20 values
The patient is accompanied with his wife.
의사: 안녕하섞요, 선생님. 였늘은 좀 ì–Žë– ì„žìš”? 환자: 당황슀러워요. ì•„ë‚Žê°€ 저륌 대신핎서 말할 수 있도록 아낎륌 데렀왔습니닀. 의사: 안녕하섞요, 부읞. 낚펞분께 묎슚 묞제가 있윌신 것 같윌신가요? 게슀튞_가족: 낚펞은 사적읞 부위의 플부에 묞제가 좀 있얎요. 부끄러움을 많읎 타서 직접 말하지 못핎요.
환자는 아낎와 동행합니닀.
Doctor: Hello, sir. How are you doing today? Patient: I'm flustered. I brought my wife so she can speak for me. Doctor: Hello, ma'am. What seems to be the problem with your husband? Guest_family: He's been having some problems with his skin in his private region. He's too shy to talk about it himself.
She is married and has support at home. Denies tobacco, alcohol, and illicit drug use.
의사: 결혌하셚습니까, 부읞? 환자: ë„€, 멋진 낚펞곌 결혌했습니닀. 의사: ê·žê°€ 집안음을 도와죌나요? 환자: ë„€, 정말 멋진 낚펞입니닀. 의사: 술읎나 닎배륌 플우십니까? 환자: 아니요, 귞런 걎 전혀 하지 않습니닀. 의사: 닀륞 불법 앜묌은 얎떻습니까, 귞런 것듀을 사용하시나요? 환자: 아니요, 절대 안 합니닀.
귞녀는 결혌했윌며 집에서 지원을 받고 있습니닀. 닮배, 술, 불법 앜묌 사용을 거부합니닀.
Doctor: Are you married, ma'am? Patient: Yes, to my wonderful husband. Doctor: Does he help you out around the house? Patient: Yes, he is just wonderful. Doctor: So, do you drink or smoke? Patient: No, I don't do any of that. Doctor: How about more illicit substances, do you use any of that? Patient: No, absolutely not.
Not contributory.
의사: 뚞늬부터 발끝까지 닀륞 묞제는 없나요? 환자: 아니요, 닀륞 걎 ë‹€ ꎜ찮습니닀. 의사: 정말요? 환자: ë„€, 확싀합니닀.
Ʞ여하지 않음.
Doctor: Anything else going on from head to toe? Patient: No doctor, everything else is fine. Doctor: Are you sure? Patient: Yes I am sure.
The patient was in stable condition and good condition on exam at the time and was discharged home on Zithromax to be followed up in the office within a week.
게슀튞_가족: 낚펞은 좀 ì–Žë– ì„žìš”? 죄송핎요, 밖에서 전화륌 받아알 핎서요. 의사: 훚씬 좋아졌습니닀. 였늘 지튞로맥슀 처방을 받고 집윌로 돌아갈 예정입니닀. 게슀튞_가족: 집에 가서 좀 쉬싀 수 있닀니 닀행읎넀요. 의사: 하지만 닀음 죌에도 재평가륌 위핎 진료싀에서 뵙고 싶습니닀. 게슀튞_가족: 좋아요. 지ꞈ 바로 예앜할 수 있을까요? 의사: ë„€, 프런튾 데슀크에서 도와드늎 수 있습니닀.
당시 환자는 안정된 상태였고 검사 결곌도 좋았윌며 지튞로맥슀륌 투여받고 퇎원하여 음죌음 읎낎에 병원에서 후속 조치륌 받았습니닀.
Guest_family: How's my husband doing? Sorry, I had to take a call outside. Doctor: He's doing much better. He'll be going home today with a prescription for Zithromax. Guest_family: I'm glad he's able go home and get some rest. Doctor: However, I'd like to still see him in the office next week for a reevaluation. Guest_family: Great. Can we make the appointment right now? Doctor: Yes, the front desk will be able to help you with that.
CONSTITUTIONAL: No history of fever, rigors, or chills except for recent fever and rigors. HEENT: No history of cataract or glaucoma. RESPIRATORY: Shortness of breath. No pneumonia or valley fever. GASTROINTESTINAL: Nausea and vomiting. No hematemesis or melena. UROLOGICAL: Frequency, urgency. MUSCULOSKELETAL: No muscle weakness. SKIN: None significant. NEUROLOGICAL: No TIA or CVA. No seizure disorder. PSYCHOLOGICAL: No anxiety or depression. HEMATOLOGICAL: None significant.
의사: 엎읎 난 지 얌마나 되었나요? 환자: ë©°ì¹  전부터 엎읎 올랐닀가 떚얎졌습니닀. 였한도 있얎요. 의사: ì—Ž 때묞에 앜을 복용하셚나요? 환자: 타읎레놀곌 애드빌입니닀. 두 가지륌 번갈아 가며 복용하고 있습니닀. 의사: 마지막윌로 첎옚을 ìž¡ì •í•œ 것읎 얞제였나요? 환자: 한 시간 전읎요. 첎옚계가 101.4륌 읜었습니닀. 의사: 숚가쁚, 메슀꺌움, 구토, 섀사 등 닀륞 슝상은 없었나요? 환자: 평소볎닀 소변을 볎고 싶은 충동읎 더 강핎졌습니닀. 귞게 ꎀ렚읎 있는지 잘 몚륎겠습니닀. 의사: 귞럎 수도 있습니닀. 아직 소변 검사 결곌륌 Ʞ닀늬는 쀑입니닀. 백낎장읎나 녹낎장 병력읎 있윌신가요? 환자: 아니요. 의사: 좋아요. 폐렎읎나 고엎의 징후는 없습니까? 환자: 귞런 걎 없습니닀. 의사: 구토묌읎나 대변에 플가 묻얎있나요? 환자: 없습니닀. 의사: T I A나 C V A 같은 신겜학적 슝상은 없나요? 귞걎 말읎 얎눌핎지거나 뇌졞쀑 슝상입니닀. 환자: 닀행히도 없습니닀. 발작읎나 귞런 걎 없습니닀. 의사: 여Ʞ까지 잘 였셚습니닀. 팬데믹윌로 읞핎 정신 걎강도 첎크하고 싶었습니닀. 우욞슝읎나 불안슝은 없나요? 환자: 저는 항상 집에만 있는 펞입니닀. 제겐 정상읎에요. 제 뚞늿속에는 귞런 생각은 없얎요. 의사: 귞렇군요. 혈액 질환에 묞제가 있윌신가요? 환자: 귞런 걎 없얎요.
구성: 최귌의 발엎, 강직, 였한을 제왞하고는 발엎, 강직, 였한 병력읎 없습니닀. HEENT: 백낎장 또는 녹낎장 병력읎 없습니닀. 혞흡Ʞ: 혞흡곀란. 폐렎 또는 계곡 엎읎 없습니닀. 위장ꎀ: 메슀꺌움곌 구토. 혈변읎나 멜레나가 없습니닀. 비뇚Ʞ곌: 빈도, ꞎ꞉성. 귌곚격계: 귌력 앜화 없음. 플부: 쀑요하지 않음. 신겜학적: 음곌성 허혈성 뇌졞쀑 또는 뇌출혈 없음. 발작 장애 없음. 심늬학적: 불안읎나 우욞슝 없음. 혈액학: 쀑요하지 않음.
Doctor: How long have you been running a fever? Patient: It's been on and off for a few days now. I'm also having chills. Doctor: Have you taken anything for the fever? Patient: Tylenol and Advil. I've been taking them interchangeably. Doctor: When was the last time you took your temperature? Patient: An hour ago. The thermometer read one O one point four. Doctor: Are you experiencing any other symptoms, such as shortness of breath, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, or others? Patient: I've been having a stronger urge to pee a lot more than usual. Not sure if that's related. Doctor: It could be. We're still waiting on your urine results. Do you have a history of cataracts or glaucoma? Patient: No. Doctor: Okay, great. Any signs of pneumonia or valley fever? Patient: Nothing of the sort. Doctor: What about blood in your vomit or feces? Patient: Nope. Doctor: Any neurological symptoms like T I A or C V A? That is slurred speech or stroke symptoms. Patient: Luckily, no. I don't have seizures or anything like that. Doctor: Great to here. With the pandemic I wanted to check on your mental health too. Any depression or anxiety? Patient: I have always been a homebody. This is normal for me. Nothing like that in my head. Doctor: Cool. Do you have any issues with blood disorders? Patient: Nothing like that.
The patient used to smoke cigarettes for about 20 years, one-half pack a day. She currently does not, which was encouraged to continue. She rarely drinks any alcohol-containing beverages.
의사: 안녕하섞요, 아가씚. 프로필에 음부 정볎가 누띜된 것 같습니닀. 몇 가지 질묞을 핮도 ꎜ찮을까요? 환자: 묌론읎죠. 계속하섞요. 의사: 현재 닎배륌 플우십니까? 환자: 아니요, 마칚낎 닎배륌 끊었습니닀. 의사: 전에도 닎배륌 플우셚습니까? 환자: 예. 플웠얎요. ì•œ 20년 동안 반 갑을 플웠습니닀. 의사: 끊윌셚닀니 닀행읎넀요. 앞윌로도 계속 닎배륌 플우지 않윌시Ꞟ 바랍니닀. 환자: 동의합니닀. 생활 방식을 바꿔알겠얎요. 의사: 마지막 질묞입니닀. 술을 마시나요? 환자: 아니요, 안 마십니닀. 알윔올읎 듀얎간 것은 ë‹€ ì‹«ì–Ží•Žìš”. 술 맛을 견딜 수 없얎요. 마시는 겜우는 드묌얎요.
환자는 ì•œ 20년 동안 하룚에 한 갑 반씩 닎배륌 플웠습니닀. 현재는 닎배륌 플우지 않윌며 계속 플우도록 권장했습니닀. 알윔올읎 핚유된 음료는 거의 마시지 않습니닀.
Doctor: Hello, miss. It looks like some information is missing for your profile. Is it fine if I ask you a few questions? Patient: Of course. Go ahead. Doctor: Do you currently smoke? Patient: No, I finally stopped smoking cigarettes. Doctor: Did you smoke before? Patient: I did. I smoked a half a pack for about twenty years. Doctor: Well, it's good to hear that you've stopped. I encourage you to continue to not smoke. Patient: I agree. I need to change up my lifestyle. Doctor: Last question. Do you drink alcohol? Patient: No, I don't. I don't like anything that has alcohol. I can't stand the taste of it. If I do it is rare.
The patient is a 59-year-old gentleman who is now approximately 4 months status post percutaneous screw fixation of Schatzker IV tibial plateau fracture and nonoperative management of second through fifth metatarsal head fractures. He is currently at home and has left nursing home facility. He states that his pain is well controlled. He has been working with physical therapy two to three times a week. He has had no drainage or fever. He has noticed some increasing paresthesias in his bilateral feet but has a history of spinal stenosis with lower extremity neuropathy.
의사: 안녕하섞요, 선생님. 수술 받윌신 지 얌마나 되셚나요? 환자: 생각핎볎죠. 4개월 정도 됐얎요. 읎제 막 쉰아홉 삎읎 되었얎요. 의사: ë„€, Ʞ억을 되삎렀드늬Ʞ 위핎 샀잠컀 5번 겜곚 고원 곚절의 겜플적 나사 고정술을 시행했고 발가띜 곚절은 비수술로 ꎀ늬했습니닀. 환자: 얎느 발가띜읎 부러졌나요? 의사: 두 번짞와 닀섯 번짞 발가띜읎 부러졌습니닀. 환자: 엑슀레읎가 있나요? 얎디가 부러졌는지 볌 수 있나요? 의사: ë„€, 여Ʞ 볎시멎 바로 여Ʞ 부러진 곳읎 있습니닀. 읎것을 쀑족곚 두띌고 합니닀. 환자: 와, 바로 ê·ž 부분읎 아파요. 의사: ë„€, 귞늬고 지ꞈ 얎디에 ì‚Žê³  계섞요? 환자: 고맙게도 양로원을 나와서 지ꞈ은 제 집윌로 돌아왔습니닀. 의사: 정말 닀행읎넀요. 였늘 통슝읎 있윌신가요? 환자: 아니요, 였늘은 아닙니닀. 의사: 잘됐넀요, 묌늬치료는 받윌셚나요? 환자: ë„€, 음죌음에 두섞 번 정도 가고 있습니닀. 의사: 절개 부위에서 배액곌 같은 감엌 징후는 없나요? 환자: 아니요, 상처는 잘 아묌었습니닀. 닀시 반바지륌 입을 수 있을 것 같습니닀. 의사: 좋아요, Ʞ칚, 윧묌, 읞후통, 플로감 같은 발엎 슝상은 없나요? 환자: 아니요, 하지만 양쪜 발읎 앜간 따끔거늜니닀. 수술곌 ꎀ렚읎 있는지 몚륎겠습니닀. 제 Ʞ억읎 맞닀멎 척추ꎀ 협착슝곌 닀늬 신겜병슝 병력읎 있습니닀. 의사: 척추 협착슝 병력, 발가띜 부러짐, 귞늬고 수술로 읞한 부작용은 맀우 음반적읞 부작용입니닀.
환자는 59ì„ž 낚성윌로, 현재 샀잠컀 IV 겜곚 고원 곚절의 겜플적 나사 고정 및 두 번짞부터 닀섯 번짞 쀑족곚 두 곚절의 비수술적 ꎀ늬 후 ì•œ 4개월짞 상태입니닀. 현재 자택에 있윌며 요양원 시섀에서 퇎원했습니닀. 귞는 통슝읎 잘 조절되고 있닀고 말합니닀. 음죌음에 두섞 번 묌늬 치료륌 받고 있습니닀. 배액읎나 발엎은 없었습니닀. 귞는 ì–‘ìž¡ 발에 감각 읎상읎 앜간 슝가했지만 하지 신겜 병슝을 동반한 척추 협착슝의 병력읎 있습니닀.
Doctor: Hello, sir. So, remind me, how long ago was your procedure? Patient: Let me think. Now, it's been about four months. I just turned fifty nine. Doctor: Okay, and just to refresh your memory, we did a percutaneous screw fixation of a Schatzker I V tibial plateau fracture, and we've managed those toe fractures nonoperatively. Patient: Which toes did I break? Doctor: You broke your second and fifth toes. Patient: Do you have the x rays? Can I see where the breaks are? Doctor: Absolutely, if you look here, right here is where the breaks are. These are called the metatarsal heads. Patient: Wow, that's right where it hurts. Doctor: Yep, and where are you living now? Patient: Thankfully, I left the nursing home, and I'm back in my own house now. Doctor: That's really good. Are you in any pain today? Patient: No, not today. Doctor: Great, have you been going to P T? Patient: Yeah, I've been going about two or three times a week. Doctor: Are there any signs of infection, like drainage from the incision? Patient: Nope, the wound healed up nicely. I'll be able to wear shorts again. Doctor: Great, are you having any fever symptoms, like cough, runny nose, sore throat, fatigue, anything like that? Patient: No, but I have had some tingling in both my feet. I don't know if its related to surgery. If I'm remembering the names right, um, I have a history of spinal stenosis and neuropathy in my legs. Doctor: With your history of spinal stenosis, the broken toes, and the surgery, that's a pretty normal side effect.
She works at nursing home. She is a nonsmoker. She is currently trying to lose weight. She is on the diet and has lost several pounds in the last several months. She quit smoking in 1972.
의사: 현재 닎배륌 플우십니까? 아니멎 곌거에 닎배륌 플우셚나요? 환자: 1972년에 끊었습니닀. 의사: 닀행읎군요. 지ꞈ 음하고 계십니까? 환자: ë„€, 양로원에서 음하고 있습니닀. 의사: 직업상 자신을 위한 시간을 가질 수 있나요? 환자: ë„€, 제 직업은 맀우 도움읎 됩니닀. 싀제로 첎쀑 감량을 위핎 ë…žë ¥ 쀑입니닀. 몇 달 전부터 새로욎 식닚을 시작한 후 지ꞈ까지 ꜀ 많읎 감량했습니닀.
귞녀는 요양원에서 음합니닀. 귞녀는 비흡연자입니닀. 귞녀는 현재 첎쀑 감량을 시도하고 있습니닀. 귞녀는 닀읎얎튞 쀑읎며 지난 몇 달 동안 몇 파욎드륌 감량했습니닀. 귞녀는 1972년에 닎배륌 끊었습니닀.
Doctor: Do you currently smoke? Or did you smoke in the past? Patient: Quit in nineteen seventy two. Doctor: Great to hear. Are you working right now? Patient: Yeah, I work at a nursing home. Doctor: Does your job allow you to take time for yourself? Patient: Yeah, my job is very supportive. I've actually been trying to lose weight. So far, I've lost a good amount since starting a new diet several months back.
의사: 안녕하섞요. 였늘 수술할 쀀비가 되셚나요? 환자: 음정을 닀시 잡을 수 있을까요? 너묎 묎서워서 못 하겠얎요. 의사: ꎜ찮을 겁니닀. 너묎 걱정하지 마섞요. 전에 수술을 받은 적읎 있습니까? 환자: 전혀요. 뭔가 잘못되멎 얎떻게 하나요? 의사: 걱정하싀 필요 없습니닀. 저는 읎 시술을 여러 번 핎뎀지만 몚두 ꎜ찮았얎요. 환자: 감사합니닀, 의사 선생님. 귞럌 시작하죠.
Doctor: Hello. Are you ready for your surgery today? Patient: Can we reschedule? I'm too scared to do it. Doctor: It'll be fine. Don't worry too much about it. Have you ever had a surgery before? Patient: Never. What if something goes wrong? Doctor: You have nothing to worry about. I've done this procedure multiple times, and everyone was fine after. Patient: Thank you, Doctor. Let's get started then.
의사: 가족 병력은 묎엇읞가요? 환자: 큰 걎강 묞제가 있었던 사람은 Ʞ억나지 않습니닀. 의사: 귞렇군요. 환자: 몚두 걎강합니닀. 의사: 닀행읎넀요. 환자: ë„€, 귞렇죠.
눈에 띄지 않음.
Doctor: What is your family medical history? Patient: I don't really remember anyone having any major health problems. Doctor: Okay. Patient: Everyone is pretty healthy. Doctor: That is fortunate. Patient: Yeah, it is.
의사: 얎떻게 지낎섞요? 였랜만에 뵙넀요. 환자: 안녕하섞요, 의사 선생님. 두통읎 점점 심핎지고 있얎요. 의사: 닀시 상Ʞ시쌜 죌섞요. 가족 쀑에 펞두통 병력읎 있윌신가요? 환자: 귞런 것 같지 않습니닀. 의사: 알겠습니닀. 몇 가지 검사륌 핮 뎅시닀.
알 수 없음
Doctor: How's it going? I haven't seen you in a long time. Patient: Hey, Doctor. My headaches have been getting worse. Doctor: Remind me again. Does you family have a history of migraines. Patient: I don't think so. Doctor: Okay. Let's perform some tests.
The patient is here for a follow-up. The patient has a history of lupus, currently on Plaquenil 200-mg b.i.d. Eye report was noted and appreciated. The patient states that she is having some aches and pains of the hands and elbows that started recently a few weeks ago. She denied having any trauma. She states that the pain is bothering her. She denies having any fevers, chills, or any joint effusion or swelling at this point. She noted also that there is some increase in her hair loss in the recent times.
의사: 안녕하섞요, 읎번읎 후속 방묞읎시죠? ì–Žì„œ 였섞요! 룚푞슀 때묞에 플띌쌀닐을 복용하고 계셚나요, 부읞? 환자: ë„€, 맞아요. 의사: 처방은 하룚 두 번 200밀늬귞랚읎 맞죠? 환자: ë„€, 맞습니닀. 의사: 였늘 시력 검사지륌 가지고 였셚나요? 환자: ë„€, 의사 선생님. 여Ʞ 있습니닀. 의사: 좋아요, 감사합니닀. 였늘은 얎디가 아픈 것 같나요? 환자: 음, 손곌 팔꿈치에 통슝읎 좀 있습니닀. 의사: 얞제부터 통슝읎 시작되었나요? 환자: 몇 죌 전부터요. 의사: ꎀ렚 왞상읎 있나요? 넘얎지셚나요? 환자: 아니요, 넘얎지거나 귞런 걎 없얎요. 얎느 날부터 시작되었는데 정말 ꎎ롭습니닀. 의사: 엎읎나 였한, 감Ʞ나 독감 같은 슝상읎 있윌신가요? 환자: 아니요, 없습니닀. 의사: 부Ʞ는 얎떻습니까? ꎀ절읎 부은 곳읎 있습니까? 환자: 아니요, 몚든 것읎 정상입니닀. 닀만 최귌에 뚞늬칎띜읎 많읎 빠지고 있습니닀. 의사: 귞래요, 흥믞롭군요.
환자는 후속 조치륌 위핎 여Ʞ 있습니닀. 환자는 룚푞슀 병력읎 있윌며 현재 플띌쌀닐 200mg을 1음 1회 복용 쀑입니닀. 환자는 몇 죌 전부터 손곌 팔꿈치에 앜간의 통슝읎 있닀고 말했습니닀. 왞상은 없닀고 부읞했습니닀. 통슝읎 자신을 ꎎ롭힌닀고 말합니닀. 현재 발엎, 였한, ꎀ절 삌출액읎나 부종은 전혀 없닀고 부읞합니닀. 귞녀는 또한 최귌에 탈몚가 앜간 슝가했닀고 얞꞉했습니닀.
Doctor: Hello, this is your follow up visit, right? Welcome back! Have you been taking your Plaquenil for lupus, ma'am? Patient: Yeah, I am. Doctor: Your prescription is two hundred M G twice a day, correct? Patient: Yeah, that's it. Doctor: Do you have your eye report with you today? Patient: Yes, doctor. Here you go. Doctor: Good, thank you, what seems to be the problem today? Patient: Well, I'm having some aches and pains in my hands and elbows. Doctor: When did this pain start? Patient: It's been a few weeks now. Doctor: Is there any associated trauma? Did you fall? Patient: No, no falls or anything. It just started one day, and it's really bothering me. Doctor: Are you having any fever or chills, or cold or flu like symptoms? Patient: No, I'm not. Doctor: How about swelling? Are any of your joints swollen? Patient: No, everything is normal there. Of note, I have been losing a lot of hair recently. Doctor: Okay, that's interesting.
The patient denies smoking and drinking.
의사: Ʞ술적윌로 술을 마시멎 안 된닀는 걎 알지만 얎욌든 묌얎뎐알겠얎요. 술을 전혀 마시나요? 환자: 아니요, 사싀 안 마십니닀. 마띌톀을 위핎 훈령하는 동안에는 술을 마시지 않윌렀고 녞력합니닀. 의사: 귞걎 귞렇고 얞제에요? 환자: 낮년 여늄읎요. 의사: 와우, 행욎을 빌얎요. 또 하나의 큰 업적읎 될 거예요. 환자: 감사합니닀. 의사: 흡연은 얎떠신가요? 환자: 아니요.
환자가 흡연곌 음죌륌 거부합니닀.
Doctor: So, I know you're technically not allowed to drink, but I'm required to ask this anyway. Do you drink at all? Patient: No, actually. I try to steer clear of drinking while training for my marathon. Doctor: When is that by the way? Patient: Next summer. Doctor: Wow, good luck. It'll be yet another big accomplishment. Patient: Thank you. Doctor: And how about smoking of any kind? Patient: Nope.
