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Civil rights icon Rep. John Lewis just got support from someone Donald Trump fears most.After calling Trump illegitimate over the weekend, Lewis was attacked by Trump on Twitter on Sunday morning in yet another demonstration of how petty and thin-skinned Trump is.Congressman John Lewis should spend more time on fixing and helping his district, which is in horrible shape and falling apart (not to Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) January 14, 2017mention crime infested) rather than falsely complaining about the election results. All talk, talk, talk no action or results. Sad! Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) January 14, 2017That s right. Trump literally called Lewis all talk and no action and bashed the city of Atlanta despite the fact that the city is not the hellscape Trump claims it to be. In fact, the city hit back at Trump because Atlanta is a thriving city and the crown jewel of Georgia.It is also a fact that John Lewis tirelessly fought for civil rights and voting rights and marched with Martin Luther King. He even suffered brutal beatings by police for peacefully protesting.Trump, meanwhile, was born with a silver spoon in his mouth and inherited his fortune from his wealthy daddy. He never had to work a day in his life and he certainly never fought for anything or anyone but himself.Trump has drawn outrage across the nation over his attack, and Senator Elizabeth Warren fired back at Trump in defense of Lewis on Monday during the annual Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial Breakfast in Boston.Warren slammed Trump for never putting his life at risk for anything and said Lewis has earned the right to criticize Trump and boycott the inauguration. The president-elect stepped over a line when he attacked John Lewis as a man who is all talk and no action, Warren declared. John Lewis is a man who literally put his life on the line to make this a better country, a fairer country, a country that is more open. Donald Trump hasn’t put his life on the line for anyone except Donald Trump. John Lewis has earned the right to raise questions about legitimacy. Right now, our intelligence community tells us that Russia directly interfered in the election here in the United States. John Lewis has a question about that and if John Lewis wants not to attend because of that, that s certainly his right. Here s the video via Twitter.Video: @SenWarren says @realDonaldTrump stepped over a line criticizing @repjohnlewis #mapoli Gintautas Dumcius (@gintautasd) January 16, 2017Warren is right. Lewis literally bled for this country while Trump dodged the draft during the Vietnam War because he cares nothing about this country. The only reason he ran for president was so he could enrich himself and his family. It s definitely not about helping the American people, or else he would not be cheering about millions of Americans being stripped of their health care. Lewis, on the other hand, has fought for bettering the lives of all Americans for decades and he deserves respect for that and an apology from Trump.Featured image via Alex Wong/Getty Images
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: Civil rights icon Rep. John Lewis just got support from someone Donald Trump fears most.After calling Trump illegitimate over the weekend, Lewis was attacked by Trump on Twitter on Sunday morning in yet another demonstration of how petty and thin-skinned Trump is.Congressman John Lewis should spend more time on fixing and helping his district, which is in horrible shape and falling apart (not to Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) January 14, 2017mention crime infested) rather than falsely complaining about the election results. All talk, talk, talk no action or results. Sad! Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) January 14, 2017That s right. Trump literally called Lewis all talk and no action and bashed the city of Atlanta despite the fact that the city is not the hellscape Trump claims it to be. In fact, the city hit back at Trump because Atlanta is a thriving city and the crown jewel of Georgia.It is also a fact that John Lewis tirelessly fought for civil rights and voting rights and marched with Martin Luther King. He even suffered brutal beatings by police for peacefully protesting.Trump, meanwhile, was born with a silver spoon in his mouth and inherited his fortune from his wealthy daddy. He never had to work a day in his life and he certainly never fought for anything or anyone but himself.Trump has drawn outrage across the nation over his attack, and Senator Elizabeth Warren fired back at Trump in defense of Lewis on Monday during the annual Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial Breakfast in Boston.Warren slammed Trump for never putting his life at risk for anything and said Lewis has earned the right to criticize Trump and boycott the inauguration. The president-elect stepped over a line when he attacked John Lewis as a man who is all talk and no action, Warren declared. John Lewis is a man who literally put his life on the line to make this a better country, a fairer country, a country that is more open. Donald Trump hasn’t put his life on the line for anyone except Donald Trump. John Lewis has earned the right to raise questions about legitimacy. Right now, our intelligence community tells us that Russia directly interfered in the election here in the United States. John Lewis has a question about that and if John Lewis wants not to attend because of that, that s certainly his right. Here s the video via Twitter.Video: @SenWarren says @realDonaldTrump stepped over a line criticizing @repjohnlewis #mapoli Gintautas Dumcius (@gintautasd) January 16, 2017Warren is right. Lewis literally bled for this country while Trump dodged the draft during the Vietnam War because he cares nothing about this country. The only reason he ran for president was so he could enrich himself and his family. It s definitely not about helping the American people, or else he would not be cheering about millions of Americans being stripped of their health care. Lewis, on the other hand, has fought for bettering the lives of all Americans for decades and he deserves respect for that and an apology from Trump.Featured image via Alex Wong/Getty Images
Fed up with Washington and feeling left behind, supporters of Republican Donald Trump upended the U.S. presidential race, electing a political newcomer they say offers the country a shot at dramatic change. Once dismissed by Trump’s Democratic rival Hillary Clinton as “deplorables,” supporters interviewed on Tuesday shrugged off his late-night tweeted insults, allegations against him of sexual misconduct and dire warnings from many in the Republican establishment that the businessman-turned-reality-television-star would throw U.S. economic and foreign policy into disarray. The economy, terrorism and healthcare ranked as the top three concerns facing Americans casting ballots in Tuesday’s election, according to an early reading from the Reuters/Ipsos Election Day poll of about 35,000 people. “The freedom-loving Americans pushed back against the elites and the globalists. They might win in the long run, but we’re not dead yet,” said Andrew Dye, 48, of Dexter, Michigan. “I think this big country is getting a little too far left a little too quickly and some people finally woke up and said enough,” said Dye, a partner in a small management consulting firm. Cuban-American Sarah Gird, 67, described herself as an independent who had felt let down after twice voting for Democratic President Barack Obama. “I’m not conservative at all,” she said. But Obama “didn’t produce anything.” In contrast, she said she trusted Trump would fix the economy. “I think he’s sincere, he’s truthful, he means what he says,” said Gird, adding she thought Trump would address poverty and jobs in African-American neighborhoods. For many, the vote was a rejection of Clinton, whose use of a private email server during her time in government came to symbolize what is wrong with Washington. “All the corruption. I’m tired of business as usual, being sold out all these years,” said Kevin Barrett, 57, in Nashville. Tom Kipp, 53, an architect also of Nashville, said he voted for Trump because “we need somebody in there not beholden to anyone.” “Our checks and balances system is beyond being compromised. I don’t say he’s my prime candidate, but he’s my best option,” Kipp said. Others found Trump’s promise to build a wall on the southern border with Mexico appealing. “Last-minute decision: I changed my mind to Trump,” said Lisa Ciafone, 48, of Madeira Beach, Florida, citing her concerns about illegal immigration and the rising costs of health insurance. “It made me lean towards Trump.” Vicki DeLira, 54, a dental hygienist from Schererville, Indiana, grew up a Democrat but voted for Trump because it was time for change even if it means “a little bit of chaos.” “It will be a little different atmosphere for a non-politician to be in the White House,” DeLira said. “But I think there’s enough politicians around him to help round them out.” Todd Recknagel, managing partner of private equity firm Three20 Capital Group, said the caricature of Trump as a “monster” was overdone. “He is an effective business man at the end of the day. So things are never quite as good as they appear and things are never quite as bad as they appear in life and I think he can make a decent president,” said Recknagel, 52, from Panama City Beach, Florida. As Trump became the projected winner in state after state, fans from Arkansas, Texas and Virginia sitting on velvet sofas in the lobby of his new Washington luxury hotel just down the street from the White House celebrated as waiters popped champagne. Preston Parry, 20, had bet all along that Trump would defy the pollsters who predicted a Clinton victory. “These were shadow voters, people who had never, ever voted before that the polls didn’t pick up. Unlikely voters. Like him or hate him - look, he did something right.”
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: Fed up with Washington and feeling left behind, supporters of Republican Donald Trump upended the U.S. presidential race, electing a political newcomer they say offers the country a shot at dramatic change. Once dismissed by Trump’s Democratic rival Hillary Clinton as “deplorables,” supporters interviewed on Tuesday shrugged off his late-night tweeted insults, allegations against him of sexual misconduct and dire warnings from many in the Republican establishment that the businessman-turned-reality-television-star would throw U.S. economic and foreign policy into disarray. The economy, terrorism and healthcare ranked as the top three concerns facing Americans casting ballots in Tuesday’s election, according to an early reading from the Reuters/Ipsos Election Day poll of about 35,000 people. “The freedom-loving Americans pushed back against the elites and the globalists. They might win in the long run, but we’re not dead yet,” said Andrew Dye, 48, of Dexter, Michigan. “I think this big country is getting a little too far left a little too quickly and some people finally woke up and said enough,” said Dye, a partner in a small management consulting firm. Cuban-American Sarah Gird, 67, described herself as an independent who had felt let down after twice voting for Democratic President Barack Obama. “I’m not conservative at all,” she said. But Obama “didn’t produce anything.” In contrast, she said she trusted Trump would fix the economy. “I think he’s sincere, he’s truthful, he means what he says,” said Gird, adding she thought Trump would address poverty and jobs in African-American neighborhoods. For many, the vote was a rejection of Clinton, whose use of a private email server during her time in government came to symbolize what is wrong with Washington. “All the corruption. I’m tired of business as usual, being sold out all these years,” said Kevin Barrett, 57, in Nashville. Tom Kipp, 53, an architect also of Nashville, said he voted for Trump because “we need somebody in there not beholden to anyone.” “Our checks and balances system is beyond being compromised. I don’t say he’s my prime candidate, but he’s my best option,” Kipp said. Others found Trump’s promise to build a wall on the southern border with Mexico appealing. “Last-minute decision: I changed my mind to Trump,” said Lisa Ciafone, 48, of Madeira Beach, Florida, citing her concerns about illegal immigration and the rising costs of health insurance. “It made me lean towards Trump.” Vicki DeLira, 54, a dental hygienist from Schererville, Indiana, grew up a Democrat but voted for Trump because it was time for change even if it means “a little bit of chaos.” “It will be a little different atmosphere for a non-politician to be in the White House,” DeLira said. “But I think there’s enough politicians around him to help round them out.” Todd Recknagel, managing partner of private equity firm Three20 Capital Group, said the caricature of Trump as a “monster” was overdone. “He is an effective business man at the end of the day. So things are never quite as good as they appear and things are never quite as bad as they appear in life and I think he can make a decent president,” said Recknagel, 52, from Panama City Beach, Florida. As Trump became the projected winner in state after state, fans from Arkansas, Texas and Virginia sitting on velvet sofas in the lobby of his new Washington luxury hotel just down the street from the White House celebrated as waiters popped champagne. Preston Parry, 20, had bet all along that Trump would defy the pollsters who predicted a Clinton victory. “These were shadow voters, people who had never, ever voted before that the polls didn’t pick up. Unlikely voters. Like him or hate him - look, he did something right.”
Customers at a new charity shop in London walk away empty-handed and any money they spend goes to assist refugees in Europe and the Middle East. The Choose Love shop, run by the charity Help Refugees, displays products ranging from warm clothing to cooking equipment in London s central Soho district, the use of which was donated to the charity free of charge. It s easy to forget how lucky we are to have a bed, a blanket and a roof over our heads. For thousands of refugees this winter, these basic human needs are completely out of reach, Josie Naughton, CEO of Help Refugees said in a statement. The products on display are all items that the charity distributes to refugees in its field operations. Items range in price from 4.99 ($6.70) to 499. The charity said it would spend its customers money raised for specific items on identical or similar products to send to refugees. A spokesman added they may need to balance what they fund if consumers bought too many or too few of certain items. ($1 = 0.7414 pounds)
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: Customers at a new charity shop in London walk away empty-handed and any money they spend goes to assist refugees in Europe and the Middle East. The Choose Love shop, run by the charity Help Refugees, displays products ranging from warm clothing to cooking equipment in London s central Soho district, the use of which was donated to the charity free of charge. It s easy to forget how lucky we are to have a bed, a blanket and a roof over our heads. For thousands of refugees this winter, these basic human needs are completely out of reach, Josie Naughton, CEO of Help Refugees said in a statement. The products on display are all items that the charity distributes to refugees in its field operations. Items range in price from 4.99 ($6.70) to 499. The charity said it would spend its customers money raised for specific items on identical or similar products to send to refugees. A spokesman added they may need to balance what they fund if consumers bought too many or too few of certain items. ($1 = 0.7414 pounds)
The comments on the new Donald Trump for president ad are that it s positive. With great shots of the huge crowds at his rally and of Trump’shaking some hands, it s a feel good moment that says America First What s not to love about that? Oh, did you notice how he used the word TOGETHER VERY CLEVER!
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: The comments on the new Donald Trump for president ad are that it s positive. With great shots of the huge crowds at his rally and of Trump’shaking some hands, it s a feel good moment that says America First What s not to love about that? Oh, did you notice how he used the word TOGETHER VERY CLEVER!
Republicans have officially sunk so low this election they couldn’t possibly go deeper or so you’d think. Last night s vice presidential debate showed two men, one an honorable senator and the other a lap-dog governor, go at each other over policy and personal barbs. Republicans criticized Tim Kaine for interrupting too much (but were silent when Trump did the’same thing to Hillary Clinton), and Donald Trump felt it necessary to, on Twitter of course, mock Kaine s personal appearance. Kellyanne Conway who refuses to acknowledge Trump’s record deficit with female voters suggested Kaine was sexist.But perhaps the most deplorable of all insults hurdled at Tim Kaine s way comes from World Net Daily writer Jerome Corsi, PhD. Corsi who exposed President Obama s former life as a gay drug dealer took to Twitter to denounce Kaine s pin, which is recognized by the Department of Defense for families with those serving in the military. Corsi referred to the’sacred pin as Ho Chi Minh, Viet Cong, and Leftist secret squirrel stuff. Corsi also accused Kaine of not respecting the military because the pin, he felt, was too narrow and didn’t do enough to honor all those who have served including those who have died waiting to receive care from the VA.Corsi deleted several tweets in response to other users, but luckily we got screenshots saved of the monstrosity:For a party that claims to support the military, the troops, military families, and veterans, they certainly have a hard time showing it. Corsi, along with the North Carolina GOP (which also mocked Kaine s pin as being communist sympathizing) shows how utterly heartless, foul and downright dirty the GOP can be. By all means, object to Kaine s policy ideas. Object to his running mate, Hillary Clinton. But the minute one trashes his son, and their Blue Star status, will be the minute of regret.So far, World Net Daily, Corsi s employer, has not denounced the comments, nor has any prominent member of the Republican Party. Yet Corsi still has a platform to spew his hate and mismanagement of the truth.Republicans, this election, have mocked Blue Star families, Gold Star families, war heroes, veterans with PTSD, our military, and so forth. Where will it end? When will Republicans stand up and denounce this outrageous, offensive, un-American hate that consumes their party?Featured image via Salon
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: Republicans have officially sunk so low this election they couldn’t possibly go deeper or so you’d think. Last night s vice presidential debate showed two men, one an honorable senator and the other a lap-dog governor, go at each other over policy and personal barbs. Republicans criticized Tim Kaine for interrupting too much (but were silent when Trump did the’same thing to Hillary Clinton), and Donald Trump felt it necessary to, on Twitter of course, mock Kaine s personal appearance. Kellyanne Conway who refuses to acknowledge Trump’s record deficit with female voters suggested Kaine was sexist.But perhaps the most deplorable of all insults hurdled at Tim Kaine s way comes from World Net Daily writer Jerome Corsi, PhD. Corsi who exposed President Obama s former life as a gay drug dealer took to Twitter to denounce Kaine s pin, which is recognized by the Department of Defense for families with those serving in the military. Corsi referred to the’sacred pin as Ho Chi Minh, Viet Cong, and Leftist secret squirrel stuff. Corsi also accused Kaine of not respecting the military because the pin, he felt, was too narrow and didn’t do enough to honor all those who have served including those who have died waiting to receive care from the VA.Corsi deleted several tweets in response to other users, but luckily we got screenshots saved of the monstrosity:For a party that claims to support the military, the troops, military families, and veterans, they certainly have a hard time showing it. Corsi, along with the North Carolina GOP (which also mocked Kaine s pin as being communist sympathizing) shows how utterly heartless, foul and downright dirty the GOP can be. By all means, object to Kaine s policy ideas. Object to his running mate, Hillary Clinton. But the minute one trashes his son, and their Blue Star status, will be the minute of regret.So far, World Net Daily, Corsi s employer, has not denounced the comments, nor has any prominent member of the Republican Party. Yet Corsi still has a platform to spew his hate and mismanagement of the truth.Republicans, this election, have mocked Blue Star families, Gold Star families, war heroes, veterans with PTSD, our military, and so forth. Where will it end? When will Republicans stand up and denounce this outrageous, offensive, un-American hate that consumes their party?Featured image via Salon
Things got a bit uncomfortable during Rick Perry s confirmation hearing for a position in a department he forgot existed, then wanted to eliminate, and literally just learned what it does. Now he wants to run it. I have learned a great deal about the important work being done every day by the outstanding men and women of the DOE, Perry said in his opening statement at his confirmation hearing. My past statements made over five years ago about abolishing the Department of Energy do not reflect my current thinking. In fact, after being briefed on so many of the vital functions of the Department of Energy, I regret recommending its elimination. The thought of Rick Perry being in charge of our nation s nuclear stockpile is terrifying, but we were treated to a rare bit of levity during the former Texas Governor s exchange with Senator Al Franken.The Senator thanked Trump’s nominee for recently visiting him in his office. Did you enjoy meeting me? Franken joked. That s when things got weird. Perry uttered a sentence that will almost assuredly be memed for months or even years to come: I hope you are as much fun on that dais as you were on your couch. May I rephrase that? Perry asked. Please. Please. Please, Franken replied. Oh my lord. Oh my lord. Watch it for yourself, below:Featured image via screengrab
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: Things got a bit uncomfortable during Rick Perry s confirmation hearing for a position in a department he forgot existed, then wanted to eliminate, and literally just learned what it does. Now he wants to run it. I have learned a great deal about the important work being done every day by the outstanding men and women of the DOE, Perry said in his opening statement at his confirmation hearing. My past statements made over five years ago about abolishing the Department of Energy do not reflect my current thinking. In fact, after being briefed on so many of the vital functions of the Department of Energy, I regret recommending its elimination. The thought of Rick Perry being in charge of our nation s nuclear stockpile is terrifying, but we were treated to a rare bit of levity during the former Texas Governor s exchange with Senator Al Franken.The Senator thanked Trump’s nominee for recently visiting him in his office. Did you enjoy meeting me? Franken joked. That s when things got weird. Perry uttered a sentence that will almost assuredly be memed for months or even years to come: I hope you are as much fun on that dais as you were on your couch. May I rephrase that? Perry asked. Please. Please. Please, Franken replied. Oh my lord. Oh my lord. Watch it for yourself, below:Featured image via screengrab
A group of volunteer soldiers announced this week the first ever LGBT unit formed to kick ISIS butt.The Queer Insurrection and Liberation Army, or TQILA (pronounced Tequila ), is now fighting alongside Kurdish forces in Syria, the group announced Monday, according to Newsweek. TQILA s members have watched in horror as fascist and extremist forces around the world have attacked the Queer community and murdered countless of our community members citing that they are ill, sick and unatural, the volunteer fighters group, International Revolution People s Guerilla Forces (IRPGF), wrote on Twitter when announcing the formation of the new unit.The IRPGF is a group of foreign fighters who traveled to northern Syria to fight ISIS alongside the Kurdish militia, People s Protection Unit, known as YPG. The images of gay men being thrown off roofs and stoned to death by Daesh was something we could not idly watch, they said.The group also posted an image of two soldiers brandishing a banner reading, These f s kill fascists, in front their logo, a pink flag with a black AK-47 machine gun, and a rainbow flag in Raqqa, with the caption #Queers smashing the caliphate. These Faggots Kill Fascists! We shoot back! The Black & Pink and Rainbow flag fly in Raqqa. #Queers smashing the Caliphate. #TQILA #YPJ #YPG IRPGF (@IRPGF) July 24, 2017ISIS courts have declared homosexuality a capital offense punishable by death. Since its rise in Iraq in 2014, the terrorist group has released anti-gay propaganda showing men accused of homosexuality blindfolded and being thrown off roofs in front of large crowds, and then stoned if they survived the fall.ISIS also claimed responsibility for the Orlando Pulse nightclub shooting last year, in which gunman Omar Mateen murdered 49 people. New York Post
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: A group of volunteer soldiers announced this week the first ever LGBT unit formed to kick ISIS butt.The Queer Insurrection and Liberation Army, or TQILA (pronounced Tequila ), is now fighting alongside Kurdish forces in Syria, the group announced Monday, according to Newsweek. TQILA s members have watched in horror as fascist and extremist forces around the world have attacked the Queer community and murdered countless of our community members citing that they are ill, sick and unatural, the volunteer fighters group, International Revolution People s Guerilla Forces (IRPGF), wrote on Twitter when announcing the formation of the new unit.The IRPGF is a group of foreign fighters who traveled to northern Syria to fight ISIS alongside the Kurdish militia, People s Protection Unit, known as YPG. The images of gay men being thrown off roofs and stoned to death by Daesh was something we could not idly watch, they said.The group also posted an image of two soldiers brandishing a banner reading, These f s kill fascists, in front their logo, a pink flag with a black AK-47 machine gun, and a rainbow flag in Raqqa, with the caption #Queers smashing the caliphate. These Faggots Kill Fascists! We shoot back! The Black & Pink and Rainbow flag fly in Raqqa. #Queers smashing the Caliphate. #TQILA #YPJ #YPG IRPGF (@IRPGF) July 24, 2017ISIS courts have declared homosexuality a capital offense punishable by death. Since its rise in Iraq in 2014, the terrorist group has released anti-gay propaganda showing men accused of homosexuality blindfolded and being thrown off roofs in front of large crowds, and then stoned if they survived the fall.ISIS also claimed responsibility for the Orlando Pulse nightclub shooting last year, in which gunman Omar Mateen murdered 49 people. New York Post
We ve written about the amazing filmmaker, playwright and journalist, Phelim MacAleer and his fearless wife Ann McElhinney several times over the past couple of years. They ve brilliantly exposed the Left and their outrageous lies countless times. They are currently making a movie called Gosnell that will tell the truth the media hid about the crimes committed by serial killer, Dr. Kermit Gosnell. This husband and wife team are doing the work honest journalists, if they were being true to their profession, SHOULD be doing. Phelim s play Ferguson, that is now a movie, (see full-length version below) has completely dismantled the hands up don’t shoot lie that was coordinated by the White House and professional race agitators. This lie of course, was perpetrated by a willing media. MacAleer does a brilliant job of dispelling these lies by simply using the actual testimony from the case.From Phelim MacAleer:These are professional actors reading the actual words of eyewitnesses detailing minute by minute what happened in the run up to the’shooting of Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri. FERGUSON the play consists of unaltered witness testimony, exactly as the Ferguson grand jury heard it. It includes forensic and medical examiner evidence that proves the truth and debunks the liars.You probably haven’t missed the many and loud claims that the entertainment industry is racist and not diverse. It seems that everyone who matters agrees that diversity is a problem. Or at least that s what they say.But the reality is very different as I found when I wrote a play that offered ten roles for black men and women and even three significant roles for black women over 40 which everyone agrees can be a career death zone for women (of all races).And as a diversity bonus the play was going to be about an issue that of huge significance to the black community it was called FERGUSON and was about the’shooting of Michael Brown, a young black man by a white police officer in Ferguson, Missouri.And this was to be no whitesplaining of the issue. I wrote, or rather curated, the play only using actual Grand Jury testimony of witnesses (most of them black). I didn’t change their testimony at all. Not a paragraph, word or comma was added. It was to be a minute by minute account by multiple eyewitnesses of the last hours of Michael Brown s life. I decided to have a staged reading of the’script over four nights at the Odyssey Theater in Santa Monica. It would be a great way for people to finally hear the truth about Ferguson in the words of the people who witnessed the whole incident.The cast were enthusiastic at the auditions there was a huge interest in the play at last the truth about Ferguson and the’shooting of Michael Brown would come out. Their enthusiasm lasted until the end of the first rehearsal. According to an LA Times reporter who was present many of the actors were aghast that the truth from eyewitnesses and forensic experts didn’t match their idea of what really happened or what they’read in the media. It was clear from the eyewitness testimony that Michael Brown didn’t have his hands up surrendering as activists claimed. It was also clear, again from black eyewitnesses, that police officer Darren Wilson had no choice but to shoot Brown who was on a mini-crime rampage that morning.These facts did not please the actors who wanted to tell a different story. However this was Verbatim Theater the’story could only be told in the words of the witnesses. But the actors did not want to hear the genuine voices even if they were black and under oath. Nine of the original 13 actors walked out. Most of them were black. Then a few of the white cast walked out in sympathy one just 24 hours before the performance opened.Their walkout made a mockery of claims that there is a need for more diverse roles in the entertainment industry. This was a predominantly black cast in a play about a topic that was about an issue police shootings of black men that was of enormous interest to the black community.In reality what activists obviously meant was that they wanted black roles that pushed a left/liberal agenda. They may have wanted the actors faces to be a diverse color but they so did not want diversity of thought or ideas to be presented on the’stage. No those ideas had to be shut down. And it s not as if those ideas don’t get a lot of interest. The’staged reading of Ferguson over a four night run in a 99-seat theater was one of the most talked about plays of the year in Los Angeles. As a writer for liberal LA Weekly put it FERGUSON achieved something almost unheard of in L.A. s stage community it moved theater from the arts section to the front page. Despite the walkout I was determined the Show Would Go On. Eventually we hired replacement cast for all the actors and the play was staged for its planned four night run. It was an enormous success.LA Weekly said Ferguson was divisive, but riveting and an incendiary night of theatre . It was covered by a huge range of media outlets including NPR, The Hollywood Reporter and Rush Limbaugh.Now that is true diversity!To ensure the truth about Ferguson reaches as big an audience as possible I have now filmed the’staged reading.Please enjoy it. The truth is compelling. Phelim MacAleer
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: We ve written about the amazing filmmaker, playwright and journalist, Phelim MacAleer and his fearless wife Ann McElhinney several times over the past couple of years. They ve brilliantly exposed the Left and their outrageous lies countless times. They are currently making a movie called Gosnell that will tell the truth the media hid about the crimes committed by serial killer, Dr. Kermit Gosnell. This husband and wife team are doing the work honest journalists, if they were being true to their profession, SHOULD be doing. Phelim s play Ferguson, that is now a movie, (see full-length version below) has completely dismantled the hands up don’t shoot lie that was coordinated by the White House and professional race agitators. This lie of course, was perpetrated by a willing media. MacAleer does a brilliant job of dispelling these lies by simply using the actual testimony from the case.From Phelim MacAleer:These are professional actors reading the actual words of eyewitnesses detailing minute by minute what happened in the run up to the’shooting of Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri. FERGUSON the play consists of unaltered witness testimony, exactly as the Ferguson grand jury heard it. It includes forensic and medical examiner evidence that proves the truth and debunks the liars.You probably haven’t missed the many and loud claims that the entertainment industry is racist and not diverse. It seems that everyone who matters agrees that diversity is a problem. Or at least that s what they say.But the reality is very different as I found when I wrote a play that offered ten roles for black men and women and even three significant roles for black women over 40 which everyone agrees can be a career death zone for women (of all races).And as a diversity bonus the play was going to be about an issue that of huge significance to the black community it was called FERGUSON and was about the’shooting of Michael Brown, a young black man by a white police officer in Ferguson, Missouri.And this was to be no whitesplaining of the issue. I wrote, or rather curated, the play only using actual Grand Jury testimony of witnesses (most of them black). I didn’t change their testimony at all. Not a paragraph, word or comma was added. It was to be a minute by minute account by multiple eyewitnesses of the last hours of Michael Brown s life. I decided to have a staged reading of the’script over four nights at the Odyssey Theater in Santa Monica. It would be a great way for people to finally hear the truth about Ferguson in the words of the people who witnessed the whole incident.The cast were enthusiastic at the auditions there was a huge interest in the play at last the truth about Ferguson and the’shooting of Michael Brown would come out. Their enthusiasm lasted until the end of the first rehearsal. According to an LA Times reporter who was present many of the actors were aghast that the truth from eyewitnesses and forensic experts didn’t match their idea of what really happened or what they’read in the media. It was clear from the eyewitness testimony that Michael Brown didn’t have his hands up surrendering as activists claimed. It was also clear, again from black eyewitnesses, that police officer Darren Wilson had no choice but to shoot Brown who was on a mini-crime rampage that morning.These facts did not please the actors who wanted to tell a different story. However this was Verbatim Theater the’story could only be told in the words of the witnesses. But the actors did not want to hear the genuine voices even if they were black and under oath. Nine of the original 13 actors walked out. Most of them were black. Then a few of the white cast walked out in sympathy one just 24 hours before the performance opened.Their walkout made a mockery of claims that there is a need for more diverse roles in the entertainment industry. This was a predominantly black cast in a play about a topic that was about an issue police shootings of black men that was of enormous interest to the black community.In reality what activists obviously meant was that they wanted black roles that pushed a left/liberal agenda. They may have wanted the actors faces to be a diverse color but they so did not want diversity of thought or ideas to be presented on the’stage. No those ideas had to be shut down. And it s not as if those ideas don’t get a lot of interest. The’staged reading of Ferguson over a four night run in a 99-seat theater was one of the most talked about plays of the year in Los Angeles. As a writer for liberal LA Weekly put it FERGUSON achieved something almost unheard of in L.A. s stage community it moved theater from the arts section to the front page. Despite the walkout I was determined the Show Would Go On. Eventually we hired replacement cast for all the actors and the play was staged for its planned four night run. It was an enormous success.LA Weekly said Ferguson was divisive, but riveting and an incendiary night of theatre . It was covered by a huge range of media outlets including NPR, The Hollywood Reporter and Rush Limbaugh.Now that is true diversity!To ensure the truth about Ferguson reaches as big an audience as possible I have now filmed the’staged reading.Please enjoy it. The truth is compelling. Phelim MacAleer
Obama had a chance to speak of the horrors going on in the Middle East and to say so much more but he chose to behave like a college professor and lecture the Iranians: That path is now available to a nation like Iran, which, as of this moment, continues to deploy violent proxies to advance its interests. These efforts may appear to give Iran leverage in disputes with neighbors, but they fuel sectarian conflict that endangers the entire region and isolates Iran from the promise of trade and commerce. The Iranian people have a proud history and are filled with extraordinary petition, but chanting death to America does not create jobs or make Iran more secure. What a Putz!
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: Obama had a chance to speak of the horrors going on in the Middle East and to say so much more but he chose to behave like a college professor and lecture the Iranians: That path is now available to a nation like Iran, which, as of this moment, continues to deploy violent proxies to advance its interests. These efforts may appear to give Iran leverage in disputes with neighbors, but they fuel sectarian conflict that endangers the entire region and isolates Iran from the promise of trade and commerce. The Iranian people have a proud history and are filled with extraordinary petition, but chanting death to America does not create jobs or make Iran more secure. What a Putz!
THE BOSTON GLOBE ran a Sunday edition with a fake cover slamming Donald Trump for his desire to secure our border with Mexico. It was kind of a look at how supposedly horrible life would be with a president who actually puts Americans first. Fake news is happening everywhere these days but it s a big deal when a major newspaper does it. This is yet another example of how the media is so desperate to hurt Trump.The great thing is that there s the new media that responded almost immediately with a cover of Obama. The different in this cover is that these horrible things are REALLY happening under Obama! Way to go!
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: THE BOSTON GLOBE ran a Sunday edition with a fake cover slamming Donald Trump for his desire to secure our border with Mexico. It was kind of a look at how supposedly horrible life would be with a president who actually puts Americans first. Fake news is happening everywhere these days but it s a big deal when a major newspaper does it. This is yet another example of how the media is so desperate to hurt Trump.The great thing is that there s the new media that responded almost immediately with a cover of Obama. The different in this cover is that these horrible things are REALLY happening under Obama! Way to go!
Admit it: Ever since news broke that Donald Trump allegedly hired a couple nice Russian ladies to squat over a bed and ruin the maid s day by draining the’swamp all over the place, the foremost thought in your mind has been What will Alec Baldwin do with this? Don t worry you’re not alone, and the wait is over.Saturday Night Live s cold open this week was everything you hoped it would be: not only did it hit Trump on a number of key issues like his plan to repeal Obamacare and replace it with, well, nothing, as well as Trump’s refusal to acknowledge that Russia hacked the election. But it was also overflowing with references to the golden shower fiasco that is going to follow Trump around for the rest of his life no matter where he goes or what he does.The allegations first surfaced when Buzzfeed opened the floodgates and published full memos that included allegations that Trump hired Russian prostitutes to urinate on a bed President Obama once slept in because he’s a small, hateful man-child. The’story, in this context, not only seems plausible but probable. Four sources confirm with the BBC that the allegations are legitimate, with at least one telling the network video and audio exist of some of Trump’s escapades in St. Petersberg (Russia s leader in child prostitution) and Moscow.We re not going to ruin this for you. You need to see it for yourself, which you can do below:Featured image via screengrab
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: Admit it: Ever since news broke that Donald Trump allegedly hired a couple nice Russian ladies to squat over a bed and ruin the maid s day by draining the’swamp all over the place, the foremost thought in your mind has been What will Alec Baldwin do with this? Don t worry you’re not alone, and the wait is over.Saturday Night Live s cold open this week was everything you hoped it would be: not only did it hit Trump on a number of key issues like his plan to repeal Obamacare and replace it with, well, nothing, as well as Trump’s refusal to acknowledge that Russia hacked the election. But it was also overflowing with references to the golden shower fiasco that is going to follow Trump around for the rest of his life no matter where he goes or what he does.The allegations first surfaced when Buzzfeed opened the floodgates and published full memos that included allegations that Trump hired Russian prostitutes to urinate on a bed President Obama once slept in because he’s a small, hateful man-child. The’story, in this context, not only seems plausible but probable. Four sources confirm with the BBC that the allegations are legitimate, with at least one telling the network video and audio exist of some of Trump’s escapades in St. Petersberg (Russia s leader in child prostitution) and Moscow.We re not going to ruin this for you. You need to see it for yourself, which you can do below:Featured image via screengrab
At least one person was killed and several others injured by Hurricane Irma on the Dutch side of the Caribbean island of Saint Martin, the Dutch government said on Thursday. French officials earlier said there had been eight fatalities on the French side.
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: At least one person was killed and several others injured by Hurricane Irma on the Dutch side of the Caribbean island of Saint Martin, the Dutch government said on Thursday. French officials earlier said there had been eight fatalities on the French side.
A magnitude 5.9 earthquake hit off the coast of Papua New Guinea in the early hours of Monday local time, the Pacific Tsunami Warning Center said. The quake struck at a depth of 37 km (23 miles), in the sea southwest of Kandrian soon after midnight (1426 GMT Sunday), the center added.
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: A magnitude 5.9 earthquake hit off the coast of Papua New Guinea in the early hours of Monday local time, the Pacific Tsunami Warning Center said. The quake struck at a depth of 37 km (23 miles), in the sea southwest of Kandrian soon after midnight (1426 GMT Sunday), the center added.
U.S. President Donald Trump accused predecessor Barack Obama on Saturday of wiretapping him during the late stages of the 2016 election campaign, but offered no evidence for an allegation which an Obama spokesman said was “simply false”. Trump made the accusation in a series of early morning tweets just weeks into his administration and amid rising scrutiny of his campaign’s ties to Russia. “How low has President Obama gone to tapp my phones during the very sacred election process. This is Nixon/Watergate. Bad (or sick) guy!,” Trump wrote in one tweet. “I’d bet a good lawyer could make a great case out of the fact that President Obama was tapping my phones in October, just prior to Election!” The remarkable tussle between the current and former presidents just 45 days since the handover of power is the latest twist in a controversy over ties between Trump associates and Russia that has dogged the early days of his presidency. U.S. intelligence agencies concluded last year that Russia hacked and leaked Democratic emails during the election campaign as part of an effort to tilt the vote in Trump’s favor. The Kremlin has denied the allegations. Trump has accused officials in Obama’s administration of trying to discredit him with questions about Russia contacts. Obama spokesman Kevin Lewis said it had been a “cardinal rule” of the Obama administration that no White House official ever interfered with any independent investigation led by the Department of Justice. “Neither President Obama nor any White House official ever ordered surveillance on any U.S. citizen. Any suggestion otherwise is simply false,” Lewis said in a statement. The statement did not address the possibility that a wiretap of the Trump campaign could have been ordered by Justice Department officials. Trump said the alleged wiretapping took place in his Trump Tower office and apartment building in New York, but there was “nothing found.” The White House did not respond to a request to elaborate on Trump’s accusations. Trump was spending the weekend at his Florida seaside resort, Mar-a-Lago. He was scheduled to meet with Attorney General Jeff Sessions and Homeland Security Secretary John Kelly before a dinner with officials also including adviser Steve Bannon and White House Counsel Don McGahn, the White House said. Amid a political storm, Sessions on Thursday announced he would stay out of any probe into alleged Russian meddling in the 2016 presidential election after it emerged he met last year with Russia’s ambassador, although he maintained he did nothing wrong by failing to disclose the meeting. A Trump spokeswoman said the president spent part of Saturday “having meetings, making phone calls and hitting balls” at his golf course in West Palm Beach. His supporters, meanwhile, staged small rallies in at least 28 of the country’s 50 states, most of which passed off peacefully. But there were clashes in the famously left-leaning city of Berkeley, California, where protesters from both sides hit each other over the head with wooden sticks. Trump’s tweets caught his aides by surprise, with one saying it was unclear what the president was referring to. Members of Congress said Trump’s accusations require investigation or explanation. Senator Ben Sasse, a Republican, described the allegations as serious and said the public deserved more information. He said in a statement it was possible that Trump had been illegally tapped, but, if so, the president should explain what sort of tap it was and how he knew about it. U.S. Representative Adam Schiff, the top Democrat on the House Intelligence Committee, called Trump’s assertion a “spectacularly reckless allegation”. “If there is something bad or sick going on, it is the willingness of the nation’s chief executive to make the most outlandish and destructive claims without providing a scintilla of evidence to support them,” Schiff said in a statement. Former Obama adviser Ben Rhodes strongly denied Trump’s allegations: “No president can order a wiretap. Those restrictions were put in place to protect citizens from people like you,” Rhodes wrote on Twitter. Trump’s administration has come under pressure from Federal Bureau of Investigation and congressional investigations into contacts between some members of his campaign team and Russian officials during his campaign. Republican Senator Lindsey Graham said he had no knowledge of any wiretapping but was “very worried” about the suggestion Obama had acted illegally and would also be concerned “if in fact the Obama administration was able to obtain a warrant lawfully about Trump campaign activity.” Several other Republicans again urged an investigation into a series of intelligence-related leaks. Obama imposed sanctions on Russia and ordered Russian diplomats to leave the United States in December over the country’s involvement in hacking political parties in the Nov. 8 U.S. presidential election. Under U.S. law, a federal court would have to have found probable cause that the target of the surveillance is an “agent of a foreign power” in order to approve a warrant authorizing electronic surveillance of Trump Tower. Several conservative news outlets and commentators have made allegations in recent days about Trump being wiretapped during the campaign, without offering any evidence. Trump’s first national security adviser, Michael Flynn, resigned in February after revelations that he had discussed U.S. sanctions on Russia with the Russian ambassador to the United States before Trump took office. Flynn had promised Vice President Mike Pence he had not discussed U.S. sanctions with the Russians, but transcripts of intercepted communications, described by U.S. officials, showed that the subject had come up in conversations between him and the Russian ambassador.
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: U.S. President Donald Trump accused predecessor Barack Obama on Saturday of wiretapping him during the late stages of the 2016 election campaign, but offered no evidence for an allegation which an Obama spokesman said was “simply false”. Trump made the accusation in a series of early morning tweets just weeks into his administration and amid rising scrutiny of his campaign’s ties to Russia. “How low has President Obama gone to tapp my phones during the very sacred election process. This is Nixon/Watergate. Bad (or sick) guy!,” Trump wrote in one tweet. “I’d bet a good lawyer could make a great case out of the fact that President Obama was tapping my phones in October, just prior to Election!” The remarkable tussle between the current and former presidents just 45 days since the handover of power is the latest twist in a controversy over ties between Trump associates and Russia that has dogged the early days of his presidency. U.S. intelligence agencies concluded last year that Russia hacked and leaked Democratic emails during the election campaign as part of an effort to tilt the vote in Trump’s favor. The Kremlin has denied the allegations. Trump has accused officials in Obama’s administration of trying to discredit him with questions about Russia contacts. Obama spokesman Kevin Lewis said it had been a “cardinal rule” of the Obama administration that no White House official ever interfered with any independent investigation led by the Department of Justice. “Neither President Obama nor any White House official ever ordered surveillance on any U.S. citizen. Any suggestion otherwise is simply false,” Lewis said in a statement. The statement did not address the possibility that a wiretap of the Trump campaign could have been ordered by Justice Department officials. Trump said the alleged wiretapping took place in his Trump Tower office and apartment building in New York, but there was “nothing found.” The White House did not respond to a request to elaborate on Trump’s accusations. Trump was spending the weekend at his Florida seaside resort, Mar-a-Lago. He was scheduled to meet with Attorney General Jeff Sessions and Homeland Security Secretary John Kelly before a dinner with officials also including adviser Steve Bannon and White House Counsel Don McGahn, the White House said. Amid a political storm, Sessions on Thursday announced he would stay out of any probe into alleged Russian meddling in the 2016 presidential election after it emerged he met last year with Russia’s ambassador, although he maintained he did nothing wrong by failing to disclose the meeting. A Trump spokeswoman said the president spent part of Saturday “having meetings, making phone calls and hitting balls” at his golf course in West Palm Beach. His supporters, meanwhile, staged small rallies in at least 28 of the country’s 50 states, most of which passed off peacefully. But there were clashes in the famously left-leaning city of Berkeley, California, where protesters from both sides hit each other over the head with wooden sticks. Trump’s tweets caught his aides by surprise, with one saying it was unclear what the president was referring to. Members of Congress said Trump’s accusations require investigation or explanation. Senator Ben Sasse, a Republican, described the allegations as serious and said the public deserved more information. He said in a statement it was possible that Trump had been illegally tapped, but, if so, the president should explain what sort of tap it was and how he knew about it. U.S. Representative Adam Schiff, the top Democrat on the House Intelligence Committee, called Trump’s assertion a “spectacularly reckless allegation”. “If there is something bad or sick going on, it is the willingness of the nation’s chief executive to make the most outlandish and destructive claims without providing a scintilla of evidence to support them,” Schiff said in a statement. Former Obama adviser Ben Rhodes strongly denied Trump’s allegations: “No president can order a wiretap. Those restrictions were put in place to protect citizens from people like you,” Rhodes wrote on Twitter. Trump’s administration has come under pressure from Federal Bureau of Investigation and congressional investigations into contacts between some members of his campaign team and Russian officials during his campaign. Republican Senator Lindsey Graham said he had no knowledge of any wiretapping but was “very worried” about the suggestion Obama had acted illegally and would also be concerned “if in fact the Obama administration was able to obtain a warrant lawfully about Trump campaign activity.” Several other Republicans again urged an investigation into a series of intelligence-related leaks. Obama imposed sanctions on Russia and ordered Russian diplomats to leave the United States in December over the country’s involvement in hacking political parties in the Nov. 8 U.S. presidential election. Under U.S. law, a federal court would have to have found probable cause that the target of the surveillance is an “agent of a foreign power” in order to approve a warrant authorizing electronic surveillance of Trump Tower. Several conservative news outlets and commentators have made allegations in recent days about Trump being wiretapped during the campaign, without offering any evidence. Trump’s first national security adviser, Michael Flynn, resigned in February after revelations that he had discussed U.S. sanctions on Russia with the Russian ambassador to the United States before Trump took office. Flynn had promised Vice President Mike Pence he had not discussed U.S. sanctions with the Russians, but transcripts of intercepted communications, described by U.S. officials, showed that the subject had come up in conversations between him and the Russian ambassador.
