question or not
2 values
4 values
["Someone broke my window with a soccer ball. I made angry. I couldn't find who it was"]
Oh no! I hate that happened and I bet it was scary because it looked like someone broke in. But now you have a repair bill. Sorry that happened to you.
Someone broke my window with a soccer ball.
I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
['I was so scared to sleep alone when I was a little kid.', "I think that's normal. What were you afraid of?", 'I was afraid that there were a bunch of monsters in my closet!']
Must've been really terrifying. What did your parents do?
I was so scared to sleep when I was a little kid. I thought there were monsters in the closet.
ask me for further details
I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
['I am always amazed when people poses talent', 'Yeah me too. Some people have some amazing talents.', 'I was out to dinner the other night a I saw a magician do some amazing card tricks. I couldnt figure them out and I was blown away']
Yeah magic is pretty great!
I saw a magician at a bar the other night. He was really good. Some of his tricks were i couldnt figure out at all
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
['I had a really great job interview. I thought it went well and would receive and offer. They called today to say they went with someone else. Im a little upset.']
So sorry, you never really can tell with these things can you?
I had a really great job interview. I thought I did well but they called and said I didnt get the job.
ask me for further details
I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
['I was helping my mom repain the house, and it reminded me of when I used to ask her if I can help her paint when I was little.']
Did she paint art when you were a child?
I was helping my mom repain the house, and it reminded me of when I used to ask her if I can help her paint when I was little.
ask me for further details
['I got this gold chain from my dad and I still wear it every single day.']
What kind is it, Cuban?
My dad gave me this gold chain way back when I was a kid. I wear it everyday since it means a lot to me.
ask me for further details
['I have a friend who is kind to everyone, even when they are being derps']
that sounds like a good friend
I am impressed by a friend who accepts and is kind to everyone.
['I am embarrassed that I skipped school to go to the concert.']
eh its worth it tho
I am embarrassed that I skipped school to go to the concert.
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
['My 19 year old sister is afraid to stay home alone at night.']
I would be too, does she live in a bad neighbourhood?
My little sister is 19 years old and still gets scared to stay home alone at night. When my parents go put of town, I let her stay with me.
ask me for further details
["I was feeling extremely nervous. I was about to go on stage in front of 4000 people. Almost couldn't believe that it was happening!", 'Wow that is a lot of people! What were you doing on stage?', 'I was delivering a presentation on leadership behaviours.']
That would make me so nervous! I am horrible in front of people. How did it go?
I was about to deliver the biggest presentation of my life. It was going to be in front of 4000 people, and I was extremely nervous. I'd never done this before.
ask me for further details
I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
["I can't complain about my life. I have everything I have ever wanted. Life is good.", 'That is cool. You are very fortunate.', "Yeah I am happy with what I got. I don't need new things to make me happy."]
That's really great. I wish I felt that way.
I really can't complain about my life. I have everything I could possibly need. Life is quite good for me.
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
['I am so pissed of at President Trump']
So many people are.
I am so pissed of at President Trump
["I had a great day at work today! We are working on some pretty complex accounting, and I've had to do a lot of prep at night."]
That's really awesome, what makes it so complex?
I had a great day at work today; I really killed it!
ask me for further details
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
['my friend always speeds down the interstate for no reason at all', 'That can be dangerous.', 'i keep warning him but he does not listen']
I hope no one gets hurt
i hate when my friend speeds down the interstate for no reason whatsoever
I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
['My friends ha to push me from behind because I refused to slid down the slide.', 'That is very mean of them. How did you react?', 'I know right? I was screaming the whole way down.']
I hope it wasn't too scary for you and you can laugh it off now.
my friends had to push my down the slide, i wouldnt go
I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
['I love that I have friendly neighbors that like to sit outside and have a bee on the weekends']
That is very nice to friendly neighboors.
I love that I have friendly neighbors that like to sit outside and have a bee on the weekends
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
["I couldn't get into my car in the parking lot the other day and something was wrong with the lock, so I called a locksmith out to open the door and then realized, it wasn't my car. I wanted to crawl into a hole.", "Hahaha. I'm so sorry, but that made me laugh. I really don't mean to make you feel like I'm thinking you're dumb, because I don't. Everyone makes that mistake. I have an old Honda Civic, and I run into that problem, too. You probably gave the locksmith a good story to tell, and made his day. Hopefully you can smile at it tomorrow.", "Ha ha. I'm already laughing about it so no worries. I felt like an idiot but also grabbed a picture of that car and my car and it even had the same beach sticker on the back of it. It was crazy! Yeah, the locksmith was so nice that he didn't even charge me. I was surprise but I guess he felt sorry for me. he he."]
