question or not
2 values
4 values
['i was looking at pictures of my kids the other day and got a little sad', 'S it because they are getting bigger?', 'yea i wish they didnt grow up']
I feel you. My 13 year old is the worst.
i was looking at pictures of my kids the other day and got a little sad
I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
["Got into a small car accident the other day. Everybody was fine, both drivers and passengers. It was totally my fault though.. and now I'm worried about the insurance rates afterwards. I'm a college student, and can't afford much more", "That's unfortunate :( Would it be feasible for you to just sell your car and work with public transportation for a while until you can afford it?", "Not exactly. My major in college requires an internship, and it's kind of far away.. it'd be hard to yo-yo around on public transportation and make sure I can be there on time. Maybe I'll just start selling my body on the street!"]
Lol, that might be a bit extreme. Maybe selling parts of your body, like plasma?
Got into a small car accident the other day. Everybody was fine, both drivers and passengers. It was totally my fault though.. and now I'm worried about the insurance rates afterwards. I'm a college student, and can't afford much more
ask me for further details
['I know I shouldnt be scared this young of death but I am.']
Do you have a past traumatic experience?
of getting older. getting sick!
ask me for further details
["There's a job opening at the law firm that I've always wanted to work at.", 'Oh nice! Hope you get it', 'Thanks. I applied and will keep my fingers crossed!']
Best of luck!
There is a job opening at the law firm I have always wanted to work at. I applied and am keeping my fingers crossed.
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
['I have test coming up tomorrow. I just know I am going to do very well.', 'What kind of test is it', 'Its a math test. I usually do very well with that subject.']
I hope you do well
I have test coming up tomorrow. I know I am going to do very well.
['My son is starting high school and will be a freshman. Tonight he wanted to go to a get together with a bunch of high schoolers at the park. It is so hard to let him go.', "Yeah, that can be a tough time. Pretty soon he'll be off to college!", 'Yes, I know I have to let him grow up, but he is my baby and I want to know he will make the right choices. Sometimes it is the other kids you have to worry about more and the influence they have when they are starting high school.']
Well, I am sure he will meet a bunch of jolly good fellows while he's still in high school. You just got to keep on top of him with his grades and he will be fine.
My son is getting ready to start his freshman year in high school. Tonight there was a get together at the park with a bunch of high school kids and he wanted to go. It is so hard to know if you can trust them and they will do the right thing. You just hope for the best.
['Ran upon a horrible wreck going home yesterday. One person was laying on the ground. The other girl hit her face and had blood all over it but was conscience.', "That's scary. I wonder if they made it.", "I can't find out. The one on the ground I was worried about. she wasn't moving"]
Maybe you will see something in the news in the next day or so.
I was coming home from shopping yesterday and there was a horrible wreck and the ambulance hadn't got there yet.
['Me and my cousin got into a fight. He broke my piano, which grandfather gifted me.']
I'm sorry to hear that.
My cousin broke my piano when we got into a fight, which grand father gifted me when i was child. i completely lost my mind
I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
["I'm a big fan of superhero movies. I can't wait for the next Marvel Universe movie to come out!", 'Those movies are amazing. I loved the last one with Thanos. He was a cool character.', 'He really is! I love a good villian!']
I actually started to understand where he was coming a sick kind of way.
I really like the Marvel Universe. I can't wait for the next movie to come out!
['i am hoping to get out early from work on friday', 'Big plans?', 'i want to go camping for the weekend']
I have never been camping.
i am hoping to get out early from work on friday
['I took my kids candy from halloween this last year.', 'I am sure you deserved some candy', 'I always do, but I should have bought my own. But it was just sitting there taunting me. I instantly felt bad about it.']
You shouldnt, its nice to have some candy every once and awhile
I took my kids candy from halloween this year.
please give me some advices.
["My husband and I recently got a new puppy! We haven't had a puppy in such a long time."]
oh that's awesome what kind of puppy did you get?
My husband and I recently got a new puppy. We have dogs already, but we haven't had a puppy in a long time. I had to make sure I went out and got the proper food for him, some puppy toys, a new collar, and a few other essentials. I felt like I had everything ready for his arrival.
ask me for further details
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
['I moved away from the city. I never see my friends anymore. It gets lonely out here.']
Why don't you move back?
I moved far away from the city. I hardly ever see my friends anymore.
ask me for further details
["I've been revising this short fic and having everone read it. They all enjoy it. I think it's ready for the writing competition."]
When is the competition?
