question or not
2 values
4 values
['I had no roommate in freshman year of college which was boring', 'That does sound boring because you had no one to interact with, but at least you had some privacy.', 'yea but it got very lonesome after a bit']
I see. It would be quite lonely without a roommate to share the experience with.
I had no roommate in freshman year of college.
['I went back to my old neighborhood to see friends and it was a crazy feeling.', 'Was it a good feeling or a bad feeling?', 'A good one. I missed the old days.', 'I do too. Being a kid was so easy.', 'Yes not realizing how cruel humanity is was very peaceful.', 'Also not having a ton of responsibilites!', "Yup! I don't want my children to lose that anytime soon."]
Yeah I completely understand that.
I went back to my neighborhood where i grew up to say hi to old friends and it was surreal.
['My wife has been so stressed out lately but I have been taking care of her.']
What's it all about?
when i took care of my wife when she was stressed
ask me for further details
['I am going horseback riding for the first time this weekend. I am really nervous for some reason!', 'Oh wow I have never been either. Try not to be nervous! Who are you going with?', "I am going with a couple friends who have also never rode before. I don't think we knew what we were getting ourselves into."]
Well I am sure you will have fun. Just follow the instructors lead!
I am going horseback riding for the first time this weekend. I am really nervous for some reason though!
["No one will watch my Youtube videos and it's frustrating.", 'Have you tried sharing it to your friends on social media?', "I have but no bites. I don't get why people won't give me a chance."]
Just keep cranking them out. YOur videos will get better and your channel will grow. I know it can be annoying at first.
No one will watch my Youtube videos.
I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
['I wish I was Mark Cuban. I would be rich.', 'You and me both.', 'I would also know a NBA team, that would be fun.']
What about a soccer team?
I wish I was Mark Cuban. I would be rich.
ask me for further details
['I found $50 in my desk drawer at work.']
I bet you were really excited.
I found $50 in my desk drawer at work.
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
["I don't have a job currently. So today, I robbed an old lady. I feel bad about it.", "Wow, that's really extreme. You should feel bad about it.", 'Yes, I know. I feel really bad but I need to find money to be able to leave.']
What do you need to leave?
I don't have a job currently. So today, I robbed an old lady. I feel bad about it.
ask me for further details
["My best friend recently moved to another state and I haven't seen her in a while", "I'm sorry. I bet you miss her a lot?", "Yeah, I do. We would see each other almost everyday because she lived so close. I'm feeling really alone."]
That must be really tough. I hope you can see her again soon.
My best friend recently moved to another state and I haven't seen her in a while
I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
['A group of pigeons was stalking me the other day.', 'Oh geez, that is certainly cause for alarm. Did you summon the stoop kid?', "We don't have one, I was so terrified."]
Ah, there is your problem right there. 99.9% of the time a stoop kid will chase away nasty pigeons, no problem.
A group of pigeons was stalking me the other day. I was terrified of it.
['I was the only one closing at work last night so it was my responsibility to lock up.']
Did you lock the doors properly? Hope you will not find your office robbed by the morning
I was in charge of making sure that all the doors were locked after closing at work. Lat night I forgot to lock a door and someone got in and stole money and valuable items.
ask me for further details
["I was so happy to be back in Chicago on vacation. It's my hometown.", 'I love going back to my hometown. Its a good feeling being back. What are you most excited about?', 'Yes it is! I really enjoy the culture up there and the restaurants! I love chicago food like the italian beef!']
I have never been. I would love to though. I hope you have a great time back at home.
I thought a lot about the past when I got to visit my hometown. I moved from Chicago over 10 years ago and I was glad to be back.
['I was very disappointed that I was let go of a job I had had for years', "I'm sorry to hear that. Did they give you a severance package? Also, Do you have prospects for a future position?", "They did provide severance. I wasn't sure what to do but felt that things would work out", "At least they did that much for you. I'm sure you'll land on your feet. You seem like an optimistic type", 'Well, actually I did end up getting a job that I like!', "That's wonderful! I hope you find fulfillment and a sense of purpose {not to mention a chunky wallet haha}", "Thanks! The wallet's still a bit skinny, but I like the job, though!"]