Oh man, he didn't charge you? You both kind of won then! A good story for you both at no cost. Well, except for time. It was a good learning lesson. And yeah.. the bumper sticker.. that's crazy. I'm glad you're able to not take yourself so seriously. That makes for a great personality.
I couldn't get into my car in the parking lot the other day and something was wrong with the lock, so I called a locksmith out to open the door and then realized, it wasn't my car. I wanted to crawl into a hole.
ask me for further details
['I blurted out an answer in class once only to be dead wrong.', 'that sucks, why did you do it?', 'Because i was sure I was right! i couldnt believe it.']
that is such a bomber, i can relate to thinking you are right but then turning out top be wrong
I once blurted out an answer in class, only to find I was completely wrong.
['We had a house fire last year that destroyed everything , it was very tough on my family', 'I am so sorry to hear that, it must have been heartbreaking. How did your family cope?', 'My family was strong through it all but my kids lost all their favorite possessions, but no one was hurt and thats all that really matters']
Well that's good to hear. Possessions can be replaced but your family is all that really matters in the end!
After the house fire we had last year I took me and my family a long time to get back to normal, it was a very trying time
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
['I left some food in the microwave on accident while I left my house to take a trip.', 'There will surely be maggots on that when you get home.', "That's exactly what happened and I swore to never make the mistake again, as long as i can help it."]
I'll never go to your house in that shape.
I left some food in the microwave while I went on a trip a while ago. That was such a bad move,
['I saw someone play an entire song by themself at a talent show once.', 'Oh nice. What instrument did they play?', 'They were singing and playing the drums and guitar at the same time.']
That's pretty amazing!
I saw someone play an entire song by themself at a talent show once.
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
["I'm an aspiring actor and I have yet to land any large roles. I feel like I've been doing well and I've been at this for at least two years now.", "That profession takes a lot of courage and a unique set of skills and personality. That's pretty cool that you took that route--sometimes I think about the what if of if I took that route. Pretty sure most people have that fantasy, but only the people brave enough actually go on the path to do it, like you", "I've always been on the mind set of going after your dreams rather than living a life of autonomy. But I can't say that I'm not a little let down so far and questioning my choice. I guess I need to look at the long term, two years isn't that long for something like this."]
Well, at the very least, from the little that you've said, you seem very self-aware. That's a very underrated trait for people to have and to develop.. so whatever it is you decide, it seems like you'll be efficient at seeing it through. Good luck!
I'm an aspiring actor and I have yet to land any large roles. I've been grinding for two years now.
I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
['Oh I was so shaking in my boots. I was sitting outside on my patio and saw a shadowy figure inside my house!', 'What was it? Did everything turn out alright?', "At first, I jumped and ran in because I certainly wasn't expecting visitors. But it was my wife! She was home from work early!"]
Phew! I'm glad that's all it was.
I was sitting on my patio just earlier and I saw a bunch of movement inside of my house. I freaked out immediately and ran inside, but it was my wife home early! I was certainly shaken.
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
['I saw a kid help another kid cross the street. It was soo cute.', "That's really cute! Were they the same age?", 'One looked jsut a few years older.', 'My children are getting older', 'How old?', 'My son is fifteen.', 'Tough age. Are they doing ok?']
Oh yes. I actually ordered him a Lyft the other day to get from one friends house to another. I wasn't worried though. I think the system is solid.
I saw a child help another child across the street the other day.
['I lost my favorite pocket knife', 'Oh I hope you can find an alternative', 'I guess I can always buy another.']
Sounds like you'll be alright after all
I lost my favorite pocket knife
I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
['I found a necklace today that I got 16 years ago', 'Oh wow! Have you been looking for it for a long time?', "I hadn't a guy had given it to me. I thought I lost it"]
Well I'm glad you found it! I know you had to be happy about that!
Today I found a necklace that an ex gave me. It was my name written on a piece of rice inside of a tiny bottle. it 16 years old
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
['My aunt was rushed to the hospital a few days ago. They are currently monitoring her condition.', 'i am sorry to hear that, i know she will be better', "Thanks for that, it's important to keep the faith I think. Medicine and our technology today is also advanced so I am hopeful."]
before you know it , she will be out and about
My aunt was rushed to the hospital a few days ago. They are currently monitoring her condition.
