question or not
2 values
4 values
['My son is graduating early.', 'Congrats, is your son very old or young?', "He is 17. He also got several scholarships. He's worked so hard for this."]
Is he a sports player for the scholarships?
My son is graduating early! He also got scholarships. He has worked so hard for this.
ask me for further details
['My best friend at work recently left the job to start her nursing career.', "Have you heard how she's doing at her new job?", "She's doing well. I was so emotional with her leaving. I feel a lot of sentiment about it."]
Yeah, that sounds hard. :/ I'm sorry you're missing her.
My best friend at work recently left the job to start her nursing career. I was so emotional.
I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
['I was stollen my wallet at work.', 'I sorry to hear that, I hope you get it back.', "I don't think so. My mistake, I left it on my desk before going to the restroom."]
I'm sure it won't happen again.
I was stollen my wallet at work.
I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
["I spit in my coffee cup this morning and it had leftover coffee in it too. I can't believe I forgot this and drank it in the afternoon..."]
Ugh, I did the same thing today! I'm going to have to start making fresh cups in the morning and afternoon.
I spit in my coffee cup this morning and it had leftover coffee in it too. I totally forgot and drank it!
['I was very disappointed that I was let go of a job I had had for years', "I'm sorry to hear that. Did they give you a severance package? Also, Do you have prospects for a future position?", "They did provide severance. I wasn't sure what to do but felt that things would work out"]
At least they did that much for you. I'm sure you'll land on your feet. You seem like an optimistic type
I lost a job I had for many years. I wasn't sure what I would do, but I felt things would work out
I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
['I am a little scared to move to a new neighborhood']
Oh no, why is that?
I am moving to a new neighborhood next week. What if the neighbors dont like me.
ask me for further details
['Sometimes I wish my mother loved me more, I feel like my brother got it all.']
i understand how you feel , my mom and dad love our older brother a lot and they do not even hide it hes the first born
I feel like my big brother got all the love!
I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
['MY son hits his head on the floor purposely when he doesnt get his way']
dang.. how long has he been doing that?
MY son likes to hit his head on things when he is upset. I think he might realy hurt himself
ask me for further details
["I'm satisfied with how I'm doing physically right now. I just need to keep at it and stay motivated."]
thats awesome
I'm satisfied with how I'm doing physically right now. I just need to keep at it and stay motivated.
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
['do you have any kids in college?']
No. I have kids, but they are toddlers.
I can't believe our little girl is all grown up and going to colledge . We are going tyo miss her so much.
["I'm going for an interview for a job on Monday and am feeling nauseated when I think about it."]
Hey, I bet you'll do great! Nothing to stress about.
I'm going for an interview for a job on Monday and am feeling nauseated when I think about it.
['When I got home today I realized someone had parked in my parking spot.']
I hate when that happens
Someone took my parking place today. I didn't have a place to park my car.
I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
['I know my wife used to enjoy flirting. But I believe she would not cheat on me.', 'Flirting is fun. women enjoy it a little more than men do, I believe.', "Yes. I know her personality well enough to know she wouldn't do anything to hurt me."]
Good. MThat can be devastating.
My wife used to be a flirt before we got married. I always believed she would not cheat on me despite that.
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
["It irritates me when my roommate doesn't clean up after himself", 'I hate that too! Do you make him clean it up?', "I say something and he just gets all grumbly and then it's uncomforatable."]
That's a tough situation to be in. I would just take all his belongings to the dump and be done with it. Maybe he can stay there too.
It irritates me when my roommate doesn't clean up after himself
I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
['After my divorce I have no one.', 'You may have more than you know but sometimes meeting new people will give you the fresh start you need', 'Where do I go to meet them?']
Neighbors, co-workers. Try and get involved in local sports or comunity groups. How about volunteering. That is a good way to meet people that are positive
After my divorce I have no one.
['My children have started a new year at school.', 'How many do you have? Are they excited?', "There are two girls, they are ready to go, I'm the one that's nervous."]
What is making you so nervous?
