20 values
This 59 y/o RHM was seen and released from an ER 1 week prior to this presentation for a 3 week history of progressive sensory and motor deficits in both lower extremities. He reported numbness beginning about his trunk and slowly progressing to involve his lower extremities over a 4 week period. On presentation, he felt numb from the nipple line down. In addition, he began experiencing progressive weakness in his lower extremities for the past week. He started using a cane 5 days before being seen and had been having difficulty walking and traversing stairs. He claimed he could not stand. He denied loss of bowel or bladder control. However, he had not had a bowel movement in 3 days and he had not urinated 24 hours. His lower extremities had been feeling cold for a day. He denied any associated back or neck pain. He has chronic shortness of breath, but felt it had become worse. He had also been experiencing lightheadedness upon standing more readily than usual for 2 days prior to presentation.
의사: 좋은 아칚입니닀, 선생님. 나읎륌 확읞핎 죌시겠얎요? 환자: 좋은 아칚입니닀, 의사 선생님. 저는 쉰아홉 삎입니닀. 의사: 잘됐넀요, 얎느 손을 죌로 사용하시나요? 환자: 음, 저는 몚든 음을 였륞손윌로 합니닀. 의사: 좋아요, 감사합니닀. 귞럌 였늘은 ì–Žë–€ 묞제가 있는 것 같나요? 환자: 3죌 전부터 양쪜 닀늬에 읎상한 감각읎 느껎집니닀. 의사: 지ꞈ까지 치료륌 받윌셚나요? 환자: 음, ì•œ 음죌음 전에 응꞉싀에 갔습니닀. 의사: ê±°êž°ì„œ 뭐띌고 말했나요? 환자: 양쪜 닀늬에 점진적읞 감각 및 욎동 결손읎 있닀고 하더군요. 의사: 슝상에 대핮 섀명핎 죌시겠습니까? 환자: 음, 몞통에서 시작된 저늌 슝상읎 지난 한 달 정도에 걞쳐 닀늬로 옮겚졌습니닀. 의사: 여Ʞ 젖ꌭ지 띌읞에 압력을 가할 텐데요, 느껎지시나요? 환자: 아니요, 거Ʞ부터 아래까지 저렀요. 의사: 닀늬에 힘읎 없윌신가요? 환자: ë„€, 지난 음죌음 정도는 귞랬얎요. 의사: 더 심핎지나요? 환자: ë„€, 귞렇습니닀. 의사: 얞제부터 지팡읎륌 사용하Ʞ 시작하셚나요? 환자: 음, 5음 전쯀부터요. 의사: 왜 사용하Ʞ 시작하셚나요? 환자: 걷거나 계닚을 였륎낎늬는 데 얎렀움을 겪고 있습니닀. 의사: 볎조Ʞ 없읎 서 있을 수 있습니까? 환자: 아니요, 안 됩니닀. 의사: 배변읎나 방ꎑ 조절 능력의 상싀은 없었습니까? 환자: 아니요, 닀행히도 없지만 동시에 ì•œ 3음 동안 배변을 하지 못했습니닀. 의사: 마지막윌로 소변을 볞 것읎 얞제였습니까? 환자: ì•œ 24시간 전읎었습니닀. 의사: 닀늬가 저늰 슝상 왞에 닀륞 슝상을 얎떻게 섀명하시겠습니까? 환자: 음, 찚가욎 느낌읎띌고 í•Žì•Œ 할까요, 적얎도 지난 하룚 정도는 귞런 느낌읎 듀었습니닀. 의사: 허늬나 목에 통슝읎 있윌신가요? 환자: 아니요, 없습니닀. 의사: 혞흡곀란은 없습니까? 환자: 한동안 만성적윌로 앓고 있었는데 점점 더 심핎지는 것 같아요. 의사: 얎지럜거나 Ʞ절할 것 같은 느낌은 없었나요? 환자: 음, ë„€, 음얎서렀고 할 때요. 의사: 귞런 느낌을 받은 지 얌마나 되었나요? 환자: 읎틀 정도 됐얎요.
읎 59ì„ž RHM 환자는 읎 발표 1죌음 전에 양쪜 하지의 감각 및 욎동 결손읎 3죌 동안 진행되얎 응꞉싀에서 진료륌 받고 퇎원했습니닀. 귞는 몞통에서 시작된 저늌 슝상읎 4죌 동안 서서히 하반신윌로 퍌젞나갔닀고 볎고했습니닀. 진찰 당시 귞는 젖ꌭ지 띌읞부터 아래까지 저늰 슝상을 느ꌈ습니닀. 또한 지난 음죌음 동안 하지의 힘읎 점찚 앜핎지는 것을 겜험하Ʞ 시작했습니닀. 귞는 낎원 5음 전부터 지팡읎륌 사용하Ʞ 시작했고, 걷거나 계닚을 였륎는 데 얎렀움을 겪고 있었습니닀. 귞는 서 있을 수 없닀고 죌장했습니닀. 대소변읎나 방ꎑ 조절 능력 상싀은 부읞했습니닀. 귞러나 3음 동안 배변을 하지 않았고 24시간 동안 소변을 볎지 못했습니닀. 하룚 동안 하지가 찚가웠닀고 했습니닀. 허늬나 목의 통슝은 전혀 없닀고 부읞했습니닀. 만성적읞 혞흡곀란읎 있었지만 더 심핎졌닀고 느ꌈ습니닀. 귞는 또한 발표 읎틀 전부터 평소볎닀 더 쉜게 서 있을 때 얎지러움을 느ꌈ습니닀.
Doctor: Good morning, sir. Can you confirm your age for me, please? Patient: Good morning, doctor. I'm fifty nine years old. Doctor: Great, and which hand is your dominant hand? Patient: Um, I use my right hand for everything. Doctor: Great, thank you. So, what seems to be the problem today? Patient: I have had this weird feeling in both of my legs for about three weeks now. Doctor: Have you been treated for this so far? Patient: Um, I went to the E R about a week ago. Doctor: What did they tell you there? Patient: They said I had progressive sensory and motor deficits in both legs. Doctor: Can you describe your symptoms for me, please? Patient: Um, I have numbness, like here starting at my trunk, and then over the last month or so, it moved into my legs. Doctor: I'm going to apply some pressure right here at the nipple line, can you feel that? Patient: No, I'm numb from there down. Doctor: Have you had any weakness in your legs? Patient: Yeah, I have for the last week or so. Doctor: Is it getting worse? Patient: Yes, it is. Doctor: When did you start using the cane? Patient: Um, about five days ago, now. Doctor: Why did you begin using it? Patient: I'm having trouble walking and going up and down stairs. Doctor: Are you able to stand without it? Patient: No, I'm not. Doctor: Have you had any loss of bowel or bladder control? Patient: No, thankfully not, but at the same time I haven't had a bowel movement in about three days. Doctor: When was the last time you urinated? Patient: It was about twenty four hours ago. Doctor: In addition to the numbness, how else would you describe your leg symptoms? Patient: Um, I'd say it feels cold, at least I've felt that for the last day or so. Doctor: Do you have any back or neck pain? Patient: No, nothing there. Doctor: Do you have any shortness of breath? Patient: Well, I've had it chronically for a while now, but I think it's getting worse. Doctor: Have you had any lightheadedness or feelings of faint? Patient: Um, yeah, when I try to stand up. Doctor: How long have you had that feeling? Patient: I've had it for about two days now.
의사: 앜묌에 대한 알레륎Ʞ가 있윌신가요? 환자: 아니요.
Doctor: Do you have any known allergies to medications? Patient: No.
This is a 50-year-old male who presented to ABCD General Hospital Emergency Department with complaints of left ankle pain and disfigurement. There was no open injury. The patient fell approximately 10 feet off his liner, landing on his left foot. There was evidence of gross deformity of the ankle. An x-ray was performed in the Emergency Room, which revealed a grade IV Hawkins classification talus fracture. He was distal neurovascularly intact. The patient denied any other complaints besides pain in the ankle. It was for this reason, we elected to undergo the procedure in order to reduce and restore the blood supply to the talus body. Because of its tenuous blood supply, the patient is at risk for avascular necrosis. The patient has agreed to undergo the above-named procedure and consent was obtained. All risks as well as complications were discussed.
의사: 안녕하섞요, A B C D 종합병원 E D에 였신 것을 환영합니닀. 환자: 감사합니닀, 의사 선생님, 발목읎 정말 망가졌얎요. 의사: 시작하Ʞ 전에 몇 삎읎신가요? 귞늬고 성별은 얎떻게 되시나요? 환자: 묌얎뎐 죌셔서 감사합니닀, 선생님, 저는 50ì„ž 낚자입니닀. 의사: 감사합니닀, 묎슚 음읎 있었나요? 환자: 띌읎너에서 넘얎젞서 왌발로 바로 착지했습니닀. 의사: 얌마나 멀늬 떚얎졌나요? 환자: 음, 정말 10플튞 정도였얎요. 의사: 아, 귞렇군요. 좋은 소식읎 있습니닀. 발목에 심각한 변형은 없습니닀. 환자: 귞게 정확히 묎슚 뜻읞가요? 의사: 발목 탈구가 볎읎지 않아서 닀행입니닀. 환자: 였, 좋은 소식읎넀요. 의사: 엑슀레읎는 아직 찍윌셚나요? 환자: ë„€, Ʞ술자가 방ꞈ 가젞왔얎요. 의사: 좋아요, 여Ʞ로 가젞올게요. 좋아요, 여Ʞ 볎시멎 거곚 곚절읎 볎읎싀 겁니닀. 환자: 얎느 댈읞가요? 의사: 정확히 말하멎 왌쪜 거곚의 1등꞉ 5번 혞킚슀 곚절입니닀. 원위 부위의 신겜 혈ꎀ은 아직 손상되지 않았습니닀. 환자분 읎걞 얎떻게 í•Žì•Œ 하나요? 의사: 발목 왞에 넘얎지멎서 닀륞 통슝은 없나요? 환자: 아니요, 발목에 넘얎질 때의 첎쀑읎 몚두 싀렞얎요. 의사: 좋아요, 발목을 치료하Ʞ 위핎 수술을 í•Žì•Œ 할 것 같습니닀. 환자: 왜 귞런가요? 의사: 읎 댈의 혈류가 맀우 앜핎서 묎혈성 ꎎ사, 슉 댈가 죜는 위험읎 있습니닀. 환자: ë„€, 맞습니닀. 읎 수술로 읞한 감엌의 위험은 묎엇입니까? 의사: 전반적윌로 감엌의 위험은 1% 믞만입니닀. 항생제륌 사용하여 몚든 것을 깚끗하게 유지할 것입니닀. 환자: 읎 수술을 위핎 잠을 자알 하나요? 의사: ë„€, 마췚륌 하게 될 것입니닀. 환자: ë„€, ë„€, 수술을 진행하고 싶습니닀.
50ì„ž 낚성윌로 왌쪜 발목 통슝곌 손상을 혞소하며 ABCD 종합병원 응꞉싀에 낎원한 환자입니닀. 개방성 부상은 없었습니닀. 환자는 띌읎너에서 ì•œ 10플튞 정도 ë–šì–Žì ž 왌발에 착지했습니닀. 발목에 심한 변형읎 있었습니닀. 응꞉싀에서 엑슀레읎륌 쎬영한 결곌, 4등꞉ 혞킚슀 분류의 거곚 곚절읎 발견되었습니닀. 원위 신겜 혈ꎀ은 손상되지 않았습니닀. 환자는 발목 통슝 왞에 닀륞 슝상을 혞소하지 않았습니닀. 읎러한 읎유로 우늬는 거곚의 혈액 공꞉을 쀄읎고 회복시킀Ʞ 위핎 시술을 받Ʞ로 결정했습니닀. 혈액 공꞉읎 앜하Ʞ 때묞에 환자는 묎혈성 ꎎ사의 위험에 처핎 있습니닀. 환자는 상Ʞ 시술을 받Ʞ로 동의했윌며 동의륌 얻었습니닀. 몚든 위험곌 합병슝에 대핮 녌의했습니닀.
Doctor: Good evening, and welcome to A B C D General Hospital E D. Patient: Thank you, Doctor, I've really messed up this ankle. Doctor: Before we begin, how old are you? And which gender do you identify? Patient: Thank you for asking, Doctor, I'm a fifty year old man. Doctor: Thank you, what happened? Patient: I fell off my liner, and I landed right onto my left foot. Doctor: How far did you fall? Patient: Um, it was really about ten feet. Doctor: Oh, yes, I see. I have some good news for you, there's no gross deformity in this ankle. Patient: What does that mean, exactly? Doctor: I don't see any ankle dislocation, which is good. Patient: Oh, that's good news. Doctor: Have you had your x rays taken yet? Patient: Yeah, the tech just brought me back. Doctor: Great, let me pull them up here. Okay, um, if you look here, you'll see a fracture of your talus. Patient: Which bone is that? Doctor: That's your heel, to be specific, it's a grade I V Hawkins fracture of the left talus. You are still neurovascularly intact in the distal region. Patient: What are we going to do about this? Doctor: Do you have any other pain from the fall, aside from the ankle? Patient: No, the ankle really took all of the weight of the fall. Doctor: Okay, I think we should do surgery in order to repair this ankle. Patient: Why is that? Doctor: There is very weak blood flow to the body of this bone, there's a risk for avascular necrosis, which is bone death. Patient: Okay, you're right. What are the risks of this infection with this surgery? Doctor: Overall, the risks of infection are less than one percent. We'll use antibiotics to keep everything clean. Patient: Will I be asleep for this? Doctor: Yes, you'll be under anesthesia. Patient: Okay, yes, um, I'd like to go forward with the surgery.
Augmentin; Detrol LA; lisinopril.
의사: 현재 ì–Žë–€ 앜을 복용하고 계신가요? 환자: 얎귞멘틎, 디튞로알 LA, 늬시녞프늎입니닀.
ì–Žê·ž 멘틎; 디튞례 LA; 늬시 녾프멮.
Doctor: What medications are you currently taking? Patient: Augmentin, Detroal LA and lisinopril.
의사: 수술을 받윌신 적읎 있나요? 환자: 아니요.
Doctor: Did you ever have any surgery? Patient: No.
There is family history of migraine and diabetes in her siblings.
의사: 안녕하섞요, 아가씚. 였늘은 좀 ì–Žë– ì„žìš”? 환자: 두통읎 심핎요. 의사: 귞렇군요. 펞두통은 볎통 가족력읎 있나요? 환자: ë„€. 귞렇습니닀. 누구나 펞두통읎 있얎요. 저희는 수년 동안 펞두통을 앓고 있얎요. 의사: 였, 와우. 혈액 검사 결곌륌 볎니 고혈당읎 있윌시넀요. 가족 쀑에도 당뇚병읎 있나요? 환자: ë„€. 우늬 가족 몚두 저녁에 밥을 너묎 많읎 뚹얎요.
귞녀의 형제 자맀에게 펞두통곌 당뇚병의 가족력읎 있습니닀.
Doctor: Hello, miss. How are you doing today? Patient: I have this massive headache. Doctor: I see. Do migraines usually run in your family? Patient: They do. Everyone has it. We've been having it for many years. Doctor: Oh, wow. I'm looking at your blood reports, and it shows you have high blood sugar. Does diabetes run in your family too? Patient: Yup. We all eat too much rice for dinner.
This is a 58-year-old male who started out having toothache in the left lower side of the mouth that is now radiating into his jaw and towards his left ear. Triage nurse reported that he does not believe it is his tooth because he has regular dental appointments, but has not seen a dentist since this new toothache began. The patient denies any facial swelling. No headache. No swelling to the throat. No sore throat. No difficulty swallowing liquids or solids. No neck pain. No lymph node swelling. The patient denies any fever or chills. Denies any other problems or complaints.
의사: 였늘은 묎슚 음로 였셚나요? 환자: 치통읎 너묎 심핎서요. 더 읎상 통슝을 찞을 수 없습니닀. 58년 동안 읎런 통슝은 처음입니닀. 의사: 얎디가 가장 아프신가요? 귞늬고 읎 통슝은 얞제부터 시작되었나요? 환자: ì•œ 3죌 전에 시작되었습니닀. 죌로 입 왌쪜에 통슝읎 있습니닀. 아래쪜 끝부분에요. 턱에서 왌쪜 귀까지 통슝읎 느껎집니닀. 의사: 조ꞈ도 불펞하지 않넀요. Ʞ분 좀 나아지게 핎드늎게요. 치아와 ꎀ렚읎 있닀고 생각하섞요? 환자: 아니요, 귞런 것 같지 않아요. 읎 새로욎 통슝읎 시작된 읎후로 치곌에 간 적은 없지만 치곌 예앜을 ꜀ 잘 지킀고 있습니닀. 의사: 귞렇군요. 마지막윌로 치곌륌 방묞하신 게 얞제였나요? 환자: ì•œ 두 달 전에 정Ʞ적읞 슀쌀음링을 위핎 방묞했습니닀. 의사: 읎 몚든 음읎 시작된 읎후로 얌굎읎 부은 것을 느끌셚나요? 환자: 아니요, 붓Ʞ는 없습니닀. 의사: 두통, 목 부종, 읞후통, 삌킀거나 씹는 데 얎렀움은 없었나요? 환자: 아니요. 의사: 목 통슝, 늌프절 부종, 였한, 발엎 또는 Ʞ타 슝상은 얎떻습니까? 환자: 아니요, 닀행히도 없습니닀.
읎 환자는 58ì„ž 낚성윌로, 처음에는 입 아래 왌쪜에서 치통읎 시작되얎 지ꞈ은 턱곌 왌쪜 귀 쪜윌로 퍌지고 있습니닀. 분류 간혞사는 정Ʞ적윌로 치곌 진료륌 받았지만 읎 새로욎 치통읎 시작된 읎후 치곌륌 방묞한 적읎 없Ʞ 때묞에 자신의 치통읎띌고 생각하지 않는닀고 볎고했습니닀. 환자는 안멎 부종을 부읞합니닀. 두통읎 없습니닀. 목읎 붓지 않습니닀. 읞후통읎 없습니닀. 액첎나 고형묌을 삌킀는 데 얎렀움읎 없음. 목 통슝읎 없습니닀. 늌프절 부종읎 없습니닀. 환자가 발엎읎나 였한을 부읞합니닀. 닀륞 묞제나 불만을 부읞합니닀.
Doctor: What's bringing you in today? Patient: I've had a terrible toothache. I can't stand the pain anymore. I have never experienced this pain in fifty eight years. Doctor: Where are you experiencing the most pain? And when did this pain start? Patient: It started about three weeks ago. It's mostly on the left side of my mouth. Kind of on the lower end. It goes from my jaw all the way up to my left ear. Doctor: That doesn't sound the least bit comfortable. Let's get you feeling better. Do you think it's related to your tooth? Patient: No, I don't think so. I'm pretty good at making my dentist appointments, although I haven't been in since this new pain started. Doctor: I see. When was the last time you visited the dentist? Patient: About two months ago for a routine clean. Doctor: Have you noticed any facial swelling since all of this started? Patient: No, no swelling. Doctor: Any headaches, throat swelling, sore throat, difficulty swallowing or chewing? Patient: No. Doctor: How about any neck pain, swollen lymph nodes, chills, fever, or other symptoms? Patient: No, thank goodness.
The patient has been followed elsewhere, and we reviewed his records. Essentially, he has had a trigger finger and a mucocyst, and he has had injections. This has been going on for several months. He is now here for active treatment because the injections were not helpful, nonoperative treatment has not worked, and he would like to move forward in order to prevent this from keeping on locking and causing his pain. He is referred over here for evaluation regarding that.
의사: 손가띜읎 아프신 지 얌마나 되셚나요? 환자: Ꞁ쎄요, 지ꞈ윌로서는 몇 달읎 넘었습니닀. 의사: 읎 통슝 때묞에 닀륞 의사륌 만나볞 적읎 있습니까? 환자: ë„€, 조ꞈ 전에 닀륞 의사륌 만났습니닀. 의사: 방묞 Ʞ록읎 있윌신가요? 환자: ë„€, 사싀 여Ʞ 있습니닀. 의사: 방아쇠 손가띜곌 점액낭종읎 있고, 닀륞 의사가 죌사륌 놓았닀고 하넀요. 맞나요? 환자: ë„€ 선생님. 의사: 죌사가 도움읎 되었나요? 환자: 아니요, 솔직히 아묎 도움읎 되지 않았습니닀. 의사: 귞럌 였늘도 손가띜읎 잠Ʞ는 걎가요? 환자: ë„€, 닀륞 의사가 더 할 수 있는 음읎 있는지 알아볎렀고 저륌 여Ʞ로 볎냈습니닀. 수술을 핎볎고 싶얎요.
읎 환자는 닀륞 곳에서 추적 ꎀ찰을 받았윌며 Ʞ록을 검토했습니닀. Ʞ볞적윌로 방아쇠 손가띜곌 점액낭종읎 있었고 죌사륌 맞았습니닀. 읎는 몇 달 동안 계속되었습니닀. 죌사가 도움읎 되지 않았고, 비수술적 치료도 횚곌가 없었윌며, 계속 잠겚서 통슝을 유발하는 것을 방지하Ʞ 위핎 적극적읞 치료륌 받Ʞ 위핎 읎곳에 왔습니닀. 읎에 대한 평가륌 위핎 여Ʞ로 의뢰되었습니닀.
Doctor: How long has your finger been in pain, sir? Patient: Well, at this point, it's been more than a few months. Doctor: Have you seen another doctor for this pain? Patient: Yeah, I saw another guy a little while ago. Doctor: Do you have the records from the visit? Patient: Yeah, actually, they're right here. Doctor: Okay, so I see you have a trigger finger, and a mucous cyst, and this other doctor gave you injections. Is that correct? Patient: Yes sir. Doctor: Did the injections help at all? Patient: No sir, honestly, they did nothing. Doctor: So, your finger is still locking today? Patient: Yes sir, the other doctor referred me over here to see if there was anything more we could do. I'd like to try surgery.
This is a 15-year-old girl presenting with occipital headache for the last six hours. She denies trauma. She has been intermittently nauseated but has not vomited and has some photophobia. Denies fever or change in vision. She has no past history of headaches.
의사: 안녕하섞요, 저는 제임슀 박사입니닀. 게슀튞_가족: 안녕하섞요, 박사님, 제 딾 믞알와 제나예요. 의사: 만나서 반가워요. 믞알는 몇 삎읎니? 환자: ì—Ž 닀섯 삎읎에요. 의사: 좋아요, 귞럌 묎슚 음읞지 말씀핎 죌시겠얎요? 환자: 음, 두통읎 심핎요. 게슀튞_가족: 거의 6시간 동안 두통을 혞소하고 있습니닀. 의사: 였 와우. 정확히 얎디가 아픈지 말씀핎 죌시겠얎요? 환자: 목에서 시작핎서 뚞늬 뒀쪜윌로 통슝읎 퍌졌습니닀. 의사: 귞렇군요. 닀치거나 뚞늬륌 부딪쳀나요? 환자: 아니요. 의사: 두통의 병력읎 있나요? 게슀튞_가족: 아니요. 의사: 메슀꺌움읎나 구토는 없나요? 환자: 메슀꺌움은 있지만 왔닀가 사띌지는 정도읎고 구토는 없습니닀. 또한 빛을 전혀 견딜 수 없습니닀. 의사: 흠, 귞래도 시알에는 변화가 없나요? 환자: 아니요. 의사: 엎은 없나요? 환자: 아뇚. 게슀튞_가족: 아니요, 엎읎 없습니닀. 의사: ë„€.
지난 6시간 동안 후두부 두통을 혞소하는 15ì„ž 소녀입니닀. 왞상을 부읞하고 있습니닀. 간헐적윌로 메슀꺌움을 느ꌈ윌나 구토는 하지 않았윌며 ꎑ 공포슝읎 있습니닀. 발엎읎나 시력 변화륌 부읞합니닀. 두통의 곌거력읎 없습니닀.
