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Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump said on Tuesday the United States should use waterboarding and other harsh interrogation techniques when questioning terror suspects, and renewed his call for tougher U.S. border security after the attacks in Brussels. The billionaire businessman said authorities “should be able to do whatever they have to do” to gain information in an effort to thwart future attacks. “Waterboarding would be fine. If they can expand the laws, I would do a lot more than waterboarding,” Trump said on NBC’s “Today” program, adding he believed torture could produce useful leads. “You have to get the information from these people.” Waterboarding, the practice of pouring water over someone’s face to simulate drowning as an interrogation tactic, was banned by President Barack Obama days after he took office in 2009. Critics call it torture. Trump’s main Republican rival, U.S. Senator Ted Cruz of Texas, suggested heightened police scrutiny of neighborhoods with large Muslim populations. “We need to empower law enforcement to patrol and secure Muslim neighborhoods before they become radicalized,” he said in a statement. Trump also called for increased law enforcement surveillance of mosques in the United States. “You need surveillance. You have to deal with the mosques, whether we like it or not,” Trump told Fox Business Network. “These attacks ... they’re not done by Swedish people, that I can tell you.” Islamic State claimed responsibility for Tuesday’s suicide bomb attacks on Brussels airport and a rush-hour metro train in the Belgian capital which killed at least 30 people. Trump, who has called for a temporary ban on Muslims entering the country, urged tougher measures to stop the flow of illegal immigrants, particularly Syrian refugees, into America. “As president ... I would be very, very tough on the borders, and I would be not allowing certain people to come into this country without absolute perfect documentation,” said Trump, campaigning to become the Republican nominee for the Nov. 8 election that will decide on Obama’s successor. The Brussels attacks brought national security back to the top of the presidential election agenda, possibly sharpening the division between Trump’s isolationist approach to foreign policy and his Republican rivals’ more traditional interventionist outlook. On Monday, Trump expressed skepticism about the U.S. role in the North Atlantic Treaty Organization and said the United States should significantly cut spending on the defense alliance. Cruz criticized Trump’s NATO proposal. “The way to respond to terrorist attacks is not weakness. It’s not unilateral and preemptive surrender. Abandoning Europe, withdrawing from NATO, as Trump suggests, is preemptive surrender,” Cruz told reporters in Washington. Earlier attacks in Paris and San Bernardino, California, have pushed security issues to the forefront of the White House campaign debate. When 130 people were killed in Paris in November, the threat of terrorism jumped from fifth to first on a Reuters/Ipsos poll list of the country’s most important problems and remained there until the economy moved back to the top of the list in mid-January. Democratic presidential front-runner Hillary Clinton said U.S. military leaders have found techniques like waterboarding are not effective. “We’ve got to work this through consistent with our values,” she said on NBC, adding officials “do not need to resort to torture, but they are going to need more help.” Clinton’s Democratic rival, U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders of Vermont, backed stronger intelligence-sharing and monitoring of social media in the fight against Islamist militants, but opposed bolstered surveillance of Muslim communities. “That would be unconstitutional, and it would be wrong. We are fighting a terrorist organization, a barbaric organization that is killing innocent people. We are not fighting a religion,” Sanders told reporters. Walid Phares, named by Trump this week as one of his foreign policy experts, told Reuters the Brussels attacks would force Europe and the United States to “reassess” counter-terrorism strategies in “identifying the radicalized elements and also the type of protection soft targets need.” Trump looks to take another step toward winning the Republican presidential nomination in contests in Arizona and Utah on Tuesday, aiming to deal another setback to the party establishment’s flagging stop-Trump movement. He has a big lead in convention delegates who will pick the Republican nominee, defying weeks of attacks from members of the party establishment worried he will lead the Republicans to defeat in November. In Arizona, one of the U.S. states that borders Mexico, Trump’s hardline immigration message is popular and he leads in polls, while in Utah Trump lags in polls behind Cruz. In addition to the temporary ban on Muslims entering the country, Trump has called for the building of a wall on the U.S.-Mexican border to halt illegal immigration.
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump said on Tuesday the United States should use waterboarding and other harsh interrogation techniques when questioning terror suspects, and renewed his call for tougher U.S. border security after the attacks in Brussels. The billionaire businessman said authorities “should be able to do whatever they have to do” to gain information in an effort to thwart future attacks. “Waterboarding would be fine. If they can expand the laws, I would do a lot more than waterboarding,” Trump said on NBC’s “Today” program, adding he believed torture could produce useful leads. “You have to get the information from these people.” Waterboarding, the practice of pouring water over someone’s face to simulate drowning as an interrogation tactic, was banned by President Barack Obama days after he took office in 2009. Critics call it torture. Trump’s main Republican rival, U.S. Senator Ted Cruz of Texas, suggested heightened police scrutiny of neighborhoods with large Muslim populations. “We need to empower law enforcement to patrol and secure Muslim neighborhoods before they become radicalized,” he said in a statement. Trump also called for increased law enforcement surveillance of mosques in the United States. “You need surveillance. You have to deal with the mosques, whether we like it or not,” Trump told Fox Business Network. “These attacks ... they’re not done by Swedish people, that I can tell you.” Islamic State claimed responsibility for Tuesday’s suicide bomb attacks on Brussels airport and a rush-hour metro train in the Belgian capital which killed at least 30 people. Trump, who has called for a temporary ban on Muslims entering the country, urged tougher measures to stop the flow of illegal immigrants, particularly Syrian refugees, into America. “As president ... I would be very, very tough on the borders, and I would be not allowing certain people to come into this country without absolute perfect documentation,” said Trump, campaigning to become the Republican nominee for the Nov. 8 election that will decide on Obama’s successor. The Brussels attacks brought national security back to the top of the presidential election agenda, possibly sharpening the division between Trump’s isolationist approach to foreign policy and his Republican rivals’ more traditional interventionist outlook. On Monday, Trump expressed skepticism about the U.S. role in the North Atlantic Treaty Organization and said the United States should significantly cut spending on the defense alliance. Cruz criticized Trump’s NATO proposal. “The way to respond to terrorist attacks is not weakness. It’s not unilateral and preemptive surrender. Abandoning Europe, withdrawing from NATO, as Trump suggests, is preemptive surrender,” Cruz told reporters in Washington. Earlier attacks in Paris and San Bernardino, California, have pushed security issues to the forefront of the White House campaign debate. When 130 people were killed in Paris in November, the threat of terrorism jumped from fifth to first on a Reuters/Ipsos poll list of the country’s most important problems and remained there until the economy moved back to the top of the list in mid-January. Democratic presidential front-runner Hillary Clinton said U.S. military leaders have found techniques like waterboarding are not effective. “We’ve got to work this through consistent with our values,” she said on NBC, adding officials “do not need to resort to torture, but they are going to need more help.” Clinton’s Democratic rival, U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders of Vermont, backed stronger intelligence-sharing and monitoring of social media in the fight against Islamist militants, but opposed bolstered surveillance of Muslim communities. “That would be unconstitutional, and it would be wrong. We are fighting a terrorist organization, a barbaric organization that is killing innocent people. We are not fighting a religion,” Sanders told reporters. Walid Phares, named by Trump this week as one of his foreign policy experts, told Reuters the Brussels attacks would force Europe and the United States to “reassess” counter-terrorism strategies in “identifying the radicalized elements and also the type of protection soft targets need.” Trump looks to take another step toward winning the Republican presidential nomination in contests in Arizona and Utah on Tuesday, aiming to deal another setback to the party establishment’s flagging stop-Trump movement. He has a big lead in convention delegates who will pick the Republican nominee, defying weeks of attacks from members of the party establishment worried he will lead the Republicans to defeat in November. In Arizona, one of the U.S. states that borders Mexico, Trump’s hardline immigration message is popular and he leads in polls, while in Utah Trump lags in polls behind Cruz. In addition to the temporary ban on Muslims entering the country, Trump has called for the building of a wall on the U.S.-Mexican border to halt illegal immigration.
A tropical storm in the southern Philippines triggered mudslides and flash floods that killed more than 100 people, while dozens are missing, police and disaster officials said on Saturday. The casualties, most of them caused late on Friday, were all on the main southern island of Mindanao, they said, adding three provinces were hardest hit. Disaster officials said many residents had ignored warnings to leave coastal areas and riverbanks. Many people were swept to the sea as flood waters quickly rose due to the high tide, Manuel Luis Ochotorena, a disaster agency official, said. They never heeded the warnings. They thought it was a weak storm but it dumped more rains. Hundreds of kilometers to the east, army and emergency workers were checking reports an entire village was buried by mudslide in Tubod town in Lanao del Norte. Ryan Cabus, a local official, said power and communication lines to the area had been cut, complicating rescue efforts. The weather bureau said the storm had gathered strength over the Sulu Sea and was packing winds of up 80 kph (50 mph) and moving west at 20 kph. It was heading out over the sea by midday on Saturday and would have moved clear of the Philippines by Monday, it said. Emergency workers, soldiers, police and volunteers were being mobilized to search for survivors, clear debris, and restore power and communications. More than 100 deaths were reported in various places including 60 in Tubod, El Salvador and Munai towns in Lanao del Norte province. In Zamboanga del Norte province, police said 42 people had been killed in the towns of Sibuco and Salug. Three people were killed in Bukidnon province, while politicians in Lanao del Sur province said 18 people had drowned in flash floods there. Sixty-four people were reported missing in floods and landslides, according to a tally of reports form officials and police. The Philippines is battered by about 20 typhoons every year, bringing death and destruction, usually to the poorest communities. Last week, 46 people were killed in the central Philippines when a typhoon hit. In 2013, super typhoon Haiyan killed nearly 8,000 people and left 200,000 families homeless.
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: A tropical storm in the southern Philippines triggered mudslides and flash floods that killed more than 100 people, while dozens are missing, police and disaster officials said on Saturday. The casualties, most of them caused late on Friday, were all on the main southern island of Mindanao, they said, adding three provinces were hardest hit. Disaster officials said many residents had ignored warnings to leave coastal areas and riverbanks. Many people were swept to the sea as flood waters quickly rose due to the high tide, Manuel Luis Ochotorena, a disaster agency official, said. They never heeded the warnings. They thought it was a weak storm but it dumped more rains. Hundreds of kilometers to the east, army and emergency workers were checking reports an entire village was buried by mudslide in Tubod town in Lanao del Norte. Ryan Cabus, a local official, said power and communication lines to the area had been cut, complicating rescue efforts. The weather bureau said the storm had gathered strength over the Sulu Sea and was packing winds of up 80 kph (50 mph) and moving west at 20 kph. It was heading out over the sea by midday on Saturday and would have moved clear of the Philippines by Monday, it said. Emergency workers, soldiers, police and volunteers were being mobilized to search for survivors, clear debris, and restore power and communications. More than 100 deaths were reported in various places including 60 in Tubod, El Salvador and Munai towns in Lanao del Norte province. In Zamboanga del Norte province, police said 42 people had been killed in the towns of Sibuco and Salug. Three people were killed in Bukidnon province, while politicians in Lanao del Sur province said 18 people had drowned in flash floods there. Sixty-four people were reported missing in floods and landslides, according to a tally of reports form officials and police. The Philippines is battered by about 20 typhoons every year, bringing death and destruction, usually to the poorest communities. Last week, 46 people were killed in the central Philippines when a typhoon hit. In 2013, super typhoon Haiyan killed nearly 8,000 people and left 200,000 families homeless.
The creator of Family Guy responded on Sunday to the Orlando mass shooting and humiliated a couple of gun nuts along the way.On Saturday, a gunman killed 50 people at a gay nightclub in Florida. It is now the worst mass shooting in American history and has reignited the calls for gun safety regulations.And comedian Seth MacFarlane added his voice to those making such calls by calling for a ban on automatic weapons in a post on Twitter. These shootings are a regular occurrence, MacFarlane wrote. You don’t get to be shocked anymore unless you take action to stop them. Ban automatic weapons. These shootings are a regular occurrence. You don’t get to be shocked anymore unless you take action to stop them. Ban automatic weapons. Seth MacFarlane (@SethMacFarlane) June 12, 2016Of course, a couple gun nuts took issue with MacFarlane s call to action.One Twitter user claimed that MacFarlane s call to ban automatic weapons would be like banning planes after the 9/11 attacks. The voice of Peter Griffin responded that unlike guns, planes aren’t designed to kill people. RT @JIMDETHOMAS: @SethMacFarlane should’ve banned planes after 9/11. // A plane s primary function is not to kill. Get the difference? Seth MacFarlane (@SethMacFarlane) June 12, 2016A second gun nut posted the dubious conservative claim that if a single person had been carrying a gun that night less people would have been killed. MacFarlane responded with the fact that there hasn’t been a single example of a good guy with a gun preventing a mass shooting in progress.RT @xNathan30x: one person carrying a concealed handgun in that club could have ended that horror. // Often stated, never once happened. Seth MacFarlane (@SethMacFarlane) June 12, 2016In the end, MacFarlane lamented that all the responses, presumably the negative ones, are enough to cause even him to be depressed. Man. Twitter responses to all this on my feed are enough to send the even cheeriest soul into a deep depression. Seth MacFarlane (@SethMacFarlane) June 12, 2016Banning automatic weapons is not the only way to reduce gun violence. We need a better background check system and we need to ban people on the terrorist watch list from being able to buy guns. Plus, we desperately need better mental healthcare in this country. But Republicans in Congress refuse to do anything that will upset their NRA masters, and that s why we can expect more mass shootings unless we send people to Congress who will take action to prevent gun violence instead of simply offering useless thoughts and prayers.Featured image via Wikimedia
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: The creator of Family Guy responded on Sunday to the Orlando mass shooting and humiliated a couple of gun nuts along the way.On Saturday, a gunman killed 50 people at a gay nightclub in Florida. It is now the worst mass shooting in American history and has reignited the calls for gun safety regulations.And comedian Seth MacFarlane added his voice to those making such calls by calling for a ban on automatic weapons in a post on Twitter. These shootings are a regular occurrence, MacFarlane wrote. You don’t get to be shocked anymore unless you take action to stop them. Ban automatic weapons. These shootings are a regular occurrence. You don’t get to be shocked anymore unless you take action to stop them. Ban automatic weapons. Seth MacFarlane (@SethMacFarlane) June 12, 2016Of course, a couple gun nuts took issue with MacFarlane s call to action.One Twitter user claimed that MacFarlane s call to ban automatic weapons would be like banning planes after the 9/11 attacks. The voice of Peter Griffin responded that unlike guns, planes aren’t designed to kill people. RT @JIMDETHOMAS: @SethMacFarlane should’ve banned planes after 9/11. // A plane s primary function is not to kill. Get the difference? Seth MacFarlane (@SethMacFarlane) June 12, 2016A second gun nut posted the dubious conservative claim that if a single person had been carrying a gun that night less people would have been killed. MacFarlane responded with the fact that there hasn’t been a single example of a good guy with a gun preventing a mass shooting in progress.RT @xNathan30x: one person carrying a concealed handgun in that club could have ended that horror. // Often stated, never once happened. Seth MacFarlane (@SethMacFarlane) June 12, 2016In the end, MacFarlane lamented that all the responses, presumably the negative ones, are enough to cause even him to be depressed. Man. Twitter responses to all this on my feed are enough to send the even cheeriest soul into a deep depression. Seth MacFarlane (@SethMacFarlane) June 12, 2016Banning automatic weapons is not the only way to reduce gun violence. We need a better background check system and we need to ban people on the terrorist watch list from being able to buy guns. Plus, we desperately need better mental healthcare in this country. But Republicans in Congress refuse to do anything that will upset their NRA masters, and that s why we can expect more mass shootings unless we send people to Congress who will take action to prevent gun violence instead of simply offering useless thoughts and prayers.Featured image via Wikimedia
Billionaire philanthropist Betsy DeVos, already known as one of the most controversial nominees for education secretary in U.S. history, now risks a rare congressional rejection. The deeply divided U.S. Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee on Tuesday agreed to send her nomination to the full chamber for a vote, the final step in the confirmation process. But the committee’s executive session showed DeVos faces choppy waters ahead for a post for which there is typically little congressional debate or public attention. The chairman, Republican Lamar Alexander, acted as tie-breaker after all 11 Republicans voted for Republican President Donald Trump’s pick and all 11 Democrats voted against. Two Republicans - Maine’s Susan Collins and Alaska’s Lisa Murkowski - expressed grave misgivings about the charter school advocate’s limited experience with public schools. They said they voted yes only so the entire Senate can debate whether DeVos is the right fit. Murkowski said she may not support DeVos in the Senate vote. Democrats said the nomination was rushed, with DeVos providing answers they described as vague and noncommittal to hundreds of written questions only 24 hours before the vote. After many of Trump’s nominees sailed through their confirmations in recent weeks, the names currently before the Senate were meeting resistance. The Senate’s 48 Democrats only need to pull three Republicans to their side to reject DeVos’ nomination. Just nine nominees have ever been turned down by the Senate. Public opposition to DeVos is unusually fierce, said Mary Kusler, lobbyist for the National Education Association, a large union that said constituents sent 1 million emails and placed 40,000 calls to senators decrying the nomination. It was the biggest public outcry over an education secretary that Kusler has seen in her career of more than 20 years, she added. NEA and the American Federation of Teachers, another major union, say they will keep up their anti-DeVos fight during the Senate vote and expect voters will also maintain pressure. Public opinion of DeVos wobbled after her Jan. 17 hearing, where she suggested allowing guns at rural schools to fend off bear attacks. At two rallies on Tuesday in Chicago, several hundred protesters gathered to demonstrate against DeVos’ nomination. “I have one child in school, and my son will be (in school) in a little over a year,” said Chicago resident Mara Tierney, who attended a rally with her 3-year-old boy. “I want to do what I can to ensure DeVos is not confirmed.” Old-guard Republicans like former first lady Barbara Bush defended DeVos as a lifelong champion of low-income children, literacy and giving parents more choice in education. Democrats, meanwhile, blasted the nominee for supporting privatization in ways they said hurt poor students, not understanding basic education laws and issues, and courting potential conflicts of interest through her investments.
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: Billionaire philanthropist Betsy DeVos, already known as one of the most controversial nominees for education secretary in U.S. history, now risks a rare congressional rejection. The deeply divided U.S. Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee on Tuesday agreed to send her nomination to the full chamber for a vote, the final step in the confirmation process. But the committee’s executive session showed DeVos faces choppy waters ahead for a post for which there is typically little congressional debate or public attention. The chairman, Republican Lamar Alexander, acted as tie-breaker after all 11 Republicans voted for Republican President Donald Trump’s pick and all 11 Democrats voted against. Two Republicans - Maine’s Susan Collins and Alaska’s Lisa Murkowski - expressed grave misgivings about the charter school advocate’s limited experience with public schools. They said they voted yes only so the entire Senate can debate whether DeVos is the right fit. Murkowski said she may not support DeVos in the Senate vote. Democrats said the nomination was rushed, with DeVos providing answers they described as vague and noncommittal to hundreds of written questions only 24 hours before the vote. After many of Trump’s nominees sailed through their confirmations in recent weeks, the names currently before the Senate were meeting resistance. The Senate’s 48 Democrats only need to pull three Republicans to their side to reject DeVos’ nomination. Just nine nominees have ever been turned down by the Senate. Public opposition to DeVos is unusually fierce, said Mary Kusler, lobbyist for the National Education Association, a large union that said constituents sent 1 million emails and placed 40,000 calls to senators decrying the nomination. It was the biggest public outcry over an education secretary that Kusler has seen in her career of more than 20 years, she added. NEA and the American Federation of Teachers, another major union, say they will keep up their anti-DeVos fight during the Senate vote and expect voters will also maintain pressure. Public opinion of DeVos wobbled after her Jan. 17 hearing, where she suggested allowing guns at rural schools to fend off bear attacks. At two rallies on Tuesday in Chicago, several hundred protesters gathered to demonstrate against DeVos’ nomination. “I have one child in school, and my son will be (in school) in a little over a year,” said Chicago resident Mara Tierney, who attended a rally with her 3-year-old boy. “I want to do what I can to ensure DeVos is not confirmed.” Old-guard Republicans like former first lady Barbara Bush defended DeVos as a lifelong champion of low-income children, literacy and giving parents more choice in education. Democrats, meanwhile, blasted the nominee for supporting privatization in ways they said hurt poor students, not understanding basic education laws and issues, and courting potential conflicts of interest through her investments.
U.S. President Donald Trump said on Thursday that Iran is violating the spirit of the Iran nuclear deal, but stopped short of saying whether he will refuse to recertify the agreement. Talking to reporters aboard Air Force One as he flew to Washington after a visit to storm-hit Florida, Trump called the Iran deal negotiated by former President Barack Obama, one of the worst deals I have ever seen. Saying that Iran is violating the spirit of the agreement, Trump said, We are not going to stand for what they are doing.
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: U.S. President Donald Trump said on Thursday that Iran is violating the spirit of the Iran nuclear deal, but stopped short of saying whether he will refuse to recertify the agreement. Talking to reporters aboard Air Force One as he flew to Washington after a visit to storm-hit Florida, Trump called the Iran deal negotiated by former President Barack Obama, one of the worst deals I have ever seen. Saying that Iran is violating the spirit of the agreement, Trump said, We are not going to stand for what they are doing.
Former CIA analyst and retired U.S. Army Reserve Lieutenant Colonel Tony Shaffer told Lou Dobbs on Tuesday President Trump needs to understand deep state has declared war against his administration. He needs to fire top two levels in intelligence to clean house.THE DEEP STATE:Never in American history has there been a more highly organized group of people, the deep state , attempting to subvert the will of the American people, in this case, the Trump presidency. Peter Schweizer discusses the efforts of the deep state , their conspiracy campaign against Donald Trump and its potential impact on President Trump’s administration.
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: Former CIA analyst and retired U.S. Army Reserve Lieutenant Colonel Tony Shaffer told Lou Dobbs on Tuesday President Trump needs to understand deep state has declared war against his administration. He needs to fire top two levels in intelligence to clean house.THE DEEP STATE:Never in American history has there been a more highly organized group of people, the deep state , attempting to subvert the will of the American people, in this case, the Trump presidency. Peter Schweizer discusses the efforts of the deep state , their conspiracy campaign against Donald Trump and its potential impact on President Trump’s administration.
Watch CNN, Dana Bash ask Donald a question she wishes she didn’t:Trump’shuts down Dana Bash after questioning him for "taking time off" to attend his hotel's grand opening. Asa J (@asamjulian) October 26, 2016
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: Watch CNN, Dana Bash ask Donald a question she wishes she didn’t:Trump’shuts down Dana Bash after questioning him for "taking time off" to attend his hotel's grand opening. Asa J (@asamjulian) October 26, 2016
It could take years to learn how long men infected with Zika are capable of sexually transmitting the virus, which can cause crippling birth defects and other serious neurological disorders. In the meantime, health officials have warned couples to refrain from unprotected sex for six months after a male partner is infected. The extraordinary recommendation, based on a single report of Zika surviving 62 days in semen, could affect millions. The grave risks associated with Zika, along with its potential reach, are driving U.S. health authorities to pursue research even though funding is mired in Congressional gridlock. A study of sexual transmission risk is one example of science that health officials said can’t wait for politics. Borrowing money earmarked for other programs, the U.S. National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases has started enrolling men infected with Zika in Brazil and Colombia in the study to determine how long the virus remains transmittable in semen. The study could take years to complete, but interim results could help public health officials fine-tune their recommendations on sex. “We are going out on a limb, but we have to,” Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the U.S. institute, said in an interview. “We can’t say we’re going to wait until we get all the money.” Public health officials are alarmed by Zika’s transmission versatility, which has the potential to expand its reach. It is primarily spread by Aedes aegypti mosquitoes, as are the dengue and chikungunya viruses. But at least 10 countries, including the United States and France, have reported Zika infections in people who had not traveled to an outbreak area but whose sexual partners had. This ability to spread through sex could help Zika gain a further foothold outside the warm habitats of its most effective agent, the mosquito. To protect women who are pregnant or trying to conceive, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommended couples refrain from unprotected sex for six months - triple the 62 days the virus survived in the semen in one British case study. The World Health Organization recently issued similar guidance. But such strict advice is not ideal, Dr. Anne Schuchat, a CDC deputy director, said in an interview. “To tell people not to have sex until we get back to you is not a very satisfying recommendation,” she said. “We would like to have some more understanding of the sexual risk.” In the U.S. territory of Puerto Rico, where more than 2,100 cases of infection have been reported since the start of the year, health officials are passing out Zika protection kits that include bug spray and condoms, along with the recommendation. But the warning against unprotected sex isn’t going over very well, said Dr. Chris Prue, a CDC behavioral scientist who has studied the response. “Condoms are not popular in a lot places,” she said. “There’s religious and personal preferences and lots of personal factors in that.” U.S. lawmakers deadlocked over funding to fight the Zika virus on Tuesday, as Senate Democrats blocked a Republican proposal they said fell short of the challenge posed by the virus and hurt other health priorities. It was unclear when Congress would revisit the request by President Barack Obama for $1.9 billion. In the meantime, the White House has diverted more than $500 million earmarked for other projects for urgent Zika initiatives, including those where scientific opportunities will be lost if not acted upon immediately. One such study will follow children born to women infected with Zika to identify the development of any disabilities not detected at birth. Other projects on the priority list include vaccine development and mosquito eradication.   One study underway will assess whether the risk of transmission is greater from men who experience Zika infection symptoms, such as fever and rash, than from those who don’t. This information is considered vital since most people experience no symptoms. The study of infected men in Brazil and Colombia will test semen from thousands of men over time to determine how long Zika poses a risk to sexual partners. As long the virus can be grown in a laboratory from semen cell samples, infectious disease experts believe it is potentially contagious. Zika typically clears the bloodstream about a week after infection, but it has been detected in urine for at least twice as long. Its persistence in semen in the British case study has caused some researchers to draw comparisons to other viruses. HIV can last in blood and semen indefinitely, and the mosquito-borne West Nile virus can reside in the kidneys and urine for years, researchers said. One patient who survived the deadly Ebola outbreak had evidence of that virus in his semen for 18 months. “We got very surprised by Ebola that it was hanging around for so long,” said Dr. Peter Hotez, dean of the National School of Tropical Medicine at Baylor College of Medicine. “One of the big questions we have to ask is does Zika also cause a similar type of latency?”
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: It could take years to learn how long men infected with Zika are capable of sexually transmitting the virus, which can cause crippling birth defects and other serious neurological disorders. In the meantime, health officials have warned couples to refrain from unprotected sex for six months after a male partner is infected. The extraordinary recommendation, based on a single report of Zika surviving 62 days in semen, could affect millions. The grave risks associated with Zika, along with its potential reach, are driving U.S. health authorities to pursue research even though funding is mired in Congressional gridlock. A study of sexual transmission risk is one example of science that health officials said can’t wait for politics. Borrowing money earmarked for other programs, the U.S. National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases has started enrolling men infected with Zika in Brazil and Colombia in the study to determine how long the virus remains transmittable in semen. The study could take years to complete, but interim results could help public health officials fine-tune their recommendations on sex. “We are going out on a limb, but we have to,” Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the U.S. institute, said in an interview. “We can’t say we’re going to wait until we get all the money.” Public health officials are alarmed by Zika’s transmission versatility, which has the potential to expand its reach. It is primarily spread by Aedes aegypti mosquitoes, as are the dengue and chikungunya viruses. But at least 10 countries, including the United States and France, have reported Zika infections in people who had not traveled to an outbreak area but whose sexual partners had. This ability to spread through sex could help Zika gain a further foothold outside the warm habitats of its most effective agent, the mosquito. To protect women who are pregnant or trying to conceive, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommended couples refrain from unprotected sex for six months - triple the 62 days the virus survived in the semen in one British case study. The World Health Organization recently issued similar guidance. But such strict advice is not ideal, Dr. Anne Schuchat, a CDC deputy director, said in an interview. “To tell people not to have sex until we get back to you is not a very satisfying recommendation,” she said. “We would like to have some more understanding of the sexual risk.” In the U.S. territory of Puerto Rico, where more than 2,100 cases of infection have been reported since the start of the year, health officials are passing out Zika protection kits that include bug spray and condoms, along with the recommendation. But the warning against unprotected sex isn’t going over very well, said Dr. Chris Prue, a CDC behavioral scientist who has studied the response. “Condoms are not popular in a lot places,” she said. “There’s religious and personal preferences and lots of personal factors in that.” U.S. lawmakers deadlocked over funding to fight the Zika virus on Tuesday, as Senate Democrats blocked a Republican proposal they said fell short of the challenge posed by the virus and hurt other health priorities. It was unclear when Congress would revisit the request by President Barack Obama for $1.9 billion. In the meantime, the White House has diverted more than $500 million earmarked for other projects for urgent Zika initiatives, including those where scientific opportunities will be lost if not acted upon immediately. One such study will follow children born to women infected with Zika to identify the development of any disabilities not detected at birth. Other projects on the priority list include vaccine development and mosquito eradication.   One study underway will assess whether the risk of transmission is greater from men who experience Zika infection symptoms, such as fever and rash, than from those who don’t. This information is considered vital since most people experience no symptoms. The study of infected men in Brazil and Colombia will test semen from thousands of men over time to determine how long Zika poses a risk to sexual partners. As long the virus can be grown in a laboratory from semen cell samples, infectious disease experts believe it is potentially contagious. Zika typically clears the bloodstream about a week after infection, but it has been detected in urine for at least twice as long. Its persistence in semen in the British case study has caused some researchers to draw comparisons to other viruses. HIV can last in blood and semen indefinitely, and the mosquito-borne West Nile virus can reside in the kidneys and urine for years, researchers said. One patient who survived the deadly Ebola outbreak had evidence of that virus in his semen for 18 months. “We got very surprised by Ebola that it was hanging around for so long,” said Dr. Peter Hotez, dean of the National School of Tropical Medicine at Baylor College of Medicine. “One of the big questions we have to ask is does Zika also cause a similar type of latency?”
Russian President Vladimir Putin said he did not know who was behind the hacking of U.S. Democratic Party organizations but the information uncovered was important, Bloomberg news agency reported on Friday. In an interview two days before a G20 meeting in China with U.S. President Barack Obama and other world leaders, Putin said it might be impossible to establish who engineered the release of sensitive Democratic Party emails but it was not done by the Russian government. “Does it even matter who hacked this data?” Putin said. “The important thing is the content that was given to the public.” “There’s no need to distract the public’s attention from the essence of the problem by raising some minor issues connected with the search for who did it,” he added. “But I want to tell you again, I don’t know anything about it, and on a state level Russia has never done this.” The hacked emails, released by activist group WikiLeaks in July, appeared to show favoritism within the Democratic National Committee (DNC) for presidential nominee Hillary Clinton and prompted the resignation of the body’s chairwoman. A computer network used by Clinton’s campaign, and the party’s fundraising committee for the U.S. House of Representatives were also hacked. Clinton, who polls show as leading Donald Trump in the campaign for the U.S. presidential election in November, has said Russian intelligence services conducted a cyber attack against her party. Some officials have suggested Moscow is trying to influence the U.S. election. Putin dismissed the allegations. “We have never interfered, are not interfering and do not intend to interfere in domestic politics,” he said. “We will carefully watch what happens and wait for the election results. Then we are ready to work with any American administration, if they want to themselves.” Relations between Russia and United States hit a post-Cold War low in 2014 over the Ukraine crisis, and Washington and Moscow have since clashed over diverging policies in Syria. Obama said in August he would discuss the cyber attack with Putin if Russia was responsible, but it would not “wildly” alter the two countries’ relationship. The U.S. election contest has been hard fought and frequently dominated by both candidates’ attitudes toward Russia. Clinton has rounded on her Republican rival Trump for his perceived praise of Putin and what she says is an “absolute allegiance” to Russia’s foreign policy aims. Trump, in return, has said Clinton’s own close ties to the Russian president deserve greater scrutiny. Putin said both candidates were using shock tactics and that playing “the anti-Russian card” was short-sighted. “I wouldn’t like for us to follow their example,” he said. “I don’t think they are setting the best example.”
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: Russian President Vladimir Putin said he did not know who was behind the hacking of U.S. Democratic Party organizations but the information uncovered was important, Bloomberg news agency reported on Friday. In an interview two days before a G20 meeting in China with U.S. President Barack Obama and other world leaders, Putin said it might be impossible to establish who engineered the release of sensitive Democratic Party emails but it was not done by the Russian government. “Does it even matter who hacked this data?” Putin said. “The important thing is the content that was given to the public.” “There’s no need to distract the public’s attention from the essence of the problem by raising some minor issues connected with the search for who did it,” he added. “But I want to tell you again, I don’t know anything about it, and on a state level Russia has never done this.” The hacked emails, released by activist group WikiLeaks in July, appeared to show favoritism within the Democratic National Committee (DNC) for presidential nominee Hillary Clinton and prompted the resignation of the body’s chairwoman. A computer network used by Clinton’s campaign, and the party’s fundraising committee for the U.S. House of Representatives were also hacked. Clinton, who polls show as leading Donald Trump in the campaign for the U.S. presidential election in November, has said Russian intelligence services conducted a cyber attack against her party. Some officials have suggested Moscow is trying to influence the U.S. election. Putin dismissed the allegations. “We have never interfered, are not interfering and do not intend to interfere in domestic politics,” he said. “We will carefully watch what happens and wait for the election results. Then we are ready to work with any American administration, if they want to themselves.” Relations between Russia and United States hit a post-Cold War low in 2014 over the Ukraine crisis, and Washington and Moscow have since clashed over diverging policies in Syria. Obama said in August he would discuss the cyber attack with Putin if Russia was responsible, but it would not “wildly” alter the two countries’ relationship. The U.S. election contest has been hard fought and frequently dominated by both candidates’ attitudes toward Russia. Clinton has rounded on her Republican rival Trump for his perceived praise of Putin and what she says is an “absolute allegiance” to Russia’s foreign policy aims. Trump, in return, has said Clinton’s own close ties to the Russian president deserve greater scrutiny. Putin said both candidates were using shock tactics and that playing “the anti-Russian card” was short-sighted. “I wouldn’t like for us to follow their example,” he said. “I don’t think they are setting the best example.”
21st Century Wire says Here s an unusual, but extremely thought-provoking political take on the events of last week in Charlottesville in the context of America, and western society as a whole.What you are about to read will be considered very controversial by many people. This is an uncomfortable topic which generally no one enjoys talking about. Many readers may not want to hear it. You may not want to hear it either. It s a caustic conversation for sure. You might think the author is being over-dramatic, or maybe you won’t But it s a discussion which at least half of America wants to have.The publication, The Blaze, touts itself as Christian conservative and regularly exaggerate and politicizes its content, and frequently applies a moralistic or evangelical spin to it. For those reasons, it would be convenient for some to simply dismiss the article below because of its source. However, the fundamental comparison presented should be seriously considered and really should be discussed more in mainstream forums. In 2017, any challenging commentary regarding the topic of abortion is fiercely opposed by progressive gatekeepers, and women s rights activists who will often cite the 1973 US Supreme Court decision of Roe vs Wade as a cue to end any debate on the issue. This subject is also suppressed in most public and academic forums and it s strictly off-limits in the liberal mainstream corporate media. But society cannot continually sweep this under the rug America has to have this conversation, because it goes to the heart of the question. What kind of society do we live in ? . By Matt WalshIt was interesting timing. On Monday, CBS published an article touting Iceland s miracle cure for Down syndrome. Iceland is on pace to virtually eliminate Down syndrome through abortion, the headline read. Of course, it leaves out an important word. Iceland is eliminating Down syndrome people not Down syndrome itself by killing anyone who has the condition. Many countries, including our own, have discovered an identical treatment plan.The next day, Oregon was the beneficiary of similarly sanitized headlines. The governor of Oregon signed legislation expanding reproductive health access, the media reported. But the reports are misleading. The law actually forces all residents in the’state to pay for abortions for anyone who wants them, including illegal aliens. The bill has nothing at all to do with reproduction. Its goal is precisely to stop reproduction. Or at least to prevent the products of reproduction from ever seeing the light of day.I said the reports of these atrocities are interestingly timed because they come amidst a national panic over neo-Nazism. We are right to be disgusted and horrified by the few dozen white supremacist losers who carried Tiki torches through Charlottesville on Saturday. And we are right to demand justice for the woman who was killed by a skinhead terrorist during that same rally. But we are ridiculous for acting as if these racist nerds represent some threat to our national existence. Until there is even a shred of proof to the contrary, I am going to remain confident that the vast, vast, vast majority of our citizens do not sympathize with Nazism outright. Even one neo-Nazi is too many. A whole parade of them is a travesty. But we ought not lose our grip on reality. A little perspective is all I m suggesting.Now, the reader may have noted the conspicuous qualifier in the previous paragraph. The majority of our citizens do not sympathize with Nazism outright. Many, however, sympathize with some of the primary goals and most brutal tactics of the Nazi party. Though they may not think of it in those terms, they still celebrate the achievement of eliminating medical conditions by killing the babies who have it, and they applaud governments that expand reproductive health access by forcing helpless citizens to fund the mass extermination of human beings. They may not march through the’streets waving swastikas around, but they look with indifference or approval at our own version of the Nazi death camp. Indeed, with all due respect to the’skinheads who only play pretend Nazi, the’spirit of the Nazi movement really lives on in the abortion industry. Planned Parenthood may not hang the Nazi flag on the doors of its clinics, but it has enough blood on its hands to impress even the most prolific concentration camp executioner.I made this point yesterday, and I was informed even by some conservative folk that it is utterly inappropriate and insensitive for me to make such comparisons, especially when a woman was just killed by a neo-Nazi. Well, I feel terribly for that woman s family and I hope for the’swiftest and harshest judgment allowed under the law to be done upon her murderer. But I also feel terribly for the 17,000 or so human beings who were executed in abortion clinics since Saturday, and the 60 million who ve been exterminated since 1973. I don’t think there is ever an inappropriate time to acknowledge them, particularly when so many of us have dedicated ourselves to never acknowledging them, and especially during a week when the very people who support the continued legalization and tax funding of abortion death camps are running around accusing everyone else of condoning Nazism.I m sorry, but I just cannot physically stomach a You should be more forceful in condemning Nazism lecture from someone who has spent the last 40 years demanding that we applaud while millions of people have their skulls crushed by abortionists. Even less can I tolerate someone who wants to protect the innocent by tearing down historical statues, but cries about human rights violations when someone vandalizes a building where actual human beings are butchered and sold for parts.I do not pretend that all of the political goals of the pro-abortion left line up completely with the political goals of Nazis in 1940 s Germany. There are some striking similarities particularly the politicization of public health, the focus on environmental conservation, and the total disregard for free speech but that is not the point. I say that abortion enthusiasts have the’spirit of Nazism because that spirit is, more than anything, one of brutality, moral indifference, and absolute disregard for human life. It is a spirit that leads to mass exterminations and bloodshed on a scale that can hardly be fathomed. It is a spirit that compels a people to strive for collective perfection by killing the undesirables. Nazis exterminated the disabled, just as we do. And they killed Jews and Poles and Catholics and many other groups. Our focus is not racial cleansing but economic. We kill poor children, unwanted children, defective children; children who, we’ve decided, will be more trouble than they’re worth. They are a burden on society, we say, echoing Nazi propaganda almost verbatim.And we build facilities which we dedicate to carrying out this cleansing. The Nazi death camp was never abolished, you see. It was simply relocated and rebranded. Today we call it a reproductive health clinic, but what happens inside more closely resembles Auschwitz than it does your pediatrician s office.So, yes, speak out against those ridiculous bigots who ve latched onto Nazism in their desperate quest for purpose and attention. But if you want to oppose what they stand for, you need to look beyond them and towards that Planned Parenthood clinic you’drive by every day on the way to work. And if those Nazi wannabes in Charlottesville intend to be the ones in our country who best emulate their Nazi role models, it must be said that they are lagging far behind, especially in terms of body counts. Right now the tally is about 60 million to one, last I checked.They have a lot of catching up to do.This article was originally published at The Blaze. To see more from Matt Walsh, visit his channel here.READ MORE ALT RIGHT NEWS AT: 21st Century Wire ALT RIGHT FilesSUPPORT 21WIRE SUBSCRIBE & BECOME A MEMBER @ 21WIRE.TV
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: 21st Century Wire says Here s an unusual, but extremely thought-provoking political take on the events of last week in Charlottesville in the context of America, and western society as a whole.What you are about to read will be considered very controversial by many people. This is an uncomfortable topic which generally no one enjoys talking about. Many readers may not want to hear it. You may not want to hear it either. It s a caustic conversation for sure. You might think the author is being over-dramatic, or maybe you won’t But it s a discussion which at least half of America wants to have.The publication, The Blaze, touts itself as Christian conservative and regularly exaggerate and politicizes its content, and frequently applies a moralistic or evangelical spin to it. For those reasons, it would be convenient for some to simply dismiss the article below because of its source. However, the fundamental comparison presented should be seriously considered and really should be discussed more in mainstream forums. In 2017, any challenging commentary regarding the topic of abortion is fiercely opposed by progressive gatekeepers, and women s rights activists who will often cite the 1973 US Supreme Court decision of Roe vs Wade as a cue to end any debate on the issue. This subject is also suppressed in most public and academic forums and it s strictly off-limits in the liberal mainstream corporate media. But society cannot continually sweep this under the rug America has to have this conversation, because it goes to the heart of the question. What kind of society do we live in ? . By Matt WalshIt was interesting timing. On Monday, CBS published an article touting Iceland s miracle cure for Down syndrome. Iceland is on pace to virtually eliminate Down syndrome through abortion, the headline read. Of course, it leaves out an important word. Iceland is eliminating Down syndrome people not Down syndrome itself by killing anyone who has the condition. Many countries, including our own, have discovered an identical treatment plan.The next day, Oregon was the beneficiary of similarly sanitized headlines. The governor of Oregon signed legislation expanding reproductive health access, the media reported. But the reports are misleading. The law actually forces all residents in the’state to pay for abortions for anyone who wants them, including illegal aliens. The bill has nothing at all to do with reproduction. Its goal is precisely to stop reproduction. Or at least to prevent the products of reproduction from ever seeing the light of day.I said the reports of these atrocities are interestingly timed because they come amidst a national panic over neo-Nazism. We are right to be disgusted and horrified by the few dozen white supremacist losers who carried Tiki torches through Charlottesville on Saturday. And we are right to demand justice for the woman who was killed by a skinhead terrorist during that same rally. But we are ridiculous for acting as if these racist nerds represent some threat to our national existence. Until there is even a shred of proof to the contrary, I am going to remain confident that the vast, vast, vast majority of our citizens do not sympathize with Nazism outright. Even one neo-Nazi is too many. A whole parade of them is a travesty. But we ought not lose our grip on reality. A little perspective is all I m suggesting.Now, the reader may have noted the conspicuous qualifier in the previous paragraph. The majority of our citizens do not sympathize with Nazism outright. Many, however, sympathize with some of the primary goals and most brutal tactics of the Nazi party. Though they may not think of it in those terms, they still celebrate the achievement of eliminating medical conditions by killing the babies who have it, and they applaud governments that expand reproductive health access by forcing helpless citizens to fund the mass extermination of human beings. They may not march through the’streets waving swastikas around, but they look with indifference or approval at our own version of the Nazi death camp. Indeed, with all due respect to the’skinheads who only play pretend Nazi, the’spirit of the Nazi movement really lives on in the abortion industry. Planned Parenthood may not hang the Nazi flag on the doors of its clinics, but it has enough blood on its hands to impress even the most prolific concentration camp executioner.I made this point yesterday, and I was informed even by some conservative folk that it is utterly inappropriate and insensitive for me to make such comparisons, especially when a woman was just killed by a neo-Nazi. Well, I feel terribly for that woman s family and I hope for the’swiftest and harshest judgment allowed under the law to be done upon her murderer. But I also feel terribly for the 17,000 or so human beings who were executed in abortion clinics since Saturday, and the 60 million who ve been exterminated since 1973. I don’t think there is ever an inappropriate time to acknowledge them, particularly when so many of us have dedicated ourselves to never acknowledging them, and especially during a week when the very people who support the continued legalization and tax funding of abortion death camps are running around accusing everyone else of condoning Nazism.I m sorry, but I just cannot physically stomach a You should be more forceful in condemning Nazism lecture from someone who has spent the last 40 years demanding that we applaud while millions of people have their skulls crushed by abortionists. Even less can I tolerate someone who wants to protect the innocent by tearing down historical statues, but cries about human rights violations when someone vandalizes a building where actual human beings are butchered and sold for parts.I do not pretend that all of the political goals of the pro-abortion left line up completely with the political goals of Nazis in 1940 s Germany. There are some striking similarities particularly the politicization of public health, the focus on environmental conservation, and the total disregard for free speech but that is not the point. I say that abortion enthusiasts have the’spirit of Nazism because that spirit is, more than anything, one of brutality, moral indifference, and absolute disregard for human life. It is a spirit that leads to mass exterminations and bloodshed on a scale that can hardly be fathomed. It is a spirit that compels a people to strive for collective perfection by killing the undesirables. Nazis exterminated the disabled, just as we do. And they killed Jews and Poles and Catholics and many other groups. Our focus is not racial cleansing but economic. We kill poor children, unwanted children, defective children; children who, we’ve decided, will be more trouble than they’re worth. They are a burden on society, we say, echoing Nazi propaganda almost verbatim.And we build facilities which we dedicate to carrying out this cleansing. The Nazi death camp was never abolished, you see. It was simply relocated and rebranded. Today we call it a reproductive health clinic, but what happens inside more closely resembles Auschwitz than it does your pediatrician s office.So, yes, speak out against those ridiculous bigots who ve latched onto Nazism in their desperate quest for purpose and attention. But if you want to oppose what they stand for, you need to look beyond them and towards that Planned Parenthood clinic you’drive by every day on the way to work. And if those Nazi wannabes in Charlottesville intend to be the ones in our country who best emulate their Nazi role models, it must be said that they are lagging far behind, especially in terms of body counts. Right now the tally is about 60 million to one, last I checked.They have a lot of catching up to do.This article was originally published at The Blaze. To see more from Matt Walsh, visit his channel here.READ MORE ALT RIGHT NEWS AT: 21st Century Wire ALT RIGHT FilesSUPPORT 21WIRE SUBSCRIBE & BECOME A MEMBER @ 21WIRE.TV
A 14-year-old boy suffered a gunshot wound to the leg Wednesday (April 8) after a woman drove him and five other juveniles to a residence in Kenner to continue a fight that had occurred earlier in the day, authorities said.Police arrested the woman, Lakenya Hall, 35, of Kenner, because she instigated the fight by taking over the group of boys, which included her own 11- and 15-year-old sons, said Lt. Brian McGregor, spokesman for the Kenner Police Department.The injured teen was taken to nearby Ochsner Medical Center in Kenner where he is expected to recover.The’shooting occurred just after 5 p.m. Wednesday in the 3500 block of West Louisiana State Drive in Kenner. Police learned that the teens had been involved in an earlier fight at a bus stop, McGregor said. Authorities aren’t sure what the teens were fighting about.Afterwards, Hall, of 225 Clemson Place, drove six juveniles about a mile and a half away from their Lincoln Manor neighborhood to West Louisiana State Drive to continue the brawl, McGregor said.At some point, a 15-year-old boy being confronted by Hall s group pulled out a .22-caliber pistol that had been stored in a backpack and began chasing them, McGregor said. He opened fire, hitting the 14-year-old boy.Police arrested the 15-year-old boy and booked him with aggravated battery, illegal possession of a handgun by a juvenile, possession of a firearm with an obliterated serial number, illegal use of weapons and disturbing the peace by fighting, McGregor said.Officers arrested Hall and booked her with disturbing the peace by fighting and six counts of contributing to the delinquency of juveniles. Just because you’ve been in a fight, it doesn’t give you the right to go over there and start a whole new fight, McGregor said. She’s instigating something by taking the group over there in the first place. Police also arrested Hall s two sons and booked them with disturbing the peace by fighting. Investigators expect more arrests to come as they identify the other teens who were present at the time of the fight and shooting, McGregor said.Authorities have also been told that video exists of the fight, and police are working to find it. We re not going to have all these juveniles engaging in a fight in the city of Kenner, McGregor said.
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: A 14-year-old boy suffered a gunshot wound to the leg Wednesday (April 8) after a woman drove him and five other juveniles to a residence in Kenner to continue a fight that had occurred earlier in the day, authorities said.Police arrested the woman, Lakenya Hall, 35, of Kenner, because she instigated the fight by taking over the group of boys, which included her own 11- and 15-year-old sons, said Lt. Brian McGregor, spokesman for the Kenner Police Department.The injured teen was taken to nearby Ochsner Medical Center in Kenner where he is expected to recover.The’shooting occurred just after 5 p.m. Wednesday in the 3500 block of West Louisiana State Drive in Kenner. Police learned that the teens had been involved in an earlier fight at a bus stop, McGregor said. Authorities aren’t sure what the teens were fighting about.Afterwards, Hall, of 225 Clemson Place, drove six juveniles about a mile and a half away from their Lincoln Manor neighborhood to West Louisiana State Drive to continue the brawl, McGregor said.At some point, a 15-year-old boy being confronted by Hall s group pulled out a .22-caliber pistol that had been stored in a backpack and began chasing them, McGregor said. He opened fire, hitting the 14-year-old boy.Police arrested the 15-year-old boy and booked him with aggravated battery, illegal possession of a handgun by a juvenile, possession of a firearm with an obliterated serial number, illegal use of weapons and disturbing the peace by fighting, McGregor said.Officers arrested Hall and booked her with disturbing the peace by fighting and six counts of contributing to the delinquency of juveniles. Just because you’ve been in a fight, it doesn’t give you the right to go over there and start a whole new fight, McGregor said. She’s instigating something by taking the group over there in the first place. Police also arrested Hall s two sons and booked them with disturbing the peace by fighting. Investigators expect more arrests to come as they identify the other teens who were present at the time of the fight and shooting, McGregor said.Authorities have also been told that video exists of the fight, and police are working to find it. We re not going to have all these juveniles engaging in a fight in the city of Kenner, McGregor said.