I'm trying to look forward to the new school year for my children.
ask me for further details
['i am really excited about trying to have a baby with my husband']
Oh that's awesome. Finally ready for the baby?
i am really excited about trying to have a baby with my husband.
ask me for further details
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
['Hello how are you?', 'I am great how are you?', "I'm doing great. So I've got something I've got to get off my chest which isn't easy for me to speak about.", 'Sure, vent whatever you need.', "Well when I was younger I began experimenting with something some may call taboo or even wrong. I was in my mom's bedroom one day and came across some of her clothes ..."]
Oh did you try them on? It's pretty normal, when my mom came home one day, she found me in her nightgown and highheels pretending I was going to her job.
Ever since I was a pre teen I've had the desire to dress as a woman. Unfortunately this has continued on into adult hood and is currently affecting things with my current relationship.
ask me for further details
["I was holding my brother's newborn earlier today... I held them up a little bit, with them facing down at me, and they puked all over me. Pretty cool. Can't get the smell of baby vomit out of my nose."]
I have had that happen to me many times.
I was holding my brother's newborn earlier today... I held them up a little bit, with them facing down at me, and they puked all over me. Pretty cool. Can't get the smell of baby vomit out of my nose.
I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
['There is a hurricane on the way to my home. I have all my emergency supplies ready to go.']
Oh wow, I'm glad you have gotten your self prepared for a big blow. I hope you stay safe.
A hurricane is on the way to my home. I have all the emergency supplies I need, so I'm ready for it.
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
['I hate taking the subway, I am afraid I will get robbed.', "I'm not particularly a fan of subways either, but why are you so scared of being robbed?", 'Cause it seems to happen every day.']
I think the overall chances of that are pretty low. Though I do understand your fear.
I hate taking the subway, I am afraid I will get robbed.
I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
['I was sad when my aunt died. It came out of no where']
Sorry to hear that. How did she pass?
I was so sad when my aunt passed away. It came out of no where
ask me for further details
I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
["I feel guilty when I'm around other peoples belongings"]
Why's that? Do you think people will assume you are stealing?
I feel guilty when I'm around other peoples belongings
ask me for further details
['I went back though my old high school as part of a reunion. It brought back many memories.', 'Were they fond memories?', "Yeah, most of the were. I think we forget the awkward stuff. On the other hand, I'm not sure I would want to do it again."]
That's understandable. I hope everyone you know is doing well from back then!
I recently did a tour through my old high school and it brought back a lot of memories.
I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
['I am so happy! I won a medal this week.. gold!']
Wow. My hearty congratulations to you!
I am so happy. I just won a medal this week. .... gold!
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
['I had to cancel lunch this morning with a relative. I still feel bad about it', 'Aw, I hate it when that happens, but I bet the relative understands. Sometimes things come up.', 'I hope they do']
They've probably been on the other side of this situation before.
I had to cancel lunch this morning with a relative. I still feel bad about it
["I can't wait until tomorrow. It's going to be lit!!", 'What will be lit?', 'The event, duh. My friend are coming over and we are going to drink...water and read the bible together.']
That sounds boring.
I can't wait until tomorrow. It's going to be lit!!
['i was scared walkin home yesterday']
That's terrible! Why did you feel scared?
i was scared walkin home yesterday
ask me for further details
I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
['i am currently waiting for my nephew to be born', 'oh nice! first one?', 'Yes! i cant wait to spoil the lil guy.']
I bet. Do you have any children of your own?
i am currently waiting for my nephew to be born
ask me for further details
['I had to take an ethics course to retain my real estate license today, and I passed the test. It was much easier than I expected.', 'You sound like you are going to do well then', 'Thank you! I was very happy that the test I was stressing over turned out to be easier than I thought.']
I am glad it was easy for you
Today, I passed my ethics class for my real estate license, and it was easier than I expected.
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
["I arrived at my hotel that I'm staying in for a work trip. I'm peeved that my room is on the first floor directly next to the pool. Lots of screaming kids all day/night.", 'Kids can be annoying', "Yeah I mean, I'm glad they're having fun but the constant why are they even screaming?"]
