question or not
2 values
4 values
['My dog loves to hide whenever she has to poop or pee. So I always find hidden treasures around my apartment and boy is it gross!']
Sounds gross lol
My dog loves to hide whenever she has to poop or pee. So I always find hidden treasures around my apartment and boy is it gross!
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
['I just noticed my neighbor pull in with a brand new camper. That thing is so nice. I wish I could afford one like that...', 'Campers are awesome, have you tried socialising with him? maybee he can invite you to see it from the inside', "I should. I'd love to see the inside. I'm quite envious of him right now,."]
hahahah i bet he is a nice guy and will let you see it
My neighbor just bought a brand spanking new camper. I wish I could afford one of those.
['Ive really desired a doctorate ,but my busy schedle would not allow me']
Aw, can't fit any classes into your schedule?
Never thought i could merit the honorary doctorate award given to me by my alumni
ask me for further details
['My friend just sent me a box with bath bombs and a spa kit!']
That sounds wonderful! Do you get to use them yet?
A friend sent me a gift box.
ask me for further details
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
['I was happy when my dog returned!', 'Did he just come back to you?', 'Yea he found his way back home!']
That is pretty great! My dog takes forever at time because he's playing with the neighbors dogs.
I was happy when my dog returned!
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
['I cared for my grandfather the last months of his life, I really enjoyed taking care of him']
That's nice. I bet he appreciated it.
I cared for my grandfather the last few months of his life. We both enjoyed the time we spent together
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
['I feel a bit sad about this weekend. I have to work on a big project for work instead of visiting my family.']
I'm sorry to hear that. Hopefully after this project you can get some time off to spend with your family.
I wish I could have visited my family this weekend. But I have a big project to work on.
I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
["A friend just published her own book. I don't know how she does it!", "That's awesome! What is the name of the book?", "I honestly can't remember right now (don't tell her I said that), but I know she worked on it for a long time."]
That's great. I produce audio and I have an album coming out by the end of the summer! Tell her to keep it up!
A friend of mine wrote a book. I admire the dedication and knowledge she has to complete such a big project.
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
["It's storming really badly outside at the moment.", 'Really, where is that?', "I'm here in South Korea for work at the moment. A typhoon is coming."]
Well at least you are not in the middle of the flight.
It's storming really badly outside right now. Freaks me out.
['My birthday is tomorrow.', 'happy birthday! are you exciteD?', 'I am! My friends are throwing me a party :)']
i hope you have a great time
My birthday is tomorrow. I am so happy!
["I was really hungry today and ate my roomates' leftovers."]
Do you feel bad about it?
I was really hungry today and ate my roomates' leftovers.
ask me for further details
I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
["I'm entering a music contest with my friends. This is our first!", 'What is the name of your band?', "It's 9 limit, because we're 9 people."]
That's a lot. What kind of music do you play>
I'm entering a music contest with my friends. This is our first!
['I am really excited for this weekend']
That's great! What do you have planned?
We are having a birthday party for my mom this weekend. I am excited to see all of my family. I think it will be a fun time
ask me for further details
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
["I feel bad I stole my mom's car last weekend."]
Why did you do that?
I feel bad I stole my mom's car last weekend.
ask me for further details
['I feel so thankful for my mother-in-law. She recently sent us a great feast of food out of the blue.', 'Wow, how nice. Is she always doing nice things?', 'She does actually, and very randomly! Which I love and find to be kind of unique.']
Wow, you are lucky to have someone like that in your life. That's rare.
My mother in law recently sent a great feast by way of my wife, and I am very thankful for that.
I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
['My friend bought a audi R8 last week. I am happy for him but however i kind of feel something inside']
Audis are pretty nice. You must feel a bit jealous, hu?
My friend bought a audi r8 last week. I am happy for him but deep down i am thinking how did he manage to buy that
ask me for further details
['My house feels like its taking forever to sell...but I have a feeling something good is going to come soon!', 'How long have you been trying to sell it for?', "It's been almost 3 months now, but not 1 offer."]
I'm sure you will sell it soon! 3 months is not such a long time
I cant wait for my house to sell.. its a slow market.
["My boss was diagnosed with cancer earlier this summer. I've been trying very hard to work extra to make things easier for her."]
That is really kind of you, many people would not bother. I hope that she wins her battle.
My boss has cancer, so I'm trying very hard to work extra to make things easier for her.
