question or not
2 values
4 values
['I miss when my toddlers were little tiny babies.']
did you take lots of pictures?
MY kids are just growing constantly. I want them to be babies again.
ask me for further details
['I work with high school dropouts. One of my students went above and beyond to complete their last course and finish high school. It was very inspiring. He even invited me to his graduation!', 'Did you end up going to the graduation!', "It's in the fall and yes, I absolutely will!"]
I'm so proud of him, what is he taking in university?
I work with high school dropouts. One of my students went above and beyond to complete their last course and finish high school. It was very inspiring.
ask me for further details
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
["I'm planning what to do when my relatives come to visit next week. It will be so nice to see them", "Wooow, that's nice... You all will have fun together", "Yes, I think we will. We live near an amusement park and I'm sure we'll go there one day!"]
Yeah for sure... So where are they coming from??
My brother and sister in law are coming to town next week. I can't wait!
ask me for further details
['I won $200 tonight']
Wow this is lucky, how?
I won $200 tonight
ask me for further details
['I get to go to the water park today! I cant wait.', 'That is nice. I like going to water park. What time are you going?', 'Its so much fun, really pretty down there too. Oh in a few hours!']
Is it a big water park?
I get to go out today after work! yay
ask me for further details
['I went out to eat at what used to be my favorite restaurant last weekend.']
Why do you say used to be your favorite restueraunt?
I went out to eat at what used to be my favorite restaurant last weekend. The service was terrible and the food was gross.
ask me for further details
['I have lived by myself for the past 10 years. It was always just me and my dog.', 'Is it something you enjoy?', "Well, my dog just passed away so now it's just me. I am having a hard time getting used to it."]
I know we are all different but maybe getting another puppy would help?
I have lived by myself for the past 10 years. It has just been me and my dog, but now he is gone. I can't get used to it.
ask me for further details
['I was digging my nose thinking I was alone.']
I know where this is going lol
I was digging my nose thinking I was alone.
['He promised to give me the said sum of money, on reaching there,i learnt he had travelled']
That's not good, do you think he will pay you?
I requested money for my hospital bill,i was promised ,but on getting there that fateful day,i was no happy!
ask me for further details
['I am really excited about my vacation coming up. I leave next week.', 'where are you heading to', 'I am going to the beach. Its all I can think about before leaving. Im so ready to go.']
i wish i was you
I have a vacation coming up soon. I am really excited to leave already.
["I got pulled over for speeding but there were cars passing me that didn't get stopped. I was fit to be tied.", "That doesn't sound fair.", "It wasn't. I think the reason I only got a warning was because of how mad I was."]
I'm glad you didn't get a ticket.
I got pulled over for speeding but there were cars passing me that didn't get stopped. I was fit to be tied.
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
["My friend canceled on me for a concert last minute. Now I have to go alone, it's a bummer, I was looking forward to hanging out with her."]
I'm sorry to hear that. It's really horrible when a friend backs out at the last second.
My friend canceled on me for a concert last minute.
I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
["I was babysitting for my daughter and she didn't come back until 1 am!"]
Whoa, that's pretty darn late! Did you ask her why she was out so long?
I was babysitting for my daughter. She didn't come pick up the kids until 1 in the morning.
ask me for further details
["I was expecting some help from a coworker but he didn't keep his word. Before, I held him in high esteem. Not anymore.", 'That is disappointing. I am sorry', 'He asked me to help him then he will help in return. I helped him but it was his turn...']
Have you tried talking to them?
I was expecting some help from a coworker but he didn't keep his word. Before, I held him in high esteem. Not anymore.
ask me for further details
['My best friend came over and cleaned my entire house while I was sick with the flu.']
That is very nice. Did you feel better after that?
My best friend came over and cleaned my entire house while I was sick with the flu. She is the best!
ask me for further details
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
['I was devastated when my pet turtle died. Me and Petey were best friends.', "Oh I'm sorry to hear that, were you thinking of buying another one?", 'No, nothing can replace good old Petey. I will mourn him every day and reminisce about the good times we had.']