Screaming is never good
I'm staying in a hotel room for a work trip and its on the first floor by the pool. Screaming kids all day and night.
["I found my friend's senior ring that she left behind before going to college. I miss her."]
Why don't ou call her?
I found my friend's senior ring that she left behind before going to college. I miss her.
ask me for further details
["I took out the trash today and the bag burst all over me. I knew I shouldn't have kept 50 pounds of ramen sitting in the fridge for 2 months."]
Why put ramen in the fridge?
Took the trash out the other day and the bag burst open. Never felt so disgusted in my life.
ask me for further details
['My dog had to go to the vet and it took all day. We even had an appointment.', "Oh, that's the biggest pain. I feel like when you pay good money for care for your pet...they should at least be on time.", 'Yes, I agree!']
We move our lives and schedules around to take care of our pets...the least the can do is do their work well.
I had to wait all day to pick my dog up from the vet, even though we had an appointment.
['Yesterday at work, my boss recognized me for work that my coworker actually did. I feel bad that I took credit for it.', "Oh, that's awful. What will you do to make it right?", 'I think I should just fee up to my boss and coworker. Hopefully that makes me feel better.']
Yeah, I think that's a good idea. I hope it all turns out for good.
Yesterday at work, my boss recognized me for work that my coworker actually did. I feel bad that I took credit for it.
["I work as a self-employed transcriptionist. I told my client I'd have work done this week, but my university classes also started this week... and things kind of got away from me, and they won't be done. I'm worried he's going to just tell me he'll have someone else do them, and I'll lose his business.", 'Yeah well you only have so much time to work with. Time management is one of the most important skills you can learn.', "Yeah, definitely. And it's one of my worst skills. I don't really have an excuse. I have to get better at handling stress."]
The most important thing is to realize you need improvement. Some people like to blame everything else but themself!
I work as a self-employed transcriptionist. I told my client I'd have work done this week, but my university classes also started this week... and things kind of got away from me, and they won't be done. I'm worried he's going to just tell me he'll have someone else do them, and I'll lose his business.
I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
['I had to go to the doctor recently to get something checked, always makes me worried going there.', 'Are you going to be okay', "Yes fortunately it wasn't a serious condition in the end."]
I am glad you are okay
I had to go to the doctor recently to get something checked out, I was definitely nervous about the outcome.
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
['I am so proud to be an American.', 'I know that feeling! Are you involved in any political or activists groups?', 'No I am not.']
Me neither. But I agree with your sentiment - it is a great place to live and be a part of!
I am happy to be an American.
['last month i saw cops driving really fast down my neighborhood , i did not think much of it , later on i hear gun shots ... like what happened later on my friend called me saying my cousin got shot in the head', 'that is awful', 'i could not stop crying , its my family my other cousin got shot in the jaw and he lived but still .... life is a trip honestly']
What happened? Were they shooting too? Was anyone else hurt?
my cousin got shot in the head and i just could not stop crying
ask me for further details
["I live in a duplex and my neighbors keep parking their cars too far apart for me to park my one car and its a driveway for 4 cars. They really don't know how to park.", 'how are you going to resolve this issue', "I've already spoken directly to them about it because there should be room left for even another car in case someone comes over. They did it for about 2 days and then went back to doing it badly again. I have to talk to the landlord next."]
time to slash some tires
I live in a duplex and my neighbors keep parking their cars too far apart for me to park my one car and its a driveway for 4 cars. They really don't know how to park.
['I went to a water park years ago. Aas I was going down one of the slides, my top slid up and I was exposed. I was so humiliated.', "That sounds terrible, but I'm sure it's happened to other people before.", 'Yes, but ever since then, i refuse to go down slides at the water park.']
You shouldn't let one bad incident ruin water parks for you. You're probably the only one that remembers and still thinks about that incident.
I went to a water park onetime and my top came off while I was going down a slide
please give me some advices.
