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The most crooked person to ever run for President The Obama administration is moving to dismiss charges against an arms dealer it had accused of selling weapons that were destined for Libyan rebels.Lawyers for the Justice Department on Monday filed a motion in federal court in Phoenix to drop the case against the arms dealer, an American named Marc Turi, whose lawyers also signed the motion.The deal averts a trial that threatened to cast additional scrutiny on Hillary Clinton s private emails as Secretary of State, and to expose reported Central Intelligence Agency attempts to arm rebels fighting Libyan leader Moammar Qadhafi.Government lawyers were facing a Wednesday deadline to produce documents to Turi s legal team, and the trial was officially set to begin on Election Day, although it likely would have been delayed by protracted disputes about classified information in the case.A Turi associate asserted that the government dropped the case because the proceedings could have embarrassed Clinton and President Barack Obama by calling attention to the reported role of their administration in supplying weapons that fell into the hands of Islamic extremist militants. They don’t want this stuff to come out because it will look really bad for Obama and Clinton just before the election, said the associate.In the dismissal motion, prosecutors say discovery rulings from U.S. District Court Judge David Campbell contributed to the decision to drop the case. The joint motion asks the judge to accept a confidential agreement to resolve the case through a civil settlement between the State Department and the arms broker. Our position from the outset has been that this case never should have been brought and we’re glad it s over, said Jean-Jacques Cabou, a Perkins Coie partner serving as court-appointed defense counsel in the case. Mr Turi didn’t break the law .We re very glad the charges are being dismissed. Under the deal, Turi admits no guilt in the transactions he participated in, but he agreed to refrain from U.S.-regulated arms dealing for four years. A $200,000 civil penalty will be waived if Turi abides by the agreement.A State Department official confirmed the outlines of the agreement. Mr. Turi cooperated with the Department s Directorate of Defense Trade Controls in its review and proposed administrative settlement of the alleged violations, said the official, who asked not be named. Based on a compliance review, DDTC alleged that Mr. Turi engaged in brokering activities for the proposed transfer of defense articles to Libya, a proscribed destination under [arms trade regulations,] despite the Department s denial of requests for the required prior approval of such activities. Turi adviser Robert Stryk of the government relations and consulting firm SPG accused the government of trying to scapegoat Turi to cover up Clinton s mishandling of Libya. The U.S. government spent millions of dollars, went all over the world to bankrupt him, and destroyed his life all to protect Hillary Clinton s crimes, he’said, alluding to the deadly Sept. 11, 2012 terrorist attack on the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi, Libya.Read more: Politico
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: The most crooked person to ever run for President The Obama administration is moving to dismiss charges against an arms dealer it had accused of selling weapons that were destined for Libyan rebels.Lawyers for the Justice Department on Monday filed a motion in federal court in Phoenix to drop the case against the arms dealer, an American named Marc Turi, whose lawyers also signed the motion.The deal averts a trial that threatened to cast additional scrutiny on Hillary Clinton s private emails as Secretary of State, and to expose reported Central Intelligence Agency attempts to arm rebels fighting Libyan leader Moammar Qadhafi.Government lawyers were facing a Wednesday deadline to produce documents to Turi s legal team, and the trial was officially set to begin on Election Day, although it likely would have been delayed by protracted disputes about classified information in the case.A Turi associate asserted that the government dropped the case because the proceedings could have embarrassed Clinton and President Barack Obama by calling attention to the reported role of their administration in supplying weapons that fell into the hands of Islamic extremist militants. They don’t want this stuff to come out because it will look really bad for Obama and Clinton just before the election, said the associate.In the dismissal motion, prosecutors say discovery rulings from U.S. District Court Judge David Campbell contributed to the decision to drop the case. The joint motion asks the judge to accept a confidential agreement to resolve the case through a civil settlement between the State Department and the arms broker. Our position from the outset has been that this case never should have been brought and we’re glad it s over, said Jean-Jacques Cabou, a Perkins Coie partner serving as court-appointed defense counsel in the case. Mr Turi didn’t break the law .We re very glad the charges are being dismissed. Under the deal, Turi admits no guilt in the transactions he participated in, but he agreed to refrain from U.S.-regulated arms dealing for four years. A $200,000 civil penalty will be waived if Turi abides by the agreement.A State Department official confirmed the outlines of the agreement. Mr. Turi cooperated with the Department s Directorate of Defense Trade Controls in its review and proposed administrative settlement of the alleged violations, said the official, who asked not be named. Based on a compliance review, DDTC alleged that Mr. Turi engaged in brokering activities for the proposed transfer of defense articles to Libya, a proscribed destination under [arms trade regulations,] despite the Department s denial of requests for the required prior approval of such activities. Turi adviser Robert Stryk of the government relations and consulting firm SPG accused the government of trying to scapegoat Turi to cover up Clinton s mishandling of Libya. The U.S. government spent millions of dollars, went all over the world to bankrupt him, and destroyed his life all to protect Hillary Clinton s crimes, he’said, alluding to the deadly Sept. 11, 2012 terrorist attack on the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi, Libya.Read more: Politico
U.S Secretary of Defense James Mattis, on his first full day in office, spoke with NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg to highlight the importance he places on the military alliance, a Pentagon spokesman said on Monday. President Donald Trump has said that while the military alliance was still very important to him, the North Atlantic Treaty Organization was nonetheless obsolete because it had not defended against terror attacks. Trump added in a recent interview with The Times of London that many NATO members were not paying their fair share for U.S. protection. “The two leaders discussed the importance of our shared values, and the secretary emphasized that when looking for allies to help defend these values, the United States always starts with Europe,” Pentagon spokesman Captain Jeff Davis said in a statement regarding the call. “Both pledged to consult in the months to come and look forward to meeting in person during the NATO Defense Ministerial in February,” Davis said. The Pentagon said Mattis also spoke with his counterparts from Britain and Canada.
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: U.S Secretary of Defense James Mattis, on his first full day in office, spoke with NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg to highlight the importance he places on the military alliance, a Pentagon spokesman said on Monday. President Donald Trump has said that while the military alliance was still very important to him, the North Atlantic Treaty Organization was nonetheless obsolete because it had not defended against terror attacks. Trump added in a recent interview with The Times of London that many NATO members were not paying their fair share for U.S. protection. “The two leaders discussed the importance of our shared values, and the secretary emphasized that when looking for allies to help defend these values, the United States always starts with Europe,” Pentagon spokesman Captain Jeff Davis said in a statement regarding the call. “Both pledged to consult in the months to come and look forward to meeting in person during the NATO Defense Ministerial in February,” Davis said. The Pentagon said Mattis also spoke with his counterparts from Britain and Canada.
Indonesian police appealed on Thursday for tolerance and respect for other people s religious celebrations after an Islamist group threatened to raid businesses to check for Muslims being forced to wear Santa Claus hats or other Christmas garb. The hardline Islamic Defenders Front (FPI) said this week it would conduct sweeping operations in the world s biggest Muslim-majority country, and that forcing Muslims to wear Christmas attire was a violation of their human rights. Indonesia is home to several religious minorities, including Christians, Hindus, Buddhists and people who follow traditional beliefs. The constitution guarantees freedom of religion in an officially secular state though tension between followers of different faiths can flare. There can be no sweeping operations ... members of the public should respect other religions that are carrying out celebrations, national police chief Tito Karnavian told police during a security exercise in the capital, Jakarta. The FPI said it aimed to enforce a fatwa, or decree, issued by Indonesia s Islamic Clerical Council in 2016 prohibiting business owners from forcing employees to wear Christmas clothing. We will raid businesses in anticipation of them being stubborn about this and we will be accompanied by police, said Novel Bakmukmin, head of the FPI s Jakarta chapter. Employers forcing staff to wear Christmas clothes were violating their rights. Businesses should be aware that there should be no forcing, he said. The Islamic Clerical Council s decrees are not legally binding but serve as guidelines for Indonesian Muslims. Christmas is widely celebrated across Indonesia and holiday decorations are ubiquitous, especially at shops, restaurants and malls where many enthusiastic workers - even Muslims - don Santa hats or elf costumes. The FPI built its reputation with raids on restaurants and bars serving alcohol during the Muslim fasting month of Ramadan. In recent years, it has turned its attention to Christian celebrations. The group has also said it wants the Jakarta city government to stop sponsoring New Year celebrations, which attract many thousands of people. About 90,000 police officers will be on duty cross the country during the end-of-year holidays, in an operation largely aimed at preventing militant attacks. Attacks on churches in Jakarta and elsewhere on Christmas Eve in 2000, killed nearly 20 people. Ever since, authorities have stepped up security at churches and tourist spots for the holiday.
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: Indonesian police appealed on Thursday for tolerance and respect for other people s religious celebrations after an Islamist group threatened to raid businesses to check for Muslims being forced to wear Santa Claus hats or other Christmas garb. The hardline Islamic Defenders Front (FPI) said this week it would conduct sweeping operations in the world s biggest Muslim-majority country, and that forcing Muslims to wear Christmas attire was a violation of their human rights. Indonesia is home to several religious minorities, including Christians, Hindus, Buddhists and people who follow traditional beliefs. The constitution guarantees freedom of religion in an officially secular state though tension between followers of different faiths can flare. There can be no sweeping operations ... members of the public should respect other religions that are carrying out celebrations, national police chief Tito Karnavian told police during a security exercise in the capital, Jakarta. The FPI said it aimed to enforce a fatwa, or decree, issued by Indonesia s Islamic Clerical Council in 2016 prohibiting business owners from forcing employees to wear Christmas clothing. We will raid businesses in anticipation of them being stubborn about this and we will be accompanied by police, said Novel Bakmukmin, head of the FPI s Jakarta chapter. Employers forcing staff to wear Christmas clothes were violating their rights. Businesses should be aware that there should be no forcing, he said. The Islamic Clerical Council s decrees are not legally binding but serve as guidelines for Indonesian Muslims. Christmas is widely celebrated across Indonesia and holiday decorations are ubiquitous, especially at shops, restaurants and malls where many enthusiastic workers - even Muslims - don Santa hats or elf costumes. The FPI built its reputation with raids on restaurants and bars serving alcohol during the Muslim fasting month of Ramadan. In recent years, it has turned its attention to Christian celebrations. The group has also said it wants the Jakarta city government to stop sponsoring New Year celebrations, which attract many thousands of people. About 90,000 police officers will be on duty cross the country during the end-of-year holidays, in an operation largely aimed at preventing militant attacks. Attacks on churches in Jakarta and elsewhere on Christmas Eve in 2000, killed nearly 20 people. Ever since, authorities have stepped up security at churches and tourist spots for the holiday.
Can you believe this? This is ridiculous! No one is denying we have a climate and that it changes. The left thinks up the most idiotic terms
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: Can you believe this? This is ridiculous! No one is denying we have a climate and that it changes. The left thinks up the most idiotic terms
A sheriff’s department in North Dakota is investigating possible charges against the U.S. Green Party presidential candidate, Jill Stein, for damaging equipment during protests on Tuesday over construction of an oil pipeline. Stein was part of a group protesting the Dakota Access pipeline and spray-painted construction equipment, the Morton County Sheriff’s Department said. Stein does not dispute the account. Protesters, who say the project will damage burial sites considered sacred to a nearby Native American tribe and pollute the area’s drinking water, also attached themselves to bulldozers and broke a fence, the department said. Stein, a 66-year-old doctor and environmental activist from Massachusetts, said in a statement that she had spray-painted the words “I approve this message” onto a bulldozer, a nod to the phrase American politicians append to their advertisements to comply with transparency laws. No arrests were made, the department said, and the investigation was continuing. The department also posted a picture on its Facebook page that showed Stein spraying the bulldozer, calling it a “criminal act.” The $3.7 billion, 1,100-mile (1,800-km) pipeline project would be the first to move crude oil from the Bakken shale, a vast oil formation in North Dakota, to refineries on the U.S. Gulf Coast. Energy Transfer Partners is leading a group of firms to build it. The project sparked violent clashes during the weekend between tribe members and other protesters and security officers near the construction site, and the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe is seeking a court order to block construction. The Green Party opposes continued investment in oil extraction because of its link to climate change. “I hope the North Dakota authorities press charges against the real vandalism taking place at the Standing Rock Sioux reservation: the bulldozing of sacred burial sites and the unleashing of vicious attack dogs,” Stein said in her statement. She said that pipeline security officials had used dogs and pepper spray on protesters over the weekend. A spokeswoman for Energy Transfer Partners did not respond to a request for comment. A Reuters-Ipsos poll in late August showed Stein the first choice of 2 percent of voters, trailing Democrat Hillary Clinton, Republican Donald Trump and Libertarian Gary Johnson. The U.S. presidential election will be held on Nov. 8. Stein was arrested for trespassing in Texas during her 2012 presidential campaign when she tried to take supplies to protesters opposed to the Keystone XL pipeline.
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: A sheriff’s department in North Dakota is investigating possible charges against the U.S. Green Party presidential candidate, Jill Stein, for damaging equipment during protests on Tuesday over construction of an oil pipeline. Stein was part of a group protesting the Dakota Access pipeline and spray-painted construction equipment, the Morton County Sheriff’s Department said. Stein does not dispute the account. Protesters, who say the project will damage burial sites considered sacred to a nearby Native American tribe and pollute the area’s drinking water, also attached themselves to bulldozers and broke a fence, the department said. Stein, a 66-year-old doctor and environmental activist from Massachusetts, said in a statement that she had spray-painted the words “I approve this message” onto a bulldozer, a nod to the phrase American politicians append to their advertisements to comply with transparency laws. No arrests were made, the department said, and the investigation was continuing. The department also posted a picture on its Facebook page that showed Stein spraying the bulldozer, calling it a “criminal act.” The $3.7 billion, 1,100-mile (1,800-km) pipeline project would be the first to move crude oil from the Bakken shale, a vast oil formation in North Dakota, to refineries on the U.S. Gulf Coast. Energy Transfer Partners is leading a group of firms to build it. The project sparked violent clashes during the weekend between tribe members and other protesters and security officers near the construction site, and the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe is seeking a court order to block construction. The Green Party opposes continued investment in oil extraction because of its link to climate change. “I hope the North Dakota authorities press charges against the real vandalism taking place at the Standing Rock Sioux reservation: the bulldozing of sacred burial sites and the unleashing of vicious attack dogs,” Stein said in her statement. She said that pipeline security officials had used dogs and pepper spray on protesters over the weekend. A spokeswoman for Energy Transfer Partners did not respond to a request for comment. A Reuters-Ipsos poll in late August showed Stein the first choice of 2 percent of voters, trailing Democrat Hillary Clinton, Republican Donald Trump and Libertarian Gary Johnson. The U.S. presidential election will be held on Nov. 8. Stein was arrested for trespassing in Texas during her 2012 presidential campaign when she tried to take supplies to protesters opposed to the Keystone XL pipeline.
Tune in to the Alternate Current Radio Network (ACR) for another LIVE broadcast of The Boiler Room starting at 6:00 PM PST | 8:00 PM CST | 9:00 PM EST for this special broadcast. Join us for uncensored, uninterruptible talk radio, custom-made for barfly philosophers, misguided moralists, masochists, street corner evangelists, media-maniacs, savants, political animals and otherwise lovable rascals.Join ACR hosts Hesher and Spore along with Jay Dyer, Andy Nowicki and Daniel Spaulding of Soul of the East for the 84th episode of BOILER ROOM. Dim the lights, dawn the headphones and indulge in a post-election special broadcast of Boiler Room with the crew. This week we’re going examining the media backlash from the #DiscreditedMedia (RIP Mainstream Media) that opposed a Trump Presidency, announcing the release of Jay Dyer s first book and much more.Please like and share the program and visit our donate page to get involved!BOILER ROOM IS NOT A POLICTALLY CORRECT ZONE! LISTEN TO THE SHOW IN THE PLAYER BELOW ENJOY!Listen to Boiler Room #84 The Discredited Media Strikes Back on Spreaker.Reference Links:
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: Tune in to the Alternate Current Radio Network (ACR) for another LIVE broadcast of The Boiler Room starting at 6:00 PM PST | 8:00 PM CST | 9:00 PM EST for this special broadcast. Join us for uncensored, uninterruptible talk radio, custom-made for barfly philosophers, misguided moralists, masochists, street corner evangelists, media-maniacs, savants, political animals and otherwise lovable rascals.Join ACR hosts Hesher and Spore along with Jay Dyer, Andy Nowicki and Daniel Spaulding of Soul of the East for the 84th episode of BOILER ROOM. Dim the lights, dawn the headphones and indulge in a post-election special broadcast of Boiler Room with the crew. This week we’re going examining the media backlash from the #DiscreditedMedia (RIP Mainstream Media) that opposed a Trump Presidency, announcing the release of Jay Dyer s first book and much more.Please like and share the program and visit our donate page to get involved!BOILER ROOM IS NOT A POLICTALLY CORRECT ZONE! LISTEN TO THE SHOW IN THE PLAYER BELOW ENJOY!Listen to Boiler Room #84 The Discredited Media Strikes Back on Spreaker.Reference Links:
Lawmakers on Tuesday called for more information after reports that President Donald Trump asked then-FBI Director James Comey to drop an investigation of former White House national security adviser Michael Flynn. The White House said a memo written by Comey after he met with Trump in February was not an accurate portrayal of the conversation. Details of the memo were first reported by The New York Times and were confirmed by a Reuters source. Last week, the Republican president fired Comey, who had been leading an investigation into the Trump 2016 presidential campaign’s possible collusion with Russia to influence the election outcome. Flynn resigned in February after disclosures that he had discussed U.S. sanctions on Russia with the Russian ambassador to the United States before Trump took office and misled Vice President Mike Pence about the conversations. Media reports of the Comey memo prompted members of Congress to renew calls for an independent investigation into the Trump campaign’s possible connections to Russia and for Comey to testify before Congress. Here are reactions from Capitol Hill: “@GOPoversight is going to get the Comey memo, if it exists. I need to see it sooner rather than later. I have my subpoena pen ready.” - Republican Representative Jason Chaffetz, chairman of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee, on Twitter. He later sent the Federal Bureau of Investigation a letter asking for all memos, notes and recordings between Comey and Trump by May 24. “What we’re seeing ... is an obstruction of justice case unfolding in real time. And I’m still stunned that more of my Republican colleagues are not standing strong and speaking out.” - Democratic Senator Richard Blumenthal to CNN “I have to say yes simply because obstruction of justice is such a serious offense. And I say it with sadness and reluctance.” - Independent Senator Angus King, asked on CNN if Congress was getting close to impeachment proceedings “We’re a long ways from a conviction - the fact that we simply have a headline in The New York Times.” - Republican Representative Trey Gowdy on Fox News “We need to have all the facts and it is appropriate for the House Oversight Committee to request this memo.” - AshLee Strong, spokeswoman for Republican House Speaker Paul Ryan, in a statement “I don’t want to read a memo. I want to hear it from him (Comey).” - Republican Senator Lindsey Graham in an MSNBC interview “This is an explosive allegation and it appears like a textbook case of criminal obstruction of justice. We need to hear testimony immediately from Director Comey - in public. ... We also obviously need to get Director Comey’s memos immediately, as well as all associated records, including any audio tapes, and notes, if they exist.” - Democratic Representative Elijah Cummings in a statement “If true, this is yet another disturbing allegation that the president may have engaged in some interference or obstruction of the investigation. I think we know enough now. There’s been enough alleged publicly to want to bring the director back to testify, ideally in open session, either before our committee or the Judiciary Committee.” - Democratic Representative Adam Schiff to reporters “Country must have answers. It is clear former FBI Director Comey should testify before Congress.” - Republican Representative Frank LoBiondo on Twitter “If these reports are true, the president’s brazen attempt to shut down the FBI’s investigation of Michael Flynn is an assault on the rule of law that is fundamental to our democracy. At best, President Trump has committed a grave abuse of executive power. At worst, he has obstructed justice.” - Democratic Representative Nancy Pelosi in a statement “I’m shocked and surprised by this development and would like to discuss it with Chairman Grassley and look forward to doing so. The Judiciary Committee is the appropriate place to hold a hearing and get to the bottom of exactly what was said and by whom.” - Democratic Senator Dianne Feinstein in a statement “The stories of the last week raise serious questions about whether the president respects the independence of the FBI and law enforcement authorities. It is vital that Congress obtain these memos and hear public testimony from former Director Comey. ... The American people deserve answers about President Trump’s conduct.” - Democratic Senator Bob Casey in a statement
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: Lawmakers on Tuesday called for more information after reports that President Donald Trump asked then-FBI Director James Comey to drop an investigation of former White House national security adviser Michael Flynn. The White House said a memo written by Comey after he met with Trump in February was not an accurate portrayal of the conversation. Details of the memo were first reported by The New York Times and were confirmed by a Reuters source. Last week, the Republican president fired Comey, who had been leading an investigation into the Trump 2016 presidential campaign’s possible collusion with Russia to influence the election outcome. Flynn resigned in February after disclosures that he had discussed U.S. sanctions on Russia with the Russian ambassador to the United States before Trump took office and misled Vice President Mike Pence about the conversations. Media reports of the Comey memo prompted members of Congress to renew calls for an independent investigation into the Trump campaign’s possible connections to Russia and for Comey to testify before Congress. Here are reactions from Capitol Hill: “@GOPoversight is going to get the Comey memo, if it exists. I need to see it sooner rather than later. I have my subpoena pen ready.” - Republican Representative Jason Chaffetz, chairman of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee, on Twitter. He later sent the Federal Bureau of Investigation a letter asking for all memos, notes and recordings between Comey and Trump by May 24. “What we’re seeing ... is an obstruction of justice case unfolding in real time. And I’m still stunned that more of my Republican colleagues are not standing strong and speaking out.” - Democratic Senator Richard Blumenthal to CNN “I have to say yes simply because obstruction of justice is such a serious offense. And I say it with sadness and reluctance.” - Independent Senator Angus King, asked on CNN if Congress was getting close to impeachment proceedings “We’re a long ways from a conviction - the fact that we simply have a headline in The New York Times.” - Republican Representative Trey Gowdy on Fox News “We need to have all the facts and it is appropriate for the House Oversight Committee to request this memo.” - AshLee Strong, spokeswoman for Republican House Speaker Paul Ryan, in a statement “I don’t want to read a memo. I want to hear it from him (Comey).” - Republican Senator Lindsey Graham in an MSNBC interview “This is an explosive allegation and it appears like a textbook case of criminal obstruction of justice. We need to hear testimony immediately from Director Comey - in public. ... We also obviously need to get Director Comey’s memos immediately, as well as all associated records, including any audio tapes, and notes, if they exist.” - Democratic Representative Elijah Cummings in a statement “If true, this is yet another disturbing allegation that the president may have engaged in some interference or obstruction of the investigation. I think we know enough now. There’s been enough alleged publicly to want to bring the director back to testify, ideally in open session, either before our committee or the Judiciary Committee.” - Democratic Representative Adam Schiff to reporters “Country must have answers. It is clear former FBI Director Comey should testify before Congress.” - Republican Representative Frank LoBiondo on Twitter “If these reports are true, the president’s brazen attempt to shut down the FBI’s investigation of Michael Flynn is an assault on the rule of law that is fundamental to our democracy. At best, President Trump has committed a grave abuse of executive power. At worst, he has obstructed justice.” - Democratic Representative Nancy Pelosi in a statement “I’m shocked and surprised by this development and would like to discuss it with Chairman Grassley and look forward to doing so. The Judiciary Committee is the appropriate place to hold a hearing and get to the bottom of exactly what was said and by whom.” - Democratic Senator Dianne Feinstein in a statement “The stories of the last week raise serious questions about whether the president respects the independence of the FBI and law enforcement authorities. It is vital that Congress obtain these memos and hear public testimony from former Director Comey. ... The American people deserve answers about President Trump’s conduct.” - Democratic Senator Bob Casey in a statement
Silly parents you’don’t get to decide if, or when to talk to your kids about the .03% of the population who consider themselves to be transgender. And oh yeah your kids teacher will also inform your child that the gender they’re born with doesn’t matter, and that they can actually choose the gender they identify with. Because liberal educators know better than you what s best for your child.The Rocklin Academy school board is facing tough questions from parents concerned over a controversial incident involving transgender discussions inside a kindergarten class. These parents feel betrayed by the’school district that they were not notified, said Karen England with the Capitol Resource Institute.WATCH:The incident happened earlier this summer during the last few days of the academic school year.At Monday night s board meeting, the teacher at the center of the controversy spoke out. With emotions high, she addressed a packed house. I m so proud of my students, it was never my intent to harm any students but to help them through a difficult situation, she’said.The teacher defended her actions to read two children s books about transgenderism including one titled I am Jazz. She’says the books were given to her by a transgender child going through a transition. The kindergartners came home very confused, about whether or not you can pick your gender, whether or not they’really were a boy or a girl, said England.And many parents say they feel betrayed and blindsided. I want her to hear from me as a parent what her gender identity means to her and our family, not from a book that may be controversial, a parent said. My daughter came home crying and shaking so afraid she could turn into a boy, another parent said.The issue was not on the agenda, so parents spoke out during public comment. It s really about the parents being informed and involved and giving us the choice and rights of what s being introduced to our kids, and at what age, said parent Chelsea McQuistan.Many teachers also spoke out in support of what transpired inside the classroom. They spoke about the importance of teaching students about diversity and having healthy dialogues.Unlike sex education, the topics of gender identity don’t require prior parental notice. Sacramento CBS
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: Silly parents you’don’t get to decide if, or when to talk to your kids about the .03% of the population who consider themselves to be transgender. And oh yeah your kids teacher will also inform your child that the gender they’re born with doesn’t matter, and that they can actually choose the gender they identify with. Because liberal educators know better than you what s best for your child.The Rocklin Academy school board is facing tough questions from parents concerned over a controversial incident involving transgender discussions inside a kindergarten class. These parents feel betrayed by the’school district that they were not notified, said Karen England with the Capitol Resource Institute.WATCH:The incident happened earlier this summer during the last few days of the academic school year.At Monday night s board meeting, the teacher at the center of the controversy spoke out. With emotions high, she addressed a packed house. I m so proud of my students, it was never my intent to harm any students but to help them through a difficult situation, she’said.The teacher defended her actions to read two children s books about transgenderism including one titled I am Jazz. She’says the books were given to her by a transgender child going through a transition. The kindergartners came home very confused, about whether or not you can pick your gender, whether or not they’really were a boy or a girl, said England.And many parents say they feel betrayed and blindsided. I want her to hear from me as a parent what her gender identity means to her and our family, not from a book that may be controversial, a parent said. My daughter came home crying and shaking so afraid she could turn into a boy, another parent said.The issue was not on the agenda, so parents spoke out during public comment. It s really about the parents being informed and involved and giving us the choice and rights of what s being introduced to our kids, and at what age, said parent Chelsea McQuistan.Many teachers also spoke out in support of what transpired inside the classroom. They spoke about the importance of teaching students about diversity and having healthy dialogues.Unlike sex education, the topics of gender identity don’t require prior parental notice. Sacramento CBS
President Obama is widely expected to be an extremely valuable asset for the Democratic Party in this November s general election, and he gave a preview of just how he d rip Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump to shreds at a campaign event on Friday night.Speaking to Democrats in Austin, Texas, President Obama talked about Trump’s ridiculous Trump’steaks show and tell session, noting that there s a debate inside of the other party that is fantasy, and school yard taunts, and sellin stuff like it s the home shopping network. Obama also mocked the Republican establishment for claiming they are surprised by the hate that Trump has whipped up. From the White House pool report:Obama also again mocked establishment Republicans, who he argues say We re shocked someone is fanning anti-immigrant or anti-muslim sentiment! We re shocked!. We re shocked that someone could be loose with the facts. Or distort someone s record. Shocked! How could you be shocked? This was the guy who was sure I was born in Kenya. And wasn’t letting go As long as it was being directed at me they were fine with it. It was a hoot and suddenly they’re shocked! That gamblings going on in this establishment, he’said.Obama said Donald Trump is A distillation of what has been going on in their party for more than a decade this is the message that s been fed that you just deny the evidence of science. That compromise is a betrayal. That the other side isn’t simply wrong, we disagree the other side is destroying the country. Or treasonous. Look it up, that s what they’ve been saying. So they can’t be surprised when somebody says, I can make up stuff better than that.' As other Democrats have made clear, Obama said the right had to own what is happening in Trump’s campaign: The reaction is something they have to take responsibility for and then make an adjustment. It is clear that Obama will be out on the trail, making sure that a campaign of hate does not usher in his successor. Trump has a world of rhetorical hate coming towards him from the President.Featured image via YouTube
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: President Obama is widely expected to be an extremely valuable asset for the Democratic Party in this November s general election, and he gave a preview of just how he d rip Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump to shreds at a campaign event on Friday night.Speaking to Democrats in Austin, Texas, President Obama talked about Trump’s ridiculous Trump’steaks show and tell session, noting that there s a debate inside of the other party that is fantasy, and school yard taunts, and sellin stuff like it s the home shopping network. Obama also mocked the Republican establishment for claiming they are surprised by the hate that Trump has whipped up. From the White House pool report:Obama also again mocked establishment Republicans, who he argues say We re shocked someone is fanning anti-immigrant or anti-muslim sentiment! We re shocked!. We re shocked that someone could be loose with the facts. Or distort someone s record. Shocked! How could you be shocked? This was the guy who was sure I was born in Kenya. And wasn’t letting go As long as it was being directed at me they were fine with it. It was a hoot and suddenly they’re shocked! That gamblings going on in this establishment, he’said.Obama said Donald Trump is A distillation of what has been going on in their party for more than a decade this is the message that s been fed that you just deny the evidence of science. That compromise is a betrayal. That the other side isn’t simply wrong, we disagree the other side is destroying the country. Or treasonous. Look it up, that s what they’ve been saying. So they can’t be surprised when somebody says, I can make up stuff better than that.' As other Democrats have made clear, Obama said the right had to own what is happening in Trump’s campaign: The reaction is something they have to take responsibility for and then make an adjustment. It is clear that Obama will be out on the trail, making sure that a campaign of hate does not usher in his successor. Trump has a world of rhetorical hate coming towards him from the President.Featured image via YouTube
The top Democrat on the U.S. House Intelligence Committee said the panel chairman’s decision to step aside on Thursday gives the committee an opportunity for a “fresh start” as it examines Russian interference into the U.S. election. U.S. Representative Adam Schiff, speaking to reporters, also said materials viewed by the panel’s Republican chairman, Devin Nunes, at White House would now be made available to all the members on the committee.
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: The top Democrat on the U.S. House Intelligence Committee said the panel chairman’s decision to step aside on Thursday gives the committee an opportunity for a “fresh start” as it examines Russian interference into the U.S. election. U.S. Representative Adam Schiff, speaking to reporters, also said materials viewed by the panel’s Republican chairman, Devin Nunes, at White House would now be made available to all the members on the committee.
British trade minister Liam Fox said on Wednesday he hoped to be able to agree similar trading arrangements with those countries which already have free trade deals with the European Union by the time Britain leaves the bloc. Trade officials had said previously that Britain had already won some kind of agreement with the dozens of countries which have trade deals with the EU to continue to trade largely along the already agreed lines.
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: British trade minister Liam Fox said on Wednesday he hoped to be able to agree similar trading arrangements with those countries which already have free trade deals with the European Union by the time Britain leaves the bloc. Trade officials had said previously that Britain had already won some kind of agreement with the dozens of countries which have trade deals with the EU to continue to trade largely along the already agreed lines.
An indigenous tribe that journeyed hundreds of kilometers to flee the economic crisis in Venezuela has been trapped in limbo near the border in Brazil, after it was moved off the streets of the Amazon city of Manaus. Driven by hunger and illness from their traditional homeland on the Orinoco River delta in northeastern Venezuela, more than 1,200 members of the Warao tribe migrated to northern Brazil to live and beg on the streets. Brazilian authorities, nongovernmental organizations and churches have helped provide temporary shelter on the border, but the Warao s future remains uncertain. The tribe insists it will not return to Venezuela, where a deep recession has led to shortages of basic goods under President Nicolas Maduro s socialist government. The children were dying in Venezuela from illness. There was no medicine, no food, no help, said Rita Nieves, a cacique, or chief, of the matrilineal Warao. Members of the tribe are still making the arduous journey. Nieves was wearing her best clothes to cross back into Venezuela to bury a 3-month-old Warao baby that had just died in its mother s arms on the 1,000-km (620-mile) bus ride to Brazil. We are staying here because things have not changed in Venezuela, she said, sitting in a warehouse turned into a living space for 220 Warao in the small border town of Pacaraima. Children played among dozens of hammocks hanging from metal structures erected by U.N. refugee agency UNHCR. Outside, women cooked broth on wood fires and men sat listening to their shaman talk about the virtues of the moriche palm used to weave baskets and hammocks, as he puffed on a straw cigar. The Warao have lived for centuries on the Orinoco delta, but some began to leave when fish supplies were depleted by the diversion of the waters to deepen shipping lanes for Venezuelan iron ore and bauxite exports. Many went to Venezuelan cities to sell craftwork and beg on the streets. However, when the economy tipped into crisis, they began moving to Brazil last year, often just walking across the border without documents. They were already begging in Venezuela, but those who gave them money are themselves asking for help today, said Sister Clara, a missionary from Brazil-based humanitarian organization Fraternidade that runs two shelters for the Warao. Who in today s crisis in Venezuela is going to buy Warao arts and crafts? she said. Around 500 Warao arrived on the streets of Manaus last year, where they begged from drivers and sold craftwork at traffic lights. Many slept under a highway overpass until city authorities stopped the begging and moved them into shelters they did not like. Some then traveled down the Amazon to Santarem and Belem, while others returned to frontier towns, from which they can go back and forth to their delta homeland when they raise enough money. They started staying here, sleeping in the streets, and caused a humanitarian emergency, said Pacaraima social services secretary Isabel Davila. The town provided an abandoned warehouse with toilets, showers and a kitchen, built with funding from the Mormon church. Like a similar shelter in the nearby city of Boa Vista that houses 500 Warao, these are temporary landing places, where the Warao can live while they get documents to legalize their status so they can find work, Davila said. But Chief Rita has no plans to move. Pacaraima s mayor promised land to grow crops and materials to make Warao craft work, she said, and she wants the Warao children to learn Portuguese. Half of the land in Roraima state is reserved for indigenous peoples, but an attempt to ask local communities to cede territory to the Warao met with a firm rebuttal. We think they might be here for a decade, said Danusa Sabala, a spokeswoman for Brazil s Indian affairs office FUNAI, which sees no short-term solution for the Warao. Ramon Gomez, a Warao chief in the Boa Vista shelter, said their ancestral homeland in the delta was finished and the situation in Venezuela was deteriorating rapidly. When ... this President Maduro took over, everything ended, food, medicine, G mez said. We will be here until Venezuela changes. It will get worse before it gets better.
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: An indigenous tribe that journeyed hundreds of kilometers to flee the economic crisis in Venezuela has been trapped in limbo near the border in Brazil, after it was moved off the streets of the Amazon city of Manaus. Driven by hunger and illness from their traditional homeland on the Orinoco River delta in northeastern Venezuela, more than 1,200 members of the Warao tribe migrated to northern Brazil to live and beg on the streets. Brazilian authorities, nongovernmental organizations and churches have helped provide temporary shelter on the border, but the Warao s future remains uncertain. The tribe insists it will not return to Venezuela, where a deep recession has led to shortages of basic goods under President Nicolas Maduro s socialist government. The children were dying in Venezuela from illness. There was no medicine, no food, no help, said Rita Nieves, a cacique, or chief, of the matrilineal Warao. Members of the tribe are still making the arduous journey. Nieves was wearing her best clothes to cross back into Venezuela to bury a 3-month-old Warao baby that had just died in its mother s arms on the 1,000-km (620-mile) bus ride to Brazil. We are staying here because things have not changed in Venezuela, she said, sitting in a warehouse turned into a living space for 220 Warao in the small border town of Pacaraima. Children played among dozens of hammocks hanging from metal structures erected by U.N. refugee agency UNHCR. Outside, women cooked broth on wood fires and men sat listening to their shaman talk about the virtues of the moriche palm used to weave baskets and hammocks, as he puffed on a straw cigar. The Warao have lived for centuries on the Orinoco delta, but some began to leave when fish supplies were depleted by the diversion of the waters to deepen shipping lanes for Venezuelan iron ore and bauxite exports. Many went to Venezuelan cities to sell craftwork and beg on the streets. However, when the economy tipped into crisis, they began moving to Brazil last year, often just walking across the border without documents. They were already begging in Venezuela, but those who gave them money are themselves asking for help today, said Sister Clara, a missionary from Brazil-based humanitarian organization Fraternidade that runs two shelters for the Warao. Who in today s crisis in Venezuela is going to buy Warao arts and crafts? she said. Around 500 Warao arrived on the streets of Manaus last year, where they begged from drivers and sold craftwork at traffic lights. Many slept under a highway overpass until city authorities stopped the begging and moved them into shelters they did not like. Some then traveled down the Amazon to Santarem and Belem, while others returned to frontier towns, from which they can go back and forth to their delta homeland when they raise enough money. They started staying here, sleeping in the streets, and caused a humanitarian emergency, said Pacaraima social services secretary Isabel Davila. The town provided an abandoned warehouse with toilets, showers and a kitchen, built with funding from the Mormon church. Like a similar shelter in the nearby city of Boa Vista that houses 500 Warao, these are temporary landing places, where the Warao can live while they get documents to legalize their status so they can find work, Davila said. But Chief Rita has no plans to move. Pacaraima s mayor promised land to grow crops and materials to make Warao craft work, she said, and she wants the Warao children to learn Portuguese. Half of the land in Roraima state is reserved for indigenous peoples, but an attempt to ask local communities to cede territory to the Warao met with a firm rebuttal. We think they might be here for a decade, said Danusa Sabala, a spokeswoman for Brazil s Indian affairs office FUNAI, which sees no short-term solution for the Warao. Ramon Gomez, a Warao chief in the Boa Vista shelter, said their ancestral homeland in the delta was finished and the situation in Venezuela was deteriorating rapidly. When ... this President Maduro took over, everything ended, food, medicine, G mez said. We will be here until Venezuela changes. It will get worse before it gets better.
Are police officers finally getting sick and tired of walking around on eggshells while being disrespected and abused by the Obama-Soros F*ck The Police crowds? It s good to see our law enforcement officers actually doing what they’re paid to do without coddling Bernie and Hillary s basement dwellers Watch: Protesters outside Trump rally start to attack SD police officers, who hit back. Jacob Rascon (@Jacobnbc) May 27, 2016Here s a video of a F*ck Trump’sign carrier who was pepper sprayed by police. Watch the black man near the end of the video ask her, Was it worth it? Watch: Protester tries to recover after she is pepper sprayed in the face by a SWAT officer. Jacob Rascon (@Jacobnbc) May 28, 2016Here is a great time lapse video of thousands of Trump fans lined up to get into his San Diego, CA rally. It s interesting how there doesn’t appear to be a single act of violence anywhere in this video:Time-lapse: Thousands of Trump’supporters still in line for SD rally nearly five hours after doors opened. Jacob Rascon (@Jacobnbc) May 27, 2016Here are some of the responses to the YUGE San Diego Trump rally line by Twitter users:For the record and your future reporting: San Diego is NOT a big GOP area. Obama won SD County 55-44% in '08, 51.5-46.4% in '12! George Biagi (@hoyageorge) May 27, 2016 is a tweet from leftist San Diego councilman encouraging anti-Trump protesters. Saying San Diego will #StopTrump :This lady refuses to let go of the Trump pi ata. Says she will carry it until the end. San Diego will #StopTrump David Alvarez (@AlvarezSD) May 27, 2016
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: Are police officers finally getting sick and tired of walking around on eggshells while being disrespected and abused by the Obama-Soros F*ck The Police crowds? It s good to see our law enforcement officers actually doing what they’re paid to do without coddling Bernie and Hillary s basement dwellers Watch: Protesters outside Trump rally start to attack SD police officers, who hit back. Jacob Rascon (@Jacobnbc) May 27, 2016Here s a video of a F*ck Trump’sign carrier who was pepper sprayed by police. Watch the black man near the end of the video ask her, Was it worth it? Watch: Protester tries to recover after she is pepper sprayed in the face by a SWAT officer. Jacob Rascon (@Jacobnbc) May 28, 2016Here is a great time lapse video of thousands of Trump fans lined up to get into his San Diego, CA rally. It s interesting how there doesn’t appear to be a single act of violence anywhere in this video:Time-lapse: Thousands of Trump’supporters still in line for SD rally nearly five hours after doors opened. Jacob Rascon (@Jacobnbc) May 27, 2016Here are some of the responses to the YUGE San Diego Trump rally line by Twitter users:For the record and your future reporting: San Diego is NOT a big GOP area. Obama won SD County 55-44% in '08, 51.5-46.4% in '12! George Biagi (@hoyageorge) May 27, 2016 is a tweet from leftist San Diego councilman encouraging anti-Trump protesters. Saying San Diego will #StopTrump :This lady refuses to let go of the Trump pi ata. Says she will carry it until the end. San Diego will #StopTrump David Alvarez (@AlvarezSD) May 27, 2016
The Obama administration released a redacted version of President Barack Obama’s once-secret policy on drone strikes abroad following a freedom of information lawsuit filed last year, the American Civil Liberties Union said on Saturday. The release of the 18-page Presidential Policy Guidance document, as well as other Department of Defense papers, follows an order by a U.S. District Court judge in February requiring the Justice Department to disclose the document, also known as “the Playbook.” It sets out the law and rules the government must follow when carrying out targeted killings and the capture of terrorist suspects abroad. Obama pledged in 2013 to provide greater transparency about counter-terrorism operations, including drone strikes overseas, amid calls by some U.S. lawmakers and rights groups for more openness. ACLU’s deputy legal director, Jameel Jaffer, welcomed the release of the documents, saying they provide new details about policy standards and insights into the process for targeting individuals with lethal force or for capture. “Its release now will inform an ongoing debate about the lawfulness and wisdom of the government’s counter-terrorism policies,” Jaffer said in a statement. The ACLU’s lawsuit sought information, among other things, on the law and policies used to justify lethal force and how the government picks targets. According to the documents, published by the ACLU, strikes against high-value terrorist targets can be taken “when there is near certainty” that the person is present, and that no civilians will be injured or killed, and is necessary to “achieve U.S. policy objectives”. The administration has defended its use of drones as essential in fighting al Qaeda and other militants in countries such as Pakistan, Afghanistan and Yemen. Some drone strikes have killed civilians who were not targets, igniting local anger. “The president has emphasized that the U.S. Government should be as transparent as possible with the American people about our counter-terrorism operations, the manner in which they are conducted, and their results,” National Security Council spokesman Ned Price said of Saturday’s release of documents. “Our counter-terrorism actions are effective and legal, and their legitimacy is best demonstrated by making public more information about these actions as well as setting clear standards for other nations to follow,” he added. Naureen Shah, Amnesty International’s U.S. director for security and human rights, also welcomed the documents but said more was needed to ensure the policy was followed. “The Obama administration’s disclosures are welcome but they only tell part of the story and obscure disturbing practices. We still know extremely little about the standards that would govern signature strikes and so-called rescuer strikes, which have involved potentially unlawful killings,” Shah added.
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: The Obama administration released a redacted version of President Barack Obama’s once-secret policy on drone strikes abroad following a freedom of information lawsuit filed last year, the American Civil Liberties Union said on Saturday. The release of the 18-page Presidential Policy Guidance document, as well as other Department of Defense papers, follows an order by a U.S. District Court judge in February requiring the Justice Department to disclose the document, also known as “the Playbook.” It sets out the law and rules the government must follow when carrying out targeted killings and the capture of terrorist suspects abroad. Obama pledged in 2013 to provide greater transparency about counter-terrorism operations, including drone strikes overseas, amid calls by some U.S. lawmakers and rights groups for more openness. ACLU’s deputy legal director, Jameel Jaffer, welcomed the release of the documents, saying they provide new details about policy standards and insights into the process for targeting individuals with lethal force or for capture. “Its release now will inform an ongoing debate about the lawfulness and wisdom of the government’s counter-terrorism policies,” Jaffer said in a statement. The ACLU’s lawsuit sought information, among other things, on the law and policies used to justify lethal force and how the government picks targets. According to the documents, published by the ACLU, strikes against high-value terrorist targets can be taken “when there is near certainty” that the person is present, and that no civilians will be injured or killed, and is necessary to “achieve U.S. policy objectives”. The administration has defended its use of drones as essential in fighting al Qaeda and other militants in countries such as Pakistan, Afghanistan and Yemen. Some drone strikes have killed civilians who were not targets, igniting local anger. “The president has emphasized that the U.S. Government should be as transparent as possible with the American people about our counter-terrorism operations, the manner in which they are conducted, and their results,” National Security Council spokesman Ned Price said of Saturday’s release of documents. “Our counter-terrorism actions are effective and legal, and their legitimacy is best demonstrated by making public more information about these actions as well as setting clear standards for other nations to follow,” he added. Naureen Shah, Amnesty International’s U.S. director for security and human rights, also welcomed the documents but said more was needed to ensure the policy was followed. “The Obama administration’s disclosures are welcome but they only tell part of the story and obscure disturbing practices. We still know extremely little about the standards that would govern signature strikes and so-called rescuer strikes, which have involved potentially unlawful killings,” Shah added.
