts ndi mau akuti "dotolo wa dziko lake lomwe langobadwa kumene"
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Banda himself bluntly summed up his approach to ruling the country by saying, "Everything is my business. Everything. Anything I say is law...literally law. Within Malawi, views on him ranged from cult-like devotion to fear
Banda anayankhula modzitamandira padzautsogoleri wake ponena kuti "chilichonse ndi changa, zonse zomwe ndingayankhule ndi lamulo. Mmalawi muno, ena ankamukonda momupembedza pamene ena ankachita naye mantha
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Angered, Banda promptly "dissolved cabinet" and announced that parliament would meet immediately. At the end of that sitting of parliament, everyone in the chambers was effectively stripped of their political status
Popsa mtima, Banda anachotsa nduna zake ndipo anapengeza kuti nyumba yamalamulo ikumana mwadzidzidzi. Pakutha pa zokambirana kunyumba yamalamulo, onse anali mnyumbayi anachotsedwa maudindo kuchipani
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The three men were then rounded up at the Zomba Parliament buildings for questioning. Chiwanga happened on them being tortured in a back room and had to be silenced too
Azibambo atatuwo anagwidwa ali kunyumba yamalamulo ku Zomba kuti akafunsidwe mafunso. Chawinga anapezelela anthuwa akuzunzidwa mchipinda china ndipo nayenso anayenera kumutseka pakamwa
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Later, it was found out they had been killed by having tent pins hammered into their heads. Banda ordered a night burial and mandated that the caskets not be opened for a last viewing
Pambuyo pake, zinaululika kuti anthuwa anaphedwa pokhomedwa zitsulo khumi mmitu mwawo. Banda analamula kuti mitembo yawo ilowe mmanda usiku ndipo asatsekule mabokosi kuti achibale asaloledwe kuona nkhope
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While many southern African nations traded with apartheid-era South Africa out of economic necessity, Malawi was the only African nation that recognised South Africa and established diplomatic relations with it, including a trade treaty which angered other African leaders
Pamene mayiko ambiri kumwera kwa Africa ankachita malonda ndi ulamuliro wa atsamunda ku South Africa pofuna kuteteza chuma chawo, dziko la Malawi linali lokhalo lomwe limavomereza ndikukhadzikitsa ubale waukazembe ndi dziko la South Africa kuphatikizirapo pangano lazamalonda zomwe zinakwiyitsa atsogoleri ena mu Africa
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They threatened to expel Malawi from the Organization of African Unity until Banda left power. Banda responded by accusing other African countries of hypocrisy, saying in a public speech to his parliament
Iwo anaopseza kutulutsa dziko la Malawi mu mgwirizano wa mayiko onse mu Africa wa African Unity pokhapokha Banda achoke paudindo. Banda anayankha poloza zala atsogoeri ena mu Africa omwe ndi anthirakuwiri, ananena izi pamene amayankhula kudziko lonse kunyumba yamalamulo
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There is no terror, Cassius, in your threats" He told them to concentrate on convincing the South African government that apartheid was unnecessary
Palibe zauchifwamba, Cassius, nkuopseza kwako "iye anawauza kuti ayike chidwi pouza boma la South Africa kuti utsamunda unali wosafunikira"
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Furthermore, he added that African leaders practice disunity, not unity, while posing as the liberators of Africa
Anawonjezera ponena kuti atsogoleri mu Africa amalalika kusagwirizana, osati umodzi, kwinaku adziwonetsa ngati atha kuwombola Africa
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Banda was the only African ruler to establish diplomatic ties with South Africa during apartheid as well as the Portuguese regime in Mozambique
Banda anali mtsogoleri yekhayo mu Africa yemwe anakhazikitsa maubale aukazembe ndi dziko la South Africa panthawi ya utsamunda ndinso maubale ndi ulamuliro wa chipwitikizi ku Mozambique
