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If you’ve spent months or years telling Martin Shkreli, Pharma Bro as he is more commonly known, to go fuck himself, you ll be pleased to know he did just that.Shkreli, known for jacking up the price of life-saving medication, is currently out on bond while awaiting sentencing for securities fraud, but that may be a temporary condition of prosecutors have their way.Recently, Shkreli offered to pay his Twitter followers an obscene amount of money $5,000 per strand for Hillary Clinton s hair allegedly for genetic testing. The Clinton Foundation is willing to KILL to protect its secrets. So on HRC s book tour, try to grab a hair from her, he wrote Monday. I must confirm the’sequences I have. Will pay $5,000 per hair obtained from Hillary Clinton. Payment after the’sequence matches. Good luck, patrollers. Apparently, ordering people to assault the former First Lady a threat that has led to increased Secret Service protection isn’t such a good idea when you’re out on bond.Citing this threat as well as others Shkreli has made toward other women, prosecutors say his bond should be revoked because he represents a threat to the community. Prosecutors say that because of Shkreli s hit job, the Secret Service expended significant additional resources to ensure Secretary Clinton s protection. The government respectfully submits this motion for a bail revocation hearing, at which the government will move to revoke the defendant Martin Shkreli s bail and remand him into custody, the prosecutor s motion reads. His recent public conduct demonstrates that he cannot meet his post-trial burden to show, by clear and convincing evidence, that he does not pose a danger to the community. Shkreli has represented a danger to the community for quite some time, but it s nice to see people trying to get him away from society for a while.Featured image via screengrab
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: If you’ve spent months or years telling Martin Shkreli, Pharma Bro as he is more commonly known, to go fuck himself, you ll be pleased to know he did just that.Shkreli, known for jacking up the price of life-saving medication, is currently out on bond while awaiting sentencing for securities fraud, but that may be a temporary condition of prosecutors have their way.Recently, Shkreli offered to pay his Twitter followers an obscene amount of money $5,000 per strand for Hillary Clinton s hair allegedly for genetic testing. The Clinton Foundation is willing to KILL to protect its secrets. So on HRC s book tour, try to grab a hair from her, he wrote Monday. I must confirm the’sequences I have. Will pay $5,000 per hair obtained from Hillary Clinton. Payment after the’sequence matches. Good luck, patrollers. Apparently, ordering people to assault the former First Lady a threat that has led to increased Secret Service protection isn’t such a good idea when you’re out on bond.Citing this threat as well as others Shkreli has made toward other women, prosecutors say his bond should be revoked because he represents a threat to the community. Prosecutors say that because of Shkreli s hit job, the Secret Service expended significant additional resources to ensure Secretary Clinton s protection. The government respectfully submits this motion for a bail revocation hearing, at which the government will move to revoke the defendant Martin Shkreli s bail and remand him into custody, the prosecutor s motion reads. His recent public conduct demonstrates that he cannot meet his post-trial burden to show, by clear and convincing evidence, that he does not pose a danger to the community. Shkreli has represented a danger to the community for quite some time, but it s nice to see people trying to get him away from society for a while.Featured image via screengrab
When Japanese first lady Akie Abe made her rounds in Washington on Friday, noticeably absent was the high-level chaperone of previous visits - America’s first lady. Rather than Melania Trump, it was the wife of the Japanese ambassador to the United States who accompanied Akie Abe on a visit to a local university, a Japanese embassy official said. That was a departure from Akie Abe’s previous visits to Washington. In 2007, she was treated to a tour with Laura Bush to George Washington’s home, Mount Vernon, and in 2015, she and Michelle Obama stopped by a northern Virginia elementary school with a Japanese immersion program. The break with convention, three weeks into husband Donald Trump’s presidency, is another sign that Melania Trump may have different designs on the first lady’s role than her predecessors. Melania Trump has elected to stay in New York for now while her son finishes his school year. It is not yet clear if she will take a prominent role in White House social events, including accompanying fellow first ladies on their visits to the capital. Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe and his wife are scheduled to spend the weekend at the Trumps’ Florida Mar-a-Lago retreat, where the two leaders will golf and the task of hosting Mrs. Abe will fall to Melania. While their husbands strive to appear in lock-step on U.S.-Japan relations this weekend, Melania Trump may find in her Japanese counterpart someone who is in many ways her opposite - a political spouse who does not shun the limelight and disagrees publicly with her powerful husband. Melania Trump, a former model from Slovenia, rarely airs differences of opinion with her husband. Akie Abe, in contrast, has used news interviews to make policy recommendations for his administration, leading some to dub her the “household opposition.” She told Reuters in 2014 that Japan should consider cutting spending and boosting the economy before further raising the sales tax, to 10 percent. She said she had urged her husband not to go forward with the first stage of the rise, to 8 percent, to no avail. Critiquing Japan’s male-dominated professional culture, Akie Abe told Bloomberg last year that Japanese women are held back by pressure from men to be “cute” rather than “capable and hardworking.” Her public profile makes her a rarity in Japan as well as a stark contrast with Melania Trump, who largely avoided the campaign trail, has not shown deep interest in public policy, and has rarely disagreed with Trump in public despite some damaging revelations. When a videotape of Trump emerged during the 2016 presidential campaign in which he boasted about grabbing women by their genitals, Melania said in a brief statement that his words were “unacceptable and offensive” but that she had accepted his apology. The differing styles could keep the weekend conversations on the light side. “I would certainly expect no discussion of global politics” between Melania and Akie, said Jean Harris, a University of Scranton professor who has studied the role of first ladies. “I don’t see Melania as wanting to be part of those conversations.” Akie Abe’s openness in stating points of disagreement with her husband has few parallels even in American politics, where first ladies tend not to diverge from their husbands in public, though they may be crucial advisors behind the scenes, Harris said. Just after the election, Melania Trump said in a CBS interview that she chides her husband “all the time” for his Twitter attacks. “Sometimes he listens, sometimes he doesn’t,” she said. “I give him my opinion. And he could do whatever he likes with it.”
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: When Japanese first lady Akie Abe made her rounds in Washington on Friday, noticeably absent was the high-level chaperone of previous visits - America’s first lady. Rather than Melania Trump, it was the wife of the Japanese ambassador to the United States who accompanied Akie Abe on a visit to a local university, a Japanese embassy official said. That was a departure from Akie Abe’s previous visits to Washington. In 2007, she was treated to a tour with Laura Bush to George Washington’s home, Mount Vernon, and in 2015, she and Michelle Obama stopped by a northern Virginia elementary school with a Japanese immersion program. The break with convention, three weeks into husband Donald Trump’s presidency, is another sign that Melania Trump may have different designs on the first lady’s role than her predecessors. Melania Trump has elected to stay in New York for now while her son finishes his school year. It is not yet clear if she will take a prominent role in White House social events, including accompanying fellow first ladies on their visits to the capital. Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe and his wife are scheduled to spend the weekend at the Trumps’ Florida Mar-a-Lago retreat, where the two leaders will golf and the task of hosting Mrs. Abe will fall to Melania. While their husbands strive to appear in lock-step on U.S.-Japan relations this weekend, Melania Trump may find in her Japanese counterpart someone who is in many ways her opposite - a political spouse who does not shun the limelight and disagrees publicly with her powerful husband. Melania Trump, a former model from Slovenia, rarely airs differences of opinion with her husband. Akie Abe, in contrast, has used news interviews to make policy recommendations for his administration, leading some to dub her the “household opposition.” She told Reuters in 2014 that Japan should consider cutting spending and boosting the economy before further raising the sales tax, to 10 percent. She said she had urged her husband not to go forward with the first stage of the rise, to 8 percent, to no avail. Critiquing Japan’s male-dominated professional culture, Akie Abe told Bloomberg last year that Japanese women are held back by pressure from men to be “cute” rather than “capable and hardworking.” Her public profile makes her a rarity in Japan as well as a stark contrast with Melania Trump, who largely avoided the campaign trail, has not shown deep interest in public policy, and has rarely disagreed with Trump in public despite some damaging revelations. When a videotape of Trump emerged during the 2016 presidential campaign in which he boasted about grabbing women by their genitals, Melania said in a brief statement that his words were “unacceptable and offensive” but that she had accepted his apology. The differing styles could keep the weekend conversations on the light side. “I would certainly expect no discussion of global politics” between Melania and Akie, said Jean Harris, a University of Scranton professor who has studied the role of first ladies. “I don’t see Melania as wanting to be part of those conversations.” Akie Abe’s openness in stating points of disagreement with her husband has few parallels even in American politics, where first ladies tend not to diverge from their husbands in public, though they may be crucial advisors behind the scenes, Harris said. Just after the election, Melania Trump said in a CBS interview that she chides her husband “all the time” for his Twitter attacks. “Sometimes he listens, sometimes he doesn’t,” she said. “I give him my opinion. And he could do whatever he likes with it.”
The Trump administration and the Cuban government need to start a dialogue, the Republican governor of Mississippi said on Wednesday during a trip to the Communist-led island to scout trade opportunities for his state. “That’s the first step: trying to get that dialogue going in a very positive manner,” Phil Bryant said in an interview, adding that he had found his trip “encouraging.” Cuba watchers are looking closely for signs of how President Donald Trump will deal with the country, given he threatened during his campaign to roll back the fragile detente between the Untied States and Cuba, former Cold War foes. The White House is undertaking a “full review” of America’s foreign policy toward Cuba, press secretary Sean Spicer said in February. The governor, who had just met with Cuba’s trade minister, said it was key “not let too much of the political conditions in the United States become overwhelming.” “Sometimes people have a narrative of Mississippi as if it’s 1960s, and it’s not, and it’s not the 1960s in Cuba,” he said, citing changes like growth of private businesses. Former U.S. President Barack Obama and Cuban President Raul Castro stunned the world in December 2014 when they announced the United States and Cuba would restore diplomatic ties after more than half a century of hostility. Even with a U.S. embargo preventing most trade with Cuba, Mississippi already exports authorized products to the island such as frozen poultry and healthcare products, according to the U.S.-Cuba Trade and Economic Council. There was room to increase that trade and as establish exchanges in healthcare and research, including perhaps bringing Cuban doctors to the Mississippi Delta, said Bryant.
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: The Trump administration and the Cuban government need to start a dialogue, the Republican governor of Mississippi said on Wednesday during a trip to the Communist-led island to scout trade opportunities for his state. “That’s the first step: trying to get that dialogue going in a very positive manner,” Phil Bryant said in an interview, adding that he had found his trip “encouraging.” Cuba watchers are looking closely for signs of how President Donald Trump will deal with the country, given he threatened during his campaign to roll back the fragile detente between the Untied States and Cuba, former Cold War foes. The White House is undertaking a “full review” of America’s foreign policy toward Cuba, press secretary Sean Spicer said in February. The governor, who had just met with Cuba’s trade minister, said it was key “not let too much of the political conditions in the United States become overwhelming.” “Sometimes people have a narrative of Mississippi as if it’s 1960s, and it’s not, and it’s not the 1960s in Cuba,” he said, citing changes like growth of private businesses. Former U.S. President Barack Obama and Cuban President Raul Castro stunned the world in December 2014 when they announced the United States and Cuba would restore diplomatic ties after more than half a century of hostility. Even with a U.S. embargo preventing most trade with Cuba, Mississippi already exports authorized products to the island such as frozen poultry and healthcare products, according to the U.S.-Cuba Trade and Economic Council. There was room to increase that trade and as establish exchanges in healthcare and research, including perhaps bringing Cuban doctors to the Mississippi Delta, said Bryant.
Officials for a Kentucky county will appeal a federal judge’s ruling that invalidated its right-to-work law, the county’s lawyer said on Thursday. The ruling came a year after labor organizations sued Hardin County after it passed an ordinance that prohibited unions from mandating its members pay dues in exchange for representation. So-called “right-to-work” laws allow employees at unionized employers to skip joining a union and avoid paying union dues. U.S. District Judge David Hale ruled on Wednesday evening that local regulation of union agreements is preempted by the National Labor Relations Act. Hale’s order means that only states can implement such legislation. Democrats, who hold a majority in the state House of Representatives, have blocked repeated bills aiming to make Kentucky the 26th right-to-work state. “These illegal ordinances would have affected all working people, union and non-union, by decreasing wages, lowering median household incomes, increasing poverty and undermining workplace safety,” said Kentucky State AFL-CIO President Bill Londrigan. Beginning in late 2014, several Kentucky counties began passing their own laws after advocates claimed Kentucky law granted counties the same abilities as the state. Proponents of right-to-work laws say they can be a tool to attract new businesses. The ruling affects only Hardin County in north-central Kentucky, one of 12 to have passed a right-to-work law. Four others have passed a first reading. Jim Waters, president of the Bluegrass Institute, said about 80 of Kentucky’s 120 counties had considered passing a right-to-work law but were waiting for Hale’s decision. John Lovett, a lawyer representing Hardin County, said the case pits the interests of local communities against the nation’s most powerful labor unions. “Few issues are more ‘local’ than what a working person is free to do with his or her own money,” Lovett said.
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: Officials for a Kentucky county will appeal a federal judge’s ruling that invalidated its right-to-work law, the county’s lawyer said on Thursday. The ruling came a year after labor organizations sued Hardin County after it passed an ordinance that prohibited unions from mandating its members pay dues in exchange for representation. So-called “right-to-work” laws allow employees at unionized employers to skip joining a union and avoid paying union dues. U.S. District Judge David Hale ruled on Wednesday evening that local regulation of union agreements is preempted by the National Labor Relations Act. Hale’s order means that only states can implement such legislation. Democrats, who hold a majority in the state House of Representatives, have blocked repeated bills aiming to make Kentucky the 26th right-to-work state. “These illegal ordinances would have affected all working people, union and non-union, by decreasing wages, lowering median household incomes, increasing poverty and undermining workplace safety,” said Kentucky State AFL-CIO President Bill Londrigan. Beginning in late 2014, several Kentucky counties began passing their own laws after advocates claimed Kentucky law granted counties the same abilities as the state. Proponents of right-to-work laws say they can be a tool to attract new businesses. The ruling affects only Hardin County in north-central Kentucky, one of 12 to have passed a right-to-work law. Four others have passed a first reading. Jim Waters, president of the Bluegrass Institute, said about 80 of Kentucky’s 120 counties had considered passing a right-to-work law but were waiting for Hale’s decision. John Lovett, a lawyer representing Hardin County, said the case pits the interests of local communities against the nation’s most powerful labor unions. “Few issues are more ‘local’ than what a working person is free to do with his or her own money,” Lovett said.
Barack Obama, champion of the taxpayer funded government employee. Destroyer of the private sector President Barack Obama on Monday ordered government contractors to offer their workers seven days of paid sick leave a year and, without naming them, knocked Republican presidential candidates for advocating what he’said were anti-union policies.Obama signed an executive order on sick leave, which the White House said would affect some 300,000 people, during a flight to Boston, where he’spoke at a union event.Starting in 2017, workers on government contracts will earn a minimum of one hour of paid sick leave for every 30 hours worked. Contractors can offer more generous amounts at their discretion.Speaking to a friendly crowd without a tie or jacket, Obama said such policies were beneficial to employers and said more worker friendly measures, such as paid maternity leave, were needed. Right now, we are the only advanced nation on Earth that does not guarantee paid maternity leave, he’said. Now, for the men in the audience in particular, think about that. We wouldn’t even go to work if we had to carry around somebody for nine months. The human race would evaporate, he’said, drawing laughter and applause from the crowd.Unions and organized labor are a key constituent for the Democratic Party, and their support will be critical in the 2016 presidential election.Obama, who joked that he was glad not to be on the ballot next year, made thinly veiled references to Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker and New Jersey Governor Chris Christie for anti-union remarks and policies. He did not name them by name. It s clear he’stands with the big government union bosses while we stand with the people, Walker, during a campaign stop in New Hampshire, said in response to the president.The executive order follows a series of measures by the White House to expand access to paid leave. In January, Obama issued a presidential memorandum directing the government to advance up to six weeks of paid sick leave for the birth or adoption of a child, or for other sick leave-eligible uses.Obama is also pressing Congress to pass legislation giving government employees six additional weeks of paid parental leave. Labor Secretary Thomas Perez said he could not say what the cost of implementing the’seven-day paid leave rule would be to contractors. We believe the cost of implementing this rule is offset by the efficiencies that come with reduced attrition, increased loyalty, all of those things that have been documented in a number of studies of state laws that have been enacted, Perez told reporters on a conference call on Sunday.Obama also used the trip to Boston to renew his call for Congress to pass the Healthy Families Act, which would require all businesses with 15 or more employees to offer up to seven paid sick days each year.According to the White House, an estimated 44 million private-sector workers, about 40 percent of the total private-sector workforce, do not have access to paid sick leave. Via: Reuters
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: Barack Obama, champion of the taxpayer funded government employee. Destroyer of the private sector President Barack Obama on Monday ordered government contractors to offer their workers seven days of paid sick leave a year and, without naming them, knocked Republican presidential candidates for advocating what he’said were anti-union policies.Obama signed an executive order on sick leave, which the White House said would affect some 300,000 people, during a flight to Boston, where he’spoke at a union event.Starting in 2017, workers on government contracts will earn a minimum of one hour of paid sick leave for every 30 hours worked. Contractors can offer more generous amounts at their discretion.Speaking to a friendly crowd without a tie or jacket, Obama said such policies were beneficial to employers and said more worker friendly measures, such as paid maternity leave, were needed. Right now, we are the only advanced nation on Earth that does not guarantee paid maternity leave, he’said. Now, for the men in the audience in particular, think about that. We wouldn’t even go to work if we had to carry around somebody for nine months. The human race would evaporate, he’said, drawing laughter and applause from the crowd.Unions and organized labor are a key constituent for the Democratic Party, and their support will be critical in the 2016 presidential election.Obama, who joked that he was glad not to be on the ballot next year, made thinly veiled references to Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker and New Jersey Governor Chris Christie for anti-union remarks and policies. He did not name them by name. It s clear he’stands with the big government union bosses while we stand with the people, Walker, during a campaign stop in New Hampshire, said in response to the president.The executive order follows a series of measures by the White House to expand access to paid leave. In January, Obama issued a presidential memorandum directing the government to advance up to six weeks of paid sick leave for the birth or adoption of a child, or for other sick leave-eligible uses.Obama is also pressing Congress to pass legislation giving government employees six additional weeks of paid parental leave. Labor Secretary Thomas Perez said he could not say what the cost of implementing the’seven-day paid leave rule would be to contractors. We believe the cost of implementing this rule is offset by the efficiencies that come with reduced attrition, increased loyalty, all of those things that have been documented in a number of studies of state laws that have been enacted, Perez told reporters on a conference call on Sunday.Obama also used the trip to Boston to renew his call for Congress to pass the Healthy Families Act, which would require all businesses with 15 or more employees to offer up to seven paid sick days each year.According to the White House, an estimated 44 million private-sector workers, about 40 percent of the total private-sector workforce, do not have access to paid sick leave. Via: Reuters
This is despicable and morbid.Donald trump has clearly chosen a piece of human excrement as his Secretary of Treasury.Former Goldman Sachs executive and hedge fund manager Steven Mnuchin has been heavily and rightfully criticized ever since Trump made the announcement. Not only did Mnuchin s OneWest Bank fail to disperse desperately needed Hurricane Sandy to people affected by the disaster, it tried to take a 90-year-old woman s home away from her over a 27 cent bill.Now another firm owned by Mnuchin is coming under fire for betting on when elderly people would die.Yeah, you’read that right.Mnuchin firm Dune Capitol Management bought life insurance policies through a third party from elderly people who needed the cash, betting that they would die soon so they could collect the payout. Seriously.According to the New York Times,Dune had plans to package the insurance policies called life settlements into bonds that could be sold to investors. Life settlements represent one of the most macabre actuarial bets that Wall Street has dreamed up. It s a wager that the elderly person selling the policy will die sooner rather than later, meaning the hedge fund does not have to make many premium payments to keep the insurance policy in force and collect the payout upon that person s death.That s pretty f*cked up and proves that Trump picked a terrible and greedy human being to be Treasury Secretary. A guy who is all sorts of shady who would stab you in a back or sell his own mother into the’sex trade if he could profit from it.Trump’s selection of Mnuchin is so bad that many of his supporters now regret voting for himIn fact, one woman who voted for Trump now regrets doing so because he picked Mnuchin, who foreclosed on her house a few years ago.Clearly, the Senate should protect the American people from such a predator. But they’re already protecting Trump and he’s an economic predator n addition to being a sexual predator, so they probably won’t have a problem confirming Mnuchin.Featured Image: Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: This is despicable and morbid.Donald trump has clearly chosen a piece of human excrement as his Secretary of Treasury.Former Goldman Sachs executive and hedge fund manager Steven Mnuchin has been heavily and rightfully criticized ever since Trump made the announcement. Not only did Mnuchin s OneWest Bank fail to disperse desperately needed Hurricane Sandy to people affected by the disaster, it tried to take a 90-year-old woman s home away from her over a 27 cent bill.Now another firm owned by Mnuchin is coming under fire for betting on when elderly people would die.Yeah, you’read that right.Mnuchin firm Dune Capitol Management bought life insurance policies through a third party from elderly people who needed the cash, betting that they would die soon so they could collect the payout. Seriously.According to the New York Times,Dune had plans to package the insurance policies called life settlements into bonds that could be sold to investors. Life settlements represent one of the most macabre actuarial bets that Wall Street has dreamed up. It s a wager that the elderly person selling the policy will die sooner rather than later, meaning the hedge fund does not have to make many premium payments to keep the insurance policy in force and collect the payout upon that person s death.That s pretty f*cked up and proves that Trump picked a terrible and greedy human being to be Treasury Secretary. A guy who is all sorts of shady who would stab you in a back or sell his own mother into the’sex trade if he could profit from it.Trump’s selection of Mnuchin is so bad that many of his supporters now regret voting for himIn fact, one woman who voted for Trump now regrets doing so because he picked Mnuchin, who foreclosed on her house a few years ago.Clearly, the Senate should protect the American people from such a predator. But they’re already protecting Trump and he’s an economic predator n addition to being a sexual predator, so they probably won’t have a problem confirming Mnuchin.Featured Image: Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images
Germany s would-be coalition partners have not agreed to abolish a tax imposed after reunification to help poorer eastern states, a conservative politician told Reuters on Sunday, retracting his previous remarks that a deal on the issue had been reached. Hans Michelbach, a member of Chancellor Angela Merkel s conservative bloc, said earlier that an agreement had been reached with the Greens and the pro-business Free Democrats (FDP) to abolish the solidarity tax by 2021. The FDP had made abolishing the tax, which was due to expire in 2019, an election promise.
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: Germany s would-be coalition partners have not agreed to abolish a tax imposed after reunification to help poorer eastern states, a conservative politician told Reuters on Sunday, retracting his previous remarks that a deal on the issue had been reached. Hans Michelbach, a member of Chancellor Angela Merkel s conservative bloc, said earlier that an agreement had been reached with the Greens and the pro-business Free Democrats (FDP) to abolish the solidarity tax by 2021. The FDP had made abolishing the tax, which was due to expire in 2019, an election promise.
Trump mouthpiece Kayleigh McEnany attacked former Labor Secretary Robert Reich on Thursday night and quickly discovered that she was out of her depth.While CNN awaited Donald Trump’s appearance at a rally, Anderson Cooper turned to Reich for his thoughts on Trump conflicts of interest and his cabinet selections.Reich slammed Trump’s picks, pointing out that he has chosen people to run departments that they want to destroy. For instance, Jeff Sessions has been chosen to run the Department of Justice and he’s an opponent of civil rights and the Voting Right Act. Betsy DeVos hates public education and she has been chosen to run the Education Department. And Andrew Puzder was recently chosen to run the Labor Department even though he is hostile towards workers and opposes minimum wage, overtime pay, and basic labor regulations.Well, of course, Kayleigh McEnany threw a hissy fit about what Reich said and she proceeded to attack him and offer a pathetic defense of Trump’s choices. I just want to quickly say to Secretary Reich, I thought it was really unfair the way you characterize the cabinet picks, she began. You know Jeff Sessions is a great guy. He s not against the Voting Rights Act. But that s not true. Jeff Sessions is, in fact, against the Voting Rights Act. He has often claimed that its provisions are unconstitutional and actually cheered when the Supreme Court gutted a key piece of it in 2013.And then McEnany defended Trump’s Labor pick. I think the pick today, Mr. Puzder, is a guy who his employees have said he cares about the cashier the’same way he cares about the business owners, McEnany said. I think it s really unfair to characterize him that way. She continued to defend Puzder by noting that he only opposes the federal minimum wage, which really doesn’t help since without federal minimum wage many red states would set their already low wages even lower. She then accused Reich of attacking Puzder just because he’s a conservative. Just because he’s conservative, it doesn’t mean he’s anti-worker, she whined.But Reich was prepared for such bullshit and promptly ripped McEnany a new one. I m not saying he’s anti-worker because he’s conservative, Reich replied. I m saying he’s anti-worker because he’s anti-worker. The Department of Labor came into his restaurants and found that half his restaurants had wage and labor violations that violated the law of the United States. You think that s pro-worker? You think it s pro-worker that his weekly paycheck equals the average yearly paycheck of his workers and he’s against a minimum wage increase? You think that is pro-worker? I m sorry I ve never heard of that. McEnany then resorted to accusing Reich of being a socialist and claimed that Puzder is qualified because he’s a rich fast food CEO. Of course, she doesn’t mention that he’s a staunch opponent of the Fight for $15, a movement by fast food workers to raise the minimum wage to $15 an hour. In other words, he has a conflict of interest because by taking the Labor Secretary job he can destroy the drive for fair wages that his own employees are part of.And Reich called McEnany out for it. But why should they be Secretary of Labor when they are in charge of enforcing the labor laws and they have a record of not even obeying the labor laws? he asked.McEnany then spouted bullshit about how trickle-down will work because it worked in the 1980s, which forced Reich to shut her down. It did not work in the 1980s, Reich forcefully declared. Wages were flat The median wage started to flatten and decline. And that s because we had a president who believe in supply-side trickle-down economics and nothing trickled down Nothing nothing trickled down to typical workers. Here s the video via YouTube.Indeed, the only people who saw gains because of Reagan s policies were the wealthy. And his economic policies are still punishing Americans to this day and all Republicans want to do is double down on them like they’did in Kansas, and as we all know, Kansas economy has imploded.The next time McEnany thinks about attacking a former Labor Secretary who was also a former Harvard professor and current professor at the University of California at Berkeley, she’should just keep her mouth shut. She won’t embarrass herself that way.Featured Image: Screenshot
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: Trump mouthpiece Kayleigh McEnany attacked former Labor Secretary Robert Reich on Thursday night and quickly discovered that she was out of her depth.While CNN awaited Donald Trump’s appearance at a rally, Anderson Cooper turned to Reich for his thoughts on Trump conflicts of interest and his cabinet selections.Reich slammed Trump’s picks, pointing out that he has chosen people to run departments that they want to destroy. For instance, Jeff Sessions has been chosen to run the Department of Justice and he’s an opponent of civil rights and the Voting Right Act. Betsy DeVos hates public education and she has been chosen to run the Education Department. And Andrew Puzder was recently chosen to run the Labor Department even though he is hostile towards workers and opposes minimum wage, overtime pay, and basic labor regulations.Well, of course, Kayleigh McEnany threw a hissy fit about what Reich said and she proceeded to attack him and offer a pathetic defense of Trump’s choices. I just want to quickly say to Secretary Reich, I thought it was really unfair the way you characterize the cabinet picks, she began. You know Jeff Sessions is a great guy. He s not against the Voting Rights Act. But that s not true. Jeff Sessions is, in fact, against the Voting Rights Act. He has often claimed that its provisions are unconstitutional and actually cheered when the Supreme Court gutted a key piece of it in 2013.And then McEnany defended Trump’s Labor pick. I think the pick today, Mr. Puzder, is a guy who his employees have said he cares about the cashier the’same way he cares about the business owners, McEnany said. I think it s really unfair to characterize him that way. She continued to defend Puzder by noting that he only opposes the federal minimum wage, which really doesn’t help since without federal minimum wage many red states would set their already low wages even lower. She then accused Reich of attacking Puzder just because he’s a conservative. Just because he’s conservative, it doesn’t mean he’s anti-worker, she whined.But Reich was prepared for such bullshit and promptly ripped McEnany a new one. I m not saying he’s anti-worker because he’s conservative, Reich replied. I m saying he’s anti-worker because he’s anti-worker. The Department of Labor came into his restaurants and found that half his restaurants had wage and labor violations that violated the law of the United States. You think that s pro-worker? You think it s pro-worker that his weekly paycheck equals the average yearly paycheck of his workers and he’s against a minimum wage increase? You think that is pro-worker? I m sorry I ve never heard of that. McEnany then resorted to accusing Reich of being a socialist and claimed that Puzder is qualified because he’s a rich fast food CEO. Of course, she doesn’t mention that he’s a staunch opponent of the Fight for $15, a movement by fast food workers to raise the minimum wage to $15 an hour. In other words, he has a conflict of interest because by taking the Labor Secretary job he can destroy the drive for fair wages that his own employees are part of.And Reich called McEnany out for it. But why should they be Secretary of Labor when they are in charge of enforcing the labor laws and they have a record of not even obeying the labor laws? he asked.McEnany then spouted bullshit about how trickle-down will work because it worked in the 1980s, which forced Reich to shut her down. It did not work in the 1980s, Reich forcefully declared. Wages were flat The median wage started to flatten and decline. And that s because we had a president who believe in supply-side trickle-down economics and nothing trickled down Nothing nothing trickled down to typical workers. Here s the video via YouTube.Indeed, the only people who saw gains because of Reagan s policies were the wealthy. And his economic policies are still punishing Americans to this day and all Republicans want to do is double down on them like they’did in Kansas, and as we all know, Kansas economy has imploded.The next time McEnany thinks about attacking a former Labor Secretary who was also a former Harvard professor and current professor at the University of California at Berkeley, she’should just keep her mouth shut. She won’t embarrass herself that way.Featured Image: Screenshot
Donald Trump is upset at the intelligence agencies and their continued findings showing that Russia had a role in hacking and propaganda designed to help him win the 2016 presidential election. Trump has expressed a desire to simply move on past this important, unprecedented development, and has consistently cast doubt on the conclusions reached by multiple intelligence agencies, including the CIA and FBI.His inner circle has already floated the idea of a reorganization at the CIA, which could be seen as a sort of punishment for reaching a conclusion about foreign election interference that is embarrassing for Trump.Now it appears that he wants to act vindictively towards the other end of the information pipeline, in a dangerous step that could threaten the rights of every American. Trump is now making noise about having Congress go after news outlets who reported on what the agencies said.President-elect Donald Trump’s call for a congressional investigation into leaks of a national security briefing suggests he’s ready to carry his war with the media into the White House.The Washington Post and NBC News, citing a briefing on the hacking of Democratic Party officials, reported Thursday that Russian officials celebrated Trump’s election. Later that day, Trump asked on Twitter how NBC got an exclusive look into the top secret report he (Obama) was presented? On Friday, he added: I am asking the chairs of the House and Senate committees to investigate top secret intelligence shared with NBC prior to me seeing it. Trump’s rhetoric brings to mind President Nixon, who infamously kept an enemies list which included news outlets and personalities who had offended him in some way. He even ordered government wiretaps and surveillance of the journalists he felt were against him, in behavior lacking all respect for the First Amendment guarantee to a free press.Trump has consistently antagonized the independent press, holding them up as an object of hate and derision at his campaign rallies and egging his rabid supporters on when they have directed threats towards the media. Trump duplicates much of that behavior online, directing pro-Trump online mobs to mobilize against voices that have simply reported on corruption and dirty dealings surrounding the man some have described as their god emperor. Using the power of government to go after speech not illegal leaking of classified data but most likely information authorized by government officials to be delivered to the press is a dangerous step, and one Trump’seems ready to take to defend his wounded ego.Featured image via Flickr
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: Donald Trump is upset at the intelligence agencies and their continued findings showing that Russia had a role in hacking and propaganda designed to help him win the 2016 presidential election. Trump has expressed a desire to simply move on past this important, unprecedented development, and has consistently cast doubt on the conclusions reached by multiple intelligence agencies, including the CIA and FBI.His inner circle has already floated the idea of a reorganization at the CIA, which could be seen as a sort of punishment for reaching a conclusion about foreign election interference that is embarrassing for Trump.Now it appears that he wants to act vindictively towards the other end of the information pipeline, in a dangerous step that could threaten the rights of every American. Trump is now making noise about having Congress go after news outlets who reported on what the agencies said.President-elect Donald Trump’s call for a congressional investigation into leaks of a national security briefing suggests he’s ready to carry his war with the media into the White House.The Washington Post and NBC News, citing a briefing on the hacking of Democratic Party officials, reported Thursday that Russian officials celebrated Trump’s election. Later that day, Trump asked on Twitter how NBC got an exclusive look into the top secret report he (Obama) was presented? On Friday, he added: I am asking the chairs of the House and Senate committees to investigate top secret intelligence shared with NBC prior to me seeing it. Trump’s rhetoric brings to mind President Nixon, who infamously kept an enemies list which included news outlets and personalities who had offended him in some way. He even ordered government wiretaps and surveillance of the journalists he felt were against him, in behavior lacking all respect for the First Amendment guarantee to a free press.Trump has consistently antagonized the independent press, holding them up as an object of hate and derision at his campaign rallies and egging his rabid supporters on when they have directed threats towards the media. Trump duplicates much of that behavior online, directing pro-Trump online mobs to mobilize against voices that have simply reported on corruption and dirty dealings surrounding the man some have described as their god emperor. Using the power of government to go after speech not illegal leaking of classified data but most likely information authorized by government officials to be delivered to the press is a dangerous step, and one Trump’seems ready to take to defend his wounded ego.Featured image via Flickr
Donald Trump’says he wants to be the president for all Americans, but he has put a literal white supremacist steps from the Oval Office, and is busily surrounding himself with bigots of many stripes. Now, he has picked racist Alabama Senator Jeff Sessions to be his Attorney General. Sessions is a guy who couldn’t even get confirmed as a federal judge by the United States Senate in 1986 because he was too racist. Well, progressive firebrand and Massachusetts Senator Elizabeth Warren is having none of it, and is demanding that Trump dump Sessions.Senator Warren issues a blistering statement rebuking both Sessions and Trump, which read: Instead of embracing the bigotry that fueled his campaign rallies, I urge President-elect Trump to reverse his apparent decision to nominate Senator Sessions to be Attorney General of the United States. If he refuses, then it will fall to the Senate to exercise fundamental moral leadership for our nation and all of its people. Thirty years ago, a different Republican Senate rejected Senator Sessions nomination to a federal judgeship. In doing so, that Senate affirmed that there can be no compromise with racism; no negotiation with hate. Today, a new Republican Senate must decide whether self-interest and political cowardice will prevent them from once again doing what is right. The heart of this statement is what is important; after all, we know that Trump has not the moral character to realize why picking Sessions, white nationalist Steve Bannon, or any of the other appalling people in his inner circle to fill out his administration is such a huge problem. Therefore, it will be up to the Senate to do their jobs and to deny Sessions his confirmation. Unfortunately, Bannon s appointment is all in Trump’s hands, so he’s in the White House for the long haul. However, Sessions is a different story. Therefore, the Senators who are elected to represent ALL of the people need to do their jobs and reject the bigots Trump is busily nominating.I know that Donald Trump values loyalty above all else that goes back to the undeniable fact that he has serious authoritarian tendencies. Sessions has been loyal, and this job is his reward. However, one of the most important jobs of the Attorney General is to enforce civil rights laws and to protect minorities. Therefore, Sessions would be an absolute threat to minorities in that role. Senate no matter your party affiliation do your jobs and follow in the footsteps of your honorable predecessors, and refuse to confirm Jeff Sessions as the top law enforcement officer of the United States.Featured image via Justin Sullivan/Getty Images
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: Donald Trump’says he wants to be the president for all Americans, but he has put a literal white supremacist steps from the Oval Office, and is busily surrounding himself with bigots of many stripes. Now, he has picked racist Alabama Senator Jeff Sessions to be his Attorney General. Sessions is a guy who couldn’t even get confirmed as a federal judge by the United States Senate in 1986 because he was too racist. Well, progressive firebrand and Massachusetts Senator Elizabeth Warren is having none of it, and is demanding that Trump dump Sessions.Senator Warren issues a blistering statement rebuking both Sessions and Trump, which read: Instead of embracing the bigotry that fueled his campaign rallies, I urge President-elect Trump to reverse his apparent decision to nominate Senator Sessions to be Attorney General of the United States. If he refuses, then it will fall to the Senate to exercise fundamental moral leadership for our nation and all of its people. Thirty years ago, a different Republican Senate rejected Senator Sessions nomination to a federal judgeship. In doing so, that Senate affirmed that there can be no compromise with racism; no negotiation with hate. Today, a new Republican Senate must decide whether self-interest and political cowardice will prevent them from once again doing what is right. The heart of this statement is what is important; after all, we know that Trump has not the moral character to realize why picking Sessions, white nationalist Steve Bannon, or any of the other appalling people in his inner circle to fill out his administration is such a huge problem. Therefore, it will be up to the Senate to do their jobs and to deny Sessions his confirmation. Unfortunately, Bannon s appointment is all in Trump’s hands, so he’s in the White House for the long haul. However, Sessions is a different story. Therefore, the Senators who are elected to represent ALL of the people need to do their jobs and reject the bigots Trump is busily nominating.I know that Donald Trump values loyalty above all else that goes back to the undeniable fact that he has serious authoritarian tendencies. Sessions has been loyal, and this job is his reward. However, one of the most important jobs of the Attorney General is to enforce civil rights laws and to protect minorities. Therefore, Sessions would be an absolute threat to minorities in that role. Senate no matter your party affiliation do your jobs and follow in the footsteps of your honorable predecessors, and refuse to confirm Jeff Sessions as the top law enforcement officer of the United States.Featured image via Justin Sullivan/Getty Images
Egypt praised on Tuesday U.S President Donald Trump’s criticism of Western media for what he said was their limited coverage of some militant attacks around the world, a statement from the Foreign Ministry said. “The Foreign Ministry hailed the U.S. administration stance in this regard, referring to Egypt’s repeated calls upon the international community to adopt a comprehensive, coordinated and  non-selective strategy to combat terrorism at all levels; security, political, cultural, media and others,” the statement said.
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: Egypt praised on Tuesday U.S President Donald Trump’s criticism of Western media for what he said was their limited coverage of some militant attacks around the world, a statement from the Foreign Ministry said. “The Foreign Ministry hailed the U.S. administration stance in this regard, referring to Egypt’s repeated calls upon the international community to adopt a comprehensive, coordinated and  non-selective strategy to combat terrorism at all levels; security, political, cultural, media and others,” the statement said.