U.S. President Barack Obama said several civil society members in Vietnam were prevented from meeting him on Tuesday and that, despite great strides made by the country, Washington still had concerns about the limits it puts on political freedom. Obama said during a meeting with about six activists that there were “significant areas of concern” about political freedom and praised those Vietnamese who were “willing to make their voices heard”. Obama announced on Monday the end of an arms ban on Vietnam, which Washington had long said hinged on the extent to which the country’s human rights record had improved.
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: U.S. President Barack Obama said several civil society members in Vietnam were prevented from meeting him on Tuesday and that, despite great strides made by the country, Washington still had concerns about the limits it puts on political freedom. Obama said during a meeting with about six activists that there were “significant areas of concern” about political freedom and praised those Vietnamese who were “willing to make their voices heard”. Obama announced on Monday the end of an arms ban on Vietnam, which Washington had long said hinged on the extent to which the country’s human rights record had improved.
Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte, who is facing international criticism for his bloody war on drugs, said his country was willing to host a world summit to tackle how nations can protect human rights. The firebrand leader, who spoke in a news conference late on Thursday while in Vietnam for the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation meeting, said the summit should focus on human rights violations not just in the Philippines but globally. Some western countries and human rights groups have strongly criticized Duterte s anti-narcotics campaign that has killed more than 3,900 suspected drug users and peddlers, in what the police called self-defense after armed suspects resisted arrest. Critics dispute that and say executions are taking place with zero accountability, allegations the police reject. Let s have a summit of how we can protect human rights for all human race, Duterte said shortly after meeting with the Filipino community in Vietnam, where he also renewed his attacks against United Nations human rights expert Agnes Callamard. What makes the death of people in the Philippines more important than the rest of the children in the world that were massacred and killed, he asked. He said all victims of human rights violations are welcome to attend the summit and air their grievances. Duterte reiterated his threat to slap Callamard if she investigates him for the rising death toll in his war on drugs and would ask her why she has made no comments on the victims of bombings and violence in the Middle East. What have you been doing all the time? Why are you so fascinated with drugs? Duterte said. Duterte also threatened to ban two American lawmakers from coming to Manila after they criticized U.S. President Donald Trump for inviting him to visit the United States. If you do not like me, I do not like you. We re even, he said without naming the lawmakers. Democratic Rep. James McGovern and Republican Rep. Randy Hultgren had called on Trump to highlight the human rights situation in the Philippines in his upcoming visit to Manila. I will tell them, you are too presumptuous. What made you think that I am even planning or thinking about visiting your country?
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte, who is facing international criticism for his bloody war on drugs, said his country was willing to host a world summit to tackle how nations can protect human rights. The firebrand leader, who spoke in a news conference late on Thursday while in Vietnam for the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation meeting, said the summit should focus on human rights violations not just in the Philippines but globally. Some western countries and human rights groups have strongly criticized Duterte s anti-narcotics campaign that has killed more than 3,900 suspected drug users and peddlers, in what the police called self-defense after armed suspects resisted arrest. Critics dispute that and say executions are taking place with zero accountability, allegations the police reject. Let s have a summit of how we can protect human rights for all human race, Duterte said shortly after meeting with the Filipino community in Vietnam, where he also renewed his attacks against United Nations human rights expert Agnes Callamard. What makes the death of people in the Philippines more important than the rest of the children in the world that were massacred and killed, he asked. He said all victims of human rights violations are welcome to attend the summit and air their grievances. Duterte reiterated his threat to slap Callamard if she investigates him for the rising death toll in his war on drugs and would ask her why she has made no comments on the victims of bombings and violence in the Middle East. What have you been doing all the time? Why are you so fascinated with drugs? Duterte said. Duterte also threatened to ban two American lawmakers from coming to Manila after they criticized U.S. President Donald Trump for inviting him to visit the United States. If you do not like me, I do not like you. We re even, he said without naming the lawmakers. Democratic Rep. James McGovern and Republican Rep. Randy Hultgren had called on Trump to highlight the human rights situation in the Philippines in his upcoming visit to Manila. I will tell them, you are too presumptuous. What made you think that I am even planning or thinking about visiting your country?
Who needs family when you have a neighborhood mentor who can’teach you the value of racism, communism and hate for America?In his 1995 book, Dreams from My Father, Barack Obama never discussed the identity of the mysterious Frank who had given him important advice on growing up black in what was described as a white racist world. We learned in 2008 that Frank was Frank Marshall Davis, a member of the Communist Party who was the’subject of a 600-page FBI file. Still, the major media never asked Obama about this important relationship during his growing up years in Hawaii.Now, in an extraordinary development, video of Obama explicitly and openly identifying Frank as Frank Marshall Davis has suddenly surfaced on the Internet. The footage is said to have been recorded on September 20, 1995, with the program originally airing on Channel 37 Cambridge Municipal Television as an episode of the’show, The Author Series. It s not clear how many saw this program when it aired. For some reason, this From the Vault Barack Obama presentation was just recently posted on YouTube. In the video, Obama is introduced as a Harvard Law School student and President of the Harvard Law Review. He discusses Frank as Frank Marshall Davis at about 8:37 in the video.In his remarks, Obama never identifies Davis as a communist or even a leftist. But the remarks do reflect the’significant influence that Davis had over his young life as he was growing up in Hawaii. Obama talks about how Davis schools him on the’subject of race relations. The term implies a teacher-student relationship the two of them had, confirming what we had reported back in 2008, that Davis had functioned as Obama s mentor. It s important to understand what Obama is saying here. Getting ready to read directly from his book, Dreams from My Father, Obama talks about the passages ending with me having a conversation with a close friend of my maternal grandfather, a close friend of gramps, a black man from Kansas, named Frank, actually at the time a fairly well-known poet named Frank Marshall Davis, who had moved to Hawaii and lived there, and so I have a discussion with him about the kinds of frustrations I m having, and he’sorts of schools me that I should get used to these frustrations Davis was indeed a black poet. His works included attacks on Christianity. One Davis poem referred to Christ irreverently as a nigger. Davis was himself an atheist.However, Davis was better known as a communist propagandist whose work for the Communist Party in Hawaii earned him surveillance by the FBI and placement on its security index. Davis was also a pornographer who engaged in bizarre sexual practices, even pedophilia.Needless to say, Obama s willingness to identify Frank as Davis before this audience raises questions as to why Frank wasn’t identified by his full name Frank Marshall Davis in the book itself. Obama made references to Frank 22 times throughout his book. Paul Kengor notes that Obama s audio version of Dreams from My Father omitted every reference to Frank that was in the book. Those omissions were clearly designed to keep people from asking questions about Frank, since Obama was considering a run for the presidency.Today, in 2015, discovering film of Obama identifying Frank as Davis is confirmation of the obvious. It doesn’t make a lot of difference politically, since Obama is serving out his second term. But it could have made a difference seven years ago, in 2008, when we identified Frank as Davis, during Obama s campaign for his first term in office.The clip of Obama talking about Davis during his 1995 Cambridge presentation is important for other reasons, however.By his own admission, Obama was preoccupied with his own feelings and thoughts about race relations. He saw himself as an angry young man whose father was absent from his life. He said he was without father figures around who might guide and steer my anger. That s significant because it s clear, from the passages he reads, that Davis became that father figure. Davis was indeed picked by his white grandfather to be a role model or father figure for the young Barack Obama.In the passages he read back in 1995, Obama discussed inviting some white friends to a black party and seeing them squirm. They re trying to tap their foot to the beat and being extraordinarily friendly, he’said. They are trying to fit in but they are uncomfortable and they tell Obama they want to leave. Obama concluded, What I have had to put up with every day of my life is something that they find so objectionable that they can’t even put up with a day. This is like a revelation to Obama about the world of white racism. All of this he’says triggers something in his head and he comprehends a new map of the world. He gets a sense of the anger and betrayal in society and even in his own family, where he is being raised by his white grandfather, Gramps, and white grandmother, Toot. This leads him to seek advice from Frank. Frank Marshall Davis then sort of schools me that I should get used to these frustrations, Obama says.The passages that he reads from the book before the Cambridge audience include a discussion of when his own white grandmother was accosted by a black panhandler. Davis told Obama that his grandmother was right to be scared and that She understands that black people have reason to hate. In other words, Davis did not encourage Obama to pursue racial harmony or reconciliation. He told Obama that blacks have a reason, or right, to hate.Via:AIM.comh/t Weasel Zippers
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: Who needs family when you have a neighborhood mentor who can’teach you the value of racism, communism and hate for America?In his 1995 book, Dreams from My Father, Barack Obama never discussed the identity of the mysterious Frank who had given him important advice on growing up black in what was described as a white racist world. We learned in 2008 that Frank was Frank Marshall Davis, a member of the Communist Party who was the’subject of a 600-page FBI file. Still, the major media never asked Obama about this important relationship during his growing up years in Hawaii.Now, in an extraordinary development, video of Obama explicitly and openly identifying Frank as Frank Marshall Davis has suddenly surfaced on the Internet. The footage is said to have been recorded on September 20, 1995, with the program originally airing on Channel 37 Cambridge Municipal Television as an episode of the’show, The Author Series. It s not clear how many saw this program when it aired. For some reason, this From the Vault Barack Obama presentation was just recently posted on YouTube. In the video, Obama is introduced as a Harvard Law School student and President of the Harvard Law Review. He discusses Frank as Frank Marshall Davis at about 8:37 in the video.In his remarks, Obama never identifies Davis as a communist or even a leftist. But the remarks do reflect the’significant influence that Davis had over his young life as he was growing up in Hawaii. Obama talks about how Davis schools him on the’subject of race relations. The term implies a teacher-student relationship the two of them had, confirming what we had reported back in 2008, that Davis had functioned as Obama s mentor. It s important to understand what Obama is saying here. Getting ready to read directly from his book, Dreams from My Father, Obama talks about the passages ending with me having a conversation with a close friend of my maternal grandfather, a close friend of gramps, a black man from Kansas, named Frank, actually at the time a fairly well-known poet named Frank Marshall Davis, who had moved to Hawaii and lived there, and so I have a discussion with him about the kinds of frustrations I m having, and he’sorts of schools me that I should get used to these frustrations Davis was indeed a black poet. His works included attacks on Christianity. One Davis poem referred to Christ irreverently as a nigger. Davis was himself an atheist.However, Davis was better known as a communist propagandist whose work for the Communist Party in Hawaii earned him surveillance by the FBI and placement on its security index. Davis was also a pornographer who engaged in bizarre sexual practices, even pedophilia.Needless to say, Obama s willingness to identify Frank as Davis before this audience raises questions as to why Frank wasn’t identified by his full name Frank Marshall Davis in the book itself. Obama made references to Frank 22 times throughout his book. Paul Kengor notes that Obama s audio version of Dreams from My Father omitted every reference to Frank that was in the book. Those omissions were clearly designed to keep people from asking questions about Frank, since Obama was considering a run for the presidency.Today, in 2015, discovering film of Obama identifying Frank as Davis is confirmation of the obvious. It doesn’t make a lot of difference politically, since Obama is serving out his second term. But it could have made a difference seven years ago, in 2008, when we identified Frank as Davis, during Obama s campaign for his first term in office.The clip of Obama talking about Davis during his 1995 Cambridge presentation is important for other reasons, however.By his own admission, Obama was preoccupied with his own feelings and thoughts about race relations. He saw himself as an angry young man whose father was absent from his life. He said he was without father figures around who might guide and steer my anger. That s significant because it s clear, from the passages he reads, that Davis became that father figure. Davis was indeed picked by his white grandfather to be a role model or father figure for the young Barack Obama.In the passages he read back in 1995, Obama discussed inviting some white friends to a black party and seeing them squirm. They re trying to tap their foot to the beat and being extraordinarily friendly, he’said. They are trying to fit in but they are uncomfortable and they tell Obama they want to leave. Obama concluded, What I have had to put up with every day of my life is something that they find so objectionable that they can’t even put up with a day. This is like a revelation to Obama about the world of white racism. All of this he’says triggers something in his head and he comprehends a new map of the world. He gets a sense of the anger and betrayal in society and even in his own family, where he is being raised by his white grandfather, Gramps, and white grandmother, Toot. This leads him to seek advice from Frank. Frank Marshall Davis then sort of schools me that I should get used to these frustrations, Obama says.The passages that he reads from the book before the Cambridge audience include a discussion of when his own white grandmother was accosted by a black panhandler. Davis told Obama that his grandmother was right to be scared and that She understands that black people have reason to hate. In other words, Davis did not encourage Obama to pursue racial harmony or reconciliation. He told Obama that blacks have a reason, or right, to hate.Via:AIM.comh/t Weasel Zippers
Great news! Southern Methodist University in Texas has reversed its decision to relocate an annual 9/11 memorial display made up of nearly 3,000 American flags to a less prominent part of campus after facing backlash from student groups.A huge thank you to The Young Americans for Freedom group! They had a hand in making this happen! They also were the ones who had set up the tribute honoring the victims of the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks on SMU s Dallas Hall Lawn every year since 2010.But in July officials informed the group to move the display to Morrison-McGinnis Park because Dallas Hall Lawn is used for classes and a variety of events, said university spokesman Kent Best.SMU officials also had adopted a policy to ensure displays didn’t include harmful or triggering messages, but they later removed the language from the then-policy as inappropriate. By that time, though, some student groups said the new policy was an attack on free speech. I don’t believe it s the responsibility of the university to shield individuals from certain ideas that they might be offended by, said Grant Wolf, the leader of the Young Americans for Freedom group, according to Dallas News. Wolf, along with other leaders from campus groups, sent a letter to university President R. Gerald Turner to express their frustration with the policy. People absolutely have to have a right to their own opinions, but this does not come with a right to be shielded from opposing ideas, especially in an environment dedicated to the learning, sharing and developing of new ideas, they wrote.They decried the relocation of the memorial. Moving the 9/11 memorial to an out of the way park is almost the’same as not allowing it, said Heather Hall, president of the university s Turning Point USA chapter. That s not free speech, Hall said. That s not American. That s definitely not what SMU stands for. Read more: Daily MailOUR PREVIOUS REPORT ON THIS BAN: The’shocker about this is that students on both sides of the political spectrum want the 9/11 flags to be displayed where they’ve always been displayed. The inability of college campuses to stand up to people who are perpetually offended is a sad statement on where we are in American’tolerance these days. It s so ironic that the left wants you to march to their drum beat or else they will destroy you. Note to SMU: You had a good thing going with your student body coming together to memorialize 9/11 so let it continue!DALLAS, Tex. In a time of extreme political divide, students both Republican and Democrat at one Texas college have found something they can agree on.For the past two years at Southern Methodist University, a campus group has planted thousands of American flags in front of Dallas Hall as a memorial to the victims of the 9/11 attacks. That s simply contradictory to the very definition of free speech, said Grant Wolf, the Young Americans for Freedom Chairman.But in July, SMU changed its policy, saying student groups can no longer have displays there.The lawn has historically hosted tributes and protests from students of all political affiliations. The leaders of two prominent student groups say the policy violates their right to free speech. They re basically cornering us into a segment of campus and saying you’re not allowed to have a display here because it s triggering, harmful or offensive to students over there, said Drew Wicker, the President of SMU College Republicans.SMU released a statement saying nearby Momac Park, where displays will be allowed, is larger than the lawn and is along one of the most prominent drives on campus.The university said it respects the rights of all campus community members to express their opinions, as well as their right to be free from coercion or harassment. Via: Fox 5 Atlanta
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: Great news! Southern Methodist University in Texas has reversed its decision to relocate an annual 9/11 memorial display made up of nearly 3,000 American flags to a less prominent part of campus after facing backlash from student groups.A huge thank you to The Young Americans for Freedom group! They had a hand in making this happen! They also were the ones who had set up the tribute honoring the victims of the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks on SMU s Dallas Hall Lawn every year since 2010.But in July officials informed the group to move the display to Morrison-McGinnis Park because Dallas Hall Lawn is used for classes and a variety of events, said university spokesman Kent Best.SMU officials also had adopted a policy to ensure displays didn’t include harmful or triggering messages, but they later removed the language from the then-policy as inappropriate. By that time, though, some student groups said the new policy was an attack on free speech. I don’t believe it s the responsibility of the university to shield individuals from certain ideas that they might be offended by, said Grant Wolf, the leader of the Young Americans for Freedom group, according to Dallas News. Wolf, along with other leaders from campus groups, sent a letter to university President R. Gerald Turner to express their frustration with the policy. People absolutely have to have a right to their own opinions, but this does not come with a right to be shielded from opposing ideas, especially in an environment dedicated to the learning, sharing and developing of new ideas, they wrote.They decried the relocation of the memorial. Moving the 9/11 memorial to an out of the way park is almost the’same as not allowing it, said Heather Hall, president of the university s Turning Point USA chapter. That s not free speech, Hall said. That s not American. That s definitely not what SMU stands for. Read more: Daily MailOUR PREVIOUS REPORT ON THIS BAN: The’shocker about this is that students on both sides of the political spectrum want the 9/11 flags to be displayed where they’ve always been displayed. The inability of college campuses to stand up to people who are perpetually offended is a sad statement on where we are in American’tolerance these days. It s so ironic that the left wants you to march to their drum beat or else they will destroy you. Note to SMU: You had a good thing going with your student body coming together to memorialize 9/11 so let it continue!DALLAS, Tex. In a time of extreme political divide, students both Republican and Democrat at one Texas college have found something they can agree on.For the past two years at Southern Methodist University, a campus group has planted thousands of American flags in front of Dallas Hall as a memorial to the victims of the 9/11 attacks. That s simply contradictory to the very definition of free speech, said Grant Wolf, the Young Americans for Freedom Chairman.But in July, SMU changed its policy, saying student groups can no longer have displays there.The lawn has historically hosted tributes and protests from students of all political affiliations. The leaders of two prominent student groups say the policy violates their right to free speech. They re basically cornering us into a segment of campus and saying you’re not allowed to have a display here because it s triggering, harmful or offensive to students over there, said Drew Wicker, the President of SMU College Republicans.SMU released a statement saying nearby Momac Park, where displays will be allowed, is larger than the lawn and is along one of the most prominent drives on campus.The university said it respects the rights of all campus community members to express their opinions, as well as their right to be free from coercion or harassment. Via: Fox 5 Atlanta
Iraq s security forces retook a border crossing with Syria from Islamic State militants on Friday, according to Iran-backed Shi ite militias who are taking part in the offensive. The road, which runs through al-Qaim in Iraq and Albu-Kamal in Syria, was recaptured after Iraqi forces entered al-Qaim on Friday, one of the last remaining towns in the country still held by the militants.
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: Iraq s security forces retook a border crossing with Syria from Islamic State militants on Friday, according to Iran-backed Shi ite militias who are taking part in the offensive. The road, which runs through al-Qaim in Iraq and Albu-Kamal in Syria, was recaptured after Iraqi forces entered al-Qaim on Friday, one of the last remaining towns in the country still held by the militants.
Donald Trump is a racist. That is a fact that cannot be disputed. He has the’support of white supremacists and other professional bigots, and yet the GOP elite continue to line up behind him, all while swearing they aren’t racists. Well MSNBC political commentator Michael Eric Dyson has had enough.During a conversation with Republican strategist Alex Castellanos, Dyson unloaded and pointed out that Trump is promoting white nationalism during a conversation regarding the United Kingdom s Brexit vote. It is, in fact the’same sort of dangerous xenophobia, racism, and nationalism that caused people in Britain’to vote pro-Brexit. As we are now seeing, it is not a good thing in the United Kingdom, and that same sort of nationalism that drives Trump’s political success is not a good thing here in America either. Here is a transcript of the exchange, via Media Matters:ALEX CASTELLANOS: The Brexit vote is a vote for the idea of nationhood.MICHAEL ERIC DYSON: It s nationalism.CASTELLANOS: Right, in Europe you’ve destroyed borders. You can’travel anywhere. Immigration has destroyed borders. There are no economic borders now. Greece can spend money that Germany has to pay back. The British looked at this and said, we think being a nation is a good idea and that we ought to be one.DYSON: But nationalism is not the answerCASTELLANOS: Of course it is.DYSON: I m saying nationalism within AmericaCASTELLANOS: There were nations before the EU. There will be nations afterwards. This is not a crisis. And when Donald Trump talks about building a wall DYSON: For who?CASTELLANOS: what people are hearing is we ought to have a real nation for all of us.DYSON: Donald Trump’s nation doesn’t represent all of us. When he keeps saying he wants to ban Muslims. He wants to keep immigrants out. He wants to build a wall. And look, at his rallies, when black people are pushed around, he then says, I will pay for the legal fees. Donald Trump amplifies the worst instincts. And his nationalism is really a white racist supremacist nationalism that reeks terror on the American democratic experiment.Dyson is right. Trump’s divisive, violent, racist rhetoric only serves to prey on people s fears, ignorance, and prejudices. It divides rather than unites. Diversity is a beautiful thing, but if Donald Trump has his way, there will be no such thing.Watch the exchange below, again via Media Matters:Featured image via video screen capture
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: Donald Trump is a racist. That is a fact that cannot be disputed. He has the’support of white supremacists and other professional bigots, and yet the GOP elite continue to line up behind him, all while swearing they aren’t racists. Well MSNBC political commentator Michael Eric Dyson has had enough.During a conversation with Republican strategist Alex Castellanos, Dyson unloaded and pointed out that Trump is promoting white nationalism during a conversation regarding the United Kingdom s Brexit vote. It is, in fact the’same sort of dangerous xenophobia, racism, and nationalism that caused people in Britain’to vote pro-Brexit. As we are now seeing, it is not a good thing in the United Kingdom, and that same sort of nationalism that drives Trump’s political success is not a good thing here in America either. Here is a transcript of the exchange, via Media Matters:ALEX CASTELLANOS: The Brexit vote is a vote for the idea of nationhood.MICHAEL ERIC DYSON: It s nationalism.CASTELLANOS: Right, in Europe you’ve destroyed borders. You can’travel anywhere. Immigration has destroyed borders. There are no economic borders now. Greece can spend money that Germany has to pay back. The British looked at this and said, we think being a nation is a good idea and that we ought to be one.DYSON: But nationalism is not the answerCASTELLANOS: Of course it is.DYSON: I m saying nationalism within AmericaCASTELLANOS: There were nations before the EU. There will be nations afterwards. This is not a crisis. And when Donald Trump talks about building a wall DYSON: For who?CASTELLANOS: what people are hearing is we ought to have a real nation for all of us.DYSON: Donald Trump’s nation doesn’t represent all of us. When he keeps saying he wants to ban Muslims. He wants to keep immigrants out. He wants to build a wall. And look, at his rallies, when black people are pushed around, he then says, I will pay for the legal fees. Donald Trump amplifies the worst instincts. And his nationalism is really a white racist supremacist nationalism that reeks terror on the American democratic experiment.Dyson is right. Trump’s divisive, violent, racist rhetoric only serves to prey on people s fears, ignorance, and prejudices. It divides rather than unites. Diversity is a beautiful thing, but if Donald Trump has his way, there will be no such thing.Watch the exchange below, again via Media Matters:Featured image via video screen capture
Thank goodness for Rep. Jim Jordan s masterful grilling of FBI Director Chris Wray today (see video of testimony below) regarding the Trump investigation. The videos below reveal bombshell information that this is a set up by FBI agent Strzok who took the fake dossier to the FISA Court in the beginning THIS IS A BIG DEAL!JORDAN ON LOU DOBBS AFTER HIS QUESTIONING OF WRAY: There are a couple of fundamental questions here. Did the FBI pay Christopher Steele? I asked that of the Attorney General two weeks ago he wouldn’t answer the question. Did they actually vet this dossier? Because it s been disproven, a bunch of lies, a bunch of National Enquirer garbage and fake news in this thing. Did they actually check it out before they brought it to the FISA Court which I m convinced they’did. And all of this can be cleared up if they’release the application that they took to the court I think they won’t give it to us because they’did pay Christopher Steele. I think they’did use the dossier as the basis for the warrants to spy on Americans associated with President Trump’s campaign. Strzok is the guy who took the dossier to the FISA Court.Politically Corrupt FBI @Jim_Jordan: I believe the FBI paid Christopher Steele, and then used the discredited, fake news dossier to spy on @POTUS and his campaign. #MAGA #TrumpTrain #DTS @realDonaldTrump Lou Dobbs (@LouDobbs) December 8, 2017Earlier in the day, Rep. Jim Jordan grilled Chris Wray about the dossier: Let s remember a couple of things about the dossier, he’said. The Democratic National Committee and the Clinton campaign, which we now know were one and the’same, paid the law firm who paid Fusion GPS who paid Christopher Steele who then paid Russians to put together a report that we call a dossier full of all kinds of fake news, National Enquirer garbage and it s been reported that this dossier was all dressed up by the FBI, taken to the FISA court and presented as a legitimate intelligence document that it became the basis for a warrant to spy on Americans. The easiest way to clear it up is tell us what s in that application and who took it there, Jordan said.Jordan finished with this: Here s what I think I think Peter Strozk Mr. Super Agent at the FBI, I think he’s the guy who took the application to the FISA court and if that happened, if this happened, if you have the FBI working with a campaign, the Democrats campaign, taking opposition research, dressing it all up and turning it into an intelligence document so they can’take it to the FISA court so they can spy on the other campaign, if that happened, that is as wrong as it gets.
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: Thank goodness for Rep. Jim Jordan s masterful grilling of FBI Director Chris Wray today (see video of testimony below) regarding the Trump investigation. The videos below reveal bombshell information that this is a set up by FBI agent Strzok who took the fake dossier to the FISA Court in the beginning THIS IS A BIG DEAL!JORDAN ON LOU DOBBS AFTER HIS QUESTIONING OF WRAY: There are a couple of fundamental questions here. Did the FBI pay Christopher Steele? I asked that of the Attorney General two weeks ago he wouldn’t answer the question. Did they actually vet this dossier? Because it s been disproven, a bunch of lies, a bunch of National Enquirer garbage and fake news in this thing. Did they actually check it out before they brought it to the FISA Court which I m convinced they’did. And all of this can be cleared up if they’release the application that they took to the court I think they won’t give it to us because they’did pay Christopher Steele. I think they’did use the dossier as the basis for the warrants to spy on Americans associated with President Trump’s campaign. Strzok is the guy who took the dossier to the FISA Court.Politically Corrupt FBI @Jim_Jordan: I believe the FBI paid Christopher Steele, and then used the discredited, fake news dossier to spy on @POTUS and his campaign. #MAGA #TrumpTrain #DTS @realDonaldTrump Lou Dobbs (@LouDobbs) December 8, 2017Earlier in the day, Rep. Jim Jordan grilled Chris Wray about the dossier: Let s remember a couple of things about the dossier, he’said. The Democratic National Committee and the Clinton campaign, which we now know were one and the’same, paid the law firm who paid Fusion GPS who paid Christopher Steele who then paid Russians to put together a report that we call a dossier full of all kinds of fake news, National Enquirer garbage and it s been reported that this dossier was all dressed up by the FBI, taken to the FISA court and presented as a legitimate intelligence document that it became the basis for a warrant to spy on Americans. The easiest way to clear it up is tell us what s in that application and who took it there, Jordan said.Jordan finished with this: Here s what I think I think Peter Strozk Mr. Super Agent at the FBI, I think he’s the guy who took the application to the FISA court and if that happened, if this happened, if you have the FBI working with a campaign, the Democrats campaign, taking opposition research, dressing it all up and turning it into an intelligence document so they can’take it to the FISA court so they can spy on the other campaign, if that happened, that is as wrong as it gets.
A religious freedom bill described by opponents as being discriminatory against same-sex couples passed the Georgia state legislature on Wednesday night in an 11th-hour vote ahead of the session’s close. The legislation, dubbed the Religious Liberty Bill, still has to be signed by Georgia’s Republican Governor Nathan Deal to become law. Deal has made clear that he will not sign a bill that allows discrimination, but his office did not immediately respond to request for comment on Wednesday night. Similar bills in states like Indiana and Arkansas sparked storms of criticism last year, forcing many lawmakers to retreat from the provisions. The Georgia bill, reworked several times by lawmakers amid criticism that earlier versions went too far, declares that no pastor can be forced to perform a same-sex wedding. The bill also grants faith-based organizations – churches, religious schools or associations - the right to reject holding events for people or groups of whom they object. Faith-based groups also could not be forced to hire or retain an employee whose beliefs run counter to the organization’s. Opponents say the bill could be used to deny services and discriminate against same-sex couples. “The decision by the legislature today was to make an egregious and discriminatory bill even worse,” the Human Rights Campaign, which represents the lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender community, said in a statement. “It’s appalling that anti-equality extremists in the legislature are trying to ignore the will of the people of Georgia,” it said. Mike Griffin, a lobbyist and spokesman for the Georgia Baptist Convention, applauded the bill’s passage. He said that while the bill did not give them everything they wanted, he added: “We feel we’ve advanced our protection of our First Amendment Right to religious freedom.” “Our rights of religious liberty don’t end inside the four walls of a church,” he said. In a late added amendment, the proposed law says that it cannot allow discrimination already prohibited by federal law, which opponents said could nullify some of its provisions. More than 300 large corporations and small businesses, including Delta Airlines and Coca Cola, have signed a pledge decrying the Georgia legislation and urging the state lawmakers to drop it. The state legislature is set to wrap up its current legislative session next week.
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: A religious freedom bill described by opponents as being discriminatory against same-sex couples passed the Georgia state legislature on Wednesday night in an 11th-hour vote ahead of the session’s close. The legislation, dubbed the Religious Liberty Bill, still has to be signed by Georgia’s Republican Governor Nathan Deal to become law. Deal has made clear that he will not sign a bill that allows discrimination, but his office did not immediately respond to request for comment on Wednesday night. Similar bills in states like Indiana and Arkansas sparked storms of criticism last year, forcing many lawmakers to retreat from the provisions. The Georgia bill, reworked several times by lawmakers amid criticism that earlier versions went too far, declares that no pastor can be forced to perform a same-sex wedding. The bill also grants faith-based organizations – churches, religious schools or associations - the right to reject holding events for people or groups of whom they object. Faith-based groups also could not be forced to hire or retain an employee whose beliefs run counter to the organization’s. Opponents say the bill could be used to deny services and discriminate against same-sex couples. “The decision by the legislature today was to make an egregious and discriminatory bill even worse,” the Human Rights Campaign, which represents the lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender community, said in a statement. “It’s appalling that anti-equality extremists in the legislature are trying to ignore the will of the people of Georgia,” it said. Mike Griffin, a lobbyist and spokesman for the Georgia Baptist Convention, applauded the bill’s passage. He said that while the bill did not give them everything they wanted, he added: “We feel we’ve advanced our protection of our First Amendment Right to religious freedom.” “Our rights of religious liberty don’t end inside the four walls of a church,” he said. In a late added amendment, the proposed law says that it cannot allow discrimination already prohibited by federal law, which opponents said could nullify some of its provisions. More than 300 large corporations and small businesses, including Delta Airlines and Coca Cola, have signed a pledge decrying the Georgia legislation and urging the state lawmakers to drop it. The state legislature is set to wrap up its current legislative session next week.
Myanmar government forces found on Sunday the bodies of 28 Hindu villagers who authorities suspected were killed by Muslim insurgents last month, at the beginning of a spasm of violence that has sent 430,000 Muslim Rohingya fleeing to Bangladesh. The Arakan Rohingya Salvation Army (ARSA) insurgent group denied killing the Hindus saying it did not attack civilians. The latest violence in western Myanmar s Rakhine State began on Aug. 25 when ARSA militants attacked about 30 police posts and an army camp, killing about 12 people. The United Nations has described as ethnic cleansing a sweeping government offensive in the north of Rakhine State in response to those attacks. The government of Buddhist-majority Myanmar has said more than 400 people have been killed, most of them insurgents. It rejects accusations of ethnic cleansing, saying it is fighting terrorists. Members of the small Hindu minority appear to have been caught in the middle. Some have fled to Bangladesh, complaining of violence against them by soldiers or Buddhist vigilantes. Others have complained of being attacked by the insurgents on suspicion of being government spies. The government said a search was mounted near Ye Baw Kya village in the north of Rakhine State after a refugee in Bangladesh contacted a Hindu community leader in Myanmar. The refugee said about 300 ARSA militants had marched about 100 people out of the village on Aug. 25 and killed them. Twenty of the dead were female and eight were male children, the government said. They forced eight female villagers to convert to the Islamic religion and took them to Bangladesh, the government said. A government spokesman, Zaw Htay, said the security forces were investigating. Access to the area by journalists as well as human rights workers and aid workers is largely restricted and Reuters could not independently verify the report. An ARSA spokesman said he believed Buddhist nationalists trying to divide Hindus and Muslims were behind the lies that ARSA militants had killed the villagers. ARSA has internationally pledged not to target civilians and that remains unchanged no matter what, the spokesman, who is based in a neighboring country and identified himself only as Abdullah, told Reuters through a messaging service. The violence in Rakhine State and the exodus of refugees is the biggest crisis the government of Nobel laureate Aung San Suu Kyi has faced since it came to power last year as part of a transition away from nearly 50 years of harsh military rule. Bangladesh and aid organizations are struggling to help the Rohingya refugees there, while aid agencies fear a humanitarian crisis is unfolding in the north of Rakhine State, where rights groups say nearly half of all Muslim villages have been torched. The United States and the United Nations have called for an end to the violence, unfettered humanitarian access to the conflict zone and for the right of those who have fled to go home safely. Suu Kyi has faced a barrage of international criticism for not speaking out more forcefully against the violence or doing more to rein in security forces over which she has little power. The chairman of the Association of South East Asian Nations (ASEAN), of which Myanmar is a member, issued a statement urging all parties to avoid worsening the situation on the ground and calling for a viable and long-term solutions to the root causes of the conflict . Muslim-majority Indonesia and Malaysia have expressed concern about the situation, with Malaysia in particular being critical of Myanmar. In a rare show of disagreement in the 10-member grouping, Foreign Minister Anifah Aman later said Malaysia disassociated itself from the statement as it misrepresented the reality of the situation and did not identify the Rohingya as one of the affected communities. Myanmar objects to the term Rohingya, saying the Muslims of Rakhine State are not a distinct ethnic group but illegal immigrants from Bangladesh. This month, Malaysia summoned Myanmar s ambassador to express displeasure over the violence in Myanmar. It also expressed grave concerns over such atrocities which have unleashed a full-scale humanitarian crisis .
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: Myanmar government forces found on Sunday the bodies of 28 Hindu villagers who authorities suspected were killed by Muslim insurgents last month, at the beginning of a spasm of violence that has sent 430,000 Muslim Rohingya fleeing to Bangladesh. The Arakan Rohingya Salvation Army (ARSA) insurgent group denied killing the Hindus saying it did not attack civilians. The latest violence in western Myanmar s Rakhine State began on Aug. 25 when ARSA militants attacked about 30 police posts and an army camp, killing about 12 people. The United Nations has described as ethnic cleansing a sweeping government offensive in the north of Rakhine State in response to those attacks. The government of Buddhist-majority Myanmar has said more than 400 people have been killed, most of them insurgents. It rejects accusations of ethnic cleansing, saying it is fighting terrorists. Members of the small Hindu minority appear to have been caught in the middle. Some have fled to Bangladesh, complaining of violence against them by soldiers or Buddhist vigilantes. Others have complained of being attacked by the insurgents on suspicion of being government spies. The government said a search was mounted near Ye Baw Kya village in the north of Rakhine State after a refugee in Bangladesh contacted a Hindu community leader in Myanmar. The refugee said about 300 ARSA militants had marched about 100 people out of the village on Aug. 25 and killed them. Twenty of the dead were female and eight were male children, the government said. They forced eight female villagers to convert to the Islamic religion and took them to Bangladesh, the government said. A government spokesman, Zaw Htay, said the security forces were investigating. Access to the area by journalists as well as human rights workers and aid workers is largely restricted and Reuters could not independently verify the report. An ARSA spokesman said he believed Buddhist nationalists trying to divide Hindus and Muslims were behind the lies that ARSA militants had killed the villagers. ARSA has internationally pledged not to target civilians and that remains unchanged no matter what, the spokesman, who is based in a neighboring country and identified himself only as Abdullah, told Reuters through a messaging service. The violence in Rakhine State and the exodus of refugees is the biggest crisis the government of Nobel laureate Aung San Suu Kyi has faced since it came to power last year as part of a transition away from nearly 50 years of harsh military rule. Bangladesh and aid organizations are struggling to help the Rohingya refugees there, while aid agencies fear a humanitarian crisis is unfolding in the north of Rakhine State, where rights groups say nearly half of all Muslim villages have been torched. The United States and the United Nations have called for an end to the violence, unfettered humanitarian access to the conflict zone and for the right of those who have fled to go home safely. Suu Kyi has faced a barrage of international criticism for not speaking out more forcefully against the violence or doing more to rein in security forces over which she has little power. The chairman of the Association of South East Asian Nations (ASEAN), of which Myanmar is a member, issued a statement urging all parties to avoid worsening the situation on the ground and calling for a viable and long-term solutions to the root causes of the conflict . Muslim-majority Indonesia and Malaysia have expressed concern about the situation, with Malaysia in particular being critical of Myanmar. In a rare show of disagreement in the 10-member grouping, Foreign Minister Anifah Aman later said Malaysia disassociated itself from the statement as it misrepresented the reality of the situation and did not identify the Rohingya as one of the affected communities. Myanmar objects to the term Rohingya, saying the Muslims of Rakhine State are not a distinct ethnic group but illegal immigrants from Bangladesh. This month, Malaysia summoned Myanmar s ambassador to express displeasure over the violence in Myanmar. It also expressed grave concerns over such atrocities which have unleashed a full-scale humanitarian crisis .
A group of Donald Trump protesters assembled outside the Republican front-runner s North Charleston rally on Friday, yelling Dump Trump. Protestors these days, what can you’do?Well, one Trump’supporter thought he d heckle them right back (good idea, right?), and his responses weren’t exactly the wittiest around.After a few jumbled up responses that we can’t exactly make out completely, you can hear the unnamed Trump follower say, among other things: Go home back to your toilet (visibly angry). Why don’t you waterboard yourself in the toilet? Go doodoo in your mouth. Pause. Throw up. Repeat. What did you just call me?That s not very nice. Do you kiss your mom with that mouth?Oh, well. What s the bother acting surprised; it s not like we had very high expectations to begin with for the people showing up at his rallies. I mean, when your fans start doing close to the exact same things you’re doing (that being Trump) then it s all very fitting.Speaking of dumb, did you catch The Daily Show s episode that aired recently? You know, the one where they questioned Trump’supporters and they gave absolutely the dumbest answers ever? Yeah, that one. If you haven’t we took the liberty of including a clip of it below. If you can make it through the entire video without having your jaw drop in disbelief then you’re the only one.The Daily Show with Trevor Noah Get More: The Daily Show Full Episodes,The Daily Show on Facebook,The Daily Show Video ArchiveNow that we think about it, that comeback line sounds better than the answers these other supporters just gave. At least he can blame it on being mad in the heat of the moment. These other guys just don’t know which way is up.Featured image via screen capture.
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: A group of Donald Trump protesters assembled outside the Republican front-runner s North Charleston rally on Friday, yelling Dump Trump. Protestors these days, what can you’do?Well, one Trump’supporter thought he d heckle them right back (good idea, right?), and his responses weren’t exactly the wittiest around.After a few jumbled up responses that we can’t exactly make out completely, you can hear the unnamed Trump follower say, among other things: Go home back to your toilet (visibly angry). Why don’t you waterboard yourself in the toilet? Go doodoo in your mouth. Pause. Throw up. Repeat. What did you just call me?That s not very nice. Do you kiss your mom with that mouth?Oh, well. What s the bother acting surprised; it s not like we had very high expectations to begin with for the people showing up at his rallies. I mean, when your fans start doing close to the exact same things you’re doing (that being Trump) then it s all very fitting.Speaking of dumb, did you catch The Daily Show s episode that aired recently? You know, the one where they questioned Trump’supporters and they gave absolutely the dumbest answers ever? Yeah, that one. If you haven’t we took the liberty of including a clip of it below. If you can make it through the entire video without having your jaw drop in disbelief then you’re the only one.The Daily Show with Trevor Noah Get More: The Daily Show Full Episodes,The Daily Show on Facebook,The Daily Show Video ArchiveNow that we think about it, that comeback line sounds better than the answers these other supporters just gave. At least he can blame it on being mad in the heat of the moment. These other guys just don’t know which way is up.Featured image via screen capture.
Anyone who takes part in this type of sub-human criminal activity should never see the light of day again. The lawmakers who refuse to lock down our borders and stiffen the penalties for human traffickers who bring illegal aliens into the U.S. should also be held accountable by their constituents Eight people were found dead in a tractor-trailer outside a Walmart store in the’stifling summer heat in what police called a horrific human trafficking case, and the driver was arrested.Several other people, possibly dozens, were found in the truck, which didn’t have a working air conditioning system despite blistering temperatures that topped 100 degrees, and they were taken to hospitals, authorities said. The driver had been held, authorities said, but they’didn’t release the driver s identity.A person from the truck approached a Walmart employee in a parking lot and asked for water late Saturday night or early Sunday morning, said police in San Antonio, where temperatures on Saturday reached 101 degrees. The employee gave the person the water and then called police, and when officers arrived they found the eight people dead in the back of the trailer, police Chief William McManus said.Investigators checked store surveillance video, which showed vehicles had arrived and picked up other people from the tractor-trailer, police said. We re looking at a human trafficking crime this evening, McManus said.He called the case a horrific tragedy. The U.S. Department of Homeland Security was involved in the investigation into what happened, he’said.The National Weather Service s local office said the temperature in San Antonio hit 101 degrees just before 5 p.m. Saturday and didn’t dip below 90 degrees until after 10 p.m.Other cases of human trafficking in the United States have led to more deaths. In May 2003, 19 immigrants being transported from South Texas to Houston died inside a sweltering tractor-trailer.Prosecutors said the driver in the 2003 case heard the immigrants begging and screaming for their lives as they were succumbing to the’stifling heat inside his truck but refused to free them. The driver was resentenced in 2011 to nearly 34 years in prison after a federal appeals court overturned the multiple life sentences he had received. NYPMany of the human trafficking cases are related to human traffickers bringing illegal aliens into the United States:Jalopnik In July 2013, Authorities in Mexico charged a truck driver with human trafficking after discovering 94 people in his vehicle headed to the United States.A report from Reuters says that the 94 people packed into a truck were found near the’southern city of Tuxtla Gutierrez, the capital of the’state of Chiapas. Among them were 19 people from Bangladesh and Nepal, as well as Guatemala, El Salvador and Honduras. They were detected in an X-ray scan Monday night outside Tuxtla Gutierrez.Officials say the migrants were kept in inhumane conditions. (Is there a way to humanely cram close to 100 people into a single truck?) Several were treated for injuries, and many experienced symptoms of suffocation.