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After the cabinet crisis in 1964, Banda became increasingly isolated in African politics. On the other hand, his antipathy for Roy Welensky and what he denounced as the "stupid federation" was a smokescreen he used to reject the proposed Bangula Hydro-electric dam – proposed to be bigger than the Gezira Dam in Khartoum – that Welensky's Federation had sought and obtained funding for from the British government
Pambuyo pa kugalukira kwa cha nduna (cabinet crisis) mu 1964, Banda anapitilira kusalidwa pa ndale mu Africa. Kumbali ina, anagwiritsa ntchito kusakondwa kwake ndi Roy Welensky komanso zomwe amadzudzula zokhuza chitaganya ngati chiphimbamaso kukana ntchito zamagetsi ku Bangula, zomwe zimayembekezera kukhala zopambana damu la Gezira mumzinda wa Khartoum - powonjezera kunena kuti ndichitaganya cha Welensky chinasaka ndi kupeza ndalama kuchokera boma la Britain
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Banda went on to blame everything including snails (likely to cause widespread Bilharzia) to abort the project
Banda anadana ndi cchilichonse (kuphatikizirapo nkhono zomwe zimafalitsa likodzo) pokana ntchito yazmagetsiyo
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In turn, the British denied Banda the funding and budgetary support he needed to build his pet dream of a new capital city at Lilongwe, in his home region
Potsatia izi, boma la Britain linakana kupeleka ndalama komanso thandizo landalama zoyendetsera dziko zomwe ankafuna kuti amangire maloto ake a likulu latsopano la dziko ku Lilongwe, mchigawo chakwawo
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The quid pro quo was that Banda had to support South Africa's apartheid policies among fellow African leaders
Pobwezera, Banda ankathandiza mfundo za atsamunda ku South Africa pamaso pa atsogoleri anzake mu Africa
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Hence, on one occasion he paid a state visit to South Africa where he met his South African counterparts at Stellenbosch. Banda once noted that, "It is only contact like this between South Africa and Malawi that can reveal to your people that there are civilized people other than white
Ndipo anapita kukacheza mdziko la South Africa komwe anakumana ndi atsogoleri anzake kumalo otchedwa Stellenbosch. Banda anaona kuti "ndi njira yokhayo yokambirana pakati pa South Africa ndi Malawi yomwe ingayike pambalambanda kuti anthu anu ndi aulemu osati azungu chabe"
Online sources
After the apartheid era ended and the ANC came to dominate South African politics during the 1990s, relations between Malawi and South Africa threatened to take a downward turn, but a Malawian task force spearheaded by Malawian diplomatic envoys to South Africa and representatives in Malawi, including former diplomat arranged for a meeting between the two governments which resulted in Nelson Mandela's first official visit to Malawi as president of the ANC in the early 1990s
Nthawi ya chitsamunda itatha ndipo chipani cha ANC chili ndi mphamvu mu ndale za South Africa muzaka zamma 1990, ubale pakati pa Malawi ndi South Africa unali pachiopsezo chosokenekera koma mthumwi za dziko la Malawi motsogozedwa ndi akazembe a dziko la Malawi ku South Africa ndi ena oyimira dziko la Malawi, kuphatikizirapo kazembe wakale anakonza mkumano pakati pa maboma awiriwa zomwe zinachititsa kuti Nelson Mandela adzacheze ku Malawi kwanthawi yoyamba ngati mtsogoleri wa ANC kumayambiliro kwa zaka zamma 1990
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The relations between the two governments continued to be cordial after it was revealed that Banda was secretly helping the ANC during the apartheid era. The Malawi government and South African government continued diplomatic relations
Maubale pakati pa maboma awiriwa anapitilira kukhala okoma zitaululika kuti Banda amathandiza mwachinsinsi ANC nthawi yachitsamunda. Boma la Malawi ndi South Africa linapitiriza ubale wawo wa ukazembe
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Hastings Kamuzu Banda instituted what was probably the most repressive, corrupt, predatory and violent political system in Africa