Well I'm glad you have good memories to remember him by.
My pet turtle died the other day. I will miss Petey so much. We were best friends!
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
['My friend got me a new phone.']
Well that's awfully generous of them.
My friend got me a new phone.
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
['My family threw a suprise get together for me!']
That must have been so fun!
My family threw me a suprise party and i felt so happy!
["I can't believe I got accepted to school"]
The day I applied to university for my degree.
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
['No one showed up for my birthday', 'Sorry to hear that. What did your friends say?', 'Nobody even remembered. I was sitting there all by myself. I still had fun though, I guess.']
Hopefully your friends make it up to you!
no one came to my birthday
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
['I am content with my life right now, I have a girlfriend, good friends, and a great family']
Sounds like you are blissfully happy. That's a great feeling.
I am content with my life right now, I have a girlfriend, good friends, and a great family
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
['You ever have a dream that feels way too real? The other day I had a dream where I was a kid again and I was with my family and everything was peaceful and happy.']
Yes all the time! That sounds like a nice dream. Do you still have a close relationship with your family?
I once had a dream where I was young again and my younger sibling was a baby and my parents were both smiling. It felt so real and pure, that I woke up crying. It sucks knowing you'll never have that again.
ask me for further details
['i was about to buy food when I remembered that I packed a lunch!', 'Packing lunch saves money', 'Yes! Plus I can pull it out and eat it whenever I want too.']
Ipack my kids luch
I was relieved to find my sack lunch.
['Just found out i am having a baby, My Wife and some of our friends through me a party. Greatest day of my life.']
Yay!!! Congrats! That's so exciting, i'm really happy for you
Was invited to a friends house after work. After he let me in he took me to the back yard where there was a bunch of people. It was party for my wife telling me we were haveing our first baby.
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
['I cried when I had to return to work after my vacation.']
i've been there lol
I cried when I had to return to work after my vacation.
['My daughter is graduating from medical school this month.']
Oh wow! What an accomplishment!
My daughter is graduating from medical school.
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
['i was at this major store and the lady ahd like 4 items on the belt , and i wanted to put mines on but she would not move hers']
Oh wow, sorry to hear, that was really rude of her.
this lady was infront of me at the store and she would not move her 4 items so i could put my items to scan
I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
["I've been through a lot of hard times in life, but I know that God will bless me soon."]
i bet he will, everything always gets better dont worry
I have been through a lot in my life, but I am anticipating that God will bless me.
I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
['Sometimes I feel all alone', 'Why is that?', 'because sometimes there is no one else at home with me and i dont like being alone']
Get a dog.
Sometimes I feel all alone
['i was a nervous wreck waiting to see my sons final exam score. i helped him study hard', 'Oh did he pass?', 'yes he did']
that's great, congratulations
seeing my sons test score
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
['I spilled some tea all over my lap today.']
Are you ok. Did you need to go to the hospital?
I spilled my tea on my lap today and it looked awful. Like I peed myself.
ask me for further details
['My brother graduated high school, I was very proud of him!', "I know that feel, my brother graduated a year ago, it's a really big milestone.", 'It is, somewhat common, but still, I am proud of him all the same!']
Yes I agree, it really signifies the start of their next chapter in life.
When my brother graduated high school, I was very proud of him, it was a big accomplishment
['i have a box of baby stuff from my twins that i have kept since they have been babies. they are 25 now']
thats very cute to do that
box of baby stuff i keep
["There is a chance of storms tomorrow and I hope we don't get anymore as we have been close to having floods recently!", 'thats a fair point', "Thanks I think so as well, it's quite annoying when it floods!"]
yea i bet it is
There is a chance of storms tomorrow and I hope we don't get anymore as we have been close to having floods recently!
["My 'friends' left me out of their social plans yesterday which wasn't very fun for me"]
Did you ask them why?
My friends left me out of their plans. I'm a pretty social person so it's not very fun for me
ask me for further details
['I got a statistics tutor over the summer', 'how did it work out for you?', 'I think I cought on pretty well. I going to do well this semester.']
good luck i hope all goes well
I am going to Ace my next math class. I got a tutor over the summer
['I read a horror story last night.', "Which one? Was it good? I've read a decent amount of those, but I'm always looking for more.", "It's Chalk, which is written by Paul Cornell."]
