question or not
2 values
4 values
['I took my bosses car for a drive last night.']
Nice! Is it a fancy One?
I took my bosses car for a drive last night.
ask me for further details
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
["Sorry to cut that short, but I have to send an email to a company I really want to work for today and I don't want to mess it up.", 'Sure, go ahead. Is it an important one?', 'Yeah it would be for my first internship and it could really make my life much easier if I get it.']
That's great. Have yo sent it yet? Congratulations, by the way. Wish you good luck !
I have to send an email to a company I really want to work for today and I don't want to mess it up.
ask me for further details
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
["My friend's new pet kitten tragically got hit by a car this past weekend. I felt so bad for her."]
That is so terrible!
My friend's little kitten got hit by a car, it was so tragic and sad. I was crying for my friend.
I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
['Going roller coaster riding for the first time this weekend', 'I have never been, but i would be very unhappy about it.', "It's going to be scary but I think I can do it!"]
I would be careful, it might break any time!
Going roller coaster riding
["Didn't mean to break her glass."]
Oh no! What happened? Was she upset?
When I broke my mothers favorite glass while playing.
ask me for further details
["I probably shouldn't have, but I let go the wheel and let autopilot steer my car for 2 miles", 'Why inspired you to do that?', 'I just had so much faith in my new Tesla that I thought I would let it drive itself']
I suppose if any car should be fit for such a task, it would be a Tesla.
I let go the wheel and let autopilot steer my car
["I had an hectic interview ,I really don't know what to expect ,I'm curious to know what's next."]
What made it hectic?
I had an hectic interview ,I really don't know what to expect ,I'm curious to know what's next
ask me for further details
['I was arguing for a long time with someone, and then everyone found out i was wrong.', "Oh, I'm sorry. Everyone makes mistakes sometimes.", 'The thing was that it was my brother, so he will never let me forget it now.']
That's how it works with siblings!
Once i argued for a long time over the title of the film with my brother, but then he showed me i was wrong.
['I drank and got drunk out of my mind yesterday despite promising sobriety to my wife.', "Oh no, that's no good. Did she find out?", "Yes and I feel so ashamed right now. I can't even look her in the eyes anymore because of shame."]
Just have a talk with her and apologize. I'm sure she'll understand. Addiction is a life long battle. It's never too late to jump back on the wagon.
I drank despite promising sobriety to my wife.
["I can't afford to go to the salon."]
That sucks
I always do my own hair. It never looks as good as my friends.
["I can't believe I lied to my brother.", 'oh you did? what was it about?', 'I lied to him about taking his TV.']
dang thats a bit low
I can't believe I lied to my brother.
['i didnt think i could jump as high as I did when I stepped on that snake!']
I hate snakes!
I stepped on a snake walking down the street.
['The supposedly 5 star hotel in which I stayed in had beg bugs crawling everywhere in the room.']
Oh man I would file a lawsuitttttttt
The hotel room had beg bugs.
['I miss getting my nails done']
That's a shame. What is it that prevents you from getting them done?
I miss getting my nails done. I feel some kind of way when I seefreshly manicured nails
ask me for further details
["While my job doesn't pay a lot, it's very rewarding. I work as a caregiver and it feels so good to make someone happy."]
That must be amazing! I wish I had your job
I really enjoy my job as a caregiver. While it doesn't pay that well, it's very rewarding.
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
['I really hate my printer']
Is it acting crazy or just not working?
I really can't stand my printer
ask me for further details
['I needed a B in calculus to keep the GPA that I needed.', 'Did you manage to get it?', "Yeah but I wasn't over the moon since I wanted an A but I was pretty happy."]
As long as you keep the GPA to what you need though
I needed a B to keep the GPA that I wanted. I got a B exactly which wasn't that great but I was still pretty happy.
['I went to a theme park recently and got on this roller coaster']
Really! Did you have fun?
I was apprehensive a few weeks ago when I got on this rickety roller coaster. It was an old wooden one and kind of scary.
ask me for further details
['I have 4 daughters']
That is nice, do you enjoy them, do you enjoy being a parent?
