20 values
Significant for anxiety disorder.
의사: 지난번 방묞 시 섀묞조사 결곌륌 검토했나요? 환자: 아니요, 지ꞈ ê·ž 결곌륌 가지고 있나요? 의사: ë„€, 가지고 있습니닀. 불안 장애가 있는 것윌로 나타났습니닀. 환자: 귞렇군요, 알렀죌셔서 감사합니닀.
불안 장애에 쀑요합니닀.
Doctor: Have we gone over your survey results from your last visit? Patient: No, do you have those results with you right now? Doctor: Yes, I do, they show that you have anxiety disorder. Patient: That makes sense, thank you for sharing that with me.
For evaluation of left-sided chest pain, 5 days post abdominal surgery.
의사: 흉통읎 있윌신 것 같넀요. 가슎 얎디가 아프시나요? 환자: 죌로 왌쪜입니닀. 의사: 얞제부터 시작되었나요? 환자: 음, ë©°ì¹  전부터요. 의사: 통슝에 대핮 얎떻게 섀명하셚나요? 환자: 좀 둔핎요. 의사: 통슝곌 핚께 혞흡곀란곌 같은 닀륞 슝상은 없었나요? 환자: 아뇚, 없습니닀. 의사: 통슝은 볎통 얌마나 였래 지속됩니까? 환자: 몇 분 정도요. 왔닀가 사띌집니닀. 의사: 통슝 때묞에 복용한 앜읎 있습니까? 환자: 애드빌을 뚹얎뎀는데 도움읎 안 되는 것 같습니닀. 의사: 곌거에도 비슷한 통슝읎 있었나요? 환자: 아니요, 없었던 것 같습니닀. 의사: 귞늬고 5음 전에 복부 수술을 받윌셚죠? 환자: ë„€. 통슝곌 ꎀ렚읎 있닀고 생각하십니까? 의사: 몇 가지 검사륌 핎볎고 묎슚 음읎 있는지 확읞하Ʞ 위핎 CT 슀캔을 핎볎겠습니닀.
왌쪜 흉통 평가, 복부 수술 후 5 음.
Doctor: I see here that you've been having some chest pain. Where along the chest? Patient: It's mostly on the left side. Doctor: When did it start? Patient: Um a few days ago. Doctor: How'd you describe the pain? Patient: Kinda dull. Doctor: Any other symptoms with the pain, such as shortness of breath? Patient: Not really, no. Doctor: How long does the pain usually last? Patient: For a few minutes. It comes and goes. Doctor: Have you taken anything for the pain? Patient: I've taken some Advil, but it doesn't seem to help. Doctor: Have you had similar pain in the past? Patient: No, I don't think so. Doctor: And you had surgery on your abdomen five days ago, correct? Patient: Yes. Do you think the pain is related? Doctor: I'd like to run some tests and get you in for a CAT scan to see what's going on.
Per the emergency room record, significant for atrial fibrillation, hypertension, and hyperlipidemia.
의사: 고혈압, 고윜레슀테례혈슝, 심방섞동 병력읎 있는 것 같습니닀. 게슀튞_임상의: ê·žê°€ 심방섞동 때묞에 심장전묞의에게 진찰을 받나요? 의사: 찚튞에는 없습니닀. 환자분의 비상 연띜처로 전화핎서 확읞핎 볎겠습니닀. 게슀튞_임상의: 알겠습니닀. 계속 알렀죌섞요.
응꞉싀 Ʞ록에 따륎멎 심방섞동, 고혈압 및 고지혈슝에 유의합니닀.
Doctor: It looks like he has a history of high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and Afib. Guest_clinician: Does he see a cardiologist for his Afib? Doctor: Not according to his chart. I'll see if I can call his emergency contact to confirm. Guest_clinician: Okay. Keep me posted.
The patient is a nonsmoker. Denies any alcohol or illicit drug use. The patient does live with his family.
의사: 닎배륌 플우거나 술을 마시나요? 환자: 아니요, 닎배륌 플우거나 술을 마시지 않습니닀. 의사: 마앜은 얎떻습니까? 환자: 아니요, 한 번도 핎볞 적읎 없습니닀. 의사: 누구와 핚께 ì‚Žê³  있습니까? 환자: 가족만 있습니닀.
환자는 비흡연자입니닀. 알윔올 또는 불법 앜묌 사용을 거부합니닀. 환자는 가족곌 핚께 ì‚Žê³  있습니닀.
Doctor: Do you smoke or drink alcohol? Patient: No, I do not smoke or drink alcohol. Doctor: How about drugs? Patient: Nope, I have never. Doctor: Who do you live with? Patient: Just my family.
The patient is a 65-year-old man with chronic prostatitis who returns for recheck. He follow with Dr. XYZ about every three to four months. His last appointment was in May 2004. Has had decreased libido since he has been on Proscar. He had tried Viagra with some improvement. He has not had any urinary tract infection since he has been on Proscar. Has nocturia x 3 to 4.
의사: 지ꞈ 몇 삎읎섞요? 환자: 저는 예순닀섯입니닀. 지난죌에 아읎듀읎 깜짝 생음 파티륌 엎얎쀬얎요. 의사: 였 와우! 정말 멋지넀요. 뒀늊은 생음 축하드렀요. 환자: 좋았얎요. 의사: 였늘 전늜선엌 재검사륌 위핎 였신 것 같군요. 환자: ë„€. 의사: 의사 맀티슀가 였셚군요. 환자: ë„€. 의사: 얌마나 자죌 귞륌 만나시나요? 환자: 3~4개월에 한 번씩 였띌고 합니닀. 의사: 훌륭하군요. 귞늬고 마지막윌로 볞 게 2004월 5월읎었는데요. 환자: 귞렇게 였래 됐나요? 의사: ë„€, 귞렇습니닀. 좋아요, 성욕 묞제륌 상닎하러 였셚나요? 환자: 슬프게도 귞렇습니닀. 의사: 읎런 얎렀움을 겪은 지 얌마나 되셚나요? 환자: 프로슀칎륌 복용하Ʞ 시작했을 때부터 변화륌 느ꌈ습니닀. 의사: 읎는 음부 낚성듀읎 프로슀칎륌 복용하멎서 겜험하는 음반적읞 부작용입니닀. 성욕을 되찟는 데 도움읎 되는 앜을 복용핎 볎셚나요? 환자: 가끔 비아귞띌륌 복용합니닀. 의사: 도움읎 되나요? 환자: 앜간 횚곌가 있습니닀. 의사: 지ꞈ은 밀에 몇 번읎나 음얎나서 자신을 되삎늬나요? 환자: 아직도 서너 번 정도 음얎납니닀. 의사: 귞래요, 여전히 자죌 음얎나는군요. 환자: ë„€, 하지만 프로슀칎륌 사용한 읎후로 요로감엌읎 발생한 적은 없습니닀. 의사: 좋은 소식입니닀.
환자는 만성 전늜선엌을 앓고 있는 65ì„ž 낚성윌로 재검진을 위핎 재방묞합니닀. 귞는 ì•œ 3~4개월마닀 XYZ 박사륌 만나고 있습니닀. 마지막 진료는 2004년 5월읎었습니닀. 프로슀칎륌 복용한 읎후로 성욕읎 감소했습니닀. 귞는 비아귞띌륌 복용핎 볎았는데 얎느 정도 개선되었습니닀. 프로슀칎륌 복용한 읎후 요로 감엌은 없었습니닀. 알뇚슝읎 3~4회 있습니닀.
Doctor: How old are you now? Patient: I am sixty five. My kids just through me a surprise birthday party last week. Doctor: Oh wow! That is so nice. Happy belated birthday. Patient: It was nice. Doctor: It looks like you are here today for a recheck for the prostatitis. Patient: Yeah. Doctor: I see you have been followed by Doctor Mathis. Patient: Yes. Doctor: How often do you see him? Patient: He has me coming in about every three or four months. Doctor: Excellent. And the last time I saw you was in May two thousand and four. Patient: Has it been that long? Doctor: Yeah, it has. Okay. You are here to discuss some libido problems? Patient: Sadly, yes. Doctor: How long have you been having these difficulties? Patient: I noticed the change when I started taking the Proscar. Doctor: That is a common side effect that some men experience from Proscar. Have you tried any medication to help bring back your libido? Patient: I take Viagra sometimes. Doctor: Does it help at all? Patient: There is some improvement. Doctor: How many times a night do you get up to relive yourself now? Patient: I still get up about three to four times. Doctor: Okay, so still often. Patient: Yes, but I have not had any U T Is since I have been on the Proscar. Doctor: That is good news.
Marital Status and Dependents: The patient has been married three times; longest marriage is of two years duration. He has two children. These dependents are ages 15 and twins and are his wife's dependents. Education: The patient has bachelor's degree. Military History: He served six years in the army and received an honorable discharge. Work History: He has worked at Purdy Correctional Institute in Gig Harbor for 19 years.
의사: 결혌하셚나요, 선생님? 환자: ë„€, 귞렇습니닀. 의사: 읎번읎 유음한 결혌입니까? 환자: 음, 아니요. 저는 지ꞈ까지 ì„ž 번 결혌했습니닀. 의사: 질묞핎도 ꎜ찮닀멎 가장 ꞎ 결혌 생활은 얌마나 되셚나요? 환자: 전혀 상ꎀ없습니닀. 가장 ꞎ 결혌은 2년읎었습니닀. 의사: 자녀가 있윌십니까, 선생님? 환자: ë„€, 둘읎 있습니닀. 의사: 몇 삎입니까, 선생님? 환자: 둘 ë‹€ 엎닀섯 삎읎고 쌍둥읎입니닀. 하지만 제 아낎의 부양가족입니닀. 의사: ë„€, 감사합니닀. 대학은 닀니셚나요? 환자: ë„€, 학사 학위가 있습니닀. 군대에서 학비륌 지원받았얎요. 의사: êµ° 복묎 Ʞ간은 얌마나 되셚나요? 환자: 6년을 복묎했습니닀. 명예 제대했습니닀. 의사: 현재 얎디에서 음하고 계십니까? 환자: êž± 하버에 있는 퍌디 교도소에서 음하고 있습니닀. 귞곳에서 19년 동안 음했얎요.
결혌 상태 및 부양가족: 환자는 ì„ž 번 결혌했윌며 가장 ꞎ 결혌 Ʞ간은 2년입니닀. 두 자녀가 있습니닀. 읎 부양가족은 15섞와 쌍둥읎읎며 아낎의 부양가족입니닀. 교육: 환자는 학사 학위륌 받았습니닀. 병력: 6년간 êµ° 복묎륌 마치고 명예 제대했습니닀. 귌묎 겜력: 귞는 êž± 하버의 퍌디 교정 Ʞꎀ에서 19년 동안 귌묎했습니닀.
Doctor: Are you married, sir? Patient: Yes, I am, Doctor: Doctor: Is this your only marriage? Patient: Well, no. I've been married three times now. Doctor: If you don't mind my asking, how long was your longest marriage? Patient: I don't mind at all, my longest was two years. Doctor: Do you have any children, sir? Patient: Yes, I have two. Doctor: How old are they, sir? Patient: They're both fifteen, they're twins, obviously. They're my wife's dependents, though. Doctor: Okay, thank you. Did you go to college, sir? Patient: Yeah, I have my bachelor's. I got the military to pay for it. Doctor: How long were you in the military? Patient: I did six years, sir. I was honorably discharged. Doctor: Where are you working currently. Patient: I've worked at Purdy Correctional Institute, you know, the one in Gig Harbor? I've worked there for nineteen years.
Choledocholithiasis, ? cholecystitis.
의사: 100% 확싀하지는 않지만 결석읎 있는 것 같습니닀. 환자: C B D? 의사: ë„€, 쎝닎ꎀ의 쀄임말입니닀. 간ꎀ곌 닎낭을 연결하는 작은 튜뾌 같은 구조묌입니닀. 환자: 였! 의사: ë„€, 귞래서 닎낭에 엌슝읎 생ꞎ 거죠 환자: 였, 알겠습니닀.
닎석슝, ? ë‹Žë‚­ì—Œ.
Doctor: So, looks like you have stones in your C B D. I am not hundred percent sure but most likely its stones. Patient: C B D? Doctor: Yeah, short for common bile duct. It's a small tube like structure which connects your liver duct and gallbladder. Patient: Oh! Doctor: Yeah, and because of that you have inflammation in your gallbladder. Patient: Oh, I see.
I needed a blood transfusion.
게슀튞_임상의: 곌거에 수혈을 받은 적읎 있나요? 의사: 아니요, 읎번읎 처음입니닀. 게슀튞_임상의: 알겠습니닀.
수혈읎 필요했얎요.
Guest_clinician: Has he had a blood transfusion in the past? Doctor: No, this is his first one. Guest_clinician: Okay, got it.
The patient is a 10-year-old boy who has been a toe walker since he started ambulating at about a year. The patient had some mild hamstring tightness with his popliteal angle of approximately 20 degrees bilaterally. He does not walk with a crouched gait but does toe walk. Given his tightness, surgery versus observation was recommended to the family. Family however wanted to correct his toe walking. Surgery was then discussed. Risks of surgery include risks of anesthesia, infection, bleeding, changes in sensation and motion of the extremities, failure to resolve toe walking, possible stiffness, cast, and cast problems. All questions were answered and parents agreed to above surgical plan.
의사: 아드님에 대핮 자섞히 말씀핎 죌시겠얎요? 게슀튞_가족: ë„€, 지ꞈ 10삎읎에요. 의사: 볎행Ʞ는 얞제부터 사용하셚나요? 게슀튞_가족: 음, ê±·êž° 시작할 때부터 사용했습니닀. 의사: ê±·êž° 시작했을 때 몇 삎읎었나요? 게슀튞_가족: 한 ì‚Ž 정도였습니닀. 의사: 좋아요, 였늘은 ì–Žë–€ 묞제가 있는 것 같나요? 게슀튞_가족: 닀늬 뒀쪜읎 뻐귌하닀고 계속 불평합니닀. 의사: 테읎랔에 앉을 수 있겠나, 젊은읎? ë„€, 닀늬륌 구부늬고 있는데, 읎륌 슬와각읎띌고 하는데 양쪜 닀늬가 20도 정도만 구부러젞 있습니닀. 게슀튞_가족: 정상적윌로 얎디에 있얎알 하나요? 의사: 90도까지 올띌갈 수 있얎알 합니닀. 게슀튞_가족: 얎떻게 하멎 되나요? 의사: 읎 닀늬륌 수술핎알 할 것 같습니닀. 얎떻게 걞을 수 있나요? 뮐도 되나요? 게슀튞_가족: Ꞁ쎄요, 귞냥 지쌜볌까요. 의사: ë„€, 웅크늰 자섞로 걷지는 않지만 발가띜윌로 ê±·ê³  있습니닀. 게슀튞_가족: 햄슀튞링 조임 대신 ê·ž 부분을 교정할 수 있을까요? 의사: Ꞁ쎄요, 햄슀튞링도 수술핎알 할 것 같습니닀. 게슀튞_가족: 좋아요, 지ꞈ은 걷는 걞 고치Ʞ 위핎 수술을 하고 싶얎요. 감엌 위험은 얎떻게 되나요? 의사: 역사적윌로 1% 믞만윌로 낮습니닀. 위험에는 마췚, 감엌, 출혈, 감각 및 볎행 동작의 변화가 포핚되며 발가띜 볎행읎 항상 치료되지 않을 수도 있습니닀. 또한 깁슀 착용 후 뻣뻣핚 및 Ʞ타 깁슀 묞제가 발생할 수 있습니닀. 게슀튞_가족: 알겠얎요, 귞늬고 수술하는 동안 마췚륌 하게 되나요? 귞럎 가치가 있나요? 의사: 묌론, 아묎것도 느끌지 못할 것입니닀. 위험읎 발생할 확률읎 낮Ʞ 때묞에 귞만한 가치가 있습니닀. 게슀튞_가족: ë„€, 시술을 받고 싶얎요. 낚펞에게 빚늬 묞자륌 볎낌게요. ë„€, 낹펾도 동의합니닀.
환자는 10ì„ž 낚자아읎로, ì•œ 1ì‚Ž 때부터 발가띜 볎행Ʞ륌 사용핎 왔습니닀. 환자는 슬와 각도가 양잡윌로 ì•œ 20도읞 겜믞한 햄슀튞링 압박감읎 있었습니닀. 귞는 웅크늰 걞음걞읎가 아닌 발가띜 볎행윌로 걞었습니닀. 조읎는 정도륌 고렀할 때 가족에게 수술곌 ꎀ찰을 권유했습니닀. 귞러나 가족은 발가띜 볎행을 교정하Ʞ륌 원했습니닀. ê·ž 후 수술읎 녌의되었습니닀. 수술의 위험에는 마췚, 감엌, 출혈, 사지의 감각곌 움직임의 변화, 발가띜 볎행의 í•Žê²° 싀팚, 강직 가능성, 깁슀 및 깁슀 묞제 등읎 있습니닀. 몚든 질묞에 대한 답변읎 읎룚얎졌고 부몚님은 위의 수술 계획에 동의했습니닀.
Doctor: Can you tell me more about your son, please? Guest_family: Sure, he's ten years old now. Doctor: How long has he used his walker? Guest_family: Well, he's been using that since he started walking. Doctor: How old was he when he started walking? Guest_family: He was about a year old. Doctor: Good, what seems to be the problem today? Guest_family: He keeps complaining about the back of his legs being tight. Doctor: Can you sit on the table, young man? Yes, I'm bending his legs, we call this the popliteal angle, and both sides flex to only about twenty. Guest_family: Where should that be normally? Doctor: He should be able to get to ninety. Guest_family: What can we do about this? Doctor: I think we should do surgery on this leg. How does he walk? Can I see? Guest_family: Well, just look at him. Doctor: Yes, he does not walk with a crouched pattern, but he is toe walking. Guest_family: Can we correct that instead of the hamstring tightness? Doctor: Well, I believe he should have surgery on the hamstring, as well. Guest_family: Okay, right now we want to do surgery to fix his walking. What are the risks of infection? Doctor: They're low, historically, they're less than one percent. The risks include anesthesia, infection, bleeding, changes in sensation and the motion of walking, and it may also not always cure the toe walking. There is also possible stiffness after wearing the cast and other cast issues. Guest_family: Okay, and will be under anesthesia during this? Is this worth it? Doctor: Absolutely, he won't feel a thing. It is worth it because the chances of the risks happening are low. Guest_family: Yes, we'd like to do the procedure. Let me text my husband really quick. Okay, yes, my husband agrees.
LYMPH: No history of systemic allergy, abnormal lymph nodes or swelling.
의사: 투여한 앜묌에 대핮 ì–Žë–€ 반응읎 있었나요? 알렀진 알레륎Ʞ가 있나요? 환자: 아니요. 의사: 늌프절 부위에 부종읎 있었습니까? 환자: 아니요. 의사: 늌프절에 읎상을 혞소했던 적읎 있습니까? 환자: 아니요.
늌프: 전신 알레륎Ʞ, 비정상적읞 늌프절 또는 부종 병력읎 없습니닀.
Doctor: Did you ever have any reaction to any medication given? Any known allergies? Patient: No. Doctor: Was there any swelling where your lymphnodes are? Patient: No. Doctor: Was there ever any complaint of abnormal lymph nodes? Patient: No.
Listed as unknown in the chart as far as other psychiatric illnesses. The patient himself states that his parents are deceased and that he raised himself in the Philippines.
의사: 가족 쀑에 정신곌적 슝상을 볎읎는 사람읎 있습니까? 환자: 아니요, 가족은 없습니닀! 의사: 묎슚 뜻읎죠? 환자: 엄마 아빠는 돌아가셚고 저는 필늬핀에서 자랐습니닀. 의사: 입양되셚나요? 환자: 아니요, 저 혌자서요. 의사: 와우, 힘듀었겠넀요. 환자: 였, 귞걎 닀륞 날의 읎알Ʞ입니닀.
닀륞 정신곌 질환에 대핎서는 찚튞에 알 수 없음윌로 표시되얎 있습니닀. 환자 볞읞읎 부몚님읎 돌아가셚고 필늬핀에서 자신을 킀웠닀고 진술했습니닀.
Doctor: Do you have anyone with psychiatric symptoms in the family? Patient: No, I don't have family! Doctor: What do you mean? Patient: My mom dad died and I was raised in the Philippines. Doctor: Adopted? Patient: No by myself. Doctor: Wow that must have been tough. Patient: Oh it's a story for another day.
The patient has no significant past medical history with the exception of previous hand fracture and tibia fracture.
의사: 제가 알아알 할 만성 질환읎 있윌신가요? 환자: 아니요, 제가 생각하Ʞ에는 없습니닀. 의사: 부상은 얎떻습니까, 댈가 부러진 적읎 있습니까? 환자: ë„€, 귞렇습니닀. 손곌 정강읎댈가 부러진 적읎 있얎요.
환자는 읎전의 손 곚절 및 정강읎댈 곚절을 제왞하고는 쀑요한 곌거 병력읎 없습니닀.
Doctor: Do you have any chronic conditions I should know about, sir? Patient: No, not that I can think of. Doctor: What about injuries, have you ever broken a bone? Patient: Yes, I have. I've broken my hand and tibia before.
There is no history of solid tumor or hematologic malignancies in his family.
의사: 진료소에 였신 것을 환영합니닀. 환자: 감사합니닀. 의사: 암 가족력읎 있윌신가요? 고형 종양읎나 혈액 악성 종양 쀑 하나띌도요? 환자: 아니요, 제가 아는 한 없습니닀.
가족 쀑에 고형 종양읎나 혈액 악성 종양의 병력읎 없습니닀.
Doctor: Welcome to the clinic. Patient: Thank you. Doctor: Do you have any family history of cancer? Either solid tumors or blood malignancies? Patient: No. None that I know of.
Appendectomy at age 21. C-Section 8 years ago. Ob/Gyn: G2P2; last menstrual period 3 weeks ago. Heavy menses due to fibroids.
의사: 곌거에 ì–Žë–€ 수술을 받윌신 적읎 있윌신가요? 환자: 21ì‚Ž 때 맹장 수술을 받았고 8년 전에는 제왕절개 수술을 받았습니닀. 의사: 좋아요, 몇 번의 임신곌 몇 명의 아Ʞ륌 낳윌셚는지 알고 싶습니닀. 환자: ë„€, 두 명입니닀. 의사: 귞렇군요. 생늬에 묞제가 있윌신가요? 환자: ë„€, 자궁 귌종 때묞에 생늬륌 많읎 합니닀. 의사: 였. 마지막 월겜은 얞제였습니까? 환자: 아, 3죌 정도 전읎띌고 하셔도 됩니닀. 의사: 좋아요. 좋아요.
21삎에 충수절제술. 8년 전 제왕절개. 산부읞곌 : G2P2; 3 죌 전 마지막 월겜. 귌종윌로 읞한 심한 월겜.
Doctor: Can you tell me what surgeries have you had in the past? Patient: I have had appendix surgery when I was twenty one years old and eight years back I had C Section. Doctor: Okay. I want to know how many pregnancies you had and how many babies? Patient: Sure, I have only two. Doctor: Okay. Do you have any issues with your periods? Patient: Yes, I get heavy periods because of fibroids in my uterus. Doctor: Oh. When was your last menstrual period? Patient: Oh, you can say about three weeks back. Doctor: Okay. Good.
This is a 49-year-old white male who sustained a traumatic injury to his left posterior thighthis past year while in ABCD. He sustained an injury from the patellar from a boat while in the water. He was air lifted actually up to XYZ Hospital and underwent extensive surgery. He still has an external fixation on it for the healing fractures in the leg and has undergone grafting and full thickness skin grafting closure to a large defect in his left posterior thigh, which is nearly healed right in the gluteal fold on that left area. In several areas right along the graft site and low in the leg, the patient has several areas of hypergranulation tissue. He has some drainage from these areas. There are no signs and symptoms of infection. He is referred to us to help him get those areas under control.
의사: 안녕하섞요, 선생님. 진료륌 시작하Ʞ 전에 나읎와 읞종을 확읞핎 죌시겠습니까? 환자: 저는 마흔아홉 삎읎고 백읞입니닀. 의사: 감사합니닀. 였늘은 얎떻게 였셚나요? 환자: 제게 묞제가 있는 것을 ꎀ늬하Ʞ 위핎 선생님을 소개받았습니닀. 의사: 귞렇군요. 묎슚 음읎 있는 것 같나요? 환자: 작년에 닀늬 뒀쪜을 ꜀ 심하게 닀쳀습니닀. 의사: 닀늬의 얎느 부위요? 환자: 왌쪜 허벅지 뒀쪜입니닀. 의사: 귞렇군요. 귞럌 닀늬만요? 환자: 묌에서 낚시하닀가 배에 부딪혀서 묎늎댈도 닀쳀습니닀. 의사: 귞렇게 심했나요? 환자: 완전 쇌였얎요. 헬늬윥터가 낎렀와서 저륌 ꞉히 X Y Z 병원윌로 데렀가서 수술을 받았얎요. 의사: 곚절읎 아묌도록 묎늎에 왞고정을 한 것 같넀요. 병원에서 수술에 대한 볎고서륌 받았나요? 환자: ë„€, 귞랬얎요. 여Ʞ 있습니닀. 의사: 감사합니닀. 제가 한번 볌게요. 왌쪜 허벅지 뒀쪜의 큰 결손에 대한 폐쇄륌 위핎 읎식 및 전첎 두께 플부 읎식을 받윌신 것 같습니닀. 왌쪜 부위의 둔부 죌늄읎 치유된 것 같습니닀. 환자: ë„€. 귞게 묎슚 뜻읞지 몚륎겠넀요. 의사: 제가 ê·ž 부위륌 삎펎볌게요. 환자: 핎볎섞요. 의사: 읎식 부위 죌변곌 닀늬 아래쪜에 곌곌늜 조직읎 있는 부위가 몇 군데 볎입니닀. 환자: 나쁜 걎가요? 의사: 귞런 것 같지 않습니닀. 엎읎나 닀륞 슝상은 없나요? 환자: 아니요, 없습니닀. 의사: 닀행읎넀요. 귞럌 감엌읎 없윌시군요.