I've been revising this short fic and having everone read it. They all enjoy it. I think it's ready for the writing competition.
ask me for further details
['I was startled by a car hitting a deer in front of my house yesterday.', 'Wow... I would have been as well! Was anyone injured?', "I don't think so, but the deer is dead for sure."]
Bummer but glad the people are okay!
I was startled by a car hitting a deer in front of my house yesterday.
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
["I'm going on a trip to New York City in December."]
How exciting! first time there?
I'm going on a trip to New York City in December. I have our boarding passes ready, and maps color coordinated with things to do and restaurants to go to.
ask me for further details
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
["I have zero friends at my new job and I don't know what to do about it!"]
did you just start the job?
I have no friends at my new job.
ask me for further details
["One of my favorite things to do is cook, and I recently moved into a new apartment by myself. I'm gonna say cooking for yourself isn't really as fun as cooking for a group.", 'Not at all. It is kind of boring being left to clean everything alone.', "It is! It's sort of like how if someone packs you a little note with your lunch, it's really nice, but obviously if you made your own note you'd just feel silly."]
And you might get called a weirdo. Haha
I hate cooking for myself at my new apartment. It's not nearly as fun cooking for yourself as it is cooking for a group.
['My grandma died. I am so sad.']
Im sorry to hear that. Was it from age or complications?
I was sad when my grandma died.
ask me for further details
I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
['Other people always have more food than me.']
Are you jealous of them?
Other people always have more food than me.
ask me for further details
['I went to visit this appartment that I want to rent. The appartment was totally different from pictures. It was very dirty.']
Eww, I've had that happen. Did you say something to the person showing you the apartment?
I went to visit this appartment that I want to rent. The appartment was totally different from pictures. It was very dirty.
ask me for further details
['My brother finally got into law school!']
That's awesome. You must be so proud of him.
My brother finally got into law school! I am so happy for him.
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
['There is a drug dealer selling drugs in my building. I am very afraid when I have to get out or in.']
That would make me SO angry. What kind of drugs is it? I would make sure the police took him out.
There i a drug dealer selling drugs in my building. I am very afraid when I have to get out or in.
ask me for further details
['I went on a bunch of job interviews last week. I have a good feeling I will get an offer soon.', "It's good to be confident. I am sure you will get some good news soon.", 'I really hope so. I felt I did well on a few of them. I guess we will see.']
You did great. Just wait and don't stress about it.
I went on four job interviews last week. I have a good feeling I will get an offer soon.
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
['Hello, I felt trusting only a few times in life, the first time was then i began to date a new girl. I trusted she had changed from her past relationship.', 'Why didnt it work out?', 'Our relationship did work, but she had a shady past with drug usage etc. We are still together and she actualy did change']
Oh well that's good.
I felt trusting when i started to date a new girl and she had a shady past. I decided to trust this girl and give her a shot cause people change.
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
['Its amazing how you can change emotions so fast sometimes.', 'For sure. I can go from 0 to 100 in no time at all.', 'Im in the process of moving, so I was packing things into boxes and I found my old high school year books. It was crazy to look back on all those times']
Hah, I bet some things you probably wanted to forget. I know I did.
I found my old high school year book when I was cleaning. It reminded me of some old times and it was a walk down memory lane
["Reflecting back on my youth, I remember all the times I'd steal candy bars from the convenience store on the way home from school", 'haha we all did crazy things when we were young! did you ever get caught?', "No. I'd stop in with a group of people walking home, and slyly take my pick while others were legitimately buying."]
good plan. Wait until the shopkeeper was busy with someone else.
Reflecting back on my youth, I remember all the times I'd steal candy bars from the convenience store on the way home from school
["It's really quiet around here right now. No one's at work besides me and the security guard downstairs"]
Eek! Sounds pretty scary! I hate to be alone at night.
It's really quiet around here right now. No one's at work besides me and the security guard downstairs.
I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
['I have been feeling down since my great grandmother passed.', 'I am sorry to hear that. I know that would be hard.', 'My family is supportive but I still feel bad.']
I hope things get better for you.
I've been feeling blue since my great grandmother passed away.
I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
['My friends threw me a surprise party yesterday.']
That's awesome! Was it your birthday?
My friends threw me a surprise party yesterday. I was so shocked and happy.
ask me for further details
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
['Im so worried about next week', "That sucks. What's going on next week?", 'I have to go to the dentist on wednesday. I hate going to the denstist. Im always worried that im going to get poked or hurt']
I don't think anyone enjoys going to the dentist.
