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Science is pretty awesome. Some VERY interesting work regenerating limbs in mice. Still a LONG way to go for this to be used in humans though.
These studies provide evidence that treatment of growth factors can be used to engineer a regeneration response from a non-regenerating amputation wound.
Science is pretty awesome. Some VERY interesting work regenerating limbs in mice. Still a LONG way to go for this to be used in humans though.
Combining BMP2 and BMP9 treatments in sequence stimulates the regeneration of bone and joint. These studies provide evidence that treatment of growth factors can be used to engineer a regeneration response from a non-regenerating amputation wound. Transient treatment of the amputation wound with BMP induces formation of an endochondral ossification center that organizes the regeneration response of the amputated stump bone .
[3.0, 4.0, 3.0, 3.0]
Treatment of Young People With Antipsychotic Medications Il faudra changer,pas antipsy mais anti-badboys!!!
Young adults treated with antipsychotics were more frequently diagnosed as having depression, bipolar disorder, and anxiety disorder than ADHD.
Treatment of Young People With Antipsychotic Medications Il faudra changer,pas antipsy mais anti-badboys!!!
Consistent with clinical diagnoses suggesting that antipsychotics are primarily used to manage impulsive or aggressive behaviors in children associated with ADHD, 27 the highest rate of antipsychotic treatment was in adolescent boys, approximately half of whom also filled prescriptions for stimulants. Young adults treated with antipsychotics were more frequently diagnosed as having depression, bipolar disorder, and anxiety disorder than ADHD. The single year of age and sex patterns of antipsychotic use offers clues to clinical and social determinants of community antipsychotic prescribing practices.
[2.0, 1.0, 4.0, 3.0]
Bone and joint regeneration at amputation wounds shown in a study on mice treated with growth factor bone morphogenetic proteins BMP2 and BMP9: #mice #amputee #regenerate #digit #bone #joint
In cavity-forming digits, the nodule is not next to the BMP9 bead and BrdU-labeled chondrocytes are not present, indicating that BMP9 does not stimulate chondrocyte proliferation (Supplementary Fig.
Bone and joint regeneration at amputation wounds shown in a study on mice treated with growth factor bone morphogenetic proteins BMP2 and BMP9: #mice #amputee #regenerate #digit #bone #joint
These data indicate that BMP9 stimulates the aggregation and differentiation of chondrocytes but their progression to hypertrophic chondrocytes is delayed compared to BMP2-treated digits . In cavity-forming digits, the nodule is not next to the BMP9 bead and BrdU-labeled chondrocytes are not present, indicating that BMP9 does not stimulate chondrocyte proliferation (Supplementary Fig. The absence of proliferating chondrocytes and delayed hypertrophic differentiation distinguishes the BMP9 response from BMP2 stimulation of endochondral ossification .
[1.0, 4.0, 1.0, 1.0]
#PreventingType2 #breastfeeding @username  breastfeeding duration is independently associated with lower incidence of diabetes. 
This study provides longitudinal biochemical evidence that lactation duration is independently associated with lower incidence of diabetes.
#PreventingType2 #breastfeeding @username  breastfeeding duration is independently associated with lower incidence of diabetes. 
There was no evidence of effect modification by race, GD, or parity. This study provides longitudinal biochemical evidence that lactation duration is independently associated with lower incidence of diabetes. Further investigation is required to elucidate mechanisms that may explain this relationship.
[2.0, 5.0, 4.0, 4.0]
Diet rich in omega 3 (best source = oily fish) could help preserve pancreatic function for kids with T1 #diabetes
Our study suggests that long-chain omega-3 fatty acids may provide protection to the b-cell after clinical diagnosis of type 1 diabetes.
Diet rich in omega 3 (best source = oily fish) could help preserve pancreatic function for kids with T1 #diabetes
However, significantly reduced risk of development of islet autoimmunity was associated with increased intake of omega-3 fatty acids among youth genetically susceptible to development of type 1 diabetes (36), although continued follow-up did not reveal subsequent protection against incident type 1 diabetes (37). Our study suggests that long-chain omega-3 fatty acids may provide protection to the b-cell after clinical diagnosis of type 1 diabetes. Our results support further study of the potential role of branched-chain amino acids to enhance sustained insulin production in type 1 diabetes.
[4.0, 4.0, 5.0, 5.0, 4.0]
New DSM-V categories for alcohol use disorders could allow for better targeting of treatment
DSM-5-AUD has the advantage of shedding light on risky drinkers included in the "use in larger amounts class", allowing for preventive interventions, which will reach a large number of individuals.
New DSM-V categories for alcohol use disorders could allow for better targeting of treatment
The two symptomatic classes clearly represented the dimensionality of the new proposed AUD criteria, and could be more specifically targeted by different prevention or treatment strategies. DSM-5-AUD has the advantage of shedding light on risky drinkers included in the "use in larger amounts class", allowing for preventive interventions, which will reach a large number of individuals. As reported by nearly a quarter of all current alcohol users , this totals 11 criteria .
[5.0, 2.0, 3.0, 5.0]
Interesting paper @username showing transfer of activated maternal Tcells from milk to spleen, thymus, sm intestine
This mechanism is consistent with the observation that a significant proportion of transferred maternal cells: 1) had a memory phenotype; 2) were Ag-specific by tetramer staining; or 3) when in the spleen, responded to Ag by the production of appropriate cytokines.
Interesting paper @username showing transfer of activated maternal Tcells from milk to spleen, thymus, sm intestine
The mechanisms by which CD4 + T cells can acquire MHCII seem to be fewer in mice than humans . This mechanism is consistent with the observation that a significant proportion of transferred maternal cells: 1) had a memory phenotype; 2) were Ag-specific by tetramer staining; or 3) when in the spleen, responded to Ag by the production of appropriate cytokines. Importantly, Umeshappa et al.
[2.0, 3.0, 3.0, 3.0, 4.0]
New @username position statement on #exercise #medicine in #cancer management: "Appropriate exercise prescription for cancer patients needs to be targeted and individualised according to patient- and cancer-specific considerations" @username @username
While for the majority, multimodal, moderate to high intensity exercise will be appropriate, there is no set prescription and total weekly dosage that would be considered evidence-based for all cancer patients.
New @username position statement on #exercise #medicine in #cancer management: "Appropriate exercise prescription for cancer patients needs to be targeted and individualised according to patient- and cancer-specific considerations" @username @username
Overall, evidence supports that the implementation of exercise prescription brings with it reduced morbidity, improved function and quality of life, and potential for improved survival, with very low risk of harm. While for the majority, multimodal, moderate to high intensity exercise will be appropriate, there is no set prescription and total weekly dosage that would be considered evidence-based for all cancer patients. Appropriate exercise prescription for cancer patients needs to be targeted and individualised according to patient-and cancer-specific considerations.
[3.0, 2.0, 5.0, 2.0, 4.0]
"Are psychiatric reactions induced by trauma or other life stressors associated with subsequent risk of autoimmune disease?" The answer is yes. Stress>chronic overstimulation sympathetic nervous system>inflammation. That's exactly…
In addition, among patients with PTSD specifically, persistent use of SSRIs throughout the first year after diagnosis was associated with attenuated risk of autoimmune disease.
"Are psychiatric reactions induced by trauma or other life stressors associated with subsequent risk of autoimmune disease?" The answer is yes. Stress>chronic overstimulation sympathetic nervous system>inflammation. That's exactly…
These associations were independent of history of other psychiatric disorders and became stronger with the presence of co-occurring psychiatric comorbidities. In addition, among patients with PTSD specifically, persistent use of SSRIs throughout the first year after diagnosis was associated with attenuated risk of autoimmune disease. To our knowledge, this is the first study to address all stressrelated disorders and their associations with 41 distinct autoimmune diseases in men and women using both populationand sibling-based comparisons.
[3.0, 4.0, 2.0, 3.0]
"Pride appears to be an elegantly engineered emotion" via @username
This suggests that pride, rather than other positive emotions, is distinctively involved in social valuation.
"Pride appears to be an elegantly engineered emotion" via @username
Further, pride is specific to audience valuation: Emotions that co-activate with pride, such as happiness and excitement, do not track audience valuation uniquely and reliably. This suggests that pride, rather than other positive emotions, is distinctively involved in social valuation. Further evidence to demonstrate domain-specificity is needed, however.
[2.0, 2.0, 4.0, 4.0, 3.0]
So excited about my recent publication in @username on a #VLP vaccine targeting #Alzheimers #publishorperish Check it out here:
Therefore, we believe that this report provides compelling evidence that a VLP-based immunotherapy approach can be beneficial in preventing tau pathology and could be applicable to diverse human tauopathies, such as Alzheimer's disease (AD), frontotemporal dementia (FTD), traumatic brain injury (TBI), and chronic traumatic encephalopathy (CTE).
So excited about my recent publication in @username on a #VLP vaccine targeting #Alzheimers #publishorperish Check it out here:
Reduction in pathological consequences following this immunotherapy translated into improved cognitive function using well-established measurements of delay-dependent and spatial learning and memory tests. Therefore, we believe that this report provides compelling evidence that a VLP-based immunotherapy approach can be beneficial in preventing tau pathology and could be applicable to diverse human tauopathies, such as Alzheimer's disease (AD), frontotemporal dementia (FTD), traumatic brain injury (TBI), and chronic traumatic encephalopathy (CTE). In one example, pTau peptide (MAPT 9-8 , pS6/ 4) formulated with an adjuvant (Adju-Phos), induced taureactive antibodies, reduced MC1 and PHF1 positive neurons in the brains of TgP301L mice and rescued cognitive function.
[3.0, 4.0, 5.0, 5.0, 4.0]
The inflammation homecoming queen, the NLRP3 inflammasome, is suppressed by sumoylation
Signal II triggers loss of sumoylation of NLRP3.
The inflammation homecoming queen, the NLRP3 inflammasome, is suppressed by sumoylation
Taken together, these results indicate that NLRP3 is sumoylated in murine macrophages and human cells. Signal II triggers loss of sumoylation of NLRP3. Accordingly, we found that treatment with the bacterial toxin nigericin induced notable reduction of sumoylated NLRP3 ( Fig.
[1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 2.0]
P. gingivalis linked to esophageal cancer.
While the presence of P. gingivalis was not significantly associated with age, gender, or smoking history of the patients, the presence of P. gingivalis was positively related to differentiation, lymph node metastasis and the TNM stage of ESCC (p < 0.05).
