question or not
2 values
4 values
['i was scared walking home the other night']
Why were you scared
i was scared walking home the other night
['I order a burger today with no onions. I am allergic.']
Allergic to onions? I have never heard of anyone with that allergy. Must be tough
I got my burger with millions of onions on it today when I specifically asked for no onions. Im allergic.
ask me for further details
['My wife is the best. She is so kind and caring and beautiful.']
Aw, that's sweet, I'm glad you love her so much!
I love my wife. I would never cheat on her.
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
['The end of an era! My messiest children, tomorrow, finally... start school.', 'oh yea sounds like a great time of the year', 'I think it will be! Now just to figure out what to do with all the free time.']
go play bingo!
That my youngest, messiest, loudest kids start school tomorrow!
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
['I had the worst nightmare last night. I woke up screaming and shaking.', 'Oh! What was it about?', 'There was a maniac clown after me and he had a chainsaw. It seemed the faster I ran the closer he got!']
I hate clowns! when I try to run I sink into the ground.
I had the worst nightmare. I was being chased down the street by a maniac clown with a chainsaw. He was after me and the faster I ran the closer and closer he seemed to get. I woke up screaming and shaking.
["I could have sworn I saw a snake in my backyard but I haven't seen it again", 'That is horrible. Do you live in a city or rural areas?', "It's more of a city... I'm going to have to call animal control. I don't want to see it again!"]
It is unbelievable to meet these wild animals in a city. You should definitely call them
I could have sworn I saw a snake in my backyard but I haven't seen it again
please give me some advices.
['This past chrstmas, I was gifted my HP laptop, and I have been consistently using it ever since! It really was a great gift.', "That's such a nice gift! What are your main uses of it?", 'Mainly Youtube, I do some freelance work on it occasionally, and Reddit. Lots of Reddit.']
I've heard great things about Reddit but have never actually signed up myself!
When I was gifted my laptop for christmas
['I have a friend that I know since I am kid. He is always there for me. He is one of the few person that I can trust for anything.']
I know what you mean, childhood friends are so important and treasured
I have a friend that I trust a lot.
I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
['I once saw a woman who could contort her body in all types of ways, It was amazing.', 'what types of things could she do', 'She could put her head between he knees and still jump up and down.']
oh wow .. talented
I once saw a woman who could fold her body in half.
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
["I don't feel good about myself right now. I took something from a boyfriend's house without him knowing.", 'Oops. Could you sneak it back in without him seeing you?', 'I thought about that but I was thinking I would be honest and tell him what I did and why. Do you think I should?', "Depends how close you are and how mad he'll be. Usually, I advocate honesty, but don't know enough about your situation to advise.", "Well, I think he is cheating on me so I took his spare I-phone that I suspect he is using to do it with! It is locked and I can't get in the phone to find the evidence.", "Oh boy. I honestly don't know what to say. Maybe ask him outright if he's cheating. If he is, do you really want to stay with him? If not, it doesn't matter if he knows about the phone or not!", "You are right! I'm going to put my big girl underwear on and confront him! I will also tell him about the phone to gauge his reaction. Thanks for the advice!"]
Good luck! But be nice - I've confronted people before and totally lost it. I then regretted it.
I took something from a boyfriend's house without him knowing. I think I should return it.
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
['I am waiting to hear back on whether or not I got accepted into law school']
That is impressive. Which law school have you applied?
I should hear this week whether or not I was accepted into law school I hope to start in the spring.
ask me for further details
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
['I was talking with one of my coworkers yesterday and told them a secret.', 'do you think that they would tell the secret?', "No, they actually didn't tell it."]
that was nice of the coworker to not tell anyone the secret.
I talked with a coworker yesterday and told them a secret. I told it to them in confidence. They kept it.
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
['I applied for a promotion at my job but didnt receive it..', 'Its always disappointing to not achieve something you were hoping for but it could also mean that a better position is in store for you.', 'Yes I agree and I am keeping my fingers crossed.']
I am sure with that attitude that you will move up the ladder very soon, much luck.
I applied for a promotion at my job but didnt receive it.
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
['I remember when I was a child and I was told that I would need glasses in order to be able to see the whiteboard in the classroom and do good in school. I was so upset because I felt that the glasses made me look ugly. I was so upset. However, my classmates really made me feel better about it.', 'Yeah, glasses suck but, so does not being able to see. Good that your class mates are nice people.', 'Yes, it was a really big deal in the second grade, but none the less I realized that it would just be getting worse so I got used to the idea. And it did, get much worse. Lol']
Yep, I've got terrible eyes. I know what you mean.
