question or not
2 values
4 values
["My dog isn't feeling well"]
I'm sorry to hear that. Will you dog be okay?
My dog isn't feeling well
ask me for further details
I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
['My sister just had her first baby.', "That's great to hear. Was it a boy or a girl?", 'It was a girl. We are so very happy for her.']
Children are so amazing, and life changing. I hope your sister is ready for all the challenges that awake her.
My sister just had her first baby.
['The sun is shining here and I have no plans.', 'Sounds like a perfect day.', "Yeah - I'm very happy with it so far:-)"]
Glad to hear it, I hope I have a day like that soon.
The sun is shining and I have the day to myself.
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
['My brother is my best friend, we talk about everything, and we are always there for eachother.', "That's good to have a brother like that. Most don't seem to get along.", 'We used to not as kids, But now we are each other confidant.']
That's good. Myself and my sister have gotten closer as we got older.
Me and my brother are inseparable .
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
['I was up for promotion this year. I lost out to another coworker. I really thought I had it.']
Oh no, I'm sorry man. Hopefully next time. Were you at least able to reach out and see what you could improve upon?
I was up for promotion this year. I lost out to another coworker. I really though I had it.
ask me for further details
I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
['I left his house, filled up with his food and disgust. I left his fridge completely empty and feel guilth']
That would be hard to do and take courage.
There was a situation where I might of hurt my freinds feelings, I ate from my friends fridge and he had no more food left that day. He had to go to bed with no food. Hungry.
['I miss the smell of burnt hay in the fall, my hometown farmers used to do it every year.']
I get that, nothing can beat home!
I miss the smell of burnt hay in the fall, my hometown farmers used to do it every year.
["I have to put my dog down, she's so sick. I don't know how I am going to cope with this.", 'I have had to do this too with my best friends (My beloved dogs). It is hard. I know how you feel because I have been there more times then I want to remember.', 'How do you get through it?']
Minute by minute and I remind myself that my best friend is no longer in pain.
I have to put my dog down.
I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
['So... I am tired of getting cold french fries every time i go to this fast food restaurant.', "Haha, I'm with you. That's the worst, it almost ruins the meal.", 'Should I try a different place?']
You could, but it's always a gamble!
cold french fries
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
["I booked a boat trip once, but then we weren't allowed to go", 'Why were you not allowed to go?', 'Nobody had a license to drive the boat. There was some confusion about what license was needed. It was very disappointing.']
What did you do instead?
I was disappointed once when I had been promised a boat trip but then couldn't go because nobody had a license to drive the boat.
ask me for further details
['Riding a big roller coaster for the first time while having a fear of heights, I was kind of worried how I would do']
how was the experience?
Riding a big roller coaster for the first time while having a fear of heights, I was kind of worried how I would do
ask me for further details
['There is a little cat I tried to help last night.', 'What happened to it?', 'He ran when my dog charged at him though and I am scared of what has happened to him. A lot of cats get hit around here']
That sucks.
There is a little cat I tried to help last night. He ran when my dog charged at him though and I am scared of what has happened to him. A lot of cats get hit around here
["I've been at home homeschooling my girls for many years, but that time is coming to an end very quickly.", 'Why did you decide to change their education?', "My youngest was in a ballet company and public school just did not work for her. My oldest stayed in public school for awhile and then made the decision to come home in 8th grade. It's been a good decision for us, but it's really time for me to get back into the work force."]
that is an important steep you are taking in your life.
I've homeschooled my girls and one is graduating next year and the other in 2 years. I'm ready to get back out in the workforce
I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
["Going to a dim sum place after work. Haven't had some in a while", 'How is the food usually?', 'You mean other than than dim sum?']
Dim Sum specifically
Going to a dim sum place after work. Haven't had some in a while.
['I have a senior and a sophmore in high school this year.', 'Are they doing well in school?', 'They are both amazing students, but after seeing some new little girls going to their first ballet class this week, well the years just go by so fast.']
They do, just make sure to cherish it
I have a senior and a sophomore this year. Seeing all the little girls taking their first ballet class this week was a bit hard. The years go by so very fast.
['My 15 year old cat passed away recently. It hurts really bad. I spent a large amount of my life around that cat.', "Oh no, I'm sorry for your loss. Cats are such nice companions.", 'She was a very friendly cat. I will miss her. Hopefully I feel better as time passes.']