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: Anyone who takes part in this type of sub-human criminal activity should never see the light of day again. The lawmakers who refuse to lock down our borders and stiffen the penalties for human traffickers who bring illegal aliens into the U.S. should also be held accountable by their constituents Eight people were found dead in a tractor-trailer outside a Walmart store in the’stifling summer heat in what police called a horrific human trafficking case, and the driver was arrested.Several other people, possibly dozens, were found in the truck, which didn’t have a working air conditioning system despite blistering temperatures that topped 100 degrees, and they were taken to hospitals, authorities said. The driver had been held, authorities said, but they’didn’t release the driver s identity.A person from the truck approached a Walmart employee in a parking lot and asked for water late Saturday night or early Sunday morning, said police in San Antonio, where temperatures on Saturday reached 101 degrees. The employee gave the person the water and then called police, and when officers arrived they found the eight people dead in the back of the trailer, police Chief William McManus said.Investigators checked store surveillance video, which showed vehicles had arrived and picked up other people from the tractor-trailer, police said. We re looking at a human trafficking crime this evening, McManus said.He called the case a horrific tragedy. The U.S. Department of Homeland Security was involved in the investigation into what happened, he’said.The National Weather Service s local office said the temperature in San Antonio hit 101 degrees just before 5 p.m. Saturday and didn’t dip below 90 degrees until after 10 p.m.Other cases of human trafficking in the United States have led to more deaths. In May 2003, 19 immigrants being transported from South Texas to Houston died inside a sweltering tractor-trailer.Prosecutors said the driver in the 2003 case heard the immigrants begging and screaming for their lives as they were succumbing to the’stifling heat inside his truck but refused to free them. The driver was resentenced in 2011 to nearly 34 years in prison after a federal appeals court overturned the multiple life sentences he had received. NYPMany of the human trafficking cases are related to human traffickers bringing illegal aliens into the United States:Jalopnik In July 2013, Authorities in Mexico charged a truck driver with human trafficking after discovering 94 people in his vehicle headed to the United States.A report from Reuters says that the 94 people packed into a truck were found near the’southern city of Tuxtla Gutierrez, the capital of the’state of Chiapas. Among them were 19 people from Bangladesh and Nepal, as well as Guatemala, El Salvador and Honduras. They were detected in an X-ray scan Monday night outside Tuxtla Gutierrez.Officials say the migrants were kept in inhumane conditions. (Is there a way to humanely cram close to 100 people into a single truck?) Several were treated for injuries, and many experienced symptoms of suffocation.
Nigeria s army said it had repelled an attack on Monday by suspected Boko Haram militants on the city at the center of the conflict with the Islamist insurgency. Major General Nicholas Rogers, who heads Nigeria s military operations against Boko Haram, told Reuters that the situation in Maiduguri, in the northeast of Nigeria, was under control. He did not give further details. The government says it is on alert for Boko Haram attacks during the Christmas period and other festivals for Christians and Muslims. Embassies regularly warn their nationals to be cautious and avoid public spaces at those times. Heavy gunfire was heard in the Molai area on the outskirts of the city on Monday evening, prompting residents to flee the district, two residents and an officer in a local vigilante group had said. The vigilante commander, who asked not to be identified, said his group had joined the effort to repel the attackers. There were no immediate reports of casualties nor any immediate claim of responsibility. It was also not immediately possible to identify the target of the assault. Boko Haram has in the past targeted places of worship during religious celebrations, including attacking churches at Christmas or mosques during Muslim festivals or prayer times. The last major Boko Haram attack on Maiduguri, a mainly Muslim city with a Christian minority, was in June, when the group launched an assault on the eve of a visit by Vice President Yemi Osinbajo. President Muhammadu Buhari s administration has previously said Boko Haram was almost defeated but the latest attack shows the group s continued ability to stage hit-and-run raids, prompting a renewed government push against the militants. The Nigerian government approved the release of $1 billion last week from a state oil fund to help with the fight. Nigeria s long-term plan is to corral civilians inside fortified garrison towns, a move that effectively cedes the rural areas to Boko Haram. Nigeria replaced its previous military commander of the fight against Boko Haram after half a year in the post. Military sources told Reuters this followed a series of embarrassing attacks by the militants.
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: Nigeria s army said it had repelled an attack on Monday by suspected Boko Haram militants on the city at the center of the conflict with the Islamist insurgency. Major General Nicholas Rogers, who heads Nigeria s military operations against Boko Haram, told Reuters that the situation in Maiduguri, in the northeast of Nigeria, was under control. He did not give further details. The government says it is on alert for Boko Haram attacks during the Christmas period and other festivals for Christians and Muslims. Embassies regularly warn their nationals to be cautious and avoid public spaces at those times. Heavy gunfire was heard in the Molai area on the outskirts of the city on Monday evening, prompting residents to flee the district, two residents and an officer in a local vigilante group had said. The vigilante commander, who asked not to be identified, said his group had joined the effort to repel the attackers. There were no immediate reports of casualties nor any immediate claim of responsibility. It was also not immediately possible to identify the target of the assault. Boko Haram has in the past targeted places of worship during religious celebrations, including attacking churches at Christmas or mosques during Muslim festivals or prayer times. The last major Boko Haram attack on Maiduguri, a mainly Muslim city with a Christian minority, was in June, when the group launched an assault on the eve of a visit by Vice President Yemi Osinbajo. President Muhammadu Buhari s administration has previously said Boko Haram was almost defeated but the latest attack shows the group s continued ability to stage hit-and-run raids, prompting a renewed government push against the militants. The Nigerian government approved the release of $1 billion last week from a state oil fund to help with the fight. Nigeria s long-term plan is to corral civilians inside fortified garrison towns, a move that effectively cedes the rural areas to Boko Haram. Nigeria replaced its previous military commander of the fight against Boko Haram after half a year in the post. Military sources told Reuters this followed a series of embarrassing attacks by the militants.
Do you think this is a good idea or is this enabling the addict?Las Vegas is betting on a new approach to combat rising heroin and HIV rates: vending machines of clean needles.But the’syringe exchange vending machines, a first in the United States, aren’t open to just anyone walking by. They are accessible to clients of Trac-B Exchange, a program run by the Las Vegas Hard Reduction Center.And the machines don’t take money. Instead, drug users scan a card and enter a unique ID number in order to vend one of the colorfully gift-wrapped boxes inside. This is a harm reduction approach, said Chelsi Cheatom, program manager for Trac-B Exchange, in an interview with NBC Las Vegas affiliate KSNV. People are already exchanging in these behaviors, and anytime someone s engaging in a behavior that could cause them some potential health side effects, we want to encourage them to reduce their risk of harm. The center worked in collaboration with the Southern Nevada Health District and the Nevada AIDS Research and Education Society (NARES) to install the new machines, which will be available at three different locations by the end of May. Each client will be limited to two kits a week; each box contains syringes, alcohol wipes, safe sex supplies, and a sharps disposal box. Providing clean needles and supplies is a proven method for limiting disease transmission in a community, said Dr. Joe Iser, Chief Health Officer of the Southern Nevada Health District, in a statement Wednesday.Nevada is the first U.S. state to launch a vending machine program for clean syringes, but the vending machine model has been in use for several years in Puerto Rico, Europe, and Australia.In 2014, a harm-reduction group installed crack pipe vending machines in Vancouver, Canada. But that program operated differently, with full access to anyone for just a quarter.Read more: NBC
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: Do you think this is a good idea or is this enabling the addict?Las Vegas is betting on a new approach to combat rising heroin and HIV rates: vending machines of clean needles.But the’syringe exchange vending machines, a first in the United States, aren’t open to just anyone walking by. They are accessible to clients of Trac-B Exchange, a program run by the Las Vegas Hard Reduction Center.And the machines don’t take money. Instead, drug users scan a card and enter a unique ID number in order to vend one of the colorfully gift-wrapped boxes inside. This is a harm reduction approach, said Chelsi Cheatom, program manager for Trac-B Exchange, in an interview with NBC Las Vegas affiliate KSNV. People are already exchanging in these behaviors, and anytime someone s engaging in a behavior that could cause them some potential health side effects, we want to encourage them to reduce their risk of harm. The center worked in collaboration with the Southern Nevada Health District and the Nevada AIDS Research and Education Society (NARES) to install the new machines, which will be available at three different locations by the end of May. Each client will be limited to two kits a week; each box contains syringes, alcohol wipes, safe sex supplies, and a sharps disposal box. Providing clean needles and supplies is a proven method for limiting disease transmission in a community, said Dr. Joe Iser, Chief Health Officer of the Southern Nevada Health District, in a statement Wednesday.Nevada is the first U.S. state to launch a vending machine program for clean syringes, but the vending machine model has been in use for several years in Puerto Rico, Europe, and Australia.In 2014, a harm-reduction group installed crack pipe vending machines in Vancouver, Canada. But that program operated differently, with full access to anyone for just a quarter.Read more: NBC
Thursday night marked the’seventh GOP debate of this presidential election season. Democratic frontrunner Hillary Clinton decided to take the opportunity to remind us all just what a GOP win in 2016 would mean for the country. She took to her twitter account to make sure everyone knew not to be fooled by any seemingly rational statements made by the clowns on stage.First the former Secretary of State blasted the misogynist men and their equally misogynist policies:Here you go, @JebBush: #GOPDebate Hillary Clinton (@HillaryClinton) January 29, 2016With every Republican attacking safe and legal abortion, women need more than an ally in the White House: We need a fighter. #ImWithHer Hillary Clinton (@HillaryClinton) January 29, 2016Reproductive rights are human rights. Women not any of the politicians on stage should make decisions about their own health. #GOPdebate Hillary Clinton (@HillaryClinton) January 29, 2016Then, she tackled their immigration positions:Trump isn’t the only candidate missing from the #GOPdebate stage tonight. So is anyone who would protect DACA and DAPA. Hillary Clinton (@HillaryClinton) January 29, 2016Mientras los Republicanos no ofrecen ninguna soluci n, Hillary apoya una reforma migratoria con un camino hacia la ciudadan a. #GOPdebate Hillary Clinton (@HillaryClinton) January 29, 2016And of course, she rightfully condemned the Islamophobia that GOPers are so well-known for:Muslim Americans: This is your country, too. Islamophobic rhetoric isn't a tool against terrorism and it has no place in America. #GOPdebate Hillary Clinton (@HillaryClinton) January 29, 2016And of course, she attacked their anti-science stances on climate change:Want to hear presidential candidates discuss how they'd combat the global threat of climate change? You re out of luck at the #GOPdebate. Hillary Clinton (@HillaryClinton) January 29, 2016Then there was, of course, their ridiculous approach to fighting ISIS and other forms of terrorism:Said it before, will say it again: Bluster and chest-beating aren't a strategy to defeat terrorism. #GOPdebate Hillary Clinton (@HillaryClinton) January 29, 2016Of course, she had to mention Trump’s absence, but reminded us all that his horrible ideas were still there, with the other equally regressive candidates:Donald Trump isn't on stage at the #GOPdebate but you can bet the’same backwards ideas and out-of-touch rhetoric will be out in force. Hillary Clinton (@HillaryClinton) January 29, 2016In the end, this fabulous woman just straight out insulted them.#GOPdebate: Lots of bickering, no real plans to strengthen families or keep us safe. Hillary Clinton (@HillaryClinton) January 29, 2016And she’s still tweeting. All in all, this is a very important message. We need to remember what is at stake if we do not vote blue in 2016. Any Democrat is better than these dangerous fools in the GOP Clown Car.Featured image via Hillary Clinton Twitter
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: Thursday night marked the’seventh GOP debate of this presidential election season. Democratic frontrunner Hillary Clinton decided to take the opportunity to remind us all just what a GOP win in 2016 would mean for the country. She took to her twitter account to make sure everyone knew not to be fooled by any seemingly rational statements made by the clowns on stage.First the former Secretary of State blasted the misogynist men and their equally misogynist policies:Here you go, @JebBush: #GOPDebate Hillary Clinton (@HillaryClinton) January 29, 2016With every Republican attacking safe and legal abortion, women need more than an ally in the White House: We need a fighter. #ImWithHer Hillary Clinton (@HillaryClinton) January 29, 2016Reproductive rights are human rights. Women not any of the politicians on stage should make decisions about their own health. #GOPdebate Hillary Clinton (@HillaryClinton) January 29, 2016Then, she tackled their immigration positions:Trump isn’t the only candidate missing from the #GOPdebate stage tonight. So is anyone who would protect DACA and DAPA. Hillary Clinton (@HillaryClinton) January 29, 2016Mientras los Republicanos no ofrecen ninguna soluci n, Hillary apoya una reforma migratoria con un camino hacia la ciudadan a. #GOPdebate Hillary Clinton (@HillaryClinton) January 29, 2016And of course, she rightfully condemned the Islamophobia that GOPers are so well-known for:Muslim Americans: This is your country, too. Islamophobic rhetoric isn't a tool against terrorism and it has no place in America. #GOPdebate Hillary Clinton (@HillaryClinton) January 29, 2016And of course, she attacked their anti-science stances on climate change:Want to hear presidential candidates discuss how they'd combat the global threat of climate change? You re out of luck at the #GOPdebate. Hillary Clinton (@HillaryClinton) January 29, 2016Then there was, of course, their ridiculous approach to fighting ISIS and other forms of terrorism:Said it before, will say it again: Bluster and chest-beating aren't a strategy to defeat terrorism. #GOPdebate Hillary Clinton (@HillaryClinton) January 29, 2016Of course, she had to mention Trump’s absence, but reminded us all that his horrible ideas were still there, with the other equally regressive candidates:Donald Trump isn't on stage at the #GOPdebate but you can bet the’same backwards ideas and out-of-touch rhetoric will be out in force. Hillary Clinton (@HillaryClinton) January 29, 2016In the end, this fabulous woman just straight out insulted them.#GOPdebate: Lots of bickering, no real plans to strengthen families or keep us safe. Hillary Clinton (@HillaryClinton) January 29, 2016And she’s still tweeting. All in all, this is a very important message. We need to remember what is at stake if we do not vote blue in 2016. Any Democrat is better than these dangerous fools in the GOP Clown Car.Featured image via Hillary Clinton Twitter
As the investigations into how Russia meddled in our election escalate, Facebook has turned records relating to ad buys from Russian actors over to Congress. Facebook has found itself in the crosshairs of Democrats and Republicans alike because of this (and for other reasons), and Mark Zuckerberg is finally, finally wondering if maybe he’should be taking a more active role in his own company.Why? Because Facebook sold over 3,000 pro-Trump and pro-right wing ads to fake accounts run by Russians and people with ties to Russia. They turned those records over to the House and Senate Intelligence Committees and to Special Counsel Robert Mueller. They re going to re-evaluate the processes they use to review political ads, and they will supposedly offer a higher standard of transparency on those ads than what the law requires for radio, television and other platforms.For many, it s too little, too late, though. Trump was elected, a hostile foreign power helped him win, and the true scope of how Russia used and manipulated Facebook is still unknown. When they first came under fire for allowing the proliferation of fake news following Trump’s win, Zuckerberg s excuse was that they were a technology company, not a media company. The implication was that they couldn’t be held responsible for any of that.They re only now starting to come around to the truth, but the’sad thing about this is that Zuckerberg was warned about people misusing his platform to swing the election several times. In fact, none other than President Obama himself literally pulled Zuckerberg aside during a conference in Peru to practically beg him to take the threat of fake news and disinformation seriously. Obama told Zuckerberg that, unless he actually paid attention, this would only be worse in four years.But Zuckerberg blew him off. He told Obama that such messages weren’t widespread on his platform, and that there wouldn’t be an easy solution to it. Like his pathetic excuse of being a tech company, Zuckerberg shirked any and all responsibility for it. Obama tried. Zuckerberg didn’t really seem to care.Discovering that another country would even dare to try and influence our elections should be a horrific epiphany for any American. It s true that neither Zuckerberg, nor anyone else at Facebook (or anyone really) could have sufficiently predicted that anything like this would happen. As recently as two to three years ago, most of us would have made fun of the conspiracy theorists making bizarre claims about shady and hostile foreign actors working to swing our elections to their favor. That s reality now, but early warnings like Obama s seem to have slid right off Zuckerberg s back, as he was more concerned with his product than with how his product was being misused.Russia weaponized Facebook, and it s not over. Facebook has its part to do and they need to get to it post-haste. But another part may lie with Washington, with our lawmakers. It may well be time to apply laws similar to those that govern political advertising elsewhere to social media. Facebook hasn’t yet provided many details about how they ll be transparent, especially given the fact that many of their political ads don’t meet current legal definitions for political ads. They are, however, talking the talk. Now they need to walk the walk, or be forced to do so under law.Featured image via Justin Sullivan/Getty Images
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: As the investigations into how Russia meddled in our election escalate, Facebook has turned records relating to ad buys from Russian actors over to Congress. Facebook has found itself in the crosshairs of Democrats and Republicans alike because of this (and for other reasons), and Mark Zuckerberg is finally, finally wondering if maybe he’should be taking a more active role in his own company.Why? Because Facebook sold over 3,000 pro-Trump and pro-right wing ads to fake accounts run by Russians and people with ties to Russia. They turned those records over to the House and Senate Intelligence Committees and to Special Counsel Robert Mueller. They re going to re-evaluate the processes they use to review political ads, and they will supposedly offer a higher standard of transparency on those ads than what the law requires for radio, television and other platforms.For many, it s too little, too late, though. Trump was elected, a hostile foreign power helped him win, and the true scope of how Russia used and manipulated Facebook is still unknown. When they first came under fire for allowing the proliferation of fake news following Trump’s win, Zuckerberg s excuse was that they were a technology company, not a media company. The implication was that they couldn’t be held responsible for any of that.They re only now starting to come around to the truth, but the’sad thing about this is that Zuckerberg was warned about people misusing his platform to swing the election several times. In fact, none other than President Obama himself literally pulled Zuckerberg aside during a conference in Peru to practically beg him to take the threat of fake news and disinformation seriously. Obama told Zuckerberg that, unless he actually paid attention, this would only be worse in four years.But Zuckerberg blew him off. He told Obama that such messages weren’t widespread on his platform, and that there wouldn’t be an easy solution to it. Like his pathetic excuse of being a tech company, Zuckerberg shirked any and all responsibility for it. Obama tried. Zuckerberg didn’t really seem to care.Discovering that another country would even dare to try and influence our elections should be a horrific epiphany for any American. It s true that neither Zuckerberg, nor anyone else at Facebook (or anyone really) could have sufficiently predicted that anything like this would happen. As recently as two to three years ago, most of us would have made fun of the conspiracy theorists making bizarre claims about shady and hostile foreign actors working to swing our elections to their favor. That s reality now, but early warnings like Obama s seem to have slid right off Zuckerberg s back, as he was more concerned with his product than with how his product was being misused.Russia weaponized Facebook, and it s not over. Facebook has its part to do and they need to get to it post-haste. But another part may lie with Washington, with our lawmakers. It may well be time to apply laws similar to those that govern political advertising elsewhere to social media. Facebook hasn’t yet provided many details about how they ll be transparent, especially given the fact that many of their political ads don’t meet current legal definitions for political ads. They are, however, talking the talk. Now they need to walk the walk, or be forced to do so under law.Featured image via Justin Sullivan/Getty Images
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said on Sunday that a draft bill that sets limits on police investigators should be revised so it does not apply to criminal probes in which he is a suspect. The proposed legislation, which has sparked protests in Israel, would prohibit the police from publicizing whether they have found sufficient grounds to charge a suspect. Critics say the bill is an attempt to protect Netanyahu and keep the public in the dark regarding ongoing investigations in which he is a suspect, but its supporters said it is intended to protect suspects legal rights and reputations. Some 20,000 Israelis demonstrated against the bill in Tel Aviv on Saturday and, as public pressure mounted, support among coalition members for the bill began to wane on Sunday, a day before parliament was expected to ratify it. For the debate on the bill to be topical and not be used for political propaganda, I have asked ... that (it) be worded so that it does not cover the ongoing investigations in my matters, Netanyahu wrote on his Facebook page. With ratification of the legislation delayed, he said he had told the bill s proponent, David Amsalem, a lawmaker from his own right-wing Likud party, that it had become a political battering ram against the government. But in justifying the legislation, Netanyahu said: The bill is intended to prevent publication of police recommendations which would leave a cloud over innocent people, something that happens every day. Netanyahu is a suspect in two cases. In one, he is alleged to have meddled in the media industry and the other concerns gifts he received from wealthy businessmen. He denies any wrongdoing. But, if charged, he would come under heavy pressure to resign or he could call an election to test whether he still has a mandate to govern. Netanyahu has in the past said he had no interest in promoting personal legislation but he also did not order the bill s sponsors, Amsalem, and David Bitan, another Likud confidant, to withdraw it. Netanyahu has described himself as a victim of a political witch hunt and said he will be cleared. There will be nothing because there is nothing, he has said repeatedly. (This story removes extraneous text from first paragraph)
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said on Sunday that a draft bill that sets limits on police investigators should be revised so it does not apply to criminal probes in which he is a suspect. The proposed legislation, which has sparked protests in Israel, would prohibit the police from publicizing whether they have found sufficient grounds to charge a suspect. Critics say the bill is an attempt to protect Netanyahu and keep the public in the dark regarding ongoing investigations in which he is a suspect, but its supporters said it is intended to protect suspects legal rights and reputations. Some 20,000 Israelis demonstrated against the bill in Tel Aviv on Saturday and, as public pressure mounted, support among coalition members for the bill began to wane on Sunday, a day before parliament was expected to ratify it. For the debate on the bill to be topical and not be used for political propaganda, I have asked ... that (it) be worded so that it does not cover the ongoing investigations in my matters, Netanyahu wrote on his Facebook page. With ratification of the legislation delayed, he said he had told the bill s proponent, David Amsalem, a lawmaker from his own right-wing Likud party, that it had become a political battering ram against the government. But in justifying the legislation, Netanyahu said: The bill is intended to prevent publication of police recommendations which would leave a cloud over innocent people, something that happens every day. Netanyahu is a suspect in two cases. In one, he is alleged to have meddled in the media industry and the other concerns gifts he received from wealthy businessmen. He denies any wrongdoing. But, if charged, he would come under heavy pressure to resign or he could call an election to test whether he still has a mandate to govern. Netanyahu has in the past said he had no interest in promoting personal legislation but he also did not order the bill s sponsors, Amsalem, and David Bitan, another Likud confidant, to withdraw it. Netanyahu has described himself as a victim of a political witch hunt and said he will be cleared. There will be nothing because there is nothing, he has said repeatedly. (This story removes extraneous text from first paragraph)
We all love seeing Alec Baldwin portray Donald Trump on Saturday Night Live, but last night he pulled another ace out of his sleeve when he debuted as Bill O Reilly. But it gets better Baldwin s Bill O Reilly interviews Baldwin s Donald Trump!As the’sketch opens, O Reilly addresses his audience on a serious note: Hello, I m Bill O Reilly, and I hope you are having a terrific evening, The’subject of tonight s Talking Points Memo is a scandal everyone s been talking about all week. A scandal no one thought I would have the guts to address head on. It appears he’s going to address his sexual harassment issues, but instead he reveals his true talking point: The’shocking allegations of the abuse of power that have been leveled against the Obama administration. He then attempts to introduce Fox News reporter Laurie Dhue (one of the actual women who received a settlement after filing a sexual harassment suit). After he’s told that she no longer works for Fox News, O Reilly asks, Well, did she receive the check? After speaking to another female reporter who, for obvious reasons, had to stay 500 yards away from him, he goes on to address the issues he’s having with sponsors leaving the’show. As you know, 60 of our sponsors have pulled ads from the program, O Reilly said, before going to commercial break. No word as to why yet. We thank the following for sticking with us. After that, fake ads played for dog cocaine and horse Cialis. Now this is hard for me to discuss, but I also have been in the news this week, Baldwin s O Reilly said after the break. Several women have come forward and accused me of offering them exciting opportunities here at Fox News. Beyond that, the details are fuzzy, but one man was brave enough to come to my defense. A man who is unimpeachable on all female issues. Cue Donald Trump who did, in real life, come to O Reilly s defense this past week. The two then appear together in split screen. I actually see a lot of myself in you, Bill, Baldwin s Trump’said, calling himself a big fan of the host. O Reilly then thanks him for his support and asks him if he is actually familiar with the case. I m more familiar with this case than, say, health care, but I didn’t really look into it much, no. I was busy being super presidential by bombing a bunch of shit. Baldwin s O Reilly then thanked him for promoting Sexual Assault Awareness Month and Trump’said: That s right, Bill. It s a subject near and dear to my hands. Watch the full video below:Featured image via video screenshot
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: We all love seeing Alec Baldwin portray Donald Trump on Saturday Night Live, but last night he pulled another ace out of his sleeve when he debuted as Bill O Reilly. But it gets better Baldwin s Bill O Reilly interviews Baldwin s Donald Trump!As the’sketch opens, O Reilly addresses his audience on a serious note: Hello, I m Bill O Reilly, and I hope you are having a terrific evening, The’subject of tonight s Talking Points Memo is a scandal everyone s been talking about all week. A scandal no one thought I would have the guts to address head on. It appears he’s going to address his sexual harassment issues, but instead he reveals his true talking point: The’shocking allegations of the abuse of power that have been leveled against the Obama administration. He then attempts to introduce Fox News reporter Laurie Dhue (one of the actual women who received a settlement after filing a sexual harassment suit). After he’s told that she no longer works for Fox News, O Reilly asks, Well, did she receive the check? After speaking to another female reporter who, for obvious reasons, had to stay 500 yards away from him, he goes on to address the issues he’s having with sponsors leaving the’show. As you know, 60 of our sponsors have pulled ads from the program, O Reilly said, before going to commercial break. No word as to why yet. We thank the following for sticking with us. After that, fake ads played for dog cocaine and horse Cialis. Now this is hard for me to discuss, but I also have been in the news this week, Baldwin s O Reilly said after the break. Several women have come forward and accused me of offering them exciting opportunities here at Fox News. Beyond that, the details are fuzzy, but one man was brave enough to come to my defense. A man who is unimpeachable on all female issues. Cue Donald Trump who did, in real life, come to O Reilly s defense this past week. The two then appear together in split screen. I actually see a lot of myself in you, Bill, Baldwin s Trump’said, calling himself a big fan of the host. O Reilly then thanks him for his support and asks him if he is actually familiar with the case. I m more familiar with this case than, say, health care, but I didn’t really look into it much, no. I was busy being super presidential by bombing a bunch of shit. Baldwin s O Reilly then thanked him for promoting Sexual Assault Awareness Month and Trump’said: That s right, Bill. It s a subject near and dear to my hands. Watch the full video below:Featured image via video screenshot
The Obama administration is maneuvering to pay health insurers billions of dollars the government owes under the Affordable Care Act, through a move that could circumvent Congress and help shore up the president s signature legislative achievement before he leaves office.Justice Department officials have privately told several health plans suing over the unpaid money that they are eager to negotiate a broad settlement, which could end up offering payments to about 175 health plans selling coverage on ACA marketplaces, according to insurance executives and lawyers familiar with the talks.The payments most likely would draw from an obscure Treasury Department fund intended to cover federal legal claims, the executives and lawyers said. This approach would get around a recent congressional ban on the use of Health and Human Services money to pay the insurers.Read more: WaPo
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: The Obama administration is maneuvering to pay health insurers billions of dollars the government owes under the Affordable Care Act, through a move that could circumvent Congress and help shore up the president s signature legislative achievement before he leaves office.Justice Department officials have privately told several health plans suing over the unpaid money that they are eager to negotiate a broad settlement, which could end up offering payments to about 175 health plans selling coverage on ACA marketplaces, according to insurance executives and lawyers familiar with the talks.The payments most likely would draw from an obscure Treasury Department fund intended to cover federal legal claims, the executives and lawyers said. This approach would get around a recent congressional ban on the use of Health and Human Services money to pay the insurers.Read more: WaPo
It can easily be said that Donald Trump is a few sandwiches short of a picnic, and he just proved that fact once again with his latest tweet.Trump, since the’start of his campaign, has been telling everyone that he’s going to get rid of Obamacare and replace it with something better, and quite honestly if his latest tweet is what he wants liberals will likely get on board. However, in his idiocy, he probably doesn’t realize what he just said.Trump tweeted out: Of course the Australians have better healthcare than we do everybody does. ObamaCare is dead! But our healthcare will soon be great. Of course the Australians have better healthcare than we do everybody does. ObamaCare is dead! But our healthcare will soon be great. Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) May 5, 2017If Trump wants to give us what the rest of the industrialized world has, have at it! Please do!!Australia has a Medicare for all program for their citizens, and nations around the world have similar health systems that provide care for their nation s citizens. They take out the middleman of for-profit insurance, and give direct, affordable care, only increasing taxes slightly, and you no longer have the added expense of insurance premiums. AND EVERYONE IS COVERED.Now, this isn’t likely what Trump meant to say, but it is what he’said.The American Health Care Act, better known as Trumpcare, that passed yesterday in the House is simply a gift to the wealthy while stripping insurance and necessary benefits from those who need it most. That s NOT what Australia has, and would be far worse than anything else in the world.Twitter quickly reminded Trump that he’s a moron:@realDonaldTrump Australia is part of the rest of the civilized world that has Universal HC.We can do better.#AHCA#FridayFeeling #TheResistance Holly O'Reilly (@AynRandPaulRyan) May 5, 2017@realDonaldTrump And why do you think that everybody else has better healthcare than we do? Could it perhaps be because of universal coverage? Simon Hedlin (@simonhedlin) May 5, 2017@realDonaldTrump Here is the health insurance coverage rate in America compared with other countries before Obamacare. Yes, let's turn back the clock! Simon Hedlin (@simonhedlin) May 5, 2017@realDonaldTrump THEY HAVE GOVERNMENT FUNDED UNIVERSAL HEALTHCARE Robert Maguire (@RobertMaguire_) May 5, 2017@realDonaldTrump What's the one thing pretty much every industrialized nation has with regards to healthcare that we don't? Parker Molloy (@ParkerMolloy) May 5, 2017@realDonaldTrump So you're now FOR Tax payer funded Universal Healthcare??? make it happen, then!! Kyle McMahon (@KMacMusic) May 5, 2017@realDonaldTrump Will you promise the American people right now to support an Australian-style healthcare system? Dave Hogg ? (@Stareagle) May 5, 2017We ll likely see Trump denying he’said what he’said in this tweet later today, but in the meantime, let’s pretend he wants Universal coverage so we all can have a little hope back in our lives.Featured Photo by Getty Images
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: It can easily be said that Donald Trump is a few sandwiches short of a picnic, and he just proved that fact once again with his latest tweet.Trump, since the’start of his campaign, has been telling everyone that he’s going to get rid of Obamacare and replace it with something better, and quite honestly if his latest tweet is what he wants liberals will likely get on board. However, in his idiocy, he probably doesn’t realize what he just said.Trump tweeted out: Of course the Australians have better healthcare than we do everybody does. ObamaCare is dead! But our healthcare will soon be great. Of course the Australians have better healthcare than we do everybody does. ObamaCare is dead! But our healthcare will soon be great. Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) May 5, 2017If Trump wants to give us what the rest of the industrialized world has, have at it! Please do!!Australia has a Medicare for all program for their citizens, and nations around the world have similar health systems that provide care for their nation s citizens. They take out the middleman of for-profit insurance, and give direct, affordable care, only increasing taxes slightly, and you no longer have the added expense of insurance premiums. AND EVERYONE IS COVERED.Now, this isn’t likely what Trump meant to say, but it is what he’said.The American Health Care Act, better known as Trumpcare, that passed yesterday in the House is simply a gift to the wealthy while stripping insurance and necessary benefits from those who need it most. That s NOT what Australia has, and would be far worse than anything else in the world.Twitter quickly reminded Trump that he’s a moron:@realDonaldTrump Australia is part of the rest of the civilized world that has Universal HC.We can do better.#AHCA#FridayFeeling #TheResistance Holly O'Reilly (@AynRandPaulRyan) May 5, 2017@realDonaldTrump And why do you think that everybody else has better healthcare than we do? Could it perhaps be because of universal coverage? Simon Hedlin (@simonhedlin) May 5, 2017@realDonaldTrump Here is the health insurance coverage rate in America compared with other countries before Obamacare. Yes, let's turn back the clock! Simon Hedlin (@simonhedlin) May 5, 2017@realDonaldTrump THEY HAVE GOVERNMENT FUNDED UNIVERSAL HEALTHCARE Robert Maguire (@RobertMaguire_) May 5, 2017@realDonaldTrump What's the one thing pretty much every industrialized nation has with regards to healthcare that we don't? Parker Molloy (@ParkerMolloy) May 5, 2017@realDonaldTrump So you're now FOR Tax payer funded Universal Healthcare??? make it happen, then!! Kyle McMahon (@KMacMusic) May 5, 2017@realDonaldTrump Will you promise the American people right now to support an Australian-style healthcare system? Dave Hogg ? (@Stareagle) May 5, 2017We ll likely see Trump denying he’said what he’said in this tweet later today, but in the meantime, let’s pretend he wants Universal coverage so we all can have a little hope back in our lives.Featured Photo by Getty Images
Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton widened her lead over likely Republican nominee Donald Trump to 13 percentage points in a Reuters/Ipsos opinion poll released on Tuesday. The July 1-5 poll included responses gathered mostly over the holiday weekend, before the Federal Bureau of Investigation recommended on Tuesday that no criminal charges be filed against Clinton over her use of private email servers and what it called her “extremely careless” handling of classified information while she was U.S. secretary of state. The presumptive Democratic nominee led Trump, a New York businessman, by 9 percentage points in a previous Reuters/Ipsos poll that ran from June 27 to July 1. Tuesday’s poll showed that 46 percent of likely voters supported Clinton, while 33 percent backed Trump. Twenty-two percent said they would not support either candidate for the Nov. 8 election. Throughout the campaign, Clinton has been dogged by her use of a personal email server during her years as the nation’s top diplomat. Over the past several months, she has handed over thousands of pages of emails to investigators and responded to a number of government inquiries. Clinton has repeatedly said she never sent or received classified documents on her private servers, yet the public appears distrustful of her, according to Reuters/Ipsos polling. In early May, 63 percent of Americans, including 36 percent of Democrats, said they did not believe Clinton was “honest and truthful.” But Clinton has led Trump most of the year among likely voters. Since mid-May, she has maintained a relatively consistent level of support among likely voters, while Trump’s popularity has eroded as his campaign wrestled with a variety of issues. Republican leaders distanced themselves from Trump after he suggested a federal judge was biased because of his Hispanic heritage and after he doubled down on a pledge to block Muslims from entering the country. On Tuesday, U.S. House of Representatives Speaker Paul Ryan criticized a tweet posted by Trump over the weekend that many deemed to be anti-Semitic. Trump’s level of support among likely voters was about 10 points below what 2012 Republican nominee Mitt Romney received in early July 2012. Among Clinton’s supporters, nearly half said they were backing her because “I don’t want Donald Trump to win.” A further 39 percent said they “agree with her positions,” and about 13 percent said they “like her personally.” The online national poll of 1,441 American adults had a credibility interval, a measure of accuracy, of 3 percentage points.
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton widened her lead over likely Republican nominee Donald Trump to 13 percentage points in a Reuters/Ipsos opinion poll released on Tuesday. The July 1-5 poll included responses gathered mostly over the holiday weekend, before the Federal Bureau of Investigation recommended on Tuesday that no criminal charges be filed against Clinton over her use of private email servers and what it called her “extremely careless” handling of classified information while she was U.S. secretary of state. The presumptive Democratic nominee led Trump, a New York businessman, by 9 percentage points in a previous Reuters/Ipsos poll that ran from June 27 to July 1. Tuesday’s poll showed that 46 percent of likely voters supported Clinton, while 33 percent backed Trump. Twenty-two percent said they would not support either candidate for the Nov. 8 election. Throughout the campaign, Clinton has been dogged by her use of a personal email server during her years as the nation’s top diplomat. Over the past several months, she has handed over thousands of pages of emails to investigators and responded to a number of government inquiries. Clinton has repeatedly said she never sent or received classified documents on her private servers, yet the public appears distrustful of her, according to Reuters/Ipsos polling. In early May, 63 percent of Americans, including 36 percent of Democrats, said they did not believe Clinton was “honest and truthful.” But Clinton has led Trump most of the year among likely voters. Since mid-May, she has maintained a relatively consistent level of support among likely voters, while Trump’s popularity has eroded as his campaign wrestled with a variety of issues. Republican leaders distanced themselves from Trump after he suggested a federal judge was biased because of his Hispanic heritage and after he doubled down on a pledge to block Muslims from entering the country. On Tuesday, U.S. House of Representatives Speaker Paul Ryan criticized a tweet posted by Trump over the weekend that many deemed to be anti-Semitic. Trump’s level of support among likely voters was about 10 points below what 2012 Republican nominee Mitt Romney received in early July 2012. Among Clinton’s supporters, nearly half said they were backing her because “I don’t want Donald Trump to win.” A further 39 percent said they “agree with her positions,” and about 13 percent said they “like her personally.” The online national poll of 1,441 American adults had a credibility interval, a measure of accuracy, of 3 percentage points.
U.S. Senate Democratic leader Harry Reid said on Thursday he believes President Barack Obama will nominate a replacement for the late Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia in a little over three weeks. “I think it will be a little over three weeks,” Reid said in an interview on MSNBC, adding that he spoke to Obama about the nomination on Thursday.
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: U.S. Senate Democratic leader Harry Reid said on Thursday he believes President Barack Obama will nominate a replacement for the late Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia in a little over three weeks. “I think it will be a little over three weeks,” Reid said in an interview on MSNBC, adding that he spoke to Obama about the nomination on Thursday.
We reported about Beyonce s half-time Super Bowl appearance, where she ll be performing her anti-cop, anti-White song. For a preview of the’song she ll be performing, click HERE to see the video. The latest, and equally disturbing news is that her race-baiting husband, Jay Z has just dumped a huge sum of money into the #BlackLivesMatter terror groups coffers. Anyone who believes in racial harmony and healing the racial divide that Barack Obama and his racist wife have caused, should never give this power couple another cent of their hard earned money. Jay Z s global music and entertainment platform Tidal in association with Roc Nation is donating $1.5 million to Black Lives Matter and several other local and national social justice organizations, Tidal announced exclusively to Mic on Friday the’same day Trayvon Martin would have turned 21-years-old. The’streaming service raised the $1.5 million at the first Tidal X: 10/20 charity concert in Brooklyn, New York, featuring Beyonc , Nicki Minaj, Jay Z, Lil Wayne and Nick Jonas.Tidal s group of artist owners, which includes several of the musicians who performed in October s sold-out show including Beyonc , Nicki Minaj and Jay Z, took part in deciding which organizations would receive funding, the’streaming service told Mic. The majority of the groups to benefit are social justice activist groups and organizations, with a large portion of these specifically committed to ensuring the nation understands that black lives matter.Tidal s grants will be administered through the New World Foundation, which funds several civil rights groups and social movements. The nonprofits Tidal will fund include Opportunity Agenda, Hands Up United, Sankofa.Org, as well as local organizing groups in California: Community Coalition; Florida: Dream Defenders; Illinois: Black Youth Project; Maryland: Baltimore Justice Fund; Empowerment Development Corporation; New York: Million Hoodies; NY Justice League and Ohio: Ohio Students Association/Organizing Collaborative.According to Tidal, donations will also be given to organizations created by the families of victims of police brutality, including the Trayvon Martin Foundation, the Michael O.D. Brown We Love Ours Sons and Daughters Foundation and the Oscar Grant Foundation.Via: Music.Mic
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: We reported about Beyonce s half-time Super Bowl appearance, where she ll be performing her anti-cop, anti-White song. For a preview of the’song she ll be performing, click HERE to see the video. The latest, and equally disturbing news is that her race-baiting husband, Jay Z has just dumped a huge sum of money into the #BlackLivesMatter terror groups coffers. Anyone who believes in racial harmony and healing the racial divide that Barack Obama and his racist wife have caused, should never give this power couple another cent of their hard earned money. Jay Z s global music and entertainment platform Tidal in association with Roc Nation is donating $1.5 million to Black Lives Matter and several other local and national social justice organizations, Tidal announced exclusively to Mic on Friday the’same day Trayvon Martin would have turned 21-years-old. The’streaming service raised the $1.5 million at the first Tidal X: 10/20 charity concert in Brooklyn, New York, featuring Beyonc , Nicki Minaj, Jay Z, Lil Wayne and Nick Jonas.Tidal s group of artist owners, which includes several of the musicians who performed in October s sold-out show including Beyonc , Nicki Minaj and Jay Z, took part in deciding which organizations would receive funding, the’streaming service told Mic. The majority of the groups to benefit are social justice activist groups and organizations, with a large portion of these specifically committed to ensuring the nation understands that black lives matter.Tidal s grants will be administered through the New World Foundation, which funds several civil rights groups and social movements. The nonprofits Tidal will fund include Opportunity Agenda, Hands Up United, Sankofa.Org, as well as local organizing groups in California: Community Coalition; Florida: Dream Defenders; Illinois: Black Youth Project; Maryland: Baltimore Justice Fund; Empowerment Development Corporation; New York: Million Hoodies; NY Justice League and Ohio: Ohio Students Association/Organizing Collaborative.According to Tidal, donations will also be given to organizations created by the families of victims of police brutality, including the Trayvon Martin Foundation, the Michael O.D. Brown We Love Ours Sons and Daughters Foundation and the Oscar Grant Foundation.Via: Music.Mic
Colonel Ralph Peters comments on what he thinks Congress will do regarding releasing the 9/11 Report. Unfortunately, he’s correct
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: Colonel Ralph Peters comments on what he thinks Congress will do regarding releasing the 9/11 Report. Unfortunately, he’s correct
The normally straight-laced Council on American-Islamic Relations tried humor to win over Republicans at their national convention on Monday, handing out packets of a satirical medicine called “Islamophobin,” a treatment for Islamophobia. Islamophobin, which is really just chewing gum in a clever package, promises to treat “blind intolerance, unthinking bigotry, irrational fear of Muslims, (and) U.S. presidential election year scapegoating.” On the first day of the Republican convention to nominate Donald Trump for the Nov. 8 election, CAIR leaders urged the party not to push Muslims voters away. Trump has proposed a temporary ban on Muslims entering the United States. He opposes letting in refugees from the Syrian war, suggesting some may be militants posing as the downtrodden. He has made claims, unsupported to date, that thousands of Muslims in New Jersey openly cheered the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks. In an interview broadcast Monday on CNN, Trump’s wife Melania, due to speak at the convention later in the day, said of her husband: “He’s not racist, he’s not anti-immigrant,” and added, “He wants to keep America safe.” CAIR Executive Director Nihad Awad urged Republicans instead to court Muslims voters, saying they could be crucial in swing states that decide presidential elections. “Too often over the course of this campaign, Republican presidential candidates have pandered to these inner-core Islamophobic leaders and their supporters with proposals like patrolling so-called Muslim neighborhoods, surveilling and shutting down mosques, and openly questioning whether a Muslim can serve as president,” Awad said. As a prescription, Awad offered Islamophobin, a concept borrowed from Muslims in Sweden who created a similar product. CAIR sells a package of 12 sugar-free pieces for $1.99 on The package says: “Take two and call a Muslim in the morning.” But it comes with a warning. “Those who already believe in religious diversity, tolerance and mutual understanding should not use this product,” the package says. “Stop taking this product if you begin to develop warm feelings toward Muslims, immigrants or refugees.” Nearby at a separate event, Christian demonstrators tried to eclipse a speech by Rose Hamid, a Muslim woman who was ejected from a Trump rally in South Carolina in January for her silent protest, by standing up wearing her head scarf and a T-shirt reading, “Salam, I come in peace.” As Hamid spoke in favor of a peaceful coexistence at a platform in Public Square set aside for scheduled speeches, the small group behind her hoisted signs such as one saying, “Muhammad is a liar, false-prophet, child-raping pervert.” When they tried to drown out Hamid with a bullhorn, she turned around to see them for the first time and remarked, “Oh, they’re lovely.” Police then removed them from the scene for demonstrating without a permit.