I can't believe I am finally having a boy. I have 4 girls already.
ask me for further details
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
['So, I lied to my girlfriend about how much education I had', 'why would you do that', "Well because she's a little older and I felt like I was lagging behind her in life"]
I am not sure I get it
I lied to my girlfriend about how much education I had
['I was in awe when my dad won his award', 'Nice. What was the award for?', 'Best toes in the USA.']
I was in awe when my dad won his award!
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
['I find spiders to be extremely creepy']
I find them creepy too. I am actually very scared of them.
I am afraid of spiders.
['I came home from grocery shopping to find that my husband had cleaned the entire house up and started dinner. I was amazed.']
Wow that must of been such a great surprise.
I came home from grocery shopping to find that my husband had cleaned the entire house up and started dinner. I was amazed.
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
['Went to the park alone yesterday. Feels bad, man.', 'How come it felt bad?', 'My friends ditched me. They have never done that before.']
That is terrible. WHy?
Went to the park yesterday alone. My friends ditched me.
ask me for further details
I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
['I prepared rice and fish stew for my dinner date with my new girl', "That is so great that you're cooking for her! Did she love it?", "She loved it. I couldn't believe it turned out right because I saw the recipe on youtube and tried it out"]
Oh good! You must be so proud too! I love watching youtube recipes! I'm so glad it turned out for you!
I made rice for my dinner date with my new girl
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
['I am going back to school after 15 years']
Wow that,s exciting! What are you planning on majoring in?
I am going back to school. I never thought I would. I can't wait
ask me for further details
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
['i was mad the other day when i couldnt leave work on time', 'I know your pain. I used to have to stay over often as well.', 'yea sucks when you have plans']
It sucks when your wife made said plans hahaha!
i was mad the other day when i couldnt leave work on time
['This week, my manager told me bad comments about my work performance. It made me feel bad.']
that isnt good, were they true?
This week, my manager told me bad comments about my work performance. It made me feel bad.
ask me for further details
['I went to the bowling alley yesterday all alone - my friends ditched me.']
That sucks, did you still have fun?
I went to the bowling alley yesterday all alone because my friends ditched me.
ask me for further details
['I remember when I was in 8th grade, I had to sing the national anthem at my middle school graduation in front of hundreds of students and parents']
It must have been nerve wracking! Did you do well?
I remember when I was in 8th grade, I had to sing the national anthem at my middle school graduation in front of hundreds of students and parents
ask me for further details
['esterday, an old lady had a purse fall from her bag. I took it. I feel so bad.', 'Why would you do such a thing?!', "I wanted the money because I don't work."]
That is unacceptable, find a job!
Yesterday, old lady had a purse fall from her bag. I took it. I feel so bad.
['I found out my son dropped out of college last semester.', 'whattttttt....... why did he do that', "I don't know, he got into drugs and partying. I am really disappointed in him."]
im sorry to hear that ... hopefully he gets help to deal with issues
My son dropped out of college
I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
['Trump behavior make me so angry. Even with the queen of England, I had an unacceptable behavior.']
yea its insane that hes a political figure
Trump behavior make me so angry. Even with the queen of England, I had an unacceptable behavior.
['i was pissed when i was told i couldnt leave work on time', 'What did you do?', 'i quit!']
Oh wow, do you have a backup job lined up?
i was pissed when i was told i couldnt leave work on time
ask me for further details
['I do not like the fact my brother always uses my car.', 'CAn you not ask him not to?', 'Yea but he never listens.']
Could you hide the keys?
I do not like the fact my brother always uses my car.
ask me for further details
['I had to get some medical tests done. Waiting for the results killed me.']
Do you think you did good?
I had to get medical tests done. And then I had to wait for the dr to call back with results
ask me for further details
["I was with my uncle the other day and he wanted to watch a Discovery TV show I wasn't familiar with so I said okay. It was Dirty Jobs. It was so gross, you couldn't pay me enough to do those jobs!", 'Haha! I know exactly what you are talking about! I love that show and yes, it is quite gross! You must have felt quite disgusted!', 'I sure was! The images scroll through my head in like nightmares! Ahhhhh!']
Ooo! Yuck! I hope you don't get nightmares from it!