I remember when I was a child and I was told that I would need glasses in order to be able to see the whiteboard in the classroom and do good in school. I was so upset because I felt that the glasses made me look ugly. I was so upset. However, my classmates really made me feel better about it.
I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
['I miss my dad. This was his favorite time of the year', 'yea that can be hard when things remind you of people', 'Yeah, it really does']
Sometimes you have to just look at the positives though and smile about it
I miss my dad. This was his favorite time of the year
please give me some advices.
['My one year evaluation at work is coming up next month. If I score well I may get a promotion.']
I hope you do well. What do you think?
I have my work evaluation coming up. I feel that I have been doing a good job so I hope for good scores.
ask me for further details
["I've been waiting to hear back from a job interview I feel went quite well.", 'How long do you have to wait?', 'a few days I think']
Good luck! I'm sure you did great.
I've been waiting to hear back from a job interview I feel went quite well.
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
['i was at a party and puked on the porch', "Oh no! That's a terrible feeling. Did you go home?", 'nope, kept on going strong lol']
I bet the next morning was rough!
i was at a party and had too many shots and puked all over the porch
['I felt ready when I went to work', 'Work is always so boring for me.', 'thats why when you got your stuff in order you can knock it out']
Work is always miserable for me.
I felt ready when I went to work
I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
['My first date was terrible', 'what happened', "I was running late and arrived a sweaty mess. It was a movie and I didn't know how to act so talked fast the whole way through."]
im sure it wasnt as bad as you imagined it in your head unless other people watching the movie told you to hush
My first date was terrible. It was very awkward.
['Hi friend, I recently went on a fishing trip.', 'Sounds like fun. What kind of fishing did you do? Fly fishing?', 'I do all kinds of fishing. I have never done the sea fishing though.']
I quite fancy sea fishing - I like boats. Did you catch many fish on your trip?
I was doing a fishing trip. I caught a huge fish!
ask me for further details
['Before any meeting I always make sure I am ready in case the boss calls on me.', 'Does your boss call on you a lot?', 'Yes he does. I always try to come up with outside the box ideas to solve issues']
You should keep your head down, not make eye contact, and make a mean face! He won't call on you then!
I always gather material before meetings
please give me some advices.
["My kids don't listen to me as much as they should."]
Maybe its time to instill a little discipline.
I'm upset that my kids don't listen to me.
['I miss my high-school days', "I do too. I don't like to think about it because I start to feel weird.", 'I miss how popular I was, being the quarterback of the football team.']
That is awesome. Things change a lot out of high school.
I miss my high-school days
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
['I get excited around men and not sure if I might be gay', 'Yes may very well be gay. Nothing wrong with that. Ive had alot of gay friends.', "I'm just scared of taking the first step and feel very vulnerable."]
If you just stay confident and believe in yourself I know you can do it!
I get excited around men and not sure if I might be gay
I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
["I'm trying to make my goals by the end of the year."]
what are you goals that you are planning?
I'm working toward a end of year goal right now.
ask me for further details
5 eh? Good - that's my favourite number!
My pants had a tear
ask me for further details
['I found 5 packs of gluten free cookies on clearance at my grocery store yesterday.', "Wow, that doesn't happen very often. Well done. Those things are normally quite expensive, aren't they?", "YES! I am intolerant of gluten and just want to die when I am on it, so it's always a good day when I can find cheap food that is also good for me! I am easily pleased lol. I love clearance stuff!", "Me too. Clearance is the first place I head for in the store! It must be so difficult to be gluten intolerant - seems as if there's gluten in everything these days.", 'Oh there is :( I do eat it now and again but it seems to really screw up my weight loss and digestion so I try never to get near it. They have great gluten free alternatives but yep they are all expensive.']
Something I found which helped me lots was to eat e.g. bread made from organic wheat. So long as I don't overindulge I'm fine - fingers crossed.
I found 5 packs of gluten free cookies on clearance at my grocery store yesterday. I am a simple person, stuff like being able to have a bunch of cookies that are good for me and so cheap excites me!
["I spent time today folding up all of my daughter's dance shirts from the time she was 2 years old.", 'That sounds very nostalgic. How old is she now?', "She will be 16 next month - time flies doesn't it?"]