I have to go to the dentist next week and im so nervous. I hate going to the dentist
["I'm getting anxious thinking about moving in 2 weeks, I hope I like the city I'm moving to!", 'That would be nerve racking, but also fun I think.', "Yeah, exactly, I'm nervous but at the same time I like the idea of a change!"]
Do you have a job lined up already?
I'm getting anxious thinking about moving in 2 weeks, I hope I like the city I'm moving to!
ask me for further details
["Hey dude! I'm so pumped. I just got a beautiful new dress for my friend's wedding.", "It's always fun to get new clothes! Is the wedding soon?", "It is! It's in just a few weeks! Do you ever get a piece of clothing or something that just makes you feel amazing?"]
I'm not very fashionable, but I do have some t-shirts that I love to wear because they fit me really well.
I just got a new dress for a wedding! It made me feel so good to wear it. I felt like a star.
['I got 2 working arms and legs. I am so thankful for that.']
That is something to be grateful for.
I got 2 working arms and legs. I am so thankful for that.
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
['I was pretty upset when my friend lost her husband.', "That's sad.", 'It is. The hospital was negligent.']
That's really bad. What is she going to do about it>
I was really mad when my friend lost her husband
I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
['I met this girl from Tinder one time and it went so badly haha.']
What went wrong?
I met up with this girl from Tinder one time. She was really awkward and that made me awkward too.
ask me for further details
["I have an exam tomorrow, but I'm at work pretty late", "That's unfortunate. What type of exam do you have?", "It's a finance exam. So many people already dropped out."]
How ironic. Unable to study finances because you're at work making your own.
I have an exam tomorrow, but I'm at work pretty late.
['I spilled some coffee on my lap and now it looks like I wet myself.']
I have done that way too many times, maybe use the air drter in the bathroom?
I spilled coffee on my lap and now it looks like I had an accident.
ask me for further details
['My dog is getting older and is starting to walk a little slower these days.']
Sorry to hear that. Are you taking him to the vet?
My dog is getting older and is starting to walk a little slower these days.
ask me for further details
I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
['I am ready to testify in court against those wicked people that steal in the office everytime']
Good for you! Stealing from anyone is a really bad offence.
I am ready to testify in court against those wicked people
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
["The way interest rates are these days, i'm so afraid to go get a car loan"]
Financing can be scary but a lot of places now have really great rates for auto loans.
The way interest rates are these days, i'm so scared to go get a car loan
['i was mad when i didnt get the day off']
Oh shucks that's bad! Did you call in sick?
i was mad when i didnt get the day off
ask me for further details
I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
['I am excited for the new super smash bros game coming out for the switch soon']
wow i am happy for you
I am excited for the new super smash bros game coming out for the switch soon
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
["My former 'friend' took my car for a day or two without even telling me!"]
Wow! Did you report him to the police?
My friend took my car without permission a few days ago. Literally...without even asking me!
ask me for further details
["I was watching an old VHS tape of my family and I out at the beach. It's crazy to think how time has flown by so fast.", 'That must have brought back a lot of memories.', 'It did. Life is good these days, but full of so many worries and stress. Sometimes I wish I could just go back to making dinky little sand castles.']
I know, at least with my son I get to experience some of that still.
I was watching an old videotape of me and my family at the beach and it took me back to much simpler times. I didn't have a care at all back then.
['I was sad when my brother canceled on me. He was busy']
My brother used to always do that to me.
I was sad when my brother canceled on me last week. He was busy
["I miss my coworker. Her replacement just isn't the same.", 'Bummer. You still keep in touch with her or what', 'Yea. We keep in touch online. She definitely set up some high standards for us around here.']
Nice. Give the newbie a chance, I'm sure she'll come around. What kind of work do you do
I miss my coworker. Her replacement just isn't the same.
['Watched an old Tv show I watched as a kid--a cartoon. Reminded me of the time I used to spend with my brother after school, when there was nothing we had to care or worry about']
Sounds like the good old days seemed more relaxing and care free.
Watched an old Tv show I watched as a kid--a cartoon. Reminded me of the time I used to spend with my brother after school, when there was nothing we had to care or worry about
['A month or two ago my girlfriend randomly broke up with me and I had no idea that she was even close to considering that.']
I am very sorry to hear that, that must be terrible....
Whenever my girlfriend at the time broke up with me and ghosted me, I had no idea what to make of the situation. I never would've expected her to do that, since she seemed really into me.