Personally, I find that a job you enjoy that gets you by is superior to one that makes you a lot of money at the cost of your happiness
I lost a job I had for many years. I wasn't sure what I would do, but I felt things would work out
I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
["When we went grocery shopping the other night some girl starting talking to my husband, giggling, and all that. He tried to be polite, but, she just wouldn't sto[p and I got so mad.", "I don't blame you! I would've been furious if some girl was talking to my husband that way. Ridulous how awful some people are.", 'I just finally cracked a joke about us needing to get to the grandkids party.']
Ha ha, that's a good one.
When a strange, or even one I know, female flirts with my husband.
['I have been working so hard and it seems my payment can no longer take care of my bills']
This has to be a very stressful time for you. How are you holding up?
I need a raise from my job. I am waiting for one in the next review.
ask me for further details
['I got all my gear squared away for a hunting trip next weekend.', 'What do you hunt?', 'Lots of things. I love hunting and fishing and outdoor stuff in general but, dove season opens next weekend.', 'I didnt even know there was a dove season. I actually never even went camping before', "There is, they are a migratory bird and they're prized for their difficulty. You should try it some time. As long as your ok without creature comforts camping and hiking is awesome."]
I want to some day.
I got all my gear squared away for a hunting trip next weekend.
['Ok.. I was driving across S. Dakota last summer at night. Its super dark and you can see all the stars. Then my car broke down.']
Oh my gosh, what a place to break down! I was born in ND and I know the dark you are talking about. Were you stuck for long?
Ok.. I was driving across S. Dakota last summer at night. Its super dark and you can see all the stars. Then my car broke down.
ask me for further details
['My friend just won a lottery and got tickets to the Superbowl and I lost!', 'Oh gosh, is he going to take you to the Superbowl at least?', 'I dont think he can since he only won one ticket. I am beyond jealous right now but also happy for him since he really wants to go.']
Just one ticket, that sounds lonely for him.
My friend got tickets to the Superbowl and not me.
['I was mad when my brother canceled plans tonight. I was looking forward to hanging out']
That sucks, Did you reschedule?
I was agitated when my brother canceled plans on me tonight. I was looking forward to going out
ask me for further details
['On Monday the new World of Warcraft Expansion released.', 'How excited are you? I did not know they still made those.', 'I was super Excited, I was waiting for months with anticipation!']
That is awesome. Just in time for the weekend. Dont forget to get up and stretch every so often.
On Monday the new World of Warcraft Expansion released. I was waiting for months with anticipation!
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
['I was so excited to see my kids when they came home', "Aww. That's nice. Did you dosomething special?", 'They got to go with their grandparents for the weekend']
I wish my parents would get my kids. They are too busy having fun themselves lol
I was so excited to see my kids when they came home!
['I waited and waited but I finally got my security deposit back from my old apartment. Took my landlord long enough!']
It's amazing..the rich just think we don't have bills and needs right?
My previous landlord waited until the very last minute to do so but they returned my security deposit. I can now use it to put down on a new place for my wife and I!
ask me for further details
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
['I saw a man eat an entire tube of toothpaste.']
Wow, that's quite a feat. Did he get sick?
I saw a man eat an entire tube of toothpaste. It was beyond gross.
ask me for further details
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
["I couldn't believe my friend started working with me"]
Where do you guys work?
I couldn't believe my friend started working with me
ask me for further details
['I randomly bumped into someone I havent seen for years yesterday', 'Oh, how did that go?', "Good. She's just got married. That was a surprise"]
That is an interesting meeting.
I bumped into an old friend yesterday. She has just got married.
["I'm looking forward to the upcoming weekend."]
I hear you on that. I'm visiting my girlfriend, but she still has to work, so the weekend is really the only time we can hang out. Do you have any special plans?