Donald Trump has once again’taken to Twitter to issue a threat to a perceived rival, except this time he is launching the threats at the wife of Ted Cruz.We have been awaiting Trump’s response to a hostile ad campaign designed to appeal to the religious right, which featured Melania Trump (Donald s wife and the prospective First Lady) in a naked photoshoot. The ad was put together by a pro-Cruz PAC. Anti-Trump group is running Facebook ads to drive up Mormon turnout in Utah and Arizona. McKay Coppins (@mckaycoppins) March 21, 2016It appears that Trump is now making his play back at Ted Cruz, by aiming the guns at the Texas Senator s wife Heidi.Lyin' Ted Cruz just used a picture of Melania from a G.Q. shoot in his ad. Be careful, Lyin' Ted, or I will spill the beans on your wife! Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) March 23, 2016Whether Trump has some beans to spill on Heidi, or he just huffing and puffing like some sort of fairy tale wolf the’spat marks a new low in an already desperately poisonous election season for the Republican party. Two potential candidates for the office of President of the United States trading Yo wife! insults it is an embarrassment to the election process.It also comes hot on the heels of the worrying news that US elections have just been ranked worst among the longstanding democracies of the world. America came flat last. As the Washington Post puts it:What do Argentina, Costa Rica and Brazil have in common?They all outranked the United States in a comparison of election standards and procedures conducted by the Electoral Integrity Project. The United States ranked 47th worldwide, out of 139 countries.So what is it that has driven America to the bottom of a league table of which we should be on top? The report states: experts expressed concern about the quality of the electoral laws, voter registration, the process of drawing district boundaries, as well as the regulation of campaign finance, In short, the game is rigged to a degree in the United States, which it is not elsewhere in the developed world. This issue should be front and center in this election campaign, with candidates doing everything they can’to restore the integrity of American democracy. Instead, the Republican candidates are busy sl*t-shaming each other s wives.The electorate deserve better, and they should vote for better.Featured image via Screengrab/Flickr Creative Commons
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: Donald Trump has once again’taken to Twitter to issue a threat to a perceived rival, except this time he is launching the threats at the wife of Ted Cruz.We have been awaiting Trump’s response to a hostile ad campaign designed to appeal to the religious right, which featured Melania Trump (Donald s wife and the prospective First Lady) in a naked photoshoot. The ad was put together by a pro-Cruz PAC. Anti-Trump group is running Facebook ads to drive up Mormon turnout in Utah and Arizona. McKay Coppins (@mckaycoppins) March 21, 2016It appears that Trump is now making his play back at Ted Cruz, by aiming the guns at the Texas Senator s wife Heidi.Lyin' Ted Cruz just used a picture of Melania from a G.Q. shoot in his ad. Be careful, Lyin' Ted, or I will spill the beans on your wife! Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) March 23, 2016Whether Trump has some beans to spill on Heidi, or he just huffing and puffing like some sort of fairy tale wolf the’spat marks a new low in an already desperately poisonous election season for the Republican party. Two potential candidates for the office of President of the United States trading Yo wife! insults it is an embarrassment to the election process.It also comes hot on the heels of the worrying news that US elections have just been ranked worst among the longstanding democracies of the world. America came flat last. As the Washington Post puts it:What do Argentina, Costa Rica and Brazil have in common?They all outranked the United States in a comparison of election standards and procedures conducted by the Electoral Integrity Project. The United States ranked 47th worldwide, out of 139 countries.So what is it that has driven America to the bottom of a league table of which we should be on top? The report states: experts expressed concern about the quality of the electoral laws, voter registration, the process of drawing district boundaries, as well as the regulation of campaign finance, In short, the game is rigged to a degree in the United States, which it is not elsewhere in the developed world. This issue should be front and center in this election campaign, with candidates doing everything they can’to restore the integrity of American democracy. Instead, the Republican candidates are busy sl*t-shaming each other s wives.The electorate deserve better, and they should vote for better.Featured image via Screengrab/Flickr Creative Commons
Generally, it s considered rather unprofessional to comment on someone s looks rather than their actions or words, but it s hard not to notice one very strange and unusual occurrence. Throughout the decades, Donald Trump’skin pallor has turned from the normal white guy shade of beige to a color which is best represented by a pumpkin.Now, the rings around his eyes pretty much prove that Trump either spends time in tanning beds or he is a fan of fake spray tans, either of which would involve tiny goggles. Well, according to a Mother Jones expose, it could be either, but that s not the news. The news is why Trump’seems to be such a fan of fake tans and it gives you a glimpse into the type of cronyism we could expect if Trump were to become president.Trump is good friends with an Indiana businessman named Steve Hilbert. In 2006, Hilbert became the CEO of New Sunshine, a company that makes tanning beds, spray tanning booths, tanning lotions, and bronzers.Trump and Hilbert have a lot in common. They are the’same age. They are both rich. They both change wives about as often as Trump’supporters change underwear (sorry) and they both have hideous, garish taste in decorating. Hilbert, when he was an insurance CEO, was one of the country s highest paid and he even helicoptered to work a whole two miles.The businessman reportedly met his sixth and current wife in the early 1990s, when she jumped topless out of a cake at a party for one of his stepsons. The cake story may be apocryphal, but Tomisue Hilbert, who is the’same age as Melania, was indeed a 23-year-old topless dancer and a single mother when she married Steve.The Hilberts once lived in a three-story, 23,000 square-foot faux-French mansion dubbed Le Chateau Renaissance, which was located on a 33-acre compound outside Indianapolis that included a 15,000-square-foot sports barn with a full-size reproduction of the Indiana University basketball court. The mansion, once valued at $25 million, featured Trumpesque gold-plated bathroom fixtures and French crystal chandeliers. Hand-painted murals adorned a dome above the entryway, including one depicting a toga-clad Steve Hilbert as an ancient deity.The men had been friends for nearly 20 years when they entered into a business deal together. They bought the General Motors Building in Manhattan for $800 million. Hilbert put up far more money than Trump did ($200 million vs. $11 million plus there was a third partner) but somehow, Trump received a 50 percent interest in the building. He also put his name on the building.The two men, along with their wives du jour, also socialize together. They stay in each other s vacation homes. They attend each other s multiple weddings.After a disastrous departure from his company, Conseco, Hilbert started the tanning business. While Mother Jones doesn’t know for sure that Trump uses his products, they’do say this:This is also around the time that Trump’started to turn orange. Did the Hilberts get Trump into tanning? Does he use New Sunshine spray tans or tanning bed bronzers? (Reviewers have suggested that turning orange a rich shade of burnt orange, in the words of one can be a distinct side effect of using such products.) The Trump campaign did not respond to questions about whether Trump used New Sunshine tanning products. Questions sent by email and FedEx to Hilbert s Indiana home went unanswered. It s clear, though, that Trump is familiar with New Sunshine s wares. He promoted the company s tanning products on The Celebrity Apprentice in two episodes.There s more to the’story, which includes some pretty shady business deals, but at least we might now know why Trump is that awful shade of orange.Featured image via John Sommers II/Getty Images
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: Generally, it s considered rather unprofessional to comment on someone s looks rather than their actions or words, but it s hard not to notice one very strange and unusual occurrence. Throughout the decades, Donald Trump’skin pallor has turned from the normal white guy shade of beige to a color which is best represented by a pumpkin.Now, the rings around his eyes pretty much prove that Trump either spends time in tanning beds or he is a fan of fake spray tans, either of which would involve tiny goggles. Well, according to a Mother Jones expose, it could be either, but that s not the news. The news is why Trump’seems to be such a fan of fake tans and it gives you a glimpse into the type of cronyism we could expect if Trump were to become president.Trump is good friends with an Indiana businessman named Steve Hilbert. In 2006, Hilbert became the CEO of New Sunshine, a company that makes tanning beds, spray tanning booths, tanning lotions, and bronzers.Trump and Hilbert have a lot in common. They are the’same age. They are both rich. They both change wives about as often as Trump’supporters change underwear (sorry) and they both have hideous, garish taste in decorating. Hilbert, when he was an insurance CEO, was one of the country s highest paid and he even helicoptered to work a whole two miles.The businessman reportedly met his sixth and current wife in the early 1990s, when she jumped topless out of a cake at a party for one of his stepsons. The cake story may be apocryphal, but Tomisue Hilbert, who is the’same age as Melania, was indeed a 23-year-old topless dancer and a single mother when she married Steve.The Hilberts once lived in a three-story, 23,000 square-foot faux-French mansion dubbed Le Chateau Renaissance, which was located on a 33-acre compound outside Indianapolis that included a 15,000-square-foot sports barn with a full-size reproduction of the Indiana University basketball court. The mansion, once valued at $25 million, featured Trumpesque gold-plated bathroom fixtures and French crystal chandeliers. Hand-painted murals adorned a dome above the entryway, including one depicting a toga-clad Steve Hilbert as an ancient deity.The men had been friends for nearly 20 years when they entered into a business deal together. They bought the General Motors Building in Manhattan for $800 million. Hilbert put up far more money than Trump did ($200 million vs. $11 million plus there was a third partner) but somehow, Trump received a 50 percent interest in the building. He also put his name on the building.The two men, along with their wives du jour, also socialize together. They stay in each other s vacation homes. They attend each other s multiple weddings.After a disastrous departure from his company, Conseco, Hilbert started the tanning business. While Mother Jones doesn’t know for sure that Trump uses his products, they’do say this:This is also around the time that Trump’started to turn orange. Did the Hilberts get Trump into tanning? Does he use New Sunshine spray tans or tanning bed bronzers? (Reviewers have suggested that turning orange a rich shade of burnt orange, in the words of one can be a distinct side effect of using such products.) The Trump campaign did not respond to questions about whether Trump used New Sunshine tanning products. Questions sent by email and FedEx to Hilbert s Indiana home went unanswered. It s clear, though, that Trump is familiar with New Sunshine s wares. He promoted the company s tanning products on The Celebrity Apprentice in two episodes.There s more to the’story, which includes some pretty shady business deals, but at least we might now know why Trump is that awful shade of orange.Featured image via John Sommers II/Getty Images
This story is a perfect example of why Barack and Hillary are in such a big hurry to bring foreigners into our country. It doesn’t matter if American citizens are on the hook to support them and their extended families for decades to come. What matters is how they vote, and it s pretty clear by this discovery about this Muslim immigrant, he not only supports Hillary, he’s been ILLEGALLY voting in the last 3 elections!The Cascade Mall shooting suspect, Arcan Cetin, may face an additional investigation related to his voting record and citizenship status.Federal sources confirm to KING 5 that Cetin was not a U.S. citizen, meaning legally he cannot vote. However, state records show Cetin registered to vote in 2014 and participated in three election cycles, including the May presidential primary.Cetin, who immigrated to the United States from Turkey as a child, is considered a permanent resident or green card holder. While a permanent resident can apply for U.S. citizenship after a certain period of time, sources tell KING his status had not changed from green card holder to U.S. citizen.
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: This story is a perfect example of why Barack and Hillary are in such a big hurry to bring foreigners into our country. It doesn’t matter if American citizens are on the hook to support them and their extended families for decades to come. What matters is how they vote, and it s pretty clear by this discovery about this Muslim immigrant, he not only supports Hillary, he’s been ILLEGALLY voting in the last 3 elections!The Cascade Mall shooting suspect, Arcan Cetin, may face an additional investigation related to his voting record and citizenship status.Federal sources confirm to KING 5 that Cetin was not a U.S. citizen, meaning legally he cannot vote. However, state records show Cetin registered to vote in 2014 and participated in three election cycles, including the May presidential primary.Cetin, who immigrated to the United States from Turkey as a child, is considered a permanent resident or green card holder. While a permanent resident can apply for U.S. citizenship after a certain period of time, sources tell KING his status had not changed from green card holder to U.S. citizen.
A ninth Australian lawmaker quit parliament on Wednesday after discovering she was a dual national, the latest casualty in a widening constitutional crisis that has already cost the government its majority. The resignation of Skye Kakoschke-Moore, one of three senators in the center-right Nick Xenophon Team, over the surprise revelation that she was a British citizen by descent, does not affect the government s position in the upper house. Their advice was extremely surprising to me, Kakoschke-Moore told reporters in Adelaide, after having learnt from Britain s Home Office that her mother s birth in then-colonial Singapore in 1957 made her British by descent. Australia s 116-year-old constitution bans dual citizens from holding national office, in a bid to prevent split allegiances. The crisis, which is likely to ripple even wider in coming weeks as lawmakers are required to prove their status, has already cut a swath through Australia s parliament. The ruling center-right coalition lost its one-seat majority in the lower house after Deputy Prime Minister Barnaby Joyce was found ineligible for office and expelled by the High Court. Another resignation has since weakened it further. Adherence to the dual-citizenship rule, in a country where more than half the population of 24 million were either themselves, or have a parent, born overseas, has only recently come under the spotlight, with the High Court adopting a strict interpretation of the law. In response, Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull ordered all lawmakers to prove they comply with the laws by Dec. 5, and at least one lawmaker besides those who have quit has raised the possibility that she is ineligible. Senate votes from 2016 will be recounted to decide on a replacement for Kakoschke-Moore. By-elections set for Dec. 2 and Dec. 16, to replace Joyce and a lower-house government lawmaker who resigned on discovering he was British, are shaping as crucial for the government s survival. Joyce is expected to retain his seat, internal party polling published by the Australian newspaper showed, but former tennis champion John Alexander must contend with a high-profile rival in former New South Wales state Premier Kristina Keneally. The government would be reduced to minority rule if Alexander lost, forcing it to depend on a handful of independent lawmakers to retain power and pass laws.
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: A ninth Australian lawmaker quit parliament on Wednesday after discovering she was a dual national, the latest casualty in a widening constitutional crisis that has already cost the government its majority. The resignation of Skye Kakoschke-Moore, one of three senators in the center-right Nick Xenophon Team, over the surprise revelation that she was a British citizen by descent, does not affect the government s position in the upper house. Their advice was extremely surprising to me, Kakoschke-Moore told reporters in Adelaide, after having learnt from Britain s Home Office that her mother s birth in then-colonial Singapore in 1957 made her British by descent. Australia s 116-year-old constitution bans dual citizens from holding national office, in a bid to prevent split allegiances. The crisis, which is likely to ripple even wider in coming weeks as lawmakers are required to prove their status, has already cut a swath through Australia s parliament. The ruling center-right coalition lost its one-seat majority in the lower house after Deputy Prime Minister Barnaby Joyce was found ineligible for office and expelled by the High Court. Another resignation has since weakened it further. Adherence to the dual-citizenship rule, in a country where more than half the population of 24 million were either themselves, or have a parent, born overseas, has only recently come under the spotlight, with the High Court adopting a strict interpretation of the law. In response, Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull ordered all lawmakers to prove they comply with the laws by Dec. 5, and at least one lawmaker besides those who have quit has raised the possibility that she is ineligible. Senate votes from 2016 will be recounted to decide on a replacement for Kakoschke-Moore. By-elections set for Dec. 2 and Dec. 16, to replace Joyce and a lower-house government lawmaker who resigned on discovering he was British, are shaping as crucial for the government s survival. Joyce is expected to retain his seat, internal party polling published by the Australian newspaper showed, but former tennis champion John Alexander must contend with a high-profile rival in former New South Wales state Premier Kristina Keneally. The government would be reduced to minority rule if Alexander lost, forcing it to depend on a handful of independent lawmakers to retain power and pass laws.
Iran has banned the transportation of refined crude oil products by Iranian companies to and from Iraq s Kurdistan region, the semi-official Tasnim news agency said on Friday, after Tehran vowed to stand by Baghdad following the region s vote for independence. A directive by the Road and Transportation Organization has temporarily banned carrying oil products from Iran to Iraq s Kurdistan region and vice versa following the latest developments in that region, Tasnim reported. Iraq s Kurds overwhelmingly backed a call for independence in a referendum on Monday, defying neighboring countries which fear the vote could lead to renewed conflict in the region. A ban on international flights into Iraq s Kurdish region was being imposed on Friday after the Baghdad government retaliated against the vote. Almost all foreign airlines suspended flights to Erbil and Sulaimaniya, obeying a notice from the government in Baghdad, which controls Iraqi air space. Iran, which has its own Kurdish minority, had already halted flights to and from Kurdish regions on Sunday.
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: Iran has banned the transportation of refined crude oil products by Iranian companies to and from Iraq s Kurdistan region, the semi-official Tasnim news agency said on Friday, after Tehran vowed to stand by Baghdad following the region s vote for independence. A directive by the Road and Transportation Organization has temporarily banned carrying oil products from Iran to Iraq s Kurdistan region and vice versa following the latest developments in that region, Tasnim reported. Iraq s Kurds overwhelmingly backed a call for independence in a referendum on Monday, defying neighboring countries which fear the vote could lead to renewed conflict in the region. A ban on international flights into Iraq s Kurdish region was being imposed on Friday after the Baghdad government retaliated against the vote. Almost all foreign airlines suspended flights to Erbil and Sulaimaniya, obeying a notice from the government in Baghdad, which controls Iraqi air space. Iran, which has its own Kurdish minority, had already halted flights to and from Kurdish regions on Sunday.
Environmental Protection Agency administrator Scott Pruitt has received an unprecedented amount of death threats, requiring a 24-hour security detail, according to an editorial published in the Wall Street Journal.The paper revealed the EPA has received more than 70 credible threats against EPA staffers, with a disproportionate number menacing Administrator Scott Pruitt and his family, since President Donald Trump took office.Credible threats from liberal opponents have resulted in the EPA s inspector general s office recommending 24/7 security detail for Pruitt, which is costing taxpayers $2 million per year. Mr. Pruitt has received more than five times as many threats as his predecessor, Gina McCarthy, the editorial explained. These include explicit death threats. Some have referenced Mr. Pruitt s home address. Federal law enforcement has determined that some of those threatening Mr. Pruitt are likely capable of carrying out acts of violence. Democratic lawmakers have complained that the’security detail is a waste of money, claiming there is no apparent security threat against the administrator to justify such a security detail or expenditures. EPA security has already caught suspects prowling around the Administrator s neighborhood, the Journal reported.Liberals have justified the death threats. Last week, a San Francisco columnist argued death threats against Pruitt were justified because he is a banally evil, milquetoast, science-denying government administrator. The death threats make a warped sort of sense, wrote liberal columnist Mark Morford. Mr. Pruitt didn’t invent these threats, and Cabinet members shouldn’t have to fear violence as a price of public service, the WSJ editorial board said.For entire story: WFB
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: Environmental Protection Agency administrator Scott Pruitt has received an unprecedented amount of death threats, requiring a 24-hour security detail, according to an editorial published in the Wall Street Journal.The paper revealed the EPA has received more than 70 credible threats against EPA staffers, with a disproportionate number menacing Administrator Scott Pruitt and his family, since President Donald Trump took office.Credible threats from liberal opponents have resulted in the EPA s inspector general s office recommending 24/7 security detail for Pruitt, which is costing taxpayers $2 million per year. Mr. Pruitt has received more than five times as many threats as his predecessor, Gina McCarthy, the editorial explained. These include explicit death threats. Some have referenced Mr. Pruitt s home address. Federal law enforcement has determined that some of those threatening Mr. Pruitt are likely capable of carrying out acts of violence. Democratic lawmakers have complained that the’security detail is a waste of money, claiming there is no apparent security threat against the administrator to justify such a security detail or expenditures. EPA security has already caught suspects prowling around the Administrator s neighborhood, the Journal reported.Liberals have justified the death threats. Last week, a San Francisco columnist argued death threats against Pruitt were justified because he is a banally evil, milquetoast, science-denying government administrator. The death threats make a warped sort of sense, wrote liberal columnist Mark Morford. Mr. Pruitt didn’t invent these threats, and Cabinet members shouldn’t have to fear violence as a price of public service, the WSJ editorial board said.For entire story: WFB
kar ma k rm /Submit noun destiny or fate, following as effect from cause.Protests Cost Missouri a Top RecruitLouisiana high school football standout Sci Martin removed Missouri from his top five list of schools he was considering attending next fall.Sci Martin is one of the top high school recruits in the country.Sci Martin, from New Orleans, Louisiana, told reporters, Their campus is out of control. SEC Cuuntry reported: As if enough wasn’t already going on at Missouri, the protests and racially-charged controversy have now hit the recruiting trail.Sci Martin, a 3-star defensive end and the No. 42 player in Louisiana, told SEC Country he has removed Mizzou from his top five. That narrows his list down to LSU, TCU, Utah and Oklahoma.Martin, who leads the New Orleans area in sacks this season, said he wanted no part of what s taking place in Columbia, Mo. Their campus is going out of control, Martin said Wednesday night.Martin said Missouri was pretty high on his list. He previously said he liked the Tigers coaching staff and how he fit in their defensive scheme.Because of what s going on, Missouri will no longer receive consideration. They were pretty high, Martin said of Missouri, but I m not going back in time with this type of madness. Sci Martin spoke with NOLA earlier this season.Via: Gateway Pundit
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: kar ma k rm /Submit noun destiny or fate, following as effect from cause.Protests Cost Missouri a Top RecruitLouisiana high school football standout Sci Martin removed Missouri from his top five list of schools he was considering attending next fall.Sci Martin is one of the top high school recruits in the country.Sci Martin, from New Orleans, Louisiana, told reporters, Their campus is out of control. SEC Cuuntry reported: As if enough wasn’t already going on at Missouri, the protests and racially-charged controversy have now hit the recruiting trail.Sci Martin, a 3-star defensive end and the No. 42 player in Louisiana, told SEC Country he has removed Mizzou from his top five. That narrows his list down to LSU, TCU, Utah and Oklahoma.Martin, who leads the New Orleans area in sacks this season, said he wanted no part of what s taking place in Columbia, Mo. Their campus is going out of control, Martin said Wednesday night.Martin said Missouri was pretty high on his list. He previously said he liked the Tigers coaching staff and how he fit in their defensive scheme.Because of what s going on, Missouri will no longer receive consideration. They were pretty high, Martin said of Missouri, but I m not going back in time with this type of madness. Sci Martin spoke with NOLA earlier this season.Via: Gateway Pundit
While Londoners were coming together in a show of courage and compassion for the victims of a terror attack, an intrepid Breitbart writer decided it would be a good time to exploit the tragedy to promote her racist, white nationalist ideology.In the immediate aftermath of the attack, Katie McHugh tweeted:There would be no deadly terror attacks in the U.K. if Muslims didn’t live there. #LondonBridge Katie McHugh?? (@k_mcq) June 3, 2017Later, when a user pointed out that she was an idiot, she responded by dismissing him because he was Indian. (He was right, she was wrong. He is an Iranian-American actor. She really is an idiot.)What followed was even more ranting about Muslims, a seemingly endless stream of hate directed at an entire religion which Katie loathes. Even by Breitbart s standards, it was openly racist. CNN contacted several anonymous employees of the right-wing website and they expressed disgust in their coworker. I find it appalling, one Breitbart employee told CNN. It s a terrible comment, another Breitbart employee told CNN, saying it was wrong to make a blanket statement about an entire religious group. I would never write what she’said. (Note: These employees shouldn’t get too much credit. How sad is it that they wanted their names to be hidden before they said something so straightforward as racism is bad ?)Things only got worse for McHugh as people went digging into her history of racism. She has been proudly boasting of her Islamophobia for years, including disgusting attacks like this one also while she was employed at Breitbart:One day later and Breitbart finally caved to the pressure and fired Katie for the bigoted remarks. (Like at Fox News, 2017 has been a bit of a bloodbath for Breitbart. Before this scandal, they were forced to fire their star personality, Milo Yiannopoulos for endorsing child rape.)But in an added twist of hypocrisy, Katie has now launched a crowdfunding page (hosted by a white nationalist-run website wesearchr ) in which she begs for handouts to make ends meet while she’s unemployed. The Breitbarter wants your welfare please!Donate here so I can pay my medical bills and get employed again. And keep telling the truth. #LondonBridge Katie McHugh?? (@k_mcq) June 5, 2017The fact that she needs money to pay her medical bills is particularly rich coming from a Breitbart employee. The website ran relentless attack ads disguised as news to stop universal healthcare from happening. To this day, the’site supports a repeal of Obamacare the’same insurance pool that would allow McHugh to have health insurance even if she can’t find a website to hire her after her racism went viral.And naturally, McHugh is spinning her dismissal from Breitbart as a conspiracy to silence her conservative views.McHugh wanted a raise for tweeting there would be no deadly terror attacks if Muslims didn’t live there. To quote an Iranian-American actor:You're a real moron Pej Vahdat (@pejvahdat) June 3, 2017Featured image via Twitter
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: While Londoners were coming together in a show of courage and compassion for the victims of a terror attack, an intrepid Breitbart writer decided it would be a good time to exploit the tragedy to promote her racist, white nationalist ideology.In the immediate aftermath of the attack, Katie McHugh tweeted:There would be no deadly terror attacks in the U.K. if Muslims didn’t live there. #LondonBridge Katie McHugh?? (@k_mcq) June 3, 2017Later, when a user pointed out that she was an idiot, she responded by dismissing him because he was Indian. (He was right, she was wrong. He is an Iranian-American actor. She really is an idiot.)What followed was even more ranting about Muslims, a seemingly endless stream of hate directed at an entire religion which Katie loathes. Even by Breitbart s standards, it was openly racist. CNN contacted several anonymous employees of the right-wing website and they expressed disgust in their coworker. I find it appalling, one Breitbart employee told CNN. It s a terrible comment, another Breitbart employee told CNN, saying it was wrong to make a blanket statement about an entire religious group. I would never write what she’said. (Note: These employees shouldn’t get too much credit. How sad is it that they wanted their names to be hidden before they said something so straightforward as racism is bad ?)Things only got worse for McHugh as people went digging into her history of racism. She has been proudly boasting of her Islamophobia for years, including disgusting attacks like this one also while she was employed at Breitbart:One day later and Breitbart finally caved to the pressure and fired Katie for the bigoted remarks. (Like at Fox News, 2017 has been a bit of a bloodbath for Breitbart. Before this scandal, they were forced to fire their star personality, Milo Yiannopoulos for endorsing child rape.)But in an added twist of hypocrisy, Katie has now launched a crowdfunding page (hosted by a white nationalist-run website wesearchr ) in which she begs for handouts to make ends meet while she’s unemployed. The Breitbarter wants your welfare please!Donate here so I can pay my medical bills and get employed again. And keep telling the truth. #LondonBridge Katie McHugh?? (@k_mcq) June 5, 2017The fact that she needs money to pay her medical bills is particularly rich coming from a Breitbart employee. The website ran relentless attack ads disguised as news to stop universal healthcare from happening. To this day, the’site supports a repeal of Obamacare the’same insurance pool that would allow McHugh to have health insurance even if she can’t find a website to hire her after her racism went viral.And naturally, McHugh is spinning her dismissal from Breitbart as a conspiracy to silence her conservative views.McHugh wanted a raise for tweeting there would be no deadly terror attacks if Muslims didn’t live there. To quote an Iranian-American actor:You're a real moron Pej Vahdat (@pejvahdat) June 3, 2017Featured image via Twitter
Donald Trump is an established denier of climate change and lover of absurd conspiracy theories. During the first presidential debate on Monday, Hillary Clinton slammed him for claiming that global warming is a Chinese hoax: Donald thinks that climate change is a hoax perpetrated by the Chinese, Clinton said on the debate stage. I think it s real. I think science is real. Trump promptly interrupted her to declare that he hadn’t ever said anything of the’sort. I did not, I did not, countered Trump. I do not say that. Go figure, this was a boldfaced lie. In 2012, Trump tweeted this:Trump later claimed he was just joking after Bernie Sanders nailed him to the wall for this ridiculous theory, but he’still insisted that climate change is a hoax that benefits China. Well, I think the climate change is just a very, very expensive form of tax. A lot of people are making a lot of money. I know much about climate change. I d be received environmental awards. And I often joke that this is done for the benefit of China. Obviously, I joke, Trump’said to Fox News in January. But this is done for the benefit of China because China does not do anything to help climate change. They burn everything you could burn; they couldn’t care less. They have very you know, their standards are nothing. But they in the meantime, they can undercut us on price. So it s very hard on our business. The GOP nominee has repeatedly claimed that global warming is a hoax. He argued this point on Fox News in 2014.And his Twitter feed abounds with similar statements.Sooner or later, you’d think Trump would learn that lying about what he has said doesn’t work, especially if it was said on television or social media. But apparently, this is a lesson that hasn’t quite sunk in yet.Watch Trump lie about claiming that global warming is a Chinese hoax, here:Featured image via Win McNamee/Getty Images
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: Donald Trump is an established denier of climate change and lover of absurd conspiracy theories. During the first presidential debate on Monday, Hillary Clinton slammed him for claiming that global warming is a Chinese hoax: Donald thinks that climate change is a hoax perpetrated by the Chinese, Clinton said on the debate stage. I think it s real. I think science is real. Trump promptly interrupted her to declare that he hadn’t ever said anything of the’sort. I did not, I did not, countered Trump. I do not say that. Go figure, this was a boldfaced lie. In 2012, Trump tweeted this:Trump later claimed he was just joking after Bernie Sanders nailed him to the wall for this ridiculous theory, but he’still insisted that climate change is a hoax that benefits China. Well, I think the climate change is just a very, very expensive form of tax. A lot of people are making a lot of money. I know much about climate change. I d be received environmental awards. And I often joke that this is done for the benefit of China. Obviously, I joke, Trump’said to Fox News in January. But this is done for the benefit of China because China does not do anything to help climate change. They burn everything you could burn; they couldn’t care less. They have very you know, their standards are nothing. But they in the meantime, they can undercut us on price. So it s very hard on our business. The GOP nominee has repeatedly claimed that global warming is a hoax. He argued this point on Fox News in 2014.And his Twitter feed abounds with similar statements.Sooner or later, you’d think Trump would learn that lying about what he has said doesn’t work, especially if it was said on television or social media. But apparently, this is a lesson that hasn’t quite sunk in yet.Watch Trump lie about claiming that global warming is a Chinese hoax, here:Featured image via Win McNamee/Getty Images
British pop singer Rebecca Ferguson, daughter of a white British woman and Jamaican father, says she has been invited to perform at Donald Trump’s inauguration, but her response may not be the RSVP the President-elect s team were expecting.The former UK X-Factor runner-up said she would only accept the invitation on the condition that she could perform Strange Fruit a song protesting racism in 1930s America, made famous by Billie Holiday.The lyrics, written in the 1930s by Jewish communist Abel Meeropol, were composed as a protest poem to highlight endemic racism in America s southern states.The’song s opening lyrics deal with lynching, which was still happening in parts of the country at the time: Southern trees bear strange fruit // Blood on the leaves and blood at the root // Black bodies swinging in the’southern breeze // Strange fruit hanging from the poplar trees.According to Billie Holiday s Estate, Holiday regularly performed the’song at live performances in 1939. Her record label, Columbia, refused to let her record the’song under their name, so they granted her a one-session contractual release that gave Holiday clearance to independently record the track.Later that year, the album featuring Strange Fruit sold a million copies, becoming Holiday s biggest-selling record at the time. In 1978, the’single was inducted into the Grammy Hall of Fame. Last month, The Beach Boys told CNN that the group has been contacted about performing, but that no decision has been made at this point as to how or whether they will participate. The’so-called "A" list celebrities are all wanting tixs to the inauguration, but look what they’did for Hillary, NOTHING. I want the PEOPLE! Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) December 23, 2016-CNN
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: British pop singer Rebecca Ferguson, daughter of a white British woman and Jamaican father, says she has been invited to perform at Donald Trump’s inauguration, but her response may not be the RSVP the President-elect s team were expecting.The former UK X-Factor runner-up said she would only accept the invitation on the condition that she could perform Strange Fruit a song protesting racism in 1930s America, made famous by Billie Holiday.The lyrics, written in the 1930s by Jewish communist Abel Meeropol, were composed as a protest poem to highlight endemic racism in America s southern states.The’song s opening lyrics deal with lynching, which was still happening in parts of the country at the time: Southern trees bear strange fruit // Blood on the leaves and blood at the root // Black bodies swinging in the’southern breeze // Strange fruit hanging from the poplar trees.According to Billie Holiday s Estate, Holiday regularly performed the’song at live performances in 1939. Her record label, Columbia, refused to let her record the’song under their name, so they granted her a one-session contractual release that gave Holiday clearance to independently record the track.Later that year, the album featuring Strange Fruit sold a million copies, becoming Holiday s biggest-selling record at the time. In 1978, the’single was inducted into the Grammy Hall of Fame. Last month, The Beach Boys told CNN that the group has been contacted about performing, but that no decision has been made at this point as to how or whether they will participate. The’so-called "A" list celebrities are all wanting tixs to the inauguration, but look what they’did for Hillary, NOTHING. I want the PEOPLE! Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) December 23, 2016-CNN
Every parent in the United States of America should be alarmed by this covert attempt by Board of Education members to essentially tell our kids that their power supersedes that of the parents. Furthermore, this reckless policy of placing same sex kids in bathrooms and locker rooms puts children in danger of being in private spaces with sexual predators and or sexual offenders Make sure to add your comments to the MI Board of Educations HEREMichigan s State Board of Education has drafted a guidance that would push the’state s schools to allow all students, regardless of parental or doctoral input, to choose their gender, name, pronouns, and bathrooms.Spearheaded by board president John C. Austin and signed by state superintendent Brian Whiston, the guidance informs Michigan public schools that only the’students themselves i.e. not their parents or doctors can determine what their individual gender identities are. The responsibility for determining a student s gender identity rests with the’student. Outside confirmation from medical or mental health professionals, or documentation of legal changes, is not needed, the guidance states.Gender identity is defined in the guidance as a person s deeply held internal sense or psychological knowledge of their own gender, regardless of the biological sex they were assigned at birth. Notably, the guidance makes no mention of a student s age affecting whether or not they can pick a gender without their parent or doctor.In fact, the guidance seems to intentionally cut parents out of the process.The guidance states: School staff should address students by their chosen name and pronouns that correspond to their gender identity, regardless of whether there has been a legal name change. Students can even ask to have their chosen name and gender included in the district s information management systems, in addition to the’student s legal name. But what about when school staff members are speaking with parents about their son or daughter?The guidance states that Transgender and GNC [gender nonconforming] students have the right to decide when, with whom, and to what extent to share private information. Accordingly, the board makes clear, When contacting the parent/guardian of a transgender or GNC student, school staff should use the’student s legal name and the pronoun corresponding to the’student s assigned sex at birth, unless the’student or parent/guardian has specified otherwise. In other words, a boy named Jake could become a girl named Jane at school, seemingly without his parents ever knowing.Names, pronouns, and genders aren’t the only things the board wants students to choose.The guidance informs schools that Students should be allowed to use the restroom in accordance with their gender identity. And the board makes clear that single-stall bathrooms are not inclusive enough: Alternative and non-stigmatizing options, such as an all-gender or singleuser restroom (e.g., staff bathroom or nurse s office), should be made available to students who request them, but not presented as the only option. Locker rooms also should become inclusive of students many gender identities. A student should not be required to use a locker room that is incongruent with their gender identity, the guidance states. Locker room usage should be determined on a case-by-case basis, using the guiding principles of safety and honoring the’student s gender identity and expression. Students who are bothered by having members of the opposite sex in their locker rooms can request an adjusted changing schedule or use of a private area in the facility. The board quietly issued the’statement and guidance on February 23rd, without a press release. The public has only until April 11th to comment on the proposed guidance, according to the Department of Education website. The board will finalize the guidance at a meeting on May 10th. Via: Daily Caller
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: Every parent in the United States of America should be alarmed by this covert attempt by Board of Education members to essentially tell our kids that their power supersedes that of the parents. Furthermore, this reckless policy of placing same sex kids in bathrooms and locker rooms puts children in danger of being in private spaces with sexual predators and or sexual offenders Make sure to add your comments to the MI Board of Educations HEREMichigan s State Board of Education has drafted a guidance that would push the’state s schools to allow all students, regardless of parental or doctoral input, to choose their gender, name, pronouns, and bathrooms.Spearheaded by board president John C. Austin and signed by state superintendent Brian Whiston, the guidance informs Michigan public schools that only the’students themselves i.e. not their parents or doctors can determine what their individual gender identities are. The responsibility for determining a student s gender identity rests with the’student. Outside confirmation from medical or mental health professionals, or documentation of legal changes, is not needed, the guidance states.Gender identity is defined in the guidance as a person s deeply held internal sense or psychological knowledge of their own gender, regardless of the biological sex they were assigned at birth. Notably, the guidance makes no mention of a student s age affecting whether or not they can pick a gender without their parent or doctor.In fact, the guidance seems to intentionally cut parents out of the process.The guidance states: School staff should address students by their chosen name and pronouns that correspond to their gender identity, regardless of whether there has been a legal name change. Students can even ask to have their chosen name and gender included in the district s information management systems, in addition to the’student s legal name. But what about when school staff members are speaking with parents about their son or daughter?The guidance states that Transgender and GNC [gender nonconforming] students have the right to decide when, with whom, and to what extent to share private information. Accordingly, the board makes clear, When contacting the parent/guardian of a transgender or GNC student, school staff should use the’student s legal name and the pronoun corresponding to the’student s assigned sex at birth, unless the’student or parent/guardian has specified otherwise. In other words, a boy named Jake could become a girl named Jane at school, seemingly without his parents ever knowing.Names, pronouns, and genders aren’t the only things the board wants students to choose.The guidance informs schools that Students should be allowed to use the restroom in accordance with their gender identity. And the board makes clear that single-stall bathrooms are not inclusive enough: Alternative and non-stigmatizing options, such as an all-gender or singleuser restroom (e.g., staff bathroom or nurse s office), should be made available to students who request them, but not presented as the only option. Locker rooms also should become inclusive of students many gender identities. A student should not be required to use a locker room that is incongruent with their gender identity, the guidance states. Locker room usage should be determined on a case-by-case basis, using the guiding principles of safety and honoring the’student s gender identity and expression. Students who are bothered by having members of the opposite sex in their locker rooms can request an adjusted changing schedule or use of a private area in the facility. The board quietly issued the’statement and guidance on February 23rd, without a press release. The public has only until April 11th to comment on the proposed guidance, according to the Department of Education website. The board will finalize the guidance at a meeting on May 10th. Via: Daily Caller
Rick Perry, President-elect Donald Trump’s pick to run the U.S. Energy Department, said during a Senate confirmation hearing on Thursday that global warming caused by humans is real, but that efforts to combat it should not cost American jobs. The comment marks a shift for the former Texas governor, who had previously called the science behind climate change “unsettled” and a “contrived, phony mess.” It also clashes with Trump’s statements during his campaign for the White House that global warming is a hoax meant to weaken U.S. business. “I believe the climate is changing. I believe some of it is naturally occurring, but some of it is also caused by man-made activity. The question is how do we address it in a thoughtful way that doesn’t compromise economic growth, the affordability of energy or American jobs,” Perry said. Perry’s 3-1/2-hour hearing before the Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources was one of the shortest and least contentious in a long list of sessions to vet Trump Cabinet nominees since last week. The committee has not yet scheduled its vote on Perry’s nomination. As energy secretary, Perry, 66, would oversee a substantial chunk of Trump’s energy portfolio. He would lead a vast scientific research operation credited with helping trigger a U.S. drilling boom and advancements in energy efficiency and renewable energy technology, and would also be in charge of maintaining the United States’ nuclear weapons arsenal. Trump, who will be sworn in as president on Friday, has promised to bolster the U.S. oil, gas and coal industries, in part by undoing federal regulations curbing carbon dioxide emissions. He has also suggested pulling America out of a global climate change pact signed in Paris in 2015, calling it expensive for U.S. industry. He sees Perry, who was governor of Texas from 2000 to 2015 and whose nomination has the support of the energy sector, as someone who can help usher in jobs growth. Perry added during his hearing that he regrets having previously called for the department’s elimination - a proposal he made during his failed bid for the Republican presidential nomination in 2012. That proposal, which has become known as his “oops” moment, came during a presidential candidate debate when he could not initially remember all of the three Cabinet-level departments he wanted to eliminate: Commerce, Education and Energy. “After being briefed on so many of the vital functions of the Department of Energy, I regret recommending its elimination,” he said in his opening remarks. Democrats on the committee expressed worry that Perry would weaken the Energy Department’s functions and potentially target its army of scientists focused on climate research. Perry sought to assuage them. “I am going to protect the men and women of the scientific community from anyone who would attack them,” he said in response to a question from Democratic Senator Maria Cantwell of Washington state about whether he would cut the department’s climate science budget. When pressed on whether there would be budget or staff cuts to key research programs at the department, Perry said: “I will be an advocate (for the programs) ... but I’m not sure I’m going to be 1,000 percent successful.” He distanced himself from a questionnaire the Trump transition team sent to the department in December demanding names and publications of employees who had worked on climate issues. After an uproar by critics who said it amounted to a witch hunt, the team disavowed the survey. “I didn’t approve it. I don’t approve of it. I don’t need that information,” Perry said. Perry said much of his focus running the department would be on renewing the U.S. nuclear weapons arsenal. More than half of the department’s $32.5 billion budget goes to maintaining nuclear weapons and cleaning up nuclear waste. “As a former Air Force pilot during the days of the Cold War, I understand the deterrent value of our nuclear weapons systems, and the vital role they play in keeping the peace,” he said. Perry said he was generally supportive of a state’s right to block the siting of nuclear waste dumps, like Yucca Mountain in Nevada, but fell short of ruling out the federal government’s power to impose them over state objections in some cases. Nuclear waste disposal is one of the top hurdles to growth in the U.S. nuclear power industry. Department leadership under Perry would represent a pivot from being run by learned scientists to a person who is known for close ties to energy interests. The current energy secretary, Ernest Moniz, is a nuclear physicist who led technical negotiations in the 2015 Iran nuclear deal, while the previous head, Steven Chu, is a Nobel Prize-winning physicist. Perry recently resigned from the board of directors of Energy Transfer Partners LP, the company building the Dakota Access Pipeline opposed by Native Americans and environmentalists.
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: Rick Perry, President-elect Donald Trump’s pick to run the U.S. Energy Department, said during a Senate confirmation hearing on Thursday that global warming caused by humans is real, but that efforts to combat it should not cost American jobs. The comment marks a shift for the former Texas governor, who had previously called the science behind climate change “unsettled” and a “contrived, phony mess.” It also clashes with Trump’s statements during his campaign for the White House that global warming is a hoax meant to weaken U.S. business. “I believe the climate is changing. I believe some of it is naturally occurring, but some of it is also caused by man-made activity. The question is how do we address it in a thoughtful way that doesn’t compromise economic growth, the affordability of energy or American jobs,” Perry said. Perry’s 3-1/2-hour hearing before the Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources was one of the shortest and least contentious in a long list of sessions to vet Trump Cabinet nominees since last week. The committee has not yet scheduled its vote on Perry’s nomination. As energy secretary, Perry, 66, would oversee a substantial chunk of Trump’s energy portfolio. He would lead a vast scientific research operation credited with helping trigger a U.S. drilling boom and advancements in energy efficiency and renewable energy technology, and would also be in charge of maintaining the United States’ nuclear weapons arsenal. Trump, who will be sworn in as president on Friday, has promised to bolster the U.S. oil, gas and coal industries, in part by undoing federal regulations curbing carbon dioxide emissions. He has also suggested pulling America out of a global climate change pact signed in Paris in 2015, calling it expensive for U.S. industry. He sees Perry, who was governor of Texas from 2000 to 2015 and whose nomination has the support of the energy sector, as someone who can help usher in jobs growth. Perry added during his hearing that he regrets having previously called for the department’s elimination - a proposal he made during his failed bid for the Republican presidential nomination in 2012. That proposal, which has become known as his “oops” moment, came during a presidential candidate debate when he could not initially remember all of the three Cabinet-level departments he wanted to eliminate: Commerce, Education and Energy. “After being briefed on so many of the vital functions of the Department of Energy, I regret recommending its elimination,” he said in his opening remarks. Democrats on the committee expressed worry that Perry would weaken the Energy Department’s functions and potentially target its army of scientists focused on climate research. Perry sought to assuage them. “I am going to protect the men and women of the scientific community from anyone who would attack them,” he said in response to a question from Democratic Senator Maria Cantwell of Washington state about whether he would cut the department’s climate science budget. When pressed on whether there would be budget or staff cuts to key research programs at the department, Perry said: “I will be an advocate (for the programs) ... but I’m not sure I’m going to be 1,000 percent successful.” He distanced himself from a questionnaire the Trump transition team sent to the department in December demanding names and publications of employees who had worked on climate issues. After an uproar by critics who said it amounted to a witch hunt, the team disavowed the survey. “I didn’t approve it. I don’t approve of it. I don’t need that information,” Perry said. Perry said much of his focus running the department would be on renewing the U.S. nuclear weapons arsenal. More than half of the department’s $32.5 billion budget goes to maintaining nuclear weapons and cleaning up nuclear waste. “As a former Air Force pilot during the days of the Cold War, I understand the deterrent value of our nuclear weapons systems, and the vital role they play in keeping the peace,” he said. Perry said he was generally supportive of a state’s right to block the siting of nuclear waste dumps, like Yucca Mountain in Nevada, but fell short of ruling out the federal government’s power to impose them over state objections in some cases. Nuclear waste disposal is one of the top hurdles to growth in the U.S. nuclear power industry. Department leadership under Perry would represent a pivot from being run by learned scientists to a person who is known for close ties to energy interests. The current energy secretary, Ernest Moniz, is a nuclear physicist who led technical negotiations in the 2015 Iran nuclear deal, while the previous head, Steven Chu, is a Nobel Prize-winning physicist. Perry recently resigned from the board of directors of Energy Transfer Partners LP, the company building the Dakota Access Pipeline opposed by Native Americans and environmentalists.