읎 낚성은 49섞의 백읞 낚성윌로 작년에 ABCD에서 왌쪜 허벅지 뒀쪜에 왞상성 부상을 입었습니닀. 귞는 묌속에서 볎튞륌 타닀가 슬개곚에 부상을 입었습니닀. 귞는 싀제로 공쀑에 띄워젞 XYZ 병원윌로 읎송되얎 ꎑ범위한 수술을 받았습니닀. 귞는 여전히 닀늬의 곚절 치유륌 위핎 왞부 고정술을 받았윌며 왌쪜 허벅지 뒀쪜의 큰 결손 부위에 읎식펞곌 전첎 두께 플부 읎식 뎉합술을 받았윌며, 왌쪜 부위의 둔부 죌늄은 거의 치유되었습니닀. 읎식 부위와 닀늬 아래쪜의 여러 부위에 곌형성 조직읎 여러 군데 있습니닀. 읎 부위에서 앜간의 배액읎 있습니닀. 감엌의 징후나 슝상은 없습니닀. 귞는 읎러한 부위륌 조절할 수 있도록 저희에게 의뢰되었습니닀.
Doctor: Hello, sir. Before we begin your visit, could you verify your age and ethnicity for me, please? Patient: I'm forty nine years old, and I identify as white. Doctor: Thank you. What brought you in today? Patient: I was referred to you so that I could get whatever's wrong with me under control. Doctor: I see. What seems to be happening? Patient: I hurt the back of my leg pretty bad this past year when I was in A B C D. Doctor: What part of your leg? Patient: The back of my left thigh. Doctor: I see. So just the leg? Patient: I also hurt my kneecap from a boat when I was out in the water fishing. Doctor: Was that severe? Patient: It was a whole show. A helicopter came down and swooped me to X Y Z Hospital, where I got surgery. Doctor: I can see you still have an external fixation on your knee so that the fracture heals. Did the hospital give you a report on the surgery? Patient: Yeah, they did. Here you go. Doctor: Thank you. Let me take a look. So, it looks like you underwent grafting and full thickness skin grafting for closure for a large defect in your left posterior thigh. That seems to be healed in the gluteal fold on the left area. Patient: Yeah. Whatever that means. Doctor: Let me examine the area. Patient: Go for it. Doctor: I can see several areas that have hypergranulation tissues around the graft site and low in the leg. Patient: Is that bad? Doctor: I don't think so. Are you feeling any symptoms of a fever or anything? Patient: No, I'm not. Doctor: That's good. You don't have any infections then.
He does smoke two packs of cigarettes per day. He has no alcohol or drug use. He is a painter.
의사: 음하고 계섞요? 환자: ë„€, 저는 화가입니닀. 의사: 좋아요. 의사: 닎배륌 플우십니까? 환자: 예, 귞렇습니닀. 의사: 얌마나 플우시나요? 환자: 음, 하룚에 두 갑 정도입니닀. 의사: 술은 얎떻습니까, 마십니까? 환자: 아니요, 전 술을 마시지 않습니닀. 의사: 앜은 드십니까? 환자: 윔칎읞 같은 ê±° 말읞가요? 의사: ë„€. 환자: 아니요, 마앜은 안 합니닀.
귞는 하룚에 두 갑의 닎배륌 플웁니닀. 귞는 술읎나 마앜을 사용하지 않습니닀. 귞는 화가입니닀.
Doctor: And are you working? Patient: Ah yes, I am a painter. Doctor: Okay good. Doctor: Do you smoke? Patient: Yes, I do. Doctor: Hm and how much do you smoke? Patient: Well, about two packs a day. Doctor: And how about alcohol, do you drink? Patient: No sir, I don't drink. Doctor: Any drugs? Patient: You mean like cocaine and stuff? Doctor: Yeah. Patient: No, no drugs.
The patient is a 76-year-old female who was referred to us from Dr. X for left flank pain. The patient was found to have a left ureteral stone measuring about 1.3 cm in size per the patient's history. The patient has had pain in the abdomen and across the back for the last four to five days. The patient has some nausea and vomiting. The patient wants something done for the stone. The patient denies any hematuria, dysuria, burning or pain. The patient denies any fevers.
의사: 진료소에 였신 것을 환영합니닀, 부읞. 저는 의사 슀믞슀입니닀. 환자: 감사합니닀. 만나서 반갑습니닀. 의사: 의사 X가 소개핎 죌셚닀고 듀었는데 맞나요? 환자: ë„€. 제 죌치의입니닀. 의사: 곧 생음을 맞읎하시는 것 같넀요. 읎륞 생음을 축하합니닀! 환자: 감사합니닀. ë„€, 저는 곧 음흔음곱 삎읎 됩니닀. 의사: 김 선생님 진료Ʞ록을 볎니 왌쪜 옆구늬 통슝읎 있닀고 하셚얎요. 통슝에 대핮 자섞히 말씀핎 죌시겠습니까? 환자: ë„€. 통슝은 4~5음 전부터 시작되었습니닀. 배에서 시작핎서 왌쪜 등까지 통슝읎 있었습니닀. 바로 여Ʞ요. 의사: 메슀꺌움읎나 구토는 없었나요? 환자: ë„€. 메슀꺌움읎 좀 있었고 몇 번 토했얎요. 의사: 배뇹 시 플, 통슝 또는 작엎감을 느ꌈ습니까? 환자: 아니요. 의사: 엎읎나 였한은 없었나요? 환자: 아니요. 의사: 얌마 전에 의사 X가 죌묞한 쎈음파 결곌가 나왔습니닀. 쎈음파 검사에서 왌쪜 요ꎀ에 결석읎 발견되었습니닀. 결석의 크Ʞ는 ì•œ 1.3cm입니닀. 환자: 결석을 제거하Ʞ 위핎 할 수 있는 방법읎 있나요? ꌭ 제거했윌멎 좋겠얎요. 의사: ë„€. 치료 옵션을 삎펎뎅시닀.
환자는 76ì„ž 여성윌로 왌쪜 옆구늬 통슝윌로 의사 X로부터 저희에게 의뢰되었습니닀. 환자의 병력에 따륎멎 ì•œ 1.3cm 크Ʞ의 좌잡 요ꎀ 결석읎 있는 것윌로 확읞되었습니닀. 환자는 지난 4~5음 동안 복부와 등 전첎에 통슝읎 있었습니닀. 환자가 메슀꺌움곌 구토가 있습니닀. 환자가 결석에 대한 조치륌 원합니닀. 환자가 혈뇹, 배뇹 장애, 작엎감 또는 통슝을 부읞합니닀. 환자가 엎을 부읞합니닀.
Doctor: Welcome to the clinic, ma'am. I am Doctor Smith. Patient: Thank you. It is nice to meet you. Doctor: Doctor X referred you to us, is that correct? Patient: Yes. He is my primary care doctor. Doctor: It looks like you have a birthday coming up. Happy early birthday! Patient: Thank you. Yes, I am going to be seventy seven. Doctor: Doctor Kim's notes said that you have had pain in the left flank pain. Can you tell me more about the pain? Patient: Yes. The pain started four or five days ago. It has been in my stomach and through to my back, on the left side. Right here. Doctor: Okay. Have you had any nausea or vomiting? Patient: Yes. I had some nausea, and I threw up a few times. Doctor: Have you noticed any blood, pain and or burning during urination? Patient: No. Doctor: Any fever or chills? Patient: No. Doctor: I have the ultrasound results that Doctor X ordered the other day. The ultrasound found a stone in your left ureteral. The stone is about one point three C M in size. Patient: Is there some thing we can do to remove it? I really want this taken care of. Doctor: Yes. Let us go over the treatment options.
The patient is a 41-year-old female who presented to me with severe cervical spondylosis and myelopathy. She was referred to me by Dr. X. The patient underwent a complicated anterior cervical discectomy, 2-level corpectomy, spinal cord decompression and fusion with fibular strut and machine allograft in the large cervical plate. Surgery had gone well, and the patient has done well in the last 2 days. She is neurologically improved and is moving all four extremities. No airway issues. It was felt that the patient was now a candidate for a halo vest placement given that chance of going to the OR were much smaller. She was consented for the procedure, and I sought the help of ABC and felt that a PMT halo would be preferable to a Bremer halo vest. The patient had this procedure done at the bedside, in the SICU room #1. I used a combination of some morphine 1 mg and Versed 2 mg for this procedure. I also used local anesthetic, with 1% Xylocaine and epinephrine a total of 15 to 20 cc.
의사: 안녕하섞요, 부읞. 지ꞈ 마흔 한 삎읎시죠? 환자: 안녕하섞요, 의사 선생님. ë„€, 맞습니닀. 의사: 감사합니닀, 수술 후 의사 X에게 후속 조치륌 받윌셚나요? 환자: 제가 왜 귞래알 하나요? 의사: 귞냥 저에게 소개핎 죌셚윌니까요. 환자: 아뇚, 아직 안 했얎요. 의사: ꎜ찮습니닀. 수술에 대한 자섞한 낎용은 듀윌셚나요? 환자: 한 번 듀은 적은 있는데 Ʞ억읎 안 나요. 상Ʞ시쌜 죌싀 수 있나요? 의사: 복잡한 쌀읎슀였는데요, 전방 겜추 추간판 절제술곌 2닚계 겜추 절제술, 척추 감압술, 섬유성 슀튞럿곌 Ʞ계 동종 읎식을 읎용한 대겜추판 유합술을 시행했습니닀. 환자: 너묎 많넀요, 선생님. 의사: ë„€, 였늘은 ì–Žë– ì„žìš”? 환자: 지난 읎틀 동안 Ʞ분읎 좋았습니닀. 의사: 지난 ë©°ì¹  동안 팔곌 닀늬륌 움직음 수 있었나요? 환자: ë„€, ë„€ 닀늬륌 몚두 움직음 수 있었습니닀. 의사: 좋아요, 숚쉬는 데는 묞제가 없나요? 환자: 아니요, 별닀륞 묞제는 없습니닀. 의사: 좋아요, 였늘은 후ꎑ 조끌륌 착용하는 것읎 좋을 것 같습니닀. 환자: ë„€, 선생님, 전 수술싀로 돌아가지 않을 거예요 의사: 좋아요, 여Ʞ서 할 수 있얎요. 환자: 알았얎요, 여Ʞ서 하고 싶얎요. 의사: A B C가 도와죌도록 하죠. 귞늬고 1번 방윌로 옮겚드늬겠습니닀. 환자: 얎떻게 하싀 걎지 자섞히 말씀핎 죌시겠얎요? 의사: 뾌레빾 헀음로 조끌볎닀 읎게 더 마음에 듀얎요, 몚륎핀곌 버섞드륌 사용할 거예요 환자: 마췚륌 하싀 걎가요? 의사: ë„€, 국소 마췚륌 할 겁니닀. 자음로칎읞곌 에플넀프늰읎 듀얎 있고, 15~20cc 정도입니닀.
환자는 41ì„ž 여성윌로 쀑슝 겜추슝곌 척수슝윌로 저에게 낎원했습니닀. 환자는 복잡한 전방 겜추 추간판 절제술, 2닚계 추간판 절제술, 척수 감압술, 대겜추판의 섬유곚 슀튞럿 및 Ʞ계 동종 읎식펞곌의 유합술을 받았습니닀. 수술은 잘 진행되었고 환자는 지난 2음 동안 잘 지냈습니닀. 신겜학적윌로 혞전되얎 사지륌 몚두 움직읎고 있습니닀. Ʞ도 묞제도 없습니닀. 수술싀로 갈 가능성읎 훚씬 적얎졌Ʞ 때묞에 환자는 읎제 후ꎑ 조끌륌 착용할 수 있는 후볎자띌고 생각했습니닀. 환자는 시술에 동의했고, 저는 ABC의 도움을 구한 결곌 뾌레빾 헀음로 조끌볎닀는 PMT 헀음로가 더 낫닀고 생각했습니닀. 환자는 쀑환자싀 1혞싀의 칚대 옆에서 읎 시술을 받았습니닀. 저는 읎 시술을 위핎 몚륎핀 1mg곌 버섞드 2mg을 핚께 사용했습니닀. 또한 1% 자음로칎읞곌 에플넀프늰 쎝 15~20cc의 국소 마췚제륌 사용했습니닀.
Doctor: Good afternoon, ma'am. You're forty one years old, correct? Patient: Good afternoon, doctor. Yes, that's correct. Doctor: Thank you, have you followed up with Doctor X since your surgery? Patient: Why would I do that? Doctor: Oh, just because she referred you to me. Patient: Oh, no, I haven't yet. Doctor: That's fine. Have you heard the details behind your surgery? Patient: I heard it once, but I can't remember anything. Can you remind me? Doctor: Well, you had a complicated case, but we did an anterior cervical discectomy, two level corpectomy, with a spinal decompression and fusion with fibular strut and machine allograft in your large cervical plate. Patient: Oh, that's a lot, doctor. Doctor: Yes, how are you doing today? Patient: Well, I've felt good for the last two days. Doctor: Have you been able to move your arms and legs for the last few days? Patient: Yeah, I can actually move all four. Doctor: Good, are you having any issues breathing? Patient: No, nothing of note there. Doctor: Okay, today, I think you'd be a good candidate for a halo vest placement. Patient: Yeah, doctor, I'm not going back to the O R. Doctor: Okay, we can do it here. Patient: Okay doctor, I'd like to do it here. Doctor: Let me get A B C to help me with this. Also, we're going to move you to S I C U room one. Patient: Can you tell me the details about what you're going to do? Doctor: Well, this is a P M T halo, I like this one better than the Bremer halo vest, and I'll use morphine and Versed. Patient: Are you going to use anesthesia? Doctor: Yes, I have local anesthetic, it's xylocaine and epinephrine, um, it's somewhere between fifteen and twenty C C.
A 74-year-old female patient admitted here with altered mental status.
의사: 별음 없윌섞요? 게슀튞_가족: 저희 엄마가 펞찮윌섞요. 의사: 얞제부터 읎러Ʞ 시작했나요? 게슀튞_가족: 몚륎겠지만 엄마의 정신 상태가 좋지 않아요. 의사: 좋아요, 얎떻게 할 수 있는지 볎죠, 몇 삎읎신가요? 게슀튞_가족: 음흔넀 ì‚Ž 정도입니닀. 의사: 알겠습니닀. 걱정하지 마섞요, 저희가 할 수 있는 방법을 찟아볎겠습니닀. 게슀튞_가족: 고마워요! 의사: 묌론읎죠.
74 ì„ž 여성 환자가 정신 상태 변화로 입원했습니닀.
Doctor: Is everything fine? Guest_family: My mom is not well. Doctor: When did this start? Guest_family: I don't know but she is not in her correct state of mind. Doctor: Okay let's see what we can do, how old is she? Guest_family: She is around seventy four years old. Doctor: Okay. Don't worry, we will see what we can do. Guest_family: Thanks! Doctor: Of Course.
He lives in Sacaton with his sister. He is separated from his wife who lives in Coolidge. He smokes one or two cigarettes a day. Denies drug abuse. He used to be a heavy drinker, quit alcohol one year ago and does not work currently.
의사: ì–Žì„œ 였섞요, 선생님. 환자: 감사합니닀. 의사: 배겜 섀명부터 시작하겠습니닀. 환자: 알겠습니닀. 의사: 현재 거죌 상태는 얎떀가요? 닀륞 사람곌 핚께 ì‚Žê³  있습니까, 아니멎 혌자 ì‚Žê³  있습니까? 환자: 지ꞈ은 사칎톀에 있는 여동생곌 핚께 ì‚Žê³  있습니닀. 현재 제 집을 ì°Ÿê³  있지만 당분간은 누나와 핚께 지낎고 있습니닀. 의사: 사칎톀에 집을 구하고 계신가요? 환자: 아니요, 쿚늬지에 닀시 집을 구할 것 같습니닀. 의사: 쿚늬지요? 전에 ê±°êž° 삎았나요? 환자: 저는 최귌에 아낎와 별거했습니닀. 쿚늬지에서 핚께 삎았얎요. 사칎톀은 몚든 것에서 너묎 멀늬 ë–šì–Žì ž 있지만 지ꞈ은 ꎜ찮습니닀. 의사: 정말 유감입니닀. 환자: 고마워요. 제 여동생은 성읞읎었얎요. 지ꞈ은 음을 하지 않아서 누나가 저륌 묎료로 묵게 핎죌고 있얎요. 자Ʞ 집도 낎얎죌고 좋은 방도 만듀얎 죌셚얎요. 의사: 누나가 정말 너귞러우시넀요. 여동생곌 친한 사읎읞가요? 환자: 얎렞을 때는 귞렇지 않았지만 나읎가 듀멎서 맀우 친핎졌얎요. 누나는 힘든 시Ʞ에 저에게 큰 힘읎 되얎죌었습니닀. 의사: 잘됐넀요. 닎배륌 플우십니까? 환자: 닎배륌 플웁니닀. 아죌 조ꞈ만 플웁니닀. 의사: 하룚에 얌마나 플우십니까? 환자: 하룚에 한두 개비 정도만 플웁니닀. 의사: 앜묌읎나 알윔올을 사용했거나 사용한 적읎 있습니까? 환자: 마앜을 사용한 적읎 없습니닀. 예전에는 술을 많읎 마셚얎요. 1년 전에 술을 끊었습니닀. 의사: 잘됐넀요. 몚임에 찞석하십니까? 환자: 아니요, 하지만 시작하렀고요. 최귌 별거와 싀직윌로 슀튞레슀가 많았얎요. 의사: 환자분께 도움읎 될 것 같넀요. 환자: 알겠습니닀. 의사: 읎 지역의 여러 지원 귞룹 목록을 알렀드늎 수 있습니닀. 환자: 좋아요. 감사합니닀.
귞는 여동생곌 핚께 새칎톀에 ì‚Žê³  있습니닀. 귞는 쿚늬지에 사는 아낎와 별거 쀑입니닀. 하룚에 한두 개비의 닎배륌 플웁니닀. 앜묌 낚용을 부읞합니닀. 곌거에는 술을 많읎 마셚윌나 1년 전에 술을 끊었윌며 현재는 음을 하지 않습니닀.
Doctor: Welcome in, sir. Patient: Thank you. Doctor: Let us start off with a little background. Patient: Okay. Doctor: What is your current living status? Do you live with others or on your own? Patient: Well, right now I am living with my sister in Sacaton. I am currently looking for my own place, but I am staying with her for now. Doctor: Are you looking for a place in Sacaton? Patient: No. I will probably look for a place back in Coolidge. Doctor: Back in Coolidge? Have you lived there before? Patient: I recently separated from my wife. We lived in Coolidge together. Sacaton is too far away from everything, but it is fine for now. Doctor: I am so sorry to hear that. Patient: Thank you. My sister has been a saint. I am not working right now so my sister is letting me stay with her for free. She gave up her home office and made me a nice room to stay in. Doctor: Your sister is very generous. Are you and your sister close? Patient: Not when we were growing up but now that we are older, we have become very close. She has been a great support for me in these hard times. Doctor: That's wonderful. Are you a tobacco user? Patient: I smoke cigarettes. I only smoke a little bit. Doctor: How much do you smoke per day? Patient: I only smoke about one or two cigarettes a day. Doctor: Do you or have you ever used drugs or alcohol? Patient: I have never used drugs. I used to be a heavy drinker. I quit drinking a year ago. Doctor: That's great. Do you attend A A meetings? Patient: No, but I might start. Things have been very stressful lately with the separation and being on unemployment. Doctor: I think it could be beneficial to you. Patient: Okay. Doctor: I have a list for different support groups in the area that I can give you. Patient: Great. Thank you.
Ms. ABC was admitted to the hospital. She was seen by Dr. A. He put her on an insulin drip. Her sugars slowly did come down to normal down to between 115 and 134. On the next day, she was then taken to the operating room, where she underwent her laparoscopic cholecystectomy. She was noted to be a difficult intubation for the procedure. There were some indications of chronic cholecystitis, a little bit of edema, mild edema and adhesions of omentum around the gallbladder. She underwent the procedure. She tolerated without difficulty. She was recovered in the Postoperative Care Unit and then returned to the floor. Her blood sugar postprocedure was noted to be 233. She was started back on a sliding scale insulin. She continued to do well and was felt to be stable for discharge following the procedure.
의사: 읞슐늰 죌사륌 맞은 후 Ʞ분읎 ì–Žë– ì„žìš”, A B C 양? 환자: Ʞ분읎 훚씬 나아졌습니닀. 제 당 수치는 정상입니닀. 의사: ë„€, 115에서 134 사읎입니닀. 귞래서 입원 둘짞 날에 복강겜윌로 닎석을 제거했습니닀. 삜ꎀ하Ʞ가 맀우 얎렀우셚얎요. 하지만 수술은 몚두 잘 끝났습니닀. 닮낭 죌위에 앜간의 부종곌 유착읎 있었지만 몚든 것읎 잘 끝났습니닀. 환자: 수술 쀑 혈당은 얎땠나요? 의사: 좋은 질묞입니닀. 수술 후 혈당은 233 정도였습니닀. 환자: 특수 읞슐늰을 맞나요? 의사: ë„€, 슬띌읎딩 슀쌀음 읞슐늰입니닀. 환자: 집에 가도 되나요? 의사: ë„€, 집에 가셔도 됩니닀. 몚든 것읎 안정적입니닀.
ABC 씚는 병원에 입원했습니닀. 귞녀는 A 박사의 진찰을 받았고 귞는 귞녀에게 읞슐늰 죌사륌 놓았습니닀. 귞녀의 당 수치는 서서히 115에서 134 사읎로 정상윌로 낎렀갔습니닀. 닀음 날, 귞녀는 수술싀로 옮겚젞 복강겜 닮낭 절제술을 받았습니닀. 귞녀는 수술 쀑 삜ꎀ읎 얎렀욎 것윌로 알렀졌습니닀. 만성 ë‹Žë‚­ì—Œ, 앜간의 부종, 겜믞한 부종 및 닮낭 죌위의 낭종 유착의 징후가 음부 있었습니닀. 귞녀는 시술을 받았습니닀. 귞녀는 얎렀움없읎 견뎌냈습니닀. 귞녀는 수술 후 치료싀에서 회복한 후 병싀로 돌아갔습니닀. 시술 후 혈당은 233윌로 잡정되었습니닀. 귞녀는 닀시 읞슐늰을 서서히 투여하Ʞ 시작했습니닀. 귞녀는 계속핎서 잘 지냈고 시술 후 퇎원할 수 있을 정도로 안정된 상태였습니닀.
Doctor: How are you feeling after that insulin drip, Miss A B C? Patient: I am feeling much better. My sugar levels are normal. Doctor: Yes, between one hundred fifteen and one thirty four. So, on the second day after your admission they did laparoscopic removal of your gallstones. You were very difficult to intubate. But everything went well with surgery. There was some swelling and adhesions around your gallbladder, but all is well that ends well. Patient: What was my blood sugar during surgery? Doctor: Great question. After surgery they were around two thirty three. Patient: I am getting a special insulin? Doctor: Yes, sliding scale insulin. Patient: Can I go home? Doctor: Yes, you are all set to go home, everything is stable.
This 41-year-old Caucasian female who presents to ABCD General Hospital. The patient states that she has extreme pain over the navicular bone with shoe gear as well as history of multiple osteochondromas of unknown origin. She states that she has been diagnosed with hereditary osteochondromas. She has had previous dissection of osteochondromas in the past and currently has not been diagnosed in her feet as well as spine and back. The patient desires surgical treatment at this time.
의사: 좋은 아칚입니닀, 부읞. 환자: 좋은 아칚입니닀, 의사 선생님. 의사: A B C D 종합병원에 였신 것을 환영합니닀. 간혞사 말로는 환자분은 41섞읎고 신분읎 백읞 여성읎띌고 하던데 맞습니까? 환자: 예, 맞습니닀. 의사: 감사합니닀, 였늘은 묎슚 묞제가 있윌신 것 같나요? 환자: 음, 읎 발에 앜간의 통슝읎 있습니닀. 읎 댈 바로 위에요. 의사: 통슝읎 바로 여Ʞ읞가요? 환자: ë„€, 여Ʞ가 정말 아파요. 의사: 좋아요, 읎곳을 비곚읎띌고 합니닀. 묎엇읎 통슝을 악화시킀나요? 환자: 볎통 신발을 신윌멎 더 심핎집니닀. 의사: 읎 발에 묞제가 있었던 곌거력읎 있윌신가요? 환자: 음, 저는 닀발성 곚연곚종 병력읎 있습니닀. 의사: 원읞읎 묎엇읞지 알고 있나요? 환자: 아니요, 아묎도 알아낞 적읎 없고 유전적읎띌고만 했습니닀. 의사: 곌거에 읎런 슝상윌로 수술을 받은 적읎 있나요? 환자: ë„€, 얌마 전에 수술을 받았얎요. 의사: 발읎나 척추에 읎런 묞제가 있었던 적읎 있나요? 환자: 아니요, 읎걎 처음입니닀. ê·ž 수술을 닀시 할 수 있을까요? 읎 고통을 견딜 수 없얎요.
41ì„ž 백읞 여성윌로 ABCD 종합병원에 낎원한 환자입니닀. 환자는 신발을 신었을 때 배ꌜ댈에 극심한 통슝읎 있고 원읞을 알 수 없는 닀발성 곚연곚종의 병력읎 있닀고 말합니닀. 귞녀는 유전성 곚연곚종 진닚을 받았닀고 말합니닀. 곌거에 곚연곚종 절제술을 받은 적읎 있윌며 현재 척추와 등뿐만 아니띌 발에서도 곚연곚종 진닚을 받은 적읎 없습니닀. 환자는 현재 수술적 치료륌 원하고 있습니닀.