I'm looking forward to the upcoming weekend.
ask me for further details
['There is no better feeling than being greeted at the door by your dog', 'Thats always a good feeling. I bet you are excited to come home everyday.', 'You bet. As soon as she hears the door horn when I lock my car, I can hear her barking from inside']
What a good dog and full of joy!
When my dog greets me at my door
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
['When I turned 30 years old, my wife shocked me with a surprise birthday party!']
That sounds like a lot of fun! Did you have a great time?
I remember when I turned 30 years old that my wife had planned a surprise birthday party for me. I remember that she had gone ahead to a restaurant to meet me since I was at work. I headed there right after work to a private room (unbeknownst to me). Everyone yelled Surprise, and I was taken back! I couldn't believe it. What a great day!
ask me for further details
["I can't wait for the new Super Smash Brothers game to be released.", 'Oh wow. How many have they had now? lol', "Let's see, 64, Melee, Brawl, Smash 4, so I guess this will be the 5th."]
Oh not that much really.
I can't wait for the new Super Smash Brothers game to be released.
['My wife and I decided to get a divorce. I feel absolutely defeated and distraught because of it.']
im sorry to hear that. no chance of working it out?
My wife and I decided to get a divorce. I feel absolutely defeated and distraught because of it.
ask me for further details
I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
['I went to the movies with my friend last week. Somehow my friend got very close with this random girl who was there. My friend ended up abandoning me to spend time with her.']
That sucks! I'm sure it hurt your feelings.
Last week I went to the movies with my friend. My friend and a random girl that was there somehow struck up a great relationship and my friend left me to spend the evening with here.
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
['I had good news to tell my parents, but my brother decided to interrupt me and tell them his amazing news first.']
Oh I bet that was super frustrating! How did you react?
when my brother took away the spotlight
ask me for further details
['My sister made some toast and left it on the counter. So I ate it and inferred the dog must have taken it when she asked.', "That's pretty funny. Did your sister ever find out it was you who took it?", "No. My dog eats any food available to her so it's pretty believable."]
One time my cousins dog, ruby, almost bit me for trying to put away a bowl of food. So, I understand how dogs can be with food at times haha.
I blamed eating someone's toast on my dog.
["It's always sad for me to see a friend from work, leave and get a new job.", 'Yeah that is pretty tough. Especially when you really like to work together.', "Yeah! It's one of the main reasons for liking a job, is the people you work with and become friends with."]
Then you have to meet their replacement and try to get to know them better. It usually isn't the same.
It's always sad to see someone you liked from work find a different job.
please give me some advices.
['I texted a girl for a date. She sent the text to all my friends.', 'Oh wow. That must be embarassing!', 'He felt so bad. She was trying to humiliating me.']
Guess you don't like her anymore then.
I texted a girl for a date. She sent the text to all my friends.
["I'm looing forward to all the soccer on tv today"]
I love watching soccer .
I'm lookign forward to all the soccer on TV today
['I was told to come back the next day after waiting over an hour in line to get my drivers license renewed.', 'Wow. The DMV is just dreadful to go to because of stuff like that.', 'Yes, it is. Would have been a lot easier if I could have done it online.']
Yea, it would be! How faw is your DMV?
One time I waited over an hour at the DPS office to get my drivers license renewed. Just as it was about to be my turn the lady working there shut it down and said I would have to come back the next day.
ask me for further details
['I watched a sports game the other day and it was crazy. they came back after a large deficit.']
That sounds like a good game to watch! Did you have your friends over?
I watched a football game the other day and saw an incredible comeback.
ask me for further details
['My husband thinks we should move to another state for his job.']
What is the reason? Did he get a great job offer?
My husband wants us to move to another state for better job opportunity. I just do not know of it is worth starting over and having no family around.
ask me for further details
['I went to the movies and let out a giant fart while I was walking past some people to my seat.', 'Oh my goodness, I bet that was embarrassing!!!', 'I was pretty humiliated, but I went up a few rows and forgot about it before the end of the movie. When the lights came back on I was reminded of at all over again though.']
Well it happens to everyone i wouldnt let it keep bothering you. Just laugh it off!