Our DOJ and other government agencies are doing whatever they want to do with YOUR money! Congress is investigating the funneling of money to radical open borders groups: The use of these settlements to create incentives for shaping broader housing policy shows a disregard for separation of powers considerations inherent in the U.S. Constitution. Lawlessness rules the day in the Obama administration Unreal!Justice Department officials used unusual bank settlements to fund liberal activist groups without the consent of Congress, rather than help the victims of the housing crisis, according to congressional investigators. Instead of trying to help more people who were harmed by the downturn, they instead decided to line the pockets of third-party groups, House Financial Services oversight subcommittee Chairman Sean Duffy, R-Wis., told reporters Friday morning in a call hosted by Cause of Action.The DOJ bank settlements have attracted suspicion in both chambers of Congress, where Republicans have practical concerns about where the money went, as well as constitutional problems with how the Justice Department came up with a plan to extract money from banks that it could use without having to go through a congressional appropriations process.Senate investigators are especially frustrated with how the Justice Department circumvented Congress and the law. The DOJ used the threat of litigation and the corresponding financial and reputational costs to cause the banks to take actions that a court would not have ordered them to do, according to a report issued late Thursday by Senate Homeland Security Committee Chairman Ron Johnson, R-Wis. The use of these settlements to create incentives for shaping broader housing policy shows a disregard for separation of powers considerations inherent in the U.S. Constitution. Read more: WE
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: Our DOJ and other government agencies are doing whatever they want to do with YOUR money! Congress is investigating the funneling of money to radical open borders groups: The use of these settlements to create incentives for shaping broader housing policy shows a disregard for separation of powers considerations inherent in the U.S. Constitution. Lawlessness rules the day in the Obama administration Unreal!Justice Department officials used unusual bank settlements to fund liberal activist groups without the consent of Congress, rather than help the victims of the housing crisis, according to congressional investigators. Instead of trying to help more people who were harmed by the downturn, they instead decided to line the pockets of third-party groups, House Financial Services oversight subcommittee Chairman Sean Duffy, R-Wis., told reporters Friday morning in a call hosted by Cause of Action.The DOJ bank settlements have attracted suspicion in both chambers of Congress, where Republicans have practical concerns about where the money went, as well as constitutional problems with how the Justice Department came up with a plan to extract money from banks that it could use without having to go through a congressional appropriations process.Senate investigators are especially frustrated with how the Justice Department circumvented Congress and the law. The DOJ used the threat of litigation and the corresponding financial and reputational costs to cause the banks to take actions that a court would not have ordered them to do, according to a report issued late Thursday by Senate Homeland Security Committee Chairman Ron Johnson, R-Wis. The use of these settlements to create incentives for shaping broader housing policy shows a disregard for separation of powers considerations inherent in the U.S. Constitution. Read more: WE
Fistfights and chair-throwing broke out in Uganda s parliament on Tuesday ahead of a debate on whether to grant long-serving President Yoweri Museveni another term in office. The move to extend his rule has met widespread opposition from civic rights activists, the political opposition, religious leaders and even some members of Museveni s own ruling party. He has been in power for more than three decades. Local television showed government and opposition lawmakers coming to blows after the House speaker allowed a ruling party legislator to introduce a motion to kick-start the process to remove an age cap from Uganda s constitution to allow Museveni to run for re-election. Please take your seats... Let us speak with our words, not with our fists, Parliament Speaker Rebecca Kadaga said as she tried to calm the enraged lawmakers. Order was subsequently restored as the House debated other, less contentious subjects. Toward the end of a nearly six-hour session, moments before the controversial motion was read, legislators opposed to it successfully foiled its introduction by breaking into endless singing of the national anthem. Donning red ribbons, they stood up and crowded around the podium, banging on it and on their benches. After repeated calls of order, order, honorable members by Kadaga failed to silence the MPs, she adjourned the session. Under the existing constitution, a person standing for president must be under 75 years of age which would make Museveni, 73, ineligible to stand at the next polls in 2021. Before Tuesday s parliamentary sitting got under way around, police fired tear gas to disperse protests by students and other opposition activists in the capital Kampala, police spokesman Emirian Kayima said. Some students and other young people were causing commotion and attempting to rob shopkeepers. We engaged them with teargas, Kayima said. Nineteen people including Uganda s leading opposition figure, Kizza Besigye, were also arrested. Kayima said Besigye was taken into custody after he attempted to mobilize protesters to march on parliament. Local media reported protests against the legislative measure also broke out in other parts of Uganda. Police have deployed in force around parliament and throughout Kampala since last week when the move to launch the constitutional amendment process was expected to start but never made it to the floor. An ally of the West who has deployed troops in Somalia to help fight Islamist militants there, Museveni initially won plaudits for restoring stability after years of turmoil and attracting foreign direct investment. In recent years however, rampant human rights violations, corruption and broken public services have fueled opposition to his rule. The military siege around parliament - it s the end of people power in Uganda, it s a full-blown military dictatorship, said Sarah Birete, program director at the Kampala-based Centre for Constitutional Governance.
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: Fistfights and chair-throwing broke out in Uganda s parliament on Tuesday ahead of a debate on whether to grant long-serving President Yoweri Museveni another term in office. The move to extend his rule has met widespread opposition from civic rights activists, the political opposition, religious leaders and even some members of Museveni s own ruling party. He has been in power for more than three decades. Local television showed government and opposition lawmakers coming to blows after the House speaker allowed a ruling party legislator to introduce a motion to kick-start the process to remove an age cap from Uganda s constitution to allow Museveni to run for re-election. Please take your seats... Let us speak with our words, not with our fists, Parliament Speaker Rebecca Kadaga said as she tried to calm the enraged lawmakers. Order was subsequently restored as the House debated other, less contentious subjects. Toward the end of a nearly six-hour session, moments before the controversial motion was read, legislators opposed to it successfully foiled its introduction by breaking into endless singing of the national anthem. Donning red ribbons, they stood up and crowded around the podium, banging on it and on their benches. After repeated calls of order, order, honorable members by Kadaga failed to silence the MPs, she adjourned the session. Under the existing constitution, a person standing for president must be under 75 years of age which would make Museveni, 73, ineligible to stand at the next polls in 2021. Before Tuesday s parliamentary sitting got under way around, police fired tear gas to disperse protests by students and other opposition activists in the capital Kampala, police spokesman Emirian Kayima said. Some students and other young people were causing commotion and attempting to rob shopkeepers. We engaged them with teargas, Kayima said. Nineteen people including Uganda s leading opposition figure, Kizza Besigye, were also arrested. Kayima said Besigye was taken into custody after he attempted to mobilize protesters to march on parliament. Local media reported protests against the legislative measure also broke out in other parts of Uganda. Police have deployed in force around parliament and throughout Kampala since last week when the move to launch the constitutional amendment process was expected to start but never made it to the floor. An ally of the West who has deployed troops in Somalia to help fight Islamist militants there, Museveni initially won plaudits for restoring stability after years of turmoil and attracting foreign direct investment. In recent years however, rampant human rights violations, corruption and broken public services have fueled opposition to his rule. The military siege around parliament - it s the end of people power in Uganda, it s a full-blown military dictatorship, said Sarah Birete, program director at the Kampala-based Centre for Constitutional Governance.
Islamic State claimed responsibility for a suicide attack that took place on Monday targeting the Nahrawan area southeast of Baghdad, the group s Amaq news agency said. The Sunni militant group said it had killed 35 members of Shi ite paramilitaries known as Popular Mobilisation Forces but the Interior Ministry had earlier said the attack targeted civilians and did not provide official casualty figures.
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: Islamic State claimed responsibility for a suicide attack that took place on Monday targeting the Nahrawan area southeast of Baghdad, the group s Amaq news agency said. The Sunni militant group said it had killed 35 members of Shi ite paramilitaries known as Popular Mobilisation Forces but the Interior Ministry had earlier said the attack targeted civilians and did not provide official casualty figures.
Why has Fox News been Donald Trump’s cheerleader, even while he viciously attacks its employees? The answer may be as simple as blackmail.While much of the Republican establishment has turned on Donald Trump (conservative newspaper National Review published an entire issue bashing Trump, recall), Fox News has been conspicuously on the’sidelines. It s certainly not because they want to remain neutral to the political process. This is the network, remember, that has no problem criticizing Obama for, say, eating at a nice restaurant or doing a comedy show. They ve never shied away from wearing their hack-y opinions on their sleeves.But even as Trump goes after one of Fox News biggest stars, Megyn Kelly, with sexist, disgusting digs at her, the network has repeatedly bent over backwards to accommodate the Republican front-runner.An explosive report in New York magazine may reveal a clue as to why:An odd bit of coincidence had given him a card to play against Fox founder Roger Ailes. In 2014, I published a biography of Ailes, which upset the famously paranoid executive. Several months before it landed in stores, Ailes fired his longtime PR adviser Brian Lewis, accusing him of being a source. During Lewis s severance negotiations, Lewis hired Judd Burstein, a powerhouse litigator, and claimed he had bombs that would destroy Ailes and Fox News. That s when Trump got involved.Trump has often bragged about this encounter, citing it as an example of his superior negotiating skills. But he also got something out of it. When Roger was having problems, he didn’t call 97 people, he called me, Trump’said. Burstein, it turned out, had worked for Trump briefly in the 90s, and Ailes asked Trump to mediate. Trump ran the negotiations out of his office at Trump Tower. Roger had lawyers, very expensive lawyers, and they couldn’t do anything. I solved the problem. Fox paid Lewis millions to go away quietly, and Trump, I m told, learned everything Lewis had planned to leak. If Ailes ever truly went to war against Trump, Trump would have the arsenal to launch a retaliatory strike.Information that Fox News head Roger Ailes paid millions to keep quiet is floating around Trump’s brain somewhere, just ready to come out of his mouth should the network really provoke him. It s no wonder Ailes has freaked out each time Trump threatened to go nuclear on the network. In a telling moment, when things had come to a head between Fox and Trump, Ailes the man behind the most watched news network in America rolled over and showed his belly. Unconditional surrender. Trump won.Roger Ailes just called. He is a great guy & assures me that Trump will be treated fairly on @FoxNews. His word is always good! Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) August 10, 2015In another example, after Trump went after Kelly, the Fox host opened up to Charlie Rose about how bad for the network Trump’s animosity would be:Speaking for herself and Fox News Chairman Roger Ailes, Kelly told Rose, Neither one of us wanted any sort of a war with Donald Trump. We didn’t think that benefited the channel, we didn’t think it benefited me, and we don’t think it benefited Donald Trump, adding that she believes Trump would agree.Kelly said they just wanted to forge forward and put it behind us and not pour anymore fuel on that fire. The result is some cringeworthy segments that feature Fox pundits twisting themselves into pretzels to defend Trump’s nonsense. When Trump recently changed his position on abortion three times in two days, with each new stance more nonsensical than the last, Fox s reliably dim-witted Andrea Tantaros found a way to blame his gaffes on a trap set by Hillary Clinton to make Trump look stupid.For years, Ailes had exploited Trump’s star power to take shots at Obama. The billionaire was a regular guest on the network, and Fox no doubt introduce Trump’s brand of egocentric conservatism to millions of viewers. When they had a common enemy in Obama, things were fine. Ailes never seemed to anticipate being placed in a position where Trump would use the dirt he had on Ailes against him. Like the GOP more broadly, Fox helped create the Trump Monster and now seem shocked to find that he has wrested control away from them and is on the warpath. It would almost be funny, if it weren’t so scary.Featured image via ThinkProgress screenshot
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: Why has Fox News been Donald Trump’s cheerleader, even while he viciously attacks its employees? The answer may be as simple as blackmail.While much of the Republican establishment has turned on Donald Trump (conservative newspaper National Review published an entire issue bashing Trump, recall), Fox News has been conspicuously on the’sidelines. It s certainly not because they want to remain neutral to the political process. This is the network, remember, that has no problem criticizing Obama for, say, eating at a nice restaurant or doing a comedy show. They ve never shied away from wearing their hack-y opinions on their sleeves.But even as Trump goes after one of Fox News biggest stars, Megyn Kelly, with sexist, disgusting digs at her, the network has repeatedly bent over backwards to accommodate the Republican front-runner.An explosive report in New York magazine may reveal a clue as to why:An odd bit of coincidence had given him a card to play against Fox founder Roger Ailes. In 2014, I published a biography of Ailes, which upset the famously paranoid executive. Several months before it landed in stores, Ailes fired his longtime PR adviser Brian Lewis, accusing him of being a source. During Lewis s severance negotiations, Lewis hired Judd Burstein, a powerhouse litigator, and claimed he had bombs that would destroy Ailes and Fox News. That s when Trump got involved.Trump has often bragged about this encounter, citing it as an example of his superior negotiating skills. But he also got something out of it. When Roger was having problems, he didn’t call 97 people, he called me, Trump’said. Burstein, it turned out, had worked for Trump briefly in the 90s, and Ailes asked Trump to mediate. Trump ran the negotiations out of his office at Trump Tower. Roger had lawyers, very expensive lawyers, and they couldn’t do anything. I solved the problem. Fox paid Lewis millions to go away quietly, and Trump, I m told, learned everything Lewis had planned to leak. If Ailes ever truly went to war against Trump, Trump would have the arsenal to launch a retaliatory strike.Information that Fox News head Roger Ailes paid millions to keep quiet is floating around Trump’s brain somewhere, just ready to come out of his mouth should the network really provoke him. It s no wonder Ailes has freaked out each time Trump threatened to go nuclear on the network. In a telling moment, when things had come to a head between Fox and Trump, Ailes the man behind the most watched news network in America rolled over and showed his belly. Unconditional surrender. Trump won.Roger Ailes just called. He is a great guy & assures me that Trump will be treated fairly on @FoxNews. His word is always good! Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) August 10, 2015In another example, after Trump went after Kelly, the Fox host opened up to Charlie Rose about how bad for the network Trump’s animosity would be:Speaking for herself and Fox News Chairman Roger Ailes, Kelly told Rose, Neither one of us wanted any sort of a war with Donald Trump. We didn’t think that benefited the channel, we didn’t think it benefited me, and we don’t think it benefited Donald Trump, adding that she believes Trump would agree.Kelly said they just wanted to forge forward and put it behind us and not pour anymore fuel on that fire. The result is some cringeworthy segments that feature Fox pundits twisting themselves into pretzels to defend Trump’s nonsense. When Trump recently changed his position on abortion three times in two days, with each new stance more nonsensical than the last, Fox s reliably dim-witted Andrea Tantaros found a way to blame his gaffes on a trap set by Hillary Clinton to make Trump look stupid.For years, Ailes had exploited Trump’s star power to take shots at Obama. The billionaire was a regular guest on the network, and Fox no doubt introduce Trump’s brand of egocentric conservatism to millions of viewers. When they had a common enemy in Obama, things were fine. Ailes never seemed to anticipate being placed in a position where Trump would use the dirt he had on Ailes against him. Like the GOP more broadly, Fox helped create the Trump Monster and now seem shocked to find that he has wrested control away from them and is on the warpath. It would almost be funny, if it weren’t so scary.Featured image via ThinkProgress screenshot
Cuba on Tuesday slammed U.S. President Donald Trump s latest comments about the island as disrespectful, unacceptable and meddling, while reiterating it was not involved in the alleged incidents that had harmed U.S. diplomats in Havana. The sharply worded Foreign Ministry statement came after U.S. and Cuban delegations met in Washington to discuss bilateral relations, the first such high-level meeting between the Cold War foes since Trump took office in January. Their meeting took place on the same day Trump addressed the United Nations General Assembly in New York, calling Cuba corrupt and destabilizing. He also said he would not lift the U.S. trade embargo on Cuba until it made fundamental reforms. Cuba said it had voiced strong protest against his comments, as well against his new policy toward the Communist-run nation. The Republican president announced in June a partial rollback of the U.S.-Cuban detente forged by his Democratic predecessor, Barack Obama. In the wake of the disrespectful, unacceptable and meddling statements made by President Donald Trump in his address to the U.N. General Assembly at a time when the U.S.-Cuba Bilateral Commission was sitting in session, the Cuban delegation voiced a strong protest, the Foreign Ministry statement said. U.S.-Cuban relations have become especially strained since the State Department said last month its personnel in Havana had experienced physical symptoms from what it could only describe as incidents. The symptoms ranged from hearing loss to mild brain injury, a State Department official said last week, adding that the toll of victims had risen to 21 people linked to the U.S. Embassy. Several Canadians were also affected. Cuba has denied any involvement and the United States has not blamed it, although Secretary of State Rex Tillerson said on Sunday it could close its embassy in response. Cuba has never perpetrated or will ever perpetrate actions of this nature, and has never permitted or will ever permit any third-party use of its territory for this purpose, Cuba s Foreign Ministry said. The Cuban authorities have shown keen interest in both clarifying this matter.
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: Cuba on Tuesday slammed U.S. President Donald Trump s latest comments about the island as disrespectful, unacceptable and meddling, while reiterating it was not involved in the alleged incidents that had harmed U.S. diplomats in Havana. The sharply worded Foreign Ministry statement came after U.S. and Cuban delegations met in Washington to discuss bilateral relations, the first such high-level meeting between the Cold War foes since Trump took office in January. Their meeting took place on the same day Trump addressed the United Nations General Assembly in New York, calling Cuba corrupt and destabilizing. He also said he would not lift the U.S. trade embargo on Cuba until it made fundamental reforms. Cuba said it had voiced strong protest against his comments, as well against his new policy toward the Communist-run nation. The Republican president announced in June a partial rollback of the U.S.-Cuban detente forged by his Democratic predecessor, Barack Obama. In the wake of the disrespectful, unacceptable and meddling statements made by President Donald Trump in his address to the U.N. General Assembly at a time when the U.S.-Cuba Bilateral Commission was sitting in session, the Cuban delegation voiced a strong protest, the Foreign Ministry statement said. U.S.-Cuban relations have become especially strained since the State Department said last month its personnel in Havana had experienced physical symptoms from what it could only describe as incidents. The symptoms ranged from hearing loss to mild brain injury, a State Department official said last week, adding that the toll of victims had risen to 21 people linked to the U.S. Embassy. Several Canadians were also affected. Cuba has denied any involvement and the United States has not blamed it, although Secretary of State Rex Tillerson said on Sunday it could close its embassy in response. Cuba has never perpetrated or will ever perpetrate actions of this nature, and has never permitted or will ever permit any third-party use of its territory for this purpose, Cuba s Foreign Ministry said. The Cuban authorities have shown keen interest in both clarifying this matter.
01 MISSILE ALERT FACILITY (Reuters) - About 70 feet (21 m) below ground, in a shielded military capsule that can launch nuclear missiles, 23-year-old 2nd Lieutenant Tia Hewuse is concerned that Americans have the mistaken impression that her mission is a gloomy one. “America doesn’t understand what we do,” says Hewuse, whose post sits below a tiny U.S. base surrounded by vast expanses of windswept North Dakota farmland. “This is what keeps our enemies at bay,” she says with a smile. Hewuse is one of the U.S. Air Force missileers who met Defense Secretary Jim Mattis on Wednesday as he oversees a Pentagon review of America’s aging nuclear arsenal. Experts say it could cost a trillion dollars or more to modernize it. Critics of the intercontinental ballistic missiles have argued that the silos scattered across thousands of square miles of the upper Great Plains are sitting ducks in a war and that, given the costs of modernizing ICBMs, the United States should spend its money on weaponry that could better survive a first strike by an enemy. Mattis himself questioned in 2015 whether the three legs of America’s nuclear “triad” of ballistic missile submarines, bombers and land-based missiles should perhaps be reduced to a “dyad.” But in the latest sign that places like Hewuse’s Cold War-era missile alert facility will be around for years to come, Mattis said on Wednesday he believed all three portions of the triad were vital. “I have been persuaded that the triad, in its framework, is the right way to go,” Mattis told reporters traveling with him to Minot Air Force Base, where he got a firsthand look at U.S. land-based nuclear missile facilities and nuclear-capable bombers. Mattis declined to set a deadline for the review, which is expected to take months to complete. Mattis’ tour of America’s doomsday weaponry comes as President Donald Trump uses bellicose rhetoric about the “fire and fury” that could await North Korea, should it choose to attack the United States. North Korea has responded with similarly bellicose warnings after it staged its sixth and largest nuclear test this month. In July, Pyongyang tested an ICBM that experts believe was capable of reaching most of the United States. U.S. officials have also noted that America’s nuclear modernization is lagging behind Russia’s upgrade of its own nuclear triad. General Paul Selva, vice chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, told Congress in August he believed Moscow was already two-thirds through its nuclear modernization process. The Arms Control Association estimates that the total cost of upgrading the U.S. nuclear forces will be between $1.25 trillion and $1.46 trillion over the next 30 years. Mattis, without offering a figure, suggested that nuclear deterrence was worth the investment. “America can afford survival,” he said. Mattis says his goal would be to ensure that an adversary concludes that there is no viable prospect for successfully attacking the United States and surviving. “We want the enemy to look at it and say this is impossible,” he said. The land-based, nuclear-capable missiles are a big part of that. The U.S. forces who staff these facilities near the U.S. border with Canada have to endure bitter cold in the winters, which can get so bad that missileers can be stuck in their posts for up to 72 hours, officials said. Officials says morale has improved since the nuclear forces were rocked by test-cheating and drug scandals under the Obama administration and a 2007 incident under the Bush administration, when the Air Force accidentally flew live nuclear weapons between Minot and another U.S. base. Hewuse uses her free time to study for a postgraduate degree in entrepreneurship. She has also brightened her capsule by painting the lock used to keep nuclear missile launch keys shut in a cabinet above her head. She painted the lock gold, with sparkles. “I’m a pretty sparkly person,” she said. “There’s no sunshine in here. So that’s my sunshine.”
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: 01 MISSILE ALERT FACILITY (Reuters) - About 70 feet (21 m) below ground, in a shielded military capsule that can launch nuclear missiles, 23-year-old 2nd Lieutenant Tia Hewuse is concerned that Americans have the mistaken impression that her mission is a gloomy one. “America doesn’t understand what we do,” says Hewuse, whose post sits below a tiny U.S. base surrounded by vast expanses of windswept North Dakota farmland. “This is what keeps our enemies at bay,” she says with a smile. Hewuse is one of the U.S. Air Force missileers who met Defense Secretary Jim Mattis on Wednesday as he oversees a Pentagon review of America’s aging nuclear arsenal. Experts say it could cost a trillion dollars or more to modernize it. Critics of the intercontinental ballistic missiles have argued that the silos scattered across thousands of square miles of the upper Great Plains are sitting ducks in a war and that, given the costs of modernizing ICBMs, the United States should spend its money on weaponry that could better survive a first strike by an enemy. Mattis himself questioned in 2015 whether the three legs of America’s nuclear “triad” of ballistic missile submarines, bombers and land-based missiles should perhaps be reduced to a “dyad.” But in the latest sign that places like Hewuse’s Cold War-era missile alert facility will be around for years to come, Mattis said on Wednesday he believed all three portions of the triad were vital. “I have been persuaded that the triad, in its framework, is the right way to go,” Mattis told reporters traveling with him to Minot Air Force Base, where he got a firsthand look at U.S. land-based nuclear missile facilities and nuclear-capable bombers. Mattis declined to set a deadline for the review, which is expected to take months to complete. Mattis’ tour of America’s doomsday weaponry comes as President Donald Trump uses bellicose rhetoric about the “fire and fury” that could await North Korea, should it choose to attack the United States. North Korea has responded with similarly bellicose warnings after it staged its sixth and largest nuclear test this month. In July, Pyongyang tested an ICBM that experts believe was capable of reaching most of the United States. U.S. officials have also noted that America’s nuclear modernization is lagging behind Russia’s upgrade of its own nuclear triad. General Paul Selva, vice chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, told Congress in August he believed Moscow was already two-thirds through its nuclear modernization process. The Arms Control Association estimates that the total cost of upgrading the U.S. nuclear forces will be between $1.25 trillion and $1.46 trillion over the next 30 years. Mattis, without offering a figure, suggested that nuclear deterrence was worth the investment. “America can afford survival,” he said. Mattis says his goal would be to ensure that an adversary concludes that there is no viable prospect for successfully attacking the United States and surviving. “We want the enemy to look at it and say this is impossible,” he said. The land-based, nuclear-capable missiles are a big part of that. The U.S. forces who staff these facilities near the U.S. border with Canada have to endure bitter cold in the winters, which can get so bad that missileers can be stuck in their posts for up to 72 hours, officials said. Officials says morale has improved since the nuclear forces were rocked by test-cheating and drug scandals under the Obama administration and a 2007 incident under the Bush administration, when the Air Force accidentally flew live nuclear weapons between Minot and another U.S. base. Hewuse uses her free time to study for a postgraduate degree in entrepreneurship. She has also brightened her capsule by painting the lock used to keep nuclear missile launch keys shut in a cabinet above her head. She painted the lock gold, with sparkles. “I’m a pretty sparkly person,” she said. “There’s no sunshine in here. So that’s my sunshine.”
An assistant elementary school teacher from Baltimore is facing abuse charges after he threw a 7-year-old boy into a wall, breaking his jaw, all because the child was being disruptive. Lateekqua Jackson and Trayvon Grayson Sr. say their son, Trayvon Grayson, was assaulted by an assistant teacher at City Springs Elementary/Middle School on Monday. My son told me that [the teacher] threw my son into a wall, Jackson explained. My son had dreams about it all last night. He s still shaking in his sleep, saying that he keeps having visions of [the teacher] throwing him into a wall. Jackson said that her son s jaw was broken and two of his teeth were knocked out in the violent assault.Timothy Randall Korr, who is employed by the Baltimore Curriculum Project charter operation, has been identified as the child s abuser. Korr claims that the child was being disruptive and said he was taking the boy to the principal s office when the attack occurred, which he described as a mistake. The teacher told me that he put him over his shoulder, and when he put him down he was bleeding, Jackson recalled. That s it. How can you tell somebody like that? He said he made a mistake. He said, I made a mistake. It was a mistake. That s what he’said. Child abuse detectives got a warrant for Korr s arrest after watching the disturbing footage of the appalling incident that had been caught by a security camera. On Wednesday, the Baltimore Curriculum Project announced that Korr had been fired. We are heartsick that this child suffered this injury, the group said in a statement. We pray for his complete and quick recovery and for his family as well. Korr has been charged with 1st and 2nd-degree child abuse, 1st and 2nd-degree assault, reckless endangerment and neglect of a minor.Watch more on this sickening story here: Featured image via video screen capture
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: An assistant elementary school teacher from Baltimore is facing abuse charges after he threw a 7-year-old boy into a wall, breaking his jaw, all because the child was being disruptive. Lateekqua Jackson and Trayvon Grayson Sr. say their son, Trayvon Grayson, was assaulted by an assistant teacher at City Springs Elementary/Middle School on Monday. My son told me that [the teacher] threw my son into a wall, Jackson explained. My son had dreams about it all last night. He s still shaking in his sleep, saying that he keeps having visions of [the teacher] throwing him into a wall. Jackson said that her son s jaw was broken and two of his teeth were knocked out in the violent assault.Timothy Randall Korr, who is employed by the Baltimore Curriculum Project charter operation, has been identified as the child s abuser. Korr claims that the child was being disruptive and said he was taking the boy to the principal s office when the attack occurred, which he described as a mistake. The teacher told me that he put him over his shoulder, and when he put him down he was bleeding, Jackson recalled. That s it. How can you tell somebody like that? He said he made a mistake. He said, I made a mistake. It was a mistake. That s what he’said. Child abuse detectives got a warrant for Korr s arrest after watching the disturbing footage of the appalling incident that had been caught by a security camera. On Wednesday, the Baltimore Curriculum Project announced that Korr had been fired. We are heartsick that this child suffered this injury, the group said in a statement. We pray for his complete and quick recovery and for his family as well. Korr has been charged with 1st and 2nd-degree child abuse, 1st and 2nd-degree assault, reckless endangerment and neglect of a minor.Watch more on this sickening story here: Featured image via video screen capture
Donald Trump is doing a horrendous job of raising his historically low approval rating in America, and it looks like he’s not doing any better in trying to gain’the approval and trust of the rest of the world.Thanks to a new survey by the Pew Research Center, we can now rest assured that the entire world hates Trump just as much as most Americans do. The Pew Research Center surveyed 37 countries, discovering that 74% of respondents stated that when it comes to international affairs, they have ZERO confidence that Trump will respond appropriately or do the right thing.This will be damaging enough to Trump’s ego, but it gets even worse for him! Pew Research Center also reported that a similar survey was conducted on former President Barack Obama when he was POTUS, and it produced some VERY different results. That survey revealed that 64% of respondents had complete faith in Obama on international affairs.While the fact that most of the world hates Trump is kind of hysterical, what it has done to America s reputation is quite depressing. The’study revealed that America s reputation has declined dramatically since the days of Obama. When respondents were asked how they felt about the U.S., only 49% were favorable since Trump got into the White House, which was a 15% decline from Obama s time and it s only been a few months. The authors of the’survey said: In the eyes of most people surveyed around the world, the White House s new occupant is arrogant, intolerant and even dangerous. Among the positive characteristics tested, his highest rating is for being a strong leader. Fewer believe he is charismatic, well-qualified or cares about ordinary people. Ironically, the only two countries who reported to have more confidence in Trump than Obama were Israel and, you guessed it Russia. In fact, Russia increased 42% thanks to Trump’s presidency, which should certainly raise some suspicion.You can check out the findings below:Featured image via Pool / Getty Images
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: Donald Trump is doing a horrendous job of raising his historically low approval rating in America, and it looks like he’s not doing any better in trying to gain’the approval and trust of the rest of the world.Thanks to a new survey by the Pew Research Center, we can now rest assured that the entire world hates Trump just as much as most Americans do. The Pew Research Center surveyed 37 countries, discovering that 74% of respondents stated that when it comes to international affairs, they have ZERO confidence that Trump will respond appropriately or do the right thing.This will be damaging enough to Trump’s ego, but it gets even worse for him! Pew Research Center also reported that a similar survey was conducted on former President Barack Obama when he was POTUS, and it produced some VERY different results. That survey revealed that 64% of respondents had complete faith in Obama on international affairs.While the fact that most of the world hates Trump is kind of hysterical, what it has done to America s reputation is quite depressing. The’study revealed that America s reputation has declined dramatically since the days of Obama. When respondents were asked how they felt about the U.S., only 49% were favorable since Trump got into the White House, which was a 15% decline from Obama s time and it s only been a few months. The authors of the’survey said: In the eyes of most people surveyed around the world, the White House s new occupant is arrogant, intolerant and even dangerous. Among the positive characteristics tested, his highest rating is for being a strong leader. Fewer believe he is charismatic, well-qualified or cares about ordinary people. Ironically, the only two countries who reported to have more confidence in Trump than Obama were Israel and, you guessed it Russia. In fact, Russia increased 42% thanks to Trump’s presidency, which should certainly raise some suspicion.You can check out the findings below:Featured image via Pool / Getty Images
Meet William Quayle Jr., who is trying to give Sarah Palin a run for the worst thing to ever come from Alaska.Quayle is a man who is voting for Donald Trump (but would have preferred Ted Cruz and previously criticized The Donald for his hateful rhetoric and lies) because he’s angry about the’state of our country and running for Juneau s city assembly because things need to change, dammit (or something). And boy, does he hate that Hillary Clinton lady largely because he buys into right-wing conspiracy theories that paint her as so sick she’s likely to die any day now.Quayle s Facebook timeline is filled with right-wing memes and messages, including frequent references to convicted felon Dinesh D Souza s latest propaganda film, Hillary s America: But his obvious stupidity the climate change post, really? is not what is bringing this normally unimportant person into the’spotlight it s his Twitter account, where he’shares his love of large, full-figured women and their full-figured breasts and, of course, where he’sends some of these women insanely creepy messages. The GOP candidate seems to spend much of his time harassing women most commonly model Chelsea Charms about fattening themselves up, inviting them to come live with him, and even encouraging them to get pregnant so their boobs would get much bigger : I do not wish to discuss about my fetishes, I am a heterosexual male and that is that, Quayle told KTOO-FM when asked about the posts. I do have original ideas that my competition does not have. All they want to do is tax and cut budget. He does not deny the account is his, and even at one point auto-posted some of his more awkward messages to Facebook:It s perfectly OK for someone to like large-breasted women. It s not OK to harass women whose photos you look at while you’do unspeakable things to your little soldier (it can be safely assumed that this is the case based on his public messages).The election is Tuesday. May God have mercy on our souls if this guy manages to win.Featured image via Facebook/Twitter
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: Meet William Quayle Jr., who is trying to give Sarah Palin a run for the worst thing to ever come from Alaska.Quayle is a man who is voting for Donald Trump (but would have preferred Ted Cruz and previously criticized The Donald for his hateful rhetoric and lies) because he’s angry about the’state of our country and running for Juneau s city assembly because things need to change, dammit (or something). And boy, does he hate that Hillary Clinton lady largely because he buys into right-wing conspiracy theories that paint her as so sick she’s likely to die any day now.Quayle s Facebook timeline is filled with right-wing memes and messages, including frequent references to convicted felon Dinesh D Souza s latest propaganda film, Hillary s America: But his obvious stupidity the climate change post, really? is not what is bringing this normally unimportant person into the’spotlight it s his Twitter account, where he’shares his love of large, full-figured women and their full-figured breasts and, of course, where he’sends some of these women insanely creepy messages. The GOP candidate seems to spend much of his time harassing women most commonly model Chelsea Charms about fattening themselves up, inviting them to come live with him, and even encouraging them to get pregnant so their boobs would get much bigger : I do not wish to discuss about my fetishes, I am a heterosexual male and that is that, Quayle told KTOO-FM when asked about the posts. I do have original ideas that my competition does not have. All they want to do is tax and cut budget. He does not deny the account is his, and even at one point auto-posted some of his more awkward messages to Facebook:It s perfectly OK for someone to like large-breasted women. It s not OK to harass women whose photos you look at while you’do unspeakable things to your little soldier (it can be safely assumed that this is the case based on his public messages).The election is Tuesday. May God have mercy on our souls if this guy manages to win.Featured image via Facebook/Twitter
U.S. President Barack Obama and Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto discussed immigration from Central America and the fight against heroin production during a phone call on Thursday, the White House said. “The leaders committed to continue working jointly to address irregular migration from Central America,” the White House said in a statement. “They also pledged to intensify collaboration between our countries to reduce the production and consumption of heroin.”
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: U.S. President Barack Obama and Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto discussed immigration from Central America and the fight against heroin production during a phone call on Thursday, the White House said. “The leaders committed to continue working jointly to address irregular migration from Central America,” the White House said in a statement. “They also pledged to intensify collaboration between our countries to reduce the production and consumption of heroin.”
In the more than four decades since President Richard Nixon’s historic trip to China, the United States has become China’s largest export and China is one of the largest markets for U.S. exporters and a source of supply for everything from smartphones to spark plugs. The following are some examples of the deep economic ties between China and U.S. corporations: * General Motors Co - More than one-third of the 9.96 million vehicles GM sold globally in 2015 were delivered to Chinese customers. Profits from Chinese operations, including joint ventures, accounted for about 20 percent of GM’s global net income of $9.7 billion in 2015. * Caterpillar Inc - Asia, including China, accounts for 20 percent of the heavy equipment maker’s revenue. * Wal-Mart Stores Inc – The retail giant has 432 stores in China, and has invested in online properties there. CEO Doug McMillon calls China “clearly a strategic market for us.” * Starbucks – The coffee chain has 2,500 stores in China, and outgoing CEO Howard Schultz told investors China will one day be a bigger market for Starbucks than the United States. * Boeing – The Chicago aircraft maker plans to build a “completion” factory in China, anticipating that the country will need 6,800 new jetliners worth $1 trillion over the next 20 years. * Macy’s - It said last year that it expects sales of about $50 million from China in 2016, and holds a 65 percent stake in an online retailing venture with Hong Kong’s Fung Retailing Limited.
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: In the more than four decades since President Richard Nixon’s historic trip to China, the United States has become China’s largest export and China is one of the largest markets for U.S. exporters and a source of supply for everything from smartphones to spark plugs. The following are some examples of the deep economic ties between China and U.S. corporations: * General Motors Co - More than one-third of the 9.96 million vehicles GM sold globally in 2015 were delivered to Chinese customers. Profits from Chinese operations, including joint ventures, accounted for about 20 percent of GM’s global net income of $9.7 billion in 2015. * Caterpillar Inc - Asia, including China, accounts for 20 percent of the heavy equipment maker’s revenue. * Wal-Mart Stores Inc – The retail giant has 432 stores in China, and has invested in online properties there. CEO Doug McMillon calls China “clearly a strategic market for us.” * Starbucks – The coffee chain has 2,500 stores in China, and outgoing CEO Howard Schultz told investors China will one day be a bigger market for Starbucks than the United States. * Boeing – The Chicago aircraft maker plans to build a “completion” factory in China, anticipating that the country will need 6,800 new jetliners worth $1 trillion over the next 20 years. * Macy’s - It said last year that it expects sales of about $50 million from China in 2016, and holds a 65 percent stake in an online retailing venture with Hong Kong’s Fung Retailing Limited.
North Korea has shown no interest in pursuing talks on its nuclear and missile programs, the U.S. State Department said on Saturday after Secretary of State Rex Tillerson acknowledged the United States was communicating directly with Pyongyang. “North Korean officials have shown no indication that they are interested in or are ready for talks regarding denuclearization,” spokeswoman Heather Nauert said in a statement.
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: North Korea has shown no interest in pursuing talks on its nuclear and missile programs, the U.S. State Department said on Saturday after Secretary of State Rex Tillerson acknowledged the United States was communicating directly with Pyongyang. “North Korean officials have shown no indication that they are interested in or are ready for talks regarding denuclearization,” spokeswoman Heather Nauert said in a statement.
Zimbabwean President Robert Mugabe on Thursday accused unnamed officials of his own party of trying to push him into retiring and likened them to the biblical betrayer Judas. The 93-year-old Mugabe, one of the world s oldest leaders, has been in power since Zimbabwe, then called Rhodesia, gained independence from Britain in 1980. He intends to seek another five-year term at elections due next year. In public, his party, ZANU-PF, has rallied behind its aging leader. But in private its members are deeply divided over his continued leadership and who will eventually take over from him. Mugabe, who has repeatedly said his party will choose his successor when the time comes, said he was going nowhere and accused some party officials of supporting him during the day while plotting against him behind his back. Others are like those that Jesus spoke about during his last supper, when he said some of you eating with me here shall betray me . The Judas Iscariot. They are here among us, Mugabe said during the burial of a party member. They want to cause leadership change ... for the president to step down. I did not grab power. I was chosen by the people. It s the people s throne, so I don t want with it, he said to loud cheers from some party members. ZANU-PF is divided into two factions. One backs Vice President Emmerson Mnangagwa to immediately succeed Mugabe. Another is rallying behind Mugabe s wife, Grace, and also want the aging ruler to be president for life. When the day comes I will say thank you to my Zimbabwean family and I will step down so you can choose my successor. But for now I am the one in charge, Mugabe said. The southern African nation is gripped by a shortage of foreign exchange that has forced some businesses to buy U.S. dollars on the black market, a situation blamed for a recent spike in prices and shortages of some basic goods. But Mugabe, without giving evidence, accused some people of manipulating the currency to trigger inflation and cause panic buying.
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: Zimbabwean President Robert Mugabe on Thursday accused unnamed officials of his own party of trying to push him into retiring and likened them to the biblical betrayer Judas. The 93-year-old Mugabe, one of the world s oldest leaders, has been in power since Zimbabwe, then called Rhodesia, gained independence from Britain in 1980. He intends to seek another five-year term at elections due next year. In public, his party, ZANU-PF, has rallied behind its aging leader. But in private its members are deeply divided over his continued leadership and who will eventually take over from him. Mugabe, who has repeatedly said his party will choose his successor when the time comes, said he was going nowhere and accused some party officials of supporting him during the day while plotting against him behind his back. Others are like those that Jesus spoke about during his last supper, when he said some of you eating with me here shall betray me . The Judas Iscariot. They are here among us, Mugabe said during the burial of a party member. They want to cause leadership change ... for the president to step down. I did not grab power. I was chosen by the people. It s the people s throne, so I don t want with it, he said to loud cheers from some party members. ZANU-PF is divided into two factions. One backs Vice President Emmerson Mnangagwa to immediately succeed Mugabe. Another is rallying behind Mugabe s wife, Grace, and also want the aging ruler to be president for life. When the day comes I will say thank you to my Zimbabwean family and I will step down so you can choose my successor. But for now I am the one in charge, Mugabe said. The southern African nation is gripped by a shortage of foreign exchange that has forced some businesses to buy U.S. dollars on the black market, a situation blamed for a recent spike in prices and shortages of some basic goods. But Mugabe, without giving evidence, accused some people of manipulating the currency to trigger inflation and cause panic buying.
Low on cash but high on hope, Iran s technology entrepreneurs are learning to live with revived hostility in the United States and growing suspicion - or worse - from hardliners at home. Their startups and e-commerce apps are flourishing, driven by government infrastructure support and young Iranians educated both in the country and abroad. Some are even drawing foreign investment in a way that Iran s dominant oil industry has yet to achieve since most international sanctions were lifted early last year under a nuclear deal with world powers. Life remains tough despite the easing of Iran s international isolation. The atmosphere in Washington has soured again, with President Donald Trump signing legislation tightening domestic U.S. sanctions on Iran and threatening to pull out of the nuclear accord. On top of this, Google and Apple have withdrawn some services temporarily or indefinitely for Iranian users in recent months for reasons including the U.S. sanctions. Still, the absence of U.S. giants such as Amazon and Uber has allowed their Iranian equivalents Digikala and Snapp to grow rapidly. Many other local internet firms are following suit. Ramin Rabii, chief executive of Turquoise Partners, which facilitates foreign investment in Iran, said Trump s rhetoric could paradoxically help the tech sector. If he keeps talking about sanctions, that would increase the risk of investment in Iran, but at the same time it will keep a lot of competition out, he told Reuters in a telephone interview from Tehran. Major global players are not here. No figures are available on foreign investment in Iranian tech firms. Rabii, however, estimated it at hundreds of millions of dollars since the nuclear deal came into force. By contrast, an expected rush into Iran s huge energy reserves has yet to materialize. French group Total is investing in a gas project but Tehran has yet to seal any major oil deals with international partners. Foreign investment in Iranian tech remains modest compared with regional mega-deals such as Amazon s purchase in March of Dubai-based retailer Amazon did not reveal the price but beat off a rival offer worth $800 million. Still, Rabii sees a bright future. Many foreign investors ask me what is the best performing sector in Iran for the next decade. I always name e-commerce and the tech sector, he said. After the relative isolation of the international sanctions era, the tech sector has attracted many young Iranians back from the United States, Canada and Europe. They hope to marry their experience of the startup scene with locally-educated talent. Reza Arbabian left Canada, where he went as a teenager, to join his family textile business in Iran. But in 2012 he launched Sheypoor, the Iranian answer to Craigslist, a U.S. classified advertisements website. Sheypoor now employs 200 and recently marked its fifth anniversary. Cash, however, remains tight. Many foreign companies are still hesitant and Iranian investors don t understand the value in e-commerce. They cannot accept that they need to wait for five years for a startup to make profits, said Arbabian. Some outside Iran, especially in Europe where the sanctions net is not quite so tight, are nevertheless willing to take the plunge. Swedish-based Pomegranate Investment, for instance, has taken a 43 percent stake in Sheypoor. On a larger scale, Sarava, Digikala s main shareholder, is 45 percent-owned by foreign investors. These include Pomegranate, which raised its stake to 15 percent with a 41 million euro ($48 million) investment in 2016. Following the Amazon model, Digikala has grown into Iran s biggest internet company with a market share of 85-90 percent, according to Pomegranate. Staff numbers have leapt in the past two years from 800 to more than 2,000. Iran came late to mass internet access but has invested heavily under President Hassan Rouhani, hoping to attract foreign cash and create more jobs. According to the Measuring Information Society of Iran, a government-linked portal, more than 62 percent of households were connected to the internet by March 2017. This was up from only 21 percent in 2013, the year Rouhani took office. Smartphone ownership has also rocketed. Iran, a country of 80 million people, had only two million smartphone users three years ago but the number hit 40 million in 2016. Such developments encouraged Kamran Adle, an Iranian born and raised in London, to move to Tehran last year. Iranian infrastructure has dramatically improved in recent of years. 3G and 4G is much more commonplace than it was a couple of years ago, said Adle, whose firm Ctrl+Tech invests in early stage startups and helps them to develop apps. Some Iranian apps are copies of foreign equivalents, made out of the reach of international lawyers. But the years of isolation also forced domestic talent to be more innovative, and Adle says there is no shortage of app developers. One such is Farshad Khodamoradi, who has designed the app for a job-hunting startup being launched this month. Unlike traditional sites, 3sootjobs will use an algorithm-driven matching system to connect candidates with the right employers. Khodamoradi complains about difficulties in accessing foreign tech services, many of which are U.S.-based. The main problem is that the global services Iranian startups are using can be cut off overnight, he told Reuters from Tehran. He cited Google s Firebase, a platform used to generate push notifications - such as messages to passengers that a taxi has arrived to pick them up - without their having to open the app. This was unavailable in Iran on a number of occasions in June and July, disrupting startups including taxi hailing apps, he said. Google did not respond to Reuters requests for comment. Although technology firms can gain exemptions from the sanctions, U.S. corporations appear unwilling to risk involvement in Iran. In August, Telecommunications Minister Mohammad Javad Azari Jahromi threatened to take legal action over Apple s removal of Iranian apps from its app stores. Apple did not respond to Reuters requests for comment. All this seems in contrast to U.S. promises after the nuclear deal. In March 2016, in a message to the Iranian people, then President Barack Obama said ending international sanctions would mean more access to cutting-edge technologies, including information technologies that can help Iranian startups . Since that message, anti-U.S. Iranian hardliners have followed the growth of startups suspiciously, branding them as vehicles of enemy infiltration. Two foreign-based tech investors have also ended up in prison. Nizar Zakka, a Lebanese information technology expert with permanent U.S. residency, was jailed in 2016 for 10 years for collaborating against the state. He had attended a conference in Tehran the previous year at the invitation of one of Iran s vice presidents, only to be arrested by the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps as he was going to the airport to leave the country. Iranian-American businessman Siamak Namazi also got 10 years in 2016 on charges of cooperating with the United States. While under arrest, Namazi appeared in an Iranian documentary seen by Reuters in which he said his mistake had been to accept money for his startup from an organization linked to the U.S. Chamber of Commerce. The Revolutionary Guards, a military force that runs an industrial empire, largely control telecommunications in Iran. However, tech entrepreneurs say the environment is generally supportive. We haven t come across any of those governmental push-backs, Adle said. In the longer term, the sanctions would make using the model to cash in on Iranian investments much harder. But Eddie Kerman, of London-based Indigo Holdings which links retail investors to Iranian tech firms, is optimistic. American companies like Amazon might not be able to enter the Iranian market, but there is a significant possibility that European or Asian companies buy the larger Iranian players, he said.