Hastings Kamuzu Banda anakhadzikitsa ndale ku South Africa zomwe zinali makamaka zoponderezana, zakatangale, zamadyeramphoto komanso za nkhanza
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Through a combination of bribery, intimidation, election malpractices, and the suffocation of civil society, Banda not only closed all democratic openings inherited at political independence in 1964, but also erected the structures of a corrupt and highly repressive one-person and one-party state
Kudzera kuphatikiza ziphuphu, kuopsezana, kuchita zolakwika pachisankho ndiponso kuchepetsa mphamvu za mabungwe omwe siaboma, Banda sanatseke mokhamo modzera ufulu wodzilamulira womwe tinapatsidwa pamene tinayamba kudzilamulira tokha pandale mu 1964, koma iye anakhadzikitsanso boma lakatangale ndi lophwanya ufulu lamunthu mmodzi ndi chipani chimodzi
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There was hardly a separation between public and private funds as Banda himself owned almost half the economy
Panalibe kusiyanitsa konse ndalama za boma ndi zomwe sizaboma pakuti theka la chuma linali la Banda iye mwini
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Trade unions were not allowed. The so-called parliament was a joke set up and manipulated by Banda to give the veneer of democracy
Magulu oyimira ochita malonda sanali kuloledwa. Yomwe ankati nyumba yamalamulo chinali chitonzo chabe chokhadzikitsidwa ndi kugwiritsidwa ntchito molakwika ndi Banda kuti zidzioneka ngati pali ufulu wodzilamulira tokha
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A backward moral code was imposed and the activities of all sectors were monitored. Press and academic freedom did not exist under Banda, the country did not even have television services
Chikhalidwe chosakomera anthu chinakakamizidwa pa anthu ndipo ntchito za magawo onse zimaunikidwa. Ufulu wotsindika nkhani komanso wamaphunziro panalibe munthawi ya Banda, mdziko muno munalibe ngakhale wayilesi ya kanema
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Those who dared oppose the `life president’ or dared to show some interest in succeeding him were either assassinated, forced into exile, or simply jailed
Omwe analimba mtima kutsutsa "mtsogoleri wamuyaya" kapena kulimba mtima kuonetsa chidwi chofuna kudzalowa mmalo mwake amaphedwa kapena kuthamangitsidwa mdziko muno, penanso kungowamanga kundende
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There were pockets of opposition, though most of these were located outside the country and often ineffective, especially in the context of solid Western tolerance and support for Banda’ s dictatorship
Panali timagulu totsutsa, ngakhale ambiri mwa iwo anali kunja kwa dziko lino ndipo nthawi zambiri sanali kuphula kanthu makamaka tikalingalira za mayiko akuzambwe omwe amalolera komanso kuthandizira nkhanza za Banda
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It is difficult not to agree with Denis Venter that `For all intents and purposes Malawi was not even a one-party state: it was a one-man state, a political despotism in which the state apparatus was answerable to only one man
Nkovuta kuti tisagwirizane ndi Denis Venter kuti "mwa zofuna ndi zolinga zonse Malawi sanali wa chipani chimodzi: anali wa munthu mmodzi, ndale zankhanza zomwe nthambi za boma zimayankha kwa munthu mmodzi basi"
Online sources
The result was a climate of fear almost unparalleled anywhere in Africa, even in countries wrecked by violence
Zotsatira zake zinali makhalidwe amantha omwe kunalibe kwina kulikonse mu Africa muno, ngakhale mayiko komwe kunali nkhondo
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The Malawian state was a strong and authoritarian, one-party state, dominated by a small, autocratic and dictatorial political clique
Dziko la Malawi linali la ulamuliro wamphamvu ndi wankhanza, lachipani chimodzi, lolamulidwa ndi anthu akuchipani ochepa, omva zawo zokha, ankhanza