The’sweep of crazy anti-transgender bathroom laws has brought out the bigots in droves. One such bigot is Texas police officer Tracy Murphree, who is also potentially in the running to become Sheriff of an entire county in the Lone Star state. Murphree decided to post to Facebook his feelings on transgender women and that s not all. This cop actually said that he would beat any transgender woman in a public restroom with his daughter until she lost consciousness. This whole bathroom thing is craziness I have never seen. All I can say is this: If my little girl is in a public women s restroom and a man, regardless of how he may identify, goes into the bathroom, he will then identify as a John Doe until he wakes up in whatever hospital he may be taken to. Your identity does not trump my little girl s safety. I identify as an overprotective father that loves his kids and would do anything to protect them. Luckily, Murphree was quickly put in his place by Amber Dyden Briggle, who once ran for Denton County Council. She also happens to have a transgender son. Briggle responded to Murphee: As the parent of a transgender child who is only 8 years old, Tracy, this really, really upsets me, she wrote. I know you are a protective parent, but SO AM I. If my son were to walk into a women s room, looking the way he does, he would no doubt be corrected and sent to the men s room. What we’ve done now is call attention to a young child, only 8 years old, who is now behind closed doors with a bunch of men had he walked in there to use the bathroom to pee in the first place, no one would have batted an eye, because he looks like and IS a boy. Let me put it another way: halfway through first grade, this PERFECT child of mine, who is just as miraculous and amazing today as he was on the day of his birth, stopped feeling comfortable using the girls room. But, of course, the bigoted Murphree doubled down on his hatred and said that Briggle is the problem, not him: Amber, you have demonstrated part of the problem. You advocate your right to defend your child and state that your child has the right to pee in peace. Yet when I advocate my right to defend my child and her right to pee in peace I m a bigot and dangerous. I m not a bigot I have nothing against you or your child. I would defend both of you with my life. Yes, I will be the next sheriff, and I will serve all citizens. I will not sit back and not voice my beliefs and opinions. I will not give in to the political correctness police. I won’t be threatened by those who may call me a bigot or ignorant. I have no issue with transgenders. That s between them and God. The few transgenders rights do not trump the rights of the many. I will not stand by in political correctness afraid of being labeled and allow a male to enter a bathroom my daughter occupies. I just won’t do it. Mr. Murprhee is the last person who should be on any police force. He has shown himself to be violent against those he hates and/or does not understand. He is incapable of listening to logic and reason, or of learning to be accepting of diverse groups of people. This man is dangerous. He has explicitly said that he will harm his constituents for the crime of using a public bathroom.Denton County, please do NOT elect this violent brute as your next sheriff.Featured image via Wikimedia
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: The’sweep of crazy anti-transgender bathroom laws has brought out the bigots in droves. One such bigot is Texas police officer Tracy Murphree, who is also potentially in the running to become Sheriff of an entire county in the Lone Star state. Murphree decided to post to Facebook his feelings on transgender women and that s not all. This cop actually said that he would beat any transgender woman in a public restroom with his daughter until she lost consciousness. This whole bathroom thing is craziness I have never seen. All I can say is this: If my little girl is in a public women s restroom and a man, regardless of how he may identify, goes into the bathroom, he will then identify as a John Doe until he wakes up in whatever hospital he may be taken to. Your identity does not trump my little girl s safety. I identify as an overprotective father that loves his kids and would do anything to protect them. Luckily, Murphree was quickly put in his place by Amber Dyden Briggle, who once ran for Denton County Council. She also happens to have a transgender son. Briggle responded to Murphee: As the parent of a transgender child who is only 8 years old, Tracy, this really, really upsets me, she wrote. I know you are a protective parent, but SO AM I. If my son were to walk into a women s room, looking the way he does, he would no doubt be corrected and sent to the men s room. What we’ve done now is call attention to a young child, only 8 years old, who is now behind closed doors with a bunch of men had he walked in there to use the bathroom to pee in the first place, no one would have batted an eye, because he looks like and IS a boy. Let me put it another way: halfway through first grade, this PERFECT child of mine, who is just as miraculous and amazing today as he was on the day of his birth, stopped feeling comfortable using the girls room. But, of course, the bigoted Murphree doubled down on his hatred and said that Briggle is the problem, not him: Amber, you have demonstrated part of the problem. You advocate your right to defend your child and state that your child has the right to pee in peace. Yet when I advocate my right to defend my child and her right to pee in peace I m a bigot and dangerous. I m not a bigot I have nothing against you or your child. I would defend both of you with my life. Yes, I will be the next sheriff, and I will serve all citizens. I will not sit back and not voice my beliefs and opinions. I will not give in to the political correctness police. I won’t be threatened by those who may call me a bigot or ignorant. I have no issue with transgenders. That s between them and God. The few transgenders rights do not trump the rights of the many. I will not stand by in political correctness afraid of being labeled and allow a male to enter a bathroom my daughter occupies. I just won’t do it. Mr. Murprhee is the last person who should be on any police force. He has shown himself to be violent against those he hates and/or does not understand. He is incapable of listening to logic and reason, or of learning to be accepting of diverse groups of people. This man is dangerous. He has explicitly said that he will harm his constituents for the crime of using a public bathroom.Denton County, please do NOT elect this violent brute as your next sheriff.Featured image via Wikimedia
Top lawmakers from both major U.S. political parties said on Sunday they trusted the Justice Department to appropriately handle its probe of presidential candidate Hillary Clinton’s private email server, after a heavily criticized meeting between Clinton’s husband and the U.S. attorney general. Republican Senators Lindsey Graham and John McCain said on CBS show “Face the Nation” that they would respect Attorney General Loretta Lynch’s decision on whether to prosecute Clinton, the likely Democratic presidential nominee. Congressman Adam Schiff, the top Democrat on the House Intelligence Committee, also said he respected the process, though he acknowledged Lynch’s private meeting last week at an airport with former President Bill Clinton was unfortunate. “I think both of them wish their airplanes had never come anywhere near each other,” Schiff said on “Face the Nation,” adding that he still had confidence in the DOJ and the Federal Bureau of Investigation to do a thorough investigation of Clinton’s email use. “If they say they are going to conduct this investigation by the book, I believe that’s what’s going to happen,” said Schiff, who supports Clinton for the party’s nomination. Lynch said on Friday that she would accept whatever recommendations the career prosecutors working on the case made about whether to prosecute Clinton. The lawmakers’ endorsement for the process follows Clinton’s meeting Saturday with investigators at the FBI’s Washington headquarters, where she answered questions for three and a half hours as part of the probe into use of her private email server. The FBI is investigating Clinton’s email use and whether laws were broken as a result of a personal email server kept in her Chappaqua, New York, home while she was secretary of state from 2009 to 2013. Lawmakers and political strategists speculated on Sunday that the FBI’s interview of Clinton signaled its investigation could be nearing its end. But the FBI offered no information about the status of the probe or who its targets may be. Clinton has long insisted she is not a target. Clinton herself said in comments to MSNBC on Saturday that she “was pleased to have the opportunity to assist the department in bringing its review to a conclusion.” Her rival, presumptive Republican nominee Donald Trump, said it was “impossible” for the FBI not to recommend criminal charges against her. The two have already begun an acrimonious battle ahead of the presidential election on Nov. 8. Democrats are hoping the issue will be resolved before their four-day convention in Philadelphia that begins July 25, which is expected to culminate with Clinton’s nomination for the presidential race. It is unclear what Democrats would do if Clinton were to be indicted and if any contingency plan exists. Not all lawmakers said they were confident the Justice Department could maintain impartiality. Tom Cotton, a Republican senator, said on NBC’s “Meet the Press” on Sunday he thought Lynch’s meeting with Bill Clinton “raises questions about political interference in this investigation.”
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: Top lawmakers from both major U.S. political parties said on Sunday they trusted the Justice Department to appropriately handle its probe of presidential candidate Hillary Clinton’s private email server, after a heavily criticized meeting between Clinton’s husband and the U.S. attorney general. Republican Senators Lindsey Graham and John McCain said on CBS show “Face the Nation” that they would respect Attorney General Loretta Lynch’s decision on whether to prosecute Clinton, the likely Democratic presidential nominee. Congressman Adam Schiff, the top Democrat on the House Intelligence Committee, also said he respected the process, though he acknowledged Lynch’s private meeting last week at an airport with former President Bill Clinton was unfortunate. “I think both of them wish their airplanes had never come anywhere near each other,” Schiff said on “Face the Nation,” adding that he still had confidence in the DOJ and the Federal Bureau of Investigation to do a thorough investigation of Clinton’s email use. “If they say they are going to conduct this investigation by the book, I believe that’s what’s going to happen,” said Schiff, who supports Clinton for the party’s nomination. Lynch said on Friday that she would accept whatever recommendations the career prosecutors working on the case made about whether to prosecute Clinton. The lawmakers’ endorsement for the process follows Clinton’s meeting Saturday with investigators at the FBI’s Washington headquarters, where she answered questions for three and a half hours as part of the probe into use of her private email server. The FBI is investigating Clinton’s email use and whether laws were broken as a result of a personal email server kept in her Chappaqua, New York, home while she was secretary of state from 2009 to 2013. Lawmakers and political strategists speculated on Sunday that the FBI’s interview of Clinton signaled its investigation could be nearing its end. But the FBI offered no information about the status of the probe or who its targets may be. Clinton has long insisted she is not a target. Clinton herself said in comments to MSNBC on Saturday that she “was pleased to have the opportunity to assist the department in bringing its review to a conclusion.” Her rival, presumptive Republican nominee Donald Trump, said it was “impossible” for the FBI not to recommend criminal charges against her. The two have already begun an acrimonious battle ahead of the presidential election on Nov. 8. Democrats are hoping the issue will be resolved before their four-day convention in Philadelphia that begins July 25, which is expected to culminate with Clinton’s nomination for the presidential race. It is unclear what Democrats would do if Clinton were to be indicted and if any contingency plan exists. Not all lawmakers said they were confident the Justice Department could maintain impartiality. Tom Cotton, a Republican senator, said on NBC’s “Meet the Press” on Sunday he thought Lynch’s meeting with Bill Clinton “raises questions about political interference in this investigation.”
Japan said on Friday it would send one of its two big helicopter carriers, the largest warship in its fleet, along with two escorts to join three U.S. aircraft carriers for exercises in waters close to the Korean peninsula. The Japanese ships Ise, Inazuma and Makinami will sail with the USS Ronald Reagan, USS Nimitz and USS Theodore Roosevelt in the Sea of Japan and East China Sea on Sunday, Japan s Maritime Self Defence Force said in a press release. It is the first time three American carriers have trained together in a decade. The show of force comes as U.S. President Donald Trump meets with regional leaders at an Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) in Vietnam. Trump is on a 12-day tour of Asia and has already made stops in Tokyo, Seoul and Beijing. His administration has demanded that North Korea halt ballistic missile and nuclear tests. The naval exercise will be a potent reminder to Pyongyang of the U.S. ability to rapidly mobilize military force. The 100,000-ton U.S. carriers carry a combined force of around 200 aircraft including F-18 strike fighters.
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: Japan said on Friday it would send one of its two big helicopter carriers, the largest warship in its fleet, along with two escorts to join three U.S. aircraft carriers for exercises in waters close to the Korean peninsula. The Japanese ships Ise, Inazuma and Makinami will sail with the USS Ronald Reagan, USS Nimitz and USS Theodore Roosevelt in the Sea of Japan and East China Sea on Sunday, Japan s Maritime Self Defence Force said in a press release. It is the first time three American carriers have trained together in a decade. The show of force comes as U.S. President Donald Trump meets with regional leaders at an Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) in Vietnam. Trump is on a 12-day tour of Asia and has already made stops in Tokyo, Seoul and Beijing. His administration has demanded that North Korea halt ballistic missile and nuclear tests. The naval exercise will be a potent reminder to Pyongyang of the U.S. ability to rapidly mobilize military force. The 100,000-ton U.S. carriers carry a combined force of around 200 aircraft including F-18 strike fighters.
Hillary Clinton enjoyed a performance by Jay-Z and Beyonce at a rally in Ohio on Friday night and Donald Trump complained like a hypocrite.During the rally, Jay-Z performed uncensored versions of songs, which included the N-word and other expletives. Of course, that means the Republican nominee had to make remarks about it during a rally on Saturday. I actually like Jay Z, Trump’said in Florida. But, you know, the language last night. He used every word in the book. I won’t even use the initials, because I ll get in trouble. They ll get me in trouble. The they Trump is referring to is the media.But the problem is that Hillary Clinton did not use any of those words herself, while Donald Trump has used words such as c*nt and p*ssy and has used curse words on the campaign trail.And Joy Reid reminded Trump of his own language during her show on Saturday.Now, Donald Trump has a problem with Jay Z s language, okay? a flabbergasted Reid began. Because Jay Z is a hip hop guy. I want to remind America, the guy who has a problem with Jay Z s language? This is his language. What followed was Trump’s infamous grab them by the p*ssy remark that has plagued him since the audio was released early last month.Reid then went for the jugular. Jay Z has said a lot of things in his songs, but he’s never said that, Donald Trump. We should perhaps talk to Melania, who wants to have this campaign against cyber-bullying which she can begin at home at the dinner table. Here s the video via VidMe.Once again, a hypocritical Donald Trump’shoots himself in the foot by failing to keep his big mouth shut.The bottom line is that Hillary Clinton did not say those words during her rally, Jay-Z did. Trump, on the other hand, has no one to blame for his own words but himself.Featured Image: Screenshot
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: Hillary Clinton enjoyed a performance by Jay-Z and Beyonce at a rally in Ohio on Friday night and Donald Trump complained like a hypocrite.During the rally, Jay-Z performed uncensored versions of songs, which included the N-word and other expletives. Of course, that means the Republican nominee had to make remarks about it during a rally on Saturday. I actually like Jay Z, Trump’said in Florida. But, you know, the language last night. He used every word in the book. I won’t even use the initials, because I ll get in trouble. They ll get me in trouble. The they Trump is referring to is the media.But the problem is that Hillary Clinton did not use any of those words herself, while Donald Trump has used words such as c*nt and p*ssy and has used curse words on the campaign trail.And Joy Reid reminded Trump of his own language during her show on Saturday.Now, Donald Trump has a problem with Jay Z s language, okay? a flabbergasted Reid began. Because Jay Z is a hip hop guy. I want to remind America, the guy who has a problem with Jay Z s language? This is his language. What followed was Trump’s infamous grab them by the p*ssy remark that has plagued him since the audio was released early last month.Reid then went for the jugular. Jay Z has said a lot of things in his songs, but he’s never said that, Donald Trump. We should perhaps talk to Melania, who wants to have this campaign against cyber-bullying which she can begin at home at the dinner table. Here s the video via VidMe.Once again, a hypocritical Donald Trump’shoots himself in the foot by failing to keep his big mouth shut.The bottom line is that Hillary Clinton did not say those words during her rally, Jay-Z did. Trump, on the other hand, has no one to blame for his own words but himself.Featured Image: Screenshot
What could Hillary be saying that s so top secret she doesn’t want us to hear. The people at the fundraiser had to pay a whopping $27,000 to hear this top secret info that the regular folk like you and me don’t get to hear. Aaaahhhh, a woman of the people who s just like us Hillary Clinton s campaign team reportedly used a static noise machine on Thursday to block reporters outside of a fundraiser in Denver from hearing her remarks.That s according to Stan Bush, a reporter for Denver s CBS-4, who was stationed outside of the event, which was held outdoors at the home of Colorado Gov. John Hickenlooper, a superdelegate who has endorsed Clinton.Bush said that the noise interference machine was turned on after a band later identified as Big Head Todd and the Monsters finished playing music and before Clinton spoke. The device was placed inside of a fence on the property and aimed in the direction of the press, Bush wrote. He posted video showing what it sounded like outside of the event before and after the machine was turned on. The device produced a low-intensity throbbing noise, much like a helicopter off in the distance.Read more: Daily Caller
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: What could Hillary be saying that s so top secret she doesn’t want us to hear. The people at the fundraiser had to pay a whopping $27,000 to hear this top secret info that the regular folk like you and me don’t get to hear. Aaaahhhh, a woman of the people who s just like us Hillary Clinton s campaign team reportedly used a static noise machine on Thursday to block reporters outside of a fundraiser in Denver from hearing her remarks.That s according to Stan Bush, a reporter for Denver s CBS-4, who was stationed outside of the event, which was held outdoors at the home of Colorado Gov. John Hickenlooper, a superdelegate who has endorsed Clinton.Bush said that the noise interference machine was turned on after a band later identified as Big Head Todd and the Monsters finished playing music and before Clinton spoke. The device was placed inside of a fence on the property and aimed in the direction of the press, Bush wrote. He posted video showing what it sounded like outside of the event before and after the machine was turned on. The device produced a low-intensity throbbing noise, much like a helicopter off in the distance.Read more: Daily Caller
This isn’t just any church organization, this is a church organization that takes in $45 MILLION in taxpayer funds every year! Why do we give them so much money? Because they’re bringing MOSTLY MUSLIM refugees into our country where they ll get housing, food, clothing, education and spending money with MORE of OUR tax dollars. They ll also be fast-tracked to citizenship. What s the end goal? The fundamental transformation of America Ohio peace and justice groups getting ready to break the law and hide aliens from Obama illegal alien raids, click here.The recent Obama Administration order to round up illegal aliens (a tiny number!) and deport them is simply a ploy to fire up the No Borders movement, the Democrat base, in this all important election year.Church World Service will be hiding illegal aliens!Here is a story about the hard Left Church World Service, a federal refugee resettlement contractor, which uses $45 million of your dollars every year to change America by changing the people, is setting up hiding places throughout America where illegal aliens can be placed out of the reach of federal ICE agents.There should be a law, if you break federal immigration law, you lose your federal funding (come on wimps in Congress!).They want to resurrect the glory days (as they saw them) where churches broke the law and helped Central Americans get into America and then hid them until they could be spread out to towns across the US. It was called The Sanctuary Movement.***It is so apparent that this deportation order is part of a Democrat strategy, most likely cooked up in the White House, because (have you noticed!) no one blasts Obama personally (as they would if this were George Bush or Donald Trump).Religious groups and activists vowed Wednesday to offer refuge to illegal immigrants who are the targets of ongoing federal raids meant to combat a new wave of border-crossing from Central America.The announcement recalled the’sanctuary movement of the 1980s that provided safe haven’to several thousand people fleeing civil wars in El Salvador and Guatemala, with churches in Los Angeles, Chicago and other cities sometimes filled with people seeking asylum in the United States.At the’start of the year, the Obama administration launched a large-scale effort targeting those who have already been ordered to leave the country. About 120 adults and children have been apprehended in raids in several states.Central American illegal aliens are NOT refugees. They do not fit the long-understood definition that a refugee or asylum seeker must prove they would be persecuted if they’returned to their home country.Escaping poverty or run-of-the-mill crime is not persecution, but these NO Borders activists have been for years attempting to blur the definition. And, that is mostly because when someone is defined as a refugee all welfare goodies flow their way and they can’then bring in the family they left behind. (Of course the WaPo isn’t going to explain any of that to its readers!).The effort, which is expected to include several hundred more apprehensions, has drawn sharp criticism from those who advocate for undocumented immigrants. They argue that Central Americans who are entering the country illegally should be offered the’same protections extended to Syrian refugees.Via: Refugee Resettlement WatchHere is the list of churches affiliated with the radical Church World Services group:Member CommunionsAfrican Methodist Episcopal Church African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church Alliance of Baptists American Baptist Churches USA Armenian Church of America (including Diocese of California) Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) Christian Methodist Episcopal Church Church of the Brethren Community of Christ The Coptic Orthodox Church in North America Ecumenical Catholic Communion The Episcopal Church Evangelical Lutheran Church in America Friends United Meeting Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America Hungarian Reformed Church in America International Council of Community Churches Korean Presbyterian Church in America Malankara Orthodox Syrian Church Mar Thoma Church Moravian Church in America National Baptist Convention of America National Baptist Convention, U.S.A., Inc. National Missionary Baptist Convention of America Orthodox Church in America Patriarchal Parishes of the Russian Orthodox Church in the U.S.A. Philadelphia Yearly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends Polish National Catholic Church of America Presbyterian Church (USA) Progressive National Baptist Convention, Inc. Reformed Church in America Serbian Orthodox Church in the U.S.A. and Canada The Swedenborgian Church Syrian Orthodox Church of Antioch Ukrainian Orthodox Church in America United Church of Christ The United Methodist Church
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: This isn’t just any church organization, this is a church organization that takes in $45 MILLION in taxpayer funds every year! Why do we give them so much money? Because they’re bringing MOSTLY MUSLIM refugees into our country where they ll get housing, food, clothing, education and spending money with MORE of OUR tax dollars. They ll also be fast-tracked to citizenship. What s the end goal? The fundamental transformation of America Ohio peace and justice groups getting ready to break the law and hide aliens from Obama illegal alien raids, click here.The recent Obama Administration order to round up illegal aliens (a tiny number!) and deport them is simply a ploy to fire up the No Borders movement, the Democrat base, in this all important election year.Church World Service will be hiding illegal aliens!Here is a story about the hard Left Church World Service, a federal refugee resettlement contractor, which uses $45 million of your dollars every year to change America by changing the people, is setting up hiding places throughout America where illegal aliens can be placed out of the reach of federal ICE agents.There should be a law, if you break federal immigration law, you lose your federal funding (come on wimps in Congress!).They want to resurrect the glory days (as they saw them) where churches broke the law and helped Central Americans get into America and then hid them until they could be spread out to towns across the US. It was called The Sanctuary Movement.***It is so apparent that this deportation order is part of a Democrat strategy, most likely cooked up in the White House, because (have you noticed!) no one blasts Obama personally (as they would if this were George Bush or Donald Trump).Religious groups and activists vowed Wednesday to offer refuge to illegal immigrants who are the targets of ongoing federal raids meant to combat a new wave of border-crossing from Central America.The announcement recalled the’sanctuary movement of the 1980s that provided safe haven’to several thousand people fleeing civil wars in El Salvador and Guatemala, with churches in Los Angeles, Chicago and other cities sometimes filled with people seeking asylum in the United States.At the’start of the year, the Obama administration launched a large-scale effort targeting those who have already been ordered to leave the country. About 120 adults and children have been apprehended in raids in several states.Central American illegal aliens are NOT refugees. They do not fit the long-understood definition that a refugee or asylum seeker must prove they would be persecuted if they’returned to their home country.Escaping poverty or run-of-the-mill crime is not persecution, but these NO Borders activists have been for years attempting to blur the definition. And, that is mostly because when someone is defined as a refugee all welfare goodies flow their way and they can’then bring in the family they left behind. (Of course the WaPo isn’t going to explain any of that to its readers!).The effort, which is expected to include several hundred more apprehensions, has drawn sharp criticism from those who advocate for undocumented immigrants. They argue that Central Americans who are entering the country illegally should be offered the’same protections extended to Syrian refugees.Via: Refugee Resettlement WatchHere is the list of churches affiliated with the radical Church World Services group:Member CommunionsAfrican Methodist Episcopal Church African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church Alliance of Baptists American Baptist Churches USA Armenian Church of America (including Diocese of California) Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) Christian Methodist Episcopal Church Church of the Brethren Community of Christ The Coptic Orthodox Church in North America Ecumenical Catholic Communion The Episcopal Church Evangelical Lutheran Church in America Friends United Meeting Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America Hungarian Reformed Church in America International Council of Community Churches Korean Presbyterian Church in America Malankara Orthodox Syrian Church Mar Thoma Church Moravian Church in America National Baptist Convention of America National Baptist Convention, U.S.A., Inc. National Missionary Baptist Convention of America Orthodox Church in America Patriarchal Parishes of the Russian Orthodox Church in the U.S.A. Philadelphia Yearly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends Polish National Catholic Church of America Presbyterian Church (USA) Progressive National Baptist Convention, Inc. Reformed Church in America Serbian Orthodox Church in the U.S.A. and Canada The Swedenborgian Church Syrian Orthodox Church of Antioch Ukrainian Orthodox Church in America United Church of Christ The United Methodist Church
For a crash course in why reality television star Donald Trump is unfit to be the next President of the United States, one only needs to look through his Twitter history. Unfortunately, the less intelligent Americans in our country (aka conservatives) have a very different take on the immature attacks that Trump’spews on a daily basis with his tiny orange fingers, and their reasoning is painful to listen to.CNN host Chris Cuomo had his brain melted by Rep. Chris Collins (R-NY) on New Day on Wednesday morning when he dared to ask Collins what he thought about Trump’s recent onslaught of tweets against the New York Times, who Trump has been blasting for making him look bad.TwitterCuomo asked if this was presidential behavior: Do you think that this is a healthy way for him to govern going forward? Collins, who was the first member of Congress to give Trump his endorsement, gave an answer that took Cuomo by complete surprise when he’shrugged Trump’s behavior off and said it was just the President-elect s way of relaxing. Well, I can’tell you this, the pressure that has got to be on President-elect Trump is immense. The enormity of the job ahead of him, and so I would have to say if this is his way of relaxing, god bless him. Cuomo fired back, Relaxing?! in complete disbelief. Collins said: Absolutely. If this is what he has some fun with and he finds this relaxing, and his entertainment, let him go with it. Uh isn’t a President supposed to be more concerned with running a country than entertainment ? Apparently not, according to Collins: I would not second-guess anything he’s doing that he would use to make himself call it unwinding, relaxing, and I think that s part of it. It s Donald Trump being Donald Trump. You don’t want this stuff all bottled up. So frankly I don’t have a problem with this in the least. I think America actually wants to continue to see a real human being in the White House, and I put this in to the you know, this is his way of unwinding, and taking some stress off. So I think it s a good thing. Absolutely terrifying. Trump has already gone back on his promise that he would be very restrained on Twitter now that he’s going to be President, making it clear that he lacks self-control. And as expected, Republicans don’t have the backbone to stand up to him for the good of the country.You can watch Collins shock Cuomo with his stupidity below:Featured image via screenshot
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: For a crash course in why reality television star Donald Trump is unfit to be the next President of the United States, one only needs to look through his Twitter history. Unfortunately, the less intelligent Americans in our country (aka conservatives) have a very different take on the immature attacks that Trump’spews on a daily basis with his tiny orange fingers, and their reasoning is painful to listen to.CNN host Chris Cuomo had his brain melted by Rep. Chris Collins (R-NY) on New Day on Wednesday morning when he dared to ask Collins what he thought about Trump’s recent onslaught of tweets against the New York Times, who Trump has been blasting for making him look bad.TwitterCuomo asked if this was presidential behavior: Do you think that this is a healthy way for him to govern going forward? Collins, who was the first member of Congress to give Trump his endorsement, gave an answer that took Cuomo by complete surprise when he’shrugged Trump’s behavior off and said it was just the President-elect s way of relaxing. Well, I can’tell you this, the pressure that has got to be on President-elect Trump is immense. The enormity of the job ahead of him, and so I would have to say if this is his way of relaxing, god bless him. Cuomo fired back, Relaxing?! in complete disbelief. Collins said: Absolutely. If this is what he has some fun with and he finds this relaxing, and his entertainment, let him go with it. Uh isn’t a President supposed to be more concerned with running a country than entertainment ? Apparently not, according to Collins: I would not second-guess anything he’s doing that he would use to make himself call it unwinding, relaxing, and I think that s part of it. It s Donald Trump being Donald Trump. You don’t want this stuff all bottled up. So frankly I don’t have a problem with this in the least. I think America actually wants to continue to see a real human being in the White House, and I put this in to the you know, this is his way of unwinding, and taking some stress off. So I think it s a good thing. Absolutely terrifying. Trump has already gone back on his promise that he would be very restrained on Twitter now that he’s going to be President, making it clear that he lacks self-control. And as expected, Republicans don’t have the backbone to stand up to him for the good of the country.You can watch Collins shock Cuomo with his stupidity below:Featured image via screenshot
Trump will bring Churchill back to the White House after Obama embarrassed himself and our nation by removing the bust and replacing it with a picture of himself on the cover of the radical leftist rag, The New Yorker.Barack Obama removed the Churchill bust from the Oval Office in 2009. This weekend British Ukip leader Nigel Farage told reporters Donald Trump will re-install the bust of Churchill into the Oval Office.Obama replaced the Churchill bust with a photo of himself walking on reported:NIGEL FARAGE has revealed that Donald Trump will re-install a bust of Winston Churchill removed from the Oval Office by Barack Obama in a clear sign of the friendship the new President wishes to foster with Britain.The interim Ukip leader said Mr Trump has already pushed Britain’to the front of the queue for a favourable trade relationship and added that he is the man to forge stronger ties with the US as he flew to visit the business tycoon in his first days as President Elect. The Ukip leader described Donald Trump as an anglophile and said his re-installation of the Churchill statue was a clear sign of his appreciation for the historically warm relationship between the allies.-Gateway Pundit
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: Trump will bring Churchill back to the White House after Obama embarrassed himself and our nation by removing the bust and replacing it with a picture of himself on the cover of the radical leftist rag, The New Yorker.Barack Obama removed the Churchill bust from the Oval Office in 2009. This weekend British Ukip leader Nigel Farage told reporters Donald Trump will re-install the bust of Churchill into the Oval Office.Obama replaced the Churchill bust with a photo of himself walking on reported:NIGEL FARAGE has revealed that Donald Trump will re-install a bust of Winston Churchill removed from the Oval Office by Barack Obama in a clear sign of the friendship the new President wishes to foster with Britain.The interim Ukip leader said Mr Trump has already pushed Britain’to the front of the queue for a favourable trade relationship and added that he is the man to forge stronger ties with the US as he flew to visit the business tycoon in his first days as President Elect. The Ukip leader described Donald Trump as an anglophile and said his re-installation of the Churchill statue was a clear sign of his appreciation for the historically warm relationship between the allies.-Gateway Pundit
No matter which candidate you support, this moment on the campaign trail is pretty awesome. Trump has said he wants to support our veterans in a big way if elected. He showed he’s a man of his word when he plucked a veteran from the crowd and hired her. Instead of his catchphrase you’re fired, Mr. Trump told the previously homeless black woman, You re hired. Just when you think the 2016 presidential race can’t get more surreal, Donald Trump reprised his role from the hit realty TV show The Apprentice at Washington press conference Monday and plucked an unemployed veteran out of the audience for an impromptu job interview.It was yet another unexpected twist in Mr. Trump’s unconventional run that has defied the pundits, confounded the GOP establishment and made him the front-runner for the Republican presidential nomination.Mr. Trump’summoned the Washington press corps to the under-construction Trump International Hotel on Pennsylvania Avenue, just blocks from the White House. He said the one way or another he’s coming to the nation s capital.The billionaire businessman boasted that the hotel, which is being refurbished from the city s historic Old Post Office building, was being restored to the highest level, with luxurious suites and the largest ballroom in Washington.He said the hotel would open ahead of schedule and under budget in September.When hands went up from reporters gathered in the cavernous atrium where the hotel lobby was being built, Mr. Trump called on Alicia Watkins. HERE S THE ENCOUNTER BETWEEN TRUMP AND MS. WATKINS: Ms. Watkins, 38, a former Air Force staff sergeant who survived the 9/11 attack on the Pentagon and served in Iraq and Afghanistan, was at the press conference as a freelance writer working on an article about jobs for veterans.She briefly described her situation and complimented Mr. Trump’s stance of expanding employment opportunities for veterans, and then asked if the hotel would be part of a jobs program. We are doing some of that. What are you looking for, what kind of position, Mr. Trump asked, and then invited her to come to the podium.Pleased with her response, Mr. Trump directed her to one of his company s executives to work out a employment deal. If we can make a good deal on the’salary, she’s going to probably have this job, said the real estate tycoon.Asked why he did the on-the-spot job interview, Mr. Trump’said that he felt good about her. It s a gut instinct, he’said. I have instincts about people. Read more of this incredible story at: Washington Times
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: No matter which candidate you support, this moment on the campaign trail is pretty awesome. Trump has said he wants to support our veterans in a big way if elected. He showed he’s a man of his word when he plucked a veteran from the crowd and hired her. Instead of his catchphrase you’re fired, Mr. Trump told the previously homeless black woman, You re hired. Just when you think the 2016 presidential race can’t get more surreal, Donald Trump reprised his role from the hit realty TV show The Apprentice at Washington press conference Monday and plucked an unemployed veteran out of the audience for an impromptu job interview.It was yet another unexpected twist in Mr. Trump’s unconventional run that has defied the pundits, confounded the GOP establishment and made him the front-runner for the Republican presidential nomination.Mr. Trump’summoned the Washington press corps to the under-construction Trump International Hotel on Pennsylvania Avenue, just blocks from the White House. He said the one way or another he’s coming to the nation s capital.The billionaire businessman boasted that the hotel, which is being refurbished from the city s historic Old Post Office building, was being restored to the highest level, with luxurious suites and the largest ballroom in Washington.He said the hotel would open ahead of schedule and under budget in September.When hands went up from reporters gathered in the cavernous atrium where the hotel lobby was being built, Mr. Trump called on Alicia Watkins. HERE S THE ENCOUNTER BETWEEN TRUMP AND MS. WATKINS: Ms. Watkins, 38, a former Air Force staff sergeant who survived the 9/11 attack on the Pentagon and served in Iraq and Afghanistan, was at the press conference as a freelance writer working on an article about jobs for veterans.She briefly described her situation and complimented Mr. Trump’s stance of expanding employment opportunities for veterans, and then asked if the hotel would be part of a jobs program. We are doing some of that. What are you looking for, what kind of position, Mr. Trump asked, and then invited her to come to the podium.Pleased with her response, Mr. Trump directed her to one of his company s executives to work out a employment deal. If we can make a good deal on the’salary, she’s going to probably have this job, said the real estate tycoon.Asked why he did the on-the-spot job interview, Mr. Trump’said that he felt good about her. It s a gut instinct, he’said. I have instincts about people. Read more of this incredible story at: Washington Times
Hopes that 44 crew members of a missing Argentine navy submarine may be found alive rose after the defense ministry said the vessel likely tried to communicate via satellite on Saturday as an international search mission was underway in the stormy South Atlantic. The ministry said seven failed satellite calls that it believes came from the ARA San Juan submarine were detected in a likely sign the crew was trying to reestablish contact. The signals, in the late morning and early afternoon, lasted between four and 36 seconds, the ministry said. Argentina is working on tracing the location with an unnamed U.S. company specialized in satellite communications, the ministry said. The satellite communications were believed to have failed because of foul weather, a source in the defense ministry who was not authorized to speak publicly told Reuters. It was not immediately clear what type of calls the vessel may have tried to make but submarines that are stricken underwater can float a location beacon known as an EPIRB to the surface that can then emit emergency signals via satellite. Whipping winds and more than 20-foot waves in the South Atlantic hindered the international search for the submarine. The last confirmed location of the German-built ARA San Juan was 432 km (268 miles) off Argentina s southern Atlantic coast early on Wednesday. The U.S. Navy said it was deploying a deep-sea rescue mission to Argentina from California to support the effort, with a remotely operated vehicle and two vessels capable of rescuing people from bottomed submarines set to arrive in coming days. As nations from Chile to South Africa offered help, Argentine sea vessels and planes scoured the southern sea. But a storm pitching powerful winds and waves more than 6 meters (20 feet) high has disrupted visibility and movement in the area, navy spokesman Enrique Balbi said. The submarine s color and design, which aim to camouflage the vessel in the ocean s surface, also posed a challenge. The idea is to continue through the night and the early morning, depending on weather conditions, Balbi told reporters. The weather was expected to be somewhat improved on Sunday, he said. A search of 80 percent of the area initially targeted for the operation turned up no sign of the vessel, but the crew should have ample supplies of food and oxygen, Balbi added. The dramatic search has captivated the nation of 44 million, which recently mourned the loss of five citizens killed when a truck driver plowed through a bicycle path in New York City. In the resort and fishing city of Mar del Plata, where the submarine had been destined to arrive before vanishing, a Catholic Mass was held in honor of the crew members. Many relatives of the crew members awaited news at the city s naval base. We re hopeful this will end soon to remain only as a bad memory, Maria Morales, mother of crew member Luis Esteban Garcia, told journalists. Messages of support poured in from around the world. Pope Francis, an Argentine, was praying fervently for the crew to return home soon, his office said. The Argentine navy said an electrical outage on the diesel-electric-propelled vessel might have downed its communications. Protocol calls for submarines to surface if communication is lost. The episode could hold political implications for President Mauricio Macri. His center-right government has set an ambitious target for cutting government spending and told Reuters in March it had few funds available to replace an outdated military fleet beyond buying aircraft for training pilots. The ARA San Juan was inaugurated in 1983, making it the newest of the three submarines in the navy s fleet. Built in Germany by Nordseewerke, it underwent mid-life maintenance in 2008 in Argentina that required cutting its hull in half and sealing back it together again, according to state news agency Telam. Nordseewerke now belongs to German industrial group Thyssenkrupp AG (TKAG.DE), which could not be reached for comment outside of regular business hours. Carlos Zavalla, a navy commander, urged loved ones of crew members not to give up hope. So far, the only concrete thing is the lack of communication, Zavalla said on TV channel A24. That s all.
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: Hopes that 44 crew members of a missing Argentine navy submarine may be found alive rose after the defense ministry said the vessel likely tried to communicate via satellite on Saturday as an international search mission was underway in the stormy South Atlantic. The ministry said seven failed satellite calls that it believes came from the ARA San Juan submarine were detected in a likely sign the crew was trying to reestablish contact. The signals, in the late morning and early afternoon, lasted between four and 36 seconds, the ministry said. Argentina is working on tracing the location with an unnamed U.S. company specialized in satellite communications, the ministry said. The satellite communications were believed to have failed because of foul weather, a source in the defense ministry who was not authorized to speak publicly told Reuters. It was not immediately clear what type of calls the vessel may have tried to make but submarines that are stricken underwater can float a location beacon known as an EPIRB to the surface that can then emit emergency signals via satellite. Whipping winds and more than 20-foot waves in the South Atlantic hindered the international search for the submarine. The last confirmed location of the German-built ARA San Juan was 432 km (268 miles) off Argentina s southern Atlantic coast early on Wednesday. The U.S. Navy said it was deploying a deep-sea rescue mission to Argentina from California to support the effort, with a remotely operated vehicle and two vessels capable of rescuing people from bottomed submarines set to arrive in coming days. As nations from Chile to South Africa offered help, Argentine sea vessels and planes scoured the southern sea. But a storm pitching powerful winds and waves more than 6 meters (20 feet) high has disrupted visibility and movement in the area, navy spokesman Enrique Balbi said. The submarine s color and design, which aim to camouflage the vessel in the ocean s surface, also posed a challenge. The idea is to continue through the night and the early morning, depending on weather conditions, Balbi told reporters. The weather was expected to be somewhat improved on Sunday, he said. A search of 80 percent of the area initially targeted for the operation turned up no sign of the vessel, but the crew should have ample supplies of food and oxygen, Balbi added. The dramatic search has captivated the nation of 44 million, which recently mourned the loss of five citizens killed when a truck driver plowed through a bicycle path in New York City. In the resort and fishing city of Mar del Plata, where the submarine had been destined to arrive before vanishing, a Catholic Mass was held in honor of the crew members. Many relatives of the crew members awaited news at the city s naval base. We re hopeful this will end soon to remain only as a bad memory, Maria Morales, mother of crew member Luis Esteban Garcia, told journalists. Messages of support poured in from around the world. Pope Francis, an Argentine, was praying fervently for the crew to return home soon, his office said. The Argentine navy said an electrical outage on the diesel-electric-propelled vessel might have downed its communications. Protocol calls for submarines to surface if communication is lost. The episode could hold political implications for President Mauricio Macri. His center-right government has set an ambitious target for cutting government spending and told Reuters in March it had few funds available to replace an outdated military fleet beyond buying aircraft for training pilots. The ARA San Juan was inaugurated in 1983, making it the newest of the three submarines in the navy s fleet. Built in Germany by Nordseewerke, it underwent mid-life maintenance in 2008 in Argentina that required cutting its hull in half and sealing back it together again, according to state news agency Telam. Nordseewerke now belongs to German industrial group Thyssenkrupp AG (TKAG.DE), which could not be reached for comment outside of regular business hours. Carlos Zavalla, a navy commander, urged loved ones of crew members not to give up hope. So far, the only concrete thing is the lack of communication, Zavalla said on TV channel A24. That s all.
21st Century Wire says Donald Trump’s victory has sparked flash mob protests on Wednesday, with students staging walkouts, as well as some burning and looting in Dallas and Oakland, California, and with marches in New York, Portland, Chicago, Boston and Philadelphia.E.T. Williams aka The Doctor of Common Sense explains why pockets of anxious college Hillary supporters across the America are asking for classes to be canceled because Trump beat Clinton in Tuesday s presidential election. Watch: SUPPORT 21WIRE SUBSCRIBE & BECOME A MEMBER @21WIRE.TV
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: 21st Century Wire says Donald Trump’s victory has sparked flash mob protests on Wednesday, with students staging walkouts, as well as some burning and looting in Dallas and Oakland, California, and with marches in New York, Portland, Chicago, Boston and Philadelphia.E.T. Williams aka The Doctor of Common Sense explains why pockets of anxious college Hillary supporters across the America are asking for classes to be canceled because Trump beat Clinton in Tuesday s presidential election. Watch: SUPPORT 21WIRE SUBSCRIBE & BECOME A MEMBER @21WIRE.TV
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT:
The obnoxious anti-Trump Hallie Jackson of NBC is constantly trying to play gotcha with Sean Spicer on policy issues related to President Trump. Normally, we wouldn’t post a video of a reporter in such an embarrassing situation while on camera, but NBC s Hallie Jackson is a special case, so we ll make an exception. Here s a little dose of karma for the anti-Trump Chief White House correspondent for NBC Hallie Jackson.*Thinking to myself#MSNBC #HallieJackson is a HACK & always unfair to @POTUSso should I tweet this?OF COURSE #MAGA #MondayMotivation USA OVER PARTY (@michaelbeatty3) June 26, 2017Watch NBC s Hallie Jackson get Spiced after she attempted to mock Republicans for working to keep the’seat former US Rep Tom Price vacated in Georgia after joining the Trump administration in DC. Jackson tries, but fails to make the case that the GOP is in trouble because Price s seat in what is traditionally a Republican leaning district is in jeopardy. As we all know, NBC s Hallie Jackson wasted a lot of time manufacturing a story about Georgia s over-rated special election. After over $50 million was spent in the’special election to promote the Democrat candidate (most of which came from out-of-state donors), the’so-called rising star Democrat John Ossoff ended up losing the’seat to Republican Karen Handel.Here s the obnoxious Hallie Jackson attempting to trip up Sean Spicer over tweets by President Trump:*The embarrassing video of Jackson happened several months ago, but since it s being recirculated on Twitter, we thought we d share it for our followers who love Hallie Jackson as much as we do.
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: The obnoxious anti-Trump Hallie Jackson of NBC is constantly trying to play gotcha with Sean Spicer on policy issues related to President Trump. Normally, we wouldn’t post a video of a reporter in such an embarrassing situation while on camera, but NBC s Hallie Jackson is a special case, so we ll make an exception. Here s a little dose of karma for the anti-Trump Chief White House correspondent for NBC Hallie Jackson.*Thinking to myself#MSNBC #HallieJackson is a HACK & always unfair to @POTUSso should I tweet this?OF COURSE #MAGA #MondayMotivation USA OVER PARTY (@michaelbeatty3) June 26, 2017Watch NBC s Hallie Jackson get Spiced after she attempted to mock Republicans for working to keep the’seat former US Rep Tom Price vacated in Georgia after joining the Trump administration in DC. Jackson tries, but fails to make the case that the GOP is in trouble because Price s seat in what is traditionally a Republican leaning district is in jeopardy. As we all know, NBC s Hallie Jackson wasted a lot of time manufacturing a story about Georgia s over-rated special election. After over $50 million was spent in the’special election to promote the Democrat candidate (most of which came from out-of-state donors), the’so-called rising star Democrat John Ossoff ended up losing the’seat to Republican Karen Handel.Here s the obnoxious Hallie Jackson attempting to trip up Sean Spicer over tweets by President Trump:*The embarrassing video of Jackson happened several months ago, but since it s being recirculated on Twitter, we thought we d share it for our followers who love Hallie Jackson as much as we do.
In a last-minute attempt to create a legacy for himself, Obama traveled to Cuba to hang out with Raul Castro and prove to Americans how easy it is to form relations with brutal dictators of oppressive regimes. Unfortunately for Barack Obama, it was not his finest moment, and his attempt to normalize relations with Cuba didn’t work out so well for members of our US Embassy, who have now been diagnosed with brain abnormalities , after experiencing some sort of attack that many experts suspect was inflicted with a sonic weapon. The left rejoiced when President Barack Obama decided to normalize relations with the Cuban regime, reopened our embassy, and allowed travel to the island.But most of that has come to a screeching halt after mysterious attacks on our diplomats, which have caused serious health problems. The State Department has decided to recall all non-essential personnel from the embassy and urged Americans not to travel to Cuba. Legal InsurrectionThe leftist Boston Globe publication gushed over Barack Obama s historic visit to Cuba.When President Obama travels to Cuba on Sunday with his family, he is making a vital foreign policy statement, and not just about the’small island off the tip of Florida. The bigger principle at play is the value of diplomatic engagement over isolation, cooperation versus Cold War thinking. The visit the first time a sitting American president has been to Cuba in almost 90 years is a manifestation of the hope that democratic ideals can spread over time once normalized relations are established.Obama will not only be meeting with President Raul Castro, but also with middle-class Cubans, entrepreneurs, and political dissidents, a symbolic yet reassuring move on behalf of democracy and fairness. Already the opening of relations is bearing fruit, with new businesses sprouting and a flourishing tourism industry taking root.Legal Insurrection The attacks on American officials at the U.S. Embassy in Havana, Cuba, keeps getting stranger and stranger. The latest information revealed that doctors have found brain abnormalities in the victims. From The Associated Press:It s the most specific finding to date about physical damage, showing that whatever it was that harmed the Americans, it led to perceptible changes in their brains. The finding is also one of several factors fueling growing skepticism that some kind of sonic weapon was involved.Medical testing has revealed the embassy workers developed changes to the white matter tracts that let different parts of the brain communicate, several U.S. officials said, describing a growing consensus held by university and government physicians researching the attacks. White matter acts like information highways between brain cells.Some of the victims woke up in the middle of the night and heard disembodied chirping in the room, or a strange, low hum, or the’sound of scraping metal. Others described how they felt a phantom flutter of air pass by as they listened. There are some victims that did not notice anything.But the victims felt the effects of these noises or non-noises 24 hours later. These symptoms included nausea, loss of hearing or sight, headaches, vertigo, and dizziness. Symptoms appeared to have gone away once the victims came back to America. At first officials and doctors believed a sonic weapon caused the issues. Now they’don’t know.The officials did not say if the doctors found these changes in all of the victims. Elisa Konofagou, a Columbia University biomedical engineering professor, told the AP that acoustic waves have never been shown to alter the brain s white matter tracts and she would be very surprised if that is the cause of the abnormalities.From The Washington Post: Physicians are treating the’symptoms like a new, never-seen-before illness, the AP wrote, and expect to monitor the victims for the rest of their lives, although most have fully recovered from their symptoms by now.The physicians are working with FBI agents and intelligence agencies as they look for a source, and U.S. officials have not backed down from their accusations against the Cuban government, which denies any involvement despite a history of animosity between the two countries.In October, experts provided the mysterious noise to the Ap. It s high pitched, almost like nails on a chalkboard. They do not know what kind of mechanism produced this sound or who developed it. Those who heard a sound heard the’same thing:Yet the AP has reviewed several recordings from Havana taken under different circumstances, and all have variations of the’same high-pitched sound. Individuals who have heard the noise in Havana confirm the recordings are generally consistent with what they heard. That s the’sound, one of them said.As the number of affected have risen, the State Department had no choice but to take action to protect our people. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson decided in late September to bring home all non-essential personnel from the U.S. Embassy in Havana, thus cutting the’staff by 60% and halt citizen travel to the island.A few days later, Tillerson decided to expel 15 diplomats from the Cuban Embassy in Washington, D.C.Instead of a legacy of a great man who built much-needed bridges with legitimate foreign nations, Barack Hussein Obama, the community organizer turned President, is left with the legacy of creating the most divided United States of America since the Civil War.