Yes, time will help get over those feelings. Do you plan to get another one?
My pet cat passed away. She was 15 years old. I am very sad about it.
ask me for further details
["I get to go to the thrift store this weekend and I haven't been in a long time! It's one of my favorite places to shop", 'I love going to the thrift stores as well! What did you by', "I am going to get some shirts. I'd love to buy even more but I really need shirts. I can find super nice brands for so cheap and new. It's better than buying the cheap new stuff on other websites that is bad quality. I love finding the deals! I am spoiled by 90% or more off."]
tell me about it!! I bought so many brand new shirts in a thrift store last year and they still look awesome because the quality was so great
I am excited I get to go to the thrift store and get some nice clothes this weekend.
['I am so mad! I just got charged double for something I only got one of!']
Oh my, I hope it was only a sincere error and not the charger being malicious
I am so mad! I just got charged double for something I only got one of!
["I used to be super self-conscious and afraid to say anything stupid when I was younger...I'd get humiliated at the dumbest things but these days I've got pretty thick skin"]
I am glad you grew out of your shell.
Can't really remember the last time I was humiliated...I've got pretty thick skin
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
["Tomorrow, I'm going on my first cruise!"]
Wow, that sounds really fun! I've never been on a cruise! How long will it be for?
I'm going on my first cruise!
ask me for further details
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
['So last night im in bed it was aorund 3 AM and i hear a crash in my garage', 'Really? Did you get up to see what made the sound?', 'Yeah I went and got my gun and went and checked it out. As I was going to it though I could still hear movement so i was worried about it being a break in.', 'Yeah, that noise would have scared me and I would have grabbed a weapon to.', 'Well turns out it was a hungry raccoon trying to get into my dogs food. I let him out and went back to bed.']
That's funny.
I heard a noise im my garage and was concerned since it was late at night
['I saw a clown walking down my street yesterday. I got so scared because I thought he was after me.']
Why did you think he was after you?
Yesterday I saw a clown walking down the street. I am afraid of clowns. I thought he would start chasing after me.
ask me for further details
["Its sad that some people can't afford the necessities in life."]
i could agree with this
I feel bad for those who cant afford the necessities in life.
['My husband passed away last year and with my kids out of the house, its often eerily quiet.', 'That does sound lonely. Do you have friends to turn to?', "I do have a few close friends that I'm very grateful for. Its just the evening hours that get to me the most."]
Well thats good. If you can find a hobby to occupy those evenings that would be best.
My husband passed away last year and with my kids out of the house, its often eerily quiet.
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
['I hope my real estate lady comes by Monday. She said she was busy and to call her Monday morning']
They are very busy but if she made an appointment with you then she should be there on Monday.
I hope my real estate lady comes by Monday. She said she's busy
['Have you ever felt lonely in your life? I felt once, when I went to Texas.', 'I suppose I have. Why did you go to Texas?', 'My boss sent me there! On a work trip']
Oh no! Were you all by yourself?
When I went to Texas for some office work. I was alone for almost two months. In that period of my life, I felt a lot lonely. No, one was there with me, not even my friends.
ask me for further details
['I am ready for my boxing match.', "Wow, that's pretty impressive! Have you been training a lot?", 'Yes, everyday for six months.']
That's awesome to have that type of dedication.
I am ready for my boxing match.
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
['I am in a long disance relationship', 'That must be hard sometimes, but I guess also has its advantages.', 'I am not interested in anyone else and I am busy with my kids but I miss him']
I bet. Maybe he will move closer to you soon.
I am in a long disance relationship
['I was so ready to go camping with my friends.']
I was so ready to go camping with my friends.
ask me for further details
["I've got a beach vacation coming up and I can't wait!"]
How exciting! I am jealous!
Beach vacation coming up
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
['I went into the bathroom at work today and someone had clogged it.']
Wow that's really frustrating.
I went into the bathroom at work today and someone had clogged it.
I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
['I have faith its going to be a good week. The weather will at least be nice']
Yeah, summer is a great season, have you been on vacation at all?
I do have some faith its going to be a good week. The weather should be nice
ask me for further details
['I have to go to jury duty later this week. I am real nervous about it', "I bet you'll do great. I would be nervous too. Hopefully it won't be anything too serious and more cut and dry decision. Have you gone before?", "I have gone way back in the day, I honestly don't remember what happened"]
i have never been before since I was either very ill or had babies/kids. Good luck and don't stress too much. You'll be great!