I went to the movies and let out a giant fart while I was walking past some people to my seat.
I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
['My elderly neighbor just recently had to put her dog to sleep. That dog was her best friend and companion.']
That's sad. is she going to get another one?
My elderly neighbor lived alone with her dog. That dog was her best friend and companion. She just had to put the dog down recently and has been so sad. I decided to surprise her with a new dog that I found at the shelter.
ask me for further details
I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
["The most awful time of my life was when my wife went to jail for a month. I'm glad it's all over.", 'holy cow! Why did she go to jail?', 'Some old stuff from 2 years before but court was appointed this late!']
I'm glad y'all were able to make it through such a hard time.
The most awful time of my life was when my wife went to jail for a month. I'm glad it's all over.
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
['i was pissed when i saw someone put a dent in my car door']
Oh I would be mad at them too! Do you know who it was?
i was pissed when i saw that someone put a dent in my car door
ask me for further details
['ONe of my old coworkers just got engaged.', "That's awesome! Were you invited to the wedding?", 'Not yet but I I cant believe it.']
Do you know your co-worker very well? What do you think you'll get them for a gift?
One of old coworkers is getting married. I never thought she would.
ask me for further details
['I am so happy with myself. I made an A in every class last semester.']
Impressive! It is all going to be well worth it in the long run, keep going ghost rider!
I was able to make an A in every subject last semester. I really surprised my self with that.
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
['Do you have a partner?', 'yes I do. Do you?', 'No, not anymore.']
Is that a good or a bad thing?
I was very depressed and upset when my partner left, we've been together for years and I feel like my time has been wasted.
ask me for further details
['My husband is out of town for work for the next few weeks.']
Aww, that must be kinda hard on you.
My husband is out of town for work for the next few weeks. I'm not sure what to do by myself in that big house of ours.
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
['i went to a new restaurant that has been getting bad reviews, it was actually really good.']
What kind of restaurant was it?
eating at a new restaurant
ask me for further details
['i was crushed when i didnt get the weekend off', "Now that's just not right! Weekends are supposed to be for relaxing and hanging out with friends, not slaving away for the man! Hopefully you didn't have to cancel any plans...", 'yea had to cancel my trip']
Wow, that really sucks, I'm sorry to hear that. You deserve to take yourself some vacation time or sick time or something.
i was crushed when i didnt get the weekend off
I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
['My dog ran away today.']
Oh no! hav you been out looking for her?
My dog ran away today. I was so distraught.
ask me for further details
["I'm going to be leading a nature hike this weekend. I'm very familiar with the trail and the park so I think I'll do a great job!"]
that sounds like so much fun!!! staying the night over the weekend?
This weekend I'm going to be guiding a nature hike. I'm very familiar with the trail and the park so I'm sure I'll be a great guide!
ask me for further details
['I never finished school. I had problems with my mental health and just stopped showing up to class. It was very hard for me.']
Oh no, are you feeling any better now? Or are you still having problems?
I never finished school. I had problems with my mental health and just stopped showing up to class. It was very hard for me.
ask me for further details
['My nephew starts 10th grade this year!']
That's exciting! I hope he's doing well in school!
Nephew playing football this year
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
['Someone at work stole my phone yesterday!', "What!! That's awful oh my my goodness that's really pathetic", "I know, right? I can't stand the people there!"]
Exactly how can you go there not being able to trust your coworkers
Someone stole my phone yesterday! I can't stand people at my job!
['My partner leaves abroad for work for long periods of time. I am always respectful and never do anything that would hurt our relationship.', 'Thats a strong relationship , im happy to hear people like you still exist in this world', 'Yeah, I wish I could say the same thing about some of my friends. They even brag about cheating sometimes.']
thats disgusting , then why even be in a relationship waisting someones time
Sometimes my partner leaves to work abroad for long periods of time. While some of my friends brag about cheating on their partners, I always am respectful and do not do anything to hurt our relationship.