I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
['My mom has helped my gramma for years. With her husband before he died..and now she helps her. My gramma is very giving but can be kind of mean to my mom at times. I am very proud of her for still being so kind']
How old is your gramma ? old people can get grumpy
I am proud of my mom for being my grammas caregiver even after she has been mean at times
ask me for further details
['I am really mad at my brother.']
Oh yeah? Why is that?
I really am mad at my brother.
ask me for further details
["I was so sad when my hamster died recently due to a heart attack. Maybe I shouldn't have fed him so many cheetos. I cry every day thinking about him.", "Oh I am so sorry. It's OK, it probably wasn't the cheetos that got him - rodents just don't have a long lifespan. I hope you feel better.", 'Thanks for the kind words. I really miss him so much. I will never find another pet quite like Bubbles.']
Rest in Power bubbles. You were, I'm sure, a hamster among hamsters.
I was so sad when my pet hamster died recently. We were best friends and I miss him so much. I cry every day and think about all the good times we had together.
['I found a new restaurant, and they charge about $5 per dish.', 'Nice! What kind of food do they serve?', 'They serve authentic mexican food.']
That sounds incredibly tasty. I think I will have to go there.
I found a new restaurant, and they charge about $5 per dish.
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
['I let my dog out late last night and a skunk was there. I got scared when I spotted her/him trying to scurry away!', 'Oh dear! Did you get sprayed? That would frighten me too, especially at night.', "No. I think skunks are the cutest things. I just didn't expect one to be brave and come in my yard! My dog is older and deaf and not usually let out so late- I got her in and mrs skunk got away thank goodness- I wanted to give her some fruit though"]
Well that's a relief! I'm glad neither of you got sprayed.
I let my dog out late last night and a skunk was there. Thankfully she is older and deaf so didn't see it! It was SO sweet, I just wanted to take care of him.
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
['I really thought the Doctor knew what he was talking about. After all he is a Doctor.', 'Oh no, what happened?', 'He was wrong about everything. I had believed him.']
Who can blame you? We are taught to trust professionals.
I really thought the Doctor knew what he was talking about. After all he is a Doctor.
ask me for further details
['Have you ever swam with the dolphins?']
No, but we are going on a cruise to Cozumel next Spring Break and I think that would be so much fun. Have you ever been?
I went to a vacation and was able to ride in the water with the dolphins.
ask me for further details
['Do you have kids? Mines are 3 4 and 13. I look at their baby photos a lot.']
Thats lovely,i pray i will have one
I stay up a lot and look at my kids baby photos. They were such fun babies.
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
["I'm so glad that it's Friday, get to spend the weekend with my family!", 'Yes, I hear you on that one.', 'Do you have any plans for the weekend?']
Going swimming on Sunday, Relaxing and maybe grocery shopping on Saturday.
I'm so glad that it's Friday, get to spend the weekend with my family!
['It is so hard to cope with loneliness. Especially after my break up']
I am sorry to heard that.How long were you together.
After my recent break up, i feel so lonely and desperate. I can't stand it anymore
I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
Why is she the love of your life?
I love my wife
ask me for further details
['Yesterday I went to the doctor and had to get a shot.']
What is your health issue?
Yesterday at the doctors I had to get a shot. The worse part was the anticipation while waiting for what seemed like forever for them to come in and give it to me. It was emotionally draining.
ask me for further details
['I feel something when I think back to where I came from. It makes me feel a bit nostalgic', 'Feeling nostalgic can be great. Where are you from?', 'I am from Louisiana, I do kind of miss it']
I can see why you miss it, as I actually live in New Orleans currently.
I feel something when I think back to where I came from. It makes me feel nostalgic
['Clown movies scare me.']
I don't blame you. Those things are creepy
Clown movies scare me.
I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
["Whenever I look at old photographs, I can't help but think of the past.", 'good memories?', 'Yes, of a simpler childhood.']
the good ole days
I always think of the past when I look at old photographs.
['Do you ever feel like everyone has nicer things than you do?']
Yea, but I try not to compare. It'll just make me feel bad. What about you?
Everyone on my street has a nicer car than I do. My car barely even starts.
ask me for further details
['Every fall my family and I used to go apple picking when I was younger. Those were good times.']
Ahh sounds like some great memories. Do you often feel nostalgic about these times?