P. gingivalis linked to esophageal cancer.
If we set the samples with IHC scores more than 1 as P. gingivalis positive, the sensitivity and specificity of IHC would be 94.3 and 96.6 %, respectively (Kappa = 0.882; p < 0.001, Additional file 2: Table S1), showing excellence concordance between IHC and qRT-PCR for the detection of P. gingivalis infection in the cancerous tissues of ESCC patients. While the presence of P. gingivalis was not significantly associated with age, gender, or smoking history of the patients, the presence of P. gingivalis was positively related to differentiation, lymph node metastasis and the TNM stage of ESCC (p < 0.05). A positive immunohistochemical signal for P. gingivalis was 90 % in the poorly differentiated tissues, which was significantly higher than that of well or moderately differentiated samples (p < 0.05) ( Table 5) .
[2.0, 5.0, 5.0, 5.0, 5.0]
Breastfeeding reduces risk of breast cancer in African Americans.
Promotion of lactation may be an effective tool for reducing occurrence of the subtypes that contribute disproportionately to breast cancer mortality.
Breastfeeding reduces risk of breast cancer in African Americans.
The findings suggest that parous women who have not breastfed are at increased risk of ER-and triple-negative breast cancer. Promotion of lactation may be an effective tool for reducing occurrence of the subtypes that contribute disproportionately to breast cancer mortality. If so, the higher parity and lower prevalence of lactation in AA women relative to white women could be a contributor to the racial disparity in ER-cancer.
[2.0, 3.0, 3.0, 3.0, 4.0]
"@username: Study finds that the incidence of diabetic ketoacidosis is high in youth with T1DM
Among youth with type 2 diabetes, DKA was less common and decreased by ∼10% per year, suggesting improved detection or earlier diagnosis.
"@username: Study finds that the incidence of diabetic ketoacidosis is high in youth with T1DM
WHAT THIS STUDY ADDS: DKA in youth with type 1 diabetes remains a problem, with almost one-third presenting with DKA. Among youth with type 2 diabetes, DKA was less common and decreased by ∼10% per year, suggesting improved detection or earlier diagnosis. In youth with type 1 diabetes (n = 5615), the prevalence of DKA was high and stable over time (30.2% in 2002-2003, 29.1% in 2004-2005, and 31.1% in 2008-2010; P for trend = .42).
[2.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 3.0]
How mothers of kids w #obesity limit their intake of junk food. Proud of this work with @username @username . @username
The finding that mothers of children with obesity used more direct imperatives to restrict eating may have important implications for practice guidelines and future research.
How mothers of kids w #obesity limit their intake of junk food. Proud of this work with @username @username . @username
In addition, mothers' behavior may have been influenced by knowledge that they were participating in a study about feeding behaviors. The finding that mothers of children with obesity used more direct imperatives to restrict eating may have important implications for practice guidelines and future research. Direct imperatives may have a healthy, adaptive role in approaches to feeding to prevent childhood obesity; they deserve careful consideration in future work.
[3.0, 5.0, 3.0, 4.0]
Do women with sexual arousal disorders just need a little more giddyap in their heartbeat?
In conclusion, low HRV may be a risk factor for female sexual arousal dysfunction and overall sexual dysfunction.
Do women with sexual arousal disorders just need a little more giddyap in their heartbeat?
Women with below average HRV were significantly more likely to report sexual arousal dysfunction (p \ .001) and overall sexual dysfunction (p \ .001) than both women with average HRV and women with above average HRV. In conclusion, low HRV may be a risk factor for female sexual arousal dysfunction and overall sexual dysfunction. Given these findings, it is reasonable to expect ANS activity (indexed by HRV) may be related to women's self-reported, real-life sexual arousal function outside of the laboratory.
[4.0, 4.0, 4.0, 3.0]
really neat! efficiency of jellyfish locomotion
We show that jellyfish exhibit a unique mechanism of passive energy recapture, which is exploited to allow them to travel 30% further each swimming cycle, thereby reducing metabolic energy demand by swimming muscles.
really neat! efficiency of jellyfish locomotion
Results from this study also have implications for bioinspired design, where low-energy propulsion is required. We show that jellyfish exhibit a unique mechanism of passive energy recapture, which is exploited to allow them to travel 30% further each swimming cycle, thereby reducing metabolic energy demand by swimming muscles. By accounting for large interspecific differences in net metabolic rates, we demonstrate, contrary to prevailing views, that the jellyfish (Aurelia aurita) is one of the most energetically efficient propulsors on the planet, exhibiting a cost of transport (joules per kilogram per meter) lower than other metazoans.
[3.0, 5.0, 4.0, 4.0, 3.0]
A manipulated “win” at an athletic event raised men's testosterone level and self perceived mate value - and the willingness to engage in casual sex.
Moreover, the contrasting changes in testosterone in winners and losers significantly predicted the changes in SPMV, Child Involvement, and M-P Trade-off in the groups following the manipulation.
A manipulated “win” at an athletic event raised men's testosterone level and self perceived mate value - and the willingness to engage in casual sex.
Furthermore, winners exhibited a tendency toward increased sociosexuality, a measure of engaging in casual, uncommitted sexual relationships. Moreover, the contrasting changes in testosterone in winners and losers significantly predicted the changes in SPMV, Child Involvement, and M-P Trade-off in the groups following the manipulation. Both post-race testosterone and SPMV levels were significant correlates of the post-race outcome measures, whereas self-esteem was only correlated with men's likelihood of becoming involved with children, and consequently with the M-P Trade-off.
[2.0, 2.0, 2.0, 2.0]
Check ot my latest @username paper with @username and @username collaborators on the economic and demographic consequences of prenatal exposure to male co-twin. We hypothesize that testosterone is a major player in generating these altered trajectories
We do not have direct measures of prenatal testosterone exposure in our administrative data (e.g., from amniotic fluid), and models using all twin births cannot differentiate in utero testosterone exposure from the postbirth socialization effects of being raised with a male co-twin.
Check ot my latest @username paper with @username and @username collaborators on the economic and demographic consequences of prenatal exposure to male co-twin. We hypothesize that testosterone is a major player in generating these altered trajectories
Consistent with some past studies, there was minimal evidence of any long-term impacts on males of exposure to a female co-twin (SI Appendix, Table S2 ). We do not have direct measures of prenatal testosterone exposure in our administrative data (e.g., from amniotic fluid), and models using all twin births cannot differentiate in utero testosterone exposure from the postbirth socialization effects of being raised with a male co-twin. The coefficients in this more stringent subsample (n = 583) are similar to those in the full sample (Figs.
[3.0, 2.0, 2.0, 2.0, 1.0]
Evidence of accelerated #aging In #cancer survivors
We found multiple biological process of ageing at the cellular level and their association with cancer therapies, as well as with clinical effects.
Evidence of accelerated #aging In #cancer survivors
We found multiple biological process of ageing at the cellular level and their association with cancer therapies, as well as with clinical effects. The direct effects of various chemotherapies and radiation on telomere length, senescent cells, epigenetic modifications and microRNA were found. Long-term follow-up of cancer survivors and research on prevention strategies should be pursued to increase the length and quality of life among the growing population of cancer survivors.
[3.0, 3.0, 1.0, 2.0, 4.0]
Great paper on #neandertal adhesive technology: #pyrotechnology #archaeology #experimentalarchaeology
Chemical and microscopic analysis of experimental material alongside archaeological remains may help illuminate which methods were likely used in the past by understanding the formation and thermal degradation of biomarkers (cf.
Great paper on #neandertal adhesive technology: #pyrotechnology #archaeology #experimentalarchaeology
However, the tar lumps themselves may be able to give further insights into the evolution of the technique used. Chemical and microscopic analysis of experimental material alongside archaeological remains may help illuminate which methods were likely used in the past by understanding the formation and thermal degradation of biomarkers (cf. While there are many potential methods of producing tar 26 , we have demonstrated that there are at least three successful aceramic solutions, ranging from low to high-tech.
[2.0, 3.0, 3.0, 1.0, 1.0]
Adenosine and Non-Contrast #CMR T1 Mapping Differentiate Between Ischemic, Infarcted, Remote, and Normal Myocardium
At rest, the remote myocardial T1 (955 AE 17 ms) was comparable to normal controls at 1.
Adenosine and Non-Contrast #CMR T1 Mapping Differentiate Between Ischemic, Infarcted, Remote, and Normal Myocardium
10 patients showed evidence of previous myocardial infarction on LGE remote from the ischemic territories ( Table 2) . At rest, the remote myocardial T1 (955 AE 17 ms) was comparable to normal controls at 1. There was no significant stress dT1 reactivity in ischemic (0.2 AE 0.8%) or infarcted (0.2 AE 1.5%) myocardium compared to controls at 1.5-T (all p < 0.001).
[2.0, 2.0, 3.0]
Elementary teachers' depression symptoms related to students' learning...
Teachers' depressive symptoms were negatively associated with quality of CLE, and quality of CLE mediated the association between depressive symptoms and student achievement.
Elementary teachers' depression symptoms related to students' learning...
This depended on students' fall mathematics scores; students who began the year with weaker math skills and were in classrooms where teachers reported more depressive symptoms achieved smaller gains than did peers whose teachers reported fewer symptoms. Teachers' depressive symptoms were negatively associated with quality of CLE, and quality of CLE mediated the association between depressive symptoms and student achievement. The findings point to the importance of teachers' mental health, with implications for policy and practice.
[2.0, 4.0, 4.0, 4.0]
Abstract: Teens who regularly use synthetic cannabinoids more likely 2 report polydrug use than marijuana-only users
Marijuana users who use other drugs in particular are at highest risk for currently using SCs, so particular focus needs to be paid to these individuals at high risk.
Abstract: Teens who regularly use synthetic cannabinoids more likely 2 report polydrug use than marijuana-only users
Although previous studies have revealed that marijuana users are at high risk for use, this study revealed risk factors among current marijuana users that increase risk of current use and higher-frequency use of SCs. Prevention needs to be focused primarily on marijuana users, especially marijuana users with risk factors discovered in this analysis. Marijuana users who use other drugs in particular are at highest risk for currently using SCs, so particular focus needs to be paid to these individuals at high risk.
[4.0, 4.0, 4.0]
Pregnancy enhances the blood pressure response to music #psychophysiology
Note, however, that this may not be a mechanism of prenatal cultural transfer specific to music, but that physiological responses in Enhanced response to music in pregnancypregnant women may be enhanced to acoustic stimulation in general, a question that is not addressed in the current study.