Doctor: Good morning, ma'am. Patient: Good morning, doctor. Doctor: Welcome to A B C D General Hospital. My nurse says that you are forty one years old, and you identify as a White female, is that correct? Patient: Yes, that's all correct. Doctor: Thank you, so, what seems to be the trouble today? Patient: Well, I'm having some pain in this foot, it's right over this bone. Doctor: Is your pain right here? Patient: Yes, it really hurts right there. Doctor: Okay, this is known as your navicular bone. What makes the pain worse? Patient: Usually wearing shoes makes it worse. Doctor: Do you have any past history of problems with this foot? Patient: Well, I have a history of multiple osteochondromas. Doctor: Do they know what caused these? Patient: No, no one ever figured it out, they just said it was hereditary. Doctor: Have they done surgery on these in the past? Patient: Yeah, I had a surgery for this a while ago. Doctor: Have you ever had this problem in your feet or spine? Patient: No, this is new. Can we do that surgery again? I can't take this pain.
As listed on 04/22/04 along with allergies 04/22/04.
의사: 4월 22음에 귀하의 앜묌 및 알레륎Ʞ 목록을 검토했습니닀. 환자: ë„€. 의사: 확읞 좀 할게요. 환자: 묌론읎죠.
04/22/04에 알레륎Ʞ 04/22/04와 핚께 나엎된대로.
Doctor: On April twenty two four we went over your list of medication and allergies. Patient: Okay. Doctor: Let me check something. Patient: Sure.
2 g sodium, low fat, low cholesterol diet.
의사: 저지방 및 저윜레슀테례 식닚은 얎떻게 진행되고 있나요? ꎀ늬가 잘 되고 있나요? 환자: ë„€, 귞런 것 같아요. 소ꞈ 섭췚량도 2g 정도로 쀄읎렀고 ë…žë ¥ 쀑입니닀.
나튞륚 2g, 저지방, 저 윜레슀테례 식닚.
Doctor: How's the low fat and low cholesterol diet going? Have you been finding it manageable? Patient: Yeah, I guess. I've tried to also reduce my salt intake to about two grams.
Strong for heart disease and alcoholism.
의사: 안녕하섞요. 진료륌 시작하Ʞ 전에 누띜된 정볎륌 채우Ʞ 위핎 몇 가지 질묞을 핮도 될까요? 환자: ë„€, ꎜ찮습니닀. 의사: 가족 쀑에 걎강 ꎀ렚 묞제가 있윌신가요? 환자: ë„€, 있습니닀. 저희 가족은 심장병 병력읎 있습니닀. 술을 많읎 마셔서 귞런 것 같아요. 의사: 귞럌 알윔올 쀑독읎 가족력읎 있닀고 볎시나요? 환자: ë„€, 맞아요. 저희는 맀음 술을 많읎 마셔요. 맥죌, 양죌, 뭐든 ë‹€ 마셔요.
심장병곌 알윔올 쀑독에 강합니닀.
Doctor: Hello. Before we begin your visit, could I ask a few questions to fill in some missing information? Patient: Yeah, that's fine. Doctor: Does your family have any health related problems? Patient: Yeah, we do. We have a strong history of heart disease. I think it could be because we drink a lot. Doctor: So, would you say alcoholism runs in your family? Patient: Oh, yeah. We drink a lot every day. Beer, liquor, you name it.
The patient stopped smoking 27 years ago, he smoked approximately two packs a day with combined cigarettes and cigars. He has not smoked for the past 27 years. He hardly ever uses alcohol. He is currently retired.
의사: 요슘 음하고 있나요? 환자: 아니요, 선생님. 은퇎한 지 몇 년 됐얎요. 의사: 축하드늜니닀. 휎가륌 슐Ʞ고 계시Ꞟ 바랍니닀. 환자: 묌론읎죠. 의사: 흡연 읎력읎 있닀고 말씀하셚습니닀. ì–žì œ 끊윌셚고 대략 얌마나 플우셚습니까? 환자: ì•œ 27년 전에 끊었습니닀. 굳읎 추잡하자멎 하룚에 두 갑 정도 플웠습니닀. 의사: 닮배만 플우셚나요? 환자: 시가도 플웠습니닀. 의사: 술은 얎떠셚습니까? 환자: 거의 마시지 않았습니닀. 의사: 좋아요.
환자는 27년 전에 닎배륌 끊었윌며, 닎배와 시가륌 합쳐 하룚에 ì•œ 두 갑씩 플웠습니닀. 지난 27년 동안 닎배륌 플우지 않았습니닀. 술은 거의 마시지 않습니닀. 귞는 현재 은퇎했습니닀.
Doctor: Are you working these days? Patient: No, sir. I've been retired for a couple years now. Doctor: Congratulations. I hope you're enjoying your time off. Patient: You bet. Doctor: You mentioned having a smoking history. When did you quit and approximately how much did you smoke? Patient: Uh I quit about twenty seven years ago. If I had to guess, I smoked about two packs a day. Doctor: Did you smoke only cigarettes? Patient: Cigars, too. Doctor: How about alcohol? Patient: Hardly ever. Doctor: Great.
This 47-year-old Caucasian male presents to ABCD General Hospital with a history of tissue mass on his left foot. The patient states that the mass has been present for approximately two weeks and has been rapidly growing in size. The patient also has history of shave biopsy in the past. The patient does state that he desires surgical excision at this time.
의사: 좋은 아칚입니닀, 환자분, A B C D 종합병원에 였신 것을 환영합니닀. 환자: 감사합니닀, 의사 선생님. 빚늬 치료핎 죌셚윌멎 좋겠얎요. 의사: 최선을 닀하겠습니닀. 시작하Ʞ 전에 몇 가지 배겜 정볎가 필요합니닀. 몇 삎읎섞요? 환자: 마흔음곱 삎입니닀. 의사: 좋아요, 귞늬고 ì–Žë–€ 읞종읎신가요? 환자: 저는 백읞입니닀, 선생님. 의사: 감사합니닀, 였늘은 묎슚 묞제가 있는 것 같나요? 환자: 음, 왌쪜 발에 덩얎늬가 있는데 점점 더 심핎지고 있습니닀. 의사: 알겠습니닀. 읎 조직 덩얎늬가 발에 생ꞎ 지 얌마나 되었나요? 환자: 2죌 정도 됐는데 점점 더 빚늬 악화되고 있습니닀. 의사: 암 병력읎 있윌신가요? 환자: 아니요, 하지만 곌거에 멎도 생검을 받은 적읎 있습니닀. 의사: 귞렇군요. 환자: 읎걞 잘띌낌 수 있는 수술읎 있을까요? 정말 없애고 싶얎요.
47섞의 백읞 낚성읎 왌쪜 발에 조직 덩얎늬가 생게닀며 ABCD 종합병원에 낎원했습니닀. 환자는 종ꎎ가 ì•œ 2죌 전부터 있었윌며 크Ʞ가 빠륎게 컀지고 있닀고 말합니닀. 환자는 곌거에 멎도 생검을 받은 병력도 있습니닀. 환자는 현재 왞곌적 절제륌 원한닀고 진술하고 있습니닀.
Doctor: Good morning, sir, welcome to A B C D General Hospital. Patient: Thank you, doctor. I hope you can fix me up quickly. Doctor: We'll do our best. Um, before we begin, I just need some background information. So, how old are you? Patient: I'm forty seven years old. Doctor: Good, and what race do you identify with? Patient: I identify as white, sir. Doctor: Thank you, so, what seems to be the problem today? Patient: Well, I have this, um, mass of my left foot, it's been getting worse too. Doctor: I see it. How long has this tissue mass been there on that foot? Patient: It's been about two weeks now, but it's getting worse way faster now. Doctor: Do you have any history of cancer? Patient: No, but I've had an, um, shave biopsy in the past. Doctor: I see. Patient: Is there any surgery we can do for this to cut it off? I really want it gone.
The patient is married with five children and lives with his wife. He is a retired engineer and real estate broker. He denies tobacco use. He drinks alcohol occasionally with up to three drinks a week. No history of drug abuse.
의사: 직업읎 뭐죠? 환자: 사싀 지ꞈ은 은퇎했지만 엔지니얎로 음했고 부업윌로 부동산 쀑개업도 했습니닀. 의사: 와, 정말 많넀요. 은퇎륌 축하드늜니닀! 환자: 감사합니닀. 읎제 아낎와 더 많은 시간을 볎낌 수 있게 되었넀요. 의사: 잘됐넀요, 자녀가 있윌신가요? 환자: ë„€, 쎝 5명입니닀, 집읎 ꜉ 찌습니닀. 의사: 훌륭하군요, 술읎나 닎배륌 하십니까? 환자: 닮배는 안 플우지만 술은 조ꞈ 마십니닀. 의사: 음죌음에 몇 잔 정도 마신닀고 말씀하시겠습니까? 환자: 음, 음죌음에 3잔까지 마시는 것 같습니닀. 의사: 좋아요, 앜묌읎나 불법 앜묌 낚용의 병력읎 있윌신가요? 환자: 아니요, 귞런 적은 없습니닀.
환자는 결혌하여 닀섯 명의 자녀륌 두고 아낎와 핚께 ì‚Žê³  있습니닀. 귞는 은퇎한 엔지니얎읎자 부동산 쀑개읞입니닀. 닎배륌 플우지 않습니닀. 가끔씩 음죌음에 최대 3잔까지 술을 마십니닀. 앜묌 낚용의 병력은 없습니닀.
Doctor: What do you do for a living? Patient: Actually, I'm retired now, but I was an engineer, and I did some real estate brokering as well on the side. Doctor: Wow, that's a lot. Congratulations on your retirement! Patient: Thank you, now I get to spend more time with my wife. Doctor: Wonderful, do you have any children? Patient: Yes, five in total, it's a full house. Doctor: Fantastic, do you drink or smoke? Patient: I don't smoke, but I drink a little. Doctor: How many drinks would you say you have a week? Patient: Um, I'd say up to three drinks a week. Doctor: Okay, and is there any history of drug or illicit substance abuse, sir? Patient: No, never anything like that.
Hyperglycemia, cholelithiasis, obstructive sleep apnea, diabetes mellitus, hypertension, and cholecystitis.
의사: 귀하의 찚튞에 따띌 닀음 몇 가지 사항을 진닚서에 Ʞ재하겠습니닀. 환자: ë„€, 저는 당뇚병, 고혈압, 닎석읎 있습니닀. 의사: ë„€, 여Ʞ 찚튞에서 확읞할 수 있습니닀. 환자: 새로욎 사항은 묎엇입니까? 의사: 읎제 고혈당슝곌 폐쇄성 수멎 묎혞흡슝읎 추가되었습니닀.
고혈당슝, 닎석슝, 폐쇄성 수멎 묎혞흡슝, 당뇚병, 고혈압 및 ë‹Žë‚­ì—Œ.
Doctor: As per your chart I am going to put some of the following things in your diagnosis. Patient: Yes, I have diabetes, hypertension and gallstones. Doctor: Yes I can see that in your chart over here. Patient: What are the new things? Doctor: We now have added hyperglycemia and obstructive sleep apnea.
Quit smoking 15 years ago.
의사: 닎배륌 플우시나요? 환자: 아니요. 15년 전에 끊었얎요.
15년 전에 닎배륌 끊었습니닀.
Doctor: Do you smoke? Patient: Nope. I quit like fifteen years ago.
의사: 가족 쀑에 제가 알아알 할 정형왞곌 질환읎 있윌신가요? 환자: ꎀ절엌 같은 거요? 의사: ë„€, 귞런 비슷한 슝상읎 있윌신가요? 환자: 아니요, 제가 아는 한 없습니닀.
Doctor: Do you have any orthopedic conditions that run in your family that I should know about? Patient: What, like arthritis? Doctor: Yeah, does anything like that sound familiar? Patient: No, not that I know of.
He has had diabetes for five years. He also has had hypercholesterolemia. He has had Crohn's disease for 25 or 30 years. He has had a colostomy for four years. He has arthritis, which is reportedly related to the Crohn's disease. He has hypertension and coronary artery disease and is status post stent placement. He has depression. He had a kidney stone removed about 25 years ago.
게슀튞_임상의: 안녕하섞요! 진료소에 였신 것을 환영합니닀. 환자: 안녕하섞요! 감사합니닀. 게슀튞_임상의: 였늘은 환자분께 앜간의 배겜 정볎륌 얻을 예정입니닀. 환자: 알겠습니닀. 게슀튞_임상의: ì–Žë–€ 병력읎 있윌신가요? 곌거와 현재? 환자: 저는 크론병읎 있습니닀. 게슀튞_임상의: 크론병을 앓은 지 얌마나 되셚습니까? 환자: 였, 몚륎겠습니닀. 25년에서 30년 정도 되었습니닀. 게슀튞_임상의: 최귌에 대장낎시겜 검사륌 받윌셚습니까? 환자: 4년 전에 한 번 받았습니닀. 올핎 닀시 받아알 합니까? 게슀튞_임상의: 잘 몚륎겠습니닀. 의사 선생님께 ì–Žë–€ 것읎 좋을지 묌얎볎겠습니닀. 4년 전에 대장낎시겜 검사륌 받윌셚닀는 사싀을 알렀드늬겠습니닀. 환자: 좋아요. 저는 당뇚병 환자읎Ʞ도 합니닀. 4년 전부터 당뇚륌 앓고 있습니닀. 게슀튞_임상의: ë„€, 읞슐늰을 드시는군요. 혈압앜도 드시는 것 같은데 고혈압읎 있윌신가요? 환자: 예, 고혈압곌 윜레슀테례 수치가 높습니닀. 심장 질환도 있습니닀. 슀텐튞륌 삜입했습니닀. 게슀튞_임상의: 닀륞 사항은요? 환자: 저는 지ꞈ ꎀ절엌읎 있습니닀. 크론병 때묞읎띌고 하더군요. 게슀튞_임상의: 귞렇군요. 환자: 저는 지ꞈ 우욞슝 치료도 받고 있습니닀. 게슀튞_임상의: 알겠습니닀. 슀텐튞 시술 왞에 닀륞 수술은 없윌셚나요? 아, 몇 년 전에 신장 결석을 제거한 적읎 있습니닀. 25년 전읎요. 귞게 닀입니닀. 귞게 닀입니닀. 게슀튞_임상의: ë„€, 좋아요! 감사합니닀. 의사 선생님께 쀀비되셚닀고 말씀드늬멎 바로 진료싀로 였싀 겁니닀. 환자: 여Ʞ 있을게요.
귞는 5년 동안 당뇚병을 앓고 있습니닀. 또한 고윜레슀테례혈슝도 앓고 있습니닀. 25년 또는 30년 동안 크론병을 앓고 있습니닀. 4년 동안 읞공항묞을 가지고 있습니닀. 크론병곌 ꎀ렚읎 있는 것윌로 알렀진 ꎀ절엌읎 있습니닀. 고혈압곌 ꎀ상동맥 질환읎 있윌며 슀텐튞 삜입 후 상태입니닀. 우욞슝읎 있습니닀. 귞는 ì•œ 25 년 전에 신장 결석을 제거했습니닀.
Guest_clinician: Hi there! Welcome to the clinic. Patient: Hi! Thank you. Guest_clinician: I'm going to get a little background information from you today. Patient: Okay. Guest_clinician: What are any of your medical history conditions? Past and present? Patient: I have Crohn's disease. Guest_clinician: How long have you had Crohn's? Patient: Oh, I don't know. A long time twenty five to thirty years. Guest_clinician: Have you had a colonoscopy recently? Patient: I had one, four years ago. Do I need to get another one this year? Guest_clinician: I am not sure. I will ask the doctor what his recommendation is for you would be. I will let him know that you had a colonoscopy four years ago. Patient: Sounds good. I am also a diabetic. That has been going on for four years now. Guest_clinician: Yes, I see you take insulin. I also see that you're on a blood pressure medication, do you have high blood pressure? Patient: Yes, I have high blood pressure and high cholesterol. I also have heart disease. I had a stent placed in there. Guest_clinician: Anything else? Patient: I have arthritis now. They said it's due to my Crohn's. Guest_clinician: That makes sense. Patient: I'm being treated for depression now as well. Guest_clinician: Okay. Any other surgeries other than the stent? Patient: Oh, I had a kidney stone removed several years ago. Twenty five years ago. That's it. That's all I got for you. Guest_clinician: Okay, great! Thank you. I will go let the doctor know that you are ready and she will be right in to see you. Patient: I'll be here.
ENDOCRINE: Normal; Negative for diabetes, thyroid, or problems with cholesterol or hormones.
의사: 혈당읎나 혈압에 묞제가 있나요? 환자: 아니요, 정상입니닀. 의사: 좋아요, 갑상선읎나 닀륞 혞륎몬 ꎀ렚 묞제는요? 환자: 아니요, 몚두 정상입니닀. 의사: 윜레슀테례은요? 윜레슀테례은요? 환자: 윜레슀테례 묞제는 없습니닀.
낎분비: 정상; 당뇚병, 갑상선 또는 윜레슀테례 또는 혞륎몬 묞제에 대핮 음성.
Doctor: Any sugar or B P problem? Patient: No, it is normal. Doctor: Okay, how about thyroid or any other hormone related problem? Patient: No, everything is fine. Doctor: Cholesterol? Patient: No cholesterol problem.
Refractory anemia that is transfusion dependent.
게슀튞_임상의: 진닚명읎 묎엇읞가요? 의사: 불응성 빈혈입니닀. 게슀튞_임상의: 알겠습니닀.
수혈에 의졎하는 불응 성 빈혈.
Guest_clinician: What's her diagnosis? Doctor: Refractory anemia. Guest_clinician: Gotcha.
의사: 환자의 가족력읎 있나요? 게슀튞_임상의: 현재로서는 없습니닀. 의사: 흠, 알겠습니닀.
알 수 없음
Doctor: Do you have patient's family history? Guest_clinician: At this point of time, we don't have it. Doctor: Hm, okay.
The patient is in complaining of headaches and dizzy spells, as well as a new little rash on the medial right calf. She describes her dizziness as both vertigo and lightheadedness. She does not have a headache at present but has some intermittent headaches, neck pains, and generalized myalgias. She has noticed a few more bruises on her legs. No fever or chills with slight cough. She has had more chest pains but not at present. She does have a little bit of nausea but no vomiting or diarrhea. She complains of some left shoulder tenderness and discomfort. She reports her blood sugar today after lunch was 155.
의사: 안녕하섞요, 아가씚. 였늘은 묎엇을 도와드늎까요? 간혞사가 ꞉한 음읎띌고 하더군요. 환자: ë„€, 얎지러욎 슝상읎 계속되고 있습니닀. 또한 였륞쪜 종아늬에 새로욎 발진읎 생게습니닀. 의사: ì–Žë–€ 종류의 얎지러욎 슝상읎 있는지 섀명핎 죌시겠습니까? ì–Žë–€ 느낌읞가요? 환자: 음반적읞 얎지럌슝곌 현Ʞ슝입니닀. 죌묞 쀑에 얎지러움도 느껎집니닀. 의사: 지ꞈ Ʞ분읎 ꎜ찮윌십니까, 아니멎 슝상읎 나타나고 있습니까? 환자: 묎작위로 두통읎 왔닀 갔닀 하지만 지ꞈ은 아묎것도 없습니닀. 목 통슝곌 귌육통도 간헐적윌로 있습니닀. 의사: 닀늬에 난 발진을 삎펎볌게요. 멍읎 새로 생ꞎ 걎가요? 환자: 새로 생ꞎ 것 같아요. 평소볎닀 더 많읎 생게얎요. 의사: 지난 ë©°ì¹  동안 엎읎나 였한읎 있었나요? 환자: 아니요, 귞런 걎 없었습니닀. 의사: 가슎 통슝은요? 환자: 가슎읎 앜간 답답한 적은 있지만 지ꞈ은 아닙니닀. 의사: 얎지러움 때묞에 메슀껍습니까? 환자: ë„€, 하지만 토하거나 하지는 않았습니닀. 의사: 섀사는 얎때요? 환자: 아니요, 닀행히도요. 의사: 아픈 부위가 있윌신가요? 환자: 왌쪜 얎깚가 조ꞈ 아파요. 귞닀지 아프지는 않지만 불펞하고 부드럜습니닀. 의사: 혈당을 ìž¡ì •í•Ž 볎셚나요? 임신성 당뇚 병력읎 있닀고 Ʞ록되얎 있고 혈당읎 정상 범위륌 벗얎나멎 지ꞈ곌 같은 슝상읎 나타날 수 있Ʞ 때묞에 묌얎볎는 것입니닀. 환자: 였늘 잡정했얎요. 점심 식사 후 155였얎요.
환자는 두통곌 얎지럌슝을 혞소하고 있윌며 였륞쪜 종아늬 안쪜에 새로욎 작은 발진읎 생게습니닀. 얎지럌슝을 현Ʞ슝곌 얎지러움슝윌로 섀명합니닀. 현재 두통은 없지만 간헐적읞 두통, 목 통슝, 전신 귌육통읎 있습니닀. 닀늬에 멍읎 몇 개 더 생게습니닀. 앜간의 Ʞ칚곌 핚께 엎읎나 였한은 없습니닀. 가슎 통슝읎 더 심핎졌지만 현재는 없습니닀. 앜간의 메슀꺌움읎 있지만 구토나 섀사는 없습니닀. 왌쪜 얎깚에 앜간의 압통곌 불펞핚을 혞소합니닀. 였늘 점심 식사 후 혈당읎 155띌고 볎고했습니닀.
Doctor: Hello, miss. How can I help you today? The nurse said the matter was urgent. Patient: Yes, I have been having dizzy spells. I have also noticed a new rash on my right calf. Doctor: Can you describe what type of dizzy spells you are having? What do they feel like? Patient: It is general dizziness and vertigo. I am also lightheaded during the spells. Doctor: Are you feeling okay right now or are you experiencing symptoms? Patient: I am having headaches off and on randomly, but nothing right now. The neck pain and muscle aches also are intermittent. Doctor: Let me take a look at the rash on your legs. Are the bruises new? Patient: They are new, I think. I have noticed them more than usual. Doctor: In the past couple days have you had a fever or chills? Patient: No, nothing like that. Doctor: What about chest pains? Patient: I have had some tightness in my chest, but not right now. Doctor: Does the dizziness make you nauseous? Patient: Yes, but I have not had to throw up or anything. Doctor: What about diarrhea? Patient: No, thank goodness. Doctor: Are there any parts of your body that are hurting? Patient: I do have some left shoulder pain. Not so much painful, but it is uncomfortable and tender. Doctor: Have you measured your blood sugar at all? I ask because the notes state there is a history of gestational diabetes and when blood sugars are out of the normal limits this can cause some of the symptoms you are having. Patient: I measured it today. After lunch it was one fifty five.
Negative for any colon cancer or polyps. Her father died of mesothelioma, mother died of Hodgkin lymphoma.
의사: 가족 쀑에 대장암읎나 비정상적읞 용종을 앓았거나 앓은 적읎 있는 사람읎 있나요? 환자: 아니요. 의사: 닀륞 가족력은 있습니까? 환자: 예, 아버지는 쀑플종읎띌는 암윌로 돌아가셚고 얎뚞니는 혞지킚 늌프종윌로 돌아가셚습니닀.
대장암읎나 용종에 대핮 음성입니닀. 귞녀의 아버지는 쀑플종윌로 사망했고 얎뚞니는 혞 지킚 늌프종윌로 사망했습니닀.
Doctor: Does anyone in your family have or have history of any colon cancer or unusual polyps? Patient: No. Doctor: Any other family history? Patient: Yes, my father died of a cancer called mesothelioma and my mother died of Hodgkin's Lymphoma.
의사: 가족 쀑에 알렀진 병력읎 있나요? 환자: 아니요. 의사: 가족 쀑에 고혈압읎나 심장병, 당뇚병읎 있는 사람은 없습니까? 환자: 없습니닀.
Doctor: Any known medical history in the family? Patient: Nope. Doctor: How about anyone with high blood pressure or heart disease or diabetes in the family? Patient: Nope.
As per the HPI, this is her third suicide attempt in the last two months and started seeing Dr. X. She has a remote history of being on Lexapro for depression.
의사: 였늘 Ʞ분읎 ì–Žë– ì„žìš”? 환자: 맀우 플곀합니닀. 의사: 찚튞에 따륎멎 ì„ž 번의 자핎 시도로 진료륌 받윌셚더군요. 치료륌 받윌러 였지 않은 닀륞 자핎 사걎읎 있었나요? 환자: 아니요, 의사 늰을 만나고 있습니닀. 의사: 또한 지난 두 달 동안 자핎륌 시도한 것읎 읎번읎 ì„ž 번짞읞 것윌로 알고 있습니닀. 현재 환자분의 삶에서 읎러한 분녞 에플소드륌 유발할 수 있는 ì–Žë–€ 음읎 음얎나고 있나요? 환자: 지난달에 직장을 잃었습니닀. 귞늬고 읎번 달에는 낚자친구가 저륌 떠났습니닀. 의사: 정말 유감입니닀. 감당하Ʞ 힘든 음읎넀요. 환자: ë„€, 힘듀었얎요. 의사: 정신 걎강 질환 진닚을 받은 적읎 있나요? 환자: 늰 의사가 방ꞈ 제가 우욞슝읎띌고 했얎요. 의사: 우욞슝윌로 읞핎 앜을 복용한 적읎 있습니까? 환자: 전에 렉사프로륌 복용한 적읎 있습니닀. 의사: 렉사프로륌 복용한 지 얌마나 되셚나요? 환자: Ʞ억읎 나지 않습니닀. 의사: 알겠습니닀.
HPI에 따륎멎, 지난 두 달 동안 ì„ž 번짞 자삎 시도읎며 의사 X륌 만나Ʞ 시작했습니닀. 귞녀는 우욞슝윌로 렉사프로륌 복용한 병력읎 있습니닀.
Doctor: How are you feeling today? Patient: I am feeling very tired. Doctor: According to your chart, you have seen with us for three separate self harm attempts. Have you had any other self harm events that you have not come to see use for? Patient: No. I have been seeing Doctor Lin. Doctor: I also see that this is your third time in the last two months that you have attempted to harm yourself. Is there anything that is currently going on in your life that could be triggering these resent episode? Patient: Last month I lost my job. And then this month my boyfriend left me. Doctor: I am so sorry. That is a lot to deal with. Patient: Yeah, it has been hard. Doctor: Have you been diagnosed with any mental health conditions? Patient: Doctor Lin just said that I was depressed. Doctor: Have you ever been put on any medication for the for your depression? Patient: I have taken Lexapro before. Doctor: How long ago did you take the Lexapro? Patient: I can't remember. Doctor: Okay.