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: Low on cash but high on hope, Iran s technology entrepreneurs are learning to live with revived hostility in the United States and growing suspicion - or worse - from hardliners at home. Their startups and e-commerce apps are flourishing, driven by government infrastructure support and young Iranians educated both in the country and abroad. Some are even drawing foreign investment in a way that Iran s dominant oil industry has yet to achieve since most international sanctions were lifted early last year under a nuclear deal with world powers. Life remains tough despite the easing of Iran s international isolation. The atmosphere in Washington has soured again, with President Donald Trump signing legislation tightening domestic U.S. sanctions on Iran and threatening to pull out of the nuclear accord. On top of this, Google and Apple have withdrawn some services temporarily or indefinitely for Iranian users in recent months for reasons including the U.S. sanctions. Still, the absence of U.S. giants such as Amazon and Uber has allowed their Iranian equivalents Digikala and Snapp to grow rapidly. Many other local internet firms are following suit. Ramin Rabii, chief executive of Turquoise Partners, which facilitates foreign investment in Iran, said Trump s rhetoric could paradoxically help the tech sector. If he keeps talking about sanctions, that would increase the risk of investment in Iran, but at the same time it will keep a lot of competition out, he told Reuters in a telephone interview from Tehran. Major global players are not here. No figures are available on foreign investment in Iranian tech firms. Rabii, however, estimated it at hundreds of millions of dollars since the nuclear deal came into force. By contrast, an expected rush into Iran s huge energy reserves has yet to materialize. French group Total is investing in a gas project but Tehran has yet to seal any major oil deals with international partners. Foreign investment in Iranian tech remains modest compared with regional mega-deals such as Amazon s purchase in March of Dubai-based retailer Amazon did not reveal the price but beat off a rival offer worth $800 million. Still, Rabii sees a bright future. Many foreign investors ask me what is the best performing sector in Iran for the next decade. I always name e-commerce and the tech sector, he said. After the relative isolation of the international sanctions era, the tech sector has attracted many young Iranians back from the United States, Canada and Europe. They hope to marry their experience of the startup scene with locally-educated talent. Reza Arbabian left Canada, where he went as a teenager, to join his family textile business in Iran. But in 2012 he launched Sheypoor, the Iranian answer to Craigslist, a U.S. classified advertisements website. Sheypoor now employs 200 and recently marked its fifth anniversary. Cash, however, remains tight. Many foreign companies are still hesitant and Iranian investors don t understand the value in e-commerce. They cannot accept that they need to wait for five years for a startup to make profits, said Arbabian. Some outside Iran, especially in Europe where the sanctions net is not quite so tight, are nevertheless willing to take the plunge. Swedish-based Pomegranate Investment, for instance, has taken a 43 percent stake in Sheypoor. On a larger scale, Sarava, Digikala s main shareholder, is 45 percent-owned by foreign investors. These include Pomegranate, which raised its stake to 15 percent with a 41 million euro ($48 million) investment in 2016. Following the Amazon model, Digikala has grown into Iran s biggest internet company with a market share of 85-90 percent, according to Pomegranate. Staff numbers have leapt in the past two years from 800 to more than 2,000. Iran came late to mass internet access but has invested heavily under President Hassan Rouhani, hoping to attract foreign cash and create more jobs. According to the Measuring Information Society of Iran, a government-linked portal, more than 62 percent of households were connected to the internet by March 2017. This was up from only 21 percent in 2013, the year Rouhani took office. Smartphone ownership has also rocketed. Iran, a country of 80 million people, had only two million smartphone users three years ago but the number hit 40 million in 2016. Such developments encouraged Kamran Adle, an Iranian born and raised in London, to move to Tehran last year. Iranian infrastructure has dramatically improved in recent of years. 3G and 4G is much more commonplace than it was a couple of years ago, said Adle, whose firm Ctrl+Tech invests in early stage startups and helps them to develop apps. Some Iranian apps are copies of foreign equivalents, made out of the reach of international lawyers. But the years of isolation also forced domestic talent to be more innovative, and Adle says there is no shortage of app developers. One such is Farshad Khodamoradi, who has designed the app for a job-hunting startup being launched this month. Unlike traditional sites, 3sootjobs will use an algorithm-driven matching system to connect candidates with the right employers. Khodamoradi complains about difficulties in accessing foreign tech services, many of which are U.S.-based. The main problem is that the global services Iranian startups are using can be cut off overnight, he told Reuters from Tehran. He cited Google s Firebase, a platform used to generate push notifications - such as messages to passengers that a taxi has arrived to pick them up - without their having to open the app. This was unavailable in Iran on a number of occasions in June and July, disrupting startups including taxi hailing apps, he said. Google did not respond to Reuters requests for comment. Although technology firms can gain exemptions from the sanctions, U.S. corporations appear unwilling to risk involvement in Iran. In August, Telecommunications Minister Mohammad Javad Azari Jahromi threatened to take legal action over Apple s removal of Iranian apps from its app stores. Apple did not respond to Reuters requests for comment. All this seems in contrast to U.S. promises after the nuclear deal. In March 2016, in a message to the Iranian people, then President Barack Obama said ending international sanctions would mean more access to cutting-edge technologies, including information technologies that can help Iranian startups . Since that message, anti-U.S. Iranian hardliners have followed the growth of startups suspiciously, branding them as vehicles of enemy infiltration. Two foreign-based tech investors have also ended up in prison. Nizar Zakka, a Lebanese information technology expert with permanent U.S. residency, was jailed in 2016 for 10 years for collaborating against the state. He had attended a conference in Tehran the previous year at the invitation of one of Iran s vice presidents, only to be arrested by the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps as he was going to the airport to leave the country. Iranian-American businessman Siamak Namazi also got 10 years in 2016 on charges of cooperating with the United States. While under arrest, Namazi appeared in an Iranian documentary seen by Reuters in which he said his mistake had been to accept money for his startup from an organization linked to the U.S. Chamber of Commerce. The Revolutionary Guards, a military force that runs an industrial empire, largely control telecommunications in Iran. However, tech entrepreneurs say the environment is generally supportive. We haven t come across any of those governmental push-backs, Adle said. In the longer term, the sanctions would make using the model to cash in on Iranian investments much harder. But Eddie Kerman, of London-based Indigo Holdings which links retail investors to Iranian tech firms, is optimistic. American companies like Amazon might not be able to enter the Iranian market, but there is a significant possibility that European or Asian companies buy the larger Iranian players, he said.
A tax plan by U.S. Senate Republicans released on Thursday diverges in several ways from legislation being pushed by Republicans in the House of Representatives, complicating Republican efforts to fulfill their goal of overhauling the tax code by the end of the year. Here are the major provisions that differ significantly. CORPORATE RATE: The House plan would immediately cut the corporate income tax rate to 20 percent from 35 percent. The Senate would set the same rate, but delay it by one year. CARRIED INTEREST: The Senate leaves unchanged a loophole that allows private-equity fund managers and other wealthy Wall Street financiers to pay the capital gains tax rate instead of the higher income tax rate on their “carried interest” income. The House version narrows the loophole by requiring investments to be held for more than three years instead of one year currently in order to qualify for capital gains treatment. NET OPERATING LOSSES: The Senate version eliminates the carry-back and carry-forward tax strategies by businesses to reduce past and future tax liabilities using net operating losses. The House version tightens the rules around their use. PASS-THROUGHS: The House caps the maximum tax rate on small businesses and other non-corporate enterprises at 25 percent, down from the current top rate on “pass-through” income of up to 39.6 percent. The Senate version has no special pass-through rate but allows business owners to deduct about 17.4 percent of business income from individual taxes. That translates to a 30 percent tax rate for high-income filers. REPATRIATION OF OVERSEAS EARNINGS: The Senate imposes a tax of 12 percent for liquid assets and 5 percent for illiquid. The House sets the rates at 14 percent and 7 percent, respectively. TAX BRACKETS: The Senate version maintains seven tax brackets, with the top bracket’s rate at 38.5 percent. The House has four brackets with the top one unchanged from current levels at 39.6 percent and lifts qualifying income on that top rate to more than $1 million. MORTGAGE INTEREST DEDUCTION: The House caps the deduction of interest payments on mortgages of up to $500,000, and only on a primary residence. The Senate version keeps the existing limit at $1 million but eliminates the deduction of interest on home-equity loans. DEDUCTING STATE AND LOCAL TAXES: The Senate bill repeals the state and local tax deduction entirely. The House version repeals the deduction for state and local income and sales tax and caps the deduction for state and local property tax paid at $10,000. STANDARD DEDUCTION: The two versions are in line with each other, with a standard deduction of $12,200 for individuals and $24,000 for married couples, nearly double the current levels. CHILD TAX CREDIT: The Senate would expand the child tax credit to $1,650 from $1,000. The House version sets it at $1,600. INHERITANCES: While the House wants to double the exemption on inherited assets and repeal the tax over a period of six years, the Senate only wants to double the exemption.
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: A tax plan by U.S. Senate Republicans released on Thursday diverges in several ways from legislation being pushed by Republicans in the House of Representatives, complicating Republican efforts to fulfill their goal of overhauling the tax code by the end of the year. Here are the major provisions that differ significantly. CORPORATE RATE: The House plan would immediately cut the corporate income tax rate to 20 percent from 35 percent. The Senate would set the same rate, but delay it by one year. CARRIED INTEREST: The Senate leaves unchanged a loophole that allows private-equity fund managers and other wealthy Wall Street financiers to pay the capital gains tax rate instead of the higher income tax rate on their “carried interest” income. The House version narrows the loophole by requiring investments to be held for more than three years instead of one year currently in order to qualify for capital gains treatment. NET OPERATING LOSSES: The Senate version eliminates the carry-back and carry-forward tax strategies by businesses to reduce past and future tax liabilities using net operating losses. The House version tightens the rules around their use. PASS-THROUGHS: The House caps the maximum tax rate on small businesses and other non-corporate enterprises at 25 percent, down from the current top rate on “pass-through” income of up to 39.6 percent. The Senate version has no special pass-through rate but allows business owners to deduct about 17.4 percent of business income from individual taxes. That translates to a 30 percent tax rate for high-income filers. REPATRIATION OF OVERSEAS EARNINGS: The Senate imposes a tax of 12 percent for liquid assets and 5 percent for illiquid. The House sets the rates at 14 percent and 7 percent, respectively. TAX BRACKETS: The Senate version maintains seven tax brackets, with the top bracket’s rate at 38.5 percent. The House has four brackets with the top one unchanged from current levels at 39.6 percent and lifts qualifying income on that top rate to more than $1 million. MORTGAGE INTEREST DEDUCTION: The House caps the deduction of interest payments on mortgages of up to $500,000, and only on a primary residence. The Senate version keeps the existing limit at $1 million but eliminates the deduction of interest on home-equity loans. DEDUCTING STATE AND LOCAL TAXES: The Senate bill repeals the state and local tax deduction entirely. The House version repeals the deduction for state and local income and sales tax and caps the deduction for state and local property tax paid at $10,000. STANDARD DEDUCTION: The two versions are in line with each other, with a standard deduction of $12,200 for individuals and $24,000 for married couples, nearly double the current levels. CHILD TAX CREDIT: The Senate would expand the child tax credit to $1,650 from $1,000. The House version sets it at $1,600. INHERITANCES: While the House wants to double the exemption on inherited assets and repeal the tax over a period of six years, the Senate only wants to double the exemption.
U.S. President Barack Obama declined on Sunday to comment on media reports that senior defense and intelligence officials in his administration had requested the removal of National Security Agency chief Mike Rogers. Obama called Rogers a “terrific patriot” during a news conference at an Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation summit in Lima, adding he did not generally comment on personnel matters.
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: U.S. President Barack Obama declined on Sunday to comment on media reports that senior defense and intelligence officials in his administration had requested the removal of National Security Agency chief Mike Rogers. Obama called Rogers a “terrific patriot” during a news conference at an Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation summit in Lima, adding he did not generally comment on personnel matters.
Student government leaders at Loyola University Maryland faced a barrage of pressure from the university administration to change the theme of a senior class party described as very alienating, divisive and harmful and against the university s core values, according to emails provided to The Daily Caller. The theme? America.The theme for Loyola s annual Senior 200s party one of four celebrations exclusive to seniors held throughout the year was based upon a survey of Loyola seniors taken last summer. The party was held on Nov. 18 and went off without a hitch, according to students who attended, despite warnings that the administration might have to get involved if students were offended.Emails sent to student government representatives were provided to TheDC on condition of anonymity. Multiple student government representatives confirmed the emails authenticity on condition of anonymity for fear of retaliation from the administration.Right before the presidential election, some student government members wondered if they should nix the America theme if Donald Trump won, according to internal SGA group chats shared with TheDC on condition of anonymity for the’same reason.One representative claimed that if Trump wins it will be bad, while another argued it would be wrong to change the party theme simply because of disagreement with the president-elect s policies. The party was still on.The day after Trump’s victory, a handful of students messaged SGA representatives to argue that because of Trump’s victory an America-themed party was now inappropriate. One female student claimed she was a victim of horrible hate words and worried that similar mean things might be said at the party if the theme wasn’t changed.When the possibility of unpleasant feelings wasn’t enough to cancel a class-wide event, the administration got involved.The university s executive vice president, Susan Donovan sent an email to two SGA members claiming she talked with a number of students and heard from faculty members about the party. None of it is positive and it sounds very alienating, divisive and harmful. Sheilah Horton, the university s dean of students also tried to pressure students to change the party theme, in a lengthy email that portrayed the’students as insensitive for not canceling the America theme.Horton worried that the theme provides an opportunity for students to dress or behave in a way that offends or oppresses others. Horton also said the administration would have to deal with any fallout from the party, which she worried would make students feel unsafe. She also worried that the America-themed party might keep potential students from attending Loyola and implied the event could be the defining incident of the’senior class. Even one negative event, especially with social media can cause the campus community to feel unsafe; it can be shared with potential students which can have an effect on admissions and indeed can be the defining incident for the class of 2017, she’said. So, you have made a decision that in effect, has the potential to cause negative consequences for the university and even to the’students whose behavior crosses the line, she continued. Horton did not respond to TheDC s request for comment by press time. I was amazed and shocked at not only the reaction and lack of confidence of the administration in our class and SGA itself, but how they handled everything including some of the rude things said about our organization. It is quite disgusting how people feel and see the word America as something that is discriminatory, said one student government representative, who wished to remain anonymous out of fear of retaliation from the administration. We should see the theme America as a way to forget political divide and come together as a country and class and celebrate all that we have accomplished. That is what ended up happening, yet we didn’t have the’support of people in our class and the administration itself. Daily Caller
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: Student government leaders at Loyola University Maryland faced a barrage of pressure from the university administration to change the theme of a senior class party described as very alienating, divisive and harmful and against the university s core values, according to emails provided to The Daily Caller. The theme? America.The theme for Loyola s annual Senior 200s party one of four celebrations exclusive to seniors held throughout the year was based upon a survey of Loyola seniors taken last summer. The party was held on Nov. 18 and went off without a hitch, according to students who attended, despite warnings that the administration might have to get involved if students were offended.Emails sent to student government representatives were provided to TheDC on condition of anonymity. Multiple student government representatives confirmed the emails authenticity on condition of anonymity for fear of retaliation from the administration.Right before the presidential election, some student government members wondered if they should nix the America theme if Donald Trump won, according to internal SGA group chats shared with TheDC on condition of anonymity for the’same reason.One representative claimed that if Trump wins it will be bad, while another argued it would be wrong to change the party theme simply because of disagreement with the president-elect s policies. The party was still on.The day after Trump’s victory, a handful of students messaged SGA representatives to argue that because of Trump’s victory an America-themed party was now inappropriate. One female student claimed she was a victim of horrible hate words and worried that similar mean things might be said at the party if the theme wasn’t changed.When the possibility of unpleasant feelings wasn’t enough to cancel a class-wide event, the administration got involved.The university s executive vice president, Susan Donovan sent an email to two SGA members claiming she talked with a number of students and heard from faculty members about the party. None of it is positive and it sounds very alienating, divisive and harmful. Sheilah Horton, the university s dean of students also tried to pressure students to change the party theme, in a lengthy email that portrayed the’students as insensitive for not canceling the America theme.Horton worried that the theme provides an opportunity for students to dress or behave in a way that offends or oppresses others. Horton also said the administration would have to deal with any fallout from the party, which she worried would make students feel unsafe. She also worried that the America-themed party might keep potential students from attending Loyola and implied the event could be the defining incident of the’senior class. Even one negative event, especially with social media can cause the campus community to feel unsafe; it can be shared with potential students which can have an effect on admissions and indeed can be the defining incident for the class of 2017, she’said. So, you have made a decision that in effect, has the potential to cause negative consequences for the university and even to the’students whose behavior crosses the line, she continued. Horton did not respond to TheDC s request for comment by press time. I was amazed and shocked at not only the reaction and lack of confidence of the administration in our class and SGA itself, but how they handled everything including some of the rude things said about our organization. It is quite disgusting how people feel and see the word America as something that is discriminatory, said one student government representative, who wished to remain anonymous out of fear of retaliation from the administration. We should see the theme America as a way to forget political divide and come together as a country and class and celebrate all that we have accomplished. That is what ended up happening, yet we didn’t have the’support of people in our class and the administration itself. Daily Caller
Hillary Clinton formally concluded the U.S. Democratic presidential race on Tuesday with a win in the District of Columbia primary, then turned her focus to uniting the party during a 90-minute private meeting with defeated rival Bernie Sanders. Clinton, who secured enough delegates to clinch the nomination last week, met with Sanders in a downtown Washington hotel as the sometimes bitter primary combatants searched for common ground ahead of the Nov. 8 election against presumptive Republican nominee Donald Trump. Sanders has resisted pressure to bow out and endorse Clinton in a show of party unity, choosing to continue his campaign as leverage to win concessions from Clinton on his policy agenda and reforms to the Democratic Party nominating process. Both camps described the meeting as “positive” and said the two noted their shared commitment to stopping Trump and pursuing issues such as raising the minimum wage, eliminating undisclosed money in politics, making college affordable and making healthcare coverage more accessible. Sanders spokesman Michael Briggs said the meeting was “a positive discussion about how best to bring more people into the political process and about the dangerous threat that Donald Trump poses to our nation.” Also attending were Sanders’ wife Jane, Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta and the two campaign managers, Jeff Weaver for Sanders and Robby Mook for Clinton. Sanders had promised to stay in the Democratic race until the final vote was cast in the Washington, D.C., primary, although in the past week he has stopped talking about capturing the party’s nomination and instead focused on ways to advance his policy goals. He scheduled a national video address to supporters on Thursday night, telling them in an email message that “the political revolution continues.” At a news conference before the Washington meeting, Sanders said he would also demand changes to make the Democratic nominating process more equitable, including replacing the Democratic National Committee leadership, letting independents take part in the voting and eliminating superdelegates, who are unelected and are free to support any candidate. “The time is long overdue for a fundamental transformation of the Democratic Party,” Sanders said. Clinton easily beat Sanders in the District of Columbia, winning 79 percent to his 21 percent in a primary that closed the more than four-month, state-by-state battle for the Democratic nomination that began on Feb. 1 in Iowa. During a visit to Capitol Hill earlier on Tuesday, Sanders told Democratic senators he would take his message of progressive values and party reform to the convention. “I’m open to that, I think we should all be open to that,” Senator Dick Durbin of Illinois told reporters afterward. “It’s not a surprise that the American people are skeptical of all of us in political life. And we ought to step back and reassess why, and what we can do about it.” Top Democrats have taken steps in the last week to begin rallying behind Clinton and ease Sanders out of the race without alienating his supporters. President Barack Obama endorsed Clinton on Thursday, hours after meeting with Sanders at the White House. Clinton also secured the endorsement of Senator Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts, a leader of the party’s progressive wing. Clinton already has turned her attention on the campaign trail to the race with Trump, rejecting the New York businessman’s renewed calls for a ban of the entry of foreign-born Muslims into the United States after the mass shooting at a gay club in Orlando, Florida, by an American man who claimed allegiance with Islamic State militants. “I have clearly said that we faced terrorist enemies who use a perverted version of Islam to justify slaughtering innocent people. We have to stop them, and we will,” Clinton said in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, on Tuesday. “But I will not demonize and declare war on an entire religion.”
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: Hillary Clinton formally concluded the U.S. Democratic presidential race on Tuesday with a win in the District of Columbia primary, then turned her focus to uniting the party during a 90-minute private meeting with defeated rival Bernie Sanders. Clinton, who secured enough delegates to clinch the nomination last week, met with Sanders in a downtown Washington hotel as the sometimes bitter primary combatants searched for common ground ahead of the Nov. 8 election against presumptive Republican nominee Donald Trump. Sanders has resisted pressure to bow out and endorse Clinton in a show of party unity, choosing to continue his campaign as leverage to win concessions from Clinton on his policy agenda and reforms to the Democratic Party nominating process. Both camps described the meeting as “positive” and said the two noted their shared commitment to stopping Trump and pursuing issues such as raising the minimum wage, eliminating undisclosed money in politics, making college affordable and making healthcare coverage more accessible. Sanders spokesman Michael Briggs said the meeting was “a positive discussion about how best to bring more people into the political process and about the dangerous threat that Donald Trump poses to our nation.” Also attending were Sanders’ wife Jane, Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta and the two campaign managers, Jeff Weaver for Sanders and Robby Mook for Clinton. Sanders had promised to stay in the Democratic race until the final vote was cast in the Washington, D.C., primary, although in the past week he has stopped talking about capturing the party’s nomination and instead focused on ways to advance his policy goals. He scheduled a national video address to supporters on Thursday night, telling them in an email message that “the political revolution continues.” At a news conference before the Washington meeting, Sanders said he would also demand changes to make the Democratic nominating process more equitable, including replacing the Democratic National Committee leadership, letting independents take part in the voting and eliminating superdelegates, who are unelected and are free to support any candidate. “The time is long overdue for a fundamental transformation of the Democratic Party,” Sanders said. Clinton easily beat Sanders in the District of Columbia, winning 79 percent to his 21 percent in a primary that closed the more than four-month, state-by-state battle for the Democratic nomination that began on Feb. 1 in Iowa. During a visit to Capitol Hill earlier on Tuesday, Sanders told Democratic senators he would take his message of progressive values and party reform to the convention. “I’m open to that, I think we should all be open to that,” Senator Dick Durbin of Illinois told reporters afterward. “It’s not a surprise that the American people are skeptical of all of us in political life. And we ought to step back and reassess why, and what we can do about it.” Top Democrats have taken steps in the last week to begin rallying behind Clinton and ease Sanders out of the race without alienating his supporters. President Barack Obama endorsed Clinton on Thursday, hours after meeting with Sanders at the White House. Clinton also secured the endorsement of Senator Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts, a leader of the party’s progressive wing. Clinton already has turned her attention on the campaign trail to the race with Trump, rejecting the New York businessman’s renewed calls for a ban of the entry of foreign-born Muslims into the United States after the mass shooting at a gay club in Orlando, Florida, by an American man who claimed allegiance with Islamic State militants. “I have clearly said that we faced terrorist enemies who use a perverted version of Islam to justify slaughtering innocent people. We have to stop them, and we will,” Clinton said in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, on Tuesday. “But I will not demonize and declare war on an entire religion.”
Syria s army and its allies have encircled Islamic State in the city of al-Mayadin, southeast of Deir al-Zor, in eastern Syria, a Syrian military source said on Sunday. Al-Mayadin is one of the last strongholds of Islamic State as it falls back upon the fertile area downstream of Deir al-Zor in the Euphrates valley and launches counter attacks in the central desert after losing swathes of territory this year. Units of our armed forces with the allied forces continue their advance on a number of fronts and axes in Deir al-Zor and its countryside... and encircle Daesh terrorists in the city of al-Mayadin, the military source said. The army and its allies reached Deir al-Zor in September after a months-long offensive across the Syria desert, and have in recent weeks pushed down the Euphrates towards al-Mayadin. However, counter attacks by Islamic State in the central desert region have put pressure on the main supply road to Deir al-Zor from western Syria. Syrian President Bashar al-Assad is backed in the war by Russia, Iran and Shi ite militias including Lebanon s Hezbollah, and its campaign against Islamic State has mostly been on the west bank of the river. A U.S.-led coalition is also supporting a rival campaign against the jihadists, mostly on the east bank, where it is close to recapturing Raqqa, and has also advanced downstream to hold areas opposite Deir al-Zor. U.S. officials have previously said that Islamic State had relocated some of its diminished command and propaganda structures to al-Mayadin as it was forced from territory elsewhere.
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: Syria s army and its allies have encircled Islamic State in the city of al-Mayadin, southeast of Deir al-Zor, in eastern Syria, a Syrian military source said on Sunday. Al-Mayadin is one of the last strongholds of Islamic State as it falls back upon the fertile area downstream of Deir al-Zor in the Euphrates valley and launches counter attacks in the central desert after losing swathes of territory this year. Units of our armed forces with the allied forces continue their advance on a number of fronts and axes in Deir al-Zor and its countryside... and encircle Daesh terrorists in the city of al-Mayadin, the military source said. The army and its allies reached Deir al-Zor in September after a months-long offensive across the Syria desert, and have in recent weeks pushed down the Euphrates towards al-Mayadin. However, counter attacks by Islamic State in the central desert region have put pressure on the main supply road to Deir al-Zor from western Syria. Syrian President Bashar al-Assad is backed in the war by Russia, Iran and Shi ite militias including Lebanon s Hezbollah, and its campaign against Islamic State has mostly been on the west bank of the river. A U.S.-led coalition is also supporting a rival campaign against the jihadists, mostly on the east bank, where it is close to recapturing Raqqa, and has also advanced downstream to hold areas opposite Deir al-Zor. U.S. officials have previously said that Islamic State had relocated some of its diminished command and propaganda structures to al-Mayadin as it was forced from territory elsewhere.
The chance that Britain leaves the European Union without agreeing a divorce deal has not increased recently and talks have not hit an impasse, British finance minister Philip Hammond said on Monday. Hammond, who last week apologized for calling the EU the enemy , described relations with European countries as constructive. However, he said the EU s strict adherence to a phased negotiating process - which first tackles budget issues and the rights of EU citizens living in Britain - was delaying progress on more substantive trade issues. Last week the EU s chief negotiator said talks were deadlocked, notably over London s refusal to detail what it was offering to pay Brussels to settle outstanding liabilities after its June 2016 vote to leave the bloc. This followed an attempt by May last month to revive the negotiations with a speech in Florence promising Britain would honor its EU commitments. Asked in an interview with U.S. broadcaster CNBC whether the risk of no deal had risen, Hammond said: Personally I don t think so. It is so blindingly obviously in the best interests of both the UK and the European Union 27 that we do reach a deal so we can continue trading together. Prime Minister Theresa May is due to meet European Commission chief Jean-Claude Juncker over dinner later on Monday to try to refocus the talks on future trade ties. Earlier on Monday JPMorgan said the chance of a no deal Brexit had risen to 25 percent from 15 percent previously, in line with the consensus of a Reuters poll of economists published last month. Hammond was speaking in the United States during a visit to attend an International Monetary Fund meeting and see finance industry representatives. He predicted London would keep its status as a global financial center and said most international banks were planning to keep the vast majority of their London-based staff. EU business is only a fraction of London s total business, and we re very confident that the UK, London, will remain a global financial center, he said.
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: The chance that Britain leaves the European Union without agreeing a divorce deal has not increased recently and talks have not hit an impasse, British finance minister Philip Hammond said on Monday. Hammond, who last week apologized for calling the EU the enemy , described relations with European countries as constructive. However, he said the EU s strict adherence to a phased negotiating process - which first tackles budget issues and the rights of EU citizens living in Britain - was delaying progress on more substantive trade issues. Last week the EU s chief negotiator said talks were deadlocked, notably over London s refusal to detail what it was offering to pay Brussels to settle outstanding liabilities after its June 2016 vote to leave the bloc. This followed an attempt by May last month to revive the negotiations with a speech in Florence promising Britain would honor its EU commitments. Asked in an interview with U.S. broadcaster CNBC whether the risk of no deal had risen, Hammond said: Personally I don t think so. It is so blindingly obviously in the best interests of both the UK and the European Union 27 that we do reach a deal so we can continue trading together. Prime Minister Theresa May is due to meet European Commission chief Jean-Claude Juncker over dinner later on Monday to try to refocus the talks on future trade ties. Earlier on Monday JPMorgan said the chance of a no deal Brexit had risen to 25 percent from 15 percent previously, in line with the consensus of a Reuters poll of economists published last month. Hammond was speaking in the United States during a visit to attend an International Monetary Fund meeting and see finance industry representatives. He predicted London would keep its status as a global financial center and said most international banks were planning to keep the vast majority of their London-based staff. EU business is only a fraction of London s total business, and we re very confident that the UK, London, will remain a global financial center, he said.
China said on Tuesday it has urged Thailand to quickly bring to justice 20 ethnic Uighur Muslims from China who broke out of a Thai detention center through a hole in the wall, using blankets to climb to the ground. Twenty-five Uighurs dug through their cell wall with broken tiles to make their dramatic escape from the center in Thailand s southern Songkhla province, near the border with Malaysia, early on Monday. As of Tuesday, 10 had been caught, leaving 15 whose whereabouts were still unknown, according to Thai police, who said checkpoints had been set up along the border. The escapees were part of the last remaining group of more than 200 Uighurs detained in Thailand in 2014. Members of the group identified themselves as Turkish citizens and asked to be sent to Turkey but more than 100 were forcibly returned to China in July 2015, a move that sparked international condemnation, including from rights groups who feared they could face torture in China. Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Lu Kang said China would continue to strengthen cooperation with Thailand on the detainees escape and closely follow the situation. China has already urged the relevant Thai department to quickly bring the relevant people to justice, he said at a regular news briefing. Over the years, hundreds, possibly thousands, of Turkic-language speaking Uighurs have escaped unrest in China s western region of Xinjiang by traveling clandestinely via Southeast Asia to Turkey. The Chinese government has blamed violence in Xinjiang between majority Han Chinese and Uighurs on separatist Islamist militants, though rights groups and exiles say that anger over strict Chinese controls on the religion and culture of Uighurs is to blame. Exiled ethnic Uighur leader Rebiya Kadeer called on Thailand and any country that may find the Uighurs to treat them according to international law and not hand them over to China. The Uyghurs took the risk of capture and perhaps harsh repercussions to try to save themselves from indefinite detention in Thailand and from deportation to China, Kadeer said in an email released by the World Uyghur Congress, which she heads. [Whether they] are indeed Turkish nationals as they claim or Chinese nationals as China claims, the fact that they are ethnic Uyghur is enough for them to face persecution and harsh punishment, she said. Kadeer is a former political prisoner in China accused of leaking state secrets in 1999. She was later allowed to leave on medical grounds and lives in the United States. Amnesty International has said that Chinese authorities in recent months have detained up to 30 of Kadeer s relatives. China routinely denies accusations of rights abuses in Xinjiang, though it has admitted a problem with torture of detainees and has pledged to stop mistreatment of prisoners. On the borders of Central Asia, Afghanistan and Pakistan, the region is one of China s most sensitive domestic issues, and the government has dramatically ramped up police operations there and set up what critics characterize as re-education camps and oppressive surveillance.
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: China said on Tuesday it has urged Thailand to quickly bring to justice 20 ethnic Uighur Muslims from China who broke out of a Thai detention center through a hole in the wall, using blankets to climb to the ground. Twenty-five Uighurs dug through their cell wall with broken tiles to make their dramatic escape from the center in Thailand s southern Songkhla province, near the border with Malaysia, early on Monday. As of Tuesday, 10 had been caught, leaving 15 whose whereabouts were still unknown, according to Thai police, who said checkpoints had been set up along the border. The escapees were part of the last remaining group of more than 200 Uighurs detained in Thailand in 2014. Members of the group identified themselves as Turkish citizens and asked to be sent to Turkey but more than 100 were forcibly returned to China in July 2015, a move that sparked international condemnation, including from rights groups who feared they could face torture in China. Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Lu Kang said China would continue to strengthen cooperation with Thailand on the detainees escape and closely follow the situation. China has already urged the relevant Thai department to quickly bring the relevant people to justice, he said at a regular news briefing. Over the years, hundreds, possibly thousands, of Turkic-language speaking Uighurs have escaped unrest in China s western region of Xinjiang by traveling clandestinely via Southeast Asia to Turkey. The Chinese government has blamed violence in Xinjiang between majority Han Chinese and Uighurs on separatist Islamist militants, though rights groups and exiles say that anger over strict Chinese controls on the religion and culture of Uighurs is to blame. Exiled ethnic Uighur leader Rebiya Kadeer called on Thailand and any country that may find the Uighurs to treat them according to international law and not hand them over to China. The Uyghurs took the risk of capture and perhaps harsh repercussions to try to save themselves from indefinite detention in Thailand and from deportation to China, Kadeer said in an email released by the World Uyghur Congress, which she heads. [Whether they] are indeed Turkish nationals as they claim or Chinese nationals as China claims, the fact that they are ethnic Uyghur is enough for them to face persecution and harsh punishment, she said. Kadeer is a former political prisoner in China accused of leaking state secrets in 1999. She was later allowed to leave on medical grounds and lives in the United States. Amnesty International has said that Chinese authorities in recent months have detained up to 30 of Kadeer s relatives. China routinely denies accusations of rights abuses in Xinjiang, though it has admitted a problem with torture of detainees and has pledged to stop mistreatment of prisoners. On the borders of Central Asia, Afghanistan and Pakistan, the region is one of China s most sensitive domestic issues, and the government has dramatically ramped up police operations there and set up what critics characterize as re-education camps and oppressive surveillance.
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT:
The deal propping up the Irish government will be dead if opposition party Fianna Fail submits a motion of no confidence in the deputy prime minister before a 1100 deadline, Employment minister Regina Doherty said on Friday. It had been unclear whether the ruling party considered submitting the motion sufficient to violate the terms of the three-year deal, which Prime Minister Leo Varadkar s minority government depends on to rule, or whether it would consider the deal broken only when a vote on the motion was taken.
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: The deal propping up the Irish government will be dead if opposition party Fianna Fail submits a motion of no confidence in the deputy prime minister before a 1100 deadline, Employment minister Regina Doherty said on Friday. It had been unclear whether the ruling party considered submitting the motion sufficient to violate the terms of the three-year deal, which Prime Minister Leo Varadkar s minority government depends on to rule, or whether it would consider the deal broken only when a vote on the motion was taken.
Supporters of U.S. presidential candidates Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders may inhabit opposite ends of the political spectrum, but they have one thing in common: an unprecedented hunger for campaign swag. Fans of the Republican billionaire Trump and of Democrat Sanders have bought nearly $20 million worth of campaign hats, T-shirts, bumper stickers, and other merchandise so far, according to campaign officials, a level that political brand experts reckon is a record for a presidential election. The sales reveal deep passion for the White House contenders among some voters, and could also signify an expansion of merchandise as a fundraising tool in future races, said Laura Ries, president of branding consultancy Ries & Ries. “I’m sure we’ll see more of this. Merchandise is a great way of getting your message out there, of engaging people, and of raising money,” she said. Among offerings from Trump, now the only candidate left in the Republican race, are T-shirts featuring slogans like “Team Trump” and “New York Values”, trucker hats emblazed with “Make America Great Again” and a “presidential dog raglan” sweater designed to be worn by dogs. The campaign shop for Sanders, who describes himself as a Democratic socialist and who has promised to go after Wall Street and redress social inequalities, features “Feel the Bern” mugs, T-shirts with slogans like “Join the political revolution NOW”, and a “Babies for Bernie” baby bib. Hillary Clinton, who is expected to fend off the challenge from Sanders to become the Democratic nominee for the Nov. 8 election, has run a much smaller campaign merchandise business. “Hillary is a huge front-runner in the polls, but in terms of passion, she’s lagging,” Ries said. “Not as many people want to wear a Clinton T-shirt.” T-SHIRTS AND COFFEE MUGS The Sanders campaign has raised about $12.8 million in gross revenue from campaign merchandise sales, accounting for some 7 percent of total individual contributions so far, according to Kenneth Pennington, the campaign’s digital director. He said the campaign had sold more than 800,000 individual items since launching last year, including 207,000 t-shirts and 44,000 coffee mugs. That gear cost the campaign $8.5 million to manufacture, representing about 5 percent of the campaign’s total expenditures to date, according to federal disclosures, meaning the campaign’s net revenue on merchandise is about $4.3 million. The primary manufacturer of the goods was Tigereye Promotions of Ohio. Campaign reports do not require candidates to break out revenue from merchandise sales. Trump’s merchandise business is smaller than Sanders’, but still historically huge. The real estate developer has mainly used his own funds to finance his White House bid so far, but his campaign has raised more than $6 million in gross revenue by selling Trump trademark gifts and apparel, representing “a majority” of the campaign’s individual contributions, according to spokeswoman Hope Hicks. “The sale of official campaign products has been extremely successful,” she said. That gear cost the campaign more than $4.7 million to produce. Among the most used manufacturers were Cali-Fame of California and Ace Specialties of Louisiana, according to federal campaign finance disclosures. The owner of Ace Specialties, Christl Mahfouz, is on the board of Trump’s son’s foundation, the Eric Trump Foundation, which raises money for terminally ill children. Clinton’s campaign, meanwhile, has spent just $1.4 million on swag manufacturing so far, according to campaign records. A campaign official was not immediately available to comment on how much the campaign had raised through the sale of that merchandise. “For Hillary, I suspect we will see more swag, as she tries to pick up Bernie supporters in the general election,” said Karen Post, a brand consultant and author of “Brand Turnaround”. “What young person do you know who doesn’t love T shirts?” The Trump and Sanders swag spending this year is unmatched by recent elections. Democratic President Barack Obama, seen as one of the best-branded presidential candidates in recent U.S. history, spent just $1.3 million on T-shirts, posters and bumper stickers during his first election bid in 2008, when he galvanized supporters behind his core messages of hope and change slogan and his rising sun campaign logo. Obama spent less than $70,000 on merchandise during his 2012 re-election bid against Republican Mitt Romney, whose campaign dished out $3.4 million on campaign promotional items, according to campaign finance reports.
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: Supporters of U.S. presidential candidates Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders may inhabit opposite ends of the political spectrum, but they have one thing in common: an unprecedented hunger for campaign swag. Fans of the Republican billionaire Trump and of Democrat Sanders have bought nearly $20 million worth of campaign hats, T-shirts, bumper stickers, and other merchandise so far, according to campaign officials, a level that political brand experts reckon is a record for a presidential election. The sales reveal deep passion for the White House contenders among some voters, and could also signify an expansion of merchandise as a fundraising tool in future races, said Laura Ries, president of branding consultancy Ries & Ries. “I’m sure we’ll see more of this. Merchandise is a great way of getting your message out there, of engaging people, and of raising money,” she said. Among offerings from Trump, now the only candidate left in the Republican race, are T-shirts featuring slogans like “Team Trump” and “New York Values”, trucker hats emblazed with “Make America Great Again” and a “presidential dog raglan” sweater designed to be worn by dogs. The campaign shop for Sanders, who describes himself as a Democratic socialist and who has promised to go after Wall Street and redress social inequalities, features “Feel the Bern” mugs, T-shirts with slogans like “Join the political revolution NOW”, and a “Babies for Bernie” baby bib. Hillary Clinton, who is expected to fend off the challenge from Sanders to become the Democratic nominee for the Nov. 8 election, has run a much smaller campaign merchandise business. “Hillary is a huge front-runner in the polls, but in terms of passion, she’s lagging,” Ries said. “Not as many people want to wear a Clinton T-shirt.” T-SHIRTS AND COFFEE MUGS The Sanders campaign has raised about $12.8 million in gross revenue from campaign merchandise sales, accounting for some 7 percent of total individual contributions so far, according to Kenneth Pennington, the campaign’s digital director. He said the campaign had sold more than 800,000 individual items since launching last year, including 207,000 t-shirts and 44,000 coffee mugs. That gear cost the campaign $8.5 million to manufacture, representing about 5 percent of the campaign’s total expenditures to date, according to federal disclosures, meaning the campaign’s net revenue on merchandise is about $4.3 million. The primary manufacturer of the goods was Tigereye Promotions of Ohio. Campaign reports do not require candidates to break out revenue from merchandise sales. Trump’s merchandise business is smaller than Sanders’, but still historically huge. The real estate developer has mainly used his own funds to finance his White House bid so far, but his campaign has raised more than $6 million in gross revenue by selling Trump trademark gifts and apparel, representing “a majority” of the campaign’s individual contributions, according to spokeswoman Hope Hicks. “The sale of official campaign products has been extremely successful,” she said. That gear cost the campaign more than $4.7 million to produce. Among the most used manufacturers were Cali-Fame of California and Ace Specialties of Louisiana, according to federal campaign finance disclosures. The owner of Ace Specialties, Christl Mahfouz, is on the board of Trump’s son’s foundation, the Eric Trump Foundation, which raises money for terminally ill children. Clinton’s campaign, meanwhile, has spent just $1.4 million on swag manufacturing so far, according to campaign records. A campaign official was not immediately available to comment on how much the campaign had raised through the sale of that merchandise. “For Hillary, I suspect we will see more swag, as she tries to pick up Bernie supporters in the general election,” said Karen Post, a brand consultant and author of “Brand Turnaround”. “What young person do you know who doesn’t love T shirts?” The Trump and Sanders swag spending this year is unmatched by recent elections. Democratic President Barack Obama, seen as one of the best-branded presidential candidates in recent U.S. history, spent just $1.3 million on T-shirts, posters and bumper stickers during his first election bid in 2008, when he galvanized supporters behind his core messages of hope and change slogan and his rising sun campaign logo. Obama spent less than $70,000 on merchandise during his 2012 re-election bid against Republican Mitt Romney, whose campaign dished out $3.4 million on campaign promotional items, according to campaign finance reports.
President Barack Obama is maintaining pressure on the Senate to approve his Supreme Court nominee, but the need for Republican U.S. senators seeking re-election to keep conservative voters happy before primary elections in the coming months is working against him. From April 26 to Sept. 13, nine states where incumbent Republicans’ grip on U.S. Senate seats is tenuous will hold party primaries ahead of the Nov. 8 congressional and presidential elections. During that period, Republicans seem unlikely to break with Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell’s hard-line stance against holding confirmation hearings or a vote on Obama’s nominee, appellate judge Merrick Garland. McConnell has insisted that Obama’s successor, to be elected in November and take office in January, should fill the vacancy left by February’s death of Justice Antonin Scalia. Republicans are hoping their party’s candidate wins the presidency and can make the appointment. A Supreme Court appointment requires Senate confirmation. Voicing support for holding Garland hearings during the primary season, political experts say, could enrage conservatives already upset over the prospect of Obama making a third lifetime appointment to the nine-member court, which could give the bench a liberal tilt for the first time in decades. That anger could bolster primary candidates challenging incumbent Republicans from the right or encourage new challengers to come forward. Political science professor Sheldon Goldman of the University of Massachusetts at Amherst, who has tracked Supreme Court nominations since the 1960s, said of the Garland fight: “The real obstacle is getting over the primaries.” The danger of straying from McConnell’s blockade was illustrated when Kansas Republican Jerry Moran last month backed hearings on Garland but reversed course after rumblings of a right-wing challenge materializing in Moran’s Aug. 2 primary. Other key battlegrounds for Senate Republicans include Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Florida and New Hampshire. New Hampshire’s Kelly Ayotte is viewed as one of the most vulnerable Senate Republican incumbents. Ayotte will meet with Garland but said she wants the Senate to wait until after November’s elections to act on the nomination. Arizona Senator John McCain, facing at least two opponents in his Aug. 30 Republican primary, downplayed the political difficulties presented by Garland’s nomination. He said when he was home during the recent Senate recess, he heard few complaints. Of his constituents, McCain said, “They would ask. I would explain.” Obama and fellow Democrats in the Senate continue to press Republicans to allow hearings by summer. “So what you have here is, I think, a circumstance in which those (Republicans) in the Senate have decided that ‘placating our base’ is more important than upholding their constitutional and institutional roles in our democracy in a way that is dangerous,” Obama said in Chicago on Thursday. Some Democrats think McConnell’s gambit gives them a campaign issue for the elections. Dick Durbin, the Senate’s No. 2 Democrat, said, “If there was any question about obstruction in the United States Senate, what’s happening with the vacancy on the Supreme Court is Exhibit A of Republican obstructionism.”
