question or not
2 values
4 values
['I went hiking all by my lonesome yesterday because my friends blew me off.', 'Are you mad at them?', "Of course! I wouldn't have gotten mauled by a bobcat if they came with me. Bunch of jerks."]
Oh my word! I thought bobcats were mythical like unicorns.
I went hiking all alone yesterday because my friend's ditched me. Never felt so alone.
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
['I am so happy.. I went to the casino yesterday...']
I absolutely love the casino, what is your slot machine of choice?
I am so happy! I just went to the casino and I won 1,000 on a slot machine.
ask me for further details
['My daughter has become so responsible over the summer.', 'That is great. you must be so proud', 'I really am. I used to have to tell her things over and over, but she has gotten everything ready for school and it doesnt start for 1.5 weeks.']
That is really impressive considering summer is really tough to learn that!
My daughter has gotten everything ready for school and she still has ten more days before it starts. She is becoming so responsible.
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
["I was torn away to hear that my dad was having health problems again. It's always so stressful", 'I am sorry to hear that. Will he be okay?', 'I hope so']
I'm confident everything will be fine.
I was torn away to hear that my dad was having health problems again. It's always so stressful
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
["So... Last night I saw a huge black spider in my room. Took me like 20 minutes to muster up the courage to attack it. Well... I tried attacking it, and missed, and it went behind a piece of furniture and I couldn't find it again. I slept in another room.."]
I hate that! Knowing a spider or any sort of bug is in your room and then knowing you have to go to sleep. I would have done the same thing.
So... Last night I saw a huge black spider in my room. Took me like 20 minutes to muster up the courage to attack it. Well... I tried attacking it, and missed, and it went behind a piece of furniture and I couldn't find it again. I slept in another room..
please give me some advices.
["We just bought a used car and we've already had to take it to the shop", "That's unfortunate. Sometimes used cars can be tough to deal with", "Yeah, it's annoying. Hopefully nothing else goes wrong with it."]
I hope not. I have a feeling things will get better
We just bought a used car and we've already had to take it to the shop
I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
['Im pretty nervous, and i need some positive thoughts sent my way.', 'What do you have coming up? Ill keep you in mind.', 'Ive been talking to this girl that I like and I think I’m going to finally work up the courage to ask her out on a date. I think that she will say yes!']
Just have confidence. It sounds like you already know the outcome. If she says no just dont make a big deal out it.
Ive been talking to this girl that I like. Im going to ask her out on a date tonight. I think she'll say yes
I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
['I am devastated.']
I ma devastated.
ask me for further details
['I cheated on my old girlfriend. I felt so guilty afterwards.']
On no! Did you ever tell her?
I cheated on my partner. I feel so guilty.
ask me for further details
['A while ago, I needed a place to stay for the weekend while my parents took a trip. I was lucky enough that my friend offered me to stay at his home with his family for the duration.', "That's cool I your parents not trust you in their own house? lol", "They do, my cooking skills were just lacking and my friend was aware of the situation and very helpful. I find it hard to ask for assistance at times but I'm comfortable with Bill because I've known him for years."]
Gotcha. Well glad it worked out for ya
There was a time when my parents went out of town and I needed a place to stay for the weekend. My friend Bill offered me to stay at his place and his family were also okay with it.
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
['A storm came through earlier and lightning struck very close by and the power went out! I was worried as sometimes the power can go out for days but luckily it came back on an hour later this time.']
I hate those kind of storms for good reasons. We have lightning storms all the time in Georgia. The power is more than likely to go out.
A storm came through earlier and lightning struck very close by and the power went out! I was worried as sometimes the power can go out for days but luckily it came back on an hour later this time.
['They are calling for bad weather here over the next few days so I went to the store to stock up on the essentials in case the power goes out.', 'I would be scared of that', "How come? As long as you're ready for it, everything turns out okay."]
I am not sure I am ever prepared
We are expecting bad weather here over the next few days so I stocked up on essentials.