It is indeed. I wish i could back to my childhood times. No hassle, no stress of paying bills. Adulthood is really difficult
I spent time folding up all of my daughter's old dance shirts today. Makes me remember when she first started dance at age 2, she'll turn 16 next month.
["My brother like spiders but I am scared of them! I can't handle those things!"]
I am not sure how anyone could like those things
I'm scared of spiders. I can't handle those creppy crawlies!
["I don't think I'll be able to go to the lake this weekend, I'm pretty bummed out.", "Awww what's wrong? Maybe going to the lake will cheer you up?", 'Yeah, I wish I could, but I have to house watch my parents house this weekend! Bummer.']
That is a bummer! Well, you can go next time!
I don't think I'll be able to go to the lake this weekend, I'm pretty bummed out.
['Our car was broken in too when we were asleep!']
Oh no! Was anything taken?
Our car was broken in too when we were asleep! I have cameras but need to get cords and figure out how to set them up! Makes me mad they weren't yet, however even when police have videos here, they don't do anything about it anyway! So ready to be out of this neighborhood
ask me for further details
["I've been having some financial problems lately and my family has helped a lot. I appreciate their help a lot.", 'It is so nice to have family be able to back you up in a time of need. Have you been able to catch up yet?', "Yes that's true. And I did actually! Doing just fine now."]
That is wonderful! Great wait to start the upcoming holiday season.
I've been having some financial problems lately and my family has helped a lot. I appreciate their help a lot.
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
['i loved taking care of my sisters pet', "Aw, that's sweet. What kind of pet is it? Did you wish you could steal it so it could be yours instead?", 'its a bearded dragon.. no i dont want it as i already have two of my own .. however she has a little baby one']
Hmm, I don't think I've ever known anyone who has a bearded dragon before actually. That's really cool though! Did you let the two of y'alls bearded dragons ever interact?
i loved taking care of my sisters pet
ask me for further details
['I am a very naive person, so I was completely shattered when my boyfriend came home and told me he was moving in with another woman.']
How long have you been with your boyfriend?
I am a very naive person, so I was completely shattered when my boyfriend came home and told me he was moving in with another woman.
ask me for further details
['I am upset, my dog passed away.']
Mine did too - 5 minutes ago, actually. Are you thinking about getting a new one?
I am upset, my dog passed away.
ask me for further details
['I saw a mouse in my kitchen this morning.... scary little animal', "Yikes, I would've been freaking out. How did you handle it?", 'I ran away! My husband grabbed it and put it outside']
haha I would have run too!
I saw a mouse in my kitchen this morning.... scary little animal
['Someone cut me off in traffic a few days ago.']
Why are people so inconsiderate. Are you ok?
Someone cut me off in trafic a few days ago.
ask me for further details
['I only have one semester left of college and the classes are going to be very difficult.']
I am sure you will get used to them
I only have one semester left of college. I can't wait to see my final grades. I know I will keep my 4.0 gpa average.
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
["(Sorry yes daycares do have a way to log in- ask them so you can ensure she is safe) I am losing weight again and it's been hard with my stress, age and after surgery. I love feeling the new areas I am thin!"]
I will look into that thank you so much thats kind of you! Any special diet or fitness online you are following? I know you can do this.
I am excited about losing weight. I can feel new areas that are thinner, which excites me
ask me for further details
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
["My neighbor just purchased a new truck while i'm still riding around in my 2005 Honda Accord !"]
Well at least yours is paid off and he is still paying on his
My neighbor just purchased a new truck while i'm still riding around in my 2005 Honda Accord !
['I am so upset with my children']
That's no good. Why are you upset with them?
I told my kids to clean while I was gone and the house looked worse than before I left
ask me for further details
['I felt alone one summer. All of my friends were away it seemed']
I felt the same way.
I felt a lone one summer when my friends all went away. It just did not feel right
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
['I really hate my printer', 'Is it acting crazy or just not working?', 'That stupid thing is always acting up.', "You could name it Bob Marley since it's always jammin lol I couldn't resist", "HAHA. That's hilarious! I might do that before I take it out to the field with a baseball bat!"]
Record it and have a Office Space moment with it lol
I really can't stand my printer
['My brother is really great at math. When I was taking a really hard math course he was so happy to help me throughout it and I did great in the class thanks to him!']
You must have thanked him for it. He is a smart brother!