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Several factors forced political liberalisation on Malawi in spite of Banda’ s initial resistance and refusal to acknowledge on-going changes in the world, Africa and the southern Africa region
Zochitika zambiri zinakakamiza kuti pakhale ndale zololerana ku Malawi ngakhale Banda poyamba ankakana komanso kusafuna kuvomereza kusintha komwe kunalipo mmayiko ambiri, mu Africa komanso chigawo chakumwera kwa Africa
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There were already too many cracks in his repressive political set-up to isolate it from the monumental rejection of and challenges to one-party, one-person, and life-presidential arrangements
Panali kugawikana kwakukulu pa ndale mu ulamuliro wake wankhanzawu kuti asalidwe kotheratu ndi zovuta zomwe chipani chimodzi, munthu mmodzi ndi mtsogoleri wamuyaya chinabweretsa
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The three major parties that contested the May 1994 elections were the MCP, United Democratic Front (UDF) and AFORD
Zipani zitatu zikuluzikulu zomwe zinapikisana nawo pachisankho mu May 1994 zinali MCP, United Democratic Front (UDF) ndi AFORD
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They won no seats in parliament. There were twelve candidates in the presidential race, including Hastings Kamuzu Banda, who had ruled the country since 1964
Zinapeza mipando kunyumba yamalamulo. Panali opikisana khumi ndi awiri pa udindo wamtsogoleri wa dziko, kupohatikizirapo
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Only three received any serious attention: Banda, Muluzi and Chihana. The campaigns were bitter and dirty. They did not address critical issues and programmes
Atatu okha anali ndi chikoka chachikulu: Banda, Muluzi ndi Chihana. Misonkhano yokopa anthu inali yonyansa ndi yoyipa. Simafotokozera bwino mfundo ndi zitukuko zofunikira
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The campaign turned out to be disappointing, mainly because the contestants failed to address serious issues and seemed rather short on constructive ideas
Misonkhano yokopa anthu inali yokhumudwitsa, kwambiri chifukwa opikisana anakanika kufotokozera mfundo zofunikira ndipo ankaoneka kuti analibe mfundo zothandiza
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All the parties were involved in making promises they knew they would not be able to keep if voted into power
Zipani zonse zinakhuzidwa ndi kupanga malonjezo omwe ankadziwa kuti sadzakwaniritsa akasankhidwa kukhala pampando
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Banda had succeeded in soiling virtually every political elite in Malawi; those who had managed to escape his regime of graft and repression have been unable to cultivate a rigorous and credible national constituency
Banda anakwanitsa kuyipitsa aliyense wochita ndale mu Malawi; omwe anakwanitsa kuthawa ulamuliro wake wakatangale komanso kuphwanya ufulu anakanika kupeza anthu owatsatira ochuluka mdziko muno
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In fact, until early 1992, Chihana was not well known in Malawian politics, having being in exile and only able to communicate with underground groups within the country
Ndipo kumayambiliro kwa 1992, Chihana sankadziwika kwambiri mundale zaku Malawi, atakhala kunja mochita kuthawa kwawo ndi kukwanitsa kokha kulumikizana ndi magulu amchibisira mdziko muno
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He remained in jail in Malawi until a day before the 14 June 1992 referendum on multiparty politics
Anakhala kundende ku Malawi mpaka kutatsala tsiku limodzi kufika pa chisankho cha 14 June 1992 cha ndale za zipani zambiri
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The opposition in Malawi is similar in several respects to the opposition in other African states
Otsutsa boma ku Malawi ndiwofanana muzambiri ndi otsutsa mmayiko ena mu Africa
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They often start off united and appearing to have some vision, and as being genuinely committed to democracy
Amayamba mogwirizana ndikumaoneka kuti ali ndi masomphenya, komanso ngati akudzipeleka moonadi kunkhani za ufulu wodzilamulira tokha
