question or not
2 values
4 values
["I've decided to ask the girl of my dreams to marry me. I'm sure she will say yes.", "That's great! Congratulations! That's exciting, and I'm sure if you're confident she will, then she will!", "I do feel confident about it. We haven't met in person yet, but she is coming to visit me in Nigeria tom"]
Oh, okay. Well, that is a bit different, but good luck!
I've decided to ask the girl of my dreams to marry me. I'm sure she will say yes.
["I'm planning a birthday party for my mom and she lives in another state. So I'm using a caterer that lives near her and banking on them doing a good job."]
Oh wow.. are you going there to surprise her
I'm planning a birthday party for my mom and she lives in another state. So I'm using a caterer that lives near her and banking on them doing a good job.
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
['So I found some old boxes in my basement the other day. Remember high school?', 'You found nice memories. Yes. I finished high School 14 yrs ago. What about you?', "It's been a little longer than that for me. In the boxes were some notes passed to me by my first girlfriend."]
Awww, that is cute. Is she married already? or are u married with someone else?
I was going through some old boxes the other day and found a bunch of notes that were passed to me from my girlfriend in high school..... ahh, first love....
ask me for further details
['I was in charge of a group that was carrying out an expedition around some mountains. We were out there for 3 days!']
What was the weather like?
I was leading an expedition around mountains.
ask me for further details
['Our team have achieved the best project in IT department.', 'what project is that', 'It is about using artificial intelligence in processing client claim to detect fraud.']
oh that sounds interesting
Our team have achieved the best project in IT department.
['My daughters are musicians, the youngest a pianist, and the oldest a violinist.']
I congratulate you on your children .... That says a lot about you as a father o mother
I've been very pleased with my daughters' musical performances.
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
['I finally feel like everything is coming together for me, either that or I have just learned how to control my stress.']
How is everything coming together?
i feel like my life is coming together finally or else i am learning how to cope with the stress
ask me for further details
['Met my friend way back from elementary school. She grew up to be a hottie!']
that is interesting. did you ever date?
Met my friend way back from elementary school. She grew up to be a hottie!
ask me for further details
["I had to rely on my own primal instincts and the Universe's subtle signs to guide me when I was homeless", 'im sorry to hearyou were homeles', "Thanks lol it wasn't that bad I had the support of my friends. I'm fully self-employed with my own car, apartment, and sustainable income these days. Total 180!"]
That is great congrat!
When I was homeless I had nowhere to go...I literally had to rely on my own instincts and the Universe to guide me to where I needed to be
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
["We had to make a BIG move from Hawaii to Nashville when my husband lost a job. We didn't know anybody here but we just had to believe it would turn out okay...", 'Wow! That is a huge move! How long ago was that and are things going well? Do you miss Hawaii?', "It's been almost 3 years and it's been ups and downs. We like it here, but we miss Hawaii like crazy!"]
I can imagine. Hawaii seems like a beautiful place!
We had to move from Hawaii to Mainland because my husband lost a job. We didn't really have a job lined up, but we've decided to move to Nashville. We just had to believe things would turn out ok.
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
['I went to this new restaurant and it wasa amazing', 'What kind of restaurant?', 'Italian. And the head chef was 19. It was crazy']
Man that is pretty crazy being that young even.
I went to a restaurant with a 19 year old head chef. He was amazing.
['Me and this girl on Tinder seemed to really like each other until she randomly decided to ghost me.', 'haha, foids am i right?', "I feel you bro, I just wish they wouldn't find a better guy and run off."]
yep, hypergamy is a real killer
I really liked this girl that I matched with on Tinder and she seemed to really like me too. Then all of a sudden she ghosted me and it really shocked and made me sad too.
["I can't wait for the movie Mile 22 to come out. I love seeing UFC fighters in movies!", 'I have not seen any UFC movies. I guess I should watch one to give them a chance.', "They are decent actors but I just love seeing them in Hollywood and given a chance. It's so cool."]