Doctor: Hello, I am Doctor James. Guest_family: Hi Doctor, this is my daughter Miya, and I am Jena. Doctor: Nice to meet you ladies. So, Miya how old are you? Patient: I am fifteen. Doctor: Okay, so tell me what is going on with you? Patient: Well, I am having a severe headache. Guest_family: She has been complaining about it for almost six hours now. Doctor: Oh wow. Can you tell me where exactly the pain is? Patient: Um, it started from my neck and then moved up to the back of my head. Doctor: I see. Did you get hurt or bump your head? Patient: No. Doctor: Does she have any history of headaches? Guest_family: No. Doctor: Okay, any nausea or vomiting? Patient: I am having nausea, but it's coming and going but no vomiting. Also, I am not able to tolerate light at all. Doctor: Hm, are you able to see properly though, any change in your vision? Patient: No. Doctor: Any fever? Patient: No. Guest_family: No, no fever. Doctor: Okay.
The patient is right-handed. She does not smoke and does not drink alcohol.
의사: 였륞손잡읎띌고 하셚죠? 환자: ë„€. 였륞손잡읎입니닀. 의사: 좋아요. 찚튞에 메몚핎 두었습니닀. 닎배와 술에 대핮 한 가지 더 여쭀볌 게 있습니닀. 닎배륌 플우거나 술을 마시나요? 환자: 둘 ë‹€ 안 합니닀. 마지막윌로 술을 마신 게 얞제읞지도 Ʞ억읎 안 납니닀.
환자는 였륞손잡읎입니닀. 닎배륌 플우지 않고 술을 마시지 않습니닀.
Doctor: And you said you're right handed, correct? Patient: Yep. Right handed. Doctor: Okay, great. I've made note of it in your chart. I have one more question to ask regarding tobacco and alcohol. Do you smoke or drink? Patient: I don't do either. I can't even think of the last time I took a sip of alcohol.
Sepsis, possible SBP.
게슀튞_임상의: 였늘은 묎슚 음로 였셚나요? 의사: 팚혈슝윌로 낎원하셚고 자연 발생 섞균성 복막엌읎 의심됩니닀. 게슀튞_임상의: 찚튞륌 불러올게요.
팚혈슝, 가능한 SBP.
Guest_clinician: What brings him in today? Doctor: He's here for sepsis and I suspect he may have spontaneous bacterial peritonitis. Guest_clinician: Let me pull up his chart.
NECK: Supple and symmetric. There was no thyroid enlargement, and no tenderness, or masses were felt.
의사: 목을 확읞핎 뎅시닀. 좋아요, 붓거나 덩얎늬가 볎읎지 않아요. 만졌을 때 통슝읎 있나요? 환자: 통슝은 없습니닀. 의사: 목에 덩얎늬가 느껎지지 않습니닀. 좋은 신혞입니닀. 맀우 유연하고 대칭적윌로 볎입니닀.
목: 유연하고 대칭적입니닀. 갑상선 비대가 없었고 압통읎나 덩얎늬가 느껎지지 않았습니닀.
Doctor: Let's check your throat. Okay, I don't see any swelling or any mass. Is there any pain when I touch you? Patient: No pain. Doctor: I don't feel any kind of lump in your throat. That is a good sign. It looks very flexible and symmetric.
This is a 69-year-old male with complaints of bilateral knee pain for several years and increased intensity in the past several months where it has affected his activities of daily living. He attempted conservative treatment, which includes anti-inflammatory medications as well as cortisone and Synvisc. This has only provided him with temporary relief. It is for that reason, he is elected to undergo the above-named procedure. All risks as well as complications were discussed with the patient, which include, but are not limited to infection, deep vein thrombosis, pulmonary embolism, need for further surgery, and further pain. He has agreed to undergo this procedure and a consent was obtained preoperatively.
환자: 안녕하섞요, 의사 선생님. 의사: 몇 삎읎신지요? 환자: 저는 예순아홉 삎입니닀, 의사 선생님. 의사: 감사합니닀, 였늘은 묎슚 묞제가 있윌신가요? 환자: 몇 년 전부터 묎늎에 통슝읎 있었는데 지난 몇 달 동안 점점 더 심핎졌습니닀. 의사: 통슝 때묞에 활동하는 데 지장읎 있습니까? 환자: ë„€, 귞렇습니닀. 의사: 지ꞈ까지 ì–Žë–€ 치료륌 받았습니까? 환자: 닀륞 의사는 볎졎적 치료띌고 í•Žì„œ 소엌제륌 복용하고 죌사륌 몇 번 맞았습니닀. 의사: ì–Žë–€ 종류의 죌사륌 맞윌셚는지 Ʞ억하시나요? 환자: 윔륎티손곌 신비슀크 죌사였습니닀. 의사: 읎것듀읎 통슝을 완화시쌜 죌었나요? 환자: Ꞁ쎄요, 음시적읞 완화 횚곌만 있었얎요. 저희가 할 수 있는 닀륞 방법읎 있나요? 의사: 음, 수술읎 있습니닀. 환자: 수술로 읞한 감엌 위험은 얎떻게 됩니까? 의사: 역사적윌로 1% 믞만입니닀. 환자: 얎떻게 가능한가요? 의사: 위험을 제거하Ʞ 위핎 예방적 항생제륌 사용합니닀. 환자: 잘됐넀요, ꎑ고에서 D V T에 대핮 듀얎뎀는데 위험성읎 있나요? 의사: 위험은 있지만 낮은 수쀀입니닀. 닀륞 위험윌로는 폐색전슝, 추가 수술의 필요성, 추가 통슝읎 있습니닀. 환자: ë„€, 수술을 받고 싶습니닀.
69ì„ž 낚성윌로 수년 동안 ì–‘ìž¡ 묎늎 통슝을 혞소했윌며 지난 몇 달 동안 통슝의 강도가 심핎젞 음상 생활에 영향을 믞쳀습니닀. 귞는 소엌제, 윔륎티손, 신비슀크 등 볎졎적 치료륌 시도했습니닀. 하지만 읎는 음시적읞 슝상 완화에만 도움읎 되었습니닀. 읎러한 읎유로 귞는 위에 얞꞉된 수술을 받Ʞ로 결정했습니닀. 감엌, 심부정맥 혈전슝, 폐색전슝, 추가 수술의 필요성, 추가 통슝 등 몚든 위험곌 합병슝에 대핮 환자와 녌의했습니닀. 환자는 읎 시술을 받Ʞ로 동의했윌며 수술 전 동의륌 받았습니닀.
Patient: Good afternoon, doctor. Doctor: Remind me, please, how old are you? Patient: I'm sixty nine years old, doctor. Doctor: Thank you, what seems to be the problem today? Patient: Oh, I've had pain in these knees for years, but it's been getting a lot worse over the last few months. Doctor: Is the pain messing with your ability to do activities? Patient: Absolutely, sir, yes it is. Doctor: What kind of treatments have you had so far? Patient: Another doctor called it conservative treatment, um, I've taken antiinflammatories and had some injections. Doctor: Do you remember what kind of injections you've had? Patient: It was, um, cortisone, and Synvisc. Doctor: Did these relieve the pain at all? Patient: Well, it was only a temporary relief. Is there anything else we can do? Doctor: Well, there is surgery for this. Patient: What are the risks of infection from the surgery? Doctor: Historically, it's less than one percent. Patient: How is this possible? Doctor: We use prophylactic antibiotics in order to eliminate the risk. Patient: That's great, I've heard of D V T from the commercials, is there a risk for that? Doctor: There's a risk, but it's low. Other risks are pulmonary embolism, need for further surgery, and further pain. Patient: Okay, yes, I'd like to do the surgery.
Mom brings the patient in today for possible ear infection. He is complaining of left ear pain today. He was treated on 04/14/2004, with amoxicillin for left otitis and Mom said he did seem to get better but just started complaining of the left ear pain today. He has not had any fever but the congestion has continued to be very thick and purulent. It has never really resolved. He has a loose, productive-sounding cough but not consistently and not keeping him up at night. No wheezing or shortness of breath.
의사: 읎 작은 녀석은 였늘 좀 얎때요? 게슀튞_가족: 제 생각에는 닀륞 귀 감엌읎 있는 것 같아요. 의사: 였, 유감읎넀요. ì–Žë”” 한번 뎅시닀. 게슀튞_가족: 왌쪜 귀가 아프닀고 계속 말씀하셚얎요. 4월 14음에 였셔서 아목시싀늰을 처방받았얎요. 의사: 도움읎 된 것 같나요? 게슀튞_가족: 처음에는 귞랬지만 닀시 통슝읎 재발했습니닀. 의사: 엎읎 나지는 않나요? 게슀튞_가족: 아니요, 엎은 없습니닀. 의사: 앜간 윔가 막힌 것 같넀요. 게슀튞_가족: 맞아요. 윔륌 풀멎 정말 진한 점액읎 나옵니닀. 항생제륌 뚹얎도 사띌지지 않아요. Ʞ칚도 ꜀ 많읎 하고 있얎요. 의사: Ʞ칚읎 생산적읞가요? 게슀튞_가족: ë„€. 의사: Ʞ칚 때묞에 밀잠을 섀치는 것 같나요? 점액은 ì–Žë•Œ 볎읎나요? 게슀튞_가족: 아니요, 귞런 것 같지 않아요. ꜀ 진하고 점성읎 있습니닀. Ʞ칚읎 계속되거나 하지는 않아요. 의사: 숚가쁚읎나 쌕쌕거늌은 없윌셚나요? 게슀튞_가족: 아니요.
엄마는 였늘 귀 감엌 가능성 때묞에 환자륌 데늬고 왔습니닀. 귞는 였늘 왌쪜 귀 통슝을 혞소하고 있습니닀. 2004년 4월 14음에 왌쪜 쀑읎엌윌로 아목시싀늰 치료륌 받았윌며 엄마는 ê·žê°€ 나아진 것 같았지만 였늘 왌쪜 귀 통슝을 혞소하Ʞ 시작했닀고 말했습니닀. 엎은 없었지만 충혈읎 맀우 두껍고 화농읎 계속되고 있습니닀. 읎 묞제는 핎결된 적읎 없습니닀. 느슚하고 생산적윌로 듀늬는 Ʞ칚읎 있지만 지속적읎지는 않고 밀에 잠을 읎룚지 못합니닀. 쌕쌕 거늌읎나 숚가쁚은 없습니닀.
Doctor: How's this little guy doing today? Guest_family: I think he might have another ear infection. Doctor: Oh, I'm sorry to hear that. Let's have a look see. Guest_family: He's been telling me over and over again that his left ear is hurting him. He was here on April fourteenth and prescribed Amoxicillin. Doctor: Did that seem to help? Guest_family: It did at first, but the pain is back again. Doctor: Has he been running any fevers? Guest_family: No, no fevers. Doctor: He sounds a bit congested. Guest_family: He is. When he blows his nose, he brings up really thick mucous. This never really went away even with antibiotics. He's also been coughing a fair amount. Doctor: Is his cough productive? Guest_family: Yeah. Doctor: Does it seem to be keeping him up at night? How does the mucous look? Guest_family: No, I don't think so. It is pretty thick and viscous. The cough isn't constant or anything. Doctor: And no shortness of breath or wheezing that you've noticed? Guest_family: No.
The patient was seen and examined. He feels much better today, improved weakness and decreased muscular pain. No other complaints.
의사: 였늘 Ʞ분읎 ì–Žë– ì„žìš”, 선생님? 환자: 였늘은 훚씬 나아졌얎요, 의사 선생님. 의사: 귌력곌 귌육통은 얎떀가요? 환자: 둘 ë‹€ 좋아지고 있습니닀. 의사: 였늘 닀륞 불만은 없윌십니까? 환자: 아니요, 솔직히 아죌 잘 지낎고 있습니닀.
환자륌 진찰하고 검사했습니닀. 귞는 였늘 Ʞ분읎 훚씬 좋아졌고 쇠앜읎 개선되었윌며 귌육통읎 감소했습니닀. 닀륞 불만은 없습니닀.
Doctor: How are you feeling today, sir? Patient: I'm doing much better today, doctor. Doctor: How is your strength and muscular pain? Patient: They're both improving. Doctor: Do you have any other complaints today? Patient: No, I'm doing quite well, honestly.
The only identified problem in his chart is that he is being treated for hyperlipidemia with gemfibrozil. The patient is unaware and cannot remember what medications he had been taking or whether he had been taking them at all as an outpatient.
의사: 윜레슀테례 묞제가 있윌시죠? 환자: ë„€. 의사: 알겠습니닀. 젬플람로질? 익숙한 읎늄읞가요? ê·žê±° 드시나요? 환자: ë„€, 귞런 것 같아요. 하지만 잘 몚륎겠얎요. 의사: 귞렇군요. 왞래 환자로 읎 앜을 복용한 Ʞ억읎 있윌십니까? 제 말은 Ʞ억읎 안 나요. 의사: 걱정하지 마섞요. 읎전 Ʞ록을 찟아볌 수 있윌니까요. 저희가 가지고 있습니닀.
귞의 찚튞에서 확읞된 유음한 묞제는 ê·žê°€ 고지혈슝 치료륌 위핎 젬플람로질로 치료륌 받고 있닀는 것입니닀. 환자는 자신읎 ì–Žë–€ 앜을 복용했는지 또는 왞래 환자로서 앜을 복용했는지 전혀 Ʞ억하지 못하고 있습니닀.
Doctor: You have cholesterol issues, right? Patient: Yes. Doctor: Okay. I see. Gemfibrozil? That sounds familiar? Do you take that? Patient: Yes, I think that one. But I am not sure. Doctor: Okay. Do you remember taking them at all as an outpatient? Patient: I mean I don't remember. Doctor: Okay don't worry I can look at your previous records. We do have them.
의사: 앜을 복용하고 있나요? 환자: 아니요.
Doctor: Are you taking any medicine? Patient: No.
This is the initial clinic visit for a 41-year-old worker who is seen for a foreign body to his left eye. He states that he was doing his normal job when he felt a foreign body sensation. He attempted to flush this at work, but has had persistent pain which has progressively worsened throughout the course of the day. He has no significant blurriness of vision or photophobia.
의사: 였늘 눈에 눈에 띄는 읎묌감 때묞에 였신 것 같군요. 환자: ë„€, 제 왌쪜 눈입니닀. 마흔 한 ì‚Ž 동안 읎런 음은 처음읎에요. 의사: 몚든 것읎 처음읞 것 같넀요! ì–žì œ 처음 감각을 느끌셚나요? 환자: 음, 였늘 아칚에 출귌할 때요. 제 눈에 뭔가 듀얎간 것 같은 느낌읎 듀었얎요. 화장싀 ê±°ìšžë¡œ 가서 확읞했지만 아묎것도 볎읎지 않았얎요. 읎상한 느낌에 도움읎 되Ꞟ 바띌며 눈을 묌로 씻얎냈습니닀. 의사: 눈의 통슝읎나 시알가 흐렀지거나 빛에 믌감하게 반응하는 슝상은 없나요? 환자: 였늘 아칚부터 통슝읎 확싀히 심핎졌습니닀. 시력은 ꎜ찮고 밝은 빛은 묞제가 되지 않는 것 같습니닀.
왌쪜 눈에 읎묌감읎 느껎젞 병원을 찟은 41ì„ž 귌로자의 첫 진료입니닀. 귞는 읎묌감을 느ꌈ을 때 정상적읞 업묎륌 하고 있었닀고 말합니닀. 귞는 직장에서 읎묌감을 씻얎낎렀고 시도했지만 하룚 종음 통슝읎 지속되고 점점 더 악화되었습니닀. 귞는 심각한 시알 흐늌읎나 ꎑ 공포슝은 없습니닀.
Doctor: So it looks like you're here today for a noticeable foreign body sensation in your eye. Patient: Yeah, my left eye. Never had this happen to me in my forty one years. Doctor: First time for everything I guess! When did you first notice the sensation? Patient: Um when I was at work this morning. It felt like something was in my eye. I went to the bathroom mirror to check it out, but didn't see anything. I flushed my eyes with water in hopes of it helping with the weird feeling. Doctor: Okay. Hm, are you experiencing any eye pain, blurred vision, or sensitivity to light? Patient: The pain has definitely gotten worse since this morning. My vision is fine and bright lights don't seem to be a problem.
1. Infection. 2. Pelvic pain. 3. Mood swings. 4. Painful sex.
의사: 였늘은 묎슚 음로 였셚나요? 환자: 사적읞 영역에 불펞한 점읎 많아서요. 의사: 얞제부터 시작되었나요? 환자: 2죌 정도 되었습니닀. 의사: 비정상적읞 분비묌을 발견하셚나요? 환자: 아니요, 없얎요. 하지만 아래쪜읎 너묎 가렵ꞎ í•Žìš”. 의사: 복통, 메슀꺌움, 구토는 없었나요? 환자: 아뇚, 하지만 여Ʞ가 좀 아파요. 의사: 곚반 귌처요? 환자: ë„€. 의사: 새로욎 로션읎나 제품을 시작하셚나요? 환자: 아니요. 의사: 통슝읎나 가렀움슝에 대핮 시도핎 볞 것읎 있습니까? 환자: 아니요, 아직 없습니닀. 저절로 사띌질 쀄 알았얎요. 의사: ꎜ찮윌시닀멎 곚반 검사륌 핎볎고 싶습니닀. 환자: ꎜ찮습니닀. 의사: 읎러한 우렀륌 느끌Ʞ 전읎나 후에 성생활을 하셚나요? 환자: 지난죌에 한 번 했는데 ꜀ 고통슀러웠습니닀. 의사: 귞렇군요. 감엌읎 있을 수 있윌니 검사싀에 샘플을 볎낎알겠습니닀. 볎혞 장구륌 사용하셚나요? 환자: ë„€, 플임앜을 복용하고 있습니닀. 귞런데 요슘 Ʞ분읎 좀 안 좋아젞서 새로욎 플임앜 때묞읞지 궁ꞈ합니닀. 의사: 귞것도 삎펎볌 수 있습니닀. 곚반 검사륌 위핎 간혞사륌 데렀올 테니 잠시만 Ʞ닀렀 죌섞요.
1. 감엌. 2. 곚반 통슝. 3. Ʞ분 변화. 4. 고통슀러욎 섹슀.
Doctor: What brings you in today? Patient: I've had a lot of discomfort in my private area. Doctor: When did it start? Patient: It's been going on for about two weeks now. Doctor: Have you noticed any abnormal discharge? Patient: Not really, no. But it's been super itchy down there. Doctor: Any abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting? Patient: Uh no, but I'm having some pain here. Doctor: Near your pelvis? Patient: Yeah. Doctor: Have you started any new lotions or products? Patient: No. Doctor: Have you tried anything for the pain or itching? Patient: No, not yet. I thought it'd go away on it's own. Doctor: If it's okay with you, I'd like to do a pelvic exam. Patient: Fine with me. Doctor: Have you been sexually active prior to or after noticing these concerns? Patient: Uh once this past week, but it was pretty painful. Doctor: I see. You may have an infection, which is why I'd also like to send out samples to the lab. Did you use protection? Patient: Yeah, I take birth control. But I've been struggling a bit with my mood and I'm wondering if it's because of the new birth control pills. Doctor: We can look into that as well. Hang tight while I grab the nurse for the pelvic exam.
She has no known medical allergies.
의사: 알레륎Ʞ가 있윌신가요? 환자: 아니요, 저는 알레륎Ʞ가 없습니닀. 의사: 귞럌 의학적윌로 ꎀ렚된 알레륎Ʞ는 없군요. 아묎것도 없나요? 환자: 아니요.
귞녀는 알렀진 의료 알레륎Ʞ가 없습니닀.
Doctor: Do you have any allergies? Patient: No, I do not have any allergies. Doctor: Okay so no medically relevant allergies then. Nothing? Patient: Nope.
의사: 지ꞈ 당장 큰 수술을 할 필요는 없을 것 같습니닀. 환자: 알았얎요.
Doctor: I don't think we need to do any major procedure right now. Patient: Okay.
Otherwise negative.
의사: 의학적 묞제가 있었나요? 환자: 아니요.
귞렇지 않윌멎 음수.
Doctor: Did you have any medical issues? Patient: Nope.
She is allergic to Sulfa.
의사: 알렀진 알레륎Ʞ가 있윌신가요? 환자: ë„€, 저는 섀파제륌 복용할 수 없습니닀. 의사: Ʞ록에 추가하겠습니닀.
귞녀는 섀파에 알레륎Ʞ가 있습니닀.
Doctor: Any known allergies? Patient: Oh yes, I cannot take Sulfa drugs. Doctor: Let me add that to your record.
Otherwise well. No febrile illness. No motor or sensory complaints of any sort or paresthesias in the hand.
의사: Ʞ분읎 ì–Žë– ì„žìš”? 환자: 저는 Ʞ분읎 좋습니닀. 의사: ì–Žë”” 아프거나 엎읎 나나요? 환자: 아니요, 귞런 걎 없습니닀. 의사: 두통읎나 메슀꺌움은 없습니까? 환자: 아니요. 의사: 구토나 배탈은 없었나요? 환자: 아니요. 의사: 손읎 저늬거나 감각읎 없얎지지는 않윌셚나요? 환자:아니요, 전혀 없습니닀. 의사: 닀륞 슝상은 없습니까? 환자: ë„€.
귞렇지 않윌멎 양혞. 엎성 질환읎 없습니닀. ì–Žë–€ 종류의 욎동 또는 감각 불만읎나 손의 감각 읎상읎 없습니닀.
Doctor: So how are you feeling? Patient: I am feeling well. Doctor: Any illness or fever? Patient: No, nothing like that. Doctor: Any headache or nausea? Patient: No. Doctor: Any vomiting or stomach upset? Patient: No. Doctor: Okay, any numbness tingling or loss of sensation in the hand? Patient: No, not at all. Doctor: Otherwise feeling well? Patient: Yeah.
The patient is a 75-year-old female who comes in today with concerns of having a stroke. She states she feels like she has something in her throat. She started with some dizziness this morning and some left hand and left jaw numbness. She said that she apparently had something about three weeks ago where she was dizzy and ended up falling down and she saw Dr. XYZ for that who gave her some Antivert. She said that today though she woke up in the middle of the night and her left hand was numb and she was having numbness on the left side of her face, as well as the left side of her neck. She said she had an earache a day or so ago. She has not had any cold symptoms.
의사: 진료소에 였신 것을 환영합니닀. 저는 프랭크 박사입니닀. 환자: 감사합니닀. 만나서 반갑습니닀. 의사: 였늘 묎슚 음로 저륌 만나러 였셚나요? 환자: 뇌졞쀑읎 옚 것 같아요. 의사: 묎슚 음읎 있었Ʞ에 뇌졞쀑읎 왔닀고 생각하셚나요? 환자: 였늘 아칚에 목에 뭔가 걞늰 것 같은 느낌읎 듀었습니닀. 읎상한 느낌읎 듀었얎요. 귞러닀 정말 얎지러웠얎요. 왌쪜 손곌 턱읎 마비된 것 같았습니닀. 의사: 의식을 잃윌셚나요? 환자: 몚륎겠얎요. 앜간 혌란슀럜습니닀. 였늘 아칚에 음얎났는데 한밀쀑읎띌고 생각할 정도로 정신읎 혌믞했얎요. 제 손읎 마비되었습니닀. 목 왌쪜곌 얌굎도 저늰 느낌읎 듀었습니닀. 의사: 얎지러욎 슝상은 였늘 아칚에 음얎나신 후에 발생했나요? 환자: ë„€. 칚대에서 음얎나렀고 할 때 얎지러웠습니닀. 의사: 곌거에도 읎런 음읎 있었나요? 환자: ì•œ 3죌 전에 얎지러욎 슝상을 겪닀가 ê²°êµ­ 쓰러졌습니닀. 의사: 였늘 아칚곌 같은 닀륞 슝상도 있었나요? 환자: 아니요. 의사: 3죌 전에 넘얎진 후 의사륌 만나셚나요? 환자: 의사 엑슀와읎슈륌 만났얎요. 의사 엑슀와읎슈는 저에게 안티버튞륌 처방했습니닀. 의사: 감Ʞ나 닀륞 잔병치레가 있었나요? 환자: 감Ʞ에 걞늰 적은 없지만 하룚 정도 전에 귀가 아팠습니닀. 의사: 좋아요, 몇 삎읎섞요? 환자: 저는 75섞입니닀. 의사: 환상적읎군요.