Pregnancy enhances the blood pressure response to music #psychophysiology
Our finding suggests that the physiological response of the mother is enhanced with respect to a specific type of acoustical stimulus, namely, music, which may in turn partly underlie the strong physiological effects of music on the listener. Note, however, that this may not be a mechanism of prenatal cultural transfer specific to music, but that physiological responses in Enhanced response to music in pregnancypregnant women may be enhanced to acoustic stimulation in general, a question that is not addressed in the current study. Interestingly, the observed effects of music on the measured cardiac values (continuous blood pressure) are not directly related to valence, as has been previously speculated with respect to heart rate .
[4.0, 3.0, 4.0, 3.0, 3.0]
RT @username _Cesarean Delivery Rates Vary Widely Among US Hospitals. … #ptsafety #healthcare #HIMSS13
Thus, vast differences in practice patterns are likely to be driving the costly overuse of cesarean delivery in many US hospitals.
RT @username _Cesarean Delivery Rates Vary Widely Among US Hospitals. … #ptsafety #healthcare #HIMSS13
Even for women with lower-risk pregnancies, in which more limited variation might be expected, cesarean rates varied fifteenfold, from 2.4 percent to 36.5 percent. Thus, vast differences in practice patterns are likely to be driving the costly overuse of cesarean delivery in many US hospitals. Because Medicaid pays for nearly half of US births, government efforts to decrease variation are warranted.
[2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 4.0, 2.0]
Decisions, decisions. Our parrots made optimal choices when faced with an immediate food reward or a token that later on could be traded for a different value food. Find the paper here: #Parrots
In three conditions the subject could increase its payoff by choosing the token over the immediately available food, whereas in one condition, choosing the token led to a lower payoff than choosing the food.
Decisions, decisions. Our parrots made optimal choices when faced with an immediate food reward or a token that later on could be traded for a different value food. Find the paper here: #Parrots
With this in mind, it is possible to hypothesise that the feeding specialists (the great green and the blue-throated macaws) might encounter a greater need for optimal decision-making as to where and when to go more often than feeding generalists (the African grey parrots and the blue-headed macaws), who may opportunistically take any food they encounter. In three conditions the subject could increase its payoff by choosing the token over the immediately available food, whereas in one condition, choosing the token led to a lower payoff than choosing the food. Finally, two conditions presented a situation where there was no difference between the immediate and the future gain, so that the most economic decision was to consume the food immediately.
[4.0, 3.0, 3.0]
If you find Gleason 6 #prostatecancer in men &gt;70 years of age, please ONLY offer active surveillance: 1) It's the right thing for the patient 2) It'll save Medicare ~$320 million @username @username
If we were to scale up our per-person cost to the national level using this more recent incidence data, the total 3-year costs to Medicare for diagnosing prostate cancer in men 70 years or older would be $1 billion, a decrease of approximately $200 million relative to the earlier incidence rates.
If you find Gleason 6 #prostatecancer in men &gt;70 years of age, please ONLY offer active surveillance: 1) It's the right thing for the patient 2) It'll save Medicare ~$320 million @username @username
29, 30 The age groups with the largest declines were ages 70 to 74 years (a decrease of 112 men per 100 000) and 75 to 79 years (a decrease of 120 men per 100 000). If we were to scale up our per-person cost to the national level using this more recent incidence data, the total 3-year costs to Medicare for diagnosing prostate cancer in men 70 years or older would be $1 billion, a decrease of approximately $200 million relative to the earlier incidence rates. Third, active surveillance has become a standard option for men with Gleason scores of 6 or lower.
[3.0, 3.0, 4.0, 3.0]
Can #CDK12 loss identify a subset (~7%) of mCRPC pts with #immunotherapy responsive tumors? Provocative study from #PCF #SU2C International #ProstateCancer Dream Team article via: @username
Further, we identify that CDK12 mutant tumors have synthetic genetic dependencies and a characteristic immunophenotype, which provide candidate targets for precision therapy.
Can #CDK12 loss identify a subset (~7%) of mCRPC pts with #immunotherapy responsive tumors? Provocative study from #PCF #SU2C International #ProstateCancer Dream Team article via: @username
We show that CDK12 mutants are genetically, transcriptionally, and phenotypically distinct from HRD and MMRD tumors. Further, we identify that CDK12 mutant tumors have synthetic genetic dependencies and a characteristic immunophenotype, which provide candidate targets for precision therapy. We detected aberrations of CDK12 in 25/360 of mCRPC patients (6.9%), 95% confidence interval (CI) [4.6%, 10 .2%] ( Figure 1A ).
[4.0, 2.0, 5.0, 4.0, 4.0]
RCT: 10 mins of stretching every day for 4 weeks reduced tumor volume by 52% in mouse model of breast cancer.
Another important consideration is that, in this study, stretching was performed for 10 minutes once a day at ~25% strain, and we do not know whether a lower "dose" of stretching could be equally effective.
RCT: 10 mins of stretching every day for 4 weeks reduced tumor volume by 52% in mouse model of breast cancer.
Because stretching tissues in one dimension likely results in some amount of perpendicular compression, this question is relevant to our model and will need to be examined. Another important consideration is that, in this study, stretching was performed for 10 minutes once a day at ~25% strain, and we do not know whether a lower "dose" of stretching could be equally effective. Determining the minimum effective amplitude, duration and frequency of stretching in animals will be important before translational studies in humans can be undertaken.
[3.0, 3.0, 4.0, 2.0]
A customised #cancertreatment replicating ovarian #tumours inside chicken eggs
Lastly, a tumor could be established in the egg using tumor samples from ovarian cancer patients and that our nanoparticles were effective in eliminating the tumor.
A customised #cancertreatment replicating ovarian #tumours inside chicken eggs
Furthermore, we observed excellent tumor accumulation of the nanoparticles. Lastly, a tumor could be established in the egg using tumor samples from ovarian cancer patients and that our nanoparticles were effective in eliminating the tumor. These results point to the remarkable efficacy of our nanoparticle based drug delivery system and suggests the value of the chicken egg tumor model for testing novel therapies for ovarian cancer.
[4.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 4.0]
The association of stress disorders with increased risk of autoimmune diseases across 41 conditions @username
Restricting to participants with more than 5 years of followup, patients with stress-related disorders had a higher cumulative incidence of autoimmune diseases compared with their matched unexposed individuals across the follow-up period (eFigure3intheSupplement).
The association of stress disorders with increased risk of autoimmune diseases across 41 conditions @username
A score of zero shows no comorbidities; the higher the score, the more likely the predicted outcome will result in mortality or higher medical resource use. Restricting to participants with more than 5 years of followup, patients with stress-related disorders had a higher cumulative incidence of autoimmune diseases compared with their matched unexposed individuals across the follow-up period (eFigure3intheSupplement). Additional adjustment for medical surveillance level yielded somewhat lower point estimates (eTable 6 in the Supplement) while changing the definitions for history of other psychiatric disorders and autoimmune disease, and the extension of the lag-time period yielded similar results (eTables 7 and 8 in the Supplement).
[4.0, 4.0, 3.0, 5.0]
| Jurology | Emotional distress increases the likelihood of receiving surgery among men with localized prostate ca…
The level of emotional distress in men shortly after diagnosis predicted a greater likelihood of choosing surgery over active surveillance.
| Jurology | Emotional distress increases the likelihood of receiving surgery among men with localized prostate ca…
Being older was associated with a lower likelihood of choosing surgery over active surveillance or radiation. The level of emotional distress in men shortly after diagnosis predicted a greater likelihood of choosing surgery over active surveillance. Importantly, this was true for men with low risk disease, for whom active surveillance may be a clinically viable option and the side effects of surgery or radiation might be unnecessary.
[4.0, 3.0, 5.0, 5.0, 5.0]
It seems there is a plant that flowers only during a full moon in July. They're calling it the werewolf plant.
In the sympatric but wind-pollinated Ephedra distachya, pollination is not correlated to the full moon but occurs at approximately the same dates every year.
It seems there is a plant that flowers only during a full moon in July. They're calling it the werewolf plant.
Further, the spectacular reflection of the full-moonlight in the pollination drops is the only apparent means of nocturnal attraction of insects in these plants. In the sympatric but wind-pollinated Ephedra distachya, pollination is not correlated to the full moon but occurs at approximately the same dates every year. The lunar correlation has probably been lost in most species of Ephedra subsequent an evolutionary shift to wind pollination in the clade.
[2.0, 2.0, 4.0, 1.0, 1.0]
"Question Is vitamin D supplementation during pregnancy beneficial and safe for offspring?" Answer: pretty much, yes. And some editorial comments: and some other 'possible' links...
Vitamin D supplementation was associated with higher neonatal vitamin D status (bolus-or regular-dose supplement and early or late timing were equally effective in attaining improvement in vitamin D levels), higher calcium levels, higher Apgar scores, greater neonatal skinfold thickness, greater weight (at birth, 3 months, 6 months, 9 months, and 12 months), and greater height (at 3 months, 9 months, and 12 months) in the offspring.
"Question Is vitamin D supplementation during pregnancy beneficial and safe for offspring?" Answer: pretty much, yes. And some editorial comments: and some other 'possible' links...
Vitamin D supplementation during pregnancy with lower doses (≤2000 IU/d) was associated with a reduced risk of fetal and neonatal mortality. Vitamin D supplementation was associated with higher neonatal vitamin D status (bolus-or regular-dose supplement and early or late timing were equally effective in attaining improvement in vitamin D levels), higher calcium levels, higher Apgar scores, greater neonatal skinfold thickness, greater weight (at birth, 3 months, 6 months, 9 months, and 12 months), and greater height (at 3 months, 9 months, and 12 months) in the offspring. Timing of vitamin D supplementation affected birth weight.
[3.0, 4.0, 5.0, 4.0, 5.0]
The mix of bacteria that live inside your nos correlates with the type and severity of cold symptoms you develop❗ Nasal microbiota clusters associate with inflammatory response, viral load, and symptom severity staph in your nose❗
Our study is aligned with the previous findings suggesting that the microbiota in the nose has seasonal variation.
The mix of bacteria that live inside your nos correlates with the type and severity of cold symptoms you develop❗ Nasal microbiota clusters associate with inflammatory response, viral load, and symptom severity staph in your nose❗
The microbiota clusters appear to associate with different inflammatory response, viral titer, and symptom severity profiles in rhinovirus infection. Our study is aligned with the previous findings suggesting that the microbiota in the nose has seasonal variation. We further found that rhinovirus infection did not have a major impact on the nasal microbiota.
[1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 2.0, 4.0]
Use of #antipsychotic meds increased among teens &amp; young adults from 2006-2010 but not among kids 12 or younger.