['MY classmate got the lead in the school play', 'are you part of the play as well?', 'no, because she stole my part. I wanted the lead']
oh that sucks
i am so upset my classmate got th lead in the schoole\ play
['We used to live in Hawaii. Only a couple of blocks from Waikiki beach.', 'Oh wow, that must have been lovely. How was it living in paradise?', 'Exactly that! Paradise! We were living a dream life...everyday was like vacation. I wish we could go back.']
Well I hope for you that one day you can. Maybe retirement! Man, that would be amazing.
We were living in Hawaii. We were only a couple of blocks from the Waikiki beach. We had enjoyed the life there with some good friends.
I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
['It took 2 months of constant waiting for me to get my results for a test that I spent 3 months preparing for.']
sounds like a lot of waiting. did you do well?
I was waiting for nearly 2 entire months for the results of a test that I prepared for a long time to take.
ask me for further details
['So the other day I was walking barefoot right? Can you guess what happened next!?']
Did you stub your toe?
when i stepped in dog poop outside barefoot
ask me for further details
['I tried to paint my house one color and it turned out another color.']
that is no good, I am sorry that happened to you
when i didnt paint the house the right color
I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
['everytime i i hear metallicas and justice for all album, im reminded of high school', 'Were you in a rock band than?', 'yes i was. a heavy metal band. i played guitar']
I bet it was fun, how is your hearing now?
listening to certain music takes me back
ask me for further details
['I practiced hours and hours to get ready for a big meeting']
Oh, how did that go? It sounds important.
For a big meeting I practices hours and hours to get everything ready
ask me for further details
["I'm going to try out the new Japanese restaurant that just opened up next weekend.", 'I bet that will be fun', "My coworkers rave about the place. I'm psyched to go."]
I do like that food a lot
I'm going to try out the new Japanese restaurant that just opened up next weekend.
['I have this vacation planned for this weekend but I am worried', 'What are you worried about?', 'well I want to cross my fingers and just wish that we have a good time, I am a big planner.']
Ahh, well I am sure you will have blast!
I have this vacation planned this weekend and I just am crossing my fingers that we will have a good time and everything will go smoothly
['About 5 years ago, I went to a swimming pool. In the showers, some kids made fun of my body. I felt bad about it.']
kids can be so hurtful, be happy about who you are!
About 5 years ago, I went to a swimming pool. In the showers, some kids made fun of my body. I felt bad about it.
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
['My daughter got out of the hospital and was still very sick. I had her come home so I could care for her. whe was moved out at the time.', 'I hope she feels better. I think its great she still has you to help out.', "yes she feels pretty lucky. we don't always get along but I'm there when she needs me."]
It is always best to be able to have family to lean on.
my daughter had to come home and be cared for by me while she was sick
['Do you have any animals? I just had to put mine down']
Oh my goodness, I'm sorry! I have a dog and two cats.
I had to put my cat of 13 years down. She has been with me forever and was my best friend
I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
['SO ANGRY! my cat destroyed jacket! i woke up to wear it and she just destroyed all of it, it was my new jacket too']
Oh that's awful! Maybe you can try to return it and say it came like that LOL
so mad! my cat destroyed my favourite jacket
I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
["So lately my most fun experience I've had was when the Capitals won the Stanley cup finally.", 'That is exciting when your team wins, have you always been a hockey fan?', 'Yep since i was 3! Was a nice time the streets of DC flooded with people celebrating a championship finally for the team.']
That is awesome! I am from Chicago, so when the cubs won the world series I felt the same way.
When the Washington Capitals won the Stanley Cup i was in such great spirits. I ran into the streets of DC celebrating. I couldn't believe this was happening.
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
["My wife and I decided to go on an iternational trip last year, and it was my first trip out of the US. It was an amazing experience, and one of the best and most memorable things I've ever done."]
That's awesome! How helpful where the other people so that you could enjoy your trip?
My wife and I took a 3 week trip to New Zealand last year.
ask me for further details
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
['I kept thinking I had left the front door unlocked whilst I was on vacation!']
That is a terrible feeling. I saw a movie where a family actually left their kid at home. That would be the worst.