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
['Someone paid my car insurance for the year!', 'Wow, what a stroke of luck! Who did you such a solid?', "It was donated to my church to give to me so I don't know. Someone that knew things haven't been solid for me financially since I lost my job. It was an amazing blessing."]
That's so very fortunate! There are still some kind-hearted people out there after all.
Someone paid my car insurance for the year!
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
["I was traveling last month and the airplane smelled like it hadn't been cleaned for months."]
That must have been unbearable. Did you complain to the staff about the smell?
The airplane smelled like it hadn't been cleaned for months.
ask me for further details
I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
["I went to the dealership to buy a truck a little while ago, but I wasn't nervous.", "That's good, did you use one of those car buying services or something?", 'No I just knew exactly what I wanted, and how much I wanted to pay for it']
Did you end up getting a good deal?
I went looking for a truck the other day. But I didn't feel fooled by the dealer, I knew what i wanted.
ask me for further details
['My friend got a bouquet from her boyfriend the other day']
That sounds so sweet. What was the occasion?
My friend got a bouquet from her boyfriend the other day
ask me for further details
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
["i got cheated and broken up with last night I can't believe it. I'm so angry."]
I'm so sorry, you must feel terrible. It's their loss in the long run.
i got cheated and broken up with last night I can't believe it. I'm so angry.
I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
['i was scared to walk home last night']
Oh that's too bad. Maybe you could have someone walk with you?
i was scared to walk home last night
ask me for further details
I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
["My son knew that he wasn't suppose to bring drinks near my computer, and he didn't listen! Now he spilled water all over my gaming computer and it won't turn on.", "Oh no! That would've made me so mad. I let my kids use my computer too but always say, no drinks by it and wash your hands. Kids always seem to forget that.", "I'm not so sure if it's forgetting or just wanting to be contrary, honestly! Maybe I'm just being a little negative because of how mad I am. People do make mistakes, but that computer cost me and arm and leg to build!"]
It is a hard balance because they need to learn and it should make you mad, but people do make mistakes. So hard to know how to act really but things are too expensive to not treat them well. I hope you're able to find an easier way to fix it.
I told my son not to drink near my computer and he did it anyway. He spilt drink on my gaming computer!
I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
["I got a new job. I'm kinda nervous!", 'why ? im sure you will be fine', 'New job. New coworkers. All the new and unknown makes me nervous!']
yea i can understand that
I got a new job. I'm kinda nervous!
['After a long week at work, I am at peace on this quiet Sunday morning.', 'thats good.. any plans', 'nothing but just relaxation']
thats cool
Such a quiet and relaxing Sunday. So calm and so peaceful.
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
['are afraid to see strange cars at your yard']
What don't you like about the cars?
to see a new car in my yard
ask me for further details
["I'm a huge football fan but wasn't happy about last season.", "Did your team not do so good? I know mine sure didn't.", "That's the reason I was mad about the season. Who is your favorite team?"]
I like Chicago. How bout you?
I was not happy about the Dallas Cowboys 2017 season. I was hopeful they would have a storybook season. But non football related situations stopped this from happening.
ask me for further details
['i need to go to bed', 'Are you tired, or do you have early plans tomorrow?', 'yes and yes im having a porch built']
Oh, that's exciting! There is nothing like relaxing on the porch in the evening.
im up way too late
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
['I am mad at my job recently, they are overworking us a lot']
That's terrible. Are you working more hours or are they cramming it into the hours you already have?
I am mad at my job recently, they are overworking us a lot
ask me for further details
I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
['I paid off all my bills. Its such a great feeling.']
that's fantastic! It certainly is a great feeling, financial freedom!
I paid off all my bills. Its such a great feeling.
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
['I heard something scraping on my window last night. I got up to investigate.']
Scary!!! What was it? Were you terrified or just curious?
Last night I heard something scraping on my window. I got up and opened it to look out.
ask me for further details
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
['I saw a dead rabbit on the road. It was pretty sickening', 'Oh my lord, how long to you think it had been there', 'For over a day at least']
Thats not good, was he all smashed up?
I was pretty sickened last week when I saw a dead animal on the road. It was a rabbit
ask me for further details
["My friend and I are supposed to go to a water park this weekend. I've never been to a water park, so I'm sooorta looking forward to it.", 'That is awesome. I love water parks. Do you like pools in general?', "Oh yeah, I love to swim! Especially when it's so dang hot outside."]
Oh yeah! It is cool here today but it has been insanely hot. Pools are the best.
