question or not
2 values
4 values
['I really care for my mother', 'That is a good thing', "Yeah she took care of all 3 of us kids by herself. We've all grown up now and live alone. She's done well for herself"]
She sounds amazing
I really love my mother
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
['When I was a kid, my house was hit by a tornado, I was scared to death!']
Oh no! How did you and your family do? Was the house damaged?
My house was hit by a tornado when I was 7. I was absolutely terrified, thankfully no one was hurt.
ask me for further details
['I just had to bury my Golden retriever today. I had him for 10 years.']
Oh no. I'm so sorry. I feel you. I lost my sweet springer spaniel, Pepper, not long ago. Are you coping okay?
I just had to bury my Golden retriever today. I had him for 10 years.
ask me for further details
I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
['I was shocked when my aunt came to my graduation, She lived far away']
Oh wow, you must have been thrilled!
I was so shocked when my aunt came to my graduation, She lived far away
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
['My daughter has never lied to me. I can always count on her honesty.']
Sounds like a good firl. how old is she?
I know my wife daughter doesn't lie to me. She has always been so honest.
ask me for further details
["My sister graduated college and I'm really proud of her!", 'that is a great news, congratulate him from my side too. what is the major?', "Her major was marketing so she's going into the business world. She's had a rough journey."]
If the journey is tough then you are in the right path. So, she is heading in right way. Great.
I'm so happy my sister graduated college! It's been a rough journey for her
I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
['i was at work and had to assist a lady with her 2 lice infected daughters', 'Gross! What did you have to do?', 'cringe under my skin as i got them worked up for the nurse to treat them']
Disgusting! I am sorry you had to experience that!
i had to deal with a lady and her 2 daughters that had lice
I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
["I haven't even started my new diet."]
What diet do you want to do?
I haven't even tried my new diet yet. I think I'm doomed to be fat forever.
ask me for further details
['Probably the worst time of my life was when my second marriage ended. It lasted over 20 years and much of my life and plans for the future were intricately bound within that relationship.']
I can imagine that would be very painful. Are you doing better now?
Probably the worst time of my life was when my second marriage ended. It lasted over 20 years and much of my life and plans for the future were intricately bound within that relationship.
ask me for further details
I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
['I am sure that my brother will come home from Iraq.', 'What kind of job does he have in the military?', 'He is a medic.']
How long has he been there?
I am sure that my brother will come home from Iraq.
ask me for further details
['My neighbor died in a car crash.']
Oh my. I'm so sorry to hear that. What happened?
My neighbor died in a car crash.
ask me for further details
I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
['A few years ago, I thought I had breast cancer. It was such a scary time, but I tried to think positive.']
I bet you were terrified! Did everything turn out okay?
When I thought I had breast cancer. I was trying to tell myself everything would be okay.
ask me for further details
I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
['I am upset that the US is trying to ban our right to bear arms.']
i agree.they are not taking my guns!
I am upset that the US is trying to ban our right to bear arms.
['One night my cats were chasing a fly in the house. All of a sudden, one of them started acting weird and then he died. He was only a kitten. I was so upset.']
That is horrible, I am so sorry, It is hard losing a baby animal, you are not expecting them to pass, like when you have an older sickly one
One night, my cats were playing and chasing a fly. All of a sudden one of them started acting weird. Then he died. He wasnt even a year old.
I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
['i am over the moon, do you know how it feels like to have someone that always supports you']
That's amazing! I do not (so far) but i hope to some day.
my wife makes me happy
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
['My daughter made a nice dinner tonight and she is only 13', "Sounds like she's going to be on Master Chef in a couple of years. What did she make?", 'It was just a black bean dip that I make sometimes, but I never let her in the kitchen alone. Im too afraid.']
That's wise - it's irresponsible to let kids meander in the kitchen alone. Too many sharp objects.
My 13 year old made dinner tonight. It was great.
["My roommate's friend comes over and just eats all of the food in our fridge without really asking. I don't get how people can have a total lack of self-awareness and can be so selfish to just barge in and eat other people's food. I cringe at thinking about being that rude to someone"]
I would be mad as heck. Did you confront them about this behavior?