Who are some of your favorite fighters?
I can't wait for the movie Mile 22 to come out. I love seeing UFC fighters in movies!
ask me for further details
["well, it's time. I'm going to ask the girl of my dreams out on a date"]
That's a good idea!
I'm going to finally ask my crush out on a date and I know she'll say yes
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
['what do you want to here', 'Well, you are supposed to tell me about something that made you feel a certain way. Please share.', 'o ok it was about this job i got it was the best and it made me feel good about my self it was my first job in 3 years']
That's great! Having a job is a big deal - and I'm sure it was a blessing after not having one for three years!! Congrats to you!
i felt that way when i got a new job
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
['I just heard back from my Doctor and I need surgery.', "Oh no! I'm so sorry are you going to be alright?", 'I hope so. I have a liver disorder that we thought was under control with medication, but my health just took a nose dive, so it is all up in the air.']
Oh god I'm so sorry for you! I hope everything goes well
I just heard back from my Doctor and I need surgery.
I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
['When I am laying with my wife, i dint think there is anything else more in the world i could need.', "That's so sweet", 'Yes, I am so lucky to have her in my life. I dont think i would make it otherwise lol she takes care of me']
I bet she feels the same about you
I was laying with my wife feeling liek I had it all.
['I know that the US will qualify for the next World Cup.']
I honestly hope they do not.
I know that the US will qualify for the next World Cup.
['I have the best wife ever.', 'Why is that?', 'She is just so loving and supporting']
What is her name, you seem so lucky.
I have the best wife ever. She loves and supports me.
['I was on my drive home from work today and this guy started following me. It was kind of scary', 'oh my goodness. what did you do? are you alright?', 'I was worried he was going to follow me home. eventually he went a different way. but it was scary']
i would have pulled into a public place or police station. i'm so sorry that happened to you but glad you are ok.
I was driving and this guy started following no matter which turn i took. I was worried that he was going to follow me home
I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
["I wanted to visit with my mom but we hadn't been speaking in awhile so I was nervous.", 'That sounds troubling. How did your visit go?', 'It was okay, a bit tense but mostly okay.']
Well that sounds like it worked out fairly well fortunatley.
I wanted to visit with my mom, but it had been a long time and I was nervous.
['Planning out my new home has turned out to be a blast!', 'What kind of house are you building?', 'I just moved in so it is already built. Just working on planning out decorating and appliances and such.']
That sounds great. What are you most excited for?
I was so happy when I moved in to my new home. My girlfriend and I have been saving for awhile and we finally got the keys last month. Now we can finally move on with our life plans.
ask me for further details
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
["I haven't been able to find my phone charger in 2 days.... grrrrr!", 'Well, I think you should get a new one', 'Yes I am, I give up looking']
You can ask your best friends if they have a spare before spending money on a new one though
I haven't been able to find my phone charger in 2 days.... grrrrr!
["A random number won't stop calling me, even after I blocked them. I can't stand it!"]
Oh man! That would scare the heck out of me
A random number won't stop calling me, even after I blocked them. I can't stand it!
['I just got a huge raise at work.']
That must be great!
I just got a huge raise at work.
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
["I just got promoted to be a supervisor at my job. I'm so happy that my employer promoted me!"]
That is great. It is always good to have some recognition for the good job done.
I got a promotion at work and I'm really excited and happy. All my hard work has paid off!
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
['Seeing people in great physical shape makes me so inspired. Also, lowkey envious!']
It seems like an almost unachievable goal, especially at my age.
Seeing people in great physical shape makes me so inspired. Also, lowkey envious!
['Did you know today is my birthday?']
No, Congratulation. Do you have something planned today?
I can't believe they threw me a party for my birthday!
ask me for further details
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
["I found out recently that my school processed my financial aid paperwork improperly. So I won't be able to attend school this semester."]
Oh no. That happened to my sister last year. We were able to work out a plan, but she had to get a loan temporarily.