My friend and I are supposed to be going to a water park soon. I've never been to a water park, so it should be interesting.
['My daughter is a sophomore in college and spent the summer with her boyfriend.', 'Do you like her boyfriend?', 'I have met him once. He seems like a nice guy.']
That's good, hopefully they treat each other well.
My oldest daughter is away at college and spent the summer staying with her boyfriend.
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
['I am excited for the new super smash bros game coming out for the switch soon']
My boyfriend just bought a Nintendo Switch last week. It was expensive!
I am excited for the new super smash bros game coming out for the switch soon
["I can't complain about anything right now. I have a roof over my head, a decent job, and a wonderful family.", "i am also blessed. we don't have fancy things or a ton of money but we have each other and our health.", 'Life is good for both of us then. I am thankful every day that I am so blessed.']
me too. some are not as fortunate as us.
I really have nothing to complain about. I have a roof over my head, a good job, and a wonderful family. Life is good!
['My son spilled water on my laptop. I was so upset, because I lost all of the photos I had stored on it.', 'Thats a bummer. Maybe you can take it to a repair shop.', 'I can']
Im sure they can figure something out. They might be able to remove the harddrive to recover the photos.
My laptop was destroyed when my toddler spilled water on it. I was so upset because I lost all of the baby photos that I had stored on it.
["Was driving my sister to her friend's house today and the car almost hydroplaned because the streets were wet. Cannot believe I didn't crash into the car in the other lane", 'That is really scary. Hydroplaning is something you can really do nothing about', "Yeah, I know they teach you to steer in the other direction and to lay off the gas and all, but still when it all happens in an instant, it's easy for you to just forget how to even function properly"]
It happens really quickly. You forget everything then.
Was driving my sister to her friend's house today and the car almost hydroplaned because the streets were wet. Cannot believe I didn't crash into the car in the other lane
I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
["I was working on a really tough and boring project. When I was done my boss didn't even care.", 'Wow. Sounds like you have a wonderful boss. Sarcasm by the way.', "Yeah he's a catch."]
Is he always this way?
I spent so much time working on a project and it was just ignored by my bost. I'm so upset by his ignorance.
ask me for further details
['In all seriousness, even as an adult, I am scared of the dark. I think it is from all the scary movies I used to watch as a child.', 'Do you have a night light?', 'Yes! A night light, a flash light (in case the night light goes out), a hall light, and a kitchen light for good measure!']
That's such a good idea, did the scary movies ruin you?
Honestly, I am, for the most part, scared of the dark. I think it is from all the scary movies I watched when I was a kid.
ask me for further details
['i go to the same place to eat breakfast every morning for the past 10 years']
they must be a really good resturaunt
i go to the same place to eat breakfast every morning for the past 10 years
["I've been going through some old photos that need to be organized, but it's slow going.", 'Have you found any good ones?', 'A lot! But I just ended up spending the afternoon telling my girls all the stories that went with the photos of when they were little.']
Nice! It's always good to sit around a tell the tales of your youth to our children :)
I've been going through some big photo buckets we have that need to be organized. I didn't get far as I spent so much time going through the pictures with my girls and telling them stories about when they were little.
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
["My dogs are like my children to me and I can't stand when they are outside to long!", 'Oh yes! I know your feeling. I see my dog as a child as well.', "Its weird how much love you can have for something that can't even talk to you and not even the same species but I love my doggies so much."]
Right! It's like some kind of spiritual bond I think. It's a wonderful love to have!
I always feel on edge when the puppies are outside for too long. It makes me worry too much.
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
['Came home to all my family here with a hot pot going!']
Really? You should be grateful that you have such a wonderful family.
Came home to all my family here with a hot pot going!
ask me for further details
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
["I'm jealous I didn't the height gene my brother did. I feel so short when I'm around him.", "I feel jealous I didn't get the artistic genes my brother got lol", 'Haha, I guess we all get jealous of something our brother has. But I bet they are too of something we have.']
Probably! Makes me feel better now lol
I'm jealous I didn't the height gene my brother did. I feel so short when I'm around him.
['I was the one who stole the painting from the museum.']
Why would you do that?
I was the one who stole the painting from the museum.
ask me for further details
['my food that was delvered was deliverd incorrect, but by the time it got here the restraunt was already close.', "That's annoying! Did you end up eating it anyway?", 'i couldnt eat it. it was a mess']
Sorry that you had a bad experience!
food was ruined
I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
['I keep my kids picture on all of my screensavers', "That's nice :) I do that with pictures of my wife.", 'They keep my motivated']
I hear you. The best motivation is family.