When Republican Indiana Governor Mike Pence signed HB 1337 into law last week, he wasn’t expecting women to personally keep him informed about their bodily functions. But that is exactly what is happening since Pence and Republicans made a new law banning abortion based on race or gender, requiring doctors to have admitting privileges at local hospitals, and forces doctors to provide information about perinatal hospice care to a pregnant woman who is considering an abortion because the unborn child has been diagnosed with a lethal fetal anomaly. In other words, women considering an abortion will be lectured by their doctor after being informed about any lethal fetal anomaly. Once a woman is informed of such an anomaly, she will no longer be able to get an abortion because the new law prohibits abortions in such cases. That means women are going to be forced to carry fetuses with anomalies to term, regardless of viability, which means women could end up giving birth to babies that will suffer and die soon after being born.In response to this latest attack on a woman s right to choose, women are actually calling in to inform Governor Pence of their reproductive cycle status and the phone conversations are comedy gold. I need to get a message to the Governor that I am on day three of my period. My flow seems abnormally heavy, but my cramps are much better to she tells the person who answered before being interrupted. Ma am, what is it that I can help you with? the person asks. Oh, I don’t need your help, I just wanted to keep Governor Pence informed of my reproductive cycle, since he’seems so concerned, the woman replied.The phone calls are the result of a call-to-action campaign led by a group known as Periods for Pence, which seeks to give women a voice in the’state since Pence and Republicans didn’t really consider what women think before imposing their anti-abortion agenda on all women in Indiana. The more I read this bill, the more vague language I found and the more loopholes, and it just seemed incredibly intrusive, the creator of the campaign told WRTV. So I wanted to give a voice for women who really didn’t feel like they were given any kind of input into a bill that would affect our life so much. The campaign s Facebook page even generously provided the number to reach the Governor s Office, which is 317-232-4567, for those of you who want to know, and women started calling the number to keep Pence updated on what s going on with their uterus since Pence and the GOP want to know so desperately. And it led to the call above and this one: Good Morning, a woman said upon reaching the Governor s office. I just wanted to inform the Governor that things seem to be drying up today. No babies seem to be up in there. Okay? Upon being asked her name, the woman replied that her name is Sue Magina. That s M-A-G-I-N-A. It rhymes with she’said before being cut off.Here s the video:Yeah, this campaign is perfect and I m sure Governor Pence is super-stoked about receiving constant updates on what s going on with women s reproductive cycles. So women should definitely call him and make sure to provide as many details as possible. After all, he clearly wants to know since he can’t stop invading women s privacy to regulate their reproductive health decisions. Featured image via Indiana Talks
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: When Republican Indiana Governor Mike Pence signed HB 1337 into law last week, he wasn’t expecting women to personally keep him informed about their bodily functions. But that is exactly what is happening since Pence and Republicans made a new law banning abortion based on race or gender, requiring doctors to have admitting privileges at local hospitals, and forces doctors to provide information about perinatal hospice care to a pregnant woman who is considering an abortion because the unborn child has been diagnosed with a lethal fetal anomaly. In other words, women considering an abortion will be lectured by their doctor after being informed about any lethal fetal anomaly. Once a woman is informed of such an anomaly, she will no longer be able to get an abortion because the new law prohibits abortions in such cases. That means women are going to be forced to carry fetuses with anomalies to term, regardless of viability, which means women could end up giving birth to babies that will suffer and die soon after being born.In response to this latest attack on a woman s right to choose, women are actually calling in to inform Governor Pence of their reproductive cycle status and the phone conversations are comedy gold. I need to get a message to the Governor that I am on day three of my period. My flow seems abnormally heavy, but my cramps are much better to she tells the person who answered before being interrupted. Ma am, what is it that I can help you with? the person asks. Oh, I don’t need your help, I just wanted to keep Governor Pence informed of my reproductive cycle, since he’seems so concerned, the woman replied.The phone calls are the result of a call-to-action campaign led by a group known as Periods for Pence, which seeks to give women a voice in the’state since Pence and Republicans didn’t really consider what women think before imposing their anti-abortion agenda on all women in Indiana. The more I read this bill, the more vague language I found and the more loopholes, and it just seemed incredibly intrusive, the creator of the campaign told WRTV. So I wanted to give a voice for women who really didn’t feel like they were given any kind of input into a bill that would affect our life so much. The campaign s Facebook page even generously provided the number to reach the Governor s Office, which is 317-232-4567, for those of you who want to know, and women started calling the number to keep Pence updated on what s going on with their uterus since Pence and the GOP want to know so desperately. And it led to the call above and this one: Good Morning, a woman said upon reaching the Governor s office. I just wanted to inform the Governor that things seem to be drying up today. No babies seem to be up in there. Okay? Upon being asked her name, the woman replied that her name is Sue Magina. That s M-A-G-I-N-A. It rhymes with she’said before being cut off.Here s the video:Yeah, this campaign is perfect and I m sure Governor Pence is super-stoked about receiving constant updates on what s going on with women s reproductive cycles. So women should definitely call him and make sure to provide as many details as possible. After all, he clearly wants to know since he can’t stop invading women s privacy to regulate their reproductive health decisions. Featured image via Indiana Talks
Racism is still very prevalent in America. And not just in the way we usually talk about it, either. Perhaps one of the most pervasive forms of racism is in everyday beauty standards, and it was on full display in the comments section of an Instagram post by MAC Cosmetics. The company was promoting a new shade of lipstick, and they used a black model with dark skin and very full lips to promote the lipstick. Here is an embed of that post:Royal romance at @ohnetitelny #AW16. #MACBackstage #NYFWA photo posted by M A C Cosmetics (@maccosmetics) on Feb 17, 2016 at 6:50pm PSTInnocent enough, right? Well, not to the racists in the comments section. Not long after the post went up, the racist trolls were out in force, mocking the model s lips. Here are just a few of the worst comments, before whoever runs MAC s Instagram account started removing the negativity, courtesy of, as I said before, those are just a few. The post went viral, with thousands of horrible comments, and Mic News Editor Ashley Alese Edwards screen capped and tweeted some of the more offensive ones:What happens when MAC posts a photo of a beautiful black woman's NATURAL lips on Instagram Ashley Alese Edwards (@AshleyAlese) February 18, 2016The funny thing is, plenty of white women get injections and all sorts of treatments to make their lips look like gasp! a black woman s natural lips. It s only ugly and repulsive to society when it s displayed on black women. That is what is so sickening about all of this it s just sheer, unabashed hatred based upon race.Hopefully, one day, they see the irony behind what they are doing here. Somehow, I doubt it, though.Featured image from screen capture via MAC Cosmetics Instagram
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: Racism is still very prevalent in America. And not just in the way we usually talk about it, either. Perhaps one of the most pervasive forms of racism is in everyday beauty standards, and it was on full display in the comments section of an Instagram post by MAC Cosmetics. The company was promoting a new shade of lipstick, and they used a black model with dark skin and very full lips to promote the lipstick. Here is an embed of that post:Royal romance at @ohnetitelny #AW16. #MACBackstage #NYFWA photo posted by M A C Cosmetics (@maccosmetics) on Feb 17, 2016 at 6:50pm PSTInnocent enough, right? Well, not to the racists in the comments section. Not long after the post went up, the racist trolls were out in force, mocking the model s lips. Here are just a few of the worst comments, before whoever runs MAC s Instagram account started removing the negativity, courtesy of, as I said before, those are just a few. The post went viral, with thousands of horrible comments, and Mic News Editor Ashley Alese Edwards screen capped and tweeted some of the more offensive ones:What happens when MAC posts a photo of a beautiful black woman's NATURAL lips on Instagram Ashley Alese Edwards (@AshleyAlese) February 18, 2016The funny thing is, plenty of white women get injections and all sorts of treatments to make their lips look like gasp! a black woman s natural lips. It s only ugly and repulsive to society when it s displayed on black women. That is what is so sickening about all of this it s just sheer, unabashed hatred based upon race.Hopefully, one day, they see the irony behind what they are doing here. Somehow, I doubt it, though.Featured image from screen capture via MAC Cosmetics Instagram
Donald Trump’said Monday that Japan s SoftBank has agreed to invest $50 billion in the U.S., aiming to create 50,000 jobs.He announced the deal after meeting with SoftBank CEO Masayoshi Son, a Japanese billionaire and technology investor, at Trump Tower in New York. On Twitter, Trump claimed that Son said he would never do this if Trump had not won’the presidential election.But the $50 billion will come from a previously announced $100 billion international investment fund set up with Saudi Arabia, according to Dow Jones. Via: cnbc SO MUCH WINNING! Trump’secures $50million investment from Japan s SoftBank Group in US! Wahoo 50,000 JOBS! Boston Bobblehead (@DBloom451) December 6, 2016
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: Donald Trump’said Monday that Japan s SoftBank has agreed to invest $50 billion in the U.S., aiming to create 50,000 jobs.He announced the deal after meeting with SoftBank CEO Masayoshi Son, a Japanese billionaire and technology investor, at Trump Tower in New York. On Twitter, Trump claimed that Son said he would never do this if Trump had not won’the presidential election.But the $50 billion will come from a previously announced $100 billion international investment fund set up with Saudi Arabia, according to Dow Jones. Via: cnbc SO MUCH WINNING! Trump’secures $50million investment from Japan s SoftBank Group in US! Wahoo 50,000 JOBS! Boston Bobblehead (@DBloom451) December 6, 2016
You know how white supremacists have been calling Trump their God-Emperor? Apparently, that has gone to The Donald s head, as his DOJ lawyers actually argued that he is completely untouchable by any court and his decisions are absolute.On Tuesday, August Flentje, Special Counsel to the Assistant U.S. Attorney General, was asked a question that should have been an automatic no Does the President have unchecked power? Are you arguing then that the president s decision in that regard is unreviewable? Judge Michelle T. Friedland asked Flentje at one point in the Trump administration s attempt to get the Muslim ban back up and running. To most, the idea of any leader having unlimited and absolute power in any area of the government is frightening, but to the Trump administration it s just the way things should be.Flentje hesitated briefly, then provided a single-word answer that reveals everything you need to know about the mindset of Trump and his team of white supremacists, Christofascists, and other Deplorables: Yes. Judge Friedland presses DOJ, are you arguing Pres Trump's power here is unrevieable by courts?A: yes#9thCircuit Ari Melber (@AriMelber) February 7, 2017Naturally, Americans are not happy about this:As with GW Bush, Trump's expansive claims of unreviewable executive power will likely lead courts to impose new limits on the President Adam Winkler (@adamwinkler) February 7, 2017Senators must ask Gorsuch if he agrees with the Trump DOJ that the EO travel ban is "unreviewable" by federal courts. Amy Fried (@ASFried) February 5, 2017Q: Are you arguing Pres Trump's power here is unreviewable by courts?A: Yes. Joe (@activistmode) February 7, 2017The "real risk" question. DOJ Special Counsel basically asserts president's decision is unreviewable #9thCircuit (((Trump Trash))) ? (@Trumpster_Fire) February 7, 2017Trump’says travel ban "unreviewable." Not true. I'm reviewing it right now: 0 out of 5 stars. #ban #travel #TRUMP #TrumpBan #LawandOrder ELMURO (@EL_MURO_QUE_RIE) February 5, 2017he Trump administration s position seems to be that a minority of voters elected with the help of a Russian dictator s hackers and propagandists and a rogue FBI agent a dictator rather than a President. While campaigning, Trump called himself the law and order candidate. Apparently, he thinks he is above both.You can listen below:Read more:Featured image via Getty Images (Chip Somodevilla)
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: You know how white supremacists have been calling Trump their God-Emperor? Apparently, that has gone to The Donald s head, as his DOJ lawyers actually argued that he is completely untouchable by any court and his decisions are absolute.On Tuesday, August Flentje, Special Counsel to the Assistant U.S. Attorney General, was asked a question that should have been an automatic no Does the President have unchecked power? Are you arguing then that the president s decision in that regard is unreviewable? Judge Michelle T. Friedland asked Flentje at one point in the Trump administration s attempt to get the Muslim ban back up and running. To most, the idea of any leader having unlimited and absolute power in any area of the government is frightening, but to the Trump administration it s just the way things should be.Flentje hesitated briefly, then provided a single-word answer that reveals everything you need to know about the mindset of Trump and his team of white supremacists, Christofascists, and other Deplorables: Yes. Judge Friedland presses DOJ, are you arguing Pres Trump's power here is unrevieable by courts?A: yes#9thCircuit Ari Melber (@AriMelber) February 7, 2017Naturally, Americans are not happy about this:As with GW Bush, Trump's expansive claims of unreviewable executive power will likely lead courts to impose new limits on the President Adam Winkler (@adamwinkler) February 7, 2017Senators must ask Gorsuch if he agrees with the Trump DOJ that the EO travel ban is "unreviewable" by federal courts. Amy Fried (@ASFried) February 5, 2017Q: Are you arguing Pres Trump's power here is unreviewable by courts?A: Yes. Joe (@activistmode) February 7, 2017The "real risk" question. DOJ Special Counsel basically asserts president's decision is unreviewable #9thCircuit (((Trump Trash))) ? (@Trumpster_Fire) February 7, 2017Trump’says travel ban "unreviewable." Not true. I'm reviewing it right now: 0 out of 5 stars. #ban #travel #TRUMP #TrumpBan #LawandOrder ELMURO (@EL_MURO_QUE_RIE) February 5, 2017he Trump administration s position seems to be that a minority of voters elected with the help of a Russian dictator s hackers and propagandists and a rogue FBI agent a dictator rather than a President. While campaigning, Trump called himself the law and order candidate. Apparently, he thinks he is above both.You can listen below:Read more:Featured image via Getty Images (Chip Somodevilla)
A U.S. senator and civil groups critical of surveillance practices on Friday called on the government to release a 2015 order by a secret court directing Yahoo to scan all its users’ incoming email, saying it appeared to involve new interpretations of at least two important legal issues. Their concerns center on the nature of the technical assistance the court required Yahoo to provide and the scope of the search that legal experts said appeared to cover the Silicon Valley internet company’s entire network. Yahoo installed a custom software program to search messages to hundreds of millions of accounts at the behest of U.S. intelligence officials with an order from the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court, a secret tribunal, Reuters reported on Tuesday. They were looking for messages containing a single piece of digital content, three former employees and a fourth person apprised of the events told Reuters. Intelligence officials told Reuters that all Yahoo had to do was modify existing systems for stopping child pornography from being sent through its email or filtering spam messages. But the pornography filters are aimed only at video and still images and cannot search text, as the Yahoo program did. The spam filters, meanwhile, are viewable by many employees who curate them, and there is no confusion about where they sit in the software stack and how they operate. The court-ordered search Yahoo conducted, on the other hand, was done by a module attached to the Linux kernel - in other words, it was deeply buried near the core of the email server operating system, far below where mail sorting was handled, according to three former Yahoo employees. They said that made it hard to detect and also made it hard to figure out what the program was doing. How much companies can be forced to do to comply with government orders for searching data is being debated in the courts. Companies have successfully argued that changes that would degrade users’ experience or force them to write new code, essentially a form of speech, would violate basic rights. Most famously, Apple refused to write code that would unlock an iPhone belonging to a gunman in last year’s mass shooting in San Bernardino, California. The FBI later dropped its demand. In the case of Yahoo, company security staff discovered a software program that was scanning email but ended an investigation when they found it had been approved by Chief Executive Officer Marissa Mayer, the sources said. Lawmakers are concerned about the request and whether information about it is being properly disclosed to the public. “Recent reports of a mass-email scanning program have alleged that federal law is being interpreted in ways that many Americans would find surprising and troubling,” said Democratic Senator Ron Wyden of Oregon, a member of the intelligence committee and frequent critic of government surveillance programs. “The USA Freedom Act requires the executive branch to declassify Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court opinions that involve novel interpretations of laws or the Constitution,” Wyden said. Intelligence officials said the Yahoo order resembled other requests for monitoring online communications of suspected terrorists. The program is far different from the bulk collection of emails and telephone records that was disclosed by fugitive National Security Agency contractor Edward Snowden, they said, stressing the target was a digital “signature” associated with a single entity’s suspected terrorist activity. But legal experts question whether the order might have stretched the concept of a “facility” used by a foreign power from its traditional definition, involving a single phone number or an email account, to include a large company’s entire communication network. “If the facility means all of Yahoo’s network, I don’t see how that’s consistent with the Fourth Amendment,” which bars unreasonable searches, said Greg Nojeim, senior counsel at the Center for Democracy & Technology.
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: A U.S. senator and civil groups critical of surveillance practices on Friday called on the government to release a 2015 order by a secret court directing Yahoo to scan all its users’ incoming email, saying it appeared to involve new interpretations of at least two important legal issues. Their concerns center on the nature of the technical assistance the court required Yahoo to provide and the scope of the search that legal experts said appeared to cover the Silicon Valley internet company’s entire network. Yahoo installed a custom software program to search messages to hundreds of millions of accounts at the behest of U.S. intelligence officials with an order from the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court, a secret tribunal, Reuters reported on Tuesday. They were looking for messages containing a single piece of digital content, three former employees and a fourth person apprised of the events told Reuters. Intelligence officials told Reuters that all Yahoo had to do was modify existing systems for stopping child pornography from being sent through its email or filtering spam messages. But the pornography filters are aimed only at video and still images and cannot search text, as the Yahoo program did. The spam filters, meanwhile, are viewable by many employees who curate them, and there is no confusion about where they sit in the software stack and how they operate. The court-ordered search Yahoo conducted, on the other hand, was done by a module attached to the Linux kernel - in other words, it was deeply buried near the core of the email server operating system, far below where mail sorting was handled, according to three former Yahoo employees. They said that made it hard to detect and also made it hard to figure out what the program was doing. How much companies can be forced to do to comply with government orders for searching data is being debated in the courts. Companies have successfully argued that changes that would degrade users’ experience or force them to write new code, essentially a form of speech, would violate basic rights. Most famously, Apple refused to write code that would unlock an iPhone belonging to a gunman in last year’s mass shooting in San Bernardino, California. The FBI later dropped its demand. In the case of Yahoo, company security staff discovered a software program that was scanning email but ended an investigation when they found it had been approved by Chief Executive Officer Marissa Mayer, the sources said. Lawmakers are concerned about the request and whether information about it is being properly disclosed to the public. “Recent reports of a mass-email scanning program have alleged that federal law is being interpreted in ways that many Americans would find surprising and troubling,” said Democratic Senator Ron Wyden of Oregon, a member of the intelligence committee and frequent critic of government surveillance programs. “The USA Freedom Act requires the executive branch to declassify Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court opinions that involve novel interpretations of laws or the Constitution,” Wyden said. Intelligence officials said the Yahoo order resembled other requests for monitoring online communications of suspected terrorists. The program is far different from the bulk collection of emails and telephone records that was disclosed by fugitive National Security Agency contractor Edward Snowden, they said, stressing the target was a digital “signature” associated with a single entity’s suspected terrorist activity. But legal experts question whether the order might have stretched the concept of a “facility” used by a foreign power from its traditional definition, involving a single phone number or an email account, to include a large company’s entire communication network. “If the facility means all of Yahoo’s network, I don’t see how that’s consistent with the Fourth Amendment,” which bars unreasonable searches, said Greg Nojeim, senior counsel at the Center for Democracy & Technology.
In 2016, celebrities came together to create an emotional video that minimized crimes committed or incidents that led to the death of black men and women, both young and old, across America. One of those celebrities was U2 s lead singer, Bono.For many, Bono s part in the video was even more controversial because he attempted to link the death of 9 black church members in South Carolina, who died while conducting a bible study at the hands of a young racist man, Dylann Roof, (who has since been sentenced to death for his heinous crime) with white cops who have killed blacks and have been found not guilty of intentional murder.The video doesn’t just shine a light on injustices by white police officers, it promotes an atmosphere of hate and distrust for white people in America.It seems rather unusual that after U2 s Bono would cancel his concert in St. Louis that was scheduled for tonight, following a night of violent protests that led to the breaking of windows in the St. Louis Mayor s home (who supports BLM) and the’shutting down of traffic for safety reasons. Isn t this the’same group he’stood by when he participated in the controversial video above? Why would Black Lives Matter protesters harm anyone who came to see an entertainer who stood by them in such a powerful and emotional video?Why not host the concert? Let your fans know you support the people rioting in the’streets. Give everyone a chance to sing kumbaya Here s U2 s announcement on Twitter that they are canceling their concert out of concern for their fans safety . The hypocritical tweet reads: Tonight s St. Louis Show Cancelled We cannot risk fans safety. Tonight's St. Louis Show Cancelled'We cannot risk fans' safety.' Live Nation statement. U2 (@U2) September 16, 2017Here s a screen shot of their statement:
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: In 2016, celebrities came together to create an emotional video that minimized crimes committed or incidents that led to the death of black men and women, both young and old, across America. One of those celebrities was U2 s lead singer, Bono.For many, Bono s part in the video was even more controversial because he attempted to link the death of 9 black church members in South Carolina, who died while conducting a bible study at the hands of a young racist man, Dylann Roof, (who has since been sentenced to death for his heinous crime) with white cops who have killed blacks and have been found not guilty of intentional murder.The video doesn’t just shine a light on injustices by white police officers, it promotes an atmosphere of hate and distrust for white people in America.It seems rather unusual that after U2 s Bono would cancel his concert in St. Louis that was scheduled for tonight, following a night of violent protests that led to the breaking of windows in the St. Louis Mayor s home (who supports BLM) and the’shutting down of traffic for safety reasons. Isn t this the’same group he’stood by when he participated in the controversial video above? Why would Black Lives Matter protesters harm anyone who came to see an entertainer who stood by them in such a powerful and emotional video?Why not host the concert? Let your fans know you support the people rioting in the’streets. Give everyone a chance to sing kumbaya Here s U2 s announcement on Twitter that they are canceling their concert out of concern for their fans safety . The hypocritical tweet reads: Tonight s St. Louis Show Cancelled We cannot risk fans safety. Tonight's St. Louis Show Cancelled'We cannot risk fans' safety.' Live Nation statement. U2 (@U2) September 16, 2017Here s a screen shot of their statement:
Donald Trump on Monday chided the United Nations as “sad,” just days after the U.N. Security Council adopted a resolution demanding an end to Israeli settlements despite pressure by the U.S. president-elect for a veto by Washington. “The United Nations has such great potential but right now it is just a club for people to get together, talk and have a good time. So sad!” Trump said in a post on Twitter.
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: Donald Trump on Monday chided the United Nations as “sad,” just days after the U.N. Security Council adopted a resolution demanding an end to Israeli settlements despite pressure by the U.S. president-elect for a veto by Washington. “The United Nations has such great potential but right now it is just a club for people to get together, talk and have a good time. So sad!” Trump said in a post on Twitter.
The ruling Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz (PMLN) party nominated ousted premier Nawaz Sharif as its leader on Monday, a government minister said, hours before it used its parliamentary majority to amend a law to allow him to be re-elected party chief. Sharif resigned as prime minister in July after the Supreme Court disqualified him for not declaring a source of income. He was also forced to step down as president of PML-N, though he kept control of the party and installed Shahid Khaqan Abbasi, a loyalist, as prime minister. The party s state minister for interior, Talal Chaudhry, said a parliamentary meeting of the ruling party chaired by Abbasi had nominated Sharif as its leader. He said Sharif would be formally re-elected president in a session scheduled for Tuesday. He will become party president tomorrow, God willing, Chaudhry said. Hours later, Pakistan s parliament amended a law to enable Sharif to re-take PML-N leadership. The amendment bill was presented by law minister Zahid Hamid and passed by lower house with a majority. We feel very strongly Nawaz Sharif has to lead our party. He s the symbol of unity in our party, said Rana Afzal Khan, a PML-N lawmaker. Khan said Sharif was battling to assert civilian supremacy and boost democracy in a nation that has been beset by military interference in politics. In protest some opposition lawmakers tore up paper copies of the Election Bill 2017, passed by the Senate last week, that allows Sharif to become the party president again despite his disqualification by the court. But the vote was more of a formality as PML-N has a vast majority. A previous election bill barred from office someone disqualified under Article 62 and 63 of the Constitution, which was used by the courts to remove Sharif. You are making a law for one person. You are putting the assembly on stake for one person, said Sheikh Rashid Ahmed, the leader of Awami Muslim League, a small opposition party. Sharif on Monday appeared before an anti-corruption court and is expected to be indicted next week, along with three of his children. The veteran leader denies any wrongdoing and has alleged there was a conspiracy against him, with senior PML-N figures pointing fingers at elements of Pakistan s powerful military. The army denies playing a role. Relations between the military and civilian establishment were strained again on Monday when the paramilitary Rangers force, nominally under the control of the interior ministry, barred Interior Minister Ahsan Iqbal from entering the National Accountability Bureau (NAB) courts where Sharif appeared. Iqbal, visibly angry, threatened to resign in protest. I cannot be a puppet interior minister, Iqbal said. I am the interior minister and my subordinate force takes orders from somewhere else. Two states cannot function in one state, he said.
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: The ruling Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz (PMLN) party nominated ousted premier Nawaz Sharif as its leader on Monday, a government minister said, hours before it used its parliamentary majority to amend a law to allow him to be re-elected party chief. Sharif resigned as prime minister in July after the Supreme Court disqualified him for not declaring a source of income. He was also forced to step down as president of PML-N, though he kept control of the party and installed Shahid Khaqan Abbasi, a loyalist, as prime minister. The party s state minister for interior, Talal Chaudhry, said a parliamentary meeting of the ruling party chaired by Abbasi had nominated Sharif as its leader. He said Sharif would be formally re-elected president in a session scheduled for Tuesday. He will become party president tomorrow, God willing, Chaudhry said. Hours later, Pakistan s parliament amended a law to enable Sharif to re-take PML-N leadership. The amendment bill was presented by law minister Zahid Hamid and passed by lower house with a majority. We feel very strongly Nawaz Sharif has to lead our party. He s the symbol of unity in our party, said Rana Afzal Khan, a PML-N lawmaker. Khan said Sharif was battling to assert civilian supremacy and boost democracy in a nation that has been beset by military interference in politics. In protest some opposition lawmakers tore up paper copies of the Election Bill 2017, passed by the Senate last week, that allows Sharif to become the party president again despite his disqualification by the court. But the vote was more of a formality as PML-N has a vast majority. A previous election bill barred from office someone disqualified under Article 62 and 63 of the Constitution, which was used by the courts to remove Sharif. You are making a law for one person. You are putting the assembly on stake for one person, said Sheikh Rashid Ahmed, the leader of Awami Muslim League, a small opposition party. Sharif on Monday appeared before an anti-corruption court and is expected to be indicted next week, along with three of his children. The veteran leader denies any wrongdoing and has alleged there was a conspiracy against him, with senior PML-N figures pointing fingers at elements of Pakistan s powerful military. The army denies playing a role. Relations between the military and civilian establishment were strained again on Monday when the paramilitary Rangers force, nominally under the control of the interior ministry, barred Interior Minister Ahsan Iqbal from entering the National Accountability Bureau (NAB) courts where Sharif appeared. Iqbal, visibly angry, threatened to resign in protest. I cannot be a puppet interior minister, Iqbal said. I am the interior minister and my subordinate force takes orders from somewhere else. Two states cannot function in one state, he said.
Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif on Sunday criticized U.S. President Donald Trump for sealing an arms deal and other investments worth hundreds of billions of dollars with Saudi Arabia, Tehran’s arch-rival in the Middle East. Zarif’s comments came hours after Trump, who is visiting Saudi Arabia, urged Arab and Islamic leaders to unite and defeat Islamist extremists. Trump singled out Iran as a key sponsor of militant groups, sending a tough message to Tehran the day after Hassan Rouhani won a second term as Iran’s president. “Iran - fresh from real elections - attacked by @POTUS in that bastion of democracy & moderation. Foreign Policy or simply milking KSA of $480B?,” Zarif wrote in a Twitter post, referring to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Iran and Saudi Arabia have long accused each other of sponsoring militias aligned to their competing sects of Islam in conflicts across the Middle East. Introducing Trump, Saudi King Salman described Tehran as a mutual foe and a source of terrorism they must confront together. In his first keynote speech abroad, Trump sought to redefine his relationship with the Muslim world, and focused on his desire to curb Iran’s influence in the region. “For decades, Iran has fueled the fires of sectarian conflict and terror,” he said.
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif on Sunday criticized U.S. President Donald Trump for sealing an arms deal and other investments worth hundreds of billions of dollars with Saudi Arabia, Tehran’s arch-rival in the Middle East. Zarif’s comments came hours after Trump, who is visiting Saudi Arabia, urged Arab and Islamic leaders to unite and defeat Islamist extremists. Trump singled out Iran as a key sponsor of militant groups, sending a tough message to Tehran the day after Hassan Rouhani won a second term as Iran’s president. “Iran - fresh from real elections - attacked by @POTUS in that bastion of democracy & moderation. Foreign Policy or simply milking KSA of $480B?,” Zarif wrote in a Twitter post, referring to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Iran and Saudi Arabia have long accused each other of sponsoring militias aligned to their competing sects of Islam in conflicts across the Middle East. Introducing Trump, Saudi King Salman described Tehran as a mutual foe and a source of terrorism they must confront together. In his first keynote speech abroad, Trump sought to redefine his relationship with the Muslim world, and focused on his desire to curb Iran’s influence in the region. “For decades, Iran has fueled the fires of sectarian conflict and terror,” he said.
Hillary Clinton has had a bad two weeks. Whereas it may not be her fault (rather, the fault of a bloodthirsty, spineless media), she’s still suffering at the polls. Her chances of winning, all across the board, have declined. The New York Times currently gives Clinton a 73 percent chance of winning the election, down from a near 90 percent chance at the beginning of the month. Nate Silver s FiveThirtyEight gives her a dismal 61 percent chance, down from a soaring 86 percent just one month ago. Hillary has taken a nose dive (10 points) in just one week alone.Florida, Ohio, Nevada and Iowa, all crucial swing states, were once comfortably in Clinton s camp. Now? They are all in Trump’s camp, and continue to head in his right-wing direction.As Nate Silver puts it: Democrats should panic, if polls look like this in a week. Why? States that are also considered safe for democrats are becoming highly competitive:That s not to imply the events of the weekend were necessarily catastrophic for Clinton: In the grand scheme of things, they might not matter all that much (although polling from YouGov suggests that Clinton s health is in fact a concern to voters). But when you’re only ahead by 3 or 4 points, and when some sequence of events causes you to lose another 1 or 2 points, the Electoral College probabilities can shift pretty rapidly. A lot of light blue states on our map have turned pink, meaning that Trump is now a narrow favorite there instead of Clinton.Look at it this way, also. Democrats rely heavily on early voter turnout. With the media overwhelmingly slamming Hillary unfairly (and giving Trump unprecedented bias), that could spell trouble for early voting gains for Democrats because the atmosphere is more unfavorable to Hillary than it is to Trump.Illinois, Michigan, Minnesota, South Dakota, Vermont and Wyoming all begin early voting in September, with 11 other states (including thee swing state of Ohio) conducting early voting within a month. So in the next month, a third of the’states will be heading to the polls already. And this election, early voting will play a key factor into how the nation will decide:Historically, early voting has favored the Democrats in some key states, and in 2008 35 percent of votes are cast before the election according to the Associated Press. That s up from 22 percent in 2004.This election is expected to see an uptick in early voting. Considering the GOP is beating Democrats at the registration game, Democrats need to mobilize, and quickly. Take for example:In Pennsylvania where Democrats registration advantage has fallen by a fifth since the 2012 election, to 915,000 voters more than 85,000 former Democrats have become Republicans this year, almost three times the number of voters who made the opposite switch.If Hillary wants to win the election, she ll need to win Pennsylvania, as it s a safeguard if she loses Florida. Pennsylvania is one of fourteen states that doesn’t allow early voting, and Hillary is holding her own due largely in part to metropolitan Philadelphia and Pittsburgh. However, one crucial demographic is becoming problematic: white, working class blue dogs who reside in the mid and western part of the’state. With Republicans gaining ground in registration, Democrats should be on high alert and working diligently to register not just Democrats in the metropolitan areas, but the rust-belt towns and counties that usually lean Democratic but are turning red.Then there s the enthusiasm gap. Democrats were elated and fired up for President Obama s candidacy, and sadly, due to the media and GOP smear tactics, have turned off many of those in the Obama coalition from excitement regarding Hillary Clinton. As President Obama told black voters, he would be personally insulted if they’did not show up for Hillary, who polls in the mid 90s with black voters.But like GOP registrants, there is a glimmer of hope for Democrats: Hispanic voters, who traditionally lag 20 points behind whites in voter turnout, may see an opportunity to be enthusiastic and get out to vote:Hispanics are a part of the Democratic coalition and their turnout rates have been low, about 20 points lower than whites or blacks in presidential elections. There is speculation that Trump’s rhetoric could entice Hispanics to vote against him, and there is some evidence in polls that Hispanic voting enthusiasm is running higher than normal. In Georgia, Florida and North Carolina race and ethnicity are tracked on these states voter files, so it is possible to look at the individual level data to see if Hispanics are showing up at unusually higher numbers than the past.Democrats have the chance to get out and bring back the Obama coalition to deliver a win for Hillary, but they need to act fast. Early voting is paramount to Democrats having an early lead, and mobilizing to push back against the unfair treatment of Hillary will help alleviate a bad taste in the voter s mouths heading into the November election. Having a strong lead will also inspire Democrats to not give up and continue to push for a major blow-out on November 8th. But like everything else, Democrats have to want it.Democrats, do not get discouraged. Do not give up when the polling is bad. Do not waste your vote on a protest candidate. Get out, mobilize, work together, and vote for Hillary Clinton.Featured image via Justin Sullivan/Getty Images
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: Hillary Clinton has had a bad two weeks. Whereas it may not be her fault (rather, the fault of a bloodthirsty, spineless media), she’s still suffering at the polls. Her chances of winning, all across the board, have declined. The New York Times currently gives Clinton a 73 percent chance of winning the election, down from a near 90 percent chance at the beginning of the month. Nate Silver s FiveThirtyEight gives her a dismal 61 percent chance, down from a soaring 86 percent just one month ago. Hillary has taken a nose dive (10 points) in just one week alone.Florida, Ohio, Nevada and Iowa, all crucial swing states, were once comfortably in Clinton s camp. Now? They are all in Trump’s camp, and continue to head in his right-wing direction.As Nate Silver puts it: Democrats should panic, if polls look like this in a week. Why? States that are also considered safe for democrats are becoming highly competitive:That s not to imply the events of the weekend were necessarily catastrophic for Clinton: In the grand scheme of things, they might not matter all that much (although polling from YouGov suggests that Clinton s health is in fact a concern to voters). But when you’re only ahead by 3 or 4 points, and when some sequence of events causes you to lose another 1 or 2 points, the Electoral College probabilities can shift pretty rapidly. A lot of light blue states on our map have turned pink, meaning that Trump is now a narrow favorite there instead of Clinton.Look at it this way, also. Democrats rely heavily on early voter turnout. With the media overwhelmingly slamming Hillary unfairly (and giving Trump unprecedented bias), that could spell trouble for early voting gains for Democrats because the atmosphere is more unfavorable to Hillary than it is to Trump.Illinois, Michigan, Minnesota, South Dakota, Vermont and Wyoming all begin early voting in September, with 11 other states (including thee swing state of Ohio) conducting early voting within a month. So in the next month, a third of the’states will be heading to the polls already. And this election, early voting will play a key factor into how the nation will decide:Historically, early voting has favored the Democrats in some key states, and in 2008 35 percent of votes are cast before the election according to the Associated Press. That s up from 22 percent in 2004.This election is expected to see an uptick in early voting. Considering the GOP is beating Democrats at the registration game, Democrats need to mobilize, and quickly. Take for example:In Pennsylvania where Democrats registration advantage has fallen by a fifth since the 2012 election, to 915,000 voters more than 85,000 former Democrats have become Republicans this year, almost three times the number of voters who made the opposite switch.If Hillary wants to win the election, she ll need to win Pennsylvania, as it s a safeguard if she loses Florida. Pennsylvania is one of fourteen states that doesn’t allow early voting, and Hillary is holding her own due largely in part to metropolitan Philadelphia and Pittsburgh. However, one crucial demographic is becoming problematic: white, working class blue dogs who reside in the mid and western part of the’state. With Republicans gaining ground in registration, Democrats should be on high alert and working diligently to register not just Democrats in the metropolitan areas, but the rust-belt towns and counties that usually lean Democratic but are turning red.Then there s the enthusiasm gap. Democrats were elated and fired up for President Obama s candidacy, and sadly, due to the media and GOP smear tactics, have turned off many of those in the Obama coalition from excitement regarding Hillary Clinton. As President Obama told black voters, he would be personally insulted if they’did not show up for Hillary, who polls in the mid 90s with black voters.But like GOP registrants, there is a glimmer of hope for Democrats: Hispanic voters, who traditionally lag 20 points behind whites in voter turnout, may see an opportunity to be enthusiastic and get out to vote:Hispanics are a part of the Democratic coalition and their turnout rates have been low, about 20 points lower than whites or blacks in presidential elections. There is speculation that Trump’s rhetoric could entice Hispanics to vote against him, and there is some evidence in polls that Hispanic voting enthusiasm is running higher than normal. In Georgia, Florida and North Carolina race and ethnicity are tracked on these states voter files, so it is possible to look at the individual level data to see if Hispanics are showing up at unusually higher numbers than the past.Democrats have the chance to get out and bring back the Obama coalition to deliver a win for Hillary, but they need to act fast. Early voting is paramount to Democrats having an early lead, and mobilizing to push back against the unfair treatment of Hillary will help alleviate a bad taste in the voter s mouths heading into the November election. Having a strong lead will also inspire Democrats to not give up and continue to push for a major blow-out on November 8th. But like everything else, Democrats have to want it.Democrats, do not get discouraged. Do not give up when the polling is bad. Do not waste your vote on a protest candidate. Get out, mobilize, work together, and vote for Hillary Clinton.Featured image via Justin Sullivan/Getty Images
Civilians caught up in the battle for the Syrian city of Raqqa are paying an unacceptable price and attacking forces may be contravening international law with their intense air strikes, the top United Nations human rights official said on Thursday. A U.S.-led coalition is seeking to oust Islamic State from Raqqa, while Syrian government forces, backed by the Russian air force and Iran-backed militias are also advancing on the city. Some 20,000 civilians are trapped in Raqqa where the jihadist fighters are holding some of them as human shields, the world body says. U.N. High Commissioner for Human Rights Zeid Ra ad al-Hussein said that his office had documented 151 civilian deaths in six incidents alone in August, due to air strikes and ground-based attacks. Given the extremely high number of reports of civilian casualties this month and the intensity of the air strikes on Raqqa, coupled with ISIL s use of civilians as human shields, I am deeply concerned that civilians who should be protected at all times - are paying an unacceptable price and that forces involved in battling ISIL are losing sight of the ultimate goal of this battle, Zeid said in a statement. ...the attacking forces may be failing to abide by the international humanitarian law principles of precautions, distinction, and proportionality, he said. The U.S.-led coalition has said it conducted nearly 1,100 air strikes on and near Raqqa this month, up from 645 in July, the U.N. statement said. Russia s air force has reported carrying out 2,518 air strikes across Syria in the first three weeks of August, it added. Meanwhile ISIL fighters continue to prevent civilians from fleeing the area, although some manage to leave after paying large amounts of money to smugglers, Zeid said. We have reports of smugglers also being publicly executed by ISIL. U.S.-led warplanes on Wednesday blocked a convoy of Islamic State fighters and their families from reaching territory the group holds in eastern Syria and struck some of their comrades traveling to meet them, a coalition spokesman said.
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: Civilians caught up in the battle for the Syrian city of Raqqa are paying an unacceptable price and attacking forces may be contravening international law with their intense air strikes, the top United Nations human rights official said on Thursday. A U.S.-led coalition is seeking to oust Islamic State from Raqqa, while Syrian government forces, backed by the Russian air force and Iran-backed militias are also advancing on the city. Some 20,000 civilians are trapped in Raqqa where the jihadist fighters are holding some of them as human shields, the world body says. U.N. High Commissioner for Human Rights Zeid Ra ad al-Hussein said that his office had documented 151 civilian deaths in six incidents alone in August, due to air strikes and ground-based attacks. Given the extremely high number of reports of civilian casualties this month and the intensity of the air strikes on Raqqa, coupled with ISIL s use of civilians as human shields, I am deeply concerned that civilians who should be protected at all times - are paying an unacceptable price and that forces involved in battling ISIL are losing sight of the ultimate goal of this battle, Zeid said in a statement. ...the attacking forces may be failing to abide by the international humanitarian law principles of precautions, distinction, and proportionality, he said. The U.S.-led coalition has said it conducted nearly 1,100 air strikes on and near Raqqa this month, up from 645 in July, the U.N. statement said. Russia s air force has reported carrying out 2,518 air strikes across Syria in the first three weeks of August, it added. Meanwhile ISIL fighters continue to prevent civilians from fleeing the area, although some manage to leave after paying large amounts of money to smugglers, Zeid said. We have reports of smugglers also being publicly executed by ISIL. U.S.-led warplanes on Wednesday blocked a convoy of Islamic State fighters and their families from reaching territory the group holds in eastern Syria and struck some of their comrades traveling to meet them, a coalition spokesman said.
Before running the most controversial and bombastic political campaign in recent presidential history, Donald Trump was perhaps best known for plastering his name, preferably plated in gold, across absolutely everything he could especially on very tall phallic symbols. He might not be as proud of his latest namesake, though. It s a moth and it s known for its weird hair and its tiny genitalia.Image via Twitter.This centimeter-wide moth was identified by evolutionary biologist and lepidopterist Vazrick Nazari, who announced the find in a paper published Tuesday in the open-access journal ZooKeys. Nazari settled on the name N. donaldtrumpi because the’silky yellow-white scales these moths develop on their heads in adulthood reminded him of the President-elect s signature hairdo.By meticulously examining specimens of the moth and its close relatives, Nazari was able to catalogue its unique anatomy, including its male genitalia, which is comparatively smaller than the moth s close relative Neopalpa neonata, according to the’study.Source: MotherboardOh, but it gets worse for the President Elect. The moth is native to Trump’s nemesis state of California, and into Mexico. Did I mention that it has really tiny genitals? Well, it s worth mentioning again.The moth is also known as a Twirler Moth, and like the man it s named from, it exhibits unexplainable bursts of frantic behavior. If it had hands, it would probably be tweeting weird vendettas at 3:00 am as well.Naming the moth after Trump wasn’t just a silly jab at the thin-skinned man baby about to occupy the Oval Office. It was a pretty clever attempt at bringing attention to the moth and to the environment. By naming this species after the 45th President of the United States, I hope to bring some public attention to, and interest in, the importance of alpha-taxonomy in better understanding the neglected micro-fauna component of the North American biodiversity. The timing couldn’t be better. Republicans are already set to roll back parts of the Endangered Species Act.Dr. Peter Oboyski, manager and curator of the Essig Museum of Entomology at University of California, Berkeley, hopes that this finding will help bring attention to all species of moths, most of which we may never discover, before they go extinct. As for Trump, Dr. Oboyski said:Hopefully our new president will take pride in having a species named for him, recognize the enormous task set before biologists and encourage his administration to support research to discover and describe the overwhelming biodiversity all around us while it is still there.Let s hope.Featured image via Christopher Furlong/Getty Images
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: Before running the most controversial and bombastic political campaign in recent presidential history, Donald Trump was perhaps best known for plastering his name, preferably plated in gold, across absolutely everything he could especially on very tall phallic symbols. He might not be as proud of his latest namesake, though. It s a moth and it s known for its weird hair and its tiny genitalia.Image via Twitter.This centimeter-wide moth was identified by evolutionary biologist and lepidopterist Vazrick Nazari, who announced the find in a paper published Tuesday in the open-access journal ZooKeys. Nazari settled on the name N. donaldtrumpi because the’silky yellow-white scales these moths develop on their heads in adulthood reminded him of the President-elect s signature hairdo.By meticulously examining specimens of the moth and its close relatives, Nazari was able to catalogue its unique anatomy, including its male genitalia, which is comparatively smaller than the moth s close relative Neopalpa neonata, according to the’study.Source: MotherboardOh, but it gets worse for the President Elect. The moth is native to Trump’s nemesis state of California, and into Mexico. Did I mention that it has really tiny genitals? Well, it s worth mentioning again.The moth is also known as a Twirler Moth, and like the man it s named from, it exhibits unexplainable bursts of frantic behavior. If it had hands, it would probably be tweeting weird vendettas at 3:00 am as well.Naming the moth after Trump wasn’t just a silly jab at the thin-skinned man baby about to occupy the Oval Office. It was a pretty clever attempt at bringing attention to the moth and to the environment. By naming this species after the 45th President of the United States, I hope to bring some public attention to, and interest in, the importance of alpha-taxonomy in better understanding the neglected micro-fauna component of the North American biodiversity. The timing couldn’t be better. Republicans are already set to roll back parts of the Endangered Species Act.Dr. Peter Oboyski, manager and curator of the Essig Museum of Entomology at University of California, Berkeley, hopes that this finding will help bring attention to all species of moths, most of which we may never discover, before they go extinct. As for Trump, Dr. Oboyski said:Hopefully our new president will take pride in having a species named for him, recognize the enormous task set before biologists and encourage his administration to support research to discover and describe the overwhelming biodiversity all around us while it is still there.Let s hope.Featured image via Christopher Furlong/Getty Images
Because what s funnier than tying up the lines for parents who ve lost children to violent crimes by someone who entered our country illegally? Kate Steinle s parents are probably not laughing.The centrepiece is a new hotline that victims can call for support and assistance. It was set up under the authority of an executive order on immigration from President Trump in January.People began making clear exactly what people should not be using the line for.But others noted the hotline was launched on Alien Day (a yearly promotional day backed by the Alien film franchise s producers).And soon, people inevitably said they were beginning to call the hotline to report criminal alien activity of a different kind than that envisioned by Homeland Security Secretary John Kelly.He said at the launch of VOICE on Wednesday that the victims were unique, and too often ignored . They are casualties of crimes that should never have taken place, he’said. Because the people who victimised them often times should not have been in the country in the first place. It s unclear how many people actually placed calls to the hotline, and several Twitter users reported long wait times to get through. But the US Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agency suggested it had impacted their service. There are certainly more constructive ways to make one s opinions heard than to prevent legitimate victims of crime from receiving the information and resources they seek because the lines are tied up by hoax callers, a spokesperson told Buzzfeed News. BBC
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: Because what s funnier than tying up the lines for parents who ve lost children to violent crimes by someone who entered our country illegally? Kate Steinle s parents are probably not laughing.The centrepiece is a new hotline that victims can call for support and assistance. It was set up under the authority of an executive order on immigration from President Trump in January.People began making clear exactly what people should not be using the line for.But others noted the hotline was launched on Alien Day (a yearly promotional day backed by the Alien film franchise s producers).And soon, people inevitably said they were beginning to call the hotline to report criminal alien activity of a different kind than that envisioned by Homeland Security Secretary John Kelly.He said at the launch of VOICE on Wednesday that the victims were unique, and too often ignored . They are casualties of crimes that should never have taken place, he’said. Because the people who victimised them often times should not have been in the country in the first place. It s unclear how many people actually placed calls to the hotline, and several Twitter users reported long wait times to get through. But the US Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agency suggested it had impacted their service. There are certainly more constructive ways to make one s opinions heard than to prevent legitimate victims of crime from receiving the information and resources they seek because the lines are tied up by hoax callers, a spokesperson told Buzzfeed News. BBC
Donald Trump’s Muslim ban is proving to be a lot more difficult and a lot less constitutional than his followers hope. While two courts in a row have struck Trump down, even Mitch McConnell is seeing the writing on the wall. He said on Sunday that the Senate will not defend Trump’s questionably constitutional Muslim ban.On CNN s State of the Union, McConnell was asked about a couple of Trump’s latest, including Trump’s defense of Russian President Vladimir Putin s record of assassinating his political enemies, to which Trump essentially shrugged his shoulders and said that the United States does it too. McConnell called Putin a thug and then, without a shred of irony in his voice, complained that Putin wasn’t legitimately elected.The’subject then turned to Trump’s claim that he only lost the popular vote because more than 3 million undocumented people voted. While McConnell didn’t exactly deny this baseless claim, he did say that election fraud wasn’t significant enough to have swayed the election and that any investigations should be left up to the’state.Then it turned to Trump’s latest priority, which is his Muslim ban. While Trump hasn’t yet lashed out at the’second court to put a halt to his ban, Trump did have a Twitter meltdown toward the first, who is a conservative George Bush Sr. appointee:The opinion of this so-called judge, which essentially takes law-enforcement away from our country, is ridiculous and will be overturned! Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) February 4, 2017Because the ban was lifted by a judge, many very bad and dangerous people may be pouring into our country. A terrible decision Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) February 4, 2017The judge opens up our country to potential terrorists and others that do not have our best interests at heart. Bad people are very happy! Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) February 5, 2017CNN s Jake Tapper asked McConnell if Congress would be willing to make the ban law, which would make the legality at least a bit less questionable. McConnell wanted nothing to do with it. I don’t know that that s necessary, McConnell told CNN s Jake Tapper on State of the Union Sunday. I mean, the courts are going to decide whether the executive order the President issued is valid or not, and we all follow court orders. Here s the video in its entirety:McConnell is sending a clear message to Donald Trump and it s one he won’t like. Even in our hyper partisan Congress, McConnell is not willing to step out on a political limb just because Trump is a Republican. This isn’t exactly bravery on McConnell s part, but it does show that perhaps impeachment might not be far behind. McConnell would much rather work with a President Mike Pence.Featured image via video screen capture.
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: Donald Trump’s Muslim ban is proving to be a lot more difficult and a lot less constitutional than his followers hope. While two courts in a row have struck Trump down, even Mitch McConnell is seeing the writing on the wall. He said on Sunday that the Senate will not defend Trump’s questionably constitutional Muslim ban.On CNN s State of the Union, McConnell was asked about a couple of Trump’s latest, including Trump’s defense of Russian President Vladimir Putin s record of assassinating his political enemies, to which Trump essentially shrugged his shoulders and said that the United States does it too. McConnell called Putin a thug and then, without a shred of irony in his voice, complained that Putin wasn’t legitimately elected.The’subject then turned to Trump’s claim that he only lost the popular vote because more than 3 million undocumented people voted. While McConnell didn’t exactly deny this baseless claim, he did say that election fraud wasn’t significant enough to have swayed the election and that any investigations should be left up to the’state.Then it turned to Trump’s latest priority, which is his Muslim ban. While Trump hasn’t yet lashed out at the’second court to put a halt to his ban, Trump did have a Twitter meltdown toward the first, who is a conservative George Bush Sr. appointee:The opinion of this so-called judge, which essentially takes law-enforcement away from our country, is ridiculous and will be overturned! Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) February 4, 2017Because the ban was lifted by a judge, many very bad and dangerous people may be pouring into our country. A terrible decision Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) February 4, 2017The judge opens up our country to potential terrorists and others that do not have our best interests at heart. Bad people are very happy! Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) February 5, 2017CNN s Jake Tapper asked McConnell if Congress would be willing to make the ban law, which would make the legality at least a bit less questionable. McConnell wanted nothing to do with it. I don’t know that that s necessary, McConnell told CNN s Jake Tapper on State of the Union Sunday. I mean, the courts are going to decide whether the executive order the President issued is valid or not, and we all follow court orders. Here s the video in its entirety:McConnell is sending a clear message to Donald Trump and it s one he won’t like. Even in our hyper partisan Congress, McConnell is not willing to step out on a political limb just because Trump is a Republican. This isn’t exactly bravery on McConnell s part, but it does show that perhaps impeachment might not be far behind. McConnell would much rather work with a President Mike Pence.Featured image via video screen capture.
Republicans in the U.S. House of Representatives will delay the release of tax legislation for a day as lawmakers try to overcome differences involving the treatment of retirement savings accounts and state and local taxes, sources said on Tuesday. Two sources knowledgeable about the discussions said the House Republican tax committee is still expected to begin deliberating on tax legislation at hearings set to start on Monday. The bill was initially expected on Wednesday, but the sources said it would be released on Thursday instead.
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: Republicans in the U.S. House of Representatives will delay the release of tax legislation for a day as lawmakers try to overcome differences involving the treatment of retirement savings accounts and state and local taxes, sources said on Tuesday. Two sources knowledgeable about the discussions said the House Republican tax committee is still expected to begin deliberating on tax legislation at hearings set to start on Monday. The bill was initially expected on Wednesday, but the sources said it would be released on Thursday instead.
It is likely European Union leaders will allow Brexit talks to move onto trade relations in December, as long as Britain provides guarantees in writing on issues currently being debated, Ireland s prime minister said on Wednesday. The EU will only engage with Britain on its future trade relationship and how a post-Brexit transition period will work, as London wishes, after the first, ongoing round of divorce talks have sufficiently progressed. Brussels wants three issues broadly solved before giving the green light the exit bill, safeguarding expatriate rights and the border between Ireland and Northern Ireland, which will be the UK s only land frontier with the EU after its departure. I m now of the view that it is likely that we will be able to say that sufficient progress has been made at the December (EU leaders) meeting, allowing us to move onto discussions on transition and the future arrangements, but that s just my prediction at this stage, Leo Varadkar told parliament. This of course will all depend on what happens over the next number of weeks and what specific assurances and guarantees in writing we can get from the United Kingdom. Varadkar, who said he was more optimistic than he was a number of weeks ago with talks moving in the right direction , struck a more positive tone than his foreign minister, Simon Coveney, who said recently that Dublin could not let talks progress without further clarity on the border. The Irish government has called on Britain to do more than simply promise a hard border will not return between it and Northern Ireland, which until a 1998 peace deal was separated by military checkpoints because of 30 years of sectarian violence in the British province. EU diplomats and officials told Reuters on Tuesday that the continued slow pace of the divorce talks was increasing the possibility that EU leaders would again refuse next month to open trade talks. They said some may already be considering that as a useful tactic against Britain, which is anxious to prevent businesses relocating investment. It s not going to be possible to fully resolve the border question until we actually start to talk about the future relationship the UK will have with Northern Ireland so there will come a point when it is in our interests to actually start talking about that, Varadkar said.