I kept thinking I had left the front door unlocked whilst I was on vacation
I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
['I just wont ever forget the way I felt when I lost my father.', 'im sorry to hear that. how long ago was it?', 'it was 10 years ago but it never feels any less']
I can only imagine. i hope it has gotten a little easier for you?
the day i lost my father
ask me for further details
["My friend told me she didn't like my chicken casserole recipe when I brought it to a potluck last week.", 'Oh no! Were you upset about it ?', "I was a little bit. She told me she loved it last time I took it somewhere. I just don't know what her deal is, but I might have to avoid her for a while."]
I am sorry that happened I would be upset too!
My friend told me she didn't like my chicken casserole recipe when I brought it to a potluck last week.
I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
['I went on a bike ride after work today. It was very peaceful. Just me, the mountains, and my thoughts.', 'That sounds relaxing! How was the weather?', 'It was perfect. Not to warm, nice breeze. Very good to release some stress.']
I love when everything just seems to work out together. Im glad you enjoyed!
I went on a bike ride tonight after work. No one else was on the trail and I was very relaxed.
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
['I felt so horrible after I made dinner and realized I invited a vegan to dinner.']
did you make a dish with meat and/or dairy?
I felt so horrible after I made dinner and realized I invited a vegan to dinner.
ask me for further details
['Kids in my neighborhood put dog poop on my front stoop, how nasty.']
Eww. That is disgusting
Kids in my neighborhood put dog poop on my front stoop!
["I'm going on vacation tomrrow and i'll be gone for the rest of the week.", 'Leaving family at home?', "I'm single so, My extended family isn't coming with me but, I've got no wife or kids to leave behind."]
Behave on your vacation :)
I'm going on vacation tomrrow and i'll be gone for the rest of the week.
['HUGS! I saw a mom and baby bunny around 8 and they were letting me talk to them. It was a bit shocking as usually bunnies take off whenever they see or hear anything.']
Oh, how adorable! There are so many bunnies around right now. My parents house has especially a lot of them and they don't really run off like normal either.
I saw a mom and baby bunny around 8 and they were letting me talk to them. It was a bit shocking as usually bunnies take off whenever they see or hear anything. They were so sweet!
['Not to gross you out but I heard some stuff about periods the other day on a favorite youtube channel and boy did it remind me of the struggles as a teen! Good and bad times']
I don't think anything is worse than dealing with a period as a teenager!
Hearing some stuff on youtube channels I like talk about their periods. Reminds me of when I was a teen and didn't know much about it
['I just ate a whole pack of cookies', 'Oh wow! How were they?', 'Gorgeous']
Guess you won't be hungry for while
I ate a whole pack of cookies
['My pet parakeet died recently. I was devastated. Polly was such a good bird.', 'Oh no! I can only imagine how that would have felt! How old was it?', 'She was 7. I made a shrine for her in my room. I like to spend a few moments every day talking to her.']
Aww that's so sad! But it's good to know she will be remembered
I was so devastated when my pet parakeet died. Polly was such a good bird to me. I will miss her so much.
I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
['I feel so lonely.', "I'm sorry to hear that. Is there anyone around in your life?", 'My wife left me after 15 years together.']
That's horrible! I hope you're trying to do some fun things to take your mind off the pain.
I feel abandoned.
I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
['I am such a failure, I didnt even climb to the top of the ladder', 'What kind of ladder was it', 'Just to the top of the roof, so nothing crazy, I just felt so weak']
You can always try again tomorrow
I feel like suck a failure, I couldnt even climb the latter
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
["I'm pregnant but wasn't able to have a baby shower but all my friends and family sent us nice little gifts.... It was such a nice thing of them to do"]
That was very nice. Why couldn't you have a baby shower?
I'm pregnant but wasn't able to have a baby shower but all my friends and family sent us nice little gifts.... It was such a nice thing of them to do
ask me for further details
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
['When my first child was born, my sister came and helped us out.']
You got a good sister!