No known drug allergies.
의사: 앜묌 알레륎Ʞ가 있윌신가요? 환자: 아니요, 제가 아는 한 없습니닀.
알렀진 앜묌 알레륎Ʞ가 없습니닀.
Doctor: Do you have any drug allergies? Patient: No. None that I know of.
Several multiple areas of hypergranulation tissue on the left posterior leg associated with a sense of trauma to his right posterior leg.
의사: 여Ʞ 의사 팚튞늭을 볎시멎 왌쪜 닀늬 후방에 곌곌늜 조직읎 있는 부위가 여러 군데 있고, 였륞쪜 닀늬 뒀쪜의 왞상곌 ꎀ렚읎 있는 것 같습니닀. 게슀튞_임상의: ë„€, 동의합니닀.
였륞쪜 뒷닀늬의 왞상 감각곌 ꎀ렚된 왌쪜 뒷닀늬에 여러 부위의 곌곌늜 조직읎 있습니닀.
Doctor: So, if you see here Doctor Patrick there are multiple areas with hypergranulation tissue on the left leg posteriorly and I get a sense that it's associated with the trauma to the back of his right leg. Guest_clinician: Yeah, I agree.
This is a 42-year-old white female who comes in today for a complete physical and follow up on asthma. She says her asthma has been worse over the last three months. She has been using her inhaler daily. Her allergies seem to be a little bit worse as well. Her husband has been hauling corn and this seems to aggravate things. She has not been taking Allegra daily but when she does take it, it seems to help somewhat. She has not been taking her Flonase which has helped her in the past. She also notes that in the past she was on Advair but she got some vaginal irritation with that. She had been noticing increasing symptoms of irritability and PMS around her menstrual cycle. She has been more impatient around that time. Says otherwise her mood is normal during the rest of the month. It usually is worse the week before her cycle and improves the day her menstrual cycle starts. Menses have been regular but somewhat shorter than in the past. Occasionally she will get some spotting after her cycles. She denies any hot flashes or night sweats with this. In reviewing the chart it is noted that she did have 3+ blood with what appeared to be a urinary tract infection previously. Her urine has not been rechecked. She recently had lab work and cholesterol drawn for a life insurance application and is going to send me those results when available.
의사: 였늘은 좀 ì–Žë– ì„žìš”? 환자: 나쁘지 않아요. 잘 버티고 있얎요. 천식읎 좀 심핎졌얎요. 의사: 였, 읎런. 얌마나 였래 지속되었나요? 환자: 지난 3개월 동안요. 맀음 흡입Ʞ륌 사용했얎요. 가끔씩 사용하곀 했얎요. 저에게는 확싀히 새로욎 겜험입니닀. 의사: 천식곌 핚께 알레륎Ʞ가 있윌신가요? 환자: ë„€, 사싀 귞렇습니닀. 낚펞읎 읎번 시슌에 옥수수륌 더 많읎 가젞와서 알레륎Ʞ가 훚씬 더 심핎진 것 같습니닀. 의사: 알레륎Ʞ륌 위핎 복용하는 앜읎 있윌신가요? 환자: 별로 없습니닀. 가끔 알레귞띌륌 복용하는데 조ꞈ 도움읎 되는 것 같습니닀. 읎전에 플로나제륌 처방받은 적읎 있는데 ì–žì œ 마지막윌로 복용했는지 Ʞ억읎 나지 않습니닀. 아, 귞늬고 얎드에얎도 복용하고 있었얎요. 의사: 플로나제나 얎드에얎가 전혀 도움읎 되지 않았나요? 환자: 애드에얎가 여성 부위륌 ꎎ롭히Ʞ 시작핎서 쀑닚핎알 했습니닀. 의사: 얎떻게요? 환자: ê·ž 결곌 더 가렵닀는 것을 알았습니닀. 의사: 유감입니닀. 환자: 읎 얘Ʞ가 나와서 말읞데, 제가 최귌에 P M S 슝상을 많읎 겪고 있닀는 것도 말씀드늬고 싶얎요. 찞을성읎 없고 변덕읎 심핎요. 의사: 죌Ʞ가 끝난 후에도 읎러한 슝상읎 계속 나타나나요? 환자: 음, 생각핎 볌게요. 생늬 음죌음 전부터 슝상읎 시작되고 출혈 첫날읎 지나멎 슝상읎 덜 심핎지는 겜향읎 있습니닀. 의사: 음반적윌로 죌Ʞ가 규칙적입니까? 환자: 대부분 귞렇습니닀. 예전만큌 였래 지속되지 않는 것 같아요. 읎유는 잘 몚륎겠습니닀. 하지만 죌Ʞ가 끝난 후 앜간의 얌룩읎 있는 것을 발견했습니닀. 의사: 생늬 쀑 식은땀읎나 안멎홍조가 생Ʞ나요? 환자: 아니요. 의사: 최귌에 닀륞 의학적 묞제가 있었나요? 환자: 요로감엌읎 있었고 ê·ž 때묞에 소변에 플가 조ꞈ 나왔습니닀. 의사: 소변에서 플가 나옚 적읎 몇 번읎나 되었는지 Ʞ억하시나요? 환자: 음, ì„ž 번 정도요. 귞래서 항생제륌 처방받았습니닀. 의사: ê·ž 읎후로 닀륞 비뇚Ʞ 슝상은 없었나요? 복통, 메슀꺌움, 구토 등의 슝상은 없었나요? 환자: 지ꞈ은 없습니닀. 의사: 최귌에 소변 검사륌 닀시 받윌셚나요? 환자: 아니요, 아직요. 닀시 검사륌 받아알겠얎요. 의사: 원하시멎 제가 처방전을 작성핎 드멮 수도 있고 비뇚Ʞ곌 전묞의와 예앜을 잡윌셔도 됩니닀. 특정 비뇚Ʞ곌 전묞의가 있윌신가요? 환자: ë„€, 낎음 전화로 예앜할 수 있습니닀. 혈액 검사도 받아알 하나요? 의사: ë„€, 사싀 여Ʞ 계시는 동안 혈액 검사륌 죌묞하고 싶습니닀. 환자: ë©°ì¹  전에 생명 볎험 신청을 위핎 혈액 검사륌 받았습니닀. 제 나읎가 마흔 두 삎읎띌 검사륌 받아알 한닀고 생각했얎요. 슀웚덎 얎뚞니는 제가 쀑요한 음을 믞룚는 것에 대핮 항상 잔소늬륌 하곀 하셚얎요. 얎욌든 혈액 검사륌 더 받아알 하나요? 의사: 묎엇을 검사했는지 ì•„ì„žìš”? 환자: 윜레슀테례읎 추가된 음반적읞 혈액 검사읞 것 같습니닀. 의사: 혹시 사볞읎 있윌신가요 아니멎 결곌륌 팩슀로 볎낎죌시겠얎요? 환자: 결곌륌 받윌멎 팩슀로 볎낎드늎 수 있습니닀. 의사: 귞럌 좋겠넀요. 고맙습니닀. 팩슀 번혞륌 적얎 드늎게요.
42ì„ž 백읞 여성윌로 였늘 천식에 대한 완전한 신첎 검사와 후속 조치륌 위핎 낎원하셚습니닀. 지난 3개월 동안 천식읎 더 심핎졌닀고 합니닀. 맀음 흡입Ʞ륌 사용하고 있습니닀. 알레륎Ʞ도 조ꞈ 더 심핎진 것 같닀고 합니닀. 귞녀의 낚펞읎 옥수수륌 욎반하고 있는데 읎것읎 상황을 악화시킀는 것 같습니닀. 알레귞띌륌 맀음 복용하고 있지는 않지만 복용하멎 얎느 정도 도움읎 되는 것 같습니닀. 귞녀는 곌거에 도움읎 되었던 플로나제륌 복용하지 않고 있습니닀. 또한 곌거에는 얎드에얎륌 복용했지만 질 자극읎 앜간 있었닀고 합니닀. 귞녀는 생늬 죌Ʞ에 따띌 곌믌성 및 PMS 슝상읎 슝가하는 것을 알아찚늬고 있었습니닀. ê·ž 슈음에는 더 조꞉핎졌습니닀. 귞렇지 않윌멎 나뚞지 한 달 동안은 Ʞ분읎 정상읎띌고 말합니닀. 볎통 생늬 전 죌에 슝상읎 악화되고 생늬 죌Ʞ가 시작되는 날에는 혞전됩니닀. 월겜은 규칙적읎지만 곌거볎닀 닀소 짧아졌습니닀. 때때로 생늬 후 앜간의 얌룩읎 생깁니닀. 안멎홍조나 식은땀은 전혀 나타나지 않습니닀. 찚튞륌 검토한 결곌, 읎전에 요로 감엌윌로 볎읎는 혈뇚가 3개 읎상 있었던 것윌로 나타났습니닀. 소변은 닀시 검사하지 않았습니닀. 최귌에 생명 볎험 신청을 위핎 싀험싀 검사와 윜레슀테례 검사륌 받았고 결곌가 나였멎 볎낎죌겠닀고 합니닀.
Doctor: How're you today? Patient: Not too bad. I'm hanging in there. My asthma has been acting up. Doctor: Oh no. How long has this been going on? Patient: For the past three months. I've been using my inhaler every day. I used to use it every now and again. This is definitely new for me. Doctor: Are you experiencing any allergies alongside your asthma? Patient: Yes, actually. My husband has been hauling a lot more corn this season and it seems to be making my allergies much worse. Doctor: Do you take anything for your allergies? Patient: Not really. I'll sometimes take Allegra and that seems to help just a tiny bit. I was previously prescribed Flonase, but I can't remember the last time I took it. Oh and I was on Advair, too. Doctor: Did the Flonase or Advair help at all? Patient: I had to stop Advair because it started to bother my lady parts. Doctor: How so? Patient: I noticed that it became more itchy as a result. Doctor: I'm sorry to hear that. Patient: Speaking of this, I wanted to also share that I've been experiencing a lot of P M S symptoms lately. I'm super impatient and moody. Doctor: Do you notice these symptoms are still there after you finish your cycle? Patient: Um lemme think. The symptoms start about a week before my period and tend to get less intense once I get over the first day of bleeding. Doctor: Are your cycles generally regular? Patient: For the most part, yes. I feel like they don't last as long as they used to. I'm not sure why. I do, however, notice some spotting after my cycles end. Doctor: Do you get any night sweats or hot flashes while you're on your period? Patient: No. Doctor: Have you had any other medical troubles recently? Patient: I did have a U T I and some blood in my urine because of it. Doctor: Do you remember how many times you noticed blood in your urine? Patient: Hm about three times. I was prescribed antibiotics for it. Doctor: Have you had any other urinary symptoms since? How about bdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, or anything of the like? Patient: Nothing now. Doctor: Have you gotten your urine rechecked recently? Patient: No, not yet. I really should get it checked out again. Doctor: I can write an order for you if you'd like or you can make an appointment with your urologist. Do you have a specific urologist that you see? Patient: Yeah, I can call to make the appointment tomorrow. Do I also need to get blood work done? Doctor: Yes, in fact I'd like to order some blood work while you're here. Patient: I had blood work done a few days ago for my life insurance application. I am forty two so thought I should get that going. My Swedish mother always used to nag about how I procrastinate on important things. Anyways, do I still need to get more blood work done? Doctor: Do you know what they checked? Patient: I think the typical blood work with cholesterol added. Doctor: Do you happen to have a copy on hand or could you fax me the resulxts? Patient: I can fax them to you once I get them back. Doctor: That would be great. Thank you. Let me write down our fax number for you.
Acne. Psychiatric history is unremarkable.
의사: 심늬 평가는 별닀륞 묞제가 없닀고 나왔얎요. 닀륞 묞제는 없나요? 환자: 여드늄읎 있얎요. 정말 ì‹«ì–Žìš”. 제 플부가 펞하지 않아요.
여드늄. 정신곌 병력은 눈에 띄지 않습니닀.
Doctor: Okay, so your psych evaluation came out unremarkable. Do you have any other problems? Patient: I have this acne. I hate it. I am not feeling comfortable in my own skin.
The patient is a 10-day-old Caucasian female here for approximately 1 minute bilateral arm and leg jerks, which started at day of life 1 and have occurred 6 total times since then. Mom denies any apnea, perioral cyanosis, or color changes. These movements are without any back arching. They mainly occur during sleep, so mom is unaware of any eye rolling. Mom is able to wake the patient up during this periods and stop the patient's extremity movements. Otherwise, this patient has been active, breast-feeding well, although she falls asleep at the breast. She is currently taking in 15 to 20 minutes of breast milk every 2 to 3 hours. She is having increased diapers up to 8 wet and 6 to 7 dirty-yellow stools per day.
의사: 안녕하섞요, 잘 지낎섞요? 게슀튞_가족: 조ꞈ 묎서워요. 의사: 알겠얎요, 몇 삎읎에요? 게슀튞_가족: 였늘로 엎흘짞입니닀. 의사: 귞늬고 읞종은 백읞 맞죠? 게슀튞_가족: ë„€. 의사: 좋아요, 귞럌 묎슚 음읞지 말씀핎 죌시겠얎요? 게슀튞_가족: 젖을 뚹읎고 있었는데 갑자Ʞ 팔곌 닀늬가 읎상하게 움직읎는 것을 발견했습니닀. 게슀튞_가족: 1분 정도 지속되었습니닀. 의사: ì–žì œ 처음 느끌셚나요? 게슀튞_가족: 처음 젖을 뚹읞 날, 태얎난 지 하룚도 안 됐을 때였습니닀. 의사: 좋아요, 지ꞈ까지 몇 번읎나 뚹였나요? 게슀튞_가족: 여섯 번 정도요. 의사: 혞흡읎 끊Ʞ거나 입 죌위가 푞륎슀늄한 색을 띠는 것을 볎셚나요? 게슀튞_가족: 아니요. 의사: 발작읎 발생하는 동안 아Ʞ의 플부색 변화륌 느끌셚나요? 게슀튞_가족: 아니요. 의사: 혹시 등읎 굜얎지거나 눈읎 뒀로 젖혀지는 것을 볎셚나요? 게슀튞_가족: 아니요, 볎통 자고 있을 때 음얎나Ʞ 때묞에 눈의 움직임을 알아찚늬지 못했습니닀. 하지만 제가 깚워서 손곌 닀늬의 움직임을 멈출 수 있었습니닀. 의사: 귞렇군요. ê·ž 왞에는 잘 뚹고 활동적읞가요? 게슀튞_가족: ë„€, 묌론읎죠! 몚유 수유 쀑에 잠을 많읎 자ꞎ 하지만 ê·ž 왞에는 몚두 ꎜ찮습니닀. 의사: 얌마나 자죌 귞늬고 얌마나 였래 수유하고 계십니까? 게슀튞_가족: 2~3시간에 한 번씩 15분에서 20분 정도 몚유 수유륌 합니닀. 의사: 좋아요, 귞럌 Ʞ저귀는 몇 개나 사용하시나요? 게슀튞_가족: 였쀌 Ʞ저귀는 최대 8개까지 늘얎났고, 똥 Ʞ저귀는 하룚에 6~7개 정도입니닀. 의사: 귞늬고 아읎의 똥 색깔을 볎셚나요? 게슀튞_가족: ë„€, 더러욎 누런색읎에요. 의사: 알았얎요.
환자는 생후 10음 된 백읞 여성윌로 ì•œ 1분간 ì–‘ìž¡ 팔곌 닀늬륌 겜렚했윌며, 생후 1음에 시작되얎 ê·ž 읎후로 쎝 6번 발생했습니닀. 산몚는 묎혞흡, 안구 죌위 청색슝 또는 플부색 변화륌 부읞합니닀. 읎러한 움직임은 허늬륌 굜히지 않습니닀. 죌로 수멎 쀑에 발생하므로 엄마는 눈을 굎늬는 것을 읞식하지 못합니닀. 엄마는 읎 êž°ê°„ 동안 환자륌 깚우고 환자의 사지 움직임을 멈출 수 있습니닀. 귞렇지 않윌멎 읎 환자는 활동적읎고 몚유 수유륌 잘하고 있지만 유방에서 잠읎 듀었습니닀. 현재 2~3시간마닀 15~20분 분량의 몚유륌 섭췚하고 있습니닀. Ʞ저귀는 하룚에 최대 8회까지, 대변은 6~7회까지 더럜고 녾란 변을 볎고 있습니닀.
Doctor: Hello there, how are you? Guest_family: I am little scared. Doctor: I understand, so how old is she? Guest_family: She is ten days old today. Doctor: And just wanted to confirm the ethnicity is Caucasian, right? Guest_family: Yes. Doctor: Okay, so tell me what's going on with her? Guest_family: I was feeding her and then I suddenly noticed this unusual jerky movement in both her arms and legs. Guest_family: It lasted about a minute. Doctor: When did you first notice it? Guest_family: The first day when I was feeding her, she was barely a day old. Doctor: Okay, and how many times till now? Guest_family: About six times. Doctor: Did you notice any interrupted breathing or bluish color around her mouth? Guest_family: No. Doctor: While the episode occurs do you notice any color changes in the baby? Guest_family: No. Doctor: Did you happened to notice any arching of the back or eyes rolling back? Guest_family: No, it usually happens while she is sleeping, so I didn't notice her eye movements. But I am able to wake her up and stop the hand and leg movements. Doctor: Okay. Otherwise, is she feeding well and is active? Guest_family: Yes, absolutely! Although she falls asleep a lot during breast feeding but other than that everything is fine. Doctor: And how often are you feeding her and for how long? Guest_family: I breast feed her every two to three hours for about fifteen to twenty minutes. Doctor: Okay, and how many dirty diapers? Guest_family: Well, her pee diapers have increased to up to eight and I would say about six to seven poopy diapers a day. Doctor: And did you notice the color of her poop? Guest_family: Yeah, it's like dirty yellowish color. Doctor: Okay.
Strongly positive for heart disease in his father. He had a bypass at age 60. Both parents are alive. Both have dementia. His father has history of coronary artery disease and multiple vascular strokes. He is in his 80s. His mother is 80, also with dementia. The patient does not smoke or drink.
의사: 가족 쀑에 심장 질환을 앓은 사람읎 있나요? 환자: ë„€, 제 아버지요. 60ì„ž 때 심장 우회술을 받윌셚얎요. 의사: 지ꞈ은 ꎜ찮윌신가요? 환자: ë„€, 묎슚 말씀읞지 알겠습니닀. 환자: ë„€, 하나님의 은혜로 부몚님 몚두 삎아계십니닀. 의사: 심장병의 병명읎 정확히 묎엇입니까? 알고 계십니까? 환자: ë„€, ꎀ상동맥 질환읎띌고 하는데 ê·ž 때묞에 뇌졞쀑을 많읎 앓윌셚얎요. 의사: 지ꞈ 아버지는 몇 삎읎섞요? 환자: 아버지는 80대입니닀. 얎뚞니도 80섞읞데 치맀륌 앓고 계십니닀. 저희 아버지도 치맀륌 앓고 계십니닀. 의사: 귞렇군요. 닎배륌 플우거나 술을 마시나요? 얌마나 드시나요? 환자: 아니요, 술읎나 닎배륌 하지 않습니닀.
아버지의 심장병에 대한 강한 양성 반응. 귞는 60섞에 우회술을 받았습니닀. 부몚님 몚두 생졎핎 계십니닀. 둘 ë‹€ 치맀가 있습니닀. 귞의 아버지는 ꎀ상동맥 질환곌 닀발성 혈ꎀ 뇌졞쀑 병력읎 있습니닀. 귞는 80대입니닀. 귞의 얎뚞니는 80섞읎며 역시 치맀륌 앓고 있습니닀. 환자는 닎배륌 플우거나 술을 마시지 않습니닀.
Doctor: Has anyone in your family had heart diseases? Patient: Yes my father. They did his heart bypass surgery when he was sixty. Doctor: Is he alright now? Patient: Yes I know what you mean. Patient: Yes by God's grace, both my parents are alive. Doctor: What exactly was the heart disease named? Do you know? Patient: Yeah they said it was something called coronary artery disease and he had many strokes due to that. Doctor: How old is he now? Patient: My father is in his eighties. My mother is eighty years old too and she has dementia. My father has dementia too. Doctor: Okay. Do you smoke or drink alcohol? And how much? Patient: No I do not drink or smoke.
IMMUNOLOGIC: Negative; Negative for steroids, chemotherapy, or cancer.
의사: 슀테로읎드륌 복용하고 있나요? 환자: 아니요. 의사: 암, 화학 요법 또는 읎와 ꎀ렚된 병력읎 있윌신가요? 환자: 아니요.
ë©Žì—­í•™: 음성; 슀테로읎드, 화학 요법 또는 암에 대핮 음성.
Doctor: Are you on steroids? Patient: No. Doctor: Any history of cancer, chemotherapy or anything related? Patient: No.
Stable disposition to home with her mother.
의사: 두 분은 얎떻게 지낎셚나요? 게슀튞_가족: 저희는 ꎜ찮아요. 의사: 집에 옚 읎후로 삎읎 찐 것 같넀요. 저희가 녌의했던 식사 계획은 잘 지킀고 계신가요? 게슀튞_가족: ë„€. 도움읎 되고 있습니닀. 의사: 좋아요!
얎뚞니와 핚께 집에 대한 안정적읞 성향.
Doctor: How have you both been doing? Guest_family: We are good. Doctor: I see she has been gaining weight since she has been home. Have you been following the meal plan that we discussed? Guest_family: Yes. It has been helping. Doctor: Great!
게슀튞_임상의: 읎 볎고서에서 곌거 병력읎 볎읎지 않습니닀. 의사: 읎 환자에 대한 P M H Ʞ록읎 없습니닀. 게슀튞_임상의: ë„€.
Guest_clinician: I don't see any past medical history here in this report. Doctor: We don't have any record of P M H for this patient. Guest_clinician: Okay.
Fall and laceration.
의사: 였, 맙소사! 묎슚 음읎에요? 게슀튞_가족: 안녕하섞요, 의사 선생님, 저는 읎 아읎의 엄마예요. 의사: 안녕하섞요, 묎슚 음읎 있었나요? 게슀튞_가족: 나묎에 올띌가렀닀가 믞끄러젞서 허벅지에 깊은 상처륌 입었얎요. 의사: 귞래서 나묎에서 떚얎지셚나요? 환자: ë„€.
추띜 및 엎상.
Doctor: Oh, dear God! What happened? Guest_family: Hi Doctor, I am his mom. Doctor: Hello, so what happened? Guest_family: He was trying to climb a tree, slipped from there and got a deep cut on his thigh. Doctor: So, you fell from the tree? Patient: Yes.
This is a 29-year-old male who has had multiple problems with his teeth due to extensive dental disease and has had many of his teeth pulled. Complains of new tooth pain. The patient states his current toothache is to both upper and lower teeth on the left side for approximately three days. The patient states that he would have gone to see his regular dentist but he has missed so many appointments that they now do not allow him to schedule regular appointments, he has to be on standby appointments only. The patient denies any other problems or complaints. The patient denies any recent illness or injuries. The patient does have OxyContin and Vicodin at home which he uses for his knee pain but he wants more pain medicines because he does not want to use up that medicine for his toothache when he wants to say this with me.
의사: 치아에 묎슚 묞제가 있나요? 묞제가 있었죠? 환자: ë„€, ë„€, 묞제가 많아요. 처음에는 읎빚을 너묎 많읎 뜑아서 읎젠 읎빚에 묞제가 생게얎요. 의사: 였, 귞럌 읎걎 새로욎 묞제읞가요? 환자: ë„€, 새로욎 통슝입니닀. 지ꞈ은 왌쪜 윗니와 아랫니에서 3음짞 계속되고 있습니닀. 의사: 귞럌 왜 닚곚 치곌륌 방묞하지 않윌셚나요? 환자: 가고 싶었지만 예앜을 너묎 많읎 놓쳐서 읎제는 ì •êž° 예앜을 할 수 없게 되었습니닀. 귞래서 지ꞈ 대Ʞ 예앜을 잡았습니닀. 의사: 죄송합니닀. 환자: ꎜ찮습니닀. 의사: 닀륞 묞제나 닀륞 불만은 없윌십니까? 환자: 아니요. 의사: 최귌에 아프거나 닀친 곳은 없습니까? 환자: 아니요, 아픈 곳은 없습니닀. 의사: 집에 통슝에 대한 앜읎 있습니까? 환자: 예, 집에 옥시윘틎곌 바읎윔딘읎 있습니닀. 묎늎 통슝에 사용합니닀. 하지만 진통제가 더 필요핎요. 치통 때묞에 ê·ž 앜을 ë‹€ 쓰고 싶지 않습니닀. 의사: 알겠습니닀. 몇 삎읎시죠? 환자: 슀묌아홉입니닀.
29ì„ž 낚성윌로 ꎑ범위한 치아 질환윌로 읞핎 치아에 여러 가지 묞제륌 겪얎 왔윌며 많은 치아륌 뜑았습니닀. 새로욎 치아 통슝을 혞소합니닀. 환자는 현재 ì•œ 3음 동안 왌쪜 윗니와 아랫니 몚두에 치통읎 있닀고 말합니닀. 환자는 닚곚 치곌에 가렀고 했윌나 예앜을 너묎 많읎 놓쳐서 읎제는 ì •êž° 예앜을 할 수 없고 대Ʞ 예앜만 í•Žì•Œ 한닀고 말합니닀. 환자가 닀륞 묞제나 불만을 부읞합니닀. 환자가 최귌의 질병읎나 부상을 부읞합니닀. 환자는 집에 묎늎 통슝에 사용하는 옥시윘틎곌 바읎윔딘읎 있지만 저에게 읎 말을 하고 싶을 때 치통 때묞에 앜을 ë‹€ 쓰고 싶지 않아 진통제륌 더 원합니닀.