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: It is likely European Union leaders will allow Brexit talks to move onto trade relations in December, as long as Britain provides guarantees in writing on issues currently being debated, Ireland s prime minister said on Wednesday. The EU will only engage with Britain on its future trade relationship and how a post-Brexit transition period will work, as London wishes, after the first, ongoing round of divorce talks have sufficiently progressed. Brussels wants three issues broadly solved before giving the green light the exit bill, safeguarding expatriate rights and the border between Ireland and Northern Ireland, which will be the UK s only land frontier with the EU after its departure. I m now of the view that it is likely that we will be able to say that sufficient progress has been made at the December (EU leaders) meeting, allowing us to move onto discussions on transition and the future arrangements, but that s just my prediction at this stage, Leo Varadkar told parliament. This of course will all depend on what happens over the next number of weeks and what specific assurances and guarantees in writing we can get from the United Kingdom. Varadkar, who said he was more optimistic than he was a number of weeks ago with talks moving in the right direction , struck a more positive tone than his foreign minister, Simon Coveney, who said recently that Dublin could not let talks progress without further clarity on the border. The Irish government has called on Britain to do more than simply promise a hard border will not return between it and Northern Ireland, which until a 1998 peace deal was separated by military checkpoints because of 30 years of sectarian violence in the British province. EU diplomats and officials told Reuters on Tuesday that the continued slow pace of the divorce talks was increasing the possibility that EU leaders would again refuse next month to open trade talks. They said some may already be considering that as a useful tactic against Britain, which is anxious to prevent businesses relocating investment. It s not going to be possible to fully resolve the border question until we actually start to talk about the future relationship the UK will have with Northern Ireland so there will come a point when it is in our interests to actually start talking about that, Varadkar said.
The Baltimore Ravens and Jacksonville Jaguars teams took a knee in defiance of Donald Trump at Wembley Stadium today after he’said sportsmen who disrespect America should be fired .DISRESPECTING OUR FLAG FOR WHAT?Players from both Jacksonville Jaguars and the Baltimore Ravens dropped to their knees as the national anthem was played prior to the match in London.GO FIGURE! DON T FORGET THIS WAS ABOUT SUPPOSED POLICE BRUTALITY THEY RE DISRESPECTING OUR MILITARY AND OUR POLICE OFFICERS IN FRONT OF THE WORLD EMBARRASSING! No players were kneeling during the playing of God Save The Queen , which followed the US national anthem. They did so after President Trump had stoked tensions by saying NFL players who protested during the national anthem should be sacked by their team.LOSERS! BOYCOTT THE NFL! At a rally on Friday night the president said: Wouldn t you love to see one of these NFL owners, when somebody disrespects our flag, to say, Get that son of a bi*ch off the field right now he is fired. He was referring to a controversial string of protests started by player Colin Kaepernick last year when he’sat or kneeled during the anthem to highlight the treatment of black Americans.SO THIS GETS BACK TO THE TREATMENT OF BLACK AMERICANS ?Is anyone else out there 100% FED Up! with this? Boycott the NFL!IN CASE YOU MISSED TRUMP S COMMENTS:President Trump is known for not holding back and he certainly didn’t on Friday during a speech in Huntsville, Alabama. He lashed out in a BIG way at NFL players who don’t stand during the national anthem. He said team owners should remove the’silent protesters from the field Trump, appearing at a campaign rally for US Sen. Luther Strange (R-Ala.) said he wished NFL suits would take a hard-line stance against players who take a knee while The Star-Spangled Banner is played before kickoff. We re proud of our country, we’respect our flag, Trump told supporters in Huntsville. Wouldn t you love to see one of these NFL owners, when someone disrespects our flags to say, `Get that son of a bitch off the field right now! Out. He s fired! He s fired! Trump then pranced around the’stage, arms extended, to soak up wild applause from supporters chanting, USA, USA, USA! Trump predicted that an NFL owner will take such action although the league is arguably doing that already, by keeping former San Francisco 49ers quarterback.Colin Kaepernick off the field. You know some owner s going to do that, Trump’said. He s going to say, `That guy who disrespects our flag, he’s fired! Read more: Daily Mail
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: The Baltimore Ravens and Jacksonville Jaguars teams took a knee in defiance of Donald Trump at Wembley Stadium today after he’said sportsmen who disrespect America should be fired .DISRESPECTING OUR FLAG FOR WHAT?Players from both Jacksonville Jaguars and the Baltimore Ravens dropped to their knees as the national anthem was played prior to the match in London.GO FIGURE! DON T FORGET THIS WAS ABOUT SUPPOSED POLICE BRUTALITY THEY RE DISRESPECTING OUR MILITARY AND OUR POLICE OFFICERS IN FRONT OF THE WORLD EMBARRASSING! No players were kneeling during the playing of God Save The Queen , which followed the US national anthem. They did so after President Trump had stoked tensions by saying NFL players who protested during the national anthem should be sacked by their team.LOSERS! BOYCOTT THE NFL! At a rally on Friday night the president said: Wouldn t you love to see one of these NFL owners, when somebody disrespects our flag, to say, Get that son of a bi*ch off the field right now he is fired. He was referring to a controversial string of protests started by player Colin Kaepernick last year when he’sat or kneeled during the anthem to highlight the treatment of black Americans.SO THIS GETS BACK TO THE TREATMENT OF BLACK AMERICANS ?Is anyone else out there 100% FED Up! with this? Boycott the NFL!IN CASE YOU MISSED TRUMP S COMMENTS:President Trump is known for not holding back and he certainly didn’t on Friday during a speech in Huntsville, Alabama. He lashed out in a BIG way at NFL players who don’t stand during the national anthem. He said team owners should remove the’silent protesters from the field Trump, appearing at a campaign rally for US Sen. Luther Strange (R-Ala.) said he wished NFL suits would take a hard-line stance against players who take a knee while The Star-Spangled Banner is played before kickoff. We re proud of our country, we’respect our flag, Trump told supporters in Huntsville. Wouldn t you love to see one of these NFL owners, when someone disrespects our flags to say, `Get that son of a bitch off the field right now! Out. He s fired! He s fired! Trump then pranced around the’stage, arms extended, to soak up wild applause from supporters chanting, USA, USA, USA! Trump predicted that an NFL owner will take such action although the league is arguably doing that already, by keeping former San Francisco 49ers quarterback.Colin Kaepernick off the field. You know some owner s going to do that, Trump’said. He s going to say, `That guy who disrespects our flag, he’s fired! Read more: Daily Mail
It looks as though Republican presidential candidate Dr. Ben Carson didn’t thoroughly read his GOP politicking handbook, because if he had, he wouldn’t have said what he just did on the radio.While discussing if the president should nominate a new Supreme Court Justice after the passing of Justice Antonin Scalia, Carson basically told the folks over on WRNN 99.5 FM in South Carolina that President Obama should nominate someone. He was given the hypothetical question of if there was a Republican president in office would all these candidates be asking them to wait to nominate, and Carson replied, No, they wouldn’t. Continuing, he’said: But then again, recognize that the two picks that the president has selected are ideologues, so there s really no reason to believe that his next pick wouldn’t be an ideologue also. However, Carson never says that Obama shouldn’t nominate anyone. He instead said that Supreme Court Justices should have term limits and not be able to endlessly serve until they either die or choose to retire.Carson is drifting away from the lockstep argument coming from Republicans that Obama should hold off and let the next president nominate. He clearly knows that the president is within his right as Commander-in-Chief to make the choice and pick someone new to put before Congress. He also is seemingly admitting that the Democrats have been right this whole time in their explanation of why the president should be nominating someone new to replace Scalia. He undoubtedly sees the double standard they are throwing Obama s way. That double standard being: it s okay for Republicans to nominate in an election year (like Reagan did), but not Democrats.Truth be told, Republicans are panicking. They know they just lost their most conservative voice on the Supreme Court and his replacement has been left in the hands of the very progressive President Obama. The irony is palpable.You can listen to Carson here:[soundcloud url= params= color=ff5500 width= 100% height= 166 iframe= true /]Featured image: Flickr
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: It looks as though Republican presidential candidate Dr. Ben Carson didn’t thoroughly read his GOP politicking handbook, because if he had, he wouldn’t have said what he just did on the radio.While discussing if the president should nominate a new Supreme Court Justice after the passing of Justice Antonin Scalia, Carson basically told the folks over on WRNN 99.5 FM in South Carolina that President Obama should nominate someone. He was given the hypothetical question of if there was a Republican president in office would all these candidates be asking them to wait to nominate, and Carson replied, No, they wouldn’t. Continuing, he’said: But then again, recognize that the two picks that the president has selected are ideologues, so there s really no reason to believe that his next pick wouldn’t be an ideologue also. However, Carson never says that Obama shouldn’t nominate anyone. He instead said that Supreme Court Justices should have term limits and not be able to endlessly serve until they either die or choose to retire.Carson is drifting away from the lockstep argument coming from Republicans that Obama should hold off and let the next president nominate. He clearly knows that the president is within his right as Commander-in-Chief to make the choice and pick someone new to put before Congress. He also is seemingly admitting that the Democrats have been right this whole time in their explanation of why the president should be nominating someone new to replace Scalia. He undoubtedly sees the double standard they are throwing Obama s way. That double standard being: it s okay for Republicans to nominate in an election year (like Reagan did), but not Democrats.Truth be told, Republicans are panicking. They know they just lost their most conservative voice on the Supreme Court and his replacement has been left in the hands of the very progressive President Obama. The irony is palpable.You can listen to Carson here:[soundcloud url= params= color=ff5500 width= 100% height= 166 iframe= true /]Featured image: Flickr
On Tuesday night, Fox News blowhard and right-wing messiah Bill O Reilly made it very clear that Republicans primary focus comes down to one thing: the white-dominated power structure, and those dastardly liberals, he’says, are out to destroy it.O Reilly says that liberals want to get rid of the Electoral College which has twice in recent memory allowed someone completely unqualified to assume office despite losing the popular vote because they want power taken away from the white establishment. The left in America is demanding that the Electoral College system put into place in 1787 be scrapped. But there is a hidden reason for this, O Reilly said, adding that voting patterns reveal that most minority votes go to the Democratic Party. This is unsurprising to anyone who pays attention to the way Republicans talk about Muslims, Hispanics, women, African-Americans, and pretty much anyone whose skin tone is darker than a piece of classroom chalk. But to O Reilly, it s a conspiracy against white people a conspiracy to silence white rural voters by counting each and every person s vote equally, no matter where they live: Very few commentators will tell you that the heart of liberalism in America today is based on race. It permeates almost every issue. That white men have set up a system of oppression. That system must be destroyed. O Reilly may scorn the idea, but white men really have set up a system of oppression. Time magazine notes that the Electoral College largely exists to benefit white slave owners in the’south:At the Philadelphia convention, the visionary Pennsylvanian James Wilson proposed direct national election of the president. But the’savvy Virginian James Madison responded that such a system would prove unacceptable to the South: The right of suffrage was much more diffusive [i.e., extensive] in the Northern than the Southern States; and the latter could have no influence in the election on the’score of Negroes. In other words, in a direct election system, the North would outnumber the South, whose many slaves (more than half a million in all) of course could not vote. But the Electoral College a prototype of which Madison proposed in this same speech instead let each southern state count its slaves, albeit with a two-fifths discount, in computing its share of the overall count.[ ]Virginia emerged as the big winner the California of the Founding era with 12 out of a total of 91 electoral votes allocated by the Philadelphia Constitution, more than a quarter of the 46 needed to win an election in the first round. After the 1800 census, Wilson s free state of Pennsylvania had 10% more free persons than Virginia, but got 20% fewer electoral votes. Perversely, the more slaves Virginia (or any other slave state) bought or bred, the more electoral votes it would receive. Were a slave state to free any blacks who then moved North, the’state could actually lose electoral votes.If the’system s pro-slavery tilt was not overwhelmingly obvious when the Constitution was ratified, it quickly became so. For 32 of the Constitution s first 36 years, a white slaveholding Virginian occupied the presidency. White men have largely abandoned the Democrats, and the left believes it s because of racism that they want to punish minorities, keep them down, O Reilly told his mindless audience, apparently forgetting that conservatives regularly list the ways they want to punish minorities and keep them down (voter I.D. laws, for example). Summing up: Left wants power taken away from the white establishment. They want a profound change in the way America is run. Taking voting power away from the white precincts is the quickest way to do that. This isn’t the first time O Reilly has made similar complaints. In 2007, he and John McCain joined together to prattle on about how liberals want to break down the white Christian male power structure that has been long-established in our country. In 2012, he complained to Megyn Kelly that the white establishment is now the minority. O Reilly s latest rant was so stupid that the typically nonsensical and terrible SooperMexican over at RightScoop put him on blast:Is that really what conservatism is conserving? White establishment power? Here I thought it was about free markets, free people, and getting the government out of our way. Well, I feel stupid. I wish the GOP had mentioned this earlier.Well darn. As you probably know, I m a minority conservative, and I really hate and despise how the left makes all politics about racial identity, as I wrote here. But the age of Trump makes it sound like conservatism is being redefined as pro-white identity politics. This can’t be a coincidence, right?Watch O Reilly s latest racist rant below:Featured image via screengrab
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: On Tuesday night, Fox News blowhard and right-wing messiah Bill O Reilly made it very clear that Republicans primary focus comes down to one thing: the white-dominated power structure, and those dastardly liberals, he’says, are out to destroy it.O Reilly says that liberals want to get rid of the Electoral College which has twice in recent memory allowed someone completely unqualified to assume office despite losing the popular vote because they want power taken away from the white establishment. The left in America is demanding that the Electoral College system put into place in 1787 be scrapped. But there is a hidden reason for this, O Reilly said, adding that voting patterns reveal that most minority votes go to the Democratic Party. This is unsurprising to anyone who pays attention to the way Republicans talk about Muslims, Hispanics, women, African-Americans, and pretty much anyone whose skin tone is darker than a piece of classroom chalk. But to O Reilly, it s a conspiracy against white people a conspiracy to silence white rural voters by counting each and every person s vote equally, no matter where they live: Very few commentators will tell you that the heart of liberalism in America today is based on race. It permeates almost every issue. That white men have set up a system of oppression. That system must be destroyed. O Reilly may scorn the idea, but white men really have set up a system of oppression. Time magazine notes that the Electoral College largely exists to benefit white slave owners in the’south:At the Philadelphia convention, the visionary Pennsylvanian James Wilson proposed direct national election of the president. But the’savvy Virginian James Madison responded that such a system would prove unacceptable to the South: The right of suffrage was much more diffusive [i.e., extensive] in the Northern than the Southern States; and the latter could have no influence in the election on the’score of Negroes. In other words, in a direct election system, the North would outnumber the South, whose many slaves (more than half a million in all) of course could not vote. But the Electoral College a prototype of which Madison proposed in this same speech instead let each southern state count its slaves, albeit with a two-fifths discount, in computing its share of the overall count.[ ]Virginia emerged as the big winner the California of the Founding era with 12 out of a total of 91 electoral votes allocated by the Philadelphia Constitution, more than a quarter of the 46 needed to win an election in the first round. After the 1800 census, Wilson s free state of Pennsylvania had 10% more free persons than Virginia, but got 20% fewer electoral votes. Perversely, the more slaves Virginia (or any other slave state) bought or bred, the more electoral votes it would receive. Were a slave state to free any blacks who then moved North, the’state could actually lose electoral votes.If the’system s pro-slavery tilt was not overwhelmingly obvious when the Constitution was ratified, it quickly became so. For 32 of the Constitution s first 36 years, a white slaveholding Virginian occupied the presidency. White men have largely abandoned the Democrats, and the left believes it s because of racism that they want to punish minorities, keep them down, O Reilly told his mindless audience, apparently forgetting that conservatives regularly list the ways they want to punish minorities and keep them down (voter I.D. laws, for example). Summing up: Left wants power taken away from the white establishment. They want a profound change in the way America is run. Taking voting power away from the white precincts is the quickest way to do that. This isn’t the first time O Reilly has made similar complaints. In 2007, he and John McCain joined together to prattle on about how liberals want to break down the white Christian male power structure that has been long-established in our country. In 2012, he complained to Megyn Kelly that the white establishment is now the minority. O Reilly s latest rant was so stupid that the typically nonsensical and terrible SooperMexican over at RightScoop put him on blast:Is that really what conservatism is conserving? White establishment power? Here I thought it was about free markets, free people, and getting the government out of our way. Well, I feel stupid. I wish the GOP had mentioned this earlier.Well darn. As you probably know, I m a minority conservative, and I really hate and despise how the left makes all politics about racial identity, as I wrote here. But the age of Trump makes it sound like conservatism is being redefined as pro-white identity politics. This can’t be a coincidence, right?Watch O Reilly s latest racist rant below:Featured image via screengrab
Beware of this agenda that s Agenda 21 for those who aren’t familiar with the term sustainable development. Your every move will be micromanaged for the common good . I am really disappointed in the Pope s position on this and many other things. He s so far left on so many issues but the fact that he’s buying into the global warming scam is very disturbing. The UN plans to launch a brand new plan for managing the entire globe at the Sustainable Development Summit that it will be hosting from September 25th to September 27th. Some of the biggest names on the planet, including Pope Francis, will be speaking at this summit. This new sustainable agenda focuses on climate change of course, but it also specifically addresses topics such as economics, agriculture, education and gender equality. For those wishing to expand the’scope of global governance , sustainable development is the perfect umbrella because just about all human activity affects the environment in some way. The phrase for the good of the planet can be used as an excuse to micromanage virtually every aspect of our lives.So for those that are concerned about the growing power of the United Nations, this summit in September is something to keep an eye on. Never before have I seen such an effort to promote a UN summit on the environment, and this new sustainable development agenda is literally a framework for managing the entire globe.If you are not familiar with this new sustainable development agenda, the following is what the official United Nations website says about it The United Nations is now in the process of defining Sustainable Development Goals as part a new sustainable development agenda that must finish the job and leave no one behind. This agenda, to be launched at the Sustainable Development Summit in September 2015, is currently being discussed at the UN General Assembly, where Member States and civil society are making contributions to the agenda.The process of arriving at the post 2015 development agenda is Member State-led with broad participation from Major Groups and other civil society stakeholders. There have been numerous inputs to the agenda, notably a set of Sustainable Development Goals proposed by an open working group of the General Assembly, the report of an intergovernmental committee of experts on sustainable development financing, General Assembly dialogues on technology facilitation and many others. Posted below are the 17 sustainable development goals that are being proposed so far. Some of them seem quite reasonable. After all, who wouldn’t want to end poverty . But as you go down this list, you soon come to realize that just about everything is involved in some way. In other words, this truly is a template for radically expanded global governance . Once again, this was taken directly from the official UN website 1. End poverty in all its forms everywhere2. End hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition, and promote sustainable agriculture3. Ensure healthy lives and promote wellbeing for all at all ages4. Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all5. Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls6. Ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all7. Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all8. Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment, and decent work for all9. Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialisation, and foster innovation10. Reduce inequality within and among countries11. Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable12. Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns13. Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts (taking note of agreements made by the UNFCCC forum)14. Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development15. Protect, restore and promote sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems, sustainably manage forests, combat desertification and halt and reverse land degradation, and halt biodiversity loss16. Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to justice for all and build effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels17. Strengthen the means of implementation and revitalise the global partnership for sustainable developmentAs you can see, this list goes far beyond saving the environment or fighting climate change .It truly covers just about every realm of human activity.Another thing that makes this new sustainable development agenda different is the unprecedented support that it is getting from the Vatican and from Pope Francis himself.In fact, Pope Francis is actually going to travel to the UN and give an address to kick off the Sustainable Development Summit on September 25th His Holiness Pope Francis will visit the UN on 25 September 2015, and give an address to the UN General Assembly immediately ahead of the official opening of the UN Summit for the adoption of the post-2015 development agenda. This Pope has been very open about his belief that climate change is one of the greatest dangers currently facing our world. Just a couple of weeks ago, he actually brought UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon to the Vatican’to speak about climate change and sustainable development. Here is a summary of what happened On 28 April, the Secretary-General met with His Holiness Pope Francis at the Vatican and later addressed senior religious leaders, along with the Presidents of Italy and Ecuador, Nobel laureates and leading scientists on climate change and sustainable development.Amidst an unusually heavy rainstorm in Rome, participants at the historic meeting gathered within the ancient Vatican compound to discuss what the Secretary-General has called the defining challenge of our time. The mere fact that a meeting took place between the religious and scientific communities on climate change was itself newsworthy. That it took place at the Vatican, was hosted by the Pontifical Academy of Sciences, and featured the Secretary-General as the keynote speaker was all the more striking. In addition, Pope Francis is scheduled to release a major encyclical this summer which will be primarily focused on the environment and climate change. The following comes from the New York Times The much-anticipated environmental encyclical that Pope Francis plans to issue this summer is already being translated into the world s major languages from the Latin final draft, so there s no more tweaking to be done, several people close to the process have told me in recent weeks. I think that we can get a good idea of the kind of language that we will see in this encyclical from another Vatican document which was recently released. It is entitled Climate Change and The Common Good , and it was produced by the Pontifical Academy of Sciences and the Pontifical Academy of Social Sciences. The following is a brief excerpt Unsustainable consumption coupled with a record human population and the uses of inappropriate technologies are causally linked with the destruction of the world s sustainability and resilience. Widening inequalities of wealth and income, the world-wide disruption of the physical climate system and the loss of millions of species that sustain life are the grossest manifestations of unsustainability. The continued extraction of coal, oil and gas following the business-as-usual mode will soon create grave existential risks for the poorest three billion, and for generations yet unborn. Climate change resulting largely from unsustainable consumption by about 15% of the world s population has become a dominant moral and ethical issue for society. There is still time to mitigate unmanageable climate changes and repair ecosystem damages, provided we’reorient our attitude toward nature and, thereby, toward ourselves. Climate change is a global problem whose solution will depend on our stepping beyond national affiliations and coming together for the common good. Such transformational changes in attitudes would help foster the necessary institutional reforms and technological innovations for providing the energy sources that have negligible effect on global climate, atmospheric pollution and eco-systems, thus protecting generations yet to be born. Religious institutions can and should take the lead in bringing about that change in attitude towards Creation.Read more: Zero Hedge
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: Beware of this agenda that s Agenda 21 for those who aren’t familiar with the term sustainable development. Your every move will be micromanaged for the common good . I am really disappointed in the Pope s position on this and many other things. He s so far left on so many issues but the fact that he’s buying into the global warming scam is very disturbing. The UN plans to launch a brand new plan for managing the entire globe at the Sustainable Development Summit that it will be hosting from September 25th to September 27th. Some of the biggest names on the planet, including Pope Francis, will be speaking at this summit. This new sustainable agenda focuses on climate change of course, but it also specifically addresses topics such as economics, agriculture, education and gender equality. For those wishing to expand the’scope of global governance , sustainable development is the perfect umbrella because just about all human activity affects the environment in some way. The phrase for the good of the planet can be used as an excuse to micromanage virtually every aspect of our lives.So for those that are concerned about the growing power of the United Nations, this summit in September is something to keep an eye on. Never before have I seen such an effort to promote a UN summit on the environment, and this new sustainable development agenda is literally a framework for managing the entire globe.If you are not familiar with this new sustainable development agenda, the following is what the official United Nations website says about it The United Nations is now in the process of defining Sustainable Development Goals as part a new sustainable development agenda that must finish the job and leave no one behind. This agenda, to be launched at the Sustainable Development Summit in September 2015, is currently being discussed at the UN General Assembly, where Member States and civil society are making contributions to the agenda.The process of arriving at the post 2015 development agenda is Member State-led with broad participation from Major Groups and other civil society stakeholders. There have been numerous inputs to the agenda, notably a set of Sustainable Development Goals proposed by an open working group of the General Assembly, the report of an intergovernmental committee of experts on sustainable development financing, General Assembly dialogues on technology facilitation and many others. Posted below are the 17 sustainable development goals that are being proposed so far. Some of them seem quite reasonable. After all, who wouldn’t want to end poverty . But as you go down this list, you soon come to realize that just about everything is involved in some way. In other words, this truly is a template for radically expanded global governance . Once again, this was taken directly from the official UN website 1. End poverty in all its forms everywhere2. End hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition, and promote sustainable agriculture3. Ensure healthy lives and promote wellbeing for all at all ages4. Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all5. Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls6. Ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all7. Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all8. Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment, and decent work for all9. Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialisation, and foster innovation10. Reduce inequality within and among countries11. Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable12. Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns13. Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts (taking note of agreements made by the UNFCCC forum)14. Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development15. Protect, restore and promote sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems, sustainably manage forests, combat desertification and halt and reverse land degradation, and halt biodiversity loss16. Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to justice for all and build effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels17. Strengthen the means of implementation and revitalise the global partnership for sustainable developmentAs you can see, this list goes far beyond saving the environment or fighting climate change .It truly covers just about every realm of human activity.Another thing that makes this new sustainable development agenda different is the unprecedented support that it is getting from the Vatican and from Pope Francis himself.In fact, Pope Francis is actually going to travel to the UN and give an address to kick off the Sustainable Development Summit on September 25th His Holiness Pope Francis will visit the UN on 25 September 2015, and give an address to the UN General Assembly immediately ahead of the official opening of the UN Summit for the adoption of the post-2015 development agenda. This Pope has been very open about his belief that climate change is one of the greatest dangers currently facing our world. Just a couple of weeks ago, he actually brought UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon to the Vatican’to speak about climate change and sustainable development. Here is a summary of what happened On 28 April, the Secretary-General met with His Holiness Pope Francis at the Vatican and later addressed senior religious leaders, along with the Presidents of Italy and Ecuador, Nobel laureates and leading scientists on climate change and sustainable development.Amidst an unusually heavy rainstorm in Rome, participants at the historic meeting gathered within the ancient Vatican compound to discuss what the Secretary-General has called the defining challenge of our time. The mere fact that a meeting took place between the religious and scientific communities on climate change was itself newsworthy. That it took place at the Vatican, was hosted by the Pontifical Academy of Sciences, and featured the Secretary-General as the keynote speaker was all the more striking. In addition, Pope Francis is scheduled to release a major encyclical this summer which will be primarily focused on the environment and climate change. The following comes from the New York Times The much-anticipated environmental encyclical that Pope Francis plans to issue this summer is already being translated into the world s major languages from the Latin final draft, so there s no more tweaking to be done, several people close to the process have told me in recent weeks. I think that we can get a good idea of the kind of language that we will see in this encyclical from another Vatican document which was recently released. It is entitled Climate Change and The Common Good , and it was produced by the Pontifical Academy of Sciences and the Pontifical Academy of Social Sciences. The following is a brief excerpt Unsustainable consumption coupled with a record human population and the uses of inappropriate technologies are causally linked with the destruction of the world s sustainability and resilience. Widening inequalities of wealth and income, the world-wide disruption of the physical climate system and the loss of millions of species that sustain life are the grossest manifestations of unsustainability. The continued extraction of coal, oil and gas following the business-as-usual mode will soon create grave existential risks for the poorest three billion, and for generations yet unborn. Climate change resulting largely from unsustainable consumption by about 15% of the world s population has become a dominant moral and ethical issue for society. There is still time to mitigate unmanageable climate changes and repair ecosystem damages, provided we’reorient our attitude toward nature and, thereby, toward ourselves. Climate change is a global problem whose solution will depend on our stepping beyond national affiliations and coming together for the common good. Such transformational changes in attitudes would help foster the necessary institutional reforms and technological innovations for providing the energy sources that have negligible effect on global climate, atmospheric pollution and eco-systems, thus protecting generations yet to be born. Religious institutions can and should take the lead in bringing about that change in attitude towards Creation.Read more: Zero Hedge
How elite leftists celebrate America s Independence Day The Kennedy clan gathered at their Hyannis Port compound on Cape Cod over the weekend for their annual Fourth of July festivities, and took some time to attack Donald Trump.Robert F. Kennedy Jr. s daughter Kathleen, between known as Kick, posted a photos of a pinata of The Donald from a family party over the weekend. It s yuge party!, wrote Kick in the caption of the Instagram post, which also showed some of her family members milling about in the background.She later deleted the Instagram post just before 11am on Monday.Via: Daily Mail
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: How elite leftists celebrate America s Independence Day The Kennedy clan gathered at their Hyannis Port compound on Cape Cod over the weekend for their annual Fourth of July festivities, and took some time to attack Donald Trump.Robert F. Kennedy Jr. s daughter Kathleen, between known as Kick, posted a photos of a pinata of The Donald from a family party over the weekend. It s yuge party!, wrote Kick in the caption of the Instagram post, which also showed some of her family members milling about in the background.She later deleted the Instagram post just before 11am on Monday.Via: Daily Mail
Another conservative Christian hypocrite gets exposed and you ll enjoy the hilarious twist at the end.A female parishioner at the Orlando Baptist Church in Florida forced Pastor David Janney to step down in disgrace after she revealed through a lawsuit that he had an affair with her and promised her hush money to stay quiet about it.In 2015, Janney made sexual advances toward Arlene Miranda, a church member since 2008, and sent her text messages professing his fantasies about her. In September of that year, Janney and Miranda had sex at the offices of his charity World Hope, Inc.Afterward, he’sent this text regretting that there wasn’t a better time or place for their affair and told her that he needed to talk with God and work things out. You re beautiful, you’re very sexy, your body is amazing and you’re very passionate, the married 61-year-old pastor wrote. I wish we had a better place and a better time for today. You re more than I fantasized. Be proud of yourself. [A]md now please give me a few days to work through my mind my heart and talk to my Lord. More than anything I want to be the man of God and your pastor. Janney later told Miranda to stop texting him out of fear that his wife might catch him, to which Miranda asked if she was just a one-night stand. I have tried to help you with your feelings, he replied as if she’s to blame for the’situation. I do not have the ability to deal with your feelings all the time. You have to get a handle on this. According to the lawsuit, Miranda sought council from another pastor at the church, who also seemed to fault her for the affair. Miranda was told she has a religious duty to the church and should remain silent to protect Janney.Once he learned that the person in this affair was David Janney, Pastor Don told Plaintiff that she had a religious duty to protect Defendant, the church, and the Orlando Baptist Church community by keeping the affair quiet and silently repenting and praying.This all led up to church officials arranging to pay Miranda for her silence, but once it became clear that they were all lying to her just to cover their own asses, she filed a lawsuit.The church, of course. would rather pretend the affair never took place and released a bullshit statement on Janney s resignation where they stress that him stepping down has nothing to do with the allegations. Pastor Dave Janney resigned as the Senior Pastor effective Sunday, February 7, 2016, not because the allegations against him are true, but because he felt his resignation was in the best interest of the Church. Orlando Baptist Church is saddened by the resignation of Pastor Dave Janney. He leaves with our love and support. As a church we desire to extend grace and love to all, in all that we do. The church will be forming a pulpit committee that will lead in the process of selecting a new pastor. Ultimately our church members will be able to ask questions of, and vote for, any new pastor. In other words, let’s not hold the’so-called man of God accountable for his actions even though they go against everything he preaches.Here s a report of the lawsuit via WFTV.Hilariously enough, Pastor Janney is the’same Pastor Janney who participated in a campaign call for Mitt Romney in 2012 with a group of conservative Christians who blasted Newt Gingrich for his moral failures. You know, because Gingrich had a history of cheating on his wives and then leaving them for the other woman. When I look at his life I m not concerned about being embarrassed or distracted by his personal issues, Janney said when he explained his support of Romney over Gingrich three years before inducting himself into the Hypocritical Christian Hall of Fame.Gingrich must be laughing his ass off right about now. Featured Image: Wikimedia
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: Another conservative Christian hypocrite gets exposed and you ll enjoy the hilarious twist at the end.A female parishioner at the Orlando Baptist Church in Florida forced Pastor David Janney to step down in disgrace after she revealed through a lawsuit that he had an affair with her and promised her hush money to stay quiet about it.In 2015, Janney made sexual advances toward Arlene Miranda, a church member since 2008, and sent her text messages professing his fantasies about her. In September of that year, Janney and Miranda had sex at the offices of his charity World Hope, Inc.Afterward, he’sent this text regretting that there wasn’t a better time or place for their affair and told her that he needed to talk with God and work things out. You re beautiful, you’re very sexy, your body is amazing and you’re very passionate, the married 61-year-old pastor wrote. I wish we had a better place and a better time for today. You re more than I fantasized. Be proud of yourself. [A]md now please give me a few days to work through my mind my heart and talk to my Lord. More than anything I want to be the man of God and your pastor. Janney later told Miranda to stop texting him out of fear that his wife might catch him, to which Miranda asked if she was just a one-night stand. I have tried to help you with your feelings, he replied as if she’s to blame for the’situation. I do not have the ability to deal with your feelings all the time. You have to get a handle on this. According to the lawsuit, Miranda sought council from another pastor at the church, who also seemed to fault her for the affair. Miranda was told she has a religious duty to the church and should remain silent to protect Janney.Once he learned that the person in this affair was David Janney, Pastor Don told Plaintiff that she had a religious duty to protect Defendant, the church, and the Orlando Baptist Church community by keeping the affair quiet and silently repenting and praying.This all led up to church officials arranging to pay Miranda for her silence, but once it became clear that they were all lying to her just to cover their own asses, she filed a lawsuit.The church, of course. would rather pretend the affair never took place and released a bullshit statement on Janney s resignation where they stress that him stepping down has nothing to do with the allegations. Pastor Dave Janney resigned as the Senior Pastor effective Sunday, February 7, 2016, not because the allegations against him are true, but because he felt his resignation was in the best interest of the Church. Orlando Baptist Church is saddened by the resignation of Pastor Dave Janney. He leaves with our love and support. As a church we desire to extend grace and love to all, in all that we do. The church will be forming a pulpit committee that will lead in the process of selecting a new pastor. Ultimately our church members will be able to ask questions of, and vote for, any new pastor. In other words, let’s not hold the’so-called man of God accountable for his actions even though they go against everything he preaches.Here s a report of the lawsuit via WFTV.Hilariously enough, Pastor Janney is the’same Pastor Janney who participated in a campaign call for Mitt Romney in 2012 with a group of conservative Christians who blasted Newt Gingrich for his moral failures. You know, because Gingrich had a history of cheating on his wives and then leaving them for the other woman. When I look at his life I m not concerned about being embarrassed or distracted by his personal issues, Janney said when he explained his support of Romney over Gingrich three years before inducting himself into the Hypocritical Christian Hall of Fame.Gingrich must be laughing his ass off right about now. Featured Image: Wikimedia
The two Democratic candidates running for governor in Georgia are both lawyers and former state legislators. Both are women, and on many policy issues it’s hard to tell them apart. Both even share the same first name - Stacey. But they sharply disagree on the path to victory.   Stacey Abrams, 44, wants to become the first African American female governor in the United States by mobilizing solidly Democratic black voters, who vote sporadically in elections, to form a winning coalition with white liberals. Stacey Evans, 39, thinks the math does not add up without also appealing to white moderates, many of them outside urban areas, who voted for President Donald Trump last November. She is highlighting her crossover appeal as a white suburban mother with country roots. Their divergent strategies mirror a wider debate within the Democratic Party that has grown louder after strong turnout by minority voters helped to power recent Democratic victories in Alabama and Virginia. As the party prepares for the 2018 congressional elections, there is disagreement over which voters to spend more time and money on - minority voters who are a fast-growing share of the electorate but do not reliably cast ballots, or blue-collar and suburban whites who swing between parties. (Graphic: Reuters interviews with liberal activist groups, some donors and an examination of campaign finance records show that many on the left are betting on Abrams’ strategy as the best shot at turning a Republican state. Underscoring the stakes in Georgia is the unusual attention from national groups seeking to push the party farther left. Their level of early support for Abrams is largely unparalleled among other 2018 gubernatorial and many congressional races. A dozen liberal groups have already thrown support behind Abrams, according to a Reuters tally, even though the Democratic primary, or nominating contest, is still months away. The breadth of that support has been little reported. Abrams, who rouses audiences to near religious fervor describing her struggles growing up poor and black in the South, argues that Democrats have wasted resources on swing voters. “We have left too many voters untouched,” she said in an interview, noting that she refuses to tone down her support for abortion, gay rights and labor unions to appeal to Republican-leaning voters. Her opponent does not discount the importance of black voters and also embraces liberal views. But “you are going to have to persuade some moderate Republicans to vote for you, if you are going to win in Georgia,” said Evans, who tears up before crowds when she recounts a childhood spent moving from one rural trailer home to another. After losing the White House last year, the Democratic Party found itself powerless in Washington. Some in the party faulted their presidential nominee, Hillary Clinton, for her lack of outreach to minority voters in key states. Others blamed her inability to connect with working class white voters who were once Democratic. Minorities supported the Democratic ticket by wide margins in 2016, but turnout was flat among Hispanics and sharply lower among African Americans, according to the Pew Research Center. Only half of Georgia’s black voters cast ballots in 2016, compared to more than two-thirds of whites, a Reuters review of state records showed. The Democratic National Committee said the recent wins in Alabama and Virginia “show that Democrats are a force to be reckoned with when we invest early in the communities that represent who we are as a Party.” Jennifer Duffy, a political analyst at the nonpartisan Cook Political Report, said boosting Democratic turnout could work as a strategy. But she urged caution - focusing too narrowly on specific demographic groups risks alienating moderate Democrats. And swing voters, especially in suburban areas, also played a role in the recent Democratic victories, she noted. University of Georgia political science professor Charles Bullock agreed the numbers are there if Democrats do not lose more white voters.     At the Abrams campaign headquarters, a poster titled “How We Win” points out that Democrats in Georgia have lost recent elections by some 200,000 votes. More than 1 million black voters did not cast ballots during the last governor’s race in 2014, state data shows.     “They don’t vote because we don’t ask, and this is a campaign that is going to keep asking,” Abrams said, speaking on a recent evening to an audience of three dozen volunteers.     Abrams, a tax attorney and romance novelist who led Democrats in the state legislature, said her campaign has already reached out to more than 300,000 voters with door knocks, phone calls and text messages.     She hosted summer events with music and barbecue in a dozen smaller cities - places like Macon, a predominately African American community, and tiny Dalton in the rural northern state.     National liberal activists are lining up endorsements, money and manpower behind Abrams, who is seen as starting with an advantage in a Democratic primary dominated by black voters. Democracy for America, MoveOn Political Action and the Working Families Party call her campaign a model of how to engage the nation’s increasingly diverse electorate.     “Politics is changing in America, and Abrams’ path to victory reflects the changing demographics and enthusiasm,” said Dan Cantor, national chairman of the Working Families Party.     MoveOn, whose recent endorsement of Abrams marked its first in a 2018 governor’s race, said it would mobilize its 125,000 Georgia members as volunteers for her campaign.     Democracy for America is similarly engaging nearly 35,000 members in the state. Officials said the group has already raised nearly $25,000 for Abrams, an unusually high sum for an election still a year away. A group called PowerPac is organizing a $10 million get-out-the-vote effort with plans to hire people to contact minority voters and use targeted radio, phone and digital campaigns.     Individual donors from outside Georgia have contributed more than half of the $470,000 in larger donations that Abrams has reported, according to a Reuters analysis of campaign finance records. Billionaire George Soros, one of the Democratic Party’s biggest financial backers, and two sons donated $21,000 each.     By contrast, Evans is not receiving many donations from outside of Georgia, nor national endorsements. Her campaign is focused on restoring cuts to a state college scholarship called HOPE. Most of her money has come from in-state donors, who have fueled almost all of her reported $390,000 in major donations.     She has support from Georgia’s last Democratic governor, as well as a big-name Democratic strategist, Paul Begala, who worked for the governor who created the scholarship.     The Georgia contest reflects divisions between those who want to broaden the Democratic electorate by bringing back voters who have shifted away, and those who want to drill deeper into the party’s base to increase turnout, said Begala, calling it “an utterly false choice.” “It is like a football team saying, ‘Do you play offense, or defense?’” Begala said. “You have to do both.”     At a recent barbecue luncheon in Athens, Evans pointed out that she outperformed Clinton last year in her district by 12 percentage points, picking up moderate voters.     “You can win in areas where you might not think you are going to have support, if you show up and talk to people,” she told lawyers lunching on pulled pork served on paper placemats.     Evans is not knocking on voters’ doors just yet. But she is traveling the state talking to local Democratic organizations and African-American churches.        Lukis Newborn, an undecided rural voter, recently heard Abrams speak in a suburban Atlanta sports bar. He found her exciting. But he also connects with Evans, having been raised in a household where dinner was rice and beans or peanut butter and jelly. “Both are a part of me,” said Newborn, 26, from Paulding County. “It’s an internal struggle of a Georgia Democrat like no other.”
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: The two Democratic candidates running for governor in Georgia are both lawyers and former state legislators. Both are women, and on many policy issues it’s hard to tell them apart. Both even share the same first name - Stacey. But they sharply disagree on the path to victory.   Stacey Abrams, 44, wants to become the first African American female governor in the United States by mobilizing solidly Democratic black voters, who vote sporadically in elections, to form a winning coalition with white liberals. Stacey Evans, 39, thinks the math does not add up without also appealing to white moderates, many of them outside urban areas, who voted for President Donald Trump last November. She is highlighting her crossover appeal as a white suburban mother with country roots. Their divergent strategies mirror a wider debate within the Democratic Party that has grown louder after strong turnout by minority voters helped to power recent Democratic victories in Alabama and Virginia. As the party prepares for the 2018 congressional elections, there is disagreement over which voters to spend more time and money on - minority voters who are a fast-growing share of the electorate but do not reliably cast ballots, or blue-collar and suburban whites who swing between parties. (Graphic: Reuters interviews with liberal activist groups, some donors and an examination of campaign finance records show that many on the left are betting on Abrams’ strategy as the best shot at turning a Republican state. Underscoring the stakes in Georgia is the unusual attention from national groups seeking to push the party farther left. Their level of early support for Abrams is largely unparalleled among other 2018 gubernatorial and many congressional races. A dozen liberal groups have already thrown support behind Abrams, according to a Reuters tally, even though the Democratic primary, or nominating contest, is still months away. The breadth of that support has been little reported. Abrams, who rouses audiences to near religious fervor describing her struggles growing up poor and black in the South, argues that Democrats have wasted resources on swing voters. “We have left too many voters untouched,” she said in an interview, noting that she refuses to tone down her support for abortion, gay rights and labor unions to appeal to Republican-leaning voters. Her opponent does not discount the importance of black voters and also embraces liberal views. But “you are going to have to persuade some moderate Republicans to vote for you, if you are going to win in Georgia,” said Evans, who tears up before crowds when she recounts a childhood spent moving from one rural trailer home to another. After losing the White House last year, the Democratic Party found itself powerless in Washington. Some in the party faulted their presidential nominee, Hillary Clinton, for her lack of outreach to minority voters in key states. Others blamed her inability to connect with working class white voters who were once Democratic. Minorities supported the Democratic ticket by wide margins in 2016, but turnout was flat among Hispanics and sharply lower among African Americans, according to the Pew Research Center. Only half of Georgia’s black voters cast ballots in 2016, compared to more than two-thirds of whites, a Reuters review of state records showed. The Democratic National Committee said the recent wins in Alabama and Virginia “show that Democrats are a force to be reckoned with when we invest early in the communities that represent who we are as a Party.” Jennifer Duffy, a political analyst at the nonpartisan Cook Political Report, said boosting Democratic turnout could work as a strategy. But she urged caution - focusing too narrowly on specific demographic groups risks alienating moderate Democrats. And swing voters, especially in suburban areas, also played a role in the recent Democratic victories, she noted. University of Georgia political science professor Charles Bullock agreed the numbers are there if Democrats do not lose more white voters.     At the Abrams campaign headquarters, a poster titled “How We Win” points out that Democrats in Georgia have lost recent elections by some 200,000 votes. More than 1 million black voters did not cast ballots during the last governor’s race in 2014, state data shows.     “They don’t vote because we don’t ask, and this is a campaign that is going to keep asking,” Abrams said, speaking on a recent evening to an audience of three dozen volunteers.     Abrams, a tax attorney and romance novelist who led Democrats in the state legislature, said her campaign has already reached out to more than 300,000 voters with door knocks, phone calls and text messages.     She hosted summer events with music and barbecue in a dozen smaller cities - places like Macon, a predominately African American community, and tiny Dalton in the rural northern state.     National liberal activists are lining up endorsements, money and manpower behind Abrams, who is seen as starting with an advantage in a Democratic primary dominated by black voters. Democracy for America, MoveOn Political Action and the Working Families Party call her campaign a model of how to engage the nation’s increasingly diverse electorate.     “Politics is changing in America, and Abrams’ path to victory reflects the changing demographics and enthusiasm,” said Dan Cantor, national chairman of the Working Families Party.     MoveOn, whose recent endorsement of Abrams marked its first in a 2018 governor’s race, said it would mobilize its 125,000 Georgia members as volunteers for her campaign.     Democracy for America is similarly engaging nearly 35,000 members in the state. Officials said the group has already raised nearly $25,000 for Abrams, an unusually high sum for an election still a year away. A group called PowerPac is organizing a $10 million get-out-the-vote effort with plans to hire people to contact minority voters and use targeted radio, phone and digital campaigns.     Individual donors from outside Georgia have contributed more than half of the $470,000 in larger donations that Abrams has reported, according to a Reuters analysis of campaign finance records. Billionaire George Soros, one of the Democratic Party’s biggest financial backers, and two sons donated $21,000 each.     By contrast, Evans is not receiving many donations from outside of Georgia, nor national endorsements. Her campaign is focused on restoring cuts to a state college scholarship called HOPE. Most of her money has come from in-state donors, who have fueled almost all of her reported $390,000 in major donations.     She has support from Georgia’s last Democratic governor, as well as a big-name Democratic strategist, Paul Begala, who worked for the governor who created the scholarship.     The Georgia contest reflects divisions between those who want to broaden the Democratic electorate by bringing back voters who have shifted away, and those who want to drill deeper into the party’s base to increase turnout, said Begala, calling it “an utterly false choice.” “It is like a football team saying, ‘Do you play offense, or defense?’” Begala said. “You have to do both.”     At a recent barbecue luncheon in Athens, Evans pointed out that she outperformed Clinton last year in her district by 12 percentage points, picking up moderate voters.     “You can win in areas where you might not think you are going to have support, if you show up and talk to people,” she told lawyers lunching on pulled pork served on paper placemats.     Evans is not knocking on voters’ doors just yet. But she is traveling the state talking to local Democratic organizations and African-American churches.        Lukis Newborn, an undecided rural voter, recently heard Abrams speak in a suburban Atlanta sports bar. He found her exciting. But he also connects with Evans, having been raised in a household where dinner was rice and beans or peanut butter and jelly. “Both are a part of me,” said Newborn, 26, from Paulding County. “It’s an internal struggle of a Georgia Democrat like no other.”