Every fall my family and I used to go apple picking when I was younger. Those were good times.
ask me for further details
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
['I saw a guy convince someone to give them there phone', 'Mustve been some good convincing. Was it a robbery?', 'nope i was very surprised by how good of a con man he was']
Yea, my phone is pretty expensive. Im not giving my phone to anybody
I saw a guy convince someone to give them there phone
['I love the lego movies!', "I've never seen them. What do you love about them?", 'They funny and kid friendly. I really like laughing with my kids.']
Hmm I may have to check them out then!
I cant wait for a new lego movie. I love watching them with my kids
['I was a little nervous about driving on my tire', 'Oh no what happened? Everything ok?', 'It keeps getting low and I have had to fill it every day.']
Maybe you can bring it to the tire place. Maybe they can patch it real quick.
I was a little nervous about driving on my tire
['I got to sit on my patio all weekend and read comics. It was calming', 'Oh, that does sound nice. What comics were you reading?', 'They batman and justice league']
Oh cool. I like comics, but I'm not really a fan of Batman or Justice League.
I got sit on the patio and read comics all weekend. It was calm
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
['I misspoke some words out in public and lots of people heard.', 'Oh, wow, I guess you were embarrassed? It happens to us all though, so you just laugh it off!', "I did laugh. Trouble is sometimes when I start laughing I can't stop."]
I do that too! Or laugh at the wrong time, so I understand!
I misspoke some words out in public and lots of people heard.
['I am thankful for my neighbors', 'why what was the reason', 'dog got out and they let us know']
oh that good to hear. nice human beings
I am thankful for my neighbors
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
['I bought a plant last week for my garden.']
What kind is it?
I bought a plant last week. I'm eagerly waiting to see the flower in it.
ask me for further details
['My youngest child just moved out if the house and into her dorm.']
Omg congrats :D
My youngest child just moved out of the house and in to her dorm. I am having some strong empty nest syndrome.
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
['neighbor cat is nasty']
Thaqt is too bad. I like cats, but not the mean ones, only the sweet ones. What does the cat do that is so bad?
my neighbor's cat keeps pooping on my balcony
ask me for further details
I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
['In the park, I was attacked by a group of young teenagers. I am still shocked.', 'Like actually assaulted or robbed?', "I was assaulted and robbed. I didn't want to give my wallet and my phone."]
Oh, I am very sorry to hear that, I hope you feel okay now
In the park, I was attacked by a group of young teenagers. I am still shocked.
I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
['I always forget my password on websites']
You need to write them down!
I always forget my password to important sites. I try to use the same thing but I always end up resetting and having to use something else.
['The rain made me feel down yesterday. I wanted to be out and about', 'I know what you mean! I got caught out in it by surprise, totally ruined my bike ride.', 'I am glad you are okay though']
Yeah, lightning is no joke. Hopefully you have better weather this weekend and can get out!
The rain yesterday made me feel a little down. I wanted to be out and about
['There was a big storm here last week.', 'That sucks. Are you ok?', 'The power went out for about 15 and scared the crap out of me, but other than that we were fine.']
Thats good. Did the clocks all reset?
Our lights went out last week during a storm. Its was only for 15 minutes but I was so scared.
ask me for further details
['I walked into a final knowing that I was gonna fail and it was so nerve wracking.']
Why were you so down on yourself about failing?
One time I walked into a final knowing damn well that I was gonna fail. Just the idea of knowing that I was gonna 100% fail was so nerve wracking.
ask me for further details
['I just watched the testimony before Congress today. It was quite a show.']
Cool, whose testimony?
I just watched the testimony of Peter Strzok before congress today. It was quite a show, to see his behaviors unraveling, almost as a sociopath or psychopath would do.
ask me for further details
['i love the relationship i have with my husband. we have an amazing marriage.', "That's amazing to hear. There is nothing like a great relationship!", "i've had horrible relationships in the past so it makes me appreciate my husband so much more.", 'Bad ones definatley make the good one a treasure. Have you been together long?', '6 years of amazing ups and wons', 'That is a good long time! I am sure you have many more ahead of you!', 'i sure hope so. i am very blessed.']
When you appreciate something that much it's sure to continue that way! I've been married 19 years and love almost every minute!
i love the relationship i have with my husband. we have an amazing marriage.
I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
["I'm going on a blind date this weekend. I've never even been on a date", 'Wow that sounds exciting and anxiety-inducing at the same time, hope it turns out well for you.', 'Thanks! A lot of my friends have been very supporting of my dating newbness lol.']
Well it's good you have some friendly support in case it goes poorly.