I've never heard of it. What's it about?
I used to read stories. One day I read a story when I was alone. It was a horror story. I just scared a lot and I stopped reading.
ask me for further details
['I ran over a bloated, dead possum today. I was so nasty!']
Oh god. Well, at least it died nice and full.
I ran over a possum today. It was so gross.
["I've been planning this vacation for a while. Think I've got everything covered for a good time."]
OHHHH where are you going?
I've been planning this vacation for a while. Think I've got everything covered for a good time.
ask me for further details
['I just came to college and have no friends in my dorm and no one to eat with.']
That is pretty hard my dude. But join some clubs or get to know some people in your dorm area.
I just came to college and miss all my friends.
['I love to think about the past and my childhood days.', 'What are your favorite parts about your childhood?', 'Riding bikes all over the county.']
That sounds like a lot of fun. Did you do this with friends and family or alone?
I always feel great when I think about old times.
ask me for further details
['i am satisfied with my current life.']
I'm really glad to hear that! That's one of the best feelings I think!
i am satisfied with my current life.
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
['i need to hear from a friend hes been ill']
That's an unfortunate situation. What's the diagnosis?
waiting on a call
ask me for further details
I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
["My friend speaks 4 languages. I'm sure they'll get that interpreter job at the embassy"]
That is very impressive. Do you know what languages they are?
My friend speaks 4 languages. I'm sure they'll get that interpreter job at the embassy.
ask me for further details
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
['My sister just passed away.', "Wow, That's unfortunate. Sorry to hear. were you close?", "We were, it's so tragic. Cancer spares no one."]
I hope you are finding ways to cope with your loss. That can't be easy to deal with.
When my sister passed away from cancer. She had been diagnosed 3 months ago.
I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
['I used to be so scared to go to sleep as a kid.']
How come? Were you scared of the dark?
I used to be so scared going to sleep. I thought there were monsters in my closet.
ask me for further details
['I am getting married tomorrow. So pumped!']
Whoa I hope you guys have a great honeymoon. Make sure to treat your fiancee right!
I am getting married tomorrow. I am so stoked!
['I just found the most honest car mechanic.', "That's more rare than diamonds. You'd better hold on to him", 'I will. I told him what I thought was wrong and it would have cost me $2000, but he got me out for $20. It was amazing.']
Awesome. Can I get his number ;)
I just found the most honest car mechanic.
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
['I tried to meet some friends yesterday but they were all busy.']
Aww :( What did you end up doing instead?
I tried to meet some friends yesterday but they were all busy.
ask me for further details
['My brother gave me a present last week. It was nice of him']
Nice! Was it something you were needing?
I felt happy when my brother gave me a present. I was grateful
ask me for further details
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
["I don't know why my boyfriend lied to me about seeing another woman. I thought he loved me.", "Do you think it's possible that he does still love you and also made a horrible mistake?", "I'm not sure, but I'm hoping that he will realize he's messed up."]
I think that when people cheat and lie, it's because something is wrong with them and not their partner. If he doesn't realize his mistake, then he doesn't deserve your love. I wish you all the best!
I really believed my boyfriend when he told me that he loved me.
['When I lay in bed with my kitties at night. All of my problems fall away.', "That is so sweet. I love cats, but I'm allergic to them so we can't have any. It makes me sad.", "That's really sad. I'm allergic to them if they aren't brushed or if they don't clean themselves. It's an awful feeling."]
I'm glad they help you forget about all your cares though. You are lucky to have them
When I lay in bed with my kitties at night. All of my problems fall away.
I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
['it made me mad to see someone put a dent in my door', 'Ugh I hate when people do that! Did they even leave a note?', 'nah, a clean escape']
Of course. Well karma will get them one day. At least it wasn't a full on accident where you could've gotten injured.
it made me mad to see someone put a dent in my door
['I thought he would not pay back after a long time', 'Had you lent someone some money?', 'Yes I did']
What made you doubtful that you would get paid back?