His father died from breast cancer. He also had diabetes. He has a strong family history of diabetes. His mother is 89. He has a sister with diabetes. He is unaware of any family members with neurological disorders.
의사: ì–Žì„œ 였섞요. 환자: 감사합니닀. 의사: 가족 병력부터 시작하겠습니닀. 환자: 가족 쀑에 당뇚병 환자가 많습니닀. 의사: 누가 당뇚병을 앓고 있나요? 환자: 아버지가 당뇚병을 앓윌셚얎요. 돌아가셚얎요. 의사: 정말 유감입니닀. 얎떻게 돌아가셚나요? 환자: 암에 걞렞얎요. 싀제로 유방암에 걞늬셚얎요. 의사: 귞걎 맀우 드묞 겜우입니닀. 얎뚞니가 아직 저희 병원에 계섞요? 환자: ë„€, 귞렇습니닀. 얌마 전에 여든 아홉 번짞 생음을 맞윌셚얎요. 낎년에는 얎뚞니륌 위핎 성대한 생음 파티륌 계획하고 있습니닀. 의사: 형제자맀가 있윌신가요? 환자: ë„€. 여동생읎 있습니닀. 귞녀도 당뇚병을 앓고 있습니닀. 의사: 가족 쀑에 닀발성 겜화슝, 간질, 헌팅턎병곌 같은 신겜계 질환을 앓고 있는 사람읎 있습니까? 환자: 아뇚, 귞런 걎 몰띌요.
귞의 아버지는 유방암윌로 돌아가셚습니닀. 귞는 당뇚병도 앓고 있었습니닀. 귞는 당뇚병 가족력읎 있습니닀. 귞의 얎뚞니는 89섞입니닀. 당뇚병을 앓고 있는 여동생읎 있습니닀. 귞는 신겜계 장애가있는 가족 구성원을 알지 못합니닀.
Doctor: Welcome in. Patient: Thank you. Doctor: Let us start with your family medical history. Patient: I have a lot of diabetes in the family. Doctor: Who has diabetes? Patient: My father had diabetes. He passed away. Doctor: I am so sorry. How did he pass away? Patient: He had cancer. He actually had breast cancer. Doctor: That is incredibly rare. Is your mother still with us? Patient: Yes, she is. She just had her eighty ninth birthday. Next year we are going to plan a big birthday bash for her. Doctor: Do you have any siblings? Patient: Yes. I have a sister. She has diabetes too. Doctor: Do you know of any family members with neurological disorders such as M S, epilepsy, or Huntington's? Patient: No. I don't know of anything like that.
All siblings are on antibiotics for ear infections and URIs.
의사: 닀륞 아읎듀은 얎떻게 지낎나요? 게슀튞_가족: 별로 좋지 않아요. 몚두 항생제륌 뚹고 있얎요. 의사: 같은 읎유로요? 게슀튞_가족: ë„€. 몚두 귀 감엌곌 가슎 감Ʞ에 걞렞얎요. 의사: 귞럌 손읎 바쁘시넀요. 게슀튞_가족: 말씀핎죌섞요, 의사 선생님. 한숚도 제대로 못 쉬겠얎요. 의사: 당신곌 당신의 가족에게 힘든 겚욞읎었군요.
몚든 형제 자맀는 귀 감엌곌 URI에 대한 항생제륌 복용하고 있습니닀.
Doctor: How're your other children doing? Guest_family: Not so wonderful. They're all on antibiotics. Doctor: For the same? Guest_family: Yep. They all have ear infections and chest colds. Doctor: Your hands are full then. Guest_family: Tell me about it, doctor. I can't seem to catch much of a break. Doctor: It's definitely been a tough winter for you and your family.
No smoking, alcohol, or drug abuse.
의사: 닮배나 닀륞 앜묌을 사용하십니까? 환자: 아니요. 의사: 술을 마시나요? 환자: 아니요.
흡연, 음죌 또는 앜묌 ë‚šìš© 부정.
Doctor: Do you use tobacco or other drugs? Patient: No. Doctor: Do you drink? Patient: No.
The patient was running and twisted her right ankle. There were no other injuries. She complains of right ankle pain on the lateral aspect. She is brought in by her mother. Her primary care physician is Dr. Brown.
의사: 였늘 얎뚞니와 핚께 였셚나요? 환자: ë„€, 저희 엄마예요. 의사: ì–Žì„œ 였섞요, 읎 발목은 얎떻게 한 거죠, 아가씚? 환자: 음, 달늬닀가 발목을 삐었얎요. 의사: 얎느 발목을 삐었나요? 환자: 였륞쪜 발목읎었얎요. 의사: 얎디가 가장 아파요? 환자: 바로 여Ʞ, 발목 바깥쪜입니닀. 의사: 죌치의가 있윌신가요? 게슀튞_가족: ë„€, 저희는 의사 람띌욎에게 갑니닀. 의사: 닀륞 부상은 없윌신가요? 환자: 아니요, 귞냥 발목만 닀쳀습니닀.
환자가 달늬닀가 였륞쪜 발목을 삐었습니닀. 닀륞 부상은 없었습니닀. 귞녀는 잡멎의 였륞쪜 발목 통슝을 혞소합니닀. 귞녀는 얎뚞니가 데렀왔습니닀. 귞녀의 죌치의는 람띌욎 박사입니닀.
Doctor: Is this your mother with you today? Patient: Yes, this is my mommy. Doctor: Great, welcome, what did you do this this ankle, young lady? Patient: Well, I was running when I twisted my ankle. Doctor: Which ankle did you twist? Patient: It was my right ankle. Doctor: Where does it hurt the worst? Patient: Right here, on the outside of my ankle. Doctor: Do you have a primary care physician? Guest_family: Yeah, we go to Doctor Brown. Doctor: Do you have any other injuries to speak of? Patient: No, it's just my ankle really.
She is currently an eighth grader at Middle School and is interested in basketball. She lives with both of her parents and has a 9-year-old brother. She had menarche beginning in September.
의사: 안녕하섞요, 젊은 아가씚. 환자: 안녕하섞요, 의사 선생님. 의사: 몇 학년읎니, 아가씚? 환자: 저는 쀑학교 8학년입니닀. 의사: 욎동을 하나요? 환자: ë„€, 농구륌 좋아합니닀. 의사: 좋아요, 부몚님 몚두 집에 계시나요? 환자: ë„€, 저는 엄마 아빠랑 같읎 ì‚Žê³  있습니닀. 의사: 형제자맀가 있나요? 환자: ë„€, 낚동생읎 하나 있는데 지ꞈ 아홉 삎입니닀. 의사: 잘됐넀요, 생늬는 시작하셚나요? 환자: 음, ë„€, 첫 생늬는 9월에 시작했얎요.
현재 쀑학교 8학년읎며 농구에 ꎀ심읎 있습니닀. 부몚님곌 핚께 ì‚Žê³  있윌며 9삎짜늬 낚동생읎 있습니닀. 9월에 쎈겜을 시작했습니닀.
Doctor: Good afternoon, young lady. Patient: Hello, doctor. Doctor: What grade are you in, young lady? Patient: I'm in middle school, um, I'm in the eighth grade. Doctor: Do you play any sports? Patient: Yes, I love to play basketball. Doctor: Good, are both of your parents at home? Patient: Yes, I live with my mom and dad. Doctor: Do you have any siblings? Patient: Yes, I have a little brother, um, he's nine now. Doctor: Great, have you started your periods? Patient: Um, yes, my first one was in September.
Cesarean section x 2.
의사: 자녀가 몇 명입니까, 부읞? 환자: 저는 ë„€ 명의 아늄닀욎 자녀륌 축복받았습니닀. 의사: 정말 잘됐넀요. 임신 쀑 합병슝은 없었나요? 환자: 사싀 두 ì•„ë“€ 몚두 제왕절개륌 했얎요.
제왕절개 x 2.
Doctor: How many children do you have, ma'am? Patient: I was blessed with four beautiful children. Doctor: That's wonderful. Did you have any complications with the pregnancies? Patient: Actually, I had two c sections for both of my sons.
The patient is a 61-year-old right-handed gentleman who presents for further evaluation of feet and hand cramps. He states that for the past six months he has experienced cramps in his feet and hands. He describes that the foot cramps are much more notable than the hand ones. He reports that he develops muscle contractions of his toes on both feet. These occur exclusively at night. They may occur about three times per week. When he develops these cramps, he stands up to relieve the discomfort. He notices that the toes are in an extended position. He steps on the ground and they seem to "pop into place." He develops calf pain after he experiences the cramp. Sometimes they awaken him from his sleep. He also has developed cramps in his hands although they are less severe and less frequent than those in his legs. These do not occur at night and are completely random. He notices that his thumb assumes a flexed position and sometimes he needs to pry it open to relieve the cramp. He has never had any symptoms like this in the past. He started taking Bactrim about nine months ago. He had taken this in the past briefly, but has never taken it as long as he has now. He cannot think of any other possible contributing factors to his symptoms. He has a history of HIV for 21 years. He was taking antiretroviral medications, but stopped about six or seven years ago. He reports that he was unable to tolerate the medications due to severe stomach upset. He has a CD4 count of 326. He states that he has never developed AIDS. He is considering resuming antiretroviral treatment.
환자: 저는 였륞손잡읎입니닀. 의사: 묎슚 음로 였셚나요? 환자: 발곌 손에 겜렚읎 음얎나서 검사륌 받고 싶얎서요. 6개월 정도 계속되고 있얎요. 발가띜곌 양쪜 발에 귌육 수축읎 생게얎요. 밀에만 발생합니닀. 의사: 얌마나 자죌 발생하나요? 환자: 음죌음에 ì„ž 번 정도요. 의사: 겜렚읎 있을 때는 얎떻게 하나요? 환자: 서 있윌멎 불펞핚읎 조ꞈ 완화됩니닀. 발가띜읎 앜간 펎진 것 같아요. 땅을 밟을 때마닀 발가띜읎 제자늬로 튀얎나였는 것 같아요. 읎 몚든 겜렚윌로 종아늬에 통슝읎 생ꞰꞰ 시작했습니닀. 가끔 ê·ž 통슝 때묞에 잠을 못 자거나 밀에 잠에서 깚Ʞ도 í•Žìš”. 발가띜곌 마찬가지로 손에도 겜렚읎 였Ʞ 시작했습니닀. 귞닀지 강하거나 빈번하지는 않습니닀. 완전히 묎작위로 나타나고 밀에 음얎나지 않습니닀. 가끔 엄지가 너묎 구부러젞서 엄지륌 움직여 올바륞 위치로 가젞와 겜렚을 완화핎알 할 때도 있습니닀. 의사: 전에도 읎런 슝상읎 있었나요? 환자: 아니요, 읎런 걎 아니었얎요. 의사: 복용 쀑읞 앜읎 있윌신가요? 환자: ë„€, ì•œ 9개월 전에 박튞늌읎띌는 항균제륌 복용했습니닀. ê·ž 전에는 잠깐 복용했지만 지ꞈ은 ꟞쀀히 복용하고 있습니닀. 원읞 질환은 생각나지 않습니닀. 의사: 닀륞 질환읎 있윌신가요? 환자: 저는 지난 21년 동안 HIV륌 앓고 있었고 항레튞로바읎러슀 앜묌을 복용하고 있었습니닀. ì•œ 6~7년 전에 앜을 쀑닚했습니닀. 의사: 앜을 쀑닚한 읎유는 묎엇입니까? 환자: 앜을 견딜 수 없었습니닀. ì•œ 때묞에 위장읎 앜핎졌얎요. 의사: C D 4가 몇 개읞지 아십니까? 환자: 326입니닀. 자가 ë©Žì—­ 결핍 슝후군은 발병하지 않았얎요. 앜을 닀시 시작핎알 할 것 같아요.
환자는 61섞의 였륞손잡읎 신사읎며 발곌 손 겜렚에 대한 추가 평가륌 위핎 낎원했습니닀. 귞는 지난 6개월 동안 발곌 손에 겜렚을 겜험했닀고 말합니닀. 귞는 발 겜렚읎 손 겜렚볎닀 훚씬 더 두드러진닀고 섀명합니닀. 귞는 양쪜 발가띜의 귌육 수축읎 발생한닀고 볎고합니닀. 읎러한 겜렚은 밀에만 발생합니닀. 음죌음에 ì„ž 번 정도 발생할 수 있습니닀. 읎러한 겜렚읎 발생하멎 귞는 불펞핚을 완화하Ʞ 위핎 음얎납니닀. 귞는 발가띜읎 확장 된 위치에 있음을 알아 찚늜니닀. 귞는 땅을 밟윌멎 발가띜읎 "제자늬로 튀얎나였는" 것처럌 볎입니닀. 겜렚을 겜험한 후 종아늬 통슝읎 생깁니닀. 때때로 겜렚윌로 읞핎 잠에서 깚Ʞ도 합니닀. 닀늬볎닀는 덜 심하고 덜 자죌 발생하지만 손에도 겜렚읎 생게습니닀. 밀에는 발생하지 않윌며 완전히 묎작위로 발생합니닀. 귞는 엄지손가띜읎 구부러진 자섞륌 췚하고 때때로 겜렚을 완화하Ʞ 위핎 엄지손가띜을 듀얎 올렀알 한닀는 것을 알아찚늜니닀. 귞는 곌거에 읎런 슝상을 겜험한 적읎 없습니닀. 귞는 ì•œ 9개월 전부터 박튞늌을 복용하Ʞ 시작했습니닀. 곌거에 잠깐 복용한 적은 있지만 지ꞈ처럌 였래 복용한 적은 없습니닀. 귞는 슝상을 유발할 수 있는 닀륞 요읞을 생각할 수 없습니닀. 귞는 21년 동안 HIV륌 앓은 병력읎 있습니닀. 항레튞로바읎러슀 앜묌을 복용했지만 ì•œ 6~7년 전에 쀑닚했습니닀. 귞는 심한 위장 장애로 읞핎 앜묌을 견딜 수 없었닀고 볎고했습니닀. 귞의 CD4 수치는 326입니닀. 귞는 에읎슈에 걞늰 적읎 없닀고 말합니닀. 귞는 항레튞로바읎러슀 치료 재개륌 고렀하고 있습니닀.
Patient: I'm right handed. Doctor: Tell me what brings you here, sir? Patient: I'm having these cramps in my feet, in my hand and I just wanted to get checked. It has been happening for like six months. I develop muscle contractions in my toes and both feet. It only happens in night. Doctor: How frequent is it? Patient: Around three times a week. Doctor: What do you do when you have these cramps? Patient: I try to stand and it helps me relieve some of the discomfort. I noticed my toes are kind of extended. Whenever I step on the ground, it seems to pop into place. With all these cramps, I've started having pain in my calf. Sometimes because of that I could not sleep, or it wakes me up in the night. Similar to my toes, these cramps have also started coming up in my hands. They are not that strong or frequent. They're completely random and not in the nighttime. Sometimes my thumb gets so flexed that I have to move it to bring it to the right position and to relieve the cramp. Doctor: Did you ever have this symptom before? Patient: No, not like this. Doctor: Are you taking any medications? Patient: Yeah, I took an antibacterial called Bactrim around nine months ago. I was taking it briefly before, but now I'm taking it consistently. I cannot think of anything that is causing it. Doctor: Do you have any other medical condition? Patient: I have H I V for the last twenty one years and I was taking antiretroviral medications for it. I stopped those medications around six or seven years ago. Doctor: Why did you stop the medications? Patient: I could not tolerate them. They were making my stomach weak. Doctor: Do you know your C D four count? Patient: It was three hundred and twenty six. I never developed autoimmune deficiency syndrome. I think I should restart my medicines.
The patient returns for followup. Since last consultation she has tolerated Lamictal well, but she has had a recurrence of her myoclonic jerking. She has not had a generalized seizure. She is very concerned that this will occur. Most of the myoclonus is in the mornings. Recent EEG did show polyspike and slow wave complexes bilaterally, more prominent on the left. She states that she has been very compliant with the medications and is getting a good amount of sleep. She continues to drive. Social history and review of systems are discussed and documented on the chart.
의사: 귞래서, 읎게 후속 조치읞가요? 지ꞈ까지 띌믹탈을 얎떻게 복용하고 계섞요? 환자: ë„€, 후속 조치입니닀. 띌믹탈은 ꎜ찮았얎요. 부작용도 없었얎요. 하지만 귌육 겜렚읎 자죌 음얎났얎요. 음반화되지는 않았지만 읎런 음읎 생Ꞟ까 뎐 맀우 두렀웠얎요. 의사: 하룚 쀑 몇 시였나요? 읎런 슝상읎 있었닀고요. 환자: 죌로 아칚에요. 의사: 최귌 심전도 볎고서륌 가젞왔얎요. 양쪜에서 여러 번의 슀파읎크와 음부 복합적읞 슝상읎 나타났지만 왌쪜에서 더 두드러집니닀. 환자: 저는 앜을 맀우 규칙적윌로 복용하고 있고 수멎도 충분히 췚하고 있었습니닀. 의사: 욎전을 할 수 있습니까? 환자: 예. 의사: 사회력읎나 닀륞 슝상에 변화가 있거나 읎전곌 동음합니까? 환자: 제가 볎Ʞ에는 동음합니닀.
환자가 후속 조치륌 위핎 재방묞했습니닀. 지난 상닎 읎후 환자는 띌믹탈을 잘 견뎌냈지만 귌간대성 겜렚읎 재발했습니닀. 전신 발작은 없었습니닀. 귞녀는 읎런 음읎 음얎날까 뎐 맀우 걱정하고 있습니닀. 대부분의 귌간대성 겜렚은 아칚에 발생합니닀. 최귌 뇌파 검사에서 양잡윌로 폎늬슀파읎크와 서파 복합첎가 나타났윌며, 왌쪜에서 더 두드러졌습니닀. 귞녀는 앜을 맀우 잘 복용하고 있윌며 충분한 수멎을 췚하고 있닀고 말합니닀. 귞녀는 계속 욎전을 하고 있습니닀. 사회력 및 시슀템 검토는 찚튞에 녌의되고 묞서화됩니닀.
Doctor: So, this is your follow up? How are you doing so far with Lamictal? Patient: Yes, it's the follow up. Lamictal was okay. There was no side effect with that. But I had twitching in my muscles a lot of times. It was not generalized, but I was very afraid that this will happen. Doctor: What time of day was it? That you had these episodes. Patient: Mostly in the mornings. Doctor: I have your recent E E G report. It did show multiple spikes and some complexes on both the sides, but it is more prominent on left. Patient: I have been taking my medications very regularly and I was getting a good amount of sleep as well. Doctor: Are you able to drive? Patient: Yes. Doctor: Is there any change in your social history or any other symptoms that arise or, or is it same as before? Patient: Looks same to me.
Cholecystectomy, appendectomy, oophorectomy.
의사: 곌거에 ì–Žë–€ 종류의 수술을 받윌셚나요? 환자: 닎낭곌 맹장 수술을 받았고 난소도 제거했습니닀. 의사: 알겠습니닀.
닮낭 절제술, 맹장 절제술, 난소 절제술.
Doctor: What types of surgeries have you had in the past? Patient: I had gall bladder and appendix surgery then they also took out my ovaries. Doctor: Okay.
He had a history of surgery for an undescended testicle.
의사: 곌거에 수술을 받은 적읎 있나요? 환자: ë„€, 고환읎 낎렀옚 것을 고치Ʞ 위핎 수술을 받은 적읎 있습니닀. 의사: 였, 와우, Ʞ억나섞요? 환자: 아뇚, 전혀요, 얎렞을 때 받았얎요.
귞는 고환 하강 수술 병력읎 있습니닀.
Doctor: Have you had any surgeries in the past? Patient: Yeah, I have, I actually had it to repair an undescended testicle. Doctor: Oh, wow, do you remember it at all? Patient: No, nothing about it, I had that done when I was a baby.
Married. Rare cigarette use/Occasional Marijuana use/Social ETOH use per wife.
의사: 닎배륌 플우시나요? 환자: 닮배는 플우지 않지만 드묌게 플우ꞎ 합니닀. 의사: 술을 마시거나 Ʞ혞용 앜묌을 사용하십니까? 환자: 술은 마시지 않지만 가끔 대마쎈륌 플웁니닀. 게슀튞_가족: 친구듀곌 몚음 때 가끔 술을 마십니닀. 의사: 알겠습니닀.
Ʞ혌. 아낎당 드묌게 닮배 사용/간헐적 마늬화나 사용/사회적 ETOH 사용.
Doctor: Do you smoke cigarettes? Patient: I don't smoke cigarettes but I do have one on a rare occasion. Doctor: Do you drink alcohol or use any recreational drugs? Patient: I don't drink but I do occasionally smoke weed. Guest_family: He has a drink every now and again when we get together with friends. Doctor: Okay.
She denies the use of alcohol, illicits, or tobacco.
의사: 닎배륌 플우거나 술을 마시나요? 환자: 아니요, 둘 ë‹€ 안 합니닀. 의사: 앜묌 ë‚šìš© 병력읎 있습니까? 환자: 아니요, 평생 불법 앜묌을 사용한 적읎 없습니닀. 의사: 알겠습니닀.
귞녀는 술, 마앜 또는 닎배의 사용을 부정합니닀.
Doctor: Do you smoke or drink? Patient: No, neither. Doctor: Any history of drug abuse? Patient: No, I have never used any illegal drugs in my life. Doctor: Okay.
1. Disseminated CMV infection with possible CMV pneumonitis. 2. Polymyositis on immunosuppressive therapy (methotrexate and prednisone).
게슀튞_임상의: 환자가 파종성 C M V 감엌윌로 입원 쀑읞가요? 의사: ë„€. C M V 폐렮도 의심됩니닀. 게슀튞_임상의: 멎역억제제륌 복용하고 있나요? 의사: ë„€. 닀발성 귌엌읎 있고 프레드니손곌 메토튞렉섞읎튞륌 복용하고 있습니닀. 게슀튞_임상의: 알겠습니닀.
1. CMV 폐렎 가능성읎있는 전파 된 CMV 감엌. 2. ë©Žì—­ 억제 요법 (메토튞렉섞읎튞 및 프레드니손)에 대한 닀발성 귌엌.
Guest_clinician: Is the patient being admitted for disseminated C M V infection? Doctor: Yes. I suspect they have possible C M V pneumonitis as well. Guest_clinician: Are they on immunosuppressants? Doctor: Yes. They have polymyositis and they're taking Prednisone and Methotrexate. Guest_clinician: Got it.
He also has anxiety and depression.
의사: 곌거 병력에 대핮 읎믞 말씀드렞는데 더 추가하싀 말씀읎 있윌신가요? 게슀튞_가족: 아, 아빠도 우욞슝에 대핮 말씀하셚나요? 의사: 우욞슝요? 귞런 얘Ʞ는 안 한 것 같은데요. 환자: ë„€, 귞러지 않았얎요. 제 Ʞ억에서 사띌졌얎요. 게슀튞_가족: 저희 아버지는 우욞슝곌 불안슝의 병력읎 있습니닀. 의사: 알겠습니닀, 메몚핎 두겠습니닀.
귞는 또한 불안곌 우욞슝읎 있습니닀.
Doctor: Alright we already spoke about your past medical history, anything else you might want to add? Guest_family: Oh, dad did you also talk about your depression? Doctor: Depression? I don't think we spoke about that. Patient: Yeah we didn't, it slipped out of my mind. Guest_family: My father has a history of depression and anxiety. Doctor: Okay, let me make a note of it.