Doctor: What is up with your teeth man? It's been giving you problems huh? Patient: Yes, yes, many, many problems. Firstly, they pulled out so many teeth and now I have this bad tooth problem. Doctor: Oh, so this is new? Patient: Yes, it's a new pain. Right now it has been going on for three days on left side's upper and lower teeth. Doctor: Then why didn't you go and visit your regular dentist? Patient: I would have but I have missed so many appointments that they now do not allow me to schedule regular appointments. So they put me on a standby appointment now. Doctor: Oh I am sorry. Patient: It is okay. Doctor: Okay any other problems or any other complaints? Patient: No. Doctor: How about any recent illnesses or injuries? Patient: No, no illness whatsoever. Doctor: Do you have any medicine at home for pain? Patient: Yes I have OxyContin and Vicodin at home. I use it for my knee pain. But I want more pain medicines. I do not want to use up that medicine for my toothache. Doctor: Okay I understand. How old are you again? Patient: I am twenty nine.
Jaw pain.
의사: 턱은 좀 ì–Žë– ì„žìš”? 환자: 통슝읎 더 심핎진 것 같습니닀. 의사: 제가 좀 뮐도 될까요? 환자: 묌론읎죠. ì•„ì•Œ, ì•„ì•Œ, ì•„ì•Œ. ê·ž 부분읎 가장 아파요. 원읞읎 뭔가요? 의사: 닚정하Ʞ는 얎렵지만, T-MJ음 수 있윌니 T-MJ 전묞의에게 진찰을 받아볎시Ꞟ 바랍니닀.
턱 통슝.
Doctor: How's your jaw doing? Patient: The pain seems to have gotten worse. Doctor: Do you mind if I take a look? Patient: Sure. Ow, ow, ow. That's the spot that hurts the most. What's causing it? Doctor: It's hard to say, but I'm thinking it could be T M J. I'd like to get you in to see a T M J specialist.
Citalopram 10mg once daily for depression; low dose tramadol PRN pain.
의사: 우욞슝 치료제로 시탈로프람을 복용하고 계십니까? 환자: ë„€, 하룚에 한 번 복용합니닀. 환자: 10mg정입니닀. 의사: 귞렇습니까? 환자: ë„€. 의사: 통슝에는 묎엇을 복용합니까? 환자: 귞냥 필요에 따띌 튞띌마돌만 뚹습니닀.
우욞슝에 대한 시탈로프람 10mg 1음 1회, 저용량 튞띌마돌 PRN 통슝.
Doctor: Are you taking Citalopram for depression? Patient: Yes, I take it once a day. Patient: It is ten M G tablet. Doctor: Is that so? Patient: Yes. Doctor: What do you take for pain? Patient: Just Tramadol as needed.
Mother with diabetes and hypertension. Father with diabetes. Brother with cirrhosis (etiology not documented).
의사: 가족 병력은 얎떻게 되나요? 환자: 저희 엄마와 아빠는 몚두 당뇚병 환자입니닀. 엄마는 고혈압읎 있습니닀. 제 동생은 간에 묞제가 있습니닀.
당뇚병곌 고혈압을 앓고 있는 얎뚞니. 당뇚병을 앓고있는 아버지. 간겜변읎있는 형제 (병읞은 묞서화되지 않음).
Doctor: What is your family health history? Patient: My mom and dad are both diabetics. My mom has high blood pressure. My brother is having some issues with his liver.
Her father died with heart disease in his 60s and her mother died of colon cancer. She has a sister who she believes is probably healthy. She has had two sons one who died of a blood clot after having been a heavy smoker and another who is healthy. She has two normal vaginal deliveries.
의사: 가족에 대핮 말씀핎 죌시겠습니까? 환자: 저는 두 아듀읎 있고 두 ì•„ë“€ 몚두 합병슝 없읎 정상적윌로 태얎났습니닀. 의사: 왜 낳았닀고 하셚나요? 환자: 제 ì•„ë“€ 쀑 한 명은 하룚에 한 갑 읎상을 플욞 정도로 애연가였습니닀. 가능한 몚든 방법을 ë‹€ 썚뎀지만 ê²°êµ­ 끊지 못했얎요. 혈전윌로 사망했습니닀. 의사: 부몚님읎나 형제자맀 등 가족 쀑에 걎강 묞제가 있는 사람읎 있었나요? 환자: 예, 아버지는 심장 ꎀ렚 묞제가 있윌셚고 60대에 돌아가셚고 얎뚞니는 대장암윌로 돌아가셚습니닀. 여동생도 한 명 있지만 별닀륞 묞제가 없는 것 같습니닀.
귞녀의 아버지는 60대에 심장병윌로 돌아가셚고 얎뚞니는 대장암윌로 돌아가셚습니닀. 귞녀에게는 걎강하닀고 믿는 여동생읎 한 명 있습니닀. 두 아듀읎 있는데 한 명은 흡연을 많읎 하닀가 혈전윌로 사망했고 닀륞 한 명은 걎강합니닀. 귞녀는 두 번의 정상적읞 질 분만을 겜험했습니닀.
Doctor: Can you tell me about your family? Patient: I have or had two sons both born normally without any complications. Doctor: Why did you say had? Patient: One of my sons was a heavy smoker, he uses to smoke a whole packet or more in a day. We tried everything possible, but he just couldn't quit. He died of clots. Doctor: Does anyone in your family like parents or siblings had any medical issues? Patient: Yes, my father had heart related issues, he died in his sixties, my mother died of colon cancer. I also have a sister but I don't think she has any issues.
Active smoker. Does not consume alcohol. No history of recreational drug use.
의사: 닎배륌 플우시나요? 환자: 예. 의사: 술은 ì–Žë– ì„žìš”? 환자: 아니요, 술을 마시지 않습니닀. 의사: 알겠습니닀. 귞늬고 마늬화나 같은 앜묌을 재믞로 사용한 적읎 있습니까? 환자: 아니요.
활동적읞 흡연자. 술을 마시지 않습니닀. Ʞ혞용 앜묌 사용 읎력읎 없습니닀.
Doctor: Do you smoke cigarettes? Patient: Yes. Doctor: How about alcohol? Patient: No, I don't consume alcohol. Doctor: Okay. And any history of using drugs like marijuana or stuff like that for fun? Patient: No.
Divorce and live alone, retired postal worker, has 3 children, 7 grandchildren. He smokes 1 pack a day of Newport for 30 years and is a social drinker. He denies any illicit drug use.
의사: 결혌하셚습니까? 환자: 읎혌하지 않았습니닀. 저는 혌자 ì‚Žê³  있습니닀. 의사: ì–Žë–€ 음을 하십니까? 환자: 저는 은퇎한 우첎국 직원입니닀. 의사: 자녀가 있윌십니까? 환자: 예, 저에게는 ì„ž 명의 자녀와 음곱 명의 손자가 있습니닀. 의사: 닎배륌 플우십니까? 환자: 예, 귞렇습니닀. 의사: 얌마나, ì–Žë–€ 종류륌 플우십니까? 환자: 뾌랜드는 계속 바꟞지만 뉎포튞, 하룚에 한 갑씩 플웁니닀. 의사: 알겠습니닀. 술읎나 앜묌 ë‚šìš© 같은 것은 얎떻습니까. 환자: 앜묌은 없지만 회사에 따띌 가끔씩 마시는 펞입니닀. 의사: 닎배륌 플욎 지는 얌마나 되셚습니까? 환자: 30년입니닀.
읎혌하고 혌자 ì‚Žê³  있윌며, 은퇎한 우첎국 직원윌로 자녀 3명, 손자 7명읎 있습니닀. 30년 동안 하룚에 한 갑씩 뉎포튞륌 플우며 사교적읞 애죌가입니닀. 귞는 불법 앜묌 사용을 부읞합니닀.
Doctor: Are you married, sir? Patient: No divorced. I live a lone. Doctor: What work do you do? Patient: I am a retired postal worker. Doctor: Do you have kids? Patient: Yes, I have three of my own and seven grandkids. Doctor: Do you smoke cigarettes? Patient: Yes I do. Doctor: How much and what kind? Patient: I keep changing the brands but Newport, one pack a day. Doctor: Okay. How about alcohol or drugs like substance abuse? Patient: No drugs but I drink occasionally depending on the company. Doctor: How long have you smoked? Patient: Thirty years now.
One-month followup.
의사: 안녕하섞요! 얎떻게 지낎섞요? 환자: 안녕하섞요, 의사 선생님! 전 ꎜ찮아요. 환자: 제안하신 대로 였늘 후속 조치륌 받윌러 왔습니닀. 의사: 벌썚 한 달읎 지났나요? 환자: ë„€, 한 달읎 지나서 뵙넀요.
1개월 후속 조치.
Doctor: Hello! How are you doing? Patient: Hello Doctor! I am good. Patient: I am here today for my follow-up, as suggested. Doctor: Has it been a month already? Patient: Yes, seeing you after a month.
IV contrast.
의사: 알레륎Ʞ가 있윌신가요? 환자: 저는 정맥 조영제에 알레륎Ʞ가 있습니닀. 의사: 확싀합니까? 환자: 예.
IV 대비.
Doctor: Do you have any allergies? Patient: I am allergic to IV contrast. Doctor: Are you sure? Patient: Yes.
1. Jaw pain, sounds musculoskeletal. We will rule out angina equivalent. 2. Hypercholesterolemia. 3. Hypothyroidism.
의사: 턱 통슝을 평가하는 동안 협심슝곌 ꎀ렚된 심장 묞제륌 배제하겠습니닀. 환자: 였, 귞것듀읎 서로 ꎀ렚읎 있을 수 있나요? 의사: ë„€, 귞럎 수 있습니닀. 환자: 또 뭐가 있나요? 의사: 싀례합니닀? 환자: 닀륞 질묞읎 있나요? 의사: 전에도 말씀드렞지만, 고윜레슀테례혈슝곌 갑상선Ʞ능저하슝을 잘 ꎀ늬하섞요.
1. 턱 통슝, 귌곚격계 소늬. 협심슝곌 동등한 슝상을 배제합니닀. 2. ê³  윜레슀테례 혈슝. 3. 갑상선 Ʞ능 저하슝.
Doctor: Just to debrief, we will rule out angina related heart problems while evaluating your jaw pain. Patient: Oh can that be related to each other? Doctor: Yes they might be. Patient: What else? Doctor: Pardon? Patient: I am asking anything else? Doctor: We have discussed this before, but keep track of your high cholesterol and hypothyroid.
This 34-year-old gentleman awoke this morning noting some itchiness to his back and then within very a short period of time realized that he had an itchy rash all over his torso and arms. No facial swelling. No tongue or lip swelling. No shortness of breath, wheezing, or other associated symptoms. He cannot think of anything that could have triggered this off. There have been no changes in his foods, medications, or other exposures as far as he knows. He states a couple of days ago he did work and was removing some insulation but does not remember feeling itchy that day.
의사: 안녕하섞요, 선생님. 였늘 Ʞ분읎 ì–Žë– ì„žìš”? 환자: 맀우 가렵습니닀. 계속 ꞁ고 있얎요. 의사: 였, 와우. 팔 전첎에 발진읎 볎읎넀요. 닀륞 곳에도 발진읎 있나요? 환자: ë„€, 등곌 배에도 있얎요. 의사: 몞통에도 볎읎넀요. 얞제부터 읎런 슝상읎 시작되었나요? 환자: 였늘 아칚에 음얎나서 등읎 가렵Ʞ 시작했얎요. 몇 분 후, 팔, 가슎, 등, ë°° 부위에 발진읎 생ꞎ 것을 발견했습니닀. 의사: 발진곌 몞의 닀륞 부위륌 삎펎볌게요. 환자: 좋아요. 의사: 얌굎곌 입술은 붓지 않은 것 같넀요. 아띌고 말핎죌시겠얎요? 환자: 아. 의사: 혀도 부얎 있지 않은 것 같군요. 환자: 닀행읎넀요. 의사: 숚가쁚, 쌕쌕거늌 또는 Ʞ타 ꎀ렚 슝상을 느끌셚나요? 환자: 제가 알Ʞ론 없습니닀. 의사: 귞렇군요. 왜 읎런 음읎 음얎났는지 궁ꞈ합니닀. 전날 밀에 묎슚 음을 하셚나요? 환자: ì–Ž. ë©°ì¹  전에 음을 하닀가 닚엎재륌 제거핎알 했얎요. ê·ž 왞에는 닀륞 원읞윌로 발진읎 생게는지 몚륎겠습니닀. 의사: 귞렇군요. ê·ž 후 가렀웠던 Ʞ억읎 있윌신가요? 새로욎 음식을 뚹얎 볎셚나요? 환자: 아니요, 가렵지 않았얎요. 귞늬고 식닚도 귞대로 유지했습니닀. 의사: 새로 복용하는 앜읎 있윌신가요? 환자: 아니요. 의사: 닀륞 묌질에 녞출된 Ʞ억은 없습니까? 환자: 제가 알Ʞ로는 없습니닀.
34섞의 읎 낚성은 였늘 아칚에 음얎나서 등읎 가렵닀고 느낀 후 얌마 지나지 않아 몞통곌 팔 전첎에 가렀욎 발진읎 생게닀는 사싀을 깚달았습니닀. 얌굎은 붓지 않았습니닀. 혀나 입술읎 붓지 않았습니닀. 숚가쁚, 쌕쌕거늌 또는 Ʞ타 ꎀ렚 슝상도 없었습니닀. 발진을 유발할 수 있는 ì–Žë–€ 것도 생각나지 않습니닀. ê·žê°€ 아는 한 음식, 앜묌 또는 Ʞ타 녞출에 대한 변화는 없었습니닀. 귞는 ë©°ì¹  전에 음을 하고 닚엎재륌 제거했지만 ê·žë‚  가렀움슝을 느낀 Ʞ억읎 없닀고 말했습니닀.
Doctor: Hello, sir. How are you feeling today? Patient: Very itchy. I just keep scratching myself. Doctor: Oh, wow. I can see the rashes all over your arms. Are there rashes anywhere else? Patient: Yeah, it's all over my back and stomach. Doctor: I see it on your torso. When did this all start? Patient: I woke up this morning and started itching my back. After a few minutes, I noticed the rash was on my arms, chest, back, and stomach areas. Doctor: I'm going to take a look at the rashes and the rest of your body. Patient: Sounds good. Doctor: It looks like your face and lips are not swollen. Could you say ah for me? Patient: Ah. Doctor: It looks like your tongue isn't swollen either. Patient: That's good to hear. Doctor: Have you been feeling a shortness of breath, wheezing, or other related symptoms? Patient: Not that I know of. Doctor: Sounds good. I wonder why this happened. Did you do anything the night before? Patient: Uh. A few days ago, I was working and had to remove some insulation. Other than that, I don't know what else could have given me these rashes. Doctor: I see. Do you remember being itchy after that? Did you try any new foods? Patient: Nope I was not itchy. Also, my diet has been the same. Doctor: Are you taking any new medications? Patient: I haven't. Doctor: You don't recall being exposed to any other substances? Patient: Not that I know of.
There is a history of migraine in the family. The condition affects the patient's brother and maternal grandfather.
의사: 펞두통에 대한 가족 병력읎 있나요? 환자: 제 동생도 펞두통읎 있닀는 걞 알아요. 엄마, 닀륞 사람도 펞두통읎 있는지 ì•„ì„žìš”? 게슀튞_가족: 할아버지도 펞두통을 앓윌셚얎요. 의사: 귞래요.
가족 쀑에 펞두통 병력읎 있습니닀. 읎 상태는 환자의 형제와 왞할아버지에게 영향을 믞칩니닀.
Doctor: Do you have any family medical history of migraines? Patient: I know that my brother has them too. Mom, do you know if anyone else gets them? Guest_family: Your grandfather had migraines. Doctor: Okay.
retired school teacher. 0.5-1.0 pack cigarettes per day for 60 years.
의사: 묎슚 음을 하섞요? 환자: 저는 지ꞈ 은퇎했습니닀. 저는 학교 교사였습니닀. 의사: 흡연자입니까? 환자: ë„€. 의사: 하룚에 얌마나 플우십니까? 환자: 하룚에 반 갑에서 한 갑 정도입니닀. 의사: 흡연을 시작한 지 얌마나 되셚습니까? 환자: 아마 60년 정도요.
은퇎한 학교 교사. 60년 동안 하룚에 0.5-1.0갑의 닎배륌 플웠습니닀.
Doctor: What do you do for work? Patient: I am retired now. I was a school teacher. Doctor: Are you a smoker? Patient: Yes. Doctor: How much do you smoke per day? Patient: I would say about a half to a full pack a day. Doctor: How long have you been a smoker. Patient: Probably sixty years.
Denies any drug allergies
의사: 알레륎Ʞ가 있윌신가요? 환자: 아니요, 없습니닀. 의사: 정말요? 페니싀늰읎나 섀파? 환자: 아니요, 아묎것도요. 의사: 닀행읎넀요.
몚든 앜묌 알레륎Ʞ 부정
Doctor: Are you allergic to anything? Patient: No, I am not. Doctor: Are you sure? Penicillin or sulfa? Patient: Nope nothing. Doctor: That's good.
The patient states that he did use heroin as well as cocaine earlier today and feels under the influence. Denies any headache or visual complaints. No hallucinations. No chest pain, shortness of breath, abdominal pain or back pain. Denies any abscesses.
의사: 안녕하섞요, 선생님! 였늘은 좀 ì–Žë– ì„žìš”? 환자: Ʞ욎읎 없얎요. 의사: ì–Žë–€ 앜묌을 사용하셚나요? 환자: 였늘 아칚에 헀로읞곌 윔칎읞을 조ꞈ 했얎요. 아직도 Ʞ분읎 좋습니닀. 의사: 귞렇군요. 숚가쁚, 가슎 통슝, 복통 또는 허늬 통슝읎 있습니까? 환자: 아뇚. 의사: 두통, 환각 또는 시각 장애가 있습니까? 환자: 아니요. 의사: 개방성 궀양읎나 상처가 있습니까? 환자: 아니요.
환자는 였늘 였전에 헀로읞곌 윔칎읞을 사용했윌며 영향을 받은 것 같닀고 진술합니닀. 두통읎나 시각적 불만은 부읞합니닀. 환각은 없습니닀. 흉통, 혞흡곀란, 복통 또는 허늬 통슝읎 없습니닀. 농양은 부읞합니닀.
Doctor: Hi there, sir! How are you doing today? Patient: I feel out of it. Doctor: Have you been using any substances? Patient: I did a little heroin and some coke earlier today. I still feel high. Doctor: Okay. Any shortness of breath, chest pain, abdominal pain or back pain? Patient: No. Doctor: Are you having any headaches, hallucinations or visual disturbances? Patient: No. Doctor: Do you have any open sores or wounds? Patient: No.
Hysterectomy (3/20/99).
의사: 수술을 받은 적읎 있나요? 환자: ë„€, 사싀 저는 99년 3월에 자궁 적출술을 받았습니닀. ê·ž 달 20음에 수술한 것 같습니닀. 의사: 알겠습니닀.
자궁 적출술 (3/20/99).
Doctor: Have you had any surgical procedures done? Patient: Yes, in fact I had a hysterectomy back in March of ninety nine. I believe it was done on the twentieth of the month. Doctor: Got it.
She is a nonsmoker and nondrinker. She has been widowed for 18 years. She lives alone at home. She is retired from running a restaurant.
환자: 의사 선생님, 저는 18년 동안 믞망읞읎었습니닀. 재혌하지 않고 집에서 혌자 ì‚Žê³  있습니닀. 의사: 였, 귞래요, 아직도 음하고 계섞요? 환자: 아니요, 예전에는 식당을 욎영했지만 지ꞈ은 은퇎했습니닀. 의사: 흠. 닎배륌 플우시나요? 환자: 아니요, 안 플웁니닀! 냄새가 ì‹«ì–Žìš”. 의사: 술은 ì–Žë– ì„žìš”? 환자: 아니요, 저도 술을 마시지 않습니닀.
귞녀는 비흡연자읎며 술을 마시지 않습니닀. 귞녀는 18년 동안 믞망읞읎었습니닀. 귞녀는 집에서 혌자 ì‚Žê³  있습니닀. 귞녀는 식당 욎영에서 은퇎했습니닀.
Patient: You know Doctor, I am widowed for eighteen years now. Never remarried, I live by myself in my house. Doctor: Oh okay, are your still working? Patient: No, I use to run a restaurant, but now retired. Doctor: Hm. And you smoke cigarettes? Patient: No, I don't! Never liked the smell. Doctor: How about alcohol? Patient: No, I don't drink either.
This 65 y/o RHM reportedly suffered a stroke on 1/17/92. He presented locally at that time with complaint of episodic confusion and memory loss lasting several minutes per episode. The "stroke" was reportedly verified on MRI scan dated 1/17/92. He was subsequently placed on ASA and DPH. He admitted that there had been short periods (1-2 days duration) since then, during which he had forgotten to take his DPH. However, even when he had been taking his DPH regularly, he continued to experience the spells mentioned above. He denied any associated tonic/clonic movement, incontinence, tongue-biting, HA, visual change, SOB, palpitation, weakness or numbness. The episodes of confusion and memory loss last 1-2 minutes in duration, and have been occurring 2-3 times per week.
의사: 몇 삎읎섞요, 선생님? 환자: 저는 예순닀섯 삎입니닀. 의사: 였륞손잡읎입니까, 왌손잡읎입니까? 환자: 였륞손잡읎입니닀. 의사: 마지막 뇌졞쀑은 얞제였습니까? 환자: 음, 1월 17음읎었얎요. 저는 항상 너묎 혌란슀러워서 몚든 것을 잃은 것처럌 볎였얎요. 제 몚든 Ʞ억곌 몚든 것을요. 귞늬고 나서 슀캔을 했얎요. 같은 날 뇌졞쀑읎 발생했닀는 것읎 확읞되었습니닀. 의사: 앜을 처방받았나요? 환자: 항겜렚제와 아슀플늰을 처방받았습니닀. 의사: 정Ʞ적윌로 복용하고 계십니까? 환자: 하룚나 읎틀 정도 디펜히드띌믌 복용을 잊은 적읎 몇 번 있었지만, 규칙적윌로 복용핎도 걎망슝, 혌란 등 몚든 슝상은 귞대로입니닀. 의사: 소변읎 ꞉하거나 혀륌 깚묌거나 두통, 시각적 변화, 심장읎 맀우 빚늬 뛰는 등의 닀륞 슝상도 핚께 느껎지나요? 힘읎 앜핎지거나 마비 또는 숚읎 가빠지나요? 환자: 닀륞 걎 없고 귞냥 혌란슀럜고 걎망슝만 있습니닀. 의사: 읎런 슝상은 얌마나 자죌 발생합니까? 환자: 음, 음죌음에 두섞 번 정도 발생합니닀. 각 에플소드는 1~2분 정도 지속됩니닀.
읎 65ì„ž RHM 환자는 92년 1월 17음에 뇌졞쀑을 앓은 것윌로 알렀졌습니닀. 당시 귞는 에플소드당 몇 분간 지속되는 음시적읞 혌란곌 êž°ì–µ 상싀을 혞소하며 현지에 낎원했습니닀. '뇌졞쀑'은 92년 1월 17음자 MRI 슀캔에서 확읞된 것윌로 알렀졌습니닀. ê·ž 후 귞는 ASA와 DPH에 배치되었습니닀. 귞는 ê·ž 읎후 짧은 êž°ê°„(1~2음 지속) 동안 DPH 복용을 잊은 적읎 있었닀고 읞정했습니닀. 귞러나 DPH륌 정Ʞ적윌로 복용했을 때에도 위에서 얞꞉한 죌묞읎 계속 발생했습니닀. 귞는 강직성/간대성 욎동, 요싀ꞈ, 혀 깚묌Ʞ, HA, 시각 변화, 흐느낌, 심계항진, 쇠앜 또는 묎감각곌 ꎀ렚된 ì–Žë– í•œ 슝상도 부읞했습니닀. 혌란곌 êž°ì–µ 상싀의 에플소드는 1~2분 동안 지속되며 음죌음에 2~3회 발생하고 있습니닀.
Doctor: How old are you, sir? Patient: I'm sixty five years old. Doctor: Are you right handed or left handed? Patient: I'm right handed. Doctor: When was your last stroke? Patient: Well, it was on January seventeenth. I had these episodes where I was like always so confused and looks like I lost everything. All my memory and everything. And then they did a scan. It was verified that I was having a stroke on the same day. Doctor: Did they put you on some medications? Patient: They gave me an anticonvulsant and aspirin. Doctor: Are you taking them regularly? Patient: There have a few times like one or two days that I forgot to take my, uh, dyphenhydramine, but even when I'm taking it regularly, I'm still having all those symptoms or forgetfulness, confusion, and everything. Doctor: Do you feel anything else along with these episodes like a urine urgency, tendency to bite your tongue, headaches, any visual change, or your heart is beating very fast? Any kind of weakness or numbness or shortness of breath? Patient: No nothing else, just the confusion and forgetfulness. Doctor: How frequent are these episodes? Patient: Well, they occur like two or three times in a week. Each one of the episodes lasts for like one or two minutes.
Father with Von Hippel-Lindau Disease.
의사: 가족 쀑에 지병읎 있윌신가요? 환자: ë„€, 아버지가 특별한 종류의 종양을 앓윌셚는데 의사듀읎 맀우 드묌닀고 하셚얎요. 의사: ê·ž 종양의 읎늄을 아십니까? 환자: 정확한 병명은 Ʞ억나지 않지만 큰 병명읎었고 V로 시작하는 병명읎었습니닀.
폰 히펠-늰닀우 병을 앓고있는 아버지.
Doctor: Any medical disorders in the family? Patient: Yeah, my father had a special kind of tumor, which doctors said is very rare. Doctor: Do you know the name of the tumor? Patient: I don't remember the exact name of the disease, but it was a big name and it started with something with V.
Positive for congestive heart failure, chronic renal insufficiency, azotemia, hyperglycemia, coronary artery disease, history of paroxysmal atrial fibrillation. Remote history of subdural hematoma precluding the use of Coumadin. History of depression, panic attacks on Doxepin. Perioperative anemia. Swallowing difficulties.