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Given the harsh political and economic conditions in which the people had lived for decades, and the clearly deteriorating living conditions, the message of change, hope, life more abundant, an end to corruption, nepotism and repression drew extensive support across ethnic, regional, religious, class and gender lines
Potengera ulamuliro wandale ndi chuma wovuta womwe anthu anakhalamo kwazaka, komanso kutsika koonekeratu kwa miyoyo ya anthu, uthenga wosintha zinthu, chiyembekezo, moyo wosefukira, kutha kwa katangale, kukonderana ndi kuphwanya ufulu wa anthu zinabweretsa chikoka pakati pamitundu yosiyanasiyana, zigawo, mipingo, magulu komanso chikhalidwe
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In Malawi, within a short span of time, the opposition had squandered public goodwill and could not remain committed to its originally declared agenda
Ku Malawi, pa nthawi yochepa, otsutsa anataya chikoka chomwe anali nacho kwa anthu ndipo sanadzipeleke kutsatira mfundo zomwe analengeza poyambilira
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It is easy to concede that it took a lot of courage to challenge, even criticise, Kamuzu Banda. In fact, many of the pro-democracy leaders suffered personal hardships to remain on the frontline of the struggle to unseat the life president
Nkosavuta kuvomereza kuti zinatengera kulimba mtima kutsutsana, ngakhale kudzudzula Kamuzu Banda. Ndithu, atsogoleri ambiri omenyera ufulu anamva zowawa pamoyo wawo kuti akhalebe patsogolo pakulimbana kumuchotsa paudindo mtsogoleri wamuyayayu
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The rate of arrest and detention was so massive that `there was not enough room, and scores of detainees had to be held under guard in tents set up near Blantyre jail
Kumanga kapena kusunga anthu mowaumiriza kunafika pachimake kotero panalibe zipinda zokwanira, ndipo anthu ambiri osungidwa moumirizidwa ankasungidwa kuti asathawe mma tent pafupi ndi ndende ya Blantyre
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The UDF party has been cautious about this for fear of opening up a case that might consume some of its own leading members who had been part of Banda’ s brutal rule.
Chipani cha UDF chakhala mosamala zankhaniyi kuopa kuyambitsa milandu yoti ikhuza ena mwa mamembala ake odalirika omwe anali nawo gawo limodzi la ulamuliro wa Banda
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Citizens have been suing the government for past atrocities and winning huge cash settlements which could easily bankrupt the cash-strapped government
Mzika zakhala zikusumira boma pa nkhanza zomwe anakumana nazo ndi kupatsidwa chipukuta misonzi chochuluka zomwe zingagwetse boma lopanda kale ndalamali
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The government is willing to pay, but where do we get the money from? So many people are coming to make claims against the past atrocities of the Malawi Congress Party and my government has to pay for those sins
Boma ndi lokonzeka kulipira, koma ndalamazo tidzipeza kuti? Anthu ambiri akubwera kudzatula nkhani pa nkhanza zomwe anakumana nazo ndi chipani cha Malawi Congress ndipo boma langa likuyenera kulipira pa machimo amenewo
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In less than a year in office, unemployment had grown to `chronic’ levels and inflation had skyrocketed to 80%
Chisanathe chaka, kusowa kwa ntchito kunali kutakula kufika posauzana ndipo katundu anali atakwera mtengo ndi 80%
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In fact, by January 1995 inflation had reached 96%, although it was cut in half by the end of the year
Kunena zoona, pofika January 1995 kukwera mtengo kwa katundu kunali kutafika 96%, ngakhale kunatsika kufika theka pofika kumapeto a chaka
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The minimum wage has not been raised and it is not enforced. The ability of Malawi to service its foreign debt was already in doubt by the end of June 1995