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: The normally straight-laced Council on American-Islamic Relations tried humor to win over Republicans at their national convention on Monday, handing out packets of a satirical medicine called “Islamophobin,” a treatment for Islamophobia. Islamophobin, which is really just chewing gum in a clever package, promises to treat “blind intolerance, unthinking bigotry, irrational fear of Muslims, (and) U.S. presidential election year scapegoating.” On the first day of the Republican convention to nominate Donald Trump for the Nov. 8 election, CAIR leaders urged the party not to push Muslims voters away. Trump has proposed a temporary ban on Muslims entering the United States. He opposes letting in refugees from the Syrian war, suggesting some may be militants posing as the downtrodden. He has made claims, unsupported to date, that thousands of Muslims in New Jersey openly cheered the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks. In an interview broadcast Monday on CNN, Trump’s wife Melania, due to speak at the convention later in the day, said of her husband: “He’s not racist, he’s not anti-immigrant,” and added, “He wants to keep America safe.” CAIR Executive Director Nihad Awad urged Republicans instead to court Muslims voters, saying they could be crucial in swing states that decide presidential elections. “Too often over the course of this campaign, Republican presidential candidates have pandered to these inner-core Islamophobic leaders and their supporters with proposals like patrolling so-called Muslim neighborhoods, surveilling and shutting down mosques, and openly questioning whether a Muslim can serve as president,” Awad said. As a prescription, Awad offered Islamophobin, a concept borrowed from Muslims in Sweden who created a similar product. CAIR sells a package of 12 sugar-free pieces for $1.99 on The package says: “Take two and call a Muslim in the morning.” But it comes with a warning. “Those who already believe in religious diversity, tolerance and mutual understanding should not use this product,” the package says. “Stop taking this product if you begin to develop warm feelings toward Muslims, immigrants or refugees.” Nearby at a separate event, Christian demonstrators tried to eclipse a speech by Rose Hamid, a Muslim woman who was ejected from a Trump rally in South Carolina in January for her silent protest, by standing up wearing her head scarf and a T-shirt reading, “Salam, I come in peace.” As Hamid spoke in favor of a peaceful coexistence at a platform in Public Square set aside for scheduled speeches, the small group behind her hoisted signs such as one saying, “Muhammad is a liar, false-prophet, child-raping pervert.” When they tried to drown out Hamid with a bullhorn, she turned around to see them for the first time and remarked, “Oh, they’re lovely.” Police then removed them from the scene for demonstrating without a permit.
Apparently the Black Lives Matter terror group hasn’t managed to distract Florida voters from Crooked Hillary s untrustworthy record A new poll released from JMC Analytics in Florida (full pdf below) shows Donald Trump leading Hillary Clinton 47% to 42%, and leading with Hispanic voters 49% to 36%.Some (particularly MSM) pundits will find these results quite shocking however, we do not. We ve repeatedly pointed out that Latino voters in Florida are very familiar with strong Patrone male figures within their family. Trump represents a very familiar cultural voice for them.This was abundantly evident in the primary race where Donald Trump won every county within Florida by exceptionally wide margins.You ll often hear the professional political punditry talk about the central (I-4) corridor and how the’specific high population demographics influences elections. Central Florida, and South Central Florida are the inland growing regions for much of the’state s agricultural industry. Look there and you can identify the Latino cultural support for Donald Trump.The coastal communities are diverse and representative of the larger U.S. electorate. Hillary Clinton predictably polls well in the’same area where Marco Rubio won out in the Republican primary. However, Miami-Dade, while population strong, is less influential as the years have progressed and other coastal community populations have grown.Via: Conservative Treehouse
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: Apparently the Black Lives Matter terror group hasn’t managed to distract Florida voters from Crooked Hillary s untrustworthy record A new poll released from JMC Analytics in Florida (full pdf below) shows Donald Trump leading Hillary Clinton 47% to 42%, and leading with Hispanic voters 49% to 36%.Some (particularly MSM) pundits will find these results quite shocking however, we do not. We ve repeatedly pointed out that Latino voters in Florida are very familiar with strong Patrone male figures within their family. Trump represents a very familiar cultural voice for them.This was abundantly evident in the primary race where Donald Trump won every county within Florida by exceptionally wide margins.You ll often hear the professional political punditry talk about the central (I-4) corridor and how the’specific high population demographics influences elections. Central Florida, and South Central Florida are the inland growing regions for much of the’state s agricultural industry. Look there and you can identify the Latino cultural support for Donald Trump.The coastal communities are diverse and representative of the larger U.S. electorate. Hillary Clinton predictably polls well in the’same area where Marco Rubio won out in the Republican primary. However, Miami-Dade, while population strong, is less influential as the years have progressed and other coastal community populations have grown.Via: Conservative Treehouse
As the Republican Party establishment continues to ratchet up its support of Ted Cruz and his campaign in order to stop Donald Trump from capturing the party s presidential nomination, a backlash appears to be growing amongst Trump’supporters.One Trump fan took to YouTube to reveal his anger at the establishment s machinations:According to the video s description, the man is a Republican Party State Delegate in Colorado, and he burned his party registration card in protest of the recent party event because he was removed from his position because he voted for TRUMP. The video is in response to the recent event in that state where Cruz was able to engineer a maneuver where he got all the delegates available. Cruz took all 13 of the delegates up for grabs on Saturday to complete a clean sweep of the’state. Delegates endorsed by his campaign swept all seven congressional district conventions held over the last week as well, which added another 21 delegates. Another three slots are reserved for state party officials. Today was another resounding victory for conservatives, Republicans, and Americans who care about the future of our country, the Cruz campaign said in a statement Saturday night.Trump was completely out hustled at the event, and repeating that campaign s habit of being ill-prepared, handed out incorrect fliers and forms advising their supporters how to get through the delegate process.In response to the effort to deny Trump the nomination on the first ballot at the Republican Convention, where he is required to have 1,237 delegates in support, Trump ally and professional Republican dirty trickster Roger Stone recently announced that in cooperation with conspiracy theorist Alex Jones, he plans to hold rallies in Cleveland during the convention. Stone also said he was encouraging Trump’supporters to go to the private hotel rooms of delegates in order to intimidate them into backing Trump.Despite the theatrics, Trump’still has a nearly 200 delegate lead over Cruz. Trump has 743 delegates, Cruz has 545, and John Kasich has 143. Trump is expected to do very well in the upcoming Republican primary in his home state of New York.Featured image via YouTube
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: As the Republican Party establishment continues to ratchet up its support of Ted Cruz and his campaign in order to stop Donald Trump from capturing the party s presidential nomination, a backlash appears to be growing amongst Trump’supporters.One Trump fan took to YouTube to reveal his anger at the establishment s machinations:According to the video s description, the man is a Republican Party State Delegate in Colorado, and he burned his party registration card in protest of the recent party event because he was removed from his position because he voted for TRUMP. The video is in response to the recent event in that state where Cruz was able to engineer a maneuver where he got all the delegates available. Cruz took all 13 of the delegates up for grabs on Saturday to complete a clean sweep of the’state. Delegates endorsed by his campaign swept all seven congressional district conventions held over the last week as well, which added another 21 delegates. Another three slots are reserved for state party officials. Today was another resounding victory for conservatives, Republicans, and Americans who care about the future of our country, the Cruz campaign said in a statement Saturday night.Trump was completely out hustled at the event, and repeating that campaign s habit of being ill-prepared, handed out incorrect fliers and forms advising their supporters how to get through the delegate process.In response to the effort to deny Trump the nomination on the first ballot at the Republican Convention, where he is required to have 1,237 delegates in support, Trump ally and professional Republican dirty trickster Roger Stone recently announced that in cooperation with conspiracy theorist Alex Jones, he plans to hold rallies in Cleveland during the convention. Stone also said he was encouraging Trump’supporters to go to the private hotel rooms of delegates in order to intimidate them into backing Trump.Despite the theatrics, Trump’still has a nearly 200 delegate lead over Cruz. Trump has 743 delegates, Cruz has 545, and John Kasich has 143. Trump is expected to do very well in the upcoming Republican primary in his home state of New York.Featured image via YouTube
Donald Trump’s nominee to head the CIA sought on Thursday to repair damage from the president-elect’s feud with U.S. intelligence agencies, saying he accepted their findings on Russian hacking, would not comply if ordered to renew use of harsh interrogation techniques and would always “have their backs.” Mike Pompeo’s testimony at his Senate confirmation hearing appeared aimed at reassuring staff at the agency he has been picked to lead, even at the risk of contradicting or distancing himself from some of Trump’s strongest criticism of the intelligence community. Diverging from Trump’s stated aim of seeking closer ties with Russia, Pompeo accused the Russian leadership of “aggressive action” in meddling in the November U.S. elections, of “asserting itself aggressively” by occupying part of Ukraine and of doing “doing nearly nothing” to destroy Islamic State. Pompeo, a Republican member of the House of Representatives and a former U.S. Army officer, insisted that if necessary he would be ready to stand up to Trump, who takes office on Jan. 20, and would shield CIA operatives against any effort to politicize its work. “You have my commitment that every day, I will not only speak truth to power, but I will demand that the men and the women (of the CIA) ... follow my instruction to do that each and every day,” he said. For weeks, the Republican president-elect questioned the intelligence agencies’ conclusion that Russia used hacking and other tactics to try to tilt the election in his favor - an unprecedented breach between an incoming U.S. leader and the intelligence operatives he will soon command. Trump said on Wednesday that Russia was behind the hacking but that other countries were hacking the United States as well. Asked about the hacking, Pompeo said he was very clear about what he called an “aggressive action” ordered by the Russian leadership, and accepted the U.S. intelligence report on the matter. “I’ve seen nothing to cast any doubt on the findings in the report,” he said. Trump this week also furiously denounced intelligence officials for what he said were leaks to the media by intelligence agencies of a dossier that makes unverified, salacious allegations about his contacts in Russia. By contrast, Pompeo voiced strong support for the agency, saying he has seen Central Intelligence Agency staff “walk through fire.” He said he understood it would be a problem “if folks were afraid there would be political retribution” and promised “to have their backs at every single moment. You have my word I will do that.” Pompeo also signaled he would stand firm if necessary against Trump on the issue of enhanced interrogation techniques for terrorism suspects. Such techniques, which were introduced under President George W. Bush after the Sept. 11, 2001 attacks on the United States, are widely regarded as torture and their use has been banned by Congress. Trump said during the election campaign the United States should bring back tactics such as waterboarding, which simulates drowning, although since the election he has said he has heard arguments against such methods. Asked about the issue, Pompeo said that he would “absolutely not” restart enhanced interrogation techniques by the CIA if asked by the president-elect. He noted it would take a change in the law for the CIA to use interrogation techniques that go beyond those permitted by the Army, adding he could not imagine that Trump would order the CIA to use illegal methods. Pompeo, a conservative lawmaker from Kansas who is on the House Intelligence Committee, emphasized that he would be a neutral assessor of challenges and threats. In opening remarks he said he understood that if confirmed his role would switch from policymaker to provider of information. Noting that the CIA does not make policy on any country, he added, “it is a policy decision as to what to do with Russia, but it will be essential that the Agency provide policymakers with accurate intelligence and clear-eyed analysis of Russian activities.” Equally, he said that he would drop the opposition he has had as a lawmaker to the 2015 nuclear deal between Iran and major powers. He said the CIA must be “rigorously fair and objective” in assessing the deal. But he called the Iranians “professionals at cheating” and said he would work to improve U.S. capability to detect violations of Tehran’s commitment to curb its nuclear activities. He called Iran an “emboldened, disruptive player in the Middle East, fuelling tensions” with Sunni Muslim allies of the United States. Pompeo listed it among the challenges facing the United States along with what he called a “resilient” Islamic State and the fallout from Syria’s long civil war. Pompeo also named North Korea, which he said had “dangerously accelerated its nuclear and ballistic missile capabilities.” He said China was creating “real tensions” with its activities in the South China Sea and in cyberspace as it flexed its muscles and expanded its military and economic reach.
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: Donald Trump’s nominee to head the CIA sought on Thursday to repair damage from the president-elect’s feud with U.S. intelligence agencies, saying he accepted their findings on Russian hacking, would not comply if ordered to renew use of harsh interrogation techniques and would always “have their backs.” Mike Pompeo’s testimony at his Senate confirmation hearing appeared aimed at reassuring staff at the agency he has been picked to lead, even at the risk of contradicting or distancing himself from some of Trump’s strongest criticism of the intelligence community. Diverging from Trump’s stated aim of seeking closer ties with Russia, Pompeo accused the Russian leadership of “aggressive action” in meddling in the November U.S. elections, of “asserting itself aggressively” by occupying part of Ukraine and of doing “doing nearly nothing” to destroy Islamic State. Pompeo, a Republican member of the House of Representatives and a former U.S. Army officer, insisted that if necessary he would be ready to stand up to Trump, who takes office on Jan. 20, and would shield CIA operatives against any effort to politicize its work. “You have my commitment that every day, I will not only speak truth to power, but I will demand that the men and the women (of the CIA) ... follow my instruction to do that each and every day,” he said. For weeks, the Republican president-elect questioned the intelligence agencies’ conclusion that Russia used hacking and other tactics to try to tilt the election in his favor - an unprecedented breach between an incoming U.S. leader and the intelligence operatives he will soon command. Trump said on Wednesday that Russia was behind the hacking but that other countries were hacking the United States as well. Asked about the hacking, Pompeo said he was very clear about what he called an “aggressive action” ordered by the Russian leadership, and accepted the U.S. intelligence report on the matter. “I’ve seen nothing to cast any doubt on the findings in the report,” he said. Trump this week also furiously denounced intelligence officials for what he said were leaks to the media by intelligence agencies of a dossier that makes unverified, salacious allegations about his contacts in Russia. By contrast, Pompeo voiced strong support for the agency, saying he has seen Central Intelligence Agency staff “walk through fire.” He said he understood it would be a problem “if folks were afraid there would be political retribution” and promised “to have their backs at every single moment. You have my word I will do that.” Pompeo also signaled he would stand firm if necessary against Trump on the issue of enhanced interrogation techniques for terrorism suspects. Such techniques, which were introduced under President George W. Bush after the Sept. 11, 2001 attacks on the United States, are widely regarded as torture and their use has been banned by Congress. Trump said during the election campaign the United States should bring back tactics such as waterboarding, which simulates drowning, although since the election he has said he has heard arguments against such methods. Asked about the issue, Pompeo said that he would “absolutely not” restart enhanced interrogation techniques by the CIA if asked by the president-elect. He noted it would take a change in the law for the CIA to use interrogation techniques that go beyond those permitted by the Army, adding he could not imagine that Trump would order the CIA to use illegal methods. Pompeo, a conservative lawmaker from Kansas who is on the House Intelligence Committee, emphasized that he would be a neutral assessor of challenges and threats. In opening remarks he said he understood that if confirmed his role would switch from policymaker to provider of information. Noting that the CIA does not make policy on any country, he added, “it is a policy decision as to what to do with Russia, but it will be essential that the Agency provide policymakers with accurate intelligence and clear-eyed analysis of Russian activities.” Equally, he said that he would drop the opposition he has had as a lawmaker to the 2015 nuclear deal between Iran and major powers. He said the CIA must be “rigorously fair and objective” in assessing the deal. But he called the Iranians “professionals at cheating” and said he would work to improve U.S. capability to detect violations of Tehran’s commitment to curb its nuclear activities. He called Iran an “emboldened, disruptive player in the Middle East, fuelling tensions” with Sunni Muslim allies of the United States. Pompeo listed it among the challenges facing the United States along with what he called a “resilient” Islamic State and the fallout from Syria’s long civil war. Pompeo also named North Korea, which he said had “dangerously accelerated its nuclear and ballistic missile capabilities.” He said China was creating “real tensions” with its activities in the South China Sea and in cyberspace as it flexed its muscles and expanded its military and economic reach.
We re thinking it s having the opposite effect. Maybe it s time for a food fight The Black Lives Matter terrorist began harassing unsuspecting patrons this morning at Dove s Diner on Wicker Road in Chicago. Gateway Pundit
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: We re thinking it s having the opposite effect. Maybe it s time for a food fight The Black Lives Matter terrorist began harassing unsuspecting patrons this morning at Dove s Diner on Wicker Road in Chicago. Gateway Pundit
Donald Trump likely caused a diplomatic crisis with China when he decided he would talk to the president of Taiwan on Friday. The move left political observers scratching their heads and wondering how he could have possibly thought this was a good idea. The answer is simple. It s the’same reason Trump does everything he thinks he can get something out of it. In this case, another luxury resort.In 1979, the United States severed all diplomatic ties with Taiwan and adopted a One China stance. Since that time, no president (or president-elect) has spoken with the country s president. As far as China is concerned, Taiwan is part of China. Trump’s phone call with Tsai Ying-wen, the president of Taiwan, is likely to infuriate Beijing which regards the island as a renegade province. So why on earth would Trump do something like this? Go figure, the Trump Organization just happens to be looking at Taiwan as a location for their next luxury resort.The Shangiist, a publication that covers news in China, reported the following in November:The mayor of Taoyuan confirmed rumors on Wednesday that US president-elect Donald Trump was considering constructing a series of luxury hotels and resorts in the northwest Taiwanese city.A representative from the Trump Organization paid a visit to Taoyuan in September, expressing interest in the city s Aerotropolis, a large-scale urban development project aimed at capitalizing on Taoyuan s status as a transport hub for East Asia, Taiwan News reports. With the review process for the Aerotropolis still underway, Taoyuan s mayor referred to the’subject of the meeting as mere investment speculation. Other reports indicate that Eric Trump, the president-elect s second son and executive vice president of the Trump Organization, will be coming to Taoyuan later this year to discuss the potential business opportunity.The dire consequences that could come from this simple phone conversation cannot be understated. The only thing less surprising than Trump’s stupidity is his willingness to sacrifice the United States for his own selfish gains. His businesses and foreign financial ties have come under scrutiny for the conflicts of interest they create now that Trump is going to be president. He hasn’t even been sworn in yet and already he is saying to hell with America for the’sake of his own bank account. This is exactly why this man should not be the leader of the free world.Featured image via Ty Wright/Getty Images
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: Donald Trump likely caused a diplomatic crisis with China when he decided he would talk to the president of Taiwan on Friday. The move left political observers scratching their heads and wondering how he could have possibly thought this was a good idea. The answer is simple. It s the’same reason Trump does everything he thinks he can get something out of it. In this case, another luxury resort.In 1979, the United States severed all diplomatic ties with Taiwan and adopted a One China stance. Since that time, no president (or president-elect) has spoken with the country s president. As far as China is concerned, Taiwan is part of China. Trump’s phone call with Tsai Ying-wen, the president of Taiwan, is likely to infuriate Beijing which regards the island as a renegade province. So why on earth would Trump do something like this? Go figure, the Trump Organization just happens to be looking at Taiwan as a location for their next luxury resort.The Shangiist, a publication that covers news in China, reported the following in November:The mayor of Taoyuan confirmed rumors on Wednesday that US president-elect Donald Trump was considering constructing a series of luxury hotels and resorts in the northwest Taiwanese city.A representative from the Trump Organization paid a visit to Taoyuan in September, expressing interest in the city s Aerotropolis, a large-scale urban development project aimed at capitalizing on Taoyuan s status as a transport hub for East Asia, Taiwan News reports. With the review process for the Aerotropolis still underway, Taoyuan s mayor referred to the’subject of the meeting as mere investment speculation. Other reports indicate that Eric Trump, the president-elect s second son and executive vice president of the Trump Organization, will be coming to Taoyuan later this year to discuss the potential business opportunity.The dire consequences that could come from this simple phone conversation cannot be understated. The only thing less surprising than Trump’s stupidity is his willingness to sacrifice the United States for his own selfish gains. His businesses and foreign financial ties have come under scrutiny for the conflicts of interest they create now that Trump is going to be president. He hasn’t even been sworn in yet and already he is saying to hell with America for the’sake of his own bank account. This is exactly why this man should not be the leader of the free world.Featured image via Ty Wright/Getty Images
Skip Al Sharpton s March on Washington on Saturday, the president of the National Black Church Initiative told members of the network s 34,000 churches Friday afternoon.NBCI s statement, released a day before Sharpton s march, slammed the Rev. for squandering his carte blanche access to the Obama White House, claiming that he blew an opportunity to secure critical issues that affect the African American community. Instead of pursuing meaningful changes, Al Sharpton and his liberal friends took the time to get rich, the news release says.On Saturday morning, NBCI s president, Rev. Anthony Evans, explained his opposition to Sharpton s march in an interview with Heat Street. They re asking our churches to march when they’ve had all the power for the past eight years? We re not doing that. That s poppycock. We re holding Sharpton accountable. We re not participating in Sharpton s speech. We have created our own agenda, Evans said.In the past, NBCI has said that the Democratic Party has not met the needs of its black constituents, slamming both Sharpton and the National Black Caucus. It has also been highly critical Donald Trump, whom NBCI has called the biggest racist since Bull Connor. Sources interviewed by Heat Street varied in their assessment of NBCI s political influence. Evans said the group s 34,000 affiliate churches together have 15.7 million members, spanning 15 denominations.NBCI s takedown of Sharpton comes as he has struggled to draw a crowd to his March on Washington on Saturday.A source at Sharpton s march estimated that 2,000, at most, were there as of noon, adding that the drizzly, chilly weather may be suppressing turnout. Another source put that number below 1,000. CPSAN is live-streaming the event, and its footage shows a sparse-looking crowd.Speaking at the March, Sharpton tried to ward off criticism about the low turnout. They re going to lie tomorrow and say wasn’t but 200 of us, but look at this crowd in the rain, Sharpton said at around 12:17 p.m., addressing attendees.For entire story: Heat Street
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: Skip Al Sharpton s March on Washington on Saturday, the president of the National Black Church Initiative told members of the network s 34,000 churches Friday afternoon.NBCI s statement, released a day before Sharpton s march, slammed the Rev. for squandering his carte blanche access to the Obama White House, claiming that he blew an opportunity to secure critical issues that affect the African American community. Instead of pursuing meaningful changes, Al Sharpton and his liberal friends took the time to get rich, the news release says.On Saturday morning, NBCI s president, Rev. Anthony Evans, explained his opposition to Sharpton s march in an interview with Heat Street. They re asking our churches to march when they’ve had all the power for the past eight years? We re not doing that. That s poppycock. We re holding Sharpton accountable. We re not participating in Sharpton s speech. We have created our own agenda, Evans said.In the past, NBCI has said that the Democratic Party has not met the needs of its black constituents, slamming both Sharpton and the National Black Caucus. It has also been highly critical Donald Trump, whom NBCI has called the biggest racist since Bull Connor. Sources interviewed by Heat Street varied in their assessment of NBCI s political influence. Evans said the group s 34,000 affiliate churches together have 15.7 million members, spanning 15 denominations.NBCI s takedown of Sharpton comes as he has struggled to draw a crowd to his March on Washington on Saturday.A source at Sharpton s march estimated that 2,000, at most, were there as of noon, adding that the drizzly, chilly weather may be suppressing turnout. Another source put that number below 1,000. CPSAN is live-streaming the event, and its footage shows a sparse-looking crowd.Speaking at the March, Sharpton tried to ward off criticism about the low turnout. They re going to lie tomorrow and say wasn’t but 200 of us, but look at this crowd in the rain, Sharpton said at around 12:17 p.m., addressing attendees.For entire story: Heat Street
Bristol Palin brought this upon herself. After all, she could have just practiced what she preached. Now, it s her turn to take responsibility.But she didn’t, and now the daughter of America s village idiot has a second out-of-wedlock baby by a second dude, who now wants Bristol to pay him child support as well as give him joint physical custody of the little girl named Sailor Grace.Palin has already been embroiled in battles with her other baby daddy Levi Johnston over their 7-year-old son Tripp. And now she gets to battle Medal of Honor recipient Dakota Meyer.According to legal documents obtained by Radar Online: The parties have reached a final custody and visitation agreement for residing in the’same community and have executed, personally and through their attorneys, a confidential stipulation regarding custody. Therefore, the only pending issue to be addressed by the Court is the matter of past and future child support. And Bristol Palin isn’t the’struggling single mom she pretends to be. She has a lot of money to make child support payments.After getting knocked up and giving birth the first time around, Palin became a paid spokesperson for for an abstinence-only campaign, making $262,000 in 2009 alone. And then she got a $100,000 payday by selling her story to In Touch Weekly. And Palin owned a $400,000 modern lakefront home in Alaska, pictures of which you can see here.Combine all of that with the millions of dollars her mom has suckered from conservatives across the country via donations and book sales and it becomes quite clear that Bristol can afford to pay child support.One would think Bristol would learn her lesson by now. But apparently she’s quite comfortable being paid to preach abstinence while having sex and babies with any guy she meets. The hypocrisy is stunning and makes it hard to feel sorry for her.For years now, she has criticized women and girls for being irresponsible when it comes to sex and birth control. Now it s time for her to take responsibility for her own actions, which means she’should have to pay child support in a timely manner so that her child can have at least one parent who has some discipline and isn’t a spoiled brat who whines all the time.Featured Image: Inquistr
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: Bristol Palin brought this upon herself. After all, she could have just practiced what she preached. Now, it s her turn to take responsibility.But she didn’t, and now the daughter of America s village idiot has a second out-of-wedlock baby by a second dude, who now wants Bristol to pay him child support as well as give him joint physical custody of the little girl named Sailor Grace.Palin has already been embroiled in battles with her other baby daddy Levi Johnston over their 7-year-old son Tripp. And now she gets to battle Medal of Honor recipient Dakota Meyer.According to legal documents obtained by Radar Online: The parties have reached a final custody and visitation agreement for residing in the’same community and have executed, personally and through their attorneys, a confidential stipulation regarding custody. Therefore, the only pending issue to be addressed by the Court is the matter of past and future child support. And Bristol Palin isn’t the’struggling single mom she pretends to be. She has a lot of money to make child support payments.After getting knocked up and giving birth the first time around, Palin became a paid spokesperson for for an abstinence-only campaign, making $262,000 in 2009 alone. And then she got a $100,000 payday by selling her story to In Touch Weekly. And Palin owned a $400,000 modern lakefront home in Alaska, pictures of which you can see here.Combine all of that with the millions of dollars her mom has suckered from conservatives across the country via donations and book sales and it becomes quite clear that Bristol can afford to pay child support.One would think Bristol would learn her lesson by now. But apparently she’s quite comfortable being paid to preach abstinence while having sex and babies with any guy she meets. The hypocrisy is stunning and makes it hard to feel sorry for her.For years now, she has criticized women and girls for being irresponsible when it comes to sex and birth control. Now it s time for her to take responsibility for her own actions, which means she’should have to pay child support in a timely manner so that her child can have at least one parent who has some discipline and isn’t a spoiled brat who whines all the time.Featured Image: Inquistr
In a blow to Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump, a U.S. judge on Thursday upheld a Pennsylvania state law that could make it difficult for his supporters to monitor Election Day activity in Democratic-leaning areas. Trump has repeatedly said Tuesday’s presidential election may be rigged, without providing scant evidence, and has urged supporters to keep an eye out for signs of voting fraud in Philadelphia and other heavily Democratic areas. Democrats worry that could encourage Trump supporters to harass minority voters in a state that could determine whether Trump or his Democratic opponent, Hillary Clinton, wins the presidency. Voting-rights advocates said they are already receiving reports of harassment. Democrats have launched a legal blitz of their own in an attempt to shut down Trump’s poll-watching efforts in Pennsylvania and three other battleground states, arguing in lawsuits that Republican monitoring efforts amount to “vigilante voter intimidation” that violates federal law. They filed a fourth lawsuit in North Carolina on Thursday. Democrats are also trying to stop the Republican National Committee from supporting the poll-watching efforts of the Trump campaign or state parties. Those cases have not yet been resolved. The RNC has said in legal motions that it is not involved in poll watching, which would violate a long-standing court order. State parties have argued that they are engaged in legitimate efforts to make sure the election is conducted accurately, while Trump’s vice presidential running mate, Mike Pence, and his campaign manager, Kellyanne Conway, said they misspoke when they told media outlets that the campaign was working with the RNC on poll-watching efforts. In Pennsylvania, Trump’s poll-monitoring plan faces a significant hurdle because state law requires partisan poll watchers to perform their duties in the county in which they are registered to vote. That could make it difficult to recruit monitors in places like Philadelphia, where Democrats outnumber Republicans by a ratio of eight to one. The city has 120,000 registered Republicans and 1,685 voting locations. The Pennsylvania Republican Party sought to suspend that requirement so that poll monitors could come from anywhere in the state, which would enable them to bring in supporters from suburban and rural areas where Trump has stronger support. But U.S. District Judge Gerald Pappert said that would be too disruptive to change the law less than a week before Tuesday’s vote. The Republican Party of Pennsylvania did not respond to a request for comment. Republican training materials submitted as evidence in several cases show the party is instructing poll monitors not to interact directly with voters, but to contact officials if they see a problem. That appeared to be the message in southern Ohio as well, where Trump supporter Becky Covey said the observers she had recruited were told not to interfere with voting activity. “People think they’re going to be a watchdog, but that’s not their job,” Covey said. Those guidelines could have little influence on Trump supporters who decide to engage in anti-fraud efforts of their own on Election Day. The Oath Keepers, a paramilitary group, plans an undercover effort to monitor voting locations, while Trump ally Roger Stone is mobilizing supporters to conduct an exit poll to double-check election results. One right-wing group told the news website Politico that it has already installed hidden cameras in Philadelphia polling stations. With early voting underway, civil rights advocates said they were already receiving reports of intimidation and harassment. Palm Beach County, Florida, plans to station law enforcement officers at an early-voting site through Election Day after fielding complaints about bullhorn-wielding Trump supporters getting too close, according to ProPublica. Democrats in Nevada alleged that Trump supporters have yelled at voters and tried to block them from entering early-voting sites, while civil-rights groups in North Carolina and Texas said they have received reports of intimidating behavior at early voting sites. “We are seeing an uptick in the number of complaints compared to 2012,” said Kristen Clarke, president of the Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights Under Law, a watchdog group.
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: In a blow to Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump, a U.S. judge on Thursday upheld a Pennsylvania state law that could make it difficult for his supporters to monitor Election Day activity in Democratic-leaning areas. Trump has repeatedly said Tuesday’s presidential election may be rigged, without providing scant evidence, and has urged supporters to keep an eye out for signs of voting fraud in Philadelphia and other heavily Democratic areas. Democrats worry that could encourage Trump supporters to harass minority voters in a state that could determine whether Trump or his Democratic opponent, Hillary Clinton, wins the presidency. Voting-rights advocates said they are already receiving reports of harassment. Democrats have launched a legal blitz of their own in an attempt to shut down Trump’s poll-watching efforts in Pennsylvania and three other battleground states, arguing in lawsuits that Republican monitoring efforts amount to “vigilante voter intimidation” that violates federal law. They filed a fourth lawsuit in North Carolina on Thursday. Democrats are also trying to stop the Republican National Committee from supporting the poll-watching efforts of the Trump campaign or state parties. Those cases have not yet been resolved. The RNC has said in legal motions that it is not involved in poll watching, which would violate a long-standing court order. State parties have argued that they are engaged in legitimate efforts to make sure the election is conducted accurately, while Trump’s vice presidential running mate, Mike Pence, and his campaign manager, Kellyanne Conway, said they misspoke when they told media outlets that the campaign was working with the RNC on poll-watching efforts. In Pennsylvania, Trump’s poll-monitoring plan faces a significant hurdle because state law requires partisan poll watchers to perform their duties in the county in which they are registered to vote. That could make it difficult to recruit monitors in places like Philadelphia, where Democrats outnumber Republicans by a ratio of eight to one. The city has 120,000 registered Republicans and 1,685 voting locations. The Pennsylvania Republican Party sought to suspend that requirement so that poll monitors could come from anywhere in the state, which would enable them to bring in supporters from suburban and rural areas where Trump has stronger support. But U.S. District Judge Gerald Pappert said that would be too disruptive to change the law less than a week before Tuesday’s vote. The Republican Party of Pennsylvania did not respond to a request for comment. Republican training materials submitted as evidence in several cases show the party is instructing poll monitors not to interact directly with voters, but to contact officials if they see a problem. That appeared to be the message in southern Ohio as well, where Trump supporter Becky Covey said the observers she had recruited were told not to interfere with voting activity. “People think they’re going to be a watchdog, but that’s not their job,” Covey said. Those guidelines could have little influence on Trump supporters who decide to engage in anti-fraud efforts of their own on Election Day. The Oath Keepers, a paramilitary group, plans an undercover effort to monitor voting locations, while Trump ally Roger Stone is mobilizing supporters to conduct an exit poll to double-check election results. One right-wing group told the news website Politico that it has already installed hidden cameras in Philadelphia polling stations. With early voting underway, civil rights advocates said they were already receiving reports of intimidation and harassment. Palm Beach County, Florida, plans to station law enforcement officers at an early-voting site through Election Day after fielding complaints about bullhorn-wielding Trump supporters getting too close, according to ProPublica. Democrats in Nevada alleged that Trump supporters have yelled at voters and tried to block them from entering early-voting sites, while civil-rights groups in North Carolina and Texas said they have received reports of intimidating behavior at early voting sites. “We are seeing an uptick in the number of complaints compared to 2012,” said Kristen Clarke, president of the Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights Under Law, a watchdog group.
Irish Prime Minister Leo Varadkar held a phone call with U.S. President Donald Trump in which he discussed migration and Britain’s exit from the European Union, the Irish government said in a statement on Tuesday. “Particular topics discussed included migration, Brexit and the movement of goods and citizens across the border, climate change, free trade, Irish inward investment in the United States, and the undocumented Irish,” the statement said, as well as the Northern Irish peace process. The border between Northern Ireland, which is part of the United Kingdom, and the Republic of Ireland, an EU member, will become the only land frontier between the UK and the EU after Britain exits the bloc in March 2019.
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: Irish Prime Minister Leo Varadkar held a phone call with U.S. President Donald Trump in which he discussed migration and Britain’s exit from the European Union, the Irish government said in a statement on Tuesday. “Particular topics discussed included migration, Brexit and the movement of goods and citizens across the border, climate change, free trade, Irish inward investment in the United States, and the undocumented Irish,” the statement said, as well as the Northern Irish peace process. The border between Northern Ireland, which is part of the United Kingdom, and the Republic of Ireland, an EU member, will become the only land frontier between the UK and the EU after Britain exits the bloc in March 2019.
Democrats in the U.S. House of Representatives could not agree to the latest Republican bill on Puerto Rico’s debt crisis, but the two sides should be able to produce a deal within a few days, the top House Democrat said on Wednesday. “We were disappointed that the bill we saw yesterday wasn’t something we could support, and so another few days of back and forth I think will produce something that we can take to the floor,” House Democratic leader Nancy Pelosi told reporters. “I’m hoping maybe by Friday, so that we can have something for next week,” she added.
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: Democrats in the U.S. House of Representatives could not agree to the latest Republican bill on Puerto Rico’s debt crisis, but the two sides should be able to produce a deal within a few days, the top House Democrat said on Wednesday. “We were disappointed that the bill we saw yesterday wasn’t something we could support, and so another few days of back and forth I think will produce something that we can take to the floor,” House Democratic leader Nancy Pelosi told reporters. “I’m hoping maybe by Friday, so that we can have something for next week,” she added.
Court documents related to Tina Johnson, an Alabama woman who claims that Republican senatorial candidate Roy Moore groped her in his office decades ago, may raise questions about Johnson s motives in making the accusation.The documents, reviewed by Breitbart News, show that Moore represented Johnson s mother in a nasty custody case for Johnson s then 12-year-old son, Daniel Sitz. In the case, Johnson was repeatedly painted by Moore s client as an unfit, absent, and unstable mother and was accused of taking her son from his elementary school against his will. Johnson s mother was ultimately awarded custody in the case.One affidavit signed by Johnson s mother while she was represented by Moore accused Johnson of having a violent nature and noted that she has been treated by a psychiatrist when she was approximately 15 years of age. Johnson was a teenage mother.Separate criminal documents show that, as late as 2010, Johnson was arrested and pled guilty to felony fraud charges related to checks belonging to a family member. She also entered a court drug program.Speaking to, Johnson first went public with the claim that Moore groped her when she was on legal business with her mother in 1991. The website noted that Johnson reached out to to discuss her alleged experience with Moore.The website related that Johnson was at the office to sign over custody of her 12-year-old son to her mother, with whom he d been living. Johnson claimed that, after the two met with Moore, her mother walked out of the office door first and that, as Johnson was walking out, Moore grabbed her buttocks from behind. He didn’t pinch it; he grabbed it, she claims.Watch, as Tina Johnson tells CNN s Erin Burnett the details of her alleged sexual assault by Judge Roy Moore. It s curious that a woman with Johnson s background vs. the’squeaky clean background of Judge Roy Moore would attempt to prove that her faith was stronger, or more somehow more relevant than Roy Moore s faith. A document, signed by Moore, stated that Cofield and not Johnson was the most fit and proper person to have custody of Daniel Sitz.Johnson s son had resided with his grandmother, Cofield, since he was nine months old. Cofield says that, during those years, she provided Daniel with food, clothing, and shelter without any assistance from Johnson. A judge officially granted Cofield full custody on September 23, 1991.Last week, Breitbart News interviewed Delbra Adams, Moore s former longtime secretary and judicial assistant. Adams said that, in her 13 years of working for Moore, she never saw or experienced any inappropriate conduct toward women.Adams worked for Moore in 1991 at the time of Johnson s accusations. Adams s desk was right outside his office door at the time. Adams name was signed as a notary on one of the custody documents filed in Johnson s case on behalf of Johnson s mother, Cofield. Breitbart News
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: Court documents related to Tina Johnson, an Alabama woman who claims that Republican senatorial candidate Roy Moore groped her in his office decades ago, may raise questions about Johnson s motives in making the accusation.The documents, reviewed by Breitbart News, show that Moore represented Johnson s mother in a nasty custody case for Johnson s then 12-year-old son, Daniel Sitz. In the case, Johnson was repeatedly painted by Moore s client as an unfit, absent, and unstable mother and was accused of taking her son from his elementary school against his will. Johnson s mother was ultimately awarded custody in the case.One affidavit signed by Johnson s mother while she was represented by Moore accused Johnson of having a violent nature and noted that she has been treated by a psychiatrist when she was approximately 15 years of age. Johnson was a teenage mother.Separate criminal documents show that, as late as 2010, Johnson was arrested and pled guilty to felony fraud charges related to checks belonging to a family member. She also entered a court drug program.Speaking to, Johnson first went public with the claim that Moore groped her when she was on legal business with her mother in 1991. The website noted that Johnson reached out to to discuss her alleged experience with Moore.The website related that Johnson was at the office to sign over custody of her 12-year-old son to her mother, with whom he d been living. Johnson claimed that, after the two met with Moore, her mother walked out of the office door first and that, as Johnson was walking out, Moore grabbed her buttocks from behind. He didn’t pinch it; he grabbed it, she claims.Watch, as Tina Johnson tells CNN s Erin Burnett the details of her alleged sexual assault by Judge Roy Moore. It s curious that a woman with Johnson s background vs. the’squeaky clean background of Judge Roy Moore would attempt to prove that her faith was stronger, or more somehow more relevant than Roy Moore s faith. A document, signed by Moore, stated that Cofield and not Johnson was the most fit and proper person to have custody of Daniel Sitz.Johnson s son had resided with his grandmother, Cofield, since he was nine months old. Cofield says that, during those years, she provided Daniel with food, clothing, and shelter without any assistance from Johnson. A judge officially granted Cofield full custody on September 23, 1991.Last week, Breitbart News interviewed Delbra Adams, Moore s former longtime secretary and judicial assistant. Adams said that, in her 13 years of working for Moore, she never saw or experienced any inappropriate conduct toward women.Adams worked for Moore in 1991 at the time of Johnson s accusations. Adams s desk was right outside his office door at the time. Adams name was signed as a notary on one of the custody documents filed in Johnson s case on behalf of Johnson s mother, Cofield. Breitbart News
French President Emmanuel Macron fears Islamist militants have scored military and symbolic victories in West Africa while a regional military force has struggled to get off the ground, a French presidential source said on Thursday. To help get the new G5 Sahel force operating effectively, he said, France has invited the United States to a summit with the five participating countries as well as the African Union and European Union in Paris next month. Thousands of U.N. peacekeepers, French troops and U.S. military trainers and drone operators have failed so far to stem a growing wave of jihadist violence, leading world powers to pin their hopes on the new G5 Sahel force. The G5 Sahel initiative - grouping Burkina Faso, Chad, Mali, Mauritania and Niger - faces an immense security challenge in a largely desert and weakly governed region and already faces questions over its financing and provision of equipment. Emmanuel Macron believes that it s not going quickly enough and that the terrorists have registered military and symbolic victories, especially in Niger, and (that) it s urgent to reverse this trend, the French official said in Ghana where Macron was winding up a three-day Africa trip. The (objective) will be to accelerate the calendar for the support of the force, and the operational calendar. The jihadist threat hit home again last month with an attack in Niger in which eight U.S. and Nigerien troops were killed, prompting American officials to forecast that U.S. involvement in the Sahel region would deepen. As well as the leaders of the G5 nations - all former French colonies - and the EU and African Union, the French presidential official said the United States had also been invited to the Dec. 13 summit. The G5 force is to eventually comprise 5,000 men from seven battalions and police the region in collaboration with 4,000 French troops deployed there since Paris intervened in 2013 to beat back an insurgency in northern Mali. It will also have to coordinate with MINUSMA, Mali s U.N. peacekeeping mission. MINUSMA has been frequently attacked in the north where Islamists have regained ground since 2013. A donor conference will be held in Brussels on Dec. 14 to raise funds for the Sahel force. Paris has also asked Saudi Arabia to help finance the force and representatives of the kingdom could also be in Paris on Dec. 13, the official said.
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: French President Emmanuel Macron fears Islamist militants have scored military and symbolic victories in West Africa while a regional military force has struggled to get off the ground, a French presidential source said on Thursday. To help get the new G5 Sahel force operating effectively, he said, France has invited the United States to a summit with the five participating countries as well as the African Union and European Union in Paris next month. Thousands of U.N. peacekeepers, French troops and U.S. military trainers and drone operators have failed so far to stem a growing wave of jihadist violence, leading world powers to pin their hopes on the new G5 Sahel force. The G5 Sahel initiative - grouping Burkina Faso, Chad, Mali, Mauritania and Niger - faces an immense security challenge in a largely desert and weakly governed region and already faces questions over its financing and provision of equipment. Emmanuel Macron believes that it s not going quickly enough and that the terrorists have registered military and symbolic victories, especially in Niger, and (that) it s urgent to reverse this trend, the French official said in Ghana where Macron was winding up a three-day Africa trip. The (objective) will be to accelerate the calendar for the support of the force, and the operational calendar. The jihadist threat hit home again last month with an attack in Niger in which eight U.S. and Nigerien troops were killed, prompting American officials to forecast that U.S. involvement in the Sahel region would deepen. As well as the leaders of the G5 nations - all former French colonies - and the EU and African Union, the French presidential official said the United States had also been invited to the Dec. 13 summit. The G5 force is to eventually comprise 5,000 men from seven battalions and police the region in collaboration with 4,000 French troops deployed there since Paris intervened in 2013 to beat back an insurgency in northern Mali. It will also have to coordinate with MINUSMA, Mali s U.N. peacekeeping mission. MINUSMA has been frequently attacked in the north where Islamists have regained ground since 2013. A donor conference will be held in Brussels on Dec. 14 to raise funds for the Sahel force. Paris has also asked Saudi Arabia to help finance the force and representatives of the kingdom could also be in Paris on Dec. 13, the official said.
Senate Armed Services Committee Chairman John McCain asked President Donald Trump on Thursday to help Ukraine defend itself against an increase in recent attacks from Russia. “In light of the latest Russian attacks and the prospect of future aggression against Ukraine, I urge you to exercise the authority given to you by the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2017 to provide defensive lethal assistance to Ukraine to defend its territory against further violations by Russia and its separatist proxies,” McCain said in a letter.
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: Senate Armed Services Committee Chairman John McCain asked President Donald Trump on Thursday to help Ukraine defend itself against an increase in recent attacks from Russia. “In light of the latest Russian attacks and the prospect of future aggression against Ukraine, I urge you to exercise the authority given to you by the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2017 to provide defensive lethal assistance to Ukraine to defend its territory against further violations by Russia and its separatist proxies,” McCain said in a letter.