A U.S. district judge in Austin has rejected an effort by Texas to have a law that would punish so-called sanctuary cities be declared constitutional ahead of the measure taking effect next month. The Republican-backed law is the first of its kind since Republican Donald Trump became president in January, promising a crackdown on illegal immigrants and localities that protect them. Texas is the U.S. state with the longest border with Mexico. U.S. District Judge Sam Sparks, appointed under Republican President George H.W. Bush, dismissed the case without prejudice late on Wednesday. The brief ruling did not give a reason. Senate Bill 4 calls for jailing police chiefs, sheriffs and possibly frontline officers who fail to cooperate with U.S. immigration officials. The measure also allows police to ask about immigration status during a lawful detention. After the law was approved in May, Texas sued major urban areas, including Austin, El Paso and Houston, as well as civil rights groups, saying they backed policies of non-cooperation with federal immigration officials. At a June hearing, Sparks asked why a court should declare the law constitutional before it took effect on Sept. 1. He also questioned why he should hear the case when most of the parties were part of a separate lawsuit over the same law being heard in a federal court in San Antonio. The defendants contended they had abided by federal law and the suit should be dismissed because Texas had no evidence showing it had been harmed by a law not yet in effect. Republican Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton said on Wednesday he was disappointed with the ruling on what he called an “undoubtedly constitutional law.” The American Civil Liberties Union, a civil rights group that has argued in court against the law, on Thursday said the Texas suit was a farce aimed at distracting attention from the harm that would come with SB 4. “This is a significant blow to the State, and its legal posturing has only resulted in wasted taxpayer money,” Edgar Saldivar, senior staff attorney of the ACLU of Texas, said in a statement. In the federal case in San Antonio, a small border town and some of the largest Texas cities told a judge in June that SB 4 could lead to an immigration police state and establish illegal racial profiling. They asked the court to halt it, saying it was unconstitutional.
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: A U.S. district judge in Austin has rejected an effort by Texas to have a law that would punish so-called sanctuary cities be declared constitutional ahead of the measure taking effect next month. The Republican-backed law is the first of its kind since Republican Donald Trump became president in January, promising a crackdown on illegal immigrants and localities that protect them. Texas is the U.S. state with the longest border with Mexico. U.S. District Judge Sam Sparks, appointed under Republican President George H.W. Bush, dismissed the case without prejudice late on Wednesday. The brief ruling did not give a reason. Senate Bill 4 calls for jailing police chiefs, sheriffs and possibly frontline officers who fail to cooperate with U.S. immigration officials. The measure also allows police to ask about immigration status during a lawful detention. After the law was approved in May, Texas sued major urban areas, including Austin, El Paso and Houston, as well as civil rights groups, saying they backed policies of non-cooperation with federal immigration officials. At a June hearing, Sparks asked why a court should declare the law constitutional before it took effect on Sept. 1. He also questioned why he should hear the case when most of the parties were part of a separate lawsuit over the same law being heard in a federal court in San Antonio. The defendants contended they had abided by federal law and the suit should be dismissed because Texas had no evidence showing it had been harmed by a law not yet in effect. Republican Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton said on Wednesday he was disappointed with the ruling on what he called an “undoubtedly constitutional law.” The American Civil Liberties Union, a civil rights group that has argued in court against the law, on Thursday said the Texas suit was a farce aimed at distracting attention from the harm that would come with SB 4. “This is a significant blow to the State, and its legal posturing has only resulted in wasted taxpayer money,” Edgar Saldivar, senior staff attorney of the ACLU of Texas, said in a statement. In the federal case in San Antonio, a small border town and some of the largest Texas cities told a judge in June that SB 4 could lead to an immigration police state and establish illegal racial profiling. They asked the court to halt it, saying it was unconstitutional.
Nordstrom cancelled the Ivanka Trump line after a liberal organization called Grab Your Wallet flooded them with complaints. Shame on Nordstrom!The Trump family has had to sacrifice so much to do what they’re doing for America. It s a shame that even though Nordstrom had said they wouldn’t cancel Ivanka s product line LEFTISTS CALL FOR Ivanka Trump Brand Boycott This Huge Retailer Is Sticking With Her they caved to the pressure from the left!PLEASE CONTACT NORDSTROM AND COMPLAIN : NORDSTROM FEEDBACKDaily Mail reported:Nordstrom denied partisanship in the decision to drop Trump’s brand, insisting the move was made as a result of poor sales months after it was hit by a grassroots boycott started by a marketing specialist and a grandmother.The move from Nordstrom comes after several other retailers have already stopped selling her merchandise due to the Grab Your Wallet campaign, which calls for shoppers to boycott retailers that carry her brand or her father s goods.The Grab Your Wallet campaign was launched on October 11 by Shannon Coulter and Sue Atencio after they simultaneously realized they could no longer in good conscience shop at retailers that do business with the Trump family .The campaign compiled a list of businesses that sell Trump family goods. The extensive list also includes companies that advertise on Celebrity Apprentice or executives that have raised money for President Donald Trump.
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: Nordstrom cancelled the Ivanka Trump line after a liberal organization called Grab Your Wallet flooded them with complaints. Shame on Nordstrom!The Trump family has had to sacrifice so much to do what they’re doing for America. It s a shame that even though Nordstrom had said they wouldn’t cancel Ivanka s product line LEFTISTS CALL FOR Ivanka Trump Brand Boycott This Huge Retailer Is Sticking With Her they caved to the pressure from the left!PLEASE CONTACT NORDSTROM AND COMPLAIN : NORDSTROM FEEDBACKDaily Mail reported:Nordstrom denied partisanship in the decision to drop Trump’s brand, insisting the move was made as a result of poor sales months after it was hit by a grassroots boycott started by a marketing specialist and a grandmother.The move from Nordstrom comes after several other retailers have already stopped selling her merchandise due to the Grab Your Wallet campaign, which calls for shoppers to boycott retailers that carry her brand or her father s goods.The Grab Your Wallet campaign was launched on October 11 by Shannon Coulter and Sue Atencio after they simultaneously realized they could no longer in good conscience shop at retailers that do business with the Trump family .The campaign compiled a list of businesses that sell Trump family goods. The extensive list also includes companies that advertise on Celebrity Apprentice or executives that have raised money for President Donald Trump.
White House budget director Mick Mulvaney has legal standing to take charge of U.S. Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, a role he began on Monday, White House spokeswoman Sarah Sanders said. “Director Mulvaney has taken charge of that agency and has the full cooperation of the staff and things went very well during his first day,” Sanders told reporters. “I think the legal outline shows very clearly who is in charge of that agency.”
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: White House budget director Mick Mulvaney has legal standing to take charge of U.S. Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, a role he began on Monday, White House spokeswoman Sarah Sanders said. “Director Mulvaney has taken charge of that agency and has the full cooperation of the staff and things went very well during his first day,” Sanders told reporters. “I think the legal outline shows very clearly who is in charge of that agency.”
WATCH NOW IN FULL: @oreillyfactor s exclusive #SuperBowl interview with President @realDonaldTrump. Fox News (@FoxNews) February 5, 2017
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: WATCH NOW IN FULL: @oreillyfactor s exclusive #SuperBowl interview with President @realDonaldTrump. Fox News (@FoxNews) February 5, 2017
Nassau County cops busted a Long Island man who was previously deported four times and went on a sick five-hour alcohol-fueled rampage, allegedly sexually abusing a 2-year-old girl and stabbing his girlfriend and a second woman before passing out, officials said.MS-13 gang member Tommy Vladim Alvarado-Ventura, 31, had been deported multiple times since 2006 before the’shocking attacks that started late Tuesday, but kept coming back.Alvarado-Ventura began the violent spree by allegedly abusing the toddler sometime after 11:30 p.m. Tuesday in Hempstead while a 4-year-old boy and another tenant were in the Fulton Ave. apartment.With the 2-year-old crying, Alvarado-Ventura stormed out of the home and went eight blocks to the El Mariachi Lounge.He was there drinking for two hours, when he got into an argument with a 24-year-old woman over a marijuana sale at about 2:20 a.m., officials said.The woman walked out of the bar and Alvarado-Ventura followed her in a rear parking lot, officials said. He punched and kicked her, then pulled a knife and stabbed her repeatedly. The woman suffered a collapsed lung, among other injuries.Alvarado-Ventura staggered back to his home at about 3:15 a.m. and stewed until his girlfriend came home.She’spotted the 2-year-old s injuries, described by Nassau cops as severe, and confronted him.As the argument escalated, Alvarado-Ventura pulled the knife and stabbed her over and over.Alvarado-Ventura promptly passed out, which is how police found him after they arrived in response to a 911 call.Cops arrested Alvarado-Ventura and charged him with predatory sexual assault, attempted murder, assault and illegal weapons possession. NY Daily News
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: Nassau County cops busted a Long Island man who was previously deported four times and went on a sick five-hour alcohol-fueled rampage, allegedly sexually abusing a 2-year-old girl and stabbing his girlfriend and a second woman before passing out, officials said.MS-13 gang member Tommy Vladim Alvarado-Ventura, 31, had been deported multiple times since 2006 before the’shocking attacks that started late Tuesday, but kept coming back.Alvarado-Ventura began the violent spree by allegedly abusing the toddler sometime after 11:30 p.m. Tuesday in Hempstead while a 4-year-old boy and another tenant were in the Fulton Ave. apartment.With the 2-year-old crying, Alvarado-Ventura stormed out of the home and went eight blocks to the El Mariachi Lounge.He was there drinking for two hours, when he got into an argument with a 24-year-old woman over a marijuana sale at about 2:20 a.m., officials said.The woman walked out of the bar and Alvarado-Ventura followed her in a rear parking lot, officials said. He punched and kicked her, then pulled a knife and stabbed her repeatedly. The woman suffered a collapsed lung, among other injuries.Alvarado-Ventura staggered back to his home at about 3:15 a.m. and stewed until his girlfriend came home.She’spotted the 2-year-old s injuries, described by Nassau cops as severe, and confronted him.As the argument escalated, Alvarado-Ventura pulled the knife and stabbed her over and over.Alvarado-Ventura promptly passed out, which is how police found him after they arrived in response to a 911 call.Cops arrested Alvarado-Ventura and charged him with predatory sexual assault, attempted murder, assault and illegal weapons possession. NY Daily News
This is how coddled kids who have never had to deal with losing an innocent family member, friend or co-worker at the hands of evil Islamic terrorists behaves At Occidental College on Saturday, vandals trashed 2,977 U.S. flags planted in the quad to memorialize those who died on Sept. 11.The’students who planted the’small American flags found them uprooted and thrown in campus garbage cans. Every last flag. Some were even snapped in half.Not only that, dozens of makeshift fliers accompanied the vandalism. Taped to benches and other surfaces, most of the fliers stated R.I.P. to 9/11 victims as well as to 1.45 million Iraqis who died during the U.S. invasion for something they’didn’t do. Sophomore Alan Bliss, a math and economics major who helped lead the effort to plant the flags, told The College Fix in a telephone interview Sunday that when he and a friend came across the destroyed memorial, three students confronted him and said they found the display triggering. He said the’students also accused him of white privilege and ignorance.Occidental is a small liberal-arts college in Los Angeles known as far-left. President Barack Obama attended for two years before transferring to Columbia. So when the right or even moderates try to do something on campus there is extreme push back, Bliss said of his school, adding conservatives are a silent majority there and some students are even scared of speaking up against progressives for fear of retribution.As for the display, Bliss said it was installed Saturday afternoon by his conservative student club, which is affiliated with the College Republican National Committee and Young Americans for Freedom, the latter of which helped sponsor the Never Forget memorial project.Later that night Bliss said he learned bandits had uprooted and tossed the flags. When Bliss and his friend arrived at the’scene, it was 12:30 a.m. Sunday morning. The three students who told Bliss the display is triggering denied involvement in the vandalism, he’said.Campus safety was called and officers took statements from Bliss as well as the other three students.Meanwhile, Bliss added, as word spread on social media that the Never Forget memorial was razed, students left their dorm rooms in the middle of the night to help replant the flags. As students came home from parties, they chipped in, too. They were just like, I am not Republican, I am not conservative, but this is a terrible act, Bliss said. They stayed there late into the night, 2 a.m., planting flags. It was pretty amazing, it was pretty touching. A Facebook post from the club offers more details on the long evening: Later that morning, a few of us stood guard at the memorial. Four Occidental students came up and snapped a few flags right in our faces. When we confronted them, those cowards got away as fast as they possibly could. When Bliss (pictured) and his friends returned to the display after breakfast Sunday morning, he’said he found another 100 flags trashed. And again, Bliss and his peers replanted.Bliss, 20, co-founder and president of the club, which he alanblisslaunched in the’spring of 2016, said he plans to fight back. The College Fix
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: This is how coddled kids who have never had to deal with losing an innocent family member, friend or co-worker at the hands of evil Islamic terrorists behaves At Occidental College on Saturday, vandals trashed 2,977 U.S. flags planted in the quad to memorialize those who died on Sept. 11.The’students who planted the’small American flags found them uprooted and thrown in campus garbage cans. Every last flag. Some were even snapped in half.Not only that, dozens of makeshift fliers accompanied the vandalism. Taped to benches and other surfaces, most of the fliers stated R.I.P. to 9/11 victims as well as to 1.45 million Iraqis who died during the U.S. invasion for something they’didn’t do. Sophomore Alan Bliss, a math and economics major who helped lead the effort to plant the flags, told The College Fix in a telephone interview Sunday that when he and a friend came across the destroyed memorial, three students confronted him and said they found the display triggering. He said the’students also accused him of white privilege and ignorance.Occidental is a small liberal-arts college in Los Angeles known as far-left. President Barack Obama attended for two years before transferring to Columbia. So when the right or even moderates try to do something on campus there is extreme push back, Bliss said of his school, adding conservatives are a silent majority there and some students are even scared of speaking up against progressives for fear of retribution.As for the display, Bliss said it was installed Saturday afternoon by his conservative student club, which is affiliated with the College Republican National Committee and Young Americans for Freedom, the latter of which helped sponsor the Never Forget memorial project.Later that night Bliss said he learned bandits had uprooted and tossed the flags. When Bliss and his friend arrived at the’scene, it was 12:30 a.m. Sunday morning. The three students who told Bliss the display is triggering denied involvement in the vandalism, he’said.Campus safety was called and officers took statements from Bliss as well as the other three students.Meanwhile, Bliss added, as word spread on social media that the Never Forget memorial was razed, students left their dorm rooms in the middle of the night to help replant the flags. As students came home from parties, they chipped in, too. They were just like, I am not Republican, I am not conservative, but this is a terrible act, Bliss said. They stayed there late into the night, 2 a.m., planting flags. It was pretty amazing, it was pretty touching. A Facebook post from the club offers more details on the long evening: Later that morning, a few of us stood guard at the memorial. Four Occidental students came up and snapped a few flags right in our faces. When we confronted them, those cowards got away as fast as they possibly could. When Bliss (pictured) and his friends returned to the display after breakfast Sunday morning, he’said he found another 100 flags trashed. And again, Bliss and his peers replanted.Bliss, 20, co-founder and president of the club, which he alanblisslaunched in the’spring of 2016, said he plans to fight back. The College Fix
Something is definitely incredibly suspicious with recently looked at video of former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani knowing about something coming out against Hillary Clinton exactly two days before it happened.Giuliani seemed pretty damn sure of himself while appearing on Fox News on October 26, that there was going to be something released. Giuliani said with a grin a mile wide: I think he’s got a surprise or two that you’re gonna hear about in the next few days. Then only two days later, FBI Director James Comey came out with his letter to Congress declaring his vague information regarding emails and Hillary Clinton.Keep in mind one very important fact, Giuliani is Comey s old boss, and it sure as hell seems like the former NYC mayor was given some information before anyone else.Not only would this definitely prove the Hatch Act was violated, Giuliani would be part of the violation.According to CNN: Congress passed the Hatch Act in response to concerns that federal employees had been used to support candidates during the 1938 congressional elections. Its general intent is to greatly restrict the ability of most federal employees to engage in political campaign activities (such as soliciting campaign donations or actively working on behalf of individual candidates), especially while on the job or to otherwise use [their] official authority or influence for the purpose of interfering with or affecting the result of an election. Giuliani is one of Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump’s top surrogates on the campaign trail, and he’seemed to know about something that would directly be harmful to Trump’s opponent days before it was released. He clearly knew something.What did he know? And how did he get that information? Is this proof Comey violated the Hatch Act?Watch Don Lemon and Michael Moore discuss how Giuliani seemed to know about the letter before anyone else, as well as the former mayor admit to knowing something:Here it is. Watch this & tell me Giuliani didn’t know. Did u know Rudy used to be FBI Director Comey s BOSS? Michael Moore (@MMFlint) November 4, 2016Featured image via video screen capture
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: Something is definitely incredibly suspicious with recently looked at video of former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani knowing about something coming out against Hillary Clinton exactly two days before it happened.Giuliani seemed pretty damn sure of himself while appearing on Fox News on October 26, that there was going to be something released. Giuliani said with a grin a mile wide: I think he’s got a surprise or two that you’re gonna hear about in the next few days. Then only two days later, FBI Director James Comey came out with his letter to Congress declaring his vague information regarding emails and Hillary Clinton.Keep in mind one very important fact, Giuliani is Comey s old boss, and it sure as hell seems like the former NYC mayor was given some information before anyone else.Not only would this definitely prove the Hatch Act was violated, Giuliani would be part of the violation.According to CNN: Congress passed the Hatch Act in response to concerns that federal employees had been used to support candidates during the 1938 congressional elections. Its general intent is to greatly restrict the ability of most federal employees to engage in political campaign activities (such as soliciting campaign donations or actively working on behalf of individual candidates), especially while on the job or to otherwise use [their] official authority or influence for the purpose of interfering with or affecting the result of an election. Giuliani is one of Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump’s top surrogates on the campaign trail, and he’seemed to know about something that would directly be harmful to Trump’s opponent days before it was released. He clearly knew something.What did he know? And how did he get that information? Is this proof Comey violated the Hatch Act?Watch Don Lemon and Michael Moore discuss how Giuliani seemed to know about the letter before anyone else, as well as the former mayor admit to knowing something:Here it is. Watch this & tell me Giuliani didn’t know. Did u know Rudy used to be FBI Director Comey s BOSS? Michael Moore (@MMFlint) November 4, 2016Featured image via video screen capture
It s simple and it s wrong: The Obama border policy asks ICE agents to disobey federal law. It would be nice if people we’ve elected to Congress would stand up for the LEGAL citizens of America. It s literally been an invasion from Central America that is now on its second wave. Please pick up the phone and call your ELECTED Congressmen and tell them to do their job! It does make a difference!During a hearing on ICE oversight on April 14, Rep. Trent Franks (R-Ariz.) referred to Obama s statement during a town hall event in February, during which the President said there would be consequences for ICE agents who enforce federal immigration laws outside of his mandated enforcement priorities.Representative Franks then asked Saldana what those consequences would be. The president also said, and I know this question was proffered earlier, if somebody s working for ICE and they’don’t follow this policy, there s going to be consequences for it, Franks explained. Have you enforced that? I mean is there, are there consequences for not following that policy? There are consequences for not following the rule of the employee s status with the agency. I have a whole manual on that Saldana said before being cut off. What would the consequences be if someone in the position that required them to follow through with the president s directives and again we ll set the constitutional issue aside for the moment, if the president s done that then I guess we can do that what would be the consequences for doing that? Franks pressed. Well, whether it s that directive, or assaulting an employee in the office, or not abiding by some other rule or policy, the range of punishment can range from anything to a verbal meeting, where you counsel that person, to ultimately what s available to any employer and that s termination, Saldana said.
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: It s simple and it s wrong: The Obama border policy asks ICE agents to disobey federal law. It would be nice if people we’ve elected to Congress would stand up for the LEGAL citizens of America. It s literally been an invasion from Central America that is now on its second wave. Please pick up the phone and call your ELECTED Congressmen and tell them to do their job! It does make a difference!During a hearing on ICE oversight on April 14, Rep. Trent Franks (R-Ariz.) referred to Obama s statement during a town hall event in February, during which the President said there would be consequences for ICE agents who enforce federal immigration laws outside of his mandated enforcement priorities.Representative Franks then asked Saldana what those consequences would be. The president also said, and I know this question was proffered earlier, if somebody s working for ICE and they’don’t follow this policy, there s going to be consequences for it, Franks explained. Have you enforced that? I mean is there, are there consequences for not following that policy? There are consequences for not following the rule of the employee s status with the agency. I have a whole manual on that Saldana said before being cut off. What would the consequences be if someone in the position that required them to follow through with the president s directives and again we ll set the constitutional issue aside for the moment, if the president s done that then I guess we can do that what would be the consequences for doing that? Franks pressed. Well, whether it s that directive, or assaulting an employee in the office, or not abiding by some other rule or policy, the range of punishment can range from anything to a verbal meeting, where you counsel that person, to ultimately what s available to any employer and that s termination, Saldana said.
The European Union will not transfer a final tranche of loans worth 28 million euros ($33 million) to support Moldovan justice reforms as the authorities have not fulfilled the required conditions, the EU delegation to Moldova said on Wednesday. The European Union is the ex-Soviet nation s largest external donor, but payments have been frozen or repeatedly delayed by slow reform progress and political upheaval. The EU has closely observed the reform process and noted that the Moldovan authorities showed insufficient commitment to reforming the justice sector, the delegation said in an online statement. The Moldovan authorities have not fulfilled the EU s conditions for receiving the last financial transfer under the justice reform program, which amounts to 28 million euros, it said. The disbursement of other EU funding, including a 100 million euro ($117 million) macro-financial assistance package of loans and grants for 2017-2018, has also been delayed. Last week, Prime Minister Pavel Filip said Moldova would not receive any financing under the agreement this year. The EU has said a basic precondition for the financial assistance is a respect for the democratic process and the rule of law. Nevertheless Moldova this year introduced a new electoral law that a pan-European rights body ruled could make the system more susceptible to undue influence by vested interests. Moldova s economy grew 4.1 percent last year, recovering from a contraction of 0.4 percent in 2015 due in part to an economic crisis in nearby Russia that hit exports and remittances from Moldovans working there. The country, Europe s poorest, has also been rocked by a scandal that saw the equivalent of an eighth of its gross domestic product stolen from three of its largest banks between 2012-2014. The World Bank and International Monetary Fund have forecast growth of between 4 and 4.5 percent in 2017.
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: The European Union will not transfer a final tranche of loans worth 28 million euros ($33 million) to support Moldovan justice reforms as the authorities have not fulfilled the required conditions, the EU delegation to Moldova said on Wednesday. The European Union is the ex-Soviet nation s largest external donor, but payments have been frozen or repeatedly delayed by slow reform progress and political upheaval. The EU has closely observed the reform process and noted that the Moldovan authorities showed insufficient commitment to reforming the justice sector, the delegation said in an online statement. The Moldovan authorities have not fulfilled the EU s conditions for receiving the last financial transfer under the justice reform program, which amounts to 28 million euros, it said. The disbursement of other EU funding, including a 100 million euro ($117 million) macro-financial assistance package of loans and grants for 2017-2018, has also been delayed. Last week, Prime Minister Pavel Filip said Moldova would not receive any financing under the agreement this year. The EU has said a basic precondition for the financial assistance is a respect for the democratic process and the rule of law. Nevertheless Moldova this year introduced a new electoral law that a pan-European rights body ruled could make the system more susceptible to undue influence by vested interests. Moldova s economy grew 4.1 percent last year, recovering from a contraction of 0.4 percent in 2015 due in part to an economic crisis in nearby Russia that hit exports and remittances from Moldovans working there. The country, Europe s poorest, has also been rocked by a scandal that saw the equivalent of an eighth of its gross domestic product stolen from three of its largest banks between 2012-2014. The World Bank and International Monetary Fund have forecast growth of between 4 and 4.5 percent in 2017.
Bulgaria s parliament passed anti-corruption legislation on Wednesday under European Union pressure over its failure to prosecute venal officials, but President Rumen Radev has said the bill is not fit for purpose and he will veto it. The Balkan, formerly communist country is the poorest as well as one of the most corrupt countries in the EU, which it joined in 2007, and has made scant progress towards stamping out graft and organized crime. The European Commission, the EU s executive, has repeatedly rebuked Bulgaria for failing to prosecute and sentence allegedly corrupt officials and for not overhauling a creaking judiciary. This law corresponds to the wishes of Bulgarian citizens and the European Commission, said Tsvetan Tsvetanov, chairman of the ruling GERB party s parliamentary group. Analysts voiced concern, though, that the bill would not allow efficient investigations of corruption networks. The management of a special anti-graft unit envisaged by the legislation would be appointed by parliament, something analysts said could limit its objectivity. Radev said the new five-person unit, meant to investigate persons occupying high state posts as well as assets and conflict of interest, may not be truly independent and could be used by those in power to persecute opponents. The instruments envisaged in this law are ineffective, Radev said last week. It does not deal a blow on those who feed corruption, and it can be used as a weapon against inconvenient people. He said he would veto the measure. The president, prime minister and lawmakers could be targets of investigation, as well as municipal councillors, directors of hospitals and border customs bosses. The new law also focuses on improving control and accountability of law-enforcement agencies, just before Bulgaria assumes the six-month, rotating EU presidency in January. Corruption has deterred foreign investment since communism collapsed in Bulgaria in 1989, and the EU has kept Sofia as well as neighboring Romania - for the same rule-of-law failings - outside its Schengen zone of passport-free travel.
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: Bulgaria s parliament passed anti-corruption legislation on Wednesday under European Union pressure over its failure to prosecute venal officials, but President Rumen Radev has said the bill is not fit for purpose and he will veto it. The Balkan, formerly communist country is the poorest as well as one of the most corrupt countries in the EU, which it joined in 2007, and has made scant progress towards stamping out graft and organized crime. The European Commission, the EU s executive, has repeatedly rebuked Bulgaria for failing to prosecute and sentence allegedly corrupt officials and for not overhauling a creaking judiciary. This law corresponds to the wishes of Bulgarian citizens and the European Commission, said Tsvetan Tsvetanov, chairman of the ruling GERB party s parliamentary group. Analysts voiced concern, though, that the bill would not allow efficient investigations of corruption networks. The management of a special anti-graft unit envisaged by the legislation would be appointed by parliament, something analysts said could limit its objectivity. Radev said the new five-person unit, meant to investigate persons occupying high state posts as well as assets and conflict of interest, may not be truly independent and could be used by those in power to persecute opponents. The instruments envisaged in this law are ineffective, Radev said last week. It does not deal a blow on those who feed corruption, and it can be used as a weapon against inconvenient people. He said he would veto the measure. The president, prime minister and lawmakers could be targets of investigation, as well as municipal councillors, directors of hospitals and border customs bosses. The new law also focuses on improving control and accountability of law-enforcement agencies, just before Bulgaria assumes the six-month, rotating EU presidency in January. Corruption has deterred foreign investment since communism collapsed in Bulgaria in 1989, and the EU has kept Sofia as well as neighboring Romania - for the same rule-of-law failings - outside its Schengen zone of passport-free travel.
Iraqi on Monday forces captured the headquarters for the North Oil Company, northwest of Kirkuk, and a nearby refinery from Kurdish forces, without fighting, an Iraqi oil official said. Iraq forces moved into the premises of Iraqi state-owned North Oil after taking the nearby K1 airbase, the Kirkuk-based official told Reuters. They were also deploying in the nearby Baba Gurgur field and the North Oil refinery. Oil and natural gas production from the Kirkuk region is proceeding normally despite the ongoing Iraqi military operation to seize the region form Kurdish forces, another Iraqi Oil Ministry official told Reuters in Baghdad. Kurdish leaders we consider as our brothers have agreed to hand over control of North Oil and North Gas company facilities who belong to the state, said a military commander involved in the operation. We have an agreement with some Kurdish leaders that the oil and gas facilities should stay out of the conflict, the ministry official said. North Oil contributes a small part of Iraq s overall crude production, pumped mainly from fields in the south.
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: Iraqi on Monday forces captured the headquarters for the North Oil Company, northwest of Kirkuk, and a nearby refinery from Kurdish forces, without fighting, an Iraqi oil official said. Iraq forces moved into the premises of Iraqi state-owned North Oil after taking the nearby K1 airbase, the Kirkuk-based official told Reuters. They were also deploying in the nearby Baba Gurgur field and the North Oil refinery. Oil and natural gas production from the Kirkuk region is proceeding normally despite the ongoing Iraqi military operation to seize the region form Kurdish forces, another Iraqi Oil Ministry official told Reuters in Baghdad. Kurdish leaders we consider as our brothers have agreed to hand over control of North Oil and North Gas company facilities who belong to the state, said a military commander involved in the operation. We have an agreement with some Kurdish leaders that the oil and gas facilities should stay out of the conflict, the ministry official said. North Oil contributes a small part of Iraq s overall crude production, pumped mainly from fields in the south.
Senator Tom Cotton is such a great representative and a good man. He hammers Harry Reid!
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: Senator Tom Cotton is such a great representative and a good man. He hammers Harry Reid!
This is pretty scary stuff. A federal government agency run by an Obama crony attempting to penetrate the firewall of a State agency tasked with overseeing the elections? What conceivable reason could Obama s DHS have for hacking the Georgia Sec of State s office after the election?Georgia s secretary of state has claimed the Department of Homeland Security tried to breach his office s firewall and has issued a letter to Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson asking for an explanation.Brian Kemp issued a letter to Johnson on Thursday after the’state s third-party cybersecurity provider detected an IP address from the agency s Southwest D.C. office trying to penetrate the’state s firewall. According to the letter, the attempt was unsuccessful.The attempt took place on Nov. 15, a few days after the presidential election. The office of the Georgia Secretary of State is responsible for overseeing the’state s elections. At no time has my office agreed to or permitted DHS to conduct penetration testing or security scans of our network, Kemp wrote in the letter, which was also sent to the’state s federal representatives and senators. Moreover, your department has not contacted my office since this unsuccessful incident to alert us of any security event that would require testing or scanning of our network. This is especially odd and concerning since I serve on the Election Cyber Security Working Group that your office created. The Department of Homeland Security has received Secretary Kemp s letter, a DHS spokesperson told CyberScoop. We are looking into the matter. DHS takes the trust of our public and private sector partners seriously, and we will respond to Secretary Kemp directly. Georgia was one of two states that refused cyber-hygiene support and penetration testing from DHS in the lead up to the presidential election. The department had made a significant push for it after hackers spent months exposing the Democratic National Committee s internal communications and data.David Dove, Kemp s chief of staff, told CyberScoop the Georgia secretary of state s office got a lot of grief for refusing help from DHS. We basically said we don’t need DHS s help, because of the contract with the third-party provider, Dove said.The office of the Georgia Secretary of State would not reveal who the provider is, only saying the company analyzes more than 180 billion events a day globally across a 5,000+ customer base which includes many Fortune 500 companies. Johnson announced shortly after the election that DHS found no evidence of an attack on Election Day.In the months and weeks leading up to the election fake news sources like The Washington Post did everything in their power to convince Americans that Georgia was in play for Hillary: The attempt took place on Nov. 15, a few days after the presidential election. The office of the Georgia Secretary of State is responsible for overseeing the’state s elections. At no time has my office agreed to or permitted DHS to conduct penetration testing or security scans of our network, Kemp wrote in the letter, which was also sent to the’state s federal representatives and senators. Moreover, your department has not contacted my office since this unsuccessful incident to alert us of any security event that would require testing or scanning of our network. This is especially odd and concerning since I serve on the Election Cyber Security Working Group that your office created. The Department of Homeland Security has received Secretary Kemp s letter, a DHS spokesperson told CyberScoop. We are looking into the matter. DHS takes the trust of our public and private sector partners seriously, and we will respond to Secretary Kemp directly. Georgia was one of two states that refused cyber-hygiene support and penetration testing from DHS in the leadup to the presidential election. The department had made a significant push for it after hackers spent months exposing the Democratic National Committee s internal communications and data.In an interview with Politico, Kemp intimated that the federal government s hacking fears were overblown, saying they now think our whole system is on the verge of disaster because some Russian s going to tap into the voting system. David Dove, Kemp s chief of staff, told CyberScoop the Georgia secretary of state s office got a lot of grief for refusing help from DHS. We basically said we don’t need DHS s help, because of the contract with the third-party provider, Dove said.The office of the Georgia Secretary of State would not reveal who the provider is, only saying the company analyzes more than 180 billion events a day globally across a 5,000+ customer base which includes many Fortune 500 companies. While the majority of states worked with DHS for help in protecting their election systems from hacks, cybersecurity experts were at oddsas to what portions of the country would be targeted for Election Day attacks.Johnson announced shortly after the election that DHS found no evidence of an attack on Election Day. analyzes more than 180 billion events a day globally across a 5,000+ customer base which includes many Fortune 500 companies. While the majority of states worked with DHS for help in protecting their election systems from hacks, cybersecurity experts were at oddsas to what portions of the country would be targeted for Election Day attacks.Johnson announced shortly after the election that DHS found no evidence of an attack on Election Day.The manipulation of minds Americans witnessed by our leftist media leading up to, and during this election was unprecedented. Leftist news sources like The Washington Post tried to convince voters that Hillary had a shot at winning the’solidly red state of Georgia: A new Atlanta Journal-Constitution poll of the presidential race in that state puts Hillary Clinton in a slight lead over Donald Trump, 44 to 40. This is inside-the-margin-of-error stuff, mind you, but only barely. (It s also a break from the’state of the race in the RealClearPolitics polling average, which gives Trump a four-point lead, though with only a handful of polls included.)Georgia has been shifting a bit politically in recent presidential elections, becoming slightly less Republican relative to the rest of the country but it still has been voting more Republican’than America on the whole. So in 2012, when Barack Obama won by four points, Mitt Romney won Georgia by eight making the’state 12 points more Republican, just a tick less than it was in 2008.With so many forces, and resources being used against Donald J. Trump, it s absolutely amazing he won’the election
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: This is pretty scary stuff. A federal government agency run by an Obama crony attempting to penetrate the firewall of a State agency tasked with overseeing the elections? What conceivable reason could Obama s DHS have for hacking the Georgia Sec of State s office after the election?Georgia s secretary of state has claimed the Department of Homeland Security tried to breach his office s firewall and has issued a letter to Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson asking for an explanation.Brian Kemp issued a letter to Johnson on Thursday after the’state s third-party cybersecurity provider detected an IP address from the agency s Southwest D.C. office trying to penetrate the’state s firewall. According to the letter, the attempt was unsuccessful.The attempt took place on Nov. 15, a few days after the presidential election. The office of the Georgia Secretary of State is responsible for overseeing the’state s elections. At no time has my office agreed to or permitted DHS to conduct penetration testing or security scans of our network, Kemp wrote in the letter, which was also sent to the’state s federal representatives and senators. Moreover, your department has not contacted my office since this unsuccessful incident to alert us of any security event that would require testing or scanning of our network. This is especially odd and concerning since I serve on the Election Cyber Security Working Group that your office created. The Department of Homeland Security has received Secretary Kemp s letter, a DHS spokesperson told CyberScoop. We are looking into the matter. DHS takes the trust of our public and private sector partners seriously, and we will respond to Secretary Kemp directly. Georgia was one of two states that refused cyber-hygiene support and penetration testing from DHS in the lead up to the presidential election. The department had made a significant push for it after hackers spent months exposing the Democratic National Committee s internal communications and data.David Dove, Kemp s chief of staff, told CyberScoop the Georgia secretary of state s office got a lot of grief for refusing help from DHS. We basically said we don’t need DHS s help, because of the contract with the third-party provider, Dove said.The office of the Georgia Secretary of State would not reveal who the provider is, only saying the company analyzes more than 180 billion events a day globally across a 5,000+ customer base which includes many Fortune 500 companies. Johnson announced shortly after the election that DHS found no evidence of an attack on Election Day.In the months and weeks leading up to the election fake news sources like The Washington Post did everything in their power to convince Americans that Georgia was in play for Hillary: The attempt took place on Nov. 15, a few days after the presidential election. The office of the Georgia Secretary of State is responsible for overseeing the’state s elections. At no time has my office agreed to or permitted DHS to conduct penetration testing or security scans of our network, Kemp wrote in the letter, which was also sent to the’state s federal representatives and senators. Moreover, your department has not contacted my office since this unsuccessful incident to alert us of any security event that would require testing or scanning of our network. This is especially odd and concerning since I serve on the Election Cyber Security Working Group that your office created. The Department of Homeland Security has received Secretary Kemp s letter, a DHS spokesperson told CyberScoop. We are looking into the matter. DHS takes the trust of our public and private sector partners seriously, and we will respond to Secretary Kemp directly. Georgia was one of two states that refused cyber-hygiene support and penetration testing from DHS in the leadup to the presidential election. The department had made a significant push for it after hackers spent months exposing the Democratic National Committee s internal communications and data.In an interview with Politico, Kemp intimated that the federal government s hacking fears were overblown, saying they now think our whole system is on the verge of disaster because some Russian s going to tap into the voting system. David Dove, Kemp s chief of staff, told CyberScoop the Georgia secretary of state s office got a lot of grief for refusing help from DHS. We basically said we don’t need DHS s help, because of the contract with the third-party provider, Dove said.The office of the Georgia Secretary of State would not reveal who the provider is, only saying the company analyzes more than 180 billion events a day globally across a 5,000+ customer base which includes many Fortune 500 companies. While the majority of states worked with DHS for help in protecting their election systems from hacks, cybersecurity experts were at oddsas to what portions of the country would be targeted for Election Day attacks.Johnson announced shortly after the election that DHS found no evidence of an attack on Election Day. analyzes more than 180 billion events a day globally across a 5,000+ customer base which includes many Fortune 500 companies. While the majority of states worked with DHS for help in protecting their election systems from hacks, cybersecurity experts were at oddsas to what portions of the country would be targeted for Election Day attacks.Johnson announced shortly after the election that DHS found no evidence of an attack on Election Day.The manipulation of minds Americans witnessed by our leftist media leading up to, and during this election was unprecedented. Leftist news sources like The Washington Post tried to convince voters that Hillary had a shot at winning the’solidly red state of Georgia: A new Atlanta Journal-Constitution poll of the presidential race in that state puts Hillary Clinton in a slight lead over Donald Trump, 44 to 40. This is inside-the-margin-of-error stuff, mind you, but only barely. (It s also a break from the’state of the race in the RealClearPolitics polling average, which gives Trump a four-point lead, though with only a handful of polls included.)Georgia has been shifting a bit politically in recent presidential elections, becoming slightly less Republican relative to the rest of the country but it still has been voting more Republican’than America on the whole. So in 2012, when Barack Obama won by four points, Mitt Romney won Georgia by eight making the’state 12 points more Republican, just a tick less than it was in 2008.With so many forces, and resources being used against Donald J. Trump, it s absolutely amazing he won’the election
More than 60 percent of Afghans still believe the country is headed in the wrong direction, but signs of better governance and rebuilding has slightly lifted the national mood, according to a survey by the Asia Foundation. Just over half of the 10,000 people surveyed said they had confidence in President Ashraf Ghani s government, which has struggled to establish security in the face of a growing Taliban insurgency. Last year, just under half of Afghans said they had confidence in Ghani. However, nearly 39 percent of those surveyed said they would be willing to leave if they had the opportunity, the second highest figure in the survey s more than decade-long history. The main reason was increased security concerns. More than 70 percent of Afghans fear for their personal safety. Attacks are up across the country. In May, more than 150 people were killed by a blast in Kabul s diplomatic zone - one of the deadliest since the Taliban s ouster in 2001. On the day the survey was released, more than 20 policemen were killed in fighting with Taliban insurgents in the southern province of Kandahar. The survey which was conducted in all 34 provinces of Afghanistan in July, primarily in rural households, pointed to a mixed picture, with steady gains in education and health over the past decade and a half matched by continuing concern over corruption, unemployment and security. Around a third of Afghans, or 33 percent, believe the country was heading in a positive direction, up slightly from 29.3 percent last year to buck a years-long declining trend. After a historic decline in 2016, confidence in public institutions has slightly improved; growing confidence in the Afghan National Security Forces stabilized in 2017, Abdullah Ahmadzai, Asia Foundation s country representative in Afghanistan said in a statement. The increase in optimism applied across ethnic groups except Uzbeks, who make an important minority in Pashtun- and Tajik-dominated Afghanistan. While there was a slight rise in positive sentiment, it was down significantly from a peak in 2013 before the withdrawal of most foreign forces. Back then nearly 60 percent of Afghans were positive about their future. The survey comes as the United States in August announced a boost in U.S. troops to Afghanistan, which could push optimism higher in the coming months.
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: More than 60 percent of Afghans still believe the country is headed in the wrong direction, but signs of better governance and rebuilding has slightly lifted the national mood, according to a survey by the Asia Foundation. Just over half of the 10,000 people surveyed said they had confidence in President Ashraf Ghani s government, which has struggled to establish security in the face of a growing Taliban insurgency. Last year, just under half of Afghans said they had confidence in Ghani. However, nearly 39 percent of those surveyed said they would be willing to leave if they had the opportunity, the second highest figure in the survey s more than decade-long history. The main reason was increased security concerns. More than 70 percent of Afghans fear for their personal safety. Attacks are up across the country. In May, more than 150 people were killed by a blast in Kabul s diplomatic zone - one of the deadliest since the Taliban s ouster in 2001. On the day the survey was released, more than 20 policemen were killed in fighting with Taliban insurgents in the southern province of Kandahar. The survey which was conducted in all 34 provinces of Afghanistan in July, primarily in rural households, pointed to a mixed picture, with steady gains in education and health over the past decade and a half matched by continuing concern over corruption, unemployment and security. Around a third of Afghans, or 33 percent, believe the country was heading in a positive direction, up slightly from 29.3 percent last year to buck a years-long declining trend. After a historic decline in 2016, confidence in public institutions has slightly improved; growing confidence in the Afghan National Security Forces stabilized in 2017, Abdullah Ahmadzai, Asia Foundation s country representative in Afghanistan said in a statement. The increase in optimism applied across ethnic groups except Uzbeks, who make an important minority in Pashtun- and Tajik-dominated Afghanistan. While there was a slight rise in positive sentiment, it was down significantly from a peak in 2013 before the withdrawal of most foreign forces. Back then nearly 60 percent of Afghans were positive about their future. The survey comes as the United States in August announced a boost in U.S. troops to Afghanistan, which could push optimism higher in the coming months.
The former head of China s powerful internet regulator is under investigation for suspected corruption, the ruling Communist Party said, the latest senior official to be caught up in a sweeping campaign against graft. Lu Wei was suspected of serious discipline breaches, the party s corruption-busting Central Commission for Discipline Inspection (CCDI) said in a brief statement late on Tuesday, using a euphemism for graft. Reuters was unable to reach Lu or a representative to seek comment. At the height of his influence, Lu, a colorful and often brash official by Chinese standards, was seen as emblematic of China s increasingly pervasive internet controls. Organizers of China s first World Internet Conference in 2014, set up under Lu to promote Beijing s vision of internet governance, irked foreign tech firms by seeking their agreement on a last-minute declaration on internet sovereignty . Tech industry representatives ultimately declined to sign the pledge, and rights groups condemned the declaration as an attempt to undermine internet freedom. In 2015, he told reporters, Indeed, we do not welcome those that make money off China, occupy China s market, even as they slander China s people. These kinds of websites I definitely will not allow in my house. But courting China s powerful internet regulator, the Cyberspace Administration of China, was a key task for companies hoping to stay in his good graces or gain access to the huge internet market. When Lu visited Facebook Inc s U.S. campus in 2014, Mark Zuckerberg, the founder of the social networking site that has long been blocked in China, greeted Lu in Mandarin, according to a Chinese government website. But Lu s downfall, foreshadowed by his June 2016 replacement as head of the internet regulator and the loss of his other posts, is unlikely to signal a reversal of internet control policies, which have tightened further under successor Xu Lin. In a separate statement on its website on Wednesday, the CCDI emphasized the significance of Lu being the first tiger , or senior official, to be brought to heel for corruption since the key 19th Communist Party Congress held last month. It said that under Lu, the cyberspace administration did not carry out President Xi Jinping s instructions in a timely or resolute fashion. The improper use of power occurred on occasion, and the safeguarding of political security was not strong enough, it said, without elaborating on any of Lu s specific wrongdoings. Lu worked his way up though China s official Xinhua news agency before becoming head of propaganda in Beijing and then moving to internet work in 2013. He became a deputy propaganda minister after being replaced at the internet regulator. The government has blocked sites it deems could challenge Communist Party rule or threaten stability, including sites such as Facebook and Google s main search engine and Gmail service. Xi has waged war against deep-rooted corruption since taking office five years ago, punishing hundreds of thousands of officials.
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: The former head of China s powerful internet regulator is under investigation for suspected corruption, the ruling Communist Party said, the latest senior official to be caught up in a sweeping campaign against graft. Lu Wei was suspected of serious discipline breaches, the party s corruption-busting Central Commission for Discipline Inspection (CCDI) said in a brief statement late on Tuesday, using a euphemism for graft. Reuters was unable to reach Lu or a representative to seek comment. At the height of his influence, Lu, a colorful and often brash official by Chinese standards, was seen as emblematic of China s increasingly pervasive internet controls. Organizers of China s first World Internet Conference in 2014, set up under Lu to promote Beijing s vision of internet governance, irked foreign tech firms by seeking their agreement on a last-minute declaration on internet sovereignty . Tech industry representatives ultimately declined to sign the pledge, and rights groups condemned the declaration as an attempt to undermine internet freedom. In 2015, he told reporters, Indeed, we do not welcome those that make money off China, occupy China s market, even as they slander China s people. These kinds of websites I definitely will not allow in my house. But courting China s powerful internet regulator, the Cyberspace Administration of China, was a key task for companies hoping to stay in his good graces or gain access to the huge internet market. When Lu visited Facebook Inc s U.S. campus in 2014, Mark Zuckerberg, the founder of the social networking site that has long been blocked in China, greeted Lu in Mandarin, according to a Chinese government website. But Lu s downfall, foreshadowed by his June 2016 replacement as head of the internet regulator and the loss of his other posts, is unlikely to signal a reversal of internet control policies, which have tightened further under successor Xu Lin. In a separate statement on its website on Wednesday, the CCDI emphasized the significance of Lu being the first tiger , or senior official, to be brought to heel for corruption since the key 19th Communist Party Congress held last month. It said that under Lu, the cyberspace administration did not carry out President Xi Jinping s instructions in a timely or resolute fashion. The improper use of power occurred on occasion, and the safeguarding of political security was not strong enough, it said, without elaborating on any of Lu s specific wrongdoings. Lu worked his way up though China s official Xinhua news agency before becoming head of propaganda in Beijing and then moving to internet work in 2013. He became a deputy propaganda minister after being replaced at the internet regulator. The government has blocked sites it deems could challenge Communist Party rule or threaten stability, including sites such as Facebook and Google s main search engine and Gmail service. Xi has waged war against deep-rooted corruption since taking office five years ago, punishing hundreds of thousands of officials.