['I just love halloween. This is going to be the best one yet.', 'You sound excited? do you do it up big?', 'I I do themes with me and my kids. We were all comic book villains last year', 'What are you going to do this year?', 'Im thinking fast food. Burgers, fries, milkshake lol', "That's an interesting theme. Are you going to make the costumes your self?", 'Some parts.']
That sounds like lots of fun!
I can't wait for this halloween. I have the cutest theme for my kids
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
['I found a stray dog last night and took him home with me.', 'What a nice thing to do. Do you know what breed?', 'some kind of heeler mix. Not sure.']
Is he a young dog or old?
I found a stray dog last night and took him home with me.
ask me for further details
['So proud of us, we both made the soccer team!', 'What team?', "The university team, we're going to try and win nationals."]
Well I wish you the best of luck!
When my friend made a soccer team we both tried out for. We both made it.
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
['My cousin won $5000', 'What?!? That is awesome. I would be so pumped up. Were you happy for him?', 'I was. I could really use $5000 my self too.']
Same here. Maybe he will give you some.
My cousin won $5000
["i'm grateful for my life"]
That is good. It is nice to focus on the positives
I have a great job, and an overall great life
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
['My friend was scheduled to work with me the other day and I was really excited.', 'I bet, its always nice to get a chance to work with someone you really like. Where do you work?', "I'm a firefighter, but when I got there, they had shipped him somewhere else so that sucked."]
That does suck. I work at Taco Bell making burritos.
I got to work the other day all excited to work with my friend. Turns out he got moved somewhere else at the last minute.
['I finally got a nice haircut and shaved my shaggy beard!', 'Nice! Well done. What is the occasion?', "I have a date with pretty girl. I feel really confident that we'll have a fun time!"]
Does she know you are going to be better groomed though? Maybe she liked that shagginess!
I got a nice haircut and shaved my beard.
ask me for further details
["I've recently been on a weight loss program. I've done very well. I've lost 30 lbs!", 'I am happy for you. Just keep going', 'Yes, but because of this, my pants have been loose. The other day, my hands were full carrying boxes. My pants fell down to my ankles while I was walking!!!']
That is a good thing ha
I had to carry three boxes from my car back to the store. Since I've lost weight recently, before I could make it to the counter, my pants dropped down to my ankles! I was SO humiliated!
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
['Someone at work was working on a task with me...They had no idea how to do it right but kept attacking me for not doing it right.']
That would annoy me so much. Can you take it up with management?
Someone at work was working on a task with me...They had no idea how to do it right but kept attacking me for not doing it right. They could not speak or read english well so they couldn't do it well..yet I was the one being attacked??
ask me for further details
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
['THe worst thing happened the other day. I went grovery shopping and I thought I was being followed. It scared me so bad!', 'Who was following you?!', 'This big scary guy']
What did he look like? I would call the cops if they are stalking you.
I thought I was being stalked by someone I ran into at the store. It was terrible.
ask me for further details
['Instead of taking out an interest loan, my family loaned me money for home repairs for free.']
what a wonderful and supportive family you got!
Instead of taking out an interest loan, my family loaned me money for home repairs for free.
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
['My kids are so terrible sometimes.', "That's rough. I've been around my siblings kids long enough to know how rough they can be, even though I don't have my own. How old are they, if you don't mind me asking?", '3 and 4. They came running in here and wasted my last Dr Pepper.']
Dang.. I love Dr. Pepper too. They can be selfish sometimes, but we just have to remember that they have developed the parts of their brain to make them care about more than just themselves.
MY kids came in and wasted my last Dr Pepper. Thats my coffee/
['I forgot that I had a math exam yesterday and didnt study. I ended up making an A on it. I couldnt believe it.']
wow, that is awesome, go you!
I forgot that I had a math exam yesterday and didnt study. I ended up making an A on it. I couldnt believe it.