My roommate's friend comes over and just eats all of the food in our fridge without really asking. I don't get how people can have a total lack of self-awareness and can be so selfish to just barge in and eat other people's food. I cringe at thinking about being that rude to someone
ask me for further details
["I'm 47 years old and have been taking psychotropic meds for well over 30 years. I'm having more and more trouble with them working properly. It's happening a lot now. I'm at my wits end", "Oh I'm sorry you are going through that. Have you tried to go back to your doctor and discuss making some changes?", "Oh yes.. We've made quite a few changes over the past few years They don't seem to work like they did in the past Not as well, nor as long. Very scary"]
I hope that you can find a solution to help with that. Good luck!
I'm 47 years old and have been taking psychotropic meds for well over 30 years. I'm having more and more trouble with them working properly.
["I accidentally stepped on someone's toe at the grocery store and they really looked like they were in pain", 'Oh no, did you ask if they were alright and apologize?', 'Of course! I probably apologized 20 times. I felt so guilty.']
Oh no, how did he take it?
I accidentally stepped on someone's toe at the grocery store and they really looked in pain
ask me for further details
['I think me and my ex are broken up for good.', 'I see, is that a good thing or bad thing for you?', 'Maybe a good thing. We break up so much lol']
Sorry to hear that. Well yeah, maybe it's for the best
I never thought my ex and I would break up for good. I think we are really done now.
I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
['I am sure that I will get a raise.']
That's great! What makes you so confident?
I am sure that I will get a raise.
ask me for further details
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
['My co-worker returned 20 bucks to me the other day after I lost it.']
Thats good. Where did they find it?
My co-worker returned the 20 bucks that I dropped in the hall. I was so thankful.
ask me for further details
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
["I can't wait for preseason football Thursday.", 'Are you a big football fan?', 'Yes, I love it more than any other sport.']
Do you paint your face and buy everything from your favorite team?
I can not wait for preseason football Thursday.
ask me for further details
['I always lie to my boyfriend about how much money I have.']
Why do you do that
I always lie to my boyfriend about how much money I have. Its terrible.
["At the time there was a friend that told me that i couldn't jump over him, then i jumped over him.", 'What were you standing on? Just the ground?', 'Yes, I was wearing my new shoes. My Yeezys were on fleek.', 'Are those by Kanye West? Not hip with the lingo.', 'Yes they do happen to be designed by Kanye. They fund the rich life style of the Wests and pay their water bill.']
I have heard water is expensive in California. Well , they are worth it if you can jump straight up five or six feet.
This one time it really bothered me when someone told me that I couldn't accomplish a task.
["after all it wasn't a good experience", "What wasn't a good experience?", 'my friend knowing the truth']
Tell me more, what happened with your friend?
i lied to my friend but she found out the truth
ask me for further details
['I had a very fierce argument with my partner last night. She left the house in the middle of the night and I am not sure if she will ever come back', 'Oh no! Have you spoken to her at all since she left?', 'She does not respond to my calls at all. I think it is all over for our 2 year relationship']
That is so sad to hear! Perhaps after she cools down a bit ya'll will be able to work it out.
My partner and I had a very fierce argument last night. She left the house and I do not know if she will ever come back
I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
['I am excited for the new super smash bros game coming out for the switch soon']
I have seen previews for it. Looks exciting.
I am excited for the new super smash bros game coming out for the switch soon
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
['I am ashamed of how much I have gone to the gym recently, I have been slacking since I have been working more', "Well, you can't do everything.", 'I know, but I sure wish I could']
Give yourself a break. Your financial health is important too.
I am ashamed of how much I have gone to the gym recently, I have been slacking since I have been working more
["I spent a ton of money on computer upgrades and purchasing a new game I was excited for. Turns out it's actually pretty boring.", "I'm sure there'll be other games it will be useful for.", "Yeah. While I'm pretty bummed out, the only wasted money was on the game. It's always nice to have a power and fast computer.", 'I built my own too a few years ago.', "That's awesome! So you're a gamer as well?"]