['i was crushed when i couldnt get out of work on time', 'Nothing feels worse than losing time to work when you should be free.', 'yea, it sucks.']
Hopefully they at least paid you overtime.
i was crushed when i couldnt get out of work on time
['I got a promotion at work today.', 'Woo hoo! What were you promoted too?', 'I am now a shift manager. I am so shocked!']
That's great! What kind of tasks do you do?
I got a promotion at work today. I am so shocked.
ask me for further details
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
['I have a nevus that has change shape. I am little bit afraid of what it could be. I will go see the doctor tomorrow.']
i hope it turns out well for you
I have a nevus that has change shape. I am little bit afraid of it could be. I will see the doctor tomorrow.
['I thought he would not pay back after a long time']
Had you lent someone some money?
Some one owed me some money
ask me for further details
["I am so upset with my friend's new relationship"]
Oh, what kind of relationship is it?
My friend is being catfished. He's even said he will marry her. She's sending him money she really needs.
ask me for further details
['I am so mad at my best friend. She won the lotto last week.']
Wow! How much was it?
I am so jealous my best friend just won the lotto.
ask me for further details
['My cat died last year which was really hard to deal with', 'I lost a cat before. Its a lot to deal with.', 'yea it really is, very saddening']
It get better with time.
My cat died last year
I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
['Last night i got a call from my mom just to check on me', 'Moms like to do that, they worry about their kids!', 'Yeah she is amazing i love her so much']
You should talk to her every chance you can, you never know when it will be your last.
My mom called just to see how i was doing
I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
['My new neighbors are already on my list.', 'What kind of list is that? Are you bringing them some Christmas cookies?', 'The naughty list. They are putting up pictures and moving furniture at midnight every night. RUDE']
Oh so maybe you will leave some coal on their doorstep instead. They should be more considerate.
MY new neighbors have decided to move their thing around at midnight. IT is so loud
['I am going on vacation next week and cant wait. I havent taken a vacation in a long time.', 'What will you do on vacation?', 'Me and my friends are going to the beach. I am super pumped up.']
Will you stay in a condo on the beach?
I am going on vacation next week. I cant wait. It has been forever since I have had a proper vacation.
ask me for further details
['So, yesterday morning, some ingrate stole my cappuccino at Starbucks.']
How did that happen? I would be so upset.
Yesterday, somebody stole my cappuccino at Starbucks. I was livid!
ask me for further details
I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
['My appartment was robbed last week. The police called me to tell me that theyprobably found some of the objects that have been robbed. I hope it is true.']
Oh wow that is terrible I hope you recover everything that was taken from you
My appartment was robbed last week. The police called to tell that they found some of the objects that have been robbed. I hope it is true.
I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
['School starts for me in a couple of weeks.']
I got every thing I need for school in a couple of weeks. I am so ready
ask me for further details
['I studied for 1 whole year for the S.A.T.']
What was that secret?
I studied for 1 whole year for the S.A.T. I nailed every part of that test
ask me for further details
['I really miss when I was young and living at home with my parents. They spoiled me.', "I'm sorry that you are missing them.Maybe you can go home and see them soon?", 'I will soon. What stinks is now I have to work for a living. I really miss the good old days.']
Yeah I really do too.
I miss being young and living at home with my parents. They really spoiled me. Now I have to work for a living, ugh!
['i was happy to get approved for the weekend off', "That's nice! How are you gonna spend your weekend?", 'going to vegas!']
Oh man, good luck! Hope you roll high.
i was happy to get approved for the weekend off
['everytime i i hear metallicas and justice for all album, im reminded of high school']
Were you in a rock band than?
listening to certain music takes me back
ask me for further details
['I was in the grocery store and kids were knocking over all the food items.']
So annoying. Where were their parents?
ask me for further details
['Hello', 'Hello! I am in such a good mood since I got my new home.', 'Funny - we just built a house where we used to go camping when I was a kid.', 'I have a ton of backyard space that we have plans for. Camping would be a fun one.', "That's wonderful. Do you have any plans to have a fire?"]
I want to look in to getting a nice fire pit for the house.
When I spend time with my father outside by the fire when we are camping.
["There is a chance of storms tomorrow and I hope we don't get anymore as we have been close to having floods recently!"]
thats a fair point
There is a chance of storms tomorrow and I hope we don't get anymore as we have been close to having floods recently!