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
["At work I am the most confident man ever, maybe because I've worked there so long.", "There's nothing wrong with that. Unless you're mean", "No, I'm very friendly, it's just I wish I was that way outside of work."]
Maybe you shoud pretend you are still at work until you get the hang of it.
Every time I go to work I feel like the most confident person a live. If only I could feel that way outside of work.
['I often feel lonely.', 'Why do you think you often feel that way?', 'I live alone and my family live far away.']
Do you have any friends around that area?
I feel lonely all the time. I live alone and my family is far away.
ask me for further details
['My girls went on an out of town trip and I was home alone', 'Oh no. Being home alone can be good though. Finally everything to yourself!', 'You would think but I really missed them.']
I feel ya. How long will they be gone for?
My girls went on an out of town trip and I was home alone
ask me for further details
['I am so ready for the weekend, I get to drive a NASCAR.', "Really? That's insane!", 'Yes, I paid for a NASCAR super weekend. That is the highlight of the weekend.']
Cool, that sounds like a great weekend!
I am so ready for the weekend, I get to drive a NASCAR.
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
['Hi, I will be going to a party later.']
oh nice, any special occasion?
I am going to a party later tonight. I think that my girlfriend will be there. She is supposed to be away though.
ask me for further details
['I had my birthday party recently, it was great', 'Cool. Was it an all nighter?', 'No, but everyone was drinking so it went pretty late']
That's my kind of party.
I had a birthday party recently, it was great
['So excited for this weekend!']
Then why are you excite about it?
Going to the beach this weekend
ask me for further details
['My kids left for college last summer. I got teary when they got in the car to leave. I was thinking about how quick their childhood had gone by.']
I have those kinds of feelings as well. I think memories are a good thing though
Last summer my kids left for college. I got so emotional thinking about how short the time was since they were born. I didn't want to let go of them and was bawling.
['I really nervous right now. I am waiting on a phone call to see if I got a job I interviewed for.']
That is very tense to be waiting on that kind of call you got this positive thoughts only. What position is it for?
I really nervous right now. I am waiting on a phone call to see if I got a job I interviewed for.
ask me for further details
['so proud of my son , he said his first words yesterday']
Amazing! How old is he?
so proud of my son, he said his first works yesterday
ask me for further details
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
['Hi, i promised myself I would never drink again but I drank yesterday.']
It is a interesting and relaxing way to end a evening. Ive been there before.
I drank alcohol today at work
['My sister in law brought our first girl into the family, the wait seemed like forever', 'Congratulations, always nice to have a new addition to the family!', 'thank you! it is a great experience and blessed with a healthy baby']
That is always the biggest worry when having kids and I'm happy it worked out for you guys.
My brothers wife had our first girl into the family, the wait was intense
I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
["This girl just left her Iphone with me. She doesn't even know me"]
Woah, did she say she was coming back? She's awfully trusting.
This girl just left her Iphone with me. She doesn't even know me.
ask me for further details
['So I went skydiving for the first time the other day. I froze right before getting ready to jump.']
Oh nice! Did you have fun? Did you finally jump?
I went skydiving for the first time recently. I almost could not make myself jump out of the plane
ask me for further details
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
['I was very envious when my brother got this cd before I did. It was from my favorite band']
I understand.
I was pretty envious when my brother got a cd I wanted. It was my favorite band
['My neighbor bought a new porsche. I envy him so much.']
Does he at least work hard for it ?
My neighbor bought a new porsche. I envy him so much.
ask me for further details
['I really needed to get to a test at my school and I needed a ride. I was so happy that he replied and drove me there.']
Wow, that is a good friend
I really needed a ride to go to my school for a makeup test. I asked my friend and was so happy that he replied and took me there.
['So my mum made me a large, delicious meal and I ate it all!']
What was it
I had a large, delicious meal today.
['i really hoped my mom would get her job the other day', 'Did she not get it?', 'no but it wasnt too big of a deal woldve been nice tho.']