At times, though I don't have as much time anymore.
I spent a good bit of money upgrading my computer and for a new game I was excited for. The game turned out to be pretty boring.
['I remember the one time my co worker took out his back , he would still come in to work but i made sure i did all the heavy lifting so he wont he eventually got better']
That is some dedication. Did he finally heal up?
my co worker took out his back
ask me for further details
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
['Sometimes my daughters have too much homework.']
I almost feel like homework is counter productive. Shouldn't the schools be teaching the kids enough during their 8 hours?
I get aggravated when my daughters have too much homework.\
ask me for further details
['sunday i am going to a concert and i cant wait']
Oh that's cool! Who are you going to see?
sunday i am going to a good concert, i cant wait
ask me for further details
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
["So I saw a guy at the gas station yesterday and he was over 40..listening to nasty rap and of course he got out to use the free air pump then just THREW it on the ground. They constantly have to replace it and it's the only free one in the area.", 'Oh, that sound alful! Some people have zero respect for others belonging and even less for things we all need to share.', 'I know right? It is so ghetto in my neighborhood but I just cannot stand people who behave that way. Yes zero respect and zero care for even their own things, let alone others. Its sad.']
It is sad. Espically since if the same people acted like they cared and wanted to they could help make the enviroment better for everyone.
So I saw a guy at the gas station yesterday and he was over 40..listening to nasty rap and of course he got out to use the free air pump then just THREW it on the ground.
I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
['Last year a hurricane hit my area. Luckily I had planned well and had all the supplies I needed to stay safe. I am always thinking ahead like that.', "Sorry to hear that, I'm glad you were prepared.", "Yeah I had plenty of food, batteries, first aid, and entertainment to keep me busy. It wasn't so bad."]
You did the right thing. You should always stay ready for a disaster.
I recently had a hurricane hit my city. Luckily I had planned well and had all the supplies I needed to stay safe until the storm passed. I am glad I thought ahead.
I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
["I haven't been home in so long. I am so ready to go home and see my family."]
I bet, I get home sickness even if I'm gone a couple day. I bet they are happy to see you as well!
I'm so ready to go home. I can hardly wait!
['Everyone applauded me']
That must feel amazing! What did you do to deserve the recognition?
I was in a class when my name was mentioned for an award,i came out feeling high
ask me for further details
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
['One time I had a flat tire and my dad came to help me fix it.', 'Oh no! Glad your dad was able to help. How did it happen?', 'I ran over a nail in the road. Now I know not to drive near new houses.']
That's some bad luck. I hope it wasn't too much of a hassle.
A situation when I felt grateful was when I had a flat tire and my father came to help me with it. I felt grateful to have family around to be there for me.
['i farted in a board meeting', 'How mortifying! Did anyone hear it? Did it smell?', 'well,you could guess the atmosphere changed with a loud!']
Yikes! I can't even imagine how embarrassing that was.
i farted in a board meeting
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
['The other day I had to go and get some legos for my nephew. A very strange emotion kinda overcame me in the aisle at Target.', 'Were you embarrassed or what happend?', 'No just this feeling overcame me that my kids just have outgrown this time.']
I know! It can be sentimental at times! You will grow along with them. Enjoy the ride
I had to go buy legos for my nephew the other day. Makes me miss the days when my girls were young enough to play with them.
I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
["My son has been cleaning up after himself without being asked, it's been such a joy to see him take initiative!", 'wow i wish i could get my kids to do that. congrats', "It's been a long time coming, that's for sure."]
well it seems like he is starting out to become a productive person in life
My son has been cleaning up after himself without being asked!
['I was disgusted when I saw a fight in high school that ended with someone cracking their skull open a bit']
WOW! Why do people have to be violent... ugh
I was disgusted when I saw a fight in high school that ended with someone cracking their skull open a bit
['I went to traffic court the other day and was promised that I would get off with a warning, but I ended up with a $300 fine. I was so mad!', 'So much for them being up front for you. Man $300 for what thats a lot.', 'It was a ton. I was going 5 over in a construction zone, but no one was around where I was. So aggravating!']