We shared our Game Changer story with you earlier this week, after a new video emerged allowing a more clear picture of the’student physically attacking the’school cop assigned to removing her from class.Now in a surprising turn of events (which will certainly be a huge disappointment to the leftist media and George Soros funded Black Lives Matter terrorist organization), the’students are fighting back against a manufactured media event created to promote more cop hate and racial division in America.Well, this is interesting.MT Spring Valley Walkout for fields today #bringbackfields #bringfieldsback Oink Trotters (@OinkTrottters) October 30, 2015Students wore T-shirts that said #BringBackFields or Free Fields. #BringBackFields Mina Rena . (@_cappex) October 30, 2015 He was a great guy, student London Harrell told local WISTV. He protected us and everything. He was our school resource officer. We always could depend on him and everything. Every time I saw him, he was always joking around with people. It was never like Oh, I m about to body slam you. Principal Jeff Temoney said none of the’students would be suspended if they’returned to class. We ve heard your voices, okay, Temoney said according to WISTV. We appreciate you taking time to do this, but again, as you know, we always focus on teaching and learning, so let’s head on back to class. John Cassibry (@JCass_12) October 30, 2015Principal Temoney released a statement several hours later about the walkout, which said students and staff were safe during the protest.Fields, who is white, was recorded on cell phone video using force on an African-American student during a school discipline incident. When shared on social media, the footage caused national outrage on the use of force in schools and by school resource officers. Fields was fired on Wednesday. Via: RTHere is how the original story was presented to the public:School officer uses force against black female student, slams her on floor (VIDEO) RT America (@RT_America) October 27, 2015Here is how we’responded when a student reluctantly shared their video with others which allowed the other side of the’story to be told. Click HERE for the other side of the’story.
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: We shared our Game Changer story with you earlier this week, after a new video emerged allowing a more clear picture of the’student physically attacking the’school cop assigned to removing her from class.Now in a surprising turn of events (which will certainly be a huge disappointment to the leftist media and George Soros funded Black Lives Matter terrorist organization), the’students are fighting back against a manufactured media event created to promote more cop hate and racial division in America.Well, this is interesting.MT Spring Valley Walkout for fields today #bringbackfields #bringfieldsback Oink Trotters (@OinkTrottters) October 30, 2015Students wore T-shirts that said #BringBackFields or Free Fields. #BringBackFields Mina Rena . (@_cappex) October 30, 2015 He was a great guy, student London Harrell told local WISTV. He protected us and everything. He was our school resource officer. We always could depend on him and everything. Every time I saw him, he was always joking around with people. It was never like Oh, I m about to body slam you. Principal Jeff Temoney said none of the’students would be suspended if they’returned to class. We ve heard your voices, okay, Temoney said according to WISTV. We appreciate you taking time to do this, but again, as you know, we always focus on teaching and learning, so let’s head on back to class. John Cassibry (@JCass_12) October 30, 2015Principal Temoney released a statement several hours later about the walkout, which said students and staff were safe during the protest.Fields, who is white, was recorded on cell phone video using force on an African-American student during a school discipline incident. When shared on social media, the footage caused national outrage on the use of force in schools and by school resource officers. Fields was fired on Wednesday. Via: RTHere is how the original story was presented to the public:School officer uses force against black female student, slams her on floor (VIDEO) RT America (@RT_America) October 27, 2015Here is how we’responded when a student reluctantly shared their video with others which allowed the other side of the’story to be told. Click HERE for the other side of the’story.
The systematic persecution of minority Muslims is on the rise across Myanmar and not confined to the northwestern state of Rakhine, where recent violence has sent nearly 90,000 Muslim Rohingya fleeing, a Myanmar rights group said on Tuesday. The independent Burma Human Rights Network said that persecution was backed by the government, elements among the country s Buddhist monks, and ultra-nationalist civilian groups. The transition to democracy has allowed popular prejudices to influence how the new government rules, and has amplified a dangerous narrative that casts Muslims as an alien presence in Buddhist-majority Burma, the group said in a report. The report draws on more than 350 interviews in more than 46 towns and villages over an eight-month period since March 2016. Myanmar s government made no immediate response to the report. Authorities deny discrimination and say security forces in Rakhine are fighting a legitimate campaign against terrorists . Besides Rohingya Muslims, the report also examines the wider picture of Muslims of different ethnicities across Myanmar following waves of communal violence in 2012 and 2013. The report says many Muslims of all ethnicities have been refused national identification cards, while access to Islamic places of worship has been blocked in some places. At least 21 villages around Myanmar have declared themselves no-go zones for Muslims, backed by the authorities, it said. In Rakhine state, the report highlighted growing segregation between Buddhists and Muslim communities and severe travel restriction for the Muslim Rohingyas, which limited their access to health care and education. Tens of thousands of Rohingya have fled into neighboring Bangladesh since Aug. 25, when Rohingya insurgents attacked dozens of police posts and an army base. The ensuing clashes and a military counter-offensive have killed at least 400 people. The treatment of Myanmar s roughly 1.1 million Rohingya is the biggest challenge facing Myanmar de facto leader Aung San Suu Kyi, who critics say have not done enough to protect the Muslim minority from persecution. The London-based Burma Human Rights Network has been advocating among the international community for human rights in Myanmar since 2012, it says on its website.
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: The systematic persecution of minority Muslims is on the rise across Myanmar and not confined to the northwestern state of Rakhine, where recent violence has sent nearly 90,000 Muslim Rohingya fleeing, a Myanmar rights group said on Tuesday. The independent Burma Human Rights Network said that persecution was backed by the government, elements among the country s Buddhist monks, and ultra-nationalist civilian groups. The transition to democracy has allowed popular prejudices to influence how the new government rules, and has amplified a dangerous narrative that casts Muslims as an alien presence in Buddhist-majority Burma, the group said in a report. The report draws on more than 350 interviews in more than 46 towns and villages over an eight-month period since March 2016. Myanmar s government made no immediate response to the report. Authorities deny discrimination and say security forces in Rakhine are fighting a legitimate campaign against terrorists . Besides Rohingya Muslims, the report also examines the wider picture of Muslims of different ethnicities across Myanmar following waves of communal violence in 2012 and 2013. The report says many Muslims of all ethnicities have been refused national identification cards, while access to Islamic places of worship has been blocked in some places. At least 21 villages around Myanmar have declared themselves no-go zones for Muslims, backed by the authorities, it said. In Rakhine state, the report highlighted growing segregation between Buddhists and Muslim communities and severe travel restriction for the Muslim Rohingyas, which limited their access to health care and education. Tens of thousands of Rohingya have fled into neighboring Bangladesh since Aug. 25, when Rohingya insurgents attacked dozens of police posts and an army base. The ensuing clashes and a military counter-offensive have killed at least 400 people. The treatment of Myanmar s roughly 1.1 million Rohingya is the biggest challenge facing Myanmar de facto leader Aung San Suu Kyi, who critics say have not done enough to protect the Muslim minority from persecution. The London-based Burma Human Rights Network has been advocating among the international community for human rights in Myanmar since 2012, it says on its website.
Once again, Putin reminds our weak and ineffective Commander In Chief what winning a war against terrorists looks like When US attack planes destroyed 116 ISIS oil trucks on November 16 (allegedly after dropping leaflets warning innocent drivers to scatter), it purportedly marked a shift in strategy. Somehow , the Obama administration had grossly underestimated the proceeds ISIS derives from the illicit oil trade while overestimating the damage US warplanes had inflicted on the group s oil infrastructure.Here is the video from the Russian Defense Ministry:Additionally, Bloomberg suggests the Pentagon routinely declined to take out tanker trucks for fear of collateral damage. None of these guys are ISIS. We don’t feel right vaporizing them, so we have been watching ISIS oil flowing around for a year, Michael Knights, an Iraq expert at the Washington Institute for Near East Policy told Bloomberg.There are a couple of things that should jump out at you there. First, it s not exactly clear why it matters that the administration underestimated the amount of revenue ISIS derives from oil. That is, the difference between $100 million and $400 million per year would be quite meaningful if you were talking about a corporation here, but this is a terrorist group. Sure, it matters that they’re making four times more than you thought when it comes to assessing their operational capabilities (the more money you have, the more you can do), but it shouldn’t matter when it comes to formulating a strategy to cripple their ability to produce oil. It s not like you can say oh, well they’re only making $100 million per year, so that s fine.. now if it s $400 million, that s where we ll have to draw the line. Second, since when is the US worried about collateral damage when it comes to taking out terrorists? As The Intercept laid bare in a series of recent investigative reports, 90% of those killed in drone strikes aren’t the target. It s not as if the CIA isn’t aware of that statistic each and every time they pull the trigger on an MQ9 Reaper.So sure, perhaps the US overestimated the effect its airstrikes were having on Islamic State s oil production capabilities and perhaps The Pentagon was concerned with killing innocent truck drivers, but it could also be that, as Sergei Lavrov suggested earlier this week, the US has until now intentionally avoided hitting ISIS where it hurts in order to keep them in the game and ensure they can still be effective at destabilizing Assad. If you cut off the oil trade, they lose the ability to battle the regime.In any event, there are other pressing questions about ISIS and oil and we encourage you to read more in The Most Important Question About ISIS That Nobody Is Asking, but for now, we turn to Russia and The Kremlin s efforts to dent Bakr al-Baghdadi s wallet.According to Russian General Staff spokesman Colonel General Andrey Kartapolov, around 500 fuel tanker vehicles transporting illegal oil from Syria to Iraq for processing have been destroyed by Russia s Air Forces. In recent years, Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS/ISIL) and other extremist groups have organized the operations of the’so-called pipeline on wheels on the territories they control, Kartapolov continued, adding that in just the first few days, [Russian] aviation has destroyed 500 fuel tanker trucks, which greatly reduced illegal oil export capabilities of the militants and, accordingly, their income from oil smuggling. Via: Zero Hedge
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: Once again, Putin reminds our weak and ineffective Commander In Chief what winning a war against terrorists looks like When US attack planes destroyed 116 ISIS oil trucks on November 16 (allegedly after dropping leaflets warning innocent drivers to scatter), it purportedly marked a shift in strategy. Somehow , the Obama administration had grossly underestimated the proceeds ISIS derives from the illicit oil trade while overestimating the damage US warplanes had inflicted on the group s oil infrastructure.Here is the video from the Russian Defense Ministry:Additionally, Bloomberg suggests the Pentagon routinely declined to take out tanker trucks for fear of collateral damage. None of these guys are ISIS. We don’t feel right vaporizing them, so we have been watching ISIS oil flowing around for a year, Michael Knights, an Iraq expert at the Washington Institute for Near East Policy told Bloomberg.There are a couple of things that should jump out at you there. First, it s not exactly clear why it matters that the administration underestimated the amount of revenue ISIS derives from oil. That is, the difference between $100 million and $400 million per year would be quite meaningful if you were talking about a corporation here, but this is a terrorist group. Sure, it matters that they’re making four times more than you thought when it comes to assessing their operational capabilities (the more money you have, the more you can do), but it shouldn’t matter when it comes to formulating a strategy to cripple their ability to produce oil. It s not like you can say oh, well they’re only making $100 million per year, so that s fine.. now if it s $400 million, that s where we ll have to draw the line. Second, since when is the US worried about collateral damage when it comes to taking out terrorists? As The Intercept laid bare in a series of recent investigative reports, 90% of those killed in drone strikes aren’t the target. It s not as if the CIA isn’t aware of that statistic each and every time they pull the trigger on an MQ9 Reaper.So sure, perhaps the US overestimated the effect its airstrikes were having on Islamic State s oil production capabilities and perhaps The Pentagon was concerned with killing innocent truck drivers, but it could also be that, as Sergei Lavrov suggested earlier this week, the US has until now intentionally avoided hitting ISIS where it hurts in order to keep them in the game and ensure they can still be effective at destabilizing Assad. If you cut off the oil trade, they lose the ability to battle the regime.In any event, there are other pressing questions about ISIS and oil and we encourage you to read more in The Most Important Question About ISIS That Nobody Is Asking, but for now, we turn to Russia and The Kremlin s efforts to dent Bakr al-Baghdadi s wallet.According to Russian General Staff spokesman Colonel General Andrey Kartapolov, around 500 fuel tanker vehicles transporting illegal oil from Syria to Iraq for processing have been destroyed by Russia s Air Forces. In recent years, Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS/ISIL) and other extremist groups have organized the operations of the’so-called pipeline on wheels on the territories they control, Kartapolov continued, adding that in just the first few days, [Russian] aviation has destroyed 500 fuel tanker trucks, which greatly reduced illegal oil export capabilities of the militants and, accordingly, their income from oil smuggling. Via: Zero Hedge
British finance minister Philip Hammond defended capitalism as the only route to prosperity on Monday, in an attempt to counter the opposition Labour Party s increasingly popular vision for a more centrally-controlled economy. In a speech to the ruling Conservative Party that contained only two new policy announcements, Hammond also said that the government s immediate task was to deal with the uncertainty for citizens and businesses resulting from Brexit. Prime Minister Theresa May is grappling with deep divisions within her party over how to handle the Brexit talks and serious doubts about her leadership after her botched bet on a June snap election lost the Conservatives their majority in parliament and boosted Labour s hopes of eventually regaining power. Hammond, who was sidelined by May during the election campaign, said last week s Labour Party conference showed it wanted to impose on Britain, the world s fifth largest economy, the socialist fantasy seen in Cuba, Venezuela or Zimbabwe. We saw Labour in the raw, exposed for what it has sadly become: a party taken hostage by a clique of hard-left extremist infiltrators, people who despise Britain s values and talk down our country, Hammond told Conservative Party activists. Seeking to put the economy center-stage in the Conservatives pitch to voters, Hammond said Britain could only hope to experience rising living standards by harnessing the power of the market economy . Last week Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn set out plans for a much more active role for the state in the economy, including renationalization of key infrastructure, higher government spending, and more taxation and control of the banking sector. With opinion polls showing Labour gaining support, Hammond aims to convince voters that Corbyn would make them poorer. Labour s leaders, he said, openly proclaim their ambition to demolish our successful modern market economy and replace it with a back-to-the-future socialist fantasy with hundreds of billions of extra debt for the next generation to pay. His words echo those of May, who last week issued her own defense of capitalism - a sign of growing concern about the threat Labour poses to the pro-business orthodoxy that has underpinned British economic policy since Margaret Thatcher s reforms in the 1980s. Our economy is not broken: It is fundamentally strong, Hammond said, while also accepting that a lack of progress in talks on Britain s divorce settlement with the European Union and uncertainty over future ties were weighing on businesses. The process of negotiating our exit from the EU has created uncertainty so investment has slowed as businesses wait for clarity, Hammond said. Business groups welcomed Hammond s defense of free markets, but said the government needed to do much more. The speech shows a government strong on diagnosis, but weak on action. Businesses looking for clear vision and urgent delivery have been left with slim pickings, said Carolyn Fairbairn, head of the Confederation of British Industry. Hammond pledged 400 million pounds ($535 million) of additional road and rail spending and 10 billion pounds of funding to help young Britons get on the property ladder. The government has also announced plans to tackle high levels of student debt and limits on pay for public sector workers. We must never deny or dismiss the underlying concerns that the election articulated: we must listen to them and we must respond, Hammond said, adding that the government should offer pragmatic solutions to improve ordinary people s lives. But with Brexit on the horizon, a slowing economy and the Bank of England hinting that interest rates could rise, May and Hammond have limited room for fiscal maneuver. The British Chambers of Commerce has warned that public rifts within the cabinet are undermining business confidence. Divisions over Europe helped sink the Conservative premierships of Thatcher, John Major and David Cameron. Public disagreements between cabinet ministers in recent weeks have only served to undermine business confidence, not just on Brexit negotiations, but also on the many issues where firms need to see clear action from government closer to home, said the Chambers director general, Adam Marshall. Last month rating agency Moody s downgraded Britain s credit rating, saying government plans to reduce its debt load had been knocked off course and that Brexit would harm the economy. Labour said Hammond s speech on Monday was disappointing. After 40 wasted minutes speaking and seven wasted years of Tory economic failure, the country expected to see the Chancellor change course, Labour s finance policy chief John McDonnell said. But instead, after a year in the job, he is continuing down the path of his predecessor and clinging to an old economic model that fails the many. ($1 = 0.7477 pounds)
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: British finance minister Philip Hammond defended capitalism as the only route to prosperity on Monday, in an attempt to counter the opposition Labour Party s increasingly popular vision for a more centrally-controlled economy. In a speech to the ruling Conservative Party that contained only two new policy announcements, Hammond also said that the government s immediate task was to deal with the uncertainty for citizens and businesses resulting from Brexit. Prime Minister Theresa May is grappling with deep divisions within her party over how to handle the Brexit talks and serious doubts about her leadership after her botched bet on a June snap election lost the Conservatives their majority in parliament and boosted Labour s hopes of eventually regaining power. Hammond, who was sidelined by May during the election campaign, said last week s Labour Party conference showed it wanted to impose on Britain, the world s fifth largest economy, the socialist fantasy seen in Cuba, Venezuela or Zimbabwe. We saw Labour in the raw, exposed for what it has sadly become: a party taken hostage by a clique of hard-left extremist infiltrators, people who despise Britain s values and talk down our country, Hammond told Conservative Party activists. Seeking to put the economy center-stage in the Conservatives pitch to voters, Hammond said Britain could only hope to experience rising living standards by harnessing the power of the market economy . Last week Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn set out plans for a much more active role for the state in the economy, including renationalization of key infrastructure, higher government spending, and more taxation and control of the banking sector. With opinion polls showing Labour gaining support, Hammond aims to convince voters that Corbyn would make them poorer. Labour s leaders, he said, openly proclaim their ambition to demolish our successful modern market economy and replace it with a back-to-the-future socialist fantasy with hundreds of billions of extra debt for the next generation to pay. His words echo those of May, who last week issued her own defense of capitalism - a sign of growing concern about the threat Labour poses to the pro-business orthodoxy that has underpinned British economic policy since Margaret Thatcher s reforms in the 1980s. Our economy is not broken: It is fundamentally strong, Hammond said, while also accepting that a lack of progress in talks on Britain s divorce settlement with the European Union and uncertainty over future ties were weighing on businesses. The process of negotiating our exit from the EU has created uncertainty so investment has slowed as businesses wait for clarity, Hammond said. Business groups welcomed Hammond s defense of free markets, but said the government needed to do much more. The speech shows a government strong on diagnosis, but weak on action. Businesses looking for clear vision and urgent delivery have been left with slim pickings, said Carolyn Fairbairn, head of the Confederation of British Industry. Hammond pledged 400 million pounds ($535 million) of additional road and rail spending and 10 billion pounds of funding to help young Britons get on the property ladder. The government has also announced plans to tackle high levels of student debt and limits on pay for public sector workers. We must never deny or dismiss the underlying concerns that the election articulated: we must listen to them and we must respond, Hammond said, adding that the government should offer pragmatic solutions to improve ordinary people s lives. But with Brexit on the horizon, a slowing economy and the Bank of England hinting that interest rates could rise, May and Hammond have limited room for fiscal maneuver. The British Chambers of Commerce has warned that public rifts within the cabinet are undermining business confidence. Divisions over Europe helped sink the Conservative premierships of Thatcher, John Major and David Cameron. Public disagreements between cabinet ministers in recent weeks have only served to undermine business confidence, not just on Brexit negotiations, but also on the many issues where firms need to see clear action from government closer to home, said the Chambers director general, Adam Marshall. Last month rating agency Moody s downgraded Britain s credit rating, saying government plans to reduce its debt load had been knocked off course and that Brexit would harm the economy. Labour said Hammond s speech on Monday was disappointing. After 40 wasted minutes speaking and seven wasted years of Tory economic failure, the country expected to see the Chancellor change course, Labour s finance policy chief John McDonnell said. But instead, after a year in the job, he is continuing down the path of his predecessor and clinging to an old economic model that fails the many. ($1 = 0.7477 pounds)
ILLEGAL ALIENS WHO CAN T Vote Are Knocking On Doors For HILLARY While Veterans Campaign For Trump They broke the law or their parents broke the law to enter our country illegally. Of course, they had the’same opportunity to apply for citizenship and become legal citizens of the United States as every other legal immigrant, but they chose instead to ignore our laws. Now they’re campaigning for Hillary so they’don’t lose their ability to take advantage of all the benefits legal American citizens enjoy. On the other side of the’spectrum, men and women who ve served our nation are out campaigning for the only candidate who is making the care of our veterans one of his top priorities Unable to vote in the presidential election, a group of undocumented immigrants is knocking on doors in Northern Virginia in support of Hillary Clinton and other Democratic candidates, convinced that the outcome of the vote will determine whether they can secure a path to citizenship in the country they have known since childhood.The vote-seekers are some of the 750,000 recipients of temporary legal status under the Obama administration s 2012 Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program. They are acutely aware that Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump has pledged to deport the nation s 11 million illegal immigrants and that under a GOP-controlled Congress, past attempts at immigration reform have failed. All DACA recipients should take this on as an added responsibility, to change the power structure, said Luis Angel Aguilar, 28, who received his protected status in 2013 and is helping to coordinate the effort. Our voices need to be heard, he’said.Four years after the DACA program was launched, many of the beneficiaries are still in a kind of limbo, unsure about whether their status would be renewed under a President Trump and concerned that their family members could be deported.The uncertainty was underscored earlier this year when the U.S. Supreme Court let’stand a federal court injunction against an expanded version of DACA and Obama s Deferred Action for Parents of Americans and Lawful Permanent Residents program, which could benefit an additional 4 million people. The only way to resolve this is through the election, said Kim Propeack, political director of CASA In Action. There s been a recent uptick of despair and energy around that 4-4 vote. WP They [veterans] fought hard to protect us, they are going to come first in a Trump administration. Donald J. TrumpOn July 11, 2016 Trump’spoke before We need to clean up the corruption in government and Hillary Clinton will never be able to do it. She’s incompetent and has proven time and time again’that she doesn’t have what it takes. Doesn t have it, Trump’said. Crooked Hillary Clinton, sadly, is the’secretary of the’status quo, and wherever Hillary Clinton goes, corruption and scandal follow. Included in Trump’s 10-point plan for reform at the Department of Veterans Affairs is a proposal to establish a White House hotline, to be answered not by a computer but by a human being, to field complaints about the department. The hotline would ensure that every complaint is dealt with, Trump’said, and any issue left unaddressed would be brought directly to the president himself, so that he could personally deal with it.Military Times Republican operatives are confident that if they turn out veterans, they ll turn out more votes for Trump. Being a veteran, your skin s a lot thicker, said Mendoza, 24, who noted that he’s both Hispanic and a veteran. It conditions you to seeing that bigger world and seeing past what someone says off the cuff. The instant bond that veterans form with each other often defuses tension inherent in political canvassing and opens doors that would otherwise be closed, said Bob Carey, a former Navy captain and the RNC s veterans outreach director. But their political utility goes beyond that. Veterans have a disproportionate ability to gain’the trust of any voter, Carey said. The military is the last institution that has the trust and respect of the general public. Veterans vote at a higher rate than civilians, but younger veterans are less likely to vote than their peers. That s no surprise to Staab. He was deployed to southern Iraq in 2008 where his unit received mail once a month and had to create a base virtually from scratch at an abandoned air field. He didn’t even remember to vote in the presidential election back home.Many veterans feel out of place after returning from war, and Staab and Mendoza, who returned from Iraq more recently are no exception. Mendoza is still dizzied by the carefree way some of his fellow students act. People take being a citizen for granted, he’said.Staab now runs the GOP s Reno office and has recruited Mendoza and a cadre of veteran volunteers to call other veterans and knock on their doors. In Nevada, the veterans outreach has a dual purpose helping Trump and also the GOP s senate candidate, Rep. Joe Heck, a brigadier general in the Army reserves.
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: ILLEGAL ALIENS WHO CAN T Vote Are Knocking On Doors For HILLARY While Veterans Campaign For Trump They broke the law or their parents broke the law to enter our country illegally. Of course, they had the’same opportunity to apply for citizenship and become legal citizens of the United States as every other legal immigrant, but they chose instead to ignore our laws. Now they’re campaigning for Hillary so they’don’t lose their ability to take advantage of all the benefits legal American citizens enjoy. On the other side of the’spectrum, men and women who ve served our nation are out campaigning for the only candidate who is making the care of our veterans one of his top priorities Unable to vote in the presidential election, a group of undocumented immigrants is knocking on doors in Northern Virginia in support of Hillary Clinton and other Democratic candidates, convinced that the outcome of the vote will determine whether they can secure a path to citizenship in the country they have known since childhood.The vote-seekers are some of the 750,000 recipients of temporary legal status under the Obama administration s 2012 Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program. They are acutely aware that Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump has pledged to deport the nation s 11 million illegal immigrants and that under a GOP-controlled Congress, past attempts at immigration reform have failed. All DACA recipients should take this on as an added responsibility, to change the power structure, said Luis Angel Aguilar, 28, who received his protected status in 2013 and is helping to coordinate the effort. Our voices need to be heard, he’said.Four years after the DACA program was launched, many of the beneficiaries are still in a kind of limbo, unsure about whether their status would be renewed under a President Trump and concerned that their family members could be deported.The uncertainty was underscored earlier this year when the U.S. Supreme Court let’stand a federal court injunction against an expanded version of DACA and Obama s Deferred Action for Parents of Americans and Lawful Permanent Residents program, which could benefit an additional 4 million people. The only way to resolve this is through the election, said Kim Propeack, political director of CASA In Action. There s been a recent uptick of despair and energy around that 4-4 vote. WP They [veterans] fought hard to protect us, they are going to come first in a Trump administration. Donald J. TrumpOn July 11, 2016 Trump’spoke before We need to clean up the corruption in government and Hillary Clinton will never be able to do it. She’s incompetent and has proven time and time again’that she doesn’t have what it takes. Doesn t have it, Trump’said. Crooked Hillary Clinton, sadly, is the’secretary of the’status quo, and wherever Hillary Clinton goes, corruption and scandal follow. Included in Trump’s 10-point plan for reform at the Department of Veterans Affairs is a proposal to establish a White House hotline, to be answered not by a computer but by a human being, to field complaints about the department. The hotline would ensure that every complaint is dealt with, Trump’said, and any issue left unaddressed would be brought directly to the president himself, so that he could personally deal with it.Military Times Republican operatives are confident that if they turn out veterans, they ll turn out more votes for Trump. Being a veteran, your skin s a lot thicker, said Mendoza, 24, who noted that he’s both Hispanic and a veteran. It conditions you to seeing that bigger world and seeing past what someone says off the cuff. The instant bond that veterans form with each other often defuses tension inherent in political canvassing and opens doors that would otherwise be closed, said Bob Carey, a former Navy captain and the RNC s veterans outreach director. But their political utility goes beyond that. Veterans have a disproportionate ability to gain’the trust of any voter, Carey said. The military is the last institution that has the trust and respect of the general public. Veterans vote at a higher rate than civilians, but younger veterans are less likely to vote than their peers. That s no surprise to Staab. He was deployed to southern Iraq in 2008 where his unit received mail once a month and had to create a base virtually from scratch at an abandoned air field. He didn’t even remember to vote in the presidential election back home.Many veterans feel out of place after returning from war, and Staab and Mendoza, who returned from Iraq more recently are no exception. Mendoza is still dizzied by the carefree way some of his fellow students act. People take being a citizen for granted, he’said.Staab now runs the GOP s Reno office and has recruited Mendoza and a cadre of veteran volunteers to call other veterans and knock on their doors. In Nevada, the veterans outreach has a dual purpose helping Trump and also the GOP s senate candidate, Rep. Joe Heck, a brigadier general in the Army reserves.
U.S. Undersecretary of State Thomas Shannon will travel to Helsinki on Sept. 10-12 where he will meet Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov, the U.S. Department of State said on Saturday. The meeting will address areas of bilateral concern and cooperation , it said in a statement. Shannon will also lead the U.S. interagency delegation to the U.S.-Russia Strategic Stability Talks, it added. Quoting an unnamed Russian diplomat, Russian news agencies reported earlier on Saturday that the Ryabkov-Shannon meeting in Helsinki would take place on Sept. 11-12. Relations between Moscow and Washington are at their lowest point since the Cold War, strained by Russia s annexation of Crimea in 2014 and the subsequent separatist conflict in eastern Ukraine, developments which led Washington to impose economic sanctions on Russia. U.S. President Donald Trump, himself battling allegations that his associates colluded with Russia, grudgingly signed into law the new sanctions against Moscow that had been drawn up by Congress.
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: U.S. Undersecretary of State Thomas Shannon will travel to Helsinki on Sept. 10-12 where he will meet Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov, the U.S. Department of State said on Saturday. The meeting will address areas of bilateral concern and cooperation , it said in a statement. Shannon will also lead the U.S. interagency delegation to the U.S.-Russia Strategic Stability Talks, it added. Quoting an unnamed Russian diplomat, Russian news agencies reported earlier on Saturday that the Ryabkov-Shannon meeting in Helsinki would take place on Sept. 11-12. Relations between Moscow and Washington are at their lowest point since the Cold War, strained by Russia s annexation of Crimea in 2014 and the subsequent separatist conflict in eastern Ukraine, developments which led Washington to impose economic sanctions on Russia. U.S. President Donald Trump, himself battling allegations that his associates colluded with Russia, grudgingly signed into law the new sanctions against Moscow that had been drawn up by Congress.
Hillary Clinton and her aides must have felt like mandatory didn’t apply to them they were obviously reminded several times about the ethics training they were required to take but chose to ignore it. Not that it would have helped these corrupt people The State Department has no evidence showing Hillary Clinton or the majority of her top aides at the department complied with mandatory ethics training. McClatchy reports newly released documents show just three of Clinton s aides took the required training:State Department records show only three of nine top Clinton aides took the mandated training for new employees. Records also suggest that none of seven top aides required to take subsequent annual training completed it.No records indicate whether Clinton herself took any training. The Republican National Committee made an FOIA request for the documents last December. When the State Department did not respond within the 90-day deadline, the RNC filed a lawsuit. Today the documents the RNC received in response to the lawsuit were released. The RNC press release reads in part:While the State Department s production demonstrated some senior officials met some of their obligations under the law, no records showing completion of annual ethics training were found for Hillary Clinton or the following top aides:Cheryl Mills Huma Abedin Jake Sullivan Dennis Cheng Anne Marie Slaughter Philippe Reines Caitlin Klevorick Kris Bladerston One of the documents released today is an email exchange in which someone named Angela Jordan informs Huma Abedin that she has yet to complete annual ethics training for 2012. The email, which is dated January 17, 2013, reads in part:Hello HumaOur records indicate that you have not completed Ethics Training for 2012. Per Federal Regulation, all financial disclosure filers must receive annual trainings. If you have taken the training online or with an ethics attorney, please provide the approximate date. Two days later, Huma responds, Angela heather samuelson has my financial disclosure form. Jordan replies, am not talking about your Financial Disclosure Form am talking about your Ethics training. Huma s final response is, Okay I wasn’t aware. I ll go online. Apparently there is no record Abedin completing the training. The exchange concluded about a week before Hillary Clinton left her post as Secretary of State.Read more: Hot Air
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: Hillary Clinton and her aides must have felt like mandatory didn’t apply to them they were obviously reminded several times about the ethics training they were required to take but chose to ignore it. Not that it would have helped these corrupt people The State Department has no evidence showing Hillary Clinton or the majority of her top aides at the department complied with mandatory ethics training. McClatchy reports newly released documents show just three of Clinton s aides took the required training:State Department records show only three of nine top Clinton aides took the mandated training for new employees. Records also suggest that none of seven top aides required to take subsequent annual training completed it.No records indicate whether Clinton herself took any training. The Republican National Committee made an FOIA request for the documents last December. When the State Department did not respond within the 90-day deadline, the RNC filed a lawsuit. Today the documents the RNC received in response to the lawsuit were released. The RNC press release reads in part:While the State Department s production demonstrated some senior officials met some of their obligations under the law, no records showing completion of annual ethics training were found for Hillary Clinton or the following top aides:Cheryl Mills Huma Abedin Jake Sullivan Dennis Cheng Anne Marie Slaughter Philippe Reines Caitlin Klevorick Kris Bladerston One of the documents released today is an email exchange in which someone named Angela Jordan informs Huma Abedin that she has yet to complete annual ethics training for 2012. The email, which is dated January 17, 2013, reads in part:Hello HumaOur records indicate that you have not completed Ethics Training for 2012. Per Federal Regulation, all financial disclosure filers must receive annual trainings. If you have taken the training online or with an ethics attorney, please provide the approximate date. Two days later, Huma responds, Angela heather samuelson has my financial disclosure form. Jordan replies, am not talking about your Financial Disclosure Form am talking about your Ethics training. Huma s final response is, Okay I wasn’t aware. I ll go online. Apparently there is no record Abedin completing the training. The exchange concluded about a week before Hillary Clinton left her post as Secretary of State.Read more: Hot Air
First lady Michelle Obama made an impassioned case for embracing diversity and welcoming all religious groups on Friday in a not-so-veiled message to her husband’s successor two weeks ahead of Inauguration Day. In what was billed as her last formal speech before President Barack Obama leaves office, the first lady said at an event honoring high school counselors that the United States belonged to people from all backgrounds and walks of life. “Our glorious diversity - our diversities of faiths and colors and creeds - that is not a threat to who we are, it makes us who we are,” she said. The remarks were reminiscent of her vigorous campaign speeches in favor of Democrat Hillary Clinton during the 2016 election. President-elect Donald Trump has proposed building a wall along the border of Mexico and temporarily banning Muslims from entering the country. “If you or your parents are immigrants, know that you are part of a proud American tradition: the infusion of new cultures, talents and ideas, generation after generation, that has made us the greatest country on earth,” Mrs. Obama said. “If you are a person of faith, know that religious diversity is a great American tradition, too ... And whether you are Muslim, Christian, Jewish, Hindu, Sikh - these religions are teaching our young people about justice and compassion and honesty.” Mrs. Obama gave a series of high profile speeches at campaign events for Clinton last year and made clear her disapproval of Trump for questioning President Obama’s citizenship and for the New York businessman’s treatment of women after a recording was released in which he bragged about groping women. Trump was a leader of the so-called birther movement that questioned whether President Obama, who was born in Hawaii, had been born in the United States. Mrs. Obama has kept a lower public profile since the election. Choking up on Friday, she said being first lady had been the greatest honor of her life. “So that’s my final message to young people as first lady. It is simple. I want our young people to know that they matter, that they belong,” she said. “Lead by example with hope, never fear. And know that I will be with you, rooting for you and working to support you for the rest of my life.”
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: First lady Michelle Obama made an impassioned case for embracing diversity and welcoming all religious groups on Friday in a not-so-veiled message to her husband’s successor two weeks ahead of Inauguration Day. In what was billed as her last formal speech before President Barack Obama leaves office, the first lady said at an event honoring high school counselors that the United States belonged to people from all backgrounds and walks of life. “Our glorious diversity - our diversities of faiths and colors and creeds - that is not a threat to who we are, it makes us who we are,” she said. The remarks were reminiscent of her vigorous campaign speeches in favor of Democrat Hillary Clinton during the 2016 election. President-elect Donald Trump has proposed building a wall along the border of Mexico and temporarily banning Muslims from entering the country. “If you or your parents are immigrants, know that you are part of a proud American tradition: the infusion of new cultures, talents and ideas, generation after generation, that has made us the greatest country on earth,” Mrs. Obama said. “If you are a person of faith, know that religious diversity is a great American tradition, too ... And whether you are Muslim, Christian, Jewish, Hindu, Sikh - these religions are teaching our young people about justice and compassion and honesty.” Mrs. Obama gave a series of high profile speeches at campaign events for Clinton last year and made clear her disapproval of Trump for questioning President Obama’s citizenship and for the New York businessman’s treatment of women after a recording was released in which he bragged about groping women. Trump was a leader of the so-called birther movement that questioned whether President Obama, who was born in Hawaii, had been born in the United States. Mrs. Obama has kept a lower public profile since the election. Choking up on Friday, she said being first lady had been the greatest honor of her life. “So that’s my final message to young people as first lady. It is simple. I want our young people to know that they matter, that they belong,” she said. “Lead by example with hope, never fear. And know that I will be with you, rooting for you and working to support you for the rest of my life.”
Denise Calderon, a local community activist in midtown Sacramento, awoke to find white supremacist leaflets distributed on vehicles and local buildings in her neighborhood this week. The violent flyers include an ending statement advocating for mass murder: If you have not secured a body dump-site, do so now! Kidnap, rob, torture for information and execute all Muslims and Latinos. Leave no survivors. The papers were printed so they appeared to be signed by an individual named Greg Winthrow, who is a co-founder and president of the Aryan Youth Movement White Student Union. The organization has been around for a long time, and it ended up getting him kicked out of college when he tried forming a school-based chapter of it in the 1980s. It was so bad that the’school had to get a restraining order to keep him off campus. I ve been living here six years. We have all kinds of crazy, but this is a different level of crazy, Miss Calderon said, regarding the hateful flyers that advocated for the most heinous crimes imaginable towards Latino and Muslim residents of the neighborhood.Winthrow, who is the alleged source of the flyers, was unable to be reached for any comment. An old phone number listed under his name was disconnected. Police are taking the incident seriously; however they have not indicated that they have any evidence as of yet to tie Winthrow directly to them.The flyers seemed to be distributed overnight, as they were discovered first thing in the morning. Reports were that some of the neighborhood children saw the threats as well on their way to school.Efforts are underway in coordination with the local police to obtain surveillance video from the areas affected, in an effort to identify the person or people who covered the neighborhood with them.Featured image via screen capture
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: Denise Calderon, a local community activist in midtown Sacramento, awoke to find white supremacist leaflets distributed on vehicles and local buildings in her neighborhood this week. The violent flyers include an ending statement advocating for mass murder: If you have not secured a body dump-site, do so now! Kidnap, rob, torture for information and execute all Muslims and Latinos. Leave no survivors. The papers were printed so they appeared to be signed by an individual named Greg Winthrow, who is a co-founder and president of the Aryan Youth Movement White Student Union. The organization has been around for a long time, and it ended up getting him kicked out of college when he tried forming a school-based chapter of it in the 1980s. It was so bad that the’school had to get a restraining order to keep him off campus. I ve been living here six years. We have all kinds of crazy, but this is a different level of crazy, Miss Calderon said, regarding the hateful flyers that advocated for the most heinous crimes imaginable towards Latino and Muslim residents of the neighborhood.Winthrow, who is the alleged source of the flyers, was unable to be reached for any comment. An old phone number listed under his name was disconnected. Police are taking the incident seriously; however they have not indicated that they have any evidence as of yet to tie Winthrow directly to them.The flyers seemed to be distributed overnight, as they were discovered first thing in the morning. Reports were that some of the neighborhood children saw the threats as well on their way to school.Efforts are underway in coordination with the local police to obtain surveillance video from the areas affected, in an effort to identify the person or people who covered the neighborhood with them.Featured image via screen capture
Have you ever heard of the bamboo ceiling ? The term was used when referring to the Harvard quotas against Asian students. Did you know that Asian students are harmed by racial quotas in college admissions like no other group? Affirmative action was supposed to help promote equality in college admissions but is having the opposite effect by discriminating against Asian students in a BIG way! It s why one large Asian group has come out in favor of Trump’s DOJ in their effort to stop discrimination against Asian students and others in the current race-based college admissions policies .One Asian-American legal group is pleased with the announcement that the Department of Justice might examine affirmative action, saying it represents a positive development in the fight against race-based college admission policies.Studies on affirmative action have shown that Asian-American students might suffer more from these race-based policies than other ethnic groups. A 2009 studied revealed Asian American students often have to score higher on their SATs than their white, black and Latin counterparts to be considered on the’same playing field.Lee Cheng, the co-founder and director of the Asian American Legal Foundation, spoke to The Daily Caller News Foundation about his hope that the DOJ will now be a partner in the fight against race-based policies in college admissions. Now there is a voice in DC that we can appeal to. There s an administration and there are people at the federal government level who want to enforce civil rights as they were meant to be enforced, which is to protect individual rights of all Americans regardless of race. So we view that as certainly a very positive development, Cheng told TheDCNF. We absolutely intend to keep an eye on the development of schools across the country and where we find discrimination under the euphemism of affirmative action we would definitely let the DOJ know that they should investigate. The New York Times broke news Tuesday night of an internal DOJ memo asking lawyers in the civil rights division whether they are willing to perform investigations and possible litigation related to intentional race-based discrimination in college and university admissions. The memo does not make absolutely clear what groups are affected by these affirmative action policies.Read more: Daily Caller
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: Have you ever heard of the bamboo ceiling ? The term was used when referring to the Harvard quotas against Asian students. Did you know that Asian students are harmed by racial quotas in college admissions like no other group? Affirmative action was supposed to help promote equality in college admissions but is having the opposite effect by discriminating against Asian students in a BIG way! It s why one large Asian group has come out in favor of Trump’s DOJ in their effort to stop discrimination against Asian students and others in the current race-based college admissions policies .One Asian-American legal group is pleased with the announcement that the Department of Justice might examine affirmative action, saying it represents a positive development in the fight against race-based college admission policies.Studies on affirmative action have shown that Asian-American students might suffer more from these race-based policies than other ethnic groups. A 2009 studied revealed Asian American students often have to score higher on their SATs than their white, black and Latin counterparts to be considered on the’same playing field.Lee Cheng, the co-founder and director of the Asian American Legal Foundation, spoke to The Daily Caller News Foundation about his hope that the DOJ will now be a partner in the fight against race-based policies in college admissions. Now there is a voice in DC that we can appeal to. There s an administration and there are people at the federal government level who want to enforce civil rights as they were meant to be enforced, which is to protect individual rights of all Americans regardless of race. So we view that as certainly a very positive development, Cheng told TheDCNF. We absolutely intend to keep an eye on the development of schools across the country and where we find discrimination under the euphemism of affirmative action we would definitely let the DOJ know that they should investigate. The New York Times broke news Tuesday night of an internal DOJ memo asking lawyers in the civil rights division whether they are willing to perform investigations and possible litigation related to intentional race-based discrimination in college and university admissions. The memo does not make absolutely clear what groups are affected by these affirmative action policies.Read more: Daily Caller
A bipartisan Harvard University project aimed at protecting elections from hacking and propaganda will release its first set of recommendations today on how U.S. elections can be defended from hacking attacks. The 27-page guidebook shown to Reuters ahead of publication calls for campaign leaders to emphasize security from the start and insist on practices such as two-factor authentication for access to email and documents and fully encrypted messaging via services including Signal and Wickr. The guidelines are intended to reduce risks in low-budget local races as well as the high-stakes Congressional midterm contests next year. Though most of the suggestions cost little or nothing to implement and will strike security professionals as common sense, notorious attacks including the leak of the emails of Hillary Clinton’s campaign chair, John Podesta, have succeeded because basic security practices were not followed. The ongoing effort is being led by the Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs, based at the Harvard Kennedy School of Government, and is drawing on top security executives from companies including Google, Facebook and the cyber security firm CrowdStrike. The guidebook will be available online (here). “We heard from campaigns that there is nothing like this that exists,” said Debora Plunkett, a 31-year veteran of the National Security Agency who joined the Belfer Center this year. “We had security experts who understood security and election experts who understood campaigns, and both sides were eager to learn how the other part worked.” Plunkett said the goal was a digestible outline that was both realistic and helpful, and that leadership buy-in was critical. The handbook is the first effort from the Belfer Center’s four-month-old Defending Digital Democracy program, whose leadership includes top campaign officials from both the Republican and Democratic parties. Belfer co-director Eric Rosenbach said another guidebook, scheduled for spring, will aim at state election officials, who oversee the actual vote-counting and might also have to deal with propaganda intended to mislead or dissuade voters or sow suspicions about election integrity. “Deterring information operations is inherently a government responsibility, and the technology firms will decide how to act on their platforms, but state organizations are the victims,” Rosenbach said. The Belfer Center is also sending students out to the states to understand various voting technologies and procedures. The idea is to recommend best practices for each type of set-up, which could include mandated software updates, paper back-ups and audits. Thus far, the project has offered no advice for the internet companies that are under fire for allowing Russian advertising and false claims to polarize Americans. That could come later, as could a broader program for quick sharing of threat information.