I found out recently that my school processed my financial aid paperwork improperly. So I won't be able to attend school this semster.
I was in a situation where I was standing outside with a group of friends. Out of nowhere, gang members showed up and pointed a gun at us. This was alarming to say the least.
["I don't really trust people but i sure do trust my wife! She is so amazing, i know she would never lie to me, she simply can't lie"]
Has she tried to lie before but just been a terrible liar?
I don't really trust people but i do trust my wife
ask me for further details
['My new Tesla drove on autopilot effortlessly on the highway.', 'Amazing. Is that even legal though?', 'I am not sure, I had my hands just above the wheel though. I was really impressed that it drove so well.']
That's cool. Were you scared?
My new Tesla drove on autopilot perfectly.
ask me for further details
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
['My brother is really great at math. When I was taking a really hard math course he was so happy to help me throughout it and I did great in the class thanks to him!', 'You must have thanked him for it. He is a smart brother!', 'I did thank him a lot. He knows how much it meant to me.']
Good on you. Your brother should consider being a teacher!
My brother is a math wizard. I was taking a math class that I found really tough. He tutored me through the whole semester and I got a great final grade. I really appreciate his efforts!
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
['My sky diving instructor was strapped to my back, and I had not a care in the world.', 'Do you feel their weight?', 'yes, we were flying through the air. But i felt very safe.']
Sounds exciting. Will you do it again?
I had no fear that my sky diving instructor had my life in his hands
ask me for further details
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
['I was golfing this weekend, and in the middle of my round it started storming and hailing!', 'Oh no, that must have ruined the round!', 'Oh it did. I was in a bad mood the rest of the day!']
Hopefully you got a refund.
I was in the middle of golf and it started hailing. I could not finish my round
['I found my grandfathers old watch he used to wear all the time. It really reminds me of him a lot.']
That is pretty neat especially if it gives you good memories!
I found my grandfathers old watch he used to wear all the time. It really reminds me of him a lot.
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
['I am excited for the new super smash bros game coming out for the nintendo switch soon']
when is the release date
I am excited for the new super smash bros game coming out for the nintendo switch soon
['I was heartbroken when my grandmother passed away, it still hurts me a lot', 'I understand. I had the same feeling. When did she passed away?', 'in 2011, so a few years ago now']
How old was she when she passed away?
I was heartbroken when my grandmother passed away, it still hurts me a lot
ask me for further details
['I won $400 in a raffle!', 'Oh my gosh! You are so lucky! What was the raffle?', 'It was for employees at my work. Just something special they do when we do a good job.']
That's great. You must work for a good company.
I won $400 in a raffle. I can't wait to get it!
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
['Its crazy to get news that can make you happy and scared at the same time!', 'What kind of news did you get?', 'My wife and I just found out that we are expecting our first child. Its pretty exciting. I gotta start saving up money now though.']
That is exciting! But you are write - children are expensive!
I just found out that my wife and I are expecting our fist baby. I am super excited
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
["I didn't call my mom back the other day even though I said I would...I feel kinda bad."]
Well, you can call her today and make up for it?
I didn't call my mom back the other day even though I said I would.
ask me for further details
["I just broke up with my girlfriend of 4 years. She left the apartment to me. I'm all by myself."]
I'm sorry. Do you enjoy having the apartment to yourself?
I just broke up with my girlfriend of 4 years.
ask me for further details
I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
["My grades come back this week and I can't wait.", 'That sounds exciting! I hope you did well.', 'Thanks, I think I did, but we will see!']
I'm hoping for you! I always got stressed out waiting for grades too. Despite knowing that I did well.
My grades are coming back this week and I can't wait.
I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
['When shopping, I found a pants that I liked, but my partner insisted on getting different one. We argued and people were staring at us']
Don't you pick out your own clothes?