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: President Barack Obama is maintaining pressure on the Senate to approve his Supreme Court nominee, but the need for Republican U.S. senators seeking re-election to keep conservative voters happy before primary elections in the coming months is working against him. From April 26 to Sept. 13, nine states where incumbent Republicans’ grip on U.S. Senate seats is tenuous will hold party primaries ahead of the Nov. 8 congressional and presidential elections. During that period, Republicans seem unlikely to break with Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell’s hard-line stance against holding confirmation hearings or a vote on Obama’s nominee, appellate judge Merrick Garland. McConnell has insisted that Obama’s successor, to be elected in November and take office in January, should fill the vacancy left by February’s death of Justice Antonin Scalia. Republicans are hoping their party’s candidate wins the presidency and can make the appointment. A Supreme Court appointment requires Senate confirmation. Voicing support for holding Garland hearings during the primary season, political experts say, could enrage conservatives already upset over the prospect of Obama making a third lifetime appointment to the nine-member court, which could give the bench a liberal tilt for the first time in decades. That anger could bolster primary candidates challenging incumbent Republicans from the right or encourage new challengers to come forward. Political science professor Sheldon Goldman of the University of Massachusetts at Amherst, who has tracked Supreme Court nominations since the 1960s, said of the Garland fight: “The real obstacle is getting over the primaries.” The danger of straying from McConnell’s blockade was illustrated when Kansas Republican Jerry Moran last month backed hearings on Garland but reversed course after rumblings of a right-wing challenge materializing in Moran’s Aug. 2 primary. Other key battlegrounds for Senate Republicans include Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Florida and New Hampshire. New Hampshire’s Kelly Ayotte is viewed as one of the most vulnerable Senate Republican incumbents. Ayotte will meet with Garland but said she wants the Senate to wait until after November’s elections to act on the nomination. Arizona Senator John McCain, facing at least two opponents in his Aug. 30 Republican primary, downplayed the political difficulties presented by Garland’s nomination. He said when he was home during the recent Senate recess, he heard few complaints. Of his constituents, McCain said, “They would ask. I would explain.” Obama and fellow Democrats in the Senate continue to press Republicans to allow hearings by summer. “So what you have here is, I think, a circumstance in which those (Republicans) in the Senate have decided that ‘placating our base’ is more important than upholding their constitutional and institutional roles in our democracy in a way that is dangerous,” Obama said in Chicago on Thursday. Some Democrats think McConnell’s gambit gives them a campaign issue for the elections. Dick Durbin, the Senate’s No. 2 Democrat, said, “If there was any question about obstruction in the United States Senate, what’s happening with the vacancy on the Supreme Court is Exhibit A of Republican obstructionism.”
Attorney General Jeff Sessions appeared before the Senate Intelligence Committee on Tuesday afternoon and not surprisingly, there were a lot of things he really didn’t want to talk about. When he refused to answer the questions of Sen. Martin Heinrich, the Democrat from New Mexico went the f*ck off.Sessions repeatedly said that he couldn’t talk about this or that because it would be inappropriate to reveal his private conversations with Donald Trump. But Heinrich was not satisfied with any of this nonsense. Attorney General Sessions, has the president ever expressed his frustration to you’regarding your decision to recuse yourself? Heinrich asked.Sessions began to say that he was not able to share this information with the committee when Heinrich cut him off. You re invoking executive privilege? the’senator asked. I m not able to invoke executive privilege. That s the president s prerogative, Sessions replied.At this point, Heinrich unleashed his wrath.My understanding is that you took an oath, you raised your right hand here today and you said that you would solemnly tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth, and now you’re not answering questions.You re impeding this investigation, so my understanding of the legal standard is that you either answer the question. That s the best outcome.You say this is classified, can’t answer it here. I ll answer it in closed session. That s bucket number two. Bucket number three is to say I m invoking executive privilege. There is no appropriateness bucket. It is not a legal standard. Can you tell me why what are these long-standing DOJ rules that protect conversations made in the executive without invoking executive privilege?Sessions insisted that he was just protecting the president s constitutional right by not giving it away before he has a chance to review it. But Heinrich told him that he couldn’t have it both ways. The attorney general continued to argue that his silence was consistent with the policies of the Department of Justice. But when Heinrich asked to see those policies, Sessions ended up saying that it was his judgment that it would be inappropriate to share this information. There are also other privileges that could be invoked. One of the things deals with the investigation of the’special counsel as other Sessions began to say when Heinrich interrupted him again’to remind him that there are multiple investigations going on.We re not asking questions about that investigation. If I wanted to ask questions about that investigation, I d ask those of rod Rosenstein. I m asking about your personal knowledge from this committee which has a constitutional obligation to get to the bottom of this.There are two investigations here. There is a special counsel investigation. There is also a congressional investigation, and you are obstructing that congressional delegation investigation by not answering these questions, and I think your silence, like the’silence of Director Coats, like the’silence of Admiral Rogers speaks volumes.Sessions never did provide a satisfactory to Heinrich s question, but Heinrich just became one of my favorite senators today. You can watch Sen. Heinrich wipe the floor with Jeff Sessions below:Featured image via video screen capture
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: Attorney General Jeff Sessions appeared before the Senate Intelligence Committee on Tuesday afternoon and not surprisingly, there were a lot of things he really didn’t want to talk about. When he refused to answer the questions of Sen. Martin Heinrich, the Democrat from New Mexico went the f*ck off.Sessions repeatedly said that he couldn’t talk about this or that because it would be inappropriate to reveal his private conversations with Donald Trump. But Heinrich was not satisfied with any of this nonsense. Attorney General Sessions, has the president ever expressed his frustration to you’regarding your decision to recuse yourself? Heinrich asked.Sessions began to say that he was not able to share this information with the committee when Heinrich cut him off. You re invoking executive privilege? the’senator asked. I m not able to invoke executive privilege. That s the president s prerogative, Sessions replied.At this point, Heinrich unleashed his wrath.My understanding is that you took an oath, you raised your right hand here today and you said that you would solemnly tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth, and now you’re not answering questions.You re impeding this investigation, so my understanding of the legal standard is that you either answer the question. That s the best outcome.You say this is classified, can’t answer it here. I ll answer it in closed session. That s bucket number two. Bucket number three is to say I m invoking executive privilege. There is no appropriateness bucket. It is not a legal standard. Can you tell me why what are these long-standing DOJ rules that protect conversations made in the executive without invoking executive privilege?Sessions insisted that he was just protecting the president s constitutional right by not giving it away before he has a chance to review it. But Heinrich told him that he couldn’t have it both ways. The attorney general continued to argue that his silence was consistent with the policies of the Department of Justice. But when Heinrich asked to see those policies, Sessions ended up saying that it was his judgment that it would be inappropriate to share this information. There are also other privileges that could be invoked. One of the things deals with the investigation of the’special counsel as other Sessions began to say when Heinrich interrupted him again’to remind him that there are multiple investigations going on.We re not asking questions about that investigation. If I wanted to ask questions about that investigation, I d ask those of rod Rosenstein. I m asking about your personal knowledge from this committee which has a constitutional obligation to get to the bottom of this.There are two investigations here. There is a special counsel investigation. There is also a congressional investigation, and you are obstructing that congressional delegation investigation by not answering these questions, and I think your silence, like the’silence of Director Coats, like the’silence of Admiral Rogers speaks volumes.Sessions never did provide a satisfactory to Heinrich s question, but Heinrich just became one of my favorite senators today. You can watch Sen. Heinrich wipe the floor with Jeff Sessions below:Featured image via video screen capture
I am not a person who has sought the’spotlight. That s the first stand-out sentence from the’statement Jared Kushner released Monday morning in advance of his testimony before the Senate Intelligence Committee. We re willing to bet that line makes it into his daily mantra as he navigates the nightmare he’s realizing he married into. Oh, I don’t excuse Trump’s son-in-law for his part in any of the current investigation/fiasco/shenanigans. Don t get me wrong. But his demeanor clearly indicates a man who is in a different category of prevaricator than the Trumps he now unfortunately finds himself wed to in more ways than just his nuptials with Ivanka.His statement, first reported by CNN (in full here), is an absolute masterwork of distancing himself from the crimes that were obviously committed. With so much of The Meeting between Don Trump, Jr., Paul Manafort, and himself already out in public so much already confirmed there is little to do but work with what he’s got. And so carefully, meticulously, Kushner has crafted a storyline that excises his participation in the’shady dealings with the Kremlin lawyer Natalia Veselnitskaya:
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: I am not a person who has sought the’spotlight. That s the first stand-out sentence from the’statement Jared Kushner released Monday morning in advance of his testimony before the Senate Intelligence Committee. We re willing to bet that line makes it into his daily mantra as he navigates the nightmare he’s realizing he married into. Oh, I don’t excuse Trump’s son-in-law for his part in any of the current investigation/fiasco/shenanigans. Don t get me wrong. But his demeanor clearly indicates a man who is in a different category of prevaricator than the Trumps he now unfortunately finds himself wed to in more ways than just his nuptials with Ivanka.His statement, first reported by CNN (in full here), is an absolute masterwork of distancing himself from the crimes that were obviously committed. With so much of The Meeting between Don Trump, Jr., Paul Manafort, and himself already out in public so much already confirmed there is little to do but work with what he’s got. And so carefully, meticulously, Kushner has crafted a storyline that excises his participation in the’shady dealings with the Kremlin lawyer Natalia Veselnitskaya:
European countries are scrambling to cobble together a package of measures they hope will keep the Iran nuclear deal on track if U.S. President Donald Trump ignores their pleas and decertifies the landmark 2015 agreement this week. The package would include a strong statement backing the deal by European powers, together with efforts to lobby the U.S. Congress and put wider pressure on Iran, officials said. But without strong U.S. support for the deal, senior officials in Berlin, Paris and London say it may be only a matter of time before the pact between Tehran and six world powers unravels, with grave consequences for Middle East security, nonproliferation efforts and transatlantic ties. The two-year-old agreement, under which Iran agreed to freeze its nuclear program for 15 years in exchange for sanctions relief, is viewed in Europe as a rare triumph of international diplomacy in the Middle East. As tensions over North Korea s nuclear activities risk boiling over into all-out war, any move by the United States to undermine the Iran deal is seen in Europe as utter folly. European capitals have been delivering this message to the White House and Congress in one of the most intense lobbying campaigns in recent memory. In the past weeks, European ambassadors have met dozens of U.S. lawmakers. And on Tuesday, British Prime Minister Theresa May lobbied Trump by phone. Despite this, Trump is expected declare this week that Iran is not complying with the pact. He is also due to unveil a tough new strategy toward Iran - including designating its Revolutionary Guards Corps as a terrorist organization - that could sink the deal. If the feeling is the United States no longer supports the agreement then the political reality is that the deal will be in serious jeopardy and its implementation will be very difficult, a senior French diplomat told Reuters. A decision by Trump to decertify would not automatically kill the agreement, known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA). The expectation is that Trump would kick the ball to Congress, which would then have 60 days to decide whether to reimpose sanctions lifted as part of the JCPOA. THREE-PRONGED RESPONSE European officials said they were preparing a three-pronged strategy if this does occur. First, Berlin, London and Paris would issue statements reaffirming their commitment to the deal. Second, they would redouble efforts to lobby Congress, which appears keen to keep the deal, against any rash moves. And third, they would present measures to pressure Iran over its ballistic missile program and destabilizing policies in the Middle East areas that fall outside the narrowly-focused nuclear deal. French President Emmanuel Macron alluded to this at the United Nations last month. Diplomats said the package was still in the works and they had not yet briefed Brussels on it. With the third step, the Europeans hope to build a bridge to Washington while keeping the JCPOA intact. But a German diplomat said ratcheting up pressure on Tehran was like walking a tightrope: push too hard and the whole deal could fall apart. We all knew the JCPOA wasn t perfect, but by calling its benefits into question I see us only losing, said a senior European diplomat who has been involved in negotiations with Iran since 2003, well before Washington joined the talks under President Barack Obama. If Trump follows through on his threats it will be the second time in four months that he has distanced the United States from a major multilateral agreement despite intense lobbying by partners and members of his own cabinet. But in Europe, the Iran move would be seen as far more damaging than Trump s decision in June to pull out of the Paris climate accord. The threat from Iran in terms of nuclear proliferation is more immediate. This is far more dangerous, said Elmar Brok, a veteran foreign policy expert in the European Parliament and party ally of German Chancellor Angela Merkel. European officials and analysts fear a breakdown of the JCPOA could lead to an arms race in the Middle East, a military conflict between Iran and Israel and an escalation of regional proxy wars between Iran and Saudi Arabia. They fear it would also doom any chances, no matter how slim, for a negotiated deal with North Korea. At the end of the day it s all about the risk of war, said Francois Heisbourg, chairman of the International Institute for Strategic Studies. There is also the danger of a further deterioration in transatlantic ties, especially if Washington targets European firms that do business in Iran. Were that to happen, the EU ambassador to Washington, David O Sullivan, has said Brussels would revert to a 1990s-era law that shields European companies from extraterritorial sanctions. Even if the EU were to take such a step, the senior French diplomat said European companies could think twice about their Iran commitments. Among firms that have announced big deals in Iran since the JCPOA went into force are planemaker Airbus, French energy group Total and Germany s Siemens. One of the big difficulties of the agreement is ensuring the economic operators have confidence in the system and key to that is confidence in the United States, the diplomat said. Any signs that European companies are pulling back could prompt the Iranians to reassess the merits of the nuclear deal. The agreement with Iran is like a delicate plant, said Omid Nouripour, an Iranian-born lawmaker with the German Greens party, which is expected to be part of Merkel s next coalition government. It is a sign of what diplomacy can achieve but it is fragile. The American president doesn t appear to believe in diplomacy. He seems intent on crushing this plant.
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: European countries are scrambling to cobble together a package of measures they hope will keep the Iran nuclear deal on track if U.S. President Donald Trump ignores their pleas and decertifies the landmark 2015 agreement this week. The package would include a strong statement backing the deal by European powers, together with efforts to lobby the U.S. Congress and put wider pressure on Iran, officials said. But without strong U.S. support for the deal, senior officials in Berlin, Paris and London say it may be only a matter of time before the pact between Tehran and six world powers unravels, with grave consequences for Middle East security, nonproliferation efforts and transatlantic ties. The two-year-old agreement, under which Iran agreed to freeze its nuclear program for 15 years in exchange for sanctions relief, is viewed in Europe as a rare triumph of international diplomacy in the Middle East. As tensions over North Korea s nuclear activities risk boiling over into all-out war, any move by the United States to undermine the Iran deal is seen in Europe as utter folly. European capitals have been delivering this message to the White House and Congress in one of the most intense lobbying campaigns in recent memory. In the past weeks, European ambassadors have met dozens of U.S. lawmakers. And on Tuesday, British Prime Minister Theresa May lobbied Trump by phone. Despite this, Trump is expected declare this week that Iran is not complying with the pact. He is also due to unveil a tough new strategy toward Iran - including designating its Revolutionary Guards Corps as a terrorist organization - that could sink the deal. If the feeling is the United States no longer supports the agreement then the political reality is that the deal will be in serious jeopardy and its implementation will be very difficult, a senior French diplomat told Reuters. A decision by Trump to decertify would not automatically kill the agreement, known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA). The expectation is that Trump would kick the ball to Congress, which would then have 60 days to decide whether to reimpose sanctions lifted as part of the JCPOA. THREE-PRONGED RESPONSE European officials said they were preparing a three-pronged strategy if this does occur. First, Berlin, London and Paris would issue statements reaffirming their commitment to the deal. Second, they would redouble efforts to lobby Congress, which appears keen to keep the deal, against any rash moves. And third, they would present measures to pressure Iran over its ballistic missile program and destabilizing policies in the Middle East areas that fall outside the narrowly-focused nuclear deal. French President Emmanuel Macron alluded to this at the United Nations last month. Diplomats said the package was still in the works and they had not yet briefed Brussels on it. With the third step, the Europeans hope to build a bridge to Washington while keeping the JCPOA intact. But a German diplomat said ratcheting up pressure on Tehran was like walking a tightrope: push too hard and the whole deal could fall apart. We all knew the JCPOA wasn t perfect, but by calling its benefits into question I see us only losing, said a senior European diplomat who has been involved in negotiations with Iran since 2003, well before Washington joined the talks under President Barack Obama. If Trump follows through on his threats it will be the second time in four months that he has distanced the United States from a major multilateral agreement despite intense lobbying by partners and members of his own cabinet. But in Europe, the Iran move would be seen as far more damaging than Trump s decision in June to pull out of the Paris climate accord. The threat from Iran in terms of nuclear proliferation is more immediate. This is far more dangerous, said Elmar Brok, a veteran foreign policy expert in the European Parliament and party ally of German Chancellor Angela Merkel. European officials and analysts fear a breakdown of the JCPOA could lead to an arms race in the Middle East, a military conflict between Iran and Israel and an escalation of regional proxy wars between Iran and Saudi Arabia. They fear it would also doom any chances, no matter how slim, for a negotiated deal with North Korea. At the end of the day it s all about the risk of war, said Francois Heisbourg, chairman of the International Institute for Strategic Studies. There is also the danger of a further deterioration in transatlantic ties, especially if Washington targets European firms that do business in Iran. Were that to happen, the EU ambassador to Washington, David O Sullivan, has said Brussels would revert to a 1990s-era law that shields European companies from extraterritorial sanctions. Even if the EU were to take such a step, the senior French diplomat said European companies could think twice about their Iran commitments. Among firms that have announced big deals in Iran since the JCPOA went into force are planemaker Airbus, French energy group Total and Germany s Siemens. One of the big difficulties of the agreement is ensuring the economic operators have confidence in the system and key to that is confidence in the United States, the diplomat said. Any signs that European companies are pulling back could prompt the Iranians to reassess the merits of the nuclear deal. The agreement with Iran is like a delicate plant, said Omid Nouripour, an Iranian-born lawmaker with the German Greens party, which is expected to be part of Merkel s next coalition government. It is a sign of what diplomacy can achieve but it is fragile. The American president doesn t appear to believe in diplomacy. He seems intent on crushing this plant.
With everything being so utterly chaotic under the new seeming dictatorship of Donald Trump, it s left many longing for the days of former President Barack Obama.In only a little over a week, Trump has signed nearly two dozen Executive Orders, causing chaos at home and abroad.However, for all those desperately seeking a break from the new fascist regime of the Trump administration, the Obama family was spotted in the British Virgin Islands.According to TMZ: Barack and Michelle were spotted Tuesday on one of the British Virgin Islands with their pal, Sir Richard Branson. The former First Couple touched down on Branson s nearby Necker Island just over a week ago. The Obamas look happy and healthy and, best of all, relaxed. They definitely seem to be taking in the’sun and sand of a very deserved vacation after being First Family of the nation for eight years. Goodness knows they need it.The last thing the Obamas likely want is to be brought into the turmoil of the Trump administration. However, knowing Barack Obama, and the fact the fact that he loves the nation more than himself, he ll undoubtedly do whatever he can’to prevent Trump from unraveling his eight years of progress.In the mean time, enjoy the Obamas are enjoying their time off.Watch here:Barack Obama & Michelle Obama spotted out in the British Virgin Islands MEFeater Magazine (@mefeater) February 1, 2017Featured image via video screen capture
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: With everything being so utterly chaotic under the new seeming dictatorship of Donald Trump, it s left many longing for the days of former President Barack Obama.In only a little over a week, Trump has signed nearly two dozen Executive Orders, causing chaos at home and abroad.However, for all those desperately seeking a break from the new fascist regime of the Trump administration, the Obama family was spotted in the British Virgin Islands.According to TMZ: Barack and Michelle were spotted Tuesday on one of the British Virgin Islands with their pal, Sir Richard Branson. The former First Couple touched down on Branson s nearby Necker Island just over a week ago. The Obamas look happy and healthy and, best of all, relaxed. They definitely seem to be taking in the’sun and sand of a very deserved vacation after being First Family of the nation for eight years. Goodness knows they need it.The last thing the Obamas likely want is to be brought into the turmoil of the Trump administration. However, knowing Barack Obama, and the fact the fact that he loves the nation more than himself, he ll undoubtedly do whatever he can’to prevent Trump from unraveling his eight years of progress.In the mean time, enjoy the Obamas are enjoying their time off.Watch here:Barack Obama & Michelle Obama spotted out in the British Virgin Islands MEFeater Magazine (@mefeater) February 1, 2017Featured image via video screen capture
The video below is a classic from the campaign. It s rare that CNN doesn’t cut people off like this man. Gary Frazier gives a dose of truth serum to the panel on CNN but they won’t listen This is awesome!Katrina Pierson commented and then Frazier was asked to respond. Well, the last thing that CNN s Carol costello expected was agreement from Frazier. The other panelists try and tell Frazier he’s wrong. LOL! You tried to send us Oprah then you sent us Obama The truth is that the DNC has used race as a tool to divide for decades. They don’t want the black community to rise up and see the truth. It s been great for the Democrats to have the black community s support and they’don’t want to lose those votes. That s why you constantly hear people in power trying to create racial strife It s been profitable for them in so many ways. Until we start to have a real conversation about what we’re going to do with those in the minority communities, how can we ever get behind such corruption? Thank you Gary Frazier for telling the truth!TRUMP S CHAIR FOR DIVERSITY OUTREACH SLAMS CUOMO THIS IS GREAT!
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: The video below is a classic from the campaign. It s rare that CNN doesn’t cut people off like this man. Gary Frazier gives a dose of truth serum to the panel on CNN but they won’t listen This is awesome!Katrina Pierson commented and then Frazier was asked to respond. Well, the last thing that CNN s Carol costello expected was agreement from Frazier. The other panelists try and tell Frazier he’s wrong. LOL! You tried to send us Oprah then you sent us Obama The truth is that the DNC has used race as a tool to divide for decades. They don’t want the black community to rise up and see the truth. It s been great for the Democrats to have the black community s support and they’don’t want to lose those votes. That s why you constantly hear people in power trying to create racial strife It s been profitable for them in so many ways. Until we start to have a real conversation about what we’re going to do with those in the minority communities, how can we ever get behind such corruption? Thank you Gary Frazier for telling the truth!TRUMP S CHAIR FOR DIVERSITY OUTREACH SLAMS CUOMO THIS IS GREAT!
The U.S. Supreme Court on Tuesday struggled with the question of when federal contractors can be sued for defrauding the government in a case involving a 19-year-old Massachusetts woman who suffered a fatal 2009 seizure at a mental health facility. The parents of Yarushka Rivera claimed that Universal Health Services Inc, which owned the facility, provided “gravely inadequate treatment” and used “unsupervised and unqualified personnel.” Their lawsuit said King of Prussia, Pennsylvania-based Universal Health Services, one of the nation’s largest hospital operators, defrauded the government because it was receiving federal Medicaid funding to provide treatment to low-income people and failed to comply with all necessary requirements. Rivera died in October 2009 of a seizure after being treated at the mental health center in Lawrence, Massachusetts. Julio Escobar and his wife, Carmen Correa, filed suit against Universal Health Services in U.S. District Court in Boston in 2011. They said they had received information that more than 20 treatment providers at the Lawrence facility, including a nurse who prescribed medication to Rivera, were not properly licensed or supervised as required by state law and federal regulations. The parents sued under the False Claims Act, which allows individuals to make claims that the federal government has been defrauded. During the one-hour oral argument, liberal justices Sonia Sotomayor and Elena Kagan signaled support for the parents’ fraud claims. Sotomayor said billing for services that were not carried out in full was like a government contractor providing the military “guns that don’t shoot.” Kagan similarly questioned whether the claim against Universal Health Services was any different than a failure by a federal contractor to provide the military boots that can be worn and food that can be eaten. Conservative Chief Justice John Roberts appeared more hostile to the fraud claim, saying companies should not necessarily be liable for fraud just because they do not follow every procedure. “That causes concern, of course, because there are thousands of pages of regulations under Medicaid or Medicare programs,” Roberts said. Medicare provides healthcare assistance to the elderly. A federal judge dismissed the lawsuit in 2014. The Boston-based 1st U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals reinstated it in March 2015. Universal Health Services then appealed, asking the Supreme Court to resolve what kind of lawsuits can be brought under the False Claims Act. Business groups, including the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, filed briefs backing the company, saying fraud claims should be allowed only when they involve specific violations of the terms of a contract with the government and not violations of other regulations.
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: The U.S. Supreme Court on Tuesday struggled with the question of when federal contractors can be sued for defrauding the government in a case involving a 19-year-old Massachusetts woman who suffered a fatal 2009 seizure at a mental health facility. The parents of Yarushka Rivera claimed that Universal Health Services Inc, which owned the facility, provided “gravely inadequate treatment” and used “unsupervised and unqualified personnel.” Their lawsuit said King of Prussia, Pennsylvania-based Universal Health Services, one of the nation’s largest hospital operators, defrauded the government because it was receiving federal Medicaid funding to provide treatment to low-income people and failed to comply with all necessary requirements. Rivera died in October 2009 of a seizure after being treated at the mental health center in Lawrence, Massachusetts. Julio Escobar and his wife, Carmen Correa, filed suit against Universal Health Services in U.S. District Court in Boston in 2011. They said they had received information that more than 20 treatment providers at the Lawrence facility, including a nurse who prescribed medication to Rivera, were not properly licensed or supervised as required by state law and federal regulations. The parents sued under the False Claims Act, which allows individuals to make claims that the federal government has been defrauded. During the one-hour oral argument, liberal justices Sonia Sotomayor and Elena Kagan signaled support for the parents’ fraud claims. Sotomayor said billing for services that were not carried out in full was like a government contractor providing the military “guns that don’t shoot.” Kagan similarly questioned whether the claim against Universal Health Services was any different than a failure by a federal contractor to provide the military boots that can be worn and food that can be eaten. Conservative Chief Justice John Roberts appeared more hostile to the fraud claim, saying companies should not necessarily be liable for fraud just because they do not follow every procedure. “That causes concern, of course, because there are thousands of pages of regulations under Medicaid or Medicare programs,” Roberts said. Medicare provides healthcare assistance to the elderly. A federal judge dismissed the lawsuit in 2014. The Boston-based 1st U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals reinstated it in March 2015. Universal Health Services then appealed, asking the Supreme Court to resolve what kind of lawsuits can be brought under the False Claims Act. Business groups, including the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, filed briefs backing the company, saying fraud claims should be allowed only when they involve specific violations of the terms of a contract with the government and not violations of other regulations.
Zimbabwean police arrested activist pastor Evan Mawarire of the #ThisFlag movement as he stepped down from his pulpit, accusing him of subversion for a series of social media posts that charged Robert Mugabe s government had wrecked the economy, his lawyer told Reuters on Sunday. Lawyer Harrison Nkomo said Mawarire was arrested and charged with subversion, which carries a maximum term of life imprisonment, for a Facebook video he posted on Saturday lambasting the government over its economic policies. Over the last few days, shortages of basic goods and fuel have emerged, resulting in panic buying by consumers. Prices of imported products are also going up, which businesses blame on shortages of foreign exchange. Mawarire has been at the heart of a protest movement against Mugabe s 37-year rule. In 2016, he led a stay-at-home demonstration that resulted in the first of his now three arrests for what the state says are attempts to overthrow the government. Mawarire was already due to face trial of subversion over the 2016 protests at a High Court trial on Monday. He is due to appear in court tomorrow on subversion charges emanating from last year. So we really don t know how the state will proceed, said Nkomo. Press and social media reports, including Mawarire s post, on shortages of basic goods and foreign exchange were meant to cause alarm in the country, said Ignatius Chombo, minister of home affairs, the ministry in charge of the police, said in a statement. Government is closely monitoring the press and social media reports in question with a view to taking decisive action to deal a telling blow to the perpetrators of the crime in terms of the laws of the country s justice system, Chombo said. A statement on the website of the United States embassy in Harare published on Friday said it would be monitoring the pastor s trial, and called for an end to arbitrary arrests and intimidation for political purposes. Mugabe, 93, has held power since independence from Britain in 1980. He is under mounting pressure from angry Zimbabweans, as well as his war veterans allies, who last year rebuked him as a manipulative dictator and called for him to step down.
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: Zimbabwean police arrested activist pastor Evan Mawarire of the #ThisFlag movement as he stepped down from his pulpit, accusing him of subversion for a series of social media posts that charged Robert Mugabe s government had wrecked the economy, his lawyer told Reuters on Sunday. Lawyer Harrison Nkomo said Mawarire was arrested and charged with subversion, which carries a maximum term of life imprisonment, for a Facebook video he posted on Saturday lambasting the government over its economic policies. Over the last few days, shortages of basic goods and fuel have emerged, resulting in panic buying by consumers. Prices of imported products are also going up, which businesses blame on shortages of foreign exchange. Mawarire has been at the heart of a protest movement against Mugabe s 37-year rule. In 2016, he led a stay-at-home demonstration that resulted in the first of his now three arrests for what the state says are attempts to overthrow the government. Mawarire was already due to face trial of subversion over the 2016 protests at a High Court trial on Monday. He is due to appear in court tomorrow on subversion charges emanating from last year. So we really don t know how the state will proceed, said Nkomo. Press and social media reports, including Mawarire s post, on shortages of basic goods and foreign exchange were meant to cause alarm in the country, said Ignatius Chombo, minister of home affairs, the ministry in charge of the police, said in a statement. Government is closely monitoring the press and social media reports in question with a view to taking decisive action to deal a telling blow to the perpetrators of the crime in terms of the laws of the country s justice system, Chombo said. A statement on the website of the United States embassy in Harare published on Friday said it would be monitoring the pastor s trial, and called for an end to arbitrary arrests and intimidation for political purposes. Mugabe, 93, has held power since independence from Britain in 1980. He is under mounting pressure from angry Zimbabweans, as well as his war veterans allies, who last year rebuked him as a manipulative dictator and called for him to step down.
Former U.S. presidential candidate Hillary Clinton said on Wednesday that “cavalier” threats to start war on the Korean peninsula were “dangerous and short-sighted”, urging the United States to get all parties to the negotiating table. Clinton also called on China to take a “more outfront role” in enforcing sanctions against North Korea aimed at curbing its missile and nuclear development. “There is no need for us to be bellicose and aggressive (over North Korea),” Clinton told the World Knowledge Forum in the South Korean capital of Seoul, stressing the need for more pressure on North Korea and diplomacy to bring Pyongyang to talks. Tension between Pyongyang and Washington has soared following a series of weapons tests by North Korea and a string of increasingly bellicose exchanges between U.S. President Donald Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong Un. “Picking fights with Kim Jong Un puts a smile on his face,” Clinton said, without mentioning Trump by name. Clinton also indirectly referred to Trump’s social media comments on North Korea, saying, “The insults on Twitter have benefited North Korea, I don’t think they’ve benefited the United States”. The war of words has seen Trump call the North Korean leader “little rocket man” on a suicide mission, and vow to destroy the country if it threatens the United States or its allies. In turn, the North called Trump “mentally deranged” and a “mad dog”. Talks between the adversaries have long been urged by China in particular, but Washington and its ally Japan have been reluctant while Pyongyang continues to pursue a goal of developing a nuclear-tipped missile to hit the United States. On Tuesday, Deputy Secretary of State John J. Sullivan said the United States did not rule out the eventual possibility of direct talks with North Korea. The situation on the Korean peninsula was now touch-and-go point “and a nuclear war may break out any moment”, North Korea’s Deputy U.N. Ambassador Kim In Ryong had told a U.N. General Assembly committee on Monday. In Seoul, the vice foreign minister said on Wednesday South Korea was considering levying its own sanctions on the North, although no decision has been made yet. Clinton, a former U.S. secretary of state, said Washington’s allies have increasingly been expressing concern over the reliability of the United States, advising Washington to avoid becoming distracted with North Korean threats and be “as forcefully patient” as possible. Regarding China’s role in reining in North Korea, Clinton said Beijing would be better off trying to “tighten and absolutely enforce sanctions” against North Korea. North Korea’s relationship with its main ally and trading partner China have been strained by its rapid pursuit of weapons programs, with many of Pyongyang’s recent tests coinciding with major Chinese events. There had been fears that North Korea would conduct another test to coincide with the start of China’s five-yearly party congress on Wednesday. Instead, Pyongyang sent Beijing a congratulatory message. The central committee of the North’s ruling Workers’ Party of Korea said China had made “great progress in accomplishing the cause of building socialism with Chinese characteristics” under the guidance of the Communist Party of China. “We are greatly pleased over this,” the party central committee said in the message carried by the official KCNA news agency, adding that it “sincerely wished” the China congress “satisfactory success”. Chinese President Xi Jinping did not mention North Korea in his more than three-hour-long address at the opening of a key Communist Party Congress. Clinton said retaliatory actions by China over the deployment of a U.S. anti-missile system in South Korea, which targeting the latter’s firms doing business in China, would be unnecessary had Beijing done a better job reining in the North. China says the powerful radar of the Terminal High Altitude Area Defence (THAAD) system could be used to pierce its territory, and has taken aim at South Korea’s businesses. South Korea and the United States have repeatedly told China that THAAD aims only to defend against North Korea’s missile threats. “The Chinese can’t have it both ways,” Clinton said. “They can’t do less than they could to tighten economic pressures on North Korea and same time discount the real threat South Korea and its citizens face.”
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: Former U.S. presidential candidate Hillary Clinton said on Wednesday that “cavalier” threats to start war on the Korean peninsula were “dangerous and short-sighted”, urging the United States to get all parties to the negotiating table. Clinton also called on China to take a “more outfront role” in enforcing sanctions against North Korea aimed at curbing its missile and nuclear development. “There is no need for us to be bellicose and aggressive (over North Korea),” Clinton told the World Knowledge Forum in the South Korean capital of Seoul, stressing the need for more pressure on North Korea and diplomacy to bring Pyongyang to talks. Tension between Pyongyang and Washington has soared following a series of weapons tests by North Korea and a string of increasingly bellicose exchanges between U.S. President Donald Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong Un. “Picking fights with Kim Jong Un puts a smile on his face,” Clinton said, without mentioning Trump by name. Clinton also indirectly referred to Trump’s social media comments on North Korea, saying, “The insults on Twitter have benefited North Korea, I don’t think they’ve benefited the United States”. The war of words has seen Trump call the North Korean leader “little rocket man” on a suicide mission, and vow to destroy the country if it threatens the United States or its allies. In turn, the North called Trump “mentally deranged” and a “mad dog”. Talks between the adversaries have long been urged by China in particular, but Washington and its ally Japan have been reluctant while Pyongyang continues to pursue a goal of developing a nuclear-tipped missile to hit the United States. On Tuesday, Deputy Secretary of State John J. Sullivan said the United States did not rule out the eventual possibility of direct talks with North Korea. The situation on the Korean peninsula was now touch-and-go point “and a nuclear war may break out any moment”, North Korea’s Deputy U.N. Ambassador Kim In Ryong had told a U.N. General Assembly committee on Monday. In Seoul, the vice foreign minister said on Wednesday South Korea was considering levying its own sanctions on the North, although no decision has been made yet. Clinton, a former U.S. secretary of state, said Washington’s allies have increasingly been expressing concern over the reliability of the United States, advising Washington to avoid becoming distracted with North Korean threats and be “as forcefully patient” as possible. Regarding China’s role in reining in North Korea, Clinton said Beijing would be better off trying to “tighten and absolutely enforce sanctions” against North Korea. North Korea’s relationship with its main ally and trading partner China have been strained by its rapid pursuit of weapons programs, with many of Pyongyang’s recent tests coinciding with major Chinese events. There had been fears that North Korea would conduct another test to coincide with the start of China’s five-yearly party congress on Wednesday. Instead, Pyongyang sent Beijing a congratulatory message. The central committee of the North’s ruling Workers’ Party of Korea said China had made “great progress in accomplishing the cause of building socialism with Chinese characteristics” under the guidance of the Communist Party of China. “We are greatly pleased over this,” the party central committee said in the message carried by the official KCNA news agency, adding that it “sincerely wished” the China congress “satisfactory success”. Chinese President Xi Jinping did not mention North Korea in his more than three-hour-long address at the opening of a key Communist Party Congress. Clinton said retaliatory actions by China over the deployment of a U.S. anti-missile system in South Korea, which targeting the latter’s firms doing business in China, would be unnecessary had Beijing done a better job reining in the North. China says the powerful radar of the Terminal High Altitude Area Defence (THAAD) system could be used to pierce its territory, and has taken aim at South Korea’s businesses. South Korea and the United States have repeatedly told China that THAAD aims only to defend against North Korea’s missile threats. “The Chinese can’t have it both ways,” Clinton said. “They can’t do less than they could to tighten economic pressures on North Korea and same time discount the real threat South Korea and its citizens face.”
The U.S. consumer financial watchdog on Thursday attempted to repel a Trump-administration attack on former President Barack Obama’s sweeping student loan reforms and defended itself against Republican attempts to weaken its powers. In a lengthy letter to Education Secretary Betsy DeVos, the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) said it had complied with its remit, despite her department’s charges to the contrary. The Education Department announced last week it would no longer work with the bureau on resolving student loan complaints, saying it had complicated the lending process “with potentially inaccurate and inconsistent directives.” It said the consumer bureau, created after the 2007-09 financial crisis to protect individuals from predatory lending, was not honoring an agreement to promptly refer complaints to the department, but using the department’s data “to expand its jurisdiction into areas that Congress never envisioned.” The Obama-appointed head of the watchdog, Democrat Richard Cordray, said the bureau shares complaint information in “near real-time” through an on-line portal with the department. It has “not exceeded its authority,” and only fulfilled its mission under federal law to monitor and respond to individuals’ complaints about debts as well as enforce federal consumer law, Cordray wrote. Congress created the bureau in part to mediate between consumers and credit card companies, banks, mortgage providers and other lenders. The dispute goes beyond a mere territory fight. Republicans revile the CFPB, saying it reaches too far in its rules and enforcement and should be more accountable to lawmakers. Democrats have said it helps ensure fair treatment for middle-class people unable to fight fraud on their own. Republicans also disapprove of Obama’s attempt to make college more affordable by moving almost all of the $1.4 trillion student-loan industry into the federal government. Currently, only servicing is handled outside the Education Department. During last year’s elections, Trump and fellow Republicans promised to “get government out of the business of lending” and DeVos is now working to return much of the process to the private sector. She also wants to redo other Obama-era regulations, such as protections for sexual-assault victims on college campuses. DeVos critics consider the department’s split from the CFPB as a way to protect for-profit schools, debt collectors and servicers from government intervention. Earlier this year the bureau, which has received nearly 20,000 complaints about student loan servicers since February 2016, sued the country’s largest servicer Navient Corp for systematically failing borrowers. Navient disputes the allegations and is contesting them in court.
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: The U.S. consumer financial watchdog on Thursday attempted to repel a Trump-administration attack on former President Barack Obama’s sweeping student loan reforms and defended itself against Republican attempts to weaken its powers. In a lengthy letter to Education Secretary Betsy DeVos, the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) said it had complied with its remit, despite her department’s charges to the contrary. The Education Department announced last week it would no longer work with the bureau on resolving student loan complaints, saying it had complicated the lending process “with potentially inaccurate and inconsistent directives.” It said the consumer bureau, created after the 2007-09 financial crisis to protect individuals from predatory lending, was not honoring an agreement to promptly refer complaints to the department, but using the department’s data “to expand its jurisdiction into areas that Congress never envisioned.” The Obama-appointed head of the watchdog, Democrat Richard Cordray, said the bureau shares complaint information in “near real-time” through an on-line portal with the department. It has “not exceeded its authority,” and only fulfilled its mission under federal law to monitor and respond to individuals’ complaints about debts as well as enforce federal consumer law, Cordray wrote. Congress created the bureau in part to mediate between consumers and credit card companies, banks, mortgage providers and other lenders. The dispute goes beyond a mere territory fight. Republicans revile the CFPB, saying it reaches too far in its rules and enforcement and should be more accountable to lawmakers. Democrats have said it helps ensure fair treatment for middle-class people unable to fight fraud on their own. Republicans also disapprove of Obama’s attempt to make college more affordable by moving almost all of the $1.4 trillion student-loan industry into the federal government. Currently, only servicing is handled outside the Education Department. During last year’s elections, Trump and fellow Republicans promised to “get government out of the business of lending” and DeVos is now working to return much of the process to the private sector. She also wants to redo other Obama-era regulations, such as protections for sexual-assault victims on college campuses. DeVos critics consider the department’s split from the CFPB as a way to protect for-profit schools, debt collectors and servicers from government intervention. Earlier this year the bureau, which has received nearly 20,000 complaints about student loan servicers since February 2016, sued the country’s largest servicer Navient Corp for systematically failing borrowers. Navient disputes the allegations and is contesting them in court.
Ben Carson may be the dumbest person ever to perform brain surgery. He has proven time and time again’that he has no clue on matters of simple science issue,s and has demonstrated a lack of critical thinking skills that have landed in the pants on fire category of fact checkers on numerous occasions.His stories about growing up some street-wary tough guy who liked to beat and stab people turned out to be fabrications. His tales of being held at gunpoint couldn’t be verified by anyone. The only thing Carson has ever said that seems even remotely true is that he often felt like the dumb kid in class. He likes to follow it up with how he persevered and became a brain surgeon.Whatever it was that pushed Ben Carson through medical school and into a fellowship at one of the world s most prestigious hospitals was definitely not his ability to think on the fly. Left unscripted and with a microphone, Carson is his own worst enemy. That was never more obvious than it was at a recent campaign stop to talk to 5th-graders in Des Moines at the Isaac Newton Christian school.Apparently Carson was again’trying to build on that old favorite dumb kid card when he turned into by far the dumbest person in the room. Without considering that he was dealing with 10-year-olds, Carson actually asked the class to point to the worst student among them. A Des Moines Register reporter tweeted that at least half a dozen kids in the class singled out one student:W/ crowd of 500 @RealBenCarson just called out to 5th grade class: who's dumbest kid in class? At least half dozen kids point to 1 student. Timothy Meinch (@timeinch) January 7, 2016If you’re a parent and that didn’t absolutely infuriate you, you should have your idiot filter cleaned. In what universe is it OK to EVER degrade a child to make a political statement? The’student said he wasn’t upset by being singled out, which may make Carson feel better, but certainly not the kid s parents.Carson s numbers have been dwindling and it appears his campaign is nearing the end. Hopefully he drops his aspirations to de-throne George W Bush as the least qualified buffoon ever to occupy the Oval Office sooner than later before he causes any more damage.Featured image by Gage Skidmore
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: Ben Carson may be the dumbest person ever to perform brain surgery. He has proven time and time again’that he has no clue on matters of simple science issue,s and has demonstrated a lack of critical thinking skills that have landed in the pants on fire category of fact checkers on numerous occasions.His stories about growing up some street-wary tough guy who liked to beat and stab people turned out to be fabrications. His tales of being held at gunpoint couldn’t be verified by anyone. The only thing Carson has ever said that seems even remotely true is that he often felt like the dumb kid in class. He likes to follow it up with how he persevered and became a brain surgeon.Whatever it was that pushed Ben Carson through medical school and into a fellowship at one of the world s most prestigious hospitals was definitely not his ability to think on the fly. Left unscripted and with a microphone, Carson is his own worst enemy. That was never more obvious than it was at a recent campaign stop to talk to 5th-graders in Des Moines at the Isaac Newton Christian school.Apparently Carson was again’trying to build on that old favorite dumb kid card when he turned into by far the dumbest person in the room. Without considering that he was dealing with 10-year-olds, Carson actually asked the class to point to the worst student among them. A Des Moines Register reporter tweeted that at least half a dozen kids in the class singled out one student:W/ crowd of 500 @RealBenCarson just called out to 5th grade class: who's dumbest kid in class? At least half dozen kids point to 1 student. Timothy Meinch (@timeinch) January 7, 2016If you’re a parent and that didn’t absolutely infuriate you, you should have your idiot filter cleaned. In what universe is it OK to EVER degrade a child to make a political statement? The’student said he wasn’t upset by being singled out, which may make Carson feel better, but certainly not the kid s parents.Carson s numbers have been dwindling and it appears his campaign is nearing the end. Hopefully he drops his aspirations to de-throne George W Bush as the least qualified buffoon ever to occupy the Oval Office sooner than later before he causes any more damage.Featured image by Gage Skidmore
South Sudan President Salva Kiir s government is using food as a weapon of war to target civilians by blocking life-saving aid in some areas, United Nations sanctions monitors told the Security Council in a confidential report seen by Reuters on Friday. During 2016 and 2017, the U.N. monitors said a military campaign by government troops in the northwestern town of Wau and surrounding areas in Western Bahr el-Ghazal targeted civilians on ethnic grounds and displaced more than 100,000. The government has during much of 2017 deliberately prevented life-saving food assistance from reaching some citizens, the monitors wrote. These actions amount to using food as a weapon of war with the intent to inflict suffering on civilians the government views as opponents to its agenda. The denial of aid had caused extreme food insecurity among large sections of the population, with malnutrition and death by starvation the documented outcome, in particular in the Greater Baggari area in Wau County, they said in the report submitted to the U.N. Security Council s South Sudan sanctions committee. South Sudan s mission to the United Nations did not immediately respond to a request for comment on the U.N. report. South Sudan spiraled into civil war in late 2013, two years after gaining independence from Sudan, and a third of the 12 million population has fled their homes. The conflict was sparked by a feud between Kiir, a Dinka, and his former deputy Riek Machar, a Nuer, who is being held in South Africa. The United Nations has warned that the violence in South Sudan was providing fertile ground for a genocide. U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley visited the Juba late last month, where she told Kiir that the United States had lost trust in his government and risked losing Washington s support if he did not pursue peace. The U.N. monitors reported that the government had regularly denied humanitarian aid access to certain parts of the population, in particular areas outside the town of Wau, which was visited by U.N. Security Council ambassadors in September last year. One of those areas, Greater Baggari, is noteworthy for the persistent and systematic nature of the government s access denials, and the catastrophic humanitarian conditions that have resulted, the independent U.N. monitors said. In August, the government eased restrictions, allowing aid groups to distribute food and lifesaving assistance to more than 12,000 people in Greater Baggari. Villages had been looted and burned and crops destroyed, the U.N. monitors wrote. One humanitarian assessment mission told the U.N. monitors that 164 young children and elderly had died from hunger and disease between January and September 2017. The report by the U.N. monitors found that despite the catastrophic conditions across South Sudan, armed forces, groups and militias - particularly those affiliated with Kiir and Vice President Taban Deng Gai - continued to actively impede both humanitarian and peacekeeping operations. U.N. peacekeepers have been deployed in South Sudan since 2011. An East African bloc, IGAD, led two rounds of peace talks over two years, culminating in a brief power-sharing agreement signed by Kiir and Machar in 2015. But even as IGAD urges a new ceasefire, the warring parties are preparing for more fighting. The coming dry season in South Sudan will, absent a change in the current conflict dynamics, see further fighting and civilian suffering as the government continues to pursue military victory over political compromise, the U.N. monitors wrote.