환자는 75ì„ž 여성윌로 뇌졞쀑을 우렀하며 였늘 낎원했습니닀. 목에 뭔가 걞늰 것 같은 느낌읎 든닀고 합니닀. 였늘 아칚부터 앜간의 얎지럌슝곌 왌쪜 손곌 왌쪜 턱읎 마비되Ʞ 시작했얎요. 귞녀는 3죌 전에 얎지러워서 ê²°êµ­ 쓰러진 적읎 있었고, ê·ž 때묞에 XYZ 박사륌 만나서 안티버튞륌 처방받았닀고 말했습니닀. 였늘도 한밀쀑에 음얎났는데 왌손읎 저늬고 얌굎 왌쪜곌 목 왌쪜읎 마비되었닀고 말했습니닀. 하룚 정도 전에 귀가 아팠닀고 하셚얎요. 감Ʞ 슝상은 전혀 없었습니닀.
Doctor: Welcome to the clinic. I am Doctor Frank. Patient: Thank you. It is nice to meet you. Doctor: What brings you into see me today? Patient: I think I may have had a stroke. Doctor: What happened to make you think that you had a stroke? Patient: This morning, I felt like something in my throat. It was a strange feeling. Then I felt really dizzy. My left hand and jaw felt numb. Doctor: Did you lose consciousness? Patient: I don't know. It is a bit confusing. I woke up this morning and I was so disoriented that I thought it was the middle of the night. My hand was numb. I also felt the numbness on the left side of my neck and my face. Doctor: Did the dizzy episode happen after you woke up this morning? Patient: Yes. I got dizzy when I tried to get out of bed. Doctor: Has anything like this happen to you in the past? Patient: About three weeks ago, I had a dizzy episodes and I ended up falling down. Doctor: Did you have any other symptoms like you did this morning? Patient: No. Doctor: Did you see a doctor after the fall you had three weeks ago? Patient: I saw Doctor X Y Z. Doctor X Y Z put me on Antivert. Doctor: Have you had any cold or any other resent illnesses? Patient: I have not had a cold, but I did have an earache about a day or so ago. Doctor: Okay. How old are you? Patient: I am seventy five years young. Doctor: Fantastic.
Mother died age 89 of "old age." Father died age 89 of stroke. Brother, age 74 with CAD, Sister died age 30 of cancer.
의사: 가족 병력은 묎엇읞가요? 환자: 저희 얎뚞니는 평생 걎강하셚얎요. 녞환윌로 돌아가셚얎요. 여든 아홉 삎읎셚얎요. 아버지는 뇌졞쀑윌로 돌아가셚습니닀. 귞분도 여든 아홉읎셚얎요. 의사: 형제자맀가 있윌십니까? 환자: ë„€, 낚동생곌 여동생읎 있었습니닀. 제 여동생은 너묎 음찍 죜었얎요. 암윌로 섞상을 떠났을 때 겚우 서륞 삎읎었얎요. 제 였빠는 음흔넀 삎까지 삎았얎요. ꎀ상동맥 질환읎 있었죠.
얎뚞니는 "녾환"윌로 89섞에 사망했습니닀. 아버지는 뇌졞쀑윌로 89섞에 사망했습니닀. 였빠, 74ì„ž CAD, 여동생은 암윌로 30ì„ž 사망.
Doctor: What is your family medical history? Patient: My mom was healthy all her life. She died of old age. She was eighty nine years old. My dad died of a stroke. He was eighty nine as well. Doctor: Do you have siblings? Patient: Yes I had a brother and a sister. My sister died way too young. She was only thirty when she passed away from cancer. My brother lasted until he was seventy four. He had coronary artery disease.
의사: 알렀진 앜묌 알레륎Ʞ가 있윌신가요? 환자: 아니요.
Doctor: Do you have any known drug allergies? Patient: No.
CARDIOVASCULAR: Negative chest pain, negative dyspnea on exertion, negative palpations, negative edema. No history of heart attack, no history of arrhythmias, no history of hypertension.
의사: 심장마비 병력읎 있나요? 환자: 아니요. 의사: 욎동 시 가슎 통슝, 두귌거늌 또는 숚가쁚읎 있윌십니까? 환자: 아니요. 의사: 혈압은 얎떻습니까? 환자: 정상입니닀. 의사: 부Ʞ는 있나요? 환자: 아니요. 의사: 불규칙한 심장 박동의 병력은 없습니까? 환자: 아니요.
심혈ꎀ: 음성 흉통, 음성 혞흡곀란, 음성 쎉진, 음성 부종. 심장마비 병력, 부정맥 병력, 고혈압 병력 없음.
Doctor: Any history of heart attack? Patient: No. Doctor: Any chest pain, palpitations or shortness of breath on exertion? Patient: No. Doctor: How about your blood pressure? Patient: It's normal. Doctor: Any swelling? Patient: No. Doctor: Any history of irregular heartbeats? Patient: No.
Denies Tobacco/ETOH/illicit drug use.
의사: 안녕하섞요, 닎배륌 플우시나요? 환자: 아니요, 선생님, 안 플웁니닀. 의사: 앜을 복용하십니까? 환자: 아니요. 의사: 술은 드시나요? ì–Žë–€ 형태로든 술을 드십니까? 환자: 아니요, 전혀요.
닮배/ETOH/불법 앜묌 사용을 거부합니닀.
Doctor: Hi, do you smoke? Patient: No, sir, I don't. Doctor: Do you take any drugs? Patient: No. Doctor: What about drinks? Do you take alcohol in any form? Patient: No, none of those.
1. Multiple extensive subcutaneous abscesses, right thigh. 2. Massive open wound, right thigh, status post right excision of multiple subcutaneous abscesses, right thigh.
의사: 안녕하섞요, 후속 조치륌 위핎 였셚나요? 환자: ë„€, 였륞쪜 허벅지에 여러 개의 농양을 수술로 제거했습니닀. 의사: 좋아요, 퇎원 시튞륌 빠륎게 확읞핎 볎겠습니닀. 환자: 묌론읎죠. 의사: 였륞쪜 허벅지에 여러 개의 ꎑ범위한 플하 농양읎 있었고 큰 개방성 상처도 있었닀고 적혀 있습니닀. 환자: ë„€, 귞런 것 같넀요! 의사: 좋아요, 귞늬고 허벅지에 농양 절제술을 여러 번 했얎요. 환자: ë„€, 제 였륞쪜 허벅지에요. 의사: 알겠습니닀.
1. 여러 개의 ꎑ범위한 플하 농양, 였륞쪜 허벅지. 2. 대규몚 개방 상처, 였륞쪜 허벅지, 여러 플하 농양의 였륞쪜 절제 후 상태, 였륞쪜 허벅지.
Doctor: Hi there, so you are here for your follow up? Patient: Yes, I had a surgical removal of multiple abscesses on my right thigh. Doctor: Okay, let me quickly check your discharge sheet. Patient: Sure. Doctor: It says you had multiple extensive subcutaneous abscesses on your right thigh and there was a massive open wound as well. Patient: Yes, that sounds about right! Doctor: Okay, and then they did multiple abscesses excisions on your thigh. Patient: Yes, on my right thigh. Doctor: Okay.
Status post left mastectomy secondary to breast cancer and status post right knee replacement secondary to osteoarthritis.
의사: 안녕하섞요 지나, 잘 지낎섞요? 환자: 좀 더 나은 상태였윌멎 좋겠지만 ë„€, ꎜ찮아요. 의사: 알겠습니닀. 수술 후 후속 조치륌 위핎 여Ʞ 였신 거죠? 환자: ë„€, 귞렇습니닀. 의사: 최귌에 암윌로 읞핎 왌쪜 유방을 제거하셚닀고 듀었습니닀. 환자: 맞습니닀. 의사: 귞늬고 슬개곚 ꎀ절엌윌로 읞핎 였륞쪜 묎늎도 교첎하셚죠? 환자: ë„€, 묎늎댈에 ꎀ절엌읎 있얎서 교첎 수술을 받았습니닀. 의사: 흠.
유방암윌로 읞한 읎찚성 좌잡 유방 절제술 후 상태 및 곚ꎀ절엌윌로 읞한 읎찚성 ìš°ìž¡ 묎늎 교첎 후 상태.
Doctor: Hi Gina, how are you? Patient: I wish, I was in better state but yeah, I am okay. Doctor: I understand. So, you are here for your follow up post your surgeries, right? Patient: Yes, I am. Doctor: Alright, I see you recently had your left breast removed due to cancer. Patient: Correct. Doctor: And then you also had your right knee replaced due to arthritis in your kneecap, right? Patient: Yeah, I had arthritis in my knee bone so I got it replaced. Doctor: Hm.
This is a 4-year-old white male, apparently dominantly right-handed who suffered a severe injury to his left distal humerus after jumping off of a swing. He apparently had not had previous problems with his left arm. He was seen in the Emergency with a grossly deformed left elbow. His parents' were both present preoperatively. His x-ray exam as well as physical exam was consistent with a closed type-III supracondylar fracture of the left distal humerus with rather severe puckering of the skin anteriorly with significant ecchymosis in the same region. Gross neurologic exam revealed his ulnar, median, and radial nerves to be mostly intact, although a complete exam was impossible. He did have a radial pulse palpable.
의사: 안녕하섞요. 였늘 몚두 잘 지낎시나요? 게슀튞_가족: 저희는 잘 지낎고 있습니닀. 저는 ë„€ 삎짜늬 아듀의 엄마입니닀. 의사: 안녕하섞요, 부읞. 묎슚 묞제가 있윌신가요? 게슀튞_가족: 저희 아듀의 응꞉싀 방묞 후 후속 조치륌 췚하고 싶얎서요 의사: 였, 읎런. 묎슚 음읎 있었나요? 게슀튞_가족: 공원에서 놀던 아읎가 귞넀에서 뛰얎낎늬는 게 좋닀고 생각했얎요. 믞친 아읎죠? 의사: 귞럎 수도 있죠. ì‚Žë‹€ 볎멎 배욎닀는 말읎 있잖아요. 응꞉싀 방묞에서 얻은 정볎가 있나요. 게슀튞_가족: 간혞사에게 쀬얎요. 못 받윌셚나요? 게슀튞_임상의: 죄송합니닀. 정말 바빎지만 여Ʞ 볎고서가 있습니닀. 의사: 읜얎죌시겠얎요? 게슀튞_임상의: 묌론읎죠. 아드님은 왌쪜 원위 상완곚을 심하게 닀쳀습니닀. 부상 전에는 아묎런 묞제가 없었습니닀. 응꞉싀에서 아듀의 팔꿈치 변형윌로 진찰을 받았습니닀. 의사: 볎고서에 검사 결곌가 있나요? 게슀튞_임상의: 엑슀레읎와 신첎 검사가 있습니닀. 둘 ë‹€ 왌쪜 원위 상완곚의 폐쇄성 3형 상곌곚 곚절읎 확읞되었고, 같은 부위에 심한 플부 죌늄곌 핚께 전방윌로 심한 반흔읎 있었습니닀. 요곚 맥박읎 만젞졌습니닀 의사: 고마워요, 간혞사. 엄마, 수술 전에 였셚나요? 게슀튞_가족: 낚펞곌 제가 있었얎요. 낚펞읎 계획했던 묞화 행사에서 ꞉히 달렀왔얎요. 의사: 귞렇군요. 몚두 신분읎 얎떻게 되시나요? 게슀튞_가족: 저희는 백읞입니닀. 의사: 알겠습니닀. 읎제 아드님의 신겜학적 검사륌 싀시하겠습니닀. 안녕하섞요. ê°„ë‹ší•œ 검사륌 핮도 ꎜ찮을까요? 환자: 묌론읎죠. 의사: 고마워요. ꞈ방 끝날 겁니닀. 환자: 알았얎요. 의사: 검사륌 핎볎니 척곚, 정쀑, 요곚 신겜읎 옚전합니닀. 통슝읎 너묎 심할 수 있얎서 전첎 검사륌 할 수 없었습니닀. 게슀튞_가족: 도와죌셔서 정말 감사합니닀.
읎 환자는 귞넀에서 뛰얎낎늰 후 왌쪜 원위 상완곚에 심각한 부상을 입은 4ì„ž 백읞 낚성윌로 였륞손잡읎가 죌륌 읎룚는 것윌로 볎입니닀. 읎전에 왌팔에 묞제가 있었던 적읎 없는 것윌로 볎입니닀. 귞는 왌쪜 팔꿈치가 심하게 변형된 상태로 응꞉싀에 낎원했습니닀. 귞의 부몚님은 수술 전에 몚두 입회했습니닀. 엑슀레읎 검사와 신첎 검사 결곌, 좌잡 원위 상완곚의 폐쇄성 III형 상곌곚 곚절곌 같은 부위에 심한 플부 죌늄읎 전방윌로 퍌지고 반흔읎 있는 것윌로 나타났습니닀. 신겜학적 검사 결곌 척곚, 정쀑, 요곚 신겜은 대부분 손상되지 않은 것윌로 나타났지만 완전한 검사는 불가능했습니닀. 귞는 요곚 맥박읎 만젞졌습니닀.
Doctor: Hello. How are you all doing today? Guest_family: We're doing fine. I'm the mother of my four year old boy. Doctor: Hello, ma'am. What seems to be the problem? Gest_family: We just wanted to follow up after my son's E R visit. Doctor: Oh, no. What happened? Guest_family: He was playing at the park and thought it was a good idea to jump off the swing. Crazy kid, right? Doctor: It happens. Live and you learn, as they say. Do you have any information from the E R visit. Guest_family: I gave it to the nurse. Did you not get it? Guest_clinician: Sorry. I got really busy, but here is the report. Doctor: Could you read it to me, please? Guest_clinician: Of course. So, their son severely injured his left distal humerus. No problems were claimed before the injury. The E R saw him for his deformed elbow. Doctor: Are there any exams on the report? Guest_clinician: There is an x ray and physical exam. They both confirmed a closed type three supracondylar fracture of his left distal humerus with severe puckering of the skin anteriorly with major ecchymosis in the same region. He did have a radial pulse palpable Doctor: Thank you, nurse. Mom, were you there before his surgery? Guest_family: My husband and I were. My husband rushed from this cultural event he had planned. Doctor: I see. What do you all identify as? Guest_family: We identify as white. Doctor: I see. I'm going to perform a neurological exam on your son now. Hi buddy. Is it fine if I do a quick exam? Patient: Sure. Doctor: Thanks. It'll be quick. Patient: Okay. Doctor: After doing the exam I see his ulnar, median, and radial nerves are intact. I couldn't do the entire exam because the pain might be too much for him. Guest_family: Thank you so much for your help.
He states that he is on Coumadin because he had a cardioversion done two months ago for atrial fibrillation. He also lists some other medications. I do have his medications list. He is on Pacerone, Zaroxolyn, albuterol inhaler, Neurontin, Lasix, and several other medicines. Those are the predominant medicines. He is not a diabetic. The past history otherwise, he has had smoking history, but he quit several years ago and denies any COPD or emphysema. No one else in the family is sick.
의사: 몇 달 전에 심장 시술을 받윌셚죠? 환자: ë„€, 심장 늬듬 장애 때묞에 심장 시술을 받아알 했얎요. 의사: 알겠습니닀. 환자: 귞늬고 지ꞈ 혈액 희석제륌 복용하고 있습니닀. 의사: ë„€, 쿠마딘을 복용 쀑읎시군요. 복용 쀑읞 닀륞 앜을 알고 계십니까? 환자: ë„€, 목록읎 있습니닀. 여Ʞ 볎섞요. 의사: 와우! 대닚하넀요. ꌌꌌ히 챙겚죌셔서 감사합니닀. 환자: ë„€. 의사: 귞래서 파섞론, 자록솔늰, 알부테례 흡입Ʞ, 뉎론틎, 띌식슀 등을 복용하고 계시는군요. 환자: ë„€. 의사: 당뇚병읎 있윌십니까? 환자: 아니요, 없습니닀. 의사: 좋아요, 곌거에 닎배륌 플우신 적읎 있습니까? 예, 예전에 플웠지만 몇 년 전에 끊었습니닀. 의사: 좋아요, 폐에 묞제가 있었던 적읎 있습니까? 환자: 아니요, 없습니닀. 의사: 좋아요, 가족은 ì–Žë– ì„žìš”? 아픈 사람읎 있나요? 환자: 아니요, 가족 쀑 아픈 사람은 없습니닀.
귞는 두 달 전에 심방섞동윌로 심윚동전환술을 받았Ʞ 때묞에 쿠마딘을 복용하고 있닀고 말합니닀. 닀륞 앜도 몇 가지 나엎하고 있습니닀. 제가 귞의 앜묌 목록을 가지고 있습니닀. 파섞론, 자록솔늰, 알부테례 흡입Ʞ, 뉎론틎, 띌식슀 및 Ʞ타 여러 가지 앜을 복용하고 있습니닀. 읎 앜듀읎 죌요 앜입니닀. 귞는 당뇚병 환자가 아닙니닀. 곌거 병력윌로는 흡연 읎력읎 있지만 몇 년 전에 끊었고 COPD나 폐Ʞ종도 부읞합니닀. 가족 쀑 아픈 사람은 없습니닀.
Doctor: You had a heart procedure done couple months back right? Patient: Yes, they had to do a cardioversion on me because of my heart rhythm disorder. Doctor: Okay. Patient: And I am taking a blood thinner right now. Doctor: Yes, I saw, you are on Coumadin. Do you know other medications you are on? Patient: Yes, I have a list with me. Here, look. Doctor: Wow! That is great. Thank you for being so thorough. Patient: Sure. Doctor: So you are on Pacerone, Zaroxolyn, albuterol inhaler, Neurontin, Lasix, and some other. Patient: Yes. Doctor: Do you have diabetes? Patient: No, I do not. Doctor: Okay, have you smoked in the past? Patient: Yes, I have, but I quit some years back. Doctor: Okay. Have you ever had lung problems? Patient: No, I have not. Doctor: Okay. How about your family? Anyone sick? Patient: No, no one is sick in family.
Family history is positive for asthma and diabetes. There is also positive family history of renal disease on the father's side of the family.
의사: 가족 병력은 묎엇읞가요? 환자: 아버지 쪜 삌쎌읎 신부전슝을 앓윌셚얎요. 제 가족 쀑에도 당뇚병곌 천식을 앓고 있는 사람읎 많습니닀.
가족력은 천식곌 당뇚병에 양성입니닀. 또한 아버지 쪜에서 신장 질환의 가족력읎 양성입니닀.
Doctor: What is your family medical history? Patient: My uncle on my dad's side of the family had kidney failure. I lot of my family members have diabetes and asthma.
Father died age 59 of valvular heart disease. Mother died of DM. Brother had CABG 8/95.
의사: 가족 병력은 묎엇읞가요? 환자: 아버지는 심장마비로 돌아가셚얎요. 쉰아홉읎셚얎요. 얎뚞니는 당뇚 합병슝윌로 돌아가셚습니닀. 의사: 형제자맀가 있나요? 환자: ë„€. 제 동생은 95년 8월에 읎식펞윌로 우회술을 받았습니닀.
아버지는 판막성 심장 질환윌로 59섞에 사망했습니닀. 얎뚞니는 DM윌로 사망했습니닀. 형제는 8/95년 CABG륌 받았습니닀.
Doctor: What is your family medical history? Patient: My dad passed away from a heart attack. He was fifty nine. My mom died from complications with her diabetes. Doctor: Do you have any siblings? Patient: Yes. My brother had a bypass with a graft in August of ninety five.
The patient is a pleasant but demented 80-year-old male, who lives in board and care, who presented with acute onset of abdominal pain. In the emergency room, the patient was found to have a CT scan with dilated bladder with thick wall suggesting an outlet obstruction as well as bilateral hydronephrosis and hydroureter. The patient is unable to provide further history. The patient's son is at the bedside and confirmed his history. The patient was given IV antibiotics in the emergency room. He was also given some hydration.
의사: 안녕하섞요, 안녕하섞요? 환자: ë„€? 의사: 환자와 ì–Žë–€ ꎀ계읎신가요? 게슀튞_가족: 안녕하섞요, 의사 선생님, 저는 환자의 아듀읎에요. 의사: 안녕하섞요. 몇 삎읎섞요? 게슀튞_가족: 80섞입니닀. 치맀륌 앓고 계십니닀. 의사: 귞렇군요. 병력을 알렀죌싀 수 있을까요? 게슀튞_가족: 귞럎 것 같지 않아요. 가끔은 자신의 읎늄도 잊얎버늬섞요. 환자: 농닎읎죠. 전 제 읎늄을 알아요. 귞의 아읎듀 읎늄도 알고요. 가끔 묌걎을 잊얎버늬거나 Ꞟ을 잃은 Ʞ분읎 드는 걎 맞아요. 의사: 당신을 탓하지 않아요. 저도 읎 나읎에 묌걎을 잊얎버늎 때가 있거든요. 게슀튞_가족: ë„€, 몚든 것을 잊얎버늬는 걎 에플소드 같은 음읎고 때로는 완전히 정상입니닀. 좋은 날에는 대화하Ʞ 아죌 좋은 분읎에요. 의사: 현재 거죌 상태는 얎떀가요? 게슀튞_가족: 하숙집에서 생활하고 있습니닀. 집처럌 아늑한 곳입니닀. 의사: 좋넀요. 였늘 응꞉ 상황은 얎떻게 였셚나요? 게슀튞_가족: 복통을 혞소하Ʞ 시작했얎요. 닀행히 제가 ê±°êž° 있었얎요. 한순간은 친절하게 저와 읎알Ʞ륌 나누닀가 갑자Ʞ 복부에 심한 통슝을 혞소하Ʞ 시작했얎요. ê·žë•Œ 저는 귞륌 응꞉싀로 데렀였Ʞ로 결정했습니닀. 의사: 읎전에 신고한 적읎 있나요? 환자: 읎 볎고서가 있습니닀. 의사: 읎 슀캔읎 ì–žì œ 읎룚얎졌는지 Ʞ억하시나요? 환자: 몚륎겠얎요. 방ꞈ 읎 볎고서륌 가지고 왔습니닀. 의사: 읎전에 의학적 묞제가 있었던 것을 Ʞ억하시나요? 환자: 허 ì–Ž. 의사: 좋아요, 슀캔 결곌 좀 볌게요. 환자가 제공한 CT 슀캔 볎고서륌 읜고 있습니닀. 방ꎑ읎 확장되얎 있고 벜읎 두꺌워 출구 폐색곌 ì–‘ìž¡ 수신슝 및 수신슝읎 있닀고 나와 있습니닀. 환자: 흠. 의사: 응꞉싀 의사가 읎믞 항생제와 핚께 수액을 투여한 것윌로 볎입니닀. 게슀튞_가족: ë„€. 의사: 배뇹 쀑 통슝읎나 였심 및 구토륌 혞소하신 적읎 있나요? 게슀튞_가족: ë„€, ë©°ì¹  전에 엎읎 있었습니닀. 닀륞 슝상에 대핮 묌얎뎀더니 소변을 볎Ʞ가 힘듀고 고통슀럜닀고 하셚얎요. 메슀꺌움곌 구토는 잘 몚륎겠닀고 하셚얎요. 귞는 평소 화장싀에 자죌 달렀갔고 맀번 소변읎 아파서 소변을 볎Ʞ 싫닀고 말하곀 했습니닀. 또한 지난 ë©°ì¹  동안 였쀌을 싞는 사고가 몇 번 있었습니닀. 의사: 몚든 병력을 알렀죌셔서 감사합니닀. 지ꞈ 치료하는 데 큰 도움읎 될 것 같습니닀.
환자는 Ʞ숙사 생활을 하는 80ì„ž 낚성윌로, ꞉성 복통 슝상을 볎읞 쟌활하지만 치맀륌 앓고 있는 환자였습니닀. 응꞉싀에서 환자는 방ꎑ읎 확장되고 벜읎 두꺌워 배출구 폐색곌 ì–‘ìž¡ 수신슝 및 수신슝을 시사하는 CT 슀캔을 받았습니닀. 환자는 추가 병력을 제공할 수 없습니닀. 환자의 아듀읎 병상에 있얎 병력을 확읞했습니닀. 환자는 응꞉싀에서 정맥 항생제륌 투여받았습니닀. 귞는 또한 앜간의 수분을 공꞉ 받았습니닀.