Will she apply elsewhere?
i really hoped my mom would get her job the other day
ask me for further details
['I passed my driving test the other day. I was really shocked because I am not a very confident driver and I thought it went really badly']
do you feel like you are ready to drive in real time?
I passed my driving test the other day. I was really shocked because I am not a very confident driver and I thought it went really badly.
ask me for further details
I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
["There was hair in my soup, and the owner wouldn't take responsibility."]
Oh gross! What restaurant?
There was hair in my soup, and the owner wouldn't take responsibility.
ask me for further details
['So I just bought plane tickets and book a hotel. I am going to Vegas for the first time this fall!']
im so excited for you, my friend has gone twice he said a lot of people are passed out drunk on the street , and even taco bell sells alcohol very weird place
I just bought plane tickets to Las Vegas for this fall. I have never been and I am very happy about it
['Finally got a day off of work today. I sat down and played my favorite video game with my girlfriend.', "Oh that's fun! I love to play video games, but it's usually with friends.", 'Playing games with friends is the best - especially with a nice, cold six pack. What games do you typically play?']
Anything from Mario Party to God of War. It's always fun with friends around for commentary lol
I got to sit down and play my favorite video game with my girlfriend last night. It was so relaxing.
['My neighbor returned my wallet today.']
That was nice of your neighbor! I hope everything was still inside of it!
My neighbor returned my wallet today. I was so thankful.
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
['So I got all the way to the gym the other day and realized I did not pack my gym shoes. I had to drive home in rush hour to go get them. I was ticked.', 'Dang, I would have been so upset too.', 'I would have just stayed home but I was meeting friends after on the same side of town. I had to cut my workout short. Not ideal.']
It would have sucked more if it was raining. Hopefully you have some good vibes come your way.
I went to the gym the other day and I forgot my workout shoes. I had to drive all the way home in rush hour to get them.
['Hi, a robber held me at gun point yesterday']
Really? Please tell me more
A robber held me at gun point
ask me for further details
['Hi, the workers at my firm have not been performing their tasks to the required standard.', 'That sounds horrible. Are you trying to motivate them?', 'Yes but it is making me livid that they are not listening to my instructions!']
I can understand the feeling. I always feel ignored.
My workers did not perform the task to satisfactory standard.
I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
['I hate the way people drive.', 'They usually use their smartphones while driving, which is very bad for everyobys safety', "It's not just smart phones. They seem to love riding in blind spots or under taking. Very dangerous things to do."]
Yes, we as a community must teach people how to drive properly without any risks
Some cut me off in traffic. They forced me off the road. I'm lucky I'm alive.
["The other day I was backing out of the parking lot at work and scratched my coworker's car a little bit."]
Oh no, did you tell them?
I accidentally scratched my coworker's car. I haven't told them that I actually did it.
ask me for further details
['I was really proud of my coworker and their presentation at work recently.', "That's nice. It's good to be supportive", 'It is, I always try to encourage them to do their best and not to get stressed out.']
That creates a great work environment
My coworker did this presentation at work that was very well done. I was proud of them.
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
['I felt really bad about what I did when me and my brother got new phone cases.']
Oh my, what did you do?
One time I ordered some phone cases for me and my brother. I saw that one of them was really scuffed up so I took the better one and felt bad about it later on since I basically lied to him.
ask me for further details
['I was pretty strapped for money back before my freshman year of college, so I really needed to get my 29 on my ACT up to a 31 for a scholarship.']
Did you get it done?
Once I realized that I needed at least a 31 on my ACT in order to get a nice little scholarship for college. I studied my heart out to improve my 29 and I felt super confident that I'd get the 31. Instead I actually got a 33!
ask me for further details
['i loved taking care of my sisters pet last week']
Nice, did you feel caring since you did so well?
i loved taking care of my sisters pet last week
ask me for further details
I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
['Hi! I watched a movie yesterday with my son.', "That's good, how old is your son?", "He is 23 and he picked a movie I didn't really want to see."]