Yea construction zones are crazy, so often nooones there!
I went to traffic court thinking that my ticket would be thrown out but the judge wouldn't give me any lenience.
['When I woke up this morning there were TWO spiders on my bed.', 'That sounds horrible, and scary', "I have no idea how long'd been there. I just can't get over that there was more than one."]
What did you do after
I woke up this morning to TWO spiders on my bed. I have no idea how long they were there.
['I bought 5 lottery tickets today. I am positive for the future because I think I will win']
Best of luck! Have you won in the past?
I bought 5 lottery tickets today. I am positive for the future because I think I will win.
ask me for further details
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
["I've gotten a raise that'll start in February."]
Congratulations! Are you going to celebrate?
I just got a raise that'll kick in in February.
ask me for further details
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
['Our home was broken into and it was so scary.']
I cannot imagine how scary that would be! Were you home or away?
When our home was broken into I felt this way.
ask me for further details
I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
["These days I feel so isolated and alone. My daughter moved out so it's only me these days."]
That is a hard stage of life that I am not looking forward to! Do you get to talk to her often?
My daughter moved out and now I'm all alone. I feel so isolated and to myself these days I don't know what to do.
ask me for further details
["My wife is about to start her Master's program and I'm very proud of her. I like how much ambition she has.", "Wow, that's awesome and great that you're supporting her also.", "She's my rock. She's going to crush this Master's program"]
What course or field?
I'm proud of my wife. She is about to start her Master's program!
ask me for further details
['Aiming to have my first amateur fight this year and my first pro fight by next year at the earliest, fingers crossed', "Wow good luck, I'm a big fan of watching MMA myself.", 'Thanks! I actually box..quite different but the nerves and adrenaline rushes are the same lol']
Oh oops, my fault for assuming. Definitely an intense experience either way as you said.
I've been boxing for almost 3 years now but always had some type of injury that prevented me from having my first fight...I'm looking after my health a lot better now and putting in some gym hours, so aiming for next year fingers crossed
['I started going back to the gym recently and I was so anxious the first day that I was going to look stupid!']
The gym always hurts my body when i go.
The first day I went to the gym after years of being out , I was so anxious I was going to look stupid.
['Boy, that movie The Conjuring sure was good.']
I've not seen the movie
Boy, that movie The Conjuring sure was good. I have not felt scared in a long time, and I am horror movie buff myself.
['There was a girl at the park today doing flips and a cartwheel. It was so crazy!']
Wow. That is impressive! I can't even do a cartwheel on a mat.
I need someone doing perfect cartwheels at the park today. They were doing flips and everything, it was amazing!
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
['Yesterday, i passed by a library which me and my ex-partner used to visit frequently when in college. I felt like I truly missed those times']
I'm sorry to hear that. It always sucks missing the good old days.
Yesterday, I passed by the library that during college times me and my ex-partner used to visit frequently
I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
['I was in a meeting when someone accused me of stealing his money, it was so tough on me']
That's the thing with accusations, anybody can say anything. But if they don't have any proof then it's meaningless.
Some people can be very annoying, I was so ashamed the other day
['Ignored my friends message on one of my social media sites that just wanted support from me after finding out her mom had cancer.', "That's unfortunate to hear. It seems like everyone lost that day.", 'Yes, indeed. Something that still bothers me to this day.']
I am sorry. Hopefully you can make it up to your friend.
I was on one of my social media sites and ignored a message from one of my friends who said she really needed someone to go with her to an appointment for her mom so she didn't have to sit by herself in waiting room while her mom was in the back talking with doctor. Come to find out her mom had cancer and my friend just wanted me there for support.
I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
['I trust my wife deeply']
Do you? You should trust her, that's what marriage is about!
I trust my wife deeply.
ask me for further details
['I got a friend request on facebook last week from this person that I knew I recognized but couldnt remember exactly where I had met them. After thinking and looking at older photos of the person on their page I realized it was a good friend I met on a cruise some 15 years ago that I enjoyed spending the short time with. I cant believe he remembered my name.']