Doctor: Hello, how are you? Patient: What? Doctor: How are you related to the patient? Guest_family: Hello doctor, I am his son. Doctor: Hello. How old is he? Guest_family: He is eighty years old. He is suffering from dementia. Doctor: I see. Do you think he will be able to provide me with his medical history? Guest_family: I don't think so. Sometimes he even forgets his name. Patient: He's kidding. I know my name. I also know his kids' names. I do agree that sometimes I forget my things or feel lost. Doctor: I don't blame you. I forget my things at my age. Guest_family: Yeah, it is something like episodic that he forgets everything and sometimes he's absolutely normal. On good days, he's very nice to talk to. Doctor: What is his living status? Guest_family: He lives at a board and care. It is a cozier homelike place. Doctor: That's good. So what brings you here in the emergency today? Guest_family: He started complaining of stomach aches. Luckily, I was there. It was very sudden at one moment he was talking to me nicely and then all of a sudden he started complaining of severe pain in his stomach area. That's when I decided to bring him here in the emergency room. Doctor: Do you have any previous reports? Patient: I have these reports. Doctor: Do you remember when was this scan done? Patient: I have no idea. I just had these reports with me. Doctor: Do you remember of any medical issues before? Patient: Huh uh. Doctor: Okay, let me see what your scan says. I am reading the C T Scan report provided by the patient. It states that patient has dilated bladder with thick wall suggesting an outlet obstruction as well as bilateral hydronephrosis and hydroureter. Patient: Hm. Doctor: I see that you have already been given some I V fluid along with antibiotics by the emergency room doctor. Guest_family: Yeah. Doctor: Did he ever complain of pain during urination or nausea and vomiting? Guest_family: Yes, he had fever a few days back. When we asked him about other symptoms, he said, it's hard to urinate and it is painful. Nausea and vomiting are something that I am not sure about. He was normally rushing to the restroom and every time used to say he didn't want to pee as it hurt him. He also had a few accidents in the last few days where he wet himself. Doctor: Thank you for providing me with all his history. It will be very helpful for me to treat him now.
Father passed away at 81; mother of multiple myeloma at 83.
의사: 가족 병력은 묎엇읞가요? 환자: 얎뚞니는 암에 걞늬셚얎요. 닀발성 곚수종읎었얎요. 여든 ì„ž 삎에 돌아가셚습니닀. 아버지는 여든 한 삎에 돌아가셚습니닀.
아버지는 81섞에 돌아가셚고, 얎뚞니는 83섞에 닀발성 곚수종윌로 돌아가셚습니닀.
Doctor: What is your family medical history? Patient: My mother had cancer. She had multiple myeloma. She passed away at age eighty three. My dad died when he was eighty one.
The patient's parents are deceased.
의사: 부몚님은 ì–Žë– ì„žìš”? 환자: 안타깝게도 두 분 ë‹€ 돌아가셚얎요. 의사: 였, 정말 유감입니닀. 환자: 감사합니닀, ꎜ찮아요.
환자의 부몚님읎 돌아가셚습니닀.
Doctor: How are your parents doing? Patient: Unfortunately, they both passed away. Doctor: Oh no, I'm so sorry to hear that. Patient: Thank you, its okay, I manage.
Chronic abdominal pain.
의사: 묎슚 음읎에요? 환자: 배가 아파요. 의사: 얞제부터요? 환자: 아, ꜀ 였래됐얎요. 의사: 알겠습니닀. 환자: ë„€.
만성 복통.
Doctor: What's going on? Patient: I am having a bellyache. Doctor: Since when? Patient: Oh, it's been a while now. Doctor: Okay. Patient: Yeah.
Followup on hypertension and hypercholesterolemia.
의사: 고혈압곌 고윜레슀테례에 대핮 추적 ꎀ찰 쀑읎신가요? 환자: ë„€.
고혈압 및 ê³  윜레슀테례 혈슝에 대한 후속 조치.
Doctor: So, you are following up for your high blood pressure and high cholesterol? Patient: Yes.
Chest pain and fever.
의사: 였늘 묎슚 음읎섞요? 환자: 가슎읎 아파요. 의사: 엎도 있윌섞요? 환자: ë„€, 귞렇습니닀.
흉통곌 발엎.
Doctor: Hey, what's going on with you today? Patient: Oh, I have a chest pain. Doctor: You have fever too? Patient: Yes, I did.
She has moderate-to-severe dementia and is unable to give any information about history or review of systems.
의사: 안녕하섞요, 좀 ì–Žë– ì„žìš”? 환자: Ʞ분읎 별로 좋지 않습니닀. 의사: 묎슚 음읎 있었고 얞제부터 시작되었나요? 환자: 아, Ʞ억읎 안 나요. 귞냥 뚞늬가 너묎 아파요. 게슀튞_가족: 안녕하섞요, 의사 선생님, 저희 얎뚞니입니닀. 치맀가 진행되얎 대부분 아묎것도 Ʞ억하지 못하십니닀. 의사: 아, 귞렇군요. 몇 가지 질묞에 대답하싀 수 있는지 확읞핎 볎겠습니닀 게슀튞_가족: ë„€. 의사: 메슀꺌움읎나 구토가 있었나요? 환자: 몚륎겠얎요.
귞녀는 쀑등도에서 쀑슝의 치맀륌 앓고 있윌며 Ʞ록읎나 시슀템 검토에 대한 정볎륌 제공할 수 없습니닀.
Doctor: Hi, how are you? Patient: I am feeling not so good. Doctor: What happened and how long since it started? Patient: Oh, I don't remember it. Just my head is hurting so much. Guest_family: Hi doctor, she is my mother. Her dementia has progressed and most of the time she does not remember anything. Doctor: Oh, I see. Let me try and see if she can answer few questions Guest_family: Sure. Doctor: Did you have any nausea or vomiting? Patient: I don't know.
의사: 제가 알아알 할 곌거 병력읎 있나요? 환자: 아니요.
Doctor: Any past medical history I should be aware of? Patient: Nope.
He has known history of allergy to clonidine, Medifast does fatigue.
의사: 앜묌에 알레륎Ʞ가 있윌신가요? 환자: 음, 저는 큎로니딘곌 메디팚슀튞에 알레륎Ʞ가 있습니닀. 의사: 큎로니딘을 복용하멎 얎떻게 되나요? 환자: 정말 심한 발진읎 생깁니닀. 의사: 귞럌 메디팚슀튞는 얎때요? 환자: 복용 후 맀우 플곀합니닀. 마지막윌로 복용했을 때는 칚대에서 음얎나Ʞ 힘듀었얎요.
귞는 큎로니딘에 대한 알레륎Ʞ 병력읎 있윌며, 메디팚슀튞는 플로륌 유발합니닀.
Doctor: Do you have allergies to any medications? Patient: Um I'm allergic to Clonidine and Medifast. Doctor: What happens when you take Clonidine? Patient: I get a really bad rash. Doctor: And how about with Medifast? Patient: I get very tired after taking it. The last time I took it, I had trouble getting out of bed.
This is a 39-year-old female who has sustained a twisting injury to her knee while on trampoline in late August. She was diagnosed per MRI. An MRI confirmed the clinical diagnosis of anterior cruciate ligament tear. She states she has had multiple episodes of instability to the patellofemoral joint throughout the years with multiple dislocations. She elected to proceed with surgery to repair the anterior cruciate ligament as well as possibly plicate the medial retinaculum to help prevent further dislocations of the patellofemoral joint. All risks and benefits of surgery were discussed with her at length. She was in agreement with the treatment plan.
의사: 좋은 아칚입니닀, 부읞. 간혞사가 귞러는데 환자분읎 서륞아홉 삎읎띌고 하던데 맞나요? 환자: 좋은 아칚입니닀, 선생님. ë„€, 맞습니닀. 의사: 였늘은 묎슚 묞제가 있윌신가요, 부읞? 환자: 지난 8월 말에 튞랚펄늰을 타닀가 묎늎을 닀쳀습니닀. 의사: 읎 묎늎의 부상 메컀니슘을 Ʞ억하시나요? 환자: 묎슚 뜻읎죠? 의사: 음, 비틀얎지거나 당겚지거나 꺟읎는 종류의 부상읎었나요? 환자: 였, 묎늎을 삐었얎요. 의사: 좋아요, 읎 묞제로 닀륞 의사륌 만나볎셚나요? 환자: ë„€, MRI륌 찍었습니닀. 의사: 볎고서륌 볌 수 있을까요? 환자: ë„€, 여Ʞ 있습니닀. 의사: 읎 MRI에는 A C L 파엎읎 볎읎넀요. 읎 묎늎에 불안정성읎 있나요? 환자: ë„€, 묎늎 ꎀ절읎 몇 년 동안 불안정했던 것 같아요. 의사: 탈구가 있었나요? 환자: ë„€, 있었습니닀. 얎떻게 하멎 되나요? 의사: 음, 수술로 ê³ ì¹  수 있습니닀. 제가 ê³ ì¹  수 있습니닀. 환자: 시술로 읞한 감엌 위험은 얎떻게 됩니까? 의사: 역사적윌로 1% 믞만입니닀. 감엌을 통제하Ʞ 위핎 항생제륌 사용합니닀. 환자: 읎 시술을 위핎 마췚륌 하게 되나요? 의사: ë„€, 아묎것도 느끌지 못할 것입니닀. 환자: ë„€, 수술하고 싶얎요.
8월 말에 튞랚펄늰을 타닀가 묎늎읎 뒀틀늬는 부상을 입은 39ì„ž 여성입니닀. 귞녀는 MRI 진닚을 받았습니닀. MRI 검사 결곌 전방십자읞대 파엎읎띌는 임상 진닚을 받았습니닀. 귞녀는 수년 동안 슬개대퇎 ꎀ절읎 여러 번 탈구되는 불안정성 슝상을 여러 ì°šë¡€ 겪었닀고 말했습니닀. 귞녀는 슬개 대퇮 ꎀ절의 추가 탈구륌 예방하Ʞ 위핎 전방 십자 읞대륌 복구하고 ë‚Žìž¡ 망막을 플레읎팅하는 수술을 진행하Ʞ로 결정했습니닀. 수술의 몚든 위험곌 읎점에 대핮 환자와 ꞎ밀하게 녌의했습니닀. 귞녀는 치료 계획에 동의했습니닀.
Doctor: Good morning, ma'am. My nurses tell me that you're thirty nine years old, is that correct? Patient: Good morning, Doctor. Yes, that's correct. Doctor: So, what seems to be the problem today, ma'am? Patient: I hurt my knee while on the trampoline back in late August. Doctor: Do you remember the mechanism of injury to this knee? Patient: What do you mean? Doctor: Well, was it a twisting, pulling, snapping kind of injury? Patient: Oh, I twisted my knee. Doctor: Okay, have you seen another doctor for this? Patient: Yeah, and I got an M R I. Doctor: Can I see the report? Patient: Yes, here you go. Doctor: This M R I shows an A C L tear. Do you have any instability in this knee? Patient: Yeah, I feel like my knee joint has been unstable for years. Doctor: Have there been any dislocations? Patient: Yeah, there have been. What can be done about this? Doctor: Well, there's surgery to fix this. I can repair that A C L. Patient: What are the risks of infection with the procedure? Doctor: Historically, it's less than one percent. We use antibiotics to control for infection. Patient: Will I go under for this? Doctor: Yes, you won't feel a thing. Patient: Okay, yes, I'd like the surgery done.
Her father died from leukemia. Her mother died from kidney and heart failure. She has two brothers; five sisters, one with breast cancer; two sons; and a daughter. She describes cancer, hypertension, nervous condition, kidney disease, high cholesterol, and depression in her family.
의사: 가족력에 대핮 자섞히 말씀핎 죌시겠습니까, 부읞? 아버님은 ì–Žë– ì„žìš”? 환자: 의사 선생님, 저희 아버지는 얌마 전에 백혈병윌로 돌아가셚얎요. 의사: 정말 유감입니닀. 얎뚞니는 ì–Žë– ì„žìš”? 얎뚞니는 ì–Žë– ì„žìš”? 환자: 얎뚞니도 돌아가셚얎요. 신장곌 심부전읎 있었얎요 의사: 죄송합니닀, 부읞. 환자: ꎜ찮아요, 선생님, 감사합니닀. 의사: 형제자맀가 있나요? 환자: ë„€, 두 명의 형제와 닀섯 명의 자맀가 있습니닀. 의사: 대가족읎시군요, 혹시 알고 계신 질환읎 있윌신가요? 환자: 제 여동생 쀑 한 명읎 유방암에 걞렞습니닀. 의사: ë„€, 감사합니닀. 자녀가 있윌신가요? 환자: ë„€, ì•„ë“€ 둘곌 딾 하나가 있습니닀. 의사: 잘됐넀요. 제가 알아알 할 닀륞 질환읎 있윌신가요? 환자: 음, ê·ž 왞에도 윜레슀테례 수치가 높고, 우욞슝곌 신겜 질환읎 있습니닀.
귞녀의 아버지는 백혈병윌로 사망했습니닀. 귞녀의 얎뚞니는 신장 및 심부전윌로 사망했습니닀. 형제 두 명, 유방암에 걞늰 자맀 닀섯 명, ì•„ë“€ 둘, 딾 한 명읎 있습니닀. 귞녀는 가족 쀑에 암, 고혈압, 신겜 질환, 신장 질환, 고윜레슀테례혈슝, 우욞슝읎 있닀고 섀명합니닀.
Doctor: Can you tell me more about your family history, ma'am? How is your father doing? Patient: Well, doctor, my father passed away from leukemia a while back. Doctor: I'm so sorry to hear that. What about your mother? How is she doing? Patient: She died too. She had kidney and heart failure. Doctor: I'm sorry, ma'am. Patient: Oh, it's okay doctor, thank you. Doctor: Do you have any siblings? Patient: Yes, I have two brothers and five sisters. Doctor: That's a big family, do they have any conditions that you know about? Patient: One of my sisters has breast cancer. Doctor: Okay, thank you. Do you have any children? Patient: Yeah, I have two sons and a daughter. Doctor: That's great. Do you have any other conditions I should know about? Patient: Well, in addition to all of that, there's some high cholesterol, um, depression, and a nervous condition.
Everyone else is healthy at home.
의사: 집에 아픈 사람 있나요? 환자: 아니요, 닀행히도요. 닀륞 사람듀은 몚두 ꎜ찮아요.
닀륞 사람듀은 몚두 집에서 걎강합니닀.
Doctor: Anyone sick at home? Patient: No, fortunately. Everyone else is feeling fine.
Dark urine and generalized weakness.
의사: 안녕하섞요! 였늘은 묎슚 음로 였셚나요? 환자: 몞읎 좋지 않습니닀. 플곀하고 Ʞ욎읎 없얎요. 의사: 닀륞 슝상은 없었나요? 환자: 였늘 아칚에 화장싀에 닀녀옚 후 소변 색읎 진한 것을 알았습니닀. 의사: 수분을 충분히 섭췚하고 계셚나요? 환자: 예. 의사: 소변 샘플을 채췚하겠습니닀. 간혞사에게 샘플 컵을 가젞였띌고 할게요. 환자: 알았얎요.
얎두욎 소변곌 전신 쇠앜.
Doctor: Hi there! What brings you in today? Patient: I have not been feeling well. I am tired and feel weak. Doctor: Have you had any other symptoms? Patient: I noticed after I went to the bathroom this morning, that my urine was dark. Doctor: Have you been staying hydrated? Patient: Yes. Doctor: Lets get a urine sample. I will have the nurse come in with a sample cup. Patient: Okay.
The patient is a 44-year-old man who was seen for complaints of low back and right thigh pain. He attributes this to an incident in which he was injured in 1994. I do not have any paperwork authenticating his claim that there is an open claim. Most recently he was working at Taco Bell, when he had a recurrence of back pain, and he was seen in our clinic on 04/12/05. He rated pain of approximately 8/10 in severity. He took a Medrol Dosepak and states that his pain level has decreased to approximately 4-5/10. He still localizes it to a band between L4 and the sacrum. He initially had some right leg pain but states that this is minimal and intermittent at the present time. His back history is significant for two laminectomies and a discectomy performed from 1990 to 1994. The area of concern was L4-L5. The patient's MRI dated 10/18/04 showed multi-level degenerative changes, with facet involvement at L2-L3, L3-L4 and L5-S1. There was no neural impingement. He also had an MR myelogram, which showed severe stenosis at L3-L4, however it was qualified in that it may have been artifact, rather than a genuine finding.
의사: 안녕하섞요, 선생님. 환자: 안녕하섞요, 의사 선생님. 의사: 마흔 넷읎시죠? 환자: ë„€, 선생님. 의사: 좋아요, 였늘은 묎슚 묞제가 있는 것 같나요? 환자: 의사 선생님, 한동안 허늬 통슝읎 있었습니닀. 의사: 통슝읎 닀늬로 낎렀가나요? 환자: ë„€, 였륞쪜 허벅지에도 통슝읎 있습니닀. 의사: 읎 통슝곌 ꎀ렚된 부상읎 있습니까? 환자: ë„€, 1994년에 사고가 있었습니닀. 의사: 최쎈 부상 당시의 서류나 의료 Ʞ록읎 있습니까? 환자: 아니요, 였늘은 없습니닀. 의사: 직업읎 얎떻게 되십니까? 환자: 지ꞈ은 타윔벚에서 음합니닀. 산재 볎험 청구가 ì—Žë € 있습니닀. 의사: ê±°êž°ì„œ 음하닀가 통슝읎 재발했죠? 환자: ë„€, 맞습니닀. 의사: 마지막윌로 읎곳에서 진료륌 받은 것읎 얞제였는지 Ʞ억하십니까? 환자: 음, ë„€, 4월 12음 2005년읎었습니닀. 의사: 10읎 상상할 수 있는 최악의 통슝읎띌멎, 마지막 방묞 시 통슝은 10점 만점에 얎느 정도였습니까? 환자: 음, 10점 만점에 8점 정도였얎요. 의사: 읎 통슝 때묞에 앜을 복용하셚나요? 환자: 음, 지난번 방묞했을 때 메드례 도슀팩을 처방받았습니닀. 의사: 도섞팍에 통슝읎 얎떻게 반응했나요? 환자: 통슝읎 10점 만점에 4~5점 정도로 쀄었습니닀. 의사: 통슝읎 있는 곳을 가늬쌜 죌시겠습니까? 환자: ë„€, 바로 여Ʞ입니닀. 의사: 여Ʞ 읎 밎드요? 환자: ë„€, 바로 ê·ž 자늬입니닀. 의사: 좋아요, 여Ʞ는 요추 4번곌 천곚 사읎입니닀. 였륞쪜 닀늬 통슝을 얎떻게 섀명하시겠습니까? 환자: 지ꞈ은 간헐적읎고 믞믞하며 항상 있는 것은 아닙니닀. 의사: 허늬 수술을 받은 적읎 있습니까? 환자: 음, ë„€, 1990년에 한 번, 1994년에 한 번 두 번 척추 절제술을 받았습니닀. 잠깐만요, ê·ž 사읎에 디슀크 절제술도 받았얎요. 의사: 얎디에 쎈점읎 맞춰졌는지 아십니까? 환자: L 4 L 5번읎었습니닀. 의사: 허늬에 대한 영상 쎬영은 하셚나요? 환자: ë„€, 10월 18음 2004년에 MRI륌 찍었습니닀. 여Ʞ 볎고서가 있습니닀. 의사: 좋아요, 읎것은 닀닚계 퇎행성 변화륌 볎여 죌며, L 2 L 3, L 3 L 4, L 5 S1에서 신겜 칚범읎 없는 닀닚계 퇎행성 변화륌 볎여 죌며, 읎는 양혞합니닀. 환자: 귞게 묎슚 뜻읞가요, 의사 선생님? 의사: 요앜하자멎, 허늬에 상당한 양의 ꎀ절엌읎 있닀는 뜻입니닀. 환자: ë„€, M R 곚수 조영술도 받았는데 여Ʞ 볎고서가 있습니닀. 의사: 좋아요, 요추 3번에서 심한 척추ꎀ 협착슝읎 볎읎지만 읞공묌음 수도 있습니닀. 환자: 귞게 묎슚 뜻읞가요? 의사: 읎 소견은 잘못된 핎석음 수 있습니닀.
환자는 44ì„ž 낚성윌로 요통곌 였륞쪜 허벅지 통슝을 혞소하며 병원을 찟았습니닀. 귞는 1994년에 부상을 당한 사걎 때묞읎띌고 죌장합니닀. 귞의 죌장을 입슝할 수 있는 서류는 아직 없습니닀. 가장 최귌에는 타윔벚에서 음하던 쀑 허늬 통슝읎 재발하여 05년 4월 12음에 저희 큎늬닉에서 진찰을 받았습니닀. 귞는 통슝의 심각도륌 ì•œ 8/10윌로 평가했습니닀. 메드례 도슀팩을 복용한 후 통슝 정도가 ì•œ 4-5/10윌로 감소했닀고 합니닀. 귞는 여전히 L4와 천곚 사읎의 밎드에 국한되얎 있습니닀. 처음에는 였륞쪜 닀늬에 앜간의 통슝읎 있었지만 현재는 믞믞하고 간헐적읎띌고 말합니닀. 귞의 허늬 병력은 1990년부터 1994년까지 두 번의 추간판 절제술곌 한 번의 디슀크 절제술로 읞핎 쀑요했습니닀. 우렀되는 부위는 L4-L5였습니닀. 2004년 10월 18음에 쎬영한 환자의 MRI에서는 닀닚계 퇎행성 변화가 나타났윌며, L2-L3, L3-L4 및 L5-S1에서 팚싯 칚범읎 있었습니닀. 신겜 손상은 없었습니닀. 귞는 또한 L3-L4에 심한 협착을 볎읞 MR 곚수 조영술을 받았지만, 읎는 싀제 소견읎 아니띌 읞공묌음 수 있닀는 점에서 자격읎 있었습니닀.
Doctor: Good afternoon, sir. Patient: Good afternoon, doctor. Doctor: You're forty four, correct? Patient: Yes sir. Doctor: Great, what seems to be the problem today, sir? Patient: Well, doctor, I've had lower back pain for a while now. Doctor: Does the pain go into your legs? Patient: Yeah, I have pain in my right thigh too. Doctor: Is there an injury associated with this pain? Patient: Yes, I had an incident back in nineteen ninety four. Doctor: Do you have any paperwork or medical records from the initial injury? Patient: No sir, I don't have those today. Doctor: What do you do for a living, sir? Patient: Right now, I work at Taco Bell. I have a workers comp claim open. Doctor: Your pain came back while working there, correct? Patient: Yes, that's correct. Doctor: Do you remember when your last appointment here was? Patient: Um, yes, it was on April twelfth two thousand five. Doctor: With ten being the worst pain imaginable, what was your pain out of ten at your last visit? Patient: Um, I'd say it was an eight out of ten. Doctor: Have you taken any medicine for this? Patient: Um, I had a Medrol Dosepak prescribed at my last visit. Doctor: How did your pain respond to the Dosepak? Patient: It took it down to about a four or five out of ten. Doctor: Can you point to me where the pain is, sir? Patient: Yes, it's right here. Doctor: This band right here? Patient: Yeah, that's the spot. Doctor: Okay, this is between your L four and sacrum. How would you describe your right leg pain? Patient: I'd say it's intermittent and minimal now, it's not always there. Doctor: Have you ever had back surgery? Patient: Um, yes, I've had two laminectomies, one in nineteen ninety and the other was in ninety four. Wait, I also had a discectomy some time in between. Doctor: Do you know where the focus was? Patient: It was at L four L 5. Doctor: Have you had any imaging done on the lower back? Patient: Yes, I had an M R I on October eighteenth two thousand four. I have the report right here. Doctor: Okay, this shows multi level degenerative changes, with facet involvement at L two L three, L three L four, and L five S1, with no neural impingement, which is good. Patient: What does that mean, doctor? Doctor: In summary, you have a significant amount of arthritis in the back. Patient: Oh yeah, I had an M R myelogram as well, here's the report. Doctor: Okay, this shows severe spinal stenosis at L three L four, but it may have been artifact. Patient: What does that mean? Doctor: This finding may be a misinterpretation.
No known drug allergies.
의사: 앜묌에 알레륎Ʞ 반응읎 있었나요? 환자: 아니요. 의사: 알겠습니닀.
알렀진 앜묌 알레륎Ʞ가 없습니닀.
Doctor: Did you have an allergic reactions to any medication? Patient: Nope. Doctor: Okay.
Reviewed and unchanged from the dictation on 12/03/2003.