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: A bipartisan Harvard University project aimed at protecting elections from hacking and propaganda will release its first set of recommendations today on how U.S. elections can be defended from hacking attacks. The 27-page guidebook shown to Reuters ahead of publication calls for campaign leaders to emphasize security from the start and insist on practices such as two-factor authentication for access to email and documents and fully encrypted messaging via services including Signal and Wickr. The guidelines are intended to reduce risks in low-budget local races as well as the high-stakes Congressional midterm contests next year. Though most of the suggestions cost little or nothing to implement and will strike security professionals as common sense, notorious attacks including the leak of the emails of Hillary Clinton’s campaign chair, John Podesta, have succeeded because basic security practices were not followed. The ongoing effort is being led by the Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs, based at the Harvard Kennedy School of Government, and is drawing on top security executives from companies including Google, Facebook and the cyber security firm CrowdStrike. The guidebook will be available online (here). “We heard from campaigns that there is nothing like this that exists,” said Debora Plunkett, a 31-year veteran of the National Security Agency who joined the Belfer Center this year. “We had security experts who understood security and election experts who understood campaigns, and both sides were eager to learn how the other part worked.” Plunkett said the goal was a digestible outline that was both realistic and helpful, and that leadership buy-in was critical. The handbook is the first effort from the Belfer Center’s four-month-old Defending Digital Democracy program, whose leadership includes top campaign officials from both the Republican and Democratic parties. Belfer co-director Eric Rosenbach said another guidebook, scheduled for spring, will aim at state election officials, who oversee the actual vote-counting and might also have to deal with propaganda intended to mislead or dissuade voters or sow suspicions about election integrity. “Deterring information operations is inherently a government responsibility, and the technology firms will decide how to act on their platforms, but state organizations are the victims,” Rosenbach said. The Belfer Center is also sending students out to the states to understand various voting technologies and procedures. The idea is to recommend best practices for each type of set-up, which could include mandated software updates, paper back-ups and audits. Thus far, the project has offered no advice for the internet companies that are under fire for allowing Russian advertising and false claims to polarize Americans. That could come later, as could a broader program for quick sharing of threat information.
This is perfect.For months, Donald Trump has been talking about forcing Muslims to put themselves on a national registry and to carry special identification with them, much like the Jews were forced to do in 1930s Germany before Hitler used their identification to slaughter them in the Holocaust.Trump has since tried to back away from this idea, but that doesn’t mean he won’t pursue it anyway, as he has still been a total asshole towards Muslims, accusing them of being anti-American and terrorists.So Tayyib Rashid took to Twitter, which is Trump’s favorite place to whine, and tagged him in a post featuring a photo of the’special I.D. badge he already carries.You see, Rashid is a former U.S. Marine who proudly wore the uniform for this country and pledged to defend it with his life. That s something that Trump himself refused to do during the Vietnam war, when he dodged the draft multiple times by using college as an excuse before getting out of serving entirely by getting a medical deferment because of an alleged bone spur in his foot. One year ago today, Rashid said this to Trump.Hey @realDonaldTrump, I m an American Muslim and I already carry a special ID badge. Where s yours?#SemperFi#USMC The MuslimMarine (@MuslimMarine) November 19, 2015Today, Rashid is apparently still waiting for Trump to respond.One year ago I asked @realDonaldTrump for his ID -still waiting like all his supporters ll b waiting for him 2 make America Great again. The MuslimMarine (@MuslimMarine) November 19, 2016Rashid then explained the true meaning of Islam.We are peacemakers. We fight ignorance with education, hatred with love for humanity. We are followers of #TrueIslam. Come join us and see. The MuslimMarine (@MuslimMarine) November 19, 2016Donald Trump is a coward who is scapegoating Muslims. A Muslim registry or ban will not defeat terrorism. It will only inflame the Muslim world and help ISIS recruit more fighters to their cause, using America s hate and bigotry as an advertising tool. Trump is giving a gift to ISIS with his discriminatory policies and we must not allow him to do that.Featured Image: Scott Olson/Getty Images
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: This is perfect.For months, Donald Trump has been talking about forcing Muslims to put themselves on a national registry and to carry special identification with them, much like the Jews were forced to do in 1930s Germany before Hitler used their identification to slaughter them in the Holocaust.Trump has since tried to back away from this idea, but that doesn’t mean he won’t pursue it anyway, as he has still been a total asshole towards Muslims, accusing them of being anti-American and terrorists.So Tayyib Rashid took to Twitter, which is Trump’s favorite place to whine, and tagged him in a post featuring a photo of the’special I.D. badge he already carries.You see, Rashid is a former U.S. Marine who proudly wore the uniform for this country and pledged to defend it with his life. That s something that Trump himself refused to do during the Vietnam war, when he dodged the draft multiple times by using college as an excuse before getting out of serving entirely by getting a medical deferment because of an alleged bone spur in his foot. One year ago today, Rashid said this to Trump.Hey @realDonaldTrump, I m an American Muslim and I already carry a special ID badge. Where s yours?#SemperFi#USMC The MuslimMarine (@MuslimMarine) November 19, 2015Today, Rashid is apparently still waiting for Trump to respond.One year ago I asked @realDonaldTrump for his ID -still waiting like all his supporters ll b waiting for him 2 make America Great again. The MuslimMarine (@MuslimMarine) November 19, 2016Rashid then explained the true meaning of Islam.We are peacemakers. We fight ignorance with education, hatred with love for humanity. We are followers of #TrueIslam. Come join us and see. The MuslimMarine (@MuslimMarine) November 19, 2016Donald Trump is a coward who is scapegoating Muslims. A Muslim registry or ban will not defeat terrorism. It will only inflame the Muslim world and help ISIS recruit more fighters to their cause, using America s hate and bigotry as an advertising tool. Trump is giving a gift to ISIS with his discriminatory policies and we must not allow him to do that.Featured Image: Scott Olson/Getty Images
The Paris climate agreement cannot be renegotiated as U.S. President Donald Trump has suggested it can, European Commissioner for Climate Miguel Arias Canete said on Friday. “The agreement is fit for purpose. The Paris agreement is here to stay and the 29 articles of the Paris agreement are not to be renegotiated,” he told reporters after a meeting with his Chinese counterpart. Trump said during his announcement on Thursday of a U.S. withdrawal from the pact, that his administration would begin negotiations either to re-enter the Paris accord or to have a new agreement “on terms that are fair to the United States”. Canete also said that the EU would seek a partnership with U.S. companies or states that supported the Paris agreement.
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: The Paris climate agreement cannot be renegotiated as U.S. President Donald Trump has suggested it can, European Commissioner for Climate Miguel Arias Canete said on Friday. “The agreement is fit for purpose. The Paris agreement is here to stay and the 29 articles of the Paris agreement are not to be renegotiated,” he told reporters after a meeting with his Chinese counterpart. Trump said during his announcement on Thursday of a U.S. withdrawal from the pact, that his administration would begin negotiations either to re-enter the Paris accord or to have a new agreement “on terms that are fair to the United States”. Canete also said that the EU would seek a partnership with U.S. companies or states that supported the Paris agreement.
Texas conservatives are cheering after Britain voted to leave the European Union because they believe it means they can secede from the United States.Upon learning of the results, conservatives took to social media to urge Texas to declare independence.Texas should leave the failed American Union & rejoin the world as an independent, self-governing nation. #Texit Trey Mays (@TreyMays) June 24, 2016 Now, Texas, Louisiana, and Oklahoma secede and form a new country called the United States of Awesome! #Texit. Collin O Scopy (@Crapplefratz) June 24, 2016In the event that @HillaryClinton becomes POTUS .. @GovAbbott can we begin plans for #Texit ? Thanks for your SUPERB leadership! #tcot #2A Stan Weber (@spweber54) June 24, 2016 Please please please now can we have a vote for Texas to leave the US? #Texit (((Jeff Tiedrich))) (@jefftiedrich) June 24, 2016Join over 260,000 fellow Texans who have pledge to vote FOR Texas Independence! TNM (@TexasNatMov) June 15, 2016 Forget #Brexit I want to know when we’re going to start a #Texit Modern Rebel (@MAmericanRebel) June 11, 2016No one is happier about the the British exit from the EU than Texas Nationalist Movement president Daniel Miller.In an interview with The Guardian, Miller claimed that Britain leaving the EU is the exact same as Texas wanting to leave the United States. You could take Britain out and replace it with Texas . You could take EU out and replace it with US . You could take Brussels out and replace it with Washington DC . You could give you guys a nice Texas drawl and no one would know any different. So much of it is exactly the’same. The vast majority of the laws, rules and regulations that affect the people of Texas are created by the political class or un-elected bureaucrats in Washington, he continued.It s not likely that Texas will be able to secede, however. Shortly after the Civil War, the Supreme Court ruled in Texas v. White:When, therefore, Texas became one of the United States, she entered into an indissoluble relation. All the obligations of perpetual union, and all the guaranties of republican government in the Union, attached at once to the State. The act which consummated her admission into the Union was something more than a compact; it was the incorporation of a new member into the political body. And it was final. The union between Texas and the other States was as complete, as perpetual, and as indissoluble as the union between the original States. There was no place for reconsideration or revocation, except through revolution or through consent of the States.In short, the only way Texas can secede is if a majority of the’states agree to let Texas do so.And perhaps it s time to let them.The Republican Party would suffer a serious blow if Texas exited the Union. Texas has 38 electoral votes and sends 36 representatives to Congress, 25 of whom are Republicans. The two Senators Texas sends to Congress are also Republicans. So not only would Democrats win the presidency handily, they could take back the House and the Senate.Furthermore, the United States government could stop sending federal dollars to Texas.You can also bet that conservatives would flock to Texas in search of a conservative paradise.And when the new country of Texas becomes a failed state, we can just build a wall around it and let them deal with their own mess instead of coming to their rescue again as America did in 1845 when Texas begged for entrance into the United States because it was in severe debt.It s time to cut the cord, America. Texas has been dragging this country down for too long. We survived as a nation for nearly 100 years without Texas. We didn’t need Texas then. We definitely do not need Texas now. The Republican Party needs Texas, but we don’t. So let’s kill two birds with one stone and let Texas go. Because once Texas goes, so goes the Republican Party. Texas entered this country in what they call a marriage of convenience. This would just be a divorce of convenience, except that America would finally progress into the future we deserve while Texas continues to go backwards.Featured image via Wikimedia
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: Texas conservatives are cheering after Britain voted to leave the European Union because they believe it means they can secede from the United States.Upon learning of the results, conservatives took to social media to urge Texas to declare independence.Texas should leave the failed American Union & rejoin the world as an independent, self-governing nation. #Texit Trey Mays (@TreyMays) June 24, 2016 Now, Texas, Louisiana, and Oklahoma secede and form a new country called the United States of Awesome! #Texit. Collin O Scopy (@Crapplefratz) June 24, 2016In the event that @HillaryClinton becomes POTUS .. @GovAbbott can we begin plans for #Texit ? Thanks for your SUPERB leadership! #tcot #2A Stan Weber (@spweber54) June 24, 2016 Please please please now can we have a vote for Texas to leave the US? #Texit (((Jeff Tiedrich))) (@jefftiedrich) June 24, 2016Join over 260,000 fellow Texans who have pledge to vote FOR Texas Independence! TNM (@TexasNatMov) June 15, 2016 Forget #Brexit I want to know when we’re going to start a #Texit Modern Rebel (@MAmericanRebel) June 11, 2016No one is happier about the the British exit from the EU than Texas Nationalist Movement president Daniel Miller.In an interview with The Guardian, Miller claimed that Britain leaving the EU is the exact same as Texas wanting to leave the United States. You could take Britain out and replace it with Texas . You could take EU out and replace it with US . You could take Brussels out and replace it with Washington DC . You could give you guys a nice Texas drawl and no one would know any different. So much of it is exactly the’same. The vast majority of the laws, rules and regulations that affect the people of Texas are created by the political class or un-elected bureaucrats in Washington, he continued.It s not likely that Texas will be able to secede, however. Shortly after the Civil War, the Supreme Court ruled in Texas v. White:When, therefore, Texas became one of the United States, she entered into an indissoluble relation. All the obligations of perpetual union, and all the guaranties of republican government in the Union, attached at once to the State. The act which consummated her admission into the Union was something more than a compact; it was the incorporation of a new member into the political body. And it was final. The union between Texas and the other States was as complete, as perpetual, and as indissoluble as the union between the original States. There was no place for reconsideration or revocation, except through revolution or through consent of the States.In short, the only way Texas can secede is if a majority of the’states agree to let Texas do so.And perhaps it s time to let them.The Republican Party would suffer a serious blow if Texas exited the Union. Texas has 38 electoral votes and sends 36 representatives to Congress, 25 of whom are Republicans. The two Senators Texas sends to Congress are also Republicans. So not only would Democrats win the presidency handily, they could take back the House and the Senate.Furthermore, the United States government could stop sending federal dollars to Texas.You can also bet that conservatives would flock to Texas in search of a conservative paradise.And when the new country of Texas becomes a failed state, we can just build a wall around it and let them deal with their own mess instead of coming to their rescue again as America did in 1845 when Texas begged for entrance into the United States because it was in severe debt.It s time to cut the cord, America. Texas has been dragging this country down for too long. We survived as a nation for nearly 100 years without Texas. We didn’t need Texas then. We definitely do not need Texas now. The Republican Party needs Texas, but we don’t. So let’s kill two birds with one stone and let Texas go. Because once Texas goes, so goes the Republican Party. Texas entered this country in what they call a marriage of convenience. This would just be a divorce of convenience, except that America would finally progress into the future we deserve while Texas continues to go backwards.Featured image via Wikimedia
The U.S. Senate on Wednesday took up a measure to repeal regulations adopted by the Obama administration requiring internet service providers to do more to protect customers’ privacy than websites like Alphabet Inc’s Google or Facebook Inc. The Senate began debate on Wednesday evening under a provision that allows Congress to repeal recently approved federal regulations. Under the rules approved by the Federal Communications Commission in October under then-President Barack Obama, internet providers would need to obtain consumer consent before using precise geolocation, financial information, health information, children’s information and web browsing history for advertising and internal marketing. Earlier this month, the FCC temporarily blocked those rules from taking effect, a victory for internet providers such as AT&T Inc Comcast Corp and Verizon Communications Inc that had strongly opposed the measure. A final Senate vote on the measure is expected on Thursday, but it was not clear when the U.S. House of Representatives might take up the measure. “Congress needs to repeal these privacy restrictions in order to restore balance to the internet ecosystem and provide certainty to consumers,” said Senator Jeff Flake, a Republican who sponsored the measure. But Democratic Senator Bill Nelson said that broadband providers build profiles “about our children from birth. This is a gold mine of data – the holy grail so to speak. It is no wonder that broadband providers want to be able to sell this information to the highest bidder without consumers’ knowledge or consent. And they want to collect and use this information without providing transparency or being held accountable.” The American Civil Liberties Union also criticized the proposal to undo the rules. “With this move, Congress is essentially allowing companies like Comcast, AT&T, and Verizon to sell consumers’ private information to the highest bidder,” ACLU general counsel Neema Singh Guliani said earlier this month. FCC Chairman Ajit Pai, nominated by Republican President Donald Trump to serve a second five-year term on the commission, said earlier this month that consumers would have privacy protections even without the Obama administration internet provider rules. Republican commissioners, including Pai, said in October that the rules would unfairly give websites like Facebook, Twitter Inc or Google the ability to harvest more data than internet service providers and thus dominate digital advertising. Websites are governed by a less restrictive set of privacy rules overseen by the Federal Trade Commission. Democratic Senator Edward Markey said “just as phone companies cannot sell information about Americans’ phone calls, an internet service provider should not be allowed to sell sensitive consumer information without affirmative consent.”
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: The U.S. Senate on Wednesday took up a measure to repeal regulations adopted by the Obama administration requiring internet service providers to do more to protect customers’ privacy than websites like Alphabet Inc’s Google or Facebook Inc. The Senate began debate on Wednesday evening under a provision that allows Congress to repeal recently approved federal regulations. Under the rules approved by the Federal Communications Commission in October under then-President Barack Obama, internet providers would need to obtain consumer consent before using precise geolocation, financial information, health information, children’s information and web browsing history for advertising and internal marketing. Earlier this month, the FCC temporarily blocked those rules from taking effect, a victory for internet providers such as AT&T Inc Comcast Corp and Verizon Communications Inc that had strongly opposed the measure. A final Senate vote on the measure is expected on Thursday, but it was not clear when the U.S. House of Representatives might take up the measure. “Congress needs to repeal these privacy restrictions in order to restore balance to the internet ecosystem and provide certainty to consumers,” said Senator Jeff Flake, a Republican who sponsored the measure. But Democratic Senator Bill Nelson said that broadband providers build profiles “about our children from birth. This is a gold mine of data – the holy grail so to speak. It is no wonder that broadband providers want to be able to sell this information to the highest bidder without consumers’ knowledge or consent. And they want to collect and use this information without providing transparency or being held accountable.” The American Civil Liberties Union also criticized the proposal to undo the rules. “With this move, Congress is essentially allowing companies like Comcast, AT&T, and Verizon to sell consumers’ private information to the highest bidder,” ACLU general counsel Neema Singh Guliani said earlier this month. FCC Chairman Ajit Pai, nominated by Republican President Donald Trump to serve a second five-year term on the commission, said earlier this month that consumers would have privacy protections even without the Obama administration internet provider rules. Republican commissioners, including Pai, said in October that the rules would unfairly give websites like Facebook, Twitter Inc or Google the ability to harvest more data than internet service providers and thus dominate digital advertising. Websites are governed by a less restrictive set of privacy rules overseen by the Federal Trade Commission. Democratic Senator Edward Markey said “just as phone companies cannot sell information about Americans’ phone calls, an internet service provider should not be allowed to sell sensitive consumer information without affirmative consent.”
Nice threat to POTUS: The intelligence community will continue to convey truth to power even if power doesn’t necessarily listen. This entire video is disturbing but eye opening. THEY FEEL THREATENED BY TRUMP and this is clearly an effort to hurt President Trump. This coming from two men who ok d spying on Americans and who lied under oath:How convenient that CNN s Wolf Blitzer is the host for this bashfest of the current administration under President Trump. How ironic is it that two men who lied under oath are speaking truth to power FYI: John Brennan literally voted for the Communist party in the 1970s during the height of the Cold War now they’re lecturing us about Russia.These two men define the deep state This talk was really all about creating doubt on Trump and to defend themselves post Obama. Can you imagine if the tables were turned and this vitriol was directed at Obama? Shameful!All you have to do is listen to Clapper lie before Congress and you know he has ZERO credibility to speak:Remember the famous moment when US NATIONAL INTELLIGENCE CHIEF James Clapper was testifying about the NSA surveillance of Americans when he let’slip a sign he was not being truthful. Of course, we knew this was all a smoke and mirrors show. Clapper later said he misspoke last we checked it s pretty much the’same thing as lying NOT WITTINGLY JAMES CLAPPERHere s the video below where he parses words in his testimony: REMEMBER WHAT CLAPPER SAID RECENTLY ABOUT TRUMP:Former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper says the United States political institutions are currently under assault both externally and internally, in the wake of President Donald Trump’s firing of ex-FBI Director James Comey. The developments of the past week are very bothersome, very disturbing to me, Clapper said on CNN s State of the Union on Sunday. I think in many ways our institutions are under assault, both externally and that s the big news here, the Russian interference in our election system and I think as well, our institutions are under assault internally, When asked if he meant if those institutions were under assault internally by the president himself, Clapper said exactly and added that he believed Trump was undermining the checks and balances inherent to the U.S. political system.
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: Nice threat to POTUS: The intelligence community will continue to convey truth to power even if power doesn’t necessarily listen. This entire video is disturbing but eye opening. THEY FEEL THREATENED BY TRUMP and this is clearly an effort to hurt President Trump. This coming from two men who ok d spying on Americans and who lied under oath:How convenient that CNN s Wolf Blitzer is the host for this bashfest of the current administration under President Trump. How ironic is it that two men who lied under oath are speaking truth to power FYI: John Brennan literally voted for the Communist party in the 1970s during the height of the Cold War now they’re lecturing us about Russia.These two men define the deep state This talk was really all about creating doubt on Trump and to defend themselves post Obama. Can you imagine if the tables were turned and this vitriol was directed at Obama? Shameful!All you have to do is listen to Clapper lie before Congress and you know he has ZERO credibility to speak:Remember the famous moment when US NATIONAL INTELLIGENCE CHIEF James Clapper was testifying about the NSA surveillance of Americans when he let’slip a sign he was not being truthful. Of course, we knew this was all a smoke and mirrors show. Clapper later said he misspoke last we checked it s pretty much the’same thing as lying NOT WITTINGLY JAMES CLAPPERHere s the video below where he parses words in his testimony: REMEMBER WHAT CLAPPER SAID RECENTLY ABOUT TRUMP:Former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper says the United States political institutions are currently under assault both externally and internally, in the wake of President Donald Trump’s firing of ex-FBI Director James Comey. The developments of the past week are very bothersome, very disturbing to me, Clapper said on CNN s State of the Union on Sunday. I think in many ways our institutions are under assault, both externally and that s the big news here, the Russian interference in our election system and I think as well, our institutions are under assault internally, When asked if he meant if those institutions were under assault internally by the president himself, Clapper said exactly and added that he believed Trump was undermining the checks and balances inherent to the U.S. political system.
The European Union warned on Wednesday that it was ready to act within days to counter proposed new U.S. sanctions on Russia, saying they would harm the bloc’s energy security. Sanctions legislation overwhelmingly approved by the U.S. House of Representatives on Tuesday has angered EU officials: they see it as breaking transatlantic unity in the West’s response to Moscow’s annexation of Crimea from Ukraine in 2014 and its support for separatists in eastern Ukraine. Brussels also fears the new sanctions will harm European firms with connections to Russia, and oil and gas projects on which the EU is dependent. “The U.S. bill could have unintended unilateral effects that impact the EU’s energy security interests,” EU chief executive Jean-Claude Juncker said in a statement issued after a meeting at which European commissioners were united in their views, according to a senior EU official. “If our concerns are not taken into account sufficiently, we stand ready to act appropriately within a matter of days. ‘America First’ cannot mean that Europe’s interests come last,” he said, mentioning President Donald Trump’s guiding slogan. A EU document prepared for the commissioners, seen by Reuters, laid out the EU’s plans to seek “demonstrable reassurances” that the White House would not use the bill to target EU interests. The bloc, it says, will also prepare to use an EU regulation allowing it to defend companies against the application of extraterritorial measures by the United States. If diplomacy fails, Brussels plans to file a complaint at the World Trade Organization. “In addition, the preparation of a substantive response that would deter the U.S. from taking measures against EU companies could be considered,” it says. However, most measures taken by Brussels would require approval from all 28 EU member governments, which could expose potential differences in individual nations’ relations with Moscow and Washington. Despite changes to the U.S. bill that took into account some EU concerns, Brussels said the legislation could still hinder upkeep of the gas pipeline network in Russia that feeds into Ukraine and supplies over a quarter of EU needs. The EU says it could also hamper projects crucial to its energy diversification goals, such as the Baltic Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) project. The new sanctions target the disputed Nord Stream 2 project for a new pipeline running from Russia to Germany under the Baltic Sea. But the EU note says: “the impact would in reality be much wider.” A list prepared by the EU executive, seen by Reuters, shows eight projects including those involving oil majors Anglo-Dutch Shell, BP and Italy’s Eni that risk falling foul of the U.S. measures. Voicing frustration at the fraying in the joint Western approach to Moscow, Juncker said “close coordination among allies” was key to ensuring that curbs on business with the Russian energy, defense and financial sectors, imposed in July 2014, are effective. EU sources said Juncker told Commissioners the risk to EU interests was collateral damage of a U.S. domestic fight between Trump and U.S. lawmakers. It was unclear how quickly the U.S. bill would reach the White House for Trump to sign into law or veto. The bill amounts to a rebuke of Trump by requiring him to obtain lawmakers’ permission before easing any sanctions on Moscow. Rejecting the legislation - which would potentially stymie his wish for improved relations with Moscow - would carry a risk that his veto could be overridden by lawmakers. European energy industry sources voiced alarm at the potentially wide-ranging damage of the new U.S. measures. “This is pretty tough,” one industry source told Reuters. “We are working with EU officials to see what safeguards can be anticipated to protect our investment and give us certainty.” Five Western firms are partnered with Russia’s Gazprom in Nord Stream 2: German’s Wintershall [WINT.UL] and Uniper, Anglo-Dutch Royal Dutch Shell, Austria’s OMV and France’s Engie. But EU officials warn the U.S. measures would also hit plans for the LNG plant on the Gulf of Finland in which Shell is partnering with Gazprom. The EU document shows they might jeopardize Eni’s 50 percent stake in the Blue Stream pipeline from Russia to Turkey as well as the CPC pipeline, carrying Kazakh oil to the Black Sea, involving European groups BG Overseas Holdings, Shell and Eni . It further warns that BP would be forced to halt some activities with Russian energy major Rosneft.
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: The European Union warned on Wednesday that it was ready to act within days to counter proposed new U.S. sanctions on Russia, saying they would harm the bloc’s energy security. Sanctions legislation overwhelmingly approved by the U.S. House of Representatives on Tuesday has angered EU officials: they see it as breaking transatlantic unity in the West’s response to Moscow’s annexation of Crimea from Ukraine in 2014 and its support for separatists in eastern Ukraine. Brussels also fears the new sanctions will harm European firms with connections to Russia, and oil and gas projects on which the EU is dependent. “The U.S. bill could have unintended unilateral effects that impact the EU’s energy security interests,” EU chief executive Jean-Claude Juncker said in a statement issued after a meeting at which European commissioners were united in their views, according to a senior EU official. “If our concerns are not taken into account sufficiently, we stand ready to act appropriately within a matter of days. ‘America First’ cannot mean that Europe’s interests come last,” he said, mentioning President Donald Trump’s guiding slogan. A EU document prepared for the commissioners, seen by Reuters, laid out the EU’s plans to seek “demonstrable reassurances” that the White House would not use the bill to target EU interests. The bloc, it says, will also prepare to use an EU regulation allowing it to defend companies against the application of extraterritorial measures by the United States. If diplomacy fails, Brussels plans to file a complaint at the World Trade Organization. “In addition, the preparation of a substantive response that would deter the U.S. from taking measures against EU companies could be considered,” it says. However, most measures taken by Brussels would require approval from all 28 EU member governments, which could expose potential differences in individual nations’ relations with Moscow and Washington. Despite changes to the U.S. bill that took into account some EU concerns, Brussels said the legislation could still hinder upkeep of the gas pipeline network in Russia that feeds into Ukraine and supplies over a quarter of EU needs. The EU says it could also hamper projects crucial to its energy diversification goals, such as the Baltic Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) project. The new sanctions target the disputed Nord Stream 2 project for a new pipeline running from Russia to Germany under the Baltic Sea. But the EU note says: “the impact would in reality be much wider.” A list prepared by the EU executive, seen by Reuters, shows eight projects including those involving oil majors Anglo-Dutch Shell, BP and Italy’s Eni that risk falling foul of the U.S. measures. Voicing frustration at the fraying in the joint Western approach to Moscow, Juncker said “close coordination among allies” was key to ensuring that curbs on business with the Russian energy, defense and financial sectors, imposed in July 2014, are effective. EU sources said Juncker told Commissioners the risk to EU interests was collateral damage of a U.S. domestic fight between Trump and U.S. lawmakers. It was unclear how quickly the U.S. bill would reach the White House for Trump to sign into law or veto. The bill amounts to a rebuke of Trump by requiring him to obtain lawmakers’ permission before easing any sanctions on Moscow. Rejecting the legislation - which would potentially stymie his wish for improved relations with Moscow - would carry a risk that his veto could be overridden by lawmakers. European energy industry sources voiced alarm at the potentially wide-ranging damage of the new U.S. measures. “This is pretty tough,” one industry source told Reuters. “We are working with EU officials to see what safeguards can be anticipated to protect our investment and give us certainty.” Five Western firms are partnered with Russia’s Gazprom in Nord Stream 2: German’s Wintershall [WINT.UL] and Uniper, Anglo-Dutch Royal Dutch Shell, Austria’s OMV and France’s Engie. But EU officials warn the U.S. measures would also hit plans for the LNG plant on the Gulf of Finland in which Shell is partnering with Gazprom. The EU document shows they might jeopardize Eni’s 50 percent stake in the Blue Stream pipeline from Russia to Turkey as well as the CPC pipeline, carrying Kazakh oil to the Black Sea, involving European groups BG Overseas Holdings, Shell and Eni . It further warns that BP would be forced to halt some activities with Russian energy major Rosneft.
President Donald Trump said on Friday that after months of investigations into possible collusion by his campaign with Russia in the 2016 presidential election campaign, “nobody has been able to show any proof.” Trump said in a tweet: “After 7 months of investigations & committee hearings about my ‘collusion with the Russians,’ nobody has been able to show any proof. Sad!”
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: President Donald Trump said on Friday that after months of investigations into possible collusion by his campaign with Russia in the 2016 presidential election campaign, “nobody has been able to show any proof.” Trump said in a tweet: “After 7 months of investigations & committee hearings about my ‘collusion with the Russians,’ nobody has been able to show any proof. Sad!”
Surely, when the Department of Defense hands out military grade weapons, they’do thorough checks to verify just who they are giving these things to, right? As it turns out, not so much. The Government Accountability Office, which oversees other government agencies to check for fraud and abuse, decided to see just how careful the DoD was when it came to handing out spare military gear to law enforcement agencies. The result of their sting operation was shocking.The GOA created a fake law enforcement agency with a nifty website and an address that was nothing but an empty parking lot. Then, they applied for the military grade weapons through the 1033 program, which allows law enforcement agencies to obtain military gear that isn’t being used.The DoD fell for the ruse hook, line, and sinker. Within a week, the fake cops were given $1.2 million worth of military-grade gear, including night vision goggles, simulated M-16A2 rifles, and pipe bomb equipment. They never did any verification, like visit our location, and most of it was by email, said Zina Merritt, director of the GAO s defense capabilities and management team, which ran the operation. It was like getting stuff off of eBay. Following the’shooting death of Michael Brown in 2014, protests broke out in the city of Ferguson. Americans were shocked to see police respond with gear that is normally only seen in the hands of the armed forces. Obama responded to the public outcry by rolling back the Clinton-era 1033 program through an executive order, putting strict oversight in place through a Defense Department and Justice Department working group. However, the group has not met since Trump took office, which is why the GAO decided to launch its sting operation.The DoD didn’t have a comment and this colossal screw-up, but they’did promise to beef up their verification process. They promised to at least try to visit the agencies who apply for these weapons to make sure they actually exist before shipping them a load of M-16s. The DoD also agreed to complete an internal fraud investigation by April 2018.Featured image via video screen capture
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: Surely, when the Department of Defense hands out military grade weapons, they’do thorough checks to verify just who they are giving these things to, right? As it turns out, not so much. The Government Accountability Office, which oversees other government agencies to check for fraud and abuse, decided to see just how careful the DoD was when it came to handing out spare military gear to law enforcement agencies. The result of their sting operation was shocking.The GOA created a fake law enforcement agency with a nifty website and an address that was nothing but an empty parking lot. Then, they applied for the military grade weapons through the 1033 program, which allows law enforcement agencies to obtain military gear that isn’t being used.The DoD fell for the ruse hook, line, and sinker. Within a week, the fake cops were given $1.2 million worth of military-grade gear, including night vision goggles, simulated M-16A2 rifles, and pipe bomb equipment. They never did any verification, like visit our location, and most of it was by email, said Zina Merritt, director of the GAO s defense capabilities and management team, which ran the operation. It was like getting stuff off of eBay. Following the’shooting death of Michael Brown in 2014, protests broke out in the city of Ferguson. Americans were shocked to see police respond with gear that is normally only seen in the hands of the armed forces. Obama responded to the public outcry by rolling back the Clinton-era 1033 program through an executive order, putting strict oversight in place through a Defense Department and Justice Department working group. However, the group has not met since Trump took office, which is why the GAO decided to launch its sting operation.The DoD didn’t have a comment and this colossal screw-up, but they’did promise to beef up their verification process. They promised to at least try to visit the agencies who apply for these weapons to make sure they actually exist before shipping them a load of M-16s. The DoD also agreed to complete an internal fraud investigation by April 2018.Featured image via video screen capture
U.S. money managers with reinsurance companies in Bermuda and the Cayman Islands could lose a valuable loophole under Republican proposals to overhaul the tax code unveiled on Thursday. The plan includes a 20 percent excise payment on payments from domestic firms to foreign affiliates that could affect private equity firms and hedge funds that have overseas reinsurance operations. The proposal would effectively kill the so-called Bermuda reinsurance loophole under which money managers are able to invest the premiums they raise as reinsurers in their funds without paying any tax on the gains. The plan is part of a 429-page bill that would represent the largest overhaul of the U.S. tax system since the 1980s, and many analysts have raised doubts about the likelihood of it being passed. [nL2N1N80E2] “Our base call is that this tax package will fail. That would remove the immediate threat to the Bermuda reinsurance loophole,” said Jaret Seiberg, an analyst with Cowen Washington Research Group. “We cannot, however, say there is no risk here. This is because we do expect a smaller bill that deficit-finances temporary tax cuts that extend through the next presidential election. It is possible that there could be a few revenue offsets in that bill.” Shares in private equity firm Apollo (APO.N) ended down 3 percent on Thursday while its Bermuda-based division Athene Holding (ATH.N) closed nearly 7 percent weaker. Athene reinsures retirement savings products for people and institutions and has helped drive profits at Apollo. Third Point Re (TPRE.N), the Bermuda-based reinsurance arm of hedge fund Third Point, finished 0.6 percent weaker while Greenlight Re (GLRE.O), a Caymans reinsurer run by hedge fund Greenlight ended down 0.23 percent. Representatives of Greenlight and Third Point were not immediately available to comment. Included in the draft is also a proposal that would exclude non-traditional insurers based overseas, including hedge funds and other investors, from qualifying for favorable tax rates if certain insurance-related assets, such as some types of reserves and unearned premiums, represent less than 25 percent of their business. “The threshold in the bill is too high,” said Bradley Kading, president and executive director of the Association of Bermuda Insurers and Reinsurers. “These alternative capital vehicles took real losses from Hurricanes Harvey, Irma, Maria,” Kading said.
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: U.S. money managers with reinsurance companies in Bermuda and the Cayman Islands could lose a valuable loophole under Republican proposals to overhaul the tax code unveiled on Thursday. The plan includes a 20 percent excise payment on payments from domestic firms to foreign affiliates that could affect private equity firms and hedge funds that have overseas reinsurance operations. The proposal would effectively kill the so-called Bermuda reinsurance loophole under which money managers are able to invest the premiums they raise as reinsurers in their funds without paying any tax on the gains. The plan is part of a 429-page bill that would represent the largest overhaul of the U.S. tax system since the 1980s, and many analysts have raised doubts about the likelihood of it being passed. [nL2N1N80E2] “Our base call is that this tax package will fail. That would remove the immediate threat to the Bermuda reinsurance loophole,” said Jaret Seiberg, an analyst with Cowen Washington Research Group. “We cannot, however, say there is no risk here. This is because we do expect a smaller bill that deficit-finances temporary tax cuts that extend through the next presidential election. It is possible that there could be a few revenue offsets in that bill.” Shares in private equity firm Apollo (APO.N) ended down 3 percent on Thursday while its Bermuda-based division Athene Holding (ATH.N) closed nearly 7 percent weaker. Athene reinsures retirement savings products for people and institutions and has helped drive profits at Apollo. Third Point Re (TPRE.N), the Bermuda-based reinsurance arm of hedge fund Third Point, finished 0.6 percent weaker while Greenlight Re (GLRE.O), a Caymans reinsurer run by hedge fund Greenlight ended down 0.23 percent. Representatives of Greenlight and Third Point were not immediately available to comment. Included in the draft is also a proposal that would exclude non-traditional insurers based overseas, including hedge funds and other investors, from qualifying for favorable tax rates if certain insurance-related assets, such as some types of reserves and unearned premiums, represent less than 25 percent of their business. “The threshold in the bill is too high,” said Bradley Kading, president and executive director of the Association of Bermuda Insurers and Reinsurers. “These alternative capital vehicles took real losses from Hurricanes Harvey, Irma, Maria,” Kading said.
German Chancellor Angela Merkel on Wednesday stressed the importance of ending smuggling and slavery while creating a legal route for Africans to come to Europe as she faces pressure at home to tackle a migrant influx. Speaking at an EU-Africa summit in Abidjan, Merkel is seeking to show Germany can take foreign policy action despite still being under a caretaker government two months after an election. The influx of more than a million migrants since mid-2015, many of them fleeing the Middle East and Africa, was largely to blame for the rise of the anti-immigrant Alternative for Germany (AfD) in the Sept. 24 election. By taking votes from Merkel s conservative bloc and others, they surged into parliament for the first time, leaving Merkel facing complicated coalition arithmetic. She is grappling to form a new government with the centre-left Social Democrats (SPD) after discussions on forming a three-way tie-up with the pro-business Free Democrats and the Greens failed, in part because of the thorny issue of migration. There is a common interest in ending illegal immigration, Merkel said. This plays a role all over the African continent now because there are reports that young African men are being sold like slaves in Libya. Libya is now the main departure point for mostly African migrants trying to cross to Europe. Smugglers usually pack them into flimsy inflatable boats that often break down or sink. Merkel, who in 2015 decided to open Germany s borders to migrants, said legal options should be created for Africans to be able to get training or study in an EU country. Speaking on the sidelines of the summit, German Foreign Minister Sigmar Gabriel, from the SPD, suggested that Europe could offer several hundred thousand places each year as long as those people returned voluntarily after three or four years. But Guenter Nooke, Merkel s Africa envoy from her Christian Democrats (CDU), was more sceptical: No interior minister will let hundreds of thousands in if he is not sure that most of them will return, he told Reuters. The difference between Gabriel and Nooke suggests that migration will be a contested subject in coalition talks between the CDU and the SPD, but perhaps less so than in the three-way talks that failed as the two parties policies are closer. More important than creating legal migration options was to create more opportunities for young people at home, Nooke said, noting that Africa s population could double from a current 1.2 billion by 2050. It s all about creating seeds for growth, with industrial parks and special economic zones. It is a question of jobs, jobs, jobs, jobs, he said. The summit was due to focus on education, investment in youth and economic development to discourage refugees and economic migrants from attempting the treacherous journey across the Mediterranean.
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: German Chancellor Angela Merkel on Wednesday stressed the importance of ending smuggling and slavery while creating a legal route for Africans to come to Europe as she faces pressure at home to tackle a migrant influx. Speaking at an EU-Africa summit in Abidjan, Merkel is seeking to show Germany can take foreign policy action despite still being under a caretaker government two months after an election. The influx of more than a million migrants since mid-2015, many of them fleeing the Middle East and Africa, was largely to blame for the rise of the anti-immigrant Alternative for Germany (AfD) in the Sept. 24 election. By taking votes from Merkel s conservative bloc and others, they surged into parliament for the first time, leaving Merkel facing complicated coalition arithmetic. She is grappling to form a new government with the centre-left Social Democrats (SPD) after discussions on forming a three-way tie-up with the pro-business Free Democrats and the Greens failed, in part because of the thorny issue of migration. There is a common interest in ending illegal immigration, Merkel said. This plays a role all over the African continent now because there are reports that young African men are being sold like slaves in Libya. Libya is now the main departure point for mostly African migrants trying to cross to Europe. Smugglers usually pack them into flimsy inflatable boats that often break down or sink. Merkel, who in 2015 decided to open Germany s borders to migrants, said legal options should be created for Africans to be able to get training or study in an EU country. Speaking on the sidelines of the summit, German Foreign Minister Sigmar Gabriel, from the SPD, suggested that Europe could offer several hundred thousand places each year as long as those people returned voluntarily after three or four years. But Guenter Nooke, Merkel s Africa envoy from her Christian Democrats (CDU), was more sceptical: No interior minister will let hundreds of thousands in if he is not sure that most of them will return, he told Reuters. The difference between Gabriel and Nooke suggests that migration will be a contested subject in coalition talks between the CDU and the SPD, but perhaps less so than in the three-way talks that failed as the two parties policies are closer. More important than creating legal migration options was to create more opportunities for young people at home, Nooke said, noting that Africa s population could double from a current 1.2 billion by 2050. It s all about creating seeds for growth, with industrial parks and special economic zones. It is a question of jobs, jobs, jobs, jobs, he said. The summit was due to focus on education, investment in youth and economic development to discourage refugees and economic migrants from attempting the treacherous journey across the Mediterranean.
France s government on Tuesday ruled out major concessions towards autonomy sought by Corsica s nationalists after they won a regional election, but said it was open to talks that took account of the island s distinctive character. The nationalists on Sunday won two thirds of the seats in the new regional council that takes office on Jan. 1. Their ambitions are relatively modest among the wave of secessionist movements that have sprung up in parts of Europe as its traditional political forces have lost traction. Unlike Catalonia s nationalists, they do not target outright independence, but they do seek official status for the Corsican language and a greater say on fiscal issues. Government spokesman Benjamin Griveaux said there were Corsican specifics to be taken into account in the discussions that Paris holds with all new regional authorities. (But) let s be clear ... this was not a referendum or a vote on autonomy or independence, he told France 2 TV. The Corsican nationalists also want to be able to decide who can buy properties and they seek liberty for those they call political prisoners, who have been condemned for attacks or are awaiting judgment. The sun-drenched island, the birthplace of Napoleon and known as much over recent decades for its sometimes violent independence movements as for its stunning landscapes, has long been a thorn in the side of French governments. Clandestine group the National Front for the Liberation of Corsica (FLNC) laid down its weapons in 2014 after a near four-decade long rebellion, in a major shift that helped boost the popularity of the moderate nationalists who won Sunday s election. Asked about prisoners, Griveaux said: The law must be respected. When there have been crimes and a court ruling, when people have been condemned, the sentence should be carried out. Asked about Corsican becoming an official language on the island alongside French, Griveaux said provision had already been made in various regions to allow the use of a local language, for instance in some schools. But the language of the Republic is French, he added. Political analyst Andre Fazi, a lecturer at the University of Corsica, said it would be hard for the nationalists to get what they wanted. But with Sunday s election win, it would also be risky for the government to not do anything, he said. Shutting the door completely could boost calls for outright independence, as was the case in Catalonia. In a sign that the government might be taking this into account, Prime Minister Edouard Philippe on Sunday called nationalist leader Gilles Simeoni to congratulate him on his win and told him he was willing to see him soon in Paris.
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: France s government on Tuesday ruled out major concessions towards autonomy sought by Corsica s nationalists after they won a regional election, but said it was open to talks that took account of the island s distinctive character. The nationalists on Sunday won two thirds of the seats in the new regional council that takes office on Jan. 1. Their ambitions are relatively modest among the wave of secessionist movements that have sprung up in parts of Europe as its traditional political forces have lost traction. Unlike Catalonia s nationalists, they do not target outright independence, but they do seek official status for the Corsican language and a greater say on fiscal issues. Government spokesman Benjamin Griveaux said there were Corsican specifics to be taken into account in the discussions that Paris holds with all new regional authorities. (But) let s be clear ... this was not a referendum or a vote on autonomy or independence, he told France 2 TV. The Corsican nationalists also want to be able to decide who can buy properties and they seek liberty for those they call political prisoners, who have been condemned for attacks or are awaiting judgment. The sun-drenched island, the birthplace of Napoleon and known as much over recent decades for its sometimes violent independence movements as for its stunning landscapes, has long been a thorn in the side of French governments. Clandestine group the National Front for the Liberation of Corsica (FLNC) laid down its weapons in 2014 after a near four-decade long rebellion, in a major shift that helped boost the popularity of the moderate nationalists who won Sunday s election. Asked about prisoners, Griveaux said: The law must be respected. When there have been crimes and a court ruling, when people have been condemned, the sentence should be carried out. Asked about Corsican becoming an official language on the island alongside French, Griveaux said provision had already been made in various regions to allow the use of a local language, for instance in some schools. But the language of the Republic is French, he added. Political analyst Andre Fazi, a lecturer at the University of Corsica, said it would be hard for the nationalists to get what they wanted. But with Sunday s election win, it would also be risky for the government to not do anything, he said. Shutting the door completely could boost calls for outright independence, as was the case in Catalonia. In a sign that the government might be taking this into account, Prime Minister Edouard Philippe on Sunday called nationalist leader Gilles Simeoni to congratulate him on his win and told him he was willing to see him soon in Paris.