This age profile refines earlier reports of steadily increasing rates of antipsychotic use across multiyear developmental categories of childhood to adolescence 28 to early adulthood.
Use of #antipsychotic meds increased among teens &amp; young adults from 2006-2010 but not among kids 12 or younger.
There was a rise in antipsychotic use during childhood that extended into adolescence for females, followed by a plateau and a decline during the transition to early adulthood. This age profile refines earlier reports of steadily increasing rates of antipsychotic use across multiyear developmental categories of childhood to adolescence 28 to early adulthood. 29 A peak in antipsychotic use among males aged 11 to 17 years fits with treatment of conduct problems that commonly occur during adolescence.
[4.0, 3.0, 4.0]
Lianas increase tropical tree mortality, alter C allocation in leaves and stems.
While the strength of the liana effect will vary with the density and biomass of lianas, the increase in liana density, biomass, and productivity reported in many neotropical forests (9, 10, 23) may be partially responsible for the longterm decline in the Amazonian carbon sink , which in turn contributes to increasing atmospheric carbon dioxide levels and accelerated climate change.
Lianas increase tropical tree mortality, alter C allocation in leaves and stems.
Notwithstanding, our results indicate that, due to their unique attributes, lianas have the potential to severely reduce both the carbon sink potential and long-term carbon storage capacity of tropical forests. While the strength of the liana effect will vary with the density and biomass of lianas, the increase in liana density, biomass, and productivity reported in many neotropical forests (9, 10, 23) may be partially responsible for the longterm decline in the Amazonian carbon sink , which in turn contributes to increasing atmospheric carbon dioxide levels and accelerated climate change. Aboveground tree carbon stocks in these 16 plots averaged 75.1 Mg C ha -1 , which was representative for other ∼60 year old forests in the neotropics .
[4.0, 3.0, 3.0, 3.0]
Childhood Corporal #Punishment and Future Perpetration of Physical Dating Violence [a] HT @username #DV #IPV #VAW #Parenting
Fourth, parent education (as a proxy for socioeconomic status) was linked to teen dating violence-specifically, that participants with lower socioeconomic status were more likely to perpetrate teen dating violence.
Childhood Corporal #Punishment and Future Perpetration of Physical Dating Violence [a] HT @username #DV #IPV #VAW #Parenting
Notably, this latter finding refers only to acts of violence and not frequency or severity, which is important, given research showing that female subjects may suffer more long-term negative physical and psychosocial consequences of teen dating violence. Fourth, parent education (as a proxy for socioeconomic status) was linked to teen dating violence-specifically, that participants with lower socioeconomic status were more likely to perpetrate teen dating violence. Finally, corporal punishment was associated with future physical perpetration of dating violence, even after controlling for demographic variables (ie, sex, ethnicity, age, parental education), as well as a history of childhood physical abuse.
[3.0, 4.0, 3.0, 1.0, 2.0]
Implementation of antibiotic stewardship #AMS in different settings - results of an international survey #aricjournal @username @username @username
The impact of specialty level culture, and peer influence appears to be significant factors of antibiotic decision-making.
Implementation of antibiotic stewardship #AMS in different settings - results of an international survey #aricjournal @username @username @username
This study with participants representing 53 countries provides insights into the main components of antibiotic stewardship programmes in different countries and the key factors which influence the antibiotic decision-making of key healthcare professionals. The impact of specialty level culture, and peer influence appears to be significant factors of antibiotic decision-making. These data identify existing gaps in adequate training and education for staff involved in stewardship, and the need for greater participation of nurses and pharmacists to ensure effective and sustainable stewardship programmes.
[4.0, 3.0, 3.0, 3.0, 1.0]
Prof Altmeyer and colleagues present an automated image-based cytometry method to quantify multiple cytotoxicity parameters in single cells and use it to study PARP inhibitors effect on cancer cells.
However, compared to microscopy-based measurements the sensitivity of both western blot and flow cytometry was extenuated and the lack of high-resolution cell images represents an additional limitation that precludes analyses of PARPi-induced changes at the subcellular level (see below).
Prof Altmeyer and colleagues present an automated image-based cytometry method to quantify multiple cytotoxicity parameters in single cells and use it to study PARP inhibitors effect on cancer cells.
Also flow cytometry revealed olaparib-induced γH2AX signaling in S-phase cells (Supplementary Figure 1g ). However, compared to microscopy-based measurements the sensitivity of both western blot and flow cytometry was extenuated and the lack of high-resolution cell images represents an additional limitation that precludes analyses of PARPi-induced changes at the subcellular level (see below). All compounds resulted in clearly detectable S-phase specific γH2AX signaling after just 4 h of exposure, with niraparib having the strongest and PJ-34 the weakest effect (Fig.
[4.0, 3.0, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0]
[Science] [Research Article] Mars’ Surface Radiation Environment Measured with the Mars Science Laboratory’s C...
The RAD surface measurements provide a baseline for inferring the flux in these more shielded environments (by validating and anchoring transport models) and thus the foundation for understanding the limits to preservation of organic matter in the soil and rocks of Gale crater.
[Science] [Research Article] Mars’ Surface Radiation Environment Measured with the Mars Science Laboratory’s C...
The radiation environment on Mars may also play a key role in the chemical alteration of the regolith and martian rocks over geologic time scales, affecting the preservation of organics, including potential organic biosignatures of the ancient martian environment . The RAD surface measurements provide a baseline for inferring the flux in these more shielded environments (by validating and anchoring transport models) and thus the foundation for understanding the limits to preservation of organic matter in the soil and rocks of Gale crater. The GCR dose rate can be seen to vary between 180 and 225 microgray (mGy)/ day, owing to the combined effects of diurnal variations from atmospheric pressure changes, Mars seasonal variations at Gale crater, and heliospheric structure variability due to solar activity and rotation.
[3.0, 1.0, 2.0]
Study: "Vitamin D supplementation during pregnancy is associated with a reduced risk of SGA and improved infant growth without risk of fetal or neonatal mortality or congenital abnormality."
Vitamin D supplementation with doses of 2000 IU/d or lower during pregnancy may reduce the risk of fetal or neonatal mortality.
Study: "Vitamin D supplementation during pregnancy is associated with a reduced risk of SGA and improved infant growth without risk of fetal or neonatal mortality or congenital abnormality."
CONCLUSIONS AND RELEVANCE Vitamin D supplementation during pregnancy is associated with a reduced risk of SGA and improved infant growth without risk of fetal or neonatal mortality or congenital abnormality. Vitamin D supplementation with doses of 2000 IU/d or lower during pregnancy may reduce the risk of fetal or neonatal mortality. Low vitamin D level status during pregnancy may expose the offspring to a suboptimal nutritional environment during critical phases of fetal development and may have long-term effects on offspring health outcomes.
[5.0, 5.0, 4.0, 4.0, 4.0]
Cardiovascular Risk and Inhaled Long-Acting Bronchodilators
Individual LABA agents, LAMA dosage forms, and concomitant COPD regimens did not differ in the CVD risks.
Cardiovascular Risk and Inhaled Long-Acting Bronchodilators
New LABA and LAMA use in COPD was associated with a 1.50-fold (95% CI, 1.35-1.67; P < .001) and a 1.52-fold (95% CI, 1.28-1.80; P < .001) increased cardiovascular risk within 30 days of initiation, respectively, whereas the risk was absent, or even reduced with prevalent use. Individual LABA agents, LAMA dosage forms, and concomitant COPD regimens did not differ in the CVD risks. The risk persisted in an alternative case-crossover study and remained across subgroups without CVD history or prior exacerbations.
[2.0, 2.0, 3.0, 3.0, 2.0]
The social costs of emotional suppression
An important topic for future studies will be to further examine factors that lead to changes in suppression, including both features of the environment that may affect all individuals similarly and construal processes that may vary from one individual to the next.
The social costs of emotional suppression
Variance in the dynamic component of suppression may reflect differences in how the transition was construed-as a traumatic separation by some and as an exciting social opportunity by others. An important topic for future studies will be to further examine factors that lead to changes in suppression, including both features of the environment that may affect all individuals similarly and construal processes that may vary from one individual to the next. Although we did not reassess suppression at the end of the fall term, indirect evidence suggests that changes in suppression may have endured.
[2.0, 1.0, 1.0, 4.0]
"Foraging benefits of being fat" // today in great research paper titles
Seals gradually became more buoyant as they increased their fat stores while foraging over the course of the migration.
"Foraging benefits of being fat" // today in great research paper titles
At the start of each migration, all 14 seals were negatively buoyant, as indicated by the negative drift rate values (figure 1; electronic supplementary material, figure S3 ). Seals gradually became more buoyant as they increased their fat stores while foraging over the course of the migration. All seals were still negatively buoyant at the end of the short foraging migration, but five of seven seals became neutrally buoyant by the end of the recording period during the long foraging migration, as indicated by the drift rates being zero (i.e.
[3.0, 1.0, 4.0, 3.0]
Wearable tech: Activity monitor tracks wellbeing of advanced cancer patients
Furthermore, continuous activity monitoring during treatment could help predict and monitor treatment complications and allow for timely and appropriate intervention.
Wearable tech: Activity monitor tracks wellbeing of advanced cancer patients
Of additional importance is the possibility of combining objective activity monitoring data with electronically recorded PROs for the purpose of monitoring treatment tolerability and response in future clinical trials. Furthermore, continuous activity monitoring during treatment could help predict and monitor treatment complications and allow for timely and appropriate intervention. Although limited by its small size and short duration, our trial included participants of varying ECOG-PS and KPS ratings allowing for activity estimates in each of the performance status categories.
[4.0, 4.0, 4.0, 1.0, 5.0]
"longevity and epigenetics" discovery science
S4 ), extends life span, suggesting that trimethylated H3K36 specifically may regulate longevity.
"longevity and epigenetics" discovery science
Rph1 removes methyl groups from dimethylated and trimethylated H3K36, whereas Jhd1 does so from dimethyl and monomethyl states. S4 ), extends life span, suggesting that trimethylated H3K36 specifically may regulate longevity. Supporting the high-throughput histone mutant screen data, all of the H3K36 substitution mutants showed significantly shorter life spans (Fig.
[3.0, 3.0, 3.0]
Microbial succession in an inflated lunar/Mars analog habitat during a 30-day… #microbiome
We conclude that it is critical to compare the microbiome of habitat without human occupation to habitat with human occupation since humans appeared to be the primary source of contamination in such habitats.