Mulingo wa malipiro sunakwezedwe ndipo sumatsatidwa. Kuthekera kwa Malawi kubweza ngongole zake zakunja kunali kokayikitsa ndi kale pofika kumapeto a June 1995
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The government has been unable to respond effectively to deepening socioeconomic crisis in the country. The crime wave has increased to unprecedented levels
Boma lalephera kuthetsa bwinobwino kukula kwa umphawi mdziko muno. Umbava wakula kuposa nthawi zonse
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To some, the rise in crime was the direct result of the democratic opening because, under Banda’ s rule, criminals were summarily punished by his numerous kangaroo courts and some were detained indefinitely
Kwa ena, kuchuluka kwa umbava ndi zotsatira za kudza kwa maufulu a anthu, panthawi ya ulamuliro wa Banda, mbava zinkalangidwa pompopompo ndi mabwalo osavomerezeka a milandu ndipo ena anamangidwa opanda tsiku lowatulutsa
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Under the new system, the rule of law and due process are respected and criminals are entitled to bail
Mu ndondomeko zatsopanozi, malamulo komanso njira zozengera milandu zikutsatidwa ndipo mbava zili ndi ufulu wotenga chilolezo chotulukira
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Beyond this however, is the economic desperation that is driving thousands into extra-legal ways of making a living
Kupyola apa, umphawi wadzaoneni ukuchititsa mazanamazana a anthu kuchita zinthu zolakwira malamulo kuti apeze zinthu pa moyo wawo
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Some members of the armed Young Pioneers now disbanded still retain their weapons and have been using these to commit numerous crimes
Ena mwa achinyamata okhala ndi zida a gulu la Pioneer lomwe linathetsedwa adakali ndi zida ndipo akhala akudzigwiritsa ntchito kuchita zaumbanda zochuluka
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Added to the continuing disruptive and criminal acts of remnants of the Young Pioneers and Mozambican refugees, is the fact that the police are not properly trained, are poorly paid and poorly equipped
Kuonjezera pa chisokonezo komanso zaumbanda zomwe otsalira a achinyamata a Pioneer ndi mzika zothawa nkhondo ku Mozambique, nawonso apolisi ndiwosaphunzitsidwa bwino pantchito yawo, malipiro awo ndiwochepa komanso ali ndi zida zosakwanira
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Many have no vehicles and accommodation problems persist. Corruption is also rife within the forces as wealthy individuals easily bribe their way out of crimes committed against the state
Ambiri alibe galimoto ndipo mavuto a malo okhala adakalipobe. Katangale nayenso ndiwochuluka kunthambiyi pamene anthu achuma amapeleka ziphuphu mosavuta kuti asamangidwe amene alakwira boma
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He has called on all Malawians to support the government in its efforts to contain the crime wave in order to avoid a security breakdown
Iye wapempha a Malawi onse kuti athandize boma kuthetsa zaumbanda ndi cholinga chakuti tipewe kusokonekera kwa chitetezo
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There has also been a major national debate on the constitution. The government circulated a provisional document in the three languages of Chichewa, Chitumbuka and Yao and followed this up with a constitutional conference in February 1995
Pakhalanso mtsutso waukulu mdziko muno pankhani ya malamulo a dziko. Boma linatulutsa chikalata chamalamulo oyembekezera muziyankhulo zitatu za Chichewa, Chitumbuka ndi Yao ndipo zinatsatidwa ndi msonkhano waukulu wounikira malamulo a dziko lino mu mwezi wa February chaka cha 1995
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Muluzi had argued against it because it would be too expensive to operate and maintain. However, he had a large cabinet, with many irrelevant ministerial appointments
Muluzi anapeleka maganizo otsutsana nazo chifukwa zikanakhala zokwera mtengo kuyendetsa komanso kusamala. Komabe iye anali ndi nduna zochuluka, ndipo maunduna enawo anali osafunikira.