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: In a last-minute attempt to create a legacy for himself, Obama traveled to Cuba to hang out with Raul Castro and prove to Americans how easy it is to form relations with brutal dictators of oppressive regimes. Unfortunately for Barack Obama, it was not his finest moment, and his attempt to normalize relations with Cuba didn’t work out so well for members of our US Embassy, who have now been diagnosed with brain abnormalities , after experiencing some sort of attack that many experts suspect was inflicted with a sonic weapon. The left rejoiced when President Barack Obama decided to normalize relations with the Cuban regime, reopened our embassy, and allowed travel to the island.But most of that has come to a screeching halt after mysterious attacks on our diplomats, which have caused serious health problems. The State Department has decided to recall all non-essential personnel from the embassy and urged Americans not to travel to Cuba. Legal InsurrectionThe leftist Boston Globe publication gushed over Barack Obama s historic visit to Cuba.When President Obama travels to Cuba on Sunday with his family, he is making a vital foreign policy statement, and not just about the’small island off the tip of Florida. The bigger principle at play is the value of diplomatic engagement over isolation, cooperation versus Cold War thinking. The visit the first time a sitting American president has been to Cuba in almost 90 years is a manifestation of the hope that democratic ideals can spread over time once normalized relations are established.Obama will not only be meeting with President Raul Castro, but also with middle-class Cubans, entrepreneurs, and political dissidents, a symbolic yet reassuring move on behalf of democracy and fairness. Already the opening of relations is bearing fruit, with new businesses sprouting and a flourishing tourism industry taking root.Legal Insurrection The attacks on American officials at the U.S. Embassy in Havana, Cuba, keeps getting stranger and stranger. The latest information revealed that doctors have found brain abnormalities in the victims. From The Associated Press:It s the most specific finding to date about physical damage, showing that whatever it was that harmed the Americans, it led to perceptible changes in their brains. The finding is also one of several factors fueling growing skepticism that some kind of sonic weapon was involved.Medical testing has revealed the embassy workers developed changes to the white matter tracts that let different parts of the brain communicate, several U.S. officials said, describing a growing consensus held by university and government physicians researching the attacks. White matter acts like information highways between brain cells.Some of the victims woke up in the middle of the night and heard disembodied chirping in the room, or a strange, low hum, or the’sound of scraping metal. Others described how they felt a phantom flutter of air pass by as they listened. There are some victims that did not notice anything.But the victims felt the effects of these noises or non-noises 24 hours later. These symptoms included nausea, loss of hearing or sight, headaches, vertigo, and dizziness. Symptoms appeared to have gone away once the victims came back to America. At first officials and doctors believed a sonic weapon caused the issues. Now they’don’t know.The officials did not say if the doctors found these changes in all of the victims. Elisa Konofagou, a Columbia University biomedical engineering professor, told the AP that acoustic waves have never been shown to alter the brain s white matter tracts and she would be very surprised if that is the cause of the abnormalities.From The Washington Post: Physicians are treating the’symptoms like a new, never-seen-before illness, the AP wrote, and expect to monitor the victims for the rest of their lives, although most have fully recovered from their symptoms by now.The physicians are working with FBI agents and intelligence agencies as they look for a source, and U.S. officials have not backed down from their accusations against the Cuban government, which denies any involvement despite a history of animosity between the two countries.In October, experts provided the mysterious noise to the Ap. It s high pitched, almost like nails on a chalkboard. They do not know what kind of mechanism produced this sound or who developed it. Those who heard a sound heard the’same thing:Yet the AP has reviewed several recordings from Havana taken under different circumstances, and all have variations of the’same high-pitched sound. Individuals who have heard the noise in Havana confirm the recordings are generally consistent with what they heard. That s the’sound, one of them said.As the number of affected have risen, the State Department had no choice but to take action to protect our people. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson decided in late September to bring home all non-essential personnel from the U.S. Embassy in Havana, thus cutting the’staff by 60% and halt citizen travel to the island.A few days later, Tillerson decided to expel 15 diplomats from the Cuban Embassy in Washington, D.C.Instead of a legacy of a great man who built much-needed bridges with legitimate foreign nations, Barack Hussein Obama, the community organizer turned President, is left with the legacy of creating the most divided United States of America since the Civil War.
During an interview on ABC s This Week, Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump was questioned by the’show s host, George Stephanopoulos, about Russia s involvement with Crimea. Trump’s answer is so completely ignorant that it definitively proves that Trump has a childlike understanding of current foreign affairs.While being questioned about Vladamir Putin and the GOP s stance regarding Ukraine, Trump insisted that Putin is not moving into Crimea despite the fact that Putin had already moved into Crimea in 2014. He s not going into Ukraine, OK, just so you understand. He s not going to go into Ukraine, all right? You can mark it down. You can put it down. You can’take it anywhere you want, Trump’said. Well, he’s already there, isn’t he? Stephanopoulos responded.Trump’said: OK well, he’s there in a certain way. But I m not there. You have Obama there. And frankly, that whole part of the world is a mess under Obama with all the’strength that you’re talking about and all of the power of NATO and all of this. In the meantime, he’s going away. He takes Crimea. Trump then seemed to imply that Russia had a greater claim to the Crimean than the Ukraine. I m going to take a look at it, Trump’said. But you know, the people of Crimea, from what I ve heard, would rather be with Russia than where they were. And you have to look at that, also just so you understand, that was done under Obama s administration. Trump went on to say: And as far as the Ukraine is concerned, it s a mess. And that s under the Obama s administration with his strong ties to NATO. So with all of these strong ties to NATO, Ukraine is a mess. Crimea has been taken. Don t blame Donald Trump for that. Trump, at no point during the line of questioning Stephanopoulos gave him regarding the Ukraine, seemed to know what he was talking about. He appears to have no knowledge of one of the biggest events to happen so far in the 21st century.You can watch the relevant part of the interview below..@realDonaldTrump to @ThisWeekABC: Putin's "not gonna go into Ukraine, all right? You can mark it down." #ThisWeek ABC News (@ABC) July 31, 2016Featured image via video screen capture
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: During an interview on ABC s This Week, Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump was questioned by the’show s host, George Stephanopoulos, about Russia s involvement with Crimea. Trump’s answer is so completely ignorant that it definitively proves that Trump has a childlike understanding of current foreign affairs.While being questioned about Vladamir Putin and the GOP s stance regarding Ukraine, Trump insisted that Putin is not moving into Crimea despite the fact that Putin had already moved into Crimea in 2014. He s not going into Ukraine, OK, just so you understand. He s not going to go into Ukraine, all right? You can mark it down. You can put it down. You can’take it anywhere you want, Trump’said. Well, he’s already there, isn’t he? Stephanopoulos responded.Trump’said: OK well, he’s there in a certain way. But I m not there. You have Obama there. And frankly, that whole part of the world is a mess under Obama with all the’strength that you’re talking about and all of the power of NATO and all of this. In the meantime, he’s going away. He takes Crimea. Trump then seemed to imply that Russia had a greater claim to the Crimean than the Ukraine. I m going to take a look at it, Trump’said. But you know, the people of Crimea, from what I ve heard, would rather be with Russia than where they were. And you have to look at that, also just so you understand, that was done under Obama s administration. Trump went on to say: And as far as the Ukraine is concerned, it s a mess. And that s under the Obama s administration with his strong ties to NATO. So with all of these strong ties to NATO, Ukraine is a mess. Crimea has been taken. Don t blame Donald Trump for that. Trump, at no point during the line of questioning Stephanopoulos gave him regarding the Ukraine, seemed to know what he was talking about. He appears to have no knowledge of one of the biggest events to happen so far in the 21st century.You can watch the relevant part of the interview below..@realDonaldTrump to @ThisWeekABC: Putin's "not gonna go into Ukraine, all right? You can mark it down." #ThisWeek ABC News (@ABC) July 31, 2016Featured image via video screen capture
Results of Baltimore’s primary election were ordered decertified on Thursday by the Maryland elections board, which cited irregularities in the April 26 vote that may have influenced a tight mayoral race. The state panel will begin a precinct-by-precinct review of voting in the overwhelming Democratic city. The Baltimore elections board will pull its certification this evening, state board administrator Linda Lamone said. The state review could cast doubt on the narrow victory by state Senator Catherine Pugh in the mayoral primary, where she defeated former Mayor Sheila Dixon. Pugh had backed law enforcement reform as Baltimore recovers from April 2015 rioting sparked by a black man’s death from an injury in police custody. Three City Council races were determined by a few hundred votes. Lamone said officials had found 80 provisional ballots that had not been checked to see whether they were cast in the right precinct or the voters were registered. Unusually high numbers of voters also checked in at polling places but never cast ballots, she said. That issue was not cleared up when the city board certified the election this week. “There were enough discrepancies in that reconciliation (on the number of voters) that made me determine we need to review everything more,” Lamone said. A group of activists has questioned the fairness of the election. Victory in the Democratic primary means an almost certain win in the November general election.
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: Results of Baltimore’s primary election were ordered decertified on Thursday by the Maryland elections board, which cited irregularities in the April 26 vote that may have influenced a tight mayoral race. The state panel will begin a precinct-by-precinct review of voting in the overwhelming Democratic city. The Baltimore elections board will pull its certification this evening, state board administrator Linda Lamone said. The state review could cast doubt on the narrow victory by state Senator Catherine Pugh in the mayoral primary, where she defeated former Mayor Sheila Dixon. Pugh had backed law enforcement reform as Baltimore recovers from April 2015 rioting sparked by a black man’s death from an injury in police custody. Three City Council races were determined by a few hundred votes. Lamone said officials had found 80 provisional ballots that had not been checked to see whether they were cast in the right precinct or the voters were registered. Unusually high numbers of voters also checked in at polling places but never cast ballots, she said. That issue was not cleared up when the city board certified the election this week. “There were enough discrepancies in that reconciliation (on the number of voters) that made me determine we need to review everything more,” Lamone said. A group of activists has questioned the fairness of the election. Victory in the Democratic primary means an almost certain win in the November general election.
Saudi Arabia does not believe that Iran is abiding by the 2015 nuclear deal between the Islamic Republic and six world powers, the kingdom s foreign minister said on Wednesday, without elaborating. We expect the international community to do whatever it takes to ensure that Iran is in compliance, the minister, Adel al-Jubeir, told reporters at the United Nations.
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: Saudi Arabia does not believe that Iran is abiding by the 2015 nuclear deal between the Islamic Republic and six world powers, the kingdom s foreign minister said on Wednesday, without elaborating. We expect the international community to do whatever it takes to ensure that Iran is in compliance, the minister, Adel al-Jubeir, told reporters at the United Nations.
The Last Word With Lawrence O Donnell is seen by some as a rather dull MSNBC talk show as compared to say, All In With Chris Hayes, or The Rachel Maddow Show. However, they often have very important guests and discussions on there, and if you missed Monday night s edition, boy did you miss a doozy.Of course, we all know that presumptive GOP presidential nominee Donald Trump’spent the whole of Monday blaming President Obama for the’shooting in Orlando even going so far as to insinuate that the President secretly endorses terrorism. That is about as appalling of a piece of innuendo anyone much less a presumptive presidential nominee could throw at a sitting president, but it s Donald Trump’so of course he did it.Well, O Donnell s Last Word panel was having none of it, and they ripped Trump a new one. This panel just happened to include Peter Wehner, who is a Republican and a former adviser to President George H.W. Bush. Here is the transcript of that part of the conversation via Media Matters:LAWRENCE O DONNELL (HOST): Donald Trump began the day today by saying what we knew he would say, that of course the massacre in Orlando is President Obama s fault. We all knew that was coming. Donald Trump was going to find some way to blame the president, but he didn’t just blame the president s policies. He said the president actually is cheering for the other side. He said the president has something else in mind when it comes to fighting terrorism, meaning that the president doesn’t really want to fight terrorism because he has something else in mind. Those were his words. The’suggestion that the president was really working for the other side was delivered in Trump’s classic imitation of Joe McCarthy, innuendo on top of innuendo.[ ]David, we knew it was going to be President Obama s fault, but the details were interestingly crafted this time.DAVID CORN: Well we don’t have details as you put it, we have innuendo. And this is just a continuation of the argument that made him a conservative favorite to begin with: birtherism. That there s something phoney and furtive and secretive and creepy about President Barack Obama. He s really a secret Muslim, secret socialist, he doesn’t like America, and Trump doesn’t say these things explicitly. But it s clear that the implication is that he wants the terrorism to succeed or happen. That he’s not interested in stopping it, and he has this sort of a secret agenda. Wink, wink, nod, nod; this is Alex Jones stuff. It s racist, and it feeds the base and the paranoia that brought Trump to where he is. And it s just the fact that other Republicans don’t come out I mean, Peter will but other Republicans don’t come out and call him out on this in this moment of national tragedy is equally sad.PETER WEHNER: I think it s all that Donald Trump knows. This is the way the man is. He pulls these pins on these grenades and he rolls them and then it explodes and he’says, geez, what happened? I think the guy has a personality disorder. I don’t think he can control himself. So I think even if it s not in his interest to engage in this kind of stuff, he would do it. Beyond that I think he does it because he is the most massively ignorant person ever to run for president and he cannot discuss public policy. So everything he’s done from the day that he’s gone in is to set up these debates that are on the ground of appealing to the darkest impulses of the country. That is what he relishes, and he wants to be in the gutter. The trouble is he’s bringing a lot of people down there with him.Thank you, Peter Wehner, for not being one of those crazy GOPers who puts party before country and supports Trump despite the fact that an incompetent, racist jackass like that with his finger on the button would absolutely catastrophic for both the nation and world. Hopefully, as we roll closer to November, more republicans will realize their mistake and un-endorse Donald Trump.Watch the exchange below, again via Media Matters:Featured image via Joe Raedle/Getty Images
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: The Last Word With Lawrence O Donnell is seen by some as a rather dull MSNBC talk show as compared to say, All In With Chris Hayes, or The Rachel Maddow Show. However, they often have very important guests and discussions on there, and if you missed Monday night s edition, boy did you miss a doozy.Of course, we all know that presumptive GOP presidential nominee Donald Trump’spent the whole of Monday blaming President Obama for the’shooting in Orlando even going so far as to insinuate that the President secretly endorses terrorism. That is about as appalling of a piece of innuendo anyone much less a presumptive presidential nominee could throw at a sitting president, but it s Donald Trump’so of course he did it.Well, O Donnell s Last Word panel was having none of it, and they ripped Trump a new one. This panel just happened to include Peter Wehner, who is a Republican and a former adviser to President George H.W. Bush. Here is the transcript of that part of the conversation via Media Matters:LAWRENCE O DONNELL (HOST): Donald Trump began the day today by saying what we knew he would say, that of course the massacre in Orlando is President Obama s fault. We all knew that was coming. Donald Trump was going to find some way to blame the president, but he didn’t just blame the president s policies. He said the president actually is cheering for the other side. He said the president has something else in mind when it comes to fighting terrorism, meaning that the president doesn’t really want to fight terrorism because he has something else in mind. Those were his words. The’suggestion that the president was really working for the other side was delivered in Trump’s classic imitation of Joe McCarthy, innuendo on top of innuendo.[ ]David, we knew it was going to be President Obama s fault, but the details were interestingly crafted this time.DAVID CORN: Well we don’t have details as you put it, we have innuendo. And this is just a continuation of the argument that made him a conservative favorite to begin with: birtherism. That there s something phoney and furtive and secretive and creepy about President Barack Obama. He s really a secret Muslim, secret socialist, he doesn’t like America, and Trump doesn’t say these things explicitly. But it s clear that the implication is that he wants the terrorism to succeed or happen. That he’s not interested in stopping it, and he has this sort of a secret agenda. Wink, wink, nod, nod; this is Alex Jones stuff. It s racist, and it feeds the base and the paranoia that brought Trump to where he is. And it s just the fact that other Republicans don’t come out I mean, Peter will but other Republicans don’t come out and call him out on this in this moment of national tragedy is equally sad.PETER WEHNER: I think it s all that Donald Trump knows. This is the way the man is. He pulls these pins on these grenades and he rolls them and then it explodes and he’says, geez, what happened? I think the guy has a personality disorder. I don’t think he can control himself. So I think even if it s not in his interest to engage in this kind of stuff, he would do it. Beyond that I think he does it because he is the most massively ignorant person ever to run for president and he cannot discuss public policy. So everything he’s done from the day that he’s gone in is to set up these debates that are on the ground of appealing to the darkest impulses of the country. That is what he relishes, and he wants to be in the gutter. The trouble is he’s bringing a lot of people down there with him.Thank you, Peter Wehner, for not being one of those crazy GOPers who puts party before country and supports Trump despite the fact that an incompetent, racist jackass like that with his finger on the button would absolutely catastrophic for both the nation and world. Hopefully, as we roll closer to November, more republicans will realize their mistake and un-endorse Donald Trump.Watch the exchange below, again via Media Matters:Featured image via Joe Raedle/Getty Images
Seven people were wounded when an explosion hit a shuttle bus carrying prison guards in the Turkish coastal province of Izmir on Thursday, and authorities were investigating a possible terrorist attack, the local mayor said. The bus was hit as it passed a garbage container at around 7:40 a.m. (0440 GMT), Levent Piristina, the mayor of Izmir s Buca district, said on Twitter. Photographs he posted on social media showed its windows blown out and its windscreen shattered. The force of the blast appeared to have blown out some of the bus s panels, and the nearby street was littered with debris. We are getting information from police sources and they are focusing on the possibility of a terrorist attack, he said, adding that all seven wounded were in good condition. Both state-run TRT Haber and private broadcaster Dogan news agency said the explosion was caused by a bomb placed in the garbage container that exploded when the shuttle bus passed. No one immediately claimed responsibility. Both Kurdish militants and jihadist Islamic State militants have carried out suicide and bomb attacks in major Turkish cities in recent years. Kurdish militants have previously targeted buses carrying security personnel. In December, a bomb killed at least 13 soldiers and wounded more than 50 when it ripped through a bus carrying off-duty military personnel in the central city of Kayseri, an attack the government blamed on Kurdish militants. The Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK), considered a terrorist organization by the United States, Turkey and the European Union, has waged a three-decade insurgency against the Turkish state. The outlawed PKK wants autonomy for Turkey s largely Kurdish southeast.
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: Seven people were wounded when an explosion hit a shuttle bus carrying prison guards in the Turkish coastal province of Izmir on Thursday, and authorities were investigating a possible terrorist attack, the local mayor said. The bus was hit as it passed a garbage container at around 7:40 a.m. (0440 GMT), Levent Piristina, the mayor of Izmir s Buca district, said on Twitter. Photographs he posted on social media showed its windows blown out and its windscreen shattered. The force of the blast appeared to have blown out some of the bus s panels, and the nearby street was littered with debris. We are getting information from police sources and they are focusing on the possibility of a terrorist attack, he said, adding that all seven wounded were in good condition. Both state-run TRT Haber and private broadcaster Dogan news agency said the explosion was caused by a bomb placed in the garbage container that exploded when the shuttle bus passed. No one immediately claimed responsibility. Both Kurdish militants and jihadist Islamic State militants have carried out suicide and bomb attacks in major Turkish cities in recent years. Kurdish militants have previously targeted buses carrying security personnel. In December, a bomb killed at least 13 soldiers and wounded more than 50 when it ripped through a bus carrying off-duty military personnel in the central city of Kayseri, an attack the government blamed on Kurdish militants. The Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK), considered a terrorist organization by the United States, Turkey and the European Union, has waged a three-decade insurgency against the Turkish state. The outlawed PKK wants autonomy for Turkey s largely Kurdish southeast.
The secretaries of the U.S. Treasury and Health and Human Services called for fast congressional action to help Puerto Rico out of its economic mess, and said a bipartisan task force report failed to go far enough on recommending a low-income tax credit for the commonwealth. In a letter to U.S. House Speaker Paul Ryan on Tuesday, Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew and Health and Human Services Secretary Sylvia Burwell reaffirmed calls to step up healthcare funding for Puerto Rico. “We write to underscore the need for additional legislation early in this (congressional) session to address the economic and fiscal crisis in Puerto Rico,” the letter said. They noted that 900,000 Puerto Ricans could risk losing healthcare unless Congress took action by April. The U.S. territory is hampered by $70 billion in debt, unemployment more than twice the U.S. average, a 45 percent poverty rate and a decreasing population as locals flock to the U.S. mainland. A congressional task force of U.S. senators and congressmen in December recommended several fixes for Puerto Rico, including boosting healthcare funding and exploring giving the island access to the federal Earned Income Tax Credit. The benefit for low- to moderate-income workers has been used to combat poverty, and the Obama Administration has proposed expanding it to Puerto Rico. If the credit exceeds a worker’s income tax liability, the government will refund the balance. The report did not go far enough with the tax credit, Lew and Burwell said, calling the benefit a “powerful economic driver.” The task force report described healthcare in Puerto Rico as “a serious and urgent issue,” but did not agree on solutions. For decades, the United States offered lower payments to most island residents under the federally sponsored Medicare and Medicaid insurance programs. Funding for the Medicaid program for the poor, for example, has been capped by Washington, spurring island officials to borrow heavily through municipal bonds. Read the Special Report here:
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: The secretaries of the U.S. Treasury and Health and Human Services called for fast congressional action to help Puerto Rico out of its economic mess, and said a bipartisan task force report failed to go far enough on recommending a low-income tax credit for the commonwealth. In a letter to U.S. House Speaker Paul Ryan on Tuesday, Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew and Health and Human Services Secretary Sylvia Burwell reaffirmed calls to step up healthcare funding for Puerto Rico. “We write to underscore the need for additional legislation early in this (congressional) session to address the economic and fiscal crisis in Puerto Rico,” the letter said. They noted that 900,000 Puerto Ricans could risk losing healthcare unless Congress took action by April. The U.S. territory is hampered by $70 billion in debt, unemployment more than twice the U.S. average, a 45 percent poverty rate and a decreasing population as locals flock to the U.S. mainland. A congressional task force of U.S. senators and congressmen in December recommended several fixes for Puerto Rico, including boosting healthcare funding and exploring giving the island access to the federal Earned Income Tax Credit. The benefit for low- to moderate-income workers has been used to combat poverty, and the Obama Administration has proposed expanding it to Puerto Rico. If the credit exceeds a worker’s income tax liability, the government will refund the balance. The report did not go far enough with the tax credit, Lew and Burwell said, calling the benefit a “powerful economic driver.” The task force report described healthcare in Puerto Rico as “a serious and urgent issue,” but did not agree on solutions. For decades, the United States offered lower payments to most island residents under the federally sponsored Medicare and Medicaid insurance programs. Funding for the Medicaid program for the poor, for example, has been capped by Washington, spurring island officials to borrow heavily through municipal bonds. Read the Special Report here:
Donald Trump is a horrible president. Everyone knew in the run up to the election that he was in no way qualified for this job. Now that he is in the Oval Office, these facts are magnified on an hourly basis a thousandfold. However, there seems to be one unlikely person who, at least secretly, shares these opinions in part: Donald Trump himself.A source close to Trump’says that he is miserable. For one thing, he is angry that members of his cabinet, such as Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, are refusing to walk in lockstep on some of Trump’s more controversial public statements the comments after the violent white supremacist rally in Charlottesville that left a woman dead is a particular source of Trump’s ire. Further, what really seems to get him is that there will no firings of top level cabinet officials, because no qualified person would take those jobs now. The’source says of how Trump is feeling on his cabinet secretaries public thrashings: I think that cuts him to the quick. The’same source says of the laughable idea of Trump being able to replace Tillerson or any other high level member of the cabinet: I couldn’t name you a guy who would take the job or get confirmed. Also, the last of the alt-right Trump’s fellow travelers in bigotry are pretty much gone from the White House, thanks to Trump’s new Chief of Staff, General John Kelly. It seems that the disciplined adult in the room has zero intention of replacing literal Nazis like Trump’s ousted Chief Strategist Stephen K. Bannon and key adviser Sebastion Gorka. The’source says of these developments: General Kelly has come in and done a look-see on what everyone s been working on for the first six or seven months hereSome people were ready, and some people were not. As for Trump himself? Well, he’s flippin miserable. The’source says of the poor old Donald s feelings as of late: He feels like this is not what he’signed up for, and his accomplishments are being underplayed. He just looks around and says, When is this going to get better? The’source goes on to say that Trump’s emotional state is the worst it s ever been. Well, what did he expect? Sure, when you’re president, you’re the most powerful person on earth. But it s also the hardest job in the world. It s hard even when the occupant is actually qualified. Trump is not. He has that attention span of a gnat on crystal meth, does not read books, can’t even use basic modern technology such as email, has dangerous authoritarian instincts, no impulse control, and no respect for the rule of law. Further, he is bigoted, petulant, vindictive, and petty. He s also an admitted serial sexual assaulter and adulterer. In short Trump is everything we DON T want in a president, from his character, to his knowledge (read: lack thereof), to his ignorance and bigotry.It seems that The Donald thought he d be able to rule over the nation like some kind of mad king. It s obvious that he got a very rude awakening. Oh, if only we lived in an alternate universe where he could have seen what this would be like, and had decided against running for president.Featured image via Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: Donald Trump is a horrible president. Everyone knew in the run up to the election that he was in no way qualified for this job. Now that he is in the Oval Office, these facts are magnified on an hourly basis a thousandfold. However, there seems to be one unlikely person who, at least secretly, shares these opinions in part: Donald Trump himself.A source close to Trump’says that he is miserable. For one thing, he is angry that members of his cabinet, such as Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, are refusing to walk in lockstep on some of Trump’s more controversial public statements the comments after the violent white supremacist rally in Charlottesville that left a woman dead is a particular source of Trump’s ire. Further, what really seems to get him is that there will no firings of top level cabinet officials, because no qualified person would take those jobs now. The’source says of how Trump is feeling on his cabinet secretaries public thrashings: I think that cuts him to the quick. The’same source says of the laughable idea of Trump being able to replace Tillerson or any other high level member of the cabinet: I couldn’t name you a guy who would take the job or get confirmed. Also, the last of the alt-right Trump’s fellow travelers in bigotry are pretty much gone from the White House, thanks to Trump’s new Chief of Staff, General John Kelly. It seems that the disciplined adult in the room has zero intention of replacing literal Nazis like Trump’s ousted Chief Strategist Stephen K. Bannon and key adviser Sebastion Gorka. The’source says of these developments: General Kelly has come in and done a look-see on what everyone s been working on for the first six or seven months hereSome people were ready, and some people were not. As for Trump himself? Well, he’s flippin miserable. The’source says of the poor old Donald s feelings as of late: He feels like this is not what he’signed up for, and his accomplishments are being underplayed. He just looks around and says, When is this going to get better? The’source goes on to say that Trump’s emotional state is the worst it s ever been. Well, what did he expect? Sure, when you’re president, you’re the most powerful person on earth. But it s also the hardest job in the world. It s hard even when the occupant is actually qualified. Trump is not. He has that attention span of a gnat on crystal meth, does not read books, can’t even use basic modern technology such as email, has dangerous authoritarian instincts, no impulse control, and no respect for the rule of law. Further, he is bigoted, petulant, vindictive, and petty. He s also an admitted serial sexual assaulter and adulterer. In short Trump is everything we DON T want in a president, from his character, to his knowledge (read: lack thereof), to his ignorance and bigotry.It seems that The Donald thought he d be able to rule over the nation like some kind of mad king. It s obvious that he got a very rude awakening. Oh, if only we lived in an alternate universe where he could have seen what this would be like, and had decided against running for president.Featured image via Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images
Do Americans even remember the worldwide violence and hate inspired by Hillary s announcement that the Benghazi attack was a result of an amateur anti-Islam video? She was willing to throw the entire world under the bus to save her political career Watch video below, as our American flag is being ripped down and replaced by ISIS flag on our U.S. Embassy in Cairo. Note the ISIS flags being carried by protesters of the anti-Islam movie that Hillary told the world was caused the Benghazi attack.Who would hire a woman to lead our country when she was willing to watch the world burn and create violent clashes around the world in order to cover up her ineptness as a Secretary of State?And then there s the condemnation of America by a Washington DC imam that demand the American Embassy in Cairo needed to be attacked because of the anti-Islam film. Of course, his rhetoric was overlooked because the real issue is of course, Americans who are islamaphobic violent anti US protest that shut down Sydney turning the city streets into a bloody battle field have been condemned by leaders on all levels. Six police officers and 17 others were injured when the demonstrations spiraled into chaos.Here is Hillary being exposed as a liar during the Benghazi hearing that the mainstream media claims she walked away from unscathed:In her most disgraceful act yet, Hillary addresses friends and families of Benghazi victims at their funeral. Watch at the 13:12 mark when Hillary lies about the reason for the murder of these 4 innocent Americans:Here s CNN s Jeffrey Toobin working in concert with shameless Hillary who used her time testifying before Congress to blame Ambassador Christopher Stevens himself for the Benghazi attack:
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: Do Americans even remember the worldwide violence and hate inspired by Hillary s announcement that the Benghazi attack was a result of an amateur anti-Islam video? She was willing to throw the entire world under the bus to save her political career Watch video below, as our American flag is being ripped down and replaced by ISIS flag on our U.S. Embassy in Cairo. Note the ISIS flags being carried by protesters of the anti-Islam movie that Hillary told the world was caused the Benghazi attack.Who would hire a woman to lead our country when she was willing to watch the world burn and create violent clashes around the world in order to cover up her ineptness as a Secretary of State?And then there s the condemnation of America by a Washington DC imam that demand the American Embassy in Cairo needed to be attacked because of the anti-Islam film. Of course, his rhetoric was overlooked because the real issue is of course, Americans who are islamaphobic violent anti US protest that shut down Sydney turning the city streets into a bloody battle field have been condemned by leaders on all levels. Six police officers and 17 others were injured when the demonstrations spiraled into chaos.Here is Hillary being exposed as a liar during the Benghazi hearing that the mainstream media claims she walked away from unscathed:In her most disgraceful act yet, Hillary addresses friends and families of Benghazi victims at their funeral. Watch at the 13:12 mark when Hillary lies about the reason for the murder of these 4 innocent Americans:Here s CNN s Jeffrey Toobin working in concert with shameless Hillary who used her time testifying before Congress to blame Ambassador Christopher Stevens himself for the Benghazi attack:
Trump’s popularity continues to slip and slide downhill, including with his base. Every segment of his base, even those that are traditionally Republican. One demographic hasn’t voted for a Democrat since 2000, but that could change in 2020 as they find themselves increasingly dissatisfied. A new Gallup poll shows that the military community, which Trump won by 17 points last year, now disapproves of him 52 percent to 43 percent. That s a 9-point difference there.In other words, according to Gallup who conducted the poll that s a 16-point swing away from how they saw him during his first 100 days. Prior to April 29, Trump’still had a 7-point advantage with the military. May could be an outlier, or it could be the harbinger of a trend that should scare the hell out of Republicans.Military members and their families tend to lean conservative (even though it s primarily the Republicans who toss them aside when they come back from war, saying, We don’t have enough money for the VA. Too bad, so sad ). They re less diverse than the general population, and are less educated than the general public. They also tend to be more religious and more culturally conservative than civilians, so in short, their makeup looks very Republican.That makes this poll surprising and possibly damaging for the GOP, particularly with a contentious midterm coming up next year and a standard-bearer that can’t crawl out of the hole of record disapproval in which he finds himself. He s certainly not winning anyone over with his proposal to close more military bases, which military communities tend to depend on for their own livelihood. The Russia scandal and his missteps, like firing James Comey and antagonizing our intelligence services, probably aren’t helping either.This falling approval among the military community can present an opportunity for Democrats to slide in if they find solid ways to reach them. The truth is that they still have a significant disadvantage there, but disapproval for a president can’translate to disapproval for his party. That, in turn, can lead to some conservatives deciding to vote Democratic.If this trend continues among the military community, then the GOP will probably find itself in some trouble. They rely on this part of their base. Now that part of their base is weakening.Featured image by Win McNamee via Getty Images
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: Trump’s popularity continues to slip and slide downhill, including with his base. Every segment of his base, even those that are traditionally Republican. One demographic hasn’t voted for a Democrat since 2000, but that could change in 2020 as they find themselves increasingly dissatisfied. A new Gallup poll shows that the military community, which Trump won by 17 points last year, now disapproves of him 52 percent to 43 percent. That s a 9-point difference there.In other words, according to Gallup who conducted the poll that s a 16-point swing away from how they saw him during his first 100 days. Prior to April 29, Trump’still had a 7-point advantage with the military. May could be an outlier, or it could be the harbinger of a trend that should scare the hell out of Republicans.Military members and their families tend to lean conservative (even though it s primarily the Republicans who toss them aside when they come back from war, saying, We don’t have enough money for the VA. Too bad, so sad ). They re less diverse than the general population, and are less educated than the general public. They also tend to be more religious and more culturally conservative than civilians, so in short, their makeup looks very Republican.That makes this poll surprising and possibly damaging for the GOP, particularly with a contentious midterm coming up next year and a standard-bearer that can’t crawl out of the hole of record disapproval in which he finds himself. He s certainly not winning anyone over with his proposal to close more military bases, which military communities tend to depend on for their own livelihood. The Russia scandal and his missteps, like firing James Comey and antagonizing our intelligence services, probably aren’t helping either.This falling approval among the military community can present an opportunity for Democrats to slide in if they find solid ways to reach them. The truth is that they still have a significant disadvantage there, but disapproval for a president can’translate to disapproval for his party. That, in turn, can lead to some conservatives deciding to vote Democratic.If this trend continues among the military community, then the GOP will probably find itself in some trouble. They rely on this part of their base. Now that part of their base is weakening.Featured image by Win McNamee via Getty Images
In 2014, Tennessee lawmakers passed a bill which legalized an entirely new type of loan in the’state, often referred to as a Flex loan. These loans have an annual interest rate of 279 percent.According to WTVF, the Flex loan is the brainchild of the payday loan industry. The bill, which allows payday lenders to push these predatory loans in Tennessee, was introduced just as the U.S. Congress was talking about cracking down on traditional payday loans.The Flexible Credit Act, which created the loans and legalized an interest rate of 279 percent, was sponsored by republican State Representative Cameron Sexton.It passed with bipartisan support in both houses.An investigation by WTVF revealed that, just before and just after the bill was passed, at least $400,000 was funnelled to state lawmakers from payday lending companies.The only person to testify regarding the bill was a lobbyist from the payday loan industry.Only one lawmaker, democratic Representative Mike Stewart, questioned the legislation as it made its way through the assembly.Video shows that Representative Stewart, who voted against the legislation, initially asked Sexton about the bill. Do we have any idea as we’re passing this bill today, which is creating an entirely new financial product, what it s going to cost the average guy on the’street? When Sexton did not have an immediate answer, Stewart continued to press him on the issue. Well what is the APR? he asked. I m sure we know it. What is it? What is the answer? What is it? Sexton finally replied, saying, The highest interest rate that could be charged is 24%. Sexton s answer was deceptive. While Flex loans have a 24 percent annual interest rate, there is an additional interest rate of .7 percent, which is charged to the consumer every single day, throughout the life of the loan.Veteran Joshua Hause had two existing payday loans in Tennessee, before the Flex loans were legalized. His total debt at the time was $925.As he explains here, he was forced to convert the two loans to a Flex loan. He now pays more than $2,000 a month on the $925 he originally borrowed, and his payments continue to grow larger every month.Hause is not alone. WTVF also talked to Tennessee resident Malia Andrews. I just about had a complete meltdown in the car, Andrews recalled, describing the moment she realized it would take years to pay off her flex loan.She explained, And only like $20 of my payment was going to the principal and the rest was, like $300, was going towards the interest rate. The’single mother said that, if she d known how much the loan would end up costing her, she never would have taken it out. According to WTVF, the bill that legalized Flex loans in Tennessee never addressed the 279 percent APR.WTVF interviewed Sexton on February 17, 2016.NewsChannel 5 Investigates asked Sexton about the exchange on the House floor in 2014: Why weren’t you able to just say this is what the APR is ? Sexton s response: I don’t think anybody was trying to dodge the question. What happens is you want to make sure the information he’s provided is accurate. It gets better.NewsChannel 5 Investigates asked Sexton, So you’d have to do some real math to figure out its 279%. I don’t know about real math, but it would take a little work to come up with 278%, he replied. Watch the video below, courtesy of WTVF.Featured image via video screen capture from WTVF
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: In 2014, Tennessee lawmakers passed a bill which legalized an entirely new type of loan in the’state, often referred to as a Flex loan. These loans have an annual interest rate of 279 percent.According to WTVF, the Flex loan is the brainchild of the payday loan industry. The bill, which allows payday lenders to push these predatory loans in Tennessee, was introduced just as the U.S. Congress was talking about cracking down on traditional payday loans.The Flexible Credit Act, which created the loans and legalized an interest rate of 279 percent, was sponsored by republican State Representative Cameron Sexton.It passed with bipartisan support in both houses.An investigation by WTVF revealed that, just before and just after the bill was passed, at least $400,000 was funnelled to state lawmakers from payday lending companies.The only person to testify regarding the bill was a lobbyist from the payday loan industry.Only one lawmaker, democratic Representative Mike Stewart, questioned the legislation as it made its way through the assembly.Video shows that Representative Stewart, who voted against the legislation, initially asked Sexton about the bill. Do we have any idea as we’re passing this bill today, which is creating an entirely new financial product, what it s going to cost the average guy on the’street? When Sexton did not have an immediate answer, Stewart continued to press him on the issue. Well what is the APR? he asked. I m sure we know it. What is it? What is the answer? What is it? Sexton finally replied, saying, The highest interest rate that could be charged is 24%. Sexton s answer was deceptive. While Flex loans have a 24 percent annual interest rate, there is an additional interest rate of .7 percent, which is charged to the consumer every single day, throughout the life of the loan.Veteran Joshua Hause had two existing payday loans in Tennessee, before the Flex loans were legalized. His total debt at the time was $925.As he explains here, he was forced to convert the two loans to a Flex loan. He now pays more than $2,000 a month on the $925 he originally borrowed, and his payments continue to grow larger every month.Hause is not alone. WTVF also talked to Tennessee resident Malia Andrews. I just about had a complete meltdown in the car, Andrews recalled, describing the moment she realized it would take years to pay off her flex loan.She explained, And only like $20 of my payment was going to the principal and the rest was, like $300, was going towards the interest rate. The’single mother said that, if she d known how much the loan would end up costing her, she never would have taken it out. According to WTVF, the bill that legalized Flex loans in Tennessee never addressed the 279 percent APR.WTVF interviewed Sexton on February 17, 2016.NewsChannel 5 Investigates asked Sexton about the exchange on the House floor in 2014: Why weren’t you able to just say this is what the APR is ? Sexton s response: I don’t think anybody was trying to dodge the question. What happens is you want to make sure the information he’s provided is accurate. It gets better.NewsChannel 5 Investigates asked Sexton, So you’d have to do some real math to figure out its 279%. I don’t know about real math, but it would take a little work to come up with 278%, he replied. Watch the video below, courtesy of WTVF.Featured image via video screen capture from WTVF
Donald Trump’set off a lot of alarm bells with his claim in the last presidential debate that he would not graciously concede the election lost unless he had been convinced that the contest was not rigged, whatever that means.Commentary from across the political spectrum pointed out that Trump’s rhetoric had more in comparison with a dictatorial strongman holding on to power than the democratically elected president of the United States.And now Trump’s most diehard supporters are entertaining thoughts of violence if their chosen leader fails to win the race.Jim Moseley is buying extra ammunition and stocking up on canned goods.He is a Donald Trump’supporter in South Carolina, and he is preparing for war. The civil war he thinks will start if Hillary Clinton is elected president. Once the trucks stop rolling, the grocery shelves will go empty and gasoline rationing will go into effect, Moseley, who calls himself a Christian soldier, wrote in a Facebook message early this week. Liberals will have targets on their backs, as their behaviors are pretty much evident race wars will begin as well, as your skin color will be your uniform! This is bigger than just Donald Trump, as he is just the latest manifestation of the paranoid style on the right, a mindset that has pushed conspiratorial and bizarre ideas for over 50 years. It is the’same mindset behind Fox News and its creation by former Nixon aide Roger Ailes, as well as right-wing talk radio and its leading hosts like Sean Hannity and Rush Limbaugh.At a certain point, if you keep telling your most devoted audience that someone is out to get them and they need guns and more to protect themselves and their families, they’re going to believe it.Trump’s decision to violate the norms of American elections are another sign that he cares more about his ego than the’safety of Americans.Featured image via Flickr
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: Donald Trump’set off a lot of alarm bells with his claim in the last presidential debate that he would not graciously concede the election lost unless he had been convinced that the contest was not rigged, whatever that means.Commentary from across the political spectrum pointed out that Trump’s rhetoric had more in comparison with a dictatorial strongman holding on to power than the democratically elected president of the United States.And now Trump’s most diehard supporters are entertaining thoughts of violence if their chosen leader fails to win the race.Jim Moseley is buying extra ammunition and stocking up on canned goods.He is a Donald Trump’supporter in South Carolina, and he is preparing for war. The civil war he thinks will start if Hillary Clinton is elected president. Once the trucks stop rolling, the grocery shelves will go empty and gasoline rationing will go into effect, Moseley, who calls himself a Christian soldier, wrote in a Facebook message early this week. Liberals will have targets on their backs, as their behaviors are pretty much evident race wars will begin as well, as your skin color will be your uniform! This is bigger than just Donald Trump, as he is just the latest manifestation of the paranoid style on the right, a mindset that has pushed conspiratorial and bizarre ideas for over 50 years. It is the’same mindset behind Fox News and its creation by former Nixon aide Roger Ailes, as well as right-wing talk radio and its leading hosts like Sean Hannity and Rush Limbaugh.At a certain point, if you keep telling your most devoted audience that someone is out to get them and they need guns and more to protect themselves and their families, they’re going to believe it.Trump’s decision to violate the norms of American elections are another sign that he cares more about his ego than the’safety of Americans.Featured image via Flickr
Former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright weighed in on Donald Trump’s remarks about what a brilliant leader he thinks Kim Jong Un is, including his comment that he would be ever so honored to meet with him. Her take on the’situation is that Trump needs to stay the hell away from the North Korean dictator. Far, far away. A president doesn’t go to a country without any preparation, and honored would definitely be the wrong way to discuss somebody who is keeping his people in poverty and starving and control, Albright told CNN s Jake Tapper on Tuesday.Trump has repeatedly gushed about how much he loves various autocrats from around the world and recently he has been singing the praises of Kim Jong Un. On Sunday, he’said on CBS Face The Nation that the murderous leader was a smart cookie, you know, for killing off family members to stay in power and other fun stuff like that. Then, on Monday, Trump told Bloomberg that he would be honored to meet with Kim Jong Un if the circumstances happened to be right.Albright slammed Trump for kissing up to dictators, especially the likes of Kim Jong Un. I think that part of the issue is that President Trump’seems to believe that he can have just one-on-one relationships. And maybe that s possible in business, but that is not something that is possible as president of the United States, she’said. This is not a matter of charming, by saying you’re honored and he’s a smart cookie.' The former secretary of state has spoken out against Trump and his piss poor excuse for foreign policy from the very beginning of his candidacy. Tuesday s comments come amid rising tensions between the U.S. and North Korea over Pyongyang s weapons program.You can watch Albright s entire interview here:Featured image via video screen capture
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: Former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright weighed in on Donald Trump’s remarks about what a brilliant leader he thinks Kim Jong Un is, including his comment that he would be ever so honored to meet with him. Her take on the’situation is that Trump needs to stay the hell away from the North Korean dictator. Far, far away. A president doesn’t go to a country without any preparation, and honored would definitely be the wrong way to discuss somebody who is keeping his people in poverty and starving and control, Albright told CNN s Jake Tapper on Tuesday.Trump has repeatedly gushed about how much he loves various autocrats from around the world and recently he has been singing the praises of Kim Jong Un. On Sunday, he’said on CBS Face The Nation that the murderous leader was a smart cookie, you know, for killing off family members to stay in power and other fun stuff like that. Then, on Monday, Trump told Bloomberg that he would be honored to meet with Kim Jong Un if the circumstances happened to be right.Albright slammed Trump for kissing up to dictators, especially the likes of Kim Jong Un. I think that part of the issue is that President Trump’seems to believe that he can have just one-on-one relationships. And maybe that s possible in business, but that is not something that is possible as president of the United States, she’said. This is not a matter of charming, by saying you’re honored and he’s a smart cookie.' The former secretary of state has spoken out against Trump and his piss poor excuse for foreign policy from the very beginning of his candidacy. Tuesday s comments come amid rising tensions between the U.S. and North Korea over Pyongyang s weapons program.You can watch Albright s entire interview here:Featured image via video screen capture
When you hear the left screaming about hateful rhetoric coming from the right, just play this video for them:
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: When you hear the left screaming about hateful rhetoric coming from the right, just play this video for them:
U.S. first lady Michelle Obama will join her husband, President Barack Obama, for his trip to Britain later this week, the White House said on Monday. The Obamas will attend a private lunch with Queen Elizabeth and her husband, Prince Philip at Windsor Castle on Friday. That evening they will have diner with Prince William, his wife Kate, and Prince Harry at Kensington Palace, White House spokesman Josh Earnest said. The president’s trip comes as the British weigh whether or not to remain in the European Union in an upcoming referendum and as Obama completes his final year in office as president.
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: U.S. first lady Michelle Obama will join her husband, President Barack Obama, for his trip to Britain later this week, the White House said on Monday. The Obamas will attend a private lunch with Queen Elizabeth and her husband, Prince Philip at Windsor Castle on Friday. That evening they will have diner with Prince William, his wife Kate, and Prince Harry at Kensington Palace, White House spokesman Josh Earnest said. The president’s trip comes as the British weigh whether or not to remain in the European Union in an upcoming referendum and as Obama completes his final year in office as president.
I think we are in a real moment like Nixon ??? He [Trump] did all of the dogwhistles. This is not Bernie Sanders populism, this is George Wallace populism that he’s doing. But he cannot say he did not run a campaign that has created a lot of racial fears and a lot of divisiveness and he played to the crowd and he knew what he was playing to. [Is he talking about Obama?]I know him here in New York. He knew exactly what he was doing. He was playing to the worst elements. The question is now what are you going to do?
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: I think we are in a real moment like Nixon ??? He [Trump] did all of the dogwhistles. This is not Bernie Sanders populism, this is George Wallace populism that he’s doing. But he cannot say he did not run a campaign that has created a lot of racial fears and a lot of divisiveness and he played to the crowd and he knew what he was playing to. [Is he talking about Obama?]I know him here in New York. He knew exactly what he was doing. He was playing to the worst elements. The question is now what are you going to do?
If South Korea develops nuclear weapons in response to North Korea’s fourth nuclear test it would be breaking its “promise” with the world, South Korean President Park Geun-hye said on Wednesday. South Korea is in discussion with China regarding a draft U.N. Security Resolution in response to North Korea’s January 6 nuclear test, Park said in response to a question at an annual news conference.
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: If South Korea develops nuclear weapons in response to North Korea’s fourth nuclear test it would be breaking its “promise” with the world, South Korean President Park Geun-hye said on Wednesday. South Korea is in discussion with China regarding a draft U.N. Security Resolution in response to North Korea’s January 6 nuclear test, Park said in response to a question at an annual news conference.
The U.S. Senate Intelligence Committee said on Wednesday it asked former FBI Director James Comey to appear before the panel in both public and closed sessions, stepping up its investigation of Russia’s alleged interference into the 2016 U.S. election. It also said it had asked Acting FBI Director Andrew McCabe to send any notes or other memos prepared by Comey about communications he may have had with senior White House and Department of Justice officials related to the investigation into Russia and the election.
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: The U.S. Senate Intelligence Committee said on Wednesday it asked former FBI Director James Comey to appear before the panel in both public and closed sessions, stepping up its investigation of Russia’s alleged interference into the 2016 U.S. election. It also said it had asked Acting FBI Director Andrew McCabe to send any notes or other memos prepared by Comey about communications he may have had with senior White House and Department of Justice officials related to the investigation into Russia and the election.
A U.S. judge on Friday denied a request for Russian lawyer Natalia Veselnitskaya, who met with Donald Trump Jr. during the 2016 U.S. presidential campaign, to return to the United States to attend a hearing over an unpaid $6 million settlement in an international money laundering case. In an order filed in Manhattan federal court, U.S. District Judge William Pauley said Veselnitskaya’s immigration status was “squarely within the purview of the executive branch.” Veselnitskaya represented Prevezon Holdings Ltd, a Russian-controlled company, which in May agreed to pay nearly $6 million to settle a U.S. government lawsuit accusing it of laundering proceeds of a $230 million tax fraud. Her temporary permission from the U.S. Department of Justice to enter the United States while working on the case has expired. Following Pauley’s order on Monday, a U.S. lawyer for Prevezon filed a letter asking that Veselnitskaya be allowed to appear by telephone at the hearing, which is scheduled for Nov. 9. The hearing is expected to focus on whether the settlement payment was due on Oct. 31, as the U.S. government has maintained. Prevezon disputed that in a letter filed on Oct. 31. About half of the settlement money was supposed to come from 3 million euros owed to Prevezon the Netherlands had frozen at the United States’ request, according to the letter. The Netherlands lifted the freeze on Oct. 10, but the same day imposed a new freeze based on a complaint by William Browder, chief executive of Hermitage Capital Management, Prevezon’s letter said. Browder has said that the underlying $230 million tax fraud was uncovered by a former Hermitage auditor, Sergei Magnitsky, who died in a Russian prison in 2009. In its letter, Prevezon asked the court to help obtain temporary U.S. immigration status for Veselnitskaya and its owner, Denis Katsyv, so they could attend hearings. Veselnitskaya met Donald Trump Jr in New York last year. Trump Jr. said in a statement at the time that he and Veselnitskaya “primarily discussed a program about the adoption of Russian children” after Russia in 2012 banned adoptions of Russian children by Americans in retaliation for sanctions imposed under the U.S. Magnitsky Act. The 2012 law was intended to punish Russian officials responsible for Magnitsky’s death. Trump Jr. has released emails related to the meeting during last year’s election that described Veselnitskaya as a Russian government attorney who could provide information that would “incriminate Hillary and her dealings with Russia and would be very useful to your father.”