I was with my uncle the other day and he wanted to watch a Discovery TV show I wasn't familiar with so I said okay. It was Dirty Jobs. It was so gross, you couldn't pay me enough to do those jobs!
['I have been taking speech therapy classes to improve my stuttering problem!', "That's great, good for you for taking charge of the situation", 'Thanks. I feel so much more confident now when speaking to people.']
I think it's so important to not let things like that bother us, I'm really pleased for you.
I have been taking speech therapy classes.
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
['My wife can write really well, and she just wrote this article on networking.', 'I seem you must be quite proud of her for writing on such a subject.', "Yeah I read it and was super impressed. I think she's great at it, and it should be published."]
I agree, high quality work deserves to be read by a broader audience.
My wife wrote a really good article on networking. I don't think it'll amount to anything, but I think she should get it published.
['You know what really grinds my gears?!', 'You uttering this phrase, i remembered the Peter Griffin Meme. So tell me, what grinds your gears?', 'This STUPID printer that I have at work! That thing NEVER does what I tell it to and it ALWAYS runs out of ink!!!!!']
Why you guys don't you deliver a complain note to the management. They are responsible for handling the office tools
The printer at work is the worst thing ever
['Got pizza and the toppings were really sparse.']
Oh that can be so aggravating!
Got pizza and the toppings were really sparse.
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
['My wife have been with me through thick and thin for 30 years']
That is extremely loyal! You must have a really happy relationship?
My wife have been with me through thick and thin for 30 years
ask me for further details
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
['Last week, i went to native. I visited my place after years', 'That must have brought back a lot of memories', 'yes indeed, i got emotional after seeing the places, it brought back childhood memoeries']
good ones I hope.
Last week, i went to native after years, after seen the places, i got emotional
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
['My mom gave me a box of old toys I used when I was a kid.', 'Oh the memories', "IT was pretty neat. I haven't even thought about most of those in decades."]
What was in there?
My mom gave me a box of old toys I used when I was a kid.
ask me for further details
['My daughter slept in too late this morning.', 'Oh no! Did she miss school?', 'No, but we had to rush more than normal.']
Well good thing she got there! Kids always tend to want to go to bed at the last minute and end up not sleeping enough or sleeping past their alarms!
I was upset at my daughter for sleeping too late.
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
['Hi, guess what just happened to me?', 'You met Johnny Dep? I have no idea, what happened?', 'I won a new car!']
Wow, that's pretty cool! Congrats! That's a pretty exciting new thing in your life.
I am so lucky. I called into one of them radio station shows and won!
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
['My aunt died last week']
Oh man! I am so sorry! You must be devastated.
My aunt died
I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
["Can't believe my professor marked all this wrong.", 'Marked what wrong?', "All the answers on my calculus test, I know the answers were correct so I'm confused."]
Did you speak with him?
When I got my test back and my professor had marked everything wrong. I clearly had the correct answers.
ask me for further details
['i cant wait for this friday!']
Oh, what's happening on Friday?
i cant wait for this friday!
ask me for further details
['My school is low income, but we score in the top 5% statewide.', 'Really?', 'Yep. We get looked down on so much, but I think some schools are gonna rethink their attitudes now.']
I would like to come there and see it, how are you doing it?
My school is low income, but we score in the top 5% statewide.
ask me for further details
['Back in the school, I got zero marks in one of the important exam', 'Oh no sorry to hear that , were you able to retake it?', 'Yes, but at that time everyone expected that I would at least pass. I was very embarrassed at that time']
I can only imagine. Its one of those things that would embarass anyone but it happens to us all at some time
Back in the school, I got zero in one of the important exam. Everyone expected that I would at least pass. I was embarrassed at that time
I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
['Last month I was running a bit short on cash, but I got a bonus from work out of the blue.']
Oh wow! How lucky! Perfect timing.
I was running a bit short on cash last month and just got a nice bonus from work out of the blue. It really saved me.
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
['When I was in preschool, my pants fell down in front of everyone']
That sounds embarrassing, what happened after?
When I was in preschool, my pants fell down in class. I was laughed at a lot
ask me for further details
['Since i met my friend over a decade ago while working at mcdonalds , he was always been there for him , so i will always be there for him', 'Is it because you are there for him?', 'i plan to move to a new state very soon, i havent told him yet , but ill make sure to hang out with him one last time']
He would probably appreciate you doing that.
my friends have always been there for me so i will for them
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
['Hillary Clinton makes me sick.']