My sister came and stayed with us when our first child was born. She took a week off from her job and helped us out.
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
['I cannot wait until October!', 'Oh really? Is that your favorite month?', 'It is my anniversary month, and we always go to the mountains.']
That sounds like a lot of fun! Which mountains?
I have felt this way while waiting to go on vacation.
ask me for further details
["My girlfriend didn't want to go to dinner with me. She went with another guy instead."]
That's awful, I'm sorry. Does she want to be with the other guy instead of you?
My girlfriend didn't want to go to dinner with me and with another guy instead. I was so mad!
ask me for further details
I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
['i was happy when i got approved for a vacation', "That's good to hear! How long is the vacation for?", 'a week']
That's not too bad. I hope you have a fun and relaxing vacation!
i was happy when i got approved for a vacation
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
['Guess what I get to do tomorrow!!!']
Whatever it is, you seem excited. What is it?
I'm going on vacation tomorrow
ask me for further details
["I've had my dog for 15 years and he just died. I don't know what I will do without him.", 'This happened to us last spring. Our dog was 8 years old. It can be a very emotional time but it gets better over time. Have you thought about creating a memorial for him? Maybe a photo collage to hang.', "I don't know I really haven't even thought about it yet. I'm still dealing with it."]
I know how you feel. Just know that it gets better and try to think about the great life he had because of you and your love!
My dog just died. I'm in shock.
I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
['Last week I entered a contest to win an ipad at work and today I got the news that I won!']
Congratulations! That is awesome! I don't really have much luck in winning things. Have you won anything else before in your life?
Last week I entered a contest to win an ipad at work and today I got the news that I won!
ask me for further details
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
['I was livid when the pizza delivery guy showed up with only one of the pizzas we ordered for a party.', 'That sucks. Did you tell him to go back and get the other one?', "Yeah, and he wasn't sorry about being over an hour late! We just cancelled the other part of the order."]
I would've taken that pizza out of the box and smack him upside the head with it. What a lousy guy!
I was so angry when the pizza delivery guy forgot half of our order. He was already over an hour late!
['I am so impatient for tuesday.']
What happens Tuesday?
ready for my house to sell
ask me for further details
['I have had so many health issues this year. It is been crucial to find the silver linings']
Finding things to be grateful for have saved my sanity
when my health issues resolved
I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
['I am an ESL teacher and one of my 3 year old students came to school singing an entire song all about the planets. It was so cute!', 'Awe, I bet you felt so proud and happy for them.', 'Yeah, it was a really special moment for me. Little kids that age are so cute!', "I know, they can be amazing when they are learning and exploring the world... however, I still don't think having a different colored cup than the one they wanted warrants the response they tend to give. ( I have a 2 year old and a 3 year old son)", 'Haha, I know that argument well. I teach some preschool/pre-k kids and they can definitely be a handful!']
I agree. I am still trying to figure out why they fight so much over Blippi and Peppa pig! They are both horrible, just pick one and get it over with. I will be miserable through both, lol
I am an ESL teacher and one of my 3 year old students came to school singing an entire song all about the planets. It was so cute!
I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
['I saw a man who had a gun in his car last weekend. It scared me']
I know what you mean. My dad carries a gun in his car, so I won't let him drive my kids anywhere. What did you do?
I saw a man with a gun in his car last week. It definitely scared me
ask me for further details
['I went into that interviewing knowing i could answer any question they threw at me', 'Yeah - do you think it went well then?', "yea im sure i'll get the job"]
Good. I hope you do. When will you find out?
I went into that interviewing knowing i could answer any question they threw at me
ask me for further details
['I went skydiving a couple months ago and seriously had to trust that the guy going with me knew what he was doing.']
oh wow! I've always wanted to do that. You're quite brave
I went skydiving and I am extremely afraid of heights. I had to trust the tandem diver a lot to get ,me to the ground safely.
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
['I am not currently employed, but I am happy that I can at least make some income.']
Income is very important always
Although I don't currently have a regular full-time job, I'm happy that at least I can make some income.