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: A U.S. judge on Friday denied a request for Russian lawyer Natalia Veselnitskaya, who met with Donald Trump Jr. during the 2016 U.S. presidential campaign, to return to the United States to attend a hearing over an unpaid $6 million settlement in an international money laundering case. In an order filed in Manhattan federal court, U.S. District Judge William Pauley said Veselnitskaya’s immigration status was “squarely within the purview of the executive branch.” Veselnitskaya represented Prevezon Holdings Ltd, a Russian-controlled company, which in May agreed to pay nearly $6 million to settle a U.S. government lawsuit accusing it of laundering proceeds of a $230 million tax fraud. Her temporary permission from the U.S. Department of Justice to enter the United States while working on the case has expired. Following Pauley’s order on Monday, a U.S. lawyer for Prevezon filed a letter asking that Veselnitskaya be allowed to appear by telephone at the hearing, which is scheduled for Nov. 9. The hearing is expected to focus on whether the settlement payment was due on Oct. 31, as the U.S. government has maintained. Prevezon disputed that in a letter filed on Oct. 31. About half of the settlement money was supposed to come from 3 million euros owed to Prevezon the Netherlands had frozen at the United States’ request, according to the letter. The Netherlands lifted the freeze on Oct. 10, but the same day imposed a new freeze based on a complaint by William Browder, chief executive of Hermitage Capital Management, Prevezon’s letter said. Browder has said that the underlying $230 million tax fraud was uncovered by a former Hermitage auditor, Sergei Magnitsky, who died in a Russian prison in 2009. In its letter, Prevezon asked the court to help obtain temporary U.S. immigration status for Veselnitskaya and its owner, Denis Katsyv, so they could attend hearings. Veselnitskaya met Donald Trump Jr in New York last year. Trump Jr. said in a statement at the time that he and Veselnitskaya “primarily discussed a program about the adoption of Russian children” after Russia in 2012 banned adoptions of Russian children by Americans in retaliation for sanctions imposed under the U.S. Magnitsky Act. The 2012 law was intended to punish Russian officials responsible for Magnitsky’s death. Trump Jr. has released emails related to the meeting during last year’s election that described Veselnitskaya as a Russian government attorney who could provide information that would “incriminate Hillary and her dealings with Russia and would be very useful to your father.”
Ben Carson is having a really bad week. He s had a lot of bad weeks recently, but this one is particularly bad.The last Republican debate was considered Carson s do or die moment and he died unambiguously while we all watched. The once rising star of the 2016 election went out, not with a bang, but with a characteristic whisper. A soft, monotone word salad. His trademark. By the end of the night, Carson was misquoting the preamble to the Constitution and perhaps slowly realizing that this would be the last time many people would ever remember he ever had run for president at all.The very next day, while Carson slept off his post-relevancy hangover and waited to come in 6th in Iowa, his campaign chairman Robert Dees was talking to reporters. Normally this would be a good thing, but Dees happens to be a raging homophobe and the questions happened to be about gay soldiers.Speaking with radio host Alan Colmes, Dees was insistent that gay people cannot be allowed to be open about their sexual orientation or risk destroying the entire military. Well the ultimate test for military effectiveness is readiness, it s cohesion, and anything that detracts from that is important. Dr. Carson often says it s important for people to have rights in accordance with life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness in the U.S. Constitution, but no particular group ought to have extra rights. Why would the right to be yourself be considered an extra right? Dees explains: Where the extra rights come in is when the gays in the military become somewhat militaristic to the detriment of unit cohesion, he’said.Dees added that a question to be considered in determining policy toward gay people in the military was, whether they, in the military, flaunt it and disrupt cohesion. Heaven forbid soldiers become too militaristic in the military. However, Dees was not talking about fighting. He was worried that gay people would use their secret weapon: Flaunting their gayness.What makes Dees statements so cringeworthy is that he isn’t just an idiot, he’s an idiot who used to be a general in the military. As such, he might have bothered to read up on the military s own research into how gay people effect a unit s cohesion. All the way back in 2010, the Pentagon was telling the president and the nation that repealing don’t ask, don’t tell and letting gay people serve openly did nothing but bring the military in line with where the country already was. The general lesson we take from transformational experiences in history is that in matters of personnel change within the military, predictions and surveys tend to overestimate negative consequences, and underestimate the U.S. military s ability to adapt and incorporate within it ranks the diversity that is reflective of American society at large, the report concluded.Going further:This report confirms that by every measure from unit cohesion to recruitment and retention to family readiness we can’transition to a new policy in a responsible manner that ensures our military strength and national security, Obama said in a written statement.Secretary of Defense Robert Gates and the Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman Adm. Mike Mullen were also strongly in favor of dropping the ludicrous DADT policy. Since its dissolution, the military hasn’t crumbled. Nobody is flaunting anything. The military continues to be one of the’strongest and best trained fighting forces in the world.Dees is certainly living in a fantasy world, but it s hard to expect much who decided to ride Ben Carson s coat tails all the way to a massive loss in the very first primary and an inevitable campaign suspension. Carson s track record on talking about gay Americans isn’t much better. During his brief moment in the national spotlight, he once floated the idea that prison rape turns people gay.Much of Carson s campaign has been predicated on the idea that he is above the fray. He s consistently pleaded with his fellow candidates and the nation more generally to stop the mudslinging. It s an admirable goal which happens to be total malarkey. Carson has never had a problem with going after liberals , gay people , Muslims , or any other group he feels doesn’t align with his worldview. Gay people can’t serve in the military. Muslims can’t be president. Liberals can’t well do anything.In the end, the only group of people who seem safe in Carson s America are conservative Christians like himself. How brave.Feature image via Fox News screengrab
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: Ben Carson is having a really bad week. He s had a lot of bad weeks recently, but this one is particularly bad.The last Republican debate was considered Carson s do or die moment and he died unambiguously while we all watched. The once rising star of the 2016 election went out, not with a bang, but with a characteristic whisper. A soft, monotone word salad. His trademark. By the end of the night, Carson was misquoting the preamble to the Constitution and perhaps slowly realizing that this would be the last time many people would ever remember he ever had run for president at all.The very next day, while Carson slept off his post-relevancy hangover and waited to come in 6th in Iowa, his campaign chairman Robert Dees was talking to reporters. Normally this would be a good thing, but Dees happens to be a raging homophobe and the questions happened to be about gay soldiers.Speaking with radio host Alan Colmes, Dees was insistent that gay people cannot be allowed to be open about their sexual orientation or risk destroying the entire military. Well the ultimate test for military effectiveness is readiness, it s cohesion, and anything that detracts from that is important. Dr. Carson often says it s important for people to have rights in accordance with life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness in the U.S. Constitution, but no particular group ought to have extra rights. Why would the right to be yourself be considered an extra right? Dees explains: Where the extra rights come in is when the gays in the military become somewhat militaristic to the detriment of unit cohesion, he’said.Dees added that a question to be considered in determining policy toward gay people in the military was, whether they, in the military, flaunt it and disrupt cohesion. Heaven forbid soldiers become too militaristic in the military. However, Dees was not talking about fighting. He was worried that gay people would use their secret weapon: Flaunting their gayness.What makes Dees statements so cringeworthy is that he isn’t just an idiot, he’s an idiot who used to be a general in the military. As such, he might have bothered to read up on the military s own research into how gay people effect a unit s cohesion. All the way back in 2010, the Pentagon was telling the president and the nation that repealing don’t ask, don’t tell and letting gay people serve openly did nothing but bring the military in line with where the country already was. The general lesson we take from transformational experiences in history is that in matters of personnel change within the military, predictions and surveys tend to overestimate negative consequences, and underestimate the U.S. military s ability to adapt and incorporate within it ranks the diversity that is reflective of American society at large, the report concluded.Going further:This report confirms that by every measure from unit cohesion to recruitment and retention to family readiness we can’transition to a new policy in a responsible manner that ensures our military strength and national security, Obama said in a written statement.Secretary of Defense Robert Gates and the Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman Adm. Mike Mullen were also strongly in favor of dropping the ludicrous DADT policy. Since its dissolution, the military hasn’t crumbled. Nobody is flaunting anything. The military continues to be one of the’strongest and best trained fighting forces in the world.Dees is certainly living in a fantasy world, but it s hard to expect much who decided to ride Ben Carson s coat tails all the way to a massive loss in the very first primary and an inevitable campaign suspension. Carson s track record on talking about gay Americans isn’t much better. During his brief moment in the national spotlight, he once floated the idea that prison rape turns people gay.Much of Carson s campaign has been predicated on the idea that he is above the fray. He s consistently pleaded with his fellow candidates and the nation more generally to stop the mudslinging. It s an admirable goal which happens to be total malarkey. Carson has never had a problem with going after liberals , gay people , Muslims , or any other group he feels doesn’t align with his worldview. Gay people can’t serve in the military. Muslims can’t be president. Liberals can’t well do anything.In the end, the only group of people who seem safe in Carson s America are conservative Christians like himself. How brave.Feature image via Fox News screengrab
In a new legal development on the controversy over former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s emails, an appeals court on Tuesday reversed a lower court ruling and said two U.S. government agencies should have done more to recover the emails. The ruling from Judge Stephen Williams, of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit, revives one of a number of legal challenges involving Clinton’s handling of government emails when she was secretary of state from 2009 to 2013. Clinton, the 2016 Democratic presidential nominee, used a private email server housed at her New York home to handle State Department emails. She handed over 55,000 pages of emails to U.S. officials probing that system, but did not release about 30,000 she said were personal and not work related. The email case shadowed Clinton’s loss to Republican Donald Trump in the Nov. 8 presidential election. Trump, who had repeatedly said during the bruising campaign that if elected he would prosecute Clinton, said after the election he had no interest in pursuing investigations into Clinton’s email use. While the State Department and National Archives took steps to recover the emails from Clinton’s tenure, they did not ask the U.S. attorney general to take enforcement action. Two conservative groups filed lawsuits to force their hand. A district judge in January ruled the suits brought by Judicial Watch and Cause of Action moot, saying State and the National Archives made a “sustained effort” to recover and preserve Clinton’s records. But Williams said the two agencies should have done more, according to the ruling in the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit. Since the agencies neither asked the attorney general for help nor showed such enforcement action could not uncover new emails, the case was not moot. “The Department has not explained why shaking the tree harder - e.g., by following the statutory mandate to seek action by the Attorney General - might not bear more still,” Williams wrote. “Absent a showing that the requested enforcement action could not shake loose a few more emails, the case is not moot.” The State Department does not comment on pending litigation, a spokesperson said. Williams noted that Clinton used two non-governmental email accounts at State and continued using the Blackberry account she had while a U.S. senator during her first weeks as the nation’s U.S. diplomat. She only switched to the email account hosted on her private server in March 2009, the ruling said. “Because the complaints sought recovery of emails from all of the former Secretary’s accounts, the FBI’s recovery of a server that hosted only one account does not moot the suits, the judge wrote.
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: In a new legal development on the controversy over former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s emails, an appeals court on Tuesday reversed a lower court ruling and said two U.S. government agencies should have done more to recover the emails. The ruling from Judge Stephen Williams, of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit, revives one of a number of legal challenges involving Clinton’s handling of government emails when she was secretary of state from 2009 to 2013. Clinton, the 2016 Democratic presidential nominee, used a private email server housed at her New York home to handle State Department emails. She handed over 55,000 pages of emails to U.S. officials probing that system, but did not release about 30,000 she said were personal and not work related. The email case shadowed Clinton’s loss to Republican Donald Trump in the Nov. 8 presidential election. Trump, who had repeatedly said during the bruising campaign that if elected he would prosecute Clinton, said after the election he had no interest in pursuing investigations into Clinton’s email use. While the State Department and National Archives took steps to recover the emails from Clinton’s tenure, they did not ask the U.S. attorney general to take enforcement action. Two conservative groups filed lawsuits to force their hand. A district judge in January ruled the suits brought by Judicial Watch and Cause of Action moot, saying State and the National Archives made a “sustained effort” to recover and preserve Clinton’s records. But Williams said the two agencies should have done more, according to the ruling in the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit. Since the agencies neither asked the attorney general for help nor showed such enforcement action could not uncover new emails, the case was not moot. “The Department has not explained why shaking the tree harder - e.g., by following the statutory mandate to seek action by the Attorney General - might not bear more still,” Williams wrote. “Absent a showing that the requested enforcement action could not shake loose a few more emails, the case is not moot.” The State Department does not comment on pending litigation, a spokesperson said. Williams noted that Clinton used two non-governmental email accounts at State and continued using the Blackberry account she had while a U.S. senator during her first weeks as the nation’s U.S. diplomat. She only switched to the email account hosted on her private server in March 2009, the ruling said. “Because the complaints sought recovery of emails from all of the former Secretary’s accounts, the FBI’s recovery of a server that hosted only one account does not moot the suits, the judge wrote.
Klayman Discusses Complaint Against Rep. Adam Schiff for Obstruction of Justice & Ethics Violations Several leftwing activist groups have filed accusations against me with the Office of Congressional Ethics. Despite the baselessness of the charges, I believe it is in the best interests of the House Intelligence Committee and the Congress for me to have Representative Mike Conway, with assistance from Representatives Trey Gowdy and Tom Rooney, temporarily take charge of the Committee s Russia investigation. Remember when he came out and spoke to the press after speaking to the president? Well, the Democrats raised heck after that and have done everything they can’to stop Nunes. Note that he has left his position only temporarily. Trey Gowdy and others will take his place FLASHBACK ON NUNES:1.) On numerous occasions the [Obama] intelligence community incidentally collected information about U.S. citizens involved in the Trump transition. 2.) Details about U.S. persons associated with the incoming administration; details with little or no apparent foreign intelligence value were widely disseminated in intelligence community reporting. 3.) Third, I have confirmed that additional names of Trump transition members were unmasked. 4.) Fourth and finally, I want to be clear; none of this surveillance was related to Russia, or the investigation of Russian activities, or of the Trump team.
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: Klayman Discusses Complaint Against Rep. Adam Schiff for Obstruction of Justice & Ethics Violations Several leftwing activist groups have filed accusations against me with the Office of Congressional Ethics. Despite the baselessness of the charges, I believe it is in the best interests of the House Intelligence Committee and the Congress for me to have Representative Mike Conway, with assistance from Representatives Trey Gowdy and Tom Rooney, temporarily take charge of the Committee s Russia investigation. Remember when he came out and spoke to the press after speaking to the president? Well, the Democrats raised heck after that and have done everything they can’to stop Nunes. Note that he has left his position only temporarily. Trey Gowdy and others will take his place FLASHBACK ON NUNES:1.) On numerous occasions the [Obama] intelligence community incidentally collected information about U.S. citizens involved in the Trump transition. 2.) Details about U.S. persons associated with the incoming administration; details with little or no apparent foreign intelligence value were widely disseminated in intelligence community reporting. 3.) Third, I have confirmed that additional names of Trump transition members were unmasked. 4.) Fourth and finally, I want to be clear; none of this surveillance was related to Russia, or the investigation of Russian activities, or of the Trump team.
U.S. President Donald Trump called Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi on Thursday and said he was keen to overcome any obstacles in the way of cooperation, just days after the U.S. said it would withhold some financial aid to Egypt. President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi received a phone call tonight from U.S. President Donald Trump who affirmed the strength of the friendship between Egypt and the United States and expressed his keenness on continuing to develop the relationship and overcome any obstacles that might affect it, Sisi s office said in a statement late on Thursday. On Tuesday, two U.S. sources familiar with the matter told Reuters that Washington had decided to deny Egypt $95.7 million in aid and to delay a further $195 million because it had failed to make progress on respecting human rights and democracy. Egypt, an important regional partner for the United States because of its control of the Suez Canal and its border with Israel, receives $1.3 billion in aid annually and was critical of the U.S. decision. Its foreign ministry said on Wednesday that the decision to withhold aid reflected poor judgment and that it could have negative implications on achieving common goals and interests between the two countries. The decision reflects a U.S. desire to continue security cooperation as well as its frustration with Cairo s stance on civil liberties. In particular, a new law regulating non-governmental organizations is widely seen as part a growing crackdown on dissent, said the U.S. sources, who spoke on condition of anonymity. Egyptian rights activists have said they face the worst crackdown in their history under Sisi, accusing him of erasing freedoms won in the 2011 Arab Spring uprising that ended Hosni Mubarak s 30-year rule. Egyptian lawmakers have said the NGO law was needed for national security. The Egyptian government has long accused human rights groups of taking foreign funds to sow chaos, and several are facing investigation regarding their funding. Sisi and his Foreign Minister Sameh Shoukry met Trump s son-in-law and senior adviser Jared Kushner in Cairo on Wednesday but neither the presidency nor the ministry mentioned the aid issue in statements released after the meetings.
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: U.S. President Donald Trump called Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi on Thursday and said he was keen to overcome any obstacles in the way of cooperation, just days after the U.S. said it would withhold some financial aid to Egypt. President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi received a phone call tonight from U.S. President Donald Trump who affirmed the strength of the friendship between Egypt and the United States and expressed his keenness on continuing to develop the relationship and overcome any obstacles that might affect it, Sisi s office said in a statement late on Thursday. On Tuesday, two U.S. sources familiar with the matter told Reuters that Washington had decided to deny Egypt $95.7 million in aid and to delay a further $195 million because it had failed to make progress on respecting human rights and democracy. Egypt, an important regional partner for the United States because of its control of the Suez Canal and its border with Israel, receives $1.3 billion in aid annually and was critical of the U.S. decision. Its foreign ministry said on Wednesday that the decision to withhold aid reflected poor judgment and that it could have negative implications on achieving common goals and interests between the two countries. The decision reflects a U.S. desire to continue security cooperation as well as its frustration with Cairo s stance on civil liberties. In particular, a new law regulating non-governmental organizations is widely seen as part a growing crackdown on dissent, said the U.S. sources, who spoke on condition of anonymity. Egyptian rights activists have said they face the worst crackdown in their history under Sisi, accusing him of erasing freedoms won in the 2011 Arab Spring uprising that ended Hosni Mubarak s 30-year rule. Egyptian lawmakers have said the NGO law was needed for national security. The Egyptian government has long accused human rights groups of taking foreign funds to sow chaos, and several are facing investigation regarding their funding. Sisi and his Foreign Minister Sameh Shoukry met Trump s son-in-law and senior adviser Jared Kushner in Cairo on Wednesday but neither the presidency nor the ministry mentioned the aid issue in statements released after the meetings.
Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump on Thursday won endorsements from two more U.S. Congress members as he battled to be his party’s nominee. Of the 300 Republicans in Congress - 246 in the House of Representatives and 54 in the Senate - Trump now had the explicit support of 11 with the newly announced public backing by Representatives Jeff Miller of Florida and Bill Shuster of Pennsylvania. Trump, a billionaire businessman, U.S. Senator Ted Cruz of Texas and Ohio Governor John Kasich were vying for the nomination to represent the Republican Party in the Nov. 8 general election. “Donald Trump is the only person who has what it takes to shake up the status quo and entrenched bureaucrats in Washington, D.C.,” Miller said in a statement. Miller, who will retire from the Republican-controlled Congress at year’s end, capping 16 years in the House, has chaired the House Veterans Affairs Committee. Shuster, also in his 16th year in the House, has chaired a powerful transportation committee. Trump backers in Congress have argued that many more lawmakers privately expressed support for Trump, but still have to run in primaries and so have publicly remained neutral. Representative Kevin Cramer of North Dakota, who endorsed Trump this month, said in an interview that the Trump campaign was cranking up its outreach to Congress. Cruz, a small-government Tea Party favorite, has snared more endorsements from Congress members. The most prominent U.S. Republican lawmakers to publicly endorse Trump was Senator Jeff Sessions, who has been advising the campaign on foreign policy. The others were U.S. Representatives Chris Collins, Duncan Hunter, Tom Marino, Tom Reed, Scott DesJarlais, Lou Barletta and Renee Ellmers.
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump on Thursday won endorsements from two more U.S. Congress members as he battled to be his party’s nominee. Of the 300 Republicans in Congress - 246 in the House of Representatives and 54 in the Senate - Trump now had the explicit support of 11 with the newly announced public backing by Representatives Jeff Miller of Florida and Bill Shuster of Pennsylvania. Trump, a billionaire businessman, U.S. Senator Ted Cruz of Texas and Ohio Governor John Kasich were vying for the nomination to represent the Republican Party in the Nov. 8 general election. “Donald Trump is the only person who has what it takes to shake up the status quo and entrenched bureaucrats in Washington, D.C.,” Miller said in a statement. Miller, who will retire from the Republican-controlled Congress at year’s end, capping 16 years in the House, has chaired the House Veterans Affairs Committee. Shuster, also in his 16th year in the House, has chaired a powerful transportation committee. Trump backers in Congress have argued that many more lawmakers privately expressed support for Trump, but still have to run in primaries and so have publicly remained neutral. Representative Kevin Cramer of North Dakota, who endorsed Trump this month, said in an interview that the Trump campaign was cranking up its outreach to Congress. Cruz, a small-government Tea Party favorite, has snared more endorsements from Congress members. The most prominent U.S. Republican lawmakers to publicly endorse Trump was Senator Jeff Sessions, who has been advising the campaign on foreign policy. The others were U.S. Representatives Chris Collins, Duncan Hunter, Tom Marino, Tom Reed, Scott DesJarlais, Lou Barletta and Renee Ellmers.
Mark Strang spends his days delivering farm equipment, listening to politics on the radio during cross-country drives. But in July, the 63-year-old could have an outsized voice in choosing the Republican nominee for president of the United States. For the first time in 40 years, Republicans could arrive at their national convention in Cleveland without a nominee. If front-runner Donald Trump fails to lock up the nomination before then, as some pollsters are predicting, Strang will have a chance to make history. Strang, from Illinois, is one of 2,472 delegates to the convention who will ultimately determine the party’s choice for the White House this November. In recent elections, the delegates have simply rubberstamped the presumptive nominee. But this year the convention could become a brutal fight in which every delegate vote will count. Trump currently has 673 delegates after winning a string of nominating contests, but if he wants to avoid a floor fight at the convention he needs the magic number of 1,237. There is some doubt among election number crunchers that he can hit it. And that’s when Strang will step into the spotlight. After filling roles in local Republican politics, Strang was selected by Illinois voters to serve as a delegate for Republican candidate U.S. Senator Ted Cruz, of Texas. He likes Cruz for his position on guns and immigration. But if the convention becomes a fight because no candidate has the needed 1,237 delegates on the first round of voting, most of the delegates would eventually be released. States are still sorting through some rules governing how long delegates are bound to candidates. Strang said if he found himself a free agent, he would be open to switching his vote. (Graphic on how a contested convention works: “I am going to be loyal to Ted Cruz, and I will stick with him until I see if there’s no hope. And if there’s no hope for Ted getting in, as I understand it I can pledge my votes to somebody else, and I would hope Ted would understand,” he said. Interviews with Republican state party officials and some delegates who have already been selected reveal widespread soul-searching in anticipation of a potential fight. Officials and delegates described weighing their personal preference with the need to rally around a candidate going into the general election. Party faithful are steeling themselves for a battle, not just for the nomination, but also for the party’s core values. Establishment Republicans deeply opposed to Trump’s candidacy say he does not represent social and economic conservative values on healthcare, trade and the role of government in daily life. Trump has built his campaign on anti-establishment rhetoric and promises to build a wall along the Mexican border to keep out illegal immigrants, impose a temporary ban on Muslims entering the United States and restore the country’s manufacturing base. A contested convention would pose a major test for Trump’s campaign, which thus far has eschewed a traditional grassroots organization. His rivals, Cruz and Ohio Governor John Kasich, are already trying to lobby delegates who might be open to changing sides once they are allowed to become free agents in the convention. In every state, the party chair and two national committee members, a man and a woman, are automatically selected to be delegates. But from there, state parties use a wide variety of procedures to pick delegates, most of whom won’t be named until late spring or summer. “These are the base of the party,” said Michigan Republican Party chairwoman Ronna Romney McDaniel. “The delegates are not the establishment. They are the base. And I think that’s a great misunderstanding.” Often sporting outfits with homemade decorated hats or jackets weighed down with dozens of buttons, delegates who show up every four years include everyone from lawmakers to homemakers, and from those who write million dollar checks to retirees who make phone calls. Many states use small conventions to pick delegates, many of whom are long-time party activists and elected office holders. Not all of them personally back the candidate they are pledged to support in the first round of convention voting, said Virginia Republican Party chairman John Whitbeck.  “We have two former governors, a former attorney general, state senators, state House of Delegates members, party leaders, big and small and donors,” said Whitbeck. In other states, such as Illinois, some delegates are elected by primary voters. In Ohio, which gives all its delegates to the statewide primary winner, candidates pick their own slate of convention representatives. Jim Carns, a state representative from Alabama, where delegates are selected in the primaries, signed up to represent Trump last fall — when many still viewed the rise of the New York real estate mogul as a temporary phenomenon. He sees no circumstance in which he would switch candidates. But he knows there will be efforts to win over delegates by both the Trump camp and their opponents. Once delegates are allowed to change their votes, some establishment figures have floated the potential to nominate someone who didn’t even run for president — such as House of Representatives Speaker Paul Ryan. But most of the 14 delegates interviewed by Reuters dismissed that as an option.   “I almost think that I would walk away from the Republican Party if they did that,” said Strang, the Illinois delegate. “If we’d wanted Paul Ryan, we would have drafted him. And I don’t dislike Paul Ryan, but he didn’t run.” Ryan has said he is not interested in the presidency.
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: Mark Strang spends his days delivering farm equipment, listening to politics on the radio during cross-country drives. But in July, the 63-year-old could have an outsized voice in choosing the Republican nominee for president of the United States. For the first time in 40 years, Republicans could arrive at their national convention in Cleveland without a nominee. If front-runner Donald Trump fails to lock up the nomination before then, as some pollsters are predicting, Strang will have a chance to make history. Strang, from Illinois, is one of 2,472 delegates to the convention who will ultimately determine the party’s choice for the White House this November. In recent elections, the delegates have simply rubberstamped the presumptive nominee. But this year the convention could become a brutal fight in which every delegate vote will count. Trump currently has 673 delegates after winning a string of nominating contests, but if he wants to avoid a floor fight at the convention he needs the magic number of 1,237. There is some doubt among election number crunchers that he can hit it. And that’s when Strang will step into the spotlight. After filling roles in local Republican politics, Strang was selected by Illinois voters to serve as a delegate for Republican candidate U.S. Senator Ted Cruz, of Texas. He likes Cruz for his position on guns and immigration. But if the convention becomes a fight because no candidate has the needed 1,237 delegates on the first round of voting, most of the delegates would eventually be released. States are still sorting through some rules governing how long delegates are bound to candidates. Strang said if he found himself a free agent, he would be open to switching his vote. (Graphic on how a contested convention works: “I am going to be loyal to Ted Cruz, and I will stick with him until I see if there’s no hope. And if there’s no hope for Ted getting in, as I understand it I can pledge my votes to somebody else, and I would hope Ted would understand,” he said. Interviews with Republican state party officials and some delegates who have already been selected reveal widespread soul-searching in anticipation of a potential fight. Officials and delegates described weighing their personal preference with the need to rally around a candidate going into the general election. Party faithful are steeling themselves for a battle, not just for the nomination, but also for the party’s core values. Establishment Republicans deeply opposed to Trump’s candidacy say he does not represent social and economic conservative values on healthcare, trade and the role of government in daily life. Trump has built his campaign on anti-establishment rhetoric and promises to build a wall along the Mexican border to keep out illegal immigrants, impose a temporary ban on Muslims entering the United States and restore the country’s manufacturing base. A contested convention would pose a major test for Trump’s campaign, which thus far has eschewed a traditional grassroots organization. His rivals, Cruz and Ohio Governor John Kasich, are already trying to lobby delegates who might be open to changing sides once they are allowed to become free agents in the convention. In every state, the party chair and two national committee members, a man and a woman, are automatically selected to be delegates. But from there, state parties use a wide variety of procedures to pick delegates, most of whom won’t be named until late spring or summer. “These are the base of the party,” said Michigan Republican Party chairwoman Ronna Romney McDaniel. “The delegates are not the establishment. They are the base. And I think that’s a great misunderstanding.” Often sporting outfits with homemade decorated hats or jackets weighed down with dozens of buttons, delegates who show up every four years include everyone from lawmakers to homemakers, and from those who write million dollar checks to retirees who make phone calls. Many states use small conventions to pick delegates, many of whom are long-time party activists and elected office holders. Not all of them personally back the candidate they are pledged to support in the first round of convention voting, said Virginia Republican Party chairman John Whitbeck.  “We have two former governors, a former attorney general, state senators, state House of Delegates members, party leaders, big and small and donors,” said Whitbeck. In other states, such as Illinois, some delegates are elected by primary voters. In Ohio, which gives all its delegates to the statewide primary winner, candidates pick their own slate of convention representatives. Jim Carns, a state representative from Alabama, where delegates are selected in the primaries, signed up to represent Trump last fall — when many still viewed the rise of the New York real estate mogul as a temporary phenomenon. He sees no circumstance in which he would switch candidates. But he knows there will be efforts to win over delegates by both the Trump camp and their opponents. Once delegates are allowed to change their votes, some establishment figures have floated the potential to nominate someone who didn’t even run for president — such as House of Representatives Speaker Paul Ryan. But most of the 14 delegates interviewed by Reuters dismissed that as an option.   “I almost think that I would walk away from the Republican Party if they did that,” said Strang, the Illinois delegate. “If we’d wanted Paul Ryan, we would have drafted him. And I don’t dislike Paul Ryan, but he didn’t run.” Ryan has said he is not interested in the presidency.
THIS IS EXPECTED FROM THIS LEFTY COLLEGE Will it trickle out to other colleges? Participants were able to move in before most other students. Privilege much? Victimhood translates to doing exactly what the so called victims fought against .Go figureThe University of California, Berkeley invited certain special populations of new students to move in a day early to attend racially-exclusive orientation sessions.According to a guide to the new Golden Bear Orientation program, the’school offered a special programming on Monday for a variety of populations, including Hispanic students, black students, Native American students, and Asian American/Pacific Islander students. We want all our students to make it to orientation and to have an accessible and equitable experience. Tweet This Most other students, meanwhile, spent the day moving into their residence halls and preparing for the main freshman orientation program, which runs from August 15-22.The Black Student Orientation aimed to address the’specific transitional and community needs of African American/Black students at the university with community building activities, academic and campus life workshops, and a resource fair. As part of the Black Student Orientation, students participated in a Black World Tour in which they were taken around the’surrounding area for a showcase of black owned businesses. [RELATED: Black Harvard grads to hold separate commencement ceremony]Similarly, a Familia Orientation was offered for Chicanx and Latinx students on August 13, while an Asian American Pacific Islander Student Orientation was reserved for responding to the specific transitional and community needs of Asian American, Pilipinx , and Pacific Islander students. A final special population orientation was provided for native students enrolled at the elite institution, who were encouraged to show up early to map locations of your classes, get to know campus, meet continuing Cal Native students and other new Native students, and have a little fun before classes start. In fact, the Native American Student Development Office touts on its website that another bonus of attending the exclusive orientation was being eligible for early move-in, a benefit that the African American Student Development Center similarly advertises on its website, noting that participants were able to move in before most other students. Read more: Campus Reform
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: THIS IS EXPECTED FROM THIS LEFTY COLLEGE Will it trickle out to other colleges? Participants were able to move in before most other students. Privilege much? Victimhood translates to doing exactly what the so called victims fought against .Go figureThe University of California, Berkeley invited certain special populations of new students to move in a day early to attend racially-exclusive orientation sessions.According to a guide to the new Golden Bear Orientation program, the’school offered a special programming on Monday for a variety of populations, including Hispanic students, black students, Native American students, and Asian American/Pacific Islander students. We want all our students to make it to orientation and to have an accessible and equitable experience. Tweet This Most other students, meanwhile, spent the day moving into their residence halls and preparing for the main freshman orientation program, which runs from August 15-22.The Black Student Orientation aimed to address the’specific transitional and community needs of African American/Black students at the university with community building activities, academic and campus life workshops, and a resource fair. As part of the Black Student Orientation, students participated in a Black World Tour in which they were taken around the’surrounding area for a showcase of black owned businesses. [RELATED: Black Harvard grads to hold separate commencement ceremony]Similarly, a Familia Orientation was offered for Chicanx and Latinx students on August 13, while an Asian American Pacific Islander Student Orientation was reserved for responding to the specific transitional and community needs of Asian American, Pilipinx , and Pacific Islander students. A final special population orientation was provided for native students enrolled at the elite institution, who were encouraged to show up early to map locations of your classes, get to know campus, meet continuing Cal Native students and other new Native students, and have a little fun before classes start. In fact, the Native American Student Development Office touts on its website that another bonus of attending the exclusive orientation was being eligible for early move-in, a benefit that the African American Student Development Center similarly advertises on its website, noting that participants were able to move in before most other students. Read more: Campus Reform
Ralph and Mike Waller are such ardent backers of President Donald Trump that they help stage a counter-protest every Wednesday in front of their Front Royal, Virginia, pawn shop, sparring with anti-Trump demonstrators who gather across the street. But ask them about Ed Gillespie, the Republican candidate for Virginia governor in next Tuesday’s election, and they show little enthusiasm. “I would like somebody who’s more closely aligned with Trump,” Ralph Waller, who is Mike Waller’s uncle, said from the shop floor, racks of pawned rifles behind him. Gillespie is, in fact, nothing like Trump, a real estate magnate who had never before held political office, although both are members of the same party. Gillespie is a Washington lobbyist who worked in President George W. Bush’s White House, the kind of establishment mainstay Trump bashed on the campaign trail. Moreover, Gillespie has largely kept his distance from Trump, rarely mentioning him by name and notably not asking for Trump’s help in a tight race. But Gillespie still needs voters like the Wallers. Trump, who lost Virginia last year by 5 points to Democrat Hillary Clinton, did best in rural areas such as the counties along Virginia’s mountainous spine, less so in urban areas. That tension has Gillespie looking to thread the thinnest of needles, trying to appeal to voters turned off by Trump while retaining enough of Trump’s passionate base to secure victory. Should he win, Gillespie might provide a blueprint for other Republican candidates unsure how to campaign in an era when the president is popular with fewer than 40 percent of Americans. “If he manages to do this, he’s shown how you engage Trump voters while literally avoiding Donald Trump,” said Quentin Kidd, a political scientist at Christopher Newport University in Newport News, Virginia. The Virginia governor’s race, one of only two in the country this year, is being watched nationally by political observers looking for clues about next year’s midterm elections, in which Democrats are seeking to seize one or both houses of Congress. Gillespie has been courting Trump voters by focusing on what he says is the threat posed by illegal immigrants, a longtime Trump campaign theme. He has criticized “sanctuary cities” and run ads warning of the street gang MS-13, which is largely composed of members from Central America. He has also called for preserving Confederate monuments following the clashes between white supremacists and protesters in August in Charlottesville, Virginia. Once trailing significantly behind Democrat Ralph Northam, the state’s lieutenant governor, Gillespie has risen in the polls since the ads began running regularly. Kidd credits the spots for making the race competitive. Sanctuary cities, Gillespie told Reuters in an interview, are “not going to make us safer.” While Virginia has no sanctuary cities, which often do not use municipal funds or resources to enforce federal immigration laws, the issue arose earlier this year when a measure by the state’s legislature to prohibit them was vetoed by Democratic Governor Terry McAuliffe. But some argue Gillespie is being too cautious. Corey Stewart, who ran against Gillespie in the gubernatorial primary and garnered support from Trump’s base, said Gillespie erred in not asking the president to campaign for him and in not doing more to harness the energy Trump has stirred. “He’s put the president at a distance, and he has offended a lot of the president’s supporters,” Stewart said. “And it could cost him the election.” Trump has tweeted his support for Gillespie, but that is as far as it has gone. Gillespie said he appreciated Trump’s endorsement but declined to say whether he would ask for more, even parroting Trump’s own words in doing so. “Just like the president doesn’t disclose his military strategy, we don’t disclose our campaign strategy,” he said. At a recent house party in Fairfax County, Virginia, just outside Washington, Gillespie mixed with a prosperous group of Republicans who snacked on a catered spread and chatted about private schools. He spoke to them about traditional Republican priorities such as economic growth and education reform - and never once mentioned Trump, while referring to other politicians who support him such as Vice President Mike Pence and George W. Bush. “That’s smart,” said Chris Andreas, a Great Falls, Virginia, resident who attended the event and said he believed Trump had hurt the Republican party. In 2016, Trump fared significantly worse in Fairfax County than Republican nominee Mitt Romney did four years earlier. There are more voters to be gained there than anywhere else in the state. The strategy’s downside is that while Democrats hold a large advantage in Northern Virginia, they are losing ground in rural areas. In Warren County, where Front Royal is located, Trump gained 2,000 votes more than Romney largely by attracting wayward Democrats, said Stephen Kurtz, a former chair of the county Republican Party. The pattern, he said, repeated across other counties in rural Virginia. Kurtz said he had heard grumbling over Gillespie’s Washington background and worries some voters energized by Trump may stay home. “It is a hard sell, believe me,” Kurtz said.
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: Ralph and Mike Waller are such ardent backers of President Donald Trump that they help stage a counter-protest every Wednesday in front of their Front Royal, Virginia, pawn shop, sparring with anti-Trump demonstrators who gather across the street. But ask them about Ed Gillespie, the Republican candidate for Virginia governor in next Tuesday’s election, and they show little enthusiasm. “I would like somebody who’s more closely aligned with Trump,” Ralph Waller, who is Mike Waller’s uncle, said from the shop floor, racks of pawned rifles behind him. Gillespie is, in fact, nothing like Trump, a real estate magnate who had never before held political office, although both are members of the same party. Gillespie is a Washington lobbyist who worked in President George W. Bush’s White House, the kind of establishment mainstay Trump bashed on the campaign trail. Moreover, Gillespie has largely kept his distance from Trump, rarely mentioning him by name and notably not asking for Trump’s help in a tight race. But Gillespie still needs voters like the Wallers. Trump, who lost Virginia last year by 5 points to Democrat Hillary Clinton, did best in rural areas such as the counties along Virginia’s mountainous spine, less so in urban areas. That tension has Gillespie looking to thread the thinnest of needles, trying to appeal to voters turned off by Trump while retaining enough of Trump’s passionate base to secure victory. Should he win, Gillespie might provide a blueprint for other Republican candidates unsure how to campaign in an era when the president is popular with fewer than 40 percent of Americans. “If he manages to do this, he’s shown how you engage Trump voters while literally avoiding Donald Trump,” said Quentin Kidd, a political scientist at Christopher Newport University in Newport News, Virginia. The Virginia governor’s race, one of only two in the country this year, is being watched nationally by political observers looking for clues about next year’s midterm elections, in which Democrats are seeking to seize one or both houses of Congress. Gillespie has been courting Trump voters by focusing on what he says is the threat posed by illegal immigrants, a longtime Trump campaign theme. He has criticized “sanctuary cities” and run ads warning of the street gang MS-13, which is largely composed of members from Central America. He has also called for preserving Confederate monuments following the clashes between white supremacists and protesters in August in Charlottesville, Virginia. Once trailing significantly behind Democrat Ralph Northam, the state’s lieutenant governor, Gillespie has risen in the polls since the ads began running regularly. Kidd credits the spots for making the race competitive. Sanctuary cities, Gillespie told Reuters in an interview, are “not going to make us safer.” While Virginia has no sanctuary cities, which often do not use municipal funds or resources to enforce federal immigration laws, the issue arose earlier this year when a measure by the state’s legislature to prohibit them was vetoed by Democratic Governor Terry McAuliffe. But some argue Gillespie is being too cautious. Corey Stewart, who ran against Gillespie in the gubernatorial primary and garnered support from Trump’s base, said Gillespie erred in not asking the president to campaign for him and in not doing more to harness the energy Trump has stirred. “He’s put the president at a distance, and he has offended a lot of the president’s supporters,” Stewart said. “And it could cost him the election.” Trump has tweeted his support for Gillespie, but that is as far as it has gone. Gillespie said he appreciated Trump’s endorsement but declined to say whether he would ask for more, even parroting Trump’s own words in doing so. “Just like the president doesn’t disclose his military strategy, we don’t disclose our campaign strategy,” he said. At a recent house party in Fairfax County, Virginia, just outside Washington, Gillespie mixed with a prosperous group of Republicans who snacked on a catered spread and chatted about private schools. He spoke to them about traditional Republican priorities such as economic growth and education reform - and never once mentioned Trump, while referring to other politicians who support him such as Vice President Mike Pence and George W. Bush. “That’s smart,” said Chris Andreas, a Great Falls, Virginia, resident who attended the event and said he believed Trump had hurt the Republican party. In 2016, Trump fared significantly worse in Fairfax County than Republican nominee Mitt Romney did four years earlier. There are more voters to be gained there than anywhere else in the state. The strategy’s downside is that while Democrats hold a large advantage in Northern Virginia, they are losing ground in rural areas. In Warren County, where Front Royal is located, Trump gained 2,000 votes more than Romney largely by attracting wayward Democrats, said Stephen Kurtz, a former chair of the county Republican Party. The pattern, he said, repeated across other counties in rural Virginia. Kurtz said he had heard grumbling over Gillespie’s Washington background and worries some voters energized by Trump may stay home. “It is a hard sell, believe me,” Kurtz said.
U.S. President Donald Trump dictated a statement, later shown to be misleading, in which his son Donald Trump Jr. said a meeting he had with a Russian lawyer in June 2016 was not related to his father’s presidential campaign, the Washington Post reported on Monday. Trump Jr. released emails earlier in July that showed he eagerly agreed last year to meet a woman he was told was a Russian government lawyer who might have damaging information about Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton as part of Moscow’s official support for his father. The New York Times was first to report the meeting. The Washington Post said Trump advisers discussed the new disclosure and agreed that Trump Jr. should issue a truthful account of the episode so that it “couldn’t be repudiated later if the full details emerged.” The president, who was flying home from Germany on July 8, changed the plan and “personally dictated a statement in which Trump Jr. said he and the Russian lawyer had ‘primarily discussed a program about the adoption of Russian children,’” the Post said, citing unnamed people with knowledge of the deliberations. It said the statement, issued to the New York Times as it prepared to publish the story, emphasized that the subject of the meeting was “not a campaign issue at the time.” An attorney for Trump, Jay Sekulow, issued a statement in response to the Post report: “Apart from being of no consequence, the characterizations are misinformed, inaccurate, and not pertinent.” The White House did not immediately respond to a Reuters request for comment on the Post story, nor did Trump Jr.’s attorney, Alan Futerfas. U.S. investigators are probing whether there was collusion between the Kremlin and Trump’s Republican presidential campaign. U.S. intelligence agencies have concluded that Moscow sought to hurt Clinton and help Trump in the 2016 election. Russia denies any interference, and Trump has denied collusion with Russia.The president applauded his son’s “transparency” after he released the email exchanges on July 11. “It remains unclear exactly how much the president knew at the time of the flight about Trump Jr.’s meeting,” the Washington Post said. David Sklansky, a professor of criminal law at Stanford Law School, said that if Trump, as reported by the Post, helped craft a misleading public statement about the meeting, he may have bolstered a potential obstruction of justice case against himself. To build a criminal obstruction of justice case, federal law requires prosecutors to show that a person acted with “corrupt” intent. A misleading public statement could be used as evidence of corrupt intent, Sklansky said. “Lying usually isn’t a crime,” he said. But “it could be relevant in determining whether something else the president did, like firing (former FBI Director James) Comey, was done corruptly.”
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: U.S. President Donald Trump dictated a statement, later shown to be misleading, in which his son Donald Trump Jr. said a meeting he had with a Russian lawyer in June 2016 was not related to his father’s presidential campaign, the Washington Post reported on Monday. Trump Jr. released emails earlier in July that showed he eagerly agreed last year to meet a woman he was told was a Russian government lawyer who might have damaging information about Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton as part of Moscow’s official support for his father. The New York Times was first to report the meeting. The Washington Post said Trump advisers discussed the new disclosure and agreed that Trump Jr. should issue a truthful account of the episode so that it “couldn’t be repudiated later if the full details emerged.” The president, who was flying home from Germany on July 8, changed the plan and “personally dictated a statement in which Trump Jr. said he and the Russian lawyer had ‘primarily discussed a program about the adoption of Russian children,’” the Post said, citing unnamed people with knowledge of the deliberations. It said the statement, issued to the New York Times as it prepared to publish the story, emphasized that the subject of the meeting was “not a campaign issue at the time.” An attorney for Trump, Jay Sekulow, issued a statement in response to the Post report: “Apart from being of no consequence, the characterizations are misinformed, inaccurate, and not pertinent.” The White House did not immediately respond to a Reuters request for comment on the Post story, nor did Trump Jr.’s attorney, Alan Futerfas. U.S. investigators are probing whether there was collusion between the Kremlin and Trump’s Republican presidential campaign. U.S. intelligence agencies have concluded that Moscow sought to hurt Clinton and help Trump in the 2016 election. Russia denies any interference, and Trump has denied collusion with Russia.The president applauded his son’s “transparency” after he released the email exchanges on July 11. “It remains unclear exactly how much the president knew at the time of the flight about Trump Jr.’s meeting,” the Washington Post said. David Sklansky, a professor of criminal law at Stanford Law School, said that if Trump, as reported by the Post, helped craft a misleading public statement about the meeting, he may have bolstered a potential obstruction of justice case against himself. To build a criminal obstruction of justice case, federal law requires prosecutors to show that a person acted with “corrupt” intent. A misleading public statement could be used as evidence of corrupt intent, Sklansky said. “Lying usually isn’t a crime,” he said. But “it could be relevant in determining whether something else the president did, like firing (former FBI Director James) Comey, was done corruptly.”