I'm going on a blind date this weekend. I've never even been on a date.
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
["I want to ask someone out on a date, but I don't know if I should.", 'Why not?', "Well, I feel shy. Also I don't know if she likes me that way."]
Well that's the only way you can find out. If she says know there are other girls.
I want to ask a girl out on a date, but I'm not sure if I should. She doesn't seem that interested in me.
['Tomorrow the last of my children FINALLY start school. Time to relax!']
That is awesome, enjoy the peace and quiet!
The last of my kids going to school starting tomorrow, and the amount of peace I will have!
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
['I just got a huge job promotion 4 months earlier than expected because I brought in so many new clients.']
Well, you definitely deserve it then!
I just got a huge job promotion 4 months earlier than expected because I brought in so many new clients.
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
['I was cheated on at one time, but I stayed true to him and myself . We worked through it and are good now.', "I'm glad to hear that. If you can get through that, you can get through anything together.", 'We have been through worse. He was a drug addict for years, but now has 4 years clean.']
What matters is that you both learned from it.
My husband used to be a drug addict. During that time he cheated on me many time. No matter what he did though I always stayed true to him.
['it was suprising to get cheap tickets to orlando']
Ohh, how did you get that?
it was suprising to get cheap tickets to orlando
ask me for further details
['I was at the mall and I smelled the sweet smell of cinnamon rolls. It reminded me of home', 'that is awesome. where is your home?', "It's in a country called Bulgaria, my mom used to make homemade cinnamon rolls"]
that is amazing. my mom never really cooked for us but she was a great mom. i bet you miss home.
I was at the mall and I smelled the sweet smell of cinnamon rolls. It reminded me of home
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
['My daughter has been lying to me for a year', 'What has she been lying about?', 'She misplaced my tablet somewhere and swears it just vanished']
Are you going to punish her?
My daughter has been lying to me for a year about my old tablet. I know she lost it somewhere but she won't admit it
ask me for further details
["I had planned to get my wife flowers for her birthday but I completly forgot. I feel very upset about having forgotten and think she'll hate me.", 'Is there still time to get one? You can if you hurry!', "Well it was a few days ago. I'd still be late."]
Hmm I think you should make it up to her somehow. Take her to an expensive dinner.
I was supposed to bring my wife flowers for her birthday but I forgot to do that. I feel really terrible for this.
please give me some advices.
['I am so thankful for simple things like clean water, some people in Africa have to walk miles just to get that!', "tell me about it! It's good that you appreciate these things", 'I feel so grateful. I usually take the simple things in life for granted...']
It's hard not to! We get used to all the nice things we have
I am so thankful for simple things like clean water, some people in Africa have to walk miles just to get that!
['I walked home one day after work and saw that my window had been smashed out.', 'That would freak me out. What was it form?', 'Some guy climbed through and stole a bunch of stuff from my living room but that was it.']
Oh Wow! Did he get caught?
I felt surprised when I got home and saw my house was robbed.
ask me for further details
['my car is the worst']
Oh no! I know car problems can be frusterating.
my friends all have nicer cars than I do. I dont like it
['I recently found the baby book I made for my baby when she was born... she just turned 21.', 'Congratulations on the good raising of the kid! I bet you were just flooded with all kinds of memories.', 'Yeah, it was amazing to see all of the little firsts that I wrote about.']
Wow that is so sweet. Have you shown her it yet?
I found the baby book I made for my daughter when she was born. She's 21 now. It was nice to read all those things about her as a baby.
ask me for further details
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
['I left my friend at the bar the other night.']
Was your friend drunk?
I left my friend at the bar the other night. I feel so ashamed about it.
ask me for further details
['I think I finally have everything ready to apply to grad school.', 'oh thats cool, what are you going to study', 'School Counseling.']
thats cool
I am feeling this way while applying to grad school.
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
["I wanted to take friday off but, I'm unable too.", 'Did you already make plans?', 'yes', 'So what are you going to do? Reschedule?', "Yeah, i'm going to have to reschedule.", 'What were your plans?', 'Fishing']
Weel you're not missing a concert you can go fishing another day.
I wanted to take friday off but, I'm unable too.
['i really want to lose weight. i know i can do it']
I am sure you can, it just takes dedication and effort is all!
i know i can lose weight
I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
['I have felt alone all weekend. I guess my friends were busy']
Aww I'm sorry, i hope you atleast got some good relaxing time alone!
I have felt alone all weekend. I guess my friends were all busy
I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.