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: South Sudan President Salva Kiir s government is using food as a weapon of war to target civilians by blocking life-saving aid in some areas, United Nations sanctions monitors told the Security Council in a confidential report seen by Reuters on Friday. During 2016 and 2017, the U.N. monitors said a military campaign by government troops in the northwestern town of Wau and surrounding areas in Western Bahr el-Ghazal targeted civilians on ethnic grounds and displaced more than 100,000. The government has during much of 2017 deliberately prevented life-saving food assistance from reaching some citizens, the monitors wrote. These actions amount to using food as a weapon of war with the intent to inflict suffering on civilians the government views as opponents to its agenda. The denial of aid had caused extreme food insecurity among large sections of the population, with malnutrition and death by starvation the documented outcome, in particular in the Greater Baggari area in Wau County, they said in the report submitted to the U.N. Security Council s South Sudan sanctions committee. South Sudan s mission to the United Nations did not immediately respond to a request for comment on the U.N. report. South Sudan spiraled into civil war in late 2013, two years after gaining independence from Sudan, and a third of the 12 million population has fled their homes. The conflict was sparked by a feud between Kiir, a Dinka, and his former deputy Riek Machar, a Nuer, who is being held in South Africa. The United Nations has warned that the violence in South Sudan was providing fertile ground for a genocide. U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley visited the Juba late last month, where she told Kiir that the United States had lost trust in his government and risked losing Washington s support if he did not pursue peace. The U.N. monitors reported that the government had regularly denied humanitarian aid access to certain parts of the population, in particular areas outside the town of Wau, which was visited by U.N. Security Council ambassadors in September last year. One of those areas, Greater Baggari, is noteworthy for the persistent and systematic nature of the government s access denials, and the catastrophic humanitarian conditions that have resulted, the independent U.N. monitors said. In August, the government eased restrictions, allowing aid groups to distribute food and lifesaving assistance to more than 12,000 people in Greater Baggari. Villages had been looted and burned and crops destroyed, the U.N. monitors wrote. One humanitarian assessment mission told the U.N. monitors that 164 young children and elderly had died from hunger and disease between January and September 2017. The report by the U.N. monitors found that despite the catastrophic conditions across South Sudan, armed forces, groups and militias - particularly those affiliated with Kiir and Vice President Taban Deng Gai - continued to actively impede both humanitarian and peacekeeping operations. U.N. peacekeepers have been deployed in South Sudan since 2011. An East African bloc, IGAD, led two rounds of peace talks over two years, culminating in a brief power-sharing agreement signed by Kiir and Machar in 2015. But even as IGAD urges a new ceasefire, the warring parties are preparing for more fighting. The coming dry season in South Sudan will, absent a change in the current conflict dynamics, see further fighting and civilian suffering as the government continues to pursue military victory over political compromise, the U.N. monitors wrote.
British Prime Minister Theresa May is working towards unlocking Brexit talks at an EU summit later this month and, despite there being more work to be done, has made good progress, her spokesman said on Wednesday. Asked whether there was any truth in reports that there would be no deal with Northern Ireland s Democratic Unionist Party over the border with EU member Ireland this week, the spokesman said: As the PM said earlier this week, good progress has been made but there is work still to do. We continue to work towards making further progress at the EU Council later this month.
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: British Prime Minister Theresa May is working towards unlocking Brexit talks at an EU summit later this month and, despite there being more work to be done, has made good progress, her spokesman said on Wednesday. Asked whether there was any truth in reports that there would be no deal with Northern Ireland s Democratic Unionist Party over the border with EU member Ireland this week, the spokesman said: As the PM said earlier this week, good progress has been made but there is work still to do. We continue to work towards making further progress at the EU Council later this month.
Armed police in Spain have raided several print works and newspaper offices in Catalonia in recent days in a hunt for voting papers, ballot boxes and leaflets to be used in an Oct. 1 independence referendum which Madrid vehemently opposes. The searches are part of a concerted effort by the government to prevent the ballot from going ahead, amid fears that a vote to break away could trigger a political crisis even if Spain does not recognize the outcome. On Friday, the government passed measures to tighten control over the region s spending to stop it using state cash to pay for the ballot, and earlier this week Madrid summoned over 700 Catalan mayors for questioning over their support for the vote. They ve lost the plot, said Albert Batet, mayor of the town of Valls and one of those summoned for questioning. They are persecuting mayors, the press, printers. They are stretching the limits of democracy. Catalonia s president Carles Puigdemont, who faces criminal charges for organizing the referendum, says he has over 6,000 ballot boxes ready to deploy next month, but their whereabouts are a secret. Right now, we have no idea where they are, said Toni Castejon, spokesman for the Catalan police force union. A spokesman for the Catalan regional government declined to say where the ballot boxes were or how the government was going to get them out of hiding to voting stations on Oct. 1. On Friday, police confiscated 100,000 campaign leaflets in a raid in Catalonia, the Interior Ministry said, without saying where. Catalonia s top court issued a warning on Friday to seven newspapers, many of them online, not to publish campaign notices for the referendum, a court spokesman said on Saturday. At the offices of Catalan newspaper El Vallenc in Valls, some 50 km west of Barcelona, six armed police knocked on the door last Saturday with a warrant to search the offices, said its editor, Francesc Fabregas. The search lasted five-and-a-half hours. They didn t say what they were looking for, Fabregas told Reuters, adding that he had not printed any voting papers. The raid led to an impromptu crowd gathering outside the building, with people singing the Catalan anthem and waving slips of paper chanting Where are the ballot papers? . When people saw that the streets had been cut off they started coming over with banners, they handed out roses to the police - the street turned into a party, said Fabregas. For some supporters of the independence movement, the search for the ballot boxes and voting papers has become a symbol of what they see as state repression. Images of the Catalan police force - the Mossos d Esquadra - seizing what for many are symbols of democracy would be highly inflammatory, police say. The Mossos report to the Catalan regional government and are highly regarded by Catalans, particularly after their handling of the Islamist militant attacks in the region in August that killed 16. But Spanish state prosecutors have ordered all police - including the Catalan force - to act. What no one wants is the image of the Mossos taking away the ballot boxes, said Castejon of the police union. That would lead to a lot of anger and even civil unrest. Madrid has the constitutional power to take over a regional government or send in the police to force Catalonia to drop the vote, but either step would rock Spain s decentralized model of government where power is devolved to 17 self-governed regions. Although polls show less than half of Catalonia s 5.5 million voters want self-rule, most in the wealthy northeastern region want the chance to vote on the issue, causing unease that is beginning to be felt in financial markets. The Budget Ministry said that uncertainty created by the stand-off could damage the economy and push up sovereign borrowing costs. Some investors sold Spanish government bonds and switched to Italian debt earlier this week. Puigdemont and Barcelona mayor Ada Colau on Friday appealed to the Spanish government for dialogue to avert a crisis. But Puigdemont has shown no signs of backing down. Does anyone think we re not going to vote? What kind of people do they take us for? he said to cheering crowds from a stage in a bull-ring in Tarragona to launch the referendum campaign on Thursday.
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: Armed police in Spain have raided several print works and newspaper offices in Catalonia in recent days in a hunt for voting papers, ballot boxes and leaflets to be used in an Oct. 1 independence referendum which Madrid vehemently opposes. The searches are part of a concerted effort by the government to prevent the ballot from going ahead, amid fears that a vote to break away could trigger a political crisis even if Spain does not recognize the outcome. On Friday, the government passed measures to tighten control over the region s spending to stop it using state cash to pay for the ballot, and earlier this week Madrid summoned over 700 Catalan mayors for questioning over their support for the vote. They ve lost the plot, said Albert Batet, mayor of the town of Valls and one of those summoned for questioning. They are persecuting mayors, the press, printers. They are stretching the limits of democracy. Catalonia s president Carles Puigdemont, who faces criminal charges for organizing the referendum, says he has over 6,000 ballot boxes ready to deploy next month, but their whereabouts are a secret. Right now, we have no idea where they are, said Toni Castejon, spokesman for the Catalan police force union. A spokesman for the Catalan regional government declined to say where the ballot boxes were or how the government was going to get them out of hiding to voting stations on Oct. 1. On Friday, police confiscated 100,000 campaign leaflets in a raid in Catalonia, the Interior Ministry said, without saying where. Catalonia s top court issued a warning on Friday to seven newspapers, many of them online, not to publish campaign notices for the referendum, a court spokesman said on Saturday. At the offices of Catalan newspaper El Vallenc in Valls, some 50 km west of Barcelona, six armed police knocked on the door last Saturday with a warrant to search the offices, said its editor, Francesc Fabregas. The search lasted five-and-a-half hours. They didn t say what they were looking for, Fabregas told Reuters, adding that he had not printed any voting papers. The raid led to an impromptu crowd gathering outside the building, with people singing the Catalan anthem and waving slips of paper chanting Where are the ballot papers? . When people saw that the streets had been cut off they started coming over with banners, they handed out roses to the police - the street turned into a party, said Fabregas. For some supporters of the independence movement, the search for the ballot boxes and voting papers has become a symbol of what they see as state repression. Images of the Catalan police force - the Mossos d Esquadra - seizing what for many are symbols of democracy would be highly inflammatory, police say. The Mossos report to the Catalan regional government and are highly regarded by Catalans, particularly after their handling of the Islamist militant attacks in the region in August that killed 16. But Spanish state prosecutors have ordered all police - including the Catalan force - to act. What no one wants is the image of the Mossos taking away the ballot boxes, said Castejon of the police union. That would lead to a lot of anger and even civil unrest. Madrid has the constitutional power to take over a regional government or send in the police to force Catalonia to drop the vote, but either step would rock Spain s decentralized model of government where power is devolved to 17 self-governed regions. Although polls show less than half of Catalonia s 5.5 million voters want self-rule, most in the wealthy northeastern region want the chance to vote on the issue, causing unease that is beginning to be felt in financial markets. The Budget Ministry said that uncertainty created by the stand-off could damage the economy and push up sovereign borrowing costs. Some investors sold Spanish government bonds and switched to Italian debt earlier this week. Puigdemont and Barcelona mayor Ada Colau on Friday appealed to the Spanish government for dialogue to avert a crisis. But Puigdemont has shown no signs of backing down. Does anyone think we re not going to vote? What kind of people do they take us for? he said to cheering crowds from a stage in a bull-ring in Tarragona to launch the referendum campaign on Thursday.
Trump campaign manager and spin doctor, Kellyanne Conway, was directly confronted by Clinton staffers with the underhanded racial tactics the Trump campaign used in the 2016 election, and it didn’t go well.Appearing at a joint post-election event at Harvard s Kennedy School of Government, Clinton s communications director, Jennifer Palmieri, was blunt and to the point about what Trump had done, telling the Trump camp, I would rather lose than win the way you guys did! How exactly did we win, Jenn? How exactly? Trump campaign manager Kellyanne Conway fired back, noting that I have a smile on my face at all times. Palmieri proceeded to bash the Trump campaign and its chief executive (and Breitbart News honcho), Stephen K. Bannon, as a vehicle and emboldening power for America s white supremacists and white nationalists. Are you gonna look me in the face and say I ran a campaign that was a platform for white supremacists? Conway angrily responded.Palmieri told her, plainly, yes.Trump ran the most explicitly racist presidential campaign in nearly 60 years. He constantly attacked ethnic groups, launching his campaign in his New York City building by calling Mexicans rapists. He later called for a ban on Muslim entry to the United States, as well as a system to track Muslims as they moved through the country.Trump also courted white supremacists, giving them press credentials both for campaign events and the Republican National Convention. Former KKK leader, David Duke, endorsed Trump’s run and adopted his campaign slogan. During one interview, Trump’s response was to refuse to condemn Duke s support three different times.White supremacists also paid for pro-Trump robocalls via a super-PAC, saying they were attracted to his message of excluding non-whites from positions of influence in American life.Black people were alienated by Trump’s approach as well, rejecting his characterization of black life as an existence solely in poverty, and under constant threat from gun violence.Featured image via Flickr
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: Trump campaign manager and spin doctor, Kellyanne Conway, was directly confronted by Clinton staffers with the underhanded racial tactics the Trump campaign used in the 2016 election, and it didn’t go well.Appearing at a joint post-election event at Harvard s Kennedy School of Government, Clinton s communications director, Jennifer Palmieri, was blunt and to the point about what Trump had done, telling the Trump camp, I would rather lose than win the way you guys did! How exactly did we win, Jenn? How exactly? Trump campaign manager Kellyanne Conway fired back, noting that I have a smile on my face at all times. Palmieri proceeded to bash the Trump campaign and its chief executive (and Breitbart News honcho), Stephen K. Bannon, as a vehicle and emboldening power for America s white supremacists and white nationalists. Are you gonna look me in the face and say I ran a campaign that was a platform for white supremacists? Conway angrily responded.Palmieri told her, plainly, yes.Trump ran the most explicitly racist presidential campaign in nearly 60 years. He constantly attacked ethnic groups, launching his campaign in his New York City building by calling Mexicans rapists. He later called for a ban on Muslim entry to the United States, as well as a system to track Muslims as they moved through the country.Trump also courted white supremacists, giving them press credentials both for campaign events and the Republican National Convention. Former KKK leader, David Duke, endorsed Trump’s run and adopted his campaign slogan. During one interview, Trump’s response was to refuse to condemn Duke s support three different times.White supremacists also paid for pro-Trump robocalls via a super-PAC, saying they were attracted to his message of excluding non-whites from positions of influence in American life.Black people were alienated by Trump’s approach as well, rejecting his characterization of black life as an existence solely in poverty, and under constant threat from gun violence.Featured image via Flickr
Donald Trump was blunt when he explained why he wants to gut financial regulations. So his friends can destroy the economy and get richer from doing so.In 2009, President Obama and Congress passed the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act in response to the Great Recession caused by the big banks and Republican economic policies.The recession nearly collapsed the world economy because Republicans have repealed financial regulations that were put in place after the Great Depression of the 1930s to prevent such economic crises from occurring.The law prevents banks from approving loans for those who are unable to pay them back and puts restrictions on the activities of big banks so that they’don’t repeat the bullshit they’did to get our country into such economic messes in the first place.MSN reports that Trump’signed an executive order that will effectively halt an Obama-era Labor Department rule that requires brokers to act in a client s best interest, rather than seek the highest profits for themselves, when providing retirement advice. In short, it will allow big banks to swindle people and screw Americans over in the name of profit, a practice that hurt millions of Americans during the recession.But Trump wants to keep attacking Dodd-Frank anyway because he wants to help his rich buddies. We expect to be cutting a lot out of Dodd-Frank because frankly, I have so many people, friends of mine that had nice businesses, they can’t borrow money, Trump’said on Friday while during a meeting with Wall Street tycoons like Jamie Dimon of JPMorgan-Chase. They just can’t get any money because the banks just won’t let them borrow it because of the rules and regulations in Dodd-Frank. Here s the video via YouTube:Again, if a bank is not letting you borrow money, it s because they have determined that you are too much of a risk.Just ask Donald Trump. He has so much trouble getting loans from banks here in the United States that he has to get loans from Deutche Bank in Germany, which has repeatedly violated Dodd-Frank regulations.Trump has repeatedly failed to pay contractors for work he has hired them to perform and his many failed business ventures over the years such as Trump Steaks and Trump Airlines has understandable caused many banks to see Trump as a risk. So if his friends are unable to get loans, it s probably because they they’don’t run nice businesses like Trump claims.When a bank loans money to people, they are risking their capital and if a person like Trump and his friends fail to pay that loan back, it doesn’t just hurt the bank, it hurts customers of the bank. One bad loan could result in the bank having to shut down or pass the expense of the loss to customers to cover it.It s a shitty deal for banks and a shitty deal for people who trust their banks to protect their money.Donald Trump isn’t doing what is best for the American people by attacking Dodd-Frank. He is doing favors for his wealthy friends and that is going to harm our economy and set the’stage for another economic collapse that could be even worse than one President Obama helped our country recover from over the last eight years.Featured image via Win McNamee/Getty Images
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: Donald Trump was blunt when he explained why he wants to gut financial regulations. So his friends can destroy the economy and get richer from doing so.In 2009, President Obama and Congress passed the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act in response to the Great Recession caused by the big banks and Republican economic policies.The recession nearly collapsed the world economy because Republicans have repealed financial regulations that were put in place after the Great Depression of the 1930s to prevent such economic crises from occurring.The law prevents banks from approving loans for those who are unable to pay them back and puts restrictions on the activities of big banks so that they’don’t repeat the bullshit they’did to get our country into such economic messes in the first place.MSN reports that Trump’signed an executive order that will effectively halt an Obama-era Labor Department rule that requires brokers to act in a client s best interest, rather than seek the highest profits for themselves, when providing retirement advice. In short, it will allow big banks to swindle people and screw Americans over in the name of profit, a practice that hurt millions of Americans during the recession.But Trump wants to keep attacking Dodd-Frank anyway because he wants to help his rich buddies. We expect to be cutting a lot out of Dodd-Frank because frankly, I have so many people, friends of mine that had nice businesses, they can’t borrow money, Trump’said on Friday while during a meeting with Wall Street tycoons like Jamie Dimon of JPMorgan-Chase. They just can’t get any money because the banks just won’t let them borrow it because of the rules and regulations in Dodd-Frank. Here s the video via YouTube:Again, if a bank is not letting you borrow money, it s because they have determined that you are too much of a risk.Just ask Donald Trump. He has so much trouble getting loans from banks here in the United States that he has to get loans from Deutche Bank in Germany, which has repeatedly violated Dodd-Frank regulations.Trump has repeatedly failed to pay contractors for work he has hired them to perform and his many failed business ventures over the years such as Trump Steaks and Trump Airlines has understandable caused many banks to see Trump as a risk. So if his friends are unable to get loans, it s probably because they they’don’t run nice businesses like Trump claims.When a bank loans money to people, they are risking their capital and if a person like Trump and his friends fail to pay that loan back, it doesn’t just hurt the bank, it hurts customers of the bank. One bad loan could result in the bank having to shut down or pass the expense of the loss to customers to cover it.It s a shitty deal for banks and a shitty deal for people who trust their banks to protect their money.Donald Trump isn’t doing what is best for the American people by attacking Dodd-Frank. He is doing favors for his wealthy friends and that is going to harm our economy and set the’stage for another economic collapse that could be even worse than one President Obama helped our country recover from over the last eight years.Featured image via Win McNamee/Getty Images
Who knew a President could do so much damage in one year? Who knew he would have the’support of so many Republicans we fought so hard to elect, as our last hope to stop Obama s fundamental transformation of America Many are asking what Republicans plan to do to stop Obama s executive war on culture and religious liberty in pursuit of cultural Marxism. Now we know that not only will this party do nothing to stop Obama, they will use their control of Congress to codify Obama s agenda into law.Late Wednesday night, Republicans allowed a vote on an amendment from Rep. Sean Maloney (D-NY), which codified Obama s executive order 13672 making transgenderism the law of the land. Obama s executive order, promulgated in July 2014, instructed bureaucrats to sever contracts with companies that don’t follow the Obama mandated sexual identity agenda. This could include companies that don’t allow men into female bathrooms in their private corporate offices. The Maloney amendment to the $37.4 billion FY 2017 Energy &Water Appropriations Bill (H.R. 5055) codified that unilateral act into law.The amendment passed 223-195 with 43 Republicans supporting it. The GOP House just supported arguably the most radical Democrat agenda item in the dead of night.Enshrining Obama s specific edict into law and then passing vanity language reaffirming the general importance of religious liberty is like doing CPR on a dead body. GOP leaders are always twisting arms to get conservative members to vote for bad bills. Somehow we are to believe they were impotent in ensuring moderate members (what is moderate about transgenderism?) adhere to the party s platform?The reality is that Paul Ryan has long been a supporter of ENDA (Employment Non Discrimination Act), the legislative vehicle for enshrining transgenderism into law and mandating adherence to its dogma on private businesses. That is why he’s been absent in this fight. Moreover, Republicans have failed to allow a single anti-religious bigotry bill to the floor since the illegal gay marriage decision was issued by the Supreme Court, despite the ubiquitous threats against private businesses, states, and private property.Clearly, whipping against this vote was not a priority.Once the Maloney amendment passed with GOP votes, Republicans proceeded to do what they always do so well. They offered side-by-side amendments in an attempt to cover up the damage.They passed the Pitts amendment as a second-degree by voice vote to affirm the constitutional importance of religious liberty. Then they passed the Byrne Amendments to reaffirm that RFRA is still in place and the government cannot discriminate against religious individuals. Well, as we all know, the Constitution and RFRA (Religious Freedom Restoration Act) have been in place for the entire Obama administration, yet he is still able to get away with anti-religious bigotry edicts by claiming they’don’t interfere with religious beliefs.To begin with, this entire spending bill was something that should never have come to the floor. It increased spending and retained a number of green energy programs for a department that shouldn’t even exist.Now that leadership has loaded this already sub-par spending bill with transgenderism, conservatives should vote against final passage on Thursday. It s bad enough that a Republican House cannot be used as a tool to go on offense against cultural Marxism and anti-religious-liberty initiatives. To pass a bill placing an exclamation mark on that agenda is unforgivable.Via: Conservative ReviewHere is the list of Republicans who voted to assist Obama in his fundamental transformation of America:Amash (MI)Brooks (IN) Coffman (CO) Costello (PA) Curbelo (FL) Davis, Rodney (IL) Denham (CA) Dent (PA) Diaz-Balara (FL) Dold (IL)Donovan (NY) Emmer (MN) Fitzpatrick (PA)Frelinghuysen (NJ) Gibson (NY) Heck (NV) Hurd (TX) Issa (CA)Jolly (FL)Katko (NY) Kinzinger (IL)Lance( NJ) LoBiondo (NJ)MacArthur (NJ)McSally (AZ) Meehan (PA) Messer (IN) Paulsen (MN) Poliquin (ME) Reed (NY) Reichert (WA) Renacci (OH) Rooney (FL) Ros-Lehtinen (FL) Shims (IL) Stefanik (NY) Upton (MI) Valadao (CA) Walden (OR) Walters, Mimi (CA)Young (IA) Young (IN) Zelda (NY)Via: Conservative Review
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: Who knew a President could do so much damage in one year? Who knew he would have the’support of so many Republicans we fought so hard to elect, as our last hope to stop Obama s fundamental transformation of America Many are asking what Republicans plan to do to stop Obama s executive war on culture and religious liberty in pursuit of cultural Marxism. Now we know that not only will this party do nothing to stop Obama, they will use their control of Congress to codify Obama s agenda into law.Late Wednesday night, Republicans allowed a vote on an amendment from Rep. Sean Maloney (D-NY), which codified Obama s executive order 13672 making transgenderism the law of the land. Obama s executive order, promulgated in July 2014, instructed bureaucrats to sever contracts with companies that don’t follow the Obama mandated sexual identity agenda. This could include companies that don’t allow men into female bathrooms in their private corporate offices. The Maloney amendment to the $37.4 billion FY 2017 Energy &Water Appropriations Bill (H.R. 5055) codified that unilateral act into law.The amendment passed 223-195 with 43 Republicans supporting it. The GOP House just supported arguably the most radical Democrat agenda item in the dead of night.Enshrining Obama s specific edict into law and then passing vanity language reaffirming the general importance of religious liberty is like doing CPR on a dead body. GOP leaders are always twisting arms to get conservative members to vote for bad bills. Somehow we are to believe they were impotent in ensuring moderate members (what is moderate about transgenderism?) adhere to the party s platform?The reality is that Paul Ryan has long been a supporter of ENDA (Employment Non Discrimination Act), the legislative vehicle for enshrining transgenderism into law and mandating adherence to its dogma on private businesses. That is why he’s been absent in this fight. Moreover, Republicans have failed to allow a single anti-religious bigotry bill to the floor since the illegal gay marriage decision was issued by the Supreme Court, despite the ubiquitous threats against private businesses, states, and private property.Clearly, whipping against this vote was not a priority.Once the Maloney amendment passed with GOP votes, Republicans proceeded to do what they always do so well. They offered side-by-side amendments in an attempt to cover up the damage.They passed the Pitts amendment as a second-degree by voice vote to affirm the constitutional importance of religious liberty. Then they passed the Byrne Amendments to reaffirm that RFRA is still in place and the government cannot discriminate against religious individuals. Well, as we all know, the Constitution and RFRA (Religious Freedom Restoration Act) have been in place for the entire Obama administration, yet he is still able to get away with anti-religious bigotry edicts by claiming they’don’t interfere with religious beliefs.To begin with, this entire spending bill was something that should never have come to the floor. It increased spending and retained a number of green energy programs for a department that shouldn’t even exist.Now that leadership has loaded this already sub-par spending bill with transgenderism, conservatives should vote against final passage on Thursday. It s bad enough that a Republican House cannot be used as a tool to go on offense against cultural Marxism and anti-religious-liberty initiatives. To pass a bill placing an exclamation mark on that agenda is unforgivable.Via: Conservative ReviewHere is the list of Republicans who voted to assist Obama in his fundamental transformation of America:Amash (MI)Brooks (IN) Coffman (CO) Costello (PA) Curbelo (FL) Davis, Rodney (IL) Denham (CA) Dent (PA) Diaz-Balara (FL) Dold (IL)Donovan (NY) Emmer (MN) Fitzpatrick (PA)Frelinghuysen (NJ) Gibson (NY) Heck (NV) Hurd (TX) Issa (CA)Jolly (FL)Katko (NY) Kinzinger (IL)Lance( NJ) LoBiondo (NJ)MacArthur (NJ)McSally (AZ) Meehan (PA) Messer (IN) Paulsen (MN) Poliquin (ME) Reed (NY) Reichert (WA) Renacci (OH) Rooney (FL) Ros-Lehtinen (FL) Shims (IL) Stefanik (NY) Upton (MI) Valadao (CA) Walden (OR) Walters, Mimi (CA)Young (IA) Young (IN) Zelda (NY)Via: Conservative Review
Rapper Killer Mike, will appear in front of a SOLD OUT audience at the prestigious MIT University today. Here s a clip from an interview with Jew hater and racist Louis Farrakhan:He s a follower and admirer of this racist Jew hater. He s clearly one of the most angry black men in the entertainment business. After watching this interview, you will better understand the mentality of the protestors on the’streets who are getting in the faces of cops (of whom the majority are good men and women protecting and defending the citizens within their jurisdiction). It should be noted, that Killer Mike s dad was a police officer or dirty pig as he likes to call them.Killer Mike views rap as social activism, and never shies away from sharing his opinions on race and abuses of power. Whether he’s condemning institutionalized corruption in Reagan or speaking out against police brutality with Run The Jewels Close Your Eyes, if Killer Mike thinks it s messed up, he’s going to let you know.This Friday, April 24, MIT students will have the chance to hear how messed up race relations are, when Killer Mike delivers a lecture titled Race Relations in the U.S. at the’school. According to the press release, he ll be talking about how current and advancing technology are shaping race relations. (We re guessing that he doesn’t regard drone surveillance as a democratizing agent.) Chances are pretty good that Killer Mike will also be addressing the’spate of well-publicized police shootings of young unarmed black men and their systemic social consequences.Here is an example of the most recent music video by Killer Mike. ****WARNING****Violence and strong language***Killer Mike s lecture is the’second in MIT s new Hip-Hop Speaker Series, which opened with Young Guru. The’series is the result of a collaboration between the Arts at MIT and TapTape, an MIT-based music startup. The’series stated goal is to bring together leaders in hip-hop with leading faculty and students at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. That s a perfect opportunity for a mathematics seminar featuring Dr. Octagon and Dr. Roman Bezrukavnikov, Professor of Algebraic Geometry.While Killer Mike s lecture certainly sounds intriguing, Friday s lecture is exclusively available to MIT students and is already sold out. But if you’re jonesing to hear Killer Mike drop some heated words, there s always the extremely-NSFW Big Beast video, featuring Bun B and T.I.We were going to include the Big Beast video, but after viewing this disturbing video, which includes nudity, horrific acts of violence and an attempted rape scene, we decided against it. The driver in the video is wearing a Ronald Reagan mask because Killer Mike believes that all of the problems plaguing the black community are as a result of Ronald Reagan s presidency. Please feel free to view it (if you are an adult) and you can stomach it at this link: AV Club
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: Rapper Killer Mike, will appear in front of a SOLD OUT audience at the prestigious MIT University today. Here s a clip from an interview with Jew hater and racist Louis Farrakhan:He s a follower and admirer of this racist Jew hater. He s clearly one of the most angry black men in the entertainment business. After watching this interview, you will better understand the mentality of the protestors on the’streets who are getting in the faces of cops (of whom the majority are good men and women protecting and defending the citizens within their jurisdiction). It should be noted, that Killer Mike s dad was a police officer or dirty pig as he likes to call them.Killer Mike views rap as social activism, and never shies away from sharing his opinions on race and abuses of power. Whether he’s condemning institutionalized corruption in Reagan or speaking out against police brutality with Run The Jewels Close Your Eyes, if Killer Mike thinks it s messed up, he’s going to let you know.This Friday, April 24, MIT students will have the chance to hear how messed up race relations are, when Killer Mike delivers a lecture titled Race Relations in the U.S. at the’school. According to the press release, he ll be talking about how current and advancing technology are shaping race relations. (We re guessing that he doesn’t regard drone surveillance as a democratizing agent.) Chances are pretty good that Killer Mike will also be addressing the’spate of well-publicized police shootings of young unarmed black men and their systemic social consequences.Here is an example of the most recent music video by Killer Mike. ****WARNING****Violence and strong language***Killer Mike s lecture is the’second in MIT s new Hip-Hop Speaker Series, which opened with Young Guru. The’series is the result of a collaboration between the Arts at MIT and TapTape, an MIT-based music startup. The’series stated goal is to bring together leaders in hip-hop with leading faculty and students at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. That s a perfect opportunity for a mathematics seminar featuring Dr. Octagon and Dr. Roman Bezrukavnikov, Professor of Algebraic Geometry.While Killer Mike s lecture certainly sounds intriguing, Friday s lecture is exclusively available to MIT students and is already sold out. But if you’re jonesing to hear Killer Mike drop some heated words, there s always the extremely-NSFW Big Beast video, featuring Bun B and T.I.We were going to include the Big Beast video, but after viewing this disturbing video, which includes nudity, horrific acts of violence and an attempted rape scene, we decided against it. The driver in the video is wearing a Ronald Reagan mask because Killer Mike believes that all of the problems plaguing the black community are as a result of Ronald Reagan s presidency. Please feel free to view it (if you are an adult) and you can stomach it at this link: AV Club
Vice President Joe Biden on Thursday criticized President-elect Donald Trump for comparing the U.S. intelligence establishment to Nazi Germany and said it was damaging to the United States’ standing in the world to denigrate agencies that protect the nation. Trump, a Republican who takes office on Jan. 20, on Wednesday said leaks from intelligence agencies led some U.S. media outlets to report unsubstantiated claims that he was caught in a compromising position in Russia, and said such leaks were reminiscent of Nazi Germany. “It is really very damaging, in my view, to our standing in the world for a president to take one of the crown jewels of our national defense and denigrate it,” Biden, a Democrat, told reporters at the White House, referring to intelligence agencies. “It plays into, particularly now, the Russian narrative that America doesn’t know what it’s doing.” Trump tweeted on Thursday that U.S. spy chief James Clapper had called him to “denounce the false and fictitious report that was illegally circulated.” Clapper, however, said in a statement on Wednesday night that in the call with Trump he emphasized that the report was not produced by U.S. intelligence agencies and that they had not judged whether the information was reliable. He did not say the document was false. Capper said he expressed his dismay over media leaks. The director of national intelligence added that he did not believe the leaks came from U.S. intelligence agencies. At the White House, Biden praised the quality of U.S. intelligence and said it was not surprising that someone who had never worked in government would not understand how consequential intelligence reports are. Trump has never held elected office. “The one thing you never want to invoke is Nazi Germany, no matter what the circumstances,” Biden said. “Even if you’re trying to make a point that may, and I’m not suggesting it did, may be relevant, it just, it is an overwhelming diversion.” Groups fighting anti-Semitism have also objected to Trump’s reference to Nazi Germany. “The president-elect’s use of Nazi Germany to make a political analogy is not only an inappropriate comparison on the merits, but it also coarsens our discourse and diminishes the horror of the Holocaust,” Jonathan Greenblatt, chief executive of the Anti-Defamation League, said in a statement on Wednesday. Biden said he hoped Trump would realize the importance of intelligence briefings at the White House. “It’s an extremely valuable tool ... I think he’ll come to understand that. And if he doesn’t, it would be a tragedy for the interests of the country,” Biden said. Biden said he liked his successor, Vice President-elect Mike Pence, and had briefed him on the job. He said he thought Pence’s views of Russia and its president, Vladimir Putin, were more informed than Trump’s. “I never know what he means,” Biden said of Trump. “But I do think that Mike is significantly more informed about Russian conduct, potential intentions and Putin’s behavior than ... the president-elect is, based on what the president-elect says.” The vice president, who considered running for the 2016 Democratic presidential nomination, said he did not think his party was experiencing a crisis after its losses in the U.S. elections. Trump defeated Secretary of State Hillary Clinton in the presidential race, and Democrats did not succeed in their efforts to regain control of the U.S. Senate and significantly erode Republican control of the U.S. House of Representatives. “I don’t think they’re in a crisis, I think the party has to just remember who the hell they are,” said Biden.
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: Vice President Joe Biden on Thursday criticized President-elect Donald Trump for comparing the U.S. intelligence establishment to Nazi Germany and said it was damaging to the United States’ standing in the world to denigrate agencies that protect the nation. Trump, a Republican who takes office on Jan. 20, on Wednesday said leaks from intelligence agencies led some U.S. media outlets to report unsubstantiated claims that he was caught in a compromising position in Russia, and said such leaks were reminiscent of Nazi Germany. “It is really very damaging, in my view, to our standing in the world for a president to take one of the crown jewels of our national defense and denigrate it,” Biden, a Democrat, told reporters at the White House, referring to intelligence agencies. “It plays into, particularly now, the Russian narrative that America doesn’t know what it’s doing.” Trump tweeted on Thursday that U.S. spy chief James Clapper had called him to “denounce the false and fictitious report that was illegally circulated.” Clapper, however, said in a statement on Wednesday night that in the call with Trump he emphasized that the report was not produced by U.S. intelligence agencies and that they had not judged whether the information was reliable. He did not say the document was false. Capper said he expressed his dismay over media leaks. The director of national intelligence added that he did not believe the leaks came from U.S. intelligence agencies. At the White House, Biden praised the quality of U.S. intelligence and said it was not surprising that someone who had never worked in government would not understand how consequential intelligence reports are. Trump has never held elected office. “The one thing you never want to invoke is Nazi Germany, no matter what the circumstances,” Biden said. “Even if you’re trying to make a point that may, and I’m not suggesting it did, may be relevant, it just, it is an overwhelming diversion.” Groups fighting anti-Semitism have also objected to Trump’s reference to Nazi Germany. “The president-elect’s use of Nazi Germany to make a political analogy is not only an inappropriate comparison on the merits, but it also coarsens our discourse and diminishes the horror of the Holocaust,” Jonathan Greenblatt, chief executive of the Anti-Defamation League, said in a statement on Wednesday. Biden said he hoped Trump would realize the importance of intelligence briefings at the White House. “It’s an extremely valuable tool ... I think he’ll come to understand that. And if he doesn’t, it would be a tragedy for the interests of the country,” Biden said. Biden said he liked his successor, Vice President-elect Mike Pence, and had briefed him on the job. He said he thought Pence’s views of Russia and its president, Vladimir Putin, were more informed than Trump’s. “I never know what he means,” Biden said of Trump. “But I do think that Mike is significantly more informed about Russian conduct, potential intentions and Putin’s behavior than ... the president-elect is, based on what the president-elect says.” The vice president, who considered running for the 2016 Democratic presidential nomination, said he did not think his party was experiencing a crisis after its losses in the U.S. elections. Trump defeated Secretary of State Hillary Clinton in the presidential race, and Democrats did not succeed in their efforts to regain control of the U.S. Senate and significantly erode Republican control of the U.S. House of Representatives. “I don’t think they’re in a crisis, I think the party has to just remember who the hell they are,” said Biden.
A new report tells us what we already knew about Hillary s speeches government contractors paid Clinton big bucks for speeches opening a conflict of interest up that calls into question the ethics of the woman who wants to be our next president Grifters like the Clintons don’t care much for ethics though so this will be spun by the mean stream media and her supporters. Pitiful! WASHINGTON (AP) It s not just Wall Street banks. Most companies and groups that paid Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton to speak between 2013 and 2015 have lobbied federal agencies in recent years, and more than one-third are government contractors, an Associated Press review has found. Their interests are sprawling and would follow Clinton to the White House should she win election this fall.The AP s review of federal records, regulatory filings and correspondence showed that almost all the 82 corporations, trade associations and other groups that paid for or sponsored Clinton s speeches have actively sought to sway the government lobbying, bidding for contracts, commenting on federal policy and in some cases contacting State Department officials or Clinton herself during her tenure as secretary of state.Presidents are not generally bound by many of the ethics and conflict-of-interest regulations that apply to non-elected executive branch officials, although they are subject to laws covering related conduct, such as bribery and illegal gratuities. Clinton s 94 paid appearances over two years on the’speech circuit leave her open to scrutiny over decisions she would make in the White House or influence that may affect the interests of her speech sponsors.Via: AP
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: A new report tells us what we already knew about Hillary s speeches government contractors paid Clinton big bucks for speeches opening a conflict of interest up that calls into question the ethics of the woman who wants to be our next president Grifters like the Clintons don’t care much for ethics though so this will be spun by the mean stream media and her supporters. Pitiful! WASHINGTON (AP) It s not just Wall Street banks. Most companies and groups that paid Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton to speak between 2013 and 2015 have lobbied federal agencies in recent years, and more than one-third are government contractors, an Associated Press review has found. Their interests are sprawling and would follow Clinton to the White House should she win election this fall.The AP s review of federal records, regulatory filings and correspondence showed that almost all the 82 corporations, trade associations and other groups that paid for or sponsored Clinton s speeches have actively sought to sway the government lobbying, bidding for contracts, commenting on federal policy and in some cases contacting State Department officials or Clinton herself during her tenure as secretary of state.Presidents are not generally bound by many of the ethics and conflict-of-interest regulations that apply to non-elected executive branch officials, although they are subject to laws covering related conduct, such as bribery and illegal gratuities. Clinton s 94 paid appearances over two years on the’speech circuit leave her open to scrutiny over decisions she would make in the White House or influence that may affect the interests of her speech sponsors.Via: AP
Here s how Donald Trump reacted Donald Trump reacted Friday to a report that the Clinton Global Foundation provided millions to a power company partly owned by a rich, blond divorcee by saying that people have been whispering about her possible romantic ties to Bill Clinton for a long time.The commitment to Julie Tauber McMahon s firm from the Clinton Global Initiative was placed on its 2010 conference agenda at Clinton s urging, the Wall Street Journal reported on Thursday.The initiative commits $2 million to support the work of Energy Pioneer Solutions, a company founded to deliver energy savings to communities in rural America, said a 2010 statement from the charity. People have been talking about this for years. I have no idea what went on. I certainly don’t, the presumptive GOP presidential nominee said on Fox & Friends. According to a report in The Wall Street Journal, the Clinton Global Initiative doled out $2 million to Energy Pioneer Solutions, which is partly owned by Julie Tauber McMahon.The fit, blond mother of three, who lives just minutes from Bill and Hillary Clinton s home in Chappaqua, West chester, is the daughter of Joel Tauber, a millionaire donor to the Democratic Party.McMahon, 54, is rumored to be the woman dubbed Energizer by the Secret Service at the Clinton home because of her frequent visits, according to RadarOnline.Secret Service agents were even given special instructions to abandon usual protocol when the woman came by, according to journalist Ronald Kessler s tell-all book, The First Family Detail. You don’t stop her, you’don’t approach her, you just let her go in, says the book, based on agents accounts. Energizer is described in the book as a charming visitor who sometimes brought cookies to the agents.The book describes one sun-drenched afternoon when agents took notice of the woman s revealing attire. It was a warm day, and she was wearing a low-cut tank top, and as she leaned over, her breasts were very exposed, an agent is quoted in the book as saying. Energizer reportedly timed her arrivals and departures around Hillary Clinton s schedule.When asked about whether there should be a probe into money directed from the foundation a charity to the company, Trump’said: Well, I assume you put the word charity in quotes. The interviewer, who cited the New York Post s cover story, told Trump that Clinton helped steer an $812,000 federal grant to the company through then-Energy Secretary Steven Chu.The interviewer also pointed out that nonprofits are not supposed to act in anyone s private interests. For entire story: NYP
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: Here s how Donald Trump reacted Donald Trump reacted Friday to a report that the Clinton Global Foundation provided millions to a power company partly owned by a rich, blond divorcee by saying that people have been whispering about her possible romantic ties to Bill Clinton for a long time.The commitment to Julie Tauber McMahon s firm from the Clinton Global Initiative was placed on its 2010 conference agenda at Clinton s urging, the Wall Street Journal reported on Thursday.The initiative commits $2 million to support the work of Energy Pioneer Solutions, a company founded to deliver energy savings to communities in rural America, said a 2010 statement from the charity. People have been talking about this for years. I have no idea what went on. I certainly don’t, the presumptive GOP presidential nominee said on Fox & Friends. According to a report in The Wall Street Journal, the Clinton Global Initiative doled out $2 million to Energy Pioneer Solutions, which is partly owned by Julie Tauber McMahon.The fit, blond mother of three, who lives just minutes from Bill and Hillary Clinton s home in Chappaqua, West chester, is the daughter of Joel Tauber, a millionaire donor to the Democratic Party.McMahon, 54, is rumored to be the woman dubbed Energizer by the Secret Service at the Clinton home because of her frequent visits, according to RadarOnline.Secret Service agents were even given special instructions to abandon usual protocol when the woman came by, according to journalist Ronald Kessler s tell-all book, The First Family Detail. You don’t stop her, you’don’t approach her, you just let her go in, says the book, based on agents accounts. Energizer is described in the book as a charming visitor who sometimes brought cookies to the agents.The book describes one sun-drenched afternoon when agents took notice of the woman s revealing attire. It was a warm day, and she was wearing a low-cut tank top, and as she leaned over, her breasts were very exposed, an agent is quoted in the book as saying. Energizer reportedly timed her arrivals and departures around Hillary Clinton s schedule.When asked about whether there should be a probe into money directed from the foundation a charity to the company, Trump’said: Well, I assume you put the word charity in quotes. The interviewer, who cited the New York Post s cover story, told Trump that Clinton helped steer an $812,000 federal grant to the company through then-Energy Secretary Steven Chu.The interviewer also pointed out that nonprofits are not supposed to act in anyone s private interests. For entire story: NYP
Virginia lawmakers reached a bipartisan deal on Friday that would rescind the attorney general’s decision to stop honoring permits for concealed weapons issued by 25 states in exchange for concessions from Republican supporters of gun ownership rights. The move last month to undo reciprocity agreements with more than two dozen states with requirements that fall short of Virginia’s infuriated many gun-rights advocates, who argued it infringed the constitutional rights of gun owners. In return for reinstating the agreements, Democratic Gov. Terry McAuliffe said the leaders of the Republican-dominated legislature had agreed to a requirement to make state police available for voluntary background checks for private sales at all gun shows. The issue of gun control has become heated in recent years after a series of mass shootings at schools, shopping malls and other public venues across the country. Advocates of tighter controls say the government must do more to keep weapons out of the hands of criminals and the mentally ill, while opponents say new restrictions would violate the Second Amendment of the U.S. Constitution. Of 77 firearms shows in Virginia last year, state police were present to run voluntary checks at only 42, the governor said. McAuliffe, who supports tighter gun control, pledged to make more money available to expand police background check efforts. He said expanding background checks had always been his primary issue in gun control legislation. The bipartisan compromise would also prohibit individuals with permanent protective orders from possessing a firearm. McAuliffe said it was an effort to remove guns from domestic violence situations. The proposal had previously been a non-starter among Republicans. “The measures we announce here today will save lives,” McAuliffe said, emphasizing that the compromise struck a balance between public safety and individual rights. In a prepared statement, Democratic Attorney General Mark R. Herring expressed approval but he did not attend the press conference at the state Capitol announcing the deal. “I’m encouraged to finally see a bipartisan conversation about how we can reduce gun violence and keep guns away from dangerous individuals,” Herring said. He added that the measure of success for the agreement, when it finally emerges from the legislative process, is whether it makes Virginians safer. William J. Howell, the powerful Republican speaker of the House of Delegates, said the agreement was not about who won and who lost. “Virginia won, and that’s all there is to it,” Howell said, standing behind a podium flanked by Republican and Democratic lawmakers as well as representatives from domestic violence groups.