의사: 안녕하섞요, 좀 ì–Žë– ì„žìš”? 환자: 저는 잘 지낎고 있습니닀. 후속 방묞을 위핎 왔습니닀. 의사: 사회력읎나 병력에서 지난 방묞 때와 달띌진 점읎 있습니까? 환자: 아니요, 지난번에 ì“Ž 낎용읎 정확핎알 합니닀. 저는 불곌 3개월 전에 여Ʞ 왔었습니닀. 저는 2003년 12월 3음에 방묞했습니닀.
2003년 12월 3음의 받아쓰Ʞ에서 검토 및 변겜되지 않음.
Doctor: Hello, how are you? Patient: I am doing well. Just here for a follow up visit. Doctor: Are there any changes from the last visit in your social history or medical history? Patient: No. Whatever you wrote last time should be correct. I was here just three months ago. I was here December third of two thousand and three.
He is on no medications.
의사: 앜을 드시나요? 환자: 아니요. 의사: 정말요? 환자: 예.
귞는 앜을 복용하지 않습니닀.
Doctor: Do you take any meds? Patient: No. Doctor: Are you sure? Patient: Yes.
의사: 곌거에 수술을 받은 적읎 있나요? 환자: 아니요.
Doctor: Did you have any surgeries in the past? Patient: No.
History of IgG subtype multiple myeloma.
의사: 진료소에 였신 것을 환영합니닀. 환자: 감사합니닀. 의사: 병력부터 시작하겠습니닀. 의학적 묞제나 질환읎 있윌신가요? 환자: 제가 여Ʞ 옚 읎유 왞에 닀륞 질병은 없습니닀. 의사: ë„€. 하닌 의사가 최귌 혈액 검사 결곌와 찚튞 메몚륌 볎냈습니닀. ê·ž 결곌륌 환자분곌 상의하셚나요? 환자: ë„€, 귞랬얎요. 귞는 제가 닀발성 곚수종에 걞렞닀고 말했습니닀. 귞늬고 혈액 검사 수치가 귞것을 발견한 방법읎띌고 말했습니닀. 의사: ë„€. I G G 수치는 하위 유형읎 닀발성 곚수종임을 볎여쀍니닀. 환자: 알겠습니닀.
IgG 아형 닀발성 곚수종의 병력.
Doctor: Welcome to the clinic. Patient: Thank you. Doctor: I would like to start with your medical history. Do you have any medical problems or conditions? Patient: I don't have any medical conditions other then the one I was sent to you for. Doctor: Yes. Doctor Hanine sent over your recent blood test results and chart notes. Did he discuss those results with you? Patient: Yes, he did. He said I have multiple myeloma. And that the blood work levels are how he found it. Doctor: Yes. The I G G levels show that the subtype is multiple myeloma. Patient: Okay.
Followup on diabetes mellitus, status post cerebrovascular accident.
의사: Ʞ분읎 ì–Žë– ì„žìš”? 의사: 지난번에 C형 간엌윌로 여Ʞ 였셚죠? 환자: ë„€, 잘 회복하고 있습니닀. 고혈당에 대한 후속 조치륌 요청하셚습니닀. 의사: ë„€, 당뇚병읎 있윌시군요. 읎번 방묞 전에 혈액 검사륌 받윌셚나요? 환자: ë„€, 여Ʞ 볎고서가 있습니닀.
당뇚병에 대한 후속 조치, 뇌 혈ꎀ 사고 후 상태.
Doctor: So, how are feeling? Doctor: You came here last time with C V A right? Patient: Yeah, I am recovering well. You asked me to follow-up for high sugar. Doctor: Oh yeah, you have diabetes mellitus. Did you happen to get a blood test done before this visit? Patient: Yes, I did here is the report.
의사: 가족 병력은 묎엇읞가요? 환자: 가족 걎강 묞제는 몚늅니닀.
Doctor: What is your family medical history? Patient: I don't know of any family health problems.
Vomiting and nausea.
의사: 였늘은 묎슚 음로 였셚나요? 환자: 속읎 메슀껍고 항상 토할 것 같은 느낌읎 듭니닀. 의사: 닀륞 묞제는 없나요? 환자: 싀제로 많읎 토하고 있습니닀.
구토 및 메슀꺌움.
Doctor: What brings you here today? Patient: I have a queasy tummy and the feeling that I am about to throw up all the time. Doctor: Anything else? Patient: I'm actually throwing up a lot.
Her father has type I diabetes and heart disease. She has a brother who had heart attack at the age of 52. He is a smoker.
의사: 닎배륌 플우시나요? 환자: ë„€, 여Ʞ저Ʞ서요. 의사: 평균적윌로 얌마나 많은 닎배륌 플우시나요? 환자: 아마 서너 개비 정도음 겁니닀. 의사: 가족 쀑에 의학적 묞제가 있습니까? 환자: ë„€, 제 동생읎 ꜀ 얎렞을 때 심장마비륌 겪었습니닀. 의사: 몇 ì‚Ž 때였나요? 환자: 52삎입니닀. 의사: 와우, 좀 ì–Žë– ì„žìš”? 환자: 좋아요, 적얎도 음 년에 한 번은 심장 전묞의륌 만나알 í•Žìš”. 의사: 가족 쀑에 심장 질환읎 있는 분읎 있나요? 환자: 음, 저희 아버지가 심장 묞제가 좀 있윌섞요. 또한 1형 당뇚병 환자입니닀.
귞녀의 아버지는 제1형 당뇚병곌 심장병을 앓고 있습니닀. 52섞에 심장마비륌 음윌킚 였빠가 있습니닀. 귞는 흡연자입니닀.
Doctor: Do you smoke? Patient: Yeah, here and there. Doctor: On average, how many cigarettes would you say you smoke? Patient: Probably three or four if I had to guess. Doctor: Any medical problems that run in the family? Patient: Yeah, my brother had a heart attack when he was pretty young. Doctor: How old was he? Patient: Fifty two. Doctor: Oh wow, how's he doing? Patient: Good, he has to see a heart doctor at least once a year. Doctor: Does anyone else in your family have heart problems? Patient: Um my dad has some heart issues. He's also a type one diabetic.
Reviewed. Mother died from congestive heart failure. Father died from myocardial infarction at the age of 56. Family history is positive for ischemic cardiac disease. Brother died from lymphoma. She has one brother living who has had angioplasties x 2. She has one brother with asthma.
의사: 안녕하섞요, 아가씚. 좀 ì–Žë– ì„žìš”? 환자: 전 ꎜ찮아요. 식닚곌 욎동에 대핮 몇 가지 질묞읎 있습니닀. 걎강을 회복하고 싶습니닀. 의사: 좋아요. 귞걎 였늘 처늬할 수 있는 묞제입니닀. 가족력에 대핮 말씀핎 죌시겠얎요? 귞러멎 죌의핎알 할 질병읎 있는지 확읞하는 데 도움읎 될 것 같습니닀. 환자: ë„€. 귞럌 저희 얎뚞니부터 시작하죠. 욞혈성 심부전윌로 돌아가셚얎요. 의사: 아버지는 얎떠셚나요? 서류에 부몚님 몚두 돌아가셚닀고 나와 있는데요. 환자: ë„€, 안타깝게도 귞렇습니닀. 아버지는 쉰여섯 삎에 심귌겜색윌로 돌아가셚얎요. 얎뚞니는 몇 삎읎셚는지 잘 몚륎겠습니닀. 의사: 가족 쀑에 허혈성 심장 질환의 병력읎 있는 것 같군요. 형제듀은 얎떀가요? 서류에는 형제가 있닀고 나와 있습니닀. 환자: ë„€. 두 명은 삎아있고 한 명은 섞상을 떠났습니닀. 귞는 늌프종윌로 사망했습니닀. 한 형제는 혈ꎀ 성형술을 두 번 받았고 닀륞 형제는 천식을 앓고 있습니닀.
검토되었습니닀. 얎뚞니는 욞혈성 심부전윌로 사망했습니닀. 아버지는 56섞에 심귌겜색윌로 사망했습니닀. 가족력은 허혈성 심장 질환에 양성입니닀. 였빠는 늌프종윌로 사망했습니닀. 귞녀는 혈ꎀ 성형술을받은 한 형제가 ì‚Žê³  있습니닀. 귞녀는 천식읎있는 한 형제가 있습니닀.
Doctor: Hello, miss. How are you doing? Patient: I am fine. I just have a few questions about diet and exercise. I want to get my health in order. Doctor: Okay, great. That's something we can handle today. Can you tell me about your familial history? This will help me see any possible ailments that we should watch out for. Patient: Yes. So let's start with my mom. She died of congestive heart failure. Doctor: How about your father? Your paperwork says both parents are deceased. Patient: Yes, unfortunately. My dad died from myocardial infarction at fifty six years old. Not sure how old my mom was. Doctor: Your family seems to have a history of ischemic cardiac disease. How are your siblings? The paperwork says you have brothers. Patient: Yes. Two are alive and one has passed. He died from lymphoma. One brother has had two angioplasties and the other brother just has asthma.
The patient is a nonsmoker. He denies use of alcohol.
의사: 닎배륌 플우시나요, 술을 드시나요? 환자: 아니요, 아니요.
환자는 비흡연자입니닀. 귞는 알윔올 사용을 거부합니닀.
Doctor: Smoke or drink? Patient: No and no.
의사: 알레륎Ʞ가 있윌신가요? 환자: 아니요, 없습니닀. 의사: 음식 알레륎Ʞ는 얎떻습니까. 환자: 아니요, 전 ꎜ찮습니닀. 의사: 좋아요.
Doctor: Are you allergic to anything? Patient: No, I am not. Doctor: How about food allergies. Patient: No, I am fine. Doctor: Okay.
의사: 음식 알레륎Ʞ가 있윌신가요? 환자: 아니요. 의사: 앜묌 알레륎Ʞ는 있윌신가요? 환자: 아니요.
Doctor: Do you have any food allergies? Patient: Nope. Doctor: Any drug allergies? Patient: No.
The patient smokes marijuana. The patient does not smoke cigarettes.
의사: 닎배륌 플우시나요? 환자: ë„€, 가끔 대마쎈륌 플워요. 불안감을 핎소하는 데 도움읎 되거든요. 의사: 닮배는 ì–Žë– ì„žìš”? 환자: 아니요, 닎배에는 전혀 ꎀ심읎 없습니닀. 의사: 귞렇게 유지하는 것읎 좋습니닀.
환자가 마늬화나륌 플웁니닀. 환자는 닎배륌 플우지 않습니닀.
Doctor: Do you smoke? Patient: Yeah, I smoke weed every now and again. It helps with my anxiety. Doctor: How about cigarettes? Patient: No, not the least bit interested in cigs. Doctor: Good to keep it that way.
Mr. ABC is a 2-year-old boy, who is brought in by parents, stating that the child keeps complaining of belly and back pain. This does not seem to be slowing him down. They have not noticed any change in his urine or bowels. They have not noted him to have any fevers or chills or any other illness. They state he is otherwise acting normally. He is eating and drinking well. He has not had any other acute complaints, although they have noted a foul odor coming from his nose. Apparently, he was seen here a few weeks ago for a foreign body in the right nose, which was apparently a piece of cotton; this was removed and placed on antibiotics. His nose got better and then started to become malodorous again. Mother restarted him on the remainder of the antibiotics and they are also stating that they think there is something still in there. Otherwise, he has not had any runny nose, earache, no sore throat. He has not had any cough, congestion. He has been acting normally. Eating and drinking okay. No other significant complaints. He has not had any pain with bowel movement or urination, nor have they noted him to be more frequently urinating, then again he is still on a diaper.
의사: 안녕하섞요! 였늘은 누구시죠? 게슀튞_가족: 안녕하섞요, 읎쪜은 저희 ì•„ë“€ A B C입니닀. 의사: 몇 삎읞가요? 묎슚 묞제읞가요? 게슀튞_가족: 두 삎입니닀. 아듀읎 배와 허늬에 지속적윌로 통슝을 혞소하고 있습니닀. ê·ž 왞에는 활동적입니닀. 의사: 배변 습ꎀ읎나 음상에 변화가 있었나요? 게슀튞_가족: 아니요. 의사: 엎읎나 였한 또는 닀륞 묞제는 없윌셚나요? 게슀튞_가족: 아니요, 저희는 귞런 묞제륌 발견하지 못했고, ê·ž 왞에는 맀우 정상적윌로 행동했습니닀. 의사: 식습ꎀ에 변화가 있었나요? 게슀튞_가족: 아니요, 평소처럌 뚹고 마셚습니닀. 정상적윌로 행동했지만 윔에서 ì•…ì·šê°€ 나는 것을 발견했습니닀. 읎전에 읎곳을 방묞했을 때 였륞쪜 윔에서 솜 조각을 제거한 후 항생제륌 복용하고 있었습니닀. 의사: 지ꞈ은 윔는 얎떀가요? 게슀튞_가족: 좋아졌지만 윔에서 닀시 냄새가 나는 것을 느낄 수 있습니닀. 게슀튞_가족: 얎뚞니가 닀시 항생제륌 투여하Ʞ 시작했는데, 묎엇읎 낚아있던지 간에 아직 묎얞가 ë‚šì•„ 있는 것 같습니닀. 의사: 좋아요, 윧묌읎나 귀에 통슝읎나 목읎 아픈 것 같은 닀륞 슝상은 없나요? Ʞ칚읎나 윔막힘은 얎때요? 아니멎 닀륞 묞제점은 없나요? 게슀튞_가족: 아니요, 귞런 것 말고는 닀륞 묞제 없읎 정상적윌로 뚹고 마시며 활동적윌로 지낎고 있습니닀. 의사: 배변 시 통슝읎나 불펞핚을 혞소하시나요? 배뇹 횟수가 슝가했나요? 게슀튞_가족: 아직 Ʞ저귀륌 ì°šê³  있Ʞ 때묞에 확싀하게 말씀드늎 수는 없지만 읎상 징후는 발견하지 못했습니닀.
ABC 씚는 2ì„ž ë‚šì•„ë¡œ, 아읎가 계속 배와 허늬 통슝을 혞소한닀며 부몚가 데렀옚 환자입니닀. 읎것은 귞륌 늊추지 않는 것 같습니닀. 소변읎나 배변에 ì–Žë–€ 변화도 발견하지 못했닀고 합니닀. 엎읎나 였한 또는 닀륞 질병읎 있는 것도 발견하지 못했닀고 합니닀. ê·ž 왞에는 정상적윌로 행동하고 있닀고 합니닀. 귞는 잘 뚹고 마시고 있습니닀. 윔에서 ì•…ì·šê°€ 난닀는 지적을 받았지만 닀륞 심각한 불만은 없었닀고 합니닀. 몇 죌 전에 였륞쪜 윔에 솜 조각윌로 볎읎는 읎묌질읎 있얎 읎곳을 찟았는데, 읎륌 제거하고 항생제륌 투여했습니닀. 윔가 좋아졌닀가 닀시 ì•…ì·šê°€ 나Ʞ 시작했습니닀. 얎뚞니는 낚은 항생제륌 닀시 투여하Ʞ 시작했고, 아직 묎얞가가 낚아있는 것 같닀고 말했습니닀. ê·ž 왞에는 윧묌, 귀 통슝, 읞후통읎 없었습니닀. Ʞ칚읎나 윔막힘도 없었습니닀. 귞는 정상적윌로 행동하고 있습니닀. 뚹고 마시는 것도 ꎜ찮습니닀. 닀륞 심각한 불만은 없습니닀. 배변읎나 배뇚에 통슝읎 없었고, 소변을 더 자죌 볞닀는 지적도 없었윌며, 여전히 Ʞ저귀륌 ì°šê³  있습니닀.
Doctor: Hello! Who do we have here today? Guest_family: Hello, this is our son, A B C. Doctor: How old is he? What is the issue? Guest_family: He is two. He is continuously complaining of pain in his belly and back. He is active otherwise. Doctor: Did you notice any change in his toilet habits or routine? Guest_family: No. Doctor: Any fever or chills or any other issue? Guest_family: No, we did not notice any such issues, he has been active and was acting very normal otherwise. Doctor: Any change in his eating habits? Guest_family: No, he has been eating and drinking as usual. He was acting normally but we did notice a foul odor coming from his nose. He was on antibiotics after removal of that piece of cotton from his right side of nose in our previous visit here. Doctor: How is his nose now? Guest_family: He got better but now we can notice that odor from his nose again. Guest_family: His mother started him on the antibiotics again, whatever was remaining, we think something is still there. Doctor: Okay, Is there anything else like runny nose or any pain in his ear or bad throat? How about cough or congestion? Or any other issues you have noticed? Guest_family: No, nothing of those instead he has been active and eating and drinking normally, no other issue. Doctor: Is he complaining of any pain or discomfort on bowel movements? Is there any increase in the frequency of urination? Guest_family: Well, we can't say it for sure as he still wears diapers but we have not noticed anything abnormal.
Patient is currently taking Alesse-28, 20 mcg-0.10 mg tablet usage started on 08/07/2001 medication was prescribed by Obstetrician-Gynecologist A.
의사: 현재 사용 쀑읞 앜에 대핮 말씀핎 죌시겠습니까? 환자: 저는 알레섞 28을 복용하고 있습니닀. 의사: ê·ž 앜의 강도는 알고 계십니까? 음, 몇 밀늬귞랚 정도요? 환자: ë„€, 20밀늬귞랚읎고 저는 ê·ž 쀑 10밀늬귞랚을 복용하고 있습니닀. 의사: ì–žì œ 시작하셚나요? 환자: 2001년 8월 7음에요. 의사: 누가 처방했나요? 환자: My O B G Y N, 의사 A.
환자는 현재 알레섞-28을 복용 쀑읎며, 산부읞곌 의사 A가 2001년 8월 7음에 20mcg-0.10mg 정제륌 처방했습니닀.
Doctor: Can you tell me about the medications that you are currently using? Patient: I am taking Alesse twenty eight. Doctor: Do you know its strength? Um, like how many milligrams? Patient: Oh yes, it is twenty M C G and I take point ten milligrams of it. Doctor: When did you start it? Patient: On seventh August in two thousand and one. Doctor: Who prescribed it? Patient: My O B G Y N, Doctor A.
1. Lap-Band done today. 2. Right foot surgery.
의사: 곌거에 ì–Žë–€ 종류의 수술을 받윌셚나요? 환자: 였늘 ì–Žë–€ 수술을 받았는지 몚륎겠얎요. 읎늄도 몚륞닀고요. 의사: ꎜ찮아요, 알아요. 랩 밎드입니닀. 환자: 귞늬고 저는 곌거에 였륞쪜 발 수술을 받은 적읎 있습니닀. 의사: 알겠습니닀. 환자: 묌론읎죠.
1. 였늘 랩 밮드 완료. 2. 였륞발 수술.
Doctor: What type of surgeries have you had in the past? Patient: I don't know what surgery they did today. I mean I don't know the name of it. Doctor: It's okay, I know. It is Lap Band. Patient: And I have had right side foot surgery done in the past. Doctor: Okay great. Patient: Sure.
The patient is a 12-year-old boy born at a 32-week gestation and with drug exposure in utero. The patient has diagnosis of autism as well. The patient presented with bilateral knee flexion contractures, initially worse on right than left. He had right distal medial hamstring release performed in February 2007 and has done quite well and has noted significant improvement in his gait and his ability to play. The patient presents now with worsening left knee flexion contracture, and desires the same procedure to be performed. Risks and benefits of the surgery were discussed. The risks of surgery include risk of anesthesia, infection, bleeding, changes in sensation and motion of extremity, failure to restore normal anatomy, continued contracture, possible need for other procedures. All questions were answered and mother and son agreed to above plan.
의사: 아드님에 대핮 좀 더 자섞히 말씀핎 죌섞요. 게슀튞_가족: 지ꞈ은 엎두 삎읎지만 한 달 반 정도 음찍 태얎났얎요. 의사: 임신 쀑에 닀륞 합병슝은 없었나요? 게슀튞_가족: 제가 임신 쀑 태아 때 앜묌에 녞출되얎 자폐슝 진닚을 받았습니닀. 의사: 알겠습니닀. 읎전에 였륞쪜 묎늎 수술을 받은 적읎 있닀고 듀었는데 읎에 대핮 자섞히 말씀핎 죌시겠습니까? 게슀튞_가족: 읎전에 양쪜 닀늬륌 펮는 데 많은 얎렀움을 겪었고, 였륞쪜읎 왌쪜볎닀 더 심핎서 닀늬 뒀쪜 안쪜을 수술했습니닀. 의사: 수술은 ì–žì œ 받았나요? 게슀튞_가족: 2007년 2월읎었습니닀. 의사: 수술에 대한 반응은 얎땠나요? 게슀튞_가족: 반응읎 정말 좋았고, 훚씬 잘 걷게 되었윌며, 동넀의 닀륞 아읎듀곌 닀시 욎동도 할 수 있게 되었습니닀. 의사: 였늘은 묎엇읎 묞제읞 것 같나요? 게슀튞_가족: 읎제 왌쪜 묎늎읎 였륞쪜 묎늎읎 귞랬던 것처럌 정말 나빠지고 있습니닀. 읎 닀늬륌 똑바로 못 펎고 있얎요. 왌쪜 묎늎도 같은 수술을 닀시 í•Žì•Œ 할 것 같아요. 의사: ë„€, 수술을 í•Žì•Œ 할 것 같습니닀. 게슀튞_가족: 수술로 읞한 감엌 위험은 얎떻게 되나요? 의사: 역사적윌로 1% 믞만읎었윌며, 감엌 위험을 최소화하Ʞ 위핎 예방적 항생제륌 사용합니닀. 게슀튞_가족: 시술을 위핎 마췚륌 하게 되나요? 의사: ë„€, 귞렇습니닀. 아묎것도 느끌지 못할 것입니닀. 게슀튞_가족: 읎렇게 하멎 묞제가 완전히 핎결되나요? 의사: 앞윌로 추가 시술읎 필요하지 않닀고 볎장할 수는 없습니닀. 닀륞 위험윌로는 출혈, 닀늬의 감각 및 움직임 변화, 정상적읞 핎부학적 구조의 회복 싀팚, 음반적윌로 횚곌가 없을 위험 등읎 있습니닀. 게슀튞_가족: 읎 시술의 읎늄은 묎엇읞가요? 의사: 원위 ë‚Žìž¡ 햄슀튞링 방출술읎띌고 합니닀. 게슀튞_가족: 2007년 수술에서 받은 것곌 같은 시술읎 맞죠? 의사: ë„€, 정확히 같은 수술입니닀. 게슀튞_가족: 좋아요, 귞럌 시술을 진행하겠습니닀. 의사: 여Ʞ 제 수술 슀쌀쀄러의 명핚입니닀. 전화 죌시멎 몚든 곌정을 안낎핎 드늬겠습니닀.
환자는 임신 32죌에 태얎난 12ì„ž ë‚šì•„ë¡œ 자궁 낎에서 앜묌에 녞출되었습니닀. 환자는 자폐슝 진닚도 받았습니닀. 환자는 ì–‘ìž¡ 묎늎 굎곡 구축읎 있었윌며 처음에는 왌쪜볎닀 였륞쪜읎 더 심했습니닀. 2007년 2월에 ìš°ìž¡ 원위 ë‚Žìž¡ 햄슀튞링 방출술을 받았윌며, 읎후 볎행곌 욎동 능력읎 크게 개선되었습니닀. 환자는 현재 왌쪜 묎늎 굎곡 구축읎 악화되얎 동음한 시술을 받Ʞ륌 원합니닀. 수술의 위험곌 읎점에 대핮 녌의했습니닀. 수술의 위험에는 마췚, 감엌, 출혈, 사지 감각 및 욎동의 변화, 정상 핎부학적 구조의 회복 싀팚, 지속적읞 구축, 닀륞 시술의 필요성 등읎 있습니닀. 몚든 질묞에 답변했고 얎뚞니와 아듀은 위의 계획에 동의했습니닀.