That is so crazy. I love how Facebook reconnects people from so long ago. Do you have any plans to meet up some time?
I got a friend request on facebook last week from this person that I knew I recognized but couldnt remember exactly where I had met them. After thinking and looking at older photos of the person on their page I realized it was a good friend I met on a cruise some 15 years ago that I enjoyed spending the short time with. I cant believe he remembered my name.
ask me for further details
I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
['When my grandmother passed away, I was devestated, I hated it so much', 'Oh no I am sorry for your loss', 'Thank you, I appreciate it a lot']
You are welcome, keep your head up
When my grandmother passed away, I was devestated, I hated it so much
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
['i might be taking a trip to see my family within the month or within the next 4 months', 'Its always so exciting to take a trip or vacation. but its even more exciting to see family', 'sometimes. i look forward to seeing them. then when i get there i remember why i live 800 miles away.']
Haha, yea thats how I feel about my In laws. Im glad they are a 4 hour plane ride away
i might be taking a trip to see my family within the month or within the next 4 monhts.
['So proud to see my buddy make the team.', 'Tell your buddy I said congrats! What team was it?', "It's a high school basketball team! I will."]
Awesome! Maybe a recruiter from a good college will see them play and give them a scholarship!
When my friend made the basketball team. He worked so hard for it.
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
['Hi! is it okay to be angry at a friend when he throws you to jail for absolutely nothing?', 'Absolutely. What happened?', 'He lied about me assaulting him and it was just an argument really.']
That's bad. Did any charges get pressed?
Last month i had an argument with a friend and he threw me into jail with false claims that i had assaulted him.
ask me for further details
I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
["Someone lit a bag of poop on fire on my neighbors sidewalk last halloween. The smell of it is something I won't soon forget."]
lol hey at least it was your neighbors sidewalk and not yours
Someone lit a bag of poop on fire on my neighbors sidewalk last halloween. The smell of it is something I won't soon forget.
['i was sitting in traffic today and let a person out, didnt wave or anything, that junk makes me so mad']
At least you tried to be nice
I hate when i let someone out during traffic and they dont acknowledge me at all
['I had my first real drink back in October with some of my friends and I was really nervous about it.']
Why were you nervous about it? Usually drinking means to loosen up and have fun.
Back in October of last year I had my first drink. At that time I had never drank or tried any drugs or anything, so I was very nervous about trying anything mind altering like that.
ask me for further details
['I woke up this morning and saw a scratch on my car, I have no idea how it got there.']
Ugh do you have any security camera that might have captured what happened?
I woke up this morning and saw a scratch on my car, I do not know how it got there.
ask me for further details
['My puppy fell off the couch and hurt his paw.', 'Wow, what happened next, is he alright?', 'He is fine now, but I took a couple of days off of work to nurse him back to health. Poor little thing.']
Wow what type of dog is he? Is he a big one that acts tough or a little one that needs lots of love?
My puppy fell off the couch and hurt his paw.
ask me for further details
['Taking my nephew to a show tomorrow']
What show?
MMA shows tomorrow night
ask me for further details
['I remember when a hamburger was only a dollar.']
Inflation sucks
I remember when a hamburger was just a dollar. Those were the good old days.
['I came home from work and found out my friends threw me a party!', 'I bet that was fun', 'It was, I even drank some wine because I was so surprised!']
Wine can be good
My friends threw me a party on my birthday.
['I was walking down the road earlier today and saw someone throw a bunch of rubbish out of their window.', 'did you call the po-po ?', "I didn't think to. I don't understand why people do it though..."]
yea they are dumb.
I was recently walking down the road and I saw somebody drive past and throw a bunch of rubbish out of their window. I don't understand why people do it.
['Feeling positive about this week.', "I'm glad! Anything good happening?", 'Well sure! I am alive, I have some of my health. A new baby puppy, money etc etc! Good food. Lots of positives :) Also Hoping my partner grows by leaps and bounds after a month in therapy.']
Lots of positives! I'm sending good vibes your way!
Feeling positive about this week. Hoping my partner grows by leaps and bounds after a month in therapy.