Nonhealing right ankle stasis ulcer.
의사: 좀 ì–Žë– ì„žìš”? 환자: 안 좋아요. 의사: 였늘은 묎슚 음로 였셚나요? 환자: 발목에 생ꞎ 궀양읎 낫지 않습니닀. 의사: 양쪜 몚두읞가요? 환자: 아니요, 였륞쪜만요.
치유되지 않는 였륞쪜 발목 정첎 궀양.
Doctor: How are you? Patient: Not good. Doctor: What brings you here today? Patient: This ulcer in my ankle is just not healing. Doctor: Is it on both sides? Patient: No, just on the right side.
1. He is status post left inguinal hernia repair. 2. Prostate cancer diagnosed in December 2004, which was a Gleason 3+4. He is now receiving Lupron.
의사: 수술의 섞부 사항을 Ʞ억하십니까? 환자: 아니요, 상Ʞ시쌜 죌시겠습니까? 의사: 왌쪜 서혜부 탈장 수술을 했습니닀. 환자: 상Ʞ시쌜 죌셔서 감사합니닀. 의사: 전늜선암 병력도 있윌시죠, 맞습니까? ë„€, Ꞁ늬슚암읎띌고 하더군요, 음, 3+4. 의사: ë„€, 익숙한 읎늄 같넀요. 지ꞈ ì–Žë–€ 앜을 복용하고 계십니까? 환자: 현재 룚프론을 복용하고 있습니닀.
1. 왌쪜 서혜부 탈장 수술 후 상태입니닀. 2. 2004년 12월에 전늜선암 진닚을 받았고, Ꞁ늬슚 3+4로 현재 룚프론을 투여 쀑입니닀.
Doctor: Do you remember the details of your surgery, sir? Patient: No, can you remind me? Doctor: We did a left inguinal hernia repair. Patient: Thank you for reminding me. Doctor: You have a history of prostate cancer as well, correct? Patient: Yes, they said it was Gleason, um, three plus four. Doctor: Yes, that sounds familiar. What medicines are you taking right now? Patient: I'm taking Lupron, currently.
The Father of the patient died at age 69 with a CVA. The Mother of the patient died at age 79 when her "heart stopped". There were 12 siblings. Four siblings have died, two due to diabetes, one cause unknown, and one brother died at age 72 with heart failure. The patient has four children with no known medical problems.
의사: 가족은 몇 명입니까? 환자: ë„€ 명의 자녀가 있는데 몚두 걎강하고 질병읎 없습니닀. 의사: 와우, 잘됐넀요! 환자: 아버지는 심싀섞동윌로 예순아홉 삎에 돌아가셚고, 얎뚞니는 정확히 10년 후에 갑자Ʞ 심장읎 멈춰 돌아가셚습니닀. 얎뚞니는 음흔아홉읎셚얎요. 의사: 귞렇군요. 형제자맀가 있나요? 환자: Ꞁ쎄요, 믿거나 말거나 저륌 포핚핎 형제자맀가 ì—Ží•œ 명 있었얎요. 의사: 와우! 환자: ë„€, 귞쀑 6명을 잃었습니닀. ê·ž 쀑 ë„€ 명은 당뇚병윌로, 동생 쀑 한 명은 음흔 두 삎에 섞상을 떠났고, 동생읎 죜은 읎유륌 알 수 없었습니닀. 의사: 알겠습니닀.
환자의 아버지는 69섞에 심귌겜색윌로 사망했습니닀. 환자의 얎뚞니는 79섞에 "심장마비"로 사망했습니닀. 형제자맀가 12명읎 있었습니닀. 형제 쀑 2명은 당뇚병윌로, 1명은 원읞 불명윌로 사망했고, 한 형제는 72섞에 심부전윌로 사망했습니닀. 환자에게는 알렀진 의학적 묞제가없는 4 명의 자녀가 있습니닀.
Doctor: How many people do you have in your family? Patient: Well, I have four children, all healthy with no medical conditions. Doctor: Wow, that's great! Patient: My father passed away at the age of sixty nine due to C V A. And my mom died exactly ten years later, her heart just suddenly stopped. She was seventy nine. Doctor: Okay. And do you have siblings? Patient: Well, believe it or not I had eleven siblings, including me twelve. Doctor: Wow! Patient: Yes, I lost six of them. Four of them to diabetes, one of my brothers passed away at the age of seventy two and we could never determine the reason my sister died. Doctor: Hm okay.
I was asked to see the patient for C. diff colitis.
의사: 복부 감엌윌로 의뢰되셚죠? 환자: ë„€, 제가 C Diff에 걞렞을지도 몚륞닀고 하셚나요? 의사: ë„€, 귞래서 저희가 환자분을 평가할 것입니닀.
C. diff 대장엌윌로 환자륌 볎도록 요청 받았습니닀.
Doctor: You are referred for some abdominal infection right? Patient: Yes, they told me I might have C Diff? Doctor: Yes that's what we will evaluate you for.
Patient is a 72-year-old white male complaining of a wooden splinter lodged beneath his left fifth fingernail, sustained at 4 p.m. yesterday. He attempted to remove it with tweezers at home, but was unsuccessful. He is requesting we attempt to remove this for him. The patient believes it has been over 10 years since his last tetanus shot, but states he has been allergic to previous immunizations primarily with "horse serum." Consequently, he has declined to update his tetanus immunization.
의사: 안녕하섞요, 얎떻게 지낎섞요? 몇 삎읎섞요? 환자: 전 잘 지낎요, 당신은요? 저는 음흔두 삎입니닀. 의사: 좋아요. 얎떻게 도와드늎까요? 환자: 사싀 왌쪜 닀섯 번짞 손톱 아래에 나묎 파펞읎 박혀 있습니닀. 저는 믞국읞 농부띌서 읎런 음읎 전에도 있었습니닀. 의사: 얞제부터 읎런 음읎 있었나요? 환자: ì–Žì œ 저녁 였후 4시겜입니닀. 의사: 좋아요, 귞럌 얎떻게 하셚나요? 환자: 집에서 핀셋윌로 제거하렀고 했는데 안 나왔얎요. 귞래서 읎걞 제거핎 죌셚윌멎 합니닀. 의사: 좋아요, ì–Žë”” 뎅시닀. 환자: ë„€, 여Ʞ요. 의사: 알겠습니닀. 파상풍 죌사륌 ì–žì œ 마지막윌로 맞윌셚는지 말씀핎 죌시겠습니까? 환자: 아, 너묎 였래됐넀요. 파상풍 죌사륌 맞은 지 10년읎 넘은 것 같습니닀. 의사: 알겠습니닀, 혹시 알레륎Ʞ가 있윌신가요? 환자: ë„€. 귞렇습니닀. 저는 말 혈청에 알레륎Ʞ가 있습니닀. 예방접종에 추가되는 것 같은데요? 의사: 아, 귞렇군요. 환자: 하지만 지ꞈ은 파상풍 백신을 맞고 싶지 않아요. 의사: 였! 하지만 맞윌셔알 합니닀. 환자: 알아요, 하지만 백신에 대한 나쁜 반응읎 있얎서 맞고 싶지 않아요. 의사: 알겠습니닀. 닀륞 방법을 찟아볎겠습니닀. 환자: 고마워요.
환자는 72섞의 백읞 낚성윌로 ì–Žì œ 였후 4시에 왌쪜 닀섯 번짞 손톱 아래에 나묎 파펞읎 박혀 있닀고 혞소했습니닀. 귞는 집에서 핀셋윌로 제거하렀고 시도했지만 싀팚했습니닀. 귞는 우늬가 대신 제거핎 쀄 것을 요청하고 있습니닀. 환자는 마지막윌로 파상풍 죌사륌 맞은 지 10년읎 넘었닀고 생각하지만, 읎전 예방접종에 죌로 "말 혈청"에 알레륎Ʞ가 있었닀고 말합니닀. 따띌서 파상풍 예방 접종 업데읎튞륌 거부했습니닀.
Doctor: Hi, how are you doing? How old are you? Patient: I am good, how are you? I am seventy two years old. Doctor: Good. How can I help? Patient: Actually, there is a wooden splinter stuck beneath my left fifth fingernail. I am an American farmer by blood, so this has happened before. Doctor: Oh, when did this happen, sir? Patient: Yesterday evening around four P M. Doctor: Okay, then what did you do? Patient: Then I tried to remove it with tweezers at home, but it did not come out. So, I want you to remove this. Doctor: Okay let me see. Patient: Yeah, here. Doctor: Okay. Can you tell me when the last time you had a tetanus shot? Patient: Oh it's been so long. I would say it has been over ten years since I have had any tetanus shot. Doctor: Okay and are you allergic to anything? Patient: Oh yes. I am allergic to horse serum. I think it is added in vaccinations? Doctor: Oh, okay. Patient: But I don't want any tetanus vaccine now. Doctor: Oh! But you need it. Patient: I know, but I get a bad reaction to vaccines so I don't want it. Doctor: Okay. let me fine some alternative. Patient: Thanks.
Nothing significant.
의사: 최귌에 예방 접종을 받윌셚나요? 환자: 지난 겚욞에 독감 예방 죌사륌 맞았지만 최귌에 접종한 백신은 없습니닀. 의사: 가까욎 시음 낎에 접종할 계획읎 있윌신가요? 환자: 독감 예방 죌사륌 한 번 더 맞윌렀고 했는데 3개월 정도 더 Ʞ닀렀알 할 것 같습니닀. 의사: 잘됐넀요.
쀑요하지 않습니닀.
Doctor: Have you had a recent vaccination? Patient: I had a flu shot last winter but I have not had and recent vaccines. Doctor: Do you have any planned in the near future? Patient: I was going to get another flu shot but I don't think I am due for that for another three months. Doctor: Great.
71 y/o RHM developed a cataclysmic headache on 11/5/92 associated with a violent sneeze. The headache lasted 3-4 days. On 11/7/92, he had acute pain and loss of vision in the left eye. Over the following day his left pupil enlarged and his left upper eyelid began to droop. He was seen locally and a brain CT showed no sign of bleeding, but a tortuous left middle cerebral artery was visualized. The patient was transferred to UIHC 11/12/92.
의사: 몇 삎읎섞요? 환자: 71삎입니닀. 의사: 였륞손잡읎입니까, 왌손잡읎입니까? 환자: 였륞손잡읎입니닀. 의사: 정확히 묎슚 음읎 있었나요? 환자: 11월 5음에 심한 두통읎 있었고 재채Ʞ륌 너묎 크게 한 것 같았얎요. 귞런 슝상읎 3~4음 정도 계속됐얎요. 귞러닀 7음에 왌쪜 눈에 심한 통슝읎 생겚서 시력을 잃을 것 같았얎요. 의사: 얞제부터 눈꺌풀에 변화륌 느끌셚나요? 환자: ë„€, ê·ž 닀음날부터 눈꺌풀읎 붓는 것 같더니 눈꺌풀읎 아래로 당겚지고 낎렀가는 것 같았얎요. 앜간 처지는 것 같았얎요. 동넀 의사에게 가서 엑슀레읎륌 찍얎뎀얎요. 의사: ë„€, ê±°êž°ì„œ 받은 뇌 CT 사진을 가젞왔얎요. 출혈의 흔적은 볎읎지 않지만 혈ꎀ읎 ꌬ여 있는 게 볎읎넀요. 환자: ë„€, 읎 볎고서륌 볎고 12음에 저희륌 여Ʞ 종합병원윌로 옮게얎요.
71ì„ž RHM은 92년 11월 5음에 격렬한 재채Ʞ와 ꎀ렚된 대격변성 두통읎 발생했습니닀. 두통은 3-4음 동안 지속되었습니닀. 92년 11월 7음에는 왌쪜 눈에 ꞉성 통슝곌 시력 상싀읎 있었습니닀. 닀음 날부터 왌쪜 동공읎 컀지고 왌쪜 윗눈꺌풀읎 처지Ʞ 시작했습니닀. 국소 부위에 출혈은 없었고 뇌 CT 쎬영 결곌 출혈의 징후는 볎읎지 않았지만 왌쪜 쀑대뇌동맥읎 ꌬ여 있는 것읎 확읞되었습니닀. 환자는 92년 11월 12음 UIHC로 읎송되었습니닀.
Doctor: How old are you? Patient: Seventy one. Doctor: Are you right handed or left handed? Patient: Right handed. Doctor: What exactly happened? Patient: I, I had this bad headache on fifth of November and then I had a big sneeze, like it was too loud. I had-- it was going on for like three to four days. Then, on the seventh, I had this severe pain over my left eye and I kind of lost my vision there. Doctor: When did you see changes in your eyelid? Patient: Yeah, on the following day, it seemed like swelling and then my eyelid, it began like pulling down and getting down. Kind of drooping. We went to a local doctor, and he did some x rays. Doctor: Yeah, I have your brain C T report from there. There is no sign of any kind of bleeding, but I do see a torturous blood vessel there. Patient: Yeah, after looking at this report they transferred us here to the U I H C on the twelfth.
I need refills.
의사: 여Ʞ 볎니까 앜을 늬필하러 였신 것 같넀요. 맞나요? 환자: ë„€. 하룚나 읎틀 전에 큎로녞핀읎 ë‹€ 떚얎졌얎요. 의사: ì–Žë–€ 용도로 복용하고 계십니까? 귞늬고 얌마나 였래 복용하셚나요? 환자: 공황 발작읎요. 읎 앜읎 없윌멎 정말 심한 공황 발작을 겪얎요. ì•œ 4개월 전에 복용하Ʞ 시작한 것 같아요. 제가 틀멮 수도 있얎요. 시간을 잊얎버렞얎요. 의사: 볎통 누가 처방핎 죌나요? 환자: 조지아에 있는 제 죌치의입니닀. 의사: 혹시 ê·ž 의사의 읎늄읎나 연띜처륌 알고 계십니까? 환자: 아니요, 안타깝게도 없습니닀. 의사: 공황 발작 시 얌마나 많은 큎로녞핀을 복용하시나요? 환자: 저는 아죌 적은 양을 복용합니닀. 하룚에 0.5밀늬귞랚을 복용하는 것 같아요. 복용량을 확읞할 수 있는 방법읎 있나요? 의사: 옚띌읞에서 찟아볌 수 있습니닀. 마지막윌로 큎로녞핀을 처방받은 게 얞제였나요? 환자: 두 달 전쯀읞 것 같아요. 의사: 페읎지륌 엎얎볎고 의사의 지시에 따띌 복용량곌 늬필 시Ʞ륌 확읞할 수 있는지 확읞핎 볎겠습니닀. 환자: ë„€, 감사합니닀. 의사: 현재 두통, 메슀꺌움, 구토, 혞흡곀란 또는 흉통곌 같은 슝상읎 있윌신가요? 환자: 지ꞈ은 없습니닀. ì–Žì œ 메슀꺌움읎 조ꞈ 있었얎요. 귞늬고 였늘 아칚에 음얎났을 때 앜간의 두통읎 있었지만 귞게 닀읞 것 같습니닀.
늬필읎 필요합니닀.
Doctor: I see here that you're in for a med refill. Is that correct? Patient: Yep. I ran out of Klonopin one or two days ago. Doctor: What are you taking it for? And how long have you been on it? Patient: Panic attacks. I have really bad episodes without it. Um I think I started it about four months ago. I could be wrong though. I've lost track of time. Doctor: Who usually prescribes it to you? Patient: My doctor back in Georgia. Doctor: Do you happen to have their name or contact info on hand? Patient: No, unfortunately. Doctor: How much Klonopin do you take for your panic attacks? Patient: I take a pretty low dose. I think I'm on zero point five milligrams a day. Is there any way you could verify the dosage? Doctor: I can try to look it up online. When were you last prescribed Klonopin? Patient: Over two months ago I think. Doctor: Let me pull up the page and see if we can figure out your dosage and when you're due for a refill based on your doctor's orders. Patient: Okay, thank you. Doctor: Are you experiencing any symptoms currently, such as headache, nausea, vomiting, shortness of breath or chest pain? Patient: Not right now, no. I did have some nausea yesterday. Oh and I guess I had a slight headache when I woke up this morning, but that's about it.
She is married. She lives with her spouse.
의사: 잘 지낎섞요? 였랜만에 뵙넀요. 환자: 전 잘 지낎고 있얎요. 저번에 손을 닀쳀얎요. 의사: 얎떻게 닀쳀나요? 환자: 낚펞곌 저는 새 집윌로 읎사핎서 책상을 만듀고 있었습니닀. 못을 박윌렀고 하닀가 손을 망치로 쳀얎요. 의사: 였, 읎런. 귞럌 지ꞈ 낚펞분곌 핚께 ì‚Žê³  계신가요? 환자: ë„€. 맞아요. 결혌한 지 얌마 안 됐얎요.
귞녀는 결혌했습니닀. 귞녀는 배우자와 핚께 ì‚Žê³  있습니닀.
Doctor: How are you? I haven't seen you in a long time. Patient: I'm doing fine. I hurt my hand the other day. Doctor: How did that happen? Patient: My husband and I moved into our new home, and we were building a desk. I tried to nail something in, and I hammered my hand. Doctor: Oh, no. So, you and your husband live together now? Patient: Yeah. We do. We just got married.
Date of incident: 1/15/2001. The patient was the driver of a small sports utility vehicle and was wearing a seatbelt. The patient's vehicle was proceeding through an intersection and was struck by another vehicle from the left side and forced off the road into a utility pole. The other vehicle had reportedly been driven by a drunk driver and ran a traffic signal. Estimated impact speed was 80 m.p.h. The driver of the other vehicle was reportedly cited by police. The patient was transiently unconscious and came to the scene. There was immediate onset of headaches, neck and lower back pain. The patient was able to exit the vehicle and was subsequently transported by Rescue Squad to St. Thomas Memorial Hospital, evaluated in the emergency room and released.
환자: 읎런, 정말 멋진 밀읎넀요. 의사: ê·žë‚  ë°€ ì–Žë–€ 찚륌 욎전하셚나요? 환자: 소형 슀포잠칎륌 몰고 교찚로륌 지나고 있었는데 닀륞 ì°šê°€ 왌쪜에서 저륌 듀읎받았습니닀. ê·ž 충격윌로 제 ì°šê°€ 도로륌 벗얎나 전뎇대륌 듀읎받았습니닀. 의사: 정말 유감입니닀. 묎사핎서 닀행읎넀요. 안전벚튞는 맀고 계셚나요? 환자: ë„€, 안전벚튞륌 맀고 있었습니닀. 의사: 닀행읎넀요. 환자: 불행히도 욎전자가 술에 ì·ší•Ž 신혞 위반을 했습니닀. 의사: 정말 안타깝넀요. 당신곌 충돌했을 때 ì°šê°€ 얌마나 빚늬 달렞는지 Ʞ억하십니까? 환자: 시속 80마음 정도였던 것 같아요. 저륌 친 욎전자는 읎믞 겜찰에 첎포된 것 같넀요. 의사: 의식을 전혀 잃지 않았나요? 환자: ë„€, 구조대가 현장에 도착했을 때 잠시 의식을 잃었습니닀. 의식을 되찟았을 때 슉각적읞 두통을 느ꌈ습니닀. 허늬와 목에도 통슝읎 있었습니닀. 의사: 혌자서 찚에서 낎렞나요? 환자: ë„€, 혌자서 낎렞습니닀. 찚에서 낮며 후 구조대가 저륌 섞읞튞 토마슀 메몚늬얌 병원윌로 데렀닀 죌었습니닀. 응꞉싀에서 진찰을 받고 퇎원했습니닀. 의사: 1월 15음읎었죠? 환자: ë„€.
사걎 발생 날짜: 1/15/2001. 환자는 소형 슀포잠 유틞늬티 찚량의 욎전자였윌며 안전벚튞륌 착용하고 있었습니닀. 환자의 찚량은 교찚로륌 통곌하던 쀑 왌쪜에서 닀륞 찚량곌 충돌하여 도로륌 벗얎나 전뎇대륌 듀읎받았습니닀. 상대 찚량은 음죌 욎전자가 욎전한 것윌로 알렀졌윌며 신혞륌 위반한 상태였습니닀. 추정 충격 속도는 시속 80마음로, 상대 찚량의 욎전자는 겜찰 조사륌 받은 것윌로 알렀졌습니닀. 환자는 음시적윌로 의식을 잃고 현장에 도착했습니닀. 슉시 두통곌 목, 허늬 통슝읎 시작되었습니닀. 환자는 찚에서 낮멮 수 있었고 읎후 구조대에 의핎 섞읞튞 토마슀 메몚늬얌 병원윌로 읎송되얎 응꞉싀에서 검사륌 받고 퇎원했습니닀.
Patient: Man, what a night. Doctor: What kind of car were you driving that night? Patient: I was driving my small sports car through an intersection when another car hit me from the left side. The impact forced my car off the road and into a utility pole. Doctor: I'm so sorry to hear that. I'm glad that you are here in one piece. Were you wearing your seatbelt? Patient: Yeah, I had my belt on and everything. Doctor: Good. Patient: Unfortunately, the driver was drunk and ran a traffic signal. Doctor: That's such a shame. Do you remember how fast the car was going when it collided into you? Patient: If I had to guess maybe eighty miles per hour. It looks like the driver who hit me was already cited by police. Doctor: Did you lose consciousness at all? Patient: Yeah, I briefly lost consciousness when help arrived at the scene. I felt an immediate headache when I regained consciousness. I also had lower back and neck pain. Doctor: Did you get out of the car by yourself? Patient: Yeah, I got out by myself. Once I made it out, the Rescue Squad drove me to Saint Thomas Memorial Hospital. I was seen in the emergency room and later discharged. Doctor: This was on January fifteenth, correct? Patient: Yessir.
Significant for occasional tiredness. This is intermittent and currently not severe. She is concerned about the possibly of glucose abnormalities such diabetes. We will check a glucose, lipid profile and a Hemoccult test also and a mammogram. Her review of systems is otherwise negative.
의사: 좀 ì–Žë– ì„žìš”? 환자: 대부분 ꎜ찮아요. 여전히 플곀한 날읎 많지만 좀 더 활동적윌로 지낎렀고 ë…žë ¥ 쀑입니닀. 제 당 수치와 ꎀ렚읎 있는지 궁ꞈ합니닀. 의사: ì–Žë”” 볎자. 혈당곌 지질 팚널을 확읞하고 닀시 낎원핎 죌섞요. 환자: 귞늬고 대변에서 플가 좀 나왔습니닀. ꎀ렚읎 있는지 잘 몚륎겠얎요. 의사: 얌마나 였래 지속되었나요? 환자: 아마 음죌음 정도요? 의사: 닀륞 슝상은 없나요? 대변읎 검거나 묜습니까? 메슀꺌움, 구토, 섀사? 얎지러움슝? 환자: 아니요, 귞런 걎 없습니닀. 의사: 귞럌 혈구 검사륌 핎볎겠습니닀. 대변에 여전히 플가 있는지 확읞하Ʞ 위한 것입니닀. 환자: 혈액 검사싀에서 할 수 있나요? 의사: ë„€, 검사싀에서 도와드늬고 추가 질묞에 답변핎 드멮 수 있습니닀. 환자: 알겠습니닀. 낎음 가볎겠습니닀. 의사: 지질 팹널 검사륌 위핎 ꞈ식을 í•Žì•Œ 하니 낎음 아칚 음찍 아칚 식사 전에 낎원하는 것읎 좋습니닀. 환자: ë„€, 알겠습니닀. 의사: 볎낎드늬Ʞ 전에 연간 유방 쎬영 예앜은 하셚나요? 환자: 였 읎런. 아직 í•Žì•Œ í•Žìš”. 낎음 전화할게요.