Donald Trump kicked off another round of Republican mind explosions at a campaign stop in South Carolina when he teased the idea that as president he would (illegally) leak a series of damning classified documents about what really happened on September 11, 2001.The Republican Party, whose official line is still that George W. Bush was a great president and the Iraq caused 9/11, have begun freaking out over Trump because unlike the other candidates, who are comfortable with that lie, Trump has increasingly criticized the Bush administration for their disastrous foreign policy. Things reached a head at Trump’s latest rally.Trump’says if he is elected: you will find out who really knocked down the World Trade Center. It wasn’t the Iraqis, he explained. You may find it s the Saudis. They have papers in there that are very secret, he also said, referencing the 28 still-classified pages of the 9/11 commission report. But you will find out. It s been a common belief among both reporters and the public that the classified pages in the 9/11 commission report really do implicate Saudi Arabia as having some involvement in the attacks. Following the attacks, Bush s administration was put in the awkward position of either confronting their Middle Eastern ally (and oil provider) or scapegoating a different Middle Eastern country which they hated. They invaded Iraq.When Trump’says he ll prove the Saudis were involved in 9/11 he isn’t turning over any stones that haven’t already been turned over, but he is reminding America that George W. Bush ran his administration based on a neverending torrent of deceit, false pretenses and fabrications. As such, the only people who still believe that Iraq was responsible for 9/11 are Republicans themselves.It reinforces the fact that the Republican Party has now become completely detached from reality. In a surreal moment at the last Republican debate, Trump a candidate who has previously mocked a disabled reporter, suggested Muslims be barred from entering the United States, claimed Mexico was sending rapists across the border, advocated for bringing back torture, and any number of other outrageous things was booed because he pointed out that the Iraq War was a terrible idea. Obviously the war in Iraq was a big, fat mistake, all right? said Trump. George Bush made a mistake, we can make mistakes. But that one was a beauty. The crowd didn’t like that one.But Trump continued. They lied. They said there were weapons of mass destruction there were none. And they knew there were none. There were no weapons of mass destruction. And the boos got much louder.Republicans cheer Trump when he lies to their faces about Mexicans and boo him when he points out the obvious. Welcome to the modern Republican Party.Feature image from Gage Skidmore/Flickr
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: Donald Trump kicked off another round of Republican mind explosions at a campaign stop in South Carolina when he teased the idea that as president he would (illegally) leak a series of damning classified documents about what really happened on September 11, 2001.The Republican Party, whose official line is still that George W. Bush was a great president and the Iraq caused 9/11, have begun freaking out over Trump because unlike the other candidates, who are comfortable with that lie, Trump has increasingly criticized the Bush administration for their disastrous foreign policy. Things reached a head at Trump’s latest rally.Trump’says if he is elected: you will find out who really knocked down the World Trade Center. It wasn’t the Iraqis, he explained. You may find it s the Saudis. They have papers in there that are very secret, he also said, referencing the 28 still-classified pages of the 9/11 commission report. But you will find out. It s been a common belief among both reporters and the public that the classified pages in the 9/11 commission report really do implicate Saudi Arabia as having some involvement in the attacks. Following the attacks, Bush s administration was put in the awkward position of either confronting their Middle Eastern ally (and oil provider) or scapegoating a different Middle Eastern country which they hated. They invaded Iraq.When Trump’says he ll prove the Saudis were involved in 9/11 he isn’t turning over any stones that haven’t already been turned over, but he is reminding America that George W. Bush ran his administration based on a neverending torrent of deceit, false pretenses and fabrications. As such, the only people who still believe that Iraq was responsible for 9/11 are Republicans themselves.It reinforces the fact that the Republican Party has now become completely detached from reality. In a surreal moment at the last Republican debate, Trump a candidate who has previously mocked a disabled reporter, suggested Muslims be barred from entering the United States, claimed Mexico was sending rapists across the border, advocated for bringing back torture, and any number of other outrageous things was booed because he pointed out that the Iraq War was a terrible idea. Obviously the war in Iraq was a big, fat mistake, all right? said Trump. George Bush made a mistake, we can make mistakes. But that one was a beauty. The crowd didn’t like that one.But Trump continued. They lied. They said there were weapons of mass destruction there were none. And they knew there were none. There were no weapons of mass destruction. And the boos got much louder.Republicans cheer Trump when he lies to their faces about Mexicans and boo him when he points out the obvious. Welcome to the modern Republican Party.Feature image from Gage Skidmore/Flickr
The funeral of Cardinal Bernard Law, who resigned as Archbishop of Boston 15 years ago after covering up years of sexual abuse of children by priests, was held in the Vatican on Thursday without a mention of what led to his downfall. About 200 people attended the funeral Mass in a chapel in the apse of St. Peter s Basilica and presided over by a senior cardinal, Angelo Sodano. The wooden coffin lay on the floor with an open book of the gospels resting on it. Pope Francis entered the chapel for a few minutes after the Mass to bless the coffin and conduct a brief service known as the Final Commendation and Farewell - which he does for all cardinals who die in Rome. He dedicated his whole life to the Church, Sodano said in his homily in praise of Law, who died on Wednesday. Sodano listed the stages of Law s clerical life and said the late Pope John Paul had called him to Rome to be archpriest of a Rome basilica. But Sodano made no mention of the reason why he left Boston. Unfortunately, each of us can sometimes be lacking in our mission, Sodano said. The pope read out a Latin prayer, part of which reads: May he be given a merciful judgement . About 15 cardinals attended, though not Law s successor in Boston, Cardinal Sean O Malley. O Malley said on Wednesday that Law served at a time when the Church failed seriously in its responsibilities ... Law was Archbishop of Boston for 18 years when he resigned on Dec. 13, 2002, climaxing a tumultuous year that sparked the greatest crisis in the history of the American Catholic Church. A succession of devastating news stories by Boston Globe reporters showed how priests who sexually abused children had been moved from parish to parish for years under Law s tenure without parishioners or law authorities being informed. Victims groups have expressed outrage that Law s funeral was being in St. Peter s and that he would be buried in a crypt in a chapel of the Rome Basilica of Santa Maria Maggiore, where he served as archpriest. Survivors of child sexual assault in Boston, who were first betrayed by Law s cover-up of sex crimes and then doubly betrayed by his subsequent promotion to Rome, were those most hurt, SNAP, a victim s group, said in a statement on Wednesday. After Pope Francis left Thursday s funeral, two nuns in brown robes knelt by the coffin and arched over it to pray. After the funeral, Cardinal Franc Rode of Slovenia praised Law as a good man with good intentions . All these provisions about paedophilia were not as severe as they are now so one can t say that he made that many mistakes, Rode told Reuters Television, saying it was another era . He did not elaborate. About a half dozen ambassadors attended. The United States official representative was Louis Bono, the current chief of mission at the U.S. Embassy to the Vatican. U.S. Ambassador-designate Callista Gingrich and her husband Newt Gingrich, former speaker of the House of Representatives, attended in a private capacity. Callista Gingrich officially becomes ambassador on Friday.
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: The funeral of Cardinal Bernard Law, who resigned as Archbishop of Boston 15 years ago after covering up years of sexual abuse of children by priests, was held in the Vatican on Thursday without a mention of what led to his downfall. About 200 people attended the funeral Mass in a chapel in the apse of St. Peter s Basilica and presided over by a senior cardinal, Angelo Sodano. The wooden coffin lay on the floor with an open book of the gospels resting on it. Pope Francis entered the chapel for a few minutes after the Mass to bless the coffin and conduct a brief service known as the Final Commendation and Farewell - which he does for all cardinals who die in Rome. He dedicated his whole life to the Church, Sodano said in his homily in praise of Law, who died on Wednesday. Sodano listed the stages of Law s clerical life and said the late Pope John Paul had called him to Rome to be archpriest of a Rome basilica. But Sodano made no mention of the reason why he left Boston. Unfortunately, each of us can sometimes be lacking in our mission, Sodano said. The pope read out a Latin prayer, part of which reads: May he be given a merciful judgement . About 15 cardinals attended, though not Law s successor in Boston, Cardinal Sean O Malley. O Malley said on Wednesday that Law served at a time when the Church failed seriously in its responsibilities ... Law was Archbishop of Boston for 18 years when he resigned on Dec. 13, 2002, climaxing a tumultuous year that sparked the greatest crisis in the history of the American Catholic Church. A succession of devastating news stories by Boston Globe reporters showed how priests who sexually abused children had been moved from parish to parish for years under Law s tenure without parishioners or law authorities being informed. Victims groups have expressed outrage that Law s funeral was being in St. Peter s and that he would be buried in a crypt in a chapel of the Rome Basilica of Santa Maria Maggiore, where he served as archpriest. Survivors of child sexual assault in Boston, who were first betrayed by Law s cover-up of sex crimes and then doubly betrayed by his subsequent promotion to Rome, were those most hurt, SNAP, a victim s group, said in a statement on Wednesday. After Pope Francis left Thursday s funeral, two nuns in brown robes knelt by the coffin and arched over it to pray. After the funeral, Cardinal Franc Rode of Slovenia praised Law as a good man with good intentions . All these provisions about paedophilia were not as severe as they are now so one can t say that he made that many mistakes, Rode told Reuters Television, saying it was another era . He did not elaborate. About a half dozen ambassadors attended. The United States official representative was Louis Bono, the current chief of mission at the U.S. Embassy to the Vatican. U.S. Ambassador-designate Callista Gingrich and her husband Newt Gingrich, former speaker of the House of Representatives, attended in a private capacity. Callista Gingrich officially becomes ambassador on Friday.
Iran has sentenced to death a person found guilty of providing information to Israel to help it assassinate several senior nuclear scientists, Tehran s prosecutor said on Tuesday. Dolatabadi did not identify the defendant, but Amnesty International said on Monday that Ahmadreza Djalali, an Iranian doctor who studied and taught in Sweden, had been sentenced to death in Iran on espionage charges. At least four scientists were killed between 2010 and 2012 in what Tehran said was a program of assassinations aimed at sabotaging its nuclear energy program. Iran hanged one man in 2012 over the killings, saying he had links to Israel. On the latest conviction, Tehran prosecutor Abbas Jafari Dolatabadi told the judiciary s news agency: The person had several meetings with (Israeli intelligence agency) Mossad and provided them with sensitive information about Iran s military and nuclear sites in return for money and residency in Sweden. The headline of the report described the convicted person as a Mossad agent . Amnesty said the court verdict against Djalali stated that he had worked with the Israeli government which then helped him obtain a Swedish residency permit. Neither Iran nor Amnesty said when the verdict was issued. Sweden condemned the sentence and said it had raised the matter with Iranian representatives in Stockholm and Tehran. We condemn the use of the death penalty in all its forms. The death penalty is an inhuman, cruel and irreversible punishment that has no place in modern law, Swedish Foreign Minister Margot Wallstrom said in an emailed comment. Djalali, a doctor and lecturer at Stockholm medical university the Karolinska Institute, was arrested in April 2016 and held without access to a lawyer for seven months, three of which were in solitary confinement, according to London-based Amnesty. Djalali was sentenced to death after a grossly unfair trial that once again exposes not only the Iranian authorities steadfast commitment to (the) use of the death penalty but their utter contempt for the rule of law, said Philip Luther, Amnesty s Middle East advocacy director. The United States has denied Iran s accusation that it was involved in the scientists deaths, while Israel has a policy of not commenting on such allegations. Dolatabadi said the convicted person gave Mossad information about 30 nuclear and military scientists including Massoud Ali Mohammadi, who was killed by a remote-controlled bomb attached to a motorcycle outside his home in Tehran. The judiciary said the defendant was also linked to the assassination of nuclear engineer Majid Shahriari, killed in a bomb attack in November 2010. Djalali s wife Vida Mehrannia, who lives in Sweden with their two children, has told Amnesty that his physical and mental health has sharply deteriorated since he was detained. We are calling for his release because he has not committed any crime, Amnesty quoted her as saying. The vice-chancellor of the Karolinska Institute, where Djalali received his PhD in disaster medicine in 2012, said he was deeply concerned. For many years, he has worked with researchers from all over the world to improve the capacity of hospitals in countries suffering from extreme poverty or affected by disasters and armed conflicts, Ole Petter Ottersen said in a statement published on the university s website. We ask that Dr Djalali be subjected to due process and fair trial.
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: Iran has sentenced to death a person found guilty of providing information to Israel to help it assassinate several senior nuclear scientists, Tehran s prosecutor said on Tuesday. Dolatabadi did not identify the defendant, but Amnesty International said on Monday that Ahmadreza Djalali, an Iranian doctor who studied and taught in Sweden, had been sentenced to death in Iran on espionage charges. At least four scientists were killed between 2010 and 2012 in what Tehran said was a program of assassinations aimed at sabotaging its nuclear energy program. Iran hanged one man in 2012 over the killings, saying he had links to Israel. On the latest conviction, Tehran prosecutor Abbas Jafari Dolatabadi told the judiciary s news agency: The person had several meetings with (Israeli intelligence agency) Mossad and provided them with sensitive information about Iran s military and nuclear sites in return for money and residency in Sweden. The headline of the report described the convicted person as a Mossad agent . Amnesty said the court verdict against Djalali stated that he had worked with the Israeli government which then helped him obtain a Swedish residency permit. Neither Iran nor Amnesty said when the verdict was issued. Sweden condemned the sentence and said it had raised the matter with Iranian representatives in Stockholm and Tehran. We condemn the use of the death penalty in all its forms. The death penalty is an inhuman, cruel and irreversible punishment that has no place in modern law, Swedish Foreign Minister Margot Wallstrom said in an emailed comment. Djalali, a doctor and lecturer at Stockholm medical university the Karolinska Institute, was arrested in April 2016 and held without access to a lawyer for seven months, three of which were in solitary confinement, according to London-based Amnesty. Djalali was sentenced to death after a grossly unfair trial that once again exposes not only the Iranian authorities steadfast commitment to (the) use of the death penalty but their utter contempt for the rule of law, said Philip Luther, Amnesty s Middle East advocacy director. The United States has denied Iran s accusation that it was involved in the scientists deaths, while Israel has a policy of not commenting on such allegations. Dolatabadi said the convicted person gave Mossad information about 30 nuclear and military scientists including Massoud Ali Mohammadi, who was killed by a remote-controlled bomb attached to a motorcycle outside his home in Tehran. The judiciary said the defendant was also linked to the assassination of nuclear engineer Majid Shahriari, killed in a bomb attack in November 2010. Djalali s wife Vida Mehrannia, who lives in Sweden with their two children, has told Amnesty that his physical and mental health has sharply deteriorated since he was detained. We are calling for his release because he has not committed any crime, Amnesty quoted her as saying. The vice-chancellor of the Karolinska Institute, where Djalali received his PhD in disaster medicine in 2012, said he was deeply concerned. For many years, he has worked with researchers from all over the world to improve the capacity of hospitals in countries suffering from extreme poverty or affected by disasters and armed conflicts, Ole Petter Ottersen said in a statement published on the university s website. We ask that Dr Djalali be subjected to due process and fair trial.
Ivanka Trump was booed in Berlin on Tuesday when she described her father Donald as a “tremendous champion of supporting families” and said she was still fine-tuning her role as first daughter and informal White House adviser. Trump, 35, who is seen as an increasingly important influence on her father, told a women’s summit organised by the Group of 20 major economies in the German capital that she wanted to use her influence to help empower women. Asked whether she represented the president, the American people or her business as first daughter, she replied: “Well certainly not the latter, and I am rather unfamiliar with this role ... it has been a little under 100 days but it has just been a remarkable and incredible journey.” Ivanka Trump’s appointment as an adviser, with access to classified information, was highly unusual for the daughter of a president. Seeking to allay ethics concerns, she said last month she would serve in the White House in an unpaid, informal role. In Berlin, she discussed support for women entrepreneurs with German Chancellor Angela Merkel and International Monetary Fund chief Christine Lagarde among others. “I’m listening, I’m learning, I’m defining the ways in which I think that I’ll be able to have impact,” she told the panel discussion. “I’m seeking the counsel .. . of informed and thoughtful women and men and I’m really striving to think about how best to empower women in the economy, both domestically and across the globe.” But the audience was unsympathetic when she called her father a “tremendous champion of supporting families and enabling them to thrive”, with the moderator moving the discussion on amid a chorus of boos. Donald Trump found himself at the centre of a furious controversy during the presidential campaign when a video surfaced in which he boasted about grabbing women’s genitals. Asked whether some of the attitudes expressed by her father raised questions over his commitment to empowering women, Ivanka Trump said her experience and that of thousands of women who had worked for him showed he believed in women’s potential. “I grew up in a house where there were no barriers to what I could accomplish ... there was no difference for me and my brothers and I think as a business leader you saw that and as a president you’ll absolutely see that,” she said. During the Berlin discussion, Donald Trump tweeted a link to a Financial Times editorial Ivanka co-authored with World Bank President Jim Yong Kim on investment in women and said he was “proud” of his daughter for “her leadership on these important issues”. Ivanka Trump’s visit has received a mixed response in German media. The newspaper Berliner Zeitung, which has described her as “the president’s whisperer”, said German officials would “certainly be hoping that the president’s daughter will convey a positive image of Germany to her father”. Another paper, Tagesspiegel, was more sniffy about her credentials, opining that Trump’s dependence on family members - also including her husband Jared Kushner, a chief presidential adviser - was like a “vote of no confidence” in everyone else he was surrounded by.
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: Ivanka Trump was booed in Berlin on Tuesday when she described her father Donald as a “tremendous champion of supporting families” and said she was still fine-tuning her role as first daughter and informal White House adviser. Trump, 35, who is seen as an increasingly important influence on her father, told a women’s summit organised by the Group of 20 major economies in the German capital that she wanted to use her influence to help empower women. Asked whether she represented the president, the American people or her business as first daughter, she replied: “Well certainly not the latter, and I am rather unfamiliar with this role ... it has been a little under 100 days but it has just been a remarkable and incredible journey.” Ivanka Trump’s appointment as an adviser, with access to classified information, was highly unusual for the daughter of a president. Seeking to allay ethics concerns, she said last month she would serve in the White House in an unpaid, informal role. In Berlin, she discussed support for women entrepreneurs with German Chancellor Angela Merkel and International Monetary Fund chief Christine Lagarde among others. “I’m listening, I’m learning, I’m defining the ways in which I think that I’ll be able to have impact,” she told the panel discussion. “I’m seeking the counsel .. . of informed and thoughtful women and men and I’m really striving to think about how best to empower women in the economy, both domestically and across the globe.” But the audience was unsympathetic when she called her father a “tremendous champion of supporting families and enabling them to thrive”, with the moderator moving the discussion on amid a chorus of boos. Donald Trump found himself at the centre of a furious controversy during the presidential campaign when a video surfaced in which he boasted about grabbing women’s genitals. Asked whether some of the attitudes expressed by her father raised questions over his commitment to empowering women, Ivanka Trump said her experience and that of thousands of women who had worked for him showed he believed in women’s potential. “I grew up in a house where there were no barriers to what I could accomplish ... there was no difference for me and my brothers and I think as a business leader you saw that and as a president you’ll absolutely see that,” she said. During the Berlin discussion, Donald Trump tweeted a link to a Financial Times editorial Ivanka co-authored with World Bank President Jim Yong Kim on investment in women and said he was “proud” of his daughter for “her leadership on these important issues”. Ivanka Trump’s visit has received a mixed response in German media. The newspaper Berliner Zeitung, which has described her as “the president’s whisperer”, said German officials would “certainly be hoping that the president’s daughter will convey a positive image of Germany to her father”. Another paper, Tagesspiegel, was more sniffy about her credentials, opining that Trump’s dependence on family members - also including her husband Jared Kushner, a chief presidential adviser - was like a “vote of no confidence” in everyone else he was surrounded by.
A proposal by U.S. Republicans to repeal and replace the Obamacare health insurance program suffered serious new setbacks within the party on Sunday, when Senator Ted Cruz expressed his opposition and Senator Susan Collins dug in with strong criticism of the legislation. Two other Republican senators, John McCain and Rand Paul, already said last week they would vote against the so-called Graham-Cassidy bill. One more “no” vote among Republicans would effectively kill the party’s latest effort in their seven-year mission to overturn Obamacare, while dealing a new blow to President Donald Trump. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, a Republican, has said he “intends” to put the bill up for a vote this week, but he has withheld public comment over the past few days as some of his rank-and-file Republicans abandoned Trump. Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin, interviewed on CNN’s “State of the Union,” reflected the uncertainty in the battle. “It is going to be very close. I hope it passes,” he said. Phil Novack, a spokesman for Cruz, confirmed that the Republican senator said at an event in Texas: “Right now, they don’t have my vote, and I don’t think they have (Senator) Mike Lee’s vote, either.” Lee is a conservative Republican and close ally of Cruz. A spokesman for Lee said the senator wanted “some technical changes” to the legislation, but did not provide details. “We haven’t committed to anything yet,” Conn Carroll said in an email. Politico reported that Cruz complained that the latest Obamacare repeal bill did not address his concerns about bringing down the costs of healthcare. On Friday, news of McCain’s opposition sent shares of health insurance companies up. Centene ended 1.6 percent higher and Humana closed up 0.2 percent. Trump has pressured his fellow Republicans for quick passage on what would be his first victory on major legislation. All Democrats are expected to vote against it. But Collins, perhaps the most moderate of Republican senators, appeared poised to oppose her party’s latest replacement plan for the Affordable Care Act, former Democratic President Barack Obama’s signature legislative achievement. She, along with McCain and Alaska Senator Lisa Murkowski, voted in July against an earlier version of Obamacare repeal. “It is very difficult for me to envision a scenario where I would end up voting for this bill,” Collins said on CNN’s “State of the Union” on Sunday, two days after saying she was “leaning against” the legislation. Collins said her concerns centered on the impact the legislation would have on the federal Medicaid program, which helps disabled children and low-income elderly people get healthcare. The Senate, which Republicans control by 52-48, faces a Saturday deadline for deciding on the bill under an expiring rule that lets the healthcare proposal pass with just a simple majority in the 100-member chamber, instead of the 60-vote threshold needed for most legislation. Paul, interviewed on NBC’s “Meet the Press,” attacked the centerpiece of the Republican bill that would have the federal government basically turn the health insurance system over to states in the form of “block grants.” “They could remove the block grants from it, and we can vote on what we actually agree on,” Paul said. “I can’t in good conscience vote to keep all the spending.” Some key Senate Republicans were still pushing to forge ahead. Senator Lindsey Graham, who is leading the charge on the latest version of Obamacare repeal, told ABC he believed he would have the votes to pass the legislation. “The only way you know how people will vote is you have the vote,” he said. Graham did not detail the path he sees to victory.
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: A proposal by U.S. Republicans to repeal and replace the Obamacare health insurance program suffered serious new setbacks within the party on Sunday, when Senator Ted Cruz expressed his opposition and Senator Susan Collins dug in with strong criticism of the legislation. Two other Republican senators, John McCain and Rand Paul, already said last week they would vote against the so-called Graham-Cassidy bill. One more “no” vote among Republicans would effectively kill the party’s latest effort in their seven-year mission to overturn Obamacare, while dealing a new blow to President Donald Trump. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, a Republican, has said he “intends” to put the bill up for a vote this week, but he has withheld public comment over the past few days as some of his rank-and-file Republicans abandoned Trump. Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin, interviewed on CNN’s “State of the Union,” reflected the uncertainty in the battle. “It is going to be very close. I hope it passes,” he said. Phil Novack, a spokesman for Cruz, confirmed that the Republican senator said at an event in Texas: “Right now, they don’t have my vote, and I don’t think they have (Senator) Mike Lee’s vote, either.” Lee is a conservative Republican and close ally of Cruz. A spokesman for Lee said the senator wanted “some technical changes” to the legislation, but did not provide details. “We haven’t committed to anything yet,” Conn Carroll said in an email. Politico reported that Cruz complained that the latest Obamacare repeal bill did not address his concerns about bringing down the costs of healthcare. On Friday, news of McCain’s opposition sent shares of health insurance companies up. Centene ended 1.6 percent higher and Humana closed up 0.2 percent. Trump has pressured his fellow Republicans for quick passage on what would be his first victory on major legislation. All Democrats are expected to vote against it. But Collins, perhaps the most moderate of Republican senators, appeared poised to oppose her party’s latest replacement plan for the Affordable Care Act, former Democratic President Barack Obama’s signature legislative achievement. She, along with McCain and Alaska Senator Lisa Murkowski, voted in July against an earlier version of Obamacare repeal. “It is very difficult for me to envision a scenario where I would end up voting for this bill,” Collins said on CNN’s “State of the Union” on Sunday, two days after saying she was “leaning against” the legislation. Collins said her concerns centered on the impact the legislation would have on the federal Medicaid program, which helps disabled children and low-income elderly people get healthcare. The Senate, which Republicans control by 52-48, faces a Saturday deadline for deciding on the bill under an expiring rule that lets the healthcare proposal pass with just a simple majority in the 100-member chamber, instead of the 60-vote threshold needed for most legislation. Paul, interviewed on NBC’s “Meet the Press,” attacked the centerpiece of the Republican bill that would have the federal government basically turn the health insurance system over to states in the form of “block grants.” “They could remove the block grants from it, and we can vote on what we actually agree on,” Paul said. “I can’t in good conscience vote to keep all the spending.” Some key Senate Republicans were still pushing to forge ahead. Senator Lindsey Graham, who is leading the charge on the latest version of Obamacare repeal, told ABC he believed he would have the votes to pass the legislation. “The only way you know how people will vote is you have the vote,” he said. Graham did not detail the path he sees to victory.
#FeelTheBernOfSocialismUnivision host Leon Krauze asked avowed Socialist Bernie Sanders about the collapse of several Latin American countries due to their failed socialist policies. Angry Bernie responded with well, anger.WATCH:
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: #FeelTheBernOfSocialismUnivision host Leon Krauze asked avowed Socialist Bernie Sanders about the collapse of several Latin American countries due to their failed socialist policies. Angry Bernie responded with well, anger.WATCH:
For Trump’supporters, the only way to fend off critics of the amateur president is to lash out at the free press. There is no one who shamelessly sucks up to the former reality show star more than Sean Hannity. CNN s Jim Acosta has been questioning the blackout of the media at the White House lately. Most press briefings are now off-camera. Hannity, who works for the fake news network Fox News, responded by calling CNN fake news. He then called Acosta arrogant, combative and whiny. According to Hannity, Acosta is looking for ways to damage the President as if Trump needs any help. CNN s White House darling is really starting to become unhinged, Hannity said..@seanhannity Rips 'Unhinged' Jim @Acosta: 'He's Looking for Ways to Damage the President' Fox News (@FoxNews) June 28, 2017Acosta responded on Wednesday by mocking Sean Hannity s attacks on him, tweeting that the Fox News host needs a hug. Alternate headline: @seanhannity needs a hug. #hannityunhugged, Acosta tweeted.Alternate headline: @seanhannity needs a hug. #hannityunhugged Jim Acosta (@Acosta) June 28, 2017Acosta s tweet went viral.Yeah Jim, if you can stop asking questions and do some real journalism by sitting in a studio and screaming all day. That would be great. ;) Steve Mullis (@stevemullis) June 28, 2017Why is it that Sean Hannity can continuously come up with bogus stories and it's glossed over? CNN takes responsibility and it's a scandal? Brendan Steakelum (@steakelum) June 28, 2017He doesn't deserve a hug, but a kick in the balls would be great? CA Cramer (@CurtCramer1) June 28, 2017@seanhannity needs much more than a hug. Maybe start with a brain. Greg Martin (@jgregorymartin) June 28, 2017That pathetic headline and tweet from the biased @FoxNews makes me love you even more Jim!!! Keep fighting the good fight! Brian (@BrianSMcDonald) June 28, 2017Keep rocking Jim!! Tanja (@bambula) June 28, 2017You're doing something right Jim if a loser like Hannity is talking about you! William Smith (@WilliamCSmithbr) June 28, 2017Since ur his #1 topic today, it means ur doing ur job well! Keep prying and keep getting under their skin Jim. Make America Honest Again! American (@RealAmericanets) June 28, 2017You're my hero, @Acosta. I love this era where journalists give no fucks and the’stoicism of the past dies. Give em hell. #hannityunhugged Dena P (@Holdensmama) June 28, 2017We all remember Mustard-gate. Barack Obama just took office and the big story at Fox News was that he used mustard on his hamburger. That was a story the network covered for nearly a week. Sean Hannity seemed to suggest that Obama is an elitist for using mustard.coming from a man who was unhinged when President O asked for Dijon mustard. Gerry (@geminiLAca) June 28, 2017Sean Hannity peddled the Seth Rich story AFTER his own company retracted it. CNN fired its employees for their mess up. Chris (@yeschrisyes) June 28, 2017Jim-keep up the great work Fox/Hannity/Trump are showing just how much you are getting to them with your dogged, dedicated reporting-thx!! Kati Angelini (@ktmoorestown) June 28, 2017??? Jim, you're the best! Jennifer Newell (@WriterJen) June 28, 2017Jim, You're the best! Keep at it! DianeW (@BellaLuna468) June 28, 2017It s odd that Hannity supports WikiLeaks, an entity who supposedly believes in the transparency of governments, yet the idea of a transparent Trump administration rattles him to the core. The Russia probe is not being reported accurately on Fox News and the network has begun losing its key demographics. has fallen from 45th place to 281st place in news site traffic ratings as the right-wing site ignores Trump’s massive scandals. Hannity, a conspiracy theorist, is using CNN to bash the press. Three journalists resigned and an inaccurate story was retracted. Meanwhile, Sean Hannity pushed the baseless Seth Rich murder conspiracy theory. That prompted advertisers to flee from his show. So, it s kind of cute that Hannity calls other outlets fake news. Photo by Jennifer S. Altman/Contour by Getty Images.
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: For Trump’supporters, the only way to fend off critics of the amateur president is to lash out at the free press. There is no one who shamelessly sucks up to the former reality show star more than Sean Hannity. CNN s Jim Acosta has been questioning the blackout of the media at the White House lately. Most press briefings are now off-camera. Hannity, who works for the fake news network Fox News, responded by calling CNN fake news. He then called Acosta arrogant, combative and whiny. According to Hannity, Acosta is looking for ways to damage the President as if Trump needs any help. CNN s White House darling is really starting to become unhinged, Hannity said..@seanhannity Rips 'Unhinged' Jim @Acosta: 'He's Looking for Ways to Damage the President' Fox News (@FoxNews) June 28, 2017Acosta responded on Wednesday by mocking Sean Hannity s attacks on him, tweeting that the Fox News host needs a hug. Alternate headline: @seanhannity needs a hug. #hannityunhugged, Acosta tweeted.Alternate headline: @seanhannity needs a hug. #hannityunhugged Jim Acosta (@Acosta) June 28, 2017Acosta s tweet went viral.Yeah Jim, if you can stop asking questions and do some real journalism by sitting in a studio and screaming all day. That would be great. ;) Steve Mullis (@stevemullis) June 28, 2017Why is it that Sean Hannity can continuously come up with bogus stories and it's glossed over? CNN takes responsibility and it's a scandal? Brendan Steakelum (@steakelum) June 28, 2017He doesn't deserve a hug, but a kick in the balls would be great? CA Cramer (@CurtCramer1) June 28, 2017@seanhannity needs much more than a hug. Maybe start with a brain. Greg Martin (@jgregorymartin) June 28, 2017That pathetic headline and tweet from the biased @FoxNews makes me love you even more Jim!!! Keep fighting the good fight! Brian (@BrianSMcDonald) June 28, 2017Keep rocking Jim!! Tanja (@bambula) June 28, 2017You're doing something right Jim if a loser like Hannity is talking about you! William Smith (@WilliamCSmithbr) June 28, 2017Since ur his #1 topic today, it means ur doing ur job well! Keep prying and keep getting under their skin Jim. Make America Honest Again! American (@RealAmericanets) June 28, 2017You're my hero, @Acosta. I love this era where journalists give no fucks and the’stoicism of the past dies. Give em hell. #hannityunhugged Dena P (@Holdensmama) June 28, 2017We all remember Mustard-gate. Barack Obama just took office and the big story at Fox News was that he used mustard on his hamburger. That was a story the network covered for nearly a week. Sean Hannity seemed to suggest that Obama is an elitist for using mustard.coming from a man who was unhinged when President O asked for Dijon mustard. Gerry (@geminiLAca) June 28, 2017Sean Hannity peddled the Seth Rich story AFTER his own company retracted it. CNN fired its employees for their mess up. Chris (@yeschrisyes) June 28, 2017Jim-keep up the great work Fox/Hannity/Trump are showing just how much you are getting to them with your dogged, dedicated reporting-thx!! Kati Angelini (@ktmoorestown) June 28, 2017??? Jim, you're the best! Jennifer Newell (@WriterJen) June 28, 2017Jim, You're the best! Keep at it! DianeW (@BellaLuna468) June 28, 2017It s odd that Hannity supports WikiLeaks, an entity who supposedly believes in the transparency of governments, yet the idea of a transparent Trump administration rattles him to the core. The Russia probe is not being reported accurately on Fox News and the network has begun losing its key demographics. has fallen from 45th place to 281st place in news site traffic ratings as the right-wing site ignores Trump’s massive scandals. Hannity, a conspiracy theorist, is using CNN to bash the press. Three journalists resigned and an inaccurate story was retracted. Meanwhile, Sean Hannity pushed the baseless Seth Rich murder conspiracy theory. That prompted advertisers to flee from his show. So, it s kind of cute that Hannity calls other outlets fake news. Photo by Jennifer S. Altman/Contour by Getty Images.
U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson said on Thursday he was hopeful that China would come to its own decision to decide to use the powerful tool of oil supplies to persuade North Korea to reconsider its current path . On a visit to London where he met British Prime Minister Theresa May and foreign minister, Boris Johnson, Tillerson said the United States had wanted to see a much stronger resolution from the United Nations which agreed a new round of sanctions on Monday. It s clear that with respect to oil, and a complete embargo on oil from the U.N. Security Council, that s going to be very difficult, he said. In effect, that is directed at China alone because China supplies essentially all of North Korea s oil, he told a joint news conference with Johnson. I am hopeful that China, as a great country, a world power, will decide on their own, will take it upon themselves to use that very powerful tool of oil supply to persuade North Korea to reconsider its current path toward weapons development, reconsider its approach to dialogue and negotiations in the future.
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson said on Thursday he was hopeful that China would come to its own decision to decide to use the powerful tool of oil supplies to persuade North Korea to reconsider its current path . On a visit to London where he met British Prime Minister Theresa May and foreign minister, Boris Johnson, Tillerson said the United States had wanted to see a much stronger resolution from the United Nations which agreed a new round of sanctions on Monday. It s clear that with respect to oil, and a complete embargo on oil from the U.N. Security Council, that s going to be very difficult, he said. In effect, that is directed at China alone because China supplies essentially all of North Korea s oil, he told a joint news conference with Johnson. I am hopeful that China, as a great country, a world power, will decide on their own, will take it upon themselves to use that very powerful tool of oil supply to persuade North Korea to reconsider its current path toward weapons development, reconsider its approach to dialogue and negotiations in the future.
When major changes happen, it is often difficult to realize they are underway when you’re knee deep in day to day life. But when you take a step back and look at things on a larger scale, you can’take stock of just how far progress has come.That is the case with a lot of what has been accomplished since President Obama was sworn into office at noon on January 20, 2009. Oddly, conservatives may be able to appreciate this more than the progressives who support Obama and voted for him twice. In their eyes, Obama has been radically remaking America, while progressives may often feel as if things aren’t changing enough.Michael Grunwald s piece in Politico Magazine, of all places, goes through the Obama presidency and takes stock of the major changes that this president has engineered, many of which will reverberate through generations.Here are 10 of the things (and there are a LOT more) President Obama did:Grunwald explains further that Obama has not gotten a lot of these innovations and many more because he’s been more focused on getting them done than taking a victory lap over them. He was determined to make his presidency consequential, as he believed Democrats and progressives had not done all they could to make as many lasting changes as they should have. He paid for some of these efforts through a loss of Congress to the GOP and a drop in his approval rating even as those who disapprove of him have benefitted from the’stronger economy and widened safety net.The Obama years have delivered on a huge amount of change you can believe in. Featured image via Wikimedia
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: When major changes happen, it is often difficult to realize they are underway when you’re knee deep in day to day life. But when you take a step back and look at things on a larger scale, you can’take stock of just how far progress has come.That is the case with a lot of what has been accomplished since President Obama was sworn into office at noon on January 20, 2009. Oddly, conservatives may be able to appreciate this more than the progressives who support Obama and voted for him twice. In their eyes, Obama has been radically remaking America, while progressives may often feel as if things aren’t changing enough.Michael Grunwald s piece in Politico Magazine, of all places, goes through the Obama presidency and takes stock of the major changes that this president has engineered, many of which will reverberate through generations.Here are 10 of the things (and there are a LOT more) President Obama did:Grunwald explains further that Obama has not gotten a lot of these innovations and many more because he’s been more focused on getting them done than taking a victory lap over them. He was determined to make his presidency consequential, as he believed Democrats and progressives had not done all they could to make as many lasting changes as they should have. He paid for some of these efforts through a loss of Congress to the GOP and a drop in his approval rating even as those who disapprove of him have benefitted from the’stronger economy and widened safety net.The Obama years have delivered on a huge amount of change you can believe in. Featured image via Wikimedia
Beyonce is one of the most sought-after performers in the world, and she knows how to deliver an electrifying performance. She did exactly that during Super Bowl 50. In addition to her amazing lyrics and dancing, Beyonce also had an important message for the country, putting the Black Lives Matter Movement at center stage in front of hundreds of millions of people.Beyonce is no stranger to political activism. Appearing with Bruno Mars and Coldplay, she introduced her first song in more than a year entitled Formation. But, Formation is not just any song: it also happens to be an ode to the Black Lives Matter Movement, as evidenced by the’song s newly-released music video.[youtube]Beyonce begins the video by standing on top of a submerged car in a post-Hurricane Katrina New Orleans. Then a small child in a black hoodie appears in front of a line of police officers only to be covered by the words Stop shooting us. [youtube]Beyonce and her husbamd Jay-Z are known to be politically active, and it s not surprising that she would embrace and take on such an important issue. She and Jay-Z spent tens of thousands of dollars last year to bail out protesters in Baltimore.It s very important that the Black Lives Matter movement is known as well as embraced by the entire country. Beyonce s use of the Super Bowl as a platform has potentially reached hundreds of millions of people. Featured image via video screen capture
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: Beyonce is one of the most sought-after performers in the world, and she knows how to deliver an electrifying performance. She did exactly that during Super Bowl 50. In addition to her amazing lyrics and dancing, Beyonce also had an important message for the country, putting the Black Lives Matter Movement at center stage in front of hundreds of millions of people.Beyonce is no stranger to political activism. Appearing with Bruno Mars and Coldplay, she introduced her first song in more than a year entitled Formation. But, Formation is not just any song: it also happens to be an ode to the Black Lives Matter Movement, as evidenced by the’song s newly-released music video.[youtube]Beyonce begins the video by standing on top of a submerged car in a post-Hurricane Katrina New Orleans. Then a small child in a black hoodie appears in front of a line of police officers only to be covered by the words Stop shooting us. [youtube]Beyonce and her husbamd Jay-Z are known to be politically active, and it s not surprising that she would embrace and take on such an important issue. She and Jay-Z spent tens of thousands of dollars last year to bail out protesters in Baltimore.It s very important that the Black Lives Matter movement is known as well as embraced by the entire country. Beyonce s use of the Super Bowl as a platform has potentially reached hundreds of millions of people. Featured image via video screen capture
The new head of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency said on Tuesday that America need not choose between jobs and the environment, in a nod to the energy industry, as the White House prepares executive orders that could come as soon as this week to roll back Obama-era regulation. “I believe that we as an agency, and we as a nation, can be both pro-energy and jobs, and pro-environment,” Scott Pruitt said in his first address to staff. “We don’t have to choose between the two.” Critics of the agency have complained that regulations ushered in by former Democratic President Barack Obama have killed thousands of energy jobs by restricting carbon emissions and limiting areas open to coal mining and oil drilling. Democrats, environmental advocates and many of the EPA’s current and former staff worry President Donald Trump’s appointment of Pruitt signals a reversal in America’s progress toward cleaner air and water and fighting global climate change. Both Trump and Pruitt have expressed doubts about climate change, and Trump vowed during his 2016 presidential campaign to pull the United States out of a global pact to fight it. The Republican president has promised to slash environmental rules to help the drilling and mining industries, but without hurting air and water quality. Pruitt sued the agency he now leads more than a dozen times while attorney general of Oklahoma to stop federal rules. He did not mention climate change in his 12-minute speech at the EPA’s headquarters in Washington. He struck a conciliatory tone in the address, saying he would “listen, learn and lead” and that he valued the contributions of career staff. Trump is expected to sign executive orders aimed at reshaping environmental policy as early as this week. Those orders would lift a ban on coal mining leases on federal lands and ease greenhouse gas emissions curbs on electric utilities, according to a report by the Washington Post. They would also require changes to Obama’s Waters of the United States rule that details which waterways fall under federal protection, the report said. The White House did not immediately reply to a request for comment on the Washington Post story. Pruitt was confirmed by the U.S. Senate last week after contentious hearings that focused on his record as the top prosecutor of the oil- and gas-producing state of Oklahoma. Democrats had sought to delay Pruitt’s confirmation over questions about his ties to the oil industry. Some 800 former EPA staff also signed a letter urging senators to reject him, and about 30 current EPA staff joined a protest set up in Chicago by the Sierra Club environmental group. In Oklahoma, a state judge ruled last week that Pruitt would have to turn over emails between his office and energy companies by Tuesday after a watchdog group, the Center for Media and Democracy, sued for their release. The judge will review and perhaps hold back some of the emails before releasing them, a court clerk said. Nicole Cantello, a representative of the union that represents EPA workers, said that despite Pruitt’s record, she was hoping for the best. “One would hope that the administrator would learn about what we do and would then not treat as lightly the EPA’s mission and accomplishments, and what it is required to do under the statutes,” she said. The American Petroleum Institute, an industry group, said it looked forward to working with Pruitt, the administration and Congress “on policies that will keep energy affordable, create jobs, and strengthen our economy.”
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: The new head of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency said on Tuesday that America need not choose between jobs and the environment, in a nod to the energy industry, as the White House prepares executive orders that could come as soon as this week to roll back Obama-era regulation. “I believe that we as an agency, and we as a nation, can be both pro-energy and jobs, and pro-environment,” Scott Pruitt said in his first address to staff. “We don’t have to choose between the two.” Critics of the agency have complained that regulations ushered in by former Democratic President Barack Obama have killed thousands of energy jobs by restricting carbon emissions and limiting areas open to coal mining and oil drilling. Democrats, environmental advocates and many of the EPA’s current and former staff worry President Donald Trump’s appointment of Pruitt signals a reversal in America’s progress toward cleaner air and water and fighting global climate change. Both Trump and Pruitt have expressed doubts about climate change, and Trump vowed during his 2016 presidential campaign to pull the United States out of a global pact to fight it. The Republican president has promised to slash environmental rules to help the drilling and mining industries, but without hurting air and water quality. Pruitt sued the agency he now leads more than a dozen times while attorney general of Oklahoma to stop federal rules. He did not mention climate change in his 12-minute speech at the EPA’s headquarters in Washington. He struck a conciliatory tone in the address, saying he would “listen, learn and lead” and that he valued the contributions of career staff. Trump is expected to sign executive orders aimed at reshaping environmental policy as early as this week. Those orders would lift a ban on coal mining leases on federal lands and ease greenhouse gas emissions curbs on electric utilities, according to a report by the Washington Post. They would also require changes to Obama’s Waters of the United States rule that details which waterways fall under federal protection, the report said. The White House did not immediately reply to a request for comment on the Washington Post story. Pruitt was confirmed by the U.S. Senate last week after contentious hearings that focused on his record as the top prosecutor of the oil- and gas-producing state of Oklahoma. Democrats had sought to delay Pruitt’s confirmation over questions about his ties to the oil industry. Some 800 former EPA staff also signed a letter urging senators to reject him, and about 30 current EPA staff joined a protest set up in Chicago by the Sierra Club environmental group. In Oklahoma, a state judge ruled last week that Pruitt would have to turn over emails between his office and energy companies by Tuesday after a watchdog group, the Center for Media and Democracy, sued for their release. The judge will review and perhaps hold back some of the emails before releasing them, a court clerk said. Nicole Cantello, a representative of the union that represents EPA workers, said that despite Pruitt’s record, she was hoping for the best. “One would hope that the administrator would learn about what we do and would then not treat as lightly the EPA’s mission and accomplishments, and what it is required to do under the statutes,” she said. The American Petroleum Institute, an industry group, said it looked forward to working with Pruitt, the administration and Congress “on policies that will keep energy affordable, create jobs, and strengthen our economy.”
U.S. President-elect Donald Trump has offered the post of secretary of housing and urban development to former presidential candidate Ben Carson, who will consider it over the Thanksgiving holiday, a Carson spokesman said on Tuesday. “The president-elected asked him to consider it and he’s considering it,” Carson spokesman Armstrong Williams said. Carson, a retired surgeon, dropped out of the 2016 presidential race in March and backed Trump.
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: U.S. President-elect Donald Trump has offered the post of secretary of housing and urban development to former presidential candidate Ben Carson, who will consider it over the Thanksgiving holiday, a Carson spokesman said on Tuesday. “The president-elected asked him to consider it and he’s considering it,” Carson spokesman Armstrong Williams said. Carson, a retired surgeon, dropped out of the 2016 presidential race in March and backed Trump.
On Thursday, GOP Rep. Dave Brat took to CNN to blame, of all people, the media for Donald Trump’s relentless attacks on Attorney General Jeff Sessions. Brat represents Virginia s 7th District, which may explain his love of both Sessions and Trump, and his desire to blame someone else for their falling out. The 7th District was created in 1993 by decree of the Department of Justice, who forced the’state to create at least one majority minority district in order to comply with Section 5 of the Civil Rights Act. Much of the urban areas of Richmond were carved out into a new 3rd District, and what was left the mainly white voters were left in the 7th.Being as Trump and Sessions are now the two most powerful racists in America, it stands to reason that a guy representing an area that hasn’t voted for a single Democrat in more than 45 years and never elected a person of color would want them to get along.In a statement released by Brat s office on Wednesday, he decried the full-throated obsession over Russia by the media, which he’said could not have been foreseen at the time of Sessions recusal from the investigation. That recusal has been the’source of the recent enmity between the AG and the president. From the’statement:The media s attacks have only escalated since Trump’s inauguration. Fake news dominates. Anchors now make the news by opinion, instead of reporting objective reality. The President is frustrated with those who have called for his impeachment since day one.But CNN s Kate Bolduan took Brat to task for seemingly blaming the press for Trump’s social media outburts. In a testy exchange, she maintained a difficult smile as she’said the media s not forcing the president to tweet his attacks. Brat s response? I think you’did. Bolduan was incredulous:Are you kidding me? The media did not force the president to attack Jeff Sessions.Watch the exchange in this tweet from CNN s Katerina Erbiti: I will concede the President did touch his key pad @RepDaveBrat saying the media forced POTUS to attack Sessions Katerina Erbiti (@KaterinaErbiti) July 27, 2017Featured image via Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: On Thursday, GOP Rep. Dave Brat took to CNN to blame, of all people, the media for Donald Trump’s relentless attacks on Attorney General Jeff Sessions. Brat represents Virginia s 7th District, which may explain his love of both Sessions and Trump, and his desire to blame someone else for their falling out. The 7th District was created in 1993 by decree of the Department of Justice, who forced the’state to create at least one majority minority district in order to comply with Section 5 of the Civil Rights Act. Much of the urban areas of Richmond were carved out into a new 3rd District, and what was left the mainly white voters were left in the 7th.Being as Trump and Sessions are now the two most powerful racists in America, it stands to reason that a guy representing an area that hasn’t voted for a single Democrat in more than 45 years and never elected a person of color would want them to get along.In a statement released by Brat s office on Wednesday, he decried the full-throated obsession over Russia by the media, which he’said could not have been foreseen at the time of Sessions recusal from the investigation. That recusal has been the’source of the recent enmity between the AG and the president. From the’statement:The media s attacks have only escalated since Trump’s inauguration. Fake news dominates. Anchors now make the news by opinion, instead of reporting objective reality. The President is frustrated with those who have called for his impeachment since day one.But CNN s Kate Bolduan took Brat to task for seemingly blaming the press for Trump’s social media outburts. In a testy exchange, she maintained a difficult smile as she’said the media s not forcing the president to tweet his attacks. Brat s response? I think you’did. Bolduan was incredulous:Are you kidding me? The media did not force the president to attack Jeff Sessions.Watch the exchange in this tweet from CNN s Katerina Erbiti: I will concede the President did touch his key pad @RepDaveBrat saying the media forced POTUS to attack Sessions Katerina Erbiti (@KaterinaErbiti) July 27, 2017Featured image via Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images
Veteran Democratic operative Donna Brazile finally admitted that she used her former position as a CNN commentator to relay questions ahead of debates to Hillary Clinton during the Democratic primary.For months, Brazile has avoided confirming that hacked emails from the campaign showed her forwarding the questions, which were asked at separate debates. But in a new essay for Time magazine looking back on the hackings, she’said it was true. [I]n October, a subsequent release of emails revealed that among the many things I did in my role as a Democratic operative and [Democratic National Committee] Vice Chair prior to assuming the interim D.N.C. Chair position was to share potential town hall topics with the Clinton campaign, she’said.Watch Donna Brazile lie to Megyn Kelly: As recently as February, Brazile would only say that the emails allegedly showed her forwarding the questions.In her Time essay, however, she’said she was remorseful. Washington ExaminerWatch Donna Brazile brag about how much more prepared Hillary Clinton was for the debate than her opponent Donald J. Trump. When the reporter asks Brazile about passing the debate questions along to Hillary, she accuses him of badgering her like Donald Trump badgers women. Watch Obama s spokesliar tell a reporter during press conference that President Obama has full confidence in Brazile. claims that she’s a person of integrity and high-character: Here s another clip of the reporter who won’t let up on Brazile as she continues to lie to press about giving Hillary questions before the debate:
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: Veteran Democratic operative Donna Brazile finally admitted that she used her former position as a CNN commentator to relay questions ahead of debates to Hillary Clinton during the Democratic primary.For months, Brazile has avoided confirming that hacked emails from the campaign showed her forwarding the questions, which were asked at separate debates. But in a new essay for Time magazine looking back on the hackings, she’said it was true. [I]n October, a subsequent release of emails revealed that among the many things I did in my role as a Democratic operative and [Democratic National Committee] Vice Chair prior to assuming the interim D.N.C. Chair position was to share potential town hall topics with the Clinton campaign, she’said.Watch Donna Brazile lie to Megyn Kelly: As recently as February, Brazile would only say that the emails allegedly showed her forwarding the questions.In her Time essay, however, she’said she was remorseful. Washington ExaminerWatch Donna Brazile brag about how much more prepared Hillary Clinton was for the debate than her opponent Donald J. Trump. When the reporter asks Brazile about passing the debate questions along to Hillary, she accuses him of badgering her like Donald Trump badgers women. Watch Obama s spokesliar tell a reporter during press conference that President Obama has full confidence in Brazile. claims that she’s a person of integrity and high-character: Here s another clip of the reporter who won’t let up on Brazile as she continues to lie to press about giving Hillary questions before the debate:
China s self-developed C919 passenger jet completed its first long-distance flight on Friday, in a milestone that its manufacturer said marks the plane s move into an airworthiness certification phase. The Commercial Aircraft Corp of China Ltd (COMAC) said in a statement the C919 flew for 2 hours and 23 minutes from Shanghai to the central Chinese city of Xi an, traveling more than 1,300 km (800 miles) and reaching an altitude of 7,800 meters (25,590 feet). The jet, which China wants to compete with Boeing Co s 737 and the Airbus SE A320, is a symbol of China s civil aerospace ambitions. It will remain in Xi an to undergo further testing, the planemaker said. This ferry flight indicates that the C919 possess the ability to fly inter-city routes, COMAC said in the statement. (It) marks the move into research and development flight-testing and airworthiness certification work. The latest flight is the plane s sixth test since it flew for the first time on May 5. Analysts had questioned the long time gaps between previous test flights. COMAC is aiming to obtain certification for the plane from Chinese regulators as well as Europe s aviation safety regulator, which in April agreed to start the certification process. COMAC said it planned to eventually test six C919 planes and will carry out the first flight for its second jet by the end of this year. The plane currently has 27 customers who have placed orders and commitments for 730 jets, it added.