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
["I've had this dirtbike since I was a kid, and took all kinds of care of it. My neighbor backed over it on accident."]
That must have been upsetting. Were you able to get it fixed?
My neighbor backed over my dirtbike. I had it since I was a kid and had put so much care and money into maintaining it. All gone in one fell swoop.
ask me for further details
["I ordered a vacuum that I needed asap..however it didn't work when I got it and they wouldn't rush ship another one to me.", 'Could you purchase one from a local store?', "I could but it would be twice as expensive! I prefer buying things online as it's less of a hassle to return them if something is wrong. I don't have to drive anywhere"]
I see, online is such a convenience but if things get delayed or don't work it becomes an issue.
I ordered a vacuum that I needed asap..however it didn't work when I got it and they wouldn't rush ship another one to me.
['I read a book the other day and it made me feel all warm inside.']
I love good books, what was it about?
I read a book the other day and it made me feel all warm inside. I love books and movies that evoke many emotions.
ask me for further details
['My 15 year old cat just passed away. I feel so empty and down in the dumps without him.']
I am so sorry to hear that!
My 15 year old cat just passed away. I feel so empty and down in the dumps without him.
I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
["One time when i was young and i didn't know how to swim I jumped in the pool knowing my dad was watching me.", 'Did you get hurt or drown a bit?', 'A little. I remember being choked up some but he jumped in there and got me out quickly.']
Nice, well hopefully nothing like that ever happens again!
Once when i was young and i didn't know how to swim I jumped in the pool knowing my dad was watching me.
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
['I am quite mad at how things are going at work', "Oh my, that doesn't sound good. Whats happening?", 'My boss is giving preferential treatment to certain groups of people :(']
You should not tolerate that discrimination. I think you should complain to HR.
I am quite mad at how things are going at work
please give me some advices.
["My husband surprised me really good on Mother's Day this year.", 'That sounds so sweet!', 'He got me the Lego Disney castle that I have been wanting forever.']
He must be a great guy!
I really wanted the lego Disney castle and my husband got it for me for mother's day
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
['i lost my wallet but someone returned it']
I would have kept it!
i lost my wallet but someone returned it
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
['My friend bought a car that I have been waiting to buy for years now!']
oh really? that must sting
My friend got a new car yesterday which i have been saving up for years.
ask me for further details
['I have been exercising and dieting for the last year regularly! I feel really good about how I look and am really self assured!', 'I try to eat the most junk food possible.', "That's no good! Aren't you worried about your health! You will feel better about yourself if you work out and eat healthy!"]
I think i will most likely die before i am thirty.
I have been exercising and dieting for the last year regularly! I feel really good about how I look and am really self assured!
['i was scared walking home last week', 'Oh no! What happened?', 'someone was following me']
I would have been terrified! What did you do?
i was scared walking home last week
ask me for further details
I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
['The first day of Highschool I walked in with a big smile', "Aw, that's nice. Do you have a lot of good memories of high school?", 'Yes, they were the best times of my life']
My experience wasn't that great, but I still had good times back then.
ON the first day of Highschool I walked in with a huge smile on my face
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
['I caught my wife red handed cheating on me I feel so bad']
Oh that's got to be very tough! I'm sorry to hear that. How did you respond?
I caught my wife red handed cheating on me I feel so bad
ask me for further details
I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
["I had this girlfriend only a few months ago and she was always so honest and kind, it really made me trust her and care about her. Things didn't work out but that's okay.", "I'm so sorry to hear that. At least you enjoyed your time with her in the moment?", "Yeah it was a lot of fun, I'm glad it happened even though it made me sad."]
Well, hey. At least there's plenty more fish in the sea. Maybe the next one will be the one.
I had this girlfriend a few months back that I really cared for. Unfortunately things didn't work out but the breakup was mutual and I still really think highly of her for how honest she always was.
["I am playing an official gig with a band I'm in and I can't wait. I know we'll be amazing.", 'Wow congrats! What type of music do you play?', 'Thanks! Its good to actually get some money out of it. We play folk music with a rock twist. Its great music.']