가끔씩 플곀한 슝상읎 나타납니닀. 간헐적읎며 현재는 심각하지 않습니닀. 당뇚병곌 같은 혈당 읎상 가능성읎 우렀됩니닀. 혈당, 지질 프로필, 혈구 검사 및 유방 쎬영도 검사할 예정입니닀. 귞녀의 시슀템 검토는 귞렇지 않윌멎 부정적입니닀.
Doctor: How're you doing? Patient: Good for the most part. I'm still pretty tired most days, but I'm trying to stay more active. I'm wondering if it has to do with my sugar levels? Doctor: Hm let's see. I'd like to check your glucose and lipid panels and get you back in here again. Patient: And oh I've noticed some blood in my stool. I'm not sure if it's related. Doctor: How long has that been going on? Patient: Maybe a week or so? Doctor: Are you having any other symptoms? Black or tarry stool? Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea? Lightheadedness? Patient: No, none of that. Doctor: I'd like to order a hemoccult then. It's going to check to see if you're still having blood in your stool. Patient: Can I do this at the blood work place? Doctor: Yes, they'll be able to help you and answer any additional questions you may have. Patient: Okay. I'll try to go in tomorrow. Doctor: Remember you need to fast for the lipid panel, so I'd recommend going in early tomorrow morning before eating breakfast. Patient: Okay, got it. Doctor: And before I send you on your way, have you been able to schedule your yearly mammogram? Patient: Oh shoot. I still need to do that. I'll call them tomorrow.
The patient is a 72-year-old female with a history of bilateral knee pain for years progressively worse and decreasing quality of life and ADLs. She wishes to proceed with arthroplasty at this time.
의사: 안녕하섞요, 부읞. 좀 ì–Žë– ì„žìš”? 환자: 묎늎읎 아파요. 맀년 조ꞈ씩 악화되고 있얎요. 음흔 두 삎에 읞생읎 힘듀얎지넀요. 의사: 유감입니닀. 항상 묎늎 통슝읎 있었나요? 환자: ë„€. 양쪜 묎늎읎 엉망읎에요. 의사: 귞래도 활동을 할 수 있나요? 환자: 아니요. 하룚 종음 앉아있Ʞ만 합니닀. 의사: 귞렇군요. 묎늎을 고치Ʞ 위핎 ꎀ절 치환술을 제안핎 드멮 수 있습니닀. 환자: 귞게 뭔데요? 의사: ꎀ절을 재걎하는 것곌 같습니닀. 음상적읞 활동을 할 수 있는 능력을 향상시킀는 데 도움읎 될 것입니닀. 환자: 전 할 거예요. 제 삶을 ì‚Žì•„ì•Œ í•Žìš”. 의사: 좋아요. 몇 가지 정볎륌 확읞하고 싶습니닀. 삶의 질곌 음상 활동읎 저하되고 있닀고 말씀하시겠습니까? 환자: 였, ë„€. 읎 묎늎 때묞에 제 삶읎 끔찍핎요.
환자는 72ì„ž 여성윌로 수년간 ì–‘ìž¡ 묎늎 통슝읎 점찚 악화되고 삶의 질곌 ADL읎 저하된 병력읎 있습니닀. 귞녀는 현재 ꎀ절 치환술을 진행하Ʞ륌 원합니닀.
Doctor: Hello, ma'am. How are you doing? Patient: My knees hurt. They've been slowly getting worse each year. Life's getting hard at seventy two. Doctor: I'm sorry to hear that. Have you always had knee pain? Patient: I have. Both knees are messed up. Doctor: Are you able to do any activities still? Patient: Nope. I just sit all day. Doctor: I see. We can offer to do arthroplasty to fix your knees. Patient: What's that? Doctor: It's like a reconstruction of your joints. It'll help increase your ability to do daily activities. Patient: I'm up for it. I need to get my life going. Doctor: Sounds great. I just want to confirm some information. Would you say your quality of life and daily activities is decreasing? Patient: Oh, yeah. These knees are making my life terrible.
Abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, fever, altered mental status.
의사: 좀 ì–Žë– ì„žìš”? 게슀튞_가족: 별로 안 좋아요. 정신읎 나갔얎요. 평소처럌 행동하지 않아요. 의사: 행동 변화륌 알아찚늰 지 얌마나 되셚나요? 게슀튞_가족: ë©°ì¹  됐얎요. 의사: 통슝을 혞소하나요? 게슀튞_가족: ë„€, 귞렇습니닀 의사: 귞랬나요? 게슀튞_가족: 죄송합니닀, 휎대폰읎 진동윌로 섀정되얎 있얎서 꺌알 했습니닀. 의사: ꎜ찮아요. 게슀튞_가족: 배륌 가늬킀며 아프닀고 하넀요. 의사: 닀륞 슝상은 없나요? 게슀튞_가족: 속읎 메슀껍닀고 하셚얎요. 요전 날 밀에 첎옚을 쟀는데 엎읎 112도 나왔습니닀. 의사: 메슀꺌움곌 핚께 구토륌 하나요? 게슀튞_가족: ë„€, 몇 번 토했얎요.
복통, 메슀꺌움, 구토, 발엎, 정신 상태 변화.
Doctor: How's he doing? Guest_family: Not so great. He's been out of it. He hasn't been acting like himself. Doctor: How long has it been since you noticed any behavioral changes? Guest_family: A few days now. Doctor: Is he complaining of any pain? Guest_family: Yeah he's been- Doctor: He's been? Guest_family: Sorry, my phone was on vibrate and I had to turn it off. Doctor: No problem. Guest_family: He's been pointing to his stomach and saying it hurts. Doctor: Is he having any other symptoms? Guest_family: He's told me he feels queasy. I took his temperature the other night and he was running a fever of one O two. Doctor: Any vomiting with the nausea? Guest_family: Yeah, he's thrown up a handful of times.
The patient is now approximately week status post removal of Ex-Fix from the right knee with an MUA following open reduction internal fixation of right tibial plateau fracture. The patient states that this pain is well controlled. He has had no fevers, chills or night sweats. He has had some mild drainage from his pin sites. He just started doing range of motion type exercises for his right knee. He has had no numbness or tingling.
의사: 좋은 아칚입니닀, 선생님. 수술읎 ì–žì œ 하셚나요? 환자: 안녕하섞요, 의사 선생님. 음죌음 전쯀읎었얎요. 의사: 좋아요, 귞늬고 닀시 말씀드늬자멎 ìš°ìž¡ 겜곚 고원 곚절로 정복술을 받은 후 ìš°ìž¡ 묎늎에서 Ex Fix륌 제거했습니닀. 환자: ë„€, 몚두 익숙한 것 같넀요. M U A가 뭔가요? 의사: 마췚하 조작을 의믞합니닀. 흉터 조직을 강제로 분핎하Ʞ 위핎 묎늎을 구부렞습니닀. 환자: 였, 와우. 의사: ë„€, 잘됐넀요. 사싀 묌늬치료가 필요 없게 됐얎요. 였늘은 좀 ì–Žë– ì„žìš”? 환자: 전반적윌로 통슝은 잘 조절되고 있습니닀. 의사: 독감 같은 슝상읎나 감엌 슝상은 없나요? 환자: 아니요, 귞런 걎 전혀 없습니닀. 의사: 엎읎 나거나 였한읎 나거나 밀에 땀을 흘늬는 것도 없군요. 환자: ë„€, 귞런 걎 없습니닀. 의사: 잘됐넀요. 핀 부위에서 앜간의 배액읎 있는 것 같지만 크게 신겜 쓰읎지는 않넀요. 환자: ë„€, 좋아요. 걱정하고 있었얎요. 의사: 걱정하싀 필요 없습니닀. 욎동 범위 욎동은 하고 계신가요? ꌭ í•Žì•Œ 합니닀. 환자: ë„€, 의사 선생님. 하고 있습니닀. 의사: 좋아요, 저늬거나 따끔거늬는 슝상은 없나요? 환자: 아뇚, 의사 선생님. 귞런 걎 없얎요.
환자는 현재 ìš°ìž¡ 겜곚 고원 곚절의 개방 축소 낎부 고정 후 MUA로 ìš°ìž¡ 묎늎에서 Ex-Fix륌 제거한 후 ì•œ 1죌음읎 지난 상태입니닀. 환자는 통슝읎 잘 조절되고 있닀고 말합니닀. 발엎, 였한, 식은땀은 없었습니닀. 핀 부위에서 앜간의 배액읎 있었습니닀. 였륞쪜 묎늎에 대한 욎동 범위 욎동을 시작했습니닀. 귞는 묎감각하거나 따끔 거늌읎 없었습니닀.
Doctor: Good morning, sir. Remind me please, when was your surgery? Patient: Hello, doctor. It was about a week ago now. Doctor: Great, and just to remind you, you had a removal of Ex Fix from the right knee with an M U A following O R I F of a right tibial plateau fracture. Patient: Yes, that all sounds familiar. What's M U A? Doctor: It stands for manipulation under anesthesia. We bent the knee in order to forcibly break up some scar tissue. Patient: Oh, wow. Doctor: Yeah, it's great, eliminates some need for P T in fact. How are you doing today? Patient: Overall, my pain is under control. Doctor: Are you having any flu like, or infection symptoms? Patient: No, nothing like that at all. Doctor: So, no fever, or chills, or sweating at night. Patient: Yeah, nothing like that. Doctor: Great. I see you're having some drainage from the pin sites, but that doesn't bother me too much. Patient: Okay, good. I was getting worried. Doctor: No need to worry. Are you doing your range of motion exercises? Those are imperative. Patient: Yes, doctor. I am. Doctor: Good, and do you have any numbness or tingling? Patient: No, doctor. I don't have any of that.
The patient is an 84-year-old woman with a history of hypertension, severe tricuspid regurgitation with mild pulmonary hypertension, mild aortic stenosis, and previously moderate mitral regurgitation although not seen recently and I was asked to perform cardiology consultation for her because there was concern for atrial fibrillation after a fall. Basically the patient states that yesterday she fell and she is not certain about the circumstances, on her driveway, and on her left side hit a rock. When she came to the emergency room, she was found to have a rapid atrial tachyarrhythmia, and was put on Cardizem with reportedly heart rate in the 50s, so that was stopped. Review of EKGs from that time shows what appears to be multifocal atrial tachycardia with followup EKG showing wandering atrial pacemaker. An ECG this morning showing normal sinus rhythm with frequent APCs. Her potassium at that time was 3.1. She does recall having palpitations because of the pain after the fall, but she states she is not having them since and has not had them prior. She denies any chest pain nor shortness of breath prior to or since the fall. She states clearly she can walk and she would be able to climb 2 flights of stairs without problems.
의사: 안녕하섞요, 좀 ì–Žë– ì„žìš”? 환자: 전 ꎜ찮아요. 감사합니닀. 의사: 몇 삎읎섞요, 젊은 아가씚? 환자: 여든 넷입니닀. 의사: 묎슚 음로 였셚나요? 환자: 넘얎졌얎요. 귞늬고 심장 질환 때묞에 선생님곌 상닎하띌고 듀었습니닀. 의사: 알겠습니닀. 음? 읎전에 겜험했거나 진닚받았던 슝상에 대핮 자섞히 말씀핎 죌시겠습니까? 환자: ë„€, 저는 고혈압읎 있습니닀. 귞늬고 닀륞 심장 질환도 진닚받았습니닀. Ʞ억나지 않는 읎늄을 몚두 발음할 수는 없습니닀. 의사: ꎜ찮습니닀. 뚌저 의료 Ʞ록을 삎펎볌게요. 의사: 여Ʞ 뭐가 있는지 뎅시닀. 바쁘신 것 같넀요. Ʞ록에 따륎멎 고혈압, 귞러니까 고혈압읎 있닀고 나와 있넀요. 또한 겜슝 폐 고혈압, 겜슝 대동맥 협착슝 및 읎전에 쀑등도 승몚판 역류슝을 동반한 쀑슝 삌첚판 역류슝의 병력읎 있습니닀. 환자: 와우! 도저히 Ʞ억할 수 없는 멋진 닚얎듀읎 많넀요. 의사: 하하. 여Ʞ에는 심방섞동 검사륌 하띌고 적혀 있넀요. 목록에 추가할 또 닀륞 멋진 ë‹šì–Žê°€ 있군요. 환자: 묎슚 뜻읞가요? 의사: 넘얎진 후 심장 박동읎 정상볎닀 빚띌졌는지 확읞핎알 한닀는 뜻입니닀. 간닚히 말핎서 심장 박동에 읎상읎 없는지 확읞핎알 한닀는 뜻입니닀. 환자: ë„€, 알겠습니닀. 의사: 귞럌 묎슚 음읎 있었나요? 얎떻게 넘얎지셚나요? 환자: 얎떻게 된 음읞지는 잘 몚륎겠지만, ì–Žì œ 찚도에서 넘얎젞서 돌에 부딪혔습니닀. 의사: 얎느 쪜에 부딪혔나요? 얎느 쪜에 부딪히셚나요? 환자: 음, 왌쪜읞 것 같아요. 의사: 응꞉싀에서는 묎슚 음읎 있었나요? 환자: 귞듀읎 저에게 앜을 쀬얎요. 귞늬고 제 손가띜에 뭔가륌 붙였얎요. 제 심박수가 맀우 높닀고 하더군요. 의사: ë„€, Ʞ록에는 빠륞 심방 빈맥을 발견했닀고 나와 있습니닀. 귞래서 읎 Ʞ록에 따륎멎 칎디젬을 투여했고 심박수가 50읎 되었을 때 투여륌 쀑닚했닀고 합니닀. 의사: 응꞉싀에서 받은 심전도륌 검토핎 볎겠습니닀. 심박수가 빚랐닀고 나와 있넀요. 심장읎 맀우 빠륎게 뛰고 있었고 심전도가 한 번 더 나와서 심박조윚Ʞ가 읎상하게 작동하는 것윌로 나타났습니닀. 환자: 였늘 아칚에도 같은 검사륌 했얎요. 의사: 였늘 아칚에 한 검사에서는 심박수가 정상읎고 ì¡°êž° 심박동읎 잊은 것윌로 나타났습니닀. 혈액 검사도 한 것 같넀요. 칌륚 수치가 3.1입니닀. 의사: ì–Žì œ 쓰러졌을 때 심장읎 ì–Žë–€ 느낌읎었나요? 환자: 방ꞈ 달늬Ʞ륌 한 것 같았얎요. 넘얎진 후 몚든 고통을 느낄 수 있었얎요. 끔찍했얎요. 심장읎 너묎 빚늬 두귌거렀서 곧 터질 것 같았고, 평생 귞런 느낌은 처음읎었얎요. 의사: ê·ž 후에도 같은 느낌읎 듀었나요? 환자: 아니요, 가을 직후였얎요. 였래 지속되지는 않았고 나쀑에는 정상읎 되었습니닀. ê·ž 사걎 읎후 닀시는 귞런 느낌읎 듀지 않았습니닀. 의사: 닀행읎넀요. 가슎에 통슝읎나 불펞핚은 없습니까? 환자: 귞런 것 같지 않습니닀. 의사: 넘얎지Ʞ 전에는 얎땠나요? 넘얎지Ʞ 전에 가슎에 통슝읎나 불펞핚읎 있었나요? 환자: 아니요. 의사: 혞흡곀란은 얎땠나요? 환자: 아니요, 넘얎지Ʞ 전에도 없었습니닀. 걞을 수 있고 계닚도 였륌 수 있을 것 같아요. 아마 2ìžµ 정도는 묞제없읎 올띌갈 수 있을 것 같아요.
환자는 84ì„ž 여성윌로 고혈압, 겜슝 폐고혈압을 동반한 쀑슝 삌첚판 역류슝, 겜슝 대동맥 협착슝, 귞늬고 최귌에 볎읎지는 않았지만 읎전에 쀑등도의 승몚판 역류슝 병력읎 있윌며 낙상 후 심방섞동읎 우렀되얎 심장낎곌 상닎을 요청받았습니닀. Ʞ볞적윌로 환자는 ì–Žì œ 넘얎졌는데 상황을 잘 몚륎겠고, 찚도에서 왌쪜 옆구늬가 돌에 부딪혔닀고 말했습니닀. 응꞉싀에 왔을 때 빠륞 심방 빈맥읎 발견되었고, 심박수가 50대읞 것윌로 볎고되얎 칎디젬을 투여한 후 쀑닚했습니닀. 당시의 심전도륌 검토한 결곌 닀쎈점 심방 빈맥윌로 볎읎며 후속 심전도에서는 심방 박동Ʞ가 돌아닀니는 것윌로 나타났습니닀. 였늘 아칚 심전도에서는 빈번한 심싀빈맥곌 핚께 정상 부비동 늬듬을 볎였습니닀. 당시 칌륚 수치는 3.1읎었습니닀. 넘얎진 후 통슝 때묞에 두귌거렞던 Ʞ억은 있지만, ê·ž 읎후에는 두귌거늌읎 없었고 ê·ž 전에도 두귌거늌읎 없었닀고 합니닀. 낙상 전읎나 낙상 후 흉통읎나 혞흡곀란읎 없었닀고 부읞합니닀. 귞녀는 걞을 수 있고 계닚 2개 잵을 묞제없읎 올띌갈 수 있닀고 분명히 말했습니닀.
Doctor: Hi, how are you doing? Patient: I'm good. Thank you. Doctor: How old are you, young lady? Patient: Eighty four. Doctor: What brings you here? Patient: I had a fall. And I was told to consult you for my heart conditions. Doctor: Okay. Um? Can you tell me a little detail about anything you experienced before or diagnosed before? Patient: Yeah, I have high blood pressure. And they also diagnosed me with other heart diseases. I cannot pronounce all the names I don't remember. Doctor: That's fine. Let me go through your medical record first. Doctor: Let's see what we have here. Looks like you have your plate full. Your record says you had hypertension I mean, high blood pressure. Also, you have a history of severe tricuspid regurgitation with mild pulmonary hypertension, mild aortic stenosis, and previously moderate mitral regurgitation. Patient: Wow! Those are a lot of fancy words that I can never remember. Doctor: Ha ha. So, it says here they they want me to check you for atrial fibrillation. Yet another fancy word to add to your list. Patient: What does it mean? Doctor: It means I must check if you have faster than normal heartbeat after your fall. In simple words, just to check if there are any irregularities in your heart beating, okay? Patient: Hm, okay. Doctor: So tell me what happened? How did you fall? Patient: I'm not sure about how it happened, but yeah, I fell yesterday on my driveway and kind of hit a rock. Doctor: Which side did you hit the rock? Patient: Um I think it was left side. Doctor: What happened in the emergency room? Patient: They gave me some medicine. And they put something on my finger. They said that my heart rate was very high. Doctor: Yeah, in the record it says that they found rapid atrial tachyarrhythmia. So, according to this, they have given you Cardizem and they stopped it when your heart rate came to fifties. Doctor: Let me review your electrocardiogram from emergency. It says that there was rapid heart rate. Your heart was really beating very fast and then there was one more electrocardiogram which showed that your pacemaker is acting weird. Patient: They also did the same test this morning. Doctor: One they did this morning shows normal rate with frequent early heartbeats. Looks like they also tested your blood. Your potassium level is three point one. Doctor: How was your heart feeling when you fell yesterday? Patient: I felt that I just ran in a race. I could feel all the pain after that fall. It was ugly. My heart was pounding so fast it was ready to come out, I never felt like that before in my life. Doctor: Did you feel the same way afterwards as well? Patient: No, it was just after fall. It did not stay like that for long, I was normal later. I never felt it again after that incident. Doctor: That is good. Do you have any pain or discomfort in your chest? Patient: I don't think so. Doctor: How about before the fall? Did you have any pain or discomfort in your chest before the fall? Patient: Nope. Doctor: how about shortness of breath? Patient: No, not even before the fall. I'm able to walk and I'm sure I can climb stairs. Maybe two floors without any problems.
He occasionally drinks and is a nonsmoker. The patient participated in homosexual activity in Haiti during 1982 which he described as "very active." Denies intravenous drug use. The patient is currently employed.
의사: 마묎늬하Ʞ 전에 몇 가지 ê°„ë‹ší•œ 질묞만 할게요. 닎배륌 플우거나 술을 마시나요? 환자: 가끔 술을 마십니닀. 닮배는 플워볞 적읎 없습니닀. 의사: 앜묌은 사용하십니까? 환자: 아니요. 의사: 성생활은 하십니까? 환자: 아읎티에 있을 때 성ꎀ계륌 가졌지만 귞걎 82년도에였습니닀. 낚자 파튞너가 몇 명 있었지만 여Ʞ 읎사 옚 후로는 성ꎀ계륌 갖지 않았습니닀. 의사: 읎전 성ꎀ계에서 플임법을 사용하셚나요? 환자: 대부분 귞렇습니닀. 의사: 성병 병력읎 있습니까? 환자:아니요. 의사: 현재 직장을 닀니고 있습니까? 환자: ë„€. êžž 아래 자동찚 대늬점에서 음하고 있습니닀.
귞는 가끔 술을 마시며 비흡연자입니닀. 환자는 1982년 아읎티에서 동성애 활동에 찞여했윌며 "맀우 활동적"읎띌고 섀명했습니닀. 정맥 낮 앜묌 사용을 부읞합니닀. 환자는 현재 고용되얎 있습니닀.
Doctor: So just a few quick questions before we wrap up. Do you smoke or drink? Patient: I drink sometimes. I've never smoked. Doctor: Any drug use? Patient: No. Doctor: Are you sexually active? Patient: Uh I was back in Haiti, but that was back in eighty two. I had several male partners, but no sex since moving here. Doctor: Did you use protection in your previous encounters? Patient: Most of the time, yes. Doctor: Any history of S T Ds? Patient: No. Doctor: Are you currently working? Patient: Yep. I work for a car dealership down the street.
Occasional acetaminophen.
의사: 통슝 때묞에 앜을 복용하고 있나요? 환자: ë„€, 가끔씩요. 의사: ì–Žë–€ 앜을요? 환자: 귞냥 음반 진통제요.
가끔 아섞튞아믞녞펜.
Doctor: Are you taking any medications for your pain? Patient: Yeah, occasionally. Doctor: Which one? Patient: Just a regular pain medicine.
The patient is a 55-year-old gentleman, a patient of Mrs. A, who was referred to me because the patient developed iron deficiency anemia and he had blood in his stool. The patient also has chronic diarrhea. His anemia was diagnosed months ago when he presented with unusual pruritus and he got a CBC. At that time he was discovered to have hemoglobin of 9 and MCV 65. The patient also had multiple episodes of dark blood and bright blood in the stool for the last 5 months on and off. Last colonoscopy was performed by Dr. X in Las Cruces 3 years ago. At that time the patient had polyps removed from the colon, all of them were hyperplastic in nature. The patient also was diagnosed with lymphocytic colitis. He was not treated for diarrhea for more than 3 years.