의사: 제가 알아알 할 죌요 질환읎 있윌신가요? 환자: 사싀, 제가 앓고 있는 질환 목록은 많습니닀. 여Ʞ 적얎 놓았얎요. 의사: 감사합니닀, 욞혈성 심부전, 만성 신부전, 빈혈, 고혈당, ꎀ상동맥 질환, 발작성 심방섞동 병력읎 볎읎넀요. 아, 귞늬고 아조혈슝도요. 환자: ë„€, 제가 많은 음읎 있닀고 말씀드렞잖아요. 의사: 앜을 복용하고 계신가요? 환자: 쿠마딘을 뚹윌띌고 했지만 겜막하 혈종읎 있얎서 뚹게 핎쀬얎요. 의사: 귞렇군요, 신겜학적 또는 심늬적 상태는 얎떀가요? 환자: 우욞슝읎 있고 독섞핀을 복용하는 동안 공황 발작을 겪은 적읎 있습니닀. 의사: 수술 전후 빈혈도 있는 것윌로 볎읎는데, 익숙한 슝상읞가요? 환자: ë„€, 닀륞 의사에게 듀었얎요. 의사: 였늘 볎고하고 싶은 닀륞 슝상읎 있윌신가요? 환자: 음, 삌킀는 데 앜간의 얎렀움읎 있습니닀.
욞혈성 심부전, 만성 신부전, 빈혈, 고혈당슝, ꎀ상동맥 질환, 발작성 심방섞동 병력에 양성입니닀. 쿠마딘을 사용할 수 없는 겜막하 혈종의 원격 병력. 우욞슝 병력, 독섞핀에 대한 공황 발작. 수술 전후 빈혈. 삌킀Ʞ 얎렀움.
Doctor: Do you have any major medical conditions that I should know about? Patient: Actually, I have a whole list of conditions. I have them written down here. Doctor: Thank you, so I see congestive heart failure, chronic renal insufficiency, azotemia, hyperglycemia, coronary artery disease, and a history of paroxysmal atrial fibrillation. Oh, and azotemia. Patient: Yes, I told you I have a lot going on. Doctor: Are you taking any medications? Patient: Well, they wanted me to take Coumadin but I had, um, a subdural hematoma so they would let me. Doctor: I see, what about any neurological or psychological conditions? Patient: Well, I have depression, and I've had panic attacks while taking Doxepin before. Doctor: I see here that you also have perioperative anemia, does that sound familiar? Patient: Yes, another doctor told me about that. Doctor: Do you have any other symptoms you'd like to report today? Patient: Um, I'm having some difficulty swallowing.
LYMPH: Cervical lymph nodes. No lymphadenopathy.
의사: 샀믞 선생님, 제가 환자륌 진찰할 때 메몚륌 좀 적얎죌시겠얎요? 게슀튞_임상의: 묌론읎죠. 의사: 제목을 자궁겜부 늌프절읎띌고 적얎죌시겠얎요? 게슀튞_임상의: 알겠습니닀. 의사: 목읎 부얎있는지 확읞핎 볌까요? 아래륌 낎렀닀볎싀 수 있나요? 환자: ë„€. 의사: 좋아요, 아묎것도 느껎지지 않습니닀. 위륌 볎시겠얎요? 환자: ë„€. 의사: 여Ʞ 만젞지는 결절읎 없습니닀. 늌프절읎 컀지거나 부얎 있는 늌프절은 없습니닀. 게슀튞_임상의: 귞럌, 늌프 선병슝은 없나요? 의사: ë„€.
늌프 : 자궁 겜부 늌프절. 늌프절 병슝 없음.
Doctor: Doctor Shami, can you please take down the notes as I examine the patient? Guest_clinician: Sure. Doctor: Can you put the heading as cervical lymph nodes. Guest_clinician: Okay. Doctor: I am going to check for any swelling in your neck okay? Can you look down? Patient: Okay. Doctor: Alright, I do not feel anything here. Can you look up? Patient: Sure. Doctor: No palpable nodes here. None of the lymph nodes are enlarged or have any swellings. Guest_clinician: So, no lymph adenopathy? Doctor: Yeah.
1. Chronic pain. 2. Tobacco use. 3. History of hepatitis C.
의사: 만성 통슝읎 있윌신가요? 환자: 예, 귞렇습니닀. 의사: 닮배도 플우십니까? 환자: ë„€. 의사: 귞늬고 C형 ê°„ì—Œ 병력읎 있윌시죠? 환자: 귞렇군요. 의사: 알겠습니닀. 환자: ë„€.
1. 만성 통슝. 2. 닮배 사용. 3. C 형 ê°„ì—Œ 병력.
Doctor: You have chronic pain? Patient: Yes I do. Doctor: You use tobacco also? Patient: Yes. Doctor: And you have a history of hepatitis C, right? Patient: That sounds right. Doctor: Okay. Patient: Yeah.
의사: 곌거에 수술을 받은 적읎 있나요? 환자: 아니요, 없습니닀.
Doctor: Have you had any surgeries in the past? Patient: No, none.
The patient lives here locally. She does not report any significant alcohol or illicit drug use. She works full time.
의사: 사묎싀 귌처에 사시나요, 아니멎 뚌 Ꞟ을 욎전핎서 였셔알 했나요? 환자: 저는 읎 귌처에 ì‚Žê³  있습니닀. 의사: 좋아요, 지ꞈ 음하고 계섞요? 환자: ë„€, 의사 선생님, 풀타임윌로 음하고 있습니닀. 의사: 잘됐넀요, 가끔은 바쁘게 지낎는 것도 좋죠. 제가 알아알 할 앜묌읎나 알윔올 ë‚šìš© 병력읎 있습니까? 환자: 아뇚, 전혀 없습니닀, 의사 선생님.
환자는 현지에 거죌합니닀. 심각한 알윔올 또는 불법 앜묌 사용은 볎고하지 않았습니닀. 귞녀는 풀타임윌로 음합니닀.
Doctor: Do you live close to the office, or did you have to drive a long way here? Patient: I live right around here, I'm a local girl. Doctor: Good, are you working right now? Patient: Yes, doctor, I work full time. Doctor: That's good, sometimes it's nice to stay busy. Is there any history of drug or alcohol abuse I should know about? Patient: No, absolutely not, doctor.
This is a 30-year-old female patient presenting with the above chief complaint. She has a history of having had a similar problem last year which resolved in about three treatments. She appears to have residual from spina bifida, thus spending most of her time in a wheelchair. She relates recently she has been spending up to 16 hours a day in a wheelchair. She has developed a pressure decubitus on her right trochanter ischial area of several weeks' duration. She is now presenting for evaluation and management of same. Denies any chills or fever, any other symptoms.
의사: 좀 ì–Žë– ì„žìš”, 메늬? 환자: 전 ꎜ찮아요, 였륞쪜 엉덩읎에 또 궀양읎 생게얎요. 의사: 지난번에 생ꞎ 것곌 같은 걎가요? 환자: 거의 비슷합니닀. 의사: 아, ê·žê±° Ʞ억나요. 거의 ì„ž 번의 치료 죌Ʞ륌 거쳐알 핎결되었죠. 환자: ë„€. 아직도 제 척추에 숚겚진 곚절읎 있닀고 계속 말핎요. 의사: ë„€, 척추 분늬슝읎 ë‚šì•„ 있는 것 같습니닀. 환자: 휠첎얎에 앉아있는 것읎 너묎 답답핎요. 하룚에 16시간 정도륌 휠첎얎에서 볎낎고 있습니닀. 의사: 귞래서 욕찜읎 생ꞎ 것 같습니닀. 였륞쪜 족저 부위에 생ꞎ 것 같습니닀. 간닚히 말핎서 고ꎀ절 바깥쪜에 욕찜읎 생게습니닀. 환자: ë„€, 최귌에 서륞 번짞 생음을 맞아 하룚 종음 휠첎얎에 앉아 있었얎요 의사: 였, 죄송합니닀. 궀양읎 생ꞎ 지 얌마나 되셚나요? 환자: 몇 죌 됐얎요, 귞래서 검사륌 받아알 할 것 같아서요. 의사: ë„€, 였시Ꞟ 잘하셚얎요. 치료핎알 합니닀. 였한읎나 발엎읎 있었나요? 환자: 아니요. 의사: 닀륞 슝상은 없었나요? 환자: 아니요.
30ì„ž 여성 환자로 위와 같은 죌요 불만을 혞소하고 있습니닀. 작년에 비슷한 묞제가 있었지만 ì„ž 번의 치료로 핎결된 병력읎 있습니닀. 척추 읎분슝윌로 읞한 후유슝읎 ë‚šì•„ 있는 것윌로 볎읎며 대부분의 시간을 휠첎얎에서 볎낎고 있습니닀. 최귌에는 하룚에 최대 16시간을 휠첎얎에서 볎낎고 있닀고 합니닀. 귞녀는 였륞쪜 대퇎부 허벅지 부위에 몇 죌 동안 지속되는 압력성 욕찜읎 생게습니닀. 현재 평가 및 ꎀ늬륌 위핎 낎원 쀑입니닀. 였한읎나 발엎, Ʞ타 슝상을 부읞합니닀.
Doctor: How are you, Mary? Patient: I am okay, I have got this ulcer on my right hip again. Doctor: Oh, is it like the one you got last time? Patient: Pretty much. Doctor: Oh, I remember that one. It took almost three treatment cycles to get resolved. Patient: Yeah. They keep saying I have some hidden split in my spine still. Doctor: Yeah, it looks like you have residual spina bifida. Patient: I am just so frustrated sitting in my wheelchair. I am spending around sixteen hours a day in this wheelchair. Doctor: I think, that is the reason you developed this pressure ulcer. It appears to be on the right trochanter area. In simple terms you have developed a pressure sore on the outer part of your hip. Patient: Yeah, I recently celebrated my thirtieth birthday just sitting in my wheelchair the whole day. Doctor: Oh, I am sorry dear. So, how long since you have had this ulcer? Patient: It's been several weeks, so I thought I should get it checked. Doctor: Yeah, good thing you came. We need to treat it. Did you experience any chills or fever? Patient: No. Doctor: Any other symptoms? Patient: No.
Denies diabetes, cardiovascular disease, or pulmonary disease.
의사: 혹시 알고 있는 심장 질환 병력읎 있윌신가요? 환자: 아니요, 귞런 걎 없습니닀. 의사: 당뇚병은 ì–Žë– ì„žìš”? 환자: 아니요, 제가 알Ʞ로는 당분은 없습니닀. 의사: 좋아요, 귞럌 폐는 얎때요? 폐는 잘 작동합니까? 환자: 묌론, 아죌 좋아요. 여Ʞ에는 귞런 게 없얎요.
당뇚병, 심혈ꎀ 질환 또는 폐 질환을 거부합니닀.
Doctor: Do you have any history of heart disease that you know of? Patient: Nope, nothing like that. Doctor: How about diabetes? Patient: No, there's no sugar here that I know of. Doctor: Good, and how about your lungs? Do they work well. Patient: Absolutely, they're in great shape. There's nothing like that here.
No known drug allergies.
의사: 앜묌에 대한 알레륎Ʞ는 얎떀가요? 환자: 아니요.
알렀진 앜묌 알레륎Ʞ가 없습니닀.
Doctor: How about allergies to medications? Patient: Nope.
Chest x-ray revealed a diffuse pulmonary edema.
의사: 흉부 엑슀레읎에서 믞만성 폐부종읎 발견되었습니닀. 읎는 폐에 첎액읎 ì°š 있닀는 뜻입니닀. 귞래서 흉통곌 혞흡 곀란읎 발생한 것입니닀. 혹시 몚륌 감엌을 예방하Ʞ 위핎 항생제륌 처방핎 드늬고 싶습니닀. 귞늬고 푞로섞믞드 처방전도 볎낎드늎게요. 폐에 첎액읎 축적되는 것을 쀄여쀄 것입니닀. 질묞읎 있윌신가요? 환자: 얞제부터 Ʞ분읎 나아지Ʞ 시작핎알 하나요? 의사: 3~5음 읎낎에 Ʞ분읎 나아지Ʞ 시작할 것입니닀.
흉부 엑슀레읎에서 믞만성 폐부종읎 발견되었습니닀.
Doctor: Your chest x ray showed diffuse pulmonary edema. This means that you have fluid in your lungs. That would explain your chest pain and the difficulies with your breathing. I would like to start you off with a course of antibiotics to prevent any possible infection. I will also send in a prescription for Furosemide. It will reduce the fluid accumulation in your lungs. Do you have any questions? Patient: When should I start to feel better? Doctor: You should start to feel better within three to five days.
NEUROLOGIC: Negative headaches, negative syncope, negative seizures, negative weakness, negative tremor. No history of strokes, no history of other neurologic conditions.
의사: 두통읎 있나요? 환자: 아니요. 의사: 발작읎나 간질 병력읎 있윌십니까? 환자: 아니요. 의사: 갑자Ʞ 의식을 잃거나 Ʞ절한 적읎 있습니까? 환자: 음, 아니요. 의사: Ʞ욎읎 없윌셚나요? 몞에 떚늌읎 느껎지셚나요? 환자: 아니요, 귞런 걎 없습니닀. 의사: 뇌졞쀑읎나 뇌 ꎀ렚 질환의 병력읎 있습니까? 환자: 아니요, 귞런 병력은 없습니닀.
신겜학: 음성 두통, 음성 싀신, 음성 발작, 음성 쇠앜, 음성 떚늌. 뇌졞쀑 병력 없음, 닀륞 신겜 질환 병력 없음.
Doctor: Any headaches? Patient: No. Doctor: Any history of seizures or epilepsy? Patient: No. Doctor: Any sudden loss of consciousness or have you blacked out? Patient: Um, no. Doctor: Any weakness? Feeling any tremors in your body? Patient: No, nothing like that. Doctor: Any history of stroke or any brain related condition? Patient: No, no such history.
Father with HTN and h/o strokes at ages 45 and 80; now 82 years old. Mother has DM and is age 80.
의사: 가족 쀑에 지병읎 있윌신 분읎 있나요? 환자: 아버지는 고혈압읎 있윌셔서 앜을 복용하고 계섞요. 아버지는 현재 여든두 삎읎섞요. 2년 전에 뇌졞쀑을 앓윌셚얎요. 읎번읎 두 번짞 뇌졞쀑읎었습니닀. 첫 번짞 뇌졞쀑은 마흔 닀섯 ì‚Ž 때였습니닀. 의사: 얎뚞니는 ì–Žë– ì„žìš”? 얎뚞니는 몇 삎읎섞요? 환자: 저희 얎뚞니는 여든읎섞요. 당 묞제가 있윌섞요.
아버지는 45섞와 80섞에 고혈압곌 뇌졞쀑을 앓았윌며, 현재 82섞입니닀. 얎뚞니는 당뇚병읎 있고 80섞입니닀.
Doctor: Are there any known disease running in your family? Patient: My dad has high blood pressure, and he takes medication for it. He is now eighty two years old. He had a stroke around two years ago. This was his second stroke. First one he had when he was forty five. Doctor: What about your mom? How old is she? Patient: My mom is eighty years old. She does have sugar issues.
Patient is single and he lives alone. He is heterosexual and has a history of sexual encounter with prostitutes in Japan. He works as a plumber over the last 5 years. He smokes and drinks occasionally and denies any history of IV drug use. No blood transfusion. No history of incarceration. Recently traveled to Mexico .
의사: 현재 혌자 ì‚Žê³  계신가요? 환자: ë„€. 저, 저뿐입니닀. 의사: 직업은 묎엇입니까? 환자: 지난 5년 동안 배ꎀ공윌로 음했습니닀. 의사: 좋넀요. 얎디에서 음하시나요? 환자: 대부분 도시에서 음합니닀. 의사: 술, 닮배, 죌사륌 하나요? 환자: 술곌 닮배는 여Ʞ저Ʞ서 플우지만 마앜은 핎볞 적읎 없습니닀. 의사: 최귌에 여행한 적읎 있습니까? 환자: 올핎 쎈 멕시윔에 닀녀왔습니닀. 의사: 좋았겠넀요. 여행은 얎땠나요? 환자: 펞안했얎요. 많읎 필요했얎요. 의사: 닀행읎넀요. 몇 가지 질묞읎 더 있윌니 잠시만 Ʞ닀렀죌섞요. 성ꎀ계 읎력은 얎떻게 되나요? 성생활은 하십니까? 환자: 저는 여성곌 성생활을 하지만 음볞에 있을 때만큌 성생활읎 좋지는 않습니닀. 귞곳에서는 맀춘부듀곌 얎욞늬곀 했습니닀. 의사: 플임은 하셚나요? 환자: 잘 Ʞ억읎 안 나요. 의사: 성병 검사륌 받윌셚나요? 환자: ë„€. 지ꞈ은 음성입니닀. 의사: 수감된 적읎 있습니까? 환자: 아니요. 의사: 마지막 질묞입니닀. 수혈읎 필요했던 적읎 있습니까? 환자: 아니요, 닀행히도요.
환자는 독신읎며 혌자 ì‚Žê³  있습니닀. 읎성애자읎며 음볞에서 맀춘부와 성ꎀ계륌 가진 읎력읎 있습니닀. 지난 5년 동안 배ꎀ공윌로 음했습니닀. 가끔 흡연곌 음죌륌 하며 정맥 죌사 앜묌 사용 읎력을 부읞합니닀. 수혈을 받은 적읎 없습니닀. 수감 Ʞ록읎 없습니닀. 최귌 멕시윔륌 여행했습니닀.
Doctor: Are you currently living alone? Patient: Yep. Just me, myself, and I. Doctor: What do you do for a living? Patient: I've been working as a plumber for the last five years. Doctor: Nice. Where do you work? Patient: Mostly in the city. Doctor: Do you drink, smoke, or do injection drugs? Patient: I drink and smoke here and there, but I've never tried hard drugs. Doctor: Any recent travel? Patient: I was in Mexico earlier this year. Doctor: That sounds nice. How was your trip? Patient: Relaxing. Much needed. Doctor: Great to hear. I have a few more questions I need to ask so bear with me. How is your sexual history? Are you sexually active? Patient: I'm sexually active with women, but my sex life isn't as good as it was in Japan. Over there, I would mix and mingle with prostitutes. Doctor: Did you use protection? Patient: I don't really remember. Doctor: Have you been tested for S T D's? Patient: Yep. I'm negative for right now. Doctor: Have you ever been incarcerated? Patient: Nope. Doctor: One last question. Have you ever been in need of a blood transfusion? Patient: No, thank God.
This 75y/o RHM presented with a 10 day h/o progressively worsening LBP. The LBP started on 12/3/95; began radiating down the RLE, on 12/6/95; then down the LLE, on 12/9/95. By 12/10/95, he found it difficult to walk. On 12/11/95, he drove himself to his local physician, but no diagnosis was rendered. He was given some NSAID and drove home. By the time he got home he had great difficulty walking due to LBP and weakness in BLE, but managed to feed his pets and himself. On 12/12/95 he went to see a local orthopedist, but on the way to his car he crumpled to the ground due to BLE weakness and LBP pain. He also had had BLE numbness since 12/11/95. He was evaluated locally and an L-S-Spine CT scan and L-S Spine X-rays were "negative." He was then referred to UIHC.
의사: 안녕하섞요, 챔플얞, 좀 ì–Žë– ì„žìš”? 환자: 안녕하섞요, 의사 선생님, 허늬가 많읎 아파요. 의사: 아니, 시작하Ʞ 전에 몇 삎읎고 얎느 손윌로 Ꞁ씚륌 쓰시나요? 환자: 지ꞈ 음흔 닀섯입니닀. 귞렇군요. 의사: 좋아요, 귞럌 요통읎 생ꞎ 지 얌마나 되셚나요? 환자: 엎흘 정도 됐얎요. 의사: 슝상읎 시작된 읎후 슝상읎 조ꞈ읎띌도 혞전되었나요? 환자: 아니요, 계속 악화되고 있습니닀. 의사: 통슝읎 닀늬로 퍌지나요? 환자: ë„€, 허늬 통슝읎 시작된 지 3음 후 였륞쪜 닀늬로 퍌지Ʞ 시작했고, 3음 후 왌쪜 닀늬로 퍌지Ʞ 시작했습니닀. 닀음 날에는 통슝읎 너묎 심핎서 거의 걞을 수 없었습니닀. 의사: 요통읎 처음 시작된 날짜륌 Ʞ억하십니까? 환자: 음, 12월 3음읎었습니닀. 의사: 읎 통슝 때묞에 닀륞 의사륌 만나볞 적읎 있습니까? 환자: ë„€, 12월 11음에 동넀 의사륌 만났지만 원읞을 정확히 파악하지 못했습니닀. 의사: ì–Žë–€ 종류의 치료륌 권유했나요? 환자: 소엌제륌 처방핎 죌고는 저륌 돌렀볎냈습니닀. 의사: 직접 욎전하셚나요? 환자: ë„€, 제가 욎전했습니닀. 의사: 소엌제는 얎떻게 작용했나요? 환자: 음, 집에 도착했을 때는 허늬 통슝 때묞에 거의 걞을 수 없었고 닀늬에 힘읎 없었얎요. 하지만 개에게 뚹읎륌 쀄 수 있었고 저녁은 슀슀로 핎결했습니닀. 의사: 닀늬가 저늰 슝상읎 있었나요? 환자: ë„€. 12월 11음부터요. 의사: 읎 통슝 때묞에 정형왞곌 의사륌 만나 볎셚나요? 환자: ë„€, 죌치의 닀음 날에 정형왞곌륌 갔는데 닀늬에 힘읎 빠지고 허늬 통슝읎 심핎서 찚까지 걞얎가닀가 넘얎졌습니닀. 의사: ê·ž 정형왞곌 의사는 ì–Žë–€ 영상 검사륌 했나요? 환자: 의사는 제 허늬의 CT와 엑슀레읎륌 찍었지만 아묎 읎상읎 없닀고 했습니닀. ê·ž 의사는 저에게 U I H C에서 후속 검사륌 받윌띌고 권유했습니닀.
읎 75ì„ž/o RHM은 10음 동안 점찚적윌로 악화되는 LBP륌 볎였습니닀. LBP는 95년 12월 3음에 시작되었고, 95년 12월 6음에 RLE로 방사되Ʞ 시작했윌며, 95년 12월 9음에 LLE로 방사되Ʞ 시작했습니닀. 95년 12월 10음에는 ê±·êž° 힘듀얎졌습니닀. 95년 12월 11음, 귞는 직접 찚륌 몰고 동넀 의사륌 찟아갔지만 진닚은 나였지 않았습니닀. 귞는 비슀테로읎드성 소엌진통제륌 처방받고 집윌로 돌아왔습니닀. 집에 도착했을 때 귞는 LBP와 BLE의 앜화로 읞핎 걷는 데 큰 얎렀움을 겪었지만 애완 동묌곌 자신에게 뚹읎륌 쀄 수있었습니닀. 95년 12월 12음에 귞는 지역 정형왞곌 의사륌 만나러 갔지만 ì°šë¡œ 가는 도쀑 BLE 앜화와 LBP 통슝윌로 읞핎 바닥에 구겚졌습니닀. 귞는 또한 95년 12월 11음부터 BLE 마비 슝상을 겪었습니닀. 귞는 현지에서 검사륌 받았고 L-S 척추 CT 슀캔곌 L-S 척추 엑슀레읎는 "음성"읎었습니닀. 귞런 닀음 귞는 UIHC에 의뢰되었습니닀.
Doctor: Good afternoon, champ, how you holding up? Patient: Good afternoon, Doctor, I have a lot of lower back pain. Doctor: Oh no, before we begin, how old are you, sir and which hand do you write with? Patient: I'm seventy five now. Right. Doctor: Great, so tell me, how long have you had this lower back pain? Patient: It's been about ten days now. Doctor: Have your symptoms improved at all since they began? Patient: No, they keep getting worse. Doctor: Does the pain radiate into your legs? Patient: Yes, it started radiating down my right leg three days after the lower back pain began, and then the left leg three days after the right. The next day I could barely walk, the pain was so severe. Doctor: Do you remember the initial date of the beginning of your low back pain? Patient: Um, it was on December third nineteen ninety five. Doctor: Have you seen another doctor for this pain? Patient: Yes, I saw my local physician, um, it was on December eleventh, but he wasn't able to pinpoint what was going on. Doctor: What kind of treatments did he recommend? Patient: He gave me some antiinflammatories and sent me on my way. Doctor: Did you drive yourself? Patient: Yes, I did. Doctor: How did the antiinflammatories work? Patient: Um, by the time I got home, I could hardly walk due to the back pain, and I had weakness in my legs. I was, however, able to feed my dogs, and I fixed myself some dinner. Doctor: Was there any leg numbness? Patient: Yes. Since December eleventh. Doctor: Have you seen an orthopedist for this pain? Patient: Yes, I saw one the day after my primary care physician, but my legs gave out and I fell while walking to my car because of the leg weakness and back pain. Doctor: What kind of imaging studies did that orthopedist do? Patient: He did a C T and x rays of my lower back, but he didn't see anything wrong. He recommended I follow up at U I H C. The imaging was on my L S Spine.
Complex open wound right lower extremity complicated by a methicillin-resistant staphylococcus aureus cellulitis.
의사: 알았얎요. 복잡한 쌀읎슀가 될 것 같넀요. 환자분의 상처는 메티싀늰 낎성 황색포도상구균 뎉와직엌윌로 읞핎 복잡합니닀. 환자: 제 였륞쪜 닀늬에 치료법읎 있나요? 의사: 있습니닀. 좀 더 공격적읎지만 할 수 있습니닀.
메티 싀늰 낎성 황색 포도상 구균 뎉와직엌윌로 복잡한 였륞쪜하지의 복잡한 개방성 상처.
Doctor: Alright. So this is going to be a complex case. Your wound is complicated by methicillin-resistant staphylococcus aureus cellulitis. Patient: Is there a treatment for my right leg? Doctor: There is. It will be more aggressive, but we can do it.
Chest pain.
의사: 묎슚 음읎죠? 게슀튞_가족: 흉통을 혞소하고 있습니닀.
가슎 통슝.
Doctor: What is going on with him? Guest_family: He is complaining of chest pain.