['The summer hurricane violently ripped through my neighborhood and destroyed everything in its path.', 'Oh god! Is everyone you care about OK?', 'Yes, I am thankful for that. But devastated that my house and property have been swept away overnight.']
Man, i am so sorry, i could not imagine.
The hurricane violently ripped through my neighborhood.
I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
['On my way to work today, some guy just cut me off in his car. Can you believe that?']
Wow, some people are horrible drivers. Did you honk at him?
I was driving to work this morning and someone cut me off. They didn't even both to indicate they were turning.
ask me for further details
['I remember going to see the fireworks with my best friend. It was the first time we ever spent time alone together. Although there was a lot of people, we felt like the only people in the world.', 'Was this a friend you were in love with, or just a best friend?', 'This was a best friend. I miss her.']
Where has she gone?
I remember going to the fireworks with my best friend. There was a lot of people, but it only felt like us in the world.
ask me for further details
['I am really happy with life right now. Things just seem to always go my way!']
What went right last?
I am really happy with life right now. Things just seem to always go my way!
ask me for further details
['My boss has been giving me hours I really want lately.']
That sounds like your job is going well.
My boss wasn't giving me Sunday hours, which is when we get time and a half. I asked, and now I get hours on Sunday every week!
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
['After long time i played soccer. Am so bad at it now, i used to be good', 'Sometimes that happens when you take a break from something for too long, but with some practice you might be able to pick it back up again', 'hopefully, i was really really bad though infront of friends']
if they are really your friends, they wont care if you were bad
After ;long time played soccer, i could neither run nor kick the ball as i used to be
I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
['I caught my husband messaging another woman on facebook']
oh my god! did you confront him about it?
I just found out my husband is messaging another woman on facebook. He's asking her to meet up with her.
ask me for further details
I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
['I am so upset with the shipping company. They lost my special package!', 'Oh no! Did they reimburse you?', 'They are making me file a claim with the shipper, and go that route. It is very upsetting.']
I'm sure it is. I would be furious!
I was expecting a special package delivery, but they lost it!
['My friend is having his first baby!', 'Thats exciting. Do they know what they are having?', "Not yet. He's such a chill dude. I think that kid is going to come out holding a game controller."]
I just might you never know these days!
My friend is having his first baby!
['My daughter isgoing to do great this year', 'You must be so proud of her.', 'I am. she studied over the summer and got ahead for this year']
That is great to hear. Sounds like she has good head on her shoulder.
I know my daughter is going to do well this year in schoool. She is so excited
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
["I'm feeling very happy now since my wife just got a new job she really wanted.", "That's great! What is the job", 'She will be a shipping and receiving coordinator for an international freight company.']
That sounds like a great job
My wife just got a new job she had really wanted and I am so happy for her.
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
["i have a doctors appointment this thursday and i'm very worried about it.", "What's wrong? What are you visiting the doctor for?", "i'm having some health issues. and i'm worried so i'm going to get tested."]
Yes, definitely get a blood test so you know what you need to watch out for
i have a doctors appointment this thursday and i'm very worried about it.
['I am going to Boston in a couple weeks! I have never been and am really excited and looking forward to it!', "that sounds like it is going to be a super trip, you'll have a blast", 'I hope so! I have been waiting to go for a long time!']
Boston is a great place to visit, makes sure you have some chowdah :)
I am going to Boston in a couple weeks! I have never been and am really excited and looking forward to it!
['I could break my bones at any time!']
Why is that?
I could break my bones at any time!
ask me for further details
["I'm watching my neice and nephew for a week while my brother and his wife go out of town. I think it'll be fun and tough."]
Nice how old are they
I'm watching my neice and nephew for a week while my brother and his wife go out of town. I think it'll be fun and tough.
["I can't wait to eat my sub.", 'what kind of sub is it', "It's called Banh Mi. It's a Vietnamese sub sandwich."]
ah that sounds tasty
I can't wait to eat my sub.
['I had the scariest experience the other night.']
What happened?
One time I was woken up in my sleep to some scary noises. It wouldnt stop and there was growling and scratching. Turns out it was my dog asleep under my bed snoring.
ask me for further details
['I was extremely angry on my dog.']