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: China s self-developed C919 passenger jet completed its first long-distance flight on Friday, in a milestone that its manufacturer said marks the plane s move into an airworthiness certification phase. The Commercial Aircraft Corp of China Ltd (COMAC) said in a statement the C919 flew for 2 hours and 23 minutes from Shanghai to the central Chinese city of Xi an, traveling more than 1,300 km (800 miles) and reaching an altitude of 7,800 meters (25,590 feet). The jet, which China wants to compete with Boeing Co s 737 and the Airbus SE A320, is a symbol of China s civil aerospace ambitions. It will remain in Xi an to undergo further testing, the planemaker said. This ferry flight indicates that the C919 possess the ability to fly inter-city routes, COMAC said in the statement. (It) marks the move into research and development flight-testing and airworthiness certification work. The latest flight is the plane s sixth test since it flew for the first time on May 5. Analysts had questioned the long time gaps between previous test flights. COMAC is aiming to obtain certification for the plane from Chinese regulators as well as Europe s aviation safety regulator, which in April agreed to start the certification process. COMAC said it planned to eventually test six C919 planes and will carry out the first flight for its second jet by the end of this year. The plane currently has 27 customers who have placed orders and commitments for 730 jets, it added.
Connecticut Governor Dannel Malloy delivered a downbeat address on Wednesday, outlining plans to slash government spending and admitting to “a visceral feeling” that there was no going back to the prosperity of pre-recession years. The short and somber address came on the heels of a presentation by Malloy’s top budget official, who called for $570 million of reductions next year on top of millions in cuts and tax hikes in previous years. “Our national economy, while making progress from the Great Recession, was fundamentally changed,” Malloy, a Democrat, said at his annual state of the state address. “A shifting workforce, the rapid rise of technology, and stagnant wage growth have made this recovery tougher for everyone, everywhere.” Connecticut has consistently lagged the national economic recovery and has been hit by job losses in its key financial and high-tech manufacturing industries. The state has one of the worst funded pension systems in the nation. With required payments set to balloon to $6 billion by 2032, the system presents a significant risk to the budget. “Connecticut is not going back to that pre-recession reality,” Malloy told the Democrat-dominated legislature. “It just doesn’t exist anymore.” Connecticut’s woes show how U.S. states have shared unevenly in the recovery since the financial crisis of 2007-2009. Andrew Cuomo, governor of neighboring New York, felt confident enough to tout a $100 billion infrastructure plan in January. “It’s been a really hard recovery,” said Douglas Offerman, an analyst at Fitch Ratings. “The old paradigm that you would exceed your past peak in every expansion doesn’t appear to be holding right now.” Ben Barnes, Malloy’s top budget official, said the replacement of higher-paying jobs with lower- and middle-wage positions had been a “major story” in Connecticut’s budget ills. Barnes proposed cuts of 5.75 percent to the budgets of state agencies, which could mean the elimination of several thousand jobs. He said cuts to discretionary spending would amount to 15 percent over two years. At the start of the legislative session, Malloy urged lawmakers to pass an early budget and not wait until the last day of the fiscal year on June 30. But he said he would not circumvent the process. The governor proposed overhauling the way the state runs its budget to bring the process more in line with revenue projections, shifting away from a “current services” model. He also said lawmakers should implement a spending cap.
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: Connecticut Governor Dannel Malloy delivered a downbeat address on Wednesday, outlining plans to slash government spending and admitting to “a visceral feeling” that there was no going back to the prosperity of pre-recession years. The short and somber address came on the heels of a presentation by Malloy’s top budget official, who called for $570 million of reductions next year on top of millions in cuts and tax hikes in previous years. “Our national economy, while making progress from the Great Recession, was fundamentally changed,” Malloy, a Democrat, said at his annual state of the state address. “A shifting workforce, the rapid rise of technology, and stagnant wage growth have made this recovery tougher for everyone, everywhere.” Connecticut has consistently lagged the national economic recovery and has been hit by job losses in its key financial and high-tech manufacturing industries. The state has one of the worst funded pension systems in the nation. With required payments set to balloon to $6 billion by 2032, the system presents a significant risk to the budget. “Connecticut is not going back to that pre-recession reality,” Malloy told the Democrat-dominated legislature. “It just doesn’t exist anymore.” Connecticut’s woes show how U.S. states have shared unevenly in the recovery since the financial crisis of 2007-2009. Andrew Cuomo, governor of neighboring New York, felt confident enough to tout a $100 billion infrastructure plan in January. “It’s been a really hard recovery,” said Douglas Offerman, an analyst at Fitch Ratings. “The old paradigm that you would exceed your past peak in every expansion doesn’t appear to be holding right now.” Ben Barnes, Malloy’s top budget official, said the replacement of higher-paying jobs with lower- and middle-wage positions had been a “major story” in Connecticut’s budget ills. Barnes proposed cuts of 5.75 percent to the budgets of state agencies, which could mean the elimination of several thousand jobs. He said cuts to discretionary spending would amount to 15 percent over two years. At the start of the legislative session, Malloy urged lawmakers to pass an early budget and not wait until the last day of the fiscal year on June 30. But he said he would not circumvent the process. The governor proposed overhauling the way the state runs its budget to bring the process more in line with revenue projections, shifting away from a “current services” model. He also said lawmakers should implement a spending cap.
Saudi Arabia s corruption investigations are linked to a just few individuals and will not hinder investments in the kingdom, its energy minister said on Thursday. Khalid al Falih said the crackdown was way overdue and would also not have any impact on plans to float shares in oil giant Saudi Aramco. Everybody understands that this is a limited, domestic affair that the government is simply cleaning house, he said on the sidelines of the U.N. climate conference in Bonn, Germany. Saudi Arabia s future king has tightened his grip on power through an anti-corruption purge by arresting royals, ministers and investors including billionaire Alwaleed bin Talal who is one of the kingdom s most prominent businessmen. The move by Prince Mohammed bin Salman against Saudi s political and business elite also targeted the head of the National Guard, Prince Miteb bin Abdullah, who was detained and replaced as minister of the powerful National Guard by Prince Khaled bin Ayyaf. The energy minister said many foreign investors who had been have been doing business in Saudi Arabia for decades will tell you that they have not seen corruption in their interactions with the Saudi government or with the Saudi entities . It (the crackdown) has no impact on foreign direct investment. It has no impact whatsoever on the kingdom s openness, capital flows and our wide open investment environment, he added. Saudi Arabia s plan to float around 5 percent of Aramco in an initial public offering (IPO) is a centerpiece of Vision 2030, a wide-ranging reform plan to diversify the Saudi economy beyond oil. Falih said a decision is yet to be made on where the listing would be made. On the upcoming meeting of the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries in Vienna at the end of the month to decide the fate of a global oil production cut, Falih said an extension beyond the March 2018 expiry was needed to rebalance the oil market. OPEC and ten other oil producers led by Russia agreed last year to curb production by some 1.8 million barrels per day to get rid of an oversupply in the market.
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: Saudi Arabia s corruption investigations are linked to a just few individuals and will not hinder investments in the kingdom, its energy minister said on Thursday. Khalid al Falih said the crackdown was way overdue and would also not have any impact on plans to float shares in oil giant Saudi Aramco. Everybody understands that this is a limited, domestic affair that the government is simply cleaning house, he said on the sidelines of the U.N. climate conference in Bonn, Germany. Saudi Arabia s future king has tightened his grip on power through an anti-corruption purge by arresting royals, ministers and investors including billionaire Alwaleed bin Talal who is one of the kingdom s most prominent businessmen. The move by Prince Mohammed bin Salman against Saudi s political and business elite also targeted the head of the National Guard, Prince Miteb bin Abdullah, who was detained and replaced as minister of the powerful National Guard by Prince Khaled bin Ayyaf. The energy minister said many foreign investors who had been have been doing business in Saudi Arabia for decades will tell you that they have not seen corruption in their interactions with the Saudi government or with the Saudi entities . It (the crackdown) has no impact on foreign direct investment. It has no impact whatsoever on the kingdom s openness, capital flows and our wide open investment environment, he added. Saudi Arabia s plan to float around 5 percent of Aramco in an initial public offering (IPO) is a centerpiece of Vision 2030, a wide-ranging reform plan to diversify the Saudi economy beyond oil. Falih said a decision is yet to be made on where the listing would be made. On the upcoming meeting of the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries in Vienna at the end of the month to decide the fate of a global oil production cut, Falih said an extension beyond the March 2018 expiry was needed to rebalance the oil market. OPEC and ten other oil producers led by Russia agreed last year to curb production by some 1.8 million barrels per day to get rid of an oversupply in the market.
Ever since his GOP rivals dropped out of the presidential race and he became the presumptive Republican nominee, Donald Trump has stopped attacking his fellow Republicans and focused his childish attacks on his biggest competition Democratic front runner Hillary Clinton. And of course, he’s doing it the only way he knows how by being a misogynist and attacking her marriage. The only problem is, Trump is too stupid to fully grasp the full hypocrisy of what he’s doing.It s been widely reported that in the past, Trump was somewhat close to the Clintons he even invited them to his (third) wedding. But what many don’t realize is that the very attacks Trump is making on the Clintons are things that Trump previously defended the political power couple against.No one pointed this out better than Chuck Todd on Wednesday morning, when he appeared on NBC s Today to call Trump out for being a walking contradiction. It was already an amazing segment, with Today showing some footage of Trump calling Paula Jones, a woman who accused former president Bill Clinton of sexual harassment years ago, a loser. The’show also aired an old video of Trump’saying that the way HE treated women would prevent him from being president if he were to run. In a statement that has come back to haunt him, Trump had said, Can you imagine how controversial I d be? You think about (Bill Clinton) with the women, how about me with the women? Can you imagine? In the past, Trump had also downplayed Bill s Monica Lewinsky scandal, saying, Look at the trouble Bill Clinton got into, with something that was totally unimportant and they tried to impeach him, which was nonsense. But now that the’stakes are high and Trump needs to defeat Hillary, his attitude has done a complete 180 and Todd isn’t letting him get away with it. To show just how insane it is that Trump has continued to slide by with voters despite his lies, Todd said: I don’t know why people give him a pass on this. I mean, I asked him, I said what Trump do we believe? What you said about Hillary Clinton five years ago, or what you say about her now?He has contradicted every single attack he’s made on the Clintons. You can find sound to contradict it. It doesn’t touch him. Todd also encouraged Hillary to start fighting back against Trump’s attacks, and to leverage Trump’s own mistakes to destroy his chances of getting the White House. I think he’s counting on this, that the Clintons don’t want to engage him on this. So he thinks he’s got free rein to do it.If (Hillary Clinton) can make the case that, you know what, he’s just like every other politician. That is the most dangerous description you can have if you’re Donald Trump it just hasn’t taken hold. You can watch Todd take down Trump below:Featured image is a screenshot
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: Ever since his GOP rivals dropped out of the presidential race and he became the presumptive Republican nominee, Donald Trump has stopped attacking his fellow Republicans and focused his childish attacks on his biggest competition Democratic front runner Hillary Clinton. And of course, he’s doing it the only way he knows how by being a misogynist and attacking her marriage. The only problem is, Trump is too stupid to fully grasp the full hypocrisy of what he’s doing.It s been widely reported that in the past, Trump was somewhat close to the Clintons he even invited them to his (third) wedding. But what many don’t realize is that the very attacks Trump is making on the Clintons are things that Trump previously defended the political power couple against.No one pointed this out better than Chuck Todd on Wednesday morning, when he appeared on NBC s Today to call Trump out for being a walking contradiction. It was already an amazing segment, with Today showing some footage of Trump calling Paula Jones, a woman who accused former president Bill Clinton of sexual harassment years ago, a loser. The’show also aired an old video of Trump’saying that the way HE treated women would prevent him from being president if he were to run. In a statement that has come back to haunt him, Trump had said, Can you imagine how controversial I d be? You think about (Bill Clinton) with the women, how about me with the women? Can you imagine? In the past, Trump had also downplayed Bill s Monica Lewinsky scandal, saying, Look at the trouble Bill Clinton got into, with something that was totally unimportant and they tried to impeach him, which was nonsense. But now that the’stakes are high and Trump needs to defeat Hillary, his attitude has done a complete 180 and Todd isn’t letting him get away with it. To show just how insane it is that Trump has continued to slide by with voters despite his lies, Todd said: I don’t know why people give him a pass on this. I mean, I asked him, I said what Trump do we believe? What you said about Hillary Clinton five years ago, or what you say about her now?He has contradicted every single attack he’s made on the Clintons. You can find sound to contradict it. It doesn’t touch him. Todd also encouraged Hillary to start fighting back against Trump’s attacks, and to leverage Trump’s own mistakes to destroy his chances of getting the White House. I think he’s counting on this, that the Clintons don’t want to engage him on this. So he thinks he’s got free rein to do it.If (Hillary Clinton) can make the case that, you know what, he’s just like every other politician. That is the most dangerous description you can have if you’re Donald Trump it just hasn’t taken hold. You can watch Todd take down Trump below:Featured image is a screenshot
This is totally out of left field! Vin Scully goes off on the evils of socialism-epic! Vin Scully has strong feelings on socialism Timothy Burke (@bubbaprog) June 18, 2016
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: This is totally out of left field! Vin Scully goes off on the evils of socialism-epic! Vin Scully has strong feelings on socialism Timothy Burke (@bubbaprog) June 18, 2016
Abdul Daoud spilt most of the cappuccino into the saucer the first time he served Princess Diana, his nerves getting the better of him. Almost 20 years on since she was killed when her car crashed in a Paris tunnel, he still works surrounded by pictures of the woman he calls the princess of the people in his cafe, named Diana, his very personal attempt to keep her memory alive. My promise to her is to put this place as a tribute for her, he said of his cafe, set up in 1989, near London s Kensington Gardens, home to the palace where Diana used to live. For him, celebrating her life is business as usual at the cafe where visitors can eat Diana salads or Diana burgers and where he said she used to stop by regularly. She is the princess of the people, always, he said, adding that he does not believe she will ever be forgotten. But many younger Britons said that while they can understand the fascination with the princess, whose struggles to fit in to the royal household played out in the full glare of the media, they don t feel it themselves. I think she maybe meant more to my mother, said Stephen Butler in the west London area Diana used to live. When she died I remember my mother shaking me awake and being quite devastated about it. Student Shermine Grigorius was three-years-old when Diana died but after being told stories about the Princess of Wales by her mother, sees her as a symbol of kindness . While the royals have always been dutifully charitable, Diana was known for going beyond her in-laws, or even any celebrity at the time, in her philanthropy. Whether in charity work or in royal life, she earned a reputation for being a rebel who defied convention: from campaigning for a worldwide ban on landmines despite opposition from the British government to flouting royal protocol to speak candidly about her experiences with bulimia and infidelity. She bought a different side to the whole monarchy, said Anika Wijuria, a 30-year-old project manager. They were quite stiff and she was quite liberal. At the Da Mario restaurant, Marco Molino remembers another side of Diana, describing a down to earth woman who liked to eat Italian dishes with her sons, Princes William and Harry, or friends. Her personality was very normal, very down to earth, very friendly, he said near an oil painting of Diana on the wall. I think that s what she really wanted - a bit of normality ... Here was one of the places where she could achieve that. Ronald van Bronkhorst, who has lived above Da Mario since the 70s, also said she never made flashy entrances. Her legacy will never leave ... You think about her all the time, especially in the area we live in.
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: Abdul Daoud spilt most of the cappuccino into the saucer the first time he served Princess Diana, his nerves getting the better of him. Almost 20 years on since she was killed when her car crashed in a Paris tunnel, he still works surrounded by pictures of the woman he calls the princess of the people in his cafe, named Diana, his very personal attempt to keep her memory alive. My promise to her is to put this place as a tribute for her, he said of his cafe, set up in 1989, near London s Kensington Gardens, home to the palace where Diana used to live. For him, celebrating her life is business as usual at the cafe where visitors can eat Diana salads or Diana burgers and where he said she used to stop by regularly. She is the princess of the people, always, he said, adding that he does not believe she will ever be forgotten. But many younger Britons said that while they can understand the fascination with the princess, whose struggles to fit in to the royal household played out in the full glare of the media, they don t feel it themselves. I think she maybe meant more to my mother, said Stephen Butler in the west London area Diana used to live. When she died I remember my mother shaking me awake and being quite devastated about it. Student Shermine Grigorius was three-years-old when Diana died but after being told stories about the Princess of Wales by her mother, sees her as a symbol of kindness . While the royals have always been dutifully charitable, Diana was known for going beyond her in-laws, or even any celebrity at the time, in her philanthropy. Whether in charity work or in royal life, she earned a reputation for being a rebel who defied convention: from campaigning for a worldwide ban on landmines despite opposition from the British government to flouting royal protocol to speak candidly about her experiences with bulimia and infidelity. She bought a different side to the whole monarchy, said Anika Wijuria, a 30-year-old project manager. They were quite stiff and she was quite liberal. At the Da Mario restaurant, Marco Molino remembers another side of Diana, describing a down to earth woman who liked to eat Italian dishes with her sons, Princes William and Harry, or friends. Her personality was very normal, very down to earth, very friendly, he said near an oil painting of Diana on the wall. I think that s what she really wanted - a bit of normality ... Here was one of the places where she could achieve that. Ronald van Bronkhorst, who has lived above Da Mario since the 70s, also said she never made flashy entrances. Her legacy will never leave ... You think about her all the time, especially in the area we live in.
Austria s likely next chancellor assured European Union leaders on Thursday of his support for the EU, allaying concerns that his country would become a dissonant voice in the bloc with the far right expected to enter its government. Sebastian Kurz of the mainstream conservative OVP party won a parliamentary election on Sunday after campaigning on an anti-immigration platform, and a coalition with the far-right Freedom Party (FPO) is widely anticipated. Arriving at a meeting of conservative EU leaders, the 31-year-old Kurz said he would speak to all parties in the Austrian parliament before deciding on a governing partner. Any government I form will be a pro-European one, Kurz, who has been the Alpine republic s foreign minister since 2013, told reporters. I m not just glad we have this European Union, but I also see it as the responsibility of my younger generation to actively engage and shape the EU in a positive way. Kurz, who will not represent Austria at regular EU summits until he forms a government, also met European Council President Donald Tusk and European Commission chief Jean-Claude Juncker. Tusk, a former Polish prime minister, hailed Kurz on Twitter as a truly pro-European winner of the Austrian elections . Austria became a member of the European Union in 1995 after a two-thirds majority voted to join the bloc. Recent opinion polls show three-quarters of Austrians want the affluent country to remain a member of the EU. The FPO, which won over a quarter of Austria s vote to the conservatives nearly 32 percent, gained from public unease over a large influx of mostly Muslim migrants into Europe in 2015. Once anti-EU, the FPO now professes to be pro-Europe but wants Brussels to hand back more powers to member states.
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: Austria s likely next chancellor assured European Union leaders on Thursday of his support for the EU, allaying concerns that his country would become a dissonant voice in the bloc with the far right expected to enter its government. Sebastian Kurz of the mainstream conservative OVP party won a parliamentary election on Sunday after campaigning on an anti-immigration platform, and a coalition with the far-right Freedom Party (FPO) is widely anticipated. Arriving at a meeting of conservative EU leaders, the 31-year-old Kurz said he would speak to all parties in the Austrian parliament before deciding on a governing partner. Any government I form will be a pro-European one, Kurz, who has been the Alpine republic s foreign minister since 2013, told reporters. I m not just glad we have this European Union, but I also see it as the responsibility of my younger generation to actively engage and shape the EU in a positive way. Kurz, who will not represent Austria at regular EU summits until he forms a government, also met European Council President Donald Tusk and European Commission chief Jean-Claude Juncker. Tusk, a former Polish prime minister, hailed Kurz on Twitter as a truly pro-European winner of the Austrian elections . Austria became a member of the European Union in 1995 after a two-thirds majority voted to join the bloc. Recent opinion polls show three-quarters of Austrians want the affluent country to remain a member of the EU. The FPO, which won over a quarter of Austria s vote to the conservatives nearly 32 percent, gained from public unease over a large influx of mostly Muslim migrants into Europe in 2015. Once anti-EU, the FPO now professes to be pro-Europe but wants Brussels to hand back more powers to member states.
We are two moms who have put our lives on hold to do everything in our power to fight the progressives on the left from stealing our freedoms and the future of this great nation from our children. Over four years ago, we started the 100 Percent FED Up! Facebook page with the goal of exposing the truth that so many frustrated Americans were not finding in the mainstream media. We ve suffered several cases of censorship by Facebook along the way, but we never gave up. We may disappear after we publish this article, but we’ve made a commitment to exposing the truth and we’re not going to back down now.It should frighten every person who uses Facebook, that a CEO of a the largest social media platform in the world, has openly expressed the view that America should give up our national security and follow Germany s lead when it comes to open borders for [Muslim] migrants. I suppose it s easy for billionaires who are surrounded by top security firms, and live a life far removed from the every day American, to say that we should accept these rapists, violent invaders, and YES, members of terror groups disguised as refugees into our neighborhoods and communities. After all, they won’t be living next door to Mark Zuckerberg. He will likely never have a single encounter with them in his day to day life.Mark Zuckerberg recently admonished his workers for replacing Black with the word All in Obama s race war motto: Black Lives Matter. For anyone who s paying attention, asking your workers to essentially accept admonishment for being white from a group of domestic terrorists, is a dangerous precedent for an owner of any company, much less the largest social media organization in the world. We need to fight back against this. We need to not be afraid of censorship or the ramifications when we voice our opinions.Mark Zuckerberg praised Germany for their inspiring refugee policies during a visit to the country and reiterated his commitment to combating hate speech on Facebook.Speaking at a town hall event in Berlin, the 31-year old billionaire said German leadership in the refugee crisis has been insipiring and a role model for the world. I hope other countries follow Germany s lead on this, he added. I hope the U.S. follows Germany s lead on this. Speaking at the’same event, Zuckerberg also emphasised his commitment to tackling hate speech on Facebook. Hate speech has no place on Facebook and in our community, he’said. Until recently in Germany I don’t think we were doing a good enough job, and I think we will continue needing to do a better and better job. Zuckerberg added that the company would place a special priority on tackling hate speech against migrants. Facebook s policies, he’said, would now include hate speech against migrants as an important part of what we just now have no tolerance for. Zuckerberg was overheard after leaving his microphone on during a conversation about the refugee crisis with Angela Merkel. Are you working on this, the German chancellor asked him, according to Bloomberg. Yeah, he replied.The’super-rich tech boss also said we need to do some work on the issue . We are committed to working closely with the German government on this important issue, said Debbie Frost, a Facebook spokeswoman. We think the best solutions to dealing with people who make racist and xenophobic comments can be found when service providers, government and civil society all work together to address this common challenge. Since then, Facebook has dramatically expanded its anti-hate speech efforts, launching a new initiative to combat racist and xenophobic material on social media alongside European NGOs this January. Facebook is also cooperating with a task force set up by the Germany Justice Ministry to hunt down alleged racists on the platform.Some critics fear the’social network is working with governments to silence any criticism of the refugee crisis.His censorship comments have now gone viral, provoking a debate about whether it is right to squash unpopular or potentially offensive views.
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: We are two moms who have put our lives on hold to do everything in our power to fight the progressives on the left from stealing our freedoms and the future of this great nation from our children. Over four years ago, we started the 100 Percent FED Up! Facebook page with the goal of exposing the truth that so many frustrated Americans were not finding in the mainstream media. We ve suffered several cases of censorship by Facebook along the way, but we never gave up. We may disappear after we publish this article, but we’ve made a commitment to exposing the truth and we’re not going to back down now.It should frighten every person who uses Facebook, that a CEO of a the largest social media platform in the world, has openly expressed the view that America should give up our national security and follow Germany s lead when it comes to open borders for [Muslim] migrants. I suppose it s easy for billionaires who are surrounded by top security firms, and live a life far removed from the every day American, to say that we should accept these rapists, violent invaders, and YES, members of terror groups disguised as refugees into our neighborhoods and communities. After all, they won’t be living next door to Mark Zuckerberg. He will likely never have a single encounter with them in his day to day life.Mark Zuckerberg recently admonished his workers for replacing Black with the word All in Obama s race war motto: Black Lives Matter. For anyone who s paying attention, asking your workers to essentially accept admonishment for being white from a group of domestic terrorists, is a dangerous precedent for an owner of any company, much less the largest social media organization in the world. We need to fight back against this. We need to not be afraid of censorship or the ramifications when we voice our opinions.Mark Zuckerberg praised Germany for their inspiring refugee policies during a visit to the country and reiterated his commitment to combating hate speech on Facebook.Speaking at a town hall event in Berlin, the 31-year old billionaire said German leadership in the refugee crisis has been insipiring and a role model for the world. I hope other countries follow Germany s lead on this, he added. I hope the U.S. follows Germany s lead on this. Speaking at the’same event, Zuckerberg also emphasised his commitment to tackling hate speech on Facebook. Hate speech has no place on Facebook and in our community, he’said. Until recently in Germany I don’t think we were doing a good enough job, and I think we will continue needing to do a better and better job. Zuckerberg added that the company would place a special priority on tackling hate speech against migrants. Facebook s policies, he’said, would now include hate speech against migrants as an important part of what we just now have no tolerance for. Zuckerberg was overheard after leaving his microphone on during a conversation about the refugee crisis with Angela Merkel. Are you working on this, the German chancellor asked him, according to Bloomberg. Yeah, he replied.The’super-rich tech boss also said we need to do some work on the issue . We are committed to working closely with the German government on this important issue, said Debbie Frost, a Facebook spokeswoman. We think the best solutions to dealing with people who make racist and xenophobic comments can be found when service providers, government and civil society all work together to address this common challenge. Since then, Facebook has dramatically expanded its anti-hate speech efforts, launching a new initiative to combat racist and xenophobic material on social media alongside European NGOs this January. Facebook is also cooperating with a task force set up by the Germany Justice Ministry to hunt down alleged racists on the platform.Some critics fear the’social network is working with governments to silence any criticism of the refugee crisis.His censorship comments have now gone viral, provoking a debate about whether it is right to squash unpopular or potentially offensive views.
The character of the modern Left, and the core of the censorious campus leftism at the moment, has seldom been better described than by this 1978 passage from Harry Jaffa in How To Think About the American Revolution. Most importantly he understands that the distinction between liberalism and radicalism had dissolved, which explains Bernie Sanders:Liberalism and Radicalism both reject the wisdom of the past, as enshrined in the institutions of the past, or in the morality of the past. They deny the legitimacy to laws, governments, or ways of life which accept the ancient evils of mankind, such as poverty, inequality, and war, as necessary and therefore as permanent attributes of the human condition. Political excellence can no longer be measured by the degree to which it ameliorates such evils. The only acceptable goal is their abolition. Liberalism and Radicalism look forward to a state of things in which the means of life, and of the good life, are available to all. They must be available in such a way that the full development of each individual which is how the good life is defined is not merely compatible with, but necessary to, the full development of all. Competition between individuals, classes, races, and nations must come to an end. Competition itself is seen as the root of the evils mankind must escape. The good society must be characterized only by cooperation and harmony. The Old Liberalism saw life as a race, in which justice demanded for everyone only a fair or equal chance in the competition. But the New Liberalism sees the race itself as wrong. In every race there can be but one winner, and there must be many losers. Thus the Old Liberalism preserved the inequality of the Few over and against the Many. It demanded the removal of artificial or merely conventional inequalities. But it recognized and demanded the fullest scope for natural inequalities. But the New Liberalism denies natural no less than conventional inequalities. In the Heaven of the New Liberalism, as in that of the Old Theology, all will be rewarded equally. The achievement of the good society is itself the only victory. But this victory is not to be one of man over man, but of mankind over the’scourges of mankind. No one in it will taste the bitterness of defeat. No one need say, I am a loser, but I have no right to complain. I had a fair chance. The joys of victory will belong to all. Unlike the treasures of the past, the goods of the future will be possessed by all. They will not be diminished or divided by being common. On the contrary, they will for that reason increase and intensify. No one will be a miser or a Conservative.Via: Powerline
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: The character of the modern Left, and the core of the censorious campus leftism at the moment, has seldom been better described than by this 1978 passage from Harry Jaffa in How To Think About the American Revolution. Most importantly he understands that the distinction between liberalism and radicalism had dissolved, which explains Bernie Sanders:Liberalism and Radicalism both reject the wisdom of the past, as enshrined in the institutions of the past, or in the morality of the past. They deny the legitimacy to laws, governments, or ways of life which accept the ancient evils of mankind, such as poverty, inequality, and war, as necessary and therefore as permanent attributes of the human condition. Political excellence can no longer be measured by the degree to which it ameliorates such evils. The only acceptable goal is their abolition. Liberalism and Radicalism look forward to a state of things in which the means of life, and of the good life, are available to all. They must be available in such a way that the full development of each individual which is how the good life is defined is not merely compatible with, but necessary to, the full development of all. Competition between individuals, classes, races, and nations must come to an end. Competition itself is seen as the root of the evils mankind must escape. The good society must be characterized only by cooperation and harmony. The Old Liberalism saw life as a race, in which justice demanded for everyone only a fair or equal chance in the competition. But the New Liberalism sees the race itself as wrong. In every race there can be but one winner, and there must be many losers. Thus the Old Liberalism preserved the inequality of the Few over and against the Many. It demanded the removal of artificial or merely conventional inequalities. But it recognized and demanded the fullest scope for natural inequalities. But the New Liberalism denies natural no less than conventional inequalities. In the Heaven of the New Liberalism, as in that of the Old Theology, all will be rewarded equally. The achievement of the good society is itself the only victory. But this victory is not to be one of man over man, but of mankind over the’scourges of mankind. No one in it will taste the bitterness of defeat. No one need say, I am a loser, but I have no right to complain. I had a fair chance. The joys of victory will belong to all. Unlike the treasures of the past, the goods of the future will be possessed by all. They will not be diminished or divided by being common. On the contrary, they will for that reason increase and intensify. No one will be a miser or a Conservative.Via: Powerline
Paul LePage, who might as well be Maine s version of Donald Trump, is becoming well known for his racist attacks on people of color. He especially can’t stand black people or Latinos, and went so far as to call them the enemy. In other words, he’sees a race war in which white people are the good side, and black and Hispanic people are the evil side. Look, a bad guy is a bad guy, I don’t care what color it is. When you go to war, if you know the enemy, the enemy dresses in red and you’dress in blue, you shoot at red, don’t you? You shoot at the enemy. You try to identify the enemy. And the enemy right now, the overwhelming majority right now coming in are people of color or people of Hispanic origin. I can’t help that. I just can’t help it. Those are the facts. There s no implication there. He said, flat out, that the enemy right now is the black and Hispanic people coming into his state. Those are the facts on his twisted planet. The true facts are that he’s a racist prick. We can’t help that.LePage has claimed that 90 percent of the people arrested for drugs in his state are black or Hispanic data based on a binder of mug shots he allegedly keeps. Maine is 95 percent white, but LePage justifies his racism by saying that people of color are all criminals.The actual state prison statistics for Maine paint a fairly grim picture. Per 100,000 residents, Maine has 140 white people incarcerated, 104 Hispanics incarcerated, and an astonishing 839 black people incarcerated.That s a prison population that s roughly 77 percent black, and 10 percent Hispanic, so LePage s 90 percent comment is actually not far off.However, in a state that s 95 percent white, that s really sick.And LePage trots out these statistics specifically to perpetuate hate against people of color, when in reality the disparity is largely due to racism in the justice system.The ACLU of Maine has a problem with this, obviously, because it means that Maine police are nine times more likely to arrest a person of color than they are to arrest a white person, even though whites and people of color deal drugs at about the’same rate. Despite that pesky little fact, LePage is implying that Maine is in an all-out war against people of color for no other reason than he’s a racist dick.Featured image by Maine Dept. of Education. Licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0 via Flickr
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: Paul LePage, who might as well be Maine s version of Donald Trump, is becoming well known for his racist attacks on people of color. He especially can’t stand black people or Latinos, and went so far as to call them the enemy. In other words, he’sees a race war in which white people are the good side, and black and Hispanic people are the evil side. Look, a bad guy is a bad guy, I don’t care what color it is. When you go to war, if you know the enemy, the enemy dresses in red and you’dress in blue, you shoot at red, don’t you? You shoot at the enemy. You try to identify the enemy. And the enemy right now, the overwhelming majority right now coming in are people of color or people of Hispanic origin. I can’t help that. I just can’t help it. Those are the facts. There s no implication there. He said, flat out, that the enemy right now is the black and Hispanic people coming into his state. Those are the facts on his twisted planet. The true facts are that he’s a racist prick. We can’t help that.LePage has claimed that 90 percent of the people arrested for drugs in his state are black or Hispanic data based on a binder of mug shots he allegedly keeps. Maine is 95 percent white, but LePage justifies his racism by saying that people of color are all criminals.The actual state prison statistics for Maine paint a fairly grim picture. Per 100,000 residents, Maine has 140 white people incarcerated, 104 Hispanics incarcerated, and an astonishing 839 black people incarcerated.That s a prison population that s roughly 77 percent black, and 10 percent Hispanic, so LePage s 90 percent comment is actually not far off.However, in a state that s 95 percent white, that s really sick.And LePage trots out these statistics specifically to perpetuate hate against people of color, when in reality the disparity is largely due to racism in the justice system.The ACLU of Maine has a problem with this, obviously, because it means that Maine police are nine times more likely to arrest a person of color than they are to arrest a white person, even though whites and people of color deal drugs at about the’same rate. Despite that pesky little fact, LePage is implying that Maine is in an all-out war against people of color for no other reason than he’s a racist dick.Featured image by Maine Dept. of Education. Licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0 via Flickr
SERIOUSLY? Obama s Transportation Secretary is sadly just another racist spouting his slanted beliefs. He might want to break out some common sense and really think about the history of our highway system before he’speaks:
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: SERIOUSLY? Obama s Transportation Secretary is sadly just another racist spouting his slanted beliefs. He might want to break out some common sense and really think about the history of our highway system before he’speaks:
The U.S. Embassy in London moves next month to a new billion-dollar home overlooking the River Thames — just as U.S. President Donald Trump’s actions have placed strains on the “special relationship” between Britain and the United States. Britain’s closest ally will leave behind an imposing 1960 stone and concrete embassy in London’s upmarket Grosvenor Square — an area known as ‘Little America’ during World War Two, when the square also housed the military headquarters of General Dwight D. Eisenhower. The old embassy was also a focus for British discontent with U.S. policy. Anti-Vietnam War protests in the 1960s drew thousand of Britons, including celebrities of the day like Rolling Stones frontman Mick Jagger. The new 12-storey building on the south bank of the river is at the heart of a huge regeneration project in a former industrial zone known as “Nine Elms”. Set in what will become an urban park, it will open for business on Jan. 16, hosting 800 staff and about 1,000 visitors each day. “This embassy, when you look out through the windows, it reflects the global outlook of the U.S. going forward in the 21st century: rather looking out, than looking in,” said Woody Johnson, Trump’s appointed U.S. ambassador to Britain. The U.S. State Department ran a competition to design the new building in 2008. Its $1 billion construction was wholly funded by the sale of other properties in London. The glass structure “gives form to core democratic values of transparency, openness and equality” a State Department briefing document said. Inside the cube, visitors will be greeted by an imposing stone facade featuring the bald eagle of the United States’ Great Seal. The embassy is also designed to exacting security specifications, set back at least 100 feet (30 meters) from surrounding buildings - mostly newly-erected high-rise residential blocks - and incorporating living quarters for the U.S. Marines permanently stationed inside. “This isn’t just a new office, though, it signifies a new era of friendship between out two countries. President Trump wants us to work more closely than ever with the UK,” Johnson said. The British relationship with its former colony is a broad political, cultural and military alliance forged over the last century and exercised on battlefields around the world. But it has been tested in recent months. Prime Minister Theresa May was the first foreign leader to visit the White House after Trump’s surprise election in November 2016 and used the trip to invite him for a full state visit. While the two leaders have committed to strengthen trade links and have spoken regularly, their governments have disagreed on several issues, such as Trump’s decision to decertify Iran’s compliance with a multilateral nuclear deal, and his move to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel. A possible state visit by Trump remains a contentious issue among Britons, with lawmakers and campaign groups calling for the offer to be rescinded and promising to take to the streets in protest if he does come to Britain. “The right to protest is a basic right in this country and our country. Expressing one’s view is well within the bounds of reasonableness,” Johnson said. He said he hoped Trump could attend an as-yet unscheduled opening ceremony for the new building but that there were no firm plans in place. This month, May publicly criticized Trump for reposting British far-right anti-Islam videos from his Twitter accounts. He responded with a rebuke, telling May to focus on Islamic extremism in Britain.
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: The U.S. Embassy in London moves next month to a new billion-dollar home overlooking the River Thames — just as U.S. President Donald Trump’s actions have placed strains on the “special relationship” between Britain and the United States. Britain’s closest ally will leave behind an imposing 1960 stone and concrete embassy in London’s upmarket Grosvenor Square — an area known as ‘Little America’ during World War Two, when the square also housed the military headquarters of General Dwight D. Eisenhower. The old embassy was also a focus for British discontent with U.S. policy. Anti-Vietnam War protests in the 1960s drew thousand of Britons, including celebrities of the day like Rolling Stones frontman Mick Jagger. The new 12-storey building on the south bank of the river is at the heart of a huge regeneration project in a former industrial zone known as “Nine Elms”. Set in what will become an urban park, it will open for business on Jan. 16, hosting 800 staff and about 1,000 visitors each day. “This embassy, when you look out through the windows, it reflects the global outlook of the U.S. going forward in the 21st century: rather looking out, than looking in,” said Woody Johnson, Trump’s appointed U.S. ambassador to Britain. The U.S. State Department ran a competition to design the new building in 2008. Its $1 billion construction was wholly funded by the sale of other properties in London. The glass structure “gives form to core democratic values of transparency, openness and equality” a State Department briefing document said. Inside the cube, visitors will be greeted by an imposing stone facade featuring the bald eagle of the United States’ Great Seal. The embassy is also designed to exacting security specifications, set back at least 100 feet (30 meters) from surrounding buildings - mostly newly-erected high-rise residential blocks - and incorporating living quarters for the U.S. Marines permanently stationed inside. “This isn’t just a new office, though, it signifies a new era of friendship between out two countries. President Trump wants us to work more closely than ever with the UK,” Johnson said. The British relationship with its former colony is a broad political, cultural and military alliance forged over the last century and exercised on battlefields around the world. But it has been tested in recent months. Prime Minister Theresa May was the first foreign leader to visit the White House after Trump’s surprise election in November 2016 and used the trip to invite him for a full state visit. While the two leaders have committed to strengthen trade links and have spoken regularly, their governments have disagreed on several issues, such as Trump’s decision to decertify Iran’s compliance with a multilateral nuclear deal, and his move to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel. A possible state visit by Trump remains a contentious issue among Britons, with lawmakers and campaign groups calling for the offer to be rescinded and promising to take to the streets in protest if he does come to Britain. “The right to protest is a basic right in this country and our country. Expressing one’s view is well within the bounds of reasonableness,” Johnson said. He said he hoped Trump could attend an as-yet unscheduled opening ceremony for the new building but that there were no firm plans in place. This month, May publicly criticized Trump for reposting British far-right anti-Islam videos from his Twitter accounts. He responded with a rebuke, telling May to focus on Islamic extremism in Britain.