Doctor: Please, tell me a little more about your son. Guest_family: Well, he's twelve years old now, but he was born at about a month and a half early. Doctor: Were there any other complications with the pregnancy? Guest_family: He was exposed to drugs in the womb while I was pregnant, and he has been diagnosed with autism. Doctor: Okay. I see he has previously had an operation on the right knee, can you tell me more about that? Guest_family: He previously had a lot of trouble straightening out both of his legs, and since the right was worse than the left he had an operation on the inside part of the back of that leg. Doctor: When was this operation? Guest_family: It was in February of two thousand seven. Doctor: How did he respond to the operation? Guest_family: He responded really well, he was walking much better, and even got back to playing sports with the other kids in the neighborhood. Doctor: What seems to be the problem today? Guest_family: Now, his left knee is getting really bad, it's like how the right knee was. He can't straighten this leg. I think we should do the same operation again on the left knee. Doctor: Yes, I think we'll have to do surgery. Guest_family: What is the risk of infection with the surgery? Doctor: Historically, it's been less than one percent, we use prophylactic antibiotics in order to minimize infection risk. Guest_family: Will he be under anesthesia for the procedure? Doctor: Yes, he will be. He won't feel anything. Guest_family: Will this completely solve his problem? Doctor: I can't guarantee that he won't need additional procedures in the future. The other risks include, bleeding, changes in sensation and motion to the leg, failure to restore normal anatomy, and risk it won't work in general. Guest_family: What's the name of this procedure? Doctor: It's called a distal medial hamstring release. Guest_family: This is the same procedure he had in two thousand seven, right? Doctor: Yes ma'am, the exact same one. Guest_family: Okay, that sounds good, we want to go through with the procedure. Doctor: Okay, here is my surgical scheduler's business card, give them a call, and they can walk you through everything.
Dyspnea on exertion. No chest pain or tightness, fever, chills, sweats, cough, hemoptysis, or wheeze, or lower extremity swelling.
환자: 의사 선생님, 요슘 혞흡곀란읎 심핎요. 의사: 유감입니닀. 저희가 알아볌게요. 환자: ë„€, 계닚을 한두 계닚만 올띌가도 숚읎 가빠집니닀. 의사: 얞제부터 읎런 슝상을 느끌Ʞ 시작하셚나요? 환자: 2죌 전쯀부터요. 의사: 혞흡곀란곌 핚께 가슎 통슝읎나 답답핚읎 있었나요? 환자: 아니요, 닀행히도요. 의사: 발엎, 였한, 식은땀은 없습니까? 환자: 아니요. 의사: Ʞ칚읎나 플륌 토했나요? 환자: 아니요. 의사: 쌕쌕거늬는 소늬나 닀늬가 붓는 것은 얎떻습니까? 환자: 아니요.
욎동 시 혞흡곀란. 가슎 통슝읎나 압박감, 발엎, 였한, 땀, Ʞ칚, 객혈, 천명음, 하지 부종읎 없습니닀.
Patient: Oh doc, I've had a lot of trouble breathing lately. Doctor: I'm sorry to hear that. We'll get to the bottom of it. Patient: Yeah, I lose my breath so quickly with just one to two flights of stairs. Doctor: When did you first start noticing this? Patient: I believe two weeks ago. Doctor: Any chest pain or tightness with the shortness of breath? Patient: No, thankfully. Doctor: Any fever, chills, or sweats? Patient: No. Doctor: Any cough or coughing up blood? Patient: No. Doctor: How about wheezing or swelling in your legs? Patient: No.
His father died of mesothelioma and his mother died of Lou Gehrig's disease.
의사: 가족 병력에 대핮 자섞히 말씀핎 죌시겠얎요? 아버지는 ì–Žë– ì„žìš”? 환자: 음, 의사 선생님, 돌아가셚얎요. 쀑플종을 앓윌셚얎요. 의사: 정말 유감입니닀. 얎뚞니는 ì–Žë– ì„žìš”? 환자: ꎜ찮아요, 감사합니닀. 저도 얎뚞니륌 잃었얎요. 룚게늭병읎셚얎요 의사: 죄송합니닀. 정말 힘드시겠얎요. 환자: ë„€, 귞렇지만 잘 견뎌낎고 있얎요.
귞의 아버지는 쀑플종윌로 사망했고 귞의 얎뚞니는 룚게늭 병윌로 사망했습니닀.
Doctor: Can you tell me more about your family medical history, sir? How's your dad doing? Patient: Well, doctor, he passed away. He had mesothelioma. Doctor: I'm so sorry to hear that, sir. How is your mother? Patient: It's okay, thank you. I lost her too. She had A L S. Doctor: I'm sorry, that must be so hard. Patient: Yes, it is, but I manage.
The patient is a 13-year-old right-hand dominant girl, who fell off a swing at school around 1:30 today. The patient was initially seen at an outside facility and brought here by her father, given findings on x-ray, a closed reduction was attempted on the left elbow. After the attempted reduction, the patient was noted to have an incarcerated medial epicondyle fracture as well as increasing ulnar paresthesias that were not present prior to the procedure. Given this finding, the patient needed urgent open reduction and internal fixation to relieve the pressure on the ulnar nerve. At that same time, the patient's mildly angulated radial shaft fracture will be reduced. This was explained to the father. The risks of surgery included the risk of anesthesia, infection, bleeding, changes in sensation and motion of the extremity, hardware failure, need for later hardware removal, and possible continuous nerve symptoms. All questions were answered. The father agreed to the above plan.
의사: 안녕하섞요, 였늘 희생자는 누구읞가요? 당신읞가요, 아니멎 딞읞가요? 게슀튞_가족: 안녕하섞요, 의사 선생님. 였늘은 제 딞입니닀. 의사: 딞읎 몇 삎읎죠? 환자: ì—Žì„ž 삎입니닀, 선생님. 의사: 귞래서, 묎슚 음읎 있었나요? 간혞사가 귞러는데 였늘 넘얎졌닀고 하넀요 환자: ë„€, 였늘 였후 1시 30분쯀 학교에서 귞넀에서 떚얎졌얎요. 의사: 얎디가 아프섞요, 아가씚? 환자: 왌쪜 팔꿈치가 정말 아파요. 의사: 얎느 손윌로 Ꞁ씚륌 쓰십니까? 환자: 저는 몚든 음을 였륞손윌로 합니닀. 의사: 저륌 만나Ʞ 전에 닀륞 사람을 볎신 적읎 있나요? 게슀튞_가족: ë„€, 저희는 응꞉싀에 갔는데 ê±°êž°ì„œ 엑슀레읎륌 찍었얎요. 의사: 또 ì–Žë–€ 검사륌 했나요? 게슀튞_가족: 팔읎 부러졌닀고 í•Žì„œ 축소술을 하렀고 했얎요. 의사: 지ꞈ 엑슀레읎륌 가지고 계십니까? 게슀튞_가족: ë„€, 여Ʞ 있윌니 한번 뎐죌섞요. 의사: 읎 엑슀레읎에는 ë‚Žìž¡ 상곌 곚절곌 겜믞한 각도의 요곚 곚절읎 볎입니닀. 환자: 귞게 묎슚 뜻읎죠? 의사: 간닚히 말핎서 팔꿈치 안쪜 부분읎 부러진 것입니닀. 통슝 왞에 팔에 타는 듯한 느낌읎나 따끔거늌읎 있나요? 환자: ë„€, 귞렇습니닀. 의사: 축소술을 시도하Ʞ 전에도 읎런 슝상읎 있었나요? 환자: 아니요, 처음입니닀. 의사: 읎 느낌읎 점점 더 심핎지나요? 환자: ë„€, 귞렇습니닀. 의사: 척곚 신겜읎 끊얎지고 축소 시도가 있었Ʞ 때묞에 압력읎 많읎 가핎졌얎요. 게슀튞_가족: 얎떻게 í•Žì•Œ 하나요? 의사: 우늬는 O R I F 곌정을 가능한 빚늬 í•Žì•Œ 합니닀. 동시에 요곚 축 곚절을 축소하는 정복술을 시행핎알 합니닀. 게슀튞_가족: O R I F? 귞게 뭐죠 의사: 곚절을 안정시킀Ʞ 위핎 팔꿈치에 핀을 ꜂고 치유 곌정을 시작할 수 있도록 하겠습니닀. 게슀튞_가족: 저절로 낫지 않나요? 의사: 아니요, 수술을 í•Žì•Œ 합니닀. 게슀튞_가족: 좋아요, 수술로 읞한 감엌 위험은 얎떻게 되나요? 의사: 역사적윌로 1% 믞만입니닀. 게슀튞_가족: 얎떻게 가능한가요? 의사: 저희는 예방적 항생제륌 사용하여 수술 낮낮 감엌을 통제합니닀. 게슀튞_가족: 읎 때묞에 잠을 자도 되나요? 의사: ë„€, 아묎것도 느끌지 못할 것입니닀. 게슀튞_가족: 향후에 읎 하드웚얎륌 제거핎알 합니까? 의사: ë„€, 몚든 것읎 잘 치유된 후 ì•œ 1~2년 후에 제거핎알 합니닀. 닀륞 위험윌로는 출혈, 사지의 감각곌 움직임의 변화, 하드웚얎 고장 등읎 있습니닀. 저는 수술 결곌가 좋았Ʞ 때묞에 읎런 걱정은 안 핮도 되지만, ꌭ 알렀드늬고 싶넀요 게슀튞_가족: ë„€, 수술을 받고 싶얎요.
환자는 13ì„ž 였륞손 ìš°ì„ž 소녀로 였늘 1시 30분겜 학교에서 귞넀에서 떚얎졌습니닀. 환자는 처음에 왞부 병원에서 진료륌 받고 아버지가 여Ʞ로 데렀왔윌며, 엑슀레읎 소견에 따띌 왌쪜 팔꿈치에 폐쇄 정복술을 시도했습니닀. 축소술 시도 후 환자는 ë‚Žìž¡ 상곌 곚절곌 핚께 시술 전에는 없었던 척곚 감각 읎상읎 슝가한 것윌로 확읞되었습니닀. 읎러한 소견을 고렀할 때, 환자는 척곚 신겜의 압력을 완화하Ʞ 위핎 ꞎ꞉한 개방 축소술곌 낎부 고정읎 필요했습니닀. 동시에 환자의 겜믞한 요곚 축 곚절읎 쀄얎듀 것입니닀. 읎것은 아버지에게 섀명되었습니닀. 수술의 위험에는 마췚, 감엌, 출혈, 사지의 감각 및 욎동 변화, 하드웚얎 고장, 추후 하드웚얎 제거의 필요성, 지속적읞 신겜 슝상 가능성 등읎 포핚되었습니닀. 몚든 질묞에 대한 답변읎 있었습니닀. 아버지는 위의 계획에 동의했습니닀.
Doctor: Good afternoon, who's the victim today, sir? Is it you, or your daughter? Guest_family: Good afternoon, doctor. It's my daughter today. Doctor: Remind me, how old is she? Patient: I'm thirteen, sir. Doctor: So, what happened? My nurses tell me she fell today. Patient: Yeah, I fell off the swing at school earlier this afternoon at about one thirty. Doctor: Where does it hurt, young lady? Patient: It's really bad here on my left elbow. Doctor: Which hand do you write with? Patient: I use my right hand for everything, thank goodness for that. Doctor: Before seeing me, have you seen anyone else? Guest_family: Yeah, we went to an Urgent Care and she had an x ray there. Doctor: What else did they do? Guest_family: They said her arm was broken, and they tried to do a reduction. Doctor: Do you have those x rays with you right now? Guest_family: Yeah, I have them right here, take a look, please. Doctor: Well, these x rays show an incarcerated medial epicondyle fracture, as well as a mildly angulated radial shaft break. Patient: What does that mean? Doctor: Well, in short, you broke the inside part of your elbow. In addition to the pain, do you have any burning or tingling feelings in that arm? Patient: Yes, I do. Doctor: Did you have this before they tried to do a reduction? Patient: No, I didn't, this is new. Doctor: Is this feeling getting worse? Patient: Yes, it is. Doctor: Okay, guys, there is a lot of pressure on that ulnar nerve because of the break and the attempted reduction. Guest_family: What should we do? Doctor: We need to do an O R I F procedure A S A P. I'll reduce that radial shaft fracture at the same time. Guest_family: O R I F? What's that Doctor: I'll put some pins in the elbow, in order to stabilize the break, and we can start the healing process. Guest_family: Will this not heal on its own? Doctor: No, we need to do the surgery. Guest_family: Okay, what are the risks of infection with the surgery? Doctor: Historically, its less than one percent. Guest_family: How is this possible? Doctor: We use prophylactic antibiotics, this helps us control for infection the entire time. Guest_family: Will she be asleep for this? Doctor: Yes, she won't feel a thing. Guest_family: Will she need this hardware taken out in the future? Doctor: Yes, in about a year or two, after everything is healed up nicely. The other risks include bleeding, changes in sensation and motion of the extremity, and hardware failure. I see good results from my surgeries so I would not worry about these things, but I must disclose. Guest_family: Okay, yes, we'd like to do the surgery.
Significant for his father who died of IPF and irritable bowel syndrome.
의사: 가족 쀑에 특발성 폐섬유슝을 앓고 계신 분읎 있나요? 환자: 사싀, 제 아버지가 읎 병윌로 돌아가셚얎요. 의사: 였, 유감입니닀. 환자: ë„€. 의사: 아버지나 닀륞 가족 구성원읎 가지고 있을 수 있는 닀륞 질병은요? 환자: 아, 겜렚성 대장 묞제와 곌믌성 대장 슝후군도 있었얎요. 의사: 흠, 귞렇군요. 의사: 닀륞 묞제는 없나요? 환자: 아니요.
IPF와 곌믌성 대장 슝후군윌로 사망 한 귞의 아버지에게 쀑요합니닀.
Doctor: So, tell me did anyone in your family have Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis? Patient: Actually, my father passed away due to this disease. Doctor: Oh, sorry to hear that. Patient: Yeah. Doctor: Anything else that he or any other family member might have. Patient: Oh, he also had this spastic colon problem and irritable bowel syndrome. Doctor: Hm, I see. Doctor: Anything else? Patient: No.
He has had diabetes since 2003. He also has asthma, hypertension, and hypercholesterolemia.
의사: 였늘은 좀 ì–Žë– ì„žìš”? 환자: 전 ꎜ찮아요. 의사: 앓고 있는 질환읎 있윌신가요? 환자: 당뇚병읎 있습니닀. 의사: ì–žì œ 당뇚병 진닚을 받았습니까? 환자: 2,3년쯀 된 것 같아요. 고혈압, 천식, 고윜레슀테례혈슝도 있습니닀. 의사: 알겠습니닀.
귞는 2003년부터 당뇚병을 앓고 있습니닀. 또한 천식, 고혈압, 고윜레슀테례혈슝도 앓고 있습니닀.
Doctor: How are you today? Patient: I am doing okay. Doctor: Do you have any medical conditions? Patient: I have diabetes. Doctor: When were you diagnosed with diabetes? Patient: It was two thousand and three, I think. I also have high blood pressure, asthma and high cholesterol. Doctor: Okay.
LYMPH: There was no appreciated node that I could feel in the groin or neck area.
의사: 목읎나 사타구니 부위에 부Ʞ가 느껎지지 않습니닀. 환자: ë„€, 저도 아묎것도 느껎지지 않습니닀. 의사: ë„€, 귞냥 늌프절읎 있는지 볎렀고 했얎요. 환자: 알겠얎요. 의사: 제가 확읞핎 볎겠습니닀. 환자: 묌론읎죠.
늌프: 사타구니나 목 부위에서 느낄 수 있는 마디가 없었습니닀.
Doctor: I do not feel any swellings in your neck or groin area. Patient: Oh yeah, I don't notice anything either. Doctor: Okay yeah, I was just trying to look for any lymph nodes. Patient: Okay. Doctor: Let me check. Patient: Sure.
Hypersensitivity to Coumadin.
의사: 쿠마딘 믌감도 검사에서 혈액 검사 결곌가 나왔습니닀. 결곌는 높은 수쀀의 믌감도륌 볎였습니닀. 쿠마딘 복용량을 훚씬 낮은 용량윌로 조정하겠습니닀. 읎렇게 하멎 멍곌 출혈을 쀄읎는 데 도움읎 될 것입니닀. 질묞읎 있윌신가요? 환자: 아니요.
쿠마딘에 대한 곌믌슝.
Doctor: Your bloodwork came back from the Coumadin sensitivity test. The results showed a high level of sensitivity. I am going to adjust your dosage of Coumadin to a much lower dose. This will help reduce the bruising and the bleeding episodes. Do you have any questions? Patient: No.
Mom brings patient in today because of sore throat starting last night. Eyes have been very puffy. He has taken some Benadryl when all of this congestion started but with a sudden onset just yesterday. He has had low-grade fever and just felt very run down, appearing very tired. He is still eating and drinking well, and his voice has been hoarse but no coughing. No shortness of breath, vomiting, diarrhea or abdominal pain.
의사: 안녕하섞요. 당신읎 귞의 엄마군요. 게슀튞_가족: ë„€, 얎젯밀부터 목읎 아프Ʞ 시작했얎요. 귞래서 저희가 여Ʞ 옚 거예요. 눈읎 정말 부얎 있었얎요. 베나드늎을 좀 뚹였얎요. 의사: 흠. 환자: 윔가 막혀서 숚쉬Ʞ가 힘듀었얎요. 의사: 얞제부터 시작되었나요? 게슀튞_가족: 얎제부터 시작되었습니닀. 갑자Ʞ "엄마, 윔가 안 풀렀요"띌고 불평하Ʞ 시작했고, 입윌로 숚을 쉬는 것을 알아찚렞얎요. 의사: 엎읎나 닀륞 슝상은 없었나요? 게슀튞_가족: ë„€, 믞엎읎 조ꞈ 있었얎요. 귞는 맀우 플곀핎 볎였고 제가 묌었더니 "서 있을 수 없을 것 같아요. Ʞ욎읎 없얎요. 귞냥 누워버늬고 싶얎요."띌고 말했얎요. 의사: 목소늬가 앜간 쉰 것 같넀요. 음식곌 음료는 얎떻게 드시나요? 게슀튞_가족: 정상적윌로 뚹고 마시고 있습니닀. 의사: 숚읎 가쁘거나 배가 아프지는 않나요? 환자: 아니요. 의사: 섀사나 구토는 없습니까? 환자: 아니요.
엄마가 얎젯밀부터 목읎 아파서 였늘 환자륌 데늬고 였셚습니닀. 눈읎 맀우 부얎 있었습니닀. ì–Žì œ 갑자Ʞ 시작된 윔막힘읎 시작되었을 때 베나드늎을 복용하셚얎요. 믞엎읎 있고 Ʞ욎읎 없고 맀우 플곀핎 볎였습니닀. 귞는 여전히 잘 뚹고 마시고 있윌며 목소늬는 쉰 목소늬지만 Ʞ칚은 하지 않습니닀. 숚가쁚, 구토, 섀사 또는 복통은 없습니닀.
Doctor: Hello. You must be his mom. Guest_family: Yeah, he started having a sore throat last night. And that's why we are here. His eyes have been really puffy. Uh, we gave him some Benadryl. Doctor: Hm. Patient: I had a stuffy nose and it was hard to breathe. Doctor: When did it all start? Guest_family: It started yesterday. All of a sudden, he started complaining saying, “Mama my nose is not working,” and yeah, I noticed he was breathing from his mouth. Doctor: Any fever or any other symptoms? Guest_family: Yeah, he had some low grade fever. He looked very tired and when I asked him he said that, “I feel like I cannot stand. I have no energy. I want to just lie down.” Doctor: I can notice that his voice is a little bit hoarse. How's he eating and drinking? Guest_family: He's eating and drinking normally. Doctor: Any shortness of breath or pain in your stomach? Patient: No. Doctor: Any diarrhea or vomiting? Patient: No.
Denied Tobacco/ETOH/illicit drug use.
의사: 닮배, 술 또는 Ʞ혞용 앜묌을 사용하십니까? 환자: 아니요.
닮배/ETOH/불법 앜묌 사용 거부.
Doctor: Do you use tobacco, alcohol, or recreational drugs? Patient: No.
The patient is a 31-year-old female who was referred to Physical Therapy secondary to a fall on 10/03/08. The patient states that she tripped over her dog toy and fell with her left foot inverted. The patient states that she received a series of x-rays and MRIs that were unremarkable. After approximately 1 month, the patient continued to have significant debilitating pain in her left ankle. She then received a walking boot and has been in the boot for the past month.
의사: 서륞한 삎의 젊은 분읎 였늘 제 진료싀에서 뭘 하고 계십니까, 부읞? 환자: Ꞁ쎄요, 제가 낙상사고륌 당한 후 P T에 의뢰되었습니닀. 의사: ì–žì œ 넘얎지셚나요? 환자: 음, 10월 3음 2008년입니닀. 의사: 넘얎지셚을 때 묎슚 음읎 있었나요? 환자: 강아지 장난감에 걞렀 넘얎졌습니닀. 의사: 발읎나 발목을 삐었나요? 환자: ë„€, 왌발읎 뒀집혔습니닀. 의사: 읎 발에 대핮 영상 쎬영을 한 적읎 있나요? 환자: ë„€, 엑슀레읎와 MRI륌 읎믞 찍었습니닀. 의사: ê·ž 읎믞지듀의 읞상은 얎땠나요? 환자: 별닀륞 읎상읎 없닀고 하더군요. 의사: 발병 읎후 통슝은 얎떻게 진행되었나요? 환자: 한 달 정도 지났지만 여전히 통슝읎 너묎 심핎서 ì–Žë–€ 활동도 할 수 없습니닀. 의사: 읎 워킹화륌 신은 지 얌마나 되셚나요? 환자: 음, 한 달 정도 됐얎요.
환자는 31ì„ž 여성윌로 10/03/08에 낙상윌로 읞핎 읎찚적윌로 묌늬 치료륌 받윌러 옚 환자입니닀. 환자는 반렀견 장난감에 걞렀 넘얎젞 왌발읎 뒀집힌 상태로 넘얎졌닀고 진술했습니닀. 환자는 엑슀레읎와 MRI 검사륌 받았지만 별닀륞 읎상읎 없었닀고 진술했습니닀. ì•œ 한 달읎 지난 후에도 환자는 왌쪜 발목에 쇠앜핎질 정도의 심각한 통슝읎 계속되었습니닀. ê·ž 후 워킹 부잠륌 받았고 지난 한 달 동안 부잠륌 신고 지낎고 있습니닀.
Doctor: What's a young thirty one year old like you doing in my office today, ma'am? Patient: Well, I got referred to P T after I had a fall. Doctor: When was your fall? Patient: Um, it was on October third two thousand eight. Doctor: What happened when you fell? Patient: I tripped over my dog's toy. Doctor: Did you twist your foot or ankle? Patient: Yeah, my left foot inverted. Doctor: Have you had any imaging done on this foot? Patient: Yeah, um, I've had x rays and an M R I already. Doctor: What were the impressions of those images? Patient: They told me that it was unremarkable. Doctor: How was the pain progressed since the onset? Patient: Well, after a month or so, the pain is still so bad I can't do any of my activities. Doctor: How long have you been wearing this walking boot? Patient: Um, it's been about a month now.
The patient is a nonsmoker and does not use illegal drugs. Occasionally drinks.
의사: 닎배륌 플우십니까? 환자: 아니요, 별로 끌늬지 않아요, 의사 선생님. 의사: 좋아요, 귞럌 닀륞 불법 앜묌은요? 환자: 였, 절대 아닙니닀. 의사: 술은 얎떻습니까, 마십니까? 환자: 음, 가끔 마시는 펞입니닀.
환자는 비흡연자읎며 불법 앜묌을 사용하지 않습니닀. 가끔 술을 마십니닀.
Doctor: Do you smoke cigarettes? Patient: No, that never really appealed to me, doctor. Doctor: Good, what about more illicit substances? Patient: Oh, most certainly not. Doctor: What about alcohol, do you drink? Patient: Well, I'd say I'm an occasional drinker.
Reportedly significant for TIAs in his mother, although the patient did not report this during our evaluation and so that she had no memory problems or dementia when she passed away of old age at the age of 85. In addition, his father had a history of heart disease and passed away at the age of 75. He has one sister with diabetes and thought his mom might have had diabetes as well.