Oh he is quite a grown man. I bet you wanted to catch up on old time growing up with him
I watched a movie that I didn't really want to see. My son made me watch Player One. It turned out to be a decent movie and I was content.
['I have an overseas trip coming up. I have never been and I am feeling a little scared right now about going.']
that is exciting@
I have an overseas trip coming up. I have never been and I am feeling a little scared right now about going.
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
['High School was a bad time for me. Was called names all the time but never physical stuff.', 'As a fat guy who wore all black and played Magic: The Gathering everyday in the library, I can relate lol.', 'That is good to know! But like one time on my way to lunch someone pushed me face first into the wall. I just went to the bathroom and cried the rest of the day.']
I never got in any fights, but I never got pushed around either.
When i was in High School i was called names a lot. But one day i was pushed on the ground while walking to lunch. I decided to just hide in the bathroom for lunch and be sad.
['I am so mad my brother stole my car.', 'He stole your car!! did you call the cops?', 'No, I just called him and told him to return it.']
Good, Did he actually come back with it though.
I am so mad my brother stole my car.
['I had a hard time choosing which phone to get. I ended up getting a new phone with all the specs.', 'Nice! What did you end up with?', 'I ended up getting a google pixel 2. I know it is a little expensive but I wanted to have a good phone that will last a long time.', 'I say if you can afford it enjoy it. What is your favorite feature?', 'The fingerprint scanner to unlock is so effortless that it makes unlocking you phone fun. Have you tried one?']
I haven't, but I would love to get one. I love full feature phones!
I was careful when choosing my new phone.
['A couple years ago, my friend died from an overdose. We were not super close but it was fun hanging out and I felt very shocked when I heard the news.', "That is really sad. Many people I grew up with have passed from overdose. It's tragic.", "I agree, I thought the war on drugs was meant to combat or maybe even make ground against this. I don't think it is working."]
I don't believe it is either. I'm so sorry to hear about your friend.
A while ago one of my friends died from an overdose. I knew that she was fun and adventurous, but I had no idea that she was into stuff that could cause her harm.
I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
['I found $50 in my desk drawer at work.', 'I bet you were really excited.', "I was very happy. Its like money from god. I didn't even know I had it."]
Yeah, found money is always the best money.
I found $50 in my desk drawer at work.
['I had the longest day of work in my life.']
Oh no.. why what happened?
After one of the longest days of work i had i was so happy that i didn't have to work for 2 weeks after. I am so happy with myself.
ask me for further details
['I won a trip to disneyland.']
I won a trip to disneyland.
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
['I had to eat dinner alone for a few days this week. My husband had to go on a last minute work trip.', 'You must be lonely because of that.', "Yeah a little... he'll be back tomorrow morning finally"]
Where did he fly off too?
I had to eat dinner alone for a few days this week. My husband had to go on a last minute work trip.
ask me for further details
['Four more days and the kids ar back in school!! yay', 'Nice! What do you plan to do with a house empty of kids?', "Enjoy silence for a while. Then I don't know lol, but I cant wait!"]
I am glad for you. Sometimes kids can be annoying.
Four more days and school is back in session. I could skip the entire weekend.
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
["I'm always stoked when I get a text back from a really attractive girl I didn't expect to hear back from...but I do a good job hiding it"]
Why do you hide it?
Even though I've had lots of dating success I still get pretty stoked when I get a text back from a really attractive girl I didn't expect to hear back from...I just do a good job hiding it
ask me for further details
['My son was prett slow to start speaking.']
/Did you get him a teacher?
I was afraud ny son wasn't going to be able to talk because he didn't for so long. Now he won't shut up and I am so happy!
ask me for further details
['My daughters little dog passed away about 4 months ago, it really shook all of us.', 'i am so sorry for you. I know what a crushing experience the passing of a beloved pet can be. You must be very sad.', 'Yes, she was only 6 years old. She had an autoimmune disease and it started attacking her red blood cells - there was not much we could do.']