I keep my kids on all my screensavers. They motivate me
I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
["My parents didn't save enough for retirement, and now that they're retirement age, they're struggling a little. I'm still in college and am not able to really help them. I'm worried about how they'll survive financially, and I feel guilty about not being able to offer much."]
There is always social security and part time jobs, that seems to be the norm these days. A lot of old people do not have enough saved
My parents didn't save enough for retirement, and now that they're retirement age, they're struggling a little. I'm still in college and am not able to really help them. I'm worried about how they'll survive financially, and I feel guilty about not being able to offer much.
['MY daughter finally went to bed at a decent time']
Bedtimes can be really hard for the kids and the adults too. LOL
I can't believe my daughter went to bed at a decent time. I guess she reallu understands that school is dtarting again
['My mom got scammed out of hundreds of dollars.', 'Dude! That sucks! I am so sorry about that. What happened?', "It was some internet phishing thing. She had zero recourse. I guess it's actually a little lucky she didn't lose more."]
Ugh! That really irritates me. I am so sorry that happened. Too bad they couldn't catch those creeps.
My mother got scammed out of hundreds of dollars. It was some internet phishing thing. She had no recourse.
I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
['I knew i would pass my math test that i studied for last week']
It's a good feeling when you are successful after you have worked so hard.
I knew i would pass my math test that i studied for
I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
["So stoked! In a couple weeks I'll be freeeeee", 'Oooh free from what?', 'lol. Going on vacation to Florida in a couple weeks!']
Wow that's awesome! To the beach?
Leaving for Florida in a couple weeks
ask me for further details
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
['My dog will have a surgery soon']
Oh no, what's wrong with your dog?
My dog had a surgery and even if it goes well he wont be able to walk again after it
ask me for further details
['Our home was broken into recently.', 'Oh no! Were you home when it happened?', "We weren't, thank goodness! I would have been scarred for life."]
I'm so glad you weren't there but I still hate to hear it. Did they take anything valuable?
Our home was broken into shortly after we moved in. We are still cautious today.
ask me for further details
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
['someone almost cut me off today', 'That sucks, I hate when that happens!', 'yea it does']
Did you return the favor at all so to speak?
someone almost cut me off today
ask me for further details
['Me and my girlfriend broke up today.', "I'm so sorry to hear that. Why did it happen?", 'The girl is insane.']
Yea. So you didn't get that warning not to date crazy, hu?
Me and my girlfriend broke up today.
ask me for further details
['i was pissed when i saw someone had put a dent in my door']
Oh no, people are so reckless.
i was pissed when i saw someone put a dent in my door
['I defended my thesis last year, with a raging ear infection.']
You must have been in so much pain. How did you manage to endure it?
When I defended my thesis, I wasn't completely prepared but I knew my research perfectly. I wasn't worried despite having three days to prep and having a raging ear infection.
ask me for further details
I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
['it makes me feel so sad when i fail at something']
You should use it as fuel and keep going.
it makes me feel so sad when i fail at something
please give me some advices.
['An elderly friend of mine gave me one thousand dollars to keep for him.']
He must trust you a lot.
An elderly friend of mine gave me one thousand dollars to keep for him.
['I just picked up a 6-pack at the grocery store but I am not a happy camper.', 'Why not? How can you not be happy with a 6-pack?', 'I got charged for a 24 pack!!']
That's insane, I hope you plan on returning that ASAP!
I just got back from grocery shopping at the store. I was overcharged for my beer.
I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
["My dad is coming into town. Haven't seen the guy in 5 years"]
That should be fun. Does he live pretty far away?
My dad is coming into town. Haven't seen the guy in 5 years.
ask me for further details
['So my parents bought a new puppy for my younger brother. He had no idea it was coming and was so happy and excited!', 'That is so sweet! Did he end up crying when he saw the puppy?', 'I think he nearly did! It was so sweet. Do you have any pets?', 'I have a cat. Her name is Venus. I rescued her from outside after she was attacked by a dog.', 'Oh, how scary. I love that name though. Very unique!', "Thank you! I am drawn to the stars and sky, and for some reason it just seemed so fitting. What was the puppy's name?", 'His name is Louie. I thought it was pretty cute']
That's an adorable name. Did your brother name him?