Venezuela s leftist government prepared to release some 80 jailed anti-government activists on Saturday, and threatened to expel envoys from Canada and Brazil after criticism over rights. Delcy Rodriguez, head of the pro-government Constituent Assembly, told reporters the legislative superbody was recommending the detainees be given alternative punishments such as community service and compensation for victims. Thirteen activists were later paraded in front of state TV cameras during a meeting with Rodriguez, a hardline ally of President Nicolas Maduro. They looked stony-faced as they sat listening to her admonishments in the formal surroundings of Venezuela s colonial-era foreign ministry. Rights groups and foes of Maduro say authorities are unfairly holding 268 political prisoners for protesting against dictatorship. Maduro, the 55-year-old successor to Hugo Chavez, says all jailed activists are there on legitimate charges of violence and subversion. Let it be understood that the events promoted by the extremist Venezuelan opposition, which caused Venezuelans deaths, must not be repeated, Rodriguez said. Some 170 people died in violence around two bouts of anti-Maduro street protests in 2014 and earlier this year. The assembly president told the detainees at the meeting they would return to their detention centers for medical tests then be freed to spend Christmas with loved ones. The releases, albeit with alternative sentences, could inject life into stuttering political talks between the government and opposition due to resume in the Dominican Republic in early January. Western nations and Latin American neighbors have been increasingly critical of Maduro this year, accusing him of stamping on democracy and human rights. The government says foreign nations are trying to encourage a right-wing coup. Rodriguez said the Constituent Assembly - which various foreign countries refuse to accept - was also recommending Brazil s ambassador Ruy Pereira and Canada s charge d affaires Craig Kowalik both be declared persona non grata. The Canadian government, which has imposed sanctions on Maduro s administration, said it would not be cowed into easing pressure on the anti-democratic Maduro regime in Venezuela. Canadians will not stand by silently as the Government of Venezuela robs its people of their fundamental democratic and human rights, and denies them access to basic humanitarian needs, said Global Affairs Canada, the government department that manages its foreign and trade relations. Brazil s foreign ministry also responded sternly. If confirmed, the Venezuelan government s decision to declare Brazil s ambassador persona non grata shows once more the authoritarian stance of Nicolas Maduro s administration and its lack of willingness to engage in any dialogue, it said, promising reciprocal measures. U.S. President Donald Trump s administration has been especially critical of Maduro, also imposing sanctions on him and other senior Venezuelan officials this year. Under new stewardship with the arrival of charge d affaires Todd Robinson last week, Washington s embassy in Caracas called on Saturday for the freedom of all jailed activists. We urge Maduro s regime to respect human rights, it tweeted. Free them during this holiday time.
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: Venezuela s leftist government prepared to release some 80 jailed anti-government activists on Saturday, and threatened to expel envoys from Canada and Brazil after criticism over rights. Delcy Rodriguez, head of the pro-government Constituent Assembly, told reporters the legislative superbody was recommending the detainees be given alternative punishments such as community service and compensation for victims. Thirteen activists were later paraded in front of state TV cameras during a meeting with Rodriguez, a hardline ally of President Nicolas Maduro. They looked stony-faced as they sat listening to her admonishments in the formal surroundings of Venezuela s colonial-era foreign ministry. Rights groups and foes of Maduro say authorities are unfairly holding 268 political prisoners for protesting against dictatorship. Maduro, the 55-year-old successor to Hugo Chavez, says all jailed activists are there on legitimate charges of violence and subversion. Let it be understood that the events promoted by the extremist Venezuelan opposition, which caused Venezuelans deaths, must not be repeated, Rodriguez said. Some 170 people died in violence around two bouts of anti-Maduro street protests in 2014 and earlier this year. The assembly president told the detainees at the meeting they would return to their detention centers for medical tests then be freed to spend Christmas with loved ones. The releases, albeit with alternative sentences, could inject life into stuttering political talks between the government and opposition due to resume in the Dominican Republic in early January. Western nations and Latin American neighbors have been increasingly critical of Maduro this year, accusing him of stamping on democracy and human rights. The government says foreign nations are trying to encourage a right-wing coup. Rodriguez said the Constituent Assembly - which various foreign countries refuse to accept - was also recommending Brazil s ambassador Ruy Pereira and Canada s charge d affaires Craig Kowalik both be declared persona non grata. The Canadian government, which has imposed sanctions on Maduro s administration, said it would not be cowed into easing pressure on the anti-democratic Maduro regime in Venezuela. Canadians will not stand by silently as the Government of Venezuela robs its people of their fundamental democratic and human rights, and denies them access to basic humanitarian needs, said Global Affairs Canada, the government department that manages its foreign and trade relations. Brazil s foreign ministry also responded sternly. If confirmed, the Venezuelan government s decision to declare Brazil s ambassador persona non grata shows once more the authoritarian stance of Nicolas Maduro s administration and its lack of willingness to engage in any dialogue, it said, promising reciprocal measures. U.S. President Donald Trump s administration has been especially critical of Maduro, also imposing sanctions on him and other senior Venezuelan officials this year. Under new stewardship with the arrival of charge d affaires Todd Robinson last week, Washington s embassy in Caracas called on Saturday for the freedom of all jailed activists. We urge Maduro s regime to respect human rights, it tweeted. Free them during this holiday time.
Emails released by the Oklahoma attorney general’s office show a cozy relationship between energy companies and Scott Pruitt, who was the state’s top prosecutor before being sworn in last week as the new chief U.S. environmental regulator, a media watchdog group said on Wednesday. The Center for Media and Democracy has sought the release of emails between energy companies and Pruitt for the past two years, saying they show energy companies drafted language that Pruitt’s attorney general office then used in suing the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, the office he now heads, over regulations on energy operations. The center had sued Pruitt on Feb. 7, ahead of the Senate vote to confirm his nomination by President Donald Trump, to release the records detailing his communications with energy companies. The attorney general’s office released more than 7,500 pages of emails late on Tuesday, holding back an unknown number of documents it called exempted or privileged. Oklahoma Judge Aletia Timmons is reviewing those documents, but there is no set time for when or if they would be released. Among the documents released were communications between Devon Energy and Pruitt's office that suggest the company gave the Oklahoma officials language on limits on methane emissions at oil and gas operations. Pruitt's office then used this language in suing the EPA over the regulations, the documents suggest. ( The EPA did not immediately respond to requests for comment. Devon serves as a resource with information and expertise for decision makers, and its contact with Pruitt was consistent with its policy of engaging with policymakers, company spokesman John Porretto said. Nick Surgey, a research director at the Center for Media and Democracy, called the document release a “major breakthrough” that revealed a close and friendly relationship between Pruitt’s office and the oil and gas industry, with frequent meetings, calls, and dinners. The center said before the release of the emails that Pruitt’s office had violated Oklahoma’s Open Records Act by delaying their issuance. Critics of Pruitt’s nomination to head the EPA were concerned over his record on the environment - he sued the agency more than a dozen times on behalf of his oil-producing state and has doubted the science of climate change - and Democrats in the Senate held an all night debate last week trying to stop his confirmation vote until the emails were released. He was confirmed on Friday with two Democrats from energy-producing states voting for him. A spokesman at the Oklahoma attorney general’s office would not say how many documents were sent to the judge for review or how it decided which ones to fully release. The office went “above and beyond” what is required under the Open Records Act by producing records that would typically be considered ones outside the law’s scope, the office said in a release.
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: Emails released by the Oklahoma attorney general’s office show a cozy relationship between energy companies and Scott Pruitt, who was the state’s top prosecutor before being sworn in last week as the new chief U.S. environmental regulator, a media watchdog group said on Wednesday. The Center for Media and Democracy has sought the release of emails between energy companies and Pruitt for the past two years, saying they show energy companies drafted language that Pruitt’s attorney general office then used in suing the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, the office he now heads, over regulations on energy operations. The center had sued Pruitt on Feb. 7, ahead of the Senate vote to confirm his nomination by President Donald Trump, to release the records detailing his communications with energy companies. The attorney general’s office released more than 7,500 pages of emails late on Tuesday, holding back an unknown number of documents it called exempted or privileged. Oklahoma Judge Aletia Timmons is reviewing those documents, but there is no set time for when or if they would be released. Among the documents released were communications between Devon Energy and Pruitt's office that suggest the company gave the Oklahoma officials language on limits on methane emissions at oil and gas operations. Pruitt's office then used this language in suing the EPA over the regulations, the documents suggest. ( The EPA did not immediately respond to requests for comment. Devon serves as a resource with information and expertise for decision makers, and its contact with Pruitt was consistent with its policy of engaging with policymakers, company spokesman John Porretto said. Nick Surgey, a research director at the Center for Media and Democracy, called the document release a “major breakthrough” that revealed a close and friendly relationship between Pruitt’s office and the oil and gas industry, with frequent meetings, calls, and dinners. The center said before the release of the emails that Pruitt’s office had violated Oklahoma’s Open Records Act by delaying their issuance. Critics of Pruitt’s nomination to head the EPA were concerned over his record on the environment - he sued the agency more than a dozen times on behalf of his oil-producing state and has doubted the science of climate change - and Democrats in the Senate held an all night debate last week trying to stop his confirmation vote until the emails were released. He was confirmed on Friday with two Democrats from energy-producing states voting for him. A spokesman at the Oklahoma attorney general’s office would not say how many documents were sent to the judge for review or how it decided which ones to fully release. The office went “above and beyond” what is required under the Open Records Act by producing records that would typically be considered ones outside the law’s scope, the office said in a release.
President Vladimir Putin has discussed North Korea s latest missile launch with Russia s security council, Russian news agencies reported on Friday. Participants exchanged their views about the situation on the Korean Peninsula with regard to the new missile launch, agencies quoted Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov as saying. Pyongyang fired a missile that flew over Japan s northern Hokkaido far out into the Pacific Ocean on Friday, deepening tension after its recent test of its most powerful nuclear bomb.
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: President Vladimir Putin has discussed North Korea s latest missile launch with Russia s security council, Russian news agencies reported on Friday. Participants exchanged their views about the situation on the Korean Peninsula with regard to the new missile launch, agencies quoted Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov as saying. Pyongyang fired a missile that flew over Japan s northern Hokkaido far out into the Pacific Ocean on Friday, deepening tension after its recent test of its most powerful nuclear bomb.
U.S. Republican President-elect Donald Trump holds more meetings on Tuesday as he forms his administration before taking over from Democratic President Barack Obama on Jan. 20. Trump’s transition team said he was scheduled to meet with the following people: * Goldman Sachs Group Inc (GS.N) president and chief operating officer * Republican U.S. representative from Tennessee * Veterans advocate who was formerly executive director of the group Vets for Freedom and a counterinsurgency instructor in Afghanistan * President and CEO of Rolls-Royce North America (RR.L) and former CEO of the Aerospace Industries Association, a defense industry trade group * Former Federal Aviation Administration administrator under President George W. Bush * Republican Senate Foreign Relations Committee chairman, Tennessee Republican * House of Representatives Committee on Homeland Security chairman, Texas Republican * Republican U.S. representative from Pennsylvania, member of the House Committee on Homeland Security * Republican presidential nominee in 2012 who was highly critical of Trump during this year’s election * Republican former mayor of New York City
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: U.S. Republican President-elect Donald Trump holds more meetings on Tuesday as he forms his administration before taking over from Democratic President Barack Obama on Jan. 20. Trump’s transition team said he was scheduled to meet with the following people: * Goldman Sachs Group Inc (GS.N) president and chief operating officer * Republican U.S. representative from Tennessee * Veterans advocate who was formerly executive director of the group Vets for Freedom and a counterinsurgency instructor in Afghanistan * President and CEO of Rolls-Royce North America (RR.L) and former CEO of the Aerospace Industries Association, a defense industry trade group * Former Federal Aviation Administration administrator under President George W. Bush * Republican Senate Foreign Relations Committee chairman, Tennessee Republican * House of Representatives Committee on Homeland Security chairman, Texas Republican * Republican U.S. representative from Pennsylvania, member of the House Committee on Homeland Security * Republican presidential nominee in 2012 who was highly critical of Trump during this year’s election * Republican former mayor of New York City
U.s. Republican presidential candidate John Kasich on Tuesday said United States and its allies must strengthen their efforts to build their alliance and work together to stop acts of terror, calling the attacks sickening. “We and our allies must rededicate ourselves to these values of freedom and human rights,” Kasich said in a statement posted to his Twitter account. “We must also redouble our efforts with our allies to identify, root out and destroy the perpetrators of such acts of evil.”
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: U.s. Republican presidential candidate John Kasich on Tuesday said United States and its allies must strengthen their efforts to build their alliance and work together to stop acts of terror, calling the attacks sickening. “We and our allies must rededicate ourselves to these values of freedom and human rights,” Kasich said in a statement posted to his Twitter account. “We must also redouble our efforts with our allies to identify, root out and destroy the perpetrators of such acts of evil.”
Brazilian President Michel Temer will shuffle his cabinet in March and likely exclude members of his main allied party after many of its lawmakers turned against him this week, a senior government source said on Friday. The source, who asked not to be named because he was not authorized to speak on the matter, said he did not expect the Brazilian Social Democracy Party (PSDB) to be part of the future government. The reshuffle follows the biggest revolt yet against Temer s 13-month government when the majority of PSDB lower-house deputies on Wednesday voted to put him on trial over corruption charges. The PSDB plans to field its own presidential candidate next year and may well quit Temer s coalition of its own accord as the elections draw closer, the source said. Though the lower house voted to shelve a corruption case against Temer, the upheaval in his ruling coalition is likely to derail Temer s plans to plug a budget deficit to help Brazil recover from its worst ever recession. The planned cabinet changes will take place as ministers have to leave the cabinet by April to run in October elections. Smaller allied parties have asked Temer to eject the PSDB from his government. It currently holds four cabinet posts. The source said Foreign Minister Aloysio Nunes, a member of the PSDB, might stay on even if his party leaves the government. Temer, whose popularity is at rock bottom, has no plans to run for re-election. His centrist Brazilian Democratic Movement Party (PMDB), Brazil s largest, has generally entered governments through coalitions with other parties and rarely fielded its own presidential candidate. Government officials expect the economy to pick up and grow at 3 percent by mid-2018, which would improve the PDMB s chances should it choose to do so. Such a candidate would likely be someone from outside the party and have to be untarnished by the corruption scandals battering Brazil s political class, the source said.
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: Brazilian President Michel Temer will shuffle his cabinet in March and likely exclude members of his main allied party after many of its lawmakers turned against him this week, a senior government source said on Friday. The source, who asked not to be named because he was not authorized to speak on the matter, said he did not expect the Brazilian Social Democracy Party (PSDB) to be part of the future government. The reshuffle follows the biggest revolt yet against Temer s 13-month government when the majority of PSDB lower-house deputies on Wednesday voted to put him on trial over corruption charges. The PSDB plans to field its own presidential candidate next year and may well quit Temer s coalition of its own accord as the elections draw closer, the source said. Though the lower house voted to shelve a corruption case against Temer, the upheaval in his ruling coalition is likely to derail Temer s plans to plug a budget deficit to help Brazil recover from its worst ever recession. The planned cabinet changes will take place as ministers have to leave the cabinet by April to run in October elections. Smaller allied parties have asked Temer to eject the PSDB from his government. It currently holds four cabinet posts. The source said Foreign Minister Aloysio Nunes, a member of the PSDB, might stay on even if his party leaves the government. Temer, whose popularity is at rock bottom, has no plans to run for re-election. His centrist Brazilian Democratic Movement Party (PMDB), Brazil s largest, has generally entered governments through coalitions with other parties and rarely fielded its own presidential candidate. Government officials expect the economy to pick up and grow at 3 percent by mid-2018, which would improve the PDMB s chances should it choose to do so. Such a candidate would likely be someone from outside the party and have to be untarnished by the corruption scandals battering Brazil s political class, the source said.
Barack Obama recently kicked 35 Russian diplomats and their families out of the US, and announced sanctions over allegations that have yet to be proven, that the Russian government hacked John Podesta, Hillary s campaign chair s emails. HILLARY Clinton is facing a backlash in Germany after it was revealed the country s taxpayers handed over 4million to her foundation via the government at the height of the US elections.According to reports, the failed Democratic nominee s US-based charity received the cash to help plant trees in Africa at exactly the time she declared Angela Merkel her favourite politician.But the revelation of the financing arangment has been met with scorn.In October, around the’same time the transaction was made, it was revealed that Mrs Clinton said the German Chancellor was one of her favourites when asked about who she admired in global politics.According to reports, the failed Democratic nominee s US-based charity received the cash to help plant trees in Africa at exactly the time she declared Angela Merkel her favourite politician.But the revelation of the financing arangment has been met with scorn.In October, around the’same time the transaction was made, it was revealed that Mrs Clinton said the German Chancellor was one of her favourites when asked about who she admired in global politics.According to reports the tome alleges foreign groups and governments gave money to Mrs Clinton s charity in return for access to the State Department while she was Secretary of State.Now eyebrows are being raised after it was revealed German taxpayers handed over millions in the third quarter of the year, during the period Mrs Clinton was running for President while at the’same time being investigated by the FBI.And it has been claimed the foundation s donors list shows the Federal Ministry of the Environment had made the transaction. Express UK
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: Barack Obama recently kicked 35 Russian diplomats and their families out of the US, and announced sanctions over allegations that have yet to be proven, that the Russian government hacked John Podesta, Hillary s campaign chair s emails. HILLARY Clinton is facing a backlash in Germany after it was revealed the country s taxpayers handed over 4million to her foundation via the government at the height of the US elections.According to reports, the failed Democratic nominee s US-based charity received the cash to help plant trees in Africa at exactly the time she declared Angela Merkel her favourite politician.But the revelation of the financing arangment has been met with scorn.In October, around the’same time the transaction was made, it was revealed that Mrs Clinton said the German Chancellor was one of her favourites when asked about who she admired in global politics.According to reports, the failed Democratic nominee s US-based charity received the cash to help plant trees in Africa at exactly the time she declared Angela Merkel her favourite politician.But the revelation of the financing arangment has been met with scorn.In October, around the’same time the transaction was made, it was revealed that Mrs Clinton said the German Chancellor was one of her favourites when asked about who she admired in global politics.According to reports the tome alleges foreign groups and governments gave money to Mrs Clinton s charity in return for access to the State Department while she was Secretary of State.Now eyebrows are being raised after it was revealed German taxpayers handed over millions in the third quarter of the year, during the period Mrs Clinton was running for President while at the’same time being investigated by the FBI.And it has been claimed the foundation s donors list shows the Federal Ministry of the Environment had made the transaction. Express UK
Former Wisconsin sheriff David Clarke, an African-American who criticized the Black Lives Mater movement and was previously under consideration for a position with the Trump administration, has joined a super political action committee that backs the president, officials said on Tuesday. Clarke, 61, will serve as spokesman and senior advisor for America First Action, his office and the political action committee said in two separate statements. “I will help make sure we elect the candidates who will do what they promise in support of President Trump’s agenda,” Clarke said in a statement from his office. “Just as important, I will see to it that the will of the American people is not derailed by the left or the self-serving Washington establishment,” he added. Clarke, who spoke at the Republican National Convention last summer and campaigned for then-presidential candidate Donald Trump, resigned his job on Thursday and said he would announce his plans this week. The 38-year law enforcement veteran was appointed Milwaukee County sheriff in 2002 and re-elected several times. Although he ran as a Democrat, he moved steadily to the right. “David Clarke is an American patriot, and we are very proud to welcome him,” America First Action President Brian Walsh said in the political action committee’s statement. Clarke has become one of the most polarizing critics of the Black Lives Matter movement, which grew out of protests against police killings of unarmed black men. Clarke said in May he was taking a job as assistant secretary in the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, but the following month media reported he had withdrawn his acceptance of the job.
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: Former Wisconsin sheriff David Clarke, an African-American who criticized the Black Lives Mater movement and was previously under consideration for a position with the Trump administration, has joined a super political action committee that backs the president, officials said on Tuesday. Clarke, 61, will serve as spokesman and senior advisor for America First Action, his office and the political action committee said in two separate statements. “I will help make sure we elect the candidates who will do what they promise in support of President Trump’s agenda,” Clarke said in a statement from his office. “Just as important, I will see to it that the will of the American people is not derailed by the left or the self-serving Washington establishment,” he added. Clarke, who spoke at the Republican National Convention last summer and campaigned for then-presidential candidate Donald Trump, resigned his job on Thursday and said he would announce his plans this week. The 38-year law enforcement veteran was appointed Milwaukee County sheriff in 2002 and re-elected several times. Although he ran as a Democrat, he moved steadily to the right. “David Clarke is an American patriot, and we are very proud to welcome him,” America First Action President Brian Walsh said in the political action committee’s statement. Clarke has become one of the most polarizing critics of the Black Lives Matter movement, which grew out of protests against police killings of unarmed black men. Clarke said in May he was taking a job as assistant secretary in the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, but the following month media reported he had withdrawn his acceptance of the job.
With his administration on the defensive over investigations into alleged Russian meddling in last year’s election, U.S. President Donald Trump is no longer tweeting praise for his Kremlin counterpart. Less than five weeks after he took office, the chances of a spring thaw in relations between Washington and Moscow – once buoyed by an apparent “bromance” between Trump and President Vladimir Putin during the U.S. political campaign – are looking much dimmer, U.S. officials say. His top foreign policy advisers have started talking tougher on Russia, and the apparent cooling of Trump’s approach follows the resignation last month of his first national security adviser, Michael Flynn, a vocal advocate of warmer ties with Moscow. He was replaced by Army Lieutenant General H.R. McMaster, who is more hawkish on Russia and allied with Defense Secretary Jim Mattis, a retired Marine Corps general. In one other sign of a stiffening attitude, two officials said the administration had offered the job of top Russia adviser at the National Security Council to Russia scholar Fiona Hill, a leading Putin critic. Her books include “Mr. Putin, Operative in the Kremlin”, an allusion to the Russian leader’s past as a KGB officer. It was not immediately known whether she had accepted the post. Pressure also has come to bear from Trump’s fellow Republicans in Congress, long wary of his campaign overtures to Putin, and from European allies anxious over any sign that the president might prematurely ease sanctions imposed on Russia after its annexation of Crimea and support for pro-Russian rebels in Ukraine. Posing fresh obstacles to rapprochement with Russia, analysts say, is mounting evidence that Attorney General Jeff Sessions, the president’s son-in-law Jared Kushner, and other members of Trump’s team communicated with Russian officials during and after the presidential campaign. The mushrooming inquiry - which is now focused on Sessions and his contacts with Moscow’s ambassador to Washington - has fueled calls for expanded investigations into allegations that Moscow sought to sway the election’s outcome. “There is so much panic in the U.S. political establishment over Russia right now that Trump will be boxed in on what he can do,” said Matthew Rojansky, a Russia expert at the Wilson Center think tank in Washington. White House officials say there were no improper contacts, and Russia denies any meddling. While Trump has yet to lay down his Russia policy, most signs suggest no swift changes in the relationship, which sank to a post-Cold War low under his predecessor Barack Obama, mostly due to bitter differences over Syria and Ukraine. Mattis sought to reassure NATO allies during a visit to Europe last month, telling them there would be no military cooperation between the United States and Russia in the near future. U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley this week denounced Russia for casting a veto to protect the Syrian government from Security Council action over accusations of chemical weapons use, and also recently insisted the United States would not recognize Russia’s seizure of Crimea. Trump’s openness to closer ties to Russia and his emphasis, particularly during the campaign, on fighting terrorism sparked concerns among current and former U.S. officials that he might trade away U.S. interests in other areas in exchange for military and intelligence cooperation against groups such as Islamic State. Trump’s language on Russia now has shifted somewhat from campaign days, when he tweeted his admiration for Putin as a strong leader, and the Russian president paid him compliments. Trump told a news conference in mid-February that, “I would love to be able to get along with Russia,” but added that, “It’s possible I won’t be able to get along with Putin.” Two senior European officials this week told reporters in Washington they discerned an evolution in the Trump administration’s stance toward Russia, saying there appeared to be no desire to engage in such a “grand bargain” in which, for example, Ukraine-related sanctions might be eased in return for Russian action on other issues.     “What we consider reassuring is that, at least during our meetings, nobody came with this idea of a grand bargain, with the idea of a big deal,” said one senior European official on condition of anonymity.     Said a second senior European official: “Vis-a-vis Russia, to be frank I have the impression that the analysis and the positions of this administration are probably now closer to our position than (they) may have been two or three months ago.” Recent Russian actions have created new complications, including a stepped-up offensive by pro-Russian separatist forces in eastern Ukraine and what the Pentagon described as the bombing this week by Russian and Syrian aircraft of U.S.-backed Syrian rebels – something Moscow denied had happened. For its part, the Kremlin said on Wednesday it was patiently waiting for “some kind of actions” from the Trump administration so that it could understand what the future holds for relations. “We have heard different statements from President Trump,” Dmitry Peskov, Putin’s spokesman, told reporters. U.S. Senator Marco Rubio, a Republican member of the Foreign Relations Committee and former 2016 presidential candidate, had words of caution for Trump about future dealings with Putin. “We have had two presidents - a Republican and a Democrat - previous to the current president who thought they could do such a deal with Vladimir Putin,” he said on the Senate floor on Wednesday. “Both of them fell on their face because they did not understand what they were dealing with. It is my sincerest hope that our current President doesn’t make the same mistakes,” Rubio said. (This version of the story corrects defense secretary’s first name, paragraph 3.)
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: With his administration on the defensive over investigations into alleged Russian meddling in last year’s election, U.S. President Donald Trump is no longer tweeting praise for his Kremlin counterpart. Less than five weeks after he took office, the chances of a spring thaw in relations between Washington and Moscow – once buoyed by an apparent “bromance” between Trump and President Vladimir Putin during the U.S. political campaign – are looking much dimmer, U.S. officials say. His top foreign policy advisers have started talking tougher on Russia, and the apparent cooling of Trump’s approach follows the resignation last month of his first national security adviser, Michael Flynn, a vocal advocate of warmer ties with Moscow. He was replaced by Army Lieutenant General H.R. McMaster, who is more hawkish on Russia and allied with Defense Secretary Jim Mattis, a retired Marine Corps general. In one other sign of a stiffening attitude, two officials said the administration had offered the job of top Russia adviser at the National Security Council to Russia scholar Fiona Hill, a leading Putin critic. Her books include “Mr. Putin, Operative in the Kremlin”, an allusion to the Russian leader’s past as a KGB officer. It was not immediately known whether she had accepted the post. Pressure also has come to bear from Trump’s fellow Republicans in Congress, long wary of his campaign overtures to Putin, and from European allies anxious over any sign that the president might prematurely ease sanctions imposed on Russia after its annexation of Crimea and support for pro-Russian rebels in Ukraine. Posing fresh obstacles to rapprochement with Russia, analysts say, is mounting evidence that Attorney General Jeff Sessions, the president’s son-in-law Jared Kushner, and other members of Trump’s team communicated with Russian officials during and after the presidential campaign. The mushrooming inquiry - which is now focused on Sessions and his contacts with Moscow’s ambassador to Washington - has fueled calls for expanded investigations into allegations that Moscow sought to sway the election’s outcome. “There is so much panic in the U.S. political establishment over Russia right now that Trump will be boxed in on what he can do,” said Matthew Rojansky, a Russia expert at the Wilson Center think tank in Washington. White House officials say there were no improper contacts, and Russia denies any meddling. While Trump has yet to lay down his Russia policy, most signs suggest no swift changes in the relationship, which sank to a post-Cold War low under his predecessor Barack Obama, mostly due to bitter differences over Syria and Ukraine. Mattis sought to reassure NATO allies during a visit to Europe last month, telling them there would be no military cooperation between the United States and Russia in the near future. U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley this week denounced Russia for casting a veto to protect the Syrian government from Security Council action over accusations of chemical weapons use, and also recently insisted the United States would not recognize Russia’s seizure of Crimea. Trump’s openness to closer ties to Russia and his emphasis, particularly during the campaign, on fighting terrorism sparked concerns among current and former U.S. officials that he might trade away U.S. interests in other areas in exchange for military and intelligence cooperation against groups such as Islamic State. Trump’s language on Russia now has shifted somewhat from campaign days, when he tweeted his admiration for Putin as a strong leader, and the Russian president paid him compliments. Trump told a news conference in mid-February that, “I would love to be able to get along with Russia,” but added that, “It’s possible I won’t be able to get along with Putin.” Two senior European officials this week told reporters in Washington they discerned an evolution in the Trump administration’s stance toward Russia, saying there appeared to be no desire to engage in such a “grand bargain” in which, for example, Ukraine-related sanctions might be eased in return for Russian action on other issues.     “What we consider reassuring is that, at least during our meetings, nobody came with this idea of a grand bargain, with the idea of a big deal,” said one senior European official on condition of anonymity.     Said a second senior European official: “Vis-a-vis Russia, to be frank I have the impression that the analysis and the positions of this administration are probably now closer to our position than (they) may have been two or three months ago.” Recent Russian actions have created new complications, including a stepped-up offensive by pro-Russian separatist forces in eastern Ukraine and what the Pentagon described as the bombing this week by Russian and Syrian aircraft of U.S.-backed Syrian rebels – something Moscow denied had happened. For its part, the Kremlin said on Wednesday it was patiently waiting for “some kind of actions” from the Trump administration so that it could understand what the future holds for relations. “We have heard different statements from President Trump,” Dmitry Peskov, Putin’s spokesman, told reporters. U.S. Senator Marco Rubio, a Republican member of the Foreign Relations Committee and former 2016 presidential candidate, had words of caution for Trump about future dealings with Putin. “We have had two presidents - a Republican and a Democrat - previous to the current president who thought they could do such a deal with Vladimir Putin,” he said on the Senate floor on Wednesday. “Both of them fell on their face because they did not understand what they were dealing with. It is my sincerest hope that our current President doesn’t make the same mistakes,” Rubio said. (This version of the story corrects defense secretary’s first name, paragraph 3.)
The U.S. Department of Commerce made a final finding that seven foreign producers dumped certain carbon and alloy steel cut-to-length plate in the U.S. market, allowing it to impose duties ranging from 3.62 percent to 148 percent, Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross said on Thursday. The determinations of dumping, or selling a product below its fair price, apply to imports of CTL plate from Austria, Belgium, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, South Korea and Taiwan, Ross said. In addition, there was a final finding that South Korean imports were subsidized, leading to a countervailing duty of 4.31 percent being slapped on those products, he said at a department event. “A healthy steel industry is critical to our economy and manufacturing base, yet our steel industry today is under assault from foreign producers that dump and subsidize their exports,” Ross told the audience. In 2015, imports of CTL plate from the seven producers totaled $732 million, with those from Austria, Belgium, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Korea and Taiwan valued at an estimated $14.2 million, $19.8 million, $179 million, $196.2 million, $37 million, $54.9 million, $210 million and $21 million, respectively, department figures show. ( Cut-to-length steel is used in a wide range of applications, including buildings and bridgework; agricultural, construction and mining equipment; machine parts and tooling; ships, rail cars, tankers and barges; and large-diameter pipe. The finding followed an investigation prompted by a petition from Nucor Corp and U.S. subsidiaries of ArcelorMittal SA and SSAB AB. For Austrian producers and exporters, dumping duties on the Voestalpine group and all others were set at 53.72 percent. They were 5.4 percent for Industeel Belgium, 51.78 percent for the NLMK Belgium group and 5.4 percent for all other Belgium producers and exporters. Among French manufacturers and exporters, duty rates were set at 148.02 percent for Industeel France and 8.62 percent for Dillinger France and all others. In Germany, duties were set at 5.38 percent for AG der Dillinger Hüttenwerke, 22.90 percent for the Salzgitter group and 21.03 percent for all other exporters and producers. A spokesman for Salzgitter confirmed the company was facing duties, saying the decision to impose the duties and the level of them were incomprehensible. In Italy, the department set anti-dumping duty rates of 6.08 percent for Officine Tecnosider, 22.19 percent for Marcegaglia SpA and NLMK Verona SpA and 6.08 percent for all other producers and exporters. Among Japanese producers and exporters, Tokyo Steel Manufacturing Co Ltd was hit with a duty rate of 14.79 percent. A rate of 48.67 percent was imposed on JFE Steel Corp and Shimabun Corp, and for all others it was set at 14.79 percent. Taiwanese companies Shang Chen Steel Co Ltd and China Steel Corp had anti-dumping duties of 3.62 percent and 6.95 percent, respectively, imposed on them. The rate for other producers and exporters was set at 5.29 percent. For South Korea, the department imposed an anti-dumping duty of 7.39 percent on POSCO, as well as a countervailing duty of 4.31 percent to account for subsidies. The same rates apply to all other producers and exporters. The findings allow the department to ask U.S. Customs authorities to collect cash deposits from exporters based on those rates. On March 3, in a decision stemming from the same investigation, the U.S. International Trade Commission said it had made a final finding that U.S. industry was being harmed by the dumping and subsidization of imports of carbon and alloy steel CTL plate from China. That allows for the final imposition of duties by the Commerce Department on China’s producers and exporters of the plate.
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: The U.S. Department of Commerce made a final finding that seven foreign producers dumped certain carbon and alloy steel cut-to-length plate in the U.S. market, allowing it to impose duties ranging from 3.62 percent to 148 percent, Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross said on Thursday. The determinations of dumping, or selling a product below its fair price, apply to imports of CTL plate from Austria, Belgium, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, South Korea and Taiwan, Ross said. In addition, there was a final finding that South Korean imports were subsidized, leading to a countervailing duty of 4.31 percent being slapped on those products, he said at a department event. “A healthy steel industry is critical to our economy and manufacturing base, yet our steel industry today is under assault from foreign producers that dump and subsidize their exports,” Ross told the audience. In 2015, imports of CTL plate from the seven producers totaled $732 million, with those from Austria, Belgium, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Korea and Taiwan valued at an estimated $14.2 million, $19.8 million, $179 million, $196.2 million, $37 million, $54.9 million, $210 million and $21 million, respectively, department figures show. ( Cut-to-length steel is used in a wide range of applications, including buildings and bridgework; agricultural, construction and mining equipment; machine parts and tooling; ships, rail cars, tankers and barges; and large-diameter pipe. The finding followed an investigation prompted by a petition from Nucor Corp and U.S. subsidiaries of ArcelorMittal SA and SSAB AB. For Austrian producers and exporters, dumping duties on the Voestalpine group and all others were set at 53.72 percent. They were 5.4 percent for Industeel Belgium, 51.78 percent for the NLMK Belgium group and 5.4 percent for all other Belgium producers and exporters. Among French manufacturers and exporters, duty rates were set at 148.02 percent for Industeel France and 8.62 percent for Dillinger France and all others. In Germany, duties were set at 5.38 percent for AG der Dillinger Hüttenwerke, 22.90 percent for the Salzgitter group and 21.03 percent for all other exporters and producers. A spokesman for Salzgitter confirmed the company was facing duties, saying the decision to impose the duties and the level of them were incomprehensible. In Italy, the department set anti-dumping duty rates of 6.08 percent for Officine Tecnosider, 22.19 percent for Marcegaglia SpA and NLMK Verona SpA and 6.08 percent for all other producers and exporters. Among Japanese producers and exporters, Tokyo Steel Manufacturing Co Ltd was hit with a duty rate of 14.79 percent. A rate of 48.67 percent was imposed on JFE Steel Corp and Shimabun Corp, and for all others it was set at 14.79 percent. Taiwanese companies Shang Chen Steel Co Ltd and China Steel Corp had anti-dumping duties of 3.62 percent and 6.95 percent, respectively, imposed on them. The rate for other producers and exporters was set at 5.29 percent. For South Korea, the department imposed an anti-dumping duty of 7.39 percent on POSCO, as well as a countervailing duty of 4.31 percent to account for subsidies. The same rates apply to all other producers and exporters. The findings allow the department to ask U.S. Customs authorities to collect cash deposits from exporters based on those rates. On March 3, in a decision stemming from the same investigation, the U.S. International Trade Commission said it had made a final finding that U.S. industry was being harmed by the dumping and subsidization of imports of carbon and alloy steel CTL plate from China. That allows for the final imposition of duties by the Commerce Department on China’s producers and exporters of the plate.
Go get the new book on Andrew Jackson by Brian Kilmeade...Really good. @foxandfriends [0808 EST] - National Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day - “A day that will live in infamy!” December 7, 1941 [1004 EST] - Today, our entire nation pauses to REMEMBER PEARL HARBOR—and the brave warriors who on that day stood tall and fought for America. God Bless our HEROES who wear the uniform, and God Bless the United States of America. #PearlHarborRemembranceDay [1116 EST] - Today, the U.S. flag flies at half-staff at the @WhiteHouse, in honor of National Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day. [1504 EST] - Today, as we Remember Pearl Harbor, it was an incredible honor to be joined with surviving Veterans of the attack on 12/7/1941. They are HEROES, and they are living witnesses to American History. All American hearts are filled with gratitude for their service and their sacrifice. [1552 EST] - Across the battlefields, oceans, and harrowing skies of Europe and the Pacific throughout the war, one great battle cry could be heard by America’s friends and foes alike: -- Source link: ( (
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: Go get the new book on Andrew Jackson by Brian Kilmeade...Really good. @foxandfriends [0808 EST] - National Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day - “A day that will live in infamy!” December 7, 1941 [1004 EST] - Today, our entire nation pauses to REMEMBER PEARL HARBOR—and the brave warriors who on that day stood tall and fought for America. God Bless our HEROES who wear the uniform, and God Bless the United States of America. #PearlHarborRemembranceDay [1116 EST] - Today, the U.S. flag flies at half-staff at the @WhiteHouse, in honor of National Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day. [1504 EST] - Today, as we Remember Pearl Harbor, it was an incredible honor to be joined with surviving Veterans of the attack on 12/7/1941. They are HEROES, and they are living witnesses to American History. All American hearts are filled with gratitude for their service and their sacrifice. [1552 EST] - Across the battlefields, oceans, and harrowing skies of Europe and the Pacific throughout the war, one great battle cry could be heard by America’s friends and foes alike: -- Source link: ( (
Republicans are desperately trying to convince everyone that what they’did to Merrick Garland was totally normal.On Sunday, Mitch McConnell pathetically defended his party s refusal to hold a confirmation hearing for President Obama s Supreme Court nominee by repeating the claim that it s Senate tradition to not confirm nominees during an election year. He also made the childish claim that Republicans did it because Democrats would have done it, even though Democrats have never done such a thing.What Republicans did to Merrick Garland was unprecedented and a total disgrace of the Constitution.But Orrin Hatch picked up where McConnell left off by using the’same pathetic defense during an interview on CNN Monday.After being asked about what Republicans will do if Democrats block Trump’s Supreme Court nominee Neil Gorsuch, Hatch whined and accused Democrats of politicizing the confirmation process while pretending that his own party didn’t politicize it throughout 2016 when they’refused to even grant Garland a hearing. They re politicizing this whole process, Hatch said. This is a guy who is a mainstream conservative, which they hate, they’don’t like that. And of course, they are still upset about my other friend, Merrick Garland. But the Republicans had every right to delay that within a presidential year. CNN host John Berman called out Hatch s hypocrisy. But they look at you and say that s a double standard, Berman responded. You call Judge Gorsuch one of the most qualified judges ever to be nominated. Almost everyone said the’same thing about Merrick Garland, including you. Indeed, in 2010, Hatch referred to Garland as a consensus nominee and said there is no question that he would be easily confirmed to the high court if nominated. Garland even complained in support of Garland in 2016 by whining about President Obama s choice before Garland was chosen. The president told me several times he’s going to name a moderate [to fill the court vacancy], but I don’t believe him. [Obama] could easily name Merrick Garland, who is a fine man. He probably won’t do that because this appointment is about the election. So I m pretty sure he ll name someone the [liberal Democratic base] wants. President Obama made Hatch choke on those words by picking Garland. So there seems to be a double standard where you’re saying, it was alright last year when we for political reasons halted the nomination of Merrick Garland, Berman continued. But it s not okay this year when Democrats try to halt the nomination of Judge Gorsuch. Hatch responded to Berman by lashing out with a desperate defense of how Republicans behaved in 2016 towards Garland. I ll just tell you straight up, that s total B.S., Hatch said. I can’t go back in time and show you any case where in a presidential election year they allowed a Supreme Court justice to be nominated unless both sides agreed. And both sides didn’t agree. It was every right of [Majority Leader Mitch McConnell] and Senate Republicans to say we’re not going to do this in a presidential year. And at that time, keep in mind, it looked as though Hillary was a sure winner and we would have gotten an even more liberal judge than that one. But that was a stand on principle. Not some new barbaric thing that some have tried to make it. Here s the video via YouTube:Let s make something clear. What Hatch and his fellow Republicans in the Senate did to Merrick Garland was totally unprecedented. They not only rejected Garland after previously praising him, they even refused to grant him a confirmation hearing. That has never happened. Republicans were so unbelievably partisan that Antonin Scalia s body was not even cold yet when they’declared that they would refuse to confirm any nominee picked by President Obama. And that brings us yet again’to the Republican claim that it s tradition for the Senate to not confirm Supreme Court nominees during an election year.That s complete bullshit. As it turns out, the last one occurred only 29 years ago when the Senate confirmed Justice Anthony Kennedy in 1988 during Ronald Reagan s last year in office.It also happened in 1956 when Dwight Eisenhower nominated William Brennan. The Senate confirmed him despite it being an election year.In 1940, also an election year, Franklin Roosevelt nominated Frank Murphy to the Supreme Court and the Senate confirmed him.So contrary to Republican claims, the tradition is that nominees can be and are confirmed despite whether it s an election year or not.That means Hatch is lying to cover his ass because he knows he and his fellow Republicans are complete hypocrites and now that their hypocrisy is coming back to bite them on the ass they want to play the victim.Featured image via screenshot
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: Republicans are desperately trying to convince everyone that what they’did to Merrick Garland was totally normal.On Sunday, Mitch McConnell pathetically defended his party s refusal to hold a confirmation hearing for President Obama s Supreme Court nominee by repeating the claim that it s Senate tradition to not confirm nominees during an election year. He also made the childish claim that Republicans did it because Democrats would have done it, even though Democrats have never done such a thing.What Republicans did to Merrick Garland was unprecedented and a total disgrace of the Constitution.But Orrin Hatch picked up where McConnell left off by using the’same pathetic defense during an interview on CNN Monday.After being asked about what Republicans will do if Democrats block Trump’s Supreme Court nominee Neil Gorsuch, Hatch whined and accused Democrats of politicizing the confirmation process while pretending that his own party didn’t politicize it throughout 2016 when they’refused to even grant Garland a hearing. They re politicizing this whole process, Hatch said. This is a guy who is a mainstream conservative, which they hate, they’don’t like that. And of course, they are still upset about my other friend, Merrick Garland. But the Republicans had every right to delay that within a presidential year. CNN host John Berman called out Hatch s hypocrisy. But they look at you and say that s a double standard, Berman responded. You call Judge Gorsuch one of the most qualified judges ever to be nominated. Almost everyone said the’same thing about Merrick Garland, including you. Indeed, in 2010, Hatch referred to Garland as a consensus nominee and said there is no question that he would be easily confirmed to the high court if nominated. Garland even complained in support of Garland in 2016 by whining about President Obama s choice before Garland was chosen. The president told me several times he’s going to name a moderate [to fill the court vacancy], but I don’t believe him. [Obama] could easily name Merrick Garland, who is a fine man. He probably won’t do that because this appointment is about the election. So I m pretty sure he ll name someone the [liberal Democratic base] wants. President Obama made Hatch choke on those words by picking Garland. So there seems to be a double standard where you’re saying, it was alright last year when we for political reasons halted the nomination of Merrick Garland, Berman continued. But it s not okay this year when Democrats try to halt the nomination of Judge Gorsuch. Hatch responded to Berman by lashing out with a desperate defense of how Republicans behaved in 2016 towards Garland. I ll just tell you straight up, that s total B.S., Hatch said. I can’t go back in time and show you any case where in a presidential election year they allowed a Supreme Court justice to be nominated unless both sides agreed. And both sides didn’t agree. It was every right of [Majority Leader Mitch McConnell] and Senate Republicans to say we’re not going to do this in a presidential year. And at that time, keep in mind, it looked as though Hillary was a sure winner and we would have gotten an even more liberal judge than that one. But that was a stand on principle. Not some new barbaric thing that some have tried to make it. Here s the video via YouTube:Let s make something clear. What Hatch and his fellow Republicans in the Senate did to Merrick Garland was totally unprecedented. They not only rejected Garland after previously praising him, they even refused to grant him a confirmation hearing. That has never happened. Republicans were so unbelievably partisan that Antonin Scalia s body was not even cold yet when they’declared that they would refuse to confirm any nominee picked by President Obama. And that brings us yet again’to the Republican claim that it s tradition for the Senate to not confirm Supreme Court nominees during an election year.That s complete bullshit. As it turns out, the last one occurred only 29 years ago when the Senate confirmed Justice Anthony Kennedy in 1988 during Ronald Reagan s last year in office.It also happened in 1956 when Dwight Eisenhower nominated William Brennan. The Senate confirmed him despite it being an election year.In 1940, also an election year, Franklin Roosevelt nominated Frank Murphy to the Supreme Court and the Senate confirmed him.So contrary to Republican claims, the tradition is that nominees can be and are confirmed despite whether it s an election year or not.That means Hatch is lying to cover his ass because he knows he and his fellow Republicans are complete hypocrites and now that their hypocrisy is coming back to bite them on the ass they want to play the victim.Featured image via screenshot
U.S. House of Representatives Speaker Paul Ryan said on Tuesday he has invited President Donald Trump to address a joint session of Congress on Feb. 28. “This will be an opportunity for the people and their representatives to hear directly from our new president about his vision in our shared agenda,” Ryan, leader of the Republican-controlled House, said at a news conference.
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: U.S. House of Representatives Speaker Paul Ryan said on Tuesday he has invited President Donald Trump to address a joint session of Congress on Feb. 28. “This will be an opportunity for the people and their representatives to hear directly from our new president about his vision in our shared agenda,” Ryan, leader of the Republican-controlled House, said at a news conference.