Eastern Libyan military commander Khalifa Haftar, whose forces control parts of the country, said on Sunday the U.N.-backed government was obsolete and he would listen to the will of the people, a firm hint he may run in elections expected next year. Haftar styles himself as a strongman capable of ending the chaos of armed factions that has gripped oil-producing Libya since the overthrow of Muammar Gaddafi in 2011. His comments, made at a military graduation ceremony, recall those of Egyptian General Abdel Fattah al-Sisi when he was testing the ground before becoming a presidential candidate. Sisi was eventually elected in 2014. Just as Sisi built up wide support after toppling Egypt s Islamist president Mohamed Mursi in 2013, supporters of Haftar speak of a similar situation developing in Libya, with rallies held in some eastern cities calling on him to run. We declare clearly and unequivocally our full compliance with the orders of the free Libyan people, which is its own guardian and the master of its land, Haftar said in a speech. He spoke in the eastern city of Benghazi, from where his forces managed to expel Islamist militants during a three-year battle. Haftar also dismissed a series of United Nations-led talks to bridge differences between Libya s two rival administrations, one linked to him in the east and one backed by the United Nations in the capital Tripoli, which he now declared obsolete. Despite all the brilliant slogans during talks between rivals for power from the dialogue of Ghadames (Libya) and ending in Tunisia via Geneva, Skhirat (Morocco) and others, all of were just ink on paper, he said, listing host cities of U.N. talks. The U.N. has tried to find a solution including Haftar who said his command had been threatened with sanctions should he seek a deal outside the dialogue. Some 1,000 Haftar supporters rallied in Benghazi, demanding the general take over after a U.N. deal for a political solution missed what they said was a self-imposed deadline on Sunday. The U.N. says no such timeline exists and its mediation will continue. The turnout was smaller than initially expected. In Tripoli, home to a government opposed by Haftar, an unknown armed faction opened fire in the air to disperse some 150 supporters of the general on the central martyrs square, witnesses said. Nobody was hurt. The U.N. launched a new round of talks in September in Tunis between the rival factions to prepare for presidential and parliamentary elections in 2018, but they broke off after one month without any deal. A formidable obstacle to progress was the issue of Haftar s own rule. He remains popular among some Libyans in the east weary of the chaos but faces opposition from many in western Libya. In his speech Haftar said his forces, known as the Libyan National Army (LNA), could only be placed under an authority that had been elected by the Libyan people - a further indication that he might take part in the election. The large North African country has been in turmoil since Gaddafi s downfall opened up space to Islamist militants and smuggling networks that have sent hundreds of thousands of migrants across the Mediterranean to Europe. Haftar is just one of many players in Libya, which is controlled by armed groups divided along political, religious, regional and business lines. Aguila Saleh, president of the eastern House of Representatives that backs Haftar, said it was time to start preparing for parliamentary and presidential elections, according to a video posted on social media.
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: Eastern Libyan military commander Khalifa Haftar, whose forces control parts of the country, said on Sunday the U.N.-backed government was obsolete and he would listen to the will of the people, a firm hint he may run in elections expected next year. Haftar styles himself as a strongman capable of ending the chaos of armed factions that has gripped oil-producing Libya since the overthrow of Muammar Gaddafi in 2011. His comments, made at a military graduation ceremony, recall those of Egyptian General Abdel Fattah al-Sisi when he was testing the ground before becoming a presidential candidate. Sisi was eventually elected in 2014. Just as Sisi built up wide support after toppling Egypt s Islamist president Mohamed Mursi in 2013, supporters of Haftar speak of a similar situation developing in Libya, with rallies held in some eastern cities calling on him to run. We declare clearly and unequivocally our full compliance with the orders of the free Libyan people, which is its own guardian and the master of its land, Haftar said in a speech. He spoke in the eastern city of Benghazi, from where his forces managed to expel Islamist militants during a three-year battle. Haftar also dismissed a series of United Nations-led talks to bridge differences between Libya s two rival administrations, one linked to him in the east and one backed by the United Nations in the capital Tripoli, which he now declared obsolete. Despite all the brilliant slogans during talks between rivals for power from the dialogue of Ghadames (Libya) and ending in Tunisia via Geneva, Skhirat (Morocco) and others, all of were just ink on paper, he said, listing host cities of U.N. talks. The U.N. has tried to find a solution including Haftar who said his command had been threatened with sanctions should he seek a deal outside the dialogue. Some 1,000 Haftar supporters rallied in Benghazi, demanding the general take over after a U.N. deal for a political solution missed what they said was a self-imposed deadline on Sunday. The U.N. says no such timeline exists and its mediation will continue. The turnout was smaller than initially expected. In Tripoli, home to a government opposed by Haftar, an unknown armed faction opened fire in the air to disperse some 150 supporters of the general on the central martyrs square, witnesses said. Nobody was hurt. The U.N. launched a new round of talks in September in Tunis between the rival factions to prepare for presidential and parliamentary elections in 2018, but they broke off after one month without any deal. A formidable obstacle to progress was the issue of Haftar s own rule. He remains popular among some Libyans in the east weary of the chaos but faces opposition from many in western Libya. In his speech Haftar said his forces, known as the Libyan National Army (LNA), could only be placed under an authority that had been elected by the Libyan people - a further indication that he might take part in the election. The large North African country has been in turmoil since Gaddafi s downfall opened up space to Islamist militants and smuggling networks that have sent hundreds of thousands of migrants across the Mediterranean to Europe. Haftar is just one of many players in Libya, which is controlled by armed groups divided along political, religious, regional and business lines. Aguila Saleh, president of the eastern House of Representatives that backs Haftar, said it was time to start preparing for parliamentary and presidential elections, according to a video posted on social media.
Her stepfather was dying from pulmonary heart disease in an intensive care unit on the other side of the country and Zheng Yue had to rush to the airport to catch a flight to see him. Zheng was nervous but outwardly calm as she strode through the airport terminal, pulling a carry-on bag and looking for her check-in counter. The trip was important for her. She said she never really knew her biological father, who died when she was two. Her mother s second husband was abusive, and she and her mother left him. This husband was better, and she developed genuine feelings for him as a father. Now, she said, she was feeling the pressures of what lay ahead for her and her family, a common worry among the generation that sprang from China s one-child policy. Being an only child means that down the line you ll have to support the whole family, she said. Zheng hadn t always shown such devotion to her family. By the time her mother married for the third time, Zheng was developing a rebellious streak that defined her for much of her youth. She started cutting classes in elementary school, staying home to watch TV. In middle and high school she climbed the school wall and went to Internet cafes to play video games. She found school boring, and her grades showed it. I didn t like going to school. When I went to class I d immediately be tired, exhausted, and I didn t like hearing them lecturing about stuff, she said. As an only child, her mother tried to keep her on a tight leash. She wasn t allowed to go out alone, or have boyfriends. In her sheltered world she developed a talent for painting and won school awards. When it came time to take the college entrance exam she tested in the fine arts category an easy path to university in China s rigid system. When she picked a school, Zheng used a map to decide, choosing one that was far from her hometown of Dezhou in Shandong province a branch of the University of Electronic Science and Technology of China in Chengdu, 1,700 km (1,060 miles) away. I really wanted to break free of those fetters, she said. College was freedom. Classes in her major animation were bearable, but the others were a chore and she was soon skipping class again. When she was a fourth year student, she landed an internship as an assistant in an interior design firm and before long she was dating the man she worked for. Five years out of college she is still with the same man. After graduating in 2012, she spent the following year without working, living off her boyfriend. I wasted that year, she said. At that time when you re stepping into society your dynamism that year is at its greatest, you re daring enough to do anything. She eventually found work as an interior designer, often working until midnight. Marriage and children don t interest her given her traumatic childhood and family life. She lives with her boyfriend in the flat that he owns, and she hopes to be able to buy one of her own - a tough proposition in a country where property prices keep soaring. You discover that life s pressures get bigger and bigger, whether it s pressure from outside or the kind that comes from your parents, it s all big pressure, she said, with a stoic nod of the head. She said goodbye and passed through airport security. The next day she tapped out a WeChat message to her friends. My father died today at 11:37am ... more words would be meaningless.
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: Her stepfather was dying from pulmonary heart disease in an intensive care unit on the other side of the country and Zheng Yue had to rush to the airport to catch a flight to see him. Zheng was nervous but outwardly calm as she strode through the airport terminal, pulling a carry-on bag and looking for her check-in counter. The trip was important for her. She said she never really knew her biological father, who died when she was two. Her mother s second husband was abusive, and she and her mother left him. This husband was better, and she developed genuine feelings for him as a father. Now, she said, she was feeling the pressures of what lay ahead for her and her family, a common worry among the generation that sprang from China s one-child policy. Being an only child means that down the line you ll have to support the whole family, she said. Zheng hadn t always shown such devotion to her family. By the time her mother married for the third time, Zheng was developing a rebellious streak that defined her for much of her youth. She started cutting classes in elementary school, staying home to watch TV. In middle and high school she climbed the school wall and went to Internet cafes to play video games. She found school boring, and her grades showed it. I didn t like going to school. When I went to class I d immediately be tired, exhausted, and I didn t like hearing them lecturing about stuff, she said. As an only child, her mother tried to keep her on a tight leash. She wasn t allowed to go out alone, or have boyfriends. In her sheltered world she developed a talent for painting and won school awards. When it came time to take the college entrance exam she tested in the fine arts category an easy path to university in China s rigid system. When she picked a school, Zheng used a map to decide, choosing one that was far from her hometown of Dezhou in Shandong province a branch of the University of Electronic Science and Technology of China in Chengdu, 1,700 km (1,060 miles) away. I really wanted to break free of those fetters, she said. College was freedom. Classes in her major animation were bearable, but the others were a chore and she was soon skipping class again. When she was a fourth year student, she landed an internship as an assistant in an interior design firm and before long she was dating the man she worked for. Five years out of college she is still with the same man. After graduating in 2012, she spent the following year without working, living off her boyfriend. I wasted that year, she said. At that time when you re stepping into society your dynamism that year is at its greatest, you re daring enough to do anything. She eventually found work as an interior designer, often working until midnight. Marriage and children don t interest her given her traumatic childhood and family life. She lives with her boyfriend in the flat that he owns, and she hopes to be able to buy one of her own - a tough proposition in a country where property prices keep soaring. You discover that life s pressures get bigger and bigger, whether it s pressure from outside or the kind that comes from your parents, it s all big pressure, she said, with a stoic nod of the head. She said goodbye and passed through airport security. The next day she tapped out a WeChat message to her friends. My father died today at 11:37am ... more words would be meaningless.
Because the government knows best when it comes to raising your children or something like that.A Maine mother faces child endangerment charges for allowing her daughter to play at the park across the’street from her house without her constant supervision.Nicole Jensen told WMTW she often allows her three children to play at the park a few hundred feet from her house and parents in the neighborhood make a coordinated effort to watch each other s children. She watches from her front porch.But when Jensen s 7-year-old daughter was playing in the park by herself last week, someone at the park called 911 to report she was unattended and police intervened.But instead of simply walking the child home, police tried unsuccessfully to call Jensen, then hauled the girl to the police station when the mother didn’t immediately answer her phone, according to the Personal Liberty blog.Jensen said she requires her children to check in every hour when they’re playing outside, but police chastised the mother for not keeping closer tabs and insinuated the girl was in danger at the park. They said, Do you know where your daughter is? and I said, Yes, and they said, Well no you’don’t. She’s at the police station, Jensen recalled. (The officer) said she was at the park unsupervised, no one know where she was, and if I hadn’t gotten a hold of you, I would have taken her into (the Department of Health and Human Services). Westbrook Police Chief Janie Roberts told the news site she estimated the girl was at the park for about an hour before she was detained. That s a long time for a 7-year-old to be by herself in any location, let alone a public park, Roberts said.Police eventually charged Jensen with child endangerment. They brought her to the police station when her house is right there, Jensen said, according to Personal Liberty. She did nothing wrong, she’said. She’s followed all of my rules. Jensen told WMTW her daughter was terrified by the ordeal, and she plans to fight the child endangerment charge. She ll also have to deal with DHHS, as police referred her case to that department, as well.Via: EAG News
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: Because the government knows best when it comes to raising your children or something like that.A Maine mother faces child endangerment charges for allowing her daughter to play at the park across the’street from her house without her constant supervision.Nicole Jensen told WMTW she often allows her three children to play at the park a few hundred feet from her house and parents in the neighborhood make a coordinated effort to watch each other s children. She watches from her front porch.But when Jensen s 7-year-old daughter was playing in the park by herself last week, someone at the park called 911 to report she was unattended and police intervened.But instead of simply walking the child home, police tried unsuccessfully to call Jensen, then hauled the girl to the police station when the mother didn’t immediately answer her phone, according to the Personal Liberty blog.Jensen said she requires her children to check in every hour when they’re playing outside, but police chastised the mother for not keeping closer tabs and insinuated the girl was in danger at the park. They said, Do you know where your daughter is? and I said, Yes, and they said, Well no you’don’t. She’s at the police station, Jensen recalled. (The officer) said she was at the park unsupervised, no one know where she was, and if I hadn’t gotten a hold of you, I would have taken her into (the Department of Health and Human Services). Westbrook Police Chief Janie Roberts told the news site she estimated the girl was at the park for about an hour before she was detained. That s a long time for a 7-year-old to be by herself in any location, let alone a public park, Roberts said.Police eventually charged Jensen with child endangerment. They brought her to the police station when her house is right there, Jensen said, according to Personal Liberty. She did nothing wrong, she’said. She’s followed all of my rules. Jensen told WMTW her daughter was terrified by the ordeal, and she plans to fight the child endangerment charge. She ll also have to deal with DHHS, as police referred her case to that department, as well.Via: EAG News
We ve all seen pictures of the Trumps in their home surrounded by tacky gold decor, complete with their young son Barron in a suit with toys in front of him while he’stares at the camera off to the’side of his parents. It s a life most of us can never imagine while we’re paying our monthly bills. So what s it like growing up with Donald Trump as a father? According to Scott Melker, a former classmate of Donald Trump Jr. s, at the University of Pennsylvania, being the former reality show star s son wasn’t what one might imagine. Or, given Trump’s temperament, it might be exactly what you’d imagine.On Facebook, Mekler told of the animosity Trump’s son had for this father. I was hanging out in a freshman dorm with some friends, next door to Donald Jr. s room. I walked out of the room to find Donald Trump at his son s door, there to pick him up for a baseball game, he recalls. There were quite a few students standing around watching, trying to catch a glimpse of the famed real estate magnate. Don Jr. opened the door, wearing a Yankee jersey. Then Mekler told of the moment Trump’slapped his son in the face in front of others. Without saying a word, his father slapped him across the face, knocking him to the floor in front of all of his classmates. He simply said put on a suit and meet me outside, and closed the door, Melker wrote. Donald Jr. was a drunk in college. Every memory I have of him is of him stumbling around campus falling over or passing out in public, with his arm in a sling from injuring himself while drinking, he continued. He absolutely despised his father, and hated the attention that his last name afforded him. His nickname was Diaper Don, because of his tendency to fall asleep drunk in other people s beds and urinate. I always felt terrible for him, he continued.Mekler said part of his reason for voting for Hillary Clinton is because in light of what I saw that day, it is clear to me that Donald Trump lacks the temperament and basic social decency to run our country. To be clear, we are not demonizing Trump’s son for having an alleged drinking problem during his college days. Whether Melker s story is accurate or not, we’re not sure, but given Trump’s awful temper, it s difficult to discount it.Photo by Saul Loeb-Pool via Getty.
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: We ve all seen pictures of the Trumps in their home surrounded by tacky gold decor, complete with their young son Barron in a suit with toys in front of him while he’stares at the camera off to the’side of his parents. It s a life most of us can never imagine while we’re paying our monthly bills. So what s it like growing up with Donald Trump as a father? According to Scott Melker, a former classmate of Donald Trump Jr. s, at the University of Pennsylvania, being the former reality show star s son wasn’t what one might imagine. Or, given Trump’s temperament, it might be exactly what you’d imagine.On Facebook, Mekler told of the animosity Trump’s son had for this father. I was hanging out in a freshman dorm with some friends, next door to Donald Jr. s room. I walked out of the room to find Donald Trump at his son s door, there to pick him up for a baseball game, he recalls. There were quite a few students standing around watching, trying to catch a glimpse of the famed real estate magnate. Don Jr. opened the door, wearing a Yankee jersey. Then Mekler told of the moment Trump’slapped his son in the face in front of others. Without saying a word, his father slapped him across the face, knocking him to the floor in front of all of his classmates. He simply said put on a suit and meet me outside, and closed the door, Melker wrote. Donald Jr. was a drunk in college. Every memory I have of him is of him stumbling around campus falling over or passing out in public, with his arm in a sling from injuring himself while drinking, he continued. He absolutely despised his father, and hated the attention that his last name afforded him. His nickname was Diaper Don, because of his tendency to fall asleep drunk in other people s beds and urinate. I always felt terrible for him, he continued.Mekler said part of his reason for voting for Hillary Clinton is because in light of what I saw that day, it is clear to me that Donald Trump lacks the temperament and basic social decency to run our country. To be clear, we are not demonizing Trump’s son for having an alleged drinking problem during his college days. Whether Melker s story is accurate or not, we’re not sure, but given Trump’s awful temper, it s difficult to discount it.Photo by Saul Loeb-Pool via Getty.
Russian President Vladimir Putin signed into law on Saturday new measures allowing authorities to list foreign media outlets as foreign agents in response to what Moscow says is unacceptable U.S. pressure on Russian media. The new law has been rushed through both Russian houses of parliament in the last two weeks. It will now allow Moscow to force foreign media to brand news they provide to Russians as the work of foreign agents and to disclose their funding sources. A copy of the law was published on the Russian government s online legislation database on Saturday, saying it entered into force from the day of its publication. Russia s move against U.S. media is part of the fallout from allegations that Russia interfered in last year s U.S. presidential election in favor of Donald Trump. U.S. intelligence officials have accused the Kremlin of using Russian media organizations it finances to influence U.S. voters, and Washington has since required Russian state broadcaster RT to register a U.S.-based affiliate company as a foreign agent . The Kremlin has repeatedly denied meddling in the election and said the restrictions on Russian broadcasters in the United States are an attack on free speech. The Russian Justice Ministry last week published a list of nine U.S.-backed news outlets that it said could be affected by the changes. It said it had written to the U.S. government-sponsored Voice of America (VOA) and Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty (RFE/RL), along with seven separate Russian or local-language news outlets run by RFE/RL.
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: Russian President Vladimir Putin signed into law on Saturday new measures allowing authorities to list foreign media outlets as foreign agents in response to what Moscow says is unacceptable U.S. pressure on Russian media. The new law has been rushed through both Russian houses of parliament in the last two weeks. It will now allow Moscow to force foreign media to brand news they provide to Russians as the work of foreign agents and to disclose their funding sources. A copy of the law was published on the Russian government s online legislation database on Saturday, saying it entered into force from the day of its publication. Russia s move against U.S. media is part of the fallout from allegations that Russia interfered in last year s U.S. presidential election in favor of Donald Trump. U.S. intelligence officials have accused the Kremlin of using Russian media organizations it finances to influence U.S. voters, and Washington has since required Russian state broadcaster RT to register a U.S.-based affiliate company as a foreign agent . The Kremlin has repeatedly denied meddling in the election and said the restrictions on Russian broadcasters in the United States are an attack on free speech. The Russian Justice Ministry last week published a list of nine U.S.-backed news outlets that it said could be affected by the changes. It said it had written to the U.S. government-sponsored Voice of America (VOA) and Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty (RFE/RL), along with seven separate Russian or local-language news outlets run by RFE/RL.
No need to file rules don’t apply to Obama s amnestied illegals Illegal immigrants granted executive amnesty can claim back tax credits for work they performed illegally, even if they never filed a tax return during those years, IRS Commissioner John Koskinen has confirmed to Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-IA).In a written response to questions Grassley, chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, asked Koskinen following a February hearing on the IRS budget, the IRS commissioner clarified his earlier assertions that illegal immigrants granted executive amnesty and Social Security numbers can access Earned Income Tax Credits (EITC) for years they were working in the country illegally.Back in February, Koskinen said that in order to claim the tax credits the amnestied illegal immigrant would have had to have filed returns in the past.In his written statement to Grassley, released Wednesday, Koskinen went another step, saying an illegal immigrant granted amnesty could claim back tax credits regardless if they had filed returns in the past. To clarify my earlier comments on EITC, not only can an individual amend a prior year return to claim EITC, but an individual who did not file a prior year return may file a return and claim EITC (subject to refund limitations under section 6511 of the Internal Revenue Code). I would note that filing new returns for prior years would likely be difficult, since filers would have to reconstruct earnings and other records for years when they were not able to work on the books, Koskinen said in his written response.According to the IRS, illegal immigrants granted amnesty, and with it Social Security numbers, can claim up to three years prior in back tax credits. Section 32 of the Internal Revenue Code requires an SSN on the return, but a taxpayer claiming the EITC is not required to have an SSN before the close of the year for which the EITC is claimed. At your request, the IRS has reviewed the relevant statutes and legislative history, and we believe that the 2000 Chief Counsel Advice (CCA) on this issue is correct, Koskinen added.With this benefit Illegal immigrants granted amnesty could receive tens of thousands of dollars in back tax refunds.Via: Breitbart News
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: No need to file rules don’t apply to Obama s amnestied illegals Illegal immigrants granted executive amnesty can claim back tax credits for work they performed illegally, even if they never filed a tax return during those years, IRS Commissioner John Koskinen has confirmed to Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-IA).In a written response to questions Grassley, chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, asked Koskinen following a February hearing on the IRS budget, the IRS commissioner clarified his earlier assertions that illegal immigrants granted executive amnesty and Social Security numbers can access Earned Income Tax Credits (EITC) for years they were working in the country illegally.Back in February, Koskinen said that in order to claim the tax credits the amnestied illegal immigrant would have had to have filed returns in the past.In his written statement to Grassley, released Wednesday, Koskinen went another step, saying an illegal immigrant granted amnesty could claim back tax credits regardless if they had filed returns in the past. To clarify my earlier comments on EITC, not only can an individual amend a prior year return to claim EITC, but an individual who did not file a prior year return may file a return and claim EITC (subject to refund limitations under section 6511 of the Internal Revenue Code). I would note that filing new returns for prior years would likely be difficult, since filers would have to reconstruct earnings and other records for years when they were not able to work on the books, Koskinen said in his written response.According to the IRS, illegal immigrants granted amnesty, and with it Social Security numbers, can claim up to three years prior in back tax credits. Section 32 of the Internal Revenue Code requires an SSN on the return, but a taxpayer claiming the EITC is not required to have an SSN before the close of the year for which the EITC is claimed. At your request, the IRS has reviewed the relevant statutes and legislative history, and we believe that the 2000 Chief Counsel Advice (CCA) on this issue is correct, Koskinen added.With this benefit Illegal immigrants granted amnesty could receive tens of thousands of dollars in back tax refunds.Via: Breitbart News
President Donald Trump plans to visit Britain in February to open the new U.S. embassy in London but will not meet Queen Elizabeth, the Daily Mail newspaper reported on Wednesday. Trump s planned visit to Britain has proved controversial since Prime Minister Theresa May invited him for a state visit, which typically involves lavish pageantry and events hosted by the queen. However nearly 2 million people have signed a petition saying Trump should not be invited because it would cause embarrassment to the queen, and protests could be expected to greet the U.S. leader. The Daily Mail cited a source in Westminster as saying Trump had told May during a call on Tuesday that he planned a working visit to Britain to open the new embassy, a billion-dollar building which overlooks the River Thames, in late February. A spokesman for May s Downing Street office declined to comment on the report. He said the position on the state visit had not changed. An offer had been extended but no dates have been arranged. May originally invited Trump to visit by the end of 2017. Britain regards its close ties with Washington as a special relationship and a pillar of its foreign policy as it prepares to leave the European Union. However the ties have been strained in recent months, most recently when Trump sparked outrage by rebuking May on Twitter after she criticized him for retweeting British far-right anti-Islam videos.
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: President Donald Trump plans to visit Britain in February to open the new U.S. embassy in London but will not meet Queen Elizabeth, the Daily Mail newspaper reported on Wednesday. Trump s planned visit to Britain has proved controversial since Prime Minister Theresa May invited him for a state visit, which typically involves lavish pageantry and events hosted by the queen. However nearly 2 million people have signed a petition saying Trump should not be invited because it would cause embarrassment to the queen, and protests could be expected to greet the U.S. leader. The Daily Mail cited a source in Westminster as saying Trump had told May during a call on Tuesday that he planned a working visit to Britain to open the new embassy, a billion-dollar building which overlooks the River Thames, in late February. A spokesman for May s Downing Street office declined to comment on the report. He said the position on the state visit had not changed. An offer had been extended but no dates have been arranged. May originally invited Trump to visit by the end of 2017. Britain regards its close ties with Washington as a special relationship and a pillar of its foreign policy as it prepares to leave the European Union. However the ties have been strained in recent months, most recently when Trump sparked outrage by rebuking May on Twitter after she criticized him for retweeting British far-right anti-Islam videos.
As a side note, the illegal aliens who are being dropped off across America in vans are OTM s or Other Than Mexicans. Can the mainstream media PLEASE start doing their job and exposing this corrupt administration? In a surprising discovery, the Palm Beach Post first reported that according to state records, Orlando shooter Omar Mateen who as we’reported earlier was licensed as a security guard and also holds a firearms license was employed by the US subsidiary of G4S plc, a British multinational security services company, whose US-headquarters are located in Jupiter, Fla, and which also happens to be the world s largest security company by revenue.Shortly thereafter, G4S confirmed that Omar Mateen has worked for the company since 2007. This is the’statement released from G4S: We are shocked and saddened by the tragic event that occurred at the Orlando nightclub. We can confirm that Omar Mateen had been employed with G4S since September 10, 2007. We are cooperating fully with all law enforcement authorities, including the FBI, as they conduct their investigation. Our thoughts and prayers are with all of the friends, families and people affected by this unspeakable tragedy. In other words, Mateen who according to preliminary reports, had been on a terrorist watchlist, and who still managed to obtain weapons thanks to his various licenses and permits just last week, was employed by one of the world s largest security companies, where he may have had extensive clearances well above his pay grade, not to mention access to sophisticated military weapons and equipment.But where it gets more disturbing is that as Judicial Watch reported several days ago, in a post titled, DHS Quietly Moving, Releasing Vanloads Of Illegal Aliens Away From Border , border patrol sources said that the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) was quietly transporting illegal immigrants from the Mexican border to Phoenix and releasing them without proper processing or issuing court appearance documents. As a reminder, the government classifies them as Other Than Mexican (OTM) and this week around 35 were transferred 116 miles north from Tucson to a Phoenix bus station where they went their separate way. Judicial Watch was present when one of the white vans carrying a group of OTMs arrived at the Phoenix Greyhound station on Buckeye Road.And this is where the Mateen-G4S link emerges: as JW reported previously, a security company contracted by the U.S. government is driving the OTMs from the Border Patrol s Tucson Sector where they were in custody to Phoenix, sources said. The firm is the abovementioned G4S, the world s leading security solutions group with operations in more than 100 countries and 610,000 employees. G4S has more than 50,000 employees in the U.S. and its domestic headquarters is in Jupiter, Florida.Judicial Watch noted that it had filed a number of public records requests to get more information involving the arrangement between G4S and the government, specifically the transport of illegal immigrants from the Mexican border to other parts of the country. The photo below shows the uniformed G4S guard that transported the OTMs this week from Tucson to Phoenix.Outraged Border Patrol agents and supervisors on the front lines say illegal immigrants are being released in droves because there s no room to keep them in detention. They re telling us to put them on a bus and let them go, said one law enforcement official in Arizona. Just move those bodies across the country. Officially, DHS denies this is occurring and in fact earlier this year U.S. Customs and Border Protection Commissioner R. Gil Kerlikowske blasted Border Patrol union officials for denouncing this dangerous catch-and-release policy. Kerlikowske s scolding came in response to the congressional testimony of Bandon Judd, chief of the National Border Patrol Council, the labor union that represents line agents. Judd told lawmakers on the House Judiciary Committee that illegal immigrants without serious criminal convictions can be released immediately and disappear into the’shadows. Kerlikowske shot back, telling a separate congressional committee: I would not stand by if the Border Patrol was releasing people without going through all of the formalities.Meanwhile, the Hill reported that Mateen s employment, and gun licenses, were untouched even though the FBI confirmed it had interviewed the 29-year-old three times before the’shooting took place early Sunday morning. An official said that the FBI first became aware of the’suspect, Omar Mateen, 29, in 2013 when he made inflammatory comments to coworkers alleging possible terrorist ties. In the course of that investigation, Mateen was interviewed twice, but the FBI was unable to verify the’substance of his comments. Via: Zero HedgeShares in G4S have fallen heavily after the UK security services company said Omar Mateen, who killed 49 people at a gay nightclub in Orlando, Florida, was an employee.G4S said Mateen was an armed security officer and that it was trying to establish whether weapons used in the attack on the Pulse gay nightclub were related to his work. The company supplies its armed employees with guns in the US and does not allow them to use their own.G4S shares dropped by as much as 7.5% and were the biggest fallers among leading UK shares. The company employs 620,000 people in more than 110 countries and the US is one of its biggest markets.Jasper Lawler, an analyst at CMC Markets, a City spread betting firm, said it did not look good for G4S to have employed Mateen while he was being investigated by the FBI. G4S has more than 50,000 employees in the US, a large proportion of which are involved in government contracts. If the name of G4S starts getting dragged through the mud, US contracts may become harder to come by. Via: Guardian
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: As a side note, the illegal aliens who are being dropped off across America in vans are OTM s or Other Than Mexicans. Can the mainstream media PLEASE start doing their job and exposing this corrupt administration? In a surprising discovery, the Palm Beach Post first reported that according to state records, Orlando shooter Omar Mateen who as we’reported earlier was licensed as a security guard and also holds a firearms license was employed by the US subsidiary of G4S plc, a British multinational security services company, whose US-headquarters are located in Jupiter, Fla, and which also happens to be the world s largest security company by revenue.Shortly thereafter, G4S confirmed that Omar Mateen has worked for the company since 2007. This is the’statement released from G4S: We are shocked and saddened by the tragic event that occurred at the Orlando nightclub. We can confirm that Omar Mateen had been employed with G4S since September 10, 2007. We are cooperating fully with all law enforcement authorities, including the FBI, as they conduct their investigation. Our thoughts and prayers are with all of the friends, families and people affected by this unspeakable tragedy. In other words, Mateen who according to preliminary reports, had been on a terrorist watchlist, and who still managed to obtain weapons thanks to his various licenses and permits just last week, was employed by one of the world s largest security companies, where he may have had extensive clearances well above his pay grade, not to mention access to sophisticated military weapons and equipment.But where it gets more disturbing is that as Judicial Watch reported several days ago, in a post titled, DHS Quietly Moving, Releasing Vanloads Of Illegal Aliens Away From Border , border patrol sources said that the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) was quietly transporting illegal immigrants from the Mexican border to Phoenix and releasing them without proper processing or issuing court appearance documents. As a reminder, the government classifies them as Other Than Mexican (OTM) and this week around 35 were transferred 116 miles north from Tucson to a Phoenix bus station where they went their separate way. Judicial Watch was present when one of the white vans carrying a group of OTMs arrived at the Phoenix Greyhound station on Buckeye Road.And this is where the Mateen-G4S link emerges: as JW reported previously, a security company contracted by the U.S. government is driving the OTMs from the Border Patrol s Tucson Sector where they were in custody to Phoenix, sources said. The firm is the abovementioned G4S, the world s leading security solutions group with operations in more than 100 countries and 610,000 employees. G4S has more than 50,000 employees in the U.S. and its domestic headquarters is in Jupiter, Florida.Judicial Watch noted that it had filed a number of public records requests to get more information involving the arrangement between G4S and the government, specifically the transport of illegal immigrants from the Mexican border to other parts of the country. The photo below shows the uniformed G4S guard that transported the OTMs this week from Tucson to Phoenix.Outraged Border Patrol agents and supervisors on the front lines say illegal immigrants are being released in droves because there s no room to keep them in detention. They re telling us to put them on a bus and let them go, said one law enforcement official in Arizona. Just move those bodies across the country. Officially, DHS denies this is occurring and in fact earlier this year U.S. Customs and Border Protection Commissioner R. Gil Kerlikowske blasted Border Patrol union officials for denouncing this dangerous catch-and-release policy. Kerlikowske s scolding came in response to the congressional testimony of Bandon Judd, chief of the National Border Patrol Council, the labor union that represents line agents. Judd told lawmakers on the House Judiciary Committee that illegal immigrants without serious criminal convictions can be released immediately and disappear into the’shadows. Kerlikowske shot back, telling a separate congressional committee: I would not stand by if the Border Patrol was releasing people without going through all of the formalities.Meanwhile, the Hill reported that Mateen s employment, and gun licenses, were untouched even though the FBI confirmed it had interviewed the 29-year-old three times before the’shooting took place early Sunday morning. An official said that the FBI first became aware of the’suspect, Omar Mateen, 29, in 2013 when he made inflammatory comments to coworkers alleging possible terrorist ties. In the course of that investigation, Mateen was interviewed twice, but the FBI was unable to verify the’substance of his comments. Via: Zero HedgeShares in G4S have fallen heavily after the UK security services company said Omar Mateen, who killed 49 people at a gay nightclub in Orlando, Florida, was an employee.G4S said Mateen was an armed security officer and that it was trying to establish whether weapons used in the attack on the Pulse gay nightclub were related to his work. The company supplies its armed employees with guns in the US and does not allow them to use their own.G4S shares dropped by as much as 7.5% and were the biggest fallers among leading UK shares. The company employs 620,000 people in more than 110 countries and the US is one of its biggest markets.Jasper Lawler, an analyst at CMC Markets, a City spread betting firm, said it did not look good for G4S to have employed Mateen while he was being investigated by the FBI. G4S has more than 50,000 employees in the US, a large proportion of which are involved in government contracts. If the name of G4S starts getting dragged through the mud, US contracts may become harder to come by. Via: Guardian
Investigators on Friday reconstructed the seconds before a train plowed into a school bus at a level crossing in southern France and killed at least five children, an incident the prime minister described as horrific . The collision on Thursday afternoon ripped the bus apart and authorities worked into the night to identify the first victims. The official death toll came after a source close to the investigation earlier said six youngsters had lost their lives in an incident that stunned the small community of Millas, near Perpignan. Hospitals appealed for blood to help them treat seven others who remain in a critical condition. Government spokesman Benjamin Griveaux said the cause of the crash was still unclear. It occurred at a crossing which was not considered dangerous. Investigators are looking into whether the automatic barriers and lights on the level crossing malfunctioned and have taken blood samples from the driver for toxicology studies, French media reported. The driver, a 49-year-old woman who was injured in the collision, was described lucid by the manager of the bus company in an interview with BFM TV. The bus was well maintained, he added. The train was carrying 25 passengers and traveling at 80 kmh, the regulatory speed for the section of track where the collision occurred, the national SNCF railway said.
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: Investigators on Friday reconstructed the seconds before a train plowed into a school bus at a level crossing in southern France and killed at least five children, an incident the prime minister described as horrific . The collision on Thursday afternoon ripped the bus apart and authorities worked into the night to identify the first victims. The official death toll came after a source close to the investigation earlier said six youngsters had lost their lives in an incident that stunned the small community of Millas, near Perpignan. Hospitals appealed for blood to help them treat seven others who remain in a critical condition. Government spokesman Benjamin Griveaux said the cause of the crash was still unclear. It occurred at a crossing which was not considered dangerous. Investigators are looking into whether the automatic barriers and lights on the level crossing malfunctioned and have taken blood samples from the driver for toxicology studies, French media reported. The driver, a 49-year-old woman who was injured in the collision, was described lucid by the manager of the bus company in an interview with BFM TV. The bus was well maintained, he added. The train was carrying 25 passengers and traveling at 80 kmh, the regulatory speed for the section of track where the collision occurred, the national SNCF railway said.
From the Vanity Fair article: Milo Yiannopoulos, the former tech editor at Breitbart, has made political provocations, often deeply offensive ones, a business model. But his career seemed to come crashing down in recent months when one of his speaking appearances, at the University of California, Berkeley, led to riots. Weeks later, videos emerged of Yiannopoulos seeming to condone pedophilia. ( I do not support pedophilia. Period. It is a vile and disgusting crime, perhaps the very worst, Yiannopoulos said in a statement on Facebook at the time.)Yet his allies turned on him. Yiannopoulos was subsequently forced out of Breitbart in disgrace. The American Conservative Union disinvited him from CPAC, and Simon & Schuster canceled a six-figure book deal.But as the free-speech conflagration he ignited at Berkeley continues to burn, Yiannopoulos is planning a way back in. Days after releasing a video touting his return to the campus, Yiannopoulos told the Hive that he would be launching a new media venture in the coming weeks with what he’says is a $12 million investment from backers whose identities he is protecting. (Yiannopoulos showed me a page from the contract with the investors names blacked out.) Another person involved with the company, who spoke on the condition of anonymity, was similarly secretive: Milo has the best instincts about these things, he’said.The business, which will be called Milo Inc., will be even more focused on stoking the’sort of ugly political conflict that s closer to the’surface of what can be best described as corporatized trolling via live entertainment, with Yiannopoulos and his investors hosting events featuring right-wing talent. The business of Madonna became touring, said Yiannopoulos in a phone interview, citing the artist s deal with Live Nation. I m doing the’same thing, but instead of signing up with Live Nation, I m building one. I m building it for libertarian and conservative comedians, writers, stand-up comics, intellectuals, you name it. This video pretty much sums up the truth about Milo and his free-speech rights being shut down by violent leftists:Milo Inc. s first event will be a return to the town that erupted in riots when he was invited to speak earlier this year. In fact, Yiannopoulos said that he is planning a week-long celebration of free speech near U.C. Berkeley, where a speech by his fellow campus agitator, Ann Coulter, was recently canceled after threats of violence. It will culminate in his bestowing something called the Mario Savio Award for Free Speech. (The’son of Savio, one of the leaders of Berkeley s Free Speech movement during the mid-1960s, called the award some kind of sick joke .)For the entire article: Vanity Fair
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: From the Vanity Fair article: Milo Yiannopoulos, the former tech editor at Breitbart, has made political provocations, often deeply offensive ones, a business model. But his career seemed to come crashing down in recent months when one of his speaking appearances, at the University of California, Berkeley, led to riots. Weeks later, videos emerged of Yiannopoulos seeming to condone pedophilia. ( I do not support pedophilia. Period. It is a vile and disgusting crime, perhaps the very worst, Yiannopoulos said in a statement on Facebook at the time.)Yet his allies turned on him. Yiannopoulos was subsequently forced out of Breitbart in disgrace. The American Conservative Union disinvited him from CPAC, and Simon & Schuster canceled a six-figure book deal.But as the free-speech conflagration he ignited at Berkeley continues to burn, Yiannopoulos is planning a way back in. Days after releasing a video touting his return to the campus, Yiannopoulos told the Hive that he would be launching a new media venture in the coming weeks with what he’says is a $12 million investment from backers whose identities he is protecting. (Yiannopoulos showed me a page from the contract with the investors names blacked out.) Another person involved with the company, who spoke on the condition of anonymity, was similarly secretive: Milo has the best instincts about these things, he’said.The business, which will be called Milo Inc., will be even more focused on stoking the’sort of ugly political conflict that s closer to the’surface of what can be best described as corporatized trolling via live entertainment, with Yiannopoulos and his investors hosting events featuring right-wing talent. The business of Madonna became touring, said Yiannopoulos in a phone interview, citing the artist s deal with Live Nation. I m doing the’same thing, but instead of signing up with Live Nation, I m building one. I m building it for libertarian and conservative comedians, writers, stand-up comics, intellectuals, you name it. This video pretty much sums up the truth about Milo and his free-speech rights being shut down by violent leftists:Milo Inc. s first event will be a return to the town that erupted in riots when he was invited to speak earlier this year. In fact, Yiannopoulos said that he is planning a week-long celebration of free speech near U.C. Berkeley, where a speech by his fellow campus agitator, Ann Coulter, was recently canceled after threats of violence. It will culminate in his bestowing something called the Mario Savio Award for Free Speech. (The’son of Savio, one of the leaders of Berkeley s Free Speech movement during the mid-1960s, called the award some kind of sick joke .)For the entire article: Vanity Fair
U.S. House Speaker Paul Ryan on Thursday said National Football League players’ protests were constitutionally protected free speech, but their decision to kneel while the national anthem played at games was “misguided.” “Clearly people have a right to express themselves,” Ryan told reporters at a news conference. But doing so in front of the U.S. flag, “it looks like you’re protesting against the ideals of America... I think it’s misguided,” he added.
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: U.S. House Speaker Paul Ryan on Thursday said National Football League players’ protests were constitutionally protected free speech, but their decision to kneel while the national anthem played at games was “misguided.” “Clearly people have a right to express themselves,” Ryan told reporters at a news conference. But doing so in front of the U.S. flag, “it looks like you’re protesting against the ideals of America... I think it’s misguided,” he added.
Springer Nature, which publishes science magazines Nature and Scientific American, said on Wednesday it had pulled access to a small number of articles in China to comply with regulations, adding that it viewed the move as regrettable but necessary. The decision comes after Britain s Cambridge University Press (CUP) said in August it had removed from its website in China about 300 papers and book reviews published in the China Quarterly journal, after a request from the Chinese government. CUP, the publishing arm of elite Cambridge University, later reversed its decision and reposted the articles, following an outcry from academics, who attacked the decision as an affront to academic freedom. In a statement, Germany-based Springer Nature said that less than one percent of its content had been limited in mainland China. This action is deeply regrettable, but has been taken to prevent a much greater impact on our customers and authors, it said. This is not editorial censorship and does not affect the content we publish or make accessible elsewhere in the world. It is a local content access decision in China done to comply with specific local regulations, it added. The Financial Times said at least 1,000 Springer Nature articles had been blocked in China, containing sensitive key words like Taiwan, Tibet and Cultural Revolution. Under President Xi Jinping, Beijing has stepped up censorship, tightened controls on the internet and various aspects of civil society, and strengthened Communist Party authority over academia and other institutions. Beijing said in September that Chinese importers of foreign publications must verify the products were legal. China s State Council Information Office did not immediately respond to a faxed request for comment sent after office hours. In not taking action we ran the very real risk of all of our content being blocked, Springer Nature said. We do not believe that it is in the interests of our authors, customers, or the wider scientific and academic community, or to the advancement of research, for us to be banned from distributing our content in China. Cambridge University Press had said it had blocked articles on topics including the 1989 Tiananmen Square democracy protests, the 1960s Cultural Revolution and Tibet, in order to keep its other academic and educational materials available in the country.
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: Springer Nature, which publishes science magazines Nature and Scientific American, said on Wednesday it had pulled access to a small number of articles in China to comply with regulations, adding that it viewed the move as regrettable but necessary. The decision comes after Britain s Cambridge University Press (CUP) said in August it had removed from its website in China about 300 papers and book reviews published in the China Quarterly journal, after a request from the Chinese government. CUP, the publishing arm of elite Cambridge University, later reversed its decision and reposted the articles, following an outcry from academics, who attacked the decision as an affront to academic freedom. In a statement, Germany-based Springer Nature said that less than one percent of its content had been limited in mainland China. This action is deeply regrettable, but has been taken to prevent a much greater impact on our customers and authors, it said. This is not editorial censorship and does not affect the content we publish or make accessible elsewhere in the world. It is a local content access decision in China done to comply with specific local regulations, it added. The Financial Times said at least 1,000 Springer Nature articles had been blocked in China, containing sensitive key words like Taiwan, Tibet and Cultural Revolution. Under President Xi Jinping, Beijing has stepped up censorship, tightened controls on the internet and various aspects of civil society, and strengthened Communist Party authority over academia and other institutions. Beijing said in September that Chinese importers of foreign publications must verify the products were legal. China s State Council Information Office did not immediately respond to a faxed request for comment sent after office hours. In not taking action we ran the very real risk of all of our content being blocked, Springer Nature said. We do not believe that it is in the interests of our authors, customers, or the wider scientific and academic community, or to the advancement of research, for us to be banned from distributing our content in China. Cambridge University Press had said it had blocked articles on topics including the 1989 Tiananmen Square democracy protests, the 1960s Cultural Revolution and Tibet, in order to keep its other academic and educational materials available in the country.