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
['I have a good feeling about tomorrow. I think its going to be fun']
ohh good for you. But why is that?
I have a good feeling about tomorrow. I think its going to be fun
ask me for further details
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
['there have been many instances of attempted abductions near me recently']
Who is carrying them out?
seeing so many instances of abduction so close to me is horrifying
ask me for further details
['My boyfriend surprised me with flowers today.', 'That is so romantic. I also try to surprise my girlfriend occasionally with some little gifts', 'You should totally do it! You will earn a lot of brownie points.']
Such things even though may seem little have much positive impact on couple's relationship
My boyfriend surprised me with flowers today.
['Our little chihuahua had pancreatitis this past year and it was not a good outcome for her.']
Aw, I am sorry to hear that. Is she still alive and well?
Our little chihuahua got pancreatitis this past year. She passed away in February and it's been hard.
ask me for further details
I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
['The first time I met my husband I made an absolute fool of myself. I drank way too much.']
Well, at least he knew what he was getting into right from the start lol.
The first time I met the man who is now my husband I made the worst impression. I got way too intoxicated and ended up getting super sick. I was so upset with myself the next day that I'd made myself look so horrible. He must not have cared all that much!
['I feel so bad for farting infront of a hot girl on the train.']
That is bad. Did she notice?
I farted in front of a passenger.
ask me for further details
I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
["I took credit for some work that wasn't mine. My coworker has not found out yet.", 'oh no... will you tell them?', "I don't know. I feel really bad. Should I fess up?"]
i think so its for the best
I took credit for some work that wasn't mine. My coworker has not found out yet.
["I spoke with numerous active and reserve personnel about their basic training experiences. There wasn't much positive in what they shared so my mind wallowed in what lay ahead. Naturally I was worried to say the least."]
Are you enrolling into army?
I was 18 and had signed up to join the military. My basic training date got pushed back to the Fall. That left the door open for more active duty and reserve military personnel to tell me how mentally/physically taxing basic training can be. With this information and as summer ended and the date for entry drew nearer for my entry into basic training drew nearer I was terrified given the multitude of stories I'd been told by numerous different people from various backgrounds.
ask me for further details
['My boyfriend took me out to my favorite restaurant to celebrate my promotion at work!']
Cool congrats, what did you eat?
My boyfriend took me out to my favorite restaurant to celebrate my promotion at work. I was not expecting this at all!
ask me for further details
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
["I feel shame on my son's activity.", 'Whats wrong?! is he not obeying your rules?', 'He scolded me in public place.']
That is not good, He need to learn he has to respect you.
My son scold me in public place. I feel shame about it.
['I had to cancel on a friend tonight. I felt bad about it but I was so tired']
They'll understand, sometimes it's better not to overextend yourself
I had to cancel on my friend tonight. It made me feel bad to do it but I was tired
['My father got me a new Porsche. It has all sorts of features I couldnt even imagine!']
thats a great father!
My new Porsche has all sorts of features!
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
['My daughter hides food under her bed, how nasty!', 'That is gross, what kind of food?', 'Anything she snacks on late at night, I guess. I even found a half eaten bowl of spaghetti with meatballs!']
That is nasty, you have to kill that habit!
My daughter hides food under her bed,
I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
['I was shocked. I went to Vegas and as soon as I walked into the casino I won 1k on a dollar slot.', "Oh wow! Congrats! That's awesome!", 'THank you! I love Vegas! It is so much fun.']
I would love to go someday.
I was shocked. I went to Vegas and as soon as I walked into the casino I won 1k on a dollar slot.
["I'm playing the new WoW xpac :D", 'What is that?', 'World of warcraft.']
Oh nice, I never got into those games
I'm playing the new WoW xpac :D
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
["I am getting a second vacuum from the same company tomorrow and I truly hope it's not a doozy like the first one was!"]
Good luck, what was wrong with the first?
I am getting a second vacuum from the same company tomorrow and I truly hope it's not a doozy like the first one was!
ask me for further details
['I am optimistic about the results about my exam test. I think I did well!', 'What is the class?', 'Economics. I am hopeful I did well on it because I studied hard!']
Economics is pretty cool
I am optimistic about the results about my exam test. I think I did well!
["I got a new job. There's so much debt I want to clear off", 'Is it a well paying one?', "It pays for the bills. Not much left for savings though, but it's soemthing."]
stabilize things first, then save regularly.
I got a new job. There's so much debt I want to clear off.