Why? She seems to be nice person
Hillary Clinton makes me sick.
ask me for further details
['My life is great!']
I'm glad. You seem very happy
I have a great life. My wife and son are so amazing!
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
['I keep everything my kids make']
You are a good parent. How do you have space for it all?
I still have everything my kids have ever made for me. Its almost hoardinf.
ask me for further details
['it makes me angry when i let someone out in traffic without being acknowleded']
Do you honk your horn at them?
it makes me very unhappy when i let someone out in traffic and they dont acknowledge me
ask me for further details
['When I was a kid my sister got the bike that I really wanted. I begrudged her that bike for a long time.', 'Oh yeah my brother would always get some things I wanted too. Made me feel jealous.', "It was especially hard because she didn't really care about the bike."]
That's even worse. Well I hope you at least got to ride it when she wasn't looking!
When I was a kid my sister got the bike that I really wanted. I begrudged her that bike for a long time.
I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
['My friend went to the hospital last week because of a heart attack!']
sorry to hear that. I hope he is okay now
My friend just went to the hospital last week after having a heart attack. I'm really worried about her and hope she's ok.
I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
['i loved taking care of my sisters pet']
Is it a lizard?
i loved taking care of my sisters pet
ask me for further details
['One time I went to downtown with an old pant and when I was in the street the pant ripped']
Wow, did anyone see?
One time I went out with an old pant and it ripped when I was in downtown. I was very embarrased
ask me for further details
['People that are honest are honest are hard to come by these days', 'I am sorry you have had back luck. There are some honest people out there.', 'That is true but some people are just insincere']
I know, it is true. You just have to try to focus on the good, I suppose.
I get angry with people that are not sincere
['My son recently graduated from high school.']
That's great. What is he doing now?
My son recently graduated from high school. I am so happy about it!
ask me for further details
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
['I just heard there was an earthquake in Indonesia.']
Really? Any idea how strong it was? Any casualties?
I just earth about and earthquake in indonesia,it seem that many people died there.
ask me for further details
['I recently had a child and feel so great.', 'Hey congrats!!! Hows being a parent working', 'Great! I never realized how much i could love someone. lol']
Yeah I've always heard that about kiddos. Congrats and good luck! I'm sure you will be an awesome parent!! :D
I recently had a daughter and i have never felt so amazing.
["I heard one of my favorite youtubers talking about the 90's the other day and how old we were lol. But it reminded me of fun times as a teen"]
90s were good time. What is your favorite memory?
I heard one of my favorite youtubers talking about the 90's and how old we were lol. Made me remember good times as a teen
ask me for further details
["I couldn't take my bro out for his birthday this past weekend."]
Did something come up where you couldn't make it?
I couldn't take my bro out for his birthday this past weekend.
ask me for further details
["I didn't sleep well last night, and then my son was being extra demanding of attention. I got upset with him, but realize he'd really done nothing wrong"]
Sometimes it can be hard to be patient, I can totally relate to that. Not sleeping well can make you really irritable sometimes.
I didn't sleep well last night, and then my son was being extra demanding of attention. I got upset with him, but realize he'd really done nothing wrong.
I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
['I was mad when my brother got in trouble for no reason. My parents punished him for the wrong reasons']
That doesn't seem fair, I hope they changed their ways eventually.
I was very mad when my parents punished my brother was something he did not do. It just made me mad
["I wanted to go out but I couldn't take my small kids. I hadn't ever had a babysitter but I knew my sister would take good care of them.", "I'm sure it was scary to leave your kids for the time but at least it was their aunt and not a stranger!", 'They did great. I knew I was worried for nothing!']
Oh that's so great - and now you can feel comfortable leaving them with her more often!
I wanted to go out but needed someone to watch my kids. No one had ever babysat before. I let my sister watch them because I knew she would do a good job.
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
["I am a smothering parent. It's terrible", 'Are you a helicopter parent? Do you spin?', 'No. I miss my kids when they go with their friends lol']
Maybe you have went so long without hanging with your friends you forgot you had them.