Nice, I really like folk music. I hope you guys put off a great show.
I am playing an official gig with a band I'm in and I can't wait. I know we'll be amazing.
['My life is horrible right now. i lsot my job and my girlfriend broke up with me. :(']
I'm so sorry to hear that. It will get better, though.
I lsot my job and my girl friend broke up with me. Everything is falling apart.
I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
['I am so hopeful for a bright future', 'What is the big end goal?', 'To be a happy and fulfilled person']
I think you can do it.
I am so hopeful for a bright future
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
['I had a rough day today and now my son refuses to go to bed', 'That really sucks. Maybe you should force feed him some melatonin?', 'That has never worked with him. I bought a huge bottle of the gummies']
Oh, well hopefully that works. Wouldn't want you up all night!
MY son is refusing to go to sleep. I had a long day and am really tired
["I can't get myself to sell my grandpa's old Cadillac.", 'Feeling sentimental much?', 'I suppose so. It holds a special place in my heart even though its so old.']
I know how you feel. I've got old rifles from both of my grand fathers... along with some WW II bring backs. I don't think I could sell them.
I don't want to sell my grandpa's car.
I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
['I am so mad! I took my car in to the dealership for an oil change and find out I need new brakes! They want to charge me $800 for just the rear brakes!', 'That is insane. You might want to take it elsewhere.', 'I would like to, but I have a hard time trusting non-dealership mechanics because I have been burned in the past. It just drives me insane how much everyone charges!']
The prices have risen alot with all the technology and electrical components.
I am so mad! I took my car in to the dealership for an oil change and find out I need new brakes! They want to charge me $800 for just the rear brakes!
['I thought my wife had umbilical hernia. Which is a serious health condition. Doctor told her she might die or end up in an ER!']
well I mean...does she really? or do you just think she does
I thought my wife had umbilical hernia. Which is a serious health condition. Doctor told her she might die or end up in an ER! .
ask me for further details
["My birthday is coming up later this week. I'm so excited!", 'Well Happy early Birthday! I hope you enjoy it, when it comes.', "Thank you so much! I can't wait to have a special cake."]
A special cake sounds wonderful, and you're welcome.
My birthday is coming up this week. I'm feeling so excited!
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
["My kid came home with straight A's!", 'OMG that is wonderful!!! I bet you are really proud!', "I am very proud. She is such a great kid. I just wanted her to do her best. Doesn't really matter she gets straight A's or not."]
You say that but it sure is nice!
My kid came home with straight A's!
['Last week, I robbed my neighbor appartment. She forgot to close her balcony door. I feel bad about it now after seeing her crying.', 'did you give her stuff back', "No, I can't. She already called the police."]
she knows it was you?
Last week, I robbed my neighbor appartment. He forgot to close his balcony door. I feel bad about it now after seeing her crying.
ask me for further details
['My friends went on vacation without me, and now I have no one to hang out with for 3 weeks.']
That sucks, I'm sorry to hear it. Did they at least ask you first?
My friends went on vacation without me.
ask me for further details
I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
['How long have you been married for? I always thought I would be one of those people celebrating my 40 year anniversity.', '4 years in October', 'Oh wow, I was at 10 till I found him cheating.']
Mine cheated on me too. We're separated now.
I know I shouldn't be since it was my choice to leave but sometimes I get upset and other things when I see happily married couples. I Always thought that would be me.
['I always have to save up to buy myself something nice.', 'I hear you :) I do the same', 'I envy people who can just spend so freely', 'I know right? I am working on a side business so I can do that one day. You should totally get a side hustle.', "I should but I work and go to school. I don't know if I can right now", 'I understand! What are you going to school for?', 'psychology. its boring lol']
I bet, it can help people and pay a lot in a career as well. Good luck!
I hate when people get new things when they come out and I have to save up
['I went to the movies last night', 'Oh nice. What movie did you see?', 'It was one of the Star Wars movies!']
How was it? Did you like it?
I was out with some of my friends last night. We watched a movie that was very epic.
ask me for further details