That is awful. An unexpected illness cam really strike like a dagger in the heart.
My daughters little dog passed away about 4 months ago. She was only 6 years old, but had an autoimmune disease and it started attacking her red blood cells.
I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
["I buy a lottery ticket every week. No luck so far but I'll keep trying.", "I do the same. At least we're contributing to somebody's fortune.", 'I dream of winning. I need to break this cycle of living paycheck-to-paycheck.']
You and me both.
I buy a lottery ticket every week. No luck so far but I'll keep trying.
["I absolutely can't wait for my kids to go back to school tomorrow. They have been driving me crazy all summer!", "Bet you'll be glad to have some free time on your hands at last.", "Yes, I can finally catch up on Netflix and get the house clean. Can't wait!"]
lol - yeah I can relate. Kids can be a real handful when they don't have structure - as in during the summer months.
I can't wait for kids to start school tomorrow. They have been driving me crazy all summer long!
["I was visiting my friend's new place, and I felt so bad about spilling red wine while they weren't looking."]
Did you cover it up or tell them about it?
I accidentally spilled red wine on my friend's new carpet. I just moved the couch over to cover the spot.
ask me for further details
['i was upset to see my dog gone when i returned home']
I am sorry to hear that. Have you tried looking for him.
i was upset to see my dog gone when i returned home
I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
['What does it take to have a woman that will stay till death']
I am not married, so I am not sure.
What does it take to have a woman that will stay till death
['My dad had a lot of alcohol and i stole some from him', 'How old were you?', '22']
Ah okay, that makes sense, at least it was sort of legal!
I stole my dad alcohol just last month
['Next week Madden 19 comes out, I look forward to it every year!', 'I used to play Madden a lot so I understand the excitement. It is a fun game', 'I agree, it also means football season is around the corner which is my happiest time of the year. What about you?']
I do enjoy football, it means that fall is right around the corner and I love the weather
I can't wait until Madden 19 comes out next week. I get it every year and it helps me look forward to football season!
['The banks are a good place to keep my money', 'yea i agree with that', 'Some pay a little interest']
yea its not mucht ho
I know that my money is safe with the banks
['The new Smash Bros direct came out today, and they revealed 5 characters that people have been wanting for years!', "That's great. You must be excited. Have you played all the smash bros games?", "Yup! The first one came out when I was in like middle school. So it's crazy finally getting a character you wanted in the game over 10 years later."]
That's pretty cool. I've never played it before, What genre is it?
I watched the new Smash Bros video and they're coming out with some of my favorite characters. I can't believe this is happening, I've been wanting these characters for years. Now I gotta wait for the game to come out.
ask me for further details
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
["I was trying to go a week without eating any sweets, to improve my eating habits. Didn't even make it three days before I started indulging. It gets nerve-wracking. Maybe I'm putting too much pressure on it."]
Yeah, don't be too hard on yourself for that. We're supposed to like that stuff.
I was trying to go a week without eating any sweets, to improve my eating habits. Didn't even make it three days before I started indulging. It gets nerve-wracking. Maybe I'm putting too much pressure on it.
['I was pretty upset when my friend lost her husband.']
That's sad.
I was really mad when my friend lost her husband
I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
['My husband and I got into a fight this morning.', 'oh no. what happened?', "He ust wouldn't listen to me and of course now he's mad about it and to punish me he didn't come to church."]
he didn't punish you... he punished himself! That makes no sense
My husband and I got into a fight this morning. And to punish me he decided not to go to church.
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
['I feel very optimistic about where my life is headed. The future is bright!', "That's great. What do you have going on?", 'Nothing special, I just feel like everything is finally aligning and things are going in the right direction.']
Well that's good to hear!
I feel very optimistic about where my life is headed
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
['I am a very committed spouse. I have been married 15 years.', 'That is so cool! Im not married yet', "DO you think you'll ever want to get married? Marriage can be hard."]