Me and my partner were in disagreement in the shopping mall and everyone was watching us
ask me for further details
['My friend asked his girlfriend of 8 years to marry him, and she said no.', 'Wow, why stay with him for so long if she was going to say no?', 'Who even knows. I definitely feel bad for my buddy.']
Yeah man, that sucks
My friend asked his girlfriend of 8 years to marry him, and she said no.
["My birthday is coming up later this week. I'm so excited!"]
Well Happy early Birthday! I hope you enjoy it, when it comes.
My birthday is coming up this week. I'm feeling so excited!
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
['I stole candy from the store when I was a kid. I still think of it to this day.']
I did that too! I remember it was a package of Big League Chew. My mom took me back to the store and made me talk to the manager. Did you have to do that as well?
I stole candy from the store when I was a kid. I still think about it till this day.
ask me for further details
['My wife got the flu yesterday. I ended up staying home to make sure she was ok.']
Good job. Is she better now?
My wife got the flu yesterday. I ended up staying home to make sure she was ok.
ask me for further details
['I saw a ghost in my house last night.', "Oh my god. That's so scary!", 'I know that sounds crazy, but I have never been so frightened in my life! It was terrifying for sure.']
Yeah I can imagine. I would be moving out right away!
I saw a ghost in my house last night. I know that sounds crazy, but I have never been so frightened in my life.
['I did some maintenance on my car and learned how to change out the thermostat. It was very easy using Youtube as guidance!']
it's insane how Youtube and the internet overall are so helpful!
I changed out my car's thermostat the other day. After watching a Youtube video on how to do it I felt assured I could do it myself.
['I cannot wait for the new Pokemon game to come out soon!']
How good. I think you like it a lot
I cannot wait for the new Pokemon game to come out soon!
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
['My girlfriend dumped me yesterday.', "Oh man, that's a bummer, how did that happened?", 'She found someone new. I am so hurt right now.']
Was she honest about it or did you find out the hard way?
My girlfriend dumped me yesterday. I am so hurt right now.
ask me for further details
['I thought a free trial date was Aug 10th, not the 8th so I was charged last night!', 'Oh, that sucks. It has happened to me before too.', "It was the first day at MIDNIGHT for a month of software though and I hadn't even touched it most of the free trial and I deleted my acct so I can't use it anyway. They don't have a PHONE number and the CS rep was SO nasty and said I couldn't be refunded on a software I am not even USING and I was JUSt charged! I couldn't believe how nasty the rep was! I wanted to smack her!", "I'm sorry for how she treated you. Even if she couldn't refund the money, she could have been more polite. Maybe you could talk to someone else and try to download it again so that you at least have the software.", 'I was refunded! A dispute would cost them more, so she was super snotty and refunded it!']
I wish she was nicer to you, but I'm glad that you got your money back.
I thought a free trial date was Aug 10th, not the 8th so I was charged last night! However they don't have a PHONE number and the CS rep was SO nasty and said I couldn't be refunded on a software I am not even USING and I was JUSt charged! I couldn't believe how nasty the rep was! I wanted to smack her!
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
["The new school year has begun and I'm can't wait to see what the future has to offer"]
The new school year has begun and I'm can't wait to see what the future has to offer
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
['When he was little, my nephew was so adorable. He was the first child in the family for a long time, and he was so cute. I loved to spend time with him.', "Awww, you're speaking fondly on when he was young. Is he not as nice anymore?", "Oh he's still nice. He has some issues, though, but I love him very much of course."]
That's depressing to here. I have family members who are still cool now as well, but I just think so fondly on when they were younger. They grow up too fast, and it really is amazing when they're young and innocent and haven't been exposed to the real world yet.
My nephew was so sweet and adorable. I just wanted to hug him and spend time with him. He was the first child in the family for a long time, so it was special.
I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
['I was in the city last week, I saw a homeless man picking through the garbage', 'Did you stop to help him?', 'No I was grossed out by him digging through the trash and eating it.']
We've all been least I have.