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: Virginia lawmakers reached a bipartisan deal on Friday that would rescind the attorney general’s decision to stop honoring permits for concealed weapons issued by 25 states in exchange for concessions from Republican supporters of gun ownership rights. The move last month to undo reciprocity agreements with more than two dozen states with requirements that fall short of Virginia’s infuriated many gun-rights advocates, who argued it infringed the constitutional rights of gun owners. In return for reinstating the agreements, Democratic Gov. Terry McAuliffe said the leaders of the Republican-dominated legislature had agreed to a requirement to make state police available for voluntary background checks for private sales at all gun shows. The issue of gun control has become heated in recent years after a series of mass shootings at schools, shopping malls and other public venues across the country. Advocates of tighter controls say the government must do more to keep weapons out of the hands of criminals and the mentally ill, while opponents say new restrictions would violate the Second Amendment of the U.S. Constitution. Of 77 firearms shows in Virginia last year, state police were present to run voluntary checks at only 42, the governor said. McAuliffe, who supports tighter gun control, pledged to make more money available to expand police background check efforts. He said expanding background checks had always been his primary issue in gun control legislation. The bipartisan compromise would also prohibit individuals with permanent protective orders from possessing a firearm. McAuliffe said it was an effort to remove guns from domestic violence situations. The proposal had previously been a non-starter among Republicans. “The measures we announce here today will save lives,” McAuliffe said, emphasizing that the compromise struck a balance between public safety and individual rights. In a prepared statement, Democratic Attorney General Mark R. Herring expressed approval but he did not attend the press conference at the state Capitol announcing the deal. “I’m encouraged to finally see a bipartisan conversation about how we can reduce gun violence and keep guns away from dangerous individuals,” Herring said. He added that the measure of success for the agreement, when it finally emerges from the legislative process, is whether it makes Virginians safer. William J. Howell, the powerful Republican speaker of the House of Delegates, said the agreement was not about who won and who lost. “Virginia won, and that’s all there is to it,” Howell said, standing behind a podium flanked by Republican and Democratic lawmakers as well as representatives from domestic violence groups.
21st Century Wire says Does Hollywood do anything other than comic book remakes any more? The latest over-budget chimera, Batman V Superman, cost around $410 million to make. You d think they could squeeze a decent film out of that. You d think. He hasn’t felt this low since Gigli , said the Huff Post. Movie star Ben Affleck may have just beaten Chris Christie for this year s most vacant stare. Watch: READ MORE HOLLYWOOD NEWS AT: 21st Century Wire Hollywood Files
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: 21st Century Wire says Does Hollywood do anything other than comic book remakes any more? The latest over-budget chimera, Batman V Superman, cost around $410 million to make. You d think they could squeeze a decent film out of that. You d think. He hasn’t felt this low since Gigli , said the Huff Post. Movie star Ben Affleck may have just beaten Chris Christie for this year s most vacant stare. Watch: READ MORE HOLLYWOOD NEWS AT: 21st Century Wire Hollywood Files
President Donald Trump announced on Wednesday that the United States recognizes Jerusalem as the capital of Israel and that it will move its embassy to the holy city. In doing so, Trump is breaking with longtime U.S. policy and potentially threatening regional stability, despite warnings from Western and Arab allies. Why is President Trump planning to recognize Jerusalem as Israel s capital and move the embassy there? There has long been pressure from pro-Israel politicians in the United States to move its embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, and Trump made it a signature promise of his campaign during the 2016 presidential election. It is a decision that will likely be popular with many conservative and evangelical Christians in his political base. Many of them support political recognition of Israel s claim to the city. Vice President Mike Pence and David Friedman, the ambassador to Israel appointed by Trump, are thought to have pushed hard for both recognition and embassy relocation. Why does Jerusalem play such an important role in the Middle East conflict? Religion, politics and history. Jerusalem is a city that is sacred to three of the great monotheistic faiths: Judaism, Christianity and Islam, and each has sites of great religious significance there. It has been fought over for millennia by its inhabitants, by invading Romans, Crusaders, Ottomans and the British Empire, and by the modern states of Israel and its Arab neighbors. Israel s government regards Jerusalem as the eternal and indivisible capital of the country, although that is not recognized internationally. Palestinians feel equally strongly, saying that East Jerusalem must be the capital of an eventual Palestinian state. The city even has different names. Jews call it Jerusalem, or Yerushalayim, and Arabs call it Al-Quds, which means The Holy . But the city s significance goes beyond the two parties most immediately involved. At the heart of Jerusalem s Old City is the hill which is known to Jews across the world as Har ha-Bayit, or Temple Mount, and to Muslims internationally as al-Haram al-Sharif, or The Noble Sanctuary. It was home to the Jewish temples of antiquity but all that remains of them above ground is a restraining wall for the foundations built by Herod the Great. Known as the Western Wall, this is a sacred place of prayer for Jews. Within yards of the wall, and overlooking it, are two Muslim holy places, the Dome of the Rock and the Al-Aqsa Mosque, which was built in the 8th century. Muslims regard the site as the third holiest in Islam, after Mecca and Medina. The city is also an important pilgrimage site for Christians, who revere it as the place where they believe that Jesus Christ preached, died and was resurrected. What is the city s status now and does any other country have an embassy in Jerusalem? When British rule ended in 1948, Jordanian forces occupied the Old City and Arab East Jerusalem. Israel captured East Jerusalem from Jordan in the 1967 Middle East war and annexed it in a move not recognized internationally. In 1980 the Israeli parliament passed a law declaring the complete and united city of Jerusalem to be the capital of Israel, but the United Nations regards East Jerusalem as occupied, and the city s status as disputed until resolved by negotiations between Israel and the Palestinians. Other countries have had embassies in Jerusalem in the past, but moved them out of the city some years ago. The King of Jordan retains a role in ensuring the upkeep of the Muslim holy places. What is likely to happen next? Has Jerusalem been a flashpoint before? Tensions are running high in Jerusalem, and violence has erupted before over matters of sovereignty and religion. In 1969 an Australian Messianic Christian tried to burn down the Al-Aqsa Mosque. He failed, but caused damage. So charged was the Middle East s political climate - just two years after the Six Day War - that there was fury across the Arab world. In 2000, the Israeli politician Ariel Sharon, then opposition leader, led a group of Israeli lawmakers onto the Temple Mount/al-Haram al-Sharif complex. Palestinians protested, and there were violent clashes that quickly escalated into the second Palestinian uprising, also known as the Al-Aqsa Intifada. Deadly confrontations also took place in July this year after Israel installed metal detectors at the entrance to the complex following the killing of two Israeli policemen there by Arab-Israeli gunmen. In recent days, Palestinian factions have called for protests, and Arab leaders across the Middle East have warned that a unilateral American move could lead to turmoil, and hamper U.S. efforts to restart long-stalled Israeli-Palestinian peace talks.
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: President Donald Trump announced on Wednesday that the United States recognizes Jerusalem as the capital of Israel and that it will move its embassy to the holy city. In doing so, Trump is breaking with longtime U.S. policy and potentially threatening regional stability, despite warnings from Western and Arab allies. Why is President Trump planning to recognize Jerusalem as Israel s capital and move the embassy there? There has long been pressure from pro-Israel politicians in the United States to move its embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, and Trump made it a signature promise of his campaign during the 2016 presidential election. It is a decision that will likely be popular with many conservative and evangelical Christians in his political base. Many of them support political recognition of Israel s claim to the city. Vice President Mike Pence and David Friedman, the ambassador to Israel appointed by Trump, are thought to have pushed hard for both recognition and embassy relocation. Why does Jerusalem play such an important role in the Middle East conflict? Religion, politics and history. Jerusalem is a city that is sacred to three of the great monotheistic faiths: Judaism, Christianity and Islam, and each has sites of great religious significance there. It has been fought over for millennia by its inhabitants, by invading Romans, Crusaders, Ottomans and the British Empire, and by the modern states of Israel and its Arab neighbors. Israel s government regards Jerusalem as the eternal and indivisible capital of the country, although that is not recognized internationally. Palestinians feel equally strongly, saying that East Jerusalem must be the capital of an eventual Palestinian state. The city even has different names. Jews call it Jerusalem, or Yerushalayim, and Arabs call it Al-Quds, which means The Holy . But the city s significance goes beyond the two parties most immediately involved. At the heart of Jerusalem s Old City is the hill which is known to Jews across the world as Har ha-Bayit, or Temple Mount, and to Muslims internationally as al-Haram al-Sharif, or The Noble Sanctuary. It was home to the Jewish temples of antiquity but all that remains of them above ground is a restraining wall for the foundations built by Herod the Great. Known as the Western Wall, this is a sacred place of prayer for Jews. Within yards of the wall, and overlooking it, are two Muslim holy places, the Dome of the Rock and the Al-Aqsa Mosque, which was built in the 8th century. Muslims regard the site as the third holiest in Islam, after Mecca and Medina. The city is also an important pilgrimage site for Christians, who revere it as the place where they believe that Jesus Christ preached, died and was resurrected. What is the city s status now and does any other country have an embassy in Jerusalem? When British rule ended in 1948, Jordanian forces occupied the Old City and Arab East Jerusalem. Israel captured East Jerusalem from Jordan in the 1967 Middle East war and annexed it in a move not recognized internationally. In 1980 the Israeli parliament passed a law declaring the complete and united city of Jerusalem to be the capital of Israel, but the United Nations regards East Jerusalem as occupied, and the city s status as disputed until resolved by negotiations between Israel and the Palestinians. Other countries have had embassies in Jerusalem in the past, but moved them out of the city some years ago. The King of Jordan retains a role in ensuring the upkeep of the Muslim holy places. What is likely to happen next? Has Jerusalem been a flashpoint before? Tensions are running high in Jerusalem, and violence has erupted before over matters of sovereignty and religion. In 1969 an Australian Messianic Christian tried to burn down the Al-Aqsa Mosque. He failed, but caused damage. So charged was the Middle East s political climate - just two years after the Six Day War - that there was fury across the Arab world. In 2000, the Israeli politician Ariel Sharon, then opposition leader, led a group of Israeli lawmakers onto the Temple Mount/al-Haram al-Sharif complex. Palestinians protested, and there were violent clashes that quickly escalated into the second Palestinian uprising, also known as the Al-Aqsa Intifada. Deadly confrontations also took place in July this year after Israel installed metal detectors at the entrance to the complex following the killing of two Israeli policemen there by Arab-Israeli gunmen. In recent days, Palestinian factions have called for protests, and Arab leaders across the Middle East have warned that a unilateral American move could lead to turmoil, and hamper U.S. efforts to restart long-stalled Israeli-Palestinian peace talks.
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT:
Donald Trump once described Jamie Dimon as “the worst banker in the United States,” but the president-elect has helped make the boss of JPMorgan Chase & Co (JPM.N) $50 million richer. Dimon is the top beneficiary among the 30 chief executives who run companies in the Dow Jones Industrial Average index from a stock rally inspired by Trump’s election, according to a Reuters analysis of their option grants. Trump’s proposed policies for lower taxes, less Wall Street regulation and more infrastructure spending have energized the U.S. stock market since the real estate magnate’s Nov. 8 victory. The post-election rally even resurrected the value of an option award held by Goldman Sachs Group Inc (GS.N) CEO Lloyd Blankfein that was worthless on the eve of the election. Dimon, a lifelong Democrat, has seen his stock options surge in value by more than $50 million to $146 million since the Republican candidate’s White House win. Trump criticized Dimon in 2013 for reaching a $13 billion settlement with the U.S. government over the sale of toxic mortgages instead of fighting the case. Nevertheless, he appointed Dimon to the President’s Strategic and Policy Forum, a group of high-profile business leaders he set up last month to advise him on economic growth and job creation. Dimon declined to comment on Trump’s criticism or the rise in value of his holdings. Stock options held by Dow 30 CEOs surged in value by 23 percent to about $1 billion in 2016, with most of the gain coming after Trump’s election win. The figures reflect outstanding stock options that could be exercised at the end of 2015. Options that expired or vested in 2016 were excluded from the analysis. In a few cases, CEOs exercised some of those options during 2016, U.S. regulatory filings show. Visa Inc (V.N) CEO Charles Scharf did not need a Trump-led stock rally to hit the jackpot. About two weeks before the election, he exercised nearly 800,000 options for gross proceeds of almost $33 million, U.S. regulatory filings show. He resigned from Visa effective Dec. 1. For a look at how the post-election rally has affected Dow 30 stock options, click here ( Trump campaigned on the slogan “Make America Great Again,” vowing to bolster the prospects of the American working class by preventing jobs from moving abroad, restricting immigration and renegotiating trade pacts. In 2015, Trump called high salaries paid to CEOs a “joke” and a “disgrace” and said these were often approved by company boards stacked with CEOs’ friends. PRO-BUSINESS AGENDA To be sure, Trump’s election has helped investors big and small. Hopes of a pro-business agenda have driven the Dow 30 close to 20,000 - a level it has never breached - in a boon for workers’ retirement plans. “With the recent Trump/Republican win, it appears that investors are getting more excited about potential growth and animal spirits are on the rise,” top investment strategists at Morgan Stanley said this month in a wealth management report. “This is likely to lead to the final euphoric stage of this cyclical bull market which could be quite powerful in 2017’s first half.” Big stock option gains for Goldman Sachs head Blankfein, American Express Co (AXP.N) CEO Kenneth Chenault and JP Morgan’s Dimon may be a surprise, given that their companies have reduced or even eliminated option grants in recent years in favor of stock awards tied to hitting financial targets. Blankfein’s 322,104 outstanding options, granted in 2007 with a $204.16 strike price, were under water by $7.3 million on the eve of the presidential election. But by the end of 2016, their value had soared to $11.4 million. That was an $18.7 million swing, thanks to the Trump-inspired stock market rally and the U.S. Federal Reserve’s decision to increase interest rates, a boost for banks and credit card companies. Blankfein declined to comment. Alan Johnson, managing director of pay consulting firm Johnson Associates in New York, said the big gains for the leaders of American Express, Goldman Sachs and JPMorgan reflect how stock option compensation can magnify gains in a company’s share price. “When the stock goes up, with options, you get more leverage,” he said. Critics of stock options say the grants can produce large amounts of wealth for CEOs even with mediocre performance. One reason is that grants often are not linked to any financial performance metric, such as return on equity. And so as the United States nears the eighth year of a bull market, options can increase in value even if the CEOs are running companies whose share price has lagged broad benchmarks during their tenure. For example, shares of Caterpillar Inc (CAT.N) rose 54 percent during Douglas Oberhelman’s tenure as CEO of the big equipment maker from mid-2010 to the end of 2016, while the Dow 30 more than doubled during that span. But the value of Oberhelman’s options rallied during his last year as CEO, climbing to $20.3 million after being under water by nearly $9 million at the start of 2016. The options’ value got a $10.6 million booster shot after Trump’s victory. Caterpillar shares rose 36 percent in 2016, making it one of the best performing stocks on the Dow. Trump has said he would use Caterpillar tractors to build a wall between the United States and Mexico. Caterpillar and Oberhelman declined to comment. Not all CEOs have been winners, however. Coca-Cola Co (KO.N) CEO Muhtar Kent, who contributed $2,700 to Hillary Clinton, Trump’s Democratic rival for president, saw the value of his options decline by $11.3 million to $143 million. Coca-Cola shares are off 3 percent since Trump was elected amid lingering concerns about consumers cutting their consumption of sugary drinks. A Coca-Cola spokesman declined to comment.
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: Donald Trump once described Jamie Dimon as “the worst banker in the United States,” but the president-elect has helped make the boss of JPMorgan Chase & Co (JPM.N) $50 million richer. Dimon is the top beneficiary among the 30 chief executives who run companies in the Dow Jones Industrial Average index from a stock rally inspired by Trump’s election, according to a Reuters analysis of their option grants. Trump’s proposed policies for lower taxes, less Wall Street regulation and more infrastructure spending have energized the U.S. stock market since the real estate magnate’s Nov. 8 victory. The post-election rally even resurrected the value of an option award held by Goldman Sachs Group Inc (GS.N) CEO Lloyd Blankfein that was worthless on the eve of the election. Dimon, a lifelong Democrat, has seen his stock options surge in value by more than $50 million to $146 million since the Republican candidate’s White House win. Trump criticized Dimon in 2013 for reaching a $13 billion settlement with the U.S. government over the sale of toxic mortgages instead of fighting the case. Nevertheless, he appointed Dimon to the President’s Strategic and Policy Forum, a group of high-profile business leaders he set up last month to advise him on economic growth and job creation. Dimon declined to comment on Trump’s criticism or the rise in value of his holdings. Stock options held by Dow 30 CEOs surged in value by 23 percent to about $1 billion in 2016, with most of the gain coming after Trump’s election win. The figures reflect outstanding stock options that could be exercised at the end of 2015. Options that expired or vested in 2016 were excluded from the analysis. In a few cases, CEOs exercised some of those options during 2016, U.S. regulatory filings show. Visa Inc (V.N) CEO Charles Scharf did not need a Trump-led stock rally to hit the jackpot. About two weeks before the election, he exercised nearly 800,000 options for gross proceeds of almost $33 million, U.S. regulatory filings show. He resigned from Visa effective Dec. 1. For a look at how the post-election rally has affected Dow 30 stock options, click here ( Trump campaigned on the slogan “Make America Great Again,” vowing to bolster the prospects of the American working class by preventing jobs from moving abroad, restricting immigration and renegotiating trade pacts. In 2015, Trump called high salaries paid to CEOs a “joke” and a “disgrace” and said these were often approved by company boards stacked with CEOs’ friends. PRO-BUSINESS AGENDA To be sure, Trump’s election has helped investors big and small. Hopes of a pro-business agenda have driven the Dow 30 close to 20,000 - a level it has never breached - in a boon for workers’ retirement plans. “With the recent Trump/Republican win, it appears that investors are getting more excited about potential growth and animal spirits are on the rise,” top investment strategists at Morgan Stanley said this month in a wealth management report. “This is likely to lead to the final euphoric stage of this cyclical bull market which could be quite powerful in 2017’s first half.” Big stock option gains for Goldman Sachs head Blankfein, American Express Co (AXP.N) CEO Kenneth Chenault and JP Morgan’s Dimon may be a surprise, given that their companies have reduced or even eliminated option grants in recent years in favor of stock awards tied to hitting financial targets. Blankfein’s 322,104 outstanding options, granted in 2007 with a $204.16 strike price, were under water by $7.3 million on the eve of the presidential election. But by the end of 2016, their value had soared to $11.4 million. That was an $18.7 million swing, thanks to the Trump-inspired stock market rally and the U.S. Federal Reserve’s decision to increase interest rates, a boost for banks and credit card companies. Blankfein declined to comment. Alan Johnson, managing director of pay consulting firm Johnson Associates in New York, said the big gains for the leaders of American Express, Goldman Sachs and JPMorgan reflect how stock option compensation can magnify gains in a company’s share price. “When the stock goes up, with options, you get more leverage,” he said. Critics of stock options say the grants can produce large amounts of wealth for CEOs even with mediocre performance. One reason is that grants often are not linked to any financial performance metric, such as return on equity. And so as the United States nears the eighth year of a bull market, options can increase in value even if the CEOs are running companies whose share price has lagged broad benchmarks during their tenure. For example, shares of Caterpillar Inc (CAT.N) rose 54 percent during Douglas Oberhelman’s tenure as CEO of the big equipment maker from mid-2010 to the end of 2016, while the Dow 30 more than doubled during that span. But the value of Oberhelman’s options rallied during his last year as CEO, climbing to $20.3 million after being under water by nearly $9 million at the start of 2016. The options’ value got a $10.6 million booster shot after Trump’s victory. Caterpillar shares rose 36 percent in 2016, making it one of the best performing stocks on the Dow. Trump has said he would use Caterpillar tractors to build a wall between the United States and Mexico. Caterpillar and Oberhelman declined to comment. Not all CEOs have been winners, however. Coca-Cola Co (KO.N) CEO Muhtar Kent, who contributed $2,700 to Hillary Clinton, Trump’s Democratic rival for president, saw the value of his options decline by $11.3 million to $143 million. Coca-Cola shares are off 3 percent since Trump was elected amid lingering concerns about consumers cutting their consumption of sugary drinks. A Coca-Cola spokesman declined to comment.
In an effort to meet his weekly requirements of hypocrisy, Ted Cruz embraced the idea of a draconian federal law that would make it next to impossible for labor unions to function within America. Cruz called for a national right to work law, which would prevent unions from automatically collecting dues from employees that they cover. This would cause the labor unions to go bankrupt and make workers lose practically all of their collective bargaining power resulting in lower wages, worse working environments, and a reduction or loss of benefits.Hearing someone like Cruz, who completely embraces the idea of states rights when it suits them, calling for a federal law to override all state-based labor union protections is a joke. Hypocrisy is not new to Cruz or Republicans, though. Cruz called for the law to protect the fundamental rights of employees. Common spin on legislation like this is that somehow the mandatory dues deducted from your paycheck to fund union representation are a violation of your rights as a worker.Apparently, the rights to collective bargaining and the fact you lose about 1500 dollars a year if you are non-union are completely lost to your average Republican legislator and voter. This is why these laws are regularly called right to work for less. The’sudden obsession with labor law is a strange diversion for Cruz, who worries more about finding ways to legalize discrimination and repeal Obamacare. The reason for it likely has less to do with allowing employers to steal money from their workers, and more with the fact he is trying to win the Wisconsin Republican primary.Cruz is echoing the only noteworthy thing Koch puppet Governor Scott Walker managed to do during his time as Governor of Wisconsin. Walker s entire claim to fame was being the corporate goon boy for attacks on labor unions. Despite his reasonable success in ruining labor unions in the’state, Wisconsin still has some of the worst job prospects in America and shows no signs of serious improvement anytime soon. How advocating for a nationwide roll out of a huge Republican policy failure will help Cruz is anyone s guess. Republicans have voted for stupider things, though, so it could prove to be just the nudge Cruz needs to secure a win in Wisconsin.Featured image via (Photo by Spencer Platt /Getty Images)
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: In an effort to meet his weekly requirements of hypocrisy, Ted Cruz embraced the idea of a draconian federal law that would make it next to impossible for labor unions to function within America. Cruz called for a national right to work law, which would prevent unions from automatically collecting dues from employees that they cover. This would cause the labor unions to go bankrupt and make workers lose practically all of their collective bargaining power resulting in lower wages, worse working environments, and a reduction or loss of benefits.Hearing someone like Cruz, who completely embraces the idea of states rights when it suits them, calling for a federal law to override all state-based labor union protections is a joke. Hypocrisy is not new to Cruz or Republicans, though. Cruz called for the law to protect the fundamental rights of employees. Common spin on legislation like this is that somehow the mandatory dues deducted from your paycheck to fund union representation are a violation of your rights as a worker.Apparently, the rights to collective bargaining and the fact you lose about 1500 dollars a year if you are non-union are completely lost to your average Republican legislator and voter. This is why these laws are regularly called right to work for less. The’sudden obsession with labor law is a strange diversion for Cruz, who worries more about finding ways to legalize discrimination and repeal Obamacare. The reason for it likely has less to do with allowing employers to steal money from their workers, and more with the fact he is trying to win the Wisconsin Republican primary.Cruz is echoing the only noteworthy thing Koch puppet Governor Scott Walker managed to do during his time as Governor of Wisconsin. Walker s entire claim to fame was being the corporate goon boy for attacks on labor unions. Despite his reasonable success in ruining labor unions in the’state, Wisconsin still has some of the worst job prospects in America and shows no signs of serious improvement anytime soon. How advocating for a nationwide roll out of a huge Republican policy failure will help Cruz is anyone s guess. Republicans have voted for stupider things, though, so it could prove to be just the nudge Cruz needs to secure a win in Wisconsin.Featured image via (Photo by Spencer Platt /Getty Images)
Portugal s interior minister resigned on Wednesday after wildfires killed more than a hundred people in the past four months, but the move did little to appease the opposition which called on Prime Minister Antonio Costa also to step down. Hundreds of fires have raged across northern and central Portugal since Sunday after the driest summer in nearly 90 years, killing at least 41 people and overwhelming firefighting and rescue services. In June, a forest fire killed 64 people. The government, which has enjoyed strong approval ratings due to an improving economy, faces a no-confidence vote next week over its slow response to the fires and a failure to prevent heavy loss of lives. Although the motion is unlikely to pass, the Socialist government has been weakened by the public clamor over the fires and a further reshuffle may be on the cards, some analysts believe. Costa, who said he felt secure about confidence in his government, nonetheless accepted the resignation of Interior Minister Constanca Urbano de Sousa whose office is in charge of firefighting, and the police and civil protection services. Although this tragedy resulted from many factors, I no longer have the political and personal conditions to remain in my position, the minister said in her resignation statement. The Social Democrats, the main opposition, on Wednesday threw their support behind the no-confidence motion launched by a relatively small centre-right party CDS-PP. The two, however, do not have enough seats to bring down the government, whose left-wing allies closed ranks around it on Wednesday. You would do a favour to the country by submitting your resignation, Social Democrat bench leader Hugo Soares told Costa during a fierce debate in parliament. In order to stay in power, you are telling Portuguese to go screw themselves. But Left Bloc leader Catarina Martins called the no-confidence motion a grotesque trick and exploitation of the country s vulnerability after the tragedy. The minority government relies on support from Left Bloc and Communists in parliament. Both parties have blamed previous governments, especially the Social Democrat-CDS coalition which ruled in 2011-15 and imposed painful austerity measures, for bad forestry management and underfinancing of fire prevention. Costa once again promised reforms to meet any new such challenges in the future and blamed severe drought for the fires and decades of neglect in management of forested areas. He was due on Wednesday to meet President Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa, who has also been critical of the state s response. This year s fires have burnt a record 520,000 hectares of forest, 52 times the size of Lisbon proper and representing nearly 60 percent of the total area burnt in the entire European Union in 2017, data from the EU showed on Wednesday. Portugal represents just about 2.1 percent of Europe s total landmass.
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: Portugal s interior minister resigned on Wednesday after wildfires killed more than a hundred people in the past four months, but the move did little to appease the opposition which called on Prime Minister Antonio Costa also to step down. Hundreds of fires have raged across northern and central Portugal since Sunday after the driest summer in nearly 90 years, killing at least 41 people and overwhelming firefighting and rescue services. In June, a forest fire killed 64 people. The government, which has enjoyed strong approval ratings due to an improving economy, faces a no-confidence vote next week over its slow response to the fires and a failure to prevent heavy loss of lives. Although the motion is unlikely to pass, the Socialist government has been weakened by the public clamor over the fires and a further reshuffle may be on the cards, some analysts believe. Costa, who said he felt secure about confidence in his government, nonetheless accepted the resignation of Interior Minister Constanca Urbano de Sousa whose office is in charge of firefighting, and the police and civil protection services. Although this tragedy resulted from many factors, I no longer have the political and personal conditions to remain in my position, the minister said in her resignation statement. The Social Democrats, the main opposition, on Wednesday threw their support behind the no-confidence motion launched by a relatively small centre-right party CDS-PP. The two, however, do not have enough seats to bring down the government, whose left-wing allies closed ranks around it on Wednesday. You would do a favour to the country by submitting your resignation, Social Democrat bench leader Hugo Soares told Costa during a fierce debate in parliament. In order to stay in power, you are telling Portuguese to go screw themselves. But Left Bloc leader Catarina Martins called the no-confidence motion a grotesque trick and exploitation of the country s vulnerability after the tragedy. The minority government relies on support from Left Bloc and Communists in parliament. Both parties have blamed previous governments, especially the Social Democrat-CDS coalition which ruled in 2011-15 and imposed painful austerity measures, for bad forestry management and underfinancing of fire prevention. Costa once again promised reforms to meet any new such challenges in the future and blamed severe drought for the fires and decades of neglect in management of forested areas. He was due on Wednesday to meet President Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa, who has also been critical of the state s response. This year s fires have burnt a record 520,000 hectares of forest, 52 times the size of Lisbon proper and representing nearly 60 percent of the total area burnt in the entire European Union in 2017, data from the EU showed on Wednesday. Portugal represents just about 2.1 percent of Europe s total landmass.
Pakistan angrily criticized Donald Trump, frontrunner for the U.S. Republican presidential nomination, for saying he would force the country to free a jailed Pakistani doctor believed to have helped the CIA hunt down al Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden. Trump, a 69-year-old billionaire real estate developer, told Fox News on Friday that, if elected, he would get Pakistan to free Shakil Afridi “in two minutes”, saying that Islamabad receives a lot of development aid from the United States. “Contrary to Mr. Trump’s misconception, Pakistan is not a colony of the United States of America,” Pakistani Interior Minister Chaudhry Nisar said in a statement on Monday. The statement said Afridi’s fate would be decided “by the Pakistani courts and the government of Pakistan and not by Mr. Donald Trump, even if he becomes the president of the United States”. The statement came on the fifth anniversary of the killing of bin Laden - architect of the Sept. 11, 2001 attacks on U.S. cities - during a secret raid in the Pakistani town of Abbottabad that damaged relations between the strategic allies. Washington views Afridi as a hero but Pakistan sentenced him in 2012 to 33 years in jail on charges of belonging to militant group Lashkar-e-Islam, which he denies. That sentence was overturned and Afridi is now awaiting trial on another charge. Trump has alarmed U.S. allies with his combative rhetoric and his calls for an “America First” agenda that many see as a threat to retreat from the world. In his comments about Pakistan and Afridi for Fox News, Trump said: “I would tell them let (him) out and I’m sure they would let (him) out. Because we give a lot of aid to Pakistan.” Afridi has also been accused in Pakistan of running a fake vaccination campaign in which he purportedly collected DNA samples to help the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) track down bin Laden. He has not been charged over those allegations. After his original conviction was overturned, he was charged in 2013 with murder relating to the death of a patient eight years earlier. He remains in jail. In the Fox interview Trump also said he supported leaving the roughly 10,000 U.S. troops still based in Afghanistan instead of withdrawing them by the end of 2017. “I would stay in Afghanistan,” he said. “It’s probably the one place we should have gone in the Middle East because it’s adjacent and right next to Pakistan which has nuclear weapons.” The United States led the military invasion of Afghanistan in 2001 to oust the Taliban for sheltering bin Laden and other al Qaeda leaders following the Sept. 11 attacks. (This story has been corrected to fix typo in Pakistan minister’s name in paragraph 3)
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: Pakistan angrily criticized Donald Trump, frontrunner for the U.S. Republican presidential nomination, for saying he would force the country to free a jailed Pakistani doctor believed to have helped the CIA hunt down al Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden. Trump, a 69-year-old billionaire real estate developer, told Fox News on Friday that, if elected, he would get Pakistan to free Shakil Afridi “in two minutes”, saying that Islamabad receives a lot of development aid from the United States. “Contrary to Mr. Trump’s misconception, Pakistan is not a colony of the United States of America,” Pakistani Interior Minister Chaudhry Nisar said in a statement on Monday. The statement said Afridi’s fate would be decided “by the Pakistani courts and the government of Pakistan and not by Mr. Donald Trump, even if he becomes the president of the United States”. The statement came on the fifth anniversary of the killing of bin Laden - architect of the Sept. 11, 2001 attacks on U.S. cities - during a secret raid in the Pakistani town of Abbottabad that damaged relations between the strategic allies. Washington views Afridi as a hero but Pakistan sentenced him in 2012 to 33 years in jail on charges of belonging to militant group Lashkar-e-Islam, which he denies. That sentence was overturned and Afridi is now awaiting trial on another charge. Trump has alarmed U.S. allies with his combative rhetoric and his calls for an “America First” agenda that many see as a threat to retreat from the world. In his comments about Pakistan and Afridi for Fox News, Trump said: “I would tell them let (him) out and I’m sure they would let (him) out. Because we give a lot of aid to Pakistan.” Afridi has also been accused in Pakistan of running a fake vaccination campaign in which he purportedly collected DNA samples to help the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) track down bin Laden. He has not been charged over those allegations. After his original conviction was overturned, he was charged in 2013 with murder relating to the death of a patient eight years earlier. He remains in jail. In the Fox interview Trump also said he supported leaving the roughly 10,000 U.S. troops still based in Afghanistan instead of withdrawing them by the end of 2017. “I would stay in Afghanistan,” he said. “It’s probably the one place we should have gone in the Middle East because it’s adjacent and right next to Pakistan which has nuclear weapons.” The United States led the military invasion of Afghanistan in 2001 to oust the Taliban for sheltering bin Laden and other al Qaeda leaders following the Sept. 11 attacks. (This story has been corrected to fix typo in Pakistan minister’s name in paragraph 3)
Don t let the door hit ya B..b..but who will beat up innocent Trump’supporters? The assertion of presidential power was remarkable in scale. With the flick of a pen just before Thanksgiving in 2014, President Obama ordered that nearly five million illegal immigrants be allowed to come out of the’shadows and work legally in the United States.Standing at the’same lectern where he had announced the death of Osama bin Laden three years earlier, Mr. Obama insisted in a speech to the nation that his plan for immigrants was a fully legal response to a Republican-controlled Congress that had refused his plea for an overhaul of the nation s immigration laws.But on Thursday, the Supreme Court disagreed. In a 4-to-4 decision, the justices let’stand a lower court ruling that Mr. Obama had overstepped his authority. The decision freezes the president s actions for the balance of his term, leaving the future of the program and millions of undocumented workers in limbo.Mr. Obama campaigned vowing to win passage of comprehensive immigration legislation in his first year in office, but the Supreme Court defeat will force him to finish his term without securing the major progress he had promised to millions of Latino immigrants living under the threat of deportation.Instead, one of the president s chief immigration legacies will be the years of increased enforcement he ordered at the border with Mexico and in immigrant communities, hoping it would lead to a compromise with Republicans. The aggressive actions of immigration agents and local law enforcement, especially during Mr. Obama s first term, angered many family members separated by raids and deportations.Mr. Obama did earn praise from Hispanics for taking action in 2012 to help the’so-called Dreamers, young undocumented immigrants who had been brought to the United States as small children. Under the president s program, more than 730,000 of them received documents allowing them to work legally without constant fear that they might be sent home.Hillary Clinton, who embraced the president s executive action programs, has said she would expand them. The court s actions could complicate her ability to do that if she is elected president in the fall.But the’successful legal assault on Mr. Obama s actions may also yield some political benefits for Mrs. Clinton and Democrats by helping to motivate and energize Hispanic voters who are angry with the court s decision. Activists have promised to punish Donald J. Trump and other Republicans who opposed the president s actions by registering more Hispanic voters and getting them to vote. Mr. Trump’s rhetorical assault on immigrants, especially Mexicans, is also likely to help energize Hispanic activists on behalf of Mrs. Clinton and other Democratic candidates.The court s action comes after nearly eight years of largely futile attempts by the president to make good on his promise.Mr. Obama had resorted to executive actions in 2014 after years of fighting to get Congress to act. In 2013, the Senate passed a bipartisan immigration overhaul that the White House said the president could support. But House Republicans blocked any consideration of the legislation, accusing the Senate and Mr. Obama of supporting amnesty for the millions of illegal immigrants already in the United States.For most of his presidency, even Mr. Obama said he did not have the power to act unilaterally. He repeatedly told Hispanic activists that he could not use the Dreamers program as a model to expand similar protections to a much larger pool of illegal immigrants. If we start broadening that, then essentially I ll be ignoring the law in a way that I think would be very difficult to defend legally, Mr. Obama told Jose Diaz-Balart in an interview in September 2013, after it was clear that House Republicans were blocking the Senate s immigration measure. So that s not an option. NYT
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: Don t let the door hit ya B..b..but who will beat up innocent Trump’supporters? The assertion of presidential power was remarkable in scale. With the flick of a pen just before Thanksgiving in 2014, President Obama ordered that nearly five million illegal immigrants be allowed to come out of the’shadows and work legally in the United States.Standing at the’same lectern where he had announced the death of Osama bin Laden three years earlier, Mr. Obama insisted in a speech to the nation that his plan for immigrants was a fully legal response to a Republican-controlled Congress that had refused his plea for an overhaul of the nation s immigration laws.But on Thursday, the Supreme Court disagreed. In a 4-to-4 decision, the justices let’stand a lower court ruling that Mr. Obama had overstepped his authority. The decision freezes the president s actions for the balance of his term, leaving the future of the program and millions of undocumented workers in limbo.Mr. Obama campaigned vowing to win passage of comprehensive immigration legislation in his first year in office, but the Supreme Court defeat will force him to finish his term without securing the major progress he had promised to millions of Latino immigrants living under the threat of deportation.Instead, one of the president s chief immigration legacies will be the years of increased enforcement he ordered at the border with Mexico and in immigrant communities, hoping it would lead to a compromise with Republicans. The aggressive actions of immigration agents and local law enforcement, especially during Mr. Obama s first term, angered many family members separated by raids and deportations.Mr. Obama did earn praise from Hispanics for taking action in 2012 to help the’so-called Dreamers, young undocumented immigrants who had been brought to the United States as small children. Under the president s program, more than 730,000 of them received documents allowing them to work legally without constant fear that they might be sent home.Hillary Clinton, who embraced the president s executive action programs, has said she would expand them. The court s actions could complicate her ability to do that if she is elected president in the fall.But the’successful legal assault on Mr. Obama s actions may also yield some political benefits for Mrs. Clinton and Democrats by helping to motivate and energize Hispanic voters who are angry with the court s decision. Activists have promised to punish Donald J. Trump and other Republicans who opposed the president s actions by registering more Hispanic voters and getting them to vote. Mr. Trump’s rhetorical assault on immigrants, especially Mexicans, is also likely to help energize Hispanic activists on behalf of Mrs. Clinton and other Democratic candidates.The court s action comes after nearly eight years of largely futile attempts by the president to make good on his promise.Mr. Obama had resorted to executive actions in 2014 after years of fighting to get Congress to act. In 2013, the Senate passed a bipartisan immigration overhaul that the White House said the president could support. But House Republicans blocked any consideration of the legislation, accusing the Senate and Mr. Obama of supporting amnesty for the millions of illegal immigrants already in the United States.For most of his presidency, even Mr. Obama said he did not have the power to act unilaterally. He repeatedly told Hispanic activists that he could not use the Dreamers program as a model to expand similar protections to a much larger pool of illegal immigrants. If we start broadening that, then essentially I ll be ignoring the law in a way that I think would be very difficult to defend legally, Mr. Obama told Jose Diaz-Balart in an interview in September 2013, after it was clear that House Republicans were blocking the Senate s immigration measure. So that s not an option. NYT
FERGUSON PART II: Police are having a difficult time investigating because of the rocks being thrown at them. Baltimore and Ferguson are one in the’same. They re organized by radical leftist groups, funded by radical leftist organizations andAt least two people were shot in separate incidents in Ferguson, Missouri, on late Tuesday and early Wednesday as hundreds of demonstrators gathered in support of protests in Baltimore.More gunshots. Antonio French (@AntonioFrench) April 29, 2015 Police are having a difficult time investigating because of the rocks being thrown at them, said Jeff Small, a spokesman for the city of Ferguson. At this point police are not sure if the (shootings are) linked to the protest or not. St. Louis Alderman Antonio French posted video on his Twitter account. Multiple gunshots can be heard as people flee in panic. Via: CNN Happening now in #Ferguson Antonio French (@AntonioFrench) April 29, 2015
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: FERGUSON PART II: Police are having a difficult time investigating because of the rocks being thrown at them. Baltimore and Ferguson are one in the’same. They re organized by radical leftist groups, funded by radical leftist organizations andAt least two people were shot in separate incidents in Ferguson, Missouri, on late Tuesday and early Wednesday as hundreds of demonstrators gathered in support of protests in Baltimore.More gunshots. Antonio French (@AntonioFrench) April 29, 2015 Police are having a difficult time investigating because of the rocks being thrown at them, said Jeff Small, a spokesman for the city of Ferguson. At this point police are not sure if the (shootings are) linked to the protest or not. St. Louis Alderman Antonio French posted video on his Twitter account. Multiple gunshots can be heard as people flee in panic. Via: CNN Happening now in #Ferguson Antonio French (@AntonioFrench) April 29, 2015
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT:
Four Democrats on the Senate Banking Committee have called for an investigation into whether the acting chairman of the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission exceeded his authority by taking steps to scale back or delay rules required by the 2010 Dodd-Frank law. In a letter to the SEC’s internal watchdog, Inspector General Carl Hoecker, the Democrats said acting SEC Chairman Mike Piwowar should not have ordered staff to review the SEC’s rules on “conflict minerals” and CEO pay ratios because they are mandated by Congress. Both rules are part of Dodd-Frank, which was passed in 2010 to prevent a repeat of the financial crisis. Republicans have been highly critical of the law, saying its regulatory requirements are too burdensome for businesses. “We ask that you conduct an investigation into each of these decisions to determine whether they are legally permissible, and in keeping with the SEC’s core mission,” wrote the lawmakers, which include Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts, Sherrod Brown of Ohio, Robert Menendez of New Jersey and Brian Schatz of Hawaii. Brown is the top Democrat on the committee, which has 12 Republicans and 11 Democrats. Christopher Carofine, a spokesman for Piwowar’s office, declined to comment. A spokesman for the inspector general’s office could not be immediately reached for comment. In Wednesday’s letter, the lawmakers also complained because Piwowar recently revoked the power of certain mid-level managers in the enforcement division to issue subpoenas, and vested the power solely with the unit’s director. Decisions on how to delegate such authority rest with the SEC chair and do not require a commission vote. Similarly, while the SEC chair cannot adopt rules unilaterally, SEC rules give the chairman fairly broad latitude to take other actions, such as hiring or directing staff to review rules. Piwowar, a Republican, became the temporary head of the SEC in January. President Donald Trump’s choice for SEC chairman, Jay Clayton, is awaiting Senate confirmation. Piwowar announced in late January he had asked staff to review prior compliance guidance on the conflict minerals rule to determine if “additional relief” is appropriate. He took similar steps with the CEO pay rule a few days later. The conflict minerals rule requires companies to tell investors if their products contain certain minerals from a war torn part of Africa. The CEO pay ratio rule requires companies to provide a ratio comparing their chief executive officer’s pay to the median workforce, and is set to start appearing in corporate filings during the 2018 proxy season.
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: Four Democrats on the Senate Banking Committee have called for an investigation into whether the acting chairman of the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission exceeded his authority by taking steps to scale back or delay rules required by the 2010 Dodd-Frank law. In a letter to the SEC’s internal watchdog, Inspector General Carl Hoecker, the Democrats said acting SEC Chairman Mike Piwowar should not have ordered staff to review the SEC’s rules on “conflict minerals” and CEO pay ratios because they are mandated by Congress. Both rules are part of Dodd-Frank, which was passed in 2010 to prevent a repeat of the financial crisis. Republicans have been highly critical of the law, saying its regulatory requirements are too burdensome for businesses. “We ask that you conduct an investigation into each of these decisions to determine whether they are legally permissible, and in keeping with the SEC’s core mission,” wrote the lawmakers, which include Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts, Sherrod Brown of Ohio, Robert Menendez of New Jersey and Brian Schatz of Hawaii. Brown is the top Democrat on the committee, which has 12 Republicans and 11 Democrats. Christopher Carofine, a spokesman for Piwowar’s office, declined to comment. A spokesman for the inspector general’s office could not be immediately reached for comment. In Wednesday’s letter, the lawmakers also complained because Piwowar recently revoked the power of certain mid-level managers in the enforcement division to issue subpoenas, and vested the power solely with the unit’s director. Decisions on how to delegate such authority rest with the SEC chair and do not require a commission vote. Similarly, while the SEC chair cannot adopt rules unilaterally, SEC rules give the chairman fairly broad latitude to take other actions, such as hiring or directing staff to review rules. Piwowar, a Republican, became the temporary head of the SEC in January. President Donald Trump’s choice for SEC chairman, Jay Clayton, is awaiting Senate confirmation. Piwowar announced in late January he had asked staff to review prior compliance guidance on the conflict minerals rule to determine if “additional relief” is appropriate. He took similar steps with the CEO pay rule a few days later. The conflict minerals rule requires companies to tell investors if their products contain certain minerals from a war torn part of Africa. The CEO pay ratio rule requires companies to provide a ratio comparing their chief executive officer’s pay to the median workforce, and is set to start appearing in corporate filings during the 2018 proxy season.