Maybe, im not sure yet
I am a very committed spouse. I have been married 15 years.
["I entered a writing contest, but I didn't final in it. I was disappointed about that."]
Sorry about that. You should try again and stay confident. The most important is to try.
I entered a writing contest. I was really hoping to at least final in it, even if I didn't win, but I didn't. I was sad.
I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
['I love when Fall starts coming in.', 'I hate it. I want it to be 100 and humid all the time. I thrive in the heat', "Well, we're different then. Guess we've got nothing to talk about and you should disconnect."]
Disconnect from what? Did you have a bad day?
I'm glad that the seasons are about to change.
ask me for further details
['I got a new dog recently and have found myself really enjoying taking care of it.', 'That is so great I love dogs they are so sweet and your best friend for life.', "Yes, I love them too. It's been a while to have one, so I am very happy now."]
They come with hard work have to walk and feed them but you will get back into your groove.
I just got a new dog recently and I have really found myself enjoying looking after it.
I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
['I am planning to travel around the world next year, starting off in europe and ending in south america']
oh wow, this is my passion too, which EU country are you going to start first?
Planning to go travelling around the world
ask me for further details
["I've got lasagna in the oven. I hope it turns our well!", 'I am sure it will', 'Thanks. I can smell it now.']
I bet it smells nice
I've got lasagna in the oven. I hope it turns our well!
["I'm pleased with how I've been handling a large amount of stress lately.", "That's good, stress is so common in life so it's easy to become overwhelmed.", "Yes, it is. I'm learning to just put my head down and get to work digging out."]
That's an impressive philosophy, you seem to have grit so I think you will go far.
I'm feeling good about how I've handled a lot of stress lately.
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
['We were late for the first day of school', "Oh boy, that's not a good start.", 'I know. I stayed up too late with sunday tv']
hahaha I think we've all done that. It's just the first day anyway.
I took my kids to school on the first day late. That was not cool
['My dog died lost week. I am inconsolable now', 'That is spo terrible, my dpg died when I was really young, and just have never really had a dog since,', "I think i won't be able to able get over him. I feel like already lost my soul"]
Thats how I felt I cried for days, it still doesnt seem real.
My pet dog died soul. It feels like i lost my soul
['About 10 years ago my boss fired me out of nowhere. I was sick of making money for other people so I started my own business.', "Wow, I'm sorry about getting fired, but it sounds like you've got guts! How do you like the business?", 'I love set my own hours, do lots of different things, and make about the same I was making.']
Oh that is so great. So many people fantasize about doing that. Congratulations!
When i started my business. I was sure I could out do anyone.
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
['I just finished signing the papers for my auto loan refinance! Waiting on a large refund for the GAp insurance!', 'Great! Will this mean a lower car payment for you?', "Yes! And a lower interest rate. I'm so happy. I can really use that extra money!"]
So happy for you! Yes- having extra money is always a reason to celebrate!
I recently refinanced my auto loan and will be receiving a large refund from my GAP insurance. I can really use the money and have been waiting for it to arrive.
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
['I was sad last week. My brother canceled on me', 'That is rude of him. But I am sure he must have had a reason to do so.', 'I am not sure']
I see, does he cancel very often?
I was sad last week when my brother canceled on me. I was looking forward to seeing him
ask me for further details
['someone almost cut me off today']
That sucks, I hate when that happens!
someone almost cut me off today
I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
['Super excited about some moisturizer I am getting tomorrow.']
Oh I love trying new things for me! Everyone deserves spoiling sometimes
Super excited about some moisturizer I am getting tomorrow. It seems like I can't ever find the right one for my skin so I am hoping this works.
['It was beyond difficult for me when I lost my parents.']
Yes, death is always a tough thing to deal with especially when they are close like parents. But that life and every single person on this planet will have to deal with that at some point in life. It is just the nature of life.
When I lost my parents, when they both passed away within a year of each other.
I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.