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More importantly, it was strange that a price was being put on democracy, checks and balances and the containment of tyranny
Kofunikira kwambiri, zinali zodabwitsa kuti ufulu wodzilamulira tokha, kudzudzula boma komanso kuthetsa nkhanza zinali pa chiopsezo
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It also recommended that both the president and vice president should be elected, rather than the current practice where the vice president is appointed by the president
Anamanganso mfundo yoti mtsogoleri wa dziko ndi wachiwiri wake achite kusankhidwa, osati ngati mmene uli mchitidwe pano pamene wachiwiri kwa mtsogoleri wa dziko amasankhidwa ndi mtsogoleri wa dziko
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Another recommendation was that no person running for either position should have been convicted of any crime in the previous seven years: Muluzi had been convicted of petty theft as a young man and this did not directly affect him, although it did draw attention to that blot on his record
Mfundo ina inali yoti pasakhale munthu wopikisana pa umodzi mwa udindowu yemwe anamangidwapo pa mlandu uliwonse mu zaka zisanu ndi ziwiri zapitazi: Muluzi anamangidwapo pa mulandu wakuba ali wachichepere ndipo izi sidzinamukhuze ngakhale zinadzetsa chikoka choyipitsa mbiri yake
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The conference felt that the office of the second vice president was not necessary and should be abolished
Msonkhanowu unaona kuti udindo wa wachitatu kwa mtsogoleri wa dziko unali wosafunikira ndipo unayenera kuthetsedwa
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Parliamentarians who wanted to join another political party had first to resign their seats in parliament and subject themselves to by-elections on the platform of the new party
Aphungu a nyumba ya malamulo omwe amafuna kulowa chipani china amayenera kutula pansi udindo wawo ndipo akachite nawo masankho achibweleza kudzera chipani chatsopano chomwe iwo alowa
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This recommendation was designed to limit political prostitution and promote party loyalty and discipline
Mfundozi zinakonzedwa kuti zichepetse kuyendayenda pandale ndi kupititsa patsogolo kukhulupirika ndi mwambo kuchipani
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Appointed ministers were expected, according to Article 88 of the constitution, to declare their assets fully within three months of their appointment, and the death penalty was retained in spite of pressure from international human rights organisations
Nduna zosankhidwa zimayenera, potsatira gawo 88 la malamulo akulu a dziko lino, kunena poyera katundu ndi zinthu zomwe ali nazo mmiyezi itatu yoyamba atasankhidwa paudindo, ndipo chilango choti munthu aphedwe sichinachotsedwe mmalamulo ngakhale panali kukakamizidwa kuti zitero ndi mabungwe akuluakulu omenyera ufulu wa anthu
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In contrast to the Banda days, the traditional courts would, however, have no jurisdiction over crimes involving the death penalty
Kufananiza ndi nthawi ya Banda, mabwalo a milandu akumidzi pano alibe mphamvu zozenga milandu yomwe chilango chake ndikuphedwa
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Though he was called to appear before an inquiry, he was not relieved of his position for such a reckless use of public funds
Ngakhale anayitanidwa kuti akaonekere ku kafukufuku, iye sanachotsedwe paudindo wake ngakhale anagwiritsa ntchito mosakaza chuma cha boma
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In early 1996 the parliament passed a bill allowing ministers and parliamentarians to bring goods into the country duty free
Kumayambiliro a 1996 nyumba yamalamulo inavomera kuti nduna komanso aphungu adzilowetsa katundu mdziko muno osalipira msonkho
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In the context of expectations which had been raised to the maximum during the campaigns, the implementation of painful adjustment policies have only deepened alienation and anger against the new democratic government
Potengera zoyembekezera za anthu zomwe zinakula panthawi ya misonkhano yokopa anthu, ntchito yopweteka yosintha mfundo yawonjezera kusakondwa ndi mkwiyo wodana ndi boma lokomera anthu latsopanili
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This ` crisis of expectation’ is eroding support for the democratic enterprise and making governance even more difficult. The World Bank itself has admitted that in the implementation of adjustment `the rural poor have been extremely hard hit’
Chipwirikiti cha zoyembekezerachi chikuchotsa chikoka pa ulamuliro wokomera anthu ndi kuchititsa kuti kuyendetsa boma kukhale kovuta. World bank nayo yavomereza kuti pokwaniritsa kusinthaku anthu osauka akhuzidwa koposa
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It has belatedly called for safety nets to protect the poor and vulnerable. This might already be too late, as democracy and the removal of Banda from the scene have not helped the living conditions of the poor majority in any significant way