I have to go to jury duty later this week. I am pretty nervous about it
I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
['I just ate 5 donuts by myself', 'Really? That is much', 'Yeah. I feel ashamed.', "No don't be ashamed. Some times I eat more than 5 when am really hungry.", 'Really? Thanks for making me feel better']
You are welcome
I just ate 5 donuts by myself
['I got caught by the train and it made me late for work. I was so mad.', 'maybe go earlier later?', "That's just it though. You never know when the train is going to be there."]
oh, that's kind of weird
I got caught by the train and it made me late for work. I was so mad.
["My girlfriend's friend died in a car crash a few months ago. She took it really hard. It was terrible seeing her go through that. I stayed with her that whole week."]
Your an outstanding mate and great friend, she must have had a hard time my child hood friend died in a car crash and i felt dead inside for a long time
My girlfriend's close friend died recently. She could barely function for a week. I stayed with her the whole week and took care of her.
['I was in a bad car accident and I cant believe I survived!', 'Glad to hear you made it through. What caused the accident?', 'Some fellow who was drunk driving. I went home and prayed because I was so grateful to be alive.']
Drunk drivers are the worst. I am always on the look out for them because. I'd be thanking God too if I was in your shoes.
I was in a bad crash and survived
I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
['MY son woke up at the crack of dawn this morning']
Its summer vacation. I hope you got enough sleep or it might be a long day for you.
My son woke up soooo early this morning. I barely got any sleep.
['I have been faithful to my girlfriend of almost 3 years now']
Glad to hear that, I hope you continue to be faithful to her in the future.
I have been faithful to my girlfriend of almost 3 years now
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
["I checked my bank account this morning and I couldn't be happier."]
I love that feeling, though I don't experience it often. Why did it make you happy?
I was glad when I woke up this morning and saw that an expected paycheck finally posted.
ask me for further details
["I recently got a new job in a city three hours away in an industry that I've never worked in yet. I'm a bit nervous, but at the same time I'm excited."]
Congratulations, I'm sure you will do great. it's always nerve-racking the first day of work!
I'm moving to a new city and starting a new job in an industry I've never worked in. I'm both excited and nervous at the same time.
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
['I had to give a big presentation at work today. I prepared really hard for it. Unfortunatley when it became time for me to present I got really nervous and just froze up.']
Ohh, I feel sorry for you. It happens.
I had to give a presentation at work that I really prepared for. But when I began it I forgot everything that i had planned on saying.
I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
["A car hit me about 10 years. I awoke up in the morning naked and two womens wasking me for chirurgical operation. I felt so bad to be naked in front of people I don't know."]
You weren't thinking about the surgery at all?
A car hit me about 10 years. I awoke up in the morning naked and two womens wasking me for chirurgical operation. I felt so bad to be naked in front of people I don't know.
ask me for further details
['My transmission went out in my car at the worst possible time. No way could I afford to get it replaced or rebuilt. My dad was able to loan me $500 to get the new transmission, and my step dad was able to put it in.', "So is it working now? I need atransmission for an old volvo. I'm saving for a new car instead.", "It's still a work in progress, but we tested the transmission before we put it in. It works wonderfully and came out of a car that only has 90,000 miles on it, versus mine that has 200,000. I would like to get a new car, but I don't want to take on another payment until my house is paid off.", "Makes sense. I don't want any more bills until my kids are in school. Daycare is very expensive.", 'Yes it is! Especially for two!']
of course the 13 year old hates to babysit. I can't wait until she moves out. jk
My transmission went out in my car. My dad loaned me $500 to get it fixed.
['My family is helping out with the money for my marriage ceremony!']
you're very lucky to have such family! when are you getting married?
My family is helping out with the money for my marriage ceremony!
ask me for further details
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
['My son just got engaged to his girlfriend!']
That’s awesome! Is she a good one?
My son just got engaged to his girlfriend. I am so happy!
ask me for further details
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
["Ugh I can't believe what happened, he doesn't deserve this."]
What happened?
My friend got a new hot girlfriend
ask me for further details
["Today I needed to take my dog to the vet but I couldn't so I asked my sister to go. I am sure she will be able to handle it.", 'Is your dog ok?', 'Yes she is fine, it is just for a check up. I am sure my sister will not have any problems.']
Does your sister usually have problems?