Microbial succession in an inflated lunar/Mars analog habitat during a 30-day… #microbiome
Furthermore, the MARS 500 microbial analysis did not contain control, i.e., preoccupation bacterial diversity measurements, to compare the microbial accumulation as measured in this study. We conclude that it is critical to compare the microbiome of habitat without human occupation to habitat with human occupation since humans appeared to be the primary source of contamination in such habitats. Such a comparison may enable development of cleaning and maintenance protocols.
[2.0, 4.0, 2.0, 1.0, 4.0]
Is Diet Quality Associated With Later Risk for Dementia? @username While usual limitations of observational studies like this apply, this analysis suggests eating a healthier diet assessed at midlife was not associated w/subsequent risk for #dementia.
In this long-term prospective cohort study, diet quality assessed during midlife was not significantly associated with subsequent risk for dementia.
Is Diet Quality Associated With Later Risk for Dementia? @username While usual limitations of observational studies like this apply, this analysis suggests eating a healthier diet assessed at midlife was not associated w/subsequent risk for #dementia.
Fourth, as with all observational studies, it was not possible to rule out residual confounding. In this long-term prospective cohort study, diet quality assessed during midlife was not significantly associated with subsequent risk for dementia. The validity and reliability of this version of the FFQ in terms of nutrient and food consumption has been documented in detail both in this cohort and in another independent study in the United Kingdom.
[5.0, 4.0, 5.0, 4.0, 5.0]
PMDD (síndrome pre-menstrual) was strongly and independently associated with non-fatal suicidal behaviors
These findings suggest that clinicians treating women with PMDD should assess and be vigilant for signs of suicidal behavior, and that clinicians might evaluate and treat the premenstrual symptoms of women who express suicidal ideation, plans, or attempts.
PMDD (síndrome pre-menstrual) was strongly and independently associated with non-fatal suicidal behaviors
In conclusion, this study is the first to demonstrate a strong, independent association between PMDD and suicidal ideation, plans, and attempts among a nationally representative sample of women. These findings suggest that clinicians treating women with PMDD should assess and be vigilant for signs of suicidal behavior, and that clinicians might evaluate and treat the premenstrual symptoms of women who express suicidal ideation, plans, or attempts. By targeting a gender-specific risk factor for non-fatal suicidal behavior, clinicians may be able to address a substantial public health problem among reproductive-aged women.
[4.0, 4.0, 4.0, 3.0]
#elephants dying from poaching for #ivory to east Asia reaches a tipping point: more killed than born (35,000 a yr)
At the intensively monitored site, illegal killing increased markedly after 2008 and was correlated strongly with the local black market ivory price and increased seizures of ivory destined for China.
#elephants dying from poaching for #ivory to east Asia reaches a tipping point: more killed than born (35,000 a yr)
At the intensively monitored site, illegal killing increased markedly after 2008 and was correlated strongly with the local black market ivory price and increased seizures of ivory destined for China. More broadly, results from application to continental data indicated illegal killing levels were unsustainable for the species between 2010 and 2012, peaking to ∼8% in 2011 which extrapolates to ∼40,000 elephants illegally killed and a probable species reduction of ∼3% that year. Preliminary data from 2013 indicate overharvesting continued.
[2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 3.0, 4.0]
Interesting how oncologic liver patients may be safely anti-coagulated s/p hepatectomy. &lt;6% complication rate with no fatalities reported in 124 patients @ MD Anderson. (Tag: @username)
Conclusions: These preliminary data suggest that extended pharmacologic thromboprophylaxis for liver surgery patients is safe and effective.
Interesting how oncologic liver patients may be safely anti-coagulated s/p hepatectomy. &lt;6% complication rate with no fatalities reported in 124 patients @ MD Anderson. (Tag: @username)
The severe complication rate was 5.6%, with no 90-day mortalities. Conclusions: These preliminary data suggest that extended pharmacologic thromboprophylaxis for liver surgery patients is safe and effective. The intraoperative, postoperative and overall transfusion rates were 5.6%, 8.1%, and 10.5%, respectively.
[2.0, 3.0, 2.0, 4.0]
@username FSA papers here and Same conclusions: no differences btwn organic and conventional
This review does not address potential health effects of differences in contaminant content (such as herbicide, pesticide, and fungicide residues) of organically and conventionally produced foodstuffs or of potential wider environmental or occupational health effects of different agricultural practices.
@username FSA papers here and Same conclusions: no differences btwn organic and conventional
Conclusion: From a systematic review of the currently available published literature, evidence is lacking for nutrition-related health effects that result from the consumption of organically produced foodstuffs. This review does not address potential health effects of differences in contaminant content (such as herbicide, pesticide, and fungicide residues) of organically and conventionally produced foodstuffs or of potential wider environmental or occupational health effects of different agricultural practices. Establishing the strength of the existing evidence base that relates to nutrition-related health benefits of organic food consumption will assist policymakers in the development of evidence-based statements on potential public-health gains or risks that result from organic food consumption and support consumers to make informed choices.
[2.0, 2.0, 1.0, 1.0]
Increased risk for type 1 #diabetes following common entero-#virus infection in #children. #autoimmunity...
Conclusions/interpretation This nationwide retrospective cohort study found a positive correlation between type 1 diabetes and EV infection.
Increased risk for type 1 #diabetes following common entero-#virus infection in #children. #autoimmunity...
The HRs of type 1 diabetes in children with allergic rhinitis, bronchial asthma or either one of these atopic diseases showed more variation than in those children without these diseases. Conclusions/interpretation This nationwide retrospective cohort study found a positive correlation between type 1 diabetes and EV infection. The results suggest that a preventive strategy, such as an effective vaccine against EV infection, may lessen the incidence of type 1 diabetes in Taiwan.
[5.0, 4.0, 5.0, 5.0, 5.0]
#journalofneuroinflammation Focal brain inflammation and #autism
We showed that mtDNA is significantly increased in the serum of young autistic children , who also had significantly increased serum level of NT ; this triggers mast cells to secrete mtDNA that acts as innate pathogen to stimulate mast cells and other immune cells, leading to auto-inflammation .
#journalofneuroinflammation Focal brain inflammation and #autism
There is also support for increased oxidative stress and some mitochondrial (mt) defects at least in subgroups of patients with ASD . We showed that mtDNA is significantly increased in the serum of young autistic children , who also had significantly increased serum level of NT ; this triggers mast cells to secrete mtDNA that acts as innate pathogen to stimulate mast cells and other immune cells, leading to auto-inflammation . We believe that ASD originate from immune perinatal insults that activate ASD susceptibility genes leading to focal encephalitis ( Table 2) .
[1.0, 5.0, 4.0, 3.0]
Editorial on ethical issues raised by models of human brain tissue - organoids, slices, chimeras "We do not think these difficult questions should halt research…. But to ensure success and social acceptance…. an ethical framework must be forged now"
Is there a point at which we should be concerned about the welfare of brain surrogates or chimaeras, such that assigning someone loosely akin to a guardian or decision-maker for the brain surrogate might be warranted, beyond the researchers involved?
Editorial on ethical issues raised by models of human brain tissue - organoids, slices, chimeras "We do not think these difficult questions should halt research…. But to ensure success and social acceptance…. an ethical framework must be forged now"
When people undergoing in vitro fertilization procedures choose to donate excess embryos to research, for instance, they are assured that these will not be used to create a baby. Is there a point at which we should be concerned about the welfare of brain surrogates or chimaeras, such that assigning someone loosely akin to a guardian or decision-maker for the brain surrogate might be warranted, beyond the researchers involved? Such an arrangement would be similar to the appointment of a guardian ad litem in custody disputes involving children in the United States (someone besides the parents who can represent the child's interests).
[4.0, 4.0, 1.0, 3.0]
"The estimated total 3-year cost to Medicare associated with the annual detection of prostate cancer in men 70 years or older is $1.2 billion." via @username And costs are only 1 harm domain of #overdiagnosis
CONCLUSIONS AND RELEVANCE There is substantial cost to the Medicare program associated with the diagnosis and treatment of localized prostate cancer among elderly men in the United States, despite the fact that these men are unlikely to die of prostate cancer.
"The estimated total 3-year cost to Medicare associated with the annual detection of prostate cancer in men 70 years or older is $1.2 billion." via @username And costs are only 1 harm domain of #overdiagnosis
IMPORTANCE Localized prostate cancer diagnosis and treatment among elderly men who are not likely to benefit represents a potential source of low-value health care services. CONCLUSIONS AND RELEVANCE There is substantial cost to the Medicare program associated with the diagnosis and treatment of localized prostate cancer among elderly men in the United States, despite the fact that these men are unlikely to die of prostate cancer. The majority of costs are related to treatment.
[4.0, 3.0, 3.0]
RT @username: "Policy Dilemmas in #Latino Health Care and Implementation of the #ACA"
Research into health care disparities affecting Latinos will likely change rapidly during the next two decades because of two important policy and sociodemographic changes.
RT @username: "Policy Dilemmas in #Latino Health Care and Implementation of the #ACA"
Care 535 patient, provider, and system factors that explains such disparities . Research into health care disparities affecting Latinos will likely change rapidly during the next two decades because of two important policy and sociodemographic changes. First, the implementation of the ACA will provide new topics of inquiry, such as the identification of new areas of disparities in health care including those between eligible and ineligible Latino populations (e.g., documented versus undocumented immigrants) as well as those within eligible populations.
[4.0, 2.0, 4.0, 4.0, 4.0]
#CeliacDisease associated with increased risk of #neuropathy in a study of patients in #Sweden.
Although absolute risks for neuropathy are low, CD is a potentially treatable condition with a young age of onset.
#CeliacDisease associated with increased risk of #neuropathy in a study of patients in #Sweden.
We found an increased risk of neuropathy in patients with CD that persists after CD diagnosis. Although absolute risks for neuropathy are low, CD is a potentially treatable condition with a young age of onset. Our findings suggest that screening could be beneficial in patients with neuropathy.
[4.0, 2.0, 3.0, 3.0, 4.0]
Yes. Food ads do make you fatter. #diet #nutrition #food
The overweight and obese sample here reported a stronger desire to eat following priming with a series of television advertisements for food products than when primed with advertisements for non-food products.
Yes. Food ads do make you fatter. #diet #nutrition #food
In contrast to Experiment 1, exposure to television food advertising also affected ratings of desire to eat. The overweight and obese sample here reported a stronger desire to eat following priming with a series of television advertisements for food products than when primed with advertisements for non-food products. This suggests that in overweight and obese individuals, exposure to food commercials not only activates food-related cognitions, but also triggers a motivation to eat.