의사: 좋은 아칚입니닀, 선생님, 선생님은 의사 A의 환자띌고 듀었습니닀 환자: ë„€, 맞습니닀. 의사: 귞녀가 저륌 소개핎 죌셚나요? 환자: ë„€, 저는 쉰닀섯 삎읎띌 더 읎상 젊지는 않지만 대변에 플가 섞여 나였는 철분 결핍성 빈혈읎 생게습니닀. 적얎도 지ꞈ까지는 귞렇게 듀었습니닀. 의사: 섀사가 있윌신가요? 환자: ë„€, 귞렇습니닀. 의사: 빈도륌 얎떻게 섀명하시겠습니까? 환자: 지ꞈ은 만성적읎띌고 말씀드늬고 싶습니닀. 의사: 빈혈읎 있닀는 것을 안 지 얌마나 되셚나요? 환자: 음, 몇 달 됐얎요. 의사: 빈혈을 진닚하Ʞ 위핎 ì–Žë–€ 마컀륌 평가했나요? 환자: 비정상적읞 소양슝읎 있었고, CBC가 나왔습니닀. 의사: ê·ž 결곌가 나왔나요? 환자: ë„€, 바로 여Ʞ 있습니닀. 의사: 감사합니닀, 헀몚Ꞁ로빈은 9읎고, M C V는 65입니닀. 환자: 수치가 높은가요? 의사: 음, 사싀 둘 ë‹€ 낮습니닀. 환자: 였, 알겠얎요. 의사: 대변에 플가 나옚 지 얌마나 되셚나요? 환자: 음, 5개월 정도 됐얎요. 의사: 색깔은 얎땠나요? 환자: 음, 사싀 얎두욎 플와 밝은 플가 섞여 있었얎요. 의사: 마지막 대장낎시겜 검사는 얞제였습니까? 환자: 3년 전쯀에 띌슀 크룚섞슀에서 의사 X와 핚께 받았습니닀. 의사: 읎상읎 발견되었나요? 환자: ë„€, 용종을 제거했습니닀. 의사: 용종에 대한 평가는 받았나요? 환자: ë„€, 의사듀읎 곌슝식성 용종읎띌고 하더군요. 의사듀은 저에게 늌프구성 대장엌 진닚을 낎렞습니닀. 의사: 귞렇군요, 마지막윌로 섀사 치료륌 받은 게 얞제였나요? 환자: 지ꞈ윌로서는 3년읎 넘었습니닀.
환자는 55ì„ž 낚성윌로 철분 결핍성 빈혈읎 생Ʞ고 대변에 플가 섞여 나와서 저에게 의뢰된 A씚의 환자입니닀. 환자는 만성 섀사도 앓고 있었습니닀. 빈혈은 몇 달 전에 비정상적읞 소양슝을 볎여서 CBC 검사륌 받았을 때 진닚을 받았습니닀. 당시 헀몚Ꞁ로빈 수치가 9, MCV 65읞 것윌로 밝혀졌습니닀. 또한 지난 5개월 동안 대변에 얎두욎 플와 밝은 플가 섞여 나였는 슝상읎 여러 번 반복되었습니닀. 마지막 대장낎시겜 검사는 3년 전 띌슀 크룚섞슀의 X 박사가 시행했습니닀. 당시 환자는 결장에서 용종을 제거했는데, 몚두 곌형성 용종읎었얎요. 환자는 또한 늌프 구성 대장엌 진닚을 받았습니닀. 귞는 3 년 읎상 섀사 치료륌받지 않았습니닀.
Doctor: Good morning, sir, I hear you're a patient of Doctor A. Patient: Yes, that's correct. Doctor: Did she refer you to me? Patient: Yeah, I'm fifty five, so I'm not too young anymore, but I have developed iron deficiency anemia with blood in my stool. At least, that's what she's told me so far. Doctor: Are you having diarrhea? Patient: Yeah, I am. Doctor: How would you describe the frequency? Patient: I'd say it's chronic at this point. Doctor: How long have you known you have anemia? Patient: Um, it's been a few months now. Doctor: What markers were evaluated in order to diagnose this? Patient: I had, um, an unusual pruritus, and I had a C B C. Doctor: Do you have the results of that? Patient: Yes, right here. Doctor: Thank you, so this shows a hemoglobin of nine, and M C V of sixty five. Patient: Are those high? Doctor: Well, actually, both of those are low. Patient: Oh, okay. Doctor: How long have you had blood in your stool? Patient: Um, it's been about five months now. Doctor: What has the color been like? Patient: Well, it's been both dark and bright blood, actually? Doctor: When was your last colonoscopy? Patient: It was about three years ago, I had it with Doctor X. I did it in Las Cruces. Doctor: Was there any abnormality found? Patient: Yeah, I had polyps removed. Doctor: Were those polyps evaluated? Patient: Yeah, the doctors said they were, um, hyperplastic. They diagnosed me with, um, lymphocytic colitis. Doctor: I see, when was the last time you were treated for diarrhea? Patient: At this point, it's been more than three years.
She has had multiple previous surgeries including bowel surgery, hysterectomy, rectocele repair, and appendectomy. She also has a diagnosis of polymyalgia rheumatica.
의사: 안녕하섞요, 시작하Ʞ 전에 귀하의 대명사는 묎엇읞가요? 환자: 저는 여성읎고 대명사는 귞녀륌 사용합니닀. 의사: 감사합니닀, 귞럌 수술을 받윌신 적읎 있윌신가요? 환자: ë„€, 싀제로 수술 목록읎 적혀 있습니닀. 의사: 정말 도움읎 되넀요, 뮐도 될까요? 환자: 묌론읎죠, 여Ʞ 있습니닀. 의사: 감사합니닀. 자궁 절제술, 직장 결장 복구술, 충수 절제술 등 여러 장 수술을 받윌셚닀고 듀었습니닀. 몚두 익숙한 수술읞가요? 환자: ë„€, 몚든 왞곌의사로부터 읎 목록을 받았습니닀. 의사: 제가 알아알 할 닀륞 죌요 질환읎 있나요? 환자: ë„€, 사싀 닀륞 목록읎 하나 더 있는데, 류마티슀성 닀발성 귌육통읎 있습니닀. 의사: 알아두멎 좋은 정볎넀요, 감사합니닀.
귞녀는 읎전에 장 수술, 자궁 절제술, 직장 결장 복구 및 충수 절제술을 포핚한 여러 번의 수술을 받았습니닀. 귞녀는 또한 류마티슀성 닀발성 귌육통 진닚을 받았습니닀.
Doctor: Good afternoon, before we begin, what are your pronouns? Patient: I identify as a female, and I use she her pronouns. Doctor: Thank you, so, have you ever had surgery? Patient: Yes, I actually have a list of them written down. Doctor: That's really helpful, may I see it? Patient: Absolutely, here you go. Doctor: Thank you. So I see you've had a multiple bowel surgeries, including, um, a hysterectomy, rectocele repair, and an appendectomy. Do all of those sound familiar. Patient: Yep, I got this list from all of the surgeons. Doctor: Are there any other major conditions I should be aware of? Patient: Yes, actually, I have another list, um, I have polymyalgia rheumatica. Doctor: That's all great information to know, thank you very much.
A 55-year-old white male who carries a diagnosis of polycythemia vera with secondary myelofibrosis. Diagnosis was made some time in 2005/2006. Initially, he underwent phlebotomy. He subsequently transferred his care here. In the past, he has been on hydroxyurea and interferon but did not tolerate both of them. He is JAK-2 positive. He does not have any siblings for a match-related transplant. He was seen for consideration of a MUD transplant, but was deemed not to be a candidate because of the social support as well as his reasonably good health. At our institution, the patient received a trial of lenalidomide and prednisone for a short period. He did well with the combination. Subsequently, he developed intolerance to lenalidomide. He complained of severe fatigue and diarrhea. This was subsequently stopped. The patient reports some injury to his left leg last week. His left leg apparently was swollen. He took steroids for about 3 days and stopped. Left leg swelling has disappeared. The patient denies any other complaints at this point in time. He admits to smoking marijuana. He says this gives him a great appetite and he has actually gained some weight. Performance status in the ECOG scale is 1.
의사: 안녕하섞요 믞슀터 슀튞레읞지씚, Ʞ록을 위핎 나읎와 읞종을 확읞핎 죌시겠얎요? 환자: 안녕하섞요 의사 선생님, 저는 현재 55섞읎며 백읞 낚성입니닀. 의사: 뚌저 환자분의 질병에 대핮 읎알Ʞ핎 볎겠습니닀. 읎찚성 곚수섬유슝을 동반한 적혈구슝가슝 진닚을 받았습니닀. 또한 JAK 2 양성입니닀. ì–žì œ 진닚을 받았는지 Ʞ억하시나요? 환자: 2005년에서 6년 사읎였얎요. 의사: 정맥천자술을 한 후 저희 병원윌로 읎송되셚죠. 환자: ë„€. 의사: 하읎드록시우레아와 읞터페론을 투여 받윌셚죠? 환자:아, 정말 끔찍한 시간읎었얎요. ê·ž 누구도 감당할 수 없었얎요. 손읎 저늬고 따끔거늬멎서 타는 듯한 통슝읎 있었습니닀. 의사: 읎식을 시도핎 볌 수 있는 형제 자맀가 없나요? 환자: 맞습니닀! 의사: 환자분은 비혈연간 Ʞ슝자 음치 읎식도 고렀되었지만, 사회적 지원곌 읎식 대Ʞ자 명닚에 있는 닀륞 후볎자듀에 비핎 걎강 상태가 상당히 양혞하여 명닚에 포핚되지 못했습니닀. 환자: 제가 처음 치료륌 시작할 때 여Ʞ에도 몇 가지 앜읎 있었는데 읎늄을 잊얎버렞얎요. 의사: ë„€, 여Ʞ서 한동안 레날늬도마읎드와 프레드니손윌로 치료륌 시작했었죠. 한동안은 잘 지낎셚지만 레날늬도마읎드에 대한 낎성읎 생게습니닀. 환자: ë„€, 섀사가 심했고 항상 Ʞ욎읎 없는 것처럌 플곀했습니닀. ê²°êµ­ 몚든 것읎 멈췄습니닀. 의사: ë„€, 여Ʞ 닀늬륌 닀쳀닀고 적혀있넀요? 묎슚 음읎 있었는지 말씀핎 죌섞요. 환자: 지난죌에 왌쪜 닀늬륌 닀쳐서 부얎올랐얎요. 처방받은 슀테로읎드가 있얎서 3음 정도만 복용했습니닀. 지ꞈ은 부Ʞ가 ë‹€ 빠졌습니닀. 의사: 닀륞 ꎀ렚 불만은 없습니까? 환자: 아니요. 의사: 닎배륌 플우거나 술을 드십니까? 환자: 마늬화나륌 플웁니닀. 마늬화나륌 플우고 나멎 정말 배가 고파서 많읎 뚹습니닀. 지난 몇 죌 동안 첎쀑읎 몇 파욎드 늘었습니닀. 의사: 좋아요, E C O G 척도에서 귀하의 전반적읞 걎강 상태는 1점입니닀.
55ì„ž 백읞 낚성윌로 읎찚성 곚수섬유슝을 동반한 적혈구슝가슝 진닚을 받았습니닀. 진닚은 2005/2006년에 읎룚얎졌습니닀. 처음에 귞는 정맥 천자술을 받았습니닀. ê·ž 후 귞는 읎곳윌로 치료륌 옮게습니닀. 곌거에 귞는 하읎드록시우레아와 읞터페론을 복용했지만 두 가지 몚두 낎성읎 없었습니닀. 귞는 JAK-2 양성입니닀. 귞는 음치 읎식을 받을 형제자맀가 없습니닀. 귞는 MUD 읎식을 고렀하Ʞ 위핎 진찰을 받았지만, 사회적 지지와 걎강읎 상당히 양혞하여 후볎자가 아닌 것윌로 판닚되었습니닀. 우늬 Ʞꎀ에서 환자는 짧은 êž°ê°„ 동안 레날늬도마읎드와 프레드니손의 임상시험을 받았습니닀. 귞는 ê·ž 조합윌로 잘 지냈습니닀. ê·ž 후 귞는 레날늬도마읎드에 대한 불낎성읎 생게습니닀. 귞는 심한 플로와 섀사륌 혞소했습니닀. 읎후 투앜은 쀑닚되었습니닀. 환자는 지난죌에 왌쪜 닀늬에 앜간의 부상을 입었닀고 볎고했습니닀. 왌쪜 닀늬가 부얎 있었닀고 합니닀. 귞는 ì•œ 3음간 슀테로읎드륌 복용하고 쀑닚했습니닀. 왌쪜 닀늬 부종읎 사띌졌습니닀. 환자는 읎 시점에서 닀륞 불만을 부읞합니닀. 귞는 마늬화나 흡연을 읞정합니닀. 마늬화나 덕분에 식욕읎 왕성핎졌고 싀제로 첎쀑읎 앜간 늘었닀고 말합니닀. ECOG 척도의 수행 상태는 1입니닀.
Doctor: Hello Mister Strange, can you please confirm your age and ethnicity for the records. Patient: Hi Doctor, I am fifty five now and would identify myself as a white male. Doctor: Let's first talk about your medical condition. There has been a diagnosis of polycythemia vera with secondary myelofibrosis. Also, you are J A K two positive. Do you remember when you were diagnosed? Patient: It was sometimes between two thousand and five and six. Doctor: They did phlebotomy and then subsequently you got yourself transferred here in our healthcare. Patient: Yes. Doctor: You have been on hydroxyurea and interferon, right? Patient: Oh, it was a terrible time, I could not deal with anyone of them. I had numbness and tingling with burning pain in my hands. Doctor: You do not have any siblings that we can try for transplant match? Patient: That's right! Doctor: You were also considered for the Matched Unrelated Donor Transplant, but you couldn't be on the list due to social support and also health was in reasonably better state than other candidates normally on that transplant list. Patient: We had some medications here as well when I first started my care here, I forgot the name. Doctor: Yes, here we started you on a trial of lenalidomide and prednisone for some time. You were doing great on that for a while, but then you developed intolerance to lenalidomide. Patient: Yes, I had severe diarrhea and I always felt tired like I have no energy left in me. Eventually it all stopped. Doctor: Yeah, here it says that you injured your leg? Tell me what happened. Patient: It all happened last week, I injured this left leg and got swelling. I had some prescribed steroids, so I took them for about three days only. The swelling is eventually gone now. Doctor: Any other related complaints? Patient: No. Doctor: Do you smoke or drink? Patient: I take marijuana. I feel really hungry after smoking it, so I eat a lot. In just the last few weeks I have gained a few pounds. Doctor: Okay, your overall performance status in the E C O G scale is one.
의사: 닀발성 겜화슝, 파킚슚병 또는 치맀와 같은 신겜 장애의 가족력읎 있습니까? 환자: 아니요. 닀행히도 제 가족 쀑 신겜계 질환을 앓고 있는 사람은 없습니닀.
눈에 띄지 않음.
Doctor: Do you have any family history of neurological disorders, such as multiple sclerosis, Parkinson's or dementia? Patient: Nope. Fortunately, no one in my family has neurological problems.
Itchy rash.
의사: 읎 발진읎 생ꞎ 지 얌마나 되었나요? 환자: 였래되지 않았얎요. 굳읎 추잡하자멎 하룚도 안 됐얎요. 의사: 통슝은 없나요? 환자: 아뇚, 귞냥 너묎 가렵습니닀. 윔륎티손을 발띌뎀지만 별 도움읎 되지 않았얎요. 의사: 발진읎 왌쪜 팔에만 국한되얎 있나요? 환자: ë„€. 왌쪜 팔에만 생게얎요.
가렀욎 발진.
Doctor: How long have you had this rash? Patient: Not long. Less than a day if I had to guess. Doctor: Is it causing you any pain? Patient: No, it's just really itchy. I tried applying Cortisone to it, but it didn't help much. Doctor: Is the rash localized to the left arm? Patient: Yeah. I've only noticed it on my left arm.
The patient is a 5-year, 8-month-old male who presented to me direct from ED with distracted left lateral condyle fracture. He underwent screw compression for the fracture in October 2007. The fracture has subsequently healed and the patient presents for hardware removal. The risks and benefits of surgery were discussed. The risks of surgery include the risk of anesthesia, infection, bleeding, changes in sensation and motion of extremity, failure of removal of hardware, failure to relieve pain or improved range of motion. All questions were answered and the family agreed to the above plan.
의사: 안녕하섞요. 였늘 두 분은 ì–Žë– ì„žìš”? 게슀튞_가족: 저희는 잘 지낎고 있얎요. 의사 선생님읎 여Ʞ로 였띌고 하셚얎요. 닀늬에 있는 것을 제거할 수 있는지 볎러 왔얎요. 의사: 귞렇군요. 전에 곚절읎 있었나요? 게슀튞_가족: ë„€, 귞랬얎요. 여Ʞ 10월 2음곌 7음에 있었던 수술 볎고서가 있습니닀. 의사: 잘됐넀요. 제가 한번 볌게요. 좌잡 왞잡 곌두 곚절읎 있었던 것 같넀요. ê·ž 후 곚절을 고정하Ʞ 위핎 나사못 압박술을 받윌셚죠? 게슀튞_가족: 맞습니닀. 의사: 완벜하넀요. 읎제 곚절을 고정하는 데 사용된 하드웚얎륌 제거하Ʞ만 하멎 되겠죠? 게슀튞_가족: ë„€, 맞습니닀. 수술의 위험은 얎떻게 되나요? 의사: 마췚, 감엌, 출혈, 사지 감각 및 욎동의 변화, 하드웚얎 제거 싀팚, 통슝 완화 또는 욎동 범위 개선 싀팚 등의 위험읎 있습니닀. 게슀튞_가족: 였, 와우. 엄청나넀요. ì–Žë–€ 혜택읎 있는지 섀명핎 죌시겠얎요? 의사: 묌론읎죠. ê·ž 전에 아드님의 나읎륌 확읞핎알 합니닀. 게슀튞_가족: 아듀읎 말핎쀄 수 있얎요. 환자: 안녕하섞요. 저는 닀섯 삎읎에요. 제 생음은 4개월 후입니닀. 의사: 감사합니닀. 곧 생음읎넀요. 게슀튞_가족: 생음읎 닀가였멎 신나하넀요. 몇 가지 질묞읎 더 있지만 수술을 진행할 수 있을 것 같습니닀.
환자는 산만한 왌쪜 왞잡 곌두 곚절로 응꞉싀에서 바로 저에게 옚 생후 5년 8개월 된 낚자 아읎입니닀. 2007년 10월에 곚절로 나사못 압박을 받았습니닀. 읎후 곚절은 치유되었고 환자는 하드웚얎 제거륌 위핎 낎원했습니닀. 수술의 위험곌 읎점에 대핮 녌의했습니닀. 수술의 위험에는 마췚, 감엌, 출혈, 사지 감각 및 욎동의 변화, 하드웚얎 제거 싀팚, 통슝 완화 싀팚 또는 욎동 범위 개선 싀팚 등읎 있습니닀. 몚든 질묞에 대한 답변읎 있었고 가족은 위의 계획에 동의했습니닀.
Doctor: Hello. How are you both doing today? Guest_family: We're doing great. The E D told us to come here. We're here to see if we could get the stuff in his leg taken out. Doctor: I see. Did he have a fracture before? Guest_family: Yeah, he did. Here's the report from the surgery from October two thousand and seven. Doctor: Great. Let me take a look. It looks like he had a distracted left lateral condyle fracture. He then underwent screw compression to fix the fracture, correct? Guest_family: That's correct. Doctor: Perfect. So, now we just have to remove the hardware that was used to fix the fracture, right? Guest_family: Yeah, that's correct. What are the risks of the surgery? Doctor: The risks include the risk of anesthesia, infection, bleeding, changes in sensation and motion of extremity, failure of removal of hardware, failure to relieve pain or improved range of motion. Guest_family: Oh, wow. That's a lot. Could you go over the benefits? Doctor: Of course. Before I do, I just need to confirm your son's age. Guest_family: He can tell you. Patient: Hi. I'm five years old. My birthday is in four months. Doctor: Thank you. Happy almost birthday. Guest_family: He gets excited about birthdays. I just have a few more questions, but it looks like we're going to go through with the surgery.
Chest x-ray shows previous sternotomy with ICD implantation and aortic valve mechanical implant with left-sided opacification of the diaphragm worrisome for pleural effusion.
의사: 엑슀레읎 볎고서륌 볎고 있는데 곌거에 흉곚 절개술을 받윌셚얎요. 게슀튞_임상의: ë„€, 귞늬고 우늬는 I C D 임플란튞와 대동맥 판막 Ʞ계식 임플란튞륌 삜입했습니닀. 흉막 삌출로 읞핎 횡격막의 좌잡 불투명도가 맀우 걱정슀러웠습니닀. 의사: 였, 알겠습니닀!
흉부 엑슀레읎는 흉막 삌출읎 우렀되는 횡격막의 좌잡 불투명도가있는 ICD 읎식 및 대동맥 판막 Ʞ계식 임플란튞륌 사용한 읎전 흉곚 절개술을 볎여쀍니닀.
Doctor: I am looking at her x ray report and she had a sternotomy in the past. Guest_clinician: Yes, and we placed an I C D implant and an aortic valve mechanical implant. Her pleural effusion was really worrisome causing left sided opacification of her diaphragm. Doctor: Oh I see!
Dog bite to his right lower leg.
의사: 였륞쪜 닀늬에 묎슚 음읎 있었나요? 환자: 개와 작은 사고가 있었는데 개가 저륌 묌었얎요. 정말 묎서웠얎요. 의사: 걱정하지 마섞요. 저희가 처늬핎 드늎게요.
개가 였륞쪜 아래 닀늬륌 묌었습니닀.
Doctor: What happened to your right leg? Patient: I had a little accident with a dog, he bit me. I got really scared. Doctor: Don't worry we will take care of this.
I am following the patient today for multiple issues. He once again developed gross hematuria, which was unprovoked. His Coumadin has been held. The patient has known BPH and is on Flomax. He is being treated with Coumadin because of atrial fibrillation and stroke. This is the second time he has had significant gross hematuria this month. He also fell about a week ago and is complaining of buttock pain and leg pain. We did get x-rays of hips, knees, and ankles. Clearly, he has significant degenerative disease in all these areas. No fractures noted however. He felt that the pain is pretty severe and particularly worse in the morning. His sinuses are bothering him. He wonders about getting some nasal saline spray. We talked about Coumadin, stroke risk, etc. in the setting of atrial fibrillation.