Speaking at a press conference with visiting Italian Prime Minister Paolo Gentiloni in Sochi, Russia, Vladimir Putin has claimed that he has a transcript of Donald Trump’s meeting with Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov. Furthermore, Putin said he would be willing to provide a copy to the U.S. Congress. The only catch is that the request would have to come from Trump himself.The Trump administration came under fire for holding a meeting with Lavrov and Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak in the Oval Office last week, a meeting that Russian media were able to attend, yet from which U.S. media were banned. The’situation came to a head when it became clear that Trump had disclosed confidential details pertaining to ISIS during the’session. Initially, the White House denied the’scandal, only to later claim that it was wholly appropriate for the president to discuss such information with the Russians. At no time were intelligence sources or methods discussed and the President did not disclose any military operations that weren’t already publicly known, Trump’s national security adviser H.R. McMaster said at a press conference on Monday. The premise of that article is false that in any way the President had a conversation that was inappropriate or that resulted in any kind of lapse in national security. The Kremlin still denies that Trump’shared any U.S. intelligence during the meeting, with Russian President Vladimir Putin downplaying reports as political Schizophrenia, however, Trump’s comments still have not been made public. Now it seems Putin is willing to go a step further to help out. If the administration of the United States deems this possible, we will be ready to provide a transcript of the Lavrov-Trump meeting to the U.S. Senate and Congress, Putin told reporters during the press conference in Sochi, adding it will happen if the U.S. administration wishes so. Not everyone sees Putin s offer as particularly beneficial to Trump, who the FBI has now confirmed is under investigation over links to the Russians, especially U.S. Rep. Adam Schiff, the top Democrat on the House Intelligence Committee. Probably the last person the person [Trump] needs to vouch for him right now is Vladimir Putin, Schiff told CBS s This Morning. Sure, send it [the transcript] our way. But its credibility would be less than zero. Featured image via Lintao Zhang/Pool/Getty Images
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: Speaking at a press conference with visiting Italian Prime Minister Paolo Gentiloni in Sochi, Russia, Vladimir Putin has claimed that he has a transcript of Donald Trump’s meeting with Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov. Furthermore, Putin said he would be willing to provide a copy to the U.S. Congress. The only catch is that the request would have to come from Trump himself.The Trump administration came under fire for holding a meeting with Lavrov and Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak in the Oval Office last week, a meeting that Russian media were able to attend, yet from which U.S. media were banned. The’situation came to a head when it became clear that Trump had disclosed confidential details pertaining to ISIS during the’session. Initially, the White House denied the’scandal, only to later claim that it was wholly appropriate for the president to discuss such information with the Russians. At no time were intelligence sources or methods discussed and the President did not disclose any military operations that weren’t already publicly known, Trump’s national security adviser H.R. McMaster said at a press conference on Monday. The premise of that article is false that in any way the President had a conversation that was inappropriate or that resulted in any kind of lapse in national security. The Kremlin still denies that Trump’shared any U.S. intelligence during the meeting, with Russian President Vladimir Putin downplaying reports as political Schizophrenia, however, Trump’s comments still have not been made public. Now it seems Putin is willing to go a step further to help out. If the administration of the United States deems this possible, we will be ready to provide a transcript of the Lavrov-Trump meeting to the U.S. Senate and Congress, Putin told reporters during the press conference in Sochi, adding it will happen if the U.S. administration wishes so. Not everyone sees Putin s offer as particularly beneficial to Trump, who the FBI has now confirmed is under investigation over links to the Russians, especially U.S. Rep. Adam Schiff, the top Democrat on the House Intelligence Committee. Probably the last person the person [Trump] needs to vouch for him right now is Vladimir Putin, Schiff told CBS s This Morning. Sure, send it [the transcript] our way. But its credibility would be less than zero. Featured image via Lintao Zhang/Pool/Getty Images
New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern said on Tuesday a ban on foreigners buying existing homes would begin in early 2018, but the restrictions would not apply to Australians. Ardern campaigned in the recent New Zealand election to restrict foreign buyers to reduce demand, while the country tackles what her Labour party says is a housing crisis left unresolved by the previous National administration. We are determined to make it easier for Kiwis to buy their first home so we are stopping foreign speculators buying houses and driving up prices. Kiwis should not be outbid like this, said Ardern in an emailed statement, using the colloquial term for New Zealanders. The politically sensitive housing crunch has seen prices rise more than 50 percent nationally in the last decade. In the city of Auckland, prices have almost doubled in that period. The central bank sees fast-rising prices as a major economic risk. The ban would not apply to Australians, Ardern said, given New Zealanders are exempt from home ownership restrictions in neighboring Australia, where many New Zealanders live. Ardern told reporters that legislation would be introduced in parliament by Dec. 25. The restrictions were being fast-tracked so that Labour would not have to renegotiate foreign investment provisions in the Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP) deal, after a long series of talks to revive the agreement since the United States pulled out in January. The TPP currently requires its 11 member states to give foreign investors equal treatment to locals unless there are specific exemptions. New Zealand had no such grounds for an outright ban on overseas investment in housing, but its Overseas Investment Act is exempted from the trade deal. By adding housing to that legislation, Labour will be able to go ahead with the ban without having to request any changes to the TPP when ministers meet on the sidelines of Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation meeting in Vietnam next week to finalize the agreement. Ardern said that New Zealand would instead focus on renegotiating rules allowing investors to sue member countries included in the TPP, though she acknowledged it would be difficult to get large changes so late in negotiations. Some government figures show the number of home sales including foreigners is only around 3 percent, though Labour has criticized that data and says it excludes many types of owners, including those who purchase property through trusts. It is very important that we preserve these rights for New Zealand, Trade Minister David Parker told reporters.
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern said on Tuesday a ban on foreigners buying existing homes would begin in early 2018, but the restrictions would not apply to Australians. Ardern campaigned in the recent New Zealand election to restrict foreign buyers to reduce demand, while the country tackles what her Labour party says is a housing crisis left unresolved by the previous National administration. We are determined to make it easier for Kiwis to buy their first home so we are stopping foreign speculators buying houses and driving up prices. Kiwis should not be outbid like this, said Ardern in an emailed statement, using the colloquial term for New Zealanders. The politically sensitive housing crunch has seen prices rise more than 50 percent nationally in the last decade. In the city of Auckland, prices have almost doubled in that period. The central bank sees fast-rising prices as a major economic risk. The ban would not apply to Australians, Ardern said, given New Zealanders are exempt from home ownership restrictions in neighboring Australia, where many New Zealanders live. Ardern told reporters that legislation would be introduced in parliament by Dec. 25. The restrictions were being fast-tracked so that Labour would not have to renegotiate foreign investment provisions in the Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP) deal, after a long series of talks to revive the agreement since the United States pulled out in January. The TPP currently requires its 11 member states to give foreign investors equal treatment to locals unless there are specific exemptions. New Zealand had no such grounds for an outright ban on overseas investment in housing, but its Overseas Investment Act is exempted from the trade deal. By adding housing to that legislation, Labour will be able to go ahead with the ban without having to request any changes to the TPP when ministers meet on the sidelines of Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation meeting in Vietnam next week to finalize the agreement. Ardern said that New Zealand would instead focus on renegotiating rules allowing investors to sue member countries included in the TPP, though she acknowledged it would be difficult to get large changes so late in negotiations. Some government figures show the number of home sales including foreigners is only around 3 percent, though Labour has criticized that data and says it excludes many types of owners, including those who purchase property through trusts. It is very important that we preserve these rights for New Zealand, Trade Minister David Parker told reporters.
The United States Navy is about to name a ship after gay rights pioneer Harvey Milk.The July 14, 2016 notification, signed by Secretary of the Navy Ray Mabus, indicated he intended to name a planned Military Sealift Command fleet oiler USNS Harvey Milk (T-AO-206). The’ship would be the’second of the John Lewis-class oilers being built by General Dynamics NASSCO in San Diego, Calif.The Secretary of the Navy s office is deferring releasing additional information until the naming announcement, a Navy official told USNI News on Thursday.The designation is part of a new class designation for the’service, called the John Lewis-class after civil rights icon Rep. John Lewis (D-GA). Other ships in the class will be named after Chief Justice Earl Warren (school desegration), Attorney General Robert F. Kennedy, Lucy Stone (women s rights activist) and Sojurner Truth (abolitionist, women s rights).Milk was the first openly gay person to be elected to public office in California where he’served on the San Francisco Board of Supervisors. During his 11 months in office he passed a major gay rights ordinance for the city.He was assassinated on November 27, 1978 by Dan White, a former city supervisor.Milk has been described as the most famous and most significantly open LGBT official ever elected in the United States. In 2009, President Obama awarded Milk a posthumous Presidential Medal of Freedom. President Obama said:His name was Harvey Milk, and he was here to recruit us all of us to join a movement and change a nation. For much of his early life, he had silenced himself. In the prime of his life, he was silenced by the act of another. But in the brief time in which he’spoke and ran and led his voice stirred the aspirations of millions of people. He would become, after several attempts, one of the first openly gay Americans elected to public office. And his message of hope hope unashamed, hope unafraid could not ever be silenced. It was Harvey who said it best: You gotta give em hope. Featured image via US Navy
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: The United States Navy is about to name a ship after gay rights pioneer Harvey Milk.The July 14, 2016 notification, signed by Secretary of the Navy Ray Mabus, indicated he intended to name a planned Military Sealift Command fleet oiler USNS Harvey Milk (T-AO-206). The’ship would be the’second of the John Lewis-class oilers being built by General Dynamics NASSCO in San Diego, Calif.The Secretary of the Navy s office is deferring releasing additional information until the naming announcement, a Navy official told USNI News on Thursday.The designation is part of a new class designation for the’service, called the John Lewis-class after civil rights icon Rep. John Lewis (D-GA). Other ships in the class will be named after Chief Justice Earl Warren (school desegration), Attorney General Robert F. Kennedy, Lucy Stone (women s rights activist) and Sojurner Truth (abolitionist, women s rights).Milk was the first openly gay person to be elected to public office in California where he’served on the San Francisco Board of Supervisors. During his 11 months in office he passed a major gay rights ordinance for the city.He was assassinated on November 27, 1978 by Dan White, a former city supervisor.Milk has been described as the most famous and most significantly open LGBT official ever elected in the United States. In 2009, President Obama awarded Milk a posthumous Presidential Medal of Freedom. President Obama said:His name was Harvey Milk, and he was here to recruit us all of us to join a movement and change a nation. For much of his early life, he had silenced himself. In the prime of his life, he was silenced by the act of another. But in the brief time in which he’spoke and ran and led his voice stirred the aspirations of millions of people. He would become, after several attempts, one of the first openly gay Americans elected to public office. And his message of hope hope unashamed, hope unafraid could not ever be silenced. It was Harvey who said it best: You gotta give em hope. Featured image via US Navy
How many? I think we’ve lost count!
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: How many? I think we’ve lost count!
Republican U.S. Senator Susan Collins said on Thursday she was not committed to voting for the Senate tax bill, citing concerns over healthcare and the loss of a deduction for state and local taxes. Collins told reporters at a Christian Science Monitor breakfast it would be “very difficult for me to support the bill if I do not prevail on those two issues” but she was encouraged by her discussions with leadership. Collins said she has proposed an amendment to the tax bill that would retain the deduction for property taxes up to $10,000, as the House bill does. The Senate bill repeals the Affordable Care Act fine on people who do not purchase health insurance, which will lead to higher insurance premiums. Collins has asked lawmakers to include in a separate bill provisions that would help insurers cover expensive patients, and that would continue Obamacare subsidy payments for low income people for two years. The Republican from Maine also said one of her amendments to the tax bill is a refundable tax credit for adult dependent care that would be paid for by closing a loophole on carried interest. Collins said she believed the corporate tax rate does not need to be cut as low as 20 percent, as President Donald Trump has favored. She said 21 or 22 percent would be “fine with me.” She said she expected a Senate floor vote during the tax bill debate on making individual tax cuts permanent, or to make corporate tax cuts expire at same time as individual cuts.
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: Republican U.S. Senator Susan Collins said on Thursday she was not committed to voting for the Senate tax bill, citing concerns over healthcare and the loss of a deduction for state and local taxes. Collins told reporters at a Christian Science Monitor breakfast it would be “very difficult for me to support the bill if I do not prevail on those two issues” but she was encouraged by her discussions with leadership. Collins said she has proposed an amendment to the tax bill that would retain the deduction for property taxes up to $10,000, as the House bill does. The Senate bill repeals the Affordable Care Act fine on people who do not purchase health insurance, which will lead to higher insurance premiums. Collins has asked lawmakers to include in a separate bill provisions that would help insurers cover expensive patients, and that would continue Obamacare subsidy payments for low income people for two years. The Republican from Maine also said one of her amendments to the tax bill is a refundable tax credit for adult dependent care that would be paid for by closing a loophole on carried interest. Collins said she believed the corporate tax rate does not need to be cut as low as 20 percent, as President Donald Trump has favored. She said 21 or 22 percent would be “fine with me.” She said she expected a Senate floor vote during the tax bill debate on making individual tax cuts permanent, or to make corporate tax cuts expire at same time as individual cuts.
Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe sent a ritual offering to the Yasukuni Shrine for war dead, seen in China and the two Koreas as a symbol of Japan s past militarism, to mark its annual autumn festival, the shrine said on Tuesday. Abe was expected to refrain from visiting the shrine during the festival, which will last until Friday, the Nikkei business daily and Kyodo news agency reported. He is scheduled to visit northern Japan, Akita prefecture and Yamagata prefecture, for an election campaign stump on Tuesday, Kyodo news said. His ruling coalition is on track for a big win in Sunday s general election - even though almost half the country s voters don t want him to keep his job, a media survey showed on Monday. Abe s snap election comes amid heightened global tension following North Korea s nuclear tests and missile launches, which prompted the U.N. Security Council to impose fresh sanctions. Health Minister Katsunobu Kato also sent an ritual offering to the shrine, a spokesperson for the shrine said. Past visits to Yasukuni by Japanese leaders have outraged Beijing and Seoul because it honors 14 Japanese leaders convicted by an Allied tribunal as war criminals, along with Japan s war dead. China s position on the shrine was clear, Foreign Ministry spokesman Lu Kang told reporters in Beijing. We urge the Japanese side to earnestly, squarely and deeply reflect on their history of aggression, appropriately handle the relevant issue and take actual steps to win the trust of their Asian neighbors and the international community, Lu said. Abe has only visited the shrine in person once, in December 2013, since becoming premier the previous year. Rather than attend in person, Abe sends a ritual offering on several occasions in an effort to improve ties with China and South Korea, which have been strained by territorial and other disputes. Japan, China and South Korea are trying to hold a summit meeting this year, the Nikkei business said.
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe sent a ritual offering to the Yasukuni Shrine for war dead, seen in China and the two Koreas as a symbol of Japan s past militarism, to mark its annual autumn festival, the shrine said on Tuesday. Abe was expected to refrain from visiting the shrine during the festival, which will last until Friday, the Nikkei business daily and Kyodo news agency reported. He is scheduled to visit northern Japan, Akita prefecture and Yamagata prefecture, for an election campaign stump on Tuesday, Kyodo news said. His ruling coalition is on track for a big win in Sunday s general election - even though almost half the country s voters don t want him to keep his job, a media survey showed on Monday. Abe s snap election comes amid heightened global tension following North Korea s nuclear tests and missile launches, which prompted the U.N. Security Council to impose fresh sanctions. Health Minister Katsunobu Kato also sent an ritual offering to the shrine, a spokesperson for the shrine said. Past visits to Yasukuni by Japanese leaders have outraged Beijing and Seoul because it honors 14 Japanese leaders convicted by an Allied tribunal as war criminals, along with Japan s war dead. China s position on the shrine was clear, Foreign Ministry spokesman Lu Kang told reporters in Beijing. We urge the Japanese side to earnestly, squarely and deeply reflect on their history of aggression, appropriately handle the relevant issue and take actual steps to win the trust of their Asian neighbors and the international community, Lu said. Abe has only visited the shrine in person once, in December 2013, since becoming premier the previous year. Rather than attend in person, Abe sends a ritual offering on several occasions in an effort to improve ties with China and South Korea, which have been strained by territorial and other disputes. Japan, China and South Korea are trying to hold a summit meeting this year, the Nikkei business said.
Pope Francis has joined Democrat legislators, along with a handful of RINO s and local mayors to work hand-in-hand with Obama to push immigration from Mexico and South America to the US. Every player in this scheme has their own agenda. Of course, Obama has only one desire, and that is to fundamentally transform America. Democrat legislators are working to secure a dependent voting base. The RINO s (Republicans In Name Only) are beholden to large corporations, whose only goal is to secure cheap labor. Finally, local mayors want the federal funding that comes with placement of each immigrant in their communities. Besides the obvious charitable aspect, what s in it for Pope Francis? What s in it for the Catholic church? Many Catholics (myself included) are wondering why we pass the collection basket more than once several times throughout the year to help subsidize churches, schools and orphanages in Mexico and South America if the ultimate goal is to bring them here? Make no mistake, Pope Francis is interjecting himself into the 2016 Presidential election by walking with illegal aliens on the Mexican side of the border who want to get into the US.This is a direct assault by the Catholic Church on Donald Trump and any other Republicans (including the Governor of Texas) who say they want to close the US border with Mexico.Yesterday, in Ciudad Juarez, one of the most violent cities in the Western Hemisphere thanks to the drug cartels, the pope walked up a ramp covered in flowers toward a cross erected in memory of migrants who have perished trying to reach the United States just a stone s throw away, according to Reuters.The pope then blessed three more small crosses, at which shoes of migrants who died were laid. We cannot deny the humanitarian crisis, Pope Francis intoned. Each step, a journey laden with grave injustices: the enslaved, the imprisoned and extorted; so many of these brothers and sisters of ours are the consequence of trafficking in human beings Injustice is radicalized in the young; they are cannon fodder, persecuted and threatened when they try to flee the’spiral of violence and the hell of drugs. Then there are the many women unjustly robbed of their lives. He concluded, Let us together ask our God for the gift of conversion, the gift of tears, let us ask him to give us open hearts like the Ninevites, open to his call heard in the’suffering faces of countless men and women. No more death! No more exploitation! They are not refugees! People escaping poverty or crime are not legally refugees, but the Pope and the NO Borders Left are purposefully confusing the terminology. They want all migrants-on-the-move to be called REFUGEES who are then entitled to protection and welfare. Why stop at the Mexican border? What about the Iraqi Christian population that s been almost completely wiped out? Why is the Pope standing on the Mexican border demanding we open the flood gates in the name of charity, while tens of thousands of Christians are being slaughtered in the Middle East?Where is the outcry from the Pope as the Catholic Charities/U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops (CC/USCCB) are being paid BILLIONS to bring mostly MUSLIM immigrants, who are being vetted by the corrupt UN to the US from the Middle East, and strategically seeding them across the United States? The following map provided by the Office of Refugee Resettlement identifies where the primary nine VOLAGs operate within America and where their affiliate sites are located:Here is the list of Charities who work with the US Department s Refugee Resettlement Program: CWS Church World Service ECDC Ethiopian Community Development Council HIAS Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society IRC International Rescue Committee LIRS Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Services CC/USCCB Catholic Charities/U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops USCRI U.S. Committee for Refugees and Immigrants EMM Episcopal Migration Ministries WRI World Relief Inc.Additionally, there are 350 subcontractors in 190 cities affiliated with the nine main refugee VOLAGs and the chart below lists the amount of money awarded by the federal government to these contractors since 2008.As you can see the amount of money that has been awarded to these non-governmental organizations is enormous with the total since 2008 amounting to over $4 billion.Simpson notes that because they are non-governmental organizations (NGOs), they can and do lobby for advantageous changes to law and build allies in Congress and the bureaucracy, all fertilized by an open spigot of taxpayer dollars. From this point, as an American, you should be absolutely stunned at what is going on behind the’scenes without your knowledge nor your input in regards to the fact that your taxpayer money along with your elected officials are undermining your security by allowing these organizations operate without any oversight. The push by fourteen Senate democrats for 65,000 refugees along with the eighty-four mayors is only the beginning though, as seventy-two House democrats have also joined this coalition.In letter on September 11, 2015, initiated by Rep. David Cicilline (D-RI.) and signed by seventy-one democrats, they urge Obama to resettle over three times the 65,000 refugees initially pushed for by the Senate democrats back in May. The House democrats cite Refugee Council USA, just as the fourteen Senators did, and recommend that the United States resettle a minimum of 200,000 refugees by the end of 2016, including 100,000 Syrian refugees. Neglecting the fact that the FBI has stated that they have no way of properly vetting the 2,500 Syrian refugees that we’ve already accepted, it further goes to show how little these Senators, Representatives, Mayors, and VOLAGs care about the repercussions of admitting 100,000 into our country.In her book, Refugee Resettlement and the Hijra to America, Ann Corcoran explains that Refugee resettlement has become a major money-maker for what can only be described as the Religious Left, whose goal is to change the demographic make-up of the 180-plus cities and towns in which they presently work. Corcorans statement perfectly describes exactly what is happening as push for more and more refugees comes solely from the Left. Whether it be Mayors, Senators, or Representatives in the House, they’re all seeking to change the demographic make-up of the United States by forcing the taxpayers to subsidize their own destruction.WATCH ANN CORCORAN S POWERFUL VIDEO explaining how the faith-based charities are working with the US State Department to flood our nation with MULSIM refugees HERE:There is plenty of blame to go around when it comes to the willful destruction of the greatest and most generous nation on earth. Ann Corcoran of the Refugee Resettlement Watch has generously provided us with the list of democratic Senators, Mayors and Representatives who make up the coalition which has urged for the destruction of our country via the acceptance of hundreds of thousands of refugees. If your elected official is on this list, Ann highly suggests you contact them and moreover do what you can’to make sure they are never elected into office again.Link to the Senate letter signed by 14 democrats on May 21, 2015 can be found here.Link to the House letter signed by 72 democrats on September 11, 2015 can be found here.Link to the list of 84 Mayors who are members of the Cities United For Immigration Action can be found here.
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: Pope Francis has joined Democrat legislators, along with a handful of RINO s and local mayors to work hand-in-hand with Obama to push immigration from Mexico and South America to the US. Every player in this scheme has their own agenda. Of course, Obama has only one desire, and that is to fundamentally transform America. Democrat legislators are working to secure a dependent voting base. The RINO s (Republicans In Name Only) are beholden to large corporations, whose only goal is to secure cheap labor. Finally, local mayors want the federal funding that comes with placement of each immigrant in their communities. Besides the obvious charitable aspect, what s in it for Pope Francis? What s in it for the Catholic church? Many Catholics (myself included) are wondering why we pass the collection basket more than once several times throughout the year to help subsidize churches, schools and orphanages in Mexico and South America if the ultimate goal is to bring them here? Make no mistake, Pope Francis is interjecting himself into the 2016 Presidential election by walking with illegal aliens on the Mexican side of the border who want to get into the US.This is a direct assault by the Catholic Church on Donald Trump and any other Republicans (including the Governor of Texas) who say they want to close the US border with Mexico.Yesterday, in Ciudad Juarez, one of the most violent cities in the Western Hemisphere thanks to the drug cartels, the pope walked up a ramp covered in flowers toward a cross erected in memory of migrants who have perished trying to reach the United States just a stone s throw away, according to Reuters.The pope then blessed three more small crosses, at which shoes of migrants who died were laid. We cannot deny the humanitarian crisis, Pope Francis intoned. Each step, a journey laden with grave injustices: the enslaved, the imprisoned and extorted; so many of these brothers and sisters of ours are the consequence of trafficking in human beings Injustice is radicalized in the young; they are cannon fodder, persecuted and threatened when they try to flee the’spiral of violence and the hell of drugs. Then there are the many women unjustly robbed of their lives. He concluded, Let us together ask our God for the gift of conversion, the gift of tears, let us ask him to give us open hearts like the Ninevites, open to his call heard in the’suffering faces of countless men and women. No more death! No more exploitation! They are not refugees! People escaping poverty or crime are not legally refugees, but the Pope and the NO Borders Left are purposefully confusing the terminology. They want all migrants-on-the-move to be called REFUGEES who are then entitled to protection and welfare. Why stop at the Mexican border? What about the Iraqi Christian population that s been almost completely wiped out? Why is the Pope standing on the Mexican border demanding we open the flood gates in the name of charity, while tens of thousands of Christians are being slaughtered in the Middle East?Where is the outcry from the Pope as the Catholic Charities/U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops (CC/USCCB) are being paid BILLIONS to bring mostly MUSLIM immigrants, who are being vetted by the corrupt UN to the US from the Middle East, and strategically seeding them across the United States? The following map provided by the Office of Refugee Resettlement identifies where the primary nine VOLAGs operate within America and where their affiliate sites are located:Here is the list of Charities who work with the US Department s Refugee Resettlement Program: CWS Church World Service ECDC Ethiopian Community Development Council HIAS Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society IRC International Rescue Committee LIRS Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Services CC/USCCB Catholic Charities/U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops USCRI U.S. Committee for Refugees and Immigrants EMM Episcopal Migration Ministries WRI World Relief Inc.Additionally, there are 350 subcontractors in 190 cities affiliated with the nine main refugee VOLAGs and the chart below lists the amount of money awarded by the federal government to these contractors since 2008.As you can see the amount of money that has been awarded to these non-governmental organizations is enormous with the total since 2008 amounting to over $4 billion.Simpson notes that because they are non-governmental organizations (NGOs), they can and do lobby for advantageous changes to law and build allies in Congress and the bureaucracy, all fertilized by an open spigot of taxpayer dollars. From this point, as an American, you should be absolutely stunned at what is going on behind the’scenes without your knowledge nor your input in regards to the fact that your taxpayer money along with your elected officials are undermining your security by allowing these organizations operate without any oversight. The push by fourteen Senate democrats for 65,000 refugees along with the eighty-four mayors is only the beginning though, as seventy-two House democrats have also joined this coalition.In letter on September 11, 2015, initiated by Rep. David Cicilline (D-RI.) and signed by seventy-one democrats, they urge Obama to resettle over three times the 65,000 refugees initially pushed for by the Senate democrats back in May. The House democrats cite Refugee Council USA, just as the fourteen Senators did, and recommend that the United States resettle a minimum of 200,000 refugees by the end of 2016, including 100,000 Syrian refugees. Neglecting the fact that the FBI has stated that they have no way of properly vetting the 2,500 Syrian refugees that we’ve already accepted, it further goes to show how little these Senators, Representatives, Mayors, and VOLAGs care about the repercussions of admitting 100,000 into our country.In her book, Refugee Resettlement and the Hijra to America, Ann Corcoran explains that Refugee resettlement has become a major money-maker for what can only be described as the Religious Left, whose goal is to change the demographic make-up of the 180-plus cities and towns in which they presently work. Corcorans statement perfectly describes exactly what is happening as push for more and more refugees comes solely from the Left. Whether it be Mayors, Senators, or Representatives in the House, they’re all seeking to change the demographic make-up of the United States by forcing the taxpayers to subsidize their own destruction.WATCH ANN CORCORAN S POWERFUL VIDEO explaining how the faith-based charities are working with the US State Department to flood our nation with MULSIM refugees HERE:There is plenty of blame to go around when it comes to the willful destruction of the greatest and most generous nation on earth. Ann Corcoran of the Refugee Resettlement Watch has generously provided us with the list of democratic Senators, Mayors and Representatives who make up the coalition which has urged for the destruction of our country via the acceptance of hundreds of thousands of refugees. If your elected official is on this list, Ann highly suggests you contact them and moreover do what you can’to make sure they are never elected into office again.Link to the Senate letter signed by 14 democrats on May 21, 2015 can be found here.Link to the House letter signed by 72 democrats on September 11, 2015 can be found here.Link to the list of 84 Mayors who are members of the Cities United For Immigration Action can be found here.
Former Republican Senator Dan Coats of Indiana is the leading candidate to serve as U.S. President-elect Donald Trump’s director of national intelligence, NBC News reported on Wednesday, citing sources familiar with the discussions. Coats met with Trump on Nov. 30 at Trump Tower in New York City.
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: Former Republican Senator Dan Coats of Indiana is the leading candidate to serve as U.S. President-elect Donald Trump’s director of national intelligence, NBC News reported on Wednesday, citing sources familiar with the discussions. Coats met with Trump on Nov. 30 at Trump Tower in New York City.
Marine Corps Veteran Frank Biggio appreciates your recognition of his services, but he doesn’t want it anymore. This year is far too important. Instead, he’says, he wants you to vote and he wants you to vote for Hillary Clinton.In an op-ed in, Biggio outlined strong differences between the two major party candidates, and for him, Trump is unacceptable:One of our options includes a man who has glibly spoken about using nuclear weapons in Europe and the Middle East and seems unconcerned about nuclear proliferation by other countries simply because it is going to happen anyway; who fails to comprehend the deterrent effect of U.S. troops in South Korea against increasingly belligerent threats by North Korea; who would allow NATO member states on Russia s western border to fall to Kremlin aggressions unless they pay up; and who has denigrated the family of an Army captain killed in action while serving his country.This is a mercurial man who will have almost unchecked authority to put uniformed men and women in harm s way, but whose understanding of foreign affairs and military strategy is based almost solely on his instincts rather than analysis.Biggio goes on to say that he has served under many commanders and none of them have resorted to primitive and distracting antics like belligerent shouting or chest thumping. He also wrote about how every commander he’s served under is humble with victories and takes responsibility for failures. Trump, he’said, would never credit his team for success and he d never take blame for failure. Instead, Biggio compared Trump to the fictional Captain Queeg in The Caine Mutiny :Trump is no Eisenhower. He s more like the fictional Captain Queeg played by Humphrey Bogart in The Caine Mutiny paranoid, erratic, condescending and ultimately incompetent. There are many other apt analogies, but each is equally frightening when thinking of Trump directing the deployment of our military to today s ambiguous front lines, perhaps just to prove that he can.Biggio is concerned for the 2.2 million members of the military if Trump is elected:Will we elect a man who, without offering any clarity, boasts that he will be so good at the military, your head will spin, as if his high school graduation from a military academy validates that claim, and hopes that the electorate will simply trust that will be so? Whose behavior and public comments cause a collective group of 50 foreign policy experts, most of whom are from the Republican Party and have at one time sat in the White House Situation Room and contemplated the implications and repercussions of deploying our military, to publicly denounce him and the’security and foreign policy positions he has proposed?Biggio agrees with many that Clinton is not without flaws (who is?), but he admires and respects her experience, her pragmatism and the fact that she knows when to be decisive and when to exhibit restraint:This Election Day, please thank me for my service by voting for Hillary Clinton as our president and commander in chief.We will, Major Biggio.Featured image via Cherie Cullen/Getty Images.
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: Marine Corps Veteran Frank Biggio appreciates your recognition of his services, but he doesn’t want it anymore. This year is far too important. Instead, he’says, he wants you to vote and he wants you to vote for Hillary Clinton.In an op-ed in, Biggio outlined strong differences between the two major party candidates, and for him, Trump is unacceptable:One of our options includes a man who has glibly spoken about using nuclear weapons in Europe and the Middle East and seems unconcerned about nuclear proliferation by other countries simply because it is going to happen anyway; who fails to comprehend the deterrent effect of U.S. troops in South Korea against increasingly belligerent threats by North Korea; who would allow NATO member states on Russia s western border to fall to Kremlin aggressions unless they pay up; and who has denigrated the family of an Army captain killed in action while serving his country.This is a mercurial man who will have almost unchecked authority to put uniformed men and women in harm s way, but whose understanding of foreign affairs and military strategy is based almost solely on his instincts rather than analysis.Biggio goes on to say that he has served under many commanders and none of them have resorted to primitive and distracting antics like belligerent shouting or chest thumping. He also wrote about how every commander he’s served under is humble with victories and takes responsibility for failures. Trump, he’said, would never credit his team for success and he d never take blame for failure. Instead, Biggio compared Trump to the fictional Captain Queeg in The Caine Mutiny :Trump is no Eisenhower. He s more like the fictional Captain Queeg played by Humphrey Bogart in The Caine Mutiny paranoid, erratic, condescending and ultimately incompetent. There are many other apt analogies, but each is equally frightening when thinking of Trump directing the deployment of our military to today s ambiguous front lines, perhaps just to prove that he can.Biggio is concerned for the 2.2 million members of the military if Trump is elected:Will we elect a man who, without offering any clarity, boasts that he will be so good at the military, your head will spin, as if his high school graduation from a military academy validates that claim, and hopes that the electorate will simply trust that will be so? Whose behavior and public comments cause a collective group of 50 foreign policy experts, most of whom are from the Republican Party and have at one time sat in the White House Situation Room and contemplated the implications and repercussions of deploying our military, to publicly denounce him and the’security and foreign policy positions he has proposed?Biggio agrees with many that Clinton is not without flaws (who is?), but he admires and respects her experience, her pragmatism and the fact that she knows when to be decisive and when to exhibit restraint:This Election Day, please thank me for my service by voting for Hillary Clinton as our president and commander in chief.We will, Major Biggio.Featured image via Cherie Cullen/Getty Images.
The Environmental Protection Agency confirmed on Wednesday it would reopen a review of whether the Obama administration’s 2022-2025 vehicle emission rules are feasible, a win for automakers which have urged the Trump administration to reverse a January decision to uphold the standards. The EPA said it would make a determination by April 2018 after the Obama administration sought in January to lock in the rules. Environmentalists say the rules save fuel and reduce greenhouse gases. “These standards are costly for automakers and the American people,” said EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt in a statement.
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: The Environmental Protection Agency confirmed on Wednesday it would reopen a review of whether the Obama administration’s 2022-2025 vehicle emission rules are feasible, a win for automakers which have urged the Trump administration to reverse a January decision to uphold the standards. The EPA said it would make a determination by April 2018 after the Obama administration sought in January to lock in the rules. Environmentalists say the rules save fuel and reduce greenhouse gases. “These standards are costly for automakers and the American people,” said EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt in a statement.
Spain s economy is expected to be impacted by the political crisis with Catalonia next year, Spanish Economy Minister Luis de Guindos said on Monday. For 2018, we expect growth of 2.3 percent, which would be 2.7 or 2.8 percent without the Catalan issue, he told reporters as he arrived at a meeting with his EU counterparts. The government had already lowered the 2018 forecast from 2.6 percent to 2.3 percent last month due to Catalonia. (This version of the story corrects quote)
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: Spain s economy is expected to be impacted by the political crisis with Catalonia next year, Spanish Economy Minister Luis de Guindos said on Monday. For 2018, we expect growth of 2.3 percent, which would be 2.7 or 2.8 percent without the Catalan issue, he told reporters as he arrived at a meeting with his EU counterparts. The government had already lowered the 2018 forecast from 2.6 percent to 2.3 percent last month due to Catalonia. (This version of the story corrects quote)
Walt Disney Co (DIS.N) Chief Executive Bob Iger on Wednesday defended his seat on President Trump’s business advisory council as an opportunity to voice opinions that will benefit the company and its shareholders. Facing questions regarding his inclusion on the council at the Disney’s annual shareholders meeting, the chief executive said he had no plans to step down from the group, as some critics have urged him to do. In response to one question, Iger said he did not believe his membership “supports or endorses” Trump’s policies. Another speaker, who identified himself as a member of the Colorado People’s Alliance, said Iger’s decision to remain on the council suggests Disney “is tacitly endorsing Trump’s agenda.” Iger, however, referenced a song from the Broadway musical “Hamilton” called “The Room Where It Happens,” saying it was important to have input in a forum where policies are being shaped. “I think there is an opportunity, when you are in the room where it happens, to express opinions I believe would be in the best interest of the company and its shareholders,” he said at meeting held in Denver. Iger said he would at times express views “likely to be adversarial” to the president. Uber Technologies Inc UBER.UL Chief Executive Officer Travis Kalanick quit Trump’s advisory group in February amid pressure from activists and employees who opposed the administration’s immigration policies. Iger said immigration had helped Disney in many ways, citing the issue as an example of something he could address on the Trump advisory council. The United States and Disney have “benefited from an open and fair immigration policy,” Iger said. “I don’t happen to believe policies that single people out by religion are fair and just.” Iger skipped the first meeting of Trump’s advisory council in February to attend a previously scheduled board meeting. He fielded several questions on political topics at the meeting with another speaker suggesting that Disney-owned ABC News holds a liberal political bias, a charge Iger vigorously rejected. “They work very, very hard to present news in a fair way,” Iger said, adding that he did not agree the media was “an enemy of the people,” as Trump has written on Twitter. Iger said there were times the Obama administration disliked coverage by ABC News. “I am proud of the fact news can be an adversary,” Iger said.
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: Walt Disney Co (DIS.N) Chief Executive Bob Iger on Wednesday defended his seat on President Trump’s business advisory council as an opportunity to voice opinions that will benefit the company and its shareholders. Facing questions regarding his inclusion on the council at the Disney’s annual shareholders meeting, the chief executive said he had no plans to step down from the group, as some critics have urged him to do. In response to one question, Iger said he did not believe his membership “supports or endorses” Trump’s policies. Another speaker, who identified himself as a member of the Colorado People’s Alliance, said Iger’s decision to remain on the council suggests Disney “is tacitly endorsing Trump’s agenda.” Iger, however, referenced a song from the Broadway musical “Hamilton” called “The Room Where It Happens,” saying it was important to have input in a forum where policies are being shaped. “I think there is an opportunity, when you are in the room where it happens, to express opinions I believe would be in the best interest of the company and its shareholders,” he said at meeting held in Denver. Iger said he would at times express views “likely to be adversarial” to the president. Uber Technologies Inc UBER.UL Chief Executive Officer Travis Kalanick quit Trump’s advisory group in February amid pressure from activists and employees who opposed the administration’s immigration policies. Iger said immigration had helped Disney in many ways, citing the issue as an example of something he could address on the Trump advisory council. The United States and Disney have “benefited from an open and fair immigration policy,” Iger said. “I don’t happen to believe policies that single people out by religion are fair and just.” Iger skipped the first meeting of Trump’s advisory council in February to attend a previously scheduled board meeting. He fielded several questions on political topics at the meeting with another speaker suggesting that Disney-owned ABC News holds a liberal political bias, a charge Iger vigorously rejected. “They work very, very hard to present news in a fair way,” Iger said, adding that he did not agree the media was “an enemy of the people,” as Trump has written on Twitter. Iger said there were times the Obama administration disliked coverage by ABC News. “I am proud of the fact news can be an adversary,” Iger said.
Yesterday, the Imam who calls himself the Imam of peace called out NYC s Democrat mayor, Bill DeBlasio, for ignoring the Imam s warnings about Islamic terror in NYC.About #NYC terrorist attack, I personally sent letters to Mayor De Blasio online & in person about terrorist breeding in NYC.He did nothing. Imam Tawhidi (@Imamofpeace) October 31, 2017In 2016, I told Mayor De Blasio that I was in NYC and noticed some hot radical centres. I was willing to point out serious cases. Ignored! Imam Tawhidi (@Imamofpeace) October 31, 2017When critics came after him, Imam Tawhidi announced that he would release his letter to DeBlasio warning him of Islamic extremists in NY.I ll be releasing my 2016 letter to Mayor De Blasio warning him of Islamic extremists in NY upon my landing . His office is a proven FAIL! Imam Tawhidi (@Imamofpeace) November 1, 2017The popular Imam is not shy about his thoughts on radical Islam.The Islamic world is infested with extremists. Whoever denies this is either unaware of what s going on or simply a benefiting politician. Imam Tawhidi (@Imamofpeace) November 1, 2017He s not shy about calling out the hypocrisy in Islamic politics eitherIslamic politics is amazing. We behead each other with our own knives, stone with our own stones, then our leaders blame the USA. Spot on . Imam Tawhidi (@Imamofpeace) August 11, 2017Today, Imam Tawhidi called out CBS for making the NYC terrorist appear to be white in their New York attack suspect: Who is Sayfullo Habibullaevic Saipov? article.Here s the image CBS used in their story:Here s the Imam s tweet:CBS tried to make terrorist Saipov white, I m glad they’didn’t make his eyes blue as well. Imam Tawhidi (@Imamofpeace) November 1, 2017This isn’t the first time that a liberal media outlet has been accused of white-washing an image of a high-profile killer to fit a certain liberal narrative.Conservative Treehouse accused CNN of whitewashing the’selfie image of Oregon Umpqua College killer, Christopher Mercer, that he uploaded to his Facebook page. On the right is how CNN presented the’same selfie in broadcast stories about him. Why did CNN need to change the complexion (color) of their broadcast?What are your thoughts? Do you believe CBS intentionally white-washed the image of the New York City terrorist? We d like to hear what you have to say. Please tell us what you think in the comment section below.
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: Yesterday, the Imam who calls himself the Imam of peace called out NYC s Democrat mayor, Bill DeBlasio, for ignoring the Imam s warnings about Islamic terror in NYC.About #NYC terrorist attack, I personally sent letters to Mayor De Blasio online & in person about terrorist breeding in NYC.He did nothing. Imam Tawhidi (@Imamofpeace) October 31, 2017In 2016, I told Mayor De Blasio that I was in NYC and noticed some hot radical centres. I was willing to point out serious cases. Ignored! Imam Tawhidi (@Imamofpeace) October 31, 2017When critics came after him, Imam Tawhidi announced that he would release his letter to DeBlasio warning him of Islamic extremists in NY.I ll be releasing my 2016 letter to Mayor De Blasio warning him of Islamic extremists in NY upon my landing . His office is a proven FAIL! Imam Tawhidi (@Imamofpeace) November 1, 2017The popular Imam is not shy about his thoughts on radical Islam.The Islamic world is infested with extremists. Whoever denies this is either unaware of what s going on or simply a benefiting politician. Imam Tawhidi (@Imamofpeace) November 1, 2017He s not shy about calling out the hypocrisy in Islamic politics eitherIslamic politics is amazing. We behead each other with our own knives, stone with our own stones, then our leaders blame the USA. Spot on . Imam Tawhidi (@Imamofpeace) August 11, 2017Today, Imam Tawhidi called out CBS for making the NYC terrorist appear to be white in their New York attack suspect: Who is Sayfullo Habibullaevic Saipov? article.Here s the image CBS used in their story:Here s the Imam s tweet:CBS tried to make terrorist Saipov white, I m glad they’didn’t make his eyes blue as well. Imam Tawhidi (@Imamofpeace) November 1, 2017This isn’t the first time that a liberal media outlet has been accused of white-washing an image of a high-profile killer to fit a certain liberal narrative.Conservative Treehouse accused CNN of whitewashing the’selfie image of Oregon Umpqua College killer, Christopher Mercer, that he uploaded to his Facebook page. On the right is how CNN presented the’same selfie in broadcast stories about him. Why did CNN need to change the complexion (color) of their broadcast?What are your thoughts? Do you believe CBS intentionally white-washed the image of the New York City terrorist? We d like to hear what you have to say. Please tell us what you think in the comment section below.
He asked me if I wanted it back and I said, no!' The veteran who gave Donald Trump his Purple Heart medal during a campaign rally in Ashburn, Virginia, on Tuesday joined Jenna Lee on Happening Now to explain his gesture.Retired Lt. Col. Louis Dorfman said that he gave Trump his medal because he wants the Republican nominee to remember all the people who have fought and died for our country.Dorfman said that when he’shook Trump’s hand and gave him the medal, they had a very genuine moment.Lee asked Dorfman about Trump’s controversial remark upon receiving the medal: I always wanted to get the Purple Heart. This was much easier. He took it in the manner in which I gave is, Dorfman said, adding that Trump wasn’t trying to be offensive with his comment.Why do you believe in him? Lee asked. I just think he d make a good commander-in-chief, Dorfman said. I like what he’says. WATCH HERE:Via: FOX News
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: He asked me if I wanted it back and I said, no!' The veteran who gave Donald Trump his Purple Heart medal during a campaign rally in Ashburn, Virginia, on Tuesday joined Jenna Lee on Happening Now to explain his gesture.Retired Lt. Col. Louis Dorfman said that he gave Trump his medal because he wants the Republican nominee to remember all the people who have fought and died for our country.Dorfman said that when he’shook Trump’s hand and gave him the medal, they had a very genuine moment.Lee asked Dorfman about Trump’s controversial remark upon receiving the medal: I always wanted to get the Purple Heart. This was much easier. He took it in the manner in which I gave is, Dorfman said, adding that Trump wasn’t trying to be offensive with his comment.Why do you believe in him? Lee asked. I just think he d make a good commander-in-chief, Dorfman said. I like what he’says. WATCH HERE:Via: FOX News
At the end of an illustrated book written for children in Myanmar, a much-loved village teacher who has planted many trees and a beautiful garden tells his students that the time has come for him to leave them. Oh students, he says. I won t be here but you will still have the trees to give you fruit and shade and take care of you every year. So you will remember me and not be so sad. The author of The Gardener was Wa Lone, one of two Reuters journalists who were arrested in Yangon last week and accused of violating the country s colonial-era Official Secrets Act. Wa Lone, 31, and Kyaw Soe Oo, 27, had worked on Reuters coverage of a crisis that has seen some 650,000 Rohingya Muslims flee from a fierce military crackdown on militants in the western state of Rakhine. They have not been seen for a week. The Gardener is one of a series published by The Third Story Project, a venture co-founded by Wa Lone that produces books in Burmese, other Myanmar languages and English and distributes them free to children across the country. On the project s website, Wa Lone says the aim was to promote tolerance and harmony in an increasingly multicultural and diverse world. Lack of understanding has led to conflicts between different communities and finally destroyed peace and stability, he wrote. I love every Third Story book because they address important issues for future generations. In Wa Lone s story, which also carries a message of the importance of protecting the environment, the teacher scatters seeds from his bicycle on the journey to school and years later they have grown into huge trees. He also plants a garden with his students and, there, he tells them stories. He leaves them one day to help another village, where all the trees had been cut down and there was no fruit, water or shelter for the people and animals. The last page of the story shows a figure in the distance and the words: The teacher said goodbye to his students and rode his old bicycle down the road toward the other village.
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: At the end of an illustrated book written for children in Myanmar, a much-loved village teacher who has planted many trees and a beautiful garden tells his students that the time has come for him to leave them. Oh students, he says. I won t be here but you will still have the trees to give you fruit and shade and take care of you every year. So you will remember me and not be so sad. The author of The Gardener was Wa Lone, one of two Reuters journalists who were arrested in Yangon last week and accused of violating the country s colonial-era Official Secrets Act. Wa Lone, 31, and Kyaw Soe Oo, 27, had worked on Reuters coverage of a crisis that has seen some 650,000 Rohingya Muslims flee from a fierce military crackdown on militants in the western state of Rakhine. They have not been seen for a week. The Gardener is one of a series published by The Third Story Project, a venture co-founded by Wa Lone that produces books in Burmese, other Myanmar languages and English and distributes them free to children across the country. On the project s website, Wa Lone says the aim was to promote tolerance and harmony in an increasingly multicultural and diverse world. Lack of understanding has led to conflicts between different communities and finally destroyed peace and stability, he wrote. I love every Third Story book because they address important issues for future generations. In Wa Lone s story, which also carries a message of the importance of protecting the environment, the teacher scatters seeds from his bicycle on the journey to school and years later they have grown into huge trees. He also plants a garden with his students and, there, he tells them stories. He leaves them one day to help another village, where all the trees had been cut down and there was no fruit, water or shelter for the people and animals. The last page of the story shows a figure in the distance and the words: The teacher said goodbye to his students and rode his old bicycle down the road toward the other village.