[5.0, 4.0, 5.0]
Jean Chastre &amp; co review antibiotic stewardship as part of our #antibioticresistance series #AntibioticDay #EAAD2014
This strategy requires that initial antibiotic choices be guided by local antibiotic resistance patterns and laboratory test results (including Gram staining), rapidly yielding identities of likely responsible pathogens.
Jean Chastre &amp; co review antibiotic stewardship as part of our #antibioticresistance series #AntibioticDay #EAAD2014
In general, the first goal can be accomplished by rapidly identifying patients with infection and starting empirical therapy likely to treat the institution's most common etiological agents. This strategy requires that initial antibiotic choices be guided by local antibiotic resistance patterns and laboratory test results (including Gram staining), rapidly yielding identities of likely responsible pathogens. Therefore, every effort
[2.0, 4.0, 1.0, 4.0]
Examining the contents of an interstellar dust buster
The remaining 25 so-called midnight tracks have trajectories that are consistent with an origin either in the interstellar dust stream or as ejecta from impacts on the lid of the sample return capsule (20) .
Examining the contents of an interstellar dust buster
Forty-six of the tracks are consistent in their trajectories with an origin as secondary ejecta from impacts on the aft solar panels, and this origin was confirmed for four tracks (12) (13) (14) (15) by the presence of cerium, a cosmically rare element present in the glass covering the spacecraft solar panels. The remaining 25 so-called midnight tracks have trajectories that are consistent with an origin either in the interstellar dust stream or as ejecta from impacts on the lid of the sample return capsule (20) . The ambiguity in origin of these 25 tracks is due to the articulation of the collector on its arm during the exposure (27) .
[4.0, 1.0, 2.0, 2.0]
Hot off the press! How to do exercise prescription for cancer patients by the @username team Well done! @username @username
Conclusions: While for the majority, multimodal, moderate to high intensity exercise will be appropriate, there is no set prescription and total weekly dosage that would be considered evidence-based for all cancer patients.
Hot off the press! How to do exercise prescription for cancer patients by the @username team Well done! @username @username
Additional specific exercise prescription considerations are provided for the presence of haematological, musculoskeletal, systemic, cardiovascular, lymphatic, gastrointestinal, genitourinary and neurological disease-and treatment-related concerns, as well as presence of co-morbid chronic disease. Conclusions: While for the majority, multimodal, moderate to high intensity exercise will be appropriate, there is no set prescription and total weekly dosage that would be considered evidence-based for all cancer patients. Targeted exercise prescription, which includes the provision of behaviour change advice and support, is needed to ensure greatest benefit (as defined by the patient) in the short and longer term, with low risk of harm.
[4.0, 1.0, 1.0, 3.0, 1.0]
Free featured- A perineuronal net protein dynamically gates PV+ interneuron function with effects on memory
Specifically, these properties seem to depend on BCAN expression in PV+ interneurons, as the PV+ cell-specific knockdown revealed a particularly strong and broad phenotype when compared to the full Bcan knockout that might be explained by the different timing of the experimental manipulations.
Free featured- A perineuronal net protein dynamically gates PV+ interneuron function with effects on memory
Indeed, the changes in spike shape and Kv3.1b clustering appear more directly related with the absence of BCAN. Specifically, these properties seem to depend on BCAN expression in PV+ interneurons, as the PV+ cell-specific knockdown revealed a particularly strong and broad phenotype when compared to the full Bcan knockout that might be explained by the different timing of the experimental manipulations. Likewise, the first PNNs are observed around P7 and their maturation continues until P28 .
[2.0, 4.0, 2.0]
The first ever #crystalstructure of a complete tetraspanin has just been published @username
The tetraspanin CD81 contains a large intramembrane cavity occupied by cholesterol, indicating the potential for functional modulation by small molecules.
The first ever #crystalstructure of a complete tetraspanin has just been published @username
Cholesterol binding appears to modulate CD81 activity in cells, suggesting a potential mechanism for regulation of tetraspanin function. The tetraspanin CD81 contains a large intramembrane cavity occupied by cholesterol, indicating the potential for functional modulation by small molecules. The development of specialized cell-cell interactions and new cell types likely selected for the duplication and differentiation of tetraspanins that evolved to effect specific functions.
[3.0, 4.0, 3.0, 3.0, 1.0]
Study from @username Policy Dilemmas in #Latino Health Care and Implementation of the #ACA - PubMed - NCBI
Focusing on efforts to improve delivery systems for Latinos will likely reduce disparities in patients' experiences and the quality of primary care received.
Study from @username Policy Dilemmas in #Latino Health Care and Implementation of the #ACA - PubMed - NCBI
Differences in the quality of care appear to be largely attributable to the fact that Latinos are cared for in settings where communication and the quality of care are not especially patient-centered . Focusing on efforts to improve delivery systems for Latinos will likely reduce disparities in patients' experiences and the quality of primary care received. Importantly, Latinas, in general, tend to have worse diet-related behaviors when compared with non-Latinas, including consuming more fast food, sugar-sweetened beverages, and fried potatoes .
[2.0, 3.0, 3.0, 2.0, 3.0]
#ICYMI from the @username... Sera antibody repertoire analyses reveal mechanisms of broad and pandemic strain neutralizing responses after human #norovirus vaccination. @username #organoids #enteroids
Increased understanding of which capsid epitopes should be targeted to protect against different genotypes and of the impact of pre-exposure history on the elicitation of protective immunity after vaccination are important considerations in vaccine design and efficacy .
#ICYMI from the @username... Sera antibody repertoire analyses reveal mechanisms of broad and pandemic strain neutralizing responses after human #norovirus vaccination. @username #organoids #enteroids
One antibody recognizes a neutralizing epitope conserved across three decades of pandemic strains and neutralizes virus in vitro, demonstrating that vaccination can elicit pandemicstrain neutralizing antibody responses in some individuals. Increased understanding of which capsid epitopes should be targeted to protect against different genotypes and of the impact of pre-exposure history on the elicitation of protective immunity after vaccination are important considerations in vaccine design and efficacy . Multivalent VLP immunization broadens the breadth of blockade antibodies produced after immunization of mice and humans .
[2.0, 1.0, 1.0, 3.0, 2.0]
huge amounts of methane producing in Mars atmosphere. A hint to existence of life on a Mars? answer in 3 hours
Contradictions were noted between the locations of maxima reported from ground-based observations and maps inferred by PFS and TES from Mars orbit.
huge amounts of methane producing in Mars atmosphere. A hint to existence of life on a Mars? answer in 3 hours
(13) . Contradictions were noted between the locations of maxima reported from ground-based observations and maps inferred by PFS and TES from Mars orbit. The plume results (13) were questioned (22) on the basis of a possible misinterpretation from methane lines whose positions coincided with those of terrestrial isotopic 13 CH 4 lines.
[2.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0]
New Research: Findings from the Families on Track intervention pilot trial for children with fetal alcohol...
Adapting existing interventions improves study efficiency and increases the potential for future dissemination.
New Research: Findings from the Families on Track intervention pilot trial for children with fetal alcohol...
Similar to several prior FASD interventions , results from this study document that existing interventions can be effective for children with FASD with appropriate adaptations. Adapting existing interventions improves study efficiency and increases the potential for future dissemination. Caregivers were also Bold data highlight statistically significant findings.
[1.0, 1.0, 4.0, 1.0, 1.0]
This study pairs #THC consumption &amp; stressful events - finds that this combination "impairs fear extinction in adulthood." This highlights a known connection between the endocannabinoid, memory, &amp; stress response systems, toward long-term exploration.
S7A ) and the IL (interaction THC x stress: F 1,22 = 5.66, p < 0.05) (Fig.
This study pairs #THC consumption &amp; stressful events - finds that this combination "impairs fear extinction in adulthood." This highlights a known connection between the endocannabinoid, memory, &amp; stress response systems, toward long-term exploration.
Simultaneous THC and stress adolescent exposure reduced the activity of the BLA (interaction THC x stress: F 1,23 = 9.52, p < 0.05) (Fig. S7A ) and the IL (interaction THC x stress: F 1,22 = 5.66, p < 0.05) (Fig. Interestingly, cFos expression was higher in adult animals exposed to THC and stress during the adolescence that did not undergo fear conditioning/extinction in both the BLA (p < 0.05) (Fig.
[3.0, 2.0, 1.0, 5.0, 1.0]
Effects of taxing sugar sweetened beverages across different income groups
Thus the per capita, per year, weight loss as a result of the tax is almost six times greater for heavy drinkers relative to persons drinking at an average level.
Effects of taxing sugar sweetened beverages across different income groups
Using this conversion criteria a reduction of 16,087 kJ as a result of the SSB tax translates into a reduction in body weight of 0.44 Kg (16,087/36,500 Kj) per year at mean level of consumption. Thus the per capita, per year, weight loss as a result of the tax is almost six times greater for heavy drinkers relative to persons drinking at an average level. This is a significant positive effect, considering that heavy drinkers would be a major target group for any tax policy.
[3.0, 3.0, 2.0, 4.0]
How #obesity is limiting US life expectancy improvement, w/ ~200,000 excess deaths/year @username @username @username @username @username
The effect of rising Max BMI is large relative to international mortality trends and to alternative mortality futures simulated by the Social Security Administration.
How #obesity is limiting US life expectancy improvement, w/ ~200,000 excess deaths/year @username @username @username @username @username
Results were robust to the inclusion of other variables in the model, to differences in how Max BMI was measured, and to how trends were evaluated. The effect of rising Max BMI is large relative to international mortality trends and to alternative mortality futures simulated by the Social Security Administration. The increase in Max BMI over the period 1988-2011 is estimated to have reduced life expectancy at age 40 by 0.9 years in 2011 (95% confidence interval 0.7-1.1 years) and accounted for 186,000 excess deaths that year.
[3.0, 1.0, 4.0, 3.0, 3.0]
Counseling and medication greatly increases smokers' chances of quitting
After adjusting for this confounder, we found that smokers who use a combination of specialist behavioral support and medication in their quit attempts had almost 3 times the odds of success than did those who used neither medication nor behavioral support.
Counseling and medication greatly increases smokers' chances of quitting
8 Still, smokers who used medication and behavioral support reported higher levels of urges to smoke than did smokers who tried to quit unaided. After adjusting for this confounder, we found that smokers who use a combination of specialist behavioral support and medication in their quit attempts had almost 3 times the odds of success than did those who used neither medication nor behavioral support. We also found that smokers who bought nicotine replacement therapy (NRT) over the counter with no behavioral support had similar odds of success at stopping as did those who stop without any aid.