I miss kids everytime they go to sleepovers. I'm such a sap.
['I have had enogh of this summer heat. Cmon autumn!', 'I agree. I love autumn.', 'It gets do hot in memphis. My daughter is ready for school to start back anyway,']
I love Memphis.
The summer is almost over. I couldn't be any happier!
['I am deep cleaning my kitchen as fall arrives and wow, I pulled out my fridge and found this caked black dust bunnies and grease gunk.']
Oh well, you will get it clean
I am deep cleaning my kitchen as fall arrives and wow, I pulled out my fridge and found this caked black dust bunnies and grease gunk.
["I get to go to the thrift store this weekend and I haven't been in a long time! It's one of my favorite places to shop"]
I love going to the thrift stores as well! What did you by
I am excited I get to go to the thrift store and get some nice clothes this weekend.
["I'm enjoying a lazy Sunday afternoon.", 'nice , just relaxing after a long week that sounds perfect honestly', "It's nice, I only wish it would last longer, but we take what we can."]
right it would be awesome to have 3 days off, but this is the real world
I'm enjoying a lazy Sunday afternoon.
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
['When i lost my money I felt lost']
I surely feel your pain. What happened?
When I lost a huge sum of money
ask me for further details
I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
['I lived with this girl once and I trusted her. Found out I never should have.', "Oh, sorry to hear that man. Yeah girls are hard to trust these days. What's up with that?", 'I thought she was going through my stuff. So I set up a trap to find out for sure', 'You did? Wow! What did it reveal?', 'That she was going through my stuff. I wrote a letter and place a piece of hair in it. Then had a guy write my name on it. When I checked hair was gone so I knew she had read it.']
Wow! Good riddens to her! Haha
I was trusting of my roommate and found out she was going through my stuff. I set a trap to figure it out.
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
['In the middle of the night I heard some weird noises coming from my basement. I grabbed my flashlight and baseball bat and tip-toed down there.']
Should have grabbed the gun.
Last night I heard strange noises coming from my basement. I creeped down the stairs with a flashlight. I nearly jumped out of my skin when I saw a humongous rat in the corner!
['I could not wait for the weekend. He were going kayaking', 'That is nice. Where are you going kayaking?', 'Just down the river, in town']
Have fun.
I could not wait for the weekend. We were going kayaking
['I picked up my son from daycare today and they said another kid had pushed him over and taken his toy.', "I'm sorry to hear that. Sometimes kids don't know how to interact well with each other. But it's an important part of the socializing part of life that they work their way through it. All you can do is tell them how to respectfully and appropriately respond and defend themselves.", "I didn't do that. I yelled at the teacher until I got tired, then I left. I don't think I'll send my son back there."]
Ah.. so it's that kind of situation. Yeah, it can be one thing if it's just something where kids are acting like kids, and you can't physically intervene in time. But it's another if you think it's neglect and that they're not responding appropriately to the situation. I would trust your judgment. I hope everything ends well with it though! I'm sure you gave your child lots of love afterward.
I picked up my son from daycare today and they said another kid had pushed him over and taken his toy.
I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
['I tutored my little cousin in math. He made an A on his test. He did so much better than before.', "That's great!", 'Yea I think He will continue to improve. It feels great knowing he can achieve if he tries.']
I hope he does!
I tutored my little cousin in math. He made an A on his test. I cant believe he did that well.
['I always have this feeling that someone or something is always behind me', 'I know that feeling. I get it when I feel anxious.', 'It terrifies me and am not sure if there is actually some spirit or entity there.']
Have you tried yoga and meditation? It can help.
I always have this feeling that someone or something is always behind me.
ask me for further details
['I am going on vacation next week and cant wait. I havent taken a vacation in a long time.']
What will you do on vacation?
I am going on vacation next week. I cant wait. It has been forever since I have had a proper vacation.
ask me for further details
["I could have sworn I saw a snake in my backyard but I haven't seen it again"]
That is horrible. Do you live in a city or rural areas?
I could have sworn I saw a snake in my backyard but I haven't seen it again
ask me for further details
I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
['I was so shocked that my husband bought me tickets to see my favorite NFL team, the Steelers, in Jacksonville!']