의사: 가족력에 대핮 좀 더 자섞히 섀명핎 죌시겠얎요? 부몚님 쀑 누구띌도 걎강 묞제륌 앓은 적읎 있나요? 환자: ë„€. 아버지는 심장병을 앓윌셚얎요. 음흔 닀섯에 돌아가셚얎요. 아버지는 당뇚병읎 있는 여동생읎 계셚고 얎뚞니도 당뇚병을 앓윌셚던 것 같아요. 의사: 알겠습니닀. 환자: 저희 얎뚞니는 였랫동안 작은 뇌졞쀑을 앓윌셚얎요. 여든 닀섯에 돌아가셚을 때 Ʞ억력 묞제나 치맀는 없윌셚얎요. 귞듀은 녞환윌로 돌아가셚닀고 생각합니닀. 의사: 자섞히 섀명핎 죌셔서 감사합니닀. 삌가 조의륌 표합니닀. 두 분은 말할 것도 없고 부몚님 한 분을 잃는닀는 것은 정말 힘든 음입니닀.
환자의 얎뚞니는 85섞의 나읎로 녞환윌로 섞상을 떠났을 때 Ʞ억력 묞제나 치맀가 없었윌며, 평가 당시에는 읎륌 볎고하지 않았지만 음곌성 뇌허혈 발작(TIA)에 대한 볎고가 있었습니닀. 또한 귞의 아버지는 심장병 병력읎 있었고 75섞에 섞상을 떠났습니닀. 당뇚병을 앓고 있는 여동생읎 한 명 있얎 얎뚞니도 당뇚병을 앓았을 것읎띌고 생각했습니닀.
Doctor: Do you mind elaborating more on your family history? Did either of your parents suffer from any medical problems? Patient: Sure. My dad had heart disease. He passed at seventy five. He had a sister with diabetes and I think my mom may have had diabetes as well. Doctor: Got it. Patient: As for my mom, she had a long history of mini strokes. She didn't have any memory problems or dementia when she passed at eighty five. They believe she passed due to old age. Doctor: Thank you for further elaborating. I'm so sorry for your losses. Losing a parent let alone two is profoundly difficult.
MSK: Normal gait and station. No pathology to digits or nails. Extremities move times four. No tenderness or effusion. Range of motion adequate. Strength and tone equal bilaterally, stable.
의사: 귌육통읎 있나요? 환자: 아니요, 별로요. 의사: 걷는 데 묞제가 있나요? 환자: 아니요, 정상입니닀. 의사: 발가띜곌 손가띜을 확읞핎 볎겠습니닀. 움직여 죌시겠습니까? 환자: ë„€. 의사: 몚두 ꎜ찮아 볎입니닀. 손톱도 ꎜ찮아 볎입니닀. 푞륎슀늄한 변색도 없고 감엌의 흔적도 없습니닀. 닀늬륌 제 손에 대고 밀얎볎시겠얎요? 양쪜 닀늬 몚두요? 의사: ë„€, 양쪜 닀요. 양쪜 닀늬의 귌력읎 동음하고 안정적읎얎서 ꎜ찮습니닀. 움직임은 적절핎 볎입니닀. 의사: 압통은 없나요? 환자: 아니요. 의사: 귞늬고 부종읎나 첎액 축적읎 볎읎지 않습니닀. 환자: ë„€.
MSK: 정상적읞 걞음걞읎와 자섞. 손가띜읎나 손톱에 병늬가 없습니닀. 사지가 4배로 움직입니닀. 압통읎나 삌출읎 없습니닀. 욎동 범위가 적절합니닀. 힘곌 음색은 양잡읎 동음하고 안정적입니닀.
Doctor: Any muscular pain? Patient: No, not really. Doctor: Any problem in walking? Patient: No, it's normal. Doctor: Let me check your toes and fingers. Can you move them for me? Patient: Yeah. Doctor: Everything looks fine. Nails looks fine too. No bluish discoloration no sign of any infection. Can you push your legs against my hand. Patient: Both legs? Doctor: Yes, both. Well, your muscular strength is equal and stable in both legs, so that's fine. Motion looks adequate. Doctor: Any tenderness? Patient: No. Doctor: And I don't see any swelling or fluid accumulation. Patient: Okay.
의사: 알렀진- 환자: 앜묌 알레륎Ʞ? 의사: 아뇚, 제 말은 가족력읎 있닀는 뜻입니닀.
Doctor: Do you have a known- Patient: Drug allergy? Doctor: Oh no, I meant family history of disease.
NEUROLOGIC: Normal; Negative for blackouts, headaches, seizures, stroke, or dizziness.
의사: 최귌에 두통읎나 싀신을 겜험한 적읎 있나요? 환자: 아니요. 의사: 현Ʞ슝읎나 발작을 겜험하셚나요? 환자: 아니요. 의사: 뇌졞쀑 병력읎 있윌십니까? 환자:아니요. 의사: 좋아요.
신겜학: 정상; 정전, 두통, 발작, 뇌졞쀑 또는 현Ʞ슝에 대핮 음성.
Doctor: Have you experienced any headaches or blackouts recently? Patient: No. Doctor: Dizziness or seizure? Patient: Nope. Doctor: Any history of stroke? Patient: No. Doctor: Okay, good.
The patient is a 46-year-old female who presented to the emergency room with left flank pain and difficulty urinating. Details are in the history and physical. She does have a vague history of a bruised left kidney in a motor vehicle accident. She feels much better today. I was consulted by Dr. X.
의사: 안녕하섞요! 저는 김 박사입니닀. 만나서 반가워요, 아가씚. 환자: 안녕하섞요! 만나서 반가워요. 의사: 안녕하섞요. 였늘 Ʞ분읎 ì–Žë– ì„žìš”? 환자: 였늘 Ʞ분읎 훚씬 나아졌습니닀. 의사: 몇 삎읎섞요? 환자: 마흔 여섯입니닀. 의사: 왌쪜 통슝은 얎떀가요? 환자: 훚씬 나아졌습니닀. 지ꞈ은 둔한 통슝에 가깝습니닀. 의사: 여전히 배뇚에 묞제가 있습니까? 환자: 나아졌지만 여전히 조ꞈ 얎렵습니닀. 의사: 알겠습니닀. 의사 X가 ì–Žì œ 검사륌 한 것 같습니닀. 의사 X가 귀하의 상태에 대핮 상닎핎 죌셚는데 질묞읎 있습니닀. 병력을 볎니 왌쪜 신장에 타박상을 입윌셚던 것 같넀요. 멍든 신장에 대핮 자섞히 말씀핎 죌시겠습니까? 환자: ë„€. 몇 년 전에 교통사고륌 당했습니닀. 의사는 왌쪜 신장에 멍읎 듀었닀고 말했습니닀. 사고 때묞읎띌고 생각했지만 확신할 수는 없닀고 하더군요.
환자는 46ì„ž 여성윌로 왌쪜 옆구늬 통슝곌 배뇹 곀란윌로 응꞉싀에 낎원한 환자입니닀. 자섞한 낎용은 병력곌 신첎에 나와 있습니닀. 귞녀는 자동찚 사고로 왌쪜 신장에 타박상을 입었닀는 몚혞한 병력읎 있습니닀. 였늘은 훚씬 나아졌습니닀. 의사 X와 상닎했습니닀.
Doctor: Hi there! I am Doctor Kim. Nice to meet you, miss. Patient: Hi! Nice to meet you. Doctor: How are you feeling today? Patient: I am feeling much better today. Doctor: How old are you? Patient: I am forty six. Doctor: How is your pain in the left side? Patient: It is much better. It is more like a dull pain now. Doctor: Are you still having trouble with urination? Patient: It has gotten better but is still a little difficult. Doctor: Okay. It looks like Doctor X did an exam yesterday. Doctor X consulted me on your status but I have a question for you. I see in your medical history that you had a bruised left kidney. Can you tell me more about the bruised kidney? Patient: Yes. I was in a car accident, years ago. The doctor told me that I had a bruised left kidney. They thought it was due to the accident, but they could not be certain.
She described a family history of hypertension. Her mother died after a myocardial infarction at age 59. Her father was diagnosed with congestive heart failure and had a pacemaker placed.
환자: 저는 심장 질환에 대한 였랜 가족력읎 있습니닀. 얎뚞니는 심장마비로 50섞의 젊은 나읎에 돌아가셚고 아버지는 심부전윌로 판명되얎 심박조윚Ʞ륌 달고 계십니닀. 의사: 얎뚞님 음은 정말 유감입니닀. 환자: ë„€. 귞늬고 저희 집안에도 고혈압읎 있얎요. 의사: 알겠습니닀.
귞녀는 고혈압 가족력읎 있닀고 섀명했습니닀. 귞녀의 얎뚞니는 59섞에 심귌겜색윌로 사망했습니닀. 귞녀의 아버지는 욞혈성 심부전 진닚을 받고 심박 조윚Ʞ륌 읎식했습니닀.
Patient: Well, I have a long family history of heart problems. My mom died quite young at the age of fifty due to heart attack and my father was detected with heart failure, he has a pacemaker. Doctor: Oh, I am sorry to hear about your mom. Patient: Yeah. Also, high blood pressure runs in my family. Doctor: Okay.
Abdominal pain.
의사: 얎디가 가장 아프신가요? 환자: ë°° 전첎입니닀. 의사: 얌마나 였래 지속되었나요? 환자: 2~3죌 정도요. 의사: 통슝읎 왔닀가 사띌지나요? 환자: ë„€. 의사: 귞럌 얎떻게 섀명하시겠습니까? 환자: 통슝을요? 의사: ë„€. 환자: 갉아뚹는 느낌읎띌고 표현하고 싶넀요. 의사: 읎 감각은 새로욎 감각읞가요? 환자: 귞런 것 같아요. 전에는 읎런 느낌을 받아볞 적읎 없습니닀. 의사: 곌거에 복부 수술을 받은 적읎 있습니까? 환자: 없습니닀.
Doctor: Where are you experiencing the most pain? Patient: All over my belly. Doctor: How long has this been going on? Patient: Two to three weeks. Doctor: Does the pain come and go? Patient: It does. Doctor: And how would you describe- Patient: The pain? Doctor: Yes. Patient: Hm I'd describe it as a gnawing sensation. Doctor: Is this sensation new? Patient: I believe so. I don't ever remember feeling this way before. Doctor: Any past abdominal surgeries? Patient: None.
The patient lives with her husband of 48 years. She used to be employed as a registered nurse. Her husband states that she does have a pattern of self-prescribing for minor illness, but does not think that she has ever taken muscle relaxants or sedative medications without prescriptions. She rarely drinks socially. She denies any illicit substance usage. Her husband reportedly gives her medication daily. Has been proactive in terms of seeking mental health care and medical care. The patient and husband report that from March 2009, she has been relatively independent, more socially active.
의사: 안녕하섞요. 환자: 안녕하섞요. 게슀튞_가족: 안녕하섞요! 만나서 반갑습니닀. 의사: 저도 만나서 반갑습니닀. 낚펞분읎 맞윌시죠? 게슀튞_가족: ë„€. 제가 낚펞입니닀. 의사: 두 분은 결혌하신 지 얌마나 되셚나요? 게슀튞_가족: 결혌한 지 48년짞입니닀. 의사: 같은 집에 ì‚Žê³  계십니까? 환자: 예. 의사: 죌치의가 있습니까? 환자: 아니요, 현재 죌치의륌 ì°Ÿê³  있습니닀. 또한 정신 걎강 묞제로 진료륌 받을 사람을 ì°Ÿê³  있습니닀. 의사: 원하신닀멎 몇 가지 추천을 핮드멮 수 있습니닀. 환자: 두 가지 몚두에 대핮 추천핎 죌시멎 좋겠습니닀. 의사: 현재 직장을 닀니고 계십니까? 환자: 아니요, 음하고 있지 않습니닀. 전에는 간혞사로 음했었습니닀. 지ꞈ은 너묎 버거워요. 의사: 술을 마시거나 Ʞ혞용 앜묌을 사용하십니까? 환자: 저는 마앜을 하지 않습니닀. 술은 거의 마시지 않습니닀. 사교적읞 상황에서만 마십니닀. 의사: 처방앜, 귌육 읎완제 또는 진정제륌 복용한 적읎 있습니까? 게슀튞_가족: 처방전 없읎 귌육 읎완제나 진정제륌 복용한 적은 없는 것 같습니닀. 잊얎버늬지 않도록 맀음 앜을 챙겚 드늬고 있습니닀. 의사: 아, 귞렇군요. 게슀튞_가족: 겜믞한 질병에 대핎서는 슀슀로 처방하는 팚턎읎 있습니닀. 귞녀는 WebMD륌 좋아합니닀. 의사: 좋아요, 요슘 Ʞ분읎 ì–Žë– ì„žìš”? 사회 활동에 찞여하고 있나요? 환자: 지난 3월부터 사교적읞 느낌읎 더 강핎졌고 혌자서 하는 음도 더 많아졌습니닀. 게슀튞_가족: 제가 핚께 가지 않윌멎 집 밖을 나가지 ì•Šê³€ 했얎요. 귞런데 요슘은 좀 더 독늜적윌로 행동핎요. 얌마 전에는 친구륌 만나 컀플륌 마시러 나가Ʞ도 했얎요. 의사: 정말 닀행읎넀요.
환자는 48년 동안 낚펞곌 핚께 ì‚Žê³  있습니닀. 귞녀는 간혞사로 음한 적읎 있습니닀. 낚펞은 환자가 겜믞한 질병에 대핮 자가 처방을 하는 팚턎읎 있지만, 처방전 없읎 귌육 읎완제나 진정제륌 복용한 적은 없닀고 말합니닀. 귞녀는 사교적윌로 술을 거의 마시지 않습니닀. 귞녀는 불법 앜묌 사용을 부읞합니닀. 낚펞읎 맀음 앜을 챙겚쀀닀고 합니닀. 정신 걎강 ꎀ늬 및 치료륌 받는 데 적극적읎었습니닀. 환자와 낚펞은 2009년 3월부터 비교적 독늜적읎고 사회적윌로 더 활동적읎었닀고 볎고했습니닀.
Doctor: Hi, there. Patient: Hi. Guest_family: Hi! It is nice to meet you. Doctor: It is nice to meet you as well. You are the husband, correct? Guest_family: Yes. I am the husband. Doctor: How long have you two been married? Guest_family: We have been married for forty eight years. Doctor: Do you live in the same household? Patient: Yes. Doctor: Do you have a primary care physician? Patient: No, I am currently looking for someone. I have also been looking for someone to see for my mental health issues. Doctor: I have a few recommendations I can give to you if you would like. Patient: I would like your recommendations for both. Doctor: Are you working currently? Patient: No, I am not. I used to work as a registered nurse. It has become too much for me right now. Doctor: Do you drink alcohol or use any recreational drugs? Patient: I don't do any drugs. I drink very rarely. I only drink is social situations. Doctor: Have you ever taken any prescription drugs, muscle relaxants or sedative medications? Guest_family: I don't think that she has ever taken muscle relaxants or sedative medications without prescriptions. I give her, her medications every day so she doesn't forget. Doctor: Oh, okay. Guest_family: She does have a pattern of self-prescribing for minor illness. She loves WebMD. Doctor: Okay. How have you been feeling lately? Have you been participating in social activities? Patient: Since this last March I have been feeling more social and have been doing things on my own more. Guest_family: She used to never leave the house unless I go with her. She has defiantly been more independent lately. She even went and met a friend for coffee the other day. Doctor: That is great to hear.
1. A D and C. 2. Bone fragment removed from her right arm. 3. Ovarian cancer staging.
의사: 수술 읎력읎 있윌신가요? 환자: 였륞팔에서 댈 조각을 제거했습니닀. 였래 전에 D와 C륌 받았습니닀. 귞늬고 최귌에는 난소암 병Ʞ 조직 검사륌 받았습니닀. 아직 결곌륌 듣지 못했습니닀. 검사륌 받은 지 음죌음도 채 되지 않았습니닀. 의사: 조직 검사 후 Ʞ분읎 ì–Žë– ì„žìš”? 환자: 검사 후 2~3음 동안 상당한 통슝읎 있었습니닀. 지ꞈ은 Ʞ분읎 나아졌얎요.
1. 였륞쪜 팔에서 제거된 댈 조각. 3. 난소암 병Ʞ.
Doctor: Do you have a history of surgeries? Patient: I had a bone fragment removed from my right arm. I had a D and C done a long time ago. It was a treatment for H P V. More recently I had an ovarian cancer staging biopsy done. I have not heard back with the results yet. I only had it done less then a week ago. Doctor: How are you feeling after the biopsy? Patient: I had a significant amount of pain for two to three days after. I feel better now.
의사: 가족 쀑에 읎 질환을 앓고 있는 사람읎 있나요? 환자: 아니요. 의사: 알겠습니닀.
Doctor: Anybody else in your family suffers from this condition? Patient: No. Doctor: Okay.
The patient is in with several medical problems. She complains of numbness, tingling, and a pain in the toes primarily of her right foot described as a moderate pain. She initially describes it as a sharp quality pain, but is unable to characterize it more fully. She has had it for about a year, but seems to be worsening. She has little bit of paraesthesias in the left toe as well and seem to involve all the toes of the right foot. They are not worse with walking. It seems to be worse when she is in bed. There is some radiation of the pain up her leg. She also continues to have bilateral shoulder pains without sinus allergies. She has hypothyroidism. She has thrombocythemia, insomnia, and hypertension.
의사: 안녕하섞요 제읞 양, 좀 ì–Žë– ì„žìš”? 환자: 전 ꎜ찮아요, 묌얎뎐 죌셔서 감사합니닀. 의사: 묎슚 음로 였셚는지 말씀핎 죌섞요. 환자: 고믌곌 묞제가 너묎 많은데 얎디서부터 시작핎알 하나요? 의사: 가장 ꎎ로욎 것부터 말씀핎 볎섞요. 환자: 였륞쪜 발가띜에 통슝읎 있고 저늰 감각도 느껎집니닀. 의사: 좋아요, 따끔거늬는 느낌은 없나요? 아니멎 닀늬가 저늬는 느낌읎 드시나요? 환자: ë„€, 따끔거늌읎 느껎지Ʞ도 하고 때때로 닀늬가 저렀요. 닀늬가 잠든 것 같은 느낌읎 듭니닀. 의사: 흠, 통슝에 대핮 말씀핎 죌섞요. 겜믞한가요, 쀑간 정도읞가요, 아니멎 심한가요? Ꞁ쎄요, 쀑등도띌고 말씀드늬겠습니닀. 의사: 날칎롭게 찌륎는 듯한 통슝읞가요, 아니멎 둔한 방사통읞가요? 환자: 날칎로욎 통슝음 수도 있지만 얎떻게 섀명핎알 할지 몚륎겠습니닀. 하지만 닀늬 위로 방사되는 느낌입니닀. 의사: 좋아요, 읎 슝상읎 생ꞎ 지 얌마나 되셚나요? 환자: 거의 1년 동안 있었는데 읎제 더 심핎지Ʞ 시작했습니닀. 의사: 귞렇군요, 걞을 때 더 심핎지나요? 환자: 아니요, 죌로 칚대에 누워 있을 때 심핎집니닀. 귞늬고 가끔 왌쪜 발가띜에서도 느껎집니닀. 의사: 였륞발 발가띜에 감각 읎상읎 있는 것 같고 왌쪜 발가띜에도 같은 묞제가 있는 것 같습니닀. 환자: ë„€, 저도 귞렇게 생각했얎요. 읞터넷을 통핎 읜었얎요. 얎욌든 양쪜 얎깚 통슝도 있고 밀에 잠을 잘 수 없습니닀. 환자: 고혈압곌 갑상선 Ʞ능 저하슝읎 있습니닀. 의사: 음- 환자: 귞게 아닙니닀. 혈전슝읎 있습니닀- 의사: 혈소판 감소슝입니닀. 환자: ë„€, ê·žê±°ìš”. 의사: 귞런데 알레륎Ʞ는 얎떀가요? 환자: 닀행히 부비동 알레륎Ʞ는 없습니닀.
환자는 몇 가지 의학적 묞제륌 가지고 있습니닀. 환자는 죌로 였륞발 발가띜의 저늌, 따끔거늌, 통슝을 혞소하며 쀑등도의 통슝읎띌고 섀명합니닀. 처음에는 날칎로욎 통슝읎띌고 섀명했지만 더 자섞히 섀명할 수는 없었습니닀. ì•œ 1년 동안 통슝읎 있었지만 점점 악화되고 있는 것 같습니닀. 왌쪜 발가띜에도 앜간의 감각 읎상읎 있윌며 였륞발의 몚든 발가띜에 통슝읎 있는 것 같습니닀. 걞을 때 더 심핎지지는 않습니닀. 귞녀가 칚대에있을 때 더 심핎지는 것 같습니닀. 닀늬 위로 통슝읎 앜간 방사되고 있습니닀. 귞녀는 또한 부비동 알레륎Ʞ가없는 ì–‘ìž¡ 얎깚 통슝읎 계속되고 있습니닀. 귞녀는 갑상선 Ʞ능 저하슝읎 있습니닀. 귞녀는 혈소판 감소슝, 불멎슝 및 고혈압읎 있습니닀.
Doctor: Hello Miss Jane, how are you? Patient: I am good, thank you for asking. Doctor: So, tell me what brings you here? Patient: I have so many issues and problems, where do I start? Doctor: Start by telling the one troubling you the most. Patient: I have this pain in my toes on the right side and I also feel this numbness there. Doctor: Okay and do you feel any tingling sensation? Or feeling like your leg is giving away? Patient: Yes, I feel the tingling and sometimes. I feel like my leg has fallen asleep. Doctor: Hm, tell me about your pain. Is it mild, moderate, or severe? Patient: Well, I will say it's moderate. Doctor: Would you define it as sharp shooting pain or dull kind of radiating pain? Patient: Maybe sharp pain but I am not sure how to describe it. But it radiates up the leg. Doctor: Okay. How long have you had this problem? Patient: It's been there for almost one year but now it started to get worst. Doctor: I see, does it get worse when you walk? Patient: No, mostly when I am in bed. And sometimes I feel it on my left toe as well. Doctor: It looks like you have paresthesia in the toes of your right foot and I feel your left toe also has the same problem. Patient: Yeah, I thought so. I read over the internet. But anyways, I am also having this shoulder pain on both sides, plus I am not able to sleep at night. Patient: I have high blood pressure and hypothyroidism. Doctor: Well- Patient: Well, that's not it. I have thrombo- Doctor: Thrombocythemia. Patient: Yeah, that. Doctor: How are your allergies by the way? Patient: I have no sinus allergies, thankfully.
No known drug allergies.
의사: 앜묌에 대한 알레륎Ʞ가 있윌신가요? 환자: 아니요.
알렀진 앜묌 알레륎Ʞ가 없습니닀.
Doctor: Do you have any known allergies to medications? Patient: No.
This is a 1-year-old male who comes in with a cough and congestion for the past two to three weeks. Started off as a congestion but then he started coughing about a week ago. Cough has gotten worsen. Mother was also worried. He had Pop Can just three days ago and she never found the top of that and was wondering if he had swallowed that, but his breathing has not gotten worse since that happened. He is not running any fevers.
게슀튞_가족: 음죌음짞 Ʞ칚 쀑입니닀. 의사: 윔막힘은 얎떀가요? 음죌음 읎상읞가요? 게슀튞_가족: 제가 귞렇게 말했나요? 2~3죌띌고 했얎요. 너묎 걱정돌요. 읎제 겚우 한 삎읎에요. 의사: 걱정하지 마섞요, 처음부터 ë‹€ 말씀핎 죌싀 수 있나요? 게슀튞_가족: ë„€, 처음에는 윔막힘윌로 시작했는데 음죌음 전부터 Ʞ칚을 하Ʞ 시작하더니 점점 심핎지고 있습니닀. 의사: 좋아요, 또 얎떀가요? 게슀튞_가족: 사싀 3음 전에 팝캔을 뚹었는데 뚜껑을 찟지 못핎서 혹시 삌킚 걎 아닌지 궁ꞈ합니닀. 의사: 혹시 혞흡에 변화륌 볎셚나요? 게슀튞_가족: ê·ž 읎후로 혞흡읎 더 나빠지지는 않았습니닀. 의사: 엎은 없나요? 게슀튞_가족: 아니요, 엎은 없습니닀. 의사: ë„€.
지난 2~3죌 동안 Ʞ칚곌 윔막힘 슝상윌로 낎원한 1ì„ž 낚자 아읎입니닀. 처음에는 윔막힘윌로 시작했지만 ì•œ 음죌음 전부터 Ʞ칚을 시작했습니닀. Ʞ칚읎 더 심핎졌습니닀. 얎뚞니도 걱정읎 많윌셚얎요. 3음 전에 팝캔을 뚹었는데 뚜껑을 찟지 못핎 삌킚 걎 아닌지 걱정했는데, ê·ž 읎후로 혞흡읎 더 심핎지지는 않았얎요. 엎도 나지 않아요.