['I went bungee jumping this last weekend for the first time. I am not so good with heights.']
Will you go again?
I was bungee jumping for the first time last weekend. I am not good with heights
ask me for further details
['I finally thought my dog how to sit and give me her paw. I felt very accomplished and happy!', 'That is so cool! How old is your dog?', "Like 7 months or something? She's still a puppy but she never listens so when she finally learned something, I was so excited!!"]
That is exciting!
I finally thought my dog how to sit and give me her paw. I felt very accomplished and happy!
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
['Me and my girlfriend broke up yesterday.', 'Im sorry to hear that. How are you going?', 'Doing ok i guess. Probably better its over now rather than later.']
Thats true. Just remember that as much as it might sting now there are plenty of people out there and you want to find one that makes you happy all of the time, not just some of the time.
Me and my girlfriend broke up yesterday.
['Someone asked me what the word belligerent meant the other day, and I knew the answer.']
Good for you. How did you know what that meant?
Someone asked me what the word belligerent meant the other day and I knew the answer.
ask me for further details
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
['My kids are pretty awesome']
Mine too. How many do you have?
i have great kids and glad they are mines everyday
ask me for further details
['I refused to take my neighbors properties because what I had was enough for me']
Did you fix it so that they won't lose their property in the future?
My neighbor promised to give me his properties just for me to agree to be his girlfriend , but what I have is enough for me
ask me for further details
['I am sooo excited! I just found out my husband is buying me a new car for my birthday!']
Wow! Do you know what kind of car you're getting yet?
My husband said he is buying me a new car for my birthday. I can't wait!
ask me for further details
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
["I was at Target the other day with my daughter and I saw that they are selling Teddy Ruxpin that I used to have from the 80's! Man, that brought back some great memories!", 'Oh wow! I remember the commercials too! He looked like the coolest toy out there! Did your daughter like it?', 'She did! I may have to pick one up for her for Christmas! I want to use it myself! I love a good throwback!']
I guess its true, everything comes back around in style and toys and things. That would make a fun Christmas gift! (Then you could play with it too! ha ha)
I was at Target the other day with my daughter and I saw that they are selling Teddy Ruxpin that I used to have from the 80's! Man, that brought back some great memories!
['I was walking home from the store and I saw a little cat trying to cross the road. So I stopped and helped it along! I felt so good!']
That's cool. Sounds like you're an animal person
I was walking home from the store and I saw a little cat trying to cross the road. So I stopped and helped it along! I felt so good!
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
['I am so mad! I went outside and an armadillo was eating my plants.']
NO! they can be vermin, what did you do to get rid of him?
I am so mad! I went outside and an armadillo was eating my plants.
ask me for further details
['I remember when I was a kid we use to play all day until the streetlights came on.', 'Yeah, it was fun...and so free.', 'It was. My favorite game was kickball.']
I lived in an apartment complex and there was a pool, so I loved swimming.
I remember when I was a kid we use to play all day until the streetlights came on. My favorite was playing kickball in the street.
['Do you have any animals? I have one but have been thinking about getting another.', "yep i have a cat. he's really sweet, and totally worth it. but it all depends on what kind of animal you get", "Yeah, I have a 14 year old cat and work long hours. I've been thinking about almost getting him a new kittne."]
hmmm do you think he'll like that after all this time?
I already have one cat and he's older. (14) I work long hours and I've thought about getting him another kitten to have and spend time with but I'm not sure.
ask me for further details
['I am so pissed off at Trump, he is the worst president ever.', "Why do you feel that way? Has he enacted any policies that directly affect you or anyone you know? For the record - I'm not too fond of him either, just curious more than anything.", 'It is mostly because he is a racist misogenist']
I agree that he has said some things to suggest that. However, I do think he has done some good and wouldnt necessarily be the worst president we have ever had.
I am pissed off at Trump
["I'm going through a difficult time with my family and my friends are here for me, I'm thankful for them."]
Are you ok?
My friends are always here for me
ask me for further details
['it was suprising when i was able to get a cheap flight to Orlando']
Where were you coming from?...and how cheap was it?
it was suprising when i was able to get a cheap flight to Orlando
ask me for further details
['I miss my friend.', "I'm sorry to hear that.", "It's ok. It'll take some time I guess."]
I wish you healing and comfort.
I miss my friend.
I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
["I ate the last one of my wife's favorite cookies."]
hahah yea i have done that more than once.
I ate the last one of my wife's favorite cookies.