I was in the city last week, I saw a homeless man picking through the garbage. I was mortified
['I think I will get my debt paid off sooner than I originally planned!']
That's so awesome! What a huge relief that must be.
I think I will get my debt paid off sooner.
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
['My wife has been extra cranky lately.']
Make her dinner one night to cheer her up
I'm a bit uneasy with my wife lately.
['I was so shocked when my great grandpa visited the other day. He never leaves his house.']
That sounds like such a surprise. Does he have a disability that keeps him at home?
My great grandpa visited me out of the blue. I was so shocked. He never leaves his house.
ask me for further details
["I booked a cheap mystery hotel room on and was pretty happy to find out when I got in that it's a 4 star hotel!", 'Its nice to find good deals', 'I agree, was pleasantly surprised at how nice it is! Really lucked out']
I hope you have fun
booked a cheap hotel for my work trip and its surprisingly upscale and nice
['When my spouse was out of town, a friend tried to kiss me!']
wow, i do not know either to say, way to go or you better not
When my spouse was out of town for work, a friend stopped by to visit. This friend offered to kiss me, but I declined and asked the friend to leave. I only have interest in my spouse in this way.
["I've never been a big roller coaster fan. I don't know if you like them or not, but they scare me.", 'Oh I love the thrill of a good roller coaster.', 'Well, someone I was conned into getting on one and before I knew it, I was strapped in and could not get off. I literally felt my heart stop.']
It's definitely not for everyone. You either love them or you don't.
I am not a big roller coaster fan. Somehow I was drug on one and before I knew it I was strapped in and could not get off.
I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
["My cable bill is so high it's ridiculous.", "Why don't you change your provider?", "I don't have a choice. It makes me so mad!"]
Why you don't have a choice?
My cable bill is so high it's ridiculous. It makes me so mad.
ask me for further details
["A lady left her young kid in the car yesterday alone in front of the gas station. I would have video taped it but my mom told me after she left. Anything could've happened..and too boot- we are in the ghetto.", 'Some people are just so careless... I am sure your mom was keeping a good eye on the child. shame on the parent tho.', "My mom saw it when she came out- It was hot out too- child in a car seat..YOUNG- Screaming. Seriously? I just don't get it- Even in a nice town your child can get stolen in a second."]
I know its a pain in the rear to lug them around but you have to. I lug mine around like a kangaroo with her kid in her pouch.
I was furious when a lady left her child in the car. Yesterday at the gas station.
please give me some advices.
['I signed up to go on a cruise! This will be my first in so many years! I am looking forward to it!', 'Yes cruises are awesome. I am sure you will enjoy it.', 'It is a writing cruise so I will be with other writers.']
Nice, hopefully you many good writers and keep in touch with them!
I signed up for a cruise! I haven't been on one in so many years and am really looking forward to it.
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
['I was proud of my dad when he retired. He worked hard for a long time', "Aww that's sweet. Did you get to have a party for him or anything?", 'We all went out to eat at a nice restaurant']
That sounds lovely. I hope your dad is enjoying his well-earned retirement now.
I was proud when my dad retired. He worked hard for a long time
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
['My brothers baseball skills always wowed me', 'How long has he been playing?', 'Since he was 4 years old']
so along time?
My brother has always wowed me with his ability to play baseball
ask me for further details
["I can't get much done either because I have 3 kids that always seem to need something or got somewhere."]
That's frustrating. How on earth do you ever get something done?
My husband went out of town for the weekend and I stayed home. For once, I was able to get things done around the house with someone always interrupting.
ask me for further details
I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
['My darling companion of 5 years died yesterday, I feel so lonely']
Oh no, who was it?
My darling companion of 5 years died yesterday, I feel all alone
ask me for further details
['I met a girl in college and we had a date yesterday. It went very good and I am very positive about out future relationship']
Nice! Do you see yourself marrying her?