I am sorry to hear that, what did you dog do to make you angry?
A dog spoiled my garden. It becomes mess now. I was extremely angry about it.
ask me for further details
I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
['How can i not be made at her when my wife wasted all my retirement money', "She spend all youre retirement money? That's pretty messed up. Why did she do that?", 'Yes, I just checked my account and realized I am broke :(', 'Are you going to divorce her?', 'No I will make her pay for what she did to me', 'Are you going to the police?', "I will make her work to pay my children's tuition in Yale when they graduate I will divorce her"]
Sounds like a plan.
How can i not be how I am when my wife wasted all my retirement money
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
["I'm getting pretty nervous about this bad storm headed for the city tonight.", 'Can you go to a shelter?', "We have a basement, so I'll go there. I'm just worried it's going to do damage to our house. We have big trees in our yard."]
Stay away from the windows just in case.
There's a bad storm coming in tonight. I'm nervous about the damage it might do.
['Hello! So you even win a eating contest before? I won a Jello eating one back in scouts.', "I've never been in an eating contest! How much jello did you eat to win?", 'Like a big ole paper plate of jello. there was whip cream too.', 'What was the prize for winning?', 'I won weird hat with yellow,green, and red strips with dreadlocks coming out of it.']
Wow that's kind of cool.
I won a jello eating contest once at a boy scout camp. For some reason i was really happy i won even though i was a mess after.
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
['i stole some money from my parents when i was a kid']
Why did you do that?
i stole some money from my parents when i was a kid
ask me for further details
['I have a really good friend that is just the sweetest person.', "Oh, that is the best. It's so nice to have a great friend.", "She really is, but she lives in basically a mansion - so that's hard sometimes - I get a bit embarrassed when she comes over to our house."]
I can see that. But she loves you for you and not for what you can afford.
I have a really good friend that is just the sweetest person. But she lives in basically a mansion and that's hard sometimes.
I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
['My friend is going to across the country. I miss seeing her almost everyday']
is she coming back ?
My friend is going to across the country. I miss seeing her almost everyday.
ask me for further details
['I love watching young Mike Tyson videos...watching him brutally manhandle his opponents then send them straight to the canvas face first...never gets old']
you like it a lot, now what does it do?
Young Mike Tyson videos never cease to amaze me...his dexterity, speed, and ungodly power back then definitely made him the Jack Dempsey of his generation.
ask me for further details
['Oh I was so shaking in my boots. I was sitting outside on my patio and saw a shadowy figure inside my house!']
What was it? Did everything turn out alright?
I was sitting on my patio just earlier and I saw a bunch of movement inside of my house. I freaked out immediately and ran inside, but it was my wife home early! I was certainly shaken.
ask me for further details
['I know how much of a chore full-time employment is. What are you doing now?']
I am an officer in the United States Navy, but I agree with you. How about yourself?
I felt content when I finally quit my job and decided to go my own way in life.
ask me for further details
['My girlfriend dumped me yesterday.']
sorry to hear that.
My girlfriend dumped me yesterday. I am so sad over it.
I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
["The sun is shining here - it's going to be a good day", "That's a great attitude to have.", 'Well - everything is going well so far.']
It sounds like you are very content. That's great!
I am content right now. The sun is shining.
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
["I'm ecstatic like Matt Hughes slammin Newton on the mat it's a fact haters mad cuz I got dapper swag got the ladies stariin like who daaat", 'What does that even mean?', "Worker_2 confused bemused got juked like OJ I got the juice too fast for you I'm killing rhymes like Seuss Ok I'm the accused Jodie Foster Oh guess I lost ya"]
Interesting, what caused you to do that?
I'm ecstatic like Matt Hughes slammin Newton on the mat it's a fact haters mad cuz I got dapper swag got the ladies stariin like who daaat
ask me for further details
['I was devastated when my pet gerbil Gary passed away recently. I loved Gary so much!']