U.S. President Donald Trump’s administration reversed a decision late on Thursday and said fiancés would be considered close family members and therefore allowed to travel to the United States as its revised travel ban took effect. The U.S. State Department concluded “upon further review, fiancés would now be included as close family members,” said a State Department official who requested anonymity. The Trump administration had previously decided, on the basis of its interpretation of a U.S. Supreme Court ruling, that grandparents, grandchildren and fiancés traveling from Iran, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria and Yemen would be barred from obtaining visas while the ban was in place. The 90-day ban took effect at 8 p.m. EDT (0000 GMT Friday), along with a 120-day ban on all refugees. On Monday, the Supreme Court revived parts of Trump’s travel ban on people from the six Muslim-majority countries, narrowing the scope of lower court rulings that had blocked parts of a March 6 executive order and allowing his temporary ban to go into effect for people with no strong ties to the United States. A spokesman for the Department of Homeland Security, who also requested anonymity, said it would be updating its guidance to state that fiancés would not be barred from obtaining visas while the ban was in place. The Supreme Court exempted from the ban travelers and refugees with a “bona fide relationship” with a person or entity in the United States. As an example, the court said those with a “close familial relationship” with someone in the United States would be covered. The state of Hawaii asked a federal judge in Honolulu on Thursday evening to determine whether the Trump administration had interpreted the court’s decision too narrowly. Hawaii said in a court filing that the U.S. government intended to violate the Supreme Court’s instructions by improperly excluding from the United States people who actually have a close family relationship to U.S. persons, echoing criticism from immigrant and refugee groups. Hawaii called the refusal to recognize grandparents and other relatives as an acceptable family relationship “a plain violation of the Supreme Court’s command.” Hawaii’s Attorney General Doug Chin asked U.S. District Judge Derrick Watson in Honolulu, who blocked Trump’s travel ban in March, to issue an order “as soon as possible” clarifying how the Supreme Court’s ruling should be interpreted. Watson ordered the Justice Department to respond to Hawaii’s request by Monday, and said he would allow Hawaii to reply by July 6. A senior U.S. official did not answer directly when asked how barring grandparents or grandchildren would make the United States safer, but instead pointed to Trump’s guidance to pause “certain travel while we review our security posture.” The U.S. government expected “things to run smoothly” and “business as usual” at U.S. ports of entry, another senior U.S. official told reporters. A handful of immigration lawyers gathered at Dulles International Airport outside Washington on Thursday in case of any problems. “We’re going to keep fighting this ban, even if it applies very narrowly,” said Sirine Shebaya, a senior staff attorney at Muslim Advocates. “It’s still a Muslim ban, and its still trying to send a message to a whole community that they’re not welcome here.” The administration said refugees who have agreements with resettlement agencies but not close family in the United States would not be exempted from the ban, likely sharply limiting the number of refugees allowed entry in coming months. Hawaii said in its court filing it was “preposterous” not to consider a formal link with a resettlement agency a qualifying relationship. Refugee resettlement agencies had expected that their formal links with would-be refugees would qualify as “bona fide.” The administration’s decision likely means that few refugees beyond a 50,000-cap set by Trump would be allowed into the country this year. A U.S. official said that, as of Wednesday evening, 49,009 refugees had been allowed into the country this fiscal year. The State Department said refugees scheduled to arrive through July 6 could still enter. Trump first announced a temporary travel ban on Jan. 27, calling it a counterterrorism measure to allow time to develop better security vetting. The order caused chaos at airports, as officials scrambled to enforce it before it was blocked by courts. Opponents argued that the measure discriminated against Muslims and that there was no security rationale for it. A revised version of the ban was also halted by courts. The State Department guidance, distributed to all U.S. diplomatic posts on Wednesday evening and seen by Reuters, fleshed out the Supreme Court’s ruling about people who have a “bona fide” relationship with an individual or entity in the United States. It defined a close familial relationship as being a parent, spouse, child, adult son or daughter, son-in-law, daughter-in-law or sibling, including step-siblings and other step-family relations. A department cable said grandparents, grandchildren, aunts, uncles, nieces, nephews, cousins, brothers-in-law and sisters-in-law, fiancés, “and any other ‘extended’ family members” were not considered close family. The guidelines also said workers with offers of employment from a company in the United States or a lecturer addressing U.S. audiences would be exempt from the ban, but that arrangements such as a hotel reservation would not be considered bona fide relationships.
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: U.S. President Donald Trump’s administration reversed a decision late on Thursday and said fiancés would be considered close family members and therefore allowed to travel to the United States as its revised travel ban took effect. The U.S. State Department concluded “upon further review, fiancés would now be included as close family members,” said a State Department official who requested anonymity. The Trump administration had previously decided, on the basis of its interpretation of a U.S. Supreme Court ruling, that grandparents, grandchildren and fiancés traveling from Iran, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria and Yemen would be barred from obtaining visas while the ban was in place. The 90-day ban took effect at 8 p.m. EDT (0000 GMT Friday), along with a 120-day ban on all refugees. On Monday, the Supreme Court revived parts of Trump’s travel ban on people from the six Muslim-majority countries, narrowing the scope of lower court rulings that had blocked parts of a March 6 executive order and allowing his temporary ban to go into effect for people with no strong ties to the United States. A spokesman for the Department of Homeland Security, who also requested anonymity, said it would be updating its guidance to state that fiancés would not be barred from obtaining visas while the ban was in place. The Supreme Court exempted from the ban travelers and refugees with a “bona fide relationship” with a person or entity in the United States. As an example, the court said those with a “close familial relationship” with someone in the United States would be covered. The state of Hawaii asked a federal judge in Honolulu on Thursday evening to determine whether the Trump administration had interpreted the court’s decision too narrowly. Hawaii said in a court filing that the U.S. government intended to violate the Supreme Court’s instructions by improperly excluding from the United States people who actually have a close family relationship to U.S. persons, echoing criticism from immigrant and refugee groups. Hawaii called the refusal to recognize grandparents and other relatives as an acceptable family relationship “a plain violation of the Supreme Court’s command.” Hawaii’s Attorney General Doug Chin asked U.S. District Judge Derrick Watson in Honolulu, who blocked Trump’s travel ban in March, to issue an order “as soon as possible” clarifying how the Supreme Court’s ruling should be interpreted. Watson ordered the Justice Department to respond to Hawaii’s request by Monday, and said he would allow Hawaii to reply by July 6. A senior U.S. official did not answer directly when asked how barring grandparents or grandchildren would make the United States safer, but instead pointed to Trump’s guidance to pause “certain travel while we review our security posture.” The U.S. government expected “things to run smoothly” and “business as usual” at U.S. ports of entry, another senior U.S. official told reporters. A handful of immigration lawyers gathered at Dulles International Airport outside Washington on Thursday in case of any problems. “We’re going to keep fighting this ban, even if it applies very narrowly,” said Sirine Shebaya, a senior staff attorney at Muslim Advocates. “It’s still a Muslim ban, and its still trying to send a message to a whole community that they’re not welcome here.” The administration said refugees who have agreements with resettlement agencies but not close family in the United States would not be exempted from the ban, likely sharply limiting the number of refugees allowed entry in coming months. Hawaii said in its court filing it was “preposterous” not to consider a formal link with a resettlement agency a qualifying relationship. Refugee resettlement agencies had expected that their formal links with would-be refugees would qualify as “bona fide.” The administration’s decision likely means that few refugees beyond a 50,000-cap set by Trump would be allowed into the country this year. A U.S. official said that, as of Wednesday evening, 49,009 refugees had been allowed into the country this fiscal year. The State Department said refugees scheduled to arrive through July 6 could still enter. Trump first announced a temporary travel ban on Jan. 27, calling it a counterterrorism measure to allow time to develop better security vetting. The order caused chaos at airports, as officials scrambled to enforce it before it was blocked by courts. Opponents argued that the measure discriminated against Muslims and that there was no security rationale for it. A revised version of the ban was also halted by courts. The State Department guidance, distributed to all U.S. diplomatic posts on Wednesday evening and seen by Reuters, fleshed out the Supreme Court’s ruling about people who have a “bona fide” relationship with an individual or entity in the United States. It defined a close familial relationship as being a parent, spouse, child, adult son or daughter, son-in-law, daughter-in-law or sibling, including step-siblings and other step-family relations. A department cable said grandparents, grandchildren, aunts, uncles, nieces, nephews, cousins, brothers-in-law and sisters-in-law, fiancés, “and any other ‘extended’ family members” were not considered close family. The guidelines also said workers with offers of employment from a company in the United States or a lecturer addressing U.S. audiences would be exempt from the ban, but that arrangements such as a hotel reservation would not be considered bona fide relationships.
For anyone digging into Hong Kong s history, the official archives might not be the place to look. The office of the chief executive, Hong Kong s leader, failed to hand over any official records at all for eight of the 20 years since it came under Chinese rule in 1997, according to the government department that manages the archives. The Security Bureau only did it for 10. Researchers say the problem is that Hong Kong, under roughly 150 years of British colonial rule and the first 20 years of Chinese rule, has never had a law regulating how government records should be kept or destroyed. As a result, the document retention that researchers see as necessary for keeping a record of the past has been somewhat spotty within Hong Kong. Under British rule, the archiving of documents in Hong Kong was also lax. In 1994 and 1995, for example, the Government House gave nothing to the archives. But thanks to a constant flow of correspondence between the colonial government and London, Britain would have stored a copy of most official records, according to researchers. After the handover of Hong Kong to China in 1997, that back-up mechanism disappeared, leading to concerns that fragments of Hong Kong s history might slip away for good. Unlike Hong Kong, China has a set of archive laws, under which officials failing to file records can face administrative sanctions, or face charges if the case constitutes a crime. But researchers say that for any Hong Kong-related documents kept by China, access would be difficult. Simon Chu, the former head of the Government Records Service who has been advocating for an archives law, said that prior to 1997 researchers could count on finding records in Britain, even if they were lost in Hong Kong. After 1997, you don t have this kind of luxury, he said. Connie Lo, a documentary director digging into the 1967 Communist-led riots in Hong Kong, found almost nothing on the subject in the government archives. She was, however, able to find material in Britain s National Archives for her film Vanished Archives, which premiered in Hong Kong this year. Fears over record retention were highlighted last year when the government of former Chief Executive Leung Chun-ying said it had kept no records of informal meetings with local groups over a controversial land development project. Hong Kong s current leader, Carrie Lam, has said she places great importance on the integrity of government records, and that she supports passing an archives law. She said she would pursue a law after receiving a report from the Law Reform Commission, which is studying the issue. The commission, however, has been considering the issue for four years and only expects to start consultations on the subject next year. Activists like Chu are anxious that records of sensitive information, such as government decisions during the 2014 pro-democracy street protests could be destroyed with impunity. I m very pessimistic about that, Chu said. One former senior government official, speaking on condition of anonymity, also admitted to throwing out some documents in order to protect a former top official. He declined to say what the documents contained. But he suggested the practice might be widespread in the civil service. For some of the most sensitive issues, there would not even be a record, he said. The Government Records Service said it received 25 reports of unauthorized destruction of records in the past six years, and disciplinary actions were taken against four officers in four cases.
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: For anyone digging into Hong Kong s history, the official archives might not be the place to look. The office of the chief executive, Hong Kong s leader, failed to hand over any official records at all for eight of the 20 years since it came under Chinese rule in 1997, according to the government department that manages the archives. The Security Bureau only did it for 10. Researchers say the problem is that Hong Kong, under roughly 150 years of British colonial rule and the first 20 years of Chinese rule, has never had a law regulating how government records should be kept or destroyed. As a result, the document retention that researchers see as necessary for keeping a record of the past has been somewhat spotty within Hong Kong. Under British rule, the archiving of documents in Hong Kong was also lax. In 1994 and 1995, for example, the Government House gave nothing to the archives. But thanks to a constant flow of correspondence between the colonial government and London, Britain would have stored a copy of most official records, according to researchers. After the handover of Hong Kong to China in 1997, that back-up mechanism disappeared, leading to concerns that fragments of Hong Kong s history might slip away for good. Unlike Hong Kong, China has a set of archive laws, under which officials failing to file records can face administrative sanctions, or face charges if the case constitutes a crime. But researchers say that for any Hong Kong-related documents kept by China, access would be difficult. Simon Chu, the former head of the Government Records Service who has been advocating for an archives law, said that prior to 1997 researchers could count on finding records in Britain, even if they were lost in Hong Kong. After 1997, you don t have this kind of luxury, he said. Connie Lo, a documentary director digging into the 1967 Communist-led riots in Hong Kong, found almost nothing on the subject in the government archives. She was, however, able to find material in Britain s National Archives for her film Vanished Archives, which premiered in Hong Kong this year. Fears over record retention were highlighted last year when the government of former Chief Executive Leung Chun-ying said it had kept no records of informal meetings with local groups over a controversial land development project. Hong Kong s current leader, Carrie Lam, has said she places great importance on the integrity of government records, and that she supports passing an archives law. She said she would pursue a law after receiving a report from the Law Reform Commission, which is studying the issue. The commission, however, has been considering the issue for four years and only expects to start consultations on the subject next year. Activists like Chu are anxious that records of sensitive information, such as government decisions during the 2014 pro-democracy street protests could be destroyed with impunity. I m very pessimistic about that, Chu said. One former senior government official, speaking on condition of anonymity, also admitted to throwing out some documents in order to protect a former top official. He declined to say what the documents contained. But he suggested the practice might be widespread in the civil service. For some of the most sensitive issues, there would not even be a record, he said. The Government Records Service said it received 25 reports of unauthorized destruction of records in the past six years, and disciplinary actions were taken against four officers in four cases.
Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe said on Monday Japan would do its utmost, in cooperation with the United States, to defend itself against missiles fired by North Korea and to increase its missile defense capabilities. Abe spoke at the start of a meeting of ruling coalition lawmakers a day after North Korea conducted its sixth, and most powerful, nuclear test.
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe said on Monday Japan would do its utmost, in cooperation with the United States, to defend itself against missiles fired by North Korea and to increase its missile defense capabilities. Abe spoke at the start of a meeting of ruling coalition lawmakers a day after North Korea conducted its sixth, and most powerful, nuclear test.
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT:
A new Donald Trump commercial hits Hillary Clinton on her immigration policy BUT can you guess whose voice it is? In Hillary Clinton s America, the’system stays rigged against Americans, begins the voice over in the ad, which is called, Two Americas: Immigration. The actor narrating Trump’s ad has a very recognizable voice! Did you guess Bruce McGill? His name may not be too familiar, but McGill s face certainly will be. The 66-year-old San Antonio native is a Rizzoli & Isles regular, and most famously appeared as D-Day in Animal House:Funny enough, in 2001 McGill appeared in the Will Smith bio flick Ali as a Spanish-speaking Hispanic immigration official. Here s a still of McGill in Legally Blonde 2 to make you say, Ahh, yeah, that guy .
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: A new Donald Trump commercial hits Hillary Clinton on her immigration policy BUT can you guess whose voice it is? In Hillary Clinton s America, the’system stays rigged against Americans, begins the voice over in the ad, which is called, Two Americas: Immigration. The actor narrating Trump’s ad has a very recognizable voice! Did you guess Bruce McGill? His name may not be too familiar, but McGill s face certainly will be. The 66-year-old San Antonio native is a Rizzoli & Isles regular, and most famously appeared as D-Day in Animal House:Funny enough, in 2001 McGill appeared in the Will Smith bio flick Ali as a Spanish-speaking Hispanic immigration official. Here s a still of McGill in Legally Blonde 2 to make you say, Ahh, yeah, that guy .
Former Donald Trump campaign manager Corey Lewandowski isn’t even a month into his new role as a CNN contributor, but it s been a disaster since day one. Not only has Lewandowski revealed that, by contract, he is forbidden to say anything critical about Trump, but Lewandowski has pretty much served as a spokesman for his former boss.While CNN s hiring of Lewandowski is still puzzling to most of us, at least it s providing a few laughs as we watch Lewandowski repeatedly fail. Lewandowski s latest f*** up happened on Friday during New Day, when he addressed the criticism Trump has faced recently for breaking the law and spamming foreign members of parliament by begging for money (following reports that Trump’s campaign is nearly broke). Lewandowski tried to defend Trump, and it went so horribly wrong that it s painful to watch.Lewandowski attempted to make the argument that those fundraising emails were only sent to people who had opted to get emails from the Trump campaign but CNN s Alisyn Camerota wasn’t letting that slide. Camerota called Lewandowski out on this lie, reminding him that those MPs from other countries were upset because they’d never signed up to get those emails in the first place.Camerota asked Lewandowski, How would a member of British parliament have gotten this solicitation? Lewandowski responded: If the member of the British parliament or anybody else for that matter opted into the Donald Trump e-mail system Here s when Camerota jumped in and said She’said she didn’t opt in. Lewandowski knew he was out of his league, but decided to just keep repeating himself. He continued: Look, it s possible. But the bottom line is that anybody who opted into the’system voluntarily, and anybody can opt out at any time Camerota just continued to shut him down with She didn’t opt in. Lewandowski was cornered but insisted they can opt in or out of the’system. Once more, Camerota said But she didn’t opt in. Lewandowski was visibly uncomfortable during the exchange, and he coped the only way he knew how by acting aggressively toward a woman.You can watch the video below: Featured image is a screenshot
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: Former Donald Trump campaign manager Corey Lewandowski isn’t even a month into his new role as a CNN contributor, but it s been a disaster since day one. Not only has Lewandowski revealed that, by contract, he is forbidden to say anything critical about Trump, but Lewandowski has pretty much served as a spokesman for his former boss.While CNN s hiring of Lewandowski is still puzzling to most of us, at least it s providing a few laughs as we watch Lewandowski repeatedly fail. Lewandowski s latest f*** up happened on Friday during New Day, when he addressed the criticism Trump has faced recently for breaking the law and spamming foreign members of parliament by begging for money (following reports that Trump’s campaign is nearly broke). Lewandowski tried to defend Trump, and it went so horribly wrong that it s painful to watch.Lewandowski attempted to make the argument that those fundraising emails were only sent to people who had opted to get emails from the Trump campaign but CNN s Alisyn Camerota wasn’t letting that slide. Camerota called Lewandowski out on this lie, reminding him that those MPs from other countries were upset because they’d never signed up to get those emails in the first place.Camerota asked Lewandowski, How would a member of British parliament have gotten this solicitation? Lewandowski responded: If the member of the British parliament or anybody else for that matter opted into the Donald Trump e-mail system Here s when Camerota jumped in and said She’said she didn’t opt in. Lewandowski knew he was out of his league, but decided to just keep repeating himself. He continued: Look, it s possible. But the bottom line is that anybody who opted into the’system voluntarily, and anybody can opt out at any time Camerota just continued to shut him down with She didn’t opt in. Lewandowski was cornered but insisted they can opt in or out of the’system. Once more, Camerota said But she didn’t opt in. Lewandowski was visibly uncomfortable during the exchange, and he coped the only way he knew how by acting aggressively toward a woman.You can watch the video below: Featured image is a screenshot
Is anyone the least bit surprised that the Obama administration hasn’t contacted the Navajo Tribal Leaders since the tragic spill of toxic water by the EPA? Here s a quote from the Navajo Nation President: I keep saying when are we going to hear from the White House? Not a word, Begaye said, according to Native News. When somebody wins the Super Bowl or an NBA Championship, they get a call, right? And when something like this happens and people are suffering, nothing. Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) and Arizona Gov. Doug Ducey Friday visited the Navajo Nation reservation s capital Window Rock to celebrate the Native Americans whose indecipherable language helped keep messages secret from enemies during World War II.The event though was met by a protest regarding the federal government s response to a toxic spill into rivers considered a lifeline for reservation and halted use of water for residential and agricultural use.According to Native News, McCain and Ducey met with Navajo Nation President Russell Begaye and Vice President Jonathan Nez to discuss the creation of a Navajo Code Talkers Museum.But the recent spill of millions of gallons of contaminated wastewater into the Animas and San Juan Rivers by a contractor doing work for the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency ended up being the focus for the tribal leaders. I keep saying when are we going to hear from the White House? Not a word, Begaye said, according to Native News. When somebody wins the Super Bowl or an NBA Championship, they get a call, right? And when something like this happens and people are suffering, nothing.
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: Is anyone the least bit surprised that the Obama administration hasn’t contacted the Navajo Tribal Leaders since the tragic spill of toxic water by the EPA? Here s a quote from the Navajo Nation President: I keep saying when are we going to hear from the White House? Not a word, Begaye said, according to Native News. When somebody wins the Super Bowl or an NBA Championship, they get a call, right? And when something like this happens and people are suffering, nothing. Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) and Arizona Gov. Doug Ducey Friday visited the Navajo Nation reservation s capital Window Rock to celebrate the Native Americans whose indecipherable language helped keep messages secret from enemies during World War II.The event though was met by a protest regarding the federal government s response to a toxic spill into rivers considered a lifeline for reservation and halted use of water for residential and agricultural use.According to Native News, McCain and Ducey met with Navajo Nation President Russell Begaye and Vice President Jonathan Nez to discuss the creation of a Navajo Code Talkers Museum.But the recent spill of millions of gallons of contaminated wastewater into the Animas and San Juan Rivers by a contractor doing work for the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency ended up being the focus for the tribal leaders. I keep saying when are we going to hear from the White House? Not a word, Begaye said, according to Native News. When somebody wins the Super Bowl or an NBA Championship, they get a call, right? And when something like this happens and people are suffering, nothing.
During an interview, Steve Bannon who is the new White House strategist under Donald Trump just referred to left-wing women as a bunch of dykes .Steve Bannon was recently appointed as a senior adviser for Trump, but he is not a good fit for the job. He s just an egotistical blogger. As chairman of Breitbart News he is known for his right-winged bias, which is quite clear here. In this interview he’says right-wing women are of the highest moral character while on the left we vilify women. Incredible that he would say this, and then less than a minute later, refer to them as a bunch of dykes. You can listen to that irony right here:There will always be some friction between the right and left, but referring to our liberal women as dykes is a little over the line, especially for the’senior adviser of the White House. Then again, look who he advises: Donald Trump, who is well-known for degrading women. It s sad to see men like this controlling our government.Photo by Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: During an interview, Steve Bannon who is the new White House strategist under Donald Trump just referred to left-wing women as a bunch of dykes .Steve Bannon was recently appointed as a senior adviser for Trump, but he is not a good fit for the job. He s just an egotistical blogger. As chairman of Breitbart News he is known for his right-winged bias, which is quite clear here. In this interview he’says right-wing women are of the highest moral character while on the left we vilify women. Incredible that he would say this, and then less than a minute later, refer to them as a bunch of dykes. You can listen to that irony right here:There will always be some friction between the right and left, but referring to our liberal women as dykes is a little over the line, especially for the’senior adviser of the White House. Then again, look who he advises: Donald Trump, who is well-known for degrading women. It s sad to see men like this controlling our government.Photo by Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images
The head of the International Monetary Fund, Christine Lagarde, said she had a constructive phone call with Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko late on Thursday in which she urged him to speed up the fight against corruption. Perceived backsliding on reform commitments, including delays in establishing an independent court to handle corruption cases, has held up billions of dollars in loans under Ukraine s $17.5 billion IMF program. Action by parliament and prosecutors against existing anti-corruption institutions such as the NABU investigative bureau also provoked a wave of criticism this week from reformists in Ukraine and its foreign backers, including the IMF. I had a constructive and open discussion with President Poroshenko on Ukraine s efforts to fight corruption, Lagarde said in a statement. Lagarde said she and Poroshenko discussed the need to safeguard the independence of NABU and similar institutions and that they agreed on the urgency of establishing an anti-corruption court. I assured the President that the IMF stands ready to continue to support Ukraine, along with other international partners, in the fight against corruption and encouraged the authorities to accelerate the implementation of reforms, she said.
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: The head of the International Monetary Fund, Christine Lagarde, said she had a constructive phone call with Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko late on Thursday in which she urged him to speed up the fight against corruption. Perceived backsliding on reform commitments, including delays in establishing an independent court to handle corruption cases, has held up billions of dollars in loans under Ukraine s $17.5 billion IMF program. Action by parliament and prosecutors against existing anti-corruption institutions such as the NABU investigative bureau also provoked a wave of criticism this week from reformists in Ukraine and its foreign backers, including the IMF. I had a constructive and open discussion with President Poroshenko on Ukraine s efforts to fight corruption, Lagarde said in a statement. Lagarde said she and Poroshenko discussed the need to safeguard the independence of NABU and similar institutions and that they agreed on the urgency of establishing an anti-corruption court. I assured the President that the IMF stands ready to continue to support Ukraine, along with other international partners, in the fight against corruption and encouraged the authorities to accelerate the implementation of reforms, she said.
Brazilian President Michel Temer went to an army hospital on Wednesday for tests and treatment after his doctor identified a urinary obstruction causing him pain, the presidential office said in a written statement.
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: Brazilian President Michel Temer went to an army hospital on Wednesday for tests and treatment after his doctor identified a urinary obstruction causing him pain, the presidential office said in a written statement.
Before Keurig, and other major companies commit consumer suicide over their decision to pull their advertising from Sean Hannity s Fox News show, over his interview with Roy Moore, the GOP candidate for U.S. Senate in Alabama, who is being accused of sexual misconduct that allegedly took place between 36-40 years ago, only 4 weeks before the election, they may want to consider the facts that many media outlets have uncovered about Moore s accusers. These advertisers might also want to explain’to consumers why they never pulled ads on shows that interviewed Bill Clinton, who s been accused of rape and sexual assault by multiple women. These businesses may also want to explain why they never pulled their advertising from TV shows that interviewed Hillary Clinton, who s been accused by more than one victim of threatening the women who bravely came forward to expose her husband s sexual misconduct. Daily Mail Keurig, makers of the home coffee brewing system, is being boycotted by angry consumers after the company announced over the weekend that it plans to remove ads on Sean Hanity s Fox News program following his coverage of Alabama senate candidate Roy Moore.Keurig made this bold statement to consumers on Twitter, claiming they worked with their media partner and FOX news to STOP their ad from airing on the Sean Hannity Show.Angelo, thank you for your concern and for bringing this to our attention. We worked with our media partner and FOX news to stop our ad from airing during the Sean Hannity Show. Keurig (@Keurig) November 11, 2017Keurig,, 23 and Me, Eloquii and Nature s Bounty all said over the weekend that they would no longer run ads on Hannity s show following his interview with the embattled candidate, prompting a backlash from protesters on social media.After a Twitter user posted busineses that allegedly advertise on Sean Hannity s Fox News show, here s how Nature s Bounty responded:We can confirm that we do not have advertisements running on this program. Nature's Bounty (@NaturesBounty) November 11, 2017Here s how the gentics company 23 and me responded on Twitter:We ve received inquiries RE: advertising on Hannity. We are not running TV advertising on Hannity. We continue to closely evaluate where we advertise. 23andMe (@23andMe) November 10, 201723 and Me sells saliva collection kits to help consumers trace their genetics.This Thanksgiving, bring your family closer and save with 23andMe s Thanksgiving Family Offer! #mydnastory 23andMe (@23andMe) November 1, 2017Eloquii is a fashion store for plus size women:Dead over this upcoming @ELOQUII set. Also, red boots were needed. Lydia Hudgens (@lydiahudgens) November 2, 2017Excited to announce I m the face of @ELOQUII s new NOIR collection! Available now on #XOQ Tess Holliday (@Tess_Holliday) November 2, 2017Here is their tweet, assuring their consumers that Hannity is blocked form their advertising list. :Hi there! Hannity is blocked from our advertising list. If we can help with anything else, please don't hesitate to reach out to us at [email protected]. ELOQUII (@ELOQUII) November 10, 2017Moore is being accused of having pursued inappropriate sexual relationships with younger women while he was a district attorney in Alabama during the 1970s.Moore vehemently denies the allegations, saying that he believes the timing of the accusations are aimed at undermining his candidacy.Moore, who spoke with Hannity about the’scandal on his radio show Friday, did admit however that after his return from the military, I dated a lot of young ladies. Some of the’sponsors announced their decision not to run advertisements on Hannity s show via Twitter after the Fox News host asked his audience to give Moore the benefit of the doubt, according to CNBC News.
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: Before Keurig, and other major companies commit consumer suicide over their decision to pull their advertising from Sean Hannity s Fox News show, over his interview with Roy Moore, the GOP candidate for U.S. Senate in Alabama, who is being accused of sexual misconduct that allegedly took place between 36-40 years ago, only 4 weeks before the election, they may want to consider the facts that many media outlets have uncovered about Moore s accusers. These advertisers might also want to explain’to consumers why they never pulled ads on shows that interviewed Bill Clinton, who s been accused of rape and sexual assault by multiple women. These businesses may also want to explain why they never pulled their advertising from TV shows that interviewed Hillary Clinton, who s been accused by more than one victim of threatening the women who bravely came forward to expose her husband s sexual misconduct. Daily Mail Keurig, makers of the home coffee brewing system, is being boycotted by angry consumers after the company announced over the weekend that it plans to remove ads on Sean Hanity s Fox News program following his coverage of Alabama senate candidate Roy Moore.Keurig made this bold statement to consumers on Twitter, claiming they worked with their media partner and FOX news to STOP their ad from airing on the Sean Hannity Show.Angelo, thank you for your concern and for bringing this to our attention. We worked with our media partner and FOX news to stop our ad from airing during the Sean Hannity Show. Keurig (@Keurig) November 11, 2017Keurig,, 23 and Me, Eloquii and Nature s Bounty all said over the weekend that they would no longer run ads on Hannity s show following his interview with the embattled candidate, prompting a backlash from protesters on social media.After a Twitter user posted busineses that allegedly advertise on Sean Hannity s Fox News show, here s how Nature s Bounty responded:We can confirm that we do not have advertisements running on this program. Nature's Bounty (@NaturesBounty) November 11, 2017Here s how the gentics company 23 and me responded on Twitter:We ve received inquiries RE: advertising on Hannity. We are not running TV advertising on Hannity. We continue to closely evaluate where we advertise. 23andMe (@23andMe) November 10, 201723 and Me sells saliva collection kits to help consumers trace their genetics.This Thanksgiving, bring your family closer and save with 23andMe s Thanksgiving Family Offer! #mydnastory 23andMe (@23andMe) November 1, 2017Eloquii is a fashion store for plus size women:Dead over this upcoming @ELOQUII set. Also, red boots were needed. Lydia Hudgens (@lydiahudgens) November 2, 2017Excited to announce I m the face of @ELOQUII s new NOIR collection! Available now on #XOQ Tess Holliday (@Tess_Holliday) November 2, 2017Here is their tweet, assuring their consumers that Hannity is blocked form their advertising list. :Hi there! Hannity is blocked from our advertising list. If we can help with anything else, please don't hesitate to reach out to us at [email protected]. ELOQUII (@ELOQUII) November 10, 2017Moore is being accused of having pursued inappropriate sexual relationships with younger women while he was a district attorney in Alabama during the 1970s.Moore vehemently denies the allegations, saying that he believes the timing of the accusations are aimed at undermining his candidacy.Moore, who spoke with Hannity about the’scandal on his radio show Friday, did admit however that after his return from the military, I dated a lot of young ladies. Some of the’sponsors announced their decision not to run advertisements on Hannity s show via Twitter after the Fox News host asked his audience to give Moore the benefit of the doubt, according to CNBC News.
We re not sure which of Judge Mary Murguia s qualifications for becoming a U.S. Supreme Court Justice would be more attractive to Obama. Could it be the fact that she, like Barack Obama can claim she is responsible for dismissing charges against a terrorist? Perhaps her it s her sister s connection as a leader of La Raza, a government funded, radical activist group fighting to defend amnesty in America. Knowing Barry, it s likely both.The U.S. 9th Circuit Court of Appeals judge who previously dismissed terror charges against one of the Garland, Texas shooters has a connection to the controversial activist group, National Council of La Raza.Judge Mary Murguia, appointed by President Clinton and considered a potential nominee to the Supreme Court by President Obama, was the judge who dismissed government charges against Elton Simpson for suspected terrorism in 2011. On Sunday, Simpson attacked a free speech event in Garland, Texas depicting the Prophet Muhammad in cartoons.Daniel Greenfield cites evidence from the 2011 case:The FBI knew that Elton Simpson, one of the Garland Jihadists, was a threat and had attempted to lock him up after amassing evidence that he intended to go to Somalia as a terrorist. They had him on tape stating that Allah loves an individual who is out there fighting [non-Muslims] and If you get shot, or you get killed, it s [heaven] straight away. Mr. Simpson then said [Heaven] that s what we here for so why not take that route? Judge Murguia held then that the government was unable to prove Simpson mentioned violent jihad in his reasoning for traveling to Somalia. That phrase is one made up by the Government, likely because it is aware that jihad in the Muslim religion does not necessarily imply violence, she’said, noted Greenfield.However, the LA Times previously noted that Judge Murguria s twin sister Janet Murguia leads a controversial group known as National Council of La Raza, which has been criticized as a racist hate group. It is the nation s largest Latino civil rights activist organization. La Raza is closely linked to the Obama Administration s amnesty efforts.Human Events, a conservative blog, previously reported that the mainstream media views La Raza no more than a Hispanic Rotary Club. But La Raza collected roughly $15.2 million in federal grants in 2005. Human Events also reported that undisclosed amounts of that money were used in get-out-the-vote efforts supporting La Raza political positions. La Raza has been added to congressional hearings and an anonymous senator even gave the Council of La Raza an extra $4 million in earmarked taxpayer money, supposedly for housing reform, according to Human Events. Moreover, Judge Murguria s brother, Carlos Murguria, helped coordinate the Immigration Amnesty Program prior to Clinton nominating him also for a judgeship, according to Front Page Magazine.Via: Bretibart News
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: We re not sure which of Judge Mary Murguia s qualifications for becoming a U.S. Supreme Court Justice would be more attractive to Obama. Could it be the fact that she, like Barack Obama can claim she is responsible for dismissing charges against a terrorist? Perhaps her it s her sister s connection as a leader of La Raza, a government funded, radical activist group fighting to defend amnesty in America. Knowing Barry, it s likely both.The U.S. 9th Circuit Court of Appeals judge who previously dismissed terror charges against one of the Garland, Texas shooters has a connection to the controversial activist group, National Council of La Raza.Judge Mary Murguia, appointed by President Clinton and considered a potential nominee to the Supreme Court by President Obama, was the judge who dismissed government charges against Elton Simpson for suspected terrorism in 2011. On Sunday, Simpson attacked a free speech event in Garland, Texas depicting the Prophet Muhammad in cartoons.Daniel Greenfield cites evidence from the 2011 case:The FBI knew that Elton Simpson, one of the Garland Jihadists, was a threat and had attempted to lock him up after amassing evidence that he intended to go to Somalia as a terrorist. They had him on tape stating that Allah loves an individual who is out there fighting [non-Muslims] and If you get shot, or you get killed, it s [heaven] straight away. Mr. Simpson then said [Heaven] that s what we here for so why not take that route? Judge Murguia held then that the government was unable to prove Simpson mentioned violent jihad in his reasoning for traveling to Somalia. That phrase is one made up by the Government, likely because it is aware that jihad in the Muslim religion does not necessarily imply violence, she’said, noted Greenfield.However, the LA Times previously noted that Judge Murguria s twin sister Janet Murguia leads a controversial group known as National Council of La Raza, which has been criticized as a racist hate group. It is the nation s largest Latino civil rights activist organization. La Raza is closely linked to the Obama Administration s amnesty efforts.Human Events, a conservative blog, previously reported that the mainstream media views La Raza no more than a Hispanic Rotary Club. But La Raza collected roughly $15.2 million in federal grants in 2005. Human Events also reported that undisclosed amounts of that money were used in get-out-the-vote efforts supporting La Raza political positions. La Raza has been added to congressional hearings and an anonymous senator even gave the Council of La Raza an extra $4 million in earmarked taxpayer money, supposedly for housing reform, according to Human Events. Moreover, Judge Murguria s brother, Carlos Murguria, helped coordinate the Immigration Amnesty Program prior to Clinton nominating him also for a judgeship, according to Front Page Magazine.Via: Bretibart News
The leader of the small Constitutional Democratic Party of Japan, which out-performed expectations in an October vote, now hopes that by offering clear policy alternatives he can oust Prime Minister Shinzo Abe s coalition in the next election. One key to achieving that ambitious goal, said party founder Yukio Edano, is an economic platform that puts more weight on redistributing wealth, including by raising corporate taxes to push firms to use their cash reserves to raise wages. Unless we have reasonable redistribution to achieve growth, domestic demand will not expand, Edano, 53, told Reuters in an interview. That is a clear difference from the LDP, he said, referring to the ruling Liberal Democratic Party. The CDPJ was formed less than three weeks before the Oct. 22 election, after the then-main opposition Democratic Party s leader decided not to field candidates and encouraged them to run on Tokyo Governor Yuriko Koike s novice conservative party s slate. It grabbed the top opposition spot in the lower house poll, although its 54 seats are dwarfed by the 283 won by Abe s conservative LDP. Since we are the biggest opposition party, we must aim at a change in government in the next election, or else democracy is not functioning, said Edano, who said he was surprised by his party s success. That is our responsibility. The next general election must be held by October 2021. The CDPJ opposes Abe s proposal to revise Article 9 of Japan s post-war constitution, which bans a standing military but has been interpreted to allow armed forces exclusively for self defence, and unlike the more authoritarian LDP, stresses civil rights rather than obligations to the state. The party appears to have a long way to go, given support at 7.9 percent against 38.1 percent for the LDP in a survey by NHK public broadcaster this week. Edano s fighting words, however, mark a contrast from the failed Democratic Party s stance in recent polls, when it aimed only to keep Abe s coalition from winning a two-thirds super majority rather than ousting it. Edano said he would not repeat the mistakes of the Democrats, which from the start was an amalgam of conservatives, liberals and ex-socialists and ended up being plagued by infighting during its 2009-2012 term in office. Our positions were clear, he said, explaining why he thought the CDPJ outperformed opposition rivals. We must not make our ideas and policies vague just to broaden (the party). Edano said Abe s biggest defect was his apparent belief that a majority entitled him to do whatever he wanted. Abe, whose support was at 49 percent in the NHK poll, saw his ratings sink this year partly due to perceptions he had grown arrogant. Democracy doesn t mean you get a blank cheque, Edano said. (This version of the story fixes typo in PM s name in first paragraph)
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: The leader of the small Constitutional Democratic Party of Japan, which out-performed expectations in an October vote, now hopes that by offering clear policy alternatives he can oust Prime Minister Shinzo Abe s coalition in the next election. One key to achieving that ambitious goal, said party founder Yukio Edano, is an economic platform that puts more weight on redistributing wealth, including by raising corporate taxes to push firms to use their cash reserves to raise wages. Unless we have reasonable redistribution to achieve growth, domestic demand will not expand, Edano, 53, told Reuters in an interview. That is a clear difference from the LDP, he said, referring to the ruling Liberal Democratic Party. The CDPJ was formed less than three weeks before the Oct. 22 election, after the then-main opposition Democratic Party s leader decided not to field candidates and encouraged them to run on Tokyo Governor Yuriko Koike s novice conservative party s slate. It grabbed the top opposition spot in the lower house poll, although its 54 seats are dwarfed by the 283 won by Abe s conservative LDP. Since we are the biggest opposition party, we must aim at a change in government in the next election, or else democracy is not functioning, said Edano, who said he was surprised by his party s success. That is our responsibility. The next general election must be held by October 2021. The CDPJ opposes Abe s proposal to revise Article 9 of Japan s post-war constitution, which bans a standing military but has been interpreted to allow armed forces exclusively for self defence, and unlike the more authoritarian LDP, stresses civil rights rather than obligations to the state. The party appears to have a long way to go, given support at 7.9 percent against 38.1 percent for the LDP in a survey by NHK public broadcaster this week. Edano s fighting words, however, mark a contrast from the failed Democratic Party s stance in recent polls, when it aimed only to keep Abe s coalition from winning a two-thirds super majority rather than ousting it. Edano said he would not repeat the mistakes of the Democrats, which from the start was an amalgam of conservatives, liberals and ex-socialists and ended up being plagued by infighting during its 2009-2012 term in office. Our positions were clear, he said, explaining why he thought the CDPJ outperformed opposition rivals. We must not make our ideas and policies vague just to broaden (the party). Edano said Abe s biggest defect was his apparent belief that a majority entitled him to do whatever he wanted. Abe, whose support was at 49 percent in the NHK poll, saw his ratings sink this year partly due to perceptions he had grown arrogant. Democracy doesn t mean you get a blank cheque, Edano said. (This version of the story fixes typo in PM s name in first paragraph)
Well, get busy people! With the cyber attacks happening all over the place, you’d think the feds would try and hurry the protections against any future attacks. China s got our number for sure
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: Well, get busy people! With the cyber attacks happening all over the place, you’d think the feds would try and hurry the protections against any future attacks. China s got our number for sure
British aid minister Priti Patel resigned on Wednesday, saying her actions had fallen below the high standards that are expected of her position when she failed to disclose meetings with Israeli officials during a holiday. After meeting Theresa May, the prime minister s office released Patel s resignation letter in which she apologized for causing a distraction from the work of government. May responded in a letter to say she believed Patel s decision was right .
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: British aid minister Priti Patel resigned on Wednesday, saying her actions had fallen below the high standards that are expected of her position when she failed to disclose meetings with Israeli officials during a holiday. After meeting Theresa May, the prime minister s office released Patel s resignation letter in which she apologized for causing a distraction from the work of government. May responded in a letter to say she believed Patel s decision was right .
Myanmar should respond responsibly to attacks on security forces in the country s Rakhine State, respecting rule of law and human rights, a senior official of the U.S. State Department said on Friday. Patrick Murphy, deputy assistant secretary of state for East Asia, told reporters Washington saw shortcomings on the part of the security forces and the government in dealing with the situation in Rakhine and was pushing for urgent restoration of access for humanitarian assistance and journalists there.
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: Myanmar should respond responsibly to attacks on security forces in the country s Rakhine State, respecting rule of law and human rights, a senior official of the U.S. State Department said on Friday. Patrick Murphy, deputy assistant secretary of state for East Asia, told reporters Washington saw shortcomings on the part of the security forces and the government in dealing with the situation in Rakhine and was pushing for urgent restoration of access for humanitarian assistance and journalists there.
A financial transaction tax proposed by Britain s opposition Labour Party would risk the competitiveness of London s financial center, the City of London Corporation said on Sunday, calling for the proposal to be scrapped. The leftist Labour Party, which is holding its annual conference in southern English town of Brighton, has advocated a so-called Robin Hood tax to levy charges on bond and derivative trades. It says the tax could raise 4.7 billion pounds ($6.34 billion) to fund higher public spending. But the City of London Corporation, the body which administers policy in the central London financial district, criticized the policy. A financial transactions tax, however described, would be a unilateral policy which would weaken our hand and undermine our competitiveness, said the corporation s Policy Chairman, Catherine McGuinness. Labour lost a general election in 2017, and one is not scheduled until 2022, but Labour is banking on Prime Minister Theresa May s government falling sooner and has briefed financial institutions on its plan in recent months. On the first main day of his party s conference, Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn was asked about his approach to taxation said: I don t think I m worried about taxing the super rich and the super wealthy. The objective surely has to be stronger economic base for everybody in this country and dealing with the waste of poverty and inequality, he told the BBC.
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: A financial transaction tax proposed by Britain s opposition Labour Party would risk the competitiveness of London s financial center, the City of London Corporation said on Sunday, calling for the proposal to be scrapped. The leftist Labour Party, which is holding its annual conference in southern English town of Brighton, has advocated a so-called Robin Hood tax to levy charges on bond and derivative trades. It says the tax could raise 4.7 billion pounds ($6.34 billion) to fund higher public spending. But the City of London Corporation, the body which administers policy in the central London financial district, criticized the policy. A financial transactions tax, however described, would be a unilateral policy which would weaken our hand and undermine our competitiveness, said the corporation s Policy Chairman, Catherine McGuinness. Labour lost a general election in 2017, and one is not scheduled until 2022, but Labour is banking on Prime Minister Theresa May s government falling sooner and has briefed financial institutions on its plan in recent months. On the first main day of his party s conference, Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn was asked about his approach to taxation said: I don t think I m worried about taxing the super rich and the super wealthy. The objective surely has to be stronger economic base for everybody in this country and dealing with the waste of poverty and inequality, he told the BBC.