Some one owed me some money
ask me for further details
['I was pretty annoyed at the store earlier. The cashiers were being slow']
Did they just not care?
I was pretty irritated on the store earlier. The cashiers were being slow
ask me for further details
['I have a business meeting today.', 'Are you excited about it?', 'No, I am nervous because there is a mean person that will be there!']
Maybe you should confront them about it.
I was expecting a person to show up at my meeting. They are not very nice!
please give me some advices.
['My car broke down yesterday and the mechanics say it might be the transmission :(', 'Oh no! Sorry to hear that. How are you planning to get it fixed?', "Well, I'd have to dip into savings to finance a new car...but that's rough right now when I'm moving apartments"]
Ah, I see. Well I hope you figure it out soon. You need a way to get around town!
My car broke down yesterday and they say it might be the transmission. If so, I'd need a new car and that's hard to do right now
['He promised to give me the said sum of money, on reaching there,i learnt he had travelled', "That's not good, do you think he will pay you?", 'Well, i needed the money urgently!']
You can take out a loan, but good luck, I hope you get it!
I requested money for my hospital bill,i was promised ,but on getting there that fateful day,i was no happy!
['I have been trying to keep my car running perfect. I am failing.', 'What happened to your car?', 'I recently got a set of new tires and a week later a tire blew while I was driving to work.']
Oh yikes that's awful
I have been trying to keep my car running perfect. I am failing.
I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
['After my fiances PTO days are over that he likes to use almost two weeks in a row, and things get back to the usual grind, it stinks because I feel so alone in the house trying to control my child.', 'Thats no good', 'Yeah its hard, and having no other adults around me for a while feels isolating']
i know that feelingh
After my fiances PTO days are over that he likes to use almost two weeks in a row, and things get back to the usual grind, it stinks because I feel so alone in the house trying to control my child.
['i cant wait till next week']
What's going on next week?
i cant wait till next week
ask me for further details
['I had such a nice dinner, I feel great!']
Nice, what did you have? I am so hungry right now.
I had such a nice dinner, I feel great!
ask me for further details
['i was studing for a test yesterday and really trying to concentrate', 'How did that go? Studying is very important in order to do good.', 'yea , but my girlfriend was beside be and she was flicking her fingers and nails up and down over and over against the wooden table we were at. can you imagine this when I need perfect silence for studying', 'How annoying that could be. She could have alittle more respect for you.', 'Exactly but i acrd the test ant way . but i can still hear those finger nails click, click, click , click', 'How frustrating! I hope you were able to study just a little though.', "I was and i passed the test and I'm looking for a new girlfriend"]
Im sorry man! stay optimistic! dont be sad about it.
i was beside my girlfriend at the dinner table studing for test. She started taking her fingers and clicking her fingers against it repeatedly it it kept me distracted from my goal which was studying
I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
['My aunt died.', 'I am sorry to hear that. How are you feeling now?', 'Pretty crappy at the moment.']
I understand. It is tough.
My aunt died.
I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
['i trust my wife a lot, a good woman are so hard to find', "That is so true! Some woman aren't loyal", 'i knowwhat you mean']
Its great you trust an awesome woman
i trust my wife a lot, i believe a good woman is so hard to find
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
['There was a lay off recently at my company. I am so scared that I could be part of the next one.', 'I am sorry to hear about all the layoffs. I will pray for you at Church for you to keep your job. What do you do for work?', 'Thanks. I am an accountant.']
How long have you been an accountant?
There was a lay off recently at my company. I am so scared that I could be part of the next one.
ask me for further details
['My neighbor really needed money for food, and so I let her borrow some.']
That was very kind of you. It's nice to have good neighbors.
when i let my neighbor borrow money.
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
['I remember going to college out of state and being scared of the unknown since I would be so far away from familiar surrounding.']
i can imagine but it is good to get out
I remember when I went to college out of state, I was a bit scared of the unknown. It was hard to adjust, but I made friends quickly and that helped.