[2.0, 5.0, 4.0, 4.0, 5.0]
RESEARCH: Scientists reverse aging-associated skin wrinkles and hair loss in a mouse model -
Instead, follicles contained predominantly keratinaceous debris with only a few developing hair shafts which were fragmented and malformed.
RESEARCH: Scientists reverse aging-associated skin wrinkles and hair loss in a mouse model -
6d ) in mtDNA-depleter compared with wild-type mice, these follicles were aberrant and did not produce normal hair shafts in mtDNA-depleter mice. Instead, follicles contained predominantly keratinaceous debris with only a few developing hair shafts which were fragmented and malformed. Thus, alopecia was not due to loss of hair follicles or cessation of cycling; rather, the follicles were dysfunctional and could not produce normal hair shaft or completely lost this capability.
[1.0, 2.0, 2.0, 2.0]
TIL There is a correlation between the intensity of reading and the likelihood of myopia. #science
Of all near-work activities, only the time spent reading for pleasure was independently associated with SER after adjustment for age, sex, ethnicity, and school type (P trend ϭ 0.02, Table 2 ).
TIL There is a correlation between the intensity of reading and the likelihood of myopia. #science
Less total near work was reported by the children of European Caucasian ethnicity than by those of East Asian ethnicity and by those attending public comprehensive schools than by those attending other school types (Table 1) . Of all near-work activities, only the time spent reading for pleasure was independently associated with SER after adjustment for age, sex, ethnicity, and school type (P trend ϭ 0.02, Table 2 ). In general, there was only a very weak correlation between SER and hours spent in near-work activities (correlation coefficient for all, r Յ Ϫ0.2; Table 3 ).
[2.0, 4.0, 2.0, 3.0, 5.0]
Gr8 read in latest issue👌🏿Our work on asthma prevalence in London secondarySchools Interesting stats #datasaveslives
Over a third (42.4%) of students prescribed a short-acting β2-agonist inhaler felt uncomfortable using it at school, and 29.2% (n = 173) reported not using this inhaler when wheezy.
Gr8 read in latest issue👌🏿Our work on asthma prevalence in London secondarySchools Interesting stats #datasaveslives
Suboptimal asthma control was reported by 49.6% of students. Over a third (42.4%) of students prescribed a short-acting β2-agonist inhaler felt uncomfortable using it at school, and 29.2% (n = 173) reported not using this inhaler when wheezy. 56.4% (n = 220) of those with regular inhaled corticosteroids did not take them as prescribed, and 41.7% did not know what this inhaler was for.
[2.0, 2.0, 3.0, 2.0, 1.0]
.@username in @username: Less #surgery for pts w advanced #coloncancer. Study: Article:
First, the decreasing rate of PTR could have been primarily the result of more effective systemic therapy or of greater reluctance among surgeons to operate on patients with asymptomatic stage IV CRC.
.@username in @username: Less #surgery for pts w advanced #coloncancer. Study: Article:
Our study has several limitations. First, the decreasing rate of PTR could have been primarily the result of more effective systemic therapy or of greater reluctance among surgeons to operate on patients with asymptomatic stage IV CRC. The extent to which these factors contributed to the observed decreasing PTR rate is unknown.
[1.0, 4.0, 4.0, 3.0, 2.0]
Interested in deep-sea microbes? Then check out our newest work on microbes living in hydrothermal sediments in Guaymas Basin.
We found indications for such plasticity in several bacterial genomes, especially within the Delta-and Gammaproteobacteria that might couple the reduction of sulfur with the oxidation of carbon, lipids or hydrocarbons.
Interested in deep-sea microbes? Then check out our newest work on microbes living in hydrothermal sediments in Guaymas Basin.
Respiratory processes were often partitioned among the community and only few genomes were encoding for full pathways. We found indications for such plasticity in several bacterial genomes, especially within the Delta-and Gammaproteobacteria that might couple the reduction of sulfur with the oxidation of carbon, lipids or hydrocarbons. While we cannot determine which processes are active, enhanced genotypic diversity might provide an additional adaptation strategy to variable environmental conditions.
[1.0, 1.0, 3.0, 3.0, 1.0]
Study done by #CHeSS affiliate D. Voisin of @username, which looks at risks for African American females in gangs.
Major findings also indicated that low levels of parental monitoring, poor parental communication and housing instability were significantly associated with gang involvement.
Study done by #CHeSS affiliate D. Voisin of @username, which looks at risks for African American females in gangs.
Similarly, our findings support earlier studies documenting that emotional processing ability has been associated with the quality of social interactions with both friends and family , and antisocial behavior and delinquency over time ). Major findings also indicated that low levels of parental monitoring, poor parental communication and housing instability were significantly associated with gang involvement. Our findings support social control theory .
[3.0, 4.0, 1.0, 3.0, 3.0]
Our paper by @username, @username, Baddeley, @username &amp; @username on how to optimise camouflage and visibility using deep learning is now out in Royal Society Interface! We even got some pictures of tigers in it! #visualecology #colsci
The result, that trichromatic vision is more effective at breaking camouflage, seems to run counter to oft-quoted temperate forest trichromat temperate forest dichromat semi-arid desert trichromat semi-arid desert dichromat historical accounts of the military value of dichromatic observers and contemporary theories for the maintenance of visual pigment polymorphisms in many New World monkey species .
Our paper by @username, @username, Baddeley, @username &amp; @username on how to optimise camouflage and visibility using deep learning is now out in Royal Society Interface! We even got some pictures of tigers in it! #visualecology #colsci
Consequently this does not account for the difference between simulated dichromat and trichromat reaction times. The result, that trichromatic vision is more effective at breaking camouflage, seems to run counter to oft-quoted temperate forest trichromat temperate forest dichromat semi-arid desert trichromat semi-arid desert dichromat historical accounts of the military value of dichromatic observers and contemporary theories for the maintenance of visual pigment polymorphisms in many New World monkey species . This view seems to be confirmed by a brief survey of the literature.
[2.0, 3.0, 3.0, 2.0]
Tamulosin is often used in patients with kidney stones in the hope it will speed stone passage. This RCT shows it is ineffective.
Meaning For emergency department patients who present with renal colic owing to ureteral stones smaller than 9 mm, tamsulosin does not appear to promote stone passage.
Tamulosin is often used in patients with kidney stones in the hope it will speed stone passage. This RCT shows it is ineffective.
Findings In this randomized clinical trial of 512 adults, the proportion achieving ureteral stone expulsion by 28 days was 50% with tamsulosin vs 47% with placebo, a nonsignificant difference. Meaning For emergency department patients who present with renal colic owing to ureteral stones smaller than 9 mm, tamsulosin does not appear to promote stone passage. In the 11 cases for which this algorithm did not yield a clear result, the CT scans were individually reviewed and a consensus was reached.
[5.0, 4.0, 5.0]
Nice one! MT @username: Our new marine extinctions paper entirely dependent on @username &amp; @username
We define 11 marine and eight non-marine groups as well assessed by the IUCN (of which six and seven, respectively, are also well described; Table 1 ).
Nice one! MT @username: Our new marine extinctions paper entirely dependent on @username &amp; @username
16.8% marine), and proportions of predicted total species numbers (10.0% non-marine cf. We define 11 marine and eight non-marine groups as well assessed by the IUCN (of which six and seven, respectively, are also well described; Table 1 ). These contain 42.7% of all described and 98.8% of all assessed marine species and 25.5% of described and 96.9% of assessed non-marine species.
[1.0, 1.0, 5.0, 2.0, 3.0]
Study: Half of California's big trees have gone since 1930s, and oaks are muscling out evergreens .@username
In the Sierra Nevada, increases of small trees of 63% and declines of large trees of 20% were found in resurveyed plots .
Study: Half of California's big trees have gone since 1930s, and oaks are muscling out evergreens .@username
The differences in forest structure between the contemporary and historical datasets are also consistent with results of smaller studies that attempted to relocate and resurvey VTM plots. In the Sierra Nevada, increases of small trees of 63% and declines of large trees of 20% were found in resurveyed plots . Similarly, a 79% increase in tree density was found in the Transverse ranges of southern California, attributed to fire suppression .
[1.0, 2.0, 1.0, 3.0]
Our new paper shows link between cuts to public health budgets and falling vaccination rates in Italy
We estimated that each 1% reduction in real public health expenditure per-capita corresponded to a 0.5 percentage points reduction in MMR coverage.
Our new paper shows link between cuts to public health budgets and falling vaccination rates in Italy
Our analysis suggests that austerity measures adopted in Italy contributed significantly to the resurgence of measles. We estimated that each 1% reduction in real public health expenditure per-capita corresponded to a 0.5 percentage points reduction in MMR coverage. In the worst affected regions, which faced up to 5% cuts, this would equate to a 2.5 percentage point fall in coverage.
[3.0, 5.0, 4.0, 4.0, 5.0]
Another universal human facial expression? The determination face Original article:
Humans exhibit a motivation for, and level of, cooperation in their social interactions that is unique among primate species , and so, in this context, we might expect human facial expressivity to exhibit some important differences from other primates.
Another universal human facial expression? The determination face Original article:
Overall, physical similarity of the main facial expression configurations, however, may obscure important differences in how facial expression is actually used. Humans exhibit a motivation for, and level of, cooperation in their social interactions that is unique among primate species , and so, in this context, we might expect human facial expressivity to exhibit some important differences from other primates. The link between expression and emotion is not absolute , but in order for some level of honest communicative meaning to evolve, there must be an advantage to both sender and receiver .
[3.0, 2.0, 2.0, 2.0, 3.0]
This seems like a rather important result in the structure of the quasar engine!
The angular size of each component scales with the observed optical flux 6 , making interferometry particularly well suited to exploring the physical origin of the broad-line region and to measuring black-hole masses in luminous quasars such as 3C 273, which are more representative of the supermassive black holes found in large samples out to high redshift.
This seems like a rather important result in the structure of the quasar engine!
Future observations could aim to measure a rotation curve and search for additional (for example, outflow) components and structural variability. The angular size of each component scales with the observed optical flux 6 , making interferometry particularly well suited to exploring the physical origin of the broad-line region and to measuring black-hole masses in luminous quasars such as 3C 273, which are more representative of the supermassive black holes found in large samples out to high redshift. These authors contributed equally: E. Sturm, J. Dexter.
[1.0, 1.0, 4.0, 1.0, 1.0]
First genetic variants identified for grip strength - - nice work Cambridge team @username
We also performed Mendelian randomization (MR) analyses, which showed no evidence for causality in the associations of grip strength with CVD or all-cause mortality, but were suggestive of a causal effect of muscular strength on fracture risk.