Today I needed to take my dog to the vet but I couldn't so I asked my sister to go. I am sure she will be able to handle it.
ask me for further details
['There was this last piece of cake that I was eyeballing, but my husband ate it!', 'Did you tell him you wanted it?', 'Yes! I was so envious of him! It was my favorite flavor, too! Chocolate, oh well.']
Will he buy you a cake when you shop next time?
I really wanted the last piece of cake, but my husband ate it! It looked so good, too!
ask me for further details
['My son is getting ready for his senior year in high school. I have mixed feelings about it!']
your are torn between him being a man but you still think of him being your little boy
My son is getting ready for his senior year. I'm nervous about him leaving home next year.
['I got a new offer in another company, but i do not want to move', 'No. Why not?', 'my current employer is so comfortable and i have my peace of mind here. i have work life balance']
That's important. Maybe you're right to stick with it there.
I have recently got a new offer from another company but i do not want to move since am so comfortable with my current employer
I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
['I am going bungee jumping next weekend. I am pretty nervous and do not know what to expect.', "Whew, you're braver than I am.", 'Or stupider. I am not entirely sure. I certainly do not feel brave about it.']
I hope it all goes okay for you. Trust your instincts about doing it or not.
I am going bungee jumping for the first time next week and I am very nervous
I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
["I was working on a house and a whole section of it was infested with roaches. It was the scariest thing I've ever experienced with bugs. I hate them!", 'Oh that is so gross! I hate bugs too!', 'There were thousands of them and I have never seen it like that. My skin crawls just thinking about it!']
I hope none of them found a way home with you.
I was working on a house and a whole section of it was infested with roaches. It was the scariest thing I've ever experienced with bugs. I hate them!
['i cant wait for monday!']
What is going on Monday?
i cant wait for monday!
ask me for further details
['I was just thinking about the Sunday dinners we use to have at my grannys.', 'Do you not have them anymore?', 'She passed away', "I'm sorry to hear that", 'Its okay. She was very ill.']
Well she is in a better place.
I miss Sunday dinners at my grandmothers. We would have so much fun.
['My husband dropped my favorite coffee mug this morning.... what a start of the day', 'Ouch! Sorry to hear that! Are you mad at him?', "I got over it but I'm sad about my mug... he owes me one"]
I bet he does! But it was just an accident so hopefully you can forgive him.
My husband dropped my favorite coffee mug this morning.... what a start of the day
['My dog pooped on the rug today.']
That is funny. Dogs can be careless. You should take better care of it
My dog pooped on the rug today. I was so peeved!
please give me some advices.
["The most awful time of my life was when my wife went to jail for a month. I'm glad it's all over."]
holy cow! Why did she go to jail?
The most awful time of my life was when my wife went to jail for a month. I'm glad it's all over.
ask me for further details
['I miss my family members as they all pretty much gone now...']
Sorry to hear that.
I'be been thinking a lot about my childhood lately, sort or reminiscing.
I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
['Feeling a bit scared about the weekend.', 'Feeling a bit scared about the weekend.', 'Why?']
I have a hard time with my anxiety sometimes and I will be alone a lot this weekend. I don't like free time, I like to stay busy so I don't think much.
Feeling a bit scared about the weekend. I have a hard time with my anxiety sometimes and I will be alone a lot this weekend.
["These days I feel like I got it all. I'm not rich by any means but I am enriched by a loving wife, children and a dog.", "I think I have a problem with jealousy because it's starting all over again. What sort of dog do you have?", "A boxer named Samson, he's six years old. He's a great dog!"]
You're so lucky. I'm sure you've earned that sense of personal enrichment. You deserve it.
I'm happy with my life at the moment. I have a wife, kids and a dog who I love very much.
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
['I am terrified of spiders, one time I saw one on my wall and stared at it for hours to keep track of where it was']
What makes you so afraid of them? They do eat all the other creepy-crawlies, after all.
I am terrified of spiders
ask me for further details
['I got tickets to go to the Amusment park this weekend.']
Nice. Which one?
I am ready to go to a amusement park with my son.
ask me for further details
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
['i cant wait for the weekend', 'The week just started, ha ha. Do you have some fun plans?', 'yea i want to go fly fishing']
Awesome, my brother-in-law does that. He loves it. Hope its beautiful weather for you!
i cant wait for the weekend!
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
['I am over the moon about my son graduating from college this year.']