My parents bought my brother a new puppy. He had no idea it was coming!
ask me for further details
['I visited to Greece and was amazed by all the beautiful landscape I saw!', 'I had never visited there. But it reminds me of Athenas and that old cities', 'Yes, Athens is one of the oldest cities in the world! I went to an island though. I was amazed by all the rocky hills and clear waters.']
Do u remember the name of that Island?
I went to Greece and was amazed by all the beautiful landscape that was surrounding me.
ask me for further details
["I'm pretty peeved since my boss just called me to come in and do something at work on my day off.", 'ugh I hate when that happens... when I worked in retail my boss always called me', 'Oh yeah I have trauma of that too from retail days. Some things never change.']
I actually liked retail but the customers and the schedule sucks lol
My boss called me to come in on the weekend and it really has me peeved.
['My kids are out of town on vacation with my parents for the next week.']
That must feel awesome
My kids are out of town on vacation with my parents for the next week. It is way too quiet and boring here.
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
['My friend is always at least 30 minutes late to everything.']
sounds like my wife
My friend is always at least 30 minutes late to everything.
['i had to send my food back at the restaurant today.']
I've never had the guts to do that, even though I've wanted to on multiple occasions. What happened, if you don't mind me asking?
undercooked food
ask me for further details
['i was upset when i couldnt go home on time', 'I would be too! Were you stuck working late?', 'too much work on leave on time']
Ugh that is just the worst.
i was upset when i couldnt go home on time
I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
['I found the mug my grandfather used to use every day.', 'Oh that is wonderful I know that means a lot to you. It has great sentimental value I am sure.', 'It really brought back some great memories of my childhood.']
I am sure it did and I know you will treasure that mug. Put it in a special safe place on display so you see it every day..
I found the mug my grandfather used to use all the time. It was hidden in a box in the attic. Really brought back memories.
["I'm looking to move! Just put an offer in on a place, looking forward for a positive result", "That's great! Are you trying to buy a house?", "You bet! I think it's time to have a place I can really call my own. Hope they say yes!"]
It's nice to have a place of your own. I remember the excitement I felt when I bought my house.
I just put an offer in on a new house and I am waiting back for an answer on whether or not its mine.
['My boyfriend and I went to the beach the other evening to celebrate our six year anniversary. It was secluded and looked gorgeous. He proposed to me and I was soooo elated.']
Wow, thats amazing! How did ya'll initially meet?
I was celebrating my sixth anniversary with my boyfriend. We were sitting on the beach around sunset, it was totally secluded and beautiful. My boyfriend proposed to me and I was so elated.
ask me for further details
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
["I can't find my favorite handkerchief my grandfather gave me. I am fearful that I could have lost it."]
thats a horrible feeling, especially something sentimental
I could not find my favorite handkerchief that my grandfather gave me. I am afraid I lost it. It means so much to me since he has passed away.
I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
['I am getting everything together for my meeting tomorrow']
What is your meeting about?
I am getting everything together for my meeting tomorroe
ask me for further details
['I am not happy that the summer is almost over.']
I know, it feels like it just started.
I am not happy that the summer is almost over.
I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
["I will watch a film this weekend and I have my fingers crossed it isn't a stinker.", 'What movie is it?', "It's called The Meg. A shark attack movie."]
That looks like a fun movie!
I will watch a film this weekend at the cinema and I have my fingers crossed it doesn't stink.
["My husband and I don't usually get each other anything for Christmas but last year he got me a puppy which was so shocking.", 'That was really sweet of him!', "Yeah it was so nice, it made me really happy. He's very sweet."]
I am very happy for you!
My husband and I don't usually get each other gifts for Christmas but last year he got me one, it was a pet puppy. I could not have been more shocked.
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
["I'm getting anxious thinking about moving in 2 weeks, I hope I like the city I'm moving to!", 'That would be nerve racking, but also fun I think.', "Yeah, exactly, I'm nervous but at the same time I like the idea of a change!", 'Do you have a job lined up already?', "Yes, that is the prime reason we are moving so that's another positive."]
Well you are ahead of the game, more so than most people.
I'm getting anxious thinking about moving in 2 weeks, I hope I like the city I'm moving to!
["I'm going for some hot pot this weekend"]
That sounds so good!
I'm going for some hot pot this weekend.
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
["I stole alcohol from my dad and was caught and decided to lie instead of confessing. I'm ashamed."]