['Feeling a bit scared about the weekend.']
Feeling a bit scared about the weekend.
Feeling a bit scared about the weekend. I have a hard time with my anxiety sometimes and I will be alone a lot this weekend.
["I'm happy with my cooking skills, I make great pasta"]
That's great. I should visit you once for your great Pasta!!
I'm happy with my cooking skills, I make great pasta
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
['I went on vacation to Norway and went ice-climbing. I thought I was going to fall and die though.', 'Yeah, was it super cold?', 'Yes pretty cold and amazing! We climbed up . glacier with pix axes and clamp-on shoes.']
I dont think I would have been brave enough to do that
I was thankful to go ice climbing in Norway and not fall down the glacier. I didn't want to die!
["I'm really happy with my life right now, I don't know if I want to add kids to it", 'well that is def a big decision to consider', "Yes, having kids is a huge interruption, I don't think I'm ready"]
it is a life changer for sure. it will change the everyday activities in your life
I'm really happy with my life right now, I don't know if I want to add kids to it
["I'm due to get a raise.", 'How long has it been since you have gotten a raise?', 'a couple of years.']
Did you talk to your manager?
I'm up for a raise.
ask me for further details
["I'm so glad it's going to be fall soon.", "Yeah its really hot here. I can't wait for it to cool off.", 'How how is it where you are?']
it was in the 90's today
I'm so glad it's going to be fall soon.
["I can't believe I am still single.", 'Why do you say that? Are you a man or woman?', 'A woman. I am 34 and not even dating. I thought I would be set by now.', 'Everything happens for a reason. I was single until I was 29. I met the right one on a dating app. No shame in an app.', "I always get weirdos on apps. Maybe I'll try again though."]
I went through 4 dates and then I met the one I am with. Try again! I have been with for clsoe to 2 years.
I can't believe I'm still single
['All of the classes I wanted to take are full']
Dang, that sucks. Did you find another class that is open?
I can't believe all of the classes I wanted to take are already full!
ask me for further details
["I really don't like it when people talk during a movie."]
Right. What is the purpose of going to movies if people talk there. Uninformed people everywhere
I really don't like it when people talk during a movie.
['I was going to make breakfast and dropped the egg carton on accident... all the eggs broke.']
Oh no! I am sorry to hear that.
I was going to make breakfast and dropped the egg carton on accident... all the eggs broke.
I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
["I ate my wife's leftovers while she was napping"]
Oh my goodness! You must have been very hungry. I hope you don't feel guilty.
My wife brought home some leftovers. I ate them when she took a nap
I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
["I have a test coming up and I'm feeling pretty good about it."]
Nice did you prepare well for it
I have a test coming up. I'm going to crush it.
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
['My dog pooped near my bed right before I was going to sleep.']
Oh damn. Did you do something to upset your dog?
My dog pooped near my bed right before I was going to sleep.
ask me for further details
['I am nervous about my upcoming job interview, it has been awhile', "I don't blame you. I am always nervous at interviews. Don't worry, I'm sure you will do great!", 'Thank you, I sure hope so!']
You will be fine, just don't make yourself too nervous!
I am nervous about my upcoming job interview, it has been awhile
I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
['I am pretty happy with my life right now, it is going pretty well overall']
That's great when life just feels right
I am pretty happy with my life right now, it is going pretty well overall
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
['a guy pulled out in front of me, almost caused a dang wreck', 'I hate that', 'shoot me too, then he decides to drive so slow']
What is the purpose of that!
a dude pulled out in front of me, almost causing a wreck!
['I bought my parents a new car last week.', "Oh wow, that's nice of you! What kind?", 'It is a BMW. I am very happy about it!']
I love BMWs. They must've been so happy!
I bought my parents a new car last week. I am very happy about it.
['My girlfriend stole my credit card before leaving. Now, I have some financial problems.', "Wow, that's a terrible situation. Did you report it to the police?", "I report it to the police but they said that I need to proove that I didn't give my credit card to her."]
Well that's no very helpful. What about cancelling your card at the bank and reporting fraudulent charges?