That must've been awesome. I've only been to one NFL game and it was wild!
My husband bought tickets for us to see the Pittsburgh Steelers in Jacksonville for my birthday. I was shocked! I can't wait!
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
['I recently had my friend watch my house while I was on vacation.']
You must really trust them. I hope it turned out well.
I had my friend watch my house and feed my dog while I was on vacation. He did a great job.
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
['I received an excellent grade on an exam I studied really hard on', 'Congratulations! That is always a great feeling! A reward after such hard work. :)', "Thanks! Yeah, it's so satisfying and motivating. It makes me feel like I can accomplish anything as long as I put in the work!"]
This is very true and what all the great thinkers out there preach!
I received an excellent grade on an exam I studied really hard on
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
["Speaking of, I start a new job tomorrow and I can't sleep. It makes me nervous", "You will be alright, it's always like that", 'Yes, and I hate it. I wish I could just turn that off sometimes.']
Think about the positive aspects of this, you are moving forward
I start a new job tomorrow and I can't sleep. I'm so nervous about it, and I feel a bit ill
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
['My dog is coming home from doggy day care.', 'Yay! What type of dog?', "A pekingese! I can't wait to see him!", 'I love a nice squishy face. I have a Japanese Chin and 3 MinPin', 'Japanese Chins are so cute!']
yeah a lot like pekinese.. now you know why I have a 10 bedroom house!
My dog is coming home from doggy day care. I can't wait to see him.
['I hate having to wake up early to go to classes.', 'Do you get enough sleep at night? Try getting to bed earlier at night', 'I just like getting to stay up late and still get enough sleep.']
It's hard for me to wake up early. I have to cut my cellphone usage down or I'll be up all night looking at youtube!
I really hate when I have to wake up early to go to classes. It makes me so annoyed.
["Hi! I've been pacing around all day waiting to hear from the vet. My cats are getting checked out right now.", 'Are your cats ok or are they sick?', "They've been ill lately. I'm hoping it is some kind of stomach bug, waiting on the call from my vet is driving me up the wall!"]
You must be worried sick!. I hope everything is ok.
My cats are at the vet getting checked out, they've both been fairly ill recently and I'm wishing them the best! They're all the pets I have right now.
I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
["I've been working there only 3 months, but they recognized my performance that early. It feels awesome to be appreciated"]
Congrats! That is a good feeling.
I received a bonus from work the other day. I actually couldn't believe it, but it felt nice to be appreciated!
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
['I was mad when my cousin did not come to my moms funeral. He lied to me about it']
What was his excuse?
I was so mad when my cousin skipped my moms funeral. He lied to me
ask me for further details
['I embarassed myself in front my class in high school once.']
What happened?
I remember calling my teacher mama in front of the entire class.
ask me for further details
["I'm thankful for all my past mistakes. They've helped me grow in a big way"]
I've always gone by if you learned from your mistakes you have no reason to regret them
I'm happy I've learned from my past mistakes. I've been at ground zero and I'm thankful that the feeling of what it's like to be at the end of your rope has propelled me into financial autonomy.
I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
['hoping the lakers crush the warriors!']
LOL I'm not a fan of NBA that much but I do know I don't like Golden State
hoping the lakers crush the warriors!
['im so happy today. I just passed a really important test.', 'congratulations. You worked really hard and deserved that pass!', 'Yeah I did actually. I studied for three days non stop.']
That's an amazing feat. Studying is kind of a chore for me.
I am so happy! I just passed a really important test.
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
['I went to Jack N The Box the other day, and there was a long gray hair in my burger!', "I have never had that. We don't have them here. Good thing though lol", "Yeah, last time I'll be back there, I was so turned off I skipped dinner completely."]
I would have done the same.
Went to Jack N The Box the other day, and there was a long gray hair in my burger. Grossed me out so badly I didn't even eat dinner.
['I had the best time this weekend!', 'What did you do?', 'I turned 40 (not the fun part) and my wife took me on a surprise trip with our 5 best couple friends. So fun!!!']
That is awesome. You should marry her again lol
I just celebrated my 40th birthday, and my wife took me on a surprise vacation with 5 of our best friends!
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.