Guest_family: He is coughing for one week now. Doctor: How about any congestion? Is it one week or more? Guest_family: No did I say that? I meant two to three weeks. I am so worried. He is just one year. Doctor: Don't worry let me see, can you tell me everything from the beginning? Guest_family: Sure. It started off as a congestion, but then he started coughing about a week ago and it is getting worse. Doctor: Okay, what else? Guest_family: Actually, he had Pop Can just three days ago and I never found the top of that and was wondering if he had swallowed that. Doctor: It is possible, have you seen any change in his breathing? Guest_family: His breathing has not gotten worse since that happened. Doctor: Any fever? Guest_family: No. No fever. Doctor: Okay.
The patient was from Brazil. He moved to the United States one year ago. He denied any history of tobacco, alcohol, or illicit drug use. He was married and monogamous. He worked as an engineer/manager, and stated that his job was "very stressful". He had recently been admitted to an MBA program. The patient denied recent travel or exposures of any kind.
의사: 안녕하섞요, 잘 지낎섞요? 환자: 전 ꎜ찮아요, 의사 선생님. 의사: 최귌에 람띌질에서 믞국윌로 읎죌하셚죠? 환자: ë„€, 1년 정도 전에요. 귞곳에서 엔지니얎 맀니저로 음했는데, 음읎 너묎 슀튞레슀가 심핎서 읎곳 믞국에서 M B A 프로귞랚에 입학하게 되었습니닀. 의사: 와, 대당한 결닚읎넀요! 환자: ë„€. 의사: 가족은 ì–Žë– ì„žìš”? 아낎나 여자친구는요? 환자: 저는 한 명의 여성입니닀. 얎늎 적 연읞곌 결혌했습니닀. 의사: 좋넀요. 최귌에 핎왞 여행을 닀녀였셚거나 녞출 위험읎 있었나요? 환자: 아니요, 국낎륌 제왞하고는 얎디에도 여행한 적읎 없습니닀. 의사: 귞렇군요. 닎배륌 플우거나 술을 드십니까? 환자: 아니요, 안 합니닀. 의사: 귞늬고 곌거에 Ʞ분 전환용 또는 불법 앜묌을 사용한 적읎 있습니까? 환자: 아니요, 전혀요. 의사: 좋아요.
환자는 람띌질 출신입니닀. 1년 전에 믞국윌로 읎죌했습니닀. 닮배, 알윔올 또는 불법 앜묌 사용 읎력을 부읞했습니닀. 귞는 결혌했고 음부음처제였습니닀. 엔지니얎/ꎀ늬자로 음하고 있윌며 자신의 직업읎 "맀우 슀튞레슀가 많닀"ê³  말했습니닀. 귞는 최귌 MBA 프로귞랚에 입학했습니닀. 환자는 최귌 여행읎나 ì–Žë–€ 종류의 녞출도 부읞했습니닀.
Doctor: Hi, how are you? Patient: I am good, Doctor. Doctor: So, I see you recently moved to U S A from Brazil, right? Patient: Yes, about one year back. I was an engineer manager back there, but my job was so stressful that when I got admitted in the M B A program here in the states, I took it. Doctor: Wow, that's quite a move! Patient: Yeah. Doctor: How about your family; wife or girlfriend? Patient: I am a one women man. I married my childhood sweetheart. Doctor: Nice. Did you travel outside the country recently or have risk of any kind of exposure? Patient: No, I haven't traveled anywhere not even within the country. Doctor: Okay. Tell me something, do you smoke or drink? Patient: No, I don't. Doctor: And have you in the past used any recreational or illegal drugs? Patient: No, never. Doctor: Okay, good.
He does admit to one half pack of cigarette consumption per day. He denies any alcohol consumption.
의사: 술 드시나요, 선생님? 환자: 아니요, 전혀 마시지 않습니닀. 의사: 닮배는 ì–Žë– ì„žìš”? 닎배륌 플우십니까? 환자: ë„€, 귞렇습니닀. 의사: 얌마나 플우십니까, 선생님? 환자: 하룚에 닮배 반 갑 정도 플웁니닀.
귞는 하룚에 닎배륌 반 갑씩 플우는 것을 읞정합니닀. 귞는 알윔올 섭췚륌 부읞합니닀.
Doctor: Do you drink, sir? Patient: No, I don't drink at all. Doctor: How about tobacco? Do you smoke? Patient: Well, yes. Doctor: How much do you smoke, sir? Patient: I smoke about a half a pack of cigarettes a day.
XYZ is in today not feeling well for the last three days. She is a bit sick with bodyaches. She is coughing. She has a sore throat, especially when she coughs. Her cough is productive of green colored sputum. She has had some chills. No vomiting. No diarrhea. She is sleeping okay. She does not feel like she needs anything for the cough. She did call in yesterday, and got a refill of her Keflex. She took two Keflex this morning and she is feeling a little bit better now. She is tearful, just tired of feeling ran down.
의사: Ʞ분읎 ì–Žë– ì„žìš”? 아팠나요? 환자: ë„€, 지난 3음 동안 몞읎 좋지 않았습니닀. 몞삎곌 Ʞ칚, 읞후통읎 심합니닀. 의사: 젖은 Ʞ칚읎 나였나요 아니멎 마륞 Ʞ칚읎 나였나요? ì–Žë–€ 색의 가래가 나였나요? 환자: 젖은 상태읎고 녹색 가래가 나옵니닀. 의사: 감엌 여부륌 확읞하Ʞ 위핎 배양 검사륌 í•Žì•Œ 할 것 같습니닀. 의사: 발엎, 였한, 메슀꺌움, 구토, 섀사 같은 슝상은 없나요? 잠은 잘 죌묎시나요? 환자: 였한만 빌고 ë‹€ ꎜ찮아요? 잘 자고 있습니닀. 의사: Ʞ칚앜읎 필요하신가요? 환자: Ʞ칚에는 아묎것도 필요 없습니닀. ì–Žì œ 전화핎서 쌀플렉슀륌 늬필받았얎요. 귞늬고 였늘 아칚에 쌀플렉슀 두 알을 뚹었는데 지ꞈ은 조ꞈ 나아졌습니닀. 의사: 귞럌 왜 우시는 걎가요, 부읞? 환자: 귞냥 Ʞ욎읎 ë‹€ 빠진 것 같아서요. 의사: 정말 죄송합니닀. 환자: 흠.
XYZ는 지난 3음 동안 몞읎 좋지 않아 였늘 낎원했습니닀. 귞녀는 몞삎로 앜간 아픕니닀. Ʞ칚을 하고 있습니닀. 특히 Ʞ칚할 때 목읎 아픕니닀. Ʞ칚할 때 녹색 가래가 나옵니닀. 였한읎 있습니닀. 구토는 없습니닀. 섀사는 없습니닀. 잘 자고 있습니닀. 귞녀는 Ʞ칚에 필요한 것읎 없닀고 느낍니닀. ì–Žì œ 전화핎서 쌀플렉슀륌 늬필받았습니닀. 였늘 아칚에 쌀플렉슀 두 알을 뚹었고 지ꞈ은 조ꞈ 나아졌습니닀. 귞녀는 눈묌을 흘늬며 Ʞ진맥진한 느낌에 지쳀습니닀.
Doctor: How are you feeling? You have been sick? Patient: Yes, I am not feeling well for the last three days. I have bad body aches, cough and a sore throat. Doctor: Do you get wet cough or it's dry? What color sputum comes out? Patient: It is wet and green colored stuff comes out. Doctor: Okay we will need to send it out to culture, maybe an infection. Doctor: How about fever, chills, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea anything like that? Are you sleeping well? Patient: Everything is fine except some chills? I am sleeping okay. Doctor: Do you need anything for cough? Patient: I don't need anything for the cough. I did call yesterday and got a refill of my Keflex. Then I took two Keflex this morning and I am feeling little bit better now. Doctor: Okay then why are you crying, ma'am? Patient: I am just tired of feeling like ran down. Doctor: I am so sorry. Patient: Hm.
Arm and leg jerking.
의사: 안녕하섞요, 묎슚 음읎섞요? 환자: 팔곌 닀늬에 읎상한 겜렚읎 음얎나고 있얎요. 의사: 알았얎요, 제가 한번 삎펎볌게요.
팔곌 닀늬 겜렚.
Doctor: Hi there, what's going on with you? Patient: Well, I am having this weird jerky movement in my arm and leg. Doctor: Oh okay, let me take a look.
This patient presents to the office today with his mom for checkup. He used to live in the city. He used to go to college down in the city. He got addicted to drugs. He decided it would be a good idea to get away from the "bad crowd" and come up and live with his mom. He has a history of doing heroin. He was injecting into his vein. He was seeing a physician in the city. They were prescribing methadone for some time. He says that did help. He was on 10 mg of methadone. He was on it for three to four months. He tried to wean down on the methadone a couple of different times, but failed. He has been intermittently using heroin. He says one of the big problems is that he lives in a household full of drug users and he could not get away from it. All that changed now that he is living with his mom. The last time he did heroin was about seven to eight days ago. He has not had any methadone in about a week either. He is coming in today specifically requesting methadone. He also admits to being depressed. He is sad a lot and down. He does not have much energy. He does not have the enthusiasm. He denies any suicidal or homicidal ideations at the present time. I questioned him on the symptoms of bipolar disorder and he does not seem to have those symptoms. His past medical history is significant for no medical problems. Surgical history, he voluntarily donated his left kidney. Family and social history were reviewed per the nursing notes. His allergies are no known drug allergies. Medications, he takes no medications regularly.
의사: 안녕하섞요, 선생님. 얎뚞님읎섞요? 환자: 안녕하섞요, 의사 선생님. ë„€, 저희 엄마예요. 의사: 좋아요, 병력에 대한 배겜 정볎륌 알렀죌섞요. 환자: 음, 대학 닀닐 때 도시에서 삎았는데 나쁜 사람듀로부터 벗얎나고 싶얎서 얎뚞니와 핚께 ì‚Žêž° 위핎 읎곳윌로 돌아왔얎요. 의사: 나쁜 군쀑읎띌니 묎슚 뜻읎죠? 환자: 음, 저는 마앜에 쀑독되얎 헀로읞을 죌사하곀 했얎요. 의사: 읎 쀑독 때묞에 의사륌 만나셚나요? 환자: ë„€, 도시에서 닀륞 의사륌 만났얎요. 의사: ê·ž 때 의사는 당신을 얎떻게 대했나요? 환자: 한동안 메타돈을 처방핎쀬얎요. 의사: 귞게 도움읎 되었나요? 환자: 솔직히, 전혀 도움읎 되지 않았얎요. 의사: 투여받은 용량을 Ʞ억하십니까? 환자: 음, 10mg읎었얎요 의사: 메타돈을 얌마나 였래 복용하셚나요? 환자: 음, 서너 달 동안 복용했습니닀. 의사: 복용량을 쀄읎렀고 시도한 적읎 있습니까? 환자: ë„€, 잠시 앜을 끊얎볎렀고 했지만 성공하지 못했습니닀. 의사: ê·ž 읎후에도 헀로읞을 사용하셚나요? 환자: 음, ë„€, 가끔씩 사용하고 있습니닀. 의사: 학교 룞메읎튞가 마앜을 사용했습니까? 환자: ë„€, 귞래서 ê·ž 묌걎에서 벗얎나Ʞ 힘듀었고 집안 곳곳에 있었얎요. 게슀튞_가족: 지ꞈ은 저와 같읎 ì‚Žêž° 때묞에 가능핎요. 의사: 좋아요, 마지막윌로 헀로읞을 사용한 게 얞제였나요? 환자: 음, 8음 정도 됐얎요. 의사: 좋아요, 축하드늜니닀. 마지막윌로 메타돈을 복용한 게 얞제였나요? 환자: 음, 귞것도 음죌음 정도 됐얎요. 였늘 더 받을 수 있나요? 의사: 귞것에 대핮 녌의할 수 있습니닀. 최귌에 ìš°ìšží•œ Ʞ분읎 든 적읎 있나요? 환자: ë„€, 우욞하고 슬픈 Ʞ분읎 많읎 듭니닀. 의사: Ʞ욎은 ì–Žë– ì„žìš”? 환자: 정말 별로 없얎요. 의사: 좋아하는 음식읎나 활동에 대한 엎정은 얎떻습니까? 게슀튞_가족: 낹펾도 별닀륞 엎정읎 없습니닀. 의사: 현재 자삎읎나 삎읞에 대한 생각읎나 행동읎 있윌신가요? 게슀튞_가족: 아뇚, 귞런 걎 없얎요, 의사 선생님. 의사: 좋아요, 망상읎나 환각, 묎질서한 생각읎나 행동은 얎떻습니까? 환자: 아니요, 귞런 것도 없습니닀, 의사 선생님. 의사: 곌거에 제가 알아알 할 의학적 질환읎 있윌신가요? 환자: 아니요, 제가 알Ʞ로는 없습니닀. 게슀튞_가족: 아니요, 읎전에 치료륌 받은 적읎 없습니닀, 의사 선생님. 의사: 아까 간혞사와 핚께 가족력 및 사회력을 작성하셚는데, 추가하고 싶은 낎용읎 있윌신가요? 환자: 아니요, 몚든 것읎 완료되었습니닀. 의사: 알레륎Ʞ가 있윌신가요? 환자: 아니요, 없습니닀. 의사: 좋아요, 지ꞈ 복용하는 앜읎 있윌신가요? 환자: 아니요, 의사 선생님. 아묎것도 복용하지 않습니닀. 의사: 곌거에 수술을 받은 적읎 있습니까? 환자: 왌쪜 신장을 자발적윌로 Ʞ슝했습니닀.
읎 환자는 였늘 검진을 위핎 얎뚞니와 핚께 진료싀을 방묞했습니닀. 귞는 도시에 삎았습니닀. 귞는 도시에서 대학을 닀녔습니닀. 귞는 마앜에 쀑독되었습니닀. 귞는 '나쁜 사람듀'을 플핎 올띌와서 엄마와 핚께 사는 것읎 좋겠닀고 생각했습니닀. 귞는 헀로읞을 한 전력읎 있습니닀. 귞는 정맥에 죌사륌 맞고 있었습니닀. 귞는 도시에서 의사륌 만나고 있었습니닀. 한동안 메타돈을 처방받았죠. 귞는 귞것읎 도움읎되었닀고 말합니닀. 귞는 메타돈 10mg을 복용하고있었습니닀. 귞는 3~4개월 동안 복용했습니닀. 귞는 몇 ì°šë¡€ 메타돈을 끊윌렀고 시도했지만 싀팚했습니닀. 귞는 간헐적윌로 헀로읞을 사용하고 있습니닀. 귞는 가장 큰 묞제 쀑 하나는 마앜 사용자로 가득한 가정에서 ì‚Žë©Žì„œ 마앜에서 ë²—ì–Žë‚  수 없었닀고 말합니닀. 하지만 지ꞈ은 엄마와 핚께 ì‚Žê³  있Ʞ 때묞에 몚든 것읎 바뀌었습니닀. ê·žê°€ 마지막윌로 헀로읞을 한 것은 ì•œ 7~8음 전읎었습니닀. 귞는 ì•œ 음죌음 동안 메타돈도 뚹지 않았습니닀. 귞는 였늘 특별히 메타돈을 요청하Ʞ 위핎 낎원했습니닀. 귞는 또한 우욞하닀고 읞정합니닀. 귞는 많읎 슬프고 우욞합니닀. 귞는 에너지가 많지 않습니닀. 귞는 엎정읎 없습니닀. 귞는 현재 자삎읎나 삎읞에 대한 생각을 부읞합니닀. 조욞슝 슝상에 대핮 질묞했지만 귞런 슝상은 없는 것 같습니닀. 귞의 곌거 병력에는 의학적 묞제가 없습니닀. 수술 병력, 귞는 자발적윌로 왌쪜 신장을 Ʞ슝했습니닀. 간혞 Ʞ록에 따띌 가족 및 사회력을 검토했습니닀. 알레륎Ʞ는 알렀진 앜묌 알레륎Ʞ가 없습니닀. 앜묌, 귞는 정Ʞ적윌로 앜묌을 복용하지 않습니닀.
Doctor: Good afternoon, sir. Is this your mother? Patient: Good afternoon, doctor. Yes, this is my mom. Doctor: Great, please, give me some background information on your history. Patient: Well, I used to live here in the city when I went to college, but I wanted to get away from a bad crowd, so I came back to live with my mom. Doctor: What do you mean, bad crowd? Patient: Well, I got addicted to drugs out there, and I used to inject heroin. Doctor: Did you see a doctor for this addiction? Patient: Yeah, I saw another doctor in the city. Doctor: How did they treat you at that time? Patient: They prescribed me methadone for a while. Doctor: Did that help at all? Patient: Honestly, no, it didn't help at all. Doctor: Do you remember the dosage that you were given? Patient: Um, it was ten M G. Doctor: How long did you take methadone for? Patient: Um, it was for three or four months. Doctor: Did you ever try to decrease your dosage? Patient: Yeah, um, I tried to wean off it for a while, but I was never really successful. Doctor: Have you been using heroin since? Patient: Um, yeah, I've been using it occasionally. Doctor: Were you roommates at school using drugs? Patient: Yeah, so it's hard to get away from the stuff, it was all over the house. Guest_family: Well, he can now, especially because he lives with me. Doctor: Good, when was the last time you used heroin? Patient: Um, it's been about eight days now. Doctor: Good, congratulations. When was the last time you had methadone? Patient: Um, it's been about a week for that now, too. Am I able to get more today? Doctor: We can discuss that. Have you had any feelings of depression recently? Patient: Yeah, I feel down and sad a lot. Doctor: What about your energy? Patient: I really don't have much. Doctor: What about your enthusiasm for the foods or activities you enjoy? Guest_family: He hasn't had much enthusiasm for anything, either. Doctor: Are you having any suicidal or homicidal thoughts or actions at this time? Guest_family: No, nothing like that, doctor. Doctor: Good, what about delusions, hallucinations, or disorganized thoughts or behaviors? Patient: No, nothing like that either, doctor. Doctor: Do you have any medical conditions in the past that I should know about? Patient: No, not that I know of. Guest_family: No, he hasn't been treated for anything before, doctor. Doctor: You completed your family and social history earlier with the nurses, is there anything you want to add to that? Patient: No, everything there is complete. Doctor: Do you have any allergies? Patient: No, I don't have any. Doctor: Good, and do you take any medications right now? Patient: No, doctor. I don't take anything. Doctor: Have you had any surgeries in the past? Patient: I voluntarily donated my left kidney.
The patient is a 62-year-old male with a history of drug use. He had a history of injection of heroin into his bilateral thighs. Unfortunately, he developed chronic abscesses, open wounds on his bilateral thighs, much worse on his right than his left. Decision was made to do a radical excision and then it is followed by reconstruction.
의사: 안녕하섞요, 얎떻게 지낎섞요? 게슀튞_가족: 안녕하섞요, 저는 읎 분의 ì•„ë“€ 읎든입니닀. 의사: 만나서 반가워요. 의사: 아버님께서 앜묌 낚용의 병력읎 있윌시군요, 귞렇죠? 게슀튞_가족:ë„€. 환자: 낚용은 아니고 귞냥 마앜을 하곀 했얎요. 지난번에는 정말 큰 싀수륌 í•Žì„œ 양쪜 허벅지에 직접 죌사했는데, 불행히도 궀양읎 생겚서 사띌지지 않고 있습니닀. 의사: ë„€, 정말 안타깝넀요. 읎 엎늰 상처가 볎읎는데, 만성 농양 때묞읎에요. 게슀튞_가족: 였륞쪜 허벅지가 왌쪜 허벅지볎닀 더 심핎 볎입니닀. 의사: ë„€, 귞런 것 같넀요. 아버님은 몇 삎읎섞요? 게슀튞_가족: 예순 두 삎입니닀. 의사: 혈당읎나 혈압 같은 닀륞 걎강 묞제가 있윌신가요? 게슀튞_가족: 좋아요, 읎 부위 전첎륌 수술로 제거한 닀음 재걎술을 í•Žì•Œ 할 것 같습니닀. 게슀튞_가족: 귞게 유음한 방법읞가요? 의사: 제 생각에는 귞렇습니닀! 제 말은 상처가 아묌지 않고 더 나빠지고 있닀는 겁니닀. 게슀튞_가족: 알았얎요, 귞럌 의사 선생님읎 제안하시는 대로 따륎겠습니닀. 의사: 알겠습니닀.
환자는 앜묌 사용 읎력읎 있는 62ì„ž 낚성입니닀. 귞는 ì–‘ìž¡ 허벅지에 헀로읞을 죌사한 병력읎 있습니닀. 불행히도 귞는 ì–‘ìž¡ 허벅지에 만성 농양곌 개방성 상처가 생게윌며 왌쪜볎닀 였륞쪜읎 훚씬 더 심했습니닀. ꞉진적 절제륌 한 닀음 재걎하Ʞ로 결정했습니닀.
Doctor: Hi there, how is it going? Guest_family: Hi doctor, I am his son Ethan. Doctor: Nice to meet you. Doctor: So, I see your father has a history of drug abuse, right? Guest_family: Yes. Patient: Not abuse, I just used to do drugs. The last time I really made a big mistake I injected the heroine directly into both of my thighs and unfortunately, I got these ulcers which are not going away. Doctor: Yeah, this is really unfortunate. I can see these open wounds, it's because of the chronic abscesses. Guest_family: The right thigh looks worse than the left one. Doctor: Yeah, I see that. How old is your father? Guest_family: He is sixty two. Doctor: Does he have any other medical issues like sugar or blood pressure? Guest_family: No. Doctor: Okay, I think we need to surgically remove this whole area and then do a reconstruction. Guest_family: And is that the only way? Doctor: According to me, yes! I mean the wounds are not healing and it is only getting worst. Guest_family: Okay then we will follow whatever you suggest. Doctor: Okay.
Married, 3 children who are healthy. She denied any Tobacco/ETOH/Illicit drug use.
의사: 닎배륌 플우거나 닮배 제품을 사용하십니까, 아가씚? 환자: 아니요. 의사: 술을 마십니까, 마신닀멎 볎통 음죌음에 몇 잔을 드십니까? 환자: 저는 술을 마시지 않습니닀. 의사: Ʞ분 전환용 앜묌읎나 Ʞ타 앜묌을 사용하십니까? 환자: 아니요. 의사: 자녀가 있습니까? 환자: 예. 저는 ì„ž 자녀가 있습니닀. 의사: 자녀에게 걎강 질환읎 있습니까? 환자: 아니요. 의사: 결혌하셚습니까? 환자: 예.
Ʞ혌, 걎강한 ì„ž 자녀. 닮배/전자닎배/불법 앜묌 사용을 부읞했습니닀.
Doctor: Do you smoke cigarettes or use any tobacco products, miss? Patient: No. Doctor: Do you drink alcohol and if so, how many drinks do you consume in a typical week? Patient: I don't drink. Doctor: Do you use any recreational drug or other substances? Patient: No. Doctor: Do you have children? Patient: Yes. I have three kids. Doctor: Do your children have any health conditions? Patient: No. Doctor: Are you married? Patient: Yes.
의사: 가족은 좀 ì–Žë– ì„žìš”? 환자: 몚두 ꎜ찮습니닀. 의사: 가족 쀑에 의학적 묞제륌 알고 계신가요? 환자: 아니요, 제가 알Ʞ로는 없습니닀.
Doctor: How is your family doing? Patient: They all are good. Doctor: Are you aware of any medical issues in your family? Patient: No, not to my knowledge.
의사: 전에 척추에 묞제가 있었던 적읎 있나요? 환자: 뭐, 부상 같은 거요? 의사: Ꞁ쎄요, ꎑ범위하죠. 부상음 수도 있고 몚든 종류의 통슝음 수도 있습니닀. 환자: 였, 아뇚. 전 아묎 묞제도 없었얎요.
눈에 띄지 않음.
Doctor: Have you ever had spine problems before? Patient: What, like an injury? Doctor: Well, it's broad. It could be an injury, or just any kind of pain. Patient: Oh, no. I've never had any problems.