Oh.. i am so sorry to hear that my friend.. I understand your feelings. Have you thought about getting a new pet?
I was devastated my pet gerbil died recently. I loved him so much. I don't know what I will do without him.
ask me for further details
I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
['I am so happy I graduated college.', 'I bet! It has to feel like a huge accomplishment.', 'Yes and I had a 4.0']
I did not know you had a 4.0! How do your parents feel about that.
I am proud I graduated college.
["I caught my wife cheating on me last week. Apparently she's decided that she likes women too. I don't know what to do about this.", 'She shouldnt have done that without asking you. But maybe there is an opportunity here for you...', "What sort of opportunity do you see? I'm not sure if I want to divorce her."]
Maybe you can experiment with other women with your wife? Could be fun
I caught my wife cheating on me last week. She's apparently decided she likes other women now. I really don't know what to do!
ask me for further details
['I really believe the man I like will be asking me on a date soon.', 'You must be really anticipating that move! What makes you think that?', "He's been flirting with me quite a bit, I think he's just working up the nerve. He's also been mentioning how he needs to take me water skiing sometime since I've never done it and he loves it."]
Thats sounds cute. I hope he does and you go on a day trip to ski!
I really believe the man I like will ask me on a date soon.
['Past month, i consistently visited gym and followed diligently on my exercising plans. As a result, I gained 4 pounds of muscle mass. I feel very capable of my abilities']
Nice, you must look like The Hulk.
This last month, I consistently visited gym and followed thoroughly on my exercising plans. I gained 4 pounds of muscle mass. I feel capable of my abilities
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
["I love walking my dogs on these late summer mornings. It's still cool, the sun is shining, and I still have two more weeks off.", 'Amen. What kind of dogs do yo have?', 'A boston terrier and a chihuhua cross.']
Aw little guys. Do they walk well on the leash?
I love walking my dogs on these late summer mornings. It's still cool, the sun is shining, and I still have two more weeks off.
ask me for further details
['I know its probably too soon to tell but I am afraid my daughter is going to be a difficult teenager!']
Hah... I have a teenage sister. I can agree. But they can have their good moments. I hope for the best for you.
scared that my daughter will grow up and be bad
I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
['It was miraculous that Philadelphia beat out New England in the Super Bowl!']
I know. The game was full of intrigue. They truly deserved the win
I could not believe that Philadelphia pulled out a Super Bowl win. I am now a huge fan!
['I need to see the dentist but I hate that trip.']
me too, I'm long overdue to go to the dentist
I would feel on my toes the whole time at the dentist office.
['So last Halloween i ate all my kids candy while they were asleep', 'that sounded like an ambitious endeavor, you must have felt sick afterwards', 'yeah and i was worried so i went out that morning and bought them more candy to replace it']
they will never know, as long they have candy and you can keep your dark secret to yourself
i ate all my kids halloween candy last year
['I am hyped for the new super smash bros game coming out for the switch soon']
Haha every character ever, right? I bet that will be fun
I am hyped for the new super smash bros game coming out for the switch soon
ask me for further details
['I am so anxious about my son being born in a couple of months, it will be my first child.', 'You are very fortunate. Have you decided on a name yet?', "We haven't yet, it is so hard to decide!"]
You will know when the time is right. I am adopted myself, so I have a special place in my heart for new parents.
My son is due in a couple of months and I am feeling this way.
I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
['I accidentally left my dog outside in the heat for too long recently.']
Oh no! Was he OK? I hope there was no permanent damage!
I accidentally left my dog outside in the heat for too long recently.
ask me for further details
Hello! I am in such a good mood since I got my new home.
When I spend time with my father outside by the fire when we are camping.
['I just moved to a new city for work. I do not know anyone that lives here.', 'You should put yourself out there and meet some new people. Just start exploring the city and you are bound to meet others!', "You're right I will do that eventually. That is a good way to change my situation rather than sulking around."]
It is. It isn't healthy to be by yourself for too long. Humans are social creatures!
I just moved to a new city for work. I do not know anyone that lives here.