의사: 한동안 몇 가지 슝상윌로 환자분을 추적 ꎀ찰핎 왔습니닀. 였늘은 ì–Žë–€ 묞제가 있는 것 같나요? 환자: 음, 였쀌을 쌌는데 또 플가 나왔습니닀. 의사: 닀시 재발할 수 있는 ì–Žë–€ 행동을 하셚나요? 환자: 아니요, 제가 알Ʞ로는 없습니닀. 의사: B P H 때묞에 플로맥슀륌 복용하고 계셚나요? 환자: ë„€, 복용하고 있습니닀. 의사: 쿠마딘은요? 환자: ë„€, 귞것도 복용하고 있습니닀. 최귌에 복용을 쀑닚했지만 볎통은 복용하고 있습니닀. 의사: 찚튞륌 가지고 있지 않은데요. ì–Žë–€ 질환윌로 쿠마딘을 복용하고 계셚나요? 환자: 저는 A F I B와 뇌졞쀑읎 있습니닀. 의사: 감사합니닀. 읎번 달에 두 번짞로 심한 혈뇚가 발생한 것읎 아닌가요? ë„€, 의사 선생님. 의사: 최귌에 낙상 등의 겜험읎 없윌셚나요? 환자: ë„€, 사싀 음죌음 전에 넘얎진 적읎 있습니닀. 의사: ê·ž 낙상 부위의 통슝은 얎디읞가요? 환자: 엉덩읎와 닀늬에요. 의사: 엑슀레읎는 아직 찍윌셚나요? 환자: ë„€, 엑슀레읎 Ʞ술자가 방ꞈ 저륌 데렀왔습니닀. 의사: 좋아요, 엉덩읎, 묎늎, 발목 엑슀레읎륌 볎니 몚든 부위에 심각한 퇎행읎 볎입니닀. 환자: 귞게 묎슚 뜻읞가요, 의사 선생님? 의사: 읎 부위에서 ꜀ 심각한 ꎀ절엌읎 볎입니닀. 환자: 좋은 소식 좀 알렀죌시겠얎요? 의사: 곚절은 볎읎지 않습니닀. 환자: 좋은 소식읞 것 같넀요. 의사: ì–žì œ 통슝읎 가장 심합니까? 환자: 너묎 심핎서 아칚에 음얎났을 때 가장 심핎요. 의사: 알겠습니닀, 귞렇지만 쿠마딘을 계속 복용하시멎 뇌졞쀑곌 A F I B에 도움읎 됩니닀. 환자: ë„€, 귞럎게요. 였늘도 부비동에 묞제가 있얎요. 비강 슀프레읎도 좀 죌싀 수 있나요?
저는 였늘 여러 가지 묞제로 환자륌 추적 ꎀ찰하고 있습니닀. 귞는 닀시 한 번 심한 혈뇚가 발생했는데, 원읞 불명의 혈뇚였습니닀. 귞의 쿠마딘은 볎류되었습니닀. 환자는 전늜선비대슝윌로 알고 있윌며 플로맥슀륌 복용 쀑입니닀. 귞는 심방섞동곌 뇌졞쀑윌로 읞핎 쿠마딘 치료륌 받고 있습니닀. 읎번 달에 심각한 혈뇚가 발생한 것은 읎번읎 두 번짞입니닀. 음죌음 전에도 넘얎젞 엉덩읎 통슝곌 닀늬 통슝을 혞소하고 있습니닀. 엉덩읎, 묎늎, 발목 엑슀레읎륌 찍었습니닀. 읎 몚든 부위에 심각한 퇎행성 질환읎 있는 것읎 분명합니닀. 하지만 곚절은 발견되지 않았습니닀. 귞는 통슝읎 ꜀ 심하고 특히 아칚에 더 심하닀고 느ꌈ습니닀. 부비동읎 귞륌 ꎎ롭히고 있습니닀. 귞는 비강 식엌수 슀프레읎에 대핮 궁ꞈ핎합니닀. 심방섞동 상황에서 쿠마딘, 뇌졞쀑 위험 등에 대핮 읎알Ʞ했습니닀.
Doctor: We've been following you for several conditions for a while now. What seems to be the problem today, sir? Patient: Um, I was peeing blood, it's back again. Doctor: Did you do anything that could have provoked it to come back? Patient: No, not that I know of. Doctor: Have you been taking the Flomax for your B P H? Patient: Yes, I have been. Doctor: What about the Coumadin? Patient: Yes, I've been taking that too. It has been held recently, but I ususally take it. Doctor: Remind me, I don't have my chart with me. What conditions have you been taking the Coumadin for? Patient: I have A F I B and stroke. Doctor: Thank you. Isn't this your second occurrence of gross hematuria this month? Patient: Yes, doctor. Doctor: Are you sure you haven't experienced any falls or anything recently? Patient: Yeah, actually I fell about a week ago. Doctor: Where is your pain from that fall? Patient: It's in my butt and leg. Doctor: Have you had your x rays taken yet? Patient: Yeah, the x ray tech just brought me back. Doctor: Okay, these x rays of the hips, knees, and ankles show severe degeneration in all areas. Patient: What does that mean, doctor? Doctor: I see some pretty significant arthritis in these areas. Patient: Can you tell me some good news, please? Doctor: Well, I don't see any fractures. Patient: I guess that's something. Doctor: When is your pain worst? Patient: It's so severe, and it's worst first thing in the morning. Doctor: Okay, I know you are, but be sure to keep taking the Coumadin, that helps with the stroke and A F I B. Patient: Yeah, I will. I'm having problems with my sinuses today too. Can I get some nasal spray too?
The patient is single. She is a full-time student at University. Uses no tobacco, alcohol, or illicit drugs. She exercises weekly, mainly tennis and swelling.
의사: 좋은 아칚입니닀. 환자: 좋은 아칚입니닀, 의사 선생님. 의사: 결혌하셚나요? 환자: 아니요, 저는 행복하게 독신입니닀. 의사: 잘됐넀요, 직업읎 뭐죠? 환자: 사싀 지ꞈ은 음하지 않고 대학에 풀타임윌로 닀니고 있습니닀. 의사: 닀행읎넀요, 술읎나 닮배는 하나요? 환자: 아니요, 안 합니닀. 의사: 닀륞 불법 앜묌은 얎떻습니까? 환자: 귞런 걎 절대 안 합니닀. 의사: 욎동을 좋아합니까? 환자: 맀죌 테니슀와 수영을 하는데 정말 좋아합니닀. 의사: 아죌 좋넀요, 걎강을 잘 유지하고 계시넀요.
환자는 믞혌입니닀. 대학에 재학 쀑읞 풀타임 학생입니닀. 닮배, 술, 불법 앜묌을 사용하지 않습니닀. 귞녀는 죌로 테니슀와 붓Ʞ 욎동을 맀죌 합니닀.
Doctor: Good morning. Patient: Good morning, Doctor. Doctor: Are you married? Patient: No sir, I'm happily single. Doctor: Good for you, what do you do for a living? Patient: I'm actually not working right now, I go to college full time. Doctor: Even better for you, so do you drink or smoke? Patient: No, I don't. Doctor: What about more illicit substances? Patient: Absolutely not, nothing like that. Doctor: Do you like to work out? Patient: I play tennis and swim every week, I love it. Doctor: That's very good, you're keeping very healthy.
Negative for dementia. Her mother died of a stroke at the age of 62.
의사: 가족 쀑에 치맀륌 앓은 사람읎 있나요? 환자: 제가 알Ʞ로는 없습니닀. 의사: 가족 쀑에 닀륞 병력읎 있윌신가요? 닀륞 의학적 묞제는 없나요? 환자: 얎뚞니가 뇌졞쀑윌로 돌아가셚습니닀. 의사: 돌아가셚을 때 얎뚞니의 나읎는 몇 삎읎었습니까? 환자: 62섞였습니닀.
치맀 음성. 귞녀의 얎뚞니는 62 섞에 뇌졞쀑윌로 사망했습니닀.
Doctor: Has anyone in your family suffered from dementia? Patient: Not that I'm aware of. Doctor: Is there any other medical history in your family? Any other medical issues? Patient: My mom died of a stroke. Doctor: How old was your mom when she died? Patient: She was sixty two.
The patient quit smoking 17 years ago; prior to that had smoked one pack per day for 44 years. Denies any alcohol use. Denies any IV drug use.
의사: 마지막윌로 닎배륌 플욎 것읎 얞제입니까? 환자: 17년 전입니닀. 의사: 좋아요, 예전에는 얌마나 플웠나요? 환자: 하룚에 한 갑 정도요. 44년 동안 닎배륌 플웠습니닀. 의사: 좋아요, 귞럌 I V 앜묌은요? 환자: 귞런 적 없습니닀.
환자는 17년 전에 닎배륌 끊었윌며 ê·ž 전에는 44년 동안 하룚에 한 갑씩 플웠습니닀. 알윔올 사용을 부읞합니닀. 정맥 죌사 앜묌 사용을 부읞합니닀.
Doctor: When was the last time you had a cigarette? Patient: Seventeen years back. Doctor: Okay, and how much did you used to smoke? Patient: About one pack per day. I smoked for forty four years. Doctor: Okay, how about any I V drugs? Patient: No I have not done that.
Mom brings patient in today because of sore throat starting last night. Eyes have been very puffy. He has taken some Benadryl when all of this congestion started but with a sudden onset just yesterday. He has had low-grade fever and just felt very run down, appearing very tired. He is still eating and drinking well, and his voice has been hoarse but no coughing. No shortness of breath, vomiting, diarrhea or abdominal pain.
의사: 읎 ꌬ마는 였늘 묎슚 음로 왔나요? 게슀튞_가족: 얎젯밀부터 목읎 아프닀고 하넀요. 잠자늬에 듀Ʞ 전에 눈읎 많읎 붓는 것을 볎고 베나드늎을 뚹였얎요. ê·ž 당시 귞는 윔가 막힌 것 같았습니닀. 의사: 유감입니닀. 엎읎 있었나요? 게슀튞_가족: 얎젯밀에 첎옚을 쟀을 때 38.1도였습니닀. 의사: ì—Ž 때묞에 핎엎제륌 뚹였나요? 게슀튞_가족: 베나드늎 왞에 닀륞 앜을 뚹음까 고믌했얎요. 의사: 귞렇군요. 귞렇지 않윌셚나요? 게슀튞_가족: 평소볎닀 더 Ʞ욎읎 없얎 볎입니닀. 닀행히도 잘 뚹고 마시고 있습니닀. 의사: Ʞ칚을 하지는 않나요? 게슀튞_가족: 아니요, 하지만 목소늬가 앜간 거칠얎졌습니닀. 의사: 혞흡곀란은 없었나요? 게슀튞_가족: 음, 아뇚. 의사: 구토, 섀사 또는 복통은 얎떠셚나요? 게슀튞_가족: 아니요, 귞런 것 같지 않습니닀.
엄마가 얎젯밀부터 목읎 아파서 였늘 환자륌 데늬고 였셚습니닀. 눈읎 맀우 부얎 있었습니닀. ì–Žì œ 갑자Ʞ 시작된 윔막힘읎 시작되었을 때 베나드늎을 복용하셚얎요. 믞엎읎 있고 Ʞ욎읎 없고 맀우 플곀핎 볎였습니닀. 귞는 여전히 잘 뚹고 마시고 있윌며 목소늬는 쉰 목소늬지만 Ʞ칚은 하지 않습니닀. 숚가쁚, 구토, 섀사 또는 복통은 없습니닀.
Doctor: What brings this little guy in today? Guest_family: He's been complaining of a sore throat since last night. I noticed his eyes were really puffy before he went to bed and that's when I gave him some Benadryl. At that time, he also seemed nasally. Doctor: Sorry to hear that. Did he have a fever? Guest_family: When I took his temperature last night, it was one O one. Doctor: And did you give him anything for the fever? Guest_family: I was worried about giving him something on top of the Benadryl. Doctor: I see. And how has he felt otherwise? Guest_family: He appears more sluggish than usual. Fortunately, he's eating and drinking well. Doctor: Has he been coughing at all? Guest_family: No, but his voice has been a kind of raspy. Doctor: Any shortness of breath? Guest_family: Um no. Doctor: How about any episodes of vomiting, diarrhea, or stomach pain? Guest_family: No, I don't think so.
Hypertension and anxiety.
의사: 제가 알아알 할 죌요 질환읎 있윌신가요? 환자: 아마도요. 귞게 정확히 묎슚 뜻읎죠, 의사 선생님? ꎑ범위하지만 우욞슝에서 고혈압, 암에 읎륎Ʞ까지 몚든 것읎 될 수 있습니닀. 환자: ë„€, 저도 귞렇게 생각했얎요. 저는 고혈압읎 있습니닀. 의사: 정신 걎강은 얎떀가요, 죌목할 만한 점읎 있나요? 환자: 음, ë„€, 저도 불안슝읎 있습니닀.
고혈압곌 불안.
Doctor: Do you have any major medical conditions that I should know about, sir? Patient: Maybe, I might. What exactly do you mean by that, doctor? Doctor: Well, it's broad, but it could be anything from depression to high blood pressure, to cancer. Patient: Okay, that's what I thought. I have high blood pressure. Doctor: What about your mental health, is there anything of note there? Patient: Um, yeah, I have anxiety, too.
The patient is a student at the University majoring in biology. He lives in a dorm there. His parents live in Breckenridge. He admits to having smoked marijuana off and on with friends and drinking beer off and on as well.
의사: 학생읞가요? 환자: ë„€, 귞렇습니닀. 저는 대학에 닀니고 있습니닀. 의사: 전공읎 묎엇읞가요? 아니멎 아직 몚륎시나요? 환자: ë„€! 저는 생묌학을 공부하고 있습니닀. 의사: 훌륭하군요! Ʞ숙사에서 생활하시나요? 환자: ë„€. 의사: 읎 지역 출신읎신가요? 환자: 저는 람레쌄늬지 출신입니닀. 부몚님읎 귞곳에 ì‚Žê³  계십니닀. 의사: 정말 아늄닀욎 곳입니닀. 닮배, 술 또는 Ʞ혞용 앜묌을 사용하십니까? 환자: 친구듀곌 가끔 대마쎈륌 플욎 적은 있지만 많읎 플우지는 않습니닀. 가끔 Ʞ숙사 파티에서 맥죌륌 몇 잔 마시는 정도입니닀.
환자는 대학에서 생묌학을 전공하는 학생입니닀. 귞는 ê·žê³³ Ʞ숙사에 ì‚Žê³  있습니닀. 귞의 부몚님은 람레쌄늬지에 ì‚Žê³  있습니닀. 귞는 친구듀곌 가끔 마늬화나륌 플우고 맥죌륌 가끔 마셚닀고 읞정합니닀.
Doctor: Are you a student? Patient: Yes, I am. I go to the University. Doctor: What are you majoring in? Or do you know yet? Patient: Yes! I am studying biology. Doctor: Excellent! Do you live in the dorms? Patient: Yes. Doctor: Are you from the area? Patient: I am from Breckenridge. That is where my parents live. Doctor: That is a beautiful place to be from. Do you use any tobacco, alcohol, or recreational drugs? Patient: I have smoked weed with friends, off and on but not much. I have a few beers at the occasional dorm party.
의사: 수술 겜험읎 있윌신가요? 환자: 아니요, 없습니닀.
Doctor: Do you have any history of surgical procedures? Patient: No, none.
의사: 안녕하섞요! 환자: 안녕하섞요, 잘 지낎섞요? 두통읎 심핎서 너묎 밝아서 불펞하니 불을 꺌 죌싀 수 있나요? 의사: 묌론읎죠. 묎슚 음읞지 한번 뎅시닀. 얎때요? 환자: 훚씬 낫넀요.
Doctor: Hello Hello! Patient: Hi there, how are you? I have a bad headache so can you please switch off the lights, it's too bright and uncomfortable. Doctor: Sure thing. Let's see what is going on here. How about that? Patient: Much better.
Positive for mother passing away in her late 60s from heart attack, father had liver cancer, and passed away from that. One of his children suffers from hypothyroidism, 2 grandchildren has cerebral palsy secondary to being prematurely born.
의사: 좋아요, 가족력에 대핮 읎알Ʞ핎 볎죠. 환자: 아, 저한테 아죌 불안한 가족력읎 있얎요! 의사: 왜 귞렇게 말씀하시나요? 환자: 얎뚞니는 60대 후반에 심장마비로 돌아가셚고 아버지는 간암에 걞늬셚닀가 돌아가셚습니닀. 의사: 였- 환자: 아, 귞게 전부가 아닙니닀. 제 ì•„ë“€ 한 명은 갑상선 Ʞ능 저하슝을 앓고 있고 딞의 두 아읎는 믞숙아로 태얎나 뇌성마비륌 앓고 있습니닀. 의사: 였, 정말 안타깝군요. 환자: ë„€.
얎뚞니는 60대 후반에 심장마비로 돌아가셚고, 아버지는 간암에 걞렞윌며 읎로 읞핎 돌아가셚습니닀. 자녀 쀑 한 명은 갑상선 Ʞ능 저하슝을 앓고 있윌며, 손자 두 명은 조산윌로 읞한 뇌성마비륌 앓고 있습니닀.
Doctor: Okay, let's talk about your family history. Patient: Oh, I have very disturbing family history! Doctor: Why do you say so? Patient: Well, my mother passed away due to heart attack in her late sixties and my father had liver cancer and he passed away from that. Doctor: Oh- Patient: Oh, that is not all. My one son suffers from hypothyroidism and my daughter's two kids have cerebral palsy from being born prematurely. Doctor: Oh, that is so unfortunate. Patient: Yeah.
Essentially unremarkable except for chest wall cysts which apparently have been biopsied by a dermatologist in the past, and he was given a benign diagnosis. He had a recent PPD which was negative in August 1994.
환자: 읎뎐요. 의사: 안녕하섞요, 얎떻게 지낎섞요? 였랜만읎넀요. 환자: ë„€, 였랜만읎넀요. 의사: 제가 알아알 할 새로욎 사항은 없나요? 환자: ì–Ž, 가슎에 뭐가 생겚서 플부곌에 갔었얎요. 의사: ì–Žë–€ 종류였나요? 환자: 낭종읞 것 같아요. 의사: 우렀할 만한 원읞읎 있나요? 환자: 아니요, 플부곌 의사가 ë‹€ ꎜ찮닀고 했얎요. 의사: 닀행읎넀요. 환자: 저도요. 사싀 저는 P P D 슬늜을 작성핎 죌싀 수 있는지 확읞하러 왔습니닀. 의사: 음 때묞에 였셚나요? 환자: ë„€, 지난번에는 음성읎었는데 닀시 받아알 핎서요. 마지막 검사는 1944년에 했얎요.
곌거에 플부곌 전묞의가 생검한 흉벜 낭종을 제왞하고는 볞질적윌로 눈에 띄지 않윌며 양성 진닚을 받았습니닀. 귞는 1994년 8월에 음성 판정을 받은 적읎 있습니닀.
Patient: Hey, man. Doctor: Hey, how's it going? It's been a while. Patient: Yeah, it's been a while that's for sure. Doctor: So anything new I should know of? Patient: Uh I had some stuff on my chest that I saw a dermatologist for. Doctor: What type of stuff? Patient: I think they were cysts. Doctor: Any cause for concern? Patient: Nah, the dermatologist said everything came back alright. Doctor: Glad to hear that. Patient: Me too. I'm actually here to see if you can write me up a P P D slip. Doctor: Is this for a job? Patient: Yeah, my last one was negative, but I need to get another one. Last one I did was in nineteen ninety four.
The child has not been having any coughing, gagging, vomiting, or other symptoms. Acting perfectly normal. Family mostly noted that she had spilled it on the ground around her, had it on her hands, and on her clothes. They did not witness that she ingested any, but did not see anything her mouth.
의사: 귞녀가 ì–Žë–€ 식윌로든 읎상하게 행동하는 것을 눈치채셚나요? 게슀튞_가족: 아니요. 아죌 정상적윌로 행동하고 있습니닀. 의사: 헛구역질, Ʞ칚, 구토 또는 닀륞 슝상은 없었나요? 게슀튞_가족: 아니요. 제가 ꎀ찰한 것은 옷곌 바닥, 손에 액첎륌 흘며 것뿐입니닀. 의사: 환자가 액첎륌 섭췚하는 것을 볎셚나요? 게슀튞_가족: 아니요, 입에 넣는 것을 볎지 못했습니닀. 입 안을 삎펎뎀지만 아묎것도 볎읎지 않았습니닀.
아읎는 Ʞ칚, 구토, 구토 또는 Ʞ타 슝상을 볎읎지 않았습니닀. 완벜하게 정상적윌로 행동했습니닀. 가족듀은 대부분 아읎가 죌변 바닥에 흘렞고, 손곌 옷에 묻었닀고 말했습니닀. 귞듀은 귞녀가 아묎것도 ì„­ì·ší•œ 것을 목격하지 못했지만 귞녀의 입에는 아묎것도 볎읎지 않았습니닀.
Doctor: Have you notied her behaving strangly in any way? Guest_family: No. She is acting perfectly normal. Doctor: Has she been gagging, coughing, vomiting or any other symptoms? Guest_family: No. The only thing that I noticed is that she spilled the liquid all over her clothes, the ground and on her hands. Doctor: Did you see her ingest any of the fluid? Guest_family: No. We didn't see her put it in her mouth. I looked inside her mouth and didn't see anything.
This is a 43-year-old black man with no apparent past medical history who presented to the emergency room with the chief complaint of weakness, malaise and dyspnea on exertion for approximately one month. The patient also reports a 15-pound weight loss. He denies fever, chills and sweats. He denies cough and diarrhea. He has mild anorexia.
의사: 제가 알아알 할 곌거의 의학적 묞제가 있나요? 환자: 아뇚, 선생님. 저는 마흔 ì„ž 삎읎고 큰 묞제가 생ꞎ 것은 읎번읎 처음입니닀. 지난 한 달 동안 평소볎닀 몞읎 앜핎진 느낌읎 듀었습니닀. 움직음 때마닀 훚씬 더 플곀하고 숚읎 가쁩니닀. 의사: 최귌에 첎쀑읎 쀄었나요? 환자: ë„€, 싀제로 두섞 달 사읎에 15파욎드 정도 감량했습니닀. 의사: 식욕은 ì–Žë– ì„žìš”? 메슀꺌움, 구토, 섀사는 없나요? 환자: 식욕은 ꜀ ꎜ찮습니닀. 메슀꺌움, 구토, 섀사는 없습니닀. 의사: 발엎, 였한, 식은땀, Ʞ칚은 얎떻습니까? 환자: 없습니닀. 의사: 혞흡곀란곌 핚께 가슎 통슝은 없습니까? 환자: 없습니닀.
읎 환자는 곌거 병력읎 없는 43섞의 흑읞 낚성윌로, ì•œ 한 달 동안 욎동 시 쇠앜감, 불쟌감, 혞흡곀란을 혞소하며 응꞉싀에 낎원했습니닀. 환자는 또한 첎쀑읎 15파욎드 감소했닀고 볎고했습니닀. 발엎, 였한, 식은땀을 부읞합니닀. Ʞ칚곌 섀사륌 부읞합니닀. 귞는 겜믞한 거식슝읎 있습니닀.
Doctor: Any past medical problems I should know of? Patient: No, ma'am. I am forty three and this is the first time I have had a major issue. It's only been this past month where I've felt weaker than usual. I'm much more tired and short of breath whenever I move around. Doctor: Any recent weight loss? Patient: Yeah, I actually lost about fifteen pounds in less than two or three months. Doctor: How's your appetite? Any nausea, vomiting, diarrhea? Patient: Appetite is pretty fine. No nausea, vomiting, or diarrhea. Doctor: How about fever, chills, sweats, cough? Patient: No, ma'am. Doctor: And any chest pain with your shortness of breath? Patient: No, ma'am.
No known drug allergies.
의사: 알레륎Ʞ가 있윌신가요? 환자: 아니요. 의사: 정말요? 환자: ë„€, 맞습니닀.
알렀진 앜묌 알레륎Ʞ가 없습니닀.
Doctor: Do you have any allergies? Patient: No I do not. Doctor: Are you sure? Patient: Yes I am.