Obama s narcacism was in full swing on Saturday night at the 46th Annual Legislative Conference Phoenix Awards Dinner of the Congressional Black Caucus. He spoke for almost a half an hour about how good he has been for the country, and then he manages to tell the room that they need to vote for Hillary to keep from insulting his legacy! Oh, how the mighty have fallen. My name may not be on the ballot but our progress is on the ballot. Tolerance is on the ballot. Democracy is on the ballot. Justice is on the ballot. Good schools are on the ballot. Ending mass incarceration, that s on the ballot right now. And there is one candidate who will advance those things. And there is another candidate whose defining principle, the central theme of hos candidacy is opposition to all that we have done. There s no such thing as a vote that doesn’t matter. It all matters, and after we have achieved historic turnout in 2008 and 2012, especially in the African-American community, I will consider it a personal insult, an insult to my legacy, if this community lets down its guard and fails to activate itself in this election. You want to give me a good sendoff? Go vote! H/T [ Breitbart ]
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: Obama s narcacism was in full swing on Saturday night at the 46th Annual Legislative Conference Phoenix Awards Dinner of the Congressional Black Caucus. He spoke for almost a half an hour about how good he has been for the country, and then he manages to tell the room that they need to vote for Hillary to keep from insulting his legacy! Oh, how the mighty have fallen. My name may not be on the ballot but our progress is on the ballot. Tolerance is on the ballot. Democracy is on the ballot. Justice is on the ballot. Good schools are on the ballot. Ending mass incarceration, that s on the ballot right now. And there is one candidate who will advance those things. And there is another candidate whose defining principle, the central theme of hos candidacy is opposition to all that we have done. There s no such thing as a vote that doesn’t matter. It all matters, and after we have achieved historic turnout in 2008 and 2012, especially in the African-American community, I will consider it a personal insult, an insult to my legacy, if this community lets down its guard and fails to activate itself in this election. You want to give me a good sendoff? Go vote! H/T [ Breitbart ]
Just another tolerant violent liberal, shooting a man who defended his nation because he didn’t agree with his opinion Who gave the Left the green light to use violence to shut up an opposing view?A political discussion at a bar in Cleveland ended with a Vietnam vet being shot in the leg because of his support for Donald Trump.60-year-old Paul Jones, Jr. was having a conversation with a friend at Winston s Place near E. 131st Street and Miles Avenue on Monday evening.A man sitting nearby overheard the chat and immediately became aggressive. He butted in the conversation, Jones told WEWS from his hospital bed. The conversation wasn’t directed at him or to him. The man continued to get more irate, going to his car to retrieve a gun before he returned and shot Jones in the thigh.The’shooter fled the’scene and detectives are still searching for him. I m quite sure you have a lot of people having their own opinions. But that doesn’t mean you should hurt somebody because you have your own opinion, said Jones mother Latosca.Via: InfoWarsh/t Gateway Pundit
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: Just another tolerant violent liberal, shooting a man who defended his nation because he didn’t agree with his opinion Who gave the Left the green light to use violence to shut up an opposing view?A political discussion at a bar in Cleveland ended with a Vietnam vet being shot in the leg because of his support for Donald Trump.60-year-old Paul Jones, Jr. was having a conversation with a friend at Winston s Place near E. 131st Street and Miles Avenue on Monday evening.A man sitting nearby overheard the chat and immediately became aggressive. He butted in the conversation, Jones told WEWS from his hospital bed. The conversation wasn’t directed at him or to him. The man continued to get more irate, going to his car to retrieve a gun before he returned and shot Jones in the thigh.The’shooter fled the’scene and detectives are still searching for him. I m quite sure you have a lot of people having their own opinions. But that doesn’t mean you should hurt somebody because you have your own opinion, said Jones mother Latosca.Via: InfoWarsh/t Gateway Pundit
Two people were injured during a shoe-sale shootout at the Brooklyn Shopping Center, in Madison, Minnesota on Saturday.According to witnesses, there was an altercation between customers who were waiting in line to purchase a pair of Air Jordans, which were on sale at the mall s Foot Locker.The New York Daily News reports that about sixty customers turned out for the’shoe sale, but the’store only had ten pairs of Air Jordans in stock.A brawl that apparently started after someone was accused of cutting in front of another customer in line, escalated into a shooting that injured two people. There was a little altercation over the’shoes about someone in line. It was a lot of commotion. I don’t know who was shooting, but somebody started shooting like six times, said Latoya Sims, another witness to the’shooting.The little altercation quickly escalated into a life-or-death scenario. According to police, at least a dozen shell casings were collected from the’scene. It was absolutely crazy, Latrissa Favorite, who was at Foot Locker at the time of the’shooting, told WCCO-TV. I heard police screaming Get down, get down. Favorite went on to say, It makes you sad for the people and the mentality and mind frame that we have, that we have to kill somebody. That nobody s life is valued anymore. Saturday s shoe-sale shootout is just one of many recent incidents in which a gun was used as a means of settling what should have been a minor dispute.In January, Addicting Info reported on the deaths of a father and son at a gun store in Mississippi. The pair was killed after an argument over a $25 repair bill escalated into a shootout between two fathers and their two sons.In December we’reported on a shootout between a Florida pastor and a church maintenance worker, that took place inside the Living Water Fellowship Church in Osceola. The maintenance worker was seriously injured during the gunfire exchange, which began after the pastor threatened to fire him.These kinds of incidents are much more common than you might think.Research conducted last year by Duke University Professor, Jeffrey Swanson, found that the vast majority of the 11,000 or so gun homicides that take place every year in the U.S., happen during an argument.As this detailed report from NCR points out, America s gun problem is twofold.First, there are a growing number of Americans who have serious anger issues. Second, there are a growing number of Americans with access to guns at all times, and in almost all places.When you combine angry people with accessible weapons, people get killed during trivial arguments.According to police, both victims of Saturday s mall shootout were treated for injuries that were not life threatening.They were lucky. Sadly, at least 11,000 U.S. citizens will not be fortunate enough to walk away from a shooting this year.Watch the video below, courtesy of WCCO in Minnesota.Image credit: video screen capture via WCCO in Minnesota
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: Two people were injured during a shoe-sale shootout at the Brooklyn Shopping Center, in Madison, Minnesota on Saturday.According to witnesses, there was an altercation between customers who were waiting in line to purchase a pair of Air Jordans, which were on sale at the mall s Foot Locker.The New York Daily News reports that about sixty customers turned out for the’shoe sale, but the’store only had ten pairs of Air Jordans in stock.A brawl that apparently started after someone was accused of cutting in front of another customer in line, escalated into a shooting that injured two people. There was a little altercation over the’shoes about someone in line. It was a lot of commotion. I don’t know who was shooting, but somebody started shooting like six times, said Latoya Sims, another witness to the’shooting.The little altercation quickly escalated into a life-or-death scenario. According to police, at least a dozen shell casings were collected from the’scene. It was absolutely crazy, Latrissa Favorite, who was at Foot Locker at the time of the’shooting, told WCCO-TV. I heard police screaming Get down, get down. Favorite went on to say, It makes you sad for the people and the mentality and mind frame that we have, that we have to kill somebody. That nobody s life is valued anymore. Saturday s shoe-sale shootout is just one of many recent incidents in which a gun was used as a means of settling what should have been a minor dispute.In January, Addicting Info reported on the deaths of a father and son at a gun store in Mississippi. The pair was killed after an argument over a $25 repair bill escalated into a shootout between two fathers and their two sons.In December we’reported on a shootout between a Florida pastor and a church maintenance worker, that took place inside the Living Water Fellowship Church in Osceola. The maintenance worker was seriously injured during the gunfire exchange, which began after the pastor threatened to fire him.These kinds of incidents are much more common than you might think.Research conducted last year by Duke University Professor, Jeffrey Swanson, found that the vast majority of the 11,000 or so gun homicides that take place every year in the U.S., happen during an argument.As this detailed report from NCR points out, America s gun problem is twofold.First, there are a growing number of Americans who have serious anger issues. Second, there are a growing number of Americans with access to guns at all times, and in almost all places.When you combine angry people with accessible weapons, people get killed during trivial arguments.According to police, both victims of Saturday s mall shootout were treated for injuries that were not life threatening.They were lucky. Sadly, at least 11,000 U.S. citizens will not be fortunate enough to walk away from a shooting this year.Watch the video below, courtesy of WCCO in Minnesota.Image credit: video screen capture via WCCO in Minnesota
Republicans just keep digging their political graves deeper.The Affordable Care Act currently provides health insurance to 30 million Americans. The plans are broader than ever before and people can’t be discriminated against just because they have a pre-existing condition.People who didn’t have affordable access to medical care now have it.But Republicans have been trying to take it away from them for years and are still trying to do so even though Americans across the country have made it clear that they support the landmark healthcare law.The latest Republican’to desperately try to justify repealing the Affordable Care Act is Kansas Rep. Roger Marshall, who claims the free market provides better and more affordable healthcare while also claiming that poor people don’t want healthcare. Just like Jesus said, The poor will always be with us, Marshall told STAT News. There is a group of people that just don’t want health care and aren’t going to take care of themselves. But Marshall, like most Republicans, is lying.As it turns out, people who gained health insurance through Medicaid expansion are, in fact, using preventive care services to take care of themselves.So saying that poor people don’t want healthcare is absolutely ridiculous.But Marshall continued to insist that poor people don’t want to take care of themselves. Just, like, homeless people. I think just morally, spiritually, socially, [some people] just don’t want health care. The Medicaid population, which is [on] a free credit card, as a group, do probably the least preventive medicine and taking care of themselves and eating healthy and exercising. And I m not judging, I m just saying socially that s where they are. So there s a group of people that even with unlimited access to health care are only going to use the emergency room when their arm is chopped off or when their pneumonia is so bad they get brought [into] the ER. Again, Medicaid recipients are using preventive services such as mammograms and cholesterol checks by an increase of 60 percent and 20 percent.In addition, Marshall envisions a healthcare system that only the wealthy can afford. In doing so, he based his vision on the hospital he ran before taking office. Our vision was that we would look more like a hotel with customer service that delivered five-star health care, he’said. So our cafeteria looks more like a coffee shop than it does a sterile hospital dining room. We have bright windows everywhere, and outside of every window there s a garden. Thinking that healing is more than just a knife and a needle. The price of a stay at a five-star hotel can range well into the hundreds upwards to thousands of dollars per night, hardly something a low-income American can afford.While Marshall argues that free market healthcare is more affordable, the facts paint a far different picture.For example, a British couple were on vacation in New York when the woman unexpectedly went into labor 11 weeks early. She gave birth at a private hospital and was slapped with a $200,000 medical bill.The’same thing happened to a Canadian woman who was vacationing in Hawaii, only she got slapped with a $1 million medical bill.These are the astronomical prices that Republicans like Marshall think Americans should have to pay. Such prices are financially crippling to low-income Americans, and medical bankruptcy is one of the major reasons why the Affordable Care Act was passed in the first place.Because while Marshall claims that government healthcare is more expensive, had the two women above given birth in their home countries, their care would have been free because Canada and England both have national healthcare services paid for through taxes. Even a private hospital a England would have only cost the British couple $15,000, far lower than the $200,000 bill issued by the kind of five-star American hospital Marshall thinks should be the future of healthcare.In short, Republicans don’t think poor people should get access to affordable healthcare. They think healthcare is for rich people. That s morally repugnant and is exactly why Republicans should be ousted from office en masse in 2018. This country needs a healthcare system that works for everyone. Republicans are content with just letting people die.Featured image via Flickr
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: Republicans just keep digging their political graves deeper.The Affordable Care Act currently provides health insurance to 30 million Americans. The plans are broader than ever before and people can’t be discriminated against just because they have a pre-existing condition.People who didn’t have affordable access to medical care now have it.But Republicans have been trying to take it away from them for years and are still trying to do so even though Americans across the country have made it clear that they support the landmark healthcare law.The latest Republican’to desperately try to justify repealing the Affordable Care Act is Kansas Rep. Roger Marshall, who claims the free market provides better and more affordable healthcare while also claiming that poor people don’t want healthcare. Just like Jesus said, The poor will always be with us, Marshall told STAT News. There is a group of people that just don’t want health care and aren’t going to take care of themselves. But Marshall, like most Republicans, is lying.As it turns out, people who gained health insurance through Medicaid expansion are, in fact, using preventive care services to take care of themselves.So saying that poor people don’t want healthcare is absolutely ridiculous.But Marshall continued to insist that poor people don’t want to take care of themselves. Just, like, homeless people. I think just morally, spiritually, socially, [some people] just don’t want health care. The Medicaid population, which is [on] a free credit card, as a group, do probably the least preventive medicine and taking care of themselves and eating healthy and exercising. And I m not judging, I m just saying socially that s where they are. So there s a group of people that even with unlimited access to health care are only going to use the emergency room when their arm is chopped off or when their pneumonia is so bad they get brought [into] the ER. Again, Medicaid recipients are using preventive services such as mammograms and cholesterol checks by an increase of 60 percent and 20 percent.In addition, Marshall envisions a healthcare system that only the wealthy can afford. In doing so, he based his vision on the hospital he ran before taking office. Our vision was that we would look more like a hotel with customer service that delivered five-star health care, he’said. So our cafeteria looks more like a coffee shop than it does a sterile hospital dining room. We have bright windows everywhere, and outside of every window there s a garden. Thinking that healing is more than just a knife and a needle. The price of a stay at a five-star hotel can range well into the hundreds upwards to thousands of dollars per night, hardly something a low-income American can afford.While Marshall argues that free market healthcare is more affordable, the facts paint a far different picture.For example, a British couple were on vacation in New York when the woman unexpectedly went into labor 11 weeks early. She gave birth at a private hospital and was slapped with a $200,000 medical bill.The’same thing happened to a Canadian woman who was vacationing in Hawaii, only she got slapped with a $1 million medical bill.These are the astronomical prices that Republicans like Marshall think Americans should have to pay. Such prices are financially crippling to low-income Americans, and medical bankruptcy is one of the major reasons why the Affordable Care Act was passed in the first place.Because while Marshall claims that government healthcare is more expensive, had the two women above given birth in their home countries, their care would have been free because Canada and England both have national healthcare services paid for through taxes. Even a private hospital a England would have only cost the British couple $15,000, far lower than the $200,000 bill issued by the kind of five-star American hospital Marshall thinks should be the future of healthcare.In short, Republicans don’t think poor people should get access to affordable healthcare. They think healthcare is for rich people. That s morally repugnant and is exactly why Republicans should be ousted from office en masse in 2018. This country needs a healthcare system that works for everyone. Republicans are content with just letting people die.Featured image via Flickr
Transgender activists and business leaders urged a Texas Senate panel on Friday to scrap legislation that would limit bathroom access for transgender people, saying it was a discriminatory measure that would hurt the state’s economy. More than 250 civil rights activists, executives and others registered to speak to the Republican-dominated Senate as it began consideration of the measure, the most closely watched item on the state’s agenda during a 30-day special session. So-called “bathroom bills” have become a flashpoint of U.S. culture wars, with social conservatives saying they protect public safety and civil rights activists saying the measures allow government-sanctioned bias against transgender people. Ashley Smith, a transgender woman and San Antonio architect, said transgender women suffer more violence than the general public, and a bathroom bill would make her more fearful. “Can’t you see how this legislation would make the very real problem of assault even worse?” she asked members of the Senate Committee on State Affairs. Smith drew wide notice on the internet this week after posting a picture of herself with Republican Governor Greg Abbott, a supporter of the bathroom measure who she suggested had no idea she was transgender. Talk of the bathroom bill has already led to about $66 million in lost convention business, convention officials from Texas’ top cities told the committee. If the measure is enacted, the state could lose about $1.4 billion from lost conventions, sports contests and other events, they said. The main measure under consideration is Senate Bill 3, which says certain restrooms, showers and changing facilities in places such as public schools “must be designated for and used only by persons of the same sex as stated on a person’s birth certificate.” Supporters were few in number on Friday. The bill’s sponsor, Republican Senator Lois Kolkhorst, said SB 3 was about “about much more than bathrooms. “(It) is about finding a balance between the right to declare your gender and the right of a parent to protect their child,” she said. During the regular session that ended in May, the Texas Senate easily passed such a measure. But it died in the state’s House of Representatives under pressure from pro-business Republicans. Political analysts expect a similar pattern for the special session. A similar law in North Carolina, partially repealed in March, prompted the relocation of major sporting events and economic boycotts that were estimated to have cost the state hundreds of millions of dollars.
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: Transgender activists and business leaders urged a Texas Senate panel on Friday to scrap legislation that would limit bathroom access for transgender people, saying it was a discriminatory measure that would hurt the state’s economy. More than 250 civil rights activists, executives and others registered to speak to the Republican-dominated Senate as it began consideration of the measure, the most closely watched item on the state’s agenda during a 30-day special session. So-called “bathroom bills” have become a flashpoint of U.S. culture wars, with social conservatives saying they protect public safety and civil rights activists saying the measures allow government-sanctioned bias against transgender people. Ashley Smith, a transgender woman and San Antonio architect, said transgender women suffer more violence than the general public, and a bathroom bill would make her more fearful. “Can’t you see how this legislation would make the very real problem of assault even worse?” she asked members of the Senate Committee on State Affairs. Smith drew wide notice on the internet this week after posting a picture of herself with Republican Governor Greg Abbott, a supporter of the bathroom measure who she suggested had no idea she was transgender. Talk of the bathroom bill has already led to about $66 million in lost convention business, convention officials from Texas’ top cities told the committee. If the measure is enacted, the state could lose about $1.4 billion from lost conventions, sports contests and other events, they said. The main measure under consideration is Senate Bill 3, which says certain restrooms, showers and changing facilities in places such as public schools “must be designated for and used only by persons of the same sex as stated on a person’s birth certificate.” Supporters were few in number on Friday. The bill’s sponsor, Republican Senator Lois Kolkhorst, said SB 3 was about “about much more than bathrooms. “(It) is about finding a balance between the right to declare your gender and the right of a parent to protect their child,” she said. During the regular session that ended in May, the Texas Senate easily passed such a measure. But it died in the state’s House of Representatives under pressure from pro-business Republicans. Political analysts expect a similar pattern for the special session. A similar law in North Carolina, partially repealed in March, prompted the relocation of major sporting events and economic boycotts that were estimated to have cost the state hundreds of millions of dollars.
A Florida man pleaded guilty on Monday to working with another man to illegally funnel $80,000 in foreign contributions to U.S. President Barack Obama’s joint fundraising committee in 2012 so that a foreign national could attend a campaign event. William Argeros, 57, pleaded guilty in federal court in Newark, New Jersey, to charges that he knowingly and willfully made foreign contributions and donations and made a false declaration to a federal grand jury, prosecutors said. U.S. law prohibits contributions from foreign nationals to candidates or fundraising committees in federal elections. A lawyer for Argeros did not respond to a request for comment. The Tampa, Florida, resident is scheduled to be sentenced on Nov. 9. The proceedings came a month after an earlier guilty plea in the case by Bilal Shehu, a New Jersey limousine driver to whom prosecutors said Argeros facilitated the transferring of $80,000 from a foreign source. Prosecutors said Shehu, a Paramus, New Jersey resident, then provided the money to Obama’s joint fundraising committee so that a foreign national could attend a campaign event on Oct. 8, 2012, in San Francisco. In announcing both guilty pleas, prosecutors have not specifically identified the foreign source of the money or the foreign national. But the cases came after a Republican congressman in 2013 called for investigations into the purchases by Shehu’s family of two $40,000 tickets for a San Francisco fundraiser, one of which was used by now-Albanian Prime Minister Edi Rama. At the October 2012 event, Rama, the Albanian Socialist Party leader, was photographed with Obama. U.S. Representative Dana Rohrabacher of California at the time contended the photo was then used for “deceitful” purposes by Rama to imply a relationship with Obama during Albania’s own election, which brought him into leadership. Prosecutors have said that the foreign national in the case was denied entry to the campaign event but was allowed to be photographed with Obama. Prosecutors said no one on the joint election committee has been accused of any wrongdoing and that it had cooperated fully in the investigation.
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: A Florida man pleaded guilty on Monday to working with another man to illegally funnel $80,000 in foreign contributions to U.S. President Barack Obama’s joint fundraising committee in 2012 so that a foreign national could attend a campaign event. William Argeros, 57, pleaded guilty in federal court in Newark, New Jersey, to charges that he knowingly and willfully made foreign contributions and donations and made a false declaration to a federal grand jury, prosecutors said. U.S. law prohibits contributions from foreign nationals to candidates or fundraising committees in federal elections. A lawyer for Argeros did not respond to a request for comment. The Tampa, Florida, resident is scheduled to be sentenced on Nov. 9. The proceedings came a month after an earlier guilty plea in the case by Bilal Shehu, a New Jersey limousine driver to whom prosecutors said Argeros facilitated the transferring of $80,000 from a foreign source. Prosecutors said Shehu, a Paramus, New Jersey resident, then provided the money to Obama’s joint fundraising committee so that a foreign national could attend a campaign event on Oct. 8, 2012, in San Francisco. In announcing both guilty pleas, prosecutors have not specifically identified the foreign source of the money or the foreign national. But the cases came after a Republican congressman in 2013 called for investigations into the purchases by Shehu’s family of two $40,000 tickets for a San Francisco fundraiser, one of which was used by now-Albanian Prime Minister Edi Rama. At the October 2012 event, Rama, the Albanian Socialist Party leader, was photographed with Obama. U.S. Representative Dana Rohrabacher of California at the time contended the photo was then used for “deceitful” purposes by Rama to imply a relationship with Obama during Albania’s own election, which brought him into leadership. Prosecutors have said that the foreign national in the case was denied entry to the campaign event but was allowed to be photographed with Obama. Prosecutors said no one on the joint election committee has been accused of any wrongdoing and that it had cooperated fully in the investigation.
White supremacists and neo-Nazis have rarely, if ever, in recent history been so enthusiastic about a presidential appointment as Donald Trump’s choice of Steve Bannon to be his chief White House strategist. Before he took over as chief executive of Trump’s campaign in August and led it to victory last week, Bannon headed Breitbart News, a website and voice for the alt-right movement, a loose right-wing confederation that includes hardcore nationalists, neo-Nazis, white supremacists and anti-Semites. Five days after Trump defeated Democrat Hillary Clinton, Trump rewarded Bannon, 62, a former Goldman Sachs banker and a Navy veteran, by appointing him senior counselor and chief strategist - jobs not subject to U.S. Senate confirmation. Democrats, rights activists and minority groups were outraged and said Trump, himself accused of racism and misogyny during the campaign, had just flung open the White House doors to hatemongers. Many urged him to reconsider. “Bringing Steve Bannon into the White House is an alarming signal that President-elect Trump remains committed to the hateful and divisive vision that defined his campaign,” House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi said in a statement on Monday. “There must be no sugar-coating the reality that a white nationalist has been named chief strategist for the Trump administration,” Pelosi said. The Southern Poverty Law Center, the Anti-Defamation League and the Council on American–Islamic Relations (CAIR) also denounced Bannon. Bannon, who grew up in a Democratic family, has a reputation of trying to tear down a Republican Party establishment that he deemed too soft and too entrenched. As a senior adviser to the Republican Trump, Bannon will be expected by far-right groups to champion their views and make sure that Trump, who takes office on Jan. 20, keeps such campaign promises as building a wall on the southern U.S. border, cracking down on Muslims entering the country and restricting the influx of Syrian war refugees. “Perhaps ‘The Donald’ is for real,” Rocky Suhayda, chairman of the American Nazi Party, told CNN. David Duke, a longtime leader of Ku Klux Klan movements, and Richard Spencer, a white nationalist who runs the National Policy Institute, were among the leading alt-right figures to praise Bannon’s appointment. In remarks published in the New York Times on Tuesday, Bannon ascribed his interest in populism and American nationalism to a desire to curb what he views as the corrosive effects of globalization. He rejected what he called the “ethno-nationalist” tendencies of some in the movement. “It’s not that some people on the margins, as in any movement, aren’t bad guys - racists, anti-Semites. But that’s irrelevant,” he told the Times. Political commentator Armstrong Willliams, a close associate of former Republican presidential candidate Ben Carson, said Bannon was “one of the finest and most honorable people I’ve ever met” and not bigoted in any way. The Trump campaign had been struggling to manage Trump’s unconventional candidacy when Bannon took over. He stayed behind the scenes and devised the strategy for the final days of the campaign that kept Trump on message and enabled him to upset Clinton in crucial states such as Michigan. It was Bannon and Jared Kushner, Trump’s son-in-law, who invited three women who accused Bill Clinton of sexual assault to attend a presidential debate in hopes of unnerving Hillary Clinton. Bannon, looking typically unkempt with mussed hair and stubbly chin, grinned from the back of the room as Trump and the women held their pre-debate news conference. “Bannon is a legitimately sinister figure,” Ben Shapiro, who had been editor-in-chief of Breitbart under Bannon, wrote in August on the conservative news website which he founded. “He is a vindictive, nasty figure ... He will attempt to ruin anyone who impedes his unending ambition and he will use anyone bigger than he is - for example, Donald Trump - to get where he wants to go,” Shapiro wrote. ANTI-SEMITISM ACCUSATIONS While Bannon was at Breitbart, it had stories with headlines such as “Birth control makes women unattractive and crazy,” “Political correctness protects Muslim rape culture” and “Hoist it high and proud: The Confederate flag proclaims a glorious heritage.” The site’s pro-Trump agenda featured speculative stories questioning Hillary Clinton’s health and accusing her close aide Huma Abedin of being a Saudi spy. Bannon was charged with domestic violence and battery in 1996 after his then-wife, Mary Louise Piccard, said he grabbed her by the throat and arm during an argument. The case was dropped when she did not appear in court. In 2007 Piccard said in court documents Bannon did not like the school the girls attended because it had too many “whiny brat” Jewish students. Bannon had a varied and profitable career before joining Breitbart. He earned degrees from Virginia Tech, Georgetown University and Harvard Business School and served four years in the Navy. It was his Navy experience, he said, that led him to shed his family’s Democratic allegiance and become an admirer of Republican Ronald Reagan. He was at Goldman Sachs before starting his own investment firm, which specialized in media. Through negotiating a studio sale, he obtained a stake in the royalties for the popular television show “Seinfeld,” a money-making powerhouse in syndication. He was an executive producer of the feature movies “Titus” and “The Indian Runner” before producing, directing or writing conservative-oriented documentaries such as “Clinton Cash” about the Clinton Foundation, “Generation Zero” about the global economic crisis of 2008-2009 and “The Undefeated” on former vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin.
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: White supremacists and neo-Nazis have rarely, if ever, in recent history been so enthusiastic about a presidential appointment as Donald Trump’s choice of Steve Bannon to be his chief White House strategist. Before he took over as chief executive of Trump’s campaign in August and led it to victory last week, Bannon headed Breitbart News, a website and voice for the alt-right movement, a loose right-wing confederation that includes hardcore nationalists, neo-Nazis, white supremacists and anti-Semites. Five days after Trump defeated Democrat Hillary Clinton, Trump rewarded Bannon, 62, a former Goldman Sachs banker and a Navy veteran, by appointing him senior counselor and chief strategist - jobs not subject to U.S. Senate confirmation. Democrats, rights activists and minority groups were outraged and said Trump, himself accused of racism and misogyny during the campaign, had just flung open the White House doors to hatemongers. Many urged him to reconsider. “Bringing Steve Bannon into the White House is an alarming signal that President-elect Trump remains committed to the hateful and divisive vision that defined his campaign,” House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi said in a statement on Monday. “There must be no sugar-coating the reality that a white nationalist has been named chief strategist for the Trump administration,” Pelosi said. The Southern Poverty Law Center, the Anti-Defamation League and the Council on American–Islamic Relations (CAIR) also denounced Bannon. Bannon, who grew up in a Democratic family, has a reputation of trying to tear down a Republican Party establishment that he deemed too soft and too entrenched. As a senior adviser to the Republican Trump, Bannon will be expected by far-right groups to champion their views and make sure that Trump, who takes office on Jan. 20, keeps such campaign promises as building a wall on the southern U.S. border, cracking down on Muslims entering the country and restricting the influx of Syrian war refugees. “Perhaps ‘The Donald’ is for real,” Rocky Suhayda, chairman of the American Nazi Party, told CNN. David Duke, a longtime leader of Ku Klux Klan movements, and Richard Spencer, a white nationalist who runs the National Policy Institute, were among the leading alt-right figures to praise Bannon’s appointment. In remarks published in the New York Times on Tuesday, Bannon ascribed his interest in populism and American nationalism to a desire to curb what he views as the corrosive effects of globalization. He rejected what he called the “ethno-nationalist” tendencies of some in the movement. “It’s not that some people on the margins, as in any movement, aren’t bad guys - racists, anti-Semites. But that’s irrelevant,” he told the Times. Political commentator Armstrong Willliams, a close associate of former Republican presidential candidate Ben Carson, said Bannon was “one of the finest and most honorable people I’ve ever met” and not bigoted in any way. The Trump campaign had been struggling to manage Trump’s unconventional candidacy when Bannon took over. He stayed behind the scenes and devised the strategy for the final days of the campaign that kept Trump on message and enabled him to upset Clinton in crucial states such as Michigan. It was Bannon and Jared Kushner, Trump’s son-in-law, who invited three women who accused Bill Clinton of sexual assault to attend a presidential debate in hopes of unnerving Hillary Clinton. Bannon, looking typically unkempt with mussed hair and stubbly chin, grinned from the back of the room as Trump and the women held their pre-debate news conference. “Bannon is a legitimately sinister figure,” Ben Shapiro, who had been editor-in-chief of Breitbart under Bannon, wrote in August on the conservative news website which he founded. “He is a vindictive, nasty figure ... He will attempt to ruin anyone who impedes his unending ambition and he will use anyone bigger than he is - for example, Donald Trump - to get where he wants to go,” Shapiro wrote. ANTI-SEMITISM ACCUSATIONS While Bannon was at Breitbart, it had stories with headlines such as “Birth control makes women unattractive and crazy,” “Political correctness protects Muslim rape culture” and “Hoist it high and proud: The Confederate flag proclaims a glorious heritage.” The site’s pro-Trump agenda featured speculative stories questioning Hillary Clinton’s health and accusing her close aide Huma Abedin of being a Saudi spy. Bannon was charged with domestic violence and battery in 1996 after his then-wife, Mary Louise Piccard, said he grabbed her by the throat and arm during an argument. The case was dropped when she did not appear in court. In 2007 Piccard said in court documents Bannon did not like the school the girls attended because it had too many “whiny brat” Jewish students. Bannon had a varied and profitable career before joining Breitbart. He earned degrees from Virginia Tech, Georgetown University and Harvard Business School and served four years in the Navy. It was his Navy experience, he said, that led him to shed his family’s Democratic allegiance and become an admirer of Republican Ronald Reagan. He was at Goldman Sachs before starting his own investment firm, which specialized in media. Through negotiating a studio sale, he obtained a stake in the royalties for the popular television show “Seinfeld,” a money-making powerhouse in syndication. He was an executive producer of the feature movies “Titus” and “The Indian Runner” before producing, directing or writing conservative-oriented documentaries such as “Clinton Cash” about the Clinton Foundation, “Generation Zero” about the global economic crisis of 2008-2009 and “The Undefeated” on former vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin.
U.S. coal company shares dipped alongside renewable energy stocks on Wednesday after reports that President Donald Trump plans to pull the United States from a global accord on fighting climate change. The market reaction reflects concerns, raised by some coal companies in recent months, that a U.S. exit from the Paris Climate Agreement could unleash a global backlash against coal interests outside the United States. Peabody Energy, the largest publicly traded U.S. coal company dropped 2.2 percent to $24.29 a share, while Arch Coal fell 0.4 percent to $70.77. A spokesman for Peabody said the company would support a decision by Trump to withdraw from the Paris deal because the “accord is flawed on a number of levels.” Cloud Peak Energy Inc had also urged the Trump administration to stay in the Paris deal to prevent other nations from an aggressive turn against the global coal industry. Its shares were down 0.6 percent to $3.39. A spokesman for Cloud Peak declined to comment. A source briefed on the matter told Reuters that Trump is planning to follow through on his campaign pledge to pull the United States out of the Paris accord, a move designed to help boost domestic energy production and speed economic growth, after weeks of deliberations on the issue. Trump did not confirm the decision, but said he would make an announcement “over the coming days”. A U.S. withdrawal would come over the objections of scores of big U.S. corporations - from Wal-Mart to Exxon Mobil - worried the move will complicate the business landscape instead of bolstering the economy. “For us, our position on the Paris agreement... we need a framework like that to address the risks of climate change,” Exxon Mobil Chief Executive Officer Darren Woods told reporters on the sidelines of the company’s annual general meeting on Wednesday. Exxon had made that case in a recent letter to the White House, he said. Exxon dipped 0.7 percent, ConocoPhillips declined 0.2 percent, and Chevron Corp fell 0.6 percent. Crude oil prices fell to a three-week low on news that recovering Libyan output boosted OPEC crude output in May. Solar energy shares also got hit on Wednesday, with First Solar Inc down 2.5 percent, and SunPower Corp each down 3.4 percent. “Regardless of what the President decides on the accord, we expect America’s solar industry to continue to thrive and create jobs, boost the economy and reduce greenhouse gas emissions,” the Solar Energy Industries Association said in a statement. Shares of Tesla Inc, which recently acquired SolarCity, were up 1.8 percent at $341.01. Tesla CEO Elon Musk said in a Twitter post on Wednesday that he had done “all I can” to convince Trump to stay in the Paris accord, and threatened to leave White House advisory councils if Trump announces a U.S. exit. Trump campaigned on a promise to unravel Obama-era climate regulations to help boost domestic oil, gas and coal production. Company executives, economists, and analysts have expressed skepticism, however, that his deregulatory agenda can alter existing trends away from coal. U.S. carbon emissions have declined to near 30-year lows, a trend driven by increased natural gas use replacing coal. The VanEck Vectors Coal exchange-traded fund fell 1.2 percent to $12.71, not far from a five-month low hit earlier in May. The ETF is on track to fall 7.2 percent this month after rising in the first three months of the year as part of the so-called Trump trade.
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: U.S. coal company shares dipped alongside renewable energy stocks on Wednesday after reports that President Donald Trump plans to pull the United States from a global accord on fighting climate change. The market reaction reflects concerns, raised by some coal companies in recent months, that a U.S. exit from the Paris Climate Agreement could unleash a global backlash against coal interests outside the United States. Peabody Energy, the largest publicly traded U.S. coal company dropped 2.2 percent to $24.29 a share, while Arch Coal fell 0.4 percent to $70.77. A spokesman for Peabody said the company would support a decision by Trump to withdraw from the Paris deal because the “accord is flawed on a number of levels.” Cloud Peak Energy Inc had also urged the Trump administration to stay in the Paris deal to prevent other nations from an aggressive turn against the global coal industry. Its shares were down 0.6 percent to $3.39. A spokesman for Cloud Peak declined to comment. A source briefed on the matter told Reuters that Trump is planning to follow through on his campaign pledge to pull the United States out of the Paris accord, a move designed to help boost domestic energy production and speed economic growth, after weeks of deliberations on the issue. Trump did not confirm the decision, but said he would make an announcement “over the coming days”. A U.S. withdrawal would come over the objections of scores of big U.S. corporations - from Wal-Mart to Exxon Mobil - worried the move will complicate the business landscape instead of bolstering the economy. “For us, our position on the Paris agreement... we need a framework like that to address the risks of climate change,” Exxon Mobil Chief Executive Officer Darren Woods told reporters on the sidelines of the company’s annual general meeting on Wednesday. Exxon had made that case in a recent letter to the White House, he said. Exxon dipped 0.7 percent, ConocoPhillips declined 0.2 percent, and Chevron Corp fell 0.6 percent. Crude oil prices fell to a three-week low on news that recovering Libyan output boosted OPEC crude output in May. Solar energy shares also got hit on Wednesday, with First Solar Inc down 2.5 percent, and SunPower Corp each down 3.4 percent. “Regardless of what the President decides on the accord, we expect America’s solar industry to continue to thrive and create jobs, boost the economy and reduce greenhouse gas emissions,” the Solar Energy Industries Association said in a statement. Shares of Tesla Inc, which recently acquired SolarCity, were up 1.8 percent at $341.01. Tesla CEO Elon Musk said in a Twitter post on Wednesday that he had done “all I can” to convince Trump to stay in the Paris accord, and threatened to leave White House advisory councils if Trump announces a U.S. exit. Trump campaigned on a promise to unravel Obama-era climate regulations to help boost domestic oil, gas and coal production. Company executives, economists, and analysts have expressed skepticism, however, that his deregulatory agenda can alter existing trends away from coal. U.S. carbon emissions have declined to near 30-year lows, a trend driven by increased natural gas use replacing coal. The VanEck Vectors Coal exchange-traded fund fell 1.2 percent to $12.71, not far from a five-month low hit earlier in May. The ETF is on track to fall 7.2 percent this month after rising in the first three months of the year as part of the so-called Trump trade.
Rick Scott has been governor of Florida for just over one term but already the’state is feeling the effects of his conservative fanaticism. While the rest of the country continues to combat the’spread of HIV and the number of people dying from AIDS drops, Florida is seeing the reverse.In a comprehensive review of how Scott s war against government led to his deep slashes in public health funding, the Miami Herald discovered two disturbing facts: Florida now leads the nation in HIV cases, and its biggest county, Miami-Dade, is ground zero.New cases last year totaled 6,240, the highest since 2002. Miami-Dade and Broward together account for 38 percent of that total.Although Florida is among the nation s fastest-growing states, Scott has pushed every year to trim the’state work force, and nearly one quarter of those reductions have been in the Department of Health.The 67 county health departments, largely funded by the’state health agency, have declined to 10,519 positions compared to 12,759 in the year Scott took office. It s indicative of the neglect of this administration across the board in social services, said Sen. Oscar Braynon, D-Miami Gardens. We have a rise in AIDS and we have a reduction in public health spending. We re now cutting just to be cutting. Indeed, Scott is often cited as one of the conservative movement s standard bearers. He s a tax-cutting superstar in the’same vein as Kansas Governor Sam Brownback (who imploded his state s economy) and Michigan Governor Rick Snyder (whose neglect poisoned an entire city).However, he differs from his fellow conservative tax-slashers in that he doesn’t even seem remorseful for the negative impact he’s had. At least Brownback had the decency to break down in tears after destroying his state s job growth. In a disturbing reminder of the Reagan era, when conservative politicians intentionally ignored the AIDS epidemic contributing to the deaths of thousands by their apathy, Scott appears to be unconcerned about this surge in HIV cases. Or perhaps he’s just grown used to it. After his first year in office, the number of HIV cases has grown hand-over-fist.Making matters worse, Scott has routinely fought against working with Obamacare in his state. For years. All the while, HIV cases piled up as his budget cuts took hold. This spells disasters for the victims of HIV because the best and only way to prevent it from turning into the much deadlier AIDS illness is careful health management. You can’t get that if your governor has refused to expand access to health insurance to spite the President.As we’ve seen around the country, Republicans who have grown used to screaming about the tyranny of big government are met with disaster when they attempt to get rid of it. Far from the freedom of living a life of liberty and self-determination, states that try to cut government spending only cause misery for the citizens they are trying to liberate. It s easy to say as a concept that government is bad, but harder to accept that you can no longer get healthcare or build safe roads without it.Florida is learning the hard way that government spending isn’t always wasteful. Oftentimes it is being used to keep the real threats like illness and poverty at bay.Feature image via Gage Skidmore/Flickr
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: Rick Scott has been governor of Florida for just over one term but already the’state is feeling the effects of his conservative fanaticism. While the rest of the country continues to combat the’spread of HIV and the number of people dying from AIDS drops, Florida is seeing the reverse.In a comprehensive review of how Scott s war against government led to his deep slashes in public health funding, the Miami Herald discovered two disturbing facts: Florida now leads the nation in HIV cases, and its biggest county, Miami-Dade, is ground zero.New cases last year totaled 6,240, the highest since 2002. Miami-Dade and Broward together account for 38 percent of that total.Although Florida is among the nation s fastest-growing states, Scott has pushed every year to trim the’state work force, and nearly one quarter of those reductions have been in the Department of Health.The 67 county health departments, largely funded by the’state health agency, have declined to 10,519 positions compared to 12,759 in the year Scott took office. It s indicative of the neglect of this administration across the board in social services, said Sen. Oscar Braynon, D-Miami Gardens. We have a rise in AIDS and we have a reduction in public health spending. We re now cutting just to be cutting. Indeed, Scott is often cited as one of the conservative movement s standard bearers. He s a tax-cutting superstar in the’same vein as Kansas Governor Sam Brownback (who imploded his state s economy) and Michigan Governor Rick Snyder (whose neglect poisoned an entire city).However, he differs from his fellow conservative tax-slashers in that he doesn’t even seem remorseful for the negative impact he’s had. At least Brownback had the decency to break down in tears after destroying his state s job growth. In a disturbing reminder of the Reagan era, when conservative politicians intentionally ignored the AIDS epidemic contributing to the deaths of thousands by their apathy, Scott appears to be unconcerned about this surge in HIV cases. Or perhaps he’s just grown used to it. After his first year in office, the number of HIV cases has grown hand-over-fist.Making matters worse, Scott has routinely fought against working with Obamacare in his state. For years. All the while, HIV cases piled up as his budget cuts took hold. This spells disasters for the victims of HIV because the best and only way to prevent it from turning into the much deadlier AIDS illness is careful health management. You can’t get that if your governor has refused to expand access to health insurance to spite the President.As we’ve seen around the country, Republicans who have grown used to screaming about the tyranny of big government are met with disaster when they attempt to get rid of it. Far from the freedom of living a life of liberty and self-determination, states that try to cut government spending only cause misery for the citizens they are trying to liberate. It s easy to say as a concept that government is bad, but harder to accept that you can no longer get healthcare or build safe roads without it.Florida is learning the hard way that government spending isn’t always wasteful. Oftentimes it is being used to keep the real threats like illness and poverty at bay.Feature image via Gage Skidmore/Flickr
21st Century Wire says This is something which 21WIRE has been warning about for years, ever since the regional police confabs and DHS fusion centers began the new national obsession with Active Shooter drills. In this latest episode of the Daily Shooter, local law enforcement in Punta Gorda, Florida, accidentally use live rounds and fatally shoot an innocent woman participating in a so-called shoot/don’t shoot scenario where a police officer plays the role of the bad guy and the unsuspecting woman the victim. Punta Gorda Police Department (Facebook)Mary Knowlton, 73, was shot by at least one live round, possibly more, during the exercise. She later died at the local hospital.Fatal Fusion DrillAccording to the City of Punta Gorda s website, the decedent and 34 other people were attending a free, eight session course of interactive classes designed to provide insight into City government and to develop future leaders through well informed and civically engaged residents. The program is officially called Citizens Academy and gives citizens an up-close and personal look at how City government functions and helps shape our community. Woman killed in Punta Gorda PD gun demonstration #winknews WINK News (@winknews) August 10, 2016At press time, no media outlets are questioning why Punta Gorda s citizens are being subjected to this level of simulated violence during a government funded civics class. What have we learned? Nothing.READ MORE DAILY SHOOTER NEWS AT: 21st Century Wire Daily Shooter Files
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: 21st Century Wire says This is something which 21WIRE has been warning about for years, ever since the regional police confabs and DHS fusion centers began the new national obsession with Active Shooter drills. In this latest episode of the Daily Shooter, local law enforcement in Punta Gorda, Florida, accidentally use live rounds and fatally shoot an innocent woman participating in a so-called shoot/don’t shoot scenario where a police officer plays the role of the bad guy and the unsuspecting woman the victim. Punta Gorda Police Department (Facebook)Mary Knowlton, 73, was shot by at least one live round, possibly more, during the exercise. She later died at the local hospital.Fatal Fusion DrillAccording to the City of Punta Gorda s website, the decedent and 34 other people were attending a free, eight session course of interactive classes designed to provide insight into City government and to develop future leaders through well informed and civically engaged residents. The program is officially called Citizens Academy and gives citizens an up-close and personal look at how City government functions and helps shape our community. Woman killed in Punta Gorda PD gun demonstration #winknews WINK News (@winknews) August 10, 2016At press time, no media outlets are questioning why Punta Gorda s citizens are being subjected to this level of simulated violence during a government funded civics class. What have we learned? Nothing.READ MORE DAILY SHOOTER NEWS AT: 21st Century Wire Daily Shooter Files
Ted Cruz is a piece of sh*t. Most of the country has known this a long time after observing his rampant homophobia, his willingness to shut down the government every time something happens that he doesn’t like, and his general douchebaggery. Crus s former roommate pointed out earlier in the election season that it has always been this way. After all, he used to make female college students uncomfortable by hanging out near their dorms in a bathrobe and his classmates even had a name for the greasy film he leaves behind on everything he touches. Cruz, who ate a throat booger on national television and ended his campaign by elbowing his wife in the face, is so awful even his own daughter has trouble stomaching a forced touching family moment for the cameras.But Republicans couldn’t seem to see how terrible he really is until his speech at the 2016 Republican National Convention, that is. On Wednesday, the defeated 2016 Stupid Party contender stood on stage and proudly endorsed Donald Trump’s wall, but while many were expecting him to endorse the billionaire himself, they were disappointed. And to those listening, please, don’t stay home in November, Cruz said, falling short of endorsing The Donald. Stand, and speak, and vote your conscience, vote for candidates up and down the ticket who you trust to defend our freedom and to be faithful to the Constitution. Naturally, this angered many Republicans including, apparently, GOP megadonor Sheldon Adelson. When Cruz tried to approach Adelson s suite, he was turned away at the door. Cruz was initially invited to join the Adelsons, but a senior aide to the Las Vegas casino magnate says that invite was rescinded when Cruz failed to endorse Trump. When he didn’t endorse, they were stunned and disappointed, Adelson aide Andy Abboud told CNN. We could not allow Ted Cruz to use the Adelsons as a prop against Donald Trump. The Adelsons support Donald Trump and made that clear. They like Ted Cruz, but there was no way the Adelsons were going to be the first stop after not endorsing, he continued. That would be disrespectful to our nominee. Abboud then tweeted a photo of the Adelsons with Trump just to rub a little salt in the wound:The Adelson s with their choice for President! Andy Abboud (@AndyAbboud) July 21, 2016After the’speech, Trump went on the attack, as well:Wow, Ted Cruz got booed off the’stage, didn't honor the pledge! I saw his speech two hours early but let him speak anyway. No big deal! Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) July 21, 2016Hillary Clinton seized on the turmoil to encourage people to vote for her:Vote your conscience. Hillary Clinton (@HillaryClinton) July 21, 2016An unnamed former Senator gave a more direct reason for why Cruz was turned away, one with which we can all agree:For his part, the Texas Senator says he is not surprised with the reaction after committing what Trump Lawyer Michael Cohen called political suicide. He expected people to not approve, a source close to Cruz told CNN. Not surprised at the reaction. Watch Cruz s speech below, if you can stomach looking at his face for more than a few seconds:Featured image via screengrab
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: Ted Cruz is a piece of sh*t. Most of the country has known this a long time after observing his rampant homophobia, his willingness to shut down the government every time something happens that he doesn’t like, and his general douchebaggery. Crus s former roommate pointed out earlier in the election season that it has always been this way. After all, he used to make female college students uncomfortable by hanging out near their dorms in a bathrobe and his classmates even had a name for the greasy film he leaves behind on everything he touches. Cruz, who ate a throat booger on national television and ended his campaign by elbowing his wife in the face, is so awful even his own daughter has trouble stomaching a forced touching family moment for the cameras.But Republicans couldn’t seem to see how terrible he really is until his speech at the 2016 Republican National Convention, that is. On Wednesday, the defeated 2016 Stupid Party contender stood on stage and proudly endorsed Donald Trump’s wall, but while many were expecting him to endorse the billionaire himself, they were disappointed. And to those listening, please, don’t stay home in November, Cruz said, falling short of endorsing The Donald. Stand, and speak, and vote your conscience, vote for candidates up and down the ticket who you trust to defend our freedom and to be faithful to the Constitution. Naturally, this angered many Republicans including, apparently, GOP megadonor Sheldon Adelson. When Cruz tried to approach Adelson s suite, he was turned away at the door. Cruz was initially invited to join the Adelsons, but a senior aide to the Las Vegas casino magnate says that invite was rescinded when Cruz failed to endorse Trump. When he didn’t endorse, they were stunned and disappointed, Adelson aide Andy Abboud told CNN. We could not allow Ted Cruz to use the Adelsons as a prop against Donald Trump. The Adelsons support Donald Trump and made that clear. They like Ted Cruz, but there was no way the Adelsons were going to be the first stop after not endorsing, he continued. That would be disrespectful to our nominee. Abboud then tweeted a photo of the Adelsons with Trump just to rub a little salt in the wound:The Adelson s with their choice for President! Andy Abboud (@AndyAbboud) July 21, 2016After the’speech, Trump went on the attack, as well:Wow, Ted Cruz got booed off the’stage, didn't honor the pledge! I saw his speech two hours early but let him speak anyway. No big deal! Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) July 21, 2016Hillary Clinton seized on the turmoil to encourage people to vote for her:Vote your conscience. Hillary Clinton (@HillaryClinton) July 21, 2016An unnamed former Senator gave a more direct reason for why Cruz was turned away, one with which we can all agree:For his part, the Texas Senator says he is not surprised with the reaction after committing what Trump Lawyer Michael Cohen called political suicide. He expected people to not approve, a source close to Cruz told CNN. Not surprised at the reaction. Watch Cruz s speech below, if you can stomach looking at his face for more than a few seconds:Featured image via screengrab
Former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper on Friday said James Comey has told him he was “uneasy” with a planned dinner in January with President Donald Trump that has come under renewed scrutiny this week after Trump fired the now-former FBI director. Clapper, in an interview with MSNBC, said he had spoken with Comey at an unrelated event hours before the White House dinner and that the FBI chief “was uneasy with it” because of the potential appearance of compromising the Federal Bureau of Investigation’s independence.