My girlfriend stole my credit card before leaving. Now, I have money issues.
ask me for further details
['My younger brother was hit by a drunk driver and injured badly, losing a leg']
Ohh, i am sorry. How is he feeling now?
My younger brother was hit by a drunk driver and lost a leg we are all devastated
ask me for further details
I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
['I lost my cell phone today', 'oh no. did you try to retrace your steps to find it?', 'We were at Old Navy. I think I set it on top of the car and drove away like and idiot', 'oh that stinks. did you have phone insurance at least?', "I do. We just got home so I am going to call once we get settled in. I can't believe it", "i'm so sorry. hopefully there is something they can do for you", 'I probably will have to pay but I think they will replace the phone']
it's worth it so you don't have to be without a phone.
I lost my cell phone today. I can't believe it
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
['I got a tip at work yeserday.']
Yeah? How big was the tip?
I got tipped at work yesterday.
ask me for further details
["I stubbed my toe on the side of my bed this morning, it's still hurting!", "i hate when that happens! I stub my toes all the time i'm surprised i didn't break none of them yet", "I think this one might be broken, I'm so annoyed."]
good thing is they heal pretty fast and you don't need a cast or anything like that
I stubbed my toe on the side of my bed this morning. It's still hurting.
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
['Last year, my family went on vacation and left me all alone.', 'That is terrible. Did you feel lonely?', 'Yes. I tried distracting myself with tv and internet, but i kept thinking of them.']
How long did you stay alone?
My family went on vacation and left me all alone.
ask me for further details
['I can not wait to go see my grandfather in December.', 'That sounds exciting! Are you going to see him for the holidays?', "Yes, I haven't seen him in a few years."]
I hope you have a great time!
I can not wait to go see my grandfather in December.
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
["I've been pet sitting for my mom while she's on vacation, and I've been alone in her house for a couple weeks now. It's tough being her by myself.", 'Aw, you must be lonely. At least you have her pet with you, right? What pet does she have?', "She has two cats, but they're both pretty shy. They've warmed up to me a bit, so that part is nice."]
Yeah, cats are a little tricky. I think dogs are much more friendly, but that's just me!
I've been pet sitting for my mom for a couple weeks. It is hard not to have my wife with me.
['I was about to eat ,opened the pack and it was a pizza ,you could have imagined!', "Serious? Don't you like pizza?", 'It was not a question of like,but what I ordered.That was a careless service I must say']
So bad from the vendor
I ordered a burger ,but was served a pizza .I got home,about to it ,and boom! Got the shocker!
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
['I am so happy to be independent.']
Its always better to rely on ourselves. Im happy for you!
I so happy I am a working woman who can provide for herself and her children alone.
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
['I took care of my cat this weekend, He was a little sick']
did you take him to the vet?
I took care of my car this weekend. He was a little sick
ask me for further details
['I feel kind of alone now. I dont hang out with friends much', "I am sorry you are feeling lonely. Why don't you see your friends much anymore, are you all to busy>", 'Kids are keeping me busy. My friends are busy too.']
Yes I know what you mean, That has happened to me too.
Having kids takes away a lot of your free time. I someties feel pretty alone.
I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
["My neighbor's party is still going on. I need to wake up early tomorrow.", 'What time is it there?', 'Around 9pm.']
Well they should prbabl shut it down soon. It is only Thursday.
My neighbor's party is still going on. I need to wake up early tomorrow.
['I had a great night the other evening.', "That's nice.", 'My wife had made a gorgeous spaghetti dinner, and it was ready the moment I came home.']
Aw. No one cooks for me :(
When I came home the other night and my wife prepared my favorite meal.
['My friend went on a 4 week trip around the world for his company', 'Wow, How lucky! I love to travel.', 'Me too. She works for a travel consultation company so they sent her around to take photos. Talk about the best job ever!']
Wow, It must be a great job. I have a friend that works for a travel agency in Boston in a similar situation. She said since she started she has been to 32 different countries.
My friend went on a 4 week trip around the world for his company. I wish I could have done that!