의사: 가족 병력은 묎엇입니까? 환자: 제가 아는 한 없습니닀.
Doctor: What is your family medical history? Patient: Nothing that I know of.
Baby was born premature and he required hospitalization, but was not on mechanical ventilation. He doesn't have any hospitalizations after the new born. No surgeries.
의사: 만삭윌로 출산하셚나요? 게슀튞_가족: 아니요, 조산아입니닀. 의사: 입원하셚나요? 게슀튞_가족: ë„€. 의사: 혞흡을 돕는 Ʞ계 같은 것을 사용했나요? 게슀튞_가족: 아니요. 의사: ê·ž 후 입원한 적읎 있나요? 게슀튞_가족: 아니요. 의사: 수술을 받윌셚나요? 게슀튞_가족: 아니요.
아Ʞ는 믞숙아로 태얎났윌며 입원읎 필요했지만 읞공혞흡Ʞ륌 사용하지 않았습니닀. 아Ʞ는 출생 후 입원한 적읎 없습니닀. 수술도 없었습니닀.
Doctor: Did you have a full term delivery? Guest_family: No, he is premature born. Doctor: Was he hospitalized? Guest_family: Yes. Doctor: Was he on any machine like the ones that help breathing? Guest_family: No. Doctor: Was he ever hospitalized afterwards? Guest_family: No. Doctor: Did he have any surgery? Guest_family: No.
There are no known allergies.
의사: 알레륎Ʞ가 있윌신가요? 환자: 아니요. 의사: 좋아요. 환자: 알겠습니닀. 환자: 의료용 알레륎Ʞ만 묌얎볎시는 걎가요? 의사: 아니요, 몚든 알레륎Ʞ에 대핮 알고 싶습니닀.
알렀진 알레륎Ʞ가 없습니닀.
Doctor: Do you have any allergies? Patient: No I do not. Doctor: Okay. Patient: Okay. Patient: Are you only asking for medical allergies? Doctor: No, I want to know about all allergies.
Parents do smoke around the house.
의사: 집안에 닮배 플우는 사람 있나요? 게슀튞_가족: ë„€, 귞렇습니닀. 의사: 두 분 몚두요? 게슀튞_가족: ë„€, 하지만 집 안읎 아니띌 밖에서 플웁니닀. 의사: 알겠습니닀. 게슀튞_가족: 조심하고 있습니닀.
부몚님은 집 죌변에서 닎배륌 플웁니닀.
Doctor: Anyone smokes in the house? Guest_family: Yes, we do. Doctor: Both of you? Guest_family: Yes, but outside, not inside. Doctor: Okay. Guest_family: We are careful.
No use of ethanol, tobacco, illicit, or recreational substances.
의사: 닮배, 흡입 또는 Ʞ혞용 앜묌을 사용하십니까? 환자: 아니요.
에탄올, 닮배, 불법 또는 Ʞ혞성 묌질 사용 부읞.
Doctor: Do you use any tobacco, inhalation or recreational drugs? Patient: No.
Headache and pain in the neck and lower back.
의사: 였늘 Ʞ분읎 ì–Žë– ì„žìš”? 환자: 좋지 않습니닀. 의사: 죄송한데, 왜 귞러섞요? 환자: 목곌 허늬 통슝곌 핚께 음죌음 낮낮 두통읎 있었습니닀. 의사: 두통을 얎떻게 섀명핎 죌시겠습니까? 환자: 욱신거늬는 통슝입니닀. 의사: 지속적입니까? 환자: 대부분 왔닀가 사띌집니닀. 의사: 10점을 최악윌로 하여 10점 척도로 얎떻게 평가하시겠습니까? 환자: 7~8점 정도입니닀. 의사: 현재 두통읎 있윌십니까? 환자: 아니요, 지ꞈ은 아닙니닀. 의사: 진통제륌 복용하셚나요 환자: 진통제는 드셚나요? 의사: ë„€. 환자: 읎부프로펜을 뚹었는데 별로 도움읎 되지 않는 것 같습니닀. 의사: 발엎, 였한, 메슀꺌움, 구토, 시알 흐늌, 빛에 대한 믌감성 등 두통곌 ꎀ렚된 닀륞 슝상은 없습니까? 환자: 아니요, 없습니닀. 감Ʞ 같은 걎 아닌 것 같아요. 의사: 최귌에 뚞늬에 부상을 입은 적읎 있습니까? 환자: 아뇚. 의사: 목곌 허늬 통슝은 새로 생ꞎ 걎가요? 환자: Ꞁ쎄요. 예전부터 통슝읎 있었지만 통슝읎 조ꞈ 닀륎게 느껎집니닀. 의사: 얎떻게요? 환자: 잘 몚륎겠얎요. 더 뚜렷하게 느껎젞요.
목곌 허늬의 두통곌 통슝.
Doctor: How're you feeling today? Patient: Not great. Doctor: I'm sorry, why is that? Patient: I've had a headache all week along with neck and lower back pain. Doctor: How would you describe the headache? Patient: Throbbing pain. Doctor: Is it constant? Patient: It comes and goes for the most part. Doctor: How would you rate it on a scale of ten with ten being the worst? Patient: A seven or eight. Doctor: Do you have a headache currently? Patient: No, not right this second. Doctor: Have you taken- Patient: Anything for the pain? Doctor: Yes. Patient: I took some Ibuprofen, but it doesn't seem to be helping much. Doctor: Any other symptoms associated with the headache, such as fever, chills, nausea, vomiting, blurred vision, or sensitivity to light? Patient: No, not really. I don't feel like I have a cold or anything. Doctor: Any recent injuries to the head? Patient: No. Doctor: And your neck and lower back pain, is this new? Patient: Eh I can't say. It's been bothering me for some time now, but the pain feels a bit different. Doctor: How so? Patient: I don't really know. It's more pronounced.
Significant for degenerative disc disease in the back.
의사: 닀륞 묞제가 있윌신가요? 환자: 사싀, 허늬 디슀크 퇎행슝읎 있습니닀. 의사: 정말요? 환자: ë„€. 의사: ì–žì œ 진닚을 받윌셚나요? 환자: 슀묎 삎쯀?
허늬의 퇎행성 디슀크 질환에 쀑요합니닀.
Doctor: Do you have any other problems? Patient: I do actually, I have back disc degeneration. Doctor: Oh really? Patient: Yeah. Doctor: When were you diagnosed with it? Patient: Maybe twenty ten?
의사: 질병의 가족력읎 있윌신가요? 게슀튞_가족: 솔직히 잘 몚륎겠습니닀. 아마도요? 확읞핎볎고 닀시 연띜드늬겠습니닀.
알 수 없음
Doctor: Any family history of disease? Guest_family: To be honest, I'm not sure. Possibly? I'd have to check and get back to you.
Years ago she had surgery that she does not recall.
의사: 수술 겜험읎 있윌신가요? 환자: 얎렞을 때 수술을 받은 Ʞ억은 있지만 묎슚 수술읎었는지는 몚륎겠습니닀. 너묎 였래 전 음읎에요.
몇 년 전에 귞녀는 Ʞ억하지 못하는 수술을 받았습니닀.
Doctor: Do you have any history of surgical procedures? Patient: I remember having surgery as a child, but I don't know what the surgery was for. It was so long ago.
Mother died at age 79 of a stroke. Father died at age 91 of old age. Her brother had prostate cancer. She has one brother living. No family history of heart disease or diabetes.
의사: 가족은 몚두 누구읞가요? 환자: 지ꞈ은 저와 제 동생뿐입니닀. 얎뚞니는 음흔아홉 삎에 뇌졞쀑윌로 돌아가셚얎요. 환자: 아버지는 지병 없읎 걎강하게 사셚얎요. 아흔 한 삎에 녞환윌로 돌아가셚습니닀. 의사: 와우! 심장병읎나 당뇚병의 가족력읎 있윌신가요? 환자: 닀륞 형님읎 전늜선암에 걞늬셚지만 귞게 닀입니닀. 당뇚병읎나 심장 질환은 없습니닀. 의사: 귞렇군요.
얎뚞니는 79섞에 뇌졞쀑윌로 사망했습니닀. 아버지는 91섞의 녞환윌로 사망했습니닀. 였빠는 전늜선암에 걞렞습니닀. 귞녀는 한 명의 였빠가 ì‚Žê³  있습니닀. 심장병읎나 당뇚병의 가족력읎 없습니닀.
Doctor: Who all are there in your family? Patient: Well, it's just me and my brother now. My mom passed away due to stroke at the age of seventy nine. Patient: My father had a good life with no medical conditions. He passed away due to old age, he was ninety one. Doctor: Wow! Any family history of heart disease or diabetes? Patient: My other brother had prostate cancer but that's just it. No diabetes or heart issues. Doctor: Okay.
Ciprofloxacin and Enteric coated aspirin
의사: 앜묌에 알레륎Ʞ가 있윌신가요? 환자: ë„€, 시프로띌는 앜에 알레륎Ʞ가 있습니닀- 의사: 시프로플록사신? 환자: ë„€! 귞늬고 아슀프늰도 있는데 윔팅된 것을 뭐띌고 부륎나요? 의사: 아, 장용 윔팅 아슀플늰 말씀읎시죠? 환자: ë„€, ë„€, ê·žê±°ìš”!
시프로플록사신 및 장용 윔팅 아슀플늰
Doctor: And are you allergic to any drugs? Patient: Oh yes, I am allergic to what you call Cipro- Doctor: Ciprofloxacin? Patient: Yes! And also, Asprin but that coated one, what is called? Doctor: Oh, you mean enteric coated Aspirin? Patient: Yes, yes, that one!
의사: 안녕하섞요, 저는 챈듀러 박사입니닀. 환자: 안녕하섞요, 의사 선생님. 의사: 묎슚 음읞지 말씀핎 죌시겠얎요? 환자: 두통읎 있얎요.
Doctor: Hi, I am Doctor Chandler. Patient: Hello Doctor. Doctor: So, tell me what's going on? Patient: I am having a headache.
Positive for: 1. Diabetes mellitus. 2. Osteomyelitis of the right fifth toe, which was treated with intravenous antibiotic therapy for 6 weeks about 5 years back.
환자: 곌거에 저는 였륞쪜 닀섯 번짞 발가띜의 곚수엌윌로 항생제 치료륌 받은 적읎 있습니닀. 의사: 였, 귞게 얌마나 였래 전 음읞가요? 아, 5년 전쯀읎요! 6죌 동안 치료륌 받았습니닀. 의사: 아, 귞렇군요. 당뇚병 병력도 있윌신가요? 환자: ë„€. 맞습니닀.
Ɥ정적: 1. 당뇚병. 2. 였륞쪜 닀섯 번짞 발가띜의 곚수엌윌로 ì•œ 5 년 전에 6 죌 동안 정맥 낮 항생제 요법윌로 치료했습니닀.
Patient: In the past I have been treated for osteomyelitis of my right fifth toe with I V antibiotics therapy. Doctor: Oh, how long back was that? Patient: Ah, about five years back! I was treated for six weeks. Doctor: Oh, Okay. You also have a history of diabetes mellitus? Patient: That is correct.
Hypertension, hypothyroidism, degenerative joint disease, GERD, anxiety disorder, Morton neuroma of her feet bilaterally, and distant history of migraine headaches some 30 years ago.
의사: 제가 알아알 할 죌요 질환읎 있윌신가요? 환자: ë„€, 저한테는 여러 가지가 있얎요, 의사 선생님. 의사: ì–Žë–€ 것듀읎요, 부읞? 환자: 고혈압, 갑상선 Ʞ능 저하슝, ꎀ절엌, 귞늬고 G E R D. 의사: 귞렇군요, 정신 걎강읎나 신겜계 질환은요? 환자: 불안 장애가 있고 ì•œ 30년 전에 펞두통읎 있었습니닀. 의사: 감사합니닀, 찚튞에서 몚튌 신겜종을 앓은 적읎 있닀고 하셚는데 사싀읞가요? 환자: ë„€, 양쪜 발에 하나씩 있습니닀.
고혈압, 갑상선 Ʞ능 저하슝, 퇎행성 ꎀ절 질환, 위식도 역류 질환, 불안 장애, ì–‘ìž¡ 발의 몚튌 신겜종, ì•œ 30 년 전 펞두통의 뚌 병력.
Doctor: Do you have any major medical conditions that I should know about? Patient: Oh, yeah, I have a whole list of things going on, doctor. Doctor: Like what, ma'am? Patient: Well, I have high blood pressure, hypothyroidism, arthritis, and G E R D. Doctor: I see, what about any mental health, or neurological diseases? Patient: Um, I have an anxiety disorder, and I had migraines about thirty years ago. Doctor: Thank you, I also see on my chart that you've had Morton's neuromas before, is that true? Patient: Yeah, I have one on both feet.
의사: 곌거 병력에 대핮 몇 가지 질묞하겠습니닀. 의학적윌로 ꎀ렚된 진닚을 받은 적읎 있나요? 환자: 아니요. 의사: 당뇚병읎나 심장 질환 진닚을 받은 적읎 있습니까? 환자: 아니요. 의사: 장Ʞ적읞 질병윌로 앜묌을 복용한 적읎 있습니까? 환자: 아니요. 의사: 수술을 받은 적읎 있습니까? 환자: 아니요.
눈에 띄지 않음.
Doctor: I will ask you a few questions about your past medical history. Were you ever diagnosed with anything medically related? Patient: No. Doctor: Were you ever diagnosed with diabetes or any heart conditions? Patient: No. Doctor: Did you ever take medications for any long-term disease? Patient: No. Doctor: Did you ever have any surgery? Patient: No.
At home live mom, dad, and 18-, 16-, 14-, 12-year-old brothers, and a 3-year-old sister. All the residents at home are sick currently with cold, cough, runny nose, except for mom. At home also live 2 dogs and 2 outside cats. Mom denies any recent travel history, especially during the recent holidays and no smoke exposures.
의사: 가족은 누가 있나요? 환자: 엄마, 아빠, 귞늬고 18ì„ž, 16ì„ž, 14ì„ž, 12섞읞 ë„€ 명의 형제가 있고 여동생도 한 명 있습니닀. 여동생은 겚우 ì„ž 삎입니닀. 의사: 와, 몚두 핚께 지낎시나요? 환자: ë„€, 귞늬고 개 두 마늬와 고양읎 두 마늬도 킀우고 있습니닀. 의사: 귞렇군요. 집에 있는 가족듀은 몚두 잘 지낎고 있나요? 게슀튞_가족: 아뇚, 별로요. 집에 있는 몚든 사람읎 Ʞ칚, 감Ʞ, 윧묌로 아파요, 하지만... 환자: 우늬 엄마만 빌고요! 게슀튞_가족: ë„€, 닀행히 저만 빌고요. 의사: 흠, 최귌에 특히 휎가철에 여행을 닀녀였셚나요? 환자: 아뇚, 귞렇죠 엄마? 게슀튞_가족: ë„€, 저희는 최귌에 얎디륌 여행한 적읎 없습니닀. 의사: 귞렇군요. 집에 닮배 플우는 사람읎 있나요? 게슀튞_가족: 아뇚. 의사: 연Ʞ에 녞출된 적읎 없윌시죠? 게슀튞_가족: ë„€.
집에는 엄마, 아빠, 18ì„ž, 16ì„ž, 14ì„ž, 12ì„ž 형제, 3ì„ž 여동생읎 ì‚Žê³  있습니닀. 엄마륌 제왞한 몚든 가족은 현재 감Ʞ, Ʞ칚, 윧묌로 아픕니닀. 집에는 개 2마늬와 고양읎 2마늬가 ì‚Žê³  있습니닀. 엄마는 최귌 여행 Ʞ록, 특히 최귌 휎가 êž°ê°„ 동안의 여행 Ʞ록곌 ì—°êž° 녞출을 부읞합니닀.
Doctor: So, who is in your family? Patient: Well, my mom, dad, and I have four brothers aged eighteen, sixteen, fourteen and twelve and I also have a younger sister. She is only three. Doctor: Wow, and you all stay together? Patient: Yes, and we also have two dogs and two cats. Doctor: Okay. And everyone at home is doing fine? Guest_family: No, not really. Everyone at home is sick with a cough, cold and runny nose, except- Patient: Except for my mom! Guest_family: Yeah, except for me thankfully. Doctor: Hm, and did you travel anywhere recently, especially during the holiday season? Patient: No, right mom? Guest_family: Yeah, we didn't travel anywhere recently. Doctor: Okay. Anybody in your house smokes? Guest_family: No. Doctor: No exposure to smoke, right? Guest_family: No.
She is on atenolol and Mevacor. ALLERGIES: NO KNOWN DRUG ALLERGIES.
의사: 현재 복용 쀑읞 앜읎 있윌신가요? 환자: ë„€, 아테놀례곌 메바윔륌 복용하고 있습니닀. 의사: 흠, 앜에 대한 알레륎Ʞ는 없나요? 환자: 제가 알Ʞ로는 없습니닀.
귞녀는 아테놀례곌 메바윔륌 복용 쀑입니닀. 알레륎Ʞ: 알렀진 앜묌 알레륎Ʞ가 없습니닀.
Doctor: So, are you on any medication currently? Patient: Yes, I am taking Atenolol and Mevacor. Doctor: Hm, and no allergy to any medicine? Patient: Not that I know of.
The patient is discharged home.
의사: 읎제 퇎원하셔도 될 것 같습니닀. 퇎원 서류륌 쀀비하겠습니닀. 환자: 잘됐넀요!
환자가 퇎원했습니닀.
Doctor: I think you are good to go home. I am going to prepare your discharge paper. Patient: That's great!
Married x 27yrs. Husband denied Tobacco/ETOH/illicit drug use for her. Unremarkable FHx.
의사: 두 분은 결혌하신 지 얌마나 되셚나요? 게슀튞_가족: 저희는 27년짞 핚께하고 있습니닀. 의사: 와우, 정말 멋진 소식읎넀요. 두 분은 얎떻게 만났나요? 게슀튞_가족: 사싀 고등학교 때 만났얎요. 한동안 사귀닀가 잠시 쉬었지만 ê²°êµ­ 닀시 만나게 되었얎요. 의사: 아, 고등학교 연읞읎군요. 몇 가지 질묞읎 더 있는데요. 게슀튞_가족: 쎬영하섞요. 의사: 닮배, 마앜, 술은 플우셚나요? 게슀튞_가족: 귞런 걎 전혀 안 í•Žìš”. 의사: 잘됐넀요. 가족 쀑에 지병읎 있는 분은 없윌십니까? 게슀튞_가족: 큰 묞제는 없습니닀. 의사: 귞렇군요.
Ʞ혌 x 27ì„ž. 낚펞은 귞녀륌 위핎 닮배/ETOH/불법 앜묌 사용을 거부했습니닀. 눈에 띄지 않는 FHx.
Doctor: So how long have you two been married? Guest_family: We've been together for twenty seven years now. Doctor: Oh wow, that's so wonderful to hear. How did you guys meet? Guest_family: We actually met in high school. We dated for some time and then we took a break, but we ultimately got back together. Doctor: Aw, high school sweethearts. I have a few more questions to ask. Guest_family: Shoot. Doctor: Any tobacco, hard drugs, or alcohol? Guest_family: She doesn't do any of that. Doctor: Great. And do you know of any medical problems that run on her side of the family? Guest_family: Nothing major. Doctor: I see.
Soon after birth for treatment of an inperforated anus and curvature of the penis. At the age of 70 had another penile operation. At the age of 27 and 28 he had repeat operations to correct this. He did have complications of deep vein thrombosis and pulmonary embolism with one of those operations. He has had procedures in the past for hypospadias, underwent an operation in 1988 to remove some tissue block in the anus. In January of 1991 underwent cystoscopy. He was hospitalized in 1970 for treatment of urinary tract infection. In 2001, left rotator cuff repair with acromioplasty and distal clavicle resection. In 2001, colonoscopy that was normal. In 2001, prostate biopsy that showed chronic prostatitis. In 2003, left inguinal hernia repair with MESH.
의사: 당신의 천공된 항묞곌 음겜의 만곡에 대한 자섞한 병력을 알고 싶습니닀. 유전적 질환입니닀. 귞늬고 출생 직후 수술을 받윌셚는지 알고 계신가요? 환자: ë„€, 얎뚞니가 저륌 낳고 나서 수술을 받아알 한닀고 하셚얎요. 의사: 읎로 읞핎 받은 수술은 몚두 알고 계십니까? 환자: ë‹€ 적얎 놓았는지는 몚륎겠지만 대부분 여Ʞ 있습니닀. 의사: 목록읎 있윌시군요. 환자: ë„€, 저는 1970년에 요로결석윌로 입원했는데 귞때부터 묞제가 발생하Ʞ 시작했얎요. 정말 심각한 감엌읎었얎요. 의사: 귞렇군요. 환자: 1978년에 항묞에서 조직을 제거했습니닀. 막힌 부분읎 있었얎요. 음겜 축에도 수술을 했얎요. 의사: ê·ž 수술 후에 상황읎 좋아졌을 것 같군요. 환자: 귞랬죠. 저는 99년 1월에 방ꎑ겜 검사륌 통핎 막힌 부분을 제거했습니닀. 의사: 음 음. 환자: 2001년에 대장낎시겜 검사륌 받았는데 정상윌로 나왔습니닀. ê·ží•Ž 말에 전늜선 생검을 받았습니닀. 의사: 조직 검사 결곌는 얎땠나요? 환자: 전늜선에 심한 엌슝읎 있닀고 하더군요. 엌슝의 원읞에 대핎서는 듀은 적읎 없습니닀. 의사: 귞렇군요. 귀하의 상태에 대한 닀륞 수술은 없습니까? 환자: ë„€. 슀묌음곱 삎곌 슀묌여덟 삎에 같은 수술을 또 받았얎요. 신생아 때 받았던 것곌 같은 수술을요. 음흔 삎에 ì„ž 번짞 수술을 받았는데 축 부위만 교정했습니닀. 의사: 음. 귀하의 상태와 ꎀ렚읎 없는 닀륞 수술은 없습니까? 환자: ë„€, 여Ʞ 적혀있얎요. 2001년에 견뎉 성형술곌 원위 쇄곚 절제술을 받은 좌잡 회전귌개 재걎술읎 있었고 2003년에 왌쪜 서혜부 탈장 수술곌 MESH륌 받았습니닀. 의사: 수술 쀑 합병슝읎 발생한 적읎 있습니까? 환자: ë„€, 귞랬얎요. 혈전읎 폐로 듀얎간 것 같았얎요. 정말 묎서웠얎요. 의사: 정말 묎섭넀요.
출생 직후 천공된 항묞곌 음겜 만곡 치료륌 위핎 수술을 받았습니닀. 70섞에 또 닀륞 음겜 수술을 받았습니닀. 27섞와 28섞에 읎륌 교정하Ʞ 위핎 반복 수술을 받았습니닀. ê·ž 쀑 한 번의 수술로 심부정맥 혈전슝곌 폐색전슝의 합병슝읎 발생했습니닀. 귞는 곌거에 항묞하수슝윌로 수술을 받은 적읎 있윌며, 1988년에는 항묞의 음부 조직을 제거하는 수술을 받았습니닀. 1991년 1월에는 방ꎑ겜 검사륌 받았습니닀. 1970년에는 요로 감엌 치료륌 위핎 입원했습니닀. 2001년 견뎉 성형술곌 원위 쇄곚 절제술을 통한 좌잡 회전귌개 재걎술. 2001년 대장낎시겜 검사 결곌 정상. 2001년 전늜선 생검 결곌 만성 전늜선엌윌로 판명됚. 2003 년 메쉬로 좌잡 서혜부 탈장 복구.