My brother is a math wizard. I was taking a math class that I found really tough. He tutored me through the whole semester and I got a great final grade. I really appreciate his efforts!
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
['I am just waiting for my next vacations']
I love vacation time. Where are you planning on going?
I ma just waiting for my next vacations
ask me for further details
["Well, I am stuck at work today. I had bought a lottery ticket last week thinking I wouldn't have to work this week. lol", 'heh well at least you can be here while working', "As you might imagine I was quite bummed to find out that I didn't even match one number!"]
maybe next time
I bought a lottery ticket last week thinking I would win big. Needless to say I am still working today.
['I was babysitting a few days ago and my cousin kept throwing her food on the floor.']
That must have been frustrating. What did you do?
I was babysitting a few days ago and my cousin kept throwing her food on the floor.
ask me for further details
I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
["My neighbor in my duplex is still up at this hour doing some kind of sanding and sawing! I asked him to stop and he won't!"]
That is very disrespectful, especially since he is not in a stand-alone home. Can you tell your landlord about it?
My neighbor in my duplex is still up at this hour doing some kind of sanding and sawing! I asked him to stop and he won't!
ask me for further details
['i hate that i have to worry when my wife and son go out alone, too many dang crazy folks in the world']
That's very true, but I'm sure their both very smart and know how to avoid dangerous situations.
i dont really enjoy when my wife and son go out alone, too many crazy azz people in the world
["Ate the last biscuit this morning during breakfast. Then my child came in asking for another one and I felt really bad. Oh well. Maybe I'll get her something as a treat tomorroow."]
It really makes a parent feel bad when that happens. I live with what my neighbor calls mom guilt.
Ate the last biscuit this morning during breakfast. Then my child came in asking for another one and I felt really bad. Oh well. Maybe I'll get her something as a treat tomorroow.
I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
['I miss hanging out with my friends all night. Those days are over.']
Why does that have to change now?
Late at night I always think about the fun nights I usef to have with my friends. Especially now since I have kids.
ask me for further details
['I was walking my motorcycle out of a parking spot a couple of weeks ago and accidentally laid it on its side. I felt humiliated, especially since there were a bunch of people that saw me drop it.']
that stinks i'm sorry
I was walking my motorcycle out of a parking spot a couple of weeks ago and accidentally laid it on its side. I felt humiliated, especially since there were a bunch of people that saw me drop it.
['i was ready to eat at that buffet we went to last night']
I love seafood buffets
i was ready to eat at the buffet we went to last night
['It sure has been a low slow Monday.', "Why? What's going on? Or, y'know, not going on ?", "It's mostly me. I'm just not really here today."]
Is there something going on that's got you feeling that way?
It was an unusually slow monday today.
ask me for further details
['My son had been working so hard practicing for his guitar solo in the concert.']
When and where is his first solo concert?
My son has been working hard practicing for his guitar solo in the concert. He did great!
ask me for further details
['So sad right now, my poor cat.']
Oh no, what happened to your cat?
My cat got ran over by someone. He sped off like it didn't matter.
ask me for further details
['i found my nintendo entertainment system in my closet a few months ago', 'was it a nice surprise?', 'yea it sure was']
I'm pleased for you. Did you go on it?
I found my nintendo in the closet a few months. I remembered all the games I used ot play on it.
ask me for further details
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
['I have a girlfriend, and I will never cheat on her']
So your saying your faithful and love her.
I have a long term girlfriend. I have never or will never cheat on her
I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
['Im so happy we just found out our son is graduating college']
Congratulations I know you must be very proud
My soon graduated from college
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
['I was shocked this morning when I woke up this morning. I really overslept in a bad way', 'Oh no! I hate when that happens! Did you turn off your alarm in your sleep?', 'I somehow just slept through it which never happens']
It happens to me more than I like to admit lol
I felt pretty shocked when I woke up this morning. I really overslept in a bad way
["My friend to me I'm dumb and really bad at my job. I'm so upset with him!"]
im sorry to hear that , whant happened ?
My friend was really rude to me. I'm so upset!
ask me for further details
I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
['Traffic was unusually bad on the way to work this morning.']
Yeah, I hate getting stuck in traffic.
Traffic was unusually bad on the way to work this morning.
["I can't get much done either because I have 3 kids that always seem to need something or got somewhere.", "That's frustrating. How on earth do you ever get something done?", "It's not easy. We are business owners as well. I think he needs to take some of the other house responsabilities don't you think?"]