I had a date yesterday with a girl i met in our college campus. I think it went very good as i was expecting
ask me for further details
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
["I love the new apartment I moved into, but the only down side is I can hear traffic all night long. It's so annoying!"]
I remember my first city apartment, the lights and sirens. It can be difficult.
I love the new apartment I moved into, but the only down side is I can hear traffic all night long. It's so annoying!
["I don't know if you have kids, but my sister in law is a person that should have never had them.", 'I do. Why do you say that about her?', 'She refuses to take care of them, letting my mother in law basically raise them, while she goes out and spends every dime she makes on herself.']
That's terrible. Her kids are going to resent her.
My sister in law should have never had kids. She refuses to take care of them and let's my mother in law basically raise them while she goes out and spends all sorts of money on herself.
I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
["I am anxiously awaiting a second puppy from a dog I rescued. I thought she might be pregnant but then I thought she wasn't after a week."]
Oh wow, where do you get these pets? from a shelter or off the street?
I am anxiously awaiting a second puppy from a dog I rescued. I thought she might be pregnant but then I thought she wasn't after a week. proved that wrong! She is a bit neurotic as a mother though
ask me for further details
['In all seriousness, even as an adult, I am scared of the dark. I think it is from all the scary movies I used to watch as a child.']
Do you have a night light?
Honestly, I am, for the most part, scared of the dark. I think it is from all the scary movies I watched when I was a kid.
ask me for further details
['I am afraid my neighbors are causing snakes to come over my way.']
What are they doing to cause you to think that?
My neighbors left town and the weeds are so high, I'm afraid snakes might start living over there.
ask me for further details
['I have been avoiding watching a scary movie for months']
I used to like watching scary movies. Not my thing anymore.
I have been putting off watching a scary movie with my daughter for months now. I cant
["Ok, buckle up this one's sad. My fiance died when i was 18"]
What happened?
My fiance died when I was 18
ask me for further details
['I was climbing the steers']
really? what happened afterwards?
My pants had a tear
ask me for further details
['this weekend i found an old pyrex like my mom used to have']
That's cool. I bet it brought back memories of your mom in the kitchen using it!
this weekend i found an old pyrex like my mom used to have
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
['My boyfriend broke up with me and I understand but I miss him a lot. I liked having him around, he always made me laugh and not feel like I was doing everything on my own.', "I'm sorry that happened. Do you still have contact with him?", "Nah, I'm doing that whole no contact thing that people suggest."]
Cliche as it is, time heals all wounds and whatnot. I hope you can find somebody just as great as him or learn to be content on your own!
My boyfriend broke up with me.
I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
["It took me 5 hours to bake this cake for my daughter, and now it's missing.", 'hrmm, did it grow legs and walk away?', 'I hope not.']
you probably need to think about setting up a search crew
It took me 5 hours to bake this cake for my daughter, and now it's missing.
['I am waiting for my medical tests to come back.', 'Are you worried and nervous?', 'Somewhat, but I am confident they will come back okay.']
I hope they do and everything is ok
I am waiting for my medical tests to come back. I am confident they will come back okay.
['I am feeling very happy because my mother is coming to see me.', 'When is she coming?', 'I was just talking to her. She will be coming this month.']
How long is she staying?
My mother is coming to visit me and I am so happy.
ask me for further details
['I went for a walk yesterday and stepped in some dog poop, gross.']
Lol! The real question is...was the poop fresh or old? I hate that shit, no pun intended
I went for a walk yesterday and stepped in some dog poop.
ask me for further details
["I went to pick up my car from the mechanic and found a huge scratch on the side! They are saying they didn't do it! I am so mad right now!"]
Oh my gosh. I am not surprised they denied any wrong doing. I think that is typical of mechanics. What do you plan to do about it?
I went to pick up my car from the mechanic and found a huge scratch on the side! They are saying they didn't do it! I am so mad right now!
ask me for further details
["I remember my grandma being in the hospital a lot when I was little. We were called in quite a few times because she wasn't expected to make it through the night."]