A member of President Trump’s Diversity Council is threatening to quit because he opposes Trump’s cancelation of DACA. Bye Bye!Trump diversity council member tells @Acosta he may quit the council if Trump moves ahead to end DACA CNN Newsroom (@CNNnewsroom) September 4, 2017 I want to remind him and his team that from an economic standpoint, and again, we’re business people if you look at this from a purely economic standpoint again, none of these young people gets government benefits of any sorts so they’re not costing us anything. They pay over $2 billion in taxes Is anyone else out there sick of the American people being told illegals cost nothing?DACA Will Cost Americans And Their Government A Huge Amount of Money.On average, people with college degrees pay more in taxes than they’receive in government benefits. People without a degree consume more taxes than they pay to federal, state and local tax officials.In 2013, a Heritage Foundation study showed that amnesty for 11 million illegals would spike federal spending by $6,300 billion over the next five decades. That is roughly equivalent to $550,000 per illegal, or $10,000 per illegal per year, much of which will be spent when the immigrant becomes eligible for Social Security and Medicare. That cost estimate does not include the extra costs created when immigrants use their new legal powers as a citizen to bring in more low-skilled migrants.If those 3 million DACA people and their parents soon become legal residents or citizens, then Obama s DACA will cost Americans roughly $1,700 billion over the next 50 years, according to Heritage Foundation s numbers.Moreover, the DACA migrants add to the flood of illegal labor that has driven down wages for ordinary Americans, including urban youths and recent immigrants. Currently, Americans lose roughly $500 billion a year from their salaries because of the immigration tax caused by cheap labor according to the academies report.Via: GP
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: A member of President Trump’s Diversity Council is threatening to quit because he opposes Trump’s cancelation of DACA. Bye Bye!Trump diversity council member tells @Acosta he may quit the council if Trump moves ahead to end DACA CNN Newsroom (@CNNnewsroom) September 4, 2017 I want to remind him and his team that from an economic standpoint, and again, we’re business people if you look at this from a purely economic standpoint again, none of these young people gets government benefits of any sorts so they’re not costing us anything. They pay over $2 billion in taxes Is anyone else out there sick of the American people being told illegals cost nothing?DACA Will Cost Americans And Their Government A Huge Amount of Money.On average, people with college degrees pay more in taxes than they’receive in government benefits. People without a degree consume more taxes than they pay to federal, state and local tax officials.In 2013, a Heritage Foundation study showed that amnesty for 11 million illegals would spike federal spending by $6,300 billion over the next five decades. That is roughly equivalent to $550,000 per illegal, or $10,000 per illegal per year, much of which will be spent when the immigrant becomes eligible for Social Security and Medicare. That cost estimate does not include the extra costs created when immigrants use their new legal powers as a citizen to bring in more low-skilled migrants.If those 3 million DACA people and their parents soon become legal residents or citizens, then Obama s DACA will cost Americans roughly $1,700 billion over the next 50 years, according to Heritage Foundation s numbers.Moreover, the DACA migrants add to the flood of illegal labor that has driven down wages for ordinary Americans, including urban youths and recent immigrants. Currently, Americans lose roughly $500 billion a year from their salaries because of the immigration tax caused by cheap labor according to the academies report.Via: GP
A Turkish court released prominent journalist Kadri Gursel from jail pending trial late on Monday, in a case that targets the opposition Cumhuriyet newspaper and has been condemned by critics of President Tayyip Erdogan as an attack on free speech. Television footage showed Gursel hugging his wife and colleagues as he emerged from jail at Silivri, west of Istanbul after some 330 days in custody. This is not something to be really happy about. There are Cumhuriyet staff who have been jailed due to unjust, baseless allegations, Gursel told reporters outside the jail. Prosecutors say Cumhuriyet was effectively taken over by supporters of Fethullah Gulen, a U.S.-based cleric blamed by the government for last year s attempted coup, and that the paper was used to target Erdogan and veil the actions of terrorist groups. The newspaper and staff have denied the charges. Four more prominent staff of Cumhuriyet, correspondents and executives, remained in custody after the third hearing in the case, including editor-in-chief Murat Sabuncu. The rest of the 17 defendants are free pending trial. Prosecutors are seeking up to 43 years in jail for the newspaper staff, who stand accused of targeting Erdogan through asymmetric war methods. Social media posts comprised the bulk of evidence in the indictment, along with allegations that staff had been in contact with users of Bylock, an encrypted messaging app the government says was used by Gulen s followers. Rights groups and Turkey s Western allies have complained of deteriorating human rights under Erdogan. In the crackdown since last July s failed coup, 50,000 people have been jailed pending trial and some 150,000 detained or dismissed from their jobs. Around 150 media outlets have been shut down and 160 journalists jailed, the Turkish Journalists Association says.
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: A Turkish court released prominent journalist Kadri Gursel from jail pending trial late on Monday, in a case that targets the opposition Cumhuriyet newspaper and has been condemned by critics of President Tayyip Erdogan as an attack on free speech. Television footage showed Gursel hugging his wife and colleagues as he emerged from jail at Silivri, west of Istanbul after some 330 days in custody. This is not something to be really happy about. There are Cumhuriyet staff who have been jailed due to unjust, baseless allegations, Gursel told reporters outside the jail. Prosecutors say Cumhuriyet was effectively taken over by supporters of Fethullah Gulen, a U.S.-based cleric blamed by the government for last year s attempted coup, and that the paper was used to target Erdogan and veil the actions of terrorist groups. The newspaper and staff have denied the charges. Four more prominent staff of Cumhuriyet, correspondents and executives, remained in custody after the third hearing in the case, including editor-in-chief Murat Sabuncu. The rest of the 17 defendants are free pending trial. Prosecutors are seeking up to 43 years in jail for the newspaper staff, who stand accused of targeting Erdogan through asymmetric war methods. Social media posts comprised the bulk of evidence in the indictment, along with allegations that staff had been in contact with users of Bylock, an encrypted messaging app the government says was used by Gulen s followers. Rights groups and Turkey s Western allies have complained of deteriorating human rights under Erdogan. In the crackdown since last July s failed coup, 50,000 people have been jailed pending trial and some 150,000 detained or dismissed from their jobs. Around 150 media outlets have been shut down and 160 journalists jailed, the Turkish Journalists Association says.
U.S. Vice President Mike Pence and Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau discussed ongoing trade disagreements between their two countries on Friday on the sidelines of a gathering of U.S. governors. President Donald Trump plans to renegotiate the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) between the United States, Canada and Mexico with talks to begin in mid-August. Trump feels the two allies and neighbors are taking advantage of lax American trade policies. Pence and Trudeau met on the fringes of the National Governors Association meeting in Providence, Rhode Island. “On behalf of President Trump, the vice president recognized the importance of the beneficial U.S. trade and investment relationship with Canada, while expressing the need to work together to address lingering trade disagreements,” a White House statement said. It added the two leaders also expressed “their shared commitment to update and modernize NAFTA through constructive renegotiation.”
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: U.S. Vice President Mike Pence and Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau discussed ongoing trade disagreements between their two countries on Friday on the sidelines of a gathering of U.S. governors. President Donald Trump plans to renegotiate the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) between the United States, Canada and Mexico with talks to begin in mid-August. Trump feels the two allies and neighbors are taking advantage of lax American trade policies. Pence and Trudeau met on the fringes of the National Governors Association meeting in Providence, Rhode Island. “On behalf of President Trump, the vice president recognized the importance of the beneficial U.S. trade and investment relationship with Canada, while expressing the need to work together to address lingering trade disagreements,” a White House statement said. It added the two leaders also expressed “their shared commitment to update and modernize NAFTA through constructive renegotiation.”
Watch what happens when Laura Loomer asks Chelsea Clinton to sign a copy of her book, She Persisted for her friend, Juanita Broaddrick: Because this book s for everyone, including women who have wanted to speak up but have been told to quiet down, can you sign it for a my friend Juanita Broaddrick? Because she’s been silenced by your parents, especially Bill Clinton, who s a rapist. Can you sign it for her? The funny thing is that Chelsea was just offered a cool one million dollars to take a DNA test to prove her REAL dad is Webster Hubbell: Jones made the offer on the Wednesday edition of the Alex Jones Show while previewing an upcoming video showing Chelsea being confronted on her father s alleged rape of Juanita Broaddrick. We also have a woman confronting Chelsea Clinton who is now the’spitting image of Webster Hubbell, no doubt, Jones said. In fact I ll offer Chelsea Clinton $1 million to the charity of her choice where she’s looted billions out of Haiti and other places so she doesn’t care a million dollars to the charity of her choice to have a third-party group do a maternity or a paternity test on her and you know she’s Webster Hubbell. I mean you look at this new video we’re gonna play when we come back, it is Webster Hubbell I mean it s Webster Hubbell. Those are some strong genes. I mean that is daddy s little girl right there. That is daddy s girl. That ain’t Bill Clinton s girl, that s daddy s girl right there. I mean I ve never seen somebody with such a spitting image of their daddy. Read more: Info Wars
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: Watch what happens when Laura Loomer asks Chelsea Clinton to sign a copy of her book, She Persisted for her friend, Juanita Broaddrick: Because this book s for everyone, including women who have wanted to speak up but have been told to quiet down, can you sign it for a my friend Juanita Broaddrick? Because she’s been silenced by your parents, especially Bill Clinton, who s a rapist. Can you sign it for her? The funny thing is that Chelsea was just offered a cool one million dollars to take a DNA test to prove her REAL dad is Webster Hubbell: Jones made the offer on the Wednesday edition of the Alex Jones Show while previewing an upcoming video showing Chelsea being confronted on her father s alleged rape of Juanita Broaddrick. We also have a woman confronting Chelsea Clinton who is now the’spitting image of Webster Hubbell, no doubt, Jones said. In fact I ll offer Chelsea Clinton $1 million to the charity of her choice where she’s looted billions out of Haiti and other places so she doesn’t care a million dollars to the charity of her choice to have a third-party group do a maternity or a paternity test on her and you know she’s Webster Hubbell. I mean you look at this new video we’re gonna play when we come back, it is Webster Hubbell I mean it s Webster Hubbell. Those are some strong genes. I mean that is daddy s little girl right there. That is daddy s girl. That ain’t Bill Clinton s girl, that s daddy s girl right there. I mean I ve never seen somebody with such a spitting image of their daddy. Read more: Info Wars
It has just been announced that Donald Trump and his transition team have former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani as a top favorite to be selected as the new Secretary of State.BREAKING: AP source: Rudy Giuliani the favorite to be Trump's secretary of state. The Associated Press (@AP) November 15, 2016CLEVELAND, OH OCTOBER 22: Rudy Giuliani introduces Republican vice-presidential nominee Mike Pence during his campaign stop along side presidential nominee Donald Trump. (Photo by Justin Merriman/Getty Images)According to the NY Post: Rudy Giuliani is in the running to become the next secretary of state.The former New York City mayor is one of two candidates to be America s top diplomat, according to The Wall Street Journal.The other candidate is John Bolton, the former US ambassador to the United Nations and a former high ranking State Department official. Many thought Giuliani may be picked for Attorney General so this is a bit of a surprise to some, and a horrifying reality for the rest of the world considering the man doesn’t have much of any foreign policy experience and is a warhawk.Honestly, the pick doesn’t make that much sense, and many thought former House Speaker Newt Gingrich had the role locked up. Which, in all honesty, would have made a whole heck of a lot more sense.The future Trump administration is getting more bizarre by the day and it s reading like a bad play where everyone runs for cover in the end.Featured Photo by Alex Wong/Getty Images
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: It has just been announced that Donald Trump and his transition team have former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani as a top favorite to be selected as the new Secretary of State.BREAKING: AP source: Rudy Giuliani the favorite to be Trump's secretary of state. The Associated Press (@AP) November 15, 2016CLEVELAND, OH OCTOBER 22: Rudy Giuliani introduces Republican vice-presidential nominee Mike Pence during his campaign stop along side presidential nominee Donald Trump. (Photo by Justin Merriman/Getty Images)According to the NY Post: Rudy Giuliani is in the running to become the next secretary of state.The former New York City mayor is one of two candidates to be America s top diplomat, according to The Wall Street Journal.The other candidate is John Bolton, the former US ambassador to the United Nations and a former high ranking State Department official. Many thought Giuliani may be picked for Attorney General so this is a bit of a surprise to some, and a horrifying reality for the rest of the world considering the man doesn’t have much of any foreign policy experience and is a warhawk.Honestly, the pick doesn’t make that much sense, and many thought former House Speaker Newt Gingrich had the role locked up. Which, in all honesty, would have made a whole heck of a lot more sense.The future Trump administration is getting more bizarre by the day and it s reading like a bad play where everyone runs for cover in the end.Featured Photo by Alex Wong/Getty Images
Brazilian President Michel Temer was cleared to leave hospital in Sao Paulo on Friday and will return to Brasilia in the afternoon, his office said. Temer, 77, underwent minor surgery on Wednesday for a narrowing of his urethra. [L1N1OD2AC]
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: Brazilian President Michel Temer was cleared to leave hospital in Sao Paulo on Friday and will return to Brasilia in the afternoon, his office said. Temer, 77, underwent minor surgery on Wednesday for a narrowing of his urethra. [L1N1OD2AC]
U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson and Homeland Security Secretary John Kelly will discuss the Trump administration’s stepped-up efforts to combat illegal immigration in talks with Mexican officials later this week, the White House said on Wednesday. “I think Secretary Tillerson and Secretary Kelly are going to have a great discussion down there and to walk through the implementation of the executive order,” White House spokesman Sean Spicer told reporters.
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson and Homeland Security Secretary John Kelly will discuss the Trump administration’s stepped-up efforts to combat illegal immigration in talks with Mexican officials later this week, the White House said on Wednesday. “I think Secretary Tillerson and Secretary Kelly are going to have a great discussion down there and to walk through the implementation of the executive order,” White House spokesman Sean Spicer told reporters.
Typhoon Hato, a maximum category 10 storm, slammed into Hong Kong on Wednesday lashing the Asian financial hub with wind and rain that uprooted trees and forced most businesses to close, while in some places big waves flooded seaside streets. There were reports of 34 people injured in Hong Kong while in the city of Macau, across the Pearl River estuary, three people were killed, authorities there said. In Hong Kong, more than 450 flights were canceled, financial markets suspended and schools closed as Hato bore down, the first category 10 storm to hit the city since 2012. I ve never seen one like this, Garrett Quigley, a longtime resident of Lantau island to the west of the city, said of the storm. Cars are half submerged and roads are impassable with flooding and huge trees down. It s crazy. Many skyscrapers in the usually teeming streets of Hong Kong were empty and dark as office workers stayed at home. Hato, that means sky pigeon in Japanese, churned up Hong Kong s Victoria Harbor and triggered large swells and big waves on some of the city s most popular beaches, with serious flooding in low-lying areas. In residential districts such as Heng Fa Chuen on densely populated Hong Kong island, waves smashed against the sides of oceanfront buildings and surged over a promenade, sweeping away walls and benches and swamping vehicles parked nearby. Construction cranes swayed at the tops of skyscrapers, windows imploded and nearly 200 trees were uprooted, while some people used canoes to venture out into flooded streets. Authorities downgraded the storm to a category three by late-afternoon with government services, the courts, financial markets and companies set to resume normal business on Thursday. The storm also caused a power blackout across most of the gambling hub of Macau for about two hours, residents said, with disruption to mobile phone and internet networks. There was severe flooding on the streets, with some cars almost completely submerged, and the water supply was affected in some districts. The three men who died included a 45-year-old Chinese tourist who was hit by a heavy truck, according to a government statement. The former Portuguese colony s casinos, however, had backup power, two casino executives told Reuters. The storm also made landfall in China s Guangdong province, in Zhuhai city adjacent to Macau, Chinese state news agency Xinhua reported. Numerous flights and trains were canceled in Guangdong province, with Shenzhen s International Airport particularly badly hit. Thousands of residents along the Chinese coast were evacuated and fishing vessels were called back to port. Maximum winds near Hato s center were recorded at a destructive 155 kph (95 mph) as it continued to move west across Guangdong in the general direction of Hainan island. A senior scientific officer for the Hong Kong observatory warned that sea levels could rise several meters in some places, with the government issuing flood alerts and opening 27 shelters across the city. Trading in Hong Kong s financial markets was halted for the day, the stock exchange said. Typhoon Nida in August last year was the last storm to close the exchange for the whole day. The city s flagship carrier, Cathay Pacific, and Hong Kong Airlines said the majority of their flights to and from Hong Kong between 2200 GMT Tuesday and 0900 GMT Wednesday would be canceled. Other transport services, including ferries to Macau and outlying islands in Hong Kong, were suspended.
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: Typhoon Hato, a maximum category 10 storm, slammed into Hong Kong on Wednesday lashing the Asian financial hub with wind and rain that uprooted trees and forced most businesses to close, while in some places big waves flooded seaside streets. There were reports of 34 people injured in Hong Kong while in the city of Macau, across the Pearl River estuary, three people were killed, authorities there said. In Hong Kong, more than 450 flights were canceled, financial markets suspended and schools closed as Hato bore down, the first category 10 storm to hit the city since 2012. I ve never seen one like this, Garrett Quigley, a longtime resident of Lantau island to the west of the city, said of the storm. Cars are half submerged and roads are impassable with flooding and huge trees down. It s crazy. Many skyscrapers in the usually teeming streets of Hong Kong were empty and dark as office workers stayed at home. Hato, that means sky pigeon in Japanese, churned up Hong Kong s Victoria Harbor and triggered large swells and big waves on some of the city s most popular beaches, with serious flooding in low-lying areas. In residential districts such as Heng Fa Chuen on densely populated Hong Kong island, waves smashed against the sides of oceanfront buildings and surged over a promenade, sweeping away walls and benches and swamping vehicles parked nearby. Construction cranes swayed at the tops of skyscrapers, windows imploded and nearly 200 trees were uprooted, while some people used canoes to venture out into flooded streets. Authorities downgraded the storm to a category three by late-afternoon with government services, the courts, financial markets and companies set to resume normal business on Thursday. The storm also caused a power blackout across most of the gambling hub of Macau for about two hours, residents said, with disruption to mobile phone and internet networks. There was severe flooding on the streets, with some cars almost completely submerged, and the water supply was affected in some districts. The three men who died included a 45-year-old Chinese tourist who was hit by a heavy truck, according to a government statement. The former Portuguese colony s casinos, however, had backup power, two casino executives told Reuters. The storm also made landfall in China s Guangdong province, in Zhuhai city adjacent to Macau, Chinese state news agency Xinhua reported. Numerous flights and trains were canceled in Guangdong province, with Shenzhen s International Airport particularly badly hit. Thousands of residents along the Chinese coast were evacuated and fishing vessels were called back to port. Maximum winds near Hato s center were recorded at a destructive 155 kph (95 mph) as it continued to move west across Guangdong in the general direction of Hainan island. A senior scientific officer for the Hong Kong observatory warned that sea levels could rise several meters in some places, with the government issuing flood alerts and opening 27 shelters across the city. Trading in Hong Kong s financial markets was halted for the day, the stock exchange said. Typhoon Nida in August last year was the last storm to close the exchange for the whole day. The city s flagship carrier, Cathay Pacific, and Hong Kong Airlines said the majority of their flights to and from Hong Kong between 2200 GMT Tuesday and 0900 GMT Wednesday would be canceled. Other transport services, including ferries to Macau and outlying islands in Hong Kong, were suspended.
Because only a Right Wing Nut believes if you’re paying a fortune to attend college, you should get an actual education The guiding principle of the University of Wisconsin is the Wisconsin Idea, a concept first outlined in 1904 by then-UW President Charles Van Hise who declared, I shall never be content until the beneficent influence of the University reaches every home in the’state. With the rise of the Progressive Movement, which pioneered populist and socialist reforms, the UW came to view the Wisconsin Idea as a mandate to use its research powers to influence and direct government policy.Today, the university proclaims: The Wisconsin Idea is the principle that the university should improve people s lives beyond the classroom. It spans UW Madison s teaching, research, outreach and public service. With higher education costs skyrocketing and student loan debt hanging over graduates for decades after college, Media Trackers is launching a weekly feature that looks at individual University of Wisconsin professors and measures their area of research, and the classes they teach, against the’standard of the Wisconsin Idea.Prof. Karma R. Chavez is an associate professor at UW-Madison s Department of Communication Arts. According to a UW employee salary database maintained by the Wisconsin State Journal, Chavez made $87,224 during the 2014-2015 fiscal year, and has achieved tenure at the’school.Chavez teaches seven different courses, ranging from Queer Theory (CA 969) to Queer Migrations (CA 610) and Rhetoric and Queer Theory (also CA 610).Chavez takes pride in her work co-founding of the Queer Migration Research Network, and the UW s Comparative US Studies (CUSS) group. I work with various grassroots social justice organizations and collectives, claims on her official UW biography.The Queer Migration Research Network describes what it does as, Queer migration scholarship critically explores how sexual and gender normativities shape, regulate, and contest contemporary international migration processes that stem from histories of colonialism, global capitalism, genocide, slavery, and racialized patriarchy. In a 2012 essay, Chavez argued that academics and the media should work together to eliminate references to border security when discussing the’southern border in the context of the immigration debate, and instead talk about border militarization. Chavez claims in her piece that, President Reagan s administration was most responsible for rolling out the immense infrastructure that would lead to the most drastic border militarization. She further claimed that border security efforts use military tactics to control targeted populations along the border.According to Chavez, the consequence of border security efforts to date has led to the rape of women, including rape perpetrated by U.S. border officials. She cites no proof of this shocking assertion, writing only that, many migrant women have reported being raped under the conditions of militarization for reasons that would not exist if not for militarization. Put another way, Chavez claims that if the U.S. abolishes all border security efforts, women seeking to cross the border will no longer be raped by U.S. border officials or those who ply in the’smuggling of humans across the border.A weekly radio host on WORT, Chavez recently hosted shows that criticized Israel s efforts to defend itself from the terrorist group Hamas and examined the cultural history of American nudism. Nowhere on her website does Chavez try to connect the’study of queer migration to the Wisconsin Idea of improve[ing] people s lives beyond the classroom. Via: EAG News
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: Because only a Right Wing Nut believes if you’re paying a fortune to attend college, you should get an actual education The guiding principle of the University of Wisconsin is the Wisconsin Idea, a concept first outlined in 1904 by then-UW President Charles Van Hise who declared, I shall never be content until the beneficent influence of the University reaches every home in the’state. With the rise of the Progressive Movement, which pioneered populist and socialist reforms, the UW came to view the Wisconsin Idea as a mandate to use its research powers to influence and direct government policy.Today, the university proclaims: The Wisconsin Idea is the principle that the university should improve people s lives beyond the classroom. It spans UW Madison s teaching, research, outreach and public service. With higher education costs skyrocketing and student loan debt hanging over graduates for decades after college, Media Trackers is launching a weekly feature that looks at individual University of Wisconsin professors and measures their area of research, and the classes they teach, against the’standard of the Wisconsin Idea.Prof. Karma R. Chavez is an associate professor at UW-Madison s Department of Communication Arts. According to a UW employee salary database maintained by the Wisconsin State Journal, Chavez made $87,224 during the 2014-2015 fiscal year, and has achieved tenure at the’school.Chavez teaches seven different courses, ranging from Queer Theory (CA 969) to Queer Migrations (CA 610) and Rhetoric and Queer Theory (also CA 610).Chavez takes pride in her work co-founding of the Queer Migration Research Network, and the UW s Comparative US Studies (CUSS) group. I work with various grassroots social justice organizations and collectives, claims on her official UW biography.The Queer Migration Research Network describes what it does as, Queer migration scholarship critically explores how sexual and gender normativities shape, regulate, and contest contemporary international migration processes that stem from histories of colonialism, global capitalism, genocide, slavery, and racialized patriarchy. In a 2012 essay, Chavez argued that academics and the media should work together to eliminate references to border security when discussing the’southern border in the context of the immigration debate, and instead talk about border militarization. Chavez claims in her piece that, President Reagan s administration was most responsible for rolling out the immense infrastructure that would lead to the most drastic border militarization. She further claimed that border security efforts use military tactics to control targeted populations along the border.According to Chavez, the consequence of border security efforts to date has led to the rape of women, including rape perpetrated by U.S. border officials. She cites no proof of this shocking assertion, writing only that, many migrant women have reported being raped under the conditions of militarization for reasons that would not exist if not for militarization. Put another way, Chavez claims that if the U.S. abolishes all border security efforts, women seeking to cross the border will no longer be raped by U.S. border officials or those who ply in the’smuggling of humans across the border.A weekly radio host on WORT, Chavez recently hosted shows that criticized Israel s efforts to defend itself from the terrorist group Hamas and examined the cultural history of American nudism. Nowhere on her website does Chavez try to connect the’study of queer migration to the Wisconsin Idea of improve[ing] people s lives beyond the classroom. Via: EAG News
An African-American pastor in Flint, Michigan was able to get Donald Trump to do what nobody else has for the last year: shut up.It happened when Trump, after touring a water treatment facility in the lead-afflicted city, spoke at a church. As part of his speech, instead of addressing the water crisis that has many in the area worried about their children s health, the Republican nominee started in on a political attack against Hillary Clinton.Pastor Faith Green Timmons then stepped in, and stopped the Republican in his tracks.Timmons told Trump, I invited you here to thank us not to give a political speech. Apparently completely chastened, Trump’stopped and instead of his usual braggadocio he reverted to an almost childlike tone.He told Timmons, No, I never. Never would. Never would. Never would. He then quickly ended his speech, saying a few more words and promising to bring jobs back to the city.The incident reflects the latest gaffe for Trump with black voters. For a few weeks his campaign has claimed that he is conducting outreach but in reality, Trump has instead repeatedly told blacks that they live in poverty, stuck in inner city hellholes filled with gun violence. He has also described the living situations of blacks in America as so horrible; they can’t do any worse. This has prompted considerable backlash among minority voters and others, leading to extremely negative polling for Trump with that voting bloc, even as he has improved among some white voters.Trump has said that this supposed reaching out to black voters will result in gains for his campaign, but the evidence instead shows that his ham-handed activities are more likely to continue the Republican’trend of poor performance in this demographic. This incident in Flint is unlikely to help that trajectory.Featured image via screen capture
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: An African-American pastor in Flint, Michigan was able to get Donald Trump to do what nobody else has for the last year: shut up.It happened when Trump, after touring a water treatment facility in the lead-afflicted city, spoke at a church. As part of his speech, instead of addressing the water crisis that has many in the area worried about their children s health, the Republican nominee started in on a political attack against Hillary Clinton.Pastor Faith Green Timmons then stepped in, and stopped the Republican in his tracks.Timmons told Trump, I invited you here to thank us not to give a political speech. Apparently completely chastened, Trump’stopped and instead of his usual braggadocio he reverted to an almost childlike tone.He told Timmons, No, I never. Never would. Never would. Never would. He then quickly ended his speech, saying a few more words and promising to bring jobs back to the city.The incident reflects the latest gaffe for Trump with black voters. For a few weeks his campaign has claimed that he is conducting outreach but in reality, Trump has instead repeatedly told blacks that they live in poverty, stuck in inner city hellholes filled with gun violence. He has also described the living situations of blacks in America as so horrible; they can’t do any worse. This has prompted considerable backlash among minority voters and others, leading to extremely negative polling for Trump with that voting bloc, even as he has improved among some white voters.Trump has said that this supposed reaching out to black voters will result in gains for his campaign, but the evidence instead shows that his ham-handed activities are more likely to continue the Republican’trend of poor performance in this demographic. This incident in Flint is unlikely to help that trajectory.Featured image via screen capture
Robert De Niro was supposed to appear in a non-partisan public service announcement for the get out the vote organization, Vote Your Future, but the actor had a difficult time staying on script. Instead, he used the opportunity to go off on Trump in one of the most passionate anti-Trump videos to date. He s so blatantly stupid, the video beings. He s a punk. He s a dog (please don’t insult dogs, Robert), he’s a pig, he’s a con, a bullshit artist, a mutt (again with the dog insult) who doesn’t know what he’s talking about. He doesn’t do his homework, De Niro continued, doesn’t care. He s gaming society, doesn’t pay his taxes. He s an idiot. Colin Powell said it best, he’s a national disaster, he’s an embarrassment to this country.' It makes me so angry, added De Niro, that this country has gotten to this point that this fool, this bozo, has wound up where he has. He talks how he wants to punch people in the face, a visibly angry De Niro said,Vote Your Future chose not to include the video in their campaign, since they are non-partisan. Oddly, though, Fox News Megyn Kelly did air the’segment, in fact, it was giving specifically to her. Here it is:The video was recorded before Friday s game changing video of Donald Trump talking about groping women, but the timing coincided very well. You can be sure that De Niro s opinion hasn’t changed.Is the fact that Kelly, on Fox News, was the person to release this video a sign that Fox News is turning on the GOP candidate or is this just another shot in Kelly s war against Trump?As for De Niro, bravo, although it s not a huge risk to turn on Trump these days. Everyone in Hollywood, from Republican politicians to evangelical Christians, are turning on Trump. The only remaining mystery is why people still support this narcissistic, thin-skinned, racist, nationalistic, misogynistic monster.Featured image via Kevin Winter/Getty Images.
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: Robert De Niro was supposed to appear in a non-partisan public service announcement for the get out the vote organization, Vote Your Future, but the actor had a difficult time staying on script. Instead, he used the opportunity to go off on Trump in one of the most passionate anti-Trump videos to date. He s so blatantly stupid, the video beings. He s a punk. He s a dog (please don’t insult dogs, Robert), he’s a pig, he’s a con, a bullshit artist, a mutt (again with the dog insult) who doesn’t know what he’s talking about. He doesn’t do his homework, De Niro continued, doesn’t care. He s gaming society, doesn’t pay his taxes. He s an idiot. Colin Powell said it best, he’s a national disaster, he’s an embarrassment to this country.' It makes me so angry, added De Niro, that this country has gotten to this point that this fool, this bozo, has wound up where he has. He talks how he wants to punch people in the face, a visibly angry De Niro said,Vote Your Future chose not to include the video in their campaign, since they are non-partisan. Oddly, though, Fox News Megyn Kelly did air the’segment, in fact, it was giving specifically to her. Here it is:The video was recorded before Friday s game changing video of Donald Trump talking about groping women, but the timing coincided very well. You can be sure that De Niro s opinion hasn’t changed.Is the fact that Kelly, on Fox News, was the person to release this video a sign that Fox News is turning on the GOP candidate or is this just another shot in Kelly s war against Trump?As for De Niro, bravo, although it s not a huge risk to turn on Trump these days. Everyone in Hollywood, from Republican politicians to evangelical Christians, are turning on Trump. The only remaining mystery is why people still support this narcissistic, thin-skinned, racist, nationalistic, misogynistic monster.Featured image via Kevin Winter/Getty Images.
Chinese Vice Premier Wang Yang said on Tuesday that U.S. policies toward China under President-elect Donald Trump may be uncertain, but he is optimistic because of the U.S. business community’s enthusiasm for U.S.-China trade. At a luncheon with U.S. and Chinese business people and government officials, Wang said he believed that businesses and the U.S. government would ultimately make the “right choices” to take advantage of market opportunities in China’s economy. “What the U.S. government will do we will wait and see, and I think it’s difficult to predict, just like the U.S. presidential election,” Wang said through an interpreter. “The large crowd here tells us one thing. Although there will be a change in the U.S. government, the passion of the U.S. business community for economic cooperation with China has remained unchanged.” Two weeks after Trump’s stunning election on the back of anti-trade sentiment among workers in U.S. industrial states, the president-elect’s plans for managing tense relations with China remain unclear. On the campaign trail, Trump had said China is “killing us” on trade. He threatened to declare Beijing a currency manipulator, levy a 45 percent punitive tariff on all Chinese goods to reduce a massive U.S. trade deficit with China and pull out of the World Trade Organization, the global trade body that allowed China to join in 2001. As he builds his administration, Trump has added some harsh critics of China’s trade practices to his transition team, including Dan DiMicco, a former chief executive officer of steel giant Nucor Corp (NUE.N) and Washington trade lawyer Robert Lighthizer, a former trade negotiator during the Ronald Reagan administration. Wang made his remarks at the start of a round of talks of the U.S.-China Joint Commission on Commerce and Trade (JCCT), which include officials from the two countries who focus on technical issues such as safety and regulatory approvals that can become barriers to trade. Wang said the JCCT and other forums such as the cabinet-level Strategic and Economic Dialogue talks promoted by the Obama administration have helped to reduce trade tensions between the world’s two largest economies. Wang also said China would continue to offer major opportunities to American companies, including buying more than $8 trillion in total imports over the next five years. China also anticipates $500 billion in foreign direct investment from all countries and investing $720 billion overseas, while 600 million Chinese are expected to travel overseas in the same period, he said. “This will generate enormous business opportunities for the companies of all countries including the United States,” Wang said. “I think in the face of a emerging big market like China, the American companies and government will make the right choices.” Major problems in the U.S.-China relationship would be bad for both economies as well as the global economy, he added.
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: Chinese Vice Premier Wang Yang said on Tuesday that U.S. policies toward China under President-elect Donald Trump may be uncertain, but he is optimistic because of the U.S. business community’s enthusiasm for U.S.-China trade. At a luncheon with U.S. and Chinese business people and government officials, Wang said he believed that businesses and the U.S. government would ultimately make the “right choices” to take advantage of market opportunities in China’s economy. “What the U.S. government will do we will wait and see, and I think it’s difficult to predict, just like the U.S. presidential election,” Wang said through an interpreter. “The large crowd here tells us one thing. Although there will be a change in the U.S. government, the passion of the U.S. business community for economic cooperation with China has remained unchanged.” Two weeks after Trump’s stunning election on the back of anti-trade sentiment among workers in U.S. industrial states, the president-elect’s plans for managing tense relations with China remain unclear. On the campaign trail, Trump had said China is “killing us” on trade. He threatened to declare Beijing a currency manipulator, levy a 45 percent punitive tariff on all Chinese goods to reduce a massive U.S. trade deficit with China and pull out of the World Trade Organization, the global trade body that allowed China to join in 2001. As he builds his administration, Trump has added some harsh critics of China’s trade practices to his transition team, including Dan DiMicco, a former chief executive officer of steel giant Nucor Corp (NUE.N) and Washington trade lawyer Robert Lighthizer, a former trade negotiator during the Ronald Reagan administration. Wang made his remarks at the start of a round of talks of the U.S.-China Joint Commission on Commerce and Trade (JCCT), which include officials from the two countries who focus on technical issues such as safety and regulatory approvals that can become barriers to trade. Wang said the JCCT and other forums such as the cabinet-level Strategic and Economic Dialogue talks promoted by the Obama administration have helped to reduce trade tensions between the world’s two largest economies. Wang also said China would continue to offer major opportunities to American companies, including buying more than $8 trillion in total imports over the next five years. China also anticipates $500 billion in foreign direct investment from all countries and investing $720 billion overseas, while 600 million Chinese are expected to travel overseas in the same period, he said. “This will generate enormous business opportunities for the companies of all countries including the United States,” Wang said. “I think in the face of a emerging big market like China, the American companies and government will make the right choices.” Major problems in the U.S.-China relationship would be bad for both economies as well as the global economy, he added.
Republicans talk a good game about their supporters being responsible gun owners. As a matter of fact, to listen to them you’d almost believe that every gun owner in America is super responsible, only concerned about protecting themselves and their family. However, when you turn on the news it becomes very obvious that this isn’t the case at all. Actually, more often than not we hear stories that sound a little something like this one out of Texas.A 9-year-old girl who was wounded when a 9-mm gun her father was showing her discharged was in critical condition Friday in a Temple hospital. The girl, whose name has not been released, was struck in the left shoulder in the’shooting at around 9:30 p.m. Thursday One officer said authorities believe the’shooting was accidental.Let me be clear: A gun does not just discharge. Period.This ammosexual was showing off his gun to his 9-year-old daughter and he’shot her because he is a f*cking idiot who does not know how to handle a gun. He didn’t look to make sure there was not a bullet in the chamber of this gun he thought was so awesome.The’same people who say that all of their supporters are responsible also say that we want to take their guns away. First of all, we don’t but if we did could you blame us? According to Every Town, a gun control advocacy group:From December 2012 to December 2013, at least 100 children were killed in unintentional shootings almost two each week, 61 percent higher than federal data reflect. And even this larger number reflects just a fraction of the total number of children injured or killed with guns in the U.S. each year, regardless of the intent.That s an astronomical amount of kids and the right-wing thinks there isn’t a problem in this country. When hundreds of our kids are dying and thousands of adults are meeting the’same fate in what is arguably the most powerful nation on earth, we clearly have an issue. What s worse is that the vast majority of accidental shootings could be prevented if people, like this father, just used common sense and took a safety course. Featured image from Whudat
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: Republicans talk a good game about their supporters being responsible gun owners. As a matter of fact, to listen to them you’d almost believe that every gun owner in America is super responsible, only concerned about protecting themselves and their family. However, when you turn on the news it becomes very obvious that this isn’t the case at all. Actually, more often than not we hear stories that sound a little something like this one out of Texas.A 9-year-old girl who was wounded when a 9-mm gun her father was showing her discharged was in critical condition Friday in a Temple hospital. The girl, whose name has not been released, was struck in the left shoulder in the’shooting at around 9:30 p.m. Thursday One officer said authorities believe the’shooting was accidental.Let me be clear: A gun does not just discharge. Period.This ammosexual was showing off his gun to his 9-year-old daughter and he’shot her because he is a f*cking idiot who does not know how to handle a gun. He didn’t look to make sure there was not a bullet in the chamber of this gun he thought was so awesome.The’same people who say that all of their supporters are responsible also say that we want to take their guns away. First of all, we don’t but if we did could you blame us? According to Every Town, a gun control advocacy group:From December 2012 to December 2013, at least 100 children were killed in unintentional shootings almost two each week, 61 percent higher than federal data reflect. And even this larger number reflects just a fraction of the total number of children injured or killed with guns in the U.S. each year, regardless of the intent.That s an astronomical amount of kids and the right-wing thinks there isn’t a problem in this country. When hundreds of our kids are dying and thousands of adults are meeting the’same fate in what is arguably the most powerful nation on earth, we clearly have an issue. What s worse is that the vast majority of accidental shootings could be prevented if people, like this father, just used common sense and took a safety course. Featured image from Whudat
Anyone who is sick and tired of social justice warriors using the feminist movement to push every leftist agenda known to modern man will definitely enjoy reading these: nuts! Don't take accountability. Instead, simply blame all of your failures and mistakes on straight white males. #RulesForWomensMarch Brittany Pettibone (@BrittPettibone) January 14, 2017It wouldn’t be a proper feminist march against Trump without has been celebrities like Rosie and Madonna:#RulesForWomensMarch I would be wonderful if you continued your march all the way to Canada..Make sure Rosie is leading your pack #MAGA TRM (@trm10trm) January 14, 2017Loudly announce your support of slaughtering offspring in utero while screaming about gun control. #RulesForWomensMarch Leah the Boss (@LeahRBoss) January 14, 2017#RulesForWomensMarchWhile marching for the protection of your daughters make sure to avoid topics like Chicago, Uranium One, Bill Clinton Star (@starmlw) January 14, 2017Be insanely critical of any man you come into contact with. Unless he's dressed as a woman and peeing beside you. #RulesForWomensMarch Leah the Boss (@LeahRBoss) January 14, 2017#RulesForWomensMarchNo speaking out of turn. From any body part. Lizzy Lou Who (@_wintergirl93) January 14, 2017 Real women don't need/have time for a 'march' we're too busy raising our children and working RealFeminist2.0 (@els1023) January 14, 2017Since you wanna keep the govt out of your uterus let's keep govt money out of it too.. BYOB..Buy Your Own Birth-Control #RulesForWomensMarch LiLBitOfSass (@xmssweetnessx) January 14, 2017#RulesForWomensMarch be hypocritical when you cry about rape but don't believe in a woman's right to carry a gun to prevent rape. ChristinaBistes (@PlainUnamerican) January 14, 2017#RulesForWomensMarchBe sure to swoon over the elitist celebrities that haven't contributed a dime to women/child causes but expect you to Star (@starmlw) January 14, 2017Remember to respect the 53% of fabulous white women who voted Trump. #MAGA #RulesForWomensMarch StupidKant (@stupid_kant) January 14, 2017Body positive marchers must bring a doctor s note to clear them for physical activity. No exceptions. #RulesForWomensMarch Liars Never Win (@liars_never_win) January 14, 2017Pick up your George Soros pay, but only 80% of what the men marchers make, after the march, not before. #RulesForWomensMarch Paulsy (@Paulsy01) January 14, 2017Please don’t look the celebrities in the eyes without prior permission #RulesForWomensMarch Liars Never Win (@liars_never_win) January 14, 2017#RulesForWomensMarch1 Burn Trump effigies 2 exibit hormonal rage3 Forget to blame 6 mil Obama Dems who stayed home instead of voting HRC Surfin with the Dude (@petite_lk_dude) January 14, 2017Showers are not provided or encouraged #RulesForWomensMarch Liars Never Win (@liars_never_win) January 14, 2017
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: Anyone who is sick and tired of social justice warriors using the feminist movement to push every leftist agenda known to modern man will definitely enjoy reading these: nuts! Don't take accountability. Instead, simply blame all of your failures and mistakes on straight white males. #RulesForWomensMarch Brittany Pettibone (@BrittPettibone) January 14, 2017It wouldn’t be a proper feminist march against Trump without has been celebrities like Rosie and Madonna:#RulesForWomensMarch I would be wonderful if you continued your march all the way to Canada..Make sure Rosie is leading your pack #MAGA TRM (@trm10trm) January 14, 2017Loudly announce your support of slaughtering offspring in utero while screaming about gun control. #RulesForWomensMarch Leah the Boss (@LeahRBoss) January 14, 2017#RulesForWomensMarchWhile marching for the protection of your daughters make sure to avoid topics like Chicago, Uranium One, Bill Clinton Star (@starmlw) January 14, 2017Be insanely critical of any man you come into contact with. Unless he's dressed as a woman and peeing beside you. #RulesForWomensMarch Leah the Boss (@LeahRBoss) January 14, 2017#RulesForWomensMarchNo speaking out of turn. From any body part. Lizzy Lou Who (@_wintergirl93) January 14, 2017 Real women don't need/have time for a 'march' we're too busy raising our children and working RealFeminist2.0 (@els1023) January 14, 2017Since you wanna keep the govt out of your uterus let's keep govt money out of it too.. BYOB..Buy Your Own Birth-Control #RulesForWomensMarch LiLBitOfSass (@xmssweetnessx) January 14, 2017#RulesForWomensMarch be hypocritical when you cry about rape but don't believe in a woman's right to carry a gun to prevent rape. ChristinaBistes (@PlainUnamerican) January 14, 2017#RulesForWomensMarchBe sure to swoon over the elitist celebrities that haven't contributed a dime to women/child causes but expect you to Star (@starmlw) January 14, 2017Remember to respect the 53% of fabulous white women who voted Trump. #MAGA #RulesForWomensMarch StupidKant (@stupid_kant) January 14, 2017Body positive marchers must bring a doctor s note to clear them for physical activity. No exceptions. #RulesForWomensMarch Liars Never Win (@liars_never_win) January 14, 2017Pick up your George Soros pay, but only 80% of what the men marchers make, after the march, not before. #RulesForWomensMarch Paulsy (@Paulsy01) January 14, 2017Please don’t look the celebrities in the eyes without prior permission #RulesForWomensMarch Liars Never Win (@liars_never_win) January 14, 2017#RulesForWomensMarch1 Burn Trump effigies 2 exibit hormonal rage3 Forget to blame 6 mil Obama Dems who stayed home instead of voting HRC Surfin with the Dude (@petite_lk_dude) January 14, 2017Showers are not provided or encouraged #RulesForWomensMarch Liars Never Win (@liars_never_win) January 14, 2017
The death toll in Puerto Rico from Hurricane Maria has more than doubled to 34, a spokesman for Governor Ricardo Rosello said on Tuesday. The worst hurricane to hit the U.S. territory in more than 90 years directly killed 19 people, said Pedro Cerame, the governor s director of communications in Washington. Just hours earlier when President Donald Trump visited the island to survey the damage the official death toll remained as it has for days at 16 dead.
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TEXT: The death toll in Puerto Rico from Hurricane Maria has more than doubled to 34, a spokesman for Governor Ricardo Rosello said on Tuesday. The worst hurricane to hit the U.S. territory in more than 90 years directly killed 19 people, said Pedro Cerame, the governor s director of communications in Washington. Just hours earlier when President Donald Trump visited the island to survey the damage the official death toll remained as it has for days at 16 dead.