It would make sense. If you two are doing the same work job, it's only fair that you evenly divide the housework as well.
My husband went out of town for the weekend and I stayed home. For once, I was able to get things done around the house with someone always interrupting.
['I once finished a whole bag of candy, just after startinf my new diet.']
Oh no! I don't doubt it. Diets make you so hungry and gives you crazy cravings for what you can't have. Did it feel worth it or make you feel miserable?
I once ate an entire bag on m and ms, the day after i started my diet.
ask me for further details
I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
["I'll be getting a promotion in Feb."]
That's great! Is your position changing?
I'm happy about a promotion I'll be getting in February.
ask me for further details
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
['I cant wait to go on my end of summer trip in texas.', 'Sounds like fun. What you got planned ?', 'not really sure but im excited to just be invited']
Got any family out there? Cousins perhaps
I cant wait to go on my end of summer trip
ask me for further details
['Summers were so much fun when I was kid.', 'Why were they fun', 'Because we always took trips and it was safe for us to play outside alone. Not like now']
Yeah, its not safe at all
I remember being a kid in the summer. It was awesome
["I think my doctor might be giving me the wrong meds. This is the third night in a row where I can't sleep"]
Have you thought about getting a second opinion?
This is the third night in a row I can't sleep. My doc isn't giving me the right meds
ask me for further details
['I felt very proud of my mom when she put herself aside to be a caregiver for others.', 'What does a caregiver do?', 'They take care of others. Its like being a nurse to others in ways they need but in your own home']
Oh, I see. Your mom is an angel!
I was very proud of my mom for helping someone with therapy
['I cried when The Jonas brothers broke up.', 'really?? I could not care less.', 'Yes. I love their music.']
I am more like a rock and roll type of guy myself.
I cried when the Jonas brothers broke up.
['I keep all of my pictures with my family.', "That's cool. Do you have a photo album you keep them in?", 'I keep them online as to not lose them.']
Oh ok that's a good idea.
I keep all of my pictures with my family.
['Traffic was hard tonight. It was so irritating', 'I completely understand. I get pretty aggravated myself driving home from work everynight.', 'Yeah I try not to, but its hard']
It takes me almost an hour to get home through traffic.
Traffic was difficult tonight. It was very irritating
['I heard a loud bang outside my house last night and thought someone was trying to break in.']
Did you find out what it was
I heard a loud bang outside my house last night and thought someone was trying to break in.
['I lost my cell phone today']
oh no. did you try to retrace your steps to find it?
I lost my cell phone today. I can't believe it
ask me for further details
["I have hit a dog while driving on the road. but i didn't stop it was so late in the night", 'Oh no. Accidents happen. I feel really sorry for the dog.', 'so am i. I felt bad to go back and do something about It!!']
Did you go back?
I have hit a dog while driving on the road. But i didn't stop now it makes me feel to do something about it!!!
ask me for further details
['my cat of 13 years was the best thing that ever happened to me, he is now gone']
How sad ... you must be desolate
lost my cat whisker he was the best pet i have ever had
I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
['He seams fine when I talk with him but I know he is not. H has had a problem with substance abuse in the past']
That's really rough. Do you think he may have relapsed?
My stepmother just passed away and I am concerned about my dad
ask me for further details
I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
['I will pass a examen next monday. I reviewed all the content for the course', 'Good for you! Studying can be a real challenge sometimes.', "Yes, I feel ready. I can't wait to take that exam"]
Awesome, that's the best way to go into exam. I'm sure you'll do great!
I will pass a examen next monday. I reviewed all the content for the course
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
['My nephew hit the ball really far in his baseball game the other day.', "Good for him! Sounds like he's a real slugger!", 'Not sure if it was skill or luck but it was a great hit either way.']
Did they end up winning the game?
My nephew hit the ball really far in his baseball game the other day.
ask me for further details
['we plan to meet at the party just to see my date so unkept and unpresentable']
Well that's unfortunate. Do you think the party will be fun?
i felt so irritated with his presence
ask me for further details
["I'm scared I'll never get married and settle down", 'It will happen eventually. Enjoy being single while you can.', 'Thanks, I just want to be able to find someone soon, my time is running out haha']
It will come to you when you least expect it! Until then enjoy yourself!
I'm scared I'll never get married and settle down
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
['I am so happy for my son.']