That is great, what school did he go to?
I am over the moon about my son graduating from college this year.
ask me for further details
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
["I'm not looking forward to tomorrow :/"]
Why? What happened?
Riding coasters this weekend
ask me for further details
["I'm looking forward to going home and relaxing on the couch."]
Sounds wonderful! Nothing better than putting your feet up at the end of the day. Think you might watch some tv?
I'm looking forward to going home and relaxing on the couch.
ask me for further details
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
["So this month we're finishing refinancing student loans, buying a house, and my wife just got another job."]
Congratulations! That sounds like a lot of great news in one month!
We're refinancing student loans, buying a house, and my wife is getting a new job.
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
['This road trip was going to be perfect, I didnt forget anything this time.']
Where are you going on your road trip?
Literally I had every single supply I needed for this road trip.
ask me for further details
['I was home alone and someone was in the carport looking in a window']
That sounds kind of suspicious.
I was home alone and someone was in the carport looking in a window
['Lifes good right now got a good paying job , all bills getting payed, not late on anything plus money on the side to go out , i am just overall happy in life right now', "Man, I'm jealous! I'm still a college student, barely paying rent! And nothing but student loans to look forward to. I probably should have taken your path in life. Not to say you haven't worked very hard for it, because I'm sure you have.", 'I am sure you will do well eventually , just keep setting goals an surpassing them , once u pass your goals , create new goals and keep winning in life !!!']
Hey I really appreciate that advice. I need to take it. I'm horrible at setting goals. I just move in a general direction. I need to break things down step by step. We'll see how it goes.
lifes going good right now
I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
["I'm doing a pretty good job balancing work and school right now. School is about to start up again, and I've managed to maintain my savings and pay off my student loans a little bit while still in school. I don't feel like a lot of other students can say that, and I'm happy", "I'm so proud of you! That's a lot to deal with all at once!", "Yeah, but I'm glad I'm doing it this way, since it's kind of grounding me and teaching me the harder things I need to learn about not spending too much. I'm still drowning in student loan debt no matter how hard I try, though"]
It's worth it! It'll teach you a lot that you'll use later in life
I'm doing a pretty good job balancing work and school right now. School is about to start up again, and I've managed to maintain my savings and pay off my student loans a little bit while still in school. I don't feel like a lot of other students can say that, and I'm happy
I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
['My dog yakked all over the carpet last night.']
Wow, that is very annoying. What will you do clean the carpet?
My dog vomited on the carpet yesterday.
ask me for further details
['i was mad when i saw there was a dent in my car door.']
Do you know how it happened?
i was mad when i saw there was a dent in my car door
ask me for further details
I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
['i realy hate my post office']
What did they do for you to hate them?
I really dont like my post office. They had suxh bad attitudes when you have to go up there
ask me for further details
['Yesterday I left the office only to find that my car had a flat tire in the parking lot.']
Oh no! You must have been pretty frustrated.
I got a flat tire at work and a coworker fixed it for me. I was very thankful.
['i cant wait to go on my trip next week', 'Oh yea? when is the trip?', 'next week its gonna be great']
I bet you are going with a loved one that's why you are so anxious about the trip
i cant wait to go on my trip next week
['I was on my way to an interview the other day and was overly anxious.']
Oh, those are never fun. But they usually end up being better than you expect.
I felt anxious when I went to my interview the other day. Even though I was more than prepared, I was still overly nervous.
['I was nervous going on a first date last weekend. I thought about not going']
That is understandable. Did you end up going?
I was nervous going on a first date last weekend. I thought about not going
ask me for further details
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
['I cant wait to take some time off of work. I have an awesome beach trip coming up next week.', 'Thats awesome. Make sure you wear sunscreen. Dont want to get burned', 'That would be the worst. I cant wait to just lay around all day drinking cold beers on the beach.']
I need some time off of work too. Maybe I should take a vacation!
I have a really awesome beach trip coming up next week. I cant wait to take some time off of work.
["I'm sure our dance show will go well. We've practiced for months."]
That's awesome. You must have trained really hard.
I'm sure our dance show will go well. We've practiced for months.
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
['I ran a mile in under 6 minutes for the first time']
What! That seems really fast! Did you train alot? That is amazing!
I ran a mile in under 6 minutes for the first time.
ask me for further details
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
['Just got dumped by my Girlfriend.']