["Someone keeps calling my phone. I'll block them, but they just call from a new number.", 'That is annoying. Do they say anything when you answer?', "Oh I don't answer numbers I don't recognize."]
I don't blame you!
Someone keeps calling my phone. I'll block them, but they just call from a new number.
I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
['I really miss my dad.', 'Has he passed or does he just live far away?', 'he has passed away, and i just feel alone']
I can only imagine. Are you close with your mother?
i miss my dad
ask me for further details
['About 6 years ago a really bad storm rolled through my city and a tornado almost hit us. I was really scared']
how did it turn out
About 6 years ago a really bad storm rolled through my city and a tornado almost hit us. I was really scared
["I haven't been in a relationship for a while now. I am so alone.."]
I bet you find someone soon
I haven't been in a relationship for a while now. I am so alone...
["I let my daughter, who just got her driver's license, take my brand new sports car to work today."]
oh, i bet you are nervous. I'm sure she will be okay but i would be so nervus
Just bought a brand new car. I let my newly licensed daughter take it to work today.
['My son said his first word today!', "Ooh, that's exciting. What did he say?", "He said gruel! He's going to be a regular Oliver Twist!"]
Wow, that's amazing, haha. So fancy.
My son said his first word today. I was filled with pride!
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
['When I go to the gym with my girlfriend, she is always looking at the other guys. It makes me feel a bit weird.', 'I understand where you are coming from. Can you blame her for window shopping though?', "Yeah, I guess so. I'm guilty of doing the same things now that I think about it."]
Honestly, we all do it. Plus, who cares if she checks out other guys if she is coming home with you!
I see my girlfriend looking at the other guys at the gym. She seems to always pay more attention to them instead of me.
['My daughter spent the sumer studying so that she will do well this year', 'thats good.its very important to instill good learning and study habbits. something i wish i had as kid', 'I think she is going to really shine this year']
sounds like she is ready to succeed
I think my daughter is going to shine this year. She spent the summer studying
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
['I have to get an important medical test done and the results could be not so good.', "what medical test and why do you think the result couldn't be good?", "It's a test for cancer and well, it could be terminal."]
Oh, sorry to hear that. Hope you'll get well soon.
I have to have an important medical test.
I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
["I'm waiting to hear back about a promotion at work"]
What type of work do you do?
I'm waiting to hear back about a promotion at work
ask me for further details
['I have been really down lately. I recently lost a close family member.', 'That would be tough. Have you found a support group to go too?', "No, it isn't that bad. It's just grief of losing my grandmother. She was 93 and lived a very full and exciting life. It's just hard to know she is no longer here.", "That would be difficult! I can't imagine the pain you must be going through. Sounds like ya'll have good memories together.", 'We did. She always had her own garden and taught me all kinds of skills related to farming, preparing, and canning food. She was an awesome person.']
That sounds like a great gandma! You are so blessed to have those memories with her!
I recently attended my grandmother's funeral. Although she had just turned 93, I definitely miss her.
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
["I am packed ahead of time for my trip, that's a first for me!"]
where you going!
I am packed ahead of time for my trip.
['My friend got a new wrangler, i want one so bad', 'Nice, what year?', '2019 white hard top']
Dang, that must look great!
My friend just got a new wrangler. i have wanted one for a long time
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
['My first born is going to be starting school this year, exciting!', 'I am sure they will do fine', 'Oh yes I am sure as well. I really cant wait to see what she crafts together in her first days.']
She sounds creative
my daughter starts school this year! im pretty ahhh about it honestly!
['I cant wait to go to the beach.Its time to be sure I am all packed.', 'I love the beach, the gulf is my favorite!', 'I have never been but all up and down east coast']
The Atlantic is not so bad!
I cant wait to go to the beach.Its time to be sure I am all packed
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
['cant wait to get the phone call about the new job. i fell very good about it', "That's good. Your interview must have went really well.", 'it did.i felt like he was eating out of the palm of my hand']
Well I hope you get it then.
waiting to hear if i got the job
['I went to the skating rink all by myself yesterday.', 'That sounds like it could be fun, or was it sad?', 'It was kinda a bad time. All my friends ditched me.']
Oh no! Well those aren't such good friends.
Went to the skating rink alone yesterday. Wasn't too grand.
['i loved taking care of my sisters pet the other day']
awh that does sweet of you, what kind of pet is it?
i loved taking care of my sisters pet the other day
ask me for further details
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.