What did your son do that makes you so happy?
I am so happy for my son.
ask me for further details
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
['College football officially starts tomorrow.', 'Whoop Whoop! Thanks for reminding me. I have to purchase youtube live for it.', "I can't wait to watch some football!", 'Same here! Who is your team?', 'Texas Tech Red Raiders!']
Nice! I asdly am a corn husker. it's been a rough couple of years.
College football officially starts tomorrow. I can't wait to watch some football.
["omorrow I'm finally having a day off where I can enjoy going to the mall... I can't wait!"]
Oooh, that sounds fun. What are you planning on shopping for?
Tomorrow I'm finally having a day off where I can enjoy going to the mall... I can't wait!
ask me for further details
['I have been training for months for the race!', 'Oh, what is the race? Sounds like a lot of work!', 'Its a 100m sprint. Its a lot work but it has helped me prepare well.']
I'm sure all the work will be worth it in the end!
I have been training for months for the race.
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
["I am happy with my current position at work even though everyone is struggling to get posted for an international assignment I won't"]
It is good you are happy with your current position. What do you do?
I am happy with my current position at work even though everyone is struggling to get posted for an international assignment I won't
ask me for further details
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
['So the other day I had a crazy long day and got home to find all of my chocolate was gone!', 'Oh my gosh! I would have been so upset! Nothing is better than chocolates on a bad day.', 'I know right! ..., but atleast I had some amaretto in the fridge.. lol']
That's definitely better than nothing. I hope your days have been better since!
When I realized all the chocolate was gone, after a long day.
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
['In my history class I read about the World Wars and felt so many emotions.', 'What kind of emotions', 'Like anger and sadness. I was very sentimental about it.']
I can understand
Reading about the World Wars makes me feel so many emotions.
['Heading to the buffet after completing a ton of work', 'That sounds great! Any particular cuisine in mind?', "Definitely Chinese but they've got some American fare, too."]
Oh I love those. They always have great selections and the desserts aren't bad either.
Heading to the buffet after completing a ton of work.
['Just got accepted to Yale!']
That's awesome! What are you going to study?
The day I got accepted to my dream school. I worked so hard to get there.
ask me for further details
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
['My friend always gets everything before me. I swear, everything from me wanting a certain car to wanting a baby and she always gets it before me.']
How are you still friends?
When my friends got everything before I did.
ask me for further details
["I've learned that to be the best version of myself means working at a skill striving to be the the best at it until haters become fans", "I absolutely agree with that mind set! Pick something you're passionate about and do it with passion!", "I'm glad you agree"]
I'm a fitness enthusiast myself, and you'd be surprised how people even find reason to be negative about THAT.
Over the years I've figured out the best way to love and myself is to work at some new skill everyday and become the best at it until haters become fans
['I had to stay late for work, and my family went out to dinner without me.']
thats unfortunate, sucks missing out on time with your family
I had to stay late for work, and my family went out to dinner without me.
['I have finished my college education!', 'Congratulations! What degree did you get?', 'I got the one in business field!']
Awesome! I bet that's a really versatile degree, you should be really successful!
I am just finishing my college degree. All of my friends have moved away..
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
['There are 2 cats that come by my home every night. I leave food out for them.']
That's pretty sympathetic of you...but aren't you worried they'll start going through your trash
There are 2 cats that come by my home every night. I leave food out for them.
I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
['A possom was waiting outside my door.', "Talk about an unwelcome guest! I would have immediately slammed my door shut! I never know how to respond in those situations, as in whether or not they're dangerous, etc. What did you do?", 'He seem harmless enough, so I gave him some food.']
I did not expect that kind of reaction! But I guess I don't know enough about possums. Maybe that makes sense. I compare them almost to raccoons, who I've seen be very aggressive. Well, it looks you made a new friend. I hope you named them!
A possom was waiting outside my door.
['I saw a spider and i got scared']
Eek! I hate spiders! Did you kill it?
I saw a spider and i got scared.
ask me for further details
['As you may know, our country is experience a very deep racial division and tension in the recent years. I am hopeful that we will get over it sooner or later']
With Trump in the presidency, it won't end soon.You can bet on that
Our country is in very racially intervened turmoil driven by political parties. I am optimistic we will solve it over time
['I get emotional about my brothers, they are very important to me']
I understand, I have a brother as well. Do they live with you?
I get emotional about my brothers, they are very important to me
ask me for further details