He is a 29-year-old white male who is a patient of Dr. XYZ and he comes in today complaining that he was stung by a Yellow Jacket Wasp yesterday and now has a lot of swelling in his right hand and right arm. He says that he has been stung by wasps before and had similar reactions. He just said that he wanted to catch it early before he has too bad of a severe reaction like he has had in the past. He has had a lot of swelling, but no anaphylaxis-type reactions in the past; no shortness of breath or difficultly with his throat feeling like it is going to close up or anything like that in the past; no racing heart beat or anxiety feeling, just a lot of localized swelling where the sting occurs.
의사: 좋은 아칚, 젊은읎. 의사 X Y Z의 환자 맞죠? 환자: ë„€, 맞습니닀. 몇 년 동안 귞륌 볎았습니닀. 의사: 였늘 진료륌 시작하Ʞ 전에 몇 가지 읞구통계학적 정볎륌 확읞핎알겠습니닀. 환자분은 29ì„ž 백읞 낚성 맞윌시죠? 환자: ë„€, 의사 선생님. ꎜ찮습니닀. 의사: 좋아요, 감사합니닀. 였늘은 묎슚 묞제가 있는 것 같나요? 환자: ì–Žì œ 녞랑말벌에 쏘였얎요. 의사: 많읎 부었나요? 환자: ë„€, 였륞손곌 였륞팔에 있습니닀. 의사: 전에 말벌에 쏘읞 적읎 있나요? 환자: ë„€, 읎번읎 처음은 아닙니닀. 의사: 전에도 비슷한 반응읎 있었나요? 환자: ë„€, 귞런 적읎 있습니닀. 한 번은 심각한 반응읎 있었얎요. 닀시는 귞런 음읎 음얎나지 않도록 하고 싶얎서 왔얎요. 지ꞈ까지 아나필띜시슀륌 겜험한 적은 없지만 심각한 슝상은 없었습니닀. 의사: 좋아요, 닀행읎넀요. 숚읎 가빠지거나 목읎 곀란한 슝상은 없었나요? 환자: 아니요, 목읎 막히거나 귞런 느낌은 전혀 없습니닀. 의사: 심장 박동읎 빚띌지거나 불안한 슝상은 없습니까? 환자: 아니요, 저도 귞런 걎 없습니닀. 의사: 귞럌 쏘읞 부위가 국소적윌로 부은 것뿐읞가요? 환자: ë„€, 귞게 닀입니닀, 의사 선생님.
귞는 29섞의 백읞 낚성윌로 XYZ 박사의 환자읎며 ì–Žì œ 녾란 재킷 말벌에 쏘여 였륞손곌 였륞팔읎 많읎 부얎 있닀고 혞소하며 였늘 낎원했습니닀. 귞는 전에 말벌에 쏘읞 적읎 있고 비슷한 반응을 볎였닀고 말합니닀. 귞는 곌거에 귞랬던 것처럌 심각한 반응읎 나타나Ʞ 전에 빚늬 발견하고 싶닀고 말했습니닀. 부Ʞ는 많읎 났지만 곌거에 아나필띜시슀 같은 반응은 없었고, 숚읎 가쁘거나 목읎 막힐 것 같은 느낌읎나 귞런 것은 없었윌며, 심장읎 뛰거나 불안한 느낌은 없었고, 쏘읞 부위가 국소적윌로 많읎 부은 것뿐읎었습니닀.
Doctor: Good morning, young man. You're a patient of Doctor X Y Z, correct? Patient: Yes sir, that's right. I've seen him for years. Doctor: I just need to confirm some demographic information before we get started today. So, you're a twenty nine year old white male, correct? Patient: Yes, doctor. That's all right. Doctor: Great, thank you. So, what seems to be the problem today? Patient: Well, I got stung by a Yellow Jacket Wasp yesterday. Doctor: Do you have a lot of swelling? Patient: Yes, it's in my right hand and right arm. Doctor: Have you every been stung by wasps before? Patient: Yeah, this wouldn't be the first time. Doctor: Have you had similar reactions before? Patient: Yeah, I have. I have had one severe reaction. I came because I wanted to make sure it didn't get to that point again. I've never had, um, anaphylaxis, nothing super serious to date. Doctor: Okay, that's good. Do you have any shortness of breath or difficulty with your throat? Patient: No, it's never felt like it was going to close up or anything like that. Doctor: Do you have any rapid heartbeat or anxiety? Patient: No, I don't have anything like that either. Doctor: So, it's just the localized swelling where you got stung? Patient: Yes, that's really all, doctor.
Her last menstrual period was 6/3/2009. The patient is admitting to having a recent abortion done. She is not too sure whether the abortion was completed or not, has not had a followup with her OB/GYN.
의사: 마지막 월겜읎 얞제였습니까? 환자: 음, 2009년 6월 3음겜읎었습니닀. 의사: 최귌에 낙태륌 하셚닀고 하셚나요? 환자: ë„€, 하지만 아직 출혈읎 있얎서 유산읎 끝났는지는 잘 몚륎겠습니닀. 의사: 알겠습니닀. 환자: 임신 테슀튞륌 할까요? 의사: 아니요, 부읞곌 산부읞곌 의사에게 가볎시는 게 좋겠습니닀. 환자: 알겠습니닀.
환자의 마지막 월겜은 2009년 6월 3음읎었습니닀. 환자는 최귌에 낙태 수술을 받았닀고 읞정하고 있습니닀. 낙태가 완료되었는지 여부는 확싀하지 않윌며 산부읞곌에 후속 조치륌 췚하지 않았습니닀.
Doctor: When was your last menstrual period? Patient: Um, it was around June third of two thousand nine. Doctor: Okay so it says you have had an abortion recently? Patient: Yes I have, but I am not sure if it is finished, because I am still bleeding. Doctor: Okay. Patient: Do you want me to do a pregnancy test? Doctor: No I would have you see our Gynecology and Obstetrician. Patient: Okay.
Mom's nipples are currently cracked and bleeding. Mom has also noticed some mild umbilical discharge as well as some mild discharge from the penile area. He is status post a circumcision. Otherwise, review of systems is negative.
게슀튞_가족: 젖ꌭ지가 갈띌젞서 플가 나요. 의사: 였, 정말 유감입니닀. 게슀튞_가족: 배ꌜ곌 음겜에서 앜간의 액첎가 나였고 있습니닀. 의사: 알았얎요, 삎펎볌게요. 하지만 ê·ž 왞에는 몚두 ꎜ찮아 볎읎나요? 포겜수술곌 ꎀ렚된 닀륞 묞제는 없나요? 게슀튞_가족: 아니요, 닀륞 묞제는 없습니닀.
현재 엄마의 젖ꌭ지에 ꞈ읎 가고 플가 나고 있습니닀. 엄마는 또한 앜간의 가벌욎 제대 분비묌곌 음겜 부위에서 앜간의 가벌욎 분비묌을 발견했습니닀. 포겜수술 후 상태입니닀. 귞렇지 않윌멎 시슀템 검토는 부정적입니닀.
Guest_family: My nipples are cracked, and they are bleeding. Doctor: Oh, I am so sorry to hear that. Guest_family: He has some fluid coming out of his belly button as well as his penis. Doctor: Okay I will look at it. But other than that, everything else looks good? Any other problems related to circumcision? Guest_family: No, no other issues.
Ms. A continues to have some residual left leg weakness and continues to use a rolling walker for ambulation, but she reported that her motor functioning had improved significantly. She was diagnosed with sleep apnea approximately two years ago and was recently counseled by Dr. X on the need to use her CPAP because she indicated she never used it at night. She reported that since her appointment with Dr. X, she has been using it "every other night." When asked about daytime fatigue, Ms. A initially denied that she was having any difficulties, but repeatedly indicated that she was falling asleep at work and thought that it was due to looking at a computer screen. She reported at times "snoring" and forgetting where she is at and said that a supervisor offered to give her coffee at one point. She receives approximately two to five hours of sleep per night. Other current untreated risk factors include obesity and hypercholesterolemia. Her medical history is also significant for hypertension, asthma, abdominal adenocarcinoma status post hysterectomy with bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy, colonic benign polyps status post resection, benign lesions of the breast status post lumpectomy, and deep vein thrombosis in the left lower extremity status post six months of anticoagulation (which she had discontinued just prior to her stroke).
의사: 진료소에 였신 것을 환영합니닀, A양. 환자: 감사합니닀. 의사: 병력부터 시작하겠습니닀. ì–Žë–€ 질환읎 있윌신가요? 환자: ë„€. 고혈압, 천식, 수멎 묎혞흡슝읎 있습니닀. ì•œ 6개월 전에 왌쪜 닀늬에 혈전읎 생게습니닀. 암도 있습니닀. 의사: ì–Žë–€ 종류의 암에 걞늬셚나요? 환자: 위암입니닀. 복부 자궁 적출술도 받았습니닀. 의사: 혈액 응고륌 위핎 항응고제륌 투여했나요? 환자: ë„€. 6개월 동안 복용했습니닀. 복용을 쀑닚한 후 뇌졞쀑읎 발생했습니닀. 의사: 닀륞 수술을 받은 적읎 있습니까? 환자: ë„€. 양성 용종을 제거하Ʞ 위핎 대장 절제술을 받았습니닀. 유방에서 또 닀륞 양성 혹을 제거했습니닀. 의사: 였늘 Ʞ분읎 ì–Žë– ì„žìš”? 환자: 왌쪜 닀늬에 여전히 힘읎 앜합니닀. 귞래서 여전히 볎행Ʞ륌 사용핎알 하지만 좀 더 쉜게 돌아닀닐 수 있게 되었습니닀. 의사: 낮에 플로륌 느끌신 적은 없윌십니까? 환자: 아니요. 직장에서 잠읎 였는 겜우가 많았습니닀. 하룚 종음 컎퓚터 화멎을 볎고 있얎서 귞런 것 같아요. 얎느 날 상사가 윔륌 고는 제 몚습을 발견하고는 제가 얎디에 있는지 잊얎버렞습니닀. 상사가 저에게 컀플륌 죌겠닀고 했습니닀. 읎런 음읎 두 번 읎상 음얎났습니닀. 의사: 수멎 묎혞흡슝 때묞음 수 있습니닀. 수멎 묎혞흡슝 치료륌 누가 받고 있나요? 환자: 의사 X가 2년 전에 진찰을 하고 수멎 검사륌 하띌고 했얎요. 컎퓚터 화멎을 볌 때만 졞늜니닀. 의사: 의사 X가 밀에 사용하는 수멎 검사Ʞ륌 추천했나요? 환자: ë„€, 하지만 저는 사용한 적읎 없습니닀. ê·ž 의사와 닀시 진료륌 받았는데 맀음 ë°€ 사용핎알 한닀고 하더군요. 귞래서 격음로 밀마닀 사용하고 있습니닀. 의사: 하룻밀에 방핎받지 않고 얌마나 수멎을 췚한닀고 생각하십니까? 환자: 잠읎 잘 였는 밀에는 2시간에서 5시간 정도입니닀. 의사: ê·ž 정도로는 충분하지 않군요. 직장에서 잠듀지 못하는 것도 당연하군요. 수멎 묎혞흡슝에 대핮 의사 X에게 닀시 진찰을 받아볎시는 것읎 좋습니닀. 수멎 부족곌 수멎 묎혞흡슝 묞제륌 계속 핎결하지 않윌멎 비만곌 고윜레슀테례혈슝에 걞늎 위험읎 훚씬 더 높습니닀. 환자: 알겠습니닀. 후속 방묞을 하도록 하겠습니닀.
A 씚는 왌쪜 닀늬에 앜간의 앜점읎 ë‚šì•„ 있얎 볎행용 례링워컀륌 계속 사용하고 있지만 욎동 Ʞ능읎 상당히 개선되었닀고 볎고했습니닀. 귞녀는 ì•œ 2년 전에 수멎 묎혞흡슝 진닚을 받았윌며 최귌 X 박사로부터 밀에는 양압Ʞ륌 사용하지 않는닀는 읎유로 ì–‘ì••êž° 사용의 필요성에 대핮 상닎을 받았습니닀. 귞녀는 X 박사와의 상닎 읎후 "격음로 밀마닀" 양압Ʞ륌 사용하고 있닀고 볎고했습니닀. 죌간 플로에 대한 질묞에 A씚는 처음에는 얎렀움을 겪고 있지 않닀고 부읞했지만, 직장에서 잠읎 였는 것읎 컎퓚터 화멎을 볎Ʞ 때묞읎띌고 생각한닀고 반복핎서 말했습니닀. 귞녀는 때때로 "윔륌 곚고" 자신읎 얎디에 있는지 잊얎버늬Ʞ도 했윌며, 한 번은 상사가 컀플륌 죌겠닀고 제안한 적도 있닀고 말했습니닀. 귞녀는 하룚에 ì•œ 2시간에서 5시간 정도 수멎을 췚합니닀. 현재 치료되지 않은 닀륞 위험 요읞윌로는 비만곌 고윜레슀테례혈슝읎 있습니닀. 또한 고혈압, 천식, ì–‘ìž¡ 난소-난ꎀ 절제술을 동반한 자궁 절제술 후 복부 선암, 절제술 후 대장 양성 용종, 유방의 양성 병변, 6개월간의 항응고제 복용(뇌졞쀑 직전 쀑닚) 후 좌하지의 심부정맥 혈전슝 등의 병력읎 있습니닀.
Doctor: Welcome to the clinic, Miss A. Patient: Thank you. Doctor: Let's start with your medical history. What medical conditions do you have? Patient: Okay. I have high blood pressure, asthma and sleep apnea. I had blood clots in my left leg about six months ago. I also have cancer. Doctor: What kind of cancer do you have? Patient: I have stomach cancer. They also did a total abdominal hysterectomy. Doctor: Did they put you on an anticoagulant medication for the blood clotting? Patient: Yes. I took it for six months. I stopped taking it and then I had the stroke. Doctor: Have you had any other surgeries? Patient: Yes. I had a colonic resection to remove benign polyps. I had another benign lump removed from my breast. Doctor: How are you feeling today? Patient: I am still having weakness in my left leg. That is why I still have to us my walker, but I have been able to get around easier. Doctor: Have you been experiencing any daytime fatigue? Patient: No. I have been falling asleep at work. I think it is from looking at my computer screen all day. My supervisor caught me snoring one day and forgot where I was at. My supervisor offered to give me a coffee. This has happened more than once. Doctor: This could be due to your sleep apnea. Who is treating you for your sleep apnea? Patient: Doctor X did a consult and had me do one of those sleep test about two years ago. I only get sleepy when I look at my computer screen. Doctor: Did Doctor X recommend a C P A P machine to use at night? Patient: Yes, but I never used to use it. I had another follow up visit with her and she told me that I need to use it every night. I have been using it every other night. Doctor: How much uninterrupted sleep do you think that you get per night? Patient: Maybe two to five hours, on a good night. Doctor: That is not enough sleep. No wonder you are falling asleep at work. I recommend following up again with Doctor X regarding your sleep apnea. You are at a much higher risk for obesity and high cholesterol if you continue to not address the issues you have been having with the lack of sleep and sleep apnea. Patient: Okay. I will make a follow up visit with her.
As above plus history of anemia treated with Procrit. No smoking or alcohol use and lives alone.
의사: 빈혈 때묞에 프로크늿을 처방받윌셚나요? 환자: ë„€, 귞런 것 같아요. 곌거에는 귞렇게 치료했었죠. 의사: 귞렇군요. 결혌하셚나요? 누구와 핚께 ì‚Žê³  있습니까? 환자: 였, 저 혌자입니닀. 의사: 좋아요, 닎배륌 플우거나 술을 마시나요? 환자: 아뇚, 안 마십니닀. 의사: 좋아요. 환자: 알겠습니닀.
위와 같읎 프로크늿윌로 치료받은 빈혈 병력읎 있습니닀. 흡연읎나 음죌륌 하지 않윌며 혌자 ì‚Žê³  있습니닀.
Doctor: They gave you Procrit for your anemia? Patient: Yes I think so. That is how they treated it in the past. Doctor: Okay. Are you married? Who do you live with? Patient: Oh I am by myself. Doctor: Okay, and do you smoke or drink alcohol? Patient: No I do not. Doctor: Great. Patient: Okay.
This is a 38-year-old female who comes for dietary consultation for gestational diabetes. Patient reports that she is scared to eat because of its impact on her blood sugars. She is actually trying not to eat while she is working third shift at Wal-Mart. Historically however, she likes to eat out with a high frequency. She enjoys eating rice as part of her meals. She is complaining of feeling fatigued and tired all the time because she works from 10 p.m. to 7 a.m. at Wal-Mart and has young children at home. She sleeps two to four hours at a time throughout the day. She has been testing for ketones first thing in the morning when she gets home from work.
의사: 안녕하섞요. 좀 ì–Žë– ì„žìš”? 환자: 별로 좋지 않아요. 도와죌시렀고 여Ʞ 왔얎요. 의사: 얎떻게 하멎 될까요? 뭐가 불펞하신가요? 환자: 임신성 당뇚가 있얎서 식닚곌 ꎀ렚된 상닎을 받윌러 왔습니닀. 묎엇을 뚹얎도 수치가 올띌갈까 뎐 걱정읎 됩니닀. 의사: 잠깐만요, 잠깐만요. 뚌저 몇 삎읎신지 말씀핎 죌시겠얎요? 환자: 죄송합니닀. 서륞 여덟입니닀. 의사: 좋아요, 읎제 묎엇읎 두렀우신가요? 환자: 뭘 뚹얎도 수치가 올띌가고 읎제는 아묎것도 뚹Ʞ가 너묎 두렵습니닀. 의사: 음을 하나요? 환자: ë„€, 월마튞에서 음핎요. 3교대 귌묎륌 할 때마닀 아묎것도 뚹지 않윌렀고 녞력핎요. 의사: 식습ꎀ에 대핮 말씀핎 죌섞요. 집에서 식사륌 쀀비하시나요, 아니멎 왞부에서 죌묞하시나요? 환자: 임신성 당뇚와 임신 전에는 왞식을 많읎 했얎요. 거의 맀음같읎요. 밥을 많읎 뚹었얎요. 저한테는 죌식읎나 마찬가지예요. 의사: 잘 안 드신닀고 하셚는데, 식사륌 안 하셔서 ì–Žë–€ 슝상읎 있윌신가요? 환자: ë„€, ë°€ 10시부터 아칚 7시까지 귌묎하는 알귌읎 있을 때마닀 음식을 뚹지 않윌렀고 녞력합니닀. 귞래서 음식을 뚹지 않윌렀고 녞력합니닀. 귞러멎 항상 맀우 플곀하고 플곀핚을 느낍니닀. 집에 얎늰 아읎듀도 있얎서 였전에 귌묎륌 마치고 집에 가멎 얎늰 아읎듀읎 저륌 계속 바쁘게 합니닀. 의사: 수멎 팚턎은 얎떀가요? 하룚 쀑 잠을 얌마나 자나요? 환자: 한 번에 2~4시간 정도 잡니닀. 의사: 쌀톀 검사는 ì–žì œ 하나요? 환자: 볎통 아칚에 귌묎륌 마치고 집에 돌아와서 가장 뚌저 합니닀.
임신성 당뇚로 식읎 상닎을 받윌러 옚 38ì„ž 여성입니닀. 환자는 혈당에 믞치는 영향 때묞에 식사하는 것읎 두렵닀고 합니닀. 싀제로 월마튞에서 3교대 귌묎륌 하는 동안에는 음식을 뚹지 않윌렀고 녞력하고 있습니닀. 하지만 예전에는 왞식을 자죌 하는 펞읎었습니닀. 귞녀는 식사의 음부로 밥을 슐겚 뚹습니닀. ë°€ 10시부터 아칚 7시까지 월마튞에서 음하고 집에 얎늰 자녀가 있Ʞ 때묞에 항상 플로감곌 플곀핚을 혞소하고 있습니닀. 귞녀는 하룚 종음 한 번에 2~4시간씩 잠을 잔닀고 합니닀. 귞녀는 퇎귌 후 집에 돌아였멎 아칚 음찍 쌀톀 검사륌 하고 있습니닀.
Doctor: Hello. How are you doing? Patient: Not doing that good. I'm here so that you can help me. Doctor: Tell me how can I do that? What's bothering you? Patient: I have gestational diabetes and I'm here for consultation related to my diet. No matter what I eat, I'm kind of scared that it will spike up my numbers. Doctor: Hold on, hold on. First, tell me how old are you? Patient: Sorry. I am thirty eight. Doctor: Okay, now tell me what are you afraid of? Patient: No matter what I eat, my number goes up and I just, I'm so afraid of eating anything now. Doctor: Do you work? Patient: I do, at Walmart. I try not to eat anything whenever I'm on the third shift. Doctor: Tell me about the eating habits. Do you prepare meals at home, or do you order from outside? Patient: Well, before all this, I mean this gestational diabetes and pregnancy, I used to eat out a lot. Almost like every day. I like to eat rice a lot. It is like the staple food for me. Doctor: You said you don't try to eat, so are you facing any symptoms because of not eating? Patient: Yeah, whenever I'm on my late shift, I work from ten in the night to seven in the morning. I try to avoid eating. And then I feel very fatigued and tired all the time. I also have young kids at home, so after finishing my duty here at in the morning I go home and then there are young children who keep me busy. Doctor: What is your sleeping pattern? How much are you sleeping throughout the day? Patient: Around two to four hours at a time. Doctor: When do you test for ketones? Patient: Normally, it is the first thing that I do when I reach back home from my shift in the morning.
This is a 56-year-old female who has pain in her legs at nighttime and when she gets up it comes and goes, radiates from her buttocks to her legs, sometimes it is her ankle. She has noticed it since she has been on Lipitor. She has had some night sweats occasionally. She has had a little bit of fever and nausea. She has noticed her blood sugars have been low. She has lost over 30 pounds after exercising doing water aerobics at Genesis in Wichita. She has noticed her fasting blood sugars have been ranging from 100 to 120. Blood sugars one and a half hours after meals have been 185. She is coming in for a diabetic checkup in one month and wants lab prior to that time. She has been eating more meat recently and has not been on a diet for cholesterol.
의사: 몇 삎읎섞요? 였늘은 묎슚 음로 였셚나요? 환자: 저는 쉰여섯 삎입니닀. 닀늬 통슝 때묞에 여Ʞ 왔습니닀. 죌로 밀에 아파요. 의사: 자섞륌 바꟞멎 도움읎 되나요? 환자: ë„€, 도움읎 됩니닀. 서 있을 때마닀 통슝읎 사띌젞요. 의사: 닀늬에만 통슝읎 있나요, 아니멎 닀늬에서 시작핎서 닀륞 곳에도 통슝읎 있나요? 환자: 볎통 엉덩읎에서 시작핎서 닀늬로 낎렀가고 때로는 발목윌로도 낎렀갑니닀. 의사: ì–žì œ 처음 발견하셚나요? 환자: ê·ž 앜을 뚹고 나서부터 시작되었습니닀. ì•œ 읎늄읎 뭐죠? L읎 듀얎간 앜읎요? ë„€, 늬플토요. 의사: 식은땀을 흘며 적읎 있나요? 환자: 가끔 밀에 땀을 흘늜니닀. 의사: 닀륞 묞제는 없나요? 닀륞 묞제는 없나요? 첎옚읎 조ꞈ 높은 펞입니닀. 환자: ë„€, 엎읎 나고 메슀꺌움도 느껎집니닀. 의사: 당 수치는 얎때요? 환자: ꜀ 였랫동안 낮았습니닀. 위치타에 있는 제넀시슀에 닀니Ʞ 시작했고 수쀑 에얎로빅을 하고 있얎요. 귞늬고 ê·žê±° ì•„ì„žìš”? 놀랍게도 30파욎드가 빠졌얎요. 의사: 잘됐넀요. 공복 혈당은 얌마입니까? 환자: 100에서 120 사읎입니닀. 식후 1시간 30분 후에도 첎크합니닀. 정Ʞ적윌로 180~180.5입니닀. 의사: 알겠습니닀. 환자: ë„€, 요청할 게 있얎요. 한 달 후에 당뇚 검진을 받윌러 갈 예정입니닀. ê·ž 전에 몚든 검사륌 할 수 있을까요? 의사: ë„€, 귞럌요, 좋은 생각읎넀요. 제 비서에게 말씀드늬멎 당뇚병 검진 예앜 전에 검사륌 위핎 전화륌 드멮 것입니닀. 의사: 닀륞 음은 없나요? 닀륞 걎 얎때요? 환자: 식읎요법윌로 윜레슀테례을 조절하렀고 했지만 도움읎 되지 않았습니닀. 닀읎얎튞륌 계속할 수가 없얎요. 제 췚향읎 아니에요. 귞래도 고Ʞ륌 더 뚹Ʞ 시작했습니닀. ê·ž 후에는 포만감을 느낍니닀.
56ì„ž 여성윌로 밀에 닀늬에 통슝읎 있고 음얎날 때 통슝읎 왔닀가 사띌지고 엉덩읎에서 닀늬로 퍌지며 때로는 발목윌로 퍌지Ʞ도 합니닀. 귞녀는 늬플토륌 복용한 읎후로 읎러한 슝상을 느ꌈ습니닀. 가끔 식은땀을 흘렞습니닀. 앜간의 엎곌 메슀꺌움읎 있었습니닀. 혈당읎 낮아진 것을 발견했습니닀. 위치타의 제넀시슀에서 수쀑 에얎로빅을 한 후 30파욎드 읎상 감량했습니닀. 공복 혈당읎 100에서 120 사읎읞 것을 발견했습니닀. 식후 1시간 30분 후 혈당은 185입니닀. 한 달 후에 당뇚병 검진을 받을 예정읞데 ê·ž 전에 검사륌 받Ʞ륌 원합니닀. 최귌 고Ʞ륌 더 많읎 뚹고 있고 윜레슀테례 때묞에 닀읎얎튞륌 하지 않고 있습니닀.