Doctor: I would like to get a detailed history of your inperforated anus and the curvature of the penis. It is a genetic condition. And do you know if you had surgery soon after birth? Patient: Yeah, my mother said that I had to have surgery after she gave birth to me. Doctor: Do you know all the surgeries that you have had for this? Patient: I don't know if I have all of them written down, but I do have most of them here. Doctor: Oh, good you have a list. Patient: Yeah. I was hospitalized in nineteen seventy for a U T I. That is when the problems started happening. It was a really bad infection. Doctor: Okay. Patient: In nineteen eighty eight I the tissue removed from the anus. There was a blockage. They also did an operation in the shaft of the penis too. Doctor: I bet things improved after that surgery. Patient: It did. I have here in January of nineteen ninety one I had a cystoscopy to remove a blockage. Doctor: Um hum. Patient: In two thousand and one I had a colonoscopy that was normal. Later that year I had a biopsy of my prostate. Doctor: What did the biopsy show? Patient: They said I had severe inflammation in the prostate. I was never told that cause of the inflammation. Doctor: Okay. Any other surgeries for your condition? Patient: Oh yeah. I had that same procedure done again when I was twenty seven and twenty eight. The same one that I had as a newborn. I had a third surgery when I was seventy with just a correction of the shaft area. Doctor: Um hum. Any other surgeries unrelated to your condition? Patient: Yeah. I have it written down here. In two thousand and one there was a left rotator cuff repair with acromioplasty and distal clavicle resection and in two thousand and three I had a left inguinal hernia repair with M E S H. That is what my notes say. Doctor: Have you ever had any complications during any of your surgeries? Patient: Yeah, I did. I have a blood clot that apparently went into my lungs. I was very scary. Doctor: That is very scary.
COPD and hypertension.
의사: 찚튞에 따륎멎 만성 폐쇄성 폐질환곌 고혈압읎 있윌신 것 같습니닀. 환자: ë„€, 맞습니닀. 의사: 알겠습니닀.
COPD 및 고혈압.
Doctor: As per your chart, I see you have C O P D and hypertension. Patient: Yes that is right. Doctor: Okay.
Denied Tobacco/ETOH/illicit drug use.
의사: 닮배 제품을 사용하십니까? 환자: 아니요. 의사: 술을 마시거나 Ʞ혞용 앜묌을 사용하십니까? 환자: 아니요. 의사: 죌사제 또는 처방앜 낚용의 병력읎 있습니까? 환자: 아니요.
닮배/ETOH/불법 앜묌 사용 거부.
Doctor: Do you use any tobacco products? Patient: No. Doctor: Do you drink alcohol or use any recreational drugs? Patient: No. Doctor: Any history of needle drugs or prescription drug abuse? Patient: No.
Acute renal failure, resolved.
의사: 안녕하섞요! 환자: 안녕하섞요, 좀 ì–Žë– ì„žìš”? 의사: 전 ꎜ찮습니닀. 환자: 읎제 ë‹€ 나은 것 같아요. 의사: ë„€, 검사 결곌륌 볎니 신부전도 핎결된 것 같습니닀.
꞉성 신부전, 핎결됚.
Doctor: Hi! Patient: Hello, how are you? Doctor: I am good. Patient: I think I am all well now. Doctor: Yes, looking at your results I think your kidney failure is resolved too.
21 y/o RHM complained of gradual onset numbness and incoordination of both lower extremities beginning approximately 11/5/96. The symptoms became maximal over a 12-24 hour period and have not changed since. The symptoms consist of tingling in the distal lower extremities approximately half way up the calf bilaterally. He noted decreased coordination of both lower extremities which he thought might be due to uncertainty as to where his feet were being placed in space. He denied bowel/bladder problems, or weakness or numbness elsewhere. Hot showers may improve his symptoms. He has suffered no recent flu-like illness. Past medical and family histories are unremarkable. He was on no medications.
의사: 몇 삎읎죠, 젊은읎? 환자: 슀묌한 삎입니닀. 의사: 였륞손잡읎입니까, 왌손잡읎입니까? 환자: 저는 였륞손잡읎입니닀. 의사: 였늘은 묎슚 음로 였셚나요? 환자: 몚든 것은 11월 5음에 시작되었습니닀. ê·ž 후 슝상읎 점찚 심핎지는 것을 볎았습니닀. 마비가 옚 것 같았얎요. 닀늬에 감각읎 없었얎요. 항상 저늰 느낌읎 듀었고 닀늬에 감각읎 없었고 걷는 데에도 영향을 믞쳀습니닀. 읎 몚든 슝상은 반나절 읎상 만에 한계에 달했습니닀. ê·ž 읎후에도 같은 슝상읎 계속되고 있습니닀. 또한 양쪜 종아늬 쀑간쯀에서 누군가 제 닀늬에 핀곌 바늘을 ꜂고 있는 듯한 느낌도 듭니닀. 의사: 닀늬 사읎의 협응력읎 떚얎지거나 조정력읎 떚얎진닀고 하셚죠? 환자: ë„€, 맞습니닀. 마치 우죌륌 걷는 것 같고 닀음 발걞음을 얎디에 딛얎알 할지 몚륎는 느낌입니닀. 위아래 공간 읞식읎 전혀 안 돌요. 의사: 배변에 묞제가 있나요? 환자: 아니요. 의사: 닀늬륌 제왞한 닀륞 부위에 힘읎 앜핎지거나 저늰 슝상은 얎떻습니까? 환자: 아니요, 닀늬에만 있습니닀. 의사: 귞런 슝상에 도움읎 되는 앜읎 있었나요? 환자: Ꞁ쎄요, 가끔 뜚거욎 묌로 샀워륌 하멎 Ʞ분읎 나아질 때도 있었지만, 가끔씩만 귞런 것 같아요. 의사: 최귌에 독감곌 비슷한 슝상읎 있었나요? 환자: 아니요. 의사: 가족 쀑에 귞런 슝상읎 있거나 가족 쀑에 닀륞 의학적 묞제가 있었던 사람읎 있었나요? 환자: 아니요. 의사: 읎전에 수술을 받은 적읎 있습니까? 환자: 아니요. 의사: 곌거에 닀륞 죌요 걎강 묞제는 없었나요? 환자: 아니요, 의학적 묞제는 없습니닀. 의사: ì–Žë–€ 종류의 앜을 복용하고 계십니까? 환자: 복용 쀑읞 앜은 없습니닀.
96년 11월 5음겜부터 양쪜 하지의 점진적읞 마비 및 협응력 저하륌 혞소하는 21ì„ž RHM 환자입니닀. 슝상은 12~24시간에 걞쳐 최고조에 달했윌며 ê·ž 읎후에는 변핚읎 없습니닀. 슝상은 ì–‘ìž¡ 종아늬에서 ì•œ 절반 정도 위쪜 하지의 말닚부 저늌윌로 구성되었습니닀. 귞는 양쪜 하지의 협응력 저하륌 얞꞉했는데, 읎는 자신의 발읎 공간에서 얎디에 위치하는지에 대한 불확싀성 때묞음 수 있닀고 생각했습니닀. 장/방ꎑ 묞제나 닀륞 부위의 쇠앜 또는 마비 슝상은 부읞했습니닀. 뜚거욎 묌로 샀워하멎 슝상읎 개선될 수 있습니닀. 최귌 독감곌 유사한 질병을 앓은 적읎 없습니닀. 곌거 병력 및 가족력은 특읎사항읎 없습니닀. 귞는 앜을 복용하지 않았습니닀.
Doctor: How old are you, young man? Patient: I am twenty one. Doctor: Are you right handed or left handed? Patient: I am right handed. Doctor: So, tell me what brings you here today? Patient: Everything started on the fifth of November. Then after I saw the gradual increase in my symptoms. So it was all like numbness. I could not feel my legs. They felt numb all the time and there was no coordination between them, and it also affected my walk. All these symptoms were at their limit in just like a half day or more. It is continuing the same way since then. I also feel like somebody is putting pins and needles on my legs approximately halfway up the calf on both sides. Doctor: You said that you felt decreased coordination or less coordination between your legs, right? Patient: Yeah, that's right. It totally feels like I'm walking in space and don't know where to put my next step. I have no up and down spatial awareness. Doctor: Do you have any issue with the bowel movements? Patient: Nope. Doctor: What about this weakness or the numbness anywhere else except your legs? Patient: No, it's only in the legs. Doctor: Did anything help you with those symptoms? Patient: Well, sometimes, you see, hot showers made me feel better, but it is like only sometimes. Doctor: Any recent flu like symptoms? Patient: Nope. Doctor: Did anyone in your family have anything like that or any other medical issues that was like going on in your family? Patient: Nope. Doctor: Did you have any surgery before? Patient: Nope. Doctor: What about any other major health issues in the past? Patient: No, no medical issues. Doctor: Are you taking any kind of medication for anything? Patient: No medications.
This 62 y/o RHF presented locally with a 2 month history of progressive loss of visual acuity, OD. She had a 2 year history of progressive loss of visual acuity, OS, and is now blind in that eye. She denied any other symptomatology. Denied HA.
의사: 였늘 묎슚 음로 병원에 였셚나요? 환자: 였륞쪜 눈의 시력읎 점점 떚얎지고 있습니닀. 안곌 의사가 신겜곌 전묞의에게 가볎띌고 했얎요. 귞래서 여Ʞ 왔습니닀. 의사: 좋아요, 시력 상싀은 얞제부터 진행되었나요? 환자: ì•œ 두 달 정도요. 정말 빠륎게 진행되고 있는 것 같습니닀. 저는 항상 왌쪜 눈의 시력읎 좋지 않았습니닀. ì•œ 2년 전부터 시작되었습니닀. 의사: 아직도 왌쪜 눈읎 잘 볎읎시나요? 환자: 아니요. 읎제 읎쪜 눈은 싀명 상태입니닀. 의사: 시력 상싀곌 ꎀ렚된 닀륞 슝상읎 있었나요? 환자: 아니요. 의사: 두통은 없었나요? 환자: 아니요. 의사: 지배적읞 손은 묎엇입니까? 환자: 묎슚 뜻읎죠? 의사: ì–Žë–€ 손윌로 Ꞁ을 쓰거나 죌로 사용하십니까? 환자: 였! 저는 였륞손잡읎입니닀. 의사: 몇 삎읎섞요? 환자: 예순 두 삎입니닀. 의사: 좋아요, 지ꞈ 몇 가지 검사륌 핎볎겠습니닀. 환자: 알겠습니닀.
읎 62ì„ž RHF 환자는 2개월 동안 진행성 시력 상싀(OD)의 병력읎 있는 국소적 시력 상싀 환자입니닀. 귞녀는 2년간 진행성 시력 상싀, OS 병력읎 있었윌며 현재 핎당 눈은 싀명 상태입니닀. 귞녀는 닀륞 슝상을 부읞했습니닀. 거부 된 HA.
Doctor: What brings you in to the clinic today? Patient: Well, I have had a progressive loss of my vision in my right eye. My eye doctor told me that I should come and see a neurologist. So here I am. Doctor: Okay. How long has the vision loss been progressing for? Patient: About two months. It seems like it has been progressing really fast. I have always had bad vision in my left eye. That started about two years ago. Doctor: Can you still see out of you left eye? Patient: No. I am considered blind in this eye now. Doctor: Have you had any other symptoms associated with your vision loss? Patient: No. Doctor: Any headaches? Patient: Nope. Doctor: What is you dominate hand? Patient: What do you mean? Doctor: What hand do you write with or use dominantly? Patient: Oh! I am right handed. Doctor: And how old are you? Patient: I am sixty two. Doctor: Okay. I would like to run some test now. Patient: Okay.
Negative for rheumatic fever. The patient has usual childhood illnesses.
의사: 얎렞을 때 류마티슀 엎읎 있었던 병력읎 있윌신가요? 환자: 아니요. 의사: 음반적읞 얎늰 시절 질병 왞에 닀륞 병력은 없습니까? 환자: 아니요.
류마티슀 엎에 대핮 음성입니닀. 환자는 평소 얎늰 시절 질병읎 있습니닀.
Doctor: Do you have any history of rheumatic fever as a child? Patient: No. Doctor: Any history of anything other then usual childhood illnesses? Patient: No.
His maternal grandmother had pancreatic cancer. Father had prostate cancer. There is heart disease in the father and diabetes in the father.
의사: 가족력에 대핮 조ꞈ 더 말씀핎 죌시겠얎요? 환자: ë„€, 얎뚞니 쪜 할빾니는 췌장암에 걞늬셚고 아버지는 전늜선암에 걞늬셚던 것윌로 알고 있습니닀. 의사: 암 왞에 가족 쀑에 발병한 것윌로 알고 있는 닀륞 질환읎 있습니까? 환자: 음, 아버지가 심장병곌 당뇚병을 앓윌셚던 것윌로 알고 있습니닀. 의사: 감사합니닀, 알아두멎 좋은 정볎입니닀.
귞의 왞할뚞니는 췌장암에 걞렞습니닀. 아버지는 전늜선 암에 걞렞습니닀. 아버지에게는 심장병읎 있고 아버지에게는 당뇚병읎 있습니닀.
Doctor: So, tell me a little bit more about your family history, please. Patient: Sure, I know that my grandmother on my mom's side had pancreatic cancer, and my dad had prostate cancer. Doctor: Besides cancer, are there any other conditions that you know run in your family? Patient: Um, I know that my dad had heart disease, as well as diabetes. Doctor: Thank you, this is good information to know.
No history of any smoking, alcohol, or drug abuse. The patient is a registered nurse by profession.
의사: 묎슚 음을 하섞요? 환자: 저는 간혞사입니닀. 의사: ê·žê±° 좋넀요. 의사: 닎배륌 플우거나 술을 드십니까? 환자: 없습니닀. 의사: 앜묌 낚용읎나 닀륞 병력은 없습니까? 환자: 절대 없습니닀! 의사: 좋아요.
흡연, 음죌 또는 앜묌 낚용의 병력읎 없습니닀. 환자는 직업읎 간혞사입니닀.
Doctor: What do you do? Patient: I am a registered nurse. Doctor: That's nice. Doctor: And do you smoke or drink? Patient: No sir. Doctor: Any history of drug abuse or anything? Patient: Absolutely not! Doctor: Okay, good.
Quit smoking in 1996. He occasionally drinks alcoholic beverages.
의사: 안녕하섞요, 선생님. 좀 ì–Žë– ì„žìš”? 환자: 저는 잘 지낎고 있습니닀. 폐와 심장읎 ꎜ찮은지 확읞하Ʞ 위핎 더 자죌 병원에 였렀고 합니닀. 의사: 잘됐넀요. 읎전 메몚에서 닎배륌 끊윌셚닀고 하셚는데요. 아직도 끊윌셚나요? 환자: ë„€, 1996년에 끊었습니닀. 맀년 병원에 와서 폐 손상을 몚니터링하고 있습니닀. 의사: 태도가 ì°ž 좋윌시넀요. 환자분듀읎 자신의 걎강을 슀슀로 챙Ʞ는 태도는 정말 고마욎 음입니닀. 저희는 할 수 있는 음읎 많지만 슀슀로 찟아였는 것은 환자의 몫입니닀. 환자: ë„€, 저도 였랫동안 닎배륌 플웠고 귞게 몞에 안 좋닀는 걞 알아요. 예전에는 귞냥 음상적읞 음읎었얎요. 의사: 술을 전혀 드시나요? 환자: ë„€. 가끔씩만요.
1996년에 닎배륌 끊었습니닀. 귞는 가끔 술을 마신닀.
Doctor: Hello, sir. How are you doing? Patient: I am doing well, thanks. Just trying to come to you more regularly to make sure my lungs and heart are okay. Doctor: That's great. The previous notes said that you quit smoking. Are you still off? Patient: Yes, I quit in nineteen ninety six. I come yearly to the doctor's office to make sure that the damage I did to my lungs is monitored. Doctor: You have a great attitude. I appreciate when patient's take their health into their own hands. We can only do so much, but it is up to the patient to bring themselves in. Patient: Yeah. I smoked for a long time and I know it was bad for me. It was just the norm back in the day. Doctor: Do you drink at all? Patient: I do. Only occasionally.
The patient is brought in by an assistant with some of his food diary sheets. They wonder if the patient needs to lose anymore weight.
게슀튞_가족: 안녕하섞요 선생님. 저는 하읎 혾프 원혞 생활 섌터에서 왔습니닀. 저는 믞슀터 래슀 씚의 닎당 도우믞입니닀. 의사: 귞렇군요. 여ꞎ 묎슚 음로 였셚나요? 게슀튞_가족: 여Ʞ 띌슀 씚의 음식 음Ʞ장을 가젞왔얎요. 지난 3개월 동안 벌썚 15파욎드가 빠졌얎요. 더 감량할 필요가 있는지 궁ꞈ핎서요 의사: 제가 좀 볌게요.
환자가 음식 음Ʞ장을 듀고 도우믞가 데렀옵니닀. 귞듀은 환자가 더 읎상 첎쀑 감량읎 필요한지 궁ꞈ핎합니닀.
Guest_family: Hello Doctor. I am from High Hope assisted living center. I am Mister Rath's assigned assistant. Doctor: Right. What brings you here? Guest_family: I got some of Mister Rath's food diary sheets here. He has already lost fifteen pounds in the last three months. We were just wondering if he needed to lose anymore. Doctor: Let me have a look.
의사: 현재 환자분의 상태와 몚든 활력 징후는 안정적윌로 볎입니닀. 상태가 나빠질 수도 있고 좋아질 수도 있윌므로 맀우 조심하셔알 합니닀 환자: 좋아요, 귞럌 얎떻게 하멎 좋을까요? 의사: ì–Žë–€ 지원 시슀템읎 있나요? 집에 당신을 돌뎐쀄 사람읎 있나요? 환자: ë„€, 제 아듀곌 귞의 가족읎 저와 핚께 ì‚Žê³  있습니닀. 귞듀은 맀우 배렀심읎 많습니닀. 의사: 잘됐넀요. 몞조심하시고 상태가 악화되멎 알렀죌섞요.
Doctor: Your condition and all your vital signs look stable to me right now. You must be very careful as your condition can get poor or it might improve as well. Patient: Okay, so what do you recommend? Doctor: Do you have any support system? Is there anyone at home to take care of you? Patient: Yes, my son and his family lives with me. They are very caring. Doctor: That is good. Do take care of yourself and let me know if your condition worsens.
Cigar smoker. Truck driver.
의사: 얎디에서 음하시나요? 환자: 저는 튾럭 욎전사입니닀. 큰 걎섀 회사예요. ê±°êž°ì„œ 음핎요. 의사: 닎배륌 플우십니까? 환자: ë„€. 의사: 닮배나 닀륞 것을 플우시나요? 환자: 저는 시가륌 플웁니닀.
시가 흡연자. 튾럭 욎전사.
Doctor: Where do you work? Patient: I'm a truck driver. It's a big construction company. I work for them. Doctor: Do you smoke? Patient: Yeah. Doctor: Cigarette or something else? Patient: I do Cigar.
She has no tobacco use. Only occasional alcohol use. She has no illicit drug use. She has two grown children. She is married. She works as a social worker dealing with adult abuse and neglect issues. Her husband is a high school chemistry teacher.
의사: 좋은 아칚입니닀, 부읞. 였늘 진료륌 시작하Ʞ 전에 몇 가지 정볎가 필요합니닀. 환자: 좋은 아칚입니닀, 의사 선생님. 묌론, 전혀 묞제가 되지 않습니닀. 의사: 닎배륌 플우거나 술을 드십니까, 부읞? 환자: 닮배는 안 플우고 술은 가끔씩 마십니닀. 의사: 더 ì„Œ 앜은 드시나요, 귞런 앜은 드시나요? 환자: 아니요, 안 합니닀. 의사: 결혌하셚습니까? 환자: ë„€, 멋진 낚펞곌 결혌했습니닀. 의사: 잘됐넀요, 두 분의 직업은 묎엇읞가요? 환자: 저는 사회복지사읎고 낚펞은 고등학교 화학 교사입니닀. 의사: 두 분 몚두 훌륭한 음을 하고 계시넀요. 사회복지사로서 ì–Žë–€ 사람듀곌 핚께 음하시나요? 환자: 저는 성읞 학대 및 방임 묞제륌 닀룚는 음을 좋아합니닀. 의사: ë„€, 잘됐넀요. 자녀가 있윌신가요? 환자: ë„€, 두 아듀읎 있습니닀. 의사: 아읎듀읎 집에 ì‚Žê³  있나요? 환자: 아니요, 둘 ë‹€ 성장핎서 지ꞈ은 독늜했습니닀.
귞녀는 닎배륌 플우지 않습니닀. 가끔 술을 마싀 뿐입니닀. 불법 앜묌 사용 겜험읎 없습니닀. 성읞읎 된 두 자녀가 있습니닀. 결혌했습니닀. 귞녀는 성읞 학대 및 방임 묞제륌 닀룚는 사회 복지사로 음하고 있습니닀. 귞녀의 낚펞은 고등학교 화학 교사입니닀.
Doctor: Good morning, ma'am. I just need a few pieces of information before we get started today. Patient: Good morning, doctor. Absolutely, that's not a problem at all. Doctor: Do you smoke or drink, ma'am? Patient: I don't smoke, and I drink, um, I'd say on occasionally. Doctor: What about harder drugs, do you use any of those? Patient: No, I don't. Doctor: Are you married? Patient: Yes, to my wonderful husband. Doctor: That's great, what do you two do for a living? Patient: I'm a social worker, and my husband is a high school chemistry teacher. Doctor: What great work both of you are doing. What kinds of people do you work with as a social worker? Patient: I love it, I work with adult abuse and neglect issues. Doctor: Yes, that's great. Do you have any children? Patient: Yes, we have two sons. Doctor: Do they live at home? Patient: No, they're both grown and on their own now.
Father died of MI, age 80. Mother died of MI, age73. Brother died of Brain tumor, age 9.
의사: 부몚님 몚두 심장 합병슝읎 있윌셚나요? 환자: 불행히도 귞렇습니닀. 얎뚞니는 음흔셋에, 아버지는 여든에 심장마비로 돌아가셚습니닀. 의사: 정말 유감입니닀. 환자: 저도 였빠륌 잃었습니닀. 아홉 ì‚Ž 때 뇌종양윌로 섞상을 떠났얎요. 의사: 얌마나 힘드셚을지 상상도 안 됩니닀. 환자: 우늬 읞생에서 암욞한 시Ʞ였지만 가족윌로서 잘 읎겚냈얎요.
아버지는 80섞에 MI로 사망했습니닀. 얎뚞니는 MI로 사망, 73 ì„ž. 형제는 뇌종양윌로 사망, 9 ì„ž.
Doctor: Did both your parents have heart complications. Patient: Unfortunately, yes. My mom passed from a heart attack at seventy three and my father at eighty. Doctor: I'm so sorry to hear that. Patient: I lost my brother as well. He passed away from a brain tumor when he was nine years old. Doctor: I can't imagine how hard that must've been. Patient: It was a dark time in our lives, but we survived it as a family.