When we found this insane article on the Occupy Democrats website, it had over 500,000 shares. Obviously, making the case against Christians being more likely to commit terrorism while defending terrorism by Muslims is of utmost interest to the Democrat party. We have gone through each and every example of Christian terrorism they have given and dispelled every single one of them. Please make sure you share this article with everyone you know. We are in an emotional propaganda war with the Left and we will not win if we don’t fight back with the facts. The outpouring of blatant Islamophobia and barely disguised racism coming from the right-wing in the wake of the Paris attacks is utterly despicable. Every time one of these attacks happen, conservatives insist on blaming the world s 1.6 billion Muslims for their complicity, even though the majority of terrorist attacks are carried out against Muslim. American far right-wingers like Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) are calling for religious profiling of incoming refugees, because somehow being a Christian automatically removes the risk of terrorism even though Christian right-wing terrorists in America have killed more people since 9/11 than Muslim terrorists have.Republican presidential candidate Mike Huckabee even had the’sheer gall to tell conservative blowhard Joe Scarborough that I don’t know of any other group of people uniquely that are targeting innocent civilians and committing these acts of mayhem. Warmonger (from the party who has kept us at war with the’same countries we were fighting with, and added a few since Obama took office) and avowed (avowed?) bigot (bigot?) Ted Cruz said that there is no meaningful risk of Christians committing acts of terror. If there were a group of radical Christians pledging to murder anyone who had a different religious view than they, we would have a different national security situation. Since both grifters seem to have severe selective memory problems, let’s take a look at the worst Christian terrorist attacks that our own citizens have perpetrated within our borders.1. The Knoxville Unitarian Universalist Church ShootingOne of Adkisson s former wives was a member of the church he attacked. Following his heinous attack of the church members, he had this to say about the attack in his manifesto (Please note, there is never any mention of RELIGION in his reasoning for the attack. His attack was about punishing Democrats (liberals) for destroying America: Adkisson stated that he had targeted the church because of its liberal teachings and his belief that all liberals should be killed because they were ruining the country, and that he felt that the Democrats had tied his country s hands in the war on terror and they had ruined every institution in America with the aid of major media outlets. Adkisson made statements that because he could not get to the leaders of the liberal movement that he would then target those that had voted them into office. Adkisson stated that he had held these beliefs for about the last ten years. Adkisson s manifesto[10] also cited the inability to find a job, and that his food stamps were being cut. Here is a screen shot of his manifesto listing all 3 reasons he committed this horrible crime against innocent people. We are not condoning his behavior, we are simply exposing the lies of this Democrat publication who would attempt to frame this act of violence as being motivated by Christianity:Jim David Adkisson, a devout Christian and anti-abortion right-winger, walked into a Knoxville church on July 27th, 2008, and began firing a shotgun at children who were performing Annie Jr. He killed two and wounded seven, targeting the church because of its liberal teachings and his belief that all liberals should be killed because they were ruining the country. 2. The Campaign of Terror Against Abortion DoctorsThis article references the well-known case of abortionist killer, Scott Roeder. We d like to set the record straight about how desire to take the life of abortionist, George Tiller was really about workplace violence and had NOTHING to do with Christianity.Abortion lovers were clearly salivating when word got out that a man walked into George Tiller The Killer s former abortion facility with a bomb in his backpack earlier this week. It turns out that, in fact, the guy was looking for a job, like so many Americans under Obamistake. He wanted to be a canvasser for Live Fetal Organ Dispensary Inc., otherwise known as Planned Parenthood.The media-reported bomb was, in fact, a pill bottle-sized firework. No one was harmed, thank God, but the incident is just one of a too-long string of MSM bigotry against conservatives.In 1993, Dr. Richard Gunn was shot dead by an anti-abortion protester. In 1994, Drs. John Britton and James Barrett were shot to death by Reverend Paul Jennings. In 1998, Dr. Barnett Sleipan was shot dead in his home by a Christian terrorist. In 2009, Dr. George Tiller was shot by Scott Roeder in a church. The ability for Christian right-wingers to justify cold-blooded murder in the name of their pro-life beliefs is a colossal hypocrisy worthy of a terrorist group like ISIS. According to the National Abortion Federation, there have been 17 attempted murders, 383 death threats, 153 incidents of assault or battery, 13 wounded, 100 butyric acid attacks, 373 physical invasions, 41 bombings, 655 anthrax threats, and 3 kidnappings committed against abortion providers since 1977. Terrorist groups like the Taliban and ISIS are very fond of acid attacks and chemical weapons like anthrax; apparently Christian right-wing terrorists share that same preference.3. The 1995 Oklahoma City Bombings(Note, there is no mention of Christianity in McVeigh s explanation of why he bombed the Murrah Fed Building.)In Timothy McVeigh s own words:I explain herein why I bombed the Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City. I explain’this not for publicity, nor seeking to win and argument of right or wrong. I explain so that the record is clear as to my thinking and motivations in bombing a government installation. I chose to bomb a federal building because such an action served more purposes than other options. Foremost, the bombing was a retaliatory strike; a counter attack, for the cumulative raids (and subsequent violence and damage) that federal agents had participated in over the preceding years (including, but not limited to, Waco.) From the formation of such units as the FBI s Hostage Rescue and other assault teams amongst federal agencies during the 80 s; culminating in the Waco incident, federal actions grew increasingly militaristic and violent, to the point where at Waco, our government like the Chinese was deploying tanks against its own citizens.Knowledge of these multiple and ever-more aggressive raids across the country constituted an identifiable pattern of conduct within and by the federal government and amongst its various agencies. (see enclosed) For all intents and purposes, federal agents had become soldiers (using military training, tactics, techniques, equipment, language, dress, organization, and mindset) and they were escalating their behavior. Therefore, this bombing was also meant as a pre-emptive (or pro-active) strike against these forces and their command and control centers within the federal building. When an aggressor force continually launches attacks from a particular base of operation, it is sound military strategy to take the fight to the enemy.Additionally, borrowing a page from U.S. foreign policy, I decided to send a message to a government that was becoming increasingly hostile, by bombing a government building and the government employees within that building who represent that government. Bombing the Murrah Federal Building was morally and strategically equivalent to the U.S. hitting a government building in Serbia, Iraq, or other nations. (see enclosed) Based on observations of the policies of my own government, I viewed this action as an acceptable option. From this perspective, what occurred in Oklahoma City was no different than what Americans rain on the heads of others all the time, and subsequently, my mindset was and is one of the clinical detachment. (the bombing of the Murrah building was not personal , no more than when Air Force, Army, Navy, or Marine personnel bomb or launch cruise missiles against government installations and their personnel.)I hope that this clarification amply addresses your question.Sincerely, Timothy J. McVeigh USP Terre Haute (IN)Timothy McVeigh, America s most notorious domestic terrorist, was obsessed with the Seventh-Day Aventist splinter group known as the Branch Davidians, who resisted an ATF raid on their citadel at Mount Carmel in 1993. He travelled to Waco, Texas during the Waco Siege and heavily supported the religious extremists within it. Two years later, he detonated a fertilizer bomb at the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City, killing a hundred and sixty-eight people, including nineteen children, and wounded 648 others. This Christian specifically targeted innocent civilians and committed horrific acts of violence to make his political point heard something Mr. Huckabee believes he’should be incapable of, since he’s not a Muslim.4. Everything The Ku Klux Klan Has Ever Done(The KKK was not founded on Christian principles and actually changed their focus in the’second wave of the KKK to addressing the’supposed threat of the Catholic Church, using anti-Catholicism and nativism. Its appeal was directed exclusively at white Protestants; it opposed Jews, blacks, Catholics, and newly arriving Southern European groups such as Italians.)Since its creation after the American Civil War, the Ku Klux Klan has been terrorizing Americans in the name of Protestantism and racial purity. Known for their terrifying costumes and hoods, they wrought have fear and violence against blacks, Jews, immigrants, gays, and Catholics for hundreds of years, responsible for countless massacres, lynchings, rapes, and bombings that have killed thousands. In the modern day, it still has a membership of 5,000 to 8,000 terrorists that operate in individual chapters. Just two weeks ago, Frazier Glenn Cross, the leader of the Carolina Knights of the KKK, was sentenced to death by lethal injection for murdering a fourteen year old girl and two seniors outside the Overland Park Jewish Community Center in Kansas City. The man gave the Hitler salute during his trial and declared that Jews are destroying the white race. None of his victims were Jewish.5. The Massacre At Zion Emmanuel AME Church in Charleston, S.C.(Maybe we missed it, but as far as we can’tell, this attack had nothing to do with the attacker being a Christian. Liberal logic however, makes it okay to blame this heinous act on Christianity even though the VICTIMS were the CHRISTIANS in this case.)On Wednesday, June 17th of this year, a man rose from a pew in the historically black Emanuel AME Church in Charleston, SC, and opened fire with a .45 caliber pistol, killing nine worshipers, including pastor and State Senator Clementa Pickiney. The’shooter has been photographed wearing patches representing the racist apartheid regimes in Southwest Africa, had a Confederate license plate on his vehicle. All signs points to this being a hate crime- not only is it the oldest black church in the South, it was a symbol of resistance against slavery, and a survivor reported that the’shooter yelled I have to do it. You rape our women and you’re taking over our country. And you have to go. Roof was a member of a local Lutheran church, yet somehow his baptism didn’t prevent him from gunning down innocent people in a house of worship, defiling a sacred place with hate and murder.So the next time one of your conservative friends tries to school you on the evils of Islam, just name a couple items from this list. The rampant xenophobia that has taken hold of the Republican Party is an affront to everything this nation stands for. Terrorism spawns from the desperation of humankind, and for that, we are all guilty.The original article was published by Occupy Democrats on November 17, 2015 and is titled: The Top Five Attacks On America Committed By Christian Terrorists, Not Muslims
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: When we found this insane article on the Occupy Democrats website, it had over 500,000 shares. Obviously, making the case against Christians being more likely to commit terrorism while defending terrorism by Muslims is of utmost interest to the Democrat party. We have gone through each and every example of Christian terrorism they have given and dispelled every single one of them. Please make sure you share this article with everyone you know. We are in an emotional propaganda war with the Left and we will not win if we don’t fight back with the facts. The outpouring of blatant Islamophobia and barely disguised racism coming from the right-wing in the wake of the Paris attacks is utterly despicable. Every time one of these attacks happen, conservatives insist on blaming the world s 1.6 billion Muslims for their complicity, even though the majority of terrorist attacks are carried out against Muslim. American far right-wingers like Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) are calling for religious profiling of incoming refugees, because somehow being a Christian automatically removes the risk of terrorism even though Christian right-wing terrorists in America have killed more people since 9/11 than Muslim terrorists have.Republican presidential candidate Mike Huckabee even had the’sheer gall to tell conservative blowhard Joe Scarborough that I don’t know of any other group of people uniquely that are targeting innocent civilians and committing these acts of mayhem. Warmonger (from the party who has kept us at war with the’same countries we were fighting with, and added a few since Obama took office) and avowed (avowed?) bigot (bigot?) Ted Cruz said that there is no meaningful risk of Christians committing acts of terror. If there were a group of radical Christians pledging to murder anyone who had a different religious view than they, we would have a different national security situation. Since both grifters seem to have severe selective memory problems, let’s take a look at the worst Christian terrorist attacks that our own citizens have perpetrated within our borders.1. The Knoxville Unitarian Universalist Church ShootingOne of Adkisson s former wives was a member of the church he attacked. Following his heinous attack of the church members, he had this to say about the attack in his manifesto (Please note, there is never any mention of RELIGION in his reasoning for the attack. His attack was about punishing Democrats (liberals) for destroying America: Adkisson stated that he had targeted the church because of its liberal teachings and his belief that all liberals should be killed because they were ruining the country, and that he felt that the Democrats had tied his country s hands in the war on terror and they had ruined every institution in America with the aid of major media outlets. Adkisson made statements that because he could not get to the leaders of the liberal movement that he would then target those that had voted them into office. Adkisson stated that he had held these beliefs for about the last ten years. Adkisson s manifesto[10] also cited the inability to find a job, and that his food stamps were being cut. Here is a screen shot of his manifesto listing all 3 reasons he committed this horrible crime against innocent people. We are not condoning his behavior, we are simply exposing the lies of this Democrat publication who would attempt to frame this act of violence as being motivated by Christianity:Jim David Adkisson, a devout Christian and anti-abortion right-winger, walked into a Knoxville church on July 27th, 2008, and began firing a shotgun at children who were performing Annie Jr. He killed two and wounded seven, targeting the church because of its liberal teachings and his belief that all liberals should be killed because they were ruining the country. 2. The Campaign of Terror Against Abortion DoctorsThis article references the well-known case of abortionist killer, Scott Roeder. We d like to set the record straight about how desire to take the life of abortionist, George Tiller was really about workplace violence and had NOTHING to do with Christianity.Abortion lovers were clearly salivating when word got out that a man walked into George Tiller The Killer s former abortion facility with a bomb in his backpack earlier this week. It turns out that, in fact, the guy was looking for a job, like so many Americans under Obamistake. He wanted to be a canvasser for Live Fetal Organ Dispensary Inc., otherwise known as Planned Parenthood.The media-reported bomb was, in fact, a pill bottle-sized firework. No one was harmed, thank God, but the incident is just one of a too-long string of MSM bigotry against conservatives.In 1993, Dr. Richard Gunn was shot dead by an anti-abortion protester. In 1994, Drs. John Britton and James Barrett were shot to death by Reverend Paul Jennings. In 1998, Dr. Barnett Sleipan was shot dead in his home by a Christian terrorist. In 2009, Dr. George Tiller was shot by Scott Roeder in a church. The ability for Christian right-wingers to justify cold-blooded murder in the name of their pro-life beliefs is a colossal hypocrisy worthy of a terrorist group like ISIS. According to the National Abortion Federation, there have been 17 attempted murders, 383 death threats, 153 incidents of assault or battery, 13 wounded, 100 butyric acid attacks, 373 physical invasions, 41 bombings, 655 anthrax threats, and 3 kidnappings committed against abortion providers since 1977. Terrorist groups like the Taliban and ISIS are very fond of acid attacks and chemical weapons like anthrax; apparently Christian right-wing terrorists share that same preference.3. The 1995 Oklahoma City Bombings(Note, there is no mention of Christianity in McVeigh s explanation of why he bombed the Murrah Fed Building.)In Timothy McVeigh s own words:I explain herein why I bombed the Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City. I explain’this not for publicity, nor seeking to win and argument of right or wrong. I explain so that the record is clear as to my thinking and motivations in bombing a government installation. I chose to bomb a federal building because such an action served more purposes than other options. Foremost, the bombing was a retaliatory strike; a counter attack, for the cumulative raids (and subsequent violence and damage) that federal agents had participated in over the preceding years (including, but not limited to, Waco.) From the formation of such units as the FBI s Hostage Rescue and other assault teams amongst federal agencies during the 80 s; culminating in the Waco incident, federal actions grew increasingly militaristic and violent, to the point where at Waco, our government like the Chinese was deploying tanks against its own citizens.Knowledge of these multiple and ever-more aggressive raids across the country constituted an identifiable pattern of conduct within and by the federal government and amongst its various agencies. (see enclosed) For all intents and purposes, federal agents had become soldiers (using military training, tactics, techniques, equipment, language, dress, organization, and mindset) and they were escalating their behavior. Therefore, this bombing was also meant as a pre-emptive (or pro-active) strike against these forces and their command and control centers within the federal building. When an aggressor force continually launches attacks from a particular base of operation, it is sound military strategy to take the fight to the enemy.Additionally, borrowing a page from U.S. foreign policy, I decided to send a message to a government that was becoming increasingly hostile, by bombing a government building and the government employees within that building who represent that government. Bombing the Murrah Federal Building was morally and strategically equivalent to the U.S. hitting a government building in Serbia, Iraq, or other nations. (see enclosed) Based on observations of the policies of my own government, I viewed this action as an acceptable option. From this perspective, what occurred in Oklahoma City was no different than what Americans rain on the heads of others all the time, and subsequently, my mindset was and is one of the clinical detachment. (the bombing of the Murrah building was not personal , no more than when Air Force, Army, Navy, or Marine personnel bomb or launch cruise missiles against government installations and their personnel.)I hope that this clarification amply addresses your question.Sincerely, Timothy J. McVeigh USP Terre Haute (IN)Timothy McVeigh, America s most notorious domestic terrorist, was obsessed with the Seventh-Day Aventist splinter group known as the Branch Davidians, who resisted an ATF raid on their citadel at Mount Carmel in 1993. He travelled to Waco, Texas during the Waco Siege and heavily supported the religious extremists within it. Two years later, he detonated a fertilizer bomb at the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City, killing a hundred and sixty-eight people, including nineteen children, and wounded 648 others. This Christian specifically targeted innocent civilians and committed horrific acts of violence to make his political point heard something Mr. Huckabee believes he’should be incapable of, since he’s not a Muslim.4. Everything The Ku Klux Klan Has Ever Done(The KKK was not founded on Christian principles and actually changed their focus in the’second wave of the KKK to addressing the’supposed threat of the Catholic Church, using anti-Catholicism and nativism. Its appeal was directed exclusively at white Protestants; it opposed Jews, blacks, Catholics, and newly arriving Southern European groups such as Italians.)Since its creation after the American Civil War, the Ku Klux Klan has been terrorizing Americans in the name of Protestantism and racial purity. Known for their terrifying costumes and hoods, they wrought have fear and violence against blacks, Jews, immigrants, gays, and Catholics for hundreds of years, responsible for countless massacres, lynchings, rapes, and bombings that have killed thousands. In the modern day, it still has a membership of 5,000 to 8,000 terrorists that operate in individual chapters. Just two weeks ago, Frazier Glenn Cross, the leader of the Carolina Knights of the KKK, was sentenced to death by lethal injection for murdering a fourteen year old girl and two seniors outside the Overland Park Jewish Community Center in Kansas City. The man gave the Hitler salute during his trial and declared that Jews are destroying the white race. None of his victims were Jewish.5. The Massacre At Zion Emmanuel AME Church in Charleston, S.C.(Maybe we missed it, but as far as we can’tell, this attack had nothing to do with the attacker being a Christian. Liberal logic however, makes it okay to blame this heinous act on Christianity even though the VICTIMS were the CHRISTIANS in this case.)On Wednesday, June 17th of this year, a man rose from a pew in the historically black Emanuel AME Church in Charleston, SC, and opened fire with a .45 caliber pistol, killing nine worshipers, including pastor and State Senator Clementa Pickiney. The’shooter has been photographed wearing patches representing the racist apartheid regimes in Southwest Africa, had a Confederate license plate on his vehicle. All signs points to this being a hate crime- not only is it the oldest black church in the South, it was a symbol of resistance against slavery, and a survivor reported that the’shooter yelled I have to do it. You rape our women and you’re taking over our country. And you have to go. Roof was a member of a local Lutheran church, yet somehow his baptism didn’t prevent him from gunning down innocent people in a house of worship, defiling a sacred place with hate and murder.So the next time one of your conservative friends tries to school you on the evils of Islam, just name a couple items from this list. The rampant xenophobia that has taken hold of the Republican Party is an affront to everything this nation stands for. Terrorism spawns from the desperation of humankind, and for that, we are all guilty.The original article was published by Occupy Democrats on November 17, 2015 and is titled: The Top Five Attacks On America Committed By Christian Terrorists, Not Muslims
The recipient of the Presidential Medal of Freedom from Barack Obama in 2012 had this to say when asked about racism: And I want to see a white man convicted for raping a black woman. Then when you ask me, Is it over? , I will say yes. Age hasn’t dimmed the fire in Toni Morrison, 84. The unwavering voice of black America talks about her latest novel and what it will take for racism to be a thing of the past.Toni Morrison is, without a doubt, a world-class novelist. Her work as an editor, however, has received much less attention. Morrison worked at Random House for 20 years, leaving in 1983, just before she’set out to write her Pulitzer Prize-winning novel Beloved.At her apartment in lower Manhattan, I ask her about the ways in which American literature has changed, and she volunteers that she had something to do with that . But she is not referring to her own fiction. I said, I can’t march, I have small children, she tells me. I m not the marching type anyway. So when I went into publishing, I thought, the best I can do is to publish the works of those who are out there like Angela Davis, Huey Newton and the literature. And let it be edited by someone who understands the language, and understands the culture. Last summer Morrison came to the Hay Festival and made three appearances over three days. In the course of those conversations, she touched on this issue a number of times, spinning it out, examining it, not tub-thumping but the opposite, as if there were still nothing conclusive to say. The question of race, she reflected, is not static. You just have to swim in it for a bit .Since then, Eric Garner has been strangled by white policemen on Staten Island, Michael Brown has been shot by white policemen in Ferguson, Walter Scott has been shot by a white policeman in South Carolina. People keep saying, We need to have a conversation about race, she’says now. This is the conversation. I want to see a cop shoot a white unarmed teenager in the back, Morrison says finally. And I want to see a white man convicted for raping a black woman. Then when you ask me, Is it over? , I will say yes. Toni Morrison who was then Chloe Wofford grew up understanding none of this. In the’small industrial town of Lorain in Ohio, where she was raised, the’stories told by her Southern parents seemed unreal. Her father was a welder in the’shipyards. Most of their neighbours were European immigrants, and in her high-school yearbook there were only two other black students.Had her father really witnessed a lynching when he was 14? Did they’really have separate water fountains for white and coloured people in Georgia? It was only when she went to Howard University, a historically black college in Washington, DC, that she began to realise how things were. And off-campus, in the late 1940s, the city was segregated. She’stole one of the wooden bars used to keep blacks at the back of buses and sent it to her mother as a grim keepsake.Morrison began to feel an affinity, a fascination. What emerged was a career-long project to in her words turn the gaze . She didn’t want to write in order to persuade white people, as the abolitionists Frederick Douglass or Solomon Northup had. She wasn’t interested in assuming a white person s worldview, like the mid-20th century writer Ralph Ellison ( Invisible to whom? she’says of his famous novel The Invisible Man). She didn’t want to join in the black power cries of screw whitey . When the revolutionary 1960s turned into the 1970s, she wanted to say, Before we get on to the black is beautiful thing, may I remind you what it was like before, when it was lethal? So she wrote from the point of view of little black girls in her first two books, of 17th-century slaves in Mercy, of a child killed by her mother to save her from suffering in Beloved. She combined the metaphorical stories of her grandparents with the facts on the ground, and arrived at what she calls imaginative resistance . To tell a tale, you have to pick up its pieces, she once suggested, comparing storytellers to Hansel and Gretel. Their momma doesn’t want them. They leave a little trail. That trail is language. In words that are simple and cadences that are sometimes incantatory, through action that is both true to life and magical in its habits of thought, Morrison has conveyed a series of black perspectives, thrown her readers into a world they had not previously met in fiction, and realigned American history by choosing the people through whom it might be told.Via: Telegraph UK
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: The recipient of the Presidential Medal of Freedom from Barack Obama in 2012 had this to say when asked about racism: And I want to see a white man convicted for raping a black woman. Then when you ask me, Is it over? , I will say yes. Age hasn’t dimmed the fire in Toni Morrison, 84. The unwavering voice of black America talks about her latest novel and what it will take for racism to be a thing of the past.Toni Morrison is, without a doubt, a world-class novelist. Her work as an editor, however, has received much less attention. Morrison worked at Random House for 20 years, leaving in 1983, just before she’set out to write her Pulitzer Prize-winning novel Beloved.At her apartment in lower Manhattan, I ask her about the ways in which American literature has changed, and she volunteers that she had something to do with that . But she is not referring to her own fiction. I said, I can’t march, I have small children, she tells me. I m not the marching type anyway. So when I went into publishing, I thought, the best I can do is to publish the works of those who are out there like Angela Davis, Huey Newton and the literature. And let it be edited by someone who understands the language, and understands the culture. Last summer Morrison came to the Hay Festival and made three appearances over three days. In the course of those conversations, she touched on this issue a number of times, spinning it out, examining it, not tub-thumping but the opposite, as if there were still nothing conclusive to say. The question of race, she reflected, is not static. You just have to swim in it for a bit .Since then, Eric Garner has been strangled by white policemen on Staten Island, Michael Brown has been shot by white policemen in Ferguson, Walter Scott has been shot by a white policeman in South Carolina. People keep saying, We need to have a conversation about race, she’says now. This is the conversation. I want to see a cop shoot a white unarmed teenager in the back, Morrison says finally. And I want to see a white man convicted for raping a black woman. Then when you ask me, Is it over? , I will say yes. Toni Morrison who was then Chloe Wofford grew up understanding none of this. In the’small industrial town of Lorain in Ohio, where she was raised, the’stories told by her Southern parents seemed unreal. Her father was a welder in the’shipyards. Most of their neighbours were European immigrants, and in her high-school yearbook there were only two other black students.Had her father really witnessed a lynching when he was 14? Did they’really have separate water fountains for white and coloured people in Georgia? It was only when she went to Howard University, a historically black college in Washington, DC, that she began to realise how things were. And off-campus, in the late 1940s, the city was segregated. She’stole one of the wooden bars used to keep blacks at the back of buses and sent it to her mother as a grim keepsake.Morrison began to feel an affinity, a fascination. What emerged was a career-long project to in her words turn the gaze . She didn’t want to write in order to persuade white people, as the abolitionists Frederick Douglass or Solomon Northup had. She wasn’t interested in assuming a white person s worldview, like the mid-20th century writer Ralph Ellison ( Invisible to whom? she’says of his famous novel The Invisible Man). She didn’t want to join in the black power cries of screw whitey . When the revolutionary 1960s turned into the 1970s, she wanted to say, Before we get on to the black is beautiful thing, may I remind you what it was like before, when it was lethal? So she wrote from the point of view of little black girls in her first two books, of 17th-century slaves in Mercy, of a child killed by her mother to save her from suffering in Beloved. She combined the metaphorical stories of her grandparents with the facts on the ground, and arrived at what she calls imaginative resistance . To tell a tale, you have to pick up its pieces, she once suggested, comparing storytellers to Hansel and Gretel. Their momma doesn’t want them. They leave a little trail. That trail is language. In words that are simple and cadences that are sometimes incantatory, through action that is both true to life and magical in its habits of thought, Morrison has conveyed a series of black perspectives, thrown her readers into a world they had not previously met in fiction, and realigned American history by choosing the people through whom it might be told.Via: Telegraph UK
Last night President Donald Trump caved into the Pentagon, the political left, the Neoconservative pro-war lobby and mainstream media pressure to act after the release of YouTube videos produced by the US and UK-funded NGO the White Helmets of an alleged chemical weapons attack by the Syrian Airforce in the al Qaeda stronghold of Idlib in Syria. Following the US missile strike, Al Qaeda leaders in Syria have hailed the move by Trump, expressing their gratitude for the US President s knee-jerk military action.Al Qaeda and ISIS supporters Saudi Arabia, Qatar and Turkey have also expressed thanks to Trump for helping to degrade the Syrian military who have been fighting and winning against al Qaeda in Syria, ISIS and a host of other Gulf-sponsored terrorist groups operating in Syria.Salafist Jihadist group Ahrar al-Sham welcoming the’strikes. Thanks America. Ali (@Ali_Kourani) April 7, 2017Trump’s strike on Syria also helped ISIS who have been losing to the Syrian Army recently in the area of Homs and Palmyra.The Guardian confirms: Tonight I ordered a targeted military strike on the airfield in Syria from where the chemical attack was launched.It is in this vital national security interest of the United States to prevent and deter the’spread and use of deadly chemical weapons.There can be no dispute that Syria used banned chemical weapons, violated its obligations under the chemical weapons convention, and ignored the urging of the UN security council.Years of previous attempts at changing Assad s behaviour have all failed and failed very dramatically. There was an angry response in Russia, where the Kremlin warned that the’strikes would cause significant damage to US-Russia ties .NOTE: Tillerson has now gone so far as to blame Russia for allowing Syria to mount this attack They would act as the guarantor that these weapons would no longer be present in Syria. Clearly Russia has failed in its responsibility to deliver on that commitment from 2013. Either Russia has been complicit or Russia has been simply incompetent in its ability to deliver on its end of that agreement. SEE ALSO: Reviving the Chemical Weapons Lie: New US-UK Calls for Regime Change, Military Attack Against SyriaDespite the fact that no evidence, other than YouTube videos, that the Syrian government launched a chemical airstrikes in Idlib, the US government and the mainstream media are ignoring multiple evidential reports of Rebels (terrorists) holding and using chemical weapons in Syria.What was these Saudi dangerous chemicals doing in Qaeda depos in E Aleppo last year?! Let's ask CNN or BBC!! Fares Shehabi (@ShehabiFares) April 6, 2017Three years ago the’same chemical rebels bombed the Akrama school in Homs! 45 kids were killed. No Nato barking at the UN! Hypocrisy! Fares Shehabi (@ShehabiFares) April 5, 2017STAY TUNED FOR UPDATESREAD MORE SYRIA NEWS AT: 21st Century Wire Syria FilesSUPPORT OUR WORK BY SUBSCRIBING & BECOMING A MEMBER @21WIRE.TV
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: Last night President Donald Trump caved into the Pentagon, the political left, the Neoconservative pro-war lobby and mainstream media pressure to act after the release of YouTube videos produced by the US and UK-funded NGO the White Helmets of an alleged chemical weapons attack by the Syrian Airforce in the al Qaeda stronghold of Idlib in Syria. Following the US missile strike, Al Qaeda leaders in Syria have hailed the move by Trump, expressing their gratitude for the US President s knee-jerk military action.Al Qaeda and ISIS supporters Saudi Arabia, Qatar and Turkey have also expressed thanks to Trump for helping to degrade the Syrian military who have been fighting and winning against al Qaeda in Syria, ISIS and a host of other Gulf-sponsored terrorist groups operating in Syria.Salafist Jihadist group Ahrar al-Sham welcoming the’strikes. Thanks America. Ali (@Ali_Kourani) April 7, 2017Trump’s strike on Syria also helped ISIS who have been losing to the Syrian Army recently in the area of Homs and Palmyra.The Guardian confirms: Tonight I ordered a targeted military strike on the airfield in Syria from where the chemical attack was launched.It is in this vital national security interest of the United States to prevent and deter the’spread and use of deadly chemical weapons.There can be no dispute that Syria used banned chemical weapons, violated its obligations under the chemical weapons convention, and ignored the urging of the UN security council.Years of previous attempts at changing Assad s behaviour have all failed and failed very dramatically. There was an angry response in Russia, where the Kremlin warned that the’strikes would cause significant damage to US-Russia ties .NOTE: Tillerson has now gone so far as to blame Russia for allowing Syria to mount this attack They would act as the guarantor that these weapons would no longer be present in Syria. Clearly Russia has failed in its responsibility to deliver on that commitment from 2013. Either Russia has been complicit or Russia has been simply incompetent in its ability to deliver on its end of that agreement. SEE ALSO: Reviving the Chemical Weapons Lie: New US-UK Calls for Regime Change, Military Attack Against SyriaDespite the fact that no evidence, other than YouTube videos, that the Syrian government launched a chemical airstrikes in Idlib, the US government and the mainstream media are ignoring multiple evidential reports of Rebels (terrorists) holding and using chemical weapons in Syria.What was these Saudi dangerous chemicals doing in Qaeda depos in E Aleppo last year?! Let's ask CNN or BBC!! Fares Shehabi (@ShehabiFares) April 6, 2017Three years ago the’same chemical rebels bombed the Akrama school in Homs! 45 kids were killed. No Nato barking at the UN! Hypocrisy! Fares Shehabi (@ShehabiFares) April 5, 2017STAY TUNED FOR UPDATESREAD MORE SYRIA NEWS AT: 21st Century Wire Syria FilesSUPPORT OUR WORK BY SUBSCRIBING & BECOMING A MEMBER @21WIRE.TV
No wonder Donald Trump is accusing everything of being rigged the polls are no longer showing Trump beating Hillary Clinton. Some polls have her six points ahead, some seven, some as high as fifteen.But a new poll from the conservative Fox News shows a very telling attitude in the public s shift towards Hillary Clinton. As it turns out, Clinton is leading the conservative-dream-come-true by 10 points, 49 percent to 39 percent, well above the margin of error (3 percent).The poll shows some very good news for Clinton: she’s winning over the Obama coalition (which, as we all know, secured his reelection)When it comes to being qualified for the office of the presidency, Clinton leads Trump by 22 points (65-43).When it comes to the temperament to be President? Clinton, once again, bests Trump, by 27 points (64-37).When it comes to having the knowledge to be President? Guess who takes the lead! You guessed it! Clinton does, by 32 points (72-40).Trump is only winning men by 5 points, 45-40, and whites by 10 points. Interesting enough, when it comes to whites without a college degree, he leads by only 16. Considering Trump needs a blowout win amongst whites and men to win, these numbers should make Republicans nervous. Trump is currently underperforming all of these demographics when compared to Mitt Romney in 2012.When factoring in Libertarian Gary Johnson, who gets 12 percent support, Clinton still comes out on top with 44 percent to Trump’s 35 percent.This poll is drastically different than their matchup in May, where Trump was beating Clinton by 3 percentage points, which sent liberals into a frenzy.Something that also helps Clinton? President Obama s approval rating. Currently, according to the Fox News poll, President Obama stands at 52 percent approval while 45 percent disapprove. That s his best showing on a Fox News poll since May 2011 when Osama bin Laden was killed.As Trump continues his decent into madness, Clinton is looking like the’savior we’ve all needed during this atypical election season. Liberals, remember, vote! If one thing rings true it s that Trump is unpredictable. Who knows what his temper will be like in the next three months.Featured image via Justin Sullivan/Getty Images
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: No wonder Donald Trump is accusing everything of being rigged the polls are no longer showing Trump beating Hillary Clinton. Some polls have her six points ahead, some seven, some as high as fifteen.But a new poll from the conservative Fox News shows a very telling attitude in the public s shift towards Hillary Clinton. As it turns out, Clinton is leading the conservative-dream-come-true by 10 points, 49 percent to 39 percent, well above the margin of error (3 percent).The poll shows some very good news for Clinton: she’s winning over the Obama coalition (which, as we all know, secured his reelection)When it comes to being qualified for the office of the presidency, Clinton leads Trump by 22 points (65-43).When it comes to the temperament to be President? Clinton, once again, bests Trump, by 27 points (64-37).When it comes to having the knowledge to be President? Guess who takes the lead! You guessed it! Clinton does, by 32 points (72-40).Trump is only winning men by 5 points, 45-40, and whites by 10 points. Interesting enough, when it comes to whites without a college degree, he leads by only 16. Considering Trump needs a blowout win amongst whites and men to win, these numbers should make Republicans nervous. Trump is currently underperforming all of these demographics when compared to Mitt Romney in 2012.When factoring in Libertarian Gary Johnson, who gets 12 percent support, Clinton still comes out on top with 44 percent to Trump’s 35 percent.This poll is drastically different than their matchup in May, where Trump was beating Clinton by 3 percentage points, which sent liberals into a frenzy.Something that also helps Clinton? President Obama s approval rating. Currently, according to the Fox News poll, President Obama stands at 52 percent approval while 45 percent disapprove. That s his best showing on a Fox News poll since May 2011 when Osama bin Laden was killed.As Trump continues his decent into madness, Clinton is looking like the’savior we’ve all needed during this atypical election season. Liberals, remember, vote! If one thing rings true it s that Trump is unpredictable. Who knows what his temper will be like in the next three months.Featured image via Justin Sullivan/Getty Images
Jordan will not allow Israel to reopen its embassy in Amman until it has launched legal proceedings against an Israeli security guard who shot dead two Jordanian citizens in July, a Jordanian diplomatic source said on Thursday. Israel must also be able to assure its Arab neighbor that justice has been served in the case, the senior source said, asking not to be named. The embassy was closed shortly after Israel hastily repatriated the guard under diplomatic immunity to prevent Jordanian authorities from interrogating him and taking any legal action against him. The Israeli ambassador and embassy staff were pulled out. Israeli sources said on Wednesday they were planning to replace Ambassador Einat Schlein at the Amman embassy in an effort to improve ties. However they did not address the long-standing Jordanian demand to take legal action against the security guard. They can look for a new ambassador but that ambassador will not be welcome in Jordan until a due legal process takes its course and justice is served, the diplomatic source said. Our position remains solid in Jordan.. The embassy will not reopen until these conditions are met... which is the position we took from the very beginning, he added. Jordan maintains that even if the guard had diplomatic immunity that did not mean he could not be punished. The guard enjoyed immunity and not impunity under Vienna conventions, the source said, referring to the Vienna Convention that specifies privileges given to diplomats. Jordan acted in compliance with its obligation under international law and Israel has to do the same, the source said. Jordanian officials have treated the shooting as a criminal case and say the two unarmed Jordanians, one a bystander and the other a teenage workman, were killed in cold blood by the armed guard. Israel said the armed guard opened fire after being attacked and lightly wounded by the workman, who was delivering furniture at his home within the embassy compound, and acted in self- defense, in what Israeli officials called a terrorist attack . A televised welcome and hero s embrace by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of the guard enraged King Abdullah. In a rare outburst, the monarch accused Netanyahu of using the incident as a political show saying it was provocative on all fronts . The king called on Israel to put the guard on trial. From the very beginning they had addressed this issue in a disgraceful way to politically exploit it, the source said. The handling of the shooting has tested ties between Israel and Jordan, one of only two Arab states that has a peace treaty with Israel. They have a long history of close security ties. Many Jordanians, in a country where the peace treaty is unpopular and pro-Palestinian sentiment widespread, were outraged the guard was allowed to leave and staged protests calling on the authorities to scrap the 1994 peace treaty. Israel has said it is highly unlikely it would prosecute the security guard but has hinted at financial compensation to the family of one of the dead Jordanians.
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: Jordan will not allow Israel to reopen its embassy in Amman until it has launched legal proceedings against an Israeli security guard who shot dead two Jordanian citizens in July, a Jordanian diplomatic source said on Thursday. Israel must also be able to assure its Arab neighbor that justice has been served in the case, the senior source said, asking not to be named. The embassy was closed shortly after Israel hastily repatriated the guard under diplomatic immunity to prevent Jordanian authorities from interrogating him and taking any legal action against him. The Israeli ambassador and embassy staff were pulled out. Israeli sources said on Wednesday they were planning to replace Ambassador Einat Schlein at the Amman embassy in an effort to improve ties. However they did not address the long-standing Jordanian demand to take legal action against the security guard. They can look for a new ambassador but that ambassador will not be welcome in Jordan until a due legal process takes its course and justice is served, the diplomatic source said. Our position remains solid in Jordan.. The embassy will not reopen until these conditions are met... which is the position we took from the very beginning, he added. Jordan maintains that even if the guard had diplomatic immunity that did not mean he could not be punished. The guard enjoyed immunity and not impunity under Vienna conventions, the source said, referring to the Vienna Convention that specifies privileges given to diplomats. Jordan acted in compliance with its obligation under international law and Israel has to do the same, the source said. Jordanian officials have treated the shooting as a criminal case and say the two unarmed Jordanians, one a bystander and the other a teenage workman, were killed in cold blood by the armed guard. Israel said the armed guard opened fire after being attacked and lightly wounded by the workman, who was delivering furniture at his home within the embassy compound, and acted in self- defense, in what Israeli officials called a terrorist attack . A televised welcome and hero s embrace by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of the guard enraged King Abdullah. In a rare outburst, the monarch accused Netanyahu of using the incident as a political show saying it was provocative on all fronts . The king called on Israel to put the guard on trial. From the very beginning they had addressed this issue in a disgraceful way to politically exploit it, the source said. The handling of the shooting has tested ties between Israel and Jordan, one of only two Arab states that has a peace treaty with Israel. They have a long history of close security ties. Many Jordanians, in a country where the peace treaty is unpopular and pro-Palestinian sentiment widespread, were outraged the guard was allowed to leave and staged protests calling on the authorities to scrap the 1994 peace treaty. Israel has said it is highly unlikely it would prosecute the security guard but has hinted at financial compensation to the family of one of the dead Jordanians.
The government of Peru s President Pedro Pablo Kuczynski told opposition lawmakers on Wednesday that they would have to dismiss the entire Cabinet - and move closer to facing removal themselves - if they try to oust a second education minister. Kuczynski accused the opposition-ruled Congress of trying to sabotage his education reforms as the right-wing Popular Force party prepared a motion to censure Education Minister Marilu Martens over her handling of a teachers strike that dragged on for two months. The president said ousting Martens would be completely unfair. It would be the second education minister censured and purely over political preferences, Kuczynski said. By turning the censure vote on Martens into a vote of confidence on his whole Cabinet, Kuczynski hopes to check Popular Force s ability to threaten his ministers. The president can dissolve Congress if it dismisses the Cabinet twice. Congress has already forced Kuczynski s former education and finance ministers to resign, while his ex-transportation minister quit to avoid a censure vote. Popular Force lawmakers said they would study the request for a vote of confidence on the Cabinet and noted they had not yet formally presented the censure motion for Martens - a sign they might back off. They re putting the governability of the country at risk over one minister? said Luz Salgado, an influential lawmaker with Popular Force, which controls Congress. It s completely irresponsible. The gamble could force Kuczynski, a former Wall Street banker, to appoint 19 new ministers as he tries to revive the economy and his slipping popularity in opinion polls. However, it might also give him a freer hand to govern during the remaining four years of his term. A prime minister has not challenged Congress to renew its confidence in a cabinet in decades, said political analyst Fernando Tuesta, underscoring how rapidly relations between the executive branch and Congress have deteriorated in Kuczynski s year-old government. Kuczynski took office last year after narrowly beating long-time favorite Keiko Fujimori, the eldest daughter of jailed former leader Alberto Fujimori. Kuczynski s party won less than 15 percent of congressional seats while Fujimori s party, Popular Force, won an absolute majority.
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: The government of Peru s President Pedro Pablo Kuczynski told opposition lawmakers on Wednesday that they would have to dismiss the entire Cabinet - and move closer to facing removal themselves - if they try to oust a second education minister. Kuczynski accused the opposition-ruled Congress of trying to sabotage his education reforms as the right-wing Popular Force party prepared a motion to censure Education Minister Marilu Martens over her handling of a teachers strike that dragged on for two months. The president said ousting Martens would be completely unfair. It would be the second education minister censured and purely over political preferences, Kuczynski said. By turning the censure vote on Martens into a vote of confidence on his whole Cabinet, Kuczynski hopes to check Popular Force s ability to threaten his ministers. The president can dissolve Congress if it dismisses the Cabinet twice. Congress has already forced Kuczynski s former education and finance ministers to resign, while his ex-transportation minister quit to avoid a censure vote. Popular Force lawmakers said they would study the request for a vote of confidence on the Cabinet and noted they had not yet formally presented the censure motion for Martens - a sign they might back off. They re putting the governability of the country at risk over one minister? said Luz Salgado, an influential lawmaker with Popular Force, which controls Congress. It s completely irresponsible. The gamble could force Kuczynski, a former Wall Street banker, to appoint 19 new ministers as he tries to revive the economy and his slipping popularity in opinion polls. However, it might also give him a freer hand to govern during the remaining four years of his term. A prime minister has not challenged Congress to renew its confidence in a cabinet in decades, said political analyst Fernando Tuesta, underscoring how rapidly relations between the executive branch and Congress have deteriorated in Kuczynski s year-old government. Kuczynski took office last year after narrowly beating long-time favorite Keiko Fujimori, the eldest daughter of jailed former leader Alberto Fujimori. Kuczynski s party won less than 15 percent of congressional seats while Fujimori s party, Popular Force, won an absolute majority.
The Wisconsin governor ordered the state legislature back into special session on Tuesday to consider an incentive package that would award Taiwanese electronics manufacturer Foxconn $3 billion over 15 years in mostly cash incentives and waive several state environmental reviews. Foxconn said last week in a White House ceremony it plans to build a $10 billion LCD flat screen factory in southeast Wisconsin. The company, formally known as Hon Hai Precision Industry Co Ltd (2317.TW), hopes to open the 20 million-square-foot plant in 2020 at a 1,000-acre site and will initially employ 3,000 people. Republican Governor Scott Walker and Foxconn said the company ultimately may employ 13,000 people at the site. The draft bill released Monday discloses new details of the expensive incentive package that Wisconsin offered as it competed with six other states to land the project that it says will also generate 22,000 ancillary jobs and 10,000 construction jobs. The Republican-controlled legislature will take up the measure on Tuesday but it is not clear when they will vote. If the incentives are approved, the Wisconsin Economic Development Corporation would then negotiate a formal contract with Foxconn on the project, said Mark Maley, a spokesman for WEDC. Tim Bartik, an economist at the Upjohn Institute for Employment Research in Michigan who studies government tax incentives, said the Foxconn package is at least six times the average U.S. award but similar to some deals for auto plants and planemaker Boeing Co (BA.N). Foxconn is a major supplier to Apple Inc (AAPL.O) for its iPhones but the company has not said if the Wisconsin factory would produce any parts for Apple. Under the legislation, Foxconn can receive up to $200 million per year in refundable tax credits, capped at $2.85 billion if meets capital and employment compensation targets. It can also avoid paying $150 million in sales taxes on building materials, equipment and supplies. Although the state measures to attract Foxconn are labeled tax incentives, they largely would be paid in cash since the effective Wisconsin state tax rate is 0.4 percent on manufacturers. In addition to incentives, President Donald Trump suggested the investment decision was due to his election and promised changes in corporate regulatory and tax policy. The incentives include up to $1.5 billion in state income tax credits for job creation and up to $1.35 billion in state income tax credits for capital investment. Foxconn is eligible for additional local incentives. The company is eligible for refundable tax credits equal to 17 percent of wages paid instead of the typical 7 percent and 15 percent of capital costs instead of 10 percent. Wisconsin also agreed in the draft legislation to issue up to $252.4 million in state debt to reconstruct parts of Interstate 94 near the sites that the company is considering sites in Kenosha and Racine counties near the border with Illinois. The draft legislation released by Walker waives a required state environmental impact statement and allows the company to discharge dredged or fill material into some wetlands without state permits. The legislation also would allow Foxconn to connect artificial bodies of water with natural waterways without state permits. Foxconn Chairman Terry Gou told the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel that one reason Wisconsin was appealing is because of its proximity to abundant fresh water from Lake Michigan needed to build panels. The legislation also waives requiring approval for the project by the Public Service Commission, which oversees power and water utilities in Wisconsin.
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: The Wisconsin governor ordered the state legislature back into special session on Tuesday to consider an incentive package that would award Taiwanese electronics manufacturer Foxconn $3 billion over 15 years in mostly cash incentives and waive several state environmental reviews. Foxconn said last week in a White House ceremony it plans to build a $10 billion LCD flat screen factory in southeast Wisconsin. The company, formally known as Hon Hai Precision Industry Co Ltd (2317.TW), hopes to open the 20 million-square-foot plant in 2020 at a 1,000-acre site and will initially employ 3,000 people. Republican Governor Scott Walker and Foxconn said the company ultimately may employ 13,000 people at the site. The draft bill released Monday discloses new details of the expensive incentive package that Wisconsin offered as it competed with six other states to land the project that it says will also generate 22,000 ancillary jobs and 10,000 construction jobs. The Republican-controlled legislature will take up the measure on Tuesday but it is not clear when they will vote. If the incentives are approved, the Wisconsin Economic Development Corporation would then negotiate a formal contract with Foxconn on the project, said Mark Maley, a spokesman for WEDC. Tim Bartik, an economist at the Upjohn Institute for Employment Research in Michigan who studies government tax incentives, said the Foxconn package is at least six times the average U.S. award but similar to some deals for auto plants and planemaker Boeing Co (BA.N). Foxconn is a major supplier to Apple Inc (AAPL.O) for its iPhones but the company has not said if the Wisconsin factory would produce any parts for Apple. Under the legislation, Foxconn can receive up to $200 million per year in refundable tax credits, capped at $2.85 billion if meets capital and employment compensation targets. It can also avoid paying $150 million in sales taxes on building materials, equipment and supplies. Although the state measures to attract Foxconn are labeled tax incentives, they largely would be paid in cash since the effective Wisconsin state tax rate is 0.4 percent on manufacturers. In addition to incentives, President Donald Trump suggested the investment decision was due to his election and promised changes in corporate regulatory and tax policy. The incentives include up to $1.5 billion in state income tax credits for job creation and up to $1.35 billion in state income tax credits for capital investment. Foxconn is eligible for additional local incentives. The company is eligible for refundable tax credits equal to 17 percent of wages paid instead of the typical 7 percent and 15 percent of capital costs instead of 10 percent. Wisconsin also agreed in the draft legislation to issue up to $252.4 million in state debt to reconstruct parts of Interstate 94 near the sites that the company is considering sites in Kenosha and Racine counties near the border with Illinois. The draft legislation released by Walker waives a required state environmental impact statement and allows the company to discharge dredged or fill material into some wetlands without state permits. The legislation also would allow Foxconn to connect artificial bodies of water with natural waterways without state permits. Foxconn Chairman Terry Gou told the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel that one reason Wisconsin was appealing is because of its proximity to abundant fresh water from Lake Michigan needed to build panels. The legislation also waives requiring approval for the project by the Public Service Commission, which oversees power and water utilities in Wisconsin.
Note to Target CEO: When you endanger the’safety of little girls and women in your stores, you’re giving placing a target on your back a whole new meaning. Only two days ago in women s bathroom in Chicago, an 8 year old girl was choked by a man until she was unconscious. He proceeded to drag into a bathroom stall. Fortunately, her mother overheard her screams and was able to come to her rescue. Is this really the kind of America we want? Is Target ready to accept responsibility for crimes against women and children in their bathrooms and changing rooms?UPDATE: Target is facing a nationwide backlash for its support of transgender rights.More than 1.2 million people have signed a pledge to boycott the retailer after it announced last month that it would welcome transgender customers to use any bathroom or fitting room that matches their gender identity.Critics have been holding protests and demonstrations at stores across the country, and they are showing no signs of dying down.Many are demanding access to bathrooms of the opposite sex to support claims that perverts can now prey on children and women as a result of the policy.The boycotters goal is to force Target to reverse its policy, or at least make the retailer suffer for it by spending their money elsewhere. Breitbart NewsThe CEO of retail giant Target is zig-zagging between the many customers who are angered by his decision to open single-sex bathrooms to the other sex, the gender-identity progressives who pushed for the disastrous transgender policy, and the Wall Street stock-pickers who have chopped roughly $4.5 billion off the company s value. We re going to continue to embrace our belief in diversity and inclusion, just how important that is to our company, CEO Brian Cornell said in a May 11 appearance on CNBC s Squawk Box business show. But we’re also going to make sure our focus on safety is unwavering, he added.To mollify the public angered by his removal of single-sex restrooms and changing rooms, the company will add family bathrooms to all of its stores, he’said.We re committed over the next few months, to make sure every one of our stores has that option, because we want to make sure that our guests be welcomed in our stores. But if there s a question of safety, I can’tell you and others, our focus on safety is unwavering, and we want to make sure we provide a welcoming environment for all our guests, one that s safe, one that s comfortable.But Cornell did not offer to return single-sex changing rooms, which is likely the most unnerving element in the company s new open-door, pro-transgender agenda.The company can’t easily add family changing-rooms without using up scarce space in their retail stores and can’t reestablish single-sex changing-rooms without angering many progressive professionals in the media and fashion industries. Those progressives professionals would likely claim the company is unfairly gender policing its customers, even though transgender advocates say only 1 in every 300 Americans are transgender. Other estimates say the ratio is only 1 transgender for every 2,400 Americans.So Cornell tried to reassure and flatter progressives about the justice of his company s brand-damaging, revenue-reducing April 19 decision. We took a stance, Cornell said, as he’suggested that single-sex bathrooms are just like a racist refusal to use African-Americans in commercial advertising in the 1960s.We ve had a long history embracing diversity and inclusion. A couple weeks ago, one of our team members sent me a note reminding me that if we went back to the mid-60s, our company was one of the very first to use African-American models in their advertising, and back then, it wasn’t well received.In the company s initial April 19 statement, the’store said, we welcome transgender team members and [customer] guests to use the restroom or fitting room facility that corresponds with their gender identity. The’statement came as Americans were recognizing and rejecting the revolutionary political agenda behind the push for transgender status.Since April 19, We had a lot of tough feedback. But sitting here today, we know we made the right decision, Cornell insisted.That tough feedback includes a consumer boycott that now has 1.2 million supporters, much damage to the company s brand, and a massive sell-off on Wall Street that has chopped the company s share price from almost $84 on April 19 to $75.70 on May 11.That s a loss of $8.30 per share, or 10 percent, or almost $5 billion since April 19. Of course, some part of that loss is due to President Barack Obama s weak economy but no company is helped by many management decisions that anger so many customers. Via: Breitbart News
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: Note to Target CEO: When you endanger the’safety of little girls and women in your stores, you’re giving placing a target on your back a whole new meaning. Only two days ago in women s bathroom in Chicago, an 8 year old girl was choked by a man until she was unconscious. He proceeded to drag into a bathroom stall. Fortunately, her mother overheard her screams and was able to come to her rescue. Is this really the kind of America we want? Is Target ready to accept responsibility for crimes against women and children in their bathrooms and changing rooms?UPDATE: Target is facing a nationwide backlash for its support of transgender rights.More than 1.2 million people have signed a pledge to boycott the retailer after it announced last month that it would welcome transgender customers to use any bathroom or fitting room that matches their gender identity.Critics have been holding protests and demonstrations at stores across the country, and they are showing no signs of dying down.Many are demanding access to bathrooms of the opposite sex to support claims that perverts can now prey on children and women as a result of the policy.The boycotters goal is to force Target to reverse its policy, or at least make the retailer suffer for it by spending their money elsewhere. Breitbart NewsThe CEO of retail giant Target is zig-zagging between the many customers who are angered by his decision to open single-sex bathrooms to the other sex, the gender-identity progressives who pushed for the disastrous transgender policy, and the Wall Street stock-pickers who have chopped roughly $4.5 billion off the company s value. We re going to continue to embrace our belief in diversity and inclusion, just how important that is to our company, CEO Brian Cornell said in a May 11 appearance on CNBC s Squawk Box business show. But we’re also going to make sure our focus on safety is unwavering, he added.To mollify the public angered by his removal of single-sex restrooms and changing rooms, the company will add family bathrooms to all of its stores, he’said.We re committed over the next few months, to make sure every one of our stores has that option, because we want to make sure that our guests be welcomed in our stores. But if there s a question of safety, I can’tell you and others, our focus on safety is unwavering, and we want to make sure we provide a welcoming environment for all our guests, one that s safe, one that s comfortable.But Cornell did not offer to return single-sex changing rooms, which is likely the most unnerving element in the company s new open-door, pro-transgender agenda.The company can’t easily add family changing-rooms without using up scarce space in their retail stores and can’t reestablish single-sex changing-rooms without angering many progressive professionals in the media and fashion industries. Those progressives professionals would likely claim the company is unfairly gender policing its customers, even though transgender advocates say only 1 in every 300 Americans are transgender. Other estimates say the ratio is only 1 transgender for every 2,400 Americans.So Cornell tried to reassure and flatter progressives about the justice of his company s brand-damaging, revenue-reducing April 19 decision. We took a stance, Cornell said, as he’suggested that single-sex bathrooms are just like a racist refusal to use African-Americans in commercial advertising in the 1960s.We ve had a long history embracing diversity and inclusion. A couple weeks ago, one of our team members sent me a note reminding me that if we went back to the mid-60s, our company was one of the very first to use African-American models in their advertising, and back then, it wasn’t well received.In the company s initial April 19 statement, the’store said, we welcome transgender team members and [customer] guests to use the restroom or fitting room facility that corresponds with their gender identity. The’statement came as Americans were recognizing and rejecting the revolutionary political agenda behind the push for transgender status.Since April 19, We had a lot of tough feedback. But sitting here today, we know we made the right decision, Cornell insisted.That tough feedback includes a consumer boycott that now has 1.2 million supporters, much damage to the company s brand, and a massive sell-off on Wall Street that has chopped the company s share price from almost $84 on April 19 to $75.70 on May 11.That s a loss of $8.30 per share, or 10 percent, or almost $5 billion since April 19. Of course, some part of that loss is due to President Barack Obama s weak economy but no company is helped by many management decisions that anger so many customers. Via: Breitbart News
A member of Donald Trump’s presidential transition team has been kicked aside after he was caught spreading a dangerous conspiracy theory promoted on fake news websites. Michael G. Flynn, son of Trump’s pick to be national security adviser, General Michael T. Flynn, will no longer be on the team and his official transition email has been shut off.The’son of Lt.-Gen. Michael T. Flynn, Donald Trump’s pick to be national security adviser, Michael G. Flynn, resigned from the Trump transition team Tuesday, CBS News Major Garrett reported.He offered his resignation when it became clear that he was becoming a significant distraction and his position helping his father was no longer tenable.Flynn the younger was given the distinct impression that his tweets on fake news had become problematic and the transition did not intend to expend the energy or political capital necessary to defend him.The’son has repeatedly promoted and pushed the’so-called Pizzagate conspiracy, in which conservatives created a false story around the hacked emails of Hillary Clinton aide John Podesta and alleged that a Washington, D.C. pizza restaurant was the hub of a child trafficking ring.Thanks to promotion by fake news sites, conspiracy theorists, and accounts like Flynn s Twitter account, a disturbed gunman recently went to the pizzeria and got off a shot while ranting about the Pizzagate conspiracy.When it was uncovered that Flynn had promoted the conspiracy, he argued that it was possible despite considerable evidence to the contrary that it might be true. He even got into a fight on Twitter with CNN anchor Jake Tapper, who tried to explain’to Flynn through a back channel that promoting this story was actually putting lives in danger.Fake news and conspiracy theorists have thrived with Donald Trump. Trump, who came to fame politically as a supporter of the birther conspiracy, has appeared on radio shows with conspiracy theorists and enlisted some of them as informal political advisers.Featured image via screen capture
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: A member of Donald Trump’s presidential transition team has been kicked aside after he was caught spreading a dangerous conspiracy theory promoted on fake news websites. Michael G. Flynn, son of Trump’s pick to be national security adviser, General Michael T. Flynn, will no longer be on the team and his official transition email has been shut off.The’son of Lt.-Gen. Michael T. Flynn, Donald Trump’s pick to be national security adviser, Michael G. Flynn, resigned from the Trump transition team Tuesday, CBS News Major Garrett reported.He offered his resignation when it became clear that he was becoming a significant distraction and his position helping his father was no longer tenable.Flynn the younger was given the distinct impression that his tweets on fake news had become problematic and the transition did not intend to expend the energy or political capital necessary to defend him.The’son has repeatedly promoted and pushed the’so-called Pizzagate conspiracy, in which conservatives created a false story around the hacked emails of Hillary Clinton aide John Podesta and alleged that a Washington, D.C. pizza restaurant was the hub of a child trafficking ring.Thanks to promotion by fake news sites, conspiracy theorists, and accounts like Flynn s Twitter account, a disturbed gunman recently went to the pizzeria and got off a shot while ranting about the Pizzagate conspiracy.When it was uncovered that Flynn had promoted the conspiracy, he argued that it was possible despite considerable evidence to the contrary that it might be true. He even got into a fight on Twitter with CNN anchor Jake Tapper, who tried to explain’to Flynn through a back channel that promoting this story was actually putting lives in danger.Fake news and conspiracy theorists have thrived with Donald Trump. Trump, who came to fame politically as a supporter of the birther conspiracy, has appeared on radio shows with conspiracy theorists and enlisted some of them as informal political advisers.Featured image via screen capture
President Donald Trump may tap U.S. Energy Secretary Rick Perry to replace former Homeland Security Secretary John Kelly, who took over as White House chief of staff this week, Bloomberg News reported on Wednesday. Bloomberg, citing three people familiar with deliberations, said others were also being considered for the post. White House officials had no immediate comment. Asked about the Bloomberg report, an Energy Department spokeswoman said Perry was content in his current job. “While Secretary Perry is honored to be mentioned, he is happy where he is and very focused on carrying out the mission the President gave him when he was chosen to lead the Department of Energy,” Shaylyn Hynes said in an email. On Friday, an official at the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) said Republican U.S. Representative Michael McCaul, who chairs the House Homeland Security Committee, was among those being considered to replace Kelly. The department is currently being run by Homeland Security Deputy Secretary Elaine Duke. On Friday, Trump replaced his beleaguered White House chief of staff, Reince Priebus, after only six months on the job, installing Kelly, a retired four-star Marine Corps general, in his place in a major shake-up of his top team. Hired to bring more discipline to the White House, Kelly took up his new post on Monday. Kelly’s tenure at DHS was marked by a drop in attempted southern border crossings and a crackdown on illegal immigrants with criminal records, with a focus on gangs.