Doctor: How old are you? What brings you here today? Patient: I am fifty six years old. I am here for this pain in my legs. It hurts mostly in the night. Doctor: Does changing positions helps you? Patient: Yeah, it helps. Whenever I stand it just goes away. Doctor: Is it only in your legs or it starts there and goes somewhere else as well? Patient: It normally starts in my hips and then it goes down my leg and sometimes into my ankles as well. Doctor: When did you first notice it? Patient: It all started after taking that medication. What is it called? Something with L? Yeah, Lipitor. Doctor: Have you ever noticed any night sweats? Patient: Sometimes I do sweat at night. Doctor: Any other issue? Anything else going on? Your body temperature is a little on the higher end. Patient: Yeah, I do feel feverish and have nausea as well. Doctor: How are your sugar numbers? Patient: They have been low for quite some time. You know, I have started going to Genesis in Wichita and I've been doing water aerobics. And you know what? Surprisingly, I have lost thirty pounds. Doctor: That's good. How much is your fasting sugar? Patient: Anywhere between a hundred to one hundred and twenty. I check them one and a half hours after meals as well. They are, they have been one hundred and eighty five regularly. Doctor: Okay. Patient: Yeah. I have a request to make. I will be coming for my diabetic checkup in one month. Can we do all the labs before that? Doctor: Yeah, sure, that's a great idea. I should tell my assistant and they will call you for labs before your appointment for diabetes checkup. Doctor: Anything else going on? How is everything else? Patient: I tried to control my cholesterol with diet, but it didn't help. I cannot keep on dieting. It is just not my thing. I have started eating more meat though. I feel full after that.
Married, 7 children, driver for Fed Ex. Denied tobacco/ETOH/illicit drug use.
의사: 결혌하셚나요? 환자: 예. 의사: 자녀가 있윌신가요? 환자: ë„€, 7명읎 있습니닀. 몇 명 있습니닀. 의사: 직장을 닀니십니까? 환자: ë„€, 페덱슀에서 욎전Ʞ사로 음하고 있습니닀. 의사: 닎배륌 플우신 적읎 있습니까? 환자: 아니요. 의사: 술읎나 닀륞 종류의 앜묌은 얎떻습니까? 환자: 아니요. 전혀 없습니닀.
Ʞ혌, 자녀 7명, 페덱슀 욎전Ʞ사. 닮배/ETOH/불법 앜묌 사용 거부.
Doctor: Are you married? Patient: Yes. Doctor: Do you have kids? Patient: Yes, I do have seven. I have a handful. Doctor: Do you work? Patient: Yeah, I'm a driver for FedEx. Doctor: Did you ever smoke? Patient: Nope. Doctor: What about alcohol or any other kind of drugs? Patient: Nope. None of that.
Lamisil, Equagesic, Bactrim, Dilatrate, cyclobenzaprine.
의사: 환자가 앜묌에 알레륎Ʞ가 있나요? 게슀튞_임상의: ë„€, 싀제로 귞는 ꜀ 많은 앜에 알레륎Ʞ가 있습니닀. 제가 적얎두었는데 여Ʞ 목록읎 있습니닀. 의사: 좋아요, 띌믞싀, 에윰게늭에 알레륎Ʞ가 있군요. 아, 박튞늌에도 알레륎Ʞ가 있넀요. 게슀튞_임상의: ë„€, 귞늬고 딜띌테읎튞와 사읎큎로벀자프늰도요 의사: ꜀ 많은 양읎넀요, 치료 계획을 ì„žìšž 때 죌의가 필요합니닀. 게슀튞_임상의: ë„€.
띌믞싀, 에윰게식, 박튞늌, 확장제, 사읎큎로 벀자프늰.
Doctor: Is patient allergic to any medication? Guest_clinician: Yes, actually he is allergic to quite a few medicines. I have noted them down, here is the list. Doctor: Okay, so he is allergic to Lamisil, Equagesic. Oh, he is allergic to Bactrim too. Guest_clinician: Yeah, and Dilatrate and cyclobenzaprine. Doctor: That's quite a lot, we need to be careful while making his treatment plan. Guest_clinician: Yeah.
Father died from CA at the age of 79. Mother died from postoperative infection at the age of 81. Brother died from pancreatitis at the age of 40 and had a prior history of mental illness. Father also had a prior history of lung cancer. Mother had a history of breast cancer. Father also had glaucoma. He does not have any living siblings. Friend died a year and half ago.
의사: 안녕하섞요! 저는 슀믞슀 박사입니닀. 환자: 안녕하섞요! 만나서 반갑습니닀. 의사: 가족 병력부터 시작하겠습니닀. 환자: 얎뚞니는 유방암에 걞늬셚얎요. 아버지는 폐암윌로 ê²°êµ­ 목숚을 잃윌셚얎요. 돌아가싀 때 음흔아홉 삎읎셚얎요. 얎뚞니도 돌아가셚지만 질병읎 아닌 선택적 수술 후 감엌윌로 돌아가셚습니닀. 의사: 고읞의 명복을 빕니닀. 돌아가싀 때 얎뚞니의 나읎는 몇 삎읎었나요? 환자: 감사합니닀. 돌아가싀 때 여든 한 분읎셚얎요. 저는 읎제 고아입니닀. 제 유음한 생졎 형제는 마흔에 돌아가셚얎요. 귞는 힘든 삶을 삎았얎요. 정신질환윌로 고생하셚죠. 의사: 였빠는 얎떻게 돌아가셚나요? 환자: 췌장엌읎 있었얎요. 아버지는 녹낎장읎 있었얎요. 의사: 많은 상싀을 겪윌셚군요. 환자: ë„€, 귞렇습니닀. 제 친한 친구가 1년 반 전에 섞상을 떠났얎요. 정말 많은 음읎 있었죠. 의사: 상싀을 겪은 사람듀을 위한 지원 귞룹을 소개핎 드멮 수 있습니닀. 소개륌 받아볎시겠습니까? 환자: ë„€. 귞렇게 하고 싶습니닀. 감사합니닀.
아버지는 79섞의 나읎에 CA로 사망했습니닀. 얎뚞니는 81섞에 수술 후 감엌윌로 사망했습니닀. 형제는 40섞에 췌장엌윌로 사망했윌며 정신 질환의 병력읎 있었습니닀. 아버지는 폐암 병력읎 있었습니닀. 얎뚞니는 유방암 병력읎 있었습니닀. 아버지는 녹낎장 병력읎 있었습니닀. 형제자맀가 없습니닀. 친구는 1 년 반 전에 사망했습니닀.
Doctor: Hi there! I am Doctor Smith. Patient: Hello! It is nice to meet you. Doctor: Let's start with your family medical history. Patient: My mother had breast cancer. My father had lung cancer that ended up taking his life. He was seventy nine when he passed. My mother also passed but not from an illness but from an infection she got after having an elective surgery. Doctor: I am so sorry for your loss. How old was your mother when she passed? Patient: Thank you. She was eighty one when she passed. I am an orphan now. My only living sibling died at forty. He had a hard life. He struggled with mental illness. Doctor: How did your brother pass away? Patient: He had pancreatitis. Oh, my dad had glaucoma. Doctor: You have had a lot of loss. Patient: Yes, I have. My good friend passed away a year and a half ago. It has been a lot. Doctor: I have a support group I can refer you to for people to have been through loss. Would you be interested a referral, sir? Patient: Yes. I would like that. Thank you.
A 47-year-old Latin American man presented to the emergency room after being told to come in for a high potassium value drawn the previous day. He had gone to an outside clinic the day prior to presentation complaining of weakness and fatigue. Labs drawn there revealed a potassium of 7.0 and he was told to come here for further evaluation. At time of his assessment in the emergency room, he noted general malaise and fatigue for eight months. Over this same time period he had subjective fevers and chills, night sweats, and a twenty-pound weight loss. He described anorexia with occasional nausea and vomiting of non-bilious material along with a feeling of light-headedness that occurred shortly after standing from a sitting or lying position. He denied a productive cough but did note chronic left sided upper back pain located in the ribs that was worse with cough and better with massage. He denied orthopnea or paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnea but did become dyspneic after walking 2-3 blocks where before he had been able to jog 2-3 miles. He also noted that over the past year his left testicle had been getting progressively more swollen and painful. He had been seen for this at the onset of symptoms and given a course of antibiotics without improvement. Over the last several months there had been chronic drainage of yellowish material from this testicle. He denied trauma to this area. He denied diarrhea or constipation, changes in his urinary habits, rashes or skin changes, arthritis, arthralgias, abdominal pain, headache or visual changes.
의사: 몇 가지 ê°„ë‹ší•œ 질묞을 할게요, 알았죠? 환자: 흠 의사: 환자분은 몇 삎읎며 읞종 잡멎에서 자신을 얎떻게 정의하시겠습니까? 환자: 음, 저는 마흔음곱 삎읎고 슀슀로륌 띌틎계 믞국읞읎띌고 자부합니닀. 의사: 잘됐넀요. 응꞉싀에는 얎떻게 였셚나요? 환자: 전에 혈액 검사륌 받았는데 칌륚 수치가 높닀고 나왔얎요. ë©°ì¹  전에도 Ʞ욎읎 없고 극도로 플곀핎서 음반 병원에 갔습니닀. 의사: 알겠습니닀. 환자: 제 칌륚 수치가 7로 나왔고 빚간색윌로 강조 표시가 되얎 있었얎요. 너묎 묎서워서 제 몞에서 묎슚 음읎 음얎나고 있는지 전부 알고 싶었얎요. 응꞉싀 의사에게도 읎 몚든 쇠앜곌 플로가 반년 읎상 지속되고 있닀고 말했습니닀. 의사: 쇠앜감 왞에 닀륞 슝상은 없었나요? 환자: ë„€, 엎곌 였한읎 있었습니닀. 밀에 땀을 많읎 흘렞고 첎쀑도 20파욎드 정도 쀄었습니닀. ê·ž êž°ê°„ 동안 가끔 메슀꺌움을 느끌고 구토륌 많읎 했습니닀. 저는 식사륌 하지 않았습니닀. 서 있윌렀고 할 때마닀 항상 얎지러웠습니닀. 의사: 젖은 Ʞ칚을 하셚나요? 환자: 아니요, 젖은 Ʞ칚은 아니었지만 Ʞ칚을 할 때마닀 갈비댈 같은 윗쪜의 허늬 통슝읎 심핎졌습니닀. 볎통 ê·ž 부위륌 마사지하멎 나아지곀 합니닀. 의사: 혞흡곀란은 없나요? 환자: 아니요. 의사: 잠을 자거나 닀륞 음을 할 때는 얎떻습니까? 환자: 잠자는 동안은 아니지만, 2~3랔록 정도 걞윌멎 쉜게 숚읎 찚는 것을 느낍니닀. 읎전에는 읎런 슝상읎 없었습니닀. 2~3마음을 조깅핎도 한 번도 숚읎 찚지 않았습니닀. 환자: 한 가지 더 발견한 것읎 있습니닀. 한쪜 불알읎 점점 컀지는 것 같아요. 의사: 얎느 쪜읎 왌쪜읞가요, 였륞쪜읞가요? 환자: 왌쪜읞 것 같습니닀. 의사: 얌마나 였래요? 환자: 작년부터요. 읎 몚든 것읎 시작되었을 때 의사륌 만나 항생제륌 처방받았지만 아묎 변화가 없었습니닀. 지난 몇 달 동안은 녞란색 액첎도 나였고 있습니닀. 의사: ê·ž 부위에 닀륞 부상을 입은 적읎 있나요? 환자: 아니요. 의사: 배변은 얎떻습니까? 환자: 아니요, 몚든 것읎 평소와 같습니닀. 의사: 배뇹 습ꎀ에 변화가 있습니까? 환자: 아니요. 의사: 플부에 변화가 있습니까? 발진은요? 시력 묞제는 없윌십니까? 환자: 아니요, 변화가 없습니닀. 의사: 통슝은 얎떻습니까? 두통읎나 ꎀ절 통슝 같은 걎요? 환자: 아니요, 얎디에도 통슝은 없습니닀.
47섞의 띌틎 아메늬칎 낚성읎 전날 칌륚 수치가 높게 나왔닀는 말을 듣고 응꞉싀에 낎원했습니닀. 귞는 전날 쇠앜곌 플로륌 혞소하며 왞부 큎늬닉을 방묞한 적읎 있었습니닀. 귞곳에서 싀시한 검사 결곌 칌륚 수치가 7.0윌로 나왔고 추가 검사륌 위핎 읎곳윌로 였띌는 지시륌 받았습니닀. 응꞉싀에서의 평가 당시 귞는 8개월 동안 전반적읞 불쟌감곌 플로륌 혞소했습니닀. 같은 êž°ê°„ 동안 귞는 죌ꎀ적읞 발엎곌 였한, 식은땀, 20파욎드의 첎쀑 감소가 있었습니닀. 귞는 앉거나 누욎 자섞에서 음얎선 직후에 발생하는 얎지러움곌 핚께 가끔씩 메슀꺌움곌 구토륌 동반한 식욕부진, 귞늬고 앉거나 누욎 자섞에서 음얎선 직후에 발생하는 얎지러움을 섀명했습니닀. Ʞ칚은 부읞했지만 갈비댈에 위치한 만성적읞 좌잡 상부 요통은 Ʞ칚할 때 악화되고 마사지륌 받윌멎 혞전된닀고 했습니닀. 혞흡곀란읎나 발작성 알간 혞흡곀란은 부읞했지만 읎전에는 2~3마음을 조깅할 수 있었던 ê·žê°€ 2~3랔록을 ê±·ê³  나멎 혞흡곀란읎 발생했습니닀. 또한 지난 1년 동안 왌쪜 고환읎 점점 더 부얎였륎고 통슝읎 심핎졌닀고 말했습니닀. 귞는 슝상읎 시작되었을 때 병원을 찟았고 항생제륌 투여했지만 혞전되지 않았습니닀. 지난 몇 달 동안 읎 고환에서 누런 묌질읎 만성적윌로 배출되고 있었습니닀. 귞는읎 부위에 대한 왞상을 부읞했습니닀. 귞는 섀사나 변비, 배뇹 습ꎀ의 변화, 발진읎나 플부 변화, ꎀ절엌, ꎀ절통, 복통, 두통 또는 시각적 변화륌 부읞했습니닀.
Doctor: I will ask some simple questions, okay? Patient: Hm Doctor: How old are you and how would you define yourself in terms of ethnicity? Patient: Well, I am forty seven and would proudly call myself as Latin American. Doctor: Great. What brings you to the emergency room? Patient: I had a blood test before and then it came out to be high potassium. I also went to a regular clinic the other day as I was feeling very weak and extremely tired. Doctor: Okay. Patient: My potassium came out to be seven and it was highlighted in red. That really scared me, so I wanted to know everything what's going on inside me. I told the emergency doctors too that all these weakness and tiredness is going on for more than half a year. Doctor: Did you noticed any other symptoms other than weakness? Patient: Yes, there was the fever and chills. I was sweating a lot in the nights, and I also had weight loss of around twenty pounds. During that time, I sometimes have nausea and was throwing up a lot. I was not eating. I always felt dizzy every time I tried to stand. Doctor: Did you have wet cough? Patient: No, not wet cough but I did notice back pain gets intense on the upper side whenever I coughed, like in my ribs. I normally massage that area and it gets better. Doctor: Any shortness of breath? Patient: Nope. Doctor: How about while sleeping or doing something else? Patient: Not while sleeping, but I did notice that if I'm walking for two to three blocks then I get out of breath easily. Previously it was not like this. I used to jog for two to three miles without even a single breath loss. Patient: I noticed one more thing. I feel like my balls on one side are getting big. Doctor: Which side left or right? Patient: I think its left. Doctor: For how long? Patient: I guess over the past year. I did see someone when all of this started, and he put me on some antibiotics, but nothing changed. For last few months there is yellow fluid coming out of it too. Doctor: Did you ever get any type of injury in the area? Patient: No. Doctor: What about your bowel movements? Patient: Nope everything is as usual. Doctor: Any change in urinary habits? Patient: Nope. Doctor: Any changes in your skin? Any rash? Any kind of eyesight issue? Patient: Nope, no changes. Doctor: What about pain? Like headache or any joint pain? Patient: Nope, no pain anywhere.
In 1979, tubal ligation and three milk ducts removed. In 1989 she had a breast biopsy and in 2007 a colonoscopy. She is G4, P3, with no cesarean section.
의사: 수술을 받윌신 적읎 있나요, 부읞? 환자: ë„€, 몇 번 받았얎요. 뚌저, 난ꎀ 결찰술곌 ì„ž 개의 유ꎀ을 제거했습니닀. 의사: 귞게 몇 년도였나요? 환자: 1979년읎었얎요. 의사: 좋아요, 감사합니닀. 또 ì–Žë–€ 음을 하셚나요? 환자: 1989년에 유방 생검을 받았고, 2000년에 대장 낎시겜 검사륌 받았습니닀. 의사: 감사합니닀, 자녀가 있윌신가요? 환자: 의사 선생님, 저는 ë„€ 번 임신했지만 ì„ž 명의 아읎륌 낳았습니닀. 의사: 정말 유감입니닀. ê·ž 쀑 제왕절개륌 하셚나요? 환자: 아뇚, 의사 선생님. 몚두 자연분만을 했얎요.
1979년 난ꎀ 결찰곌 ì„ž 개의 유ꎀ을 제거했습니닀. 1989년에는 유방 생검을 받았고 2007년에 대장 낎시겜 검사륌 받았습니닀. 귞녀는 제왕 절개륌하지 않은 G4, P3입니닀.
Doctor: Have you ever had surgery, ma'am? Patient: Yeah, I've had a few. First, I had, um, tubal ligation, and three milk ducts removed. Doctor: What year was that in? Patient: That was in, um, nineteen seventy nine. Doctor: Great, thank you. What else have you had done? Patient: I had a breast biopsy in nineteen eighty nine, and a colonoscopy in two thousand seven. Doctor: Thank you, do you have any children? Patient: Well, doctor, I've been pregnant four times, but I've had three children. Doctor: I'm so sorry to hear that. Did you have a C section with any of them? Patient: No, doctor. I had a natural birth for all of them.
의사: 곌거에 수술을 받은 적읎 있나요? 환자: 아니요.
Doctor: Did you had any surgery in the past? Patient: No.
의사: 알레륎Ʞ가 있윌신가요? 환자: ë„€, 곰팡읎만요. 의사: 귞럌 곰팡읎 반응읎군요.
Doctor: Any allergies? Patient: Yes just molds. Doctor: Okay so molds reaction.
Adderall and clonidine for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.
의사: 안녕하섞요, 잘 지낎섞요? 환자: 전 ꎜ찮아요, 고마워요. 게슀튞_가족: 안녕하섞요, 선생님, 전 읎 아읎의 엄마예요. 의사: 만나서 반갑습니닀. 의사 X의 소개로 였셚닀고 듀었습니닀. 게슀튞_가족: ë„€, 저희 죌치의입니닀. 의사: 딞의 행동 묞제륌 발견하고 죌치의에게 볎고하셚닀고 하셚죠? ë„€, 한동안 눈치채고 있었습니닀. 딞아읎가 집쀑력을 빚늬 잃얎요. 학교에서도 딞의 행동에 대핮 몇 ì°šë¡€ 불만을 제Ʞ했습니닀. 닀륞 의사도 몇 명 만났는데 몚두 죌의력 결핍 곌잉 행동 장애띌는 진닚을 ë‚Žë žì–Žìš”. 의사: 볎고서륌 볎니 죌의력 결핍 곌잉 행동 장애가 있는 것 같지만 좋은 소식은 치료가 가능하닀는 것읎니 걱정하지 마섞요. 게슀튞_가족: 알았얎요. 의사: 읎 슝상에 도움읎 되는 앜을 처방핎 드늎게요. 게슀튞_가족: 고마워요. 의사: 귞래서 애더럎곌 큎로니딘을 처방핎 드늎게요. ì–Žë–€ 앜국에 가섞요? 게슀튞_가족: 저희는 윔슀튞윔 앜국 X Y Z 윔너에 있얎요. 의사: 알겠습니닀, ê±°êž°ë¡œ 볎낎드늬겠습니닀. 환자: 의사 선생님, 만나서 반가웠습니닀. 의사: 저도 만나서 반가웠얎요, 잘 지낎섞요.
죌의력 결핍 곌잉 행동 장애에 대한 애더럎곌 큎로니딘.
Doctor: Hi there, how are you dear? Patient: I am fine, thank you. Guest_family: Hi Doctor, I am her mother. Doctor: Nice to meet you. So I see you have been referred by Doctor X. Guest_family: Yes, she is our family doctor. Doctor: Okay, so you noticed some behavioral problems with your daughter and reported to her, is that right? Guest_family: Yes, I have been noticing them for a while. She loses her focus quickly. We also got a few complaints from school regarding her behavior. We also met a couple of other doctors but they diagnosed her with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. Doctor: Well, looking at her reports I am afraid it looks like she does have A D H D, but the good news is we can treat her, so don't worry. Guest_family: Okay. Doctor: I am going to prescribe her some medicines which will help her deal with this. Guest_family: Thank you. Doctor: So, I will write her a prescription for Adderall and Clonidine. They have some really good results in treating A D H D. Which pharmacy do you go to? Guest_family: We go to Costco pharmacy by the X Y Z corner. Doctor: Okay, I will send it there. Patient: Thank you doctor, it was nice meeting you. Doctor: Nice meeting you too, take care.
의사: 포겜 수술을 받윌셚나요? 환자: ë„€. 의사: 날짜는 Ʞ억하십니까? 환자: 아니요. 하지만 찚튞에는 있을 겁니닀.
Doctor: He had circumcision? Patient: Yes. Doctor: Do you remember the date? Patient: No I do not. But it should be in the chart.
The patient is a 61-year-old Caucasian male with a history of uncontrolled diabetes mellitus. The patient states that he was working in his garage over the past few days when he noticed some redness and edema in his right foot. He notes some itching as well as increasing pain and redness in the right foot and presented to ABCD General Hospital Emergency Room. He was evaluated by the Emergency Room staff as well as the medical team and the Department of Orthopedics. It was noted upon x-ray a foreign body in his foot and he had significant amount of cellulitis as well ________ right lower extremity. After a long discussion held with the patient, it was elected to proceed with irrigation debridement and removal of the foreign body.
의사: 좋은 아칚입니닀, 선생님. 환자분은 예순 한 삎읎시죠? 환자: 좋은 아칚입니닀, 의사 선생님. ë„€, 맞습니닀. 의사: 잘됐넀요, 신분읎 백읞읎시죠? 환자: ë„€, 귞것도 맞습니닀. 의사: 감사합니닀, 혹시 제가 알아알 할 질병읎 있윌신가요? 환자: ë„€, 당뇚병읎 있습니닀. 의사: 당뇚병은 얎떻게 ꎀ늬하고 계십니까? 환자: 당뇚병을 앓은 지는 였래되었지만 치료륌 받은 적은 없습니닀. 의사: 말씀핎 죌셔서 감사합니닀. 였늘은 ì–Žë–€ 묞제가 있는 것 같나요? 환자: 지난 ë©°ì¹  동안 찚고에서 음했는데 였륞쪜 발읎 붉얎지고 부얎 있습니닀. 의사: 가렵거나 통슝읎 있습니까? 환자: ë„€, 귞늬고 점점 더 심핎지고 있습니닀. 의사: 읎 묞제로 닀륞 의사륌 만나볞 적읎 있나요? 환자: 음, ë„€. A B C D 종합병원 응꞉싀에 갔는데 ê±°êž°ì„œ 진닚을 받았얎요. 의사: 읎 방묞에서 찍은 영상읎 있나요? 환자: 음, ë„€. 여Ʞ 있습니닀. 의사: 좋아요, 발에 읎묌질읎 볎읎넀요. 환자: 하지만 발 바깥쪜에 있는 것듀은요? 의사: 귞걎 뎉와직엌곌 음치합니닀. 환자: 귞게 뭐죠? 의사: 수술로 치료하는 플부 감엌입니닀. 환자: ì–Žë–€ 수술을 할 수 있나요? 의사: 뎉와직엌에 대한 ì„žì²™ 박늬술을 시행하고 읎묌질을 제거핎알 합니닀. 귞게 도움읎 될 것 같습니닀. 환자: ë„€, 동의합니닀, 의사 선생님.
환자는 조절되지 않는 당뇚병 병력읎 있는 61ì„ž 백읞 낚성입니닀. 환자는 지난 ë©°ì¹  동안 찚고에서 음하닀가 였륞발에 앜간의 발적곌 부종을 발견했닀고 말합니닀. 귞는 가렀움슝곌 핚께 였륞발의 통슝곌 발적읎 심핎젞 ABCD 종합병원 응꞉싀에 낎원했습니닀. 귞는 응꞉싀 직원곌 의료진, 정형왞곌에서 진찰을 받았습니닀. 엑슀레읎 검사 결곌 발에 읎묌질읎 발견되었고 였륞쪜 하지에도 상당한 양의 뎉와직엌(________)읎 있었습니닀. 환자와 였랜 녌의 끝에 읎묌질을 섞척하고 제거하는 수술을 진행하Ʞ로 결정했습니닀.
Doctor: Good morning, sir. You're sixty one years old, correct? Patient: Good morning, doctor. Yes, that's correct. Doctor: Great, and you identify as Caucasian, right? Patient: Yes, that's correct as well. Doctor: Thank you, do you have any medical conditions that I should know about? Patient: Yes, I have diabetes. Doctor: How are you handling your diabetes? Patient: Well, I've had diabetes for a long time but had never been treated for it. Doctor: Okay, thank you for telling me. What seems to be the problem today? Patient: I've been working in my garage over the past few days, and I have this redness and swelling in my right foot. Doctor: Do you have any itchiness or pain? Patient: Yes, and it's getting worse. Doctor: Have you seen any other doctors about this? Patient: Um, yes. I went to the A B C D General Hospital E R and they gave me an evaluation there. Doctor: Do you have any images from this visit? Patient: Um, yes. I have them right here. Doctor: Okay, these show a foreign body in the foot. Patient: But what about all the stuff on the outside of my foot? Doctor: Well, that's consistent with cellulitis. Patient: What's that? Doctor: It's a skin infection we clean it up in surgery. Patient: What kind of procedure can we do? Doctor: We should do an irrigation debridement for the cellulitis, and remove the foreign body. I think that will really help. Patient: Yes, I agree, doctor.