That is extremely sad. That must have been difficult.
When I was little, I believed in God to take care of my family.
I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
['my daughter left our freezer open for hours today.', 'Uh oh! Was everything ruined?', 'We only had popsicles in there. But I wanted those popsicles lol']
Oh how disappointing.
I can't believe my daughter left the freezer open. The popsicles melted.
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
["I'm really looking forward to going back to college.", 'Yeah - what will you be studying?', "I'm studying computer engineering but the main thing that I'm looking forward to is having my own room!"]
Ahh - when you are home do you have to share?
I can't wait for college to start up. I'm living in a big 4 person apartment and I'll have my own room and all that.
ask me for further details
['I was cleaning out a big closet today and found some Christmas ornaments of my kids feet when they were babies. So small and precious!', 'oh thats sweet.. put them up this yeqar', "I definitely will! I can't wait because I love Christmas time. I feel like a big kid during that season."]
thats great.. i love christmas time as well
I was cleaning out a big closet today and found some Christmas ornaments of my kids feet when they were babies. So small and precious!
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
['We had a storm last night and lost power.', 'Oh no. How long was the power out for?', 'It was only off for a little over 2 hours, but I could not find a flashlight and it was so scary.']
That sounds awful!
We had a storm last night and lost power. I couldn't find a flashlight. It was so scary.
I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
['I was pleasantly shocked to get a visit from my brother the other day. Made me happy to see him after such a long time.', 'How long has it been?', 'I think it has been something like 2 years now since I saw him since I live out of country sometimes.']
Oh ok. Well that's awesome. What did you guys do?
I was pleasantly shocked to get a visit from my brother the other day. Made me happy to see him after so long.
ask me for further details
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
['I studied so hard for that test and it didnt matter.', 'Did you not get a good grade on it?', "I got a 50% which isn't good enough to me."]
Well it could be worse. You'll do better next time I'm sure of it.
When I got an awful mark on my math test. I studied hard.
I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
['I have a big test coming up.']
What subject is it in?
I have a big test coming up. If I don't pass, it is going to really affect me negatively.
ask me for further details
['I have some skin problems. I am scared.']
Have you seen doctor
I have some skin problems. I am scared.
["I was traveling last month and the airplane smelled like it hadn't been cleaned for months.", 'That must have been unbearable. Did you complain to the staff about the smell?', 'I did because I was disgusted by it! Safe to say, I am never flying American Airlines again!']
Good, I would avoid that airline too.
The airplane smelled like it hadn't been cleaned for months.
['So i came home from vacation last week. Found my desk a complete mess.']
How did that happen? I hope it wasn't a case of break-in and entering.
I came home after a vacation and found my desk in a complete mess. I didn't want to deal with it and found out my parents were messing around in my room.
ask me for further details
I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
['My son said his first word today.', 'thats so amazing', "I know, it is! That's the word he said today!"]
thats so cool
My son said his first word today. I am filled with pride.
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
['I saw a picture of an old movie i saw as a kid and i felt a bit sad when seeing it', 'Movies can be emotional, do you remember the film?', 'yea it was the mummy with brendan fraiser and it was just sad to realize how much time has passed']
That's a good movie. Yes, time really goes by fast and those memories remind us of the good times.
I saw a picture of an old movie i saw as a kid and i felt a bit sad.
['I was told by a co-worker the other day that my fly was open. Appearantly I had been walking around for half the day with an open fly. My face sure was red.']
I can imagine how embarrassing that must have been. I hope you didn't have to give a speech today.
I was at work recently and had an interesting thing occur. About halfway through the day, one of my buddies came over to my desk and told me my fly was undone. I had been walking around all day with an open fly
["I am so scared for my sister's health. She is in the hospital and I hope she doesn't have cancer."]
Have they already done a biopsy?
I am so scared for my sister's health. She is in the hospital and I hope she doesn't have cancer.
ask me for further details