Ouch! I am sorry to hear that!
My girlfriend left me for another man. It was on christmas.
I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
['Yesterday I was notified that I did not receive a promotion at work. Really sucked.', 'That is so disappointing. Will you stay there?', "I'm not sure. I'm so depressed that I don't know what to do now."]
That's too bad. Maybe explore some other options and see how you feel.
Yesterday I was notified that I didn't get a promotion. I was upset.
I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
['I am sure the democrats will win in November.', "That's probably true, but who knows in this country.", 'All the indicators are favorable.Trump needs to get his ass kicked.']
I hope so. I think he will be out, but apparently his approval rating has gone up.
I am sure the democrats will win in November.
['I think something bad could happen on my vacation. I should cancel.']
Why? What are you worried about?
I think something bad could happen on my vacation.
ask me for further details
['I am moving to new appartment. The new neighborhood is so nice. I am so happy that I found this appartment.']
That is great, congratulations on the new place. Is it somewhere you have wanted to move for a while now?
I am moving to new appartment. The new neighborhood is so nice. I am so happy that I found this appartment.
ask me for further details
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
['I was so nervous going to the dentist today, I thought I would pass out!']
Oh no, did it end up okay?
Today going to the dentist I was going to have my first root canal done ever along with three other teeth worked on. I knew I would be numbed but that came with the price of a needle being used. I was very nervous and worried.
ask me for further details
['I wish I could work less.. i feel so bad that i dont get to spend as much time with my daughter.']
I hear ya. Anyway to get a new job?
I feel bad that I work too much and dont see my daughter.
ask me for further details
['I am off to London Next month', 'Really? Business or pleasure?', 'Pleasure !!. Am meeting my friend after a long time. I am so excited']
I'm sure you'll have a great time. I've been a few tiomes but only for work so never seen the sights.
I am off too London, Meeting my friend after long time
['A few weeks ago i went to mcdonalds for lunch i waited 20 minutes no food, i went up and asked for my food since i only get 20 minutes , they said an error occurred and gave me my food within 20 seconds i was so mad', 'It has been really dry here, as well. We are in a severe drought for the third time in four years.', 'what ? are you talking about']
mcdonalds forgot my food
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
['My new semester is starting up next week and I am crossing my fingers it will be a good one.']
If you go into it with a good attitude, I'm sure at the very least it won't be bad. What kind of classes will you be taking?
My new semester starts in a week and I'm crossing my fingers it will be a good one.
ask me for further details
['i knew i shouldnt have trusted by brother to care for my dog', 'Oh no. What happened?', 'got out of the gate, and ran away']
How long ago was this?
i knew i shouldnt have trusted by brother to care for my dog
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['My son is turning two in a couple of months and it is making me a little sad.']
Why is that making you sad?
My son's birthday is coming up and this even is making me feel this way.
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['A man was chasing after me because I did not give him money.']
did he catch you
A man was chasing after me because I did not give him money. I was scared for my life.
["I've been with my employer for 8 years. They're going through a tough time now, and I'm trying to do my best although the work has been really hectic"]
Are they going to shut down?
I've been with my employer for 8 years. They're going through a tough time now, and I'm trying to do my best although the work has been really hectic.
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['Looking through my old picture albums really had me thinking of the past. It made me reminisce about the days gone by.', 'Yes, Life moves so fast its truly hard to believe some times.', 'Seems like in the blink of an eye sometimes.']
I couldn't agree more, Sometimes It feels like I was a little kid just yesterday.
Looking through my old picture albums really had me thinking of the past. It made me reminisce about the days gone by.
["I came home from work.. and opened my mail up.. and you won't believe what I got in the mail.", 'What did you get in the mail?', 'I got a repo notice for my car. I am so upset.', 'That is awful, did you miss some payments?', 'Yes.. but I had a valid reason. Cries..', 'Whats the reason?', "I couldn't work I was taking care of my sick husband."]
I'm sorry to hear that, how is he feeling now?
I came home from work.. and opened my mail up.. and you won't believe what I got in the mail.
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I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
['I cannot wait for the weekend. I get to see some old friends']
I cannot wait for the weekend. I get to see an old friend
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['I get sentimental about my family, they mean a lot to me and I do not know what I would do without them']
I know what you mean. My family is the only thing that keeps me going.
I get sentimental about my family, they mean a lot to me and I do not know what I would do without them
I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.