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: President Donald Trump may tap U.S. Energy Secretary Rick Perry to replace former Homeland Security Secretary John Kelly, who took over as White House chief of staff this week, Bloomberg News reported on Wednesday. Bloomberg, citing three people familiar with deliberations, said others were also being considered for the post. White House officials had no immediate comment. Asked about the Bloomberg report, an Energy Department spokeswoman said Perry was content in his current job. “While Secretary Perry is honored to be mentioned, he is happy where he is and very focused on carrying out the mission the President gave him when he was chosen to lead the Department of Energy,” Shaylyn Hynes said in an email. On Friday, an official at the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) said Republican U.S. Representative Michael McCaul, who chairs the House Homeland Security Committee, was among those being considered to replace Kelly. The department is currently being run by Homeland Security Deputy Secretary Elaine Duke. On Friday, Trump replaced his beleaguered White House chief of staff, Reince Priebus, after only six months on the job, installing Kelly, a retired four-star Marine Corps general, in his place in a major shake-up of his top team. Hired to bring more discipline to the White House, Kelly took up his new post on Monday. Kelly’s tenure at DHS was marked by a drop in attempted southern border crossings and a crackdown on illegal immigrants with criminal records, with a focus on gangs.
Alabama Senator Jeff Sessions, who is Donald Trump’s nominee to be attorney general, faced the Senate Judiciary Committee this morning. And, in typical Republican fashion, he denied, deflected, and lied.In his opening statements, Sessions pointed to a number of issues currently facing the country: LGBT rights, voting rights, systemic racism, and religious freedom.Based on his moving speech, with his soft-spoken southern demeanor, one wouldn’t know who Jeff Sessions really is an anti-woman, anti-LGBT, anti-black, and anti-immigrant demagogue.Take, for example, the comparing and contrasting of Sessions statements vs. the facts.Statement: A special priority for me in this regard will be aggressive enforcement of our laws to ensure access to the ballot for every eligible American voter, without hindrance or discrimination, and to ensure the integrity of the electoral process I deeply understand the history of civil rights and the horrendous impact that relentless and systemic discrimination and the denial of voting rights has had on our African-American brothers and sisters.Fact:Even though Sessions voted to reauthorize it in 2006 (with reservations), the Senator argued in 1996 that the Voting Rights Act was engineering a political outcome, and championed the repeal of sections 3 and 5 of the Act (even while senator), which set up special protections in southern states to combat discriminatory voting practices that were regulated by the federal government. In 2013, the Supreme Court repealed Section 3 (which rendered Section 5 moot), a decision which has opened the floodgates to anti-voting laws throughout the South, especially in North Carolina. Sessions cheered this on, calling it good news for the South. This is what Sessions fought for but failed in the Senate.In 1985, Sessions prosecuted three black men, which included MLK s former aid Albert Turner, on charges of voter fraud with very little evidence. The Marion Three as they became known as were renowned in their community for being voting rights and registration activists. They were acquitted by a jury after only three hours of deliberation, and Sessions, while admitting he doesn’t regret his decision, admitted he was shoddy in his approach. That s what the Justice Department needs a shoddy attorney who might have wrongfully convicted black civil rights activists.Sessions office also dropped the case with regards to a man who was lynched by the KKK. The members, who were caught, were eventually tried and convicted, but not by Session s office.Sessions, as everyone knows, referred to the NAACP as un-American and then said it could be construed as being un-American. Sessions also supports the discriminatory voter ID laws on the’surface. How is Attorney General Sessions going to tackle the mounting anti-voting laws being passed in southern states after the provisions he hated were gutted? How will he be able to divorce his decades-long war against black activists who want the freedom to vote without, as Sessions put it, hindrance or discrimination?Statement:I understand the demands for justice and fairness made by the LGBT community.Facts:Senator Sessions has a zero rating from the United States largest gay rights advocacy group the Human Rights Campaign. Sessions opposes same-sex marriage, same-sex adoption rights, and voted against hate crimes preventions (he’said such legislation would cheapen civil rights in America). He opposed the repeal of Don t Ask, Don t Tell, and supports a federal marriage amendment.With regards to the possibility of a gay supreme court justice, Sessions is on record saying, that would be a big concern that the American people might feel might feel uneasy about that. So, in a nutshell, no, Sessions does not understand the demands of justice and fairness made by the LGBT community. He hears them, but he doesn’t care about them or their rights, dignity and respect.Statement:I understand the lifelong scars born by women who are victims of assault and abuse.Facts:Senator Sessions voted against reauthorizing the Violence Against Women Act in 2013, citing concerns about issues pertaining to tribal procedure, although the issues pertaining to LGBT women may have played a role in Sessions no vote.In October, when a video surfaced of Donald Trump bragging about grabbing a woman by the genitals, Sessions was asked whether or not he believed such bragging constituted sexual assault. His Response? I don’t characterize that as sexual assault, I think that s a stretch I don’t know. It s not clear that he how that would occur. Sessions voted against the largest piece of legislation that helps combat abuse and defended his preferred candidate when it became evident he has sexually assaulted at least one woman in his lifetime.Sessions lied through his teeth in his confirmation hearing. He has absolutely no idea as to the plight of women, African-Americans, gays, or anyone else for that matter. He has inflated his record, he has miscategorized his past statements and votes, and he would be the most ass-backwards thinking attorney general in years.We cannot let him get away with his revisionist history.Featured image via Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: Alabama Senator Jeff Sessions, who is Donald Trump’s nominee to be attorney general, faced the Senate Judiciary Committee this morning. And, in typical Republican fashion, he denied, deflected, and lied.In his opening statements, Sessions pointed to a number of issues currently facing the country: LGBT rights, voting rights, systemic racism, and religious freedom.Based on his moving speech, with his soft-spoken southern demeanor, one wouldn’t know who Jeff Sessions really is an anti-woman, anti-LGBT, anti-black, and anti-immigrant demagogue.Take, for example, the comparing and contrasting of Sessions statements vs. the facts.Statement: A special priority for me in this regard will be aggressive enforcement of our laws to ensure access to the ballot for every eligible American voter, without hindrance or discrimination, and to ensure the integrity of the electoral process I deeply understand the history of civil rights and the horrendous impact that relentless and systemic discrimination and the denial of voting rights has had on our African-American brothers and sisters.Fact:Even though Sessions voted to reauthorize it in 2006 (with reservations), the Senator argued in 1996 that the Voting Rights Act was engineering a political outcome, and championed the repeal of sections 3 and 5 of the Act (even while senator), which set up special protections in southern states to combat discriminatory voting practices that were regulated by the federal government. In 2013, the Supreme Court repealed Section 3 (which rendered Section 5 moot), a decision which has opened the floodgates to anti-voting laws throughout the South, especially in North Carolina. Sessions cheered this on, calling it good news for the South. This is what Sessions fought for but failed in the Senate.In 1985, Sessions prosecuted three black men, which included MLK s former aid Albert Turner, on charges of voter fraud with very little evidence. The Marion Three as they became known as were renowned in their community for being voting rights and registration activists. They were acquitted by a jury after only three hours of deliberation, and Sessions, while admitting he doesn’t regret his decision, admitted he was shoddy in his approach. That s what the Justice Department needs a shoddy attorney who might have wrongfully convicted black civil rights activists.Sessions office also dropped the case with regards to a man who was lynched by the KKK. The members, who were caught, were eventually tried and convicted, but not by Session s office.Sessions, as everyone knows, referred to the NAACP as un-American and then said it could be construed as being un-American. Sessions also supports the discriminatory voter ID laws on the’surface. How is Attorney General Sessions going to tackle the mounting anti-voting laws being passed in southern states after the provisions he hated were gutted? How will he be able to divorce his decades-long war against black activists who want the freedom to vote without, as Sessions put it, hindrance or discrimination?Statement:I understand the demands for justice and fairness made by the LGBT community.Facts:Senator Sessions has a zero rating from the United States largest gay rights advocacy group the Human Rights Campaign. Sessions opposes same-sex marriage, same-sex adoption rights, and voted against hate crimes preventions (he’said such legislation would cheapen civil rights in America). He opposed the repeal of Don t Ask, Don t Tell, and supports a federal marriage amendment.With regards to the possibility of a gay supreme court justice, Sessions is on record saying, that would be a big concern that the American people might feel might feel uneasy about that. So, in a nutshell, no, Sessions does not understand the demands of justice and fairness made by the LGBT community. He hears them, but he doesn’t care about them or their rights, dignity and respect.Statement:I understand the lifelong scars born by women who are victims of assault and abuse.Facts:Senator Sessions voted against reauthorizing the Violence Against Women Act in 2013, citing concerns about issues pertaining to tribal procedure, although the issues pertaining to LGBT women may have played a role in Sessions no vote.In October, when a video surfaced of Donald Trump bragging about grabbing a woman by the genitals, Sessions was asked whether or not he believed such bragging constituted sexual assault. His Response? I don’t characterize that as sexual assault, I think that s a stretch I don’t know. It s not clear that he how that would occur. Sessions voted against the largest piece of legislation that helps combat abuse and defended his preferred candidate when it became evident he has sexually assaulted at least one woman in his lifetime.Sessions lied through his teeth in his confirmation hearing. He has absolutely no idea as to the plight of women, African-Americans, gays, or anyone else for that matter. He has inflated his record, he has miscategorized his past statements and votes, and he would be the most ass-backwards thinking attorney general in years.We cannot let him get away with his revisionist history.Featured image via Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images
U.S. House Natural Resources Committee Chairman Rob Bishop on Wednesday said Obama administration proposals to change a Puerto Rico debt relief bill are under negotiation, requiring the panel to cancel a Thursday work session on a Republican bill. “The administration is still negotiating on provisions of the legislation, creating uncertainty in both parties,” Bishop said in a prepared statement. He added that “it is unfair to all members to force a vote” in the committee as negotiations continue. Bishop, a Republican, had hoped to work on the legislation Thursday and hold a committee vote that would have sent it to the full House of Representatives for consideration. One congressional source told Reuters that the Thursday session was being canceled because the legislation lacked adequate support in the committee.
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: U.S. House Natural Resources Committee Chairman Rob Bishop on Wednesday said Obama administration proposals to change a Puerto Rico debt relief bill are under negotiation, requiring the panel to cancel a Thursday work session on a Republican bill. “The administration is still negotiating on provisions of the legislation, creating uncertainty in both parties,” Bishop said in a prepared statement. He added that “it is unfair to all members to force a vote” in the committee as negotiations continue. Bishop, a Republican, had hoped to work on the legislation Thursday and hold a committee vote that would have sent it to the full House of Representatives for consideration. One congressional source told Reuters that the Thursday session was being canceled because the legislation lacked adequate support in the committee.
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT:
The House of Representatives Ethics Committee said on Tuesday it was investigating allegations of sexual harassment against U.S. Representative John Conyers, who said his office had resolved a harassment case with a payment but no admission of guilt. A BuzzFeed News report late on Monday cited allegations from former staffers that Conyers, 88, made sexual advances to female staff. The Democratic congressman from Michigan issued a statement on Tuesday prior to the Ethics Committee’s announcement that did not give details of the case but said he would fully cooperate in any investigation. The allegations against Conyers came to light as Congress reviews policies on how to handle sexual harassment complaints. They followed a string of such complaints against prominent figures in the U.S. media, Hollywood and politics. “In this case, I expressly and vehemently denied the allegations made against me and continue to do so,” said Conyers, who is one of America’s most prominent black lawmakers. “My office resolved the allegations – with an express denial of liability – in order to save all involved from the rigors of protracted litigation. That should not be lost in the narrative.” The statement said the resolution of the allegations was equal to a reasonable severance payment. The Ethics Committee said in a statement it was aware of the public allegations and had begun an investigation. The panel can recommend punishments such as a reprimand, censure or expulsion, but the final punishment is determined by a vote in the full House. No member of Congress has ever been expelled for sexual misconduct. House Democratic leader Nancy Pelosi had called for the panel to open a probe of Conyers. “Any credible allegation of sexual harassment must be investigated by the Ethics Committee,” she said in a statement. First elected in 1964, Conyers is the longest serving member of the House and a founding member of the Congressional Black Caucus. In a statement, the chairman of the caucus, Democratic Representative Cedric Richmond, called the allegations “very serious and disturbing” and urged Conyers to “cooperate fully with any and all investigations into this matter.” U.S. Representative Jackie Speier, a Democrat who has led the push in the House to revise policies on sexual harassment complaints, called for an investigation. “The allegations of sexual harassment and misuse of congressional funds against Congressman Conyers are serious & require an immediate Ethics investigation,” she said in a statement. House Speaker Paul Ryan issued a statement earlier calling the latest news report “extremely troubling.”
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: The House of Representatives Ethics Committee said on Tuesday it was investigating allegations of sexual harassment against U.S. Representative John Conyers, who said his office had resolved a harassment case with a payment but no admission of guilt. A BuzzFeed News report late on Monday cited allegations from former staffers that Conyers, 88, made sexual advances to female staff. The Democratic congressman from Michigan issued a statement on Tuesday prior to the Ethics Committee’s announcement that did not give details of the case but said he would fully cooperate in any investigation. The allegations against Conyers came to light as Congress reviews policies on how to handle sexual harassment complaints. They followed a string of such complaints against prominent figures in the U.S. media, Hollywood and politics. “In this case, I expressly and vehemently denied the allegations made against me and continue to do so,” said Conyers, who is one of America’s most prominent black lawmakers. “My office resolved the allegations – with an express denial of liability – in order to save all involved from the rigors of protracted litigation. That should not be lost in the narrative.” The statement said the resolution of the allegations was equal to a reasonable severance payment. The Ethics Committee said in a statement it was aware of the public allegations and had begun an investigation. The panel can recommend punishments such as a reprimand, censure or expulsion, but the final punishment is determined by a vote in the full House. No member of Congress has ever been expelled for sexual misconduct. House Democratic leader Nancy Pelosi had called for the panel to open a probe of Conyers. “Any credible allegation of sexual harassment must be investigated by the Ethics Committee,” she said in a statement. First elected in 1964, Conyers is the longest serving member of the House and a founding member of the Congressional Black Caucus. In a statement, the chairman of the caucus, Democratic Representative Cedric Richmond, called the allegations “very serious and disturbing” and urged Conyers to “cooperate fully with any and all investigations into this matter.” U.S. Representative Jackie Speier, a Democrat who has led the push in the House to revise policies on sexual harassment complaints, called for an investigation. “The allegations of sexual harassment and misuse of congressional funds against Congressman Conyers are serious & require an immediate Ethics investigation,” she said in a statement. House Speaker Paul Ryan issued a statement earlier calling the latest news report “extremely troubling.”
This is Obama s America This will be his legacy. He was elected by over 90% of the Black community. He promised them jobs. Instead, he opened our borders and gave their jobs to illegal aliens who will gladly do the jobs for less money.During Obama s tenure, the percentage of black Americans struggling below the poverty line has advanced, according to the most recent Census Bureau data, from 25.8 in 2009 to 26.2 in 2014 up 1.6 percent. Real median income among black households during those years, according to the Census Bureau, sank from $35,954 to $35,398 down 1.5 percent.The number of black food-stamp participants exploded across that time frame from 7,393,000 to 11,699,000, the U.S. Department of Agriculture reports up 58.2 percent. Also, from Obama s oath of office through the fourth quarter of 2015, the percentage of black Americans who own homes foundered from 46.1 percent to 41.9 percent, according to the Census down 9.1 percent. -National ReviewMilwaukee:A standoff between police and an angry crowd turned violent Saturday night in the hours after a Milwaukee police officer shot and killed an armed suspect during a foot chase on the city s north side.After an hours-long confrontation with officers, police reported at 10:15 p.m. that a gas station at N. Sherman Blvd. and W. Burleigh St. was set on fire. Police said firefighters could not for a time get close to the blaze because of gunshots.Later, fires were started at businesses including a BMO Harris Bank branch, a beauty supply company and O Reilly Auto Parts stores near N. 35th and W. Burleigh streets, a grim and emphatic Mayor Tom Barrett said. He spoke at a midnight news conference at the District 3 police station at N. 49th St. and W. Lisbon Ave.The mayor said some involved in the disturbances took to social media early in the evening to encourage others to come out and participate in trouble-making. He said many of them were young people, and he urged parents to keep tight reins on their children to avoid a repeat of Saturday night. Our police officers are doing everything they can’to restore order, he’said. But he’said everyone needed to help restore calm. If you love your son, if you love your daughter, text them, call them, pull them by their ears, get them home. The mayor said police had shown an amazing amount of restraint Saturday evening.Hamilton said, Our city is in turmoil tonight. He promised a full and open investigation into the the police-involved shooting.Assistant Police Chief James Harpole said at least 200 people had gathered at the disturbances earlier. He said there were multiple gunshots over the course of the evening.When the gas station was set ablaze, there were three people in the building and all got out safely, he’said.The news conference ended with Aldermen Russell W. Stamper II and Khalif Rainey delivering strongly worded statements about the disturbance springing from the frustrations of black Milwaukeeans and the problems they face.Rainey, who represents the area where the man was shot by the officer and the disturbance occurred, was particularly pointed. He said Sherman Park had become a powder keg this summer, and ended his remarks by implying that downtown could be the’site of disturbances if the issues facing African-Americans here not addressed. This entire community has sat back and witnessed how Milwaukee, Wis., has become the worst place to live for African-Americans in the entire country, Rainey said. Now this is a warning cry. Where do we go from here? Where do we go as a community from here? Do we continue continue with the inequities, the injustice, the unemployment, the under-education, that creates these byproducts that we see this evening? The black people of Milwaukee are tired. They re tired of living under this oppression. This is their existence. This is their life. This is the life of their children. Now what has happened tonight may have not been right; I m not justifying that. But no one can deny the fact that there s problems, racial problems, here in Milwaukee, Wis., that have to be closely, not examined, but rectified. Rectify this immediately. Because if you’don’t, this vision of downtown, all of that, you’re one day away. You re one day away. Earlier in the evening, more than 100 people gathered near the’scene of the’shooting at N. 44th St. and W. Auer Ave. and at times pushed against a line of 20 to 30 officers, some of whom were in riot gear.At one point, the officers got in their cars to leave and some in the crowd started smashing the windows and side of a squad car. Another vehicle was set on fire. As officers returned to the’scene, this time with more in riot gear, as many as seven shots could be heard about 8:45 to 9 p.m.Soon thereafter, the crowd turned on and chased reporters and a photographer from the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel. One reporter was shoved to the ground and punched.Police later tweeted that an officer was hit in the head with a brick that was thrown through a squad window. Police said the officer was being treated at a hospital.At nearly 11 p.m., police tweeted that gunshots again were fired near N. 44th St. and W. Auer Ave.City officials said three people had been arrested during the initial disturbance. Another disturbance developed at N. 35th and W. Burleigh streets.Crowd breaks widows of unoccupied squad near Sherman and Auer. Other squad set afire and broken windows on another. Milwaukee Police (@MilwaukeePolice) August 14, 2016City police officials said two officers stopped two suspects in a car about 3:30 p.m. The’suspects then took off on foot. During the pursuit, a six-year veteran of the department shot and killed a 23-year-old Milwaukee resident, who was carrying a semiautomatic handgun, police said.The officer was not hurt.During his midnight news conference, Barrett said the officer pursuing the 23-year-old man ordered him to drop his gun. The man didn’t and the officer fired several times, the mayor said.The man was hit twice, once in the chest and once in the arm. He said police determined there were 23 rounds in the man s gun.Barrett said the officer was wearing a body camera and his understanding was that the camera was operational during the incident. Via: Milwaukee Journal Sentinel
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: This is Obama s America This will be his legacy. He was elected by over 90% of the Black community. He promised them jobs. Instead, he opened our borders and gave their jobs to illegal aliens who will gladly do the jobs for less money.During Obama s tenure, the percentage of black Americans struggling below the poverty line has advanced, according to the most recent Census Bureau data, from 25.8 in 2009 to 26.2 in 2014 up 1.6 percent. Real median income among black households during those years, according to the Census Bureau, sank from $35,954 to $35,398 down 1.5 percent.The number of black food-stamp participants exploded across that time frame from 7,393,000 to 11,699,000, the U.S. Department of Agriculture reports up 58.2 percent. Also, from Obama s oath of office through the fourth quarter of 2015, the percentage of black Americans who own homes foundered from 46.1 percent to 41.9 percent, according to the Census down 9.1 percent. -National ReviewMilwaukee:A standoff between police and an angry crowd turned violent Saturday night in the hours after a Milwaukee police officer shot and killed an armed suspect during a foot chase on the city s north side.After an hours-long confrontation with officers, police reported at 10:15 p.m. that a gas station at N. Sherman Blvd. and W. Burleigh St. was set on fire. Police said firefighters could not for a time get close to the blaze because of gunshots.Later, fires were started at businesses including a BMO Harris Bank branch, a beauty supply company and O Reilly Auto Parts stores near N. 35th and W. Burleigh streets, a grim and emphatic Mayor Tom Barrett said. He spoke at a midnight news conference at the District 3 police station at N. 49th St. and W. Lisbon Ave.The mayor said some involved in the disturbances took to social media early in the evening to encourage others to come out and participate in trouble-making. He said many of them were young people, and he urged parents to keep tight reins on their children to avoid a repeat of Saturday night. Our police officers are doing everything they can’to restore order, he’said. But he’said everyone needed to help restore calm. If you love your son, if you love your daughter, text them, call them, pull them by their ears, get them home. The mayor said police had shown an amazing amount of restraint Saturday evening.Hamilton said, Our city is in turmoil tonight. He promised a full and open investigation into the the police-involved shooting.Assistant Police Chief James Harpole said at least 200 people had gathered at the disturbances earlier. He said there were multiple gunshots over the course of the evening.When the gas station was set ablaze, there were three people in the building and all got out safely, he’said.The news conference ended with Aldermen Russell W. Stamper II and Khalif Rainey delivering strongly worded statements about the disturbance springing from the frustrations of black Milwaukeeans and the problems they face.Rainey, who represents the area where the man was shot by the officer and the disturbance occurred, was particularly pointed. He said Sherman Park had become a powder keg this summer, and ended his remarks by implying that downtown could be the’site of disturbances if the issues facing African-Americans here not addressed. This entire community has sat back and witnessed how Milwaukee, Wis., has become the worst place to live for African-Americans in the entire country, Rainey said. Now this is a warning cry. Where do we go from here? Where do we go as a community from here? Do we continue continue with the inequities, the injustice, the unemployment, the under-education, that creates these byproducts that we see this evening? The black people of Milwaukee are tired. They re tired of living under this oppression. This is their existence. This is their life. This is the life of their children. Now what has happened tonight may have not been right; I m not justifying that. But no one can deny the fact that there s problems, racial problems, here in Milwaukee, Wis., that have to be closely, not examined, but rectified. Rectify this immediately. Because if you’don’t, this vision of downtown, all of that, you’re one day away. You re one day away. Earlier in the evening, more than 100 people gathered near the’scene of the’shooting at N. 44th St. and W. Auer Ave. and at times pushed against a line of 20 to 30 officers, some of whom were in riot gear.At one point, the officers got in their cars to leave and some in the crowd started smashing the windows and side of a squad car. Another vehicle was set on fire. As officers returned to the’scene, this time with more in riot gear, as many as seven shots could be heard about 8:45 to 9 p.m.Soon thereafter, the crowd turned on and chased reporters and a photographer from the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel. One reporter was shoved to the ground and punched.Police later tweeted that an officer was hit in the head with a brick that was thrown through a squad window. Police said the officer was being treated at a hospital.At nearly 11 p.m., police tweeted that gunshots again were fired near N. 44th St. and W. Auer Ave.City officials said three people had been arrested during the initial disturbance. Another disturbance developed at N. 35th and W. Burleigh streets.Crowd breaks widows of unoccupied squad near Sherman and Auer. Other squad set afire and broken windows on another. Milwaukee Police (@MilwaukeePolice) August 14, 2016City police officials said two officers stopped two suspects in a car about 3:30 p.m. The’suspects then took off on foot. During the pursuit, a six-year veteran of the department shot and killed a 23-year-old Milwaukee resident, who was carrying a semiautomatic handgun, police said.The officer was not hurt.During his midnight news conference, Barrett said the officer pursuing the 23-year-old man ordered him to drop his gun. The man didn’t and the officer fired several times, the mayor said.The man was hit twice, once in the chest and once in the arm. He said police determined there were 23 rounds in the man s gun.Barrett said the officer was wearing a body camera and his understanding was that the camera was operational during the incident. Via: Milwaukee Journal Sentinel
Iraqi forces launched an offensive on Saturday to capture Rawa, the last remaining town under Islamic-State control, leaving the group s self-proclaimed caliphate on the verge of complete defeat. The capture of the town would mark the end of Islamic State s era of territorial rule over a so-called caliphate that it proclaimed in 2014 across vast swathes of Iraq and Syria. Syria s army declared victory over the militants on Thursday, after seizing the last substantial town on the border with Iraq. The army and its allies were still fighting Islamic State in desert areas near Albu Kamal, the last town the militant group had held in Syria. Two Iraqi infantry divisions and Sunni tribal forces are participating in the offensive to recapture the small town of Rawa and its surrounding areas along the border with Syria, the Joint Operations Command said in a statement. Last week, Iraqi forces recaptured the larger town of al-Qaim, in what Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi called record time , leaving just a few small pockets of land in Islamic State s hands. Iraq has been carrying out its final campaign to crush the Islamic State caliphate while also mounting a military offensive in the north against the Kurds who held an independence referendum in September.
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: Iraqi forces launched an offensive on Saturday to capture Rawa, the last remaining town under Islamic-State control, leaving the group s self-proclaimed caliphate on the verge of complete defeat. The capture of the town would mark the end of Islamic State s era of territorial rule over a so-called caliphate that it proclaimed in 2014 across vast swathes of Iraq and Syria. Syria s army declared victory over the militants on Thursday, after seizing the last substantial town on the border with Iraq. The army and its allies were still fighting Islamic State in desert areas near Albu Kamal, the last town the militant group had held in Syria. Two Iraqi infantry divisions and Sunni tribal forces are participating in the offensive to recapture the small town of Rawa and its surrounding areas along the border with Syria, the Joint Operations Command said in a statement. Last week, Iraqi forces recaptured the larger town of al-Qaim, in what Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi called record time , leaving just a few small pockets of land in Islamic State s hands. Iraq has been carrying out its final campaign to crush the Islamic State caliphate while also mounting a military offensive in the north against the Kurds who held an independence referendum in September.
Cameroonian troops this month crossed into Nigeria in pursuit of rebels without seeking authorization from Nigeria, causing a falling-out between the governments behind the scenes, sources familiar with the matter told Reuters. At least one incursion was confirmed by a Nigerian government official, two Nigerian military officers and two foreign diplomats, all of whom spoke on condition of anonymity. Nigerian security forces were deployed to the border to stop any further crossings, said a military source. The Cameroonian and Nigerian governments said in separate statements there were no incursions. Relations between the two countries are good, Cameroon said. Cameroonian military officials and pro-government media accuse Nigeria of sheltering Anglophone insurgents. For the past year they have been based in the dense equatorial forests that straddle the border between the two countries, fighting for an independent state they call Ambazonia. At least 7,000 people have fled as refugees from Anglophone Cameroon to Nigeria following a crackdown ordered this year by President Paul Biya to quell the insurgency, which represents the gravest challenge yet to his 35-year rule. French is the official language for most of Cameroon but two regions speak English and these border Nigeria, which is also Anglophone. Cameroonian troops were in Nigeria, said a foreign diplomat. Zero warning, zero authorization. The troops crossed into Nigeria at least twice this month, the diplomat and a Nigerian military official told Reuters. The incidents have caused anger on both sides and could sour diplomatic relations further as Cameroon increases pressure on its Anglophone regions, according to the diplomat and a Nigerian government official. Tensions are high and could escalate, the government official said. Cameroon government spokesman Issa Tchiroma Bakary denied that troops had crossed the border illegally. Relations between the two countries are cohesive when it comes to fighting against terrorism. Cameroon and Nigeria are on the same wavelength. Nigeria s foreign minister, speaking to Reuters after a cabinet meeting in Abuja, also denied the incursions. The (Nigerian) government had investigated and discovered that it s not true, said Geoffrey Onyeama, Nigeria s foreign minister. But the Nigerian government official and a diplomat said Cameroon had threatened to suspend senior Nigerian embassy officials in Yaounde after they lodged complaints. Tchiroma and Onyeama denied this. Governments in Africa often play down diplomatic disputes and present a show of harmony even during bitter rows. On Monday, rebels killed four gendarmes, Cameroon s government said, the latest raid on police and military positions in the country s southwest region. Nigeria has for decades been West Africa s powerhouse but the militaries of the two countries have cooperated extensively to confront a threat posed by Islamist militant group Boko Haram. The group has staged attacks in Nigeria for years but more recently it has also conducted deadly assaults in Cameroon. Cameroon has repeatedly pressed Nigeria to allow it the right of hot pursuit for Boko Haram militants and the issue has left the countries at loggerheads. After Cameroon s military crossed the border this month in pursuit of separatist insurgents, Nigeria sent security forces to deter any future attempts, said one of the military sources. We were not for war but keeping the peace and protecting our territorial integrity. They were asked to leave and they did and everything has been brought under control, the source said. Many refugees have crossed into Nigeria and many more are still crossing and the Cameroon authorities appear to be concerned that the situation may escalate if they keep coming into Nigeria. Two Cameroonian military officials, speaking on condition of anonymity, told Reuters separatists had set up bases and launched attacks from Nigeria. One attack was on Dec. 14 and involved two groups of at least 100 separatists, one of the officials said. How do you explain that these guys come to attack us and then leave without being troubled across the border? When we drive them back, these separatists withdraw toward Nigeria, the official said. Julius Ayuk Tabe, the Nigeria-based chairman of the Ambazonian Governing Council, the political wing of the armed resistance, said he was not aware of any separatist military bases in Nigeria. Cameroon s linguistic divide harks back to the end of World War One, when the German colony of Kamerun was carved up between allied French and British victors. The English-speaking regions joined the French-speaking Republic of Cameroon the year after its independence in 1960. French speakers have dominated the country s politics since.
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: Cameroonian troops this month crossed into Nigeria in pursuit of rebels without seeking authorization from Nigeria, causing a falling-out between the governments behind the scenes, sources familiar with the matter told Reuters. At least one incursion was confirmed by a Nigerian government official, two Nigerian military officers and two foreign diplomats, all of whom spoke on condition of anonymity. Nigerian security forces were deployed to the border to stop any further crossings, said a military source. The Cameroonian and Nigerian governments said in separate statements there were no incursions. Relations between the two countries are good, Cameroon said. Cameroonian military officials and pro-government media accuse Nigeria of sheltering Anglophone insurgents. For the past year they have been based in the dense equatorial forests that straddle the border between the two countries, fighting for an independent state they call Ambazonia. At least 7,000 people have fled as refugees from Anglophone Cameroon to Nigeria following a crackdown ordered this year by President Paul Biya to quell the insurgency, which represents the gravest challenge yet to his 35-year rule. French is the official language for most of Cameroon but two regions speak English and these border Nigeria, which is also Anglophone. Cameroonian troops were in Nigeria, said a foreign diplomat. Zero warning, zero authorization. The troops crossed into Nigeria at least twice this month, the diplomat and a Nigerian military official told Reuters. The incidents have caused anger on both sides and could sour diplomatic relations further as Cameroon increases pressure on its Anglophone regions, according to the diplomat and a Nigerian government official. Tensions are high and could escalate, the government official said. Cameroon government spokesman Issa Tchiroma Bakary denied that troops had crossed the border illegally. Relations between the two countries are cohesive when it comes to fighting against terrorism. Cameroon and Nigeria are on the same wavelength. Nigeria s foreign minister, speaking to Reuters after a cabinet meeting in Abuja, also denied the incursions. The (Nigerian) government had investigated and discovered that it s not true, said Geoffrey Onyeama, Nigeria s foreign minister. But the Nigerian government official and a diplomat said Cameroon had threatened to suspend senior Nigerian embassy officials in Yaounde after they lodged complaints. Tchiroma and Onyeama denied this. Governments in Africa often play down diplomatic disputes and present a show of harmony even during bitter rows. On Monday, rebels killed four gendarmes, Cameroon s government said, the latest raid on police and military positions in the country s southwest region. Nigeria has for decades been West Africa s powerhouse but the militaries of the two countries have cooperated extensively to confront a threat posed by Islamist militant group Boko Haram. The group has staged attacks in Nigeria for years but more recently it has also conducted deadly assaults in Cameroon. Cameroon has repeatedly pressed Nigeria to allow it the right of hot pursuit for Boko Haram militants and the issue has left the countries at loggerheads. After Cameroon s military crossed the border this month in pursuit of separatist insurgents, Nigeria sent security forces to deter any future attempts, said one of the military sources. We were not for war but keeping the peace and protecting our territorial integrity. They were asked to leave and they did and everything has been brought under control, the source said. Many refugees have crossed into Nigeria and many more are still crossing and the Cameroon authorities appear to be concerned that the situation may escalate if they keep coming into Nigeria. Two Cameroonian military officials, speaking on condition of anonymity, told Reuters separatists had set up bases and launched attacks from Nigeria. One attack was on Dec. 14 and involved two groups of at least 100 separatists, one of the officials said. How do you explain that these guys come to attack us and then leave without being troubled across the border? When we drive them back, these separatists withdraw toward Nigeria, the official said. Julius Ayuk Tabe, the Nigeria-based chairman of the Ambazonian Governing Council, the political wing of the armed resistance, said he was not aware of any separatist military bases in Nigeria. Cameroon s linguistic divide harks back to the end of World War One, when the German colony of Kamerun was carved up between allied French and British victors. The English-speaking regions joined the French-speaking Republic of Cameroon the year after its independence in 1960. French speakers have dominated the country s politics since.
The White House may name an acting director of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, the Justice Department said in a memo on Saturday that endorsed an action by the Trump administration. “The President may designate an Acting Director of the CFPB,” the eight-page memo said. On Friday, the White House said Mick Mulvaney, President Donald Trump’s budget director, would lead the CFPB on an interim basis.
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: The White House may name an acting director of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, the Justice Department said in a memo on Saturday that endorsed an action by the Trump administration. “The President may designate an Acting Director of the CFPB,” the eight-page memo said. On Friday, the White House said Mick Mulvaney, President Donald Trump’s budget director, would lead the CFPB on an interim basis.
It s Hard To Know Who Obama Hates More America, Israel Or Our Police Officers Barry doesn’t have time to attend the funerals of any of the cops who ve been murdered in his race war, but he’s got time to meet with a CAIR sponsored victim of alleged police brutality following a violent protest, supposedly at the hands of Israel police officers. He s always got time for the victim, especially if the radical muslim organization, CAIR has anything to do with using the victim s status to promote their radical cause. A White House official confirmed that the Obama administration s national security team recently met with a teenager who garnered international headlines after a video of him being beaten by Israeli police during a protest in East Jerusalem emerged on the Internet.Tariq Khdeir, a fifteen-year-old Tampa resident of Palestinian decent, was hosted at the White House for continuing meetings with the Obama administration, which says that it is continuing to monitor the case.Khdeir was filmed being beaten and arrested by Israeli police last summer during a riot in a Palestinian neighborhood over the death of Muhammad Abu Khdeir, Tariq s cousin.A White House official confirmed late Monday to the Washington Free Beacon that Khdeir and his family were hosted at the White House for meetings. The confirmation came following initial reports of the April 15 meeting by CNN. The U.S. government has remained closely engaged with Tariq and his family since his return from Jerusalem, a White House official told the Free Beacon. As part of the follow-up on pending issues related to his case, National Security Council staff met with the Abu Khdeir family recently. While Tariq Khdeir was originally accused of participating in the riot which came amid a series of similar riots in Jerusalem last summer he was cleared of all charges in January.Khdeir s cousin Muhammad was the victim of an apparent revenge killing in the wake of the abduction and slaughter of three Israeli teens by Palestinian terrorists.Anti-Israel activists touted the video of Khdeir s beating as proof of widespread Israeli aggression and malfeasance in East Jerusalem. Organizations such as the Council of America-Islamic Relations (CAIR) have featured Khdeir as a speaker at various anti-Israel conferences.The family is reportedly seeking assurances that Khdeir will not be subjected to retaliation by Israel should he return to Jerusalem.The Obama administration is reportedly miffed with Israel over the incident and believes the government has not taken such incidents seriously, according to CNN. Based on numerous conversations with administration officials on background, there is a widespread belief within the Obama administration that the Israeli government does not take these incidents against American citizens with the’seriousness U.S. officials believe they merit, CNN reported. Unless there is video evidence that excessive force was used, as in the case of Tariq Khdeir, Israeli government officials inevitably conclude that the action taken was justified and in keeping with national security needs, officials say, according to the report.Via: Washington Free Beacon
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: It s Hard To Know Who Obama Hates More America, Israel Or Our Police Officers Barry doesn’t have time to attend the funerals of any of the cops who ve been murdered in his race war, but he’s got time to meet with a CAIR sponsored victim of alleged police brutality following a violent protest, supposedly at the hands of Israel police officers. He s always got time for the victim, especially if the radical muslim organization, CAIR has anything to do with using the victim s status to promote their radical cause. A White House official confirmed that the Obama administration s national security team recently met with a teenager who garnered international headlines after a video of him being beaten by Israeli police during a protest in East Jerusalem emerged on the Internet.Tariq Khdeir, a fifteen-year-old Tampa resident of Palestinian decent, was hosted at the White House for continuing meetings with the Obama administration, which says that it is continuing to monitor the case.Khdeir was filmed being beaten and arrested by Israeli police last summer during a riot in a Palestinian neighborhood over the death of Muhammad Abu Khdeir, Tariq s cousin.A White House official confirmed late Monday to the Washington Free Beacon that Khdeir and his family were hosted at the White House for meetings. The confirmation came following initial reports of the April 15 meeting by CNN. The U.S. government has remained closely engaged with Tariq and his family since his return from Jerusalem, a White House official told the Free Beacon. As part of the follow-up on pending issues related to his case, National Security Council staff met with the Abu Khdeir family recently. While Tariq Khdeir was originally accused of participating in the riot which came amid a series of similar riots in Jerusalem last summer he was cleared of all charges in January.Khdeir s cousin Muhammad was the victim of an apparent revenge killing in the wake of the abduction and slaughter of three Israeli teens by Palestinian terrorists.Anti-Israel activists touted the video of Khdeir s beating as proof of widespread Israeli aggression and malfeasance in East Jerusalem. Organizations such as the Council of America-Islamic Relations (CAIR) have featured Khdeir as a speaker at various anti-Israel conferences.The family is reportedly seeking assurances that Khdeir will not be subjected to retaliation by Israel should he return to Jerusalem.The Obama administration is reportedly miffed with Israel over the incident and believes the government has not taken such incidents seriously, according to CNN. Based on numerous conversations with administration officials on background, there is a widespread belief within the Obama administration that the Israeli government does not take these incidents against American citizens with the’seriousness U.S. officials believe they merit, CNN reported. Unless there is video evidence that excessive force was used, as in the case of Tariq Khdeir, Israeli government officials inevitably conclude that the action taken was justified and in keeping with national security needs, officials say, according to the report.Via: Washington Free Beacon
The U.S.-led coalition fighting Islamic State militants said on Thursday another 51 civilians had been killed in strikes in Iraq and Syria, raising the total number of civilians it has killed to 786 since 2014. The coalition said in a statement that during September, it had assessed 127 reports and the 51 additional deaths occurred in 16 incidents going back as far as February that it deemed were credible. The coalition, battling to defeat Islamic State militants in Iraq and Syria, says it goes to great lengths to avoid civilian casualties. The military s official tally is far below those of outside organizations. The monitoring group Airwars says at least 5,637 civilians have been killed by coalition strikes. Iraqi forces launched an attack to drive Islamic State from the last territory it holds in Iraq on Thursday and the Syrian army and its allies said they planned to march on the jihadists last Syrian stronghold. The separate assaults across the Iraqi-Syrian frontier aim to deal a final blow to the Islamic State caliphate that has crumbled this year in Syria and Iraq, with the group losing the cities of Mosul, Raqqa and swathes of other territory.
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: The U.S.-led coalition fighting Islamic State militants said on Thursday another 51 civilians had been killed in strikes in Iraq and Syria, raising the total number of civilians it has killed to 786 since 2014. The coalition said in a statement that during September, it had assessed 127 reports and the 51 additional deaths occurred in 16 incidents going back as far as February that it deemed were credible. The coalition, battling to defeat Islamic State militants in Iraq and Syria, says it goes to great lengths to avoid civilian casualties. The military s official tally is far below those of outside organizations. The monitoring group Airwars says at least 5,637 civilians have been killed by coalition strikes. Iraqi forces launched an attack to drive Islamic State from the last territory it holds in Iraq on Thursday and the Syrian army and its allies said they planned to march on the jihadists last Syrian stronghold. The separate assaults across the Iraqi-Syrian frontier aim to deal a final blow to the Islamic State caliphate that has crumbled this year in Syria and Iraq, with the group losing the cities of Mosul, Raqqa and swathes of other territory.
A Norwegian court sentenced a 17-year-old Russian citizen to nine months in jail on Monday for making a small explosive device and bringing it to the center of Oslo in April. Prosecutors had sought a two-year sentence for the teenager, saying he had frequented Islamist websites, become radicalised and possessed images of Islamic State members killing prisonners. The teenager, who denied any wrongdoing, said he had been planning to detonate the device in a forest near his home. The device was placed in central Oslo on a busy Saturday night in April, one day after a truck attack in Stockholm in neighboring Sweden killed five people. The Oslo police bomb squad said the device was about 30 cm (1 ft) across and appeared capable of causing only a small amount of damage.[L8N1HH0LT] Soon after the discovery of the device, Norwegian police raised the country s security threat level. The teenager has lived in Norway since 2010 and has previously applied for asylum. The status of that application was not immediately clear. In 2011, far-right mass murderer Anders Behring Breivik set off a car bomb in Oslo that killed eight people and destroyed Norway s government headquarters, before going on a shooting rampage, killing 69 people at nearby Utoeya island.
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: A Norwegian court sentenced a 17-year-old Russian citizen to nine months in jail on Monday for making a small explosive device and bringing it to the center of Oslo in April. Prosecutors had sought a two-year sentence for the teenager, saying he had frequented Islamist websites, become radicalised and possessed images of Islamic State members killing prisonners. The teenager, who denied any wrongdoing, said he had been planning to detonate the device in a forest near his home. The device was placed in central Oslo on a busy Saturday night in April, one day after a truck attack in Stockholm in neighboring Sweden killed five people. The Oslo police bomb squad said the device was about 30 cm (1 ft) across and appeared capable of causing only a small amount of damage.[L8N1HH0LT] Soon after the discovery of the device, Norwegian police raised the country s security threat level. The teenager has lived in Norway since 2010 and has previously applied for asylum. The status of that application was not immediately clear. In 2011, far-right mass murderer Anders Behring Breivik set off a car bomb in Oslo that killed eight people and destroyed Norway s government headquarters, before going on a shooting rampage, killing 69 people at nearby Utoeya island.
The heads of the Pentagon and the U.S. intelligence community have recommended to President Barack Obama that the director of the National Security Agency, Admiral Michael Rogers, be removed from his position, sources familiar with the matter said on Saturday.     The recommendation by Defense Secretary Ash Carter and Director of National Intelligence James Clapper, first reported by The Washington Post, was delivered to the White House last month.        Obama chose Rogers to take over at the NSA in 2014 and gave him the task of repairing the damage after the huge leaks about its electronic spying program by contractor Edward Snowden.     But there have been other security lapses, the sources said, including the one that led to the arrest of NSA contractor Harold Martin earlier this year.         Rogers is being considered as a potential new director of national intelligence by President-elect Donald Trump, a post that oversees all 17 U.S. intelligence agencies.     The Washington Post reported that a decision by Rogers to travel to New York to meet with Trump on Thursday without notifying superiors caused consternation at senior levels of the administration, but the recommendation to remove him predated his visit. Rogers is head of both the National Security Agency and the U.S. military’s Cyber Command. Carter was also disappointed with the Cyber Command’s performance in the war against Islamic State, another source said. The White House, Pentagon, NSA and office of the Director of National Intelligence declined to comment. A Trump campaign spokesman had no immediate comment.     U.S. Representative Devin Nunes, chairman of the House of Representatives Intelligence Committee and a Republican, said later on Saturday he had written to Carter and Clapper asking them to testify to the committee about the matter. The Obama administration wants to split leadership at the National Security Agency and Cyber Command, arguing that the job of leading two agencies with differing missions is too much for one person.     But some members of Congress, led by Republican Senator John McCain, the Senate Armed Services Committee chairman, oppose that plan, saying that Cyber Command needs access to the NSA’s resources to do its job effectively.
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: The heads of the Pentagon and the U.S. intelligence community have recommended to President Barack Obama that the director of the National Security Agency, Admiral Michael Rogers, be removed from his position, sources familiar with the matter said on Saturday.     The recommendation by Defense Secretary Ash Carter and Director of National Intelligence James Clapper, first reported by The Washington Post, was delivered to the White House last month.        Obama chose Rogers to take over at the NSA in 2014 and gave him the task of repairing the damage after the huge leaks about its electronic spying program by contractor Edward Snowden.     But there have been other security lapses, the sources said, including the one that led to the arrest of NSA contractor Harold Martin earlier this year.         Rogers is being considered as a potential new director of national intelligence by President-elect Donald Trump, a post that oversees all 17 U.S. intelligence agencies.     The Washington Post reported that a decision by Rogers to travel to New York to meet with Trump on Thursday without notifying superiors caused consternation at senior levels of the administration, but the recommendation to remove him predated his visit. Rogers is head of both the National Security Agency and the U.S. military’s Cyber Command. Carter was also disappointed with the Cyber Command’s performance in the war against Islamic State, another source said. The White House, Pentagon, NSA and office of the Director of National Intelligence declined to comment. A Trump campaign spokesman had no immediate comment.     U.S. Representative Devin Nunes, chairman of the House of Representatives Intelligence Committee and a Republican, said later on Saturday he had written to Carter and Clapper asking them to testify to the committee about the matter. The Obama administration wants to split leadership at the National Security Agency and Cyber Command, arguing that the job of leading two agencies with differing missions is too much for one person.     But some members of Congress, led by Republican Senator John McCain, the Senate Armed Services Committee chairman, oppose that plan, saying that Cyber Command needs access to the NSA’s resources to do its job effectively.