['My friend showed up at my new house in a completely different state!']
Were you expecting them?
When my friend showed up at my house
ask me for further details
['I am shocked that my boss was arrested last night.', 'Really? What did they do?', 'He got into a fight at a bar.']
Oh no! Did he get let out in the morning?
I am shocked that my boss was arrested last night.
ask me for further details
['A guy keeps asking me about pigs.']
What do you mean?
A guy keeps talking to me about pigs. I don't know anything about them
ask me for further details
['Our home was broken into right after we moved in. I was so mad!', 'That sounds like a nightmare! Hopefully no one was hurt.', 'It was. I am so thankful we were not home.']
Did they take a lot of things?
Our home was broken into right after we moved in and I felt this way.
ask me for further details
["I dented my dad's car when I was 18 and I still haven't told him the truth about it.", 'What did you tell him that happened?', "I said my brother did it. He was gone at college by that point so he couldn't get to him, but he was so angry that I couldn't tell him it was me."]
Didn't he call and ask your brother?
I dented my dad's car when I was 18 and I still haven't told him the truth about it.
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['Past month, i consistently visited gym and followed diligently on my exercising plans. As a result, I gained 4 pounds of muscle mass. I feel very capable of my abilities', 'Nice, you must look like The Hulk.', 'Not yet. I still need to go for 2-3 more months and get myself one bag of pure protein powder. What about you? Do you exercise?']
I run every day.
This last month, I consistently visited gym and followed thoroughly on my exercising plans. I gained 4 pounds of muscle mass. I feel capable of my abilities
["My old elementary school principal saved me from drowning when I was in 1st grade. I'm eternally thankful for her and hope she's doing well wherever she is now"]
thats an amazing memory to have, have you since visited her or sent her a card?
I'm thankful for my old elementary school principal. Hope she's doing well wherever she is. She saved me from drowning when I was in 1st grade
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I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
['My bag split open at a coffee shop other day. Everything dropped loudly onto the floor.', 'Omg that must have been really embarrassing. Did anyone came to your rescue?', 'No, I just had to pick it all up and... obviously I ran out as fast as I could.']
Haha. I can just imagine you running away.
My bag split open at a coffee shop the other day. Everything spilled out and it dropped loudly.
['I ate a restaurant this morning and had soup. Their Sriracha bottle looked like it was 1000 years old and I wanted to vomit.']
I hope you didn't use any.
I ate a restaurant this morning and had soup. Their Sriracha bottle looked like it was 1000 years old and I wanted to vomit.
['I am so angry that my water heater broke.', 'ah thats so bad!! did you fix it yet?', 'No, they are suppose to fix it on Friday.']
you would be irritated for couple of days then
I am so angry that my water heater broke.
['During a drive from Seattle to Los Angeles in the winter, I got stuck in my car because they closed a pass because of heavy snow.', "Ugh that's no fun especially with it being so cold.", 'Yea, luckily I had extra blankets and some food in the car to hold me over.']
Well that's good. Hopefully didn't take long to open up roads.
I was driving from Seattle to Los Angeles in the winter a few years back, and one of the mountain passes closed because of snow. Luckily I had extra food and blankets with me in the car.
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
['Hi, so I sit by myself at lunch every day!']
I sit by myself at lunch every day.
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['I have my final math exam tomorrow.', 'Did you at least study for it?', 'I did! I feel like I am going to crush it.']
That is the best feeling!
I have my final math exam tomorrow. I am going to crush it.
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
["Right now in my life, I seem to be confused as to what i'm doing and where I should be. I don't feel as though I have a stable base to start from.", 'There is no right place to be for everyone. Each person has their own individual path', "Well, I'm not sure if I agree with that. I tend to think that each person is supposed to be on a specific path set before them."]
I think that we are free to do as we want and we are in control of our fate.
Right now in my life, I feel like I don't have a clear destination, nor do I have a stable position to start from.
I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
['I make sure to make my wife dinner every night.']
thats nice of you, what does she like?
I make sure to make my wife dinner every night.
ask me for further details
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.