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: Former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper on Friday said James Comey has told him he was “uneasy” with a planned dinner in January with President Donald Trump that has come under renewed scrutiny this week after Trump fired the now-former FBI director. Clapper, in an interview with MSNBC, said he had spoken with Comey at an unrelated event hours before the White House dinner and that the FBI chief “was uneasy with it” because of the potential appearance of compromising the Federal Bureau of Investigation’s independence.
With the election of Donald Trump, many people are pointing fingers in many different directions to try and figure out what exactly just happened. How the hell did the United States just elect a failed businessman turned reality television host and beauty pageant coordinator to Commander-in-Chief?Perhaps, in part, the media is very much to blame. They treated Trump’s campaign as a joke for the better first half of it, likely not thinking he would get as far as he has. He was entertainment. People tuned into to see whatever crazy thing Trump’said next. Unlike his competition, pretty much every rally was televised, he had endless interviews and free air time, and he was sensationalized beyond comprehension.No one was really calling out the awful things he was saying in the mainstream media that was left to those on Twitter on the liberal blogosphere. Ironically, the’same liberal blogosphere that is being blamed for his win and dubbed fake news by those who don’t like to admit its honest relevancy. They were some of the only ones to highlight how horrific Trump actually is.Cornering Jake Tapper of CNN at Los Angeles International Airport was none other than TMZ. They asked Tapper about the media s role in the election, and he responded: Well, that s an extremely loaded question. I think there were a lot of media mistakes this season in all sorts of directions. I think polling needs to be re-examined quite a bit. Adding: This is probably a subject for a three-hour dissertation, not an airport drive-by. Certainly there s a lot of people whose behavior and professionalism this election season should be re-examined, thinking about how to do better and how to be better. That s saying it lightly. The mainstream media didn’t do its job. They propped Trump up on a pedestal but at the’same time never took him seriously enough to properly criticize the horrifying things he consistently said. So yes, we do need to think about how to do better and how to be better.Watch the interview via TMZ here:Featured image via video screen capture
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: With the election of Donald Trump, many people are pointing fingers in many different directions to try and figure out what exactly just happened. How the hell did the United States just elect a failed businessman turned reality television host and beauty pageant coordinator to Commander-in-Chief?Perhaps, in part, the media is very much to blame. They treated Trump’s campaign as a joke for the better first half of it, likely not thinking he would get as far as he has. He was entertainment. People tuned into to see whatever crazy thing Trump’said next. Unlike his competition, pretty much every rally was televised, he had endless interviews and free air time, and he was sensationalized beyond comprehension.No one was really calling out the awful things he was saying in the mainstream media that was left to those on Twitter on the liberal blogosphere. Ironically, the’same liberal blogosphere that is being blamed for his win and dubbed fake news by those who don’t like to admit its honest relevancy. They were some of the only ones to highlight how horrific Trump actually is.Cornering Jake Tapper of CNN at Los Angeles International Airport was none other than TMZ. They asked Tapper about the media s role in the election, and he responded: Well, that s an extremely loaded question. I think there were a lot of media mistakes this season in all sorts of directions. I think polling needs to be re-examined quite a bit. Adding: This is probably a subject for a three-hour dissertation, not an airport drive-by. Certainly there s a lot of people whose behavior and professionalism this election season should be re-examined, thinking about how to do better and how to be better. That s saying it lightly. The mainstream media didn’t do its job. They propped Trump up on a pedestal but at the’same time never took him seriously enough to properly criticize the horrifying things he consistently said. So yes, we do need to think about how to do better and how to be better.Watch the interview via TMZ here:Featured image via video screen capture
Irish Prime Minister Leo Varadkar is doing everything he can to avoid a snap general election, his spokesman said, but the crisis that has brought his minority government to the brink showed no obvious sign of resolution on Sunday. Varadkar has two days to end the standoff with the party propping up his government before it submits a motion of no confidence in his deputy prime minister, a move that Varadkar says will force him to call a snap election before Christmas. The crisis has erupted less than three weeks before a summit on Britain s plans to leave the European Union, where Ireland will play a major role in deciding whether the negotiations can move onto the next phase. Talks between Varadkar and Micheal Martin, the leader of the main opposition party, Fianna Fail, will continue on Sunday ahead of Martin bringing the motion of no confidence in Deputy Prime Minister Frances Fitzgerald before parliament on Tuesday. The Taoiseach (prime minister) is doing everything he can to avoid an election, and hopes it will be possible to reach agreement with Micheal Martin, Varadkar s spokesman said in a statement on Sunday. The spokesman added that there was no question of Fitzgerald being asked to resign over her handling of a legal case involving a police whistleblower. Fianna Fail say this is the only way to avoid an election. The Sunday Times newspaper reported that the leaders agreed the outline of a deal that would allow an ongoing judge-led tribunal to investigate the issue but that sources in Varadkar s Fine Gael party said an election was unavoidable if Fianna Fail continued to call for Fitzgerald to step down. Varadkar is due to play a major role in the Dec. 14-15 EU summit on Brexit, telling fellow leaders whether Dublin believes sufficient progress has been made on the future border between EU-member Ireland and Britain s province of Northern Ireland. The government has said enough progress has not been made to date and Ireland s EU Commissioner Phil Hogan said on Sunday that Dublin would continue to play tough over its threat to veto talks. The border is one of three issues Brussels wants broadly resolved before it decides whether to move the talks on to a second phase about trade and EU officials have said a snap election in Ireland would complicate that task. Bosses at a number of Ireland s top companies were quoted by the Sunday Business Post as telling the parties to step back from the brink. This thing of bringing the country to a standstill at a critical time is just unacceptable, Dalata Hotel Group (DHG.I) chief executive Pat McCann told the newspaper. Politicians say they also know there is no appetite among voters for an election just 18 months after the last one and an opinion poll on Saturday suggested there would be little change with another minority administration the most likely outcome.
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: Irish Prime Minister Leo Varadkar is doing everything he can to avoid a snap general election, his spokesman said, but the crisis that has brought his minority government to the brink showed no obvious sign of resolution on Sunday. Varadkar has two days to end the standoff with the party propping up his government before it submits a motion of no confidence in his deputy prime minister, a move that Varadkar says will force him to call a snap election before Christmas. The crisis has erupted less than three weeks before a summit on Britain s plans to leave the European Union, where Ireland will play a major role in deciding whether the negotiations can move onto the next phase. Talks between Varadkar and Micheal Martin, the leader of the main opposition party, Fianna Fail, will continue on Sunday ahead of Martin bringing the motion of no confidence in Deputy Prime Minister Frances Fitzgerald before parliament on Tuesday. The Taoiseach (prime minister) is doing everything he can to avoid an election, and hopes it will be possible to reach agreement with Micheal Martin, Varadkar s spokesman said in a statement on Sunday. The spokesman added that there was no question of Fitzgerald being asked to resign over her handling of a legal case involving a police whistleblower. Fianna Fail say this is the only way to avoid an election. The Sunday Times newspaper reported that the leaders agreed the outline of a deal that would allow an ongoing judge-led tribunal to investigate the issue but that sources in Varadkar s Fine Gael party said an election was unavoidable if Fianna Fail continued to call for Fitzgerald to step down. Varadkar is due to play a major role in the Dec. 14-15 EU summit on Brexit, telling fellow leaders whether Dublin believes sufficient progress has been made on the future border between EU-member Ireland and Britain s province of Northern Ireland. The government has said enough progress has not been made to date and Ireland s EU Commissioner Phil Hogan said on Sunday that Dublin would continue to play tough over its threat to veto talks. The border is one of three issues Brussels wants broadly resolved before it decides whether to move the talks on to a second phase about trade and EU officials have said a snap election in Ireland would complicate that task. Bosses at a number of Ireland s top companies were quoted by the Sunday Business Post as telling the parties to step back from the brink. This thing of bringing the country to a standstill at a critical time is just unacceptable, Dalata Hotel Group (DHG.I) chief executive Pat McCann told the newspaper. Politicians say they also know there is no appetite among voters for an election just 18 months after the last one and an opinion poll on Saturday suggested there would be little change with another minority administration the most likely outcome.
Donald Trump on Monday widened his attack on defense contractors, slamming Lockheed Martin Corp’s (LMT.N) F-35 fighter jet program as too expensive as aides to the president-elect said he intends to keep pushing to cut the costs of military hardware. Trump’s latest Twitter broadside sent defense shares tumbling and fanned concerns that the incoming administration will reduce defense contractors’ profit margins and cut broader federal spending, threatening U.S. factory jobs even as Trump promises to boost manufacturing employment. “The F-35 program and cost is out of control,” Trump said on Twitter, echoing campaign promises to cut waste in federal spending. “Billions of dollars can and will be saved on military (and other) purchases after January 20th.” Last week, Trump targeted Boeing Co (BA.N) with tweets for “out of control” costs on new Air Force One planes, urging the federal government to “Cancel order!” The new administration’s focus is likely to be “wide-reaching and impact all of government as we look to come up with better deals,” Trump transition spokesman Jason Miller said. “We’re going to look for opportunities to go back through and make sure that we’re not getting taken advantage of.” Trump’s F-35 tweet drew support from U.S. Senate Armed Services Committee Chairman John McCain, who has voiced support for the fighter jet in the past. While a president cannot cancel a program after funds have been allocated, it can purchase less. “He can reduce the buy over time, next year, as we look at it again,” McCain told Reuters. But Trump’s off-the-cuff remarks bristled others in Congress. Senator Richard Blumenthal, a Democrat from Connecticut, home to F-35 engine maker Pratt & Whitney, said the program supports 2,000 Pratt jobs and thousands more at suppliers. “The suggestion that costs are out of control is just plain wrong,” he said. Trump should “learn more about the facts” before discussing “arbitrary cuts in the program,” he added. “He’s the president-elect. What he says matters.” Lockheed shares fell 2.5 percent after being down 5.4 percent earlier. Shares of General Dynamics (GD.N), Northrop Grumman, BAE and Raytheon also fell, while United Technologies and Boeing shares were slightly higher. The F-35 has been dogged by problems, with the Pentagon’s chief arms buyer once describing as “acquisition malpractice” the decision to produce jets before completing development. That led to retrofits and helped escalate costs to an estimated $400 billion, prompting the F-35 to be described as the most expensive weapon system in history. The Pentagon’s chief weapons tester has continued to criticize it, but the jets are now in use by the U.S. Marine Corps and Air Force, and by six countries: Australia, Britain, Norway, Italy, the Netherlands and Israel. Japan took delivery of its first jet last week, according to a program spokesman. Australian and Japanese defense officials both said they have no plans to alter their commitments to the F-35. “We are very confident that the Joint Strike Fighter is the right jet for Australia, and for the United States and the rest of the world,” said Christopher Pyne, minister for Australia’s defense industry. Australia has ordered 72 F-35s, while Japan has agreed to purchase 42 fighters to replace its aging F-4 fleet. “We will have to watch Trump’s policies closely when he becomes president, but at this moment, we have no intention of changing direction,” Japan’s Minister of Defense Tomomi Inada said. Lockheed’s F-35 program leader, Jeff Babione, said Monday the company had invested millions to reduce the jet’s price by 60 percent from original estimates. “We project it to be about $85 million in the 2019 or 2020 timeframe,” he told reporters in Israel. The Pentagon is now paying about $102 million each for the conventional takeoff A-model, according to sources familiar with the program. The savings reflect larger quantities and the ironing out of technical issues. As a practical matter, it was unlikely the U.S. would unwind such a large program involving contractors in nearly every U.S. state and eight partner nations, Baird Equity Research analyst Peter Arment wrote in a note Monday. “But what is likely ... is the message to the industry of potentially more risk-sharing on costs,” he said. “This is potentially a new paradigm for the industry.”
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: Donald Trump on Monday widened his attack on defense contractors, slamming Lockheed Martin Corp’s (LMT.N) F-35 fighter jet program as too expensive as aides to the president-elect said he intends to keep pushing to cut the costs of military hardware. Trump’s latest Twitter broadside sent defense shares tumbling and fanned concerns that the incoming administration will reduce defense contractors’ profit margins and cut broader federal spending, threatening U.S. factory jobs even as Trump promises to boost manufacturing employment. “The F-35 program and cost is out of control,” Trump said on Twitter, echoing campaign promises to cut waste in federal spending. “Billions of dollars can and will be saved on military (and other) purchases after January 20th.” Last week, Trump targeted Boeing Co (BA.N) with tweets for “out of control” costs on new Air Force One planes, urging the federal government to “Cancel order!” The new administration’s focus is likely to be “wide-reaching and impact all of government as we look to come up with better deals,” Trump transition spokesman Jason Miller said. “We’re going to look for opportunities to go back through and make sure that we’re not getting taken advantage of.” Trump’s F-35 tweet drew support from U.S. Senate Armed Services Committee Chairman John McCain, who has voiced support for the fighter jet in the past. While a president cannot cancel a program after funds have been allocated, it can purchase less. “He can reduce the buy over time, next year, as we look at it again,” McCain told Reuters. But Trump’s off-the-cuff remarks bristled others in Congress. Senator Richard Blumenthal, a Democrat from Connecticut, home to F-35 engine maker Pratt & Whitney, said the program supports 2,000 Pratt jobs and thousands more at suppliers. “The suggestion that costs are out of control is just plain wrong,” he said. Trump should “learn more about the facts” before discussing “arbitrary cuts in the program,” he added. “He’s the president-elect. What he says matters.” Lockheed shares fell 2.5 percent after being down 5.4 percent earlier. Shares of General Dynamics (GD.N), Northrop Grumman, BAE and Raytheon also fell, while United Technologies and Boeing shares were slightly higher. The F-35 has been dogged by problems, with the Pentagon’s chief arms buyer once describing as “acquisition malpractice” the decision to produce jets before completing development. That led to retrofits and helped escalate costs to an estimated $400 billion, prompting the F-35 to be described as the most expensive weapon system in history. The Pentagon’s chief weapons tester has continued to criticize it, but the jets are now in use by the U.S. Marine Corps and Air Force, and by six countries: Australia, Britain, Norway, Italy, the Netherlands and Israel. Japan took delivery of its first jet last week, according to a program spokesman. Australian and Japanese defense officials both said they have no plans to alter their commitments to the F-35. “We are very confident that the Joint Strike Fighter is the right jet for Australia, and for the United States and the rest of the world,” said Christopher Pyne, minister for Australia’s defense industry. Australia has ordered 72 F-35s, while Japan has agreed to purchase 42 fighters to replace its aging F-4 fleet. “We will have to watch Trump’s policies closely when he becomes president, but at this moment, we have no intention of changing direction,” Japan’s Minister of Defense Tomomi Inada said. Lockheed’s F-35 program leader, Jeff Babione, said Monday the company had invested millions to reduce the jet’s price by 60 percent from original estimates. “We project it to be about $85 million in the 2019 or 2020 timeframe,” he told reporters in Israel. The Pentagon is now paying about $102 million each for the conventional takeoff A-model, according to sources familiar with the program. The savings reflect larger quantities and the ironing out of technical issues. As a practical matter, it was unlikely the U.S. would unwind such a large program involving contractors in nearly every U.S. state and eight partner nations, Baird Equity Research analyst Peter Arment wrote in a note Monday. “But what is likely ... is the message to the industry of potentially more risk-sharing on costs,” he said. “This is potentially a new paradigm for the industry.”
Since the beginning of Donald Trump’s campaign for president, his cornerstone plan has been to build a wall, a great, big, YUGE wall, spanning the entirety of the United States and Mexico border. He s got his fans so excited to be racist that they just can’t wait to be the utter isolationists they’ve always wanted the country to be.Well, it looks as though Trump just disproved the effectiveness of walls as he was able to easily climb over one on his way to a campaign stop in San Francisco, California. He needed to do so because of all the protesters who had arrived. And because things got very heated, with violent exchanges between the pro and anti-Trump crowds, the real estate mogul had to find an alternative way into the Hyatt Regency where his event was taking place.Of course, he noticed the very tangible hypocrisy in the whole ordeal, but he made a joke of it in very a Trumpian fashion. He told his crowd: That was not the easiest entrance I ve ever made. It felt like I was crossing the border, actually. Which is both offensive because it s NOTHING like crossing the border, as many have died seeking better lives for themselves and their families, and it was true only in the’sense that a border wall is a joke of an idea. Clearly, as Trump has just proven himself, one can find a way over, or even under walls. The centerpiece of his campaign was just flushed down the toilet by the reality star himself.Maybe Trump will now start talking actual policy plans. Ha! Who am I kidding? He has no plans, he just wants to be King of America, because he clearly thinks he deserves it, despite not having any of the proper experience whatsoever..@realDonaldTrump forced to climb over wall to attend his own event in San Francisco. #9News Nine News LA (@9NewsLA) April 30, 2016Featured image via video screen capture
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: Since the beginning of Donald Trump’s campaign for president, his cornerstone plan has been to build a wall, a great, big, YUGE wall, spanning the entirety of the United States and Mexico border. He s got his fans so excited to be racist that they just can’t wait to be the utter isolationists they’ve always wanted the country to be.Well, it looks as though Trump just disproved the effectiveness of walls as he was able to easily climb over one on his way to a campaign stop in San Francisco, California. He needed to do so because of all the protesters who had arrived. And because things got very heated, with violent exchanges between the pro and anti-Trump crowds, the real estate mogul had to find an alternative way into the Hyatt Regency where his event was taking place.Of course, he noticed the very tangible hypocrisy in the whole ordeal, but he made a joke of it in very a Trumpian fashion. He told his crowd: That was not the easiest entrance I ve ever made. It felt like I was crossing the border, actually. Which is both offensive because it s NOTHING like crossing the border, as many have died seeking better lives for themselves and their families, and it was true only in the’sense that a border wall is a joke of an idea. Clearly, as Trump has just proven himself, one can find a way over, or even under walls. The centerpiece of his campaign was just flushed down the toilet by the reality star himself.Maybe Trump will now start talking actual policy plans. Ha! Who am I kidding? He has no plans, he just wants to be King of America, because he clearly thinks he deserves it, despite not having any of the proper experience whatsoever..@realDonaldTrump forced to climb over wall to attend his own event in San Francisco. #9News Nine News LA (@9NewsLA) April 30, 2016Featured image via video screen capture
21st Century Wire says Could this be the real reason why Trump is so despised by the elite Republican establishment?Watch a video of this report here: Trump had this to say: Wouldn t it be nice if actually we could get along with Russia, that we could get along with foreign countries. The neocon political faction that has dominated the Republican Party during recent history believes there is little to be gained from cooperation in politics, and prefers confrontation and domination instead; as they amply demonstrated with their 2003 Iraq War.For Donald Trump to be specifically saying that he wants to get along with Russia is unparalleled, as Mitt Romney, the 2012 Republican presidential candidate, said that Russia was without question our number one geopolitical foe .A world with an American President that wants to get along might certainly look a lot different to today s. Yet, as we are seeing, with the myriad of attacks against Trump, certain political and military industrial complex elite interests are not happy about the concept.Of course, we must remember that this is still just that a concept. However good of a concept it is, Trump may very well not deliver this goal.Still, it certainly is a very different, and somewhat sweeter, change to the tune of American foreign policy rhetoric than we are used to hearing.Do you believe Trump has the right foreign policy stance, and will he implement it?GET THE FULL STORY ON ELECTION 2016: 21st Century Wire Election Files
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: 21st Century Wire says Could this be the real reason why Trump is so despised by the elite Republican establishment?Watch a video of this report here: Trump had this to say: Wouldn t it be nice if actually we could get along with Russia, that we could get along with foreign countries. The neocon political faction that has dominated the Republican Party during recent history believes there is little to be gained from cooperation in politics, and prefers confrontation and domination instead; as they amply demonstrated with their 2003 Iraq War.For Donald Trump to be specifically saying that he wants to get along with Russia is unparalleled, as Mitt Romney, the 2012 Republican presidential candidate, said that Russia was without question our number one geopolitical foe .A world with an American President that wants to get along might certainly look a lot different to today s. Yet, as we are seeing, with the myriad of attacks against Trump, certain political and military industrial complex elite interests are not happy about the concept.Of course, we must remember that this is still just that a concept. However good of a concept it is, Trump may very well not deliver this goal.Still, it certainly is a very different, and somewhat sweeter, change to the tune of American foreign policy rhetoric than we are used to hearing.Do you believe Trump has the right foreign policy stance, and will he implement it?GET THE FULL STORY ON ELECTION 2016: 21st Century Wire Election Files
Robert Reich, the former Secretary of Labor under Bill Clinton, and a very reputable source at that, just came forward and announced there is a mole in the White House. And, that mole has information concerning President Obama s selection of the next Supreme Court Justice of The United States (SCOTUS).As you may know by now, Republicans are hell-bent on doing anything and everything they can’to block Obama s right to nominate the next SCOTUS, no matter who he picks. Well, that s going to be a problem because this pick is absolutely perfect.Why do we say that? For one, Republicans unanimously nominated him just three years ago (97-0) to serve on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit. Yes, you’read that right, 97-0. How on earth could the Republicans deny him now? If you’re familiar with the’selection, you’d know I m talking about Judge Sri Srinivasan. He s Asian-American and Indian-American, and would be the first minority from both groups to hold the honor if nominated.But, his minority status is not the only reason he’s an excellent choice for Democrats. He d be almost impossible for the GOP to deny. But, don’t plan on them not trying. I mean, they just don’t care who Obama nominates, plain and simple. This is an election year, and they ll fight him at all costs.Still, his record is hard to deny. Obama has called him a trailblazer who personifies the best of America. He s worked in the Justice Department under George W. Bush for five years, and twelve former Solicitors General, including Republicans, have endorsed his prior nomination despite his arguing against conservative causes like the Defense of Marriage Act. He didn’t think it was constitutional given the fact that it placed limits on same-sex couples.Pic via Facebook.While the pick is far from finalized, you can be sure to take this pick to the bank. Don t expect President Obama to twiddle his thumbs for too long on this one. He s ready for a fight, and will pick the best nominee, without a doubt.But, just in case you’re curious, a few other unofficial names are floating around that would be great nominees as well, and are rumored to be on Obama s short-list.Patricia Ann MillettShe also hails from the influential D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals and the Senate confirmed her back in 2013 by a vote of 56-38. Not nearly as impressive as Judge Srinivasan s unanimous selection, but still a contender given her background. She’s 50 and has a background working in both the Bill Clinton and George W. Bush administrations.Here s why she would be a wise choice: There s only one other woman that has ever argued more cases before the Supreme Court (32 in all) than her. Impressive, indeed.Loretta LynchShe’s the Attorney General of The United States. She’s only been in the position since April 2015, not very long. While we don’t believe Obama will pick her, it d be impossible not to have her name mentioned.In the’short time that she’s been Attorney General, she’s already filed a discrimination lawsuit against the city of Ferguson and indicted nine FIFA executives for their match-fixing scandal. If Obama picks a woman, it will be the third woman in a row nominated to the court.Paul WatfordSome people are saying this is the most likely selection to replace Antonin Scalia, but then again, they’don’t have a mole in the White House like Robert Reich does.Watford is an African-American and confirmed to the Ninth Circuit in 2012. He used to clerk for a conservative judge Alex Kozinski, and he’s considered to be a moderate. He s also in his 40 s, which would make him a long standing member of the court if selected.Again, though, we stress that none of these nominees were unanimously selected like Judge Srinivasan. Expect Obama to go forward with the’selection after his administration can gather up enough information on Republican s opposition to him. Hey, that s what moles are good for.Featured image via White House
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: Robert Reich, the former Secretary of Labor under Bill Clinton, and a very reputable source at that, just came forward and announced there is a mole in the White House. And, that mole has information concerning President Obama s selection of the next Supreme Court Justice of The United States (SCOTUS).As you may know by now, Republicans are hell-bent on doing anything and everything they can’to block Obama s right to nominate the next SCOTUS, no matter who he picks. Well, that s going to be a problem because this pick is absolutely perfect.Why do we say that? For one, Republicans unanimously nominated him just three years ago (97-0) to serve on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit. Yes, you’read that right, 97-0. How on earth could the Republicans deny him now? If you’re familiar with the’selection, you’d know I m talking about Judge Sri Srinivasan. He s Asian-American and Indian-American, and would be the first minority from both groups to hold the honor if nominated.But, his minority status is not the only reason he’s an excellent choice for Democrats. He d be almost impossible for the GOP to deny. But, don’t plan on them not trying. I mean, they just don’t care who Obama nominates, plain and simple. This is an election year, and they ll fight him at all costs.Still, his record is hard to deny. Obama has called him a trailblazer who personifies the best of America. He s worked in the Justice Department under George W. Bush for five years, and twelve former Solicitors General, including Republicans, have endorsed his prior nomination despite his arguing against conservative causes like the Defense of Marriage Act. He didn’t think it was constitutional given the fact that it placed limits on same-sex couples.Pic via Facebook.While the pick is far from finalized, you can be sure to take this pick to the bank. Don t expect President Obama to twiddle his thumbs for too long on this one. He s ready for a fight, and will pick the best nominee, without a doubt.But, just in case you’re curious, a few other unofficial names are floating around that would be great nominees as well, and are rumored to be on Obama s short-list.Patricia Ann MillettShe also hails from the influential D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals and the Senate confirmed her back in 2013 by a vote of 56-38. Not nearly as impressive as Judge Srinivasan s unanimous selection, but still a contender given her background. She’s 50 and has a background working in both the Bill Clinton and George W. Bush administrations.Here s why she would be a wise choice: There s only one other woman that has ever argued more cases before the Supreme Court (32 in all) than her. Impressive, indeed.Loretta LynchShe’s the Attorney General of The United States. She’s only been in the position since April 2015, not very long. While we don’t believe Obama will pick her, it d be impossible not to have her name mentioned.In the’short time that she’s been Attorney General, she’s already filed a discrimination lawsuit against the city of Ferguson and indicted nine FIFA executives for their match-fixing scandal. If Obama picks a woman, it will be the third woman in a row nominated to the court.Paul WatfordSome people are saying this is the most likely selection to replace Antonin Scalia, but then again, they’don’t have a mole in the White House like Robert Reich does.Watford is an African-American and confirmed to the Ninth Circuit in 2012. He used to clerk for a conservative judge Alex Kozinski, and he’s considered to be a moderate. He s also in his 40 s, which would make him a long standing member of the court if selected.Again, though, we stress that none of these nominees were unanimously selected like Judge Srinivasan. Expect Obama to go forward with the’selection after his administration can gather up enough information on Republican s opposition to him. Hey, that s what moles are good for.Featured image via White House
Donald Trump’s former Chief Strategist Stephen K. Bannon exited the Whitey House following the’so-called president s widely condemned response to the Nazi march in Charlottesville, Virginia in which one of his supporters murdered a woman and injured 19 others. So, Bannon headed back to fake news site Sniff, I m gonna take my ball and go home! Bannon will be greeted by advertisers fleeing from the’site. In recent months, nearly 2,600 advertisers have discontinued their ads from the’site which is presently publishing smear pieces against Trump’s National Security Adviser, H.R. McMaster.A boycott by a grassroots campaign was launched against the’site and that seems to have been effective considering the mass exodus of advertisers.The campaign works like this: tweets are directed to advertisers, like this one which reads, @SimpleTire are you aware that your ads are running on Breitbart s hateful site? @slpng_giants can help! Just ask. Hi Mistie, Thanks for letting us know, we have removed them from our ad feed. @slpng_giants (@SimpleTire) August 21, 2017Boom! Simple Tire has removed their ads from Breitbart.The Independent reports:According to a tweet by Sleeping Giants, a campaign group aiming to pressure companies into cutting ties with media they’deem to be racist or sexist, the number of advertisers that have ceased advertising is climbing towards 2,600 .The individual behind Sleeping Giants has been at this for quite awhile.Here are a few examples:CONFIRMED: @medpost has blocked Breitbart from their media buy! Thank you! Sleeping Giants (@slpng_giants) August 21, 2017CONFIRMED: @VegaTeam has blocked Breitbart from their media buy! Thanks! Sleeping Giants (@slpng_giants) August 21, 2017After so many have been fired or vacated their positions in the Trump administration, it might be payback time for the former reality show star. Bannon is reportedly ramping up for war against Trump now that he’s been fired.Bannon friend says Breitbart ramping up for war against Trump. "It's now a Democrat White House," source says. Gabriel Sherman (@gabrielsherman) August 18, 2017Breitbart editor Joel Pollak suggested that Bannon s ousting means war. #WAR Joel B. Pollak (@joelpollak) August 18, 2017Well, we know what kind of war Trump can expect from the Alt-Right site. Twitter accounts with Pepe the Frog avatars will be launched, and perhaps they ll start conspiracy theories about Trump, maybe saying that he has low stamina, he’s sick and doesn’t have long to live (because he coughed), and who knows, Trump might visit a pizzeria where there is obviously a child sex slave ring in the basement even though it doesn’t have a basement.Breitbart has even more to worry about. In May it was reported that has fallen from 45th place to 281st place in news site traffic ratings since March, according to the web analytics company As of August 19th, Breitbart has fallen to 298th place in traffic ratings.I know how Breitbart can get their traffic booming again. If Bannon has access to the pee-pee tapes and publishes them, he can give his site s servers a real test for how much traffic it can hold. You see how we try to help?Photo by Win McNamee/Getty Images
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: Donald Trump’s former Chief Strategist Stephen K. Bannon exited the Whitey House following the’so-called president s widely condemned response to the Nazi march in Charlottesville, Virginia in which one of his supporters murdered a woman and injured 19 others. So, Bannon headed back to fake news site Sniff, I m gonna take my ball and go home! Bannon will be greeted by advertisers fleeing from the’site. In recent months, nearly 2,600 advertisers have discontinued their ads from the’site which is presently publishing smear pieces against Trump’s National Security Adviser, H.R. McMaster.A boycott by a grassroots campaign was launched against the’site and that seems to have been effective considering the mass exodus of advertisers.The campaign works like this: tweets are directed to advertisers, like this one which reads, @SimpleTire are you aware that your ads are running on Breitbart s hateful site? @slpng_giants can help! Just ask. Hi Mistie, Thanks for letting us know, we have removed them from our ad feed. @slpng_giants (@SimpleTire) August 21, 2017Boom! Simple Tire has removed their ads from Breitbart.The Independent reports:According to a tweet by Sleeping Giants, a campaign group aiming to pressure companies into cutting ties with media they’deem to be racist or sexist, the number of advertisers that have ceased advertising is climbing towards 2,600 .The individual behind Sleeping Giants has been at this for quite awhile.Here are a few examples:CONFIRMED: @medpost has blocked Breitbart from their media buy! Thank you! Sleeping Giants (@slpng_giants) August 21, 2017CONFIRMED: @VegaTeam has blocked Breitbart from their media buy! Thanks! Sleeping Giants (@slpng_giants) August 21, 2017After so many have been fired or vacated their positions in the Trump administration, it might be payback time for the former reality show star. Bannon is reportedly ramping up for war against Trump now that he’s been fired.Bannon friend says Breitbart ramping up for war against Trump. "It's now a Democrat White House," source says. Gabriel Sherman (@gabrielsherman) August 18, 2017Breitbart editor Joel Pollak suggested that Bannon s ousting means war. #WAR Joel B. Pollak (@joelpollak) August 18, 2017Well, we know what kind of war Trump can expect from the Alt-Right site. Twitter accounts with Pepe the Frog avatars will be launched, and perhaps they ll start conspiracy theories about Trump, maybe saying that he has low stamina, he’s sick and doesn’t have long to live (because he coughed), and who knows, Trump might visit a pizzeria where there is obviously a child sex slave ring in the basement even though it doesn’t have a basement.Breitbart has even more to worry about. In May it was reported that has fallen from 45th place to 281st place in news site traffic ratings since March, according to the web analytics company As of August 19th, Breitbart has fallen to 298th place in traffic ratings.I know how Breitbart can get their traffic booming again. If Bannon has access to the pee-pee tapes and publishes them, he can give his site s servers a real test for how much traffic it can hold. You see how we try to help?Photo by Win McNamee/Getty Images
The head of a congressional committee investigating contacts between Donald Trump’s campaign and Russia said on Monday the panel had not seen evidence of inappropriate communications, prompting the panel’s top Democrat to insist it was too early to make such a determination. Devin Nunes, Republican chairman of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, also said there was no need for a special prosecutor and dismissed a suggestion that Trump should release his tax returns to clear up allegations he has business ties to Russia. “What are we going to appoint a special prosecutor to do, exactly?” he asked reporters. Nunes, who was a member of Trump’s presidential transition team, said U.S. intelligence officials had not yet presented the committee with evidence of contacts between Trump campaign staff and Russian intelligence. “It’s been looked into and there’s no evidence of anything there,” Nunes told a news conference, called after a weekend report by the Washington Post that the Trump administration asked him and Senate Intelligence Committee Chairman Richard Burr to call journalists to knock down reports about possible collusion. The story fueled concerns about whether congressional committees led by Trump’s fellow Republicans would conduct a serious investigation of the politically charged allegations. Nunes acknowledged that the White House had given him a reporter’s number, but said the administration had not asked him to knock down reports. He said his communications with news organizations was intended to promote transparency. Underscoring the partisan divide, Representative Adam Schiff, the intelligence committee’s top Democrat, told his own news conference later on Monday that a non-partisan investigation would be most effective, insisting it was too early to comment on any evidence. “When you begin an investigation, you don’t begin by stating what you believe to be the conclusion,” he said. House Democratic leader Nancy Pelosi said Nunes’ remarks raised “serious questions about stonewalling.” Potential contact between Trump’s presidential campaign and Russia, and possible Russian attempts to influence the 2016 election on Trump’s behalf, have prompted Democrats to demand a select committee or special prosecutor. Most of Trump’s fellow Republicans in Congress have resisted such suggestions, prompting Democrats to contrast their approach with their multiple investigations of 2016 Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton, including her use of a private email server. Republican Representative Darrell Issa broke with the party line by calling for an independent review. “I want the Trump administration to be successful and that starts with embracing high standards for openness and transparency,” he said in a statement. Schiff said he was not confident that James Comey, the director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, would provide investigators with all the information they would need. Comey, a Republican, drew furious criticism from Democrats for saying just before the election that he was looking at emails related to Clinton’s use of a private server. Nunes said he did not want U.S. citizens to be hauled before Congress because of news reports about their potential ties to Russia. “We can’t have McCarthyism back in this place,” he said, alluding to the notorious 1950s Senate hearings into Americans’ potential ties to Communism.
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: The head of a congressional committee investigating contacts between Donald Trump’s campaign and Russia said on Monday the panel had not seen evidence of inappropriate communications, prompting the panel’s top Democrat to insist it was too early to make such a determination. Devin Nunes, Republican chairman of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, also said there was no need for a special prosecutor and dismissed a suggestion that Trump should release his tax returns to clear up allegations he has business ties to Russia. “What are we going to appoint a special prosecutor to do, exactly?” he asked reporters. Nunes, who was a member of Trump’s presidential transition team, said U.S. intelligence officials had not yet presented the committee with evidence of contacts between Trump campaign staff and Russian intelligence. “It’s been looked into and there’s no evidence of anything there,” Nunes told a news conference, called after a weekend report by the Washington Post that the Trump administration asked him and Senate Intelligence Committee Chairman Richard Burr to call journalists to knock down reports about possible collusion. The story fueled concerns about whether congressional committees led by Trump’s fellow Republicans would conduct a serious investigation of the politically charged allegations. Nunes acknowledged that the White House had given him a reporter’s number, but said the administration had not asked him to knock down reports. He said his communications with news organizations was intended to promote transparency. Underscoring the partisan divide, Representative Adam Schiff, the intelligence committee’s top Democrat, told his own news conference later on Monday that a non-partisan investigation would be most effective, insisting it was too early to comment on any evidence. “When you begin an investigation, you don’t begin by stating what you believe to be the conclusion,” he said. House Democratic leader Nancy Pelosi said Nunes’ remarks raised “serious questions about stonewalling.” Potential contact between Trump’s presidential campaign and Russia, and possible Russian attempts to influence the 2016 election on Trump’s behalf, have prompted Democrats to demand a select committee or special prosecutor. Most of Trump’s fellow Republicans in Congress have resisted such suggestions, prompting Democrats to contrast their approach with their multiple investigations of 2016 Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton, including her use of a private email server. Republican Representative Darrell Issa broke with the party line by calling for an independent review. “I want the Trump administration to be successful and that starts with embracing high standards for openness and transparency,” he said in a statement. Schiff said he was not confident that James Comey, the director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, would provide investigators with all the information they would need. Comey, a Republican, drew furious criticism from Democrats for saying just before the election that he was looking at emails related to Clinton’s use of a private server. Nunes said he did not want U.S. citizens to be hauled before Congress because of news reports about their potential ties to Russia. “We can’t have McCarthyism back in this place,” he said, alluding to the notorious 1950s Senate hearings into Americans’ potential ties to Communism.
The United States is withdrawing from UNESCO, the United Nation s cultural and educational agency, effective Dec. 31, the U.S. State Department said in a statement on Thursday. This decision was not taken lightly, and reflects U.S. concerns with mounting arrears at UNESCO, the need for fundamental reform in the organization, and continuing anti-Israel bias at UNESCO, the department said, adding that the United States would seek to remain engaged a non-member observer state in order to contribute U.S. views, perspectives and expertise.
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: The United States is withdrawing from UNESCO, the United Nation s cultural and educational agency, effective Dec. 31, the U.S. State Department said in a statement on Thursday. This decision was not taken lightly, and reflects U.S. concerns with mounting arrears at UNESCO, the need for fundamental reform in the organization, and continuing anti-Israel bias at UNESCO, the department said, adding that the United States would seek to remain engaged a non-member observer state in order to contribute U.S. views, perspectives and expertise.
Wow! This video really shows how the media covers for Hillary, while reminding us of their constant obsession over John McCain s health when he ran for President in 2008. Hillary is not well that s pretty clear from watching her very strange and confused behavior of late. The question is how sick is she, and will she even survive the remainder of this grueling campaign season?
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: Wow! This video really shows how the media covers for Hillary, while reminding us of their constant obsession over John McCain s health when he ran for President in 2008. Hillary is not well that s pretty clear from watching her very strange and confused behavior of late. The question is how sick is she, and will she even survive the remainder of this grueling campaign season?
The Imperial Presidency continues against the Constitution: The Constitution provides that the president shall have Power, by and with the Advice and Consent of the Senate, to make Treaties, provided two-thirds of the Senators present concur (Article II, section 2) White House: The president has the legal authority to ratify the accord without the two-thirds Senate vote required for treaties. The pact is merely an executive agreement. What they’re not telling you is this executive agreement is a HUGE redistribution of American’tax dollars to other countries!This should be voted on!For many years the public at large has been spoonfed the idea that Global Warming Climate Change, is caused by man s excessive release of carbon into the atmosphere. And that the’solution to the Climate crisis was to decrease the production of said gas.Over the past several years the Global Warming fanatics have changed their tune. Many of us in the new media have been warning about their true motives for year.Now, instead of the climate crisis being caused by carbon emissions, it is being caused by inequality.On Monday, during a press conference at the United Nations Conference on Climate Change in Paris, Ms. Camille Risler, a representative of the Asia Pacific Forum on Women, Law and Development (APWLD) which is an organization listed as an official consultant to the United Nations Economic and Social Council, stated that the cause of Climate Change is the unequal distribution of wealth, carbon, and power: This is the press conference of the Women and (unintelligible) constituency. It is one of the nine official constituencies of the UNFCCC, and we are composed of 15 women s rights and feminist organizations from all around the world. So I m going to begin with kind of an overview of our positions and then I will give the floor over to my colleagues that will go more into details of each section of negotiations.I m Camille Risler. I m from France but I m living in Thailand. I m working for a feminist network that is called Asia Pacific Forum on Women, Law and Development and I m working for the Climate Justice Program.So what we want to highlight here is that Climate Change is a clear symptom of an unequal and unjust world.So if we are to address the Climate crisis we need to challenge the’structural causes of the crisis which lies on unequal distribution of wealth, of carbon, and of power. Whether it s political power, economic power, or even military power. Ms. Risler goes on to say that the’solution to the Climate crisis is to create more just and equitable economies .Roughly translated that means an economy based along the lines of Socialism and Communism. Because now, according to the Climate preachers, nothing is more dangerous to the planet than a free market economy, individual free will, and inequality. Not even Islamic Terrorists.You can view the entire press conference HEREVia: Gateway Pundit
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: The Imperial Presidency continues against the Constitution: The Constitution provides that the president shall have Power, by and with the Advice and Consent of the Senate, to make Treaties, provided two-thirds of the Senators present concur (Article II, section 2) White House: The president has the legal authority to ratify the accord without the two-thirds Senate vote required for treaties. The pact is merely an executive agreement. What they’re not telling you is this executive agreement is a HUGE redistribution of American’tax dollars to other countries!This should be voted on!For many years the public at large has been spoonfed the idea that Global Warming Climate Change, is caused by man s excessive release of carbon into the atmosphere. And that the’solution to the Climate crisis was to decrease the production of said gas.Over the past several years the Global Warming fanatics have changed their tune. Many of us in the new media have been warning about their true motives for year.Now, instead of the climate crisis being caused by carbon emissions, it is being caused by inequality.On Monday, during a press conference at the United Nations Conference on Climate Change in Paris, Ms. Camille Risler, a representative of the Asia Pacific Forum on Women, Law and Development (APWLD) which is an organization listed as an official consultant to the United Nations Economic and Social Council, stated that the cause of Climate Change is the unequal distribution of wealth, carbon, and power: This is the press conference of the Women and (unintelligible) constituency. It is one of the nine official constituencies of the UNFCCC, and we are composed of 15 women s rights and feminist organizations from all around the world. So I m going to begin with kind of an overview of our positions and then I will give the floor over to my colleagues that will go more into details of each section of negotiations.I m Camille Risler. I m from France but I m living in Thailand. I m working for a feminist network that is called Asia Pacific Forum on Women, Law and Development and I m working for the Climate Justice Program.So what we want to highlight here is that Climate Change is a clear symptom of an unequal and unjust world.So if we are to address the Climate crisis we need to challenge the’structural causes of the crisis which lies on unequal distribution of wealth, of carbon, and of power. Whether it s political power, economic power, or even military power. Ms. Risler goes on to say that the’solution to the Climate crisis is to create more just and equitable economies .Roughly translated that means an economy based along the lines of Socialism and Communism. Because now, according to the Climate preachers, nothing is more dangerous to the planet than a free market economy, individual free will, and inequality. Not even Islamic Terrorists.You can view the entire press conference HEREVia: Gateway Pundit