Hey it's ok. We all do stupid things when we are young.
I stole alcohol from my dad and got caught, I'm ashamed.
['i knew it shouldnt have trusted by brother with my dog', 'oh no. what did he do', 'he ran away']
Did he ever come back? That sucks
i knew it shouldnt have trusted by brother with my dog
ask me for further details
['My sister just had her first baby.']
That's great to hear. Was it a boy or a girl?
My sister just had her first baby.
ask me for further details
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
['I bumped into an old friend from elementary school today.']
How was it?
I bumped into an old friend from elementary school today.
ask me for further details
['I am really excited for the new super smash bros coming out, that will be such a fun game!']
i haven't played video games in so long.
I am really excited for the new super smash bros coming out, that will be such a fun game!
['I had some tests done at the doctors yesterday, hopefully i hear good news', 'i hope all goes well. was something the matter that made you decide to have the tests done?', 'just feeling exhausted at all times']
always good to check if in doubt
I had some tests done at the doctors yesterday, hopefully i hear good news
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
['My very first boyfriend ever cheated on me. When I found out I was so mad.', 'Well, it is good that you did not marry him. I had a husband who cheated.', "Oh wow. Yeah, I can't even imagine if I had married him. I'm glad he showed his true colors early on. I never had to see him again after that."]
Consider yourself very luck. A leopard never change his strips.
I found out that my first boyfriend had been cheating on me. I was so mad at him because I knew I deserved better. He never apologized to me about it and I told him I never wanted to see him again.
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
['I went with my sister and cousins. The experience was frightening but exciting at the sametime.', 'Where did you guys go?', 'To a haunted house.']
That's cool! I thought they'd only be around for Halloween.
I went to a haunted house.
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
['I was saddened when my parents were getting a divorce. I wanted better for them', 'That is sad to hear. But these things happen in life', 'That is true']
You just have to move on and be positive!
I was disappointed when my parents were getting a divorce. I wanted better for them
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
["My husband works really hard for our family and makes good money. We've made choices to give our kids experiences rather than have the biggest house."]
Very wise of you, experiences are all that matters.
My husband works really hard for our family and we've made choices to give our daughters experiences rather than have the biggest house. But sometimes it's hard going to our friend's homes and seeing how big they are.
I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
["I was invited to a friend's party the other night.", 'Oh that sounds like a blast! Did you go?', 'Yes, but they had white carpet and I spilled red wine all over it, but no one saw me do it.']
Oh dear. This sounds like a bad comedy movie. What did you do then?
I spilled red wine on my friend's carpet and just moved the rug to hide it.
ask me for further details
["I got a nice letter in the mail today, when's the last time you got an actual letter?", "Like years. I use emails a lot but I don't feel the need to use actual paper letters. It's 2018!", 'It was a good feeling, brought back a lot of old memories.']
I know right. That kind of stuff is very nostalgic
I was shocked to get a letter in the mail today.
['I was doing a team thing, and we won so i was happy', 'what was the team activity?', 'We had to do a presentation for a job']
I'm happy it went well for you!
I was doing a team effort, andf my team did well
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
['I once witnessed my little brother poop everywhere.', "oh man that's actually hilarious I hope he was a baby...?", '......Yes! he was a baby but still, I was horrified!']
yeah that's pretty scary and gross!
I watched my little brother poop his pants
I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
['We are going on a cruise next year on Spring Break with my parents and my sisters family.']
I love cruises. Where are you guys headed to on the cruise?
My parents are taking us on a cruise next year on Spring Break. It will be our first. We can't wait to go.
ask me for further details
["I had to rely on my own primal instincts and the Universe's subtle signs to guide me when I was homeless"]
im sorry to hearyou were homeles
When I was homeless I had nowhere to go...I literally had to rely on my own instincts and the Universe to guide me to where I needed to be
I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
['I found my grandfathers old watch he used to wear all the time. It really reminds me of him a lot.', 'That is pretty neat especially if it gives you good memories!', 'It really does. I remember he used to wear it for special occasions and holidays.']
Now you can carry on that tradition.
I found my grandfathers old watch he used to wear all the time. It really reminds me of him a lot.
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
['MY new neighbors have been making so much noise moving in', 'Have you complained?', 'Not yet. They have been moving in for weeks and only at night. Its horrible']
That sounds rough, sorry to hear about that!
MY neighbors have been movinguch noise! for weeks. They make so m
I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.