First genetic variants identified for grip strength - - nice work Cambridge team @username
Grip strength is highly heritable (h 2 ¼ 30-65%) [10] . We also performed Mendelian randomization (MR) analyses, which showed no evidence for causality in the associations of grip strength with CVD or all-cause mortality, but were suggestive of a causal effect of muscular strength on fracture risk. Multiple novel loci are associated with grip strength.
[2.0, 2.0, 1.0, 1.0]
#Statin guidelines and #CV events, cost-effectiveness: and in @username
Although our analyses suggest that adherence to new ACC/AHA statin eligibility guidelines may prove beneficial for the reduction of future cardiovascular events compared with using the ATP III guidelines, the absolute event risk of statinnoneligible adults is not much lower with the ACC/AHA guidelines (1.0%) compared with the ATP III guidelines (2.4%), and the larger benefit may be that the ACC/AHA guidelines identify many more statin-eligible participants with a similarly high event rate as the ATP III guidelines (6.3% vs 6.9%).
#Statin guidelines and #CV events, cost-effectiveness: and in @username
21 Analogous to their finding that participants with 50% or greater coronary stenosis were more frequently assigned statin therapy with the ACC/AHA guidelines than the ATP III guidelines (90% vs 60%, respectively), we show that those with high-risk CAC scores (>300) are more frequently allocated statin therapy with the ACC/AHA guidelines compared with the ATP III guidelines (5% vs 34%, respectively), and the HR among those with CAC scores greater than 300 for being statin eligible vs noneligible with the ACC/AHA guidelines is considerably higher than with the ATP III guidelines (HRs, 11 vs 3.6, respectively). Although our analyses suggest that adherence to new ACC/AHA statin eligibility guidelines may prove beneficial for the reduction of future cardiovascular events compared with using the ATP III guidelines, the absolute event risk of statinnoneligible adults is not much lower with the ACC/AHA guidelines (1.0%) compared with the ATP III guidelines (2.4%), and the larger benefit may be that the ACC/AHA guidelines identify many more statin-eligible participants with a similarly high event rate as the ATP III guidelines (6.3% vs 6.9%). In addition, a risk-benefit analysis considering costs and potential adverse effects of statins, especially in patients with prediabetes and in lower-risk patients, is needed to provide a complete assessment of the effects of the change in statin eligibility guidelines on the health care system.
[2.0, 2.0, 1.0, 2.0, 1.0]
#Learning&amp;Behavior: NC crows pay attention to where others forage, but do not copy their actions @username
Whilst the task did not involve tool making, we assume that any social learning mechanism found to play a role in the acquisition of novel foraging behavior is also likely to play a role in the acquisition of tool-making behavior.
#Learning&amp;Behavior: NC crows pay attention to where others forage, but do not copy their actions @username
We found no evidence that the choice of apparatus was influenced by the apparatus at which the interactions of others were observed suggesting the context specific effect generalized between apparatuses, as would be expected by stimulus enhancement, but not local Fig. Whilst the task did not involve tool making, we assume that any social learning mechanism found to play a role in the acquisition of novel foraging behavior is also likely to play a role in the acquisition of tool-making behavior. Since action-specific social learning mechanisms (e.g., imitation or emulation) would be required to account for the documented pattern of variation in New Caledonian crow tool types, that we found no action-specific effect in our diffusion experiment suggests that social learning resulting from observing another's tool-making activity is unlikely to explain tool type variation.
[2.0, 2.0, 2.0, 2.0, 3.0]
Increased use of antipsychotic medication from 2006 to 2010 in adolescents and young adults #Pharmacoepidemiology
However, only a minority filled 1 or more antipsychotic prescriptions from a child and adolescent psychiatrist (29.3% of young children, 39.2% of older children, 39.2% of adolescents, and 14.2% of young adults in 2010).
Increased use of antipsychotic medication from 2006 to 2010 in adolescents and young adults #Pharmacoepidemiology
Most young people treated with antipsychotics in each age group filled 1 or more antipsychotic prescriptions that were written by a psychiatrist (57.9% of young children, 71.9% of older children, 77.9% of adolescents, and 70.4% of young adults in 2010) ( Table 2) . However, only a minority filled 1 or more antipsychotic prescriptions from a child and adolescent psychiatrist (29.3% of young children, 39.2% of older children, 39.2% of adolescents, and 14.2% of young adults in 2010). Younger children treated with antipsychotics were proportionately the least likely of the 4 age groups to have filled 1 or more antipsychotic prescriptions from a psychiatrist.
[3.0, 3.0, 2.0, 2.0, 3.0]
[2/2] Vaccination drivers (just two of many). Social norms: health provider communication:
Vaccine scares can have long-term impacts on vaccine coverage, causing depressed coverage even after the perceived vaccine risk has returned to baseline levels.
[2/2] Vaccination drivers (just two of many). Social norms: health provider communication:
The social learning rate k can also influence whether the population converges to no vaccine coverage or returns to full vaccine coverage, after a vaccine scare (figure 5). Vaccine scares can have long-term impacts on vaccine coverage, causing depressed coverage even after the perceived vaccine risk has returned to baseline levels. This is obvious in comparisons of the fitted model appearing in figure 1e,f to simulations of the same model, but where the pertussis vaccine scare never occurred (s ¼ 1, figure 6 ).
[2.0, 2.0, 2.0]
This is an additional pro that pushes the pro/con balance in favor of being married. #dermatology #aadmember #dermah12o
Marital status should be considered when counseling patients for melanoma procedures and when recommending screening and follow-up to optimize patient care.
This is an additional pro that pushes the pro/con balance in favor of being married. #dermatology #aadmember #dermah12o
Moreover, never married, divorced, and widowed patients are less likely to undergo SLNB for appropriate lesions. Marital status should be considered when counseling patients for melanoma procedures and when recommending screening and follow-up to optimize patient care. [8] Among patients with clinically localized melanoma, a wide range in melanoma-specific survival is characterized by T stage and ulceration status.
[1.0, 1.0, 3.0]
New paper from our lab out today in @username showing how #vitaPAMP recognition via TLR8 promotes #TFHcell differentiation &amp; #vaccine responses. Free full text
These results indicated that the recognition of bacterial viability was an essential driver of vaccine-induced T FH cell and antibody responses in vivo.
New paper from our lab out today in @username showing how #vitaPAMP recognition via TLR8 promotes #TFHcell differentiation &amp; #vaccine responses. Free full text
7g) , which demonstrated enhanced humoral immunity in response to the live vaccine. These results indicated that the recognition of bacterial viability was an essential driver of vaccine-induced T FH cell and antibody responses in vivo. A TLR8 polymorphism is associated with vaccine protection in humans.
[2.0, 1.0, 3.0, 3.0, 2.0]
Climate change impacts in the Andes and the Himalayas: declining flows versus increasing extremes l
Modeling studies at a high spatiotemporal resolution and degree of process complexity are crucial to assess the impact of climate change on the hydrological balance of high-altitude catchments and to refine the projections of the coarser-scale models .
Climate change impacts in the Andes and the Himalayas: declining flows versus increasing extremes l
Given the multitude of control factors, often acting at relatively small scales, current projections of global glacier change models do not constrain the mechanisms underlying the variations in river flow from high-altitude catchments well . Modeling studies at a high spatiotemporal resolution and degree of process complexity are crucial to assess the impact of climate change on the hydrological balance of high-altitude catchments and to refine the projections of the coarser-scale models . Model construction and calibration benefited from extensive shortterm field campaigns, which allowed overcoming the problem of data scarcity typical of poorly accessible high-altitude regions.
[1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 2.0]
A positioning system that lets #regenerating cells know where they are in planarians -- BLog:
Almost all planarian muscle cells express PCGs, suggesting a dual function: contraction and control of patterning.
A positioning system that lets #regenerating cells know where they are in planarians -- BLog:
Almost all planarian muscle cells express PCGs, suggesting a dual function: contraction and control of patterning. PCG expression is dynamic in muscle cells after injury, even in the absence of neoblasts, suggesting that muscle is instructive for regeneration. We conclude that planarian regeneration involves two highly flexible systems: pluripotent neoblasts that can generate any new cell type and muscle cells that provide positional instructions for the regeneration of any body region.
[2.0, 1.0, 4.0, 4.0, 3.0]
Scots children most likely in UK to achieve PA recommendations but still only 53% do
Investing in this area is a vital component to deliver the Olympic legacy and improve the short and long-term health of our children.
Scots children most likely in UK to achieve PA recommendations but still only 53% do
There are many opportunities to increase PA through sport but also in other areas. The full potential to boost PA will only be realised with a comprehensive policy response that increases time spent in more intense PA and decreases the time spent being sedentary. Investing in this area is a vital component to deliver the Olympic legacy and improve the short and long-term health of our children.
[3.0, 4.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0]
Really interesting article about the precise fabrication of unidirectional molecular assemblies on a #graphene surface through the perturbation from fast #AFM tip scanning!
This result indicates spontaneous random adsorption of the SDS molecules onto the graphene surface after the SDS solution injection.
Really interesting article about the precise fabrication of unidirectional molecular assemblies on a #graphene surface through the perturbation from fast #AFM tip scanning!
The height of the graphene increased by ~2.5 nm overall, and aggregates of various size appeared (see Supplementary Fig. This result indicates spontaneous random adsorption of the SDS molecules onto the graphene surface after the SDS solution injection. The subsequent intense scanning with a large force between the tip and sample (see Methods) drastically modified the SDS adsorption morphology; the initially adsorbed SDS molecules were removed, and new patterned structures emerged on the surface (see Supplementary Movie S1, Supplementary Note 1, and Supplementary Fig.
[4.0, 3.0, 2.0, 1.0, 1.0]
Vitamin D supplementation for babies:
However, a high melanin concentration can cause decreased vitamin D synthesis by preventing UV-B from reaching the stratum basale and spinosum of the epidermis, and this risk becomes manifest in situations of inadequate sun exposure.
Vitamin D supplementation for babies:
Therefore, it imparts an evolutionary advantage to dark-skinned people who live in areas of excessive sun exposure. However, a high melanin concentration can cause decreased vitamin D synthesis by preventing UV-B from reaching the stratum basale and spinosum of the epidermis, and this risk becomes manifest in situations of inadequate sun exposure. It is important to note that women of all populations have lighter skin than men, presumably because of increased vitamin D and calcium needs during pregnancy and lactation.
[1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 4.0, 3.0]