Ngakhale ndi mochedwa yapempha kuti pakhale njira zotetezera osauka ndi osowa pogwira. Zikhoza kukhala kuti nthawi yatha, chifukwa ulamuliro wokomera anthu ndikuchotsedwa kwa Banda muzochitika sidzinathandize kukweza miyoyo ya anthu ambiri osauka munjira iliyonse
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If the UDF government is unable to make a significant difference in the lives of Malawians, it will not just lose credibility but its democratic enterprise will be seriously endangered
Ngati boma la UDF likulephera kusintha miyoyo ya amalawi, silitaya kudalilika kokha komanso nsanamira zonse za ufulu wodzilamulira tokha zikhala pachiopsezo
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The people will measure its success by the extent to which the new government is able to make a visible difference in their lives
Anthu adzayika pamulingo kupambana kwake potengera mmene boma latsopanoli lisinthire miyoyo ya anthu mooneka
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Given that the Banda government had spent only 11% of its last budget on social services, the challenge is tough but it should not be difficult to see whatever difference the government can make
Potengera kuti boma la Banda linagwiritsa ntchito 11% ya ndondomeko zake zachuma pantchito zothandizira anthu, ntchitoyi ndiyayikulu komabe sikungakhale kovuta kuona kusintha kulikonse komwe boma lingakwaniritse
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AFORD has squandered its initial credibility by jumping from one alliance to the other and by its involvement in the ` poverty alleviation’ scandal
AFORD yawononga kudalilika komwe inali nako pachiyambi pochoka mu mgwirizano uwu kupita wina komanso chifukwa chakukhudzidwa ndi nkhani ya "kuthetsa umphawi"
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There are still some credible Malawians residing abroad. If they return to take over the leadership of AFORD, they might yet rebuild it into a formidable political party with national spread and credibility
Alipo a Malawi ena odalilika omwe akukhala kunja kwa dziko lino. Iwo atabwelera kudzatenga utsogoleri wa AFORD, akhoza kudzachikonza ndikuchipanga kukhala chipani chandale champhamvu chokhala ndi anthu mmadera onse ndi chodalilika
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While this uncoordinated and unplanned response to the Young Pioneers significantly advanced the struggle for democracy and severely dislocated the Young Pioneers, it also directly involved the military in politics
Ngakhale kuthana ndi Young Pioneer mopanda donsogolo ndipo mosakonzekera kunathandiza kupititsa patsogolo kumenyera ulamuliro wokomera anthu onse ndipo kunachotsa ma Young Pioneers, gulu lankhondo linatenga mbali pa ndale mwachindunji
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Such an increasingly politicised military can be expected to play a more interventionist role if politicians and political parties fail to deliver
Gulu lankhondo lotenga nawo gawo pandale likuyenera kuthandiza polowelera moteteza ngati andale ndi zipani zakanika kuchita zakupsa
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There were rumours of a coup against the UDF government in April 1995 though no arrests were made
Panali mphekesera zofuna kulanda boma la UDF mwaupandu mu April 1995 ngakhale palibe yemwe anamangidwa
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This confirmed fears that a coup plot had actually been uncovered and that the crime issue was overwhelming the government, hence the involvement of the army
Izi zinatsimikiza mantha oti ganizo lofuna kulanda boma mwaupandu linaululikadi ndipo kuti mlanduwu unakulira boma, ndichifukwa chake gulu la nkhondo linalowelerapo
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Some soldiers have been arrested for plotting against the government and the UDF government is still scared of a possible mutiny in support of Banda
Asirikali ena anamangidwa pochita upo woukira boma ndipo boma la UDF lidakali ndi mantha akuti pakhoza kukhala kugalukira kwina kofuna Banda
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The fact, however, is that a too frequent involvement of the army in political and social operations will only draw it into the vortex of the country’ s politics
Komabe choona chake ndi chakuti kugwiritsa ntchito gulu lankhondo pafupipafupi mu ndale ndi ntchito zina zokhuza anthu zichititsa gulu lankhondo kumachita zandale
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Press freedom and other liberties have increased significantly. There are over 20 newspapers in the country today engaged in the struggle for relevance, survival and acceptability
Ufulu wofalitsa nkhani ndi maufulu ena zakula kwambiri. Pali nyuzipepala makumi awiri mdziko muno leroz omwe zikuvutika kuchita zokomera anthu, kuti zisafe komanso zivomerezedwe ndi anthu
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